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Vol. III. SEPTEMBER, 181)3. Xo. 3.


r>Y 13. Neumokgen and Harrison Ci. Dvar.

In the present revision, we have in view, for the first object, the correction of the synonymy of species. We have also given synopses of the families, genera and species of the North Ameri- can Bombyces, including all described from this region except certain ones which we cannot determine from the published descriptions, but which are listed at the end of this paper. Certain other species which we have not been able to examine and of which we have found no published account of structure, are given at the end of their respective families.

We have not altered the limits of the superfamily Bombyces as it has generally been, understood ; but we do not attempt to define this group. The^characteristics of the several families are too diverse to allow of a comprehensive definition which would exclude all of the other divisions of the moths. We have adopted the families substantially as they stand in Prof. Smith's list ; but the serial arrangement of both families and genera is arbitrary, as we follow the order of the synoptic tables. Descriptions of families, subfamilies and genera are omitted to save space ; but the salient points of difference can be inferred from the synopses.

Under the name Euchromiidae we include the Syntomidae and Ctenuchidae of Prof. Smith's list. We find the character relied upon to separate them to be inconstant. The Agaristid?e repre- sent an approach to the Noctuidae in venation as well as in the characters of egg and larva. The Pyromorphidse are unchanged, except that we have transferred a series of species to Triprocris w-'ch were wrongly described under Lycomorpha. Under the


Lagoidai we include Za^ijoa and its allies, and also Dalccriifcs, which differs in many respects, probably representing another family. We find Phryi::;aiiiJia to be a true Dioptid. ^Ve have separated the Lacosomidai from the Psychidae and also from the Drepanulidffi, believing that the absence of the frenulum suffici- ently distinguishes them from both ; while the different wing s'hape and venation and the occurrence of winged females further separate them from the Psychidre, which they so much resemble in the habits of the larvae. We have not restricted the Saturniida: to the narrow limits proposed by Prof. Smith ; but follow Mr. Kirby in this instance. The " Bombycidee " of the list are included under the Lasiocampida^ and we recognize two subfamilies. Of the genera under " Heterogynidre," Pciithctria is a Lithosian ; TItia is unknown to us, but may belong to the Microlepidoptera, where we also refer Octa. Follow'ing Mr. Kirby, we have not separated the Nycteolidns* from the Lithosiidce.

We hope the present revision will be of service in the determ- ination of the North American species of Bombyces, and may save laborious reference to scattered publications. Witji this object in view, we have included brief descriptions of all the species, which appear here together for the first time. For full descriptions we must refer to the original papers.

We are indebted to Mr. W. F. Kirby for his valuable "Cata- logue of Lepidoptera Heterocera" upon which we have relied to a great extent, except in the matter of synonymy of species. We are also indebted to Prof. J. B. Smith for friendly criticism and to Mr. E. L. Graef, Mr. Wm. BeutenmuUer, Mr. S. Henshaw, Mrs. A. T. Slosson and Dr. A. S. Packard for the opportunity to examine certain specimens.

Local forms, breeding true to type, but differing to no great extent from the ground form, are classed as races, whether connected by intergrading forms in the intermediate territory or not. Since the difference between a local race and local species may be a matter of degree only, the forms are placed according to our present judgment and may be differently classed by other authors. We recognize seasonally dimorphic forms in a few instances. All the varieties referred to by us are supposed to in- habit the same territory as the typical form and not to breed true to type. We have not considered aberrations as distinct from varieties.

* Earias obliquata Hy. Edw. has been wrongly referred to this genus. The moth appears to be a Pyraiid allied to Epipaschia.


The name of an author in brackets following a description, indicates that we have not seen the form described in nature ; but have compiled the description from that of the author named.

Preoccupied names are marked thus : j|

Class: Insecta; Order: Lepidoptera ; Suborder: Lepidoptera-

Heterocera ; Super family : Bombyces.

S_r//o/s/s of Fa mi lies.

Secondaries with a frenulum.

Vein I (internal) of primaries free, unbranched.

Median vein of primaries 4-branclied, rarely only 2-or 3-branched from the absence of some of the median venules. Primaries with one internal vein. Vein 8 of secondaries wanting (present in one genus) Euchromiidffi. Vein 8 of secondaries arising from the subcostal at, or beyond one third the length of cell from base (absent in 4 genera).

Ocelli absent Lithosiidae.

Ocelli present Arctiidse.

Vein 8 of secondaries arising from, or near base of wing.

Median vein of secondaries 3-branched Agaristldae.

Median vein of secondaries 4-branched. Secondaries with two internal veins.

Thora.x slender, in width less than '/,; the length of fore

wing Pericopidae.

Thorax robust, more than '/r, of fore wing . . . Liparidse.

Secondaries with one internal vein Drepanulidae.

Primaries with two internal veins.

Vein 8 of secondaries absent Pyromorphidae.

Vein 8 present.

Antennae of (^ pectinated for the basal two thirds, or

simple Limacodidae.

Antennce of (^ pectinated to the tip Lagoidse.

Median vein of primaries 3-branched.

\'ein 8 of secondaries straight ; veins 3 and 4 stalked . . Dioptidae. Vein 8 of secondaries sinuate ; veins 3 and 4 not stalked.

Wings entire or excavated below apex ; vein 8 of secondaries

free Notodontidse.

Robust ; forewings roundedly subfalcate ; vein 8 united to the

subscostal by a cross-vein ........ Bombycidse.

Vein I of primaries sinuate and branched Psychidae.

Secondaries without frenulum.

Secondaries unlike primaries and with less than 12 veins. Primaries with one internal vein.

Median vein 3-branched, vein 2 arising about middle of cell. Antennae of (j"^ pectinated to the tip.

Size medium ; antennte singly bipectinated ; secondaries with

one internal vein LacoSOITlidae.


Size large to very large ; antennae frequently doubly hipectinated ;

secondaries with one or two internal veins . Saturniidai.

Antenna' of rj" doublv hipectinated for two thirds their

length Ceratocampidse.

Median vein 4-branched ; vein 2 from near base of wing Lasiocampidse. Primaries with two internal, and furcate discal veins .... Cossidae. Secondaries like primaries, 12-veined Hepialidae.


Sv//o/>s/s of ;^cncra.

Median vein of secondaries 2-branchcd.

Accessory cell present Phylloecia.

No accessory cell.

Wings opaquely scaled Syntomeida.

Wings hyaline Cosmosoma.

Median vein of secondaries 3-branched Lycomorpha.

Median vein of secondaries 4-branched. Vein 8 of secondaries absent.

Wings largely hyaline Didasys.

Wings opaquely scaled.

Secondaries elongate, pointed at apex Scepsis.

Secondaries rounded, outer margin slightly concave. Vein 10 of primaries absent.

Veins g and 10 absent, 7 8 stalked Philoros.

Vein 10 only absent, 7 9 stalked Dahana.

Primaries, 12-veined Ctenucha.

Vein 8 of secondaries present Pygoctenucha.

den us Phylloecia Gitvri/i.

1844 GUKRIN, Icon. R. anim. 504.

Callicorus GuuTi':.

1867 Gkoie, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., VI, 182.

P. texana Grotc.

1S67— Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., \'ol. VI, p. 184.

Wings much elongated, legs, especiall)' hind pair, very long, tufted on tibia and banded with ocherous. Antennae black, ocherous at tip. Abdomen blue black, banded narrowly with ocherous. Vertex and front of head, center of collar and patagia and four tetragonal spots on thorax, also ocherous.

Wings blackish brown, immaculate above, the costal portion of secondaries below, light ocherous. At base of abdomen above, and on the side near the base is a silvery patch. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat^ Texas to Honduras.

\ / Genus Syntomeida Harris.

1839 Hakuis, Amer. Jourii. Sc, \'oI. XXXVI, p. 310.

Hippola Walker.

1S54 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., I, p. 222.

Synopsis of Species.

Abdomen blue with dark red tip epilais.

Abdomen banded with fulvous and black ....'.... ipomoeae.

S. epilais ]]'alker.

1S54 WalkI'-.r, Cat. Brit. Mus., I, p. 227.

Black, with a blue green reflection, last two joints of abdo- men dark vermillion. Two round silvery white spots at base of abdomen above, and two more lateral, centrally. On fore wings a white spot at base, one in center of and end of cell, one or two between the median venules, and a large one in submedian inter- space. On secondaries, a white discal spot. Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat.^ Florida, Mexico, Honduras.

S. ipomoeae, Harris.

1839 Harris, Anier. Journ. Sc, Vol. XXXVI, p. 316. ferox Walker.

1854 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. pt. I, p. 223. euterpe Herrich Schaffer. 1856 Herrich Schaeffer, Ausser. Schmett, f. 430.

Collar, anterior part of patagia, centre of thorax and abdornen (except five black bands) fulvous : antenna, legs and wings black. On primaries a pair of somewhat diffuse yellow spots in interspaces between veins 3-4 and 4-5, and one or two very faint ones in the interspaces above, forming an oblique band directed to distal third of costa. At base of secondaries a white hyaline patch divided by the internal vein. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat, Southern States.


Oenus Cosmosoma H'ubncr.

1824? HuRNER, Samml. Ex. Schmett, II.

Aristodaeina, Wallengren.

1S58 Wallengren, Vet. Akad. Fnrhandl., Vol. XV, p. 159.

C. auge Linnaeus.

1767— Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., I, p. 807.

omphale Hiibner.

1S24? IliiiiNER, Samml. Ex Schmett., II.

Body and legs vermillion, head, end of abdomen and a dorsal

band, blue black. Wings hyaline with the veins, discal spot and border black, the border broadest at the apex. Expanse, 35 mm. Habitat, Florida to Panama, Antilles.


(ienus Lycomorpha Harris.

1S39 Harris, Amer. Jourii. Sc, Vol. XXXVI, p. 317.

Anaiohnis Packard.

1864 PACKARn, Proo. Kssex Inst., Vol. IV, p. 46.

Synopsis of Species.

Thorax black centrallj'.

Bases of wings bright oclier yellow ...... pholus.

Bases of wings pinkish ocherous .... race miniata.

Thorax red.

Black border of primaries broad at internal angle . , . COCCinea.

Black border of primaries narrow ...... grotei.

Black border of primaries broad throughout . . . fulgens.

L. pholus Dniry.

1773— I^Ki'RY, III. Ex. p:nt., Vol. IT, pi. 28, fig. 3.

race miniata Pack.

1872 Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad. Sc, Vol. IV, p. 84.

Black : patagia, basal half of primaries and basal third of secondaries ocher yellow. The yellow on primaries indents the black along the median vein. Expanse, 25-30 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

The race miniata has the bases of wings pinkish ochraceous, more reddish on secondaries. The pinkish part occupies about the basal half of primaries, being slightly more extensive than in pholus.

Habitat, California.

L. cocci nea Hy. Edwards.

1S86 IIy. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 9.

Head, thorax and bases of wings bright red, border of wings and abdomen brownish black. The red extends to near apex on costa, but scarcely beyond middle on internal margin, being in- dented by the black opposite cell and submedian fold. Less than one half of secondaries red, outline twice indented. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.



L. grotei, Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Essex Inst., Vol. IV, p. 47. palmcrii PACKARD. 1872 Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad. Sc, Vol. IV, p. 84.

Deep red or slightly orange tinted. Head, abdomen, a very narrow outer border of primaries and a broad outer border of secondaries, black. The border of secondaries is variable in width. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat., Rocky Mountain region to Arizona.

L. fulgens Hy. Edwards.

1881 IIy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 116.

Larger than L. grotei, the wings broader ; the black border along the outer margin of primaries is one fifth the length of wing. Secondaries black, with a red costal ray from the base.

Habitat, Arizona, Mexico.

(ienus Didasys Grotc. 1S75 Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. VIT, p. 174.

belfie Grotc.

1875 Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 174.

Head, collar and abdomen red, the latter with dorsal black spots, black banded below. Thorax black with six narrow pale buff stripes. Wings hyaline with black veins, and black borders, which on primaries enclose a row of six orange inter-venular spots. A large orange discal spot bordered with black : extreme base of wing red. Secondaries with a black discal spot, confluent with the border. Antenuce, palpi and abdominal brushes of cf black. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

I / (lenus Scepsis ]Valkcr.

1854 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. II, p. 2S5.

Synopsis of Species.

Foie wings pale slate gray ....... edwardsii.

Fore wings black or brown. Top of head black.

Collar pale, whitish ........ wrightii.

Collar orange ........ var. gravis.

Yellow of collar extending on to head. Primaries brownish black.

Collar orange fulvicollis.

Collar pale . . var. pallens.

Primaries brown, slightly blackish ..... packardii.


S. edwardsii Grotc.

iSSi^CluoTK, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 4.

Smooth pale slate gray, costa whitish, collar and palpi orange ; abdomen shiny blue black, gray at base ; secondaries sub-hyaline, with smoky black outer border and costa. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

S. wrightii Stretch.

1SS5 Strktch, Ent. .\mer., \o\. I, p. loi. var. gravis Hy. FAfwa/uts.

1886 Hy. Edw.\kijs, Ent. Anier., Vol. II, p. 8.

Black, abdomen with a bluish reflection, collar very pale yellow. Primaries dark brown, secondaries subdiaphanous cent- rally. The variety o-ra-i'i's has the collar dark yellow. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, California.

S. fulvicollis, HWbiicr.

1806 Hi'iHNEK, Samml. E.\. Sclimett.

seinidiaphai)a Harris.

i839--nAKRis, Amer. Joiirn. Sc, Vol. XXXVI, p. 318.

race pal lens Hy. Edwards.

]SS6 II V. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 8.

Primaries brownish black, secondaries diaphanous centrally. Abdomen blue black ; collar, vertex of head and underside of patagia orange ochraceous. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

The race pal/ens has the orange parts pale yellow. Expanse,

35 '11 "1-

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region.

S. Packard ii Grotc.

1865— ClROTE, Proc. Ent. Soc. Tliila., Vol. IV, p. 318.

viatilie7vi Hy. Edwards.

1874 Hy. Edward.s, Proc. Cal. Acad., \'ol. V, p. 1S4.

Differs from fulvicollis in having the fore wings pale brown with only a slight tinge of black. Expanse, 40 mm. Habitat, Pacific Northwest.

(lenus Philoros Jl'a/kcr. 1854 Walker, Cat. P.rit. Mus. pt. II, p. 2S3. P. venosa ll'atkcr.

1854— Waikek, Cat. I'.iit. -Mus. pt. II, p. 284.


Black, body parts shining blue, vertex of head bright red. Inner border of patagia, costa, a streak on vein 6, another on median vein from base, furcate and extending on to veins 3 and 4, and another on vein i, all ocher yellow. Fringes of both wings white except centrally, where they are black. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat^ Texas to Venezuela.

/ Genus Dahana Gmtc.

187;— C.ROTE, Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 175.

D. atripennis Grotc.

1S75 Grotk, Can. Ent., Vol VII, p. 175.

Primaries brown black, secondaries blue black, terminal half of abdomen red, edges of collar and a spot at anal angle of primaries yellow. Expanse, 30 mm. Habitat^' Florida.

-^ (ienus Ctenucha Kirby.

1837 KiREV, Faun. Bor. Amer., Vol. IV, p. 305.

Comsppriiim Blanchard.

1852 Blanchard, Gay, Hist. Chile, Zoo!., Vol. VII, p. 67.

Encteiittcha Grote.

1873 Grote, Bull. Buff. Soc, Vol. I, p. 33.

Synopsis of Species.

Thorax black, immaculate ......

Patagia lined with yellow or red. Some of veins of primaries colored.

These veins outlined in yellow ....

These veins outlined in red ....

Veins black.

Primaries black.

Costal edge of primaries black.

Head and patagia red .....

Mead and patagia yellow .....

Costal edge of primaries narrowly white. Head and patagia red ....

Head and patagia yellow ....

Primaries brown or blackish brown .


cressonana. sanguinaria.

rubroscapus. ochroscapus.


. luteoscapus.


C. virginica Chaipciiticr.

1S30 Charpentier, Esper. Exot. Schmett., Vol. II, Suppl. t. 2 figs. 3, 4.

latreillana Kirby.

1837 KiRKV, Faun. Bor. Amer. Vol. IV, p. 305.

Black, primaries brown black ; head and front part of patagia and chest orange ochraceous. Expanse, 40 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States.

io6 C. cressonana Grotc.

1863 Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., Vol. II, p. 64.

Marked exactly like Philoros vcnosa except that the linings are very pale yellow and the fringe is entirely white. Size, shape and structure of Ctenucha, with long pectinations to d' antennae. Expanse, 46 mm.

Habitat^ Colorado.

C. sanguinaria Strcckcr.

187S Stuecker, Rept. Smv. Dept. Mo. (Ruffner.) app. S.S. p. 1S5S.

Blue black ; vertex of head, prothorax laterally ; inner edge of patagia and markings on the veins as in /-*. vcnosa, scarlet. Expanse, 45 mm. (?)

Habitat, Colorado. [Strecker.]

C. rubroscapus Menetries.

1S57 Menetries, Cat. Lep. Pet., Vol. II, p. 142.

'tvalsinghami Hy. Edwards. *

1873 Hy. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sc, Vol. V, p. 112.

var. ochroscapus Grote 6^ Robinson.

1868 Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, \'ol. I, p. 330.

cp>"vina Boisduval.

1869 Boisduval, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 71.

Black, body blue black, apices of all four wings white on the fringe. Head and inner half of patagia bright red or yellow (var. oc/iroscapi/s). Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, California.

C. multifaria Walker.

1854— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. II, p. 479. var. luteoscapus Neiinioegen &-' Dyar.

Black, body blue black ; costal edge of primaries and all fringes white except at anal angle. Head and inner part of patagia orange red to ocher yellow, (var. luteoscapus).

Habitat, California.

C. brunnea, Stretch.

1872 Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb, of N. A,, p. 30.

Fore wings brown with black veins and white costa ; apices and internal angle of fringes of both wings white. Otherwise blue black ; head, base of ixdpi, side of collar and inner part of patagia, red.

Habitat, California.


1/ Genus Pygoctenucha Grote. 18S3 Grote, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc, Vol. \'II[, p. 46.

Synopsis of Species. Collar red, size large.

Fringe of fore wings white ....... harrisil.

Fringe black.

Last two segments of abdomen red .... terminalis.

Last five segments red ....... robinsonii.

Collar ocher, black centrally ; si/.e small . . . . funerea.

P. harrisii Boisdiival.

1869 1301SDUVAL, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 72.

Bronzy black, the fringe of fore wings white. Abdomen blue black. Collar and last two segments of abdomen red.

Habitat^ California (Boisduval).

P. terminalis Walker.

1854 Walker, Cat. lirit. Mus., pt. II, p. 47S. pyrrhoura Hulst.

18S1— Hui.ST, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc, Vol. Ill, p. 77. votiva lly. Edwards. 1884 Hv. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 13.

Black, with blue reflection, especially on abdomen. Collar, front of patagia, and last two segments of abdomen bright red. Expanse, 32 mm.

Habitat., Colorado to Mexico.

P. robinsonii Boisduval.

1869 Boisduval, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 72.

Bronzy black, head, fore part of thorax and the five last abdominal segments carmine red.

Habitat., California. [Boisduval].

P. funerea Grote.

1883 Grote, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc, Vol. VIII, p. 46.

Black, with hardly any blue reflection, immaculate. Sides of collar, and tip of abdomen dark ocher yellow. Expanse, 28 inm.

Habitat, New Mexico.

The following species, unknown to us, probably belongs to the Euchromiidae.

Erruca pertyi Herrie/i ScJiaeffer.

1854 Hkrricii Schaeffer, Aussereur. Schmett, fig. 240.


Black ; head with two white spots ; abdomen with four yeUow basal spots and two lateral, interrupted white bands. Wings transparent, very narrowly margined with black.

Habitat, Cieorgia.


Synopsis of si//>fai/iilies and genera.

Wings narrow, elongate, accessory cell usually absent . . Lithosiinae.

Median vein of primaries 2-branched ..... Crambidia.

Median vein 3-branched, veins 3 and 4 stall<el. . Lithosia.

Median vein 4-branched. Ten veins on primaries.

Wings rather elongate and produced at apices.

Antenna; of (^ finely bipectinate ...... Nola.

Antennae simple, ciliate ....... Lebena.

Wings shorter, more rectangular ..... Argyrophyes.

Twelve veins on primaries. Vein 7-9 on a stalls.

Median vein of secondaries 3-branched.

Color red and lead color ; vein 10 midway between vein ir

and apex of cell .....

Color black ; vein 10 nearer to ape.N than to vein 11 Median vein of secondaries 4-branched.

Antennce of cf bipectinate .... Antenncie setose, subserrate .....

Antenna; simple, ciliate. ^

Wings long, more than twice as long" as broad . Wings broad, twice as long as broad Veins 6-7 from apex of cell ; veins S-io on a stalk . Wings broad, trigonate, thinly scaled ; accessory cell present


Subfamily Lithosiinae. (ienus Crambidia Packard 1S64 Packard, Froc. Ent. Soc, Phila., Vol. Ill, p. Qg. Synopsis of Species.

. Hypoprepia. Tantura.

Pagara. \ Bruceia.

\ Hyaloscotes.




. j Euduliiife.

( Eudule.

Wings brownish Wings white.

Head yellow

Head white, concolorous


cephalica. casta.

C. pallida Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phila., Vol. HI, p. 99.

Uniform drab, abdomen and internal part of secondaries paler. Veins of fore wings broadly and distinctly lined with a pale sluide. E.xpanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.


C. cephalica Grotc i^' Robinson.

1S70 tiKOTi; i\; l\<ii;iNSON, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, \'ol. Ill, p. 176. \Vhite throughout, the vertex of head ocher yellow. Under side and costal half of secondaries above more or less pale cinereous.

Habitat, Colorado to Arizona.

C. casta Sanborn.

iS6g SAMiORN, Packard's (luide Study Ins., p. 2S4.

laiidida Hy. Edwaids.

1S74 IIv. Edwards, I'roc. Cal. Acad. Sc, Vol. V, p. 1S5.

Differs from ccp/ia/ica in having the head also white. Habitat, Mountains of New York, Colorado and the Pacific Northwest.

Cienus Lithosia Fabiiciiis.

179S Fabricus, Ent. Sysl. Snppl., p. 459.

L. bicolor Grotc.

1864— Gkote, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phila., \o\. Ill, p. 74.

ari^illacea Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. I'hila., Vol. Ill, p. 98.

Dark slate gray, collar, costa of primaries and tip of abdomen ochraceous. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Northern New York, Canada, and New England to Pacific Northwest.

{/ Crenus Nola Leach.

1815 Leach, Edinb. Encycl., A'ol. IX, p. 135.

Koeselia Iliibner.

1872? IliiUNKR, Verz. bek. Sclimett., p. 397.

Synopsis of Species.

Primaries without any distinct tufts Primaries tufted in the ceil. Gray, with one tuft White, with three tufts


hyemalis. sorghiella.


minuscula Zcllcr.

1872 Zeller, Verh. ZooL-lJot. Ges. Wien, Vol. XXII, p. 455. fuscida Grote. 1881 Grote, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 76.

Pale gray with three blackish lines, transverse anterior, trans- verse posterior and subterminal, the latter waved. A dark cloud at end of cell ; markings rather indistinct. A row of minute term- inal dots. Secondaries whitish. Expanse, 16 mm.

Habitat., Colorado and Texas to Southern California.

N. hyemalis Stretch.

1885 Stretch, Ent. Anier.,Vol. I, p. 102.

Very pale grayish. A dark brown streak at base of costa and three indistinct transverse Hnes made up of dots. Transverse anterior line oblique, straight, with a distinct brown dot near costa, made up of tufted scales.

Secondaries very pale, shaded with darker tints at apex. Expanse, 20 mm. [Stretch.]

Habitat, California, Arizona.

N. sorghiella Riley.

1882— RM.EY, Rep. Ins., 1882, p. 188, pi. 11, fig. i.

Silvery white, with three equidistant tufts near costa of primaries. These tufts, an arcuate shade towards outer margin and a spot below cell, yellowish brown ; costa and a shade along outer margin, deeper brown. Expanse, 10 mm.

Habitat., Southern States [Riley].

V Genus Lebena Walker. 1866— Walker, Cat. ISrit. Mus., Vol. XXXV, p. 1901.

Synopsis of Species.

. Fore wings white with black bands ...... melanopa.

Fore wings gray.

Costa of primaries with conspicuous dark spots.

Three blackish brown costal spots .... trinotata.

Two black spots ... .... minna.

Costa not distinctly spotted.

Wing gray with normal black lines ..... Ovilla.

Wing olive brown with white shades .... anfracta.

L. melanopa Zeller.

1872 Zeller, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ces., Wien, Vol. XXII, p. 458.

White ; costa of primaries and a median transverse band black. Outer margin lead gray with black terminal dashes. Secondaries blackish. Expanse, 19 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States to Texas.

L. trinotata Walker.

1866— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mas., Vol. XXXV, p. 192. scxmactilata Grote.

1877 Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. IX, p. 235.

Silvery gray ; trans. -ant., trans. -post, and subterminal lines dark brown, waved, often indistinct. At base of costa a dark

brown clash; another at trans. -ant. line widening into the cell; a third on costa centrally, large, triangular. Secondaries very pale gray. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

L. minna Butler.

iSSi Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) Vol. VIII, p. 315.

Silvery gray ; a black-brown dash at base of costa ; a black spot at basal third; a larger rhomboidal jet black s[)ot in the cell and an oblique series of four blackish dots from this to inner margin; a black dot at end of cell and trans. -post, and subter- minal lines of blackish spots, the latter waved. Expanse, 24 mm.

Habitat, California [Butler].

L. o villa Grotc.

1S75 Okote, Can. Enl. Vol. VII, p. 221.

Grayish white; trans. -ant. and trans -post, lines black, the latter denticulate, followed by a pure white shade. A similar shade in place of the subterminal line. Hind wings dusty white. Expanse, 16 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States [Cirote].

L. anfracta Hy. Edwards.

iSSi Hv. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 12.

Primaries olive brown with white shades. 'J'rans.-ant. and

trans. -post, lines whitish, shaded with grayish on the edges, each

enclosing a darker line. Trans. -post, line outwardly arcuate

opposite the cell, terminating in a white blotch ; before apex, four

more white blotches. Margin broadly silvery white, succeeded

by a pale olivaceous space inwardly. A row of terminal brown

dots. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Sierra Nevada of California [Edwards]. - /' " Genus Argyrophyes G/otc.

1873 Grote, Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 175.

Sy /I ops is of Species.

A broad median blackish band on primaries .... pustulata. No distinct median band cilicoides.

A. pustulata Walker.

1S65— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. XXXIII, p. 795.

iiigrofasciatn Zeller.

1872 Zeller, Verb. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, Vol. XXII, p. 454.

ohaurata Morrison.

1S74 Morrison, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., Vol. XVII, p. 154.

White ; costa at base and a broad median band blackish brown, the latter with metallic scales and narrowly divided below median vein into rounded patches. A curved smoky subterminal line. A dark terminal shade. Secondaries smoky brown out- wardly. Expanse, 17 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

A. cilicoides Grotr.

1873 (Jkote, Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, p. 175.

Chalk white ; on outer half of wing the terminal portion of median space is shaded with smoky, enclosing a raised blotch of black metallic scales at end of cell ; a curved smoky subterminal line. Secondaries white, with a smoky shading at margin. Ex- panse, 16 mm. [Clrote].

Habitat, Atlantic States.

\J Genus Hypoprepia H'ubncr.

1825 HiiBNEK, Zuti. e.\ Schmett, Vol. Ill, p. 21.

Synopsis of Species.

Ground color of primaries entirely red.

Hind wings with broad lead colored iiorder .... miniata.

This border lacking var. subornata.

Ground color partly yellow, partly red. /

Lead colored border on primaries moderate, border of hinds wings

narrow ......... fucosa.

Lead color predominating, border of secondaries broad . var. plumbea.

Ground color entirely yellowish cadaverosa.

Fore wing nearly entirely gray, thinly scaled .... inculta.

H. miniata Kirby.

1857 KiRBV, Richardson's Faun. Bor. Amer., Vol. IV, p. 305.

vittata Harris.

1S41 H.^RRis, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 241.

var. subornata N'eumoegeii c^ Dyar.

1893 Neumoeghn & DvAR, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 124.

Red ; antennae black. A broad stripe near costa, another from base to internal angle, and a short one from end of median vein to outer margin, as well as the fringe, dark lead color. A broad border on secondaries, occupying half the wing, also lead color but sometimes absent (var. sulwniata). Abdomen frequently more or less lead color centrally. Expanse, 30-40 mm.

Habitat, North Atlantic States westward.

H. fucosa Hub/trr.

1S25 ■IliiKNKK, Zutr. Ex Schmett, pp. 471, 472.

tricolor Fitch.

1856— FncH, Rep. Ins. N. Y , Vol. Ill, p. 13S.

var. plumbea By. Echvanh.

1886 liv. Edwakds, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 9.

Yellow, the body parts, outer third of primaries tinged with red : marked as in miniata. Secondaries pink, with an outer narrow lead colored border, which occasionally becomes wide. {xOlV. pliaiibea.) Expanse, 20-30 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States westward.

H. cadaverosa Strcckcr.

187S Streckek, Proc. Davenport Acad. Sc , Vol. II, p. 270.

Ocherous, marked with lead color as in iniiiiata, but the border of secondaries narrower and sometimes absent.

Habitat, Colorado.

H. inculta Hy. Edwards.

1882 Hy. Edwards, P;ipilio, Vol. II, p. 13.

Grayish lead color, the wings thinly scaled, secondaries sub- diaphanous, pale pink, with outer and costal border of gray not sharply defined. Expanse, 25-30 mm. Habitat, Colorado.

V Genus Tantura Kirby.

1892 Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het.. Vol. I, p. 86.

1893 Neumoegkn & Dyak, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 139.

Pentlietria Hy. Edwards.

1S81 Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 80.

T. majuscula By. Edwards.

188 1 Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. So.

Black throughout, the tip of abdomen ocherous. Primaries deep black, secondaries less so, uniform and not translucent. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Pagara Walker.

1856— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1678.

Comachi Walker.

1864 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. XXXI, p. 276.

1892 Kirby, Cat. Lep. Heb. Vol. I, p. 362.

Vanessodes Grote and Robinson.

1871 Gkoie & Robinson, Trans. Ent. Am. Soc, Vol. Ill, p. 176.

1892 Smith, Can. Ent., Vol. XXIV, p. 134.

114 Sy/iopsis of S/iciics.

Wings translucent, uniform pale mouse gray- .... simplex. More opaguc with irrorations aud discal dot .... fuscipes.

P. simplex //;?/Xv7. ^/'^ ''^^^

1856— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1679.

tiiurina Wallcer.

1864— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXI, p. 276.

clarus Grote and Robinson.

1871 Grote & Roiunson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. LII, p. 176.

Pale mouse gray, collar and abdomen tinged with ocherous. Wings uniform in tint, translucent, darker toward apices. Anten- n?e dark. Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Montana.

P. fuscipes Grote.

18S3— Grote, Can. Ent.. Vol. XI, p. 86.

Apices of wings squarer than in simplex. Uniform gray, blackish scales on a mouse gray ground, with obscure discal dot ; central area of wings translucent, opaque toward apices. Ex- panse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

FeM-<iU>r'a.U«AT.. £U^*- ?»***'^T7- '^f'- deiius Bruceia N'cunioc^^cu.

1893 Neumoegen, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 36. B. pulverina Ncunioci^c/!.

1893 Neumoegen, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 36. Blackish gray with pale ocherous white spots on primaries very diffuse and ill defined, consisting of one in cell and at end of cell, a shade on centre of internal margin, and an irregular term- inal border. Secondaries sordid white, very faintly ocherous. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.


Genus Hyaloscotes Bit tier. 1881— Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) Vol. VIII, p. 314.

H. fumosa Bit tier.

1881— Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Plist., (5) Vol. VIII, p. 314.

Semitransparent, smoky gray, with darker marginal line, veins and fringes. Body blackish, clothed with long whitish hairs ; legs pale grayish brown. Expanse, 27-31 mm.

Habitat, Mt. Shasta, California. [Butler] .


Genus Cisthene Walker.

1854 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., II, p. 533.

Byssopkajja Behr.

1872 Behr, in Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., I, p. 49.

Pyralidia Felder.

1874 Felder, Reise der Novara, Lep. IV, pi. 106, fig. 23.

Synopsis of species.

Bright colored species with pink and yellow.

A pale stripe on internal margin of primaries; apices of secondaries usually slightly covered by lead color. Complete transverse yellowish band on primaries . . unifascia. "^ The band narrowed centrally .... var. tenuifascia. A pale stripe near internal margin: apices of secondaries well covered with lead color.

A yellow mark at middle of costa subjecta. -^

This mark absent ....... var. plumbea.

Dull colored species with no pink.

Secondaries nearly unicolorous, smoky.

Secondaries dirty white faustinula.

Secondaries smoky gray ...... var. fusca.

Secondaries yellowish with the apical fourth dark gray . . nexa. '^

C. unifa^ia Grote &" Robinson.

1868 Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 175.

var. tenuifacia Harvey.

1875— Harvey, Bull. Buff. Soc, Vol. Ill, p. 4.

Primaries slate gray with a transverse band on outer third and a longitudinal one along basal two thirds of internal margin, pale yellow. Band varies in width. Abdomen and secondaries pink, with tip of latter, or a rather broad outer border, lead color, but costal edge pink. Thorax lead color or partly or wholly yellow. Expanse, 14 15 mm.

Habitat, Southern Atlantic States from New York to Texas.

C. subjecta Walker.

1854— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. II, p. 534. packardii Grote. 1863 Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., Vol. II, p. 31.

var. plumbea Stretch.

1885 Stretch, Ent. Amer. ,Vol. I, p. 102.

Primaries lead colored with a spot on costa near apex, or without this spot. Near internal margin a yellowish band from base to near internal angle, dilated at the tip and sometimes


abbreviated. Secondaries pink, the lead colored border extending over the apex and along the costa to base. Expanse, 17 mm. ffabifaf, New York to Texas.

C. faustinula Boisdirral.

j868 IJoiSDCVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. liel<,^, Vol. XII, p. 73.

I'ar. fusca Stretch.

1872 SiREicii, Zyg. and Bomb, of N. A., V'o'. I, p. 49.

Dark gray, a broad paler band on primaries, concoloroiis with secondaries, slightly yellowish, or pale gray {y^x. fusca). Expanse, 30 mm.

Halntat, California.

C. nexa JSoisdi/iutt.

1868 i;oisnn\Ai., Ann. Ent. Soc. liely., Vol. XII, p. 74. grisca Packard. 1872 Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad. Sc, Vol. I\^ p. 84. deserla Felder. 1874 Feldkr, Reise Novara Lep., IV, pi. 106, fig. 23.

Dark gray. A whitish transverse band on primaries not reaching costa, with intended edges, and narrowly bordered with black. Secondaries sordid yellowish, apex dark gray. ,^ Expanse, 21 mm.

Halntat, California.

('.en us Clemensia Pacluird.

1864 Packakh, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 100.

Uxia Walker.

1866— Wai.kkk, Cat. r.rit. Mus., XXXV, p. 1S97.

Kepa Walker.

1886— Walker, Cat. Rrit. Mus., XXXV, p. 1898.

C. albata Packard.

1S64 Packard Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol III, p. loi.

nlliida Walker.

1866— Walkek, Cat. Prit. Mas., XXXV, p, 1897.

cana Walker.

1866— Walker, Cat. Prit. Mus., XXXV, p 1898.

iiTorata Hy. Edwards.

1874 Hv. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sc, Vol. V, p 185.

var. umbrata Packard.

1872 Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad. Sc, Vol. IV, p. 85. White, more or less irrorate with black scales, and slightly clouded with brown, forming sometimes a broad median shade


(var. umbrata). A transverse anterior, median, transverse posterior and terminal lines of black spots, often faint or largely absent. A black discal dot, below which near internal margin appears a brown cloud, containing one or two black dots: secondaries white, or clouded with brown with a more or less distinct row of terminal brown dashes. Expanse, 20 mm.

HabitaLy^o\:\\\ Anierica and Mexico.

Genus Nycteola Hubiier.

1810 ?— HiiBNER, Tentamen, p. 2.

Sanvihipus Curtis.

1824 Curtis, Brit. Ent., Vol. I, fol. 29.

Axia Hiibner.

1827? HiiBNEK, Verz. bek. Schmett, p. 395.

N. revayana Scojyoli.

1772— ScopoLi, Ann. Nat. Ilist., Vol. V, p. 116, n. 130.

race lintnerana Spcyer.

1875 Si'EYER, Stett. Ent. Zeit, Vol. XXXV, p. 170.

race Columbiana Hy. Edwards.

1874 Hy. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sc. , Vol. V, p. 184.

var. cinereana Neuniocgcii 6^ Dyar.

Whitish cinereous to sea-green, with basal, transverse anterior, transverse posterior, and subterminal lines, the transverse anterior and transverse posterior geminate, undulate and irregular, the basal and subterminal often more or less absent. An obscurely cordate brown discal dot: a terminal black line, sometimes becom- ing a row of dots. Median space usually darker, often brownish and there may be supplementary black marks filling in the space between basal and transverse anterior lines or black shades in median space. Secondaries white or a pale brown. Expanse, 22 28 mm.

The race Untcrana is gray, the markings not very distinct.

Habitat., Northern Atlantic States.

The race cohimbiana varies from green to gray. In the gray form, var. cinereana, it differs from lintnerana in being larger, brighter, the colors more contrasted: the transverse anterior and transverse posterior lines both distinct, geminate, filled in with pale gray, while the secondaries are more whitish.

Habitat, Mountains of California and Pacific Northwest.


ly EUDULIN^^^^^^t^f>**.*^^'*'^«iu^

Subfami /"Genus Eudule H'ubne)

1823 HliBNER, Zutr. Ex. Schmett, II, p. 14, n. 127.

A me via Walker.

1854— Walker, Cat. F.rit. Mus., pt. II, p. 554.

Euphauessa Packard.

1864— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phi!., Vol. Ill, p. 102.

Synopsis of Species.

Primaries immaculate.

Color, pinkish ochraceous ...... unicolor.

Color, gray drab texana.

Primaries spotted.

Spots large, with one e.xlernal margin .... mendica.

Spots small without any on margin .... meridiana.

E. unicolor Robinson.

1869— RoHiNSON, Ann. Lye. N. Y., Vol. IX, p. 153. Jragilis Strecker. 1878 Strecker, Rep. Chief Eng., 187S, App. SS. p. 1859.

Uniformly pinkish ochraceous, translucent. Head and fore

wings more ochraceous, antenna black, filiform. Expanse 22 mm.

Habitat, Arizona to Texas.

E. texana French.

18S9 French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXI, p. i6r.

Gray drab, subdiaphanous ; side of head, back of eyes, and base of fore wings and abdomen slightly ochraceous. Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Texas. [French].

E. mendica Walker.

1S54— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. II, p. 576.

biseriaia Herrich-Schaffer.

1853 Herrich-Schaeffer, Ausser. Schmett., I, fig. 441.

Subdiaphanous straw yellow tinged with ocherous. On primaries two transverse rows of pale purplish irregular spots, separated by the veins, with a single spot close to external margin between veins 3 and 4. Secondaries nearly diaphanous centrally. Expanse, 26 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

E. meridiana Slosson.

1889— Slosson, Ent. Amer., Vol. V, p. 7.

Brownish ocherous, darker than mendica. Two transverse lines of purplish spots, the transverse posterior quite regular and small, with no marginal spot. Secondaries immaculate. Expanse, 18 mm.

Habitat, Southern Atlantic States to New York. (to be continued.)



By B. Neumcegen and Harrison G. Dyar.

(Continued from page Ii8.)

Family ARCTIID^.

Synopsis of subfainilies and genera.

Front tuberculate Cydosiinae. ''

No accessory cell Cydosia.^

Accessory cell present Cerathosia.

Front not tuberculate.

Head prominent, tongue moderate or strong.

Secondaries large and ample, folded, habitus lithosiform . Eubaphinae. Vein 5 of secondaries faint or absent.

Primaries long and narrow Coscinia. ~HHri- £>

Primaries broad, trigonate ...... Eubaphe.

Vein 5 of secondaries distinct. i/^d^^cO i.t^. oA

Primaries broad, trigonate ...... HaploOj., _

Primaries narrow, apices ronnded .... Utetheisa. /*<'»— >«<

Secondaries trigonate, often disproportionately small ; primaries c<

often pointed at apex .... Phaegopterinse.

Vein 8 of secondaries present. '^-*' /

Vein 7 to of primaries stalked.

Primaries produced at apices, secondaries subcaudate . Euverna. Primaries broad, secondaries proportionate . Pareuchfetes. ^

Vein lo of primaries from subcostal on cell.

Primaries broad, secondaries proportionate . . . Cycnia.

Primaries narrow, produced at apices, secondaries smaller. Vein- 8 of secondaries distinct, but not long . . Halisidota. Vein 8 very short, spur like ..... Aemilia.

Vein 8 of secondaries wanting. Vein 5 of secondaries present.

Vein lo of primaries from the subcostal . . . Eucereon.

Vein 7 lo on a stalk Zatrephes. -^

Vein 5 of secondaries wanting .... Eupseudosoma."^

Head more or less retracted, tongue weak or small . . . Arctiinse. -a Vein 8 of secondaries wanting ...... Euerythra. *

Vein 8 present.

Vein 7 lo of primaries stalked from apex of cell. Median spurs of hind \.\b\x wanting. Anterior tibire unarmed.

Antennae of cf simple ..... Ecpantheria.N

Antennae of (ij* bipectinated ..... Leptarctia. s.

Anterior tibiae armed at tip.

Armature a stout curved spine ; wings subdiaphanous

blackish Alexicles.

Armature a long curved spine, wings white , , Seirarctia.


Aimature a short spine on each side of tip Armature a small spur ; 9 antennce simple Median spurs of hind tibi?e present. Antenna; of c5 simple.

Vestiture of thorax scaly, appressed Vestiture hairy, short, erect. Apex of primaries acuminate Apex of primal ies square . . . .

Antennre of (5' peciinale.

Wings moderate, size medium. Ocelli close to margin of eye Ocelli distant from margin.

Front narrowed above and below Front square, not narrowed . Wings broad, size large ..... Vein lo from subcostal on cell. Accessory cell wanting. Wings broad, size laige .

Wings moderate, smaller . . . . .

W'ings elongate, size very small Accessory cell present.

Spurs of posterior tibia; long. Size small ; body ratlier slender Size large ; body more robust . . , . Spurs of posterior tibiae very short .

Subfamily Cydosiinas.

Genus Cydosia Westwood. 1841— Westwood, Jardine Nat. Lib., Vol. XXXVII, p.

Estigmene. Hyphantria.

. Arachnis.

, Pyrrharctia. PhragmatobU.


Elpis. Neoarctia. Platarctia.








1S88— Smith, Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XI, p. 187. C. nobilitella Crai/idr.

1782 Cramer, Pap. Exot. , Vol. Ill, pi. 264, fig. G.

1873 imitllla SrRETCH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 163. var. auriviitta Grote &= Robinson.

1869 Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 186. Brownish black with a blue reflection, secondaries paler. End of abdomen ocherous brown in <^. Primaries crossed by two golden brown bands, the outer arcuate opposite the cell, and a subquadrate golden brown discal spot. Between these markings are a series of large rounded white spots in four or five rows, two or three spots in a row. These may be entirely absent (var. aiirivitta). Expanse, 20 32 mm. Habitat, Cuba, Mexico, Texas.

Genus Cerathosia Smith. 1887 Smith, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 79. C. tricolor Smith.

1887 Smith, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 79,

Thorax and primaries silky white with many black dots, not

forming distinct rows except at outer margin of primaries where

they form an outer irregular subterminal and terminal one. Abdomen

and secondaries immaculate, pale straw yellow. Expanse, 25 mm,

Habitat., Texas.


Subfamily Eubaphinse.

Genus Coscinia Hilbner.

1S22 HuBNER, Veiz. bek. Schmett., p. i6g. 1822 Spiris HliBNEu, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 169. 1S25 Eulepis CuRiis, Brit. Ent., Vol. II, pi. 56. -^j^.i82g Emvdia BoisDUVAL, Ind. Meth., p. 39.

C. ampla Grotc.

1878 Gkote, Can. Ent., Vol. X, p. 232.

Fore wings white above, secondaries and underside pale gray. Costa and terminal line black, the latter interrupted by the veins. Two small black spots at end of cell, one in centre of cell, and three more near base forming a triangle ; some of these occasion- ally faint or absent. Secondaries with terminal black line, immac- ulate. Fringe white. Expanse, 32 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Eubaphe Hilbner.

1823 HiiBNER, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. II, p. 9.

1823 Crocota HiiBNEK, Zutr. E.x. Schmett., Vol. II, p. 28.

1855 Holotnelina Hekkich-Sch.ekfek, Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I, p. 17.

Synopsis of species. Secondaries with a very broad, brownish black unbroken marginal border.

Fore wings brownish black ........ laeta.

Fore wings leaden gray intermedia.

Fore wings fawn color ........ OStenta.

Secondaries with a narrow or broken blackish border, often faint or entirely absent. Fore wings pale stone color, dusted with red . . . , COStata.

Fore wings brownish tawny, unspotted, sometimes suffused with black.

Hind wings red opella»

Hind wings black var. nigricans.

Fore wings varying from deep chocolate brown to dull ocher yellow, often with a darker submarginal band. Broad winged, fragile; expanse, 25 30 mm.; marks slight.

Secondaries immaculate ...... immaculata.

Secondaries with two or three dusky spots . . var. trimaculosa.

Narrower winged ; expanse, 16 25 mm.; often heavily marked. Wings unspotted.

Fore wings brownish ...... aurantiaca.

Fore wings ochraceous.

Of normal size var. rubicundaria.

Size very small (16 mm.) .... var. diminutiva.

Hind wings spotted with blackish. Fore wings without white spots.

A few marginal black spots on hind wings . var. ferruginosa.

A continuous black band .... var. brevicornis.

Fore wings with white spots .... var. quinaria.

E. laeta Guerin.

1839 44 Guerin, Icon. R. Anim. Insp., p. 519.

1865 treatii Grote, Froc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 322.

1887 rubropicta Packard, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 52.

Brownish black, collar, abdomen and basal two-thirds of secondaries brick red. Expanse, 18 —25 mm. Habitat. Atlantic States to Texas.

- 156 -

E. intermedia Graef.

1SS7 C.K.KF, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 42. var. parvula Neuinoegen &-' Dyar.

1893 NkumcegilN & Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 140.

Thorax and fore wings slate gray, collar and basal part of

secondaries bright red; abdomen and outer margin of secondaries

black. This border varies in width from two thirds the width of

wing (typical) to one third or less {y^.\. parvula). Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Colorado to Texas. E. ostenta Hy. Edwards.

1881 Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 12.

Primaries and thorax brownish ochraceous ; abdomen black above, red on the sides ; secondaries red at the base with an outer black border with irregular edge. This border extends along outer and anal margins being very broad opposite anal angle. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat., Arizona. E. costata Stretch.

1885 Stre'icu, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 103.

18&7 Ppelloides Gr.'EF, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 42.

Thorax pale stone color, collar narrowly edged with red; abdomen red. Primaries pale stone color, dusted with red scales which are most conspicuous, along costa and on discal cross-vein. Secondaries pale reddish. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat., Texas [Stretch]. E. Opel la Grote.

1863-GROTE, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. I, p. 345. var. nigricans Rcakirt.

1864 REAKDiT, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 371.

1865 nigrifera Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXII, p. 499.

1885 ohscura Stretch, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 103. Brownish tawny, more or less shaded with black. Second- aries reddish with discal spot, or entirely blackish. In the var. nigricans., the whole insect is suffused with black. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat., Atlantic States. E. immaculata Reakirt.

1864-REAKIRT, Proc. Ent. Soc Phil., Vol. II, p. 372. var. trimaculosa Reakirt.

1864 Reakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 372. Fore wings rose color, shaded with brownish at base, sub- terminally and in a discal spot ; or the brownish tint may extend nearly evenly over the whole wing. Sometimes a faint, round, whitish spot in the interspace below origin of vein 2. Secondaries rosy, immaculate, or with a submarginal row of three dusky spots, the two nearest anal angle connected. Expanse, 25 30 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.


E. aurantiaca Hilbner.

1823— HuBNER, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. II, n. 206. var. rubicundaria Hubner.

1S23 Hubner, Zutr. Ex. Schmett.. Vol. II, n. 256.

1 890 - /-fj-f? French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXII, p. 133. var. diminutiva Graef.

18S7— Gr.-ef, Ent. Amen, Vol. Ill, p. 42. var. ferruginosa Walker.

1854— Walker, Cat. Brit. Miis , Vol. II, p. 535. var. brevicornis Walker.

1854— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. II, p. 536.

1885 -helfragei Stretch, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 103. var. quinaria Grote.

1863— Grote, Troc. Ent. Soc. riiil.. Vol. II, p. 30.

\'&t\- chorioua Rkakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 371.

T869 - bimacnlata Saunders, Can. Ent., Vol. II, p. 5.

Fore wings chocolate brown to yellowish fawn color, immacu- late or indistinctly shaded with transverse brown bands, with obscure discal dot, and occasionally one or more large whitish spots (var. quifiaria). Secondaries reddish, or rosy red, immacu- late or with a rather broad outer blackish border, and discal dot or the border may be broken"'up into spots. Expanse, 20 28 mm ; of var. diminutiva t6 mm.

Habitat^ Atlantic States to Rocky Mountains and Texas.

Genus Haploa Hilbner.

1822— HiiBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 182.

Synopsis of species.

Secondaries yellow.

Fore wings marked with an incomplete brown border.

A half band from internal margin before anal angle, pointing

upward clymene.

Several complete slender bands ....... colona.

Fore wings white ........ var. COnscita.

Secondaries white.

Fore wings with brown marks.

Wings crossed by several distinct bands, which may be more or less obsolete. The most distinct band an oblique one from below apex to outer quarter of inner margin. Besides this two or three other transverse bands . . lecotltei.

Only the oblique band complete ..... var. confinis.

Oblique band broken ...... var. militaris.

The most distinct band a reversed oblique one from about middle of costa to internal angle. This band forming about a right angle with the costal stripe COntigua. Forming an oblique angle with costal stripe and supplemented

by other bands ....... reversa.

^Vings divided into eight to ten rounded spots by confused brown

bands, the basal spots sometinies confluent . COnfusa.

Fore wings white.

Size moderate, wings thickly scaled [see lecoutei and reversa.'l

Small and more fragile ........ vestalis.

- IS8-

H. clymene Broivn.

1776— Brown, 111. Zool., p. 96.

1824 interriipto-margiiiata Beauvois, In. Afr. and Amer., p. 265.

1855— ^c7wwrt Walkrr, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. Ill, p. 652. Fore wings yellowish white, d dark brown stripe on costa from base nearly to apex ; another on outer margin widest cent- rally, a third along inner margin, sending up a rounded projection opposite end of cell. Secondaries orange ochraceous with a black spot near anal angle. Head ocherous, thorax yellowish white, abdomen ocherous, a broad brown dorsal band on thorax and abdomen. Expanse, 45 mm. Habitat^ Atlantic States.

H. colona Hllbner.

1804— HuBNKR, Eur. Schmett., Vol. 11, fig. 135. 1786 -||c/y/«if«^ EsPEK, Schmett., Vol. IV, p. 10. iZ\\— Carolina Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 243.

var. conscita Walker.

1865 -Walker. Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXII, p. 377.

ii'S,-]—lactala Smith, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 25.

Marked like clymene except that there is no projection from the band on inner margin, and there are the following additional bands : a brown band from inner third of costa to above internal angle ; another from near middle of costa to below internal angle crossing the former. A third from above the junction of the first to just below apex. This latter band is projected toward costa and outer margin forming sometimes a fourth band from outer fourth of costa to middle of outer margin. These bands may be more or less absent, and in the var. cotiscita the wings are immacu- late. Expanse, 55 mm.

Habitat, Southern Atlantic States to Texas.

H. lecontei G iter in.

1829 41 GuERiN, Icon. R. An. Ins., p. 517.

i?>^?>—leiicoinelas Herrich-Sch^effer, Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I, fig. 431.

var. confinis JValker.

1855— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. Ill, p. 651. var. militaris Harris.

1841 Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 243. ,z;«;' fulvicosta Clemens.*

1861— Clemens, Proc. Acad. Sci. Phil., i860, p. 536.

* This name evidently applies to no natural species. Both Iccoiilei and reversa and perhaps also contiifiia produce forms without any black marks, which are indistinguishable by maculation. Since the wAiwe fiilvicosta covers portions of two or more species, we propose to restrict it to the white variety of lecontei, and suggest a new name for the corresponding form of reversa.


White ; head ocherous, body with a more or less well defined dorsal brown stripe. Besides the usual brown border, the fore wings have an oblique stripe from just below apex to outer fourth of inner margin, and three transverse equidistant bands. The two outer from costa to the stripe, the basal one to internal margin. In the less distinctly spotted forms these bands disappear, the oblique band and finally the border also, leaving the wing white with ocherous costal margin {ya.v. fi/lvicosfa). Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward. H. contigua Walker.

1855 -Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 651.

In this form the transverse bands consist of two, an inner oblique from internal angle to near middle of costa, and an outer band from just below apex, joining the inner band near its middle and running nearly parallel to the costa. In less well marked forms, the outer band disappears first.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

H. reversa Stretch.

1885 Stretch, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 104. 1887 suffusa Smith, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 25.

var. duplicata Neiimocgen 6^ Dyar.

White, marked like colona. The brown markings disappear as in that species, leaving an immaculate white form (var. duplicata).

Habitat, Southern States. H. confusa Lyman.

1887— Lyman, Can. Ent., Vol. XIX, p. 185.

White, the body parts normally marked. Primaries marked as in lecontei but confused by an additional band (as in reversa) which runs from the internal angle upward and inward, and tends to divide the median white space so that the wing appears brown with six or seven rounded white spots. The disappearance of the bands takes place as in lecontei, from the base outward ; but the oblique band is not left complete, but as a sharply angulated line from inner margin to apex, bent at right angles at its lower third and joined to the costa by the one or two outer transverse bands. Expanse, 35 40 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States, New York to Canada.

H. vestal is Packard.

1864 -Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p 108. 1887— Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 351.

Head very pale yellow, antennae very pale brown. Thorax and

abdomen white, immaculate, legs pale fulvous. Primaries white,

usually immaculate, often with the costal and outer margin a little

dusky. Secondaries and under side pure white. Expanse, 33 37 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States westward. [Smith.]



Genus Utetheisa Hilbner.

1822 HiiBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 16S.

li-K^- Deiopeia Stkphens, 111. Brit. Ent. Haiist., Vol. II, p. 92.

Synopsis of species. Transverse bands of primaries orange ochraceous.

Bands complete, secondaries pink ...... bella.

Bands indistinct or absent except on costal edge.

Secondaries red var. hybrida.

Secondaries white var. terminalis.

Transverse bands deep rose red.

Bands complete, secondaries pink or partly so . . . venusta.

Bands absent except on costal edge, secondaries white . . ornatrix. U. bella Linnaeus.

1758— Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p, 534. var. hybrida Butler.

1877— Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. , London, p. 321.

I'&TT— intermedia Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc, London, p. 361.

var. terminalis Neumoegen &= Dyar.

White, a black spot on vertex of head, two on collar and three rows on thorax. Primaries white with five transverse orange colored bands, the two outer connected by an oblique band. Alternating with these are six rows of black spots and a terminal more compact row. Secondaries rose red or pink with an outer black border, a spot near anal angle confluent with it and a subapical oblique band. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat^ Atlantic States.

The var. terminalis differs in having no pink on secondaries '• white with a black border. On primaries the orange bands are indicated on costa and slightly near internal margin and subterm- inally. Black dots present only on costa, base and subterminally and terminally.

U. venusta Dalman.

1823— Dalman, Anal. Ent., p. 28. \'i,l\—speciosa Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. II, p. 568. Like U. bella but the bands rose red instead of orange. One specimen has an orange tint. Habitat, West Indies.

U. ornatrix Linnaeus.

1758 Linnaeus, Syst Nat., (3) no. 80.

Band represented by straight, even, narrow lines on costa (not shades as in var. terminalis), subterminal red band present. Black dots on costa, base, subterminally and terminally exactly as in var. terminalis. Secondaries white, with black border variable.

Habitat^ Texas to Brazil, West Indies,

1. V

- i63 -

1 / Subfamily Phgegopterinae.

Genus Euverna Ncuiiioegen &-- Dyar. 1893 Xeumoegen & Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 141. E. clio Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 120.

White, veins of primaries partly lined with black. Thorax with three black streaks. Collar and patagia with a buff line. Abdomen ocherous above, with dorsal and lateral small black spots. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat, Colorado, Arizona, Southern California.

Cenus Pareuchaetes Grotc. 1865 Gko;ik, I'roc. Ent. Soc, Phil., \'ol. \", p. 245.

p. cadaverosa Grotc.

1865 Gkote, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. \', p. 245.

Pale ocherous, immaculate, secondaries paler, abdomen dark ocherous with small dorsal black spots. P^xpanse, 25 mm. Habitat, Cuba, Florida.

\J Cenus Cycnia H'ubncr.

1818 HiiBNEK, Zutr. Ex Sclimett., V. I, p. 7.

Euch<rtcs Harris.

1841— Harris, Ins. Mass. p. 257.

Tanada Walker.

1856 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1745.

Pygarctia Grote.

1871 Groie, Can. Ent., Vol. Ill, p. 124.

Synopsis of species.

An oblique, pale, contrasting' stripe from back of head to base of fore wing-; sexes usually disimilar.

Abdomen banded ZOnalis.

Abdomen spotted.

Secondarirs of o" translucent centrally . . . scepsiformis.

Secondaries of q' opaque ...... albicosta.

No such contrasting stripe ; sexes similar. Costa and internal margin striped.

Stripes red spraguei.

Stripes yellow.

Wings dark slate gray abdominalis.

Wings very pale gray ........ vivida.

Costa only striped.

Wings more or less slate color ..... eglenensis.

Wings white.

Costal stripe extending nearly to apex ..... tenera.


Costal stripe short, at base only.

Size small (less than 35 mm.) . ,

Size larger (45 mm. or more) Wings unstriped.

Wings entirely white.

Abdomen yellow .....

Abdomen red.

\'ertex of head white ....

Vertex of head red . . . .

Wings slate gray or brown.

Abdomen yellow] ......

Abdomen red.

Hind wings unicoloius.

Fore wings pale stone color Fore wings dull white ....

Hind wings with a pink patch at internal angle

C. zonalis Grotc.

var. pudens.

race. SCiurus.


elegans. 7v;r. roseicapitis.


murina. . bolteri. perlevis.

1882 Groik, Papilio, \'ol. H, p. 131.

Blackish gray, costa ocherous, with spot on patagia, collar and vertex of head (forming an oblique band) continuing the stripes, that on head pinkish. Abdomen banded with red and black above, anal tuft white. The d^ is unknown and is probably very dissimilar to the o.

Habitat., Arizona. C. scepsiformis G/acf.*

1S87 Gkakk, Fnt. Aiiier., Vol. HI, p. 43.

cf Dark I)!ackish gray, the secondaries transparent from the base to middle of wing. Collar slightly scaled with crimson; from this along sliouUk-i- to bctifath base of primaries a band of white. Abdomen bright crimson with black dorsal and lateral spots. Expanse, 2<S mm. ' ' L^nknown.

Habitat^ Texas.

C. albicosta W'alkci-.

1S55— WalkiiK, Cat. IJril. Mus,. pt. Ill, p. 630. 1S92 KiKiiV. Cat. Ix'p. llct.. \ul. I, p. 2(i6. fwiiidus Hy_ F'.dwards. 1SS4— Hv. Enw.\Ri>s, Pap., Vol. I\ . p. (h.

l-51ackish gray, color of zonalis ; an oblique band on prothorax in both sexes, and costa of i^rimaries in r only, white. Abdomen red above with dorsal and late'i-al black spots; anal tuft white in : only.

Habitat., Mexico.

* Mr. IJeutcnmiiller suggests to us thai this may l-)e ( '. alhicosta when worn by flight.

- i65 - C. spraguei Grote.

1S75 LIrote, Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 200.

consp'uita Neumoegen.

iSgo Nkumokcjen, Ent. Amer., \'ol. \'[, p. 177.

Fore wings pale stone coKn', not contrasting with the almost white secondaries. Collar, edges of patagia, abdomen, costa and internal margin of primaries crimson. Abdomen with minute dorsal black dots. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat^ Colorado.

C. abdominalis Grote.

1871 (JuoVK, Can. Ent., \"ul. Ill, p. 124.

Dark slate gray on both wings, collar, edges of patagia, costa and internal margin of primaries ocherous yellow, abdomen red with small dorsal black spots. Expanse, 35—45 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

C. vivida Grote.

1882 Gkote, Papilio. \"ol. II, p. 131.

Very pale slate gray, color of spraguei from which this species differs only in that the costa and internal margin of primaries are pale yellow instead of red. Body parts colored with red as in spraguei. Expanse, t^t, mm.

Habitat, Texas.

C. eglenensis Clemens.

1861 Clemens, Proc. Acad. Sci., Phil., i860, p. 533.

inopinattif Hy. Edwards.

1882 Hy. Edwards, Pap., Vol. II, p. 13.

White with lead color tinge, to mouse color, costal margin buff for the basal half. Abdomen buff with dorsal and lateral row of black spots. Expanse, 30 32 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

C. tenera Hubner.

1818 Hubner, Ziitr. Ex Schmeit., Vol. I, p. 7.

collar is Fitcli.

1856— Fitch, Rep. Ins., N. Y., Vol. Ill, p. 265.

aiitica Walker.

1856 W.\LKEU, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. \'II, p. 1745.

var. pudens Hy. Edwards.

18S2 Hy. Edwards, Pap., Vol. II, p. 126.


race sciuru5 Boisdin'a/.

1869 15oisDr\Ai., Ann. Soc. Knt., lielj;., \ol. XI [, p. 79. yoscinlte Hy. Kdwaids. 1S84— Hv. Kdwakds, Va\,., \o\. Ill, p. 146.

AN'hitf ; head, collar, anterior part of thorax and costa of primaries nearly to apex, ocherous yellow. A smoky shade in (liscal cell. Abdomen tinged with ocherous, with dorsal and lateral black spots. Expanse, 28 35 mm.

Habitat^ Atlantic States to Texas.

The race sciurus is larger, with a buff dash at base of costa.

Habitat, California.

C. oregonensis Stretch.

1874 Streich, Zyjj. and Bomb., N. A., p. 187.

Pale, smoky lead color, the veins white. Head and abdomen, except at tip, ochraceous, with dorsal and lateral rows of black spots. Secondaries and tip of abdomen nearly white. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States and Pacific Northwest.

C. elegans Stretch.

1874— SrRETCH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 189. var. roseicapitis Neimioegen &" Dyar.

White, head narrowly rosy behind. Abdomen rosy red above with minute blackish dorsal spots. Last segment of abdomen of 9 tufted with white.

Var. roseicapitis. ITpper half of front, and vertex of head, rosy red.

Habitat, California and Arizona. C. egle Driiry.

1773 Druuy, 111. Ex. Em., \ol. II, pi. 20, tig;. 3.

Mouse gray, abdomen and bases of antenncX ocherous, the former with usual black spots, and white tipped in the '+'. Fore wings unicolorous, slightly sprinkled with white scales. Second- aries very slightly paler. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward. C. murina Stretch.

1885 Stretch, Ent. Am., Vol. I, p. 106.

Slate gray, color of egle ; collar, edge of patagia very narrowly, and abdomen above, red. Vein at end of cell faintly indicated in yellowish. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Texas. ^

- i67 - C. bolteri Stretch.

1855 SiUKTCii, I'',nt. Anier., \'oI. I, p. 106.

C'ollar, thorax, and primaries white with faint gray shadings_ Secondaries pale slate gray. Al)domen red above with anal tuft of 9 white. Expanse, 35 nini.

Habitat, Texas.

C. perlevis Grote.

1882 GuoTK, Pap., Vol. II, p. 131.

Very close to marina. The color is a little darker, and the internal third of secondaries at anal margin covered by a rosy pink patch. The abdomen has a series of distinct but small, dorsal, black spots. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Halisidota H\\b)ier.

1822— HiiBNER, Verz. bek. .Schmett., p. 170.

Lophocampa Harris.

1841 Harris, Ins. Mass., p. 258.

Theages Walker.

1855— Walkek, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. HI, p. 721.

Euhalesidota Grote.

1865— Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. V, p. 243.

Synopsis of species. Thora.x black, patagia purplish ....... StHgOSa.

Thorax not black.

Wings thinly scaled, subtranslucent, maculation banded. Abdomen yellowish.

Maculation of primaries strongly outlined in blackish interlineata. Maculation but feebly outlined .... tesselaris.

Abdomen red edwardsii.

Wings opaquely scaled ; maculation various.

Maculation transversely banded, confused or obsolete.

Distinctly banded with brown and yellow . maculata.

Uniform yellow ; apex pointed pura.

.Straw yellow, with confused brown spots . . . longa.

Maculation distinctly spotted, the spots corresponding to the intervals between bands. Thoracic parts largely ocherous. Spots on primaries ocherous.

Purplish brown shades centrally .... minima.

No shades ; finely brown dotted . . . . mixta.

Spots distinctly whitish ...... caryje.

Thoracic parts white and brown.

Vertex of head and collar brown and whitish argentata.

Vertex of head and collar white .... ingetis.

Maculation of longitudinal brown lines of the veins on a white

ground ambigua.

1 68

H. strigosa Walker.

1S85 Walker, Cat. Hiit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 615.

Inqueata Hy. Edwards.

1887— Hv. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 166.

Thorax black, inner half of patagia and edge of collar pink flesh color. Abdomen deep red above with lateral black spots and last segment black. Wings translucent, primaries blackish brown, streaked with pale pink, in no definite markings, giving a longi- tucfinally strigose ajipearance. Secondaries colorless, with outer brown border. Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat, Hayti, Jamaica, Florida.*

H. interlineata Walker.

1855— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vo'. Ill, p. 739.

jiiciijtda Herrich-Schaffer.

1855 ITEKKlCH-SrHAEri-EK, Ausser. Sclimett., fig'. 2S5.

ciuctipcs Grote.

1865 (.iROTE, Proc. Ent. .Soc, Phil., Vol. V, p. 242.

1890 MoscHLKR, Abhand., Senck., Ges., Vol. XVI, p. 115.

davisii Ily. Edwards.

1875 Hy. P'dwards, I'roc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. V, p. 365. Brownish ochraceous, marked as in tessellaris but the borders of the catenulate maculations very distinct, black, the basal markings confluent with a triangular patch between vein i and median. Abdonien dark ocherous above, patagia and collar lined with sea-green. Expanse, 55—60 mm.

Habitat, Brazil, Mexico, Florida, Texas and Arizona.

H. tessellaris Abbot &' Smith.

1797 .Vbijoi' & SMLin, Lep. Ins., Ga., \'ol. II, p. 75.

iuitip/iolti Walsh.

1864— Walsh, Proc. Bost. .Soc, N. II., \'ol. IX, p. 28S.

fon/i harrisii Wa/sb.

1864 Walsh, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., \'ol. Ill, p. 430.

Pale straw yellow, the abdomen abov^ buff, the patagia lined inwardly with green. Six bands of a darker tint cross the fore wings, the fourth not reaching below median vein. These bands are quadrate-catenulate and neatly lined on each side with brown- black. They vary much in width, examples occuring in which they are almost completely confluent.

The form harrisii ^Valsh does not differ in markings. It is considered to be a distinct species on account of larval differences

* The moth described by Mr. P^dwards, was sent to him by Mr. P>ruce, who informs me that it came from Florida and not from Te.\as as mentioned by Mr. Edwards. Edit.


which consist of orange hair pencils ; in tessellaris, these structures are black. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

H. edwardsii Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phii., Vol. Ill, p. 129.

transliicida Walker.

1865 Wai.Rku, Cat. i>iit. .Mu-., pt. XXXI, 11. 310.

quercus Boistliival.

l86g Roisnuv.M., .\nn. I'm. Soc, P'cIl;., \'o1. XII, p. Si.

race labecula Grotc.

iSSi (iRd lie, I'apilio, \'t)l. I, p. 174.

Thorax sordid buff yellow, abdomen red above, often marked with terminal black dorsal patches in the 9. Fore wings heavily sprinkled with chocolate brown, more or less translucent, often markedly so. Si.\ clay yellow bands cross the wings, slightly waved, the sixth (marginal) often obsolete. In very translucent specimens, the bands are distinct only on costa and internal margin.

Habitat, California.

The race labecula differs in having no pink lint (jn the secondaries, while all the markings are slightly more diffused.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region. H. maculata Han is.

1841 Haruis, Ins., Mass., p. 259. fulvojlava Walker.

1855 Walker, Cat. Brit, .\liis., pt. Ill, p. 733. guttifera Ilerricli-Schaffer.

1855 Herkich-Schaicfkeu, Ausser. Schmett., fig. 284.

race angulifera Walker.

1866 Walker, Lord's Nat. in Vancv., Vol. 11, p. 355.

alni Hy. Edwards.

1877 Hv. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. VII, p. 129.

race agassizii Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 128.

californica Walker.

1864— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXI, p. 371.

salicis Boisdnval.

i86g Boisduval, Ann. Ent. .Soc, Bel<j., Vol. XII, p. 81. Head and thorax brownish ocherous, with two diffuse brown bands on the latter. Abdomen and hind wings whitish. Fore wings light yellow with six transverse, deep brown, irregular bands. The second to fourth (from base) are usually more or less con- fluent, the fifth is often sharply dentate outwardly and the sixth consists of a row of rounded intervenular spots. The markings

^ I 70

are subject to great variation, being sometimes confluent so as to cover most of the wing.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States westward.

The race angulifera does not differ in the imago. The larva when young possesses red tufts instead of black ones as in maciilata.

Habitat, Sierra Nevada of Cal., Pacific Northwest.

In the race agassizii, the color of the insect is a deeper yellow. It corresponds nearly with Ridgway's figure of "maize yellow" (Ridg. Nom. Col. PI. VI, f. 21.) while the race described above are "straw yellow" (Ridg., PI. VI, f. 17). The brown marks tend to become suffused by the yellow ground color, often largely dis- appearing, but leaving a spot i*n the fourth band at-the end of the cell of the normal distinctness. This discal spot is a character- istic feature of agassizii and only disappears in very heavily marked specimens. This form differs almost enough to entitle it to specific rank.

Habitat, Coast region of California.

H. pura Neumoegen.

1882 Neumcegen, Papilio, \'ol. II, p. 133.

Bright ochraceous ; anterior wings very pointed, long. Secondaries whitish stramineous. On primaries, a brown discal dot and occasionally some faint brown motlings suggesting the markings of H. niaciilata. Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

H. longa Grotc.

1880 Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. XII, p. 213.

Pale yellowish, with irregular brown dots more or less numer- ous ; along median vein outwardly a brow'n streak, continued to apex more or less perfectly by two brown spots. Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

H. minima iVeu/ncvgcn.

1882 Neumcegen, Papilio, Vol. ill, p. 138.

1892 KuiBY, Cat. Lep. Het., \'ol. I. p: 211.

arviillata Hy. Edwards.

1884 Hy. Edwarus, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 76.

Pale ocherous, the spots reduced, partly obsolete, conco- lorous with ground, and defined by pale brown. Middle of wing, or most of it, overspread with purplish brown. Of the five rows of spots, the basal ones are enlarged, the others small and indis- tinct on middle of wing. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Mexico, Arizona.


H. mixta Neunicegeii.

1882— Nki'mcegen, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 133.

Like caryce but the spots concolorous ; defined by pale brown rings, all the space between them filled in thickly with pale brown dots. The oblique brown line as in caryce, but less distinct. Expanse, 40 50 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

H. caryae Harris.

1S41 Harris, Ins. Mass., p. 25S.

annulifascia Walker.

1853 Walkkr, Cat. Brit .Mus., pt. Ill, p. 734.

porphyria Herrich-Schaffer.

1855 HERRiCH-.ScirAEFFEU, Ausser. Schmett., fig. 283.

Straw yellow with diffuse brown thoracic marks. Hind wings whitish. Fore wings heavily dotted with deep browa, becoming a shade beyond the cell, and an oblique line from costa near base to above internal margin. Five transverse rows of unequal fairly well rounded spots, the outer three or four rows white and slightly silvery. The third row does not reach below vein 2. Fringe checkered "with white at ends of veins. Expanse, 40 50 mm. ^

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

H. argentata Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 129.

race subalpina French.

1890— French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXII, p. 47.

race sobrina Stretch.

1872 Strei'CH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 135.

Thorax, abdomen and secondaries brownish cream color, the secondaries paler. Borders of patagia, centre of thorax and three marks on collar, dark brown. Primaries dark brown with five somewhat ill defined rows of distinct, rounded, silvery white spots, becoming cream colored on costa, the brown ground dusted with cream color. Discal and apical brown marks on secondaries. Expanse, 45—55 mm.

Habitat, Mts. of California, and Pacific Northwest.

Race sitbalpina. The ground color of fore wings is rather more broken up by pale color.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region.

Race sobrina. The brown ground color is deep and uniform, and the spots smaller than in argentata.

Habitat, Coast region of California.

172 -

H. ingens Hy. Edwards.

1881— Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 39.

scapular is Stretch.

1885 Sl'URTCll, Knt. Amer. , Vol. I, p. 106.

Head, sides and centre of collar, terminal two-thirds of patagia and centre of thorax white. Abdomen ocher yellow above with lateral brown spots. Inner half and outer fourth of base of patagia, and ground color of primaries dark brown. Silvery white spots as in argentata, but larger and more confluent, almost the same color on costa as elsewhere. Secondaries whitish with small apical brown spots. Expanse, 55 mm.

■Habitat, Rocky Mountain region to Arizona.

H. ambigua Streckcr.

1S78— Strecker, Proc. Dav. .'\cad. Sci., Vol. II, p. 274.

bolteri, Hy. Edwards.

1884 Hv. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 121.

Fore wings light brown, all the interspaces containing white longitudinal streaks ; veins brighter brown. Thorax pale brown the patagia and collar edged with darker. Abdomen pale pinkish above. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

(lenus Aemilia Kirby.

1892 KiKBY, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 218.

II A metes Walker.

1855— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. HI, p. 711.

Sxnopsis of species.

Abdomen rosy red roseata.

Abdomen yellow occidentalls.

A. roseata Walker.

1868 Walker, Lord's Nat. in \'anc.. Vol. II, p. 336.

sanguiveuosa Neumocgen.

1892 Neum(KGEN, Can. Ent., \ol. XXIV, p. 228.

var. cinnamonea Boisduval.

1868— Boisduval, Ann. Soc. Ent. Bels^., Vol. XI I, p. So.

1869 CiuOTK & Robinson, Trans. /\m. Ent. .Soc, Vol. Ill, p. 175.

var. significans Hy. luhoards.

1S88— My. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 182. Bright red ; secondaries whitish subtranslucent, patagia whitish centrally. Primaries brown, veins and margins red. Of the five bands of spots on primaries, the basal ones are yellowish.


the three outer rows whitish, the last one composed of heart shaped spots. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat^ California and the Pacific Northwest.

var. cinnamoiitea. " Fore wings bright red with some ill tlefined areas of yellow towards the base near internal margin. One example from Sonora [Mexico]" [Boisduval].

var. si^^nificans. White spots on fore wings ill defined, diffuse, confluent, forming bands which cross the veins, so that the latter are only red in the areas where the brown ground color prevails. One example from New Mexico.

A. occidental is FrcucJt.

1890 FuEN'CH, Can. Ent., Vol. XXII, p. 46. Exactly like roscata but ochraceous where that is red. Habitat, Colorado.

/ Genus Eucereon Hubncr.

I 1822? Ht'iB^KR, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 123.

E. Carolina Hy. Edwards.

1887 Hv. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 160.

Dark brown, abdomen tinged with ocherous. Ground color of primaries sordid whitish, the veins pale brown separating a series of small dark brown spots arranged in five irregular rows, like those in E. archias, but smaller. Secondaries hyaline with outer smoky brown border. The species is paler than arcJiias.

Habitat, Southern States.

Genus Zatrephes Htibuer. 1822? HliBN'KK, Verz bek. Schmett., p. 171.

Z. trigona Grotc.

1879 Gkote, N. .Am. Ent,, Vol. I, p. 146.

Thorax lead color, collar and patagia outlined in dull orange; palpi, fore femora and side of collar crimson. Abdomen' crimson above with lateral black spots, white below. Fore wings lead color shading into pinkish at internal angle. A large subapical, irregularly tetragonal, hyaline patch, bordered with yellow and black and containing four black dots on the veins. Near base of wing two diffuse yellow patches and a third further out, close to the hyaline patch. Secondaries white, with pink tinge along abdominal margin. Expanse, 36 mm.

Habitat, Colorado, New Mexico.

174 , Genus Eupseudosoma Grote.

1865 Grutk, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. V, p. 240. E. florid um Grote.

1882— Gkotk, Can. Ent., Vol. XIV, p. 1S7.

immacttlata Graef.

1887 Graef, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 42.

Silvery white ; abdomen bright red above centrally with a dorsal white line. Vertex of head yellowish. This form is prob- ably not specifically distinct from the South American E. hivo- lutiim Sepp.

Habitat, Florida, Cuba.

Subfamily Arctiinas.

/ Genus Euerythra Harvey.

1876 Hauvkv, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 5.

J Synopsis of species.

A median longitudinal blackish band ...... phasma.

No median longitudinal blackish band ..... trimaculata.

E. phasma Harvey.

1876— Harvey, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 5.

White; abdomen red ringed, a long band of blackish brown from base to middle of outer margin crossed by another from apex to internal margin. A small discal spot, and one near base below longitudinal band. All the marks divided by yellowish veins. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat., Texas.

E. trimaculata Smith.

1887 Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. X. p. 336.

White'; abdomen red ringed centrally. Three brown marks ; two on costa near base and near apex respectively, and one on internal margin near internal angle, all obscurely divided by paler veins. A minute discal dot.

Habitat, Texas.

Genus Ecpantheria Hubuer.

1822 HiiBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 183.

Sy?wpsis of species.

Size large, secondaries caudate.

With black bordered, white abdominal spots .... garzoni. With black abdominal spots ....... ocularia.


Basal spots on fore wings confluent .... var. COnfluens.

Discal area of wings denuded var. denudata.

Size sniallei-, secondaries rounded perniaculata.

E. garzoni Oberthur.

1881 OBKRTiitiK, Etudes d'ent, pi. XIII, fig. 3.

senn'itfii Lintner.

1884 Lintner, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 147.

White ; the ring like markings on the wings, brown, narrow, well filled with white. On secondaries, a submedian and small marginal row of rings, partly filled in with black. Abdomen dark ocher yellow above, with subdorsal row of white spots edged narrowly with black, the last pair conflnent in a U shaped mark. Expanse, 55 mm.

Habitat, Mexico, Texas.

E. ocularia Fabricius.

1775 P'AHKicirs, Syst. Ent., p. 564, n. 2g.'

scribonia StoU.

1790 SroLL, Suppl. Cram. V., pi. 41, f. 3.

1892 KiRBY, Cat. Lap. Het., Vol. I, p. 216.

chryseis Olivier.

1790 Olivier. Enc. Meth., Vol. V, p. 58, n. 123.

oculatisshna Abbot and Smith.

1797 Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 69.

var. confluens Oberthur.

1884— Obertiiuu, Etudes d'ent., p. no, t. 17 figs. 3 and 5. var. denundata Slosson.

1888 Si-OSSON, Ent. Amer.. Vol. Ill, p. 212.

White, with black rings on thorax and fore wings, those on thorax occasionally filled in with black. Along costa and internal margin, the rings are filled in with bluish white. Abdomen dark ocher above, with dorsal bands of deep shining blue black on the posterior parts of the segments, leaving a row of square ocher dorsal spots narrowly connected with an ocher subdorsal line. A row of black square lateral spots. Expanse, 58 80 mm.

Habitat, Southern Atlantic States to New York. E. permaculata Packard.

1872 Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad., Vol. IV, p. 86.

1890 Smith, Can. Ent., Vol. XXII, p. 179.

redtuta Grote.

1878— Grote, P.ull. U. S. Geol. Surv., vol. Ill, p. 799.

chilensis Oberthur.

1881 Oberthur, Etudes d'Ent., p. in, pi. XX, fig. 5.

1883 BuRMElsiER, An. Mus. B. .\ires. Vol. Ill, p 39, n. 18.

ccsca Strecker.

1885— Stecken, Proc. Acad. N. S. Phil., 1884, p. 283.

- 176-

White, with somewhat angular black spots instead of rings, but the same in pattern. Abdomen pale ocherous, with dorsal and lateral black spots, the former subconfluent into a broad band becoming smoky brown toward base. Secondaries well rounded, not at all caudate, with indistinct smoky marginal spots. Ex- panse, 42 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region west to California, south to Chile.

\j Cenus Leptarctia Stretch. 1872— Strekh, Zyo. and Bomb. N. A., j). iiS.

L. californiae JJ'a/kcr.

1855 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 625.

tena Boisduvai.

1S69— BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Enl. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 73.

adnata Boisduvai.

1869 BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent., Belg., \'ol. XII, p. 73.

fulvofasciata Butler.

1881— Butler, Ann. Nat. Hist., (5) Vol. VIII, p. 313.

'iOrii^Jitii French.

1889— French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXI, p. 224.

var. decia Boisduvai.

1869 BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 72.

lioisdttvatii Butler.

18S1 Butler. Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. VIII, p. 313.

laiifasciata Butler.

1881 Butler, Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. VIII, p. 313.

albifascia Flench.

1889— French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXI, p 223.

occidentalis French.

1889 French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXI, p. 223.

var. dimidiata Strctcli.

1S72 Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. iiS.

strctcliii Butler.

1881— Butler, Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. VII, p. 312.

Black, patagia with a yellow line : femora of fore legs red. Primaries black, or grayish black, with three irregular and broken yellowish lines, the outer alinost W-shaped, these lines are often absent. A whitish basal dash. Secondaries yellow or red {var. decia) with marginal black spots, black border, or entirely black {var. diviidiata) or black with a median pale yelknv or red line. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada.

177 (lenus Alexicles Grotc.

t3 GuOTE, Trans. Kansas Ac. Sci., Vol. VIII, p. 46. ^3 Dyak, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 32S.

A. aspersa Grotc.

1883 Grote, Trans. Kansas Ac. Sci., Vol. VIII., p. 46.

Subdiaphanous blackish. P'ore wings obscurely clouded with black at base, subterminally and more distinctly, at end of discal cell. Veins, especially on outer half of wing, marked narrowly with white, but interruptedly, giving the appearance of short streaks. Secondaries scarcely paler, with faint discal spot. Posterior margin of eyes and annulations of tarsi reddish. Ex- panse, 36 mm.

Habitat^ New Mexico.

^\ Genus 5eirarctia Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. Ill, p. iig. S. echo Abbot e-; Sniit/i,^

1797 ABBor & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 68. White, abdomen marked with ocherous with dorsal and lateral black spots centrally. Fore wings white ; veins white, but each vein bordered on both sides by a rather broad dark brown band. Secondaries white with traces of the brown markings at margin. Expanse, 55 60 mm.

Habitat^ Southern States.

\ / Genus Estigmene Hiibncr.

1822— HtiBNEK, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 184.

Letuarctia Packard.

1864— Packard, Proc. Ent. Sec , Phil., Vol. III. p. 124.

* Synopsis of species.

Fore wings black spotted acrsea.

Fore wings white, immaculate ........ albida.

E. a^CX2tai Drury.

'^ll'i Drury, 111. E.\. Ent., Vol. I, pi. 3, fig. 2. caprotiiia Drury.

'773— Di^URY, 111. Ex. Ent , Vol. I, pi. 3, fig. 3. mentJiastrina Martj'n. 1797— Martyn, Psyche, pi. 15, fig. 38. p.';euderminea Harris.

1841 Harris, Rep. Ins. Inj. Veg., p. 251. californica Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc , Phil Vol. Ill, p. 121. pacJcardii Schaupp. 1882 Schaupp, Ch. list Brook. Ent. Soc, p. 8.


White, anteniiK black. Fore wings white with a number of black spots which form about six irregular rows. Secondaries and whole under side in cf ocher yellow, white in V with a few sub- marginal and discal black spots. Abdomen with a central ocher yellow band and dorsal and lateral black spots. Expanse, 50 60 mm.

Habitat^ North America. E. albida Stretch.

1874 StuilTCH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 203

White, antenna black, wings immaculate; secondaries with traces of black spots. Abdomen clear yellow ocher above, except the apical segment and the basal hairs. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, California to Mexico.

Genus Hyphantria Harris. 1841 Harris, Ins. Mass., p. 255. H. cunea Briny.

1773 Drury, ]I1. E.\. Ent., Vol. I, pi. 15, fig. 4. pimctatissima Abbot and Smith.

1797 Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins., (la., A'ol. II, pi. 10. congrua Walker.

1855 Wai.KEK, Cat. I'liit. Mus., Vol. Ill, p. 669. punctata Fitch.

1S56 Fitch, Rep. Ins., N. V., Vol. Ill, p. 3S7. pallida Packard.

1864 Packard, Proc. Ent. .'^oc, I'hil., Vul. III. p. iiS.

i8go- Skinnek, Ent. News, X'ol. I, p. 31.

var. budea Hubncr.

1823 HliBNEK, Zutr. E.\ Schmeit., Vol. II, ff. 387-8.

textor Harris.

1841 Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 255.

Candida Walker.

1864 Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXI, p. 291.

Entirely white, fore femora yellow. In the form cunea, there are many black spots on primaries forming about six rows when fully present. Expanse, 20 30 mm.

Habitat, North America, throughout.

Genus Arachnis Geyer. 1837— Geyek, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. V, p. 28. Synopsis of species. Secondaries red.

Primaries red below ......... aulea.

Primaries yellow below ......... picta.

Secondaries yellow .......... ZUni.


E. aulea Gryrr.

1S37 Gever, Zutr. E.\. Sclimttt.. \ ol. \'. ff. 913-4.

iiicariiala Walker.

1S55 Walkkk, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 690.

Transverse, serpentine, gray, black-bordered lines as in picfa on a white ground ; but more produced longitudinally so as to appear oblique, leaving but little of the ground color visible. Secondaries red in both sexes the three bands dark gray, partly confluent.

Habitat, Honduras, Mexico.

A. picta Packard.

iSf)4 r\( K\Ri'. I'roc. Kilt. Soc, Phil., Xdl. HI. p. 126. race citra A'citiiiicj^c/i c"^ /)\ar.

1803 NKti.MiKCKN & DvAK, Kill. News, \ol. JV, p. 140. Primaries white with si.x serpentine, cinereous, black-bordered bands, confused at the outer margin ; on the under side of primaries the ground color becomes yellow at basal two thirds. Secondaries red, with three irregular cinereous bands, broken in the rf. Abdomen red with dorsal ond lateral gray si)ots : white below. Expanse, 45 55 mm.

Habitat, Southern California to Mexico.

In the race citra, the ground color of primaries is vellowish.

Habitat, Colorado.

A. zuni i\'c!/iriaxc!i.

1S90 Neu.M(£C.en, Ent. Amer., Vol. VI, p. 173.

White, with six gray serpentine bands partly broken, but con- fluent in a line from base to a|)ex, their character as bands largely obscured. Secondaries white, yellow on costa and internal margin, with irregular gray spots. Abdomen yellow, with gray dorsal and lateral bands. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat, New Mexico.

; (lenus Pyrrharctia Packard.

1864 I'ack.^KD.. Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., Vol. Ill, p. I2(5.

P. Isabella Abbot 6^ Smith.

^1K)•j Abbot & Smith, \.t\-\. Ins. (la.. Vol. II, pi. 6S.

Ciili fornun Tnckard.

1864 Pack\RI>, Proc. Knt. Soc. Pliil., Vol. Ill, p. 121.

Of a peculiar brownish yellow, abdomen with dorsal and lateral black spots. On primaries are some diffuse black dots, defined in about three faint duskv bands. Secondaries whitish

in ^, pinkish in n vvith discal and submarginal black spots. Expanse, 55 mm.

Habitat, Nortii America.

\. Genus Phragmatobia Stephens.

1828— StkI'HKNS, 111. Brit. Ent., Ilaust., \o\. II, p. 73.

Synopsis of species.

l':.vpanse, 30—35 nim. . . . . '. fuliginosa. Kxpanse, 40 mm assimilans.

p. fuliginosa Lin mens.

1758— LiNNAKUs, Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 509.

rubricosa Harris.

1841 Harris, Ins. Mass., p. 253

Dark brown, subdiaphamous witli two black djscal dots on primaries. Secondaries reddish with black discal dots and outer border, or entirely black. Abdomen reddish, or red with dorsal and lateral black spots. Expanse, 30 35 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States, north and west. Europe, western Asia.

P. assimilans Walker.

1S55 Walker, Cat. Drii. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 535. var. franconia Slosson.

1S91 Slosson, Ent. News, Vol. IT, p. p. 41.

Larger than fuliginosa and more tending to reddish tints on primaries; wings more opaque. In the var. franconia a distinct black median band crosses the fore wing. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat, Mountains of New York and New England north- ward.




J}r\a ]9orh Qnkraologiral SJoriFtg.

Tol. II. MARCH, 1894. ]^o. 1.


By B. Neumoegen and Harrison G. Dyar.

(Continued from Vol. I, page i8o.)

Genus Spilosoma Sfcp/icns.

iS2S—Sj>i/oso/n,! Stephens. 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., Vol. II, p. 74.

Synopsis of species. '

Fore wings square at tip. Abdomen spotted.

Primaries white virginica.

Primaries faintl}' ochraceous ...... prima.

Abdomen immaculate white latipennis.

Fore wings, acuminate, outer margin more oblique.

Legs yellow at base antigone.

Legs red at base.

Abdomen black spotted vestalis.

Abdomen immaculate white vnr amelaina.

S. virginica Fabrieii/s.

179S Bombyx virginica Fabricius, Nat. Syst. Suppl.. p. 437. var. dubia ]]\ilker.

I'&SS—Cycnia ditbia Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 682.

1893 Spilosoma virginica var. diibia Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 180.

White with black discal dot on primaries and sometimes submarginal ones on secondaries. Abdomen ocherous subdorsally with black dorsal and lateral spots. Fore cox?e and femora ochraceous. Expanse, 38 50 mm. In the aberration dubia the wings are mouse gray with whitish veins.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward to Pacific Northwest.

S. prima Slossoii.

1889 S. prima Slosson, Ent. Amer., Vol. V, p. 40.

2 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. n.

White, but somewhat sordid or yellowish with scattered dots of dark brown. The fore tibiae more smoky than in virginica which this insect closely resembles.

Habitat, Northern New York and New England northward.

S. antigone Strccker.

1878—5. aiilii^one Strecker, Rep. Chief Eng. Ruffner, App. ss., p. i860; 1889 Smith, Ent. Amer., Vol. V, p. 119.

White, fore tibiae ochraceous. On fore wings is a black discal dot and occasionally a few dark brown dots, forming an outer band. E.xpanse, 45 50 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States to Rocky Mountains.

5. latipennis Stretch.

1872—.?. latipennis Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 133.

White, fore tibise red. Pectinations of antennas, and eyes black. Expanse, 40 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States.

S. vestal is Packard.

i86_i .S". Vi'stalis Packard, Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 125.

var. amelaina Dyar.

1893 S. vcslalis var. ainelnina Dyar, Psyche, Vol. V[, p. 512.

White, fore tibiae red. Abdomen with dorsal and lateral black spots. Fore wings with a variable number of black dots especially along costa and in an outer band. Expanse, 45 55 mm. The var. amelaina has the abdominal spots partly or wholly wanting.

Habitat, California and Pacific Northwest.

Genus Elpis Dyar. 1893 E/pis Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 36.

Synopsis of species.

Stalk of antennae and thorax with red hairs.

Fore wings brown with red tint ....... rubra.

Red predominating var. walsinghami.

Brown largely predominating ..... var. danbyi.

Stalk of anlennse whitish, thorax pale brown or russet.

Secondaries partly or largely blackish ..... vagans.

Secondaries pale ........ var. rufula,

E. rubra Neumoegen.

1881 Aiitaictia rubra Neumcegen, Pap., Vol. I, p. 79,

March 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DvAR, N. A. BOMBYCES. 3

var. walsinghami Butler.

1881 Antarctia 7valsinghaini BUTI.ER, Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII, p. 311. var. danbyi Neiunocgen cr' Dyar.

1893 Neumcegen & Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 141. Thorax red, or brown with a red tinge {inir danbxi). Fore wings brown with red tinge or largely red {ikir. wahiiighaDii) with a blackish discal dot. Secondaries black, wings thinly scaled, subtranslucent. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat.^ Pacific Northwest.

E. vagans Boisdiival.

1852 Arctia vagans BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Ent Sec. France, (2), Vol. X, p. 322. 1875 Spilosoma pteiidis Hy. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol.V, p. 265.

var. rufula Boisduval.

1855 Memecphila rufula BoisnuvAL, Bull. Soc. Ent. France (3). Vol. Ill, p. 32. 1864 A ntarctia punctata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 123. 188 r Autarctia proba Hy. Edward.S, Pap., Vol. I, p. 39.

Male; drab, sprinkled with black scales with black discal dots, Secondaries often largely or wholly black. Female brownish red with irrorations and markings as in the ^. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, California.

Genus Neoarctia Neumoegen 6^ Dyar. 1893 Neoarctia Neumcegen & Dyar, Ent. News., Vol. IV, p. 141.

Synopsis of species.

Dark brown, marks indistinct . . . . . . . . beanii.

Black, marks distinct .......... brucei.

N. beanii Neimwegen.

1891 Autarctia beanii Neumcegen, Can. Ent., Vol. XXIII, p. 123. var. fuscosa Neumoegen.

1891 A. beanii \a.Y. fuscosa Neumcegen, Can. Ent., Vol. XXIII, p. 124. Chocolate brown, abdomen reddish laterally. Fore wings subtranslucent, with a basal band and costal patch, outer transverse and angular terminal bands of pinkish color, faintly marked or absent {vdii-. fuscosa). Secondaries pinkish with mesial and sub- marginal brown bands. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Northern Rocky Mountains.

N. brucei Hy. Edwards.

1888 Arctia brucei Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 183.


4 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Voi. ii.

Black ; collar and end of abdomen reddish flesh color. Fore wings with sub-basal and transverse posterior bands, a rounded, triangular costal spot, and occasionally a terminal w-mark of same color. W-mark irregular, often absent. Secondaries pale red, with median and ou terrow of confluent black spots, the median sometimes wanting. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

Genus Platarctia Packard. 1864 Platarctia Packard, I'roc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 109.

Sytiopsis of species.

Size large; primaries brown. ....... hyperborea.

Smaller, primaries black.

Markings lemon yellow; basal half of secondaries black . . yarrowi.

Markings bufT ; secondaries black only at base . . . var. remissa.

P. hyperborea Curtis.

1835 Eiiprcpia hyperboreus Curtis, Ross, 2nd Voy. App., p. 271.

1850 Arciia parthenos Harris, Agassiz Lake Sup,, p. 390.

i860 Arctia borealis, Wiener Ent. Monat , Vol. IV, p. 360. Fore wings dark brown with blackish shade. Several small white spots, especially along costa and submedian fold, represent- ing the usual bands. Secondaries ocher yellow, sub-median band and discal spot connected by rays with a large basal black patch. Abdomen black with ocher yellow tip; collar red behind, patagia white-lined. Expanse, 70 mm.

Habitat, Mountains of New England northward.

P. yarrowi Stretch.

1874 Arctia yarrowi STRETCH, Zyg. and Eomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 221; 1893 Bean, Psyche, Vol. VI, p. ^23.

var, remissa Hy. Edwards.

1888 .4rctia remissa Hv. EDWARDS, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 184.

Primaries black ; three square yellow patches on costa, and three similar ones on internal margin ; a transverse band from costa to internal angle and an angular subapical mark, which are traces of the broken up w-mark. Secondaries black at base, red outwardly, with rounded black submarginal and discal spots. Body black, red at tip. Expanse, 44 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region of Canada to Hudson's Bay, Arizona, Wyoming, Vancouver Is , B. C.

March .S94.] NeUMQ:GEN (!v: DvaR. N. A. BoMBVCES. 5

Genus Arctia Schrauk.

1802 Arctia ScHRANK, Fauna Boica, Vol. II (2), p. 151. l^22--Epica/Iia HiU'.NER, Verz. bek. Schiiiett., p. 182.

A. virginalis Boisduval.

\i^i Aiclia virj^inalis BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fi. (2), Vol. X, p. 321. var. guttata Boisduval.

1852 Hdisduval, Anil. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol. X, p. 321. var. ochracea Stretch.

1S72 Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 71. Thorax and primaries black. Head, a spot on back of thorax, abdomen and secondaries orange ochraceous. Dorsal transverse bands on abdomen, and two bands with discal and marginal spots on secondaries black On fore wings, five bands of large well rounded spots, the outer band waved. A yellow spot on patagia. In the var. guttata the secondaries are nearly entirely black. Expanse, 50 60 mm.

Habitat, California and the Pacific Northwest to the Rocky Mountains,

Genus Eyprepia Ochscuhciiucr,

iSio Eyprepia, Ochsknhkimer, Schmett. Eur., Vol. Ill, p. 299. 1855 Apantens^ wjViVM., Cat. Brit. Mas., pt. Ill, p. 331. 1864 Callarctia Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 114. 1866 Cyinbalopkora Rambijk, Cat. Lep And., Vol. II, p. 231. iS86 Orodeiiinias Wallkngren, Skand. Meter., Vol. II, p. 315.

Syuopsis of groups. *

Veins of primaries pale lined, linings rarely obsolete in one species. Size medium to large, vestiture of wings opaque.

Terminal W-iiiark present, the fourth transverse line either

straight or but slightly angulated . . . Callarctia.

Terminal X-mark, formed of the terminal W and the strongly

angulated fourth line Mimarctia.

Size small, vestiture subdiaphanous ; lines somewhat confused. Orodemnias. Veins not lined.

Terminal W-mark ....... Cymbalophora.

Terminal X-niark ........ Apantesis.

* The normal thora.x, in this genus, is yellowish with two black stripes on collar and three on thorax. We have indicated the bands on the fore wings as follows: band I, sub-basal half band, resting on costa ; band 2, transverse anterior band ; band j, median band ; band 4, transverse posterior band, imme- diately adjoining band 5, the angular terminal or W-mark. A longitudinal band along submedian fold, joining the angular terminal and forming with it a furcation above internal angle.

6 Journal New York Ent. Soc [VoI. h.

Group CALLARCTIA Packard. 1864 Callarctia Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 114.

Synopsis of species.

Linings of veins broad, especially along the median vein.

Si/e large ; one or two incomplete transverse bands besides the w-mark.

Hind wings red ......... virgo.

Hind wings yellow ....... var. citrinaria.

Size smaller.

Hind wings yellow.

No transverse bands except the w virguncula.

Trace of one or more of these bands ..... var. otiosa. Hind wings pink ; linings of veins verv broad.

Pale marks pinkish michabo.

Of a deeper color, more reddish ..... vay. minea.

Lining on median vein narrow, confined to the vein.

Secondaries red, without any tendency to melanism ; marginal spots rarely confluent. Size large; primaries usually with three transverse bands.

Only two transverse bands present .... intermedia.

Three transverse bands present ..... var. stretchii.

Size smaller with two or less bands.

Third line broken or absent ; fourth seldom rigid.

Third and fourth lines present ..... parthenice.

Third line absent, fourth broken . . var. approximata.

Third and fourth lines present, rigid, parallel . . . rectilinea.

Secondaries yellow or orange red with a strong tendency to melanism; rarely intirely black ; marginal spots often confluent, basal spots often present. Hind wings entirely black ........ anna.

Hind wings yellow, with even black border . . var. persephone.

Hind wings yellow or red, lightly or heavily spotted or nearly entirely black. Basal spots present in well marked specimens. Three or four bands on primaries (full maculation).

Veinsindistinctly lined or not lined at all .... ornata.

Veins narrowly lined ....... var. achaia.

Less than three bands on primaries, sometimes but one ; but

W-marks present var. COmplicata.

E. virgo Linnceus.

1758 Bombyx virgo LiNN^us. Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 501.

var. citrinaria NeumcEgen 6^ Dyar.

1893 Euprcpia virgo var. citrinaria NEUMa':GEN & Dyar, Ent. News. Vol. IV,


Fore wings black ; all the margins, veins and longitudinal

stripes, pinkish cream color. The terminal w-mark is distinct, the

transverse posterior (4th) line reaches from costa to stripe, angu-

March 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BoMBYCES. T

latecl slightly on median vein. The median (3rd) line usually reaches from costa to median vein but it may project below median vein or be absent. Rarely the 4th line is partly absent. Secondaries Vermillion red with double marginal row of subtriangular black spots and two to five discal spots. Thorax normal ; abdomen red with dorsal and lateral black spots, The var. citrinaria differs only in the color of secondaries. Expanse, 35 50 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

E. virguncula Kirby.

1837 Callimorpha virguncula Kn^BY, Richaidson Fauna Bor. Amer. , Vol. IV, p. 304.

var. otiosa Neumcegen &= Dyar.

1893 Eiiprepia virguncula var. otiosa Neumcegen & Dyar, Ent. News., Vol. IV, p. 142.

Smaller than virgo, all the transverse lines except the w-mark absent. Secondaries and abdomen dark ocher yellow, the former with double marginal row of spots, one discal spot, and a series of basal streaks which may become extented and fuse with the enlarged spots rendering the wing largely black. The dorsal abdominal spots are fused into a band. Expanse, 30 40 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States westward.

The var. otiosa has slight traces of one or more of the normal transverse lines.

E. michabo Grote.

iS-jS—--l'rlia /nic/iado Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 196.

var minea Slosson.

1892 A. minea Slosson, Ent. News., Vol. Ill, p. 257.

Pale marks fliesh cream color, line 3 oblique, in cell from costa to median vein: line 4 slightly angulated^sometimes almost forming an irregular x with w-mark. W broad. Veins lined, that on median broader than the vein, but only slightly so, approaching the partlienice group. Apex of primaries pointed. Secondaries flesh red, pale in cf ; one to four discal, submarginal and marginal black spots. Secondaries tend to be subtranslucent recalling a) ge which the species also approaches in wing shape, but it has not the x-mark so well developed. Expanse, 43 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

E. intermedia Stretch.

1874 Arctia intermedia S'IREICH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 216. \'6^Z Ar(tia oithona Strecker, Lep. Roph. and Het., p. 131.

8 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

var. stretch ii Grotc.

iSSi A. stn-lcliii CuoTK, Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 197.

Like parthenice but larger. On primaries, 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines from costa to longitudinal stripe, or to internal margin, or exactly Wke. part/ic/iice. Expanse, 50 or more mm.

Habitat, Southern Atlantic States from New York to Texas.

E. parthenice Kirby.

1837 Calliiiiorpha paiihenice KiRBY, Rich. Fauna Bor. Amer., Vol. IV, p. 303. 1864 Arctia saiindersii GRt'TE, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 75.

V2r. approximata Stretch.

1885 Stretch, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. \o\.

Fore wings marked as in turgo except that the median vein is only narrowly lined with pale. The median line (3) often reaches from costa to longitudinal stripe, but it may be entirely absent. The transverse posterior (4th) line is less strongly angulated than in virgo, rarely partly absent, giving the variety approximata. Secondaries red with double marginal row and one discal spot. Expanse, 30 35 mm.

Habitat^ Northern New York and New England to Canada.

,E. rectilinea French.

1879 Arctia recliliiiea Fkkncii, Can. Ent., Vol. XI, p. 45.

Differs from parthenice only in the obliquity of the two trans- verse lines which are present. The median (3rd) line runs from costa to median vein at origin of vein 2, while the transverse posterior (4th) line is straight, not angulated at median vein. The lines are thus parallel and do not converge as \n parthenice .

Habitat^ Mississippi Valley, rare in the Atlantic States.

E. anna Grate.

1863 Arctia anna Gkote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil , Vol. II, p. 335.

var. persephone Grote.

1863 A. persephone Gkote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 433.

Veins narrow lined, linear. Longitudinal stripe, 4th line and w-mark present; also 3rd line from sub-costal to median veins, or reduced, or absent. Secondaries ocherous, with discal dot and broad black border, or all black. Abdomen ocherous with black dorsal and lateral bands or entirely black. Expanse, 40 45 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States,

March 1894] NeUMiEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 9

E. ornata Packard.

1864 Callarctia ornata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 115. 1881 Arciia simplicior BuTLER, Ann. and. Mag. N.H. (6), Vol. VIII, p. 311. 1893 Arctia blakei vzx. perpicta Dyar, Psyche, Vol. VI, p. 381.

var. achaia Grote &= Robitison.

1868 Arctia achaiaQ\KO'V% & RoBlNSON, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p 334. 1872 Arctia eduiardsii Streich, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 77.

var. complicata Walker.

1864 Arctia complicata Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXI, p. 279.

1^68 \Arctia dahiirica Grote. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 336.

\%1'2— Arctia ochiacea Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 125.

i83i Arctia barda Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 39. Fore wings black; linings of veins narrow, variable in distinct- ness, being absent in the form ornata.^ present in achaia. The complete transverse maculation is present, but variable, the basal half line disappearing first, followed by the transverse anterior and median lines, producing the form complicata. Secondaries deep ocher yellow, orange or red, with double marginal spots, and one discal, besides two basal streaks which are usually very distinct. The spots very much in size, often spreading and becoming con- fluent, covering the whole wing except for an irregular central area. Expanse, 30 35 mm.

Habitat., California and the Pacific Northwest.

Group MIMARCTIA Neumo'gen &^ Dyar.

Synopsis of species.

Three transverse bands more or less complete besides tlie angular ter- minal band ......... arge.

Three bands absent, and also the angular terminal, either absent or

reduced ........ var. nervosa.

E. arge Dntry.

1773 -Noctua aroe Drury, 111. E.x. Ent., Vol. I, pi. i8, f. 3.

1775 Boinbyx dioiie Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 572.

1781 Noctua incarnatorubra GoEZE, Ent. Beytr., Vol. Ill (3). p. 241.

1797 Romhyx coelebs Mauty.N, Psyche, pi. II, f. 25.

l86g CItelonia nerea BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 77.

1869 Chelonia doris BoTSUUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg , Vol. XII, p. 77.

7'ar. nervosa Neumagen or Dyar.

1893 Etiprepia ar^e var. nervosa Neumcegkn & Dyar, Ent. News., Vol.

IV, p. 142. Pale marks pinkish cream color, broad, predominating. Lines 2 to 4 and w mark present. Lines 2 and 3 cross the cell only, and project triangularly from costa and median vein respectively.

10 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

Line 3 is bent at right angles on median vein, forming terminal x-mark with the central limbs of the w. Secondaries whitish in cT, pale salmon red in 9, with marginal and submarginal rows and one discal black spot but reduced in size and broken by the veins. Abdomen cream color, the spots small. Expanse, 35 40 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States westward to California.

Group ORODEMNIAS Wallengren. 1886 Oiodemnias Wallengren, Skand. Met., Vol. II, p. 315.

Synopsis of species

Secondaries yellowish white.

Pale maculations of fore wings extensive .... quenselii.

Maculations reduced var. Speciosa.

Secondaries red obliterata.

E. quenselii Paykiill.

1791 Bomhyx quenselii VtCiYiVLL, Act. Hafn., Vol. IT, p. 99. 1793 Bombyx strigosa Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Vol. Ill (i), p. 454. 1849 Euprepia gelida MoscHLER, Stett. Ent. Zeit., Vol. IX, p. 174.

var. speciosa Moschlcr.

iSb4^A>rt/a speciosa MoscHLER, Wien. Ent. Monat.. Vol. VIII, p. 105. Black; secondaries of d' largely black with paler shadings, of 9 partly and irregularly yellow. Primaries of ^ with the veins narrowly lined; bands 3 to 4 present from sub-costal to median veins, narrow, reduced, irregular. W-mark irregular. In Q, the marks are broader, confused, light yellow. Bands 2, 3 and 4 present from sub-costal to median vein. W-mark blurred. Expanse,

30—35 mm.

Habitat, Arctic regions.

E. obliterata Stretch.

1885 Arctia obliterata STRETCH, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 105.

Thorax normal, abdomen yellowish, normal. Primaries blackish brown. Costa, fringes and inner margin, veins, longitudinal stripe, terminal w-mark and costal half of 4th band, pale yellow. Traces of median band. Secondaries dull red, the black spots present as marginal, submarginal and discal ones. Expanse

33 mm.

Habitat, unknown.

Group CYMBALOPHORA Rambur. i855 Cyinbalophora Rambur, Cat. Lep. And., Vol. II, p. 231.

March ,894.] NeUMCEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BoMBYCES. 11

Synopsis of species.

Tip of abdomen black, dorsal spots reduced.

Secondaries of cf whitish with black spots proxiltia.

Secondaries without black spots ...... vor. autholea.

Dorsal abdominal spots moderate, the terminal one not larger. Primaries with noimal maculation.

Three or more transverse lines beside the W-mark. Size small.

Fore wings black cervinoides.

Fore wings brown bolanderi.

Size moderate.

Hind wings of (^ pink.

Thorax normal ........ blakei.

Thorax black var. nevadensis.

Hind wings yellow z,ar. sulphurica.

Hind wings deep red.

Four lines present, narrow, normal .... superba.

Lines broad, blurred, red centered .... favorita.

Two or less transverse lines ; rarely traces of thr°2 Fore wings brown.

One line beside W-mark ... . . williamsii.

Two or three lines .... var. determinata.

Fore wings black. '

Hind wings red.

W-mark present phyllira.

w-mark absent ^/ar. figurata.

Hind wings partly yellow i„jy_ celia.

Hind wings black j.,?;-. excelsa.

Primaries with the maculation broken into a series of spots ; often largely black. Hind wings with a black border.

A few pale dots on fore wings ••,... placentia.

Many pale dots var. flammea.

Hind wings largely black ^a,. snowi.

E. proxima Guerin.

1844 Cheloiiia proxima GUERiN, Icon. R. Amer., Vol. H, p. 514. *

1855 Euprepia docta Walkek, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. HI, p. 592.

1867 Arctia inexicaiia Grote & RoiilNSON, Ann. Lye. N. V., Vol. VOL

P- 367- \'is1\— Arctia arizoneiisis Stretch, Zyg. & Bomb. N. A., p. 217. 1885 Arctia mortnonica Neumcegen, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 93.

var. autholea Boisduval.

1869 Chelonia autholea BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XH, p. 76. Head and thorax ocher yellow, collar immaculate, thorax with the three normal black stripes. Abdomen vermilion above, the dorsal spots very small, but terminal segment entirely black. Veins

13 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

of primaries not lined with pale scales, except the median which is narrowly and continuously lined. Longitudinal streak, 2nd to 4th lines, and terminal w-mark present, often very broad and reducing the black ground to angular spots. The 3rd and 4th lines may become confluent laterally, or rarely, the 2nd and 3rd lines become so. Less often the black predominates, the 2nd line (transverse anterior) and even part of the 3rd (median) line, disappearing. Secondaries whitish in d" with pink abdominal border: deep red in 9 with marginal and i to 3 discal dots. These dots are absent in the cf of the form autJwlea. Expanse, 35 45 mm.

Habitat, region west of the Rockies to Southern California and Mexico.

E. cervinoides Strecker.

1876 Arctia cervinoides )^v\\^Q.\iY.v., Pioc. Acad. Phil., p. 151.

Black, thorax normal, but black bands very wide. Secondaries with discal spot, marginal border and basal streaks pale black on whitish ground. Primaries brownish black, longitudinal band, w-mark, 2nd, 3rd and 4th bands present, and traces of ist but variable, sometimes extending entirely across wing. Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

E. bolanderi Stretch.

1872 Arctia Ix^laiiJeri SxRErCH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 76. Thorax and abdomen normal; primaries brown with three transverse bands more or less well developed; the w-mark and longitudinal band present. Secondaries yellow or red with normal spottings present, one discal dot and traces of other marks. Size small. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada.

E. blakei Grote.

1864— /?;r//(f I'lakci Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 523. 1881 Arctia iiicoi-iupta IIy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 38. 1885 Arctia shastaeiisis French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXI, pp. 35, 162.

var. nevadensis Grote cj^' Robinson.

1866 Aictia nevadensis Gkote & Robinson, Pioc, Ent. Sec. Phil., Vol.

VI, p. I 1872 Arctia behrii Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 75.

var. sulphurica Neunnvgen.

1885 Arctia nevadensis var. sulphurica Neumcegen, Ent.Amer., Vol.1, p. 93. 1883 \Arctia ochracea Neumcegen, Papilio, Vol. Ill, p. 151. 1885 Arctia elongata Stre'ICH, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 105.

March 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 13

Thorax with normal maculation or entirely black (var. neva- densis). Median vein not pale lined, the longitudinal line and all the transverse bands present. The lines vary much in width, but have a greater tendency to be narrow than mproxima. Secondaries pink in the cf, rarely yellow (var. sulphiirica), red in the $ with double marginal and one to three discal dots, the latter rarely produ- ced towards the base. Abdomen pmk or ocher, the dorsal and lateral spots moderate, even throughout, not different on the terminal segments. Expanse, 30 35 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region west to the Pacific.

E. superba Stretch.

1874 Arctia supeiba SrRETCif, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 227.

1878 Arciia geneiiia Sirecker, Pioc. Dav. Acad. Sc, Vol. II, p. 270.

Lines, as in blakei, but narrow and partly broken. Secondaries deep red but in some specimens much like blakei. Habitat, Colorado, British Columbia.

E. favorita Neu/nage/i.

1890 Arctia favoiila Neum(EGEN, Ent. Amer. , Vol. VI, p. 173.

Like blakei, but line i absent, or but a trace left. Primaries black, but looking slightly brownish. Lines broad, confluent or normal, or all absent but lines 3 and 4. This form differs from williamsii only in being more black, and having the secondaries redder. It is very close to superba.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region.

E. williamsii Dodge.

1871 Aiciia 7oi/liaiiisii DoDGE, Can. Ent., Vol. Ill, p. 167.

var. determinata Neui/urgen.

1881 Arctia determinata NEUMa:GEN, Pap., Vol. I, p. 28. 1890 Arctia dieckii NEUxra:GEN, Ent. Amer., Vol. VI, p. 62. Primaries brown with black shades ; secondaries dark red inclining to pinkish. On primaries, the longitudinal band and w- mark with one or two other bands. In the var. determinata two bands are present, the 3rd and 4th. Habitat, Rocky Mountain region.

E. phyllira Drury.

1773 Calliinorpha phyllira DuURY, HI. Ex. Ent., Vol. I, pi. 7, f. 2. 1781 Geometra B-ata GcEZE, Ent. Betyr., Vol. Ill (3), p. 42S. 1797 Bomhyx plantagina Martyn, Psyche, pi. 15, ff. 36-7. \%'ii— Arctia doiigei Butler, Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. XVIII, p. 136.

14 Journal New York Ent. Soc. i^ol. ii.

var. figurata Drury.

1773 Bonihyx figurata Drury, 111. Ex. Ent., Vol. II, p. 12.

1822 Etiplagia ceraiitica HiiBNiiU, Veiz. bek. Schmett., p. 180.

1S78 Arctia f-pallida Si'KECK!':k, Rep. Chief Eng. 187S, App. ss, p. i860.

var. celia Saunders.

1863 Arctia celia Saundeus, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phi!., Vol. II, p. 59. 1%'^%— Arctia fraticoiii a IlY. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 184.

var. excelsa JVeiinnvgen.

1883 Arctia excelsa Neumct.GEN, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 70. 1887 Arctia Ingiibris IIulst, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 182.

Thorax normal, abdomen red with normal spots. Primaries black, longitudinal stripe, lines 3 4, and w-mark moderate, cream colored. Lines 3 and 4 divergent or parallel, from costa to stripe. Secondaries red ; discal, marginal, and submarginal spots present, variable, sometimes confluent and covering nearly the whole wing. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat^ Southern States, rare in New York and New England,

E. placentia Sviith &-' Abbott.

i-jq-] Pltalana placentia Smith & Akbott, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 65. var. snowi Grote.

1875 Arctia s)io7vi CiV.O\lS., Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 197.

1878 Arctia qiiadranotata Stkecker, Proc. Dav. Acad. Sc , Vol. II, p. 271.

var. flammea Neunnvgen.

1881 Arcda flammea Neumiegen, Pap., Vol. I, p. 9.

Thorax and primaries black: secondaries red with normal discal and marginal spots, to all black. Abdomen red, with dorsal and lateral bands. On primaries, a discal flesh red spot (of band 3) or part of band 4 or traces of w-mark, all broken by veins.

Habitat, Southern States to Mississippi Valley.

Group APANTESIS Walker. i?,$S—Apantesis Walker, Cat. P.rit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 331.

Synopsis of species.

Costal margin of primaries black ........ nais.

Costal margin yellow.

Abdomen rosy red, marks of primaries usually complete . phalerata.

Abdomen yellow, often largely black ; marks partly absent . vittata.

E. nais Drury.

1-J-J2 - Noctua nais Drury, 111. Ex. Ent., Vol. I, pi. 7, f- 3. lySi Bomhyx cuneata GoEZE, Ent. Betyr., Vol. Ill (3), p. 65. 1797 Bonibyx defloi-iana Martyn, Psyche, pi. 28. ff. 78 9. x'i'ix— Arctia ochreata 13utler, Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. XVIII, p. 136.

March 1894.] NeUM'EGEN & DVAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 15

Thorax normal, or more often collar immaculate. Abdomen ocher yellow with dorsal and lateral black bands widest centrally. Fore wings black, a stripe near costa and longitudinal band present ; transverse posterior line and terminal w-mark also present, the former bent at right angles and usually its lower limb fused with the line on median vein. It does not extend below the longitudinal stripe. Markings often become obsolete from without inwards, the w-mark disappearing first. Secondaries pale ocher, rarely partly pinkish with double marginal row and one discal spot. Expanse, 25 30 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

E. phalerata Harris,

1841 Arctia phalerata Harris, Ins. Mass., p. 274. 18S1 Arctia rhoda Buti.kk, Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. XVIII. p. 1-56, \'i,%\— Arctia iitcovtpleta BuTLER, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), Vol. VIII. p. 311. Thorax normal, abdomen red. rarely yellow, marked like nais. Fore wings as in nais except that the costal stripe reaches the costa and the w-mark is only very rarely at all incomplete. Secondaries pink in J^, especially along abdominal border, rarely entirely ocherous ; red in 9 ; the black marks as in nais, but some- times very small or absent.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

E. vittata Fabricius.

1787 Bomhyx vittata Fabricius, Mant. Ins., Vol. II, p. 127.

1855 Apantesis radians Walker, Cat. Brit. Miis., pt. Ill, p. 632.

1862 Arctia decorata Saunders, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 60.

1864 Aloa colorata Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus.. pt. XXXI, p. 301.

Marked like nais except that the costal band reaches the costa.

The black abdominal bands are broad and frequently cover most

of the abdomen. Hind wings ocher or red, the spots as in nais

but often form a complete broad black border. Expanse, 30

35 rnrn-

Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Kodiosoma Stretch. "^

1872 Kodiosoma Stretch. Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 67.

Synopsis of species. Secondaries black.

Abdomen yellow at tip ........ . nigra.

Abdomen black throughout ....... eavesii.

Secondaries red at base ......... tricolor.

Secondaries yellow at base ........ fulva. t^ "'^'^

1) t

16 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii,

K. nigra Stretch.

1872 K. vi<rra SiiucrCH, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 68. Black, thinly scaled, prothorax, anal tuft, costa of primaries and a faint oblique transverse band, yellow. Expanse, 22 mm. Habitat, California [Stretch].

K. eavesii Stretch.

1872 K. eavesii Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 69.

Black, wings translucent centrally. Prothorax, costal edge, and a faint or partly obsolete band, furcate toward costa; pale yellow. Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Nevada, California.

K. tricolor Stretch.

1871 K. tricolor Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 67.

Black ; secondaries clear red except at margin. Prothorax, base of costa and a transverse band on primaries pale yellowish. Abdomen red above, black at tip. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Nevada [Stretch].

K. fulva Stretch.

1872 -K. fnlva SiRETCH, Zyg. and Bom. N. A., Vol. I, p. 67. Black ; secondaries pale buff for basal two-thirds. Prothorax, tip of abdomen, costal edge and a narrow, angulated, transverse band on primaries, pale buff. Expanse, 23 mm. Habitat, California.

Genus Parasemia Hilbner.

1822? Parasemia Hi'iBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. I2r.

1828 Nemeophila Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent. Haust., Vol. II, p. 12.

1865 Etipsychoma Groie, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 317.

Synopsis of vareities.

Hind wings black and white.

A discal dot on fore wings ....... petrosa.

No discal dot var. geddesi.

Hind wings black and yellow or reddish .... var modesta.

Hind wings black.

A discal dot on fore wings var. geometrica

No discal dot var. scudderi.

P. petrosa Walker.

x'^'^'^—Ncineophila petrosa Wai.kkk, Cat. Brit. Mas., Vol. Ill, p. 626.

var. geddesi Neiimcegen.

1884 iV. geitdesi Neumceuen, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 137.

March i8q4.] NEUMff.GEN & DyaR. N. A. BoMBYCES. 17

var. modesta Packard.

1864 Platarctia modesta Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 113. 1868 A^enieophila cacspitis Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol.

I. P- 337. 1868 Xenieophila chicoril Grote & RoBiNsox, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol.

I, p. 338.

var. geometrica Grote.

1865 Etipsychoma geometrica Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 318. var. scudderii Packard.

i%6^— Platarctia scudderii Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 113. \Z^^—N'emeophila sclivynii Hy. Edwards, Can. Ent., Vol. XVII, p. 65. Black; collar, except black central dot, and base of costa, buff; a longitudinal band, oblique sub-apical band and discal dot with traces of another near apex, white or yellow, or absent. Secondaries white, red, or yellow, or partly or wholly black. Ex- panse, 35 mm.

Habitat., Mountains of Colorado and California to Canada and British Columbia.

Genus Hypercompa Hilbncr.

1805? Hypercompa IIubnkr, Tentamen, p. i. \'&22-Zoote HiiHNER, Verz. bek. Schmett.. p. 181.

H. caja LiniKCUs.

1758 Bomliyx caja, Syst. Nat.. Vol. I, p. 500.

race americana Harris.

1S41 Arctia americana Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 246.

race utahensis Hy Edwards.

\%%-l—Eup. caja var. utahensis Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 166. var. transmontana Neitmagen e^ Dyar.

1893 H. caja var. transmontana Neumcegen & Dyau, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 214.

race opulenta Hy. Edwards.

iSSr Eiiprepia opuienta IlY. Edwards, Pap., Vol. I. p. 38.

Primaries and thorax dark brown with transverse anterior and transverse posterior and angular terminal white bands and two costal dots representing additional bands. A longitudinal band along submedian fold, often absent. Secondaries pale reddish to yellow with one or more discal and three large round submarginal blue-black spots. Abdomen reddish with dorsal black spots. Expanse, 55 65 mm.

Habitat., Europe and America.

18 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vm,. ii.

The american forms differ in general from the European in lacking the longitudinal white band. The form caja with red secondaries inhabits the Pacific Northwest. Race aviericana inhabits the Northern Atlantic States. The race ufa/icnsis, from the Rocky Mountains region, differs in the broader white bands and yellow secondaries. It corresponds strictly to the form wiskofti Staud. from Asia Minor, differing in the character pointed out. The form opulenta from Alaska seems to be only a race of caja in which the white marks are enormously developed. The var. trans mo ntana is more marked with white than i/tahensis, less so than opulenta.

Genus Ectypia Clemens. i?>bi—Eciypia Ci.EMF.NS, Proc. Acad. Sci. Phil, i860, p. 529. E. bivittata Clemens.

1861 Ectypia bivittata Clemens, Proc. Acad. Sci. Phil., 1S60, p. 530. 1887 Spilosoma nigrojlava Graef, Ent. Amer. , Vol. Ill, p. 43.

White; patagia with luteous and black stripe. Abdomen with dorsal and lateral black spots and sub-dorsal orange yellow shade.

On primaries, a number of elongate black spots in three irre- gular rows ; one spot on origin of vein 2 is somewhat arrow-shaped. Secondaries white. Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat, Texas.

In this species the accessory cell may be absent as shown by the observation of Prof. J. B. Smith.

Family AGARISTID.E. Synopsis of genera. Veins 7 9 of primaries from a stalk at end of accessory cell. Jit/L^^-^^

AntennjE of (^ simple . . , . . . . Seudyrai

Antennre of ^ pectinated Psychomorpha.

Vein 7 from accessory cell ; veins 8 and g stalked.

Antennae swollen before tip ....... . Alypia.

Antenna' filiform, serrate at pectinate. Vein 5 of secondaries distinct. Thorax not tufted.

Wings narrow ; body slender ..... Alypidi^es.

Wings broad, square at apices ; color black . , Pseudalypia,

Wings trigonate ; body robust.

Antennne short, serrate ; an enormous trilid frontal

plate-like process .... Eupseudomorpha.

Antennae long, filiform ; a frontal plate with lip- shaped outer margin ...... Copidryas.

Thorax with central scaled tuft.

Antennae filiform Euthisanotia.

Antennse pectinated ......... Ciris.

Vein 5 weak or absent .... (Acherdoa in Liparids).

March 1894.I NeUM(EGEN & DvAR. N. A. BoMBYCES. lO

Genus beudyra Stretch.

1875 Seudyra STRETCH. Cist. Ent., Vol. II, p. ig.

1882 Fenaria GkOTE, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 132; i8g2 Kiunv, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 39.

5. sabulosa Felder.

1874 Agarista sabulosa Fei.DEU, Reise tier Novara, VoI.II, pt. 2, pl.CVII,

f. II. 1874 Euscmia f sabulosa Boisduval, Rev. Zool., Vol. II, (3), p. 106. 1892 Metagarista s' sabulosa KiKBY, Cal. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 41. 1882 Fenaria scvorsa GiiOiE, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 132. 1882 Pha:gorisla sevorsa GuoTE, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 189; 1883 Can.

Ent., Vol. XV, p. 5. Thorax reddish brown, with gray hairs. Fore wings reddish brown, uneven, shaded with blackish centrally. A reniform and orbicular discal dot outlined in dark brown. Beyond the former, a large sordid white space, showing faintly a narrow, arcuate, slightly waved, transverse-posterior line. Subterminal line blackish, undu- late, obscure. Secondaries bright ocher yellow with a moderately broad, very even black border all around the outer margin. Abdo- men smooth gray. Expanse, 27 mm. Habitat, Arizona, California.

Genus Psychomorpha Harris.

1839 PsycJuniiorplia IIakris, Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. XXXVI, p. 319.

P. epimenis Dritry.

1780 Nocttia epimenis DuuRY, 111. Ex. Ent., Vol. Ill, pi. 29, f. 2.

Black, sprinkled with blue scales. A large pale yellow patch on primaries covering the space from costa to near internal angle, indented at the end of the cell by the black reniform spot which, together with the orbicular one, are defined from the ground by the absence of blue scales. A large, ovate, submarginal, reddish patch on secondaries. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Alypia Hiibner.

1825 Alypia Huhnek, Verz. bek. Sclimett., p. 351. 1873 Androloma Grote, Bull. Buff. Soc, Vol. I, p. 30.

Synopsis of species. Primaries with three yellow patches. Spots divided by black veins.

Tibiae of fore legs black ........ ridingsii.

Tibiae of fore legs orange. Spots on secondaries white.


Journal New York Ent. Soc.

[Vol. II.

Outef spot on primaries narrow Outer spot on primaries broad, ovate . Spots on secondaries yellow ....

Spots not divided by the veins.

Four patches, the outer spot divided Three patches, outer spot complete, lunate Primaries witli two patches. Secondaries with two spots.

Spots of primaries yellow, of secondaries white.

Without distinct costal enlargement on cj primaries. Spots well rounded.

Basal spot of secondaries large, extensive Basal spot small, rounded ....

Spots elongate, resembling transverse bands . With a distinct costal enlargement in (^ Spots all yellow .......

Spots all white .......

Secondaries with one spot, or rarely traces of a second .


rate- lorquinii.


mariposa. T(ir. lunata.

octomaculata. var. albomaculata. wittfeldii. disparata. dipsaci. brannani. langtonii.

A. ridingsii Grofe.

1S64 Alypia ridingsii GuOTE, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 521.

Black, without costal swelling. Collar yellow at the sides. Fore tibiee black, middle ones orange. Three yellow spots on primaries and two on secondaries, as in mac-cullochii ; variable in size from small and well separated to large or even confluent. E.xpanse, 30 mm.

Habitat^ Rocky Mountain region and mountnins of California.

A. mac-cullochii Kirby.

1S37 Alypia mac-cullochii Kirhy. Faun. Bor. Amer. , Vol. IV, p. 301.

race lorquinii Grotc ^ Robinson.

1868 -Alvpia lc>rt/ui;iii GroteSc Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p.328.

Black. Costa of ^^ with a subViyaline enlargement. Fore and middle tibite orange. A basal triangular, round, discal spot and outer ovate yellow patch on primaries, divided by the veins. Two white patches on secondaries, separated by a large black discal dot, divided by the black veins. Patagia and two dots on collar covered by yellowish hairs. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat., Canada, Rocky Mountains.

A. si mil is Stretch.

•i?>']2- Alypia similis Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 14. 1874 Alypia edwariisii BoiSDUVAL, Rev. Zool. (3), Vol. II, p. 63.

var. conjuncta Hy. Edwards.

1883 Alvpia similis var. conjuncta Hv. Edwards, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 34.

March 1894. J NeUM<£GEN & DVAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 21

Closely similar to race lorquinii, but the spots larger, and those on secondaries yellow. Rarely the spots on primaries become partly confluent (var. conjiincta).

Habitat^ California.

A. mariposa Grote &-' Robinson.

\%b%—Alypia mariposa Grote & Robinson, 'Irans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, P- 329-

%hir. lunata Stretcli.

i%-]2 Alypia lunata Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., p. 15.

Black ; collar yellow at the sides ; tibiie as in ridingsii. Fore yellow spots on primaries, the outer two before apex and internal angle respectively and sometimes united (var. lunata). Secondaris with a discal dot and outer yellow band, the latter obscurely cut by black veins. E.xpanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, California.

In this species, veins 7 to 9 arise from a short stalk from accessory cell.

A. octomaculata Fabricius,

IJJS ■Sesia octoviacitlata Fabkicius, Syst. Ent., p. 830. 1791 Zygaeiia bimaculala Gmeli.^, Syst. Nat., Vol. I (5), p. 2398. 1825 Alypia quadrigiittalis Hi'iBN'ER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 351. 1887 Alypia matiita IIv. EDWARDS, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 33.

var. albomaculata Stoll.

17S2 Noctua albomaculata Stoll, Pap. E.x. IV, pi. 345, f. C.

1810— ||^/i'//(? octomaculalis Hubn'KK, Ziitr. Ex. Schmett., Vol I, p. 22, ff.

119 20. 1825 \Agarista octomaculata Latreille, Encycl. Meth., Vol. IX, p. 803.

Black, patagia and central dot of collar yellow, fore and middle tibiae orange. Two rounded yellow spots on primaries and two white ones on secondaries, the basal one much enlarged and reaching near to base of wing, or small and rounded (var. albomacu- lata). Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

A. wittfeldii Hy. Edwards.

\%l'},— Alypia witlfeldii IIv. Edwards, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 34.

Black ; fore and middle tibiae orange red, patagia yellow ; two elongate, yellow, transverse patches on primaries, reaching from near margin to near costa, alternating with three patches of metallic blue scales. Two white spots on secondaries, slightly elongated transversely. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

22 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

A. disparata Hy. Eihvards.

1884 Alypia disparata Hy. Edwards, Pap., Vol. IV, p. 13. 1887 Alypia i^racilenta Graef, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 41. 1892 Ahpia de.perata KlUBY, Cat. Lep. Ilet., Vol. I, p. 35.

More slender than wittfeldii^ with narrower, more pointed primaries Costal margin distinctly swollen and sub-hyaline. The markings are like wittfeidii^ but the spots are more rounded as in var. aIbo)naculata. Expanse, 35—38 mm.

Habitat, Texas, Mexico.

A. dipsaci Grote & Robin son.

186S Alypia dipsaci GRorK& Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 326. Black ; patagia pale yellow ; anterior and middle tibiae orange. Two yellow rounded spots on each wing. Expanse, 28 mm. Habitat, California.

A. brannani StrctcJi.

1872 Alypia brannani Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 8. Black ; patagia yellow, costa concave as in ridingsii. Two white rounded spots on each wing. Expanse, 33 mm. Habitat, Sierra Nevada of California.

A. langtonii Coiiper.

1865 Ahpia laiio/onii CouPER, Can. Nat. (2), Vol. II, p. 64.

1868 Alypia sacrainenti Grote & RoniNSON, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol.1,

P- 327. 1884 Alypia liiidsonica Hy. Edwards, Pap., Vol. IV, p, 43. Black ; anterior and middle tibiae orange, patagia yellow. Two oval or rounded triangular spots on primaries and a single one on secondaries, pale yellow, or sometimes whitish, with a patch of metallic blue scales between them, more or less distinct. Some- times traces of a second sub-basal spot on secondaries. Expanse,

35 m'"-

Habitat, Canada, mountains of New England and New York

and the Pacific coast.

Genus Alypioides Grote. 1883 Alypioides Grote, Trans. Kansas Soc, \'ol. VIH, p. 46.

A. crescens Walker.

1856 Enscinia ':/ crescens Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1774. 1869 Ai^arista grotei Boisdu\'al, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XII, p. 70. 1883 Alypioides flavilingtds Grote. Trans. Kans. Soc, Vol. VIII,. p, 46,

March 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BoiNIBVCES 23

Black ; tongue orange, collar spotted with yellow ; two yellow spots in the cell and a large ovate one beyond, alternating with patches of blue scales. Secondaries with a single, rounded, yellow patch. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat, California to New Mexico.

/ Genus Pseudalypia Hy. Edwards.

i^-]^—Pscudalypia Hy. Edwauus, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. V, p. loi. P. crotch ii Hy. Edwards.

1874 Hy. Edwauds, Troc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. V, p. loi. var. atrata Hy. Edwards.

1884 Hy. Edwards, Tapilio, Vol. IV, p. 121.

Head, thorax, patagia and abdomen deep glossy black, with a slight bronze tinge. Collar, base of palpi and abdominal tuft, golden orange. Palpi, golden orange beneath. Primaries, glossy black, a greenish metallic tinge. The costa for about three-fourths of its length and a narrow, slightly curved band crossing the wing beyond the middle, cream white. Apical edge of fringe white. Secondaries dull black with a slightly brownish hue Fringe cream white except toward anal angle where it is black. Underside similar to upper with the band of primaries more broadly defined, and with a whitish tinge toward their base. Expanse, 22 mm. The variety is entirely brassy black except costa, which is narrowly cream white.

Habitat, Southern California.

^ Genus Eupseudomorpha Byar.

1893 Eupseudomorpha Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 28. 1880 \Edwardsia Neumcegen, Can. Ent., Vol. XU, p. 67. \'i,<^'i—\Eud7vardsia Kn<l!Y, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 36.

E. brillians Neiima'gen.

i'i2)0-Edwardsia brillians NEUMfEGEN, Can. Ent., Vol. XH, p. 67.

Black ; patagia and collar pale yellow centrally. On primaries, are an ovate orbicular and renif^rm spot, ocher yellow. A sub- terminal brick-red band preceded by a bluish white one. Three white marks alternating with the discal spots and adapted to their shape : two bluish white marks in interspace between vein I and median vein, divided by an oblique black line. Fringe white. Secondaries immaculate. Below, on primaries, part of the marks are reproduced in ocher. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Texas.

24 Journal New York Ent. Soc. . [Vol. ii.

Genus Copidryas Grote. \%']b—Copidryas Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 99.

C. gloveri Grote &= Robinson.

1868 Etischirrhopterus gloveri Grote & RoBiNSON, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. Phil, Vol. II, p. 185.

Primaries white ; thorax, a narrow costal border reaching nearly to apex, and a very broad border along outer and internal margins, dark gray. Reniform and orbicular spots gray, outlined in black : a row of black terminal dots. Secondaries ocher yellow with outer gray border and terminal black line ; fringes pale. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat^ Texas.


Genus Euthisanotia Hilbner.

1825 Euthisanotia HiiBNER, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. Ill, p. 12. 1836 Eudryas BoisDuvAL, Spec. gen. Lep.. Vol. I, pi. 14, f. 9.

Synopsis of species.

Secontlaries with complete marginal band.

No discal dot on secondaries ........ unio.

A distinct black discal dot above brevipennis.

Secondaries with a partial marginal band, absent at ape.x, . . . grata.

Secondaries without a marginal band . . . var. sanct8e=johannis.

E. unio Hilbner.

1825 Euthisanotia unio HiiBNER, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. Ill, p. 12.

White ; head and center of thorax with a tuft of curled black scales. A dark purplish costal border two-thirds of length into, which are fused the partly obsolete reniform and orbicular spots. A broad, outer, brown border, edged within narrowly with olive green, and containing a neatly waved white line, shading inwards and enclosing some darker patches before the white line. On internal margin a triangular olive patch contiguous to the outer border and scattered with bluish scales. Secondaries yellow with marginal light brown border, neatly marked with dark brown narrow lunules. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

March 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 25

E. brevipennis Stretch.

1874 Eudryas brL-vipeiinis Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 151.

Close to unio, but the discal dots more distinct and the markings in the marginal band confused. On secondaries, a distinct black discal dot, the brown border evenly clouded, without any distinct marks. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, California.

E. grata Fabricius.

1793 Bonthvx grata Fabkicius, Ent. Syst., Vol. Ill, p. 457. 1874 Eiidryas assimilis BoiSDUVAL, Rev. Zool. (3), Vol. II, p. 59.

vai\ sanctas-johannis Walker.

1856 Eiidryas sta. johannis Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. IX, p. 144.

Larger than iinio, the marking all very dark brown, with bluish white, indistinctly geminate, subterminal line on primaries. Triangular patch on internal margin large, its olive border spread- ing toward the centre of the wing (occasionally largely obscuring the white ground color, var. sanct(e-johannis]J\). Secondaries yellow, the brown marginal band fading out before apex, marked with an obscure pale bluish line. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat. Atlantic States westward.

Genus Ciris Grote. 1863- Ciris Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 65.

C. wilsonii Grote.

1863 Ciris 7vilsonii Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 65.

Snow white ; head, collar, and centre of thorax, metallic blue- brown ; an olive green costal shade fused to a reniform and discal spot. An outer border of purplish brown containing a neatly undulate, irregularly geminate, terminal line and bordered within with olive green. This tint obtains along internal margin, ending in a projection upward near base of wing. On secondaries, a deep brown patch at anal angle. Expanse, 4^ mni,

Habitat, Texas.

26 Journal New York Ent. Soc. lvol. ii,

Fiimily PERICOPID.^. Synopsis of genera.

Accessory cell present ......... Daritis.

No accessory cell.

Veins 7 - lO of primaries sta'ked from apex of cell . . Composia.

Vein lo from the sub-costal ....... Gnophaela.

Genus Daritis Walker.

1855 Daritis Walker, Cat. Lep. lirit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 618. 1870 Dorinicnia BoiSDUVAl., Lep. Guat., p. 98 ; 1892 Kirhy, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 1S6.

D. thetis Klug.

1S36 Eiiprepia thetis Klug, Neue Schmett., p. 6, ff. 12. var. howardi Hy. Edwards.

1S87 Daritis thetis var. howardi Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol.11, p. 165. Thorax black, with pale yellow triangular mark on patagia. Abdomen brick red above with dorsal black line. Primaries black with pale yellow discal mark and longitudinal band from base sending three branches to internal angle, middle of outer margin, and costa before apex respectively, all divided by the black veins. Secondaries ocher, with red border enclosing intervenular blue spots : all the markings bordered with black and separated by black veins. A large black discal spot. Expanse, 95 mm. Habitat, New Mexico.

Genus Composia Hahmv.

1822 Composia HuBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 179. 1870 Cocasira BoiSDiiVAL, Lep. Guat., p. 88.

C. fidellissima Herrich-Schoffer.

1866 IIerrich-Sch.^<;ffI':r, Corr. Blat. Regensb., Vol. XX, p. 131 ; 1890 ' Dyar, Ent. News., Vol. I, p. 105 ; i8go French, Ent. News., Vol. I, p. 153 (as ('. o/ympia); 1892 Kn<BY, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol I, p. 190. Black, with a strong blue reflection in the basal and outer part of cell of fore wing and basal two-thirds of hind wing. A bright red patch on base of costa, trisected by two black spots. A row of unequal rounded white spots border both wings outwardly, supplemented by two abbreviated rows, running from the costal edge of fore wing, obliquely outward. There are several small whitish dots on the thorax, and the abdomen is shining blue above. Expanse, 55 mm.

Habitat, Cuba, Florida.

March 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DvAR. N. A. BOMEYCES. 27

Genus Gnophasla Walker.

1854 Gnpphcela Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. II, p. 330.

1^62,— O moid la Gkote & Robinson, Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 334.

1865 Callahtcia Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 315.

Synopsis of species.

Hind wings largely pale ....... vermiculata.

Hind wings with moderate pale spots.

Spots whitish, elongate ; wings narrow .... var. discreta.

Spots pale yellow, abbreviated ...... latipennis.

Hind wings black . . . . . . . . clappiana.

Q. vermiculata Grote 6^ Robinson.

1863 Oiiioiala vcnnicitlata Grote & Robinson, Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol.

II, p. 334- 1S81 Gnopltccla continiia Hv. Edwakds, Pap., Vol. I, p. 80.

var. discreta Stretch.

1878 Gnophitla /lopfferi vax. itisaeta Stretch, Surv. W. looth Mer. Wheeler,

p. 802. 1884 GiiophcEla arizona French, Pap., Vol. IV. p. 20. 1885 Gnophcela7norriso7ti Druce, Biol. Centr. Amer. Lep. Ilet., Vol. I, p.

116, pi. 12, f. 7. Black, with the whole central area of both wings, except the veins and a large discal dot, very pale yellow. The discal spot may extend down obliquely to internal angle, or the basal half of the cell may be filled in with black (var. discreta). Expanse, 45 50 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain Region to Mexico ; Pacific North West.

Q. latipennis Boisduval.

1852 Glaucppis latipennis Boisduval, Ann. Sec. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol.X, p. 320. 1868—6". Jiopfferi Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 332. Black ; sides of collar and chest orange. On fore wing are three or four sub-apical intervenular pale yellow spots, and three larger ones on the disk, which are separated only by the median vein and vein 2. Secondaries similar, the sub-apical spots two in number, and the middle of the three discal ones much reduced in size. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat, Pacific States to Mexico.

Q. clappiana Holland.

1 891 Gnophocla clappiana HOLLAND, Ent. News., Vol. II, p. 156.


Journal New York Ent. Soc.

[Vol. II.

Black, with a quadrate pale yellow spot at end of cell and three small oval spots below apex ; a minute white spot at base. Fringe of secondaries white.

Habitat, Colorado [Holland].

Family LIPARID.4^:.

Synopsis of genera.

Cosla of primaries convex.

AnteniiK of (^ pectinated to the tip.

Female wingless or with rudimentary wings Female with weil developed wings. Vein 5 of secondaries distinct. Accessory cell present.

Abdomen tufted at base with metallic scales Abdomen untufted .....

No accessory cell .....

Vein 5 of secondaries weak or absent Antennce of <^ pectinated for the basal two-thirds only Costa of primaries concave.

Accessory cell present ; veins 7 9 stalked









Genus Notolophus Germar.

1812 Notolophus Germar, Syst. Gloss. Prodr., p. 35. I'&tb—AIicropterogyiia Rambuk, Cat. Lep. Andalusie, p. 281 note. 1876 Apterogynis GuENEE, Stat. Sci. d'Eure et Loire, p. 78.

Syjiopsis of species.

Secondaries with more or less of a red-brown tinge. Both wings red-brown.

Fore wings nearly unicolorous ...... antiqua.

Fore wings much paler centrally ...... var. badia.

Fore wings only slightly reddish. Secondaries reddish centrally.

Markings faint ; size small vetusta.

Markings distinct ; larger ... ... gulosa.

Secondaries with a very faint trace only of reddish .... cana.

Secondaries gray or blackish, without any red tint above or below.

Wings dark, heavily marked often tinged with ocherous . . defitlita.

Wings light gray, seldom heavily marked.

White spot near internal angle distinct .... leucostigma.

White spot obsolete, markings faint .... var. obliviosa.

N. antiqua Linnceus.

1758 Boinbyx antiqua LiNN^US, Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 503. 1865 Orgyia nova FiTCH, Rep. Ins. N. Y., Vol. VIII, p. 193.

March 1894.] NeUMiIGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 29

var. badia Hy. Edwards.

187^ Orgyia baJia Hy. Eewards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. V, p. 188.

d" Rusty brown, with darker transverse anterior and transverse posterior and sub-terminal lines, the latter obscure, but a very distinct bright, white spot before internal angle. Reniform discal spot faintly outlined. In the variety badia the basal space and space from trans. -post, line to margin is heavily shaded with blackish brown. P^xpanse, 25 30 mm.

Habitat, Canada and Northern United States.

N. vetusta Boisduval.

1852 Oroyia vetusta Boisduval, Ann. Ent. Soc. France, Vol. X, p. 322.

Blackish brown or gray with a red tinge, the markings obscured. White spot present, but not very large. Secondaries blackish brown with a darker border. Expanse c?, 20 25 mm.

Habitat, Coast region of California.

N. gulosa Hy. Edwards.

1881 Orgyia gtdosa Hv. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 61. 1893 Orgyia gulosa Dyar, Psyche, Vol. VI, p. 438.

Fore wings gray, slightly tinged with brown. Markings very distinct ; reniform spot pale, outlined by a brown ring : veins indicated by dark scales. Secondaries reddish centrally with a blackish border. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Coast region of California.

N. cana Hy. Edwards.

iSSi Orgyia cana Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 61. l8g2 Orgyia cana Dyar, Psyche, Vol. VI, p. 203.

Smooth dark gray, the lines black broad, well defined. Reniform outlined in brown and filled in with yellowish. Subterminal line white, the white mark above internal angle small, crescent shaped, or obsolete. Secondaries blackish tinged with brown, uniformly colored.

Habitat, Sierra Nevada of California.

N. definita Packard.

1864 Orgyia definita Packard, Prot. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 332. Dark gray, often tinged with dull ocherous along internal margin and subterminal space ; lines black, heavily marked ; sub- terminal line whitish ; white spot variable sometimes obsolete. Between transverse posterior and subterminal lines, there are usually a series of black longitudinal shades crossing the transverse

30 Journal New York Ent. Soc. ivol. ii.

posterior line opposite the reniform. Secondaries nniformly blackish with a red tinge. The 9 is uniformly sordid white. Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

N. leucostigma Abbott i> Smith.

i']qT—P/iala:na leiicosligina AuBoiT & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 79. . 1832 Cladop/iora leiicographa Geykk, Zulr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. IV, p. 33. 1856 Orgyia intermedia FncH, 2d rept. iiox. ins. N. Y.. p. 213. 1856 Orgyia borealis FirCH, 2d rept. no.\. ins. N. Y., p. 213.

var. obliviosa Hy. Edwards.

1886 Orgyia obliviosa \\y . Edwakds. Ent. Amer.. Vol. II, p. 13. 1890 Orgyia inoriiata BEUTF.NMiiLLER*, Psyche, Vol. V. p. 300.

Pale slate gray ; markings moderate or obsolete, white spot well defined or absent. Secondaries uniformly brownish gray, varying in shade from pale to dark.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

Genus Olene Habner.

1823 Olcne lIuBNER, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., Vol. II, p. 19 ; 18S3 Moore,

Lep. Ceylon, Vol. II, p. 95. 1855 Nioda Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. , pt. V, p. 1069. 1855 Rilia Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1075. 1S64 Parorqyia Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 332. 1869 Turriga Walker, Char. Lep. Het,, p. 15.

Synopsis of species. Markings of primaries entirely brown, secondaries brownish. cinnaitiomea.

Markings black or partly so ; secondaries gray or blackish.

Wings sparsely irrorate with black scales, lines distinct, especially t. p. No distinct white discal patch on primaries : dark shade beyond t. p. line not reaching to terminal line, fading out and ill defined out- wardly with a whitish edge. A longitudinal black bar along s.-m. fold .... achatina;

This bar absent ........ var. tephra.

A distinct white discal patch on primaries, and dark shade reaching to t. line, sharply defined outwardly, especially in a point between veins 6 and 7. Veins not distinctly black lined.

Basal space gray and brown ..... leucophfea.

Basal space with an ocherous patch . . . var. basiflava.

Veins black lined ....... var. atrivenosa.

Wings densely irrorate with black, pulverulent, all the markings obscured, but discernible ........ plagiata,

* The larva of this species described by me, is totally distinct from the well know 0. leucostigma and not identical as considered by Mr. Dyar (Psyche, Vol. VI, p. 420). Wm. Beutenmuller.


June 1894.] NeUMUGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 57


By B. Neumcegen and Harrison G. Dyar. (Continued from page 30.)

O. cinnamomea Grote &^ Robinson.

1866 Parorgvia ciiniaiJiomea Grote & ROBINSON, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. VI, p. 6.

Cinnamon brown, markings all brown and rather obscure. Broken outline of reniform spot and terminal line black, pulveru- lent. Median space more or less whitish gray, the subterminal brown shade bordered outwardly by a whitish shade which becomes defined near internal angle. The peculiar brown shade is characteristic.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

O. achatina Abbot 6- Smith.

1797 Phala'iia achatina Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 77. 1866 Pa?orgyia parallela Grote & ROBINSON, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. VI, p. 5.

var. tephra Hiibner.

1805? Dasychira vulgaris tephra HliBNER, Samml. Exot. Schmett., Vol. I. 1S66 Parorgyia ohliquala Grote & RoBiNSON. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol.

VI, p. 4- Fore wings ochraceous gray with white shade centrally around obsolete black ringed reniform. Basal, transverse anterior and transverse posterior lines black, irregular, sometimes partly absent. Between transverse posterior and subterminal lines a brown shade defined outwardly by the whitish subterminal line. Secondaries dull brownish with faint discal dot and outer band, or largely blackish. A black bar along submedian fold from base nearly to margin is present in the typical form. Expanse, 30 50 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States to Texas and Mexico.

O. leucophaea Abbot ^^ Smith.

1797 Phaluena leucopheca Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 78. 1866 Parorgyia clinlonii Grote & RoBiNSON, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. VI, p. 3.

'58. Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

vnr. basiflava Packard.

■l%ti,—rarorgyia basiflava PACKARD, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 332.

var. atrivenosa Pa/m*

1S93 Parorgyia atrivenosa PAiAf, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc , Vol. I, p. 21.

Differs from achatiiia in the character of the subterminal shading, which is blackish brown, sharply defined outwardly by a series of darker or concolorous dashes, the one between veins 6 and 7 reaching almost to margin of wing. Median space largely shaded with white. There is occasionally a longitudinal black bar as in achatiiia.

Habitat, Atlantic States southwestward.

O. plagiata Walker.

1855 Acyphas plagiata Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. IV, p. 799 1856 Dasychira ntoinaria Walker, Cat. Brit. Mns., pt. VII, p. 1739.

Nearly uniform ochraceous gray, irrorate with black scales, reniform outlined in black on a white ground. Markings essentially as in leucophaea, from which this species differs in the uniform markings, not contrasted, and the heavy irrorations.

Habitat., Northern N. Y. and N. E., Rocky Mountains, Canada and Pacific Northwest.

Genus Porthetria Hubner.\

1822? Porthetria HuBNEr, Verz. bek. Schniett., p. 160. P. dispar Linnaeus.

1758 Bombyx dispar Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 501, n. 27.

^ Smoky brown, paler on primaries centrally beyond cell, with dark brown dentate transverse anterior and transverse posterior and subterminal lines : two discal dots, outer one lunate. Fringe spotted with dusky. Expanse, 25 mm.

9 White, tip of abdomen brown. Lines on primaries as in the ^, smoky brown with a central shade below the outer discal dot. Fringe spotted with brown. Antennae black. Expanse, 45 mm.

Habitat., Medford, Massachusetts, and vicinity; Europe. [Introduced.]

Genus Dasychira Hubner.

1810 Dasyehira IliuiNER, Tentamen, p. I.

*I consider this a valid species and not a variety of /eucop/ura.-Wm. Beutenmiiller. fThis name should be replaced by Lyinantria Hiibn. See Hampton, Moths of India, Vol. I, p. 459.-11. G. Dyar.

June 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DvAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 59

Sj'//o/sis of species.

Secondaries yellowish with black border ...... rossii.

Secondaries uniformly smoky blackish ..... groenlanidca.

D. rossii Curtis.

1S35 Laria rossii Curtis, 2d Voyage, Ross, App. , p. 70. Blackish gray, transverse anterior and transverse posterior lines and discal dot black, pulverulent, indistinct, the lines undulate. A dentate irregular siibterminal line, faint between veins i and 2, becoming a large round black spot bordered outwardly by white, with which color all the lines are obscurely defined. Secondaries black, with a large central area pale sordid yellow. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Arctic regions.

D. grcenlandica Homeyer.

li-j^ -Dasychira gnviilaiidica Homeyek, 2te Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, Vol.

II, p. 469- 1?>()2—Dasychira gi\mlandica SKINNER & Mengel, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.

Smoky black, sub-diaphanous ; primaries of c/' with the veins marked in black ; 9 nearly devoid of markings. [Skinner & Mengel.] Habitat, Greenland.

[Note. The following three genera, which may all be Noctuids, are included here until their proper relations are better known ; since if looked for among the Bombyces, they fall into the present location in our synopsis of families.]

Genus Acherdoa ]]\jll;er.

1S65 Acherdoa Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXII, p. 451.

1884 Variiia Neumcegen, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 94 ; 1892— Smith, Can.

Ent., Vol. XXIV, p. 135 ; 1893— Packard, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV,

p. 151.

A. ferraria Walker.

1865 Acherdoa ferraria Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXII, p. 451. 1884 Variiia ornala Neumcegen, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 94.

Reddish brown, secondaries brownish black. Basal, transverse anterior and transverse posterior narrow black lines, the two latter with a broad distinct white edging on the lower half : between them the wing is deep brown with a black shade. A minute orbicular and larger eniform, pale brown discal spots, the latter bordered with white. A pale subterminal line, often obsolete superiorly, near internal angle defined by several large pulverulent black marks. A narrow terminal black line. Between basal and

60 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

transverse anterior lines, below median vein, a diffuse, rusty-brown patch. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat^ Southern States.

Genus Dyaria Neumoegen. ligS'-Dj'aria Neumcegen, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 213. D. singularis Neumoegen.

1893 Dyaria singularis Neumcegen. Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 215.

Gray ; thorax with distinct brown irrorations ; abdomen hairy, brownish. Color of wings pale gray, slightly silvery. T. a. line narrow, black, arcuate, inclosing a grizzled black and brown basal space with an elevated tuft below median vein. Median space irrorate with black with a tuft in the cell. T. a. line arcuate out- wardly over the sub-costal nervures, inwardly below ; black, edged outwardly with sordid white, the upper curve filled in with blackish brown. A submarginal row of round spots, white outwardly, and terminal elongate marks. Secondaries similarly marked, rather less distinctly and without tufts. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat^ Northern Atlantic States (?)

Genus Aon Neuinagen. 1893 Aon Neumcxgen, Ent. News, Vol. Ill, p. 258. A. noctuiformis A^eu/zurgen.

1893 Aon noctniformis Neumcegen, Ent. News, Vol. Ill, p. 258. Primaries gray with black discal dot and black irrorations especially toward base. A dull reddish shade extending upward from internal margin. Subterminally and terminally the veins are indicated in black, with irregular black shadings on terminal third of wings, divided submarginally by a pale ocherous shade which spreads up from the internal angle, narrowing superiorly and cut by the black veins. In the interspace between veins 6 and 7, a pale gray shade. Secondaries pale whitish. Body parts gray. Expanse, 29 mm. Habitat, Texas.


Synopsis of genera.

Accessory cell either absent or very long and narrow.

No accessory cell ; veins 7 and 8 of hind wings united outwardly Eudeilinia. Accessory cell present ; veins 7 and 8 free ..... Oreta.

June 1894.] NeUM(1:GEN & DvAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 61

Accessory cell present, broad, distinct.

Outer margin of primaries entire, falcate . Platypteryx.

Outer margin deeply excavate at the termination of the veins . Falcaria. Genus Eudeilinia Packard.'^

1S76 Eudeilinia Packard, Mono. Geom. Moths, U.S. Geol.Surv. (Hayden), Vol. X, p. 303.

E. herminiata Guenee.

__ lie,-]— Corycia herminiata Guenee, Phal., Vol. II, p. 58.

1873 Eudeilinia hiseriata Packard, 5th Rept. Peab. Acad., p. 68.

White ; fore and middle legs blackish brown beneath. Both with t. a. and t. p. bands of indistinct smoky spots on the veins, the t. p. band broadly sinuate. Two discal dots on the under side of both wings. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat^ Northern Atlantic States.

Genus Oreta Walker.

1855— OrfA? Wai.keu, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1166. i^b'i—Drvi'pteris Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. I, p. 346.

Synopsis of species. Pale dull rose color, with yellow band ...... rosea.

Uniformly dull rose color with no yellow band ..... irrorata.

O. rosea Walker.

1855 Drepana rosea Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1164.

1856 Cilix americana Herricu-Sch.^ffek, Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I, f. 470.

1S62 Platypteryx formula Gkote, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1862, p. 60.

var. marginata Walker.

1855 Drepana marginata Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1165.

Yellow, fore legs brick red ; thorax, two-thirds of primaries and basal half of secondaries, pale brownish rose color, slightly strigose. A darker, more purplish, marginal border on primaries, darkest at apex, with two rounded spots at internal angle, and the apex of secondaries of the same color. Two minute white discal dots on primaries. Expanse, 25 mm.

In the var. marginata, the rose-color shading at the bases of the wings becomes very obscure, leaving them largely yellow except for the dark outer border.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States. O. irrorata Packard.

1S64 Dryopteris irrorata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 377.

* Prof. J. II. Comstock has very kindly called my attention to this genus. I find our species closely related to Auzata Wlk. (See Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 735.) H. G. Dyar. , ; :

62 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

Dull rose color throughout, more reddish than rosea, with brown strigse and irrorations. At t. a. and t. p. irregular dark line, the latter duplicated by a streak from apex. Secondaries with three faint transverse blackish lines. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Northern New York, New England, Canada.

Genus Platypteryx Laspeyres.

1803 Plalypteryx Laspeykes, Neue Schrift. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berl., Vol.

IV, p. 2g. 1822 \Drepana Hl'iBXER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 149.

P. arcuata Walker.

1855 Drepana arcuata Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. V, p. 1164. 1862 Platypteryx falnila Grote, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 59.

dim. form %Qn\c\x\Si Grote.

\'i,b2— Platypteryx geiiieiila Grote, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 59. 1834 IDrepana fasciata Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent. Ilaust., Vol. IV, p. 8; 1856— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. IV, p. 1163.

race siculifer Packard.

1872 Drepana siculifer Packard, Peab. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 87.

Pale ocherous or pale straw-yellow with two black discal dots and four narrow undulating bands beside a rusty-brownish one which is straight and runs to apex into a purplish cloud. Second- aries marked with similar undulating bands, most distinct on internal margin.

The form geniciila is dark-yellow and less distinctly marked.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

The race siculifer is larger and more distinctly marked.

Habitat, California and Pacific Northwest.

Genus Falcaria Haivorth.

1809 Falcaria IIaworth, Lep. Brit., Vol. II, p. 147.

1864 Edapteryx PACKARD. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil.. Vol. Ill, p. 275.

F. bilineata Packard.

1S64 Edapteryx bilineata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 376. dim. form levis Hiicison.

1893 Prionia lci7'is HUDSON, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 24. Light yellowish ; secondaries very pale. Primaries covered with brown stride and crossed by two parallel, straight, brown lines. A minute brown discal dot. Outer margin faintly shaded with brown. This species is three brooded. The third brood, the form levis, lacks the strigffi.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States,

June 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 63


Synopsis of genera.

Subcostal veins from cell, unbranched ; size small . . . Acoloithus. Subcostal veins parti}' stalked or 8 and 9 approximate at origin. Wings broad, rounded.

Costa very convex ; wing broad .... Pyromorpha.

Costa straight or nearly so, wings more elongate . . Triprocris.

Wings very narrow, elongate ...... Harrisina.

Genus Acoloithus Clemens. 1861 .4<r(7/w7//Mj- Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., i860, p. 539. A. falsarius Clemens.

\%b\— Acoloithus falsarius Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., i860,

P- 540. 1864 Harrisina sanborni Packard, Proc. Essex Inst., Vol. IV, p. 32.

Entirely black, with very narrow reddish collar. Expanse, 18 20 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

Genus Pyromorpha Herrich-Schaffer. 1854 Pyiomorpha Herrich - ScH.i".FFEK, Saml. Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I,

f. 222. 1861 Malthaca Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil , i860, p. 540.

P. dimidiata Herrich-Schaffer.

ii^^—Pyromoip/ia dimidiata Hekrich-Sch.^FFER, Saml. Ausser. Schmett.,

Vol. I, f. 222. 1854 Lycomorpha centralis Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. II, p. 288. 1861 Malthaca perlucidula Clemens. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi!., i860, P- 541. Black, the wings translucent with a pale buff patch on basal half of primaries above vein i b. Expanse, 25 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Triprocris Grate. 1?>']Z— Triprocris Grote, Bull. Buff. Soc, Vol. I, p. 35-

Synopsis of species. .^^,*,*^!i;*-»t<_, /7t-

Body ocher yellow .......... fusca.

Abdomen black dorsally.

Body or wings more or less colored.

Thorax black centrally and on patagia.

64 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Voi. ii.

Primaries yellow, except along costa and outer margin . rata.

Primaries red except outer part of wing . . . latercula. Thorax colored.

Head, thorax and most of primaries pinkish red . constans.

These parts ocher yellow . . . , . var. sancta. Body and wings entirely black.

Black with metallic reflection smithsonianus.

Brownish black, the veins prominent . . , . . marteni.

T. fusca Hy. Edwards.

1884 Pyroinorplia ftisca Hy. Edwauds, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 43.

Thorax and abdomen ochraceous ; head and wings black, the latter translucent. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat^ Arizona.

T. rata Hy, Edwards.

1882 Lycomorpha rata Hy. Edwards, Vol. H, p. 124.

Black ; collar and lateral line on abdomen ochraceous. Pri- maries dark ocher with broad outer border (one-fourth of wing) and narrow costal edge and basal half of secondaries ocherous. Expanse, 18 mm.

Habitat^ Arizona.

T. latercula Hy. Edwards.

1882 Lycontotpha latercula Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 124.

Black ; primaries light red, outer fourth black, this color produced narrowly half way to base along costa and internal margin. Costal edge of secondaries red. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat^ Arizona.

T. constans Hy. Edwards.

1881 Lycomorpha coiisfniis Hv. Edwauds, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 81.

var. sancta Neumocgen er' Dyar.

Head, collar and thorax pinkish red ; abdomen black ; pri- maries light orange or reddish with outer margin (one-fourth) black. Costal edge of secondaries narrowly orange. Expanse, 18 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

The var. sancta has the orange parts ochraceous on both body and wings, the black border of primaries narrower.

Habitat, New Mexico.

T. smithsonianus Clemens.

1861 Procris sinithsonianiis Cle.mens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., i860, P 540.

June 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 65

Entirely black ; wings subtranslucent with slight bluish reflection. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Texas, New Mexico.

T. martenii French.

1884 Triprocris viaitenii French, Papilio, Vol. Ill, p. igr.

Brownish black, translucent; veins appearing distinctly, not obscured by the vestiture. Expanse, 24 mm. Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Harrisina Packard. 1864 Harrisina Packard, Proc. Essex Inst., Vol. IV, p. 31.

Synopsis of species. Collar black ........... coracina.

Collar red. . Size mediiim (20 30 mm.) ; black, slightly metallic.

Collar orange americana.

Collar, base of patagia and underside of head and breast

orange australis.

Larger (40 mm.) lustrous bluish green .... metallica.

H. coracina Clemens.

1861 A:^laope coracina Cle.viens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., i860, p. 539. 1887 Harrisina iiigrina Gr.i^f. Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 41.

Entirely dull black, the abdomen with a bluish lustre. Ex- panse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Texas.

H. americana Gnerin.

1829 44 Aglaope americana Guekin, Icon. R. Anim. Ins., p. 500, pi. 84

bis f. II. 1872 Harrisina iexana Stretch, Zyg. & Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 181. Black ; the wings subtranslucent. Collar broadly orange red narrowing to a line on the under side. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward to the Mississippi Valley and Texas.

H. australis Stretch.

1885 Harrisina auslralis Stkkich, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 102.

Greenish black ; prothorax reddish orange, the color extending to the base of the patagia, under side of head, and breast. Ex- panse, 29 mm.

Habitat, Florida [Stretch].


Journal New York Ent. Soc.

[Vol. II.

H. metallica Stretch.

i88f; Harrisina metallic^ Stretch, Ent. .Amer., Vol. I, p. 102.

Lustrous bluish green, with the wings a shade yellower than the abdomen. Prothorax orange, the color not extending to the head. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat, New Mexico [Stretch].

Family LIMACODID^. *

Synopsis of genera.

Primaries without accessory cell.

Antennae of (^ pectinated on basal third. Vein 10 on a stalk from end of cell.

Vein 10 given off before vein 7 ; sexes similar.

Body parts robust , Euclea.

Body parts more slender . . , . . Monoleuca.

Vein 7 given off before vein 10.

Vein 6 from upper part of cross vein : 9 and 10 forming

wide angles ...... Sisyrosea.

Vein 6 from middle of cross vein ; g and 10 forming rather acute angles. Body parts robust ; se.xes very dissimilar . Phobetron.

Body parts more slender ; sexes alike (?) . . Semyra.

Vein 10 from sub-costal on cell.

Primaries ii-veined ; vein 7 wanting .... Adoneta.

Primaries 12-veined.

Internal margin of primaries straight .... Parasa,

Internal margin slightly excavate ..... Sibine.

Antenna; of rj' simple, thickened at base.

Vein 7 from near apex of cell, close to subcostal.

Vein 10 from a stalk ...... Eulimacodes.

Vein 10 from sub-costal ....... Apoda.

Vein 7 from the cross-vein, as near to vein 6 as to the sub-costal.

Vein ID from a stalk Vein 10 from sub-costal.

Apices of primaries rectangular Apices rounded Primaries with large accessory cell .


Tortricidia. Packardia.

(see Zeiizera etc. in Cossidae).

Genus Euclea Hiibncr.

1822? Euclea Hi'iBNER, Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 149.

Synopsis of species and varieties. Tiiorax brown.

Green of primaries not covering cell. ^

Spots rounded, discal dot round ...... nana.

June 1854.]

Neuimcegen &: Dvar.' N. A. Bombvces.



var. querceti.

var. interjecta.

var. viridiclava.

var. ferruginea.


var. elliotii.



Spots angular, discal dot elongated. Wing dark brown.

Small basal and sub-apical green spots Basal patch large, bifid Patches connected by a row of dots Green forming a continuous band Wing ferruginous brown, or paler Green of primaries covering cell.

Sinus in the green patch filled in witli rust-red. Discal dot absent ..... Discal dot present .....

Sinus obsolescent, not discolored Thora.K green ........

E. nana Dyar.

1891 EucUa nana Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 6r ; iSoi Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XVIII, p. 150. Deep reddish brown. A punctiform black discal dot. A large bifid green patch with silver border, resting on internal margin, well rounded and succeeded by a ferruginous patch divi- ded by vein i. A sub-apical small circular green patch. Secondaries paler. Expanse, 15 mm. Habitat^ Florida.

E. delphinii Boisduval.

1832 Limacodes delphinii'^Q\'~,\)\SXt\\., CuvierAn. King. (Griffith), pi. ciii. f.6. 1832 Limacodes strigata Boisduval, Cuvier An. King. (Griffith), pi. ciii, f.7. 1854 Limacodes qitcrcicola Herrich-Sch.^^.FFER. Saml. Ausser. Schmett.,

f. 175. \%bo—Ncch''Ha tardi^rada Zi-Y-WV.^?,, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII,

p. 160. liqi —Euclea cippus DvAR, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XVTII, p. 151.

var. querceti Herrich-Schoffer.

1854 Limacodes querceti Herkich-Sch^ffer, Saml. Ausser. Schmett., f.174 \m\—EucIea bifida Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 338.

var. interjecta Dyar.

i8gr Eiiclea cippus var. interjecta Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 61.

var. viridiclava Walker.

1855 Eiulea viridiclava Wai.KER, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. V, p. 1154. 1864 Eticlea monitor Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 337.

var. ferruginea Packard.

iS64—Euc/ea ferruginea Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 337.

Deep reddish brown with oval discal dot. A small triangular

sub- basal green patch separated by a silvery -line from a larger

68 Journal New York Ent. Soc. '[Voi. ii.

ferruginous patch. A minute triangular sub-apical green dot also succeeded by ferruginous. Expanse, 17 22 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States to Canada and westward.

var. querceti. The basal patch throws out a green line over the ferruginous patch.

var. interjecta. The end of this green line is connected with the sub-apical dot by a row of additional dots.

var. viridiclava. The green marks fused into a continuous band.

var. ferruginea. Differs only in the ground color which is paler, being less brown and more ferruginous or ocherous.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

E. paenulata Clemens.

1S60 Enipretia piEimlata Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII, p. 159-

var. elliottii Pear sail.

1887 Eticlea elliottii Pearsall, Ent. Amer., Vol.11, p. 209. Differs from delphinii only in that the green coloration covers the discal cell, extending to the base of the wing, and forming a large triangular indented patch as in incisa. The black discal dot is frequently present.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States westward.

E. incisa Harvey.

1876 Parasa incisa Harvey, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 5. Thorax and primaries dark wood- brown except for a large green patch covering most of primaries, slightly indented above internal angle. x\bdomen and secondaries pale stramineous, with fringe brownish. Expanse, 18 25 mm. Habitat, Texas.

E. indetermina Boisdiival.

1832 Limacodes indetermina BoiSDUVAL, Cuvier An. King. (Grifiith), pi.

103. f. 8. i%^ Lima(Mit<! vi^-jdis R-gAKTR'l', Pfec-Etttr-SuC. riiil.,-VolT-Jtfr~pr~^^- 1864 Callochlora vernata PACKARD, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 339. Thorax green, abdomen ocherous brown. Primaries crossed by a very broad green band which reaches base at internal margin leaving a triangular space at costa and terminal space blackish wood-brown, with blackish shade centrally on external margin. Secondaries ocherous brown, pale at base. Habitat, Atlantic States.

June 1894. J NeUMCEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BOMBVCES. 69

Genus Monoleuca Grote &-' Robinson. 1869 - Mouoleuca Gkote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 187. Synopsis of species. Transverse band upright. Band white.

Band narrow ; preciiled by a ferruginous shade . . SUbdentOSa.

Band wider ; wing concolorous .... semifascia.

Band yellow sulfurea.

Transverse band oblique ........ Obliqua.

M. subdentosa Dyar.

1S91 Monoleuca subdentosa Dyar, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XVIII,

p. 156- Brown, secondaries paler. Half band on centre of internal margin narrow, twice regularly undulate, preceded by a brighter brown shade.

Habitat^ Florida. M. semifacia Walker.

1S55 Limacodes semifascia Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. II51.

Uniform deep brown ; secondaries paler. The white half band is straight near internal margin but becomes broadened and irregu- larly waved at the middle of the wing.

Habitat, Southern States to Texas.

M. sulfurea Grote.

18S0 Monoleuca sulphurea Grote, North Am. Ent., Vol. i, p. 60.

Uniform brown ; the half band reaches median vein ; straight, with minute dentose projections, silvery white with a slight yellow tinge.

Habitat, Florida.

M. obliqua Hy. Edwards.

1886 Monoleuca obliqua Hv. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 10, Uniform brown, the silvery white line very oblique, running almost to base, cf antennae very shortly pectinated and only for basal third. Secondaries much paler than fore wings. Habitat, Florida.

Genus Sisyrosea Grote.

1876 Sisyrosea GuO'l'E, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 112.

1864— |U-f« Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 347 ; i8qi Dvar,

Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 156. 1892 Sosiosa KiKBV, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 551.

Synopsis of species. Wings without distinct lines ....... inornata.

Two transverse parallel dark lines ...... nasoni.

10 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol ii.

S. inornata Grote 6^ Robinson.

I'&t-j—Liiiiacoih's inornata Grote & KoiiiNSON, Ann. Lye. N. Y., Vol. VIII, p. 372.

cT Flesh brown centrally on primaries, shaded broadly at base and external margin with rusty-brown and purplish. Hind wings chocolate brown. O entirely flesh-brown, slightly chocolate tinted especially on secondaries, showina- hardly a trace of the shading of the ^, E.xpanse, 15 20 mm.

Habitat^ Northern Atlantic States.

S. nasoni Grote.

1876 Sisyrosea nasoni GuoTE, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 112. 1S82 Liinacodes rude Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 12. Pale brownish ; primaries with two oblique parallel dark brown lines, the outer sub-terminal, both faintly pale bordered outwardly. Expanse, 25 32 mm.

Habitat^ Southern States.

Genus Phobetron Hiibner.

1827? Phobdrcn IIubner, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 398. 1841 Ecnoiniiica Wesi'Wood, Nat. Lib. Ex. Mollis, p. 183.

P. pithecium Abbot ^ Smith.

1797 Phahcna pitluciiiin Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 74.

1827 Phobetron abbotana HiiBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 398.

1864 Thyridopteryx nigricans PACKARD, Proc. Ent. Soc. Pliil., Vol. Ill, P- 350.

1864 Liinacodes hyalinus Walsh, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., \o\. IX, p. 299.

1864 Liinacodes? tetradnctylus Walsh, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H.. Vol. IX,

p. 300. (^ Black, the tibite of middle legs with straw-yellow hairs. Wings smoky hyaline with black borders, broad on anal margin of secondaries. Thorax tufted with black and brown ; a blackish discal dot on primaries.

9 Fore wings opaque, wood-brown, shaded over with black, especially at base and apex. Three transverse brown-black bands, basal, median, and transverse posterior, the first two sometimes obsolete, the outer dentate inwardly, appearing as if produced into contiguous finger shaped processes, into which a blackish median shading extends. An obscure discal dot either pale or blackish. Fringe deep brown. Secondaries blackish ; a terminal wood-brown shade. Expanse, 17 25 mm.

Habitat^ Atlantic States westward.

June 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 11

Genus 5emyra IValker. 1855 Seinyra Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1130. S. beutenmuelleri Hy. Edivards.

l%i-] —Limacodes heutetiniuelleri Hv. EDWARDS, Can. Ent., Vol. XIX, p.i45-

Squammation and aspect of 9 Phobetron pitheciiini. Primaries deep-brown, irrorate with bluish scales, with irregular patches of pale ocherous at middle of costa, beyond cell and along internal margin, these spots scarcely confluent. The apex, to middle of outer margin, pale ocherous. Secondaries blackish. Thorax with the colors of primaries intermixed ; abdomen brown. Expanse, 22 mm. S' unknown.

Habitat^ Florida.

Genus Adoneta Clemens.

\%bQ—Adoneta Clemens, Pioc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII, p. 158.

Synopsis of species.

Fore wings brown, shaded with blaciiish and gray.

Moderate in size, 18— 20 mm., slightly shaded . . . spinuloides.

Very small, 14— 15 mm., darkly shaded pygmaea.

Fore wings quite uniform, not shaded ...... leucosigma.

A. spinuloides Herrich-Schoffer.

1854 Z/wrtcw/d-j jr/?/«</(7?V^.f Herrich-Scii^ffer, Saml. Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I, f{. 187—8.

i860 Adoneta valuta Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII, p. 158.

i%t<i— Liinacodes ferrigera Walker, Cat. Brit. Mui., pt. XXXII, p. 486. Primaries chocolate brown with oval black discal spot and large terminal spots ; a sub-basal and sub-apical narrow transverse white streak, on internal margin and costa respectively, the sub- apical one curved and the two connected by an arcuate row of black dots. Within these lines, the wing is shaded with whitish and black, and in some specimens, these shades prevail sub-terminally also. Secondaries pale brown. Expanse, 18 20 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

A. pygmaea Grotc &-- Robinson.

1868 Adoneta pygmtva Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 189.

Primaries brownish or wholly suffused with blackish with white linear marks as in spinuloides. No terminal line. Expanse, 14 15 mm.

Habitat, Texas.

T2 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol ii.

A. leucosigma Packard.

1864 Cyclopteryx letuosigma Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol.111, p.345- Cinnamon brown with white marks and a curved row of black

dots as in spinuloides, but without whitish and black shadings. A

dark linear discal spot. Expanse, iS mm. Habitat, Atlantic States to Texas.

Genus Parasa Moore.

iSsg Parasa MoORE, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C, Vol. II, p. 413. 1864 Callochlora Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 339.

P. chloris Her rich- Schdffer.

1854 Necera chloris Herrich-Sch.^kfek, Saml.Auss. Schmett., Vol.1, f. 176. 1881 Parasa fralcrita Grote, Papilio, Vol. I, p, 5.

Thorax^'^'een, abuomen brown. Fore wings crossed by a broad green band which reaches base at internal margin. Terminal space evenly brown. Secondaries ochirous, outer third brown. Expanse, 18 22 mm.

abifat, Northern Atlantic States.

Genus Sibine Herrich-Schaffer.

1855 Sibine Herrich-Sch.effer, Saml. Aiiss. Schmett., Vol. I, p. 7. i860 Empretia Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII, p. 158 libb—Eupalia Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXV, p. 1927. 1878 Neomircsa Butleu, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 74.

5. stimulea Clemens.

1S60 Empretia s.'iiinilca Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil,, Vol. XII, p. 158.

iS6() Limaeo(tesep/ii/'piai//s Harris, Corresp., p. 301,, pi. 1, ff.7, 8, pi. 2, f. 10.

Thorax and fore wings lustrous deep seal brown. Secondaries and abdomen chocolate brown. A blackish shade in cell and below median vein. Two or three minute white dots sub-apically and another below median vein beyond base. Expanse, 15—25 ram.

Habitat, Atlantic States, especially southward.

Genus Eulimacodes Mbschler.

1878 Eulimacodes Mcescmler, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien., Vol. XXVII, p. 672.

Synopsis of species.

Costal portion of wing brown, contrasting with portion at internal

margin scapha-

Ground of color of wing uniform ....... trigona.

June 18^4 ] NeUMCE GEN &: DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 73

E. scapha Harris.

1841 Limacodes scapha HARRIS, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 303; 1864 Walsh, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., Vol. IX, p. 298.

1855 Limacodes undifera Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1149.

Wood-brown. Costal area of primaries deep reddish brown, enclosing a black discal dot and separated by a very much curved silvery line from the rest of the wing. The silvery color spreads downward, gradually fading into wood-brown. Secondaries chocolate brown. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat^ Atlantic States westward.

E. trigona Hy. Edwards.

1S82 Limacodes tj-igona Hv. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 12.

Pale wood-brown, secondaries pale chocolate but paler than in scapha ; at base of primaries, is a rounded triangular silvery white mark, surrounded by a chocolate brown cloud which obtains faintly at apex also. Antennae with distinct serrations, but not pectinate. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Apoda Hawort/i.

1809 Apoda Haworth, Lep. Biit., Vol. II, p. 137. 1810? Cochlidion HiiBNER, Tentamcn, p. 2. 1825 Limacodes Laireille, Fam. Nat., p. 474.

Synopsis of species. Space included by transverse maculation, discolorous.

Fore wings wood-brown ....... biguttata.

Fore wings ocherous.

A spot of ground color at internal angle .... rectilinea.

No distinct spot at internal angle .... var. latomia.

Ground color of wing concdlorus.

Size moderate : expanse, 27 mm ..... y=inversa.

Size smaller : expanse, 20 mm ..... var. parallela.

A. biguttata Packard.

1864 Limacodes biguttata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 341.

1865 Limacodes tetraspilaris Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. XXXII, p. 486.

Wood-brown, secondaries blackish. A very broad inverted

Y-shaped paler band across the wing, defined by its whitish borders

and cutting off at apex and at internal margin a triangular space

which is of a contrasting dark ocherous brown. Expanse, 20 25 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States. A. rectilinea Grote d Robinson.

1868 Lithacodes rectilinea Grote & RoBlNSON, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 188.

74 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii

var. latomia Harvey.

1875 Liniacodes latomia Hauvey, Can. Ent., Vol. IX, p. 75.

Ochraceous brown, secondaries paler. Space between the oblique blackish transverse lines discolorous, grayish. Apex copcolorous with base. A spot of ground color at internal angle, absent in the var. latomia. Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat.^ Southern States. A. y=in versa Packard.

1864 Limacodcs y-invcrsa Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 341.

var. parallela Hy. Edwards.

1886 Litnacodes paialU'la Hy. Edwards, Ent. Anier., Vol. II, p. lo.

Brownish ocherous, secondaries paler. An oblique brown line from middle of costa to basal third of internal margin. Another reversed oblique line from outer one-third of costa to above internal angle on exterior margin ; a third fainter line, parallel to the first, reaching from outer third of internal margin to middle of the second line. Expanse, 25 mm.

The var. parallela has the sub-apical oblique line nearer the apex, and is smaller. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Heterogenea Knock.

1793 Heterogenea Knoch, Beitr. Insect., Vol. Ill, p. 60.

Sy/iopsis of species.

Wings partly obscured by brown shades ..... ceesonia.

Wings with lines only flexuosa.

H. caesonia Grote.

1880 Liinacodes ca:sonia Groie, North Am. Ent., \o\. I, p. 60. 1864 1 Heterogenea shnrtteffii Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, P- 346-

Ocherous, a large blackish brown patch occupying the centre of the wing, filling in the normal maculation, but leaving a spot of the ground color centrally and at internal angle or extending diffusely to apex and rendering the whole wing brownish except the basal third. Secondaries blackish, ocherous at base. Expanse, 18 23 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

H. flexuosa Grotc.

iZ^^—f.Liinaeodes textula Herkicii-Sch.EFFER, Auss. Schmett., Vol.1, f. 1S4. 1880 Liniacodes Jlexxiosa Grote, North Am. Ent., Vol. I, p. 60. 18S7 Lithacodia grafii Packard, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 52.

June 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 75

Ocherous, the fore wings darker, more brownish. Markings like A. y-inversa, but confused and indistinct. Expanse, 15 22 mm. Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

Genus Tortricidia Packard.

i%b\—Tortricidia Packard, rrbc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 347. 1864 \Lithacodes Packard*, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 345. \%b\—Krona:a Reakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 441.

Synopsis of species.

Fore wings crossed by faint lines or shades, or immaculate. Faint lines only present if any. Hind wings pale.

The lines discernible flavula.

Fore wings immaculate ..... var. pallida.

Hind wings uniform blackish ...... Itlinuta.

A e.Ktensive brown shading ....... testacea.

Fore wings crossed by a toothed white line.

A dark shade outside this line ....... fasciola.

This shade absent ....... var. laticlavia.

T. flavula Herrich-Schaffer.

1854 Li inacoch-s flavula Herrich-ScH/KFFer, Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I, f.185. var. pallida Hcrrich-Schaffcr.

1854 Li ntacodcs pallida Herrich-Sch.EFFER, Ausser. Schmett., Vol.1, f. 183.

Lustrous silky fiesh-brown, darker along external margin with traces of brown lines. Secondaries pale straw-yellow, darker along fringes. Expanse, 13 18 mm.

The var. pallida is immaculate.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

T. m inula Reakirt.

1864 Liinacodes miiiuta Reakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 251.

Fore wings and body clay colored with a silky look ; hind wings blackish or browMiish. Expanse, 10 12 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

[Description kindly furnished us by Dr. Herman Strecker.]

T. testacea Packard.

1S64 Tortricidia testacea PACKARD, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil, Vol. Ill, p. 348.

Brownish ochraceous, especially brown on the outer half of the wing, forming a broad diffuse transverse shade, best defined on the venules. Secondaries pale stramineous. Expanse, 16 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

* A genus of Noctuidse ; Hiibner. Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 205 (1816).

76 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. n.

T. fasciola Herrich-Schaffcr.

1854 Li macodes fasciola Heurich-Sch.^fker, Ausser. Schniett., Vol.1, f.i86.

var. laticlavia Clemens.

i860 Limacodcs laticlavia Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII,

P- 157- Ocherous brown, secondaries blackish or straw color. A white band crosses fore wing centrally with a tooth outward, followed (except in var. latielavia) by a broad purplish brown shade. A curved brown line from internal angle to costa at end of white band. Expanse, 16 20 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Packardia Grote & Robinson.

1866 Packardia Gkote & RouiNsuN, Ann. Lye. Nat. Ilist. N. Y., Vol.

VIII, p. 373. 1864 \Cyr/osia Packard, Proc. Ent. .Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 342.

Synopsis of species.

Spots above internal angle of primaries blaclc or blackish.

Fore wings bronzy brown ....... elegans.

Fore wings whitish buff . . . . . . . var. fusca.

Spots above internal angle white.

Secondaries whitish ........ geminata.

Secondaries blackish.

Fore wings obscured by dark shadings . . . albipunctata. Fore wings only slightly obscured .... vai: Ocellata.

P. elegans Packard.

1864 Cyrtosia elcgaiis Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 342. 1881 Packardia nigripiiiictata Go(.)DELL, Can. Ent., Vol. XIII, p. 30.

var. fusca Packard.

1864— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phi!., Vol. Ill, p. 343.

Blackish or bronzy brown to pale whitish buff. Two oblique whitish lines, outer reaching only to a third line which runs from near middle of costa to internal angle contiguous to two or three superposed black spots. Inner white line bordered with blackish. Expanse, 20 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

(To BE continued.) - :

Sept. 1894.1 NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBVCES. 109


By B. Neumcegen and Harrison G. Dvar.

(Continued from page 76.)

P. geminata Packard.

1864 Packaidia geminata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 343.

Marked exactly as in albipunctata but with paler secondaries and the shading on primaries usually less extensive. Expanse, 26 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States. Probably not different from the following.

P. albipunctata Packard.

1864 Packardia albipunctata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 3-14. 1880 Packardia goodcUii Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. XII, p. 242.

var. ocellata Grote.

1865 Packardia ocellatq Gkote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 322.

Ground color white ; three brown bands, the inner two oblique, parallel ; the third running in a reverse direction from costa to internal angle where are two or three superposed silvery white spots. The wing is more or less obscured by ocherous and chocolate brown shadings, though the ground color appears at the apex ; secondaries blackish. Expanse, 23 27 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States,

Family LAGOID^E.

Synopsis of genera.

Vein I of primaiies branched.

Veins 3 and 4 of secondaries stalked ..... Carama.

Veins 3 and 4 arising separately ..... Megalopyge.

Vein I of primaries iinbranched.

Antennae longer than thorax ; body robust .... Eupoeya.

Antennce very short ; primaries with accessory cell . . Dalcerides.

Genus Carama Walker.

1855— C(?;vi;«rt Walker, Cat. Brit. Miis., pt. IV, p. 843. ■i'i,^%—Mallatodes)Ha Wallengren, Nat. Akad. Hand!., Vol. XV, p. 212. \%t^,— Ulosota Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 524.

no Journal New York Ent. Soc, [Vol. ii.

C. cretata Grate.

1864 Ulosota cretata Gkote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 524. Silky milk white, immaculate, except the head which is lemon yellow between the antennas, and blackish beneath. Antennae pale fulvous brown, the stem white at base. Abdomen marked with fulvous on the segments ; dorsal hairs white, except a large, pale, lemon yellow tuft at base. Expanse, 27 mm. Habitat, Southern States [Grote].

^- /'^'^ f^<^^c^;^ "^"^ieniS^Megalopyge Hubfter.

1822? -Megalopyge HIibnek, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 185.

1841 Lagoa IIaruis, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 205.

1855 Chiyso[>yga IIerrich-Sch/effek, Ausser. Sclimett., Vol. I, p. 6.

1855 Gasina Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VI, p. 1478.

1856 Podalia Walkek, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1714.

i860 Piinela CLEMENS, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII, p. 156.

Synopsis of species.

Wings immaculate brownish ocher ...... pyxidifera.

Wings shaded with black and brown.

Color ocher yellow opercularis.

Color straw yellow ........ crispata.

M. pyxidifera Abbot 6" Smith.

1797 Phalana pyxidifera Ahuot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 54.

Immaculate brownish ocher throughout, the thorax rather darker and hind wings paler. Body woolly as also base of fore wings. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat., Southern Atlantic States.

M. opercularis Abbot &= Smith.

i-]C)-] Phahriia opercularis Abisot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 53. i860 Piinela laituginosa Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XII,

p. 157. 1869 Jt/iresa{7) stibcitriiia Walker, Char. Lep. Ilet., p. 20.

Thorax brownish ocher, fore wings at apices dull yellow, secondaries straw yellow. Basal two-thirds of primaries covered with wrinkled hairs of a purplish brown color mixed with white, the purplish tint predominating on costa. Expanse, 25 38 mm.

Habitat., Southern States. M. crispata Packard.

1864 Lagoa crispata Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 335.

Pale straw yellow, the long wool on basal part of fore wing much wrinkled, purplish black along the costa and brown over the

Sept. 1894-1 NeUMCEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BoMBVCES. Ill

discal area, leaving a broad terminal space of the ground color. Expanse, 25 30 mm.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States.

^ Genus Eupoeya Packard.

iSg2—£i//>oiya Tackard, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 167.

E. slossonise Packard.

1893 Eupoeya slossonice Packaud, Eiil. News, Vol. IV, p. i6g. .Pure white with no markings ; pectinations of antennae dusky. Expanse, 22 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

Genus Dalcerides Ncuma'gen Cs^ Dyar. 1893 Dalcerides Neumcegen & Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 121.

D. ingenita Hy. Edwards.

1882 Artaxa ingenita Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 12 ; 1893 Neu- mcegen & Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 121.

Thorax and fore wings dark ocherous, abdomen and hind wings reddish ocherous, immaculate. Wings broad, rounded,, antennae not as long as the thorax. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Family DIOPTID.^.

Genus Phryganidia Packard. 1864 Phryganidia Packard, Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 348.

P. californica Packard.

1864 Phryganidia California Packard, Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. IV, p. 349.

Uniform pale brown, translucent, veins showing prominently; collar tinged with yellow. In the cT a pale yellow, diffuse cloud beyond the end of cell. Expanse, 30 35 mm.

Habitat, California.

According to Kirby's Catalogue, the following species occurs in North America. It is unknown to us :

Dioptis megaera Fabricius.

1787 fiomhyx 7neg{Fta Fabricius, Mant. Ins., Vol. II, p. log, n. 12.

Fore wings light bluish spotted with white. Hind wings white in the middle, bluish at apex with waved reddish bands. (Linne Syst. Nat. (5), 2404, n. 467).

112 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

Family NOTODONTID.-?^:.*

SynoJ^sis of subfamilies and genera.

Outer margin of primaries excavate below apex; accessory cell on a

long stalk Apatelodinae.

Outer margin entire, or at most moderately excavate between the termination of the nervules. Antennae of cf bipectinated to the tip or simple . . Notodoiltinae.

Antennas of (^ with distinct pectinations. Primaries with an accessory cell.

A tufted tooth on internal margin of primaries . . Notodonta. Internal margin entire.

Pectinations of antenna; long.

Thorax with large cential tuft ..... Nadata.

Thorax untufted Hyparpax.

Pectinations moderate or short.

Costa of primaries straight, apex rectangular . Symmerista. Costa convex, apex rounded ..... Nerice. Primaries without accessory cell. (Rarely a small one in one Centra.) Internal margin entire. Vein 5 of secondaries distinct ..... Cerura.

Vein 5 of secondaries weak or absent.

Tip of abdomen with a brush-like tuft . . Melalopha.

Tip of abdomen simple.

Size small Gluphisia.

Size larger Eumelia.

A tufted tooth on internal margin of primaries . . . Pheosia, AntenncE of (^ simple, without distinct pectinations. A tufted tooth on internal margin of primaries.

Accessory cell absent Lophodotlta.

Accessory cell present Lophopteryx.

Internal margin entire.

Accessory cell present Datana.

Accessory cell absent ....... Nystalea.

Antennce of (^ pectinated for basal two-thirds or more, the tips

bare Heterocampinae.

A slight tooth on internal margin of primaries . . . lanassa.

Internal margin entiie. Accessory cell present. Antennae of 9 simple.

Antennae of (^ pectinated for basal three-fourths or less. A vertical tuft on the head; black spots above internal

angle of primaries . , . . Dasylophia.

Head without a distinct erect tuft. Terminal abdominal hairs gathered into a more or

less conspicuously bifid tuft . . Schizura.

* For a fuller treatment of this family see Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XXI, pp. 179-208.

Sept. 1894.!

Neumiegen & Dyar. N. a. Bombyces.


Anal tuft not normally bifid.

Accessory cell moderately long . . Euhyparpax.

Accessory cell reaching half-way to apex of wing. Wings elongate, more than twice as long as

broad .... Heterocampa.

Wings shorter, twice as long as broad or less . Cecrita.

Antenna of cf pectinated nearly to tip . . Misogada.

Antenncc of 9 pectinated Litodonta.

Accessory cell absent; veins 6 10 stalked.

Head moderately prominent .... Macrurocampa.

Head sunken in the thorax ...... Ellida.

Subfamily APATELODIN.'t:. Genus Apatelodes Packard.

Synopsis of species.

Outer margin entire below vein 5 . ....

Outer margin deeply excavate between the terminations of veins

torrefacta. angelica.

Subfamil)' NOTODONTIN.^. Genus Notodonta Ochsoihcimer.

Synopsis of species.

Size large; external margin of primaries excavate between the veins . elegans. Size smaller; external margin entire.

Fore wings shaded with ocher and brown along internal and external margins. Thorax dark ash-gray ....... stragula

Thorax blackish gray ........ pacifica.

Fore wing without ocherous brown marks, but with longitudinal black dashes before internal angle. Primaries yellowish at base and disk .... georgica.

Primaries uniform stone-gray ..... tortuosa.

Genus Nadata Walker.

Synopsis of forms.

Color buff or orange buff to red. General color buff.

Excavations on external margin filled in with white . . gibbosa. Fringe uniformly ocherous ..... var. doubledayi.

Color deep orange red ...... race rubipennis.

Color straw yellow.

Wings without black shades . . . . race oregonensis.

A black shade at end of cell . ... var. behrensii.

114 Journal New York Ent. Soc [Voi. ii.

(ienus Hyparpax H'ubner.

Synopsis of species.

Median sjiace clear yell^v aurora.

Median space irrorate or covered by reddish scales.

Fore wing pink, with only a line of yellow ..... venus. Fore wing pale, dull ocherous with lines and irrorations of brownish

red perophoroides.

Genus Symmerista H'ubner.

Synopsis of species.

A white costal edging albifrons.

No white edging packardii.

Genus Nerice ]VaIker. N. bidentata Walker.

Genus Cerura Schrank.

Synopsis of species.

Primaries crossed by about eight angularly undulate black lines.

Secondaries black multiscripta.

Secondaries white ........ scitiscripta.

Primaries crossed at basal third by a broad gray band, sometimes absent. One or more transversa dentate lines on discal area before the sub- terminal shade. Transverse band gray, pulverulent, bordered by black and orange scales.

Fore wings pale cinereous occidentalis.

Fore wings white.

Transverse band broad .... scolopendrina.

Transverse band narrow or broken . . var. albicoina.

Band even blackish, without distinct borders . . . modesta. A double row of venular dots, forming an ellipse, sometimes

obsoletely connected ...... borealis.

A single row of venular dots, preceded by a rigid shade line, or discal area immaculate. Fore wings dark cinereous ...... cinerea.

Fore wings pale cinereous .... var. cinereoides.

Fore wings nearly white.

Transverse gray band distinct .... var, placida.

This band very obscure or absent .... var. nivea.

Genus Melalopha Hilbner.

Synopsis of species. Lines on primaries not anastamosing, free.

Size large with a distinct large brown apical shade . . albosigma.

Size sm dler; apical region not distinctly discolored.

Sept. 1894.]

Neumckgen & DvAR. N. A. Bomkvces.


Wing uniform in tint .......

Wing sliaded witli darker blotclies.

Pale, the blotches contrasting ....

Dark, more uniformly obscured ....

Lines anastomosing, the second joining the third. Lines uneven, the basal toothed.

Subapical patch pale, yellowish, the s.-t. dots preceded by streaks ........

Patch yellowish to rusty-brown, without streaks. Size moderate; thoracic mark present Larger; no thoracic mark .....

Lines nearly even, the basal one disl'ocated, but not toothed. 4th line white on costa ......

4th line not distinctly white ......


brucei. multnoma.


apical Is. Hiornata.

inclusa. jocosa.

Genus Qluphisia Boisdirval.

Syjiopsis of species.

With a yellow (or black) central band on prifnaries more or less distinct.

Markings distinct septentrionalis.

Markings confused and irrorate ...... formosa.

Pale, with no distinct yellowish markings ..... albofascia.

Genus Eumelia Neumcegen. Synopsis of species.

A yellow angular discal dot No discal dot

severa. liHtneri.

Genus Pheosia Hahner.

Synopsis of species. A silvery white line at base of vein i.

Central part of fore wing white ....

Wing centrally smoky black .... Without silvery white mark.

Uniform blackish gray with black discal dot

Primaries brown at base; no discal dot

dimidiata. portlandia.

simplaria. basitriens.

Genus Lophodonta Packard.

Synopsis of species.

Primaries partly shaded with ferruginous browa Primaries with scattered ocher-yellow marks

Genus Lophopteryx StcpJicns. L. capucina Liniueus.

ferruginea. angulosa.


Journal New York Ent. Soc.

[Vol. 11.

Genus Datana ]]'alkcr.

Synopsis of species. Outer margin of primaries distinctly excavate between the veins. Color entirely smoky or blackish brown ....

Color yellowish brown or paler.

Discal spots faint or absent, size medium.

Color yellow brown ......

Color testaceous ......

Discal spots distinct, size large ....

Outer margin indistinctly excavate, nearly entire in the cf. Color tawny-brown or purplish.

Tawny-brown, discal spots distinct, size large More or less purplish, discal spots indistinct, size medium. Thoracic patch reddish brown.

Fore wings dull whitish lilac, more or less covered with

cinnamon-brown scales .... palltlii.

Fore wings dark brown with a purplish flush . floridana. Thoracic patch ocherous ...... modesta.

Color yellowish buff.

Thoracic patch tawny-brown ..... perspicua.

Thoracic patch as pale as thorax ..... robusta.

Outer margin of primaries entire or a little wavy in the 9-

Primaries dark reddish-brown, lines and fringe concolorous, integerrima. Primaries luteous-tawny, lines and fringe not concolorous . contracta.






(ienus Nystalea Gi/enee.

N. Indiana Grote.


Genus lanassa Walker.

Synopsis of species.

Yellowish or sordid cinereous Kright bluish cinereous .

lignicolor. coloradensis.

Genus Dasylophia Fackixni.

Synopsis of species. T.-p. line on primaries distinct, arcuate, even .... anguina.

T.-p. line obsolete superiorly; markings streaked longitudinally, thyatiroides.

Genus Schizura Doubleday.

Synopsis of species. Transverse bands largely absent.

Size small (36 mm. or less), the brown shade along internal margin

of primaties, distinct ..... COIIcinna.

Size larger (40 mm. or more), this shade less distinct or absent.

Yellowish cinereous at apex, reddish shade moderately distinct, eximia.

Sept. 1894.]

Neum<egen & Dyar. N. a. Bomuvces.


Bright cineieous at apex; shade along internal margin yellowish



7'ar. telifer.



or absent ......

Transverse bands normally present.

Discal dot surrounded by a light cinereous space. Scarcely any black shading on primaries Two long black dashes ......

Whole middle of wing black to outer margin Discal dot on the ground color.

Primaries pale green at extreme base Without green tints.

Discal dot lunate; size small.

Transverse lines distinct, black, coarsely undulate . apicaiis. Lines faint, reddish, finely undulate .... nitida.

Discal dot round; size larger .... leptinoides.

Genus Euhyparpax Beuteiimullcr.

E. rosea Bcutenmilllcr.

Clenus Heterocampa Doiiblcday.

Synopsis of species. Size large (Expanse, 40 mm. or more.) Discal streak lunate.

Wings varied with whitish, especially sub-apically. With conspicuous greenish-gray shades More uniformly cinereous ....

A large brown patch beyond cell Wings very uniformly dark-gray .....

Wings without distinct white sub-apical shade, sub-basal field dark .........

<3.;!tU^i-'**^«'*»«l ^<vC"

Discal mark ovate or reniform ......

Size small (Expanse, 35 mm. or less.)

Wings greenish or gray with white sub-apical shade

Wings evenly gray without any white shade . . . .

Genus Cecrita Walker.

Synopsis of species. Dull greenish; transverse lines purplish brown, geminate, lunulate Whitish, clouded with black; transverse lines faint Cinereous, with black, geminate, angular, transverse lines

Genus Misogada ]VaIker. M. cinerea Packard.

Genus Litodonta Harvey. L. hydromeli Harvey.

Genus Macrurocampa Dyar. M. marthesia Cramer.

Genus Ellida Groie. E. caniplaga Walker.





umbrata. manteo.

subrotata. belfragei.




118 Journal New York Ent. Soc. lvol. ii.

Family BOMBYCID^:.

Genus Bombyx Linnceus.

175S Bombyx LiNN.KUS, Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 499.

B. mori Liiuuviis.

1758 BoDibyx iiiori LiNN/EUS, Syst. Nat-, Vol. 1, p. 499, n. 18; 1S91 Smith, List. Lep., No. 1413.

Entirely white, with very faint brown t. a., median and t. p. bands and discal dot. This is the well known "silk-worm" moth, and is cultivated in various parts of this country.

Family PSYCHID.*:.*

Synopsis of genera.

Vein lb of primaries sending a branch to internal margin. Wings elongate, narrow.

Hind wings triangular, apex acuminate . . . Oikelicus.

Hind wings rounded, apex obtuse .... Thyridopteryx.

Wings broader ; size small ....... Psyche,

Vein 6 present on fore'wing, absent on hind wing, group Platoeceticus. Vein 6 absent on both wings .... group Eurycyttarus.

Vein lb free from inner margin, without a branch .... Chalia.

(lenus Oiketicus Guildiiig. 1837 Oiketicus Guilding, Trans. Linn. Soc. I-ond., Vol. XV, p. 375.

O. abbotii Grote.

1880— Gkote, N. Am. Ent., Vol. I, p. 52.

(^ Sable brown with a vitreous bar at the extremity of the cell of the primaries. The narrow external edging of the wings is pale. A blackish streak at base on vein i, and a broad shade from cell outward to external margin. Expanse, 30 mm.

'Habitat^ Florida.

Genus Thyridopteryx Stephens.

1834— T^Z/jr/r/f/ZtT/x Stei'uens, 111. Brit. Ent. Haust., Vol. IV. p. 387. 1865 Hyinenopsyche Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Thil., Vol. V, p. 24S.

Synopsis of speeies. Veins of wings brown ....... ephemerseformis.

Veins of wings pale orange ........ meadii.

T. ephemeraeformis Haivorth.

1803 sphinx ephemericforniis IIawurth. Lep. Brit., p. 72.

1864 Eceticus conifer arum Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p.351.

* The wingless females of all the species in this family are not very charact- eristic, and descriptions of them are omitted.

Sept. iSj^.] NeUJKKGEN & DvAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 119

J* Body black, wings hyaline, the veins brown. Along costa and internal margin of secondaries a few black scales. Expanse, 25 mm

Habitat, Southern States to New York.

T. meadii Hy. Edwards.

\i?,i—T/iyridopteiyxinautii., Papilio, Vol. I, p. 116.

Wings hyaline, without black scales at abdominal margin of secondaries ; veins pale orange. Expanse, 25 mm. Habitat, Mohave Desert, California.

Genus Psyche Sc/ira/ik.

1S02 Psyche SCHR.'^.NK, Fauna Boica, Vol. II (2), p. 87.

Group Platoeceticus Packard.

1S69 Platneccticus Packard, Guide Study Ins., p. 291 ; 1S87 Packard,

Ent. Amen, Vol. Ill, p. 51. 1893 Hcyla-r/sia IIampson, Moths of India, Vol. I, p. 298.

P. gloverii Packard.

iSt<)—Plahi'ceticHsglovcrii Packard, Guide Study Ins., p. 291, f. 223. 1884 Manatha edivardsii IIeylaerts, C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XXVIII,

p. lor. Dark brown throughout. Veins 5 6 arise from the discal cross vein. Expanse, 20 22 mm. Habitat, Southern States.

Group Eurycyttarus Hainpson.

\%()\—Eurycyttartis Hamtson, 111. Het. B. M., Vol. VIII, p. 66 ; 1893— Hampson, Moths of India, Vol. I, p. 299.

Synopsis of species. Small, wings blackish . confederata.

Larger, wings brownish gray ....... carbonaria.

P. confederata Grate ^ Robinson.

1868 Psyche confederata GROTii (S; RoBlNSON, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II, p. 191.

Uniformly blackish ; wings opaque. Wings broad, apex of primaries nearly square. Expanse, 16 19 mm.

Habitat, Southern States to New York and westward.

P. carbonaria Packard.

18S7 PsYcIie carbonaria PACKARD, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 51.

Uniform browmsh black, wings sub-translucent. Wings broad, well roundtfd ; body black, hairy. Expanse, 21 22 mm.

Habitat, Texas.

120 JoRUNAL Nkw York Ent. Soc. [Voi. ii.

(lenus Chalia Jfoorc. i^l-]—C/ta/ia MoouK, Aim. Nat. Hist. (4), Vol. XX, p. 345. C. rileyi Ilcylacrfs.

1S34 C7iii'//.f ri/evi IlKYi.AKKis, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. XXVIII, p.208. Yellowish gray, densely hairy ; head yellowish brown, thorax brownish gray. Wings concolorous, with narrow brownish edge. Expanse, 12 mm. (?)

Habitat, Missouri [HeylaertsJ.

[I'or remarks oil Psyche fraginentella II3'. Eilw. and Oikcliius ddvidsonii Ily. Edw. see a paper by Mr. Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p. 320. Tiiese names have been applied to certain larval cases found in California and the moths have never been described.]


Sy/ioJ^sis of genera. Primaries falcate .......... Cicinnus.

Margins of both wings uneven, excavate between the veins . Lacosoma.

Genus Cincinnus Blanchard.

\?>~,2—Cicijiiiiis Blanch AKi), Gay's Hist. Chile. Zool., Vol. VII, p. 66. iS4[ \Perophora Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 290. 1S41 \Saccophora Haukis, Entom., Vol. T, p. 99.

C. melsheimeri Harris.

1841 Perophora melsheimeri Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 290.

1866 Arhodia ei^enaria Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. XXXV, p. 1575.

Cinereous gray, darker along the margins of the wings, the reddish brown of the wing membrane appearing by transparency. Sparsely sprinkled with black atoms. A blackish discal dot and straight t. p. line, the latter present on both wings and arcuate at costa of fore pair. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Lacosoma Grate. 1864 Lacosoma Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 77.

L. chiridota Grote.

1864 Lacosoma chiridota Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phi!., Vol. Ill, p. 78.

lirownish ocher, the fringe marked with black on the veins. On both wings, a black discal dot and broad, diffuse, undulate, smoky brown t. p. band. Expanse, 25 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

Sept 1834.]

Neumcegen & Dyar. N. A. Bomfjyces.



Sv/iopsis of subfainiUes.

AntenriK bipectinate doubly, at least in the (^ Antenna never bipectinate doubly ....

Synopsis of genera.

Secondaries with one distinct internal vein. Discal cells open.

Attacinae Lemoniinse



Attacus. Samia.


Agapema. Tropaea.

Abdomen tufted .......

Abdomen untufted.

Antennffi of both sexes equally doubly bipectinated.

Wings produced at apices and elongate; secondaries greatly exceeding abdomen, discal spots hyaline ......

Wings less elongate, more rounded, spots opaque Pectinations of 9 antenna; with the upper branch the shorter .......

Discal cells closed.

Antennae pectinated in both sexes.

Antennre of 9 doubly bipectinated.

Both branches equal in length in 9 The upper branch shorter than the lower in 9 Secondaries tailed ....

Secondaries angulated at apex and middle of outer

margin Telea.

Antennae of 9 singly bipectinated, the upper branches reduced

to serrations Saturnia.

Antenna; of 9 serrate or simple.

Secondaries ocellate ...... Automeris.

Secondaries not ocellate ...... Thauma.

Secondaries with two internal veins.

Antenna; of (^ doubly bipectinated ...... Coloradia.

Antennae of (^ singly bipectinated.

Vein 5 from the discal cross vein ..... Lemonia.*

Vein 5 from apex of cell on both wings.

Antennre of 9 pectinated Hemileuca.

Antenna; of 9 serrate or very shortly pectinated . Pseudohazis.

Subfamily Attacinse.

Gentis Philosamia Grote. 1874— Groie. Troc. Am. Phil. Soc, Vol. XIV, p. 258. P. cynthia Dniry.

i-jTi Aitactis cynthia Drury, 111. Ex. Ent., Vol. II, pi. 6, f. 2.

1787 IBoinhyx aurolus Fabricius, Mant. Ins.. Vol. II, p. loS.

1862 Saturnia insularis VoLLENHOVKN. Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. XIV, p. 338,

A European genus. Type Bombyx diiini Linn.


Journal New York Ent. Soc

[Vol. 11.

Yellowish olive-brown, densely irrorate with black except along the border of wings. Abdomen with three rows of white tufts. Transverse lines white, bordered on one side with black, the outer line shading outwardly into a light purplish tint. Discal marks narrowly lunate, hyaline, with a yellow shade on the con- cave side. A sub-apical black ocellus with white crescent, below a large apical purplish shade. Expanse, 120 mm.

Habitat^ Vicinity of several Atlantic coast cities ; introduced from the East Indies.

Genus Attacus Liniuciis.

\-]b-i~Altacus LlNN.EUS, Syst. Nat., Vol. I (2), p. 809. 1841 Hyalophora Duncan, Nat. Libr. Ex. moths, p. 124.

Synopsis of species.

Color rather light-brown, collar only partly white Dark blackish-brown, collar white

erycina. jorulla.

A. erycina Shaw.

1797 A ttaciis erycina Shaw, Nat. Misc., Vol. VII, p. 230. \%o<^'>. —riialccna spleudidus Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amer. , p. 133.

Discal spots trigonate, large, hyaline, fused into the outer band. Color pale russet-brown, clay- colored on margins, with the usual markings. T. a. band arcuate, white, both t. a. and t. p. bordered towards each other by black. Beyond the crenate t. p. band a shade composed of brick-red, black, pink and white scales. Sub-median space irrorate with black. Sub-terminal marks moder- ately prominent. Sub-apical ocellus reduced to a black spot surmounted by the lower part of the narrow white sub-apical line.

Habitat, South America to Mexico, Texas ?

A. jorulla Westwood.

1853 Satitniia jomlla Westwood, ' Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 159, pi.

XXXII, f. I. 1883 Attacus ductus Tepper, Bull. lirook. Ent. .Soc, Vol. V, p. 65.

Deep blackish umber-brown, the wings less falcate than in erycina. Discal spots rounded triangular, hyaline ; not reaching or but touching outer band. Otherwise resembles erycina except that the collar is white. The transverse white band at base of abdomen is present in both. Expanse, no 125 mm.

Habitat, Mexico, Arizona.

Sept. 1894.1 NrIIM(F.(:EN & DvAR. N. A. BOMllVCRS. 12B

(reniis Samia liuhner.

1822? Samia HUliNEK, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 156.

1865 Platysainia Groik, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. V, p. 229.

Synopsis of species.

General color grizzled-gray.

-Size large, discal spots moderately produced.

Outer band of wings bright red ..... Cecropi.

Outer band dull purplish, obscure gloveri,

Size small, discal spots rounded, slightly produced . . COlumbi.

General color reddish, scarcely giay ...... rubr.

S. cecropia Liniuvus.

175S BoJiibyx cecropia LtNN.-EUS, Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 447.

Blackish, irrorate with white on costal part of primaries. Thorax red, collar white. Abdomen banded with black, white and red. Transverse bands white, the inner faint and absent on secon- daries, the outer succeeded by a broad red band. Discal spots white bordered with red and black. Outer margins broadly clay- colored, paler sub-terminally with a narrow sinuate sub-terminal black line on primaries. A series of large black spots in the inter- spaces between veins 2 5. A large oval black ocellus between veins 6 7, succeeded above by a purplish shade and zigzag whitish line. On secondaries, a series of sub-terminal black spots and a line. Expanse, 120 150 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

S. gloveri Strccker.

1872 Platysainia gloveri '$>-v\iv.CYiv.v., I.ep. Roph. et. Ilet., Vol. I.

var. reducta Netinnvgen.

1891 Platysaniia gloveri var. reducta Neumcegen, Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 152.

Exactly like eolitinbia, but as large as cecropia. The discal dots are produced as in cecropia, but lack the red edge. T. a. band arcuate as in Columbia. There is a purplish shade beyond the white band, not present in coluiiibia. Expanse, 125 mm.

Habitat, Arizona to the Rocky Mountains and Montana.

var. reducta. Smaller than the typical form with the discal spot of primaries touching the p. t. band. Expanse, 83 85 mm.

Habitat, Mountains of Colorado, 11,000 feet.

S. Columbia SmitJi.

1S65 Samia Columbia Sj.nTH, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, p. 343.

124 Journal Nkw York Ent. See. Vol. ii.

Smaller than cccropia ; the discal dots without red edges and the transverse outer band white with no red. Abdomen brown and white banded. Thorax and basal half of fore wings deep red, collar white. Discal spots rounded, triangular, only slightly pro- duced. T. a. line arcuate, not angulated on median vein. Expanse, 90 100 mm.

Habitat, Northeastern States, Canada to Michigan.

S. rubra BeJir.

1S55 I5KIIR, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. I, p. 46.

1855 Suiiiid tv/rivc/wi- BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., (2), Vol. Ill, p. 32 (no desc); 1875 SxRECKiiR, Lep. Roph. et Ilet., p. 102.

lSG$—/'/ir/vsi7/n/i! (-ir/i/ortiird CJKUIK, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil , Vol. V, p. 229

(note). 1S68 Saliiniia ceanotlii IJf.iir, Pioc. Cal. Acad. .Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 296.

Of a color approaching Venetian red but darker, uniform, not irrorate ; outer margin clay-colored, with the markings faint, brownish. Transverse lines white, narrow, with black edging, but with no red shade. Discal spots white, edged with black, the one on primaries small, that on secondaries produced outward nearly to, or through the transverse band. Thorax red; collar, base and outer bands of abdomen white. Expanse, 95 115 mm.

Habitat^ California to Pacific Northwest.

(ienus Callosamia Packard. 1864 Callosamia Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 379. Sv/w/>s/s of species.

A whitish band on collar and base of thorax ..... calleta.

Collar concolorous with abdomen.

cf without discal spots, or with very faint ones . . promethea, cf with discal spots as in the 9 angulifera.

C. calleta U'estwood.

1853 Sattiniia calleta Westwood, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 166.

1886 .4 ttacus calleta SMrrn, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 422.

1882 Platysa))tia polysoiumata Tepper, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc, Vol. V, p. 66.

Dull black or smoky ; a pale stigmatal band on abdomen, enclosing darker spots. A white basal band or none. T. a. band of primaries white. Outer band of both wings white, edged with ferruginous and dotted with black. Discal spots angular, small, white, without edging. Terminal space mouse-gray, much orna- mented with a black line and sub-triangular spots centered with bluish scales; the most prominent of these between veins 6— 7

Sept. 1894. 1 NeUM(KGEN & DvAR. N. A. BoMBYCKS. 125

and is outwardly surrounded by a halo of russet brown reaching toward apex of wing. A zigzag, light blue sub-apical line. Ex- panse, 80 130 mm.

Habitat, Mexico, Southern Arizona.

C. promethea Dniry.

^112) -Attaciis promethea Dkury, III. Ex. Ent., Vol. II, pi. 11, f. i, 2.

cT Black, outer margin clay colored, lines nearly lost ; marginal marks and sub-apical ocellus normal. 9 Reddish brown, discal spot on primaries nearly lost, that on secondaries consisting of a bar, dilated at the ends. Outer transverse line pale, distinct, bordered inwardly with black. Marginal marks as in cT, but reddish. Expanse, 75—80 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

C. angulifera Walker.

1855 Saiiiiii aiu^ulifera Wai.KEU, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. V, p. 1224. 1886 'Attacits aui^jiUfera Smith, I'roc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 424. Larger than promethia ; sexes similar in wing form and mar- king, cf darker in color than the 9, blackish, but marked essentially the same. Discal mark on primaries large white, angular, on secondaries, a dilated bar. Expanse, 85 100 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States.

Genus Agapema Neiniuvgcn &^ Dxar,

iSS6—S<r/ur///\il Smith, Troc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p 430. A. galbina Clemens

Y^do—SatuTuia galhina Clkmens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 156.

Blackish ; transverse lines white, the basal, angular and produced on the veins in the cf, faint in 9 ; on secondaries, the basal two-thirds is washed with white in the cf. A sub-terminal white band on both wings ; apex of primaries marked with black and crimson. Discal spots round, hyaline centrally, edged with ,yellow and black, with a bluish crescent inwardly. Body parts blackish with a few long whitish hairs. Expanse, 50 60 mm.

Habitat, Mexico to Arizona and Texas.

Genus Tropasa Hilb/ier. 1822 Ti-op(va HiiBNER, Verz. bek. Scbmelt., p. 152. T. luna Limueus.

175S Bombyx luiia Linn.i^^us, Syst. Nat., Vol. i, p. 496.

126 Journal Nkw York Knv. Soc. [Vol. ii.

7'ar. rossi J^oss.

1872 Actids rossi Ross, Cat. Lep. Can., p. 5, (note). Body white, thora.x tinged witli yellow with a broad purple band behind the collar. Wings pale green, the color inhering in the wing membrane and not in the vestitiire, which is white. A broad costal purple band on primaries throwing out a short discal band. Discal spots rounded, hyaline centrally, narrowly edged with white, crimson and yellow and with black and blue inwardly. Fringe tinged with crimson and yellow. The var. rossi lacks the green tint. E.xpanse, 100 125 mm. ; length of tails, 35 40 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States southwestward to Texas.

Genus Telea Rabncr.

1822— Tt'Av? HunxER, Veiz. bek. Schmett., p. 154.

T. polyphemus Cramer.

^IIS Attactis polypheiiins Ci^AMER, Pap. Exot., Vol. I, pi. 5, figs. A. 13.

1764 Bonihyx paphia LiNN.-EUS, Mas. Ulr. , p. 369.

i?>ii—Phal(Ena. fenesti-a Perry, Arcana.

1883 Telea polypheimis var. ociilea Neumcecen, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 71.

Ocherous brown either pale or dark and reddish. Costa of primaries and collar gray. Basal line on primaries reddish, dislo- cated on median vein. Outer line gray, bordered with white with a duplicate black costal streak bordered anteriorly with pink. Discal mark round hyaline edged with a yellow and a black line. Secondaries without basal line, the outer line broad. Discal mark as on primaries, but situated in the outer part of a large, oval, black ocellus, sprinkled with blue scales. Expanse, no 120 mm.

Habitat, North America throughout.

Genus Saturn ia Schrank.

i8c2 Saluniia ScHRANK, Fauna Boica, Vol. II (i), p. 149. 1806 Iltvcea PliiBXER, Tentamen, p. i. 1822? Pavoiiia Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 157. \%'ab—Calosatuniia S.vilTH, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. IX, p. 432.

S. mendocino Behrens.

\%-lb—Satnynia mendocino Behrens, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 149. Fore wings reddish brown with blackish costa, and an apical carmine shade, becoming black inwardly and centered with white. Secondaries orange ochraceous shaded with black with an outer diffuse black band. Discal spots round, black, containing an orange ring and blue crescentic mark. Thorax reddish, collar

Seit. isg4.1 Neum(>:gkn & Dyar. N. a. Bombyces. 127

white with black border on front part of thorax ; abdomen smoky black. Expanse, 50 60 mm.

Habitat, Northern coast regi.oji of .California.

^ Genus Automeris Bilbucr.

1822? .-^//Av'/t'/'/j- HiiliNKR, Verz. bek. Sclimett., p. 154. 1875— /c? BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg., Vol. XVIII, p. 188.

Synopsis of species. T. p. line straighl.

Size very large; secondaries without yellow .... zelleri.

Size moderate; secondaries largely yellow,

Olivaceous or riisset brown; t- p. line pale yellow . . pamina.

Blackish brown; t. p. line broad, white . . . zephyria.

T. p. line composed of a series of lunules, sexes dissimilar ... lO-

Wings suffused with reddish ...... var. Illith.

Abdominal border of secondaries without red shade . . i'(7/'. argUS.

A. zelleri Grote 6^* Robinson.

1868 Hypcrchiria zclloi GROTii & RoBiNSON, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol-

II, p. 193. Reddish brown, basal space and costa darker ; a small trian- gular white discal dot in a large cjuadrate dark discal patch, dentate on the- exterior side. T. p. line purplish, straight, followed by a dark brownish shade which extends to the obsolete sub-terminal line. Secondaries reddish along abdominal margin, a large black ocellus with central black ring around which the color is pale ; two blackish bands between ocellus and margin. Expanse, 130 mm. Habitat, Texas.

A. pamina A^eumccgen.

1822 Hypcrcliiria pamina Neumcegkn. Pap., Vol. II, p. 60.

var. aurosea Neumcegen.

1882 Hyperchlria pamina var. aurosea NEUMa:GEN, Pap., Vol. II, p. 61.

Fore wings uniform pale ochraceous or russet brown, {i!ar. aurosea) with white scales at base. T. a. line barely discernible. T. p. line distinct, narrow, oblique, pale yellow, bordered out- wardly with dark brown. Discal mark obscure. Abdomen red banded dorsally ; secondaries yellow centrally around the large black, white centred ocellus. An outer black and a pale pinkish curved band, abdominal edge pinkish. Expanse, 60 70 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

A. zephyria G/ote.

18S2 Hyperchiria zephyria Gko'I'E, Can. Ent., Vol. XIV, p. 215.

128 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

Thorax and primaries brown-black. A black discal annulus with linear white center ; scales at base of wing and oblique slightly curved, broad t. p. band, white. Abdomen pale brown, broadly dark red dorsally. Secondaries ocher yellow centrally around the large black ocellus with white linear centre and blue scales; bor- dered by a black line outwardly. A sub-terminal darker brown shade band, the base pinkish. Expanse, 55— -70 mm.

Habitat, New Mexico.

A. io Fabricitis.

1775 Bouibyx io Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 560.

1810 Phalcena corollaria Perry, Arcana. _

1855 Hyp'erchiria varia Walker, Cat. Brit. Mas., pt. VI, p. 1278.

\'i,-]^- Io fabricii BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg., Vol. XVIIl, p. 223.

var. lilith Strecker.

1S78 Ilypercliiria lilitli Streckkr, Lep. Roph. et Het., p. 139.

var. argus Neuma-gen ^ Dyar.

1893 Neumcegen & Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 123. Body and primaries of cf yellow, lines purplish. T. a. line rectangularly produced inwardly ; t. p. evenly lunulate. Discal mark linear surrounded by two rows of dots which are produced longitudinally. A sinuate row of large sub-terminal dots ending on costa and margin in a purplish shade. Thorax and primaries of 9 a purplish brown, the marks as in the cT, but obscure, indicated in whitish. Secondaries yellow centrally, red along abdominal margin. A large black ocellus with blue scales and central white dash. Beyond it, a black median and red sub-marginal line. Expanse, 60 80 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

(ienus Thauma Hy. Edwards. \%-]'^-Thaitiiia Hy. Euwarus, rroc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. V, p. 265.

T. social is FeisthJiaincl,

1839 Onniscode<: socialis Feisthiiamel, Mag. Zool., pi. 20, f. i.

1853 -Dirphia angtiUfera Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VI, p. 1363.

1875 Thaiima ribis Hy. Edwards, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. V, p. 265.

Dark cinnamon brown. Costal margin near base, angular discal spot and costal half of t. p. line white. Lower half of t. p. line and outer line of secondaries blackish. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat, Peru, Chile ; Vancouver Island, B, C,

Sept. 1894.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCS. 1'29

Genus Coloradia Blake. i^bz—Colora la Blake, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 279. C. pandora Blake.

i%()2— Coloradia pandora Bi.AKE, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil, Vol. II, p. 279.

Grayish black, thinly scaled. T. a. and t. p. lines black sub- lunulate bordered with white on costa. Discal spot round, black. Sub-terminal line whitish, undulate. Secondaries sub-hyaline, grayish, tinged with pink along abdominal margin. Expanse, 70 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountains to Cascade Range.

Cubl'mnily Loiiioniims. -

Genus Hemileuca Walker.

iS-,s tie/nitfiica Walker, Cat Brit. Mas., Vol. VI, p. 1317- iS6^—Euc/irom/a Packaui), Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 382.

1872 EuleucophcEus Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad., Vol. IV, p. 88.

\%'^i—Agyranges Grote, Can. Ent., Vol. XIV, p. 215.

Synopsis of species. Prevailing color of wing black, secondaries also partly or, largely black. Secondaries red with black border and discal dot or largely overspread

with black electra.

Secondaries without any red.

A broad, translucent, pale yellow band on secondaries.

This band narrow ......•• maia.

This band broad.

Discal dots slightly bent, thorax blackish . var. nevadensis. Discal dots lunite, thorax largely yellowish, race californica. Secondaries black with a broken white band often obsolete and not translucent. White marks on primaiies divided by the veins . . juno.

White marks often broken, but not by the veins . . grotei.

Prevailing color white or some pale shade ; secondaries either immaculate or but slightly marked with black. Snow-white with black t. a. and t. p. lines . . . neumcegeni.

Fore wings blackish gray with white bands .... tricolor.

All the wings uniform, pale, sordid pink.

Fore wings with two transverse white lines . . . sororius.

Fore wings immaculate ....... nualapai.

H. electra Wright.

i'&%\— Hemileuca electra Wright, Pap., Vol. IV, p. 19.

* Described by Ily. Edwards (Papilio, Vol. I, p. 100) from Lower California, Mexico, and not yet known from U. S., unless sororius and h ua lapai h^ on\y iorms of one species.

130 JoHUNAL New York Ent. Soc. [Voi. ii.

Fore wings black, sub-translucent with white or pinkish triangular discal dot. Basally, centrally and sub-terminally, the black is more or less replaced by pulverulent white, not segregated into well defined marks. Abdomen and secondaries orange red with black border and round discal spot, in the c^ overspread with black, but not enough to entirely obscure the colors. Thorax black, mixed with pale yellowish hairs. Expanse, 45 50 mm.

Habitat^ Southern California.

H. maia Dniry.

1773 Ailaciis maia Dkury, 111. Exot. Ent., Vol. U, pi. 24, f. 3. 1775 Bouibyx proserpina FabrICIUS, Syst. Ent., p. 561.

var. nevadensis Stretch.

1872 Neini/t'Hca ncvaae>isis Stketcu, Zyg-. & Bomb. N. A., Vol. I, p. 108. 1886 Hemiletica maia var. Iticiiia IIy. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 108.

race californica Wright.

1888 Ilemilciica cali-fomica Wright, Can. Ent., Vol. XX. p. 31.

1893 Hcniileuca artemis PacivARD, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Vol. XXXF, p 172.

Sub-translucent black, with a pale yellowish band on both wings partly or wholly enclosing a black discal spot which contains a yellowish sub-hyaline streak or lunule, less distinct on secondaries. Thorax black, with yellowish hairs on collar and red hairs at end of thorax, or thorax entirely yellowish to the red hairs. Abdomen tipped with red in (^, yellowish in 9. The band varies in width, being usually narrow in specimens from the Eastern States, broader in those from the West. Californian specimens are distinguished as indicated in the table. Expanse, 45 70 mm.

Habitat, North America.

H juno Packard.

1871 Hnnilciua jiino Packard, Rep. Peab. Aoa., Vol. IV, p. 87. 18S1 IIcmilcHca yavapai NKUM(J':r.KN, Pap., Vol. I, p. 172.

Black, collar pale yellow and pale hairs on thorax mixed with black. Tip of abdomen red, in the rf, this color extending more or less up the dorsum even to base of thorax. On primaries a white band divided by the veins opaque, broadest near costa, which it does not reach. A yellowish irregular triangular discal dot surrounded by black, projecting into the white band. A similar band on secondaries but n^uch reduced, pulverulent, often absent. Rarely traces of a discal dot.

Habitat, Mexico to Arizona,

Skit. iS94 1 NeUMiEGEN (!v: DvAR. N. A. BOMRVCES. 131

H. grotei Hopffcr.

1868 Hemikitca ^^rctei CiKote it RociNSOX, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. II,

p. 192. 1873 HeiiiiUuca diniia Pai'KAKI), IlayJen Surv. Terr., p. 557.

Black ; collar white, thorax reddish behind. An outer white band on both wings, narrow, not reaching costa or margin, and on primaries continuous or separated into three patciies, the costal one lunate, the median, a sub-triangular discal dot, and the third an elongate spot constricted centrally. Expanse, 45 51 mm.

Habitat^ Texas to Colorado.

H. neumoegeni Hy. Edwards.

iSSi Eulettcophtctts mtiiiuv\;cni IIv. Edwards, Pap., Vol. I, p. 171.

Snow white ; abdomen, legs and central band on thorax brownish red, in the 9, abdomen white at the end. Antennae testaceous brown. Fore wings with band gently undulate, t. a. and t. p. lines black, reniform and elongate orbicular yellowish sub- hyaline spots bordered with black, and fused to the lower side of the former is a black dash. Secondaries with similar discal spot and outer black band. Expanse, 50 60 mm.

Habitat., Arizona.

li. tricolor Packard.

1872 EuIeHcopJurits /r/Vc/i:';- Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad., Vol-. IV, p. 89.

Fore wings black, irrorate with white, with broad white arcuate t. a. and straight t. p. band ; fringes also white. Discal dot lunate, yellowish, bordered with black. Secondaries immaculate sordid white. Thorax and body with reddish tint intermixed. Expanse, 50 mm.

Habitat, New Mexico.

H. hualapai Nc'i/nnvge/i.

1SS3 EulcucopJucus hualapai Nkumcegen, Pap., Vol. Ill, p. 138.

Immaculate uniform pale pinkish cream color, the costal edge dark ocherous. Below a brighter pink, as also the shorter hairs on thorax and abdomen ; giving the appearance of a pink under- ground. Antenna; testaceous brown. Expanse, 65 mm.

Habitat., Arizona.

Genus Pseudohazis Grate ^ Robinson.

i860 Pseudohazis Grote & Robinso.n', Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. ¥., Vol. VIII, p. 377-

132 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Voi. ii.

SyiwJ^sis of species. Hind wings deep j-eliow.

Fore wings flesli color or carneous white.

Abdemeii blaclc banded eglanterina

Blacl< bands obsolete dorsally ..... var. nuttalii.

Foie wings deep yellow, more or less shaded with light purple.

Black markings distinct, heavy .... shastaensis.

Black marks faint or obsolete .... var. denudata.

Hind wings white, or very pale yellow.

Terminal black dashes on secondaries ...... hera.

No terminal black dashes on secondaries .... zmr. marcata.

P. eglanterina Boisduval.

TS52 Safiiniia eglanterina BoiSOUVAL, Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr., (2), Vol. X, p. 323. 1877 P. Iieia var. arizonensis SriihXKKR, Lep. Roph. et Het., p. 137.

var. nuttalii Streckcr.

1875 Pscudoliazis nultaUi Streckkr, Lep. Roph. et Het., p. 107.

Colored as indicated in the synopsis. The black marks on the wings consist of a basal dash on fore wings, a t. a. and t. p. curved bands, a large rounded discal spot (with or without a narrow while crescent) and terminal wedge-shaped spots on the veins. Expanse, 50 60 mm.

Habitat., from the Rocky Mount, to the Sierra Nev. and Arizona. P. shastaensis Bclircns.

1880 /'. eghuitciina var. sliashTusis Behrens, No. Am. Ent., Vol. I, p. 62.

var. denudata A^cii/iuvgcii.

iSgi—//. cg/an/c-r/na\'a.i\ denudata Neum(i:gen, Can. Ent. .Vol. XXHI, p. 145.

Fore wings purplish, with a streak of indian yellow between veins 4 and 5, or partly overspread with indian yellow, with black marks as in eglanterina, or largely suffused by black (from shastcen- sis). Or the black marks may become pulverulent and obscure or largely lost [var. dcniidata\

Habitat., Coast region of California to the Sierra Nevada and northward. P. hera Harris.

1841 Satnrnia hera HARRIS, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 286.

1855 Ileniileuea piea Wai.KER, Cat. Brit. INIus., pi. VI, p. 1318.

var. marcata Neunuvgcn.

jg^i Ilemiletiea hera var niareata Neumucgen, Can. Ent., Vol. XXIII, p. 146.

Wings yellowish white, head, collar, narrow terminal segmentary bands on abdomen and anal tuft indian yellow. Black marks as in ei^lanferiiia or the terminal cuneiform marks of secondaries absent {var. marcata). Expanse, 55—70 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region, Eastern Oregon. (to be continued.)

Dec. 1894] NeUMiEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 14T


'By B. Neumcegen and Harrison G. Dyar.

(Continued page 132.)


Synopsis of genera.

Vein ir, arising from a stalk with veins 6 - 8.

Exterior margin of primaries nearly straight, longer than internal

margin ........ Atlisota,

Exterior margin convex, shorter than interior margin . Sphingicampa.

Vein II from the sub-costal, before apex of discal cell ; size very large.

Wings elongate, rather narrow ; abdomen exceeding secondaries, Citheronia. Wings broader, apices rectangular ; abdomen scarcely exceeding

secondaries ....... Basilona.

Genus Anisota HXibner.

1822? Anisota HtiBNEU, Verz. bek; Schmett., p. 193. 1841 Dryocampa Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 289.

Synopsis of species. Colors various shades of brown ; a discal dot.

(^ similar to 9) wings opaque ...... stigma,

(5 dissimilar, wings translucent centrally.

Primaries of cT translucent centrally, Q with black dots . senatoria.

Primaries cf hyaline centrally, 9 writhout black dots . virginiensis.

Colors pink and yellow or white ; no discal dot .... rubicunda.

A. stigma Fabricius.

\~11S Bonibyx stigma Fabricius, Syst. Eiit., p. 563.

J" 9 Bright ocherous brown, witli many black strigose dots, especially on primaries. T. a. and t. p. bands purplish, the former faint. A white discal dot. On secondaries, a median purplish band. The cT is a little smaller and darker than the 9, but closely similar to it. Expanse, 40 50 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

A. senatoria Abbot &' Smith.

1797 -Fhalcena senatoria Abboi' & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., pi. 57.

(^ Ojherous brown, primaries purplish at base and apex, nearly hyaline centrally. Secondaries produced at anal angle almost

148 Journal New York Ent. Soc [Voi. ii

square. Lines obsolete, but white discal spot very distinct. Ex- panse, 30 37 mm.

9 Very dissimilar to d^. It is exactly like the 9 oi sf/\^ma, but usually slightly less dotted with blackish. Expanse, 53 55 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

A. virginiensis Dniry.

1773 Rombvx 7'irgineiisis Dkury, 111. Exot. Ent., Vol. 11, pi. 13, f. 2. 1789 Bombvx (xstynioiie Q\.\V\\\<, Encycl. Meth., Vol. V, p. 43. 1797 P halcena pelliuida Abhot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., pi. 58.

^ Like se/iatoria, but darker colored, and center of primaries hyaline. 9 Purplish brown, especially purplish in marginal space. Wings sub-translucent, lines faint, discal dot distinct. No dots on the wings.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

A. rubicunda Fabricius.

\q(^1 Boinbvx ynbicunda Fadkicius, Ent. Syst., Vol. Ill (i), p. 429.

race alba Grotc.

1874 -Dryocaiiipa t ubicunda va,x . alba Grote, Bull. Buff. See, Vol.11, p. 183. J875 Dryocanipa pallida Bowi.KS, Can. Ent., Vol. VII, p. 108.

Light yellow. Basal and marginal spaces on primaries, and .a diffused and faint sub-marginal line on secondaries rose pink. Expanse, d" 40—45 '^^"i-. 9 5°— 55 '^m.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

The race alba is entirely creamy white above.

Habitat, Mississippi Valley to Canada.

Genus Sphingicampa Walsh.

1864— Walsh, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, p. 290.

Syjiopsis of species.

Secondaries without discal dot.

Primaries usually heavily irrorate, t. p. line diffuse.

T. a. line faint or absent, discal dots usually present . bicolor.

T. a. line as distinct as t. p. line ; no discal dots . quadrilineata.

Primaries slightly irrorate ; t. p. line distinct, straight, . . bisecta.

Secondaries with large round black discal dot.

A dark obscure transverse line on primaries . . . heiligbrodti. Transverse lines of primaries white ..... albolineata.

S. bicolor Harris.

1841 Dryocanipa /^/V^Av Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 203.

J 864 Spkiitgicampa disfii^iiia Walsh, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. 11 ist. , Vol. I X,p. 290.

Dec. 1894] Neumcegen & Dyar. N. A. Bombyces. 149

var. suprema Nennuvgen.

1885 Sphiugicaiiipa l>ico/or\av. suprema Nrumcegen, Ent.Amer. , Vol.1, p. 94.

var. immaculata Jewett.

1882 Adelocephala bicolor var. ivtinaciilata Jrwett, Pap., Vol. II, p. 144.

Primaries ocherous brown, shading into dark flesh pink along external and internal margins, nearly covered with strigose slate gray dots. Two white discal dots and a diffuse slate gray t. p. band. The rest of the body and hind wings dark pink except base of secondaries and a median band, which are carmine red. Ex- panse, 45 —50 mm.

The var. suprema is entirely sordid cinereous instead of pink- ish, secondaries carmine except the outer border.

The var. immaculata lacks the dots on the wings.

Habitat., Mississippi Valley.

S. quadrilineata Grote &" Robinson.

1867 Adelocephala quadrilineata Grote & Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Sec, Vol. I. p. ir.

Closely resembling bicolor but the primaries less covered with strigae and those that are present more clouded. T. a. and t. p. lines smoky blackish, equally distinct. A faint discal cloud without white dots. Secondaries rose color from base to near margin, but yellowish at the edge. 9 Antennae simple. Expanse, 70 mm.

Habitat., Mexico.

S. bisecta Lintner.

1879 Anisota bisecta LiNi ner, Can. Ent., Vol. XI, p. 10.

var. nebulosa Neumcegen.

1890 Spliingicampa bisecta var. nebulosa Neumcegen, Ent. Amer., Vol. VI, p. 63.

Ocherous brown. On primaries, a t. a. angulate and t. p. straight oblique well defined purplish black lines, the wing faintly covered with purplish strigae, or almost without them. A faint discal cloud. Secondaries more or less covered by carmine hairs. In the var. nebulosa., the whole fore wing is thickly covered by diffuse smoky black strigre. E.xpanse, 65 70 mm.

Habitat, Texas.

S. heiligbrodti Harvey.

I'&T] —Anisota heiligbrodti Harvky, Can. Ent., Vol. IX, p. 110.

J 50

Journal New York Ent. Soc.

[Vol. II.

Primaries iron gray, white and black scales mixed. T. a. line faint. T. p. line crenate. Two white discal dots, the upper fainter or absent. Secondaries and abdomen red, slightly shaded with gray. A large round black discal spot. Outer mesial band faint. Edge of wing iron gray. Antennee testaceous. Expanse, 65 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

S. albolineata Gfote 6^ Robinson.

1866 Adclocephala albolineata Groie & Robinson, Proc. Ent. Soc Phil.,

Vol. VI, p. 7. 1872 Adelocephala raspa BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. , Vol. XV, p. 93.

Thorax and abdomen above, and primaries bright yellow, the latter finely mixed with dark scales. T. a. and t. p. lines white, t. a. line bent in to base of wing, not reaching the internal margin; t. p. line very oblique. A white discal spot. Secondaries deep pink; a black discal spot and white sub-marginal stripe. Costal and external margin dull whitish. Expanse, 65 mm.

Habitat, Mexico.

Genus Citheronia Hiibner.

1822? Cilheroitia HllBNiCK, Veiz bek. Schmett., p. 153. 1822.'' Eacles Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 153. 1834 Ceratocampa Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass., p. 591. 1841 Dorycampa Duncan, Nat. Lib. Ex. Moths, p. 158.

Synopsis of species.

Large, veins lined with red or yellow.

Body and markings on wings partly yellow, partly red

Body and markings entirely red ....

Body and markings entiiely yellow .... Smaller, dark smoky brown ......

regalis. ■ar. infernalis. var. seengeri. sepulchralis.

C. regalis Fabric ins.

1793 Boiiibyx rei;ans Fabricius, Ent. Syst , Vol. Ill (t), p. 436. 1797 Phal(€iia regia ABBOT & >mith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 61.

var. infernalis Strecker.

1884 Citheronia infernalis Stukckkr, Pap. Vol. IV, p. 73.

var. ssengeri Neitma-gen.

1891 C. regalis var. scunt^eri Nkumcegrn, Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 151.

Bright red above; a double line on collar; two divergent bands on thorax and anterior edges of abdominal segments, light yellow.

Dec. 1894-1 NEUMfEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 151

Primaries slate gray, the veins broadly lined with red. A basal, discal and outer row of ovate yellow spots. The outer row consists of about seven intervenular spots of varying size, the costal ones largest; sometimes traces of a median lunulate, diffuse, yellow band. Secondaries largely red, yellow at base and centrally along costa, the gray color appearing faintly between the veins toward outer margin. Expanse, 115—145 mm. Habitat, Atlantic States.

C. sepulchralis Grote &= Robinson.

\'&bs~Cit/ierouia septilchralis GuoTE & ROBINSON. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil.,

Vol. IV, p. 222. Even, dark, smoky, purplish brown; basal half of secondaries pinkish. On both wings obscure discal spots and outer waved, darker, smoky band. Antennae testaceous. Expanse, 75 80 mm. Habitat, Southern States.

Genus Basilona Boisduval.

i^b'i—Basiloiia Boisduval, Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr. (4), Vol. VIII, p. 317.

Synopsis of races.

Ground color yellow.

Wing sparsely covered with blackish brown strigose dots . imperiallS.

Wing heavily covered with such dots . . , var. punctatissima.

Ground color deep russet ....... >'(ice noblllS.

B. imperialis Dniry.

1773 A tlacHS imperialis DiiURY, 111. Ex. Ent., Vol. I, pi. 9, ff. i, 2.

1797 Plialwna imperatoi-ia Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga., Vol. II, pi. 55.

1805 Boinhyx didyma Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amer., p. 52, pi. 20.

var. punctatissima A^eunnvgen.

1S91 Eacles imperialis n3,x. punctatissima Neumcegen, Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 150.

race nobilis Neumoigen.

1891—^. imperialis yur. nohilis Neumcegen, Ent. News, Vol. II, p. 150. Light yellow with the following marks in brownish purple. Diffuse strigK on primaries, and outer part of secondaries; tibiae, patagia, center of thorax, two lateral posterior patches on the thorax and a dorsal band on abdomen, absent on the edges of the segments and containing a row of yellow dorsal spots. On primaries a broad undulate t. a. line, two discal spots and outer transverse line running to apex. In the (S the t, a. line is further

152 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

from the base than in the 9, and the basal space and part of the marginal space is shaded with purple. On secondaries, the same markings, but less distinct, and only one discal spot. Expanse, 115— 135 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward; of race noln/is, Texas.


Synopsis of sub-families and genera.

Vein 2 of primaries .arising remote from base of wing . [see Drepanidre].

Vein 2 of primaries arising near base of wing.

Vein 8 of secondaries outwardly united to sub-costal vein by a

cross vein, forming a large cell . . Qastropachinae.

Fore wings with a notch at internal angle . . Phyllodesma.

Fore wings entire Heteropacha.

Vein 8 of secondaries free outwardly; intercostal cell small, Lasiocampinae. Vein 7 of secondaries arising from sub-costal toward ape.x of cell. Vein 8 of primaries arising before apex of cell, free or

on a stalk with 9 and 10 ... . Clisiocampa.

Vein 8 arising beyond end of cell, on a stalk with 6 and 7. Thorax hairy, normal.

Antennai long and slender . . . Hypopacha. Antennre shorter, the pectinations decreasing in

length toward the tip .... Artace. Thorax with a patch of curled, scale-like hairs . Tolype. Vein 7 of secondaries arising with vein 8 from intercostal cell. Vein 8 of primaries arising before apex of cell, free or

on stalk with vein 7 . . . . Dendrolimus. Vein 8 arising beyond end of cell, on a stalk with 6

und 7 Edwardsimemna.'^

Sub-family Gastropachin^. Genus Phyllodesma Hilbner.

1822? -Phyllodestna IliiBN'ER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 190.

1866 Epicnaptera Rambur, Cat. Lep. And., p. 344.

1869 AmviatocaDipa Wai.lengren, Skand. Het., Vol. II, p. 113.

* Edwardsiuienina gen. n. (type Gloveria jalaptr Hy. Edw.) Fore wings a in Dendrolimus except that veins 6 to 8 are on a long stalk ; stalk of 9 and 10 equally long ; hind wings vein 6 from apex of cell, veins 7 and 8 together from the end of the short, rounded intercostal cell; humeral veins feeble. 9 antennae serrate. Palpi surpassing the front, projecting, dependent, hairy. Wings rounded- outer margin crenulate.

Dec. 1894. J NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BoiMBYCES. 153

Synopsis of species.

Color rusty brown or gray.

Primaries with white shades ...... americana.

Wings largely or wholly gray ..... rac- califomica.

Wings brown, without white shades.

Sexes concolorous or nearly so ... . luir. ferruginea.

5 more luteous than (^ ...... race roseata.

Color contrasting- yellow and brown ...... dyari.

P. americana Harris.

1841 Gastropacha americana Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 273. 1855 Gastropacha occidentis Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. VI, p. 1392. 1S68 Lasiocaiiipa carpinifoiia BoiSDUVAL, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg., Vol. XII, p. S3.

var. ferruginea Packard.

\'&t\- Gastropacha ferruginea Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 386.

race roseata Stretch.

1S72 Gastropacha roseata SxRETCii, Zyg. & Bomb. N. A., pi. 4, f. 12. i?>-]2—Gastiopacha niildei Stretch, Zyg. & Bomb. N. A., p. 113.

race californica Packard.

1S72 Gastropacha californica Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad., Vol. IV, p. 91.

Ferruginous brown, frosted with white scales. T. a. and t. p. lines slender, lunulate, blackish. A slight discal dot. S. t. line reddish, bordered by a white shade. A mesial line and discal dot on secondaries followed by a white shade and obscure sub-marginal band. The race californica is gray, more or less tinged with brown. Expanse, 27 35 mm.

Habitat., Atlantic States to Canada and Pacific Northwest; of race californica, Rocky Mountains to Southern California; of race roseata., California.

P. dyari Rivers.

1893 Pliyllodesma dyari Rivkks, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 144.

(^ Pale yellowish ocher; outer part of fore wings rosy brown, the color extending to the middle one of three lines of dusky spots which cross the disc. A pale mesial band on hind wings. 9 Paler than the cT with distinct emarginations between the terminations of the venules. Expanse, 38 55 mm.

Habitat., Western Texas, Mexico (?).

Genus Heteropacha Harvey.

1874 Heteropacha Harvey, Bull. Buff. Soc, Vol I, p. 262.

154 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol, ii.

H. rileyana Harvey.

1874 Heteropacha rileyana Harvey, Bull. Buff. Soc, Vol. I, p. 262.

Gray ; median space blackish, secondaries brownish. T. a. and t. p. lines obscure, whitish, sub-dentate, defined by blackish scales. A sub-terminal row of venular dots; fringe black spotted. Expanse, 27 32 mm.

Habitat, Mississippi Valley.

[The description by Harvey of the venation of secondaries is erroneous.]

Sub-family Lasiocampin.*.

Genus Clisiocampa Curtis. 1828 Clisiocampa Curtis, Brit. Ent., Vol. V, pi. 229. Synopsis of species.

Sexes concolorous or nearly so; wings crossed by a pair of darker lines, rarely obsolete, not dentate, or by a broad brown band,

disstria race erosa. Sexes concolorous or not; the wings crossed by paler lines except when the ground color is pale. Sexes alike; wings cliocolate brown with straight white bands, americana. .Sexes alike or the (;fpale; wings gray or chocolate brown, rarely

luteous; bands often denticulate .... fragilis. Sexes discolorous, the 9 normally paler than the (j", but (^ some- times also pale; lines dark in the pale forms, more or less denticulate pluvialis, californica, ambisimilis.

Sexes discolorous ; c^ ^'ery pale, 9 dark, but both with darker lines on

fore wings COnstricta.

C. disstria Eilhucr.

\%i2l - Matacosoma disstria Hi'iBNER, Verz. bek. Schmelt., p. 122.

1868 -Bombyx ilmpacearum Jioi?,\y\3\M., Ann.Eut.Soc.Belg., Vol. XII, p.82.

var. sylvatica Harris.

1841 Clisiocampa sylvatica Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass., p. 271. var. thoracicoides N'eunuvgen 6^ Dyar.

1893 Clisiocampa disstria var. thoracicoides Neumcegen & Dvar, Journ.

N. Y. Ent. Soc , Vol. I, p. 30. Light yellowish brown, the 9 paler ; fore wings crossed by two dark brown bands. In the var. sylvatica, the space between these bands is uniformly filled in with brown, and in the var. thoracicoides, the bands are very obscure. A form with irrorate wings and dark secondaries occurs in Texas. Expanse, 18— 40mm. Habitat, Atlantic States to Mississippi Valley.

Dec. i8g4.] NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. JBOMBYCES. Ih5

race erosa Stretch.

iS8i Clisiociinipa erosa Stretch, Pap., Vol. I, p. 64.

var. sylvaticoides Neumoegen &= Dyar.

\%^1—Clisiocantpa erosa var.. sylvaticoides Neumcegen & Dyar, Journ. N. V. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 30.

var. thoracica Stretch.

18S1 -Clisiocampa thoracica Stretch, Pap., Vol. I, p. 68.

var. perversa Neumcegen of Dyar.

1893 Clisiocampn erosa var. perseisa Neumoegen & Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 30.

Race erosa : yellowish brown, the 9 exactly like 9 disstria, the (^ usually darker than cT disstria. In the var. sylvaticoides, the space between the lines is partially filled in with dark brown; the var. thoracica has the lines obscure, and the var. perversa has basal and marginal spaces shaded with brown. Expanse, 19 35 mm. Habitat, California and Pacific northwest.

C. americana Fabriciiis.

\']<^2)—Boinbyx americana Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Vol. Ill, p. 433. \i^'^ Clisiocai)ipa d^cipiens Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VI, p. 1488. 1S68 - Bombyx frtitetoriim BoiSDUVAL, Ann.Ent.Soc.Belg., Vol. XII, p. 82.

^ 9 Walnut brown (Ridgway, III, 7), the thorax often gray- ish. Two parallel oblique white lines on primaries, either approx- imate or remote, the space between them often heavily dusted with white. -In some males, the ground color is irregularly defined beyond the outer line. Secondaries immaculate. Fringe of both wings irregularly white spotted.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward; Canada to Florida and Texas.

C. fragilis Stretch.

l88i—C./rai;-i//s STRETCH, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 64.

1882 -C. inciirva Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. II, p 125.

1S93 C. mils var. discolorata Neumcegen, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 4.

var. mus Neiancegen.

1893 C mus Neumcegen, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 4.

var. constrictina Neumoegen &= Dyar.

1893 C. incuiva var. constrictina Neumcegen & Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent.

Soc, Vol. I. p. 30. 1893— C. fra:^ilis var. lutescens Neumcegen & Dyar, Journ. N.Y. Ent. Soc,

Vol. I, p. 31.

156 Journal New York Rnt. Soc. [Vol. ii.

var. perlutea Neumcegen &= Dyar.

1S93— C. /;(7v///j \a.r. ferlu/ea Neumcegen & Dyak, Journ. N.Y. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 31.

Soft chocolate brown to walnut brown, gray brown or black- ish, the lines pale, often markedly denticulate. In the cj" the pale luteous color of the lines may spread and predominate [var. constrictina) or cover the whole wing {ikir. perlutea). A very variable species.

Habitat, Rocky Mountains from their eastern slope to the Sierras; Canada to Mexico. The peculiar gray from {var. mus\ occurs in Utah.

C. pluvialis Dyar.^

1893 ~ Clisiocixiiipa pluvialis Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 42. Greatly resembling calif ornica. The cT tends to be darker in color than either calif ornica or fragilis, though the character is not of diagnostic value. No luteous males have been observed; other- wise the description of calif ornica will apply. Separated on larval characters.

Habitat., the Pacific northwest.

C. californica Packard!^

i^b:^ - Clisiocai/ipa califomica'? ACKAKD, Proc.Ent.Soc.Pliil., Vol. Ill, p. 387. 1868 - Botnbyx pseiidoneiistria BoiSDUVAl,, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg., Vol. XII, ' p. 82.

c? Dark chocolate brown with a faint pale band on secondaries. Lines on fore wings luteous yellow, gently curved, sharply limited towards center of wing, but spreading toward base and outer margin, the outer line sub-crenulate. This pale color may spread till the whole wing is luteous yellow, crossed by two brown lines.

9 Paler than the male, the ground color consequently norm- ally luteus yellow, dusted with brown and crossed by two brown lines, the outer crenulate. The brown scales may predominate, giving a form somewhat closely resembling the male. Secondaries pale or dark. Expanse, 25 35 mm.

Habitat., Coast region of California

C. ambisimilis Dyar.*

1893 —Clisiocampa ambisimilis Dyar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 40.

* Lava : A dorsal pale line, someiinies obsolete.

Lateral region heavily blue shaded . . ambisimilis.

Lateral region with no blue shade . . . californica.

A dorsal row of elliptical blue spots . . . pluvialis.

Dec. 1894.] Neumcegen & Dyar. N. A. Bo.mbyces. 157

Like califoniica in markings, so far as observed. Separated on larval characters.

Habitat, Coast region of California. C. constricta Stretch.

188 1 Clisiocainpa constricta Strktch, Papilio, Vul. I, p. 65.

i83i - Clisiocainpa strigosa SlREiCH, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 67.

\^b^ Clisiocainpa \caHforii:ca\<I m.kkv.. Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. XXXII, p. 572.

<S' Creamy buff with two brown lines on primaries. 9 Walnut

brown mi.Ked with whitish, with two dark brown lines on primaries,

the space between them rather darker than the rest of the wing.

Both se.xes very uniform and strongly contrasting. Expanse, 25

35 iT^m-

.Habitat, Hilly and Mountainous parts of California.

Genus Hypopacha Neuma'gen c^ Dyar. I'&Qi'i Hypopacha NEUMa-:GEN & Dyak, Joum. N.Y. Eiit. .See, Vol. I, p. 29. H. grisea Neumcegen.

1882 Cnethocampa grisea Neumcegen, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 134. Dark gray with waved pale t. a. and t. p. lines bordered on both sides by faint black shades. S. t. line blackish, arcuate, retracted at veins 4 6. Secondaries immaculate paler gray. Expanse, 27 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Artace Walker.

1855 Arctace Walkek, Cat. Brit. i\Ius., pt. VI, p. 1491.

A. punctistriga Walker.

1855 Arctace punctistriga Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., Vol. VI, p. 1491. 1874 Titya ruhripalpis Feeder, Reise d. Novara Lep., Vol. IV, pi. 84, f.8.

White, with black venular dots on primaries. These are arranged in six rows; the sub-basal of two dots only, the t. a., median, and t. p. distinct, with two dots at end of cell ; s. t. row smoky, faint; terminal row small. Expanse, 22 30 mm.

Habitat, Southern States to Mississippi Valley, to New York. Genus Tolype Hiibiier.

i'&22l —Tolype HuEBNEK, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 189.

1856 Planosa I'rrcH," Rep. Ins. N. ¥., Vol. II, p. 268.

Synopsis of species. Thora.x of (^ white ; size large ....... velleda.

Ihorax of cf black or gray.

9 Similar to i^^' , slightly paler ; size midium . . . distincta.

9 Very dissimilar to (^ ; cT' dark, 9 ^'ery pale ; size smaller . laricis.

158 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

T. velleda Stol/.

l"]!^! Boin/iyx velleda S'lOLl, Suppl. Cramer, pi. 41, f. 4.

Thorax white, central tuft blackish brown, abdomen pale gray banded with darker gray. Fore wings light gray, shading into blackish in median and sub-terminal spaces. Base of wings white; t. a. line narrow, white; t. p. line double^ sinuate; s. t. line distinct, even, white, sinuate, forming a large curve from apex to vein 6; terminal lines and outer part of fringe on both wings white. Secondaries pale gray with whitish mesial and s t. lines. Expanse, 30 —50 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward. T. distincta French.

1890 - 7\ilype distincta French, Can. Ent., Vol. XXII, p. 45. Of a slaty gray, the thorax gray in the cT, partly white only in 9. Lines as in velleda, but narrower, almost linear, defined by dark gray shades. The sexes are similar as in zv/Av/^z, the 9 slightly paler. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Colorado. T. laricis Fitch.

1856 - Plauosa laricis Fitch, Rep. Ins. N. Y., Vol. II, p. 262. 1863 Gastropaclta velleda var. minuta Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II, p. 433-

9 Thorax and primaries pure white, except the brown crest, and the sub-terminal and terminal part of the normal brown mark- ings of primaries. Secondaries and abdomen very pale gray.

(^ Black; wings dark blackish gray, with three paler bands which correspond to mesial, t. p. and s. t. lines, the two outer undulate. Expanse, 25—30 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

Genus Dendrolimus Gcrmar.

1824 Dendi-olimus Gkrmar, Syst. Prodr., p. 48. 1872 Gloveria Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad., Vol. IV, p. 89. 1881 Quadrina Gkote, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 75; 1886-SMrrH, Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 124.

Synopsis of species. Intercostal cell of secondaries short, reaching half way to end of discal cell. Vein 6 of primaries free or on a short stalk with vein 8; vein 8 free

or more often, on a staik with vein 7 when 6 is free. dolores. Veins 6 and 7 on a stalk, usually long, rarely none; vein 8 free.

Gray, sub-terminal line sharply and evenly angled , arizonensis.

Brown gray, sub-terminal lines obscure .... gargamelle.

Intercostal cell reaching nearly to apex of discal cell . . . diaieoma.

Dec. 18^4.1 NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. BoMBYCES. 159

D. dolores Neutnoegen 6^ Dyar.

1893 - Deiidrolivius dolores Neumcegen & DvAR, Ent. News, Vol. IV, p.290. 9 Similar to D. arizonensis, but the transverse lines are more obscure, and the sub-terminal is roundedly undulate, not dentate, the outer angles of the dentations oi arizonensis being lost. In the interspace between veins 3 and 4 there is a larger projection of the line than elsewhere. cT unknown. Habitat, Colorado.

D. arizonensis Packard.

1872 Gloveria arizonensis Packard, Rep. Peab. Acad , V(j1. IV, p. go. 1884 Gloveria dentaia Hy. EDWAKDy, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 107.

9 Gray, overspread with whitish except in terminal space ; secondaries and abdomen brownish. On primaries a white discal dot; t. a. and t. p. lines dark, straight, the t. p. line bent deeply inwards opposite cell ; sub-terminal line very distinct, sharply and evenly dentate. Expanse, 95 mm. cf unknown.

Habitat, Arizona, Mexico. D. gargamelle Strecker.

1885 Lasiocampa i^argamelle Si'RECKER, Proc. Acad.Nat.Sci.Phil.,iS84,p.286. \'f>%\- Gloveria arizonensis (^ Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 107.

9 Dark brown, the fore wings grizzled with white hairs ; very uniform in tint the sub-terminal line undulate and somewhat irre- gular, dark, bordered inwardly by pale scales. A round white discal dot. Hind wings brown, darker than in the 9, with no trace of any paler band. Abdomen dark brown. Expanse, 85 mm.

cf Brown ; fore wings brown with white hairs intermixed, the basal third and outer margin darker, more brownish ; median space somewhat ashen Transverse lines faint; the sub-terminal irreo-u- lar as in the 9. Secondaries brown, with a paler, somewhat ochraceous mesial band; fringe white Expanse, 57 mm

Habitat, Arizona.

[Our 9 specimens do not exactly agree with Dr. Strecker's description.]

D. diazoma Grote*

1881 -Qitadrina diazoma Grotk, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 75. 18S4 Gloveria? diazoma llv. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 109. 9 Wings nearly concolorous, brownish, brighter at base. A curved, even, dark, extra mesial shade line on primaries ; an un-

* Through the courtesy of Prof. J. H. Comstock, we have been able to examine a photograph of the venation of this species.

160 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Voi.. ii.

even, broken sub-terminal line. Hind wings with a reddish shade which obtains slightly on apex of primaries. Expanse, 95 mm. Habitat, New Mexico [Grote.]

Family COSSID/E.

Synopsis of sub-fainilies and genera.

Vein 8 of secondaries united to sub-costal by a cross-vein.

Antennee of (^ pectinated for the basal half ; frenulum distinct, Zeuzerlnse.

Antennae of (5 pectinated to th etip ; frenulum rudimentary, . Cossinae.

Sexes approximate in size ........ Cossus.

Sexes disproportionate and differently marked . . . Prionoxystus.

Vein 8 of secondaries free from the base ..... Hypoptinje.

Vein ir of primaries arising from the accessory cell . . Cossula.

Vein II from the discnl cell ....... Hypopta.

Subfamily Zeuzerin.e. Genus Zeuzera Latreille.

\Zo\- Zeuzcra Latrkille, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXIV, p. 186. \%22l -Latai;ia HuicBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett-, p. 196.

Synopsis of species. Fore wings covered with round blackish spots .... pyrina.

Fore wings with blackish strigte ...... canadensis.

C. pyrina Lin nee us.

1 76 1 -iVocliii) /pyrina LlNN^US, Faun. Suec, p. 306.

ij^i - F/ni/iii/a hypocastani Puda, Mus. Grace, p. 88.

1767 -Ncclita (vsculi LiNN.tus. Syst. Nat., Vol. I (2), p. 833.

1785 Phalccna Ititaris Fouckoy, Ent. Paris, Vol. II, p. 306.

1892 Zeuzera decipiens Kikky, Cat. Lep. Het., Vol. I, p. 871.

White, thorax with six round black spots, the two anterior sometimes united ; abdomen black banded with two black spots at base above. Primaries thickly covered with rounded intervenular black spots. Secondaries with smaller and less distinct spots, absent at anal angle. Expanse. 45 60 mm.

Habitat, Europe ; vicinity of New York City. Z. canadensis Herrich-Schaffer.

1854 Zeiizem canadensis Herrich-Scii.5;ffek, Ausser. Schmett., Vol. I, f. 168.

Thorax ochraceous, abdomen paler, more whitish ; primaries white, heavily covered over the basal half below median vein and outwardly centrally almost to margin with a blackish shade ; costa tinged with brown. All the wings thickly covered with partly

Dec 1894] NeUAUEGEN & DVAR. N. A. BOMBVCES. 161

confluent, short, transverse black strigce. Secondaries white with a very few strigje at outer margin, otherwise immaculate. Expanse about 30 mm.

Habitat^ Canada. [Herrich-Sch;iffer ]

Sub-family Cossin/E.

Genus Cossus Fahricius.

1794 Cossus Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Vol. Ill (2), p. 8.

iSiO? II Teredo Huebner, Tentatmen, p, i.

1866 TrypaiiHs Rambur, Cat. I.ep And., Vol. II, p. 326.

Sy)20psis of species.

Size large, expanse at least 45 mm.

Dark colored ; collar black centerensis

Paler, collar gray or white.

Collar nearly white, primaries with very distinct transverse black

lines undosus.

Collar yellowish gray ; clouded along costa.

Indistinctly reticulated, with prominent median line . populi. Distinctly reticulated with black; mo'.tled . , . . orc.

Size smaller, expanse not more than 40 mm.

Pale, with distinct transverse lines ..... perplexus.

Darker, shaded, with no evident lilies ..... mucidus.

C. centerensis Liutiier.

1879 Cossus centeretisis LiNTN'KK, Can. Ent., Vol. IX, p. I2g.

Fore wings heavily reticulated, some transverse lines more prominent than others ; the markings black on a sordid white ground which is also powdered with black ; basal half obscured. Secondaries translucent with merest trace of recticulations. Abdomen blackish, obscurely banded with pale. Expanse, 50 65 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

C. undosus Lintner.

187S Cossus undosus LiNTNER, Rep. N. Y. State Mus., \'ol. XXX, p. 243. 1890 -Cossus hrucei F'rench, Can. Ent., Vol. XXII, p. 44.

Pale gray, the reticulations much as in C. centerensis, but the transverse lines are more strongly marked, especially a median and sub-terminal one, and the white ground is less obscured by brown powderings. Secondaries opaque white, finely and densely recTticulated. Expanse, 60 75 mm.

Habitat, Rocky Mountain region.

162 j(3URNAL NeVv YoRK EnT. SoC. [Vol. II.

C. populi Walker.

1856 Cossus populi \\! A-LKKK, Cat. Brit. Mas., pt. VII, p. 1515. 1882 Cossiis aitg7rzi Bailey, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 93.

Collar and head yellowish gray, thorax partly black. Fore wings with nearly white ground shaded with blackish, with black and reticulated lines, those crossing the center of the wings most distinct. Hind wings yellowish gray, mottled with blackish out- wardly. Expanse, 60—80 mm,

Habitat, Nevada, Hudsons Bay.

C. ore Strecker.

1893 C^JJiz/j tJ/r Stkecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 282.

Closely similar to C. populi but the lines more reticulated, less strigose, giving the fore wing a mottled appearance. Otherwise the species are alike. Expanse, 55 75 mm.

Habitat, The Pacific northwest.

C, perplexus Neunmgen S^ Dyar.

\'^(:)'},— Trypanus peiplexiis Neumcegen & Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 31.

Ash gray ; reticulations becoming obsolete, irregular and branched; median and sub-terminal lines remain. Secondaries unicolorous, pale cinereous, sub-translucent. Expanse, t^T) mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

C. mucidus Hy. Edwards.

1882 Cossus mucidus Hy. Edwards. Papilio, Vol. II. p. 126.

Reticulations converted into dense transverse strig^e, the fore wings all obscured by blackish shading except the basal costal half where ground color appears, sordid white. Secondaries sordid white, minutely strigose, appearing pulverulent. Expanse, 36 40 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

Genus Prionoxystus Grote.

1882 Prloiioxysitis Grote, New Check-list, p. 63.

1874 \Xystiis Grote, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, Vol. XIV, p. 262.

Synopsis of species.

Wings opaque, secondaries of r^ partly orange .... robiniae.

Secondaries of 9 ^'so orange tinted ..... var. quercus.

Wings sub-hyaline, no orange macmurtrei.

Dec. 1894.1 NeUiMiEGEN e^' DVAR. N. A. BOMLJVCES. 163

P. robin ias Peck.

1818 Cosstis robi)iiie Peck, Mass. Agric. Rep. Joiirn., \o\. V, p. 67. 1856 Cosstes /'/ao/a^iesWALKKR, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1515. i864—Ay/c-!t/c'srn-/>c'm Gkote, rioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 388. 1878 Cossus rcticiilalus LiNTNER, Rep. N. Y. Mus., Vol. XXX, p. 242.

var. quercus Ehrmann.

1893 Prioito.x-ystiis ro/'i/iicv vai . qiitTciis Ehrmann, Can. Ent., \o\. XXV, p. 257-

d^ Dull cinereous, patagia and collar bordered with black. Primaries densely reticulated with black, forming a broad diffuse band of black from internal margin to apex, running also on to discal cell. Secondaries golden yellow, black on basal half, costal and internal margins and narrow outer edge. Expanse, 50 55 mm.

9 Paler, almost white; reticulations less dense so that the black band is broken up into several isolated and variable patches. Secondaries blackish, the reticulations of undei side appearing by transparency. Expanse, 55—70 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States westward.

P. macmurtrei Giierin.

1829 Ccssits macnnirtrci GuERiN, Icon. R. Auim. Ins., pi. 85, f. 2. 1858 Cossus qtiercipcrda FrrCH, Rep. Ins. N. Y., Vol. V, p. 10.

cf Very small, wings hyaline with traces of the black trans- verse reticulations ; secondaries hyaline with narrow black border, broader on internal margin.

9 With very large abdomen ; wings whitish hyaline, the reti- culations mostly transverse, recalling C. undosus. Secondaries sub- hyaline, immaculate above. Expanse, 60 mm.

Habitat, Atlantic States.

Sub-family Hvpoptin.^. Genus Cossula Bailey.

1882 Cosutla B./Mi.EV, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 93.

im —Iiigiircinoi-pha Hv. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 182.

C. basalis JValker.

1856 Cossus basalis Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. VII, p. 1523.

1876 Cymatophora magnijica Streckf.r, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p.i=;i.

\'i,'^i Cossus iiiagnifica Bailey, Papilio, Vol II. p. 93.

188S InguroiiuvpJia slossonii Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer., Vol. Ill, p. 183.

^ Pale gray. At base of primaries, a deep black transverse band ; at internal angle and apex are distinct lines forming circles.

164 Journal New York Ent. Soc. ivol. ii.

the enclosed spaces dotted with brownish scales ; several other irregular black marks. Expanse, 32 mm.

9 Pale ash color, secondaries darker. Primaries with diffuse dark brown strigcT;. Outer border (one-fifth of wing) dull ocherous, defined inwardly and on the fringe by dark brown, and also in a spot at middle of outer margin. Expanse, 36 mm.

Habitat, Florida.

Genus Hypopta Huhner.

i%22—HyJ>opla HuEBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 195.

Synopsis of species. Wings nearly uniformly white; pectinations of antennae brown . manfredi. Wings more or less mottled or irrorate with dark shades; pectinations of antennae blackish. With blackish marks at end of median vein.

Terminal half of wing thickly covered with intervenular purplish

confluent spots ....... theodori.

Dark marking extending only from origin of vein 2 to cross vein or further; fringe of secondaries almost entirely

white bertholdi.

Dark marks confined to origin of veins 3 4; fringe of second- aries distintly black spotted ethela.

Without any blackish discal marks.

Wings largely marbled with pale brown, the white ground re- duced to a series of confluent spots . . . henrici. A brown spot on middle of interior margin only . . Cornelia. Without any brown markings on fore wings, white, irrorate

with black scales edwardi.

Wings giay, reticulated with black lines nanus.

H. manfredi Neumcegen.

1S84 Hypopta manfredi Neumcegen, Papilio, Vol. Ill, Vol. 139.

White, obscurely irrorate with brown scales on primaries, becoming defined on the cell into a rather distinct shade, Antennse brown. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, Arizona. Ii. theodori Byar.

1893— //i/<'//rt theodori DyAR, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 220.

White, terminal half of both wings nearly covered by confluent intervenular purplish spots, which become smaller towards margin and on primaries form a continuous blackish shade beyond cell from origin of vein 2 to sub-costal vein. Expanse, 30 mm.

Habitat, New Mexico.

Dfc. tSgi.] NeUINKKGEN & DyAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. 165

H. bertholdi Grofe.

liio—HypPpta herlholdi Gkotk, Bull. Brook. Ent. See , Vol. Ill, p. 45.

Pale gray, veins of primaries black. Costa and central area of primaries white, cut by the black veins, the white spreading diffusely into the gray; at veins 2 5 at base, the black spreads between the veins. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitit, Colorado.

H. ethela Neiimoegen & Dyar.

1S93 Ilypopta ethela Nkumcegen & Dyar, Jouin.N.Y.Ent.Soc , Vol.1, p. 32.

Gray ; primaries blackish, the white ground heavily irrorate

with black scales. A small spot at end of cell without irrorations,

and just below it an elongated black spot. Secondaries nearly

black centrally. Expanse, 28 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

H. henrici Giote.

\?i?)2— Hypopta henrici Grote, Papilio, Vol. II, p. 131.

White, with a grayish cast, 9 darker. Pale yellowish gray rounded confluent spots in a sub-terminal band and one through cell and sub-median interspace, break up the ground into a series of more or less confluent spots, but leave the costa white. Secon- daries of 9 gray, abdomen white. Expanse, 35 mm.

Habitat, Arizona.

H. Cornelia JVeumcegen &^ Dyar.

1893 Ilypopta Cornelia Neumcegen & Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Vol. I, p. 32.

White; a faint brownish tinge on primaries, which becomes marked beyond the cell, forming two obscure, parallel transverse lines; along internal margin a patch of brownish black and pale ocherous scales, broken up obscurely by the ground color. Secon- daries light gray. Expanse, 27 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

H. edwardi Neiimcegeti &• Dyar.

1893 Hypopta edivardi Neumcegen & Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Vol.

I, P- 32. Gray; primaries white, irrorate with black scales, less thickly over the cell. A faint brownish discoloration in the interspaces at base of veins 2 5 at end of cell. Secondaries brownish gray. Expanse, 40 mm.

Habitat, Colorado.

166 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol ii.


H. nanus Strecker* 1876 r(7j-.f«.f //«;//« Stkeckf.k, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 151. "Expands 1^8 inch. Has the appearance of a miniature ■Cosstis lig/iiperda, is gray, of lighter and darker shades and reticulated with black lines which are most noticeable across the disk and on the terminal part of wing. Secondaries uniform gray- ish. Beneath grayish, faintly reticulated. Habitat, Colorado."


SynoJ^sis of genera. Size large; apices of primaries relangular, sub-falcate , . Sthenopis.

Size smaller; apices rounded ....... Hepialus.

Genus Stiienopis Packard. 1864 Stheiiopis Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. II [, p. 390. Synopsis of species. General color silvery smoky gray.

Two silvery spots near base of discal cell.

Color smoky gray argenteomaculatus.

Ground color silvery puiple .... var. purpurascens.

One silvery spot near base and another sub-apical . . . zuif. los.

No silver dols on primaries ...... var. perdita.

General color pale salmon ...... quadriguttatus.

General color white .......... thule.

General color dull lilac, gold tinted ....... auratus.

S. argenteomaculatus Harris.

1841 Ilepiahis ari^eiiU'ODiaculatits Hakuis, Rep. Ins. iNIass., p. 295.

1864 Slkeiiopis argentcxtiis Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil , Vol. Ill, p. 292.

1885 Cossiis alni Kellicott, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p. 175.

var. purpuracens Packard.

1863 -Gorgopis piiipitrasccns PACKARD, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, p. 59S. var. los Strecker.

1893 //^//rt'/wj- /i).r Strecker, Proc. .Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 2S2.

var. perdita Dyar.

i'ii<:)1—SlJu'itopisnygcnti'omacuJatiis var. pcrdila Dvar, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, P- 327-

Sable brown with a silvery tint, with several large dark brown marks bordered by a bright shade ; outer margin dark, broadly so at internal angle, with or without two silvery spots near the base

* We are indebted to Dr. Strecker for a sketch of the venation of this species.

Dkc. 1394-1 NeUMCEGEN & DvAR. N. A. BOMBYCES. ]Q'!

of the wing. Secondaries uniformly sub-translucent, brown, with an apical slightly silvery mark. Expanse, 65 105 mm. Habitat, Northern Atlantic States northward.

S. quadriguttatus Grote.

1864 Gorgopis quadriguttatus Grotk. Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil., Vol, III, p, 73. 1893 Stheiippis argenteomaculatus var. seiiiiauratus Neumcegex & Dyar,

Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 124; 1893 Gkoie, Can. Ent., Vol.

XXV, p. 186; 1893— Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.,

p. 283.

Of a pale salmon color with olivaceous golden brown bands arranged as in argenteomaculatus, consisting of oblique basal, abbreviated discal and sub-apical ; two costal spots and terminal band, the latter wide at internal angle and inclosing a paler shade. Near base of cell on primaries two silvery spots, ringed with black.

Habitat, Mountains of New England northward. S. thule Sti ccker.

1875 Hi'pialus thule Strecker, Lep. Roph. & Het., pt. 105, pi. 12, f. 6.

Yellowish white, the costal third of wing as far as end of cell, densely mottled with cinnamon brown. A few irregular small brown spots scattered over the wing. Near base of cell two white spots, and at upper angle of cell two others, all black ringed. Secondaries white, with a few brown marks on the costal edge. Expanse, 65 mm.

Habitat, Canada, Wisconsin.

S. auratus Grote.

1878 Hepialus auratus Grote, Can. Ent., Vol- X, p. 18.

Yellowish brown with a brassy lustre and whitish ill defined marks appearing most strongly on two parallel bands (t. p. and s. t. ), the latter marked with two or three silvery white triangular spots sub-apically. Expanse, 48 mm.

Habitat, New York, New Hampshire.

G.enus Hepialus Fabricius.

1775 Hepialus Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 589.

1852 Epialus Lederer, Verh. Zooi. Bot. Ges. Wien, Vol. II, p. 73.

Synopsis of species.

An oblique band from near internal angle to base of wing. Silvery white or whitish markings on wing.

Wing opaque, markings silvery ...... ganna.

Wings sub-translucent, markings faintly silvery or white.

168 Journal New York Ent. Soc, [Voi. ii.

Size 30 mm. or less mustelinus.

Size more than 30 mm. ...... gracilis.

No white m^rks, bands smolcy roseicaput.

No such oblique band.

Transverse rows of whitish spots, dusky bordered . . . lembertii. Transverse bands partly silvery white.

Silver spots well fused, especially in outer band . . sequoiolus.

Silver spots smaller, nearly separate or reduced . . behrensii.

No silvery marks on wings.

Size rather large (35 55 mm.) ..... inontanus. Size small (less than 30 mm.)

No red marks; color ocherous or partly stone color . hectoides. With traces of transverse bands marked with bright red var. lenzi.

H. ganna Hllbner.

1804? Boinliyx ganna Huebner, Eur. Schmett. Bomb., f. 215.

1884 J7^/>/ii/us con/usus Hy.Edwakds, Papilio, Vol. IV, p. 122.

1S86 Hepialus vic-glashani Hy. Edwards. Ent. Amer., Vol. II, p. 14.

var. hyperboreus M'Oschlcr.

1862 Epialus liyperboretis Moeschler, Wien. Ent. Mon., Vol. VI, p. 129. 1864 Hepialus pukher QxKoiv., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil , Vol. Ill, p. 522.

var. matthewi Hy. Edwards. '

1874 ILpialus ?na/thinvi Hv. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad., Vol. V. p. 265.

Ground color yellowish brown, dark brown [hyperboreus) or pale yellowish brown with orange tints {jnattJiewi\ with irregtilar silvery bands on primaries. These consist of a band which starts at base, runs to costal third, then to internal margin before internal angle and thence to apex ; it is angular and furnished with irregular projections, sometimes broken into spots or partly absent. A discal spot, one on basal third of internal margin and some marks on middle of outer margin, all of which may be more or less reduced or absent. Secondaries blackish, paler along costa and outer margin. Expanse, 25-35 '''^"^•

Habitat., Arctic and mountainous regions of Europe and North America. H. mustelinus ^'(/r/'a/v/.

1864 Hepialus mustelinus Pack.vrd, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 393.

1864 Hepialus lahradoriensis PACKARD, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. Ill, p. 394.

Brown ; primaries faintly mottled with paler brown with a whitish somewhat irregularly outlined band along internal margin and reaching from before internal angle to apex ; above it, along the margin, a black shade. Expanse, 27 mm.

Habitat, Labrador.

Dec. 1804.J NeUMCEGEN & DyAR. N. A. EoMLVCES. 169

H. gracilis Grote.

1864 Hipialus :^racilis Grote, Proc. Eiit. Soc. riiil., Vol. Ill, p. 522. 1S84 Hfpialus fttrca/us GuO'iE, Can. Ent., Vol. XV, p. 30.

Sub-translucent obscure gray. A pale white band from apex to internal margin, running thence to base, rather broad but in- dented. The rest of the wing obscurely clouded with black and brownish scales, without distinct marks. Outer margin white, fringe black spotted. Expanse, t,;^ 40 mm.

Larger than miistelinus and paler in the specimens before us, but with the same markings; probably not specifically distinct.

Habitat, Northern Atlantic States to Canada.

H. roseicaput Neunnvgcn c^ Dyar.

1893 Hcpialiis roseicaput Neumcegen & Dyak, Can. Ent., Vol. XXV, p. 125.

Primaries salmon brown, with obscure smoky black bands arranged after the pattern of ^^•(7////(^?. Secondaries blackish. Ex- panse, Ty-^ mm.

Habitat, British Columbia.

H. lembertii Dyar.

1894 Hfpialiis hniibcrtii Dyar, Ent. News, Vol. V, p. 25.

Ocherous with the bands broken up into a series of dusky bordered, sub-hyaline, whitish spots, varying considerably in size and distinctness. Certain of them may be absent or confluent with others. Secondaries blackish. Expanse, 30 35 mm.

Habitat^ High Sierras of California.

H. sequoiolus Bchrcus.

1876 Hipialits st.'(]!ioio!iis Behkkns, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 174. 1876 Hcpialiis iiieudocinolus Behrens, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 174.

Dark brown with a salmon tint along costa. Two oblique silvery bands composed of spots from internal margin to sub- costal vein, bordered outwardly by a narrow red line. A sub- terminal pale band. Secondaries blackish. Expanse, 32 40 mrn.

Habitat, California and Pacific Northwest.

H. behrensii Stretch.

1872 Sllieuopis beluensii Stretch, Zyg. & Bomb. N. A., p. 105.

1S74 Epiahis taconuv Hy. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. V, p. 365.

Salmon brown, wings nearly immaculate. Three paler trans- verse parallel bands can be made out, the t. a. and t. p. marked

170 Journal New York Ent. Soc. [Vol. ii.

with silver on lower third. Outer band (3rd) often absent. Ex- panse, 55 mm. Probably not different from the preceding. Habitat^ California and Pacific Northwest.

H. montanus Stretch.

1872 IL-piahis Jiionlainis Stketch, Zyg. & Bomb. N. A., p. IC5. 1875— //(■//(?/// i- d^iolattts Stkeckek, Lep. Roph. & Het., p. 107. 1876 Ilfpialus baroni Behkkns, Can. Ent.. Vol. VIII, p. 175. i83i Hcpialtis aiiccps IIv. EIdwakos. Papilio, Vol. I, p. 36. 1881 Ihpiahis rectus Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. 1, p. 36.

Dark brown or yellowish brown. Three maculate paler bands (t. a., t. p. and s. t.) defined by darker edges. A terminal series of similar spots. Markings obscure but evident. Secondaries con- colorous or darker. Expanse, 55 mm. or less.

Habitat, California and the Pacific Northwest.

H. hectoides Boisduval.

1868 Ileplalus hectoidi-s Boisduval, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., Vol. XII, p. 85. 1875 Hcpialus iiiodt-sliis IlY. Edwards, Ptoc.Cal.Acad..Sci , Vol. V, p. 112. 1881 Ilepialus iiiiililis Hy. Edwards, Papilio, Vol. I, p. 36.

var. lenzi Behrcns.

1876 ILpiahis leiizi Behklns, Can. Ent., Vol. VIII, p. 175.

1878 Hepialus saiigaris Strecker, Lep. Roph. & Het., Vol. I, p. 136.

Stone color with two oblique parallel pale yellowish bands narrowly marked with vermillion. This color may be lacking, or the bands, or all the stone colored shade, leaving the wings pale yellowish. Expanse, 16 20 mm.

Habitat, California, Arizona.

We have not been able to recognize the following :

Hepialus californicus Boisduval.

iS6S—J/<p/<!/its califoniicus Boisduval, Ann. Ent.Soc.Belg., Vol. XII, p. 85.

It has the appearance and form of carutis of the Alps. Fore

wings obscure gray, showing in a certain light towards the extremity

some whitish parallel rays enclosing little rounded patches of a

more obscure color. Hind wings blackish gray.

Dec. i894 1 NeUM<EGEN & DvAR. N. A. BoiMBVCES. l7l


Family Euchromiidas. Yor Lycoiiiorp/ia fi/lgens Wy. Edvv. read L. cequalis Walk, and remove the name from the list of North American species. Add as a synonym of Z. grotei.

Family Lithosiidse, gtuusFagara. Add. P. ciidora Dy3.v, 1894, Ent. News, Vol.V, p. 198. Like F. s//////i\v but white instead of gray.

Habitat, Southern States.

Genus Cleinciisia. Add C. lactca Stretch, 1885 Cisthcue lactea Stretch, Ent. Amer., Vol. I, p 103. White with about six small black spots. Habitat, California.

Omit the sub-family Eudulince (= Geometrids).

Family Arctiidae. Add to Seirarctia ec/w as a synonym Spilo- so/na niobc Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1884, p. 284. Add to Estigmene acnea as a synonym Leucarctia acraa var. klagesii Ehr- mann, Can. Ent., Vol. XXVI, p. 292 (1894).

Genus Parcuchates. For P. cadaverosa Grt. read P. insulata Walker, 1855, Cat. Brit. Mus., pt. Ill, p. 734. Beutenmiiller, 1894, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., Vol. VI, p. 368, and place cadaverosa as a synonym.

Page 153 erase the genus Coscinia (not American).

For genus Haploa read:

Vein 5 of secondaries arising close to 4 . . . . . Haploa.

Vein 5 of secondaries fiom near middle of cell .... Doa.

Doa gen n.

Differs from Coscinia in the broader trigonate wings, the presence of vein 5 on secondaries and the greater coalescence of 8 with sub-costal, nearly reaching tip of cell. On fore \vings veins 7-- 8 and 9—10 arise from a pair of separate stalks from the cell, while in Coscinia the stalks are fused into one at basal half, so that 7 10 are on a single stalk. Ocelli present, front smooth, head prominent, tongue moderate. l ype Doa dora Neum. & Dyar.

Synopsis of species.

Fore wings gray, without borders ....... dora.

Fore wings white, edged with a narrow black line on costa and outer margin ampla.

D. dora sp. n.

'•:l Foie wings carneous gray crossed before the middle and again beyond the cell by a broad, diffuse, dark gray band ; terminally the wing is scarcely darker than elsewhere. Si.K black dots arranged exactly as in D. ampla Grt. Costal edge and fringe concolorous. Secondaries, underside and abdomen dark blackish giay, uniform, immaculate, except for a small discal dot on both wings below. Thorax apparently concolorous with fore wings, but injured. Antennae black. Expanse, 38 mm.

Habitat, Guadalajara, Mexico.

172 Journal New York Ent. Soc. iv. l. ii.

Page 155 for Coscinia aiiipla Grote, read Doa auipla Grote.

Genus Kodiosoma. Reduce all the four species to one, being varities of K. fiilva.

Family Agaristidas -The only character to separate this family from the Noctuida^ is the swollen antennae. Therefore we would suggest that all the genera here enumerated, except Alypia, be transferred to the Noctuidce.

Place Genus Sciidyra Stretch as a synonym of Zalissa Walker, 1865 Cat. Brit. Mus., pt XXXIII, p. 936; 1894 Hampson, Moths of India, Vol. II, p. 155.

Genus Alypiodes (not Alypioides) add A.bii)iacidata H.-S. Like A. cresccns but without a yellow spot on secondaries above. Habitat^ New Mexico.

Family Lagoidae Add to g^xxws, Carania the following :-—C pura Butler (1878, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p 64). Like C. crctata but the whole head is pale lemon yellow except the front which is blackish. Habitat, Southern States, (cT Washington, D. C.)

Family Pyromorphidae— Substitute the following synopsis of genera for the one given on page 63 :

Veins 8 9 stalked, or all veins free (from cell) when S is absent.

Primaries elongate, narrow, apex acute; vein 8 absent . Acoloithus. Primaries broader, apex rounded; vein 8 usually present.

Costa of primaries convex ..... Pyromorpha.

Costa straight Triprocris.

Veins 8 10 stalked, or 9 -10 stalked when 8 is absent . . Harrisina.

Genus Triprocris. Add T. lustrans Beutenmiiller. 1894, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. VI, p. 367. Black, with metallic blue lustre; expanse, 31 mm. Habitat, Colorado.

Famil) Limacodidas— Erase Liinacodcs viridus Reak. as a synonym of Eiiclea indetennina Bd. and place it as a synonym of Parasa cJiloris H.-S.

Family Notodontidae —Insert Hetcrocainpa chapmaiii Grote. It is unknown to us, but presumably a good species.

Family Saturniidas Change the synopsis of sub-families to read :

Antennae doubly bipectinaled in the 9 Attacinae.

Antenna; simply bipectinated or simple in the $ . . Hemileucinae.

Erase "sub-family Lemoniinee" on p. 129 and insert sub- family Hemileucina: before genus Aiitonieris on page 127.

Dec. 18^4. 1 NeUMCEGEN & J3VAR. N. A. BoMliYCES. 173


Lycomorpha descrtiis Hv. Edw., Papilio, Vol. I, p. 8i (1881). Type lost ; family and generic location uncertain.

Edema plagiata Walker, Cat Brit. Mus., pt. XXXII, p. 427 (1865) Type lost, description unrecognizable.

Rhagonis bicolor Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond , (3), Vol. I, p. 270 (1862). Type lost, description unrecognizable.


We have refrained from changing any of the family names during the publication of the foregoing revision ; but certain changes seem desirable. It would appear proper to alter the name of a family when the genus from which it was taken becomes a synonym.* On this account, principally, the following changes are suggested :

(r) Eiichromiidce. We took this name from Kirby's Catalogue (Euchromiinae, p. 117); but as Syntomid^ has been used previously and is adopted by Hampson, it would seem preferable to use it. However, according to Kirby, Syntomis is a synonym of Zygceiia, and hence the family should be called Zygoenidse. We have felt unwilling to make this change, as the name has been commonly associated with such different insects (Anthroceridai, type A. filipenduhe L )

(2) Liparida. Kirby and Hampson agree in suppressing the genus Liparis. The name will be changed to Lymantriidc'e, follow- ing Hampson (Moths of India, Vol. I, p. 432).

(3) Drepanitlidce. Mr. Grote has suggested to us that this should be Platypterygidse. However, as the name stands, it is uniform with Kirby and Hampson. We would make it Drepanid^.

(4) Limacodida;. Both the genera Limacodcs and CocJiUdion have become synonyms. In correspondence with Prof. Comstock we have concluded to call the family Eucleids.

(5) Lagoidce. This should be changed to Megalopygidae not only because Lagoa has become a synonym, but also in recognition of the work of Carlos Berg (Ann. Soc. Cient. Argentina, Vols. XIII— XIV).

* See rules of nomenclature adopted by the international zoological congress held in Moscow, 1892.

174 Journal, Nkw York Ent. Soc. [Voi.. ii.

(6) Satiirniidce. It may be advantageous to recognize the two sub-families as of family rank, i. e. Saturniida^ (Attacince) and Hemileucidas.

(7) CcratocainpidiC should be changed to Citheroniida^ as Cera- tocampa is a synonym.

Finally we would arrange the families here treated of in systematic order, following the classification into sub-orders founded by Prof. Comstock and the super-families of the Frenatte suggested by Mr. Dyar.

Type Arthropoda, Class Hexapoda=Insecta, Order Lepidoptera.

Sub- order Jugatae. Family Hepialid^e.

Sub-order Frenatas.

Super-family Cossina (Microlepidoptera).

Families CossidiX. Psychida;. Lacosomidffi,

Super-family Anthrocerina.

Families Pyromorphidce. Megalopygidai. Eucleida?.

Super-family Saturnina (Bonibycina).

Families Citheroniidre. Hemileucidse. Saturniidee. Bombycid^.

Super-family Noctuina.

Families Notodontidte. Lithosiidre.

Dioptidre. Arctiid^e.

Drepanidse, Euchromiidos (Zygaenidce).

Agaristidas. Lymantriidae. Pericopidre.

Super-family Lasiocampina (?). Family Lasiocampidoi.





The following revision is continuous with that being published by us in the journal of the New York Entomological Society, including the series of families formerly classed as " Bombyces." Mr. Dyar has prepared the present paper from the material in Mr. Neumoegen's collection, and has recently gone over a large part of the species with Dr. A. S. Packard, to whom our thanks are due.* The manuscript has thus become complete, and we have concluded to present this family separately, thus saving space in the New York journal.

The NotodontidiB belong to the group of specialized frenulum con- serves in which the cubitus (median vein) is apparently three branched. Their relations may, perhaps, be best exhibited by a synopsis of groups of the Lepidoptera, which is drawn up on the lines suggested by Prof. J. H. Comstock.f

We have used two systems of nomenclature of the veins of the wings, and present the following table, showing the corresponding name for each vein :

Hekrich-Schaeffer System.

Redtenbacher-Comstock System.

Fore ■uings.

Hind wings.

Fore wings.

Hind wings.

1, vein la


vein \a

1, vein ix

1, vein xi

2, vein lb


vein 2b

2. vein viii

2, vein ix

3, median vein


vein \c

3, cubitus or vii

3, vein viii

4, vein 2


median vein

4, vein vii2

4, cubitus or vii

5, vein 3


vein 2

5, vein viii

5, vein viia

6, discoidal vein


vein 3

6, media or v

6, vein viii

7, discal cross- vein


discoidal vein

7, cross-vein

7. media or v

8, vein 4


discal cross-vein

8, vein V3

8, cross-vein

9, vein 5


vein 4

9, vein V2

9, vein V3

10. vein 6


vein 5

10, vein vii

10, vein vz

11, subcostal vein


vein 6

11, radius or iii

11, vein vi

12, vein 7


subcostal vein, or vein 7

12, vein iiis

12, radius or iii

13, vein 8


vein 8

13, vein iii4

13, subcosta or ii

14. vein 9

14, vein iii3

15, vein 10

15, vein iii2

16, vein 11

16, vein iiii

17, vein 12

17, subcosta or ii

18, costal edge.


18, costa or i

«- We would refer to Dr. Packard's monograph for a fuller treatmeDt of the Notodontidse than is possible iu the limits of this paper. We deem ourselves fortunate in having been able to consult with Dr. Packard concerning the syn- onymy of several of the species, which is the better established by a consensus of opinion. In a few instances, notably in the rank to be assigned to certain local forms, we have felt obliged to differ from Dr. Packard.

t Wilder Quarter Century Book, pp. 37-113 (1893).


JUNE, 1894.



Sy?iopsis of the Suborders of the Lepidoptera.

Wings united by a modification of the base of primaries; venation essentially similar in the two wings JUGATE.

Wings united by a modification of base of secondaries; venation dissimilar in the two wings , FRENAT^.

- lloJb

Venation of Heterocampa lunata Hy. Edw., illustrating nomenclature of veins.

This division is sharp, not complicated by any intergrading forms. It should be followed directly by a synopsis of families in each sub- order, for we have not found it possible to define a series of super- families with satisfactory exactness. However, several divisions of the Frenatse may be recognized, though they are not sharply sepa- rated.


Suborder PBENAT^. Frenulum usually distinct, siugle in % , usually divided and shorter iu 9 '■ rarely

abortive Frenulum conservers.

Frenulum absent, or very rudimentary; replaced by an expanded area at base of secondaries, often containing supplementary humeral veins.

Frenulum losers.

The frenulum conservers are well distinguished in general ; but several genera occur iu which the frenulum is much reduced or even absent, while in some families included in the frenulum losers there is a rudimentary frenulum. These divisions of the Frenatae do not represent separate lines of descent, as is the case in the division into suborders since the Lasiocampidse are separated from their allies in the Arctiid series.

The Frenulum conservers.

Primaries with two, or secondaries with three anal veins, usually complete: median often well preserved..... Generalized frenulum conservers.

Primaries with one, and secondaries with not more than two anal veins, except rarely traces of a third Specialized frenulum conservers.

These divisions are fairly well marked. The Castniidse, Cossidse, Eucleidse {= Limacodidse), Pyromorphidse, Megalopygidae (= La- goidse), Psychidse and many of the microlepidoptera fulfill the char- acters of the first division ; but this does not appear to be the case with all the microlepidoptera, nor with the Sesiidse. On the other hand, our species of Phryganidia (Dioptidse) shows a portion of a third anal vein on the hind wings.

The families intended to be included by the term " specialized frenulum conservers" may be separated by the following table:

Secondaries without distinct intercostal cell.

(Jubitus of primaries apparently 4-branched.

The radius and subcosta of secondaries united for about one-third the

length of cell or more.

These veins completely coalesced to tip EUCHBOMIID^.

Not corupletely coalesced (apparently so in a few instances).



The radius and subcosta free toward base, except in a few instances.

Vein Vi arising close to, or in conjunction with radius on secondaries.

Cubitus of secondaries apparently 4-branched ; % autennje pectinate.



Cubitus of secondaries 3-branched, or 4-branched ; antennae often

, ,,. e. 4. ( NOCTUID^.

simple; ocelli often present -




Vein v' of secondaries arising apparently from discal cross-vein ; sub- costa running close to radius beyond cell, or even joining it.


Branches of radius of primaries all free THYBIDjE.

Cubitus of primaries apparently 3-brancbed. Veins V3 and vii, arising independently.

Body slender, wings fragile, finely scaled I GEOMETRID^.

i BBEPHID^. Body larger and robust. Vein Vj of secondaries joined to radius before apex of cell.


Vein V, joined at or beyond end of cell NOTODONTID^.

Veins V3 and viii coalesced at base DIOPTID^.

Becondaries with a distinct inter-costal cell; wings usually elongate.



Synopsis of Subfamilies and Genera.

Outer margin of primaries excavate below apex; accessory cell on a long stalk.

APATELODIN^. Outer margin entire, or at most moderately excavate between the terminations of the nervules.

Antennae of % bipectinated to the tip or simple NOTODONTIN^E.

Antenufe of % with distinct pectinations. Primaries with an accessory cell.

A tufted tooth on internal margin of primaries Kotodouta.

Internal margin entire.

Pectinations of antennae long.

Thorax with large central tuft IVadata.

Thorax untufted H^parpax.

Pectinations moderate or short.

Costa of primaries straight, apex rectangular Symilierista.

Costa convex, apex rounded Nerice.

Primaries without accessory cell (rarely a small one in one Cerura). Internal margin entire.

Vein 5 (vz) of secondaries distinct Cerura.

Vein 5 (V2) of secondaries weak or absent.

Tip of abdomen with a brush-like tuft JflelHloplia.

Tip of abdomen simple | Gliiphisia.

A tufted tooth on internal margin of primaries Plieosia.

Antennae of % simple, without distinct pectinations. A tufted tooth on internal margin of primaries.

Accessory cell absent LopliOflonta.

Accessory cell present Lophopteryx.

Internal margin entire.

Accessory cell present I>ataiia.

Accessory cell absent l^ystalca.


AntennsB of % pectinated for basal two-thirds or more, the tips bare.


A slight tooth on internal margin of primaries laiiassa.

Internal margin entire. Accessory cell present. Aiitennie of 9 simple.

Antennae of % pectinated for basal three-fourths or less.

A vertical tuft on the head ; black spots above internal angle of

primaries Das.ylopliia.

Head without a distinct erect tuft.

Terminal abdominal hairs gathered into a more or less conspicu- ously bifid tuft Scliizura.

Anal tuft not normally bifid.

Accessory cell moderately long Euliyparpax.

Accessory cell reaching half way to apex of wing. Wings elongate, more than twice as long as broad.


Wings shorter, twice as long as broad, or less Cecrita.

Antennae of % pectinated nearly to tip - ]?Ii!>»oga(la.

Anteunpe of 9 pectinated I^itoclouta.

Accessory cell absent ; veins 6-10 stalked (vi joint to radius).

Head moderately prominent Macrurocainpa.

Head sunken in the thorax Ellida.

Subfamily APATELODIN^. Genus Apatelodes Packard.

1864.— Packard. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 353. 1891.— Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het. vol. i, p. 851.

Synopsis of Species.

Outer margin entire below vein 5 (V2) torre facta.

Outer margin deeply excavate between the terminations of veins.. .angelica.

A. torrefacta Abbot and Smith.

1797.— Abbot and Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol. ii, pi. 76. Phalsenu.

var, floridaiia Hy. Edwards.

1886.— Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 13.

Ash-gray, clouded with smoky-brown on the fore wings, with transverse ante- rior and transverse posterior, narrow, waved, deep brown lines, and between them two others of smoky -brown, often faint. Within the transverse anterior line on internal margin is a large, deep brown patch, partially divided by ashen scales on vein 1 (ix). Between veins 6 and 7 (iiis and Vi), near the margin, is a triangular or quadrate, white, subhyaline spot. Secondaries dull red, with an outer whitish line, marked on the internal margin by two deep brown dashes. Posterior edge of thorax and tip of abdomen deep brown. Expanse, % 40 mm. ; 9 50 mm.

Hah. Atlantic States.

The varietal form Jloridana is more reddish with markings obscured.



A. angelica Grote.

1864.— Giote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 322. Parathyris.

hyalinopuncta Packard. 1864. Packard, Proc. Eiit. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 354. Apatelodes. var. indistincta Hy. Edwards.

1886.— Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 13. Asb-gray, transverse anterior aud transverse posterior lines consisting of rows of brown, venular points, the two intermediate lines deep clay-biown, broad, diflFused. Between veins 4-5 (v^-Vj) and 5-6 (Vs-v,) a quadrate, white, hyaline spot, the lower one snaaller. Secondaries pale brownish, with an inner brown, and outer pale obscure line. Thorax gray, with central brown crest. Abdomen thickly dotted with reddish brown dorsally. Expanse, % 42 mm.; 9 47 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

The variety indistincta is more reddish than the typical form, and the markings are fainter.

Subfamily NOTODONTINiE. Genus Notodonta Ochsenheimer. 1810. Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. vol. iii, p. 45.

Peridea Stephens. 1828.— Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. Pt. ii, p. 32.

Synopsis of Species.

Size large: external margin of primaries excavate between the veins .elegaii!^. Size smaller; external margin entire.

Fore wing shaded with ocher and brown along internal and external margins.

Thorax dark ash-gray !$t,ragula.

Thorax blackish gray pacifica.

Fore wing without ocherous brown marks, but with longitudinal black dashes before internal angle.

Primaries yellowish at base and disc georgica.

Primaries uniform stone-gray. turtuosa.

K. elegans Strecker.

1885.— Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1884, p. 285. Lophopteryx. var. grisea Strecker.

1885.— Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1884, p. 286. Lophopteryx.

notaria Hy. Edwards. 1885. Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. i, p. 17. Notodonta. Gray, shading into chocolate-brown at base of fore wings. A silvery white mark ou vein 1 (anal vein) at base; internal margin between tooth and base ocherous. A series of obscure, subterminal, venular, black dashes, most evident at apex. Secondaries white, with gray patch at internal angle divided by a white line. Thorax gray, abdomen brownish. Expanse, 50 mm.

Hab. Mountains of New York and New England (Canada), Michigan, Rocky Mountain region.

The var. (jrisea differs in lacking the brown shade at basal part of fore wings.


X. stragula Grote.

1864.— Grote. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 93. race mail it Oil Neiiinoegen and Dyar.

1893.— Neumoeu;en and Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. vol. i, p. 35. Thorax and fore vk^iugs slate-gray, replaced by ocherous and brown along in- ternal margin and subtenuinally. Two deep brown, parallel stre.ak.s at base, below median vein and on internal margin respectively. Transverse anterior line waved, ocherous, bordered with brown. A linear discal mark surrounded with pale. Transverse posterior line obsolete, except at internal margin. Sub- terminal line ocherous, waved. Hind wings white in the male, brownish gray in the female, darker along the outer border. Expanse 40 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States, westward.

The race m,amton differs in its much paler colors.

Hab. Rocky Mountain region.

X. pacifica Behr.

1892.— Behr., Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2) vol. iii, p. 206. Hab. Mountains of California and Pacific Northwest. Closely allied to .stragala, but darker throughout.

51. georgica Herrich-Schaffer.

1855. Herrich-Schaffer, Ausser. Scliinett. i, f. 384. Pal3 gray, with yellowish tinge at base of fore wings, and irrorate with black. T. a. and t. p. lines distinct, black, dentate. A linear black discal dot; tooth black. A series of subterniinal, intervenular, black dashes, obsolete centrally; the one between veins 1 and 2 (anal and viia) reappears inside t. p. line. Fringe spotted with black. Hind wings white. Expanse 40 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States, westward.

N. tortuosa Tepper.

1881.— Te|)per, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc. vol. iv. p. 2. Drynobia. Much like N. georgica. Primaries and thorax dark stone-gray, slightly tinged with yellowish. T. a. and t. p. lines as in georgica, but uniformly black, very faintly whitish bordered; a basal and snbapical longitudinal black dash and one near internal angle, discal dot black ; white dash at base of wing and on side of thorax. Secondaries whitish, with brownish tinge. Expanse 35 mm.

Hab. Rocky Mountain region.

Genus JVadata Walker. 1855.— Walker, (Jat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1062.

II Alastor Boisduval. 1S69. Boisdiival, Ann. Ent. Soc. Belg. vol. xii, p. 87.

Synopsis of Forms.

Color buff, orange-huflf to red. General color buff.

Excavations on external margin filled in with white gibbosa.

Fringe uniformly ocherous var. (loiibleday i.

Color deep orange-red race rtibript'iiiiis.

Color straw-yellow.

Wings without black shades race oregoiieiiiiiis.

A black shade at end of cell var. belireiiisii.

TEANS. AM. ENT. SOC. XXI. (24) JUNE, 1894.


IV. gibbosa Smith and Abbott.

1797. Smith and Abbott, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol, ii, pi. 82. Phalsena. var. doubledayi Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 356. Nadata. race riibripeiiiiis Neumoefien and Dyar.

1893. Neumoegen and Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. vol. i, p. 34. race oregoiieiisis Butler.

1881. Butler, Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) vol. viii, p. 317. var. behreiisii Hy. Edwards.

1885. —Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. i, p. 49. Buff, orange tinted, sometimes irrorate with brown scales. T. a. line curved, t. p. line straight, oblique, narrow, deep brown, faintly edged with whitish. Two rounded, white, superposed, discal spots, preceded by a clear buff space. Secondaries paler toward the costal edge. Hab. Atlantic States, westward.

The race rubripennis difiers in the deep orange-red coloration. Hab. Rocky Mountain region. The race oregonensis differs in its paler color. Hab. California and the Pacific Northwest.

Genus Hyparpax Hiibner. 1824. Hiibner, Samml. ex. Schmett. ii.

Sangata Walker. I860.— Walker, Oat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xx, p. 265.

Synopsis of Species.

Median space clear yellow aurora.

Median space irrorate, or covered by reddish scales.

Fore wing pink, with only a line of yellow Ten US.

Fore wing pale dull ocherous with lines and irroratious of brownish red.


H. aurora Smith and Abbott.

1797.— Smith and Abbott, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol. ii, pi. 87. Phalsena.

rosea Walker. I860.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xx, p. 265. Sangata.

venusta Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xsxii, p. 574. Dryocampa. Pale yellow, shaded with pink. T. a. line bent at right angles on median vein; t. p. straight, oblique, a linear discal mark, all pink. Basal and terminal spaces and costa largely overspread with pink. Secondaries white. Expanse 30 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States from New York to Florida.

II. venus Neumoegen.

1892. Neumoegen, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 226.

Thorax and primaries dark pinkish red, darker than aurora. T. p. line straight, narrow, yellow: faint trace of angulated t. a. line. Secondaries white.


tinged with pink outwardly and on fringe. Abdomen pale clay-yellow, with the tip pink. Expanse 35 mm.

Hab. Colorado.

H. peroplioroides Strecker.

1877.— Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1876, p. 152. Cosmia.

aurostriata Graef. 1888. Graef, Eiit. Amer. vol. iv, p. 58. Hyparpax. var. tyria Slosson.

1894.— Slosson, Eut. News vol. v, p. 198. Very pale ocherous, all the margins of fore wing deep brownish red. Wing evenly irrorate; lines as in aurora, narrow, even, the discal streak sometimes nnited with the angle of t. a. line. Secondaries white, the outer third tinted dark red. Expanse 30 mm.

Hab. Florida.

The variety has the wings heavily iri'orate.

Genus SymnieriNta Hiibaer. 1852?— Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett. p. 248.

Edema Walker. 1855— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1028.

^Synopsis of Species.

A white costal edging albifrous.

No white edging packarclii.

S. albifrons Smith and Abbott.

1797. Smith and Abbott, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol ii, pi. 8. Phalxna. var. albicosta Iliibner.

1804?— Hiibner, Eur. Schmett. Noct. f. 440. Noctua. Ash-gray, shaded with brownish centrally on fore wings. The white costal mark on outer half of wing is expanded into a rounded projection l)eyond the linear discal dot; lines strigose, confused; a subterminal series of transveise dashes. Secondaries pale gray. The head, collar and central part of thorax, are pale ligneous brown, the whole patch bordered with black. Expanse 30 mm. The var. albicosia differs in having the projection from the costal band tooth-like instead of rounded. Hab. Atlantic States, westwaixl.

S. packardii Morrfson.

1875. Morrison, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. vol. xi, p. 92. Edema. Brownish cinereous, as in albifrons. Costal mark indicated by a pale shade. T. p. line and t. a. line black, geminate, waved. Subterminal row of dashes and discal spot as in albifrons. Expanse 31 mm.

Hab. Texas.

Ge!ius STerice Walker. 1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. vol. v, p. 1070. N. bideiitata Walker.

1855.— Walker. Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1076.



Tlioiax silver-gray, with a square, deep brown patch on the anterior part and head. Fore wings silver-gray along internal margin, the costal half brown, shading into deep brown where it joins the gray, and produced downwards in two teeth at the location of the t. a. and t. p. lines. The t. p. line is indicated on costal margin, and there is an oblique brown dash on the outer margin cross- ing vein 5. Secondaries brownish gray. Expanse 35 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

Genus C'erura Schrank. 1802.— Schraiik, Fauna Boica ii (2), p. 155.

Andria Hiibner. 1810?— Hiibner, Tent. p. 1.

Hnrpyia Ochsenheimer. 1810. Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. vol. iii, p. 19.

Pnnia Dalman. 1823.— Dalman, Anal. Ent. p. 92.

Dicramira Boisduval. 1829.— Boisduval, Ind. Meth. p. 54.

Synopsis of Species.

Primaries crossed by about eight angularly undulate black lines.

Secondaries black Iiiultiscripta.

Secondaries white scJtiscripta.

Primaries crossed at basal third by a broad gray baud, sometimes absent.

One or more transverse, dentate lines on discal area before the subtermiiial shade. Transverse band gray, pulverulent, bordered by black and orange scales.

Fore wings pale cinereous occideiitnlis.

Fore wings white.

Transverse band broad scolopeiidrina.

Transverse band narrow or broken var. stlbicoina.

Band even blackish, without distinct borders uiodfSta.

A double row of veunlar dots forming an ellipse, sometimes obsoletely con- nected boreal is.

A single row of venular dots preceded by a rigid shade line, or discal area immaculate.

Fore wings dark cinereous einerea.

Fore wings pale cinereous var. cinereoides.

Fore wings nearly white.

Transverse gray band distinct var. placida.

This baud very obscure or absent var. iiivea.

C iniiltiiiicripta Eiley.

1875. Eiley, Trans. St. Louis Acad. vol. iii, p. 241. White; thorax faintly greenish, hind wings blackish. Posterior edge of collar and two transverse rows of dots on thorax black; abdomen banded with blackish above. Wings crossed by eight narrow, dentate, black lines, with a sea-green shade between the lines 2 aud 3 and 7 and 8, the latter on costal half. A ter- minal row of black dots. Expanse, % 25 mm.; $> 30 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States, westward.


C. scitiscripta Walker.

1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 408. Candida Lintner.

1878.— Lintner, Eept. Mus. N. Y. xxx, p. 199. Shining white, marked like multiscripta, but without greenish shades. T. a. band absent, or partly present, composed of about four irregular ringlets: discal spot absent, or a ringlet. T. p. band of two or three dentate black lines with black mark at costa and internal angle. Black dots at base of fringe, varying in size. Secondaries white, or shaded with brownish along the veins. Expanse 30—40 mm.

Hab. Texas, Kansas.

('. occideiltalis Lintner.

1878.— Lintuer, Rep. Mus. N. Y. xxx, p. 194. Very pale cinereous; t. a. band edged by darker scales. The basal dots and median liue distinct. T. p. line dentate, with its costal baud present. Terminal dots large.

Hab. Atlantic States.

C scolopendriiia Boisduval.

1870. Boisduval, Anu. Soc. Eut. Belg. vol. xii, p. 86. Dicranura.

aqnUonaris Lintner. 1878. Lintner, Rep. N. Y. Mus. xxx, p. 195. Cerura. var. albicoina Strecker.

1885.— Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1884, p. 284. White, marked much as occidentalis, but the basal dots less distinct. T. a. baud defined by black Hues and orange scales, varying much in width. Secon- daries white with terminal and discal dots, and often traces of a mesial band.

Hab. Canada, Rocky Mountains, California and the Pacific


C inodesta Hudson.

1891. Hudson, Can. Ent. vol. xxiii, p. 197. .Very pale cinereous, all the dots reduced. T a. band and subapical bands broad, uniform, almost bluish black. All the marks more smooth and smoky than in occidentalis, and the fine lines and dots indistinct.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States.

C borealis Gueriu.

1829. Guerin, Icon. r. anim. pi. 88, f. 5. Dicranura. White, centre of thorax black, and abdomen black banded. Basal and ter- minal dots distinct. T. a. band very broad, black, edged with black lines and orange scales. T. p. costal shades runs narrowly across the wing; central den- tate line between the bands broken up into distinct dots which form a regular ellipse. Hind wings smoky outwardly with terminal and discal dots.

Hab. Atlantic States.



C ciiierea Walker.

1865.— Walker, Cat, Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 407. var. cincreoifles Dyar.

1890.— Dyar, Can. Ent. vol. xxii. p. 253. var. placida Dyar.

1892. Dyar, Psyche vol. vi, p. 291. var. uivcst Neiinioegeu.

1891. Neunioegeu, Can. Ent. vol. xxiii, p. 124. Heterocampa. 1893. Dyar, Ent. News vol. iv, p. 35. Cerura.

paradoxa Behr. 1885.— Behr., Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci. vol. i, p. 64 (no desc). 1892.— Dyar, Psyche vol. vi, p. 291.

meridionalis Dyar. 1892.— Dyar, Psyche vol. vi, p. 291. 1893.— Dyar, Ent. News vol. iv, p. 35. Dark cinereous to white, the broad, doubly concave t. a. band and subapical t. p. band dark, or in the pale forms pale gray, or even absent or represented by scattered black scales. Both bands edged with orange scales; a median shade line and venular row of dots preceding the t. p. band. A curved row of dots on the veins before t. a. band, and one on median vein (cubitus) at base. Terminal dots variable in size. Expanse 37 45 mm.

Hab. North America, the dark forms in the Atlantic States, the pale form in California, and the white in the Rocky Mountain region.

Genus Ulelaloplia Hiibner. 1810.— Hiibner, Tent. p. 1.

Ic.hthyurn Hiibner. 1822?— Hiibner, Verz. bek. Sebmett. p. 162.

Clostera Stephens. 1828.— Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent., Haust vol. ii. p. 12.

Synopsis of Species.

Lines on primaries not anastamosing, free.

Size large, with a distinct, large, brown, apical shade albosigma.

Size smaller, apical region not distinctly discolored.

Wing uniform in tint alethe.

Wing shaded with darker blotches.

Pale, the blotches contrasting brucei.

Dark, more uniformly obscured niiiltiioina.

Lines anastamosing, the second joining the third. Lines uneven, the basal toothed.

Subapical patch pale, yellowish, the s. t. dots preceded by streaks.

strigosa. Patch yellowish to rusty brown, without streaks.

Size moderate; thoracic mark present apicalis.

Larger; no thoracic mark iiioriiafa.

Lines nearly even, the basal one dislocated, but not toothed.

Fourth line white on costa iiicliisa.

Fourth line not distinctly white .jocosa.


jfl. albosigiiia Fitch.

1859.— Fitch, Rep. Iiis. N. Y. v, p. 64. Clostera. var. specifica Dyar. 1892. Dyar, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 180. Ichthyura.

Deep smoky brown, the apical shade deep purplish brown, sharply limited internally by the white .sigmoid bend of the fourth line, and becoming velvety black at this point ifii'st and third lines free and nearly parallel, paler than the wing, not well defined. A s. t. row of diffuse dots. Thoracic patch velvety brown. Expatise 30 mm.

Mab. Atlantic States northward and westward to Pacific North- west.

The variety specified is paler throughout.

Hab. Rocky Mountain region to New Mexico.

M. aletlie Neumoegen and Dyar.

1893. Neumoegen and Dyar, Can. Ent. vol. xxv, p. 122.

Uniformly dark brown, a darker shade on costa before apex. Lines very nar- row, yellowish, pulverulent, the fourth white on costa. S. t. dots distinct on a uniformly colored ground, straight. Expanse 30 mm.

Hab. California.

M. brucei Hy. Edwards.

1885. Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. i, p. 17. Ichthyura.

Pale ash-gray, the lines faintly yellowish. A deep smoky brown shade obtains over the space between the third and fourth lines, and also subapically ; fourth line widened and white on costa, the rusty patch outside of it very obscure. S. t. waved row of dots very distinct. Secondaries darker than fore wings and strongly contrasting. Expanse, 22 mm.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States to the Rocky IStountains.

91. niiiltnoiiia Dyar.

1892. Dyar, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 179. Ichthyura

Deep smoky brown with a purplish tint, the lines yellowish. The fourth line very indistinctly widened on costa. Subapical patch rusty-red, distinct, trian- gular. S. t. dots very obscure. Secondaries concolorous with fore wings.

Hab. The Pacific Northwest.

M. strigosa drote.

1882.— Grote, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. vol. vi, p. 582. Ichthyura. race luciileiita Hy. Edwards.

1886. Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 10. Ichthyura. Yellowish gray, shaded and blotched with olive-brown. Lines as in apicalis, but even more waved. A yellowish shade at base and subapically, irrorate with rusty-brown ; more or less distinct longitudinal lines of smoky-black precede the s. t. dots, the one between veins 4-5 (vs-vz) most distinct. Thoracic patch faint, clouded.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States.

The race luculenta is paler, and lacks the brown thoracic mark.

Hab. Westward .



91. apicalis Walker.

1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1058. IcUhyura.

vau Fitch. 1859.— Fitch, Eep. Ins. N. Y. v, p. 65. Clostera.

indentata Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 352. IcUhyura.

ornata Grote and Eobinson. 1868.— Grote and Robinson, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. vol. ii, p. 91. IcUhyura.

incarcerata Boisdnval. 1868.— Boisduval, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. vol. xii, p. 86. Clostera. race astoriie Hy. Edwards.

1887. Ily. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 11. IcUhyura. var. bifiria Hy. Edwards.

1887. Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 167. IcUhyura. Sordid white to ash-gray, the lines whitish. The second meets third at about median vein, while the fourth is nndnlate, widened and white at costa. A s. t. row of black dots preceded by a lead-colored shade centrally. An obscure lead- colored discal dot. The apical portion of the wing as far as vein 3 (viii) more or less overspread with ocherous or rusty brown. Secondaries whitish or gray, often with a mesial line. Thoracic mark deep brown. Expanse 25 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States northward and westward, California and the Pacific Northwest.

The very pale form astoricc. is found on the Pacific coast in Oregon, and a form very similar to it occurs in the central region from the Rocky Mountains westward. In the Sierras examples occur of a fine purplish tint constituting the var. bifiria.

M. iuoriiata Neumoegen.

1882. Neumoegen, Papilio vol. ii, p. 134. Ichthyura. 1893.— Packard, Ent. News vol. iv. p. 78.

Hab. Southwestern United States to Mexico.

Closely allied to M. apicalls, from which it dvoes not differ in mark- ings. It is, however, larger and paler, more suffused with reddish, and lacks the dark streak on head and thorax.

HI. iii«lii!tia Hiibner.

1825. Hiibner. Zutr. ex. Schmett. vol. iii, p. 36. Ichthyura.

americarta Harris. 1841. Harris, Rep. Ins. Mass. p. 314. Clostera. var. ill versa Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 352. Ichthyura.

palln French. 1882.— French, Can. Ent. vol. xiv, p. 33. IcUhyura. Pale gray, irrorate with brown. Lines pale, quite straight, the outer white on costa. S. t. dots moderately distinct. Subapical patch ocherous or rusty- brown, the.apical and central parts of the wing shaded with olivaceous brown. Secondaries brownish gray, with an irregular mesial line. The variety mversa is darker, usually smaller, with the subapical patch more obscured.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.


M. jocosa Hy. Edwards.

1886. Hy. Edwards. Eut. Amer. vol. ii, p. 10. Ichthyura.

1893.— Packard, Ent. News vol. iv, p. 79. "Brownish fawn-color," marked as in inclusa, but fainter and without white on the fourth line at costa.

Hab. Florida.

[This may prove to be a varietal form of inchina, as suggested by Dr. Packard.]

Genus Gluphisia Boisduval. 1829.— Boisduviil, lud. Meth. p. 56.

Synopsis of Species,

With a yellow (or black) central band on primaries more or less distinct.

Markings distinct septeiitrioiialis.

Markings confused and irrorate forniosa.

Pale, with no distinct yellowish markings albofascia.

O. septeiitrioiialis Walker.

1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1038.

clandestina Walker. 1861.— Walker, Can. Nat. and Geol. vol. vi, p. 36. Dasychira.

trilineata Packard. 1864. Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 355. Gluphisia. race ridenda Hy. Edwards.

1886.— Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 11. race qiiiiiquelinea Dyar.

1892.— Dyar, Eut. News vol. iii, p. 158.

Dark gray; basal t. a. and t. p. lines black, waved. Basal and median spaces sordid ocherous in %, overspread with metallic black scales in 9- Secondaries dark gray. Expanse 25 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward. The race ridenda is much paler throughout. Hab. Rocky Mountains westward.

The race quinquelinea is dark, the ochreous markings obsolete, and middle band evident between t. a. and t. p. lines. Hab. Pacific Northwest.

G. forniosa Hy. Edwards.

1886.— Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 11. Marked as in trilineata. The marks are confused and largely reduced to irio- rations, while the color is pale. Base and median space shaded with yellowish^ Expanse 25 mm.

.Hab. Central United States to Mexico.

TKAN8. AM. ENT. SOC. XXI. (25) JUNE, 1894.


G. albofascia Hy. Edwards.

1886.— Hy. Edwards, Eut. Amer. vol. ii, p. 12,

wrightii Hy. Edwards. 188t).--Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 11. var. rupta Hy. Edwards.

1886.— Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p, 12. Ground color sordid white, the black marks, therefore, more contrasted. Base and median space faintly yellowish ocher; marks variable, basal t. a. and s. t. lines in black, pulverulent, sometimes partly lost. Between these bands are heavy black, transverse, ])ulverulent shades of variable distinctness. Secondaries white powdered with black. E.xpanse 30 mn». Hab. Utah to Soutliern California.

Genus Enmelia Neumoegen. 1893. Neumoegen, Can. Ent. vol. xxv, p. 25.

II Melia Neumoegen. 1892. Neumoegen, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 225.

Synopsis of Species.

A yellow angular discal dot severa.

No discal dot liiitiieri.

E. severa Hy. Edwards.

1887.— Hy. Edwards, Eut. Amer. vol. ii, p. 167. Gluphisia. var. dailbyi Neumoegen.

1892. Neumoegen, Can. Eut. vol. xxiv, p. 225. Melia. race aviinacula Hudson.

1891. Hudson, Ent. News vol. ii. p. 165. Gluphisia. var. slossoiiii Packard.

1893. Dyar, Ent. News vol. iv, p. 35. Ceniridin. 1893.— Packard, Psyche vol. vi, p. 502. Blackish gray, basal line faint, t. a. line black, t. p. line fainter or obsolete. A median shade more or less distinct. S. t. line of confluent spots; an ocherous yellow shade at base, in lower half of median space and sometimes also border- ing s. t. line. A yellow point on median vein at base, and an angular yellow discal mark. In some specimens the yellow markings become chestnut-brown. The species is variable. Expanse 35 mm.

Hab. Mountains of California northward, where it runs into the variety danbyi, in which the markings are obscured.

The race avimacala lacks the yellow shades at s. t. line, the color is lighter, and the t. a. line less dentate on the veins.

Hab. Northern New York and New England.

The variety slossonii has the yellow shading replaced by black.

Hab. Northern New York.

E. liiitneri Grote.

1877. Grote, Can. Ent. vol. ix, p, 85. Dasychira. 1891.— Dyar, Can. Etit. vol. xxiii, p. 159. Qluphisia.


Pale gray, irrorate with black; marked as in E. sever a, but no basal yellow dot nor discal mark, while the lines are more obscure and the median yellowish shade spreads upward.

Hab. Northern New York.

Genus Pheosia Hiibner. 1822?-Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 145.

Leiocampa Stephens. 1828.— Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. vol. ii, p. 24.

Synopsis of Species.

A silvery white line at base of vein 1 (anal vein).

Central part of fore wing white dimidiata.

Wing centrally smoky-black portlaiKlia.

Without silvery-white mark.

Uniform blackish gray, with black discal dot simplaria.

Primaries brown at base; no discal dot basitrienfs.

P. dimidiata Herrich-SchaflPer.

1856. Herrich-Schaflfer, Samml. Auss. Schmett. vol. i, fig. 515. Drymonia.

rimosa Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 358. Pheosia.

calif ornica Stretch. 1872.— Stretch, Zyg. and Bomb. N. A. p. 116. Thorax brownish gray, the patagia and collar outlined with black ; abdomen gray, brownish at base. Wings white, shaded with brownish black at apical thii^d of costa and along internal margin, the latter shade becoming brown toward centre of wing. A white line on vein 1 (anal vein) at base, below which is a dull ocherous patch. T. p. line indicated in white on costa and margin. A black patch at anal angle of hind wings. Expanse 55 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward ; California.

P. portlHiidia Hy. Edwards.

1887.— Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 168.

descherei Neumoegen. 1892. Neumoegen, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 227. Notodonta. Deep smoky-black, the abdomen brown-black and hind wings smoky-white. The markings as in dimidiata, but the white parts are entirely obscured, except in an oblique subapical patch. The centre of the wing is brown, and the t. p. line is indicated in pale entirely across the wing. Hab. Pacific Northwest.

P. siinplaria Graef.

1881.— Graef, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc. vol. iii. p. 95. Notodonta. Blackish gray. T. a. and t. p. lines black, distinct, waved. An oval, linear, discal dot in paler ring. A subterminal line of black dots obscure. Hind wings pale gray with white mesial band and blackish discal dot. Expanse 45 mm.

Hab. ^Mountains of New York, and probably also of New Eng- land and northward-



I». basitriens Walker.

1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1000. Notodonta. Gray, the veins of fore wing outwardly liued with black. T. a. and t. p. lines converging at internal margin, black, slightly dentate, the t. p. line faint. Basal S])ace including a brown streak which shades into ocherons below. A subter- niinal row of intervennlar, blackish, diffuse spots. Hind wings white, shading into gray outwardly, with dentate mesial line. Expanse 45 mm.

Hab. Northern iVtlantic States.

Genus Liopliodoiita Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 357.

Synopsis of Species.

Primaries partly shaded with ferruginous brown ferrugiiiea.

Primaries with scattered ocher-yellow marks aiigulosa.

L.. ferruginea Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 357. Dark blackish brown ; basal and outer half of median space shaded with fer- ruginous brown. T. a. and t. p. lines brown defined by white. A large white costal patch at end of cell. Subterminal line whitish. Secondaries whitish centrally in % , gray in 9 , the costal margin darker. A pale, broad, mesial, and narrow subterminal band, defined on costa. Abdomen ligneous brown. Ex- panse 45 mm.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States.

L,. aiigulosa Smith and Abbott.

1797. Smith and Abbott, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol. ii, pi. 83. Phalsena. Dark gray, marked as in ferruginea. but without any ferruginous shades. The basal space, t. a. and t. p. lines are marked with brownish ocher. while the costal patch is more obscure than in ferruginea.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.

Genus LiOpliopteryx Stephens. 1828.— Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. vol. ii, p. 26.

Li. oapnciiia Linnaeus.

1758,— Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. i, p. 507, N. 55. Bombyx. eamelina Linnaeus.

1758.— Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. i, p. 507, N. 56. Bombyx. americana Harvey.

1877. Harvey, Can. Ent. vol. ix, p. 95. Lophopteryx. Bright brown; nervules interruptedly marked in very dark brown. T. a. line single, forming two approximate, teeth on cell dentate below median vein. T. p. line double, obliterate, with included paler shade which traverses the wing ol)liquely, marked on costal region ; a series of ante-apical pale dots; a purplish brown s. t. shade. Median space diflfused, shaded with purplish brown, more apparently so before outer line and inferiorly where the median lines approxi- mate; a terminal brown line, interrupted on the veins, opposite to the extremi- ties of which the exserted fringe is dark brown. Hind wings ochrey, with concolorous fringes becoming brown toward anal angle; a median pale shade.


wliich intersects at interual margin, a blackish patch. Beneath, yellowish im- maculate, the dots on costa of primaries before apices repeated ; fringes brown. Body rust-brown. Expanse 36 mm.

Hah. Northern Atlantic States westward ; Europe ; Northern Asia. [We are indebted to Dr. Packard for the recognition of L. americana Harvey.]

Genus I>ataiia Walker. 1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1060.

Synopsis of Species.

Outer margin of primaries distinctly excavate between the veins.

Color entirely smoky or blackish brown anglisii. Mf

Color yellowish brown or paler.

Discal spots faint or absent, size medium.

Color yellow-brown niinistra. T'

Color testaceous califoriiica.

Discal spots distinct, size large drexelii.

Outer margin indistinctly excavate, nearly entire in the % . Color tawny brown or purplish.

Tawny brown, discal spots distinct, size large major.

More or less purplish, discal spots indistinct, size medium. Thoracic patch reddish brown.

Fore wings dull whitish lilac, more or less covered with cinnamon- brown scales palmij.

Fore wings dark brown with a purplish flush floridaiia.

Thoracic patch ocherous modesta.

Color yellowish buff.

Thoracic patch tawny brown ... perspictia. '

Thoracic patch as pale as thorax robiista.

Outer margin of primaries eiitire, or a little wavy in the 9 .

Primaries dark reddish brown, lines and fringe coucolorous..iiitegerriiiia. " "^ Primaries luteous tawny, lines and fringe not concolorous COiitracta.

D. aiigusii Grote and Robinson.

1866. Grote and Robinson, Proc. E'nt. Soc. Phil. vol. vi, p. 9. 1888. Beuteumiiller, Can. Ent. vol. xx, p. 135. Deep smoky-brown throughout, costal margin of fore wings and outer edge darker; five blackish, narrow lines across the wing, the two outer ones con- tiguous; an oblique apical streak ; discal dots faint or wanting. Head and two- thirds of thorax covered by a square or constricted, deep chocolate-brown patch. Hab. Northern Atlantic States westward.

D. miiiistra Drury.

1773.— Drury, 111. Ex. Ent. vol. ii, pi. xiv, f. 3. Phaliena.

1888. Beutenmiiller, Can. Ent. vol. 3X, p. 16. Datana. Reddish brown, fore wings irrorate with brown scales, costal edge slightly brighter in tone, hind wings paler. The lines as in angusii. Thoracic patch deep red-brown, shading into ocherous brown ou the head. Expanse 35 45 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.



]>. califoriiica Eiley.

1890.— Dyar, Ent. Amer. vol. vi, p. 127. Like ministra and angusii in markings, but very light in color, being clay- colored or testaceous.

Hab. Coast region of California.

n. drexelii Hy. Edwards.

1884.— Hy. Edwards, Papilio vol. iv, p. 25.

1890.— Dyar, Psyche vol. v, p. 418. Eeddish brown, with paler ground color, of the color of ministra. The costal third of "ving is bright ocherons brown, contrasting. Lines as in the preceding species, but centrally in the cell is a round, deep brown discal dot and another elongate one on the cross-vein. Thoracic patches as in ministra, but the hind wings are darker. Expanse 40 50 mm.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States.

D. major Grote and Eobinson.

1866. Grote and Robinson, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. vi, p. 12.

1890.— Dyar, Psyche vol. v, p. 415. Dark reddish brown, darker than ministra or drexelii, and more evenly colored. The costal edge is not distinctly brighter in tone, and the hind wings are con- colorous with the fore wings; marked as in drexelii. The outer margin is dis- tinctly less scalloped than in any of the preceding species. In the %, it is nearly entire. Expanse 40 50 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

I>. palinii Beutenmiiller.

1890. Beutenmiiller, Psyche vol. v, p. 299.

1890.— Dyar, Ent. Amer. vol. vi, p. 129.

1890.— Dyar, Ent. Amer. vol. vi, p. 181. Chocolate-brown, the fore wings and posterior portion of thorax heavily over- washed with whitish lilac, leaving the lines and fringe deep brown. The lines have a tendency to become pulverulent and indistinct, so that the third and fourth are often very faint. Secondaries and abdomen pale brown, whitish, the secondaries with a satiny lustre. Thoracic patch deep brown, becoming ocherous on the head. Expanse 35 40 mm.

Hab. Mountains of New York and Penna., Arkansas (Palm).

D. floridana Graef.

1880.— Graef, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc. vol. iii. p. 37.

1881.— Roebele, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc. vol. iv, p. 21.

1893.— Dyar, Psyche vol. vi, p. 573. Closely allied to palmli, but less heavily overwashed with purplish ; the lines are consequently more obscure. Secondaries darker.

^a6.— Florida to New York (Doll).

D. modesAa Beutenmiiller.

1890.— Beutenmiiller, Psyche vol. v, p. 299. Uniform deep brown, with an ocherous tinge like floridana, but without pur- plish tint. Lines obsolete, only the outer discernible, and that faint. Discal


dots almost black, a blackish shade at base and terminally. Secondaries brown, paler at base. Thorax dark brown, darker than the quadrate patch, which is ocherous brown, uniform. Expanse 50 mm.

Hab.— Florida.

D. perspicua. Grote and Robinson.

1864.— Grote and Robinson, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 489.

1891.— Dyar, Can. Ent. vol. xxiii, p. 82.

Ligiht ocher-yellow. not irrorate, the markings and fringe clear yellowish

brown, distinctly contrasted. Lines 1 and 5 distinct, the others more obscure

and disappearing costa-wards. Outer discal dot very large aud spreading. Hind

wings very pale straw color. Thoracic patch ocherous brown. Exp. 40—50 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward to Montana.

D. robusta Strecker.

1878.— Strecker, Lep. Pt. 14, p. 131.

1890.— Dyar, Ent. Amer. vol. vi, p. 131. Slightly duller yellow than perspicua, and heavily irrorate with brown scales. Lines as in perspicua, the median (cubitus) and internal {anal) veins marked with brown. Discal dots as in perspicua, but sharing iu the somewhat grayish tint of the whole wing. Secondaries largely tinged with brown outwardly. Thorax creamy-buflf, the patch pale ocherous or slightly brownish, frequently appearing brighter than the thorax. Expanse 45 mm.

Hab. Texas.

D. iutegerrinia Grote and Robinson.

1886.— Grote and Robinson, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. vi, p. 12.

1888. BeutenmuUer, Can. Ent. vol. xx, p. 134. Dark reddish brown, usually without any purplish tint, slightly ocherous along costa. The lines are distinct and bordered outwardly by conspicuous pale shades. Discal dot obscure, as in palmii aud fioridana. Thoracic patch ocherous brown, darker posteriorly. Secondaries pale at base. Expanse 35 40 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.

D. contracta Walker.

1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1062.

1890. Beutenmiiller, Ent. News vol. i, p. 144. Light ocherous, slightly darker on costa of fore wings; irrorations and lines blackish, diffused and scattered, contrasting with the deep brown fringe. Discal dots rounded, moderately distinct, blackish.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.

Genus Nystalea Guenee. 1852. Guenee, Spec. Gen. Lep., Noct. vol. ii, p. 122.

IV. Indiana Grote.

1884. Grote, Papilio vol. iv, p. 7. Anterior part of thorax with a dull yellowish patch as in Datana, bordered ' by black; the rest gray. Fore wings much elongated; antennae simple, ciliate, the cilia longer at base, a tuft on each joint at each side. Primaries cinereous,



paler 071 the disc, distinctly mottled : sub-basal line faint. T. a. and t. p. lines close together, straight, parallel, narrow, blackish brown, equidistant from the indistinct black discal ringlet. On veins 2-3 (viii2-viii) near base, a black patch ; another between veins 3-4 (vii-v,) just outside t. p. line. Subtcrminal row of small black ilots, two in each inrerspace, and terminal black shaded spots. Sec- ondaries blackish, pale at base. Expanse 40 mm. ^a6.— Florida.

Subfamily HETEROCAMPIN.E. Genus lanassa Walker. 1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1101.

Xylinodes Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 366.

Phya Druce. 1887.— Druce, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Lep. Het. vol. i, p. 242.

Synopsis of Species.

Yellowish or sordid cinereous.. ligilicolop.

Bright bluish cinereous coloradensis.

I. ligiiicolor Walker.

1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1101. lanassa.

virgata Packard. 1864. Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 367. Xylinodes.

ligingera Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. vol. xxxii, p. 423. Exsereia. Yellowish ash-gray, shading obscurely into wood color along internal margin. Markings all obscured and transformed into longitudinal strigose shades. A basal longitudinal line and black discal dot are moderately distinct. Abdomen and secondaries whitish, the latter with a gray patch at internal angle. Ex- pause 35 45 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

I. coloradensis Hy. Edwards.

1885. Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. i, p. 17. lanassa. Bright ash-gray, not yellowish, shading along internal margin into wood color tinged with red-brown, more contrasting than in Ugnicolor.

Hab. Colorado.

Genus Dasylophia Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 362.

Synopsis of Sjyecies.

T. p. line on primaries distinct, arcuate, even aiiguina.

T. p. line obsolete superiorly ; markings streaked longitudinally.

tliyatiroides. D. anguina Smith and Abbott.

1797. Smith and Abbott, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol. ii, pi. Ixxxiv. Phalsena.

cucullifera Herrich-Schaffer. 1855. Herrich-SchiiflFer, Samml. Auss. Schmett. vol. i, f. 381. Drymonia. punctata Walker.


1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 420. Heterocampa.

cana Walker. 1869.— Walker, Char. Lep. Het. p. 17. Edema. var, puiictagorda Slossou.

1892. Slosson, Cau. Eiit. vol. sxiv, p. 139. Dasylophia. Ash-gray, with a large basal flesh-colored patch on primaries in the 9 Wings shaded with brown, the veius obscurely lined; markings faint. T. p. line dis- tinct centrally, pale, edged with black, even, arcuate. A basal longitudinal streak, which may extend outward, defining the pale median veins (Vj, viii and viia). Subterminally, two large, round, black spots between the median nervules. Secondaries pale in % , gray in 9 Expanse 35 mm.

Hah. Atlantic States.

The variety jnmtagorda is paler with white secondaries.

D. thyatiroides Walker.

1862. Walker, Trans. Eut. Soc. Loud. (3) vol. i, p. 79. Heterocampa.

interna Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 363. Dasylophia.

tripartita Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 419. Heterocampa. *

signata Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxiii, p. 758. Xyiina. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent. vol. xxxiii, p. 121. Dasylophia. Brownish, obscured, faintly lougitudiually streaked. T. a. line pale, outlined by a black shade, straight, bent inward at internal margin. T. p. line distinct near internal margiu, sharply bent outward; two black spots between median nervules contiguous to a pale, brown bordered s. t. line, which becomes bordered inwardly in the interspaces in an indefinite mauuer subapically. Secondaries gray. Expanse 40 mm.

Hub. Northern Atlantic States.

Genus 8chizura Doubleday. 1841.— Doubleday, Ent. vol. i, p. 59.

Oedemasia Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 359.

Coelodasys Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p, 363.

Hatima Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 450.

Synopsis of Species.

Transverse bands largely absent.

Size small (36 mm. or less), the brown shade along internal margin of prima- ries distinct couciuiiu.

Size larger (40 mm. or more), this shade less distinct or absent.

Yellowish cinereous at apex, reddish shade moderately distinct., exiiiiia. Bright cinereous at apex ; shade along internal margin yellowish or absent.


TEANS. AM. ENT. SOC. XXI. (26) JUNE, 1«94.


Transverse bauds iioriually present.

Discal dot sui'roiinded by a light cinereous space.

Scarcely any black shading on primaries ipoiiicete.

Two long black dashes var. leliler.

Whole middle of wing black to outer margin var. ciiiereof roiis.

Discal dot on the ground color.

Primaries pale green at extreme base Uilicorili!!*.

Without green tints.

Discal dot lunate ; size small.

Transverse lines distinct, black, coarsely undulate apiCHlis.

Lines faint, reddish, finely undulate iiitida.

Discal dot round; size large leptiiioicles.

Si. coiiciuiia Abbott and Smith.

1797. Abbott and Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol. ii, pi. 85. Phalxna.

semirufesce-HS Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xsxii, p. 424. Edema.

semirufescens Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xsxii, p. 450. Hatima. 1892.— Smith, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 135. * salicis Hy. Edwards. 1877. Hy. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. vol. vii, p. 121. Heterocampn.

riversii Behr. 1890. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2) vol. ii, p. 94. Dryocampa. Apical portion of wing cinereous, centre yellowish in % , dull olive-brown in 9 ; region along internal margin dark ferruginous brown ; markings absent, or very faint, veins blackish. A black basal dash and round discal dot, the latter sometimes absent. Secondaries white in %, cinereous gray in 9 with a gray spot at anal angle. Expanse 33 36 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward; California; Idaho (Packard).

S. e.'Kiiiiia Grote.

1881.— Grote, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. vol. vi. p. 275. Oedemnsia. Thorax gray, patagia tipped witb. brown. Resembles concinna. but is larger and the wings more pointed. The wing is more shaded with gray, less distinctly yellowish, centrally in the %, so that the sexes are closely similar. The red shade along internal margin is less distinct, being partly blackish. Transverse maeulations absent. Discal dot minute or absent. Secondaries pale grayish in % , darker in 9, with indications of a whitish band and dark spot at anal angle. Expanse 42 50 mm.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States, Pacific Northwest.

S. peraugiilata Hy. Edwards.

1882. Hy. Edwards, Papilio vol. ii, p. 125. Oedemasia. Thorax as in eximia ; costal half of wing toward apex bright gray, the veins black lined, snbapical black dashes present; lower half of wing and base yel- lowish, slightly marked. Transverse lines obsolescent, the t. a. discernible, blackish, lunulate, pulverulent. T. p. line represented by some reddish marks. A black basal dash ; discal dot lunate, followed by a black cloud. Secondaries white, with black spot at internal angle. Rather variable, the wing sometimes quite uniformly colored. Hab. Colorado, Utah.


S. ipomoeae Doubleday.

1841.— Doiibleday, Eiit. vol. i, p. 60.

biguttatus Packard, 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 365. Coelodasys.

confusa Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Miis. Pt. xsxii, p. 413. Drymonia.

ducens Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 417. Heterocampa.

corticea Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 418. Heterucampa.

compta Walker. 1865. Walker, ('at. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 418. Heterocampa.

nigrosignata Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 422. Heterocampa. var. telifer Grote.

1880.— Grote, N. Am. Eut. vol. i, p. 99. Coelodasys. var. ciiiereofi'ons Packard.

1864. Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 366. Coelodasys.

ustipennis Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. vol. xxxii. p. 421. Heterocampa. Gray along costa; the region along internal and outer margins nearly to apex suffused with reddish. Lines indistinct, pale, indicated by black dots on the veins. Discal mark narrow, lunate, situated in a light cinereous space and sur- rounded by a black cloud; veins indicated in black. Secondaries white in %, dusky at margin, gray in 9 . A black shade may overspread the whole centre of the witig from base to outer margin. Expanse 30 45 mm.

Hob. Atlantic States westward ; Pacific Northwest.

S. unicornis Abbott and Smith.

1797. Abbott and Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga. vol. ii, pi. 86. Phalsena.

edmandsii Packard. 1864. Packard, Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 364. Coelodasys.

humilis Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. vol. xxxii, p. 425. Edema.

conspecta Hy. Edwards. 1875. Hy. Edwards. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. vol. v, p. 366. Heterocampa. Purplish cinereous, tinged with sea-green at base and along costa of primaries, frequently with a buff colored, apical patch in the % . Discal dot black, linear. Transverse lines faint, blackish, lunulate, the t. p. line succeeded by a reddish shade. A series of subterminal, interspacial dashes, followed by white marks, most distinct between the median venules (v3-vii ). Secondaries whitish in % , dark gray in 9 Expanse 30 mm.

Hob. Atlantic States ; California.

S. apicalis Grote and Robinson.

1866. Grote and Robinson, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. vi, p. 15. Coelodasys. \

Purplish ash-gray; discal dot largo, black, lunate, followed by a black cloud. T. a. and t. p. lines obscurely geminate, black, coarsely waved, the t. p. curved outward opposite the cell ; lower half of wing clouded with brownish ; a narrow black basal streak. Veins outwardly slightly black lined. Secondaries white in '^ , with black spot at anal angle, blackish in 9 > ^'tb central pale band- Expanse 30 mm.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States.



S. II itidn Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 360. Oedemasin .

hadia Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc Eut. Soc. Phil. vol. iii. p. 361. Oedemaaia. 1887.— Heiishaw, Bull. 16th U. S. Dep't Agr. p. 43.

significata Walker. 1865. Walker. Cat. Brit. Mus. vol. xxxii, p. 421. Heterocampa. Pale dull ocherous, cinereous along costa; base and a large patch at internal angle reddisli browu. Discal mark black, usually distinct, followed by a black cloud. Lines obscure, reddish brown, interspacially lunate ; veins black lined subapically; an apical white patch and a series of subterminal white dashes contiguous to a terminal row of black points. Thorax blackish with a tinge of red. Expanse 30 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

S. leptiiioides Grote.

1864. Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 323. Heterocampn.

mustelina Packard. 1S64.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 359. Cecrita^ Dark cinereous, slightly reddish along internal margiu and whitish at apex. Discal dot round, black, minute. Lines obsolescent, blackish, geminate, undu- late; veins darker. Secondaries whitish in %, dark gray in 9- Expanse 35—40 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.

Genus Euliyparpax Beutenmiiller. 1893.— Beutenmiiller, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. vol. v, p. 19. K. rosea Beutenmiiller.

1893. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. vol. v, p. 19. Pinkish ocherous, inclining to rose color; a narrow, undulated, darker colored t. p. line with faint, pale, discal spot and dark subterminal spots. Secondaries rose colored, fringe paler. Expanse 40 mm.

Hab. Colorado.

Genus Heterocampa Doubleday. 1841. Doubleday, Ent. vol. i, p. 55.

Lochmseus Doubleday. 1841. Doubleday, Eut. vol. i, p. 57.

Tadana Walker. 1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. vol. v, p. 990.

Synopsis of Species.

Size large (expanse 40 mm. or more). Discal streak lunate.

Wings varied with whitish, especially subapically.

With consi)icuous greenish gray shades astarle.

More uniformly cinereous obliqiia.

Wings very uniformly dark gray liiiiata.

Wings without distinct white subapical shade, sub-basal field dark.


Discal mark ovate or reniform luaiiteo.

Size small (expanse 35 mm. or less).

Wings greenish or gray, with white subapical shade siibrotata.

Wings evenly gray, without any white shade belTragei.

» Dr. Packard has kindly given us this synonymy. But the larva described bv Prof. G. H. French (Can. Ent. vol. xviii, p. 92), is not that of -S. leptinoides.


H. astai'te Doubleday.

1841.— Doubleday, Eut. vol. i. p. 57.

varia Walker. 1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1023.

menus Harris. 1869. Harris, Ent. Corr. p. 134. Stauropns.

chapmanii Grote.* 1881. Grote, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. vol. vi, p. 258. Olivaceous gray,appearin}j paler than obliqita ; thorax, basal space aud a shade exteudiug from niediati space subapically, whitish green, clouding the white subapical shade. Lines black, essentially as in ohliqua, the subapical portion of the subterminal line more consolidated and narrower. Ilab. Florida.

H. obliqua Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 368. var. troiivelotii Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 369.

brunnea Grote and Robinson. 1867. Grote and Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. vol. i, p. 180. Dark cinereous; transverse lines obscured, but the wing more or less varied with ochraceous, or ferruginous and white patches. Of the white patches, the ruost conspicuous is an oblique subapical one. Discal mark black, lunate, often linear. Secondaries white in % , smoky outwardly in 9 lu the form trouvelotii. the white marks are absent, the t. a. line moderately distinct, and the apical third of wing covered by a deep brown shade. Expanse 45 50 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

H. luiiata Hy. Edwards.

1884. Hy. Edwards, Papilio vol. iv, p. 44.

plumosa Hy. Edwards. 1886. Hy. Edwards, Ent. Amer. vol. ii, p. 14. Lophodonta.

dardania Druce. 1887. Druce, Biol. Cent. -Am. vol. i, p. 237, pi. xxv, f. 4. Heterocampa. Very uniform dark gray, darker in the basal field aud sometimes discolored, recalling the ornamentation of Notodonta. Transverse Hues obsolete. Discal mark black, lunate. Secondaries grayish, especially along costal border. Ex- panse 40 mm.

Hub. Colorado to Arizona, Mexico.

H. uinbrata Walker.

1855.— Walker, (Jat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1023.

semiplaga Walker. 1861.— Walker, Can. Nat. and Geol. vol. vi, p. 37. 1882.— Grote, New Check List, p. 19. 1892.— Smith, Can. Ent. vol. xxiv, p. 136.

pulverea Grote and Robinson. 1867. Grote and Robinson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. vol. i, p. 185.

athereo Harris. 1869. Harris, Ent. Corr. p. 134, note. Stauropus. Thorax pale- greenish gray, with a blackish line on collar. Primaries pale olivaceous ashen, shaded with darker greenish gray from the basal line to the

■'■ Dr. Packard writes us: "On seeing Mr. Thaxter's type of H. chapmanii I think it must be for the present regarded as distinct from ustarte." We have no personal knowledge of this form.



lunate discal mark and below median vein out to subterminal line. Transverse lines blackish, geminate, lunulate. not very well defined. Subterminal line dis- tinct, blackish, broad, composed of well fused, diffuse, subtriangular spots, nearly straight. Abdomen in 9 with dark dorsal tufts. Secondaries dusky, with paler mesial baud. Expanse 40 50 ram.

Hab. Atlantic States.

II. iiiaiiteo Doubleday.

1841.— Doubleday, Ent. vol. i, p. 58. Lochmxm.

cinerasceiis Walker, 1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 991. Tadana.

subalbicans Grote. 1863.— Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. ii. p. 336. Heterocampa. Cinereous gray ; secondaries slightly brownish, dark in both sexes. T. a. and t. p. lines blackish, geminate, obscure, filled in with whitish in 9 . Discal spot black, kidney-shaped, sometimes obscure. Subterminal line whitish, faint. A terminal series of black dashes. Expanse 40 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

H. siibrotata Harvey.

1874.— Harvey, Bull. Buflf. Soc. vol. i, p. 263.

celtiphaga Harvey. 1874.— Harvey, Bull. Buff. Soc. vol. i, p. 26.3.

superba Hy. Edwards. 1884.— Hy. Edwards, Papilio vol. iv, p. 121. Bright olivaceous or cinereous; basal line black, distinct; transverse lines geminate, black, including a light brown shade; a semilunar discal streak fol- lowed by a pale space reaching t. p. line. Subterminally the wing is whitish, relieving the irregular disconnected subterminal line, which appears as black interspaceal streaks. A narrow terminal line. Expanse 18—34 mm.

Hab. Southern States to Texas.

H. belfragei Grote.

1879.— Grote, Can. Ent. vol. xi, p. 209. Uniform ash-gray, faintly brownish; basal line black. T. a. and t. p. lines geminate, obscure, paler centrally. Discal dot lunate, black. Subterminal line transformed into two brown-black, oblique dashes from veins 7-4 (iii5-V3) and 4-1 (v3-ix). Secondaries white; a terminal brown line. Thorax dark gray. Expanse 35 mm.

Hab. Texas.

Genus Cecrita Walker. 1855.— Walker. Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 992.

Seirodonta Grote and Eobinson. 1868.— Grote and Eobinson, List. Lep. N. Am. p. 1.

Synopsis of Species.

Dull greenish ; transverse lines purplish brown, geminate, lunulatcbiuiidala.

Whitish, clouded with black ; transverse lines faint guftivitta.

Cinereous, with black, geminate, angular, transverse lines biliiieata.

<J. biuntlata Walker.

1855. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 1025. Hetercampa.

olivatns Packard. 1864.--Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 371. Lochmseus. viridescens Walker.


1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pi. xxxii, p. 416. Stauropus.

mollis Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 422. Heterocampa. Greenish ciuereous; transverse basal, t. a. and t. p. lines purplish geminate, lunulate, filled in with light brown. Discal mark brown linear; a purplish cloud below it. Subterminal, purplish, iutervenular, rounded spots. Secondaries cinereous, with pale mesial line. Expanse 34 40 mm.

Ilab. Atlantic States.

€. guttivitta Walker.

1855.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. v, p. 992.

albiplaga Walker. 1856.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. vii, p. 1748.

mucorea Herrich-SchatFer. 1856. Herrich-SchaflFer, Ausser. Schmett. vol. i. f. 514. Drymonia.

harrisii Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 365. Coelodasys.

indeterniinata Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, Pt. 413. Drymonia.

? doubledayi Scudder. 1869. Scudder, Harris' Ent. Corr. 134, note, sp. 3. Heterocampa. Whitish gray, with an olivaceous tinge; pale toward apices. Discal dot ob- scure, linear, surrounded by a whitish space; markings very faint or absent, except the blackish subterminal spots, which are very distinct in the 9- Base of primaries or whole wing more or less clouded with black. Secondaries grayish, darker in 9- Expanse 40 ram.

Hab. Atlantic States.

C bilineata Packard.

1864 -Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 359.

turbida Walker. 1865. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 419. Heterocampa.

associata Walker 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 426. Edema.

ulmi Harris. 1869.— Harris' Ent. Corr. pp. 245, 302. Notodonta. Male light cinereous, tinged with blackish. A black basal dash ; t. a. aud.t. p. lines black, geminate, angulated on the veins. Discal dot black, sublunate, often faint. Subterminal line sinuate, whitish, continuous. Female more eveuly colored and less distinctly marked. Expanse 30 40 mm.

Hah. Atlantic States.

Genus Misogada Walker. 1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 449. ]fl. cinerea Packard.

1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 372. Lochmseus.

unicolor Packard. 1864. Packard. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 373. Lochmseus.

marina Packard. 1864.— Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 373. Lochmseus,

sobria Walker. 1865.— Walker. Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 450. Misogada. Uniform ash-gray or faintly tinged with green; secondaries pale at base. T. •p. line represented by a series of blackish venular dots, each succeeded outwardly by white, but these marks may be absent. T. a. and s. t. lines sometimes faintly indicated. Expanse 35 45 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States westward.



Genus liitodonta Harvey. 1876. Harvej', Can. Eut. vol. viii, p. 5. li. hydruineli Harvey.

1876. Harvey. Can. Ent. vol. viii, p. 5. vai'. f'liscii, Harvey.

1876. Harvey, Can. Eut. vol. viii, p. 110. Whitish cinereous, with a dull green tinge. Transverse basal, t. a. and t. p. lines, black, geminate, sublunulate, sinuate. Discal mark black, lunate. A pur- plish cloud fading into vehite subapically. A row of subterminal black spots preceded by orange scales; a narrow terminal line. Secondaries dusky. Ex- panse 34 mm.

Hab. Southern States to Texas.

The variety /(tsca lacks the green tint, being cinereous gray.

Genus 9Iacriirocanipa Dyar. 1893.— Dyar, Ent. News vol. iv, p. 34. M. niartliesia Cramer.

1779.— Cramer, Pap. Exot. vol. iii, pi. 264, fig. B. Noctua.

tesella Packard. 1864. Packard, Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil. vol. iii, p. 370. Lochmasus.

turbida Walker. t

1865.— Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 407. Cerura.

elongata Grote and Robinson. 1867. Grote and Eobinson, Tr. Ent. Soc. Pbil. vol. i, p. 184. Heterocampa. Whitish, tinged with gray and pale greenish. T. a. line black, distinct, gemi- nate, angular. Basal space filled in with dark shadings. Beyond this, the wing is pale, the marks 0l)scured. A median blackish band and t. p. line indicated, the latter obscurely geminate, filled in with whitish. A blackish, transverse, discal mark. Subterminal spots shaded, blackish, connected into a band, most distinct in the interspaces between veins 2 and 3 (cell viii). Secondaries smoky, with whitish mesial band. Expanse 40 mm.

Hab. Atlantic States.

Genus £llida Grote. 1876.— Grole, Can. Eut. vol. viii, p. 125.

E. cauiplaga Walker.

1856. Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. ix, p. 18. Cymatopliora. 1893.— Smith. Bull. 44, U. S. N. M. p. 29. Bomhycia.

transversata Walker. 1865. —Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. Pt. xxxii, p. 427. Edema.

gelida Grote. 1876.— Grote, Can. Ent. vol. viii, p. 125. Ellkla. 1892. Smith, Can. Eut. vol. xxiv, p. 135. Ash-gray, collar .blackish. Secondaries and abdomen pale brownish. T. a. line arcuate, broad, black, pulverulent and broken, followed by a more rigid line, which does not quite attain internal margin. Betweeu these are traces of another line; all three very closely approximate. A sublunate black discal dot, sur- rounded by a white shade. Outer half of wing faintly clouded, showing traces of t. p. and s. t. lines, but very faintly. Expanse 30 mm.

Hab. Northern Atlantic States.