Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. > ore: 3 HOLESALE AND RETAIL ; FOR THE SPRING OF 1889 : pte OM »—=3-$ -G-__0 tc 3am. a -. ouRSPE< TALYY. aay ees | ‘est, Tre ee Seeds and. Seedlings. ‘We call special attention to the wery low prices | vhich we offer the within Frast QuaLity Stock. We guarantee. our stock fo be lass, full count, and to be placed on hoard cars here or at express office, packed in ost approved manner, free or charge, whereupon our respousibility ceases. We desir ing to purchase. HERRORS. 5 SETI PPI NG Di RECTIONS. write all orders plainly, giving explicit shipping Mirections— wher € none are Pe accerding to our own judgment. TERMS re ‘ahipmaunts unles: otherwise 2g: e:eed. Do not fail.to give size and quality nted — Remit by Post Office Money Order or Registered Letter on Emporia, dD. orders athe: Ge accompani+d by one-third cash. to Insure us againsi > eri the same id the future. . 1% AGENTS. 10 oat saicamtca but can give lucrative employment to good reliable vi xere Will you kindly send'us the addresses oc as many of your Sas you think are in want of anything in this catalogue. R deghia on. Bey Amber Cane scedt Land early seed com, ee a aae gy a oa RPG me 4 ie e our low prices and superior quality of stock offered will mee the app: ‘oval of all. a ee ‘at,"0 Me Sa 4 tod MAL TIME SEES a Aes) ies wie a Vo Se. ‘ OA BHROAND TE 1003 Suan ams PENS 08 7.00. ue i 24to4 <‘ not branched. ee Sai (aba an pi gOde (EL OUR aD ALL LEADING VARIETIES. S049, eho ry CRAB APPLES. 0 Blyrsi, 4:40) 6. feetic i are de eee Cees Saaee RORRUE ES ST VE an ae; . Varretres:—Transcendant, Hyslop. Whitney No. 20, Red and BS Siberian ¥ PEACHES., ‘ r “iia Each 6.100. Number, One, 4:to:6 fakin 5 et PC kara ee .123 $10.00 i | TWENTY LEADING VARIETIES. ira ie 5 5 . ” » ol ae STANDARD PEAR. .* . Bits : : EACH | 12 fa 4 10.6 feet, Nola eco ee Se aa ela ae ODM righ ae i Fore Pe ae |) 4.00 4 t0/9: feeb. 0.2 i Foon cee eee eae e Se le aerate Bice Me ee LN Be ce Oe ee O14 feet. soi 4 Set Coe NU eta eae eae ie nee Cen enn eon Pe Lae St oS 30 3.00 _ VARIETIES STANDARD Prar: —Bartlet, Flemish peers Clapp’s Favorite, Kieffer, Lawrence, B. = Anjou. Sheldon, Seckel, etc., ete. “ ~* DWARF PEAR. (.» BACH» 12 2 years, No. 1,3 to 4 feet....... PS Pak 2m Barks gree Bee NN fo see ag CE 3.50 2 years, good, 2 ta 3 FECES CU aed e WW alae hla toe (oes aa eo oe eer 20 2,50. We VARIETIES Dwarr Prar:—Kieffer, Bartlet, Flemish Beauty, Seckel. Duchess, How- han e ell, Vicar, etc. etc. OG May ta CHERRIES . EACH 12 (100 5 ‘ 2yr., 4 to 5 feet, No. ke Ua APs CE Sea) Ue pM a ahd hcl haieebnn re 35 Oe 50 25.00 lyr., 2 to 3 feet, Ne. 1, High hy Rv alba [ae RROD aay SCE Neat gh BRets Ente tame 25,. + 2:50. 20-00. 5-0) ; _ VARIETIES —Eanly Richmond, English Morrello, ‘waiteneenise May Duke. ay a 2 PLUM. _ ; BAR ai, mach 6 12—«100 Ace Se Wild Goose, No. 1:4 to 6 feet. coal 208 >, als ce sie ee Sey eee .40 4.90 25.00 i is Wild “Goose, 2toteete. als) ceavihen td ae nee oe 243 SBD. CeO Sem ae Miner, Weaver and PJackman, 4to 5 feet. ........... LAE AS at TE .8d 3.50 20, 00 te) APRICOT. Me batt Rey RACH 12 100 Russian, Wo 1, 4to 6 feet icctiiis, 4s vena le ee ew eae see OUST 8 OO 14 sae ON ae. Russian, No. 1, 1 yr., 14 to.24 feet... 00... 2. Riis GA Coe Rg} EA Se 15 1.50 10. 7 ' GRAPES. i 12 100 “10008 4 Concord) 1 yrs, Noy sts )35 kos ke ea nr laa a 95.00... Concord: 2 yr9:i Nos Pode eo kee A SEE aie are 1.00 5,00. 30. 00 Ws, % Cal tilings Soe Ue Lew aide wes tes ethane oaks De AN ee an Nem ie eat 4 Prices of other varicties on application. ee on GOOSEBERRIES. Me Houghton Seedling................... Tig ings Oe he Oe ted IPOS Es pid by fe .75 Py Downing and Smith’ s Imiproved a pia Ca eae epin ietahed Yt euth atnai ores NDS RAEN ig 1.59 Currants. Assorted, No. 1...2.65 6s. ese esse ere th ee nee Pa Te ese, 1.00. Pie Pike cos kee ae eas TORRE PLR Soe poh ee ch Wey eR, SY aes hE ane SER a sat ASPATAGUS.). uk ca ee eee be ek hye ta eel pata ae aispe We Lae dh ott » + 1.00 . 7 io a: ep LE 4 shy RA AS co pe € f Wa NCE UA teen ey ' ‘ ‘ re Ghat F : os U ere t - ¢ ; Aes say « tad ; ae ta Aas BLACK BERLE =. Kittatinny, Snyder, Early Harvest, all No. 1 plants, per doz., .75; per 100, 3.00; per — 1000, $18.00. , Dewberry Lucretia .75 per doz., per 100 $5.00. F RASPBERRIES. Te SS , ae 12 100 1000 RRO Aram oc? cutciay SU araNs ewe orth AAS, «Mate NMMENG ofa oily Noe gna ars Sars .60 2.50 12.00 MUR CES ates akc Sr OS Sole eee pear sR de a the Re Ada y oN 00 1.00 6.00 ; Reliance. ok ae 8 SAAD fete he GR ig pie git a EE Mes OAD AV As daie 7 |) 1.00 6.00 CURIE say ap cate eh Sola we et Naik eae cata pega Bl aiteeey wickieh a's 50 1.50 7.00 STRAWBERRIES. Cumberland Triumph, Wilson, Jas. Vick, Chas. Downing, Sharpless and Crescent, per 100, °.75; per 1000, $6.50. Old Tron Clad, per 100, $1.50; per 1000, $10.00. ROSES AND ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS, ete. CLIMBING ROSES. Seven Sisters, Baltimore Belle, Prairie Queen, etc., each 40; ten 3,50. ROSES Hy brid Perpetual, each 40c.; ten, $3.50. Moss Roses, Assorted, éach 50c.; ten $4.00. . Althea, Spireas, Monthly Honeysuckle, Strawberry ‘ree, ete., each 40c. ,ten 3.50. Privet $2. 00 per 100, : SHADE TREES. We offer the following very fine lot of Shade Trees. Special low rates on large orders. The prices given on this grade of trees does not include boxing or packing, for which a small amount will be added sufficient to cover cost, EACH’ =: 1100 Elm 6 to § feet...... Rie Mee ANNE Rica teh aN geet (a St PALS SES 8 ROS NA .20. $12.50 OS [0 Poa ED ENSHS C 2s a aN as Stale ana Sn Wahi was GND Me Uk ede ii Luks LO 15.00 Catalpa 6. to 8 feet... 2.5... Aa Nbr wlan ee AP AN BE Ly RET .20 12.50 Wis SGT as: ROSH no Sue batiar sete Ohaat aes UE Mure eke See ee SSAC Me es oaks en e20 10.00 Thornless Honey Locust 7 to 10 feet........ Pah ie Se ie A is aagaee OA a .20 15.00 Sori. Maple, 3 to: 10; feehuor co ye eee pais Seki ale ce ae wale Shiney 15 12.00 Box Alder (210 © Teebe ek ee aoe eed eR OE Re aS NEA shape ad 8.00 Russian Mulberry 4 to 6 feet... .... Dee aoa aa py Se M eb be gd 10 4.90 FOREST TREE SEEDLIN GS. 100 1000 Catatpa, Western hardy, 1 yr.,. 8 to LO-inches: 22-05. ue ane Re RUE b 1.50 SUN Cag t ge Fs aaa quia aun hoa NS Bm ort. JGR 1.80 pente 3 ys a BS TOR eh eared oe Gea ees: at) 2.00 Russian \Matberry. 1 yrs, °8 to 10) amehesins gael ee a ok ae Fee 1.50 S gh nee Me veil 22) Beat tp se ics i patel SR Te ey Ca) ae Ee a 50 1.75 ; re FS 1G: 8 O08 Sy oc ae A Pe ce Os PNB ELS ung oR 2.00 os a 2 yrs, 24 to 3 feet... 2, . CRE EAR TE ies s ear Noth ae 1.00 5.00 Hussian. Olive: 1 Seta, feet? oo. obs Se Se fas agen Ee A Re 1.50 10.00 Black Locust, lyr... 15 to 18 EhOHl se ew kL ee A es AS Aa 75 1.50 Re AE tO Tee Sey aa dese ae ate Ris sity Mer ater, le, 1.00 2.50 PAS EETISAT IAS Ae Os meas is Poy ESSE hla WIR We See HN ee Simon RRA prety eT Ny 7d 2.00 Osage Orange, lyr.,..... TEETER Re eR a at BI ed RE) ASCE Dean ES AONE TS 9 f.9%t 2.00 EO IED IY Y Tee hU sk ees a RR RE eens kets SA Ree Ui mentite yo 5G) 2.00 CIGLLOMAWNGOY SMEs aie Cok. ale rc coe hne OR Cann eel ai Ghue Hea Rie PR 50 2.00 . White Ash, Lyr.,....-. WAS Sevens! ACS ORE UMN erg a ea AR RA RON? Sora 1D 2 00 Sra PA ae eA aR k i5l: A a SOS hE i be aa ie ar so PLS 25 2 25 EVERGREENS. EACH EACH ‘ Norway Spruce, 12 to 18 inches...... .20)Scotch Pine, 18 to 24 inches Ba geous 2 .50 Hats 18 in. to 2 feet. .... 40; American Arnor Vite 15 to 20in.... .25 e th SSS aber kines am temas Sad 75 | 1210 3 feet... * 540 —.. Austrian Pine, 12 to 18in.. 2.2... eee ae Red Cedar; 18 inche res to 2 feet... 02: .40 or VEcotGA Pine, 1246.98 6S oP 25 | < re Poke wte ae —" Sem ea ee EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS. 2H : ee 100 1000.) | 100 1000 Arbor Vite American 3 to 4 in. AQ 1.50} Pine, Scotch, 2 to 4 inches.... 50 3.00 se cs i A to, Sins Le O0' 2200S SOU MEE keh SEG ce 1.50 7.00 « 6 4 to transplanted 100 8.00} *‘ Whites (04, Coe eee 75 2.50 mane. 8fo1ld ....--- | S100. 20:00 F708 yn A fi Oe Ee Ce AO Balsam Fir, Sto 44n Aue 100 6.00\| Red Cedar 6 to 8 in. tr’planted 7.00 S v3 3 to 4 transplanted 1.50 8,00] Spruce, Norway 2 to 4 inches. 50 3.00 4to8 3.00 15.00 ce é 4to 6 Pa 5 4 00 Pine Austrian, 4 to Gnd ice ee. pe 0 6.00 “ec « Ato 6in. tr’plan 1.00 6.00 é ail 00 | fs ee Ato6in. tr’planted 1.50 8.00 &é “< “<< tc Pree ah eh a ae ae TREE SEEDS. _ 41b. db. 1b. 1b. 1 bush. Sugar Maple...-..----- . 20 60 Osage Orange....---- ip: -58 5.00 Box Alder) 3 eieiee meres 10 « .25 Tulip Tree......---- 20 ~=.60 Catalpa Specia...-..------ ‘99 > .60 Wild Black Cherry.. .20 .60 > Catalpa, Teas Japan Hybrid 1.00 3.00 Black Locust.......- 10. .20 ‘American Ash. .....---+- phe). Honeys 15. Vee per es 10) .20 Russian Mulberry. ...--+- 1.75 6.50- - Peach Pits, (natural). . 10 1.50 Mountain Ash....°-----> 50. 1.50 Apricot Russian. ...- 930°* 60. - Kentucky Coffee Bean... > 90 Black Walnut....--- 5 Aijlanthais; ceils ee ie Ab 00 Soft Maple and Elm Seeds ripen in May. Write for prices. Prices on Tree Seeds subject to change without notice. Osage Orange Seed ready about March 15th. If ordered sent by mai! add 8 cents per pound for postage. One Dollar Packages by Mail Post Paid. Any Six For $5.00. — Our dollar packages will be szcurely wradped in damp.moss and oiled paper and can be sent thousands of miles with perfect safety. When ordering one dollar packages please ordar hy number. . @ No. 1.6 Russian Olives 15 iuches. | No. 11—-150 « «© tr’plant.d 3to4 “ No. 2—150 “* Mulberry, 6 to i2 in. No, 12—75 Pme Austrian....-.-. 4 to 6 No. 3-150 Box Alder... .4 to 6 inches.; No..13—50“ ‘«« ty’ plant’d 4 to 6 in’ No. 4—100 Catalpa.....-- Dy 7 aa No, 14150 Scotch Pine. ..... ..3to4* No. 5—100 Teas Japan...-.. 4to8 “ No. 1575 ‘ ‘« ty’plant’d 4 to 6 ‘‘ No. 6—100 Ailanthus.....--- 6 to 10 ** No. 16—150 White .“‘...------ y 10/4 * « “ce to 8 “ec No. 7—200 American Arbor Vite 3to4| No. 17—79 AR eee Re No. 8-150 cs i “ Ato ‘| No.18—150 Norway Spruce....2to4 “ - No. 9—d0 zh er « gto 15 ‘| No. 19—100 Norway Spiuce... 4 to G5 No, 10—100 Balsam Fir.......- 3 to 4 *‘ o. 20—60 an “© ty’plant’d 4 to 6 We will book orders for small evergreens ceived after that will be returned to sender Directions For Planting Small Evergreens. Never leave the roots of Evergreens exposed to the sun or dry wind for one minute As soon as they airrive the package should be opened and the roots dipped in thin mud and planted in beds. in well worked garden soil as soon as possible, pressing the dirt firmly around the roots. Lt the weather is very dry, water oceasionely and shade well withbrush or boards the first season afier which they can be transplanted to their per- manent place. evergreens planted in this way can be grown with as much certainty as apple trees. Our small Evergreens are from seed bed except when noted as transplanted. Early Amber Cuneseed, used for fodder... ..----2ssss500te de. per lb. Toc. per bush. b *i 4 RS B/S OUD vise ise s aoe, be comes emai net fe dag Zh Jeod COR i cae Bite Wlaeetebee aA sg tees ScaiR Sc: Pl Satan tpn. 50e dbu. $1.00 ibu. $2.00 The seed corn we-offer is all grown in northern Iilinois, is extra ear lied upon. Address all communications to LOUD & GIBSON,. HITPORLA, KANSAS. — as long as our stock lasts. Money re- ly and ean be re- y 7 a OS ee ee eee ~~" =e ER. ig oO spied, Eee cr) ae > = 2 a ’. KANSAS. ‘day ten In h ‘MAN PEs 3e | b Root pare & a Ferey ie will p not