Presented ta The Hibrary of the University of Toronta by Mrs. Temple Blackwood jritish Hssociation for the Hdvancement of Science LIVERPOOL MEETING, 1896 THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS AND THE SECTIONAL ADDRESSES LONDON OFFICES OF THE ASSOCIATION BURLINGTON HOUSE, W. Price One Shilling Le Brifish Associafion for fhe Advancement of Science. LIVERPC ‘0OL, 1896, ADDRESS BY SIR JOSEPH LISTER, Barr., D.C.L., LL.D., P.R.S., PRESIDENT. My Lord Mayor, my Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, I have first to express my deep sense of gratitude for the great honour conferred upon me by my election to the high office which I occupy to-day. It came upon me as a great surprise. The engrossing claims of surgery have prevented me for many years from attending the meetings of the Association, which excludes from her sections medicine in all its branches. This severance of the art of healing from the work of the Association was right and indeed inevitable. Not that medicine has little in common with science. The surgeon never performs an operation without the aid of anatomy and physiology; and in what is often the most difficult part of his duty, the selection of the right course to follow, he, like the physician, is guided by pathology, the science of the nature of disease, which, though very difficult from the complexity of its subject matter, has made during the last half-century astonishing progress ; so that the practice of medicine in every department is becoming more and more based on science as distinguished from empiricism. I propose on the present occasion to bring before you some illustrations of the interdependence of science and the healing art ; and the first that I will take is perhaps the most astonishing of all results of purely physical inquiry—the discovery of the Réntgen rays, so called after the man who first clearly revealed them to the world. Mysterious as they still are, there is one of their properties which we can all appreciate—their power of passing through substances opaque to ordinary light. There seems to be no relation whatever between transparency in the common sense of A 2 REPORT—1896. the term and penetrability to these emanations. The glasses of a pair of spectacles may arrest them while their wooden and leathern case allows them to pass almost unchecked. Yet they produce, whether directly or indirectly, the same effects as light upon a photographic plate. As a general rule the denser any object is the greater obstacle does it oppose to the rays. Hence, as bone is denser than flesh, if the hand or other part of the body is placed above the sensitive film enclosed in a case of wood or other light material at a suitable distance from the source of the rays, while they pass with the utmost facility through the uncovered parts of the lid of the box and powerfully affect the plate beneath, they are arrested toa large extent by the bones, so that the plate is little acted upon in the parts opposite to them, while the portions correspond- ing to the muscles and other soft parts are influenced in an intermediate degree. Thus a picture is obtained in which the bones stand out in sharp relief among the flesh, and anything abnormal in their shape or position is clearly displayed. ; I need hardly point out what important aid this must give to the surgeon. As an instance, I may mention a case which occurred in the practice of Mr. Howard Marsh. He was called to see a severe injury of the elbow, in which the swelling was so great as to make it impossible for him by ordinary means of examination to decide whether he had to deal with a fracture or a dislocation. If it were the latter, a cure would be effected by the exercise of violence which would be not only useless but most injurious if a bone was broken. By the aid of the Rontgen rays a photograph was taken in which the bone of the upper arm was clearly seen displaced forwards on those of the forearm. The diagnosis being thus — established, Mr. Marsh proceeded to reduce the dislocation ; and his sue- cess was proved by another photograph which showed the bones in their natural relative position. The common metals, such as lead, iron, and copper, being still denser than the osseous structures, these rays can show a bullet embedded in a bone or a needle lodged about a joint. At the last conversazione of the Royal Society a picture produced by the new photography displayed with perfect distinctness through the bony framework of the chest a half- penny low down in a boy’s gullet. It had been there for six months, causing uneasiness at the pit of the stomach during swallowing ; but whether the coin really remained impacted, or if so, what was its position, was entirely uncertain till the Rontgen rays revealed it. Dr. Macintyre of Glasgow, who was the photographer, informs me that when the presence of the halfpenny had been thus demonstrated, the surgeon in charge of the case made an attempt to extract it, and although this was not successful in its immediate object, it had the effect of dislodging the coin ; for a sub- sequent photograph by Dr. Macintyre not only showed that it had disap- peared from the gullet, but also, thanks to the wonderful penetrating power which the rays had acquired in his hands, proved that it had not ADDRESS, 3 lodged further down in the alimentary passage. The boy has since com- pletely recovered. The Rontgen rays cause certain chemical compounds to fluoresce, and emit a faint light plainly visible in the dark ; and if they are made to fall upon a translucent screen impregnated with such a salt, it becomes beautifully illuminated. If a part of the human body is interposed between the screen and the source of the rays, the bones and other structures are thrown in shadow upon it, and thus a diagnosis can be made without the delay involved in taking a photograph. It was in fact _in this way that Dr. Macintyre first detected the coin in the boy’s gullet. Mr. Herbert Jackson, of King’s College, London, early distinguished himself in this branch of the subject. There is no reason to suppose that the limits of the capabilities of the rays in this way have yet been reached. By virtue of the greater density of the heart than the adjacent lungs with their contained air, the form and dimensions of that organ in the living body may be displayed on the fluorescent screen, and even its move- ments have been lately seen by several different observers. Such important applications of the new rays to medical practice have strongly attracted the interest of the public to them, and I venture to think that they have even served to stimulate the investigations of physicists. The eminent Professor of Physics in the University College of this city (Professor Lodge) was one of the first to make such practical applications, and I was able to show to the Royal Society at a very early period a photograph, which he had the kindness to send me, of a bullet embedded in the hand. His interest in the medical aspect of the subject remains unabated, and at the same time he has been one of the most dis- tinguished investigators of its purely physical side. There is another way in which the Réntgen rays connect themselves with physiology, and may possibly influence medicine. It is found that if the skin is long exposed to their action it becomes very much irritated, affected with a sort of aggravated sun-burning. This suggests the idea that the transmission of the rays through the human body may be not altogether a matter of indifference to internal organs, but may, by long- continued action, produce, according to the condition of the part con- cerned, injurious irritation or salutary stimulation. This is the jubilee of Anesthesia in surgery. That priceless blessing to mankind came from America. It had, indeed, been foreshadowed in the first year of this century by Sir Humphry Davy, who, having found a toothache from which he was suffering relieved as he inhaled laughing gas (nitrous oxide), threw out the suggestion that it might perhaps be used for preventing pain in surgical operations. But it was not till, on September 30, 1846, Dr. W. T. G. Morton, of Boston, after a series of experiments upon himself and the lower animals, extracted a tooth pain- lessly from a patient whom he had caused to inhale the vapour of sul- phuric ether, that the idea was fully realised, He soon afterwards publicly A2 4 REPORT—1896. exhibited his method at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and after that event the great discovery spread rapidly over the civilised world. I witnessed the first operation in England under ether. It was performed by Robert Liston in University College Hospital, and it was a complete success. Soon afterwards I saw the same great surgeon amputate the thigh as painlessly, with less complicated anwsthetie apparatus, by aid of another ‘ agent, chloroform, which was being powerfully advocated as a substitute for ether by Dr. (afterwards Sir James Y.) Simpson, who also had the great merit of showing that confinements could be conducted painlessly, yet safely, under its influence. These two agents still hold the field as general anesthetics for protracted operations, although the gas originally suggested by Davy, in consequence of its rapid action and other advan- tages, has taken their place in short operations, such as tooth extraction. In the birthplace of anesthesia ether has always maintained its ground ; but in Europe it was to a large extent displaced by chloroform till recently, when many have returned to ether, under the idea that, though less convenient, it is safer.. For my own part, I believe that chloroform, if carefully administered on right principles, is, on the average, the safer agent of the two. The discovery of anesthesia inaugurated a new era in surgery. Not only was the pain of operations abolished, but the serious and sometimes mortal shock which they occasioned to the system was averted, while the patient was saved the terrible ordeal of preparing to endure them. At the same time the field of surgery became widely extended, since many procedures in themselves desirable, but before impossible from the pro- _ tracted agony they would occasion, became matters of routine practice. Nor have I by any means exhausted the list of the benefits conferred by this discovery. ' Anesthesia in surgery has been from first to last a gift of science. Nitrous oxide, sulphuric ether, and chloroform are all artificial products of chemistry, their employment as anesthetics was the result of scientific investigation, and their administration, far from being, like the giving of - a dose of medicine, a matter of rule of thumb, imperatively demands the vigilant exercise of physiological and pathological knowledge. While rendering such signal service to surgery, anesthetics have thrown light upon biology generally. It has been found that they exert their soporific influence not only upon vertebrata, but upon animals so remote in structure from man as bees and other insects. Even the fune- tions of vegetables are suspended by their agency. They thus afford strong confirmation of the great generalisation that living matter is of the same essential nature wherever it is met with on this planet, whether in the animal or vegetable kingdom. Anzsthetics have also, in ways to which T need not here refer, powerfully promoted the progress of physio- logy and pathology. My next illustration may be taken from the work of Pasteur on fer- —_—_— —_—_ ADDRESS. 5 mentation. The prevailing opinion regarding this class of phenomena when they first engaged his attention was that they were occasioned primarily by the oxygen of the air acting upon unstable animal or vege- table products, which, breaking up under its influence, communicated disturbance to other organic materials in their vicinity, and thus led to their decomposition. Cagniard-Latour had indeed shown several years before that yeast consists essentially of the cells of a microscopic fungus which grows as the sweetwort ferments ; and he had attributed the break- ing up of the sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid to the growth of the micro-organism. In Germany Schwann, who independently discovered the yeast plant, had published very striking experiments in support of analogous ideas regarding the putrefaction of meat. Such views had also found other advocates, but they had become utterly discredited, largely through the great authority of Liebig, who bitterly opposed them. Pasteur, having been appointed as a young man Dean of the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Lille, a town where the products of alcoholic fermentation were staple articles of manufacture, determined to study that process thoroughly ; and as a result he became firmly con- vinced of the correctness of Cagniard-Latour’s views regarding it. In the case of other fermentations, however, nothing fairly comparable to the formation of yeast had till then been observed. This was now done by Pasteur for that fermentation in which sugar is resolved into lactic acid This lactic fermentation was at that time brought about by adding some animal substance, such as fibrin, to a solution of sugar, together with chalk that should combine with the acid as it was formed. Pasteur saw, what had never before been noticed, that a fine grey deposit was formed, differing little in appearance from the decomposing fibrin, but steadily increasing as the fermentation proceeded. Struck by the analogy pre- sented by the increasing deposit to the growth of yeast in sweetwort, he examined it with the microscope, and found it to consist of minute particles of uniform size. Pasteur was not a biologist, but although these particles were of extreme minuteness in comparison with the constituents of the yeast plant, he felt convinced that they were of an analogous nature, the cells of a tiny microscopic fungus. This he regarded as the essential ferment, the fibrin or other so-called ferment serving, as he believed, merely the purpose of supplying to the growing plant certain chemical ingredients not contained in the sugar but essential to its nutri- tion. And the correctness of this view he confirmed in a very striking manner, by doing away with the fibrin or other animal material altogether, and substituting for it mineral salts containing the requisite chemical elements. Nature, Jan. 3, 1895. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. DD physicist, who was looking about for arguments by which to revise what he con- ceived to be the hasty conclusions of the geologist as to the age of the earth, should have exposed himself to such an obvious retort in basing his own con- clusions as to its age on the assumption that the earth, which we know to be always changing in shape, has been unable to alter its equatorial radius by a few miles under the action of tremendous forces constantly tending to alter it, and having 1,000 million years in which to do the work. With this flaw in the case it is hardly necessary to insist on our great uncer- tainty as to the rate at which the tides are lengthening the day. he spectacle presented by the geologist and biologist, deeply shocked at Lord Kelvin’s extreme uniformitarianism in the domain of astronomy and cosmic physics, is altogether too comforting to be passed by without remark; but in thus indulging in a friendly tu guogue, 1 am quite sure that I am speaking for every member of this Section in saying that we are in no way behind the members of Section A in our pride and admiration at the noble work which he has done for science, and we are glad to take this opportunity of congratulating him on the half-century of work and teaching—both equally fruitful—which has reached its completion in the present year. The second argument is based upon the cooling of the earth, and this is the one brought forward and explained by Lord Salisbury in his Presidential Address. It has been the argument on which perhaps the chief reliance has been placed, and of which the data—so it was believed—were the least open to doubt. On the Sunday during the meeting of the British Association at Leeds (1890), 1 went for a walk with Professor Perry, and asked him to explain the physical reasons for limiting the age of the earth to a period which the students of other sciences considered to be very inadequate. He gave me an account of the data on which Lord Kelvin relied in constructing this second argument, and expressed the strong opinion that they were perfectly sound, while, as for the mathematics, it might be taken for granted, he said, that they were entirely correct. He did not attach much weight to the other arguments, which he regarded as merely offering support to the second. This little piece of personal history is of interest, inasmuch as Professor Perry has now provided us with a satisfactory answer to the line of reasoning which so fully satisfied him in 1890. And he was led to a critical examination of the sub- ject by the attitude taken up by Lord Salisbury in 1894. Professor Perry was not present at the meeting, but when he read the President’s address, and saw how other conclusions were ruled out of court, how the only theory of evolution which commands anything approaching universal assent was set on one side because of certain assumptions as to the way in which the earth was believed to have cooled, he was seized with a desire to sift these assumptions, and to inquire whether they would bear the weight of such far-reaching conclusions. Before giving the results of his examination, it is necessary to give a brief account of the argument on which so much has been built. Lord Kelvin assumed that the earth is a homogeneous mass of rock similar to that with which we are familiar on the surface. Assuming, further, that the tem- perature increases, on the average, 1° F’. for every 50 feet of depth near the surface everywhere, he concluded that the earth would have occupied not less than twenty, nor more than four hundred, million years in reaching its present condition from the time when it first began to consolidate and po-sessed a uniform temperature of 7,000° F. , in the statement of the argument, we substitute for the assumption of a homogeneous earth an earth which conducts heat better internally than it does toward the surface, Professor Perry, whose calculations have been verified by Mr. O. Heaviside, finds that the time of cooling has to be lengthened to an extent which depends upon the value assigned to the internal conducting power. If, for instance, we assume that the deeper part of the earth conducts ten times as well as the outer part, Lord Kelvin’s age would require to be multiplied by fifty-six. Even if the conductivity be the same throughout, the increase of density in the 6 ; REPORT—1896. deeper part, by augmenting the es for heat of unit volume, implies a longer age than that conceded by Lord Kelvin, If the interior of the earth be fluid or contain fluid in a honeycomb structure, the rate at which heat can travel would be immensely increased by convection currents, and the age would have to be correspondingly lengthened. If, furthermore, such conditions, although not obtaining now, did obtain in past times, they will have operated in the same direction. Professor Tait, in his letter to Professor Perry (published in ‘Nature’ of January 3, 1895), takes the entirely indefensible position that the latter is bound to prove the higher iuternal conductivity. The obligation is all on the other side, and rests with those who have pressed their conclusions hard and carried them far. Thesa conclusions have been, as Darwin found them, one of our ‘sorest troubles’; but when it is admitted that there is just as much to be said for another set of assumptions leading to entirely different conclusions, our troubles are at an end, and we cease to be terrified by an array of symbols, however unintelligible to us. It would seem that Professor Tait, without, as far as I can learn, publish any independent calculation of the age of the earth, has lent the weight of his authority to a period of 10 million years, or half of Lord Kelvin’s minimum. But in making this suggestion he apparently feels neifher interest nor responsibility in establishing the data of the calculations which he borrowed to obtain therefrom a very different result from that obtained by their author. Professor Perry’s object was not to substitute a more correct age for that obtained by Lord Kelvin, but rather to show that the data from which the true age could be calculated are not really available. We obtain different results by making different assumptions, and there is no suflicient evidence for accepting one assumption rather than another. Nevertheless, there is some evidence which indicates that the interior of the earth in all probability conducts better than the surface. Its far bigher density is consistent with the belief that it is rich in metals, free or combined. Professor Schuster concludes that the internal electric conductivity must be considerably greater than the external. Geologists have argued from the amount of folding to which the crust has been subjected that cooling must have taken place to a greater depth than 120 miles, as assumed in Lord Kelvin’s argument. Professor Perry's assumption would involve cooling to a much greater depth. Professor Perry’s conclusion that the age of the habitable earth is lengthened by increased conductivity is the very reverse of that to which we should be led by a superticial examination of the case. Professor Tait, indeed, in the letter to which I have already alluded, has said: ‘ Why, then, drag in mathematics at all, since it is absolutely obvious that the better conductor the interior in comparison with the skin, the longer ago must it have been when the whole was at 7000 F., the state of the skin being as at present?’ Professor Perry, in reply, pointed out that one mathematician who had refuted the tidal retardation argument ! had assumed that the conditions described by Professor Tait would have involved a shorter period of time. And it is probable that Lord Kelvin thought the same; for he had assumed conditions which would give the result— so he believed at the time—most acceptable to the geologist and biologist. Professor Perry's conclusion is very far from obvious, and without the mathematical reasoning would not be arrived at by the vast majority of thinking men. The ‘natural man’ without mathematics would say, so far from this being ‘ absolutely obvious,’ it is quite clear that increased conductivity, favouring escape of heat, would lead to more rapid cooling, and would make Lord Kelvin’s age even shorter. The argument can, however, be put clearly without mathematics, and, with Professor Perry’s help, I am able to state it in a few words. Lord Kelvin’s assumption of an earth resembling the surface rock in its relations to heat leads to the present condition of things, namely, a surface gradient of 1° F. for every 50 feet, in 100,000,000 years, more or less. Deeper than 160 miles he imagines ' Rev. M. H, Close in &. Dublin Soe., February 1878. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 7 that there has been almost no cooling. If, however, we take one of the cases put by Professor Perry, and assume that below a depth of four miles there is ten times the conductivity, we find that after a period of 10,000,000,000 years the - Raney at the surface is still 1° F. for every 50 feet; but that we have to escend to a depth of 1,500 miles before we find the initial temperature of 7,000° F. undiminished by cooling. In fact the earth, as a whole, has cooled far more quickly than under Lord Kelvin’s conditions, the greater conductivity enabling a far larger amount of the internal beat to escape; but in escaping it has kept up the temperature gradient at the surface. Lord Kelvin, replying to Professor Perry’s criticisms, quite admits that the age at which he had arrived by the use of this argument may be insufficient. Thus, he says, in his letter': ‘I thought my range from 20 millions to 400 millions was robably wide enough, but it is quite possible that I should have put the superior imit a good deal higher, perhaps 4,000 instead of 400.’ The third argument was suggested by Helmholtz, and depends on the life of the sun, If the energy of the sun is due only to the mutual gravitation of its parts, and if the sun is now of uniform density, ‘the amount of heat generated by his contraction to his present volume would have been sufficient to last 18 million years at his present rate of radiation.’* Lord Kelvin rejects the assumption of uniform density, and is, in consequence of this change, able to offer a much higher upward limit of 500 million years. This argument also implies the strictest uniformitarianism as regards the sun. We know that other suns may suddenly gain a great accession of energy, so that their radiation is immensely increased. We only detect such changes when they are large and sudden, but they prepare us to believe that smaller accessions may be much more frequent, and perhaps a normal occurrence in the evolution of a sun. Such accessions may have followed from the convergence of a stream of meteors. Again, it is possible that the radiation of the sun may have been diminished and his energy conserved by a solar atmosphere. Newcomb has objected to these two possible modes by which the life of the sun may have been greatly lengthened, that a lessening of the sun’s heat by under a quarter would cause all the water on the earth to freeze, while an increase of much over half would probably boil it all away. But such changes in the amount of radiation received would follow from a greater distance from the sun of 154 per cent., and a greater proximity to him of 184 per cent., respectively. Venus is inside the latter limit, and Mars outside the former, and yet it would be a very large assumption to conclude that all the water in the former is steam, and allinthe latter ice. Indeed, the existence of water and the melting of snow on Mars are considered to be thoroughly well authenticated. It is further possible that in a time of lessened solar radiation the eart may have possessed an atmosphere which would retain a larger proportion of the sun’s heat ; and the internal heat of the earth itself, great lakes of lava under a canopy of cloud for example, may have played an important part in supplying warmth. Again we have a greater age if there was more energy available than in Helmholtz’s hypothesis. Lord Kelvin maintains that this is improbable because of the slow rotation of the sun, but Perry has given reasons for an opposite conclusion. The collapse of the first argument of tidal retardation, aud of the second of the cooling of the earth, warn us to beware of « conclusion founded on the assumption that the sun’s energy depends, and has ever depended, on a single source of which we know the beginning and the end. It may be safely maintained that such a conclusion has not that degree of certainty which justifies the followers of one science in assuming that the conclusion of other sciences must be wrong, and in disregarding the evidence brought forward by workers in other lines of research. We must freely admit that this third argument has not yet fully shared the fate ' Nature, January 3, 1895. * Newcomb’s Popular Astronomy, p. 523, 8 ' REPORT—1896. of the two other lines of reasoning. Indeed, Professor George Darwin, although attacking these latter, agrees with Lord Kelvin in regarding 500 million years as the maximum life of the sun! We may observe, too, that 500 million years is by no means to be despised: a great deal may happen in such a period of time. Although I should be very so to say that it is sufficient, it is a very different offer from Professor Tait’s 10 million, In drawing up this account of the physical arguments, I owe almost everythin to Professor Perry for his articles in ‘ Nature’ (January 3 and April 18, 1895), and his kindness in explaining any difficulties that arose. I have thought it right to enter into these arguments in some detail, and to consume a considerable pro- portion of our time in their discussion. This was imperatively necessary, because they claimed to stand as barriers across our path, and, so long as they were admitted to be impassable, any further progress was out of the question. What I hope has been an unbiassed examination has shown that, as barriers, they are more imposin than effective; and we are free to proceed, and to look for the conclusions warran by our own evidence. In this matter we are at one with the geologists; for, as has been already pointed out, we rely on them for an estimate of the time occupied by the deposition of the stratified rocks, while they rely on us for a conclusion as to how far this period is sufficient for the whole of organic evolution. First, then, we must briefly consider the geological argument, and I cannot do better than take the case as put by Sir Archibald Geikie in his Presidential Address to this Association at Edinburgh in 1892. Arguing from the amount of material removed from the land by denudin, agencies, and carried down to the sea by rivers, he showed that the time require to reduce the height of the land by one foot, varies, according to the activity of the agencies at work, from 730 years to 6,800 years. But this also supplies a measure of the rate of deposition of rock; for the same material is laid down elsewhere, and would of course add the same height of one foot to some other area equal in size to that from which it was removed. F The next datum to be obtained is the total thickness of the stratified rocks from the Cambrian system to the present day. ‘On a reasonable computation these stratified masses, where most fully developed, attain a united thickness of not less than 100,000 feet. If they were all laid down at the most rapid recorded rate of denudation, they would require a period of seventy-three millions of years for their completion. If they were laid down at the slowest rate, they would demand a period of not less than 680 millions.’ The argument that geological agencies acted much more vigorously in past times he entirely refuted by pointing to the character of the deposits of which the stratified series is composed. ‘We can see no proof whatever, nor even any evidence which suggests that on the whole the rate of waste and sedimentation was more rapid during Mesozoic and Paleozoic time than it is to-day. Had there been any marked difference in this rate from ancient to modern times, it would be incredible that no clear proof of it should have been recorded in the crust of the earth,’ It may therefore be inferred that the rate of deposition was no nearer the more rapid than the slower of the rates recorded above, and, if so, the stratified rocks would have been laid down in about 400 million years. There are other arguments favouring the uniformity of conditions throughout the time during which the stratified rocks were laid down, in addition to those which are purely geological and depend upon the character of the rocks themselves. na ee more biological than geological, these arguments are best considered rere, , The geological agency to which attention is chiefly directed by those who desire to hurry up the phenomena of rock formation is that of the tides. But it seems British Association Revorts 1886, pp. 514-518, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 9 certain that the tides were not sufficiently higher in Silurian times to prevent the deposition of certain beds of great thickness under conditions as tranquil as any of which we have evidence in the case of a formation extending over a large area. From the character of the organic remains it is known that these beds were laid down in the sea, and there are the strongest grounds for believing that they were accumulated along shores and in fairly shallow water. The remains of extremely delicate organisms are found in immense numbers, and over a very large area. The recent discovery, in the Silurian system of America, of trilobites, with their long delicate antennz perfectly preserved, proves that in one locality (Rome, New York State) the tranquillity of deposition was quite as profound as in any locality yet discovered on this side of the Atlantic. There are, then, among the older Palwozoic rocks a set of deposits than which we can imagine none better calculated to test the force of the tides; and we find that they supply evidence for exceptional tranquillity of conditions over a long period of time. There is other evidence of the permanence, throughout the time during which the stratified rocks were deposited, of conditions not very dissimilar from those which obtain to-day. Thus the attachments of marine organisms, which are per- manently rooted to the bottom or on the shores, did not differ in strength from those which we now find—an indication that the strains due to the movements of the sea did not greatly differ in the past. We have evidence of a somewhat similar kind to prove uniformity in the movements of the air. The expanse of the wings of flying organisms certainly does not differ in a direction which indicates any greater violence in the atmo- spheric conditions. Before the birds had become dominant among the larger flying organisms, their place was taken by the flying reptiles, the pterodactyls, and before the appearance of these we know that, in Paleozoic times, the insects were of immense size, a dragon-fly from the Carboniferous rocks of France being upwards of 2 feet in the expanse of its wings. As one group after another of widely dissimilar organisms gained control of the air, each was in turn enabled to increase to the size which was best suited to such an environment, but we find that the limits which obtain to-day were not widely different in the past, And this is evidence for the uniformity in the strains due to wind and storm no less than to those due to gravity. Furthermore, the condition of the earth’s surface at present shows us how extremely sensitive the flying organism is to an increase in the former of these strains, when it occurs in proximity to the sea. Thus it is well known that an unusually large proportion of the Madeiran beetles are wingless, while those which require the power of flight possess it in a stronger degree than on continental areas. This évitution in two directions is readily explained by the destruction by drowning of the winged individuals of the species which can manage to live without the power of flight, and of the less strongly winged indi- viduals of those which need it. Species of the latter kind cannot live at all in the far more stormy Kerguelen Land, and the whole of the insect fauna is wingless. The size and strength of the trunks of fossil trees afford, as Professor George Darwin has pointed out, evidence of uniformity in the strains due to the condition of the atmosphere. We can trace the prints of raindrops at various geological horizons, and in some cases found in this country it is even said that the eastern side of the depressions is the more deeply pitted, proving that the rain drove from the west, as the great majority of our storms do to-day. When, therefore, we are accused of uniformitarianism, as if it were an entirely unproved assumption, we can at any rate point to a large body of positive evidence which supports our contention, and the absence of any evidence against it. Furthermore, the data on which we rely are likely to increase largely, as the result of future work. After this interpolation, chiefly of biological argument in support of the geolo- gist, I cannot do better than bring the geological evidence to a close in the words which conclude Sir Archibald Geikie’s address : ‘After careful reflection on the subject, I affirm that the geological record furnishes a mass of evidence which no pd3 10 REPORT—1896. arguments drawn from other departments of Nature can explain away, and which, it seems to me, cannot be satisfactorily interpreted save with an allowance of time much beyond the narrow limits which recent physical speculation would concede.’ In his letter to Professor Perry,' Lord Kelvin says:— ‘So far as underground heat alone is concerned, you are quite right that m estimate was 100 million, and please remark ? that that is all Geikie wants; but I should be exceedingly frightened to meet him now with only 20 million in my mouth.’ We have seen, however, that Geikie considered the rate of sedimentation to be, on the whole, uniform with that which now obtains, and this would demand a period of nearly 400 million years. He points out furthermore that the time must be greatly increased on account of the breaks and interruptions which occur in the series, so that we shall probably get as near an estimate as is possible from the data which are available by taking 450 million as the time during which the stratified rocks were formed. Before leaving this part of the subject, I cannot refrain from suggesting a line of enquiry which may very possibly furnish important data for checking the estimates at present formed by geologists, and which, if the mechanical difficulties can be overcome, is certain to lead to results of the greatest interest and importance. Ever since the epoch-making voyage of the ‘Challenger,’ it has been known that the floor of the deep oceans outside the shallow shelf which fringes the continental areas is covered by a peculiar deposit formed entirely of meteoric and volcanic dust, the waste of floating pumice, and the hard parts of animals living in the ocean, Of these latter only the most resistant can escape the powerful solvent agencies. Many observations prove that the accumulation of this deposit is extremely slow. One indication of this is especially convincing: the teeth of sharks and the most resistant part of the skeleton—the ear- bones—of whales are so thickly spread over the surface that they are continually brought up in the dredge, while sometimes a single haul will yield a large number of them. Imagine the count- less generations of sharks and whales which must have succeeded each other in order that these insignificant portions of them should be so thickly spread over that vast area which forms the ocean floor. We have no reason to suppose that sharks and whales die more frequently in the deep ocean than in the shallow fringing seas; in fact, many observations point in the OREO direction, for wounded and dying whales often enter shallow creeks and inlets, and not uncom- monly become stranded. And yet these remains of sharks and whales, although well known in the stratified rocks which were laid down in comparatively shallow water and near coasts, are only found in certain beds, and then in far less abun- dance than in the oceanic deposit. We can only explain this difference by es gd that the latter accumulate with such almost infinite slowness as compared with the continental deposits that these remains form an important and conspicuous constituent of the one, while they are merely found here and there when looked for embedded in the other. The rate of accumulation of all other constituents is so slow as to leave a layer of teeth and ear-bones uncovered, or covered by so thin a deposit that the dredge can collect them freely. Dr. John Murray calculates that only a few inches of this deposit have accumulated since the Tertiary Period. These most interesting facts prove furthermore that the great ocean basins and continental areas have occupied the same relative positions since the formation of the first stratified rocks ; for no oceanic deposits are found anywhere in the latter. We know the sources of the oceanic deposit, and it might be possible to form an esti- mate, within wide limits, of its rate of accumulation. If it were possible to ascertain its thickness by means of a boring, some conclusions as to the time which has elapsed during the lifetime of certain species—perhaps even the lifetime of the oceans themselves—might be arrived at. Lower down the remains of earlier species would probably be found. The depth of this deposit and its character at 1 Nature, Jan. 3, 1895. 2 P. L. and A,, Vol. ii., p. 87. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D, 11 deeper levels are questions of overwhelming interest; and perhaps even more so is the question as to what lies beneath. Long before the ‘Challenger’ had proved the persistence of oceanic and continental areas, Darwin, with extraordinary fore- sight, and opposed by all other naturalists and geologists, including his revered teacher, Tyall, had come to the same conclusion. His reasoning on the subject is so convincing that it is remarkable that he made so few converts, and this is all the more surprising since the arguments were published in the ‘ Origin of Species,’ which in other respects produced so profound an effect. In speculating as to the rocks in which the remains of the ancestors of the earliest known fossils may still exist, he suggested that, although the existing relationship between the positions of our present oceans and continental areas is of immense antiquity, there is no reason for the belief that it has persisted for an indefinite period, but that at some time long antecedent to the earliest known fossiliferous rocks ‘continents may have existed where oceans are now spread out; and clear and open oceans may have existed where our continents now stand.’ Not the least interesting result would be the test of this hypothesis, which would probably be forthcoming as the result of boring into the floor of a deep ocean; for although, as Darwin pointed out, it is likely enough that such rocks would be highly metamorphosed, yet it might still be possible to ascertain whether they had at any time formed part of a continental deposit, and perhaps to discover much more than this, Such an under- taking might be carried out in conjunction with other investigations of the highest interest, such as the attempt to obtain a record of the swing of a pendulum at the bottom of the ocean. We now come to the strictly biological part of our subject—to the inquiry as to how much of the whole scheme of organic evolution has been worked out in the time during which the fossiliferous rocks were formed, and how far, therefore, the time required by the geologist is sufficient. It is first necessary to consider Lord Kelvin’s attempt to rescue us from the dilemma in which we were placed by the insufficiency of time for evolution—the suggestion that life may have reached the earth on a meteorite. According to this view, the evolution which took place elsewhere may have been merely com- pleted, in a comparatively brief space of time, on our earth. We Imow nothing of the origin of life here or elsewhere, and our only attitude towards this or any other hypothesis on the subject is that of the anxious inquirer for some particle of evidence. But a few brief considerations will show that no escape from the demands for time can be gained in this way. Our argument does not deal with the time required for the origin of life, or for the development of the lowest beings with which we are acquainted from the first formed beings, of which we know nothing. Both these processes may have required an immensity of time ; but as we know nothing whatever about them, and have as yet no prospect of acquiring any information, we are compelled to confine ourselves to as much of the process of evolution as we can infer from the structure of living and fossil forms—that is, as regards animals, to the development of the simplest into the most complex Protozoa, the evolution of the Metazoa from the Protozoa, and the branching of the former into its numerous Phyla, with all their Classes, Orders, Families, Genera, and Species. But we shall find that this is quite enough to necessitate a very large increase in the time estimated by the geologist. The Protozoa, simple and complex, still exist upon the earth in countless species, together with the Metazoan Phyla. Descendants of forms which in their day constituted the beginning of that scheme of evolution which I have defined above, descendants, furthermore, of a large proportion of those forms which, age after age, constituted the shifting phases of its onward progress, still exist, and in a sufficiently unmodified condition to enable us to reconstruct, at any rate in mere outline, the history of the past. Innumerable details and many phases of supreme importance are still hidden from us, some of them perhaps never to be recovered. But this frank admission, and the eager and premature attempts to expound too much, to go further than the evidence permits, must not be allowed 12 : REPORT—1896. to throw an undeserved suspicion upon conclusions which are sound and well supported, upon the firm conviction of every zoologist that the general trend of eyolution has been, as I have stated it, that each of the Metazoan_Phyla originated, directly or indirectly, in the Protozoa. The meteorite theory would, however, require that the process of evolution went backward on a scale as vast as that on which it went forward, that certain descendants of some central type, coming to the earth on a meteorite, gradually lost their Metazoan complexity and developed backward into the Protozoa, throw- ing off the lower Metazoan Phyla on the way, while certain other descendants evolved all the higher Metazoan groups. Such a process would shorten the period of evolution by half, but it need hardly be said that all available evidence is entirely against it. The only other assumption by means of which the meteorite hypothesis would serve to shorten the time is even more wild and improbable. Thus it might be supposed that the evolution which we believe to have taken place on this earth, really took place elsewhere—at any rate as regards all its main lines—and that samples of all the various phases, including the earliest and simplest, reached us by a regular meteoric service, which was established at some time after the com- pletion of the scheme of organic evolution. Hence the evidences which we study would point to an evolution which occurred in some unknown world with an age which even Professor Tait has no desire to limit. If these wild assumptions be rejected, there remains the supposition that, if life was brought by a meteorite, it was life no higher than that of the simplest Proto- zoon—a supposition which leaves our argument intact. The alternative supposition, that one or more of the Metazoan Phyla were introduced in this way while the others were evolved from the terrestrial Protozoa, is hardly worth consideration. In the first place, some evidence of a part in a common scheme of evolution is to be found in every Phylum. In the second place, the gain would be small; the arbitrary assumption would only affect the evidence of the time required for evolu- tion derived from the particular Phylum or Phyla of supposed meteoric origin. The meteoric hypothesis, then, can only affect our argument by making the most improbable assumptions, for which, moreover, not a particle of evidence can. be brought forward. We are therefore free to follow the biological evidence fearlessly. It is neces- sary, in the first place, to.expand somewhat the brief outline of the past history of the animal kingdom, which has already been given. Since the appearance of the ‘Origin of Species,’ the zoologist, in making his classifications, has attempted as far as possible to set forth a genealogical arrangement. Our purpose will be served by an account of the main outlines of a recent classification, which has been framed with a due consideration for all sides of zoological research, new and old, and~ which has met with general approval. Professor Lankester divides the animal kingdom into two grades, the higher of which, the Enterozoa (Metazoa), were derived from the lower, the Plastidozoa (Protozoa). Each of these grades is again divided into two sub-grades, and each of these is again divided into Phyla, cor- responding more or less to the older Sub-Kingdoms. Beginning from below, the most primitive animals in existence are found in the seven Phyla of the lower Protozoan sub-grade, the Gymnomyxa. Of these unfortunately only two, the Reticularia (Fora- minifera) and Radiolaria, possess a structure which renders possible their preservation in the rocks, The lowest and simplest of these Gymnomyxa represent the starting- point of that scheme of organic evolution which we are considering to-day. The higher order of Protozoan life, the sub-grade Corticata, contains three Phyla, no one of which is available in the fossil state. They are, however, of great interest and importance to us as showing that the Protozoan type assumes a far higher organi- sation on its way to eyolye the more advanced grade of animal life. The first- formed of these latter are contained in the two Phyla of the sub-grade Coslentera, the Porifera or Sponges, and the Nematophora or Corals, Sea-Anemones, Hy- drozoa and allied groups, Both of these Phyla are plentifully represented in the fossil state. It is considered certain that the latter of these, the Nematophora, — TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 13 ave rise to the higher sub-grade, the Colomata, or animals with a cwlom or Body-caviéy surrounding the digestive tract. ‘This latter includes all the remain- ing species of animals in nine Phyla, five of which are found fossil—the Echino- derma, Gephyrea, Mollusca, Appendiculata, and Vertebrata. Before proceeding further, I wish to lay emphasis on the immense evolutionary history which must have been passed through before the ancestor of one of the higher of these nine Phyla came into being. Let us consider one or two examples, since the establishment of this position is of the utmost importance for our argu- ment. First, consider the past history of the Vertebrata,—of the common ancestor of our Balanoglossus, Tunicates, Amphioxus, Lampreys, Fishes, Dipnoi, Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. Although zoologists differ very widely in their opinions as to the affinities of this ancestral form, they all agree in maintaining that it did not arise direct from the Nematophora in the lower sub-grade of Metazoa, but that it was the product of a long history within the Coslomate sub- grade. The question as to which of the other C@lomate Phyla it was associated with will form the subject of one of our discussions at this meeting; and I will therefore say no more upon this period of its evolution, except to point out that the very question itself, ‘the ancestry of Vertebrates,’ only means a rela- tively small part of the evolutionary history of the Vertebrate ancestor within the Celomate group. For when we have decided the question of the other Ceelomate Phylum or Phyla to which the ancestral Vertebrate belonged, there remains of course the history of that Phylum or those Phyla earlier than the point at which the Vertebrate diverged, right back to the origin of the Coelomata; while, beyond and below, the wide gulf between this and the Coelentera had to be crossed, and then, probably after a long history as a Coelenterate, the widest and most significant of all the morphological intervals—that between the lowest Metazoon and the highest Protozoon—was trayersed. But this was by no means all. There remains the history within the higher Protozoan sub-grade, in the interval from this to the lower, and within the lower sub-grade itself, until we finally retrace our steps to the lowest and simplest forms. It is impossible to suppose that all this history of change can have been otherwise than immensely pacuerd ; for it will be shown below that all the available evidence warrants the elief that the changes during these earlier phases were at least as slow as those which occurred later. Tf we take the history of another of the higher Phyla, the Appendiculata, we find that the evidence points in the same direction. The common ancestor of our Rotifera, earthworms, leeches, Peripatus, centipedes, insects, Crustacea, spiders and scorpions, and forms allied to all these, is generally admitted to have been Cheetopod-like, and probably arose in relation to the beginnings of certain other Ccelomata Phyla, such as the Gephyrea and perhaps Mollusca. At the origin of the Coelomate sub-grade the common ancestor of all Coelomate Phyla is reached, and its evolution has been already traced in the case of the Vertebrata. What is likely to be the relation between the time required for the evolution of the ancestor of a Coelomate Phylum and that required for the evolution, which subsequently occurred, within the Phylum itself? The answer to this question depends mainly upon the rate of evolution in the lower parts of the animal kingdom as compared with that in the higher. Contrary, perhaps, to anticipation, we find that all the evidences of rapid evolution are confined to the most advanced of the smaller groups within the highest Phyla, and especially to the higher Classes of the Vertebrata. Such evidence as we have strongly indicates the most remarkable persistence of the lower animal types. Thus in the Class Imperforata of the Reticularia (Foraminifera) one of our existing genera (Saecamina) occurs in the Carboniferous strata, another (Trochammina) in the Permian, while a single new genus (Receptaculites) occurs in the Silurian and Devonian. The evidence from the Class Perforata is much stronger, the existing genera Nodosaria, Dentalina, Textularia, Grammostomum, Valvulina, and Nummulina all occurring in the Carboniferous, together with the new genera Archediscus (?) and Fusulina. I omit reference to the much-disputed Hozoon from the Laurentian rocks far below the horizon, which for the purpose of this address I am considering as the 14 REPORT—1896, lowest fossiliferous stratum. We are looking forward to the new light which will be thrown upon this form in the communication of its veteran defender, Sir William Dawson, whom we are all glad to welcome. Passing the Radiolaria, with delicate skeletons less suited for fossilisation, and largely pelagic and therefore less likely to reach the strata laid down along the fringes of the continental areas, the next Phylum which is found in a fossil state is that of the Porifera, including the sponges, and divided into two Classes, the Calcispongiz and Silicospongis#. Although the fossilisation of sponges is in many cases very incomplete, distinctly recognisable traces can be nae out in a large number of strata. From these we know that representatives of all the groups of hoth Classes (except the Halisarcide, which have no hard parts) occurred in the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous systems, The whole Phylum is an example of long persistence with extremely little change. And the same is true of the Nema- tophora: new groups indeed come in, sometimes extremely rich in species, such as the Palwozoic Rugose corals and Graptolites; but they existed side by side with representatives of existing groups, and they are not in themselves primitive or ancestral. A study of the immensely numerous fossil corals reveals no adyance in organisation, while researches into the structure of existing Aleyonaria and Hydro- corallina have led to the interpretation of certain Paleozoic forms which were pre- viously obscure, and the conclusion that they find their place close beside the living species. All available evidence points to the extreme slowness of progressive evolu tionary changes in the Ccelenterate Phyla, although the Protozoa, if we may judge by the Reticularia (Foraminifera), are even more conservative. When we consider later on the five Coslomate Phyla which occur fossil, we shall find that the progressive changes were slower and indeed hardly appreciable in the two lower and less complex Phyla, viz.: the Echinoderma, and Gephyrea, as compared with the Mollusca, Appendiculata, and Vertebrata. Within these latter Phyla we have evidence for the evolution of higher groups presenting a more or less marked advance in organisation. And not only is the rate of development more rapid in the highest Phyla of the animal kingdom, but it appears to be most rapid when dealing with the highest animal tissue, the ~ central nervous system. The chief, and doubtless the most significant, difference between the early Tertiary mammals and those which succeeded them, between the Secondary and Tertiary reptiles, between man and the mammals most nearly allied to him, is a difference in the size of the brain. In all these cases an enormous increase in this, the dominant tissue of the body, has taken place in a time which, geologically speaking, is very brief. When speaking later on upon the evolution which has taken place within the Phyla, further details upon this subject will be given, although in this as in other — cases the time at our disposal demands that the exposition of evidence must largely yield to an exposition of the conclusions which follow from its study. And undoubtedly a study of all the available evidence points very strongly to the conclusion that in the lower grade, sub-grades, and Phyla of the animal kingdom evolution has been extremely slow as compared with that in the higher. We do not know the reason. It may be that this remarkable persistence through the stratified series of deposits is due to an innate fixity of constitution which has rigidly limited the power of variation; or, more probably perhaps, that the lower members of the animal kingdom were, as they are now, more Conn confined to particular environments, with particular sets of conditions, with which they had to cope, and, this being successfully accomplished, natural selection has done little more than keep up a standard of organisation which was sufficient for their needs; while the higher and more aggressive forms ranging over many environments, and always prone to encounter new sets of conditions, were compelled to undergo respon- sive changes or to succumb. But whatever be the cause, the fact remains, and is of the highest importance for our argument. When the ancestor of one of the higher Phyla was associated with the lower Phyla of the Coelomate sub-grade, when ~ further back it passed through a Ccelenterate, a higher Protozoan, and finally a lower Protozoan phase, we must believe that its evolution was probably very slow TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 15 as compared with the rate which it subsequently attained. But this conclusion is of the utmost importance ; for the history contained in the stratified rocks nowhere reveals to us the origin of a Phylum. And this is not mere negative evidence, but ositive evidence of the most unmistakable character. All the five Calomate Ph la which occur fossil appear low down in the Palsozoic rocks, in the Silurian or Cambrian strata, and they are represented by forms which are very far from being primitive, or, if primitive, are persistent types, such as Chiton, which are now living. Thus Vertebrata are represented by fishes, both sharks and ganoids; the Appendiculata by cockroaches, scorpions, Limulids, Trilobites, and many Crustacea ; the Mollusca by Nautilus and numerous allied genera, by Dentalium, Chiton, Pteropods, and many Gastropods and Lamellibranchs; the Gephyrea by very numerous Brachiopods, and many Polyzoa ; the Echinoderma by Crinoids, Cystoids, Blastoids, Asteroids, Ophiuroids, and Echinoids. It is just conceivable, although, as I believe, most improbable, that the Vertebrate Phylum originated at the time when the earliest known fossiliferous rocks were laid down. It must be remem- bered, however, that an enormous morphological interval separates the fishes which appear in the Silurian strata from the lower branches, grades, and classes of the Phylum in which Balanoglossus, the Ascidians, Amphioxus, and the Lampreys are placed. The earliest Vertebrates to appear are, in fact, very advanced members of the Phylum, and, from the point of view of anatomy, much nearer to man than to Amphioxus. If, however, we grant the improbable contention that so highly organised an animal as a shark could be evolved from the ancestral vertebrate in the period which intervened between the earliest Cambrian strata and the Upper Silurian, it is quite impossible to urge the same with regard to the other Phyla. Tt has been shown above that when these appear in the Cambrian and Silurian, they are flourishing in full force, while their numerous specialised forms are a positive proof of a long antecedent history within the limits of the Phylum. If, however, we assume for the moment that the Phyla began in the Cambrian, the geologist’s estimate must still be increased considerably, and perhaps doubled, in order to account for the evolution of the higher Phyla from forms as low as many which are now known upon the earth ; unless, indeed, it is supposed, against the whole weight of all such evidence as is available, that the evolutionary history in these early times was comparatively rapid. To recapitulate, if we represent the history of animal evolution by the form of a tree, we find that the following growth took place in some age antecedent to the earliest fossil records, before the establishment of the higher Phyla of the Animal Kingdom. The main trunk representing the lower Protozoa divided, originating the higher Protozoa; the latter portion again divided, probably in a threefold man- ner, originating the two lowest Metazoan Phyla, constituting the Ceelentera. The branch representing the higher of these Phyla, the Nematophora, divided, origina- ting the lower Coelomate Phyla, which again branched and originated the higher Phyla. And, as has been shown above, the relatively ancestral line, at every stage of this complex history, after originating some higher line, itself continued down to the present day, throughout the whole series of fossiliferous rocks, with but little change in its general characters, and practically nothing in the way of progressive evolution. Evidences of marked advance are to be found alone in the most advanced groups of the latest highest products—the Phyla formed by the last of these divisions. It may be asked how is it possible for the zoologist to feel so confident as to the past history of the various animal groups, I have already explained that he does not feel this confidence as regards the details of the history, but as to its general lines, The evidence which leads to this conviction jis based upon the fact that animal structure and mode of development can be, and have been, handed down from generation to generation from a period far more remote than that which is represented by the earliest fossils; that fundamental facts in structure and development may remain changeless amid endless changes of a more general character ; that especially favourable conditions have preserved ancestral forms comparatively unchanged. Working upon this material, com- 16 REPORT—1896. parative anatomy and embryology can reconstruct for us the general aspects of a history which took place long before the Cambrian rocks were deposited, This line of reasoning may appear very speculative and unsound, and it may easily become so when pressed too far. But applied with due caution and reserye, it may be trusted to supply us with an immense amount of valuable information which cannot be obtained in any other way. Furthermore, it is capable of stand- ing the very true and searching test eupplie? by the verification of predictions made on its authority. Many facts taken together lead the zoologist to be- lieve that A was descended from C through B; but if this be true, B should possess certain characters which are not known to belong to it. Under the in- spiration of hypothesis a more searching investigation is made, and the characters are found. Again, that relatively small amount of the whole scheme of animal evolution which is contained in the fossiliferous rocks has furnished abundant confirmation of the validity of the zoologist’s method. The comparative anatomy of the higher Vertebrate Classes leads the zoologist to believe that the toothless beak and the fused caudal vertebra of a bird were not ancestral characters, but were at some time derived from a condition more conformable to the general plan of vertebrate construction, and especially to that of reptiles. Numerous secondary fossils prove to us that the birds of that time possessed teeth and separate caudal vertebra, culminating in the long lizard-like tail of Archeopteryx. Prediction and confirmation of this kind, both zoological and paleontological, have been going on ever since the historic point of view was adopted by the naturalist as the outcome of Darwin’s teaching, and the zoologist may safely claim that his method, confirmed by paleontology so far as evidence is available, may be extended beyond the period in which such evidence is to be found. And now our last endeayour must be to obtain some conception of the amount of evolution which has taken place within the higher Phyla of the Animal Aingdop during the period in which the fossiliferous rocks were deposited. The evidence must necessarily be considered very briefly, and we shall be compelled to omit the Vertebrata altogether. The Phylum Appendiculata is divided by Lankester into three branches, the first containing the Rotifera, the second the Chetopoda, the third the Arthropoda. OF these the second is the oldest, and gaye rise to the other two, or at any rate to the Arthropoda, with which we are alone concerned, inasmuch as the fossil records of the others are insufficient. The Arthropoda contain seven Classes, divided into two grades, according to the presence or absence of antennse—the Ceratophora, containing the Peripatoidea, the Myriapoda, and the Hexapoda (or insects); the Acerata, containing the Crustacea, Arachnida, and two other classes (the Pantopoda and Tardigrada) which we need not consider. The first Class of the antenna- bearing group contains the single genus Peripatus—one of the most interesting: and ancestral of animals, as proved by its structure and development, and by its immense geographical range. Ever since the researches of Moseley and Balfour, extended more recently by those of Sedgwick, it has been recognised as one of the most beautiful of the connecting links to be found amongst animals, uniting the antenna-bearing Arthropods, of which it is the oldest member, with the Chatopods. Peripatus is a magnificent example of the far-reaching conclusions of zoology, and of its superiority to paleontology as a guide in unravelling the tangled history of animal evolution. Peripatus is alive to-day, and can be studied in all the details of its structure and development; it is infinitely more ancestral, and.tells of a far more remote past than any fossil Arthropod, although such fossils are well known in all the older of the Paleozoic rocks. And yet Peripatus is not known as a fossil. Peripatus has come down, with but little change, from a time, on a mode- rate estimate, at least twice as remote as the earliest known Cambrian fossil. The agencies which, it is believed, have crushed and heated the Archean rocks so as to obliterate the traces of life which they contained were powerless to efface this ancient type, for, although the passing generations may have escaped record, the likeness of each was stamped on that which succeeded it, and has continued down to the present day. It is, of course, a perfectly trite and obvious conclusion, — TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 17 but not the less one to be wondered at, that the force of heredity should thus far outlast the ebb and flow of terrestrial change throughout the vast period over which the geologist is our guide. If, however, the older Palseozoie rocks tell us nothing of the origin of the antenna-bearing Arthropods, whut do they tell us of the history of the Myriapod and Hexapod Classes ? The Myriapods are well represented in Paleozoic strata, two species being found in the Devonian and no less than thirty-two in the Carboniferous. Although placed in an Order (Archipolypoda) separate from those of living Myriapods, these species are by no means primitive, and do not supply any information as to the steps by which the Class arose. The imperfection of the record is well seen in the traces of this Class; for between the Carboniferous rocks and the Oligocene there are no remains of undoubted Myriapods. We now come to the consideration of insects, of which an adequate discussion would occupy a great deal too much of your time. An immense number of species are found in the Palwozoic rocks, and these are considered by Scudder, the great authority on fossil insects, to form an Order, the Paleodictyoptera, distinct from any of the existing Orders. The latter, he believes, were evolved from the former in Mesozoic times. These views do not appear to derive support from the wonderful discoveries of M. Brongniart ' in the Upper Carboniferous of Commentry in the Department of Allier in Central France. Concerning this marvellous assemblage of species, arranged by their discoverer into 46 genera and 10] species, Seudder truly Says: ‘Our Imowledge of Paleozoic insects will have been increased three or fourfold at a single stroke. .... No former contribution in this field can in any way compare with it, nor even all former contributions taken together.’ * When we remember that the group of fossil insects, of which so much can be affirmed by so great an authority as Scudder, lived at one time and in a single ‘locality, we cannot escape the conclusion that the insect fauna of the habitable earth during the whole Paleozoic period was of immense importance and variety. Our knowledge of this single group of species is largely due to the accident that coal- mining in Commentry is carried on in the open air. Now, these abundant remains of insects, so far from upholding the view that the existing orders had not been developed in Paleozoic times, are all arranged by Brongniart in four out of the nine Orders into which insects are usually divided, viz. the Orthoptera, Neuroptera, Thysanoptera, and Homoptera. The importance of the discovery is well seen in the Neuroptera, the whole known Paleozoic fauna of this Order being divided into 45 genera and 99 species, of which 33 and 72 respectively have ee found at Commentry. Although the Carboniferous insects of Commentry are placed in new families, some of them come wonderfully near those into which existing insects are classified, and obviously form the precursors of these. This is true of the Blattide, Phasmide, Acridiide, and Locustide among the Orthoptera, the Perlide among the Neuroptera, and the Fulgoride among the Homoptera. The differences which separate these existing families from their Carboniferous ancestors are most interesting and instructive. Thus the Carboniferous cockroaches possessed ovi- positors, and probably laid their eggs one at a time, while ours are either vivi- parous or lay their eggs in a capsule. The Protophasmid resemble living species in the form of the head, antenne, legs, and body; but while our species are either wingless or, with the exception of the female Phyllide, have the anterior pair reduced to tegmina, useless for flight, those of Paleozoic times possessed four well- developed wings. The forms representing locusts and grasshoppers (Paleeacridiide) possessed long slender antenne like the green grasshoppers (Locustide), from which the Acridiidee are now distinguished by their short antenne. The diver- gence and specialisation which is thus shown is amazingly small in amount. In 1 Charles Brongniart.—‘ Recherches pour servir 4 l'Histoire des Insectes fossiles on temps primaires, précédées d’une Etude sur la nervation des ailes des Insectes.’ 1894. hes "28, H. Scudder, Am. Journ. Sci. vol. xlvii., February 1894. Art, viii. 18 REPORT—1896. the vast period between the Upper Carboniferous rocks and the present day the cock- roaches have gaiued a rather different wing venation, aud have succeeded in laying their eggs in a manner rather more specialised than that of insects in general; the stick insects and leaf insects have lost or reduced their wings, the grasshoppers have shortened their antennw, These, however, are the insects which most closely resemble the existing species; let us turn to the forms which exhibit the greatest differences. Many species haye retained in the adult state characters which are now contined to the larval stage of existence, such as the presence of tracheal gills on the sides of the abdomen. In some, the two membranes of the wing were not firmly fixed together, so that the blood could circulate freely between them, On the other hand, they are not very firmly tixed together in existing insects. Another important point was the condition of the three thoracic segments, which were quite distinct and separate, instead of being fused as they are now in the imago stage. This external difference probably also extended to the nervous system, so that the thoracic ganglia were separate instead of concentrated. The most interesting distinction, however, was the possession by many species of a pair of prothoracic appendages much resembling miniature wings, and which especially suggest the appearance assumed by the anterior pair (tegmina) in existing Phasmidw ‘There is some evidence in favour of the view that they were articulated, and they exhibit what appears to be a trace of venation. Brongniart concludes that in still earlier strata, insects with six wings will be discovered, or rather insects with six of the tracheal yills sutticiently developed to serve as parachutes. Of these, the two posterior pair developed into the wings as we know them, while the anterior pair degenerated, some of the Carboniferous insects presenting us with a stage in which degeneration had taken place but was not complete. One very important character was, as I have already pointed out, the enormous size reached by insects in this distant period. This was true of the whole known fauna as compared with existing species, but it was especially the case with the Protodonata, some of these giant dragon-flies measuring over two feet in the expanse of the wings. As regards the habits of life and metamorphoses, Brongniart concludes that some species of Protoephemeride, Protoperlidw, &c., obtained their food in an aquatic larval stage, and did not require it when mature. He concludes that the Protodonata fed on other animals, like our dragon-flies ; that the Paleacridiides were herbivorous like our locusts and grasshoppers. the Protolocustide herbivorous and animal feeders like our green grasshoppers, the Paleoblattidee omnivorous like our cockroaches. The Homoptera, too, had elongated sucking mouth-parts like the existing species. It is known that in Carboniferous times there was a lake with rivers entering it, at Commentry. From their great resemblance to living forms of known habits, it is probable that the majority of these insects lived near the water and their larve in it. ; When we look at this most important piece of research as a whole, we cannot fail to be struck with the small advance in insect structure which has taken place since Varboniferous times. All the great questions of metamorphosis, and of the structures peculiar to insects, appear to have been very much in the position in which they are to-day. It is indeed probable enough that the Orders which zoologists have always recognised as comparatively modern and specialised, such as the Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera, had not come into existence. But as regards the emergence of the Class from a single primitive group, as regards its approximation towards the Myriapods, which lived at the same ‘time, and of both towards their ancestor Peripatus, we learn absolutely nothing. All we can say is that there is evidence for the evolution of the most modern and specialised members of the Class, and some slight evolution in the rest. Such evolution is of importance as giving us some vague conception of the rate at which the process trayels in this division of the Arthropoda. If we look upon development as a series of paths which, by successively uniting, at length meet in a common point, then some conception of the position of that distant centre may be gained by measuring the angle of divergence and finding the number of unions which occur in a given length. In this case, the amount of approximation and union shown in TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 19 the interval between the Carboniferous Period and the present day is relatively so small that it would require to be multiplied many times before we could expect the lines to meet in the common point, the ancestor of insects, to say nothing of the far more distant past, in which the Tracheate Arthropods met in an ancestor presenting many resemblances to Peripatus. But it must not be forgotten that all this vast undetined period is required for the history of one of the two grades of one of the three branches of the whole Phylum. Turning now to the brief consideration of the second grade of Arthropods, distinguished from the first grade by the absence of antenna, the Trilobites are probably the nearest approach to an ancestral form met with in the fossil state. Now that the possession of true antenne is certain, it is reasonable to suppose that the Trilobites represent an early Class of the Aceratous branch which had not yet become Aceratous. They are thus of the deepest interest in helping us to under- stand the origin of the antennaless branch, not by the ancestral absence, but by the loss of true antenne which formerly existed in the group. But the Trilobites did not themselves originate the other Olasses, at any rate during Paleozoic times. They represent a large and dominant Class, presenting more of the characters of the common ancestor than the other Classes; but the latter had diverged and had become distinct long before the earliest fossiliferous rocks; for we find well-marked representatives of the Crustacea in Cambrian, and of the Arachnida in Silurian strata. The Trilobites, moreover, appear in the Cambrian with many distinct and very different forms, contained in upwards of forty genera, so that we are clearly very far from the origin of the group. Of the lower group of Crustacea, the Entomostraca, the Cirripedes are repre- sented by two genera in the Silurian, the Ostracodes by four genera in the Cambrian and over twenty in the Silurian; of these latter two genera, Cythere and Bairdia, continue right through the fossiliferous series and exist at the present day. Remains of Phyllopods are more scanty, but can be traced in the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks. The early appearance of the Cirripedes is of especial interest, inasmuch as the fixed condition of these forms in the mature state is certainly not primitive, and yet, nevertheless, appears in the earliest representatives. The higher group, the Malacostraca, are represented by many genera of Phyl- locarida in the Silurian and Devonian, and two in the Cambrian. These also afford a good example of the imperfection of the record, inasmuch as no traces of the group are to be found between the Carboniferous and our existing fauna in which it is represented by the genus Nebalia, The Phyllocarida are recognised as the ancestors of the higher Malacostraca, and yet these latter already existed— in small numbers, it is true—side by side with the Phyllocarida in the Devonian. The evolution of the one into the other must have been much earlier. Here, as in the Arthropoda, we have evidence of progressive evolution among the highest groups of the Class, as we see in the comparatively late development of the Brachyura as compared with the Macrura, We find no trace of the origin of the Class, or of the larger groups into which it is divided, or, indeed, of the older among the small groupings into families and genera.' Of the Arachnida, although some of the most wonderful examples of persistent types are to be found in this class, but little can be said. Merely to state the bare fact that three kinds of scorpion are found in the Silurian, two Pedipalpi, eight scorpions, and two spiders in the Carboniferous, is sufficient to show that the eriod computed by geologists must be immensely extended to account for the evelopment of this Class alone, inasmuch as it existed in a highly specialised condition almost at the beginning of the fossiliferous series; while, as regards so extraordinarily complex an animal as a scorpion, nothing apparent in the way of progressive development has happened since. Professor Lankester has, however, pointed out to me that the Silurian scorpions possessed heavier limbs than those of existing species, and this is a point in favour of their having been aquatic, like their near relation, Limulus. it so, it is probable that they possessed external 1 For an account of the evolution of the Crustacea see the Presidential Addresses to the Geological Society in 1895 and 1896 by Dr. Henry Woodward. 20 REPORT—1896. gills, not yet inverted to form the lung-hook. The Merostomata are of course a Paleozoic group, and reach their highest known development at their first appear- ance in the Silurian; since then they have done nothing but disappear gradually, leaving the single genus Limulus, unmodified since its first appearance in tha Trias, to represent them. It is impossible to find clearer evidence of the decline rather than the rise of a group. No progressive development, but a gradual cr rapid extinction, and consequent reduction in the number of genera and species, is a summary of the record of the fossiliferous rocks as regards this group and many others, such as the Trilobites, the Brachiopods, and the Nautilide. All these groups begin with many forms in the oldest fossiliferous rocks, and three of them have left genera practically unchanged from their first appearance to the present day. What must have been the time reyuired to carry through the vast amount of structural change implied in the origin of these persistent types and the groups to which they belong—a period so extended that the interval between the oldest Paleozoic rocks and the present day supplies no measurable unit ? But I am digressing ben the Appendiculate Phylum. We have seen that the fossil record is unusually complete as regards two Classes in each grade of the Arthropod branch, but that these Olasses were well developed and flourishing in Palzeozoic times. The only evidence of progressive evolution is in the development of the highest orders and families of the Classes. Of the origin of the Classes nothing is told, and we can hardly escape the conclusion that for the development of the Arthropod branches from a common Cheetopod-like ancestor, and for the further development of the Classes of each branch, a period many times the length of the fossiliferous series is required, judging from the insignificant amount of development which has taken place during the formation of this series. It is impossible to consider the other Coelomate Phyla as I have done the Appendiculata. I can only briefly state the conclusions to which we are led. As regards the Molluscan Phylum, the evidence is perhaps even stronger than in the Appendiculata. Representatives of the whole of the Classes are, it is believed, found in the Cambrian or Lower Silurian. The Pteropods are generally admitted to be a recent modification of the Gastropods, and yet, if the fossils described in the genera Conularia, Hyolithes, Pterotheca, &c. are true Pteropods, as they are eee to be, they occur in the Cambrian and Silurian strata, while the group of Gastropods from which they almost certainly arose, the Bullide, are not known before the Trias. Furthermore, the forms which are clearly the oldest of the Pteropods—Limacina and Spiriales—are not known before the beginning of the “Tertiary Period. Hither there is a mistake in the identification of the Paleozoic fossils as Pteropods, or the record is even more incomplete than usual, and the most Ssacialiied of all Molluscan groups had been formed before the date of the earliest fossiliferous rocks. If this should hereafter be disproved, there can be no doubt about the early appearance of the Molluscan Classes, and that it is the irony of an incomplete record which places the Cephalopods and Gastropods in the Cambrian and the far more ancestral Chiton no et than the Silurian. Through- out the fossiliferous series the older families of Gastropods and Lamellibranchs are followed by numerous other families, which were doubtless derived from them ; new and higher groups of Cephalopods were developed, and, with the older groups, either persisted until the present time or became extinct. But in all this splitting up of the Classes into groups of not widely different morphological value, there is very little progressive modification, and, talcin such changes in such a period as our unit for the determination of the time which was necessary for the origin of the Classes from a form like Chiton, we are led to the same conclusion as that which followed from the consideration of the Appendiculata, viz. that the fossi- liferous series would have to be multiplied peelesn | AP in order to provide it. Of the Phylum Gephyrea, I will only mention the Brachiopods, which are found in immense profusion in the early Paleozoic rocks and which have occupied the subsequent time in becoming less dominant and important. So far from _helping us to clear up the mystery which surrounds the origin of the Class, the earliest forms are quite as specialised as those living now, and, some of them (Lingula TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. 21 Discina) even generically identical. The demand for time to originate the group is quite as grasping as that of the others we have been considering. All the Classes of Echinoderma, except the Holothurians, which do not possess a structure fayourable for fossilisation, are found early in the Palsozoic rocks, and many ofthem inthe Cambrian. Although these early forms are very different from those which succeeded them in the later geological periods, they do not possess a structure which can be recognised as in any way rimitive or ancestral. The Eehinoderma are the most distinct and separate of all the Ccelomate Phyla, and they were apparently equally distinct and separate at the beginning of the fossiliferous series. In concluding this imperfect attempt to deal with a very vast subject in a very short time, I will remind you that we were led to conclude that the evolution of the ancestor of each of the higher animal Phyla, probably occupied a very long period, perhaps as long as that required for the evolution which subsequently paracel within the Phylum. But the consideration of the higher Phyla which occur fossil, except the Vertebrata, leads to the irresistible conclusion that the whole period in which the fossiliferous rocks were laid down must be multiplied several times for this later history alone. The period thus obtained requires to be again increased, and perhaps doubled, for the earlier history. In the preparation of the latter part of this address I have largely consulted Zittel’s great work. I wish also to express my thanks to my friend Professor Lankester, whom I have consulted on many of the details, as well as the general plan which has been adopted. a ovis yA HOUTA 4 ; 4 : iy é é WV ~ La ‘2 Cpe aie o! og Raed 2 eee ’ wy tat ‘ sed) atti beetles ie fae ‘2°=7 a tae ae : i > oe @ + Anee'® (1S Gece nmeky ~~ ea 2 « = tan @ , wert et, ar ) al h@e pe - ar ile bn > Sa = 0° Rae biter ee b 0 Tee) he ‘ A x » Dea a ed daw 4 ~ anindotrt) wth tuacrs ta went fe bal tee i ag of J i? - wo 4 , hua bry VSL shee ‘ we - fe! = a4 Ppt te ij i es | mT give - pn De * . of 2 * x ’ -& oe * a « : ni 3 . & * + ¥ > ¢ © Brifish Association for fhe Advancement of Science. LIVERPOOL, 1896. ADDRESS GEOGRAPHICAL SECTION, Masor DARWIN, Sec. R.G.S., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION, In reviewing the record of geographical work during the past year, all other performances pale in comparison with the feat accomplished by Nansen. It is not merely that he has gone considerably nearer the North Pole than any other explorer, it is not only that he has made one of the most courageous expeditions ever recorded, but he has established the truth of his theory of Polar currents, and has brought back a mass of valuable scientific information. When Nansen comes to England I am certain that we shall give him a reception which will prove how much we admire the heroism of this brave Norwegian. Besides the news of this most remarkable achievement, the results of a con- siderable amount of useful exploratory work have been published since the British Association met last at Ipswich. With regard to other Arctic Expeditions, we have had the account of Lieutenant Peary’s third season in Northern Greenland, from which place he came back in September last, and to which he has again returned, though without the intention of passing another winter there. In October the ‘ Windward’ brought home more ample information as to the progress of the Jackson-Harmsworth Expedition than that communicated by telegram to the Association at Ipswich, and on her return from her remarkably rapid voyage this sum- mer she brought back the record of another year. As to geographical work in Asia, Mr. and Mrs. Littledale returned safely from their explorations of the little known parts of Tibet; the Pamir Boundary Commission, under Colonel Holdich, has collected a great deal of accurate topographical information in the course of its labours ; Dr. Sven Hedin continues his important researches in Turkestan ; and the Royal Geographical Society was glad to welcome Prince Henry of Orleans when he came to tell us about his journey near the sources of the Irrawaddy. As to Africa, the most important additions to our knowledge of that continent are due to the French surveyors, who have accurately mapped the recently discovered series of lakes in the neighbourhood of Timbuktu, Lake Faguibine, the largest, being found to be 68 miles in length; Dr. Donaldson Smith has filled up some large blanks in the map of Somaliland; and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bent have investigated some interesting remains of ancient gold workings inland of the Red Sea. In other parts of the world less has been done, because there is less to do, Mr. Fitzgerald has proved for the first time the practicable character of a pass across the Southern Alps, thus supplementing the excellent work of Mr. Harper and other pioneers of the New Zealand Alpine Club; and Sir W. M. Conway has commenced a systematic exploration of the interior of Spitzbergen, a region to which the attention of several other geographers is also directed. E 2 REPORT—1896. a. It is impossible in such a brief sketch to enumerate even the leading events of the geographical year, but what I have said is enough to remind us of the great amount of valuable and useful work which is being done in many quarters of the world. It is true that if we compare this record with the record of years gone by, we find a marked difference. Then, there was always some great geographical problem to be attacked ; the sources of the Nile had to be discovered ; the course of the Niger had to be traced; and the great white patches on our maps stimulated the imagination of explorers with the thought of all sorts of possibilities. Now, though there is much to be learned, vet, with the exception of the Poles, the work will consist in filling in the details of the picture, the general outlines being all drawn for us already. Personally I cannot help feeling a completely unreasoning regret that we have almost passed out of the heroie period of geography. What- eyer the future may have in store for us, it can never give us another Columbus, another Magellan, or another Livingstone. The geographical discoverers of the future will win their fame in a more prosaic fashion, though their work may in reality be of even greater service to mankind. There are now few places in the world where the outline of the main topographical features is unknown ; but, on the other hand, there are vast districts not yet thoroughly examined. And, in examin- ing these more or less known localities, geographers must take a far wider view than heretofore of their methods of study in order to accommodate themselves to modern conditions. ; ; But even if we confine our attention to the older and more narrow field of geography, it will be seen that there is still an immense amount of work to be done. We have been filling in the map of Africa during recent years with extraordinary rapidity, but yet that map is likely to remain in a very unsatisfactory condition for a long time to come. Englishmen and other Europeans have always shown themselves to be ready to risk their lives in exploring unknown regions, but we have yet to see how Sans they will undertake the plodding work of recordin topographical details when little renown is to be won by their efforts. It kone be one of the objects of geographical societies to educate the public to recognise the importance of this work, and General Chapman deserves great credit for bring- ing the matter before the International Congress last year in such a prominent manner. He confined himself to four main recommendations. (1) The extension of accurate topographical surveys in regions likely to be settled by Europeans. (2) The encouragement of travellers to sketch areas rather than routes. (3) The study of astronomical observations already taken in the unsurveyed parts of Africa in a systematic manner, and the publication of the results. (4) The accurate determination of the latitude and longitude of many important places in unsurveyed Africa. I am certain that all geographers are in hearty accord with General Chapman in his views, and it is, perhaps, by continually bringing this matter before the public, that we shall best help this movement forward. Not only do we want a more accurate filling in of the picture, but we have yet to learn to read its lessons aright. The past cannot be understood, and still less can the future be predicted, without a wider conception of geographical facts. Look, for example, at the European Colonies on the West Coast of Africa. Here we find that there have been Portuguese settlements on the Gold Coast since the year 1471, the French possibly having been established there at an even earlier date ; whilst we English, who pride ourselves on our go-ahead character, have had trading fuctories on the Coast since 1667. I have here a map showing the state of our geographical knowledge in 1815. Why was it that Europeans have never, broadly speaking, pushed into the interior from their base on the coast, which they had oceupied for so many centuries? That they had not done so, at least to any purpose, is proved by this map. Why had four centuries of contact with Europeans done so little even for geographical knowledge at that time? The answer to this question may be said to be mainly historical; but the history of our African Colonies can never be understood without a study of the distribution of the dense belt of unhealthy forest along the shore; of the distribution of the different types of native inhabitants; and of the courses of the navigable rivers, all strictly geo- graphical considerations. : - a TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. 3 Geography is the study of distribution, and early in that study we must be struck with the correlation of these different distributions. If we take a map of Africa, and mark on it all the areas within the tropics covered with dense forest or scrub, we shall find we have drawn a map showing accurately the distribution of the worst types of malarial fever ; and that we have also indicated with some approach to accuracy—with, however, notable exceptions—the habitat of the lowest of mankind. These are the facts which give the key to understanding why the progress of European colonisation on the West Coast has been so slow. Along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea we find settlements of Europeans at more or less distant intervals. All along, or nearly all along this same coast, we find a wide belt of fever-stricken forest, fairly thickly inhabited by uncivilised Negro and Bantu tribes. Inside this belt of forest the country rises in altitude, and becomes more open, whilst at the same time there is a distinct improvement in the type of native ; and the more we proceed inland, the more marked does this improvement become. There appear in fact to have been a number of waves of advancing civilisation, each one pressing the one in front of it towards these inhospitable forest belts. Near the coast the lowest type of negro is, generally speaking, to be found; then, as the more open country is reached, higher types of negroes are encountered—for example, the Mandingoes of the Senegal region are distinctly higher than the Jolas inhabiting the mouths of the Gambia; and the Hausas of the Sokoto Empire are vastly superior to the cannibals of the Oil Rivers. In both these cases the higher types are probably not pure negroes, but have Fulah, Berber, or Arab blood in their veins; for we see, in the case of the Fulahs, how they become absorbed into the race they are conquering; near the Senegal River they are comparatively light in colour, but in Adamawa they are hardly to be dis- tinguished by their features from the negroes they despise. Thus the process appears to have been a double one; the higher race driving some of the lower aboriginal tribes before them out of the better lands, and, at the same time, raising other tribes by means of an admixture of better blood. These waves of advancing civilisation seem to have advanced from the north and east, for the more we pene- trate in these directions, the higher is the type of inhabitant met with, until at last we reach the pure Berbers and the pure Arabs. Thus there are two civilising influences visible in this part of Africa; one coming from the north and east—a Mahommedan advance—which keeps beating up against this forest belt and occa- sionally breaking into it; the other, a Christian movement, which, until the middle of this century, was brought to a dead halt by this same obstacle. The map of Africa, showing the state of geographical knowledge in 1815, makes it clear that, except in a few cases where rivers helped travellers through these malarial regions, nothing was known about the interior. No doubt much has been done since those days, but this barrier still remains the great impediment to progress from the West Coast ; and those who desire our influence to spread more effec- tively into the interior must wish to see some means of overcoming this obstacle. On the East Coast of Africa the conditions are somewhat different, as there is comparatively little dense forest there; but the districts near that coast are also usually unhealthy, and how to cross those malarial regions quickly into the healthy or less unhealthy interior is the most important problem connected with the development of tropical Africa. Other influences have been at work, no doubt, in checking our progress from the West Coast. In old days, the European possessions in these districts were mere depots for the export of slaves. As the white residents could not hope to compete with the natives in the actual work of catching these unfortunate creatures, and as the lower the type the more easily were they caught, as a rule, there was no reason whatever for attempting to penetrate into the interior, where the higher types are met with. But, though this export trade in human beings is now no longer an impediment to progress, the slave trade in the interior still helps to bar the way. When the forest belt is passed, we now come, generally speaking, to the Ime of demarcation between the Mahommedan and the Pagan tribes, and here slave catching is generally rife; when it is so, the constant raids of the Mahommedan chiefs keep these border districts in a state of unrest, which in every way tends to A REPORT—1896. impede progress. Thus a mere advance to the higher inland regions will not b any means solve all our difficulties; but it will greatly lessen them; and it is universally admitted that the more communication with the interior is facilitated, the more easy will it be to suppress this terrible traflic in human beings. By the General Act of the Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference of 1890-91, it was agreed by the assembled delegates that the construction of roads, and, in particular, of rail- ways, connecting the advanced stations with the coast, and permitting easy access to the inland waters, and to the upper courses of rivers, was one of the most effec- tive means of counteracting the slave trade in the interior. Here, then, we have the most formal admission which could be given of the necessity of opening up main trunk lines of communication into the interior. But not only does geographical knowledge help to demonstrate the necessity of improving the means of communication between the coast and the interior, but it helps us to decide where it is wise to make our first efforts in this direction. In the first place, it is essential to note that if the Continent of Africa is compared with other Continents, its general poverty is clearly seen. Mr. Keltie, in his excel- lent work on the Partition of Africa, tells us that ‘at present (1895) it is estimated that the total exports of the whole of Central Africa by the east and west coast do not amount to more than 20,000,000/. sterling annually.’ For the purposes of com- parison it may be mentioned that the export trade of India is between sixty and seventy millions sterling annually, and that India is only about one-seventh or one-eighth of the area of the whole of Africa. On the other hand, the trade of India has been increasing by leaps and bounds, largely in consequence of the country being opened out by railways, and there is every reason to hope that some- what similar results would occur in Africa under similar circumstances, though the lower civilization of the people would prevent the harvest being so quickly reaped. But, however it may be as to the future, the present poverty of Africa is enough to demonstrate the necessity of pushing ahead cautiously and steadily, and of doing so in the most economical manner possible. M. Decle, in an interesting paper, read before the International Geographical Congress in London last year, strongly advocated the construction of cheap roads for use by the natives, taking precautions to prevent any traffic in slaves along them, His suggestions are well worthy of consideration ; but the cost of transport along any road would, I should have thought, soon have eaten up any profits on the import or export trade to or from Africa. What must be done in the first instance is to utilise to the utmost all the natural lines of communication which require little or noexpenditure to render them serviceable; in fact, to turn our attention at first to the rivers and to the lakes. I have already pointed out that the early maps of Africa prove that the rivers have almost invariably been the first means of communication with the interior, and until this continent is rich enough to support an extensive railway system, we must rely largely on the waterways as means of transport. Tt may be as well here to remark that geographical knowledge is often required in order to control the imagination. I do not know why it is, but almost everyone will admit that if he sees a lake of considerable size depicted on a map, he immedi- ately feels a desire to visit or possess that locality in preference to others. A lake may be of far less commercial value than an equal length of thoroughly navigable river, and yet it will always appear more attractive. ook at the way in which the English, the French, and the Germans are all pressing forward to Lake Chad ; and yet Lake Chad is in reality not much more than a huge swamp, and, in all pro- bability, it is excessively unhealthy. Again, it is probable that the Albert Nyanza will prove to be of comparatively small value, because the mountains come down so clese to its shores. Of course, the great lakes form an immensely important feature in African geography, but we must judge their commercial value rationally, and without the bias of imagination. 4 To develop the traffic along the rivers and on the lakes is the first stage in the commercial evolution of a continent like Africa. But it cannot carry us very far. Africa is badly supplied with navigable rivers, chiefly as a natural result of the general formation of the land. The continent consists, broadly speaking, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION Ex 5 of a huge plateau, and the rivers flowing off this plateau are obstructed by cataracts in exactly the places where we most want to use them—that is, when approaching the coasts. The second stage in the commercial evolution will therefore be the construction of railways with the view of supplementing this river traffic. Finally, no doubt, a further stage will be reached, when railways will cut out the rivers altogether; for few of the navigable rivers are really well suited to serve as lines of communication. ‘This last stage is, however, so far off that we may neglect it for the present; though it must be noted that there are ‘some parts of Africa where there are no navigable rivers, and where, if anything is to be done, it must be entirely by means of railways. Thus, as far as the immediate future is concerned, the points to which our attention should be mainly directed are (1) the courses of the navigable parts of the rivers, and (2) the routes most suitable for the construction of railways in order to connect the navigable rivers and lakes with the coast. As to the navigable rivers, little more remains to be discovered with regard to them, and we can indicate the state of our geographical knowledge on this point with sufficient accuracy for our purposes by means ofa map. Of course the commercial value of a waterway depends greatly on the kind of boats which can be used, and that point cannot well be indicated cartographically. As to the railways, we must study the physical features of the country through which the proposed lines of communication would pass. All the obstacles on rival routes should be most carefully surveyed when considering the construction of railways in an economical manner. Great mountain chains are seldom met with in Africa, and from that point of view the continent is us a whole remarkably free from difficulties. But drifting sand is often a serious trouble, and that is met with commonly enough in many parts. Wide tracks of rocky country also form serious impediments, both because of the cost of con- struction, and also because the supply of water for the engines becomes a problem not to be neglected. Such arid and sandy districts are of course thinly in- habited, and we may therefore generally conclude that where the population is scanty, there railway engineers will have special difficulties to face. On the other hand, dense forests are also very unsuitable. We have not much ex- perience to guide us, but it would appear probable that the initial expense of clearing the forest, and the cost of maintenance, in perpetually battling against the tropical vegetable growth. will be very heavy; for it will not do to allow the line to be in constant danger of being blocked. ‘The dampness of the forest, which will cause all woodwork and wooden sleepers to rot, will be no small source of trouble, and the virulent malarial fevers, always met with where the vegetation is very rank, will add immensely to the difficulty both of construction and of maintenance. The health of the European employés will be a most serious question in considering the construction of railways in all parts of tropical Africa, for the turning up of the soil is the most certain of all methods of causing an outbreak of malarial fever; and the evil results would be most severely felt in constructing ordinary railways in dense forests. In making the short Senegal railway, where the climate is healthier than in many of the districts further south, the mortality was very great. Perhaps we shall have to modify our usual methods of construction so as to mitigate this danger, and, in connection with this subject, I may perhaps mention that the Lartigue system seems to be specially worthy of consideration—a system by which the train is carried on a single ele- vated rail. This is perhaps travelling rather wide of the mark of ordinary geo- graphical studies, but it illustrates the necessity of a thorough examination of the environment before we try to transplant our own methods to other climes. We may, however, safely conclude that we must as far as possible avoid both dense forests and sandy and rocky wastes in the construction of our first railways. Then, as to the lines of communication, considered as a whole, rail and river combined, we must obviously, if any capital is to be expended, make them in the directions most likely to secure a profitable traffic. In considering this part of the question, it will be seen that there are several different problems to be discussed : E2 6 REPORT—1896. (1) trade with the existing population in their present condition; (2) trade with’ the native inhabitants when their countries have been further developed with the — aid of European supervision ; and (3) trade with actual colonies of European settlers. To many minds the last of these problems will appear to be the most important, and in the end it may prove to be so. But the time at my disposal compels me to limit myself to the consideration of trade with the existing native races within the tropics, with only an occasional reference to the influence of white residents. We must, no doubt, carefully consider which are the localities most likely to attract those Europeans who go to Africa with the view of establishing commercial intercourse and commercial methods in the interior ; and there can be no doubt that considerations of health will play a prominent part in deciding this point. Moreover, as the lowest types of natives have few wants, the more primitive the inhabitants of the districts opened up, the less will be the probability of a profitable trade being established. Por both these reasons the coast districts are not likely in the end to be as good a field for commercial enterprise as the higher lands in the interior; for the more we recede from the coast, the less unhealthy the country becomes, and the more often do we find traces of native civilisation. To put it simply, we must consider both the density of the population and the class of inhabitant in the districts proposed to be opened up. Of course, the exact nature of the products likely to be exported, and the probability of demands for European goods arising amongst the natives of different districts, are vitally important considerations in estimating the profits of any proposed line of railway ; but to discuss such problems in commercial geography at length would open up too wide a field on an occasion like this. . If the importance of considering the density of the population in the different districts in such a preliminary survey is admitted, we may then simplify our inquiry by declining to discuss any lines of communication intended to open up regions where the population falls below some fixed minimum—whatever we may like to decide on. Of course, the question of the greater or less probability of a locality attracting white temporary residents is very important, but unless there is a native population ready to work on, there will be little done for many years to come. Politically it may or may not be right to open up new districts by railways for the sake of finding outlets for our home or our Indian population ; but here I am considering the best lines for the development of commerce, taking things as they are. What then shall be this minimum of population? The population of Bengal is 470 per square mile; of india, as a whole, about 180; and of the United States, about 21 or 22. If it is remembered that the inhabitants of the United States are, per head, vastly more trade-producing than the natives of Afriea, it will be admitted that we may for the present exclude from our survey all districts in which the population does not reach a minimum of 8 per square mile; it might be right to put the minimum much higher than this. On the map now before you, the uncoloured parts show where the density of population does not come up to this minimum, and we can see at a glance how enormously this reduces the area to be considered. The light pink indicates a population of from 8 to 32 per square mile, and the darker pink a denser population than that. Of course, such a map, in the very imperfect state of our knowledge, must be very inaccurate, as I am sure the compiler would be the first to admit. On the same map are marked the navigable a of rivers. I should like to have shown the dense forests also, but the difficulty of giving them with any approach to correctness is at present insuperable. lere, then, is the kind of map we want in order to consider the broad outline of the questions connected with the advisability of attempting to push lines of communication into the interior. The problem is how to connect the inland parts of Africa, which are coloured pink on this map, with the coast, by practicable lines of communications, at the least cost, with the least amount of dense forest to be traversed, and, in the case of railways, whilst avoiding as far as possible all thinly populated districts. It is of course quite impossible here to discuss all the great routes into the interior, and I should like to deyote the remaining time at my disposal to the TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. 7 consideration of this problem as far as a few of the most important districts are concerned, confining myself, as I have said, to trade with existing native races within the tropics. Taking the East Coast first, and beginning at the north, the first region suthciently populous to attract our attention is the Valley of the Nile, and parts of the Central Sudan. Wadai, Darfur, and Kordofan are but scantily inhabited, according to our map, and this is probably the case now that the Khalifa has so devastated these districts; but, without doubt, much of this country could support a teeming population, and is capable of great commercial develop- ment. The Dahiec-Ghbeal districts are especially attractive, being fertile and better watered than the somewhat arid regions further north. These remarks remind me how difficult it is at this moment to touch on this subject without trenching on politics. Few will deny that the sooner this region is connected with the civilised world the better, and it is only as to the method of opening it up, and as to who is to undertake the work, that burning political questions will arise. The geographical problems connected with the lines of communication to the interior can be considered whilst leaving these two points quite on one side. A glance at the map reminds us of the well-known fact that, below Berber, the Nile is interrupted by cataracts for several hundred miles, whilst above that town there is a navigable water-way at high Nile until the Fola rapids are reached, a distance of about 1,400 miles, not to mention the 400 to 600 miles of the Blue Nile and the Bahr-el-Gazal, which are also navigable. The importance of a rail- way from Suakin to Berber is thus at once evident, and there is perhaps only one other place in Africa where an equal expenditure would open up such a large tract of country to European trade. This route, however, is not free from difficulties. Suakin is hot and unhealthy. Then the railway, about 260 miles in length, passes over uninhabited-or thinly inhabited districts the whole way. Though the hills over which it would pass are of no great height, the highest part of the track being under 3,000 feet above the sea, it is often said that the desert to be traversed would add greatly to the difficulty of construction. According to Lieut.-Colonel Watson, R.E., however, these difficulties have been greatly exag- gerated, for the water supply would give no great trouble. The sixth cataract, between Meterma and Khartum, would make navigation for commercial purposes impossible when the waters are low; it is probable that this impediment could be overcome by erecting locks, but it is impossible to estimate the cost of such works. Then, again, the Nile above Khartum is much obstructed by floating grass or sudd, making navigation at times almost impossible ; but it was Gordon's opinion that a line of steamers on the river, even if running at rare intervals, would keep the course of the stream clear; this, however, remains to be proved. If the canalisation of the sixth cataract should prove to be too costly an under- taking, then it would be most advisable to carry on the railway beyond that obstacle. This might be done by prolonging the line along the banks of the Nile, or by adopting an entirely different route from Suakin through Kassala. I hope we shall hear something from Sir Charles Wilson as to the relative merits of these proposals during the course of our proceedings. Proposals have also been made for connecting the Nile with other ports on the Red Sea, and all of these suggestions should be carefully examined before a decision is made as to the exact route to be adopted. But in any case, considering the matter merely from a geographical standpoint, and putting politics on one side—a very large omission in the case of the Sudan—it would appear that one or other of these routes should be one of the very first to be constructed in all Africa. Passing further south, it is obvious from the configuration of the shore, and from the distribution of the population, that the lines of communication next to be considered are those leading to the Victoria Nyanza, and on to the regions lying north and west of the lake. Two routes for railways from the coast to the Victoria Nyanza have been pro- posed, one running through the British and the other through the German sphere of influence. Looking at the matter from a strietly geographical point of view, there is perhaps hardly sufficient information to mar us to judge of the relative merits of the two proposals, Both run through an unhealthy coast zone, and 8 REPORT—1896. * . both traverse thinly inhabited districts until the lake is reached. The German route, as origivally proposed, would be the shorter of the two; but there is some reason to think that the British line will open up more country east of the lake, which will be suitable for prolonged residence by white men. Sir John Kirk, in discussing the question of the possible colonisation of tropical Africa by Europeans, said: ‘These uplands vary from 5,000 to 7,000 feet in height, the climate is cool, and, as far as known, very healthy for Europeans. This district is separated from the coast by the usual unhealthy zone, which, however, is narrower than elsewhere on the African littoral, Between the coast zone and the highlands stretches a barren belt of country, which attains a maximum width of nearly 200 miles. The rise is gradual, and throughout the whole area to be crossed the climate is drier and the malarial diseases are certainly much less frequent and less severe than in the regions further south.’ These very advantages, however, may have to be paid for by the greater difficulty of railway construction. Putting aside future prospects, the map shows that the populous region to the west of the lake makes either of these proposed lines well worthy of consideration, though it would perhaps be rash to predict how soon the commerce along them would pay for the interest on the capital expended. What will be the fate of the German project I do not know, but we may prophecy with some contidence that the British line, the construction of which has been commenced, will be completed sooner or later. The two lines of communication we have disecussed—the Suakin and the Victoria Nyanza routes—are intended to supply the wants of widely separated districts; but, looking to a more distant future, they must sooner or later come into competition one with the other, in attracting trade from the Central Sudan. Before this can occur, communication by steamboat and by railway must be opened up between the coast and the navigable Nile by both routes. This will necessitate a railway being constructed, not only to the Victoria Nyanza, but also from that lake, or round it, to the Albert Nyanza ; and, as the Nile is rendered unnavigable by cataracts about Du- file, and as the navigation is difficult between Dutile and Lado, here also a railway would be necessary in order to complete the chain of steam communication with the coast. If goods were brought across the Victoria Nv anza by steamer, and taken down the Nile in the same manner from the Albert Nyanza to Dutile, this route would necessitate bulk being broken six times before the merchandise was under way on the Nile; by the Suakin route, on the other hand, bulk would only have to be broken twice, provided the sixth cataract were rendered navigable. Thus, if this latter difficulty can be overcome, and if the sudd on the Nile is not found to impede navigation very much, this Nyanza route will certainly not compete with the Suakin route for any trade on the banks of the navigable Nile until a railway is made from the coast to Lido, a distance of over 800 miles as the crow flies, and certainly over 1,000 miles by rail. It must be remembered also that the Nyanza route passes over mountains 8,700 feet above the sea; that the train will have to mount, in all, nearly 13,000 feet in the course of its journey from the coast; and that a difficult gorge has to be crossed to the eastward of the Victoria Nyanza. From these facts we may conclude that it will be a very long time before the Nyanza route will draw any trade from the Central Sudan. The line through the British sphere of influence runs to the northern end of Victoria Nyanza, but from Mr. Vandaleur's recent expedition into these regions we learn that a shorter route, striking the eastern shore of the lake, is under considera- tion. To lessen the expense of construction would be a great boon, but if we look to the more ambitious schemes for the future, something may he said in favour of the original proposal as being better adapted to form part of a line of railway reaching the navigable Nile. j With regard to the comparison between the German and British routes to the Victoria Nyanza, the latest accounts seem to imply that the Germans have prac- tically decided on a line from the coast to Ujiji, with a branch from Tabora to the Victoria Nyanza. ‘This would be a most valuable line of communication ; but it seems a pity that capital should be expended in competitive routes when there are so many other directions in which it is desirable to open up the continent. If the Germans wish to launch out on great railway projects in Africa, let them make a TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. 9 line from the south end of Lake Tanganyika to the northern end of Lake Nyasa, and thence on to the coast; they would thus open up a vast extent of territory, and Baron von Schele tells us that a particularly easy route can be found from Kilva to the lake. Such a line of communication, especially if eventually con- nected with the Victoria Nyanza to the north, would be more valuable than any other line in Africa in putting an end to the slave trade, as it would make it pos- sible to erect a great barrier, as it were, running north and south across the roads traversed by the slave traders. A line through German territory connecting Lake Nyasa with the sea would, no doubt, come into competition with the route connecting the southern end of that lake with the Zambesi, and thus with the coast. The mouths of the Zambesi, though they are passable, will always present some impediment to commerce. But after entering the river navigation is not obstructed until the Murchison Rapids on the Shiré River arereached. Here there are at present sixty miles of portage to be traversed, and this transit must be facilitated by the construction of a railway, if this route is to be properly developed ; Mr. Scott Elliot tells us that 120 miles of railway, from Chiromo to Matope, would be necessary for this purpose. Beyond this latter point there isa good waterway to Lake Nyasa. Thus a comparatively short line of railway would open up this lake to European commerce, and this route is likely to be developed at a much earlier stage of the commercial evolution of Africa than the one through German territory above suggested. It will be seen that these routes connect fairly populous districts with the coast, and it must also be recollected that the high plateau between Lake Nyasa and the Kafue River is one of the very few regions in tropical Africa likely to attract white men as more or less perma- nent residents. Further south we come to the Zambesi River, which should, of course, be utilised as far as possible. But this line of communication to the interior has many faults. The difficulties to be met with at the mouths of the Zambesi have already been alluded to. Then the whole valley is unhealthy, and white travellers would prefer any route which would bring them on to high land more quickly. Moreover the Kebrabasa rapids cause a serious break in the waterway, and, as the river above that point is cake navigable for canoes, it is doubtful if it would ever be worth making a railway for the sole purpose of connecting these two portions of the river. As the population of the upper Zambesi valley is considerable, and as the country further from its banks is said to be likely to be attractive to white men, there can be no doubt of the advisability of connecting it with the coast. This naturally leads us to consider the Beira route, as a possible competitor with the Zambesi. A sixty centimetre railway is now open from Fontesvyilla to Chimoio (190 kilometres), and it is probable that during the course of the next two years the construction of the railway will be completed from the port of Beira itself as far as the territory of the Chartered Company. ‘This will form the first step in the construction of a much better line of communication to the Upper Zambesi regions than that afforded by the river itself. It is true that the gauge is very narrow, and that the first part of the line passes through very unhealthy districts; but this line will nevertheless be a most valuable addition to the existing means of penetrating into the interior of the continent. It is needless to say that the object of this railway is to open up communications with Mashonaland, not for the purposes now suggested. South of the Zambesi the map shows us that there are no regions in tropical Africa where the density of the native population reaches the minimum of eight per square mile. Here, however, we come to the gold fields, where there is attractive force enough to draw white men in great numbers within the tropics, and where, no doubt, some of the most important problems connected with railway communications will have to be solved in the immediate future. But, for reasons of ‘time and space, I have limited myself to the discussion of districts within the tropics, where trade with the existing native races is the object in view. The Beira railway does not in reality come within the limits I have imposed on myself, 10 REPORT—1896. \= > * —~ except as to its future development. Had time permitted, I should like to have — discussed the route leading directly from the Cape to Mashonaland, its relative — merits in comparison with the Beira railway, PLN to where the two will come into competition one with the other. But I must pass on at once to consider the main trunk routes from the West Coast leading into the interior of Africa. Passing over those regions on the West Coast where railways would only be commenced because of the probable settlement, temporary or permanent, of white men—passing over, that is, the whole of the German sphere of influence—we first come to more dense native populations near the coast towns of Benguela and St. Paul de Loanda. The latter locality is the more hopeful of the two, accord- ing to our map, and here we find that the Portuguese have already con- structed a railway leading inland for 191 miles to close to Ambaca. The intention of connecting this railway with Delagoa Bay was originally announced, and IT am not aware to what extent this vast project has now been cut down, so as to bring it within the region of practical proposals. A further length of 35 miles is, at all events, being constructed, and 87 more miles have been surveyed. The Portuguese appear to be very active at present in this district, as there are several other rail- ways already under consideration ; one from Benguela to Bihe, of which 16 miles is in operation, another from Mossamedes to the Huilla Plateau, and a third from the Congo to the Zambesi. It is difficult to foretell what will be the outcome of these schemes, but our population map is not very encouraging. Next we come to the Congo, and here there is a grand opportunity of opening up the interior of the continent. In going up this great stream from the coast we first traverse about 150 miles of navigable waterway, and afterwards we come to some 200 miles of cataracts, through which steamers cannot pass. Round this im- pediment a railway is now being pushed, 189 kilometres of rails (117 miles) being already laid. Then we enter Stanley Pool, and from this point we have open before us—if Belgian estimates are to be accepted—7,000 miles of navigable water- way. If this fact is correct, and if the population is accurately marked on our map, then there is no eee in all Africa where 200 miles of railway may be ex- pected to produce such marked results. The districts traversed are unhealthy, and the natives are, generally speaking, of a low type; but in spite of these draw- backs, which no doubt will delay progress considerably, we may confidently predict — a grand future for this great natural route into the interior. ; To the north of the Congo, the next great navigable waterway met with is the Niger. Again, granting the correctness of the population map, it can be seen at a glance that there is no area of equal size in all Africa so densely inhabited, and no district where trade with the existing native population appears to offer greater inducement to open up a commercial route into the interior. Luckily little has to be done in this respect, for the Niger is navigable for light-draught steamers in the full season as far as Rabba, about 550 miles from the sea; here the navigation soon becomes obstructed by rocks, and at Wuru, about 70 miles further up the river, the rapids are so unnavigable that even the light native canoes have to be emptied before attempting a passage, and there are frequent upsets. From Wuru the rapids extend to Wara, after which a stretch of clear and slow-running river is met with. Above this, again, the Altona Rapids extend for a distance of 15 miles ; then 15 miles of navigable waterway, and then 20 miles more of rapids are encountered. Yelo, the capital of Yauri, is situated on these latter cataracts, above which the Middle Niger is navigable for a considerable length. The Binue is also navigable in the floods for many miles, the limits being at present unknown ; part of the year, however, it is quite impassable except for canoes. The trade with the Western Sudan, which has been made possible by the opening up of this river, is still only in its infancy, and to get the full benefit of this waterway a line of railway ought to be carried on from Lokoja to Kano, the great commercial centre of Hausaland; Mr. Robinson's recent journeys over this country, which we hope to hear about at a later period of our proceedings, have served to confirm the impres- sion that no great physical difficulties would be encountered. The political con- dition of the country may, however, make the construction of this pei quite impossible for the present; for here we are on the borderland between Mahom- a medanism and Paganism, where the slave trade always puts great impediments in the path of progress, but where the same circumstances make it so eminently desir- able to introduce a higher condition of civilisation. The only drawback to the Niger as a line of communication to the Western Sudan is the terribly unhealthy nature of the coast districts which have to be traversed. Any man, who finds a means of combating the deadly diseases here met with, will be the greatest bene- factor that Africa has ever had; but of such a discovery there are ‘but few signs at present. It is perhaps too soon to speculate as to the best means of opening a trade route to Fradat and the more central parts of the Western Sudan; for we may be sure that little will be done in this direction for years to come. Several com- peting routes are possible. From the British sphere, we may try to extend our communications eastward from the navigable parts of the Binue. The French, on the other hand, may push northwards from the Ubangi; whilst, in a later stage of commercial evolution, the best route of all may be found through German terrritory, by pushing a railway from the shore in a direct line towards Bagirmi and Wadai. To compare the relative merits of these trunk lines is perhaps looking too far into the future, and traversing too much unknown country, to make the discussion at all profitable. Proceeding northwards, or rather westwards, along the coast we find ourselves skirting the belt of dense forest already described as being the great obstacle to advance in this part of Africa. Tt is to be hoped that this barrier will be pierced in several places before long. Naturally we turn our attention to the different spheres of British influence, and here we are glad to learn that there are several railways being constructed or being considered, with a view to opening up the interior, At Lagos a careful survey of a railway running in the direction of Rabba has been made, and the first section is to be commenced at once. To connect the Niger with the coast in this way would require 240 miles of railway, but the immediate objectives are the towns of Abeokuta and Ibadan, which are said to contain more than a third of a million inhabitants between them. No doubt the pero coast region makes such a line most desirable; but whether it would e wise to push on at all quickly to the Niger, and thus to come into competition with the steamboat traffic on that river, is a very different question. Surveys have also been made for a railway to connect either Kormantain or Apan on the Gold Coast with Insuaim, a town situated on a branch of the Prah. It is believed that the local traffic will be sufficiently remunerative to justify the construction of this line. But, looking to the further prolongation of this rail- way into the interior, it appears possible that those who selected this route were too much influenced by the desire to reach Kumasi, which is a political rather than a commercial centre. According to the views I have been advocating to-day, the main object of a railway in this quarter should be the crossing of the forest belt, and if, as there is some reason to believe, that belt is exceptionally wide and dense in this locality, the choice of Kumasi as a main point on the route will have been an unfortunate selection. A little further south, nearer the banks of the Volta, it is probable that more open land would be met with, and moreover that river itself, which is navigable for steam launches from Ada to Akusi, would be of use as a preliminary means of transport. It is to be hoped that the merits of a line from Accra through Odumase will be considered before it is too late. IT am now approaching the end of my brief survey of tropical Africa, for the best method of opening communication between the Upper Niger and the coast is the last subject shall touch on. With this object in view, the French have con- structed a railway from Kayes, the head of steam navigation during high water, on the Senegal to Bafulabé, with the intention of ultimately continuing the line to Bamaku on the Niger Unexpected difficulties have been met with in the construction of this railway, and, as the Senegal River between Kayes and St. Louis is only navigable for about a quarter of the year, it would hardly appear as if the selection of this route had been based on sound geographical information. No doubt the French will find some other practicable way of connecting the Upper TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. 11 12 REPORT—1896, Niger with the coast, and surveys are already in progress with that object in view. It may be worth mentioning that the Gambia is navigable as far as Yarbutenda, and that it affords on the whole a better waterway than the Senegal ; it is possible, therefore, that a railway from Yarbutenda to Bamaku might form a better means of connecting the Niger with the coast, than the route the French have selected. At Sierra Leone a railway is now being constructed in a south-easterly direction with a view of tapping the country at the back of Liberia. But here, as. in the case of the Gambia route, political considerations are of paramount im- ortance; for no doubt the best commercial route, geographically speaking, would ave been a line run in a north-easterly direction to some convenient point on the navigable part of the Upper Niger. such a railway were ever constructed, it would connect the longest stretch of navigable waterway in this region with the best harbour on the coast. But the fact that it would cross the Anglo-French boundary is a complete bar to this project at present. Proposals for connecting Algeria with the Upper Niger by rail have often been discussed in the French press, the idea being to unite the somewhat divided parts of the French sphere of influence by this means. If the views here sketched forth as tu the necessity of selecting more or less populous districts for the first opening up of lines of communication into the interior are at all correct, these rojects would be simple madness. For many a year to come Algeria and the Viger will be connected by sea far more efficiently than by any overland route, and I feel sure that when the details of these plans are properly worked out we shall not find the French wasting their money on such purely sentimental schemes. I must now conclude, and must give place to the other geographers who have kindly undertaken to read papers to us on many interesting subjects. All I have attempted to do is briefly to sketch out some of the main geographical problems connected with the opening of Central Africa in the immediate future. Such a review is necessarily imperfect, but its very imperfections illustrate the need of more accurate geographical information as to many of the districts in question. Many blunders may have been made by me in consequence of our inaccurate know- ledge, and, from the same cause, many blunders will certainly be made in future by those who have to lay out these routes into the interior. In fact my desire has been to prove that, notwithstanding the vast strides that geography has made in past years in Africa, there is yet an immense amount of valuable work ready for anyone who will undertake it. Possibly, in considering this subject, I have been tempted to deviate from the strictly geographical aspect of the case. Where geography begins and where it ends is a question which has been the subject of much dispute. Whether geography should be classed as a separate science or not has been much debated. No doubt it is right to classify scientific work as far as possible; but it is a fatal mistake to attach too much importance to any such classification. Geography is now going through a somewhat critical period in its development, in consequence of the solution of nearly all the great geographical problems that used to stir the imagina- tion of nations ; and for this reason such discussions are now specially to the fore. My own humble advice to geographers would be to spend less time in considering what geography is and what it is not; to attack every useful and interesting problem that presents itself for solution; to take every help we can get from every quarter in arriving at our conclusions ; and to let the name that our work goes by take care of itself. Brifish Association for fhe Advancement of Science. LIVERPOOL, 1896. ADDRESS TO THE ECONOMIC SCIENCE AND STATISTICS SECTION BY The Right Hon. LEONARD COURTNEY, M.A., M.P., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. WsaeEn the British Association revisits a town or city, it is the laudable custom of the President of a Section to refer to what was said by his predecessor in the same chair on the former occasion. I should in any case be disposed to follow this practice, but I could not choose to do otherwise when I find it was my honoured friend Professor Jeyons who cccupied this place in Liverpool in 1870. He was one of a group which passed away in quick successicn, to the great loss of the study of Economics in this country, since each had much premise of furtber usefulness, and left us with labours unfulfilled. Bagehot, Cairnes, Cliffe Leslie, Fawcett, Jevons, occupied a large space in the field of economic study, and no one among them excelled Professor Jevons in the vigour and clearness of his analysis or in the sin- cerity and range of his speculations, His first work which arrested public attention was perhaps not so much understood as misunderstood. This busy, bustling, hurrying eae cannot afford time to pause and examine the consecutive stages of a drawn- out argument, and too many caught up and repeated to one another the notion that Jevons predicted a speedy exhaustion of our coalfields, and they and their successors have since been congratulating themselves on their cleverness in disbelieving the prophecy. No such prophecy was in truth ever uttered. The grave warning that was given was of the impossibility of continuing the rate of development of coal production to which we had been accustomed, of slackening, and even arrested growth, and of the increasing difficulty of maintaining a prosperity based on the relative advantages we possessed in the low cost of production of coal; and this warning has been amply verified in the years that have since passed, as will be at once admitted by all who are competent to read and understand the significance of our subsequent experience. But I must not dwell on this branch of Jevons’s work nor on the many other contributions he made to the study of our economic life. Tam concerned with what he said here twenty-six years since. At first sight the address of my predecessor may seem loose and discursive ; but viewed in due perspective, it appears a serious inquiry into the apparent failure of economic teaching to change the course and elevate the standard of our social life, and an earnest endeavour to impress these principles more strongly on the public mind so that the future might better the history he reviewed. He referred to the repeal of the Corn Laws, and owned with regret that the condition of the people was little changed, that pauperism had scarcely abated, that little forethought was shown by the industrial classes in preparing for the chances of the future ; and he dwelt on the mischievous influence of the unthinking benevolence of the wealthy in undermining provicence by its constant and increasing activity in mitigating the EF 2 REPORT—1896, evils of improvidence. Jevons was not content to condemn the doles of past testators ; he wanted the reorganisation of the Hospital service of our towns, so that as far, at least, as the ordinary and inevitable casualties of sickness and accident are concerned, they might be met by the co-operation of workers inspired by motives of self-reliance instead of by ever open gratuitous service making forethought un- necessary and even foolish. In this connection it may be noticed that while giving a hearty welcome to Mr. Forster's Edueation Act, passed in the same year that he spoke, he noted with satisfaction that primary education had not been made gra- tuitous so as to take away another support of prudence. It is strange, too, in the light of our recent experience, to find him regretting that the task of remodelling local taxation had not been undertaken, so that local wants might be met by a just apportionment of their charge and the principles of association of the members of local communities placed on a firmer basis. It will be seen that what really occupied the mind of my predecessor was the apparent slow success of Economic thinkers in influencing political action, and we, looking back over the intervening twenty-six years, have certainly no more cause of congratulation than he felt ; we are forced to ask ourselves the same ques- tion what is the reason of our apparent failure; we are driven to examine anew whether our principles are faulty and incomplete or whether the difficulties in their acceptance, they being sound, lie in the prejudices of popular feeling which politi- cians are more ready to gratify than to correct. I do not pause to meet the charges of inhumanity or immorality which have in other times been brought against Economists. Jevons pleaded for the benevolence of Malthus, who might indeed be presumed, as an English clergyman, to be not altogether inhuman or immoral. In truth everyone who has ever had any thought about social or fiscal legislation—and we have had such laws among ourselves for five centuries—everyone who has ever tried to influence the currents of foreign trade—and such attempts date from an equally remote past—has been moved by some train of economic reasoning, and must strictly be classified as an Economist ; and the only difference between such men and those who are more usually recognised by the name is that the latter have attempted to carry their thoughts a little further,and have been more busy to examine the links of their own reasoning and the soundness of their conclusions. The men who attempted to fix wages, to limit the numbers in special trades, to prohibit or to compel certain specific exports, all had some notion that they were engaged in doing something to strengthen if not to improve the better organisation of communities. Even the aims which appear to us most selfish were disguised as embodying social necessities. But by the beginning of the present reign it may be said that the study of Political Economy in this country had worked itself free from earlier errors, and it had come to be believed that the secret of social regeneration lay in the utmost allowance of free- dom of action to every individual of the community, so far at least as that action affected himself, coupled with the most complete development of the principle of self-reliance, so as to bring home to every member, freed from legal restraint on his liberty of action, the moral responsibility of self-support and of discharging the duties, present and to come, of his special position. With this education of the individual in self-reliance, and with this liberation of the same individual in the conduct of life, it was held that by certain, if slow, stages the condition of the community would be improved, and a wholesome reorganisation naturally effected. Whatever view we may now hold of this belief, whether we must discard it as incomplete or even erroneous, or whether we remain strong in the conviction of its intrinsic soundness and in the possibility of realising the hopes it offered, it must still be evident that those who professed it were imbued with the deepest interest in the well-being of their fellow creatures, and that the aim of all their speculations was the purification of social life, and its healthy and abundant development. Such was the theory more or less openly expressed by Economie thinkers when the British Association was founded, and the same theory, as I conceive, lay at the base of Jevons’s address in 1870. Can we hold it now, or must it be recast ? Since 1870 Primary Education has practically been made gratuitous. The 9 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION F. 3 Legislature had an opportunity for abolishing the mischief of doles, but showed no inclination to make use of it, and there were even traces of a feeling of favour for the maintenance of these bequests of the past. The indiscriminate multiplication of so-called charitable institutions has in no way been reformed, and there is as great activity as ever in the zeal of those who would mitigate or relieve the effects of improvidence without touching improvidence itself. As far as the course of legislation is concerned, it may be feared that it has been directed to diminish rather than to increase the spirit of self-reliance. Codes of regulations have been framed for the supervision of the conduct of special industries, and their sphere has been extended so as to embrace at no distant period, if not now, the whole industrial community. The reformed Poor Law, which was regarded as a great step in the education of the workman, especially of the agricultura! labourer, in independence, stands again upon its trial, and proposals are at least in the air for assuring to the aged poor a minimum measure of support without any regard to the circumstances of their past lives, or to the inevitableness of their condition. The suggestions made by responsible statesmen have indeed been more limited and cautious, but it will be acknowledged of those, as of the German system, from which they may be said to be in some measure borrowed, that they involve a great depar- ture from that ideal of individual development to which I have referred. Add to this that there isa movement, which has become practical in many large cities and towns, for the community itself to engross some forms of industrial activity, and to under- take in respect of them to meet the wants of their inhabitants. All these develop- ments and more may be summed up as illustrations of Collectivity—an ideal which has its advocates and professors, and which looks in the future for regulated civic and national monopolies instead of unrestricted freedom of individual activity, and for the supervision and control of those industries which may remain unabsorbed by state or town. In pursuit of this last conception there have been put forward not only requirements as to hours and conditions of labour, but a demand also for a Living Wage or a minimum, below which no workman shall be paid; and this principle has been already adopted by some muni- cipalities in respect of their monopolised industries. The State itself indeed has, through the popular branch of the legislature, declared more or less clearly in favour of the same principle in respect of the industries which are conducted in its service. We have not only to acknowledge the continued slowness of politicians to adopt and enforce the teaching of Economists such as Jevons contemplated, but also the rise of another school of Economic thought which competes for, and in some measure successfully obtains, the attention of the makers of laws. The question which has already been suggested thus becomes inevitable. We must inquire whether the failure of former teaching has not been due to errors in itself rather than to the indocility of those who have neglected it. The greatest difficulty which the teachers of the past have to overcome when put upon their self-defence lies in the suspicion, or more than suspicion, of an occupied multitude that their promises have failed. It is thought of them, if it is not openly said, that they had the ear of legislators for a generation, that the course and conduct of successive administrations were governed by their principles, and yet society, as we know it, presents much the same features, and the lifting up of the poor out of the mire is as much as ever a promise of the future. Some quicker method of introducing a new order is called for, and any scheme offering an assurance of it is welcomed. A ready answer can be given to much of the suspicion of failure that is entertained. That freedom of industrial action, which is the first postulate of the Economists, has never been secured. We are so much accustomed to the conditions of our own life that this declaration may seem strange to many, who will say that at least in England labour and trade are free ; but it must be admitted, on reflection, that in one great sphere of action the liberty so sea ag has, for good or bad reasons, never been conceded. The limitations and restrictions necessarily consequent upon the system of land laws established among us are not commonly understood, but although much has been done to libe- rate agriculture from their fetters, its perfect freedom has not been attained. There 4, REPORT—1896. may be free trade in the United Kingdom and free land in the United States, but the country is yet to be found in which both are realised, and even if both these requisites were attained the sores of social life would not be removed unless the spirit of self-reliance were fully developed: and how little has been done to secure this essential condition of progress! nay, how much has been done by law, and still more by usage, to weaken and destroy its power! The Economist of whom I have been speaking may boldly claim that so far as he bas had a free hand, his promises have been realised; there has been a larger population with increased means of subsistence and diminished necessity of Pees people better housed, better fed, better clothed, with fewer relative failures of self- support ; and if the teaching which has been partially adopted has brought about so much, everything it promised would have been secured had it been fully followed. If the teaching had been fully followed? This raises the question whether there are inherent difficulties in the nature of man preventing such a con- summation, and many will be ready with the answer that such difficulties exist, are permanent and cannot be surmounted. As long as human nature is what it is —so runs the current phrase—men will not see misery without relieving it, they will not wait to inquire into its cause and whether it could have been prevented, and it is claimed that this instinct is one of the best attributes of humanity, which we should not attempt to eradicate. This kind of reply easily catches the popular ear. It seems generous, sympathetic, humane. But it is based on a view of human nature being incapable of education which has been and will long be the excuse for acquiescence in all imperfections and even iniquity;.nor can that be said to be truly generous, sympathetic, or humane which refuses to inquire into the possi- bility of curing disease, and prefers the selfishness of self-relief to the patient endeavour to probe and remove the causes of the sufferings of others. The Economist of the past generation would, I think, be justified in repudiating with warmth the feeble temper which recoils from the strenuousness of endeayouring to deal with social evils at their origin, and in reprobating the acceptance as inevi- table of vices we take no pains to prevent. This, however, does not conclude the whole matter. Even if we did attain the ideal of bringing home to all the members of the community the fatal consequences of improvidence and vice, should we find improvidence and vice ever narrowing into smaller and smaller circles, or should we be confronted with their existence as before, with this difference, that past attempts toalleviate their miserable consequences would be discredited and abandoned? I fear I must here confess to a somewhat faltering faith. That a vigorous enforcement of the penalties of improvidence would diminish it, is a conclusion justified by experience as well as suggested by theory ; but that it and its consequences would not still remain gross and palpable facts is a conclusion I have not the courage to gain- say. At all events, I cannot refuse to consider the question whether something more than the complete freedom of the individual is not necessary for the reforma- tion of society, and to examine with an open mind any supplementary or alternative proposals that may be made to reach this end. Yet one thing must be said, and said with emphasis, of the theory of the Economist. It was a working theory. No theory can be accepted even for examination which does not show a working organisation of society, and the theory we have had under review has this necessary characteristic, even if it does not open up a certain way to a perfect reconstruction of our social system. It will be conceded by the most fearless and thorough-going advocates of the liberty of individual development, that it must be supported by large measures of co-operative action. No individual can by any amount of forethought protect himself by himself against the chances and accidents of the future. No one can tell beforehand what is in store for himself in respect of sickness, or accident, or those changes of cir- cumstances which may arise from the default of others; and mutual aid is necessary to meet such contingencies. ‘The freedom and activity of association thus indicated are in no way inconsistent with the fullest theory of individual responsibility. Nor is there any departure from it in the voluntary combination among themselves of persons, individually weak, to supervise and safeguard the economic conditions into which they may enter with others relatively stronger. A single workman may be TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION F. 5 powerless to induce his employer to modify in any particular the terms of his employment, but when workmen band together they may meet employers as equal owers. Such liberty of combination is a development and not a limitation of individual liberty. Another step is taken when the parties to such an arrange- ment as has been suggested seek to make its provisions compulsory on others, be they workmen or employers, who may enter into similar relations; and the prin- ciples of former Economists would generally prompt them to condemn such attempts at compulsion. The Factory Acts were opposed in this way, although they rested upon different grounds; for, though in their consequences they affected the labour of adults, they were propounded for the defence of young persons and children unable to protect themselves or to be the parties to free contracts. Legis- lation has, however, been extended to control directly the employment of fully responsible persons, and this has been defended by three lines of argument. It is urged that when the unchecked liberty of individuals destroys in fact the liberty of action of larger multitudes, it is in defence of liberty of action that those individuals are controlled. If a sea wall is necessary to prevent h large tract from being periodically inundated, it cannot be permitted to the owner of a small patch along the coast to leave the wall unbuilt along his border, and thus threaten the lands of his neighbours with inundation. Again, it is urged that when the over- whelming majority of persons engaged in a particular industry, employers and employed, are agreed upon the necessity of certain rules to govern the industry, it is not merely a convenience, but is a fulfilment of their liberty, to clothe with the sanction of law the regulations upon which they are agreed. Lastly, it is sub- mitted that there are individuals in whom the sense of responsibility is so weak and whose development of forethought is so hopeless, that it is necessary the law should regulate their conduct as it may regulate the conduct of children. I do not propose to examine in detail these real or apparent limitations of individual liberty. The first plea appears to me to be sound in principle, though it may often have been applied to cases not properly coming within it. As to the second, the convenience of giving to an all but universal custom the force of law is incontestable, but it is at least doubtful whether this is sufficient to deprive individuals who deliberately wish to put themselves outside it of the liberty of doing so. Unless their action could be brought within the first line of argument, sufficient reason for restraint does not appear. As for the hopeless class whose existence is made a plea for restrictive legislation, the Economist may forcibly argue that they have never been left to learn the full force of the lessons of experience, and it is the impatient interference of thoughtless men and thoughtless laws which allows this class to be perpetually recruited. The limitations of individual liberty, to which I have referred, are familiar to us, and have obtained a firm hold in our legislation; but we enter upon compara- tively new ground when we turn to the proposals that an increasing number of industries should be undertaken and directed by State or Municipality, and that a minimum and not inadequate subsistence should be assured to all those engaged in such industries, if indeed the principle be not presently extended outside the monopolies so established. The ideas which are clothed in the phrases ‘The socialisation of the instruments of industry,’ and ‘The guarantee of a minimum wage to all workmen,’ appear to involve a complete reorganisation of society, and an absolute abandonment of the theories of the past. This is not enough to justify their immediate rejection or their immediate acceptance. The past has not been so good that we can refuse to look at any proposals, however strange in appearance, offering a better promise for the future. It has not been so bad that we must abandon its methods in despair, as if no change could be for the worse, if not for the better. A patient inquirer, feeling his way along the movement of his time, may even be constrained to accept a patchwork covering of life instead of the ideal garment woven without seam throughout; or he may be led to see that the harmony of society, like the harmony of the physical universe, must be the result of divers forces, out of which is developed a perfect curve. No one could now be found to deny the possibility, and few to question the utility, of the socialisation of some services. The post office is in all civilised 6 REPORT—1896. countries organised as a national institution, and the complaints that are some- times heard as to defects in its administration never extend to a demand for its abolition. Jevons, in a careful paper, showed that the same financial success which marks our present postal system, must not be expected from the nationalisa- tion of the telegraph service, and be dismissed even suggestions for the nationalisa- tion of railways. His predictions have been amply verified with respect to the telegraph account; but telegraphs are a national service amongst ourselves, and railways are largely nationalised in many continental countries, and in some of our own colonies and dependencies. Some of our largest municipalities have under- taken the supply of water and of gas, or even of electric light, to the inhabitants, and a movement has begun, which seems likely to be extended, of undertaking the service of tramways. Demands have also been made for the municipalisation or nationalisation of the telephone service. It may be said of all the industries thus described as taken oyer, or likely to be taken over, by the nation and local communities, that when they are not so taken over they require for their exercise special powers and privileges conceded by the State or community, and the conditions of such concessions are settled by agree- ment between the community and the body or bodies exercising such industries. These conditions may involve the payment of a fixed sum, or of a rent for the concession, or the terms upon which the services are to be rendered may be prescribed in a stipulated tariff of charges, or the amount of profit to be realised by the concessionaires may be limited with provisions for reduction of charge when such limit is reached, or it may be required that in working such industries certain limits of wages shall be observed as the minima to be paid to the work- men employed upon them. Speaking very broadly, it may be said that the community delegates or leases the right of practising the industry, and there is no impassable gulf between prescribing the terms on which a lease shall be worked and assuming the conduct of the industry leased. There may be difficulties in tle management by a community of a cumbrous and unwieldy undertaking, but there is no difficulty affecting the organisation of society when the undertaking must be created and shaped by the community in the first place. The arguments against the assumption of such monopolies by State or Local Authorities are those of expediency, founded on a comparison of gain and loss. It may be urged that there are more forcible motives of economy on the part of a concessionaire than on the part of a community working the undertaking itself; that improvements of method and reductions of cost will be more carefully sought; and although such improvements and reductions might in theory be realised by the workmen and agents of a community, which would thus secure all the savings effected by them, yet private interest is quicker in discovery and more fertile in suggestion, and it is more profitable in the end for the community to allow a concessionaire to secure such profits, subject to a stipulation that some part of them should return to the community in the way either of increased money payment, or of reduced rates of charge fur the services performed. It may be urged that when a community works an industry itself, it may do so at a loss, thus benefiting those who specially require its services at the cost of the whole body; but this objection is not peculiar to undertakings so directly worked. It is a matter of common experience for State or Municipality to grant important subventions to persons willing to undertake such works on stipulated terms of service, and such subyentions involve a levy from the whole community for the benefit of those availing themselves of the services, New considerations of great difficulty arise when we pass to the suggestion of the undertaking by local authorities of productive industries not in the nature of monopolies. In monopolies direct competition, often competition in any shape, is practically impossible; in other industries competition is a general rule; and it is by virtue of such competition that the members of the community do in the long run obtain their wants supplied in the most economical manner. When com- modities are easily carried without serious deterioration, the constantly changing conditions of production and of transport induce a constant variation in the sources of cheapest supply—that is of supply under conditions of least toil and effort-— TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION F,. 7 and any arrest of this mobility involves a corresponding set-back in the advance- ment of the economic condition of mankind. It is a necessary consequence ’ of this process that the local production of special commodities should be subject to diminution and extinction, and that the labours hitherto engaged in such local production should become gradually worthless. Quite as much labour as before might be expended in achieving the result, but it would be misapplied ; it ought not to command the same return; it should cease, It is at least difficult to foresee how far the production of commodities exposed to free competition could be maintained by communities themselves in face of the movement we have described. There would be a danger of pressure to do away with invasive com- petition—action which, in my judgment, would be destructive of the most powerful cause of improvement in the condition of the people. There would be an allied danger of a refusal to recognise the possibility of a diminished worth of work which remains as toilsome as ever, and of an increasing congestion of labour when the great movement of the world demands its dispersion It may be that those evils are not inevitable, but they would require to be faced if any serious attempt were made to increase the range of national or municipal industries, and I haye not yet seen any attempt at their serious investigation. The position thus taken may be illustrated by an experience to which I have elsewhere referred, but so pregnant with suggestion that I need not apologise for recalling it. My native county, Cornwall, was in my boyhood the scene of wide- spread activity in copper and tin mining. There had not been wanting warnings that the competition of richer deposits in far countries would put an end to these industries in the county, but the warnings had not been realised and remained unheeded. In the years that have since passed they have been gradually and almost completely fulfilled. There are no copper mines now in Cornwall, and the tin mines, which were scattered far and wide throughout the county, are reduced to two or three within one limited area. It is not the case that the ores have been exhausted; they could still be raised, but at a cost of production making the process unprofitable. The mines were abandoned one by one, and the population of the county has steadily diminished in every recent census. What would the experience have been had the mines been a county or national property worked by county or nation? I do not stop to comment on the difficulty of expropriating present owners, which, however, must not be forgotten. If the collective owner had leased the mines to companies of adventurers (to use the local phrase), the lessees would have gradually relinquished their concessions, as they have done when taking them from private owners. Nor would the case have been materially different even if the collective owner had introduced the novel stipulation into his leases that the working miners should be paid according to prescribed rates of wages. The process of relinquishment might have been precipitated and accelerated by insisting on such a condition, but otherwise the experience would have been the same. The shrinkage of industry would go on without a check, and it is to be hoped that the workmen who found their work failing would, with the fine courage ana enterprise they have in fact shown, have betaken themselves to the fields of mining industry displacing their own in all parts of the world. Can one think that the same process would have been maintained had the collective owner worked the mines directly, and the working men looked to county or nation for the con- tinuance of work and wages? The attachment which all men have for the homes of themselves and their fathers would have stimulated a demand for a recurrence to the other resources of the collective owner for the maintenance of an industry that was dying. Some demand might even be made for a repression or prohibition of that competition which was the undoing of the local industry. These possi- bilities may be regarded as fanciful, and it is true that forces might be kept under control that operated within an area and affected a population relatively so limited. But what if the warnings of Jevons respecting coal in England proved like the warnings of the men who foresaw the cessation of tin mining in Cornwall, and the community had to deal with the problem of the dwindling coal industry in face of nationalised coal mines and armies of workmen employed by the nation ? The initial difficulties of the nationalisation of that which for centuries has been 8 REPORT—1896. the subject of private property are formidable, but they could doubtless be overcome by the short and simple process of confiscation. This transformation is theoretically conceivable. It is in the subsequent development of the scheme of nationalised and municipalised industries that we are confronted with tasks not so easy of solution. How is its working to be reconciled with that opening up of more and more pro- ductive fields which is one of the prime factors of social progress? How is the allotment of men to be directed so that they may be shifted about as new centres open and old centres close? What checks or commands can be invoked to restrain the growth of population in a district when it should be dwindling? These are questions that can scarcely be put aside, and it may even be acknowledged that they gain fresh force when viewed in the light of another experience, Agricul- tural industry has recently been subjected to severe trials through a great breadth of this country. This has been due to cheaper importations from other lands, and though the competition has in my judgment been aggravated by causes into which I will not now digress (which aggravation however might and should be dealt with), the importation of food at less cost is a result no Economist will regard as otherwise than beneficial to the community as a whole. It is well that bread and flesh and the sustenance of life should be procured with as little toil as possible, however severe the trial for those who have been engaged hitherto in the production of those necessaries. We know that it has been so severe that demands for relief and assistance have been loudly made, and their power has been such as to have been in some measure successful; but had land been nationalised and farms held from the State or from county, town, or parish, they would have assumed a different shape, have been urged with greater purpose, and have received larger treatment. The difficulties ofssuch a nationalised industry, passing into what may be described as a water-logged condition, would test beyond the straining point such statesmanship as our experience warrants us to believe possible. However much we may contemplate the reconstruction of an industrial system, it must, if it is to be a living social organism, be constantly responsive to the ever- changing conditions of growth ; some parts must wax whilst others wane, extend- ing here and contracting there, and manifesting at every moment those phenomena of vigour and decline which characterise life. Inthe development of industry new and easier ways are constantly being invented of doing old things; places are being discovered better suited for old industries than those to which resort had been made ; there is a continuous supersession of the worth of known processes and of the utility of old forms of work involving a supersession, or at least a transfer, of the labour hitherto devoted to them. All these things compel a perpetual shifting of seats of industry and of the settlements of man, and no organisation can be enter- tained as practicable which does not lend itself to those necessities. They are the pre-requisites of a diminution of the toil of humanity. As I have said before, the theory of individual liberty, however guarded, afforded a working plan ; society could and did march under it. The scheme of collective action gives no such lea of practicability ; it seems to lack the provision of the forces which should ring about that movement upon which growth depends. The Economist of the past generation still holds his ground, and our best hips lies in the fuller accept- ance of his ideas. Such, at least, appears to me to be the result of a dispassionate inquiry ; but what may be wanting is something more than a dispassionate temper— a certain feryour of faith. The Economist must feel, if he is to animate multitudes and inspire legislatures, that he, too, has a religion. Beneath the calmness of his analysis must be felt the throb of humanity. Slow in any case must be the secular progress of any branch of the human family; but if we take our stand upon facts, if our eyes are open to distinguish illusions from truth, if we are animated by the single purpose of subordinating our investigations and our actions to the lifting up of the standard of living, we may possess our souls in patience, waiting upon the promise of the future. Spottisrcoode | 5 Co. Printers, New-street Square, London. = Brifish Association for fhe Advancement of Science. LIVERPOOL, 1896. ADDRESS TO THE MECHANICAL SCIENCE SECTION BY Sirk DOUGLAS FOX, Vice-President Institution of Civil Engineers, PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. Ir is rather over a quarter of a century since the British Association last held its meeting in the hospitable city of Liverpool. The intervening period has been one of unparalleled progress, both generally and locally, in the many branches of knowledge and of practical application covered by Civil and Mechanical Engi- neering, and therefore rightly coming within the limits for discussion in the important Section of the Association in which we are specially interested, During these twenty-five years the railway system of the British Isles, which saw one of its earliest developments in this neighbourhood, has extended from 15,576 miles, at a capital cost of 552,680,000/., to 21,174 miles, at a capital cost of 1,001,000,0007. The railway system of the United States has more than trebled in the same period, and now represents a total mileage of 181,082, with a capital cost of $11,565,000,000, The Forth and Brooklyn, amongst bridges, the Severn and St. Gothard, amongst tunnels, the gigantic works for the water-supply of towns, are some of the larger triumphs of the civil engineer ; the substitution of steel for iron for so many purposes, the perfecting of the locomotive, of the marine engine, of hydraulic machinery, of gas and electric plant, those of the mechanical branch of the pro- fession. The city of Liverpool and its sister town of Birkenhead have witnessed wonderful changes during the period under review. Great and successful efforts ‘have been made to improve the watergate to the noble estuary, which forms the key to the city’s greatness and prosperity ; constant additions have been made to the docks, which are by far the fnest and most extensive in the world. The docks on the two sides of the river have been amalgamated into one great trust. In order properly to serve the vast and growing passenger and goods traffic of the port, the jaa railway companies haye expended vast sums on the connections with the dock lines and on the provision of station accommodation, and there have been introduced, in order to facilitate intercommunication, the Mersey Railway, crossing under the river, and carrying annually nearly 10 millions of passengers, and the Liverpool Overhead Railway, traversing for six miles the whole line of docks, and already showing a traffic of 7 millions of passengers per annum. A very complete waterside station connected with the landing-stage has been lately opened by the Dock Board in connection with the London and North-Western Railway. In addition to this, the water-supply from Rivington and Vyrnwy has now been made one of the finest in the world. G 2 REPORT—1896, The following comparative figures, kindly supplied by Mr. K. Miles Burton, — may be of interest :— 1871 1895 Population of Liverpool . - A - 493,405 : : 641,000 (Estimated) ‘s Birkenhead 5 so te MOS ae P - 109,000 W Area of docks, Liverpool, about ~ . : 236 acres. 3624 acres ie ce Birkenhead, about . 5 aT Ps 3 LEGO aes 383 5225 Number of steamers using the port - 7,448 b : 18,429 Average tonnage of six largest vessels entering the port . 5 : 2 2,890 A 4 6,822 The following figures show the importance of the local railway traffic :— Number of passenger stations within the boroughs. : - . - c — : : 58 Number of goods stations : ‘ = — ‘ f 50 Number of passengers crossing the Mer- . sey in the twelve months (Woodside Ferry). 5 3 : ‘ : é — : « 7,143,088 Number of passengers crossing the Mer- sey in the twelve months (Mersey , Railway) . o 5 . 5 5 — . . 6,976,299 To the hydraulic engineer there are few rivers of more interest, and present- ing more complicated problems, than the Mersey and its neighbours, the Dee and the Ribble. They all possess vast areas of sand covered at high water, but laid dry as the tide falls, and in each case the maintenance of equilibrium between the silting and scouring forces is of the greatest importance to the welfare of the trading communities upon their banks. The enclosure of portions of the areas of the respective estuaries for the purposes of the reclamation of land, or for _ railway or canal embankments, may thus have far-reaching effects, diminishing the volume of the tidal flow and reducing the height of tide in the upper reaches of the rivers. Some idea of the magnitude of these considerations may be derived from the fact that a spring tide in the Mersey brings in through the narrows between Birkenhead and Liverpool 710 millions of cubic yards of water to form a scouring force upon the ebb. The tidal water is heavily laden with silt, which is deposited in the docks, and, at slack water, upon the sandbanks. The former is removed by dredging, and amounts to some 1,100,000 cubie yards per annum ; the latter is gradually fretted down into the channels and carried out to sea before - the ebb. Whilst a considerable portion of the narrows is kept scoured, in some places right down to the sandstone rock, there is a tendency, on the Liverpool side, near the landing-stage, to silt up, a difficulty counteracted, to some extent, by the extensive sluicing arrangements introduced by Mr. George Fosbery Lyster, the engineer of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Very extensive and interesting operations have been carried on by the Board in connection with the bar at the mouth of the river. Dredgers specially designed for the purpose have been employed for some six years, with the result that 15,142,600 tons of sand and other dredged matter have been removed, and the available depth of water at low-water increased from 11 to 24 feet in a channel 1,600 feet in width. Those who have made the transatlantic passage in former years can more readily appreciate the very great advantage accruing from this great improvement. Formerly vessels arriving off the port on a low tide had to wait for some hours for the water-level to rise sufficiently to enable them to cross the bar; the result of a large vessel lying outside, rolling in the trough of the sea with her engines stopped, was that not infrequently this proved to be the worst part of the voyage between New York and Liverpool, and passengers who had escaped the malady of sea- TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION G. 3 sickness throughout the voyage were driven to their cabins and berths within three or four hours of landing. Owing to the very successful dredging operations, ships of largest size can now enter or depart from the Mersey at any state of the tide, and they are also able to run Elongeiae the landing-stage without the intervention of a tender. Such vessels as the ‘Teutonic’ or ‘ Majestic,’ of nearly 10,000 registered tonnage, 566 feet in length, 57 feet wide, and 37 feet deep; or the still larger vessels, the ‘Campania’ or ‘ Lucania,’ of nearly 13,000 tons register, 601 feet in length, 65 feet in width, and 38 feet in depth, can be seen, on mail days, lying alongside. Whilst the estuary of the Mersey presents a narrow entrance with a wide internal estuary, the Dee, owing to extensive reclamation of land in the upper reaches, has a wide external estuary leading to an embanked river of very limited width, up which the tide rushes with great velocity laden with silt, rising in some two hours, then, during a short time of slack water, depositing the silt, which is not removed by the ebb-tide, spread over some ten hours, and therefore having comparatively little velocity. In this case, also, the outer estuary shows a great tendency to silt up beyond the reach of any but the highest spring tides. The reclamation of the Ribble has not yet proceeded so far as to so seriously affect the general conditions of the estuary; but here, also, there is a constant tendency in the channels to shift, and the erosion which takes place when a high tide and wind combine is very remarkable. A most important improvement was introduced in 1886, by Mr. G. F, Lyster, when it was decided to raise the water-level in certain of the docks by pumping, the wharves being heightened in proportion, and half-tide basins, or locks, made use of to compensate for the difference of level. The area of the docks so treated in Liverpool is 78 acres, whilst at Birkenhead the ee area of the docks on that side of the river, amounting to 160 acres, is so raised. The hydraulic power used in the docks is very large, the indicated horse-power of the engines amounting to 1,673 in the case of Liverpool, and 874 in that of Birkenhead ; whilst the Hydraulic Power Company are supplying some 1,000 h.p. to railways and private firms. The direct-acting hydraulic lifts of the Mersey Railway have now been at work for ten years, and through these, at St. James’s Station, no less than 75,000,000 to 80,000,000 of passengers have passed with regularity and safety. It is remarkable that, whilst Great Britain led the van in the introduction of steam locomotion, she has lagged in the rear as regards electric and other mechanical traction. This arose in the first instance from mistaken legislation, which strangled electrical enterprise, which is still much hampered by the reluctance of public authorities to permit the introduction of the necessary poles and wires into towns. At the date of the latest published returns there were at work in the United States no less than 12,133 miles of electric, in addition to 599 miles of cable, tramway. Hardly a large village but has its installation, and vast have been the advantages derived from these facilities. In Brooklyn one company alone owns and works 260 miles of overhead trolley lines. With the exception of some small tramways at Portrush, Brighton, Blackpool, South Staffordshire, Hartlepool, &c., the only examples in this country of serious attempts to apply electro-motive force to the carriage of passengers are the City and South London Railway and the Pore. Overhead Railway, the latter being the latest constructed, and having, therefore, benefited by the experience gained upon the London line. This railway is over six miles long, a double line of the normal, or 4 ft. 84 in. gauge, running on an iron viaduct for the whole length of the docks; the installa- tion is placed for convenience of coal supply about one-third of the distance from the northern end. Particulars of this interesting work will be placed before the Section, but suffice it to say that a train service of three minutes each way is readily maintained, with trains carrying 112 passengers each, at an average speed of twelve miles per hour, including stoppages at fourteen intermediate stations. 4 REPORT—1896. During the last year, as before stated, 74 million passengers were carried, the cost — of traction per train mile being 34d. The Hartlepool Tramway is proving successful, overhead trollies and electric traction having taken the place of a horse tramroad, which was a failure from a traffic point of view. Careful researches are being prosecuted, and experiments made, with the — intention of reducing the excessive weight of storage batteries. If this can be effected, they should prove very efficient auxiliaries, especially where, in passing through towns, underground conductors are dangerous, and overhead wires objectionable. : In connection with electric traction, it is very important to reduce, if possible, the initial force required for starting from rest. Whether this will be best attained by the improvement of bearings and their better lubrication, or by the storage, for starting purposes, of a portion at least of the force absorbed by the brakes, remains to be seen, but it is a fruitful field for research and experiment. In the United States there is a very general and rapid displacement of the cable tramways by the overhead wire electric system. The latter has many oppo- nents, owing, probably, to causes which are preventible. Many accidents were caused by the adoption-of very high tension currents, which, on the breakage of a wire, were uncontrollable, producing lamentable results, The overhead wires were placed in the middle of the street, causing interference with the passage of fire-escapes. : ‘The speed of the cars was excessive, resulting in many persons being run over. The cable system, therefore, found many advocates, but the result of experience is in favour of electrical traction under proper safeguards. The cable system can only compete with the electric system when a three- minute or quicker service is possible, or, say, when the receipts average 20/. per mile per day; it is impossible to make up lost time in running, and the cars cannot be ‘backed.’ If anything goes wrong with the cable the whole of the traffic is disorganised. The cost of installation is much greater than in the case of elec- tricity, and extensions are difficult. : On the other hand, electricity lends itself to the demands of a growing district, and extensions are easily effected; it satisfies more easily the growing demands on the part of the public for luxury in service and car appointment. It is less expensive in installation, and works with greater economy. By placing the wire at the side of the street, and using a current of low voltage, the objections are greatly minimised, and the cars are much more easily controlled and manipulated. In cases of breakdown these are limited to the half-mile section, and do not completely disorganise the service. Electric cars have been worked successfully on gradients of 1 in 7. S The conduit slot system can be adopted with good results, provided care is taken in the design of the conduit, atl allowance made for ample depth and clearance ; a width of 3-inch is now proved to be sufficient. Where, however, there are frequent turnouts, junctions, and intersecting lines, the difficulties are great, and the cost excessive. The following figures represent the cost of a tramway, on this system, in America :— : £ Cost of track and conduit . . . 5,600 (per mile of single track) Insulator, boxer, and double conductor. 480 Asphalte paving on 6 inches of concrete to 2 feet outside double track . . 1,600 £7,580 Complete cost of operating 4 miles of double track for 24 hours per day with 24 minute service, 4:55d, per train mile (exclusive of interest, taxes, &c.). One train consists of one motor car and one trailer. TRANSACTIONS OF SEOTION G. 5 The trains make a round trip of eight miles in one hour, with three minutes lay-off at each end. The cost of keeping the slot clean comes to about 40/. per quarter, and the repairs to each plough conductor about 50s. per quarter. Attempts have been made to obviate the necessity of the slot by what is known as the closed conduit : but at present the results are not encouraging. The following figures will help to convey to the mind the great development which is taking place in America, as regards the earnings upon lines electrically equipped. They are derived from the Report of the State Board of Railroad Com- missioners for Massacnusetts. 1888 1894 Increase Net earnings per passenger carried eee) ‘78 62°5 per cent. Net earning per car mile : ; . 2:78 483 73°56 ,, Net earning per mile of road . : . £484 £762 57 y In addition to the application of electricity for illuminating purposes, and for the driving of tram cars and railways, it has also been applied successfully to the driving of machinery, cranes, lifts, tools, pumps, &ce., in large factories and works. This has proved of the greatest convenience, abolishing as it does the shafting of factories, and applying to each machine the necessary power by its own separate motor; the economy resulting from this can hardly be over-estimated. It is also successfully employed in the refining of copper, and in the manu- facture of phosphorus, aluminium, and other metals, which, before its application, were beyond the reach of commercial application. The extent of its development for chemical purposes in the future no one can foresee. It is hardly necessary to call attention to the successful manner in which the Falls of Niagara, and the large Falls of Switzerland, and elsewhere, are being harnessed and controlled for the use of man, and in which horse-power by thousands is being obtained. At Niagara, single units of electrical plant are installed equal to about 5,000 horse-power output. These units are destined to be utilised for any of the purposes penal suggested, and it is computed that one horse-power can be obtained m the river, and sold for the entire year day and night continuously, for the sum of 3/. 2s. 6d. per annum. Electric head lights are being adopted for locomotives in the United States. The use of compressed air and compressed gas for tractive purposes is at present in an experimental stage in this country. The latter is claimed to be the cheapest for tramway purposes, the figures given being— d, Single horse cars 3 é “ - : . ; : 53 Electrical cars, with overhead wires . . 7 ; é 4} Gas cars . : : ; : 34 Combination steam and electric locomotives, gazoline, compressed air, and hot- water motors are all being tried in the United States, but definitive results are not yet published. The first electric locomotive practically applied to hauling heavy trains was put into service on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway in 1895 to conduct the traffic through the Belt Line Tunnel. It is stated that, not only was the guaranteed speed of 30 miles per hour attained, but, with the locomotive running light, it reached double that speed. On the gradient of 8 per cent. a composite train of forty-four cars, loaded with coal and lumber, and three ordinary locomotives—weighing altogether over 1,800 tons—was started easily and gradually to a speed of 12 miles an hour without slipping a wheel. The voltage was 625. The current recorded was, at starting, about 2,200 ampéres, and, when the train was up to speed, it settled down to about 1,800 ampéres. The drawbar pull was about 63,000 lbs. The actual working expense of this locomotive is stated to be about the same as for an ordinary goods locomotive—viz. 23 cents per engine mile. G2 6 REPORT— 1896. The rapid extension of tunnel construction for railway purposes, both in towns — and elsewhere, is one of the remarkable features of the period under review, and has been greatly assisted by the use of shields, with and without compressed air. This brings into considerable importance the question of mechanical ventilation. Amongst English tunnels, ventilation by fan has been applied to those under the Severn and the Mersey. The machinery for the latter is, probably, the most complete and most scientific application up to the present time. There are five ventilating fans, two of a? are 40 feet in diameter, and 12 feet wide on the blades; two of 30 feet, and 10 feet wide; and one Baa running fan of 16 feet in diumeter, all of which were ably installed by Messrs. Walker Brothers of Wigan. They are arranged, when in full work, to throw 800,000 cubic feet of air per minute, and to empty the tunnel between Woodside and St. James’s Street in eight minutes ; but, unfortunately, it is found necessary, for financial reasons, not to work the machinery to its full caper: The intended extension of electrical underground railways will render it neces- sary for those still employing steam traction either to ventilate by machinery or to substitute electro-motive force. J Great improvements have been lately made in the details of mechanical venti- lators, especially by the introduction of anti-vibration shutters, and the driving by belts or ropes instead of direct from the engine. The duties now usually required for mining purposes are about 300,000 cubic feet of air per minute with a water-gauge of about 4 inches; but one installation is in hand for 500,000 cubic feet of air per minute, with a water-gauge of 6 inches.. Water-gauge up to 10 inches can now be obtained with fans of 15 feet diameter only. An interesting installation has been made at the Pracchia Tunnel on the Florence and Bologna Railway. J The length of the tunnel is 1,900 metres, or about 2,060 yards; it is for a single line, and is on a gradient of 1 in 40. When the wind was blowing in at the lower end, the steam and smoke of an ascending train travelled concurrently with the train, thus producing a state of affairs almost unimaginable except to those engaged in aaa the traffic. Owing to the height of the Apennines above the tunnel, ventilating shafts are impracticable ; but it occurred to Signor Saccardo that, by blowing air b means of a fan into the mouth of the tunnel, through the annular space which exists between the inside of the tunnel arch and the outside of the traffic gauge, @ sufficient current might be produced to greatly ameliorate tbe state of things. The results have been most satisfactory, the tunnel, which was formerly almost dangerous, under certain conditions of weather, being now kept cool and fresh, with but a small expenditure of power. In an age when, fortunately, more attention is paid than formerly to the well- being of the men, the precautions necessary to be observed in driving long- tunnels, and especially in the use of compressed air, are receiving the consideration of engineers. In the case of the intended Simplon Tunnel, which will pierce the Alps at a point requiring a length of no less than 124 miles, a foreign commission of engineers was entrusted by the Federal Government of Switzerland with an investigation of this amongst other questions. 3 During the construction of the St. Gothard Tunnel, which is about 10 miles in length, the difficulties eneountered were, of necessity, very great; the question of ventilation was not fully understood, nor was sanitary science sufficiently ad- vanced to induce those engaged in the work to give it much attention. The results were lamentable, upwards of 600 men having lost their lives, chiefly from an insidious internal malady not then understood. But the great financial success of this international tunel has been so marked, as to justify the proposed construction of a still longer tunnel under the Simplon. The arrangements which are to be adopted for securing the health of the employés ave admirable, and will surely not only result in reducing the death rate toa minimum, but also tend to shorten the time necessary for the execution of the undertaking to one-half. The quantity of air to be forced into the workings will be twenty times greater than TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION G. 7 in previous works. Special arrangements are devised for reducing the temperature of the air by many degrees, suitable houses are to be provided for the men, with excel- lent arrangements for enabling them to change their mining clothes, wet with the water of the tunnel, before coming in contact with the Alpine cold; every man will have a bath on leaving ; his wet clothes will be taken care of by a custodian, and dried ready for his return to work ; suitable meals of wholesome food will be provided, and he will be compelled to rest for half-an-hour on emerging from the tunnel, in pleasant rooms furnished with books and papers. This may appear to some as excessive care; but kind and humane treatment of men results, not only in benefit to them, but also in substantial gain to those employing them, and the endeavour of our own authorities, and of Parliament, to secure for our own work- people the necessary protection for their lives and limbs in carrying out hazardous trades and employments, is worthy of admiration. The great improvements in sub-aqueous tunnelling can be clearly recognised from the fact that the Thames Tunnel cost 1,150/. per lineal yard, whilst the Blackwall Tunnel, consisting of iron lined with concrete, and of 25 feet internal diameter, has, by means of Greathead’s shield and grouting machine, been driven from shaft to shaft a distance of 754 yards for 375/. per yard. Tunnels have now been successfully constructed through the most difficult strata, such as waterbearing silt, sand, and gravel, and, by the use of grouting under pres- sure, subsidence can almost entirely be avoided, thus rendering the piercing of the substrata of towns, underneath property without damaging it, a simple operation ; and opening up to practical consideration many most important lines of communi- cation hitherto considered out of the question. On the other hand, very little improvement has taken place in the mode of constructing tunnels in ordinary ground, since the early days of railways. The engineers and contractors of those days adopted systems of timbering and construc- tion which have not been surpassed. The modern engineer is, however, greatly assisted by the possibility of using Brindle bricks of great strength to resist pres- sure, combined with quick-setting Portland cement, by the great improvements which have taken place in pumping machinery, and by the use of the electric light during construction. A question which is forcing itself upon the somewhat unwilling attention of our great railway companies, in consequence of the continual great increase of the population of our cities, is the pressing necessity for a substantial increase in the size of the terminal stations in the great centres of population. Many of our large terminal stations are not of sutlicient capacity to be worked properly, either with regard to the welfare of the staff, or to the convenience of the travelling public. Speak to station-masters and inspectors on duty, when the holiday season is on, and they will tell you of the great physical strain that is produced upon them and their subordinates, in endeavouring to cope with the difficulty. This, if nothing else, is a justitication for the enterprise of the Manchester, Shef- field and Lincolnshire Railway Company in providing an entirely new terminus for London. It is thirty years since the last, that of St. Pancras, was added, and during that period the population of London has increased by no less than two millions. The discussion, both in and out of Parliament, of the proposals for light rail- ways has developed a considerable amount of interest in the question. Experi- ence only can prove whether they will fulfil the popular expectations. If the intended branch lines are to be of the standard gauge, with such gradients and curves as will render them suitable for the ordinary rolling-stock, they will, in many cases, not be constructed at such low mileage costs as to be likely to be remunerative at rates that would attract agricultural traffic. The public roads of this country (very different from the wide and level military roads of Northern Italy and other parts of the Continent) do not usually present facilities for their utilisation, and, once admitted, the necessity for expropriating private Property, the time-honoured questions of frontage severances and interference with amenities will force their way to the front, fencing will be necessary, and, 8 REPORT—1896, even if level crossings be allowed at public roads, special precautions will have to be taken, } Much must then depend upon the regulations insisted upon by the Board of Trade. If, in consideration of a reduction in speed, relaxation of existing safe- guards are permitted, much may, no doubt, be effected by way of feeders to existing main lines. If, on the other hand, the branches are of narrower gauge, separate equipment will be necessary, and transhipment at junctions will involve both expense and delay. It is very doubtful whether the British farmer would benefit much from short railways of other than standard gauge. He must keep horses for other pur- poses, and he will probably still prefer to utilise them for carting his produce to the nearest railway station of the main line, or to the market town. The powers granted by the Light Railways Act, in the hands of the able Commissioners appointed under the Act, cannot, however, fail to be a public boon. Special Acts of Parliament will be unnecessary, facilities will granted, rocedure simplified, some Government aid rendered, and probably the heavy batten of a Parliamentary deposit will be removed. It would seem quite probable, that motor cars may offer one practical solution of the problem how best to place the farms of the country in commercial touch with the trunk railways, seaports, and market towns. They could use existing roads, could run to the tarmyard or field, and receive or deliver produce at first hand. Such means of locometion were frequently proposed towards the end of the last century, and in the early part of the present one, and it was not until the year 1840, that the victory of the railway over steam upon common roads was assured, the tractive force required being then shown to be relatively as 1 to 7. The passing of the Act of 1896, superseding those of 1861 and 1865, will undoubtedly mark the commencement of a new era in mechanical road traction. The cars, at present constructed chiefly by German and French engineers, are certainly of crude design, and leave much to be desired. They are ugly in appear- arce, noisy, difficult to steer, and vibrate very much with the revolutions of their engines, rising as they do to 400 per minute ; those driven by oil give out offensive odours, and cannot be readily started, so that the engine runs on during short. stops. There would seem to be arising here an even more important opening for the skill of our mechanical engineers than in the ease of bicycles, in which wonderful industry the early steps appear also to have been foreign. It is claimed for a motor car that it costs no more than carriage, horse, and harness, that the repairs are about the same, and that, whilst a horse, travellin, 20 miles per day, represents for fodder a cost of 2d. per mile, a motor car 24 horse-power will run the same distance at $d. per mile. The highway authorities should certainly welcome the new comer, for it is estimated that two-thirds of the present wear and tear of roads is caused by- horses, and one-third only by wheels. Perhaps no inyention has had so widespreading an influence on the construction of railways as the adoption of the Bessemer process for the manufacture of steel rails. This has substituted a homogeneous crystalline structure, of great strength and uniformity, for the iron rails of former years, built up by bundles of bars, and therefore liable to lamination and defective welds. The price has been reduced from the 13/. per ton, which iron rails once reached, to 8/. 15s. as a minimum for steel. There are, however, not infrequently occurring, in the experience of rail- way companies, the cracking, and eyen fracture of steel rails, and the Government has lately appointed a Board of Trade Committee for the investigation, inciden- tally of this subject, but specially of the important question of the effect of fatigue upon the crystallisation, structure, and strength, of the rail. Experience proves, at any rate, that it is of great importance to remove an ample length of crop end, as fractures more frequently take place near the ends, aided by the weakening caused by bolt holes. Frequent examination by tapping, as in the case of tyres, seems, at present, the most effective safeguard. It is open to serious question, whether the great rigidity of the permanent way of the leading railways of this country is an advantage. Certainly the noise is TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION G. 9 very great, more so than in other countries, and this points to severe shocks, heavy wear and tear of rails and tyres, and—especially when two heavy locomotives are run with the same train—liability to fracture. Whilst the tendency in this country, and in the United States, has been to gradually increase the weight of rails from 40 lbs. up to 100 Ibs. per lineal yard, there are engineers who think that to decrease the rigidity of rail ath fishplate, and weight of chair, and to increase the sleepers, so as to arrive as nearly as possible at a continuous bearing, would result in softness and smoothness of running. The average and maximum speeds now attained by express trains would appear to have reached the limit of safety, at any rate nnder the existing conditions of junctions, cross-over roads, and other interferences with the continuity of the rail. f higher speeds are to be sought, it would seem to be necessary to have isolated trunk lines, specially arranged in all their details, free from sharp curve and severe gradient, and probably worked electrically, although a speed of 100 miles per hour is claimed to have been reached by a steam locomotive in the United States. The grain trade of the port of Liverpool has assumed very large proportions, and the system of storage in large silos has been adopted, with great advantage, both as regards capital, outlay, and the cost of working, per ton of grain. The Liverpool Grain Storage Warehouses at Bootle will be open to Members of the Association, and there can be seen the latest development of the mechanical unloading, storing and distribution of grain in bulk ; the capacity is large, being :— Warehouse No. 1, 56,000 tons . » 2,380,000 ,, or 4,240,000 bushels Quay Stores 20,000 ,, thus constituting this granary as one of the largest, if not the largest, in the world. The question of the pressure of grain is a very difficult one, and, in constructing the brick silos, which are 12 feet across at the top, by nearly 80 feet in depth, large allowance has been made both for ordinary pressure, and for possible swelling of the grain. The grain is unloaded by elevators, and then transported on bands, the result being its cooling and cleansing, as well as its storage and distribution. he question of the early adoption in England of the metric system is of im- ortance not only to the engineering profession, but also to the country at large. he recommendation of the recent Royal Commission, appointed for the consideration of the subject, was, that it should be taught at once in all schools, and that, in two years’ time, its adoption should be compulsory ; but it is much to be regretted that, up to the present time, nothing has been done. The slight and temporary inconvenience of having to learn the system is of no moment compared to the great assistance it would prove to the commercial and trading world; the simplification of calculations and of accounts would be hailed with delight by all so soon as they realised the advantages. England is suffering greatly in her trade with the Continent for want of it. Our foreign customers, who have now used it for many years, will not tolerate the inconvenience of the endless variety of weights and measures in use in England, and they consequently purchase their goods, to a great extent, from Germany, rather than use our antiquated English system. It is no exaggeration to say that, with their knowledge of the metric system, they regard ours as completely obsolete and unworkable, just in the same way as we should were we to buy our corn, our wine, our steel and iron, by the hin, the ephah, or the homer, or to compute our measurements by cubit, stadium, or parasang. Tt behoves all who desire to see England regain her trade to use all their influence in favour of the adoption of this system, as its absence is, doubtless, one of the contributory causes for the loss that has taken, and is taking, place. An important argument in favour of the metric system of weights and measures is that it is adopted all over the civilised world by physicists and chemists; and it may be stated with confidence, that the present international character of these sciences is largely due to this, 10 REPORT—1896, It is interesting also to notice, that the metric system is being gradually intro- duced into other branches of science. Anthropometric measurements made by the Committees of the British Association in this country and in Canada are invariably given in metres, and a comparison with measurements made in other countries can be at once made. The period of twenty-five ae under review has indeed witnessed great advances, both in scientific knowledge and practical application. This progress has led to powerful yet peaceful competition between the leading nations. Both from among our cousins of the United States, and from our nearer neighbours of Europe, have we, at this Meeting, the pleasure of welcoming most respected repre- sentatives. But their presence, and the knowledge of the great discoveries made, and colossal works carried out, by them and their brother scientists and engineers, must make us of Great Britain face with increased earnestness the problem of maintaining our national position, at any rate, in the forefront of all that tends towards the ‘ utilisation of the great sources of power in Nature for the use and convenience of man.’ Those English engineers who have been brought in contact with engineering thought and action in America and abroad have been impressed with the thoroughness of much of the work, the great power of organisation, and the careful reliance upon scientific principles constantly kept in view, and upon chemical and mechanical experiments, carried out often upon a much more elaborate scale than in this country. This is not the place from which to discuss the questions of bounties and tariffs, which have rendered possible powerful com- petition for the supply of machinery and railway plant from the Continent to our own Colonies; but there is certainly need for advance all along the line of mechani- cal science and practice, if we are to hold our own—need especially to study the mechanical requirements of the world, ever widening and advancing, and to be ready to meet them, by inventive faculty first, but also by rigid adherence to sound principles of construction, to the use of materials and workmanship of the highest class, to simplicity of design and detail, and to careful adaptation of our productions to the special circumstances of the various markets. It is impossible to forecast in what direction the great advances since 1871 will be equalled and exceeded in the coming quarter of a century. Progress there will- and must be, probably in increased ratio; and some, at the end of that period, ma: be able to look back upon our gathering here in Liverpool in 1896 as dealing wi subjects then long since left behind in the race towards perfection. The mechanical engineer may fairly hope for still greater results in the per- fection of machinery, the reduction of friction, the economical use of fuel, the substitution of oil for coal as fuel in many cases, and the mechanical treatment of many processes still dependent upon the human hand. The electrical engineer (hampered as he has been in this country by unwise and retrograde legislation) may surely look forward to a wonderful ee in’ the use of that mysterious force, which he has already learned so wonderfully to control, especially in the direction of traction. The civil engineer has still great channels to bridge or tunnel, vast communi- ties to supply with water and illuminating power, and (most probably with the assistance of the electrician) far higher speeds of locomotion to attain. He has before him vast and ever-increasing problems for the sanitary benefit of the world, and it will be for him to deal from time to time with the amazing internal traffic of great cities. China lies before him, Japan welcomes all advance, and Africa is great with opportunities for the coming engineers. ; Let us see to it, then, that our rising engineers are carefully educated and prepared for these responsibilities of the future, and that our scientific brethren may be ever ready to open up for them by their researches fresh vistas of possibili- ties, fresh discoveries of those wonderful powers and facts of Nature which man to all time will never exhaust. The Mechanical Section of the British Association has done good work in this direction in the past, and we may look forward with confidence to our younger brethren to maintain these traditions in the future. Brifish Associafion for fhe Advancement of Science. LIVERPOOL, 1896. ADDRESS TO THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SECTION, BY ARTHUR J. EVANS, M.A, FS.A., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. ‘The Eastern Question’ in Anthropology. TRAVELLERS have ceased to seek for the ‘Terrestrial Paradise,’ but, in a broader sense, the area in which lay the cradle of civilised mankind is becoming generally recognised. The plateaux of Central Asia have receded from our view. Antbropo- logical researches may be said to have established the fact that the White Race, in the widest acceptation of the term, including, that is, the darker-complexioned section of the South and West, is the true product of the region in which the earliest historic records find it concentrated. Its ‘ Area of Characterisation’ is conterminous, in fact, with certain vast physical barriers due to the distribution of sea and land in the latest geological period. The continent in which it rose, shut in between the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans, between the Libyan Desert, and what is now Sahara, and an icier Baltic stretching its vast arms to the Ponto- Caspian basin, embraced, together with a part of anterior Asia, the greater part of Europe, and the whole of Northern Africa The Mediterranean itself—divided into smaller separate basins, with land bridges at the Straits of Gibraltar, and from Sicily and Malta to Tunis—did not seriously break the continuity of the whole. The English Channel, as we know, did not exist, and the old sea-coast of what are now the British Islands, stretching far to the west, is, as Professor Boyd Dawkins has shown, approximately represented by the hundred-fathom line. To this great continent Dr. Brinton, who has so ably illustrated the predominant part played by it in isolating the white from the African black and the yellow races of mankind, has proposed to give the useful and appropriate name of ‘Burafrica.’ In ‘ Eurafrica, in its widest sense, we find the birthplace of the highest civilisations that the world has yet produced, and the mother country of its dominant peoples. It is true that later geological changes have made this continental division no longer applicable. The vast land area has been opened to the east, as if to invite the Mongolian nomads of the seppes and Tundras to mingle with the European population ; the Mediterranean bridges, on the other hand, have been swept away. Asia has advanced, Africa has receded. Yet the old underlying connexion of the peoples to the north and south of the Mediterranean basin seems never to have been entirely broken. Their inter-relations affect many of the most interesting phenomena of archeology and ancient history, and the old geographical unity of ‘ Eurafrica’ was throughout a great extent of its area revived in the great political system which still forms the basis of civilised society, the Roman Empire. The Mediterranean was a Roman lake. A single fact brings home to us the extent to H 2 REPORT—1896. which the earlier continuity of Europe and North Africa asserted itself in the imperial economy. At one time, what is now Morocco and what is now Northumberland, with all that lay between them on both sides of the Pyrenees, found their administrative centre on the Mosel. It is not for me to dwell on the many important questions affecting the physio- logical sides of ethnography that are bound up with these old geographical relniaag I will, however, at least call attention to the interesting, and in many ways original, theory put forward by Professor Sergi in his recent work on the ‘ Mediter- ranean Race.’ Professor Sergi is not content with the ordinary use of the term ‘ White Race.’ — He distinguishes a distinct ‘ brown’ or ‘brunette’ branch, whose swarthier com- lexion, however, and dark hair bear no negroid affinities, and are not due to an: intermixture on that side. This race, with dolichocephalic skulls, amongst whi certain clearly defined types constantly repeat themselves, he traces throughout the Mediterranean basin, from Hgypt, Syria, and Asia Minor, through a large part of Southern Europe, including Greece, Italy, and the Iberic peninsula, to the British islands. It is distributed along the whole of North Africa, and, according to the theory propounded, finds its original centre of diffusion somewhere in the parts of Somaliland. : It may be said at once that this grouping together into a consistent system of ethnic factors spread over this vast yet inter-related area—the heart of ‘ Eurafrica’— presents many attractive aspects. The ancient Greek might not have accepted kinship even with ‘the blameless Ethiopian,’ but those of us who may happen to combine a British origin with a Mediterranean complexion may derive a certain ancestral pride from remote consanguinity with Pharaoh. They may even be willing to admit that ‘the Ethiopian’ in the course of his migrations has done much to ‘change his skin.’ In part, at least, the new theory is little more than a re-statement of an ethno- graphic grouping that commands a general consensus of opinion, From Thurnam’s time onwards we have been accustomed to regard the dolichocephalic type found in the early Long Barrows, and what seem to have been the later survivals of the same stock in our islands, as fitting on to the Iberian element in South-western Europe. The extensive new materials accumulated by Dr. Garson have only served to corroborate these views, while further researches have shown that the character- istic features of the skeletons found in the Ligurian caves, at Cro Magnon and elsewhere in France, are common to those of a large part of Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia, and extend not only to the Iberiec group, but to the Guanche interments of the Canary Islands. The newly correlated data unquestionably extend the field of comparison; but the theories as to the original home of this ‘ Mediterranean race’ and the course of its diffusion may be thought to be still somewhat lacking in documentary evidence. They remind us rather too closely of the old ‘Aryan’ hypothesis, in which we were almost instructed as to the halting places of the different detach- ments as they passed on their way from their Central Asian cradle to rearrange themselves with military precision, and exactly in the order of their relationship, in their distant European homes. The existing geological conditions are tie the basis of this migratory expansion from Ethiopia to Ireland; parallel streams move through North Africa and from Anatolia to Southern Europe. One cardinal fact has certainly not received attention, and that is, that the existing evidence of this Mediterranean type dates much further back on European soil than even in ancient Egypt. Professor Sergi himself has recognised the extraordinary continuity of the cranial type of the Ligurian caves among the modern population of that coast. But this continuity involves an extreme antiquity for the settlement of the ‘ Mediterranean Race’ in North-western Italy aa Southern France. The cave interments, such as those of the Finalese, carry back the type well into Neolithic — times. But the skeletons of the Baoussé Roussé caves, between Mentone and Ventimiglia, which reproduce the same characteristic forms, take us back far behind any stage of culture to which the name of Neolithic can be properly applied. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. 3 The importance of this series of interments is so unique, and the fulness of the evidence so far surpasses any other records immediately associated with the earliest remains of man, that even in this brief survey they seem to demand more than a passing notice. So much, at least, must be admitted on all hands: an earlier stage of culture is exhibited in these deposits than that which has hitherto been regarded as the mini- mum equipment of the men of the later Stone Age. The complete absence of ottery, of polished implements, of domesticated animals—all the more striking rom the absolute contrast presented by the rich Neolithic cave burials a little further up the same coast —how is it to be explained? The long flint knives, the bone and shell ornaments, might, indeed, find partial parallels among Neolithic remains ; but does not, after ull, the balance of comparison incline to that more ancient group belonging to the ‘ Reindeer Period’ in the South of France, as illus- rated by the eaves of La Madeleine, Les Eyzies and Solutré ? It is true that, in an account of the interments found in 1892 in the Barma Grande Cave, given by me to the Anthropological Institute, I was myself so pre- possessed by the still dominant doctrine that the usage of burial was unknown to Paleolithic man, and so overpowered by the vision of the yawning hiatus between him and his Neolithic successor, that I failed to realise the full import of the evidence. On that occasion I took refuge in the suggestion that we had here to deal with an earlier Neolithic stratum than any hitherto recorded. ‘ Neolithic,’ that is, without the Neolithic. But the accumulation of fresh data, and especially the critical observations of M. d’Acy and Professor Issel, have convinced me that this intermediate position is untenable. From the great depth below the original surface, of what in all cases seem to have been homogeneous quaternary deposits, at which the human remains were found, it is necessary to suppose, if the interments took place at a later period, that pits in many cases from 30 to 40 feet deep must have been excavated in ’ the cave earth. But nothing of the kind has been detected, nor any intrusion of extraneous materials. On the other hand, the gnawed or defective condition of the extremities in several cases points clearly to superficial and imperfect interment of the body; and in one case parts of the same core from which flints found with the skeleton had been chipped were found some metres distant on the same floor level. Are we, then, to imagine that another pit was expressly dug to bury these ? In the case of a more recently discovered and as yet unpublished interment, at the excavation of which I was so fortunate as to assist, the superficial character of the deposit struck the eye. The skeleton, with flint knife and ochre near, decked out with the usual shell and deer’s tooth ornaments, lay as if in the attitude of sleep, somewhat on the left side. The middle of the body was covered with a lar flat stone, with two smaller ones lying by it, while another large stone was laid over the feet. The left arm was bent under the head as if to pillow it, but the extremities of the right arm and the toes were suggestively deficient : the surface covering of big stones had not sufficiently protected them. The stones themselves seem in turn to have served as a kind of hearth, for a stratum of charred and burned bones about 45 em. thick lay about them. Is it reasonable to suppose that a deposit of this kind took place at the bottom ofa pit over 20 feet deep, left open an indefinite time for the convenience of roasting venison at the bottom ? A rational survey of the evidence in this asin the other cases leads to the conclu- sion that we have to deal with surface burial, or, if that word seems too strong, with simple ‘ seposition ’—the imperfect covering with handy stones of the dead bodies as they lay in the attitude of sleep on the then floor of the cavern. In other words, they are zn situ in a late quaternary deposit, for which Professor Issel has proposed the name of ‘ Meiolithie. ut if this conclusion is to hold good, we have here on the northern coast of the Mediterranean evidence of the existence of a late Paleolithic race, the essential features of which, in the opinion of most competent osteological inquirers, reappear in the Neolithic skeletons of the same Ligurian coast, and still remain characteristic of the historical Ligurian type. In other words, the ‘ Mediterranean Race’ finds H2 4 REPORT—1896. its first record in the West; and its diffusion, so far from having necessarily followed the lines of later geographical divisions, may well have begun at a time when the land bridges of ‘ Eurafrica’ were still unbroken. : There is nothing, indeed. in all this to exclude the hypothesis that the original expansion took place from the East African side, That the earliest homes of primeval man lay in a warm region can hardly be doubted, and the abundant discovery by Mr. Seton Karr in Somaliland of Paleolithic implements reproducing many of the most characteristic forms of those of the grottoes of the Dordogne affords a new link of connexion between the Red Sea and the Atlantic littoral. When we recall the spontaneous artistic qualities of the ancient race which has left its records in the carvings on bone and ivory in the caves of the ‘ Reindeer Period,’ this evidence of at least partial continuity on the northern shores of the Mediterranean suggests speculations of the deepest interest. Overlaid with new elements, swamped in the dull, though materially higher, Neolithic civilisation, may not the old wsthetic faculties which made Europe the earliest-known home of unything that can be called human art, as opposed to mere tools and mechanical contrivances, have finally emancipated themselves once more in the Southern regions, where the old stock most survived? In the extraordinary manifestations of artistic genius to which, at widely remote periods, and under the most diverse political conditions, the later populations of Greece and Italy have given birth, may we not be allowed to trace the re-emergence, as it were, after long underground meanderings, of streams whose upper waters had seen the daylight of that earlier world ? : ‘ But the vast gulf of time beyond which it is necessary to carry back our gaze in order to establish such connexions will hardly permit us to arrive at more than vague probabilities. The practical problems that concern the later culture of Europe from Neolithic times onwards connect themselves rather with its relation to that of the older civilisations on the southern and eastern Mediterranean shores, Anthropology, too, has its ‘ Eternal Eastern Question.’ Till within quite recent years, the glamour of the Orient pervaded all inquiries as to the genesis of European civilisation. The Biblical training of the northern nations prepared the ground. The imperfect realisation of the antiquity of European arts; on the other hand, the imposing chronology of Egypt and Babylonia; the abiding force of classical tradition, which found in the Phoenician a deus ex machind for exotic importations; finally, the ‘Aryan Hypothesis, which brought in the dominant European races as immigrant wanderers from Central Asia, with a ready-made stock of culture in their wallets—these and other causes combined to create an exaggerated estimate of the part played by the Hast as the illuminator of the benighted West. More recent investigations have resulted in a natural reaction. The primitive ‘ Aryan’ can be no longer invoked as a kind of patriarchal missionary of Central Asian culture. From d’Halloy and Latham onwards to Penka and Schrader an array of eminent names has assigned to him an European origin. The means by which a kindred tongue diffused itself among the most heterogeneous ethnic factors still remain obscure; but the stricter application of phonetic laws and the increased detection of loan-words has cut down the original ‘ Aryan’ stock of culture to very narrow limits, and entirely stripped the members of this linguistic family of any trace of a common Pantheon. Whatever the character of the original ‘ Aryan’ stage, we may be very sure that it lies far back in the mists of the European Stone Age. The supposed common names for metals prove to be either a vanishing quantity or strikingly irrelevant. It may be interesting to learn on unimpeachable authority that the Celtic words for ‘gold’ are due to comparatively recent borrowing from the Latin; but nothing is more certain than that gold was one of the earliest metals known to the Celtic races, its knowledge going back to the limits of the pure Stone Age. We are told that the Latin ‘ensis, ‘a sword,’ is identical with the Sanskvit ‘asi’ and Iranian ‘ahi, but the gradual evolution of the sword from the dagger, only completed at a late period of the Bronze Age, is a commonplace of prehistoric archeology. If ‘ensis,’ then, in historical times an iron sword, originally meant a TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. » bronze dagger, may not the bronze dagger in its turn resolve itself into a flint knife ? The truth is that the attempts to father on a common Aryan stock the beginnings of metallurgy argue an astonishing inability to realise the vast antiquity of languages and their groups. Yet we know that, as far back as we have any written records, the leading branches of the Aryan family of speech stood almost as far apart as they do to-day, and the example of the Egyptian and Semitic groups, which Maspero and others consider to have been originally con- nected, leads to still move striking results. From the earliest Egyptian stela to the latest Coptic liturgy we find the main outlines of what is substantially the same language preserved for a period of some six thousand years. The Semitic languages in their characteristic shape show a continuous history almost as ex- tensive. For the date of the diverging point of the two groups we must have recourse to a chronology more familiar to the geologist than the antiquary. As importer of exotic arts into primitive Europe the Phoenician has met the fate of the immigrants from the Central Asian ‘ Arya.’ The days are gone past when it could be seriously maintained that the Phoenician merchant landed on the coast of Cornwall, or built the dolmens of the North and West. A truer view of many trade as passing on by inter-tribal barter has superseded the idea of a irect commerce between remote localities. The science of prehistoric archeology, following the lead of the Scandinavian School, has established the existence in every province of local centres of early metallurgy, and it is no longer believed that the implements and utensils of the European Bronze Age were imported wholesale by Semites or ‘ Etruscans.’ It is, however, the less necessary for me to trace in detail the course of this re- action against the exaggerated claims of Hastern influence that the case for the independent position of primitive Nurope has been recently summed up with fresh arguments, and in his usual brilliant and incisive style, by M. Salomon Reinach, in his *‘ Mirage Orientale. For many ancient prejudices as to the early relations of East and West it is the trumpet sound before the walls of Jericho. It may, indeed, be doubted whether, in the impetuousness of his attack, M. Reinach, though he has rapidly brought up his reserves inhis more recent work on primitive European sculpture, has not been tempted to occupy outlying positions in the enemy’s country which will hardly be found tenable in the long run. I cannot myself, for instance, be brought to believe that the rude marble ‘ idols’ of the primitive “Zgean popula- tion were copied on Chaldean cylinders. I may have occasion to point out that the oriental elements in the typical higher cultures of primitive Europe, such as those of Mycene, of Hallstatt, and La Téne, are more deeply rooted than M. Reinach will admit. But the very considerable extent to which the early European civilisation was of independent evolution has been nowhere so skilfully focussed into light as in these comprehensive essays of M. Reinach. It is always a great gain to have the extreme European claims so clearly formulated, but we must still remember that the ‘Sick Man’ is not dead. The proofs of a highly developed metallurgic industry of home growth accu- mulated by prehistoric students par? passu over the greater nh of Europe, and the considerable cultural equipment of its early population—illustrated, for example, in the Swiss Lake settlements—had already prepared the way for the more start- ling revelations as to the prehistoric civilisation of the A2gean world which have resulted from Dr. Schliemann’s diggings at Troy, Tiryns, and Mycenm, so admirably followed up by Dr. Tsountas. This later civilisation, to which the general name of ‘ gean’ has been given, shows several stages, marked in succession by typical groups of finds, such as those from the Second City of Troy, from the cist-graves of Amorgos, from beneath the voleanic stratum of Thera, from the shaft-graves of Mycenee, and again from the tombs of the lower town. Roughly, it falls into two divisions, for the earlier of which the culture illustrated by the remains of Amorgos may be taken as the ae point, while the later is inseparably connected with the name of yeene. The early ‘ Aigean’ culture rises in the midst of a vast province extending from 6 REPORT—1896, Switzerland and Northern Italy through the Danubian basin and the Balkan ninsula, and continued through a large part of Anatolia, till it finally reaches yprus. It should never be left out of sight that, so far as the earliest historical tradition and geographical nomenclature reach back, a great tract of Asia Minor is found in the occupation of men of European race, of whom the Phrygians and their kin—closely allied to the 'Thracians on the other side of the Bosphorus— stand forth as the leading representatives. Qn the other hand, the great antiquity of the Armenoid type in Lycia and other easterly parts of Asia Minor, and its priority to the Semites in these regions, has been demonstrated by the craniological researches of Dr. von Luschan. This ethnographic connexion with the European stock, the antiquity of which is carried back by Egyptian records to the second millennium before our era, is fully borne out by the archeological evidence. Very similar examples of ceramic manufactures recur over the whole of this vast region. The resemblances extend even to minutiz of ornament, as is well shown by the examples compared by Dr. Much from the Mondsee, in Upper Austria, from the earliest stratum of Hissarlik, and from Cyprus. It is in the same Anatolo-Danubian area—as M, Reinach has well pointed out—that we find the original centre of diffusion of the ‘Svastika’ motive in the Old World. Copper implements, and weapons too, of primitive types, some reproducing Neolithic forms, are also a common characteristic, though it must always be remembered that the mere fact that an implement is of copper does not of itself necessitate its belonging to the earliest metal age, and that the freedom from alloy was often simply due to a tem- porary deficiency of tin. Cyprus, the land of copper, played, no doubt, a leading part in the dissemination of this early metallurgy, and certain typical pins and other objects found in the Alpine and Danubian regions have been traced back by Dr. Naue and others to Cypriote prototypes. The same parallelism throughout this vast area comes out again in the appearance of a class of primitive ‘idols’ of clay, marble, and other materials, extending from Cyprus to the Troad and the A%gean islands, and thence to the pile settlements of the Alps and the Danubian basin, while kindred forms can be traced beyond the Carpathians to a vast northern Neolithic province that stretches to the shores of Lake Ladoga. It is from the centre of this old Anatolo-Danubian area of primitive culture, in which Asia Minor appears as a part of Europe, that the new Jgean civilisation rises from the sea. ‘Life was stirring in the waters.’ ‘The notion that the maritime enterprise of the Eastern Mediterranean began on the exposed and comparatively harbourless coast of Syria and Palestine can no longer be main- tained. The island world of the 4Jgean was the natural home of primitive navi- gation. The early sea-trade of the inhabitants gave them a start over their neighbours, and produced a higher form of culture, which was destined to react on that of a vast European zone—nay, even upon that of the older civilisations of Egypt and Asia. f The earlier stage of this Aigean culture culminates in what may conveniently be called the Period of Amorgos from the abundant tombs explored by Dr. Diimm- ler and others in that island. Here we already see the proofs of a widespread commerce. The ivory ornaments point to the South ; the abundance of silver may even suggest an intercourse along the Libyan coast with the rich silver-producing region of South-eastern Spain, the very ancient exploitation of which has been so splendidly illustrated by the researches of the brothers Siret. Additional weight is lent to this presumption by the recurrence in these Spanish deposits of pots with rude indications of eyes and eyebrows, recalling Schliemann’s owl-faced urns; of stone ‘idols,’ practically identical with those of Troy and the Aigean islands, here too associated with marble cups of the same simple forms; of triangular daggers of copper and bronze, and of bronze swords which seem to stand in a filial relation to an‘Amorgan’ type of dagger. In a former communication to this Section I ventured to see in the so-called ‘Cabiri’ of Malta—very far removed from any Phcenician sculpture—an intermediate link between the Iberian group and that of the Aigean, and to trace on the fern-like ornaments of the altar-stone a comparison with the naturalistic motives of proto-Mycenean art, as seen, for instance, on the early vases of Thera and Therasia. » TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. 7 A Chaldean influence cannot certainly be excluded from this early Aigean art. It reveals itself, for instance, in indigenous imitations of Babylonian cylinders. My own conclusion that the small marble figures of the A%gean deposits, though of indigenous European lineage, were in their more developed types influenced by Istar models from the East, has since been independently arrived at by the Danish archeologist, Dr. Blinkenburg, in his study on prae-Mycenzan art. More especially the returning-spiral decoration, which in the ‘ Amorgan Period’ appears upon seals, rings, bowls, and caskets of steatite, leads us to a very interest- ing field of comparison. his motive, destined to play such an important part in the history of Muropean ornament, is absent from the earlier products of the great Anatolo-Danubian province. As a European design it is first found on these insular fabrics, and it is important to observe that it first shows itself in the form of reliefs on stone. The generally accepted idea, put forward by Dr. Milchhotler, that it originated here from applied spirals on metal work is thus seen to be bereft of historical justification. At a somewhat later date we find this spiraliform motive communicating itself to the ceramic products of the Danubian region, though from the bold relief in which it sometimes appears, a reminiscence of the earlier steatite reliefs seems still traceable. In the late Neolithic pile-station of Butmir, in Bosnia, this spiral decoration appears in great perfection on the pottery, and is here associated with clay images of very advanced fabric. At Lengyel, in Hungary, and elsewhere, we see it applied to primitive painted pottery. Finally, in the later Hungarian Bronze Age it is transferred to metal work. But this connexion—every link of which can be made out—of the lower Danubian Bronze Age decoration with the gean spiral system—itself much earlier in origin—has a very important bearing on the history of ornament in the North and West. ‘he close relation of the Bronze Age culture of Scandinavia and North-western Germany with that of Hungary is clearly established, and of the many valuable contributions made by Dr. Montelius to prehistoric archeology, none is more brilliant than his demonstration that this parallelism of culture between the North-west and South-east owes its origin to the most ancient course of the amber trade from the North Sea shores of Jutland by the valley of the Elbe and Moldau to the Danubian Basin. As Dr. Montelius has also shown, there was, besides, a western extension of this trade to our own islands, If Scandinavia and its borderlands were the source of amber, [reland was the land of gold. The wealth of the precious metal there is illustrated by the fact that, even as late as 1796, the gold washings of County Wicklow amounted to 10,0007. A variety of evidence shows a direct connexion between Great Britain and Seandinavia from the end of the Stone Age onwards. Gold diadems of unquestionably British—probably Irish—fabric have been found in Seeland and Fiinen, and from the analysis of early gold ornaments it clearly results that it was from Ireland rather than the Ural that Northern and Central Europe was supplied. Mr. Coffey, who has made an exhaustive study of the early Irish monuments, has recently illustrated this early connexion by other comparisons, notably the appearance of a design which he identifies with the early caryings of boats on the rocks of Scandinavia. This prolongation of the Bronze Age trade route—already traced from the Middle Danube—from Scandinavia to Ireland, ought it to be regarded as the historic clue to the contemporary appearance of the spiral motive in the British Islands? Is it to this earlier intercourse with the land of the Vikings that we must ascribe the spiral scrolls on the slabs of the great chambered barrows of the Irish Bronze Age—best seen in the most imposing of them all, before the portal and on the inner chambers of New Grange ? The possibility of such a connexion must be admitted; the probability is great that the contemporary appearance of the spiraliform ornament in Ireland and on the Continent of Europe is due to direct derivation. It is, of course, conceivable that such a simple motive as the returning spiral may have originated independently in various parts of Lurope, as it did originate in other parts of the world. But anthropology has ceased to content itself with the mere accumulation of sporadic coincidences. It has become a historic study. It is not sutlicient to know how 8 REPORT—1896. such and such phenomena may have originated, but how, as a matter of fact, they did. Uence in the investigation of origins and evolution the special value of the European field where the evidence has been more perfectly correlated and the continuous records go further back. An isolated example of the simple yolute design belonging to the ‘Reindeer Period’ has been found in the grotto of Arudy. But the earliest cultural strata of Europe, from the beginning of the Neolithic period onwards, betray an entire absence of the returning spiral motive. When we find it later propagating itself as a definite ornamental system in a regular chronological succession throughout an otherwise inter-related European zone, we have every right to trace it to a common source. But it does not therefore follow that the only alternative is to believe that the spiral decoration of the Irish monuments necessarily connects itself with the ancient stream of intercourse flowing from Scandinavia. We have to remember that the Western lands of gold and tin were the goals of other prehistoric routes. Especially must we bear in mind the early evidence of intercourse between the British Isles and the old Iberic region of the opposite shores of the Continent. The derivation of certain forms of Bronze Age types in Britain and Ireland from this side has already been demonstrated by my father, and British or Irish bronze flat axes with their characteristic ornamentation have in their turn been found in Spain as well asin Denmark. The peculiar technique of certain Irish flint arrowheads of the same period, in which chipping and grind- ing are combined, is also characteristic of the Iberian province, and seems to lead to very extended comparisons on the Libyan side, recurring as it does in the exquisite handiwork of the non-Egyptian race whose relics Mr. Petrie has brought to light at Nagada. In prehistoric Spanish deposits, again, are found the actual wallet-like baskets with in-curving sides, the prototypes of a class of clay food- vessels which (together with a much wider distribution) are of specially frequent occurrence in the British Isles as well as the old Iberian area. If the spiral decoration had been also a feature of the Scandinavian rock carvings, the argument for derivation from that side would have been strong. — But they are not found in them, and, on the other hand, the sculptures on the dolmens of the Morbihan equally show certain features common to the Irish stone chambers, including the primitive ship figure. The spiral itself does not appear cn these ; but the more the common elements between the Megalithic piles, rot only of the old Iberian tract on the mainland, including Brittany, but in the islands of the West Mediterranean basin, are realised, the more probable it becomes that the y impulse came from this side, The prehistoric buildings of Malta, hitherto spoken of as ‘Pheenician temples, which show in their primitive conception a great affinity to the Megalithic chambers of the earliest British barrows, bear witness on this side to the extension of the Aigean spiral system in a somewhat advanced stage, and accompanied, as at New Grange, with intermediate lozenges. In Sardinia, as I hope to show, there is evidence of the former existence of monu- ments of Mycenan architecture in which the chevron, the lozenge, and the spiral might have been seen associated as in Ireland. It is on this line, rather than on the Danube and the Elbe, that we find in a continuous zone that Cyclopean tradition of domed chambers which is equally illustrated at Mycenze and at New Grange. These are not more thau indications, but they gain additional force from the converging evidence to which attention has already been called of an ancient line of intercourse, mainly, we may believe, connected with the tin trade between the East Mediterranean basin and the Iberian West. A further corroboration of the view that an A2gean impulse propagated itself as far as our own islands from that side is perhaps afforded be a very remarkable find in a British barrow. I refer to the Bronze Age interment excavated by Canon Greenwell on Folkton Wold, in Yorkshire, in which, beside the body of a child, were found three carved chalk objects resembling round boxes with bossed lids. On one of these lids were grouped together, with a lozenge-shaped space between them, two partly spirali- form partly concentric circular ornaments, which exhibit before our eyes the — degeneration of two pairs of returning spiral ornaments. Upon the sides of two of these chalk caskets, associated with chevrons, saltires, and lozenges, were rude TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. 9 indications of faces—eyes and nose of bird-like character—curiously recalling the early Aigean and Trojan types of Dr. Schliemann. These, as M. Reinach has ointed out, also find an almost exact parallel in the rude indications of the human face seen on the sculptured menhirs of the Marne and the Gard valleys. To this may be added the interesting comparisons supplied by certain clay vessels, of rounded form, somewhat resembling the chalk ‘caskets’ discovered by MM. Siret in Spanish interments of the early metal age, in which eyes and eyebrows of a primitive style are inserted, as on the British relics, in the inter-spaces of linear ornamentation. The third chalk dise exhibits, in place of the human face, a butterfly with volute antenne, reminding us of the appearance of butterflies as a decorative motive on the gold roundels trom the shaft-graves of Mycene, as also on early Mycenzean gems of steatite from Crete ; in the latter case with the feelers curving outwards in the same way. The stellate design with central circles on the lid of one of the chalk caskets is itself not impossibly a distant degeneration of the star-flowers on the same Mycenan plates. Putting all these separate elements of resemblance together—the returning spiral and star, the rude face and butterfly— the suggestion of /Sgean reminiscence becomes strong, but the other parallels lead us for the line of its transmission towards the Iberian rather than the Scandi- navian route.’ So much, at least, results from these various comparisons that, whether we find the spiral motive in the extreme West or North of Europe, everything points to the Aigean world as its first European centre. But have we any right to regard it, even there, as of indigenous evolution ? It had been long my own conviction that the ASgean spiral system must itself be regarded as an offshoot of that of ancient Egypt, which as a decorative motive on scarabs goes back, as Professor Petrie has shown, to the Fourth Dynasty. During the time of the Twelfth Dynasty, which, on general grounds, may be sup- posed roughly to correspond with the ‘Amorgan Period’ of Agean culture, it attained its apogee. The spiral convolutions now often cover the whole field of the scarab, and the motive begins to spread to a class of black bucchero vases the chall inlaying of whose ornaments suggests widespread European analogies. But the important feature to observe is that here, as in the case of the early Agean examples, the original material on which the spiral ornament appears is stone, and that, so far from being derived from an advanced type of metal work, it goes back in Egypt to a time when metal was hardly known. The prevalence of the spiral ornamentation on stone work in the /Egean islands and contemporary Egypt, was it merely to be regarded as a coincidence? To turn one’s eyes to the Nile Valley, was it simply another instance of the ‘ Mirage Orientale’? For my own part, I ventured to believe that, as in the case of Northern Europe, the spread of this system was connected with many collateral symptoms of commercial inter-connexion, so here, too, the appearance of this early /®gean ornament would be found to lead to the demonstration of a direct inter- course between the Greek islands and Egypt at least a thousand years earlier than any that had hitherto been allowed. One’s thoughts naturally turned to Crete, the central island, with one face on the Libyan Sea—the natural source and seminary of gean culture—where fresh light was already being thrown on the Mycenzean civilisation by the researches of Professor Halbherr, but the earlier prehistoric remains of which were still unex- plored. Nor were these expectations unfounded. As the result of three expe- ditions—undertaken in three successive years, from the last of which I returned three months since—it has been my fortune to collect a series of evidences of a very early and intimate contact with Egypt, going back at least to.the Twelfth 1 A further piece of evidence pointing in this direction is supplied by one of the chalk ‘caskets.’ On the upper disc of this, in the place corresponding with the double-spirals on the other example, appears a degeneration of the same motive in a more compressed form, resembling two sets of concentric horseshoes united at their bases. This recurs at New Grange, and single sets of concentric horseshoes, or semi- circles, are found both there and at Gavrinnis. The degeneration of the returning spiral motive extends therefore to Brittany. H3 10 REPORT—1896. Dynasty, and to the earlier half of the third millennium before our era. It is not only that in primitive deposits, like that of Hagios Onuphrios, scarabs, acknow- ledged by ee archeologists to be of Twelfth Dynasty date, occurred in association with steatite seals presenting the ASgean spiral ornamentation, and with early pottery answering to that of Amorgos and the second city of Troy. This by itself might be regarded by many as convincing. But,—what from the point of view of intercourse and chronology is even more important,—in the same deposit and elsewhere occurred early button-shaped and triangular seals of steatite with undoubted indigenous copies of Egyptian lotos designs characteristic of the same ped, while in the case of the three-sided bead-seals it was possible to trace a regular evolution leading down to Mycenzean times. Nor was this all. Through- out the whole of the island there came to light a great variety of primitive stone vases, mostly of steatite, a large proportion of which reproduced the characteristic forms of Egyptian stone vases, in harder materials, going far back into the Ancient Empire. ‘The returning spiral motive is also associated with these, as may be seen from a specimen now in the collection of Dr. Naue, of Munich. A geological phenomenon which I was able to ascertain in the course of my recent exploration of the eastern part of the island goes far to explain the great importance which these steatite or ‘soapstone’ fabrics played in the primitive culture of Crete and the Augean islands. In the valley of the Sarakina stream I came upon vast deposits of this material, the diffusion of which could be further traced along a considerable tract of the southern coast. The abundant presence of this attractive and, at the same time, easily workable stone—then incomparably more valuable, owing to the imperfection of the potter’s art—goes far to explain the extent to which these ancient Egyptian forms were imitated, and the conse- quent spread of the returning spiral motive throughout the fBigean. In the matter of the spiral motive, Crete may thus be said to be the missing link between prehistoric Ireland and Scandinavia and the Egypt of the Ancient Empire. But the early remains of the island illustrate in many other ways the comparatively high level of culture already reached by the Aigean population in pre-Mycenean times, Especially are they valuable in supplying the antecedent stages to many characteristic elements of the succeeding Mycenvean civilisation. This ancestral relationship is nowhere more clearly traceable than in a class of relics which bear out the ancient claim of the islanders that they themselves had invented a system of writing to which the Pheenicians did not do more than add the finishing touches. Already, at the Oxford meeting of the Association, I was able to call attention to the evidence of the existence ot a prehistoric Cretan script evolved by gradual simplification and selection from an earlier picture writing. This earlier stage is, roughly speaking, illustrated by a series of primitive seals belonging to the ‘Period of Amorgos.’ In the succeeding Mycenwan age the — script is more conventionalised, often linear, and though developments of the earlier forms of seals are frequently found, they are usually of harder materials, and the system is applied to other objects. As the result of my most recent investigations, I am now able to announce the discovery of an inscribed pre- historic relic, which surpasses in interest and importance all hitherto known objects of this class. It consists of a fragment of what may be described as a steatite ‘Table of Offerings,’ bearing part of what appears to be a dedication of nine letters of probably syllabic values, answering to the same early Cretan script that is seen on the seals, and with two punctuations. It was obtained from the lowest level of a Mycenzean stratum, containing numerous votive objects, in the gteat cave of Mount Dikta, which, according to the Greek legend, was the birthplace of Zeus. This early Cretan script, which precedes by centuries the most ancient records of Pheenician writing, and supplies, at any rate, very close analogies to what may be supposed to have been the pictorial prototypes of several of the Phcenician etters, stands in a direct relation to the syllabic characters used at a later date by the Greeks of Cyprus. The great step in the history of writing implied by the evolution of symbols of phonetic value from primitive pictographs is thus shown to have effected itself on European soil. In many other ways the culture of Mycenee—that extraordinary revelation from TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. ll the soil of prehistoric Greece—can be shown to be rooted in this earlier Egean stratum, The spiral system, still seen in much of its pure original form on the gold vessels and ornaments from the earlier shaft-graves of Mycenw, is simply the translation into metal of the pre-existing steatite decoration." The Mycenean repoussé work in its most developed stage as applied to human and eral subjects has probably the same origin in stone work. Cretan examples, indeed, give the actual transition in which an intaglio in dark steatite is coated with a thin gold plate impressed into the design. On the other hand, the noblest of all creations of the Mycenzan goldsmith’s art, the Vaphio cups, with their bold reliefs, illustrating the hunting and capture of wild bulls, find their nearest analogy in a fragment of a cup, procured by me from Knésos, of black Cretan steatite, with naturalistic reliefs, exhibiting a fig-tree in a sacred enclosure, an altar, and men in high action, which in all probability was originally coated, like the intaglio, with thin plates of gold. In view of some still prevalent theories as to the origin of Mycenzan art, it is important to bear in mind these analogies and connexions, which show how deeply set its roots are in Agean soil. The Vaphio cups, especially, from their superior art, have been widely regarded as of exotic fabric. That the art of an European population in prehistoric times should have risen above that of contemporary Egypt and Babylonia was something beyond the comprehension of the traditional school. These most characteristic products of indigenous skill, with their spirited representations of a sport the traditional home of which in later times was the Thessalian plains, have been, therefore, brought from ‘Northern Syria’! Yet a whole series of Mycenzean gems exists executed in the same bold naturalistic style, and of local materials, such as lapis Lacedsemonius, the subjects of which are drawn from the same artistic cycle as those of the cups, and not one of these has as yet been found on the Eastern Mediterranean shores. Like the other kindred intaglios, they all come from the Peloponnese, from Crete, from the shores and islands of the A®gean, from the area, that is, where their materials were procured. Their lentoid and almond-shaped forms are altogether foreign to Semitic usage, which clung to the cylinder and cone, The finer products of the Mycenean glyptic art on harder materials were, in fact, the outcome of long apprentice studies of the earlier A2gean population, of which we have now the record in the primitive Cretan seals, and the explanation in the vast beds of such an easily worked material as steatite. But the importation of the most characteristic Mycenean products from ‘Northern Syria’ has become quite a moderate proposition beside that which we have now before us. In a recent communication to the French Academy of Inscriptions, Dr. Helbig has re-introduced to us a more familiar figure. Driven from his prehistoric haunts on the Atlantic coasts, torn from the Cassiterides, dis- lodged even from his Thucididean plantations in pre-Hellenic Sicily, the Phoenician has returned, tricked out as the true ‘ Mycenzan.’ A great part of Dr, Helbig’s argument has been answered by anticipation. Regardless of the existence of a regular succession of intermediate glyptic types, such as the ‘ Melian’ gems and the engraved seals of the geometrical deposits of the Greek mainland, like those of Olympia and of the Hermon at Argos, which link the Myceneean with the classical series, Dr. Helbig takes a verse of Homer to hang from it a theory that seals and engraved stones were unknown to the early Greeks. On this imaginary fact he builds the astounding statement that the engraved gems and seals found with Mycenean remains must be of foreign and, as he believes, Phcenician importation. The stray diffusion of one or two examples of Mycenean pots to the coast of Palestine, the partial re- semblance of some Hittite bronze figures, executed in a more barbarous Syrian style, to specimens of quite different fabric found at Tiryns, Mycenz, and, it may be added, in a Cretan cave near Sybrita, the wholly unwarranted attribution to Phoenicia of a bronze vase-handle found in Cyprus, exhibiting the typical lion- headed demons of the Mycenswans—these are only a few salient examples of the See Hellenic Journal, xii, (1892 p 221 12 REPORT—1896. a reasoning by which the whole prehistoric civilisation of the Greek world, so instinct with naturalism and individuality, is handed over to the least original member of the Semitic race. The absence in historic Greece of such arts as that of intarsia in metal work, of glass-making (if true) and of porcelain-making, is used as a conclusive argument against their practice by an A%gean population, of uncertain stock, a thousand years earlier, as ifin the intervening dark ages between the primitive civilisation of the Greek lands and the Classical Renaissance no arts could have been lost! Finally, the merchants of Kefté depicted on the Egyptian monuments are once more claimed as Phoenicians, and with them—though this is by no means a necessary conclusion, even from the premise—the precious gifts they bear, in- cluding vases of characteristic Mycenman form and ornament. All this is pone opposed to the conclusions of the most careful inquirer into the origins of this mysterious people, Dr. W. Max Miiller (to be distinguished from the eminent Professor), who shows that the list of countries m which Kefté occurs places them beyond the limit of Phoenicia or of any Semitic country, and connects them rather with’ Cilicia and with Cyprus, the scene, as we now know, of important Mycenvean plantations. It is certain that not only do the Keftiu traders bear articles of Mycenzean fabric, but their costume, which is wholly un-Semitic, their leggings and sandals, and the long double locks of hair streaming down below their armpits, identify them with the men of the frescoes of Mycenz, and of the Vaphio and Knoésian cups. The truth is that these Syrian and Pheenician theories are largely to be traced to the inability to understand the extent to which the primitive inhabitants of the Mgean shores had been able to assimilate exotic arts without losing their own individuality. The precocious offspring of our Continent, first come to man’s estate in the Algean island world, had acquired cosmopolitan tastes, and already stretched forth his hands to pluck the fruit of knowledge from Oriental boughs. He had adopted foreign fashions of dress and ornament. His artists revelled in lion- hunts and palm-trees. His very worship was infected by the creations of foreign religions. The great extent to which the Mycenzans had assimilated exotic arts and - ideas can only be understood when it is realised that this adaptive process had begun at least a thousand years before, in the earlier period of ®gean culture. New impulses from Egypt and Chaldzea now succeed the old. The connexion with Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasty Egypt was of so intimate a kind that it can only be explained by actual settlement from the AJgean side. The abundant relics of ASgean ceramic manufactures found by Professor Petrie on Eyyptian sites fully bear out this ict ie The early marks on potsherds discovered by that explorer seem to carry the connexion back to the earlier Agean period, — but the painted pottery belongs to what may broadly be described as Mycenean — times. ‘The earliest relics of this kind found in the rubbish heaps of Kahun, though it can hardly be admitted that they go quite so far back as the Twelfth Dynasty date assigned to them by Mr. Petrie (c. 2500 3.c.), yet correspond with the earliest Mycenzean classes found at Thera and Tiryns, and seem to find their nearest parallels in pottery of the same character from the cave of Kamares on the northern steep of the Cretan Ida, recently described by Mr. J. L. Myres and by Dr. Lucio Mariani, Vases of the more typical Mycenean class have been found by Mr. Petrie in a series of deposits dated, from the associated Hgyptian relics, from the reign of Thothmes Til. onwards (1450 3.c.), There is nothing Phoenician about these— with their seaweeds and marine creatures they are the true products of the island world of Greece. The counterpart to these Mycenwan imports in Egypt is seen in the purely Egyptian designs which now invade the northern shores of the /gean, such as the ceiling of the sepulchral chamber at Orchomenos, or the wall-paintings of the palace at Tiryns—almost exact copies of the ceilings of the ‘Theban tombs—designs distinguished by the later Egyptian combination of thespiral and plant ornament which at this period supersedes the pure returning spiral of the earlier dynasties. The same contemporary evidence of date is seen in the scarabs and porcelain fragments with the cartouches of Queen 'l'yi and Amenhotep IL, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. Ss found inthe Mycenzan deposits. But more than a mere commercial connexion between the ASgean seat of Mycensean culture and Egypt seems to be indicated by some of the inlaid daggers from the Acropolis tombs. The subject of that repre- senting the ichneumons hunting ducks amidst the lotos thickets beside a stream that can only be the Nile, as much as the intarsia technique, is so purely of Egypt that it can only have been executed by a Mycenzan artificer resident within its borders. The whole cycle of Egyptian Nile-pieces thoroughly penetrated Mycenzean art,—the duck-catcher in his Nile-boat, the water-fowl and butterflies among the river plauts, the spotted cows and calves, supplied fertile motives for the Mycenzan goldsmiths and ceramic artists. The griflins of Mycene reproduce an elegant creation of the New Empire, in which an influence from the Asiatic side is also traceable. The assimilation of Babylonian elements was equally extensive. It, too, as we have seen, had begun in the earlier Agean period, and the religious influence from the Semitic side, of which traces are already seen in the assimilation of the more primitive ‘idols ’ to Eastern models, now forms a singular blend with the Egyptian, as regards, at least, the externals of cult. We see priests, in long folding robes of Asiatic cut, leading griffins, offering doves, holding axes of a type of Ngyptian derivation which seems to haye been common to the Syrian coast, the Hittite regions of Anatolia, and Mycenzan Greece. Female votaries in flounced Baby- lonian dresses stand before seated Goddesses, rays suggesting those of Shamas shoot from a Sun-God’s shoulders, conjoined figures of moon and star recall the symbols of Sin and Istar, and the worship of a divine pair of male and female divinities is widely traceable, reproducing the relations of a Semitic Bel and Beltis. The cylinder subjects of Chaldean art continually assert themselves: A Mycenzan hero steps into the place of Gilgames or Eabani, and renews their struggles with wild beasts and demons in the same conventional attitudes, of which Christian art has preserved a reminiscence in its early type of Daniel in the lions’ den. The peculiar schemes resulting from, ur, at least, brought into continual prominence by the special conditions of cylinder engraving, with the constant tendency to which it is able of the two ends of the design to oyerlap, deeply influenced the glyptie style of Mycene. Here, too, we see the same animals with crossed bodies, with two bodies and a single head, or simply confronted. These latter affiliations to Babylonian prototypes have a very important bearing on many later offshoots of European culture. The tradition of these heraldic groups preserved by the later Mycenean art, and communicated by it to the so-called ‘ Oriental ’ style of Greece, finds in another direction its unbroken continuity in ornamental products of the Hallstatt province, and that of the late Celtic metal workers. ‘But this,’ exclaims a friendly critic, ‘is the old heresy—the “ Mirage Orientale” overagain. Such heraldic combinations haye originated independently elsewhere :—why may they not be of indigenous origin in primitive Europe? ’ They certainly may be. Confronted figures occur already in the Dordogne caves. But, in a variety of instances, the historic and geographical connexion of these types with the Mycenzean, and those in turn with the Oriental, is clearly made out. That system which leaves the least call on human efforts at inventive- ness seems in anthropology to be the safest. Let us then fully acknowledge the indebtedness of early A2gean culture to the older civilisations of the East. But this indebtedness must not be allowed to obscure the fact that what was borrowed was also assimilated. On the easternmost coast of the Mediterranean, as in Egypt, it is not in a pauper’s guise that the Mycenean element makes its appearance. It is rather the invasion of a conquering and superior culture. It has already outstripped its instructors. In Cyprus, which had lagged behind the A%gean peoples in the race of progress, the Mycenzan relies make their appearance as imported objects of far superior fabric, side by side with the rude insular products. The final engrafting on Cypriote soil of what may be called a colonial plantation of Mycene later reacts on Assyrian art, and justifies the bold theory of Professor Brunn that the sculptures of Nineveh betray Greek handiwork. The concordant Hebrew tradition that the Philistines were immigrants from the Islands of the Sea, the name ‘ Cherethim,’ or Cretans, actually 14 REPORT—1896. applied to them, and the religious ties which attached ‘Minoan’ Gaza to the cult of the Cretan Zeus, are so many indications that the 4{gean settlements, which in all probability existed in the Delta, extended to the neighbouring coast of Canaan, and that amongst other towns the great staple of the Red Sea trade had passed into the hands of these prehistoric Vikings. The influence of the Mycenmans on the later Phoenicians is abundantly illustrated in their eclectic art. The Cretan evidence tends to show that even the origins of their alphabet receive illustration from the earlier gean pictography. It is not the Mycenzeans who are Pheeni- cians. Itis the Phoenicians who, in many respects, acted as the depositaries of decadent Mycenzean art. If there is one thing more characteristic than another of Phcenician art, it is its borrowed nature, and its incongruous collocation of foreignelements. Dr, Helbig himself admits that if Mycenaean art is to be regarded as the older Pheenician, the Pheenician historically known to us must have changed his nature. What the Mycenzeans took they made their own. They borrowed from the designs of Babylon- ian cylinders, but they adapted them to gems and seals of their own fashion, and rejected the cylinders themselves. The influence of Oriental religious types is traceable on their signet rings, but the liveliness of treatment and the dramatic action introduced into the groups separate them, ‘oto calo, from the conventional schematism of Babylonian cult-scenes, The older element, the sacred trees and pillars which appear as the background of these scenes—on this I hope to say more later on in this Section—there is no reason to regard here as Semitic. It belongs to a religious stage widely represented on primitive European soil, and nowhere more persistent than in the West. Mycenzean culture was permeated by Oriental elements, but never subdued by them, This independent quality would alone be sufficient to fix its original birthplace in an area removed from immediate contiguity with that of the older civilisations of Egypt and Babylonia, The gean island world answers admirably to the conditions of the case. It is near, yet sufficiently removed, combining maritime access with insular security. We see the difference if we compare the civilisation of the Hittites of Anatolia and Northern Syria, in some respects so closely parallel with that of Mycenz. The native elements were there - cramped and trammelled from the beginning by the Oriental contact. No real life and freedom of expression was ever reached ; the art is stiff, conventional, becoming more and more Asiatic, till finally crushed out by Assyrian conquest. It is the same with the Phcenicians. But in prehistoric Greece the indigenous element was able to hold its own, and to recast what it took from others in an original mould. Throughout its handiwork there breathes the European spirit of individuality and freedom. Professor Petrie’s discoveries at Tell-el-Amarna show the contact of this 42gean element for a moment infusing naturalism and life into the time-honoured conventionalities of Egypt itself. A variety of evidence, moreover, tends to show that during the Mycenan period the earlier A2gean stock was reinforced by new race elements coming from north and west. The appearance of the primitive fiddle-bow-shaped fibula or safety-pin brings Mycenwan Greece into a suggestive relation with the Danube Valley and the Terremare of Northern Italy. Certain ceramic forms show the same affinities; and it may be noted that the peculiar ‘two-storied’ structure of the ‘ Villanova’ type of urn which characterises the earliest Iron Age deposits of Italy finds already a close counterpart in a vessel from an Akropolis grave at Mycense—a parallelism which may point to a common Illyrian source. The ainted pottery of the Mycenmans itself, with its polychrome designs, betrays Northern and Western affinities of a very early character, though the glaze and exquisite technique were doubtless elaborated in the A2gean shores. Examples of spiraliform painted designs on pottery going back to the borders of the Neolithie period have been found in Hungary and Bosnia. In the early rock-tombs of Sicily of the period anterior to that marked by imported products of the fully developed Mycenwan culture are found unglazed painted wares of considerable brilliancy, and allied classes recur in the heel of Italy and in the cave deposits of Liguria of the period transitional between the use of stone and metal. ‘The ‘household gods, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. 15 if so we may call them, of the Mycenzans also break away from the tradition of the marble A%gean forms. We recognise the coming to the fore again of primitive European clay types in a more advanced technique. Here, too, the range of comparison takes us to the same Northern and Western area. Here, too, in Sicily and Liguria, we see the primitive art of ceramic painting already applied to these at the close of the Stone Age. A rude female clay figure found in the Arene Candide cave near Finalmarina, the upper part of the body of which, armless and rounded, is painted with brown stripes on a pale rose ground, seems to me to stand in a closer relation to the prototype of a well-known Mycenean class than any known example. A small painted image, with punctuated cross-bands over the breast, from a sepulchral grotto at Villafrati, near Palermo, belongs to the same early family as the Jucchero types of Butmir, in Bosnia. Unquestionable parallels to the Mycenzan class have been found in early graves in Servia, of which an example copied by me some years since in the museum at Belgrade was found near the site of that later emporium of the Balkan trade, Viminacium, together with a cup attesting the survival of the primitive A%gean spirals. These extensive Italian and Illyrian comparisons, which find, perhaps, their converging point in the North-Western corner of the Balkan peninsula, show, at least approximately, the direction from which this new European impulse reached the Algean shores. It is an alluring supposition that this North-Western infusion may connect itself with the spread of the Greek race in the A%gean islands and the Southern part of the Balkan peninsula. There seems, at least, to be a reasonable presumption in favour of this view. The Mycenzan tradition, which underlies so much of the classical Greek art, is alone sufficient to show that a Greek element was at least included in the Mycenzan area of culture. Recent criticism has found in the Mycenean remains the best parallel to much of the early arts and industries recorded by the Homeric poems. The megaron of the palaces at Tiryns and Mycenze is the hall of Odysseus; the inlaid metal work of the shield of Achilles recalls the Egypto-Mycenzean intarsia of the dagger blades; the cup of Nestor with the feeding doves, the subjects of the ornamental design—the siege-piece, the lion- hunt, the hound with its quivering quarry—all find their parallels in the works of the Mycenean goldsmiths. The brilliant researches of Dr. Reichel may be said to have resulted in the definite identification of the Homeric body-shield with the most typical Mycenzan form, and have found in the same source the true expla- nation of the greaves and other arms and accoutrements of the epic heroes. That a Greek population shared in the civilisation of Mycene cannot reasonably be denied, but that is far from saying that this was necessarily the only element, or even the dominant element. Archzeological comparisons, the evidence of geo- graphical names and consistent tradition, tend to show that a kindred race, repre- sented later by the Phrygians on the Anatolian side, the race of Pelops and Tantalos, the special votaries of Kybelé, played a leading part. In Crete a non- Hellenic element, the Eteocretes, or ‘true Cretans,’ the race of Minds, whose name is hound up with the earliest sea~empire of the Aigean and perhaps identical with that of the Minyans of continental Greece, preserved their own language and nationality to the borders of the classical period. The Labyrinth itself, the double- headed axe as a symbol of the divinity called Zeus by the Greek settlers, the common forms in the characters of the indigenous script, local names and historical traditions, further connect these Mycenan aborigines of Crete with the primitive population, it, too, of European extraction, in Caria and Pisidia, and with the older elements in Lycia. It is difficult to exaggerate the part played in this widely ramifying Mycenwan culture on later European arts from prehistoric times onwards. Beyond the limits of its original seats, primitive Greece and its islands, and the colonial plantations thrown out by it to the west coast of Asia Minor to Cyprus, and in all probability to Egypt and the Syrian coast, we can trace the direct diffusion of Mycenzean roducts, notably the ceramic wares, across the Danube to Transylvania and oldavia. In the early cemeteries of the Caucasus the fibulas and other objects indicate a late Mycenean source, though they are here blended with allied elements of a more Danubian character. The Megaeen impress is very strong in Southern 16 REPORT— 1896. Italy, and, to take a single instance, the prevailing sword-type of that region is of Mycenwan origin. Along the western Adriatic coast the same influence is traceable to a very late date in the sepulchral stele of Pesaro and the tympanum relief of Bologna, and bronze knives of the prehistoric Greek type find their way into the later Terremare. At Orvieto and elsewhere have even beets discovered Mycenzan lentoid gems. In Sicily the remarkable excavations of Professor Orsi have brought to light a whole series of Mycenzean relics in the beehive rock-tombs of the south- eastern coast, associated with the later class of Sikel fabrics. Sardinia, whose name has with great probability been connected with the Shardanas, who, with the Libyan and Adgean races, appear as the early invaders of Egypt, has already produced a Mycenzan gold ornament. An unregarded fact points further to the probability that it formed an important outpost of Mycenwan culture. In 1853 General Lamarmora first printed a MS. account of Sardinian antiquities, written in the latter years of the fifteenth century by a certain Gilj, and accompanied by drawings made in 1497 by Johan Virde, of Sassari. Amongst these latter (which include, it must be said, some gross falsifications) is a capital and part of a shaft of a Mycenean column in a style approaching that of the fagade of the ‘Treasury of Atreus.’ It seems to have been found at a place near the Sardinian Olbia, and Virde has attached to it the almost prophetic description, ‘columna Pelasyica.’ That it is not a fabrication due to some traveller from Greece is shown by a curious detail. Between the chevrons that adorn it are seen rows of eight-rayed stars, a detail unknown to the Mycenrean architectural decora- tion till it occurred on the painted base of the hearth in the megaron of the palace at Mycenve excavated by the Greek Archeological Society in 1886. In this neglected record, then, we have an indication of the former existence in Sardinia of Mycenzean monuments, perhaps of palaces and royal tombs comparable to those of Mycene itself. More isolated Mycenwan relics have been found still further afield, in Spain, and even the Auvergne, where Dr. Montelius has recognised an evidence of an old trade connexion between the Rhone valley and the Eastern Mediterranean, in the occurrence of two bronze double axes of AZgean form. It is impossible to do more than indicate the influence exercised by the Myceniean arts on those of the early. Iron Age. Here it may be enough to cite the late Mycenzean parallels afforded by the Agina Treasure to the open-work groups cf bird-holding figures and the pendant ornaments of a whole series of characteristic ornaments of the Italo- Hallstatt culture. ; In this connexion, what may be called a sub-Mycenwan survival in the North- Western corner of the Balkan peninsula has a special interest for the Celtic West. Among the relics obtained by the fruitful excavations conducted by the Austrian archeologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and notably in the great prehistoric cemetery of Glasinatz,a whole series of Early Iron Age types betray distinct Mycenan affinities. The spiral motive and its degeneration—the concentric circles grouped together with or without tangential lines of connexion—appears on bronze torques, on fibula of Mycenwan descent, and the typical finger-rings with the besil at right angles to the ring. On the plates of other ‘spectacle fibule ’ are seen triquetral scrolls singularly recalling the gold plates of the Akropolis graves of Mycenwe. These, as well as other parallel survivals of the spiral system in the Late Bronze Age of the neighbouring Hungarian region, I have elsewhere ' ventured to claim as the true source from which the Alpine Celts, together with many Italo- [llyric elements from the old Venetian province at the head of the Adriatic, drew the most salient features of their later style, known on the Continent as that of La Téne. These Mycenzan survivals and Illyrian forms engrafted on the ‘ Hallstatt’ stock were ultimately spread by the conquering Belgic tribes to our own islands, to remain the root element of the Late Celtic style in Britain—where the older spiral system had long since died a natural death—and in Ireland to live on to supply the earliest decorative motives of its Christian art. ' Rhind Lectures, 1895, ‘On the Origins of Celtic Art,’ summaries of which appeared in the Scotsman. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. 17 From a Twelfth Dynasty scarab to the book of Durrow or the font of Deerhurst isa farcry. But, as it was said of old, ‘ Many things may happen in a long time.’ We have not to deal with direct transmission per sa/tum, but with gradual propa- gation through intervening media. This brief survey of ‘ the Eastern Question in Anthropology’ will not have been made in vain if it helps to call attention to the mighty part played by the early ®gean culture as the mediator between primitive Europe and the older civilisations of Egypt and Babylonia. Adequate recognition of the Eastern background of the European origins is not the ‘ Oriental Mirage.’ The independent European element is not affected by its power of assimi- lation. In the great days of Mycens we see it already as the equal, in many ways the superior, of its teachers, victoriously reacting on the older countries from which it had acquired so much. I may perhaps be pardoned if in these remarks, availing myself of personal investigations, | have laid some stress on the part which Crete has played in this first emancipation of the European genius. There far earlier than elsewhere we can trace the vestiges of primeval intercourse with the valley of the Nile. There more clearly than in any other area we can watch the con- tinuous development of the germs which gave birth to the higher gean culture. There before the days of Phcenician contact a system of writing had already been worked out which the Semite only carried one step further. To Crete the earliest Greek tradition looks back as the home of divinely inspired legislation and the first centre of maritime dominion. Inhabited since the days of the first Greek settlements by the same race, speaking the same language, and moved by the same independent impulses, Crete stands forth again to-day as the champion of the European spirit against the yoke of Asia, “mr Brifish Association for the Advancement of Science. LIVERPOOL, 1896. ADDRESS PHYSIOLOGICAL SECTION W. H. GASKELL, M.D., LL.D., M.A., F.RS. PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION, WHEN I received the honour of an invitation to preside at the Physiological Section of the British Association, my thoughts naturally turned to the subject of the Presidential Address, and it seemed to me that the traditions of the British Association, as well as the fact that a Physiological Section was a comparatively new thing, both pointed to the choice of a subject of general biological interest rather than a special physiological topic ; and I was the more encouraged to choose such a subject because I look upon the growing separation of physiology from morphology as a serious evil, and detrimental to both scientific subjects. I was further encouraged to do so by the thought that, after all, a large amount of the work done in physiological laboratories is anatomical—either minute anatomy or topographical anatomy, such as the tracing out of the course of nerve-fibre tracts in the central and peripheral nervous system by physiological methods. Such methods require to be supplemented by the morphological method of inquiry. If we can trace up step by step the increasing complexity of the vertebrate central nervous system ; if we can unravel its complex nature, and determine the original simpler paths of its conducting fibres, and the original constitution of the special nerve centres, then it is clear that the method of comparative anatomy would be of immense assistance to the study of the physiology of the central nervous system of the higher vertebrates. So also with numbers of other physiological problems, such as, for instance, the question whether all muscular substances are supplied with inhibitory as well as motor nerves; to which is closely allied the question of the nature of the mechanism by which antagonistic muscles work harmoniously together. Such questions receive their explanation in the researches of Biedermann on the nerves of the opening and closing muscles of the claw of the crayfish, as soon as it has been shown that a genetic relationship exists between the nervous system and muscles of the crayfish and those of the vertebrate. Take another question of great interest in the present day, viz. the function of such ductless glands as the thyroid and the pituitary glands. The explanation of such function must depend upon the original function of these glands, and cannot, therefore, be satisfactory until it has been shown by the study of compara- tive anatomy how these glands have arisen. The nature of the leucocytes of the blood and lymph spaces, the chemical problems involved in the assigning of carti- lage into its proper group of mucin compounds, and a number of other questions of physiological chemistry, will all advance a step nearer solution as soon as we definitely know from what group of invertebrates the vertebrate has arisen. I have therefore determined to choose as the subject of my address ‘The I 2 REPORT—1896, Origin of Vertebrates,’ feeling sure that the evidence which has appealed to me as a physiologist will be of interest to the Physiological Section; while at the same time, as I have invited also the Sections of Zoology and Anthropology to be present, I request that this address may be considered as opening a discussion on the subject of the origin of vertebrates. I do not desire to speak ex cathedrd, and to suppress discussion, but, on the contrary, I desire to have the matter threshed out to its uttermost limit, so that if I am labouring under a delusion the nature of that delusion may be clearly pointed out to me. The central pivot on which the whole of my theory turns is the central nervous system, especially the brain region. There is the ego of each animal; there is the master-organ, to which all the other parts of the body are subservient. It is to my mind inconceivable to imagine any upward evolution to be associated with a degradation of the brain portion of the nervous system. The striking factor of the ascent within the vertebrate phylum from the lowest fish to man is the steady increase of the size of the central nervous system, especially of the brain region. However much other parts may suffer change or degradation, the brain remains intact, steadily increasing in power and complexity. If we turn to the inverte- brate kingdom, we find the same necessary law: when the metamorphosis of an insect takes place, when the larval organs are broken up by a process of histolysis, and new ones formed, the central nervous system remains essentially intact, and the brain of the imago differs from that of the larva only in its increased growth and complexity. A striking instance of the same necessary law is seen in the case of the transformation of the larval lamprey, or Ammoceetes, into the adult lamprey, or Petromyzon; here also, by a process of histolysis, most of the organs of the head region of the animal undergo dissolution and re-formation, while the brain remains intact, increasing in size by the addition of new elements, without any sign of preliminary dissolution, On the other hand, when, as is the case in the Tunicates, the transformation process is accompanied with a degradation of the central nervous system, we find the adult animal so hopelessly degraded that it is impossible to imagine any upward evolution from such a type. It is to my mind perfectly clear that, in searching among the Invertebrata for- the immediate ancestor of the Vertebrata, the most important condition which such ancestor must fulfil is to possess a central nervous system, the anterior part of which is closely comparable with the brain region of the lowest vertebrate. It is also clear on every principle of evolution that such hypothetical ancestor must resemble the lowest vertebrate much more closely than any of the higher vertebrates, and therefore a complete study of the lowest true vertebrate must give the best chance of discovering the homologous parts of the vertebrate and the invertebrate. For this purpose I have chosen for study the Ammoccetes, or larval form of the lamprey, rather than Amphioxus or the Tunicates, for several reasons. rs n the first place, all the different organs and parts of the higher vertebrates can be traced directly into the corresponding parts of Petromyzon, and therefore of Ammocetes. Thus, every part of the brain and organs of special sense—all the cranial nerves, the cranial skeleton, the muscular system, &c., of the higher vertebrates can all be traced directly into the corresponding parts of the lamprey. So direct a comparison cannot be made in the case of Amphioxus or the Tunicates. ; Secondly, Petromyzon, together with its larval form, Ammoceetes, constitutes an ideal animal for the tracing of the vertebrate ancestry, in that in Ammoccetes we have the most favourable condition for such investigations, viz. a prolonged larval stage, followed by a metamorphosis, and the consequent production of the imago or Petromyzon—a transformation which does not, as in the case of the Tunicates, lead to a degenerate condition, but, on the contrary, leads to an animal of a distinctly higher vertebrate type than the Ammoccetes form. As we shall see, the Ammo- coetes is so full of invertebrate characteristics that we can compare organ for organ, structure for structure, with the corresponding parts of Limulus and its allies. Then comes that marvellous transformation scene during herent a process of histolysis, almost all the invertebrate characteristics are destroyed or TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I, 3 changed, and there emerges a higher animal, the Petromyzon, which can now be compared organ for organ, structure for structure, with the larval form of the Amphibian ; and so through the medium of these larval forms we can trace upwards without a break the evolution of the vertebrate from the ancient king-crab form. On the other hand, Amphioxus and the Tunicates are distinctly degenerate ; it is easier to look upon either of them as a degenerate Ammoccete than as giving a clue to the ancestor of the Ammoccete. It is to my mind surprising how difficult it appears to be to get rid of preconceived opinions, for one still hears, in the assertion that Petromyzon as well as Amphioxus is degenerate, the echoes of the ancient myth that the Elasmobranchs are the lowest fishes, and the Cyclostomata their degenerated descendants. The characteristic of the vertebrate central neryous system is its tubular character ; and it is this very fact of its formation as a tube which has led to the disguising of its segmental character, and to the whole difficulty of connecting vertebrates with other groups of animals. The explanation of the tubular character of the central nervous system is the keystone to the whole of my theory of the origin of vertebrates. The explanation which I have given differs from all others, in that I consider the nervous system to be composed of two parts—an internal epithelial tube, surrounded to a greater or less extent by a segmented nervous system ; and I explain the existence of these two parts by the hypothesis that the internal epithelial tube was originally the alimentary canal of an arthropod animal, such as Limulus or Eurypterus, which has become surrounded to a greater or less extent by the nervous system. Any hypothesis which deals with the origin of one group of animals from another must satisfy three conditions :— 1. It must be in accordance with the phylogenetic history of each group. It must therefore give a consistent explanation of all the organs and tissues of the higher group which can be clearly shown not to have originated within the group itself. At the same time, the variations which have occurred on the hypothesis must be in harmony with the direction of variation in the lower group, if not actually foreshadowed in that group. This condition may be called the Phylogenetic test. 2. The anatomical relation of parts must be the same in the two groups, not only with respect to coincidence of topographical arrangement, but also with respect to similarity of structure, and, to a large extent, also of function. This condition may be called the Anatomical test. 3. The peculiarities of the ontogeny or embryological development of the higher group must receive an adequate explanation by means of the hypothesis, while at the same time they must help to illustrate the truth of the hypothesis. This condition may be called the Ontogenetic test. I hope to convince you that all these three conditions are satisfied by my hypothesis as far as the head ren of the vertebrate is concerned. I speak only of the head region at present, because that is the part which I have especially studied up to the present time, and also because it is natural and convenient to consider the cranial and spinal nerves separately ; and I hope to demonstrate to you that not only the nervous system and alimentary canal of such a group of animals as the Giganostraca—7.e. Limulus and its allied forms—is to be found in the head region of Ammoceetes, but also, as must logically follow, that every part of the head region of Ammoccetes has its homologous part in the prosomatic and mesosomatic regions of Limulus and its allies. I hope to convince you that our brain is hollow because it has grown round the old cephalic stomach; that our skeleton arose from the modifications of chitinous ingrowths; that the nerves of the medulla oblongata—i.e. the facial, glosso-pharyngeal, and vagus neryes—arose from the mesosomatic nerves to the branchial and opercular appendages of Limulus, while the nerves of the hind brain are derived from the nerves of the prosomatic region of Limulus ; that our cerebral hemispheres are but modifications of the supra-cesophageal ganglia of a scorpion, while our eyes and nose are the direct descendants of its eyes and olfactory organs. In the first place, I will give you shortly the reasons why the central nervous ¥2 REPORT—1896, Fig. 1.—Comparison of Vertebrate Brain from Mammalia to Ammocetes. (Epithelial parts represented by dotted lines.) CORP. STRIAT MAMMALIA, REPTIULA. AMPHIBIA. CESOPH opr CANG TELEOST, Amocarrs, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 5 system of the vertebrate must be considered as derived from the conjoined central neryous system and alimentary canal of an arthropod. Comparison of the Central Nervous System of Ammocetes with the Conjoined Central Nervous System and Alimentary Canal of an Arthropod Animal such as Limulus. 1. The phylogenetic test proves that the tube of the central nervous system was originally an epithelial tube, surrounded to a certain extent by nervous material. The anatomical test then proves that this epithelial tube corresponds in its topographical relations to the nervous material exactly with the alimentary canal of an arthropod in its relations to the central nervous system ; and, further, that the topographical relations, structure, and function of the corresponding parts of this nervous material are identical in the Ammoceetes and in the iheged. We see from these diagrams, taken from Edinger, how the greater simplicity of the brain region as we descend the vertebrate phylum is attained by the reduction Fig. 2.— Dorsal and lateral view of the Brain of Ammoccetes, of the nervous material more and more to the ventral side of the central tube, with the result that the dorsal side becomes more and more epithelial, until at last, as is seen in Ammoceetes, the roof of the epichordal portion of the brain consists entirely of fold upon fold of a simple epithelial membrane, interrupted only in one lace by the crossing of the [Vth nerve and commencement of the cerebellum. ih the prechordal part of the brain this simple epithelial portion of the tube is continued on in the middle line as the first choroid plexus of Ahlborn, and the lamina terminalis round to the ventral side; where, again, in the infundibular region, the epithelial saccus vasculosus, which has been becoming more and more 6 REPORT—1896. : - conspicuous in the lower vertebrates, together with the median tube of the infundibulum, testifies to the withdrawal of the nervous material from this part of the brain, as well as from the dorsal region. Further, as already mentioned in my previous papers, the invasion of this epithelial tube by nervous material during the upward development of the vertebrate is beautifully shown by the commencing development of the cerebellar hemispheres in the dogfish; by the dorsal growth of nervous material to form the optic lobes in the Petromyzon ; by the occlusion of the ventral part of the tube in the epichordal region to form the raphé, as seen in its commencement in Ammoceetes. Finally, evidence of another kind in favour of the tubular formation being due to an original non-nervous epithelial tube is given by the frequent occurrence of cystic tumours, and also by the formation of the sinus rhomboidalis in birds. The phylogenetic history of the brain of vertebrates, in fact, is in complete harmony with the theory that the tubular nervous system of the vertebrate originally consisted of two parts—viz. an epithelial tube and a nervous system outside that tube, which has grown over it more and more, and gives not only no support whatever, but is in direct opposition, to the view that the whole tube was originally nervous, and that the epithelial portions, such as the choroid plexuses and roof of the fourth ventricle, are thinned-down portions of that nerve tube. Passing now to 2. The anatomical test, we see immediately why this epithelial tube comes out so much more prominently in the lowest vertebrates, for, as can be seen from the diagrams, and is more fully pointed out in my previous papers,' every part of the central tube of the vertebrate nervous system corresponds absolutely, both in position and structure, with the corresponding part of the alimentary canal of the arthropod, and the nervous material which is arranged round this epithelial tube is identically the same in topographical position, in structure, and in function as the corresponding parts of the central nervous system of an arthropod. Especially noteworthy is it to tind that the pineal eye (PN), with its large optic ganglion, the ganglion habenule (GHR), falls into its right and appropriate place as the right median eye of such an animal as Limulus or Eurypterus. In the following table I will shortly group together the evidence of the anatomical test. A. Coincidence of Topographical Position. LIMULUS AND ITS ALLIES, AMMOC@TES AND VERTEBRATES. Alimentary Canal :— 1. Cephalic stomach. Ventricles of the brain. ‘ 2. Straight intestine,ending in anus. Spinal canal, ending by means of the neurenteric canal in the anus. a 3. Csophageal tube. Median infundibular tube and saccus yasculosus. Nervous System :— 1. Supra-cesophageal ganglia. Brain proper, or cerebral hemispheres. 2. Olfactory ganglia. Olfactory lobe. 3. Optic ganglia of the lateral eyes. | Optic ganglia of the lateral eyes. 4. Optic ganglia of the median eyes. Ganglia habenule. 5. Median eyes. Pineal eyes. 6. Gsophageal commissures. Crura cerebri. 7. Infra-cesophageal or prosomatic Hind brain, giving origin to the IIIrd, ganglia, giving origin to the IVth, and Vth cranial nerves. prosomatic nerves. 8. Mesosomatic ganglia, giving origin Medulla oblongata, giving origin to the to the mesosomatic nerves. Viith, [Xth, and Xth cranial nerves, 9. Metasomatic ganglia. Spinal cord. ' Gaskell, Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. vol. xxiii. 1888; Journ. of Physiol. vol, x. 1889; Brain, vol. xii. 1889; Q. J. af Mier. Sci. 1890, si TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I, B. Coincidence of Structure and Physiological Function. 1. The simple non-glandular epithelium of the nerve tube coincides with the simple non-glandular epithelium of the alimentary canal, ciliated as it is in Daphnia.’ 2. The structure and function of the cerebral hemispheres, olfactory lobes, and eee oeelis closely resemble the corresponding parts of the supra-cesophageal nglia. eo 3. The structure of the right pineal eye, with its nerve end-cells and rhabdites, is of the same nature as that of a median arthropod eye. 4. The structure of the right ganglion habenule is the same as that of the optic ganglion of the median eye. 5. The region of the hind brain, like the region of the infra-cesophageal ganglia, is concerned with the co-ordination of movements. 6. The region of the medulla oblongata, like the mesosomatic region of Limulus and its allies, is concerned especially with the movements of respiration. 7. The centres for the segmental cranial nerves resemble closely in their groups of motor cells and plexus substance the centres for the prosomatic and mesosomatic nerves, with their groups of motor cells and reticulated substance (Punkt-Substanz). 3. The third test is the ontogenetic test. ‘The theory must be in harmony with, and be illustrated by, the embryonic development of the central neryous system. Such is the case, for we see that the nerve tube arises as a simple straight tube opening by the neurenteric canal into the anus, the anterior part of the tube, z.e. the cephalic stomach region, being remarkably dilated ; the anterior opening of this tube, or anterior neuropore, is considered by most authors to have been situated in the infundibular region. Next comes the formation of the cerebral vesicles, indicating embryologically the constricting growth of neryous material outside the cephalic stomach. First, the formation of two cerebral vesicles by the growth of nervous material in the position of the ganglia habenuls, posterior commissure, and Meynert’s bundle, z.e. the constricting intluence of commissures between the optic part of the supra-ceso- phageal ganglia and the infra-cesophageal ganglia; then the formation of the third cerebral vesicle by the constricting influence of the 1Vth nerve and commencing cerebellum. Subsequently the first cerebral vesicle is divided into two parts by another nerve commissure—the anterior commissure, ¢.e. by nerve material joining the supra-cesophageal ganglia. Further, the embryological evidence shows that in the spinal cord region the nerve masses are at first most conspicuous ventrally and laterally to the original tube, such ventral masses being early connected together with the strands of the anterior commissure ; ultimately, by the growth of nervous material dorsalwards, the dorsal portion of the tube is compressed to form the osterior fissure and the substantia Rolandi, the original large lumen of the old intestine being thus reduced to the small central canal of the adult nervous system. Finally, this nerve tube is formed at a remarkably early stage, just as ought to be the case if it represented an ancient alimentary canal. The ontogenetic test appears to fail in two points :— 1. That the nerve tube of vertebrates is an epiblastic tube, whereas if it repre- sented the old invertebrate gut it ought to be largely hypoblastic. 2. The nerve tube of vertebrates is formed from the dorsal surface of the embryo, while the central nervous system of arthropods is formed from the ventral surface, With respect to the first objection, it might be argued, witha good deal of plausibility, that the term hypoblast is used to denote that surface which is known by its later development to form the alimentary canal; that in fact, as Heymons’ has pointed out, the theory of the germinal layers is not sufficiently well esta- blished to give it any phylogenetic value. It is, however, unnecessary to discuss Hardy and McDougall, Proc. Camb, Philos. Soc. vol. viii. 1893. Heymons, Die Embryonalentwickl. v. Dermapteren u. Orthapteren, Jena, 1896. 8 REPORT—1896. this question, seeing that Heymons has shown that the whole alimentary tract in such arthropods as the earwig, cockroach, and mole cricket, is, like the nerve tube of vertebrates, formed from epiblast. The second objection appears to me more apparent than real. The nerve layer in the vertebrate, as soon as it can be distinguished, is always found to lie ventrally to the layer of epiblast which forms the central canal. In the middle line of the body, owing to the absence of the mesoblast layer, the cells which form the noto- chord and those which form the central nervous system form a mass of cells which cannot be separated in the earlier stages. The nerve layer in the arthropod lies between the ventral epiblast and the gut; the nerve layer in the vertebrate lies between the so-called hypoblast (¢.e. the ventral epiblast of the arthropod) and the neural canal (¢.c. the old gut of the arthropod). The new ventral surface of the vertebrate in the head region is not formed until the head fold is completed. Before this time, when we watch the vertebrate embryo lying on the yolk, with its nervous system, central canal, and lateral plates of mesoblast, we are watching the embryonic representation of the pe a Limulus-like animal; then, when the lateral plates of mesoblast have grown round, and met in the middle line to assist in forming the new ventral surface, and the head fold is completed, we are watching the embryonic representation of the transformation of the Limulus-like animal into the scorpion-like ancestor of the vertebrates. In the Arthropoda, the simple epithelial tube which forms the stomach and intestine is not a glandular organ, and we find that the digestive part of the ali- mentary tract is found in the large organ, the so-called liver. This organ, together with the generative glands, forms an enormous mass of glandular substance, which, in Limulus, is tightly packed round the whole of the central neryous system and alimentary canal, along the whole length of the animal (represented in fig. 4 by the dark dotted substance). ‘The remains of this glandular mass are seen in Ammoccetes in the peculiar so-called packing tissue around the brain and spinal cord (represented in fig. 6 by the dark dotted substance). It satisfies the three tests to the following extent :— 1. The phylogenetic test.—As we descend the vertebrate phylum, we find that log pay: the brain fills up the brain-case to a less and Jess extent, until finally in Ammoceetes- a considerable space is left between brain and brain-case, filled up with a peculiar glandular-looking material, interspersed with pigment, which is not fat tissue, and is most marked in the lowest vertebrates. The natural interpretation of this phylogenetic history is that the cranial cavity is too large for the brain in the lowest vertebrates, and is filled up with a peculiar glandular substance because that glandular substance pre-existed as a functional organ or organs, and not because it was necessary to surround the brain with packing material in order to keep it steady, owing to the unfortunate mistake having been made of forming a_ brain much too small for its case. 2. The anatomical test shows that this glandular and pigmented material is in the same position with respect to the central nervous system of Ammoccetes as the generative and liver material with respect to the central nervous system and alimentary canal of Limulus. 8. The ontogenetic test remains to be worked out, 1 do not know the orgin of this tissue in Ammoccetes ; the evidence has not yet been given by Kuppfer.’ He has, however, shown that she neural ridge gives origin to a mass of mesoblastic cells, the further fate of which is not worked out. The whole story is yery sugges- tive from the point of view of my theory, but incomprehensible on the view that the neural ridge is altogether nervous. Finally, we ought to find in the invertebrate group in question indica- tions of the commencement of the enclosure of the alimentary canal by the central nervous system; such is, in fact, the case. In the scorpion group a marked process of cephalisation has gone on, so that the separate ganglia, both of the prosomatic and mesosomatic region, have fused together, and fused ‘ Kuppfer, Studien +z. vergleich. Entmwicklungsgesch. d. Kopfes der Kranioten, 2, Heft, Miinchen u. Leipzig, 1894. é TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 9 also with the large supra-cesophageal mass. In the middle of this large brain mass a small canal is seen closely surrounded and compressed with nervous matter, as is shown in this specimen of Thelyphonus ; this canal is the alimentary canal. Again, Hardy, in his work on the nervous system of Crustacea, has sections through the brain of Branchipus which demonstrate so close an attachment between the nervous matter of the optic ganglion and the anterior diverticulum of the gut that no line of demarcation is visible between the cells of the gut wall and the cells of the optic ganglion. For all these reasons I consider that the tubular nature of the vertebrate central nervous system is explained by my hypothesis much more satisfactorily and fully than by any other as yet put forward; it further follows that if this hypothesis enables us to homologise all the other parts of the head region of the vertebrate with similar parts in the arthropod, then it ceases to be an hypothesis, but rises to the dignity of the most probable theory of the origin of vertebrates. Origin of Segmental Cranial Nerves. 1. The phylogenetic test.—It follows from the close resemblance of the brain region of the central nervous systems in the two groups of animals that the cranial nerves of the vertebrate must be homologous with the foremost nerves of such an animal as Limulus, and must therefore supply homologous organs. Leaving out of consideration for the present the nerves of special sense, it follows that the seg- mental cranial nerves must be divisible into two groups corresponding to two sets of segmental muscles, viz. a group supplying structures homologous to the appen- dages of Limulus and its allies, and a group supplying the somatic or body muscles ; in other words, we must find precisely what is the most marked characteristic of the vertebrate cranial nerves, viz. that they are divisible into two sets correspond- ing to a double segmentation in the head region. The one set, consisting of the Vth, Vilth, [Xth, and Xth nerves, supply the muscles of the branchial or visceral segments; the other set, consisting of the IIIrd, [Vth, VIth, and XIIth nerves, the muscles of the somatic segments. Further, we see that the nerves supplying the branchial segments, like the nerves supplying the appendages in Limulus, are mixed motor and sensory, while the nerves supplying the somatic segments are all purely motor, the corresponding sensory nerves running separately as the ascending root of the fifth nerve; so also in Limulus, the nerves supplying the powerful body muscles arise separately from those supplying the appendages, and also are quite separate from the purely sensory or epimeral (Milne Edwards) ! nerves which supply the surfaces of the carapace in the prosomatic and mesoso- matic regions. Finally, the researches of Hardy* have shown that the motor portion of these appendage nerves, just like the nerves of the branchial segmentation in vertebrates, 7.e, the motor part of the trigeminal, of the facial, of the glosso-pharyngeal, and of the vagus, arise from nerve centres or nuclei quite separate from those which give origin to the motor nerves of the somatic muscles. The phylogenetic history, then, of the cranial nerves points directly to the conclusion that the Vth, VIith, IXth, and Xth nerves originally innervated structures of the nature of arthropod appendages. We can, however, go further than this, for we find, as we trace downwards throughout the vertebrate kingdom the structures supplied by these nerves, that they are divisible into two well-marked groups, especially well seen in Ammo- coetes, viz. :— 1. A posterior group, viz. the VIIth, IXth, and Xth nerves, which arise from the medulla oblongata and supply all the structures within a branchial chamber. 2. An anterior group, viz. the Vth nerves, which arise from the hind brain and supply all the structures within an oral chamber. ! Milne Edwards, ‘ Recherches sur l'Anatomie des Limulus,’ Ann. des Se. Nat., 5th ser. * Hardy, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1894, 13 10 REPORT—1896, The reason for this grouping is seen when we turn to Limulus and its allies, for we find that the body is always divided into a prosoma and mesosoma, and that viz. :— the appendage nerves are divisible into two corresponding well-marked groups, 1. A posterior or mesosomatic group, which arise from the mesosomatic ganglia and supply the operculum and branchial appendages. Fic. 3.—Head Region of Ammoccetes, split longitudinally into a ventral and dorsal half, (Ventral Half.) | oo Appendages § Nerves TENTACULAR ~]/ volt = AE —~ 5 il VELAR [fie vir CILIATED GROOVE BRANCHI lst BRANCHIAL CHIAL Ix 2nd BRANCHIAL ~' OPENINGS x! 3rd BRANCHIAL— x? { ——3 THYROID ORIFICE 4th BRANCHIAL x? 5th BRANCHIAL x‘ 6th BRANCHIAL x? 7th BRANCHIAL x° 2, An anterior or prosomatic group, which arise from the prosomatic ganglia and supply the oral or locomotor appendages, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 11 Comparison of the Branchial Appendages of Limulus, Eurypterus, &c., with the Branchial Appendages of Ammocetes. Meaning of the 1Xth and Xth Nerves. We will first consider the posterior group—the VIIth, [Xth, and Xth nerves— and of these I will take the IXth and Xth nerves together, and discuss the VIIth separately. These nerves are always described as supplying in the fishes the Fic. 3.—Head Region of Ammoceetes, split longitudinally into a ventral and dorsal half. (Dorsal Half.) Appendages § Nerves TENTACULAR TRABECULZ v= i-4 PITUITARY BODY V BEAR OLD SOPHAGUS v SERRATED EDGE OPERCULAR Tigy CILIATED GROOVE VII !-? t Ist BRANCHIAL IX 2nd BRANCHIAL x! 3rd BRANCHIAL x? 4th BRANCHIAL- s 5th BRANCHIAL x! 6th BRANCHIAL Ni , x5 SOMATIC MUSCLE SPLANCHNIC MUSCLE 7th BRANCHIAL : x® QP ee Sh CARTILAGE (oma) muscles and other tissues in the walls of a series of gill-pouches, so that the respi- ratory chamber is considered to consist of a series of pouches, which open on the one hand into the alimentary canal, and on the other to the exterior. Such a description is possible even as low down as Petromyzon, but when we pass to the Ammoceetes we find the arrangement of the branchial chamber has become so different that it is no longer possible to describe it in terms of gill-pouches. The 14 = Ly] MUCO-CARTILAGE 12 REPORT—1896, Fig. 4.—Limulus, Nerves of Appendages and Cartilages. BRANCHIAL CARTILAGES ENTAPOPHYSIAL CARTILAGINOUS LIGAMENTS Fic. 5,—Eurypterus, TRANSAC'BIONS OF SECTION f. 13 Fig. 6.—Ammoceetes, Nerves of visceral segments and cartilages. PROSOMA eH (pm sh ro | es Sen L SITY 5, Cyl ny A) ; SSSA ANN 4 = MESOSOMA SUBCHORDAL BRANCHIAL CARTILAGINOUS CARTILAGES LIGAMENTS In all three Figures vy, —v,=Prosomatic appendages and nerves ; vii=I1st mesosomatic ap- pendage or opereular ‘appendage and nerves; ‘ix, x, ... = remaining mesosomatic appendages and nerves; M = Chilaria in Li imulus, metastoma in Eurypterus, nature of the branchial chamber is seen in fig. 3, which demonstrates clearly that the IXth and Xth nerves supply a series of separate gill-bearing struc- tures or appendages, which hang freely into a common respiratory chamber; each one of these appendages is moved. by its own separate group of branchial muscles, and possesses an external branchial bar of cartilage, which, by its union with its fellows, contributes to form the extra-branchial basket-work so characteristic of this primitive respiratory chamber, The segmental branchial unit is clearly in this case, as Rathke originally pointed out, each one of these suspended gills, or rather gill-bearing appendages; it is absolutely unnatural, as Nestler' attempts to do, to take a portion of the space between two consecutive gills and call that a gill-pouch. It is, to my mind, one of the most extraordinary and con- fusing conceptions of the current morphology to describe an animal in terms of the spaces between organs, rather than in terms of the organs by which those spaces are formed. We might as well speak of a net as a number of holes tied together with string. Another most striking advantage is obtained by considering the segmental unit to be represented by each of these separate branchial append- ages—viz, that we can continue the series in the most natural manner (as seen in fig. 3) in front of the limits of the IXth and Xth nerves, and so find a series of appendages in the oral chamber serially homologous with the branchial append- ages. The uppermost of the respiratory appendages is the hyo-branchial, supplied ' Nestler, Archiv f. Naturgeschich. 56, vol. i. 14 REPORT—1896. by the VIIth nerve, then, passing into the oral chamber, we find a series of non- branchial appendages, viz. the velar and tentacular appendages, supplied by branches of the Vth nerve. In fact, by simply considering the tissue between the so-called gill-pouches as the segmental unit, we no longer get lost in a maze of hypothetical gill-pouches in front of the branchial region, but find that the resemblances between the oral and branchial regions, which have led to the endless search for gill-slits and gill-pouches, really mean that the oral chamber contains appendages just as the branchial chamber, but that the former were not gill-bearing. The study of Ammoccetes, then, leads directly to the conclusion that the ancestor of the vertebrate possessed an oral or prosomatic chamber, which contained a series of non-branchial, tactile and masticatory appendages, which were innervated from the fused prosomatic ganglia or hind brain, and a branchial or mesosomatic chamber, which contained a series of branchial appendages which were innervated from the fused mesosomatic ganglia or medulla oblongata. These two chambers did not originally communicate with each other, for the embryological evidence shows that they are separated at first by the septum of the stomatodseum, and also that the oral chamber is formed by the forward growth of the lower lip. The phylogenetic test on the side of Limulus and its congeners agrees in a remarkable manner with the conclusions derived from the study of Ammoceetes, for we see that the variation which has occurred in the formation of Eurypterus from Limulus is exactly of the kind necessary to form the oral and branchial chambers of the Ammoccetes. Thus, we find with respect to the mesosomatic appendages that the free, many-jointed appendages of the crustacean become con- verted into the plate-like appendages of Weenies in which the separate joints are still visible, but insignificant in comparison with the large branchis-bearing lamella ; then comes the in-sinking of these appendages, as described by Macleod,’ to form the branchial lamellg, or so-called lung-books of Thelyphonus, and the branchie of Eurypterus, in which all semblance of jointed and free appendages disappears and the branchiz project into a series of chambers or gill-pouches, each pair of which in Thelyphonus open freely into communication. In this way we see already the commencement of the formation of a branchial chamber similar to that of Ammoccetes. ; So also with the innervation of these mesosomatic appendages, originally a series of separate mesosomatic ganglia, each of which innervates a separate appendage ; then a process of cephalisation takes place, in consequence of which, in the first place, a single ganglion, the opercular ganglion, fuses with the already fused proso- matic ganglia, as is seen in the stage of Limulus; then, as pointed out by Lankester, in the different groups of scorpions more and more of the mesosomatic ganglia fuse together, and so we find the upward variation in this group is distinctly in the direction of the formation of the medulla oblongata coincidently with the formation | of a branchial chamber. ; In a precisely similar way, we find the variation which has occurred in the prosomatic appendages leads directly to the formation of the oral chamber and oral appendages of Ammoceetes ; for the original chelate and locomotor appendaa of Limulus become converted into the tactile non-chelate appendages of terus — (cf. figs. 4 and 5), and the small chilaria (M) of Limulus, according to Lankester, fuse in the middle line and. grow forward to form the metastoma of Eurypterus, thus forming an oral chamber, into which the short tactile appendages could be withdrawn, closely similar in its formation to the oral shinies of Ammoceetes. The prosomatic ganglia supplying these oral appendages have already, in Limulus (see fig. 4), been fused together to form the infra-cesophageal ganglia or hind brain. The phylogenetic test, then, both on the side of the vertebrate and of the inver- tebrate, points direct to the conclusion that the peculiarities of the trigeminal and vagus groups of nerves are due to their origin from nerves supplying prosomatic and mesosomatic appendages respectively. 2. The anatomical test confirms and emphasises this conclusion in a most striking manner, for we find not only coincidence of topographical arrangement, a8 ' Macleod, Archiv. de Biologie, vol. y. 1884. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 15 already mentioned, but also similarity of structure ; thus we see that the blood in the gill lamella and velar appendages of Ammoccetes does not circulate in distinct capillaries, but, as in the arthropod appendages, in lacunar spaces, which by the subdivision of the surface of the appendage to form gill lamella become narrow channels; that also certain of the branchial muscles and of the muscles of the velar appendages are of the invertebrate type of so-called tubular muscles. These inver- tebrate muscles are not found in higher vertebrates, Lut only in Ammocetes, and moreover disappear entirely at transformation. Origin of the Vertebrate Cartilaginous Skeleton. Perhaps, however, the most startling evidence in favour of the homology between the branchial segments of Ammoccetes and the branchial appendages of Limulus is found in the fact that a cartilaginous bar external to the branchia exists in each one of the branchial appendages of Limulus, to which some of the branchial muscles are attached in precisely the same way as in Ammoceetes. The branchial cartilages of Limulus (see fig. 4) spring from the entapophyses and form strong cartilaginous bars which are extra-branchial in position, just as in Ammo- coetes, in addition to each branchial bar, a cartilaginous ligament passes from one entapophysis to another, so as to form a longitudinal or entapophysial ligament, more or less cartilaginous, which extends on each side along the length of the mesosoma. In precisely the same way the branchial bars of Ammoccetes are joined together along each side of the notochord by a ligamentous band of more or less continuous cartilaginous tissue, forming a subchordal or parachordal carti- laginous ligament. Further, we see that this cartilage of Limulus is of a very striking structure, quite different from that of vertebrate cartilage, and that it is formed in a fibro- massive tissue which, like the matrix of the cartilage, gives a deep purple stain with thionin, thus showing the presence of some form of chondro-mucoid. This fibro-massive tissue is closely connected with the chitinogenous cells of the entapo- hyses. Saiartiiog is it to find that the branchial cartilages of Ammoccetes possess identically the same structure as the cartilages of Limulus; that the branchial cartilages are formed in a fibro-massive tissue which, like the matrix of the cartilage, ives a deep purple stain with thionin, and that this fibro-massive tissue, to which hneider ' ives the name of muco-cartilage, or Vorknorpel, entirely disappears at transformation. Further, according to Shipley,* the cartilaginous skeleton of the Ammoccetes when first formed consists simply of a series of straight branchial bars, springing from a series of cartilaginous pieces arranged bilaterally along the notochord. The formation cf the trabecule, of the auditory capsules, of the crossbars to form the branchial basket-work, all occur subsequently, so that exactly those parts which alone exist in Limulus are those parts which alone exist at an early stage in Ammoccetes. Another distinction is manifest between these branchial cartilages and those of the trabecule and auditory capsules, in that the latter do not stain in the same manner; whereas the matrix of the br»nchial cartilages stains red with picro-carmine, that of the trabecule and auditory capsules stains deep yellow, so that the junction between the trabeculee and the first branchial bar is well marked by the transition from the one to the other kind of staining. The difference cor- responds to Parker's * soft and hard cartilage. The new cartilages which are formed at transformation, either in places where muco-cartilage exists before or by the invasion of the fibrous tissue of the brain- case by chondroblasts, are all of the hard cartilage variety. The phylogenetic, anatomical, and ontogenetic history of the formation of the ' Schneider, Beiirage z. Anat. u. Entmwicklungsgesch. der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1879. ? Shipley, Quart. Journ. of Micr. Sci. 1887. ® Parker, Phil Trans. Roy. Soo, 1883. 16 REPORT—1896, ae vertebrate skeleton all show how the bony skeleton is formed from the cartilaginous, and how the cartilaginous skeleton can be traced back to that found in Petromyzon, and so to the still simpler form found in Ammocostes ; from this, again, we can pass directly to the cartilaginous skeleton of Limulus, and so finally trace back the cranial skeleton of the vertebrate to its commencement in the modified chitinous ingrowths connected with the entapophyses of Limulus. A similar explanation of the origin of cartilage from modifications of the chitinous ingrowths of Limulus was suggested by Gegenbauer! so long ago as 1858, in consideration of the near chemical resemblances between the chitin and mucin groups of substances. Comparison of the Thyroid and Hyo-branchial Appendage of Ammocestes with the Opercular Appendage of LEurypterus, Thelyphonus, de. Meaning of the VIIth Nerve. Seeing, then, how easily the [Xth and Xth nerves in Ammoccetes correspond to the mesosomatic nerves to the branchial appendages in Limulus, and therefore to the corresponding nerves in such an animal as Eurypterus, we may with con- fidence proceed to the consideration of the VIIth nerve, and anticipate that it will be found to innervate a mesosomatic appendage in front of the branchial appendages, and yet belonging to the branchial group; in other words, if the VIIth nerve is to fit into the scheme, it ought to innervate a structure or structures corresponding to the operculum of Limulus or of Thelyphonus, &c. Now we see in figs. 5 and8 the nature of the operculum in Eurypterus and in Thelyphonus, Phrynus, &c. It is in reality composed of two parts, a median and anterior portion which bears on its under surface the external genital organs, and a posterior part which bears branchie ; so that the operculum of these animals may be considered as a genital operculum fused to a branchial appendage, and therefore double. It is absolutely startling to find that the branchial segment immediately in front of the glosso-pharyngeal seg- ment in Ammoceetes (fig. 3) consists of two parts, of which the posterior, the hyo-branchial, is gill-bearing, while the anterior carries on its under surface the pseudo-branchial groove of Dohrn, which continues asa ciliated groove up to the _ opening of the thyroid gland. Again, the comparison of the ventral surfaces of Eurypterus and Ammoccetes- (cf. fig. 5 and fig. 8) brings to light a complete coincidence of position between the median tongue of the operculum in the one animal and the median plate of muco-cartilage in the other animal, which separates in so remarkable a manner the cartilaginous basket-work of each side, and bears on its under surface the thyroid gland. Finally, Miss Alcock has shown that not only the hyo-branchial, but also the thyroid part of this segment, is innervated by the VIIth nerve; so that every argument which has forced us to the conclusion that the glosso-pharyngeal and —— yagus nerves are the nerves which originally supplied branchial appendages equally points to the conclusion that the facial nerve originally supplied the opercular appendage—an appendage which closed the branchial chamber in front, which con- sisted of two parts, a branchial and a genital, probably indicating the fusion of two segments ; and that the thyroid gland belonged to the genital operculum, just as the branchise belonged to the branchial operculum. This interpretation of the parts supplied by the facial nerve immediately explains why Dohrn is so anxious to make a thyroid segment in front of the branchial segments, and why a controversy is still going on as to whether the facial supplies two segments or one. . What, then, is the thyroid gland? Of all the organs found in the vertebrate, with perhaps the single exception of the pineal eye, there is no one which so clearly is a relic of the invertebrate ancestor as the thyroid gland. This gland, important as it is known to be in the higher vertebrates, remains of much the same type of structure down to the fishes, and even to Petromyzon; suddenly, when we pass to the Ammoccetes, to that larval condition so pregnant with inver- tebrate surprises, we find that the thyroid has become a large and important organ, ! Gegenbauer, ‘ Anat. Untersuch. eines Limulus,’ Abhand/. der Naturf. Gesellsch. in Halle, 1858. —_— Sy TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 17 totally different in structure from the thyroid of all other vertebrates, though resembling the endostyl of the Tunicates, The thyroid of Ammoccetes may be described as a long tube, curled up at its posterior end, which contains in its wall, along the whole of its length, a peculiar glandular structure, confined to a small portion of its wall. A section through this tube is given in fig. 7, and shows how this glandular structure possesses no alveoli, no ducts, but consists of a column of elongated cells arranged in a wedge-shaped manner, the apex of the wedge being in the lumen of the tube; each cell contains a spherical nucleus, situated at the very extreme Fig. 7. MUCO-CARTILAGE OPERCULUM BRANCHIAL ” Thyroid (Ammoccetes), Thyroid (Scorpion). end of the cell, farthest away from the lumen of the tube. Such a structure is different form that of any other vertebrate gland. Its secretion is not in any way evident. It certainly does not secrete mucus or take part in digestion, and for a long time I was unable to find any structure which resembled it in the least degree, apart, of course, from the endostyl of the Tunicates. Guided, however, by the considerations already put forward, and feeling therefore convinced that in Eurypterus there must have been a structure re- sembling the thyroid gland underneath the median projection of the operculum, I proceeded to investigate the nature of the terminal genital apparatus under- lying the operculum in the different members of the scorpion family, and reproduce here (tig. 8) the figures given by Blanchard ' of the appearance of the terminal male genital organs in Phrynus and Thelyphonus. Emboldened by the striking appear- ance of these figures, I proceeded to cut sections through the operculum of the European scorpion, and found that that part of the genital duct which underlies the operculum, and that part only, contains within its walls a glandular structure which resembles the thyroid gland of Ammoccetesin a remarkable degree. A section is represented in fig. 7, and we see that under the operculum in the middle line is situated a tube, the walls of which in one part on each side are thickened by the formation of a gland with long cells of the same kind as those of the thyroid; the nucleus is spherical, and situated at the farther end of the cell, and the cells are arranged in wedges, so that the extremities of each group of cells come to a point on the surface of the inner lining of the tube, This point is marked by a small round opening in the internal chitinous lining of the tube. These cells form a column along the whole length of the tube, just as in the thyroid gland, so that the chitinous lining along that column is perforated by numbers of small round ' Blanchard, L’ Organisation du Regne Animas. REPORT—1896. | Fig. 8. Comparison of the ventral surface of the branchial region. THELYPRONUS. EvRYPTERUS TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 19 AMMOC@TEs. In all figures the opercular appendage is marked out by its dotted appearance. holes. This glandular structure is not confined to the male scorpion, but is found also in the female, though not so well developed. So characteristic is the structure, so different from anything else, that I have no hesitation in saying that the thyroid of Ammoccetes is the same structurally as the thyroid of the scorpion, and that, therefore, in all probability the median projection of the operculum in the old forms of scorpions, such as Eurypterus, Pterygotus, Slimonium, &c., covered a glandular tube of the same nature as the thyroid of Ammocecetes. We see, then, that the structures innervated by the VIIth, [Xth, and Xth nerves are absolutely concordant with the view that the primitive vertebrate respiratory chamber was formed from the mesosomatic eppentines of such a form as Limulus by a slight modification of the method by which the respiratory apparatus of Thelyphonus and other Arachnids has been formed, according to Macleod: The anterior limit of this chamber was formed by the operculum, the basal part of which formed a septum which originally separated the branchial from the oral chamber. Comparison of the Oral Chamber of Ammocaetes with that of Eurypterus. Meaning of the Vth Nerve. Passing now to the oral chamber—z.e. to the visceral structures innervated by the Vth nerve—we find, as already suggested, distinct evidence in Ammoceetes of the presence of the modified prosomatic appendages of the original Eurypterus- like form. The large velar appendage is the least modified, possessing as 1t does the arthropod tubular muscles, a blood system of lacunar blood-spaces, and a surface covered with a regular scale-like pattern, formed by cuticular nodosities, similar to that found on the surface of Eurypterus and other scorpions. The velar appendages show, further, that they are serially homologous with the re- spiratory appendages, in that they have been utilised to assist in respiration, their moyements being synchronous with the respiratory movements, 20 REPORT—1896. The separate part of the Vth nerve which supplies the velar appendage passes within it from the dorsal to the ventral part of the animal, and then, as Miss Aleock has shown, turns abruptly forward to supply the large median tentacle, This extraordinary course leads directly to the conclusion that this median tentacle, which is in reality double, constitutes, with the velum of each side, the true velar appendages. Again, on each side of the middle line there are in Ammoccetes four large tentacles, each of which possesses a system of muscles, muco-cartilage, and blood- spaces, precisely similar to the median ventral tentacle already mentioned. Each of these is supplied, as Miss Alcock has shown, by a separate branch of the motor part of the Vth nerve (see fig. 6), and each branch is comparable with the branch supplying the large velar appendage. That such tentacles are not mere sensory papille surrounding the mouth, but have a distinet and important morphological meaning, is shown by the fact that they are transformed in the adult Petromyzon into the remarkable tongue and suctorial apparatus: a modification of oral appendages into a suctorial apparatus which is abundantly common among Arthropods. Finally, the Vth nerve innervates the visceral muscles of the lower and upper lips of Ammoccetes. In order, then, for the story to be complete, the homologues of the lower and upper lips must also be found in the system of prosomatic appendages of forms like Limulus and Eurypterus. The lower lip, like the opercular or thyroid appendage, possesses a plate of muco-cartilage, and, as already mentioned, falls into its natural place as the metastoma of the old Eurypterus-like form, by the enlargement and forward growth of which the oral chamber of Ammoccetes was formed. The meaning of the upper lip will be con- sidered with the consideration of the old mouth tube. The comparison of the metastoma of Eurypterus with the lower lip of Ammoccetes demonstrates the close resemblance between the oral chambers of Eurypterus and Ammoceetes. In order to obtain the condition of affairs in Ammoccetes from that in Eurypterus, it is only necessary that the metastoma should increase in size, and that the last oral appendage, the large oar-appendage, should follow the example of the other oral appendages, and be withdrawn into the oral cavity, and so form the velar appendage. Thus we see that, just as the mesosomatic appendages of Limulus can be traced into the branchial and thyroid appendages of Ammoccetes through the inter- mediate stage of forms similar to Eurypterus, so also the prosomatic appendages and chilaria of Limulus can be traced into the velar and tentacular appendages and lower lip of Ammoccetes through the intermediate stage of forms similar to Eurypterus. 3%. Lastly comes the ontogenetic test. The concordant interpretation of the origin of the motor part of the Vth, of the VIIth, [Xth, and Xth nerves given by the anatomical and phylogenetic tests must explain and be illustrated by the facts of the development of Ammoceetes. We see :— 1. The oral chamber of Ammoccetes is known in its early stage by the name of the stomatodw#um, and we find, as might be anticipated, that it is completely separated at first from the branchial chamber by the septum of the stomatodzeum. 2. This septum is the embryological representative of the basal part of the operculum, and demonstrates that originally the operculum separated the oral and __ branchial chambers. 3. Subsequently these two chambers are put into communication by the break- ing through of this septum, illustrating the communication between the two chambers by the separation of the median basal parts of the operculum. 4. The velar appendages, the tentacular appendages, the lower lip, all form as out-buddings, just as the homologous locomotor appendages are formed in arthropods. 5. The branchial bars are not formed by a series of inpouchings in a tube of uniform thickness, but, as Shipley ' has pointed out, by a series of ingrowths at ' Loe. cit. —— TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 21 regular intervals ; in other words, the embryological history represents a series of buddings—z.e. appendages within the branchial chamber similar to the buddings within the oral chamber—and does not indicate the formation of gill-pouches by the thinning of an original thick tube at definite intervals. 6. The communication of the branchial chamber with the exterior by the formation of the gill-slits represents a stage in the ancestral history which is con- ceivable, but cannot at present be explained with the same certainty as most of the embryological facts of vertebrate development. I can only say that Striibel! has pointed out, and I can confirm him, that after the young Thelyphonus has left the egg, and is on its mother’s back, before the moult which gives it the same form as the adult, the gills and gill-pouches are fully formed, but do not as yet communi- cate with the exterior. 7. The branchial cartilages in the Ammoccetes are formed distinctly before the auditory capsules and trabecul:e, illustrative of the fact that they alone are formed in Limulus. Comparison of the Auditory Apparatus of Ammocetes with the Flabellum of Limulus. Meaning of the VIIIth Nerve. The correctness of a theory is tested in two ways:—(1) It must explain all known facts; and (2) it ought to bring to light what is as yet unknown, and the more it leads to the discovery of new facts, the more certain is it that the theory is true. So far, we see that the prosomatic and mesosomatie regions of the body in Limulus and the scorpions are comparable with the corresponding regions of Ammoceetes as far as their locomotor and branchial appendages are concerned, and that, therefore, a satisfactory explanation is given of the peculiarities of the Vth, VIlth, 1Xth, and Xth nerves. In all vertebrates, however, there is invariably found a special nerve, the VIIIth nerve, entirely confined to the innervation of the pedal sense-organs of the auditory apparatus. It follows, therefore, that if my theory is true the VIIIth nerve must be found in such forms as Limulus and its allies, and that, therefore, a special sense-organ, probably auditory in nature, must exist between the prosomatic and mesosomatic appendages, at the very base of the last prosomatic appendage. At present we know nothing about the nature or locality of the hearing apparatus of Limulus. It is, therefore, all the more in- teresting to find that in the very position demanded by the theory, at the base of the last prosomatic appendage, is found a large hemispherical organ, to which a movable spatula-like process is attached, known by the name of the flabellum. T1 is organ is confined to the base of this limb; it is undoubtedly a special sense~ organ, being composed mainly of nerves, in connection with an elaborate arrange- ment of cells and innumerable fine hairs, which are thickly imbedded in the chitin of the upper surface of the spatula. The arrangement of these cells and hairs is somewhat similar to that of various sense-organs described by Gaubert,* and supposed to be auditory. When the animal is at rest this sensory surface projects upwards and backwards into the crack between the prosomatic and mesosomatic carapaces, so that while the eyes only permit a look-out forwards and sidewards, and the whole animal is lying half buried in the sand, any vibrations in the water around can still pass through this open crevice, and so reach the sensory surface of this organ. Finally, the most striking and complete evidence that this sense-organ of Limulus is homologous with the auditory capsule of Ammoccetes is found in the fact that in each case the nerve is accompanied into the capsule by a diverticulum of the liver and generative organs. (See dotted substance in figs. 4 and 6.) In Limulus the liver and generative organs, which surround the central nervous system from one end of the body to the other, do not penetrate into any of the appendages, with the single exception of the flabellum. In Ammoceetes the peculiar glandular and pigmented tissue which surrounds ' Striibel, Zool. Anzeiger, vol. xv. 1892. ? Gaubert, Ann, d. Sci. Nat., Zool., 7th ser., tome 13, 1892, 22 REPORT—1896. the brain and spinal cord, and has already been recognised as the remains of the liver and generative organs, does not penetrate into the velar or other appendages, but is found only in the auditory capsule, where it enters with and partly surrounds the auditory nerve. The coincidence is so startling and unexpected as to bring conviction to my mind that in the flabel/um of Limulus we are observing the origin of the vertebrate auditory apparatus ; and it is, to say the least of it, suggestive that in Galeodes the last locomotor appendage should carry the extraordinary racquet-shaped organs which Gaubert has shown to be sense-organs of a special character, and that in the scorpion a large special sense-organ of a corresponding character, viz. the pecten, should be found which, from its innervation, as given by Patten,’ appears to belong to the segment immediately anterior to the operculum, rather than to that imme- diately posterior to it. Comparison of the Olfactory Organ of Ammoceetes with the Camerostome of Thelyphonus. Meaning of the Ist Nerve. Also comparison of the Hypophysis with the Mouth-tube of Thelyphonus. In precisely the same way as the theory has led to the discovery of a special sense-organ in Limulus and its allies which may well be auditory, so also it must lead to the discovery of the olfactory apparatus of the same group, for here also, just as in the case of the auditory apparatus, we are at present entirely in the dark. The olfactory organ in such an animal as Thelyphonus ought to be innervated from the supra-cesophageal ganglia, and ought to be situated in the middle line, in front of the mouth. ‘lhe mouth is at the anterior end in these animals, the lower lip or hypostoma (see fig. 9) being formed by the median projecting flanges of the basal joints of the two pedipalpi; above, in the middle ae is a peculiar median appendage called the camerostome. Still more dorsal we find in the median line the rostrum, with the median eyes near its extremity, and laterally on each side of the camerostome, and dorsal to it, are situated the powerful chelicerse, which are considered by some authorities to represent antennee. Of these parts the camero- stome is certainly innervated from the supra-cesophageal ganglia, and upon cutting sagittal and transverse sections in a very young Thelyphonus we find that the surface is remarkably covered with very fine sense-hairs, arranged with great regu- larity and connected with a conspicuous mass of large cells. Upon making trans- yerse sections through this region we see that the camerostome projects into the orifice of the mouth, and that its sense-epithelium forms, together with a similar epithelium on the lower lip, a closed cavity surrounded by a thick hedge of fine hairs. Here, then, in the camerostome of Thelyphonus 1s a special sense-organ which, from its position and its innervation, may well be olfactory in function, or at all events subserve the function of taste. Upon comparing this organ with the olfactory organ of Ammoccetes we see a most striking resemblance in general arrangement and structure. Just as the mouth tube of Thelyphonus is formed of two parts, the pedipalp and camerostome, so, according to Kuppfer, the nasal tube of Ammoccetes is composed of two parts, the upper lip and the olfactery protuberance. Of these two parts we see that the upper lip, or hood, like the pedipalp, is innervated by the Vth nerve, or nerve of the prosomatic appendages, while the olfactory protuberance, like the camerostome, is innervated by the Ist nerve. LKuppfer’s investigations show us further (fig. 9) how the olfactory protuberance is at first free, is directed yentralwards, and lies at the opening of the hypophysial tube ; how afterwards, by the forward and upward growth of the upper lip to form the hood, the nasal tube is formed, with the result that the nasal opening lies on the dorsal surface just in front of the pineal eye. Kuppfer, like Dohrn and Beard, looks upon this hypo- physial tube as indicating the palewostoma, or original mouth of the vertebrate, a view which harmonises absolutely with my theory, and receives the simplest of explanations from it, for, as you see on the screen, sections through the mouth tube ' Patten, Quart. Journ. of Mier. Sci. vol. xxxi, 1890, - TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 23 of Thelyphonus are word for word the same as sections through the nasal tube of Ammoceetes; here in the one section is the projecting camerostome, here is the corresponding projection of the olfactory protuberance, here is the sense-epithelium of the lower lip or hypostoma, here is the sense-epithelium of the upper lip or hood. Here, as fig. 9 shows, the mouth tube passes in the ventral middle line to where it turns dorsalwards into the middle of the conjoined nervous mass Fig. 9. we “Og Oral COuamba ee 7 OT. dp Jaa P A.—Median sagittal section through head of young Thelyphonus. B— , ” ” » * » Ammoceete (after Kuppfer). C.— full-grown Ammocete (after Kuppfer.) ” ” ” ” of the supra- and infra-cesophageal ganglia. There the nasal tube ends blindly at the spot where the infundibular tube lies on the surface of the brain. Further, the topography of corresponding parts is absolutely the same in the two animals: in the dorsal middle line the rostrum, with the two median eyes near its extremity ; in the corresponding position the two pineal eyes ; below this, in the middle line, the camerostome ; corresponding to it in the Ammoccetes the olfactory 24 REPORT—1896. protuberance; then the modification of the median projections of the foremost ventral appendages—the pedipalpi—to form the hypostoma, in the corresponding position the upper lip or hood of Ammoccetes, which forms the hypostoma as far as the hypophysial tube or paleostoma is concerned, but an upper lip as far as the new mouth is concerned. The muscles of this upper lip belong all to the splanch- nic and not to the somatic group, and are innervated by the appropriate nerve of the prosomatic appendages, viz. the motor part of the Vth. Ventral to the pedi- palpi in Thelyphonus there is nothing, ventral to the corresponding lip in the Ammoceetes is the lower lip, and we have seen that, although such a structure is absent in the land scorpions of the present day, it was present in the sea scorpions of old time, was known as the metastoma, and is supposed to be a forward growth which started at the junction of the prosoma with the mesosoma. Precisely corre- sponding to this we see from Kuppfer that the lower lip of Ammoccetes is a forward growth from the junction of the stomatodwum with the respiratory chamber. We see then, so far, that the comparison of the vertebrate nervous system with the conjoined central nervous system and alimentary canal of the arthropod has led to a perfectly consistent explanation of almost all the peculiarities of the head region of Ammoccetes. We have solved the segmentation of the skull and the mysteries of the cranial nerves, for we have found that the cranial segmentation of the vertebrate can be reduced to the segmentation of the prosomatic and mesoso- matic regions of the Limulus, that the cranial skeleton arose from the modified internal chitinous skeleton of the Limulus, that the new mouth was formed by the forward growth of the metastoma, leading to the formation of an oral chamber, while the old mouth remained as the hypophysial tube, guarded by its olfactory and taste organs. Search as we may in the prosomatic and mesosomatic regions of scorpion-like animals, there are but few points left for elucidation; among these the most important are, 1, the fate of the coelomic cavities and coxal gland; 2, the fate of the heart; 3, the fate of the external chitinous covering. Comparison of the Head Cavities of the Vertebrate with the Prosomatic and Mesosomatic Celomic Spaces of Limulus. A recent el by Kishinouye ' on the development of Limulus enables us to compare the coelomic cavities in the head region of a vertebrate with those of the prosomatic and mesosomatic segments of Limulus, and we see that the comparison is wonderfully close ; for whereas each mesosomatic segment possesses a coelomic cavity, just as each of the segments of the branchial chamber panned by the vagus, glosso- pharyngeal, and facial nerves possesses a coelomic cavity, this is not the case with the prosomatic segments. In these latter the first coelomic cavity isa large preoral one, common to the segment of the first appendage and all the segments in front of it; the segments belonging to the second, third, and fourth appendages have no coelomic cavities formed in them, the second ccelomie cavity belongs to the segment of the fifth appendage. Similarly in the vertebrate in the region corresponding to the prosoma there are only two head cavities recognised, viz. the lst proral head cavity of Balfour and V. Wijhe ; and 2nd or mandibular head cavity, associated especially with the Vth nerve. According to my view the motor part of the Vth nerve represents the locomotor prosomatie appendages of Limulus, and we see that already in Limulus the three foremost of these appendages do: not form coelomic cavities. In fact, the agreement in the formation and position of the coelomic cavities in the head region of the vertebrate and in the prosomatic and mesosomatic regions of Limulus could not well be more exact; further, these cavities agree in this, that in neither case are they permanent; both in the vertebrate and in the arthropod they are supplanted by vascular spaces. ' Kishinouye, Journ. of Coll. of Sei, Tokio, vol. v. 1891, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 25 Comparison of the Pituitary Gland with the Coxal Gland of Limulus. In connection with the second ccelomie cavity in Limulus is found an ancient gland, partially degenerated according to some views, which was probably excretory in function and has been considered as homologous to the crustacean green glands. In a precisely corresponding position, and presenting a structure fairly similar to that of the coxal gland of Limulus, we find in Ammoccetes and in other vertebrates the pituitary gland, How far this gland tissue is developed in connection with the mandibular head cavity I do not know, but I venture to suggest that the complete evidence of its homology with the coxal gland will be found in its developmental connection with the walls of the 2nd or mandibular head cavity. Comparison of the Vertebrate Heart and Ventral Aorta with the Ventral Longitudinal Branchial Sinuses of Limulus and its Allies. The heart of the vertebrate presents two striking peculiarities, which make it different from all invertebrate hearts: first, its developmental history is different; and, secondly, it is at first essentially a branchial rather than a systemic heart. The researches of Paul Mayer ' have shown that the subintestinal vein, from which in the fishes the heart and ventral aorta arise, is in its origin double, so that in all vertebrates the heart and ventral aorta arise from two long veins which are originally situated on each side of the middle line. By the formation of the head fold these come together ventrally, coalesce into a single tube to form the subintestinal vein and heart, still remaining double as the two ventral aorte with their branchial branches into each gill, as is well shown in the case of Ammocestes. It is a striking coincidence that in Limulus and the Scorpions two large venous collecting sinuses are found situated in the same ventral position, for the same purpose of sending blood to the branchis, as already described for the vertebrate ; still more striking is it to find, according to the researches of Milne Edwards and Blanchard, that these longitudinal sinuses have already begun to function as branchial hearts, for they are connected with the pericardium by a system of transparent muscles, described by Milne Edwards and named by Lankester veno- pericardiac muscles. These muscles are hollow, both near the vein and near the pericardium, so that the blood in each case fills the cavity, and, as they contract with the heart, that part of them in connection with the venous collecting sinus aad functions, as pointed out by Milne Edwards and Blanchard, as a branchial eart. By this theory, then, even the formation of the vertebrate heart is prevised in Limulus, and I venture to think that in Ammocecetes we see the remnant of the old dorsal single heart of the arthropod in the form of that peculiar elongated organ composed of fattily degenerated tissue which lies between the spinal cord and the dorsal median skin. Comparison of the Cuticular and Laminated Layers of the Skin of Ammocetes with Chitinous Layers. The external epithelial cells of Ammoccetes possess a remarkably thick cuticular layer. ‘The striated appearance of this layer is due to a number of pores through which the glandular contents of the cells are poured when the surface is made to secrete. That this striated appearance is due to true porous canals, just as in chitin, and not to a series of rods, is easily seen by the inspection of sections, and also by watching the secretion through them of rose-coloured granules when the living cell is stained with methylene blue. The surface layer of this cuticular layer, according to Wolff,’ resists reagents in the same manner as chitin. ' Mayer, Mitth. a. d. Zool. St. zu Neapel, vol. vii. 2 Wolff, Jen. Zeitschr. vol. xxiii, 26 REPORT—1896. = 7 Internal to the epithelial cells of the skin of Ammoccetes is a remarke layer of tissue, generally called connective tissue. It resembles, however, hist logically, in the Ammoccetes, a section through chitin most closely; the layer are perfectly regular and parallel ; cells are found in it with great sparseness, an it is not until after transformation, when it is altered and invaded by new cell elements, that it can be looked upon as at all resembling connective tissue. It resembles chitin in its reaction to hypochlorite of soda. In order to completely — dissect off this laminated layer from an Ammoccetes, all that is necessary is to place the animal in a weak solution of hypochlorite of soda, and in a short time it entirely disappears, bringing to view the muscles, branchial cartilage pigment, front dorsal part of the central nervous system, &c., in a most striking manner. — At present I am puzzled that so manifest a chitinous covering should lie internal to the epithelial cells of the surface; such a position is not, however, unknown among invertebrates, and may be accounted for in various ways. For the sake of clearness I will sum up before you in the form of a table the — corresponding parts in Ammoccetes and in Limulus and its allies, as far as I have discussed them up to the present, from which you will see that there is not a single organ which is present in the prosomatic and mesosomatic regions of — Limulus and its allies which is not found in the corresponding situation and of corresponding structure in Ammoccetes. Table of Coincidences between Limulus and its Allies, and between Ammocetes and Vertebrates. . LIMULUS AND ITS ALLIES, Central Nervous System. Supra-cesophageal ganglia Optic part. ; Olfactory part (Esophageal commissures Infra-cesophageal ganglia Prosomatic ganglia Mesosomatic ganglia Ventral chain. Metasomatic ganglia Alimentary Canal. Cephalic stomach . Straight intestine Terminal part (Esophagus Mouth tube Liver . : : : : Appendages and Appendage Nerves. Prosomatic or locomotor append- ages . ; ; , Foremost appendages Last appendages Metastoma ; ; : Nerves of prosomatic appendages . Mesosomatic or branchial append- ages. 2 : : : Opercular appendages Genital part Branch. part Basal part Branchial appendages Special Sense Organs and Nerves. Lateral eyes and optic nerves Median eyes and nerves AMMOCCETES AND VERTEBRATES. Cerebral hemispheres. Optic thalami, ganglia habenula, &c, Olfactory lobes. Crura cerebri. Epichordal brain. Hind brain, cerebellum, post-corp. quadrig. — Medulla oblongata. Spinal cord. Ventricular cavities of brain. Central canal of spinal cord. Neurenteric canal. Infundibular tube and saccus vasculosus, Hypopbysial tube, later nasal canal. _ Part of subarachnoideal glandular tissue. Appendages of oral chamber or stoma- — todzum. Upper lip and tentacles. Velar appendage and median ventral tentacle. Lower lip. Various branches of Vth nerve. Appendages of branchial chamber. Appendage innervated by VIIth nerve. Thyroid glandand pseudo-branchial groove. Hyobranchial. Septum of stomatodreum. Branchial appendages innervated by IXth and Xth nerves, Lateral eyes and optic nerves. Pineal eyes and nerves, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION 1. 07 Camerostoma and olfactory nerves Olfactory organ and Ist nerve. Flabellum and nerve. 2 . Auditory organ and VIIIth nerve. Epimeral nerves to surface of pro- soma and mesosoma . Sensory part of Vth nerve. Internal and External Skeleton. Internal skeleton. Branchial cartilages : . Branchial cartilages. Entapophysial cartilaginous ligaments Subchordal cartilaginous ligaments. Fibro-massive tissue (fore- runner of cartilage or ‘Vorknorpel’). ; . Muco-cartilage or ‘ Vorknorpel.' External skeleton. Chitinous layer. : . Cuticular layer on surface of body and : subepithelial laminated layer. KLaeretory Organs and Calomic Cavities. Coxal gland . : - : . Pituitary gland. Ist head cavity, preoral : . lst head cavity, preoral. 2nd head cavity. Cavity of pro- somatic segments 3 . 2nd head cavity, mandibular. Cavities to each mesosomatic segment . ; : : . Cavities of hyoid and branchial segments. Heart and Vascular System. Dorsal heart . ; : ! . Column of fatty tissue dorsal to spinal cord, Longitudinal venous sinuses . Heart and ventral aorta. Lacunar blood spaces of ap- pendages é ‘ . Lacunar blood spaces in velar and branchial appendages. The Possible Meaning of the Notochord. Although we can say that every structure and organ in the prosomatic and mesosomatic regions of Limulus, &c., is to be found in the head region of Ammo- coetes, we cannot assert the reverse proposition, that every organ in the head region of Ammocecetes is to be found in Limulus, &c., for we find a notable exception in the case of the notochord, a structure which is par excellence a vertebrate structure, and has in consequence given the current name to the group. Such a structure is clearly not to be found in Limulus and its allies; it has evidently arisen in connec- tion with the formation of the vertebrate alimentary canal from the oral and branchial chambers, and it evidently at one time possessed a functional significance, for the lower we descend in the vertebrate scale the more conspicuous it becomes. Unfortunately we know nothing of the condition of the notochord in the early extinct fishes, so that we are reduced to the embryological method of enquiry in our endeavours to find out the meaning of this organ. This method appears to point to the origin of the notochord from a tube connected with the alimentary canal, originally therefore an accessory digestive tube; the reasons why such a view has been put forward are, first, the origin of the notochord from hypoblast; secondly, the evidence that it is to a certain extent tubular; and thirdly, that it is an unsegmented tube extending from the oral to the anal regions of the body. Beisther argument, to my mind stronger than any other, is based on the principle that nature repeats herself, and if, therefore, we find the same proliferation of cells in the same place forming a series of solid notochordal rods, we may fairly argue that we are observing a series of repetitions of the same process for the same object. Now the formation of the head region of Petromyzon shows that at first a median proliferation of hypoblastic cells occurs to form the notochord, which then separates off from the hypoblast; later on a similar proliferation takes place to form the subnotochordal rod, which similarly separates off from the hypoblast ; later still, at the time of transformation, a third median proliferation of the cells of the hypoblast takes place, to form a solid rod of cells. This solid rod then com- mences to hollow out at the end nearest the intestine, and the hollowing out 28 REPORT—1896. os process extends gradually to the oral end, until a hollow tube is formed connectin the mouth with the intestine. In this way the new gut of the adult Petromyzon is formed from a solid median rod of cells closely resembling in its formation the original notochord. I put it forward therefore as a suggestion, that in the ancient times when the merostomata were lords of creation and the competition was keen among these — ancient arthropod forms, in which the neryous system was so arranged that increase of brain substance tended more and more to compress the food channel, and therefore to compel to the suction of liquid food instead of the mastication — of solid, accessory digestive apparatuses were formed, partly in connection — with the formation of the oral and respiratory chambers, and partly by means of the formation of the notochord. Of these accessory methods of digestion the former became permanent, while the latter becoming filled up with the peculiar notochordal tissue became a supporting structure, still showing by its unsegmented — character its original function. That a tube formed from the external surface either as notochord or as the respiratory portion of the alimentary canal in Ammoccetes should be capable of acting as a digestive tube is clear from the researches of Miss Alcock,! for she has shown that the secretion of the skin of Ammoceetes easily digests fibrin in the presence of acid. Such a secretion, like the similar secretion of the carapace of Daphnia and other crustaceans, was originally for the purpose of keeping the skin clean. The evidence which I have put before you is in agreement with the conclusion that the fore gut of the vertebrate arose gradually from a chamber formed by the lamellar branchial appendages, which functioned also as a digestive chamber. By the growth of the lower lip, or metastoma, and the modification of the basal portion of the last locomotor appendage, which basal part was inside the lower lip, into a valvular arrangement like the velum, the animal was able to close the opening into the respiratory chamber and feed as blood-sucker in the way of the rest of its kind, or, when living food was scarce, keep itself alive by the organic material taken into its respiratory chamber with the muddy water in which it lived. The Possible Formation of the Vertebrate Spinal Region. It remains to briefly indicate the evidence as to the formation of the rest of the _ alimentary canal and the spinal region of the body. The problems connected with the formation of this region are of a different nature from those already considered in connection with the cranial region. In the cranial region the variation that has taken place within the verte- brate group and in the course of the formation of the vertebrate is, on the whole, of the nature called by Bateson substantive, ze. increase or suppression — of parts, while throughout the parts remain constant in their relations to each — other. It matters not whether it is trog, fish, bird, or mammal we are considering ; we always find the same cranial nerves supplying the same segments. When we consider the spinal cord and its immediate junction with the cranial region, this is no longer so; here we find a repetition of similar segments, with great variation in the amount of that repetition ; here we find the characteristic feature is meristic yariation rather than substantive, and so indetermined is the vertebrate in this respect that even now the same species of animal varies in the number of its segments and in the arrangement of its nerves. In this part of the vertebrate body this repetition is seen not only in the central nervous system and its nerves, but also in the exeretory organs, so that embryology teaches us that the vertebrate body has grown in length by a series of repetitions of similar segments formed between the head end and the tail end; such lengthening by repetition of segments — has been accompanied by the elongation of the unsegmented gut, of the unsegmented notochord, and of the unsegmented neural canal. To put it shortly, all the evidence points to and confirms the view so strongly urged by Gegenbauer, that the head region is the oldest part and the spina ' Alcock, Proce. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. vii. 1891, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 29 region an afterthought, that the attempt so often made to find vertebra and spinal nerves in the cranial region is an attempt to put the cart in front of the horse—to obtain youth from old age. We may, it seems to me, fairly argue from the sequence of events in the embryology of vertebrates that the primitive vertebrate form was chiefly composed of the head region, and that between the head and the tail was a short body region. In other words, the respiratory chamber and the cloacal region were originally close together, just as would be the casein Limulus if the branchial appendages formed a closed chamber. According, then, to my view, there would be no difficulty in the respiratory chamber opening originally into the cloacal region, te. the same cloacal region into which the neurenteric canal already opened. The short junction tube thus formed would naturally elongate with the elongation of the body, and, as it originally was part of the respiratory chamber, it equally naturally is innervated by the vagus nerve. ‘This, then, is the explana- tion of that most extraordinary fact, viz. that a nerve essentially branchial should innervate the whole of the intestine except the cloacal region. Whether this is the true explanation of the formation of the mid-gut of the vertebrate cannot be tested directly, but certain corollaries ought to follow: we ought to find, on the ground that the sequence of the phylogenetic history is repeated in the embryo, that, 1, the growth in length of the embryo takes place between the cranial and sacral regions by the addition of new segments from the cranial end; 2, the formation of the fore-gut and hind-gut ought to be completed while the mid-gut is still an undifferentiated mass of yolk cells; 3. the cloacal region ought to be innervated from the sacral nerves, while the stomach, mid-gut and its appendages, liver and pancreas, ought to be innervated from the vagus. The first proposition is a well-known embryological fact. The second pro- position is also well known for all vertebrates, and is especially well exemplified in the embryological development of Ammoccetes, according to Shipley. The third proposition is also well known, and has received valuable enlargement in the recent researches of Langley and Anderson,'' Further, we see that in this part of the body the ancestor of the vertebrate must have had a ccelomic cavity the walls of which were innervated, not from the mesosomatic nerves or respiratory nerves, but from the metasomatic group of nerves; and in connection with this body cavity there must have existed a kidney apparatus, also innervated by the metasomatic nerves ; with the repetition of segments by which the elongation of the animal was brought about the body cavity was elongated, and the kidney increased by the repetition of similar excretory organs. All, then, that is required in the original ancestor in order to obtain the permanent body cavity and urinary organs charac- teristic of the vertebrate is to postulate the presence of a permanent body cavity m connection with a single pair of urinary tubes in the metasomatic region of the body. As yet I have not worked out this part of my theory, and am therefore strongly disinclined to make any assertions on the subject. I should like, however, to point out that, according to Kishinouye,? a permanent body cavity does exist in this part of the body in spiders, known by the name of the stercoral pocket; into this coelomic cavity the excretory Malphigian tubes open. The Paleontological Evidence. It is clear, from what has already been said, that the paleontological evidence ought to show, first, that the vertebrates appeared when the waters of the ocean were peopled with the forefathers of the Crustacea and Arachnida, and, secondly, the earliest fish-like forms ought to be characterised by the presence of a large cephalic part to which is attached an insignificant body and tail. Such was manifestly the case, for the earliest fish-like forms appear in the midst of and succeed to the great era of strange proto-crustacean animals, when the sea swarmed with Trilobites, Eurypterus, Slimonium, Limulus, Pterygotus, Ceratioceras, and a number of other semi-crustacean, semi-arachnid } Langley and Anderson, Journ. of Physiology, vols. xviii., xix. 2 Kishinouye, Journ. of Coll. of Sci. Tokio, yol, iy, 1890, vol. vi. 1894, 80 REPORT—1896, creatures. When we examine these ancient fishes we find such forms as Pteraspis, — Pterichthys, Astrolepis, Bothriolepis, Cephalaspis, all characterised by the enormous disproportion between the extent of the head region and that of the body. Such forms would have but small power of locomotion, and further evolution consisted in gaining greater rapidity and freedom of movements by the elongation of the abdominal and tail regions, with the result that the head region became less and less prominent, until finally the ordinary fish-like form was evolved, in which the head and gills represent the original head and branchial chamber, and the flexible body, with its lateral line nerve and intestine innervated by the vagus nerve, represents the original small tail-like body of such a form as Pterichthys. Nay, more, the very form of Pterichthys and the nature of its two large oar-like _ appendages, which, according to Traquair, are hollow, like the legs of insects, sug- gest a form like Eurypterus, in which the remaining locomotor appendages had shrunk to tentacles, as in Ammoccetes, while the large oar-like appendages still remained, coming out between the upper and lower lips and assisting locomotion. The Ammoccetes-like forms which in all probability existed between the time of Eurypterus and the time of Pterichthys have not yet been found, owing possibly to the absence of chitin and of bone in these transition forms, unless we may count among them the recent find by Traquair of Palzeospondylus Gunni. The evidence of paleontology, as far as it goes, contirms absolutely the evi- dence of anatomy, physiology, phylogeny, and embryology, and assists in forming a perfectly consistent and harmonious account of the origin of vertebrates, the whole evidence showing how Nature made a great mistake, how excellently she rectified it, and thereby formed the new and mighty kingdom of the Vertebrata. ia Consideration of Rival Theories, In conclusion I would ask, What are the alternative theories of the origin of vertebrates? It is a strange and striking fact how often, when a comparative anatomist studies a particular invertebrate group, he is sure to find the vertebrate at the end of it: it matters not whether it is the Nemertines, the Capitellide, Balanoglossus, the Helminths, Annelids, or Echinoderms; the ancestor of the verte- brate is bound to be in that particular group. Verily I believe the Mollusca alone have not yet found a champion. On the whole I imagine that two views are most prominent at the present day—(1) to derive vertebrates from a group of animals in which the inbatany canal has always been ventral to the nervous system; and (2) to derive yertebrates from the segmented group of animals, especially annelids, by the supposition that the dorsal gut of the latter has become the ventral gut of the former by reversion of surfaces. Upon this latter theory, whether it is Dohrn or yan Beneden or Patten who attempts to homologise similar parts, it is highly amusing to see the hopeless confusion into which they one and all get, and the extraordinary hypotheses put forward to explain the fact that the gut no longer pierces the brain. One favourite method is to cut off the most important part of the animal, viz. his supra-cesophageal ganglia, then let the mouth open at the anterior end of the body, turn the animal over, so that the gut is now ventral, and let a new brain, with new eyes, new olfactory organs, grow forward from the infra-cesophageal ganglia. Another ingenious method is to separate the two supra-cesophageal ganglia, let the mouth tube sling round through the separated ganglia from ventral to dorsal side, then join up the ganglia and reverse the animal. The old attempts of Owen and Dohrn to pierce the dorsal part of the brain with the gut tube either in the region of the pineal eye or of the fourth ventricle have been given up as hopeless. Still the annelid theory, with its reversal of surfaces, lingers on, even though the fact of the median pineal eye is sufficient alone to show its absolute worthlessness. Then, as to the other view, what a demand does that make upon our credulity! We are to suppose that a whole series of animals has existed on the earth, the © development of which has run parallel with that of the great group of segmented animals, but throughout the group the nervous system has always been dorsal to — the alimentary canal. Of this great group no trace remains, either aliye at the — TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION I. 31 i day or in the record of the rocks, except one or two aberrant, doubtful ‘orms, and the group of Tunicates and Amphioxus, both of which are to be looked upon as degenerate vertebrates, and indeed are more nearly allied to the Ammo- ccetes than to any other animal. ‘This hypothetical group does not attempt to explain any of the peculiarities of the central nervous system of vertebrates; its advocates, in the words of Lankester, regard the tubular condition of the central nervous system as in its origin a purely developmental feature, possessing no pergenatic importance. Strange power of mimicry in nature, that a tube so ‘ormed should mimic in its terminations, in its swellings, in the whole of its topo- graphical relations to the nervous masses surrounding it the alimentary canal of the other great group of segmented animals so closely as to enable me to put before you so large a number of coincidences. Just imagine to yourselves what we are required to believe! We are to eres that two groups of animals have diverged from a common stock some- where in the region of the Coelenterata, that each group has become segmented and elongated, but that throughout their evolution the one group has possessed a ventral mouth, with a ventral nervous system and a dorsal gut, while in the other—the hypothetical group—the mouth and gut have throughout been ventral and the nervous system dorsal. Then we are further to suppose that, without being able to trace the steps of the process, the central nervous system in the final members of this hypothetical group has taken on a tubular form of so striking a character that every part of this dorsal nerve-tube can be compared to the dorsal alimentary tube of the other great group of segmented animals. The plain, straightforward interpretation of the facts is what I have put before you, and those who oppose this interpretation and hold to the inviolability of the alimentary canal are, it seems to me, bound to give a satisfactory explanation of the vertebrate nervous system and pineal eye. The time is coming, and indeed has come, when the fetish-worship of the hypoblast will give way to the acknowledgment that the soul of every individual is to be found in the brain, and not in the stomach, and that the true principle of evolution, without which no upward progress is possible, consists in the steady upward development of the central nervous system. > Ai tee eae he ‘ “9 Ann a eed Wie ib ti 1 7 a init lta) Mamata it ee ; ae © TT wits are ee sal SL eas Dy oa re Fars 4 , we ois OS rr es ~~ wide hal 2 hi eats ay hes . Molar Ain t j i , oi I o4 2 oe i hes vee ; - a 7 “* by h Sf : ; ~ i tl) a ey 7 ner T hey oe oo tes a 4 = : A oe Boe © been Ae en ie 7 : ly a >! Rae, Oe ‘'« ; A ibedltinn % ri Biya ot hn if rial “ ; om lan fog Pe e4g y a i 5 ar tien A af Sunt aii Aw ay/ 1 et. Bet) Sooke tae ) f am OW ody ia ; ce DS £ PT Al a ' id 7 Pe WS AO ae «ee ea j -——— Brifish Associafion for fhe Advancement of Science. LIVERPOOL, 1896. ADDRESS BOTANICAL SECTION BY D, H, SCOTT, M.A., Pua.D., F.R.S., Honorary Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Gardens, Kew, PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. Present Position of Morphological Botany. Tue object of modern morphological botany (the branch of our science to which I propose to limit my remarks) is the accurate comparison of plants, both living a extinct, with the object of tracing their real relationships with one another, and thus of ultimately constructing a genealogical tree of the vegetable king- dom. The problem is thus a purely historical one, and is perfectly distinct from any of the questions with which physiology has to do. Yet there is a close relation between these two branches of biology; at any rate, to those who maintain the Darwinian position. For from that point of view we see that all the characters which the morphologist has to compare are, or have been, adaptive. Hence it is impossible for the morphologist to ignore the functions of those organs of which he is studying the homologies. To those who accept the origin of species by variation and natural selection there are no such things as morphological characters pure and simple. There are not two distinct categories of characters—a morphological and a physiological category— for all characters alike are physiological. ‘According to that theory, every organ, every part, colour, and peculiarity of an organism must either be of benefit to an organism itself, or have been so to its ancestors. . . . Necessarily, according to the theory of natural selection, structures either are present because they are selected as useful, or because they are still inherited from ancestors to whom they were useful, though no longer useful to the existing representatives of those ancestors.”* The useful characters may have become fixed in comparatively recent times, or a long way back in the past. In the latter case the character in question may have become the property of a large group, and thus, as we say, may have become por ologiealy important ‘or instance, parasitic characters, such as the suppression of chlorophyll, are equally adaptive in Dodder and in the Fungi. In Dodder, however, such cha- racters are of recent origin and of little mor hologicny importance, not hinder- ing us from placing the genus in the natural order Convolvulacee ; while in Fungi equally adaptive characters haye become the common property of a great class of plants. Then, again, the existence of a definite sporophyte generation, which is the great character of all the higher plants, is in certain Fungi inconstant, even among members of the same species, Although there is no essential difference between adaptive and morphological \ Lankester, Advancement of Science, p. 307, K 2 REPORT—1896. characters, there is a great difference in the morphologist’s and the physiologist’s way of looking at them. The physiologist is interested in the question how organs work; the morphologist asks, what is their history ? The morphologist may well feel discouraged at the vastness of the work before him. The origin of the great groups of plants is perhaps, after all, an insoluble problem, for the question is not accessible either to observation or experiment. All that we can directly observe or experiment upon is the occurrence of varia- tions—perhaps the most important line of research in biology, for it was the study of variation that led Darwin and Wallace to their grand generalisation. Many observers are working to-day in the spirit of the great masters, and it is certain that their work will be fruitful in results. It is evident, however, that such investigations can at most only throw a side light on the historical question of the origin of the existing orders and classes of living things. The morphologist has to attack such questions by other methods of research. The embryological method has so far scarcely received justice from botanists. A great deal of what is called embryology in eae is not embryology at all, but relates to pre-fertilisation changes. Of real embryology—that is to say, the development of the young plant from the fertilised ovum—there is much less than . we might expect. Thus no comparative investigation of the embryology of either | Dicotyledons or Monocotyledons has ever been carried out, our knowledge being entirely based on a few isolated examples. | In the cases which have been investigated perhaps excessive attention has been devoted to the first divisions of the ovum, the importance of which, as Sachs long ago showed, has been overrated, while the later stages, when the differentiation of organs and tissues is actually in progress, have been comparatively neglected. The law of recapitulation (or repetition of phylogeny in ontogeny) has been very inadequately tested in the vegetable kingdom. Whatever its value may be, it is certainly desirable that the development of plants as well as animals should be considered from this point of view ; and this has so far been done in but very few cases, M. Massart, of Brussels, has made some investigations with this object on the development of seedlings and of individual leaves. He is led to the con- clusion that examples of recapitulation are rare among plants. . So far, at least, embryological research has only yielded certain proof of re- . capitulation in a few cases, as in the well-known example of the phyllode-bearing acacias, in which the first leaves of the seedling are normal, while the later formed ones gradually assume the reduced phyllode form. A less familiar example is afforded by Gunnera. Here, as is well known, the mature stem has a structure totally different from that of ordinary Dicotyledons, | and much resembling that characteristic of most Ferns. In most species of | Gunnera there are a number of distinct vascular cylinders in the stem, instead of . one only, and there is never the slightest trace, so far as the adult plant is con- cerned, of the growth by means of cambium, which is otherwise so general in the class. The seedling stem, however, is not only monostelic below the cotyledons, but in this region, though nowhere else, shows distinct secondary growth. Thus, if we were in any doubt as to the general affinities of Gunnera, owing to its extraordinary mature structure, we should at once be put on the right track by the study of the embryonic stem, which alone retains the characteristic dicotyledonous mode of growth. It is only in a few cases, however, and for narrow ranges of affinity, that the doctrine of recapitulation has at present helped in the determination of relationships among plants. Beyond this, conclusions based on embryology alone tend to become merely conjectural and subjective. In fact, all comparative work, in so far as it is limited to plants now living, suffers under the same weakness that it can never yield certain results, for the question whether given characters are relatively primitive or recently acquired is one upon which each naturalist is left to form his own opinion, as the origin of the characters cannot be observed. ! ‘La Récapitulation et I’Innovation en Embryologie Végétale, Bull. de la Soe, roy. de Bot. de Belgique, vol. xxxiii., 1894, ~ TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 3 To determine the blood-relationships of organisms it is necessary to decipher their past history, and the best evidence we can have (when we can get it) is from the ancient organisms themselves. The problem of the morphologist is an historical one, and contemporary documentary evidence is necessarily the best. It is paleontology alone which can give us the real historical facts. ANATOMICAL CHARACTERS, In judging of the affinities of fossil plants we are often compelled to make great use of vegetative characters, and more particularly of characters drawn from anatomical structure. It is true that in many cases we do so because we cannot help ourselves, such anatomical features being the only characters available in many of the specimens as at present known. But the value of the method has been amply proved in other cases where the reproductive structures have also been discovered, and are found to fully confirm the conclusions based on anatomy. I need only mention the great groups of the Lepidodendree and the Calamites, in each of which the anatomical characters, when accurately known, put us at once on the right track, and lead to results which are only confirmed by the study of the reproductive organs Tn this matter fossil botany is likely to react in a beneficial way on the study of recent plants, calling attention to points of structure which have been passed over, and showing us the value of characters of a kind to which systematists had until recently paid but little attention. At present, owing to the work of Radlkofer, Vesque, and others, anatomical characters are gradually coming into use in the classification of the higher plants, and in some quarters there may even be a tendency to over-estimate their importance. Such exaggeration, however, is only a temporary fault incident to the introduction of a comparatively new method. In the long run nothing but good can result from the effort to place our classification on a broader basis. In most cases the employment of additional characters will doubtless serve only to further confirm the affinities already detected by the acumen of the older taxonomists. There are plenty of doubtful points, however, where new light is much needed ; and even where the classifica- tion is not affected it will be a great scientific gain to know that its divisions are based on a comparison of the whole structure, and not merely on that of particular organs. othe fact that anatomical characters are adaptive is undeniable, but this applies to all characters, such difference as there is being merely one of degree. Cases are not wanting where the vegetative tissues show greater constancy than the organs of reproduction, as, for example, in the Marattiaceew, where there is a great uniformity in anatomical structure throughout the family, while the sporangia show the important differences on which the distinction of the genera is based. It is in fact a mistake to suppose that anatomical characters are neces- sarily the expression of recent adaptations. On the contrary, it is easy to cite examples of marked anatomical peculiarities which have become the common property of large groups of plants. or instance, to take a case in which I happen to have been specially interested, the presence of bast to the inside as well as to the outside of the woody zone is a modification of dicotyledonous structure which is in many groups, at least of ordinal yalue. The peculiarity is constant throughout the orders Onagracee, Ly- thracew, Myrtaces, Solanacer, Asclepiadacew, and Apocynaces, not to mention some less important groups. In other families, such as the Cucurbitace and the Gentianew, it is nearly constant throughout the order, but subject to some exceptions. Among the Composite a similar, if not identical, peculiarity appears in some of the sub-order Cichoriacew, but is here not of more than generic value. In Campa- nula the systematic importance of internal phloém is even less, for it appears in some species and not in others. Lastly, there are cases in which a similar character actually appears as an individual variation, as in Carum Carvi, and, under abnor- mal conditions, in Phaseolus multiflorus. These latter cases seem to me worthy of special study, for in them we can K—2 4 REPORT—1896, trace, under our very eyes, the first rise of anatomical characters which have else- where become of high taxonomic importance. A comparative study of the anatomy of any group of British plants, taking the same species growing under different conditions, would be sure to yield interesting results if any one had the patience to undertake it. Enough has been said to show that a given anatomical character may be of a high degree of constancy in one group while extremely variable in another, a fact which is already perfectly familiar as regards the ordinary morphological charac- ters. For example, nothing is more important in phanerogamic classification than the arrangement of the floral organs as shown in ground-plan or floral diagram. Yet Professor Trail’s observations, which he has been good enough to communicate to me, show that in one and the same species, or even individual, of Polygonum, almost every conceivable variation of the floral diagram may be found. There is, in fact, no ‘royal road’ to the estimation of the relative importance of characters; the same character which is of the greatest value in one group may be trivial in another; and this holds good equally whether the character be drawn from the external morphology or from the internal structure. Our knowledge of the comparative anatomy of plants, from this point of view, is still very backward, and it is quite possible that the introduction of such charac- ters into the ordinary work of the Herbarium may be premature ; certainly it must be conducted with the greatest judgment and caution. We have not yet got our data, but every encouragement should be given to the collection of such data, so that our classification in the future may rest on the broad foundation of a com- parison of the entire structure of plants. In estimating the relative importance of characters of different kinds we must not forget that characters are often most constant when most adaptive. Thus, as Professor Trail informs me, the immense variability of the flowers of Polygonum goes together with their simple method of self-fertilisation. The exact arrange- ment is of little importance to the plant, and so variation goes on unchecked. In flowers with accurate adaptation to fertilisation by insects such variability is not found, for any change which would disturb the perfection of the mechanism is at once eliminated by natural selection. Histoboey. I propose to say but little on questions of minute histology, a subject which lies on the borderland between morphology and physiology, and which will be dealt with next Tuesday far more competently than I could hope to treat it. Last year my predecessor in the presidency of this Section spoke of a histological dis- covery (that of the nucleus, by Robert Brown) as ‘the most epoch-making of events’ in the modern history of botany. The histological questions before us at the present day may be of no less importance, but we cannot as yet see them in proper erspective. The centrosomes, those mysterious protoplasmic particles which have fee supposed to preside over the division of the nucleus, and thus to determine the plane of segmentation, if really permanent organs of the cell, would have to rank as co-equal with the nucleus itself. If, on the other hand, as some think, they are not constant morphological entities, but at most temporary structures differentiated ad hoc, then we are brought face to face with the question whether the causes of nuclear division lie in the nucleus itself or in the surrounding protoplasm. ; Nothing can be more fascinating than such problems, and nothing more difficult. We have, at any rate, reason to congratulate ourselves that English botanists are no longer neglecting the study of the nucleus and its relation to the cell. Fora long time little was done in these guna? in our country, or at least little was published, and botanists were generally content to take their information from abroad, not going beyond a mere verification of other men’s results. Now we have changed all that, as the communications to this Section sufficiently testify. Nothing is more remarkable in histology than the detailed agreement in the structure and behayiour of the nucleus in the higher plants and the higher q TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 5 animals, an agreement which is conspicuously manifest in those special divisions which take place during the maturation of the sexual cells. Is this striking agree- ment the product of inheritance from common ancestors, or is the parallelism dependent solely on similar physical conditions in the cells? This is one of the great questions he which we may hope for new light from the histological dis- cussion next week. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. We have known ever since the great discoveries of Hofmeister that the develop- ment of a large part of the vegetable kingdom involves a regular alternation of two distinct generations, the one, which is sexual, being constantly sueceeded—so far as the normal cycle is concerned—by the other which is asexual. This alternation is most marked in the mosses and ferns, taking these words in their widest sense, as used by Professor Campbell in his recent excellent book. In the Bryophyta, the ordinary moss or liverwort plant is the sexual generation, producing the oyum, which, when fertilised, gives rise to the moss-fruit, which here alone represents the asexual stage. The latter forms spores from which the sexual plant is again developed. In the Pteridophyta the alternation is equally regular, but the relative develop- ment of the two generations is totally different, the sexual form being the insigni- ficant prothallus, while the whole fern-plant, as we ordinarily know it, is the asexual generation. The thallus of some of the lower Bryophyta is quite comparable with the pro- thallus of a fern, so as regards the sexual generation there is no difficulty in seeing the relation of the two classes; but when we come to the asexual generation or sporophyte the case is totally different. There is no appreciable resemblance between the fruit of any of the Bryophyta and the plant of any vascular Cryptogam. There is thus a great gap within the Archegoniate ; there is another at the base of the series, for the regular alternation of the Bryophyta is missing in the Algee and Fungi, and the question as to what corresponds among these lower groups to the sporophyte and odphyte of the higher Cryptogams is still disputed. ow as reyards this life-cycle, which is characteristic of all plants higher than Alge and Fungi, there are two great questions at present open. The one is general: are the two generations, the sporophyte and the odphyte, homologous with one another, or is the sporophyte a new formation intercalated in the life- history, and not comparable to the sexual plant? The former kind of alternation has been called homologous, the latter antithetic. This question involves the origin of alternation; its solution would help us to bridge over the gap between the Archegoniate and the lower plants. ‘The second problem is more special : has the sporophyte of the Pteridophyta, which always ek as a complete plant, been derived from the simple and totally different sporophyte of the Bryophyta, or are the two of distinct origin ? At present it is usual, at any rate in England, to assume the antithetic theory of alternation. Professor Bower, its chief exponent, says:! ‘It will also be assumed that, whatever may have been the circumstances which led to it, anti- thetic alternation was brought about by elaboration of the zygote [#.e. the fertilised ovum] so as to form a new generation (the sporophyte) interpolated between suc- cessive gametophytes, and that the neutral generation is not in any sense the result of modification or metamorphosis of the sexual, but a new product having a distinct phylogenetic history of its own.’ In his essay on ‘ Antithetic as distinguished from Homologous Alternation of Generations in Plants,’* the author describes the hypo- thetical first appearance of the sporophyte as follows: ‘Once fertilised, a zygote might in these plants [the first land plants] divide up into a number of portions Seda a each of which would then serve as a starting-point of a new indi- vidual. ' «Spore-produieng Members,’ Phil. Trans. vol. clxxxy. B. (1894) p. 473, * Annals of Botany, vol. iv. (1890), p. 352. : 6 REPORT—1896. On this view, the sporophyte first appeared as a mere group of spores formed by the division of the fertilised ovum. Consequently the inference is drawn that all the vegetative parts of the sporophyte have arisen by the ‘sterilisation of potentially sporogenous tissue.’ That is to say, there was nothing but a mass of spores to start with, so whatever other tissues and organs the sporophyte may form must be derived from the conversion of spore-forming cells into vegetative cells. Professor Bower has worked out this view most thoroughly, and as the result he is not only giving us the most complete account of the development of sporangia which we have ever had, but he has also done much to clear up our ideas, and to show us what the course of evolution ought to have been if the assumptions required by the antithetic theory were justified. Without entering into any detailed criticism of this important contribution to morphology, which is still in progress, I wish to point that we are not, after all, bound to accept the assumption on which the theory rests. There is another view in the field, for which, in my opinion, much is to be said. The antithetic theory is receiving a most severe test at the friendly hands of its chief advocate Should it break down under the strain we need not despair, for another hypothesis remains which I think quite equally worthy of verification. This is the theory of Pringsheim, according to which the two generations are homologous one with another, the odphyte corresponding to a sexual individual among Thallophytes, the sporophyte to an asexual individual. To quote Prings- heim’s own words:! ‘The alternation of generations in mosses is immediately related to those phenomena of the succession of free generations in Thallophytes, of which the one represents the neutral, the other the sexual plant.’ Further on * he illustrates this by saying: ‘The moss sporogonium stands in about the same relation to the moss plant as the sporangium-bearing specimens of Saprolegnia stand to those which bear odgonia, or as, among the Floridez, the specimens with tetraspores are related to those with cystocarps.’ This gets rid of the intercalation of a new generation altogether; we only require the modification of the already existing sexual and asexual forms of the Thallophytes. The sudden appearance of something completely new in the life-history, as required by-the antithetic theory, has, to my mind, a certain improbability. Ev nihilo nihil fit. We are not accustomed in natural history to see brand-new structures appearing, like morphological Melcbizedeks, without father or mother. Nature is conservative, and when a new organ is to be formed it is, as every one knows, almost always fashioned out of some pre-existing organ. Hence I feel a certain difficulty in accepting the doctrine of the appearance of an intercalated sporophyte by a kind of special creation. We can have no direct knowledge of the origin of the sporophyte in the Bryo- oe themselves, for the stages, whatever they may have been, are hopelessly lost. _ n some of the Algie, however, we find what most botanists recognise as at least a parallel development, even if not phylogenetically identical.’ In Gadoyonium, for example, the odspore does not at once germinate into a new plant, but divides up into four active zoospores, which swim about and then germinate. In Coleochete the odspore actually becomes partitioned up by cell-walls into a little mass of tissue, each cell of which then gives rise to a zoospore. In both these genera (and many more might be added) the cell-formation in the germinating odspore has been generally regarded as representing the formation of a rudimentary sporophyte generation. If we are to apply the antithetic theory of alternation to these cases, we must assume that the zoospores produced on ger- mination are a new formation, intercalated at this point of the life-cycle. But is this assumption borne out by the facts? I think not. In reality nothing new is intercalated at all, The ‘ zoospores’ formed from the odspore on germination are identical with the so-called ‘ zoogonidia,’ formed on the ordinary vegetative plant at all stages of its growth. In science, as in every subject, we too easily become the slaves of language. ' Gesammelte Abhandlungen, U. p. 370. ® Thid. p. 371. * See Dower Antithetic Alternation, p. 361. | TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 7- By giving things different names we do not prove that the things themselves are different. In this case, for example, the multiplication of terms serves, in my opinion, merely to disguise the facts. The reproductive cells produced by the ordinary plant of an Gdogonium are identical in development, structure, behaviour, and germination with those produced by the odspore. The term ‘zoogonidia’ applied to the former is a ‘question-~begging epithet,’ for it assumes that they are not homologous with the ‘zoospores’ produced by the latter. I prefer to keep the old name zoospore for both, as they are identical bodies. To my mind the point seems to be this. An Cdogonium (to keep to this example) can form zoospores at any stage of its development ; there is one particu- lar stage, however, at which they are a/ways formed—namely, on the germination of the odspore. Nothing new is intercalated, but the irregular and indefinite succession of sexual and asexual acts of reproduction is here tending to become regular and definite. In Spheroplea, as was weil pointed out by the late Mr. Vaizey,! though his view of alternation was very different from that which I am now putting forward, the alternation is as definite as in a moss, for here, so far as we know, zoospores are only formed on the germination of the fertilised ovum. If Spheroplea stood alone we might believe in the intercalation of these zoospores, as a new stage, but the comparison with Ulothrix, G8dogonium, Bulbochete and Coleochete shows, I think, where they came from. The body formed from the odspore is called by Pringsheim the first neutral generation. In Gdogonium this has no vegetative development, for the first thing that the odspore does is to form the asexual zoospores, and it is completely used up in the process. In other cases it is not in quite such a hurry, and here the first Peed rckaration has time to show itself as an actual plant. Thisissoin Ulothriz, a much more primitive form than Cidogonium, for its sexuality is not yet com- pletely fixed. Hare the zygospore actually germinates, forming a dwarf plant, and In this stage passes through the dull season, producing zoospores when the weather becomes more favourable. On Pringsheim’s view the dwarf plant is not a new creation, but just a rudimentary Udothrix, which soon passes on to spore-formation. So, too, with the cellular body formed on the germination of the odspore of Coleochete ; this also is looked upon as a reduced form of thallus. On any view this genus is especially interesting, for the sporophyte remains enclosed by the tissue of the sexual generation, thus offering a striking analogy with the Bryophyta. In the Phyecomycetous Fungi—plants which have lost their chlorophyll, but which otherwise in many cases scarcely differ from Algse—the odspore in one and the same species may either form a normal mycelium, or a rudimentary mycelium bearing a sporangium, or may itself turn at once into a sporangium (producing zoospores) without any vegetative development. Here it seems certain that Pringsheim’s view is the right one, for all stages in the reduction of the first neutral paeetion lie before our eyes. Nowhere, either here or among the green Algw, o I see any evidence for the intercalation of a new generation or a new form of spore on the germination of the fertilised ovum. Pringsheim extends the same view to the higher plants. The sporogonium of a mossis for him the highly modified first neutral generation, homologous with the vegetative plant, but here specially adapted for spore-formation. I have elsewhere pointed out * that this view has great advantages, for not only does it harmonise exactly with the actual facts observed in the green Algze and their allies, but it also helps us to understand the astoundingly different forms which the archegoniate sporophyte may assume. It seems to me that Pringsheim was right in regarding the fruit-formation of Floridez as totally different from the sporophyte-formation of Coleochete or the Bryophyta. The cystocarp bears none of the marks ofa distinct generation, for throughout its whole development it remains in the most complete organic connec- ' Annals of Botany, vol. iv., p. 373. 2 Nature, February 21, 1895, 8 REPORT—1896. tion with the thallus that bears it. The whole Floridean process, often so com- plicated, appears to be an arrangement for effecting the fertilisation of man female cells as the result of an original impregnation by a single sperm-cell. There is here still a great field for future research ; but in the light of our present knowledge there seems to be no real parallelism with the formation of a sporophyte in the higher plants. The gap between the Bryophyta and the Alge remains, unfortunately, a wide and deep one, and it is not probable that any Alge at present known to us lie at all near the line of descent of the higher Cryptegams. iceia is often compared with Coleochete, but it is by no means evident that Riccia is a specially primitive form. In Anthoceros, which bears some marks of an archaic character, the sporo- phyte is relatively well developed. To those who do not accept the theory of intercalation it is not necessary to assume that the most primitive Bryophyta must have the most rudimentary sporophyte. Apart from other differences, Bryophyta differ from most green Algz in the fact that asexual spores are on/y found in the generation succeeding fertilisation. The spores moreover are themselves quite different from anything in Alge, and the constancy of their formation in fours among all the higher plants from the liverworts upwards, is a fact which requires explanation. I should like to sug- gest to some energetic histologist a comparison of the details of spore-formation in the lower liverworts and in the various groups of Alge, especially those of the green series. It is possible that some light might be thus thrown on the origin of tetrad-spore-formation, a subject as to which Professor Farmer has already gained some very remarkable results. On Pringsheim’s yiew some indications of homo- logy between bryophytie and algal spore-formation might be expected, and any- how the tetrads require some explanation. The peculiarities of the sporophyte in the Archegoniats, as compared with any algal structures, depend, no doubt, on the acquirement of a terrestrial habit, while the odphyte by its mode of fertilisation remains ‘ tied down to a semi-aquatic life.’ ' Professor Bower's phrase ‘ amphibious alternation ’ expresses this view of the case very happily, and indeed his whole account of the rise of the sporophyte is of the highest va ue, even though we may not accept his assumption as to its origin’ de novo. I attach special weight to Professor Bower's treatment of this subject, because he has shown how the most important of all morphological phenomena in plants, namely the alternation of generations in Archegoniate, may be explained as purely adaptive in origin. All Darwinians owe him a debt of gratitude for this demonstration, which holds good even if we believe the sporophyte to be the modification of a pre-existing body, and not a new formation. APOSPORY AND APOGAMY. We must remember that the theory of homologous alternation has twice received the strongest confirmation of which a scientific hypothesis is susceptible— that of verified prediction. In both cases Pringsheim was the happy prophet. Convinced on structural grounds of the homology of the two generations in mosses, he undertook his experiments on the moss-fruits, inthe hope,as he says,” that he would succeed in producing protonema from the subdivided seta of the mosses, and thus prove the morphological agreement of seta and moss-stem. His experi- — ment, as everybody knows, was completely succcessful, and resulted in the first observed cases of apospory, i.e. the direct outgrowth of the sexual from the asexual generation. Here he furnished his own verification; in the second case it has come from other hands. In the paper of 1877, so often referred to, he says (p. 391): ‘ Here, however [z.e. in the ferns], the act of generation, that is, the formation of sexual organs and the origin of an embryo, is undoubtedly bound up with the existence of the spore, until those future ferns are found which I indicated as conceivable in ' Bower, Antithetic Alternation. 2 Ges, Abh, II. p. 407. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 9 my preliminary notice, in which the prothallus will sprout forth directly from the ‘ond.’ It is unnecessary to remind English botanists that Pringsheim’s hypothetical aposporous ferns are now perfectly well known in the flesh ; such cases having been first observed by Mr. Druery and then fully investigated by Professor Bower. A very remarkable case of direct origin of the oéphyte from the sporophyte has lately been described by Mr. E. J. Lowe, in a variety of Scolopendrium vulgare. Here the young fern-plant produced prothalli bearing archegonia as direct out- owths from its second or third frond. The specimen had a remarkable history, br the young plants were produced from portions of a prothallus which had been kept alive and repeatedly subdivided during a period of no less than eight years. I cannot go into the interesting details here, they will be published elsewhere ; but I wish to call attention to the fact that in this case the production of the sexual from the asexual generation, occurring so early in life, has no obvious relation to suppressed spore-formation, and so appears to differ essentially from the cases first described, which occurred on mature plants. I believe Mr. Lowe’s case is not an altogether isolated one. The converse phenomenon—that of apogamy—or the direct origin of an asexual plant from the prothallus without the intervention of sexual organs, has now been observed in a considerable number of ferns, the examples already known belonging to no less than four distinct families: Polypodiacew, Parkeriacese, Osmundacee, and Hymenophyllacer. In Trichomanes alatum Professor Bower found that apospory and apogamy co-exist in the same plant, the sporophyte directly giving rise to a prothallus, which again directly grows out into a sporophyte ; the life- eycle is thus completed without the aid either of spores or of sexual organs. Dr. W. H. Lang who has recently made many interesting observations on apogamy, wiil, I am glad to say, read a paper on the subject before this section, so I need say no more. Imust, however, express my own conviction that the facility with which, in ferns, the one generation may pass over into the other by vegetative growth, and that in both directions, is a most significant fact. It shows that there is no such hard and fast distinction between the generations as the antithetic theory would appear to demand, and in my opinion weighs heavily on the side of the homology of sporo- pasts and odphyte. I cannot but think that the phenomena deserve greater attention rom this point of view than they have yet received. A mode of growth which affords a perfectly eflicient means of abundant propa- gation cannot, I think, be dismissed as merely teratological. Since the foregoing paragraph was first written Dr. Lang has made the remark- able discovery (already communicated to the Royal Society) that in a Lustrea sporangia of normal structure are produced on the prothallus itself, side by side with normal archegonia and antheridia. I cannot forbear mentioning this striking observation, of which we shall hear an account from the discoverer himself. The strongest advocate of the homology of the prothallus with the fern plant could scarcely have ventured to anticipate such a discovery. RELATION BETWEEN Mosszs AND FERNs. Goebel said,in 1882: ‘The gap between the Bryophyta and the Pteridophyta is the deepest known to us in the vegetable kingdom. We must seek the starting- point of the apeyee e: elsewhere than among the Muscinere: among forms which may have been similar to liverworts, but in which the asexual generations entered from the first on a different course of development.’' I cannot help feeling that all the work which has been done since goes to confirm this wise conclusion. Attempts have been made in the most sportsmanlike manner (to adopt a phrase of Professor Bower's) to effect a passage over the gulf, but the gulf is still unbridged. I cannot see anywhere the slightest indication of anything like an intermediate form between the spore-bearing plant of the Pteridophyta and the spore-bearing ' Schenk’s Handbuch der Botanik, vol. ii. p. 401. K—3 r 7 10 REPORT—1896, fruit of the Bryophyta. The plant of the Pteridophyta is sometimes small and simple, but the smallest and simplest seem just as unlike a bryophytic sporogonium as the largest and most complex. On the side of the moss group, Anthoceros has. been often cited as a form showing a certain approach towards the Pteridophytes, and Professor Campbell in particular has developed this idea with remarkable in- genuity. An unprejudiced comparison, however, seems to me to show nothing more here than a very remote parallelism, not suggestive of affinity. There is no reason to believe that the Bryophyta, as we know them, were the precursors of the vascular Cryptogams at all. There is a remarkable paucity of evidence for the geological antiquity of Bryophyta, though mary of the mosses at any rate would seem likely to have been preserved if they existed. Brongniart said, in 1849, ‘ The rarity of fossil mosses, and their complete absence up to now in the ancient strata, are among the most singular facts in geological botany ;’* and since that time it is wonderful how little has been added. Things seem to point to both Pteridophyta and Bryophyta having had their origin far back among some unknown tribes of the Alge. If we accept the homologous theory of alternation, we may fairly suppose that the sporophyte of the earliest Pterido- phyta always possessed vegetative organs of some kind. The resemblance between the young sporophyte and the prothallus in some lycopods indicates that at some remote period the two generations may not have been very dissimilar. At least some such idea gives more satisfaction to my mind than the attempt to conceive of a fern-plant as derived from a sterilised group of potential spores. The Bryophyta may have had from the first a more reduced sporophyte, the first neutral generation having, in their ancestors, become more exclusively adapted to spore-producing functions. I must not omit to mention the idea that the Bryophyta, or at any rate the true mosses, are degenerate descendants of higher forms. The presence of typical stomata on the capsule in some cases, and of somewhat reduced stomata in others, has been urged in support of this view. It is possible ; but if so, from what have these plants been reduced ? Few people, perhaps, fully realise how absolutely insoluble such a problem as we have been discussing really is. I say nothing as to the mosses, which may have arisen relatively late in geological history. ‘The Pteridophyta, at any rate, - are known to be of inconceivable antiquity. Not only did they exist in greater development than at present in the far-off Devonian period, but at that time they were already accompanied by highly organised gymnospermous flowering-plants. Probably we are all agreed that Gymnosperms arose somehow from the vascular Cryptogams. Hence, in the Devonian epoch, there had already been time not only for the Pteridophyta themselves to attain their full development, but for certain among them to become modified into complex Phanerogams. It would not be a rash assumption that the origin of the Pteridophyta took place as long before the period represented by the plant-bearing Devonian strata as that period is before ~ our own day. Can we hope that a mystery buried so far back in the dumb past will be revealed ? It will be understood that I do not wish to assume the réle of partisan for the homologous theory of alternation. Possibly the whole question lies beyond human ken, and partisanship would be ridiculous. But I do wish to raise a protest against anything like a dogmatic statement that alternation of generations must have been the result of the interpolation of a new stage in the life-history. Let us, in the presence of the greatest mystery in the morphology of plants, at least keep an open mind, and not tie ourselves down to assumptions, though we may use them as working hypotheses. HisroLoGicaAL CHARACTERS OF THE TWO GENERATIONS. There is one histological question upon which I must briefly touch because it bears directly on the subject which we have been considering. I shall say very little, however, in view of the discussion next Tuesday. ' Tableau des Genres de Végétaux Fossiles, p. 13. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. Lil It is now well known that in animals and in the higher plants a remarkable numerical change takes place in the constituents of the nucleus shortly before the act of fertilisation, The change consists in the halving of the number of chromo- somes, those rod-like bodies which form the essential part of the nucleus, and are regarded by Weismann and most biologists as the bearers of hereditary qualities. Thus in the lily the number of chromosomes in the nuclei of vegetative cells is twenty-four ; in the sexual nuclei, those of the male generative cell and of the ovum, the number is twelve. When the sexual act is accomplished the two nuclei unite, and so the full number is restored and persists throughout the vegetative life of the next generation. The absolute figures are of course of no importance; the point is, the reduction to one half during the maturation of the sexual cells, and the subsequent restoration of the full number when their union takes place. | say nothing as to the details or the significance of the process, points which have been fully dealt with elsewhere, votably in an elaborate recent paper by Miss Fi. Sargant. Now, in animals (so far as I am aware) and in angiospermous plants the reduc- tion of the chromosomes takes place very shortly before the differentiation of the sexual cells. Thus in a lily the reduction takes place on the male side immediately rior to the first division of the pollen mother-cell, so that four cell-divisions in all intervene between the reduction and the final differentiation of the male generative cells. On the female side the reduction in the same plant takes place in the primary nucleus of the embryo-sac, so that here there are three divisions between the reduction and the formation of the ovum. I believe these facts agree very closely with those observed in the animal kingdom, and so far there is no par- ticular difficulty, for we can easily understand that if the number of chromosomes is to be kept constant from one generation to another, then the doubling involved in sexual fusion must necessarily be balanced by a halving. There are, however, a certain number of observations on Gymnosperms and archegoniate Cryptogams which appear to put the matter in a different light. Overton ' first showed that in a Cycad, Ceratozamia, the nuclei of the prothallus or endosperm all have the half-number of chromosomes. Here then the reduction takes place in the embryo sac (or rather its mother-cell), but a great number of cell-zenerations intervene between the reduction and the maturation of the ovum. In fact the whole female odphyte shows the reduced number, while the sporophyte has the full number. The reduction takes place also in the pollen mother-cell. Further observations have extended this conclusion to some other Gymnosperms. In Osmunda among the ferns there is evidence to show that reduction takes place in the spore mother-cell, and that the sexual generation has the half-number throughout. Professor Farmer has found the same thing in various liverworts, and shown that the reduction of chromosomes takes place in the spore mother-cell ; and his observations of cell-diyision in the two generations have afforded some direct evidence that the odphyte has the half-number and the sporophyte the full number throughout. Professor Strasburger fully discussed this subject before Section D at Oxford,*? and came to the conclusion that the difference in number of chromosomes is a difference between the two generations as such, the sexual generation being characterised by the half-number, the asexual by the full number. The importance of this conception for the morphologist is that an actual histological difference appears to be established between the two generations; @ fact which would appear to militate against their homology. Some botanists even go so far as to propose making the number of chromosomes the criterion by which the two generations are to be distinguished. Considering that the whole theory rests at present on but few observations, I venture to think this both premature and objectionable ; for nothing can be worse for the true progress of science than to rush hastily to deductive reasoning from imperfectly established premises. The facts are certainly very difficult to interpret. Those who accept the antithetic theory of alternation suppose the sexual generation to be the older, and ' Annals of Botany, vol. vii. p. 139. * See Annals of Botany, vol. viii. p. 281. 12 REPORT—1896. that in Thallophytes the plant is always an odphyte, whether ‘actual’ or ‘ potential.’ Hence they believe that in Thallophytes the plant should show throughout the reduced number of chromosomes, reduction hypothetically taking place immediately upon the germination of the odspore. If this were true it would lend some support to the idea of the intercalation of the sporophyte, but at present there is not the slightest evidence for these assumptions. On the contrary, in the bi Thallophyte in which chromosome-counting has been successfully accomplished (Fucus) Professor Farmer and Mr. Williams find exactly the reverse ; the plant has throughout the fv// number of chromosomes ; reduction first takes place in the odgonium, immediately before the maturation of the ova, and on sexual fusion the full number is restored, to persist throughout the vegetative life of the plant. Fucus is, no doubt, a long way off the direct line of descent of Archegoniate, but still it is a striking fact that the only direct evidence we have goes dead against the idea that the sexual generation (and who could call a Fucus-plant anything else but sexual?) necessarily has the reduced number of chromosomes. This fact is indeed a rude rebuff to deductive morphology. I am disposed to regard the different number of chromosomes in the two generations observed in certain cases among Archegoniate not as a primitive but as an acquired phenomenon, perhaps correlated with the definiteness of alternation in the Archegoniatz as contrasted with its indefiniteness in Thallophytes. In Fucus, in flowering plants, and in animals the soma or vegetative body has the full number of chromosomes. With these the sporophyte of the Archegoniate agrees; it is the odphyte which appears to be peculiar in possessing the half-number, so that if the evidence points to intercalation at all, it would seem to suggest that the odphyte is the intercalated generation—obviously a reductio ad absurdum. I do not think we are as yet in a position to draw any morphological conclusions from these minute histological differences, interesting as they are. The question how the number of chromosomes is kept right in cases of apospory and of apogamy is obviously one of great interest, and I am glad to say that it is receiving attention from competent observers. SEXUALITY OF FunGI. Only a few years ago De Bary’s opinion that the fruit of the ascus-bearing Fungi is normally the result of an act of fertilisation was almost universally accepted, especially in this country. Although the presence of sexual organs had only been recorded in comparatively few cases, and the evidence for their functional activity was even more limited, yet the conviction prevailed that the ascocarp is at least the homologue of a sexually produced fruit. The organ giving rise to the ascus or asci was looked upon as homologous with the odgonium of the Peronospore, the supposed fertilising organ either taking the form of an antheridial branch as in that group, or, as observed by Stahl in the lichen Collema, giving rise to distinct male cells, or spermatia. More recently there has been a complete revolution of opinion on this point, and a year ago or less most botanists probably agreed that the question of the sexuality of the Ascomycetes had been settled in a negative sense. This change was due, in the first place, to the influence of Brefeld, who showed, in a great number of laborious investigations, that the ascus-fruit may develop without the presence of anything like sexual organs; while Moller proved that the ily osed male cells of lichens’are in a multitude of cases nothing but conidia, capable of independent germination. The view thus gained ground that all the higher Fungi are asexual plants, fertilisation only occurring in the lower forms, such as the Peronosporee and Mucorinee, which have not diverged far from the algal stock. The ascus, in particular, is regarded by this school as homologous with the asexual sporangium of a Mucor. This theory has been brilliantly expounded ina remarkable book by Von Tavel, which we cannot but admire as a model of clear morphological reasoning, whether its conclusions be ultimately adopted or not. Still, it must be admitted that the Brefeld school were rather apt to ignore | TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 13 such pieces of evidence as militated against their views, and consequently their position was insecure so long as these hostile posts were left uncaptured. Quite recently the whole question has been reopened by the striking observa- tions of Mr. Harper, an American botanist working at Bonn. Zopf, in 1890,' pointed out that up to that time it had not been possible in any Ascomycete to demonstrate a true process of fertilisation by strictly scientific evidence, namely, by observing the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female elements. Exactly the proof demanded has now been afforded by Mr. Harper’s observations, for in a simple Ascomycete, Spherotheca castagnei, the parasite causing the hop-mildew, he has demonstrated in a manner which appears to be conclusive the fusion of the nucleus of the antheridium with that of the ascogo- nium,” It is impossible to evade the force of this evidence, for the fungus in question is a perfectly typical Ascomycete, though exceptionally simple, in so far as only a single ascus is normally produced from the ascogonium. It is unnecessary to point out how important it is that Mr. Harper’s observations should be con- firmed and extended to other and more complex members of the order. In the mean time the few who (unlike your President) had not bowed the knee to Brefeld may rejoice ! It is impossible to pursue the various questions which press upon one’s mind in considering the morphology of the Fungi. The occurrence not only of cell-fusion, but of nuclear fusion, apart from any definite sexual process, now recorded in several groups of Fungi, urgently demands further inquiry. Such unions of nuclei have been observed in the basidia of Agarics, the teleutospores of Uredines, and even in the asci of the Ascomycetes. That such a fusion is not necessarily, as Dangeard * has supposed, of a sexual nature, seems to be proved by the fact that it occurs in the young ascus of Spherotheca long after the true act of fertilisation has been accomplished. It is possible, however, that these phenomena may throw an important side-light on the significance of the sexual act itself. Another question which is obviously opened up by the new results is that of the homologies of the ascus. The observations of Lagerheim * on Dipodascus point to the sexual origin of a many-spored sporangium not definitely characterised as an ascus. On the other hand, not only sporangia, but true asci are known to arise in a multitude of cases direct from the mycelium. It is of course possible that as regards the asci these are cases of reduction or apogamy ; on the other hand, it is not wholly impossible that the asci may turn out to be really homologous with a sexual sporangia, even though their development may often have become associated with the occurrence of a sexual act However this may be, there is at present no reason to doubt that a very large proportion of the Fungi are, at least functionally, sexless plants. SHALAZOGAMY. Among the most striking results of recent years bearing on the morphology of the higher plants, Treub’s discovery of the structure of the ovule and the mode of fertilisation in Casuarina must undoubtedly be reckoned. The fact that the pollen-tube in this genus does not enter the micropyle, but travels through the tissues of the ovary to the chalaza, thus reaching the base of the embryo-sac, was remarkable enough in itself, and when considered in connection with the presence of a large sporogenous tissue producing numerous embryo-sacs, appeared to justify the separation of this order from other angiosperms. Then came the work of Miss Benson in England, and of Nawaschin in Russia, showing that these remarkable peculiarities are by no means confined to Casuarina, but extend also in various modifications to several genera of the Cupuliferee and Ulmacez. They are not, however, constant throughout these families, so that we are no longer able to attach to these characters the same fundamental systematic importance which their first discoverer attributed to them. It is remarkable, however, that these ' «Die Pilze,’ Schenk’s Handbuch der Botanik, Ba. iv. p. 341. 2 Berichte der deutschen bot. Gesellschaft, vol. xiii., January 29, 1896. 5 Le Botaniste, vols. iv. and v. * Pringsheim's Jahrbuch f. Wiss. Bot. 1892. 14 REPORT—1896, departures from the ordinary course of angiospermous development oceur in families some of which have been believed on other grounds to be among the most_ primitive Dicotyledons. Evippencs OF DrscENT DERIVED FROM Fosstt Borany. At the beginning of this Address I spoke of the importance of the comparatively direct evidence afforded by fossil remains as to the past history of plants. It may be of interest if I endeavour to indicate the directions in which such evidence seems at present to point. It was Brongniart who in 1828 first arrived at the great generalisation that ‘nearly all of the plants living at the most ancient geological epochs were Cryptogams,’' a discovery of unsurpassed importance for the theory of evolution, though one which is now so familiar that we almost take it for granted. Those paleozoic plants which are not Cryptogams are Gymnosperms, for the angiospermous flowering plants only make their appearance high up in the secondary rocks. Even the Wealden flora, recently so carefully described by Mr. Seward, one of the secretaries to this section, has as yet yielded no remains referable to Angio- sperms, though this is about the horizon at which we may expect their earliest trace to be found. Attention has already been called to the enormous antiquity of the higher Cryptogams—the Pteridophyta—and to the striking fact that they are accompanied, in the earliest strata in which they have been demonstrated with certainty, by well-characterised Gymnosperms. The Devonian flora, so far as we know it, though an early, was by no means a primitive one, and the same statement applies still more strongly to the plants of the succeeding Carboniferous epoch. The palsozoic Cryptogams, as is now well known, being the dominant plants of their time, were in many ways far more highly developed than those of our own age; and this is true of all the three existing stocks of Pteridophyta, Ferns, Lycopods, and Equisetinez. We cannot therefore expect any direct evidence as to the origin of these groups from the paleeozoic remains at present known to us, though it is, of course, quite possible that the plants in question have sometimes retained certain primitive characters, while reaching in other respects a high development. For example, the general type of anatomical structure in the young stems of the Lepidodendrez was simpler than that of most Aes os at the present day, though in the older trunks the secondary growth, correlated with arborescent habit, produced a high degree of complexity. On the whole, however, the interest of the paleozoic Cryptogams does not consist in the revelation of their primitive ancestral forms, but rather in their enabling us to trace certain lines of evolution further upward than in recent plants. From the Carboniferous rocks we first learn what Cryptogams are capable of. In descending to the early strata we do not necessarily trace the trunk of the genealogical tree to its base; on the contrary, we often light on the ultimate twigs of extensive branches which died out long before our own period. In a lecture which I had the honour of giving last May before the Liverpool Biological Society, I pointed out how futile the search for ‘ missing links’ among fossil plants is likely to be. The lines of descent must have been so infinitely oe in their ramification that the chances are almost hopelessly great against our happening upon the direct ancestors of living forms. Among the collateral lines, however, we may find invaluable indications of the course ot descent. Fossil botany has revealed to us the existence in the Carboniferous epoch of a fourth phylum of vascular Cryptogams quite distinct from the three which have come down—more or less reduced—to our own day. This is the group of Sphenophyllex, plants with slender ribbed stems, superposed whorls of more or less wedge-shaped leaves, and very complex strobili with stalked sporangia. The group to a certain extent combines the characters of Lycopods and Horsetails, resembling the former in the primary anatomy, and the latter, though remotely, in external habit and fructification, Like so many of the early Cryptogams, Spheno- ' Williamson, Reminiscences of a Yorkshire Naturalist, 1896, p. 198, TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 15 phyllum possessed well-marked cambial growth. One may hazard the guess that this interesting group may have been derived from some unknown form lying at the root of both Calamites and Lycopods. The existence of the Sphenophyle certainly suggests the probability of a common origin for these two series. In few respects is the progress made recently in fossil botany more marked than in our knowledye of the affinities of the Calamariew. [ven so recently as the publication of Vount Solms-Laubach’s unrivalled introduction to ‘ Fossil Botany,’ the relation of this family to the Horsetails was still so doubtful that the author dealt with the two groups in quite different parts of his book. This is never likely to happen again. The study of vegetative anatomy and morphology on the one hand, and of the perfectly preserved fructifications on the other, can leave no doubt that the fossil Calamariez and the recent Hquiseta belong to one and the same great family, of which the palozoic representatives are, generally speaking, by far the more highly organised. ‘This is not only true of their anatomy, which is characterised by secondary growth in thickness just like that of a Gymnosperm, but also applies to the reproductive organs, some of which are distinctly heterosporous. In the genus Calamostachys we are, I think, able to trace the first rise of this phenomenon. The external morphology of the cones is also more varied and usually more complex than that of recent Equiseta, though in some Carboniferous forms, as in the so-called Calamostachys tenuissima of Grand’ Eury, we find an exactly Equisetum-like arrangement. The position of the Sigillarie as true members of the Lycopod group is now well established. The work of Williamson proved that there is no fundamental distinction between the vegetative structure of Lepidodendron, which has always been recognised as lycopodiaceous, and that of Sigil/aria. Secondary growth in thickness, the character which here, as in the case of the Calamodendrew, misled Brongniart, is the common property of both genera. Then came Zeiller’s dis- covery of the cones of Sigillaria, settling beyond a doubt that they are hetero- ere Cryptogams. A great deal still remains to be done, more especially as to the relation of Stigmaria to the various types of lyeopodiaceous stem. At present we are perhaps too facile in accepting Stigmaria ficoides as representing the underground organs of almost any carboniferous Lycopod. We are now in possession of a magnificent mass of data for the morphology of the palsozoic lycopods, and have perhaps hardly yet realised the richness of our material. I refer more especially to specimens with structure, on which, here as elsewhere, the scientific knowledge of fossil plants primarily depends, It is scarcely necessary to repeat what has been said so often elsewhere, that the now almost universal recognition of the cryptogamic nature of Calamodendres and Sigillarie is a splendid triumph for the opinions of the late Professor Williamson, which he gallantly maintained through a quarter of a century of controversy. Perhaps, however, the keenest interest now centres in the Ferns and fern-like plants of the carboniferous epoch, No fossil remains of plants are more abundant, or more familiar to collectors, than the beautiful and varied fern-fronds from the older strata. The mere form, and even the venation of these fronds, however, really tell us little, for we know how deceptive such characters may be among recent plants. Ina certain number of cases, discovery of the fructification has come to our aid, and where sori are found we can have no more doubt as to the specimens belonging to true Ferns. The work of Stur and Zeiller has been especially valuable in this direction, and has revealed the interesting fact that a great many of these early Ferns showed forms of fructification now limited to the small order Marattiaceee. I think perhaps the predominance of this group has been somewhat exaggerated, but at least there is no doubt that the marattiaceous type was much more important then than now, though it by no means stood alone. In certain cases the whole fern-plant can be built up. Thus Zeiller and Renault have shown that the great stems known as Psaronius, the structure of which is perfectly preserved, bore fronds of the Pecopteris form, and that similar Pecopteris fronds produced the fructification of Asterotheca, which is of a marat- 16 REPORT—1896. tiaceous character. Hence, for a good many Carboniferous and Permian forms there is not the slightest doubt as to their fern-nature, and we can even form an idea of the particular group of Ferns to which the affinity is closest. I will say nothing more as to the true Ferns, though they present innumerable points of interest, but will pass on at once to certain forms of even greater import- ance to the comparative morphologist. A considerable number of paleozoic plants are now known which present characters intermediate between those of Ferns and Cycadew. I say present inter- mediate characters, because that is a safe statement ; we cannot go further than this at present, for we do not yet know the reproductive organs of the forms in question, In Lyginodendron, the vegetative organs of which are now completely known, the stem has on the whole a cycadean structure ; the anatomy, which is preserved with astonishing perfection, presents some remarkable peculiarities, the most striking being that the vascular bundles of the stem have precisely the same arrangement of their elements as is found in the leaves of existing Cycads, but nowhere else among living plants. The roots also, though not unlike those of certain ferns in their primary organisation, grew in thickness by means of cambium, like those of a Gymnosperm. On the other hand, the leaves of Lyginodendron are typical fern-fronds, having the form characteristic of the genus Sphenopteris, and being probably identical with the species S. Haninghausi. Their minute structure is also exactly that of a fern-frond, so that no botanist would doubt that he had to do with a Fern if the leaves alone were before him. This plant thus presents an unmistakable combination of cyecadean and fern- like characters. Another and more ancient genus, Heterangiwm, agrees in many details with ZLyginodendron, but stands nearer the ferns, the stem in its primary structure resembling that of a Gileichenia, though it grows in thickness like a cycad. These intermediate characters led Professor Williamson and myself to the conclusion that these two genera were derived from an ancient stock of Ferns, combining the characters of several of the existing families, and that they had already considerably diverged from this stock in a cycadean direction. I believe that recent investigations, of which I hope we shall hear more from Mr. Seward, ~ tend to supply a link between Lyginodendron and the more distinctly cycadean stem known as Cycadoxylon. Heterangium first appears in the Burntisland beds, at the base of the carboni- ferous system; from a similar horizon in Silesia, Count Solms-Laubach has de- scribed another fossil, Protopitys Bucheana, the vegetative structure of which also shows, though in a different form, a striking union of the characters of Ferns and Gymnosperms. Count Solms shows that this genus cannot well be included among the Lyginodendre, but must be placed in a family of its own, which, to use his own words, ‘ increases the number of extinct types which show a transition between the characters of Filicineze and of Gymnosperms, and which thus might represent the descendants in different directions of a primitive group common to both.’ ; Another intermediate group, quite different from either of the foregoing, is that of the Medullosew, fossils most frequent in the Upper Carboniferous and Per- mian strata. The stems haye a remarkably complicated structure, built up of a number of distinct rings of wood and bast, each growing by its own cambium. Whether these rings represent so many separate primary cylinders, like those of an ordinary polystelic Fern, or are entirely the product of anomalous secondary growth, is still an open question, on which we may expect more light from the investigations of Count Solms. In any case, these curious stems (which certainly suggest in themselves some relation to Cycadew) are known to have borne the petioles known as Myeloaylon which have precisely the structure of cycadean petioles.* Renault has further brought forward convincing evidence that these Myeloxylon petioles terminated in distinctly fern-like foliage, referable to the form-genera ' Bot. Zeitung, 1893, p. 207. ? Seward, Annals of Botany, vol. vii. p. 1. TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION K. 1 / Alethopteris and Neuropteris. WHence it is evident that the fronds of these types, like some specimens of Sphenopteris, cannot be accepted as true Ferns, but may a cima suspected of belonging to intermediate groups between Ferns and cads. : It is not likely (as has been repeatedly pointed out elsewhere) that any of these intermediate forms are really direct ancestors of our existing Cycads, which certainly constitute only a small and insignificant remnant of what was once a great class, derived, as I think the evidence shows, from fern-like ancestors, probably by several lines of descent. One of the greatest discoveries in fossil botany was undoubtedly that of the Cordaiteee—a fourth family of Gymnosperms, quite distinct from the three now existing, though having certain points in common with all of them. They are much the most ancient of the four stocks, extending back far into the Devonian. Nearly all the wood of Carboniferous age, formerly referred to Coniferse under the name of Dado.wylon or Araucarioxylon, belonged to these plants. Thanks chiefly to the brilliant researches of Renault and Grand’ Eury, the structure of these fine trees is now known with great completeness. The roots and stems have a coniferous character, but the latter contain a large, chambered pith different from anything in that order. The great simple lanceolate or spatulate leaves, sometimes a yard long, were traversed by a number of parallel vascular bundles, each of which has the exact structure of a foliar bundle in existing Cycader, This type of vascular bundle is evidently one of the most ancient and persistent of characters, Both the male and female flowers (Cordaianthus) are well preserved in some cases. The morphology of the former has not yet been cleared up, but the stamen, consisting of an upright filament bearing 2-4 long pollen-sacs at the top, is quite unlike anything in Cycadew; a comparison is possible either with Gingko or with the Gnetacer. In the female flowers—small cones—the axillary ovules appear to have two integuments, a character which resembles Gnetacew rather than any other Gymno- sperms. Renault’s famous discovery of the prothallus in the pollen-grains of Cordaites indicates the persistence of a cryptogamic character; but it cannot be said that the group as a whole bears the impress of primitive simplicity, though it certainly combines in a remarkable way the characters of the three existing orders of the Gymnosperms. There is one genus, Poroxylon, fully and admirably investigated by Messrs. Bertrand and Renault, which from its perfectly preserved vegetative structure (and at present nothing else is known) appears to occupy an intermediate position between the Lyginodendrese and the Cordaitez. he anatomy of the stem is almost exactly that of Lyginodendron, the resemblance extending to the minutest details, while the leaves seem to closely approach those of Cordaites. Poroxylon is at present known only from the Upper Carboniferous, so we cannot regard it as in any way representing the ancestors of the far more ancient Cordaitew. The genus suggests, however, the possibility that the Cordaitew and the Cycadex fialng the latter term in its wide sense) may have had a common origin among corms belonging to the filicinean stock. It is also possible that the Cordaites, or plants allied to them, may in their turn have given rise to both Conifers and Gnetacere. It is unfortunate that at present we do not know the fructification of any of the fossil plants which appear to be intermediate between ferns and Gymnosperms. Sooner or later the discovery will doubtless be made in some of these forms, and most interesting it will be. M. Renault's Cycadospadix from Autun appears to show that very cycad-like fructifications already existed in the later Carboniferous period, and numerous isolated seeds point in the same direction, but we do not know to what plants they belonged. I think we may say that such definite evidence as we already possess decidedly points in the direction of the origin of the Gymnosperms generally from plants of the Fern series rather than from a lyecopodiaceous stock, i I must say a few words before concluding on the cycad-like fossils which are so striking a feature of mesozoic rocks, although I feel that this is a subject with 18 REPORT—1896, which my friend Mr. Seward is far more competent to deal. Both leaves and trunks of an unmistakably cycadean character are exceedingly common in many mesozoic strata, from the Lias up to the Lower Cretaceous. In some cases the structure of the stem is preserved, and then it appears that the anatomy as well as the external morphology is, on the whole, cycadean, though simpler, as regards the course of the vascular bundles, than that of recent representatives of the group. - dance to say, however, it is only in the rarest cases that fructifications of a truly cycadean type have been found in association with these leaves and stems. In most cases, when the fructification is accurately known, it has turned out to he of a type totally different from that of the true Cyeadew, and much more highly organ- ised, This is the form of fructification characteristic of Bennettites, a most remark- able group, the organisation of which was first revealed by the researches of Carruthers, afterwards extended by those of Solms-Laubach and Lignier. The venus evidently had a great geological range, oxtending from the Middle Odlite (or perhaps even older strata) to the Lower Greensand. Probably, all botanists are agreed in attributing cycadean affinities to the Bennettitew, and no doubt they are justified in this. Yet the cycadean characters are entirely vegetative and anato- mical ; the fructification is as different as possible from that of any existing cycad, or, for that matter, of any existing Gymnosperm. At present, only the female flower is accurately known, though Count Solms has found some indications of anthers in certain Italian specimens. The fructification of the typical species, B. Gibsonianus, which is preserved in marvellous perfection in the classical specimens from the Isle of Wight, terminates a short branch inserted between the leaf-bases, and consists of a fleshy Hi Sr bearing a great number of seeds seated on a long pedicel with barren scales between them. The whole mass of seeds and inter- mediate scales is closely packed into a head, and is enclosed by a kind of pericarp formed of coherent scales, and pierced by the micropylar terminations of the erect seeds, Outside the pericarp, again, is an envelope of bracts which have precisely the structure of scale-leaves in cycads. The internal structure of the seeds is per- fectly preserved, and strange to say, they are nearly, if not quite, exalbuminous, practically the whole cavity being occupied by a large dicotyledonous embryo. This extraordinary fructification is entirely different from that of any other known group of plants, recent or fossil, and characterises the Bennettites, as a family perfectly distinct from the Oycades, though probably, as Count Solms- Laubach suggests, having’a common origin with them at some remote period. The Bennettitese, while approaching Angiosperms in the complexity of their fruit, retain a filicinean character in their ramenta, which are quite like those of ferns, and different from any other form of hair found in recent Cycadew. Probably the bennettitean and cycadean series diverged from each other at a point not far re- moved from the filicinean stock common to both. 4 I hope that the hasty sketch which I have attempted of some of the indications of descent afforded by modern work on fossil plants may have served to illustrate the importance of the questions involved and to bring home to botanists the fact that phylogenetic problems can no longer be adequately dealt with without taking into account the historical evidence which the rocks afford us. Before leaving this subject I desire to express the great regret which all botanists mus: feel at the recent loss of one of the few men in England who have carried on original work in fossil botany. At the last meeting of the Association we had to lament the death, at a ripe old age, of a great leader in this branch of science, Professor W. C. Williamson. Only a few weeks ago we heard of the premature decease of Thomas Hick, for many years his demonstrator and colleague. Mr Hick profited by his association with his distinguished chief, and made many valuable original contributions to paleeobotany (not to mention other parts of botanical science), among which I may especially recall his work, in conjunction with Mr. Cash, on