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Ir is exactly forty-five years ago—to the day and hour—that the British Association last met in this city and in this hall to listen to a Presi- dential Address. The President was the Duke of oo Buccleugh; the General Secretaries, Francis Galton and T. Archer Hirst; the General Treasurer, William Spottiswoode; and the Assistant General Secretary, George Griffith, who was for many years a mainstay of the Association. The Evening Discourses were delivered by John Tyndall ‘On Matter and Force,’ by Archibald Geikie ‘ On the Geological Origin of the Scenery of Scotland,’ and by Alexander Herschel ‘ On the Present State of Knowledge regarding Meteors and Meteorites.’ The Presidents of Sections, which were then only seven in number, were for Mathematics and Physics, Sir William Thomson— later to be known as Lord Kelvin; for Chemistry, Thomas Anderson ; for Geology, Archibald Geikie, who now as President of the Royal Society worthily fills the foremost place in science within the realm; for Biology, William Sharpey, my own revered master, to whose teaching and influence British physiology largely owes the honourable position which it at present occupies ; for Geography, Sir Samuel Baker, the African explorer, who with his intrepid wife was the first to follow the Nile to its exit from the Albert Nyanza; for Economic Science, Mr. Grant Duff; and for Mechanical Science, Professor Rankine. Other eminent men present were Sir David Brewster, J. Clerk Maxwell, Charles Wheatstone, Balfour Stewart, William Crookes, J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert (names inseparable in the history of agricultural science), Crum Brown, et Be Liveing, W. H. Russell, Alexander Williamson, Henry Alleyne Nicholson, William Allmann, John Hutton Balfour, Spencer Cobbold, Anton Dohrn, Sir John Lubbock (now Lord Avebury), William McIntosh, E. Ray Lankester, A 2, PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. C. W. Peach, William Pengelly, Hughes Bennett, John Cleland, John Davy, Alexander Christison, Alfred Russel Wallace, Allen Thomson, William Turner, George Busk, Michael Foster (not yet founder of the Cambridge School of Physiology), Henry Howorth, Sir Roderick Murchison, Clements R. Markham, Sir William (afterwards Lord) Armstrong, and Douglas Galton. Many of those enumerated have in the course of nature passed away from us, but not a few remain, and we are glad to know that most of these retain their ancient vigour in spite of the five-and-forty years which separate us from the last meeting in this place. For the Address with which it is usual for the President to open the proceedings of the annual assembly, the field covered by the aims of the British Association provides the widest possible range Selection of of material from which to select. One condition alone is pai prescribed by custom, viz., that the subject chosen shall lie within the bounds of those branches of knowledge which are dealt with in the Sections. There can be no ground of complaint regarding this limitation on the score of variety, for within the forty years that I have myself been present (not, I regret to say, without a break) at these gatherings, problems relating to the highest mathe- matics on the one hand, and to the most utilitarian applications of science on the other, with every possible gradation between these extremes, have been discussed before us by successive Presidents ; and the addition from time to time of new Sections (one of which, that of Agriculture, we welcome at this Meeting) enables the whilom occupant of this chair to traverse paths which have not been previously trodden by his predecessors. On the last two occasions, under the genial guidance of Professors Bonney and Sir William Ramsay, we have successively been taken in imagination to the glaciers which flow between the highest peaks of the Alps and into the bowels of the earth; where we were invited to contemplate the prospective disappearance of the material upon which all our industrial prosperity depends. Needless to say that the lessons to be drawn from our visits to those unaccustomed levels were placed before us with, all the eloquence with which these eminent representatives of Geology and Chemistry are gifted. It is fortunately not expected that I should be able to soar to such heights or to plunge to such depths, for the branch of science with which I am personally associated is merely concerned with the investigation of the problems of living beings, and I am able to invite you to remain for an hour or so at the level of ordinary mortality to consider certain questions which at any rate cannot fail to have an immediate interest for every one present, seeing that they deal with the nature, origin, and maintenance of life. Everybody knows, or thinks he knows, what life is; at least, we are PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. 3 all acquainted with its ordinary, obvious manifestations. It would, therefore, seem that it should not be difficult to find an exact definition. The quest has nevertheless baffled the most acute thinkers. Herbert Spencer devoted two chapters of his ‘ Principles of Biology’ to the discussion of the attempts at definition which had up to that date been proposed, and himself suggested another. But at the end of it all he is constrained to admit that no expression had been found which would embrace all the known manifestations of animate, and at the same time exclude those of admittedly inanimate, objects. The ordinary dictionary definition of life is ‘the state of living.’ Dastre, following Claude Bernard, defines it as ‘ the sum total of the phenomena common to all living beings.’! Both of these definitions are, however, of the same character as Sydney Smith’s definition of an archdeacon as ‘ a person who performs archidiaconal functions.’ I am not myself proposing to take up your time by attempting to grapple with a task which has proved too great for the intellectual giants of philosophy, and I have the less disposition to do so because recent advances in knowledge have suggested the probability that the dividing line between animate and inanimate matter is less sharp than it has hitherto been regarded, so that the difficulty of finding an inclusive. definition is correspondingly increased. As a mere word ‘ life ’ is interesting in the fact that it is one of those: abstract terms which has no direct antithesis; although probably most. persons would regard ‘ death’ in that light. A little consideration will show that this is not the case. ‘Death * implies the pre-existence of ‘life’; there are physiological grounds for regarding death as a pheno- menon of life—it is the completion, the last act of life. We cannot speak of a non-living object as possessing death in the sense that we speak of a living object as possessing life. The adjective ‘ dead’ is, it is true, applied in a popular sense antithetically to objects which have never possessed life; as in the proverbial expression ‘ as dead as a door-nail.’ But in the strict sense such application is not justifiable, since the use: of the terms dead and living implies either in the past or in the present. the possession of the recognised properties of living matter. On the other hand, the expressions living and lifeless, animate and inani-- mate, furnish terms which are undoubtedly antithetical. Strictly andi literally, the words animate and inanimate express the presence ore absence of ‘ soul’; and not infrequently we find the terms ‘life’ and ‘soul’ erroneously employed as if identical. But it is Definition. Lifenot hardly necessary for me to state that the remarks I have —* with to make regarding ‘life’ must not be taken to apply to the conception to which the word ‘soul’ is attached. * La vie et la mort, English translation by W. J. Greenstreet, 1911, p. 54. A—] tygty 4 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. The fact that the formation of such a conception is only possible in connection with life, and that the growth and elaboration of the conception has only been possible as the result of the most complex processes of life in the most complex of living organisms, has doubtless led to a belief in the identity of life with soul. But unless the use of the expression ‘soul’ is extended to a degree which would deprive it of all special significance, the distinction between these terms must be strictly maintained. For the problems of life are essentially problems of matter; we cannot conceive of life in the Problems of scientific sense as existing apart from matter. The leat prob- »henomena of life are investigated, and can only be inves- matter. tigated, by the same methods as all other phenomena of matter, and the general results of such investigations tend to show that living beings are governed by laws identical with those which govern inanimate matter. The more we study the manifestations of life the more we become convinced of the truth of this statement and the less we are disposed to call in the aid of a special and unknown form of energy to explain those manifestations. The most obvious manifestation of life is ‘ spontaneous ’ movement. We see a man, a dog, a bird move, and we know that they are alive. We place a drop of pond water under the microscope, and Phenomena see numberless particles rapidly moving within it; we rae affirm that it swarms with ‘ life.’ We notice a small mass sient. of clear slime changing its shape, throwing out projections of its structureless substance, creeping from one part of the field of the microscope to another. We recognise that the slime is living; we give it a name—Ameba limar—the slug amceba. We observe similar movements in individual cells of our own body; in the white corpuscles of our blood, in corinective tissue cells, in growing nerve cells, in young cells everywhere. We denote the similarity between these movements and those of the amceba by employing the descriptive term ‘ amceboid ’ for both. We regard such movements as indicative of the possession of ‘ life’; nothing seems more justifiable than such an inference. But physicists * show us movements of a precisely similar charac- ter in substances which no one by any stretch of imagination can regard as living; movements of oil drops, of organic and caaeeminced oe inorganic mixtures, even of mercury globules, which are m 3 ; living and indistinguishable in their character from those of the a i living organisms we have been studying: movements which matter. can only be described by the same term ameeboid, yet obviously produced as the result of purely physical and chemical reactions causing changes in surface tension of the fluids under exami- 2. Quincke, Annal. d. Physik u. Chem. 1870 and 1888. PRESIDENT S ADDRESS. 5 nation.* It is therefore certain that such movements are not specifically ‘vital,’ that their presence does not necessarily denote ‘ life.’ And when we investigate closely even such active movements as those of a vibratile cilium or a phenomenon so closely identified with life as the contraction of a muscle, we find that these present so many analogies with ameeboid movements as to render it certain that they are funda- mentally of the same character and produced in much the same -manner.* Nor can we for a moment doubt that the complex actions which are characteristic of the more highly differentiated organisms have been developed in the course of evolution from the simple move- ments characterising the activity of undifferentiated protoplasm ; move- ments which can themselves, as we have seen, be perfectly imitated by non-living material. The chain of evidence regarding this particular manifestation of life—movement—is complete. Whether exhibited as the amceboid movement of the proteus animalcule or of the white corpuscle of our blood; as the ciliary motion of the infusorian or of the ciliated cell; as the contraction of a muscle under the governance of the will, or as the throbbing of the human heart responsive to every emotion of the mind, we cannot but conclude that it is alike subject to and produced in conformity with the general laws of matter, by agencies resembling those which cause movements in lifeless material.* It will perhaps be contended that the resemblances between the movements of living and non-living matter may be only superficial, and that the conclusion regarding their identity to which we are led will be dissipated when we endeavour to penetrate more deeply into the working of living substance. For can we not recognise along with the possession of movement the presence of other phenomena which are equally characteristic of life and with which non-living eo material is not endowed? Prominent among the charac- similation. teristic phenomena of life are the processes of assimilation and disassimilation, the taking in of food and its elabora- * The causation not only of movements but of various other manifestations of life by alterations in surface tension of living substance is ably dealt with by A. B. Macallum in a recent article in Asher and Spiro’s Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 1911. Macallum has described an accumulation of potassium salts at the more active surfaces of the protoplasm of many cells, and correlates this with the production of cell-activity by the effect of such accumulation upon the surface tension. The literature of the subject will be found in this article. *G. F. Fitzgerald (Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1898, and Scient. Trans. Roy. Dublin Society, 1898) arrived at this conclusion with regard to muscle from purely physical considerations. ; ; > * Vital spontaneity, so readily accepted by persons ignorant of biology. is disproved by the whole history of science. Every vital manifestation is a response to a stimulus, a provoked phenomenon. It is unnecessary to say this is also the case with brute bodies, since that is precisely the foundation of the great principle of the inertia of matter. It is plain that it is also as applicable to living as to inanimate matter.’—Dastre, op. cit., p. 280. A2 6 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. tion.® These, surely, it may be thought, are not shared by matter which is not endowed with life. Unfortunately for this argument, similar processes occur characteristically in situations which no one would think of associating with the presence of life. A striking example of this is afforded by the osmotic phenomena presented by solutions separated from one another by semipermeable membranes or films, a condition which is precisely that which is constantly found in living matter.” . It is not so long ago that the chemistry of organic matter was thought to be entirely different from that of inorganic substances. But the line between inorganic and organic chemistry, which Chemical up to the middle of the last century appeared sharp, phenomena 2 : 2 : Recominanve subsequently became misty and has now disappeared. ing life. Similarly the chemistry of living organisms, which is now a recognised branch of organic chemistry, but used to be considered as so much outside the domain of the chemist that it could only be dealt with by those whose special business it was to study ‘ vital’ processes, is passing every day more out of the hands of the biologist and into those of the pure chemist. Somewhat more than half a century ago Thomas Graham published his epoch-making observations relating to the properties of matter in the colloidal state:* observations which are proving all- ae ieee important in assisting our comprehension of the properties of living of living substance. For it is becoming every day more matter. Identity of apparent that the chemistry and physics of the living physical and Organism are essentially the chemistry and physics of chemical —=— nitrogenous colloids. Living substance or protoplasm processes in ; : 3 living and always, in fact, takes the form of a colloidal solution: ena eod In this solution the colloids are associated with crystalloids matter. (electrolytes), which are either free in the solution or attached to the molecules of the colloids. Surrounding and enclosing the living substance thus constituted of both colloid and crystalloid material is a film, probably also formed of colloid, but which may have a lipoid substratum associated with it (Overton). This film serves the purpose of an osmotic membrane, permitting of exchanges by diffusion between the colloidal solution constituting the protoplasm * The terms ‘assimilation’ and ‘ disassimilation’ express the physical and chemical changes which occur within protoplasm as the result of the intake of nutrient material from the cireumambient medium and its ultimate transforma- tion into waste products which are passed out again into that medium; the whole cycle of these changes being embraced under the term ‘ metabolism.’ * Leduc (The Mechanism of Life, English translation by W. Deane Butcher, 1911) has given many illustrations of this statement. In the Report of the meeting of 1867 in Dundee is a paper by Dr. J. D. Heaton (On Simulations of Vegetable Growths by Mineral Substances) dealing with the same class of phenomena. The conditions of osmosis in cells have been especially studied by Hamburger (Osmotischer Druck und Ionenlehre, Wiesbaden, 1902-4). PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 7 and the cireumambient medium in which it lives. Other similar films or membranes occur in the interior of protoplasm. These films have in many cases specific characters, both physical and chemical, thus favouring the diffusion of special kinds of material into and out of the protoplasm and from one part of the protoplasm to another. It is the changes produced under these physical conditions, associated with those caused by active chemical agents formed within protoplasm and known as enzymes, that effect assimilation and disassimilation. Quite similar changes can be produced outside the body (in vitro) by the employment of methods of a purely physical and chemical nature. Tt is true that we are not yet familiar with all the intermediate stages of transformation of the materials which are taken in by a living body into the materials which are given out from it. But since the initial processes and the final results are the same as they would be on the assumption that the changes are brought about in conformity with the known laws of chemistry and physics, we may fairly conclude that all changes in living substance are brought about by ordinary chemical and physical forces. Should it be contended that growth and reproduction are properties possessed. only by living bodies and constitute a test by which we may differentiate between life and non-life, between the animate Similarity of and inanimate creation, it must be replied that no conten- the processes of growth tion can be more fallacious. Inorganic crystals grow and - Sorbl multiply and reproduce their like, given a supply of the living and requisite pabulum. In most cases for each kind of crystal arto me there is, as with living organisms, a limit of growth which is not exceeded, and further increase of the crystalline matter results not in further increase in size but in multiplication of similar crystals. Leduc has shown that the growth and division of artificial colloids of an inorganic nature, when placed in an appropriate medium, present singular resemblances to the phenomena of the growth and division of living organisms. Even so complex a process as the division of a cell-nucleus by karyokinesis as a preliminary to the multi- plication of the cell by division—a phenomenon which would primd facie have seemed and has been commonly regarded as a distinctive manifestation of the life of the cell—can be imitated with solutions of a simple inorganic salt, such as chloride of sodium, containing a suspension of carbon particles; which arrange and rearrange themselves under the influence of the movements of the electrolytes in a manner indistinguishable from that adopted by ‘the particles of chromatin in a dividing nucleus. And in the process of sexual reproduction, the researches of J. Loeb and others upon the ova of the sea-urchin have proved that we can no longer consider such an apparently vital phenomenon as the fertilisation of the egg as being the result of living 8 ; PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. material brought to it by the spermatozoon, since it is possible to start the process of division of the ovum and the resulting formation of cells, and ultimately of all the tissues and organs—in short, to bring about the development of the whole body—if a simple chemical reagent is substituted for the male element in the process of fertilisation. Indeed, even a mechanical or electrical stimulus may suffice to start development. Kurz und gut, as the Germans say, vitalism The question as a working hypothesis has not only had its foundations piper undermined, but most of the superstructure has toppled force. over, and if any difficulties of explanation still persist, we are justified in assuming that the cause is to be found in our imperfect knowledge of the constitution and working of living material. At the best vitalism explains nothing, and the term ‘ vital force’ is an expression of ignorance which can bring us no further along the path of knowledge. Nor is the problem in any way advanced by substituting for the term ‘ vitalism ’ ‘ neo-vitalism,’ and for ‘ vital force ’ ‘ biotic energy.’* ‘ New presbyter is but old priest writ large.’ Further, in its chemical composition we are no longer compelled to consider living substance as possessing infinite complexity, as was thought to be the case when chemists first began to break The possi- up the proteins of the body into their simpler con- poe Hered i stituents. The researches of Miescher, which have been living matter. continued and elaborated by. Kossel and his pupils, have acquainted us with the fact that a body so important for the nutritive and reproductive functions of the cell as the nucleus—which may be said indeed to represent the quintessence of cell-life—possesses a chemical constitution of no very great complexity; so that we may even hope some day to see the material which composes it prepared syn- thetically. And when we consider that the nucleus is not only itself formed of living substance, but is capable of causing other living sub- stance to be built up; is, in fact, the directing agent in all the principal chemical changes which take place within the living cell, it must be admitted that we are a long step forward in our knowledge of the chemical basis of life. That it is the form of nuclear matter rather than its chemical and molecular structure which is the important factor in nuclear activity cannot be supposed. The form of nuclei,‘as every microscopist knows, varies infinitely, and there are numerous living organisms in which the nuclear matter is without form, appearing simply as granules distributed in the protoplasm. Not that the form assumed and the transformations undergone by the nucleus are without import- * B. Moore, in Recent Advances in Physiology, 1906; Moore and Roaf, ibid. ; and Further Advances in Physiology, 1909. Moore lays especial stress on the transformations of energy which occur in protoplasm. See on the question of vitalism Gley (Hevue Scientifique, 1911) and D’Arcy Thompson (Address to Section D at Portsmouth, 1911). PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. 9 ance; but it is none the less true that even in an amorphous condition the material which in the ordinary cell takes the form of a ‘ nucleus ’ may, in simpler organisms which have not in the process of evolution become complete cells, fulfil functions in many respects similar to those fulfilled by the nucleus of the more differentiated organism. A similar anticipation regarding the probability of eventual synthetic production may be made for the proteins of the cell-substance. Con- siderable progress in this direction has indeed already been made by Emi] Fischer, who has for many years been engaged in the task of building up the nitrogenous combinations which enter into the formation of the complex molecule of protein. It is satisfactory to know that the signiti- eance of the work both of Fischer and of Kossel in this field of biological chemistry has been recognised by the award to each of these distinguished chemists of a Nobel prize. The elements composing living substance are few in number. Those which are constantly present are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. With these, both in nuclear matter and also, but to a less The chemical degree, in the more diffuse living material which we know ee sa as protoplasm, phosphorus is always associated. ‘ Ohne stance. Phosphor kein Gedank ’ is an accepted aphorism; ‘ Ohne Phosphor kein Leben ’ is equally true. Moreover, a large proportion, rarely less than 70 per cent., of water appears essential for any manifestation of life, aithough not in all cases necessary for its continuance, since organisms are known which will bear the loss of the greater part if not the whole of the water they contain without per- manent impairment of their vitality. The presence of certain inorganic salts is no less essential, chief amongst them being chloride of sodium and salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. The combina- tion of these elements into a colloidal compound represents the chemi- cal basis of life; and when the chemist succeeds in building up this compound it will without doubt be found to exhibit the phenomena which we are in the habit of associating with the term ‘ life.’ ° The above considerations seem to point to the conclusion that the possibility of the production of life—t.e., of living material—is not so remote as has been generally assumed. Since the experi- Source of cai. life. The ments of Pasteur, few have ventured to affirm a belief in the possibility of spontaneous generation of bacteria and monads and other spontaneous - : ats i generation. | ‘™cro-organisms, although before his time this was by many believed to be of universal occurrence. My esteemed friend Dr. Charlton Bastian is, so far as I am aware, the only scientific man of eminence who still adheres to the old creed, and Dr. Bastian, in spite of numerous experiments and the publication of many ® The most recent account of the chemistry of protoplasm is that by Botazzi (Das Cytoplasma u. die Korpersadfte) in Winterstein’s Handb. d. vergl. Physio- logie, Bd. I., 1912. The literature is given in this article. 10 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. books and papers, has not hitherto succeeded in winning over any con- verts to his opinion. I am myself so entirely convinced of the accuracy of the results which Pasteur obtained—are they not within the daily and hourly experience of everyone who deals with the sterilisation of organic solutions ?—that I do not hesitate to believe, if living torulae or nrycelia are exhibited to me in flasks which had been subjected to prolonged boiling after being hermetically sealed, that there has been some fallacy either in the premisses or in the carrying out of the operation. The appearance of organisms in such flasks would not furnish to my mind proof that they were the result of spontaneous generation. Assuming no fault in manipulation or fallacy in observation, I should find it simpler to believe that the germs of such organisms have resisted the effects of prolonged heat than that they became generated spontaneously. If spontaneous generation is possible, we cannot expect it to take the form of living beings which show so marked a degree of differentiation, both structural and functional, as the organisms which are described as making their appearance in these experimental flasks.1° Nor should we expect the spontaneous generation of living substance of any kind to occur in a fluid the organic constituents of which have been so altered by heat that they can retain no sort of chemical resemblance to the organic constituents of living matter. If the formation of life—of living substance—is possible at the present day—and for my own part I see no reason to doubt it—a boiled infusion of organic matter—and still less of inorganic matter—is the last place in which to look for it. Our mistrust of such evidence as has yet been brought forward need not, however, preclude us from admitting the possibility of the formation of living from non-living substance." Setting aside, as devoid of scientific foundation, the idea of immediate * It is fair to point out that Dr. Bastian suggests that the formation of ultramicroscopic living particles may precede the appearance of the microscopic organisms which he describes. 7'he Origin of Life, 1911, p. 65. ‘' The present position of the subject is succinctly stated by Dr. Chalmers Mitchell in his article on ‘ Abiogenesis’ in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Dr. Mitchell adds : ‘ It may be that in the progress of science it may yet be possible to construct living protoplasm from non-living material. _The refutation of abiogenesis has no further bearing on this possibility than to make it probable that if protoplasm ultimately be formed in the laboratory, it will be by a series of steps, the earlier steps being the formation of some substance, or substances, now unknown, which are not protoplasm. Such intermediate stages may have existed in the past.’ And Huxley in his Presidential Address at Liverpool in 1870 says: ‘But though I cannot express this conviction’ (i.e., of the impossi- bility of the occurrence of abiogenesis, as exemplified by the appearance of organisms in hermetically sealed and sterilised flasks) ‘too strongly, I must carefully guard myself against the supposition that I intend to suggest that no such thing as abiogenesis ever has taken place in the past or ever will take place in the future. With organic chemistry, molecular physics and physiology yet in their infancy and every day making prodigious strides, [ think it would be the height of presumption for any man to say that the conditions under which matter assumes the properties we call ‘‘ vital’? may not, some day, be artificially brought together.’ PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 1l supernatural intervention in the first production of life, we are not only justified in believing, but compelled to believe, that living Life a pro- =matter must have owed its origin to causes similar in duct of evo- : : , Sefton. character to those which have been instrumental in pro- ducing all other forms of matter in the universe; in other words, to a process of gradual evolution.1? But it has been customary of late amongst biologists to shelve the investigation of the mode of origin of life by evolution from non-living matter by relegating its solution to some former condition of the earth’s history, when, it is assumed, opportunities were accidentally favourable for the passage of inanimate matter into animate; such opportunities, it is also assumed, having never since recurred and being never likely to recur.?° Various eminent scientific men have even supposed that life has not actually originated upon our globe, but has been brought to it from another planet or from another stellar system. Some of my audience may still remember the controversy that was excited when the theory of the origin of terrestrial life by the intermediation of a meteorite was propounded by Sir William Thomson in his Presidential Address at the meeting of this Association in Edinburgh in 1871. To this ‘ mete- orite ’ theory '* the apparently fatal objection was raised that it would take some sixty million years for a meteorite to travel from the nearest stellar system to our earth, and it is inconceivable that any kind of life could be maintained during such a period. Even from the nearest planet 150 years would be necessary, and the heating of the meteorite in passing through our atmosphere and at its impact with the earth would, in all probability, destroy any life which might have existed within it. A cognate theory, that of cosmic panspermia, assumes that life may exist and may have existed indefinitely in cosmic dust in the interstellar spaces (Richter, 1865; Cohn, 1872), and may with this dust fall slowly to the earth without undergoing the heating which is experienced by a meteorite. Arrhenius,’® who adopts this theory, states that if living germs were carried through the ether by luminous and other radiations the time necessary for their transportation from our globe to the nearest stellar system would be only nine thousand years, and to Mars only twenty days! 7? The arguments in favour of this proposition have been arrayed by Meldola in his Herbert Spencer Lecture, 1910, pp. 16-24. Meldola leaves the question. open whether such evolution has occurred only in past years or is also taking place now. He concludes that whereas certain carbon compounds have survived by reason of possessing extreme stability, others—the precursors of living matter— survived owing to the possession of extreme lability and adaptability to variable conditions of environment. A similar suggestion was previously made by Lockyer, Inorganic Evolution, 1900, pp. 169, 170. 13°T. H. Huxley, Presidential Address, 1870; A. B. Macallum, ‘On the Origin of Life on the Globe,’ in 7'rans. Canadian Institute, VIII. _ ** First suggested, according to Dastre, by de Salles-Guyon (Dastre, op. cit., p. 252). The theory received the support of Helmholtz. . 18 Worlds in the Making, transl. by H. Borns, chap. vili., p. 221, 1908. | 12 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. But the acceptance of such theories of the arrival of life on the earth does not bring us any nearer to a conception of its actual mode of origin; on the contrary it merely serves to banish the investigation of the question to some conveniently inaccessible corner of the universe and leaves us in the unsatisfactory position of affirming not only that we have no knowledge as to the mode of origin of life—which is unfortu- nately true—but that we never can acquire such knowledge—which it is to be hoped is not true.t® Knowing what we know, and believing what we believe, as to the part played by evolution in the development of terrestrial matter, we are, I think (without denying the possibility of the existence of life in other parts of the universe }’) justified in regard- ing these cosmic theories as inherently improbable—at least in com- parison with the solution of the problem which the evolutionary hypothesis offers.+* I assume that the majority of my audience have at least a general idea of the scope of this hypothesis, the general acceptance of which has within the last sixty years altered the whole aspect not ee ne only of biology, but of every other branch of natural hypothesis as Science, including astronomy, geology, physics, and applied to chemistry.?* To those who have not this familiarity I Ee of would recommend the perusal of a little book by Professor Judd entitled ‘The Coming of Evolution,’ which has recently appeared as one of the Cambridge manuals. I know of no similar book in which the subject is as clearly and succinctly treated. Although the author nowhere expresses the opinion that the actual origin of life on the earth has arisen by evolution from non-living matter, it is impossible to read either this or any similar exposition in which the essential unity of the evolutionary process is insisted upon ** «The history of science shows how dangerous it is to brush aside mysteries —i.e., unsolved problems—and to interpose the barrier placarded ‘‘ eternal—no vhoroughfare.’’ ’"—R. Meldola, Herbert Spencer Lecture, 1910. *7 Some authorities, such as Errera, contend, with much probability, that the conditions in interstellar space are such that life, as we understand it, could not possibly exist there. ** As Verworn points out, such theories would equally apply to the origin of any other chemical combination, whether inorganic or organic, which is met with on our globe, so that they lead directly to absurd conclusions.—Allgemeine Physiologie, 1911. ** As Meldola insists, this general acceptance was in the first instance largely due to the writings of Herbert Spencer : ‘ We are now prepared for evolution in every domain. . . . As in the case of most great generalisations, thought had been moving in this direction for many years.... Lamarck and Buffon had suggested a definite mechanism of organic development, Kant and Laplace a principle of celestial evolution, while Lyell had placed geology upon an evolutionary basis. The principle of continuity was beginning to be recognised in physical science. ... It was Spencer who brought these independent lines of thought to a focus, and who was the first to make any systematic attempt to show that the law of development expressed in its widest and most abstract form was univer- sally followed throughout cosmical processes, inorganic, organic, and super- organic.’—Op, cit., p. 14, -which are capable of passing through the pores of a Chamberland filter. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS, 13 without coneluding that the origin of life must have been due to the same process, this process being, without exception, continuous, and admitting of no gap at any part of its course. Looking therefore at the evolution of living matter by the light which is shed upon it from the study of the evolution of matter in general, we are led to regard it as having been produced, not by a sudden alteration, whether exerted by natural or supernatural agency, but by a gradual process of change from material which was lifeless, through material on the borderland between inanimate and animate, to material which has all the characteristics to which we attach the term ‘life.’ So far from expecting a sudden leap from an inorganic, or at least an unorganised, into an organic and organised condition, from an entirely inanimate substance to a completely animate state of being, should we not rather expect a gradual procession of changes from inorganic to organic matter, through stages of gradually increasing complexity until material which can be termed living is attamed? And in place of looking for the production of fully formed living organisms in hermetically sealed flasks, should we not rather search Nature herself, under natural con- ditions, for evidence of the existence, either in the past or in the present, of transitional forms between living and non-living matter? The difficulty, nay the impossibility, of obtaining evidence of such evolution from the past history of the globe is obvious. Both the hypothetical transitional material and the living material which was originally evolved from it may, as Macallum has suggested, have taken the form of diffused ultra-microscopic particles of living substance ?°; and even if they were not diffused but aggregated into masses, these masses could have been physically nothing more than colloidal watery slime which would leave no impress upon any geological formation. Myriads of years may have elapsed before some sort of skeleton in ‘the shape of calcareous or siliceous spicules began to evolve itself, and thus enabled ‘ life,’ which must already have possessed a prolonged existence, to make any sort of geological record. It follows that in attempting to pursue the evolution of living matter to its beginning in ‘terrestrial history we can only expect to be confronted with a blank wall of nescience. The problem would appear to be hopeless of ultimate solution, if we are rigidly confined to the supposition that the evolution of life has only occurred once in the past history of the globe. But are we justified in assuming that at one period only, and as it were by a fortunate and fortuitous concomitation of substance and circumstance, ‘living matter became evolved out of non-living matter—life became 20 There still exist in fact forms of life which the microscope cannot show us (E. A. Minchin, Presidential Address to Quekett Club, 1911), and germs A4 14 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. established? Is there any valid reason to conclude that at some previous period of its history our earth was more favourably circumstanced for the production of life than it is now??1_ I have vainly sought for such reason, and if none be forthcoming the conclusion forces itself upon us that the evolution of non-living into living substance has happened more than once—and we can be by no means sure that it may not be happening still. It is true that up to the present there is no evidence of such hap- pening: no process of transition has hitherto been observed. But on the other hand, is it not equally true that the kind of evidence which would be of any real value in determining this question has not hitherto been looked for? We may be certain that if life is being produced from non-living substance it will be life of a far simpler character than any that has yet been observed—in material which we shall be uncertain whether to call animate or inanimate, even if we are able to detect it at all, and which we may not be able to visualise physically even after we have become convinced of its existence.2? But we.can look with the mind’s eye and follow in imagination the transformation which non- living matter may have undergone and may still be undergoing to pro- duce living substance. No principle of evolution is better founded than that insisted upon by Sir Charles Lyell, justly termed by Huxley * the greatest geologist of his time,’ that we must interpret the past history of our globe by the present; that we must seek for an explanation of what has happened by the study of what is happening; that, given similar circumstances, what has occurred at one time will probably occur at another. The process of evolution is universal. The inorganic materials of the globe are continually undergoing transition. New chemical combinations are constantly being formed and old ones broken up; new elements are making their appearance and old elements dis- appearing.?* Well may we ask ourselves why the production of living matter alone should be subject to other laws than those which have produced, and are producing, the various forms of non-living matter; why what has happened may not happen? If living matter has been evolved from lifeless in the past, we are justified in accepting the 71 Chalmers Mitchell (Article ‘Life,’ Hneycl. Brit., eleventh edition) writes as follows : ‘ It has been suggested from time to time that conditions very unlike those now existing were necessary for the first appearance of life, and must be repeated if living matter is to be reconstituted artificially. No support for such a view can be derived from observations of the existing conditions of life.’ 22 “Spontaneous generation of life could only be perceptually demonstrated hy filling in the long terms of a series between the complex forms of inorganic and the simplest forms of organic substance. Were this done, it is quite possible that we should be unable to say (especially considering the vagueness of our definitions of life) where life began or ended.’—K. Pearson, Grammar of Science, second edition, 1900, p. 350. 23 See on the production of elements, W. Crookes, Address to Section B, Brit. Assoc., 1886; T. Preston, Nature, vol. 1x., p. 180; J. J. Thomson, PAil. Mae., 1897, p. 311; Norman Lockyer, op. cit., 1900; G. Darwin, Pres. Addr. Brit. Assoc., 1905. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 15 conclusion that its evolution is possible in the present and in the future. Indeed, we are not only justified in accepting this conclusion, we are forced to accept it. When or where such change from non-living to living matter may first have occurred, when or where it may have con- tinued, when or where it may still be occurring, are problems as difficult as they are interesting, but we have no right to assume that they are insoluble. Since living matter always contains water as its most abundant constituent, and since the first living organisms recognisable as such in the geological series were aquatic, it has generally been assumed that life must first have made its appearance in the depths of the ocean.4 Is it, however, certain that the assumption that life originated in the sea is correct? Is not the land-surface of our globe quite as likely to have been the nidus for the evolutionary transformation of non-living into living material as the waters which surround it? Within this soil almost any chemical transformation may occur; it is subjected much more than matters dissolved in sea-water to those fluctuations of moisture, temperature, electricity, and luminosity which are potent in producing chemical changes. But whether life, in the form of a simple slimy colloid, originated in the depths of the sea or on the surface of the land, it would be equally impossible for the geologist to trace its beginnings, and were it still becoming evolved in the same situations, it would be almost as impossible for the microscopist to follow its evolution. We are therefore not likely to obtain direct evidence regarding such a trans- formation of non-living into living matter in Nature, even if it is occurring under our eyes. An obvious objection to the idea that the production of living matter from non-living has happened more than once is that, had this been the case, the geological record should reveal more than one paleontological series. ‘This objection assumes that evolution would in every case take an exactly similar course and proceed to the same goal—an assumption which is, to say the least, improbable. If, as might well be the case, in any other paleontological series than the one with which we are acquainted the process of evolution of living beings did not proceed beyond Protista, there would be no obvious geological evidence regarding it; such evidence would only be discoverable by a carefully directed search made with that particular object in view.?> I would not by any means minimise the difficulties which attend the suggestion that the ** For arguments in favour of the first appearance of life having been in the sea, see A. B. Macallum, ‘The Paleochemistry of the Ocean,’ rans. Canad. Instit., 1903-4. *° Lankester (Art. * Protozoa,’ Kncycl. Brit., tenth edition) conceives that the first protoplasm fed on the antecedent steps in its own evolution. F. J. Allen (Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1896) comes to the conclusion that living substance is probably constantly boeing produced, but that this fails to make itself evident 16 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. evolution of life may have occurred more than once or may still be happening, but on the other hand, it must not be ignored that those which attend the assumption that the production of life has occurred once only are equally serious. Indeed, had the idea of the possibility of a multiple evolution of living substance been first in the field, L doubt if the prevalent belief regarding a single fortuitous production of life upon the globe would have become established among biologists—so much are we liable to be influenced by the impressions we receive in scientific childhood ! Assuming the evolution of living matter to have occurred—whether once only or more frequently matters not for the moment—and in the form suggested, viz., as a mass of. colloidal shme Further possessing the property of assimilation and therefore of oa of growth, reproduction would follow as a matter of course. life. For all material of this physical nature—fluid or semi- fluid in character—has a tendency to undergo subdivision when its bulk exceeds a certain size. The subdivision may be into equal or nearly equal parts, or it may take the form of buds. In either case every separated part would resemble the parent in chemical and physical properties, and would equally possess the property of taking in and assimilating suitable material from its liquid environment, grow- ing in bulk and reproducing its like by subdivision. Omne vivum e vivo. In this way from any beginning of living material a primitive form of life would spread, and would gradually people the globe. The establishment of life being once effected, all forms of organisation follow under the inevitable laws of evolution. Ce n'est que le premier pas qui cotte. We can trace in imagination the segregation of a more highly phosphorised portion of the primitive living matter, which we may now consider to have become more akin to the protoplasm of organisms with which we are familiar. This more phosphorised portion might not for myriads of generations take the form of a definite nucleus, but it would be composed of material having a composition and qualities similar to those of the nucleus of a cell. Prominent among these qualities is that of catalysis—the function of effecting profound chemical changes in other material in contact with it without itself undergoing permanent change. This catalytic function may have been exercised directly by the living substance or may have been carried owing to the substance being seized and assimilated by existing organisms. He believes that ‘in accounting for the first origin of life on this earth it is not necessary that, as Pfliiger assumed, the planet should have been at a former period a glowing fire-ball. He ‘prefers to believe that the circumstances which support life would also favour its origin.’ And elsewhere : ‘ Life is not an extraordinary phenomenon, not even an importation from some other sphere, but rather the actual outcome of circumstances on this earth.’ PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 17 on through the agency of the enzymes already mentioned, which are also of a colloid nature but of simpler constitution than itself, and which differ from the catalytic agents employed by the chemist in the fact that they produce their effects at a relatively low temperature. In the course of evolution special enzymes would become developed for adaptation to special conditions of life, and with the appearance of these and other modifications, a process of differentiation of primitive living matter into individuals with definite specific characters gradually became established. We can conceive of the production in this way from originally undifferentiated living substance of simple differentiated organisms comparable to the lowest forms of Protista. But how long it may have taken to arrive at this stage we have no means of ascertain- ing. To judge from the evidence afforded by the evolution of higher organisms it would seem that a vast period of time would be necessary for even this amount of organisation to establish itself. The next important phase in the process of evolution would be the segregation and moulding of the diffused or irregularly aggregated : nuclear matter into a definite nucleus around which all the Formation of ; LE : Pe the nucleated Chemical activity of the organism will in future be cell. centred. Whether this change were due to a slow and gradual process of segregation or of the nature of a jump, such as Nature does occasionaliy make, the result would be the advancement of the living organism to the condition of a complete nucleated cell: a material advance not cnly in organisation but—siill more important— in potentiality for future development. Life is now embodied in the cell, and every living being evolved from this will itself be either a cell or a cell-aggregate. Omnis cellula e celluld. After the appearance of a nucleus—but how long after it is im- possible to conjecture—another phenomenon appeared upon the scene in the occasional exchange of nuclear substance between Establishment ce]]s. In this manner became established the process of eke, sexual reproduction. Such exchange in the unicellular Protista might and may occur between any two cells forming the species, but in the multicellular Metazoa it became— like other functions—specialised in particular cells. The result ot the exchange is rejuvenescence; associated with an increased tendency to subdivide and to produce new individuals. This is due to the intro- duction of a stimulating or catalytic chemical agent into the cell which is to be rejuvenated, as is proved by the experiments of Loeb already alluded to. It is true that the chemical material introduced into the germ-cell in the ordinary process of its fertilisation by the sperm-cell is usually accompanied by the introduction of definite morphological elements which biend with others already contained within the germ- cell, and it is believed that the transmission of such morphological ele- 18 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. ments of the parental nuclei is related to the transmission of parental qualities. | But we must not be blind to the possibility that these transmitted qualities may be connected with specific chemical charac- ters of the transmitted elements; in other words, that heredity also is one of the questions the eventual solution of which we must look to the chemist to provide. So far we have been chiefly considering life as it is found in the simplest forms of living substance, organisms for the most part entirely microscopic and neither distinctively animal nor ager vegetable, which were grouped together by Haeckel as F a separate kingdom of animated nature—that of Protista. But persons unfamiliar with the microscope are not in the habit of associating the term ‘ life ’ with microscopic organisms, whether these take the form of cells or of minute portions of living substance which have not yet attained to that dignity. We most of us speak and think of life as it occurs in ourselves and other animals with which we are familiar; and as we find it in the plants around us. . We recognise it in these by the possession of certain properties—movement, nutrition, growth, and reproduction. We are not aware by intuition, nor can we ascertain without the employment of the microscope, that we and all the higher living beings, whether animal or vegetable, are entirely formed of aggregates of nucleated cells, each microscopic and each possessing its own life. Nor could we suspect by intuition that what we term our life is not a single indivisible property, capable of being blown out with a puff like the flame of a candle; but.is the aggregate of the lives of many millions of living cells of which the body is com- posed. It is but a short while ago that this cell-constitution was dis- covered: it occurred within the lifetime, even within the memory, of some who are still with us. What a mafvellous distance we have travelled since then in the path of knowledge of living organisms! The strides which were made in the advance of the mechanical sciences during the nineteenth century, which is generally considered to mark that century as an age of unexampled progress, are as nothing in comparison with those made in the domain of biology, and their interest is entirely dwarfed by that which is aroused by the facts relat- ing to the phenomena of life which have accumulated within the ‘same period. And not the least remarkable of these facts is the discovery of the cell-structure of plants and animals! Let us consider how cell-aggregates came to be evolved from organisms consisting of single cells. Two methods are possible— viz. (1) the adhesion of a number of originally separate beta es of individuals; (2) the subdivision of a single individual with- aggregate. out the products of its subdivision breaking loose from one another. No doubt this last is the manner whereby the PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 19 cell-aggregate was originally formed, since it is that by which it is still produced, and we know that the life-history of the individual is an epitome of that of the species. Such aggregates were in the beginning solid; the cells in contact with one another and even in continuity: subsequently a space or cavity became formed in the interior of the mass, which was thus converted into a hollow sphere. All the cells of the aggregate were at first perfectly similar in structure and in func- tion; there was no subdivision of labour. All would take part in effecting locomotion; all would receive stimuli from outside; all would take in and digest nutrient matter, which would then be passed into the cavity of the sphere to serve as a common store of nourishment. Such organisms are still found, and constitute the lowest types of Metazoa. Later one part of the hollow sphere became dimpled to form a cup; the cavity of the sphere became correspondingly altered in shape. With this change in structure differentiation of function between the cells covering the outside and those lining the inside of the cup made its appearance. Those on the outside subserved locomotor functions and received and transmitted from cell to cell stimuli, physical or chemi- cal, received by the organism; while those on the inside, being freed from such functions, tended to specialise in the direction of the inception and digestion of nutrient material; which, passing from them into the cavity of the invaginated sphere, served for the nourishment of all the cells composing the organism. The further course of evolu- tion produced many changes of form and ever-increasing complexity of the cavity thus produced by simple invagination. Some of the cell- aggregates settled down to a sedentary life, becoming plant-like in appearance and to some extent in habit. Such organisms, complex in form but simple in structure, are the Sponges. Their several parts are not, as in the higher Metazoa, closely interdependent: the destruc- tion of any one part, however extensive, does not either immediately or ultimately involve death of the rest: all parts function separately, although doubtless mutually benefiting by their conjunction, if only by slow diffusion of nutrient fluid throughout the mass. There is already some differentiation in these organisms, but the absence of a nervous system prevents any general co-ordination, and the individual cells are largely independent of one another. Our own life, like that of all the higher animals, is an aggregate life; the life of the whole is the life of the individual cells. The life of some of these cells can be put an end to, the rest may continue to live. This is, in fact, happening every moment of our lives. The cells which cover the surface of our body, which form the scarf-skin and the hairs and nails, are constantly dying and the dead cells are rubbed off or cut away, their place being taken by others supplied from living layers beneath. But the death of these cells. does not 20 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. affect the vitality of the body as a whole. They serve merely as a protection, or an ornamental covering, but are otherwise not material to our existence. On the other hand, if a few cells, such as those nerve-cells under the influence of which respiration is carried on, are destroyed or injured, within a minute or two the whole living machine comes to a standstill, so that to the bystander the patient is dead; even the doctor will pronounce life to be extinct. But this pronouncement is correct only in a special sense. What has happened is that, owing to the cessation of respiration, the supply of oxygen to the tissues is cut off. And since the manifestations of life cease without this supply, the animal or patient appears to be dead. If, however, within a short period we supply the needed oxygen to the tissues requiring it, all the manifestations of life reappear. It is only some cells which lose their vitality at the moment of so-called ‘ general death.’ Many cells of the body retain their indi- vidual life under suitable circumstances long after the rest of the body is dead. Notable among these are muscle-cells. © McWilliam showed that the muscle-cells of the blood-vessels give indications of of life several days after an animal has been killed. The muscle-cells of the heart in mammals have been revived and caused to beat regu- larly and strongly many hours after apparent death. In man this result has been obtained by Kuliabko as many as eighteen hours after life had been pronounced extinct: in animals after days had elapsed. Waller has shown that indications of life can be elicited from various tissues many hours and even days after general death. Sherrington observed the white corpuscles of the blood to be active when kept in a suitable nutrient fluid weeks after removal from the blood-vessels. A French histologist, Jolly, has found that the white corpuscles of the frog, if kept in a cool place and under suitable conditions, show at the end of a year all the ordinary manifestations of life. Carrell and Burrows have observed activity and growth to continue for long periods in the isolated cells of a number of tissues and organs kept under obser- vation in a suitable medium. Carrell has succeeded in substituting entire organs obtained after death from one animal for those of another of the same species, and has thereby opened up a field of surgical treatment the limit of which cannot yet be descried. It is a well- established fact that any part or organ of the body can be maintained alive for hours isolated from the rest if the blood-vessels are perfused with an oxygenated solution of salts in certain proportions (Ringer). Such revival and prolongation of the life of separated organs is an ordinary procedure in laboratories of physiology. Like all the other instances enumerated, it is based on the fact that the individual cells of an organ have a life of their own which is largely independent, so that they will continue in suitable circumstances to live, although the rest of the body to which they belonged may be dead. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. 21 But some cells, and the organs which are formed of them, are more necessary to maintain the life of the aggregate than others, on account of the nature of the ‘functions which have become specialised inthem. This is the case with the nerve-cells of the respiratory centre, since they preside over the movements which are necessary to effect oxygenation of the blood. It is also true for the cells which compose the heart, since this serves to pump oxygenated blood to all other cells of the body: without such blood most cells soon cease to live. Hence we examine respiration and heart to determine if life is present: when one or both of these are at a standstill we know that life cannot be maintained. These are not the only organs necessary for the maintenance of life, but the loss of others can be borne longer, since the functions which they subserve, although useful or even essential to the organism, can be dispensed with for a time. The life of some cells is therefore more, of others less, necessary for maintaining the life of the rest. On the other hand, the cells composing certain organs have in the course of evolution ceased to be necessary, and their continued existence may even be harmful. Wiedersheim has enumerated more than a hundred of these organs in the human body. Doubtless Nature is doing her best to get rid of them for us, and our descendants will some day have ceased to possess a vermiform appendix or a pharyngeal tonsil: until that epoch arrives we must rely for their removal on the more rapid methods of surgery! We have seen that in the simplest multicellular organisms, where one cell of the aggregate differs but little from another, the conditions for the maintenance of the life of the whole are nearly as Sie simple as those for individual cells. But che life of a the life of cell-aggregate such as composes the bodies of the higher — animals is maintained not only by the conditions for the aggregate i E pa as : the the maintenance of the life of the individual cell being kept oy 2 favourable, but also by the co-ordination of the varied mechanisms. 2Ctivities of the cells which form the aggregate. Whereas in the lowest Metazoa all cells of the aggregate are alike in structure and function and perform and share everything in common, in higher animals (and for that matter in the higher plants also) the cells have become specialised, and each is only adapted for the performance of a particular function. Thus the cells of the gastric glands are only adapted for the secretion of gastric juice, the cells of the villi for the absorption of digested matters from the intestine, the cells of the kidney for the removal of waste products and superfluous water from the blood, those of the heart for pumping blood through the vessels. Each of these cells has its individual life and performs its individual functions. But unless there were some sort of co-operation and subordination to the needs Gfathe body generally, there would be sometimes too little, pa PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. sometimes too much gastric juice secreted ; sometimes too tardy, some- times too rapid an absorption from the intestine; sometimes too little, sometimes too much blood pumped into the arteries, and so on. As the result of such lack of co-operation the life of the whole would cease to be normal and would eventually cease to be maintained. We have already seen what are the conditions which are favourable for the maintenance of life of the individual cell, no matter where situated. The principal condition is that it must be bathed by a nutrient fluid of suitable and constant composition. In higher animals this fluid is the lymph, which bathes the tissue elements and is itself constantly supplied with fresh nutriment and oxygen by the blood. Some tissue- cells are directly bathed by blood; and in invertebrates, in which there is no special system of lymph-vessels, all the tissues are thus nourished. All cells both take from and give to the blood, but not the same materials or to an equal extent. Some, such as the absorbing cells of the villi, almost exclusively give; others, such as the cells of the renal tubules, almost exclusively take. Nevertheless, the resultant of all the give and take throughout the body serves to maintain the composition of the blood constant under all circumstances. In this way the first condition of the maintenance of the life of the aggregate is fulfilled by insuring that the life of the individual cells composing it is kept normal. The second essential condition for the maintenance of life of the cell- ageregate is the co-ordination of its parts and the due regulation of their activity, so that they may work together for the benefit of the whole. In the animal body this is effected in two ways: first, through the nervous system; and second, by the action of specific chemical substances which are formed in certain orgars and carried by the blood to other parts of the body, the cells of which they excite to activity. These substances have received the general designation of ‘hormones’ (éppdw, to stir up), a term introduced by Professor Starling. Their action, and indeed their very existence, has only been recognised of late years, although the part which they play in the physiology of animals appears to be only second in importance to that of the nervous system itself; indeed, maintenance of life may become impossible in the absence of et of these hormones. Before we consider the manner in which the nervous Part played by the system serves to co-ordinate the life of the cell-aggregate, sind let us see how it has become evolved. system in the ce ; : maintenance The first step in the process was taken when certain of He ageregate the cells of the external layer became specially sensitive to Seahitipn of Stimuli from outside, whether caused by mechanical im- a nervous pressions (tactile and auditory stimuli) or impressions of system. light and darkness (visual stimuli) or chemical impres- sions. The effects of such impressions were probably at first simply PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. 23 communicated to adjacent cells and spread from cell to cell throughout the mass. An advance was made when the more impressionable cells threw out branching feelers amongst the other cells of the organism. Such feelers would convey the effects of stimuli with greater rapidity and directness to distant parts. They may at first have been retractile, in this respect resembling the long pseudopodia of certain Rhizopoda. When they became fixed they would be potential nerve-fibres and would represent the beginning of a nervous system. Even yet (as Ross Harrison has shown), in the course of development of nerve-fibres, each fibre makes its appearance as an amceboid cell-process which is at first retractile, but gradually grows into the position it is eventually to occupy and in which it will become fixed. In the further course of evolution a certain number of these specialised cells of the external layer sank below the general surface, partly perhaps for protection, partly for better nutrition: they became nerye-cells. They remained connected with the surface by a prolonga- tion which became an afferent or sensory nerve-fibre, and through its termination between the cells of the general surface continued to receive the effects of external impressions; on the other hand, they continued to transmit these impressions to other, more distant cells by their efferent prolongations. In the further course of evolution the neryous system thus laid down became differentiated into distinct afferent, efferent, and intermediary portions. Once established, such a neryous system, however simple, must dominate the organism, since it would furnish a mechanism whereby the individual cells would work together more effectually for the mutual benefit of the whole. It is the development of the nervous system, although not proceeding in all classes along exactly the same lines, which-is the most prominent feature of the evolution of the Metazoa. By and through it all impres- sions reaching the organism from the outside are translated into contrac- tion or some other form of cell-activity. Its formation has been the means of causing the complete divergence of the world of animals from the world of plants, none of which possess any trace of a nervous: system. Plants react, it is true, to external impressions, and these impressions produce profound changes and even comparatively rapid and energetic movements in parts distant from the point of application of the stimulus—as in the well-known instance of the sensitive plant. But the impressions are in all cases propagated directly from cell to cell—not through the agency of nerve-fibres; and in the absence of anything corresponding to a nervous systém it is not possible to suppose that any plant can ever acquire the least glimmer of intelligence. In animals, on the other hand, from a slight original modification of certain cells has directly proceeded in the course of evolution the elaborate structure of the nervous system with all its varied and complex func- 24 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. tions, which reach their culmination in the workings of the human intellect. ‘ What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admir- able! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! ’ But lest he be elated with his psychical achievements, let him remem- ber that they are but the result of the acquisition by a few cells in a remote ancestor of a slightly greater tendency to react to an external stimulus, so that these cells were brought into closer touch with the outer world; while on the other hand, by extending beyond the circumscribed area to which their neighbours remained restricted, they gradually acquired a dominating influence over the rest. These dominating cells became nerve-cells; and now not only furnish the means for trans- mission of impressions from one part of the organism to another, but in the progress of time have become the seat of perception and con- scious sensation, of the formation and association of ideas, of memory, volition, and all the manifestations of the mind! The most conspicuous part played by the nervous system in the phenomena of life is that which produces and regulates the general - movements of the body—-movements brought about by Regulation Of the so-called voluntary muscles. These movements are movements ae . : by the ner- actually the result of impressions imparted to sensory vous system. or afferent nerves at the periphery—e.g., in the skin or bens st fy in the several organs of special sense; the effect of these impressions may not be immediate, but can be stored for an indefinite time in certain cells of the nervous ‘system. The regu- lation of movements—whether they occur instantly after reception of the peripheral impression or result after a certain lapse of time; whether they are accompanied by conscious sensation or are of a purely reflex and unconscious character-—is an intricate process, and the conditions of their co-ordination are of a complex nature involving not merely the causation of contraction of certain muscles, but also the prevention of contraction of others. For our present knowledge of these conditions we are largely indebted to the researches of Professor Sherrington. A less conspicuous but no less important part played by the nervous system is that by which the contractions of involuntary muscles are regulated. Under normal circumstances these are always Involuntary § independent of consciousness, but their regulation is movements. A ‘ brought about in much the same way as is that of the contractions of voluntary muscles—viz., as the result of impressions received at the periphery. These are transmitted by afferent fibres to the central nervous system, and from the latter other impulses are sent down, mostly along the nerves of the sympathetic or autonomic system of nerves, which either stimulate or prevent contraction of the involun- PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS, 25 tary muscles. Many involuntary muscles have a natural tendency to continuous or rhythmic contraction which is quite independent of the central nervous system ; in this case the effect of impulses received from the latter is merely to increase or diminish the amount of such contrac- tion. An example of this double effect is observed in connection with the heart, which—although it can contract regularly and rhythmically when cut off from the nervous system and even if removed from the body—is normally stimulated to increased activity by impulses coming from the central nervous system through the sympathetic, or to diminished activity by others coming through the vagus. It is due to the readiness by which the action of the heart is influenced Effects of in these opposite ways by the spread of impulses generated emotions. : : : during the nerve-storms which we term ‘ emotions’ that in the language of poetry, and even of every day, the word ‘ heart’ has become synonymous with the emotions themselves. The involuntary muscle of the arteries has its action similarly balanced. When its contraction is increased, the size of the vessels is lessened and they deliver less blood; the parts they supply accordingly become pale in colour. On the other hand, when the contraction is diminished the vessels enlarge and deliver more blood; the parts which they supply become correspondingly ruddy. These changes in the arteries, like the effects upon the heart, may also be produced under the influence of emotions. Thus ‘blushing’ is a purely physiological phenomenon due to diminished action of the muscular tissue of the arteries, whilst the pallor produced by fright is caused by an increased contraction of that tissue. Apart, however, from these conspicuous effects, there is constantly proceeding a less apparent but not less important balancing action between the two sets of nerve-fibres dis- tributed to heart and blood-vessels ; which are influenced in one direction or another by every sensation which we experience and even by impres- sions of which we may be wholly unconscious, such as those which oceur during sleep or anesthesia, or which affect our otherwise insensi- tive internal organs. A further instance of nerve-regulation is seen in secreting glands. Not all glands are thus regulated, at least not directly; but in those which are, the effects are striking. Their regulation is of Regulation of ihe same general nature as that exercised upon involuntary secretion by §=muscle, but it influences the chemical activities of the the nervous : system. gland-cells and the outpouring of secretion from them. By means of this regulation a secretion can be produced or arrested, increased or diminished. As with muscle, a suitable balance is in this way maintained, and the activity of the glands is adapted to the requirements of the organism. Most of the digestive glands are 26 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. thus influenced, as are the skin-glands which secrete sweat. And by the action of the nervous system upon the skin-glands, together Regulation of with its effect in increasing or diminishing the blood- body tem- perature. supply to the cutaneous blood-vessels, the temperature of our blood is regulated and is kept at the point best suited for maintenance of the life and activity of the tissues. The action of the nervous system upon the secretion of glands is strikingly exemplified, as in the case of its action upon the heart and blood-vessels by the effects of the emotions. Thus an Effects of emotion of one kind—such as the anticipation of food—will emotions on : . , specouan! cause saliva to flow—‘ the mouth to water’; whereas an emotion of another kind—such as fear or anxiety—will stop the secretion, causing the ‘ tongue to cleave unto the roof of the mouth,’ and rendering speech difficult or impossible. Such arrest of the sali- vary secretion also makes the swallowing of dry food difficult: advan- tage of this fact is taken in the ‘ ordeal by rice’ which used to be employed in the East for the detection of criminals. The activities of the cells constituting our bodies are controlled, as already mentioned, in another way than through the nervous system, viz., by chemical agents (hormones) circulating in the blood. Many of these are produced by special Regulation by : - chemical glandular organs, known as internally secreting glands. pas oi Ps The ordinary secreting glands pour their secretions on the Internal exterior of the body or on a surface communicating with secretions. the exterior; the internally secreting glands pass the materials which they produce directly into the blood. In this fluid the hormones are carried to distant organs. Their influence upon an organ may be essential to the proper performance of its func- tions or may be merely ancillary to it. In the former case removal of the internally secreting gland which produces the hormone, or its destruction by disease, may prove fatal to the organism. This is the case with the suprarenal capsules: small glands which are adjacent to the kidneys, although having no physiological connection with these organs. A Guy’s physician, Dr. Addison, in the middle of the last century showed that a certain affection, almost always fatal, since known by his name, is associated with disease of the suprarenal capsules. A short time after this observation a French physiologist, Brown-Séquard, found that animals from which the supra- renal capsules are removed rarely survive the operation for more than a few days. In the concluding decade of the last century interest in these bodies was revived by the discovery that they are constantly yielding to the blood a chemical agent (or hormone) which stimulates the contractions of the heart and arteries and assists in the promotion of every action which is brought about through the sympathetic nervous Suprarenals. PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. Pat system (Langley). In this manner the importance of their integrity has been explained, although we have still much to learn regarding their functions. Another instance of an internally secreting gland which is essential to life, or at least to its maintenance in a normal condition, is the thyroid. The association of imperfect development or disease of the thyroid with disorders of nutrition and inac- tivity of the nervous system is well ascertained. The form of idiocy known as cretinism and the affection termed myxcedema are both asso- ciated with deficiency of its secretion: somewhat similar conditions to these are produced by the surgical removal of the gland. The symptoms are alleviated or cured by the administration of its juice. On the other hand, enlargement of the thyroid, accompanied by increase of its secretion, produces symptoms of nervous excitation, and similar symp- toms are caused by excessive administration of the glandular substance by the mouth. From these observations it is inferred that the juice con- tains hormones which help to regulate the nutrition of the body and serve to stimulate the nervous system, for the higher functions of which they appear to be essential. To quote M. Gley, to whose researches we owe much of our knowledge regarding the functions of this organ: ‘ La genése et l’exercice des plus hautes facultés de l’homme sont con- ditionnés par l’action purement chimique d’un produit de sécrétion. Que les psychologues méditent ces faits! ’ The case of the parathyroid glandules is still more remarkable. These organs were discovered by Sandstrém in 1880. They are four minute bodies, each no larger than a pin’s head, imbedded in the thyroid. Small as they are, their internal secretion possesses hormones which exert a powerful influence upon the nervous system. If they are completely removed, a complex of symptoms, technically known as ‘tetany,’ is liable to occur, which is always serious and may be fatal. Like the hormones of the thyroid itself, therefore, those of the parathyroids produce effects upon _the nervous system, to which they are carried by the blood; although the effects are of a different kind. Another internally secreting gland which has evoked considerable interest during the last few years is the pituitary body. This is a small structure no larger than a cob-nut attached to the base of the brain. It is mainly composed of glandular cells. Its removal has been found (by most observers) to be fatal—often within two or three days. Its hypertrophy, when occurring during the general growth of the body, is attended by an undue development of the skeleton, so that the stature tends to assume gigantic proportions. When the hypertrophy occurs after growth is completed, the extremities—viz., the hands and feet, and the bones of the face—are mainly affected; hence Thyroid. Parathyroids. Pituitary. 28 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. ? the condition has been termed ‘ acromegaly’ (enlargement of extre- mities). The association of this condition with affections of the pituitary was pointed out in 1885 by a distinguished French physician, Dr. Pierre Marie. Both ‘ giants’ and ‘ acromegalists’ are almost invariably found to have an enlarged pituitary. The enlargement is generally confined to one part—the anterior lobe—and we conclude that this produces hormones which stimulate the growth of the body generally and of the skeleton in particular. The remainder of the pituitary is different in structure from the anterior lobe and has a different function. From it hormones can be extracted which, like those of the suprarenal capsule, although not exactly in the same manner, influence the contraction of the heart and arteries. Its extracts are also instrumental in promoting the secretion of certain glands. When injected into the blood they cause a free secretion of water from the kidneys and of milk from the mammary glands, neither of which organs are directly influenced (as most other glands are) through the nervous system. Doubtless under natural conditions these organs are stimulated to activity by hormones which are pro- duced in the pituitary and which pass from this into the blood. The internally secreting glands which have been mentioned (thyroid, parathyroid, suprarenal, pituitary) have, so far as is known, no other function than that of producing chemical substances of this character for the influencing of other organs, to which they are conveyed by the blood. It is interesting to observe that these glands are all of very small size, none being larger than a walnut, and some—the parathy- roids—almost microscopic. In spite of this, they .are essential to the proper maintenance of the life of the body, and the total removal of any of them by disease or operation is in most cases speedily fatal. There are, however, organs in the body yielding internal secretions to the blood in the shape of hormones, but exercising at the same time other functions. A striking instance is furnished by the pancreas, the secretion of which is the most important of the digestive juices. This—the pancreatic juice—forms the external secretion of the gland, and is poured into the intestine, where its action upon the food as it passes out from the stomach has long been recog- nised. It was, however, discovered in 1889 by von Mering and Min- kowski that the pancreas also furnishes an internal secretion, containing a hormone which is passed from the pancreas into the blood, by which it is carried first to the liver and afterwards to the body generally. This hormone is essential to the proper utilisation of carbohydrates in the organism. It is well known that the carbohydrates of the food are con- verted into grape sugar and circulate in this form in the blood, which always contains a certain amount; the blood conveys it to all the cells of the body, and they utilise it as fuel. If, owing to disease of the pan- Pancreas. PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. 29 creas or as the result of its removal by surgical procedure, its internal secretion is not available, sugar is no longer properly utilised by the cells of the body and tends to accumulate in the blood; from the blood the excess passes off by the kidneys, producing diabetes. Another instance of an internal secretion furnished by an organ, which is devoted largely to other functions is the ‘ pro-secretin ’ found in the cells lining the duodenum. When the acid gastric juice comes into contact with these cells it converts their pro-secretin into ‘ secretin.’ This is a hormone which is passed into the blood and circulates with that fluid. It has a specific effect on the externally secreting cells of the pancreas, and causes the rapid out- pouring of pancreatic juice into the intestine. This effect is similar to that of the hormones of the pituitary body upon the cells of the kidney and mammary gland. It was discovered by Bayliss and Starling. The reproductive glands furnish in many respects the most interest- ing example of organs which—besides their ordinary products, the germ- and sperm-cells (ova and spermatozoa)—form ee ag hormones which circulate in the blood and efiect the repro- changes in cells of distant parts of the body. It is = through these hormones that the secondary sexual characters, such as the comb and tail of the cock, the mane of the lion, the horns of the stag, the beard and enlarged larynx of a man, are produced, as well as the many differences in form and structure of the body which are characteristic of the sexes. The dependence of these so-called secondary sexual characters upon the state of development of the reproductive organs has been recognised from time immemorial, but has usually been ascribed to influences pro- duced through the nervous system, and it is only in recent years that the changes have been shown to be brought about by the agency of internal secretions and hormones, passed from the reproductive glands into the circulating blood.* It has been possible in only one or two instances to prepare and isolate the hormones of the internal secretions in a sufficient condition of purity to subject them to analysis, but enough is known Chemical about them to indicate that they are organic bodies of a not nature of r - j liacnes. very complex nature, far simpler than proteins and even than enzymes. ‘Those which have been studied are all dialysable, are readily soluble in water but insoluble in alcohol, and are not destroyed by boiling. One at least—that of the medulla of the suprarenal capsule—has been prepared synthetically, and when their Duodenum. *° The evidence is to be found in F. H. A. Marshall, The Physiology of Repro- duction, 1911. 30 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. exact chemical nature has been somewhat better elucidated it will probably not be difficult to obtain others in the same way. From the above it is clear that not only is a co-ordination through the nervous system necessary in order that life shall be maintained in a normal condition, but a chemical co-ordination is no less essential. These may be independent of one another; but on the other hand they may react upon one another. For it can be shown that the production of some at least of the hormones is under the influence of the nervous system (Biedl, Asher, Elliott); whilst, as we have seen, some of the functions of the nervous system are dependent upon hormones. Time will not permit me to refer in any but the briefest manner to the protective mechanisms which the cell aggregate has evolved for its defence against disease, especially disease produced kaa by parasitic micro-organisms. These, which belong with mechanisms. few exceptions to the Protista, are without doubt the Toxins and = most formidable enemies which the multicellular Meta- antitoxins. ae : : ; - zoa, to which all the higher animal organisms belong, have to contend against. To such micro-organisms are due inter alia all diseases which are liable to become epidemic, such as anthrax and rinderpest in cattle, distemper in dogs and cats, small-pox, scarlet feyer, measles, and sleeping sickness in man. The advances of modern medicine have shown that the symptoms of these diseases—the disturb- ances of nutrition, the temperature, the lassitude or excitement, and other nervous disturbances—are the effects of chemical poisons (toxins) produced by the micro-organisms and acting deleteriously upon the tissues of the body. The tissues, on the other hand, endeavour to counteract these effects by producing other chemical substances destructive to the micro-organisms or antagonistic to their action: these are known as anti-bodies. Sometimes the protection takes the form of a subtle alteration in the living substance of the cells which renders them for a long time, or eyen permanently, insusceptible (immune) to the action of the poison. Sometimes certain cells of the body, such as the white corpuscles of the blood, eat the invading micro-organisms and destroy them bodily by the action of chemical agents within their protoplasm. The result of an illness thus depends upon the result of the struggle between these opposing forees—the micro-organisms on the one hand and the cells of the body on the other—both of which fight with chemical weapons. If the cells of the body do not succeed in destroy- ing the invading organisms it is certain that the invaders will in the long run destroy them, for in this combat no quarter is given. For- tunately we have been able, by the aid of animal experimentation, to acquire some knowledge of the manner in which we are attacked by micro-organisms and of the methods which the cells of our body PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. 31 adopt to repel the attack, and the knowledge is now extensively utilised to assist our defence. For this purpose protective serums or anti- toxins, which have been formed in the blood of other animals, are employed to supplement the action of those which our own cells produce. It is not too much to assert that the knowledge of the parasitic origin of so many diseases and of the chemical agents which on the one hand cause, and on the other combat, their sora symptoms, has transformed medicine from a mere art nature o é ~ Dildisien. practised empirically, into a real science based upon experiment. The transformation has opened out an illimit- able vista of possibilities in the direction not only of cure, but, more important still, of prevention. It has taken place within the memory of most of us who are here present. And only last February the world was mourning the death of one of the greatest of its benefactors—a former President of this Association ?7—who, by applying this know- ledge to the practice of surgery, was instrumental, even in his own lifetime, in saving more lives than were destroyed in all the bloody wars of the nineteenth century! f The question has been debated whether, if all accidental modes of destruction of the life of the cell could be eliminated, there would remain a possibility of individual cell-life, and even of aia penrg aggregate cell-life, continuing indefinitely ; in other words, Are the phenomena of senescence and death a natural and necessary sequence to the existence of life? To most of my audience it will appear that the subject is not open to debate. But some physiologists (e.g., Metchnikoff) hold that the condition of senescence is itself abnormal ; that old age is a form of disease or is due to disease, and, theoretically at least, is capable of being eliminated. We have already seen that individual cell-life, such as that of the white blood- corpuscles and of the cells of many tissues, ean under suitable con- ditions be prolonged for days or weeks or months after general death. Unicellular organisms kept under suitable conditions of nutrition have been observed to carry on their functions normally for prolonged periods and to show no degeneration such as would accompany senescence. They give rise by division to otHers of the same kind, which also, under favourable conditions, continue to live, to all appearance indefinitely. But these instances, although they indicate that in the simplest forms of organisation existence may be greatly extended without signs of decay, do not furnish conclusive evidence of indefinite prolongation of life. Most of the cells which constitute the body, after a period of growth and activity, sometimes more, sometimes less prolonged, eventually undergo atrophy and cease to perform satisfactorily the *7 Lord Lister was President at Liverpool in 1896. 32 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. functions which are allotted to them. And when we consider the body as a whole, we find that in every case the life of the aggregate consists of a definite cycle of changes which, after passing through the stages of growth and maturity, always leads to senescence, and finally terminates in death. The only exception is in the reproductive cells, in which the processes of maturation and fertilisation result in rejuvenescence, so that instead of the usual downward change towards senescence, the fertilised ovum obtains a new lease of life, which is carried on into the new-formed organism. The latter again itself ultimately forms reproductive cells, and thus the life of the species is continued. It is only in the sense of its propagation in this way from one generation to another that we can speak of the indefinite continuance of life: we can only be immortal through our descendants ! The individuals of every species of animal appear to have eee of 22 average duration of existence.** Some species are life and pos- known the individuals of which live only for a few hours, sibility of its Whilst others survive for a hundred years.?? In man Ervippeeee himself the average length of life would probably be greater than the three-score and ten years allotted to him by the Psalmist if we could eliminate the results of disease and accident; when these results are included it falls far short of that period. If the terms of life given in the purely mythological part of the Old Testament were credible, man would in the early stages of his history have possessed a remarkable power of resisting age and disease. But, although many here present were brought up to believe in their literal veracity, such records are no longer accepted even by the most orthodox of theolo- gians, and the nine hundred odd years with which Adam and his immediate descendants are credited, culminating in the nine hundred and sixty-nine of Methuselah, have been relegated, with the account of Creation and the Deluge, to their proper position in literature. When we come to the Hebrew Patriarchs, we notice a considerable diminu- tion to have taken place in what the insurance offices term the ‘ expec- tation of life.’ Abraham is described as having lived only to 175 years, Joseph and Joshua to 110, Moses to 120; even at that age ‘his eye was not dim nor his natural force abated.’ We cannot say that under ideal conditions all these terms are impossible; indeed, Metchnikoff is disposed to regard them as probable; for great ages are still occasionally recorded, although it is doubtful if any as consider- able as these are ever substantiated. That the expectation of life was 28 This was regarded by Buffon as related to,the period of growth, but the ratio is certainly not constant. The subject is discussed by Ray Lankester in an early work : On Comparative Longevity in Man and Animals, 1870. 29 The approximately regular periods of longevity of different species of animals furnishes a strong argument against the theory that the decay of old age is an accidental phenomenon, comparable with disease. PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. ao better then than now would be inferred from the apologetic tone adopted by Jacob when questioned by Pharaoh as to his age: * The days of the years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty years; few and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.” David, to whom, before the advent of the modern statistician, we owe the idea that seventy years is to be regarded as the normal period of life,*° is himself merely stated to have ‘ died in a good old age.’ The periods recorded for the Kings show a considerable falling- off as compared with the Patriarchs; but not a few were cut off by violent deaths, and many lived lives which were not ideal. Amongst eminent Greeks and Romans few very long lives are recorded, and the same is true of historical persons in medieval and modern history. It is a long life that lasts much beyond eighty; three such linked together carry us far back into history. Mankind is in this respect more favoured than most mammals, although a few of these surpass the period of man’s existence.*! Strange that the brevity of human life should be a favourite theme of preacher and poet when the actual term of his ‘erring pilgrimage’ is greater than that of most of his fellow creatures ! The modern applications of the principles of preventive medicine and hygiene are no doubt operating to lengthen the average life. But even if the ravages of disease couid be altogether eliminated, it is certain that at any rate the fixed cells of our body must eventually grow sig auto? old and ultimately cease to function; when this happens to cells which are essential to the life of the organism, general death must result. This will always remain the universal law, from which there is no escape. ‘All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity.’ Such natural death unaccelerated by disease—is not death by disease as unnatural as death by accident ?—-should be a quiet, painless pheno- menon, unattended by violent change. As Dastre expresses it, ‘ The need of death should appear at the end of life, just as the need of sleep appears at the end of the day.” The change has been led gradually up to by an orderly succession of phases, and is itself the last manifestation of life. Were we all certain of a quiet passing—were we sure that there would be ‘ no moaning of the bar when we go out to sea "—we could anticipate the coming of death after a ripe old age without appre- hension. And if ever the time shall arrive when man will have learned to regard this change as a simple physiological process, as natural as ** The expectation of life of a healthy man of fifty is still reckoned at about twenty years. ** “Hominis evum ceterorum animalium omnium superat preter admodum paucorum.’—Francis Bacon, Historia vite et mortis, 1637. 34 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. the oncoming of sleep, the approach of the fatal shears will be as gener- ally welcomed as it is now abhorred. Such a day is still distant; we ean hardly say that its dawning is visible. Let us at least hope that, in the manner depicted by Diirer in his well-known etching, the sun- shine which science irradiates may eventually put to flight the melan- choly which hovers, bat-like, over the termination of our lives, and which even the anticipation of a future happier existence has not hitherto succeeded in dispersing. Pritish Association for the Hdvancement of Science. SECTION A: DUNDEE, 1912. ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE SECTION BY Proressor H. L. CALLENDAR, LL.D., F.RBS., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. My first duty on taking the chair is to say a few words in commemoration of the distinguished members whom we have lost since the last meeting. George Chrystal, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh for more than thirty years, officiated as President of this section in the year 1885, and took a prominent part in the advancement of science as Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh since 1901. Of his brilliant mathematical work and his ability in developing the school at Edinburgh, I am not competent to speak, but I well remember as a student his admirable article on ‘Electricity and Magnetism’ contributed to the ‘Encyclopedia Britannica,’ which formed at that time the groundwork of our studies at Cambridge under Sir J. J. Thomson. It would be difficult to find a more complete and concise statement of the mathematical theory at the time when that article was written. One can well understand the value of such a teacher, and sympathise with his University in the loss they have sustained. John Brown, F.R.S., who acted as Local Secretary for the Association at Belfast in 1902, will be remembered for his work on the Volta contact effect between metals, which he showed to be in the main dependent on chemical action, and tg be profoundly affected by the nature of the gas or other medium in which the plates were immersed. Although the theory of this difficult subject may not yet be completely elucidated, there can be little doubt that his work takes the first rank on the experimental side. William Sutherland, D.Sc., who at one time acted as Professor of Physics at Melbourne, is best known for his familiar papers on the subject of molecular physics in the ‘ Philosophical Magazine.’ His work was always remarkable for its wide range and boldness of imagination. Many of his hypotheses cannot yet be weighed in the balance of experiment, but some have already been sub- stantiated. For instance, his theory of the variation of viscosity of gases with temperature has been generally accepted, and results are now commonly expressed in terms of Sutherland’s constant. Osborne Reynolds, the first Professor of Engineering at Owens College, was President of Section G in 1887, but belongs almost as much to mathematics and physics, in which his achievements are equally memorable. It would be hardly possible for me to enumerate his important contributions to the science of engineering, which will be more fittingly commemorated elsewhere. His mastery of mathematical and physical methods, while contributing greatly to his success as a pioneer in the engineering laboratory, enabled him to attack the most difficult problems in physics, such as the theory of the radiometer and the thermal transpiration of gases. His determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat A 2 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION A. is a most striking example of accurate physical measurement carried out on an engineering scale. His last great work, on the ‘Submechanics of the Universe,’ is so original in its ideas and methods that its value cannot yet be fully appre- ciated. While it differs so radically from our preconceived ideas that it fails to carry immediate conviction, it undoubtedly represents possibilities of truth which subsequent workers in the same field cannot afford to ignore. The present year has been one of remarkable activity in the world of Mathematical and Physical Science if we may measure activity by the number and importance of scientific gatherings like the present for the interchange of ideas and the general advancement of science. The celebration: of the 250th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Royal Society brought to our shores a number of distinguished delegates from all parts of the world, to promote the ever-growing fellowship among men of science which is one of the surest guarantees of international progress. The Congress of Universities of the Empire brought other guests from distant British dominions, and considered, as one of the principal points in its programme, the provision of facilities for the interchange of students between different universities, which will doubtless prove particularly advantageous to the scientific student in the higher branches of research. In the special branches of knowledge more particularly associated with this section, the International Congress of Mathematics at Cambridge, while it affords to Cambridge men like myself a most gratifying recognition of our Alma Mater as one of the leading schools of mathematics in the world, has given us the opportunity of meeting here a number of distinguished foreign mathema- ticians whose presence and personality cannot be otherwise than inspiring to our proceedings, and will compensate for any deficiency in our own mathematical programme. The Optical Convention held this year in London, by the import- ance of the papers contributed for discussion, and by its admirable exhibition of British instruments, has revealed the extent of our optical industry and talent, and has done much to dispel the impression, fostered by an unfortunate trade regulation, that the majority of optical instruments were ‘made elsewhere.’ The Radio-Telegraphic Conference, held under the auspices of the British Govern- ment, has formulated recommendations for regulating and extending the appli- cation of the discoveries of modern physics for saving life and property at sea. The work of this Conference will be fittingly supplemented on the scientific side by the discussion on wireless telegraphy which has been arranged to take place in this section in conjunction with Section G. It would be impossible, even if it were not out of place, for me to attempt to review in detail the important work of these conzresses, a full account of which will shortly be available in their several reports of proceedings now in course of publication. In the present age of specialisation and rapid publication it would be equally impossible to give any connected account in the time at my disposal of recent developments in those branches of science which come within the range of our section. The appropriate alternative, adopted by the majority of my predecessors in this chair, is to select some theory or idea, sufficiently fundamental to be of general interest, and to discuss it in the light of recent experimental evidence. It may sometimes be advantageous to take stock of our fundamental notions in this way, and to endeavour to determine how far they rest on direct experiment, and how far they are merely developments of some dynamical analogy, which may represent the results of experiment up to a certain noint, but may lead to erroneous conclusions if pushed too far. With this object I propose to consider on the present occasion some of our fundamental ideas with regard to the nature of heat, and in particular to suggest that we micht with -dvantace import into our modern theory some of the ideas of the old calorie or material theory which has for so long a time been forgotten and discredited. In so doing I may appear to many of you to be taking a retrograde step, because the caloric theory is generally represented as being fundamentally onnosed to the kinetic theory and to the law of the conservation of energy. TI would, therefore, remark at the outset that this is not necessarily the case, provided that the theory is rightly interpreted and applied in accordance with experiment. Mistakes have been made on both theories, but the method commonly adopted of selecting all the mistakes made in the application of the caloric theory and contrasting them with the correct deductions from the kinetic theory has created an erroneous PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. bj impression that there is something fundamentally wrong about the caloric theory, and that it is in the nature of things incapable of correctly representing the facts. T shall endeavour to show that this fictitious antagonism between the two theories is without real foundation. They should rather be regarded as different ways of describing the same phenomena. Neither is complete without the other. The kinetic theory is generally preferable for elementary exposition, and has come to be almost exclusively adopted for this purpose; but in many cases the caloric theory would have the advantage of emphasising at the outset the importance of fundamental facts which are too often obscured in the prevailing method of treatment. The explanation of the development of heat by friction was one of the earliest difficulties encountered by the caloric theory. One explanation, main- tained by Cavendish and others, was simply that caloric was generated de novo by friction in much the same way as electricity. Another explanation, more commonly adopted, was that the fragments of solid, abraded in such operations as boring cannon, had a smaller capacity for heat than the original material. Caloric already existing in the substance was regarded as being squeezed or ground out of it without any fresh caloric being actually generated. The proba- bility of the second explanation was negatived by the celebrated experiments of Rumford and Davy, who concluded that friction did not diminish the capacities of bodies for heat, and that it could not be a material substance because the supply obtainable by friction appeared to be inexhaustible. Rumford also showed that no increase of weight in a body when heated could be detected by the most delicate apparatus available in his time. Caloric evidently did not possess to any marked extent the properties of an ordinary ponderable fluid ; but, if it had any real existence and was not merely a convenient mathematical fiction, it must be something of the same nature as the electric fluids, which had already played so useful a part in the description of phenomena, although their actual existence as physical entities had not then been demonstrated. Heat, as Rumford and Davy maintained, might be merely a mode of motion or a vibration of the ultimate particles of matter, but the idea in this form was too vague to serve as a basis of measurement or calculation. The simple conception of caloric, as a measurable quantity of something, sufficed for many purposes, and led in the hands of Laplace and others to correct results for the ratio of the specific heats, the adiabatic equation of gases, and other fundamental points of theory, though many problems in the relations of heat and work remained obscure. The greatest contribution of the caloric theory to thermodynamics was the production of Carnot’s immortal ‘ Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat.’ It is one of the most remarkable illustrations of the undeserved discredit into which the caloric theory has fallen, that this work, the very foundation of modern thermodynamics, should still be misrepresented, and its logic assailed, on the ground that much of the reasoning is expressed in the language of the caloric theory. In justice to Carnot, even at the risk of wearying you with an oft-told tale, I cannot refrain from taking this opportunity of reviewing the essential points of his reasoning, because it affords incidentally the best introduction to the conception of caloric, and explains how a quantity of caloric is to be measured. At the time when Carnot wrote, the industrial importance of the steam-engine was already established, and the economy gained by expansive working was generally appreciated. The air-engine, and a primitive form of the internal-com- bustion engine, had recently been invented. On account of the high value of the latent heat of steam, it was confidently expected that more work might be obtained from a given quantity of heat or fuel by employing some other working substance, such as alcohol or ether, in place of steam. Carnot set himself to investigate the conditions under which motive-power was obtainable from heat, - how the efficiency was limited, and whether other agents were preferable to steam. These were questions of immediate practical importance to the engineer, but the answer which Carnot found embraces the whole range of science in its ever widening scope. In discussing the production of work from heat it is necessary, as Carnot points out, to consider a complete series or cycle of operations in. which the working substance, and all parts of the engine, are restored on completion of the AQ 4 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION A. cycle to their initial state. Nothing but heat, or its equivalent fuel, may be supplied to the engine. Otherwise part of the motive power obtained might be due, not to heat alone, but to some change in the working substance, or in the disposition of the mechanism. Carnot here assumes the fundamental axiom of the cycle, which he states as follows: ‘ When a body has undergone any changes, and, after a certain number of transformations, is brought back identically to its original state, considered relatively to density, temperature, and mode of aggre- gation, it must contain the same quantity of heat as it contained originally.’ This does not limit the practical application of the theory, because all machines repeat a regular series of operations, which may be reduced in theory to an equivalent cycle in which everything is restored to its initial state. The most essential feature of the working of all heat-engines, considered apart from details of mechanism, is the production of motive power by alternate expansion or contraction, or heating and cooling of the working substance. | This necessitates the existence of a difference of temperature, produced by com- bustion or otherwise, between two bodies, such as the boiler and condenser of a steam-engine, which may be regarded as the source and sink of heat respectively. Wherever a difference of temperature exists, it may be made a source of motive- power, and conversely, without difference of temperature, no motive-power can be obtained from heat by a cyclical or continuous process. From this considera- tion Carnot deduces the simple and sufficient rule for obtaining the maximum effect : ‘Zn order to realise the maximum effect, it is necessary that, in the process employed, there should not be any direct interchange of heat between bodies at sensibly different temperatures.’ Direct transference of heat between bodies at sensibly different temperatures would be equivalent to wasting a difference of temperature which might nave been utilised for the production of motive-power. Equality of temperature is here assumed as the limiting condition of thermal equilibrium, such that an infinitesimal difference of temperature will suffice to determine the flow of heat in either direction. An engine satisfying Carnot’s rule will be reversible so far as the thermal operations are concerned. Carnot makes use of this property of reversibility in deducing his formal proof that an engine of this type possesses the maximum efficiency. If in the usual or direct method of working such an engine takes a quantity of heat Q from the source, rejects heat to the condenser, and gives a balance of useful work W per cycle, when the engine is reversed and supplied with motive-power W per cycle it will in the limit take the same quantity of heat from the condenser as it previously rejected, and return to the source the same quantity of heat Q as it took from it when working direct. All such engines must have the same efficiency (measured by the ratio W/Q of the work done to the heat taken from the source) whatever the working substance, provided that they work‘between the same temperature limits. For, if this were not the case, it would be theoretically possible, by employing the most efficient to drive the least efficient reversible engine back- wards, to restore to the source all the heat taken from it, and to obtain a balance of useful work without the consumption of fuel; a result sufficiently improbable to serve as the basis of a formal proof. Carnot thus deduces his famous principle, which he states as follows : ‘ The Motive Power obtainable from Heat is indepen- dent of the agents set at work to realise it. Its quantity is fixed solely by the temperatures between which in the limit the transfer of heat takes place.’ Objection is commonly taken to Carnot’s proof, on the ground that the combina- tion which he imagines might produce a balance of useful work without infringing the principle of conservation of energy, or constituting what we now understand as perpetual motion of the ordinary kind in mechanics. It has become the fashion to introduce the conservation of energy in the course of the proof, and to make a final appeal to some additional axiom. Any proof of this kind must always be to some extent a matter of taste; but since Carnot’s principle cannot be deduced from the conservation of energy alone, it seems a pity to complicate the proof by appealing to it. For the particular object in view, the absurdity of a heat- engine working without fuel appears to afford the most appropriate improbability which could be invoked. The final appeal must be to experiment in any case. At the present time the experimental verification of Carnot’s principle in its widest application so far outweighs the validity of any deductive proof, that we might well rest content with the logic that satisfied Carnot instead of confusing the issue by disputing his reasoning. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 5 Carnot himself proceeded to test his principle in every possible way by com- parison with experiment as far as the scanty data available in his time would permit. He also made several important deductions from it, which were con- trary to received opinion at the time, but have since been accurately verified. He appears to have worked out these results analytically in the first instance, as indicated by his footnotes, and to have translated his equations into words in the text for the benefit of his non-mathematical readers. 1n consequence of this, some of his most important conclusions appear to have been overlooked or attri- buted to others. Owing to want of exact knowledge of the properties of sub- stances over extended ranges of temperature, he was unable to apply his principle directly in the general form for any temperature limits. We still labour to a less extent under the same disability at the present day. He showed, however, that a great simplification was effected in its application by considering a cycle of in- finitesimal range at any temperature ¢. In this simple case the principle is equivalent to the assertion that the work obtainable from a unit of heat per degree fall (or per degree range of the cycle) at a temperature ¢, is some function F’¢ of the temperature (generally known as Carnot’s Function), which must be the same for all substances at the same temperature. From the rough data then available for the properties of steam, alcohol, and air, he was able to calculate the numerical values of this function in kilogrammetres of work per kilocalorie of heat at various temperatures between 0° and 100° C., and to show that it was probably the same for different substances at the same temperature within the limits of experimental error. For the vapour of alcohol at its boiling-point 78°°7 C., he found the value F’¢ = 1-230 kilogrammetre per kilocalorie per degree fall. For steam at the same temperature he found nearly the same value, namely, F’¢ = 1212. Thus no advantage in point of efficiency could be gained by employing the vapour of alcohol in place of steam. He was also able to show that the work obtainable from a kilocalorie per degree fall probably diminished with rise of temperature, but his data were not sutticiently exact to indicate the law of the variation. ; The equation which Carnot employed in deducing the numerical values of his function from the experimental data for steam and alcohol is simply the direct expression of his principle as applied to a saturated vapour. It is now generally known as Clapeyron’s equation, because Carnot did not happen to give the equation itself in algebraic form, although the principle and details of the calcula- tion were most minutely and accurately described. In calculating the value of his function for air, Carnot made use of the known value of the difference ot the specific heats at constant pressure and volume. He showed that this difference umst be the same for equal volumes of all gases measured under the same tempera- ture and pressure, whereas it had always previously been assumed that the ratio (not the difference) of the specific heats was the same for different gases. He also gave a general expression for the heat absorbed by a gas in expanding at constant temperature, and showed that it must bear a constant ratio to the work of ex- pansion. These results were verifiedyexperimentally some years later, in part by Dulong, and more completely by Joule, but Carnot’s theoretical prediction has generally been overlooked, although it was of the greatest interest and import- ance. The reason of this neglect is probably to be found in the fact that Carnot’s expressions contained the unknown function F’¢ of the temperature, the form of which could not be deduced without making some assumptions with regard to the nature of heat and the scale on which temperature should be measured. It was my privilege to discover a few years ago that Carnot himself had actually given the correct solution of this fundamental problem in one of his most important footnotes, where it had lain buried and unnoticed for more than eighty years. He showed by a most direct application of the caloric theory, that if temperature was measured on the scale of a perfect gas (which is now universally adopted) the value of his function F’t on the caloric theory would be the same at all temperatures, and might be represented simply by a numerical constant A (our ‘ mechanical equivalent’) depending on the units adopted for work and heat. In other words, the work W done by a quantity of caloric Q in a Carnot cycle of range T to T, on the gas scale would be represented by the simple equation : We= AQ (ie .): It is at once obvious that this solution, obtained by Carnot from the caloric 6 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION A. theory, so far from being inconsistent with the mechanical theory of heat, is a direct statement of the law of conservation of energy as applied to the Carnot cycle. If the lower limit T, of the cycle is taken at the absolute zero of the gas- thermometer, we observe that the maximum quantity of work obtainable from a quantity of caloric Q at a temperature T is simply AQT, which represents the absolute value of the energy carried by the caloric taken from the source at the temperature T. The energy of the caloric rejected at the temperature T, is AQT,. The external work done is equal to the difference between the quantities of heat energy supplied and rejected in the cycle. The analogy which Carnot himself employed in the interpretation of this equation was the oft-quoted analogy of the waterfall. Caloric might be regarded as possessing motive-power or energy in virtue of elevation of temperature just as water may be said to possess motive-power in virtue of its head or pressure. The limit of motive-power obtainable by a reversible motor in either case would be directly proportional to the head or tall measured on a suitable scale. Caloric itself was not motive-power, but must be regarded simply as the vehicle or carrier of energy, the production of motive-power trom caloric depending essentially (as Carnot puts it) not on the actual consumption of caloric, but on the fall of temperature available. The measure of a quantity of caloric is the work done per degree fall, which corresponds with the measure of a quantity of water by weight, 7.e., in kilogrammetres per metre fall. That Carnot did not pursue the analogy further, and deduce the whole mechanical theory of heat from the caloric theory, is hardly to be wondered at if we remember that no applications of the energy principle had then been made in any department of physics. He appears, indeed, at a later date to have caught a glimpse of the general principle when he states that ‘ motive-power [his equiva- lent for work or energy] changes its form but is never annihilated.’ It is clear from the posthumous notes of his projected experimental work that he realised how much remained to be done on the experimental side, especially in relation to the generation of caloric by friction, and the waste of motive-power by conduction of heat, which appeared to him (in 1824) ‘ almost inexplicable in the present state of the theory of heat.’ One of the points which troubled him most in the application of the theoretical result that the work obtainable from a quantity of caloric was simply propor- tional to the fall of temperature available, was that it required that the specific heat of a perfect gas should be independent of the pressure. This was incon- sistent with the general opinion prevalent at the time, and with one solitary experiment by Delaroche and Bérard, which appeared to show that the specific heat of a gas diminished with increase of pressure, and which had been explained by Laplace as a natural consequence of the caloric theory. Carnot showed that this result did not necessarily follow from the caloric theory, but the point was not finally decided in his favour until the experiments of Regnault, first pub- lished in 1852, established the correct values of the specific heat of gases, and proved that they were practically independent of the pressure. Another point which troubled Carnot was that, according to his calculations, the motive-power obtainable from a kilocalorie of heat per degree fall appeared to diminish with rise of temperature, instead of remaining constant. This might have been due to experimental errors, since the data were most uncertain. But, if he had lived to carry out his projected experiments on the quantity of motive-power required to produce one unit of heat, and had obtained the result, 424. kilogrammetres per kilocalorie, subsequently found by Joule, he could ‘hardly have failed to notice that this was the same (within the limits of experimental error) as the maximum work AQT obtainable from the kilocalorie according to his equation. (This is seen to be the case when the values calculated by Carnot per degree fall at different temperatures were multiplied by the absolute temperature in eath case. Z.g., 1212 kilogrammetre per degree fall with steam at 79° C. or 352° Abs. 1°212 x 352 = 426 kilogrammetres.) The origin of the apparent dis- crepancy between theory and experiment lay in the tacit assumption that the quantity of caloric in a kilocalorie was the same at different temperatures. There were no experiments at that time available to demonstrate that the caloric measure of heat as work per degree fall, implied in Carnot’s principle, or more explicitly stated in his equation, was not the same as the calorimetric measure - obtained by mixing substances at different temperatures. Even when the energy PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 7 principle was established its exponents failed to perceive exactly where the dis- crepancy between the two theories lay. In reality both were correct, if fairly interpreted in accordance with experiment, but they depended on different methods of measuring a quantity of heat, which, so far from being inconsistent, were mutually complementary. The same misconception, in a more subtle and insidious form, is still prevalent in such common phrases as the following : ‘ We now know that heat is a form of energy and not a material fluid.’ The experimental fact underlying this state- ment is that our ordinary methods of measuring quantities of heat in reality measure quantities of thermal energy. When two substances at different tempera- tures are mixed, the quantity remaining constant, provided that due allowance is made for external work done and for external loss of heat, is the total quantity of energy. Heat is a form of energy merely because the thing we measure and call heat is really a quantity of energy. Apart from considerations of practical convenience, we might equally well have agreed to measure a quantity of heat in accordance with Carnot’s principle, by the external work done in a cycle per degree fall. Heat would then not be a form of energy, but would possess all the properties postulated for caloric. The caloric measure of heat follows directly from Carnot’s principle, just as the energy measure follows from the law of conservation of energy. But the term Aeat has become so closely associated with the energy measure that it is necessary to employ a different term, caloric, to denote the simple measure of a quantity of heat as opposed to a quantity of heat energy. The measurement of heat as caloric is precisely analogous to the measure of electricity as a quantity of electric fluid. In the case of electricity, the quantity measure is more familiar than the energy measure, because it is generally simpler to measure electricity by its chemical and magnetic effects as a quantity of fluid than as a quantity of energy. The units for which we pay by electric meter, however, are units of energy, because the energy supplied is the chief factor in determining the cost of production, although the actual quantity of fluid supplied has a good deal to do with the cost of distribution. Both methods of measurement are just as important in the theory of heat, and it seems a great pity that the natural measure of heat quantity is obscured in the elementary stages of exposition by regarding heat simply as so much energy. The inadequacy of such treatment makes itself severely felt in the later stages. Since Carnot’s principle was adopted without material modification into the mechanical theory of heat, it was inevitable that Carnot’s caloric, and _ his solution for the work done in a finite cycle, should sooner or later be redis- covered. Caloric reappeared first as the ‘thermo-dynamic function’ of Rankine, and as the ‘equivalence-value of a transformation’ in the equations of Clausius; but it was regarded rather as the quotient of heat energy by temperature than as possessing any special physical significance. At a later date, when its import- ance was more fully recognised, Clausius gave it the name of entropy, and estab- lished the important property that its total quantity remained constant in reversible heat exchanges, but always increased in an irreversible process. Any process involving a decrease in the total quantity of entropy was impossible. Equivalent propositions with regard to the possibility or impossibility of trans. formations had previously been stated by Lord Kelvin in terms of the dissipa tion of available energy. But, since Carnot’s solution had been overlooked, no one at the time seems. to have realised that entropy was simply Carnot’s caloric under another name, that heat could be measured otherwise than as energy, and that the increase of entropy in any irreversible process was the most appropriate measure of the quantity of heat generated. Energy so far as we know must always be associated with something of a material nature acting as carrier, and there is no reason to believe that heat energy is an exception to this rule. The tendency of the kinetic theory has always been to regard entropy as a purely abstract mathematical function, relating to the distribution of the energy, but having no physical existence. Thus it is not a quantity of anything in the kinetic theory of gases, but merely the logarithm of the probability of an arrangement. In a similar way, some twenty years ago the view was commonly held that electric phenomena were due merely to strains in the ether, and that the electric fluids had no existence except as a convenient means of mathematicai expression. Recent discoveries have enabled us to form a more concrete conception of a charge of electricity, which has proved invaluable as a guide to research. Perhaps 8 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION A. it is not too much to hope that it may be possible to attach a similar conception with advantage to caloric as the measure of a quantity of heat. It has generally been admitted in recent years that some independent measure of heat quantity as opposed to heat energy is required, but opinions have differed widely with regard to the adoption of entropy as the quantity factor of heat. Many of these objections have been felt rather than explicitly stated, and are therefore the more difticult to answer satisfactorily. Others arise from the diffi- culty of attaching any concrete conception of a quantity of something to such a vague and shadowy mathematical function as entropy. The answer to the question *‘ What is caloric?’ must necessarily be of a somewhat speculative nature. But it is so necessary for the experimentalist to reason by analogy from the seen to the unseen, that almost any answer, however crude, is better than none at all. The difficulties experienced in regarding entropy as a measure of heat quan- tity are more of an academic nature, but may be usefully considered as a pre- liminary in attempting to answer the more fundamental question. The first difficulty felt by the student in regarding caloric as the measure of heat quantity is that when two portions of the same substance, such as water, at different temperatures are mixed, the quantity of caloric in the mixture is greater than the sum of the quantities in the separate portions. The same diffi- culty was encountered by Carnot from the opposite point of view. The two portions at different temperatures represented a possible source of motive-power. the question which he asked himself may be put as follows: ‘If the total quan- tity of caloric remained the same, when the two portions at different temperatures were simply mixed, what had become of the motive-power wasted?’ The answer is that caloric is generated, and that the quantity generated is such that its energy is the precise equivalent of the motive-power which might have been obtained if the transfer of heat had been effected by means of a perfect engine working without generation of caloric. The caloric generated in wasting a difference of temperature is the necessary and appropriate measure of the quan- tity of heat obtained by the degradation of available motive-power into the less available or transformable variety of heat energy. The processes by which caloric is generated in mixing substances at different temperatures, or in other cases where available motive-power is allowed to run to waste, are generally of so turbulent a character that the steps of the process cannot be followed, although the final result can be predicted under given con- ditions from the energy principle. Such processes could not be expected @ priori to throw much light on the nature of caloric. The familiar process of conduction of heat through a body, the parts of which are at difierent temperatures, while equally leading to the generation of a quantity of caloric equivalent to the motive- power wasted, affords better promise of elucidating the nature of caloric, owing to the comparative simplicity and regularity of the phenomena, which permit closer experimental study. The earliest measurements of the relative con- ducting powers of the metals for heat and electricity showed that the ratio of the thermal to the electric conductivity was nearly the same for all the pure metals, and suggested that, in this case, the carriers of heat and electricity were the same. Later and more accurate experiments showed that the ratio of the conductivities was not constant, but varied nearly as the absolute temperature. At first sight this might appear to suggest a radical difference between the two conductivities, but it results merely from the fact that heat is measured as energy in the definition of thermal conductivity, whereas electricity is measured as a quantity of fluid. If thermal conductivity were defined in terms of calorie or thermal fluid, the ratio of the two conductivities would be constant with respect to temperature almost, if not quite, within the limits of error of experiment. On the hypothesis that the carriers are the same for electricity and heat, and that the kinetic energy of each carrier is the same as that of a gas molecule at the same temperature, it becomes possible, on the analogy of the kinetic theory of gases, to calculate the actual value of the ratio of the conductivities. The value thus found agrees closely in magnitude with that given by experiment, and may be regarded as confirming the view that the carriers are the same, although the hypotheses and analogies invoked are somewhat speculative. When the electrons or corpuscles of negative electricity were discovered it was a natural step to identify them with the carriers of energy, and to imagine that a metal contained a large number of such corpuscles, moving in all directions, PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 and colliding with each other, and with the metallic atoms, like the molecules of a gas on the kinetic theory. If the mass of each carrier were 1/1700 of that of an atom of hydrogen, the velocity at 0° C. would be about sixty miles a second, and would be of the right order of magnitude to account for the observed values of the conductivities of good conductors, on the assumption that the number of negative corpuscles was the same as the number of positive metallic atoms, and that the mean free path of each corpuscle was of the same order as the distance between the atoms. The same hypothesis served to give a qualitative account of thermo-electric phenomena, such as the Peltier and Thomson effects, and of radiation and absorption of heat, though in a less satisfactory manner. When extended to give a consistent account of all the related phenomena, it would appear that the number of free corpuscles required is too large to be reconciled, for instance, with the observed values of the specific heat, on the assumption that each corpuscle possesses energy of translation equal to that of a gas molecule at the same temperature. Sir J. J. Thomson has accordingly proposed and discussed another possible theory of metallic conduction, in which the neutral electric doublets present in the metal are supposed to be continually interchanging corpuscles at a very high rate. Under ordinary condition these interchanges take place indifferently in all directions, but under the action of an electric field the axes of the doublets are supposed to become more or less oriented, as in the Grotthus-chain hypothesis of electrolytic conduction, producing a general drift or current proportional to the field This hypothesis, though fundamentally different from the preceding or more generally accepted view, appears to lead to practically the same relations, and is in some ways preferable, as suggesting possible explanations of difti- culties.encountered by the first theory in postulating so large a number of free negative corpuscles. On the other hand, the second theory requires that each neutral doublet should be continually ejecting corpuscles at the rate of about 10** per second. There are probably elements of truth in both theories, but, without insisting too much on the exact details of the process, we may at least assert with some confidence that the corpuscles of caloric which constitute a current of heat in a metal are very closely related to the corpuscles of electricity, and have an equal right to be regarded as constituting a material fluid possessing an objective physical existence. If I may be allowed to speculate a little on my own account (as we are all here together in holiday mood, and you will not take anything I may say too seriously), I should prefer to regard the molecules of caloric, not as being identical with the corpuscles of negative electricity, but as being neutral doublets formed by the union of a positive and negative corpuscle, in much the same way as a molecule of hydrogen is formed by the union of two atoms. Nothing smaller than a hydrogen atom has yet, so far as I know, been discovered with a positive charge. This may be merely a consequence of the limitations of our experimental methods, which compel us to employ metals to so large an extent as electrodes. In the symmetry of nature it is almost inconceivable that the positive corpuscle should not exist, if only as the other end of the Faraday-tube or vortex-filament repre- senting a chemical bond. Professor Bragg has identified the X or y rays with neu- tral corpuscles travelling at a high velocity, and has maintained this hypothesis with brilliant success against the older view that these rays are not separate entities, but merely thin, spreading pulses in the «ther produced by the collisions of corpuscles with matter. JI must leave him to summarise the evidence, but if neutral corpuscles exist, or can be generated in any way, it should certainly be much easier to detach a neutral corpuscle from a material atom or molecule than to detach a corpuscle with a negative charge from the positive atom with which it is associated. We should therefore expect neutral corpuscles to be of such exceedingly common and universal occurrence that their very existence might be Overlooked, unless they happened to be travelling at such exceptionally high velocities as are associated with the y rays. According to the pulse theory, it is assumed that all y rays travel with the velocity of light, and that the enormous variations observed in their penetrative power depend simply on the thickness of the pulse transmitted. On the corpuscular theory, the penetrative power, like that of the a and @ rays, is a question of size, velocity, and electric charge. Particles carrying electric charges, like the a and f rays, lose energy in producing ions by their electric field, perhaps without actual collision. Neutral or y rays do 10 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION A. not produce ions directly, but dislodge either y rays or 8 rays from atoms by direct collisions, which are comparatively rare. The f rays alone, as C. T. R. Wilson’s photographs show, are responsible for the ionisation. Personally, I have long been a convert to Professor Bragg’s views on the nature of X rays, but even if we regard the existence of neutral corpuscles as not yet definitely proved, it is, | think, permissible to assume their existence for purposes of argument, in order to see whether the conception may not be useful in the interpretation of physical phenomena. ; lf, for instance, we assume that these neutral corpuscles or molecules of caloric exist in conductors and metallic bodies in a comparatively free state of solution, and are readily dissociated into positive and negative electrons owing w the high specific inductive capacity of the medium, the whole theory of metallic con- duction follows directly on the analogy of conduction in electrolytic solutions. But, whereas in electrolytes the ions are material atoms moving through a viscous medium with comparatively low velocities, the ions in metallic conductors are electric corpuscles moving with high velocities more after the manner postu- lated in the kinetic theory of gases. It is easy to see that this theory will give similar numerical results to the electronic theory when similar assumptions are made in the course of the work. But it has the advantage of greater latitude in explaining the vagaries of sign of the Hall effect, and many other peculiarities in the variation of resistance and thermo-electric power with temperature. For good conductors, like the pure metals, we may suppose, on the electrolytic analogy, that the dissociation is practically complete, so that the ratio of the conductivities wilt approach the value calculated on the assumption that all the carriers of heat are also carriers of electricity. But in bad conductors the dissociation will be far from complete, and it is possible to see why, for instance, the electric resist- ance of cast iron should be nearly ten times that of pure iron, although there is comparatively little difference in their thermal conductivities. The numerical magnitude of the thermo-electric effect, which is commonly quoted in explana- tion of the deviation of alloys from the electronic theory, is far too small to produce the required result; and there is little or ao correspondence between the thermo-electric properties of the constituents of alloys and the variations of their electric conductivities. One of the oldest difficulties of the material theory of heat is to explain the process of the production of heat by friction. The application of the general principle of the conservation of energy leads to the undoubted conclusion that the thermal energy generated is the equivalent of the mechanical work spent in friction, but throws little or no light on the steps of the process, and gives no information with regard to the actual nature of the energy produced in the form of heat. It follows from the energy principle that the quantity of caloric generated in the process is such that its total energy at the final temperature is equal to the work spent. If a quantity of caloric represents so many neutral molecules of electricity, one cannot help asking where they came from, and how they were produced. It is certain that in most cases of friction, wherever slip occurs, some molecules are torn apart, and the work spent is represented in the first instance by the separation of electric ions. Some of these ions are permanently separated as frictional electricity, and can be made to perform useful work; but the majority recombine before they can be effectively separated, leaving only their equivalent in thermal energy. ‘The recombination of two ions is generally regarded simply as reconstituting the original molecule at a high temperature, but in the light of recent discoveries we may perhaps go a step further. It is generally, admitted that X or y rays are produced by the sudden stoppage of a charged corpuscle, and Lorentz, in his electron theory of radia- tion, has assumed that such is the case however low the velocity of the electron. A similar effect must occur in the sudden stoppage of a pair of ions rushing together under the influence of their mutual attraction. Rays produced in this way would be of an exceedingly soft or absorbable character, but they would not differ in kind from those produced by electrons except that their energy, not exceeding that of a pair of ions, would be too small to produce ionisation, so that they could not be detected in the usual way. If the X rays are cor- puscular in their nature, we cannot logicaliy deny the corpuscular character even to the slowest moving rays. We know that X rays continually produce other X rays of lower velocity. The final stage is probably reached when the average PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. il energy of an X corpuscle or molecule of caloric is the same as that of a gas molecule at the same temperature, and the number of molecules of . caloric generated is such that their total energy is equal to the work originally spent in friction. In this connection it is interesting to note that Sir J. J. Thomson, in a recent paper on ‘ Ionisation by Moving Particles,’ has arrived, on other grounds, at the conclusion that the character of the radiation emitted during the recombina- tion of the ions will be a series of pulses, each pulse containing the same amount of energy and being of the same type as very soft X rays. If the X rays are really corpuscular, these definite units or quanta of energy generated by the vecombination of the ions bear a close resemblance to the hypothetical molecules of caloric. It may be objected that in many cases of friction, such as internal or viscous friction in a fluid, no electrification or ionisation is observable, and that the generation of caloric cannot in this case be attributed to the recombination ot ions. It must, however, be remarked that the generation of a molecule of caloric requires less energy than the separation ot two ions; that, just as the separation of two ions corresponds with the breaking of a chemical bond, so the generation of one or more molecules of caloric may correspond with the rupture of a physical bond, such as the separation of a molecule of vapour from a liquid or solid. The assumption of a molecular constitution for caloric follows almost of necessity from the molecular theories of matter and electricity, and is not inconsistent with any well-established experimental facts. On the contrary, the many relations which are known to exist between the specific heats of similar substances, and also between the latent heats, would appear to lead naturally to a molecular theory of caloric. For instance, it has often been noticed that the nrolecular latent heats of vaporisation of similar compounds at their boiling-points are proportional to the absolute temperature. It follows that the molecular latent caloric of vaporisation is the same for all such com- pounds, or that they require the same number of molecules of caloric to effect the same change of state, irrespective of the absolute temperatures of their boiling- points. From this point of view one may naturally regard the liquid and gaseous states as conjugate solutions of caloric in matter and matter in caloric respec- tively. The proportion of caloric to matter varies regularly with pressure and temperature, and there is a definite saturation limit of solubility at each tem- perature. One of the most difficult cases of the generation of caloric to follow in detail is that which occurs whenever there is exchange of heat by radiation between bodies at different temperatures. If radiation is an electro-magnetic wave- motion, we must suppose that there is some kind of electric oscillator or resonator in the constitution of a material molecule which is capable of respond- ing to the electric oscillations. If the natural periods of the resonators correspond sufficiently closely with those of the incident radiation the ampli- tude of the vibration excited may be sufficient to cause the ejection of a corpuscle of caloric. It is generally admitted that the ejection of an electron may be brought about in this manner, but it would evidently require far less energy to produce the emission of a neutral corpuscle, which ought therefore to be a much more common effect. On this view, the conversion of energy of radiation into energy of’ caloric is a discontinuous process taking place by definite molecular increments, but the absorption or emission of radiation itself is a con- tinuous process. Professor Planck, by a most ingenious argument based on the probability of the distribution of energy among a large number of similar electric oscillators (in which the entropy is taken as the logarithm of the probability, and the temperature as the rate of increase of energy per unit of entropy), has succeeded in deducing his well-known formula for the distribu- tion of energy in full radiation at any temperature; and has recently, by a further extension of the same line of argument, arrived at the remarkable con- clusion that, while the absorption of radiation is continuous, the emission of radiation is discontinuous, occurring in discrete elements or quanta. Where an argument depends on so many intricate hypotheses and analogies the possible interpretations of the mathematical formule are to some extent uncertain; but it would appear that Professor Planck’s equations are not necessarily 12 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION A. inconsistent with the view above expressed that both emission and absorption of radiation are continuous, and that his elementu quanta, the energy of which varies with their frequency, should rather be identified with the molecules of caloric, representing the conversion of the electro-magnetic energy of radiation into the form of heat, and possessing energy in proportion to their temperature. Among the difficulties felt rather than explicitly stated, in regarding entropy or caloric as the measure ot heat quantity, 1s its awkward habit of pecoming infinite, according to the usual approximate formule, at extremes of pressure or temperature. I[f caloric is to be regarded as the measure of heat quantity, the quantity existing in a finite body must be finite, and must vanish at the absolute zero of temperature. In reality there is no experimental foundation for any other conclusion. According to the usual gas formule it would be possible to extract an infinite quantity of caloric from a finite quantity of gas by compressing it at constant temperature. It is true that (even if we assumed the law of gases to hold up to infinite pressures, which is far from being the case) the quantity of caloric extracted would be of an infimitely low order of infinity as compared with the pressure required. But, as a matter of fact, experiment indicates that the quantity obtainable would be finite, although its exact value cannot be calculated owing to our ignorance of the properties of gases at infinite pressures. In a similar way, if we assume that the specific heat as ordinarily measured remains constant, or approaches a finite limit at the absolute zero of temperature, we should arrive at the conclusion that an infinite quantity of caloric would be required to raise the temperature of a finite body from 0° to 1° absolute. The tendency of recent experimental work on specific heats at low temperatures, by Tilden, Nernst, Lindemann, and others, is to show, on the contrary, that the specific heats of all substances tend to vanish as the absolute zero is approached and that it is the specific capacity for caloric which approaches a finite limit. The theory of the variation of the specific heats of solids at low temperatures is one of the most vital problems in the theory of heat at the present time, and is engaging the attention of many active workers. Professor Lindemann, one of the leading exponents of this work, has kindly consented to open a discussion on the subject in our section. We are very fortunate to have succeeded in securing so able an exponent, and shall await his exposition with the greatest interest. For the present I need only add that the obvious conclusion of the caloric theory bids fair to be completely justified. A most interesting question, which early preseuted itself to Rumford and other inquirers into the caloric theory of heat, was whether caloric possessed weight. While a positive answer to this question would be greatly in favour of a material theory, a negative answer, such as that found by Rumford, or quite recently by Professor Poynting and Phillips, and by Mr. L. Southerns working independently, would not be conclusively against it. The latter observers found that the change in weight, if any, certainly did not exceed 1 in 10° per 1° C. It the mass of a molecule of caloric were the same as that generally attributed to an electron, the change of weight, in the cases tested, should have been of the order of 1 in 10’ per 1¥ C., and should not have escaped detection. It is generally agreed, however, that the mass of the electron is entirely electro-magnetic. Any such statement virtually assumes a particular distribution of the electricity in a spherical electron of given size. But if electricity itself really consists of electrons, an argument of this type would appear to be so perfectly circular that it is ques- tionable how much weight should be attached to it. If the equivalent mass of an electron in motion arises solely from the electro-magnetic field produced by its motion, a neutral corpuscle of caloric should not possess mass or energy of trans- lation as a whole, though it might still possess energy of vibration or rotation of its separate charges. For the purpose of mental imagery we might picture the electron as the free or broken end of a vortex filament, and the neutral corpuscle as a vortex ring produced when the positive and negative ends are united; but a mental picture of this kind does not carry us any further than the sphere coated with electricity, except in so far as either image may suggest points for experi- mental investigation. In our ignorance of the exact mechanism of gravity it is even conceivable that a particle of caloric might possess mass without possessing weight, though, with the possible exception of the electron, nothing of the kind PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 13 has yet been demonstrated. In any case it would appear that the mass, if any, associated with a quantity of caloric must be so small that we could not hope to learn much about it by the direct use of the balance. The fundamental property of caloric, that its total quantity cannot be diminished by any known process and that it is not energy but merely the vehicle or carrier of energy, is most simply represented in thought by imagining it to consist of some indestructible form of matter. The further property, that it is always generated in any turbulent or irreversible process, appears at first sight to conflict with this idea, because it is difficult to see how anything inde- strnetible can be so easily generated. When, however, we speak of caloric as being generated, what we really mean is that it becomes associated with a material body in such a way that we can observe and measure its quantity by the change of state produced. The caloric may have existed previously in a form in which its presence could not be detected. In the light of recent discoveries we might suppose the caloric generated to arise from the disintegration of the atoms of matter. No doubt some caloric is produced in this way, but those corpuscles that are so strongly held as to be incapable of detection by ordinary physical methods require intense shocks to dislodge them. A more probable source of caloric is the «ether, which, so far as we know, may consist entirely of neutral corpuscles of caloric. The hypothesis of a continuous ether has led to great difficulties in the electro-magnetic theory of light and in the kinetic theory of gases. A molecular, or cellular-vortex, structure appears to be required. Accord- ing to the researches of Kelvin, Fitzgerald, and Hicks, such an ether can be devised to satisfy the requirements of the electro-magnetic theory without requir- ing it to possess a density many times greater than that of platinum. So faras the properties of caloric are concerned. a neutral pair of electrons would appear to constitute the simplest tyve of molecule, though without more exact knowledge of the ultimate nature of an electric charge it would be impossible to predict all its properties. Whether an xther composed of such molecules would be com- petent to discharge satisfactorily all the onerous functions expected from it, mav be difficult to decide, but the inquiry, in its turn, would probably throw light on the ultimate structure of the molecule. Without venturing too far into the regions of metaphysical speculation, or reasoning in vicious circles about the natiire of an electric charge, we may at least assert with some degree of plausibility that material bodies under ordinary conditions probably contain a number of discrete physical entities, similar in kind to X rays or neutral corpuscles, which are capable of acting as carriers of energy, and of preserving.the statistical equilibrium between matter and radiation at any temperature in virtue of their interchanges with electrons. If we go a step further and identify these corpuscles with the molecules of caloric, we shall cer- tainly come in conflict with some of the fundamental dogmas of the kinetic theory, which tries to express everything in terms of energy, but the change involved is mainly one of standpoint or expression. The experimental facts remain the same, but we describe them differently. Caloric has a physical existence, instead of being merely the logarithm of the probability of a com- plexion. In common with many experimentalists, I cannot help feeling that we have everything to gain by attaching a material conception to a quantity of caloric as the natural measure. of a quantity of heat as opposed to a quantity of heat energy. In the time at my disposal I could not pretend to offer you more than a suggestion of a sketch, an apology for the possibility of an explanation, but T hope I may have succeeded in conveying the impression that a caloric theory of heat is not so entirely unreasonable in the light of recent experiment as we are sometimes led to imagine. : abo pe Ay 7 OPA A J é ; } d ane “a , ye 7 Pale '; 2 TERT RTS ab een ape PP deere 6! iE oly rhein oe | f Tol 7 rap re 1 rahi a} ' us . My i ' a) ‘ i * if ve Fi y ? 4 ¢ f ( 344 Mey bor re ’ is t ’ . . & . 7 s = yy . - - a4 . iS ie ‘ ‘ - . § ehi tie 3 { - : ey oil = he “dey ad oth & Ld ‘ _ . i — 4 = - a -— _ ate . ‘ =F e ' . —— é > % ¥ “Wh at & 09 | SOR bet eral Etim 4 ‘oti 2. Spats =} , 4 dp on}, Sih - hae | ; SOL seer da, Car ne Brifish Association for fhe Advancement of Science. SECTION B: DUNDEE, 1912. ADDRESS TO THE CHEMICAL SECTION BY Proressor A. SENIER, Pu.D., M.D., D.Sc. PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. Parr I. Pernars there is no intellectual occupation which demands more of the faculty of imagination than the pursuit of chemistry, and perhaps also there is none which responds more generously to the yearnings of the inquirer. The Nature It is surely no commonplace occurrence that in experimental labora- and method ties day by day the mysterious recesses of Nature are disclosed and of Chemistry. facts previously quite unknown are brought to light. The late Sir Michael Foster, in his presidential address at the Dover meeting, said: ‘ Nature is ever making signs to us, she is ever whispering the beginnings of her secrets.’ The facts disclosed may have general importance, and neces- sitate at once changes in the general body of theory; and happily, also, they may at once find useful application in the hands of the technologist. Recent examples are the discoveries in radio-activity, which have found an important place as an aid to medical and surgical diagnosis and as a method of treatment, and have also led to the necessity of our revising one of the fundamental doctrines of the theory of chemistry—the indivisibility of atoms. But the facts disclosed may not be general or even seem important; they may appear isolated and to have no appreciable bearing on theory or practice—our journals are crowded with such—but he would be a bold man who would venture to predict that the future will not find use for them in both respects. To be the recipient of the confidences of Nature; to realise in all their virgin freshness new facts recognised as positive additions to knowledge, is certainly a great and wonderful privilege, one capable of inspiring enthusiasm as few other things can. While the method of discovery in chemistry may be described, generally, as inductive, still all the modes of inference which have come down to us from Aristotle, analogical, inductive and deductive, are freely made use of. A hypothesis is framed which is then tested, directly or indirectly, by observation and experiment. All the skill, all the resource the inquirer can command, is brought into his service; his work must be accurate; and with unqualified devo- tion to truth he abides by the result, and the hypothesis is established, and becomes part of the theory of science, or is rejected or modified. In framing or modifying hypotheses imagination is indispensable. It may be that the power of imagination is necessarily limited by what is previously in experience— that imagination cannot transcend experience; but it does not follow, therefore, _ that it cannot construct hypotheses capable of leading research. I take it that what imagination actually does is—it rearranges experience and puts it into new relations, and with each successive discovery it gains in material for this process. In this respect the framing of a hypothesis is like experimenting, wherein the operator brings matter and energy already existing in Nature into B 2 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION B. new relations, new circumstances, with the object of getting new results. The stronger the imaginative power the greater must be the chance of success. The ‘Times,’ in a recent leading article on Science and Imagination, says: ‘It has often been said that the great scientific discoverers . . . see a new truth before they prove it, and the process of proof is only a demonstration of the truth to others and a confirmation of it to their own reason.’ While never forgetting the essentially tentative nature of a hypothesis, still, until it has been tested and found wanting, there should be some confidence or faith in its truthfulness ; for nothing but a belief in its eventual success can serve to sustain an inquirer’s ardour when, as so often happens, he is met by difficulties well-nigh insuperable. In a well-known passage Faraday says: ‘The world little knows how many of the thoughts and theories which have passed through the mind of a scientific investi- gator have been crushed in silence and secrecy by his own severe criticism and adverse examination; that in the most successful instances not a tenth of the suggestions, the hopes, the wishes, the preliminary conclusions have been realised.’ But a hypothesis to be useful, to be admitted as a candidate for rank as a scientific theory, must be capable of immediate, or at least of possible, verification. Many years ago, in the old Berlin laboratory in the Georgenstrasse, when our imaginations were wont, as sometimes happened, to soar too far above the working benches, our great leader used to say: ‘I will listen readily to any suggested hypothesis, but on one condition—that you show me a method by which it can be tested.’ Asa rule, I confess we had to return to the workaday world, to our bench experiments. No one felt the importance of the careful and correct employment of hypotheses more than Liebig. In his Faraday lecture Hofmann says of Liebig: ‘If he finds his speculation to be in contra- diction with recognised facts, he endeavours to set these facts aside by new experiments, and failing to do so he drops the speculation.’ Again, he gives an illustration of how on one occasion, not being able to divest himself of a hypothesis, he missed the discovery of the element bromine. While at Kreuznach he made an investigation of the mother-liquor of the well-known salt, and obtained a considerable quantity of a heavy red liquid which he believed to be a chloride of iodine. ‘He found the properties to be different in many respects from chloride of iodine; still, he was able to satisfy all his doubts, and he put the liquid aside. Some months later he received Balard’s paper announcing the discovery of bromine, which he recognised at once as the red liquid which he had previously prepared and studied. Thus, though imagination is indis- pensable to a chemist, and though I think chemists should be, and let us hope are, poets, or at least possess the poetic temperament, still, little can be achieved without a thorough laboratory training; and he who discovers an improved experimental method or a new differentiating reaction is as surely contributing to the advancement of science as he who creates in his imagination the most beautiful and promising hypothesis. It may never be possible to trace in civilisation’s early records the exact period and place of the origin and beginnings of our science, but the historical student has been led, it appears to me, by a sure instinct to search for this in such lands of imaginative story as ancient Egypt and Arabia. For is there anything more fittingly comparable with the marvellous experiences of a chemical laboratory than the wonderful and fascinating stories that have come\down to us in ‘The Arabian Nights’ ? Those monuments of poetical building of which Burton, in the introduction to his great translation, says that in times of official exile in less-favoured lands, in the wilds of Africa and America, he was lifted in imagination by the jinn out of his dull surroundings, and was borne off by him to his beloved Arabia, where under diaphanous skies he would see again ‘the evening star hanging like a golden lamp from the pure front of the western firmament; the after-glow transfiguring and transforming as by magic the gazelle-brown and tawny-clay tints and the homely and rugged features of the scene into a fairyland lit with a light which never shines on other soils for seas. Then would appear, &c.’ I cannot help thinking that the study of such books as this, the habit of exercising the imagination by reconstructing the scenes of beauty and enchantment which they describe, might do much to strengthen and sharpen the imaginative faculty, and greatly increase its efficiency PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS, 3 as an indispensable tool in the hands of the pioneer who seeks to extend the boundaries of knowledge. The ‘Times,’ in the leading article already quoted, says that, as with a Shakespeare, ‘it is the same with imaginative discoverers in science. . . . But the faculty is not merely a fairy gift that can be exercised without pains. As the sense of right is trained by right action, so the sense of truth is trained by right thinking and by all the labour which it involves. That is as true of the artist as of the man of science; and one of the greatest achievements of science has been to prove this fact and so to justify the imagina- tion and distinguish it from fancy.’ Again, let it not be forgotten that chemistry in its highest sense—that is, in its most general and useful sense—is purely a world of the imagination, is purely conceptual. And in addition to this, moreover, it is based, like all science, on the underlying assumption of the uniformity of Nature, an assump- tion incapable of proof. If we think of the science as a body of abstract general theory, and exclude for the moment from our purview its innumerable practical applications, and also all special individual facts not yet known to be related to general theory, then what remains’are the more or less general facts or laws. These it is which give the power of prediction in newly arising cases of a similar character; the power of foresight by which the claim of chemistry to its position as a science is justified. Chemistry, as such, is a complicated ideal structure of the imagination, a gigantic fairy palace, and, be it noted, can only continue to exist so long as there are minds capable of reproducing it. Think of all the speculation—and speculation too of the highest utility when trans- lated into concrete applications—about the internal structure of molecules. I venture to say that the most magnificent creations of the world’s greatest archi- tects are not more elaborate or more beautiful or more fairylike than the chemist’s conception of intramolecular structure and the magical transformations of which molecules are capable; and yet no one has had direct sensuous experience of any molecule or atom, or possibly ever will. It is well from time to time to recall these truths and realise where we are. But although the conceptual nature of science is unquestionable, it certainly contains truth in some form as tested by deductive concrete realisation, by correctness of prediction, and during the last century or two has undoubtedly given to man a mastery over Nature never before dreamt of. The foundations of chemistry, as we now know it, were laid under the influence, the guidance, of three great theories : first, the theory of the alchemists of the transmutation of metals by means of the philosopher’s stone; A brief his- second, the theory of phlogiston, connected so much with the names torical retro- of Becher and Stahl, which held sway for some two centuries; third, spect. the theory of combustion, the quantitative period of chemistry, inaugurated by the great Scottish chemist Black by his introduction of the balance. How this led to a veritable renascence of chemistry in the hands of Lavoisier and the other giants of that stirring period—the close of the eighteenth and commencement of the nineteenth centuries—is well known. Looking back at the warfare which was waged about these older theories, for and against them, one realises now that there were elements of truth on both sides; for have we not in the work of Sir William Ramsay and others the revival of transmutation, and does not the essential truth of phlogiston survive in the modern doctrine of heat? In one of Dr. Johnson’s letters to Boswell there is a curious reference to transmutation. He says that a learned Russian had at last succeeded, but, fearing the consequences to society, he had died without revealing the secret. After the discovery of oxygen and the beginnings of quantitative chemistry, the science was ready for Dalton’s great discoveries respecting combination by weight; the corresponding discoveries by Gay-Lussac on combination of gases by volume, and, through the latter, for Avogadro’s famous hypothesis. Dalton had indeed, by reviving an old Greek suggestion, proposed to explain his discoveries by his atomic theory, but neither this nor our molecular theory, though the latter was inherent in the laws of gaseous combination of Gay-Lussac and in Avogadro’s hypothesis, were finally put upon their present basis until Cannizzaro took up the subject half a century later. Meanwhile Dulong and Petit had completed their studies of atomic heat, and Mitscherlich had pointed . 4 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION B. out the relation between isomorphism and molecular structure. When it is con- sidered how little is known of solid or liquid structure, and that our present knowledge of molecules is only of gaseous molecules, it is fortunate that these methods of study of solids are available. The same may be said of the results of the work of Kopp and his successors on molecular volumes. Of other aids to fixing our conception of molecules and atoms I need only refer to the periodic law, the studies of the properties of dilute solutions, of electrolytic dissociation, and of surface tension of liquids. Liebig, in his first inquiry, begun before he went to Gay-Lussac in Paris, - proved that silver fulminate and silver cyanate, though distinct substances, had exactly the same composition; thus was opened that great chapter in the history of chemistry which Berzelius named isomerism. Perhaps nothing in chemistry has given rise in recent years to more intellectual and practical activity than isomerism. Wohler’s classical synthesis of urea, by the meta- stasis of ammonium cyanate, added another instance of isomerism, and Berzelius soon afterwards announced the isomerism of tartaric and racemic acids. Wohler’s synthesis of urea, followed, as it was, by numerous other laboratory syntheses, showed that substances which occur in living organisms are not different from those which may be prepared artificially, and the old distinction between inorganic and organic chemistry disappeared—there is, of course, only one chemistry. The words it is true have survived, but only for reasons of ‘practical convenience. After isomerism the next great step forward in the study of intra-molecular structure was the discovery of groups partially individualised which are capable of remaining intact through many reactions. Gay-Lussac had previously noticed the Cyanogen group as common to cyanides; but it was the celebrated paper by Wohler and Liebig on ‘The Radical of Benzoic Acid’ which finally established the existence of compound radicals or groups such as benzoyl, and obtained for the theory of compound radicals the position in chemistry it now holds. Bunsen followed somewhat later with the discovery of cacodyl, and now such groups are almost innumerable. In many respects, by the experimental skill which it shows, the clearness of its logical method, and the beauty of its form and diction, this memoir is a model of what a scientific communication should be. I will read the opening paragraph, using Hofmann’s translation : ‘When a chemist is fortunate enough to encounter, in the darksome field of organic nature, a bright point affording him guidance to the true path by follow- ing which he may hope to explore the unknown region he has good reason to con- gratulate himself, even though he may be conscious of being still far from the desired goal.’ Of this memoir Belzelius, in a letter quoted by Hofmann (Faraday lecture), says: ‘The facts put forward by you give rise to such considerations that they may well be regarded as the dawn of a new day in vegetal (organic) chemistry.’ The history of the advance of chemistry since the days of the Giessen laboratory is bewildering in its extent. This has been largely due to the Giessen laboratory itself, which sent trained investigators, each carrying with him some touch of its master’s magic, into all civilised lands. I cannot attempt to even catalogue the results here. One thing may be said, that chemistry is not worked out, as some have thought; but rather the. opportunities of dis- covery seem greatér and more promising than at any previous period. Parr II. Whether in the light of recent researches it may become necessary to give up that portion of Dalton’s theory of atoms in which he regards them as undecomposable and indivisible; or whether we may consider them, Sub-atoms, as Prout suggested a hundred years ago, as’ different aggregates atoms, mole- of sub-atoms of a uniform kind of matter; or whether they must cules, mole- be regarded as complexes built in the manner supposed by the cular aggre- electron hypothesis; also what should be our attitude towards the gates ; related problem of transmutation—all this I pass over, the more valency. willingly that these subjects were discussed so recently by so high an authority as Sir William Ramsay in his address to the Association last year at Portsmouth. I assume that we are fairly satisfied with our present atoms and their a PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 5 respective weights, and this no matter how the atoms are constructed, and that we shall be satisfied with them so long as they disport themselves in chemical changes as indivisible entities. And further, I assume that we are satisfied with our molecules and their respective weights, as determined by the application of Avogadro’s hypothesis. Whether the molecular weight is obtained by direct determination of gaseous density or by taking advantage of the properties of dilute solutions, in either case the molecular weight which results is the weight of a supposed gaseous molecule, for the latter method depends for its justifica- tion on the former. All our molecular weights are weights of molecules in the gaseous state or are supposed to be; they are not necessarily applicable to liquids, and much less to solids: solids and liquids may well consist of far more complex particles. Gradually the central problem of chemistry has become more and more the study of the internal structure of molecules—of gaseous molecules. The enormous number and variety of the compounds of carbon, with which so many workers have enriched the science during the last hundred years, and the special adapta- bility of these compounds to the experimental study of molecular structure, has led investigators to make use of them rather than of the so-called inorganic com- pounds: thus out of inquiries into the intramolecular structure of these com- pounds arose and were developed the theories of types of Gerhardt, Williamson and Kekulé. These are now, however, looked upon more as aspects of the general problem. More fruitful has been the study of the compound radicals or individualised groups of Wohler and Liebig. But gradually these molecular struc- tures have been regarded, in agreement with the views of Dumas, as complete wholes; like fairy temples, which from different points of view show different parts in-relief, accentuating, it may be, this or that column or frieze or pediment. Kekule’s brilliant and suggestive theory of chain compounds and ring compounds did more than any other theory to guide and stimulate research in chemistry in recent times. Like Gay-Lussac’s theory of gaseous combination, though built in the first place only upon a few facts, this theory has proved true of the thousands of others with which we have since become acquainted; there seems indeed to be a need of a new psychology to account for such truly marvellous foresight as is here exhibited. The atoms forming these varied structures were, however, regarded as being arranged in a plane, until the great discoveries of Pasteur made it necessary for chemists to extend their conceptions and to frame hypotheses of three dimensions. Thus has arisen in the hands of Le Bel and van’t Hoff and others our modern theories of stereo-chemistry. When isomerism occurs in an element Berzelius names it allotropy. It seems to me that now, when molecules of the elements do not differ essentially from molecules of com- pounds, there is no longer any distinctive meaning in the term, and that it might well be abandoned. I would like also to make another suggestion respect- ing nomenclature : that when we distinguish ring compounds as cyclic we might appropriately adopt the word hormathic (from the Greek word for a chain or a row) for chain compounds. But in order to understand the linking of atoms in these molecular edifices some combining value had to be assigned to the different atoms. This idea of valency of the atoms was, no doubt, implied in Gerhardt’s theory of types; but it did not gain much attention until later, when Frankland and Kolbé formulated an empirical theory of variable valency. Kekulé thought that atoms could not vary in their valency; but the alternative formule which he put forward to explain cases of difficulty would appear to be, rather, an attempted explanation of variable valency. It might be more correct to say that Kekulé’s formule constitute an anticipation of Werner’s theory of auxiliary valencies, the theory which seems to find most favour at the present day. Fixed valency can scarcely now be defended, in view of the existence of such compounds, for example, as the two fluorides and the two chlorides of phosphorus; the two oxides of carbon, ammonia and ammonium chloride; and, for example, the two series of compounds respectively of iron, mercury and copper. - Variable valency of atoms is empirically, at least, an established fact. By the latest conceptions of variable atomic valency and its extension almost without limit—so that, for example, oxygen may be regarded as quadrivalent and even sexivalent—no doubt. the existence of numerous compounds which 6 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION B. previously presented difficulties can be explained. There are, however, others long known to chemists, such as double salts and the combination of water with salts, formerly called ‘ molecular compounds,’ definite and individual, in which these views do not assist us. These compounds do not exist as gases, and unless they admit of experimental study by the methods of dilute solution, even their gaseous molecular weights cannot be ascertained. , It is noteworthy that in most of the instances recently investigated where variable valency has been assumed the compounds studied have been easily decomposable solids or liquids, and for one reason or another their gaseous molecular weights could not be determined. Many of these compounds, indeed, only exist at low temperatures. As instances of work of this kind I may mention Collie and Tickle on quadrivalent oxygen in dimethylpyrone derivatives ; Gomberg on triphenylmethyl; Landolf on acetone di-hydrofluoride; Thiele and Peter on methyl-iodo-dichloride; and similar studies by Kehrmann, Willstatter and Iglauer, Bilow and Sicherer, Baeyer and Villiger, Archibald and McIntosh, Chattaway, Pfeiffer and Truskier, and others. Another most interesting class of solids which are capable of existing in two isomeric forms distinguished from each other by such physical properties as density or colour are the Schiff’s bases or anils. Some of these were studied by Hantzsch, who proposed to explain their existence by the Hantzsch-Werner stereo hypothesis :— HO.C,H,.CH, HC.C,H,OH | | NR’ NR’ But since only a few, and these not very satisfactory compounds, show this isomerism, which do not contain the hydroxyl group, other suggestions have been put forward to account for the isomerism, by Anselmino and by Manchot. In my own laboratory, associated with Mr. F. G. Shepheard and also with Miss Rosalind Clarke, I have made a study of various Schiff’s bases for the purpose of investigating the remarkable property which some of these bases exhibit of phototropy. By phototropy is meant the capability of reversible change of colour in solids depending upon the presence or absence of light. Incidentally, too, I wished to study another physical property which many Schiff’s bases possess, in common with other substances, of reversible change of colour with raising or lowering of temperature. This property we have called thermotropy, and many old instances will be remembered of substances of simpler constitution which exhibit it : thus, when subjected to the temperature of solid carbon dioxide, ordinary sulphur becomes colourless, red oxide of mercury becomes yellow, ver- milion becomes scarlet, and on return to the ordinary temperature the original colours reappear. As has been pointed out in a recent communication by Biilman, it is most important in these discussions that we should be perfectly clear in the use of terms. I take it for granted that isomerism is a general term for compounds differing in some respect but having the same composition. If the molecules (gaseous) have the same weights they are metamerides; if of different weights they are polymerides. When solids crystallise in more than one form they are polymorphous. Now it does not seem reasonable to suppose that reversible colour changes such as those exhibited by phototropes or thermotropes involve such violent intra-molecular changes as the breaking and reconnecting of atomic linkages. For example, take the three bases, salicylidene-m-toluidine, which in the dark or immediately it is exposed to light is yellow, but on con- tinued exposure to light quickly becomes orange, and changes back again to its original colour in the dark; salicylidene-m-aminophenol, which at ordinary temperatures is orange, but is much paler at the temperature of solid carbon dioxide, on raising the temperature to nearly the melting-point (128-99) becomes orange red, and these changes take place in the reverse order again on cooling; salicylidene-p-aminobenzoic acid, studied by ourselves and by Manchot and Furlong independently, shows a wider range of thermotropic change between bright yellow and blood-red, and is also phototropic. To explain such changes as these and the others of a similar nature previously referred to, I think some less drastic hypothesis should be sought than intra- PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. i molecular breaking, and consequent metastasis or polymerisation, Though doubt- less the hypothesis of Hantzsch and Werner could be invoked, or the modified hypotheses of Manchot or Anselmino, I think there should be some simpler explanation. Someone suggests polymorphism. Now polymorphism means that a change of crystalline form takes place which might doubtless connote change of colour. If one watches phototropic crystals changing colour under the influence of light from yellow to red, and notices that after remaining in the dark that the same crystals have changed back to the original colour, and, remember, that these changes can be repeated with the same crystals apparently without limit, it will not be considered likely that this phenomenon depends on a rever- sible change of crystalline form. In a communication to the Chemical Society some three years ago Mr. Shepheard and I put forward the following suggestion : ‘Evidence is accumulating of reversible isomeric reactions, like those described in this paper, which are indicated by physical differences, such as changes of colour. It is possible that these may be explained by hypotheses, similar to that of Hantzsch and Werner assuming intra-molecular rearrangement; but in the case of phototropy and thermotropy it should not be forgotten that the substances exhibiting these phenomena are solids. No one will doubt, however, that these differences of colour depend on isomeric change of some kind, but in the case of solids we know practically nothing of their molecules, not even of their relative molecular weights. The molecules of solids are probably far more complex than those of liquids or gases; indeed, they may be rather complex groups or aggregates of ordinary gaseous molecules, which would give rise to far more numerous possibilities of isomerism. It appears to us that phototropic and thermotropic reactions are more probably due to isomeric changes affecting the aggregation of molecules in solids than to intra-molecular change of molecules derived from a study of gases.’ It seems to me that just as atoms may be structures built of sub-atoms of some kind, and just as molecules of gases are built of atoms variously linked together, that it is reasonable to conceive that molecules might combine to form aggregates, particularly when constituting solids; that as the sub-atoms may be conceived to have a combining valency, and the atoms are already accredited with this property, and in addition, as is supposed with Thiele’s partial or Werner’s auxiliary valencies, that molecules may have valencies also whereby to combine into molecular aggregates. It may be presumed that such aggregates are more complicated in structure, and thus may give rise to greater variety of isomerides, and be more readily transmutable than gaseous molecules. If such aggregates of gaseous molecules exist they might explain not only the easily changed isomerides recently studied, but also the large class of ‘molecular compounds’ of the older chemists. I imagine someone saying that in suggesting this hypo- thesis—which by the way is not new, for it is mentioned in Ostwald’s ‘ Outlines’ —TI am violating the canon to which I have myself subscribed, as a condition of a scientific hypothesis, that it should be verifiable. Perhaps we carry our critical faculty sometimes too far. It is most highly scientific to doubt, but doubt which is merely destructive has little value; rather, with Descartes, it should lead on to construction, for he who builds even imperfectly is better than he who simply destroys. And I do not doubt that some way will be found to study solids and obtain data that will lead to the determination of their molecular aggregate weights. The study of molecular volumes of solid solutions ; the remarkable results obtained by Pope and Barlow; Tutton’s work on crystal- lography, and much besides, induce the hope that some day solids like gases will find their Avogadro. Parr TEL: In the pursuit of all this abstract theory, and still more so in the bewildering multitude of undigested individual facts, there is danger that important and fundamental, even moral, considerations may be lost sight of. For example take the fundamental question, Why should we pursue chemistry? No doubt it is considered by its votaries, those who by ite uaefal seek in our laboratories to advance the science, that they are entitled licability. '° have provided for them, and will be rewarded by the provision appucaDUty> of the ordinary means of livelihood; but these, it will scarcely be denied, could generally be far better assured by other pursuits. It is: suggested that intellectual discipline is a reason; but, I ask, for what purpose? Will any- Pursuit of Chemistry justified 8 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION B. one pretend that intellectual discipline without utilitarian object, without the possibility of using it for the betterment of society, is a worthy pursuit? I think not. But, in any case, none of us have devoted ourselves to chemistry merely for the sharpening of our wits. Again, someone suggests that chemistry and learning generally should be pursued for their own sake. In a recent most interesting and inspiring academic address* Professor Sir Walter Raleigh com- mends ‘those who seek nothing from knowledge but the pleasure of understand- ing.’ If such a statement bears its most obvious meaning then, I venture to think that, in common with intellectual discipline without the intention of applying to a useful object the intellect so trained, such a reason is selfish, inadequate, and unworthy, and does not justify the pursuit of anything. No: research in chemistry apart from the possibility of applying it to the advantage of humanity cannot be defended. The mastery of the seemingly unlimited resources of Nature which chemistry achieves more and more and its use to alleviate the misery and add to the happiness of mankind is the only worthy and effective defence. And that this is the underlying ideal, in point of fact, that leads the chemist onward, not necessarily that he is always conscious of it, but always when he reflects, I think cannot be doubted. But, of course, no narrow idea of utility must be aimed at. Practically any chemical inquiry may lead to results of material advantage. Certainly nothing could be more mischievous than to make a narrow immediate utility the test. It would be easy to illustrate all this from the records of science, but instances in point are so well known that it is unnecessary. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that in making use of the manifold advantages derived from the growth of science, humanity, on its part, owes a great debt to scientific inquirers, and ought to feel it a sacred duty to do in return all in its power by support and encouragement to further scientific research. As Sir Walter Raleigh, in the address already referred to, says : ‘ It is so easy to use the resources of civilisation that we fall into the habit of regarding them as if they were ours by right. They are not ours by right; they come to us by free gift from the thinkers.’ That this advantage to civilisation has been, and is, the result of the pursuit and consequent advance of chemistry is happily a truth that is well known. There is scarcely an industry or a profession that has not been Some con- materially influenced or even created by the discoveries of chemistry, crete appli- and therefore the welfare of nations is most intimately concerned cations of in promoting its advancement. Now, it is common knowledge that the Science. no country has appreciated this to the same degree as Germany. It will, therefore, be worth our while to consider a moment the inau- guration in Berlin, a year ago, of an entirely new institution, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut, for the promotion and organisation of chemical research. This research is to be effected throughout the German Empire, in the universities, the technical high schools, or in works, and it is supported mainly, at least at first, by sub- scriptions of the chemical manufacturers. An address of very great importance was delivered at its opening by Professor Emil Fischer, than whom, perhaps, no one living has added more to the progress of chemistry. A translation of this address appeared in ‘ Nature,’ and, with additions, has since been published in a convenient book form.* In this address an authoritative account is given of the main contributions of chemistry to the national welfare, which even to those: familiar with the subject must be astonishing in their importance, varjety, and universality. It includes the applications of the science to problems of nourish- ment, to agriculture, and food supply; to engineering, metallurgy, cements; to clothing, artificial silk, or to colouring—dyes; to indiarubber production, both natural and artificial; to perfumery—artificial violet and other artificial floral perfumes, even that of the rose; to synthetic camphor; to drugs and synthetic materia medica, including the recent arsenic and selenium organic compounds which promise so much in the treatment of cancer and other fatal diseases; to radio-activity, to therapeutics, to the destruction of pathogenic microbes; to methods of sewage disposal; to the preparation of efficient explosives; and to * ©The Meaning of a University.’ Clarendon Press, 1911. * ‘Chemical Research in its Bearings on National Welfare.’ London, 1912. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 many other useful objects. In connection with the manufacture of explosives the public should know that the ability to wage war is becoming more and more dependent on the work of chemists. When the supply of mineral nitrates is exhausted, or even before that event, the requisite nitrogen compounds will have to be provided in some other way, and almost certainly they will be obtained synthetically from the atmospheric gases which even now are becoming a com- mercial source. But students of history know that there are certain periods that for some unexplained reason are specially fruitful in certain departments of intellectual or artistic development. Professor Sir Walter Raleigh, for instance, The Time- a high authority on this subject, says: ‘The human body, so far spiritand as we know, has not been improved within the period recorded by Science. history; nor has the human mind, so far as we can judge, gained anything in strength or grace.’ Further, regarding literature : ‘ The question is not by how much we can excel our fathers, but whether with toil and pains we may make ourselves worthy to be ranked with them.’ Again: ‘In the beautiful art which models the human figure in stone or some other enduring material, who can hope to match the Greeks? In the art of building who can look at the crowded confusion of any great modern city, with all its fussy and meaningless wealth of decoration, like a pastrycook’s nightmare, and not marvel at the simplicity, the gravity, the dignity and the fitness of the ancient classic buildings? How can the seasoned wisdom of life be better or more searchingly expressed than in the words of Virgil or Horace, not to speak of more ancient teachers?’ Thus all things are not progressing. The time- spirit now, and for some two centuries past, seems to have chosen to take under its particular guardianship the physical and natural sciences, their cultivation and applications, rather than philosophy or architecture or sculpture, or painting or literature. We shall. do well to recognise this, and not waste our resources in striving to fight against it. Large sums of money are expended in this country on the diffusion of some knowledge of chemistry among all classes of scholars and students; in fact, scarcely anyone escapes from a smattering, largely undigested if not Present in- indigestible, either forced on them by regulations or by the allure- discriminate ment of bribes in the form of prizes, scholarships, or academic elementary laurels. And if this is not good for scholars or students, it is worse teaching and for masters or professors. Our professors work ‘ whole time ’ at this neglect of ‘stall-feeding’ process, and if they happen to be strong men men- research. tally and physically they may be able when weary with work to devote any overtime to—what I submit is far the more important matter for the State—the advancement of science by research. But this pursuit requires, for its successful prosecution, for resource and initiative to be at their best, that all the faculties should be in readiness in their fullest strength, free- dom, and adaptability. How many, alas! are not strong men, and in their praise- worthy endeavours, notwithstanding, to contribute something to the achievements of their time succumb as martyrs to their devotion. The truth of this statement, I fear, is too well known to many of us here. In Germany this strain of elemen- tary teaching is more recent, and is only now being felt. Professor Emil Fischer in his address (loc. cit.) says of it : ‘During the last ten years a scheme of prac- tical education of the masses has developed.’ ‘But this very education of the masses tends mentally to exhaust the teacher, and to a great extent, certainly to a higher degree than is desirable or indeed compatible with the creative power of the investigator, there prevails in modern educational laboratories a con- dition of overstrained activity.’ And again, ‘In the harassing cares of the day the teacher too readily loses that peace of mind and broad view of scientific matters necessary for tackling the larger problems of research.’ Laboratories, he says, are wanted ‘which should permit of research in absolute tranquillity, unencumbered by the duties of teaching.’ I have given these quotations from Professor Fischer’s address as indicating the matured judgment of a highly com- petent authority, communicated in the presence of the German Emperor on an historic occasion. His words are words of great weight, and no country which regards its future welfare can afford to ignore them. Sir Walter Raleigh (Joc. cit.) says that every university is bound to help the 10 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION B. poor . . . but that does not mean that a university is doing good if it helps those who have no special bent for learned pursuits to acquire with heavy labour and much assistance—just so much as may enable them to pass muster; on the contrary, it is doing harm. I would like to invite the attention of all who are seriously interested in the country’s welfare to reconsider the present policy in the teaching of chemistry; and this applies also to other sciences. For the advancement of civilisation, for the increased welfare of the race by the technical applications of our science, it is not the indiscriminate teaching of the masses and the multiplication of examinations that is wanted, but the training of the few, of capable investigators. I do not propose necessarily that we should interfere with, or much less abandon, much of our present elementary teaching, and I know that elementary, largely technical, training in chemistry is needed for medicine and engineering; but I do propose that our first endeavour should be to secure under present conditions in the present college or works laboratories, or in laboratories to be specially provided, that capable men, of whom we have many, should be able to devote themselves to research without the worry of teaching and examining or of providing the ways and means of livelihood. There is, happily, reason to believe that this vital need is to some extent becoming known; for there have been several recent instances where a particular inves- tigator has been afforded the means, financially, of prosecuting his particular researches in tranquillity. The diversion of endowments to such purposes, instead of their going to the foundation of additional school or undergraduate scholar- ships, cannot be too highly commended. We may learn a lesson which bears on this from that remarkably prolific period of our science, the close of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries. It was then no easy matter to pass the precincts of a chemical laboratory; only the fittest survived the ordeal. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the traditions of Berthollet and Lavoisier in Paris were kept alive by Gay-Lussac; in England those of Cavendish and Priestley by Davy; and Berzelius in Sweden worthily maintained the older school of Bergmann and Scheele. By a happy fate the interest of Alexander v. Humboldt was the means of both Liebig and Dumas being admitted to the intimacy of Gay-Lussac; and in Sweden Wohler was fortunate to gain the confidence of Berzelius; and in London, Faraday that of Davy. The achievements of these men—Liebig, Dumas, Wohler, and Faraday—is part of the history of science. To me it contains a lesson, in point, of great importance. The opportunity offered them was beset with difficulties. No bribes such as scholars or students expect to-day were offered them; they knew no examinations, and their available apparatus and laboratory equipment was of the smallest and crudest description; — but they were eager students with whom the master was in sympathy, and it is common knowledge that they completed the foundations of our science. Now I ask, considering the thousands of students whom we teach and examine to-day, are we doing as well in the interest of the country as our predecessors a century ago? Who can confidently answer in the affirmative? No; whatever else is done, the country needs the provision of men whose untrammelled energy should be devoted to original chemical research. Even as intellectual discipline the value of research is of the highest importance. In his address to the British Association at Winnipeg, Professor Sir J. J. Thomson bears testimony to this. He says: ‘I have had considerable experience with students beginning research in experimental physics, and I have always been struck by the quite remarkable improvement in judgment, independence of thought, and maturity produced by a year’s research. Research develops qualities that are apt to atrophy when the student is preparing for examinations, and, quite apart from the addition of new knowledge to our store, is of the greatest importance as a means of education.’ And the object and ideal is wrong also in our system of technical training. We aim too much at giving elementary instruction to artizans, which, though important in itself, can never take the place of the higher education of leaders or managers of industrial works. This is different in Germany, where, although the training of artizans is by no means neglected, the chief energy is directed to the training and teaching of the smaller class of managers. There is, too, in Germany a far more intimate relation between academic and industrial work, and the leaders in each often interchange posts. In one respect we have an ’ PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. ll advantage over Germany; it is important that this should be understood. The higher technical instruction across the Rhine has not been undertaken by the universities, but is carried out in separate institutions. With us the universities have gradually undertaken, in addition to the older technical subjects, theology, medicine, and law, the various branches of engineering and agriculture, and even commerce. This, it is to be hoped, will be extended so that the highly trained technologist may have the advantage of the undoubted humanising influence of the university. 1 have not attempted in this Address any complete survey of chemistry, either its growth in the past or ifs present condition, but I have endeavoured to give some account of the sort of thing chemistry is—of its method—and Conclusion. to maintain three theses: (1) That the logical method by which chemistry advances is not a simple one, and requires as one essential element the use of a highly developed imagination. To render this more efficient 1 have advocated special training. (2) Without violating, I hope, the canons of the proper use of hypothesis, I have proposed, in order to account for certain isomeric and other phenomena, the conception of solid molecular aggregates, although I am not able at present to indicate precise methods for its further investigation. These molecular aggregates are supposed to be formed by the combination of gaseous molecules just as the latter are formed by the combination of atoms. (3) As a matter of vital interest to the continued well-being of this country I have insisted strongly that our educational resources devoted to chemistry should be directed, in the first place and chiefly, to the highest possible training of promising students in the prosecution of research, and that the giving to the many of elementary instruction should be at least a secondary consideration. Now I do not wish to dictate how this last proposition could be best carried into effect. I think we should distinguish three classes of chemists, or technical chemists, whose domains would more or less overlap. Occasionally there will be a man, like the late Sir William Perkin, who would combine all three. The three classes are: first, the pure chemist, devoted to scientific discovery only; second, the technical chemist, who prepares the discoveries of the pure chemist for the technologist, and has to determine such questions as economical produc- tion and, for example, the conversion of colours into dyes; third, the technologist or works manager. These three classes should be in close relation to one another. By such a scheme we should probably overcome by education one of our most serious present difficulties—the ignorance of owners of works of the value of science. It is a matter deserving most earnest consideration whether, under the pro- pitious influence of our own time-spirit, it would be possible to organise research and develop it without interfering with its essential freedom and initiative, and this in each of the three classes I have mentioned, either by means of some of our existing institutions, or by the inauguration here of such an organisation as the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut in Berlin. 2 a Pi << 74 *~ ti - ‘tL? Viet j hal Wt Se PVA 4 tulle + Te ae ob) th 346 ‘ = os aati me lwes |) 10) th Jie oe ee Loa he s os OFito unt ee ~4 Ea , : , 4 . lvaure ale j , OS pice } MY jh or hy « *, i tas nite : “Wa #2 VP hae t i Wie) al? i < ‘i fi j eS 2 at YY be Leen = “~ py oe ‘ be 2 j i &* * tf ‘ ie MAE te oe = i } d ¥ @2')*4) - 4 z ¢ ‘; , Sees ns = it 4 ols Y : ‘ ~ e Si P Ale oe j Fe piety fA it 4 ’ H . OI 7 4 sir > ‘ - 4 ib Secaai tt y« Sg r 4 pie: ; ‘ fits Hts ae ? f irr i: f j ‘ £ ; : f at B xoake Sea = 4 ; =f lasts ° Peif 2 tial (ioe “oe Ps . : ~ ia : iS - am ¥ 2x te . — | 7" ‘he rr. - : aos i a Brifish Association for fhe Rdvancement of Science. SECTION C: DUNDEE, 1912. ADDRESS TO THE GEOLOGICAL SECTION BY B. (N:) PEACH; LGD; E.E.8; PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. Tue RELATION BETWEEN THE CAMBRIAN FAUNAS or SCOTLAND AND Nortu AMERICA. CoNTENTS. PAGE I. Introduction : : ‘ : 1 Il. The Cambrian Fauna of Scotland . ; ; 2 Il. The Cambrian Fauna of North America - : 2 ; : 6 IV. Cambrian Paleogeography between North America and North-West Europe 9 Introduction. Ever since the announcement made by Salter in 1859 that the biological affini- ties of the fossils found in the Durness Limestone are more closely linked with American than with European forms, the relation between the older paleozoic faunas of Scotland and North America has been a subject of special interest to geologists. The subsequent discovery of the Olenelius fauna in the North-West Highlands furnished striking confirmation of Salter’s opinion. This intimate relationship raises questions of prime importance bearing upon the sequence and distribution of life in Cambrian time in North America and North-West Europe, on the probable migration of forms trom one lite-province to another, and om the palzogeographical conditions which doubtless affected these migrations. On this occasion, when the British Association revisits the border of the Scottish Highlands, it seems appropriate to refer to some of these problems. With this object in view I shall try to recapitulate briefly the leading features of the life history of Cambrian time in Scotland and North America, to indicate the relation which these life-provinces bear to each other, and, from these data, to draw some inferences regarding the probable distribution of land and sea which then obtained in those regions. The two great rock groups in Scotland that are universally. admitted to be older that Cambrian time are the Lewisian Gneiss and the Torridon Sandstone. The Lewisian Gneiss, as mapped by the Geological Survey, consists mainly of igneous rocks, or of gneisses and schists of igneous origin. But, in addition to these materials, we find, in the Loch Maree region, schists of sedimentary origin, comprising siliceous schist, mica-schist, graphite-schist, limestone, chert, and other sediments. The association of graphite-schist with limestone and chert suggests that we are here dealing with rocks that were formed at or near the extreme limit of sedimentation, where the graphite, the limestone, and the chert were probably accumulated from the remains of plankton. But this assemblage has been so completely altered into crystalline schists that all traces of original organic structure in them have been destroyed. C 2 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. The Torridonian strata were evidently accumulated under desert or con- tinental conditions, and could therefore furnish little or no evidence bearing upon the development of marine life. That life existed, however, is clear from the presence of phosphatic nodules, containing remains of cells and fibres of organic origin, in the upper division of thé system, arid from the presence of worm burrows and casts in the Diabaig beds (Lower Torridon). Geologists are familiar with the fact that the Cambrian faunas all over the globe present highly specialised types belonging to most of the great groups of marine invetebrate life. Scotland is no exception to this general rule. For the fossils prove that their ancestors must have had a long history in pre- Cambrian time. The Cambrian Fauna of Scotland. Beginning with the false-bedded quartzites forming the basal sub-division of the Cambrian strata in the North-Wést Highlands, we find no traces of organic remains in them, except at one locality, where worm casts (Scolithus linearis) weré obtained. In the upper subdivision of the quartzites—the pipe- rocks—the cylinders of sand are so numerous that the beds have been arranged in five subzones, based on a definité order of succession of different forms probably of specific value. One of them, Arenicolites of Salter, may be of generic importance. Worms of this habit are confined to comparatively shallow water, and therefore near the shore line. Their occurrence helps to confirm the belief that the quartzites were laid down o1i an ancient shelving shore line during a period of gentle subsidence. Their presence also indicates the existence of plankton, from which they derived nourishment. Besides the relics of these burrowing annelids, one of the subzones of the pipe-rock has yielded specimens of Salterella (Serpulites Maccullochi)—a tubicolar annelid, which becomes more abundant in the overlying fucoid beds, serpulite grit, and basal limestone, where it is associated with Olenellus and other typical Lower Cambrian forms. The fucoid beds, which immediately overlie the pipe-rocks, consist chiefly of shales and brown dolomitic bands, with intercalations of grit locally developed. This type of sedimentation indicates that the mud line was superimposed on the shore line by subsidence. With this change of conditions there is a change of organisms, for though the burrowifig forms (Scolithus) are still to be found in the sandy layers, the most characteristic types are those occurring along the bedding planes, known under the name of Pilanolites (Nicholson). | They are very varied forms, and were probably produced by: many types of errant annelids. The tubicolar annelids are represented by Salterella, Coleoloides, and Hyolithes —an organism which perhaps links the worms with the hingeless brachiopods. This suggestion gains additional support from the researches of Dr. Walcott in the Middle Cambrian rocks of Canada. It is interesting to note that small annelids seem to have bored the spines of dead trilobites. Walcott has found similar borings in the chete of annelids in the Middle Cambrian rocks of Canada.’ The researches of Dr. Walcott have proved beyond doubt that representatives of nearly all the divisions of the annelids are entombed in the Middle Cam- brian rocks of Mount Stephen, in British Columbia. We may therefore reason- ably infer that the worm casts of Scolithus type found in the North-West High- lands are due to annelids. He has also shown that worm-like holothurians are to be found in the same beds.” In this connection it may be observed that some of the recent holothurians have much the same habit of obtaining nourishment from the sands and silts containing organie matter. . Fragments showing the characteristic microscopic structures of the plates and ossicles of echinoderms have been found in the fucoid beds. These are probably Cystidean. Hingeless forms of brachiopods also occur, among which may be mentioned Paterina labradorica and Acrothele subsidua. The type of Acrothele suggests a genetic descent from such a tubicolar worm as Hyolithes. Of the gasteropods, only one specimen, belonging to a subgenus of Murchisonia, has been obtained at one locality in Skye. AHelenia bella, a curved calcareous tube, open at both ends, doubtfully referred to the Dentalidae by Walcott, is comparatively plentiful. It oceurs also in the Olenellus zone in Newfoundland. ! Smithsonian Miscell. Collect., vol. 57, No. 5, p. 125, 1911. a Lid... NOneas noun, PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 3 But the organic remains that render the fucoid beds of exceptional interest and importance are the trilobites, because they clearly define the horizon of this zone in the Cambrian system and display strong affinities with American types. They are represented by five species and varieties of Olenellus, very closely resembling the forms in the Georgian terrane, or Olenellus zone, on the east and west sides of the North American continent. The genus Olenelloides has also been recorded from these beds. The crustacea are represented by phyllocarids, among which we find Aristozoe rotundata, likewise characteristic of the Olenellus zone of North America. Next in order comes the serpulite grit, which indicates a recrudescence of the pipe-rock conditions of deposition, and presents the Scolithus type of annelid borings. From the diameter of the pipe and the depth of the burrow it is probable that the worm may have belonged to a different species from any of those whose casts are to be found in lower horizons. This large variety is associated with smaller and more irregular worm casts which have often weathered out and leave the rock honevcombed with hollow casts. The characteristic form from which the zone takes its name is Salterella (Serpulites Maccullochii). It occurs abundantly along certain calcareous layers that mark pauses in the deposition of the sand. This calcareous type culminates at the top of the zone, where there is a thick, carious, weathering band, crowded with specimens of Saltere/la. forming a passage bed into the calcareous shales at the base of the Durness dolomites. At one locality near Loch an Nid, Dundonnell Forest, Ross-shire, thin shales, intercalated in the serpulite grit, yielded a fine carapace of Olenellus Lanworthi—a form of frequent occurrence in the under- lying fucoid beds. Professor Lapworth recorded the finding of Orthoceras and lineuloid shells in the ton part of this zone at Eireboll.* Immediately above the serpulite grit in Eireboll and Assynt we find a few feet of dark calcareous shale, with iron pyrites, probably deposited at the limit of sedimentation. This layer, which is singularly devoid of organisms. ushers in the great succession of dolomites and limestones, unwards of 1,500 feet in thickness—perhaps the most remarkable type of sedimentation among the Cambrian rocks of the North-West Highlands. The Geological Survey has divided this calcareous sequence into seven well-marked groups, some of which have as yet yielded no fossils beyond worm casts. Attention will presently be directed to the absence of calcareous forms in many of the bands of dolomite and to the probable cause of their disappearance. The thin calcareous shale just referred to is followed by dark blue dolomite limestone, forming the basal portion of the Ghrudhaidh group. It contains sparsely scattered, well-rounded sand grains, with a bed about three feet thick, near the bottom. charged with Saltere/la pulchella and S. rugosa. In the over- lying twenty feet of dolomite the sand grains gradually disappear, and the rock assumes a mottled character, due to innumerable worm casts of the Planolites type. Here a second layer, yielding Salterella pulchella and S. rugosa, super- venes, both forms occurring in the Olenellus zone of North America. The brief summary of the paleontological evidence which has just been given clearly shows that the strata ranging from the middle of the pine-rock zone to the upper Salterella band of the Durness dolomites represent in whole or in part the Olenellus zone of North America. Owing to the absence of fossils we have no means of deciding more definitely the base and top of the Lower Cambrian rocks of the North-West Highlands. All the quartzites lying below the middle of the pipe-rock, notwithstanding the absence of zonal forms, have been included in the Lower Cambrian division. This correlation receives some support from the remarkable discovery of Dr. Walcott, who found primitive trilobites several thousand feet beneath the beds yielding Olenelius Gilberti, the form closely allied to the Highland trilobites. On the other hand, when we pass unwards for a certain distance from the Salterella bands the evidence is insufficient to establish the stratigraphical horizon of the beds. For in the overlving strata, comprising the remainder of the Ghrudhaidh group, the whole of the Eilean Dubh group, and the lower part of the Sail Mhor group. and consisting of dolomites, limestones. and cherts. with little or no terrigenous material, the only fossils that can be shown to be due to * Geol. Mag., vol. x.. new series, p. 126, 1883. c 2 4 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. organisms are worm casts of the nature of Planolites, although the limestone and chert may have originated from the débris of the calcareous and siliceous organisms of the plankton. A noticeable feature of the Ghrudhaidh and Eilean Dubh groups is the occurrence in them of bands of brecciated dolomite on several horizons, which do not imply any break in the continuous sequence of deposits. The total thickness of this portion of the Durness dolomites and limestones, yielding no fossils beyond worm casts, amounts to 350 feet. But in the upper part of the Sail Mhor group siliceous and calcareous organisms of a higher grade make their appearance. Among the former we find the Rhabdaria of Billings. The calcareous forms are represented by (1) gastero- pods, including a single specimen of a murchisonid, two species of a pleuroto- marid (Huconia Ramsayi and E. Etna) of a type occurring in the calciferous rocks of Newfoundland and Canada; (2) cephalopods, comprising two slightly bent forms with closely set septa and wide endogastric siphuncles, showing affinities with those of Zndoceras and Piloceras; (3) arthropods, represented by the epitome of a large asaphoid trilobite resembling that of Asaphus canalis of Conrad. This evidence is insufficient to determine the exact horizon of these beds, but clearly indicates that we are no longer dealing with Lower Cambrian strata. The cephalopods are like those found in the Ozarkic division of Ulrich (Upper Cambrian), in North America. According to Schuchert, the cephalopods with closely set septa are of Cambrian type and older than those of the Beek- mantown terrane of American geologists. On the other hand, the asaphoid type of trilobite is suggestive of a somewhat higher horizon. No fossils have been found in the overlying Sangomore group, about 200 feet thick, which consists mainly of granular dolomite. with bands of chert, some being odlitic, together with thin fine-grained limestones near the top. Above this horizon, at a height of over 800 feet above the top of the Olenedlus zone, we encounter the great home of the fossils peculiar to the Durness lime- stone in the Balnakeil and Croisaphuill groups. The former consists mostly of dark limestones, with nodules of chert, and, with a few alternations, of white limestone bands. A few thin layers are charged with worm casts. The over- lying group is more varied, the lower part being composed of dark grey lime- stones full of worm casts, and with some small chert nodules arranged in lines; the middle portion, of dark granular and unfossiliferous dolomite; and the upper part, of massive sheets of fossiliferous limestone full of worm casts. The total thickness of these two groups in Durness is about 550 feet. ; These two subdivisions have yielded over twenty genera and about one hundred species. In Durness sixty-six species have been obtained from the Balnakeil group alone, fifteen of which have not as yet been found in the over- lying Croisaphuill group, thus leaving fifty-one species common to both divisions. The Ben Suardal limestones in Skye, which were mapped by the Geological Survey as one division, are regarded, on paleontological grounds, as the equivalents of both these groups. Owing to the number of species common to both subdivisions, the fauna will be here referred to as a whole. Both siliceous and calcareous organisms are present in this fauna. Among the former we find Archewoscyphia (Hinde), described by Billings as Archao- cyathus, an early Cambrian coral, but shown by Hinde to be a siliceous sponge. The genus Calathium is represented by four species. Other genera and species of sponges occur, so that the siliceous nodules, which are very common in both groups, may be in great part due to them. In this connection it may be men- tioned that Hinde obtained sponge spicules from some of the nodules. inged brachiopods have also been collected from these beds and include Nisusia (Orthosina) festinata, N. grandeva, and Camarella. But the characteristic feature of the fauna is the assemblage of calcareous mollusca comprising lamellibranchs, gasteropods, and cephalopods, showing a wide range of variation, and consequently a long ancestry. The lamellibranchs, though represented only by two genera, Yuchasma and Kopteria of Billings, with several intermediate forms, are of extreme interest, as they are only known to occur elsewhere in Newfoundland and Eastern Canada. The gasteropods, how- ever, furnish the largest number of species—about 48 per cent. of the whole. The primitive euomphalids, Maclurea and Ophileta, are most characteristic. * Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv., p. 125, 1889. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS, 5 The former genus has a large number of species, many of which are to be found in the Beekmantown limestone of Newfoundland and Eastern North America. Only one of the species (./aclurea Peachi) is peculiar to Durness. Several species of Ophileta are found, some of which likewise occur in the Beek- mantown limestone. Euomphalus has also been recorded, while several forms belonging to the nearly allied family of the Turbinide, and placed in Lind- strom’s genus Oriostoma, are also met with in the Beekmantown timestoue. Murchisonids and Pleurotomarids number twenty-seven species and show a very wide range of variation. The chief subgenera of the former are Hormo- toma and Yctomaria, many species of which occur with remarkable variations. All the types of variation found in Durness are to be found in North America, and several of the species are common to both regions. The pleurotomarids vary in a similar manner, the chief genera being Raphistoma and ELuconia, and a form resembling Hormotoma, only with a shorter spire. Species belonging to each of these subgenera are likewise common to both areas, while some are only known from the North-West Highlands. The cephalopods are of equal interest. They are also of primitive type and, at the same time, show a wide range in form. The prominent feature in the straighter specimens is the great width of the laterally placed siphuncle, which is generally furnished with endocones and organic deposits. The genus Piloceras is the most characteristic type and shows this peculiar feature best. It has only been recorded from Scotland, Newfoundland, Canada, and the eastern States of North America. The following additional genera are repre- sented—viz., Hndoceras, chietly by siphuncles in great variety; Actinoceras, Cyrtoceras, and, doubtfully, Orthoceras. Several forms have been attributed to Orthoceras, which, on re-examination, have been found to be the siphuncles of other genera, resembling American types described by Hall and Whitfield. The whorled nautiloids provisionally classed with the genus J’rocholites of Conrad are represented by several distinct forms as yet unnamed. The trilobites are of rare occurrence in these two groups of dolomite and limestone. They are fragmentary and poorly preserved. This is doubtless one of the disappointing features connected with this remarkable assemblage of organic remains, for the presence of a zonal form would have helped to define the horizon of these beds. Only one species, Bathyurus Nero (Billings) has been identified, which also occurs in the Beekmantown limestone of Newfoundland. The other trilobite remains, though poorly preserved, leave a Cambrian facies characteristic of North America. In connection with this fauna certain features have been observed which throw some light on the absence of calcareous organisms from thick zones of the Durness dolomite and limestone. In my detailed description of the paleontology of the Cambrian rocks of the North-West Highlands in the Geological Survey Memoir I stated that ‘in most cases the septa and walls of chambered shells have been wholly or in part dissolved away, so as to leave only the more massive structures of the siphuncles, and worm castings are often found within the chambers where the septa have been preserved. These features seem to indicate that the accumulation of the calcareous mud in which the fossils were embedded was so slow that there was time for the solution of part of an organism before the whole of it was covered up.’* There is good reason to believe that many organisms wholly disappeared by this process, so that it is reasonable to conclude that the fossils obtained from the Durness dolomites cannot be regarded as furnishing a complete life-history of the forms that originally existed in that sequence of deposits. Attention has already been called to the fact that beneath the two subdivisions now under consideration there are groups of dolomite and limestone which so far have yielded no organic remains beyond worm castings. And even in the important Croisaphuill group, with its fossiliferous zones, there are thick groups of dolomite which have fur- nished no calcareous organic remains. Obviously the paleontological record in this instance is glaringly incomplete, for we have no reason to suppose that the life of the time flourished in some of the calcareous zones and not in others. The highest subdivision of the Durness limestone, measuring about 150 feet * “Geological Structure of the North-West Highlands,’ Geol. Sur. Mem., 1907, p. 380. 6 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. in thickness (Durine group), has yielded two species of Hormotoma—viz., H. graciis and H. gracillima—both of which occur in the two underlying groups. H. graciis occurs in the Beekmantown, the Chazy, and the Trenton limestones of America. Before assigning any stratigraphical horizons to the fauna of the Durness dolomites, it is desirable, owing to the American facies of the fossils, to recapitu- late the evidence bearing upon the life of Cambrian time in North America. But the Cambrian life-history of Scotland would be incomplete without a brief reference to the recent discovery of fossils along the eastern border of the Highlands. In 1911 Dr. Campbell announced in the Geological Magazine that fossils had been found in the Highland border series north of Stonehaven, and, during this year, Dr. Jehu made a similar discovery in rocks belonging to this series near Aberfoyle. Papers on these subjects will be communicated to this section. For my present purpose it will be sutiicient to indicate the nature of the fossils and the lithological characters of the rocks containing them. The Highland border series north of Stonehaven and near Aberfoyle includes sheared igneous rocks, both lavaform and intrusive, with black shales, cherts, and jaspers. North of Stonehaven the fossils occur in thin, dark, flinty pyritous shale, while at Aberfoyle they have been found in shaly films at the edge of the chert bands. Several years ago radiolaria were detected in the cherts between Aberfoyle and Loch Lomond. From time to time these Highland border rocks have been carefully searched for, fossils, but until recently with little succc>«. owing to the intense movement to which they have been subjected, resulting in marked flaser structure in all except the most resistant bands. The fossils consist chiefly of horny, hingeless brachiopods, phyllocarid crustacea, worm tubes, and the jaws and chete of annelids. The genera of brachiopods comprise Lingulella, Obolus, Obolella, Acrotreta, and Linarssonia. The association of these brachiopods with phyllocarid crustaceans resembling Hymenocaris and Lingulocaris is suggestive of an Upper Cambrian horizon—an inference which is supported by the absence of graptolites. In the published Geological Survey maps these Highiand border rocks are queried as of Lower Silurian age. This correlation was based partly on their resemblance to the Arenig volcanic rocks and radiolarian cherts of the Southern Uplands, and partly because, as shown by Mr. Barrow, they are overlain by an unconformable group of sediments, termed by him the Margie series. The cherts, the green schists, and the Margie series have shared in a common system of folding, and are unconformably surmounted by Downtonian strata near Stonehaven. Though the original correlation may not be strictly correct, it is probable, in my opinion, that representatives of both the Arenig and Upper Cambrian formations may occur in the Highland border series, and, further, that Upper Cambrian strata may yet be found in the Girvan area, as originally suggested by Professor Lapworth in correspondence with Dr. Horne. The Cambrian Fauna of North America. The classification of the Cambrian fauna found in North America is based on the researches of a band of distinguished paleontologists, comprising among the older investigators Billings, Hall, and Whitfield, and among modern workers Walcott, Ulrich, Schuchert, Brainerd, Seely, Ruedemann, Matthew, Clarke, and Grabau. Prominent among these investigators stands Dr. Walcott, alike for his original and exhaustive contributions to this branch of inquiry and for his com- plete mastery of the sequence and distribution of life in Cambrian time in North America. Indeed, geologists all over the world owe him a deep debt of gratitude for the services which he has rendered to Cambrian paleontology. Throughout the greater part of Cambrian time there existed in North America two distinct life provinces. The eastern one ran along the Atlantic coast from the north of Newfoundland to a point south of New York, extending only a short distance inland, with a faunal facies resembling that of North- , West Europe, exclusive of the North-West Highlands of Scotland. The western province lay to the north-west of that just described, and ranged from Northern Newfoundland, south-westwards to Central North America and the Pacific Ocean. On the east side of the Rocky Mountains it swept northwards to British PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 7 Columbia, perhaps as far as the Arctic Ocean. The remarkable feature of the life of the western province is its essentially American facies. Geologists are familiar with the triple classification of the Cambrian system by means of the trilobites in North America, as in Europe. The Lower Cam- brian division represents the Olenellus epoch ‘of Walcott, characterised by some form of Olenellid, or, to use the name now given to the family by that investi- gator, the Mesonacide. The western life-province contains the true Olenellus of which O. Thompsoni is the type. The strata yielding this fauna extend over such a wide area of North America that within this same province we find a western and an eastern facies. The western facies is found in Nevada and California, where Olenelius is represented by such specific forms as 0. Gilberts and O. Freemonti. But it is noteworthy that these forms occur near the top of the Lower Cambrian series, and are soon followed by Zacaunthoides and Crepice- phalus, trilobites of middle Cambrian attinities. Towards the lower part of the sequence of deposits, which there consist mainly of limestone, and extend down- wards for a distance of over 4,000 feet beneath the beds containing the true Olenellus, Walcott found specimens of H/olmia Rowei and Nevadia Weekst. The latter form is regarded by him as the most primitive of all the Mesonacide yet known. Near the base the limestones have yielded the primitive corals, Archeocyathus and Hthmophyllum ; and the brachiopods Mickwitzia and T'rema- tobolus. The other forms found on this horizon belong to the following genera : (trilobites) Protypus and Jlicrodiscus (brachiopods) Kutorgina, Swantonia, Nisusia, Billingselia, and (tubicolar annelids) AH yolithellus and Salterella. The eastern facies of the western life province is best known from the region of Georgia, in Vermont. It is the home of the type species of Olenellus {O. Thompson). It is associated with Mesonacis vermontana, which has now given the name to the whole family, with Liliptocephalus usaphoides, one ot the earliest known trilobites. of the family, and with other forms such as Bathy- notus, Holopygia, Protypus, and Microdiscus. The tubicolar worms are repre- sented by Hyolithellus and ’Salterella, the brachiopods by Nisusia, Swantonia, Kutorgina cingulata, and Paterina labradorica. There can be no doubt that the assemblage of organic remains found in this Georgian terrane is merely the counterpart of that found in the Olenellus zone of the North-West Highlands. Proceeding now to the eastern lfe-province, we find that the Lower Cam- brian rocks are characterised by the trilobite genus Callavia, belonging to the family of the Wesonacide, and bearing a close resemblance both to Holmia and Nevadia. In Southern Newfoundland two species of Callavia occur, of which C. Bréggeri is the type. It is accompanied by JMicrodiscus, Hyolithellus, Paterina labradorica, and Helenia bella. In New Brunswick the Protolenus fauna, with Protolenus as the characteristic trilobite, probably represents the upper part of the Olenellus zone. In this connection the recent discovery of the Protolenus fauna by Mr. Cobbold, in Shropshire, in strata associated with Callavia, and overlain by beds yielding Paradozides, is of special importance, as it shows the close relation between the Lower Cambrian fauna of Wales and that of the Atlantic or eastern province of North America.° The Middle Cambrian division of the western life-province is characterised chiefly by the trilobite genus Olenoides; indeed, the western part of it is the home of Olenoides and the large tailed trilobites. The characteristic genera of this group to be found in that region are Kootenia, Zacanthoides, Bathyuriscus, Asaphiscus, Neolenus, Dorypygella, Dorypyge, Damesella, and Ogygopsis. In this region the Middle Cambrian limestones and shales occurring on Mount Stephen, in British Columbia, have yielded a magnificent series of trilo- bites, eurypterids, limuloids, crustacea ranging from congeners of the brine shrimps to phyllocarid nebalids, annelids belonging to most of the still extant families, holothurians, medusae, and other organic remains. For the most part many of these forms are so fragile that only “their tracks remain as indications of their existence in palwozoic deposits. Not till we reach the Solenhofen slates in Jurassic time do we find similar favourable conditions for the entombment and preservation of their highly modified successors. The remarkable evidence bearing on the evolution of groups of organisms furnished by this assemblage of fossils from Mount Stephen has been admirably described and illustrated by * Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. lxvii., p. 296, 1911. 8 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. Walcott in his series of papers published in the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. In the New Brunswick portion of the eastern or Atlantic life-province the strata yielding Paradoxides follow those bearing the Protolenus fauna. Six species of Paradoxides have been obtained from this horizon, including P. davidis, together with the following genera: Agnostus, Agranlos, Liostracus, Conocoryphe, and Ctenicephalus. Schuchert points out that this fauna is ‘closely allied to the Paradoxides faunas of Wales and Sweden, but less so with that of Bohemia.’ In Southern Newfoundland Walcott showed that the base of the Middle Cambrian division is marked in Manuel’s Brook by a conglomerate containin fossils of the lower or Georgian terrane, thus indicating elevation and erosion o the Lower Cambrian rocks. Higher up the strata yielded Paradozxides davidis and P. bennett. Important evidence pointing to the conclusion that the Paradozides fauna of the eastern or Atlantic province encroached to some extent on the eastern part of the western lite-province has been obtained by Walcott at St. Albans, Vermont. But the suggestion has been made by Schuchert that their present position is there due to north-westerly thrusting.* it should be borne in mind that in Middle Cambrian time the eastern and western parts of the western life-province were evidently separated from each other by a land barrier, owing to crustal movement, which was probably con- nected with the elevation of the Lower Cambrian rocks in the region where they were subjected to erosion. In the upper division of the Cambrian system in North America there is a marked change in the fauna. Its characteristic features are thus clearly sum- marised by Schuchert : ‘In a general way it may be said that the Ozarkic period of Ulrich (Upper Cambrian) begins with the trilobite genus Dikelocephalus and the irst distinct molluscan fauna. . The trilobites and inarticulate brachiopods (greatly reduced in species) are still Cambrian in aspect, while the new faunal feature consists in a rapid evolution, in form and size, of the coiled gasteropods, and of both straight and coiled cephalopods. The latter are dis- tinguished from those of subsequent periods by the exceedingly close arrange- ment of the septa.’® The distinctive trilobite genus of the Upper Cambrian strata of the western life-province is Dikelocephalus, where it is associated with an American facies of fossils. The eastern or Atlantic province is characterised by Olenids, though Dikelocephalus also occurs, and by typical European forms. In Minne- sota and Wisconsin, where the strata consists of sandstones, dolomites, and shales, two species of Dikelocephalus have been obtained, together with other genera of trilobites such as Agnostus, and Jilenurus; the limuloid Aglaspis; and the gasteropods, Holopea, Ophileta, and Kaphistoma. In certain areas this period is characterised by a great succession of cal- careous deposits, comprising parts of the Shenandoah limestone and Kittatinny dolomite in New Jersey, portions of the Knox dolomite in Tennessee, and of the dolomite and limestone in Oklahoma. In some of these localities, at least, the lower portions of this calcareous series are grouped with the Upper Cambrian sediments, while the upper parts are classed with Lower Silurian or Ordovician strata. The researches of American palzontologists have shown that in certain areas there is a mixed Cambrian and Ordovician fauna in some of the beds, as in the Tremadoc rocks of Wales. This commingling of faunas is exemplified in the case of the Beekmantown limestone, which is grouped with the Ordovician (Lower Silurian) rocks by most American geologists. Ulrich and Schuchert, on the other hand, regard it as a formation (the Canadic) distinct from the over- lying Ordovician system. The type areas of the Beekmantown limestone are Lake Champlain, the Mingan Islands, and Newfoundland, where the strata consist mainly of a succession of limestones and dolomites over 1,000 feet thick. The fossils are chiefly molluscan, comprising lamellibranchs, gasteropods, and cephalopods. The lamellibranchs are represented, among others, by the genera Huc , 7 Bull. Geol. Soc. of Amer., vol. xx. (1910), p. 522. * Ibid. ’ Op. cit., p. 524. a PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 and Hopteria; the gasteropods, by Ophileta, Maclurea, Euomphalus, Holopea, Hormotoma, Ectomaria, Murchisonia, Lophospira, Euconia, Raphistoma, Helico- toma; the cephalopods, by Orthoceras, Cyrtoceras, Gomphoceras, Piloceras, Trocholites. Of the foregoing genera many of the species are common to this region and the North-West Highlands of Scotland. The trilobites associated with this fauna comprise the genera, Dikelocephalus, Bathyurus, Asaphus, Harpes, and Nileus. In Northern Newfoundland, in zones F to N of Billings, this fauna, with localised species, is found in great development, in limestones and dolomites resembling those of Durness. Its upper limit is there clearly defined, for the limestones and dolomites are overlain by dark shales containing graptolites of undoubted Arenig age. ' A careful comparison of the faunas of the Durness and Beekmantown lime- stones shows that the assemblage of fossils in the Balnakiel and Croisaphuill groups of Durness is practically identical with that in the zones F to N of Billings. as developed in Newfoundland. These groups must therefore be older than the Arenig rocks of Wales, and must represent at least the Welsh Tre- madoc strata, if not part of the Lingula Flags, both of which, according to the English classification, are grouped with the Cambrian system. But even in the purely European province of North America, in New Bruns- wick, where the Beekmantown calcareous fauna is entirely absent, and where the faunal sequence and type of sedimentation are almost identical with those of North Wales, the basal Ordovician or Lower Silurian rocks of American geologists include the Peltura scarabaeoides and the Parabolina spinulosa zones, which, in Wales, are classed with the Lingula Flags. It is obvious, therefore. that the boundary-line between the Cambrian and Ordovician (Lower Silurian) systems is not drawn at the same stratigraphical horizon by American and British geologists. In fixing the age of the Durness dolomites and limestones the English classification has been adopted. The paleontological evidence now adduced regarding the relation of the Cambrian fauna of the North-West Highlands to that of North America leads to the following conclusions :— 1. The Lower Cambrian fauna of the North-West Highlands, distinguished by the genus Olenellus and its associates, is almost identical in character with that of the Georgian terrane of the western life-province of North America, and essentially different from the Lower Cambrian fauna of the rest of Europe. 2. No forms characteristic of the Middle Cambrian division, either of Europe or North America, have as yet been found in the North-West Highlands; but this division may be represented by the unfossiliferous dolomites and limestones of the Ghrudhaidh, Eilean Dubh, and the lower Sail Mhor groups. 3. The fossiliferous bands of the Sail Mhor group may be the equivalents of the lower part of the Upper Cambrian formation. 4. The Balnakeil and Croisaphuill groups of the Durness dolomites and limestones contain a typical development of the molluscan fauna of the Beek- mantown limestone, belonging to the western life-province of North America. As the Beekmantown limestone is succeeded by shales, with Arenig graptolites, it follows, in accordance with British classification, that these groups must be of Upper Cambrian age. 5. The highest subdivision of the Durness limestone (Durine) has not yielded fossils of zonal value, and the members of this group are not overlain in normal sequence by graptolite-bearing shale or other sediments. Cambrian Paleogeography between North America and North-West Europe. In attempting to restore in outline the distribution of land and sea in Cam- brian time between North America and North-West Europe reference must be made to various investigators whose researches in paleogeography are more or less familiar to geologists. Among these may be mentioned Suess, Dana, De Lapparent, Frech, Walcott, Ulrich, Schuchert, Bailey Willis, Grabau, Hull, and Jukes Browne. The views now presented seem to me to be reasonable in- ferences from the paleontological evidence set forth in this address. In the North-West Highlands there is still a remnant of the old land surface upon which the Torridonian sediments were laid down. There is conclusive 10 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. evidence that the pre-Torridonian land was one of high relief. As the Tor- ridonian sediments form part of a continental deposit it may be inferred that the Archean rocks had a great extension in a north-westerly direction. The increasing coarseness of the deposits towards the north-west suggests that the land may have become more elevated in that direction. At any rate, the pile of Tor-~ ridonian sediments points to a subsidence of the region towards the south-east, and probably to a correlative movement of elevation towards the north-west. The sparagmite of Scandinavia is an arkose resembling the dominant type of the Torridon sandstone; is of the same general age, and has evidently been derived from similar sources in the Scandinavian shield. In eastern North America coarse sedimentary deposits from part of the newer Algonkian rocks, which are still to be found rising from underneath the Cambrian strata in the region of the great lakes. These materials were obtained from the great Canadian shield, which must have formed a large continental area during their deposition. It is reasonable to infer that these isolated relics of old land surfaces were united in pre-Torridonian time, thus forming a continuous belt from Scandinavia to North America. During the period which elapsed between the deposition of the Torridon sandstone and the basement members of the Cambrian system a geosyncline was established which gave rise to a submarine trough, trending in an east-north-east and west-south-west direction, both in the British and North American areas. In the latter region it extends from Newfoundland to Alabama, its south-eastern limit being defined by the old land surface of Appa- lachia. The extension of this Appalachian land area in a north-east direction beyond the limits of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland was postulated by Dana and other American writers. This geosyncline remained a line of weakness throughout paleozoic time, both in Britain and North America, which resulted in the Caledonian system of folding in Britain, and in the Taconic, Appalachian, and Pennsylvanian systems in North America. Hence it is manifest that the original shore-lines of this trough are now much nearer each other than they were in Cambrian time. The Cambrian rocks of the North-West Highlands were laid down along the north-west side of this trough during a period of subsidence, for the great succession of Durness dolomite and limestone, with little or no terrigenous material, is superimposed on the coarser sediments of that formation. On the other hand, the Cambrian strata of Wales seem to have been deposited along the southern limit of this marine depression. The Archean rocks that now con- stitute the central plateau of France may have formed part.of its southern boundary. The extension of this land area towards the north-east may have given rise to the barrier that separated the Baltic life-province from that of Bohemia, Sardinia, and Spain. In my opinion, this southern land area in Western Europe was continuous across the Atlantic with Appalachia. For the life sequence found in the Cambrian rocks of New Brunswick is practically identical with that of Wales and the Baltic provinces, thus showing that there must have been continuous intercourse between these areas. Along this shore- line the migration of forms seems to have been from Europe towards America. On the other hand, along the northern shore the tide of migration seems to have advanced from America towards the North-West Highlands. The question naturally arises, what cause prevented the migration of the forms from one shore of this trough to the other? American geologists are of opinion that this is probably due to the existence of land barriers; but, in my opinion, it can be more satisfactorily accounted for by clear and open sea, aided by currents. The south-western extremity of the American trough in Lower Cambrian time opened out into the Mississippian sea, which was connected with the Pacific Ocean, and stretched northwards towards the Arctic regions. Reference has already been made to Walcott’s discovery in Nevada of the primitive trilobite Nevadia Weeksi, from which he derives both branches of the Mesonacide, one branch linking Nevadia, through Callavia, Holmia, and Wan- neria, with Paradoxides, the other connecting Nevadia with Olenellus, through Mesonacis, Plliptocephalus and Padumias. : ; ay In Nevada the genus Holmia, as already shown, is associated with the primi- tive type Nevadia. Wanneria is found in Nevada, in Alabama, and in Pennsyl- vania, thus showing that this genus is common to the Mississippian sea and to . PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. ll the long trough north-east of Alabama. Mesonacis has been obtained in the submarine depression at Lake Champlain, at Bonne Bay, Newfoundland, and at the north side of the Straits of Belle Isle. Hiliptocephalus has been recorded from the New York State. Olenedlus has been found in Nevada, in Vermont, and in the North-West Highlands. All the genera now referred to may have migrated along the north-western shore of this trough. As regards the distribution of the genus Callavia, this form has been met with in Maine, in Newfoundland, and in derived pebbles in a conglomerate in Quebec. Two species have been recorded in Shropshire. These forms probably moved along the southern shore of this sea from Wales to North America. Reference has already been made to the fact that, in the interval between Lower and Middle Cambrian time, in certain areas in North America the Lower Cambrian rocks were locally elevated and subjected to erosion. During this interval the southern end of the trough seems to have had no connection with the Mississippian sea, for in Middle Cambrian time, as already indicated, the Paradoxides fauna is found in the trough on the east side of North America, whereas on the west side it is represented by the Olenoides fauna. In Upper Cambrian time a great transgression of the sea towards the north supervened. The Dtkelocephalus fauna is found on both sides of America, thus showing that the previous land barrier had been submerged. While this genus occurs in Wales and the Baltic provinces, it has not as yet been recorded from the North-West Highlands, but I quite expect that this discovery may be made at some future time. Along the northern side of the American trough clear water conditions pre- vailed, owing to the northward recession of the shore-line, which led to the accumulation of a great succession of calcareous deposits, including the Beekman- town limestone, to which reference has already been made. Schuchert, as already stated, has pointed out that, in the lower part of the Ozarkic (Upper Cambrian) system, in Minnesota and Wisconsin, the gasteropod genera, Holopea, Ophileta, and Raphistoma, are associated with two species of Dikelocephalus. This molluscan fauna is evidently the precursor of that of the Beekmantown limestone. It was probably from this central region of America that the cal- careous fauna of Beekmantown migrated to the submarine trough in the typical Champlain region, and through Newfoundland to the North-West Highlands of Scotland. The section at St. John, New Brunswick, where the Baltic and Welsh types of the Olenus fauna occurs, shows that the southern shore line of the trough must then have occupied much the same relative position as in Lower and Middle Cambrian time. in the same region the strata containing this fauna, with Peltura scarabeoides, and Dictyonema flabelliforme are overlain by dark shales with Arenig graptolites. These graptolite-bearing terrigenous deposits eventu- ally extended across the trough northwards, till, in Newfoundland, they came to rest on the Beckmantown limestones. In the Lake Champlain region, in the Chazy limestone, which there imme- diately succeeds the Beekmantown limestone without the intervention of the Arenig graptolite shale, there is a survival of the Beekmantown molluscan fauna with only such slight modifications as to indicate genetic descent. In the same trough the descendants of this fauna are to be found in the Trenton limestone. In this connection’ it is worthy of note that the molluscan fauna and the corals of the Stinchar and Craighead limestones of Upper Llandeilo age in the Girvan district of the Southern Uplands, have an American facies, as first suggested by Nicholson. The appearance of American types in these lime- stones may be accounted for in the following manner: Attention has already been called to the divergent types of sedimentation presented by the Upper Cambrian strata of the North-West Highlands, and of the South-East nigh- lands, at Stonehaven and Aberfoyle. In the former case there is a continuous sequence of dolomites and limestones, while in the latter we find a group, com- prising radiolarian cherts and black shales, associated with pillowy spilitic lavas and intrusive igneous rocks, indicating conditions of deposition at or near the limit of sedimentation. But, notwithstanding the different types of sedi- mentation and the divergent faunas in the two areas, I believe that during the Upper Cambrian period, and probably for some time thereafter, continuous sea 12 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. extended from the North-West Highlands to beyond the Eastern Highland border. The Upper Cambrian terrigenous sediments which we now find at Stonehaven and Aberfoyle must have been derived from land to the south. In Llandeilo time the Arenig and Lower Llandeilo rocks of the Girvan area were elevated and subjected to extensive denudation. On this highly eroded plat- form, as first proved by Professor Lapworth, coarse conglomerates, composed of the underlying materials, were laid down in association with the Stinchar and Craighead limestones. In my opinion the appearance of the American forms in these limestones is connected with the movement that produced this unconformability in the Girvan area. This local elevation was probably asso- ciated in some form with the great crustal movements that culminated in the overthrusts of the North-West Highlands and caused the intense folding and flaser structure of the rocks along the Highland border. By these movements shore-lines may have been established between the north side of the old Palzozoic sea and the Girvan area, which permitted the southern migration of the American forms. Note.—Since writing the above my attention has been directed to the recent work of Bassler on ‘ The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces,’ pub- lished by the Smithsonian Institution in 1911. In his introduction the author has shown that the Ordovician (Lower Silurian) and Gothlandian (Upper Silurian) rocks of the Baltic Provinces contain a large percentage of bryozoan species, in common with the Black River, Trenton, and Niagara limestones of the same relative age in Eastern North America. This fact suggests that during Lower and Upper Silurian time the old lines of migration were still open, and that the Bryozoa, being of clear-water habit, were able to cross the old trough from side to side. Brifish Associafion for fhe Advancement of Science. SECTION D: DUNDEE, 1912. ADDRESS TO THE ZOOLOGICAL SECTION BY P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, D.Sc., F.RB.S., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION, Zoological Gardens and the Preservation of Fauna. In thinking over possible subjects for this Presidential Address, I was strongly tempted to enter on a discussion of the logical methods and concepts that we employ in Zoology. The temptation was specially strong to a Scot speaking in Scotland, that he should devote the hour when the prestige of the presidential chair secured him attention, to putting his audience right on logic and meta- physics. But I reflected that Zoology is doing very well, however its logic be wavering, and that as all lines subtend an equal angle at infinity, it would be of small moment if I were to postpone my remarks on metaphysics. And so I am to essay a more modest but a more urgent theme, and ask you to consider the danger that threatens the surviving land-fauna of this globe. A well-known example may serve to remind you how swift is the course of destruction. In 1867, when the British Association last met at Dundee, there were still millions of bison roaming over the prairies and forests of North America. In that year the building of the Union Pacific, the first great trans-continental railway, cut the herd in two. The Southern division, consisting itself of several million indi- viduals, was wiped out between 1871 and 1874, and the practical destruction of the Northern herd was completed between 1880 and 1884. At present there are only two herds of wild bison in existence. In the Yellowstone Park only about twenty individuals remained in 1911, the greater part of the herd having been killed by poachers. A larger number, over three hundred, still survive near the Great Slave Lake, and there are probably nearly two thousand in captivity, in various Zoological Gardens, private domains and State Parks. It is only by the deliberate and conscious interference of man that the evil wrought by man has been arrested. A second example that I may select is also taken from the continent of North America, but it is specially notable because it is sometimes urged, as in India, that migratory birds require no protection. Audubon relates that just a century ago Passenger Pigeons existed in countless millions, and that for four days at a time the sky was black with the stream of migration. The final extinction of this species has taken place since the last meeting of the Association in Dundee. in 1906 there were actually five single birds living, all of which had been bred in captivity, and I understand that these last survivors of a prolific species are now dead, although the birds ranged in countless numbers over a great continent. It would be futile to discuss in detail the precise agencies by which the destruction of animal life is wrought, or the pretexts or excuses for them. The most potent factors are the perfection of the modern firearm and the enormous D 2 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. increase in its use by civilised and barbarous man. Sometimes the pretext is sport, sometimes wanton destructiveness rules. The extermination of beasts-of- prey, the clearing of soil for stock or crops, the securing of meat, the commercial pursuit of hides and horns and of furs and feathers, all play their part. Farmers and settlers on the outskirts of civilisation accuse the natives, and allege that the problem would be solved were no firearms allowed to any but themselves. Sports- men accuse other sportsmen, whom they declare to be no real sportsmen, and every person whose object is not sport. The great museums, in the name of science, and the rich amateur collectors press forward to secure the last specimens of moribund species. . But even apart from such deliberate and conscious agencies, the near presence of man is inhospitable to wild life. As he spreads over the earth, animals wither before him, driven from their haunts, deprived of their food, perishing from new diseases. It is part of a general biological process. From time to time, in the past history of the world, a species, favoured by some happy kink of structure or fortunate accident of adaptability, has become dominant. It has increased greatly in numbers, outrunning its natal bounds, and has radiated in every possible direction, conquering woodland and prairies, the hills and the plains, transcend- ing barriers that had seemed impassable, and perhaps itself breaking up into new local races and varieties. It must be long since such a triumphant progress was unattended by death and destruction. When the first terrestrial animals crept out of their marshes into the clean air of the dry land, they had only plants and the avenging pressure of physical forces to overcome. But when the Amphibians were beaten by the Reptiles, and when from amongst the Reptiles some insigni- ficant species acquired the prodigious possibility of transformation to Mammals, and still more when amongst the Mammals Eutherian succeeded Marsupial, Carni- vore the Creodont, and Man the Ape, it could have been only after a fatal contest that the newcomers triumphed. The struggle, we must suppose, was at first most acute between animals and their nearest inferior allies, as similarity of needs brings about the keenest competition, but it must afterwards have been extended against lower and lower occupants of the coveted territory. The human race has for long been the dominant terrestrial species, and man has a wider capacity for adaptation to different environments, and an infinitely greater power of transcending geographical barriers than have been enjoyed by any other set of animals. For a considerable time many of the more primitive tribes, especially before the advent of firearms, had settled down into a kind of natural equilibrium with the local mammalian fauna, but these tribes have been first driven to a keener competition with the lower animals, and then, in most parts of the world, have themselves been forced almost or completely out of existence. The resourceful and aggressive higher races have now reached into the remotest parts of the earth and have become the exterminators. It must now be the work of the most intelligent and provident amongst us to arrest this course of destruction and to preserve what remains, In Europe, unfortunately, there is little left sufficiently large and important to excite the imagination. There is the European bison which has been extinct in Western Europe for many centuries, whilst the last was killed in Kast Prussia in 1755. There remains a herd of about seven hundred in the forests of Lithuania, strictly protected by the Tsar, whilst there are truly wild animals, in considerable numbers, in the Caucasus, small captive herds on the private estates of the Tsar, the Duke of Pless and Count Potocki, and a few individuals in various Zoological Gardens. There is the beaver, formerly widespread ih Europe, now one of the rarest of living mammals, and lingering in minute numbers in the Rhone, the Danube, in a few Russian rivers and in protected areas in Scandi- navia. The wolf and the bear have shrunk to the recesses of thick forests and the remotest mountains, gluttons to the most barren regions of the north. The chamois survives by favour of game-laws and the vast inaccessible areas to which it can retreat, but the mouflon of Corsica and Sardinia and the ibex in Spain are on the verge of extinction. Every little creature, from the otter, wild cat and marten to the curious desman is disappearing. India contains the richest, the most varied, and, from many points of view, the most interesting part of the Asiatic fauna. Notwithstanding the teeming human population it has supported from time immemorial, the extent of its area, its dense forests and jungles, its magnificent series of river valleys, moun- ; PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS, 3 tains, and hills have preserved until recent times a fauna rich in individuals ana species. The most casual glance at the volumes by sportsmen and naturalists written forty or fifty years ago reveals the delight and wonder of travel in India so comparatively recently as the time when the Association last met in Dundee. Sir H. H. Johnston has borne witness that even. in 1895 a journey ‘through almost any part of India was of absorbing interest to the naturalist.’ All is changed now, and there seems little doubt but that the devastation in the wonderful mammalian fauna has been wrought chiefly by British military officers and civilians, partly directly, and partly by their encouragement of the sporting mstincts of the Mohammedan population and the native regiments, although the clearing of forests and the draining of marshlands have played an important contributory part. The tiger has no chance against the modern rifle. The one- horned rhinoceros has been nearly exterminated in Northern India and Assam. The magnificent gaur, one of the most splendid of living creatures, has been almost killed off throughout the limits of its range—Southern India and the Malay Peninsula. Bears and wolves, wild dogs and leopards are persecuted remorselessly. Deer and antelope have been reduced to numbers that alarm even the most thoughtless sportsmen, and wild sheep and goats are being driven to the utmost limits of their range. When I speak of the fauna of Africa, I am always being reminded of the huge and pathless areas of the Dark Continent, and assured that lions and leopards, elephants and giraffe still exist in countless numbers, nor do I forget the dim recesses of the tropical forests where creatures still lurk of which we have only the vaguest rumour. But we know that South Africa, less than fifty years ago, was a dream that surpassed the imagination of the most ardent hunter. And we know what it is now. It is traversed by railways, it has been rolled over by the devastations of war: The game that once covered the land in unnumbered millions is now either extinct, like the quagga and the black wildebeeste, or its scanty remnant lingers in a few reserves and on a few farms. The sportsman and the hunter have been driven to other parts of the Continent, and I have no confidence in the future of the African fauna. The Mountains of the Moon are within range of a long vacation holiday. Civilisation is eating into the land from every side. All the great European countries are developing their African possessions. There are exploring expeditions, punitive expeditions, shooting and collecting expedi- tions. Railways are being pushed inland, water-routes opened up. The land is being patrolled and policed and taxed, and the wild animals are suffering. Let us go back for a moment to the Transvaal and consider what has happened since the Rand was opened, neglecting the reserves. Lions are nearly extinct. The hyzna has been trapped and shot and poisoned out of existence. The eland is extinct. The giraffe is extinct. The elephant is extinct. The rhinoceros is extinct. The buffalo is extinct. The bontebok, the red hartebeeste, the moun- tain zebra, the oribi, and the grysbok are so rare as to be practically extinct. And the same fate may at any time overtake the rest of Africa. The white man has learned to live in the tropics; he is mastering tropical diseases; he has need ot the vegetable and mineral wealth that lie awaiting him, and although there is yet time to save the African fauna, it is in imminent peril. When we turn to Australia with its fauna of unique zoological interest, we come to a more advanced case of the same disease. In 1909 Mr. G. C. Short- ridge, a very skilled collector, working for the British Museum, published in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London’ the results of an investigation he had carried out on the fauna of Western Australia south of the tropics, during the years 1904-1907. He gave a map showing the present and comparatively recent distribution for each of the species of Marsupials and Monotremes indi- genous to that locality. West Australia as yet has been very much less affected by civilisation than Queensland, New South Wales or Victoria, and yet in practi- cally every case there was found evidence of an enormous recent restriction of the range of the species. Marsupials and Monotremes are, as you know, rather stupid animals, with small powers of adaptation to new conditions, and they are in the very gravest danger of complete extinction. In the island of Tasmania, the thylacine, or marsupial wolf, and the Tasmanian devil have unfortunately incurred the just hostility of the stock raiser and poultry farmer, and the date of their final extermination is approaching at a pace that must be reckoned by months rather than by years. DQ 4 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. The development of the continent of North America has been one of the wonders of the history of the world, and we on this side of the Atlantic almost hold our breath as we try to realise the material wealth and splendour and the ardent intellectual and social progress that have turned the United States into an imperial nation. But we know what has happened to the American bison. We know the danger that threatens the pronghorn, one of the most isolated and interesting of living creatures, the Virginian deer, the mule-deer, and the bighorn sheep. Even in the wide recesses of Canada, the bighorn, the caribou, the elk, the wapiti, the white mountain goat, and the bears are being rapidly driven back by advancing civilisation. In South America less immediate danger seems to threaten the jaguar and maned wolf, the tapirs and ant-eaters and sloths, but the energy of the rejuvenated Latin races points to a huge encroachment of civilisa- tion on wild nature at no distant date. You will understand that I am giving examples and not a catalogue even of threatened terrestrial mammals. I have said nothing of the aquatic carnivores, nothing of birds, or of reptiles, or of batrachians and fishes. And to us who are zoologists, the vast destruction of invertebrate life, the sweeping out, as forests are cleared and the soil tilled, of innumerable species that are not even named or described, is a real calamity. I do not wish to appeal to sentiment. Man is worth many sparrows; he is worth all the animal population of the globe, and if there were not room for both, the animals must go. I will pass no judgment on those who find the keenest pleasure of life in gratifying the primeval instinct of sport. I will admit that there is no better destiny for the lovely plumes of a rare bird than to enhance the beauty of a beautiful woman. [ will accept the plea of those who prefer a well-established trinomial to a moribund species. But I do not admit the right of the present generation to careless indifference or to wanton destruction. Each generation is the guardian of the existing resources of the world ; it has come into a great inheritance, but onlysas a trustee. We are learn- ing to preserve the relics of early civilisations, and the rude remains of man’s primitive arts and crafts. Every civilised nation spends great sums on painting and sculpture, on libraries and museums. Living animals are of older lineage, more perfect craftsmanship and greater beauty than any of the creations of man. And although we value the work of our forefathers, we do not doubt but that the generations yet unborn will produce their own artists and writers, who may equal or surpass the artists and writers of the past. But there is no resurrection or recovery of an extinct species, and it is not merely that here and there one species out of many is threatened, but that whole genera, families and orders are in danger. Now let me turn to what is being done and what has been done for the preservation of fauna. I must begin by saying, and this was one of the principal reasons for selecting the subject of my Address, that we who are professional zoologists, systematists, anatomists, embryologists, and students of general bio- logical problems, in this country at least, have not taken a sufficiently active part in the preservation of the realm of nature that provides the reason for our exist- ence. “The first and most practical step of world-wide importance was taken by a former President of the British Association, the late Lord Salisbury, one of the few in the long roll of English statesmen whose mind was attuned to science. In 1899 he arranged for a convention of the Great Powers interested in Africa to consider the preservation of what were curiously described as the ‘ Wild Animals, Birds and Fish’ of that continent. The convention, which did most important pioneer work, included amongst its members another President cf this Association, Sir Ray Lankester, whom we hold in high honour in this Section as the living zoologist who has taken the widest interest in every branch of zoology. But it was confined in its scope to creatures of economic or of sporting value. And from that time on the central authorities of the Great Powers and the local Administrators, particularly in the case of tropical possessions, seem to have been influenced in the framing of their rules and regulations chiefly by the idea of preserving valuable game animals. Defining the number of each kind of game that can be killed, charging comparatively high sums for shooting-per- mits, and the establishment of temporary or permanent reserved tracts in which the game may recuperate, have been the principal methods selected. On these lines, narrow although they are, much valuable work has been done, and the parts of the world where unrestricted shooting is still possible are rapidly being limited. “—* —— PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS, 5 I may take the proposed new Game Act of our Indian Empire, which has recently been explained, and to a certain extent criticised, in the ‘Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London,’ by Mr. E. P. Stebbing, an enlightened sportsman- naturalist, as an example of the efforts that are being made in this direction, and of their limitations. The Act is to apply to all India, but much initiative is left to Local Govern- ments as to the definition of the important words ‘ game’ and ‘large animal.’ The Act, however, declares what the words are to mean in the absence of such local definitions, and it is a fair assumption that local interpretations will not depart widely from the lead given by the central Authority. Game is to include the following in their wild state: Pigeons, sandgrouse, peafowl, jungle-fowl, pheasants, partridges, quail, spurfowl, florican and their congeners ; geese, ducks and their congeners; woodcock and snipe. So much for Birds. Mammals include hares and ‘large animals’ defined as ‘all kinds of rhinoceros, buffalo, bison, oxen; all kinds of sheep, goats, antelopes and their congeners; all kinds of gazelle and deer.’ The Act does not affect the pursuit, capture, or killing of game by non-com- missioned officers or soldiers on whose behalf regulations have been made, or of any animal for which a reward may be claimed from Government, of any large animal in self-defence, or of any large animal by a cultivator or his servants, whose crops it is injuring. Nor does it affect anything done under licence for possessing arms and ammunition to protect crops, or for destroying dangerous animals, under the Indian Arms Act. Then follow prohibitory provisions all of which refer to the killing or to the sale or possession of game or fish, and provisions as to licences for sportsmen, the sums to be paid for which are merely nominal, but which carry restrictions as to the number of head that may be killed. I need not enter upon detailed criticism as to the vagueness of this Act from the zoological point of view, or as to the very large loopholes which its provisions leave to civil and military sportsmen; these have been excellently set forth by Mr. Stebbing, who has full knowledge of the special conditions which exist in India. What I desire to point out is that it conceives of animals as game rather than as animals, and that it does not even contemplate the possibility of the protection of birds-of-prey and beasts-of-prey, and still less of the enormous numbers of species of animals that have no sporting or economic value. Mr. Stebbing’s article also gives a list of the very large number of reserved areas in India, which are described as ‘Game Sanctuaries.’ His explanation of them is as follows : ‘ With a view to affording a certain protection to animals of this kind (the elephant, rhinoceros, ruminants, &c.) and of giving a rest to species which have been heavily thinned in a district by indiscriminate shooting in the past, or by anthrax, drought, &c., the idea of the Game Sanctuary was introduced into India (and into other parts of the world) and has been accepted in many parts of the country. The sanctuary consists of a block of country, either of forest or of grassland, &c., depending on the nature of the animal to which sanctuary is required to be given; the area has rough boundaries such as roads, fire lines, nullahs, &c., assigned to it, and no shooting of any kind is allowed in it, if it is a sanctuary pure and simple; or the shooting of carnivora may be per- mitted, or of these latter and of everything else save certain specified animals.’ Mr. Stebbing goes on to say that sanctuaries may be formed in two ways. The area may be automatically closed and reopened for certain definite periods of years, or be closed until the head of game has become satisfactory, the shoot- ing on the area being then regulated, and no further closing taking place, save for exceptional circumstances. The number of such sanctuary blocks, both in British India and in the Native States, will cause surprise and pleasure to most readers, and it cannot be doubted but that they will have a large effect on the preservation of wild life. The point, however, that I wish to make is that in the minds of those who have framed the Game Act, and of those who have caused the making of the sanctuaries—as indeed in the minds of: their most competent critics—the dominant idea has been the husbanding of game animals, the securing for the future of sport for sportsmen. I do not forget that there is individual protection for certain animals; no elephant, except a rogue elephant, may be shot in India, and there are excellent regulations regarding birds with plumage of economic value. The fact remains that India, a country which still contains a considerable remnant of one of the richest faunas of the world, and which also is probably 6 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. more efficiently under the autocratic control of a highly educated body of per- manent officials, central and local, than any other country in the world, has no provision for the protection of its fauna simply as animals. The conditions in Africa are very different from those in India. The land is portioned out amongst many Powers. The settled population is much less dense and the hold of the white settler and the white ruler is much less complete. The possibility of effective control of native hunters and of European travellers and sportsmen is much smaller, and as there are fewer sources of revenue, the tempta- tion to exploit the game for the immediate development of the struggling colonies is much greater. Still, the lesson of the extinction of the South African fauna is being taken to heart. I have had the opportunity of going through the regulations made for the shooting of wild animals in Africa by this country, by our autonomic colonies, by France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Belgium, and, with the limitation that they are directed almost solely towards the protection of animals that can be regarded as game, they afford great promise for the future. But this limitation is still stamped upon them, and even so enthusiastic a naturalist as Major Stevenson-Hamilton, the Warden of the Transvaal Gevern- ment Game Reserves, who has advocated the substitution of the camera for the rifle, appears to be of the opinion that the platform of the convention of 1900 is sufficient. It included the sparing of females and immature animals, the estab- lishment of close seasons and game sanctuaries, the absolute protection of rare species, restrictions on the export for trading purposes of skins, horns and tusks, and the prohibition of pits, snares and game traps. Certainly the rulers of Africa are seeing to the establishment of game reserves. As for British Africa, there are two in Somaliland, two in the Sudan, two in Uganda and two in British Hast Africa (with separate reserves for eland, rhinoceros and hippopotamus), two in Nyasaland, three in the Transvaal, seven in Rhodesia, several in Natal and in Cape Colony, and at least four in Nigeria. These are now administered by competent officials, who in addition are usually the executive officers of the game laws outside the reserved territory. Here again, however, the preservation of game animals and of other animals of economic value, and of a few named species is the fundamental idea. In 1909 I had the honour of being a member of a deputation to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, arranged by the Society for the Preservation of the Wild Fauna of the Empire, one of the most active and successful bodies engaged in arousing public opinion on the subject. Among the questions on which we were approaching Lord Crewe was that of changes in the locality of reserves. Sometimes it had happened that for the convenience of settlers or because of railway extension, or for some other reason, proposals were made to open or clear the whole or part of a reserve. When I suggested that the substitution of one piece of ground for another, even of equivalent area, might be satisfactory from the point of view of the presérvation of large animals, but was not satisfactory from the zoological point of view, that in fact pieces of primeval land and primeval forest contained many small animals of different kinds which would be exterminated once and for all when the land was brought under cultiva- tion, the point was obviously new not only to the Colonial Secretary, who very courteously noted it, but to my colleagues. This brings me to the general conclusion to which I wish to direct your atten- tion and for which I hope to engage your sympathy. We may safely leave the preservation of game animals, or rare species if these are well known and interest- ing, and of animals of economic value, to the awakened responsibility and the practical sense of the Governing Powers, stimulated as these are by the enthusiasm of special Societies. Game laws, reserves where game may recuperate, close seasons, occasional prohibition and the real supervision of licence holders are all doing their work effectively. But there remains something else to do, some- thing which I think should interest zoologists particularly, and on which we should lead opinion. There exist in all the great continents large tracts almost empty of resident population, which still contain vegetation almost undisturbed by the ravages of man, and which still harbour a multitude of small animals, and could afford space for the larger and ketter-known animals. These tracts have not yet been brought under cultivation, and are rarely traversed except by the sportsman, the explorer and the prospector. On these there should be established, in all the characteristic faunistic areas, reservations which should not be merely temporary recuperating grounds for harassed game, but absolute a . : PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. rf sanctuaries. Under no condition should they be open to the sportsman. No gun should be fired, no animal slaughtered or captured save by the direct authority of the wardens of the sanctuaries, and for the direct advantage of the denizens of the sanctuaries, for the removal of noxious individuals, the controlling of species that were increasing beyond reason, the extirpation of diseased or unhealthy animals. The obvious examples are not the game reserves of the Old World, but the National Parks of the New World and of Australasia. In the United States, for instance, there are now the Yellowstone National Park with over two million acres, the Yosemite in California with nearly a million acres, the Grand Cafon Game Preserve with two million acres, the Mount Olympus National Monu- ment in Washington with over half a million acres, and the Superior Game and Forest Preserve with nearly a million acres, as well as a number of smaller reserves for special purposes, and a chain of coastal areas all round the shores for the preservation of birds. In Canada, in Alberta, there are the Rocky Moun- tains Park, the Yoho Park, Glacier Park, and Jasper Park, together extending to over nine million acres, whilst in British Columbia there are smaller sanctuaries. These, so far as laws can make them, are inalienable and inviolable sanctuaries for wild animals. We ought to have similar sanctuaries in every country of the world, national parks secured for all time against all the changes and chances of the nations by international agreement. In the older and more settled coun- tries the areas selected unfortunately must be determined by various considera- tions, of which faunistic value cannot be the most important. But certainly in Africa, and in large parts of Asia, it would still be possible that they should be selected in the first place for their faunistic value. The scheme for them should be drawn up by an international commission of experts in the geographical dis- tribution of animals, and the winter and summer haunts of migratory birds should be taken into consideration. It is for zoologists to lead the way, by laying down what is required to preserve for all time the most representative and most complete series of surviving species without any reference to the extrinsic value of the animals. And it then will be the duty of the nations, jointly and severally, to arrange that the requirements laid down by the experts shall be complied with. And now I come to the last side of my subject, that of Zoological Gardens, with which I have been specially connected in the last ten years. My friend M. Gustave Loisel, in his recently issued monumental ‘ Histoire des Ménageries’ has shown that in the oldest civilisations of which we have record, thousands of years before the Christian Era, wild animals were kept in captivity. He is in- clined to trace the origin of the custom to a kind of totemism. Amongst the ancient Egyptians, for instance, besides the bull and the serpent, baboons, hippo- potami, cats, lions, wolves, ichneumons, shrews, wild goats and wild sheep, and of lower-animals, crocodiles, various fishes and beetles were held sacred in different towns. These animals were protected, and even the involuntary killing of any of them was punished by the death of the slayer, but besides this general protection, the priests selected individuals which they recognised by infallible signs as being the divine animals, and tamed, guarded and fed in the sacred buildings, whilst the revenues derived from certain tracts of land were set apart for their support. The Egyptians were also famous hunters and kept and tamed various wild animals, including cheetahs, striped hyenas, leopards, and even lions which they used in stalking their prey. The tame lions were sometimes clipped, as in ancient Assyria, and used both in the chase and in war. The rich Egyptians of Memphis had large parks in which they kept not only the domestic animals we now know, but troops of gazelles, antelopes, and cranes which were certainly tame and were herded by keepers with wands. So also in China at least fifteen centuries before our era, wild animals were captured in the far north by the orders of the Emperor and were kept in the Royal Parks. A few centuries later the Emperor Wen-Wang established a zoological collection between Pekin and Nankin, his design being partly educational, as it was called the Park of Intelligence. In the valley of the Euphrates, centuries before the time of Moses, there were lists of sacred animals, and records of the keeping in captivity of apes, elephants, rhinoceroses, camels and dromedaries, gazelles end antelopes, and it may well be that the legend of the Garden of Eden is a memory of the Royal Menagerie of some ancient king. The Greeks, whose richest men had none of the wealth of the Egyptians or of the princes of the East, do not appear to have kept many wild animals, but the magnates of imperial Rome captured large 8 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. numbers of leopards, lions, bears, elephants, antelopes, giraffes, camels, rhino- ceroses and hippotami, and ostriches and crocodiles, and kept them in cap- tivity, partly for use in the arena, and partly as a display of the pomp and power of wealth. In later times royal persons and territorial nobles frequently kept menageries of wild animals, aviaries and aquaria, but all of these have long since vanished. Thus, although the taste for keeping wild animals in captivity dates from the remotest antiquity, all the modern collections are of comparatively recent origin, the oldest being the Imperial Menagerie of the palace of Schénbrunn, Vienna, which was founded about 1752, whilst some of the most important are only a few years old. These existing collections are of two kinds. A few are the private property of wealthy landowners, and their public importance is due partly to the opportunity they have afforded for experiments in acclimatisation on an extensive scale, and still more to the refuge they have given to the relics of decaying species. The European bison is one of the best-known cases of such preservation, but a still more extraordinary instance is that of Pére David’s deer, a curious and isolated type which was known only in captivity in the Imperial Parks of China. The last examples in China were killed in the Boxer war, and the species would be absolutely extinct but for the small herd maintained by the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey. In 1909 this herd consisted of only twenty-eight individuals ; it now numbers sixty-seven. The second and best-known types of collections of living animals are in the public Zoological Gardens and Parks maintained by Societies, private companies, States and municipalities. There are now more than a hundred of these in existence, of which twenty-eight are in the United States, twenty in the German Empire, five in England, one in Ireland, and none in Scotland. But perhaps I may be allowed to say how much I hope that the efforts of the Zoological Society of Scotland will be successful, and that before many months are over there will be a Zoological Park in the capital of Scotland. There is no reason of situation or of climate which can be urged against it. The smoke and fog of London are much more baleful to animals than the east winds of Edinburgh. The Gardens of North Germany and the excellent institution at Copenhagen have to endure winters much more severe than those of lowland Scotland, whilst the arctic winter and tropical summer of New York form a peculiarly unfortunate combination, and none the less the Bronx Park at New York is one of the most delightful menageries in existence. The Zoological Society of Scotland will have the great advantage of beginning where other institutions have left off; it will be able to profit by the experience and avoid the mistakes of others. The Zoological Society of Londen would welcome the establishment of a Menagerie in Scotland, for scientific and practical reasons. As I am speaking in Scotland, I may mention two of the practical reasons. The first is that in Great Britain we labour under a serfous disadvantage as compared with Germany with regard to the importation of rare animals. When a dealer in the tropics has rare animals to dispose of, he must send them to the best market, for dealing in wild animals is a risky branch of commerce. If he send them to this country, there are very few possible buyers, and it often happens that he is unable to find a purchaser. If he send them to Germany, one or other of the twenty Gardens is almost certain to absorb them, and failing Germany, Belgium and Holland are near at hand. Were there twenty prosperous Zoo- logical Gardens in Great Britain, they could be better stocked, at cheaper rates, than those we have now. The second practical reason is that it is a great advan- tage to menageries to have easy opportunities of lending and exchanging ahimals ; for it often happens that as a result of successful breeding or of gifts on the one hand, or of deaths on the other, a particular institution is overstocked with one species or deficient in another. One of the ideas strongly in the minds of those who founded the earlier of modern Zoological Gardens was the introduction and acclimatisation of exotic animals that might have an economic value. It is curious how completely this idea has been abandoned and how infertile it has proved. The living world would seem to offer an almost unlimited range of creatures which might be turned to the profit of man and as domesticated animals supply some of his wants. And yet I do not know of any important addition to domesticated animals since the remotest antiquity. A few birds for the coverts, fancy water-fowl for ponds and lakes, and brightly plumaged birds for cages or for aviaries have been intro- PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 duced, chiefly through zoological societies, but we must seek other reasons for their existence than these exiguous gains. Menageries are useful in the first place as educational institutions, in the widest sense of the word. Every new generation should have an opportunity of seeing the wonder and variety of animated nature, and of learning something that they cannot acquire from books or pictures or lectures about the chief types of wild animals. For that reason Zoological Gardens should be associated in some form with elementary and secondary education. We in London admit the children from elementary schools on five mornings in the week at the nominal charge of a penny for each child, and in co-operation with the Educational Com- mittee of the London County Council, we conduct courses of lectures and demon- strations for the teachers who will afterwards bring their children to visit the Gardens. Menageries provide one of the best schools for students of art, for nowhere else than amongst living animals are to be found such strange fantasies of colour, such play of light on contour and surface, such intricate and beautiful harmonies of function and structure. To encourage art the London Society allows students of recognised schools of drawing and painting, modelling and designing, to use the Gardens at nominal rates. Menageries provide a rich material for the anatomist, histologist, physiologist, parasitologist and pathologist. It is surprising to note how many of the animals used by Lamarck and Cuvier, Johannes Miiller and Wiedersheim, Owen and Huxley were obtained from Zoological Gardens. At all the more important gardens increasing use is being made of the material for the older purposes of anatomical research and for the newer purposes of pathology and physiology. There remains the fundamental reason for the existence of Menageries, that they are collections of living animals and therefore an essential material for the study of zoology. Systematic zoology, comparative anatomy, and even morphology, the latter the most fascinating of all the attempts of the human intellect to re- create nature within the categories of the human mind, have their reason and their justification in the existence of living animals under conditions in which we can observe them. And this leads me to a remark which ought to be a truism but which, unfortunately, is still far from being a truism. The essential difference between a zoological museum and a menagerie is that in the latter the animals are alive. The former takes its value from its completeness, from the number of rare species of which it has examples, and from the extent to which its collec- tions are properly classified and arranged. The value of a menagerie is not its zoological completeness, not the number of rare animals that at any moment it may contain, not even the extent to which it is duly labelled and systematically arranged, but the success with which it displays its inhabitants as living creatures under conditions in which they can exercise at least some of their vital activities. The old ideal of a long series of dens or cages in which representatives of kindred species could mope opposite their labels is surely but slowly disappearing. It is a museum arrangement, and not an arrangement for living animals. The old ideal by which the energy and the funds of a Menagerie were devoted in the first place to obtaining species ‘ new to the collection’ or ‘new to science’ is surely but slowly disappearing. It is the instinct of a collector, the craving of a systematist, but is,misplaced in those who have the charge of living animals. Certainly we like to have many species, to have rare species, and even to have new species represented in our Menageries. But what we are learning to like most of all is to have the examples of the species we possess, whether these be new or old, housed in such a way that they can live long, and live happily, and live under conditions in which their natural habits, instincts, movements, and routine of life can be studied by the naturalist and enjoyed by the lover of animals. Slowly the new conditions are creeping in, most slowly in the older institu- tions hampered by lack of space, cumbered with old and costly buildings, oppres- sed by the habits of long years and the traditions established by men who none the less are justly famous in the history of zoological science. Space, open air, scrupulous attention to hygiene and diet, the provision of some attempt at natural environment are receiving attention that they have never received before. You will see the signs of the change in Washington and New York, in London and Berlin, in Antwerp and Rotterdam, and in all the Gardens of Germany. It was 10 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION D. begun simultaneously, or at least independently, in many places and under the inspiration of many men. It is, I think, part of a general process in which civilised man is replacing the old hard curiosity about nature by an attempt at sympathetic comprehension. We no longer think of ourselves as alien from the rest of nature, using our lordship over it for our own advantage; we recognise ourselves as part of nature, and by acknowledging our kinship we are on the suvest road to an intelligent mastery. But I must mention one name, that of Carl Hagenbeck of Hamburg, to be held in high honour by all zoologists and naturalists, although he was not the pioneer, for the open-air treatment and rational display of wild. animals in captivity were being begun in many parts of the world while the Thier-Park at Stellingen was still a suburban waste. He has brought a reckless enthusiasm, a vast practical knowledge and a sympathetic imagination to bear on the treatment of living animals, and it would be equally ungenerous and foolish to fail to recognise the widespread and beneficent influence of his example. ; However we improve the older menageries and however numerous and well- arranged the new menageries may be, they must always fall short of the con- ditions of nature, and here I find another reason for the making of zoological sanctuaries throughout the world. If these be devised for the preservation of animals, not merely for the recuperation of game, if they be kept sacred from gun or rifle, they will become the real Zoological Gardens of the future, in which our children and our children’s children will have the opportunity of studying wild animals under natural conditions. I myself have so great a belief in the capacity of wild animals for learning to have confidence in man, or rather for losing the fear of him that they have been forced to acquire, that I think that man, innocent of the intent to kill, will be able to penetrate fearlessly into the sanctuaries, with camera and notebook and field-glass. In any event all that the guardians of the future will have to do will be to reverse the conditions of our existing menageries and to provide secure enclosures for the visitors instead of for the animals. I must end as I began this Address by pleading the urgency of the questions I have been submitting to you as an excuse for diverting your attention to a branch of zoology which is alien from the ordinary avocations of most zoologists, but which none the less is entitled to their fullest support. Again let me say to you that I do not wish to appeal to sentiment; I am of the old school, and, believing that animals are subject and inferior to man, I set no limits to human usufruct of the animal kingdom. But we are zoologists here, and zoology is the science of the living thing. We must use all avenues to knowledge of life, studying the range of form in systematic museums, form itself in laboratories, and the living animal in sanctuaries and menageries. And we must keep all avenues to knowledge open for our successors, as we cannot guess what questions they may have to put to nature. 7 British Association for the Hdvancement of Science. SECTION E: DUNDEE, 1912. ADDRESS TO THE GEOGRAPHICAL SECTION BY CoLtoneL Sir C. M. WATSON, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.A., R.E., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. Tue last occasion upon which the City of Dundee extended its hospitality to the members of the British Association was in 1867, forty-five years ago, and at that meeting the President of the Geographical Section was Sir Samuel Baker, who had then recently returned from his explorations on the Upper Nile, for which he had been awarded the Patron’s Medal of the Royal Geographical Society, and which were of the greatest importance as regards that then little- known river. In the Address which he gave to Section E, Sir Samuel Baker naturally referred at considerable length to the geography of the Sudan, and to the ques- tion of the sources of the Nile, which had been discovered a few years pre- viously by Captain Speke and Captain Grant, when they visited the great lake, named by them the Victoria Nyanza, out of which flows the main branch of the river, the fertiliser of Egypt, which, after a course of more than 3,500 miles, pours its waters into the Mediterranean. He also spoke of the second great lake, the Albert Nyanza, which he had himself discovered, after a long and very arduous journey, though, perhaps naturally, he did not dwell so much on what he had himself accomplished, as another speaker might have done. The words he spoke are well worth calling to remembrance, and, on reading them over, one is struck by the fact that hardly anything was then known of the country through which he travelled, but that, thanks to him and his predecessors, Speke and Grant, the first steps were taken which led to half-a-century of steady progress in geographical knowledge, until now the basin of the Upper Nile is fairly well known and fairly well mapped. To-day I propose to take up the tale where Sir Samuel Baker had to stop, and to give a short résumé of the story of the Sudan since those days, more especially from the geographical point of view; but it will be necessary briefly to allude to its history also, for, in this case, as in all others, history and geography are closely united, and it is difficult to understand one without knowing something of the other. There is a considerable amount of uncertainty in the minds of some people as to what the Sudan is, an uncertainty not without reason, as the word has an ethnological rather than a geographical meaning. The complete word, Balad-es- Sudan, is an Arabic expression for the country.of the black people, and there- fore includes, theoretically, all those parts of Africa which are inhabited by negro or negroid races. There has, however, been such a mingling of different races that it would be difficult to say to what part of the great continent the word Sudan should properly be applied. But, of recent years, changing from its original ethnological meaning, it has come to be regarded as the name of a more limited area; and perhaps the simplest definition is that it includes all the 1) 2 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. country watered by the Nile and its tributaries, as far north as the twentieth degree of latitude, and excluding the Sahara, and the basins of Lake Chad and the Congo on the west, and the districts watered -by the river systems which terminate in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean on the east. Such a definition does not, of course, altogether agree with the existing political divisions, as it includes the eastern part of Abyssinia, Uganda, and part of the Congo State territory ; but these divisions are in no sense geographical, whereas the basin of the Nile is a well-defined region which contains the greater portion of what may be regarded as the real Sudan. There is one point as regards the geography of the Sudan which is remark- able and perhaps unique. In former times it was to a certain extent known, and, in the maps of Ptolemy, and of the Middle Ages, the great lakes, the ranges of mountains, and the rivers flowing from them, are indicated in a distinct, if not very accurate manner. But, owing to various causes, this geographical knowledge was completely lost, and the natural features dis- appeared from the maps. Look, for example, at Keith Johnston’s Atlas, pub- lished in 1843, and you will see that there are no lakes shown, while the Nile to the south of 10° North latitude is indicated as an insignificant stream. The Sudan had relapsed into the position of a terra incognita, just as it had been in the days of Herodotus, and Ptolemy and the other ancient geographers were regarded as victims of their imaginations. The revival of the knowledge of geography of the Sudan may be said to commence with the travels of James Bruce, who visited Abyssinia in 1770, explored Lake Tsana, and found what he believed to be the true source of the Nile in the River Abai, which ran into the lake from the south. He examined the place where the Blue Nile flowed out of Lake Tsana, but was not able to follow its course through the western mountains of Abyssinia, and rejoined it at Sennaar, about 220 miles above the junction with the White Nile. Travelling along the south bank of the Blue Nile, he crossed it at the ferry of El Efun, and then went on to Halfaya, north of the site of the present town of Khartum, which at that time did not exist. Of the White Nile he says: ‘ At half-past eight, about four miles further, we came to the village Wad Hogali. The river Abiad, which is larger than the Nile, joins it there. Still the Nile preserves the name of Bahr-el-Azrek, or the Blue River, which it got at Sennaar. The Abiad is a very deep river; it runs dead, and with little inclination: because, rising in latitudes where there are continual rains, it therefore suffers not the decrease the Nile does by the six months’ dry weather.’~ This is all he says of the White Nile, and he does not seem even to have taken the trouble to look at - it, as he reports the point of junction of the two rivers as four miles north of Halfaya, whereas it is to the south of that place. He was so convinced that the Blue River was the one and only Nile that he regarded the investigation of the White Nile as unimportant, and shows it on his map as a comparatively insignificant river. Bruce’s action in this matter is a warning to explorers not to neglect to examine something that does not fit in with their preconceived ideas. At the time of Bruce’s visit the origin of the White Nile seems to have been unknown to the inhabitants of the kingdom of Sennaar, a kingdom which had been established in 1504 by the Fung dynasty, which had taken possession of what had been the Christian kingdom of Alwah. Soba, the capital of Alwah, was abandoned, and a new town built at Sennaar, which was made the seat of government. The Fungs were partly of Arab and partly of negro descent, and their kingdom extended east of the Blue Nile to the foot of the Abyssinian Mountains, and westward as far as the White Nile, beyond which were the independent kingdoms of Kordofan and Darfur. At that time there appears to have been little or no traffic on the White Nile, and the marshes of the tenth degree, inhabited by the powerful Shilluk tribes, formed an impenetrable barrier to the south. But, although after Bruce’s expedition to Lake 'l'sana the majority of people seem to have accepted the Blue River as the true Nile, there were some wider- minded people who felt that there was a secret hidden behind the marsh barrier. One of these was a certain Mr, W. G. Browne, who made an interesting journey to Darfur in 1793, and who records in the account of his travels that he had the conviction that the river, of which Bruce had discovered the source, was not the true Nile, and that he considered it a matter of great importance that the PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 3 course of the more western river, i.e. the White Nile, should be investigated, as he could not believe that its source was only two hundred leagues south of Sennaar. Starting from Egypt, Browne travelled with a merchant’s caravan from Assiut, by way of the oases of Khargeh and Selima, to El Fasher, in Darfur. Here he remained for three years, but was not able to do much in the way of exploration, as he was thwarted by the king and people, and was not allowed to go to Sennaar or to explore the White Nile. He collected, however, from the accounts given him by the natives, a good set of itineraries in Darfur and Kordofan, the first, so far as | know, compiled for the Sudan. But his efforts to obtain information as to the source of the White Nile were not successful, and all he was able to learn was that ten days’ journey south of a place called Abu Telfan, the Bahr-el-Abiad had its source in forty rivers, which came from the hills of Kumr. It seems probable that these numerous rivers were those that form the head waters of the Bahr-el-Ghazal, and that the people of Darfur knew as little about the Bahr-el-Gebel, as the southern part of the White Nile is called, as the people of Sennaar. But although Browne was not able himself to solve the mystery, his name should not be forgotten, as being one of the first in modern times to realise the fact that the White Nile was the longer of the two rivers. His views, how- ever, seem to have met with no support, and Bruce was supposed to have settled the question of the sources of the Nile. The great lakes, shown by Ptolemy and the medieval geographers, were, as I have already mentioned, erased from the map, and the White Nile was left in peace. During the visit of Browne to Darfur the kingdom of Sennaar had fallen upon evil times, as an insurrection, which had commenced during the reign of Bady, ended with the death of King Adlan in 1789, when the Fung dynasty came to an end, and all authority fell into the hands of the tribal chiefs, who made and removed the kings of Sennaar at their pleasure. The internecine wars continued up to the time of the arrival of the Egyptians in the Sudan, and greatly facilitated the advance of the latter. This advance of the Egyptians was due to the policy of Mahomed Ali Pasha, the Turkish Governor of Egypt, who had greatly increased his power by a successful campaign in Arabia in 1812-18, when he succeeded in capturing Mecca and Medina, and made himself master of the country. He then turned his atten- tion to the Sudan, and decided to take advantage of the local troubles and to add Sennaar and Kordofan to the Egyptian dominions. In 1820 he sent an army up the Nile, under his son Ismail, who took possession of Dongola and the country adjacent to the river, as far as the junction of the Blue and White Niles, and, after seizing Sennaar, marched up the Blue Nile to Fazokl, on the Abyssinian frontier. Kordofan was also occupied, and the capital of the new Egyptian province was placed at Khartum, the point where the two Niles met, which took the place of the old capital of Sennaar: but no attempt was made to take possession of the country along the White Nile to more than about one hundred miles south of Khartum. So little was that river known beyond this that when Linant Pasha succeeded in sailing up the river as far as the Island of Aba he was supposed to have arrived at the furthest point reached by a European since the first century. No further advance was made for a few years, but, in 1838, Mahomed Ali decided to try to open up the White Nile, and an expedition under Major Selim, of the Egyptian Army, succeeded in making its way through the marsh district, and in reaching a point about 6° 30’ North latitude on the Bahr-el- Gebel, while another expedition in 1842 got as far as Gondokoro. It was, thus proved that the marshes were not impenetrable, and trading stations began to be opened up, both on the Bahr-el-Gebel and the Bahr-el-Ghazal. On the former river, however, the traders could not at first proceed further than Gondokoro, as the rapids, which commenced a few miles south of that place, made navigation by sailing vessels impracticable, so the merchants had to establish their depots at Gondokoro and depend upon the natives bringing ivory from the south. To these natives the opening of the river proved a great evil, as the legitimate traders were soon followed by slave-hunters, who carried thousands into cap- tivity, while killing many others. By the ill-will thus created the difficulty ot exploration was increased. In the end, the source of the White Nile was dis- 4 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. covered not from the north, but from the south, when Captain Speke, who, in company with Captain Burton, was exploring Central Africa from the east coast, heard of a great lake lying to the north, and succeeded in reaching the south end of the Victoria Nyanza in 1858. Convinced that he had found the long-desired source of the Nile, he started on another expedition, accompanied by Captain Grant, in 1860, and, after marching round the Victoria Lake, reached Gondokoro in 1863. Here he met Sir Samuel Baker, who had started from Khartum in 1862, in the hope of discovering the Nile sources. The information given by Speke and Grant showed that they had forestalled him; but he continued his journey, and in 1864 succeeded in reaching the Albert Nyanza, the second great lake from which the White Nile derives its water. Thus, at length, after a lapse of many centuries, the truth of the statements made by Ptolemy and other ancient geographers was justified, and the lakes shown by them were restored to the map of Africa, while the White Nile was proved to be the real Nile, and the Blue Nile was relegated to the position ot being the most important tributary. During the period of the travels of Speke and Baker the slave trade had been rapidly increasing, and the traders had practically taken possession of the country, and made themselves independent of the Egyptian authorities in Khartum. These slave traders cared nothing for geography, and had matters remained as they were at that time, it is probable that a State hostile to Europeans would have been established, and all chance of further exploration would have been lost. | But in 1869 the Khedive Ismail, who had succeeded as ruler of Egypt in 1863, and had obtained largely increased powers from the Sultan, decided to restore his authority on the White Nile, and appointed Sir Samuel Baker as Governor of the country south of Gondokoro, with instructions to establish Egyptian rale as far as he could to the south of that point. But nature fought against Baker, and the difficulty of sailing up the White Nile had been enormously increased by the formation of the sudd, that strange vegetable barrier which at times completely closes the river channel, and he did not reach Gondokoro until two years had elapsed from the time of his departure from Khartum. There he hoisted the Egyptian flag, and then proceeded to occupy the country to the south. But he was not successful, as the force at his disposal was quite in- sufficient, and, though he established a few stations on the road from Gondokoro to Foweira, on the Upper Nile, little effective had been done when he re- turned to Gondokoro in April 1873. Neither was he able to do much in the way of geographical research, and, greatly to his regret, was unable to revisit the lake which he had discovered on his first journey. In 1874 Colonel Gordon was appointed to succeed Baker, and, leaving Khar- tum in March, reached Gondokoro in twenty-four days, the sudd, fortunately for him, having been cut through by the Egyptian officials only a month before his arrival in the Sudan. “Gordon ruled the equatorial provinces until October 1876, and during that time did much to tranquillise the country, as he had a remarkable influence over the natives. He moved the headquarters of the government from Gondokoro to Lado, and established a chain of posts along the Nile to Duflé, and thence to Nyamyongo, in Uganda, about eighty miles below the Ripon Falls. He also placed two steamers and two sailing-boats on the Albert Lake to facilitate communication. Gordon devoted much attention to the geography of the district, and prepared a map of the White Nile from Khartum to Urondogani, superior to any that had preceded it. This map included a plan of the Albert N Yyanza, based on surveys made by Gessi and Mason, both of whom circumnavigated the lake. Mason reported the existence of the river, now called the Semliki, entering the lake from the south, but was unable to enter it, as the water was too shallow for his vessel. Soon after his arrival at Gondokoro Gordon fully realised the difficulty of keeping up communication with Egypt by the Nile, and requested the Khedive to send an expedition to Formosa Bay, about a hundred miles north of Mombasa, on the east coast of Africa, with the view of opening up a road towards the Nile. The route he thought of was a little north of that now followed by the Uganda railway ; but at the time he made the proposal the country was entirely unknown, and the difficulties would have been much greater than he anticipated. The idea, however, came to nothing, first, because the expedition was sent to the PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 5 River Juba, on the border of Somaliland, which was much too far to the north, and, secondly, because it was ordered away by the British Government, which considered that it was encroaching on the territories of the Sultan of Zanzibar. At the time that Gordon was establishing Egyptian authority in the equatorial provinces the Khedive’s dominions were being extended by the conquest of Darfur, and the occupation of the province of Harrar, with its port at Zeila, in the Gulf of Aden. An excellent reconnaissance of Kordofan was carried out by Colonel Prout, of the United States Survey Department, in 1875, and a recon- naissance of Darfur was made by Colonel Purdy, another American in the Egyptian service, so that considerable additions were made at this period to the geographical knowledge of the Sudan. But soon afterwards there was a serious setback to the Khedive Ismail’s projects of conquest. Having acquired Massowah, Tajurra, and Zeila, on the Red Sea, he sent an expedition into Abyssinia in 1875, which was cut to pieces at Gundet, on the road to Adua, and another larger force sent in the following year was utterly defeated by the Abyssinians and had to retreat, with great loss, to Massowah. Some surveys were made by the American officers on the staff of the Egyptian Army, but these expeditions did but little for geography, and their fate was the precursor of the destruction of Egyptian power in the Sudan. Colonel Gordon returned to Egypt in December 1876, and early in the follow- ing year was appointed Governor-General of the whole Sudan, a post he held for nearly three years, years of incessant labour, during which, much to his regret, he was able to do little for geography: as, though he travelled many thousands of miles through his vast territories, his whole time was occupied with questions of administration. He was wonderfully successful in his dealings with tie inhabitants, and had he been left alone for a few years, the history of the Sudan would have been different; but he was constantly urged to send money to Cairo, money which he could not obtain without following the example of his pre- decessors and oppressing the inhabitants. This he would not do, and resigned in August 1879, when he was succeeded by an Egyptian Pasha, who revived the old bad customs of the country. His appointment led to the result that might have been anticipated, and in 1881 the revolt led by Mahomed Achmed, the Mahdi, broke out, and the Egyptians were driven out of the Sudan. Then the country was completely closed to Europeans, and nothing further could be done in the way of geographical discovery until the defeat of the rebels at Omdurman in 1898. Now, fortunately, peace is restored, a peace which, it may be hoped, will be a lasting one. To geographers, of course, the existing state of affairs is very satisfactory, as it will undoubtedly lead to an increase in our knowledge of the Sudan and its resources. That knowledge is still very limited, much more so than many people are aware, and there are vast regions which still stand in need of careful examination. Maps, especially small scale maps, are misleading, and convey the impression that more is known than is really known. Take, for example, the case of the Blue Nile, one of the most important tributaries of the great river. Of this, the head waters, Lake Tsana, first carefully examined by James Bruce, are fairly well known, and a good reconnaissance of this lake was made by Mr. C. Dupuis, of the Egyptian Irrigation Department, in 1903, a copy of whose interesting report is attached to the valuable Report on the Basin of the Nile, made by Sir W. Garstin in 1904. The course of the Blue Nile from Famaka on the Abyssinian frontier to Khar- tum is also fairly well known, although not yet accurately surveyed. But of the river between Lake Tsana and Famaka, and of its course through the mountains of Abyssinia, our knowledge is most elementary, and it is doubtful whether the line as marked upon maps is correct. Here is a chance for a resolute explorer to distinguish himself by making a really good reconnaissance of this part of the river, and following it carefully from Lake Tsana to Famaka. But it would probably be rather an arduous task, and there would be many difficulties, natural and human, to overcome. The question of the Blue Nile is only one of the many geographical problems to be solved in the Sudan. The upper waters of other tributaries, such as the Atbara, the Rahad, the Dinder, and the Sobat, and the mountains from which they flow, are also little known, and will require years of exploration, while great areas of the level country of the Nile basin remain unvisited and unsur- 6 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. veyed. This can be well realised by anyone reading Sir W. Garstin’s excellent report already mentioned, in which he gives an admirable summary of the hydrography, and deals with the important question as to the manner in which the water of the different tributaries of the Nile can best be utilised for improv- ing the agricultural capacity both of the Sudan and of Egypt. Among other projects with this object he proposes the cutting of an entirely new channel of more than two hundred miles in length, so as to allow the waters of the Bahr-el- Gebel to leave the existing channel at Bor, eighty miles north of Gondokoro, and to rejoin the Nile near the mouth of the Sobat below the sudd district; but, as he justly points out, the country through which this new channel would pass is practically unknown, as the whole of the area lying between the Bahr-el-Gebel, the Bahr-ez-Zaraf, and the Sobat is a terra incognita, Sir W. Garstin points out that there is a great loss of water from the Bahr- el-Gebel between Gondokoro and Bor, for which he cannot account, and this is another point requiring to be investigated. Reading his remarks upon this subject reminds me of the time when I was assisting in General Gordon’s survey of the Nile, when on this part of the river, at a point about fifty miles north of Gondokoro, I noticed a considerable branch leaving the Bahr-el-Gebel, and going apparently in a north-easterly direction. The native pilot told me that it was reported by the inhabitants to join the Sobat. It was impossible to investigate the truth of this statement, which, at the time, seemed rather doubtful, but it is interesting to note that a high authority like Sir W. Garstin records that the Nile loses a considerable volume .of water near this place. . Whether the proposal of Sir W. Garstin to make this great canal will ever be carried out is doubtful; for my own part, I am inclined to think that, having regard to the amount of work to be done in the Sudan, it would be better to leave the Bahr-el-Gebel alone for the present. The cost of a canal such as that suggested would be very large, and if funds were available it would be better to spend them on a railway from the Sobat southwards. Sooner or later the rail- way, which now runs some distance south of Khartum to. the point where it crosses the White Nile into Kordofan, will be extended, and in process of time will reach the Sobat. Meanwhile it might be worth while to select a point on the Sobat suitable for a bridge, and to make that point the northern terminus of a line of railway, leading southwards to Gondokoro, and later, on to Uganda. Communication between Khartum and this terminus would, for the present, be kept up by the White Nile, which, with the exception of one or two places, is navigable for the whole year. Looking at the question of the Sudan from the geographical point of view, there has been a wonderful increase of knowledge since the last meeting of the British Association in Dundee: but, on the other hand, there is a larger amount of work yet to be done before the whole of the vast area will have been satisfac- torily surveyed, and it must be remembered that the Sudan Government has claims of greater importance at present than that of carrying out a complete trigonometrical survey. But exploration will no doubt be carried on year by year, and the blank spaces on the map will gradually be filled up. Meanwhile we must wish Godspeed to the British officers in the Sudan, who are carrying out a great work of civilisation, and, at the same time, adding to the geographical knowledge of the world. Leaving the Sudan, I would like to allude to a very important geographical undertaking which has made considerable progress during the past’ year! This is the production of the international Map of the World on the scale of z554550- a project which has been under the consideration of the leading geographers of the important countries for more than twenty years, since it was first proposed at the International Geographical Congress held at Berne in 1891. The question was discussed at succeeding Geographical Congresses, but did not take definite shape until the meeting held at Geneva in 1908, when a series of resolutions dealing with the subject were drawn up by a Committee composed of dis- tinguished men of many nations, which was appointed to formulate rules for the production of the maps, so as to ensure that they should be prepared upon a uniform system. These resolutions were approved at a general meeting of the Geneva Con- gress, and were forwarded by the Swiss Government to the British Government for consideration, whereupon the latter issued invitations to the Governments of PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 7 Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Italy, Spain, and the United States of North America, asking them to nominate delegates to act as the members of an International Committee to meet in London and debate the question. This Committee assembled at the Foreign Office in November 1909, and Colonel S. C. N. Grant, C.M.G., then Director-General of the British Ordnance Survey, was appointed President. The proceedings were opened by the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Sir Charles Hardinge, G.C.M.G., now Lord Hardinge, who, in his address, referred to the progress that had already been made with regard to the International Map, and expressed the hope, on behalf of the British Government, that the great undertaking might be brought to a satisfactory conclusion. The main business before the Committee was to settle on the mode of execu- tion of the map, especially as regards the size of the sheets, so as to ensure that adjacent sheets, published by different countries, should fit together; and also to settle upon the symbols, printing, and conventional signs to be used, in order that these should be uniform throughout. A series of resolutions, embodying the decisions arrived at concerning these various points, was approved and drawn up in English, French, and German, the first of these languages being taken as the authoritative text. As the map was to embrace the whole surface of the globe, the method of projection to be adopted was, of course, a very important consideration, and, after due deliberation, it was decided that a modified poly- conic projection, with the meridians shown as straight lines, and with each sheet plotted independently on its central meridian, would prove the most satis- factory. The surface of the sphere was divided into zones, each containing four degrees of latitude, commencing at the equator, and extending to 88° North, and 88° South latitude. There were thus twenty-four zones on each side of the equator, and these were distinguished by the letters A to V north, and A to V south. This fixed the height of each sheet. For the width of the sheets, the surface of the sphere was divided into sixty segments, each containing six degrees of longitude, and numbered consecutively from one to sixty, commencing at longi- tude 180°. This arrangement made each sheet contain six degrees of longitude by four degrees of latitude; but, as the width of the sheets diminished as they approached the poles, it was decided that. beyond 60° North, or 60° South, two or more sheets could be combined. Each sheet could thus be given a clear identification number defining its position on the surface of the globe, without it being necessary to mention the country included in it, or the latitude and longi- tude. For example, the sheet containing the central part of England is called North, N. 30. In order to ensure that the execution of all the maps should be identical, a scheme of lettering and of conventional topographical signs was drawn up and attached to the resolutions; and it was decided that a scale of kilometres should be shown on each sheet, and also a scale of the national measure of length of the country concerned. As regards the representations of altitude it was arranged that contours should be shown at vertical intervals of a hundred metres, or at smaller intervals in the case of very flat, and larger in the case of steep ground, the height being measured from mean sea-level, as determined in the case of each country.: while the levels of the surface of the country were to be indicated by a scale of colour tints, the colours being green from 0 to 300 metres, brown from 300 to 2,500 metres, and pnurple above 2,500 metres. In the same manner the depths of the ocean and of large lakes were to be indicated by varying tints of blue, so as to show intervals of 100 metres. In order to ensure uniformity in the scale of colours to be used, a copy of it, as approved by the Committee, was included in the plate of topographical symbols. The whole scheme was thoroughly well worked out, and great credit is due to the members of the International Committee for the manner in which they carried out their difficult task. Since the meeting of the Committee in 1909 the preparation of the sheets, in accordance with the principles decided upon, has been taken in hand in several countries, and a number of these have been issued, which give a good idea of what this great map, the largest ever contemplated, will be like. These sheets deserve to be carefully studied, and will doubtless be the subject of considerable criticism, as there are several points which seem worthy of examination. 8 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION E. In the first place, it is for consideration whether it would not have been better if the colour scheme for representing differences of altitude had been omitted, as it is doubtful whether the advantage of the result gained is commensurate with the increased cost of printing the colours. And one naturally asks for what purpose is the map intended. Is it for the use of skilled geographers, of whom there are a comparatively small number in each country, or is it for the instruc- tion of ordinary people? If it is for the latter, it is to be feared that the colour scheme will give rise to erroneous impressions. Compare, for example, Sheet North, M 31, of France, with Sheet South, H 34, of part of South Africa. In the former, as the greater part of the country shown is less than 300 metres above the sea, the general colour of the sheet is green, while in the latter, as nearly the whole of the country included has an altitude of more than 300 metres, the map is for the most part brown. This to the less educated man will probably convey the idea that, while France is a fertile country, South Africa is a desert. The fact, too, that the darker tint of green represents the lower level and the lighter the higher, while, in the case of the brown, the lighter represents the lower and the darker the higher, and, in the case of the purple, the relative strength of the tints is again reversed, is rather confusing. There is another point as regards the colour scheme which might be noticed. that is, that it is not the same on different sheets. For example, the scale of tints adopted in Sheet North, O 30 (Scotland), North, M 31 (France), and North, K 35 (Turkey), do not correspond. In the Scotch map the brown colour commences at an altitude of 200 metres, in the French at 300 metres, and in the Turkish at 400 metres. There may be some reason for this, but it appears not to be in accord with the resolutions of the Committee. Another reason for omitting the colour scheme for altitudes is that it might be better to keep colour work for other purposes, such as indicating political divisions, as there can be little doubt that so good a map as this, when completed, will be largely used for many purposes. It might be better that on a map of this small scale only the horizontal features, such as coast lines, river courses, railways, roads, and the position of towns should be shown, while to represent height graphically tends to obscure the former. Another criticism I would venture to make is that the resolutions of the Committee appear to have been drawn up on the supposition that the whole world has been accurately surveyed, and no attempt seems to have been made to distinguish between those regions of which the maps are based on triangula- tion, such as England and parts of Europe, and the countries of which complete surveys have not yet been made. As the construction of the map proceeds and sheets are prepared of parts of the world our knowledge of which is imperfect, this want will become more pressing, but it is noticeable even with regard to the sheets already published. It is one of the evils of cartography that where any- thing is shown on a carefully engraved map it comes to be regarded as true, and, if it afterwards turns out to be erroneous, it is not easy to get it altered. The scale of the map, jg2555,appears to have been wisely chosen, as it is sufficiently large to give an adequate amount of detail, while, at the same time, the sheets will not be unduly numerous. Of course, for an international map a cadastral scale was essential, although for national maps a scale based upon the national system of measures is more convenient, as, for example, in the United Kingdom, where the scales of one inch and six inches to the mile are better. than scales of zgAs55 and 55355 would have been. They are more suited for the majority ot individuals, and an ordinary foot-rule can be used for measuring distances, instead of having to take them off with a pair of dividers from the printed scale on the map. Looked at from the general point of view, there can be no doubt that the International Map is a most important and valuable undertaking. It is satisfac- tory that such a leading part in the matter has been taken by the British officers of the Royal Engineers and by the Royal Geographical Society. In speaking of this map I have referred to the advisability, if not the neces- sity, of distinguishing between what is accurately and what is inaccurately known, and this brings me to another matter of considerable interest, the pre- paration of maps based upon the observations and information collected by explorers in unknown or little known countries. To these explorers, some of whom have not been trained in geographical science, a large amount of detail PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 shown upon modern maps is due, and it is only a small proportion of the land sur- face of the globe that has, up to the present, been surveyed in a scientific manner. It is therefore of the greatest importance that the best value possible should be obtained from the work done by explorers, and this in the past has not always been sufficiently attended to, though during the last few years it is better understood. The people who stop at home in comfortable ease do not sufficiently realise the difficulties under which the conscientious traveller works and gathers together information about the country he passes through. Formerly, he generally had to work out his own observations and compile his own maps, but now conditions in this respect have greatly improved, and when he brings home his observations, notes, and sketches he can hand them over to some body, such as the Royal Geographical Society, by whom they will be put in shape in a better manner than he could do it for himself. One has heard of an explorer in a little- known country sitting up all night after a hard day’s work, working out his astronomical observations, and trying to put his rough surveys into shape. He would have done better to have gone to sleep and prepared himself by a good vest for the next day’s journey. In fact, it would be better if an explorer never looked at the figures of an observation after he had recorded them, or read over the notes of his past work, confining himself to recording what he has actually seen day by day as accurately as circumstances permitted, and carefully dis- eating what he really saw from what he thought he had seen, or what he had eard. It would be easy to adduce instances of the errors which have arisen from the neglect of such precautions. Perhaps one of the best known is that I have already alluded to, when James Bruce, a careful explorer, because he had made up his mind that the Blue Nile was the real Nile, passed the White Nile without taking the trouble to examine it, and recorded it as being a comparatively insignificant river. Then, there was the case of Sir Samuel Baker, who, having reached the shores of the Albert Nyanza with great difficulty, relied too much on what he was told by the natives, and showed it on his map as extending many miles to the south of the equator. But great responsibility rests also upon those who have the task of compiling a map from the notes of an explorer, and the greatest care has to be taken to show only what is really known, and not what is uncertain. Geographers, whether in the field or in the drawing office, should always hold up before themselves a standard of accuracy higher than it is always easy to live up to. Geography under its more ancient name of geometry is, of course, the mother of all sciences, although at the present time geometry has got a more narrow meaning, and is perhaps regarded by some as independent of geography, although really only a branch of it. The study of the earth upon which they lived was to the ancient nations the most important of all studies, and it is interesting to trace how astronomy, mathematics, geology, and ethnology are all so interspersed with geography that it is difficult to separate them. It is satisfactory to note how from the very first the British Association has always recognised the great importance of geography, since the first meeting of the Association at Oxford in 1832, when Sir Roderick Murchison, so well known to fame, acted as President of the Geographical and Geological Section. These two sciences remained united in the same section until the meeting at Edinburgh in 1850, when Sir R. Murchi- son was again the President. But, at the next meeting at Ipswich in 1851, they were separated, and while Geology remained as the subject of Section C, Geography, on account of its great importance, was made the subject of Section E, and the science of ethnology was united with it. Sir R. Murchison was the first President of the new Geographical Section, and was afterwards President no fewer than six times of Section E, showing the great importance attached by him to the study of the science of Geography. May I express the hope that the Presidents of the Section will endeavour in future to follow, however humbly, in the footsteps of that leader of science. E2 hy hs 7 foes | ij ‘ i ' ? - ¥e ri Pres . ‘ ff ’ ( p ' 1 7 ‘acest eee hus WATT ay . i ’ i « ‘ ‘ ; — > / 1 . * : ws ‘ ‘2 ‘ as at - . ' * } + - t« Enc. Brit., eleventh edition, article ‘ Art.’ 6 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION C. appropriate embellishments borrowed from the art of the stone-mason. It is some consolation to remember that the clients for whom the engine was built were not of this country, and that the design itself was not a product ot the workshop that was favoured with the contract to produce this amazing piece of cast-iron architecture. We have all seen wrought-iron bridges the inattractive features of which were concealed by cast-iron masks—in the form of panelling, or of sham pillars and arches with no visible means of support—that not only have no connection with the structural scheme, but suggest types of construction that could not, by any possibility, meet the requirements. Structures of this kind remind one of the pudding which the White Knight (with good reason when we remember the characteristics of his genius) considered the cleverest of his many inventions. It began, he explained, with blotting-paper, and when Alice ventured to express the opinion that that would not be very nice, he assured her that though it might not be very nice alone she had no idea what a difference it made mixing it with other things—such as gunpowder and Sealing- wax, There are, and must always be, wide differences of opinion regarding what is good or bad in matters of taste, but we may go so far in generalisation as to say that we can admire the association of elements we know to be incongruous only in compositions that are intended to be humorous. ‘ All human excellence has its basis in reason and propriety; and the mind, to be interested to any efficient purpose, must neither be distracted nor confused.’* But to be able to judge of the propriety or reasonableness of any composition we must have some knowledge of the essential qualities and relationships of its component parts, and excellence cannot depend upon an appeal to ignorance. We can quite imagine that the White Kmght’s pudding would appeal as an admirable and most ingenious concoction to one who lacked a knowledge of the dietetic value of blotting-paper and was willing to take for granted the excellence of gunpowder as a spice and of sealing-wax as a flavouring. No artist would be bold enough to include a polar bear or a walrus in the composition of a picture of the African desert, nor be prepared to consider as a legitimate exercise of the artistic imagination the depicting an Arab and his camel wending their weary way across the Arctic snows. He would recognise the incongruity, and might even realise that it is only a lack of imagination or of true inventive power that could lead anyone to resort to such measures for the securing of a desired colour scheme. These are lengths to which even artists will not go in the arrangement of elements in a composition. But an artist will secure a colour scheme at which he aims by the introduction into his landscape of a rainbow in an impossible position, or of impossible form or dimensions, or with colours arranged according to his own fancy, though in this there is a much more essential unreasonableness. A polar bear might be transported to the desert, and an Arab might conceivably find his way to the regions of snow and ice, but a rainbow cannot wander from the place assigned to it by Nature, nor can it have other than the ordained form or dimensions or sequence of colours. No artist would paint a figure holding a candle and make the light fall on the side of the face remote from the source ; but he will, and usually does, paint the moon illuminated on the side remote from the sun. Why? Simply because he has not before his mind the essential absurdity of the scheme, if indeed he knows why the moon shines, Artists who deal with nature in any of its aspects, may be commended to ‘mark, learn, and inwardly digest’ Whistler’s definition of their calling: ‘ Nature contains the elements in colour and form of all pictures . . . but the artist is born to pick and choose, and group with science, these elements, that the result may be beautiful.’ Whether or not we are to understand that Whistler intended to include an accurate knowledge of physical facts and phenomena in what he calls science, he cannot have meant anything less than sense. So in regard to the arts of construction, we may say that Mechanical Science provides the elements of all structures, and the craftsman—he he called engineer or architect—is born to pick and choose, and group with science, these elements, that the result may be useful—-and not devoid of grace, The only valid excuse for such departures from the fit and rational in painting * Mr. Duppa’s ‘ Life of Michelangelo.’ PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 7 or in structural design, as those which I have instanced, is ignorance on the part of the designer of the nature of the elements he employs, or a lack of skill to devise a possible or reasonable arrangement of details that will secure the general effect he desires. Tt may almost savour of sacrilege to quote, in this connection, from the writ- ings of that ‘ Wild, wilful, fancy’s child’ the story of whose eight short years of life and literary work Dr. John Brown has given in his charming ‘ Pet Marjorie’ —a record of perhaps the shortest human life that has formed the subject of a biography. But the lines are too pertinent to my purpose to be withheld, and the frankness of the confessions they contain, of a childlike limitation of artistic power, may be commended to those who practise either the fine arts or the arts of construction, and feel compelled to ‘trust to their imagination for their facts,’ or to resort to the association of incompatible details for lack of knowledge, or of ability to attain their ends by more reasonable means. Marjorie writes of the death of James IT. :— ‘He was killed by a common splinter, Quite in the middle of the Winter ; Perhaps it was not at that time, But I could find no other rhyme !’ ‘Quite in the middle of the winter,’ describes August 3, 1460 a.D., with no wider licence than we find assumed in the works of more experienced, if less candid, artists and craftsmen. Again in her sonnet to a monkey—written, we must remember, when she was six or seven years of age—she acknowledges the com- pelling power of an artistic aim :-— ‘ His nose’s cast is of the Roman : He is a very pretty woman. IT could not get a rhyme for Roman So was obliged to call him woman.’ It may seem that I have wandered widely from my text : those who found discourses on texts usually do! But there is, or ought to be, a closer connection than is usually recognised between the work of the engineer and that of those to whom we usually restrict the title of artist. There was no great gulf fixed between the fine arts and the utilitarian arts in earlier times. Some at least . of those to whom we owe the greatest advances in the fine arts were eminent also in the arts of construction. We may claim such men as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci as masters in the arts of construction as wel] as in those with which their names are usually associated. The separation of the beautiful and the useful is quite a modern vice. But much that I have ventured to say in the digression—if such it be—is applicable, with little or no alteration of terms, to the work of our own profession. The architect or engineer who, for the sake of effect, fills the space between the flanges of a beam or girder with slabs of stone, or cast-iron pillars and arches, that could not fulfil the function of a web, exhibits just the same lack of skill as Pet Marjorie owns up to— shall I say?—like a man. Such practices have no ‘ basis in reason and propriety,’ and the employment of such ‘decorative features’ is certainly not a ‘ grouping of elements with science.’ It is said that ‘The highest art is to conceal art’ ; the lowest in matters pertaining to our profession is to conceal ill-devised con- struction with false and senseless masks. But what I have said has, I think, a sufficiently obvious bearing on the mechanical arts—I need not further point the moral. There is an old maxim to the effect that ‘the designer should ornament his construction and not construct his ornament.’ This is an admirable rule so far as it goes, but it should be subordinated to a higher rule, that he should orna- ment his structure only if he lacks the skill to make it beautiful in itself. A structure of any kind that is intended to serve a useful end should have the beauty of appropriateness for the purpose it is to serve. It should tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, and if its character be such that it can be permitted to tell the whole truth, so much the better. It should be beautiful in the sense in which we commonly use the term with respect to a machine—we call a mechanical device beautiful only if it strikes us as accomplishing the end for / 8 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION G. which it is designed in the simplest and most direct way. Our works—like the highest creations in nature—should be beautiful and not beautified. ‘ Beautified ’ should be considered a vile phrase when applied to a work of construction, no less than when used to characterise a fair Ophelia. Artists accept the human form, at its best, as the highest embodiment of grace and beauty, but there is not a curve in the figure that is not the contour of some structural detail that is there for a definite purpose. The practice of resorting to extraneous adorn- ments to minimise crudities of structural scheme had its rise—if I mistake not— in the comparatively recent times when culture and taste were at their lowest. It is specially characteristic not only of earlier times, but of the earlier stages of the design of any particular product. It has already disappeared in some cases and will continue to disappear from the practice of the arts of construction as skill and taste develop. I have already alluded to the abandonment of ornament in the design of machines, and I think there can be no one, with any sense of the fit and pleasing, who does not approve this change in practice. The stage coach and horses of former times -were lavishly decorated—the carriage of to- day is more graceful and pleasing in virtue of the simple elegance of its lines. In the best domestic architecture of to- day we see the same ten- dency to trust for effect, more and more, to an artistic grouping of the lines and masses of essential parts and the cradual abandonment of purely decorative features, without and within. There was a time when the hulls and riggings and sails of ships were lavishly ornamented; now even the figurehead—the last remnant of barbaric tast ared ; and do we not find in a full-rigged ship of to-day (or wenend ty estes one should say) a grace and dignity that no extranecus embellishments would enhance? From the racing yacht the designer has been forced, by the demand for efficiency, to cast off every weight and the adornments that so beset the craft of earlier times, with the result that there is left only a beautifully modelled hull, plain masts, and broad sweeps of canvas, and we can hardly imagine any more beautiful or graceful product of the constructive arts. These examples will serve to illustrate the contention that the attainment of the highest efficiency brings with it the greatest artistic raerit. But in the development of the yacht of to-day, through many stages, the designer has been forced, from time to time, to strive to combine grace with efficiency. Selection on the part of clients must have eliminated ungraceful forms when more beautiful ones could be found, and therefore the advance has been rapid. J think I may appeal to this illustration to support the further contention that advance in efficiency may be helped and not hindered by keeping in view an cesthetic as well as a utilitarian aim. Further illustrations will occur to anyone who has studied the development of design of structures or machines. It is a matter of constant remark, and with justice, that steel bridges, as a class, are much less pleasing to the eye than those of stone. The reasons for the contrast in artistic merit are not far to seek. The building of stone bridges is an ancient art, and survival of the fittest, and selection—even with little creative skill on the part of the designers—would have led to the development of ‘vnes having, of necessity, at least the elegance of fitness. But further, this art has come down through the times to which I have referred when artistic and utilitarian aims had not yet been divorced, in the practice of the crafts; and further still, the practice of building in stone has been in the hands of architects, as well as of engineers, and architects are expected to be artists, and are trained as such. On the other hand, construction in steel isa very modern art, and it has been in the hands of engineers who usually neglect, if they do not despise, the study of the fine arts. But why have architects, with their artistic training, not succeeded in producing structures in steel as admirably as those they design in stone? Partly, no doubt, because they are hampered by tradition. They have not yet fully realised the difference in spirit that must characterise fit designs in the newer and the older materials. No one can be an artist in any material, the possibilities and limitations of which he has not fully mastered. Again—if a common engineer may venture the criticism—the architect, as a rule, has not sufficiently mastered the science of construction, and has been too much addicted to taking the easy course of adopting a decorated treatment instead of striving to secure elegance of structural scheme as such; and decoration, at least on anything like traditional lines, is wholly incompatible with the best possi- bilities of steel as a structural material. Progress is being made in the art of PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 designing efficient and graceful structures in metal, but the best results can only be attained by a designer who has a thorough scientific and technical knowledge of the properties of steel and the processes of its manipulation, on the one hand, and cultured artistic sense and capacity on the other. These should not be con- sidered as appropriate equipments for separate professions. There are many, however, who have a rooted conviction that structures in steel can never be so beautiful as those in stone. This I believe to be alto- gether wrong. It arises partly from the crudity of design that characterises most of the steel structures that have yet been erected, and partly from preconceived notions as to what is fitting in proportions and massiveness. We can quite imagine that a native of the Congo region whose notions of the proportions suit- able and comely for a quadruped were founded on his familiarity with the hippopotamus would, at first sight, consider the racehorse sadly lacking in sub- stance and solidity, but, in time, he might come to recognise some measure of gracefulness in a creature that has been developed to meet requirements that hitherto he had not fully considered. Mr. Wells has said in his ‘New Utopia, ‘the world still does not dream of the things that will be done with thought and steel when the engineer is sufficiently educated to be an artist, and the artistic intelligence has been quickened to the accomplishment of an engineer.” But we need not postpone, till the advent of a complete Utopia, the full realisation of our duty to practise our profession as far as in us lies, with due regard for the material interests and the xsthetic susceptibilities of all who can be affected by the works for which we are responsible. © a2 Ee Att AT Ee i= a Bsrifish Association for fhe Advancement of Science. SECTION H: DUNDEE, 1912. ADDRESS ANTHROPOLOGICAL SECTION Proressor G. ELLIOT SMITH, M.A., M.D., Ca.M., F.RB.S., PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION. In a recent address Lord Morley referred to ‘ evolution’ as ‘ the most overworked word in all the language of the day’; nevertheless, he was constrained to admit that, even when discussing such a theme as history and modern politics, ‘we cannot do without it.’ But to us in this Section, concerned as we are with the problems of man’s nature and the gradual emergence of human structure, customs, and institutions, the facts of evolution form the very fabric the threads of which we are endeavouring to disentangle; and in such studies ideas of evolu- tion find more obvious expression than most of us can detect in modern politics. In such circumstances we are peculiarly liable to the risk of ‘ overworking’ not only the word evolution, but also the application of the idea of evolution to the material of our investigations. My predecessor in the office of President of this Section last year uttered a protest against the tendency, to which British anthropologists of the present generation seem to be peculiarly prone, to read evolutionary ideas into many events in Man’s history and the spread of his knowledge and culture in which careful investigation can detect no indubitable trace of any such influences having been at work. I need offer no apology for repeating and emphasising some of the points brought forward in Dr. Rivers’ deeply instructive Address; for his lucid and convincing account of the circumstances that had compelled him to change his attitude toward the main problems of the history of human society in Melanesia first brought home to me the fact, which I had not clearly realised until then, that in my own experience, working in a very different domain of anthropology on the opposite side of the world, I had passed through phases precisely analogous to those described so graphically by Dr. Rivers. He told us that in his first attempts to trace out ‘ the evolution of custom and institution’ he started from the assumption that ‘where similarities are found in different parts of the world they are due to independent origin and development, which in turn is ascribed to the fundamental similarity of the workings of the human mind all over the world, so that, given similar conditions, similar customs and institutions will come into existence and develop on the same lines.” But as he became more familiar with the materials of his research he found that such an attitude would not admit of an adequate explanation of the facts, and he was forced to confess that he ‘ had ignored considerations arising from racial mixture and the blending of cultures.’ I recall these statements to your recollection now, not merely for the purpose of emphasising the far-reaching significance of an Address which is certain to be looked back upon as one of the most distinctive and influential utterances from this presidential chair; nor yet with the object of telling you how, in the course H 2 TRANSACTIONS OF SECTION H. of my investigations upon the history of the people in the Nile Valley,’ I also started out to search for evidences of evolution, but gradually came to realise that the facts of racial admixture and the blending of cultures were far more obtrusive and significant. My intention is rather to investigate the domain of anthropology in which unequivocal evolutionary factors have played, and are playing, a definite réle; I refer to the study of Man’s genealogy and the forces that determined the precise line of development his ancestors pursued and ulti- mately fashioned man himself. I suppose it is inevitable im these days that one trained in biological ways of thought should approach the problems of anthropology with the idea of evolution as his guiding principle; but the conviction must be reached sooner or later, by everyone who conscientiously, and with an open mind, seeks to answer most of the questions relating to Man’s history and achievements—certainly the chapters in that history which come within the scope of the last sixty centuries—that evolution yields a surprisingly small contribution to the solution of the difficul- ties which present themselves. Most of the factors that call for investigation concerning the history of Man and his works are unquestionably the direct effects of migrations and the intermingling of races and cultures. But I would not have you misunderstand my meaning. The current of evolu- tion is running at least as strongly and moving mankind onward no less quickly than it did when it brought his ancestors to human rank; it is as potent as ever to alter his structure, even though the way in which ‘ selection ’ has been modified has deflected the stream. Those who imagine that the strength and influence of evolutionary forces have waned forget the enormous length of time it has taken to fashion the human body. It has been amply sufficient for slowly developing changes. such as are taking place at present, to have transformed an Ape into human form. Environment, however it may act. whether directly or indirectly. is still helping to shape the human form, and is affecting the development of Man’s customs and achievements at least as powerfully as, if not more so than, ever before. The effects of selection—not only what Darwin understood by the term ‘sexual’ selection, but also what we have learned to call ‘organic’ and ‘social’ selection—are certainly emphasized by the heightened powers of dis- crimination which the intelligence and the fashions of civilised Man create. We have every reason for believing, therefore, that the forces of evolution are still operating with undiminished vigour: but all the evidence that I have to bring before you goes to show that such forces act as a rule very slowly and impercep- tibly. and need vast spans of time for the production of their effects. In studying Man’s past history we find no clear evidence. or even suggestion, of any such sudden jumps or ‘ mutations’ as students of other branches of biology are calling to their aid to solve their difficulties, as a sort of magic carpet to convey them across awkward chasms in their evolutionary route. The Necro was quite as definitely negroid when we first meet with his sixty- centuries-old remains as he is now : the narrow-headed brunet of small stature, who has dwelt around the shores of the Mediterranean since the dawn of history. was almost, if not quite, as definitely differentiated from the round-headed Armenoid of Western Asia at the end of the Stone Age as are their modern representatives ; and all the millennia of exposure of their scattered descendants to vastly different climates and conditions of life have produced amazingly little effect upon their physical characteristics. Further evidence may perhaps lend some measure of confirmation to the contention of Professor Boas,’ that the uprooting of European people and their transference to America leads to an immediate effect upon the physical characters of such of their progeny as may happen to be born in the new environment; but while not denying the possibility that such an influence may be exerted, no anthropologist, however strongly he may be inclined to accent evidence in support of such a contention, can seriously take Professor Boas’s data or the inferences he draws from them at his valua- tion. Professor Boas would have us believe that the forces of environment which produce little or no effect upon the growing child (of aliens in New York). who happened to be born in Europe immediately before his parents emigrated, 1 ©The Ancient Egyptians,’ 1911. 2 “Changes in Bodily Form of Descendants of Immigrants,’ United States Government Reports, 1910, 1911. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 3 can, nevertheless, so influence the germ plasm of his parents that their American- bern progeny will be instantaneously modified. I know that it is easy to find parallels trom biology, and especially from botany, to justify such an influence on the germ-plasm in the case of sudden changes of temperature, climate, soil, and other conditions of life; but until Professor Boas has dealt more exhaustively than he has, even in his second report, with the possibility of racial admixture as the obvious explanation of his statistics, and excluded it definitely, anthro- pologists must continue to view his data and the inferences from them with the most profound suspicion. I tor one am quite prepared, if not to admit, at any rate to recognise the possibility that a new environment might produce immediate changes in the physical characteristics of the human body. The multiplicity of internal secre- tions that recent research in physiology has shown to influence the growth of the various tissues of the body, and the immediate effects of a slight increase or diminution in the activity of the glands providing such secretions, which may perhaps be caused by new dietetic, climatic, or other conditions, are quite sut- ficient to suggest that the observer must keep his mind open impartially to view new observations concerning the immediate effect of a new environment on individuals, such as might conceivably afford a handle for the forces of natural selections to seize hold of and produce changes in the progeny of the altered parents; but there is a vast difference between admitting the possibility and recognising the proof of such an hypothesis; and I am still entirely sceptical ot Professor Boas’s so-called proofs. One is certainly not the more disposed to accept such hypotheses when the attempt is made to bolster them up with a tissue of statements intended to minimise or even deny those physical, mental, and moral distinctions between different races of mankind,* the results of many millennia of years of differentiation, the reality of which is substantiated by the whole history of the world and the experience of those who have watched the intercourse of the various peoples. Difference of race implies a real and deep-rooted distinction in physical, mental, and moral qualities ; and the contrasts in the achievements of the various peoples cannot be explained away by lack of opportunities, in face of the patent fact that among the most backward races of the present day are some that first came into contact with, or even were the founders of, civilisation, and were most favourably placed for acquiring culture and material supremacy. It is not, however, with such contentious matters as the precise mode of operation of evolution at the present day that I propose to deal; nor yet with the discussion of when and how the races of mankind became specialised and differentiated the one from the other. It is the much older story of the origin of Man himself and the first glimmerings of human characteristics amidst even the remotest of his ancestors to which I invite you to give some consideration to-day. In a recently published book * the statement is made that ‘the uncertainties as to Man’s pedigree and antiquity are still great, and it is undeniably difficult to discover the factors in his emergence and ascent.’ There is undoubtedly the widest divergence of opinion as to the precise pedigree ; nevertheless, there seems to me to be ample evidence now available to justify us sketching the genealogy of Man and confidently drawing up his pedigree as far back as Eocene times—a matter of a million’ years or so—with at least as much certainty of detail and completeness as in the case of any other recent mammal; and if all the factors in his emergence are not yet known, there is one unquestionable, tangible factor that we can seize hold of and examine—the steady and uniform development of the brain along a well-defined course throughout the Primates right up to Man— which must give us the fundamental reason for ‘Man’s emergence and ascent,’ whatever other factors may contribute toward that consummation. We have this advantage over most of.our predecessors in approaching the consideration of the problems of the gradual emergence of human traits from the uncouth simian features of our ancestors, that the main contention, the fact of the ‘ Descent of Man,’ is now generally admitted; and it is no part of our task to discuss more or less irrelevant side issues, born of prejudice, superstition, and * - aa eee =e, ~ Oe; 2 ‘ om ax 5 Sas _, et See wee, . are ; , ° : . - ‘ : . =i = st y xr oy ‘ tel Xt Paitin : % pe eo aot = bate toneneter Ais chet e ’ eps ree Na « vg " . SENS “ L: os e ak : 2 ila att Fern Beste Se tem oe. w