*k J. FLYNN (JJJUC fJWLVl/ v-ri'v^vwj c^ f-a&i ^ iU\ =0 a m m □ a r-R □ m o JS)ictic of (SLomxecticui PUBLIC DOCUMENT No. 47 State Geological and Natural History Survey COMMISSIONERS Rollin S. Woodruff, Governor of Connecticut (Chairman) Arthur Twining Hadley, President of Yale University Bradford Paul Raymond, President of Wesleyan University Flavel Sweeten Luther, President of Trinity College (Secretary) Rufus Whittaker Stimson, President of Connecticut Agricultural College SUPERINTENDENT William North Rice Bulletin No. 10 Hartford Printed for the State Geological and Natural History Survey 1908 A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE ALGJE OF THE FRESH WATERS OF CONNECTICUT By HERBERT WILLIAM CONN, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in Wesleyan University AND LUCIA WASHBURN (HAZEN) WEBSTER, M.S. Hartford Printed for the State Geological and Natural History Survey 1908 A Preliminary Report on the Alga? of the Fresh Waters of Connecticut. INTRODUCTION. The present report is designed to accompany the previous report upon the Fresh-water Protozoa, Bulletin No. 2 of this Survey. Like that report, it is not claimed to be complete, nor by any means to contain all of our Algae. But, the work having covered considerable parts of four years, it is thought that it will be found to contain most of the common Algae in this state, and will therefore be useful as a guide to students of the microscopy of our waters. To wait until all omissions could be rilled would clearly postpone unduly the publication of any report. For these reasons this preliminary report is issued at the present time. Work upon the Algae is scattered somewhat widely in books and in journals. We have found most valuable, The British Fresh-zvater Alger, by West. Wolle's Fresh-water Algce of the United States, and his similar work on the Desmids, have also been found extremely useful. The magnificent work of Engler and Prantl has been found of great value, as has also Die Mikroskopische PHanzenwelt des Siisstvassers by Kirchner, and the Analytical Keys of Genera and Species of the Fresh- zvater Algce by Stokes. The most useful publication upon a single group has been that of Hazen — The Ulotrichacece and Chcetophoracecv, in the Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, XXII, 1902. The key that we have adopted in this Bulletin is based upon that given by West. We have used this because in our experi- ence it has been found to be the most practical and useful. We have, however, modified it in several respects to make it correspond to the key used in the Bulletin on the Protozoa. As so modified, we think it will be found very easy of use for microscopists who are beginning the study of the Algae. 6 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. We have adopted the plan used in the Bulletin on the Pro- tozoa of indicating by a * in the analytical keys the genera that have been found in our waters. In a number of cases the genera thus indicated have not yet been found by ourselves, although known to occur in Connecticut. We have given de- scriptions of all the genera likely to be found in this vicinity, whether already known to occur in Connecticut or not. So far as possible we have determined the species of the forms studied and figured. While there is considerable varia- tion among the individuals of the same species of Alg3e, it is less than among the Protozoa, and it is less difficult to deter- mine species. In most cases there has been little difficulty in affixing specific as well as generic names to the Algae found. In some genera the determination of species is nearly im- possible without the whole life history of the specimen under consideration. In the genus Spirogyra, for instance, the species are determined with certainty only when one has the zygospores for study. The ordinary student of Algae is seldom so fortunate as to have the zygospores, and must in these cases make his determination from other characters. We have, therefore, in these cases determined the species as well as possible from the general structure of the plant, thinking this to be more practical than to rely upon the more rarely seen zygospores. The figures have all been drawn from nature, and all from specimens found by ourselves in our waters. A majority of them have come from the immediate vicinity of Middletown. Collections have been made from other parts of the state, but these other localities have not yet yielded many forms not represented in this immediate vicinity. The Algae have not been to a very large extent obtained from city reservoirs, since these localities are not very profuse in this kind of life. Road- side pools, ditches by railroads, swamps, stagnant pools, etc., have been more prolific sources of Algae. The late Isaac Holden made during his life large collec- tions of Algae in the state. The largest number of the types that he collected were marine, but he also made quite exten- sive collections of the fresh-water forms. A list of the species identified by him in this state has been recently published by No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALGJE. 7 F. S. Collins (Phycological Notes of Isaac H olden, in Rhodora, vol. 7, p. 222, 1905). Since he identified quite a number of species that we have not found, we have, for the purpose of making this report as complete as possible, included in this list all the species reported by him which we have not ourselves identified. These have been appended to our own list, and are distinguished by being inclosed in square brackets [ ]. We have not given any figures of his species, however, all of the species figured having been personally found by ourselves. In a few cases we have noted the collection of certain species in this state by Hazen and by Setchell. No other extensive collections of Algse are known to us as having been made in the state. The figures of plates I to XXXI were drawn by Mrs. Webster, except figures 5, 8, 8a, 10, 28, 31, 45, 47, 49, 54, 54a, 55> 57, 59. 65, 72, 72a, 73, 77, 77a, 102, 125, and 147. These together with the 'figures of Plates XXXII to XLIV were drawn by Prof. Conn. Acknowledgment is also made to H. J. Conn from whose work and sketches many of the figures of Plates XXXII to XLIV have been drawn. THE ALG/E. The Algje are flowerless chlorophyll-bearing water plants. Although sometimes called seaweeds, they are not confined to salt water, but are found in every body of fresh water, on damp stones and soil, and on the trunks of trees. They are, however, all true water plants, for the few that live out of water can flourish only in the presence of abundant moisture. The Algae show the widest variety in form, size, and structure. They may be unicellular or multicellular ; they may be solitary, or gathered into larger or smaller families ; they may grow in all directions to form a spherical thallus, or into plates only one cell thick, or into branched or unbranched filaments. When multicellular, all the cells may be alike, or there may be a differentiation of cells, apical and root cells, vegetative and sexual cells being found. The filamentous thallus may present the appearance of a highly developed plant, as in the Rhodophyceae or Characeae, or may be a single simple thread, as in the Zygnemaceae. The coloring matter of the Algae, either diffused throughout the cell wall, or aggregated in special bodies called chloroplasts, is predominantly green ; but there is hardly any color known which cannot be found in these plants, the colors running from orange and red to purple and black. Their size differs as greatly as their color ; some are so small as to test the best microscopes, while others stretch/ two hundred feet from their marine beds. The Algae multiply both by the sexual and the asexual method. The asexual method is universal, the sexual is more uncommon. They reproduce asexually in three ways: — i, By simple division of the mother-cell. In the multicellular forms a small fragment or a branch may separate from the mother plant to form a new one. 2, By means of spores, which are formed from the contents of the vegetative cells, and which have each a ce]l wall, and may or may not be motile. 3, FRESH-WATER ALG.E. 9 By swarm spores, which lack cell walls and are always motile, usually provided with cilia. The sexual reproduction is of two kinds : — I, Conjugation, or the union of two similar or nearly similar cells called isogamons gametes. These may be either motile cells, as in Ulothrix, or cells of the thallus, as in the Conjugatae. They join themselves together, and their con- tents fuse to form a new cell, a zygote, which, after a short period of rest, develops into a new plant. 2, Sex union proper, or the union of two entirely different cells, one of which, the male or sperm, is many times smaller than the other, the female or egg — heterogamous gametes. This occurs, for ex- ample, in Chara. The Algae are found from the Arctic zone to the Equator, and no genus is confined to a single latitude. We should sadly miss these plants if they were all destroyed. They do much to purify the atmosphere, are used to a considerable ex- tent in medicine, provide food for fishes and for men, fodder for cattle, and fertilization for the ground. The Algae are divided into classes as follows : — CLASS I. CYANOPHYCE^E ( Schizophyceae, Myxophy- ceae, or Blue-green Algae). Containing a blue coloring matter (phycocyanin). Mostly in fresh water, and simple in structure. CLASS II. BACILLARIE^ (Diatomaceae). Containing a brown coloring matter (diatomin). Universal both in fresh and salt water. CLASS III. HETEROKONT^E (Yellow-green Algae). Containing a large amount of a yellow pigment (xanthophyll). The stored product of assimilation is a fatty substance. Found in fresh water. CLASS IV. CHLOROPHYCE.E (Green Algae). Con- taining only the green coloring matter known as chlorophyll. The product of assimilation is starch. Very largely fresh- water plants. CLASS V. CHARACEiE. Having a stem with nodes and internodes. Sexual reproduction. CLASS VI. PH^OPHYCE^ (Brown Algae). Con- taining a brown coloring matter, known as phycophaein. Mostly marine. IO CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. CLASS VII. RHODOPHYCE^E (Red Algae). Con- taining a reddish coloring matter known as phycoerythrin. Mostly marine. In the study of the fresh-water Algae we are concerned chiefly with the first five of these classes, the other two being practically confined to salt water, although a few of them, as noted at the end of this report, are inhabitants of fresh water. CLASS I. CYANOPHYCEAE. ( Myxophyceae, Schizophyceae, or Blue-green Algae). The class Cyanophyceae is unquestionably the lowest class of the Algae, many of the species resembling the Bacteria. Their most conspicuous characteristic is the manner in which the greater number of the genera grow in gelatinous masses or strata. They are largely filamentous, though some are unicellular. Some of them grow wherever there is moisture, as on wet rocks, stones, and trunks of trees. Some of the filamentous genera form thick, felt-like coverings upon moist earth and stones. Many of the Cyanophyceae are provided with heterocysts, which are cells of lighter color and often of greater size than the other cells of the filament. The hetero- cysts are almost always solitary on the filaments, and their use is not known. The unicellular and simple colonial genera multiply princi- pally by repeated cell-division, which may occur in every direc- tion or in certain directions only. Asexual reproduction of the large forms takes place in a variety of ways. In some families certain vegetative cells enlarge and form spores ; in others the contents of the cells divide into a number of small spores. The Hormogoneae reproduce by hormogones. These are short filaments arising from the mother plant, which break away and form new plants. Sexual reproduction is unknown. Some of the Cyanophyceae unite with Fungi to form Lichens, in which case they lose much of their distinctive character. A few of the Cyanophyceae, of the family Oscillatoriaceae, are distinguished for their power of spontaneous movement, which is generally slow, oscillating or gliding. Many of this No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALGJE. II family have a disagreeable odor, giving rise to unpleasant odors and tastes in drinking-water. There are two orders, as follows : — Order I. COCCOGONE.E. Plants unicellular or colonial, not truly filamentous ; commonly embedded in a gelatinous ma- trix, more rarely free-floating. Order II. HORMOGONE.E. Plants filamentous ; filaments single or branched, generally consisting of one or more rows of cells within a sheath, attached to a substratum, or free- floating. ORDER I. COCCOGONE^E. The Coccogonese, the lowest form of the Algae, are unicellular or colonial. The colonies vary much in size and shape, and the cells, which are of various forms, are disposed in a variety of ways in the usually hyaline and structureless envelope. Multiplication is usually by simple cell division. Rounded asexual spores have been found in some species, formed inside the wall of the mother-cell. FAMILY I. CHROOCOCCACE-fE. This family is composed of unicellular forms of Algae which divide and form daughter-cells ; often many generations are involved in one mucilaginous envelope. The envelope varies from firm and lamellose to hyaline and diffluent. The cells often contain red, orange, or violet pigments. The members of this family have been thought to be stages of filamentous Algse, and Wolle so regarded them ; but more recent algologists give them a distinct place of their own. Key to Genera. i. Cell division in only one direction 2 Cell division in two directions at right angles, form- ing plate-shaped or irregular masses . .Merismopedia* Cell division alternate in the three directions of space 4 2. Cells with thin membrane, without a gelatinous or mucous envelope, single or hanging together in thick rows Sxnechococcus 12 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Cells with thick, swollen membranes, which merge into one another and lie in a gelatinous or mucous bed 3 3. The thick membrane remains present through several generations, so that the cells are enclosed in several membranes ; cells elongated Glocothece Cell membranes fused into a structureless jelly in which the cells are arranged without order ; cells slightly longer than broad Aphanothece 4. Cells at the periphery of spherical colonies 5 Cells densely aggregated in spherical, elongated, or clathrate colonies Microcystis* Colonies without definite form 6 5. Cells spherical, closely and regularly arranged around a hollow sphere Ccelosphoerium* Cells peripheric, sparsely scattered Gomphosphceria 6. Cells enclosed in a thick membrane Gloeocapsa* Cells not enclosed 7 7. Cells with thick, gelatinous, fusing membranes. . . . Aphanocapsa* Cells single or in small groups, with membranes which do not fuse Chroococcus* Description of Genera. Merismopedia Meyen. — Cells spherical, or, at time of division, oblong. Their regular method of division produces groups of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 cells, associated in a single stratum, making a flat, freely floating, square thallus. M. glauca (Ehrb.) Nag., Fig. 3. M. convoluta Breb., Fig. 4. Synechococcus Nag. — Cells cylindrical or oblong, found singly or in series of two or more ; cell wall thin. Gloeothece Nag. — Cells oblong or cylindrical, with rounded ends. The cells divide into two nearly spherical daughter-cells. The colorless gelatinous tegument may con- tain one or often more cells, and this tegument may, in turn, be included in a larger tegument with a family. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALGJE. 1 3 Aphanothece Nag-. — Very like Glocothece, with cells longer than broad ; but the teguments are confluent, forming a firm gelatinous body which encloses the cells. Microcystis Kiitz. (Polycystis Kiitz. ; Clathrocystis Henfrey). — Numerous small cells gathered into globular, ob- long or irregular families, each with a thin tegument, usually single but sometimes associated with other families, and all en- closed in a common tegument. The cells divide alternately in three directions. M. ceruginosa (Kiitz.) (?), Figs. 9, ga. Sometimes very abundant in reservoirs and giving an unpleasant taste to the water. Frequently thus associated with Anabcrna. Ccelosphaerium Nag. — Thallus hollow, spherical, with numerous small spherical cells in families, or scattered at the periphery, embedded in a gelatinous stratum. Multiplication takes place by means of enlarged cells which escape and form daughter-cells, or by constriction and division of the mother- cells. C. Kuetsingianum Nag., Fig. 7. Gomphosphaeria Kiitz. — A globose, free, floating thallus, composed of wedge-shaped cells, in pairs, associated in radi- ating families at the periphery of a solid gelatinous sphere, and furnished with a tegument. The cells divide alternately in three directions. Gloeocapsa Kiitz. — Cells blue-green, steel-blue, reddish, yellowish, etc., spherical or oblong, with a wide, bladder-shaped integument. The cells divide into two daughter-cells, each furnished with a tegument and both surrounded by the tegu- ment of the mother-cell. The cell membrane is very thick, often lamellated, and the strata frequently separate; either colorless or colored. G. arenaria (Rab.) ( ?), Figs. 8, 8a. The specific distinc- tions in this genus are very uncertain. [G. violacea (Chorda) Rab.] Aphanocapsa Nag. — Cells spherical, with a thick, soft tegument; cell division as in Gloeocapsa, but individual coats not evident around the cell. 14 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. A. GrevillH (Hass.) Rab., Fig. 10. Masses of this jelly- like plant frequently reach 2mm. in diameter. Chroococcus Nag. — Blue-green cells, spherical, or an- gular from mutual pressure, gathered into small families with- out a distinct tegument. The cells, which are less numerous and more simple than in Glccocapsa, divide alternately in three directions. C. cohccrcns (Breb.)Nag., Fig. 210. FAMILY II. CHAMJESIPHONIACE^E. Not represented in the United States. ORDER II. HORMOGONE/E. This order contains all the filamentous Myxophyceae. The filaments usually consist of a single row of naked or sheathed cells, but in some genera there are two or more rows in a single sheath. Heterocysts are abundant in some of the genera. The filaments are often branched or provided with a false branch system due to the growth of a number of filaments in close apposition at the base. Asexual reproduction is by hormogones or, more rarely, by spores. The filaments or trichomes are usually cylindrical with blunt or narrowed ex- tremities, but some genera show a gradual attenuation, either from the base to the apex, or from the centre toward each end. This order includes two sub-orders. Sub-order i. TRICHOPHORE.E. Trichomes conspicu- ously attenuated towards one or both extremities, which are generally hairy. Sub-order ii. PSILONEMATEyE. Trichomes cylindrical, though sometimes narrowed at the extremities. SUB-ORDER I. TRICHOPHORE.E. A small group with the filaments always attenuated, either toward one end or from the middle to both extremities, and always sheathed. Some genera are provided with heterocysts. There is an asexual reproduction by means of hormogones, but in GJccotrichia the basal cells next the heterocysts develop spores. The threads frequently show hair-like projections from their sides. No. 10.] FRESH- WATER ALCE. 15 FAMILY I. RIVULARIACE.E. Abundant in mountainous regions, found principally on dripping- rocks, in streams and waterfalls, or on the shores of rocky lakes. Our collections not having included such locali- ties, this family is not represented in our figures. The fila- ments are all attenuated from a long base to a hair-like end. One or two heterocysts are usually located at the base. The sheath is yellow or yellowish-brown, gelatinous, tubular, and often thoroughly lamellated. Asexual reproduction by hormo- gones, and in Gloeotrichia and Calothrix asexual spores arise near the basal heterocysts. Key to Genera. 1. Without heterocysts Amphithrix* With heterocysts 2 2. Filaments without gelatinous integument, simple, growing in branched or unbranched tufts, or some- times singly , Calothrix* Filaments without gelatinous integument, branched, several branches in a common sheath Dichothrix* Filaments with a gelatinous integument, forming a gelatinous or mucous covering +. . . 3 3. Filaments radially disposed ; thallus spherical or hemispherical in shape 4 Filaments not radiating; thallus plain, cushion- shaped Isactis 4. Spores present; single-celled or with heterocysts; colonies free, floating Glaeotriclvia* Spores lacking ; colonies attached Rivularia* Description of Genera. Amphithrix Kiitz. — The filaments form a thin expanded stratum of a purple or violet color, which consists of two layers. The inferior layer is composed of densely intricate filaments, or of minute radiately disposed series of cells ; the superior layer of simple erect filaments closely packed and at- tenuated. [A. janthina (Mont.) Born, and Flah.] l6 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Calothrix Ag. (Mastigonema Schwabe; Mastigothrix Kiitz., in part). — Filaments growing in tufts or soft masses, rather rigid, straight and spuriously branched. The branches are younger filaments glued at their bases and part of their length to the parent stem ; the apex is delicately hair-like. Heterocysts are normally present and are usually at the base of the branches. [C. Braunii Born, and Flah. ; C. fusca (Kiitz.) Born, and Flah. ; C. parte tina (Nag.) Thur.] Dichothrix Zanard. Filaments more or less dichotom- ously branched ; several trichomes with their sheaths enclosed within an outer common sheath. Heterocysts basal, or inter- calary, or absent in one species. [D. gypsophila (Kiitz.) Born, and Flah.; D. Hosfordii (Wolle) Born, and Flah.; D. Orisiniana (Kiitz.) Born, and Flah.] Isactis Thur. The filaments are erect and parallel, at- tached at the base. They are glued together by a more or less firm mucilage, and are often encrusted with lime, forming flat strata. Gloeotrichia J. Ag. The filaments, with spores in the lower part, are radiate, sometimes spuriously branched, each enclosed in a distinct, broad sheath, which is often furrowed at the base and transversely folded. All the filaments are enclosed in a more or less spherical jelly. G. Pisum (Ag.) Thur., Fig. 214. Rivularia (Roth.) Ag. (Zonotrichia J. Ag. ; Limnactis Kiitz. ; Schizosiphon Kiitz., in part). Filaments radiating, with basal heterocysts, but no spores. A more or less firm mucilage binds the filaments into a hemi- spherical or bladder-like, well-defined thallus. One species of Rivularia has been found in our studies, but no figure of it is given in this report. FAMILY II. CAMPTOTRICHACE^. Not found in the United States. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG^E. 17 SUB-ORDER II. PSILONEMATE/E. This sub-order contains the greater part of the Hormo- gonese. The filaments, with or without a sheath, are cylindri- cal, sometimes showing globular swellings. The sheath may be very thin, hyaline and gelatinous, or tough and lamellose. The apical cell, or sometimes that and the sub-apical cell, are occasionally attenuated, or the filaments may end obtusely. Key to Families. i. Filaments showing true branching stigonemace.e Filaments showing false branching; heterocysts present scytonemace^e Filaments usually simple, without branching; where they show false branching they are without hetero- cysts 2 2. Filaments nearly straight; heterocysts absent OSCILLATORIACE^ Filaments tortuous; heterocysts present NOSTOCACE^E FAMILY I. OSCILLATORIACE^E. The distinguishing feature of this family, which is the largest one of the Psilonematese, is the absence of heterocysts. The trichomes are a single and regular row of cells, although occasionally false branching is seen. Sometimes the cells are so closely joined that the whole seems a perfectly homogeneous cylinder ; but at other times there are constrictions at the ends of the cells. Apical cell sometimes attenuated. The filaments are nearly always in sheaths of various character, which some- times enclose more than one filament. Some of the genera show gliding or rotary motion. They occur in great profusion, submerged in ponds and ditches, or form scums upon their surface. There are two sub-families, as follows : — Sub-family I. lyngbye^:. Only one trichome in a sheath. Sub-family II. vaginariele. Several trichomes in one sheath which is often branched. l8 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. SUB-FAMILY I. LYNGBYE.E. In this sub-family there is never more than one trichome in a sheath, and the sheath may be thick or thin, or even wanting. In some genera the trichomes are twisted. The cells may be of varying thickness and length, but usually the thicker the trichome the shorter the cell. Oscillatoria, Phor- midium, and Spirulina exhibit a rotary or gliding motion. Key to Genera. 1. Trichomes consisting of many cells 2 Trichomes consisting of one cell, spirally twisted. . . . Spirulina* 2. Filaments simple, or falsely branched ; sheaths firm ; apices of filament straight 3 Filaments simple ; sheaths thin, always hyaline, mucous, and more or less readily fusing together; apices of trichomes straight ; oscillating or rotary motion evident 4 3. Filaments free, or forming felt-like masses; pseudo- branches present, often in pairs Plectonema* Filaments forming er^ct tufts; pseudo-branches often present and solitary Symploca Filaments free and unbranched ; free-floating, or forming a matted stratum Lyngbya* 4. Filaments more or less agglutinated by their mucous sheaths ; cells of filaments often slightly separated by a thin mucous layer iPhormidium* Filaments destitute of sheaths ; free, straight or with curved extremities Oscillatoria* Filaments destitute of sheaths ; twisted into a regular spiral , Arthrospira* Description of Genera. Spirulina Turp. — Filaments unicellular, more or less motile, spirally twisted, usually surrounded by a colorless, somewhat liquid mucilage. S. tenuissima Kutz., Fig. 291. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. IO, Plectonema Thur. — Filaments branched, singly or in pairs, quite irregular, each filament enclosed in a separate sheath ; cell contents deep blue-green. -[P. Wollei Farlow.] Symploca Kiitz. — Filaments simple or showing mere be- ginnings of branches ; in a more or less distinct sheath, rising from a prostrate base ; glued together into anastomosing or erect, wick-like clusters. Lyngbya Ag. (Leibleinia Endlicher; Leptothrix Kiitz., in part ; Spirocoleus Mobius, in part) . — Single filaments en- closed in distinct sheaths, either unbranched or with a sug- gestion of branching where the filaments break out of the sheaths. Often forming a membranous stratum. L. sp. (?), Fig. 13. [L. ochracea (Kiitz.) Thur.] Phormidium Kiitz. ( Hyphceothrix Kiitz., in part; Lep- tothrix Kiitz., in part).— - A genus between Lyngbya and Oscillatoria. Filaments simple, clothed with a thin, hyaline sheath. Sheaths often become fused, and the trichomes are sometimes so numerous as to form mats on damp ground, stones, etc. The cells are sometimes constricted at the ends, and the apical cell may be attenuated or even thickened. [P. Corium (Ag.) Gomont; P. favosum (Bory) Gomont; P. Retzii (Ag.) Gomont; P. uncinatum (Ag.) Gomont.] Oscillatoria Vaucher (Oscillaria Bosc). — Filaments straight or slightly curved ; only in very young specimens are they coiled ; simple, without a sheath ; mostly bright blue- green, sometimes changing to violet or steel-blue. When in good condition, more or less motile, and involved in a thin mucilage. Found in all sorts of wet places, sometimes even on damp ground and in hot springs. O. subtilissima Kiitz., Fig. I. 0. *ccrugineo-ccorulea Kiitz., Fig. 2. O. chalybea Mertens, Fig. 14. O. amphibia Ag., Fig. 15. O. limosa Ag., Fig. 5. 0. percursa Kiitz., Fig. 6. [O. princeps Vauch. ; O. splendida Grev. ; O. tenuis Ag.] 20 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Arthrospira Stiz. — Filaments cylindrical, commonly de- void of a sheath, and twisted into a regular spiral. The latter character is the only distinction from Oscillatoria. A. Gomontiwia Setchell. — We have not found this species, but Setchell has mentioned it as occurring in Bridgeport. SUB-FAMILY II. VAGINARIE^E Blue-green Algae, which lack heterocysts, and are distin- guished by having one or more trichomes in the same sheath. This sheath is often branched, may be lamellose and colored, or mucous and uncolored. Description of Genera. Microcoleus Desm. (Cthonoblastus Kiitz.). — Trichomes like Lyngbya, except that two or more are often enclosed in one sheath, which is at first closed at the end, and later breaks open, sometimes dividing into shreds. The sheath is colorless, not lamellose, large, seldom indistinct. Schizothrix Kiitz. (Inactis Kiitz. ; Hyphaeothrix Kiitz., in part). — Sheaths firm, lamellose, hyaline or colored, and containing few or many trichomes. [S. lardacea (Cesati) Gomont ; 5\ coriacea (Kiitz.) Gomont.] FAMILY II. NOSTOCACE^. Cells spherical or oval, arranged in simple chains, or, rarely, with spurious branches. The chain is imbedded in a more or less copious jelly. Some genera are provided with spores and heterocysts. The heterocysts are yellow, straw- colored, or nearly colorless, and are situated at the end of the chain, or between two vegetative cells. Their function is un- known. The dark green, granular spores divide after a period of rest, and then germinate. Many are terrestrial. Key to Genera. i. Filaments contorted, within a definite gelatinous tegument Arostoc* Filaments more or less straight, free or in a formless slimy mass, not inclosed in a tegument 2 No. 10.] FRESH- WATER ALG.E. 21 2. Heterocysts terminal, and spores contiguous with them ; spores long and cylindrical . . . Cylindrospermum* Heterocysts not terminal 3 3. Filaments aggregated without order Anabcena* Filaments aggregated in bundles of plate-like masses Aphanizomenon Description of Genera. Aphanizomenon Morren. — Trichomes a little attenuated towards the apex, glued together parallelly in dense fascicles. Cells nearly cylindrical, light blue or nearly colorless, and slightly granular. Thallus somewhat membranaceous, free- swimming, blue-green, or light pure blue, or at length olive; spores solitary, smooth, cylindrical, elongated, round at the ends, pale blue or olive. Nostoc Vauch. — Filaments necklace-shaped, enclosed in a more or less distinct gelatinous envelope. The cells are spherical or elliptical, and more or less closely connected, with heterocysts rarely terminal. The filaments are clustered to form thalli, usually surrounded by a membrane, which is some- times colorless, sometimes dark blue-green, dark brown, light yellow, or, most often, olivaceous. N. minutissimus Kiitz. (?), Fig. 211. N. sp. (?), Fig. 18. N. rupestre Kiitz., Figs. 16, 17. N. comminiitum Kiitz., Fig. 19. [N. commune Vauch. ; N. microscopicum Carm. ; N. par- melioides Kiitz. ; N. pruniforme Ag.] Cylindrospermum Kiitz. — Filaments sheathless, single or glued together in an indefinite gelatinous stratum ; occasionally a number enclosed in a tegument. Cells spherical, oblong, elliptical, or compressed. Heterocysts single, on the ends of the filaments; spores next the heterocysts very long and cylindrical. [C. majus Kiitz.] Anabaena Bory ( Sphaerozyga Ag. ; Trichormus Allman ; Dolichospermum Thwaites). — Filaments similar to those of Nostoc, only nearly straight ; rarely provided with a* sheath ; 22 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. ♦ clustered in gelatinous masses, or single. Cells spherical or nearly so, some of them changing into brownish elongated spores, which are solitary, or one on either side of a heterocyst, or, rarely, in a short series. Heterocysts not terminal. A. gigantea Wood, Fig. n. A. Flos-aqua? Kiitz, or circinalis (Rab.) Kirch., Fig. 12. [A. osciUarioides Bory.] A nab ana is very common in reservoirs, and sometimes in combination with Microcystis is so abundant as to give the water a very bad taste and smell, and a distinct color. It is one of the most troublesome Algae in our city reservoirs. FAMILY III. SCYTONEMACEJE. This family is known by its method of branching. Each filament is enclosed in a sheath of uniform thickness, and at intervals penetrates this sheath to form long, flexuose branches which are provided with their own sheaths. The filaments are cylindrical, but thickened toward the growing end, and con- tain heterocysts. The sheath may be colorless, or yellow, or brown. Reproduction is usually by hormogones. though in some species spores are produced. Key to Genera. Branches in pairs, rising between the heterocysts Scytonema* Branches single, rising in the region of the heterocysts Tolypothrix* Description of Genera. Scytonema Ag. (Petalonema Berkeley; Schizosiphon Kiitz., in part; Symphyosiphon Kiitz., in part ; Athrosiphon Kiitz.). — Each filament enclosed in a sheath ; branches in pairs produced by a fold of the filament, which breaks through the sheath between the heterocysts. The heterocysts are scattered irregularly throughout the filament. The filaments produce in- terwoven mats of larger or smaller size. The sheath is lamel- lose, and yellow or brown in color, generally of an even thick- ness, but occasionally the margins are irregular. [S. crispum (Ag.) Bornet ; 5\ Hofmanni Ag. : S. myoch- No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG^. 23 thous (Dillw.) Ag. ; S.Gguratum Ag. ;S. ocellatum (Dillw.) Thur.] Tolypothrix Kiitz. (Hassallia Berkeley). — Filaments branched, with a distinct sheath. The branches usually ap- pear where heterocysts occur, the trichome breaking through the sheath just below the heterocyst and continuing its growth. The sheaths are thinner than in Scytonema. The heterocysts are sometimes two, three, or four in a row. [T. lanata (Desv.) Wartmann.] FAMILY IV. STIGONEMACE.E. The cells of this family are arranged in a single row or in several irregular rows, in a strong, thick sheath, which is brown and very uneven. The filaments are branched, and grow by repeated division of the cells near the apex. The heterocysts are never terminal, and they are placed in a lateral position when there is more than one filament in a sheath. Key to Genera. Normal reproduction by means of hormogones, de- veloped on the extremities of the branches. .Stigonema* Normal reproduction by spores Hapalosiphori Description of Genera. Stigonema Ag. (Sirosiphon Kiitz.). — Cells of the fila- ments in one, two, or many rows, owing to the lateral division ; the older filaments often having as many as ten series, while the younger have only one or two. The cells are surrounded by a membrane which is always distinct, but especially so in the older filaments. The sheath is large, irregular, and usually brown or golden yellow. The generally short, thick branches are irregularly disposed. Found mostly on damp or wet rocks, but sometimes free-floating in lakes or ponds. [S. mamillosum Ag. ; S.minutum (Ag.) Hass. ; S. panni- forme (Ag.) Born, and Flah.] Hapalosiphon Nag. — Filaments attached or floating ; olive-green, blue-green, or, when older, bright or dark brown. The branches rise singly at right angles to the prostrate stem, 24 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. and sometimes bear secondary branches. The cells are granu- late, and grow in a single series, rarely in two; they are distinct or, sometimes, continuous. Heterocysts are frequent. The sheaths of the branches, usually colorless, are always thinner than those of the primary filaments. Spores are formed from the ordinary vegetative cells. The plants grow in fresh and salt waters. CLASS II. BACILLARIE.E (DIATOMACEiE). We have, as yet, given no attention to the Diatoms, and they are, therefore, omitted from this report. CLASS III. HETEROKONT^E. The Algae of this class are unicellular, multicellular, or colonial, appearing as rounded single cells, filaments, or large colonies. The cell walls are usually very thick, and contain many chromatophores of a yellow-green color, without pyre- noids or starch. The ordinary asexual reproduction is by means of zoogonidia, which are pear-shaped bodies furnished with one long and one short cilium. Non-motile spores are also sometimes found with thick walls. Sexual reproduction takes place by fusion of two similar motile gametes which probably resemble the zoogonidia in having two cilia. Since these gametes are alike they are said to be isogamous. This class contains only a single order. ORDEfR CONFERVALES. The various forms are divided into two families, as follows : — Family i. botrydiace;e. Plant body large, globose. Family ii. tribonemace^. Plant body unicellular or filamentous. family i. botrydiace^:. Each plant is globose, attached by rhizoids to the damp earth ; the chromatophores are numerous and the reproduction varied. This family contains only one genus, which we have not vet found in Connecticut. No. 10.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. . 25 Botrydium Wall. — Small, non-cellular, green, globose plants, with colorless, much divided roots, descending into the moist earth, upon the surface of which this Alga lives. The zoogonidia are small, ovoid, and provided with a long cilium. If the plant becomes submerged, the whole may turn into a zoogonidiangium, and the zoogonidia escape through an open- ing in the apex. Non-motile spores are often produced in great numbers in the rhizoids. If the plant becomes too dry, the green portion migrates into the rhizoids, and a number of spores are produced. FAMILY II. TRIB0NEMACE.E. Plants unicellular or filamentous ; cells spherical, cylindri- cal, or elongated, often united to form filaments, and spirally coiled. The cell wall is always firm, and usually thick. Asexual reproduction by zoogonidia. Aplanospores occur in Tribonema. Sexual reproduction by isogamous (i. e., similar) gametes. Key to Genera. 1. Plants unicellular 2 Plants filamentous, cell wall firm, splitting into H- shaped pieces Tribonema* 2. Cells globose, aggregated in mucilaginous colonies Chlorobotrys Cells elongate, usually shortly stipitate and often spirally coiled Ophiocytium* Description of Genera. Tribonema Derbes and Solier (Conferva, as used by Lagerheim). Filaments composed of cylindrical cells, covered with a thick cell wall which frequently breaks up into H-shaped pieces. The cells each contain one or two nuclei and several chromatophores. Asexual reproduction by zoogonidia with two unequal cilia, and by non-motile spores which escape from the broken filaments. Sexual reproduction by isogamous gametes, one of which comes to rest and rounds off before another conjugates with it. This genus covers many of those forms previously called Conferva, a name that is now given up. Hazen places it with 26 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. the Ulotrichaceae, but we follow West in placing- it here be- cause of its yellowish-brown color. The plants are abundant in all waters. T. bombycinum (Ag.) Derbes and Sol., Fig. 48. T. minus (Wille) Haz., Fig. 21. Chlorobotrys Bohlin. — Plants are formed of solitary globose cells, or of 2, 4, 8, or 16 cells associated in a family. Each family has surrounding it an ample hyaline mucous tegu- ment. The cell walls are thick and smooth. Six to thirty parietal chromatophores are disposed on the wall of each cell. Sometimes a red pigment spot appears in each cell. Multiplication by cell division, at first in two directions, afterwards in three. Ophiocytium Nag. (inclus. Sciadium A. Br.). — Cells cylindrical, variously curved, attenuated at one end into a thin, short stem ; sometimes both ends rounded, with or without a spine. Propagation by non-motile spores or zoogonidia, which are formed by division of the cell contents. The cell wall has a lid fitted to the apex of a long tube. In the attached species the zoogonidia come to rest on the rim of the empty cell and develop into full-grown cells. A repetition of this process gives a curious branched appeal ince. O. parvulum (Perty) A. Br., Fig. 20. The two different sizes are, perhaps, two species. None of our specimens showed the terminal spine. CLASS IV. CHLOROPHYCEyE. This class contains all the green Algae and numbers more species than all the other classes of Algae together. The forms are very diverse in size- and structure, and include unicellular, filamentous, and colonial plants, some furnished with rhizoids, others with hairs, and some with spines. Cell division usually takes place in all the cells of a thallus, but occasionally there is a growing point. Both sexual and asexual reproduction are found in most of the families of the Chlorophyceae. This class flourishes most abundantly in fresh water, though many are marine, and members of it are to be found in every damp or wet situation. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG/E. 2"J The class may conveniently be divided into orders, as in- dicated by the following key : — Key to Orders. i. Thallus coenocytic (». e., non-cellular but with many nuclei) SIPHONALES Thallus filamentous and septate, or unicellular, or expanded 2 2. Thallus filamentous, though filaments may unite in a plane. In the Conjugatse some are unicellular and not filamentous 3 Thallus expanded, membranous ULVALES Thallus neither expanded nor filamentous '. PROTOCOCCALES 3. Cell division by intercalation of new cells producing transverse striation CEDOGONI ALES Cell division of ordinary type 4 4. Filaments attenuated and commonly ending in a bristle CH^TOPHORALES Filaments not ending in a bristle 5 5. Chloroplasts single, substellate, with one pyrenoid. Filaments may fuse in a plane: . . . .SCHIZOGONIALES Chloroplasts single, reticulated or band-shaped, with- out pyrenoids MICROSPORALES Chloroplasts numerous, parietal, each with a pyre- noid CLADOPHORALES Chloroplasts single or several, large and of some definite shape, with pyrenoids. The entire contents of two cells unite to form a single zygote. .CONJUGATE ORDER I. PROTOCOCCALES. Single-celled green Algae, without terminal growth or branches, and without vegetative generation of cells ; either single or in flocks or families. Sometimes the cells of the families indefinitely increase in number, and form daughter- families. At other times there is a definite number associated together to form colonies called cocnobia. Even when ap- parently closely united, each cell has the power of reproduction, and therefore the plants are essentially unicellular. 28 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. The order is a very large one, and contains an immense variety of forms which can hardly admit of a general descrip- tion. The order is divided into eight families, the following six of which are known in the United States : — Key to Families. i. Unicellular, or of a definite number of ciliated motile Cells VOLVOCACEyE Cells not ciliated or motile 2 2. Cells formed in flat plates or in a network HYDRODICTYACE.E Cells not in a plate or a network 3 3. Unicellular and solitary; cell with differentiation of base and apex characiace^e Cells without differentiation of base and apex 4 4. Unicellular and globular, or consisting of short, few- celled filaments (not truly filamentous) ; firm cell walls ; no autospores pleurococcace^; Cells free or colonial, without copious gelatinous en- velope, forming autospores protococcace^e Cells spherical and indefinite in number, embedded in a copious gelatinous envelope palmellace^e FAMILY I. PALMELLACE^E. Unicellular Algae, free-floating or attached, single or in families, with a conspicuous mucous envelope, which is with- out definite form, and is either structureless or differentiated into concentric envelopes. Cell contents at first homogeneous, later granular, green or reddish. Multiplication by cell division in two or three directions, and cells often grouped in twos or fours. Asexual reproduction by biciliated zoogonidia, several of which arise from an ordinary cell. Sexual reproduction has been observed in some species. This family is divided into three sub-families, as follows : — Key to Sub- families. Cells grouped in twos or fours within a lamellose mucous investment glceocystide^e Cells grouped, in fours, irregularly disposed in a mucus ; cells with a non-motile hair tetraspore^e No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. 29 Cells irregularly grouped within a structureless mUCUS PALMELLE^E SUB-FAMILY I. GLCEOCYSTIDE/E. Plants formed of colonies of cells in a common mucila- ginous envelope. Ordinarily concentric coats of mucus can be seen around single cells or groups of cells. Multiplication by division of the mother-cell into four parts. Key to Genera. Colonies irregular Glccocystis* Colonies cylindrical and branching (Palmodictyon Colonies subspherical Botrydina Description of Genera. Glceocystis Nag. (Chlorococcus Fries., in part). — Spherical or oblong cells associated in globose families of an indefinite number of cells. Teguments gelatinous, formed in layers. Cells spherical or ellipsoidal. G. vesiculosa Nag., Fig. 28. [G. rupestris (Lyng.) Rab.] Palmodictyon Kiitz. — The cells and surrounding tegu- ment are in the shape of cylindrical masses which branch and anastomose. The outer covering is often hard and of a reddish brown color. Reproduction by means of resting spores with brown cell walls. Botrydina Breb. — A genus little investigated. The colonies are subspherical, made of cells enveloped in a thick, gelatinous integument, which may be as large in diameter as five hundred microns. SUB-FAMILY II. TETRASPORE/E. Cells grouped in fours or very irregularly scattered towards the outside of a structureless mass of jelly. The cells of this family are frequently provided with delicate non-vibratile hairs called pseiidocilia. Description of Genera. Tetraspora Ag. — Thallus gelatinous, thick, at first baggy, then lengthening; scattered through the jelly are numberless 30 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. green cells, dividing in one or more directions, grouped in twos or fours without order near the periphery. Isogamous planogametes — *. e., provided with cilia, — biciliated zoogoni- dia, and resting spores with thick brown cell walls, are de- veloped. T. lubrica (Roth) Ag. var. lacanosa Chand., Fig. 212. T. gelatinosa (Vauch.) Desv., Fig. yy. [T. bullosa (Roth) Ag.] Apiocystis Nag. — Thallus small, of various or changing color, fastened by a stem-like base. Cells spherical, sometimes scattered, sometimes eight in a circle; contents homogeneous or slightly granular, with a distinct colorless vacuole. Propa- gation by globose zodgonidia, each bearing two cilia, and isogamous gametes. SUB-FAMILY III. PALMELLE^E. A large number of globose cells are aggregated in a struc- tureless mass of jelly, which is of indefinite extent except in Palmodactylon, in which it is more or less cylindrical and variously branched. The outer layers of the firm, thin cell walls are thrown off from time to time in one or many pieces. Description of Genera. Palmella Lyng. — A shapeless mass of jelly, holding cells which are spherical, oval, or oblong, green, red, or brown. Multiplication by repeated division of the cell contents, accom- panied by decided gelatinization of the wall of the mother-cell. Reproduction by macro- and macro-zoogonidia and also by small isogamous planogametes. P. mucosa Kiitz. ( ?) , Fig. 72. Fig. J2a is the gelatinous colony, natural size. Schizochlamys A. Br. — Found with Tetraspora, and like it, except that in this genus the cell wall often splits into four parts. The cell contents afterward divide into two or four daughter-cells. Palmodactylon Nag. — Small round cells, dull green, en- closed in a cylindrical bladder-like membrane. Several of these membranes are often joined together at one end, spread- No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. 3 1 ing radially. One, two, or four series of cells in each mem- brane. FAMILY II. PROTOCOCCACE.E. The vegetative cells are green, strictly unicellular, and are not provided with cilia. Propagation either sexual or asexual. In the latter case the cells divide into many parts, the whole assuming the form of a new colony. These are called auto- spores and autocolonies. Division of vegetative cells lacking. In some genera the cells are united into definite regular forms called cccnobia, in others into a pseudocoenobium, which differs from the true coenobium in that the cells are not all of the same generation; other genera have the cells scattered or congre- gated into irregular forms. Key to Sub -families. i. Cells elongated, frequently curved; solitary or in definite, loosely coherent colonies selenastre^: Cells angular, with a definite number of angles, two, four, six, eight, or more; cells solitary. . . tetraedre^e Cells variable, united in a regular flat plate. . crucigenie.e Cells globose or sub-globose 2 2. Cells strictly globose, united in a spherical colony (coenobium) ccelastre.e Cells globose or sub-globose, not united in a spherical coenobium 3 3. Cells with two or more attenuated bristles. . .phythelie^: Cells without bristles 4 4. Cells generally retained within enlarged wall of mother-cell oocystidelf: Cells joined in colonies by persistent walls of mother- cells, which sometimes become transformed into connecting threads dictyosph^rie.e SUB-FAMILY I. DICTYOSPH^ERIEJE. Cells globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, and associated to form indefinite colonies. The cells are held in position, usually, by the wall of the mother-cell, which in some genera breaks up into connecting threads. Multiplication by simple vegetative 32 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. division, or by the formation of four daughter-cells in a mother- cell, which at length ruptures to let them out. Key to Genera. i. Cells indefinitely disposed 2 Cells in grape-like clusters, freely exposed in a thin gelatinous envelope Botryococcus 2. With well-marked. subdichotomous connecting threads ; chloroplast parietal Dictyosphcerinm* Cells in radiating series ; connecting threads scarcely visible ; chloroplast axile Dictyocystis Description of Genera. Botryococcus Kiitz. — Sixteen or thirty-two cells clustered like a bunch of grapes in an irregularly lobed mucous thallus. Cells oval, spherical, or elliptical, densely packed in families within a thin tegument. Clusters free-swimming, green, at length pallid or brown. Dictyosphaerium Nag. — Cells green, kidney-shaped or egg-shaped, gathered into a hollow, somewhat spherical family, and usually surrounded by a gelatinous envelope; free-swim- ming. Cells covered bv thick coats which are confluent; joined by a fine tegument. Division of cells at first in all directions, later only radially. Biciliated zoogonidia rarely occur. D. Ehrenbcrgianum Nag., Fig. 22. Dictyocystis Lagerh. — Oblong or cylindrical cells, held in radiating series by delicate threads, to form a small, free- floating colony, the series often branching. SUB-FAMILY II. TETRAEDRE/E. Solitary unicellular plants, flattened and angular with a definite number of angles. The angles may be rounded, notched, or furnished with spines. Only one genus, sometimes divided into two, according to the depth of the lobulation. Tetraedron Kiitz. (Polyedrium Nag.). — Cells green, single, free-swimming, three-, four-, or eight-angled ; angles pounded, sometimes notched, mostly armed with a spine. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG/E. 33 Propagation by means of autospores, which are formed, usu- ally to the number of four or eight, in the mother-cell. T. minimum (A. Br.) Hansg., Fig. 23. T. trigonum var. punctatum (Kirch.), Fig. 24. T. trigonum var. pentagonum (Rab.), Fig. 25. SUB-FAMILY III. OOCYSTIDE.E. Cells spherical or elliptical, often retained within the swollen wall of the mother-cell. There may be one or several parietal chloroplasts. The cell wall of all but Palmellococcus is firm. Multiplication by means of autospores, which often develop and grow to full size in the mother-cell. Key to Genera. 1. Cells curved, subcylindrical or sublimate. .Nephrocytium* Cells ellipsoidal Oocystis Cells spherical 2 2. Cells large, solitary and free-floating. . . . Eremosphcera Cells minute, forming a thin stratum. . . .Palmellococcus* Description of Genera. Nephrocytium Nag. — Two, four, eight, or sixteen oblong or kidney-shaped cells, associated in a free-swimming family, surrounded by an oval or kidney-shaped covering. Of variable size ; cells bright green. Frequent in ponds. Multiplication by autospores, which are often spirally disposed around the inside of the wall of the mother-cell. N. Ncegelii A. Br., Figs. 26, 29. AT. Agardhianum Nag., Fig. 27. Oocystis. This genus differs from Nephrocytium in having cells ellipsoidal and showing polar nodules. There are usually several parietal chloroplasts in each cell. Eremosphaera D. By. ( Chlorosphaera Henfrey). — Large, spherical, free-swimming cells, with firm walls, showing a colorless border. Cell contents green, granulose; each cell containing large numbers of small parietal chloroplasts. Mul- tiplication into two or four parts, which escape through the cell wall. Found in small pools. 3 34 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Palmellococcus Chodat (Protococcus Ag., in part). — Strictly unicellular Algae, globose, green, sometimes changing to red upon exposure. Cells formed singly or in clusters, growing in water, or on damp soil, flower-pots, trunks of trees, etc. ; 8, 16, 32, or 64 spores formed within a mother-cell, the wall of which ruptures and sets them free. Very rapid multi- plication by cell division. P.sp. (?), Fig. 30. P. Gigas (Kutz.), Fig. 31. SUB-FAMILY IV. SELENASTRE^. Cells elongated and attenuated, sometimes lunate ; solitary, or joined into fragile families. A single chloroplast, which may contain one or many pyrenoids, is found in each cell. The cell wall is delicate but firm. Multiplication by autospores or autocolonies. Key to Genera. 1. Colonies enveloped in mucus Kir c line riclla* Colonies almost destitute of mucus 2 2. Cells attenuated to acute apices 3 Cells sublunate or ellipsoidal, arranged in groups of four in a plane ; groups forming irregular colonies Dimorphococcus 3. Cells forming definite colonies of a row of cells in one plane Sccnodesmus* Cells solitary or loosely grouped in irregular bundles A nkistrodesmus* Cells lunate, arranged back to back Selenastrum* Cells dividing, oblique ; daughter-cells remaining at- tached loosely by their apices Dactylococcus Description of Genera. Kirchneriella. — The cells are bent like a bow, often until their apices almost touch each other ; loosely aggregated within an enveloping mass of jelly. The cell wall is thin, the chloro- plast parietal ; multiplication by autospores, four or eight of which are produced in a mother-cell. The genus differs from Selenastrum in the presence of jelly. K. obesa (West) Schmidle, Fig. 54. No. 10.] FRESH-WATER ALGM. 35 Selenastrum Reinsch. — Cells lunate, attenuated on both ends to a fine point, with firm, thin walls; arranged back to back to form four- to eight-celled colonies. Multiplication by autospores. S. acuminatum Lagerh., Fig. 46. S. sp. (?) (perhaps acuminatum), Fig. 43. Scenodesmus Meyen. — Cells elliptical, cylindrical, oblong- spherical, often drawn out into longer or shorter spines. One, sometimes two, rows of cells are commonly joined laterally into a ccenobium. Propagation by repeated division of the cell contents into brood-families, which are set free by rupture of the mother-cell wall. S. obtusus Meyen, Fig. 38. S. caudatus Corda, Fig. 36. S. caudatus var. abundans Kirch., Fig. 32. 5\ caudatus var. typicus Kirch., Fig. 33. S. caudatus var. setosus Kirch., Fig. 34. S. acutus Meyen, Fig. 37. 6". dimorphus Kiitz., Figs. 42, 44. S. antennatus Breb. var. rectus Wolle, Fig. 39. S.sp. (?), Fig. 35. Dimorphococcus A. Br. — Cells united more or less in fours on short branches ; the two intermediate, contiguous cells oblique, obtuse-ovate; the two lateral, opposite and separate from each other, lunate; families free-swimming, in irregular clusters. Ankistrodesmus Corda (Rhaphidium Kiitz. ; Schroderia Lemmermann). — Finely granulate, cylindrical cells, usually tapering at both ends and variously curved. The cells occur singly, or gathered into groups, several radially joined, two crossing each other, rarely two united at the end; covering thin and smooth; division in only one direction. A. falcatus (Corda) Ralfs, Fig. 45. A falcatus var. acicularis West, Fig. 47. A. falcatus var. mirabilis West, Fig. 41. A. Braunii (Nag.) (?), Fig. 40. SUB-FAMILY V. CRUCIGENIE^. Cells gathered into flat coenobia. The cells are generally rounded and sometimes furnished with spines. The groups of 36 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. four are held together by a tough mucilage. Multiplication by autocolonies. The only American genus is the following: — Crucigenia Morren (Staurogenia Kiitz. ; Lemmer- mannia Chodat; Willea Schmidle). — 4, 8, 16, or 32 sub- quadratic cells, gathered into a flat ccenobium held in a mucila- ginous envelope. As many as 128 cells in groups of four have been discovered. The cell walls are smooth, and each cell is furnished with a single chloroplast. Multiplication by auto- colonies. SUB-FAMILY VI. PHYTHELIE^E. Unicellular or grouped in a more or less definite ccenobium, freely floating. Almost devoid of a mucous envelope and fur- nished with bristles. SUB-FAMILY VII. CCELASTRE.E. The cells are either globose or polygonal, provided with processes by which they are united into a hollow sphere ; or broadly lunate, and united at the centre by short stalks. Propagation by autocolonies which are formed in each cell of the ccenobium. Key to Genera. Ccenobium hollow Coclastrum* Ccenobium solid So rostrum* Description of Genera. Ccelastrum Nag. (Hariotina Dang.). — Ccenobium a hollow globe formed of a single layer of green, spherical or angular cells ; later the ccenobium appears to be reticulately pierced ; in older growths the cells have become polygonal through continued pressure. Daughter-ccenobia are developed within the mother-cell, and escape by breaking the walls of the latter. Found in ponds. C. micro porum Nag., Fig. 51. Sorastrum Kiitz. (Selenosphaerium Colin). — Differs from Ccelastrum in that the ccenobium is solid. It is composed of 4, 8, 16, or 32 wedge-shaped stalked cells, radially disposed, with spines (usually two) on each end. Propagation by auto- colonies. No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALG.E. $J S. spinulosum Nag. (?). — The common form of Soras- trum in this region is shown in Fig. 213. It shows only one spine at each corner. A less common form which may be a different species is shown in Fig. 55. FAMILY III. HYDRODICTYACEyE. These plants are free-floating, non-motile ccenobia, com- posed of cells arranged like a net or in a flat plate. Pediastrum may have fifty cells and Hydrodictyon many hundreds. Multi- plication by autocolonies. Reproduction by spores, which be- come quiescent within the mother colony and then unite by their extremities to form a new ccenobium. A fusion of isogamous gametes to form a zygospore also sometimes occurs. The two sub-families are probably not closely related. Key to Sub-families. Cells in a flat plate pediastrEyE Cells form a network hydrodictye^: SUB-FAMILY I. PEDIASTRE^. Microscopic plants composed of a number of small cells united into a flat disk. Zodgonidia formed in the mother-cell are liberated into an external vesicle, and there form new ccenobia. Description of Genus. Pediastrum Meyen. — The plane, discoid or stellate, free- swimming ccenobium is formed of a single, rarely a double, layer of green cells, perforated or continuous. The cells are polygonal, with four or more sides ; the central cells are entire, while the marginal cells are often bilobed ; the lobes are wedge-shaped, simple or bidentate, sometimes drawn out into hair-like ends. The genus is very abundant and variable. The reproduction is as follows : — The cell contents are at first homogeneous, later becoming granular. The granular contents divide into small zoogonidia, spherical or nearly so, which break away from the mother-cell into an external vesicle. After they have been motile awhile, they come to rest, and then divide and redivide ; a gelatinous covering forms around them, the cells arrange themselves into a single layer, and gradually take on the shape of the mother plant. Autocolonies 38 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. are sometimes found in a single cell. Biciliated gametes are also found which conjugate. P.sp. (?),Fig. 65. P. pertitsum Kutz., Figs. 66, 68, 70, 71. P. pertusum var. clathratum A. Br., Figs. 50, 52, 57. P. tetras Ehrb., Fig. 69. P. Boryamtm (Turp.) Menegh. var. granulatum Kutz., Figs. 58, 59, 67. P. Ehrenbergii A. Br., Figs. 61, 62, 63, 64. SUB-FAMILY II. HYDRODICTYF^E. Plants large, composed of a number of large cells, which are so arranged as to form a net. Zoogonidia swarm and be- come quiescent within the mother-cell, and there unite to form new ccenobia. Hydrodictyon Roth. — Ccenobium large, composed of oblong cells joined at the ends, forming a reticulated stratum, at first baggy, then net-like. All the cells are fertile, breaking up to form large numbers of microgonidia within the mother- ccenobium. After a period of activity they come to rest and form a new ccenobium by joining together at their extremities. Sometimes they become perfectly dry ; but, when moistened, they form biciliated macrogonidia which join themselves into daughter-ccenobia within the mother-cell. Motile gametes are also found which become free and conjugate into a globose zygote. The only known species is the following: — H. reticulatum (L.) Lag., Figs. 215, a, b, c. FAMILY IV. PLEUROCOCCACE.E. Plants mostly unicellular, sometimes composed of short, creeping, slightly branched filaments, which are never atten- uated to hairs. The cell walls are generally very firm, and the cells aggregate to form indefinite colonies. Multiplication by division in two or three directions. Asexual reproduction sometimes by means of biciliated zoogonidia. Of the six genera of this family we have found only one. Pleurococcus Menegh. (Protococcus Ag., in part; Cystococcus Nag. ; Chlorococcus Fries, in part ; Pseudo- pleurococcus Snow). — The cells are usually globular, some- times angular from pressure. Division occurs in three direc- No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALGvE. 39 tions, so at times a cubical colony is seen, which easily divides into its respective cells. The plants are occasionally creeping, branched filaments. A single parietal chloroplast is present, with or without a pyrenoid. Reproduction by aplanospores — i. e., without cilia, — by rejuvenescence of the mother-cell con- tents, by isogamous gametes, or by biciliated zoogonidia. P. vulgaris Menegh., Fig. 73, is a very common form in the state, growing in damp places, upon stones, etc. We have not found it in water. FAMILY V. CHARACIACE^. Plants unicellular, usually elongated and attenuated at both ends, the lower end terminating in a stalk, generally furnished with a disk by which it is attached to larger Algse. A single parietal chloroplast with one pyrenoid is present. Reproduc- tion by numerous zoogonidia formed by division of the cell contents at first transversely, then longitudinally. These por- tions become rounded off, become biciliated, and escape by a lateral, or, more rarely, a terminal pore. Each zoogonidium becomes a new plant on coming to rest. Characium A. Br. — Coextensive with the family. C. Nagelii A. Br., Fig. 53. C. ambiguum Herm., Fig. 56. FAMILY VI. VOLVOCACE.E. Plants unicellular, or consisting of ccenobia with a definite number of cells, always ciliated and motile. Multiplication by division of the mother-cell into 2, 4, or 8 daughter-cells. Re- production both by the union of isogamous planogametes and, in the higher genera, by heterogamous gametes. The Volvocacese are sometimes found in immense quantities, and frequently give an oily taste and odor to drinking water. They are closely related to the Flagellata, and some of them are frequently classed with the Protozoa. Key to Sub-families. Composed of colonies of many cells ; cells with two cilia volvoce^e Composed of single cells with two, or rarely four, cilia CHLAMYDOMONADEyE 40 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. SUB-FAMILY I. VOLVOCEJE. Motile ccenobia; cells varying in number from 4 to 20,000, globose or ovoiclal, with a distinct but thin cell wall ; cilia two ; chloroplast one of very variable form, usually including a single pvrenoid. Cells usually imbedded in a common mucilaginous investment ; more rarely united by protoplasmic processes. All the cells may be capable of reproducing the plant, or there may be a differentiation into vegetative and reproductive cells. Vegetative reproduction by division of some or all of the cells to form daughter-ccenobia. Isogamous or heterogamous sexual reproduction. Key to Genera. 1. Colonies spherical or circular 2 Colonies flat, cells 4-16, angles rounded, in a color- less sheath Gonium 2. No gelatinous covering, cells many, in a hollow globe Volvox* No gelatinous covering, cells 16, arranged in four rows Spondylomorum* With a gelatinous covering 3 3. Colony ovate or spherical 4 Colony of eight cells, in an equatorial zone in a spherical or ellipsoidal investment Stephanospharra 4. Cells 16-32, globose, not crowded, but scattered at regular intervals on a colorless sphere Eudorina* Cells 8, 16, 32, or 64, globose, crowded, often angular from pressure Pandorina* Description of Genera. Gonium Muller (inclus. Tetragonium West). — Four to sixteen cells so placed in a flat stratum as to form a quadrangle with rounded angles. A colorless tegument covers all. Cells globular except when angular from pressure. The cilia all arise from one surface of the colony. When old, the cells become granular and are connected by produced angles. Re- production by repeated division of the cytoplasm into zoogo- nidia. Multiplication by daughter-ccenobia formed in each cell of the mother-ccenobium. No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALG.E. 4 1 Volvox Ehrb. — Coenobium spherical, hollow, the surface composed of green cells estimated as high as 22,000, arranged regularly on the wall, and each provided with two cilia, which reach through the gelatinous covering and keep the ccenobium in constant motion. Each green cell is attached to the six sur- rounding ones by fine threads which are difficult to see even under high power and with favorable light. Oogonia and anthcridia are developed from vegetative cells, and a brown, smooth or star-shaped cell is often found which is supposed to be a fertilized oospore in a resting stage. Asexual reproduc- tion takes place by the division of the larger vegetative cells, which form new families. These after sufficient growth separate from the mother-cell and begin life independently. V. aureus Ehrb., Fig. 75. V. globator (L.) Ehrb., Fig. j6. Fig. 74 is a fertilized oospore. These are frequently found within the ccenobia, and also occur free in the water. Ehrenberg named it V . stellata, but of course this was an error. Spondylomorum Ehrb. (Uvella Ehrb.; Phacolomonas Stein.). — Ccenobium of sixteen cells in four alternating rows, each cell with four cilia. 6\ quateriiariuiu Ehrb., Fig. 288. Stephanosphaera Cohn. — Eight green cells, each having two vibrating cilia, are arranged at regular intervals in an equatorial circle, enclosed in a colorless sphere. Propagation by macrogonidia, formed by eight-fold division of the green cells, each bearing two cilia and a lateral red spot, and gathered into families of eight ; or by microgonidia, each provided with four cilia, formed by repeated division, and at first revolving within the common sphere, afterwards escaping singly. In hollow rocks and pools after rain. Eudorina Ehrb. (Eudorinella Lemmermann). — Cceno- bium somewhat oval or spherical, composed of 16 or 32 globular green cells, each with two cilia, arranged around the color- less sphere at nearly regular intervals. Usually four of the 32 cells develop antheridia and the rest oogonia for the sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction by the division of the cells into 16 or 32 parts to form daughter-ccenobia. E. elegans Ehrb., Fig. 285. 42 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Pandorina Bory. — Coenobium spherical, covered by a colorless jelly. Cells 8, 16, or 32, green, spherical, each covered with a thin membrane and furnished with two widely divergent cilia, often so crowded as to be angular. Propagation sexual, by the conjugation of isogamous gametes. Cells of a coenobium divide into eight daughter-cells ; these become two-ciliated gametes, and are scattered and conjugate with similar cells from other coenobia ; they flow together and produce a zygospore, which, after a season of rest, develops one to three biciliate macrospores, and these in their turn develop new coenobia. Asexual multiplication by formation of a daughter- ccenobium from each of the cells of the mother-coenobium. P. morum (Mull.) Bory, Figs. 286, 287. SUB-FAMILY II. CHLAMYDOMONADE^. The plants are unicellular, spherical or ovoid, with thin walls, and two or rarely four cilia. The chloroplast is in the posterior end of the cell and usually contains one pyrenoid. Reproduction by division of the resting cell into 2, 4, or 8 daughter-cells. Non-motile spores sometimes occur. Sexual reproduction by conjugation of ciliated gametes, either isoga- mous or heterogamous, which are similar to the vegetative cells, though smaller. They arise by division of the contents of the mother-cell, sometimes as many as 64 resulting from one cell. Key to Genera. Contents of cell close to cell wall Chlamydomonas* Contents of cell connected with cell wall by threads Spharella Description of Genera. . Chlamydomonas Ehrb. — Vegetative cells ovate, green, enclosed in a narrow, colorless tegument, frontal extreme some- times produced to a beak with two cilia, other end with large chloroplast, and with or without a red lateral spot. Gametes formed by continued division of cell contents of vegetative cells, numerous, oblong, or ovate, pale green or yellow, after- wards brownish. Zygospores globular, red or brownish. Chlamydomonas is abundant in the reservoirs of the state. C. pulvisculus Ehrb., Fig. 289. No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALG^E. 43 According to West the forms with four cilia should be named Carteria, Fig. 290. Both the two- and the four-ciliate forms are common in our waters. Sphserella Sommerfeldt ( Chlamydococcus A. Br.; Haematococcus Ag.). — Like Chlamydomonas, except that the cell walls are outstanding and joined to the cell contents by- fine threads. There is always more or less red coloring matter present. [S. lacustris (Girod.) Witter.] ORDER II. ULVALES. Thallus expanded and parenchymatous; attached when young by rhizoids. Each cell is furnished with a single nucleus and a parietal chloroplast, often quite large, containing one pyrenoid. FAMILY I. ULVACE^E. Most of the genera of this family are inhabitants of salt or brackish water. The thallus consists of an expanse of cells arranged compactly with their longer axes at right angles to the plane of the thallus ; either flat or, more rarely, tubular. The cells are uninucleate, with a single parietal, often ragged, chloroplast, containing one pyrenoid. Asexual reproduction by zoogonidia with 4 cilia, and by gemmae. Sexual reproduction by isogamous gametes. The contents of a vegetative cell divide into 8 (sometimes 4 or 16) gametes, smaller than the zoogonidia, which are pear-shaped, with a pigment spot and two long cilia. As a result of conjuga- tion a rounded cell with two pigment spots and 4 cilia is formed, which becomes a zygospore on losing its cilia. Enteromorpha Lk. — Thallus tubular, membranaceous ; at first fixed, then floating; sometimes branched. It is either green or pale olive-colored. Reproduction as in the family. Found in salt or fresh water. ORDER III. SCHIZOGONIALES. The thallus, often attached by rhizoids, is filamentous, sometimes several filaments being joined laterally to form a flat 44 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. plate. Each cell contains one nucleus and a central stellate chloroplast with one pyrenoid. The cells, especially of young plants, often divide in two or three directions. FAMILY I. PRASI0LACE.E. Coextensive with the order. Prasiola Ag. (inclus. Schizogonium Kiitz., and Hor- midium Kiitz., in part). — Found on moist earth, trunks of trees, rocks, stones, etc. ; some species require very little moisture. The cells of the filamentous thallus are broader than long, and those of the flat plates quadrate or polygonal. The cell walls are strong and colorless. Reproduction by gemmae, by resting spores liberated at the margin of the thallus, and by tetraspores. ORDER IV. C1EETOPHORALES. Thallus filamentous, simple or usually branched. Branches generally attenuated and bearing long hairs. The uninucleate cells possess each, except in Trentepohliacccv, a single parietal chloroplast with one or more pyrenoids. Asexual reproduction by resting spores or zoogonidia with two cilia. Sexual repro- duction by isogamous planogametes with two cilia, or by heterogamous gametes. Key to Families. i. Plant entirely filamentous, simple 2 Plant of branched filaments forming a flat cushion- like expansion enveloped in mucilage COLEOCHJETACE.^ 2. Filaments branched 3 Filaments not branched 5 3. Gametes arise from special cells only TRENTEPOHLIACE.E Gametes arise from any cell of the filament 4 4. Small creeping filaments upon water plants; cells globose or cylindrical herposteirace^e Like the above, but with flask-shaped cells chjetosph^eridiace.e Plant not creeping ch.etophorace^e No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALCE. 45 5. Cells with thick lamellose coats, in a series inside a lamellose sheath cylindrocapsace^e Cells without lamellose coat ulotrichace^: FAMILY I. TRENTEPOHLIACE.E. Thallus filamentous and branched, filaments erect or creep- ing-, growing on the ground or on tree trunks. The cell walls are firm and lamellose. The cells are uninucleate, and possess one or many parietal chloroplasts with or without pyrenoids. The color of the plants is usually brown or reddish. Zoogo- nidia are developed only in cells especially set apart, either on the ends of the branches or intercalated. These motile spores sometimes conjugate. Spores are sometimes produced which rest for a period before germinating, called resting spores or hypnospores. Key to Genera. Terrestrial or arboreal ; chloroplasts several Trentepohlia* Aquatic ; cells that produce zoogonidia are terminal Gongrosira Aquatic ; cells that produce zoogonidia not terminal Leptosira Description of Genera. Trentepohlia Mart. (Chroolepus Ag.). — Filaments irregularly branched, often so dense that the branches and stem cannot be easily distinguished ; primary branches and stem of same thickness. Cell contents reddish brown, golden- yellow, or olive-colored. About 32 red-brown or golden-yellow zoospores in a cell which is set apart especially for the purpose, usually on the end, sometimes on the side of the filament. [T. aurea (L.) Mart.; T. Iolithus (L.) Wittr.] Gongrosira Kiitz. (inclus. Pilinia Kiitz., in part). — The plant is attached by a mass of cells, formed by a confluence of creeping branches. From this mass, which may be of one or many layers of cells, numerous erect branched filaments arise. The whole is frequently encrusted with lime. The cell walls are thick and lamellose, and the chloroplast is parietal with one or many pyrenoids. Zoogonidia are found in flask- 46 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. shaped, terminal zoogonidiangia. The spores are ordinary cells from the recumbent branches which become detached. Leptosira Borzi. — Very much like Gongrosira. The thallus is in the form of a minute bright green cushion. The cells are light yellow-green, the terminal cells being elliptical or irregular. The zoogonidiangia are intercalated and not terminal. The zoogonidia either germinate directly, or con- jugate in pairs and form resting spores. The ends without cilia fuse first in conjugation. FAMILY II. CH.'ETOPHORACE^E. The thallus is branched, and the branches are attenuated sometimes into long hyaline hairs ; it is usually differentiated into creeping and erect portions. The creeping portion is at- tached by rhizoids, is branched, and is more or less torulose. The cells of the creeping portion are more or less swollen, and the branching is irregular. Each cell, except those of the terminal hairs, is provided with a parietal irregular chloroplast, containing a single pyrenoid. Zoogonidia, from I to 16, may be produced in each cell of the thallus except those of the rhizoids and the terminal hairs. They possess a red pigment spot and 2 or 4 cilia, and vary much in size. Spores of a red-brown color are produced in all the genera of the Chaetophoraceae. The gametes possess only two cilia, conjugate in pairs, and produce zygospores which rest for a short period before germinating. Key to Genera. 1. Plants less than 1 mm. high, without setae Microthamnion* Plants larger, branches attenuated, and with seta?. . . 2 2. Filaments fine, showing little difference in character of stem and branch, not in tufts in gelatinous masses Myxonema* Filaments fine, in tufts in a dense gelatinous substance Chcctophora* Filaments and main branches large, bearing tufts of small branchlets Draparnaldia* No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALG.E. 47 Description of Genera. Microthamnion Nag. — Filaments articulate, variously branched, straight; end cell at first linear, then obtuse, and finally swollen into a sporangium. The plants are at first fixed, but later free-floating. The branches arise just below a trans- verse cell wall. The chloroplast is parietal, long and entire, and lacks a pyrenoid. This genus is frequently placed with the Trentepohliacece ; but Hazen states that the zoogonidia may be produced in any cell of the filament, and hence it has its relationship near Myxonema. Two species are found in Connecticut, according to Hazen. [M. Kuetzingianum Nag. ; M. strictissimum Rab.] Myxonema Fries (Stigeoclonium Kiitz.). — Filamentous, simple, branched, articulate ; the branches not in tufts, in ap- pearance much like the main stem, with the end cells often drawn out into long, colorless bristles. The chloroplasts are scattered or arranged as in Drapamaldia. One to many zoogo- nidia, each with two or four vibrating cilia, formed from the contents of one cell. Gametes with 4 cilia. Zygospores smooth or stellate. M. attenuatum Haz., Fig. 220. .1/. tenue (Ag.) Rab., Figs. 79, 82. M. nanum (Dillw.) Haz., Fig. 284. M. lubricum var. varians Haz., Fig. 81. M. sp. (?), Fig. 78. [M. Hagelliferum (Kiitz.) Rab.] Chaetophora Schrank. — Plants enveloped in a hard, gela- tinous covering of a globose, plane or lobed form. Thallus filamentous, articulated and branched. Stems radiately dis- posed, dividing into short branchlets, sometimes ending in a bristle. The zoogonidia have two or four cilia, and resting spores are generally developed from terminal cells and are brown. C. incrassata (Huds.) Haz., Fig. 221. C. pisiformis (Roth) Ag., Fig. 222. [C. attenuata Haz.] Drapamaldia Ag.— Filaments articulate, much branched. The stem is thick and composed of sterile cells, colorless 48 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. except for the chloroplast, which is in the shape of a trans- verse band. The filaments are furnished more or less densely with alternate or opposite, tufted branches. These are com- posed of smaller, green, fertile cells, the end cell often a color- less spine. From one to four zoogonidia, with four cilia apiece, arise from each cell of the lateral branches. Usually all the cells of one tuft form zoogonidia at the same time, and the whole process occupies but a few minutes. A gelatinous sheath, soft and slippery, covers the whole. Found in clear streams, attached to stones or water-plants. D. plumosa (Vauch.) Ag., Figs. 83, 84. D. glomerata (Vauch.) Ag., Fig. 217. [D. acuta (Ag.) Kutz.] FAMILY III. CYLINDROCAPSACE^E. Filamentous green Algae, without branches or roots, living either in water or air. The filaments are covered with a thick, lamellose sheath, and the cells are lamellose and are in a single series. In an ordinary vegetative cell the contents mass together to form one oosphere. The antherozoids, which change from green to red or orange are each provided with two short cilia. After the oosphere is fertilized, it also changes to red or orange, and lies resting for some time before it germinates. Cylindrocapsa Reinsch. — With the characters of the family. They are at first attached, then floating. FAMILY IV. ULOTRICHACE.E. Filaments simple, composed of cylindrical or of rounded cells. The cell wall is always colorless, though of varying thickness. Each cell contains a single parietal chloroplast with irregular margins and one pyrenoid. Asexual reproduc- tion takes place in various ways. Both motile and non-motile .spores are produced; of the former some are large (macro- zoogonidia) and some small (microzoogonidia). The plants also multiply by dismemberment of the filament into single cells or series of cells. Sexual reproduction by isogamous gametes. No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALG^E. 49 Key to Genera. Filaments attached; chromatophore a homogeneous zonate band, with one to several pyrenoids. . . Ulothrix* Filaments not attached; chromatophore a parietal disk or plate, with one pyrenoid Stichococcus* Filaments generally not attached; chromatophore granular, covering more or less completely the whole cell wall, containing starch but no pyrenoids Microspora* Description of Genera. Ulothrix Kutz. (Hormiscia, as used by Rabenhorst, Hansgirg, and De Toni). — Filaments simple; each cell except the basal cell capable of reproduction. The chloroplast is parietal with one or many pyrenoids. Asexual reproduction by zoospores. Sexual reproduction by conjugation of gametes, of which eight or more may be formed in a cell. U. zonata (Web. and Mohr) Kutz., Fig. 94. U. tenerrima Kutz., Fig. 93. Figures 86 to 91 are specimens of Ulothrix of which we have not determined the species. [U. implexa Kutz. ; U. flacca (Dillw.) Thur.] Stichococcus Nag. (Hormococcus Chodat). — Very like Ulothrix, but unlike it in being almost wholly aerial, and in the fact that the filaments easily and commonly dissociate into cylindrical cells or small groups. The dissociation frequently occurs first on the one side and then on the other, giving a zig-zag appearance. Each cell has a parietal chloroplast, usually occupying a part of the cell wall and containing a small pyrenoid. Propagation by cell division, breaking up of the filaments, by non-motile spores, and by biciliated zoogonidia. 6". Uaccidas (Kutz.) Gay, found but not figured. [S. rivularis (Kutz.) Haz.] Microspora Thur. — Filaments composed of cylindrical or slightly swollen cells. The firm, sometimes lamellose cell walls occasionally break up into H-shaped pieces, each piece composed of a transverse wall and portions of the lateral walls of the two adjoining cells. The cells are uninucleate, and a more or less reticulated chloroplast occupies the cell wall. 4 50 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Resting spores with thick walls are produced, usually one in each cell, and also two- to four-ciliate zoogonidia. M. Wittrockii (Wille) Lag., Fig. 216. M. Stagnorum (Kutz.) Lag., Fig. 92. [M. abbreviates (Rab.) Lag.; M. amcena (Kutz.) Rab. ; M. crassior (Hansg.) Haz.] FAMILY V. HERPOSTEIRACE.E. The thallus is a creeping filament, sometimes branched, and growing on larger Algae or other water plants ; most of the cells have a bristle on the back, which is bulbous at the base and separated from the cell by a septum. In the sexual reproduction, cells in the centre of the thallus, devoid of bristles, form the oogonia. One oosphere is formed in each oogonium, and is ejected through an opening in the wall. The oosphere is large and slowly motile, provided with four cilia. Smaller cells on the end of the thallus, frequently colorless, form the antheridia. One or two swiftly moving antherozoids, pear-shaped, each with four cilia and two pul- sating vacuoles, are produced in each antheridium, and they unite, outside the oogonium, with the oosphere. Herposteiron Nag. (Aphanochaste A. Br., Berth., Huber). — Coextensive with the family. H. Confervicola Nag., Fig. 80b. [H. vermiculoides Wolle.] FAMILY VI. CH^TOSPH^RIDIACE^E. Thallus creeping, composed of flask-shaped cells more or less loosely joined, and each bearing a very long and slender seta, sheathed at the base. Cell division horizontal, the lower daughter-cell migrating to the side. Asexual reproduction by zoospores, formed to the number of four or more (?) in a cell. Chaetosphaeridium Klebahn. — Coextensive . with the family. FAMILY VII. COLEOCH^ETACE^E. Small, bright green water-plants. The thallus forms small green cushions or discs. The cells in the common species often No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG^E. 5 1 form a flat, more or less circular plane, or are arranged as fila- ments radiating from one point. The cells are oblong, more or less dilated at the anterior end, and some of them bear a colorless bristle fixed in a long and narrow sheath. The oogonium is round, on a slender neck — the continua- tion of the end cell of the plant. Antheridia found either on a neighboring cell or on a separate thallus. The oospore rests for the winter, and develops in the following spring. Asexual reproduction by zoogonidia, which are larger than the anthero- zoids and may be developed in any cell. Coleochaete Breb. — Coextensive with the family. C. irregularis Pringsh. (?), Fig. 800. C. scutata Breb., Fig. 243. ORDER V. GEDOGONIALES. Thallus of simple or branched filaments, fixed. The cells are uninucleate, and with a parietal, more or less anastomosing chloroplast containing one or more pyrenoids. In the vegeta- tive division new pieces of the cell wall are intercalated. The zoogonidia are possessed of a circle of numerous cilia around the anterior end. Antheridia and oogonia are present. FAMILY I. CEDOGONIACE.E. Filaments branched or unbranched, attached in early stages. Cell multiplication by transverse division, shown by transverse striae, usually at the end of the mother-cell. The oogonia are developed in a series of vegetative cells, and are at first green, then orange, and finally dark red or almost black. There are two kinds of male plants, dwarf and elongated ; the dwarf males are attached to female plants, and the elongated males are composed of a short series of cells forming an independent thread. Asexual reproduction by zoogonidia. The entire contents of a cell gather in one mass, the cell wall splits near one end, and the mass, with a small colorless protuberance on one end surrounded by numerous cilia, escapes and swims away to form a new plant. Key to Genera. Cells long, without a laterally placed bristle. CEdogonium* Cells short, with a laterally placed bristle. . . .Bulbochate* 52 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Description of Genera. CEdogonium Lk. — Filaments simple, articulate ; the end cell sometimes setiform, sometimes with an acute conical cap; cells enlarged at the upper extremities. The oogonia and antheridia are either on the same or on different filaments. Dwarf males, shaped like inverted flasks, are parasitically sit- uated near the oogonium. The elongated males are inde- pendent and shorter than the female plant. When a cell has reached maturity, it splits below the top by a circular line, the top is raised by growth, and a new cell formed. This may split again, and a new growth push the top up and leave an- other ring ; this may be repeated five or six more times, leaving a new ring each time. O.sp. (?),Fig. 96. O. cardiacum (Hass.) Wittr. (?), Fig. 228. Male and female specimens. [0. crenulato-costatum Wittr.] Bulbochaste Ag. — Filaments much branched ; almost all the cells thickened upwards, and bearing on that end long, thin, transparent bristles, bulbose at the base. Reproduction as in CEdogonium. The plants are more often mixed than in CEdogonium, and are i nveloped in a quantity of mucus. B. sp. (?), Figs. 97, 98. [B. intermedia DeBary.] ORDER VI. CLADOPHORALES. Three families, very like the Siphonales, comprise this order. The thallus is simple or branched, incompletely divided into cells. Each portion contains many nuclei and parietal chloroplasts, with single pyrenoids. Asexual reproduction by resting spores, cysts, or zoogonidia with two or four cilia. Sexual reproduction by heterogamous or isogamous gametes. The order is divided into families, as follows : — Key to Families. 1. Filaments unbranched, compound or elongated coeno- CyteS SPH^ROPLEACE^E Filaments branched 2 No. IO.] FRESH-WATER AIXLE. 53 2. Producing barrel-shaped and fusiform resting spores PITHOPH0RACE.E Without the barrel-shaped resting spores CLADOPHORACE.E FAMILY I. SPH^ROPLEACE^E. The thallus is nnbranched, composed of cells from one to ninety times as long as wide, each with several nuclei, and parietal chloroplasts in the form of rings. Any segment of the filament may form an oogonium or a bright red antheridium. These sometimes alternate in a filament. Many antherozoids are formed on the breaking up of the antheridium, and they penetrate the oogonium through the transverse walls. Bright red oospores with thick walls are produced, which hibernate in the oogonium, and on germination from two to eight zoospores are set free, which produce young plants, simple, fusiform, at- tenuated to a fine point on each end. Sphaeroplea Ag. — Coextensive with the family. Its fila- ments are 36-62 microns in diameter. FAMILY II. PITHOPHORACE.E. Thallus much branched, segments six to twelve or more times longer than broad. Usually many nuclei in a segment, chloroplast parietal; growth apical; attached below by a rhizoid. Asexual, green resting spores with thick walls are produced here and there; when intercalated, cask-shaped; when terminal, ovoid or fusiform. They develop on germina- tion at both ends. Pithophora Wittr. — Coextensive with the family. It is almost exclusively tropical. FAMILY III. CLADOPHORACE.E. Thallus large, filamentous, incompletely septate, branched in Cladophora. Each segment contains several nuclei and one reticulated parietal chloroplast or several smaller ones, each with a pyrenoid. In Cladophora and Chcetomorpha asexual re- production is by zoogonidia, formed in great numbers in the mother-cell. Rhizoclonium produces thick-walled cysts. Clado- phora has also an isogamous sexual reproduction. 54 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. The Cladophoraceoe secrete very little or no mucus, and are, therefore, a resting place for epiphytes. Key to Genera. i. Filaments unbranched; cells often slightly swollen Chcetomorpha Filaments commonly branched ; cells not swollen ... 2 2. With branched rhizoids Rhisoc Ionium* Without rhizoids Cladophora* Description of Genera. Chaetomorpha Kiitz. — Wide, simple filaments of thick- walled, swollen segments ; fixed at the base, the basal segments being shorter than the rest. The cell wall is firm and lamellose. Mostly marine or in brackish water. Rhizoclonium Kutz. — Filaments slightly branched, with branched rhizoids at the base ; articulate, somewhat contorted, having here and there short branches composed of from one to three cells. [R. lacustre forma Americanum Wille ; R. hieroglyphicum var. macromeres Nordst.] Cladophora Kiitz. — Filaments much branched, the last branches much thinner tnan the main stem ; cell walls thick, cells longer than broad. Propagation by zoogonidia, which develop in large numbers within the cells. C. glomerata (L.) Kutz., Fig. 274. [C. callicoma Kiitz.] ORDER VII. SIPHON ALES. Plant composed of an elongated ccenocytic filament (cceno- cyte), which is much branched. The order inhabits salt water almost exclusively. The only family living in fresh water is the Vaucheriacece. FAMILY I. VAUCHERIACE/E. Thallus elongated, somewhat branched, ccenocytic, usually attached. The protoplasm contains many minute nuclei. The oval chloroplasts are small and numerous. The cell wall is thin and easily broken ; after which the injured part is cut off by a septum, and the uninjured parts develop into new plants. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. 55 Vaucheria D. C. — Many filaments growing from one root, green, rather stout. A single filament usually more or less branched, with chlorophyll quite evenly distributed on the inside of the cell wall, forms one plant. Sexual reproduction by oospheres and spermatozoids ; asexual reproduction by zoospores. One zoospore, provided with many cilia, is formed in a swelling at the tip of the thallus, cut off from the rest of the cell by a wall. The oogonia and antheridia, either sessile or on short pedicles, grow in various numbers on the same tube and usually close together. V. sessilis (Vauch.) D. C, Figs. 200, 201. Sexual organs of this species are shown in Fig. 206. [V. aversa Hass. ; V. geminata (Vauch.) D. C] ORDER VIII. CONJUGATE.* The Conjugates are green or brownish Algae, sometimes single-celled, but usually composed of many cells closely joined. They are named from the peculiar mode of propagation. Two cells unite their entire contents to form a zygospore ; rarely two zygospores result from such a union. Resting spores or cysts are produced in the Zygnemacece without copulation. Non-motile spores are sometimes formed. All the Conjugates are very slimy to the touch. Key to Families. Unicellular; cells commonly constructed of two symmetrical halves ; of very many forms, though rarely cylindrical; single, or, very rarely, bound together in a loose thread ; two to eight germs de- velop from a single zygospore desmidiace^e Thallus a thread of many similar cells ; each zygo- spore produces only one germ plant zygnemacece * Our work upon the remaining orders of Chlorophyceae is as yet quite in- complete. These Algae are abundant in our waters. In the filamentous forms it is difficult or impossible to identify the species from the vegetative stages; and, since in ordinary waters it is usual to find these stages only, specific determination is frequently impossible. The family of Desmidiacea is very abundant; and, while our list contains a large number of them, doubtless a longer study will show many more species. The common species are, however, fairly well represented. 56 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. FAMILY I. DESMIDIACE^. Cells of various forms, but symmetrical, single, or, in a few genera, loosely united into threads. Often a constriction in the middle of the cell divides it into halves, called semi-cells ; the cell contents nearly always divided. The cell wall is often provided with granules, spines, or other protuberances, which are usually arranged in a definite pattern. These projections serve as a protection from aquatic animals, and as an anchor in times of flood. Conjugation of two cells results in zygospores. Asexual multiplication by transverse division or separation of semi-cells. The Desmidiacece are surrounded by a mucus exuded through pores in the cell wall, and often may be found embedded in a mass of jelly. They are not free-swimming, but are able under certain conditions of light and gravitation to glide along a hard sur- face. Desmids are extremely abundant the world over; there are several thousand known species, living in all degrees of tem- perature, and found most abundantly in soft water. The following key, modified from West, includes all the known genera of Desmids, four of which (Ichthyocercus, Triploceras, Phymatodo is, and Streptonema) are exclusively tropical, and one (Ancylonenta) is exclusively arctic. We have identified certainly as yet only a part of the Connecticut species, but have indicated by an asterisk the genera, and have figured the species thus far observed. Key to Sub-families. Cell wall not evidently divided into two parts, and without pores saccoderm^e Cell wall showing two segments, and with a differ- entiated outer porous layer placoderm^: SUB-FAMILY I. SACC0DERM.E. Cell wall unsegmented and without pores. Point of division of cells indefinite, and unknown previous to the actual division. The young half of the cell is developed obliquely, and its walls are absolutelv continuous with the walls of the older half. NO. 10.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. 57 Key to Tribes and Genera. Tribe I. gonatozygele. Cells elongate, cylindrical, and unconstricted, forming loose filaments. Cell wall with a differ- entiated outer layer, of which the small roughnesses and spines form a part. Chloroplasts axile Gonatozygon Chloroplasts parietal and spirally twisted .... Genicularia Tribe II. spirot^nie^:. Cells solitary, relatively short, and mostly unconstricted. Cell wall a simple sac, without a dif- ferentiated outer layer. The cell becomes adult by periodical growth. i . One chloroplast in each cell 2 Two chloroplasts in each cell 4 2. Chloroplast spirally twisted, axile or parietal. .Spirotcenia Chloroplast plane, axile 3 3. Cells solitary M esotcenium,* Cells forming short filaments Ancylonema 4. Chloroplasts star-shaped, radiating from a central pyrenoid Cylindrocystis Chloroplasts ridged with longitudinal serrated ridges Netrium* Description of Genera. Gonatozygon D. By. — Cells long and straight, not con- stricted, forming filaments which break up at maturity. The cell wall is smooth or covered with minute granules. The two chloroplasts are axile, thin and waving or twisted ; they contain four to sixteen equidistant pyrenoids. The zygospores, which quickly separate from the empty cells, are smooth. Spirotasnia Breb. — Cells straight, fusiform, ends rounded, not constricted in the middle; cells single or several, covered by a gelatinous envelope. Chloroplasts spiral bands on the inside of the cell wall. Mesotaenium Nag. — Cylindrical cells, straight or slightly curved, without median constriction. The ends are broadly rounded. The chloroplast is a flat plate, extending from one end of the cell to the other ; occasionally there are two chloro- plasts. M. micrococcum (Kiitz.) Roy and Biss., Fig. 219. 58 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Netrium Nag. — Cylindrical, straight, or fusiform cells, without constriction. Chloroplasts two (or four) in each cell, each with longitudinal serrate ridges. N. interraptum (Breb.) Lutkem, Fig. 281. N. Digitus (Ehrb.) Itz. and Roth., Fig. 282. SUB-FAMILY II. PLACODERM^E. Cell wall mostly constricted, with a differentiated outer layer. Cell division follows a fixed type, with interpolation of the younger halves between the old ones. The younger por- tions of the cell wall are joined to the older portions by an oblique surface. Key to Genera. 1. After division the cells remain free and solitary. ... 2 After division the cells remain attached to form colonies 14 2. Cells more or less constricted at the middle 5 Cells not constricted 3 3. Cells of moderate length, straight, cylindrical. . .Peniam* Cells elongate, generally curved and attenuated 4 4. Cells almost cylindrical, scarcely attenuated ; chloro- plast single, without apical moving granules .... Roya* Cells strongly attenuated towards each extremity; two chloroplasts in each cell, with apical moving granules Closterium* 5. Cells elongated and cylindrical, constriction slight. . 6 Cells relatively short ; deeply constricted 10 6. Apices of cells truncate or rounded, entire 7 Apices of cells cleft, incision open or narrow 8 7. Base of semi-cells plicate Docidium* Base of semi-cells plane Plenrotcenium* 8. Cell wall adorned with rings of furcate processes. . Triploceras Cell wall plane 9 9. Apical incision widely open, each apical angle furnished with a spine Ichthyocercus Apical incision narrow Tetmemorus 10. Cells compressed (at right angles to the plane of the No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALGM. 59 front view), in the vertical view fusiform or el- liptical ii Cells in vertical view radiating, triangular, quadran- gular, or radiate; rarely fusiform Staurastrum* ii. Cells mostly oblong or elliptical; moderately lobed; margins wavy, the depressions rounded .... Euastrum* Cells very much compressed, mostly orbicular or broadly elliptical, deeply lobed or incised . Micrasterias* Cells with a more or less entire margin, often furnished with warts or spines 12 12. Cell wall with regularly arranged spines of consider- able length 13 Cells without spines Cosmarium* 13. Spines several, commonly in pairs ; a central pro- tuberance always present .Xanthidium* Spines 4 or 8, occasionally 16, no central protuberance Arthrodesmus* 14. Colonies spheroidal ; cells not in contact, but joined by gelatinous bands 15 Colonies thread-like ; cells attached by their apices to form long filaments 16 15. Gelatinous bands narrow; few cells forming a micro- scopic colony Cosmocladium Gelatinous bands very broad, many cells forming a macroscopic colony. Oocardiium 16. The line of division of the cell, where the new and old parts of the cell wall are obliquely fitted to- gether, develops a girdle during division 21 The line of division does not develop a girdle during division 17 17. Cells attached by special apical processes 18 Apices of cells plane and flat 19 18. Apical processes very short Spharozosma* Apical processes long and overlapping the apices of the adjoining cells Onychonema* 19. Cells deeply constricted 20 Cells slightly constricted Hyalotheca* 20. Cells in vertical view elliptical Spondylosium* Cells in vertical view quadrangular with produced angles Phymatodocis 60 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 21. Cells joined by special apical processes Streptonema Cells joined by their flat apices or by flattened apical projections 22 22. Cells short, in vertical view fusiform, triangular, or quadrangular (rarely circular with produced angles) Desmidium* Cells elongate, cylindrical Gymnosyga Description of Genera. Penium Breb. — Cells straight, cylindrical or fusiform, without median constriction, ends rounded ; free or collected in a gelatinous membrane. Cell wall smooth, or minutely granular, colorless or sometimes red, often finely striate. Chloroplast axile ; when seen in cross section star-shaped, with arms often forking. Multiplication by division, and by zygo- spores formed by conjugation. P. closterioides Ralfs, Fig. 172. P. polymorphum Perty, Fig. 173. P. margaritaceum (Ehrb.) Breb., Fig. 175. P. Navicula Breb., Fig. 218. Roya West. — Cells curved but not attenuated. Cell wall without pores, chloroplast single, without dancing granules. R. obtusa (Breb.) West, Fig. 145. Closterium Nitzsch. — Cells simple, elongated, crescent- shaped or lunately curved, entire. The centres are not con- stricted, but often bear a few transverse striae. The cell walls are smooth or finely striate, colorless or brown ; at each end of the cell is a vesicle, colorless or straw-colored, containing numerous granules. The chloroplasts are arranged in longi- tudinal rows broken in the middle by a transverse, colorless band. C. acuminatum Ktitz., Fig. 147. C. lanceolatum Kiitz., Fig. 148. C. Cucumis Ehrb. (?), Fig. 149. C. acerosum (Schrank) Ehrb. (?), Figs. 150, 151. C. Lunula Ehrb., Fig. 152. C. turgidum Ehrb., Fig. 153. C. strigosum Ehrb., Fig. 154. C. costatum Corda, Fig. 155. C. Delpontei Klebs, Fig. 156. No. 10.] FRESH-WATER ALG^. 6l C. prelongum (Breb.) Delp., Fig. 157. C. lineatum Ehrb., Figs. 157a, 158. C. decorum Breb., Fig. 159. C. areolatum Wood, Fig. 161. C. Diana Ehrb., Fig. 162. C. Jenneri Ralfs, Fig. 160. C. parvulum Nag., Figs. 163, 164. C. moniliferam (Bory) Ehrb., Fig. 165. C. Leibleinii Kutz., Fig. 166. C. Leibleinii var. curium West, Fig. 167. C. rostratum Ehrb., Fig. 168. C. rostratum var. breviro stratum West, Fig. 169. C. subcostatum Nord., Fig. 170. C. Brebissonii Delp., Fig. 171. Docidium Breb. — Cells straight, cylindrical or fusiform ; ends rounded, truncate or smooth, constricted in the middle ; each semi-cell furnished with a basal inflation. The base is plicate with a granule under each plication. Chlorophyll axile and an axile row of pyrenoids. The ends have a vacuole con- taining dancing granules. D. Baculum (Breb.), Figs. 103, 223. D. verticillatum (Bailey) Ralfs, found but not figured. Pleurotsenium Nag. — In shape much like Docidium, without plications at the base of the semi-cells. The ends are truncate and usually furnished with a ring of tooth-like pro- jections. The parietal chloroplasts are longitudinal and are provided with several pyrenoids. The centre of the cells usually contains large vacuoles, and in the apical ones moving granules are often seen. P. crenidatum (Ehrb.) Rab., Fig. 224. P. Archerii Delp., Fig. 225. P. Trabecula (Ehrb.) Nag., Fig. 226. P. nodosum (Bail.) Lund., Fig. 283. P. sp. (?), Fig. 101. . Tetmemorus Ralfs. — Cells like Penium, except that the ends are slightly cut and the middle is constricted. One central chloroplast with a single row of pyrenoids is present. Cell wall mostly punctate or granulose. 62 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Staurastrum Meyen. — The second largest genus of Desmids. Cells in front view oblong, cylindrical, elliptical, or orbicular, with margins notched or smooth, always constricted in the middle, ends rounded, entire. End view with three to six obtuse, acute, or horn-like angles. Chlorophyll more or less central, zygospores commonly furnished with spines (see Fig. 261). S. orbicular e (Ehrb.) Ralfs, Figs. 123, 124. S. dejectum (Breb.) var. convergens Wolle, Fig. 122. S. dejectum var. mucronatum Ralfs, Fig. 125. 6\ megacanthum Lund., Figs. 126, 127. 5". hirsutum (Ehrb.) Breb., Figs. 133, 263, 263a. 5\ brevispinum Breb., Fig. 128. S. leptocladum Nord., Figs. 264, 264a. S. erasum Breb., Figs. 130, 131. S. arctiscon Ehrb., Figs. 268, 268a. S. odonatum Wolle, Fig. 132. 5. coronulatum Wolle, Figs. 267, 267a. 5*. Ravenelii Wood, Figs. 134, 135. S. dejectum Breb., Figs. 233, 236. S. furcigerum Breb., Fig. 136. 5. crenulatum (Delp ) Nag., Fig. 231. 5. margaritaceum Ehrb., Fig. 235. 5\ iotanum Wolle, Fig. 143. 5". eustephanum Ralfs, Fig. 144. S. pygmceum Breb., Fig. 261. Conjugating. S. muricatum Breb., Fig. 129. Four* species, names unknown, Figs. 137-142. S. gracile Ralfs, found but not figured. Euastrum Ehrb. — Cells elliptical or oblong, deeply con- stricted ; semi-cells usually cut at the ends and wavy or lobed at the sides, the number of lobes being uneven; usually furnished with circular inflated protuberances. E. integrum Wolle, Fig. 105. E. verrucosum _ (Ehrb.) Ralfs, Fig. 104. E. oblongatum (Grev.) Ralfs, Fig. 229. E. ampullaceum Ralfs, Fig. 230. E. elegans Kiitz., Fig. 232. E. Nordstedtianum Wolle, Fig. 234. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG^. 63 E. sp. (?), Fig. 227. E. ansatum (Ehrb.) Ralfs, found but not figured. Micrasterias Ag. (Holocystis Hass. ; Tetrachastrum Dixon) . — Cells simple, flattened, in the form of a double-con- vex lens, deeply constricted in the middle. Front view orbicular or broadly elliptical ; end view spindle-shaped, with acute ends. Each semi-cell three- to five-lobed ; lateral lobes entire, or irregularly cut into large, deep lobes ; the end lobes entire, or more slightly cut, sometimes with angles pro- nounced, and two-cleft. Zygospores seldom found, large, globular, with stout spines which are at first simple and later branched. M. radiosa (Ag.) Ralfs var. punctata West, Fig. 106. M. apiculata Menegh., Fig. 108. M. rotata (Grev.) Ralfs, Fig. 238. M. furcata (Ag.) Ralfs, Fig. 239. M. Americana (Ehrb.) Kiitz., Fig. 240. M. muricata Bailey, Fig. 241. M. truncata (Corda) Ralfs, Fig. 242. M. Crux-Melitensis (Ehrb.) Hass., Fig. 107. Arthrodesmus Ehrb. — Cells simple, deeply constricted in the middle; each half-cell is wider than long, and furnished with several spines. This genus is distinct from Xanthidium by the absence of the protruding area in the centre of the semi- cells. There are usually fewer spines, and the zygospores are either smooth or spinous. A. octocornis Ehrb., Fig. 260. A. convergens (Ehrb.) Ralfs, Fig. 259. Cosmarium Corda ( Dysphinctium Nag.; Calocylin- drus (Nag.) Kirch.; Cosmaridium Gay; Pleurotaeniopsis (Lund.) Lagerh.). — The largest genus of Desmids. The single cells circular, elliptical, or oblong, usually one and one- half diameters in length, always more or less constricted in the middle. Ends usually entire, rounded or truncate. The margins are smooth, dentate, or crenate, the cell wall smooth, punctate, warty, or even covered with spines. End view oblong or oval, with sometimes a swelling in the middle of the longer sides. Zygospores usually spherical, sometimes cubical or angular, smooth or furnished with spines. 64 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. C. Botrytis Menegh., Figs. 115, 116. C. Broomei Thwaites, Figs. 99, 258. C. suborbiculare Wood, Fig. 113. C. granatum Breb., Fig. 109. C. crenatum Ralfs, Fig. no. C. contractum Kirch., Fig. 117. C. tumidum Lund., Figs. 100, iooa. C. ornatum Ralfs, Fig. 102. C. ovale Ralfs, Fig. 245. C. undulatum Corda, Fig. 244. C. pyramidatum Breb., Fig. 246. C. Meneghinii Breb., Fig. 247. C. octhodes Nord., Fig. 248. C. perforatum Lund., Fig. 249. C. Ndgelianum Breb., Fig. 250. C. intermedium Delp., Fig. 251. C. Portianum Arch., Fig. 252. C. orbiculatum Ralfs, Fig. 253. C. tetrophthalmum (Kiitz.) Breb., Fig. 254. C. galeritum Nord., Fig. 255. C. Cucurbita Breb., Fig. 256. C. pseudobroomei Wolle, Fig. 257. Xanthidium Ehrb. — ■ Cells single, or two joined end to end ; deeply constricted ; semi-cells wider than long, entire, furnished with spines, and with a round, truncate, or toothed arm projecting from the centre. The spines are either simple or with two or three forks at the end. In the centre of each semi-cell is a roughened protruding area of variable size. Zygospores spherical and spinous. X. fasciculatum (Ehrb.) Ralfs var. subalpinum Wolle, Figs. 121, 266. X. antilopceum (Breb.) Kiitz., Fig. 262. X. cristatum (Breb.) Ralfs, Fig. 265. X. aseptum Nord., found but not figured. Sphaerozosma Corda. — Filaments of cells closely united by a narrow isthmus or by a granular process. Cells deeply constricted, thus forming bilobed cells. 5\ Uliforme Rab., Figs. 118, 119. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG/E. 65 6\ spinosum Delp., Figs. 120, 277. S. pulcrum Bailey, Fig. 271. Onchonema Wall. — Like Spharozosma except that the granular processes are long. 0. serratum (Bailey) Wall., Fig. 272. Hyalotheca Ehrb. — Cells short, cylindrical, usually blunted, constricted in the centre; joined in long filaments en- closed in an ample mucilaginous sheath. The end view of the cell is round and shows the chloroplast to be eight- to ten-rayed. H. dissilicns (Sm.) Breb., Fig. 273. Spondylosium Breb. (Leuronema Wallich). — Like Spharozosma except that instead of being united by lateral processes, the cells are joined in filaments merely by the close apposition of the cells. 5". papillatum West, found but not figured. Desmidium Ag. (Didymoprium Kiitz.; Aptogonum Ralfs). — Cells incised or entire, with two chloroplasts barely touching in the middle ; triangular or quadrangular in end view; united into fragile, elongated filaments, regularly twisted, and enclosed in a mucous envelope. D. cylindricum Grev., Fig. 276. D. Swartzii Ag., Fig. 275. Gymnozyga Ehrb. (Bambusina Kiitz.). — 1 Cells barrel- shaped with one or more narrow bands around the middle ; closely united into articulate filaments. Chlorophyll bodies as in Hyalotheca. Zygospores smooth, ellipsoidal. FAMILY II. ZYGNEMACE^E. Unbranched filaments composed of single cells or of a simple series of cells. Chloroplasts in the shape of spiral bands, axile plates, or twin stellate bodies. Key to Sub-families. Conjugation producing a zygospore which, after a period of rest, develops directly into a new gameto- phyte ZYGNEMEiE 5 66 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Conjugation producing a zygospore which immedi- ately develops a sporocarp of several cells, one of which is the spore. The gametophyte is developed from this spore after a period of rest. . . . mesocarpe^e SUB-FAMILY I. ZYGNEME,E. Filaments unbranched. A lining of protoplasm is in each cell, and the nucleus is held in the centre by quite prominent bands of protoplasm. The chloroplasts containing numerous prominent pyrenoids are twin stellate bodies in Zygnema and spiral bands in Spirogyra. Vegetative multiplication by breaking of filaments into separate cells or groups of cells. Asexual reproduction by spores. Sexual reproduction by conjugation between cells of different filaments which lie close together. Each cell puts out a tube on the side nearest the other fila- ment, and these meet with similar tubes from the cells of the other filament. The ends of the tubes join, and an open " conjugating tube " is formed. The contents of the cells separate from the cell walls, and the mass from one cell flows into the other, there to unite with the mass in that cell and form a zygospore. The zygospores are usually all found in one of the two filaments. Occasionally lateral conjugation between two cells of the same filament is observed. Key to Genera. Cells containing two star-shaped chlorophyll bodies near the nucleus Zygnema'* Cells with spirally twisted bands of chlorophyll. . . Spirogyra* Cells with nearly straight bands of chlorophyll. Choaspis* Description of Genera. Zygnema Ag. (Zygogonium Kiitz.). — Cells with two star-shaped chlorophyll bodies near the nucleus, each chloro- plast bearing a starch grain. Z. leiospermum D. By., Fig. 176. Z. stellium Ag., Figs. 177, 178. Z. stellium var. genuinum Kirch., Fig. 179. No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG^E. 67 Z. pectinatum (Vauch.) Ag., Fig. 279. In conjugation. Z. cruciatum (Vauch.) Ag., Fig. 180. Spirogyra Link. — Cells with from one to many bands of chlorophyll in the cell wall, winding to the right. The* zygo- spores are always inside the walls of one of the conjugating cells. The length and width of the cells, the form of the dividing wall (which may be plane or replicate, i. e., with an annular ingrowth of cellulose), the number of spirals, and the number of turns each spiral makes in a cell, are all points for consideration ; but the zygospores form the only decisive factor in the determination of species. In the determination of the species given below, we have chiefly relied on the vegetative thread. Found in low-lying ponds and ditches. 5\ varians (Hass.) Kutz., Figs. 181, 182. S. Weberi Kutz., Figs. 183, 184. S. maxima (Hass.) Witt., Fig. 185. 5". jugalis (Dillw.) Kutz., Figs. 186, 187. 5". inflata (Vauch.) Rab., Fig. 269. 6\ calospora Cleve, Fig. 105. S. dubia Kutz., Fig. 188. 5". qninina (Ag.) Kiitz., Figs. 189, 190. S. Grevilleana (Hass.) Kiitz., Fig. 191. S. majuscula Kutz., Fig. 192. 5\ adnata Kiitz., Fig. 193. 5\ Spreeiana Rab., Fig. 194. 5\ decimina (Mull.) Kutz., Fig. 196. S. communis (Hass.) Kiitz., Fig. 197. S. Huviatilis Hilse, Figs. 198, 199. 5". mirabilis Hass., Fig. 202. 6". bellis (Hass.) Cleve, Figs. 203, 204, 270. 5*. Havescens (Hass.) Cleve, Fig. 205. 5\ crass a Kiitz., Fig. 60. [S. nitida (Dillw.) Link.] Choaspis S. F. Gray (Sirogonium Kiitz.). — Fila- mentous. The only genus of Conjugatae without a mucous coat. Sterile cells much like Spirogyra; conjugating cells arise by unequal division of the cells of the filaments, and, 68 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. bending knee-like towards each other, grow together; zygo- spores elliptical. • SUB-FAMILY II. MESOCARPE^E. The plants of this sub- family are often narrower than those of Zygnemese, with thin cell walls. The chloroplast is a thin axile plate, and all those of a filament usually lie in one plane. The chloroplasts change their position according to the degree of light, turning the edge to bright light and the face to dim light. Reproduction as in Zygnemese. Key to Genera. Plants reproducing by conjugation Mougeotia* Reproduction by non-sexual methods only . .Gonat one 'ma Description of Genera. Mougeotia A. Br. ( Staurospermum Kiitz. ; Mesocarpus Hass. ; Craterospermum Braun ; Plagiospermum Cleve). — Cells long, cylindrical, with axile chloroplasts. Conjugation scalariform ; zygospores spherical or quadrate and more or less flattened with rounded angles. M. sp. ( ?), Fig. 85. The method of conjugating is shown in Fig. 280. [M. robusta (De Bary) Wittr. ; M. genuftexa (Dillw.) Ag.] Gonatonema Wittr. — Cells similar to Mougeotia, but re- production only by means of non-sexual spores. Spores pro- duced without conjugation, formed by division of the mother- cells, which are afterwards often burst and bent angularly and alternately at the point of fructification. CLASS V. CHARACEiE. Algse with a peculiar odor; often encrusted with lime. Thallus a stem with nodes and internodes. The plants grow from a few inches to over a foot in height by means of an apical cell. Whorls of leaves, on which may be borne antheridia and oogonia, grow at the nodes. Zoospores are wanting. The organs of reproduction are conspicuous in color and form. The antheridia are spherical, No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG^. 69 red when mature, the wall consisting of eight shields or plates. The spermatozoids are spirally coiled. The oogonium is situ- ated on a nodal cell from which five other cells grow and coil around the oogonium, covering it closely. They divide once or twice at the top, so that a crown of five or ten small cells is formed. Description of Genera. Chara Vaill. — The crown consists of five cells. The stems are covered with a cortex. C. sp. (?), Figs. 207-209. Nitella Ag. — The crown consists of ten cells ; cortex lacking. CLASS VI. PrL^OPHYCE^ (FUCOIDE^). The Algse of this class are almost exclusively salt-water forms, known as the Brown Seaweeds, and include the most highly developed of the Seaweeds. The vegetative cells are uninucleate, and the chromatophores are distinctly brown. Asexual reproduction by means of motile cells or zoogonidia. Sexual reproduction by isogamous or heterogamous gametes. Copulation always takes place outside the plant, and the re- sulting spore germinates directly. The motile cells always possess two laterally placed cilia, one directly forward and the other backward. While the class is made up mostly of marine plants, there is one order that is found in fresh water. ORDER I. SYNGENETIC^. Exclusively fresh-water forms. Plants unicellular, solitary or colonial, or multicellular ; free-swiming or motionless. The cells are either naked or surrounded by a mucilaginous en- velope. The cells are uninucleate, possess one or more pul- sating vacuoles, one or two yellow or pale brown chromato- phores, and occasionally pyrenoids. The order as thus defined includes about seven families. But at least four of the seven are frequently classed with the Flagellate Protozoa, and are described in the report upon the Protozoa of our waters. These include the following genera : yo CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND N%\T. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Cryptomonas, Synura, Uroglena, Dinobryon. (See Bull. No. 2 of this Survey.) The only other family known to us to occur in our fresh water is the following : — FAMILY I. HYDRURACEvE. The plant consists of an attached colony, from two to twelve inches long. The cells have each one chromatophore, lack a cell wall, and are embedded in a large mass of jelly. Cells brown at one end, colorless at the other; arranged in irregular, longitudinal families ; at first globose, then elliptical. Division at first in one, later in two directions. Asexual reproduction by uniciliated tetrahedral zoogonidia. Two or four of them are produced from each cell of the branches, and germinate at once. Resting spores have been observed. Hydrurus Ag. — Coextensive with the family. CLASS VII. RHODOPHYCE/E (FLORIDE^). Plants generally rosy red or purple, dark reddish-brown, or blackish. Most closely related to salt-water Algae. Crust- aceous, filamentous, variously branched. Asexual propagation by means of motionless spores. In the sexual reproduction, which is wanting in some of the genera, the female cell, called the carpogonium, is fertilized by a mass of protoplasm, called spermatium, derived from a male cell. The result of fertilization is called a cystocarp, and the method of its formation determines the different groups of Rhodo- phyceae. Sometimes the cystocarp is developed directly, and some- times the fertilized carpogonium puts out growths, known as 0 obi a sterna-filaments, which conjugate with auxiliary cells, the result being the cystocarp. The carpospores are always de- veloped on a tuft of filaments which spring from the fertilized cells and are called gonimoblasts. Of the four orders of this class, two are found in fresh water. They are distinguished as follows : No. IO.] FRESH-WATER ALG.E. 71 Key to Orders. Carpogonium developing directly NEMALIONALES Carpogonium developing a filament of which two cells conjugate with each other CRYPTONEMIALES ORDER I. CRYPTONEMIALES. A long branched filament is sent out from the fertilized carpogonium. Each terminal cell of the filament unites with an auxiliary cell, and from the latter the gonimoblasts arise. FAMILY I. SQUAMARIACE.E. A small group, mostly marine, but with a few fresh-water species. The thallus consists of dense, upright cell-filaments, which form minute, flat, gelatinous or membranous expanses. Cavities in the upper surface of the thallus hold the sexual organs, and, after the fertilization of the carpogonia, are filled with cystocarps. Hildenbrandtia Nardo. — Thallus crustaceous,- firmly ad- hering, formed of subcubical, blood-red, dark red, rose, or brown cells, placed in close vertical series. Sexual organs in cavities in the upper surface. ORDER II. NEMALIONALES. The gonimoblasts are developed in tufts, directly from the fertilized carpogonium. Key to Families. Thallus with a basal attached portion, from which arise tufts of simple or branched filaments LEMANEACE^E Thallus filamentous, simple or branched, with sec- ondary axes often in whorls. . .helminthocladiace^e FAMILY I. LEMANEACE^E. Exclusively fresh-water Alga, growing in very rapid water. The thallus consists of a basal attached portion from which arise dense tufts of erect branched filaments. From these grow the fructiferous branches which are the most con- spicuous part of the plant. After the growth of this part, the 72 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. vegetative portion of the thallus generally dies away, and these branches become fixed by rhizoids of their own. The fructiferous branches are long, filamentous, cartilaginous, and swing freely in the water; they are olive-green or greenish black. Each thread is built up of an axile row of tubular cells surrounded by rows of smaller cells ; at short, more or less regular, distances along the entire length are distinct swellings or nodes. Only sexual multiplication is known. The antheridia are short and cylindrical, growing on whorled eminences or on the widest part of the nodes. The carpogonium possesses a long, simple or branched process for the reception of the male gamete, called a trichogyne. After fertilization the car- pogonium puts out an ooblastema-filament, at the extremity of which a bunch of jointed moniliform filaments arises, each of the swollen cells of which becomes at maturity a carpo- spore. The carpospores are produced on the inside of the thallus, filling up the space between the axile cells and the cortical cells. The carpospores in turn produce the vegetative thallus. Lemanea Bory. — Large, simple or somewhat branched, bristle-like threads of drrk or brownish color; hollow except for the axile series of cells which is held in place by transverse threads at regular intervals. [L. fucina var. rigida (Sirdt.) Atk.] Tuomeya Harvey. — Thallus much branched, upright, five cm. high, rosette-like. [T. Hiiviatilis Harvey.] FAMILY II. HELMINTHOCLADIACE.E. The plants consist of a filamentous thallus, simple or branched, with the secondary axes often arranged in whorls. The main filament may consist of a single row of cells or of an axile row surrounded by cortical rows of smaller cells. The terminal cells of the gonimoblasts, which are short tufts of filaments, generally form the carpospores. When the carpospore has become detached, the supporting cell grows through the old cell wall and produces a new spore-forming cell. The cystocarp has no. definite wall. No. IO.] FRESH- WATER ALG.E. 73 Key to Genera. i. With clustered tufts of branches. .. .Batrachospermum* Without clustered tufts 2 2. Thallus three to seven mm. in length Chantransia Thallus thirty to sixty cm. in length Thorea Description of Genera. Batrachospermum Roth. — A wholly fresh-water genus. The plants are dioecious, of a violet or bluish green color. Thal- lus is from sixteen to twenty cm. in length, moniliform, gela- tinous, slippery, consisting of an axile series of cells growing by means of a hemispherical apical cell, and an accessory parallel series, covered with clustered tufts of branches which are more or less scattered. The carpogonium grows in a cell at the extremity of a short branch which stands out directly from the main branch; it possesses a short, straight trichogyne, and after fertilization develops a dense mass of exposed carpo- spores. B. vagum (Roth) Ag., Fig. 278. \B. anatinum Sirdt. ; B. Boryannm Sirdt. ; B. Corbula Sirdt. ; B. ectocarpnm Sirdt. ; B. moniliforme var. typicum, and var. chlorosum Sirdt. ; B. pyramidale Sirdt. ; B. virga- tum Sirdt.] Chantransia Fries. — Dioecious, red, steel-blue, or purp- lish violet, growing in fresh and salt water. Filaments articu- late, branched ; branches simple or compound ; mucilage lacking. The carpogonium develops, after fertilization, numerous gonimoblasts in small clusters, upwards and on one side. Asexual multiplication by tetraspores developed on ends of cells. Thorea Bory. — This genus possesses but one species, T. ramosissima Bory. The thallus is round, filamentous, much branched, the thickness of a horse hair, of a purple-brown or dark brown color, very mucous, and reaching the length of thirty to sixty cm. The branches are short and compact, slightly attenuated, and the cells are from two to five times longer than their diameter. The cells possess starch-like granules, and the spores are naked and non-motile. FRESH-WATER ALG^E. 75 INDEX. Amphithrix, 15. Ancylonema, 57. Ankistrodesmus, 34, 35. Aphanocapsa, 12, 13. Aphanochsete, 50. Aphanothece, 13. Apiocystis, 30. Aplanospores, 39. Aptogonum, 65. Arthrodesmus, 59, 63. Arthrosiphon, 22. Arthrospira, 18, 20. Autocolonies, 31. Autospores, 31. Bacillariae, 9, 24. Bambusina, 65. Batrachospermum, 73. Botrydiaceae, 24. Botrydina, 29. Botrydium, 25. Botryococcus, 32. Bulbochaete, 51, 52. Calocylindrus, 63. Calothrix, 15, 16. Camptotrichaceae, 16. Chaetomorpha, 54. Chaetophora, 46. Chaetophoraceae, 44, 45. Chaetophorales, 27, 44. Chaetosphaeridiaceae, 44, 45. Chaetosphaeridium, 50. Chamaesiphoniaceae, 14. Chantransia, 73. Chara, 9, 69. Characeae, 9, 68. Characiaceae, 28, 39. Characium, 39. Chlamydococcus, 43. Chlamydomonadeae, 42. Chlamydomonas, 42. Chlorobotrys, 25, 26. Chlorococcus, 29, 38. Chlorophycese, 9, 26. Chlorosphasra, 33. Choaspis, 66, 67. Chroococcaceae, 11. Chroococcus, 12, 14. Chroolepus, 45. Cladophora, 54. Cladophoracese, 53. Clathrocystis, 13. Closterium, 58, 60. Coccogoneae, II. Coelastrese, 31, 36. Ccelastrum, 36. CcElosphserium, 12, 13. Coenobia, 27, 31. Coleochseta, 51. Coleochsetaceae, 44, 50. Conferva, 25. Conjugate, 9, 27, 55. Cosmaridium, 63. Cosmarium, 59, 63. Cosmocladium, 59. Craterospermum, 68. Crucigenia, 36. Crucigenieas, 31, 35- Cryptonemiales, 71. Cthonoblastus, 20. Cyanophycese, 9, 10. Cylindrocapsa, 45, 48. Cylindrocapsacese, 45, 48. Cylindrocystis, 57. Cylindrospermum, 21. Cystococcus, 38. Dactylococcus, 34. Desmidiaceae, 55, 56. Desmidium, 60, 65. Diatomaceae, 9, 24. 76 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Diatomin, 9. Dicothrix, 15, 16. Dictyocystis, 32. Dictyosphserieje, 31. Dictyosphaerium, 31, 32. Didymoprium, 65. Dimorphococcus, 34. Docidium, 58, 61. Dolichospermum, 21. Draparnaldia, 46, 47. Dysphinctium, 63. Enteromorpha, 43. Eremosphsera, 33. Euastrum, 59, 62. Eudorina, 40, 41. Eudorinella, 41. Gametes, 9. Genicularia, 57. Gloeocapsa, 12, 13, 14. Gloeocystideae, 28, 29. Gloeocystis, 29. Gloeothece, 12, 13. Gloeotrichia, 14, 15, 16. Gomphosphaeria, 12, 13. Gonatonema, 68. Gonatozygon, 57. Gongrosira, 45. Gonium, 40. Gymnozyga, 60, 65. Hsematococcus, 43. Hapalosiphon, 23. Hariotina, 36. Hassallia, 23. Helminthocladiacese, 71, 72. Herposteiracese, 44, 50. Herposteiron, 50. Heterocysts, 10. Heterokontas, 9, 24. Hildenbrandtia, 71. Hormidium, 44. Hormiscia, 49. Hormococcus, 49. Hormogoneae, 10, 11, 14: Hormogones, 10. Hyalotheca, 59, 65. Hydrodictyacese, 28, 37. Hydrudictyon, 37, 38. Hydrurus, 70. Hyphoeothrix, 19, 20. Ichthyocercus, 58. Inactis, 20. Isactis, 15, 16. Kirchneriella, 34. Leibleinia, 19. Lemanea, 72. Lemaneaceae, 71. Lemmermannia, 36. Leptosira, 45, 46. Leptothrix, 19. Leuronema, 65. Limnactis, 16. Lyngbya, 18, 19, 20. Lyngbyese, 17, 18. Mastigonema, 16. Mastigothrix, 16. Merismopedia, II, 12. Mesocarpeae, 68. Mesocarpus, 68. Mesotaenium, 57. Micrasterias, 59, 63. Microcoleus, 20. Microcystis, 12, 13, 22. Microspora, 49. Aiicrosporales, 27. Microthamnion, 46, 47. Mougeotia, 68. Myxonema, 46, 47. Alyxophyceae, 9, 10. Nemalionales, 71. Nephrocytium, 33. Netrium, 57, 58. Nostoc, 21. Nostocacese, 17, 20. CEdogoniales, 27, 51. CEdogonium, 51, 52. Onchonema, 59, 65. Oocardium, 59. Oocystidese, 31, 33. No. 10.] FRESH-WATER ALG^. 77 Odcystis, 33. Ophiocytium, 25, 26. Oscillaria, 19. Oscillatoria, 18, 19, 20. Oscillatoriacese, 10, 17. Palmella, 30. Palmellaceae, 28. Palmellese, 29, 30. Palmellococcus, 33, 34. Palmodactylon, 30. Palmodictyon, 29. Pandorina, 40, 42. Pediastrese, 37. Pediastrum, 37. Penium, 58, 60. Petalonema, 22. Phaeophyceae, 9. Phormidium, 18, 19. Phycocyanin, 9. Phycoerythrin, 10. Phycophsein, 9. Phymatodocis, 59. Phythelieae, 31, 36. Pilinia, 45. Pithophora, 53. Placodermae, 56, 58. Plagiospermum, 68. Planogametes, 30. Plectonema, 18, 19. Pleurococcaceae, 28, 38. Pleurococcus, 38. Pleurotaeniopsis, 63. Pleurotaenium, 58, 61. Polycystis, 13. Polyedrium, 32. Prasiola, 44. Protococcaceas, 28, 31. Protococcales, 27. Protococcus, 34, 38. Pseudocilia, 29. Pseudoccenobia, 31. Pseudopleurococcus, 38. Psilonemateae, 14, 17. Raphidium, 35. Rhizoclonium, 54. Rhodophyceae, 10. Rivularia, 15, 16. Rivulariaceae, 15. Roya, 58, 60. Saccodermae, 56. Scenodesmus, 34, 35. Schizochlamys, 30. Schizogoniales, 27, 43. Schizogonium, 44. Schizophyceae, 9. Schizosiphon, 22. Schizothrix, 20. Schoderia, 35. Sciadium, 26. Scytonema, 22, 23. Scytonemaceae, 17, 22. Selenastreae, 31, 34. Selenastrum, 34, 35. Selenosphaerium, 36. Sex union, 9. Siphonales, 27, 54. Sirogonium, 67. Sirosiphon, 23. Sorastrum, 36. Sphasrella, 42. Sphaeroplea, 53. Sphserozosma, 59, 64. Sphaerozyga, 21. Spirocoleus, 19. Spirogyra, 66, 67. Spirotaania, 57. Spirulina, 18. Spondylomorum, 40, 41. Spondylosium, 59, 65. Spores, 8. Squamariaceas, 71. Staurastrum, 59, 62. Staurogenia, 36. Staurospermum, 68. Stephanosphasra, 40, 41. Stichococcus, 49. Stigeoclonium, 47. Stigonema, 23. Stigonemaceae, 17, 23. Streptonema, 60. Swarm spores; 9. 78 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY- Symphysiphon, 22. Symploca, 18, 19. Synechococcus, 11, 12. Tetmemorus, 58, 61. Tetrachastrurn, 63. Tetraedrefe, 31, 32. Tetraedron, 32. Tetragonium, 40. Tetraspora, 29. Tetrasporeae, 28, 29. Thorea, 73. Tolvpothrix, 22, 23. Trentepohlia, 45. Trentepohliacese, 44, 45- Tribonema, 25. Tribonemacese, 24, 25. Trichormus, 21. Trichophoreae, 14- Triploceras, 58. Tuomeya, 72. Ulothrix, 49. Ulotrichaceae, 48, 49. Ulvaceae, 43. Ulvales, 27. Vaucheria, 55. Vaucheriaceae, 54. Vaginarieae, 17, 20. Volvocaceae, 28, 39. Volvoceae, 39, 40. Volvox, 40, 41. Willea, 36. Xanthidium, 59, 64. Xanthophyll, 9. Zonotrichia, 16. Zygnema, 66. Zygnemaceae, 65. Zygnemeae, 66. Zygogonium, 66. Zygote, 9. Plate I : Figures i to 6; Au. Magnified i.ooo Diameters Fig-, i Fig. 2. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Oscillatoria subtilissima Kutz. . oerugineo-ccerulea kutz. Merismopedia glauca Nag. " convoluta I'>reb. . Oscillatoria limosa Ag. " percursa Kiitz. page 19 12 !9 PLATE I. QP f\r\ ^ flaw go f I Q&Gu y yyao ;18 ' Goai -1*4 \ .%\ E eV Oi tffc&. i- Ji! Plate II; Figures 7 to 10; All (except Fig. 8a) Magni- fied 1000 Diameters. Fig. 7. Ccelosphcerium Kuetsingianum Nag. page 13 Fig. 8. Glococapsa arenaria ( ? I Fig. 8(7. " " A mass of the plant, natural size ..... Fig. 9. Microcystis aeruginosa Kiitz. (?). -In a mucilaginous mass .... Fig. ga. Microcystis ccntgiiiosa Kiitz. Without the mucilaginous mass Fig. 10. Aphanocapsa Grcvillci (Hass.) Rab. 14 PLATE II. g# % <*# ^S> 4 a fl&fi© Plate III; Figures ii to 15; All Magnified iooo Diameters. Fig. 11. Anabana gigantea Wood . . page 22 Fig. 12. Flos-aquce Kiitz. or circinalis (Rab.) Kirch " Fig. 13. Lyngbya sp. (?).... 19 Fig. 14. Oscillatoria chalybea Mertens Fig. 15. amphibia Ag. PLATE III. Plate IV; Figures 16 to 19; Fig. 18 Magnified 500 Diam- eters ; the others iooo Diameters. Fig. 16. Nostoc rupcstrc Kiitz. Fig. 17. " "... Fig. 18. " sp. (?) Fig. 19. comminutum Kiitz. ige 21 « ti u it « (i PLATE IV. *SL £ .ar %r^JLr big. 20. Fig. 21. Fig. 22. Fig. 23- Fig. 24- Fig. 25- Fig. 26. Fig. 27. Fig. 28. Fig. 29. A. Br. page 26 26 Nag. a 32 rlansg. a 33 Plate V; Figures 20 to 29; Figs. 26 and 29 Magnified 500 Diameters; all others iooo Diameters. Ophiocytium parvulum (Perty) Triboncma minus (Wille) Haz. Dictyosphcerium Ehrenbergianum Tetraedron minimum (A. Br.) trigonum var. punctatum (Kirch.) " Tetraedron trigonum var. pentagonum (Rab.) " Nephrocytium Naegelii A. Br. . Agardhianum Nag. . Glcrocystis vesiculosa Nag. . . 29 Nephrocytium Ndgelii .A. Br. . . 33 PLATE V. Plate VI; Figures 30 to 49; All Magnified iooo Diameters. big. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 Fig. 33 Fig. 34- Fig. 35- Fig. 36. Fig. 37- Fig. 38. Fig. 39- Fig. 40 Fig. 4i Fig. 4^ Fig. 43 Fig. 44 Fig. 45 Fig. 46 Fig. 47 Fig. 48 Fi£- 49 Si pic us tosus Pcdmellococcus sp. ( ?) . Gigos (Kiitz.). Scenodesmus caudatus var. dbundans Kirch. ...... Scenodesmus caudatiis var. ty Kirch. .... Scenodesmus caudatus var Kirch. .... Scenodesmus sp. (?) caudatus Corda acutus Meyen obtusus Meyen . aiitcuuatus Breb. var. rectus Wolle .... Ankistrodesmus Braunii fXag.) (?) falcatus var. mira- bilis West ..... Scenodesmus dimorphus Kiitz. . Sclcnastrum sp. ( ?) . Scenodesmus dimorphus Kiitz. Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs. Sclcnastrum acuminatum Lagerh. Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. acicu- laris West ..... Tribonema bombycinum (Ag.) Derbes and Sol. ...... Scenodesmus sp. (?) page 34 35 ti (< it a a a 26 35 PLATE VI. Plate VII; Figures 50 to 56; All except Fig. 54a Magni- fied 1000 Diameters. Fig. 50. Pediastrum pertusum var. clathratum A. Br Fig. 51. Coelastrum microporum Nag'. Fig. 52. Pediastrum pertusum var. clathratum A. Br Fig. 53. Characium Naegelii A. Br. Fig. 54. Kirchneriella obesa (West) Schmidle. Fig. 54a represents a single cell Fig. 55. Sorastrum spinulosum Nag. Fig. 56. Characium ambiguum Herm. . page 38 a 36 a 3« a 39 a 34 a 37 a 39 PLATE VII. Plate YIII; Figures 57 to 60; All Magnified 500 Diam- eters. Fig. 57. Pediastrum pertustim var. clathra- tinn A. Br page 38 Figs. 58, 59. Pediastrum Boryamtm (Turp.) Meneg. var. granulatum Kiitz. . " " Fig. 60. Spirogyra crassa Kiitz. ... "67 PLATE VIM. Plate IX ; Figures 6i to 71 ; Fig. 68 Magnified 500 Diam- eters ; ALL OTHERS IOOO DlAMETERS. Figs. 61-63. Pediastriim Ehrenbergii A. Br. . page 38 Fig. 64. " " var. truncatiim Braun .... " " Fig. 65. Pcdiastrum sp. ( ?) . . . . " " Fig. 66. pcrtusum Kiitz. . . " " Fig. 67. Boryanum (Turp.) Meneg. var. granulatum Kiitz. . . " " Fig. 68. Pediastrum pcrtusum Kiitz. . . " Fig. 69. " tetras Ehrb. ... " " Figs. 70, 71. " pcrtusum Kiitz. . . " PLATE IX. Plate X ; Figures 72 to 77. Fig. 72. Palmella mucosa Kiitz. ( ?) (250 diameters) ..... Fig. 72a. A colony of the same, natural size . Fig. 7$. Pleuro coccus vulgaris Menegh. (500 diameters) ..... Fig. 74. Volvox. A young colony. (500 diameters) ..... Fig. 75. Volvox aureus Ehrb. (200 diameters) Fig. 76. globator Ehrb. ( 125 diam- eters) ... Fig. 77. Tctraspora gelatinosa (Vauch.) Desv. (250 diameters) .... Fig. 77a. A colony of the same, natural size page 30 it 39 4i 30 PLATE X. 'V?' * * '' 77a Plate XI; Figures 78, 79; Magnified 250 Diameters. Fig. 78. Myxonema sp. ( ?) . . . page 47 Fig. 79. " tenue (Ag.) Rab. . " PLATE XI. Plate XII ; Figures 80 to 82. Fig. 80a .Colcochccic irregularis Pringsh. (?) (250 diameters) .... page 51 b. Herposteiron Confervicola Nag. . 50 c. Diatom ...... Fig. 81. Myxonema lubricum var. various Haz. (500 diameters) .... 47 Fig. 82. Myxonema tonne (Ag.) Rab. (250 diameters) ..... a a PLATE XII. Peate XIII; Figures 83, 84; Magnified 100 Diameters. Fig-s. 83, 84. Draparnaldia plumosa (Vauch.) Ag. page 48 PLATE XIII. Plate XIV; Figures 85 to 89. Fig. 85. Mougeotia sp. ( ?) ( 500 diameters) . page 68 Figs. 86 to 89. Ulothrix sp. ( ?) ( 1000 diam- eters, except 86a, which is 500 diameters) ..... "49 PLATE XIV. 88 /»>A l£& pw> rsK "ft I \hy Plate XV; Figures 90 to 95; Magnified iooo Diameters, except Fig. 91. Fig-. 90. Ulothrix. Young stage . . . page 49 (low power) Microspore! Stagnorum ( Kiitz.) Lag. 50 Ulothrix tenerrima Kiitz. . . 49 zonata (Web. and Mohr) Kiitz " Fig. 95. Ulothrix sp. ( ?) Fig. 91. Fig. 92. Fig. 93- Fig. 94. PLATE XV. rS^jSagi,,,:- 90 if % ■■■'■ 7 i ' jov-u-"^ 175 I M " : fc v Plate XXVII; Figures 176 to 180; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 176. Zygnetna leiospertnutn D. By. . page 66 Figs. 177, 178. Zygnetna stellium Ag. . Fig. i7<). Zygnetna stellium var. genuinum Kirch. ...... Fig. 180. Zygnetna cruciatum (Vauch.) Ag. PLATE XXVII. ■ - J : : 179 ..-?- Plate XXVIII; Figures 181 to 187; Figs. 182, 186 Mag- nified 250 Diameters ; all others 500 Diameters. Fig. 181. Spirogyra varians (Hass.) Kiitz. . page 67 Fig. 182. Conjugating ..... " " Figs. 183, 184. Spirogyra Wcberi Kiitz. . " " Fig. 185. Spirogyra maxima (Hass.) Witt. Fig. 186. " ' jugalis (Dillw.) Kiitz. . Fig. 187. Conjugating .... " " PLATE XXVIII. P \W< Plate XXIX; Figures 188 to 196; Magnified 250 Diameters. Fig. 188. Spirogyra dubia Kiitz. Figs. 189, 190. Spirogyra quiiiina (Ag.) Kiitz. 7i°f. 191. Spirogyra Grevillecma (Hass.) Kiitz. majuscula Kiitz. adnata Kiitz. . Sprcciana Rab. calospora Cleve decimina (Mull.) Kiitz. to Fig. 192. Fig. 193. Fig. 194. Fig- 195- Fig. 196. page 67 PLATE XXIX. Plate XXX; Figures 197 to 206; Figures 197, 205 Mag- nified 500 Diameters ; all others 250 Diameters. Fig-. 197. Spirogyra communis (Hass.) Kiitz. page 67 Fig. 198. " Huviatilis Hilse . " Fig. 199. " " " Kept in dishes, the cells elongating without dividing, and dancing dots of oil appearing in the ends Fig. 200. Vaucheria sessilis (?) (Vauch.) D. C. " 55 Fig. 201. " " " " Fig. 202. Spirogyra mirabilis Hass. . . "67 Fig. 203. bcli.s (Hass.) Cleve. In state of decomposition ... 67 Fig. 204. Spirogyra bellis (Hass.) Cleve . " " Fig. 205. iiavescens (Hass.) Cleve " " Fig. 206. Vaucheria. Showing sexual organs . 55 PLATE XXX. 205 Plate XXXI; Figures 207 to 209. Fig. 207. Chora sp. ( ? ) Shield of antheri- dium ( 125 diameters) . . . page 69 Fig. 208. Chora sp. (?) A portion of the plant, natural size .... " " Fig. 209. Chora sp. (?). a, antheridium; b, oogonium 1 50 diameters) . . " " PLATE XXXI. Plate XXXII; Figures 210 to 216. Fig. 210. Chroococcus cohcvrcns (Breb.) Nag. page 14 Fig. 2io<7. (1000 diam- eters) ...... Fig. 211. Nostoc minutissimus Kiitz. . . 21 Fig. 21 la. Single thread ( 1000 diameters) Fig. 212. Tetraspora htbrica (Roth.) var. lacunosa Chand. .... 30 Fig. 212a. Tetraspora htbrica var. lacunosa Chand. (1000 diameters) Fig. 213. Sorastrum spinulosum Nag. (1000 diameters) ..... Fig. 214. Ghrotrichia pisym (Ag.) Thur. Fig. 215. Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) Lag. a. Natural size b. Young colony, slightly magnified c. Full grown colony, highly magnified Fig. 216. Microspora WittrockU (Wille) Lag. It 37 11 16 l( 38 PLATE XXXII. Plate XXXIII; Figures 217 to 220. Fig-. 217. Draparnaldia glomerata Ag. (250 diameters) page 48 Fig. 218. Penium N:avicula Breb. (1000 diameters) "60 Fig. 219. Mesotcenium micrococcum (Kiitz.) Roy and Biss. (1000 diameters) " 57 Fig. 220. Myxonema attenuatum Maz. . "47 PLATE XXXIII. Plate XXXIV ; Figures 221, 222. Fig. 221. Chcetophora incrassata (Huds.) Haz. Upper figure, natural size ; lower figure, highly magnified . . . page 47 Fig. 222. Chcetophora pisiformis (Roth.) Ag. a, colony, natural size, b, a single filament " PLATE XXXIV. 22 H >fWi /9 a m £&& , mm?$^ w m Wk ,1 k ■ -^ -: ..«;;v '■ Wm ■&?■&£■. 222 / ?Pf £ f^mMw Plate XXXV; Figures 223 to 228; Magnified 500 Diam- eters, except Fig. 228. Docidiitm Baculum Breb. . . page 61 Pleurotcenium crenulatum (Ehrb.) Rab « a Pleurotanium Archerii (Delp.) Trabecula (Ebrb.) Nag. " Euastrum sp. ( ?) . . . . "63 Fig. 228. CEdogonium cardiacum (Hass.) Wittr. (?) " 52 Fig. 223. Fig. 224 Fig. 22$ Fig. 226 Fig. 227. PLATE XXXV. 223 Mmm 226 ss; w was? 0g& * ■^.-- &/ mmfml H ;?#^ :■'••;■' ' '•■''•■'•.'■"X: ijfj.c ft s.* «- .V 'W AtKS "> '■. i*i •» %*'*.& mgmmM '} mm pCW I m m\ «" » nm / ■-■ o o <-■<"'-/ >}. ,'■'■• iM / /,■&' o „ Q.--JU.M m M\ Wm mv 227 Plate XXXVI; Figures 229 to 23"; Magnified iooo Diameters. Fig-. 229. Euastrum oblongatum (Grev.) Ralfs page 62 Fig. 230. " ampullaceum Ralfs . " " Fig. 231. Staurastrum crenulatum (Delp.) Nag. End view .... " " Fig. 231a. Staurastrum crenulatum (Delp.) Side view ..... Fig. 2^2. Euastrum elegans. Kiitz. . Fig. 2^. Staurastrum dejectum Breb. . Fig. 233a. " " End view Fig. 234. Euastrum Nordstedtianum Wolle . Fig. 235. Staurastrum margaritaceum Ehrb. . Fig. 235a. Side view ..... Fig. 2$(). Staurastrum dejectum Breb. . Fig. 23 # ( £ & % ' K:--' fUl: *-. } ■ ■' $x ■ f } f \ £ V $ '- ■ft v• 5^-ipv^; • • ,o 25-0 b^ ■a o° 0v o O Qf- A«Ai 252 "*-X ' -* J .■..:.,-!... ;vJ It a Plate XXXIX; Figures 254 to 260; Magnified iooo Diameters. Fig. 254. Cosmarium tetrophthalmum (Kiitz.) Breb page 64 Fig. 255. Cosmarium galeritum Nord. . " " Fig. 256. Cucurbit a Breb. . Fig. 25-. pseudobroomei Wolle . Fig. 257a. End view " Fig. 258. Cosmarium Broomci Thwaites. End view " Fig. 259. Arthrodcsmus convergens (Ehrb.) Ralfs "63 Fig. 260. Arthrodcsmus octocornis Ehrb. . " " PLATE XXXIX. O 0 00o5) 0 o oo<>5 O 0 O 0 Og i Oj3 JL&OftSj < €L. 0 O ■ © O Q \-r *£ ** "257 157* 258 Plate XL; Figures 261 to 266: Magnified iooo Diameters. Fig". 261. Staiirastriaii pygmceum Breb. Con- jugating ..... page 62 Fig. 262. Xanthidium antilopceum (Breb.) Kutz. Fig. 263. Staurastrum hirsutum ( Ebrb. ) Breb. Fig. 2f^a. Side view ..... Fig. 264. Staurastrum leptocardium Nord. Fig. 264a. End view ..... Fig. 265. Xanthidium cristatum (Breb.) Ralfs 64 Fig. 266. fasciculatum (Ehrb.) Ralfs var. subalpinum Wolle PLATE XL. :■£ c mMZ>" Z3 262 .>» S^N ,.,.x./ X^ >"^i * iS^ ^"" -j t". P ■ - ' * '-'i'l-'.-' ■ .-'' Plate XLI ; Figures 267 to 270: Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 2(^7. Staurastrum coronulatum Wolle . page 62 Fig. 2671;. End view ..... Fig. 268. Staurastrum arctiscon Ehrb. . Fig. 268a. " " " End .. view- Fig. 269. Spirogyra infiata ( Vauch. ) Rab. . Fig. 270. he// is (Hass.) Clev. 67 PLATE XLI. 5w:p* St*1 hp9m$u?s *v« 267 ^F rW% 267a ^N 1 »?.;' / /' ■"■■afe *7/ ■t£—JL 270 Plate XLTI; Figures 271 to .277 ; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 271. Spharozosma pulcrum Bailey . . page 65 Fig. 2-J2. serratum (Bailey) Wall. , end view ; c, side view- less magnified .... 65 Fig. 2j(). Desmidium cylindricum Grev. Side view ...... Fig. 2ytm. Desmidium cyliudricum Grev. End .. it view ...... Fig. 2~~. Sphitrososma spiuosum (Del]).) Wolle PLATE XLII. r 271 272 i \ 273 5 <*ife ~ — — -— -~ ~7&&% • .•j* Plate XLIII ; Figures 278 to 280. Fig. 278. Batrachospermum vagum Ag. . page ~$ Fig. 279. Zygnema pectinatum (Vauch.) Ag. 67 Fig. 280. Mougeotia sp.( ?). Conjugating . " 68 PLATE XLIII. if! WM 278 mfMB 9 <*- M®>:M 280 Plate XLIV; Figures 281 to 291; Magnified iooo Diam E 1 ERS. Fig. 281. Netrium interrnptum (Breb.) Lut- kem page 58 Fig. 282. Netrium Digitus (Ehrb.) Itz. and Roth " Fig. 2X3. Pleurotanium nodosum (Bail.) Lund. " 6] Fig. 284. Myxonema nanum (Dillw.) Eiaz. 47 Fig. 285. Eudorina elegans Ehrb. ... " 41 Fig. 286. Pandorina morum (Mull.) Bory . 42 Fig. 2$/. " " Full-grown colony " Fig. 288. Spondylomorum quatemarium Ehrb. 41 Fig. 2^\). Chlamydomonas pidvisculus ( Mull. ) Ehrb "42 Fig. 290. Carteria (Chlamydomonas) nudtiUlis ( Fresen. ) ( ? ) . . . "43 Fig. 291. Spirnlina tennissima Kiitz. . . 18 PLATE XLIV. 283 289