Fate rhe he Per net Met gtoe @ ' af » ‘* ‘ y } 7s 4 - : 4 +9 ‘ *¢ “a NS ee be ° ‘ i - - ‘ fore fed of ~*~. F ‘;4 ‘ p 0 ey 4% : ; r+ te era? | peered e*s ; : rs ‘ Pod , tem J . ’ i ‘ i ‘ . st 7 ? ee Eee LlLlLlUh 5 Ne ‘a! ely veer ts, 3 “ — ————— ——— if ‘ Ht «cat dily Hl lat i! "hi uM So work the Honey Bees, Creatures, that b y arule in Nature, teach s = a q m : | ' a $ ' & \ is 5 | 2 - id 4 f ? , ry se | 5 | % we’ 4 4G ae | ei a A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE HIVE AND HONEY- BEE, yi om Lp ‘LM ANGSTROTH; AN INTRODUCTION, BY REY. ROBERT BAIRD, D. D. Ba ae : oe var ZB ee fe = ISS ve YG 2 \ Le Rall i = = ¥ oe IP . gg ES = , Ss > = em Z it “iG ao ‘| « et 2 A 4 } | eee Nae SF . (A =e Z CA é ; . HE YES Z 'e ; P a 53 ee LOT ok Ly up ~~ eee + 7 THIRD EDITION, BEVIBED, AND ILLUSTRATED WITH SEVENTY-SEVEN ENGRAVINGS. NEW YORK: C..M. SAXTON, 25 PARK ROW, 1863. ae ee Sl ee Te ef ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, ir the year 185y, ~ By L. L, LANGSTROTH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. — ——_—___~ In exch. D, of O. Pub. Li.. ae 7 1908 _—_ RELAIS Cee ie ee _— 2 ? Jonn A. Dovctas & Co, Stereotypora, 183 William Street, N. Y. INTRODUCTION. I am happy to learn from my friend Mr. Lanesrrorn, that a new edition of his work on the Hive and Honey- _ Bee is called for; I consider it by far the most valuable- treatise on these subjects, which has come nnder my - notice. _ Some years before it was published, I became acquainted with the main characteristics of his system of _ Bee-culture, and even then, I believed it to be incompar- ably superior to all others of which I had either read or heard. This conviction has been amply strengthened by the testimony of others, as well as by results which have come under my own observatiom In my early life I had no inconsiderable experience in the management of bees, and I am bold to say that the hive which Mr. Lanestrorsa has invented, is in all respects greatly superior to any which I have ever seen, either in this or foreign countries. Indeed, I do not believe that any one who takes an intelligent interest in the rearing of bees, can for a moment hesitate to use it; or, rather, can be induced to use any other, when he becomes acquainted with its nature and merits. At ae the true secret has been discovered, of iii I . | | | 1V ree ee INTRODUCTION. making these most industrious, interesting, and useful of insect-communities, work in habitations both comfortable to themselves and wonderfully convenient for their aggre- gation, division, and rapid increase; and all this without diminishing their productive labor, or resorting to the ‘cruel measure of destroying them. Mr. Lanestroru teaches us in his book, how bees can be taken care of without great labor, and without the risk of suffering from the weapon which the Creator has given them for self-defence. Even a delicate lady need not fear to undertake the task of cultivating this fascinating branch of Rural Economy. Nothing is easier for any family that resides in a favorable situation, than to have a: number of colonies, and this at but little expense. I sincerely hope that many will avail themselves of the facilities now placed before them for prosecuting this easy branch of. industry, not only for the sake of the . large profit in proportion ‘to its expense, which it may be made to yield, but also for the substantial pleasure which they may find in observing the habits of, these wonderful little creatures.. How remarkably does their entire econ- omy illustrate the wisdom and skill of the GREAT AUTHOR of all things. I cannot but believe that many Ministers of the cinch, residing in rural districts, will accept of Mr. Lanestroru’s generous offer to give them the free use of his Invention, With very little labor or expense, they can derive from bee-keeping considerable profit, as well as much pleasure INTRODUCTION. bs No industrial or material employment can be more inno- cent, or less inconsistent with their proper work. There are few portions of our country which are not admirably adapted to the culture of the Honey-Bee. The _ wealth of the nation might be increased by millions of 7 dollars, if every family favorably situated for bee-keeping . _ would keep a few hives. No other branch of industry can be named, in which there need be so little loss on _ the material that is employed, or which so completely derives its profits from the vast and exhaustless domains of Nature. | 3 I trust that Mr. heal labors will contribute greatly to promote a department of Rural Economy, which in this country has hitherto received so little scientific attention. He well deserves the name of Benefactor ; infinitely more 80 than many who in all countries and in all ages have received that honorable title. Not many years will pass away without seeing his important inven- tion brought into extensive use, both in the Old and New World. Its great merits need only to be known; and | this, Time will gi a bring about. ROBERT BAIRD. PREFACE. ENcovraceD by the favor with which the former edi. tions of this work have been received, I submit to the public a Revised Edition, illustrated by additional wood- cuts, and containing my latest discoveries and improve- ments. The information which it presents, is adapted not only to those who use the Movable-Comb Hive, but to all who aim at profitable bee-keeping, with any hive, or on any system of management. ‘Debarred, to a great extent, by ill-health, from the ap- propriate duties of my profession, and compelled to seek an employment calling me as much as possible into the open air, I cherish the hope that my labors in an impor- tant department of Rural Economy, may prove service- able to the community. Bee-keeping is regarded in Europe as an intellectual pursuit, and no one who studies the wonderful habits of this useful insect, will ever find the materials for new observations exhausted. The Cre. ator has stamped the seal of his Infinity on all his works, so that it is impossible, even in the minutest, “‘ by search- ing to find out the Almighty to perfection.” In none vill ° PREFACE. of them, however, has he displayed himself more clearly than in the economy of the Honey-Bee: “What well-appointed commonwealths! where each Adds to the stock of happiness for all; Wisdom’s own forums! whose professors teach Eloquent lessons in their vaulted hall! Galleries of art! and schools of industry! — Stores of rich fragrance! Orchestras of song! What marvellous seats of hidden alchemy! How oft, when wandering far and erring long, Man might learn truth and virtue from the BEE! ! | | Bownrine. _ The attention of Ministers of the Gospel i is particularly invited to this branch of Natural History. An intimate acquaintance with the wonders of the Bee-Hive, while beneficial to them in many «ways, ‘might lead them, in | their preaching, to imitate more closely the example of Him who illustrated his teachings by “the birds of the air, and the lilies of the field,” as well as the common ; . walks of life, and the busy pursuits of men. It affords me sincere pleasure to acknowledge my obli- gations to Mr. Samurn Wacner, of York, Pennsylvania, for material assistance in the preparation of this Treatise. To his extensive and accurate acquaintance with Bee- keeping in Germany, my readers will find themselves indebted for much exceedingly valuable information. L. L. LANGSTROTH. — OxrorD, Butter County, Onto, March, 1859. TABLE OF CONTENTS. List of Plates and Explanation of Wood-Cuts Illustrating the facural History of. Bees. .... 0... cccsccvavese fe hs ask I. Facts connected with the invention of the Movable-Comb Ms Ge ONS, «See CE US «tise pales See twee II. The Honey-Bee capable of being tamed.............0.- III. The Queen, or Mother-Bee.—The Drones.—The Workers. —Facts in their Natural History...........eeeeeees SN ee ae i medad é, ahi bhew eat iee's iE TOpPOls, . . 242. Speer ee onahs cieied coed aa enenies VI. Pollen, or ‘‘ Bee Bread.”...........000: ote eeecenees VII. Ventilation of the Bee-Hive............. ceminwe eas ‘, VIil. Requisites of a Complete Hive.......... gasiektin haa IX. Natural Swarming, and Hiving of Swarms...... SEER Pee artificial SWATMING. 2... ee cee e eet Lah eee een ie Mewlof ther Queen.os 2. s O81. S288. CAEL etaahion pa. The Bee-Moth, and other Enemies of Bees.—Diseases of Si ia a ts Ce Wainy Gla iA wy) Pix. aaron abewemryir wee oes XIII. Robbing, and how Prevented..........+-seeeeeeees ‘ XIV. Directions for Feeding Bees.............-. ee ae ee XV. The Apiary.—Procuring Bees to Stock it.—Transferring Bees from Common to Movable-Comb Hives...... ts ET in dc buns oh Rs wee 5 Sue wk as tn games Sa XVII. Bee-Pasturage.—Over-Stocking............0seeeseees 1x | PAGE. 9 a 13 24 x TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER. . : PAGE. XVIII. The Anger of Bees.—Remedies for their Stings ....... 308 XIX. The Italian Honey-Bee.......... aa = Senn Be -- 818 XX. Size, Shape, and Materials for Hives.—Observing-Hives. $29 XXL Winterin# Bees,,.. <<. «+++ sao» emaies an ob gu enn XXII. Bee-Keeper’s Calendar.—Bee-Keeper’s Axioms......... 862 Explanation of Wood-Cuts of Movable-Comb Hives, with Bills of Stock for making them............ OS ein occceg sees Rha! Copious Alphabetical Index.....,.ceccsesscccccecscccscecss S386 Bis OFf ry LAT ES. PAGE. : PAGE, Frontisp yh Fda ihe element AER EA cab idees Seouavuker te sawed Riceable-Comb Hive, with full glass MEER cas ohne s api eeaaee ieee 128 arrangement............ oe codes Say 0 ORR EPE bos tacance pack te Caad oe 144 SERS SR ene ene O84 * RIV ois ue sfie ree 168 os on ane ee oases Te dy Eee | eR RTE Ay Rae. 192 eae Bibi <5 ete Cage herein Sipe 1 ita 216 ec ditnn con aaca cs ees OO)", Vibe nant tteupeess .2bs 9 Ns on cus con ems BAAS KVL nk wanigs seit $A Ae 264 ES ene af > eokaie 9 9 el Sedactngi ay tie’ ears 288 SE, 2s ee deco sees i ae ©. Opcegee Senet ate ek 81h Sg ee Rr oe. ©. se FURS See tick « 350 rere YE ee So 4s SSS eg eee aa 360 Res AL Goe, tess ives Liven’! O6 tM HXTT... eee ee sees eeee eee 368 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATES I. to XI. inclusive, show the various styles of Movable-Comb Hives, and the Implements used in the Apiary. For explanation of these plates, see ; p. 371. PLATE XII.—Frés. 31, 32—Queen-Bee, of magnified and natural size. See p. 30. Frias. 33, 34.—Drone, of magnified and natural size. See p. 49. Fies. 35, 36.— Worker, of magnified and natural size. See p. 54. These Illustrations were copied (with some alterations) from Bagster. PLATE XIII.—Fie. 37.—Scales of Wax, highly magnified. See p. 69. Fie. 38.— Abdomen of a Worker-Bee, magnified, and showing the exuding scales _ of wax. See p. 69. Fre. 39.—Section of a Cell, magnified, and showing the usual position of the egg. - See p. 44. Fre. 40.—Larve of Bees, in various stages of development. See p, 44. Fic 41.—Section of a Cell, magnified, and showing Larva, See p. 44, Fie ‘42,—-Worker-Larva, fully grown, and ready to spin its beigaiea See p. 45. Fie. 43.—Worker-Nymph. See p. 40. Fie, 49.—A Queen-Cell of the natural size. See p. 62. Fie. 50.—A Queen-Cell cut open, to show the unhatched queen. See p. 62. Fic, 44—Eggs of the Bee-Moth, of natural and magnified size, See p. 234, Fia. 45.—Larve of the Bee-Moth, fully grown. See p. 281. xl abe xii EXPLANATION OF PLATES. | ; Fia. 46.—Female Bee-Moth. See p. 229. Fie. 59.—Female Bee-Moth, with Ovipositor extruded, and eggs — through it. See p. 230. Fie. 60.—Male Bee-Moth. See p. 229. Fig. 61.—Small Male Bee-Moth. See p. 229, Fie. 62.—Head of Mexican Honey-Hornet, magnified. See p. 87. Fie. 63.—Head of Honey-Bee, magnified. See p. 87.. Fries. 64, 65.—Jaws of Honey-Hornet and Honey-Bee, magnified. See p. 87. Some of these Illustrations were taken from Swammerdam, ari and Huber. PLATE XIV.—For an explanation of this plate, which represents the different — kinds of Cells in the Honey-Comb, see p. 66, PLATE XV.—For an explanation of Fie. 48, which represents Worker and Drone Comb, of natural size, see p. T4. Fie. 58.—A Group of Queen Cells, drawn from a specimen found in the een ~ hive. See p. 191. : PLATE XVI.—Fie. 51.—Proboscis of a Worker-Bee, highly magnified. See p. 56. Fia. 63, Phat XIII., shows the Proboscis attached to the head. Fie, 52.—Abdomen of a Worker-Bee, magnified. PLATE XVII.—F re. 53.—Sting of a Worker, highly magnified. des p. 56. Fie. 54.—Honey-sac, Intestines, Stomach, and Rectum of a Worker-Bee. See p. 56. PLATE XVIII.—For an explanation of this plate, which represents the Ovaries (and adjacent parts) of a Queen-Bee, see p. 385. PLATE XIX.—F ie. 56.—Cocoons spun by Larvev of the Bee-Moth. Seep. 233. PLATE XX.—Fie. 57.—Mass of Webs, Cocoons, and Excrements left in a Hive destroyed by the Larve ofthe Bee-Moth. Seep. 235, PLATE XXI.—Fies, 66, 67, 68, 69, and 70.—German method of Wintering Bees See p. 848. PLATE XXII.~—Fie. 71 is the Frontispiece to the First Edition. See p. 831, PLATE XXITI.—Shows the position in which a Frame is held when taken frame the Movable-Comb Hive.—See p. 171. WB // fy ie Movable Comb Hive, with full Glass Arrangement. THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. CHAPTER I. FACTS CONNECTED WITH THE INVENTION OF THE MOVABLE: COMB BEE-HIVE. | Pracricat bee-keeping in this country is in a very | depressed condition, being entirely neglected by the mass __ of those most favorably situated for its pursuit. Notwith- | standing the numerous hives which have been introduced, _ the ravages of the bee-moth have increased, and success j is becoming more and more precarious. While multi- - tudes haye abandoned the pursuit in disgust, many even of the most experienced are beginning to suspect that all the so called “Improved Hives” are delusions or impos- tures; and that they must return to the simple box or hollow log, and “take up” their bees with re in the old-fashioned way. In the present state of public opinion, it requires no little confidence to introduce another patent hive, and a new system of management; but believing that a new era in bee-keeping has arrived, I invite the attention of Apiarians to the perusal of this Manual, trusting that it will convince them that there is a better way than any with which they have yet become acquainted. They will here find a clear explanation of many hitherto mysterious 13 14 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. points in the physiology of the honey-bee, together with much valuable information never before communicated to the public. , It is now more bhis twenty years since I — my attention to the keeping of bees. The state of my health of late years having compelled me to live much in the open air, I have devoted a large portion of my time toa minute investigation of their habits, as well as to a series © of careful experiments in the construction and manage- ment of hives. Very early in my Apiarian studies I constructed a hive on the plan of the celebrated Huber; and by verifying some of his most valuable discoveries ‘boon convinced that the prejudices existing against him were entirely unfounded. Believing that his discoveries laid the founda- tion for a more profitable system of bee-keeping, I began tc experiment with hives of various construction. Though the result of these investigations fell far short of my expectations, some of these hives now contain vigorous stocks fourteen years old, which without feeding have endured all the vicissitudes of some of the worst seasons ever known for bees. While I felt confident that my hive possessed valuable peculiarities, I still found myself unable to remedy many oi the perplexing casualties to which bee-keeping is liable ; _ and became convinced that no hive could do this, unless it gave the complete control of the combs, so that any or ali of them might be removed at pleasure. The use of the Euber hive had satisfied me, that with proper precautions the combs might be removed without enraging the bees, and that these insects were capable of being tamed to a surprising degree. Without a knowledge of these facts, I should have regarded a hive permitting the removal of the combs, as quite too dangerous for practical use. At MOVABLE-COMB HIVE. 15 first, I used movable slats or bars placed on rabbets in the front and back of the hive. The bees began their combs upon these bars, and then fastened them to the sides of the hive. By severing these attachments, the combs could be removed adhering to the bars.x There was nothing new in the use of such bars—the invention being probably a hundred years old—and the chief peculiarity in my hive was the facility with which they could be removed without enraging the bees, and their combina- ‘tion with my improved mode of obtaining the surplus honey. With hives of this construction, I experimented on a larger scale than ever, and soon arrived at very important results. I could dispense entirely with natural swarming, — and yet multiply colonies with greater rapidity and cer- tainty than by the common methods. All feeble colonies could be strengthened, and those which had lost their queen furnished with the means of obtaining another. If I suspected that any thing was wrong with a hive, I could | quickly ascertain its true condition, and apply the proper remedies. In short, I felt satisfied that bee-keeping could be made highly profitable, and as mnch a matter of cer- tainty, as most branches of rural economy. ° One thing, however, was still wanting. The outing of the combs from their attachments to the sides of the hive, was attended with much loss of time both to myself and the bees. This led me to invent a method by which the combs were attached to MOVABLE FRAMES, so suspended in the hives as to touch neither the top, bottom, nor sides, By this device the combs could be removed at pleasure, without any cutting, and speedily transferred to another hive. After experimenting largely with hives of this con- eekticn, I find that they aac answer the ends proposed in their invention. 16 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. In the Summer of 1851 I ascertained that bees could be made to work in glass hives, exposed to the full light of day. This discovery procured me the pleasure of an “acquaintance with Rev. Dr. Berg, then pastor of a Reformed Dutch Church, in Philadelphia. From him I first learned that a Prussian clergyman of the name of Dzierzon,* was attracting the attention of crowned heads by his discoveries in the management of bees. Before he — communicated to me the particulars of these discoveries, I explained to Dr. Berg my own system and showed him my hive. He expressed great astonishment at the won- derful similarity in our methods of management, neither of us having any knowledge of the labors of the other. Our hives he found to differ in some very important respects. In Dzierzon’s hive, the combs not bemg attached to moyable frames but to bars, cannot be removed without cutting. In my hive, any comb may be taken out without removing the others; whereas in the Dzierzon hive, it is often necessary to cut and remove many combs to get access to a particular one; thus if the tenth from the end is to be removed, nine must be taken out. The German hive does not furnish the surplus honey in a form the most salable in our markets, or admitting of safe transportation in the comb. Notwith- standing these disadvantages, it has achieved a great _ triumph in Germany, and given a new re to the cultivation of bees. | The following letter from Samuel By Soa ws Cashier of the Bank of York, in York, Pennsylvania, will show the results obtained in Germany by the new system of man- agement, and his estimate of the superior value of my hive to those there in use. _ * Pronounced Tseertsone. yr a - -MOVABLE-COMB HIVE. _ 17 RAH vis _. “York, Pa., Dec. 24, 1852. “Dear Srr:—The Dzierzon theory and the system of bee-management based thereon, were originally promul- gated hypothetically in the ‘ Eichstadt Bienen-zeitung,? or Bee-Journal, in 1845, and at once arrested my attention. Subsequently, when in 1848 at the instance of the Prus: sian Government, the Rev. Mr. Dzierzon published his ‘Theory and Practice of Bee Culture,’ I imported a copy which reached me in 1849, and which I translated prior to January, 1850. Before the translation was completed I received a visit from my friend the Rev. Dr. Berg, of Philadelphia, and in the course of conversation on bee- keeping, mentioned to him the Dzierzon theory and system as one which I regarded as new and very superior, though I had had no opportunity for testing it practically. In February following, when in Philadelphia, I left with him the translation in manuscript—up to which period I doubt whether any other person in this country had any knowledge of the Dzierzon theory ; except to Dr. Berg, I had never mentioned it to any one save in very general terms. | ; “In September 1851, Dr. Berg again visited York, and stated to me your investigations, discoveries and inven- tions. From the account Dr. Berg gave me, I felt assured that you had devised substantially the same system as that so successfully pursued by Mr. Dzierzon; but how far your hive resembled his I was unable to judge from - description alone. I inferred, however, several points of difference.- The coincidence as to system, and the princi- ples on which it was evidently founded, struck me as exceedingly singular and interesting, because I felt confi- dent that you had no more knowledge of Mr. Dzierzon and his labors, before Dr. Berg mentioned him and his book to you, than Mr. Dzierzon had of you. These cir- 18 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. cumstances made me very anxious to examine your hives, and induced me to visit your Apiary in the village of. West Philadelphia, last August. In the absence of the keeper I took the liberty to explore the premises thoroughly, opening and inspecting a number of the hives and noticing the internal arrangement of the parts. The result was, that I came away convinced that though | your system was based on the same principles as Dzierzon’s, | | _ your hive was almost totally different from his both in con- struction and arrangement; and that while the same objects. substantially are attained by each, your hive is more sim- | ple, more convenient, and much better adapted for general | introduction and use, since the mode of using it can be more easily taught. Of its ultimate and triumphant success I have no doubt. I sincerely believe that when it | comes under the notice of Mr. Dzierzon, he will himself prefer it to his own. It in fact combines all the good properties which a hive ought to possess, while it is free from the complication, clumsiness, vain whims and deci- — dedly objectionable features which characterize most of the inventions which profess to be at all superior to the — box, or the common chamber hive. “You may certainly claim équal credit with Daiesson for originality in observation and discovery in the natural. history of the honey-bee, and for success in deducing prin- ciples and devising a most valuable system of management from observed facts. But in invention, as far as neatness, _ compactness, and adaptation of means to ends are con- . cerned, the sturdy German must yield the palm to you. — “T send you herewith some interesting: statements: respecting Dzierzon, and the estimate in which his synient al is held in Germany. Very truly yours, jOfee. | SAMUEL Riissiheglain Rev. L. L. Lanestroru.” . | MOVABLE-COMB HIVE. . 19 } ~The following are the statements to which Mr. Wagner refers : e the best test of the value of Mr. Dzierzon’s system 8 the results which have been made to flow from it, a. brief account of its rise and progress may be found interesting. In 1835, he commenced bee-keeping in the common way with twelve colonies, and after various mis-_ haps which taught him the defects of the common hives "and the old mode of management, his stock was so reduced, that, m 1838, he had virtually to begin anew. At this period he contrived his improved hive, in its ruder form, ‘which gave him the command over all the.combs, and he began to experiment on the theory which observation and ‘study had enabled him to devise. Thenceforward his | progress was as rapid, as his success was complete and Geeepbant. Though he met with frequent reverses, ‘ about seventy colonies having been stolen from him, sixty | destroyed by fire, and twenty-four by a flood, yet, in 1846, his stock had increased to three hundred and sixty colo- : nies, and he realized from them that year six thousand | pounds of honey, besides several hundred weight of wax. _ At the same time, most of the cultivators in his vicinity who pursued the common methods, had fewer hives than | they had when he commenced. | te “In the year 1848, a fatal pestilence, known by the name of ‘foul brood,’ prevailed among his bees, and destroyed nearly all his colonies before it could be sub- _dued, only about ten having escaped the malady which | attacked alike the old stocks and his artificial swarms. He estimates his entire loss that year at over five hundred colonies. Nevertheless, he succeeded so well in multi- plying by artificial swarms, the few that remained healthy, that, in the Fall of 1851, his stock consisted of nearly four 20 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. eat 7 hundred colonies. He must therefore have multiplied his stocks more than three-fold each year. Fog | “The highly prosperous condition of his osteeiee idl | attested by the Report of the Secretary of the Annual | -Apiarian Convention, which met in his vicinity last Spring. This Convention, the fourth which has been held, con- sisted of one hundred and twelve experienced and enthu- jj _siastic bee-keepers from various districts of Germany and | neighboring countries, and among them were some who, when they assembled, were strong opposers of his system. ° “They visited and personally examined the Apiaries of Mr. Dzierzon. The report speaks in the very highest | terms of his success, and of the manifest superiority of | his system of management. He exhibited and satisfac- torily explained to his visitors his practice and principles; and they remarked with astonishment the singular | docility of his bees, and the thorough control to which — they were subjected. After a full detail of the proceed- — ings, the Secretary goes on to say: | “¢ Now that I have seen Dzierzon’s method practically | demonstrated, I must admit that it is attended with fewer difficulties than I had supposed. With his hive and system of management, it would seem that bees become at once more docile than they are in other cases. I consider his system the simplest and best means of elevating bee-cul- ture to a profitable pursuit, and of spreading it far and wide over the land; especially as it is adapted to districts in which the bees do not readily and regularly swarm. His eminent success in re-establishing his stock after suf fering so heavily from the devastating pestilence ; in short the recuperative power of the system, demonstrates con- clusively that it furnishes the best, perhaps the only means of re-instating bee-culture to a profitable branch o1 rural economy. és -? ty = y TP. > ll SS —— = bs iM ve Wa iH irs a il Sil —— the 2. a eee rer ae y i ae Ta “1 MOVABLE-COMB HIVE. 91 “¢Dzierzon modestly disclaimed the idea of having attained perfection in his hive. He dwelt rather upon the truth and importance of his theory and system of manage- ment.’ on ' “ From the Leipzig Illustrated Almanac—Report on : riculture for 1846: pug _“*¢ Bee-culture is no longer regarded as of any import- ance in rural economy.’ _ “ From the same, for 1851 and 1853 : “¢Since Dzierzon’s system has been made known, an entire revolution in bee-culture has been produced. A _ new era has been created for it, and bee-keepers are turn- | ing their attention to it with renewed zeal. The merits | of his discoveries are appreciated by the Government, "and they recommend his system as worthy the attention | of the teachers of common schools.’ '_ “Mr. Dzierzon resides in a poor, sandy district of Lower | Silesia, which according to the common notions of Apia- rians is unfavorable to bee-culture. Yet, despite of this _ and of various other mishaps, he has succeeded in realiz- ing nine hundred dollars as the product of his bees in one season ! | _ “By his mode of management, his bees yield even in ‘the poorest years from 10 to 15 per cent. on the capital "invested; and where the colonies are produced by the - Apiarian’s own skill and labor, they cost him only about one-fourth the price at which they are usually valued. In ordinary seasons, the profit amounts to from 30 to 50 per cent., and in very favorable seasons from 80 to 100 per cent.” sri rae : In communicating these facts to the public, I take an honest pride in establishing my claim to having matured _ by my own independent discoveries, the system of bee: re ae |. on e ee, wu > have great influence in disseminating information, awaken- | 22 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. culture which has excited so much interest in Germany ; I desire also to have the testimony to the merits of my hive, of Mr. Wagner, who is extensively known as an able | German scholar. He has taken all the numbers of the Bee- Journal, which has been published monthly for more than || nineteen years, in Germany; and he is undoubtedly more | familiar than any other man in this country with the state of Apiarian culture abroad. | og | I wish, also, to show that the importance which I ‘ttnclh ; to my system of management, is amply justified by the success of those who, by the same system, even with infe- | rior hives, have attained results which to common bee. | | keepers seem almost incredible. Inventors are prone to. ; form exaggerated estimates of the value of their labors; | and the public has been so often deluded by patent hives — which have utterly failed to answer their professed ie | that they can scarcely be blamed for rejecting ome new — one as unworthy of confidence. fete An American Bee-Journal, properly conducted, would | ing enthusiasm, and guarding the public against the | miserable impositions to which it hasso long been subject | ed. Three such journals have been published monthly, in Germany ; and their circulation has widely disseminated those principles which must constitute the foundation ot any enlightened and profitable system of bee-culture. — ~ ! While many. of the principal facts in the physiology of | the honey-bee were long ago discovered, it has unfortu- | nately happened that some of the most important have _ béen the most widely discredited. In themselves, they are so wonderful, and to those who have not witnessed | them, ofter so incredible, that it is not strange that they | have been rejected as fanciful conceits or bare-faced — inventions. went > | | MOVABLE-COMB HIVE. 23 For more than half a century, hives have been in use containing only one comb inclosed on both sides by glass. These hives are darkened by shutters, and when opened ‘the queen is as much exposed to observation as the other ‘bees. I have discovered that, with proper precautions, ‘colonies can be made to work in observing-hives exposed ‘continually to the full light of day; so that observations may be made at all times, without interrupting by any ‘sudden admission of light the ordinary operations of the © ‘bees. In such hives, many intelligent persons from vari- -ous States in the Union have seen the queen-bee deposit- ing her eggs in the cells, while surrounded by an affection- ‘ate circle of her devoted children. They have also wit- nessed with astonishment and delight, all the mysterious steps in the process of raising queens from eggs, which with the ordinary development would have produced only the common bees. Often for more than three | months, there has not been a day in my Apiary in which some colonies were not engaged in rearing new queens to supply the place of those taken from them; and I have had the pleasure of exhibiting these facts to bee-keepers who never before felt willing to credit them. | As all my hives are made so that each comb can be taken out and examined at pleasure, those who use them can obtain all the information which they need without ‘taking anything upon trust. May I be permitted to ex- press the hope, that the time is now at hand when the number of practical observers will be so multiplied, and the principles of bee-keeping so thoroughly understood, that ignorant and designing men will not be able to im- pose their conceits and falsehoods upon the public, by depreciating the discoveries of those who have devoted years of observation to the advancement of Apiarian knowledge! 2 24 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BER. CHAPTER rs THE HONEY-BEE CAPABLE OF BEING TAMED, “3 . Ir the bee had not such a eesti didile weapon both: of offence and defence, multitudes who now fear it might easily be induced to enter upon its cultivation. As my system of management takes the greatest possible liberties | with this irascible insect, I deem it important to show i ae the very outset how all necessary operations may be per- formed without incurring any serious risk of exciting its anger. Many persons, have been unable to suppress their aston- ishment, as they have seen- me opening hive after hive, removing the combs covered with bees, and shaking them off in front of the hives ; forming new swarms, exhibiting _ the queen, transferring the bees with all their stores to another hive; and in short, dealing with them as if they were as Georaiies as flies. I have sometimes been asked, if the hives I was opening had not been subjected to a long course of training; when they contained swarms ‘which had been brought only the day before to my Apiary. | 1 shall, in this chapter, anticipate some principles in the natural history of the bee, to convince my readers that any” one favorably situated may enjoy the pleasure and profit of a pursuit which has been appropriately styled, “the poetry of rural economy,” without being made too famil- iar with a sharp little weapon which can speedily convert — all the poetry into very sorry prose. roy Jt must be manifest to every reflecting mind, that the Creator tended the bee, as truly as the horse or the cow, for the comfort of man. In the early ages of the world, Puiate II, Fig. 5. Fig. 4. | pa SS | Oe! ee ae ee ee rs Te ee eee r THE HONEY-BEE CAPABLE OF BEING TAMEL . 25 bg and indeed until quite modern times, honey was almost _ the only natural sweet; and the promise of “a land flowing with milk and honey” had once a significance which it is difficult for us fully to realize. The honey-bee, therefore, was created not merely to store up its delicious nectar for its own use, but with certain propensities, with- | 4 out which man could no more subject it to his control, than he could make a useful beast of burden of a lion or a tiger. One of the peculiarities which constitutes the founda- tion of my system of management, and indeed of the possibility of domesticating at all so irascible an insect, has never to my knowledge been clearly stated as a great and controlling principle. It may be thus expressed: A honey-bee when filled with honey never volunteers an attack, but acts solely. on the defensive. This law of the honeyed tribe is so universal, that a stone might as soon be expected to rise into the air without any propelling power, as a bee well filled with honey to offer to sting, unless crushed or injured by some direct assault. The man who first attempted to hive a swarm of bees, must have been agreeably surprised at the ease with which he was able to accomplish: the feat; for it is wisely ordered that bees, when intending to swarm, should fill their honey-bags to their utmost capacity. They are thus so peaceful that they can easily be secured by man, besides having materials for commencing opera- | tions immediately in their new habitation, and being in no danger of starving if several stormy days should fol- low their emigration. Bees issue from their hives in the most yeadedbte mood imaginable ; and unless abused allow themselves to be treated with great familiarity. The hiving of them might always be conducted without risk, if there were 26 _ THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. not occasionally some improvident or unfortunate ones, who, coming forth without the soothing supply, are filled - instead with the bitterest hate against any one daring to. meddle with them. Such thriftless radicals are always to- be dreaded, for they must vent their spleen on Selopbeh si even though they perish in the act. : wer If a whole colony on sallying forth pdsdedana sak Bir ferocious spirit, no one could hive them unless clad in a coat of mail, bee-proof; and not even then, until all the windows of his house were closed, his domestic animals. bestowed in some place of safety, and sentinels posted at suitable stations to warn all comers to keep at a safe dis-. tance. In short, if the propensity to be exceedingly good-natured after a hearty meal had not been given to the bee, it could never have been domesticated,.and our honey would still be procured from the clefts of rocks or the hollows of trees. A second peculiarity in the nature of the bee, of which. we may avail ourselves with great success, may be thus stated : | Bees cannot under any circumstances resist the aa tation to fill themselves with liquid sweets. It would be quite as difficult for them to do this, as ba an inveterate miser to despise a golden shower of double eagles falling at his feet and soliciting his appropriation. If, then, when we wish to perform any operation which might provoke them, we can contrive to call their atten- — tion to a treat of flowing sweets, we may be sure that under its genial influence they will allow us to do what we please, so long as we do not hurt them. | Special care should be used not to handle them bia ly, for they will never allow themselves to be pinched or hurt without thrusting out their sting to resent the in- — dignity. If, as soon as a hive is opened, the exposed THE HONEY-BEE CAPABLE OF BEING TAMED. 27 > af el oe a em = jak faithful horse. Equipped with a bee-hat (Pl. XL, Figs. 25, 27) arid india-rubber gloves, even the most~ tients by availing themselves of these principles, may open my hives and deal with their bees with a freedom astonishing to many of the oldest cultivators on the common plan: for in the management of the most extensive Apiary, no operation will ever be necessary, which, by exasperating a whole colony, impels them to assail with almost i irr ee —e , the apa of the bee-keeper. aa Z) 7 | Fig. 12. PLATE III. WML “NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BER. 299 CHAPTER Ifl.- _ THE QUEEN, OR MOTHER-BEE ; THE DRONES ; THE WORKERS} FACTS IN THEIR NATURAL HISTORY. -Honry-Bzress can flourish only when associated in large numbers, as in a colony. In a solitary state, a single bee is almost as helpless as a new-born child, being paralyzed by the chill of a cool Summer night. If a strong colony preparing to swarm is examined, three kinds of bees will be found in the hive. | 1st, One bee of peculiar shape, commonly called the Queen-Bee. 2d, Some hundreds and often thousands of large bees, called Drones. 3d, Many thousands of a smaller kind, called Workers, or common bees, such as are seen on the blossoms. Many of the cells will be found to contain honey and bee- bread; and vast numbers of eggs and immature workers and drones. A few cells of unusual size are devoted to the rearing of young queens. On Plate XII., the queen, drone, and worker are Frpresensgd as magnified, and also of the natural size. _ The gueen-bee is the only perfect female in the hive, and all the eggs are laid by her. The drones are the males, and the workers, females whose ovaries, or “ egg- bags,” are so imperfectly developed that they are incapa- ble of breeding; and which retain the instinct of females, only so far as to take care of the brood. _ These facts have been demonstrated so repeatedly, that they are as well established as the most common laws in the breeding of our domestic animals. The knowledge 30 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. © of them in their most important bearings, is essential to all who would realize large profits from improved methods of rearing bees. Those who will not acquire the neces- _ sary information, if they keep bees at all, should manage them in the old-fashioned way, which demands the mated est amount of knowledge and skill. . IT am well aware how difficult it is to reason with bee- ~ y keepers, who have been so often imposed upon, that they — have no faith in statements made by any one interested | in a patent hive; or who stigmatize all knowledge which does not square with their own, as mere “ book knowl- edge” unworthy the attention of practical men. If any such read this book, let me remind them that all my assertions may be put to the test. So long as the interior of a hive was to common observers a profound mystery, ignorant or designing men might assert what they pleased of what passed in its dark recesses; but now, when every comb can in a few moments be exposed to the full light of day, the man who publishes his own con- ceits for facts, will speedily earn the character both of a fool and an imposter. , The Queen-Bee, as She is the common ie. mother of the whole colony, may very properly be called the mother-bee. She reigns most unquestionably by a divine Behe for every good mother ought to be a * queen in her own family. Her shape is m widely different from that of the other bees. While she is not near so bulky as a drone, her body is longer ; and as it is considerably more tapering, or sugar- loaf in form than that of a worker, she has a somewhat wasp-like appearance. Her wings are much shorter in proportion than those of the drone, or worker; the under part of her body is ofa golde1 color, and the upper part f f _ ” om A . iy . g ) R ri i 2 4 j ae ea Se » —_— —s- | we NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE, 81 ~ usually darker than that of the other bees. Her motions are generally slow and matronly, although she can, when she pleases, move with astonishing quickness. No colony can long exist without the presence of this all-important insect; but must as surely perish, as the body without the spirit must hasten to inevitable decay. The queen is treated with the greatest respect and affection by the bees. ) WE | SCS... GE. SS WW °’ BCDCDE@C ISS a. SSNS aS | _N : 2 J TT Ea rygiegf i lit a kl (A tri PERT uff set icant ere se Ce ere NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE, 37 times, when a colony which has lost its queen despairs of obtaiming another, these drone-laying workers are exalted to her place, and treated with equal regard by the bees. Huber ascertained that fertile workers are usually reared in the neighborhood of the young queens, and thought that they received some particles of the peculiar — food or jelly on which these queens are fed. He did not pretend to account for the effect on the queen of retarded impregnation ; and made no experiments on the fecunda- tion of fertile workers. Since the publication of Huber’s work more than sixty years ago, no light has been shed upon the mysteries of drone-laying queens and workers, until quite recently. Dzierzon appears to have been the first to ascertain the - truth on this subject; and his discovery must certainly be ranked among the most astonishing facts in all the range of animated nature. It seems at first view so absolutely incredible, that I should not dare mention it, if it were not supported by indubitable evidence, and if I had not determined to state all important and well-ascertained facts, however contrary to the prejudices of the ignorant and conceited. | Dzierzon asserts, that all impregnated eggs produce females, either workers or queens ; and all unimpregnated ones, males or drones! He states that in several of his hives he found drone-laying queens, whose wings were so imperfect that they could not fly, and which on examina tion proved to be unfecundated. Hence, he concluded that the eggs laid by the queen-bee and. fertile worker had, from the previous impregnation of the ege from which they sprung, sufficient vitality to produce the drone, which is a less highly organized insect than the queen or worker. It had long been known that the queen deposits drone-eggs in the large or drone-cells, and worker-eggs 38 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. in the small or worker-cells, and that she makes no mis- takes. Dzierzon inferred, therefore, that there was some wa) in which she was able to decide the sex of the egg _ befcre it was laid, and that she must have such a control over the mouth of the seminal sac as to be able to extrude her eggs, allowing them at will to receive or not 4 portion of its fertilizing contents. In this way he thought she determined their sex, according to the size of the cells in which she laid them. My friend, Mr. Samuel Wagner, of York, Pennsyl- vania, has advanced a highly ingenious theory, which accounts forall the facts, without admitting that the - queen has any special knowledge or will on the subject. He supposes that when she deposits her eggs in the worker-cells, her body is slightly compressed by their size, thus causing the eggs as they pass the spermatheca to receive its vivifying influence. On the contrary, when she is laying in drone-cells, as this compression cannot take place, the mouth of the spermatheca is kept closed, and the eggs are necessarily unfecundated. — In the Autumn of 1852, my assistant found a young queen whose progeny consisted entirely of drones. The colony had been formed by removing a few combs con- taining bees, brood, and eggs, from another hive, and had raised anew queen. Some eggs were found in one of the combs, and young bees were already emerging from the cells, all of which were drones. As there were none but worker-cells in the hive, they were reared in them, and not having space for full development, they were dwarfed in size, although the bees had pieced the cells to give more room to their occupants. I was not only surprised to find drones reared in worn cells, but equally so that a young queen, who at first lays only the eggs of workers, should be laying drone-eggs; NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 39 and at.once conjectured that this was a case of an unim- pregnated drone-laying queen, sufficient time not having elapsed for her impregnation to be unnaturally retarded. All necessary precautions were taken to determine this point. The queen was removed from the hive, and although her wings appeared to be perfect, she could not _ fly. It seemed probable, therefore, that she had never been able to leave the hive for impregnation. To settle the question beyond the possibility of doubt, I submitted this queen to Professor Leidy for microscopic examination. The following is an extract from his re- port. “The ovaries were filled with eggs, the poison-sae full of fluid; and the spermatheca distended with a per- fectly colorless, transparent, viscid liquid, without a trace of spermatozoa.” - This examination demonstrates Dzierzon’s theory that queens do not need impregnation to lay the eggs of males. Considerable doubt seemed ‘to rest on the accuracy of Dzierzon’s statements on this subject, chiefly because of his having hazarded the unfortunate conjecture that the place of the poison-bag in the worker is occupied in the queen by the spermatheca. Now this is so completely contrary to fact (PI. XVIII., A, D,) that it was a natural inference that this acute hia thoroughly honest observer made no microscopic dissections of the insects which he examined. I consider myself peculiarly fortunate, in having obtained the aid of a naturalist so celebrated for microscopic dissections as Dr. Leidy. On examining this same colony a few days later, I found satisfactory evidence that these drone-eggs were laid by the queen which had been removed. No fresh eggs had been deposited in the cells, and the bees on missing her had begun to build royal cells, to rear, if possible, another queen; this they would not have done, if a fertile worker 40 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. _ had ’been present, by which the drone-eggs had been de- posited. & Hoye Another interesting fact proves that ali the eggs lid d by this queen were drone-eggs. Two of the royal cells were in a short time discontinued; while a third~was — sealed over in the usual way, to undergo its chantes to a perfect queen. As the bees had only a drone-laying © queen, whence came the female egg from which they were rearing a queen ? ; At first I imagined that they might have stole it echin another hive; but on opening this cell it contained only @ dead drone ! Hoes had described a similar mistake made by some of his bees. At the base of this cell was an unu- sual quantity of the peculiar jelly fed to develop young queens. One might almost imagine that the bees had — dosed the unfortunate drone to death; as though they hoped by such liberal feeding to needed a change in his — sexual organization. In the Summer of 1854, I found another aionaiaas queen in my Apiary, with wings so. shrivelled that she could not fly. I gave her successively to several queen- less colonies, in all of which she deposited only drone-eggs. On the 14th of July, 1855, a queen in one of my obsery- — ing-hives began to lay, when nine days old, a few eggs on the edges of the combs, instead of in the cells. She per- sisted in this for some days, until I transferred her to a colony which had been queenless for some weeks, hoping — that she might, if unimpregnated, make an excursion from~ their hive to meet the drones. The observing-hive in which she was hatched was exposed to the full light of © day ; the entrance small, and difficult to find; and I had ~ noticed on several occasions, that when the drones left the hive in the greatest numbers, the queen seemed un- able to find her way out. At such times she manifested NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEER. 41 _ unusual excitement, and the whole colony were almost as : much agitated as though they were swarming. After she __ had been in the second hive ashort time, I found that she had Jaid a number of drone-eggs. They were deposited _ near the bottom and edge of the comb, in cells a little ~ larger than the worker-size, and which the bees had begun _ to lengthen, to adapt them to the growth of their occu- _ pants. There was no other brood in the hive. On the _ 9th of August, I found the combs nearly filled with _ worker-brood, in a state considerably less advanced than _ the drones. Is there any reason to doubt that these : tsa were laid by the queen before, and the worker- _ eggs after, her impregnation ? “In Italy there is a variety of the honiey-hee differing in _ size and color fromthe common kind. [If a queen of this _ variety is crossed with the common drones, her drone- ; progeny will be Jtalian, and her worker brood a cross _ between the two; thus showing that the kind of drones _ she will produce has no dependence on the male by which _ she is fecundated. J _ Itappears from recent discoveries in physiology, that to 4 impregnate the ovum of an animal it is necessary that the “spermatozoa should not simply come in contact with it, but actually enter into it through a small opening. In _ applying this discovery to bees, Prof. Siebold, of Germany, _ dissected a number of worker-eggs, and found in each - - from one to three spermatozoa; while he found none in _ dissecting drone-eggs.. Dr. Donhoff, of Germany, in the Summer 1855, reared _ aworker-larve from a drone-egg,* which he had artifi- cially impregnated. * Tattempted to do this in 1852; but to my great disappointment, the bees re- moved or devoured all the eggs thus treated ; owing asI then supposed to their unwillingness to raise workers in drone-cells. If some of the eggs just deposited _ ina piece of drone-comb are touched with a fiae brush dipped in the diluted semen 49 - THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. Aristotle noticed, more than 2,000 years ago, that the eggs which produce drones are like the worker-eggs. With the aid of powerful microscopes we are still unable to detect any difference in the size or appearanee of the egos of the queen. aie These facts taken in connection, appear to onteiitatiets a. perfect demonstration that unfecundated queens are not only able to lay eggs, but that their eggs have sufiicient vitality to produce drones. It seems to me probable, that after foauetdaien om been delayed for about three weeks, the organs of the queen-bee are in such a condition that it can no longer be effected ; just as the parts of a flower, after a certain time, wither and shut up, and the plant becomes incapa- ble of fructification. Perhaps, after a certain time, the queen loses all desire to go im search of the male. The fertile drone-laying workers would seem to be physically incapable of impregnation. There is something analogous to these wonders in the “ anhides” or green lice, which infest plants. We have undoubted evidence that a fecundated female gives birth to other females, and they in turn to others, all of which without impregnation are able to bring forth young; until, after a number of generations, perfect males and females are produced, and the series starts anew! _ However improbable it may appear that an unimpreg- ‘nated egg can give birth to a living being, or that sex can depend on impregnation, we are not at liberty to reject facts because we cannot comprehend the reasons of them. He who allows himself to be guilty of such folly, if he aims to be consistent, must eventually be plunged into the dreary gulf of atheism. Common sense, philosophy, of drones, and given to bees which have neither queen nor brood of any kind, ] believe thatqueezs, workers, and drones, may be raised from them. ‘ NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 43 | and religion alike teach us to receive, with becoming reverence, al] undoubted facts, whether in the natural or - spiritual world; assured that however mysterious they sight of Him whose “ understanding is infinite.” ’ All the leading facts in the breeding of bees ought to “be as familiar to the Apiarian, as the same class of facts ‘in the rearing of his domestic animals.* A few crude and half-digested notions, however satisfactory to the old-fash- “joned bee-keeper, will no longer meet the wants of those ‘profitable system. The extraordinary fertility of the queen-bee has already been noticed. The process of laying has been well described by the Rev. W. Dunbar, a Scotch Apiarian. “When the queen is about to lay, she puts her head ‘into a cell, and remains in that position for a second or two, to ascertain its fitness for the deposit she is about to make. She then withdraws her head, and curving her ‘body downwards,f inserts the lower part of it into the cell: in a few seconds she turns half round upon herself = Ms lays a considerable number, she does it equally on each side of the comb, those on the one side being as exactly ; opposite to those on the other as the relative position of the cells will admit. The effect of this is to produce the utmost possible concentration and economy of heat for _ developing the various changes of the brood !” Here, as at every step in the economy of the bee, we *“1f it were possible,” said anable German Apiarian, in 1846, ‘‘ to ascertain the reproductive process of bees with as much certainty as that of our domestic ani- mals, bee-culture might unquestionably be pursued with positive assurance of profit; and would assume a high rank among the various branches of rural ; fsonomy.”? 4 + She is thus sure to deposit the egg in the selected cell. 1: and withdraws, leaving an egg behind her. When she. i ; ® may appear to us, they are beautifully consistent in the | who desire to conduct bee-culture on an extended and > “~ 44 ‘TEE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. behold, in the perfect adaptation of means to ends, a sagacity which seems scarcely inferior to that of man. _ “The eggs of bees* are of a lengthened, oval supe (PI. XII. vet 39), with a pip curvature, and lof ak be ish cells, and remain unchanged in figure or situation for t - a ree or four days; they are then hatched, the bottom i pie) cell presenting to view a small white worm. On its grow- ing (Pl. XIIL, Figs. 40, 41), so as to touch the opposite | angle of the ol it coils itself up, to use the language of Swammerdam, like a dog when going to sleep; and floats in a whitish transparent fluid, which is deposited in the cells by the nursing-bees, and by which it_is probably - nourished ; it becomes gradually enlarged in its dimen- — sions, till the two extremities touch one another, and form -aring. In this state it is called a larva, or worm. So — nicely do the bees calculate the quantity of food which will — be required, that none remains in the cell when it is trans- formed toanymph. It is the opinion of many eminent naturalists, that farina does not constitute the sole food of the larva, but that it consists of a mixture of farina, honey, and water, partly digested in the stomachs of the nursing-bees. } fess “The larva having derived its support, in. the: manner above described, for four, five, or six days, according to the season, continues to increase during that period, till it occupies the whole breadth, and nearly the length of the cell, The nursing-bees now seal over the cell with payee light brown cover, externally more or less convex (the cap of a drone-cell being more convex than that ofa worker), and thus differing from that of a honey-cell, which — is paler and somewhat concave.” ‘The cap of the brood- ¢ * “¢ Bevan on the Honey-Bee.”’ Fig. 16. ie Im mc i TMU a HI oT E i! | TART oT iI! . Ws = ni lt al zt i si se i“ "4 « - so ET Ta OM SO SPE See NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 51 climates, of which the bee is probably a native, they increase with astonishing rapidity.* Every new swarm, except the first, is led off by a young queen; and as she is never impregnated until she has been established as the head of a separate family, it is important that each should be accompanied by a goodly number of drones: this requires the production of a large number in the parent- hive. : As this necessity no longer exists when the bee is domesticated, the breeding of so many drones should be discouraged. Trapst have been invented to destroy them, but it is much better to save the bees the labor and ex- pense of rearing such a host of useless consumers. This ean readily be done, when we have the control of the combs; for by removing the drone-comb, and supplying its place with worker-cells, the over production of drones may be easily prevented. Those who object to this, as interfering with nature, should remember that the bee is not in a state of nature; and that the same objection might, with equal force, be urged against killing off the supernumerary males of our domestic animals. When a new swarm is building its combs, if the honey-harvest is abundant, the bees will frequently con- struct an unusual amount of drone-combs, for storing it. In a state of nature, where bees have plenty of room, as in the hollow of a tree, or cleft of a rock, this excess of drone-comb will be used another season for the same pur- pose, and new worker-comb made to meet the enlarged wants of the colony; but in hives of a limited capacity this cannot be done, and thus many stocks become so crowded with drones as to be of little value to their owner. * At Sydney, in Sy eri a single colony is stated to have sae to 800, in three years. _ + Such traps were used in Aristotle’s time. 52 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. In July or August, or soon after the swarming se: is over, the bees usually expel the drones from the hive; 3. though, when the honey-harvest is very abundant, they. often allow them to remain much later. They sometimes sting them, or gnaw the roots of their wings, so that when driven from the hive, they cannot return. If not ejected in either of these summary ways, they are so persecuted and starved, thy. they soon perish. At such times they often retreat from the comb, and keep by themselves upon the sides or bottom-board of the hive. The hatred of the bees extends even to the unhatched young, which are mercilessly pulled from the cells and destroyed with the rest. How wonderful that instinct which, when there is no longer any occasion for their services, impels the bees. to destroy those members of the colony reared but a short time before with such devoted attention ! | None of the reasons previously assigned seem fully to account for the necessity of so many drones. I have repeatedly queried, why impregnation might not have taken place in the hive, instead of in the open air. A few © dozen drones would then have sufficed for the wants of any colony, even if it swarmed, as in warm climates, half a dozen times, or oftener, in the same season; and the young queens would have incurred no risks by Leavin the hive for fecundation. For a long time I could not perceive the wisdom of sad existing arrangement ; although I never doubted that there was a satisfactory reason for this seeming imperfection. To have supposed otherwise, would have been highly unphilosophical, when we know that with the increase of knowledge many mysteries in nature, once inexplicable, have been fully cleared up. , The disposition cherished by many: students of nature, to reject some of the doctrines of revealed religion, is not — oe oe fe age aS ’ Setar A ee eee ee Se, NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEER. 53 prompted by a true philosophy. Neither our ignorance of all the facts necessary to their full elucidation, nor our inability to harmonize these facts in their mutual relations and dependencies, will justify us in rejecting any truth which God has seen fit to reveal, either in the book of nature, or in His holy word. The man who would substi- tute his own speculations for the divine teachings, has embarked without rudder or chart, pilot or compass, on an uncertain ocean of theory and conjecture; unless he turns his prow from its fatal course, storms and whirlwinds will thicken in gloom on his “ voyage of life ;” no “Sun of Righteousness” will ever brighten for him the expanse of dreary waters; no favoring gales will waft his wri ake ea bark to a Fito: haven. The thoughtful reader will require no apology for this moralizing strain, nor blame a clergyman, if sometimes forgetting to speak as the mere naturalist, he endeavors to find “Tongues in trees, books in running brooks, Sermons in ‘ bees,’ and ‘God’ in every thing.” To return to the attempt to account for the existence of so many drones. If a farmer persists in what is called * breeding in and in,” that is, without changing the blood, the ultimate degeneracy of his stock is the consequence. This law extends, as far as we know, to all animal life, man himself not being exempt from its influence. Have we any reason to suppose that the bee is an exception? or that degeneracy would not ensue, unless some provision were made to counteract the tendency to “in and in breeding ?” If fecundation had taken place in the hive, the queen would have been impregnated by drones from a common parent; and the same result must have taken place in each successive generation, until the whole species 54 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. would eventually have “run out.” By the present arrange ment, the young queens when they leave the hive, often find the air swarming with drones, many of which belong to other colonies, and thus by crossing the breed pro- vision is constantly made to prevent deterioration. 7 Experience has proved that impregnation may be effected not only when there are no drones in the colony of the young queen, but even when there are none in her immediate neighborhood. Intercourse takes place very high in the air (perhaps that less risk may be incurred from birds), and this favors the crossing of stocks. | I am strongly persuaded that the decay of many flour- ishing stocks, even when managed with great care, may be attributed to the fact that they have become enfeebled by “close breeding,” and are thus unable to resist injurious ‘influences, which were comparatively harmless when the bees were in a state of high physical vigor. When a cul- tivator has but few colonies, or is remote from other Apiaries, he should guard somes this evil by occasionally changing his stocks. Tur WorKERS, or common bees, compose the bulk of the population of a hive. A good swarm ought to contain at least 20,000; and in large hives, strong colonies which are not reduced by swarming, frequently number two or three times as many during the height of the breeding season. We are informed by Mr. Dobrogost Chylinski, that from the Polish hives, which often hold several bushels, swarms regularly 1 issue so powerful that “they resemble a little cloud in the air.” It has already been stated, that the workers are all females whose ovaries are too imperfectly developed to admit of their laying egys. Being for a long time ee i eT et NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 55 regarded as neither males nor females, they were called Neuters ; but careful microscopic examinations, by detect- ing the rudiments of their ovaries, have determined their sex. The accuracy of these examinations has been verified by the well known facts respecting fertile workers. Riem, a German Apiarian, first discovered that workers sometimes lay eggs. Huber subsequently ascertained that such workers were bred in hives that had lost their queen, and near the royal cells in which young queens were being reared. He conjectured that small portions of the peculiar food of these infant queens were accidentally dropped into their cells, by eating which their reproductive organs were more developed than those of other workers. In the Summer of 1854, I examined a brood-comb which had been given to aqueenless colony. It contained eleven sealed queens; and numbers of the cells were capped with a round covering, as though they contained drones. Being opened, some contained drone, and others worker- nymphs. The latter seemed of a little more sugar-loaf shape than the common workers, and their cocoons were of a coarser texture than usual. I had previously noticed the same kind of cells in hives raising artificial queens, but thought they all contained drones. It is a well known fact, that bees often begin more queen-cells than they choose to finish. It seems to me probable, therefore, that when rearing queens artificially, they frequently give a portion of the royal jelly to larvee, which, for some reason, they do not develope as full grown queens; and that such larve become fertile workers. Huber states that those fertile workers which lay only drone-eggs, prefer large cells in which to deposit them, resorting to small ones, only when unable to find those of greater diameter. A hive in my Apiary having much worker-comb, but only a small piece of drone size, a fertile worker filled the latter 56 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BER. so entirely with eggs that some of the cells contained three or four each. Such workers have, im rare instances, been tolerated in hives containing a fertile, healthy queen. The worker is much aa chan either the queen or the drone. She is furnished with a tongue, or proboscis, so exceedingly curious and complicated, that a separate volume would hardly suffice to describe its structure and uses (Pl. XVI, Fig. 51). Wath this organ she obtains the honey from the blossoms, and conveys it to her honey-bag. This receptacle (Pl. X VIL, Fig. 54, A), is not larger than avery small pea, and so perfectly transparent as to appear, when filled, of the same color with its contents; it is properly the first stomach, and is surrounded by muscles — which enable the bee to compress it, and empty its con- tents through her proboscis into the cells. The hinder legs of the worker are furnished with a spoon-shaped hollow, or basket, to receive the pollen | which she gathers from the flowers. * Every worker is armed with a fornidalile sting, and when provoked makes instant and effectual use of her natural weapon. When subjected to a microscopic exam- ination (Pl. X VIL, Fig. 53), it exhibits a very intricate mechanism. “It is moved by muscles* which, though invisible to the eye, are yet strong enough to force the sting, to the depth of one-twelfth of an inch, through the - thick skin of a man’s hand. At its root are situated two glands by which the poison is secreted; these glands — uniting in one duct, eject the venomous liquid along the groove formed by the junction of the two piercers. There are four barbs on the outside of each piercer ; when the insect is prepared to sting, one of these piercers, having its point a little longer than the other, first darts * Bevan, NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 5 mto the flesh, and being fixed by its foremost beard, the other strikes in also, and they alternately penetrate deeper and deeper, till they acquire a firm hold of the flesh with their barbed hooks, and then follows the sheath, conveying the poison_into the wound. ‘The action of the sting,’ says Paley, ‘ affords an example of the union of chemistry and mechanism; of chemistry, in respect to the venom which can produce such powerful effects; of mechanism, as the sting is a compound instrument. The machinery would have been comparatively useless, had it not been for the chemical process by which, in the insect’s body, honey is converted into poison ; and on the other hand, the poison would have been ineffectual, without an instru- ment to wound, and a syringe to inject it.’ “Upon examining the edge of a very keen razor by the _ microscope, it appears as broad as the back of a pretty thick knife, rough, uneven, and full of notches and fur- rows, and so far from anything like sharpness, that an instrument as blunt as this seemed to be, would not serve even to cleave wood. An exceedingly small needle being also examined, it resembled a rough iron bar out of a smith’s forge. The sting of a bee, viewed through the same instrument, showed everywhere a polish amazingly beautiful, without the least flaw, blemish, or inequality, and ended in a point too fine to be discerned.” As the extremity of the sting is barbed like: an arrow, . the bee can seldom withdraw it, if the substance into which she darts it is at ali tenacious. In losing her sting she parts with a portion of her intestines, and of necessity soon perishes. Although they pay so dearly for the exercise of their patriotic instincts, still, in defence of home and its sacred treasures, they 58 THE MVE AND HONEY-BEE “ Deem life itself to vengeance well resign’d, 89 Die on the wound, and leave their sting behind.” = Hornets, wasps, and other stinging insects, are able to withdraw their stings from the wound. I have never seen the exception in the case of the honey-bee accounted for ; but as the Creator intended it for the use* of man, did He not give it this peculiarity, that it might be more com- pletely subject to human control ? Without a sting, it could not have defended its tempting sweets against a host of greedy depredators: while, if it had been able to sting a number of times, its thorough domestication would have been well nigh impossible. ) The defence of the colony against enemies, the construc- tion of the cells, and storing of them with honey and bee- bread, the rearing of the young, and in short, the whole work of the hive, the laying of eggs excepted, is carried | on by the industrious little workers. There may be gentlemen of leisure in the common eth of bees, but assuredly there are no such ladies, whether of high or low degree. The queen herself has her full share . of duties, the royal office being no sinecure, when the mother who fills it must daily supermtend the proper deposition of thousands of eggs. The queen-bee will live four, and sometimes, though very rarely, five or more years. As the life of the drones is usually cut short by violence, it is difficult to ascertain its precise limit. Bevan estimates it not to exceed four months. The workers are supposed. by him to live six or * Since the publication of the first edition of this treatise, I have had an opportu- nity during a visit to the Mexican frontier, ofstudying the habits of the honey-hornet, of that region. Its nest, in shape and material, resembles that of our common hor- net; and some of them contain many pounds of delicious honey. ‘This insect, which in those regions is so serviceable to man, like the honey-bee, is unable to withdraw its sting from the wound, It has also a queen, and lives in a colony state ae the whole year. NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BER. 59 even months; but their age depends very much upon their greater or less exposure to injurious influences, and severe labors, Those reared in the Spring and early part of Summer, upon whom the heaviest labors of the hive devolve, appear to live not more than two or three months*; while those bred at the close of Summer, and early in Autumn, being able to spend a large part of their time in repose, attain a much greater age. It is very evident that “ the bee” (to use the words of a quaint old writer), “is a Summer bird ;” and that, with the excep- tion of the queen, none live to be a year old. Notched and ragged wings, instead of gray hairs and wrinkled faces, are the signs of old age in the bee, and indicate that its season of toil will soon be over. They appear to die rather suddenly ; and often spend their last days, and sometimes even their last hours, in useful labors. Place yourself before a hive, and see the indefatigable energy of these industrious veterans, toiling along with their heavy burdens, side by side with their more youth- - ful compeers, and then judge if, while qualified for useful labor, you ought ever to surrender yourself to slothful indulgence. Let the cheerful hum of their busy old age inspire you with better resolutions, and teach you how much nobler it is to die with harness on, in the active discharge of the duties of life. The age which individual members of the community may attain, must not be confounded with that of the col- ony. Bees have been known to occupy the same domicile for a great number of years. I havesecen flourishing colo- nies more than twenty years old; the Abbé Della Rocca speaks of some over forty years old; and Stoche says, that he saw acolony, which he was assured had swarmed annually * If an Italian queen be given, in the working season, to a swarra of common bees, in about three months only a few of the latter will be found in the colony 80 ‘THE HIVE AND HONKY-BER. for forty-six years! ‘Such cases have led to the errone opinion, that bees are a long-lived race. But this, as Dr. Evans has observed, is just as wise as if a stranger, con- — templating a populous city, and personally unacquainted with its inhabitants, should, on paying it a second visit, many years after, and finding it equally populous, imagine that it was peopled by the same individuals, not one of whom might then be living. "y° ‘Like leaves on trees, the race of bees is found, Now green in youth, now withering on the ground ; Another race the Spring or Fall supplies, They droop successive, and successive rise.’ ” Evans. The cocoons spun by the larve are never removed by the bees; they adhere so closely to the sides of the cells, that the labor of removal would cost more than it would be worth. As the breeding cells may eventually become too small for the proper development of the young, yery. old combs should’ be removed from the hive. It isa great, mistake, however, to imagine that the brood-combs ought. to be changed every year. If it were desirable, this - might easily be done in my hives; but to remove them oftener than once in five or six years, requires a needless” consumption of honey to replace them, and injures the bees in Winter, as the new comb is much colder than the ' old. . Inventors of hives have too often been “men of one idea»? and that one, instead of being a well established and important fact in the physiology of the bee, has fre- quently (like the necessity for a yearly change of the brood-combs), been merely a conceit of some visionary projector. This might be harmless enough, were no effort. made to impose such crudities upon an ignorant public, either in the shape of a patented hive, or worse still, of an NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 61 unpatented hive, the pretended right to use which is Sraudulently sold to the cheated purchaser.* -Apilarians, unaware of the brevity of the bee’s life, have often constructed huge “bee-palaces” and large closets, vainly imagining that the bees would fill them, being una- ble to see any reason why a colony should not increase until it numbers its inhabitants by millions or billions. But as the bees can never at one time equal, still less exceed, the number which the queen is capable of pro- ducing in a season, these spacious dwellings have always an abundance of spare rooms. It seems strange that men can be thus deceived, when often in their own Apiary they have healthy stocks, which, though they have not swarmed for a year or more, are no more populous in the Spring, than those which have regularly parted with vigorous colonies. It is certain that the Creator has wisely set a limit to the increase of numbers in a single colony; and I shall venture to assign a reason for this. Suppose hé had given to the bee a length of life as great as that of the horse or ‘the cow, or had made each queen capable of laying daily some hundreds of thousands of ego's; or had given several hundred queens to each hive; then a colony must have gone on increasing, until it became a scourge rather than a benefit to man. In the warm climates of which the bee * Hives which have never been patented have been extensively sold as patent articles by men, who for years have been liable to prosecution for obtaining ioney under false pretences. Others are disposed of, on the ground that the patent is still pending, when no application for a patent has ever been made, or has long ago been rejected. Often the patented part of a hive, being a worthless conceit, is carefully concealed, while much ingenuity is displayed, in exhibiting those fea- tures in the hive which any one has a right to use; and yet, which the vender, sometimes by implication, and sometimes by direct assertion, leads the purchaser to believe are essential parts of the patent. No one should ever purchase a “ patent hive,” until he ascertains two things: 1st, that there is really a patent on the invention; and 2d, that the part patented is, in his opinion, worth to him the money asked for the right to use it. 62 THE HIVE AND EEN BER ee is a native, it would have established itself in some cavern or capacious cleft in the rocks, and would soon have. become so powerful as to bid defiance to all attempts to appropriate the avails of its labors. _ pti” It has already been stated that none, except the sth wasps and hornets, survive the Winter. Had these in- sects, like the bee, been able to commence the season with the accumulated strength of a large colony, they would, long before its close, have proved an intolerable nuisance. If, on the contrary, the queen-bee had been compelled, solitary and alone, to lay the foundations of a new commonwealth, the honey-harvest would have disap. peared long before she could become the parent of a numerous family. P The process of rearing Queen-Bees ail now be more particularly described. Early in the season, if a hive becomes very populous, the bees usually make prepara- . tions for swarming. A number of royal cells are begun, — being commonly constructed upon those edges of the combs (Pl. XIV., a, 6, c,d), which are not attached to the sides of the hive. These cells somewhat resemble a small pea nut (Pl. XIIL., Figs. 49, 50), and are about an inch deep, and one-third of an inch in diameter: being very thick, they require much wax for their construction. They are seldom seen in a perfect state after the swarming season, as the bees, after the queen has hatched, cut them down to the shape of a small acorn-cup. (Pl. XIV., ¢.) These queen-cells, while in progress, receive a very unu- sual amount of attention from the workers. There is scarcely a second in which a bee is not peeping into them; and as fast as one is satisfied, another pops in her head to report progress, or increase the supply of royal jelly. Their importance to the community might easily be NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-REP. 63 inferred from their being the center of so much attrac tion. 4 While the other cells open sideways, the queen-cells always hang with their mouth downwards. Some Apia- rians think that this peculiar position affects, in some way, the development of the royal larve ; while others, havme ascertained that they are uninjured if placed in any other position, consider this deviation as among the inscrutable mysteries of the bee-hive. So it seemed to me, until con- vinced, by more careful observation, that they open down- wards simply to save room. The distance between the parallel ranges of comb in the hive is usually too small for the royal cells to open sideways, without interfering with the opposite cells. Tio economize space, the bees put them on the unoccupied edges of the comb, where there is plenty of room for such very large cells. The number of royal cells in a hive varies greatly ; sometimes there are only two or three, ordinarily not less than five; and occasionally, more than a dozen. As it is not intended that the young queens should all be of the same age, the royal cells are not all begun at the same time. It is not fully settled how the eggs are deposited in these cells. In some few instances, I have thought that the bees transferred the eggs from common to queen-cells ; and this may be their general method of procedure. I shall hazard the conjecture, that, in a crowded state of the hive, the queen deposits her eggs in cells on the edges of the comb, some of which are afterwards changed by the workers into royal cells. Such is a queen’s instinctive hatred to her own kind, that it seems improbable that she should be intrusted with even the iitiatory steps for securing a race of successors.. - The young queens are much more largely supplied with food than the other larve; so that they seem to lie ina 64 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BER. ~ “thick ‘bed’ of jelly, a portion of which ‘may -usually be found at the base of their cells, soon after they have hatched. Unlike the food of the other larvae, it has a slightly acid taste ; and when fresh, resembles starch ; when old, a light quince jelly. The bees, if confined to shied hive and supplied with water, can secrete it from the a and bee-bread stored in their combs. | I submitted some royal jelly to Dr. Charles M. Wethe- rell, of Philadelphia; an interesting account of his analy- sis may be found in the Report of the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences for July, 1852. He speaks of the substance as being a “ truly bread-con- taining, albuminous compound.” A comparison of its elements with the food of the drone and worker-larve, might throw some light on subjects now involved in ob- scurity. The effects produced upon the royal larve by their peculiar treatment are so wonderful, that they have usually been rejected as idle whims, by those who have neither been eye-witnesses to them, nor acquainted with the op- portunities enjoyed by others for accurate observation. They are not only contrary to all common analogies, but so marvellously strange and improbable, that many when asked to believe them, feel that an insult is offered to their common sense. The most important of these effects I ' ghall briefly enumerate. 1st. The peculiar mode in which the worm designed for a queen is treated, causes it to arrive at maturity almost one-third earlier than if it had been reared a worker. And yet, as it is to be much more fully developed, © according to ordinary analogy, it should have had a slower | growth. iste 2d. Its organs of reproduction are completely fave << so that it can fulfill the office of ¢ a mother. | a NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEER. 65 3d. Its size, shape, and color are greatly changed ; its lower jaws are shorter, its head rounder, and its abdomen without the receptacles for secreting wax; its legs have neither brushes nor baskets, and its sting is more curved, and one-third longer (Pl. X VIII.) than that of a worker. 4th. Its instincts are entirely changed. MReared as a worker, it would have thrust out its sting at the least provocation ; whereas now, it may be pulled limb from limb without attempting to sting. As a worker, it would _have treated a queen with the greatest consideration ; but now, if brought in contact with another queen, it seeks to destroy it as a rival, As a worker, it would frequently have left the hive, either for labor or exercise ; as a queen, it never leaves it after impregnation, except to accompany a new swarm. 5th. The term of its life is remarkably lengthened. As a worker, it would not have lived more than six or seven months; as a queen, it may live seven or eight times as long. All these wonders rest on the impregnable basis of demonstration, and instead of being witnessed only by a select few, may now, by the use of the movable-comb hive, be familiar sights to any bee-keeper who prefers an acquaintance with facts, to cavilmg and sneering at the labors of others.* ? * A brief extract from the celebrated Dr. Boerhaave’s memoir of Swammerdam, should put to blush the arrogance of those superficial observers, who are too wise in their own conceit to avail themselves of the knowledge of others. “This treatise on Bees proved so fatiguing a performance, that Swammerdam never afterwards recovered even the appearance of his former health and vigor. He was almost continually engaged by day in making observations, and as con- stantly by night in recording them by drawings and suitable explanations. “His daily labor began at six in the morning, when the sun afforded him light enough to survey such minute objects; and from that hour till twelve, he continued without interruption, all the while exposed in the open air to the scorching heat of the sun, bareheaded, for fear of intercepting his sight, and his head in a manner dissolving into sweat under the irresistible ardors of that powerful luminary. And if he desisted at noon, it was only because the strength of his eyes was too much a 66 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE, > The process of rearing queens to meet some special emergency, is even more wonderful than the o one already described. If the bees have worker-eggs, or worms not more than three days old, they make one large cell ont of three, by nibbling away the partitions of two cells — adjoining a third. Destroying the eggs or worms in two of these cells, they place before the occupant of the other, the usual food of the young queens; and by enlarging its cell, give it ample space. for development. As a security against failure, they usually start a number of queen-cells, . although often the work on all, except a few, is soon lie continued. , were In from eleven to fourteen days, they are in possession of a new queen, in all respects resembling one reared in the natural way; while the eggs in the adjoining cells, which have been developed as workers, are a a ar longer in coming to maturity. ° tes) The beautiful representation of comb, in Plate XVIIL, 51s taken, with important alterations and additions of my own, from Cotton’s “My Bee-Book,” to which I am also indebted for the group of bees in the title-page. The royal cell (5), is a perfect queen-cell, from which the inmate has not yet emerged. ‘The queen-cell (@), repre- sents the cap or lid as it often appears just after the young - queen has hatched. The queen-cell (d), which is open at the side, is one from which a young queen has been V10- lently abstracted ; the other (c), is one which the bees have nearly fedrioed to the acorn shape. It also resem- weakened by the extraordinary afflux of light, and the use of mine toe con- tinue any longer upon such small objects. “ He often wished, the better to accomplish his vast, unlimited views, for ied of perpetual heat and light to perfect his inquiries; with a polar night, to reap all the advantages of them by proper drawings | and descriptions,” . cata £ bid Any a J ee . NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 67 _ bles one only a few days old. On the face of the comb is a eell (7), just begun for the artificial rearmg of a queen, this being the usual position of cells built to meet some unexpected emergency. To bring the points illustrated - Into a compact compass, the cells are drawn smaller than - the natural size. I shall give, in this connection, a description of an inter- esting experiment. A populous stock was removed, in the morning, to a -new place, and an empty hive put upon itsstand. Thous- ands of workers which were ranging the fields, or which left the old hive after its removal, returned to the familiar spot. It was truly affecting to witness their grief and despair; they flew in restless circles about the place where once stood their happy home, entering the empty hive continually, and expressing, in various ways, their lamen- tations over so cruel a bereavement. Towards evening, ceasing to take wing, they roamed in restless platoons, in and out of the hive, and over its surface, as if in search of some lost treasure. A small piece of brood-comb was then given to them, containing worker-eggs and worms. The effect produced by its introduction took place much quicker than can be described. ‘Those which first touched it raised a peculiar note, and in a moment, the comb was covered with a dense mass of bees; as they recognized, in this small piece of comb, the means of deliverance, despair gave place to hope, their restless motions and mournful voices ceased, and a cheerful hum proclaimed their delight. If some one should enter a building filled with thousands of persons tearing their hair, beating their breasts, and by piteous cries, as well as frantic gestures, giving vent to their despair, and could by a single word cause ‘all these demonstrations of agony to give place to smiles and congratulations, the 68 ‘THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE, change would not be more instantaneous than that pro- duced when the bees received the brood-comb! = The Orientals call the honey-bee, “Deborah: She that speaketh.” Would that this little insect might speak, in words more eloquent than those of man’s device, to those who reject any of the doctrines of revealed religion, with the assertion that they are so improbable, as to labor under a fatal @ priori objection. Do not all the steps in © the development of a queen from a worker-egg, labor under the very same objection? and have they not, for. this reason been always regarded, by many bee-keepers, as unworthy of belief? -If the favorite argument of infi- dels will not stand the test, when applied to the wonders of the bee-hive, is it entitled to serious weight, when, by objecting to religious truths, they arrogantly take to task the Infinite Jehovah for what He has been pleased to do or to teach? With no* more latitude than is claimed by such objectors, it were easy to prove that a man is under no obligation to believe any of the wonders of the bee-hive, even although he is himself an intelligent eye-witness to their substantial truth: ets tg oe Ea A ty ti ae ns ania thd ES ue . +t aM Ra WEY WY KK WI SSO Yi UAT : THN MTN EMU HT 7/7 HAD AATUAQOEAUUARE Yana l hii: LU Vy / =F ee as Pe *, , : | COMB. | 69 CHAPTER IV. COMB. - _ Wax is a2 natural secretion of bees, and may be called their oil or fat. When gorged with honey, or any liquid sweet, if they remain quietly clustered together, it is secreted in the shape of delicate scales, in small pouches on their abdomen. (PI. XII, Figs. 37, 38.) Soon after _a swarm is hived, the bottom-board will usually be covered with these scales. The bees seem to loosen them from their bodies by violently shaking themselves as they stand upon the combs. “Thus, filtered through yon flutterer’s folded mail, Clings the cooled wax, and hardens to a scale. Swift, at the well-known call, the ready train (For not a buz boon Nature breathes in vain) Spring to each falling flake, and bear along Their glossy burdens to the builder throng. These with sharp sickle, or with sharper tooth, Pare each excrescence, and each angle smoothe, Till now, in finish’d pride, two radiant rows Of snow white cells one mutual base disclose. Six shining panels gird each polish’d round ; The door’s fine rim, with waxen fillet bound ; While walls so thin, with sister walls combined, Weak in themselves, a sure dependence find.” Evans. - Most Apiarians before Huber’s time supposed that wax was made from bee-bread, either in a crude or digested Confining a new swarm of bees to a hive in a dark and cool room, at the end of five days he found several beautiful white combs in their tenement; these 70 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. being taken from them, and the bees supplied with honey § and water, new combs were again constructed. Seven § times in succession their combs were removed, and were in each instance replaced, the bees being all the time pre- i vented from ranging the fields to supply themselves with | | | bee-bread. By subsequent experiments, he proved. that | | sugar-syrup answered the same end with honey. Giving an imprisoned swarm an abundance of fruit and bee-bread, jf he found that they subsisted on the fruit, but refused to } touch the pollen; and that no combs were constructed, | nor any wax-scales formed in their pouches. te Notwithstanding Huber’s extreme cautionand unwearied | patience in conducting these experiments, he did not dis- | cover the whole truth on this important subject. ‘Though he demonstrated that bees can construct comb from honey | or sugar, without the aid of bee-bread, and that they can- not make it from bee-bread, without honey or sugar, he did not prove that when permanently deprived of bee- bread they can continue to work in wax, or if Sat that the pollen does not aid in its elaboration. Some bee-bread is always found in the stomach of wax- producing workers, and they never build comb so rapidly — as when they have free access to this article. It must, therefore, either furnish some of the elements of wax, or in some way assist the bee in producing it. Further investigations are necessary, before we can arrive at per- fectly accurate results. Confident assertions are easily made, requiring only a little breath, or a few drops of ink; and those who like them best. have often the profoundest contempt for observation and experiment. To establish any controverted truth on the solid foundation of demon- strated facts, usually requires severe and protracted labor. Honey and sugar contain by weight about eight pounds of oxygen to one of carbon and bee: When con- ned See COMB. 71 " = into wax, these proportions are remarkably changed, D “ the wax containing only one pound of oxygen to more than sixteen of hydrogen and carbon. Now as oxygen is the grand supporter of animal heat, the large quantity ‘ consumed in secreting wax aids in generating that extra- - i ordinary heat which always accompanies comb-building, and which enables the bees to mould the softened wax _ into such exquisitely delicate and beautiful forms.* This ‘interesting instance of adaptation, so clearly pointing to the Divine Wisdom, seems to have escaped the notice of previous writers. Careful experiments prove that from thirteen to twenty pounds of honey are required to make a single pound of wax. As wax isan animal oil, secreted chiefly from honey, . this fact will not appear incredible to those who are aware how many pounds of corn or hay must be fed to cattle to have them gain a single pound of fat. Many bee-keepers are unaware of the value of empty comb. Suppose honey to be worth only fifteen cents per pound, and comb, when rendered into wax,to be worth thirty cents, the Apiarian who melts a pound of comb loses largely by the operation, even without estimating the time his bees have consumed in building it. It should, therefore, be considered a first principle in bee-culture never to melt good combs. A strong stock of bees, in the height of the honey-harvest, will fill them with very great rapidity. Unfortunately, in the ordinary hives but little use can be made of empty comb, unless it is new, and can be put into the surplus honey-boxes; but by the use of bars, or movable frames, every good piece of worker-comb may be given to the bees. | * According to Dr. Donhoff, the thickness of the sides of a cell in a new comet is only the one hundred and eightieth part of an inch! 72 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. When new, it may be easily attached to frames, or spare honey-receptacles, by dipping the edge into melted wax, and firmly holding it in place until it hardens; if it is _ old, or the pieces large and full of bee-bread, a mixture of melted wax and resin will secure a firmer adhesion, | When comb is put into tumblers, or small receptacles, it may be simply crowded in, so as to keep its place until fastened by the bees. As bees like “a good start im life,” they prefer receptacles which contain some empty comb. 3 All suitable drone-comb should be put into such recepta- cles, instead of being allowed to remain in the “a apartment of the hive. ; No one, to my knowledge, has ever attempted to. imi- tate the delicate mechanism of the bee so closely, as to construct artificial combs for the ordinary uses of the hive. If store-combs could be made of gutta-percha, they might be emptied of their contents, and returned to the hive. : Bod | die 4 In the Summer of 1854, I ascertamed that ee will. under some circumstances, use fine shavings of wax to build new comb. If this discovery can be made serviceable for practical purposes, it will both facilitate the cheap and rapid multiplication of colonies, and enable the bees to amass unusual quantities of honey. One pound of bees-— wax might be made to store nearly twenty pounds of honey ; and the bee-keeper would gain the difference — in value between one pound of wax, and the honey which bees consume in making a pound of comb. At. tim a when no honey can be procured from the blossoms, strong stocks might be profitably employed in building s spare | comb, to Birepethen, feeble stocks, or for any other pur pose. The building of comb is usually carried on with the greatest activity by night, while the honey is gathered by Eins = = = = = + —I = —_ -—— = = ——= _——] = = = = i— — = = ——~+} -— | i——_4 = — — -— = = = = Ea i——} —— ——] — SS — -—— 4 = ES = -—J = }———| -—— | — —4 —F i ———} SS = |—— —| —- aaaaSSSS—SH_E=E____===E=____=____=_-_=_== | ———4 SaaS 585852 SZ_SSSSSS Zz = SYX\>SJY}H.3SSSSYSYSXSXXYXTXWVsd+H_S# eee = | Ih nN Hts i r mil l mn nay ae wi Rep. Th ALT ee ‘COMB. 73 day.* Thus no time is lost. When the weather is too forbidding for out-door work, the combs are most rapidly constructed, the labor being vigorously carried on both by day and by night. On the return of a fair day, the bees, having plenty of room for its storage, gather unusual supplies. ‘Thus, by their wise economy, they often lose no time, even if confined for several days to their hive. “ How doth the little busy bee improve each shining hour !” The poet might, with equal truth, have described her as improving the gloomy days and dark nights in her use- ful labors. It is an terckibc fact, which seems hitherto to have escaped notice, that honey-gathering and comb-building go on simultaneously ; so that when one stops, the other - ceases also. As soon as the honey-harvest. begins to fail, so that consumption is in advance of production, the bees cease to build new comb, even although large portions of their hive are unfilled. When honey no longer abounds in the fields, it is wisely ordered that they should not con- sume, in comb-building, the treasures which may be need- ed for Winter use. What safer rule could have been given them? . As wax is a bad conductor, it can be more easily work:- ed when warmed by the animal heat of the bees, than if it parted with its heat too readily. By this property, the combs aid in keeping the bees warm, and there is less risk of their cracking with frost, or of the honey candying in the cells. If wax were a good conductor of heat, the combs would often be icy cold, moisture would condense and freeze upon them, and they could not fulfill all their required ends. | * On very clear moonlight nights, I have known bees to gather honey from the tulip tree (Lirtodendron tulipfera). 4 T4 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. The size of the cells in which workers are reared nev varies; the same may substantially be said of the drone- cells, which are much larger; those in which honey is stored vary greatly in depth, while in diameter they are of all sizes, from that of worker to that of drone-cells. As five worker, or four drone-cells, will measure about one linear inch, a square inch of comb will contain, on each side, twenty-five worker, or sixteen drone-cells. As bees in building their cells, cannot pass immediately from one size to another, they display an admirable saga- city in making the transition by a set of irregular inter- mediate cells. Plate XV. (Fig. 48), exhibits an accurate ~ and beautiful representation of comb, drawn for this work from nature, by M. M. Tidd, and engraved by D. T) Smith, both of Boston, Mass. The cells are of the size of nature. The large ones are drone-cells, and the small ones, worker-cells. The irregular, five-sided cells between them, show how bees pass from one size to another. The cells of bees are found to fulfill perfectly the most subtle conditions of an intricate mathematical problem. Let it be required to find what shape a given quantity of matter must take, in order to have the greatest capacity and strength, occupying, at the same time, the least space, and consuming the least /abor in its construction. When this problem is solved by the most refined mathematical processes, the answer is the hexagonal or six-sided cell of the honey-bee, with its three four-sided ae at the base ! The shape of these figures cannot be altered ever so fit tle, except for the worse. In addition to the desirable qualities already enumerated, they serve as nurseries for rearing the young, and as small air-tight vessels for pre- serving the honey from souring or candying. Every pru- dent housewife who carefully stores her preserves in a COMB. | 75 receptacles excluding the air, can appreciate the value of such an arrangement. — : “There are only three possible figures of the cells,” says Dr. Reid, “ which can make them all equal and. similar, without any useless spaces between them. These are the equilateral triangle, the square, and the regular hexagon. It is well known to mathematicians, that there is not a fourth way possible in which a plane may be cut into lit- tle spaces that shall be equal, similar, and regular, with- out leaving any interstices.” | An equilateral triangle would have made a very uncom- fortable tenement for an insect with a round body; and a square cell would have been but little better. A circle seems to be the best shape for the development of the larve; but such a figure would have caused a needless sacrifice of space, materials, and strength ; while the honey, which adheres so admirably to the many angles of the six-sided cell, would have been much more liable to run out. The body of the immature insect, as it undergoes its changes, is charged with a superabundance of moisture, which passes off through the reticulated cover of its cell; may not a hexagon, therefore, while approaching so nearly to the shape of a circle, as not to incommode the young bee, furnish, in its six corners, the necessary vacan- cies for a more thorough ventilation ? Is it credible that these little insects can unite so many requisites in the construction of their cells, either by chance, or because they are profoundly versed in the most intricate mathematics? Are we not compelled to acknowledge that the mathematics by which they construct a shape so complicated, and yet the only one which can unite so many desirable requirements, must be referred to the Creator, and not to his puny creature? To an intelligent and can- — 76 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. dia mind, the smallest: piece of honey-comb is a per >i ReePastration that there is a “ GREAT First Cave” ie “On books deep poring, ye mais sons of toil, Who waste in studious trance the midnight oil, Say, can ye emulate, with all your rules, Drawn or from Grecian or from Gothic schools, This artless frame? Instinct her simple guide, A heaven-taught insect baffles all your pride. Not all yon marshall’d orbs, that ride so high, Proclaim more loud a present Deity, Than the nice symmetry of these small cells, _ Where on cach angle genuine science dwells.” Evans. CHAPTER V. PROPOLIS. “Tuts substance is obtained by the bees from the resinous buds and limbs of trees: the different varieties of poplar yield a rich supply. When first gathered, it is usually of a bright golden color, and so adhesive that the bees never deposit it in cells, but apply it at once to the purposes for which they procured it. Ifa bee is caught while bringing in a load, it will be sara to adhere very firmly to her leps: °° rt “Huber planted in Spring some branches of the wild poplar, before the leaves were developed, and placed them in pots near his Apiary ; the bees alighted on them, separated the folds of the large buds with their for- ceps, extracted the varnish in threads, and loaded with it, first one thigh and then the other; for they convey it like pollen, transferring it by the first pair of legs to the PROPOLIS. | TT second, by which it is lodged in the hollow of the third.” I have seen them thus remove the warm propolis from old bottom-boards standing in the sun. Propolis is frequently gathered from the alder, horse- chestnut, birch, and willow; and as some think, from pines and other trees of the fir kind. Bees will often enter varnishing shops, attracted evidently by their smell ; and in the vicmity of Matamoras, Mexico, where propolis seems to be scarce, I saw them using green paint from win- dow-blinds, and pitch from the rigging of a vessel. Bevan | mentions the fact of their carrying off a composition of wax and turpentine from trees to which it had been applied. Dr. Evans says he has seen them collect the balsamic varnish which coats the young blossom-buds of the holly- hock, and has known them rest at least ten minutes on the same bud, moulding the balsam with their fore feet, and transferring it to the hinder legs, as described by Huber. | ““ With merry hum the Willow’s copse they scale, The Fir’s dark pyramid, or Poplar pale ; Scoop from the Alder’s leaf its oozy flood, Or strip the Chestnut’s resin-coated bud ; Skim the light tear that tips Narcissus’ ray, Or round the Hollyhock’s hoar fragrance play ; Then waft their nut-brown loads exulting home, That form a fret-work for the future comb ; Caulk every chink where rushing winds may roar, And seal their circling ramparts to the floor.” | - Evans. A mixture of wax and propolis being much more adhesive than wax alone, serves admirably to strengthen the attachments of the combs to the top and sides of the hive. If the combs are not filled with honey or brood ‘soon after they are built, they are varnished with a delicate coating of propolis, which adds greatly to their strength ; 78 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. but as this natural varnish impairs their snowy whiteness, the bees ought not to be allowed access to combs in the surplus honey-receptacles, except when actively engaged in storing them with honey. Bees make a very liberal use of pusilla to fill any crevices about their premises ; and as the natural summer- heat of the hive keeps it soft, the bee-moth selects it as a place of deposit for her eggs. Hives ought, therefore, to be made of lumber entirely free from cracks. The corners, which the bees usually fill with propolis, may have a melted mixture run into them, consisting of three parts of resin and one of bees-wax; this remaining hard during the hottest weather, will bid defiance to the moth. As bees find it difficult to gather propolis, and “cual so to work so sticky a material, they should be saved all unnecessary labor in amassing it. ‘To men, time is money s to bees, it.is honey ; and all the arrangements of the hive should be such as to economize it to the utmost. Propolis is sometimes put to a very curious use by the bees. “A snail,* having crept into one of M. Reaumur’s hives early in the morning, after crawling about for some time, adhered, by means of its own slime, to one of the glass panes. The bees having discovered the snail, sur- rounded it, and formed a border of propolis round the verge of its shell, and fastened it so securely to the glass that it became immovable. ‘Forever closed the impenetrable door ; : It naught avails that in its torpid veins Year after year, life’s loitering spark remains.’ Evans. “ Maraldi, another eminent Apiarian, states that a snail without a shell having entered one of his hives, the bees, ‘as soon as they observed it, stung it to death; after which, 5 425: * Bevan. AS 2eR PROPOLIS. 79 / being unable to dislodge it, they covered it all over with an impervious coat of propolis. * . © For soon in fearless ire, their wonder lost, Spring fiercely from the comb the indignant. host, Lay the pierced monster breathless on the ground, _ And clap in joy their victor pinions round: While all in vain concurrent numbers strive To heave the slime-girt giant from the hive— Sure not alone by force instinctive swayed, But blest with reason’s soul-directing aid, Alike in man or bee, they haste to pour, Thick, hard’ning as it falls, the flaky shower; Embalmed in shroud of glue the mummy lies, No worms invade, no foul miasmas rise.’ : KVaNs. “Tn these instances, who can withhold his admiration of the ingenuity and judgment of the bees? In the first ease, a troublesome creature gained admission to the hive, which, from its unwieldiness, they could not remove, and which, from the impenetrability of its shell, they could not destroy; here, then, their only resource was to deprive it of locomotion, and to obviate putrefaction; both which objects they accomplished most skillfully and securely, and, as is usual with these sagacious creatures, at the least possible expense of labor and materials. They applied their cement where alone it was required—round the verge of theshell. Jn the latter case, to obviate the evil of decay, by the total exclusion of air, they were obliged to be more lavish in the use of their embalming material, and to case over the ‘slime-girt giant,’ so as to guard | themselves from his noisome smell. What means more effectual could human wisdom have devised, under similar circumstances ?” When any member of a family dies, the bees are be- lieved by many to know what has happened ; and some 80 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. are superstitious enough to = the hives in mourning, t pacify their sorrowing occupants; imagining that, unless this is done, the bees will never afterwards prosper ! Tt. has frequently been asserted, that they sometimes take their loss so much to heart, as to alight upon the coffin whenever it is exposed. A clergyman told me, that he attended a funeral, where, as soon as the coffin was ‘brought from the house, the bees gathered upon it so as to excite much alarm. Some years after this occurrence, being engaged in varnishing a table, the bees alighted upon it in such numbers, as to convince him, that love of varnish, rather than sorrow or respect for the dead, was — the occasion of their conduct at the funeral, How many superstitions, believed even by intelligent persons, might be as easily explained, if it were possible to sea iboei as fully all the facts connected with them! CHAPTER VI. POLLEN, OR ‘“ BEE-BREAD.” PotieN is gathered by the bees from blossoms, and 1s indispensable to the nourishment of their young—repeat- ed experiments having proved that brood cannot be raised without it. It is very rich in the nitrogenous sub- stances which are not contained in honey, and without which ample nourishment could not be furnished for the development of the growing bee. Dr. Hunter, on dissecting some immature bees, found that their stomachs Comin pollen, but not a particle of honey. We are indebted to Huber for the diadcvouil that pol-. len is the principal food of the young bees. As large le nace . POLLEN. 81 supplies were often found in hives whose inmates had starved, it was evident that, without honey, it could not support the mature bees; and this led former observers to conclude that it served for the building of comb. Hu- ber, after demonstrating that wax can be secreted from an entirely different substance, soon ascertained that pollen was used for the nourishment of the embryo bees. Con- fining some bees to their hive without any pollen, he sup- plied them with honey, eggs, and larve. In a short time, the young all perished. A fresh supply of brood being given to them, with an ample allowance of pollen, the development of the larve proceeded in the natural way. _I had an excellent opportunity of testing the value of this substance, in the backward Spring of 1852. On the _ 5th of February, I opened a hive containing an artificial swarm of the previous year, and found many of the cells filled with brood. The combs being examined ‘on the 23d, contained neither eggs, brood, nor bee-bread; and the colony was supplied with ‘pollen from another hive ; the next day, a large number of eggs were found in the cells. When this supply was exhausted, laying again ceased, and was only resumed when more was furnished. During the time of these experiments, the weather was so unpromising, that the bees were unable to leave the hive. Dzierzon is of opinion that bees can furnish food for their young, without pollen; although he admits that they ean do it only for a short time, and at a great expense of vital energy ; just as the strength of an animal nursing its young is rapidly reduced, if, for want of proper food, the yery substance of the mother’s body must be. conyerted into milk. The experiment just described does not cor roborate this theory, but confirms Huber’s view, that pollen is indispensable to the development of brood. Sepngenen, an able German Apiarian, says that if a “ 89 ‘THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. colony with a fertile queen be confined to an empty hive, and supplied with honey, comb will be rapidly built, and the cells filled with eggs, which in due time will be hatched; but the worms will all die within eiesianenes hours. y ‘Some Apiarians believe that — with an sdvsiidinait of both pollen and honey, will secrete wax much faster than when supplied with honey alone; and that its seere- tion, without pollen, severely taxes their strength. = | In September, 1856, I put a very large colony of bees | into a new hive, to determine some points on which I was then experimenting. The weather was fine, and they gathered pollen, and built comb very rapidly; still, for ten days, the queen-bee deposited no eggs in the cells, During all that time, these bees stored very little pollen in the combs. One of the days being so stormy that they could not go abroad, they were supplied with rye flour (see p. 84), none of which, although very greedily appro- | priated, could be found in the cells. During all this time, as there was no brood to be fed, the pollen must have been used by the bees either for nourishment, or to assist them in secreting wax; or, as i believe, for both these purposes. Bees prefer to gather fresh bee-bread, even when Hii are large accumulations of old stores in the cells. With hives giving the control of the combs, the surplus of old colonies may be made to supply the deficiency of young ones; the latter, in Spring, being often deskaee of this sihortinxt article. If honey and pollen can both be obtained from the same blossom, the industrious insect usually gathers a load of each. To prove this, let a few pollen-gatherers be dis- sected when honey is plenty; and their BED 20: will ordinarily be full. ™~, bn x i SESE. ay POLLEN. | 83 - The mode of gathering pollen is very interesting. The body of the bee appears to the naked eye to be covered with fine hairs, to which, when she alights on a flower, the farina adheres. With her legs, she brushes it from her body, and packs it in the hollows, or baskets, one of which is on each of her thighs; these baskets are surrounded by stouter hairs, which hold the load im its place. If from any cause the pollen cannot be readily gathered in balls, the bee will often roll herself in it, and return, all dusted over, to her hive. When the bee brings home a load of pollen, she often _ shakes her body in a singular manner, to attract the atten- tion of other bees, who nibble from her thighs what they want for immediate use; the rest she stores away for future need, by inserting her body in a cell and brush- ing it from her legs; it is then carefully packed down, being often covered with honey, and sealed over with wax. Pollen is very rarely deposited In any except worker-cells. Aristotle observed, that a bee, in gathering pollen, con- fines herself to the kind of blossom on which she begins, even if it is not so abundant as some others; thus a ball of this substance taken from her thigh, is found to be of a uniform color throughout; the load of one insect being yellow, of another, red, and of a third, brown; the color varying with that of the plant from which the supply was obtained. They may prefer to gather a load from a single species of plant, because the pollen of different kinds does not pack so well together. Bees, by carrying the pollen or fertilizing substance of plants, on their bodies, from blossom to blossom, contribute essentially to their impreg- nation. _ Though the importance of pollen has long been known, it is only of late that any attempts have been made to 84 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. . farnish a substitute. Dzierzon, early in the Spring, observed his bees bringing rye-meal to their hives from a neighboring mill, before they could procure any “pollen from natural supplies. The hint was not lost; and it is now a common practice in Europe, where bee-keeping is exten- sively carried on, to supply the bees early in the season with this article. Shallow troughs are set in front of the Apiaries, filled about two inches deep with finely ground, dry, unbolied rye-meal. Thousands of bees, when the weather is favorable, resort eagerly to them, and rollimg themselves in the meal, return heavily laden to their hives. In fine, mild weather, they labor at this work with great industry; preferring the meal to the o/d pollen stored in their combs. They thus breed early, and rapidly reeruit their numbers. The feeding is continued till, the blos- soms furnishing a preferable article, they cease to carry off the meal. The average consumption of each colony is about two pounds. | eres Mr. F. Sontag, a German Apiarian,. says, that, ine the Spring of 1853, he fed one of his colonies with rye-meal, placed in the hive in an old comb; continuing -the supply till they could procure fresh pollen abroad. This colony produced four strong swarms that Spring, and an adjoin- ing stock not supplied with the meal, only one weal ' swarm, Another German bee-keeper says, he has used whee» flour with very good results; the bees forsaking the honey furnished them, and seeded actively in carrying in the flour, which was placed about twenty pacee im front of their bives, | The construction of my hives permits the Pies to ee easily placed where the bees can get it, without losing time in going abroad, or suffering for the want of it, when the weather confines them at home. aval a j POLLEN. 85 The discovery of this substitute removes a very serious obstacle to the culture of bees. In many districts, there is for a short time such an abundant supply of honey, that almost any number of strong colonies will, in a good sea- son, lay up enough for themselves, and a large. surplus for their owners. In many of these districts, however, the supply of pollen is often quite insufficient, and in Spring, the swarms of the previous year are so destitute, that unless the season is early, the production of brood is.seriously checked, and the colony cannot avail itself properly of the superabundant harvest of honey. ~ While the honey-bee is regarded by the best informed horticulturists as a friend, a strong prejudice has been excited against it by many fruit-growers in this country; and in some communities, a man who keeps bees, is con- sidered as bad a neighbor, as one who allows his poultry to despoil the gardens of others. Even the warmest friends of the “busy bee,” may be heard lamenting its propensity to banquet on their beautiful peaches and pears, and choicest grapes and plums. In conversation with a gentleman, I once assigned three reasons, why the bees could not inflict any extensive injury upon his grapes. Ist, that as the Creator appears to have intended both the honey-bee and fruit for the comfort of man, it was difficult to conceive that He would have made one the natural enemy of the other. 2d, that as the supplies of honey from the blossoms had entirely failed, the season (1854) being exceedingly dry, if the numerous colonies in his vicinity had been ablé to help themselves to his sound grapes, they would have entirely _devoured the fruit of his vines. 3d, that the jaws of the bee, being adapted chiefly to the manipulation of wax, were too feeble to enable it readily to puncture the skin even of his most delicate grapes. | 86 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. In reply to these arguments, being invited to go to his’ vines, and see the depredators in the very act, the result justified my anticipations. Though many bees were seen banqueting on grapes, not one was doing any mischief to. the sound fruit. Grapes which were bruised on the vines, . or lying on the ground, and the moist stems, from which grapes had recently been plucked, were covered with bees; while other bees were observed to alight upon bunches, -which, when found by careful inspection to be sound, they left with evident disappointment. UG! Wasps and hornets, which secrete no wax, being Gastiadedes ed with strong, saw-like jaws, for cutting the woody fibre with which they build their combs, can easily penetrate. the skin of the toughest fruits. While the bees, therefore, appeared to be comparatively innocent, multitudes of these depredators were seen helping themselves to the best of the grapes. Occasionally, a bee would presume to alight upon a bunch where one of these pests was operating for his own benefit, when the latter would turn and “ show fight,” much after the fashion of a snarling dog, molested by another of his species, while daintily discussing his own private bone. ‘, After the mischief has been begun by other insects, or wherever a crack, or a spot of decay is seen, the honey-. bee hastens to help itself, on the principle of “ gathering up the fragments, that nothing may be lost.” In this way, they undoubtedly do some mischief; but before war — is declared against them, let every fruit-grower inquire if, on the whole, they are not far more useful than injurions. _ As bees carry on their bodies the pollen, or fertilizing — substance, they aid most powerfully in the impregnation _ of plants, while prying into the blossoms in search of — honey or bee-bread. In genial seasons, fruit will often set abundantly, even if no bees are kept in its vicinity; but ~ POLLEN. 87 many Springs are so unpropitious, that often during the critical period of blossoming, the sun shines for only a few hours, so that those only can reasonably expect a remu- nerating crop whose trees are all murmuring with the _ pleasant hum of bees. A large fruit-grower told me that his cherries were a very uncertain crop, a cold north-east storm frequently prevailing when they were in blossom. He had noticed, that if the sun shone only for a couple of hours, the bees secured him a crop. If the horticulturists who regard the bee as an enemy,_ could exterminate the race, they would act with as little wisdom as those who attempt to banish from their inhos- pitable premises every insectiverous bird, which helps itself to a small part of the abundance it has aided in producing. By making judicious efforts early in the Spring, to entrap the mother-wasps and hornets, which alone survive the Winter, an effectual blow may be struck at some of the worst pests of the orchard and gar- | den. In Europe, those engaged extensively in the culti- vation of fruit, often pay a small sum in the Spring for all wasps and hornets destroyed in their vicinity. Fig. 62 (Pl. XIII.), shows the magnified head of a Mexican Honey-Hornet (p. 58). Fig. 63 shows the mag- nified head of the Honey-Bee. Fig. 64 shows the jaws of this Hornet, highly magnified. Fig. 65 shows the jaws of the Honey-Bee, highly magnified. A glance at these figures is enough to convince any intelligent horti- culturist of the truth of Aristotle’s remark—made more than two thousand years ago—that “bees hurt no kinds of fruit, but wasps and hornets are very destructive to them.” §8 THE HIVE AND HONEY-RER. CHAPTER VII. VENTILATION OF THE BEE-HIVE. Ir a populous stock is examined on a warm day, a num- ber of bees may be seen standing upon the alighting- board, with their heads turned towards the entrance of the hive, their abdomens slightly elevated, and their wings in such rapid motion, that they are almost as indistinct as the spokes of a wheel, in swift rotation on its axis. A brisk current of air may be felt proceeding from the hive ; and if a small piece of down be suspended at its entrance, by a thread, it will be blown out from one part and drawn in at another. Why are these bees so deeply ab- sorbed in their fanning occupation, that they pay no atten- tion to the busy numbers constantly crowding in and out of the hive ? and what is the meaning of this double cur- rent of air? ‘To Huber, we owe the satisfactory explana- tion of these curious phenomena. The bees thus singu- larly plying their rapid wings, are ventilating the hive; and this double current is caused by pure air rushing i in, to supply the place of the foul air which is forced out. By a series of beautiful experiments, Huber ascertained that the air of a crowded hive is almost as pure as the sur- rounding atmosphere. Now, as the entrance to such a hive is often very small, the air within cannot be renewed, without resort to artificial means. If a lamp is put into a close vessel, with only one small orifice, it will soon ex- haust the oxygen, and cease to burn. If another small orifice is made, the same result will follow; but if a current of air is by some device drawn out from one open- - —- — ai a eae. « id a ‘ LS SS QE ome of amen < Liat EAN TN A INN a GR Pi ms ea Rs Se F {41 | Nin pee i) ‘ | 4 Fig. 22. ce i s+ i i VENTILATION. 89 _ ing, an equal current will force its way into the other, and the lamp will burn until the oil is exhausted. It is on this principle of maintaining a double current _ by artificial means, that bees ventilate their crowded _ habitations. A file of ventilating bees stands inside and - outside of the-hive, each with head turned to its entrance, and while, by the rapid fanning of their “ many twinkling” _ wings, a brisk current of air is blown out of the hive, an _ equal current is drawn in. As this important office de- _ mands unusual physical exertion, the exhausted laborers _ are, from time to time, relieved by fresh detachments. If the interior of the hive permits inspection, many ventila- tors will be found scattered through it, in very hot weath- er, all busily engaged in their laborious employment. If its entrance is contracted, speedy accessions will be made to their numbers, both inside and outside of the hive; and if it is closed entirely, the heat and impurity quickly in- creasing, the whole colony will attempt to renew the air by rapidly vibrating their wings, and in a short time, if unrelieved, will die of suffocation. | Careful experiments show that pure air is necessary not only for the respiration of the mature bees, but for hatching the eggs, and developing the larve; a fine net- ting of air-vessels enveloping the eggs, and the cells of the larve being closed with a covering filled with air-holes. In Winter, if bees are kept in a dark place, which is neither too warm nor too cold, they are almost dormant, and require very little air; but even under such circum- stances, they cannot live entirely without it; and if they are excited’ by atmospheric changes, or in any way dis- turbed, a loud humming may be heard in the interior of their hives, and they need almost as much air as in warm weather. If bees are ‘greatly disturbed, it will be pirate espe- 90 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. cially in warm weather, to confine them, unless they havea very free admission of air; and even then, unless it is ad- mitted above, as well as below the mass of bees, the yen- tilators may become clogged with dead bees, and the col- ony perish. Bees under close confinement become exces- sively heated, and their combs are often melted; if damp- ness is added to the injurious influence of bad air, they become diseased; and large numbers, if not the whole colony, may perish from dysentery. Is it not under pre- cisely such circumstances that cholera and dysentery prove most fatal to human beings? the filthy, damp, and unven- tilated abodes of the abject poor, iid: perfect lazar- houses to their wretched inmates. j I have several times examined the bees of new swarms > which were brought to my Apiary, so closely confined, that they lad died of suffocation. In each instance, their bodies were disterded with a yellow and noisome substance, as though they had perished from dysentery. A few were still alive, and although the colony had been shut up only a few hours, the bodies of both the living and the dead were filled with this same disgusting fluid, instead of. me honey they had when they swarmed. In a medical point of view, these facts are hichivin inter- esting ; showing as they do, under what circumstances, _and how speedily, diseases may be produced sl | dysentery or cholera. In very hot weather, if thin hives are exposed to the sun’s direct rays, the bees are excessively annoyed by the intense heat, and have recourse to the most powerful ven- tilation, not merely to keep the air of the hive pure, a” to lower its temperature. Bees, in such weather, often leave, almost in a body, the interior of the hive, and cluster on the outside, not merely to escape the close heat within, but to guard their . | : ; VENTILATION. be combs against the danger of being dissolved. At such times, they are particularly careful not to cluster on new combs containing sealed honey, which, from not being lined ‘with cocoons, and from the extra amount of wax used for their covers, melt more readily than the breeding-cells. Apiarians have noticed that bees often leave their honey-cells almost bare, as soon as they are sealed ; but it seems to have escaped their observation, that this is abso- lutely necessary in. very hot weather. In cool weather, they may frequently be found clustered among the sealed honey-combs, because there is then no danger of their melting. - | Few things-are so well fitted to impress the mind with their admirable sagacity, as the truly scientific device by which they ventilate their dwellings. In this important matter, the bee is immensely in advance of the great mass of those who are called rational beings. It has, to be sure, no ability to decide, from an elaborate analysis of the chemical constituents of the atmosphere, how large a pro- portion of oxygen is essential to the support of life, and how rapidly the process of breathing converts it into a deadly poison: it cannot, like Liebig, demonstrate that God, by setting the animal and the vegetable world, the - one over against the other, has provided that the atmos- phere shall, through all ages, be as pure as when it first - came from His creating hand. But shame upon us! that with all our boasted intelligence, most of us live as though pure air was of little or no importance; while the bee ventilates with a philosophical precision that should put to the blush our criminal neglect. Is it said that ventilation, in our case, cannot be had without effort? can it then be had for nothing, by the industrious bees? Those ranks of bees, so indefatigably plying their busy wings, are not engaged in idle amuse- 92 hs THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. ment; nor ewe they, as some shallow utilitarian may imagine, be better employed in gathering: honey, or superintending some other department in the economy oP the hive. At great expense of time and labor, they are supplying the rest of the colony with the pure air so con- ducive to their health and prosperity. Impure air, one would think, is bad enough; but all its inherent vileness is stimulated to still greater activ- ity by air-tight, or rather lung-tight stoves,* which can economize fuel only by squandering health and endan- gering life. Not only our private houses, but all our places of public assemblage, are either unprovided with any means of ventilation, or to a great extent, as at with those so deficient, that they only ‘* Keep the word of promise to our ear, To break it to our hope.” That ultimate degeneracy must inevitably follow such gross neglect of the laws of health, cannot be doubted ; and those who imagine that the physical stamina of a people may be undermined, and their intellectual, moral, : and religious health suffer no decay, know little of the intimate connection which the Creator has established between body and mind. Men may, to a certain extent, resist the injurious influ- ences of foul air;.as their employments usually compel them to live more out of doors: but alas, alas! for the poor-women! In the very land where they are treated with such merited deference and respect, often no pro- vision is made to furnish them with that first element of health, cheerfulness and pegbiy heaven’s pure, fresh air. * The beautiful open or Franklin stoves, for coal or wood, manufactured by Messrs. Treadwell, Perry & Norton, of Albany, New York, deserve the higheat commendation as economizers of life, health, and fuel. ae. < oe ig S VENTILATION. | 93 The pallid cheek or hectic flush, the angular form and distorted spine, the enfeebled appearance of.so large a por- tion of our women, who, to use the lauguage of the lamented Downing, “in the signs of physical health, com- _ pare most unfavorably with all but the absolutely starving classes in Europe;” all these indications of debility, to say nothing of their care-worn faces and premature wrinkles, proclaim our violation of God’s physical laws, and the dreadful penalty with which He is visiting our transgressions. 3 The man who shall convince the masses of the impor- tance of ventilation, and whose inventive mind shall devise some simple, cheap, and efficacious way of furnish- ing a copious supply of pure air for our private dwellings, public buildings, and travelling conveyances, will be a greater benefactor than a Jenner or a Watt, a Fulton or a Morse. In the ventilation of my hive, I have endeavored, as far as possible, to meet the necessities of the bees, under all the varying circumstances to which they are exposed in our uncertain climate, whose severe extremes of tempera- ture forcibly impress upon the bee-keeper, the maxim of Virgil, - | “Utraque vis pariter apibus metuenda.” “ Extremes of heat or cold, alike are hurtful to the bees.” To be useful to the majority of bee-keepers, artificial ventilation must be simple, and not as in Nutt’s hive, and other labored contrivances, so complicated as to require almost as close supervision as 4 hot-bed or green- house. | By furnishing ventilation independent of the entrance, we may improve upon the method which bees, in a state of nature, are often compelled to adopt, when the openings - jnto their hollow trees are so small, that they must employ O4 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. in hot weather, a larger force in ventilation, than would otherwise be necessary. By the use of my movable blocks (Pl. V., Fig. 17), the entrance may be kept so small, that only a single bee can go in at once, or it may be entirely closed, without the bees suffering for want of air. While the ventilators afford a sufficient supply, they may be easily controlled, so as not to injure the brood by admitting too strong a current of chilly air. Im the chapter on wintering bees, directions are given for ven- tilating the hives in cold weather, so as to carry off all superfluous moisture. The construction of my hives allows of ventilation fae above; and it should always be used, when bees are shut up ae any length of time, to be moved, that the colony _ may not be suffocated, by the lower ventilators becoming clogged by dead bees. As the entrance of the hive, may in a moment, be enlarged to any desirable extent, without _ perplexing the bees, any quantity of air which the bees may require, can be admitted; the ventilator on the back allowing a free current to sweep through the hive. The entrance may be fourteen inches and upwards in length; but . as a general rule, in a large colony, it need not, in Summer, exceed four inches; while, during the rest of the year, one or two inches will suffice. In very hot weather, especially if the hive stands in the sun, the bees cannot have too much air; and the ventilators in the upper part of the main bis should all be kept open. REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 95 CHAPTER VIII. REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. In this chapter, I shall enumerate certain advantages ' which seem essential to the idea of a complete hive. In- — stead of disparaging other hives, I prefer inviting the attention of bee-keepers to the importance of these ' requisites; some of which, I believe, are-contamed in no hive but my own. If, after careful scrutiny, they commend themselves to the judgment of practical cultivators, they will serve to test the comparative merits of the various hives in common use. 1, A complete hive should give the Apiarian such perfect control of all the combs, that they may be easily taken out without cutting them, or enraging the bees. : 2. It should permit all necessary operations to be per- - formed without hurting or killing a single bee. Most hives are so constructed, that they cannot be used without injuring or destroying some of the bees; and the destruction of even a few, materially increases ait difficulty of managing them. 3. It dioula afford suitable protection against extremes of heat and cold, sudden changes of temperature, and the injurious effects of dampness. The interior of a hive should be dry in Winter, and free in Summer from a pent and almost suffocating heat. 4. It should permit every desirable operation to ba performed, without exciting the anger of the bees. 5. Not one unnecessary motion should be required of a single bee. 96 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. _As the honey-harvest, in most loeationa 4 is of short con- tinuance, all the arrangements of the hive should facilite itate, to the utmost, the work of the busy gatherers. ‘Hives which compel them to travel with their heavy burdens through densely crowded combs, are very objectionable. Bees instead of forcing their way through thick clusters, can easily pass into the top surplus honey-boxes of my hives, from any comb in the hive, and into bs! & hex, without traveling at all over the combs. 6. It should afford suitable facilities for inspecting, at all times, the condition of the bees. 7. It should be capable of being readily adjusted 1 to the wants of either large or small colonies. _ By means of a movable partition, my hive can ae ad- justed, in a few moments, to the wants of any colony how- ever small; and with equal facility be enlarged, from time tio oo or at once restored to its full dimensions. . It should allow the combs to be removed without jarring. | | Bees manifest the utmost aversion to any motion which tends to loosen or detach their combs. The ‘movable . frames, however firmly fastened, can all be loosened in a few moments, without injuring or exciting the bees. 9. It should allow every good piece of comb to be enren to the bees, instead of melting it into wax. 10. It should induce the bees to build regular combs. A hive containing too much comb. suitable only for storing honey, or raising drones, cannot be expected to prosper. 11. It should furnish empty comb, to indy bees to occupy more readily the surplus honey-receptacles, 12. It should prevent the over-production of drones, by permitting the removal of drone-comb from the hive. 13. It should enable the Apiarian, if too many drones RS a lll fit al | Z Z ZN N NN. : \ 4 : ~ Ly eS : / TTL slg NSN TT NN SSAALPIAILITILELLLLLLTLEPLPPEPPPLEEDELL AP) 7 WA it =. — eet Oe eee ey, 7 on : ae 5 ‘nS ices ee ai Pe RASS REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 97 _ have been raised, to trap and destroy them, before they have largely consumed the Loney of the hive. This is effected, in my hives, by adjusting the blocks (Pl. I1., Figs. 11, 12) which regulate the entrance. 14. It should enable the Apiarian to remove such combs as are too old. The upper part of a comb, being generally used ba storing honey, will last for many years. 15. It ought to furnish all needed security against the ravages of the bee-moth. 16. It should furnish to the Apiarian some accessible _ place, where the larvz of the bee-moth, when fully grown, may wind themselves in their cocoons. 17. It should enable the Apiarian, by removing the combs, to destroy the worms, if they get the advantage of the bees. 18. The bottom-board should be permanently attached to the hive, for convenience in moving it, and to prevent the depredations of moths and worms. Sooner or later, there will be crevices between every movable bottom-board and the sides of the hive, through which moths will gain admission to lay their eggs, and ander which worms, when fully grown, will retreat to spin heir webs. In my hive, there is no place where the moth gan get in, except at the entrance for the bees, which may be contracted or enlarged, to suit the strength of the col- ony; and which, from its peculiar shape, the bees are - easily enabled to defend. If, however, any prefer mova- ble bottom-boards, they can be used in my hive. 19. The bottom-board should slant toward the entrance, to facilitate the carrying out of dead bees, and other use- less substances ; to aid a colony in protecting itself against robbers; and to carry off moisture, and prevent rain from beating into the hive. a 98 ‘THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. - 20. The bottom-board should admit of nan 2 cleared, in cold weather, of dead bees. i titst—S If suffered to remain, they often salina aula and injure the health of the colony. In dragging them out, when the weather moderates, the bees often fall with them on the snow, and are so chilled, that they never rise again ; for a bee, in flying away with the dead, fr ss enti: retains its hold, until both fall to the ground. 21. No part of the interior of the hive should be below the level of the place of exit. If this principle is violated, the bees must, at. pas: dias advantage, drag, wp hill, their dead, and all the refuse is the hive. 92. It should afford facilities for feeding bees, both in warm and cold weather. — vt ete In this respect, the movable-comb hive has unusual ad- vantages. In warm weather, sixty colonies may, in: less than an hour, receive each a quart of food, without ume feeder, and with no risk from robber-bees. bik fat 23. It should permit the easy hiving of a swarm, Wi cit out injuring any bees, or phen the destruction of. the queen. 24. It should admit of the safe transportation of the bait to any distance whatever. The permanent bottom-board, the firm atidoladlll of each comb to a separate frame, and the facility with which air can be given to confined ip admirably pines end hive to this purpose. 25. It should furnish bees with air, when the entrance for any cause, must be entirely shut. 26. It should furnish facilities for enlarging, cordial and closing the entrance, to protect the bees against rob hers, and the bee-moth; and when the entrance is altered, Ike, REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 99 the bees ought not, as in most hives, to lose valuable time in searching for it. 27. It should give the requisite ventilation, without en- larging the entrance so much as to expose the bees. to moths and robbers. 28. It should furnish facilities for admitting at once a large body of air, that the bees may be tempted to fly out and discharge their feces, on warm days in Winter, or early Spring. If such a free admission of air cannot be given, the bees, by losing a favorable opportunity of emptying themselves, - may suffer from diseases resulting from too long confine- ment. | 29. It should enable the Apiarian to remove the excess _ of bee-bread from old stocks. (See p. 82.) | - 80. It should enable the Apiarian to remove the combs, brood, and stores, from a common to an improved hive, so that the bees may be easily able to attach them again in their natural positions. A colony transferred to my hive will repair their combs, in a few days, so as to work as well as before their removal. | 31. It should permit the safe and eaey dislodgement of the bees from the hive. This requisite is especially important, when it i a necessary to break up weak stocks, to join them to others. 32. It should allow the bees, together with the heat and odor of the main hive, to pass in the freest manner, to the surplus honey-receptacles. : In this respect, all other hives with hia I am ac- quainted are more or less deficient : the bees being forced to work in receptacles difficult of access, and in which, in cool nights, they find it impossible to maintain the requi- site heat for comb-building. Bees cannot, in such lives, 100 THE HIVE AND HUNEY-BEE. |. work to advantage in glass tumblers, or other small ves+ sels. One of the most important arrangements of my hive, is that by which the heat passes into the upper recepta- cles for storing honey, as naturally as the warm air ascends to the top of a heated room. 83. It should permit the surplus honey to be taken away, in the most convenient, beautiful, and salable forms, and without risk of annoyance from the bees. In my hives, it may be made on frames in an upper chamber, in tumblers, glass boxes, wooden boxes, small or large, earthen jars, flower-pots, in short, in any kind of receptacle which may suit the fancy or convenience of the beekeeper. Or these may all be dispensed with, and the _ honey taken from the interior of the main hive, by remov- ing the full frames, and supplying their places with ini ones. 84. It should admit of the easy removal of good ein from the main hive, when its place can be Seti ne | the bees with an inferior article. 2 In districts where buckwheat is raised, any vacancies made by removing the choice honey from the hive wall be rapidly filled. 35. When quantity and not quality is the object me “it should allow the greatest yield, that the surplus of strong colonies may be given, in the Fall, to those which have an insufficient supply. - Bysurmounting my hive with a box of the same dimen- sions, and transferring the combs to this box, the bees, - when they build new comb, will descend and fill the lower frames, using, as fast as the brood hatches, the upper box for storing honey. The combs in this box, containing a large amount of bee-bread, and being of a size adapted to the breeding of workers, will be very suitable for aiding weak colonies. | once ogee vee eee REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 101 36. It should be able to compel the force of a colony to be mainly directed to raising young bees; that brood may be on hand to form new colonies, and strengthen feeble stocks. 37. It ought to be so constructed that, while well pro- tected from the weather, the sun may be allowed in early Spring to encourage breeding, by warming up the hive. 38. The hive sould be equally well Ptiyutie to be used as & swarmer, or non-swarmer. In my hives, the bees may be allowed to swarm as im’ common hives, and be managed in the usual way. Even on this plan, the control of the combs will be found to afford unusual advantages, ~ Non-swarming-hives, managed in the ordinary way, are liable to swarm unexpectedly, in spite of all precautions, In my hives, the queen may be prevented from LeAYIDR, and a swarm will not depart without her. 89. It should enable the Apiarian to prevent a new swarm from forsaking its hive. This vexatious occurrence can always be ame by so adjusting the entrance, for a few days, that the queen cannot leave the hive. 40. It should enable the Apiarian, if he allows his bees to swarm, and wishes to secure surplus honey, to prevent their swarming more than once in a season. 41. It should enable the Apiarian, who relies on siabucal ‘swarming, and wishes to multiply his colonies as fast as possible, to make vigorous stocks of all his small after- swarms. . Such swarms contain a young queen, and if they can be judiciously strengthened, usually make the best stock- hives. My hives enable me to supply all such swarms at “once with combs containing bee-bread, honey, and matur- ing brood. 102 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. 42. It should enable the Apiarian to multiply his colo- nies with a certainty and rapidity which are impossible if . he depends upon naturalswarming. 43. It should enable the Apiarian to inte destitute | colonies with the means of obtaming a new queen. Every Apiarian, for this reason alone, would find it to his advantage to possess, at least, one such hive. > 44. It should enable him to catch the queen, for any purpose ; especially to remove an old one whose — is lo sao by age. 45, While a complete hive is oliaptil tp ae sail of those who desire to manage their colonies on the most improved plans, it ought to be suited to the wants of those who, from timidity, ignorance, or any other reason, paar the common way. 46. It should enable a single bee-keeper to superntend the colonies of differ ent individuals. Many persons would keep bees, if an ‘Apia ile 2 a garden, could be superintended by a competent individual. No. person can agree to do this with the common hives. If the bees are allowed to swarm, he may be called in a dozen different directions at once, and if any accident, — such as the loss of a queen, happens to the colonies of his customers, he can usually apply no remedy. | On my plan, those who desire it, may witness the ia try of this sagacious insect, and gratify their palates with its delicious stores harvested on their own premises, with- ‘out incurring either trouble, or risk of annoyance. 47. All the joints of the hive should be water-tight, anil there should be no doors or shutters liable to sisi wren, or get out of order. std _ The importance of this requisite will be obeaeee to any one who has had the ordinary share of vexatious experi- ence wit] such fixtures. thle ah Aaa REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 103 » 48. It should enable the bee-keeper entirely to dispense with sheds, or costly Apiaries; as the hive itself should alike defy heat or cold, rain or snow. 49. It ought not to be liable to be blown downs in high winds. My hives may be made so low, for very windy situa- tions, that it would require almost a hurricane to neat them. 50. A wire hive should have its shashtinentagiet so constructed, as to shelter the bees against wind and wet, thus facilitating to the utmost their entrance with heavy burdens. If this precaution is neglected, the colony cannot be en- couraged to use, to the best advantage, the unpromising days which often occur in the working season. 51. A complete hive should be protected against the destructive ravages of mice in Winter. When cold weather approaches, all my hives may have their entrances contracted by the movable BOOKS so that a mouse cannot gain admission. 52. It should permit the bees to pass over their combs in the freest manner, both in Summer and Winter. While such easy intercommunication facilitates the Summer work of the hive, it is often, in cold Winters, in- dispensable to the life of the colony. 53. It should permit the honey, after the gathering season is over, to be concentrated where the bees will most need it. ofS If the latter part of the season has been unpropitious, the centre combs, in which a colony usually winters, may have very little honey, while the others are well supplied. In hives where this cannot be remedied, it often causes the loss of the bees. 54. It should permit a generous supply of honey to be 104 - THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. left, in the Fall, in the awe without materi either to the bees, or to their owner. eatah If too much honey is taken, and the Wintel prove very unfavorable, the bees may starve. In the common hives, if too much remains, it cannot be removed in the Spring, and it is thus worse than lost to the bee-keeper, by occupying the room needed for raising brood. 55. It should permit the Apiarian to remove such combs as cannot be protected by the bees, to a place of safety. When a colony becomes greatly reduced in numbers, its empty combs may cause its destruction, by affording a harbor to the bee-moth; or its rich stores of honey may tempt robbing bees to despoil it. In the common hives, often nothing can be effectually done to prevent such ‘casualties. 56. It should permit the space for spare honey recep- tacles to be enlarged or contracted at will, without any alteration or destruction of existing parts of the hive. Without the power to do this, the productive foree of a colony is in some seasons greatly diminished. 3 57. It should be so compact as to economize, if possible; every inch of material used in its construction. te 58. The hive, while presenting a neat appearance, should admit, if desired, of being made highly orna- mental, 59. It should enable an Apiarian to lock up his hivews in some cheap and convenient way. As my. bottom-boards are not movable, the contents of a hive, when it is locked, ean only be reached by ae it bodily away. 60. It should allow the contents of a hive, bees, ici and all, to be taken out when it needs any repairs. = As movable-comb hives can, at any time, be thoroughly overhauled and repaired, they should last for generations. REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 105 .61. A complete hive, while possessing ail these requi- sites, should, if possible, combine them in a cheap and simple form, adapted to the wants of all who are com- petent to cultivate bees. Few would imagine, in reading this long list of desira- bles, that any hive can combine them all, without being exceedingly complicated and expensive. On the contrary, the cheapness and simplicity with which the movable-comb hive effects this, is its most striking feature, and the oné which has cost me more study than all the other points besides. Bees can work, in this hive, with even greater facility than in a simple box, as the frames being left rough by the saw, give them an admirable support while building their combs; and they can enter the: spare honey-boxes with more ease than they could mount to an equal height in the upper part of a common box-hive. There are a few desirables to which my hive, even if it were perfect, could make no pretensions ! | It promises no splendid results to those who are too ignorant or too careless to be entrusted with the manage- . ment of bees. In beekeeping, as in all other pursuits, a man must first understand his business, and then proceed upon the good old maxim, that “the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” . It has no talismanic baitanote which can convert a bad situation for honey into a good one; or give the Apiarian an abundant harvest, whether the season is productive or otherwise. As well might a farmer seek for some kind of wheat which will yield an enormous crop, in any soil, and in every season. It cannot enable the cultivator, while rapidly multiply- ing his stocks, to secure the largest yield of honey from his bees. As well might the breeder of poultry pretend, that in the seme vear, and from the same stock, he can both Re | 106 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. raise the greatest number of chickens, and sell the larges number of eggs. © ae ‘Worse than all, it cannot furnish the many advantages enumerated, and yet be made in as little time, or quite as cheaply, as a hive which, in the end, pinot to be a very dear bargain ! abe In the progress of my, invention, while sinboiopaliie attaching undue importance to some points, I have steadily endeavored to avoid constructing a hive in accord- ance with crude theories, or mere conjectures. Having carefully studied the nature of the honey-bee, for many years, and compared my observations with those of writers and cultivators who have spent their lives in extending ~ the sphere of Apiarian knowledge, I have endeavored to remedy the many difficulties with which bee-culture is ‘beset, by adapting my invention to the actual habits and wants of the insect. I have also tested the merits of this hive by long continued experiments, made ona large scale, so that I might not, by deceiving both myself and others, add another to the useless contrivances which have deluded and disgusted a too credulous public. I would, . however, utterly repudiate all claims to having devised even a perfect bee-hive. Perfection belongs only to the works © of Him, to whose omniscient eye were present all causes and effects, with all their relations, when he spake, and. from ~ nothing formed the Universe. For man to stamp the label of perfection upon any work of his own, is to show both his folly and presumption. _ The culture of bees is confessedly at a low ebb in this country, when thousands can be induced to purchase hives which are in glaring opposition to the plainest dictates of common sense, as well as the simplest principles of Apiarian knowledge. Such have been the losses of deluded pur- chasers, that it is no wonder they turn from everything REQUISITES OF A COMPLETE HIVE. 107 offered in the shape of a patent bee-hive, as a worthless conceit, if not an outrageous swindle. - So-deleterious has been the influence of the so-called “Jmproved Hives” that, as a general thing, only those who have used hives of the simplest form, have derived much profit from their bees. They have wasted neither time, money, nor bees, upon contrivances which can secure nothing in advance of a simple box-hive, with an upper chamber. A hive of the simplest possible construction, is a close imitation of the abode of bees in a state of nature; being a mere hollow receptacle, where, protected Pa: the - weather, they can lay up their stores. An improved hive, is one which contains an additional, separate apartment, where bees can store their surplus honey for man. Most hives in common use are only modifications of this latter. hive, and, as a general rule, are bad, exactly in propor- tion as they depart from it. While they tempt the com- mon bee-keeper to ruinous departures from the beaten path, they furnish him no remedy for the loss of the queen, or the casualties to which bees are exposed. Such hives, therefore, form no reliable basis for any improved system of management; and hence, the cultivation of bees, in this country, has declined for the last fifty years, and the Apiarian is as dependent as ever upon the caprices of an msect, which more than any of his domestic animals, may be completely subjected to his control. - I would respectfully submit, that no hive which does not furnish a thorough control over every comb, can give that substantial advance over the simple improved or chamber hive, which the bee-keeper’s necessities demand. Of such hives, the best are those which best unite cheapness and simplicity, with protection in Winter, and ready access to the spare honey-boxes. | 108 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEK. ss ' Having thus enumerated the tests to which all hives ought to be subjected, I submit them to the candid con- sideration of those, who, having the largest experience in the management of bees, are most conversant with the evils of the present system. If, on full trial, they find that the movable-comb hive can abide these tests, they may be willing to endorse the enthusiastic language of an experienced Apiarian, who, on examining its practical work- ings, declared that “it introduced not simply an improve. ment, but a complete revolution in bee-keeping. ‘ | , SWARMING AND HIVING. 109 CHAPTER IX. NATURAL SWARMING, AND HIVING OF SWARMS. THE swarming of bees is one of the most beautiful. sights in the whole compass of rural economy. Although many who use movable-comb hives prefer the artificial multiplication of colonies, few would be willing entirely to dispense with the pleasing excitement of natural swarm- ing. | | “ Up mounts the chief, and to the cheated eye Ten thousand shuttles dart along the sky ; | As swift through ether rise the rushing swarms, _ Gay dancing to the beam their sun-bright forms ; ; And each thin form, still ling’ring on the sight, Trails, as it shoots, a line of silver light. . High pois’d on buoyant wing, the thoughtful queen, In gaze attentive, views the varied scene, | And soon her far-fetch’d ken discerns below The light laburnum lift her polish’d brow, e: _. Wave her green leafy ringlets o’er the glade, : And seem to beckon to her friendly shade. Swift as the falcon’s sweep, the monarch bends - Her flight abrupt; the following host descends. _ Round the fine twig, like cluster’d grapes, they close In thickening wreaths, and court a short repose.” Evans. The multiplication of colonies by swarming, both guards the bee against the possibility of extinction, and makes its labors in the highest degree useful to man. The laws of reproduction in insects not living in regular colonies, secure an ample increase of their numbers. The same is true of those which live in colonies during the warm - weather only, as hornets, wasps, and humble-bees. In the ‘110 THR HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. ‘Fall, the males perish, while the impregnated females, retreating into Winter quarters, remain dormant till warm weather restores them to activity, that each may become the mother of a new family. uF yerhe The honey-bee, however, is so organized that it must live in a community during the entire year; for while the balmy breezes of the Spring will quickly thaw the frozen body of a torpid wasp, the bee is chilled by a temperature no lower than 50°; and it would be as impossible to re- store a frozen bee to animation, as to recall to life the stiffened corpses in the charnel-house of the Conyent of the Great St. Bernard. Bees, therefore, in cool weather, must associate in large numbers, to maintain the heat necessary for their preservation ; and the formation of new colonies, after the manner of wasps and hornets, is out of the question. Even if the young queens, like the mother- wasps, were able, without any assistance, to found new colonies, they could not maintain the warmth requisite for. the development of their young. And if this were pos- sible, and they were furnished with a proboscis, for gath- ering honey, as long as that of a worker, baskets on their thighs for carrying bee-bread, and pouches on their abdo- mens for secreting wax, they would still be unable to amass treasures for our use, or even to lay up the stores — for their own preservation. - How admirably are all these difficulties obviated by the ‘present arrangement! Their domicile being well supplied with all the requisite materials, the bees have added thousands, in the full vigor of youth, to their already nu- merous population, while such insects as depend upon the heat of the sun are still dormant. They can thus send off early colonies, strong enough to take full advan- tage of the honey-harvest, and to provision the new hive against the approach of Winter. From these considera- es SWARMING AND HIVING. 111 tions, it is evident that swarming, so far from being the _ foreed or unnatural event which some imagine, is one, which could not possibly be dispensed with, in a state of nature. ‘Let us now inquire under what circumstances swarm- ing ordinarily takes place. ~The time when new swarms may be expected, depends, _ of course, upon the climate, the forwardness of the season, re @ and the strength of the stocks. In our Northern and Middle States, they seldom issue before the latter part of May; and June may there be considered as the great swarming month. In Brownsville, Texas, on the lower Rio Grande, bees often swarm quite early in March. ‘In the Spring, as soon as a hive well filled* with comb, can no longer accommodate its teeming population, the bees prepare for emigration, by building a number of royal cells. These cells are begun about the time that the drones make their appearance in the open air; and when the young queens arrive at maturity, the sabia are usually very numerous. The first swarm is invariably led off by the old queen, unless she has died from accident or disease, when it is ac companied by one of the young ones reared to supply her loss. The old mother, unless delayed by unfavorable weather, usually leaves soon after one or more of the royal cells are sealed over. There are no signs from which the Apiarian can predict the certain issue of a first swarm. For years, I spent much time in the vain attempt to dis- cover some infallible indications of first swarming ; until facts convinced me that there can be no such indications, ma “* In our Northern and Middle States, bees seldom swarm unless the hive is filled with comb; in Southern latitudes, however, the swarming instinct seems to be much | more powerful. In Matamoras and Brownsville, I have seen many issue from hives only partially filled with comb. te: - ‘THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. If the weather is luis or the blossoms yiel@'an i ine _ sufficient supply of honey, bees often change their minds and refuse to swarm at all, even although their prepa | tions have been so fully completed, that, like the traveler whose trunks are packed, they have filled their honey-sa¢s for their intended j journey. | ie If, in the swarming season, but few bees caw a strong hive, on a clear, calm, and warm day, when other colonies are busily at work, we may look with great confidence for a swarm, unless the weather prove suddenly unfavorable. As the old queens which accompany the first swarm are heavy with eggs, they fly with such difficulty, that they are shy of venturing out, except on fair, still days. If the weather is very sultry, a swarm will sometimes issue as early as seven o’clock in the morning ; but from ten, A. _M., to two, P.M, is the usual time; ae the majority of swarms come off when the sun is canta an hour of the meridian. Occasionally, a swarm ventures out as late as five, P. M.; but an old queen is seldom guilty of such an indiscretion _ I have repeatedly witnessed, in my observing-hives, a whole process of swarming. On the day fixed for their departure, the queen is very restless, and instead of de- positing her eggs in the cells, roams over the combs, and communicates her agitation to the whole colony. The emigrating bees usually fill themselves with honey, just before their departure ; but in one instance, I saw them lay in their supplies more than two hours before they left. A short time before the swarm rises, a few bees. may generally be seen sporting in the air, with their heads turned always to the hive; and they occasionally fly in and out, as though impatient for the important event to take place. At length, a violent agitation commences in the hive; the bees appear almost frantic, whirling around SWARMING AND HIVING. * 413° in circles continually enlarging, like those made by astone - thrown into still water, until, at last, the whole hive is in a state of the greatest ferment, and the bees, rushing impetu- ously to the entrance, pour forth in one steady stream. Not a bee looks behind, but each pushes straight ahead, as though flying “for dear life,” or urged on by some in- ' visible power, in its headlong career. : - Often, the queen does not come out until many have left ; and she is frequently so heavy, from the number of egos in her ovaries, that she falls to the ground, incapable of rismg with her colony into the air. The bees soon miss her, and a very interesting scene may now be wit- nessed. Diligent search is at once made for their lost mother ; the swarm scattering in all directions, so that the leaves of the adjoining trees and bushes are often covered almost as thickly with anxious explorers, as with drops of rain after a copious shower. If she cannot be found, they commonly return to the old hive, in from five to fifteen minutes, though they occasionally attempt to enter a strange one, or to unite with another swarm. | The ringing of bells, and beating of kettles and frying- pans, is probably not a whit more efficacious, than the hideous noises of some savage tribes, who, imagining that the sun, in an eclipse, has been swallowed by an enormous dragon, resort to such means to compel his snakeship to disgorge their favorite luminary. Many who have never practised “ tanging,” have never had a swarm leave without settling. Still, as one of the “ country sounds,” and as a relic of the olden times, even the most matter-of-fact bee-man can readily excuse the enthusiasm of that pleasant writer in the London Quarterly Review, who discourses as follows: _ “Some fine, warm morning in May or June, the whole ‘atmosphere seems alive with thousands of bees, whirling a ‘THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. and buzzing, passing and repassing, wheeling : aba ut. in rapid circles, like a group of maddened bacchanals. Out runs the good housewife, with the frying-pan and key— the orthodox instruments for ringing—and. never ceases her rough music, till the bees have settled. This custom, as old as the birth of Jupiter, is one of the most pleasing and exciting of the countryman’s life; and there is an old colored print of bee-ringing still occasionally met with on - the walls of a country inn, that has charms for us, and makes us think of bright sunny weather in the dreariest November day. Whether, as Aristotle says, it affects them through pleasure or fear, or whether, indeed, they hear* it at all, is still as uncertain as that philosopher, left it; but we can wish no better luck to every bee-master that neglects the tradition, than that he may lose every swarm for which he omits to raise this time-honored con- cert.” | If, before its issue, a swarm has selected a new a os no amount of noise will compel them to alight, but as soon as the emigrating colony have all left the hive, they fly in a “ bee-line” to the chosen spot. I have noticed, that such unceremonious leave-taking, though quite common — when bees are neglected, seldom occurs when i are properly cared for. When the Apiarian perceives that a swarm, jake of sieeterius, rises higher and higher in the air and means to depart, not a moment must be lost: instead of empty noises, he should resort to means much more effective to stay their vagrant propensities. Water or dirt thrown - among them, will often so disorganize them as to compel them to alight. The most original of all devices for pony * The piping of the queen has a shrill, metallic sound, which possibly may oe overpowered by the ringing, so as to distract bees which intend to decamp, ‘and cause them to alight. Mite! ' SWARMING AND HIVING. 115 ‘ping them, is to flash the sun’s rays among them, by a Jooking-glass! I never had occasion to try it, but an ‘anonymous writer says he never knew it fail. If forcibly ‘prevented from eloping, they will be almost sure to leave, ‘soon after hiving, for their selected home, unless the queen is confined. If there is reason to expect desertion, and the queen cannot be confined, the bees may be carried into the cellar, and kept in total darkness, until towards ‘sunset of the.third day, being supplied, in the mean time, with water and honey to build their combs. The same precautions must be used when fugitive swarms are re- hived. It is always very easy to prevent a new colony from abandoning the movable-comb hive, by regulating the entrance so that, while a loaded worker-bee can just ‘pass, the queen will be unable to leave; or a piece of comb, with unsealed worker-brood, may be transferred to the new hive, when a swarm will seldom forsake it. It may generally be ascertained, soon after hiving a swarm, whether or not it intends to remain. If, on ap- plying the ear to the side of the hive, a sound be heard, as of gnawing or rubbing, the bees ate getting menaly for comb-building, and will rarely decamp. | If a colony deetde to go, they look upon the hive in which they are put as only a temporary stopping-place, and seldom trouble themselves to build any comb. Ifthe hive permits inspection, we may tell at a glance when bees are disgusted with their new residence, and mean to forsake it. They not only refuse to work with the char- acteristic energy of a new swarm, but their very attitude, ‘hanging, as they do, with a sort of dogged or supercili- ous air, as though they hated even so much as to tonch their detested abode, proclaims to the experienced eye, that they are unwilling tenants, and mean to be off as sooa 116 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. as they can. Numerous experiments to compel bees to work in observing-hives exposed to the full light of day, from the moment they were hived, instead of keeping them, as I now do, in darkness for several days, have made me quite familiar with all such bass Pee ceedings before their departure. | Bees sometimes abandon their hives very basis in Spring, or late in Summer or Fall. Although exhibiting the appearance of natural swarming, they leave, not be- cause the population is so crowded that they wish to form new colonies, but because it is either so small, or the hive so destitute of supplies, that they are driven to des- peration. Seeming to have a presentiment that they must perish if they stay, instead of awaiting the sure approach of famine, they sally out to see if they cannot better their condition. I have known a starving colony to leave their hive on a Spring-like day in December. cat It may seem strange that the instincts of so provident an insect should not always impel it to select.a suitable domicile before venturing to abandon the old home; since often, before they are housed again, they are evphaatl to powerful winds and drenching rains, which beat down and destroy many of their number. I solve this bee-problem, like many others, by consider- ing how the present arrangement conduces to the advan- — tage of man. z Bees would have been of little service to him, if, install of tarrying till he had time to hive them, their instincts had impelled them to decamp,. without delay, from the restraints of domestication. In this, as in many other things, we see that what on a superficial view seemed an obvious imperfection, proves, on closer wiper 5) to be a special contrivance to answer important ends. ‘To return to our new swarm. The queen snared SWARMING AND HIVING. 117? alights first, and sometimes joins the cluster after’ it has begun to form. The bees do not usually settle, unless she is with them; and when they do, and then disperse, it is frequently the case that, after first rising with them, she has fallen, from weakness, into some spot where she is unnoticed by the bees. Perceiving a hive in the act of swarming, I, on two oc- casions, contracted the entrance, to secure the queen when she should make her appearance. In each case, at least one-third of the bees came out before she joined them. As soon as the swarm ceased searching for her, and were returning to the parent-hive, being placed, with her wings clipped, on a limb of a small evergreen tree, -she crawled to the very top of the limb, as if for the express purpose of making herself as conspicuous as possible. The few bees which first noticed her, instead of alighting, darted rapidly to their companions; in a few seconds, the whole colony was apprised of her presence, and. flying in a dense cloud, began quietly to cluster around her. Bees when on the wing intercommunicate with such surprising rapidity, that telegraphic signals are scarcely more instan- taneous. That bees send out scouts to seek a suitable abode, admits of no serious question. Swarms have been traced directly to their new home, in an air-line flight, either - from their hive, or from the place where they clustered after alighting. Now this precision of flight to an un- known home, would plainly be impossible, if some of their number, by previous explorations, were not competent to act as guides to the rest. The sight of bees for distant objects is so wonderfully acute, that, after rising to a sufii- cient elevation, they can see, at the distance of several . miles, any prominent objects in the vicinity of their i in- tendéd abode. 118 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BER. Whether bees send out scouts before or after swarn may admit of more question. When a colony flies to. its new home without alighting, the scouts must have been dispatched before swarming. If this were the usual course, we should expect every colony to take the same speedy departure; or if they should cluster for the con- venience of the queen, or any bees over-fatigued by the excitement of swarming, we should look for only a tran- sient tarrying. Instead of this, they often remain until | the next day, and instances are not unfrequent of a much more protracted delay. The stopping of bees in their -flight to cluster again, is not inconsistent with these views; for if the weather is hot when they first clustery and: the sun shines directly upon them, they will often leave before they have found a suitable habitation. Sometimes the queen of an emigrating swarm, being heavy with eggs, and unaccustomed to fly, is compelled to alight, before she can reach their intended home. Queens, under such circumstances, are occasionally unwillng to take wing again, and the poor bees sometimes attempt to lay the foun- dations of their colony on fence-rails, hay-stacks, or oy unsuitable places. Mr. Wagner says, that he once knew a swarm of ead to lodge under the lowermost limb of an isolated oak- tree, in a corn-field. It was not discovered until the corn was harvested, in September. Those who found it, mis- took it for a recent swarm, and in brushing it down to hive it, broke off three pieces of comb, each about eight | inches square. Mr. Henry M. Zollickoffer, of Philadelphia, informed me that he knew a swarm to settle on a willow- | tree in that city, in a lot owned by the Pennsylvania Hos: _ pital ; it remained there for some time, and the boys pelted it with stones, to get possession of its comb and honey. — The necessity for scouts or explorers seems to be unques SWARMING AND HIVING. 119 tionable, unless we can admit that bees have the faculty of flying in an “air line,” to a hollow tree which they have never seen, and which may be the only one among thous- ands where they can find a suitable abode. | ‘These views are confirmed by the repeated instances in which a few bees have been noticed inquisitively prying into a hole in a hollow tree, or the cornice of a building, and have, before long, been followed by a whole _ eolony. _ Having described the method commonly pursued by a - new swarm, when left to their natural instincts, we return to the parent-stock from which they emigrated. From the immense number which have abandoned it, _ we should naturally infer that it must be nearly depopu- lated. As bees swarm in the pleasantest part of the day, some suppose that the population is replenished by the return of large numbers from the fields; this, however, - cannot often be the case, as it is seldom that many are absent from the hive at the time of swarming. To those who limit the fertility of the queen to four hundred eggs a day, the rapid replenishing of a hive, after swarming, _ must be inexplicable ; but to those who have seen her lay from one to three thousand eggs a day, it is no mystery at all. Enough bees remain to carry on the domestic operations of the hive; and as the old queen departs only when there is a teeming population, and when thousands of young are daily hatching, and tens of thousands rapidly maturing, the hive, in a short time, is almost 2 as populous as it was before swarming. f Those who suppose that the new colony consists wholly of young bees, forced to emigrate by the older ones, if they closely examine a new swarm, will find that while some have the ragged wings of age, others are so young as to l:e barely able to fly. | 120 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. After the tumult of swarming is over, not a bee that | did not participate in it, attempts to join the new colony 3 and not one that did, seeks to return. "What determines - some to go, and others to stay, we have no certain means | of knowing. How wonderful must be the impression | made upon an insect, to cause it in a few minutes so com- | pletely to lose its strong affection for the old home, that | _ when established in a hive only a few feet distant, it pays not the slightest attention to its former abode! When their new domicile is removed—after some have gone to the fields—from the place where the bees were hived, on their return, they often fly for hours in céaseless cire:2s about the spot where the missing hive stood; and somy: times continue the vain search for their companions, until dropping from exhaustion, they perish in close proximity to their old home. It has already been stated that, if the weather is favor- | able, the old queen usually leaves near the time that | the young queens are sealed over to be changed into nymphs. In about a week, one of them hatches; and the question must be decided whether or not, any more col- onies shall be formed that season. If the hive is well | filled with bees, and the season is in all respects promising, it is generally decided in the affirmative ; although, under such circumstances, some very strong colonies refuse to swarm more than once; while the repeated swarming of weaker ones often ruins both the aes and its after-swarms. If the bees decide to swarm but once, the first hatched — queen, being allowed to have her own way, rushes imme. ! diately to the cells of her sisters, and stings them to death. The other bees probably aid her in this murderous trans- action ; they certainly tear open the cradles of the slaugh- — tered innocents (Pl. XIV., Fig. 47, d), and remove them — ‘ / 4 4 4 4 y,) 4 Z — | | | | ; SWARMING AND HIVING. 121 , Ph ae poe ss une Matt aes om the ie: Their deba bodies may often be found on the ground in front of the hive. _ When a queen has emerged from her cell in the natural way, the bees cut it down (Pl. XIV., Fig. 47, ¢), till only a small acorn-cup remains; but if she met with a violent end, they usually remove the whole cell. By counting these acorn-cups, we can ascertain how many Lehi have hatched in a hive. If the bees of the parent-stock decide to send out a second colony, the first hatched queen is prevented from killing the others. A strong guard is kept over their cells, and as often as she approaches them with murderous intent, she is bitten, or given to understand by other most uncourtier-like demonstrations, that even a queen apne in all things, do just as she pleases. Like some human beings who cannot have their own fs _ Way, she is highly offended when thus repulsed, and utters, in a quick succession of notes, a shrill, angry. sound, not unlike the rapid utterance of the words, “neep, peep.” If held in the closed hand, she will make a similar noise. To this angry note, one or more of the ~ unhatched queens will respond, in a somewhat hoarser key, just as a cock, by crowing, bids defiance to its rivals. These sounds, so entirely unlike the usual steady hum of the bees, or the fluttering noises of unhatched queens, are almost infallible indications that a second swarm will soon isstfe. They are occasionally so loud as to be heard at some distance from the hive. About, a week after first- swarming, the Apiarian should place his ear against the hive, in the morning or evening, when the bees are still, and if the queens are “ piping,” he will readily recognize their peculiar sounds. The young queens are all mature, at the latest, in sixteen days from the departure of the first swarm, even if it left as soon as the royal cells were 6 122 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. begun. If, during this period, these notes are not he rd. it is an infallible indication that the first hatched queen has no rivals; and that swarming, in that stock, is Swe, for the season. taOd The second swarm usually issues on the second or third day after piping is heard ; though they sometimes delay coming out until the fifth day, In consequence of an un- favorable state of the weather. Occasionally, the weather is so extremely unfavorable, that the bees permit the oldest queen to kill the others, and refuse to swarm again. This is a rare occurrence, as young queens are not so par- ticular about the weather as old ones, and sometimes ven- ture out, not merely when it is cloudy, but when rain is_ | falling. On this account, if a very close watch is not kept, they are often lost. As piping ordinarily commences about a week after first-swarming, the second swarm usu: ally issues nine days after the first; although it has been known to issue as early as the third, and as late as the seventeenth ; but such cases are very rare. | It Bidinanily happens in the agitation of swarming, that the usual guard over the queen-cells is withdrawn, and sey- eral hatch at the same time, and accompany the colony; in which case, the bees often alight in two or more separate clusters. In my observing-hives, I have repeatedly seer young queens thrust out their tongues from a hole in their | cell, to be fed by the bees. If allowed to issue at will, they are pale and weak, like other young bees, and. for some time unable .to fly; but if confined: the usual time, they come forth fully colored, and ready for all emergencies, I have seen them issue in this state, while the excitement caused by removing the combs from a hive, has driven the guard from their cells. | wae The following remarkable instance came eae my ob- servation, in Matamoras, Mexico. A second swarm de- SWARMING AND HIVING. 123 serting its abode the second day after being hived, settled upon a tree. On examining the abandoned hive, jive young queens were found lying dead on its bottom- board. The swarm was returned, and, the next morning, two more dead queens were found. As the colony after- wards prospered, eight queens, at least, must have left the parent-stock in a single swarm ! _ Young queens, whose ovaries are not burdened with egos, are much quicker on the wing than old ones, and frequently fly much farther from the parent-stock before they alight. After the departure of the second swarm, the oldest remaining queen leaves her cell; and if another swarm is to come forth, piping will still be heard; and so before the issue of each swarm after the first. It will sometimes be heard for a short time after the issue of the second swarm, even when the bees do not intend toswarm again. The third swarm usually leaves the hive on the second or third day after the second swarm, and the others, at intervals of about a day. I once had five - swarms from one stock, in less than two weeks. In warm latitudes, more than twice this number of swarms have been known to issue, in one season, from a single stock. In after-swarming, the queen sometimes re-enters the hive, after having appeared on the alighting-board. If she does this once, she will be apt to do it repeatedly, and the swarm, in each instaace, will return to the mother- hive. In the Apiary of a friend in Matamoras, when his first swarm issued, there was no tree for it to alight on. The wind was so strong, that the bees did not leave the vicin- ity of their hives, but began to settle on a hive near their own. Although the queen was secured, with a portion of her colony, a large part of the swarm entered the adjoin- ing stocks. When these stocks swarmed, although a tree 124 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. had been set out for them to cluster on, the bees which had returned on the first occasion, did the same thing ! again, drawing with them the rest of their companions. | The only way in which we could obtain a single swarm, | was by covering with sheets all the hives in the Apiary | as soon as one swarmed, and thus the bees, being unable ‘ to enter them, were compelled to alight! It would be difficult to find a better illustration of the folly of ead ing the old adage, “A stitch in time saves nine.” After-swarms, or casts—these names are given to all swarms after the first—seriously reduce the strength of the parent-stock ; since by the time they issue, nearly all the brood left by the old queen has hatched, and no more | eggs can be laid until all swarming is over. It isa wise arrangement, that the second swarm does not ordi- narily issue until all the eggs left by the first queen are hatched, and the young mostly sealed over, so as to require no further feeding. Its departure earlier than this, would leave too few laborers to attend to the wants -of the young bees. If, after swarming, the weather sud- denly becomes chilly, and the hive is thin, or the Apiarian continues the ventilation which was needed only for a. crowded colony, the old stock being unable to maintain the requisite heat, great numbers of the brood often perish. The effect on the profits of the Apiary, of too frequent swarming, is discussed in the next chapter. If the bee- keeper wants no casts, he can easily prevent their issue from my hives. About five days after the first swarm comes out, the parent-stock may be opened, and all the queen-cells removed, except one. If done earlier than this, the bees may start others, in the place of those re- moved. »' Those only who have thoroughly tried both plans, can appreciate how much better this is, than to attempt to return the after-swarms to the parent hive, SWARMING AND HIVING. | 125 _ The Apiarian who desires by natural swarming to mul- tiply his colonies as rapidly as possible, will find full _ directions in the sequel, for building up all after-swarms, ‘however small, so as to make vigorous stocks. _ It will be remembered, that both the parent-stock from which the swarm issues, and all the colonies, except the first, have a young queen. These queens never leave the hive for impregnation, until they are established as heads of independent families. They generally go out for this purpose, early in the afternoon of the first pleasant day, after being thus acknowledged, at which time, the drones are flying most numerously. On leaving their hive, they - fly with their heads turned towards it, often entering and departing several times, before they finally soar into the air. Such precautions on the part of a young queen are highly necessary, that she may not, on her return, lose her life, by attempting, through mistake, to enter a strange hive. More queens are thus lost than in any other way. When a young queen leaves for impregnation, the bees, _ on missing her, are often filled with such alarm that they rush from the hive, as if intending to swarm. Their agita- tion is soon quieted, if she returns in safety. The drone perishes in the act of impregnating the queen. Although, when cut into two pieces, each piece will retain its vitality for a long time, I accidentally ascer- tained, in the Summer of 1852, that if his abdomen is gently pressed, and sometimes if several are closely held in the warm hand, the male organ will often be perma- | nently extruded, with a motion very like the popping of roasted pop-corn ; and the insect, with a shiver, will curl up and die, as quickly as if blasted with the lightning’s stroke. This singular provision’is unquestionably intended to give additional security to the queen, when she leaves her hive to 126 que HIVE AND HONEY-BEF. have intercourse with the drone. Huber first discovered that she returned with the male organ torn from the drone, and still adhering to her body. If it were not for this arrangement, her spermatheca could not be filled, - unless she remained so long in the air with the drone as to incur a very great risk of bemg devoured by birds. In one instance, some days after the impregnation of a queen, I found the male organ,* in a dried state, adhering * On page 50 of the English translation of Prof. Siebold’s ‘work on “ Partheno- genesis” (that is, production without intercourse with the male) “of Moths and Bees,” may be found the following extract of a letter to Prof. Siebold, dated 21st July, 1853, from the celebrated German Apiarian, the Baron Von Berlepsch. “JT succeeded, to-day, in impaling upon a pin, a queen which had flown out to - copulate, just as she was about to re-enter the hive. ‘Bhe signs of copulation. stand far out. * ** Will you have the kindness to settle, by dissection: 1, if any, and what, parts of the drone occur in the royal vulya; and 2, what is the condition of the seminal receptacle. If there be parts of se drone in the vulva, people will, at last, admit that the drones are the males, and that the copulation takes place outside of the hive. * * * Moreover,if you find the seminal receptacle filled with semen, Dzierzon’s hypothesis—according to which the ovary is not fertilized, bul the seminal receptacle filled with male drone-semen, by copulation—is raised into evidence.” Prof. Siebold says, that “he was able to establish, that those definitely formed parts in the vagina of the queen were nothing but the torn copulative organs of a male bee (drone). With this condition of the external sexual organs of the queen, the state of the internal generative organs also agreed exactly, for the seminal re- ceptacle which is empty in all virgin female insects, was, in this queen, filled t to overflowing with seminal filaments (spermatozoids).” I give as interesting, in this connection, the following extract from my fern “ August 25th, 1852.—Found the male organ protruding from a young queen ; could not remove it without exerting so much force that I feared it would kill her. Dr. Joseph Leidy examined this queen-bee with the microscope, so as to demon- strate that—to use his words—‘it was the penis and its appendages of a male, corresponding, in all its anatomical peculiarities, with the same organs examined, at the same time, in other drones. The testicles and vasa deferentia of these drones were found to be full of the spermatic fluid. The spermatheca of the queen was distended with the same semi-fiuid, spermatic matter.’ This one exam- ination demonstrates that the drones are males, and that they impreguaed the queen by actual coition.” Prof. Siebold further says: “ Asin the act of copulation of the fear the penis of a drone is completely protruded outwards, and as no particular muscular ; appa- ratus exists for the extrusion of the penis, the circumstance that the drones copu- late in flight, has an important signification. * ** During the movement of ‘the wings, the different air-sacs of the tracheal system of the drone are filled with ait, SWARMING AND HIVING. 127 80 Senly to her body, that it could not be removed with- out tearing her to pieces. The following facts will show that the impregnation of the queen by the drone, in the open air, may be made a matter of ocular demonstration: Lewis Shrimplin, of Wellsboro’, Brook County, Virginia, purchased a mova- ble-comb hive, in the Spring of 1857, into which he put a second swarm. Finding, after a few days, that the bees had built a number of very straight combs, he called some of his neighbors together, to witness the ease with which he could take out, and replace their combs. While stand- ing in front of the hive, hesaw the queen coming out, and the idea occurred to him to catch her, and tie a very fine silk thread to one of her thighs. This he accomplished successfully ; and as she began to ascend,* the drones by which means these can act by presswre, in the interior of the body of the bee, upon the neighboring penis which is to be protruded.” “The following interesting experiment” (Parthenogenesis, p. 54) “ was made by Berlepsch, in order to confirm the drone-productiveness of a virgin queen. He contrived the exclusion of queens at the end of September, 1854, and, therefore, at a time when there was no longer any males; he was lucky enough to keep one of them through the Winter, and this produced drone-offspring on the 2d of March, in the following year, furnishing fifteen hundred cells with brood. That this drone- bearing queen remained a virgin, was proved by the dissection which Leuckart undertook, at the request of Berlepsch. He found the state and contents of the seminal pouch of this queen to be exactly of the same nature as those found in virgin queens. The seminal receptacle in such females never contains semen- masses, with their characteristic spermatozoids, but only a limpid fluid, destitute of cells and granules, which is produced from the two appendicular glands of the seminal capsule; and, as I suppose, serves the purpose of keeping the semen transferred into the seminal capsule in a fresh state, and the spermatozoids active, and, consequently, capable of impregnation.” . By referring to pages 38, 39, the reader will see that Prof. Leidy dissected for me a drone-laying queen, nearly three years before this examination of Leuckart. Prof. Siebold, in 1843, examined the spermatheca of the queen-bee, and found it after copulation, filled with the seminal fluid of the drone. At that time, Api- arians paid no attention to his views, but considered them, as he says, to be only “ theoretical stuff.’ It seems, then, that Prof. Leidy’s dissection (pp. 34, 35) was not, as I had hitherto supposed, the first, of an impregnated spermatheca. _ * Dzierzon supposes that the sound of the queen’s wings, when she is in the alr, excites the drones, In the interior of the hive, they are never seen to notica 128 THE HIVE AND HONEY-B collected around her in very large: nivwltota’ wh athens: remaining in the air a short time, she returned to the entrance of her hive, exhibiting to the spectators: a organs of the drone still protruding from her body. The queen usually begins laying about two days idles impregnation, and for the first season, lays almost entirely the eggs of workers; no males* being needed in colonies which will throw no swarm till another season. She is seldom treated with much attention by the bees until after she has begun to replenish the cells with eggs; although if previously deprived of her, they show, by their despair, that they fully appreciated her importance to their wel Te. A first swarm will sometimes swarm again, about a month after it is hived; but in Northern climates this is a rare occurrence. In Re ete Texas, I have known | even second swarms to do the same thing, and colonies often swarm there in September and October, while in tropical climates, swarms issue at any season when forage is abundant. In our Northern and Middle States, swarm- ing is usually over, three or four weeks after it begs. Inexperienced bee-keepers, unaware of this, often watch their Apiaries, long after the swarming season has passed. I shall now, while giving such directions for hiving swarms as may aid even some experienced Apiarians, at- tempt to make them sufficiently minute to guide those, yes > eee her; so that she is not molested, even if thousands are members of ae same colony with herself. | * Huber supposed that male eggs were not developed in her ovaries until the second year; but as the sex depends upon the impregnation of the 1e ggs, he was evidently mistaken. In warm climates, where after-swarms swarm again, drones are bred in large numbers in hives having young queens. The bee is evidently a native of a hot climate, although it can live wherever there is a Summer long enough for it to prepare for Winter. Its complete development, however, can be witnessed only in tropical regions, and I am persuaded that many things whi ch, in colder climates, have been regarded as fixed laws, are ony exceptional Re | tations to unfavorable circumstances. yk a> aoe ae iy RRL ERM HERR aus peli bth ar noch he ree G steer Yili NAY i Puate XII. Fig. 32, ~ : - §WARMING AND HIVING. 129 who, having never seen a swarm hived, are gk to imagine that the process must be quite formidable. Experience in this, as in other things, will speedily give them the requi- site skill and confidence; and the ery of “the bees are swarming,” will often be hailed with even greater pleasure than an invitation to a sumptuous banquet. The hives for the new swarms should be painted long enough beforehand to be thoroughly dry. The smell of fresh paint is well known to be very injurious to human beings, and is so detested by bees, that they will often desert a new hive sooner than endure it. If the hives _eannot be seasonably painted, paints should be used which contain no white-lead, and which are mixed so as to dry. as quickly as possible. The following recipe, taken from the Bienenzeitung, for a cheap and durable paint, for rough hives, is said to be m preferable to oil paint: “Two parts, by measure, of fine sand, well sifted ; one of best English cement*; one of | curd, from Sich, the whey has hoisted expressed ; one of buttermilk. These are to be thoroughly mixed. The paint is to be applied, amid repeated stirring, to the hives, _ by means of a common paint-brush. A second coat is to. be given after the lapse of half an hour. When this has __ become thoroughly dry, which will be in two or three days, it is to be brushed over lightly with a thin coat of boiled linseed oil, to which any desirable color may be given. The boards to which the paint is to be applied should not be planed, but remain rough as the saw leaves them. Nomore of the paint should be prepared at any one time, than can be used in the course of half an hour, as it quickly hardens. The hive may be used as soon as the paint stiffens.” , Hives that have stood in re sun, ought never to be we. 9 ee. or common Hydraulic cement is probably pen or would answer. 6* a THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. used for new swarms. Bees, when they. swarm, being unnaturally excited and heated, often refuse to enter such hives, and at best, are slow in taking possession of them. The temperature of the parent-stock, at the moment of swarming, rises very suddenly, and many bees are often so drenched with perspiration, that they are unable to take wing and join the emigrating colony. To attempt to make swarming bees enter a heated hive in a blazing ‘sun, is, therefore, as irrational as it would be to force a panting crowd of human beings into the suffocating at- mosphere of a close garret. If the process of hiving can- not be conducted in the shade, the hive should be covered with a sheet, or with leafy boughs. In the movable-comb hive, the Apiarian can use all his good worker-comb, by fastening it in the frames. Such, however, is the shape of the artificial guide-combs in > these frames, that the bees, even in an empty hive, will — almost always build their combs with great regularity, if they are not furnished with too much empty room. I have, in a few instances, known them to build their combs directly across, from frame to frame, so that they could ~ not be removed without cutting them to pieces. This may easily be prevented, by attaching a piece of guide- comb toa single frame (see p. 72). While the hive should be set so as to incline from rear to front, to shed the rain, there ought not to be the least pitch from side to side, or it will prevent the frames from hanging plumb, and compel the bees to build crooked combs. Drone- combs should never be put in the frames, or the bees will follow the pattern, and build comb suitable only for breed- ing a horde of useless consumers. Such comb, if white, may be used to great advantage in the surplus honey: boxes; if old, it should be melted for wax. | ‘Every piece of good worker-comb, if large enough te Pea i SWARMING AND HIVING. _ 181 be attached to a frame, should be used, both for its intrin- sic value, and because bees are so pleased when they find such unexpected treasures in a hive, that they will seldom forsake it. A new swarm often takes possession of a de- serted hive, well stored with comb; whilst, if dozens of empty ones stand in the Apiary, they very seldom enter them of their own accord. It once seemed to me that an instinct impelling them to do so, would have been much better for us than the present arrangement; but further reflection has shown me that, on the contrary, it would have been the fruitful origin of interminable broils among neighboring bee-keepers; and that in this, as in so many other things, the instincts of the honey-bee have been de- vised with special reference to the welfare of man. When the frames* are first used for a new swarm, the - rabbets on which they rest should be smeared with flour- paste ; this will keep the frames firm, till they are fastened with propolis by the bees. If hives are sweet and clean, the rubbing of them with various kinds of herbs or washes, is always useless, and often positively injurious. If there are no small trees or bushes near the Apiary, from which the swarms, when clustered, can be easily gathered, limbs of evergreen or other trees may be fastened into the ground, a few rods in front of the hives, which will answer avery good temporary purpose. If - there are high trees near his stocks, the bee-master, unless some special precautions are used, will lose much time in hiving his swarms. ' Having noticed that a new swarm will almost always alicht wherever they see a mass of clustering bees, I find that they can be determined to some selected spot by an old black hat, or even a mullen stalk, which, when colored black, can hardly be distinguished, at a distance, fox: a * : For their proper adjustment, see Explanation of Plates. ee THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. clustering swarm. A black woolen stocking or piece of | cloth, fastened to a shady limb, in plain sight of the hives, and where the bees can be most conveniently hived, would probably answer as good a purpose. Swarms are not only attracted by the bee-like color of such objects, but are more readily induced to alight upon them, if they furnish something to which they can easily cling, the better to support their grape-like clusters. By proper precautions, before the first swarms issue, the bee-keeper may so edu- cate his favorites that they will seldom alight anywhere but on the spot which he has previously selected. | The Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, of Wyoming, Penn., has ‘ devised an amusing plan, by which he says that he can, at all times, prevent a swarm of bees from leaving his premises. Before his stocks swarm, he collects a number of dead bees, and, stringing them with a needle and thread, as worms are strung for catching eels, he makes of them a ball about the size of an egg, leaving a few strands loose. By carrying—fastened to a pole—this “ bee-bob,” about his Apiary, when the bees are swarming, or by placing it in some central position, he invariably secures every swarm! — It will inspire the imexperienced Apiarian with more > confidence, to remember that almost all the bees im a swarm, are in a very peaceable mood, having filled them- selves with honey before leaving the parent-stock. If he is timid, or suffers severely from the sting of a bee, he should, by all means, furnish himself with the protection of a bee-dress. nos _A new swarm should be hived as soon as~ they have quietly clustered around their queen ; although there is no necessity for the headlong haste practiced by some, which, by exciting profuse perspiration, increases their liability to be stung, ‘Those who show so little selfpossession, must not be surprised, if they are stung by the bees of other wise: eit ndlits AND HIVING. 183 hives, which, instead of being gorged with honey, are on the alert, and very naturally mistake the object of such - excited demonstrations. The fact that the swarm has clustered, makes it almost certain, that, unless the weather is very hot, or they are exposed to the burning heat of the sun, they will not leave for at least one or. two hours, All convenient dispatch, however, should be used in hiving a swarm, lest it send out scouts, which may entice it from the new hive, or lest other colonies issue, and attempt to add themselves to it. If my hives are used, the whole entrance should be opened, that the bees may get in as soon as possible ; and a sheet should be securely fastened to the alighting-board, to keep them from becoming separated, or soiled by dirt; for, if separated, they are a long time in entering; and a bee covered with dust or dirt is very apt to perish. The common hives should be propped up on the sheet, in such a way as to give the bees the readiest admission. When the limb on which the bees have clustered can be easily reached, it should be shaken, with one hand, so that they may gently fall into a basket held under them, with the other. The basket should be open sufiiciently to admit the air freely, but not enough to allow the bees to get through its sides. They should now be gently sha- ken or poured out on the sheet, in front of their new home. If they seem at all reluctant to enter it, gently scoop up a few of them with a large spoon, and shake them close to its entrance. As they go in with fanning wings, they will raise a peculiar note, which communicates to their companions the joyful news that they have found a home; and in a short time, the whole swarm will enter, without injury to a single bee. ~ When bees are once shaken down on the sheet, they are quite unwilling to take wing again ; for, being loaded with 134 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. : : honey, they desire, like heavily-armed troops, to march slowly and sedately to their place of encampment. Bees — are much obstructed in their travel, by any corner, or great inequality of surface ; and if the sheet is not smooth- | ly stretched, they are often so confused, that they take a long time to find the entrance to the hive. If they are too dilatory in entering the new hive, they may be gently _ separated, with a spoon, or leafy twig, where they gather in bunches on the sheet; or, they may be carefully *“‘spooned up,” and emptied before the entrance of the hive. If they cluster in the portico of my hive, they | should be treated in the same way; or else the queen, mistaking this open place for her intended pains: i _ decamp with the bees. On first shaking them down into the hiring some will take wing, and others will remain on the tree; but if the queen has been secured, they will quickly ais a line of communication with those on the sheet. If the ~ queen has not been secured, the bees will either refuse to_ enter the hive, or will speedily come out, and take wing, to join her again. This happens oftenest with after- swarms, whose young queens, instead of exhibiting the gravity of an old matron, are apt to be frisking in the air. When the bees cluster again on the tree, the process ° of hiving must ve repeated. . 2 If the Apiarian has a pair of sharp pruning-shears, val the limb on which the bees have clustered is so small, that it can be cut without jarring them off, they may be gently carried on it to the hiving-sheet. ; If the bees settle too high to be easily reached, the . basket may be fastened to a pole, and raised directly | under them ; when a quick upward push will secure most _ of theswarm. When the basket cannot be easily elevated . to them, it may be carried to the cluster, and the bee- ae | Tae ar SWARMING AND HIVING - 135 keeper, after shaking the bees into it, may gently lower it, by a string, to an assistant below. When a colony alights on the trunk of a tree, or on anything from which they cannot easily be gathered in a basket, fasten a leafy bough over them, without jarring, by a gimlet, and with a little smoke compel them to ascend it. Ifthe place isinaccessible, they will enter a well-shaded basket, inverted, and elevated just above the mass of the bees. I once hived a neighbor’s swarm which settled in a thicket, on the inaccessible body of a tree, by throwing water upon them, so as to compel them gradually to ascend the tree, and enter an elevated box. If proper alighting places are not furnished, the trouble of hiving a swarm will often be greater than its value. | If two swarms cluster together, they may be advan- tageously kept together, if abundant room for storing surplus honey can be given them, as in my hives. Large quantities of honey are generally obtained from such stocks, if they issue early, and the season is favorable. If it is desired to separate them, take two hives, and give a portion of the bees to each, sprinkling them, both before and after they are shaken from the basket, sufficiently to keep them from taking wing to unite again. If possible, secure a queen for each hive. If both queens enter the same hive, one will quickly dispose of the other. The bees in the queenless hive will begin to leave as soon as they ascertain their condition. Prevent this, by shutting them up; and give them a queen, if you have one at your disposal; or supply them with a sealed queen, nearly mature, taken from another hive. For reasons assigned in the next chapter, it will not do to compel them to raise a queen from worker-brood. If the Apiarian who uses the common hives does not succeed in getting a mature 136 _ THE HIVE ‘AND HONEY-BEE. queen for each hive, the queenless one will go » back to the old stock. | pid If, while hiving a swarm, the Apiarian wishesed to secure the queen, the bees should be shaken from the hiving-bas- ket, a foot or more from the hive, when a quick eye will generally see her as she passes over the sheet. If the bees are reluctant to go in, a few must be directed to the entrance, and care be taken to brush them back, when they press forward in such dense masses that the queen is - likely to enter unobserved. An experienced eye readily detects her peculiar color and form. She may be taken up without danger, as she never stings, unless ~~ m combat with another queen. Pia It is interesting to witness how speedily a queen passes - into the hive, as soon.as she recognizes the joyful note announcing that her colony has found a home. She quickly follows in the direction of the moving mass, and her long legs enable her easily to outstrip, in the race for possession, all who attempt to follow her. Other bees. linger around the entrance, or fly into the air, or collect in listless knots on the sheet ; but a fertile mother, with -an air of conscious Importance, marches straight forward, and looking neither to the right hand nor to the left, glides into the hive, with the same dispatchful haste that charac- terizes a bee returning fully laden from the nectanenaaa fields. Persons unaccustomed to bees, may think that I speak about “scooping them up,” and “shaking them out,” al- most as coolly as though giving directions to measure so many bushels of wheat; experience will soon convince them, that the ease whale which they may be managed is not at all exaggerated. et The old-fashioned way of hiving swarms, by mounting trees, and cutting off valuable limbs, should be entirely SWARMING AND HIVING. 137 abandoned; nor should the hive ever be put over the bees, so as to crush any of them, or endanger the life of the queen. A skillful bee-keeper, with his hiving-basket, will often hive six or more swarms, in the time required, by the old plan, for hiving one ; and in large Apiaries managed on the swarming plan, where a number of swarms come out on the same day, and there is constant danger of their mixing, this is an object of great importance. | Dr. Scudamore, an English physician, who has written a tract on the Formation of Artificial Swarms, says that he. once knew as “ many as ten swarms go forth at once, and settle and mingle together, forming, literally, a monster meeting.” There are instances recorded of a still larger number having clustered together. A venerable cler- gyman in Western Massachusetts, told me, that in the Apiary of one of his parishioners, five swarms once clus- tered together. As he had no hive which would hold them, they were put into a large box, roughly nailed together. When taken up in the Fall, it was evident that the five swarms had lived together as independent colo- nies. Four had begun their works, each near a corner of the box, and the fifth in the middle; and there was a distinct interval separating the works of the different colonies. In Cotton’s “ My Bee Book,” is a cut illustrat- ing a similar separation of two colonies in one hive. By hiving, in a large box, swarms which have settled together, and leaving them undisturbed till the following morning, they would probably be found in separate clusters, and might easily be put into different hives. Swarming bees make a singular hissing or whispering sound, which often causes other hives in the Apiary to swarm. ‘This is a frequent occurrence with discouraged or dissatisfied stocks, and I have occasionally had swarms which had only immature queens in their hive issue, on 138 1HE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. hearing this sound. This peculiar swarming sound may be produced merely by the great numbers of bees flying idly, at such times, to and fro in the air; but it seems to me to differ in its character, as it cersaidiie does in its effect upon the bees, from the noise produced by the ordinary flight of busy workers, however numerous... My observations on this point, have satisfied me that those Apiarians are mistaken who deny to the bee the sense of hearing. This sense, on the contrary, seems to be acute. If the Apiarian fears that another swarm will issue, to unite with the one he is hiving, he may confine its queen with my movable-blocks ; or he may quickly envelope the swarming hive with a sheet. If his new colony has been shaken upon the swarming-sheet, he may cover it from the sight of other swarms, with another sheet. The hive, with the new swarm, should be removed to its permanent stand as soon as the bees have entered; or the scouts, on their return, will find them, and will often entice them to flee to the woods. There is the more — danger of this, if the bees remained long on the tree be- fore they were hived. I have almost invariably found that swarms which abandon a suitable hive for the woods, were hived near the spot where they clustered, the bee- keeper intending to remové them in the evening, or early next morning. Bees which swarm early in the day, will generally begin to range the fields in a few hours after they are hived, or even in a few minutes, if they have empty comb; and the fewest bees will be lost, when the hive is removed to its permanent stand, as soon as the bees have entered it. If it is desirable, for any reason, to re- move the hive before all the bees have gone in, the sheet, on which the bees are lying, may be so folded that the colony can be easily carried to their new stand, where the bees may enter at their leisure. _ | oes lp SWARMING AND HIVING. 139 - Swarms sometimes come off when no suitable hives are in readiness to receive them. In such an emergency, hive them in any old box, cask, or measure, and place them, with suitable protection against the sun, where their new hive is to stand; when this is ready, they may, by a quick, jerking motion, be easily shaken out before it, on a hiving-sheet. I have endeavored, even at the risk of being thought too minute, to give such directions as will qualify the novice to hive a swarm of bees, under almost any circum- stances; knowing that however necessary, suitable infor- mation is seldom found even in the best treatises on bee- keeping. Vague or incomplete directions fail, at the very moment that the inexperienced attempt to put them into practice. Natural swarming may, unquestionably, be made highly profitable; and as it is the most obvious way of multiply- ing colonies, and requires the least knowledge or skill, it will undoubtedly be the favorite method with most bee- keepers, for many years, at least. I shall, therefore, show how it may be conducted more profitably than ever, by the use of my hives; many of its most embarrassing difii- culties being effectually obviated. 1. A serious objection to reliance on natural swarming; is the vexatious fact, that most swarming-hives are so con- structed, that, although bees often refuse to swarm at all, they cannot furnish to their crowded occupants the proper accommodations for storing honey. Under such cir- cumstances, hordes of useless consumers often blacken, for months, the outside of the hives, to the great loss of their disappointed owners. In the movable-comb hives, an abundance of storage-room can always be given to the bees ; so that, if indisposed to swarm, they have recepta- cles easily accessible, and made doubly attractive by empty 140 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. comb, in which to store up any quantity of ish they can possibly gather. —_ 2. Another objection to natural wrasse arises ‘from the disheartening fact, that bees are liable to swarm so often, as to destroy the value of both the parent-stock, and its after-swarms. Experienced bee-keepers obviate this difficulty, by making one good colony out of two. second swarms, and returning to the parent-stock all swarms after the second, and even this if the season is far advanced. Such operations often consume more time than they are worth. By removing all the queen-cells but one, after the first swarm has left, second swarming may be prevented in my hives; and by removing all but two, provision may be made for the issue of second swarms, and yet all further swarming be prevented. After-swarms, . in many instances, have to be returned again and again, before one queen is allowed by the bees to destroy the others. In this way, a large part of the gathering season is wasted; as bees often seem unwilling to work with © their wonted energy, so long as the pretensions of several rival queens are unsettled.* 8. Another very serious objection to natural swarming, as practiced with the common hives, is, that it furnishes no facilities for making vigorous stocks of late and small swarms. The time and money devoted to feeding small '* Before inventing the movable-comb hive, I obviated, as far as possible, the evils of after-swarming, by the following plan: the second swarm, as soon as hived, was placed on the top of the parent-stock, or so, that the entrances to the old and new colonies would be near together, and face the same way. If a third swarm issued, it was added, at sunset, to the second swarm, by placing the hive or box containing that swarm, on a sheet, and shaking out the third swarm before its entrance. In three or four days—sufficient time being given for the young queens to become impregnated—the bees in the after-swarm were added, in the same way, to the parent-stock. One queen would quickly kill the other, and the next morn- ing, the conjoined swarms being on a familiar spot, would work as well as though they had never been separated. The comb which they had built in re new hive was used in the spare honey-boxes. oe SWARMING AND HIVING. 141 colonies are usually wasted ; as the larger portion of them never survive the Winter, and most of those that do, are so enfeebled as to be of little value. If they escape being robbed by stronger stocks, or destroyed by the moth, they seldom recruit in season to swarm, and often, unless the feeding is repeated a second season, they perish at last. Doubtless, many of my readers, from their own experience, can indorse every word of these remarks; having found the attempt to multiply colonies, by nursing and feeding small swarms in the common hives, usually attended with nothing but loss and vexation. The more of such stocks a man has, the poorer he is; for by their - weakness, they constantly tempt his strong swarms to evil courses ; until at last, they prefer, as far as they can, to live by stealing, rather than by habits of honest industry ; and even if the feeble colonies escape being plundered, they often become nurseries for raising a supply of moths, to infest his Apiary. Suitable directions are furnished, in the chapter upon - Feeding Bees, for building up the smallest after-swarms into vigorous stocks, and for strengthening such colonies as are feeble in the Spring. 4, As both the parent-stocks and the after-swarms very frequently lose their young queens after swarming, a hive by which this misfortune can be easily remedied, will be of great service to those who practice natural swarming. An intelligent bee-keeper once assured me that he should use one movable-comb hive in his Apiary, for this purpose, at least, even if it had no merit in other respects. _5. In the common hives, but little can be done to dis- lodge the bee-moth, when it has gained the ascendency ; _ whereas, in mine, it can be easily extirpated. (See remarks on the Bee-Moth.) 6. In the common hives, it is difficult to remove an old ‘142 | THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. queen when her fertility is impaired ; whereas, in mine, it can easily be done; and an Apiarian may always have ~ queens in the full vigor of their reproductive powers. Intelligent Apiarians will see, from these remarks, that with movable-comb hives, natural swarming can be carried on with greater certainty than ever before, many of the perplexing discouragements under which they have hith- erto prosecuted it, being effectually remedied. x _ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. . 148 CHAPTER X. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING,. THE numerous efforts made for more than fifty years, to dispense with natural swarming, show the anxiety of Apiarians to find some better mode of increasing their ‘colonies. Although, by the control of the combs, bees may be propagated by natural swarming, with a rapidity and cer- tainty hitherto unattainable, still, there are difficulties in- herent to this mode of increase, and therefore incapable of being removed by any kind of hive. Before describing the various methods which have been contrived for in- creasing colonies by artificial means, these difficulties will be briefly enumerated, so that every bee-keeper may decide intelligently which is Ais best way to multiply his stocks. 1. The numerous swarms lost every year is a strong argument against natural swarming. An eminent Apiarian has estimated, that taking into account all who keep bees, one-fourth of the best swarms are lost every season. While some bee-keepers seldom lose a swarm, the majority suffer serious losses by the flight of their bees to the woods; and it is next to impos- sible, even for the most careful, to prevent such occur- rences, if their bees are allowed to swarm. 2. Natural swarming is objectionable, on account of the time and labor which it requires. : The Apiary must be closely watched during the whole swarming-season; and if this business is intrusted to thoughtless children, or careless adults, many swarms will 144 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. AS aes : be lost. If many colonies are kept, a compete _ should always be on hand, in the height of the : Reouion, to attend to the bees. Even the Sabbath cannot be observed _ as a day of rest; as the bee-keeper is often compelle d t o - spend it in hard sb 8 among his bees, Although it is as proper for him to hive his bees on that day, as it is to take care of his other stock, still, the liability to such esc. es ters many from Apiarian pursuits. Many merchants, mechanics, and professional men, who wish to keep bees, cannot superintend them during the swarming-season ;, and are thus often kept from a pursuit intensely fascinating to an inquiring mind.* Noman who spends some of his leisure in studying the wonderful i in- stincts of bees, will ever complain that he can find nothing to fill up his time, out of the range of his business or the gratification of his appetites. Bees may be kept with great advantage, even in large cities, and those who are debarred from rural pursuits may still listen to their oie: z ing hum, and harvest annnally their delicious nectar, ae | If the Apiarian could always be at home during the swarming-season, it would still be oftentimes very imcon- — . venient for him to attend to his bees. The farmer, for — instance, may be interrupted in the business of hay-mak- — ing, by the cry that his bees are swarming; and by the time he has hived them, perhaps a shower comes up, and his hay is injured more than the swarm is worth. Thus, the keeping of a few bees, instead of being a source of ‘profit, may prove an expensive luxury; while in a large « Apiary, the embarrassments are often seriously increased. Tf, after a succession of days unfavorable for swarming, the weather becomes pleasant, it often happens that _ * “ Bee-life,” says Prof. Siebold, “does not merely serve to furnish man seth: * wax, honey, and mead, but constitutes an extremely important link in, the great end most multifariously-composed chain of animal existence.” Sait .Puate XIII. Fig. 38. ii Uy 7 li. , il li, 4 I sl , villi | y y) ili Mii 4 ; | itu, 4,5 i —_— i} i R Hi ; ' WA, i allt ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 145 y several swarms rise at once, and cluster together ; and not unfrequently, in the noise and confusion, other swarms fly _ off, and are lost. I have seen the bee-master, under such eireumstances, so perplexed and exhausted as to be almost _ ready to wish he had never seen a bee. | 3. The multiplying of bees by natural swarming, must, in our country, almost entirely prevent the establishment of large Apiaries. | The swarming season is, with most bee-keepers, the _ busiest part of the year, and if they keep a large number of swarming-hives, they must devote nearly all their time, for a number of weeks, to their supervision; and at a season when labor commands the highest price, they may also be obliged to hire additional assistance. To keep a few colonies in swarming-hives, often costs more than they are worth, while the supervision of a large number can be made profitable, only by those who can de- vote nearly all the Summer months to their bees. The number of such persons, in this country, must be very small; and hence there are few who have succeeded in making bee-keeping anything more-than a subordinate pursuit. 4, A serious objection to natural swarming, is the dis- couraging fact that bees often refuse to swarm at all ; thus the Apiarian finds it impossible to multiply his colonies with any certainty or rapidity, even although he may be favorably situated for conducting bee-culture on an exten- sive scale. Many of the most careful bee-keepers have fewer stocks than they had years ago, although they have sought to increase them to the extent of their power. Few in- telligent Apiarians believe that there are half as many colonies in our Northern and Middle States, as there were _ twenty years ago ; and most of them would abandon bee- i é 146 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. keeping, if they did not regard it as a source of pleasant. recreation, rather than of pecuniary profit; while others do not hesitate to say that much more money has, of late years, been spent upon patent hives, than those who bere used them have realized from their bees. =. 2 It isan easy matter to make calculations on paper* “io most as flattering as an imaginary tour to the gold mines of Australia or California. Only purchase a patent bee-. hive, and if it fulfills the promises of its sanguine inventor, a fortune must be realized in a few years; but such are the disappointments resulting from bees refusing to swarm, that if the hive could remedy all other difficulties, it would. still fail to answer the reasonable wishes of the experienced Apiarian. If every swarm of bees could be made to yield a profit of twenty dollars a year, the bee-keeper could not multiply his stocks, by natural swarming, so as to meet * The following calculation of possible profits from beé-culture: taken" from “Sydserff’s Treaties on Bees,” published in England, in 1792, isa canto gent of. its kind: “Suppose a.swarm of bees at the first to cost 10s. 6d., and neither them nor ‘the swarms to be taken, but to do well, and swarm once every year ”—bees must be naughty, indeed, if they dare to do otherwise !—‘* what will be the product for foure. teen years, and what the profit, if each hive is sold at 10s. 6d.? Years. | Hives. | Profits, £ 8.4. aise pepsi ise Pe ere A dich gel ’ 000 de eli PRG aes eo 110 Geet ike et, a One 220 @ bof decode: sy to Be iitabes yy. tee oe 440 ** . e@eoereevarneeaseeeecse * * eevee ereeveeese eee eeeesee * * * social Laing specie ge ea I oe 4300 16 0 “N. B.—Deduct 10s. 6d., what the first hive cost, and the remainder will be clear profit; supposing the sind swarms to pay for hives, labor, &c.” The modesty with which this writer, who seems to have had as much faith in his bees as in the doctrine that “figures cannot lie,” closes his calculation at the end cf fourteen years, is truly refr reshing. No bee-keeper, on such a royal road to wealth, could ever find it in his heart to stop under twenty-one years, by which time his stocks would have increased to more than a million, when, probably, he would be willing to close his bee-business, by selling them for over two and three-quarter millions of dollars! The attention of all venders of humbug bee-hives, is respectfully § in- vited to this antique saab of the art of puffing. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 147 the demand for them; but would be entirely dependent upon the caprices of his bees, or rather upon the natural -|| laws which control their swarming. » Every practical bee-keeper is aware of the ceeelhsnnih of natural swarming. Under no circumstances, can it be confidently relied on. Whilesome stocks swarm regularly, and repeatedly, others, equally strong in numbers, and rich in stores, refuse to swarm, even in seasons in all respects highly propitious. Such colonies, on examination, - will often be found to have taken no steps for raising young queens. In some cases, the wings of the old mother are defective, while in others, she seems to prefer the riches of the old hive, to the risks attending the for- mation of anew colony. It frequently happens that, when all the preparations have been made for swarming, the weather proves so unpropitious that the young queens _ approach maturity before the old ones can leave, and are all destroyed. Under such circumstances, swarming, for _ that season, is almost certain to be prevented. The young queens are also sometimes destroyed, because’ of some sudden, and perhaps only temporary, suspension of the honey-harvest ; for bees seldom colonize, even if all their preparations are completed, unless the blossoms are yield- Ing an abundant supply of honey. From these and other causes, which my limits will not permit me to notice, it has hitherto been found impossible, in the uncertain clim- _ ate of our Northern States, for any but the most expe- rienced and energetic Apiarians, to multiply ine very rapidly by natural swarming. The numerous perplexities pertaining to natural swarm- ing, have, for ages, directed the attention of cultivators to the importance of devising some more reliable method for increasing their colonies.* —* Dr. Scudamore quotes Columella, who, about the middle of the first cen- tury of the Christian Era, wrote twelve hooks on husbandry— De re rustica "—as 148 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. The ancient methods of artificial increase appear to have met with little success; but towards the close of the. ine century, a new inter ne was awakened on the subject, by the discovery of Schirach, a German clergyman, of the fact, previously known to a few, that bees are able to rear a queen from worker-brood. For want, however, of an acquaintance with some important principles in the: econ- omy of bees, his efforts met with but slender PORE ment. ad Huber, after his splendid discoveries in the phiyetlehay of the bee, felt the need of some way of multiplying col- onies, more reliable than that of natural swarming. His hive consisted of twelve frames, each an inch and a quar- ter in width, which were connected together by hinges, so that any one could be opened or shut at pleasure, like the leaves of a book. He recommends forming artificial swarms, by dividing one of these hives, and adding six empty frames to each half. After using his hive for years, I found that it could be made serviceable only by an adroit. and fearless Apiarian. The bees fasten the frames with their propolis, so that they cannot easily be opened, with- out jarring the combs, and exciting their anger; or shut, without constant danger of crushing them, Huber no- where speaks of having multiplied colonies extensively by such hives, and although they have been in use more than sixty years, they have never been successfully employed — for such a purpose. Ifhe had contrived a plan for giving his frames the requisite play, by suspending them on giving directions for making artificial swarms. Although he taught how to fornish a queen to a destitute colony, and how to transfer brood-comb, with maturing bees, from a strong stock to a weak one, he does not appear to have formed entirely new ghia by any ariiflcial process, His treatise on bee-keeping shows not only that he was well acquainted with previous writers on the subject, but that he ‘was also a successful practical Apiarian. Its: precepts, with but few exceptions, are truly admirable, and prove that in his time bee-keeping, with the masses, mag have been far in advance of what it now is. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 149 rabbets, instead of folding them together like the leaves of a book, he would have left much less room for subse- quent improvements. _ “ Dividing-hives,” of various kinds, have been used in this country. The principle seems to have all the ele- ments of success; and it was only after protracted experi- ments, that I was able to ascertain that, however modi- fied, such hives are all practically worthless for purposes of artificial swarming. It is one of the laws of the hive, that bees which have no mature queen, seldom build any cells except such as are designed merely for storing honey, and are too large for the rearing of workers. Until my perusal of Mr. Wag- ner’s manuscript translation of Dzierzon, I thought that I was the only observer who had noticed the bearing of this remarkable fact on artificial swarming. It may, at first, seem unaccountable that bees should build only comb unfit for breeding, when their young queen will so soon require worker-cells for her eggs; but it must be borne in ~ mind, that at such times they are in an “ @bnormal,” or - unnatural condition. In a state of nature, they seldom ‘swarm until their hive is full of comb; or if they do, their numbers are so reduced, that they are rarely able to re- sume comb-building, until the young queen has hatched. The determination of bees having no mature queen, to build comb designed only for storing honey, and unfit for rearing workers, shows very clearly the folly of attempt- ing to multiply colonies by dividing-hives. Even if the Apiarian succeéds in dividing a colony, so that the. queen- less part proceeds to supply her loss, if it has bees enough to build sufficient new comb to make it of any value, it will build such as is designed only for storing honey ; using, chiefly for breeding purposes, the half of the hive contain- Mg the old comb. The next year, if this hive is dyrided, 150 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. one half will contain nearly all the brood, while the. other, having most of its combs fit only for storing honey; or raising drones, will be a complete failure. ==) » Even with a Huber-hive, the plan of multiplying colo- nies by dividing a full hive into two parts, and adding an empty half to each, will be found to require a degree of skill and knowledge, far in advance of what can be expected of ordinary bee-keepers. The same remarks are substantially true of all frame or bar-hives which do not allow sufficient play between the parts to which the combs are attached ; for, as the bees usually build their combs slightly waving, and some thicker than others, nearly insuperable practical difficulties will be found in making the necessary interchanges of comb, in such hives. The attempt to multiply colonies by the common divid- _ ing-hives, will be found far more laborious and ‘uncertain than by natural swarming. Every practical bee-keeper who has given it a fair trial, has been glad to meer it, and return to the old-fashioned way. | Some Apiarians have attempted to multiply their ‘wold nies, by removing, when thousands of its inmates are rang- ing the fields, a strong stock to a new stand, and setting in its place.an empty hive, with a piece of brood-comb, suitable for raising a queen. This method is still worse than the one just described. One half of the dividing- hive was filled with breeding comb, while this empty hive having next to none, all that is built before the queen hatches, will be of a size unsuitable for rearing workers. The queenless part of the dividing-hive might also have. contained a young quéen almost mature, so that the build- ing of large combs would have quickly ceased ; for as soon as the young queen hatches, the bees commence building worker-combs. * ‘When a new colony is formed *In attempting to rear artificial swarms by moving a full stock, my bees have built combs nearly four inches thick; and have afterwards pieced their lower ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 15] ‘by dividing the old hive, the queenless part has thousands of cells filled with brood and eggs, and young bees will be hatching for at least three weeks: by this time, the young queen will ordinarily be laying eggs, so that there will be an interval of not more than three weeks, during which: the colony will receive no accessions. But when a new swarm is formed, in the way above described, not an egg will be laid for nearly three weeks, and not a bee hatched for nearly six. During all this time, the colony will rapidly decredse ;* and by the time the progeny of the young queen begins to mature, the new hive will have so few bees, that it would seldom be of any value, even if its combs were of the best construction. | -. After thoroughly testing this last plan of artificial swarming, I have found that it has not the least practical value; and as this is the method which Apiarians have usually tried, it is not strange that hitherto, they have almost unanimously condemned artificial swarming. Another method of artificial swarming has been zeal. ously advocated, which, seeming to require the smallest amount of labor or skill, would be everywhere practiced, if it could only be made effectual. A number of hives are to be connected by holes, so as to allow the bees to travel from any one to all the others. The bees, on this plan, are to colonize themselves, and it is asserted that in due time, edge with worker-cells, for the accommodation of the young queen. So uniformly do bees with an unhatched queen build coarse, or drone-comb, that often a glance at the combs of a new colony, will show either that it is queenless, or that, having been so, it has just reared a new queen. It is not necessary that a queen should have commenced laying eggs to induce her colony to build worker-cells; I have known a strong swarm with a virgin queen, almost to fill their hive with beautiful worker-comb, before a single egg was deposited in the cells. * Every observing bee-keeper must have noticed how rapidly even a large Swarm diminishes in number, for the first three weeks after it has been hived. So great is the mortality of bees during the height of the working-season, that often, in less than that time, it does not contain one half its original number. ‘tv 152 THE HIVE AND HONEY: a single swarm, of its own ‘indie will form a large nun ber of independent families, each possessing its own 6 ua and all living in perfect harmony. _ This method, so fascinating in theory, though repeat edly tried with various ingenious modifications, has in every instance. proved an entire failure. If the bees are allowed to pass from one hive to another, they will confine their breeding operations mostly to a single apartment, if it is of the ordinary size, and will use the others chiefly for storing honey, This is almost invariably the case, if. the additional room is given by collateral or side boxes, as the queen seldom enters such apartments for the pur pose of breeding ; if, however, the new hive is directly ~ below that in which the swarm was first lodged, and the con- nections are suitable, she will be almost certain to descend and lay her eggs in the new combs, as soon 4s they are begun by the bees. The upper hive being now almost en- tirely abandoned by her, the bees fill the cells with honey, as fast as the brood is hatched, their instinct impelling them to keep their stores of honey, if possible, above the breeding-cells. So long as bees have an abundance of room delow their main hive, they very seldom swarm ; but if it is on the sides of their hive, or above them, they often swarm rather than take possession of it. In none of these cases, however, do they ever form independent colonies, af left to themselves. The skillful Apiarian may, doubtless, compel his bees to rear an artificial colony, by separating from the main hive, by a slide, an apartment that happens to contain brood ; but unless his hives admit of thorough inspection, as he can never know their exact condition, he will be far more likely to fail than to succeed. This plausible theory, there- fore, to be reduced to even an empirical and precarious ae ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 153 ice, requires more skill, care, labor, and sath than are » necessary to manage the ordinary swarming-hives. The failure, on the part of experienced, as well as inex- perienced Apiarians, of so many attempts to increase col- onies by artificial means, has led many to advocate the general use of non-swarming hives. In such hives, very large harvests of honey are often obtained from strong stocks of bees; but it is evident that if the formation of new colonies were generally discouraged, the insect would soon be exterminated. Although the movable-comb hive may be made more effectually to prevent swarming than any with which I am acquainted, still there are some objections to the non- swarming plan which cannot be removed. To say nothing of its preventing the increase of stocks, bees usually work with diminished vigor, after they have been kept in a non- Swarming hive for several seasons. This will be obvious ‘to any one who will compare the super-abounding energy of a new swarm, with the more sluggish working of even a much stronger non-swarming stock. An old queen, whose fertility has become impaired, can be easily caught and removed, in the movable-comb hive; but when hives are used in which this cannot be done, the Apiary will contain queens that have passed their prime, and some which may die when there are no eges from which others can be reared. On no subject has the author of this work experimented more fully than on that of Artificial Swarming ; and those bee-keepers to whom this chapter may, at first, seem need- lessly diffuse, will find that it contains many important principles, which, in any other connection, would probably haye required even more fullness of detail. Before detailing the various methods of Artificial Gircrniine which may be practiced in the movable-comb— it - THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. hives, I shall describe one which may be used with almost _ any hive, by those who have sufficient es to man- - bees. UO RN, About the season of natural swarmin g, what I shall a“ a forced swarm, may be obtained from a populous stock,* by the following process. Choose that part of a pleasant day, when many bees are abroad, and if any are ~ clustered on the bottom-board or outside of the hive, puff among them a few whiffs of smoke—that from spunk is best—so as to drive them up among the combs. The bees will go up more readily if the hive is tipped back, or ele- vated by small wedges, about one-quarter of an inch above — the bottom-board. Have in readiness a box—which I shall call the forcing-box—whose diameter is about the same with that of the hive from which you intend to drive the swarm. Lift the hive from its bottom-board without the slightest jar, turn it over, and carefully carry it off about a rod, as bees, if disturbed, are much more inclined to bé peaceable, when removed a short distance from their fami- liar stand. If the hive is gently placed upside down on the ground, scarcely a bee will fly out, and ‘there will be little danger of being stung. The timid and inexperienced should protect themselves with a bee-dress, and may gently sprinkle the bees with sugar-water, or blow more smoke among them, as soon as the hive is inverted. After placing it on the ground, the forcing-box must be put over it, and every opening between it and the hive, from which a bee might escapef, should be stopped with paper, or any convenient material, The forcing-box, if smooth instds, -*“Driving succeeds best in warm weather, and with populous bockee tot if the combs be not worked down to the floor-board, the bees are apt to collect in the open space instead of ascending into the upper box.”—Brvan. + In my own practice, I use a box, the inside edges of which are ‘pevelad*to facilitate the ascent of the bees, and the back hinged, so that it can be opened for - seeing the queen as she goes up with them, The few bees that may escape, even if not full of honey, are too bewildered by their change of position, to make any attack. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 155 should have slats fastened one-third of the distance from the top, to aid the bees in clustering. As soon as the Apiarian has confined the bees he should place an empty hive—which I shall call the decoy-hive— apon their old stand, which those returning from the fields may enter, instead of dispersing to other hives, to meet, perhaps, with a most ungracious reception. As a general rule, however, a bee with a load-of honey or bee-bread, after the extent of his resources is ascertained, is pretty sure to be welcomed by any hive to. which he may carry his treasure; while a poverty-stricken unfortu- nate that presumes to claim their hospitality is, usually, at | once destroyed. The one meets with as flattering a recep- tion as a wealthy gentleman proposing to take up his abode in a country village, while the other is as much an object of dislike as a poor man, who bids fair to become a public charge. To return to our imprisoned bees: their hive should be beaten smartly with the palms of the hands, or two small rods, on the sides to which the combs are attached, so ag to run no risk of loosening* them. These “rappings,” although not of a very “spiritual” character, produce, nevertheless, a decided effect upon the bees. Their first impulse, if no smoke were used, would be to sally out, and wreak their vengeance on those who thus rudely assail their honied dome; but as soon as they inhale its fumes, and feel the terrible concussions of their once stable abode, a sudden fear that they are to be driven from their treas- ures, takes possession of them. Determined to prepare for this unceremonious writ of ejection, by carrying off _ what they can, each bee begins to lay in a supply, and im - * There is little danger of loosening the combs of an old stock, but the greatest eaution is necessary when the combs of a hive are new. If,in inverting such a hive, the droad sides of the combs, instead of their edges, are inclined downwards. ‘the heat, and weight of the bees, may loosen the combs, and ruin the stock. 156 3 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEK, * “ al es OSL about inte minutes, all are filled to their v papacit A prodigious humming is now heard, as hia seal mount into the upper box; and in about fifteen minutes from the time the rapping foeiatibeatea it has been contmued _ with but slight intermissions—the mass of the bees, with their queen, will hang clustered in the foremg-box, like any natural swarm, and may, at the proper time, be readily shaken out, on a sheet, in front of their intended hive, If the foreed swarm could now be put on the old stand, and the parent-hive removed to a new place in the Apiary ; or if the latter could be returned to its usual position, and the former be put somewhere else, it would simplify very ‘much the making of artificial swarms. Neither method, however, can be pursued without serious loss; for if the position of a colony has been changed by the bee-keeper, the bees will not adhere to the new place, as a do when they swarm of their own accord. — it In every case when the position of its hive has been changed, each bee, as it sallies out, flies with its head turned towards it, that by marking the surrounding objects, it may find its way back. If, however, the bees did not emigrate of their own free will, most of them — appearing to forget that their location has been changed, return to the familiar spot; for it would seem that, © - ‘““A ‘bee removed’ against its will, Is of the same opinion still.” Should the Apiarian, ignorant of this fact, place the forced swarm on the old stand, and remove the parent- stock to a new place, the latter would lose so many of the pees which ought to be retained in it, that most of its unsealed brood would perish from neglect. If, on the contrary, he should remove the forced swarm to a new position, it would be so depopulated as to be of little value, . ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 157 + These difficulties may be obviated by removing either colony about half a mile from its former home, in which ease, if forage is abundant, nearly all will remain in their proper hive. Some recommend that they should be car- ried off at least three miles; but I have found that this is unnecessary, unless there is a deficiency of blossoms in the immediate vicinity of their new home. If the colonies are carried off, the precautions given elsewhere* for mov-_ ing bees must be carefully followed; also the directions for retaining a sufficient number of bees in the parent- stock. 'Those not carried off must be put op their old stands. As the transportation of colonies is laborious, and often- times expensive, I shall describe the methods which, after - years of experimenting, I have devised for dispensing with it. I have ascertained that, if a hive is removed, most of the bees returning from abroad and alighting upon a neighboring hive, if kindly received, will not go back to their former stand. Even the temporary loss of their old home is followed by a distraction which makes on them such a permanent impression, that they mark their new location as carefully as a new swarm. Now I find that, on the same principle, nearly all the bees which have returned from the fields, while a swarm is being forced from the parent-hive, will enter this hive if it is put upon -its old.stand, and adhere to it afterwards wherever it may be placed. _ As soon, therefore, as the nctiocemel has forced a swarm, the forcing-box must be gently lifted off, and set in a shady place where the bees will have plenty of air. The parent-stock should now be put, without crushing any bees, on the old stand, so that all which have returned from foraging may enter it. The bees, which before this were _ * The copious alphabetical index at the ans makes it easy to refer to any sub- ject discussed in this book. 158 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. : running in and out of the decoy-hive, in a state of the greatest distraction, will crowd into their old home, and afterwards adhere to it wherever placed! It should now _ be removed to a new stand, and its entrance* closed until ‘sunset. Unless this precaution is adopted, the bees in other hives, ascertaining its weak and oo —_ may attempt to rob it. | inte _. If the stock from which the artificial. ecloies was. dria were intending to swarm, it will contain maturing queens, one of which will soon take the place of the old one, asin natural swarming. If no royal cells were in progress, the | bees will proceed to construct them. - : Artificial colonies should not be formed until dadciesp | have made their appearance, or the young queen may fail to be impregnated, and the parent-stock may perish. © 9 We return now to our forced swarm. The bees should be shaken out of the forcing-box, and hived like a new swarm, when, if placed on their old stand, they will work as vigorously as a natural swarm. If they were driven, at first, into a hive which will suit the Apiarian, it may be returned to their old location, without disturbing the bees. . ESL _ If, in driving the swarm, or in transferring it from the forcing-box, the queen was not seen, it may be certainly known, in from five to fifteen minutes after the bees have entered their new hive, whether or not she is with-them, ~ As soon as the bees are clustered in the hive, if they do not find her, a few will come out and run about, as if anxiously searching for something they have lost. The alarm is rapidly communicated to the whole itn ; the * In closing the entrance, the bee-keeper will see that sufficient air is admitted, but not enough to chill the brood. If the weather should suddenly become very cool, and the hive is quite thin, it will be advisable to cover it with something that - will aid in preserving its internal heat. The same precautions are often important in hives which have swarmed naturally . Log. QF —_— ee | _* _ ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. | 159 explorers are rapidly reinforced, the ventilators suspend their operations, and soon the air is filled with bees. If they cannot find the queen, they return to their old stand, and if no hive is there, will soon enter one of the adjoin- ing colonies. If their queen is restored to them soon after they miss her, those running out of the-hive will make a half-circle, and return; the joyful news is quickly communicated to those on the wing, who forthwith alight and. enter the hive; all appearance of agitated running about on the outside of the hive, ceases, and ventilation, with its joyful hum, is again resumed.* If the bees re- main quiet in the new hive, for about fifteen minutes, the queen is almost certainly with them. If the Apiarian, in making his artificial swarm, does not see the queen, he must wait until the bees show, by their conduct, whether she is with them or not. If they begin to leave the hive, the entrance must be closed, to confine them until the parent-stock can be drummed again, and the queen, if possible, secured. If she cannot be induced to leave the parent-stock, and another cannot be had to supply her place, the bees must be returned, and the _ driving resumed at another time. A ‘queen, however, which does not go up the first time, is very apt to persist in her refusal. : In for cing a swarm, I have divonied that it be done when * To witness these interesting proceedings, it is only necessary to catch the queen, and keep her until she is missed by her colony. For greater security, I usually confine her, when taken from the bees, in a small paper-funnel, with twisted ends, from which she may be easily taken. It is a mistake to suppose that a swarm will not enter a hive unless the queen is with them. If some start for it, the others will speedily follow, all seeming to take for granted that the queen is somewhere among them. Even after they begin to disperse in search of her, they may often be induced to return, by pour- ing out a fresh lot of bees, which, by entering the hive with fanning wings, cause the others to believe that the queen is coming at last. Bees which miss their queen, under such circumstances, will accept of any one vbat may be offered them; and may often be pacified with worker-comb. 160 3 TUE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. ah many workers are abroad, in order that they may induced to adhere to the parent-stock. ~Many bee-keepers, however, may prefer to make their. swarms early in. the morning, or late in the afternoon, when few bees are at work. i this case, a proper number of adherents may be obtained for the parent-stock, by shaking out the bees from the forcing-box on a sheet, that as they enter the hive in which they are permanently to reside, many may take wing, and return to the decoy-hive. If the number is still too small, after most of the bees have entered the new hive, the sheet with some adhering to it may be carried to the decoy-hive. After these bees show that they miss their queen, by running in great confusion in and out and over the hive, the parent-hive must be presented to them, and when they have entered it, removed to a new position in the Apiary, and the forced swarm returned to the old stand. If one-quarter of the bees are left in the parent- stock, the supply will be ample ; larger, indeed, than is usually left in natural swarming. : If there are in the Apiary acme old stocks cons close together, it is highly desirable in performing these various operations, that the decoy-hive, and that for the forced swarm, should be of the same shape and even color with that of the parent-stock. If they are very unlike, and the returning bees attempt to enter a neighboring hive, because it resembles their old home, the adjoining hives should have sheets thrown over them, to hide them from the bees, until the operation is completed. I have sometimes obtained a supply of adhering bees, for the parent-stock, by placing it on the old stand, and removing the forced swarm to a new location. The larger part of the bees will of course return to their former home Hi some, however, will remain with their queen, and begin to labor in the new hive. In two or three days s, exchange the > oes . ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 161 position of the two hives, when enough bees which have become accustomed to the new place, will return to it, to carry on their operations in the parent-stock. This plan has the advantage of retaining most of the bees in the parent-stock, until the cells for rearing young queens are | begun ; it will also suit bee-keepers who are pressed for time, and are obliged to force their stocks, early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when but few bees are abroad in the fields. 7 If the parent-stock stands at some distance from others, and resembles in shape, size, and color, that intended for the forced swarm, a proper division of the bees may be effected as follows: Place the parent-stock about six inches to the right of the old stand, and the forced swarm as far to the left; so that the position of the old entrance shall be about equally distant from each. If either colony con- tains too few bees, it may be moved a little nearer to the old entrance; or it may be reinforced, after the bees have gone to work, by closing the entrance of the stronger hive until dark. | 7 | If the old stocks stand close together, some prefer another mode of forming the artificial swarm. After the bees have been driven from the parent-stock, the forced swarm is at once placed on the old stand, while the parent- stock in which the proper number of bees has been left, is set in a cool place, and shut up—care being taken to give them air—until late in the afternoon of the third day. It may now be put on its yermanent stand, and opened an hour or two before sunset, when the bees will take wing almost as if intending to swarm. Some will join the forced swarm on the old stand, but most, after hovering a short time in the air, will re-enter their hive. While the entrance was closed, thousands of young bees were hatch- ed, and these, knowing no other home, will all unite in the 162 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. * labors of the hive. The imprisoned bees ought to be supplied with water, to enable them to prepare food for the larve. In the common hive this may. be = eae a straw through a gimlet-hole. Where artificial swarming is practiced on a large scale, I have devised a plan which I very much prefer to any pre- ‘viously described. Let the Apiarian obtain a forced swarm* from some bee-keeper, a mile or two off, or from one 0 of his own stocks, carried that distance before the bees began to work in the Spring. Bringing it home, according to the directions subsequently given for transporting bees, let it be confined in a cool place, so as to have plenty of air, Late in the afternoon, or early next morning, let him force four or five} swarms, placing them, at once, on the stands of the parent-stocks, and these latter where it is In- tended they shall permanently remain. The forced swarm, brought from a distance, should now be shaken out on a sheet, a foot or more from a hive, and gently sprinkled, 50 as to prevent any bees from taking wing. With a saucer, scoop up, without hurting any of them, as many bees as you can, and carry them to the mouth of one of the old stocks, from which you have driven a swarm. Continue to do this, until you have about equally apportioned the bees, and if any remain on the sheet, carry it to the mouth of the hive which has received the least.{ These bees, having no previous home in your Apiary, will adhere to the different hives in which they are placed, and thus, _* Ifhe delays artificial swarming until natural swarms begin to issue, he may ase them in the same way. + An expert will force them all in the time usnally taken by a novice to force one. As soon as a forcing-box is placed over one hive, he will remove another ‘rom its stand, and then the rest, and in drumming them will pass from one to another, so as to lose not a moment’s time in the whole operation. Ten artificial swarms, or even more, may be made, in this way, in less than an houi after sun- rise or before sunset. “et eee + The queen should be looked for, and the hive noted to which i is given. af she has entered the empty hive, she may be easily secured. vi =e Pe ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 168 without any further trouble, your parent-stocks and forced ‘swarms will alike prosper. One great advantage which this method has over all others, is, that it secures, so simply and effectually, the necessary number of bees for the parent-stocks. Inexpe- tienced persons, instead of being perplexed to know how. many bees they shall leave in the forced stocks, may drive from them, if they can, every bee. If the bee-keeper can- not conveniently obtain a swarm from a distance, he may use, for this purpose, the first natural swarm which comes off in his own Apiary; and by delaying* to make artificial colonies until natural swarms begin to issue, every such Swarm may be used for forming at least four artificial “swarms. Or, by the method recommended by Dr. Don- hoff, of Germany, he may secure a colony, which, when divided in the way above mentioned, will adhere to their new locations: “On an evening, when the next day promises to be clear and warm, drive out a swarm, and set it in the place of the parent-stock. Next day, when it is warm, pour some honey among the bees. in the box, and in a few hours they will swarm.’* The directions given for the formation of artificial colo- nies, differ, in some important respects, from any furnished _by other writers, and are so simple that any one accustomed to handle bees can easily follow them. ‘They enable the * A forced swarm may be made to adhere to its new location as follows: Secure their queen, when they are shaken out of the hive; and when they show that they miss her, confine them to their hive, until their agitation has reached its height. Then open the hive, and as the bees begin to take wing, present to them their queen (see p. 159). When they have clustered around her, they may be treated like a natural swarm. To do this with every forced swarm would take too much time; but it would answer well when the forced swarm is to be divided, as above, into four or five parts. Mr. P. J. Mahan, of Philadelphia, informs me that he has several times sue- - eeeded in making an old colony adhere to a new place in the Apiary, by beating the hive, after the bees have been shut i in, even at the risk of slightly injuring some ‘of its combs. When it is opened, the bees will fly out in great POE put nearly all will return to Cte hive on the new stand. 164 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. Apiarian, let him use what hive he will, to be entirely independent of natural swarming. » Live gabeatntee It will be obvious, however, that anneal swarming, to. be successful, requires a knowledge of the laws which con-_ trol the breeding of bees. Those, therefore, who are ig- .uorant of the economy of the bee-hive, cannot safely. depart from the old-fashioned mode of management ; as. emergencies which they are unprepared to meet, may at. any moment occur. An Apiarian may use the common hives* a whole. life-time, and, unless he gains his infor- mation from other sources, may yet remain ignorant of some of the most important principles in the physiology of the honey-bee: while any intelligent cultivator may, with movable-combs, in a single season, verify for himself _ the discoveries which have been made only by the accu- mulated toil of many observers, for more than two thon sand years. rit By the aid of movable-comb hives, artificial swarming * “ An opportunity of beholding the proceedings of the queen, in hives of tho usual form, is so very rarely afforded, that many Apiarians have passed their lives without enjoying it; and Reaumur himself, even with the assistance of a glass-hive, acknowledges that es was many years before he had that pleasure.”—BrEvan, Swammerdam, who wrote his wonderful treatise on bees, before the invention of glass hives, was obliged to tear hives to pieces in making his investigations! When we see what important results these great geniuses obtained, with means so imperfect, if compared with the facilities which the veriest tyro may now Possess, it ought to teach us a becoming lesson of humility. The sentiments of the following extract from Swammerdam, ought to be engraven upon the hearts of all engaged in investigating the works of God: “1 would not have any one think that I say this from a love of fault-finding "—he had been criticising some incorrect drawings and descriptions—“ my sole design is te have the true face and disposition of Nature exposed to sight. I wish others may pass the like censure, when due, on my works; for I doubt not that I have made many mistakes, although I can, from the heart, say, that I have not, in this treatise designed to mislead. * * * The desire of writing is so prevalent, that men publish books filled only with the fancies of their brain, and thus misrepresent God and his works. God forbid that I should ever do this. Truth, and a religious serupu- lousness of mind, ought everywhere to prevail in describing natural things; for they are the Bibles of the divine miracles. If he who writes aims to deceive him- self and others, let him know that in due time all things will be revealed.” - ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 165 may be easily and quickly performed. An empty hive, with its frames properly arranged, must be in readiness to receive the new swarm; and before carrying the parent- stock from its stand, a little smoke should be puffed into © the entrance, which should then be closed with the movable-blocks. Remove, now, one or two of the tins . that cover the holes on the spare honey-board (Pl. VILL, Fig. 21), and blow smoke into the hive, until the bees begin to make a loud humming, when the honey-board may be loosened with a knife, and safely removed, care being taken to set it on its edge, so as not to crush the bees with which its under surface is usually covered. No danger need be apprehended from these bees, as they are completely bewildered by their sudden exposure to the light, and removal from the hive. Any of the large “ supers””™* used 1 in my hives, or any other box of suitable dimensions, may now be set over the bees, into which they may be driven, in the way described on page 155. A little more smoke blown into the entrance of the hive, will obviate the necessity of much rapping, and materially quicken the ascent of the bees.+- After they have been driven from the parent-stock, the directions must be fol- lowed which have already been so minutely described. Whenever the bee-keeper learns how to handle safely the movable-frames—full directions for domg which will soon be given—he may dispense with the forcing-box, and make his swarms by lifting out the frames from the parent- stock, and shaking the bees from them, by a quick jerking motion, upon a sheet, directly in front of the new hive. As soon as a comb is deprived of its bees, it should be re- turned to the parent-stock. If one or two combs contain- * This term is used by Apiarians to designate any upper box placed over the main lower-hive. An empty hive, like that in Pl. I, Fig. 1., or a hive like that iv Pi. IIL, Fig. 2.—if inverted—will answer for a forcing-box. t Time will be saved by arranging (p. 152) to force several swarms at once. 166 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. ing brood, eggs, and stores, are given to the forced swarm, it will be much encouraged, and will need no feeding, if the weather should be unfavorable. In removing the frames, the bee-keeper should look for the queen, and give the comb on which she is, to the forced swarm, without shaking off the bees. If he does not see her on the combs, he will seldom fail to notice her, after a little prae- tice, as she is shaken on the sheet, and crawls towards the new hive. The queen is seldom left on a frame after it has been shaken so that most of the bees fall off. As soon as the necessary number of bees have been transferred to the new hive, the precautions previously given must be used to obtain adhering bees for the parent-stock. If the proper allowance of bees is secured for the parent- stock by the method described on page 162, the hive for the forced swarm may be placed at once on the old stand, and the bees from the parent-stock shaken from the frames _ upon a sheet, so placed that they can easily run into thai new hive. » | Doeecons 1 . If the forced swarms were made a chil time before natural swarming would have taken place,: some of the parent-stocks will contain a number of maturing queens, which may be removed, a few days before appre — given to such as have started none. By making a few forced swarms, about a week or ten days before the time in which the most are to. be made, there will be an abundance of sealed queens, almost ma- ture, so that every parent-stock may have one. If an un- hatched queen can be given, on her frame, to each stock that needs it, se much the better; but if there are not enough frames with sealed queens, while some contain two or more, the bee-keeper must proceed as follows: |. With a sharp pen-knife, carefully remove a piece of comb, an inch or more square, that contains a queen-cell ; and in ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 167 one of the combs of the hive to which this cell is to be given, cut a place just large enough to receive and hold it in a natural position: If it is not secure, apply, with a feather, a little melted wax, where the edges meet, and | the bees will soon fasten it to suit themselves. Unless very great care is used in tr ansferring a royal cell, its inmate will be destroyed, as her body, until she is nearly mature, is so exceedingly soft, that a slight com- pression of her cell—especially near the base, where there is no cocoon—generally proves fatal. For this reason, it is best to defer removing them, until they are within three or four days of hatching. A queen-cell, nearly mature, may be known by its having the wax removed from the lid, by the bees, so as to give it a brown appearance. | The forcing of a swarm ought not to be attempted when the weather is so cool as to chill the brood; and - never unless there is sufficient light not only to enable the Apiarian to see distinctly, but for the bees that take wing to direct their flight to the entrance of their hive.. Bees are always much more irascible when their hives are dis- turbed after it is dark, and as they cannot see where to fly, they will alight on the person of the bee-keeper, whe will be almost sure to be stung. It is seldom that night. work is attempted upon bees, without the operator having occasion to repent his folly. If the weather is not too cool, early in the morning, before the bees are stirring, is the best time for most. operations, as there will then be - the least danger of annoyance from robber-bees. To some of my readers, it may appear almost incredible that bees can be dealt with in the summary ways that have been described, without becoming greatly enraged ; so far, however, is this from being the case, that in my operations, I often use neither smoke, sugar-water, nor _ bee-dress, although I by no means advise the neglect of 168 THE HIVE AND HORE BRE. such precautions, While the timid, if unpr ‘otected, are al- most sure to be stung, there is something in the determined aspect and movements of a courageous and skillful opera- tor, that seems often to strike bees with instant terror, so that they become perfectly submissive to his will. Artificial swarms may be created with perfect safety, | even at mid-day, as the thousands of bees returning with — their loads, never make an attack, while those at pone can be easily pacified. The arrangement which permits the top of the mereka . comb hive to be easily removed, and the sugar-water to be sprinkled upon the bees, before they attempt to take wing, has great advantages. If the hive opened on the side, like Dzierzon’s, it would be impossible to make the sweetened water run down between all the ranges of comb, and it would be necessary to use smoke* in every operation. The use of smoke frequently causes the queen to leave the combs, for greater security. This often causes great delay in the formation of artificial swarms by removing the frames, and in operations where it is de- sirable to catch the*queen, or to examine her upon. the comb. Huber thus speaks of the pacific effect produced upon the bees by the use of his leaf-hive: “On opening the hive, no stings are to be dreaded, for one of the most singular and valuable properties attending my construc- tion, is its rendering the bees tractable. I ascribe their tranquillity to the manner in which they are affected by the sudden admission of light; they appear rather to testify fear than anger. Many retire, and entering the cells, seem to conceal themselves.” Huber has here fallen * After using smoke sometimes two or three times a day, to open a hive upon which I was experimenting, I found that, at last, the cunning creatures, instead of filling themselves with honey, rushed out to attack me! A colony will never refuse the sweetened water, however often it may be presented tothem — > Prats XIV. “4 Ww is iN wifi Nis ‘ith Uy ee ae ey ert 1 U 19, “i eed Oh il Wh Wo = Sit! ’ “” ‘iil < =! @ ’ “halt ne } ‘ ms At ux iy) il y = Cicaraie dit : bf t My AD : a ih i ane ih Nall MUTT fa J Wilh: eh me er ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 169 into an error which he probably would not have made, had he used his own eyes. The bees are, indeed, bewil- dered by the sudden admission of light, and will enter the cells, unless provoked by a sudden jar, or the breath of the operator; not, however, “to conceal themselves ;” but imagining that their sweets, thus unceremoniously ex- posed, are to be taken from them, they gorge themselves almost to bursting, to save what they can. They will always appropriate the contents of the open cells, as soon as their frames are removed from the hive. It is not merely the swdden admission of light, but its introduction from an unexpected quarter, that for the time disarms the hostility of the bees. They appear, for a few moments, almost as much confounded as a man would be, if, without any warning, the roof and ceiling of his house should suddenly be torn from over his head. Before they recover from their amazement, the sweet libation* is poured upon them, and their surprise is quickly changed into pleasure ; or they are saluted with a puff of smoke, which, by alarming them for the safety of their treasures, induces them to snatch whatever they can. In the work- ing season, the bees near the top are gorged with honey; and those coming from delow are met in their threatening ascent, either by an avalanche of nectar, which, like “a soft answer,” most effectually “‘ turneth away wrath,” or a harmless smoke, which excites their fears, but leaves no unpleasant smell behind. No genuine lover of bees ought ever to use the sickening fumes of tobacco. The greatest care should be taken to repress, by the * If, when the hive is first opened, honey-water is used, instead of sugar-water or smoke, in sprinkling the bees, its smell will be very apt to entice maranders from other hives. When the honey-harvest is abundant—and this is the best time for forcing swarms—bees are seldom inclined to rob, if proper precautions are used. _ It is sometimes difficult to induce them to notice honey-combs, even when put in an exposed situation. 8 170 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. sweetened water or smoke, the first manifestations of anger ; for as bees communicate their sensations: to each other with almost magic celerity, while a whole colony will quickly catch the pleased or subdued notes uttered. by a few, it will be roused to instant fury by the shrill note of anger from a single bee. When once they are thor- oughly excited, it will be found very difficult to subdue them, and the unfortunate eperator, if inexperienced, will often abandon the attempt in despair. "ts It cannot be too deeply impressed upon the beaiaal | that nothing irritates bees more than breathing upon them or jarrmg their combs. Every motion should be deliberate, and no attempt whatever made to strike at them. If inclined to be cross, they will often resent even a quick pointing at them with the finger, by darting upon it, and leaving their stings behind. A novice, or a person liable to be stung, will, of course, protect his face and hands. Directions have been given (p. 165), for removing the spare honey-board from the hive. As soon as it is dis- posed of, the Apiarian should sprinkle the bees with the sweet solution. This should descend from the watering- pot in a fine stream, so as not to drench the bees, and should fall upon the éops of the frames, as well as between the ranges of comb. The bees, accepting the proffered treat, will begin to lap it up, as peaceably as so many chickens helping themselves to corn. While they .are thus engaged, the frames which have been glued fast to the rabbets by the bees, must be very gently pried loose; this may be done without any serious jar, and without wounding or enraging a single bee; the rabbets being wide enough to allow the frames to be pried from the rear to the front, or vice versa. If the rabbets were’ only just wide enough to receive the shoulders of the frames, ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 171 it would be necessary, in loosening the frames, to pry them laterally, or towards each other, by which they might be brought so close together, as to crush the bees, injure the brood, disfigure the combs, or even kill the. queen. : The frames may be all loosened for removal in less than a minute s* by this time the sprinkled bees will have filled themselves, or if all have not, the intelligence that sweets have been furnished, will diffuse an unusual good nature through the honied realm. The Apiarian should now — gently push the third frame from either end of the hive, a little nearer to the fourth frame; and then the second as near as‘he can to the third, to get ample room to lift out the end one, without crushing its comb, or injuring any of the bees. To remove it, he should take hold of Its two shoulders which rest upon the rabbets, and carefully lift it, so as to crush no bees by letting it touch the sides of the hive, or the next frame. If it is desired to remove any particular frame, room must be gained by moving, in the same way, the adjoinmg ones on each side. As bees usually build their combs slightly waving, it will be found impossible to remove a frame safely, without making room for it in this way ; and if the tops of the frames have not sufficient play on the rabbets, and between each other, the frames cannot be lifted out of the hive, without crush- ‘ing the combs, and killing the bees. In handling the frames, be careful not to incline them from their perpen- dicular, or the combs will be liable to break from their own weight, and fall out of the frames. If more combs are to be examined, after lifting out the i. Without smoke or sweetened water, ten minutes may be spent in opening and shutting a single frame in a Huber-hive,and even then some of the bees will probably be crushed. The great caution recommended by Huber in opening his hives, shows that he did not know how to make himself independent of the anger ‘of the bees. 172 : THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEX. enbiiids frame, set it carefully on end, near the hive,* when the second one may be easily moved towards the vacant space, and lifted out. After examination, put it in the place of the one first removed; in the same way, examine the third, and put it in slabs of the second, and so proceed until all have been examined. If the bees are to be removed, they must, of course, be shaken off on a sheet, as previously described. If the comb first taken out will fit, it may be put in the place of that last taken out; if it will not fit, and cannot be made to do so by a little trimming, the frames must be slid on the rabbets back to their former places, when this first comb may be returned to its old position. The » inexperienced operator, who sees that the bate have built some small pieces of comb between the outside of the frames, and the sides of the hive, or slightly fastened together some parts of their combs, may imagine that the frames cannot be removed at all. Such slight attach- ments, however, offer no practical difficulty to their removal.t+ The great point to be gained, is to secure a single comb on each frame; and this is effected by the © use of the triangular. cuties | If bees were disposed to fly away from hicks combs, a as soon as they are taken out, instead of adhering to them with such remarkable tenacity, it would be far more diffi- cult to manage them; but even if their combs, when re- * If the frames, as they are removed, are put into an empty hive, Bien may ke protected from the cold, and from robber-bees. + If sufficient room for storing surplus honey is not given to a strong stock, in. Its anxiety to amass as much as possible, it will fill the smallest accessible places. If the bees build comb between the tops of the frames, and the under side of the spare honey-board, it can be easily cut off, and used for wax. If this shallow chamber were not used, they would fasten the honey-board to the frames so tightly, that it would be very difficult to remove it; and every time it was taken off, thee would glue it still faster, so that, at last, it would be well nigh impossible, in getting it off, not to start the frames so as to crush the bees between the combs. ve gen “ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 173 moved, are all arranged in a continued line, the bees, instead. of leaving them, will stoutly defend them against the thieving pr pensities of other bees. In returning the frames, care must be ‘ition not to. crush the bees between them and the rabbets on which they rest ; they should be put in so slowly, that a bee, on feeling the slightest pressure, may have a chance to cree} from under them before it is hurt. In shutting up the hive, the surplus honey-board should be carefully sid on, so that any bees which are in the way may be pushed before it, instead of being crushed. A beginner will find it to his advantage to practice—using an empty hive—the directions for opening and shutting hives, and lifting out the frames, until confident that he fully understands them. If any bees are where they would be imprisoned by clos- ing the upper cover, it should be propped up a little, until they have flown to the entrance of the hive: (Pl. VIL, Fig. 20.) An artificial colony may be made in five minutes from the time a hive is opened, if the queen is seen as quickly as she often is, by an expert. Fifteen minutes is, on an average, ample time to complete the whole work. In less than a week, if the weather is pleasant, an Apiarian with a hundred old stocks, by devoting to them a few hours every day, can, without any assistance, easily finish the business of swarming for the whole season. | But if the formation of artificial swarms is delayed, as it always should be (p. —), till near the time* for natural -swarming, how can the bee-keeper, unless constantly on hand, escape the risk of losing some of his best swarms ? If he prefers to dispense entirely with natural swarming, he may deprive his fertile queens of their wings: (see oy} ; . * It will be easy—with movable-comb hives—to determine, by an occasional inspection, when the season for natural swarming is approaching. 174 ss *PHE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. chapter on Loss of ‘the Queen.) As an old queen leaves” the hive only with a new swarm, the loss of her wings? in no way interferes with her usefulness, or the attachment” of the bees. If, in spite of her inability to fly, she is bent’ on emigrating, though she has a “ will,” she can find “no — way,” but helplessly falls to the ground, instead of gaily mounting into the air. If the bees find her, they cluster’ around her,‘and may be easily secured by the Apiarian ; if she is not found, they return to the parent-stock, to await the maturity of the young queens. As soon as the piping of the first-hatched queen is heard. (p. 121), the Apiarian may force his swarm, unless—having fair warning of their intentions—he prefers to allow them to swarm in the natural way. The number of queens nearly ready to” hatch which are usually found in such a stock, ye = profitably used in the swarming: season. OP ARG As the queen can not get through an opening 5.3048 of an inch high, which will just pass a loaded worker, if- the entrance to the hive be contracted to this dimension, she will not be able to leave with a swarm: (see Pl, IIL, Figs. 11, 12.) (it dob ta This method of preventing swarming,} requires great * Bees‘communicate with each other by their antennae, and Huber has proved that queens deprived of these, ak their eggs without care, and are unfit for ini siding over a hive. ’ + Huber does not give the size necessary for confining a queen; but he speaks of adjusting a glass tube, so as to pass out a worker, and not a queen. The small- est queen I ever saw, could not pass through my blocks. Although the workers. are at first slightly annoyed by them, they soon become accustomed to them, as they do not confuse them, by presenting the entrance in a new place. The ventila- tion not depending on this contracted entrance, abundance of air can be given to the bees; when the blocks are adjusted to confine the queen. + Tl health, for the last two Summers, has’ prevented me from giving ‘this ashi of swarming such a full trial that I can confidently indorse it, except for temporary purposes ; though I have little doubt that it may be made entirely te prevent the issue of swarms. If so, it will be of great service to those who fear to open a hive to remove the royal cells, or cut off the wings of a queen, If, as soon as piping is heard, the entrance is contracted for about a week, the bees may allow the young queens to engage in mortai combat. In this case, the blocks ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 175 accuracy of measurement, for a very trifling deviation from the dimensions given, will either shut out the loaded workers, or let out the queen. It should be used only to imprison old queens; for young ones, if confined to the hive, cannot be impregnated. These blocks, if firmly fastened, will exclude mice from the hive in the Winter. When used to prevent all swarming, it will be necessary to adjust them a little after sunrise and before sunset, to _ allow the bees to carry out any drones that have died, Some bee-keepers, while reading these various processes for making artificial swarms, have probably thought that it would be much better to double the colonies by trans- ferring half the combs and bees of a full stock to an empty hive; but for reasons already assigned (p. 156), such a _ course, though apparently more simple, would be injuri- ous to the bees. Having detailed the methods which can be most advan- tageously used for doubling stocks im one season, by arti- ficial swarming, it seems proper to discuss the question whether it will be best to aim at a rate of increase more or less rapid than this.* might be used to prevent the issue of second as well as first swarms. If the simple turning over of two blocks will prevent all swarming, and without any ulterior evil consequences to the colony, it will meet the wants of a large class of bee- keepers. The difference between theoretical conjectures and practical results is often so great, that nothing in the bee-line, or indeed in any other line, should be considered as established, until by being submitted to rigorous demonstration, it has triumph- antly passed from the mere regions of the brain, to those of actual fact. A theory which may seem so plausible as almost to amount to positive demonstration, when put to the working test, may be encumbered by some unforeseen difficulty, which speedily convinces even the most sanguine that it has no practical value. Nine things out of ten may work to a charm, and yet the tenth may be so connected with the other nine, that its failure renders their success of no account. * As soon as persons find that colonies can be multiplied at will, they are very apt to so overdo the matter, as to risk losing their bees. Notwithstanding repeated cantions to “make haste slowly,” some have multiplied so rapidly, as to ruin their stocks, and bring great discredit on my hive, and system of management. Others will probably do the same thing; for it wculd seem that nothing but a sad experi- ON 176 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. The A piarian who aims at shiniteens mine ‘surplus honey in any season, cannot, usually, at the furthest, more than double his stocks; nor even that, unless all arestrong, and the season is favorable. If, in any season that is not favorable, he attempts a more rapid increase, he must not only expect no surplus honey, but must even. purchase food for his bees, to keep them from starving. The time, care, skill, and food required in our uncertain climate for the rapid increase of colonies, are so great, that not one bee-keeper in a hundred* can make it profitable ; while most who attempt. it, will be almost sure, at the close of the season, to find themselves in possession of stocks . which have been managed to death. To make this matter plain, let us suppose a colony to swarm. Nearly forty pounds of honey will be ordinarily — used by the new swarm in filling their hive with comb. If the season is favorable, and the swarm large and early, the bees may gather enough to build and store this comb, and a surplus besides. If the parent-stock does not swarm agam, it will rapidly replenish its numbers, and * having no new comb to build in the main hive, will be able besides to store up a generous allowance in the upper boxes. If, however, the season should be unfavorable, neither the first swarm nor the parent-stock can ordmarily gather more than enough for their own use; and if the honey-harvest is very deficient, both may require feeding. The bee-keeper’s profits in such an unfortunate seit will be the increase of his stocks. it the parent-stock is weak in the Spring, the early ence of its folly, in bee-keeping, as well as in other pursuits, can ever convince men of the danger of “making hasté to be rich.” If, in spite of all that can be said, the inexperienced will persist in the rapid multiplication of stocks, it is hoped that they will at least have candor enough to attribute their losses to their own folly. * Many a person who reads this will probably imagine that he is the one in a bandred. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 177 - honey-harvest will pass away, and the bees be able to ob- tain very little from it. During all this time of meagre accumulations, the orchards may present “One boundless blush, one white empurpled shower Of mingled blossoms ;” and tens of thousands of bees from stronger stocks may be engaged all day in sipping the fragrant sweets, so that every gale which “fans its odoriferous wings” about their dwellings, dispenses ‘“‘ Native perfumes, and whispers whence they stole Those balmy spoils.”* By the time the feeble stock is prepared—if at all—to swarm, the honey-harvest is almost over, and the new colony, instead of gathering enough for its own use, may starve, unless fed. Bee-keeping, with colonies which are feeble in the Spring, except in extraordinary seasons and locations, is emphatically nothing but “ folly- and vexation ‘of spirit.” I have shown how a handsome profit may, in a favorable ‘season, be realized from a strong stock, which has swarmed early, and but once. If the parent-stock throws a second swarm, unless it issues early, and the honey-season is good, it will seldom prove of any value, if managed on the ordi- nary plan. It usually perishes in the Winter, unless pre- viously destroyed, and the parent-stock will not only ‘gather no surplus honey—unless it was secured before the first swarm issued—but will often perish also. -Thus the novice who was so delighted with the rapid increase of his colonies, begins the next season with no more than he had the previous year, and with the entire loss of all the time bestowed upon his bees. * The scent of the hives, during the height of the gathering season, usually indicates from what sources the bees have gathered their supplies. R* 178 THE HIVE AND. HONEY-BEE. ‘With the movable-comb hives, the deatl. of the bees” may be prevented, and all the feeble colonies made strong and powerful ; but only by abandoning the idea of obtain-~ ing a single pound of surplus honey. From the parent-— stock, and first swarm, combs containing maturing brood must be taken to strengthen the weak swarms, and instead ~ of being able to store their combs with honey, they will be constantly tasked in replacing those taken away, so that when the honey-harvest closes, they must be fed to” save them from starving. Any one intelligent enough to keep bees, ¢ can, from these remarks, understand exactly why colonies cannot be rapidly multiplied, in ordinary seasons, and yet be made to — yield large supplies of surplus honey. Even the doubling of stocks will often be too rapid an increase for tre , greatest yield of spare honey. to I would strongly dissuade any but the most experienced: Apiarians, from attempting, at the furthest, to do more than treble their stocks in one year. Another book would” be needed, to furnish directions for rapid multiplication, — sufficiently full and explicit for the inexperienced; and even then, most who should undertake it, would be sure, at first, to fail. With ten strong stocks of bees, in’ movable-comb hives, in one propitious season, I could so increase them, in a favorable location, as to have, on the approach of Winter, one hundred good colonies; but I should expect to purchase hundreds of pounds of honey, devoting nearly all my time to their management, and bringing to the work the experience of many years, and the judgment acquired by numerous lamentable failures.* © * In one season, being called from home after my colonies had been greatly mul- tiplied, the honey-harvest was suddenly cut short by a drought, and I found, on my return, that most of my stocks were ruined. The bees, not haying been fed, had sone into the groceries, and perished by hundreds of thousands. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 179 A certain rather than a rapid multiplication of stocks, is most needed. A single colony, doubling every year, would in ten years increase to 1,024 stocks, and in twenty years to over a million! At this rate, our whole country might, in a few years, be stocked with bees; an increase of one-third, annually, would soon give us enough. This latter rate of increase should be encouraged, even if, in the Fali, the stocks are reduced (see Union of Stocks), to the Spring number; as, in the long run, it will both keep the colonies in the most prosperous condition, and secure the largest yield of honey. I have never myself hesitated to sacrifice several colo- nies, in order to ascertain a single fact; and it would — require a large volume, to detail my various experiments © on the single subject of artificial swarming. The practical bee-keeper, however, should never lose sight of the im- portant distinction between an Apiary managed princi- pally for purposes of observation and discovery, and one conducted exclusively with reference to pecuniary profit.* Any bee-keeper can easily experiment with my hives; but he should do it, at first; only on a small scale, and if pecuniary profit is his object, should follow my directions, until he is sure that he has discovered others which are better. These cautions are given to preverit serious losses . in using hives. which, by facilitating all manner of experi- ments, may tempt the inexperienced into rash and un- profitable courses. Beginners, especially, should follow my directions as closely as possible; for, although they may doubtless be modified and improved, it can only be done by those experienced in managing bees. Let me not be understood as wishing to intimate that perfection has been so nearly attained, that no more _* Prof. Siebold says, that Berlepsch told him, that some of his hives “ had been very much prejudiced by the various scientific experiments.” a 180 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. important discoveries remain to be made. On the con- | trary, I should be glad if those who have time and means — would experiment on a large scale with the movable-cémb hives; and I hope that every intelligent bee-keeper who | uses them, will experiment at least on a small scale. In this way, we may hope that those points in the natural history of the bee still involved m doubt, will, ere Aas 7 be satisfactorily explained. The practical bee-keeper should remember that the fac . he disturbs the stocks on which he relies for surplus honey, — the better. Their hives ought not to be needlessly opened, and the bees should never be so much interfered with, as to feel that they hold their possessions by an uncertain. tenure ; as such an impression will often impair their zeal for accumilation.* The object of giving the control oyer — every comb in the hive, is‘not to enable the bee-keeper to be incessantly taking them in and out, and subjecting the bees to all sorts of annoyances. Unless he is conducting a course of experiments, such interference will be almost as silly as the conduct of children who dig up. the seeds they have planted, to see how much they have grown. Having described how forced swarms are made, both in common and movable-comb hives, when the Apiarian’ wishes in one season to double his colonies, I shall now © show how he can secure the largest yield of honey, by forming only ove new colony from two old ones. When it is time to form artificial colonies, drum a strong stock—which call A—so as to secure ail its bees, — and put the forced swarm on the old stand. If any bees. _ are abroad when this is done, they will join this new colony. Remave to a new stand in the Apiary a second strong stock--whigh call B—and put A in its place. * These remarks apply more particularly to stocks cnaaianites storing honey in, 4 receptacles noé in the main hive. The experience of Dzierzon and myself, shows — that opening the hives, ordinarily interrupts their labors for only a few minutes, ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 181 Thousands of the bees that belong to Bb, as they return from the fields,* will enter A, which thus secures enough to develop the brood, rear a new queen, and gather, if the season is favorable, large surplus stores. If B had been first forced, and then removed, it would (p. 156) have been seriously injured ; but as it loses fewer bees than if it had swarmed, and retains its queen, it will soon become «lmost as powerful as before it was re- moved. ) This method of forming colonies may be practiced, on any pleasant day, from sunrise until late in the afternoon ; for if no bees are abroad to recruit the drummed hive, it may be shut up, until it can be put upon the stand of any strong stock which has already begun to fly with vigor. Of all the methods which I have devised for prac- ticing artificial swarming,[ with almost any kind of hive, this appears to be one of the simplest, safest, and * It is quite amusing to observe the actions of these bees, when they return to their old stand. if the strange hive is like their own in size and outward appear- ance, they go in as though all was right, but soon rush out in violent agitation, imagining that by some unaccountable mistake, they have entered the wrong place. Taking wing to correet their blunder, they find, to their increasing surprise that they had directed their flight to the proper spot; again they enter, and again they tumble out, in bewildered crowds, until at length if they find a queen, or the means of raising one, they make up their minds that if the strange hive is not home, it looks like it, stands where it oughtto be, and is, at all events, the only home they are likely to get. No doubt they often feel that a very hard bargain has been imposed upon them, but they are generally wise enough to make the best | of it. They will be altogether too much disconcerted to quarrel with any bees that were left in the hive when it was forced, who on their part give them a wel- come reception. + Might not a forced swarm be made to adhere to a new location, by thoroughly shaking them in an empty box—see note on p. 163—and then setting them on their new stand, and permitting them tofly? The queen might be confined, for safety, _in a queen-cage. ¢ The Apiarian, by treating a natural swarm as he has been dir ected to treat a forced one, can secure an increase of one colony from two; and of all the methods of conducting natural swarming, in regions where rapid increase is not profitable, this.is the best, provided the colonies do not stand too close together, and the _ hives used in the process are alike in shape and color. 182 THE HIVE ANI) HONKY-BEE, best. It not only secures a reasonable increase of colonies, but maintains them all in high vigor; and in ordinary | seasons will yield, in good locations, more surplus honey, — than if all increase of colonies was discouraged. If every bee-keeper would- adopt this plan, our country might — soon be like the ancient Palestine, “a land on with — milk and honey.” or Be In all the modes of artificial increase thus far given, the parent or mother-stock—as I shall call it in this connection ~ —after parting with the forced swarm, was either supplied with a sealed royal cell, or left to raise a new queen from worker-brood. By the use of movable-comb hives, it may be at once supplied with a fertile young queen. Before showing how this 1s done, its extraordimary ee ; will be described. | | It sometimes happens that the mother-stock, when de- prived of its queen, perishes, either because it takes no steps to supply her loss, or because it fails in the attempt. — If it raises several queens, it may become reduced by after-swarming ; and, at all events, its young queen must run the usual risks in meeting the drones. When all goes” right, it will usually be from two to three weeks before any eggs are laid in the mother-stock; and when the brood left. by the old queen has all matured, the number of the bees will so rapidly decrease, before any of the brood of the young queen hatches, that she will not have a fair chance, seasonably to replenish the hive. Again; while the system that gives no hatched queen — to the mother-stock, exposes it to be robbed if forage is scarce, the presence of a fertile mother emboldens it toa — much more determined resistance. ng If the mother-stock has not been ee with a fer tile queen, it cannot, for a long time, part with another colony, ‘a without being ser LOU weakened. Second swarming— — ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. a as is well known—often very much injures the parent- stock, although its queens are rapidly maturing ; but the forced mother-stock may have to start theirs almost from the egg. By giving it a fertile queen, and retaining enough adhering bees to develop the brood, a moderate swarm may be safely taken away in tenor twelve days, and the mother-stock left in a far better condition than if ‘it had parted with two natural swarms. In favorable | seasons and localities, this process may be repeated four | or five times, at intervals of ten days, and if no combs are removed, the mother-stock will still be well supplied with _ brood and mature bees. Indeed, the judicious removal | of bees, at proper* intervals, often leaves it, at the close of the Summer, better supplied than non-swarming stocks | with maturing brood ; the latter having—in the expressive | | Janguage of an old writer—‘“ waxed over fat.” I have | had stocks which, after parting with four swarms in the | way above described, have stored their hives with buck- | wheat honey, besides yielding a surplus in boxes. } | | ~ This method of artificial increase, which resembles * If astrong stock of bees, in a hive of moderate size, is examined, at the height .of the honey-harvest, nearly all the cells will often be found full of brood, honey, or bee-bread. The great laying of the queen is over—not as some imagine, be- cause her fertility has decreased, but simply for want of room for more brood. A queen in such a colony, or in a hive having few bees, often appears almost as slender as one still unfertile; but if she has plenty of bees and empty comb given ! to her, her proportions will soon become very much enlarged. (P. 47.) | t Columella had noticed that, in very productive seasons, strong stocks, if left to themselves, fill up their brood-combs with honey, instead of rearing young bees. He advises the unskillful, instead of being pleased with this apparent gain, to shut up their hives every third day, and thus compel the bees to attend to breeding! This gives the queen a chance to deposit eggs in the cells from which the young bees hatch, before they are filled with honey; and no better plan can be devised _ for the common hives. In the movable-comb hives, a few of the combs nearest the ends may be taken - out,and as many empty frames put between every two of the central combs; these will at once be supplied with combs, in which the queen wili deposit eggs. | It would seem that, while the instincts of the bees teach them to fear all-the eggs ' deposited in cells, their avaricious prope*sities often—as in human beings—get the I { ‘ 184 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. natural swarming, in not disturbing the combs of the mother-stock, is not only superior to it, in leaving a fertile | queen, but obviates almost entirely all risk of after- | swarming ; for the old queen, when given to the forced } swarm, very seldom attempts to lead forth a new colony (p. 128); and the young one, which is giveh to the mother-stock, is equally content—except in very warm climates—to stay where she is put. Even if the old queen is allowed to remain in the mother-stock, she will seldom leave, if sufficient room is given for storing surplus honey ; and it makes no difference—as far as liability of Saeed is concerned—where the young one is put.* Z The bee-keeper can double his stocks in one season, even better in this way, than by the method described on page 162; and in favorable seasons and locations, this rate of _ Increase will yield a large surplus of honey. bp For bee-keepers who may desire a more rapid increase — of colonies, I shall give the methods, which—after years of experimenting—I have found to be the best ; referring them to the cautions already given, lest, at the ih of the ‘season, they find that’ their fancied.gains consist only of. large investments in dearly bought experience. If they - are cautious and skiliful, in good seasons and locations, they may safely increase their colonies three-fold, and may, possibly, by liberal feeding, incr ease them five or Six- fold, or even more. The plan of artificial swarming, described on page 180, when combined with the giving of a fertile young queen better of them, so that they give their queen no chance to lay, and thus incur the | risk of perishing, in order to become over-rich. * I have frequently noticed that after-swarms are much lead inclined than first swarms to build drone-comb—their young queens seldom laying many drone-eggs the first season. If we can cause the new colonies to fill their hives almost entirely with worker-combs, merely by supplying them with young —_— o- keeping will take another important step in advance. . ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. Fed 185 -to the mother-stock, instead of stopping short with an -inerease of one from two, may be expanded to any rate _of increase that can possibly be secured ; while it has this admirable peculiarity, that each step in Py iy is entirely independent of any that are subsequently to be made ; and the process may be stopped at any time when forage fails, or the bee-keeper chooses—from any cause—to uy it no further. If it is used for doubling the stocks, proceed as follows: Let a fertile young queen be given to A (p. 180) as soon as it is forced, and in ten days force a swarm from JB, which I shall call D. Put D on the stand of S, and after removing A to a new place, set B where A stood, giving to B a fertile young queen. If another colony, F, is to be formed, make it in the same way, by forcing A, and transposing with B and so continue, by the transposition of .A and B—forcing the new colony alternately from each—to make successively, at intervals of about ten days, /, G, H, &c.; A and £& being sup- plied with a fertile queen as often as they’are forced. _ To make this process more intelligible, let’ A and B represent the first positions, in the Apiary, of the pmgeet stocks : . , Original stocks, | A, B. Position after 1st forcing, CO, A, B. 3 “ oq 6 Oo BD 6s “ sq « CO, A “ 6 Ath & C, B, D, E, 6 “& -5th & C, A 66 6c 6th 66 pos B, D, E, * ‘The table is not shed to recommend setting hives in rows, close together. _ Aand Bmay be anywhere in the Apiary, and C, D, EZ, &c., as far 1 as is at all desirable. iid Chap. on Loss of Queen.) 186 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BER. colonies, C, D, Z, &c., always remain undisturbed on the’ stands where they are first put. ree», Ot ane sea Dzierzon has noticed the great number of bees which. may, at intervals, be removed from a stock-hive, if it only. retains a fertile queen, and sufficient adhering bees y and says that he has known as many bees to be lost, in a single day, from a strong stock, by high winds* or sudden storms, as would suffice to make a respectable swarm. Kfehe - This able Apiarian, who unites to the sagacity of Huber, an immense amount of practical experience in managing bees, has for years formed his artificial colonies chiefly by removing the forced swarms to a distant Apiary. Though this plan has some decided merits, and might suit _ two persons—sufiiciently far apart—who could agree to manage their bees as a joint concern, the expense of transporting the bees makes it objectionable to most bee- keepers. From the beginning, my plans. for artificial in- crease were mainly with reference to a single Apiary ; and: it would seem, from the recent discussion in the Annual Apiarian Convention (p. 20), that the German bee-keepers are fast adopting the same method. ee es - By making holes on the inside of the bottom-board of my hivest—the glass ones excepted—artificial swarming /may be practiced in a way approaching: still nearer’ to natural swarming than any yet described. About a week or ten days before the artificial swarm is to be made, put aw empty hive C, on the top of a strong stock 4— making the entrance of C to face in the opposite way bape * If forage is very abundant, bees are almost crazy to get it, however windy the weather, and some Apiarians, on such days, confine them to their hives, + These holes are similar to those in the spare honey-board (Pl. VIIL., Fig. 21), ane are closed in the same way, when not in use. They permit the bees to com- municate, where the hives are piled one on the top of the other; and the upper hive may be used as a place for the storage of surplus honey in small boxes, or (Pl. X., Fig. 23), in large or small frames. or ARTIFICIAL SWARMING «TST from that of A—and uncover the holes in the bottom. board of C, so that the bees may pass from A to OC. A number of the young bees, as they go out to work, will use the upper entrance, so that when a colony is driven from A, and the mother-stock is put in place of C, it will have the requisite number of adhering bees: the forced swarm being put into C, and taking the stand of A, will secure, as it ought, the most of thé mature bees. In a few days, the upper hive may be set down close to the other, and gradually removed to any convenient distance, and its entrance made to face in any direction. The same process may be repeated, at intervals, with the mother- stock, until as many new colonies are formed as may be desired.* If the Apiarian does not aim at a very rapid increase, he can take from the mother-stock, in forcing it, two or three of -its combs which are best filled with sealed brood, so that the artificial swarm will have recruits before its new brood matures. | If the new colony is forced by removing the frames (p. 165), the bees may be shaken on a sheet directly in front of A, and allowed to enter it again; the combs being all transferred to C, unless the bee-keeper wishes to return a few to the parent-stock. With a fertile queen, a new colony may be formed by simply reversing the positions of A and C, when the bees are in full flight; and after the lapse of a few days, if C is weaker than To those who have learned to open the hives ané remove the combs, and who use but one Apiary, this way- of making artificial swarms—which I call the piling mode —will probably prove to be the best. It does not confuse the bees, by presenting to them a new entrance, or a hive having a@ strange smell, and retains in the mother-stock adult bees enough to gather water, and attend to all neces- sary out-door work. In the Apiarian Convention of 1857, which was largely attended, and where the question of artificial swarming with one Apiary, was fully discussed, Dzierzon recommended a method as much like this as the plan of his hives would permit. | I shall now show how, by means of moysbleaitih hives, fertile young queens may always be kept on hand, to supply the forced mother-stocks: About three weeks before A (p. 180) is to be forced, take from it, as late in _ the afternoon as there is light enough to do it, a comb containing worker-eggs, and bees just gnawing out of ' their cells, and put it, with the mature bees that are on it, into an empty hive. If there are not bees enough ad- hering to it to prevent the brood from being chilled during the night, more must be shaken into the hive from another comb. Ifthe transfer is made so late in the day that the bees are not disposed to leave the hive, enough will have hatched, by morning, to supply the place of those which may return to the parent-stock. A comb from which about’ one-quarter of the brood has hatched, will almost always have eggs in the empty cells, and if all things are favorable, the bees, in a few hours, will usually begin to raise a queen.* . * JT have known about a tea-cup full of bees, confined in 4 core place, to beata within an hour, enlarging cells for raisiig a queen. ; ' ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 189 If the comb used in forcing such a colony— which I shall call a nuclews—was removed at a time of day when the bees upon it would be likely to return to the parent- . stock, they should be confined to the hive, until it is too late for them to leave; and if the number of bees, just emerging from their cells, is not large, the entrance to the hive should be closed, until about an hour before sunset | of the next day but one (see p. 161). The hive contain- ing this small colony, should be properly ventilated, and shaded—if thin—from the intense heat of the sun; it should always be well supplied with honey and water.* Suitable precautions should also be taken to guard against the loss of its young queen, when she leaves the hive to meet the drones. (See Chap. on Loss of Queen.) The best way of forming a nucleus, with movable-comb hives, will be by setting an empty hive over a full stock, in the way already described (p. 186) : when enough bees begin to make use of the upper entrance, a brood comb, with adhering bees, may be transferred to it, and the con- nection between the two hives closed. If the bees are reluctant to enter the upper hive, they may be encouraged to do so by vlacing honey there, in a feeder—keeping the outside entrance closed against robbers—and they may afterwards be allowed to pass out through the upper hive. In a few days this nucleus may be set down, and gradually removed, so that another hive may be put on the mother- stock. If all things are favorable, this nucleus, by the time A is forced, will have a fertile queen, which may be given ‘o A, when the bees that return from the fields show that mey realize (page 158), their queenless condition. pane * Whenever the position of a colony is so changed as to interrupt mh few days the flight of the bees, it will be advisable to supply them with water in their hive, as the want of itis often fatal to the brood. : rg, ee 190 THE HIVE AND > HONEY-BEE. comb viisiniie to the auhea with all the ‘bees Ming on it, may then be given to the artificial colony, C. Or, if the bee-keeper prefer, he may give to A its own queen, and give the young one— with the precautions subse. quently described—to .C. ee If the stocks are to be doubled, a second nucleus: must be formed, by taking, about ten days later, a bréod-comb from £4, and giving the second cas to the second artifi- cial colony, D.* If the colonies are to be multiplied more ae still, then from the first nucleus only its queen must be taken, after she has begun to lay, and her colony will at once begin to raise another. If she is removed before she has fai any eggs, the comb of the nucleus—after all the bees are shaken from it—must be returned to A or B, and Te-— placed with another that is well supphed with eggs: and if, at any time, the number of bees in the nucleus is too small, it may be reinforced by exchanging its comb for one that is as full of hatching brood as when it was first formed (p. 188). The same process must be adopted with the second nucleus, and thus—at regular intervals— _ enough queens may be obtained from the two, to multiply the colonies to any desired extent. To make this matter perfectly plain, let us suppose that Cis to be forced on the Ist of June, and D, & FF &e., at intervals of ten days.| Then, as before, C, A, and B (p. 185), represent the positions of the colonies on the Ist of June, and the other columns, their places on the 10th, 20th, &e. Now, let J and JZ represent the nuclei—I use * Those who rely entirely on natural swarming, may often secure. fertile queens, by catching the supernumerary young queens of after-swarms (p. 122), and hiving . them, with a few bees, in any small box containing a piece of worker-comb. © t Of course, no one will imagine, that operations which depend so much or season, climate, and weather, can always be conducted with the mathematical accuracy with which they are set forth in such an illustr ator, eae ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 191 this name when speaking of more than one nucleus—and _ I', IT* represent them when each has a queen; J?, Z7?, when each has raised its second queen ; Z*, JZ*, when each has its third, and so on, it being always understood that TZ, TZ, without the small numbers above them, indicate that the nuclei are at that time rearing queens. The first nucleus will be formed May 10th, and the second May 20th. -. May 10th, JZ, June 200. 2. oer 3 EE ee a & 2 pa a MD Der we eene ist, f1, 77, July 10th, 2°, ZZ, merwgin f. fe). ° “ ” Soth, 7, LF*, Se. ae. As it may often be desirable to remove the queen of a nucleus, before she has begun to lay eggs, if her colony is supplied with a sealed royal cell from another nucleus, no time will be lost, and much trouble saved. The following, from the pen of Rev. Mr. Kleine, one of the ablest German Apiarians, will be interesting in this connection :—“ Dzierzon recently intimated that, as Huber, by introducing some royal: jelly into cells containing » worker-brood, obtained queens, it may be possible to in- ~ duce bees to construct royal cells where the Apiarian pre- fers to have them, by inserting a small portion of rayal jelly in cells contaming worker-larve! If left to them- selves, the bees often so crowd their royal cells together” —see Pl. X V.— “that it is difficult to remove one, without . fatally injuring the others ; as, when such a cell is cut into, -the destruction and removal of the larva usually follows. To prevent such losses, I usually proceed as follows: When I have selected a comb with unsealed brood, for rearing queens, [ shake or brush off the bees, and trim off, if necessary, the empty cells at its margin. I then take an unsealed royal cell—which usually contains an excess of royal jelly—and remove from it a portion of the jelly, pe. THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. on the point of a knife or pen, and by placing it on the inner margin of any worker-cells, feel confident that the larve in them will be reared as queens; and as these royal cells are separate, and on the margin of the comb, they | ‘can be easily and safely removed. This is another import- ant advance in practical bee-culture, for which we are in- debted to the sagacity of Dzierzon. ” —Bienenzeitung, 1858, p. 199. Translated by Mr. Wagner. If the spare queen-cells are cut out (p. 166) from ss be- fore the first queen matures, other nuclei may be formed by similar processes; indeed, with movable combs, any number of queens may be raised, and kept where when wanted, they can be readily secured.* Both the original nuclei, Z and ZZ, and those made from their sealed queens, may be formed by bringing from another Apiary, in a small box, the few adhering bees which are wanted (p. 162) ; and as many may be returned — in it, to be used for a similar purpose. The expert will — also be able to catch up adhering bees, by slightly movingt the parent-stocks (p. 161), and in various other ways, which will readily suggest themselves. x Dzierzon estimates a fertile queen to be worth, in the swarming season, one- ha the price of a new swarm. + If the adhering bees are thus obtained, and there isnot a cluster of bees on the brood-comb, they may be so dissatisfied with its deserted appearance, as to re- fuse to stay. If they intend to submit to this system of forced colonization, they . will, however much agitated at first, soon join the cluster of bees on the comb; otherwise, they will quickly abandon the hive, carrying off with them all that were put in with the comb. While it is admitted that bees can raise a queen from amy worker-egg or young. farva, is it certain that workers of any age are able or disposed to do it? a Huber speaks of two kinds of workers: “ One of these is, in general, destined for the elaboration of wax, and its size is considerably enlarged when full of honey ; the other immediately imparts what it has collected, to its companions; its abdomen ~ undergoes no sensible change, or it retains only the honey necessary for its own sub- sistence. The particular function of the bees of this kind is to take care of the young, for they are not charged with provisioning the hive. In opposition to the wax-workers, we shall call them small bees, or nurses. “ Although the external difference be inconsiderable, this is not an fmaginary ‘ Ae Ts a ge Li aati FT Et cy Piatx XV Fig. 48. ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 193 One queen can be made to supply several hives with brood, while they are constantly engaged in raising spare queens. Deprive two colonies, 1 and 2, at intervals of a week, each of its queen, using these queens for artificial swarms. As soon as the royal cells in 1 are old enough for use, remove them, and give 1 a queen from another hive, 3. When the royal cells in 2 are removed, this queen may be taken from 1—where she will have laid abundantly—and given to 2. By this time, the queen- cells in 3 being sealed over, may be removed, and the queen restored to her own stock. She has thus made one circuit, and supplied 1 and 2 with eggs; and after replen- ishing her own hive, she may be sent again on her per- ambulating mission. By this device, I can obtain, from a few stocks, a large number of queens. - A few days after a nucleus is formed, it should be ex- amined, and if royal,cells are not begun, or there are no larye in them, the bees must be shaken from the comb, which should then be exchanged for another. — Bees es a commence queen-cells, which, in a few distinction. Anatomical observations prove that the stomach is not the same: ex- periments have ascertained that one of the species cannot fulfill all the functions shared among the workers of a hive. We painted those of each class with different: colors, in order to study their proceedings; and these were not interchanged. In another experiment, after supplying a hive, deprived of a queen, with brood and pollen, we saw the small bees quickly occupied in nutrition of the larvx, while those of the wax-working class neglected them. Small bees also produce wax, but in a very inferior quantity to what is elaborated by the real wax workers.” Now, as Huber’s statements have proved to be uncommonly reliable, perhaps «nen bees refuse to cluster on the brood-comb, to rear a new queen, it is because © some of the conditions necessary for success are wanting. Either there may not be enough wax-workers to enlarge the cells, or nurses to take charge of the larver. If Huber had possessed the same facilities for observation with Dr. Dénhegf (gee page 194), he would, probably, have come to the same conclusions. If any imagine that the careful experiments required to establish facts upon the solid basis of demonstration, are easily made, let them attempt to prove or disprove the truth of either of these conjectures; and they will probably find the task ‘more difficn't than to cover whole reams of paper with careless assertions. 9 (a THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. days, are found to be untenanted. At the second attemp' they usually start a larger number, and seldom fail of suc- cess. Does practice make them more perfect ? or were some of the necessary conditions wanting at first? = The following able communication, from the pen of Dr. Donhoff, may throw some light on this subject :—“ Dzier- zon states it as a fact, that worker-bees attend more ex- clusively to the domestic concerns of the colony in the early period of life; assuming the discharge.of the more active out-door duties only during the later periods of their existence. The Italian bees furnished me with suit- able means to test the correctness of this opinion. — “On the 18th of April, 1855, I introduced an: Italian queen into a colony of common boda: ; and on the 10th of _ May following, the first Italian workers emerged from the cells. On the ensuing day, they emerged in great numbers, as the colony had been kept in good, condition by regular and plentiful feeding. I will arrange my obser under the following heads: sere 7 “1. On the 10th of May the first Italian idiallanes emerged ; and on the 17th they made their first. appear- ance outside of the hive. On the next day, and then . An extract from Huber’s preface will be interesting in this connection. After speaking of his blindness, and praising the extraordinary taste for Natural History, of his assistant, Burnens, “who was born with the talents of an observer,” he says: “Every one of the facts I now publish, we have seen, over and over again, during the period of eight years, which we have employed in making our observations on bees. It is impossible to form a just idea of the patience and skill with which Burnens has carried out the experiments which I am about to describe; he has _ often watched some of the working bees of our hives, which we had reason to think fertile, for the space of twenty-four hours, without distraction * * * * and he counted fatigue and pain as nothing, compared with the great desire he felt to know the results. If, then, there be any merit in our discoveries, I must share the honor with him; and I have great satisfaction in rendering him this act of public justice.” ~atle And yet the man who was too noble to appropriate the merits of his servant, ] by many, been considered base enough to attempt to impose upon the world, as well established facts, things scarcely more probable than the fictions of “Sinbad the Sailor.” ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 195 daily till the 29th, they came forth about noon, disporting in front of the hive, in the rays of the sun. They, how- ever, manifestly, did not issue for the purpose of gathering honey or pollen, for during that time none were noticed returning with pellets; none were seen alighting on any of the flowers in my garden; and I found no honey in the stomachs of such as I caught and killed for examina- tion. The gathering was done exclusively by the old bees of the original stock, until the 29th of May, when the Italian bees began to labor in that vocation also—being then 19 days old. “2. On the feeding troughs placed in my garden, and which were constantly crowded with common bees, I saw no Italian bees till the 27th of May, seventeen days after the first had emerged from the cells. “From the 10th of May on, I daily presented to Italian bees, in the hive, a stick dipped in honey. The younger ones never attempted to lick any of it; the older occasion- ally seemed to sip a little, but immediately left it and moved away. The common bees always eagerly licked it - up, never leaving it till they had filled their honey-bags. . Not till the 25th of May did I see any Italian bee lick up honey eagerly, as the common bees did from the begin- ning. . “These repeated observations force me to conclude that, - during the first two weeks of the worker-bee’s life, the impulse for gathering honey and pollen does not exist, or at least is not developed ; and that the development of this" impulse proceeds slowly and gradually. At first the young bee will not even touch the honey presented to her; some days later she will simply taste it, and only after a further lapse of time will she consume it eagerly. Two weeks elapse before she readily eats honey, and nearly three weeks pass, before the gathering is ih is 196 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. sufficiently developed to impel her to fly pennies & and seek for honey and pollen among the flowers, © ~~ “TJ made, further, the following observations respecting the domestic employments of the young Italian bees: “1, On the 20th of May, I took out of the hive all the combs it contained, and replaced them after examination. On inspecting them half an hour later, I was surprised to see that the edges of the combs, which had been cut om removal, were covered by Italian bees exclusively. On closer examination, I found that they were busily engaged in re-attaching the combs to the sides of the hive. “When I brushed them away, they instantly returned, in — haste, to resume their labors, “9. After making the foregoing obsaryataen I inserted in the hive a bar from which a comb had been cut, to as- certain whether the rebuilding of comb would be nae taken by the Italian bees. I took it out again a few hours subsequently, and found it covered almost exclusively by Italian workers, though the colony, at that time, still con- tained a large majority of common bees. I saw that they were sedulously engaged in building comb; and they prosecuted the work unremittingly, whilst I held the bar . in my hand.* I repeated this experiment several days in succession, and satisfied myself that the bees engaged in this work were always almost exclusively of the Italian race. Many of them had scales of wax visibly protruding between their abdominal rings. ‘These observations show that, in the early stage of their existence, the impulse for comb-building is stronger than later in life. : “©3. Whenever I examined the colony during the first three weeks after the Italian bees emerged, I found the brood-combs covered principally by bees of Hai race ; * T have had aqueen otic continued to lay eggs ina comb, after it was removed from the — ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 197 and it is, hence, probable that the brood* is chiefly attended to and nursed by the younger bees. The evi- dence, however, is not so conclusive as in the case of comb- building, inasmuch as they may have congregated on the brood-combs because these are warmer than the others. “JT may add another interesting observation. The feces in the intestines of the young Italian bees was viscid and yellow ; that of the common or old bees was thin and limpid, like that of the queen-bee. This is confirmatory of the opinion, that, for the production of wax and jelly, the bees require pollen; but do not need any for their own sustenance.”—B. Z. 1855, p. 163. S. W AGNER. _ If the colonies are to be multiplied rapidly, the nuclei must never be allowed to become too much reduced in numbers, or to be destitute of brood or honey. With these precautions, the oftener their queen is taken from them, the more intent they usually become in supplying her loss. There is one trait in the character of bees which is wor- thy of profound respect. Suchis their indomitable energy and perseverance, that under circumstances apparently hopeless, they labor to the utmost to retrieve their losses, and sustain the sinking State. So long as they have a queen, or any prospect of raising one, they struggle vigor- ously against impending ruin, and never give up until their condition is absolutely desperate. I once knew a colony of bees not large enough to cover a piece of comb four inches square, to attempt to raise a queen. For * I once had a colony which, after it had been queenless for some time, not only refused to make royal cells, but even devoured the eggs which were given to them, Similar facts have been noticed by other observers. When a colony which refuses to rear a queen, has a comb given to it containing maturing bees, these motherless innocents will at once proceed to supply their loss. Dr. Dénhoff’s observations account for these facts. ) 198 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. two whole weeks, they adhered to their forlorn hope; until at last, when they had dwindled to less than one half of their original number, their new queen emerged, but: with wings so imperfect that she could not fly. Crippled’ as she was, they treated her with almost as much respect’ as though she were fertile. In the course of a week more, scarce a dozen workers remained in the hive, and a few days later, the queen was gone, and only a ached vite consolate wretches were left on the comb. Shame on the faint-hearted of our race, who, sptieen overtaken by calamity, instead of nobly - -breasting the stormy waters of affliction, meanly resign themselves to an ignoble fate, and perish, where they ought to have lived and triumphed ! and double shame upon those who, living in a Christian land, thus “ faint in the day of adversity,” when if they would only believe the word of God, they might behold, with the eye of faith, his “ bow of promise” spanning the still stormy clouds, and hear his voice of love bidding them trust in Him as a “ Strong Deliverer!? | In the previous editions of this work, with other methods of artificial swarming, very full directions were furnished for increasing colonies, by giving to the nuclei a second comb with maturing brood, -as soon as their queens began to lay eggs, and then, at proper intervals, a third, and a ‘fourth, until they were strong enough to take care of themselves. This mode of: increase is laborious, and requires skill and judgment which few possess: it is also peculiarly liable to cause robbing among the bees, requiring the hives to be too frequently opened, to remove the combs needed in the various processes. As a number of nuclei are to be simultaneously strengthened, the Apiarian cannot complete his artificial processes by a single operation, and must always be on hand, or incur ‘vne risk of ending the season with a number of starving ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 199 colonies. For these and other reasons, I much prefer the methods which I have devised, for dispensing with so much opening of hives and handling of combs. If, however, any of the new colonies are weak enough to need it, they may be helped to combs from stronger stocks. : Whatever method of artificial increase is pursued by the Apiarian, he should never reduce the strength of his mother-stocks, so as seriously to cripple the reproductive power of their queens. This principle should be to him asthe law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not :” for while a queen, with an abundance of worker- comb and bees, may, in a single season, become the parent of a number of prosperous families, if her colony, at the beginning of the swarming season, is divided into three or four parts, not one of them will ordinarily acquire stores enough to survive the Winter. If the Apiarian is in the vicinity of swgar-houses, con- fectioneries, or other tempting places of bee-resort, he will find his stocks, both old and new, so depopulated by their zeal for ill-gotten gains, as to be in danger of perishing. In such situations, ali attempts at rapid increase are entirely futile. Artificial operations of all kinds are most successful when bee-forage is abundant ; when it is scarce they are quite precarious, even if the colonies are well supplied with food. | - When bees are not busy in honey-gathering, they have © leisure to ascertain the condition of weak stocks, which are almost certain to be robbed, if they are incautiously opened. When forage is scarce, the hives should be opened before sunrise, or after sunset, or when very few bees are flying abroad ; and if it is necessary to open them at other times, they must be removed out of the reach of annoyance from other colonies. The Apiarian who does 200 TUS HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. not guard against robbing, will seriously impair the valu of: his stocks, and entail upon himself much Pr vexatious labor. Beware of demoralizing bees, by oem: ing them to rob each other { pct opaiales In an Apiary where hives very unlike in size, ta and color, are crowded together, artificial operations will often be exceedingly hazardous, as the bees will be con- tinually liable to enter the wrong hives. If the stocks must be kept very close together, even if the hives are all of the same color and pattern, it will be best to carry to a second Apiary, either the forced swarms, or the mother-stocks from which they were made. | The bee-keeper has already been reminded that pr is needed in giving to bees a stranger-queen. Huber thus describes the way in which a new queen is usually re- ceived by a hive: “If another queen is introduced into the hive within twelve hours after the removal of the reigning’ one, they surround, seize, and keep her a very long time captive, in an impenetrable cluster, and she commonly dies either from hunger or want of air. If eighteen hours elapse before the substitution of a stranger-queen, she is treated, at first, in the same way, but the bees leave her sooner, nor is the surrounding cluster so close; they gradually disperse, and the queen is at last liberated; she moves languidly, and sometimes expires in a few minutes. Some, however, escape in good health, and afterwards reign in the hive. If twenty-four hours elapse before substituting the stranger-queen, she will be well received, ne the moment of her introduction. bi Se, “ Reaumur affirms, that, should the original queen be removed, and another introduced, this new one will be perfectly well receiyed from the beginning * * * He in- -” - ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 201 . duced four or five hundred bees to leave their hive, and enter a glass-box, containing a small piece of comb. ‘At first, they were in great agitation, but from the moment that he presented a new queen the tumult ceased, and the stranger was received with all respect. “I do not dispute the truth of this experiment, but Reaumur’s bees were too much removed from their natural condition to allow him to judge of their instincts and dis- positions. He has himself observed, that their industry and activity are affected by reducing their numbers too much. To render such an experiment truly conclusive, it must be made in a populous hive; and on removing the native queen, the stranger must be immediately substituted in her piaee. 2 ‘It would seem, from his use of the word immediately, that Huber must have been aware of the fact, that if a strange queen is given to a colony, before its agitation is calmed down (p. 158), and before royal cells are begun, she will usually be well received. Ifthe bees of a colony are made to fill themselves with honey, by drumming, smoking, or giving them liquid sweets, and often, if they are removed to anew stand, they will readily accept of any queen offered them, in place of their own. Bees, in possession of a fertile queen, are often quite reluctant to accept of an unimpregnated one in her stead ; indeed, it requires much experience to be able to give a strange queen to a colony, and yet be sure of securing for her a good reception. In several instances, the workers have stung a strange queen to death, while I was holding her in my fingers, to be able to remove her if she was not kindly welcomed, To prevent accidents, it will be well to confine a queen—when given to a strange colony —in what the Germans call a “ queen-cage,” which may ~ - 202 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. _be made by boring a hole into a block, and covering: it with wire-gauze, or any perforated cover. The bees will cultivate an acquaintance with the imprisoned mother, by _ thrusting their antennz through the openings, and the next day she may be safely given to them. Queens bent, on escaping to the woods, may be confined in the same way. A pasteboard box, pierced with holes, answers equally, well, or even a match-box, properly scalded. | i If the cage is put with its small openings over one of. the holes on the spare honey-board, or set inside of the hive, the bees will be as quiet as though the queen had her liberty. Such a cage will be very convenient for fi temporary confinement of a queen. In catching a queen, she should be gently taken, ore the fingers, from among the bees, and if none are crushed, there is no risk of being stung. The queen, although she will not sting, even if roughly handled, will sometimes, when closely confined, dite the hand of the operator so as to cause a little uneasiness—her jaws, which are intended. _ for gnawing into the base of the royal cells, being larger and stronger than those of a common bee. If she is allowed to fly, she may be lost, by attempting to entera — strange hive. | As a fertile queen can lay several thousand eggs a vain it is not strange that she should quickly become exhausted, if taken from the bees. “ Hx nihilo nihil fit”—from nothing, nothing comes—and the arduous duties of maternity compel her to be an enormous eater. After an absence from the bees of only fifteen minutes, she will solicit honey, when returned; and if kept away for an hour or upwards, she must either be fed by the Apiarian, or have a few bees, gorged with honey, given to her to supply her wants. One which I sent by express, in a EE ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. 2038 queen-cage, with a suite of well-fed workers, arrived in . safety, at the Apiary of a friend, on the next day. - Great caution is not only requisite in giving a bive a strange queen, but in all attempts to mix bees belonging to different colonies. Bees having a fertile queen will almost always quarrel with those having an unimpregnated one; and this is one reason why a furious contest, in which thousands perish, often ensues when new swarms attempt to mingle. Members of different colonies appear to recognize their hive-companions by the sense of smell, and if there should be a thousand stocks in the Apiary, any one will readily detect a strange bee; just as each mother in a large flock of sheep is able, by the same sense, in the darkest night, to distinguish her own lamb from all the others. It would seem, therefore, that- colonies might always be safely mingled, by sprinkling them with sugar-water, scented with peppermint or any other strong odor, which ae ss Fig. 55. | Pyare XVIII. wt ’ i ~ MM” KYW XN \ \ \ \ t " Y 19 »; iil t0111- * ‘ Wy FA. Foo, gt’ ~ \ ROBBING. — * 265 never be mistaken for honest laborers carrying, with un- _wieldy flight, their heavy burdens to the hive. These bold plunderers, as they enter a hive, are almost as hungry-looking as Pharaoh’s lean kine, while, on coming out, they show by their burly looks that, like aldermen who have dined at the expense of the city, they are stuffed to their utmost capacity. When robbing-bees have fairly overcome a colony, the attempt to stop them—by shutting up the hive or by moving it to a new stand—if improperly conducted, is often far more disastrous than to allow them to finish their work. The air will be quickly filled with greedy bees, _ who, unable to bear their disappointment, will assail, with almost frantic desperation, some of the adjoining stocks. In this way, the strongest colonies are sometimes over- powered, or thousands of bees slain in the desperate _ contest. ‘When an Apiarian perceives that a colony is being _robbed, he should contract the entrance, and, if the assailants persist in forcing their way in, he must close it _ entirely. In a few minutes the hive will be black with _ the greedy cormorants, who will not abandon it till they have attempted to squeeze themselves through the smallest openings. Before they assail a neighboring colony, they should be thoroughly sprinkled with cold water, which will make them glad to return to their homes. Unless the bees that were shut up can have an abund- | anoe of air, they should be carried to a cool and dark* * “In Germany, when colonies in common hives are being robbed, they are often removed to a distant location, or put in a dark cellar. A hive, similar in appear- auce, is placed on their stand, and leaves of wormwood and the expressed juice of the plant are put on the bottom-board. Bees have such an antipathy to the odor of this plant, that the robbers speedily forsake the place, and the assailed | colony may then be brought back. “The Rev. Mr. Kleine says, that robbers may be repelled by imparting to the 12 ; 266 ; THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. place. Early the next morning they may be exantined,* and, if necessary, united to another stock. | Cas There is a kind of pillage which is carried,on so ade: as often to escape all notice. . The bees engaged in it do not enter in large numbers, no fighting is visible, and the labors of the hive appear to: be progressing with their usual quietness. All the while, however, strange bees are carrying off the honey as fast as it is gathered. After: watching such a colony for some days, it occurred to me, one evening, as it had an unhatched queen, to give it a fertile one. On the next: morning, rising before the rogues were up, I had the pleasure of seeing them meet with such a warm reception, that — were bape to make a speedy retreat. Spc May not the fertile nist give to “alll enn (Bs 403) its distinguishing scent ? And) may nota hive without — such a queen be so pleased (p. 226) with the odor of other bees, as to let them do what they will with its stores ? ‘As bees are seldom engaged in raising young queens, except in the swarming season, when honey is so plenty oe] .t6 that they are not inclined to rob, this may, if my conjec- tures are correct, account for the searcity of this kind of pillage. } | tok Ue hive some intensely powerful and unaccustomed odor. He effects this the most readily by placing in it, in the evening, a small portion of musk, and on the follow- ing morning the bees, if they have a healthy queen, will boldly meet their assailants. These are nonplussed by the unwonted odor, and, if any of them enter the hive and carry off some of the coveted booty, on their return home, haying a strange smell, they will be killed. by their own household. The ee is thus soon brought to a close."—S, WAGNER, | * Jt will usually be found that a stock which is overpowered by robbers has 1 no queen, or one that is diseased (p. 244, mote). tgs e. >a? ot sie > Tareearals sit 9 Galea gre ’ . ‘ere Cy eee 3 | Sepae 4 gitar els it , e + o a ae wih tidy fe , * oe ee } ye ae ‘ me ae gaia fale FEEDING. ' 267 CHAPTER XIV. DIRECTIONS FOR wicgrmay 2-8 BEES. Baw hitend in practical bee-keeping are more important than the feeding of bees; yet none have been more grossly mismanaged or neglected. Since the sulphur-pit has been discarded, thousands of feeble colonies starve in the Winter, or early Spring; while often, when an unfa- vorable Summer is followed by a severe Winter and late Spring, many persons lose most of their stocks, and abandon bee-keeping in disgust. In the Spring, the prudent bee-heeper will no more neglect to feed his destitute colonies, than to provide for his own table. At this season, being stimulated by the returning warmth, and being largely engaged in breed- ing, bees require a liberal supply of food, and many populous stocks perish, which might haye been saved with but trifling trouble or expense.* “Tf e’er dark Autumn, with untimely storm, The honey’d harvest of the year deform ; Or the chill blast from Eurus’ mildew wing, - Blight the fair promise of returning Spring ; Full many a hive, but late alert and gay, Droops in the lap of all-inspiring May.”—Evans. = “If the Spring is not favorable to bees, they should be fed, because that is the sezson of their greatest expense in honey, for feeding their young. Having plenty at that time, enables them to yield early and strong swarms,”—WILDMAN. A bee-keeper, whose stocks are allowed to perish after the Spring has opened, is on a level with a farmer whose cattle are allowed to starve in their stalls; while those who withhold from them the needed aid, in seasons when they cannot gather a supply, resemble the merchant ‘who burns up his ships, if they have made an anfayorable voyage. Columella gives minute hidtractiows for feeding needy stocks, and ¢ utes approv- - 268 THE HIVE AND HONEY-B#E. When bees first begin to fly in the Spring, it is well to feed them a little, even when they have abundant stores, as a small addition to their hoards: encourages the pro- duction of brood. Great caution, however, should be _ used to prevent robbing, and as soon as forage abounds, the feeding should be discontinued. If a colony is over- Jed, the bees will fill their brood-combs, so as to inter- fere with the production of young, and thus’ the ene given to them is worse than thrown away. Iie Be, The over-feeding of bees resembles, in its results, the noxious influences under which too many children of the rich are reared. Pampered and fed to the full; how often does their wealth prove only a legacy of withering curses, as, bankrupt in purse and eiiew = ~~ = turely sink to dishonored graves. | The prudent Apiarian will regard the Sollineh of Be —the little given by way of encouragement excepted— as an evil to be submitted to only when it cannot be avoided, and will much prefer that they should obtain their supplies in the manner so beautifully « described by him whose inimitable writings furnish us, on almost eneey subject, with the happiest illustrations : : | “So work the honey bees, Creatures that, by a rule in Nature, teach The art of order to a peopled kingdom. They have a king and officers of sorts, _ Where some, like magistrates, correct at home, aila Others, like merchants, venture trade abroad ; Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings, Make boot upon the Summer’s velvet buds ; Which pillage they, with merry march, site home To the tent royal of their emperor, PAG Who, busied in his majesty, surveys i 9D iit. ingly the directions of Hyginus—whose writings are no longer extant—that this matter should be most car efully (“ hat attended to. , ee ) ers, FEEDING. 269 Lott The singing masons building roofs of gold; The civil citizens kneading up the honey}; The poor mechanic porters crowding in . Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate; The sad-eyed justice, with his surly hum, Delivering o’er, to executors pale, The lazy, yawning drone.” SmaxsPearn’s Henry V., Act I., Scene 2. Impoverished stocks, if in common hives, may be fed by inverting the hives and pouring a teacupfull of honey among the combs in which the bees are clustered. A bee deluged by sweets, when away from home, is a sorry spectacle; but what is thus given them does no harm, and they will lick each other clean, with as much satisfaction as a little child sucks its fingers while feasting on sugar candy. When the bees have taken up what has been poured upon them, the hive may be replaced, and the operation repeated, at intervals, as often as is needed. If the stock is in a movable-comb hive, the food may be put into an empty comb, and pores where it can be easily reached by the bees. . Tf a colony has too few bees, its population must, be replenished (p. 221) before it is fed. If it has but a small quantity of brood-combs, unless fed very moder- ately, it will fill the cells with honey instead of brood. If the Apiarian wishes the bees to build new comb, the food must be given so regularly as to resemble natural supplies, or they will store it in the cells already built. To build up small colonies by /feeding, requires more care and judgment than any other process in bee-culture, and will rarely be required by those who have movable- comb hives. It can only. succeed when everything is made subservient to the most rapid production of brood. _. By the time the honey-harvest closes, all the colonies cought to be strong in numbers; and, in favorable sea 270. THE HIVE AND HONIY-BEE. sons, their aggregate resources should be such’ that, when an equal division is made, there will be enough food for all. If some have more and others less than they need, an equitable division may usually be effected in movable- comb hives. Such an agrarian procedure. would soon overthrow human society; but, bees, thus helped, will not spend the next season in idleness; nor will those which - were deprived of their surplus, limit their sathemnes toa bare competency. . Early in October—in northern ‘aioe by tiie pm) dle of September—if forage is over, all feeding required for wintering bees should be carefully attended to. If delayed toa later period, the bees may not. have. sufficient time to seal over their honey, which, by attracting moist- ure and souring, may expose them (p. 256) to dysentery. Such colonies as have too few bees to winter well, should. be added to other stocks. West India honey is, ordinarily, the ae liquid bee-food. .To remove its impurities, and prevent it from souring or candying in the cells, it should have a little water added to it, and, after boiling a few minutes, should be set to cool ;. the scum on the top should then be removed. cold, break it into pieces of a suitable size. After boiling, balm, or pie ety flavor agreeable to bees, may be put into the syrup. FEEDING. _ } — 2T8 weather. It may also be gently put between the combs, in an upright position, among the bees.* “Mr. Wagner has furnished me with the following interesting facts, translated by him from the Bienen- zeitung : maton “. | SS i $ SR ST CA IVES is HONEY. | +289 _» The surplus honey may be taken saiepe my hives in a pot variety of ways: (ist.) The hive may be made so long that it can be taken from the ends on frames; and if these ends be separated from the main body of the hive by movable or permanent partitions, the purest honey will be deposited inthem. The partitions should be kept about a quarter of an inch from the top and bottom, to allow the bees to pass freely into the ends.* (2d.) The surplus honey may be stored in large or small frames, put in an upper box or hive (see Plates IIL, _ Y., and VIL, Figs. 9, 16, and 20). Such a box,t when full, may, by a little smoke, be easily removed, and the bees driven from it.. Its contents may be sold in gross, or by the single frame. In all my hives, any additional storage-room may be given, which the season or locality can ever require. The experienced bee-keeper well knows that bees will make much more honey in a large box, than im several small ones whose united capacity is the same. In small boxes, they cannot so well maintain their animal heat, and their effective force is thus often wasted at the height of the honey-harvest, when time is, to the last degree, ; precious.f * Such a hive, holding a dozen frames in the central apartment, and six in each of the end ones may be cheaply made. The side apartments may be rabbeted so _ as to receive short frames running from the ends to the pares, or long ones from front to rear. + Ina favorable season, I have taken two such boxes, each holding over fifty _ pounds, from a non-swarming hive, and, in good locations, still larger returns may often be realized. The boxes may be set over the main hive, and, as the bees can pass into them without being obliged to travel over the combs, the unusual height will not annoy them. + Lam not aware that the attention of Apiarians has ever been called to the loss incurred by compelling bees to store their surplus honey in small receptacles. The bee-keeper cannot afford to sell honey stored in small receptacles, except at a considerable advance over its value in large boxes. By movable frames, the usual objections to large boxes are removed, as honev — be conveniently taken from them for sale or use. ; 13 290 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BKE. No metallic slides are needed for removing surplus — honey-boxes. By blowing smoke into them, before they are taken off, most of the bees will retreat to the main hive, and, if removed early in the morning, or late in the afternoon, and placed on a sheet fastened vat the hive, the | bees, attracted by the hum of their companions, will speedily leave them, but not until they have swallowed all that they can hold. When gorged, they are very reluctant to fly, and this is the reason they are so long in leaving when boxes are. carried from the hive. The sooner the bees are driven from them the better, and care must be taken to protect them from robbers, who would soon carry their contents to their own hives. If any of the frames contain brood, they may be returned to the bees, Should the queen be in the box, many bees will refuse to leave it until she is returned to the hive. sil (8rd.) Glass vessels, of almost any size or form, make beautiful receptacles for the spare honey; they should have a piece of comb fastened in them, and should be covered with something warm if the weather is cool.* (4th.) If small boxes are used for surplus honey, the one shown in Plate X., Fig. 24, the dimensions of which are given in the Beeibiansition of Hives, will probably be found the simplest, cheapest, and best.+ To remove surplus honey stored in small receptacles, * Honey, stored in tumblers just large enough to receive one comb, may be | placed in an elegant form upon the table. While all small receptacles waste the time of the bees, the shallow cells, so many of which must be made in any cylin- drical vessel, require as large a consumption of timo and materials for their covers and bottoms as those which hold more than twice as much honey. + Such a box, which should be furnished either with guides or pieces of comb, wi'l hold three store-combs, weighing together over four pounds, and, by removing a glass, one may be cut out without agar bine the others. If all the joints of a box are made air-tight by a melted mixture of wax and resin, the bees will be saved much labor in stopping them with propolis; and, when the entrance is closed and covered with tne same mixture, the honey may be trans- ported without leakage, even if the combs are broken. Boxes containing honey should be very carefully packed, and lifted without the slightest jarring. . HONEY. | . 991 slowly pass a thin knife or spatula under the box, to loosen its attachments to thé hive ; then, before raising it enough to allow any bees to escape, blow smoke under it,.and, when they have gorged themselves, it may be safely removed, the hole from the hive being closed or covered with another box. The few bees remaining in the receptacle that is taken off, will quickly fly to their hive. Those who are very timid, may use a slide to prevent any bees from escaping from the hole. Smoke, however, is altogether preferable. While the most timid may, with proper instructions, safely remove honey, even from the main hive (p. 169), a child ten years old may learn to take off small boxes or glasses, - | - — 299 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. Och speakdenys PMID iba) nemrity pie 7 rei rt 7 - a CHAPTER Si ae BEE-PASTURAGE a OVER-STOOKIN NG. | , Every bee-keeper dhiowld nach ‘alee himself | with the honey-resources of his own neighborhood. My limits will allow me to mention only some of the most important plants from which bees draw their supplies. Since Dzierzon’s discovery of the use which may be made of rye flour, early blossoms, producing pollen only, are not so important. | All the varieties of willow abound in both bee-bread and honey, and their early blossoming gives them a - special value: ‘“‘ First the gray willow’s glossy pearls they steal, Or rob the hazel of its golden meal, While the gay crocus and the violet blue, Yield to their flexile trunks ambrosial dew ”—Evans. The sugar-maple (Acer saccharinus) yields a large supply of delicious honey, and its blossoms, hanging in graceful fringes, will be alive with bees. _ Of the fruit trees, the apricot, peach, plum, cherry, and pear, are great favorites; but none furnishes so much honey as the apple. Ce . The dandelion, whose blossoms furnish pollen and honey, when the yield from the fruit trees is nearly over, is worthy of a high rank among honey-producing plants. The tulip tree (Liriodendron), often called “ poplar” and “white wood,” is one of the greatest honey-producing trees in the world. As its blossoms expand in succéssion, new swarms will sometimes fill their hives from this PASTURAGE. . | 293 source alone. The honey, though dark,* is of a good flavor. This tree often attains a height of over one hun- dred feet, and its rich foliage, with its large blossoms of mingled green and yellow, make it a most beautiful sight. The linden, or bass-wood (Tilia Americana) yields an abundance of white hone’ of a delicious flavor, and, as it blossoms when both the swarms and _ parent-stocks are usually populous, the weather settled, and other bee- forage scarce, its value to the bee-keeper is very great.t “¢ Here their delicious task, the fervent bees : In swarming millions tend: around, athwart, Through the soft air the busy nations fly, Cling to the bud, and with inserted tube, Suck its pure essence, its etherial soul.”—THomson. This majestic tree, adorned, so late in the season, with beautiful clusters of fragrant blossoms, is well worth attention as an ornamental shade-tree. By adorning our villages and country residences with a fair allowance of — tulip, linden, and such other trees as are not only beautiful to the eye, but attractive to bees, the honey-resources of the country might, in process of time, be greatly increased. © ‘The common locust is a very desirable tree for the vicinity of an Apiary, yielding much honey when it is peculiarly needed by the bees. In many districts, locust and bass-wood plantations would be valuable for their timber alone. ‘Hives in the vicinity of extensive beds of seed-onions will speedily become very heavy; the offensive odor of . P The honey of Hymettus, which has been so celebrated from the most ancient times, is of a fair golden color. The lightest-colored honey is by no means always the best. . ' _. t Judge Fishback says that near'y all his surplus honey is gathered from the linden, A correspondent of the Bienenzeitung, in Wisconsin, states that, in 1853, ' several of his hives increased in weight one hundred pounds each, while this tre » was in blossom. 294 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BE”. the freshly-gathered bart ie haste before. it is igay over by the bees. Of all the sources from which bees darisie their eupplies, white clover is usually the most important. It yields large quantities of very pure white honey, and wherever it abounds, the bee will find a rich harvest. In most parts of this country, it seems to be the chief reliance of the Apiary. Blossoming at a season of the year when the - weather is usually both dry and hot, and the bees gather- ing its honey after the sun has dried off the dew, it is ready to be sealed over almost at once, This clover ought to be much more extensively cultivated than it now is. The Hon. Frederick Holbrook, of Brattleboro’, Ver- mont, one of New England’s ablest practical farmers and writers on agricultural subjects, thus speaks of its value: ‘“‘Red-top, red clover, and white clover seeds, sown together, produce a quality of hay universally relished by stock. My prac- tice is, to seed all dry,* sandy, and gravelly lands with this mix- ture. The red and white clover pretty much make the crop the first year ; the second year, the red clover begins to disappear, and the red-top to take its place ; and after that, the red-top and white clover have full possession, and make the very best hay for horses or oxen, milch cows or young stock, that I have been able to pro- duce. The crop per acre, as compared with herds-grass (timothy) is not so bulky; but, tested by weight and by spending saly ip the Winter, it is much the more valuable.” i For years I sought in vain to procure a cross Becioo ? the red and white clover, having the honey and hay- producing properties of the red, with a short blossom, into which the domestic bee might insert its proboscis. Such a variety, originating in Sweden, has been imported * Mr. Wagner says: “ The yield of honey from various plants and trees Angie not only on the character of the season, but on the kind of soil, in which they grow. Marshy meadows are inferior t» those of a drier soil for bee-pasturage. White clover growing in the latter will be visited by bees, whew — th rp the former is neglected by them.” . i+ 7 ; . PASTURAGE. «295 by Mr. B. C. Rogers, of Philadelphia It grows as tall as the red clover, bears many blossoms on a stalk, in size resembling the white, and, while it answers admirably for Lees, is said to be preferred by cattle to almost any other kind of grass. It is known by the name of Alsike, or Swedish white clover. | Mr. Wagner thus speaks of it: ‘The views of the value of Swedish white clover, presented by reports from twelve different agricultural societies in the dis- trict of Dresden, are the result of careful experiments, made in localities differing greatly in soil and exposure. We recapitulate the chief points : 4. That Swedish white clover is not so liable as red clover to suffer from cold and wet weather. 2. That on dry and sandy soils it is not so certain or valuable a crop as common white clover, but succeeds admirably on more loamy soils, and, on such, surpasses either of the other kinds. 3. That, in any rotation, it ‘may safely follow the common red clover. 4. That the yield per ‘acre of the first mowing is not inferior to that of the red clover, but that, ordinarily, the aftermath, or rowen, is not so abundant. 5. That, for soiling purposes, it should not be mown till it is in ‘full blossom. 6. That, when cured, it is, as hay, a highly nutri- tious fodder, and is preferred, by cattle and milch cows, to that made from red clover. 7. That the aftermath is followed by a _ dense and excellent growth, furnishing most valuable pasturage till late in the season. 8. That it yields an abundance of seed, easily ithreshed out by flail or machine, three or four days after mowing. 9. That Swedish white clover is fed to most advantage. after it. has fully matured its blossoms; whilst red clover, if allowed to stand to this stage, will have already lost a consider- able portion of its nutritive properties. _ “KE, First, the editor of the Frauendorfer Blatter, says that this clover is pre-eminent, both ‘in quality and quantity of product, and is especially valuable for the continued succulency of the stalk, even when the plant is in full bloom. It requires a less ss fertile soil than the red clover, and is less liable to be thrown cut 296 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. by frost in Winter. It also yields a heavier second ¢ crop then the common white clover.” : i ‘The blossoms of buckwheat often furnish, late in the season, a very valuable bee-food. Fits | ‘Buckwheat is uncertain} in its rouenyteleing qualities, and, in some seasons, hardly a bee will be seen upon large fields of it. Our best agriculturists are agreed that, on many soils, it 1s a Very profitable crop, and every pit yy ought to have some in its vicinity. t The Canada thistle yields copious supplies of very pure honey, after the white clover has begun to fail. If farmers will tolerate its growth, it is interesting to know that it can be turned to so good an account. . The raspber ry furnishes a most delicious honey. - In flavor it is superior to. that from the white clover, while its delicate comb almost melts in the mouth... The sides of the roads, the borders of the fields, and the pastures.of much of the “hill-country” of New England; abound with the wild red raspberry, and, in such favored loca- tions, numerous colonies of bees may be-kept.. When it is in blossom, bees hold even the white clover in’ light * This honey is usually gathered when the atmosphere is moist, and in wet sea- sons, is somewhat liable to sour in the cells. Honey gathered when the atmosphere is dry is usually of the thickest consistency. +: va sare, + The secretion of honey in plants, like the flow of the sap from the sugar-maple, depends on a variety of causes, many of which elude our closest scrutiny. In some seasons the saccharine juices abound, while in others they are so deficient _that bees can obtain scarcely any food from fields all white with clover. A change in the secretion of honey will often take place so suddenly, that the bees will, ina few hours, pass from idleness to great activity. + Dzierzon says: “In the stubble of Winter grain, buckwheat t might a sown, whereby ample forage would be secured to the bees, late in the season, and a remune- rating crop of grain garnered besides. This plant, growing so rapidly and maturing 80 soon, so productive in favorable seasons, and so well adapted to eleanse the land, -eertainly deserves more attention from farmers than it receives; and its more frequent and general culture would greatly enhance the profits of bee-keeping. Its long-continued and frequently-renewed blossoms yield honey so abundantly, that a populous colony may easily collect fifty pounds in two weeks, Mt the. weather ig favorable.” OOOO “—- | PASTURAGE. — 297 esteem. Its drooping blossoms protect the honey from ‘moisture, and they can work upon it when the weather is so wet that they can obtain nothing from the upright blossoms of the clover. As it furnishes a succession of flowers for some weeks, it yields a supply almost as lasting as the white clover. The precipitous and rocky lands, where it most abounds, might be made almost as valuable as some of the vine-clad terraces of the mountain districts of Europe. ‘“‘ Dr. Bevan suggests the use of lemon-thyme as an edging for garden walks and flower beds. No material good, however, can be done to a large colony by the few plants that can be sown around a bee-house. The bee is too much of a roamer to take pleasure in trim gardens.* It is the wild tracts of heath and furze, the broad acres of bean-fields and buckwheat, the lime avenues, the hedge-row flowers, and the clover meadows, that furnish her haunts and fill her cells. To those who wish to watch their habits, a plot of bee- flowers is important, and we know not the bee that could refuse the following beautiful invitation of Professor Smythe: “*'Thou cheerful Bee! come, freely come, And travel round my woodbine bower ; _ Delight me with thy wandering hum, And rouse me from my musing hour: Oh! try no more those tedious fields ; Come, taste the sweets my garden yields: The treasures of each blooming mine, The buds, the blossoms—all are thine! And, careless of this noontide heat, Pll follow as thy ramble guides, To watch thee pause and chafe thy feet, And sweep them o’er thy downy sides; Then in a flower’s bell nesiling lie, And all thy envied ardor ply ! Then o’er the stem, though fair it grow, With touch rejecting, glance and go. , * I should almost as soon expect, from a small grass-plot, to furnish food for here of cattle, as to provision bees from garden plants, 13* 298 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEF. 0 Nature kind! Olaborerwise! 4) ys A That roam’st along the Summer’ STAY, Tk RR, Glean’st every bliss thy life supplies, 4) wr eiteno. And meet’st prepared thy wintry day! Go, envied, go—with crowded gates, ay The hive thy rich return awaits ; Bear home thy store in triumph gay, : And shame each idler of the day!” Tate : : London Quarterly Rome If there is any plant which ‘adie justify cultivation exclusively for bees, it is the borage (Borago officinalis). It blossoms continually from June until severe frost, and, like the raspberry, is frequented by bees even in moist. weather. The honey from it is of a superior quality, and an acre would support a large number of stocks. _ The golden-rod (Solidago) affords a late and ‘very valuable pasturage for bees, yielding, in some regions : and seasons, an important part of their Winter stores. Some of the earlier-flowering varieties are of no value to bees; but those which blossom in September abound in ses of a superior quality. The numerous: species of asters, Hing in many my tricts, the road-sides and the borders of fields, are almost as valuable to the bees as the golden-rod. Where these two plants abound, bees should not be fed until they have passed out of bloom, as light. but. populous stocks will often obtain from them all the Winter stores they need. The following catalogue of bee-plants, which might easily be oni a is taken from Nutt, an English Aplarian : “Alder, almond, althea frutex, alyssum, iineiean tale apple, apricot, arbutus, ash, asparagus, aspin, aster, balm, bean, beach, betony, blackberry, borage, box, bramble, broom, bugloss (viper’s), buckwheat, burnet, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cherry, chestnut, chickweed, clover, cole or coleseed, coltsfoot, coriander, crocus, OVER-STOCKING. 999 crowfoot, crown imperial, eucumber, currants, cyprus, daffodil, dandelion, dogberry, elder, elm, endive, fennel, furze, golden-rod, gooseberry, gourd, hawthorn, hazel, ‘heath, holly, hollyhock (trumpet), honeysuckle, honeywort (cerinthe), hyacinth, hyssop, ivy, jonquil, kidney bean, laurel, laurustinus, lavender, leek, lemon, lily (water), lily (white), lime, linden (bass-wood), liquidamber, liriodendron, locust, lucerne, mallow (marsh), marigold (French), marigold (single). maple, marjoram (sweet), mellilot, melons, mezereon, mignionette, mustard, nasturtium, nectarine, nettle (white), oak, onion, orange, ozier, parsnip, pea, peach, pear, peppermint, plane, plum, poplar, poppy, primrose, privet, radish, ragweed, raspberry, rosemary (wild), roses (single), rud- beckiz, saffron, sage, saintfoin, St. John’s wort, savory (winter), snowdrop, snowberry, stock (sengle), strawberry, sunflower. syca- more, squash, tansy (wz/d), tare, teasel, thistles, thyme (lemon), thyme (weld), trefoil, turnip, vetch, violet (single), wallflower (single), woad, willow-herb, willow tree, yellow weasel-snout.” OUR COUNTRY NOT IN DANGER OF BEING OVERSTOCKED WITH BEES. If the opmions commonly entertained on the danger of overstocking are correct, bee-keeping must, in this country, be always an insignificant pursuit. It is difficult to repress a smile when the owner of a few hives, in a district where as many hundreds might be made to prosper, gravely imputes his ill-success to the fact, that too many bees are kept in his vicinity. If, in the Spring, a colony of bees is prosperous and healthy, it will gather abundant stores, in a favorable season, even if hundreds equally strong are in its immediate vicinity ; while, if it is feeble, it will be of little or no value, even if it 1s in “a land flowing with milk and honey,” and there is not another stock within a dozen miles of it. As the great Napoleon gained many of his victories by haying an overwhelming force at the right place, in the right time, so the bee-keeper must have strong colonies, 300. | THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. when numbers can be turned to the best account. Ie. his stocks become strong only when they can do nothing ~ but consume what little honey has been previously gathered, he is like a farmer who suffers his crops te — rot on the ground, and then hires a set of dior to sie him out of house and home. There is probably not a square mile in this whole - country which is overstocked with bees, unless it is so unsuitable for bee-keeping as to make it unprofitable to keep them at all. Such an assertion may seem unguarded, but I am happy to be able to confirm it by the following letter from Mr. Wagner, showing the expanchaga of as largest. cultivators in Europe: a ‘“¢ Dear Sir :—lIn reply to your inquiry reapettind the over-stock- — ing of a district, 1 would say, that the present opinion of the cor- respondents of the Bzenenzeitung, appears to be, that it cannot readily be done. Dzierzon says, in practice at least, ‘7t never is done ;’? and Dr. Radlkofer, of Munich, the President of the second Apiarian Convention, declares that his apprehensions on that score were dissipated by observations which he had opportunity and occasion to make when on his way home from the Convention: — I have numerous accounts of Apiaries in pretty close proximity, — containing from 200 to 300 colonies each. Ehrenfels had a thou- — sand hives, at three separate establishments, indeed, but so close _ to each other that he could visit them all in half an hour’s ride ; ' and he says that, in 1801, the average net yield of his Apiaries was two dollars per hive. In Russia and Hungary, Apiaries num- bering from 2,000 to 5,000 colonies are said not to be unfrequent ; and we know that as many as 4,000 hives are oftentimes congre- \— gated, in Autumn, at one point on the heaths. of Germany. Hence, I think we need not fear that any district of this country, so distinguished for abundant natural vegetation and diversified culture, will yery speedily be overstocked, particularly, after the importance of haying stoeks populous early in the Spring comes to be appreciated. A week or ten days of favorable weather a! that season, when pasturage abounds, will enable a strong colony — .. OVER-STOCKING. 301 to lay up an ample supply for the year, if its labor be properly directed. ‘“‘ Mr. Kaden, one of the oldest contributors to the Bienenzeitung, in the number .for December, 1852, noticing the communication from Dr. Radlkofer, says: ‘I also concur in the opinion that a © district of country cannot be overstocked with bees, and that, how- ever numerous the colonies, all can procure sufficient sustenance, if the surrounding country contain honey-yielding plants and vegetables, in the usual degree. Where utter barrenness prevails, the case is different, of course, as well as rare.’ “The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of German Agriculiurists was held in the city of Hanover, on the 10th of September, 1852, and | in compliance with the suggestions of the Apiarian Convention, . a distinct section devoted to bee-culture was instituted. The pro- gramme propounded. sixteen questions for discussion, the fourth of which was as follows: “*Can a district of country embracing meadows, arable land, orchards, and forests, be so overstocked with bees, that these may no longer find adequate sustenance, and yield a remunerating surplus of their products »” * This question was debated with considerable animation. The Rey. Mr. Kleine—nine-tenths of the correspondents of the Bee- Journal are Clergymen—president of the section, gave it as his opinion that ‘it was hardly conceivable that such a country could be overstocked with bees.’ Counsellor Herwig, and the Rev. Mr. Wilkens, on the contrary, maintained that ‘it might be over- stocked.’ In reply, Assessor Heyne remarked that, ‘whatever might be supposed possible, as an extreme case, it was certain that, as regards the kingdom of Hanover, it could not be even remotely apprehended that too many Apiaries would ever be established ; and that, consequently, the greatest possible multi- plication of colonies might safely be aimed at and encouraged At the same time, he advised a proper distribution of Apiaries.’ ““] might easily furnish you with more matter of this sort, and designate a considerable number of Apiaries in various parts of Germany, containing from twenty-five to five hundred colonies, But the question would still recur, do not these Apiaries coeupy 302 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. comparatively isolated positions ? and, at this distance from the scene it would obviously be impossible to give a satis- factory answer. a pad '“ Aecording to the statistical tables of the kingdom of Hanover; the annual production of bees-wax in the province of Lunenberg is 300,000 Ibs., about one-half of which is exported ; and, assum- ing one ind of wax as the yield ‘of each hive, we must suppose that 300,000 hives are annually ‘ Srinuatbiied in the province ; and assuming further, in view of casualties, local influences, un- favorable seasons, &c., that only one-half of the whole number of colonies medtviinde produce a swarm each every year, it would require a total of at least 600.000 colonies (141 to each square mile) to secure the result given in the tables. The number of square miles stocked, even to this extent, in this country, are, I suspect, ‘few and far between.’ It is very evident that this country is far from being overstocked ; nor is it likely that it ever will be. ‘“‘ A German writer alleges that ‘ the bees of Lunenberg pay all ? the taxes assessed on their proprietors, and leave a surplus besides.’ The importance attached to bee-culture accounts, in part, for the remarkable fact that the people of a district so barren, that it has been called ‘the Arabia of Germany,’ are, almost without exception, in easy and comfortable circumstances. Could not still more favorable results be obtained in this country, under a rational system of management, availing itself of the aid of science, art, and skill ? ; “But I am digressing. My design was, to furnish you with an account of bee-culture as it exists in an entire district of country, in the hands of the common peasantry. ‘This, 1 thought, would be more satisfactory, and convey a better idea of what may be done on a large scale, than any number of instances which might ‘be i selected of splendid success in isolated cases.—Very truly yours, “Rev. L. L. Lanestroru. SAMUEL WaGNER uy Tam A parsigded that, even in the publ parts of New England, there are but few districts which could not be made to yield as large returns as the province of Lunen. a ——=—— ' ee ee ee Nr ec OVER-STOCKING. «B08 berg, even if the old-fashioned plan of management was adhered to. The following interesting statements have been furnished to me by Mr. Wagner: “When a large flock of sheep,’ says Oettl, ‘is grazing on a limited area, there may soon be a deficiency of pasturage. But this cannot be asserted of bees, as a good honey-district cannot readily be overstocked with them. To-day, when the air is moist and warm, the plants may yield a superabundance of nectar ; while to-morrow, being cold and wet, there may be a total want of it. When there is sufficient heat and moisture, the saccharine juices of plants will readily fill the nectaries, and will be quickly replenished when carried off by the bees. Every cold night checks the flow of honey, and every clear, warm day re- opens the fountain. The flowers expanded to-day must be visited while open ; for, if left to wither, their stores are lost. The same remarks will apply substantially in the case of honey-dews. Hence, bees cannot, as many suppose, collect to-morrow what is left ungathered to-day, as sheep may graze hereafter on the pas- turage they do not need now. Strong colonies and large Apiaries are in a position to collect ample stores when forage suddenly abounds, while, by patient, persevering industry, they may still gather a sufficiency, and even a surplus, when the supply is small, but more regular and protracted.’ | ' ©The same able Apiarian, whose golden rule in bee-keeping is, to keep none but strong colonies, says that, in the lapse of twenty years since he established his Apiary, there has not occurred a season in which the bees did not procure adequate supplies for themselves, and a surplus besides. Sometimes, indeed, he came near orstie when April, May, and June were continually cold, wet, and be Salis ; but in July, his strong colonies speedily filled their garners, and stored up some treasure for him ; while, in such seasons, small colonies could not even gather enough to keep them from starvation. “Mr. A. Braun states, in the Bienenzeitung, September, 1854, that he has a mammoth hive furnished with combs containing at least 184,230 cells,* and placed on a platform scale, that its weight * Such a hive would hold about three bushels, Wildman says that “a clergy 304 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. may readily be ascertained at stated periods. Onthe 18th of. May, it gained eighteen pounds and a half. On the eighteenth of June a swarm weighing seven pounds issued from it, and the following day it gained over six pounds in weight. ‘Fen days of abundant pasturage would enable such a colony to gather a large surplus, while five times the number of equally favorable opporaaees . would be of small avail to a feeble stock. . “The island of Corsica paid to Rome an annual iti teal of 200,000 lbs. of wax, which presupposes the production of from two to three million pounds of honey yearly. The island contains 3790 square miles. ‘“ According to Oettl (p. 389), Bohemia contained 160,000 a eeiee in 1853, from a careful estimate, and he thinks the country could readily support four times that number. The kingdom contains 20,200 square miles. “ In the province of Attica, in Greece, containing forty-five square miles, and 20,000 inhabitants, 20,000 hives are kept, each yielding, on an average, thirty pounds of honey and two pounds: of wax. ‘Kast Friesland, a provities of Holland, containing 1,200 square’ miles, maintains an average of 2,000 colonies per square mile.—_ iis Bienenzeitung, 1854, p. 11.) | | ** According to an official report, there were in Denmark, in 1838, eighty-six thousand and thirty-six colonies of bees. The dhntial product of honey appears to be about 1,841,800 Ibs. In 1855, the export of wax from that country was 118, 379 lbs. ; on “In 1856, according to official returns, there were 58, 964 _ colonies of ae in the kingdom of Wartenshera 7 “Tn 1857, the yield of honey and wax in the empire of uaa was estimated to be worth over seven millions of dollars.’ ——. Doubtless, in these districts, where honey is so largely produced, great attention is paid to the cultivation of. crops which, while in themselves profitable, afford abun-" dant pasturage for bees. A man set a well-stocked hive of bees on a tub turned bottom up, after having a : a hole through the bottom, and took from the tub four hundred and twenty pounds of honey.” . ct Ve uh OVEK-STOCKING. 805 _ Although bees will fly, in search of food, over three - miles,* still, if it is not within a circle of about two miles in every direction from the Apiary, they will be able to store but little surplus honey.f If pasturage abounds within a quarter of a mile from their hives, so much the better; there is no great advantage, however, in having it close to them, unless there is a great supply, as bees, when they leave the hive, seldom alight upon the neigh- boring flowers. The instinct to fiy some distance seems to have been given them to prevent them from wasting their time in prying into flowers already despoiled of their sweets by previous gatherers. In all my arrangements, I have aimed to save every step for the bees that I possibly can. With the alighting- board properly arranged, and covered, in windy situations, with cotton cloth (p. 279), bees will be able to store more honey, even if they have to goa considerable distance for it, than they otherwise could from pasturage nearer at hand. Many bee-keepers utterly neglect all suitable pre- cautions to facilitate the labors of their bees, as though they imagined them to be miniature locomotives, always _*“ Mr. Kaden, of Mayence, thinks that the range of the bee’s flight does not usually extend more than three miles in all directions. Several years ago, a vessel, laden with sugar, anchored off Mayence, and was soon visited by the bees of the neigh- borhood,which continued to pass to and from the vessel from dawn to dark. One morning, when the bees were in full flight, the vessel sailed up theriver. Fora short time, the bees continued to fly as numerously as before; but gradually the number diminished, and, in the course of half an hour, all had ceased to follow the vessel. which had, meanwhile, sailed more than four miles."—Bienenzeitung, 14m 88: + * Judging from the sweep that bees take from the side of a railroad train in motion, we should estimate their pace at about thirty miles an hour. This would give them four minutes to reach the extremity of their common range. “Mr. Cotton saw a man in Germany who kept all his numerous stocks rich by changing their places as soon as the honey-season varied. ‘Sometimes he sends them to the moors, sometimes to the meadows, sometimes to the forest, and some- times to the hills. In France—and the same practice has existed in Egypt from the most ancient times—they often put hundreds of hives in a boat, which floats down the stream by night and stops by day. "—London Quarterly Review. . 306 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. fired up, and capable of an indefinite amount of exertion. A bee cannot put forth more than a certain amount of physical effort, and a large portion of this ought not to be spent in contending against difficulties from which it might easily be guarded. They may often be seen pant- ing after their return from labor, and so extarieted" ae to need rest before they enter the hive. ites Dzierzon’s* experience as to the profits of ee has already been given (p. 21). With proper manage- ment, five dollars’ worth of honey may, on an average of years, be obtained for each stock that is wintered in good condition. The worth of the new colonies I set off against * “It is by no means easy to devise a rule for estimating the profits of bee-culture, whether we regard the number of colonies or the pumbér of square miles, He is not the best Apiarian who obtains the largest yield from a single hive, but keeps only one or two. By very judicious and careful management, a hundred colonies might yield a large profit, yet fall far short of what three hundred would have — yielded in the same location and same season, with much less supervision and atten- tion. He is not the most successful farmer who produces the most extraordinary yield from a single rod of ground, but he who secures the amplest crops from an extensive area, well cultivated. The swarming system may be very advantageous in certain localities, in spite of its manifest wastefulness ; though, in other localities, it would, because of that unavoidable wastefulness, render bee-keeping a decidedly losing business, since the system involves a vast expenditure of honey for the pro- duction and maintenance of brood, which scarcely matures before it is doomed to the brimstone-pit, leaving to its owner often a smaller quantity of honey than the swarm would have produced if taken up three weeks after it was hived. “ Confine the queen of an artificial swarm, so as to prevent her from depositing eggs in the combs, and the colony will, in a short time in the gathering season, accumulate much larger stores of honey than one whose queen is left at liberty, though equal in age and population. Thus, also, a colony having a very prolific queen, will, even in favorable seasons, lay up much less honey, unless ample store- room is given them, than one whose queen lays fewer eggs. From these and similar facts, which might be enumerated, it is evident that a very large number of particulars must be taken into consideration when endeavoring to form some general rule for estimating the profits of bee-culture.”"—DzizRzon. The old-fashioned bee-keeper should know well the honey-resources of his district, in order to decide upon the best time for “taking up” his bees. If bees are smothered, it will be found decidedly advantageous to remove and destroy their queens, at least three weeks before taking their honey. In this way, the produc- tion of brood and consumption of honey will be checked, and the combs will be in a much better condition for melting. . re . eee ew. OVER-STOCKING. rf - BOT the labor of superintendence, cost a hives, and interest on the capital invested. A careful man, who, with my hives, will begin bee-keep- ing on a prudent* scale, enlarging his operations as his skill and experience increase, will find, in any region where honey commands a good price, that the preceding estimate is a moderate one. In favorable localities, a much larger profit may be realized. -* Bee-keepers cannot be too cautious in entering largely upon new systems of management, until they have ascertained, not only that they are good, but that they can make a good use of them. There is, however, a golden mean between the stupid conservatism that tries nothing new, and that rash experimenting, on an extravagant scale, which is so characteristic of the American people. 308 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. CHAPTER ‘XVITQ" = THE ANGER OF BEES—REMEDIES FOR THEIR STINGS. Tue gentleness of bees, when properly managed, makes them wonderfully subject to human control. When gorged with honey, they'may be taken up by handfuls, and suffered to run over the face, and may even have their glossy backs gently smoothed as they rest on our persons ; and all the feats of the celebrated Wildman may be safely imitated by experts, who, by securing the queen, can make the bees hang in large festoons from their chin, without incurring any risk of being taken by the beard. “Such was the spell, which round a Wildman’s arm, ~* Twin’d in dark wreaths the fascinated swarm ; Bright o’er his breast the glittering legions led, Or with a living garland bound his head. His dextrous hand, with firm yet hurtless hold, Could seize the chief, known by her scales of gold, Prune ’mid the wondering train her filmy wing, Or o’er her folds the silken fetter fling.” M. Lombard, a skillful French Apiarian, narrates the following interesting occurrence, to show how peaceable bees are in swarming time, and how easily managed by - those who have both skill and confidence : ‘““A young girl of my acquaintance, who was much afraid of bees, was completely cured of her fear by the following incident: A swarm having come off, I observed the queen alight by herself ata little distance from the Apiary. I immediately called my little friend, that [ might show her the queen; she wished to see her more nearly ; so, after having caused her to put on her gloves, I gave the queen into her hand. We were in an instant surrounded by the whole bees of the swarm. In this emergency, I encouraged ANGER: OF BEES. ges the girl to be steady, bidding her be silent and fear nothing, and remaining myself close by her. I then made her stretch out her right hand, which held the queen, and covered her head and shoulders with a very thin handkerchief. 'The swarm soon fixed on her hand, and hung from it, as from the branch of a tree. The litle girl was delighted above measure at the novel sight, and so entirely free from all fear, that she bade me uncover her face. The spectators were charmed with the interesting spectacle. At length I brought a hive, and, shaking the swarm from her hand, it was lodged in safety, and without inflicting a single wound.” A practical acquaintance with the principles set forth in this Treatise, will render it unnecessary, wnder any cir- eumstances, to provoke to fury a colony of bees. When thoroughly aroused, by the overturning, or violent jar« A uk uit Jont«. A hie (AAO i riths On. ae Sty A Bebe — frm) Fuse Wy oe aw ag An UNFORTUNATE BEE-ING, 310 - ss PAE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. ing of their hive, or by the presence of a sweaty horse, _ or any offensive animal, they are terribly vindictive ‘and severe, and even dangerous consequences may ensue. As our domestic animals may, by ill-treatment, be roused to such fury as to endanger our lives, so the most peaceful family of bees may be quickly taught to attack any yan thing that approaches their domicile. When a colony of bees is unskillfully dealt with, they will “ compass about” their assailant with savage feroc- | ity ; ; and wo be to him, if they can creep up his clothes, or _ find a single unprotected spot on his person. He will | fare as badly as the “ Unrortunate Bee-ing,” so ludi- crously depicted in ‘“‘ Hood’s Comic Sketches.” Those who have much to do with bees, should wear a bee-hat, unless they are proof against the venom of their stings; for, while tens of thousands will continue their © pursuits without annoying those who do not molest them, ~. a few dyspeptic bees (p. 256), will come buzzing around ~ their ears, determined to sting, without the slightest provocation. Even these, however, retain some touch of grace, amidst all their desperation. Like the scold, whose © elevated voice gives timely warning to escape the sound of her tongue, so a bee bent on mischief, by raising its note — far above the peaceable pitch, gives fair warning that — danger is impending. Even then, if it has not been pro- — voked to madness, it will seldom sting, unless it can plant its weapon on the face of its victim, and, if possible, near the eye; for, like all the stinging tribe, it has an intuitive perception that this is the most vulnerable spot. If the _ head is quietly lowered, and the face covered with the - hands, they will follow a person, often for rods, all the time — sounding their war-note in his ears, and daring the sneak. ing fellow to allow them to catch but a —— of his = coward face. , | ANGER OF BEES. _ . bil _ Cotton, quoting from Butler, who, in these remarks, follows mainly Columella, says: ‘* Listen to the words of an old writer :—‘ If thou wilt have the favour of thy bees, that they sting thee not, thou must avoid such things as offend bivaeahh thou must not be unchaste or uncleanly ; for impurity and sluttiness (themselves being most chaste and neat) they utterly abhor ; thou must not come among them: smell- ing of sweat, or having a stinking breath, caused either through eating of leeks, onions, garlick, and the like, or by any other - means, the noisomeness whereof is corrected by a cup of beer, thou must not be given to surfeiting or drunkenness ; thou must not come puffing or blowing unto them, neither hastily stir among them, nor resolutely defend thyself when they seem tv threaten thee ; but softly moving thy hand before thy face, gently put them by; and lastly, thou must be no stranger unto them. Ina word, thou must be chaste, cleanly, sweet, sober, quiet, and familiar ; so will they leve ere and know thee from all others. When nothing hath angered eae one may safely walk along by them ; but if he stand still before them in the heat of the day, it isa marvel but one or other spying him, will have a cast at him.’* ‘ Above all, never blow} on them: ; they will Bry to sting directly, if you do. | “Tf you want to catch any of the bees, make a bold sweep at them with your hand; and if you catch them without pressing them, they will not bing I have so caught three or four at a time. If you want to do anything to a single bee, catch him ‘as if you loved him,’ between your finger and thumb, where the tail joins on te the body, and he cannot hurt you.” If a person is attacked by angry bees, not the slightest — * Many persons imagine themselves to be quite safe, if they stand at a consider- able distance from the hives; whereas, cross bees delight to attack those whose more distant position makes them a surer mark to their cry te vision, than persons who are close to their hives. + While bees resent the warm breath exhaled slowly from the lungs, I have ascertained, that they will run from a blast of cold air blown upon them by the mouth of the operator, almost as quickly as from smoke. Before employing smoke, I often used a pair of bellows. 312 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BERF. - attempt should be made to act on the offensive ; for, if a single one is struck at, others will avenge the insult ; and if resistance is continued, hundreds, and at last, thousands, will join them. The assailed party should quickly retreat to the protection of a building, or, if none is near, should hide in a clump of bushes, and lie perfectly still, with his head covered, until the bees leave him. When no bushes are at hand, they will generally give over the attack, if he ‘lies still on the grass, with his face to the ground. ae. Those who are alarmed if a bee enters the ‘house, or | approaches them in the garden or fields, are ignorant of the important fact, that a bee at a distance from its hive, never volunteers an attack. Even if assaulted, they seek only to escape, and never sting, unless they are hurt. If they were as easily provoked away. from home, as when called to defend those sacred: precinets, a tithe of the merry gambols in which our domestic animals indulge, would speedily bring about them a swarm of infuriated enemies ; we should no longer be safe’in our quiet ram- bles among the green fields ; and no jocund mower could whet or swing his peaceful scythe, unless clad in a dress impervious to their stings. The bee, instead. of being the friend of man, would, like savage wild beasts, provoke his utmost etch for its extermination. — 4 Let none, however, take encouragement. Hal the con- trast between the conduct of bees at home and abroad, to reserve all their pleasant ways for other places than the domestic roof; for, towards the members of its own family the bee is all kindness and devotion; and while, among human beings, a mother is often treated by her own chil- dren with disrespect or neglect, among bees she is abwars | waited upon with reverence and affection. _ It is true, that if any members of a colony become una- ble to perform their share of labor, they are dragged from Fig. 57. Pirate XX. — ee ANGER OF BEES. «6K ' the hive by their pitiless companions. . It is, however, a necessary law of their economy, that those who cannot work, shall not eat; nor is there anything in the nature of a bee, that can be benefitted by nursing the sick, while - the noblest traits of humanity are often developed by the - incessant care bestowed upon the weak and helpless. Huber has demonstrated, that bees have an exceedingly acute sense of smell, and that unpleasant odors quickly excite their anger.* Long before his time, Butler said, * 'Their smelling is excellent, whereby, when they fly aloft into the air, they will quickly perceive anything under them that they like, even though it be covered.” They have, therefore, a special dislike to those whose habits are not neat,} and who bear about them a porting not in the least resembling | ‘‘ Sabean odors From the spicy shores of Araby the blest.” A sweaty horse is detested by bees, and, when assailed by them, is often killed ; as, instead of running away, like most other animals, it ae plunge and kick until it falls overpowered. The Apiary should be fenced in, to prevent. horses and cattle from molesting the hives. The sting of a bee, upon some persons, produces very paintul, and even dangerous effects. I have often noticed that, while those whose systems are not sensitive to the venom, are rarely molested by bees, they seem to take a malicious pleasure in stinging those upon whom their * Strong perfumes, however pleasant to us, are disagreeable to bees; and Aris- totle observes, that they will sting those scented with them. I have known per- sons ignorant of this fact to be severely treated by bees. ; + Some persons, however cleanly, are assaulted by bees as soon as they approach their hives. It is related of a distinguished Apiarian that, after a severe attaek of fever, he was never able to be on good terms with his bees. That they can readily perceive the slightest differences in smell, is apparent from the fact that any number of colonies, fed from a common vessel, will be gentle towards each other, while they will assail the first strange bee that alights on the feeder. 1+ 314 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEF.— poison produces the most virulent effect. ‘Some ething in ~ the secretions of such persons may both provoke the attack and render its gonsedeencen more severe. >» The smell of their own poison produces a very irritating effect upon bees. A small portion of it offered to them on a stick, will excite their anger.* “If you are stung,” . says old Butler, “ or any one in the company—yea, though a bee hath stricken but your clothes, especially ‘in hot weather—you were best be packing as fast as you can, for the other bees, smelling the rank flavor of the poison, will come about you as thick as hail.” atl reece a 9: aie REMEDIES FOR THE STING OF A BEE. If only a few of the host of cures, so zealously an cated, could be made effectual, there would be. little reason to dread being stung. The first thing to be done after being eet is to pull the sting out of the wound as quickly as possible. When torn from the bee, the poison-bag, and all the muscles which control the sting, accompany it; and it penetrates deeper and. deeper into the flesh, wives continually more and more poison into the wound. If extracted at once, it will very rarely produce any serious consequences, After the sting is removed, the utmost care should be taken not to irritate the wound by the slightest. rubbing. However intense the smarting, and the disposition to apply friction to the wound, 7 should never be done, for the moment that the blood is put into violent circulation, the poison is quickly diffused over a large part of the system, and severe pain and swelling may ensue, — On ‘the same principle, by severe friction, the bite of a mos- quito, even after the esos of several days, may be ane 4 2 ace poison can be seen on their points, some of which is occasionally flirted into the eye of the Apiarian, and causes severe irritation. AE, REMEDIES FOR THE STING OF A BEE. . BL * to swell again. As most of the popular remedies are rubbed in, they are worse than nothing. : If the mouth is applied to the wound, unpleasant conse- quences may follow; for, while the poison of snakes, affecting only the circulating system, may be swallowed with impunity, the poison of the bee acts with great power on the organs of digestion. Distressing headaches are often produced by it, as any one who has been stung or has tasted the poison, very well knows.* Mr. Wagner says: “ The juice of the ripe berry of the common coral honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) is the best remedy I have ever used for the sting of bees, wasps, hornets, &c. The berries or the expressed juice may be preserved in a bottle well closed, and will keep their efficacy more than a year.” The milky juice of the white poppy is highly recom- mended. Anold German writer states that it will instan- taneously allay the pain and prevent swelling. Others recommend the juice of tobacco as a sovereign panacea. MRelief has unquestionably been found, by different persons, from each of these remedies, and there is as little reason to expect that one remedy will answer for all, as that the same disease can always be cured by the same medicines. In my own case, I have found cold water to be the best remedy fora bee-sting. The poison being very volatile, is quickly dissolved in it; and the coldness of the water has also a powerful tendency to check inflammation. The leaves of the plantain, crushed and applied to the wound, are a very good substitute when water cannot at _ * An old writer says; “If bees, when dead, are dried to powder, and given ts either man or beast, this medicine will often give immediate ease in the most excruciating pain, and remove a stoppage in the body when all other means have failed.” A tea made by pouring boiling water upon bees has recently been pre- scribed, by high medical authority, for violent strangury ; while the poison of the bee, under the name of apis, is a great homeopathic remedy. 316 THE HIVE’ AND HONEY-BEE. once be procured.. Bevan recommends the use of spirits of hartshorn, and says that, in cases of severe. stinging, its internal use is also beneficial.* | - Timid Apiarians, and all who aston altos from the | hing of a bee, should by all means protect themselves with a bee-dress. The great objection to such a dress, as usually made, is, that it obstructs clear vision, so highly important in all operations, besides producing such exces- sive heat and perspiration, as to make one using it pecu- liarly offensive to the bees. I prefer what I call a bee-hat (Plate XI., Fig. 25), of entirely novel construction. It is made of wire-cloth, the meshes of which are too fine to admit a bee, but coarse enough to allow a free circulation of air, and to permit distinct sight. The wire-cloth should be first sewed together like a hat, and made large enough to go very easily over the head; its top may be of cotton cloth, and the same material should be fastened around its lower edge. If the top” is made of sole leather, it will serve a better A iti a A piece of wire-cloth one foot * Fi ae Ae some ‘comfort to novices to know that the poiddhi will produce Jess and less effect upon their system. Old bee-keepers, like Mithridates, appear almost to thrive upon poison itself., When I first hecame interested in bees, a sting was quite a formidable thing, the pain being often very intense, and the wound swelling 80 as sometimes to obstruct my sight. At present, the pain is usually slight, and, if the sting is quickly extracted, no unpleasant consequences ensue, even if no remedies are used. Huish speaks of seeing the bald. head of Bonner, a celebrated practical Apiarian, covered with stings, which seemed to produce ) him no un- pleasant effects. The Rev. Mr. Kleine advises beginners to suffer’ mselves to be stung frequently, assuring them, that, in two seasons, their system will become accustomed to the poison! . An old English Apiarian advises ‘a person who has been stung, to catch as speedily | as possible another bee, and make it sting on the same spot. Even an enthusiastic disciple of Huber might hesitate to venture on such a singular homeopathic remedy; but as this old writer had stated, what I had-verified in’ my own expe- . rience, that the oftener a person was stung the less he suffered from the venom, I determined to make trial of his prescription. Allowing a sting to remain until’ it - had discharged allits poison, I compelled another bee to insert its sting, as nearly as possible, in the same spot. I used no remedies of any kind, and had the satisfac- tion, in my zeal for new discoveries, of suffering more from the pains and swelling than for years before. pe ’ EEO e—OoooOooeeeee ee REMEDIES FOR THE STING OF A BEE. 317 wide, by two and a half feet long, will make a good fit for most persons. With such a hat, there is no danger from waspish bees, and its cape may be tucked under the coat, or so securely fastened, as to defy all assailants. The hands may be pretected by india-rubber gloves, such as are now in common use. These gloves, while impenetrable to the sting of a bee, do not materially interfere with the operations of the Apiarian. As soon, however, as the bee-keeper acquires confidence and skill, he will much prefer to use nothing but the bee-hat, even at the expense of an occasional sting on his hands. Ifthe hands are wet with honey, they will seldom be stung. Woolen gloves are objectionable, as everything rough, or hairy has an extremely irritating influence upon bees, This is probably owing to the fact that, in a state of nature, bears, foxes, and other hairy animals, are their ' principal enemies. No sooner do they feel the touch of anything rough or hairy, than they dart out their stings. Butler says: “They use their stings against such things as have outwardly some offensive excrement, such as hair or feathers, the touch whereof provoketh them to sting. If they alight upon the hair of the head or beard, they will sting if they can reach the skin. When they are angry, their aim is most commonly at the face, but the bare hand, that is not hairy, they will seldom sting, unless Bey be much offended.” | er THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE.. CHAPTER XIX. is THE ITALIAN HONEY-BEE. ARIsToTue speaks of three different species of the honey- bee, as well known in his time. The best variety he des- cribes as “ wixpa, crpoyyiry xo woxiky”—that is, small and. round in size and shape, and variegated in color. Virgil (Georgicon, lib. IV., 98) speaks of two kinds as flourishing in his time; the better of the two, he thus | describes: — | Elucent aliz, et fulgore coruscant, Ardentes auro, et paribus lita corpora guttis. Hee potior soboles; hine coeli tempore certo Dulcia mella premes.” The better variety, it will be seen, he characterizes as spotted or variegated, and of a beautiful golden color, _ The attention of bee-keepers has recently been called to. this variety of the honey-bee, which, after the lapse of more than two thousand years, still exists distinet and pure from the common kind. The following letter from Mr. Wagner will show the importance attached to this species, by some of the most skillful and successful ee gat rians in Europe : “York, Pa., August 5, 186. “My Dear Sin :—The first aceuunt we ara? of the Italian bees, as a distinct race or variety, is that given by Capt. Balden- stein, in the Bienenzeitung, 1848, p. 26.* Being stationed in * The Rev. E. W. Gilman, of Bangor Maine, has recently directed my attention to Spinola’s “ Insectorum Liguria species nove aut. rariores,” from which it appears, that Spinola accurately described all the peculiarities of this bee, which he found in Piedmont, in 1805. He fully identified it with the bee described by Aris- totle, and calls-it the Ligurian Ree, a name now very generally adopted i in Europe THE ITALIAN BER. 319 Italy, during part of the Napoleonic wars, he noticed that the bees, in the Lombardo-Venetian district of Valtelin, and on the borders of Lake Como, differed in color from the common kind, and seem- ed to be more industrious. At the close of the war, he retired from the army, and returned to his ancestral castle, on the Rhe- tian Alps, in Switzerland ; and to occupy his leisure, had recourse to bee-culture, which had been his favorite hobby in earlier years. While studying the natural history, habits, and instincts of these insects, he remembered what he had observed in Itaiy, and resolved to precure a colony from that country. Accordingly, he sent two men thither, who purchased one, and carried it over the mountain, to his residence, in September, 1843. “In May, 1847, this colony, the queen of which had never failed to produce genuine Italian brood, began to show signs of weak- ness, but suddenly recovered in the following month ; «and it was evident that it had supplied itself with a new queen, which had fortunately been impregnated by an Italian drone, as she produced genuine, or pure brood. On the 15th of May, 1848, this queen issued with a swarm, and he hoped that, as he had placed the parent-hive in a rather isolated location, her successor would be impregnated by an Italian drone. ‘But in this, he was doomed to disappointment ; she produced a bastard progeny, while the emi- erant queen produced genuine brood, as before. Similar disap- pointments awaited him from year to year ; and in June. 1851, he possessed only one colony of the pure stock. 7 “ Among the points which he considered as definitely estab- lished, by his observations on the Italian bee, are the following : 1. The queen, if healthy, retains her proper fertility at least three or four years. 2. The Italian bee is more industrious, and the queen more prolific, than the common kind ; because, in a most unfavorable year, when other colonies produced few swarms and little honey, his Italian colony produced three swarms, which - filled their hives with comb, and, together with the parent-stock, laid up ample stores for Winter ; the latter yielding, besides, a box well filled with honey. The three young colonies were among the best in his Apiary. 3. The workers do not, at most, live © longer than one year; for, though the bees and brood in the 320 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. parent-hive, when the first swarm and old queen left, were of the Italian stock exclusively, few of this kind remained in the Fall, and none survived the Winter. 4. The young queen. is impreg- nated soon after she is established in a colony, and continues fer- tile during life. Were this not so, the genuine queens would not have continued to produce pure brood during those seven succes- — sive years. 5. The queen leaves the hive to meet the drones. If not, it would scarcely have happened, that all the young queens bred in those seven years, with only one exception, were impreg- nated by common drones, and produced a bastard progeny. 6. The old queen regularly leaves with the first swarm, or the genuine Italian brood would not invariably have been the product’of the swarm, but occasionally, at least, of the parent colony, which never happened i in all that time. * ‘“ These observations. and inferences iiealiad Dziemoneauhe had previously ascertained that the cells of the Italian and com- mon bees were of the same size—to make an effort to procure the Italian bee ; and, by the aid of the Austrian Agricultural Society at Vienna,* he succeeded in obtaining, late in February, 1853, a colony from Mira, near Venice. On the following day, he trans- ferred the combs and bees into one of his own hives, and, when the season opened, placed the hive on a stand in his Apiary, and screwed it fast, that it might not be stolen. He never moved it during the ensuing Summer, but took from it combs with worker and drone-brood. at regular intervals, supplying their place with empty comb. In this way, he sereaded in rearing nearly fifty young queens, about one-half of which were impregnated by Italian drones, and produced genuine brood. The other half produced a bastard progeny. He continued thus to multiply queens by the removal of brood, till the parent-stock, and several of his artificial — colonies, tibet killed off their drones, on the 25th of June. 4 The bees of the original colony’still labored very assiduously, but * Some of the Gavernicnes UF Europe have recently taken great interest in dis- seminating among their people a knowledge of Dzierzon’s system of Bee-Culture. Prussia furnishes annually a numer of persons from different parts of the King- dom, with the means of acquiring a practical knowledge of this system ; while | the ‘Bavarian Government has prescribed instruction in Dzierzon’s theory and practica of bee-culture, asa part of the regular course of studies in its teachers’ Seminaries THE ITALIAN BEB. . ~BQ1 gradually becaine less diligent, till when the buck-wheat came into blossom, they were surpassed in industry by many colonies of the common bees. But, as young bees continued to make their - appearance he felt satisfied that the colony was in a healthy con- dition. Later in the season, he unfastened the hive, preparatory to putting it into winter quarters; and on attempting to lift it, found he was scarcely able to move it. He now discovered why it had so greatly fallen behind the other colonies in industry. Having early rid itself of drones (as probably is done instinctively ‘in Italy), it had, in consequence of its extraordinary activity, filled all the cells with honey, in a very short time, and was thencefor- ward doomed to involuntary idleness. It had attained a weight which searcely any of his colonies reached in the Summer of 1846, when pasturage was so superabundant ; whereas, the Sum- mer of 1853 was a very ordinary one in this respect.* _ “*The general diffusion of this species of bee,’ says Dzierzon, ‘will form as marked an era in the bee-culture of Germany, as did the introduction of my improved hives.t The profit derived by the farmer from feeding stock, depends not alone on due atten- tion to the habits and wants of the animals, but mainly on the © “His experiments on this colony made it manifest, that frequent disturbance had not produced any injurious effect. Until Midsummer, he not only removed a - brood-comb containing about 5000 cells, every other day, but had, on numerous other occasions, taken out comb after comb, several times a day, to find the queen, and show her to bee-keeping friends, who visited him. When, in consequence of such interruptions, the queen retreated to the opposite end of the hive, he usually found her, half an hour thereafter, on the same comb she had occupied before, engaged in laying eggs. Such disturbances, if the combs be not broken, or ma- terially damaged, he thinks, do no injury; but that, on the contrary they not unfrequently produce a certain excitement among the bees, which impels them to issue in greater numbers, and labor with increased assiduity.”—S. WAGNER. + After my application for a patent on the movable-frames was favorably decided upon, the Baron Von Berlepsch, of Seebach, Thuringia (see p. 126), invented frames of a somewhat similar character. Carl T. E. Von Siebold, Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, in the University of Munich, thus speaks of these frames: “ As the lateral adhesion of the combs built down from the bars” {see pp. 15, 16 of this Treatise), “frequently rendered their removal difficult, Berlepsch tried to avoid this inconvenience, in a very ingenious way, by suspend- ing in his hives, instead of the bars, small quadrangular frames, the vacuity of - which the bees fill up with their comb, by which the removal and suspension of the combs are greatly facilitated, and altogether such a convenient arrangement is given to the Dzierzon-hive, that nothing more remains to be desired.” 14* 322 ss THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. character of the breed itself. So also with the bee. “We find ~ marked differences in point of industry, even among our common > bees; but the Italian bee surpasses these in every respect. A chief difficulty in the way of a more general attention to bee- culture, arises from the almost universal dread of the sting of this insect. Many fear even the momentary pain which it inflicts, ~ though no other unpleasant consequences follow ; but in some per- | sons it causes severe and long-protracted swelling and inflamma- — tion. This, especially, deters ladies from engaging in this pur- ~ suit. All this can be avoided by the introduction of the Italian — bee, which is by no means an irascible insect.* It will sting only when it happens to be injured, when it is intentionally” ‘annoyed, or when it is attacked by robbing bees: then it will defend itself with undaunted cotirage, and such are its extraordi- nary vigor and agility, that it is never overpowered, so long as the ~ colony is in a normal condition. Colonies of common bees may speedily be converted into Italian stocks, by simply removing the ~ queen from each, and, after the lapse of two or three days, or as — soon as the workers decidedly manifest consciousness of the deprivation, supplying them with an Italian queen. We are thereby also enabled to note the gradual disappearance of the old ~ race, as it beeomes supplanted by the new. Besides the increased profit thus derivable from bee-culture, this species also furnishes - 2 us with no small gratification, in studying the nature, habits, and © economy of the insect to greater advantage, because, by means of = it, the most interesting experiments, investigations, and observa-.. tions may be once and thus the remaining doubts and Se culties be cleared up.’ “ He further says: ‘It has been questioned, even by experienced. and expert Apiarians, whether the Italian race can be preserved in’ its purity, in countries where the common kind prevail. There ~ need be no uneasiness on this score. _ Their preservation could be accomplished, even if natural swarming had to be relied on; because they swarm earlier in the season than the common kind, _ * Spinola speaks of the more peaceable disposition of this bee; and Columella, 1800 years ago, had noticed the same peculiarity, describing it as “‘métior moré ~ bus.” Both its superior industry and peaceableness have been noticed persed 0 earliest ages. TUE ITALIAN BEE. . 893 and also more frequently. Captain Baldenstein’s want of success was most probably the result of a deficiency of drone-comb* in his ° Italian hives, as a consequence of which, only few drones were produced.’ “ The main thing to be attended to in any localities where common bees are found or kept, is to secure the production of drones in numbers overwhelmingly large; though Dzierzon is under the impression, that where both kinds of drones exist in about equal numbers, the Italian queens will usually encounter Italian drones, both queens and drones being more active and _ agile than the common kind. Besides, the wings of both queens and drones are finer and more delicate than those of the common kind, and the sounds produced in flying are clearer and higher- toned. Hence, probably. they are feadily able to distinguish each other when on the wing.} “The Baron of Berlepsch, one of the most enthusiastic and skillful Apiarians, on a large scale, in Germany, says he can, from his own experience confirm the statements of Dzierzon, in relation to the Italian bee, having found, * “Pzierzon guarded against this, by giving to a very large colony, which ordi- narily produced drones in great numbers, a fertile queen very early in the season. Thousands of drones soon made their appearance, and he immediately formed an artificial colony by removing this queen, with a sufficient number of workers, adding worker-brood from other colonies. On the twelfth day following, he heard a young queen ‘teeting’ in the parent hive and, to his surprise, a large swarm issued from it on the same day, though the weather was then cool and cloudy. This swarm came forth suddenly, without any previous indication of its intention, just as after-swarms usually do. On a similar day, Dzierzon says, he had never seen a first swarm of common bees leave. Socold was the weather, that some of the bees became chilled before the swarm was hived. As the swarm was unusually large, he divided it into two, as he was able to procure an additional queen from the . parent hive. Both throve well, and each of the queens was impregnated by an Italian drone. From this occurrence, he judged that these bees have an instinctive proclivity to swarm early. Our common kind would have lingered long, rather than ‘swarm in weather so cold and cloudy,’ ”"—S. Wacner. + “ If, at the time when young queens are emerging, the bees and drones be tempted to sally out earlier than usual in the day, hours before the common drones come forth, by feeding them with diluted honey, the perpetuation of the genuine preed will the more probably be secured. But this end will the most certainly be attained, if measures are taken to have Italian queens and drones bred early in the season, before the common drones make their appearance ; and again late, after the latter haye been ‘killed off.’ This may readily be done by the improved hive, and the application of certain known principJes iu bee-culture."—S. WaGNneR 324 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. ‘1. That the Italian bees are less sensitive to cold than the. common kind: 2. That their queens are more prolific. 3. That the colonies swarm earlier and more frequently, though of this he has less experience than Dzierzon. 4. That they are less apt te siting. Not only are they less apt, but scarcely are they inclined to sting, though they will do so if intentionally annoyed or irri- | tated. 5...-hat they are more industrious. Of this fact he had but one Summer’s experience, but all the results and indications™ go to confirm Dzierzon’s statements, and satisfy him of the superiority of this kind an every point of view. 6. That they are more disposed. to rob than common bees, and more courageous and active in self-defence. They strive on all hands to force their way into colonies of common bees; but when strange bees attack their hives, they fight with great fierceness, and with an incredible adroitness.* , eh ‘From one Italian queen sent him by Dzierzon, Berlepsch suc- ceeded in obtaining, in the ensuing season, one hundred and thirty- nine fertile young queens, of which number Banh fifty produced. pure Italian progeny.t “Busch (Die Honig-biene, Gotha, 1855) describes the aon ‘bee as follows: ‘The workers are smooth and glossy, andthe. color of their abdominal rings is a medium between the pale yellow of straw and the deeper yellow of ochre. These rings have | a narrow black edge or border, so that the yellow (which might * Spinola speaks of these bees as “ velociores mo a cai a in their motions. than the common bees. . + “Itis a remarkable fact that an Italian queen, impregnated by a common drone and a common queen impregnated by an Italian drone, do not produce workers of a uniform intermediate cast, or hybrids; but some of the workers bred from the eggs of each queen will be purely of the Italian, and others as purely of the common race, only a few of them, indeed, being apparently hybrids. Berlepsch | also had several bastardized queens, which at first produced Italian workers exclu-_ sively, and afterwards.common workers as exclusively. Some such queens pro- — duced fully three-fourths Italian workers; others, common workers in the same proportion. Nay, he states that he had one beautiful orange-yellow bastardized . Italian queen which did not produce a single Italian worker, but only common — workers, perhaps a shade lighter in color. The drones, however, produced by a -bastardized Jtalian queen are uniformly of the Italian race, and this fact, besides — _demonstrating the truth of Dzierzon’s theory, renders the preservation and per-_ petuation of the Italian race, in its purity, entirely feasible in any country where they may be introdueed.”—S. WAGNER. | THE ITALIAN BEE. , a be ealled leather-colored) constitutes the ground, and is seemingly barred over by these slight black edges, or borders. This is most distinctly perceptible when a brood-comb, on which bees are . densely crowded, is taken out of a hive. The drones differ from the workers in having the upper half of their abdominal rings black, and the lower half an ochry-yellow, thus causing the abdomen, when viewed from above, to appear annulated. The queen differs from the common kind chiefly in the greater bright- ness and brillianey of her colors.’ “Otio Radlkofer, Jr., of Munich, in a communication to the _ Bienenzeitung, says that a colony of Italian bees, which he trans- ferred in February, began to build new comb before the middle of March, while his common bees had not, at the date of his commu- nication (the last of April), begun to build any new comb. ‘Not only,’ says Mr. Radlkofer, ‘ are the Italian bees distinguished by an earlier-awakened impulse to activity and labor, but they are remarkable also for the sedulous use they make of every opening flower, visiting some on which common bees are seldom or never seen. They have also demonstrated their superior agility in self- defence ; nay, they would not tolerate.the presence of other bees on comb that had been strewed with flour for their common use. In all these respects, the palm of superiority must be awarded to the Italian bee.’ | 7 | “Considerable difficulty has been encountered, even by expe- rienced Apiarians, in inducing a colony of common bees, deprived of its queen, to accept an Italian queen in its stead, and many failures have occurred, involving the loss of the offered queen, and causing grievous disappointment. The safest course appears to be, to remove the queen several days before the substitution is intended to be made, and to destroy all the royal cells and embryo queens the day before the Italian queen is introduced. At the time of her introduction, the combs should again be thoroughly examined, and. if any more royal cells have been started, they must likewise be destroyed. The Italian queen should be placed in a cage for her protection, and a small quantity of pure honey in open cells should be put in the cage. The condust of the workers will speedily show whether and when 326 THE HIVE AND LLONEY-BEE. they will receive her. Mr. Lange advises that the Italian queen be introduced immediately after the bees of a deprived colony manifest undoubted consciousness of the loss they have sustained, > and before they have started any royal cells, or made arrangements c for doing so.— Yours truly, SAMUEL Wacner. wie et O11 he Rev. L. L. LanastrotH.” .% i] leer The chief obstacle to the ian diffusion of sie valuable — variety has been the difficulty experienced by the ablest German Apiarians in preserving the breed pure, even Berlepsch having failed entirely to do so. By means of) my non-swarmer, however, this difficulty may be ae overcome): hr" hist "Oats “Let the bee-keeper who obtains an Italian queen in the» Spring, give her, with proper precautions (p. 200), to.a populous colony, whose hive is well furnished with drone. | combs, having first deprived it of its queen. When > the drone cells are filled with sealed brood, let neelei (p. 189) be formed from this stock, and replace the combs — removed, with others containing workers ready to hatch, -. By thus keeping the parent-stock always populous, a~ large number of nuclei may be formed from it, Just before the young Italian queens mature, adjust the non- ; swarmer (Plates II., V., Figs. 5, 17) to all the hives con- taining common drones, so as to shut them in, while isi . egress is given to queens and workers. As only the drones” bred by the Italian queen have their liberty, all the young ~ females will be fertilized. by them. As fast as the queens ~ of the nuclei become fertile, they may be given to the various stocks, and from these, in a short time, other ~ nuclei which will raise Italian queens, may be formed. In— this way, an expert, who can be sure of having Italian drones until late in the season, might easily convert an’’ _ Apiary of a thousand or more hives into stocks containing: none but the new variety. THE ITALIAN BEE. 897 “To secure the requisite number of drones, part of the Italian drone-brood should be given to some of the nuclei, so that, in case the parent-stock kills its drones, others may be on hand. If the Apiarian removes the queen from this colony before the drones are killed, the becs will tolerate their presence much longer. The same object may also be accomplished by liberal feeding as soon as natural forage fails (p. 224). Dzierzon found that a queen which had been refri- gerated for a long time, after being brought to life by warmth, laid only male eggs, whilst previously she had also laid female eggs. Berlepsch refrigerated three queens by placing them thirty-six hours in an ice-house,* two of which never revived, and the third laid, as before, thousands of eggs, but from all of them only males were evolved. In two instances, Mr. Mahan has, at my sug- gestion, tried similar experiments, and with like results. It does not seem to have occurred to the German Apiarians that by this refrigerating process we may secure as many Italian drones as we need. All that is ' necessary is to convert by it one or more of the queens _ of the nuclei into drone-layers. The reception of an Italian queen quite late in the season may thus be turned .to good account. If the Apiarian is in the vicinity of hives to which he cannot apply the non-swarmer, it will be necessary for him to seek some place where the common drones cannot interfere with his proceedings. Unless the breed is kept pure, the advantages proposed by its introduction cannot be secured. _ | Italian queens may be safely sent in my hives to any part of the country. A hive for this purpose should be * A short exposure of a queen to pounded ice and salt, will answer every pur- pose. The spermatozoids sre in some way rendered inoperative by severe cold. 328 THE RIVE AND HONEY-BEE. made to hold only cne comb, which ought to be old and | very securely fastened. Into such a hive, suitably pro- visioned, an Italian queen may be introduced, with a few hundred bees to keep her company, and, if sufficient ven- tilation is given, with a little water daily, they will bear a journey of many days. If received at a season unsuit- able for rearing new queens, she may be given to some str ong colony and reserved for future operations, It is hardly necessary to say, that a species of the honey-bee so much more productive than the common kind, and so much less sensitivé to cold, will be of very great value to all sections of our country.* Its superior docility would make it worthy of high regard, even if in other respects it had no peculiar merits. Its introduction into this country will, it is confidently believed, constitute a new era in bee-keeping, and impart an interest to its pur- suit which will enable us, ere long, to vie with any part of the world in the production of honey. * An attempt was made, in 1855, by Mr. Wagner, to import the Italian bees, but, | unfortunately, the colonies perished on the voyage. Mr. Richard Colvin, of Balti- | more, Mr. Wagner, and myself, have made arrangements to have them brought to this country this Spring (1859), SIZE OF HIVES. . 829 CHAPTER XxX. SIZE, SHAPE, AND MATERIALS FOR HIVES—OBSERVING HIVES. ~ NorwirusTanpine the almost innumerable experiments which have been made to determine the best size, shape, and materials for bee-hives, the ablest practical Apiarians are still at variance on these points. In most districts in this country, it is pretty generally agreed that hives hold- ing less than a bushel, in the main apartment, are not profitable inthe long run. As regards, however, the size, both of the main hive and the apartments for spare honey, so much depends on seasons and localities, and on whether the bees swarm or not, that no rule, applicable to all cases, can be given. Every bee-keeper must determine these questions by reference to the honey-resources of his own district. As the plan of my hives admits of their being - enlarged and again contracted, without destruction or alteration of existing parts, the size, either of the main hive or surplus storage room, may be varied at pleasure. Being able to remove any surplus, I prefer to make the interior of my hives considerably larger than a bushel. Many hives cannot hold one-quarter of the bees, comb, and honey which, in a good season, may be found in my large hives; while their owners wonder that they obtain. so little profit from their bees. A good swarm of bees, - put, in a good season, into a diminutive hive, may be com- pared to a powerful team of horses harnessed to a baby wagon, ora noble fall of water wasted in turning a petty water-wheel. ye A hive ¢ad in proportion to its other dimensions, has some obvious advantages; for, as bees are disposed to 330 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BF*. carry their stores as far as possible from the entrance, they will fill its upper part with honey, using the lower part mainly for brood, thus escaping the danger of being caught, in cold weather, among empty ranges of comb, while they still have honey unconsumed. If the top of this hive, like that of an old-fashioned churn, is made (on the Polish plan) considerably smaller than the bottom, it will be better adapted to a cold climate, besides being more secure against high winds. Such a hive is deficient in top-surface for the storing of honey in boxes, and it would be impossible to use frames* in it to any advantage; but, to those who prefer to keep bees on the old plan,t one of this shape, made to hold not less than a eons; and a half, is decidedly the best. 7 . A hive long from front to rear, and ‘uidaseeeal ihe and narrow, seems, on the whole, to unite the most advantages. Such a hive resembles a tall one, laid upon its side, and, while affording ample top-surface for surplus honey, it greatly facilitates the handling of the mia: besides diminishing their number and cost.j _ * The deeper the frames, the more difficult it is to make them hang trwe on the | rabbets, and the greater the difficulty of handling them without crushing the bees or breaking the combs. + It is instructive to see how the very first departure from the olden way proves the truth, in bee-culture at least, of the hackneyed quotation: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” i ie ree | Even so simple an improvement as that of top-boxes will, as used by many, eventually destroy their bees; for, while in favorable years such boxes may de safely removed, in others the surplus honey which they contain, is the ep of . the bees. ¢ Mr. M. Quinby, of St. Johnsville, New York, in calling my attention to some stocks, which he had purchased in box hives of this shape, informed me that bees wintered in them about as well as in tall hives, the bees drawing back among their stores in cold weather, just as in tall hives they draw wp among them. My hive, as at first constructed, was fourteen and one-eighth inches from front to rear, eighteen and one-eighth inches from side to side, and nine inches deep, holding twelveframes. Aftg®Mr. Quinby called my attention to the wintering of bees in a his long box-hives, I constructed one that measured twenty-four inches from front ‘to rear, twelve inches from side to side, and ten inches deep, holding eight frames. Sigh MATERIALS OF HIVES. - 331 ~ The common Dzierzon hive* is long and flat, but, as the combs run fom side to side, instead of from front to rear, the bees, unless the hive is uncommonly well pro- tected, will suffer from cold in Winter. As the German Apiarian uses slats instead of frames, it would be incon- venient for him to remove any very long combs from his hive. 3 i | The variety of opinions respecting the best materials for hives, has been almost as great as on the subject of their proper size and shape. Columella and Virgil recom- mend the hollowed trunk of the cork tree, than which no material would be more admirable if it could only be cheaply procured. Straw hives have been used for ages, and are warm in Winter and cool in Summer. The diff- culty of making them take and retain the proper shape for improved bee-keeping, is an insuperable objection to their use. Hives made of wood are, at the present time, fast superseding all others. The lighter and more spongy the wood, the poorer will be its power of conducting heat, and the warmer the hive in Winter and the cooler in Summer.t Cedar, bass-wood, poplar, tulip-tree, and soft pine, afford excellent materials for bee-hives. The Apiarian must be governed, in his choice of lumber, by the cheapness with which any suitable kind can be ob- tained in his own immediate vicinity. I have since preferred to make my hives eighteen and one-eighth inches from front to rear, fourteen and one-eighth inches from side to side, and ten inches deep. Mr. Quinby prefers to make my movable frames longer and deeper. _ * Dzierzon builds hives in structures for two, four, and even many more colonies. On Plate XXII., Fig. 71 (the Frontispiece to the first edition of my work), I have given a representation of a triple hive. The little that can be saved in the first cost of such hives, seems to me to be more than lost by the great inconveuience of handling them. + Mr. Wagner informs me that Scholz, a German Apiarian, recommends hives made of adobe—in which frames or slats may be used—as cheaply constructed, and admirable for Summer and Winter. Such structures, however, cannot be moved. But in many parts of our country, where both lumber and saw-mills are scarce, and where people are accustomed to build adobe houses, they might prove desiz able. The material is plastic clay, mixed with cut straw, waste tow, &e. - ae THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. A serious disadvantage attaching to all kinds of wooden hives, is the ease with which they conduct heat, causing” them to become cold and damp in Winter, and, if exposed to the sun, so hot in Summer as often to melt the combs. The Winter inconveniences are greatly increased if the hives are well painted, while, if this is neglected, they cannot ee be exposed to sun or weather ee | serious injury.* jiggod To make the movable-comb hives to the best advan- tage, the frames at least should be cut out by a circular saw, driven by steam, water, or horse-power. In build- ings where such saws are used, the frames may be made from the small pieces of lumber, seldom of any use, except for fuel, and may be packed almost solid in a box, or in a hive which will afterwards serve for a pattern. One _ frame in such a box, properly nailed together, will serve: as a guide for the rest. The other parts of the hive can easily and cheaply be made by any one who can handle tools, and can never be profitably manufactured to be sent far, unless made where lumber is cheap, and the parts closely packed, to be put beanies after Be aay: their destination. . Reg MOVABLE-COMB OBSERVING HIVES. Each comb in these hives is attached to a movebla frame, and, as both sides admit of inspection, all the won- ders of the bee-hive may be exposed to the light of day, as well as that of (pp- 23, 116) lamps and gas. (none. In the common observing-hive, experiments’ are con- ducted only by cutting away parts of the comb ; whereas, in this, they can be paired by the simple esta of _a frame; and if a colony becomes reduced in numbers, it * The abundant ventilation now given to my hives, will enable the Apiarian to - dispense with paint, except on the joints and roofs ; and if the latter are, in Summer, - _covered with straw, battened to them so that the air can circulate under it, they may be safely placed in the sun, if not exposed to a close, suffocating heat. OBSERVING HIVES. 333 may be recruited, in a se minutes, by giving it maturing brood from another hive.* These observing-hives may be constructed to accommo date a full swarm. I do not, however, recommend such a hive for ordinary purposes, but one holding only a sin- gle frame (Pl. IV., Figs. 14, 15), which, while it gratifies curiosity, admits of easy control, and requires only a few bees to be diverted from more profitable hives. | A parlor observing-hive of this form may be conveni- | ently placed in any room in the house—the alighting- board being outside, and the whole arrangement such that the bees may be inspected at all hours, day, or night, without the slightest risk of their stinging. Two such hives may be placed before one window, and put up or taken down in a few minutes, without cutting or defacing the wood-work of the house. In one, the queen may always be shown, and in the other, the process of rearing young queens from worker-eggs. These miniature hives may be stocked in the same way that a nucleus is formed, or a small after-swarm may be hived in them. _. An observing-hive will prove an unfailing source of pleasure and instruction; and those who live in crowded - cities, may enjoy it to the full, even if condemned to the penance of what the poet has so feelingly described as an “endless meal of brick.” The nimble wings of these agile gatherers will quickly waft them above and beyond “the smoky chimney-pots;” and they will bear back to their city homes the balmy spoils of many a rustic flower, “blushing unseen,” in simple loveliness. Might not their * A writer, in a deseription of the different hives exhibited at the World’s Fair, n London, laments that no method has yet been devised, to enable bees to cluster, m cold weather, in an observing-hive, so as to preserve them alive in Winter, even m the moderate climate of Great Britain. By the use of movable frames, this ’ difficulty can be easily obviated, as, on the approach of cold weather, the frames, ‘with the bees, may be put into a suitable hive, and returned in the Spring to their iid abode. 4 Baa THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEF. pleasant murmurings awaken in some the memory of long-forgotten joys, when the happy country child listened to their mien x music, while mn se 2 ene them in | | their “ meadow-sweet breath,” or witiidlas of “the | precious perfumes of their forest home! i geitied “To me more dear, eA to my heart, One native charm than all the gloss of art ; | Spontaneous joys, where nature hasits play, = 8 The soul adopts and owns their first-bornsway; sd Lightly they frolic o’er the vacant mind, wroah Unenvied, unmolested, unconfined. ‘But the long pomp, the midnight masquerade, With all the freaks of wanton wealth array’d, In these, ere triflers half their wish obtain, The toilsome pleasure sickens into pain; = And e’en while fashion’s brightest arts decoy, ! The heart distrusting asks, Ir THIS BE JOY.” Sew Gesnuetnlia - _ WINTERING BEES. 885 CHAPTER XXI. WINTERING BEES. As soon as frosty weather arrives, bees cluster com- _ paetly together in their hives, to keep warm. They are never dormant, like wasps and hornets (p. 110), and a thermometer pushed up among them will show a Summer temperature, even when, in the open air, it is many degrees below zero. When the cold becomes intense, they keep up an incessant tremulous motion, in order to _ develop more heat by active exercise; and, as those on the outside of the cluster become chilled, they are re- _ placed by others. As all muscular exertion requires food to ses the waste of the system, the more quiet bees can be kept, the less they will eat. It is, therefore, highly important to preserve them, as far as possible, in Winter, from every _ degree, either of heat or cold, which will arouse them to _ great activity. | | The usual mode of allowing them to remain all Winter _ on their Summer stands, is, in cold climates, very objec- | tionable. In those parts of the country, however, where | the cold is seldom so severe as to prevent them from | flying, at frequent intervals, from their hives, perhaps no | better way, all things considered, can be devised. In _ such favored regions, bees are but little removed from | their native climate, and their wants may be easily sup- plied, without those injurious effects which commonly result from disturbing them when the weather is so cold as to confine them entirely to their hives. If the stocks are to be wintered in the open air, , they 336 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. should all be made populous, and rich in stores, even if te do it requires the number of colonies to be reduced one- half, or more.* The bee-keeper who has ten strong | stocks in the Spring, will, by judicious management with movable-comb hives, be able to close the season with a larger Apiary than one who ht it ws eat or more, feeble colonies. Fall, are not close oases their hives pete be gradually approximated (p. 280), and the bees may then, with proper precautions (p. 203), be put into the same hive. . If the central combs of the hive are not well stored with honey, they should be exchanged for such as are, 50 that, when the cold compels the bees to recede from. the cuter combs, they may cluster among their stores. iy the fullest honey-combs are not of worker size, the caps of their cells may be sliced off, and the combs put in the upper apartment, where the bees can remove the honey, and store it in the-centre of the hive. In districts where bees gather hut little honey in the Fall, such precautions, in cold climates, will be specially needed, as, often, after breeding is over, their central combs will be almost empty. | hy As bees are natives of a warm climate, they do not ‘nstinctively place their honey where it will be most acces- sible to them in cold weather, but simply where it will least interfere with the raising of brood. Neither, if, while the weather is warm, they can easily communicate through the combs of the hive, can they be depended on to make such passages through them, as will allow them to pass readily, in cold weather, from one to another. * Small colonies consume, pvopurednally much more food than large ones, , and often perish from inability to maintain sufficient heat. Stocks should not, how- ever, be made over-populous, as their great internal heat would create restlessness, and engender dysentery, by leading to an inordinate consumption of food @. 286). WINTERING BEES. 337 The Apiarian, should, therefore, late in the Fall, cut, with a pen-knife, a hole, an inch in diameter, in the centre of each comb, about one-third from the top.* Great care should be taken to shelter hives from the piercing winds, which in Winter so powerfully exhaust the animal heat of the bees; for, like human beings, if sheltered from the wind, they will endure a low tem- perature far better than a continuous current of very much warmer air.t In some parts of the West, where bees suffer much from cold winds, their hives are protected, in Winter, by sheaves of straw, fastened so as to defend them from both cold and wet. With a little ingenuity, farmers might easily turn their waste straw to a valuable account in sheltering their bees. If the colonies are wintered in the open air, the entrance to their hives must be large enough to allow the bees to fly at pleasure. Many, it is true, will be lost, but a large part of these are diseased; and, even if they were not, it is better to lose some healthy bees than to incur the risk of losing, or greatly injuring, a whole * If these holes are made before they feel the need of them, they will frequently close them. Mr. Wm. W. Cary (p. 204) has invented a process of making these holes without removing the combs. He makes a hole in the side of the hive, which, when not in use, is covered with a button or plug (Pl. V., Fig. 16), through which he slowly worms an instrument in the shape of a flowr or buiter-taster (sharpened at the end), until it strikes’ the opposite side of the hive. By this process of making the Winter passages, only a very few bees are hurt. As the queen always runs away from danger, she is not liable to be hurt. An application - for a patent on this device is now pending. If the patent issues, the right to use it will be free to all owning the right to use the-movable-comb hive. » I strongly advise every one using my hives to make Winter passages for their bees. As the frames touch neither the top, bottom, nor sides of the hives, the bevs have such extraordinary facilities for intercommunication, that dion cannot be depended on to leave any holes in their combs. ot The Winter of 1855-6 will long be remembered, not only for the uncommon degree and duration of its cold, but for the tremendous winds, which, often for days together, swept like a Polar tornado over the land. Apiaries standig in exposed situations were, in many instances, nearly ruined, ; 15 338 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. colony by the excitement created by confining them when — the weather is warm enough to entice them abroad.* The best Apiarians are still at variance as to how much air should be given to bees in Winter, and whether hives should have upward ventilation, or not. If the hives have no upward ventilation, then I believe that they need as much, or even more, air, than in Summer. If upward ventilation is given, the smaller the lower openings the better, as it is not desirable that there should be Tr current of cold air passing through the hives. | In my hives, all the lower passages can easily be sieniesl air-tight, and the bees allowed to go in and out through the Winter-entrance, which is made at the top of the hive (Pi. b., Fig. 15 PL°V., Big: 17) ye ee ee If the hive has an upper box-cover, as in Pl. IL, Fig. 9, the holes in the honey-board must be left open, or closed only with wire-cloth, that the dampness, which would otherwise condense or freeze on the combs and interior walls of the hive, may escape without injuring the bees. If an upper hive, as in Plate V., Fig. 16, is placed on the top of the one in which the bees are *wintered, its roof should be slightly elevated, to allow the escape of moisture. Ifa single hive, like that in Plate L, Fig. 1, or Plate V., Fig. 17, is used, the same iter? must = allowed for the escape of dampnessf. * If the sun is warm and the ground covered with new-fallen snow, the light ' may so blind the bees, that they will fall into this fleecy snow, and ‘quickly perish. At such times, it would probably be best to confine them to their hives. If the snow is hard enough to bear up a healthy bee, it is seldom lost, unless tempted fo . fly by the sun shining full upon its hive asit stands in a sheltered place. + The lower entrance may be closed in the Fall, while the bees are still flying, and they will quickly accustom themselves to the upper one. Mr. Wheaton sug- gests making this Winter-entrance in the back of the hive, and in the hs revers- ing the pile, stand and all. This entrance is merely proposed for trial, ¢ Small strips of wood, one-eighth of an inch thick, may be placed between the sides of the hive and the under-surface of the roof, and, when the roof is securely fastened, the dampness can escape from the front and rear of the hive, where’ the openings are sheltered by the clamps, from the snow and rain. Lasers WINTERING BEES. — 839 _ As facts observed have a value far above theories, I shall give the substance of numerous. observations made by me, at Greenfield, Massachusetts, in the Winter of 1856-7, on wintering bees in the open air: . Jan. 9TH, 1857.—Examined a number of stocks with Winter-passages in their combs, and with all the holes in their honey-board uncovered. The previous month had been extremely cold, and, for three days before the exami- nation, the thermometer had been one-half of the time below zero, and only once ten above, the wind blowing an — almost continuous gale. In none of these hives could I find any frost or dampness, or any bees killed by being caught __- away from the main body of.the colony. In a tempera- ture below zero, they would rush up from their combs on the slightest jar of their hives, rapidly pouring through the Winter-passages, and showing their ability to reach ony of their stores.* In a few colonies, to which no up- ward ventilation had been given, the interior walls of the hive, and many of the combs were coated with frost. JAN. 14tH.—Carefully examined three hives. No. 1, made of boards seven-eighths of an inch thick, had stood with its honey-board removed, the same as would show by removing (/) in Plate IL, Fig. 9. It hada good steck of bees, and, although the mercury in the morning was 102° below zero, there was scarcely any frost in the hive. The bees were dry and lively, and the central combs con- tained eggs and unsealed brood. No. 2 contained an equally strong stock, in a thin hive holding eighteen frames, ten of which (five on each side) had no combs. This hive had no upward ventilation, and was very frosty. * On a cold November day, I have found bees, in a hive without any Winter- __ passages, separated from the main cluster, and so chilled as not to be able to move; _ while, with the thermometer many degrees below zero, I have repeatedly noticed, : oN other hives, at one of the holes made in the comb, a cluster, varying in size, ready to rush out at the slightest jar of their hive. 340 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. The central combs had eggs and unsealed brood. No. 3 - was most thoroughly protected by double sides, filled in with charcoal, and all the holes in its honey-board were left open. It had a little frost, as No. 1. and its central combs contained eggs and some sealed brood. Although it had a better stock of bees than either of the others, it ap- peared to have begun to breed only a few days earlier. JAN. 30TH.—This month has been the coldest on record for more than fifty years. My hives have been exposed to a temperature of 80° below zero, and for forty-eight hours together the wind blew a strong gale, and the mer- cury rose only once to 6° below zero. No. 1 was again examined, and the bees found in good condition. The — central comb was almost filled with sealed brood, nearly mature; all the combs were free from mould, and the interior af the hive was dry. In a hive as well protected -as No. 3, but which had no upward ventilation, thes vapor, or breath of the bees, which had frozen in it, having — melted in consequence of a sudden thaw, both Orne and bees were in a wretched condition. As long as the vapor remains ooraseaisil it can a 3 injure the bees by keeping them from stores which they need; but, as soon as a thaw sets in, hives which have no nein ventilation are in danger of being ruined.* Mr. E. T. Sturtevant, of East Cleveland, Ohio, so widely known as an experienced Apiarian, in a letter to me, thus gives his experience in wintering bees in the open air: ‘““ No extremity of cold that we ever have in this climate, will injure bees. if their breath is allowed to pass off, so that they are * In March, 1856, I lost some of my best colonies, under the followirg cireum- stances: The Winter had been intensely cold, and the hives, having no upward ven- tilation, were filled with frost, and, in some instances, the ice on their glass sides was nearly a quarter of an inch thick. A few days of mild weather, in which the frost began to thaw, were followed by a temperature below zero, accompanied by furious winds, and in many of the hives, the bees, which were still wet from the thaw, were jrozen together in an ulmost solid inass. a WINTERING BEES. 341 ' dry. I never lost a good stock that was dry, and had plenty of honey. “In the Winter of 1855-6, I had twenty stocks standing in a row, all but one of which would have been regarded as in a-good con- dition for wintering—not too tight below, nor yet too open above. One was in a hive suspended. twenty inches from the ground, and without any bottom-board. The chamber for surplus honey-boxes was open to the north; and had eight one-inch holes, all. uncov- ered. “T left home about the 12th of February, the weather being very. cold, and the hives all banked up with drifted snow. Return- ing the last of the month, I examined the whole row, and found the nineteen thawed out, but in a sadly wet and miserable plight. If I could have taken them into a room, out of the reach of the frost, until they were dry, they might have been saved. The weather changed to severe freezing before the next morning, and all the nineteen swarms soon died; while the one that was apparently so neglected, came out. strong and healthy. Before adopting upward ventilation, [ had lost my best swarms in this way, until I became discouraged.” ~ In the coldest parts of our country, if upward ventila- tion is neglected, no amount of protection that can be given to hives, in the open air, will prevent them from becoming damp and mouldy, even if frost is excluded. Often, the more they are protected, the greater the risk from dampness. A very thin hive unpainted, so that it may readily absorb the heat of the sun, will dry inside much sooner than one painted white, and in every way most thoroughly protected against the cold. The first, like a garret, will suffer from dampness for a short time only ; while the other, like a cellar, may be so long in _ drying, as to injure, if not destroy, the bees. Much has been said in Germany, within the last few years, of the danger of bees that have upward ventilation perishing in Winter for want of water. Mr. Wagner has - furnished me with a translation of an able article in the 342 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. Bienenzeitung, by Von Berlepsch, and G. Eberhardt, rai substance of which is as follows: ‘Hiden to aS The Creator has given the bee an instinet to ikon up honey _ and pollen, which are not always to be procured, but not water, which is always accessible in her native regions. In northern latitudes, when confined to the hive, often for months together, they can obtain the water they need only from the watery parti- cles contained in the honey, the perspiration which condenses. on the colder parts of*the hive, or the humidity of the air which enters their hives. | ) Wk “Vital energy in the bee is at its lowest point in November and December. If, at this time, an unasual degree of cold does not force her to resort to muscular action, she remains almost motion- less, a death-like silence prevailing in the hive ; and we know, by a actual experiment, that, much less food is consumed than at any | other time. Breeding having ceased, the weather-bound bees have no demands made on their vital action, and we have never | known them at this time to suffer for want of water. As Soon, | however, as the queen begins to lay, which occurs in many colo- nies early in January, and in some .by Christmas, the workers must eat more freely both honey and pollen, to supply jelly for the larve, and wax for sealing their cells. Much more water is 3 needed for these purposes, than when they can procure the fresh nectar of flowers ; and the want of it begins to be felt about the middle of January. The unmistakable signs of the dearth of water in a colony, are found in the granules of candied honey lying on the bottom of the hive. The suffering bees will now open cell after. | cell of the sealed honey, to obtain what remains uncandied, and when these supplies of moisture fail, will attack the unsealed ) larve, and devour the eggs, if any are still laid. They now give way to despair, disperse through the hive, if the cold does nov prevent, as though they had lost their queen, and perish amid | stores of honey, unless milder weather permits them to goin search . of water, or the Apiarian supplies it in Bicit hive, when order will again be restored. “ After protracted and severe Winters, of every six bees that perish, five die for want of water, and not, as was hitherto sup- WINTERING BEES. 343 pused, from undue accumulation of feces. Dysentery is one of the direct consequences of water-dearth, the bees, in dire need of water, consuming honey immoderately, and taking cold by roam- ing about the combs. “On the 11th of February, we examined a number of solenied on whose botiom-boards we noticed particles of candied honey, and found that in all of them, the sealed honey had been opened in various points, and that breeding had entirely ceased. The volo- nies that we had supplied with water on discovering that they needed it, contained healthy brood, in every stage of development. “Tn March and April, the rapidly increasing amount of brood causes an increased demand for water ; and when the thermome- ter is as low as 459, bees may be seen carrying it in at noon, even on’ windy days, although many are sure to perish from cold. In these months, in 1856, during a protracted period of unfavorable weather, we gave all our bees water, and they remained at home in quiet, whilst those of other Apiaries were flying briskly in search of water. At the beginning of May, our hives were crowded with bees ; whilst the colonies of our neighbors were mostly weak. ‘“‘'The consumption of water in March and April, in a populous colony, is very great, and in 1856, one hundred stocks required eleven Berlin quarts per week, to keep on breeding uninterruptedly. In Springs where the bees can fly safely almost every day, the want of water will not be felt. “The loss of bees by water-dearth, ‘is the reuters of climate, and no form of hive, or mode of wintering. can furnish an absolutely efficient security against it. The colonies may be put in yard- long lager-hives, or in towering standards, in shapeless gums, in neat straw hives, or in well lined Dzierzons: in wood, or straw, or clay domiciles ; or may dwell in hollow trees, or clefts of rocks ; they may remain unshielded on their Summer stands; be protected by a covering of pine shatters or chaff; or be stored in dark cham- bers or vaults—still, water-dearth may occur, here and there, - earlier or later, and more or less injuriously ; because it ts counter to the original instincts of the bee to dwell in Northern climates, confined to its habitation for months. “If water is regularly given to the bees, from the middle of 344 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. January till the Spring fairly opens (unless the weather ‘permits them to fly safely), they will not suffer. This water may be placed in a wet sponge in a feeding-box, directly over the bees, and protected by a cushion of moss. A hundred or more colonies may thus, without disturbance, be quickly supplied.” That bees cannot raise brood without water, has Babes known from the times of Aristotle. Buera, of Athens (Cotton, p. 104), aged 80 years, saidin 1797: “ Bees daily supply the worms with water; should the state of the weather be such as to prevent the bees from fetching water for a few days, the worms would perish.. These dead bees are removed out of the hive by the working- bees, if they are healthy and strong ; otherwise, the stock perishes from their putrid exhalations.” I have repeat- edly known colonies to suffer severe losses, for want of water; and in my correspondence with bee-keepers, the last WW thier (1858-9),* have directed their attention to — this point, and have had my estimate of the value of water to bees in Winter greatly increased. But as yet, I have had no satisfactory evidence that any colonies, whose | honey was not candied, have died from water-dearth. The Baron Von Berlepsch says, that “ death from this cause more rarely occurs in districts where there is late Fall bee-forage than in those like his own, where pas- turage fails occasionally in July, and usually early in August. In such regions, the honey becomes very thick in Winter, and sometimes thoroughly candiedt before * Tam particularly indebted tO Mr. William W. Cary, Mr. Richard Colvin, Bev. J. C. Bodwell, Mr. E. T. Sturtevant, and Rev. Levi Wheaton, for careful observa- tions made—last Winter, at my suggestion—on wintering bees. + Madame Vicat, in some observations on bees, published in 1764—see Wild- man, p. 231—speaks of. finding, “‘on the 24th of March, when the weather was so cold that the bees of her other hives did not go abroad, much candied honey on the bottom of a hive, and bees which seemed to be expiring. A singular noise was made In the hive, at intervals, and at such times numbers of bees would fall into the candied honey, and perish. The bees not being able to swallow the candied honey pats it out of their combs to get at such as they could swallow.” WINTERING BEES. 345 Spring.” It is fortunate that, in the coldest parts of our country, late forage is usually abundant. Berlepsch and Eberhardt not only condemn upward ventilation, as depriving the bees of the moisture which they need, but insist that it often hastens the ruin of a stock, by causing an excess of dampness among the bees, although they are actually in want of water. Dzierzon thinks that these acute observers have here fallen into a great mistake; and, did my limits permit, I could show that their objections to upward ventilation do not accord with facts,-as observed in this country. So far from its being true “that the hive in which perceptible condensation of moisture occurs needs water, and that in which it does not take place needs none”—moisture often condenses so as to wet the combs and the bees,* showing plainly that there is an excess of water instead of a defi- ciency. The following facts, which have been furnished to me by the Rev. J. C. Bodwell, of Framingham, Mas- sachusetts, are highly important in this connection. His colonies were wintered in a very dry cellar: “About the beginning of the year (1 859), opened my single glass hive, and found the bees abundant, and apparenity healthy, but no eggs nor brood. ‘‘ Feb. 2.—Examined the same hive, and found sealed brood, and unsealed, but no eggs. A considerable part of the brood had perished, its ets from lack of water. “Opened another hive, not so full of, bees, and found the same state of things, except that less of the brood had perished. Combs dry in both, and many honey-cells open. Gave waiter to all, to their evident joy, and closed up the glass hive at the top, for expe- riment as to dampness, leaving the rest with upward ventilation. ‘Feb, 5—Examined both hives. No eggs in glass hive. The ' * In very cold weather, ice and moisture may super-abound in a hive, but it may be so far from the cluster that they canpot obtain it, even when perishing for the want of it. 15* 846 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. bees had been busy expelling dead brood. In the other, found” eggs in moderate quantity. Very small larve in both. ALT “Feb. 11.—Opened glass hive, and found the cells mostly emptied of dead brood, and abundance of eggs, and larve just hatched. Discovered an opening between the hive shen aa i permitting upward ventilation, and closed it.. ¢ March 1.—Made a thorough examination of both Lives Eggs, : larve, and sealed brood in both. The glass hive very wet, water standing on the tops of the frames, and at least a gill on the bottom- — board; combs mouldy, and whole aspect of things comfortless. The other, guite dry, both hive and combs. Examined two other glass hives, having top ventilation, and found themdry All have been treated precisely alike, except that the closed-up hive has had less water, as the bees did not seem to want iti—manifesting © no pleasure at receiving it. This hive had not so many eggs as the other, though much the larger stotk, and appeared in a less _ healthy condition senerally.”’ “— 1 In any of my hives which have an upper cover, the bees. can be easily supplied with water, and in those which have none, it may be injected with a straw imto the winter entrance, or poured through the roof by a small hole, stopped with a plug, care raat taken not to give too much.* . Tf the colonies are strong in numbers and stores, have upward ventilation, easy communication from comb to comb, and water when,needed—and the hive entrances are * Mr, Wheaton finds that they will easily supply themselves with water from a sponge put over a hole, and covered with a tumbler; “If the water is sweetened, they will always drain the sponge ; if not, they pay little attention to it, unless" prevented from going abroad.” Mr. Wagner suggests that a piece of roofing-slate, fastened to the tistlorhdiclat the bottom-board, will cause the water to condense over the bees, where they can easily get access to it. Mr. Cary, at my suggestion, has placed a pane of glass on the frames directly over the bees, and the water condensed on it has seemed to supply all their wants. It should be elevated, so that the bees can pass under it, It may be found that, by some such simple device, we can, without any super- vision, supply all the moisture that a strong colony needs in the coldest weather, before breeding has begun very actively. There is little doubt that it would answer for bees that are not wintered in the open air. WINTERING BEES. 347 sheltered from piercing winds, they have all the condi- tions essential to wintering successfully in the open air. Great injury is often done by disturbing a colony of bees when the weather is so cold that they cannot fly Many which are tempted to leave the cluster, perish before they can regain it, and every disturbance, by rousing them to needless activity, causes an increased — consumption of food. About once in six weeks, however, it will be advisable to clean the bottom-boards of hives wintered in the open air, of dead bees, and other refuse. Where permanent bottom-boards are used, this may be _ done with a scraper (Plate XL, Fig. 30), made of a piece of iron-wire, about two feet long; this, when heated, is bent about four inches, and flattened to one-quarter of an inch wide, both edges being made sharp.* Bees very rarely discharge their feces in the hive, - unless they are diseased or greatly disturbed. If the Winter has been uncommonly severe, and they have had no opportunity to fly, their abdomens, before Spring, often become greatly distended, and they are very liable to be lost in the snow, if the weather, on their first flight, is not unusually favorable. After they have once discharged their feces, they will not venture from their hives, in un- suitable weather, if well supplied with water. | Having given the necessary precautions for wintering bees out of doors, the methods for defending them against atmospheric changes, by placing them in special depositories, will be described. In some parts of Europe, it is customary to winter all * Where a ventilator is made on the back of the hive (Plate V., Fig. 16), any refuse may be blown out by 2 pair of bellows. A very little smoke should be used before cleaning the bottom-board. Palladius, who flourished nearly two thousand years ago, says that bees ought not to be disturbed in Winter, except for the pur- pose of cleaning their hives of dead bees, &c. ~ 348 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. the stocks of a village in a common vault. or: allan, _ Daierzon says: , DD ‘A dry cellar is very well adapted for wintering bees, even though it be not wholly secure from frost; the temperature will be’much milder, and more uniform than in the open air; the bees - will be more secure from disturbance, and will be protected from the piercing cold winds, which cause more injury than the greatest degree of cold when the air is calm. | ‘‘ Universal experience teaches that the more ceed bees are protected from disturbance and from the variations of tempe- rature, the better will they pass the Winter, the less will they consume of their stores, and the more vigorous and numerous will . they be in the Spring. I have, therefore, constructed a special Winter repository for my bees, near my Apiary. It is weather- boarded both outside and within, and the intervening space is filled with hay or tan, &c.; the ground plat enclosed is dug out to the depth of three or four feet, so as to secure a more moderate and equable temperature. When my hives are placed in this | depository, and the door locked, the darkness, uniform tempera- ture, and entire repose the bees enjoy, enable them to pass the Winter securely. I usually place here my weaker, colonies, and those whose hives are not made of the warmest materials, and they always do well. If such a structure is to be partly ander | ground, a very dry site must be selected for it.” " Mr. Quinby, who has probably the largest Apiary ‘in ' the United States, has for many years wintered his bees, with great success, in a room specially adapted to the pur- _ pose. To get rid of the dampness, he inverts the com- mon hives, and removes the board that covers Seti frames. : | ir Mr. Wagner has furnished me with the following trans- lation of a very able.article from the Bienenzeitung. The author, the Rev. Mr. Scholtz, of Lower Silesia, is widely known in Germany for his skill in bee-keeping: ni ' “ Farmers have long been in the habit of placing apples, potatoes, turnips, &c., in clamps, to preserve them during Winter. They WINTERING BEES. 849 are piled in a pyiamidal form, on a bed of straw, dnd covered six or eight inches thick, with the same material, evenly spread, as in thatching ; and the whole is covered, in a conical form, with a layer of earth twelve inches thick, taken from a trench. wlancded is dug around the clamp. The proper finish is given by beating this earth smooth and even, with the back of the spade. This mode of preservation, when well executed, is found to keep fruit, tuber- ous roots, &c., in better condition during cold weather, than can be effected in cellars or vaults. ‘““ These facts suggested to me the idea of puetanthnis bees during the Winter, i in a similar manner. It was evident, however, that a bee-clamp would require various modifications, to secure proper“ ventilation, to prevent undue development of heat, and to obviate an accumulation of moisture; and an arrangement, also, for readily _ ascertaining, and effectually regulating the temperature. All this, too, without seriously disturbing the bees, after the hives have been deposited in the clamp. “To attain these objects, a circular space, sufliciently large for the intended purpose, is to be marked off on the driest and most elevated part of a garden, or other suitable spot of ground. The surface-soil containing vegetable matter, liable to decay, is then to be removed, and in the central part of the plot, a pit, three feet square, and three feet deep (see Fig. 66), is to be dug, spreading the earth taken therefrom evenly around, and treading it down hard. This pif is designed to serve as an air-chamber, as will be fully explained hereafter. “The area having been properly prepared, four trenches, one inch and a half wide and deep, are to be dug; one extending from the middle of each of the four sides of the pit, to the outer edge of the periphery of the plot (Pl. XXI., Fig. 66). Into each of these trenches, a lead pipe, one inch in diameter, is to be laid, so as to form a communication between the pit and the air outside of the clamp when finished (Pl. XXI,, Fig. 66). When these | pipes are covered with earth, and the ground again leveled, a narrow strip of board should be laid thereon, to designate the position of the tubes, that they may not be injured in subsequent operations. | 950 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. “ The area, including the air-chamber, is now to be covered with pieces of four-inch scantling, placed radiating from the centre, as nearly as practicable at regular distances apart, to serve as a bia form on which the lower tier of hives is to be placed. The scant- ling should be cut of unequal lengths, and placed end to end, four inches apart, so as to leave interstices for the free circulation of air; and where required, as the space widens towards the cireum-: ference, additional pieces are to be laid in, so that the hives may be set firm and level. On this platform, the hives are to be built up in tiers, so that the clamp, when completed, shall present the form of a pyramid. Thus, the lower tier may consist of four Tanges, of four hives each; the second, of three ranges, of three hives each ; and the third, of two ranges, of two hives each. The fourth, or apex, however, must be formed of two hives, instead of one, for reasons which will hereafter appear (Pl. XXL., Fig. 68). The whole will thus form a four-sided pyramid, consisting of thirty-one hives, which, if Dzierzon’s double hives be used, will contain sixty-two colonies, in a comparatively small space. The oblong clamp (Pl. XXI., Fig. 70), is constructed on similar princi- ples, with the requisite edeeiitinns in shape. ““ These hives, which are placed on the platform directly over the pit, or air-chamber, must be set six inches apart, so that. a con- tinuous funnel, or direct air-passage, may be formed from: the centre of the ethene below, to the apex of the clamp ; and — on the opposite fronts of the two uppermost hives, ts to be’ placed “ a kind of chimney (see p. 351), made of four pieces of board eight inches broad, and thirty inches long, having a movable cap, with a suitable slope, to prevent the entrance of rain. Holes are to be made in the sides of the chimney, below the cap, to allow the ~ upward passage of air from the interior of theclamp. The rest of the hives may be placed closer together, though it is advanta- geous that they should not touch each other, so as to obstruct cir-. culation in the interior, as it is important that the proprietor should be able to regulate the internal temperature uniformly. Very great exactness in arranging the hives, is, however, nov requixte. It is essential only that they be set don and level, 60). as to constitute a regular pyramid. Care must also be taken, not Fig. 69. Fig. 70. 351 7 . ‘ ™ t . b | ' igh ? or, es a 2 A had we i , Nal re Mat ; : PURI, a ‘ +. ; sik fal ich peer h eee | wile tae oy okey “ily Sieh al ; : et ahs mie Wire BP as ji; ‘ sy ware a Pape sai . ¥ if . ah " t ek ee Sey oF aE t i Rie ‘a aie ae" 9 Sou a / : . 5 at { rv 4 al = ta ‘ x F : i ; , : Mausih hh Spite Nati “yl : eae te $x i _ I + i i a } . * " ¢ . * care th %: 4 sh by % rt mi t . a a i ‘| | ‘ 4 12 V} j if ai it i , ae i j yal ¥ | rt a. a it ; Dh dé 4 i | ' i ‘ WINTERING BEES. 353 ’ to commence by placing the hives too near the periphery of the area; because, between the outer edge of the lower tier of the hives, and the exterior mouths of the ventilating tubes, sufficient space must be reserved for the external covering, or mantle of the clamp (Pl. XXI., Fig. 69). ‘When the hives have been arranged in the manner described, aud the chimney has been placed on the two upper ones, over the flue communicating with the pit, they are to be covered in with boards, cut to proper lengths, and placed vertically, side by side, around the sides of the pyramid. On and against these boards is to be laid a thick layer of rushes or old dry straw, forming a regular and dense coating, from base to apex. This coating is, in turn, to be covered with a layer of earth, five or six inches thick, spread as evenly as practicable, commencing below and proceed- ing upward to the chimney, so that the latter, having already been secured in its place by the boards and the straw or rushes, is now covered by the earth, to within six or seven inches of its top. The earth for covering, is taken directly from the base of the clamp, around which a trench six inches deep, and eighteen inches wide, is now to be dug, so as to expose the mouths of the ventilating tubes at the upper edge of the interior side of the trench. In dig- ging the trench, care must be taken not to close or injure the mouths of the tubes, which should, moreover, be secured by a per- forated tin cap, to exclude mice, and other vermin, and yet allow the free passage of air. The trench will serve to receive and carry off rain or’ snow-water, during the Winter; and to effect this more perfectly, several gutters or furrows should be drawn from it outwards. If sufficient earth be not obtained from the trench to cover in the straw or rushes completely, at least five inches thick, the deficiency must be supplied from other sources. The earth covering should be dressed smooth and even with the back of a spade. “In this state, the clamp should be allowed to remain till severe frosts »eeur, when an additional coat of leaves or pine shatters — is to be given. This should be five or six inches thick, and applied as evenly as possible, from base to apex, leaving only about four inches of the chimney exposed. This material should 354 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. be applied wet, as it will thus pack more elosely, and afterwa: better confine the heat. When finished, it should be mer ess se-nfy with water from a watering-can, and allowed to freeze. A very compact structure will thus be formed (Figs. 69 and 70). The mouths of the ventilating tubes should next be protected, by plac-. ing a pieceof board before each of them; and the trenches are then to be filled loosely with. tangled straw. — “ All this labor must be performed gently, so as to mab ‘he confined bees as lttle as practicable. The covering of leaves or pine-shatters should not be applied till after cold weather sets May gn 3 and it may be deferred till after the earlier snows have fallen and melted, and the severer weather of December or January makes additional protection desirable. | ji hae “Tf an extensive Apiary renders a clamp of larger dimensions necessary, two or three pits, or air-chambers, with their appur- tenant ventilating tubes and chimneys (Pl. XXI., Fig. 70) may be introduced. ¥ sii “On clear, mild days, the protecting boards may ‘ vere from, the mouth of the ventilating tubes, that fresh air may freely enter the clamp, and carry off any dampness which may have formed within ; and, as the entire interior is in direct “eo: munication with the air-chamber, a dry and healthy atmosphere will speedily be diffused throughout, by means of the draught of the chimney. Towards evening, the protecting-boards should be replaced. On the return of milder weather, or on the termination of severe and protracted frests, the mouths of the ventilating tubes may be uncovered, and left open, day and night, to prevent the undue development of heat in the interior; but in clear weather, the direct rays of the sun should be salient from the mouths of the tubes. If the holes in the sides of the chimney should at : any time. become closed with snow, the obstructions must be removed, by means of a rake or other convenient implement. When the exterior of the clamp is covered with snow, the mouth of one of — the ventilating tubes should be kept open, even in cold weather, and of all of them, when the weather is moderate, bacqnae, the fnow covering causes great internal warmth. . “ To ascertain the interior temperature, a thermometer attached WINTERING. BEES. 355 to a long rod may be introduced into the air-chamber, through the chimney, on removing the cap. This should be done frequently, to serve as a guide for opening or closing the mouths of the venti- lating tubes. Ventilation seems, however, according to the nu- merous experiments which I have made, to be of less importance to the health of the bees, than to preserve the combs and interior of the hives from dampness and mould ; and it is in view of this faet, that I have adopted the peculiar arrangement of my clamps, which places it in the power of the Apiarian, at almost any time, te cause an adequate cireulation of pure dry air within them. * Apart from their cheapness, these clamps are far superior, for the purpose intended, to the best vaults or cellars ordinarily accessible. It might be objected to this mode of wintering bees, that the hives cannot be inspected during the Winter, however desirable such inspection might seem to be. That is so; but, in devising my clamps, I really had no reference whatever to that class of bee-keepers who are in the habit of operating among their colonies in Winter. Their case, in fact, seems to me to be arather hopeless one at best, since colonies that are thus treated at that season, will scarcely ever enable their owner to found an Apiary worthy of the name. I prefer to let my bees remain undisturbed during cold weather, satisfied that if they were in good condition when inclosed in the Fall, they will pass the Winter uninjured, and be found with adequate supplies of honey even in April. Of this I am the more assured, since I have ascertained that bees preserved in clamps consume searcely one-half of the quantity of honey required by such as are wintered in the open air, or in ceca Apiary. “To institute a comparison between different modes of wut ing bees, I placed a portion of my colonies in a clamp of the fore- going construction, on the 17th of November, 1856, and transferred the remainder into a well-protected dark chamber in my dwelling- house. Of some of the latter, I closed the entrances, but gave them air through a grate or ventilating-passage in the rear of their hives. Of the remainder, the entrances, as well as the ventilat- se passages, were shut ee Several of those placed in the clamp were designedly selected as having only eight cr ten pounds 356 - ss PAR HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. of honey each, that I might ascertain whether they would survive with so small a supply of food. I placed therein, also, a late after-swarm, which had built only a few short combs, and con- tained not more than four or five pounds of honey. All the others had ample stores. I closed the entrance and ventilating- passage of one strong colony, and placed some pieces of empty comb in the rear of the hive, to test whether, if moisture were generated from want of ventilation, mould would form on those combs. = “From the 18th to the 23rd of November, the weather was very mild, and the ventilating-tubes were, therefore, all left open day and isu . On the 24th, the clamp was covered with snow, and J closed three of the ventilating-tubes. On the 26th, a thaw commenced, and the weather continued to be very moderate to . the end of the month, the thermometer standing at 33° in the open air. Two of the tubes were kept open. From the Ist to the 3rd_of December, ten inches of snow fell, with the thermo- meter ranging from 20° to 22°; and I[ kept only one tube open. On the 6th, the weather moderated ; from the 7th to the 12th, the | thermometer stood at from 54° to 66°, and I again opened all the tubes, and kept them open till the end of the month, and to the Sth of January. On the 6th, the weather became cold and freez- ing, and I now added the outer mantle, or coating of leaves and pine shatters, closing all the tubes. The cold spell continued till the 17th of January. From the 18th till the end of the month, we had continuous fair, mild weather, and I opened all the venti- lating-tubes. In February, the weather was particularly mild and fair, and, from the 18th to the 21st, the thermometer ranged from 76° to 78°. The bees belonging to some of my neighbors, and which were wintered in the open air, were now flying briskly every day, and most of the colonies in my chamber became so restless. that I was constrained to remove them out of their Winter quarters. 1 did so with the less reluctance, as we had all the indications of an early Spring. The fair weather continuing, _I deemed it wrong to keep my colonies longer confined in the clamp, and accordingly opened it on the 27th of sta release them. ‘Though the clamp had been exposed to the direct rays of the | - - WINTERING BEES. 8357 noonday sun, and the thermometer had daily ranged at trom 76° to 78° for some time previous, yet, on removing the outer mantle, I found the earth-covering below it still frozen, so that it had to be removed with a hoe—a satisfactory proof that the interior of the clamp could not have been affected by external variations of temperature. I now became exceedingly anxious to see whether rain or snow-water had penetrated to the straw covering, as l apprehended might be the ease, having had no previous expe- rience in such matters. To my surprise and gratification, how- ever, | found it thoroughly dry—showing conclusively that the earth-covering had sufficed’ effectually to shed off the rain and snow-water, and that the ample and efficient internal ventilation had prevented the formation of moisture and mould. On remoy- ing the straw, I perceived no symptom of dampness on the boards ; and when, finally, these latter were taken away, the hives pre- sented themselves as clean and dry as when put there in the Fall, “ Anxious now to ascertain the condition of their inmates, I tapped against the hives, but, to my dismay, heard no response. I seized a stick, and, tapping harder and harder, finally proceeded to blows; still all remained mute within. An old man from the neighboring village, who chanced to be present, seemed vastly gratified at my chagrin and consternation, as he and his neigh- bors had kept bees for many years, but had no faney for such novel contrivances and experiments as mine. I must admit that I was, fur the moment, thoroughly disconcerted on finding, as | then supposed, all my anticipations and confident calculations thus suddenly and effectually nullified. But, resolved to know the worst, 1 removed the hives to the Apiary, where the sun shone bright and warm; and scarcely were the entrances opened, when the bees began to pour forth in masses, humming joyously, ‘to my irrepressible delight, and to the utter discomfiture of the eld villager. With special gratification did I notice that the bees came forth from their long imprisonment with bodies as attenuate ‘and slender as they had in the preceding Autumn, whilst those which had been wintered in the dark chamber soiled their hives and all surrounding objects, by profuse discharges of feecal matter. - This led me to conjeeture that these colonies had consumed 7om- 358 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. paratively little honey, which was found to be the fact on open- ing the hives and examining the condition of their stores. Those colonies which. had only eight or ten pounds of honey in the Fall, had still a surplus remaining, and were healthy and strong; while the poor little after-swarm had not only well preserved its num- bers, but had the greater portion of its small supply of honey still in reserve. Few dead bees were found, and those probably died of old age. The loss of bees was very much greater in the colonies which had been wintered in the house, and more than double the quantity of honey had been consumed by each of them ; so that a very important saving can manifestly be effected by means of clamps, apart from the other important advantages which this mode of wintering bees possesses. The combs in all the colonies were clean and free from mould, and I could perceive-no differ- ence in this particular between the hives which had their entrances and ventilating passages closed, and those in which the latter had been left open, the pieces of old comb, even, having remained dry and free from mould. Satisfactory proof was thus furnished that, where the temperature is moderate and uniform throughout, con- densation of moisture will not result from close confinement. Still, from various considerations, I would recommend ventilation in every hive; and previous experience has taught me that bees will remain more tranquil during the Winter in hives duly venti- lated, than in such as are closed. A number of the colonies deposited in my dark room were purposely confined without ven- tilation. Three of these became very restless, consumed @ dis- proportionate amount of their stores, and very many of the bees perished. Precisely these three colonies, though still strong and healthy in the Spring, were yet the weakest of the whole lot, though in as good condition as the others when removed from. the Apiary in Autumn. Nothing similar oceurred in the colonies minal had even partial ventilation. uh “ Having thus, by these diversified experiments in et bees, arrived at certain and satisfactory results, [ shall never hereafter winter my movable colonies otherwise than in clamps. O84 “Since the publication of my mode of wintering bees in clamps, some objections have been urged against it, which ] shall WINTERING BEES. | . 859 briefly notice, before giving the results of my further experience in this matter. | “ The expense of constructing:the clamps has been alleged as an objection to the use of them. In my ease, the cost of labor was simply the hire, for one day, of two men, who assisted me in pre- paring the area, carrying the hives thither, and arranging and enclosing them, The ‘materials used, with the exception of the scantling, cost literally nothing, as any old boards can be made to serve the purpose, and the rushes, or straw, leaves, &c., em- ployed. are always worth their cost for litter. ** A second objection is, that rats and mice will be induced to eolleet and harbor in the clamps, if straw be used. I never use any but old straw, thoroughly divested of grain. and prefer using rushes when they can conveniently be procured. I have, how- ever, thus far, not been annoyed by rats or mice. “To show how very superior clamps are for wintering bees, in thin hives especially, | will state that one of my neighbors, whose hives are made of inch boards, and who invariably lost many bees, and frequently entire colonies, when he left them to winter, as he usually did, in his open Apiary, was induced by my success to place his hives in a clamp last Fall. They were put in on the 11th of November, 1857, and remained undisturbed till the 29th of March, 1858. When opened, all the colonies proved to be in excellent condition, strong, and entirely free from mould or moisture. Never, in any previous season, had he been equally successful. nor had his bees ever before required or received so little personal attention from him. He was ‘a doubting Thomas,’ when he saw me arranging my first clamp, but is now a thorough convert to the system, and declares that he will, in future, use no other mode, as he cannot conceive that a better could be devised. “My own colonies remained in the clamp from the 13th of November to the 29th of March, 1858, and were perfectly sound and healthy when I opened them. The earth under the outer mantle was still frozen, and had to be removed with a hoe, as in the previous year, thus showing that the bees were not affected by the prevalent. mild weather. Long confinement had not / 360 ‘THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. injured them in the least degree, because, reposing in a low and. equable temperature, they had consumed proportionably little honey, and remained without excitement or disturbance during the whole period. I am now fully convinced that bees may remain confined in this manner during the most protracted Winter, not only without injury, but with positive benefit, as they are altogether secure from the always detrimental, and frequently ruinous, effects of exposure to the vicissitudes of the weather in our variable climate. “To simplify the construction of the clamps, I made my last one longer and lower than the one I prepared the previous Fall ; and I was thus able to appl} the successive covers, or mantles, more easily and conveniently. I also dispensed with the chimney, and could thus close the top more regularly and perfeetly, laying over the apex, boards weighted down with stones to keep them in place. I found no disadvantage resulting from discarding the chimney, as the ventilating-tubes enabled me still to regulate the internal temperature, and give the bees a sufficient supply of fresh air. I also enlarged the air-chamber, making it three feet deep, as before, by only thirty inches broad, and lengthening it so — as to extend the whole length of the interior diameter of the — clamp. In every other respect, the construction remained the same.’ 3 3 ee . When hives are wintered in a special repository, I should advise giving them upward ventilation. If they are in cellars or rooms, the upper cover may be entirely : removed; and, if put in clamps, then it may be fastened, as nduised on page 338, and some air be allowed to enter at the lower part of the hive. In all the northern parts of this country, it is very obvious that those who mean to establish large Apiaries will have to so winter their bees, that they shall not be exposed to the usual atmospheric changes. What way — precisely is the best can only be determined by careful -and long-continued experiments. These ought not to be conducted so as to hazard too much in one venture. ‘aupadsyouy — ‘tuopsury poejdoed t * 1apIO JO 41¥ otyy, Yous} “ainyeN’ ul end Bw Aq ‘yyy ‘soinqRaid ‘soeg ANUOTT oy} YOM og “~ Le ARSE Prater XXII. NO es Wp hy ttt at EAU SET ULL TTT my iS N e« WINTERING BEES. Sk Great loss is often incurred in replacing upon their Summer stands the stocks which have been kept in special depositories. Unless the day when they are put out is very favorable, many will be lost when they fly to dis- charge their feces. In movable-comb hives, this risk can be greatly diminished, by removing the cover from the frames, and allowing the sun to shine directly upon the bees; this will warm them up so quickly, that they will all discharge their feces in a very short time.* __ After the stocks are placed on their Summer stands,t the precautions already described should be taken to strengthen feeble or impoverished colonies (p. 221). * The following is an extract from my journal: “ Jan. 3ist, 1857.—Removed the. upper cover,.exposing the bees to the full heat of the sun, the thermometer being 30° in the shade, and the atmosphere calm. The hive standing on the sunny side of the house, the bees quickly took wing and discharged their feces. Very few were lost on the snow, and nearly all that alighted on it took wing without being chilled. More bees were lost from other hives which were not opened, as few Which left were able to return; while, in the one with the cover removed, the returning bees were able to alight at once among their warm companions.” + Dzierzon advises placing them on their former stands, as many bees still rememb-r the old spot. Mr. Quinby uses this time for equalizing the colonies, ss he finds that, “being all wintered in sme room, their scent is so much alik that they mix together without contenaun.- i8 362 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BER. ap, HtpOd ) or a. one ees CHAPTER ‘X11 teenth . ‘ae BEE-KEEPER’S CALENDAR—BEE-KEEPER’S AXIOMS. — Tuts Chapter gives to the inexperienced beekeeper brief directions for each month in the year,* and, by. means of the full Alphabetical Index, all that i is said on any topic can easily be referred to. JanuARY.—In cold climates, bees are now usually j in. a state of repose, If the colonies have had proper attention in the Fall, nothing will ordinarily need to be done that will excite them to an injurious activity. In very cold climates, however, when a severe temperature is of Jong continuance, it w ill be necessary, unless the hives have thorough upward (p. 340) ventilation, to bring them into a warm room (p. 341), to thaw out the ice, remove the dampness, and allow the bees to get access to their sup- plies. In January there are occasionally, even ix very cold latitudes, days so pleasant that bees can fly out to discharge their fieces ; do not confine them (p. 337), even if some are lost on the snow. In this month clean the bottom-boards (p. 347), but disturb the bees as little as possible. See, also, that they are properly supplied with water (p. 344), as healthy stocks have already begun to breed (p. 239). | Fresruary.—This month is sometimes colder than January, and then the directions given for the previous month must be followed. In mild seasons, however, and i in warm regions, bees begin to fly quite lively in February, and in some locations they gather pollen. The bottom- * Palladius, who wrote on bees nearly 2,000 years ago, arranges his remarks in the form of a monthly calendar. BEE-KEEPER’S CALENDAR. 363 board should be again attended to, as soon as the bees are actively on the wing, and, if any hives are suspiciously light, sugar-candy (p. 272) should be given them. Strong colonies will now begin to breed considerably, but nothing should be done to excite them to premature activity. See that the bees are supplied with water (p. 344). Marcu.—In our Northern States, the inhospitable reign of Winter still continues, and the directions given for the two previous months are applicable to this. If there should be a pleasant day, when bees are able to fly briskly, seize the opportunity to remove the covers (p. 361); carefully clean out the hives (p. 221), and learn the exact condition of every colony. See that your bees have water (p. 344), and are well supplied with rye-flour (p. 84). In this month, weak stocks commonly begin to breed, while strong ones increase quite rapidly. If the weather is favorable, colonies which have been kept in a special Winter depository, may now be put upon their proper stands (p. 361). Assoonas severe Winter weather is over, it will be geared to shut off all upward ventila- tion. Aprit.—Bees will ordinarily begin to gather much pollen in this month, and sometimes considerable honey. _ As brood is now very rapidly maturing, there is a largely increased demand for honey, and great care should be taken to prevent the bees from suffering for want of food. Ifthe supplies are at all deficient, breeding will be checked, even if much of the brood does not perish, or the whole colony die of starvation. If the weather is pro- pitious, feeding to promote a more rapid increase of young _ (p. 268) may now be commenced. Feeble colonies must now be reinforced (p. 221), and should the weather con- tinue cold for several days at a time, the bees ought to be supplied with water (p. 344) in their hives. In April, 004 THR HIVE AND HONEY- BEE. if not before, the larvae of the bee-moth will ‘seal to make their appearance, and should be carefully neerarAs (p. 248). May.—As the weather becomes more ‘genial, the | increase of bees in the colonies is exceedingly rapid, and drones, if they have not previously made their appearance, begin to issue from the hives. In some locations, the bees will now gather much honey, and it will often be advisa- ble to give them access to the spare honey receptacles ;* but in some seasons and locations, either from long and cold storms, or a deficiency of forage, stocks not well sup- plied with honey will exhaust their stores, and perish, unless they are fed. In favorable seasons, swarms may be expected in this month, even in the Northern States. These May swarms often issue near the close of the blos- soming of fruit-trees, and just before the later supplies of forage, and if the weather becomes suddenly unfavorable, may starve, unless they are fed. Even if there is no dan. - _ger of this, they will make so little progress in comb- | building and breeding, when food is scarce, as to be sur- passed by much later swarms. The Apiarian should have hives in readiness to receive new swarms, however early they may issue, or be formed. If new colonies are to be made -by artificial processes, a seasonable supply ff queens (p. 188) should be reared. Junz.—tThis is the great swarming month in all our Northern and Middle. States. As bees keep up a high temperature in their hives, they are by no means so de--— pendent upon the weather for forwardness, as plants, and as most other insects necessarily are. I have had as early swarms in Northern Massachusetts, as in the | OL of || Philadelphia. , a | * If natural swarms are wanted, the bees should not be allowed eo occupy too much surplus storage-room. BEE-KEEPER’S CALENDAR. 365 If the Apiary is not carefully watched, the bee-keeper, after a short absence, should examine the neighboring bushes and trees, on some of which he will often find a swarm clustered, preparatory to their departure for anew home.* As fast as the surplus hoviey-récspiddles are filled,t and the cells capped over, they should be removed, and empty ones put in their place. Careless bee-keepers often lose much, by neglecting to do this in season, thereby con- demning their colonies to a very unwilling idleness. The Apiarian will bear in mind, that all small swarms which come off late in this month, should be either aided, doubled, or returned to the mother-stock. With my hives, the issue of such swarms may be prevented, by removing, in season, the supernumerary queen-cells. During all the swarming season, and, indeed, at all other times when young queens are being bred, the bee-keeper must ascer- tain seasonably, that the hives which contain them, suc- ceed in securing a fertile mother (p. 218). _ Juty.—In some seasons and districts, this is the great swarming month; while in others, bees issuing so late, are of small account. In Northern Massachusetts, I have known swarms coming after the Fourth of July, to fill their hives, and make large quantities of surplus honey besides. In this month, all the choicest spare honey should be removed from the hives, before the delicate * “ As it may often be important to know from which hive the swarm has issued, after it has been hived and removed to its new stand, let a cup-full of bees be taken from it, and thrown into the air, near the Apiary; they will soon return to the parent-stock, and may easily be recognized, by their standing at the entrance, and fanning, like ventilating bees."—-Dzrerzon. In my hives, it will be easy, from the pack ventilator, to decide whether a stock is full enough to swarm, or has recently - gwa.med, even when there is no glass for observation. + Mr. Quinby informs me, that he succeeds in making bees fill a double tier of small boxes, by placing one set on the hive first; when they have partially filled these, he puts the second set wnder the first. By making a hole in the top, as wel! as in the bottom of the box . Pl. XL, Fig. 24), this can easily be effected. 366 | VHE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. whiteness of the combs becomes soiled by the travel of the bees, or the purity of the honey is impaired by an | inferior article gathered later in the season. — | The bees shonld have a liberal allowance of air during all extremely hot weather, especially if they are in Saad 0 ed hives, or stand in the sun. i a Aveust.—In most regions, there is but little forage for bees during the latter part of July, and the ‘ret! of August, and being, on this account, tempted to rob each other, the gr es precautions should be used in opening peda In districts where buckwheat is extensively culti- vated, bees will sometimes swarm when it comes into blossom, and in some seasons, extraordinary supplies are obtained from it. In 1856, I had a buckwheat swarm as late as the 16th of September! If any colonies are so full of honey, that they have not room enough for raising brood, some of the combs should now be removed (p. 183). If the caps of the cells are carefully sliced off with a very sharp knife, and the combs laid over a vessel, in some moderately warm place, and turned once, most of the honey will drain out of them, and they may be returned to the bees, to be filled again, The bee-keeper who has queenless stocks on hand in August, must expect, as the result ‘of his ignorance or neglect, either to have them robbed by other cloner or destroyed by the moth (p. 246). : ae SEPTEMBER.—This is often a very busy miéntlt with bees. The Fall. flowers come into blossom, and in some seasons, colonies which have hitherto amassed but little honey, become heavy, and even yield a surplus to their owner. Bees are quite reluctant to work in boxes, solate in the season, even if supplies are very abundant; but if empty combs are inserted in the place of full ones donagped, they will fill them ee ee celerity. | These full BEE-KEEPER’S CALENDAR. 367 combs may afterwards be returned, if the bees have not a sufficient supply without them. If no Fall supplies abound, and any stocks are too light to winter with safety, then, in the Northern States, the latter part of this month is the proper time for feeding them. I have already stated (p. 274), that it is impossible to tell how much food a colony will require, to carry it safely through the Winter; it will be found, however, very unsafe to trust to a bare supply, for even if there is food enongh, it may not always be readily accessible to the bees. Great caution will still be necessary to guard against robbing; but if there are no feeble, queenless, or impoverished stocks, the bees, unlesstempted by improper -management, will seldom rob each other. © _ Ocroser.—Forage is now almost entirely exhausted in, most localities, and colonies which are too light should either be fed, or have surplus honey from other stocks given to them, early this month. The exact condition of -every stock should now be known, at the latest, and, if ‘any are queenless, they should be broken up. Small colonies ought to be united, and all the hives put into proper condition for wintering. Some full honey-combs - should be put in the centre of the hive, and holes, for easy intercommunication, made in the combs (p. 337) ; and, if the hives have a winter-passage, bees should now be accustomed to use it (p. 338). By the last of this month, the glass hives should be packed between their outer cases and the glass, with cotton waste, moss, or any warm material. z Noyemper.—I take for granted that all necessary pre- parations for Winter have, in our Northern States, been completed by the last of the previous month. If, how- _ ever, the bee-keeper has been prevented from examining his stocks, he may, on warm days, in November, safely e 365 THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. perform all necessary operations, the feeding with liquid honey excepted. The entrances to the hives must now be secured against mice, and it will be well to give the roofs a new coat of paint. Ifthe hives are to be exposed — to the sun, no color is so good asa pure white; but, if they are set under the shade of trees (p. 280), a dark color will do them no harm, in the hottest weather, while early in the season, before the leaves are expanded, by absorbing instead of reflecting the heat, it will prove highly advantageous to the bees. | By the latter part of November, in our Northern States, Winter usually sets in, and colonies which are to be kept in a special Winter depository, should be properly housed. ‘The later in the season that the bees are able to fly out and discharge their feeces, the better. The bee- keeper must regulate the time of housing his bees by the season and climate, being careful neither té take them in ~ until cold weather appears to be fairly established, nor to leave them out too late. If colonies are carried in teo early, and quite warm weather succeeds the first cold, it may be advisable to replace them on their Summer stands.* | As soon as freezing weather sets in, the colonies tenis ing in the open air must have upward ventilation (p. 338). DercemBer.—In regions where it is advisable to house bees, the dreary reign of Winter is now fairly established, and the directions given for January are for the most part equally applicable to this.month. It may be well, in hives out of doors, to remove the dead bees and other refuse from the bottom-boards ; but, neither in this month nor at any other time should iii be attempted with those removed to a dark and protested place. Such colonies * If the bees are wintered on Mr. Scholtz’s plan, it will neither be pom no! desirable to replace them on their Sammer stands. $A THN aa SS zy \) Y & [Sa tilt iy ep tah clliid Pa 7 ‘ ition - p A | | i : rig ri peek Be. % a i brea “A BEL-KEEPER’S AXIOMS. 369 must not, except under the pressure of some urgent necessity, be disturbed in the very least. I recommend to the inexperienced bee-keeper to read this synopsis of monthly management, again and again, and to be sure that he fully understands and punctually discharges the appropriate duties of each month, neglect- ing nothing, and procrastinating nothing to a more con- venient season; for, while bees do not require a large amount of attention, in proportion to the profits yielded by them, they must have it at the proper time and in the right way. 'Those who complain of their unprofitable- ness, are often as much to blame as a farmer who neglects to take care of his stock, or to gather his crops, and then denounces his employment’ as yielding only a scanty return on a large investment of capital and labor. BEE-KEEPER’S AXIOMS. There are a few first principles in bee-keeping which ought to be as familiar to the Apiarian as the letters of his alphabet : Ist. Bees gorged with honey never volunteer an attack. 2nd. Bees may always be made peaceable by inducing them to accept of liquid sweets. 8rd. Bees, when frightened by smoke or by drumming on their hives, fill themselves with honey and lose all dis- position to sting, unless they are hurt. 4th. Bees dislike any guick movements about their hives, especially any motion which jars their combs. 5th. Bees dislike the offensive odor of sweaty animals, and will not endure impure air from human lungs. 6th. The bee-keeper will ordinarily derive all his profits from stocks, strong and healthy, in early Spring. | 7th. In districts where forage is abundant only fora 16* ag 37U THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. short period, the jaieuie yield of bined will be secured by a very moderate increase of stocks. ; 8th. A moderate increase of colonies in any one season, will, in the long run, prove to be the easiest, pare, _ cheapest mode of managing bees, 9th. Queenless colonies, unless- supplied with a queen, will inevitably dwindle away, or be ety by. a bee-moth, or by robber-bees. 10th. The formation of new colonies dial dainty be confined to the season when bees are accumulating honey ; and if this, or any other operation must be per-— formed, when forage is scarce, the greatest spite 4c: should be used to prevent robbing. a ime . The essence of all profitable bee-keeping 1 is contained mm Oettl’s Golden Rule: KEEP YoUR STOCKS STRONG (p. 308). Xf you cannot succeed in doing this, the more money you invest in bees, the heavier will be your losses; while, if your stocks are strong, you will show that you are a bee- master, as well as a bee-keeper, and may safely calculate on generous returns from your industrious obec im . gi bh Ps v7 bath. sen —. a ee . - = = EXPLANATION OF PLATES OF HIVES. Descurrerion oF Woop-Cuts OF THE VARIOUS STYLES OF _ Movaste-Coms Hives, wirs Brus oF Stock FOR MAKING THEM. At the engravings,* except those which are in perspective, are on the scale of 14 inches to the foot, so that every } of an inch is an inch in a hive of full size. The thickness of stock used, is mostly $ths of an inch—inch boards, when planed, being usually of that thickness—but the measurements can be easily varied, to suit any required dimensions. In making a lot of hives (see p. 332), the small pieces, which otherwise would be refuse, should be used for the frames. Good stock will prove much the cheapest in the end. - Those not accustomed to longitudinal and cross sections, will be greatly assisted by the perspective views. In the longitudinal sections, the hive is represented as sawed in two, from front to. ' rear, and in the cross sections, from side to side. All the parts supposed te be cut by the saw, are marked by cross lines ; the parts which, though not cut, would be seen after the cutting, are also represented. Any measurement may be verified, by applying - an accurate rule to the sections. The reader will bear in mind, that those only who have pur. chased the patent, right—Ministers of the Gospel excepted—can legally use these hives. For terms, see p. 391. _ Figs. 1, 2, and 3, page 24, Hive No. 1. Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a hive of the simplest form, the * Since the publication of the second edition—for which most of these plates were engraved—some changes have been made in the construction of the hives, all of which are fully noted in rer: bills of stock, though not, in all cases, ann in the plates. a21 312 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. cover being removed, to show one of the frames. Fig. 2 is a ver tical longitudinal section, and Fig. 3, a vertical cross section of the same (6) Twor pieces, front and rear of hive, Lab" x BE" xP" (c) Two pieces, sides of hive, 19$’x10”x”", with outside lower -edges beveled off—when'a movable bottom-board is used—to — avoid crushing bees, or giving lurking-places to moths or worms, When the bottom-board is fixed in the hive, the sides should be 19f”x10$’x§", and the bottom-board 25%” x 14g" x", clamped on the under side. If another hive, of the same form, is put on the first, for surplus honey, as in Fig. 16 (p. 48), holes may be made through this bottom-board, as directed for Hives No. 2. (d) Two pieces, strips on upper part of hive, front and rear, forming rabbets for the frames to rest upon, 15%” x 147”x 2”. (f) Movable cover, 254”x18"xZ". This should be tongued and grooved together, and may also be rain-grooved, as shown for the top of the hive in Fig. 23 (p. 96). The grain of the wood should run from front to rear. (g) Two pieces, clamps on under side of cover, 18”’x2"”x42Z". The front and rear (8) of the hive should be nailed between the sides (c), flush with their ends, but with the upper edges of (b) §” below the upper edges of (c). Some may prefer that the bin of the wood, both of the bottom-board and cover, should run from side to side, instead of from front to rear. Movable Comb-Frames. Figs. 1, 4, and 22, pages 20, 24, 88. (t) Two pieces, top, 194” 1 x5," bottom, 173’xF’ x}. (u) Ends or vertical pieces,* two pieces, 83” xf" x4." (u) One piece, triangular-top comb-guide, 163” x$"” x%" x#". This should be nailed to the top of the frame, centrally with Pipes be its * The triangular pieces, represented in many of the engravings, not Uriel the ends intended, I return to the shape originally used. The Winter passage (0), which was suggested f + trial, is also discar ded, Mr. Cary’s method (D. eid being much better. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 373 width and length, and the frame may be stiffened by driving one nail through each end into it. If comb is used for guides (pp. 72, 130), or the other devices for securing straight comb succeed, these triangular guides may be dispensed with. Double Movable Comb-Frames. Fig. 73, Plate X., page 96. This frame is made up of the same parts as two single frames, differing from them only by having their end pieces in common, which are 83x 23’""x4”". In putting this frame together, if the triangular guides are used, they are first to be nailed, as in the single frames, centrally to the top pieces; each top piece, when nailed to the end pieces, projects over their edges a sixteenth of an inch, and the bottom pieces come flush with the edges of the end pieces. As one side of a comb is usually a fac simile of the other, these double frames, which are proposed for trial, may answer a valu- end, in connection with the single ones. They rest very firmly on the rabbets, and are easily adjusted and handled. All the parts of the movable frames should be cut out by cir- eular saws (p. 332), and the measurements should be exact, so that the trames when nailed together may be square. If they are not strong and perfectly square, the proper working of the hive will be greatly interfered with. Ten single, or five double frames, equally distant from each other, are placed in the lower hive, and nine single frames, or four double frames and one single one, may be placed in the upper hive, for surplus honey. Comb-Guides. Fig. 72, Plate VI., page 48. This figure shows the form of a metallic stamp, invented by Mr. Wehring, of Bavaria, Germany, for printing or stamping the foundations of the combs upon the under side of the frames. After the outlines are made, he rubs melted wax over them, and scrapes off all that does not sink into thedepressions. Mr. Wehr- ing represents this device as enabling him to dispense with guide- combs, the bees appearing to be delighted to have their work thus accurately sketched out for them. In practice it is found to be inferior to the triangular comb guides. Mr. R. Colvin has in- - 374 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. vented a device™ for securing the combs not merely straight, but of uniform thickness. It will be tested on a large scale, this season” (1860), and the results given to the public. In those instances in which it has been tried, it has succeeded admirably. Gage-Block for fastening the movable frames together. Figs. 6, 7, and 8, page 24. bi Fig. 6 is a view of the front of this block, Fig. 8 a tee of the back, and Fig. 7 is a cross-section. F, ‘a (a) Foundation board, 21%’"x 9%" x". (b6) Guides, for sides - (uu), of frames, fastened to (a), equally distant from its ends, and so as to leave 173’’ between (bb), and 4” from upper edge of (a) — to ends of (56). (cc) Buttons for holding sides of frames (uw), against (bb), 64’""x14"”x%". (ff) Guides in which the top tri- angular comb-guide is placed, in order to have the top strip {t) nailed thereto; each piece (f) is 21%’x2"x#", and they are beveled from one edge, back 74”, and are then fastened to (a), forming a triangular groove, each side of which is $”. Two tri- angular pieces, 3’ x} x} x22", are fastened (Fig. 6) at each end of the groove. (g) Guide-strip, 7” x 48""x194, fastened to (f) 4” from its beveled edge. (h) Guide-strip, $” x" x3", fixed on and across the pieces { ff), 4’ from their ends. To nail — the frames together, put the triangular comb-guide (u) in the groove formed by the pieces (ff): place the piece (¢) on the top of (u), and against the guides (g) and (h), and nail it to (uw) with two brads each about 2” from the end. Proceed in this way until all the triangular guides are nailed to the top strips. Now turn — over the gage-block and secure the vertical pieces (uu) against — the guides (bd), by the buttons (cc), and nail the bottom (t) to (wu), with two brads at eachend. Turn the gage-block, and place the top of the frame (t), which has before been nailed to the guide — _* This device is substantially the same with the one a to on p. 208 : ; Mr - | Colvin’s, however, was invented before mine. — EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 375 (u), in its proper position, and nail it to (uw) with two brads in each end. Fig. vd page 28, shows the arrangement of the circular saw tc cut the triangular comb-guides. The first piece cut is waste; as fast as a guide is sawed, the piece from which it is cut must be turned over, end for end.* Surplus Honey Box. Fig. 24, page 120. Top and bottom, two pieces, +” x 6” x 52”. Bore in the centre _ of the bottom, wits 13’’ centre-bit, 7,” deep from the outside of the box, and then bore through with 12” bit. Sides, two pieces, +’ x 53” wide x5” high. Ends, glass, two pieces, 5” 6”, cut from glass 10”x12". A block, 53” x5" x53", will be found very convenient to nail the boxes together upon. Movable Stool for Hives. Figs. 16 and 17, page 44. Two pieces for uprights, or legs ; rear leg 7’ wide, front leg 5”’ wide, both 20”x3". Take two pieces, 32” x12’x3”", and nail them to the top edge of the rear leg, flush with its ends, and pro- jecting beyond it 4”; nail them also to the front leg in the same way, but let them project 9”. Then brace the legs and top strips, as shown in the figure. Hive No. 1, and any of the forms of Hive No. 2, will sit upon this stool, between the top strips; cotton cloth (p. 279) is tacked to the alighting board, and to the longest ends of the top strips. Hive No. 5, also sits upon this stool, the top strips going ‘between the clamps on the bottom of the hive. Hive No. 4 must be set upon the strips of this stool. | Movable Blocks for Entrance-Regulators, + Figs. 11, 16, 17, and 18, pages 28, 44, and 48, Fig. ll isa right-angled triangle, ’”’ thick x4”x 52" x7. In the bottom, grooves are cut 3+" deep x4” wide, as traps for the larve of the bee-moth. Two of these blocks, made right and * To save beveling the first edge of the board by hand, the edge of the angular bed on the saw bench should be placed against the gage, with the saw passing through it, instead of against the saw, 9s represented in the figure. + Figs. 12 and 19, pages 28 and 48, show the old arrangement for uniting the Non-Swarmer with the entrance-blocks. sad EXPLANATION OF PLATES. left, are used for a hive. By changing the position of these blocks on the alighting-board (see Fig. 18, page 48, in which some of the positions are shown), the size of the entrance to the hive may be varied in a great many ways, and the bees always directed to it by the shape of the block, without any loss of time in search- ing for it. Non-Swarmer. Figs. 5 and 17, pages 24 and 44. * Two pieces, }” thick x 44” long x?” wide ; sawa slot through one of these, in the centre of its length and width, 2” long x74” wide ; bevel the other piece to each edge, leaving a surface of }” in the middle of. the width, the bevels being made for 2” only in the centre of the length of the piece; these pieces are to be fast- ened together with a piece between them at each end, #” thick x12” long x #” wide, and the whole together then beveled off equally at each end, so as to make the length of one of the sides, where the passage appears, 2,%,". A metallic slide, to be used in the slot, is 1” wide x 143” Hehe. and is cut away on one edge to the exact depth of .5,”, and on the other, 34”, leaving projections: at each end, of 3” each, which serve as feet, and rest on the plane surface left on the lower piece; sheet brass is the best metal for the slide.* The Non-Swarmer may be varied from the above in length and bevel of the ends, so as to fit between the entrance- blocks in any of the positions shown in Fig. 18, page 48. - Movable Divider. No Figure a oREAG One piece, 18}’ x 98” x 1”, each end made 2” beveling, for easy adjustment; the bevels should be parallel to each other. One piece, #” x #’x19#”, nailed on the first piece, like the top piece (t) of the movable comb frames. By this divider the size of any ~ hive may be diminished at ‘will. 7 Temporary Movable Partition. No Figure. 143”x 82’x%", from each end, cut to within 1” of the nae *By making the slot wider, a wooden slide might be made to answer. Theso measurements may have to be slightly varied for the Italian bees. This Non- Swarmer is designed to prevent alterations by warping or swelling, and to allow of adjustment without confusing the bees. It may also be used for excluding or confining the drones ; see pp. 225, 326. It has not yet been fully tested. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 877 edge, 3’; into the opposite, or short edge, drive two nails near the ends of the partition, letting them project 3”. These nails serve the purpose of feet to support the weight of the honey which is stored .n the short frames resting by one end on this partition. The par- tition is farther held, across the centre of the length of the hive, by two screws, one passing through each side of the hive into the partitign, at the projections left upon the upper part of the ends. This partition is used only when a double set of small frames are ' put in a surplus honey-box of the same size as the lower hive. Small Frames for Surplus Honey. Top, 98”x13"x7,". Bottom, 73x #’x#". Ends, or ver- tical pieces, two pieces, 8%” x3” x 3”. Triangular comb-guide, (if used), 63” x3” x¥"x #". 3 Hive No. 2, with Observing-glass at the back. See perspective drawings (Figs. 16 and 17, p. 44), and the ver- tical longitudinal section (fig. 9, p. 28), and the vertical cross- section (Fig. 13, p. 36), in which sectional drawings, and this | bill of stock, and the two others immediately succeeding it, parts that%are similar are marked with similar letters. This hive, in one of the three forms given, is recommended as the best for gen- eral use. . (a) Bottom-board, 242” x 15”xz’, tongued and grooved to- gether, with the grain of the wood running across the hive ; the board to be rabbeted from one surface, at each edge, across the grain, 7," xz", to fit into grooves formed in the sides (c) 5 six holes are to be bored from the largest surface of this board, first with a 13” centre-bit, »,” deep, and then through with a 1” bit.* The centres of these holes are to be in the intersections of lines gaged 33” from the centre of the width of the board, and 42”, 102”, and 162”, from the rear of it. (0) Front of hive, 14%” x 83x"; nail this between sides (¢), =” below their upper edges, and 4” from their notched ends. (c) Sides of hive, twa pieces, * These holes, when not in use, are closed most conveniently by small covers cut out of refuse tin with a punch. They should be made only in the bottom-boards of those hives intended to be used one over another. 378 ‘EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 242” x 10%" x 4”; notch out of one corner of wile to receive por- tico roof, 4 on the length of the pieces x 23” deep, and al and. yg” from the unnotched edge of each piece, make a groove to receive the bottom, 4" square. Gage 4” on from the notched ends, and across the side pieces (c), for a line by which to set the outside of the front, which should come §” below the upper edges of the sides. (d) Ledges around sides and rear end of hive-body, nailed thereon 13’ down from top edge ; two pieces, 202” x4’ x#", and one piece, 173” x3” x¥" (e) Roof of portico, 17%’ x 4g" xH, beveled off from 3” thick at front edge. back 24” to full ae . ness, front edge rounded over from upper side only, *— One piece, 153” x 13’ x}, nailed to the upper side of (e) flush with its rear edge, and in the centre of its length. — Cover for hive, 258" x 19" xg", tongued and grooved together, and rain-grooyed, the grain of the wood running front and rear of the hive. — Cleats for cover, two pieces, 19” x 12” x }’; nailed on the under side of cover, flush with the ends. — Observing-glass at rear of : hive, 14”%5”; an outer glass of the same size can be used, if desired, for additional protection in Winter. — Shutter over glass, 14” x ¥’’ x 53’ wide outside, and 52” wide inside, the bevel being made on the upper edge. — Clamps on this shutter, two pieces, 54” x 14” x 3’, nailed upon outside, each projecting 2” over the end of the shutter; to cover the open joints. A piece, 143": x 23"’x #”’, is nailed to a piece, 153” x13” x }”, centrally with re- gard to length, and so that one edge of both will be flush with | each other. The ends of the longest piece are made dove- tailing, i to fit in the sides (c c), as shown in Fig. 16, p. 44: the lower or flush edges of both pieces coming 4” above the bottom- board. The lower outer corner of this sash-rail, and the upper outer corner of the bottom-board, may be i ok a little to receive a covering of wire cloth, and the ventilator so formed may be furnished wit a button site arrangement, similar to those shown in the Fig., P. 13. The upper sash rail is made up of a piece, 144 x 13” xe * Those parts marked with a ae are not lettered in any of the figures. _ + The ventilating passage may. be closed by a strip of wood which nearly fills it: or it may be rggulated by a slide as shown in the engraving on page 13. The objection to the strip is, that bees would be very apt to stick the strip fast, with propolis within the ventilating passage. Mr, Wheaton uses no back ventilator, I ene = eee t € EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 379 nailed to a piece, 143’°x%”" x 12” wide on one side, and 23’ on the other; gage §” from the square edge of the beveled piece, on its narrowest side, for a mark to set the other piece to in nailing, and then nail the upper sash rail in place between the sides of the hivé, the beveled piece being flush with the tops and ends ot the sides. — Strips to hold the observing-glass, $" wide x}” thick, are nailed all around the place left to receive it, 8” from the ir.terior of the hive. Two such hives, having one cover, are placed one on the top of the other (facing the same way), the npper one being designed to receive surplus honey, either in boxes placed over the holes in the bottom-board, or on frames. Hive No. 2, without observing-glass. This hive is similar to ‘‘Hive No. 2, with observing-glass,” with the exception that those parts rendered necessary by the use of glass are omitted. The rear is 15” x83” x”, and is halved into the sides (c), flush with their ends, and §” below their tops. The sides (c) are 233” long, but otherwise are the same as in the previous hive. A strip, which forms the rear rabbet of the hive, in which the frames rest, is 153 x 23" x}; this is nailed across the rear of the hive, to, and flush with, the tops of the sides (c). As the back ventilator will admit of all necessary inspection for general purposes (p. 365, note), a hive of this form will probably be best for those largely engaged in bee-culture. Hive No. 2, with box-cover. Figs. 9* and 13, pages 28 and 36. This hive may be made like either of the preceding hives, and has, in addition, a box-top, designed to cover small lhoney-boxes placed over the hive, or a large box, arranged to receive frames for the storage of surplus vere The following comprises the additions referred to: “( f) Honey-board, 214” % 152’ x 2", tongued and grooved, and but depends upon a current of air from the front entrances of the lower and upper hive, the upper one being used for storing surplus honey on frames, The amount of ventilation needed will depend much upon climate and location. _ * Fig. 9 shows the construction, when neither observing-glass nor back venti- lator are used, and when the front and rear of the hive are of double thickness 380 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. held together by cleats tongued and grooved to the ends of the board. Bore such holes through this board as are deseribed in bottom-board (a), and at proper distances to receive the size of small honey-boxes used. (4) Honey-box cover, like (f), without the holes. (h) Front and rear of honey-box, front 144” x 98" x #5 rear, two pieces, 144” x 1x}; nail the front between the sides, the lower edges flush, as is also one of the rear pieces, the other being #” below the top edges of the sides. (i) Two pieces, sides of honey-box, 19§” x10" x4". (7) Ledges at front and rear of honey- " pox, two pieces, 153" x 14x #”, nailed on flush with the top edges of the sides. (m) Observing-glass in rear of honey-box, 14” x 6”. (n) Strips to hold observing-glass, 3” x}, nailed all around the space left for the glass, and within 8” of the interior of the honey- box. (o) Top of box cover, tongued and grooved together, and rain-grooved, 268” x 193”x#": (p) Two pieces, front and rear of upper part of box cover, 174"x82#"x%#”" 5 these pieces are nailed between the sides. (g) Two pieces, sides of upper part of box cover, 244'’x 82’ x’. (r) Two pieces, front and rear of lower part of box cover, 17%"x5" x". (s) Two pieces, sides of lower part of box cover, 243” x5"x4%". (w) Four pieces, 2x1" x2”, buttons for holding the upper to the lower part of the cover, to which they are nailed ; the upper inside part of the but- tons is beveled off, to allow the upper part of the cover to set - down readily on the lower part. The side pieces, (g) and (s), must be halved across the ends, to receive the front and rear; the © upper and the lower parts of the box cover may be halved where they join, as shown in Hive No. 4, Fig. 23, p. 96. A ventilator for the top cover should be made by boring a num- ber of §” holes in the rear piece, as close as convenient to the roof; this ventilator may be opened and closed by means of the arrangement shown in the drawing opposite page 13. Upper or Winter Entrance. Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 17, pages 20 and 44, In all the Hives No. 2, a winter entrance for the bees may be > made to open upon the portico roof for an alighting-board; gage — from the upper-side of the piece, forming the front rabbet, where the frames rest, 1” and 14”, and then mortise a slot through, 3”. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 381 jong, in the centre of the length of the piece, between tke gage _ marks, and slanting upwards, so that the lower side of the slot will come even with the top of the piece on which the frames” rest. This entrance has been found on trial to be very important where bees are wintered in the open air. The lower entrance should be closed in winter. Hive No. 3, Observing-Hive (p. 332). Figs. 14 and 15, page 36. Fig. 14, is a side view, and Fig. 15, a vertical cross-seetion. (a) Base-board, 243” x 44’""x 3". Anentrance-hole, $”, is bored 3% inches deep into the end of (a), and two holes are bored in its centre, } in diameter and 1} from centre to centre, the wood being cut out between them. (4) Bottom of hive, 23” x 188” x 4"; make a rabbet at both upper corners, 3” on x Te" deep: start a #” hole, 1” from the end, and bore slanting, to meet entrance-hole in (a), and make a hole = the centre to match centre hole in (a), for a ventilator, and cover with wire-gauze on the inside. (c) Front and rear of hive, 12” x 24’"x 102"; rabbet the inner corners, up and down, #” x#”; make a ventilator in each piece, like the one in (a); #” from the upper ends, cut in }”; and 2” from the lower end, cut in 3”. (d) Side strips, #” x 1” x 208”; on one cor- ner of each, rabbet on, #”, and in, $” for the glass. (e) Movable cover, 914” x-43’"x $’"; holes may be made in this cover, as in Fig. 21, over which glass receptacles for honey may be placed. (f) Glass, two panes, 93” x 183”. (g) Alighting-board, 4” x 43” x#". (h) Clamps on base-board, 43” x 2” x }”. (cand 7) Clamps on cover, and ledges on hive, four ponent AR” x "xh". Hive No. 4, Double-story Glass Hive. Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, pages 48, 68, 88, and 96. This and the following hive are not intended for general use in the Apiary, but for those who want one or more elegant hives. Fig. 19 is a perspective view with the cover down. Fig. 20 is a perspective view with the cover elevated, so as to show the working of the bees, both in the main hive and the upper honey- pox. Fig. 21 is a plan of the lower part of the hive, showing the surplus honey-board in place, and the holes made in it to allow 389 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. the bees to pass up into the surplus honey-receptacles. On this board, receptacles of glass or wood, of any size or shape, may be set (see Glass hive opposite to the Frontispiece), instead of the . upper box. Fig. 22 is a vertical longitudinal section, and Fig. 23 a vertical cross-section. This hive has glass on four sides, for purposes of general observation. A cornice under the projecting roof of the cover would improve its appearance. __ ots (a) Main bottom of hive, tongued and grooved, 31” x 203” x}. (b) Outer * bottom of hive, 274 x 184""x#”. (c) Rabbeted strips for outer bottom, two pieces, 293 14'’x}", and two pieces, 174” x 14"x3". (d) Front and rear of lower outer case of hive, one rabbet in upper outer corner of each, 34" x z%" ; front, 112” x 202’ x#’ : eut out of the centre of the gitiwe: edge, 143” x4"; rear, 44" x 208" x". (e) Sides of lower outer part, with rabbets the same as front and rear (for form of this, see Fig. 20), two pieces, 31%” long x %"” thick, 42’ wide at one end, and 12%” wide at 4%” from the other end, where a notch is eut out, 1%’ deep x4” long. (f) Roof of alighting-board, 233x45"x%"; $7 thick in rear, and }” thick in front. (g) Board under which bees pass into the hive, 143” x4"x%". (h) Front posts of lower hive, two pieces, 93’’ long x4"”x 4%". (z) Rear posts of lower hive, two pieces, 10” long x 12” $". with tenon, $x 3” x", on one end. (7) Front and rear strips of lower hive, on which the frames hang, two pieces, 15%’ x 12x %", with rabbet, 3x #”, and notch, #” x%’’, cut at each end from upper side. () Side strips from post to post, in lower hive, 218” x #” x#, with notch, +” deep x12”, cut in the under side of each end. £(l) Spare honey-board, 173x218" x#", nine holes bored 13” diameter x zi,” deep, and then bored through with a 13” bit; these holes when not in use are covered with pieces of tin, cut out with a punch ; they may be bored plain, and covered with pieces of glass or wood. (m) Front and rear of lower part of cover, 62” x 20§” x 7”, rabbets (Fig. 22) 74" x74", on both upper and lower edges (n) Sides of lower part toe cover, two pieces, 273%’ from front to rear X 62’ xq”, with rabbets 74" x 7"; for shape of these pieces. * This outer bottom may be dispensed with, and clamps, 27% x2x % inches, -nailed lengthwise to the bottom of the hive, about 1 inch under and from its ae for re hold of the hive to lift it, and to prevent dampness. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 383 see Fig. 20. (v) Front and rear of upper part of cover, one piece, 5R” x 203" xd", and one piece, 134” x 202" xf". (p) Sides of upper part of cover, two pieces, each 5%” and 134” x 27" x #, with rabbets, 73" x 7%"; for shape, see Fig. 20. (q) Top of cover, tongued and grooved from front to rear, and rain-grooved on top (Figs. 19 and 23), 248x302" x#". (r) Honey-box cover, 213” x193”x zz". (s) Clamps for honey-box cover, two pieces, 213” xd" x" (2.) Triangular checks to hold the cover when elevated, two pieces, 12 x 12” x 24" x 3". (3.) Four buttons, 14x 2" x 3". _ (w) Posts of surplus honey-box, four pieces, 12x 8%"x#". (2) _ Front and rear bottom-strips of honey-box, two pieces, 12” x 153” x2". (y) Side-bottom strips of honey-box, two pieces, 218” x #” x #"; (x) and (y) are halved together at ends. (z) Front, rear, and side top pieces of honey-box, made up of two strips, 1} x §” x 178”, two strips, 12’’ x #” x 218”, halved together at ends; and two strips, 17%" x #” x #”, two strips, 19%" x #”x 3”. (4.) Clamps for spare honey-board, two pieces, 21%” x} xi”. Glass, two pieces 14x9, four pieces 18x9, and two pieces 148, for the double glass of lower hive : two pieces 18 x8, and two pieces 14x 8, for the spare honey-box. | Hive No. 5, Single-story Glass Hive, as made by Mr. Colvin, see drawing on page 389 See perspective on page 13; also the Figures referred to in Hive No. 4. (a) Bottom-board, 3” thick x 25” lengthwise, and 3635” across the grain of the wood, in two pieces only, tongued and grooved together, and rabbeted on under side of ends 3” on, x 3,” deep, forming tongues on ends at top edge 35" x pr’, which are let into sides. (d) Front and rear ends of case, bottom part; front, one piece, 251” x 93” x 7%”; cut out from centre of length on lower edge, 14)” x 3”; rabbet top outside of edge 7,” x 1,3"; rear, 25; x 34” x 2”, rabbet outside edge at top +,” x =4”, and cut out from centre of length same as front. (e) Sides of case, lower part, two pieces, 362” x 111” wide, at 4 1%” back from front end x }’ thick and 34” wide at the other end; at the wide end, where slant terminates, cut out for roof of portico, 1,5,” x 44”, and rabbet the outside of slant edge, 7,” x 4”; cut a groove 5%” up from bottom edge, inside, ;3,” x +5,” the whole length of sides, to 5 ta ey a 384 = EXPLANATION OF PLATES. let in tongued ends of bottom ;* rabbet back end inside, from 3” up from bottom edge to top edge, ;4” deep x 3?” on, to let in back end; 4” back from front end, 13” up from bottom edge, cut eroove i" en x 3” wide to top edge, to let in front; for shape of (e), O and (p), see Fig. 20, p. 48. Portico roof, one piece, 27” x 52’ 7” bevel from 8", at front edge, back 5%,” on top side, to full | sic ty and sal the front edge Sia se upper side. (g) Cover of passage-way into hive, one piece, 143” x 6” x ¥’ letinto . front posts, +”, full thickness, } up from bottom ends; bore four holes, as directed in (7), in the centre of its width, the centre of the end holes being 3}” from the ends; space the others equally ~ between. (h) Front posts, two pieces, Ty 95" x 6”. (@) Rear posts, two pieces, 7”x 91”, 6” wide at bottom and 13” at top, slope commencing gu” iy ee bottom ends of posts, and made “ogee” in form; these posts are fastened to the case by screws passing through the front and back end boards of it into their edges, and are not mortised into the bottom-board, but rest on it; in each post, $” up from bottom end, cut a groove }” deep, 4” wide, entirely across their width (6”), to let in covers of “ passage-way,” and “back ventilator ;” also mortise, in one edge, 3" up from bot- tom end, 2” wide x #” long x 3” pre for bottom raii of sides of “bee-chamber.” (7) Rear aaa front top rails of “‘ bee-chamber,” two pieces, 153” x 12” x 7’: rabbet one edge }” wide x 3” deep, and cut from the top of ends to the depth of rabbet, 7” on. (%) Side top rails, two pieces, 20” x 4” x 7". Bottom side rails, two pieces, — 19” x 2” x 2”; tenon on ita 3" long x 3” x 2” in centre. (2) Sur- plus Lamboutd 4 am ede x 152" the grain of the wood to run crosswise of the BES which is to have clamps, tongued and grooved against the end of the grain, and form part of the above dimensions; 9 holes are to be bored for surplus honey-boxes; they are first bored ” deep, with 132” centre-bit, and then through with 1}” bit; ike holes are arranged in three rows, one in the | centre, and the others 21” from the side edges of the board, the * The sides are toe-nailed to bottom-boards with four nails only, one on each side of tongue and groove in bottom-board, and about one inch apart, so that when the bottom-board swells and shrinks, the jotné in it is kept closed and stationary, while swelling forces the edges of bottom-board out, front and back, and shrinking draws them in again. Sliding in the grooves in the sides, which prevent its warping. — ° EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 885 front and back end holes of each row being 32” from the ends. (m) Front and rear of case, middle part,* two pieces, 94” x° 251" x 7”; rabbet out 4” x ;,” on inside of lower edges, and same on outside of upper edges. (n) Sides of case, middle part, two pieces (for shape of these; see Hig. 20, p. 48), 324” long x 9} wide (measuring on a straight line from front to rear of case for length, and square across this section for width); rabbet out inside lower edges and outside upper edges,-same as ends; also rabbet js” in x }’ on, inside ends, to let in end pieces. (0) Front and rear of case, upper part, front, 251” x 73” x 2”; rear, 253” x 14” x }’; rabbet out inside lower edges, 7,” x 74”. (p) Sides of case, upper part, 324” long x 14” wide at see end, and 72 wide at front end x 2”; rabbet inside lower edges, ;7,” x ;3,”, and inside at ends, qs” in x 3" on, to let in ends (for shape see Fig. 20, p. 48). (gq) Top of upper part of case, five pieces, of equal width and length, form- ing together 30” x36”x 2", tongued and grooved together, and rain-grooved t (see Fig. 23, p. 72). Collateral side honey-boards, for surplus honey-glasses, two pieces, 30}”x4}”x2”"; bore six holes, as directed in (J), in the centre of width, the end ones 2” from ends, and the rest equally spaced between.{ Collateral rear honey-board, for surplus honey-glasses, same as covered passage- ‘way into hive, let into posts, and perforated with holes as in (J). Cleats for under side of collateral side honey-boards, six pieces, 41”x1"1” one of which is nailed under each end, and one under the middle of each side honey-board. Collateral front honey- board, one piece, 152” x 6!” x 2”, clamped across the ends, same as (2), and bore holes same as (g); frames may be hung in the space under this honey-board, and glasses on it, or the glasses may be placed instead of frames (as preferred) to receive the surplus honey ; two pieces, 6” x 3” x", are nailed on outer edges of tops of front posts, (2), to form rabbets for frames. Triangu- * The middle part need not be made, unless the hive is intended to be used with two stories, as in Hive No. 4. + By iucreasing the width and length of this top so as to project 43 in. over sides, and placmg turned “drops”? or other ornaments under the eave it may be, at small cost, made highly ornamental. See drawing on page —. — t When it is desired to close the opening under side-rails of bee- chamber, turb the ccllateral side honey-boards upside down 386 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, — , lar checks to hold the case when elevated, two pieces, 3” long x Let x 7” at one end, and 2”x +,” at the other. Guides on outside of case (see Fig. 19, p. mn a pieces, 11” x 2”x 3”. Cover to up- per ventilator of case, one piece, 24” x 1” x 3” lee on peLene will screws; this ventilator is made by ered holes about 2” i diameter in eG rear of upper part of case, }” below (q). ? No. 2, Box Hive, as made by Mr. Colvin, see drawing on page 390, with box-cover and observing glass in rear end. Bottom (in two pieces only, plowed and grooved together, the . - grain of the wood running across the hive); 242” x 142” x 7”; rabbet across under side of ends ;’;” on, ;°,” in, forming tongue x 33,” on upper side of ends, which are let into groove in sides, Sides, two pieces, 243” x 107” x 7”, cut out from front end on top edge, 4”x 13” deep, for portico roof ; on inside, ” up from bottom edge, cut a groove "x =,” the ae length, to receive tongue on bottom- board; 4” faok oe, front end, from 13” up from bottom edge, cut a groove ;3;"x 7" to within 2” of the top edge to let in front; (these sides are nailed to Dain same as No. 5). Portico Lip one piece, 172” x 48” x 2”; bevel on top side, to 2” thick at front edge, back 22” to full tnclinied: front edge rounded from upper side. Front, one piece, 142” x 82” x 7”, let into sides =” at each end. Diecings m rear, 4" x 6”; strips to form rabbet for glass, $” x }”, nailed all around the space left for the glass, and within 53,” a inside of hive. ear end, two pieces, 142" x 13” x 2”, one ‘of these nailed to a piece 152” x 14" x 4”, 80 that the bottom edges will be flush with each other, is to be dove- tailed into the ends of sides 1” up from the top side of bottom-— board, the other to be nailed to a piece 143”x 7” x22”, on one | side, and 1?” on the other, the top edge of the inside piece 3” below the outside piece; then nail these pieces between the sides of hive, so that the square edge and widest side come flush with the ~ ends and tops of sides. Cover for observing-glass, one piece, 14” x 2” x 62” inside x 62” outside, the bevel being made on the iipeh edge; clamps on this cover, two pieces, 63” x 1" x 4”, screwed in the middle and nailed at ends on the outside of cover, each projecting }” over its end to cover the joint. Ledges around | : L EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 387 sides and ends, to support the box-cover, &c., screwed on 3” down from top edge of hive; two pieces (sides), 21} v" x 7” x 2”; one piece (back), 174” x ee one piece (front), 152" x 4” x 3", this last piece to be nailed on the top side of portico roof; notch sas of centre of length, 3” long x ;,”, for winter entrance. Honey-board, 21” x 153” x 7’ (in two pieces only), plowed and grooved together ; clamps tongued and grooved against ends and forming part of its dimen- sions, and toe-nailed to clamps 4” each side of the groove only ; six holes are bored in this, same size as in Hive No. 5, in two rows from front to back, and three rows across, at the intersections of lines gauged 32” from its sides, and 42” x 102” x 163” from either front or back ends. Bow-cover, front and. rear, two pieces, 163” x 83” x 2”, cut out of centre of bottom edge of front, 3” x +7,”, for winter entrance. Sides, two pieces, 231” x 82” 2”, rabbet at ends, }” on, ;;” in, to let in ends: bore five holes in rear end, for ventilation, ih 2 3” centre-bit, 2” from each end, and 33” from centre to centre, within ¢ 1” of topedge. Cover for ventilator, one + piece, 15”x 1” x 3”, held in its place by two buttons. Top of . z ; boa-cover, four pieces, 262” x 7” x 52”; when tongued and grooved together, rain-grooved on each side of joints. Cover for back lower ventilator, one piece, 142” x 2”x 11” rabbeted on under side and at ends }” in xj” on; button for securing this and the cover of observing-glass, We'x ea x $”; cut out 8”x 2” from the lower end. ‘ Nines r ‘ 6 5 sa ‘ wus i. Rae ibe: Tey PS YS ie pe - M : a 2% Shame a AY M " ; bars Ce Paty rey i! ‘ ey Ge ae ee i . ‘ r tay ag : nc eae | d pip’ . ¥ ‘ wy patel ite ais oo kl | Sit pir Nae eRe Ai 3° san a eens Re perks a - eee ee Hh ' hit mee f 4 I mi is. Ag t 4 , Yt MP LG iy, Px i, ti » ‘ yd 4 Ly ’ baat a i i Lyte wi eee Bf 875 a Te ee re By Ae ‘. ; Pita ot ae P. i } , 4 f } ban aut r ‘ . APO, eal ae we, ae TR RR TEER ee) ee Ls We % i Fy tee | wy . ont ug “ ihe SAYLES ee : toes 44 : wr * pe ad ’ ¥ a CP ee ’ q ng OW. TERS ers ee oP ts Fis ‘ 4 eS ae IVE? r a CPA es ae Ome > we ‘ “y Y Bot Ree S'S S Farid ets eh ok Feegir 0 : r ’ a abel ty run bay athe tir” ' hbo ower | .‘ ? War yp Sag ee an as Be vue us feck Ppp * ‘wa PET ee aad ¥ fe PL “ea “Tee taee gh ueebeie ehix Ai: pre : bi $50) jar ages Aa foands ae be it os Gh ‘ee Tay pita: m1 a ait me: Ae, ates weak eich Fe gf _ a ‘ x . Pee | chee “ ; TPs ihe ea ‘ Fue ; 5, * 9 ae 4 7 wey } a . \a ‘ . 7 ‘ od « I - r * , a G , CP ~~ - 1. i} - EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 889 VOSTTUTUSU LATUTLLSSEANT jouutinnasiurinisieuree fi : : ' goa! Hii | y ] TMT IE gy My CoLvIn ORNAMENTAL, 10 890 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. ANIA J Mi 28 eh TTT as Cotvin No. 2 “A. j Anger of bees, 308-314 ; difficult to re- Adobe, for hives, 331 (note 2), Advantages required in complete hives, 95-108. Adventure, amusing, in search of honey, 254 After swarming, 120; causes and indi- cations of, 121; easily prevented in mov. comb hives, 124, 140; evils of, 140 ; author’s mode of obviating evils of, before invention of mov. comb hive, 140 (note) ; excessive, exposes stock to bee-moth, 243, After-swarms, easily strengthened in moy. comb hives, 140; when to ex- pect, 122; often issue in bad weather, 122 ; often have more than one queen, 122; seriously reduce strength of par- ent-stocks, 124, 140 ; wise arrangement concerning, 124; easily prevented in moy. comb hive, 124; weak, of little value, 140,141 ; returning of, to parent stock, or doubling, unprofitable, 140; make few drone-cells the first season, 184 (note). . Age, of bees, 58; queen-bee, 49; of workers, proved from Italian bee, 59 (note); signs of old, 59; of colonies, 59; of queens, designated by the clip- pings of their wings, 223. Air, necessary for bees 88 ; bees need in Winter, 89, 338; pure, necessary for eggs, brood, and bees, 89 ; pure, neces- sary for health of man, 91; abundance of, supplied by moy. comb hive, 94; new swarms require more than old, 281; cold, alarms bees, 311, (note); how to give in Winter, to mov. comb hives, 338. ~ Air-tight stoves, deficient in ventilation, 92 Alighting-board, should shelter - from wind and wet, 103; improved by at- taching muslin, 279 (note): Pl. V., Figs. 16, 17. Alsike, or Swedish white clover, 294; value of, for bees and stock, 295. American women, their sufferings from bad ventilation, 92. Analysis of royal jelly, 64. press, when once aroused, 170 ; excit- ed by the human breath, quick mo- tions, or jarring, 170; and sometimes by smoke, 168 (note); should not be violently repelled, 170 ; occasioned by disease, 256 (note); never necessary to provoke a colony to, 309; when provoked to, terribly vindictive, 310; of dyspeptic bees, troublesome, 310 ; bee-hat, a protection from, 310; But- ler’s directions how to prevent the rising of, 311 ; warm breath provokes, 3il (note 2); when excited, how to act, 311; never excited away from home, 312; excited by disagreeable odors, and uncleanly persons, 313; aroused by asmeH of the bee-poison, 314 ; and by rough and hairy substan- ces, 317. Ants, white, their fecundity, 32; some- times injure bees, 255; small, harm- less, 255 (note); extravagantly fond of honey, 287. . Aphides, singular mode of propagation of, 42; description of, 285 ; cause of honey-dew, 285. Apiarians, see Bee-keepers. Apiaries, must be closely watched in swarming-season, 143 ; large, rendered difficult by natural swarming, 145 ; danger of crowded, 214 ; stocking, &c., 279-284 ; in establishing, a knowledge of the honey resources of the locality important, 279 (and note 1); should be ‘ protected from high winds, and from cattle, and sweaty horses, 279 (note 2); should be in sight of occupied rooms, 279 ; proper exposure for, 279 ; covered, objectionable, 280; shaded, agreeable to bees, 280; location of, how to change, 280; procuring bees for, 280 ; to secure bees in their hives, for removal to, 281; precautions to be observed in moving hives to, 281; trausferring bees from common to mov. comb hive, for, 282; large, in Europe, 300 ; should be fenced against cattle and horses, 313. Apple-tree, yields much honey, 292. Apricot-tree, honey-yielding, 292. : ] 4 392 Aristotle, noticed similarity of drone and worker- -eggs, 42; observed that bees collect pollen from one kind of flower at a time, 83 ; observation of, coucern- ing the flight and feeding of drones, 224 (note) ; on the difficulties which perplex the Apiarian, 276 (note); dee scribed the Italian bee, 318... Artificial honey, recipe for, 276 (note). Artificial rearing of queens, 188; the process to be performed late in the day, 188 ; honey and water to be sup- plied to bees in, 189; when to confine bees in, 189. Artificial "swar ming, 143, 211; not per- formed by Columella, 147 (note) ; ill success Of ancient method: of, 148 ; Huber’s plan of, objectionable. 148 ; by dividing hives, unsatisfactory, 149 ; by removing full hives and substituting empty ones, worse, 150, 151; by self- colonizing hives, ineffectuat, 151; causes of failure of, 152; has received great attention from author, 1538; mode of, adapted to common hives, 154 ; cautious handling of combs in, need- ful, 155 (and ucte); how to prevent bees in, from returning to old stand, 156, 157 ; not to be performed till drones appear, 158 ; tokens of the ab- sence or presence of the queen in, 158; how to proceed if the queen is absent, 159 ; if done in morning or late in after- noon, how to proceed to secure bees for the old stock, 160 ; proportion of bees necessary for old stocks in, 160 ; new and decoy-hive should resemble ‘that of parent stock, or adjoining hives be covered, 160 ; - mode oi, by exchang- ing hives, 160 ; by juxta- position, 161; by confining bees in parent stock, 161; preferable plan when to be done on a large scale, 162 ; rapidity of this pian, 162 (note) ; its ‘advantages, 168 ; Dr. Dénhoff’s method of, 163 ; how to at- tach bees to new places, in, 163 (note) ; difficult for persons ignorant of tie laws which control the breeding of bees, 164 ; easily performed with mov. comb hive, 164: mode of performing it, 165 ; ; queen to be sought for, 166 ; supply of sealed queens provided for, 166 ; great care necessary in transfer- ring sealed queens, 167 ; should not be attempted in cool. weather, or when dark, 167; early morning best time for, 167 ; little danger attending, 167, 168 ; - perfectly safe even at mid- -day, 168 : sugar-water often better than smoke, useful in, 168 ; honey-water objectionable, 169 (note) ; caution in, enjoined, 170; how to apply sugar- water in, 170 ; : how to remove frames in, 170 ; ‘rapidly performed, 173 ; best mode of, 180, 181 ; - supply of queens to mother-stocks, ‘in, 182; obviates INDEX. the risk of after-swarming, 184 ; capa- ble of safe expansion, 185 ; how to double stocks by, 185; aierzdn’s mode of, 186 ; author’s mode of, for single apiaries, 186 ; mode of, re-* sembling natura! swarming, "186 mode of, by reversing position of hives, . 187 ; how to provide a. ful supply” of queens for, 188 ; nucleus for rearing queens for, 189 ; rapid in- crease of stocks by, 190 ; how tO lis duce bees, in, to rear queens on con- venient par ts of the comb, 191 ; how to secure adhering bees for the nuclei in, 182 (and note 2); queens, in, mare to supply several stocks with eggs, 193; mother-stocks, in, should be kept strong, 199; "most successful when forage is abundant, i99 ; haz- ardous in a crowded apiary, 200; how to supply stocks, in, with stranger- queens, 200; queen- cage for, 201; union of bees of different stocks’ in, 203 ; practiced in ancient times, 210. Artificial swarms, where should be put, 158 ; how to know whcther they have a queen, 158; will accept a strange queen, 159 (note) ; cautions to be ob- served in locating, 159 ; how to make, by slightly changing position of parent stock, 161 ; how to form several with one natural swarm, 163; quickly made in mov. comb’ hive, 164, 173: when to force, in cases of retarded swarming, 174 ; cannot be formed by merely transferring combs and bees into an empty hive, 175; caution against too rapid multiplication . 175 (note); the piling mode of forming, its adv antages, 188 ; not to be increas- ed so as to reduce the strength of the mother stock, 199; attempts at rapid increase of, in "vicinity of sugar-houses, &c;,. 199: - difficult to form when forage is scarce, 199. Asters, furnish valuable pasturage for bees, 298. Attica, ‘its yield of wax and honey, 304, Austri ia, value of its honey crop, —— Axioms, bee-keeper’s, 369. B. Baldenstein Sake on italian bee, 318 ; ill-success of, in propagating pure breed, 319. Bar-hives, ancient, 210 (note) , author’s experiments with, 14, Basket, used as a hiver, 133. Bass- wood, see Linden. Bears, destroyers of bees, 254. Bee- bob, to attract swarms, 132. Bee- bread, see Pollen. Bee- _dress, use of, recommended, 182, 209, 316. INDEX. 893 Bee-glue, see Propolis. Bee-hat, author’s, how made, 316 (Pl. XI., Fig. 25.) . Bee-journal, much needed in this coun- try, 22. Bee-keeping, depressed condition of, in America; 13, 145; a fascinating pur- Suit, 144, 146 ; estimate of profit of, 146 (note) ; better understood by the an cients than the moderns, 147 (note) ; with feeble stocks, unprofitable, 177 ; no “royal road”’ to, 211 ; demands care and experience, 211i ; in Spain, exten- Sive, 222 (note 2); on a large scale, unprofitable to beginners, 282. Bee-moth, permanent bottom-boards, a security against, 97; easily dislodged from moy. comb hive, 141; has more sins to bear than she commits, 216, 246 ; habits, &c., of, described, 228- 252; mentioned by ancient authors, 228 ; pest of modern apiaries, 228, 251 ; when a moth-proof hive will be ob- tained, 228 ; Dr. Harris’s account of, 228 ; .to distinguish femaie of, from male, 229; cut of female and male, 230 ; nocturnal 230 ; interesting exper- iment with female, 230 (note 2); agility of, 280 (and note 8); eggs of, laid in the cracks of the hive, Xc., 231, 285; cut of gallery of, 232; cocoons of, in empty combs, 283 (and Pl. XIX., Fig. 56); female will deposit eggs on pres- sure, 234 (note 2); condition of a hive destroyed by, 235 (and Pl. XX., Fig. 57); did not appear simultaneously in this country with the bee, 236; multi- plied by the use of patent hives, 237, 241; movable frames a remedy for the evils of, 239, 241 ; first-appearance noted, 240; rapid spread of, in Ohio, 241 ; commonly infest old stocks, 251 (note); eggs of, deposited on un- covered combs in weak stocks, 242; signs of presence of, in hives, 242 ; not developed in low temperature, 243; * sulphur fumes will kill the eggs and larvee of, in combs, 243 ; will certainly destroy queenless stocks, 244 (and note); fertility of, 244; instinct of, in discovering queenless stocks, 245; easily conquer stocks suffering from hunger, 246 (and note) ; mission of, 247 (and note); keeping stocks strong the surest defence against, 247; in- security of other contrivances, 247; placing hives so as not to endanger the loss of their ‘queens, an important protection against, 248 ; adaptation of mov. comb hive to protect stocks from, 249 ; facilities of destroying, of no use to careless bee-keepers, 250; protection from, by an upper entrance, 250 (note); caught by sweets and sour ». 25).; destroyed by fire, 251 (note Bee-moth, Larve of (with cuts 229); how it secures itself from the attacks of the bees, 231; representation of its gallery, 2382; food of, 233, 2475; ap- pearance of their cocoons in empty combs, 283 (and Pl. XIX., Fig. 56); activity of, 253; transformation of, to the winged form, and effect of cold on, 234 (and note), 243; movable frames a remedy against, 239, 241; signs of presence of, in hives, 242; sulphur fumes fatal to, 243 ; shoui be destroyed early in the season, 248 ; extent of their ravages 249 (and note); how to entrap them, 249 ; traps for, of no use to the careless, 250. Bee-palaces, objections to, 61, 242. Bees, honey, will work in the light, 16; 23, 832; may be tamed, 24, 28, 308 ; intended for man’s comfort, 24 ; never attack when gorged with honey, 25, 132, 169 ; when, swarming, peaceable, 25, 182; always accept of offered sweets, 25, 168, 169, 170; sometimes attracted from other hives by sprink- ling sugar-water,7; gorge themselves when frightened, 27, 154, 169; sub- dued by smoke or drumming on the hive, 27, 154 ; and chloroform or. ether, 210; the most timid may manage, 28 ; can flourish only in colonies, 29 ; how affected by loss of queen, 31 ; in- telligence of, 48 ; breed in Winter, 48, 309 ; number of, in acolony, 54 ; honey- bag of, 56 (Pl. XVII, Fig. 54) ; pol- len-basket, 56; proboscis of, 56 (Pl. XVI., Fig. 51, Pl. XML, Fig. 68) ; sting, 56 (Pl. XVII, Fig. 53); loss of sting fatal, 57 ; age of, 58 ; industry of, instructive, 69; number of, in a colo- ny, why limited, 61; advantages of their being able to Winter in a colony state, 62; despair of, when without queen or brood-comb, 67, 245; work night and day, 73 ; sagacity of, in the structure of their cells, 74 ; supersti- tions connected with, 80; not injuri ous to fruit, 85; need little air in Win ter, if comfortable, 89 ; when disturb- ed or confined, require much air, 90; become diseased in impure air, 90; annoyed by thin hives in hot weather, 90; superior to man in ven- tilation, 91; why they do not cluster. on sealed honey in hot weather, 91; averse to jarring, 96; not torpid in Winter, 110, 385; chilled by cold, 110; must live in communities, 110; .conduct of, when queen is lost in swarming, 1138; sometimes abandon hives to avoid starvation, 116; why they do not select new homes before - abandoning the old, 116; intercom. © municate quickly on the wing, 117; send scouts to seek new abodes, 117 394 - sight of, for distant objects , acute, eT", commotion of, during absence of queen for impregnation, 125, 217 ; na- tive of hot climate, 128 (note); detest smell of fresh paint, 129 ; often per- spire while swarming, and reluctant to enter heated hives, 130; pleased to find comb in hive, 131 ; modes of se- curing Swarms in difficult places, 135 ; acute of -hearing, 138; refusing to swarm, should have’ plenty of storage- -room, 139 ;-may be advanta- geously kept in cities, 144 ; often re- fuse to swarm, 145 ; seldom colonize unless blossoms abound in honey, 147 ; ability of, to rear queens from worker- brood, when discovered, 148; with- out mature queens, build combs with large cells, 149, 150 (and note); diminish ‘rapidly in number after swarming, 151 (and note); will not form independent colonies in inter- _ communicating hives, 152; work bet- ter in new swarms than in old colo- lonies, 153 ; laden with stores, welcom- ed by strange swarms, 155 ; without stores, expelled, 155; frightened by rappings on the hive, 1155 : ; disposition of, when moved, to return to old lo- cation, 156 ; effect on, of temporary loss of home, 137 how to make ad- here to old home, wherever put, 157 ; losing their queens, will accept of others, 159 (note); more irascible at night, 167 ; confounded by sudden in- troduction of light into their hives, 168, 169; difficult to subdue when once thoroughly excited, 170; use all available space for honey, 172 (note 2); tenacious adherence of, to their combs, 172; swarming, return to parent. stock, 174; their mode of communication, 174 ’ (note 1); storing surplus honey to be unmolested, 180 (and note 1); amusing conduct of, on finding a strange hive where their own should be, 181 (note 1) ; emboldened to self- a defence by présence of queen, 182; judicious renewal of, for swarms, not injurious to mother- stocks, 183 ; their instinct to become over- -rich, 183 (note 2); their passion for forage, 186 (note 13: when destitute of queen, will rear young ones, if they have brood- comb, 188 ; need water when confined, 189 (note) ; how encouraged to work in an upper hive, 189; do not always cluster on brood comb in nuclei, 192 acta ; sometimes start queen-cells that fail, 193; young do inside, and old, outside work, 194 ; young are wax- -workers, 196; their occasional refusal to make royal cells explained, 197 (note) ; a worthy trait of, 197; their treatment of strange queens, losing their queen when INDEX. 200,; to cause, to receive strange queens kindly, 201 ; of different colo- nies may be nnited, 203 ; distinguish their hive companions by smell and actions, 203 ; conduct of, when fright- ened, 203 ; when disturbed and scent~ ed, will readily mingle, 203 (and note); in too large hives, become dispirited, 208 ; in large apiaries, if the hives are alike, liable to mistake them, 214; effect on, of loss of queen, 217: ene. - mies of, 28-255 : : vigilance cf, against the moth, 231 ; "not a native of the New World, 235 ; a harbinger of civ- ilization, 236 (note); can learn to de- fend themselves against new enemies, 240 ; destroyed by mice and by birds, - 252 + by toads and bears, 254; dis- cases of, 255-260 ; propensities of, to rob, and appearance of thieving bees, 261 ; habitual robbers become black, 262 "(and note) ; humble bee, 262 grand battles of, 263 ; of conquered colonies, incorpor- ate themselves with the victors, 268 ; frantic fury of robbers, when deprived of their spoil, 265 ; how tg cool them into temporary. honesty, 65 ; ; feeding of, 267-278 ; are fond of salt, "272 « in- fatuation of, for confectionery, 277 ; compared to intemperate men, 278 : the avaricious, folly of, 278 ; fond of shade, 280; procuring for’ an apiary, 280; transferring from common to mov. comb hives, 2825, get eae from honey _dews, 287 ; flight of, its extent, 305 ; pacific ternper of, 308 ; incident illustrating good nature of, while swarming, 308; readily taught by ill treatment to be vindictive, 310 ; human breath offensive to, 8il; at a ' distance from their hives, never. "sting unless hurt, 312 ; kindness of, at home, a lesson for man, 312’; their treat- ment of the sick, 312: their sense of smell, 313; dead, medicinal qualities. of," 315 (note) : will more surely sting hairy than bare parts, 317 ; maintain a high temperature in Winter, 335 ; . eat less in Winter when kept. quiet, 335, 355 ; wintering of, 335-861 ; unit- ing ’small colonies of, for wintering, 336 ; do not store honey so as always to be accessible in Winter, 336 ; can- not be relied on to make Winter -pas- sages in combs, 336; should be pro- — tected from Winter winds, 337, 348 ;- if out of doors in Winter should be allowed to fly, 337 ; sometimes perish in snow, 338 (note Tc experiments on wintering, by author 339; need water in cold weather, 342 2-346 + need water to eat candied honey, 342344 ; injured by being disturbed in Winter, 347,355; seldom discharge their faces in the hive, 347 ; on winker ing in staal sometimes rob the i RE INDEX. cellars, B48 ; ; in special depositories, 349-360 ; eat less and fewer die in clamps _ depositories, 355, 358. Bee-keepers, common hives do not teach the laws of bee-breeding, 164; if timid, should use _ bee-dress, 209 : ignorance of, the greatest obstacle to speedy intr oduction of mov. comb hive, 209; often captivated by shal- low devices, 211; scepticism of many, in regard to the wonders of the bee- hive, 211 ; often mistake the cause of the loss of their queens, 216 ; careless, will be unsuccessful, 226,250 ; ‘should not encourage the destruction of birds, 253 ; specimen of, opposed to improve- ments, 357. Bee-quack’s secret, 288 (note). Bees, queen of, see Queen Bees. Beginuers, should be cautious in experi- menting, 179, 307. Berg, Rev. Dr., first informed auther of _Dzierzon’s discoveries, 16. Berlepsch, Baron of, his stocks injured by scientific exper ‘iments, 179 (note) ; uses framés similar to the author Sy 321 note 2); experiments on impregna- tion of queens, 126 (note); Italian bee, 323 ; his experiments on the effect of cold on queens, 327: shows that bees need water in ‘winter, 342. Bevan, on eggs, and larve ’ot bees 44— 47; on « driving,’’ or forced swarmiug (note), 154; an ‘experiment of, in’ re- moving a queen, 218 (note) ; feeds salt to bees, 272; his description of-honey- ‘dew, 286. Birds, bee devouring, 252; why’ they should not be destroyed, 253 (and note). Blocks, entrance regulating (Plate IIL, Figs. 11, 12); useful to prevent swarm- ing, 174 (and note); security against mice, 175, 262; against robber-bees, 64. 2 Bodwell, J. C., experiments of, in winter- ing bees 345. Boerhave’s account of Swammerdam’s labors, 65 (note). Bohemia, its production of honey, 304. Boiling honey improves .it, 287. Borage, valuable for bees, 298. Bottom-boards. should be permanently fixed to hive, 97 ; should slant towards entrance, 97 : cleaning of, 98 ; dangers of movable, from the’ moth, 231 ; Spring cleaning of, 243 ; Winter clean- ing of, 347. Boxes for spare honey, 289, 299. Braum, Mr. A., his experiment to ascer- tain the increase of honey in a hive, 303. Breath, human, offensive to bees, 170, 311. Breeding ‘in-andein,’’? injurious, 54; 895 early, encouraged by spring-feeding, 268. than in other special Winter | Brood, temperature necessary for its development, 46, 48; attended to by young bees, 197 : : production of, check- ed by over-feeding, 268 ; found in hives in Winter, 48, 339. Broodecomb, see Comb. Brown, Hon. Simon, his description of a combat between two qucens, 205. Buckwheat, valuable for late bee-pas- ture, 296 ; its ‘yield, and quality of honey variable, 296 (and notes 1 and 2); its cultivation recomnténded, 296 (and note 3); blossoming of, ‘may cause Swarming, 366, Buera, on the need of water for bees, 344. Burnens ,great merits of, as an observer, 33 5 laborious experiment of, 38 (note) ; Huber’s tribute to, 194 note). Busch, his description of the Italian bee, 324. Butler’ s description of the drone, 224; his drone-pot, 225; his anecdote of a honey- bunting swain, 254; his direc tions for procuring the favor of bées, 311, 317. C. Cage, see Queen Cage. Calendar, bee«keeper’s, 362-370. Candied honey, bees need water to dis- _ Solve, 842-344. Candy, sugar, recommended for bee- feed, 272; recipe for making, 272 (note). ‘ Cary, Wm. W., his mode of uniting colo- nies, 204 ; of fastening comb in frames, 283 (note) ; his mode of making winter passages in combs, 337 (note); on win- tering bees, 346 (note 2). Casts, see After-Swarms. Catalogue of bee-plants, 298. Cellars, dry, good for wintering bees, 345, 348. Cells, ‘of bees, their contents, 29 ; covers of, ‘44 ; for breeding, become too small, 60 ; wood-cuts of, Plates XIII., XIV., and XV. ; Toyal 62 216 ; thinness of their sides, 71 (note) ; sizes of, 74, Pl. XV., Fig. 4s ; demonstrate the exist- ence of God, 75. Cherry-tree yields honey, 292. Chickens, curious use of, 248. Children of the rich, compared to pam- pered bees, 268 ; may learn from bees how to treat their mothers, 312, Chloride of lime, useful as a disintectant of foul hives, 257. Chloroform;” subdues bees by stupéfac- tion, 210. Clamps, for wintering bees, 3848-360. Clover, white, most important source of honey, 294 : Mr. Holbrook, on the value of, for stock, 294 ; Swedish, 294. 396 INDEX. Clustering of swarms, 113, 116. Cocoon, complete one, spun by drone and worker-larve, 46 ; imperfect one, by queen-larve, 46 ; of larvee, never removed from cells, ‘60 ; of the moth, 231, (Pl. XIX.) Cold, moderate, makes bees almost dor- mant, 89 ; chills bees, 110; water, use- ful in subduing robbers, 265. Colonies, of bees (see also Stocks of bees ; "rapid increase of, in Australia, 51 (note) ; age of, 59; new, composed of young and old bees, 119; - impossible to multiply rapidly, by natural swarm- ing, 147; folly of attempting to mul- tiply, by dividing-hives, 149; to re- move, from old locations, 156, 157 artificial, not to be formed till drones appear, 158 ; artificial, time necessary to form, 173 ; cautions against too rapid increase ‘of, 175 (note), 176-178 ; weak, easily strengthened by use of mov. ‘comb hive, 178 ; possible extent of multiplication of, {78 ; most profit- able rate of increase, 179 ; to form one new colony from two old ones, 189 ; mother, easily supplied with young fertile queens, in mov. comb hive, ’ 182; sometimes over-stored with hon- ey, 183 (notes 1 and 2); table illustrat- ing rapid increase of, 185 ; new, must remain where first ‘put, "185 ; ‘many bees may be removed from, when the queens are fertile, 186; new, formed by reversing position of hives, 187 ; piling mode of forming, 188 ; should, when moved, be supplied with water, 189 (note); to supply queens for rapid increase of, 190-193 ; how oe may be safely mingled, 203, 336 ; small, should be contined by Peace partition, to suitable limits, 208; en- dangered by loss of | queen, 217, 246 ; having young queens should be watch- ed, 218, 222; signs that, have no queen, "919 ; ’ Spring care of, 221; queenless in October , to be united with other colonies, 223; old, more liable than young, to the ravages of worms, 233,251 (note) ; queenless, will be de- str oyed by the ‘moth, 244 (and note) ; when hopelessly queenless, their de- struction certain, 246; how to be treated when infected with dysentery, 25€; how, when attacked with foul brood, 957-260 : Suspected, used by Dzierzon to rear surplus queens for artificial stecks, 260; strong, can, in a season, supply materials for four swarms, "260 ; feeding of, 267-278 ; should be strong when honey harvest closes, 269; weak, in the Fall, should be added to other stocks, 27 0, 336 5 location of, how to change, 230 ; re- moval of, to new apiaries, 281 ; weak, ill- success of, has led to the heliet that we are overestucked, 299; only strong, profitable, 299, 303 ‘(and note}: itinerating, 805 (note 2); when brok~u ‘1 up for their honey, the queens should — be removed beforehand, 206 (note) ; 0 common bees, readily converted into Italian, £22. Color, aids in recognizing their hive, 214 216. Columella, notice of his Treatise on Bee-Keeping, 147 (note) ; his remedy against the over-storing ‘ot hives, 1&3 (note 2); advice of, concerning Spri ug examination of stocks, 221 (note 1) ; recommended that weak stocks be strengthened from strong ones, 221 (sote 2); his suggestion as to the proper time to remove surplus honey, 224 (note) ; his mode of feeding bees, 271 ee 1); his directions how to gain the favor of bees, 311. Colvin, his method of securing straight Comb, 69-76 ; too old, can be easily ¥e-"* comb, 373; manner of making the mov. comb ‘hive 383. moved in moy, comb hives, 60, 209, materials: of, 69 ; wood-cuts of, repre. senting yarious kinds of cells, Plates XML. XPV; .ane vas empty, great value of, to bee-keeper, 71; should not be melted into wax, 71; rapidly refilled by bees, 71; easily supplied to bees i moy. comb hive, 71; how at- tached to frames, 72, 283 (and note) ; drone-comb, not to be put in breed: « ing apartments, 72, 120 ; artificial, sug- gestion concerning, 72; author’s ex- periments to induce bees to make it from old wax, 72; building of, carried - on most actively Dy night, "2 : comb- building and honey- gathering simul- tancous, 78 ; danger to, in hot weather, Si; caution respecting, in artificial. swarming from common hives, 155. (and note); generally built ‘somewhat — waving, 171 ; how to examine ; when in mov. comb hive, 172; brood, used for nuciei, 189’; worker, used to. rear queens, 191 pbuilding of, by young bees, 196 ; worker, should néver be destroyed, 207 (and note 2); prefer- able to artificial comb-guides, 207, 208 ; control of, essential to a system of management, adapted to the wants of all bee- keepers, 208 ; safely taken from hive when pees are filled with honey or sugar-water, 210; old, most liable to be infested with worms, 283, 251 (note); empty, should sometimes bo removed from ‘feeble stocks, 243; new, unsafe to move in warm weather, 981; containing bee-bread, has in- - ferior honey, 288; very old brood, not worth rendering into wax, 288 : to make Winter bee- PARE in, 337 (and note 1). a a Ee a en eee eS es lS Oe eee. . \ INDEX. Composition for corners. of hives, to secure them from moths, 78. Confectioners, how they may prevent annoyance from bees, 277 Control of comb, essential to a true sys- tem of bee-culture, 208. Corsica, ancient, yield of honey of, 304 D. Dampness, injurious to bees, 90, 95, 33S- 942, 345, 348 ; produces dysenter y, 255. Dandelion, furnishes honey and polien, 292. Dangers of too rapidly multiplying stocks, 176-178 ; of using hives of uniform size, shape, and color, 214. Daylight, needed for operatious on bees, 167. Denmark, its honey-produce, 304. Desertion of hives by swarms, indications and prevention of, 115. Diseases of bees, 255-260. - Dishonesty, as poor policy in bees as in men, 262. Dissection of queen bees 34, 2138 (not 2). Disturbing bees in cold weather, inju- rious, 256, 335, 347, 358. Dividing hives, worthless for artificial | swarming, 149, 159. DGnhoff, Dr., on artificial impregnation of a drone- -egg, 41; on thickness of sides of cells, 71 (note) ; his mode of forced swarming, 163 ; his experiment indicating a division of labor among bees according to age, 194; on food of bee-moth larve, 233 (note); on eggs of bee-moth, 234 Grice 2). Double- stocks, produce a large yiell of honey, 135. Doubling stocks yearly, 185. Draining combs of honey, 288. Drawings, explanation of, for making moy,. comb hive, 371. Drone-comb, wood- cut of, Pl. XV., Fig. 48 ; the cause of excess ‘of, 51 ; excess of, should be removed from breeding apartments, 51, 225 ; if new, advanta geous in boxes for surplus honey, 130. Drone-eggs, not impregnated, 37; - attempt of bees to rear a queen froma, 39 ; arti- ficial impregnation of, 41; laid by superannuated queens, 49. Drone-laying queens, 38, 49, 213 (note); use to be made of, 214 (note), 3527. Drones, o> male- bees, produced by re- tarded impregnation of queens, 36; always by unfecundated eggs, 37; often by unfecundated queens, 37, 127 (note) ; their devydlopment from egg to insect, 46; description and wood- cuts of, 49 ; PL. XIl., Figs. 33, 34 (natural and magnified size) ; Office of, to impregnate young queens, 49; time of their appearance, 50 ; often 597 very numerous, 50; how to prevent excessive multiplication of, 51; why destroyed by workers, 52, 224’; wis- dom displayed in pr ‘oviding so many, 53 ; length of life, 58; perish in im- pregnation of queen, 125, 126 (note) ; never molest queens in ‘hive, 127 (note); on leaving the hive, are filled with honey, but on returning are empty, 224; Butler’s description of, 224 ; destroyed by ancient bee-keepers 51, 225; easily.destroyed by use of moy. comb hive, 225; their anxiety when excluded from the hive, .225 ; their odor, 226 (note 1); how to pre- vent common, from impregnating Italian queens, 326; refrigerated queens produce only, 327. Drought, failure occasioned by, i78 (note). Drumming on hive subdues bees, 210 (note). Dunbar, his description of how queen lays, 43. Dysentery from bad ventilation, 90; from dampness and sour honey, 256 : how prevented, 256 ; makes bees cross, 310; caused by want of water in Winter, 343. Dzierzon, "facts connected with the inven- tion of his hive, 19; rise of his system, 19; his apiar y nearly destroyed by “ foul brood,” 19 ; committee of apia- rian convention report favorably on his system, 20 ; it creates a revolution in German bee-keeping, 20; profits of his apiary, 21 ; discovered. that un- fecundated eggs "produce males, 37 ; thinks some brood may be raised ‘without pollen, 81; discovere! rye meal to bea good substitute for pol- len, 84; Supposes sound of queen’s wings excites droues, 127 (note) ; his mode of forcing swarming, 186; his estimate of the value of a queen, 192 (note) ; his treatment of foul brood, 257; recommends the cultivation of buckwheat, 296 ; on the difficulty of estimating ‘profits of bee-culture, 306 note); his experiments with the Ital- ian bee, 320 ; thinks bees not injured by the’ opening of their hives, 321 (note) ; his mode of wintering bees, 348. E. \ Eggs of bees, how fecundated, 35 ; fecun- dated produce females, unfecundated, males, 37; sex of, determined by queen, 38 ; what is necessary to their impreg- nation, 41; no difference ia size be- tween drone and worker eggs, 42; process of laying, 45 ; description of, 44; Pl. XII., Fig. 39; ” degree of heat necessary to to hatch them, 46; power ae of queens over their development, 47 ; laid ten months in the year, 48 , 339: supernumerary, how disposed of, 48 ; ventilation necessary for hatching, 89 : of workers transferred to royal cells, 219 ; of bee-moth, 234 (note z), Ehrentels, profits of his large apiary, | 300. Enemies of bees, 228-255; moth, 228- 252; mice 252; birds, 252, toads, 254 ; bears, 254; ants, 255 ; wasps, spiders, &c., 255; all agreed in fondness for honey, 255. Energy of bees, instructive, 197. Engravings, see wood-cuts. Entrance of hives, should not ordina- rily be above the level of the bottom- board, 98; should be readily varied without perplexing the bees, 98; a small upper one, uses of, 250, 388 (and note); should be nearly closed when colony is threatened by robbers, 264 ; how to regulate in Winter, 338. Epitaph on bees killed by sulphur, 239. Ether used for stupefying bees, 210. Evans, Dr., quotations from poem of, on bees, 50, 60, 69, 76, 77, 78, 79, 109, 267, 292. Experiments, an interesting one, 67; of Huber, showing the use of pollen, ’g0 ; author's to the same effect, 81 ; nume- rous, of author, 179; cautions con- cerning, to beginners, "179 « ; bee-keep- ers invited to make, 180; of Huber, showing two kinds of workers, 193 (note); difficulty of demonstration by, 193 (note); Dr. Dénhoff’s, showing that young bees are nurses and old bees honey-gatherers, 194 ; of author, in wintering bees, 339 « of E. T. Stur- tevant, 340; of Berlepsch and Eber- hardt, 342 « Ot TL. Bodwell, 345 ; Mr. Scholtz, 348 ; further, needed, wintering bees, 360. Examination of combs and bees in hive, importance of, in Spring, 221. Experience renders bee- keeping profit- | able, 282. Fi Facts, however wonderful, should be received, 42. Feces, appearance of, in young and old bees, different, 197 : healthy bees do not discharge, in hive, 347 ; how to make bees in mov. comb hives, safely discnarg , 361 (and note). Faint-heartedness, rebuked, 198. | Famine causes bees to abandon hives 116. Fear, effect of, in taming bees; 27; uniting swarms, 204. Feeble stocks unprofitable, 141, 177, 2 336. Feeder, convenience of, in mov. comb ? in INDEX. hive, 270; construction of, onl; ri mie, XL. , Fi ig. 26. Feeding bees, 267-278 ; few ee more important ‘in practical bee-keeping, 267 ; Spring feeding specially neces- sary, 267 (and note); caution in, re- quired, 268; over-feeding, like pam- pering’ children, 268 ; to be submit- ted to only in extremities, 268 ; how done, in common hives, 269 : ” ditli-. cult-to build up small colonies wy 269; equitable division of resources, in, 270 ; when it should be done for Winter, 270 ; what should be used in, 270 ; unprofitable in late Fall stocks, 270 ‘(note) ; mode of, by means of a feeder, 27i ; water should be supplied, 271, 342 ; importance of salt, ih, 272 ; sugar- -candy a good and cheap article for, 272 (and note), and 273 (note); Kleine’s mode of using candy, 273, 274; value of grape-sugar for, 273; Sholz’ sugar-honey for, 274 ; granulat- ed sugar for, 274 (and ‘note) ; quantity of honey needed for, to Winter bees, 274 ; weight of hives, unsafe standard to determine amount of honey for, 275 (note); caution to be observed in, 277; should not be too early in the Fall, 298 ; cheap honey, to sell again, unprofitable in, 275. Fertility of queens, 32 5 diminishes with age, 141, 223 ; diminished by hunger and cold, 223 (note 1). Fishback, Judge, his precautions to pre- vent loss of young queens, 216; his ex- perience with the bee- moth , 240 (note). Flight of bees, its extent, 305; its rapidity, 505 (note 2). Flowers for bees, Nutt’s catalogue of, 298 ; garden, furnish little i) 297. Foul-brood, its ristigtiity, 19, 256; and moist, 256 ; remedy, 257, ods + disease exclusively of the lar ve, 23 9: : supposed cause, 256 (note), 259 ; ‘liable to appear the second time, 259.” Forcing-box, its size and use, 154, 165. Frames, movable, invented by author, 15; how they must be made to be lifted out of hive, 150, 171, 209 (note) 5 process of removing. from the hive, 171, 370 (Pl. XXIV.); with comb used for patterns, 208 ; effect on bee-culture, 211 (note) ; a protection against the ravages of the moth, 239, 241 ; render the cleaning of hive easy, 243 2 used by Berlepsch, 821 (note 2) 3 approved of by Siebold, 321 (note 2 » hot well - adapted to tall hives, 330." +: Friesland, East, its productiyeness in honey, 304, Fruit, honey. bees beneficial to, 85-87 wasps and hornets injurious to. 86. Fruit-trees, blossoms. of, yield Rei 292. : “INDEX. Fumigation of hives with puff-ball, ob- | jectionable, 210. G- Gardeners might manage their employ- ers’ bees, in moy. comb hive, 226. Garden plants insufficient to furnish bee- pasture, 297. Glass, vessels of, for spare honey, should have guide-combs, 290 ; objections to, 290 (note). Gloves, india-rubber, to protect the hands, 317 (Pl. XL, Fi ig. 27); woollen, objectionable, 317. Goldsmith, on spontaneous and fashion- able joys, 334. “Good oid way”’ of coru-raising, 237. Golden-rod, some varieties of, furnish food for bees, 298. Governments, of Europe, interest of some in disseminating knowledge of bee cul- ture, 320 (note). Grape-sugar, as food for bees, 273 Guide for combs, artificial, secure regu- Jarity in building comb, 130, 207 ; can- not be invariably relied on, 208 ; Ger- man invention of, (P1. VI. , Fig. 72). ? Gundelach, on the necessity ‘of pollen for rearing brood, 81. H. Hairy objects, why offensive to bees, 3 Harris, Dr., his account of the bee-moth, 228. Hartshorn, spirits of, remedy for bee- stings, 316. Health, bad ventilation of houses i impairs, C2. - Hearing, in bees, acute, 138. Heat, degree required to hatch the eggs of bees and.develop the pupa, 46; great, attendant on comb-building, 71. Hens, too much crowded, mistake their nests, 215 ; not good tenders of moth- traps, 248. “a Heyne} on over-stocking, 301. Hiver, *pasket for, 133. Hives’ (sce Mov. "Comb Hive), Huber’s, author’s experiments with, 14; made with slats, 15, 210 (note) ; “should be made of sound lumber, 78 ; mixture for sealing corners of,” 78; thin, an- noying to bees in hot weather, 90 ; sixty-one requisites for complete, 95- 108 ; size of, should admit of variation, 96 ; “‘ improved,” often bad, 107; quali- ties of best, 107 ; paint on, should be _very dry before hiving, 129 ; heated in the sun, should not be used for new swarms, 129; should incline forward, but stand level from side to side, 130 : if clean, need no washing or rubbing with herbs, 131; five stocks in on®, =e hh ents seen 3899 137 ; should be placed where it is to stand, as s00n as Swarm is secured, 188 ; ‘if not ready to swarm, liow to proceed, 139; difficult to rid of bee- moth, 141 ; ; common eget? tao unfertile queen from, 141; Huber’ 148; ‘‘ dividing,” and objections be 149: self-colouizing, ineffectual, 151 : thorough inspection of, nece ssary for success, 152; non- -swarmiug, likely to exterminate the bee, if generally used, °153 ; decoy when to be used, 155 ; for surplus honey, should be undisturbed, 180, (and note) : like Dzierzou’s, even with movable frames, give inadequate control of bees, 187 (note) ; Should be - opened before or after sun- light, when forage is scarce, 199; royal combat witnessed in author’s observi ing, 205 ; with poor arrangements, educate bees to regard their riot le as an enemy, 210 (note) ; wonders of, unknown by many bee-keepers, 211: in crowded apiary, 214-216 ; condition of, should be ascertained, 221 : patent, ey il results of, 237, 241 ; should be cleaned in early Spri ing, 243. common, furnish no re- liable remedy for loss of queen, 245 ; infected with foul-brood, to disinfect? 257; common, how prepared for re- moval when occupied by stocks, 281 ; to transfer bees from common to mor. comb, 282 ; size, shape, and materiais for, 329-322 ; size of author’s can be varied at pleasure, 329; tall, advan. tages and disadvantages of, 329 : most advantageous form of, 330 ; Dzierzon’ S, disadvantages of, 331 : double and triple, 351 note) ; proper materials for, 331 suggestions as to making mov. comb. 339. Hives, mov. comb, see movable Comb Hives. Hives, patent, see Patent Hives. Hiving bees, directions for, 129 ; expert- ness in, makes pleasant, 129: should be conducted in shade, 130; should be attended to soon after swarm set- tles, 132 ; process of, 133; basket for, 133 : sheet for, how arranged, 133 ; how to expedite, "133 ; ; process of, must be repeated when queen not secured, 134 ; when settled out of reach, how to secure the swarm, 134 ; when swarm alights in difficult place, or two swarms cluster together, 135 ; how to secure - the queen, 136; old-fashioned way of, bad, 136 ; so as to prevent swarms uniting, 138; when done, remove swarms to proper stands, 158 ; danger of delaying, 188 - what to do if no hive is ready, 139: Holbrook, Hon. F., white ciover, 294. Home, should be made attractive, Honey , 285-282 ; on cultivation of 220. its elements, 70 ; quan 400 tity consumed in secreting wax, 71, 176 ; gathered by day, 72; sometimes gathered by moonlight, 73 (note) ; honey-gathering and comb. building simultaneous, 73 ; surplus. incompati- ble with rapid increase of colonies, 176 ; how to secure the largest yield of, 180 : more abundant fifty years ago "than now, 256; reasons assigned for the deficiency, 237; foreign, supposed cause of foul brood, 256, 258; from foul-brood colonies, infectious, 256 pore 2) ; infected, how pur ified, 207 ; est India, used for bee- feed, 256 (note), 270 ; and sugar (Sholz’ com- position) , O74: quantity of, necessary for wintering "stocks, 274; poor, not convertible into good, "O75 ; ‘not a secre- tion of the bee, 275 (and note 2) ; re- tains the flavor of the blossoms from whence it is taken, 275; evaporation produces the principal changes in, 276 (and note 1); ‘‘ making over”’ honey not profitable, 276 ; ; recipe for artificial, 276 (note) ; a vegetable product, 285 ; qualities of, vary, 287 ; hurtful quali- ties cured by boiling, 287 (and note) ; should not be exposed to low tem- perature, 287; old, more wholesome than new, 287 : virtues ascribed to it by old writers, 287 (note) ; to drain from the comb, 288, 366; to make liquid when candied, 288 ; caution as to West India, 288 (note) ; ‘of Hy mettus, 293 (note) ; yield of, affected. by soil, 294 (note) ; from the raspberry, deli- cious, 296 ; yield of, by plants uncer- tain, 296 (note 2); lar ge amount gath- ered, in a day, 303 ; on the hands, pro- tects them against bee-stings, 317 ; bees eat less in Winter, when Kept quiet, 335, 348, 358 ; how to get in centre of hive, ’ for Winter, 336; Ccan- died, bees need water to dissolve, 342- 344. Baie worker’s, 66 (Pl. XVII., Fig. 5 Honey-bees, see Bees. Honey- board, spare, holes in, “left open in Winter, 338 ; sometimes strongly glued by ‘bees, 172 (note) ; care in placing necessary, 173. Honey-dews, 285; of “alifornia, 285 (note) ; when "most abundant and where found, 286. Honey- hornets, Mexican, 58 (note) 87. Honey-resour ces, how to increase, 293. Honey-suckle juice of,a remedy for bee- stings, 315. Honey, surplus, much, incompatible with rapid multiplication ‘of stocks, 176, 178 ; best yield of, from undisturbed stocks, 180 ; receptacles for, when to admit bees. to, 288, 364; how secured, 289 ; quantity from one stock, 289 (note 2). ’] large boxes more profitable than small, INDEX. for, 289 (and note 2), 290 (note 1) ; glass vessels and small boxes, for, 290, © air-tight boxes, to preserve, 230 (note 2); receptacles of, how and when to remove them, 291, "365 ; ; boxes for, bees reluctant to fi! l, late in the season, 366. Honey-water, objectionable for subduing bees, 1€9 (note). Hornets, fecundation of, 35; Mexican, injure fruit, 86; should be destr oyed in Spring; Bits tore honey , 58 (note), 87 ; pid in Winter, 109. Horses sweaty, very’ offensive to bees,’ 279, 313. Horticulturists , honey-bees their friends, 88 (STs x Houses, ventilation of, neglected, 91. Huber, ’ Francis, tribute to, 32-345 dis- covered how queens are impregnated, 34; that unfecunded queens produce only drones, 36; experiments of, to — test the secretion of wax, 69; to show the use of pollen, 80 ; his discovery of ventilation by bees, 88 ; his supposition as to development in ’ queen of male eggs, 128 (note) ; his plan for artificial swarming and its objections, 148; effect of his leaf hive in pacifying bees, 168 ; his mistake as to the cause, 169; an in convenience of his hive, 171 (note) ; his description of workers, 192 (note 2) ; “ie his curious experiments ’ showing a dis- tinction among them, 193 (note) ; his tribute to Burnens, 194 (note) ; his ac- count of the treatment by bees of. Strange queens, 200 ; his trial of two. queens in a hive, 207 (note) ; splendid discoveries of, formerly ridiculed, 21h. Humble-bee robbed by honey-bees, 262. Hunger impairs fertility of queen-bee, — 223 (note 1). Bunt, Revo. ie , his mode of securing: : swarms, 132. Hunter, Dr. stomach of bees, 80. ‘Hurting bees, important to avoid, 95. ‘Hyginus, on feeding bees, 267 7 (note). i a. Impregnation, of anecneten 34-43 ; re- tarded, effect of, 36 ; remarkable’ law of, in aphides, 42 « takes place in the : air, 50, 320 ; act of, fatal to drone, 125, 126 (note) Shrimplin’s experiment illustrative of, iy ee Italian honey-bees, 41 ; of crossing with common drones, 41, 324 (note 2) ; used to show a division of labor among bees, 1943 account of 318-528 ; described by Aristotle and Virgil, 318 ; Mr. Wagner’s letter on 318 ; their modern introduction to no- — tice, 318 ; value of, in the study of the physiology of the honey-bee, 319; cells of, the same size as those of the - discovers pollen in the f singular result vgsk Sess _ (mote). INDEX. tommon bee, 320; Dzierzon’s experi- ments with, 320 ; frequent disturbances abate nothing from the industry of, 321 (note); general diffusion of, de- sirable, 321 ; superior to common bee, 822, 324,325 ; peaceable disposition of 322; may readily be introduced into hives of common bees, 322; furnishes new means of studying the habits of bees, 522: the purity of, can be-pre- served, 822; character of, as tested by Berlepsch, 324; number of queens obtained in one ‘Season, from one queen, 324; remarkable fact in rela- tion to hybrids, 324 (note); descrip- tion of, by Busch, 324; Radlkoffer’s account of, 325 ; how to introduce an Italian queen to a stock of common bees, 325 ; advantages of author’s non- swarmer in preserving the Italian bee pure, 326; how to produce abundance of drones of, 327 ; precaution suggest- ed when non-swarmer cannet be used, 327 ; queens of, safely moved in mov. comb hive, 327 ; introduction of, into this country, important, 328 ; arrange- ments to that end, 328 (note). [tinerating colonies, 305 (note 2). _ Ignorance, the occasion of the invention of costly and useless hives, 209 (and note). Increase of colonies, rapid, impractica- ble, by natural swarming, 147; or by dividing hives, 149; rapid, cautions against, 175-178 ; rapid, incompatible with large yield of surplus honey, 176 ; a tenfold, possible, in mov. comb hive, 178 ; sure, not rapid, to be-aimed at, 179; forming one new from two oid colonies best, and how effected, 180; rapid, requires liberal feeding, 184,. Inexperienced persons should not begin bee-keeping on a large scale, 282, Indian name for honey-bee, 236. . Industry taught by the bee, 59. Intemperate men compared to infatuated bees, 278. Intercommunication of bees in hives, im- portant, 103, 336, 337 (and note), 339 (and note). Irving, Washington, his account of the abundance of bees at the West, 236 J. Jansha, on impregnation of queen, 36. Japanese, veneration for birds, 253 (note). x Jarring, disliked by bees, 96, 170, 309. Jelly, royal, the food of immature queen, 63 ; a secretion of.the bees, 64; analysis of, 64, effect of, in developing larye, 64, 191; potlen necessary for its production, 197. Johnson, M. T., the first American ob- | 401 server of the fact that queenless stocks are soon destroyed by the moth, 244 (note). K. Kaden, Mr., on over-stocking, 301. Killing bees for honey, an invention of the dark ages, 239 (note); more hu mane than to starve them, 238 ; not necessary, 239. Kindness of bees at home, a lesson for man, 312. King-bird, eats bees, 252. gir a and Spence on ants and aphides, 5. Kirtland, Dr. J. P., his letter on the in- troduction of the bee-moth, 240; on benefits of transferring .stocks into mov. comb hive, 284. Knight on honey-dews, 286. Kleine, Rey. Mr., on making bees rear queens in selected cells, 191; his method of preventing robberies among bees, 265 (note); on feeding bees, 273; on over-stocking, 301 ; on accustoming the human system to the poison of bees, 316 (note). L. Larvee of honey-bee, development of, 44 (Pl. XIII., Figs. 40, 41, 42); royal, 64; perish without ventilation, 89; of bee- moth, see bee-moth, Larve of; of honey bee, disease of, 259. : Leidy, Dr. Joseph, his dissection of fertile aud drone-iaying queens, 34, 39, 213 (note); of a queen just impregnated, 126 (note). Light, bees will work when exposed to, 16, 205, 332; its sudden admission, effect of, on bees, 168, 169; of day, needed for. operations about the hive, 167. Ligurian, or Italian, bee, 318 (note). Linden, or bass-wood tree, yields much honey, 293 (and note). Liriodendron, yields much honey, 292. Locust, valuable for bees, 293. Lombard, his interesting anecdote of swarming, 308. Longfellow, H. W., his Indian warrior’s description of the bee, 236. : Loss of queen, 213-227 ; frequent, though the queen is usually the last to perish in any casualty, 213; when by old age, bees prepare for her successor, 213 ; occurs oftenest when queen leaves hive for impregnation, 213, 214; how occasioned, by queens mistaking their hives, 214, 215 ; bees, like hens in this respect, 215; Judge Fishback’s pre- ventive of, 216; author’s preventive, 217 ; effect of, on stocks, 217; some 402 ff times not discovered by bees tor some } time, 218 (and note) ; excitement in hive when discovered, 218; will not cause bees to abandon the hive . if they are supplied with brood-comb, 218 ; nucleus system will remedy it, 219 ; indications of, 219; the most common cause of destruction of stocks by bee-moth, 219. Lunenburg, number of colonies of bees in, 302 ; bees of, more than pay all the taxes, 302. M. Mahan, P. J., on causing bees to adhere to new locations, 168 (note) ; interest- ing observations of, 219 (note) ; his discovery that drones leave their hives with honey and return without any, 224; on the odor of the queen, 226 (note 2). Maple-tree a source of honey, 292. Maraldi, anecdote from, of bees and a snail, "a8. Materials for hives, 331. Meal, a substitute for pollen, 84, 219. Medicine, poison of bee, used for, 315 (note). , Mice, ravages of, and protection against, 252. Miller, see Bee-moth. Mills, John, on marking hives with dif- ferent colors, 216 (note). ‘Mixing of bees, of different colonies, 203 ; precautions concerning, 203. Months of the year, direction for treating bees in, 362-369. Moonlight, bees sometimes gather honey by, 73 (note). More, Sir J., on the sovereign ingle of honey, 287 (note). Moth, see Bee-moth. ; Moth, death-head, 240 (note). . Moth, large honey- -eating, from Ohio, 241 note). Mothers, unkind treatment of, reproved by bees, 312. Mother-stock, in forced swarming, easily supplied with fertile queen, 182; ex- posed to perish without a prompt sup- ply of queen, and by over swarming, if left to supply itself, 182 ; also to be robbed, 182; - advantage of supplying with fer tile queen, 183. Moth-proof hives a delusion, 228, 238, 247. Moths, honey-eating, ravages of, 24 329 5 INDEX. himself, 23, 164; admits of easy re- moval of old comb, 60; bees in it easily supplied with ‘empty comb, hs its facilities for ventilation, 94,- 276 (note 1); size of, adjustable to the wants of colony, 96, 329 ; facilities of, for securing surplus honey, 100, 289, advantages of, for preventing after- -swarming, 124, 140 ; enables one person to superintend various colo- nies, 102, 226 ; not easily blown down, 108 ; may be made secure against mice, 103, 252, and thieves, 104; dura-. bility of, 104 : .’ cheapness and ‘simplic- ity of, 105 ; ‘some desirables it does not possess, 105 ; invention of, result of experience, 105 ; perfection dis- claimed for, 105 ; merits of, submitted to experienced bee-keepers, 108 ; de- sertion of, by swarms, easily prevent- ed, 115; by use of, ‘can employ all good worker comb, 130; furnishes storage-room for non- swarming bees, 139 ; importance of, in supplying ex- ~ tra queens, 141, 188 ; ; easily cleared of the bee-moth, ” 246 : best for non- Swarming plan, 153 ; enables the api- arian to learn the laws regulating the internal economy of bees, 164; ena- bles artificial swarming to be quickly performed, 164; ; advantages of mov. able top of, 168’; affords facilities for supply of fertile queens to mother stocks, in forced swarming, 182, 192 ; danger of being stung, diminished by use of, 209; the greatest obstacle to its speedy intr oduction, 209; the au- thor sanguine of. its extensive use by skilful bee-keepers, 211; should be thoroughly examined in ’Spri ing, 22] ; durable and cheap, if properly taken care of, 221; advantages of, readily perceived by intelligent bee-keepers, 226; adaptation of, to protect stocks from the moth, 249’; enables the apia- rian to know the amount of honey stocks contain, 275 (note) ; how pre- — pared for transporting bees, 281; to transfer into, from common hive, ‘O83 : designed to economize the labor of bees, 305 ; experiments concerning the size of, 330. (note 8) ; suggestions as to making, 3382 ; - observing, 332; how to ~ get honey in centre of, for Winter aes. i | how to make Winter passages in combs of, 387 (and note 1) ; how to ventilate, in Winter, 338 ; bills of stock, for mak- ing, 371. Movable entrance blocks, see Blocks, entrance regulating. (and note). Motions, in operating on hives should be deliberate, 170. Vovable-comb hive, invention of 13-23 ; superiority to Dzierzon’s, 16, 18; ena- bles each bee-keeper to observe for Movable bottom-boards, dangerous, 231. Movable stands for hives, 279. Moving stocks, 281. Munn, W. ‘A his * ber and 2 le hive, ”? 209 (note). Musk, ‘used to stop robbing, 265 (note). INDEX. | 403 N. 0. ; Objections to natural swarming, 143-147. Narcotics, in managing bees, worse than useless, 211. Natural swarming and hiving of swarms, 109-142 ; guards against extinction of bees, 109 not unnatural, 111; time et os seldom occurs in northern climates, when hives are not well fill- ed with comb, 111 (note) ; signs of, 111; only in fair weather, 112; time of day of, 112; preparation of bees for, 112 ; - queen often lost in, 1138 ; ring- ing ‘of bells and tanging, useless, 113 ; . how to stop a fugitive swarm, 114; after, ventilation should be regulated, ; 124; hiving should be done in shade, or hive be covered, 130; should be promptly attended to after swarm settles, 132; process of, 183; basket for, 1383 ;*sheet for, 183 ; how arrang- ed, 133 ; “how to expedite, if bees are dilatory, 133, 134; must be repeated if queen not secured 134 ; small-limbs cut with pruning shears in, 134; when swarm out of reach, how to secure, 134 ; when in difficult places, or two swarms cluster together, 1385; how to secure queen, 136 ; old- fashioned way, objectionable, 136 ; more than one swarm in a hive, 187; to prevent swarms uniting while ‘hiving, 188 ; swarms, as soon as hived, should be removed to their stands, 138 ; an ex- pedient, if no hive be ready, 139 - ; sug- gestions “for making more profitable, 139-142 ; excessive, prevented by use of moy. comb hive, 140 : affords no fa- cilities for strengthening late and fee- ble stocks, 140 ; objections to, 189147 ; uncertainty of, "147 ; why some stocks refuse to swarm, 147, * New England Farmer,” extract from, describing a combat of queens, 205. Night-work, on bees, hazardous, 167. Non-swarmer, author’ Ss, prevents swarm- ing, 174 ; excludes drones, 228 ; facili- ties it offers to preserve pure the Ital- ian bee, 326; wood-cut of, Pl. IL., Fig. 5. Non-swarming colonies, may lose their queens, or queens become unfertile, in common hive, 153; queens may be supplied to, in ‘mov. comb hive, 153. Non-swarming vo advocated b y many, 154; objections to, 153; mov. comb hive best for, 153. Nuclei, what they are, and how to form them, 189; to obtain adhering bees for, 192 (and note) ; must not be allow- ed to get too much reduced, 197 ; al- ways furnish plenty of queens, 219. Nutt, his list of bee flowers, 298. Nymph, bee, see Pupa. . Observing-hive, mov. comb, 332-334 ; Hon. S. Brown’s experiment with, 205 : : its facilities for observing the internal operations of the bees, 3832 ; for winter- ing, 332 (note) ; those with single frames recommended, 3383; adapted -for the parlor, 333 ; how to stock with bees, 383 ; source of pleasure and in struction, "833 ; may be kept in citjes, 350. Odor, of Queens, 226, 266 ; of drones, 226 (note 1) ; of workers, 208. Odors, unpleasant, offensive to bees, 318 ; used to prevent robberies, 265 (note) ; excite bees to anger, 313. Oettl, remarks of, on over-stocking, 303 ; his golden rule in bee- keeping, 303 ; his statistics of bee culture, 303, Old age, signs of in bees, 59. : Oliver, A. =. observations of, on bee- moth, 251. Onions, blossoms of, yield much honey, 293. Ovaries of queen-bee, 35, (Pl. XVIIL.); of workers, are undeveloped, 29, 54. Over-stocking, 299-307; no danger of 299; Wagner’s letter - on, 300; Oettl and "Braun’s statistics ap 303. Ovum, what necessary to impregnate it, 41. P. Paint, smell of fresh, detested by bees, 129 ; if fresh be used, it should contain no white lead, and be made to dry quickly, 129; recipe for, preferable to oil paint, 129; color of, for hives, 368. Pasturage for bees, 292 ; effect of, on re- moval of colonies, 157 ; honey- yielding trees and plants, 292-239 ; gardens too limited for, 297; catalogue of bee- plants, 298 ; range of, 305. Patent hives, deceptions in vending, 61 (note), 106, 146 (note) ; have greatly multiplied the bee- moth, "237: ; and done more harm than good, 237, 241. Peach-tree, yields honey, 292. Pear-tree yields honey, 292. Peppermint, use of in uniting colonies, 203. Perfection, folly of claiming for hives, 106. Perfumes, disagreeable to bees, 313 (note). Perseverance of bees, worthy of imita- tion by man, 197. Persons attacked by bees, directions for, 312, 314. Peters , Randolph, interesting experiment of, 219 (note). Pillage of hives, secret, cause and remedy of, 266. 404 Piping of queens, an indication of after- swarming, 121. Plantain, a remedy for bee-stings, 315. Plum-tree, a source of honey, 292. Poison of bees, smell of, strong and irri- tating to bees, 314; effect of, on the eye, 314 (note) ;. remedies for, 314— 317 ; effect of, when taken into the mouth, 315 ; cold water the best rem- edy for, 315 ; a homoeopathic remedy, 315 (note) ; the human system can be inured to, 316 (note). Poisonous honey, and how to remove its injurious qualities, 287. Pollen, or bee- bread, 80-87 ; found in stomachs of wax- -makers, 80 : ; may aid in secretion of wax, 80; whence ob- tained, 80; food of immature bees, as shown by Huber’s experiments, 80 ; author’s, to the same effect, 81 ; ‘Gun- delach’s’ opinion of, 81; useful ‘in se- cretion of wax, §2 ; bees prefer fresh to old,82 ; in mov. comb hives, excess of, in old stocks, can be given to ‘others, 82 ; how gathered and stored by bees, 83 ; : bees gathering, aid in impregnating plants, 83 ; bees collect, only from one kind of flower ata time, $3 ; wheat and rye meal a substitute "for, 84 ; neces= sary for the production of Wax and jelly, 197 ; the gathering of, by bees, indi- cates. a. fertile queen in the hive, 219 (and note). Pollen-basket, on leg of bee, 56. Poppy, white, a remedy for bee-stings, 315. \Posel, discovery of, on use of spermae theca, 36 (note). Proboscis: of a worker, 56 ; wood-cuts of, Plates XIII, XVI. , Figs. 68, 51. Profits of bee- keeping, Dzierzon’ S expee rience in, 2) ; Sydserfi’s calculation of, 146 (note) ; dependent.on strong stocks, 176 ; difficulty of estimating, 306 (note) ; safe estimate of, 306. Propolis, 76-80; whence ‘obtained, 76 ; curious sources of, in Mexico, 77: its uses, 77; bee- moth lays her "eggs in, 78; curious anecdotes, illustrating its uses, 78. Prussia, bee-Keeping encour aged by gov- ernment of, 320 (note). Pupa, or bee- ‘nymph, 45 ; heat required for ‘its development, 46, Punk, smoke of, subdues bees, 27, 154. i Qs Queen- bee, magnified size), Pl. XII., Figs. 31, 32; wood-cut of ovaries and spermat eca of, 35, Pl. XVIII. ; description of, 30 ; the mother of the whole colony, 30: affectionate treatment of, by the other bees, 31 ; ‘colony, 31 ; her fertility, 32; how her wood-cut of (natural . and |. effect of her loss on the INDEX, eggs are fecundated, 34-41; Huber discovers impregnation of, to take place out of hive, 343 dissection of, by Dr. Leidy, 34, 126 (note), 213 (note) 5 effect of retarded impregnation on, 36 ; she determines the sex of the egg, 38 : Dr. Leidy’s dissection of a drone- . laying, 38, 126 (note), 213 (note); at-. tempt of bees ‘to rear, from a drone- egg, 39; account of a drone laying, afterwards laying worker eggs, 40; a drone laying, with shrivelled wings, 40; Italian, impregnated by common drones, produce Italian drones, while . the females are a cross, 41, 324 (note 2) 5 becomes incapable ‘of impregna- tion, 42; process of laying, 43; devel- opment ‘of, in pupa state, 46; enmity of, to each. other, 46, 120, 205-207 + can regulate development of eggs in her ovaries, 47; disposition by, of super- numerary "eggs, 48; fertility of, de- creases with age, 49, 228 ; longevity of, 49, 58; when superannuated, lays only dr one- -eggs, 49; why imprege nated in the air, 58: Office of, no sine- cure, 58; Italian, use of, to show how long workers live, 59 5 manner of reare ing, 62; larvee of, effects of royal jelly on, 63; process of rearing in special emergency, 66; development of, an argument against infidelity, 68 ; old, leads first swarm, 111; often lost in swarming, 112; loss of, "in swarming, causes bees to return to parent stock, 113 ; how to prevent, from deserting new ‘hive, 115 ; influence of, in causing bees to cluster, iii: prevented by bees from killing inmates of royal . cells, 121; piping of, 121; several sometimes accompany after-swarms, | 122; emerges from her cell mature, 122: young more active on wing than old, ” 193 ; young often reluctant to leave hive, 123; young, does not leave for impregnation till established as sole head, 51, 125; her precautions to regain her hive, 125 ; néver molest- ed by drones in hive, 127 (note) ; begins laying two days after impreg- nation, 128 ; lays mostly worker-eggs the first year, 128; never stings, ex- cept in combat with other queens, 136, 204; alacrity of, in entering hive for new swarm, 136 ; young, often lost after swarming, 141 ; her loss easily remedied by moy. comb hive, 141 ; unfertile, difficult to remove in com. mon hives, 141 ; when immature, bees do not build worker-comb, 149’. ; sel- dom enters | side- -apartments, 152; Signs indicating her presence or ‘ab- sence in. forced swarms, 158 ; supply of sealed, for forced swarming, how to secure, 166 ; how to cut sealed ones from comb, "166 ; ; fertile, deprived of INDEX. wings to prevent swarming, 173; may be confined to prevent swarming, 174 ; unfertile, should not be confined, 175 ; fertile, easily supplied to desti- tute mother stocks, 182; young, in after-swarms, lay few drone-eggs, 184 (note) ; to raise, for artificial-swarm- _ Ing, 188; when to be given to newly- forced swarms, 189 ; to induce bees to raise, on what part of the comb you please, 191; her value, 192 (note) ; can she be develoned from any worker-larvze ? 192 (note 2) ; made to _ Supply several stocks with eggs, 193 ; will lay eggs while under inspection, 196 (note); caution needed in giving, _ to strange stocks, 200 ; stranger, how to induce stocks to receive, 201 ; pro- tected by queen-cage, 201; care to be used in catching, 202; never stings, but sometimes bites, 202, 204; may be lost if allowed to fly, 202 ; her great _ appetite, 202 ; her life indispensable to the safety of the colony, 204; loss of, see “Loss of Queen;’”’ young, dangers besetting, 213; should be given to queenless stocks in Spring, 221 ; when unimpregnated, colony should be _ watched, 222; when unimpregnated, _ hides, 222; wings of, may be clipped for artificial swarming, 222; how to mark the age of, 223; fertility of, dimin- ished by hunger and cold, 223 (note 1); should be removed in their third | year, and new one given, 223 ; regular and systematic, best, 223 (note 2); odor of, 226; removal of, a remedy for foul-brood, 258 ; surplus, reared by Dzierzon, in suspected hives, 260; de- serted by her subjécts when they have been .conquered by stronger stocks, 263 (and note); should be removed before smothering the bees, when stocks are broken up for their honey, 306 (note); Italian, how to propagate, 326; after being chilled, lay only drone-. 327. Queen "Bees, why, when two fight, both are not killed, 205 ; combat of, as wit- nessed in one of author’s observing hives, 205 Queen-cage, use and construction of, 201, | 325. : Queen cells, see Royal cells. (jueenless stocks, signs of, 219, 245; to De supplied with queens, 221 ; in Oc- - tober, should be united with other stocks, 223; a sure prey to the moth, if not protected in time, 244 (and note). Quinby, M., author of a very valuable work on bee-keeping, 249 (note) ; on _ the ravages of the larve of bee-moth, _ 249 (note) ; on shape of mov. comb __ hives, 330 (note 3); on wintering bees, _ 3485; on equalizing colonies when re- 405 eats 2); on making bees work in a jouble tier of.surplus honey-boxes, 365 (note). R. Radikofer, Doctor, on over-stocking, 300 ; on the Italian bee, 325. Rapping on hives, its effect on bees, 27, _ 155, 204. Raspberry, one of the best bee-plants, and very abundant in hill towns of New England, 296. Reaumur, his account of a snail covered with propolis, by bees, 78 ; his error as to the treatment of strange queens by bees, 201 ; thought there were two species of bee-moth, 228. Reid, Dr., on the shape of honey-cells, 75. Religion, revealed, appeal to these who reject, 52. Remedies for bee-stings, 314-317. Riem, the first to notice fertile workers, 55. ‘ Ringing bells, in swarming time, useless, 118. Requisites of a complete hive, 95-108. Robbers, highway, bees sometimes act the part of, 262. Robbing, by bees, frequent, when forage is scarce, and caution against, 199, 261, 263 ; how prevented; 261-266; commit- ted chiefly on feeble or queenless colo- nies, 261; signs indicating a bee en- gaged in, 261, 265 ; begets a disrelish for honest pursuits, 262, 264 (and * note) ; movable entrance blocks pro- tect bees against, 264 ; infatuation pro- daced by, ou bees, 264; caution needed in checking, when a hive is vigorously attacked, 265 ; how to stop bees en- gaged in, 265 ; secret, its remedy, 266. Royal cells, described, 62 ; wood-cuts of, Plates XUI., XIV., and XV.; attention paid to, by workers, 62; why they open downwards, 63 ; number of, ina hive, 63 ; how supplied with eggs, 63 ; -description of, 66; when built, 111; queen prevented from destroying, 121 ; remains of, indicate number of queens hatched, 121; may be removed in moy. comb hives, to prevent after swarming, 124; how to decide whether inmate of has been hatched or killed, 121; how to cut out of combs, 166; ‘sign that the queens in, are nearly mature, 167 ; how to make bees rear, in convenient places on the comb, 191; to be given to colonies second day after removal of queen, 223, > Royal jelly, see Jelly, royal. Rye-meal, see meal. s. moved from Winter repository, 361 | Sagacity of bees, 47, 48. 406 Salt, fondness of bees for, 272. © Scent, see smell and odor. Schirach, on artificial rearing of queens, 148. Scouts sent out by swarms to find a new home, 117 ; necessity of, 118. Scraper’ for ‘cleaning the bottom-board of mov. comb hive, 347. Scudamore, Dr., on many swarms clus- tering together, 137. Secret recipe for keeping stocks strong, sham vendor of, 238. Scholtz, Mr., on wintering bees in clamps, 348-360. Sex of bees, determined by queen, 38, Shakspeare’s description of the Hive, » 268. Shrimplin, experiment of, showing im- pregnation to take place in the air, 127. Sick persons, the care of, beneficial to man, 313. Siebold, Professor, extracts from his Parthenogenesis, "126 (note); his dis- section of spermatheca, 127 (note) ; found spermatozoa in worker, but not in drone eggs, 41; on bee ‘life, 144 note) ; recommends movable frames, 321 (not 2). Sight of bees, acute, for distant objects, ATT. Signs of swarming, 111; of queenless colonies, 219, 224; of presence of moths in hive, 242. Size of hives, 329-332. Smell, of hives, in gathering season, 177 (note); str ange bees distinguished by, 203 ; the same, to be given in uniting. colonies, 208 ; sense of, in bees, acute, 313 ; of their own poison, irritates bees, 314. Smoke, importance of, in subduing bees, 27,154; its use in forced swarming, 165, 168, 169 ; its use of, very ancient, 210: drives clustered bees inside of hive, 281 ; useful in removing surplus” honey, 289. _ Smothering bees, cautions for prevent- ing, 281. Snails, sometimes covered by bees with propolis, 78. Snow, bees perish on, when carrying out their dead, 98; sometimes fatal to bees, 388 (note 1); often harmless to bees, 361 i Aye Solidago, see Golden Rod. Sontag, F., on meal as a substitute for pollen, 84. Spare honey, see Honey, surplus. ‘Spermatheca, of the queen bee, wood- cut aud description of, 35 ; Pl. ’XVIIL., Fig. 55; dissection of, "34, ’ 126 (note), 213 (note). Spermatozoa, found in spermatheca of | queen-bee, "34, 126 (note). Sphinx Atropos : ’see Moth, Death-head. _ INDEX. Spinola, described the Italian bee, oe (note). | Spring, importance of sun-heat in, to ; hives, 101 ; feeble stocks, in, unprofit-— able, 177; - ‘examination of. bees, in, im- portant, 221 ; colonies should be ‘fed, in, 267, "268. Sprinkling bees, should not be done to excess, 170 ; cools their robbing fren ZY, 203. Starving of bees, often happens when . there is honey in the hive, 336, 342, Sting, Bevan’s description ‘of, 56 ; Pl. XVII. Fig. 3% microscopic appear- ance of, 57 5 loss of, fatal to bees, 57 ; . loss of, in Stinging, a benefit to man, 58 ; of queen, 65 ; wood- cut of queen’s, PY XVIII. Sting, poison of, dangerous to some, 313 ; remedies for, "314-317 ; smell of poison of, irritating "to bees, 314; instant ex- traction of, important, 314 ; rubbing the wound made by, should be avoid- ed,314; Mr. Wagner’s remedy for, 315; different remedies answer for different persons, 315 ; human system may be inured to, 316 (note) ; amusing remedy for, 316 (note). Stinging, bees when gorged, disinclined to, 25, 169, 308 ; little risk of, unless bees are irritated, 28,168,170; risk of, diminished by use of mov. comb hive, 209; diseased bees inclined to, 310; risk’ of, not increased by proximity to the hive, 211 (note) ; not to be feared from a bee away from its hive, 312 ; effect of, sometimes dangerous, 312: Italian bee less inclined to, than com- mon bee, 322, 324. Stocks, of bees (see also colonies of bees) } enfeebled by ‘‘in-and-in breeding,’’, 54; strong, will rapidly fill empty comb, 71; often lose young queens after "swarming, 141; fewer in this country than there were years ago, 145 ; often refuse to swarm, 189, 145 ; 147 new, work better than old, 153 : if weak in Spring, usually unprofitable, and sometimes require to be fed, 177 ; the less disturbed, the better for sur- plus honey, 180 ; best mode for rapid increase of, 184’: doubling, trebling, &e., 185 ; : subject ‘to great. loss of bees in storms, 186 ; rapid increase of, hope- less in vicinity of sugar-houses, &e., 199; hostility of, to strange queens, 200 : when united, the bees should he gorged with honey, 204; will adhere to the hive when the queen is lost, if sup- _ plied with brood-comb, 218 ; - queenless should be broken up, if not supplied with a queen or brood-comb, 218; \ Spring-care of, 221; ; healthy, destroy the drones when forage is scarce, 224; weak, with uncovered comb, infeste by moths, 242; suffering | from hunger NE EE ee INDEX. ‘are an easy prey to the moth, 246 (and note). Stocks, union of, see Union of colonies. Stomach of worker, wood-cut of, PI. XVIL., Fig. 54. Stoves, air-tight, deficient in ventilation, 92; Franklin, a good kind of, 92 (note). Straw, use of, for protecting hives, 337. Stupetaction of bees, by smoke, chloro- form, and ether, 210. Sturtevant, E. T., on wintering bees, 340. Suffocation of bees, symptoms, 90. Sugar, its elements 70. Sugar-candy, see Candy, Sugar-water, use of to pacify bees, 26; 154, 168-170 ; how to apply it, 170; used in mingling stocks, 203. Sulphur, use of, in killing eggs and worms of bee-moth, 243. Sun, heat of, important to bees in Spring, 101, 368. | Superstitions about bees, 79. Surplus honey, see Honey, surplus. Swallow, address of Grecian poet, to a bee-eating, 253. Swammerdam, his drawing of queen’s ’ ovaries described, 35 ; great merits of, as an observer, 65 (note); his drawing of queen’s ovaries, Pl. XVII. ; how he iearned the internal economy of the hive, and his reverence in studying the works of Nature, 164 (note) ; spoke of two species of bee-moth, 228. Swarms, new, often construct drone- comb to store honey, 51; number of bees in a good one, 54; first ones led by old queens, 111; no sure indica- tions at first, 111; will settle without ringing of bells, &c., 113; more in- clined to elope, if bees are neglected, 114; how to arrest a fugitive, 114; how to prevent, from deserting a new hive, 115; indications of intended de- sertion, 115; clustering of, before de- parture, of special benefit to man, 116; send out scouts, 117 ; sometimes build comb of fence-rails, &c., 118; how parent hive is re-populated, after de- parture of, 119; composed of young and old bees, 119 ; none of the bees of new, return to parent hive, 120; signs and time of second, 122; sometimes settle in several clusters, 122 ; singular instance of plurality of queens (in Mexico), 122 ; signs and time of third, 123 ; first, sometimes swarms again, 128; new, reluctant, to enter heated hives, 130; often take possession of deserted hives stored with comb, but seldom of empty hives, 131 ; trees con- venient for clustering of, 131; can be Made to alight on a selected spot, 131; hiving of, should not be delayed, 132 ; _ geveral, clustering together, 137 ; may be separated by hiving in large hive, 137 ; hissing sound of bees while 407 swarming, causes other stocks to SWaln, 187; how to prevent their mingling, 138 ; should be placed where intended to stand, as soon as hived, - 138 ; how to proceed when hive is not ready to receive, 139; feeble after- swarms, of little value, 140,141; stroug, tempted to evil courses, 141 ; many, annually lost, 143 ; danger of losing, in swarming season, 144; decrease of in bees, after swarming, 151 (and note) ; new, have greater energy than old, 153; forced, 1543 will enter hives without the queen, 159 (note); when forced, how to induce to adhere to new locations, 163 (and note); to avoid risk of losing, in swarming-time,,. 173; too rapid multiplication of, uns profitable, 176; second, usually val- ueless, unless early, and season good ; 177 ; weak, may be strengthened by use of mov. comb hive, 178 ; one new, made from two old ones, 181 (note 3) ; artificial, rapid increase of with moy. comb hive, 183; dangers attending, in large apiaries where the hives are uniform in appearance, and hear to- gether, 216 ; how to avoid the danger, 217 ; Washington Irving’s account of, in the West, 236 (note); new, need more air than old, 281; precautions in moving, 281 ; a late one, 366. Swarming, signs of, 111 ; indisposes bees to return to parent hive, 120; unsea- sonable, often caused by famine, 116 ; causes bees to mark the place of their new abode, 120; incident in, in Mex- ico, 123; after, care needed to pre- serve young brood in parent hive, 124; in tropical climates, at all sea- sons, 128; season of, 128 ; inconve- niences of, 139-147 ; artificial, mode of for common hives, 154; best pre- vented by use of authors hive, 1533 for the season, can be accomplished in few days with author’s hive, 173; time of natural, easily determined in author’s hive,173 (note) ; prevented by clipping wings of queen, 173, 223 ; pre- vented by contracting the entrance of hive, 174; last plan not thoroughiy tested, 174 (note 3) ; frequent, unpro- fitabie, 176; best mode of ‘artificial, 181; how to obtain extra queens in na-~ tural, 190 (note); interesting anecdote of, 308. Swarming, Swarming. Swarming, natural, see Natural Swarme ing. Swarming season, commencement and duration of, 111, 128, Sweaty horses, detested and often killed by bees, 313 Sydserffs calculation of profits of bee culture, 146 (note). artificial, see Artificial 408 r. Table, illustrating the increase of stocks | Ventilation, furnished to larvae by shape by artificial swarming, 185; of form- ing nuclei, 191. ‘“¢ Taking up. bees,” facilitated by mov. comb hive, 209; suggestions as to time of, 306 (note). Temperature of hive, swarming, 1380. Theories often fail, when put to a prac- tical test, 175 (note). Thistle, Canada, a ‘good bee- plant, 296. Thompson, poetical extract from, upon killing bees, 239; on bees in linden trees, 293. Thorley, John, firgt stupefied bees by puff-ball smoke, 210. rises at time of Tidd, M. M., his experiment on a female |. moth, 230° (note 2); notices the differ- ence between tongue of the male and female moth, 230. Time of bees, economized in mov. comb | hive, 95, 96 ; 305. Timid persons may safely remove sur- plus honey, 289-291 ; should use bee- dress while hiving bees, 182,154; often stung while other persons seldom are, 168 ; some should not attempt to rear bees, 209. Toad, eats bees, 254. Tobacco, should not be used for subdu- ing bees, 169. Top-boxes, "for surplus honey, should be ‘used with caution, 330 (note). Transferring bees from common to mov. comb hive, 282-284; mode of, 282; best time for, 283 ; results of, 284, Transportation of bees, easy in mov. comb hive, 281. ; Traps for moths, — 244, Trees, combs built on, by bees, 118 ; apiaries should be near, 131; substi. tute for, 131; limbs of, need not be cut, in hiving bees, 133 ; shade of, agree- able to bees, ‘280 ; ” honey- -producing 292. Tulip (poplar, or white wood), tree yields great quantities of honey, 292, U. Union of colonies, facilitated by giving them the same smell, 203 ; mode of, 203, 204 ; for wintering, 336. Unbelief in revelation not ppempiond by true philosophy, 52. Uncleanly persons disagreeable to bees, 313. pie importance of saving, usually worthless, V. Varnish, used by bees in place of propo- lis 8 INDEX. Varro, his remark, that bees in lar hives become dispirited, 208. | 01s of cells, 15: of the hive, 88-94 ; pro- duced by the fanning of bees, ae Huber on, 88; its necessity, 89; r marks oD, in’ human dwellings, a1: provided for and easily controlled in mov. comb hive, 98, 94; artificial, must be simple to be useful, 93 ; should be attended to, after swarming, 124; ample, should be given, while bees are storing honey, 288, 366 ; how to give, in Winter, 338; upward, needed in Winter, 338, 340 (note), 241, 3860. Vice, effect of, on man, compared aa ra- vages of the moth, 235. : Virgil, described the Italian bee, 18. . W. Wagner, Samuel, letter of, on mov. connie hive, 17-18 ; theory of, on how queen determines sex of egg, "38: his account of bees building comb on a tree, 118 ; on the effect of soil on’ the’ quality of honey-yielding plants, 294° (note) ; on the Swedish white clover, for bees and stock, 295; letter of, ‘on over-- stocking, 300 ; letter of, on the Italian . bee, 317 ; extracts from, on preserving the purity of the Italian bee, 323 (notes) ; states a remarkable fact con cerning hybrid bees, 824 (note 2); at tempt of, to import Italian bee, 328 (note) ; translation of Scholtz on = tering bees, 348-360. War, how waged by different colonies, 263. Wasps, fecundation of, 35; - injure fruit, “86 ; should be destroyed ‘in Spring; 87; torpid in Winter, 109. red iN Water, necessary to be supplied for ne confined, 189 (and note) ; the refusal — of, in Spring, by bees, indicative’ of a queenless colony, 219 (and note); cold, useful in checking robbery, 265 ~ in- dispensable to bees when building comb, or rearing brood, 271, 342-346 ; bees heed, in cold weather, 342-346 : advantages of giving, to bees in cold Springs, 343 Wax, scales of, wood-cuts, Pl. XIII. Pigs. 37 and 38; ‘secreted from honey, 6 275 ; pouches for, 69 ; wood-cut of, P XIIL., Fig. 38; Huber’ s eee nc a on secretion of, 69 ; pollen may aid its secretion, 70 ; its elements, 71; large quantity of honey consumed in’ secre- tion of, 71 ; shavings of, used by bees, to build new comb, 72: a bad con- ductor of heat, 73 ; ; pollen useful in its secretion, 82, 197 ; origin of, discovered by Hornbostel, ‘ 204 (note) ; "the food of the larvze of the bee- moth, 233, 247 ; how to render, from comb, 286, 7% INDEX, Weather, unpicasant, delays of prevents swarming, 112. West India honey, as bee-food, 256 (note), 270. Wetherell, Dr. C. M,, his analysis of ’ royal jelly, 64. Wheaton, Levi, on upward ventilation, 276 (note 1); on wintering bees, 346 (note 1). White clover, see Clover, white. Weigel, Rev. Mr., first recommended candy, as bee-feed, 272. _ Wheeler, George, on ancient bar-hives, | *° _ 210 (note). _ Willow, varieties of, abound in honey and pollen, 292. 7 Wildman, Thomas, feats of, in handling bees, 308; states the fact that fear disposes colonies to unite, 203 (note); his approach to modern modes of . taming bees, 204 (note); on the queen’s | odor, 226. _ Winds, bees should be protected against, 103, 186, 279. ‘ Wings of queens, may be made to mark their age, 223. Winter, wasps and hornets, but not bees, torpid in, 109, 335 ; quantity of honey needed by a stock in, 274; bees eat less in, when kept quiet, 335, 355, 358; bees should be protected from winds of, 337 ; bees in, if out of doors, should be allowed to fly, 387; how to ventilate hives in, 338; snow in, when injurious to bees, 338 (note 1); bees need water in, 342-346; when honey is candied in, bees need water, 342-344 ; disturbing bees in, injurious, 347, 355; fewer bees die in, when hives are in clamps, than when in otier special depositories, 358; tem- porary removal cf colonies in, to a warm room, 541, 362. Wintering bees, 345-361; objections to, in the open air, 335; how to get honey for, in centre of hive, 336; bee pas- ~ SS ee eee OO en near Ee KX. aL GS Oe ) 339 (and note); in a dry vault or cel- 409 lar, 548 ; in special repositories, 348- 360; further experiments in, needed, 860; requires caution in removing _ them from winter quarters, 361. Wives, a friendly word to, 220. Wood-cuts, explanation of, 11, 371, Women; American, suffer from bad yen- tilation, 92. Worker-comb, size of the cells of, 74; all good, can be used in mov. comb hive, 130; not built unless bees have a mature queen, 149. i Worker-bees, are females, with undevel- loped ovaries, 29; when fertile, thei progeny always drones, 36; Hu! er’s theory concerning fertile, 37, 55; some- times exalted to be queens, 37; one raised from a drone egg, by Dr. D6én- hoff, 41; incapable of impregnation, 42; wood-cuts of, Pl. XII., Figs. 35, 36; number of, in swarm, 54; author’s opinion respecting fertile, §5; fertile prefer to lay in drone cells, 55; honey- bag, 56; representation of, Pl. XVIL, Fig. 54, A.; use of proboscis of, 56; wood-cut of proboscis of, Pl. XVI., Fig. 51; pollen basket, 56; sting, 56; wood-cut of, Pl. XVII., Fig. 53; loss of sting, fatal, 57 ; do all the work of the hive, 58; their age, 58; lesson of in- dustry from, 59; attention to royal celis, 62; wood-cut of abdomen of, PL XVI., Fig. 52 ; two kinds of, described by Huber, 192 (note 2); differently occupied in different periods of life, 194; impulse of, to gather honey, un- developed in early life, 195. Worms, see Bee-moth, larve of, Wormwood, use of, for driving away robbing bees, 265 (note). Wurtemberg, number of its colonies of bees, 304. Z. sages in comb for, 337 (and note 1), | Zollickoffer, H. M., his account of bees building.combs on a tree, 118, - ? ; P » * sas . : “ j F s ’ - 5 } Le j A f ‘ , ~ y d . bd Pent. : : f a 1b te Pudiine é; ' wire ; . Ca a oe ae ee ee ere aca’ Liga s - ADVERTISEMENT. 2d e— Aw individual or farm right, to make and use the Movable- Comb Hive, will be sold for five dollars. Such a right entitles the owner, in the territory where it is purchased, to make for his own use, and not otherwise, any number of hives. Ministers of the Gospel, of all denominations, are entitled to an individual right for their own use, without any charge. The Inventor has secured to all purchasers of individual rights the privilege of using, without any further charge, any improve- ments which he may hereafter patent. For the information of the Public (see note on page 61), the following extract is given from the Patent Office Report of 1852-3: Patent No. 9300—Improvement in Bee-Hives. . «* What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is— “ First.—The use of a shallow chamber, substantially as described, in combina- tion with a perforated cover, for sites or diminishing at will the size and num- ber of the spare honey receptacles. “* Second.—The use of the movable frames, A, A, Fig. 4, or their equivalents, sub- stantially as described ; also, their use in combination with the shallow chamber, with or without my arrangement for spare honey receptacles. “ Third.—A divider, substantially as described, in combination with a movable cover, allowing the divider to be inserted from above, between the ranges of comb. “« Fourth.—The ‘use of the double glass sides ina single ee, substantially ag and for the purposes set forth. “ Fifth.—The construction of the trap for excluding moths and catching worms, 80 arranged as to increase or diminish at will the size of the entrance for bees, sub- stantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. : L. L. LANGSTROTH.” “For individual and territorial rights, in the States of Massa- ehusetts and Rhode Island, and the Counties of Cheshire, Hills- boro’, Rockingham, Merrimack, Sullivan and Belknap, in New Hampshire, address W. B. Gleason, No. 70 State Street, Boston. For individual and territorial rights in New Jersey, part of Pennsylvania, and Newcastle County, Delaware, address Ped Mahan, No. 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, elt ————— EE IP TF REI) ADVERTISEMENT, ; For individual and territorial rights in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, address Richard Colvin, No. 77 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland. ~ For rights in the following Counties in Ohio, Adams, Athens, Belmont, Auglaize, Brown, Butler, Carroll, Champaign, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Coshocton, Crawford, Dark, Delaware, Fair- field, Fayette, Franklin, Gallia, Greene, Guernsey, Hamilton, Han- cock, Hardin, Harrison, Highland, Hocking, Holmes, J ackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lawrence, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Medina, Meigs, Montgomery, Monroe, Muskingum, Perry, Picka- way, Pike, Preble, Richland, Ross, Scioto, Shelby, Union, Vinton, Warren, Washington, and Wyandott, address Richard Colvin, Delaware, Ohio. a | For individual and tetritoria] rights in the State of Kentucky, and the Counties of Ashtabula, Cayahoga, Geauga, Lake, Maho- ning, Portage, Summit, and Trumbull, in Ohio, address BE, T . Sturtevant & Co., Cleveland, Ohio.’ For individual.and territorial rights in the States of Maine, - Vermont, Connecticut, and the Counties of Grafton, Carroll, and Cods, in New Hampshire—also, for rights in Connecticut, part of New York, and the Western States and Territories, address R. C. Otis, Kenosha, Wisconsin. sei | For hives and individual rights in the following Counties in New York, Albany, Cattaraugus, Chatauque, Chenango, Dela- — ware, Columbia, Essex, Fulton, Greene, Herkimer, Kings, Madi- son, Montgomery, Oneida, Ontario, Oswego, Putnam, Rensselaer, Rockland, Saratoga, Schoharie, Seneca, Suffolk, Tioga, Ulster, Washington, and Westchester, address R. L, Allen & Co., Agri- cultural Implement Makers, No. 189 Water Street, New York. N. B.—Owners of territorial rights, who may wish to have their names inserted in this advertisement, can ascertain terms by addressing Saxton, Barker & Co., 25 Park Row, New York. — S477 on es