LOYAL- AV-MQRL JOHN LANGTON From tKe ESTATE OF JOHN LANGTON to tKe UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1920 PRACTICAL LAWS AND DATA ON THE CONDENSATION OF STEAM IN COVERED AND BARE PIPES TO WHICH IS ADDED A ' TRANSLATION OF PECLET'S "THEORY AND EXPERI- MENTS ON THE TRANSMISSION OF HEAT THROUGH INSULATING MATERIALS." O CHARLES P. PAULDING, M.E. The D. Van Nostrand Company intend this book to be sold to the Public at the advertised price, and supply it to the Trade on terms which will not allow of discount. Copyright, 1904, BY D VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY. PREFACE The main object of this book is to bring to the attention of engineers an accurate and rational method of estimating the loss of heat from steam pipes and boilers covered with any of the well known non-conducting materials now on the market. This method worked out long ago by P6clet seems to have been generally overooked in this country, perhaps because no trans- lation of Peclet's work existed. The principles involved are so general in their application that it is believed that the fuller explanation of them, to be found in the appended translation, together with the experiments on which they are based, will be of some general interest. This matter will be of use to heating engineers in cases which are not taken care of by their usual rules, and of great value as an aid to the cultivation of that broad view of a problem so necessary to practical success. To the refrigerating engineer and designer of cold storage warehouses these principles are indispensable. CONTENTS Preface Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes — Values of K. Method of determining the value of the co-efficient of conductivity C from an experi- ment. Barms' T^ests. Jacobus' Tests. Brill's Tests. 130 Ibs. Steam Pressure Test. Norton's Tests. Summary of Tests. Applications of the theory. Table for use with the Formulas on page 7, 1-19 Loss of Heat from Bare Steam Pipes, ..... 20-28 Chapter I — Emission and Transmission of Heat — Emission of Heat from a surface maintained at a constant temperature, , . 29-46 Chapter II — Transmission of Heat Through Solid Bodies — Conductivity of metals. Tables of values of C. Solid material. Material in a State of Powder. Textile materials, 47~7o Chapter III — Applications of the Formulas — Discontinuous Walls. Transmission of Heat through Cylindrical Envelopes. Transmission of Heat through Spherical Envelopes. Diffusion of Heat. Influence of the variations of exterior tem- perature on the quantity of heat transmitted through walls. Intermittent Heating. Heat lost by walls during the suspension of Heating. Temporary Heating of a Room, 71-100 Notes on the Use of the Formulas, 101, 102 THE LOSS OF HEAT FROM COVERED STEAM PIPES In the last few years a number of elaborate and careful tests have been made on various coverings for steam pipes. These tests have been made for the intending purchaser with the point of view of ascertaining the most efficient of the pipe coverings regularly on the market. They have no doubt served this pur- pose admirably, but it has occurred to the writer that they might also be made to serve the purpose of guiding the manufacturer as to the true values of the materials used in the coverings, and to aid the engineer in computing the losses from pipes already cov- ered, or the saving to be effected by increasing the covering or using a more efficient material. The true value of the different materials used in the tests has been notably obscured by the different thicknesses, and no law governing the general subject has been even hinted at in the published reports of the tests. As long ago as 1850 the great French physicist Peclet (Pec- let-Traite de la Chaleur — Paris, 1860) investigated with wonder- ful skill and patience the laws of the emission of heat from a surface maintained at constant temperature, and the laws of con- duction of heat through materials of low conductivity. His experiments, though on a small scale and strictly laboratory ones, were so cleverly planned and skillfully executed that the laws empirically deduced from them could hardly fail to be correct. The loss of heat from covered pipes is only one of their many practical applications. When an iron steam pipe, of customary thickness, covered with material of low conductivity, is filled with steam at rest or moving with ordinary velocity, the amount of heat escaping through the covering is so small compared with what the metal of the pipe could transmit, that the outer surface of the pipe attains the same temperature as the steam within it. Leaving the surface of the pipe, the heat is transmitted 2 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes through the cylindrical covering by virtue of the conductivity of that covering, and when it has reached the surface it is dissipated to the surrounding objects and the surrounding air by radiation and contact of air. We have then two phenomena to deal with, the conduction of the heat through the covering and its escape from the surface of the same. For the latter P£clet gives the following laws : ' ' The quan- tity of heat emitted by a surface at constant temperature depends on the radiation and the contact of air. " "The quantity of heat emitted by radiation, per square foot of surface, per hour, is independent of the form and size of the body, provided that it has no reentrant portions. It depends solely on the nature of the surface of the body, on the excess of its temperature over that of the objects to which radiation takes place, and on the absolute value of the temperature of these objects." For paper and cloth, P6clet found that color had no influence on the radiation. The following table gives the values found by him for radi- ation from different surfaces : VALUES OF K. B. T. U. PER HOUR PER SQUARE FOOT PER ONE DEGREE. Tin plate 086 Cast iron, new . . . .650 Polished sheet iron . . .092 " " rusty . . . .688 Ordinary " " . . .567 Sheet iron, rusty . . .688 Oil paint " " . . .759 Paper 772 Plaster or wood . . . .737 Calico or canvas . . .747 The coefficients by which these numbers must be multiplied for any excess of temperature are given in figure 2 . The tem- perature of the objects radiated to would generally be the same as that of the surrounding air. It is taken so in all calculations throughout this article. The coefficients by which the numbers in the table must be multiplied for any given temperature of the objects radiated to are given by figure 3. For an example take a covering on a hot steam pipe. The surface of these coverings is invariably formed by canvas. Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes Consider a square foot and let its temperature be 125° F., and that of the surrounding objects and air 85° F. , then the excess of temperature will be 40 degrees. The loss per square foot per hour due to radiation will be, RY. 40=(-747X i.iyX 1. 1 2) (40) =39.2. "The loss of heat arising from air contact is independent of Coeff. for air contact. o» bo o Vo £* b» oo •— — = — - 1.8 1.15 1.4 LS 1.0 & .6 ==»• — — •»— — — [— — ^** *~~ *-- --" *• •^ X- ^ Fig. 1 AIR CONTACT f X / / t / / 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 Diff. of temp, between surface and surrounding air. Radiation Coeff. Radiation Coeff. o to '>&. 'o bo o io ',&. CT co o 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.0 / Fig. 3 RADIATION / ^ J ,/ x /J X X1 x •^ / ^ * X s s x 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 ) 100^ ^-* ^ : ~~- i — .-— ' .*- -* 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 Dlff. of Temp, between surface and objects radiated to. the nature of the surface of the body, and of the absolute temper- ature of the surrounding air ; it depends solely on the excess of temperature of the surface of the body over the temperature of the surrounding air, and on the form and dimensions of the body." Figure 4, for horizontal cylinders, and Figure 5 for vertical Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes Values ot.K |« to co '— Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes ^ JO S9tlITJA 6 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes ones, give the values of the heat loss by air contact per square foot per hour per one degree. Figure i gives the coefficients by which these values are to be multiplied for any given difference of temperature between the surface of the body and the air. Assume that the outside diameter of the covering in the ex- ample used above for radiation loss is six inches, and that the pipe is horizontal. Then under the same conditions, a difference of temperature of 40 degrees, the air contact loss is A X 40= (.52 X 1.13) (40) = 23.5- The combined loss for this square foot of surface of covering under the conditions given is therefore, 39.2 + 23.5 = 62.7 B. T. U. per hour. In a test the temperature of the air should be measured be- fore the air reaches the heated covering and the thermometer should be protected from radiation from the covering. We may now consider the conduction of the heat through the covering. The law for a flat plate of insulating material is very simple ; the quantity of heat transmitted per square foot per hour varies directly as the conductivity of the material, inversely as its thick- ness, and directly as the difference of temperature between the two surfaces of the plate. Note that it is the temperatures of the surfaces of the plate, not of the air in contact with the surfaces. The formula for a flat plate is then, . E where / and ( are the surface temperatures, C the coefficient of conductivity, E the thickness in inches, and M the heat transmitted in B. T. U. per square foot per hour. For a cylinder, the principle is the same but the expression changes. Consider a section one foot long. lyet R and R be the inside and outside radii, in feet, of the cylinder of insulating material, / and f the respective surface temperatures, and 0 the temperature of the surrounding air. Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes 7 Consider an infinitely thin annular element of the covering at radius r, its thickness is dr, its area, 2*r, its conductivity for one foot thickness is C' and the difference between the temper- atures of its inner and outer surfaces is dt. Then treating it as a flat plate we have Mt_ 2*r C' dt 1VJ. - ~ dr Integrating we have M'= — \. — - . . . . . (i) where N=2. 3 (log R' — log R}. Now we have already shown that for a square foot of surface M=(A + R) (/' — 0) and remembering that M'=2itR' M and calling A -f- R= Q we have M'=2KR' Q (/'— 0) ....... (2) The amount of heat passing through the covering must equal that escaping from the surface, so setting (i) equal to (2) we get i + QR' N C It is more convenient to use C the coefficient of conductivity for one inch thickness instead of C the coefficient for one foot. Since C= 1 2 C' we get QR' N ...... (4) C It is really more convenient to keep R' in feet. In working up the value of N=2.^ (log R — log R' ) from a table of loga- rithms we can, of course, take R and R' in inches if we wish. For an example take a lo-inch pipe, covered with a thickness of i -j^- inches of Keasbey's Magnesia; steam temperature 365.2° F.; air temp. 66° F.; C=.^. The difference between the logarithms of the inner and outer radii is .087 X 2.3=.2=7V. We cannot yet compute the exact value of Q because we do not know the temperature of the surface of the covering, but we will assume it to be i .7. Then ^=3.44X1.7(365.2-66) _ * i+/..7X.548X.«\ \ -45 / 45 TABLE FOR USE WITH THE FORMULAS OF PAGE 7 NOMINAL PIPE SIZE THICKNESS 3F COVERING IN INCHES RADIUS IN FEET «(*§ < ftj N to M NOMINAL PIPE SIZE THICKNESS OF COVERING IN INCHES RADIUS IN FEET «H wx fc°5= w*g <&" a0' (A N H R' " 27TR' i-> — R' 2*R' o .356 o .078 | .097 .609 •567 .660 % . 121 • 759 •458 .665 ^£ .108 .676 .669 .864 H •132 .828 •521 .823 x/ .118 .-38 7s8 y* . 142 .890 • 594 I.OOQ i" i .128 .138 .806 .870 .847 .921 1.300 1.530 Ij4" •'53 .163 • 959 1. 022 .668 •731 • ^^7 I. 22O I.425 i/4 .149 • 937 •997 1.785 i^s • 173 1.090 • 796 1.655 I}i .159 1. 000 1.062 2.028 iji .183 1.152 • 852 1.875 'ft .170 1. 068 1.128 2.302 iji • 194 i. 220 .910 2. 120 I* .180 1.130 1.185 2.560 us .204 1.283 •959 2-35° Q .62 o . 120 !i4i .89 • 351 •593 .162 i. 02 .298 •579 8 .152 • 95 .426 • 775 5^ .172 i. 08 • 358 • 738 y± .162 1.02 .489 • 950 Ji .183 I-I5 .419 .918 2" i .173 .183 .193 I. 08 1.15 1.22 • 554 .610 .668 I-I45 I:§i 2^" I .194 .204 .213 1.22 1.28 1-34 .477 .528 • 574 1. 106 1.290 1.469 i & .204 1.28 .722 1.767 *}i .223 1.40 .620 1.651 19» .244 1-35 .770 1.976 i% • 234 1.47 .667 1.872 i% .224 1.41 .814 2.190 i« • 245 i-54 •713 2.093 o . 146 2 o .188 1.18 .188 l!i8 •251 • 565 .229 1-44 .201 •553 8 • 199 1.25 .308 • 734 ft .240 1.51 .247 .710 Yi . 208 I.M .356 .890 % .250 1-57 .288 .864 3" i .219 .229 1.38 1-44 .407 -451 1.070 1.240 4" i .260 .271 1.64 1.70 •332 .368 1.038 1. 196 ij£ .240 I-5I •497 1.430 1/8 .282 1.77 .407 1-374 'If .250 .261 1-57 1.64 ;Jg 1.614 1.815 I|j .292 .303 1-83 1.90 .442 .478 1-545 1-736 IJi .271 1.70 !6i8 2.010 I« • 313 1.96 • 5" I-9I5 o 212 1.46 O .276 1-73 • *j" •273 1.72 .165 •541 " / v .318 2. OO . 140 -534 ya .284 1.79 .203 .692 $£ .328 2.06 • 173 .682 y* • 294 1.85 .238 .840 54 .338 2.13 .203 .824 S" i •SOS •3'5 1.92 1.98 •275 • 307 I. 006 1. 160 6" i • 349 • 359 2. 19 2.26 .235 .263 .984 I.I33 1/4 .325 2.04 • 338 1.318 i/4 • 370 2.32 • 293 1.300 iJi •336 2. II • 372 1.500 i& • 380 2-39 .320 1.460 lf$ •347 2.18 .402 1.671 1^6 •391 2-45 •348 1.630 i« • 357 2.24 •432 1.847 IJi .401 2.52 •373 1-795 Q ISO 2.26 o . ddQ 2 82 • jjy .401 • 412 2.52 .no .137 .529 .678 N * *T*t7 .490 .501 3.08 3-15 .088 .110 :& y+ .422 2.65 .161 .815 3i •5" 3-21 .130 .796 8" i • 433 • 443 • 453 • 463 • 474 • 484 2.72 2.78 2.84 2.91 2.98 3-04 .186 .209 .232 •255 .278 .299 .965 i. no 1.260 1.426 1.583 1-738 10" i .522 • 532 • 542 .552 .564 • 574 3-28 3-34 3-41 3-47 3-54 3.61 .150 .170 .190 .209 .228 .247 .940 1.085 1.236 1.385 1.700 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes Then, by (2) 293 = 3-44 X 1.7 (/ — 66), t =116. Then 1 16 — 66 = 50. We may now find Q for 50° difference of temp. ^=.75 X 1.2 X i. 02 = .916 A = .47 X 1.2 =-565 1.48 Then M> = - 3.44X1.5(299) = 28 /i.5X.548X.2\ + I - J V -5 / I2 -45 and t = 121.5 It is evidently unnecessary to make another and closer approximation to Q. It will be noticed that a difference of about twelve per cent. in the value of Q only made a difference of two per cent, in the results. So it is quite unnecessary to be too particular about the value of Q, and the smaller the pipe the less effect does an error in Q have. The following values of C for different materials were deter- mined by Peclet : Plaster ...... 3.44 Hempen Canvas. . . -4i8- Oak . . . . . . . 1.70 Smooth White Paper . .346 Walnut ....... 86 Cotton Wool ..... 323 Fir ........ 75 Sheep Wool ..... 323 Powdered Charcoal . . '637 Eiderdown ..... 314 Wood Ashes ..... 484 Blotting Paper . . . .274 As far as the theory goes it evidently makes no difference whether the steam in the pipe is at rest or in motion, for the inner surface of the covering is at the same temperature in either case; namely that of the steam. Mr. Barrus made tests at the Manhattan Railway Co.'s new power house, in which he found the same rate of condensation from a covered pipe whether the steam was at rest or moving with a velocity of 18 feet per sec- ond. He also found this to be true for a bare pipe. (Power ; Dec., 1901.) As this theory is of such old origin it seemed best to apply it to a number of recent pipe covering tests and see how well calcu- lations made by it would agree with their results. Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes 9 Of course for any given pipe covering, we have to know the value of C, the coefficient of conductivity. This we can obtain by analyzing a test of the particular covering, then we can test the theory by calculating the loss of heat for the conditions ob- taining in some other test of the same covering under different steam pressure, on a different sized pipe and with a different thickness of covering. Or we may analyze this second test and determine C. If this is the same as the C of the previous experiment, we know that our calculation would have given the same loss of heat as the experiment. It is this latter method that has been used here, and in this way a table of values of C for nearly all the well known cover- ings now on the market has been obtained. By the aid of the formulas just given and this table, one may calculate the loss of heat from a covered pipe or boiler under any conditions. METHOD OP DETERMINING THE VAL,UE OP THE COEFFICIENT OP CONDUCTIVITY C FROM AN EXPERIMENT. As an example we will take Mr. Barrus' test on Keasbey's Magnesia on a 2-inch pipe with i inch thickness of covering, and 155 B. T. U. lost per sq. ft. of pipe surface per hour. Temperature of steam, 365.2° F. Temperature of air, 64.6° F. The B. T. U. per foot run of pipe = ^~- = 96.2. 1.61 The surface of covering in sq. ft. per foot of pipe = 1.15. For a first approximation, take Q = 1.7. Then 96.2 = 1.15 X 1.7 (/ — 64.6), (Eq. 2) and /, the tem- perature of the surface of the covering, equals 114°. The differ- ence between this and the temperature of the air, 64.6°, is 49.4 degrees. We can now make a closer approximation to Q as fol- lows : For a canvas covering, K = .75, and for a cylinder 4^ inches in diameter, 1C = .56 from Figure 4. Then for a difference of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. K = -75 X 1.2 X 1.02 = .92 A = .56 x 1.2 = AT io Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes The above coefficients by which we have modified K and A'1 are taken from Figures i , 2 and 3 for a difference of 50 degrees, and an air temperature of 65 degrees. Then 96. 2 = 1. 15 X 1.7 (/' — 64.6) and/'=ii7. 117 — 64.6 = 52.4, which is so near 50 that we may take the value of 1.6 for Q as final. We now know the temperatures of the inside and outside of the covering. Transposing our fundamental equation for the conduction of heat through a cylindrical covering, (Eq. i) we get c= M'XN 2 TT X difference of temps. The temperature of the inside of the covering we know to be that of the steam, 365.2° F. ; the temperature of the outer surface we have found to be 117; the difference is therefore 248.2°. „ 96.2 X .61 C=6.28X 248.2 XI2==-453 All the tests have been analyzed in this way and the value of C determined. BARRUS' TESTS. These tests are on a far larger scale than any previously made. Every precaution was taken to secure accuracy. The final results have not yet been published, but a preliminary description was published in Power of December, 1901, and the average of the maxima and minima condensations there given are used here. Through the kindness of Mr. Barrus, I am able to say that those of these figures used here stand practically correct and the temperatures, thickness of coverings and areas of pipe surface have been given me by him for this paper. The steam pressure was 150 pounds. The pipes to which the covering were applied were 2 -inch about 100 feet long, and lo-inch about 35 feet long. The length of each test was about nine hours, but the tests were repeated day after day for a number of days, and the figures given are the average. The tests were made in 1901. B. T. U. Com- Thickness Size of of Pipe. Covering. Temp, of Steam, Degs. Fahr. Temp, of Air, Degs. Fahr. per sq. ft. of Pipe Surface per hour. puted Value of C. 2" I#" 364.8 60.7 145 •451 10" !?/%" 364.8 62.8 85 •413 2// j// 365-2 64.6 155 •453 10 " 1^" 365-2 66.0 103 •459 d 2" itf" 365-2 64.6 I76 •570 to" ift" 365-2 66.8 112 •579 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes 1 1 Name of Covering. Asbesto- Sponge Felted Do. Magnesia Do. Asbestos Navy Brand -2" Do. The covering was measured before being applied to the pipes. The temperature of the steam is that corresponding to the pressure observed by a gauge. In view of the fact that each figure in this table is an aver- age of a number of tests, and considering the length of the test pipes and the care with which the experiments were made, we may confidently assert that having determined the value of C from an experiment with a given covering we may therefrom compute the loss of heat from any sized pipe with any thickness of covering, provided the steam pressure is the same as that obtaining during the experiment. JACOBUS' TESTS. An account of these tests by Professor Jacobus is to be found in the STEVENS INSTITUTE INDICATOR for July, 1901. Thickness Name of of No. of Steam Pressure, Temp, of Steam, Degs. Temp, of per. sq. ft. Air, of Pipe Degs. Surface puted Value, of Covering. Covering. Tests. I,bs. Fahr. Fahr. per hour. C. Hair Felt .96 " 2 55-4 3O2.8 71,4 89.6 .T.2 I. P. Remanit.' .88" 6 57-2 304.5 73-3 17 100.3 o •34 H. P. Remanit 1.3" 7 59-5 306.6 76.1 83-7 •37 Asbestos Sponge Felted i • H" T. 62.0 3OQ.2 7Q.4- so. 7 .7Q Magnesia i .08 " •j •I 64.2 *J 7 ^lO.Q / y*T 81.6 oy* t 60.8 oy AC Asbestos Navy *j Vfaf. « o*-^"y W7 •HO Brand i .20" •I 62.0 1.OQ.2 7Q.4 6Q.Q .48 A-s-b-e-s-t-o-c-e-l..i .07" \j I 54-2 \j ? 301.8 / y*r 77-2 7 J 143.0 •*T" .61 Asbestos 'Air Cell.. .96" I 55-9 303-3 72-3 165-5 •67 Asbestos Fire Felt •99" 2 60.2 307-4 72.5 1 80.0 •74 The steam pressure was from 55 to 75 pounds. The tests pipes were standard 2 -inch pipes, 12 feet long. The tests were about four hours long, but the figures here 1 2 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes given are averages of several tests in most cases. The tests were made in 1901. The values of C were for the most part worked up from the separate tests and averaged. The "Remanit" coverings are of German origin. They were encased in canvas. In the case of the "Hair Felt," a layer of asbestos paper -£% of an inch thick was first bound around the pipe, over this was bound the hair felt, then a layer of paper, and outside of all a canvas covering. BRILL'S TESTS. These tests were published in Vol. XVI. of the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The steam pressure was 1 10 to 117 pounds. The test pipe was a standard 8-inch steam pipe about 60 feet long. The tests were about four hours long and the figures given here are in each case the average of three tests. The tests were made in 1894 or J895. B. T U. Corn- Temp, of Temp, of per sq. ft. puted Thickness Steam Steam, Air, of Pipe Value Name of of Pressure, Degs. Degs. Surface of Covering. Covering. I,bs. Fahr. Fahr. per hour. C. Magnesia i.25x/ no 344.1 66.3 106.6 .527 Rock Wool i. 60" no 344.1 63.0 72.1 .395 Mineral Wool I-30" no 344.1 58.3 81.3 .381 Champion Mineral Wool.. 1.44" 113.3 346-1 74-3 86.1 .470 Asbestos Fire Felt 1.30" in 344.7 79 133.5 .755 Manville Sectional 1.70" 112.3 345.5 78.3 • 93.4 .600 Hair Felt 82" 117 348.3 69 117.9 -396 Riley Cement 75" 116.3 347-9 74-3 260.8 1.200 Fossil Meal 75" "5 347-1 75-3 238-8 1-050 The ' ' Riley Cement ' ' and ' ' Fossil Meal ' ' were mixed with water and plastered on the pipe. The ' ' Hair Felt ' ' was bound very tightly around the pipe and had no canvas covering. It had a layer of asbestos paper under it. Its tightness would increase its conductivity, and fur- thermore it had no canvas covering, which throws a doubt as to what value to asign to K for the radiation. This would be suf- ficient to explain the increased value of C over that found in Prof. Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes 13 Jacobus' tests without assuming a different quality of "Hair Felt." The three coverings, "Rock Wool," " Mineral Wool " and "Champion Mineral Wool," are all mineral wools, and it is in- teresting to note that the chemical composition of the first two is almost identical, both having about 18 per cent, of magnesia, while the " Champion Mineral Wool " has only 3 per cent. 130 POUNDS STEAM PRESSURE TEST. The results of this test have not previously been published. The writer was personally connected with it and worked up the original report. The test pipes were 2-inch standard steam pipes 80 feet long. The test was forty -eight hours long, and was made in 1896. B. T. U. Computed Thickness per sq. ft. Pipe Value Name of Covering of Covering. Surface per hr. of C. Magnesia 1.09" 155.8 .534 Manville 1.31" *57-° -606 Asbestos Fire Felt i.oo" 198.0 .680 The average steam pressure was 128.7; temperature corre- sponding, 354.7 ; average temperature of air 80. i. NORTON'S TESTS. These tests were published in the Transactions A. S. M. E., Vol. XIX. They were made in 1896-1897. They are interesting inasmuch as the pipes under test were filled with oil, heated by an electric current passing through a coil. The oil was agitated by two small propellers. We have already shown that the outside of a covered pipe carrying steam takes the temperature of the steam, and in these experiments it would take the temperature of the oil, and for equal temperatures the loss of heat would be the same. The following computed values of C bear out this opinion fairly well : B. T. U. Corn- Temp, of Temp, of per sq. ft/ puted Size Thickness Steam, Air, Pipe Value of of Degs. Degs. Surface of Name of Covering. Pipe. Covering. Fahr. Fahr. per hour. C. Magnesia 4" 1.12" 388 72 147 .52 Manville 4" 1.25" 388 72 143 .55 Asbestos Air Cell... 4" 1.12" 388 72 166 .60 The corresponding steam pressure would be 201 pounds. 14 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes Two test pipes were employed, one 4 inches in diameter, and one 10 inches; both were vertical and 36 inches in length. In the calculations in this case, the value of K' was taken from Figure 5, instead of from Figure 4, as in the other tests. Further experiments with the lo-inch pipe with great thick- nesses of coverings were vitiated by the fact that the ends of the pipes emit heat, according to a very different law from that obtain- ing for the cylindrical portion, and further, the ends being covered by a thickness equal to that on the cylindrical portion the length of cylindrical surface is increased. This seriously impairs the value of Mr. Norton's conclusions as to the relative advantage of increased thickness of covering. Mr. Norton also made a number of tests on the loss of heat from his test pipes without any covering. An analysis of these reveals inconsistencies which are easily explained by a study of Pellet's experiments on the conductivity of metals. Mr. Norton's agitating arrangement though sufficient for the slow loss of heat from a covered pipe was quite inadequate for the loss from a bare pipe and the results of his experiments were falsified by the resistance of the oil. We may however draw certain general conclusions that are useful. By exposing one of his bare pipes to the draft from an elec- tric fan the loss of heat was increased by about 50 per cent. The radiation would be unaffected by the draft, but the air contact loss, which in still air was about 40% of the total loss, must have been increased by 120% or to more than double its value in still air. Now if we take the case of the magnesia covering in still air we have by the experiment a loss per sq. ft. of pipe of 147 B. T. U. per hour. In this case the value of A' (radiation) was .96 and K' (air contact) .73. If we increase K' by 120% we have K' equal to 1.6, A' remains .96 as before, and the computed value of the loss per square foot of pipe would become 166, an increase of 13%. Mr. Norton stated during the discussion that in no case had he been able to increase the loss with any of the covered pipes more than 10% by the draft from an electric fan. This agree- ment between our calculation and his experiment gives us some Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes 15 idea of what allowance to make for any covering when in a posi- tion exposed to strong drafts. SUMMARY OF TESTS TABLE OF VALUES OF C Name of Test. Barrus Barrus Jacobus Brill 130 Ibs Norton Year of Test 1901. 2 ins 100 ft 150 Ibs •45 •45 •57 1901. 10 ins Soft 150 Ibs I .41 .46 .58 1901. 2 ins 12 ft 55-75 Ibs ^alues oj •32 •34 •37 •39 •45 .48 .61 .67 •74 I895. 8 ins 60 ft 110-117 Ibs • c. .40 .38 .40 •53 •47 .60 .0 .76 1.05 1.20 1896. 2 ins 80 ft I29lbs •53 .61 .68 1896. 4 ins 3ft 200 Ibs •52 •55 .60 Size of Pipe Length of Pipe, about.... Pressure of Steam Name of Covering Hair Felt Int. Press. Remanit High Press. Remanit Mineral Wool Rock Wool Asbestos Sponge F'l'd.... Magnesia Champion Min. Wool Asbestos, Navy Brand Manville Sect A-s-b-e-s-t-o-c-e-l Cast's Ambler Asbestos Air Cell Asbestos Fire Felt Fossil Meal Riley Cement Before analyzing the meaning of the results shown in this table, it is best to recur to the method by which these figures were obtained. We have already shown this using as an example Mr. Barrus' test of magnesia covering on a 2 -inch pipe. We will now assume an error of 5 per cent, in the condensa- tion, then instead of 96.2 B. T. U. per foot run we will have 101. Then 101 = 1.15X1.6 (/— 64.6) and t' = 120 instead of 117. 101 X .61 Then C =- 12 = .481 6.28 X 245.2 We found before that C = .453. An error of 5% then in the experiment causes an error of 6T27 per cent, in the computed value of C. Our object in examining these experiments was to prove that Peclet's theory was in agieement with them, or perhaps it is better to say that we wish to prove that, having determined by 1 6 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes an experiment the value of C we were then in a position to com- pute by Peclet's theory, the loss of heat from any sized steam pipe under any pressure of steam, with any reasonable thickness of the given covering, and with any usual temperature of external air. L,et us now examine the figures of the table. Considering the large scale on which Mr. Barms' tests were made, the number of tests taken to give an average figure, and the care with which the tests were made, we are justified in hold- ing that the theory is amply proven for different sized pipes, and different thicknesses of coverings under the same steam pressure, by the Barrus tests on "Asbesto- Sponge Felted," "Magnesia" and "Asbestos Navy Brand." That the theory takes care of any difference of steam pressure is proven first of all by Barrus' and Jacobus' " Magnesia " and "Asbesto-Sponge Felted," sec- ondly by Brill's, 130 Ibs'. and Norton's " Magnesia," by Jacobus' and Brill's " Fire Felt," and by Brill 'sand 130 Ibs'. " Manville." Each of these examples are additional proof that different pipe sizes antl different thicknesses of coverings are perfectly taken care of by the theory. The only discrepancy that I think worth noticing is that be- tween Barms' and Jacobus' "Asbestos Navy Brand." There is quite a difference between the values of C for "Magnesia" tested in 1895 and in 1901. I think it is fair to assume that the material has been improved in that time. The discrepancy in the case of ' ' Hair Felt ' ' has already been explained. Prof. Jacobus' figure is no doubt the correct one. Pipe coverings are not absolutely homogeneous, and experi- ments of any kind are seldom in perfect agreement. Taken altogether the experimental proof is very strong. APPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY. Effect of Thickness and Conductivity. — Figure 6 shows clearly the very great saving of heat that is obtained by even very mod- erate thicknesses of coverings. It also shows how quickly the economical limit of thickness of a covering is reached. In regard to conductivity, we see that halving this for a cov- ering one inch thick, a usual thickness for this size of pipe, Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes reduces the loss from 150 to 85, a reduction of forty-three per cent, instead of fifty. This is because the surface resistance to loss is the same in both cases. In all these examples the cover- ings are supposed to be surrounded by a thin canvas jacket. It is of interest, though perhaps of no particular practical value, to note that if we employ a pipe covering having a con- ductivity greater than 6.00, which is not so very much greater than that of some plaster, the loss of heat will increase with the thickness of the covering, and may even be greater than for the bare pipe. This is because the action of the increased surface outweighs the feeble resistance of the covering. B.T.U. per hour per ft. run , Fig, 6 I EFFECT OF THICKNESS AND CONDUCTIVITY, \\ STANDARD 2 PIPE. STEAM PRESSURE 125 LBS \ \ AIR TEMPERATURE 65° \ \ \ \ \ X \ ^"^ ^^ -^-- ( - — V. ^^ c w- — , T^-T -— _ 1.5 2. 2.5 Thickness of covering in inches. 3.5 The Effect of Different Steam Pressures. — Figures 7 and 8 should prove of value in the judicious choice of thickness of cov- ering for very high steam pressure on the one hand and for the conveyance of hot water on the other. The Effect of Different Sized Pipes. — A little consideration will show that if, in our efforts to stop the escape of heat by an increase of thickness, we at the same time present a larger area for its passage, our gain will be but slight. This is precisely what happens with thick coverings on small pipes, as shown in Figure 9. We see that a one-inch pipe requires one and three-quarters inches of covering to keep the loss per square foot on its surface the same as for a ten -inch pipe with only eight-tenths of an inch of covering. This Figure is an excellent example of the danger of interpreting a theory from a too narrow point of view. It evi- dently indicates that coverings for large pipes should be thinner 18 Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes , ' • — — — — — • — - r— -- _- — ' ,,--- ^~ ^-^ Fig. 7 x ^-^ ^-^" EFFECT OF DIFFERENT STEAM PRESSURES. / STANDARD 2"p|PE. AIR TEMPERATURE 65' / / COVERING lf6"THICK. C=.41 ^ I l< 50 100 150 Steam Pressure. 200 860 than for small ones. The usual practice of the manufacturers of pipe coverings is directly opposed to this, and there are very good reasons for their course. In the first place the cost of a large pipe line warrants the expenditure of sufficient money on the covering to have it of a 1.6 1.4 1 •gl-2 gl.O M r .6 .4 ^^^-* -^ ^ ^ — ' ^ ^ ^ — ' ^ — •^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ESSES NT LO 1RENT OT RUI E. AIR ig. 8 ^ ^ THICKN CONST A FOR DIFFE SS PER FO ARD 2"PIF DF< 3S F STE I-"" JOVERI ER FO .AM PR 8 B.T.L MPERA NQ FOR DT RUN ESSURES. 1. PER HOI TURE 65.° / / / LO STAND IR. C=.41 / / TE. / / / / z_ 50 IflO 150 200 260 Steam Pressure. liberal thickness, and thus to secure a low heat loss. Secondly the bulk of the small pipes would be very objectionable in many cases if they were so thickly covered and the expense of cover- ing would be out of all proportion. Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes Thickness of covering In Inches. i-1 t+ r r r CD O N *- O> OO 1 \ Fic F COV \RE FO ERENT PE SUF -BS. .9 ERI OT SI2 !FA MR ^Q OF ES CE THICKNESSES C LOSS PER SOU FOR DIFF =>ER SQ. FT. OF P K PRESSURE 125 I -OR PIP OF - 1' CONSTANT E SURFACE PIPES. >5 B.T.U. PER RATURE 65.° \ LOSS STEAH HOUR C=.41 \ TEMPE \ \ \ S \. ~~-. — —. — — — - •^TT- 34567 Actual outside diain. of pipe. 10 The useful lesson to be drawn from Figure 9 is that the loss of heat from small pipes will always be large in proportion to their surface, and it is also to be remembered that the proportion of surface to weight of steam passed is much greater for small pipes than for large. In conclusion it may be mentioned that the very important quantities of durability and non- inflammability of a covering are entirely outside of the scope of these notes. NOTE.— The table at the end of the book makes the solution of practical problems by the formulas of page 7 much simpler. It obviates the use of logarithms and much calcu- lation for ordinary thicknesses of coverings on standard wrought iron steam pipes. THE LOSS OF HEAT FROM BARE STEAM PIPES In a previous paper it was shown that Peclet's theory of the loss of heat from a surface maintained at constant temperature gives results in agreement with extensive practical tests of the loss of heat from covered steam pipes. The purpose of the present paper is to show that the theory is of the same practical value for bare steam pipes. The subject is chiefly of value to manufacturers of pipe coverings, since they are not infrequently required to guarantee a certain saving by the use of their covering over the loss that would take place with a bare pipe, and it was at the suggestion of one of these gentlemen that this second paper was under- taken. In tests of pipe coverings, one of the test pipes is usually tried bare, and the result used for determining the saving due to the various coverings. Any unreasonable claims on the part of the manufacturers are, therefore, liable to prompt exposure, and some reliable method of estimating the saving due to their covering under the particu- lar circumstances of the test is evidently of value to them. When a metal steam pipe of customary thickness is filled with steam at rest or in motion at ordinary velocities there is a constant escape of heat through the walls of the pipe. This heat traverses the pipe by virtue of the conductivity of the metal and on reaching the outer surface a portion is radiated to the sur- rounding objects and the remainder is carried off by the contact of the surrounding air. The conductivity of all the metals is so high that we may without perceptible error neglect this part of the process and simply assume the temperature of the outer surface of the pipe to be the same as that of the steam within . We need only consider then the manner of the escape of heat from the surface. Bare Steam Pipes 21 Coeff. for air contact. OS 00 O IO t^ OS GO -— — • i=* ^r 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 £ ,— • — — •=~ — — — — • — — —• - «~^ .— — --• --' ^ — X Fig. 1 AIR CONTACT ,, X / / j > I 1 I 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 Diff. of temp, between surface and surrounding air. 350 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 .8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 ^ Fig. 3 RADIATION / . ^ / ^x x ' X t X ^ x ' x / x ,x S 0 i 0 6 0 8 ) K JOx •s 150 21 0 4 x 1 eihp of. < ).i 1C a ni iiat( ;<1 tc ) ^ X ^ ( ^ ' x ' ^ ^~ x ^ ^ *> ^ •^ ^ ^* ^ .^ ^* Fig. 2 RADIATION ^ ^ . — — * ^-- ^^* -— - , — • —• — • — -• 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 Dill', of Temp, between surface and objects radiated to. 2.S 2.15 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.0 22 Loss of Heat from Bare Steam Pipes The loss of heat by air contact depends on the diameter of the pipe, on its position, whether vertical or horizontal, and on the difference of temperature between its outer surface and the surrounding air. We may express it by the following equation : Loss by air contact in B. T. U. per square foot per hour = A" X C X diff. of temp., in which A" is the term affected by the diameter and position of the pipe and is given by Figs. 4 and 5. C is a coefficient determined by the amount of the difference of temperatures and its value is given by Fig. i . The difference of temperatures is that of the steam and the surrounding air. The loss of heat due to radiation depends on the nature of the surface of the pipe, on the difference of temperatures and on the temperature of the surrounding objects thus : Loss due radiation in B. T. U. per sq. ft. per hour = A~X C X C" X diff. of temp., where A' is a number depending on the nature and condition of the surface of the pipe, C a coefficient depending on the amount of the difference of temperatures, its values being given by Fig. 2, and C" a coefficient, given in Fig. 3, depending on the temperature of the surrounding objects. The temperature of the surrounding objects we must usually consider to be the same as the temperature of the surrounding air. Summarizing we have : Loss of heat in B. T. U. per sq. ft. per hour = (A + R) X diff. of temp. = [(A" X O + (A~ X C X C"] X [diff. of temp.] A study of this formula will show that all its parts except A' are rigorously fixed by Peclet's deductions from his experi- ments. For that matter K is given by his experiments within narrow limits and might be expected to have the value .64. There are, however, enough reliable experiments on a large scale to make it preferable to deduce K directly from them. The table on the following page gives the results of a num- ber of careful and 'reliable tests, most of which were on a large enough scale to give results of assured practical value. In the previous paper references will be found to the pub- lished data of these tests. Prof. Jacobus has kindly furnished additional data in regard Loss of Heat from Bare Steam Pipes w A^ 03 P* G-i ^^ M P 3 o> o •*> £ W s •o rt 3 rr> r1 - 14* to 4* Co 1 oo • • • Approx. Dura- tion in hours. - M M l-l CO ^1 •*-! No. of tests averaged. 00 . H-t to to Cn O to to Size of pipe. Co ^J O 00 OOCo Co Square feet of ON ON h~( Co vO Cn Co ON Co Co to "*-4 pipe surface. M H 0 M t— ( M M Cn to Co 4* 4^- 00 Co oo Cn \O \O to Pressure of Cn 4— *"4 O OJ O> to Co Co Co Co Co Co Co O 4^- OOCn Cn Cn Temp, of Steam Cn 00-" w 1 LOSS OF HEAT FROM BARE STEAM PIPES. Fig. 1O x /• X X f X Bt IT is 10 'i SOI bs. "5 V ? X 1 / X II ad 5or -B Bill e X ' |£ o.d. Q x I ai ru s2 • s ^ x ft £ o1 02 SJ2.90 P. d w I TWO tj EH H 2.70 2.60 ^ ^ •^ 9 | -/ tl n^ x ^ x ? >/ 7 X X B > 4 X c< / ^ / * x>« X ™ / • Ja CO 1U!- 8 ' , i ^; / /V 7 yP ^ n 2 ^•N *x > Bril 18 ' / a x / x x / / / X / / / 40 60 80 100 120 SteamJEressure above Atmosphere 140 allows for the different loss of a different size of pipe, but Barrus test on the lo-inch pipe is equally strong evidence that it does not. Hudson -Beare's test also agrees with the theory. Fortunately we are not entirely dependent on these tests for this point. The previous paper on the "Loss of Heat from Covered Steam Pipes" showed by a large number of tests that the theory did in that case most certainly allow correctly for dif- ferent outside diameters of coverings. Now, the loss of heat from the surface of a bare pipe must be governed by the same laws as the loss of heat from the surface of a pipe covering, and we may therefore conclude that the theory does cover the loss, from a pipe of any diameter. 28 Loss of Heat from Bare Steam Pipes We have then a simple means of accurately estimating the loss of heat from a steam pipe or boiler. I am at a loss to explain why the experiments require the value of /fto be .87 when P£clet's experiments point to a value of .64. It may have been because his tests were made with very much smaller differences of temperature. The effect of the condition of the surface of the pipe may be inferred from the following values found by Peclet : Ordinary sheet iron , . .567 Rusty sheet iron 688 New cast iron 650 Rusty cast iron 688 The effect of air currents is very marked in the case of bare pipes. Mr. Norton in his experiments found that the draft from an electric fan increased the loss by one -half in the case of a vertical 4 -inch pipe. Mr. Barrus showed conclusively by several tests that the loss of heat from a bare pipe is the same whether the steam therein is at rest or in motion at ordinary velocity. EMISSION AND TRANSMISSION OF HEAT* CHAPTER I. EMISSION OF HEAT FROM A SURFACE MAINTAINED AT A CON- STANT TEMPERATURE. 775. The case under consideration is that of a pipe heated within by steam, and with its outer surface exposed to the air ; that of a vessel full of warm water, and so on. The quantity of heat emitted by a surface maintained at constant temperature, and exposed to the air depends on the area of its surface, on its form, on its temperature, and on that of the air to which it is ex- posed. It is important to know the quantity of this heat in heat units, per unit of surface, during unity of time, as a function of the elements which cause it to vary, at least for the cases which ordinarily occur in practice. In order to understand how this quantity of heat emitted may be determined, consider the case of a metallic vessel full of warm water ; the metals being very good conductors of heat, the exterior surface of the vessel will be at the temperature of the water which it contains, let the weight of water, augmented by that of the vessel, multiplied by its specific heat, be P kilograms, .S the area of the surface of the vessel in square meters, O° C the temperature of the surrounding air, 0 the time in seconds which is required for the water to cool from T° to T — i degrees. The quantity of heat units lost during the time 0 is evidently equal to P, and ought to be sensibly the same as that quantity which would have escaped from the vase in the same time if the temperature had been constant and equal to the mean of T and T — i , that is to say to T — % . According to this the quantity of heat M which the surface of the vessel would emit per hour per square meter, if the temperature were maintained at T — y2 would be M - *L v 36o° _ J_ p x S * * o * From " Trait6 de La Chaleur " by E. PSclet. 29 30 Emission and Transmission of Heat Thus, by observing the intervals of time 0, 0' , 0", and so on, which correspond to successive coolings of one degree, one may therefrom compute the quantities of heat which would be emit- ted per hour per square meter for the corresponding excesses of temperature. It then remains to find by trial the law which these results follow expressed as a function of the excess of temper- ature. 776. When a vessel filled with warm water cools, we call the ratio between the infinitely small variation of temperature dt, and the time do in which this variation takes place, the rate of cooling thus, we have z>=~ Pdt represents the quantity of heat emitted in the time do. If the temperature of the vessel is kept constant, the quan- tities of heat emitted during equal intervals of time will also be constant, and that quantity emitted in unity of time will evi- dently equal P— or Pv. Since the second represents unity of time we have Making v = — which is to assume that the rate is constant during the cooling through one degree, we get the same value of Mas found in 775. 777. Newton's Law. — Newton's hypothesis was that the rate of cooling in air was) proportional to the excess of the tem- perature of the body above that of the air, and his formula was v = qt t being the excess |of temperature and q a coefficient varying with the nature of the body. This law is, however, inexact, the rate of cooling varying much more rapidly. Dulong and Petit 's Laws. — Dulong and Petit have made numerous experiments on the cooling of the thermometer placed in a closed vessel, maintained at a constant temperature by a water bath and filled with different gases under different pressures. These skilful physicists have established the following facts : Emission and Transmission of Heat 31 i St. The cooling of a body results from its radiation and from the contact of the surrounding gas. 2d. The rate of cooling due to radiation is independent of the substance of which the body is composed ; but its absolute value varies with the nature of the surface of the body. It is represented by the formula, v=maQ (a* — i) in which m is a number depending on the nature of the surface, a the number 1.0007, ^ the temperature of the surroundings and / the excess of the temperature of the body over that of the sur- roundings in degrees Centigrade. 3d. The rate of cooling due to the contact of the surround- ing gas is also independent of the substance of which the body is composed, but its absolute value is independent of the nature of the surface ; it depends solely on the form of the body and the excess of its temperature over that of the surroundings. This rate for air at 760 mm. pressure is given by the formula v = nt1-2™ in which n is a number varying with the form and the extent of the surface of the body, and t the excess of temperature of the body above that of the surrounding air in degrees Centigrade. 779. New Experiments. — While admitting the exactness of these laws, the formulas which represent them are of no service as long as the coefficients m and n are unknown for surfaces of different natures and for bodies of different forms. I may add that Laprevotaye and Desains have found, in certain cases, results that do not at all agree with the above formulas. I have therefore thought it best to take up the question again, but limiting it to the study of the cooling of a body in air under ordinary pressure and in a chamber with dull walls ; for the cooling of a body in different gases, under different pressures and in a chamber with gilded walls, is a purely speculative ques- tion which never occurs in practical applications. 780. There will be found at the end of this book the details of the apparatus and the methods of calculation employed in the experiments ; I shall here confine myself to a general description and to the setting forth of the results arrived at. 781. Experiments, for the purpose of finding the absolute 32 Emission and Transmission of Heat values of rates of cooling, can not be made simple on thermome- ters. I have used spheres of thin brass with diameters ranging from two inches to twelve inches, a number of cylinders with diameters of one and a quarter inches to twelve inches and lengths of two to twenty inches, and also several rectangular vessels of different dimensions. All of these vessels have been employed successively bare and covered with different substances. The water which they contained was continuously agitated. The temperatures were measured by very sensitive thermometers. Intervals of time were determined by means of a Breguet counter. The vessels were placed in an open chamber having a double wall. The interval between the walls was filled with water, and the contained air was constantly renewed through passages which gave to the entering air the temperature of the walls of the chamber. 782. Figure 149 represents a vertical section of the constant temperature chamber, figure 150 a plain of the same. ABCDEF and A' B' CHEF are two cylinders of sheet iron plated with lead. They are concentric and the intervening space is filled with water. This envelope is formed of two halves separated in a vertical plane and held together by suitable fastenings. The interior cyl- inder is 39 inches high, and 32 inches in diameter ; the interval between the two cylinders is i ^ inches and the water contained in this interval is frequently agitated by horizontal annular plates, to which are attached vertical iron rods projecting through the little stuffing boxes GG. The temperatures of the water in each half of the envelope is given by thermometers inserted at /and I. JfLMsmd K1 L' M' are two vertical enclosures fastened on the outside of each half of the chamber. They are open above and communicate below with the openings NP (fig. 149) fashioned in the lower part of each of the two halves of the chamber. The outer wall of these enclosures is made of wood. They contain throughout their height, strips of sheet iron soldered perpendicular onto the outer surface of the chamber, each 4 inches high, and extending to the wooden outside of the enclosure, and the strips of one horizontal row are Emission and Transmission of Heat 33 placed midway between those of the two adjacent rows. Similar strips are placed in the opening A*"and P. QR and Q R' are two sealed half cylinders of tin full of water at the oridinary tempera- ture, they serve to close, to the desired extent, the opening AF of the chamber. ST is an adjustable tripod bearing three glass tubes terminated by wooden stoppers, into which penetrate cop- per stems soldered to the vessel of which the rate of cooling is to be determined. Fig. 149 783. Figures 151 and 152 show a vertical and horizontal section of a spherical vessel and its agitator. The plates, which agitate the water are carried by six pieces of iron wire in the shape of a semi -circle. These are attached below to the axial stem and above to a small horizontal ring which allows of the insertion of the thermometer through the tubular orifice shown. The cylindrical vessels of large diameter are ar-. ranged in the same way (fig. 153 and 154). When the cylinders are of small diameter the agitator is placed on one side (fig. 155 and 156). 784. I show in figures 157 to 161 the different methods of 34 Emission and Transmission of Heat supporting the vertical and horizontal cylinders in a frame placed within the chamber. The object of these arrangements is to ren- der the cylinders perfectly motionless in spite of the movements of the agitator. The frames are of iron or brass, the stems a, a, a, LJ Fig. 152. Fig 153 and 154. Figs. 155 and 156 are very thin and of fir wood ; they project into very small me- tallic appendices soldered to the vessels. When the cylinders are placed horizontally, the stem of the agitator turns in a cork which closes the tubular opening. There is a little play between the stem and cork, but the water does not escape on account of the expansion of the small quantity of air remaining in the vessel. This expansion is due to the contraction of the water by cooling. Figure 162 is a section of a cylindrical vessel, with hemi- spherical ends, provided with two agitators. When the vessels are long and of small diameter, cylinders Emission and Transmission of Heat 35 of iron filled with mercury are employed, an agitator is no longei necessary, and a thermometer with a long reservoir inserted in the vessel, gives its temperature accurately. 785. Figure 163 shows the little apparatus used in reading the thermometers, ab is a small plate covered with white paper, and bearing at the middle of its height two projecting rods, one on each side of the stem of the ther- mometer. These rods are parallel to one another and perpendicular to the plate ab. They have fastened upon them two hairs which determine a plane perpendicu- lar to the stem of the thermometer and in which plane the eye of the ob- server should be placed. c and d are two rings through which the stem of the thermometer passes. They are lined with cork which can be more or less compressed by thumb screws. This apparatus is necessary on account of the motion caused by the agitator which renders the use of a cathetometer impos- sible. 786. Figure 164 shows the apparatus used to refill the ves- sels at certain stages of their cooling, which is necessary in order that the cooling surface may remain constant. An opaque vessel, in which the level of the water has de- scended, has to be refilled without taking it out of the constant temperature chamber and without spilling any water. The apparatus consists of a glass tube AB open at both ends Fig. '59- Figs. 157 and 158. Emission and Transmission of Heat and provided with a reservoir C, at its side another glass tube DEF, bent over, and likewise open at both ends. The ends B Fig. 160. Fig. 161. Fig. i6a. and D are at the same level. Both tubes are inserted at their lower ends in a stopper which enters freely into the tubular open- ing of the vessel, this stopper bears at its upper end a plate of brass of a diameter greater than the opening of the vessel, which allows the stopper to be inserted al- ways to the same distance. When the stopper is put in , the point B is at the height which the liquid should reach. To fill the vessel the stopper clos- ing the opening is removed, and is replaced by the stopper bearing the glass tubes ; the reservoir C being full of water and the end A closed by a finger. The end A is then opened and the operator sucks on the tube F, and evidently when water ap- pears in the tube F, the water level in the vessel will have reached the height BD ; at this moment the extremity A is again closed, the apparatus is lifted out and the ordinary stopper re- placed. Fig. 164. The mode of precedure was as follows : the vessel hav- ing been filled with hot water and placed upon its support the Emission and Transmission of Heat 37 constant temperature chamber was closed, the opening at the top for the escape of air was so adjusted that its area was approxi- mately equal to that of a horizontal section of the vessel, the agi- tator within the vessel was turned continuously, and those of the chamber were put in motion from time to time. The time required at a number of stages, for the thermome- ter to fall through a few divisions was observed. The temper- atures indicated by the thermometer were reduced to what they would have been if the whole stem had been plunged in the water, on the assumption, proved both by experiment and calcu- lation, that the stem was exactly at the temperature of the sur- rounding air. 788. From these experiments the rate of cooling can be readily deduced. After obtaining the values of the rates of cooling v, and therefore (776) the values of M> the quantities of heat emitted, for excesses of temperatures ranging from 45 to 117 degrees Fahrenheit, I sought to connect them by some simple law, and found that they satisfied the following, M=at(* + bt) This agrees perfectly with the formulas of Dulong and Petit within the limits of temperature mentioned above, and it results that these formulas are very probably exact up to an excess of temperature of 470° F. as these two celebrated men have indi- cated. Since cooling results from simultaneous radiation and con- tact of air, it is necessary to separate the effects of these separate causes, in order to determine the coefficients used in the formula. To do this I have employed the following method. Let us sup- pose that M represents the quantity of heat lost by a vessel coated with lamp black, M' that which is lost by the same vessel with a brilliant surface, A the quantity of heat lost by air contact, and which is the same for both surfaces, and R and Rf the quantity of heat lost by radiation from the lamp black, and the metal respectively. Then M= A + R; M' = A + R', and it follows that M— M' = R— R'. Let R=cR' then the last equation becomes 38 Emission and Transmission of Heat M—M' = R' (c— i) and R' = M~M'and as c — i M=at (i + b() and M' = a't (i + b't} the value of R' would be <: — / c — i Having thus obtained a general expression for the value of R1 ', that for A is easily deduced from it since A = M' — R '. I employed the following method in obtaining the ratio c of the radiations ; it depends on one of Dulong and Petit 's laws. Two metallic vessels, one side of each being a vertical plane, bare or covered with different materials, are placed with their plane faces opposite and parallel, and equally distant from a thermopile con- nected to a very sensitive galvanometer. One of the surfaces is maintained at a constant temperature while the temperature of the other is caused to vary until the effects produced on the ther- mopile are the same, that is to say until the needle of the galvan- ometer returns to zero. Designating by m and m' the radiat- ing power of the two surfaces, by t and /' the excesses of their temperatures above 0, that of the thermopile, we have for the quantities of heat radiated according to Dulong and Petit ma® (a* — i), and m'aQ (a1' — i), and as these quantities are equal, we deduce that _. _ R _m av — i ~tf~~~tnr = a''— i From all these experiments there result the following formulas. 789. The quantity of heat emitted by radiation to surround- ings at a temperature differing but little from 12° C., and for excesses of temperature between 25° C. and 65° C. is given by the formula R=Kt(\ + .00560 ...... (a) A" is a coefficient depending on the form and the dimensions of the body, / is the excess of temperature in degrees Centi- grade. 790. The quantity of heat lost by contact of air in the same circumstances is given by the formula, A=fCt(i+ .00750 ..... (*) Emission and Transmission of Heat 39 A' is a coefficient depending on the form and the dimensions of the body, / is the excess of temperature in degrees Centigrade. 791. When the excess of temperature is but slight, one may neglect the terms of the second degree and we then have for the total quantity of heat emitted M=R + A = (K+l?}t = Qt which is Newton's L,aw. The formulas (#) and (£) have only been proven for ex- cesses of temperature ranging between 45° F. and 117° F. for greater excesses of temperature we must employ Dulong and Petit 's formulas. We will therefore enunciate the formulas in a general form and give the values of the coefficients K and K' for different sur- faces and bodies of different form according to the results of our experiments. General Formulas Relative to the Emission of Heat in Air. 792. The quantity of heat emitted by a surface maintained at constant temperature depends on the radiation and the contract of air. If we designate by Mthe total quantity of heat emitted in a certain time, by R and A the quantities respectively due to radiation and air contract we have ; M=R + A (i) 793. Heat Emitted by Radiation. — The quantity of heat emitted by radiation, for unit surface and per unit of time, is in- dependent of the form and size of the body — provided that its surface has no reentrant portions ; it depends solely on the nature of the surface, on the excess of its temperature over that of the objects to which radiation takes place, and on the absolute value of the temperature of these objects. 794. When a body is surrounded by objects having dul surfaces, which is nearly always the case except in laboratory experiments, the quantity of heat R is given by the formula : ^=124.72 A^O' — i) (2)* Where 0 represents the temperature of the surrounding objects / the excess of the temperature of the surface above that of the surroundings, a a constant having the numerical value 1.0077, * All the quantities in formula (2) and (3) are in French units. 40 Emission and Transmission of Heat and K a number depending on the nature of the surface of the radiating body. Values of K for different surfaces. In B. T. U. per hour per square foot per i° F. excess of temperature. Polished silver . . . .027 Zinc 049 Silvered paper . . . .085 Polished tin 044 Polished brass . . . .053 Tin plate 086 Gilded paper 047 Sheet iron polished . . .092 Polished copper . . . .033 Sheet iron leaded . . .133 Cast iron — new . . . .649 Sheet iron (ordinary ) . .567 Cast iron rusted . . . .688 Sheet iron rusted . . .688 Glass 596 Building stone . . . .737 Powdered chalk . . . .680 Plaster and brick . . .737 Saw dust 723 Wood 737 Powdered charcoal . . .700 Woolen cloth . . . .753 Fine sand 741 Calico or canvas . . .747 Oil paint 759 Silk 759 Paper 772 Water 1.087 Lampblack 820 Oil ....... 1.482 795. For paper and cloth, color has no influence. It appears from this table that powdered materials have very nearly the same emissive power. Masson has already recognized that all substances in a very finely powdered state, obtained by pre- cipitation and not crystallized, have the same emissive power. 796.* 797. Heat Transmitted by Air Contact. — The loss of heat arising from air contact is independent of the nature of the surface of the body, and of the absolute temperature of the surrounding air ; it depends solely on the excess of the temperature of the body over that of the surrounding air, and on the form and dimen- sions of the body. * The tables given by P6clet in this paragraph are here replaced by the curves of figures 2 and 3, page 21. It is more convenient, as will be apparent later on, to use Newton's I,aw for compu- ting the loss of heat from a given surface and to modify the values of K given in the table above by coefficients obtained from formula ( 2 ) shown graphically in figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 gives the coefficients by which K must be multiplied for differeut excesses Of temperature. The product thus obtained is multiplied by a second coefficient obtained from figure 3 which corrects for different temperatures of the body radiated to. Emission and Transmission of Heat 41 This loss of heat per square meter per hour is given by the formula, ,4=0.552 A"/1'233 ...... (3) where / represents ( in Centigrade degrees) the constant excess of* the temperature of the body, over that of the surrounding air, and K' a number which varies with the form and dimensions of the bodies.* 798. For spherical bodies we have, in English units, , 1.048 K = .363 H -- — where r= radius in inches. 799. For horizontal cylinders of circular section we have, in English units, where r equals the radius in inches, f 800. In the case of vertical cylinders, the cooling depends both on their height and diameter, and here r = radius in inches and h = height in feet.J 802. For vertical plane surfaces, the value of A" is given by the formula where h is the vertical height of the surface in feet.§ 804. Figure i, page 21, gives the coefficients by which the value of A" obtained by the formulas above, must be multi- plied in order to correct for the differences in temperature between the body and the surrounding air. 805 . It is apparent from an inspection of Figures i , 2 and 3 that Newton's Law is extremely inaccurate; the coefficients or the values of R and A, instead of remaining constant vary fof *It is important to note that by the temperature of the surrounding air is meant its temperature before it is in any way influenced by the heat emitted from the cooling body t Figure 4, page 24 gives the values of K' for the horizontal cylinders up to 16 inches, diameter. t Figure 5, page 25, gives the values of A"' for cylinders up to 18 inches diameter. \ See Figure n. Emission and Transmission of Heat Emission and Transmission of Heal 43 excesses of temperature between 20° F. and 350° F., the first in the ratio of i to 2.2, the second in the ratio i to 2. Newton's Law is approximately true for small excesses of temperature only. 806. To sum up we have M=R + A = i2$.>]2Kae (y — 0 + 0.552 A"/1'233* But we can always in practice calculate the valves of R and A by Newton's L,aw corrected by the coefficients of figures i, 2 and 3, thus obtaining by simple calculations results that are quite sufficiently accurate. 807. We will apply this method to a case which frequently presents itself; that of a horizontal cast iron pipe containing steam at 212° F. and with a surrounding temperature of 59°. Forr=2" ;¥=i53X .688 X 1.52 X i + 153 X .58 X 1.56 = 298 = 4"M= " " " + " X-50X "=279- = 6" M= " " " + " X-47X "=261 The results are in B. T. U. per square foot of surface per hour. The weights of steam condensed by direct experiment are a little greater, probably on account of water mechanically entrained by the steam. 809. For a horizontal pipe of sheet iron 10 inches in dia- meter containing air at 302° F., the exterior air being at 59°, we would have M = 243 X .567 X I.88X i + 243 X .48 X 1.73=462 B. T. U. per hour per square foot.f Emission of Heat from Pipes to Air. 821. ^mission of heat from the surface of a pipe to the air traversing the pipe. The surface being maintained at a constant temperature. Let us consider a metal pipe, the surface of which is main- * In French units. t It will be noticed that in these examples the second coefficient by which K is multi- plied in order to obtain R is unity. This is because the temperature of the surrounding: objects is 59° F. See figure 3, page 21. To sum up we have for our working formula, In which, M= B. T. U. per square foot per hour. R= " " due radiation. A — " " due air contact. T = temperature of the body emitting heat in F °. 44 Emission and Transmission of Heat tained at a constant temperature, and through which passes a current of air ; and let us suppose that all the elementary veins have sensibly the same velocity or that a thin slice of air taken perpendicularly to the axis of the pipe at the entrance preserves its form while it traverses the pipe. During its passage the circumference of the section will be at the temperature of the pipe, and the heat will propagate itself from the circumference towards the centre. After a certain time the whole section will have attained sensibly the temperature of the pipe ; if at this moment it has not reached the end of the pipe, the rest of its passage will evidently be without influence, if at its exit from the pipe the heat has not had time to reach the centre of the section the mean temperature of the section will be the higher the longer it has been in the pipe. The temperature of the escaping air will depend then on its velocity, and on the length of the pipe. We have supposed the pipe to be circular and the slice of air to be always limited by two plans, but all that we have said is equally true for a pipe of any form whatever, and in spite of the difference in velocity of the elementary veins which always takes place ; except that the time necessary for the centre of the vein to take the temperature of the circumference augments with the difference of velocity. We may add that when the pipe is horizontal or more or less inclined, the propagation of the heat depends not only on the transmission through the air, but also on the movement of the air due to its being heated. It is easy to see from these considerations how complicated are the phenomena which take place during the heating of air while it traverses a pipe maintained at a constant temperature, we may however deduce certain general principles from the pre- ceding reasoning, which will be useful under certain conditions. / =temperature of objects to which radiation takes place in F°. /' = " of surrounding air in F° For value of K see 794. " " A" see 798-802. " C see Figure 2, page 21. " C see Figure 3, " C' see Figure i, " " • Emission and Transmission of Heat 45 i st. When air traverses a tube maintained at a constant temperature greater than that of the air and supposing that the velocity of the air, at first very small, increases as it progresses through the tube, the air will emerge at the temperature of the tube up to a certain limit of velocity, depending on the perimeter of the tube, on the shape of its section and the inequality of the velocities of the different elementary veins. This velocity will increase in proportion as the section of the pipe diminishes. It is impossible to foresee whether, under the same conditions, this velocity would be greater in a vertical pipe than in a horizontal one, because in the first case the increments of velocity resulting from heating against the walls brings out the air from the centre, while in the second case the layers of air in contact with the lower surface are constantly displaced, circumstances which both tend to distribute the heat. 2nd. When the limit of velocity which I have just mentioned has been reached, the air escapes at a decreasing temperature be- cause in each section the temperature is decreasing from the cir- cumference to the centre, and the greater the velocity of the air the more is this the case. But the quantity of heat carried off by the air increases with its velocity, this fact is thoroughly proved by experiment and is easily explained by admitting that the sum of the quantities of heat diffused through each section increases very rapidly with time, for the number of sections pass- ing in unity of time being proportional to the velocity, and the time of passage of each section being inversely proportional to the velocity, it follows that the quantity of heat carried off by the air will increase with the velocity provided that the quantity of heat which diffuses itself through a section increases very rapidly with the time. 822. In practice we may admit as a sufficiently close ap- proximation that the quantity of heat emitted by the pipe is sen- sibly equal to that which it would emit in the open air by air contact to the surrounding air at a temperature the mean of the observed temperatures of the air at entering the pipe and at leav- ing it. I have verified this principle by means of a cylindrical vessel 1 6 inches high, and 8 inches in diameter, pierced at the centre by 46 Emission and Transmission of Heat a tube 4 inches in diameter with its surfaces entirely covered by paper. By observing the cooling when the orifice of the tube was open and then when closed, I have found that in the last case the loss of heat was very nearly equal to half of that of the central tube when surrounded by free air. 823. Emission of heat to air traversing a conduit enclosing a pipe maintained at a constant temperature. This case is very similar to the preceding one, except that the diffusion of the heat takes place more rapidly, because the concentric layers of air undergo a continual increase of surface as they recede from the surface of the pipe, and at the same time the interior surface of the conduit, heated by radiation, heats the layers of air from the opposite direction. Here, as in the preceding case, there is a limiting velocity, below which the heating of the air is complete, and beyond which the temperature of the air diminishes, although the quantity of heat carried away increases with the velocity. 824. For this case we may estimate the quantity of heat emitted to be approximately equal to that which the pipe would emit in the open air by radiation and air contact, the temperature of the surroundings being taken as the mean of the observed temperatures of the air at entering the conduit and at leaving it. CHAPTER II Transmission of Heat through Solid Bodies. When a solid body is limited by two parallel surfaces, main- tained at temperatures constant but different, it is traversed by a constant flow of heat proportional to the distance between these two surfaces. This law may be deduced from the very nature it- self of the movement of heat. Consider a homogeneous plate, of thickness ) /-/' In which Cis the conductivity of the material, e the thickness of the plate ; Q the value of K-\-K' modified by the coefficients cor- responding to the temperatures (figures i , 2 and 3), /, / and /," the temperatures of the steam, of the outer surface of the plate and of the surrounding air. 859. I have deduced from these experiments the following tables of values of C. These numbers give the quantity of heat in B. T. U. which would pass in one hour through a plate of the given material one inch thick, one square foot in area, and of which the two surfaces were at temperatures differing by one de- gree Fahrenheit. TABLE OF VALUES OF C. B. T. U. per hour, per square foot, per inch, per one degree. SOLID MATERIALS. Density. C. Marble, gray, fine grained .... 2.68 '28.1 Marble, white, coarse grained . . . 2.77 22.4 Limestone fine grained . . . . 2.34 16.8 Limestone do do . . . . .2.27 13.6 Limestone do do . .... 2.17 13.7 Limestone coarse grained . . . .2.24 10.6 Limestone do do .... 2.22 10.2 Plaster, ordinary . ..... 2.22 2.67 Plaster do very fine . . . . 1.25 4.20 Brick 1.98 5.56 Brick 1.85 4.11 Fir, (wood) transmission perpendicular to fibres .48 .75 Emission and Transmission of Heat 69 Density. C. Fir, do do parallel do do .48 1.37 Walnut, do perpendicular do do .48 .86 Walnut, do parallel do do 1.40 Oak, do perpendicular do do 1.70 Cork . . . , . . . . .22 1.15 India rubber . ...... .22 1.37 Gutta-percha . . . . . . .22 1.39 Starch paste ...... 1.02 3.43 Glass ....... 2.44 6.05 Glass ........ 2.55 7.10 MATERIALS IN A STATE OF POWDER Density. C- Quartz sand ....... 1.47 2.18 Brick dust — large grains ..... i.oo 1.12 Brick dust — passed through a sieve of silk . . 1.76 1.33 Brick dust — fine powder obtained by decantation 1.55 1.13 Chalk, in powder, slightly damp ... .92 .897 Chalk, in powder, washed and dried . . . .85 .694 Chalk, in powder, washed, dried and compressed 1.02 .855 Flour of potatoes . . . . . . .71 .790 Wood ashes • . . .45 .484 Mahogany sawdust . . . . . . .31 .524 Charcoal, powdered . . . . . . .49 .637 Charcoal, powdered and passed through silk . .41 .653 Coke, in powder ...... .77 1.290 TEXTILE MATERIALS Density. C. Canvas of Hemp, new ..... .54 .420 Canvas, do do, old ..... .58 .347 White writing paper 85 .347 Gray blotting paper ...... .48 .274 Calico, new, of any density .... .403 Cotton wool, do do . . . . . .323 Sheep's wool, do do . . . . . .323 Eider down, do do . . . . . .315 860. It is important to notice that as the conductivity of textile materials is independent of their density, it follows that 7° Emission and Transmission of Heat their conductivity is the same as that of motionless air. The conductivity of starch-paste may also be regarded as that of mo- tionless water. I have also noticed, in the case of poor conduc- tors of heat, that dampness greatly increases their conductivity.* •TRANSLATOR'S NOTE. Although the experiments described above were made more than fifty years ago there is but little to add due to more recent research. Pficlets figures for the conductivity of the metals have been shown to be too low, due probably to the fact the liquids in contact with the surfaces of the metal plate were not frequently enough renewed. This defect would not disturb the accuracy of the experiments on the materials of low conductivity, "and it is only these that we use in practical applications of this sub- ject. Peclets figures for these substances have been repeatedly confirmed by more recent experimenters. Peclet evidently made no experiment on the conductivity of motionless air, simply reasoning that it must be the same as that of the textile materials. It has quite recently been proven by direct experiment to be 0.152 which is about one-half of Peclet's value, but in practice we never obtain perfectly motionless air, the process of convection aiding to at least some extent that of conduction. In 879 we find experimental evidence of the value of Peclets figure for the kind of practical application in which we most want to use it. For further notes on the reliability of this portion of Peclets work the reader is refer- red to a very interesting paper by Mr. A. B. Reck of Copenhagen, presented in December, 1901, before the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. The following table is from Jude and Gossln,— Physics.— 1899. VALUES OF c Silver 4440 Lead 334 Copper 3192 Ice 17.42 Gold 2100 Snow 2.03 Zinc 888 Water 4.41 Tin 572 Air 0.16 Iron 476 The ratios between these conductivities for the metals is almost the same as Frantz & Wiedermann's and the value for lead is about three times as large as that found by Peclet. CHAPTER III APPLICATIONS OF THE FORMULAS 861. We have already seen (826) that in designating by M, the quantity of heat that traverses in one hour a plate with paral- lel surfaces, of an area of one square foot, and with its surfaces maintained at the constant temperatures / and /', we have M=C-S<±> ....... (a) In this expression e represents the thickness of the plate in inches and C the conductivity, that is to say the value of Mfor t-t'=i° F and e=i inch. 862. If the body were formed of two superimposed plates, of thicknesses e and e' and conductivities C and C', designating by 0 the common temperature of the surfaces in contact, we have evidently when the regime is established: n. C(t-e) n, C'(e-t') M=—- - -and M= — -L, — - e d Eliminating 6 we have: And for any number of plates: 863. By means of the tables (859) and the preceding formu- las we may easily compute the quantities of heat which will be transmitted through plates when the temperatures of their sur- faces are known . But these temperatures never are known exactly and can only be measured by very delicate experiments, impos- sible in practical work. Furthermore, in making estimates, it is necessary to have at least an approximate value of the quantity transmitted, in terms of the temperatures of the air inside and out- side of the surfaces. 864. Consider first a room enclosed by walls of which one only is exposed to the outside air. Let the temperature of the 71 72 Applications of the Formulas air within the room be T and that of the outside air be 0. The r6gime once established the quantity of heat which would traverse the wall exposed to the air would evidently be equal to that which, in the same time, would penetrate its inner surface, and to that which would escape during the same time from its outer surface. The interior surface would be at a temperature / lower than T and the exterior surface would be at a temperature /' higher than 0, We may admit that the heating of the inner surface and the cool- ing of the outer take place according to the same laws. Thus in designating by M the quantity of heat transmitted per square foot per hour we would have three expressions for M, one in terms of of the conductivity C of the material of the wall, the two others in terms of the coefficients K and K' of cooling by radiation and contact of air, from which equations we may deduce the values of / and /' in terms of known quantities. . But if we employ Dulong's formulas for cooling (794-797)^6 calculation would be impossible, and even admitting the simpler formulas of 789 and 790 we would be led to an equation of the second degree, rather complicated and extremely difficult to handle. It is better to admit for the cooling and the heating Newton's law (791) which is sufficiently exact for small differences of temperature, and besides in all cal- culations relative to the transmission of heat one can never expect more than a rather rough approximation because there are cir- cumstances which are impossible to take into account, such as the increase of temperature of the outer surface according to its height above the ground, the action of the wind, of the sun, and so forth. According to this we have: equations which give, .T(C+Qe)+C9 0(C+Qe)+TC 865. From this formula follow several important conse- quences. If Qe was very small relatively to 2C and could be neglected, the formula reduces to M—-- (T-0) and the value of CQ(T-e) Applications of the Formulas 73 M would be independent of C and e, that is to say of the material of the body and of its thickness. This case may occur when the value of e is very small relatively to that of C. Consider for example lead, the poorest conductor among the metals, and for which C= 113; supposing the surfaces of the plate to be dull, Q will equal approximately 1.25 and for thicknesses of •395"> -79" and 1.18" the values of zC-\-Qe would be 226+ .494, 226+ .988, 226+1.48, numbers which differ very slightly. The differences would be even less for the other metals. If we imagine a plate of woolen material, for which the lowest value of C is .323, to have a thickness of .004", which is about that of a sheet of paper, the value of zC-\-Qe would be equal to .646 + .005; the second term being again small relative to the first may be neglected and the value of M would be the same as in the preceding case. Thus a sheet of paper transmits the same amount of heat as a metal plate, of which the thickness may be varied through quite a wide extent. The case of thin sheets of glass is similar. Since C for glass equals 6.05; <2=.6o+.45 = i.o5 and 2C-\-Qe=i2.i-}-i.o5e and for thicknessesof .04", .08" and .12", this last expression becomes, I2.I-j-.042, I2.I+.O84, I2.I + .I26. 866. If we suppose C very small and the thickness e so large that 2Ccan be neglected in comparison with Qe, the value of M C reduces to — (T—0), consequently it would be independent of the nature of the surface, and inversely proportional to the thickness e; but it is necessary, even for the poorest conductors, that the thickness be very great. For example for woolen cloth with^= 19.7" we would have 2C-\-Qe=. 646+ 1.23X19.7=. 646+ 24. 2. 867. If we had two walls in immediate contact with one another, admitting that there is no sudden change of temperature in the passage of heat from the first to the second, which is con- firmed by experiment, and designating by x the temperature of the junction of the two walls, by e and e' their thicknesses, by C and C their conductivities, we would have after the regime was established: ** M=C Q*'N ' (a) C' If there are two contiguous coverings, designating by x the temperature of the common surface, we have: M .. ~ , , M ,. C (t—x)= — N; C,' ( x—t' ) = — N' 27T 27T and M=z * R" Q ( t' — 0 ) equations which give, after eliminat- ing*.- M= 2-^£ *" " *} Applications of the Formulas 85 Repeating the calculations for 3, 4 and so on, coverings, we are lead to the general formula : 2T.Q R<*) (t—0) M= 886. Returning to the formula relative to a single covering: z*R'QC(t-0) C' + QR' m (log R' — log R) if we suppose C' to be very small relatively to Q R' N, the for- mula reduces to 2 TT C (t—Q) m (log R— log R' ) an expression independent of Q and decreasing as R' increases; thus in this case the transmission does not change with the nature of the surface. If, on the contrary, the value of C' was very large relatively to the following term we would have M= 2 K Q R' ( t — 0J, an expression independent of (T'and increasing in proportion to the increase of R' . The first supposition is realized with a covering of wool ; the second if we suppose the covering to have almost the conductiv- ity of the metals. 887. The relation of this value of Mto the quantity of heat which would be transmitted under the same circumstances by a bare pipe is evidently equal to C_ R_ R C' + QR' m (log R'—log R) An inspection of this formula will show that it is not always advantageous, as regards the loss of heat, to apply a covering, even one of low conductivity, for the value of this expression is not necessarily less than unity; and for a given value of C' it varies with R and R' . There are certain values of C', belonging to bodies reputed to be poor conductors, which give for ^/values greater than those for a bare pipe, and consequently for these bodies the increase of surface has more effect than the resistance to the transmission of heat through their thickness. 888. I C+,Q R' m (log R' — log R) Assume as before £?— -43+-75 = i-i8 and that the covering material is sawdust mixed with a little clay and cows hair to ren- der it plastic ; we may take C= .80 and therefore C' = .067. We will suppose the boiler to be filled with steam at 212° and the surrounding air to be at 59° Fahrenheit. With the following thicknesses of the covering .4" .8" 1.2" 1.6" 2.0" the formula (a) gives directly for M 113.0 81.8 63.7 52.6 44.7 and by the method of approximation indicated 132.0 89.5 67.4 54.5 45.8 If the surface of the covering is finished by a sheet of Russia iron, we have by the formula 63.8 52.7 45.0 38.8 34.2 and by the method of approximation, 82.7 63.0 51.0 42.8 36.5 (4} It follows from these numbers and from the fact that the emission from the bare surface is 260, that the coverings reduce the transmission to, .509 .344 .259 .210 .176 90 Applications of the Formulas and the same coverings covered with Russia iron : .318 .243 .196 .165 .141 (6) The influence of the Russia iron is very great, but it dimin- ishes with the thickness, for the relations of the corresponding numbers of series 5 and 6 are : .63 .71 .76 '.79 .80 (-]) As the steam pressure increases the percentage of saving due to a covering somewhat increases.* i TRANSMISSION OF HEAT THROUGH SPHERICAL ENVELOPES 895. Preserving the same notation as before, we find 4 TT r * C d t x*» j .. *jl r M=—- -- -j - ; or 4* C' dt= — M-~ dr r2 and integrating between the limits / and /' for t and R and R' for r we find whence M=— K — K But since M=<\ n R'2 Q ( t — 0 ), we may eliminate / and obtain; **CQRR'(t-e) CR+QR' (R'—R) an equation in which M represents the quantity of heat in B. T. U. per hour emitted by the total surface of the sphere. To obtain the emission per square foot, we must evidently divide M by 4 *,£'.*. DIFFUSION OF HEAT 896. In all that precedes we have only considered the trans- mission of heat through a body after the establishment of a per- mament r6gime of temperature. In this case the laws of the trans- mission are very simple, and the formulas that we have given *For a more modern example we may take a Scotch boiler twelve feet in diameter, under liio pounds steam pressure, with the surrounding air at 100°, and covered with two inches of magnesia. The values of C', K, and K', will be .04, .74 and .42 By the formula ./>/=- 53. 7 but by successive approximations thus becomes 55.7. If we jacket the covering with Russia iron the formula gives 44.7 and successive approximations brings this to 48.2. The heat loss from the bare boiler would be (by 807) 685 B. T. TJ. per hour per square foot. The plain covering has a loss of only eight per cent of this amount and when jacketed with Russia iron only seven per cent. Applications of the Formulas 91 allow the computation of the quantities of heat transmitted in the different cases which ordinarily present themselves. But before the establishment of the regime, in bodies limited by two surfaces of which one receives the heat and the other emits it, and during the entire duration of heating, for bodies unlimited in one direc- tion, the temperatures of different points vary with their position and with time, according to very complicated laws, which depend at the same time on the form of the body, on the conductivity of the material of which it is constituted, on its specific heat and on its density ; thus bodies formed of materials which are the best conductors of heat are not always those which disperse it most rapidly, because the dispersion depends on the relation between the conductivity of the material and its specific heat. 897. It results from mathematical calculations, too compli- cated to give here, that if we consider a plane surface of unlimited extent, maintained at a temperature 7, and beneath this surface a homogeneous body, of very great thickness, at the temperature o° Centigrade, after one minute the temperatures at distances of .04" .4" 4-" 40." will be for sand 0.98870. 88y7o. 15470.000 7 limestone 0.99770.97370.7457 o.ooi7 iron 0.99970.99270.92470.3397 coarse grained marble 0.9997*0. 99370. 938?" 0.4397 plaster 0.99670.96270.62470.0007 " motionless water 0.99370.93970.39970.0007 The formula by which these numbers have been com- puted is a rigorous deduction from the fundamental principle of the transmission of heat and this principle has been proven by too great a number of experiments to allow any doubt of its exactitude ; but in establishing this formula the effects of expan- sion and of variation of specific heat with temperature have been neglected; however, since for solid bodies the expansion, varia- tion of specific heat and variation of conductivity are small we may regard the formula as very approximately representing the facts. Thus the numbers which we have given show with what rapidity heat diffuses itself through bodies even when of low con- ductivity, after the establishment of a permanent regime of tem- perature. 92 Applications of the Formulas 899. If we apply the formula to air supposedly motionless, as it would be if heated from above, we would certainly obtain but a rather vague approximation, on account of the large expan- sion that it would experience and the unknown variations of its conductivity with increase of temperature. However, as the results of the calculation may at least give an idea of the rapidity with which heat disseminates itself in air we will indicate them. After one minute and at distances : .04" 4." 4" 40" the temperatures given by the formula are: 0.9997" 0.9967" 0.9607" O.62O7" If the formula employed was truly applicable to air it would result that the dispersion of heat in air would be grater than in any other substance ; but we may certainly conclude from these figures that the diffusion of heat in air takes place with great rapidity. Furthermore this fact explains many phenomena which appear very strange. 900. In churches heated by warm air escaping from a num- ber of openings in the floor, the temperatures of the air at heights of 6^ feet and 66 feet differ by less than two degrees as has been proven at L,a Madeleine and Saint -Roch. In the cooling of bodies by contact of air, the quantity of heat emitted diminishes very slowly with increase of height of the body, which can only be explained by the rapid diffusion of the heat in the surrounding air. Another result of this fact is that in the heating of rooms by open fire places, not only a part of the radiation is utilized but also that portion of the heat pro- duced which is transmitted by diffusion to the surrounding air. 901 . M. Darcy , chief engineer of the ponts et chausstes made very interesting experiments on the cooling of warm water pass- ing through pipes buried in tke ground. The total length of the cast iron pipe was 7610 feet. Its diameter varied between 6.4" and 9.84". The weight of water passing in one second was 8.12 pounds, the cooling was from 80.16° to 69.64° that is to say 10.52°, the loss of heat per second in B. T. U. was then 8.12 X 10.52 = 85.5 and per hour 85.5 X 3600=307800; and as the pipes had a total surface of 16450 square feet, the quantity of heat in B. T. U. per square foot per hour was 1 8. 68 for a mean temper- Applications of the Formulas 93 ature of 74.8°. The time employed by a particle of the liquid in traversing the entire length of the pipe was eight and one-half hours. The liquid when motionless cooled 9.9° in seven hours. It is probable that the transmission is proportional to the excess of the temperature of the pipe above 32°, and for steam would be between 75 and 100 B. T. U. INFLUENCE OF THE VARIATIONS OF EXTERIOR TEMPERATURE ON THE QUANTITY OF HEAT TRANSMITTED THROUGH WALLS 902. In what we have said regarding the transmission of heat through bodies of low conductivity, we have supposed the regime to have been established, and consequently that the inter- ior and exterior temperatures were constant ; ordinarily the heat- ing is regulated so that the interior temperature does not change, but the transmission is always affected by the variations of exter- ior temperature. These variations are of two sorts ; the general decrease and increase of the mean exterior temperature during the season of heating, and the accidental variations which mani- fest themselves almost every day. We will examine the influence of these two in turn. In our climate, * heating generally is necessary from the first of October to the end of April, and during these seven months, the mean exterior temperatures, deduced from the records of ten years, are Oct. Nov. Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 5i-8 45-i 37-4 36-1 39-7 43-9 5°.9 If we assume that the interior temperature is maintained at 59°, that the walls are all exposed to the outer air, and that their thickness is 39.37", the total quantity of heat transmitted per square foot during the total duration of the heating, admitting that the regime is constantly established would be (871) ; 2.59X210X24=13050 #. 7". U. f and the total heat above 32° contained in the wall at 59°; 3.28X62 4 X 2. 2X0.2 X 27 = 2430. This last quantity being less than two-tenths of the first, and the cooling of the wall being never complete, it is easy to see that if the variations of temperature took place gradually, without *Paris, France. fThe average exterior temperature for the seven months is here taken as 42.8° 94 Applications of the Formulas sudden oscillations, that whatever the law according to which the wall cooled during the first part of the winter, and heated during the second part , the quantities of heat emitted and absorbed by the wall, could have but a slight influence on the transmission, according to the hypothesis of a constantly maintained transmis- sion . We see furthermore that during the decrease of the exterior temperature the cooling of the walls diminishes by a small amount the quantity of heat which must be furnished in order to main- tain the interior temperature, and that during the increase of the exterior temperature, there will be more heat to be furnished to. reestablish the original regime throughout the wall. 903. According to what we have just said, the curve of mean monthly temperatures of the heating months presents but one minimum; but each day there are several variations in oppo- site directions so that the actual curve of temperatures shows a great number of sinuosities around the curve of mean temperature. These variations act directly on a heated room through the win- dows, because the windows take almost instantaneously a tem- perature which is a mean between the interior and exterior tem- peratures. It is otherwise with the walls; they furnish, when the exterior temperature falls, a certain quantity of heat, and when the exterior temperature rises again to the original point, they absorb the same quantity of heat, so that the quantity of heat to be furnished to maintain a constant interior temperature, varies much less rapidly than the exterior temperature. Since these variations are equal and of opposite signs in regard to the curve of mean temperature, in whatever way the partial cooling and heating of the wall takes place, the losses and gains end by compensating one another, and the total expenditure of heat dur- ing the heating season remains the same as if the exterior tem- perature had followed the curve of mean monthly temperatures, or as if the exterior temperature had remained constant at the mean temperature for the whole season. This is confirmed by experience. 904. The phenomena produced in walls by sudden varia- tions of the exterior temperature are very complicated. If a fall of temperature takes place there is an increase of loss from the exterior surface, and a decrease in its temperature which spreads Applications of the Formulas 95 little by little even to the inner surface, and if the new tempera- ture of the exterior air lasts sufficiently long, a new regime is established in the wall. During this interval the temperatures of the different points of the walls would undergo changes which it would be actually impossible to calculate, since the calculations would be even more complicated than those regarding the trans- mission of heat in an unlimited medium at constant temperature (897) . But, since walls are rarely more than twenty inches thick, and as the dissemination of heat through bodies, even of the rather low conductivities of materials of construction, takes place with great rapidity, and as the difference of temperature of the two sur- faces are not generally more than a smallnumber of degrees, we may assume that, during all the changes of temperature which precede the establishment of the new regime, the temperatures of the dif- ferent points of the wall increase uniformly from the exterior to the interior. This supposition is never realized, but it allows us to follow approximately the phenomena which accompany a fall of the exterior air temperature. Consider a wall belonging to a room of which none of the other walls are exposed to the exterior air; assume as in para- graph 868, 7^=59°, 0=42.8, C=i3.7i and e=ig.jo, we will have /=54.62°, /'48.i9° and M=$.o8, If the exterior temper- ature became 32°, the formula (a) (864) would give ^=51. 56, /'=39-42, and .$/=8.45, the quantity of heat lost by the wall per square foot in passing from the former regime to the latter would be : and as this cooling takes place while the temperature of the outer surface falls from 48.19 to 39.42, the cooling is decreasing; admitting the hypothesis of a uniform variation of temperature, this cooling would take place in the same time as if the excess of temperature of the outer surface was equal to— or 11.81; and since for an excess of temperature of 16.19, the loss of heat *This figure is just twice that given in P6clet although the equations are other- wise identical. This error appears in both the later editions. 96 Applications of the Formulas per hour is 5.98, * the cooling in question would take place in =6 t 5.98 This supposes the interior temperature to be maintained at 59° , and the cooling of the wall to take place in the way that we have assumed; but in reality the cooling would be much less rapid, because the temperatures of the outer surface would be much lower than we have admitted and because the temperatures of the different layers of the wall would succeed each other according to a different law which would also aid in retarding the cooling. 905. We see from this that if the cooling of a room took place through the walls alone, the variations of the exterior tem- perature would manifest themselves within very slowly, and feebly. But rooms have always glazed windows, and as the glass almost instantaneously assumes the mean of the inner and outer temperatures, we must in order to maintain a constant tempera- ture, supply an increased quantity of heat which will vary with the exterior temperature and is in general very much greater than that which would result from the transmission of heat through the walls. *When the loss was 5.98 B. T. U. the exterior temperature was 42.8° and the temper- ature of the outer surface was 48.19° ; this is an excess of temperature of 5.39° not 16.19°. fThis figure is just twice that given in the original text for the reason explained above. The reasoning inlthis paragraph is certainly difficult to follow. We may consider the problem in another way. P6clet appears to admit that during the cooling of the wall the mean temperature of the outer surface is a mean between its temperatures at the beginning and end of the process. Then we may assume the same to be true for the mean temperature of the inner surface. Then the difference between the emission from the outer surface and the absorption by the inner surface per hour will be the mean amount of the hourly cooling of the wall. Then the total amount of cooling, which we have already calculated, divided by this quantity, will give the time of cooling. The mean temperature of the outer surface is- ' ——=43.81° and its excess over the outer temperature is 43.81°— 32°= 11.81°. Taking Q as in 858 =1.14 we have ; B. T. U. emitted per hour per square foot = 1.14 X 11.81 = 13.47. The mean temperature of the inner surface is— — — 53-O9 The excess is 59 — 53.09 = 5.91 and; B. T. U. absorbed per hour per square foot = 1.14 X 5-91 = 6-74- Then the mean hourly loss of heat by wall = 13.47—6.74=6.73 and the duration of cooling= =42 hours. Applications of the Formulas 97 Consider for example, a room with but one wall exposed to the outer air, with 4.305 square feet of glazed windows and 64.6 square feet of walls of 19.7 inches thich ; the interior temperature being 59° and the outer temperature 42.8° the total quantity of heat transmitted will be ; (S68 and 88 ij. 43.05X8.5 + 64.6X5-05 = 366 + 326 = 692. If we suppose the exterior temperature to fall to 32 °, the quantity of heat transmitted by the windows will rise immediately from 366 to 6 1 1 , whilst the transmission of heat through the walls will rise very slowly in 32 hours, * from 326 to 546, and as a matter of fact the rise will be much slower. Thus the windows have a much greater influence than the walls on the variation of the interior temperature or on the quantity of heat which must be supplied to maintain this temperature, at least unless the walls are very thin and their area very large relative to that of the win- dows. 906. As it is important to have a clear idea of the variations of temperature which take place at the surfaces of walls during the heating season, as well as the quantities of heat transmitted and the quantities of heat contained in the walls, I have computed these different elements for walls of 19.70, 39.37 and 59.07 inches in thickness according to the formulas (870) which assume all the walls exposed to the outer air. I have taken C=i3.jilF= .737 and A^ = .4o whence 15=1.137; and have assumed the specific gravity of the stone to be 2.2 and its specific heat to be .2. Then the quantity of heat contained per square foot of wall at the temperature v will be i X — X62.4X 2.2X2 z>=2.288 e v 12 When the temperatures vary uniformily from /to /', between the two surfaces, the quantity of heat contained in the wall, reckoned from O° would be /+ /' we will designate this quantity 2.288^— — ; 2 by A and we will have, calling the interior temperature of the room T and the exterior temperature 0 : for ^=19.7 inches. *See foot-notes to 904 98 Applications of the Formulas ,820, M=.2i (r-Oj,A = 45 (.33 .67*) for