~ Se et mer erste aed ee tie per aa a Tiel Sa . 7 ‘ Historic, archived document Do notassume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. BULLETIN No. 20. USS, Dina EVEN OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF BOTANY. - PRINCIPAL POISONOUS PLANTS OF fie UNITED STALE. BY; Wek. © Pe SNeEE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, -18.0).3. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF BOTANY, Washington, D. C., December 20, 1897. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith for publication as a bulletin of this division a manuscript on the ‘ Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States.” In the annual report of the Botanist for 1894 was emphasized the importance of doing something to lessen the increasing number of fatal cases of poisoning due to carelessness or to a lack of correct knowledge of our poisonous plants, and as a result the Secretary of Agriculture, in November, 1894, appointed Mr. V. K. Chesnut as an assistant in the Division of Botany to take charge of such a line of work. In addition to the chemical and physiological investigations which have since been in progress, it has seemed desira- ble to distribute at once some simple but authoritative account of our commonest poisonous plants. In the prosecution of this work a novel method of securing correct information about actual cases of poisoning has been adopted. Through néwspaper clipping bureaus the Division of Botany receives notices of all the cases of poisoning that are recorded in the principal newspapers. Then, through the persons mentioned by name in these articles or through the local postmaster, we get into correspondence with the physician in charge of the case, secure a speci- men of the plant which is responsible for the poisoning, and place on file a complete record of the symptoms, treatment, and results. By this means we have secured a large amount of authentic and valuable information, additional to the published statements, the partial benefit of which is given to the people in this publication, and the remainder of which will be used from time to time in more detailed publications on the poisonous qualities of particular plants. The plants which have been considered, about fifty in number, include most of the important poisonous species. Each is illustrated, wherever necessary, by an original drawing from authentic specimens, and is briefiy described in a popular way. This, together with the liberal use of common names and a brief outline of the geographical distri- bution, will doubtless enable individuals in different localities to recog- nize any of the plants. For general educational purposes it has been thought best to follow the scientific classification. % 3 4 general information relating to all of the poisonous plants of the United States, and so far as possible to examine into their chemical and physiological properties and to discover their antidotes. With this end in view, it is hoped that the heartiest cooperation will be received from all those who are able to render assistance. Respecttully, FREDERICK VY. COVILLE, Botanist. It is the purpose of the Division of Botany to collect statistics and Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. CON TENTS: In GrO GME OM osess saee a oe igo oes cies Se BAe Mane fs nC a ere AER Oh ear Oe Gill fungi (Agaricaceae)...-....---. SE Sat aE OAD lel ergy RO De ee mI Weadiveamanitas:( Amanita) sci eee se. Ae ee Se ek oe iy amvanita CAManita MuUscarta). =. 522252 sees (illustrated) -- Death cup (Amanita phalloides)........-..----=---.-+-- (illustrated) - . Bunche tower tamily (Melanthaceae) =25. 52.222... 2.2. - 2-2 bee ee eee American false hellebore (Veratrum viride) ...-..-.------ (illustrated) - - iiky of thervalley- tamily (Convallariaceae): -- 2.222. 2-5-.. 5.22025. see Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)....---..----.--(illustrated) -. OnehidstammlycOrehidaceae)<. 22s.) 82 Boe eee tse hs eee ee eo eet adyveswalipper ce y pripedium) ic. 2) S22 2s es 2 ie So ee ee es Ee Showy lady’s slipper (Cypripedium reginae).----.--.---- (illustrated). - Larger yellow lady’s slipper (Cypripedium hirsutum) -- .(llustrated) -- Smaller yellow lady’s slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum).-.-.-.-------- nnikestanmllivgewlsinaceae) oecn ee ee ee Se ee ee ye Corn cockle (Agrostemma githago).----..-------------- (illustrated) -- Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae).-.-.....---..---- appa sd che ay emt agape ee IRAN, eye Aconite Aconitum columbianum) .+-.-.----2--24---.-2-- (illustrated) - - arkspmma eel phaniuim) eco eee oe Se Me eee Dwarf larkspar (Delphinium tricorne).-..--.-.-----.----- (illustrated) - - lEEKSMULLEHelohiniwn Geyend) a3 Bk eee Cee ease Meets ce ec nese iarkspur(Delphinium mMenziests) 2. 5. 522 Soe oe Sho eS s ee ee et eee ankspurseMelpiinium: recUurvatunm ys .- oo oko Soo i Ske Oe Hankepur(Delphinwm trolliijoliwm).<... 0-2: 222. ssc5 212.52 eee eee Reliniompianmillivs (rein COAG). = io te ce te ae oe eo Ee eee a be weld es cee Inlvekechertyi( Prunus “seroluind). = 222.22 282 255.2 a. (illustrated) - - Sena ramunvaC(Cacsalplnlaceae) os. ss 2. a eee oo Pee es ee Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioica). .----------- (illustrated) - - eapianilya Gla pEVvONACeae) 62822 Mare sl el ous eee coke ee eel ce aes Woolly loco weed (Astragalus mollissimus) ..----------- (illustrated). Stemless loco weed (Aragallus lambertii)..----.---.---- (illustrated) -. Rattlebox.¢Crotalama sagitialis) -.2.2->....- =.........(Gllustrated) -- SPULcemamilyeCHupmMOrblaceae) 2. 3222. exeo fk Sid. coos et eet oe SPUESOREM UW MOD DIA) a2 oe a pee Beh che) Se es ae ce Caper.spurge:(Huphorbia lathyris) ..-.2-.22.2225.2-2.--- (illustrated) -- Snow on the mountain (Huphorbia marginata).-.---.---- (illustrated). - Saaeetamuiliy, (GAmacardiaceae) 2... . 22. csses2.el oll ieee esc el ede Seka eee eee HOIsoM ivy. poison oak, poison sumac (Rhus) -.2.........-.2...22....-.-- OI OMGLV Va ChiLUS TAAtCANS)) 2 22 See es. eee ek Ss (illustrated). . Poison oak Chhus diversiloba)..2 2222222222. -224 2... (illustrated) - . Polson sumac Glnws ernie) 2 -— assis oe a os se ee (illustrated) - - Buckeverramily(Sapimdaceade)): cn. : 620. ose bo eso) Lek Sosa ee oo coe ied buckeye (Aesculus pavia) -2-.2----.252.-2 2+ ---8 - (iliustrated) -. 5 wownwnbwwwndw Ww OO OF F&F WONWN Fr COO ©} Or WwWNMNnNMNnNNHNWNNWNDW WD DW Wb Be OOO OH WO GD SD Se) bo : Page Carrot: family (Apiaceae) =e sss re ee ee 40 Water hemlock (Cicuta maculata) ......---- ...----- .--- (illustrated) -- 40 Oregon water hemlock (Cicuta vagans) .-..-.-.-------- (illustrated). - 41- Poison hemlock (Coniwm maculatum) .---..---.--------- (illustrated). . 43 Heath family. ((uricacede 2s 2 oes ee eee ee eee s ee ee ee 44 Broad-leaf laurel (Kalmia latifolia).-2..=--- 22. 22. --- (illustrated). . 44 Narrow-leaf laurel (Kalmia angustifolia) .....---------- (illustrated) -- 46 Great laurel (Rhododendron maximum) ..---------------- (illustrated) .. AT Stagger bush (Pieris mariana) 2... - 22-229 ies 2-22 = Gllustrated) . - 48 Branch ivy (leucothoecatesbact) 2 22s ee (illustrated) - - 48 Logania family (Loganiaceae) ......---...---.- Pe Bee 2 Coupe eee oe ieee 48 False jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) .---.- Rae ae (illustrated) -- 48 Wotabo: family (Solanaceae) o5 ose ee ee ee ee 48 Jamison weeds (Wabura) Poisonous element.—The poisonous con- a stituent is phallin, a remarkable com- Ue \ \\ pound which resembles the white of egg i in many of its peculiarities. It is there- i | fore known as a “toxalbumin.” Like the | | albumen of egg it is easily coagulated ata i temperature somewhat below that of boil- - - | ing water. Boiling decomposes this com- } pound and renders it inert. Salt water iin | dissolves it very readily. A large number of cases of poisoning have been attributed to this fungus in ancient as well as in mod- (i: | \p : ‘ ern times. In most of them the plant was vi taken to be an edibie fungus. In a few o yy instances the mere handling of the plant caused serious trouble. A third part of an uncooked medium-sized cap proved . fatal to a boy 12 years of age. The effects *™™ ee ante oe ee of phallin were very accurately studied in 1891 by Professor Kobert at Jurjew (formerly called Dorpat), Russia. This investigator showed that the fundamental injury is not the paraly- sis of the nerves controlling the heart, as in the case of muscarine, but has its seat in the blood corpuscles themselves. These are rapidly dis- solved, and the blood thus loses its vitality; the blood serum escapes into the alimentary canal, and the whole system is forced slowly but surely to give way. The symptoms are characteristic; no bad taste warns the victim, and it is usually not from until nine to fourteen hours after eating that the first effects appear. (Earlier symptoms in cases of amanita poisoning indicate the presence of muscarine or some other poison.) There is then considerable pain, and there may be cramps 16 in the legs and other nervous phenomena, such as convulsions and even lockjaw. In a few cases there are tetanic spasms. The pulse is weak and either quick or slow in its action. The pupils of the eyes are sometimes dilated. The abdominal pain is rapidly followed by nausea, vomiting, and extreme diarrhea, the alvine discharges assuming the peculiar “rice water” condition characteristic of cholera. The latter symptoms are persistently maintained, generally without loss of con- sciousness, until death ensues, as it does in from two to four days. Remedies.—Salt water is commonly used in the preparation of fungi for food and some pretense at cooking is generally observed. Such a treatment if thorough would remove the poisonous quality of the death cup, but the uncertainty of an adequate treatment is so great that the plant should be wholly rejected as a food. The danger is greater from the fact that there is no known antidote to phallin. In cases of poisoning by the death cup the undigested material, if not . already vomited, must be removed from the stomach, and also from the alimentary canal. The same drugs recommended for fly fungus poison- ing should be used where the symptoms seem to indicate the presence of muscarine or muscarine-like substances. As a last resort against the effects of the phallin, the blood should be transfused with a solu- tion of common salt or with blood taken fresh from the veins of some warm-blooded animal. This can, of course, be attempted only by a well-skilled physician. The vernal amanita or destroying angel, Amanita verna Bulliard, is regarded by some experts as identical with the death cup. It has the Same poisonous action. BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY (MELANTHACEAE). AMERICAN FALSE HELLEBORE. Veratrum viride Ait. Other names: American white hellebore; white hellebore; false helle- bore; swamp hellebore; Indian poke; meadow poke; poke root (in N. H.); Indian uncus; puppet root; earth gall; crow poison; devil’s bite; duckretter; itch weed; bugbane; wolfsbane; bear corn. (Fig. 3.) Description and habitat.—A stout, herbaceous, simple-stemmed peren- nial, 2 to 7 feet high, with a fleshy root 1 to 3 inches long, large piaited stemless leaves of varying size, and a large, loose terminal cluster of yellowish-green flowers which blossom from May to July. The plant is native to the United States, where it grows abundantly in wet meadows and along mountain brooks throughout New England; south- ward in cold localities through New York and Detaware to Virginia, and in the Alleghany Mountains to Georgia; westward in northern Wis- consin, the mountains of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and in Alaska. Poisonous constituents.—Chemical analysis shows that five or six alka- 17 loids exist in the rhizome, the most important of which are jervine and cevadine. Veratrine is also found, but in very small quantity. The other parts of the plant have not been studied critically, but from analogy to the white hellebore ( Veratrum album) of Europe, it is prob- able that all of the parts of our native species, including the flowers and seed, contain one or more of these alkaloids, and are therefore poisonous, but in a much less degree than is the root. 7 Causes of poisoning.—Cases arise mainly from overdoses in medicine, but instances of accidental poisoning are reported for man and for various animals and birds. In one case all of the members of a household were poisoned by eating the young leaves, which were mistaken for those of marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) and prepared for food. Animals do not relish the plant, which is acrid and burning in the fresh condition,but young animals sometimes eatit with fatal results. The root is not often mistaken for that of edible plants, but being fleshy and especially rich in alka. loids, it is somewhat dangerous. The seeds have been eaten by chickens with fatal results. The general effect of the plant is very much like that of aconite (Aconi- tum napellus), being directed chiefly against the action of the heart and spinal cord, both of which it tends to paralyze. It has also a violent, although some- what tardy, emetic and cathartic effect, a property which is often effective in expelling the poison Mi from the System before it accom-_ Fic. 3.—False hellebore (Veratrum viride), one- plishes its deadly work. third natural size. Symptoms.—Symptomatically its main physiological effect is as fol- | lows, viz: Burning in the throat and esophagus, increased salivation, defective vision, retching, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, vertigo, faintness, weak pulse, labored respiration, and profound prostration. Death is caused by paralysis of the heart. Remedies—In cases of poisoning empty the stomach as rapidly as possible, then give stimulants, such as brandy and strong coffee. A physician should give ether and opium hypodermically. The feet and hands must be kept warm and the patient should lie flat on the back to prevent attacks of vertigo. 17090—No. 20 2 LS Other native species.—Tour other species of Veratrum are native to the. United States, all of which are probably poisonous in the same way as the Eastern species just treated of. All but one of these are, however, more or less Jocal in their distribution and need not be considered here. Veratrum californicum Durand is quite worthy of note. In general appearance it resembles the Eastern species. The flower cluster is less slender and more upright in habit, its flowers are white instead of yel- lowish green, and the floral leaves are longer and narrower. The plant is of frequent occurrence in the mountains of California and northward to British Columbia; also in Nevada and in the Rocky Mountains from Wyoming to New Mexico. LILY OF THE VALLEY FAMILY (CONVALLARIACEAE). LILY OF THE VALLEY. Convallaria majalis L. Other names: May lily; May blossom. (Fig. 4.) Description and habitat— sse. ees eee eee 49 Jasmine. Carolinaesse: | 522 ee aa eee ema ee 48 Jiatrophays timul Osi. eae ee a 32 URCRS Baaeeeer eae ae eee eee eee eee 32 Jiessaminevtalseesscss. =o ae ee eee 48 Weel hs oc ERS A ee Spee oe ae 48 WC OW Gan Se tes ee So noe ne eee 48 Vellowobthe SOUths=----- aa 48 SIMSON AWeCdeE 2 GSa eee ee ee 49,50 Jimson weeds.---..------ ee So a eee 50 TGS ana eee is 2a Sete eae ee ee ae a 44 aNGUStItOlia® 2s 2 4s ee 46 latifolia: soeee2 2s. 2 ee aan eee 44 Kentucky coffee trees. ----2-.2---=- Sane > 28 Kentuckyanahocany-e-- eee ea 28 Gr play ses cee ee cre es ere 48 [apuUrcnam bees. s2se sete ae ee eee 28 ihabrador: tea_ssssac-2 see eee 10 Ladiy2s) Slippet.-2. sess eee 2 ene ae ee 20 larger-yellowsrct soc. fate sop ee ee 19, 20 SHOW 2s Sane eee ee eee eee ee 19 smaller yellow.--22-3--2 === eee 20 Ve WOWe =: ae ae 20 | bady?s:slippers....--23 =< 2-2 ee eee 19 Lamb Rill 22. 3322026 sess ee eee eee 46 Larkspur. c2~ 6029s ao ee ee ee wart 202502 340 er is Rie ee ee purple: 25: sos eee 25 larkspurss-26ecer ee eae eee 23 Gey lss. SS see oe Skee sobs lose csasse 47 AMERICAN: aos See ese eee ee [Ne soos cee oes sesepoesanadssSes SeSa5s see 47 big lente eee a eee 47 proaG-leaieee== Sere ee eee 44, 45, 46 COGS ae oe Gs Sas S Eo sbs ss aoeSs 2S sheen 52 55s 48 Oiaisiss: 28 See eee eee 46 Givvaicie SHEG pean ae ees oe eee 46 ARE ss saescs Wao scone == SOSosSesessasse== 46, 47 ls We eo Soe ete Ses 25-3252 58 522% 44 NOTSOrs= =e ee ee eee 47 lamba so ese ee eee eee eee 46 VO Wass ree = ee ee ee ee ee _ 46 MOUNtAN Se ae ee ee 44,47 NLALTO Wel Gabe oe saree ale eet een ee 46 DOTS OW a 44 LOSC Sere ee ene ee ee eee eee 44 TOUNG-l6at=2 23255 eee eee eee 44 Sheep 5-5 - 2s-- 25-6 - == 44, 46 SMM, ss sosoge se ebb cos esasagsese2s025¢% 44, 46 W000 eee ee eee 44 Ledum groenlandicum -.------------------- 10 Lepiota naucina..-.---.-------------------- 15 STOO te ee ee ee ee 15 IEGIHEM OYE -Seasoseeso Osan ssossctscssatase= 48 Calesbaela-see= ae ae eee eee 47, 48 AGH tame arnt e ee ee ea eee eee 21 Ligusticum scoticum ---.------------------ 42 | Lily of the valley--..----.----------------- 18 LENE A appears Ses eee ee 18 - 59 Page. NIEOC OG WCC Ueno tere tence 9, 29, 30 AUR THERE) Soe conodsqboedaTooocsessoaso05 30 WOW? hese easooouoneos Rae See epee eets 29 Loganiaceae ...-.-----------------+-------- 48 Logania tamily ....------------------------ 48 Mad apple..-.......-------------++---+------- 49, 50 WET, «22 -- o- see cone 35 Windle eG) Gaoadccade boo spocUes=ooOe ea SuDoor 35 May blossom...---..-------------+----++--- 18 Wiel ce ee cree enn = ene 18 IGE MNNROCAS = becdscucsekseseess coneeocusor 16 Mercurialis perennis ----------------------- 32 INEIKOULAYS ea ca pecobe EScHeD lemeEoppeonenesoor. 35 tae esse eee oe ae oe aa yore 35 WIseuGOmn bo oseosaseobadh seen oUsoebecosseond 10 MTOCCASINEH OMG. ose one en cee oie ere 19, 20 yellow -.----------------------e-------- 20 WIG IER) .cE SB cnoSeS oSoDS ee aoe aes bocors 33 HiteOcocbos seecaoconepEDoDooMareooqameuos 33 Wado da Go Baoacas cose EeneEsaonEooocoedeS 33 Monkey flower ..-----------------------+---- 20 MOMS Osseo oe oe n= oe wine wie ie en i 22 Mullein pink. -..........------------------- 21 Vis TOON ease eeis = oie sino eileen ee ala COMMON eee ee eee siete aise esi i= 13 THOAKIOW acbooousasecussocosusocesasdoued We WENSISAAAW EGU sancee obaossee ooosdesecDsSeds 40 Musquash root-.-..------------------------ 40 INP ROISSUUS (SHE seg ye ds sedeooooebeoeeconesaos 10 INerimmerOleanderce =. o5-s2s-o2 ses ecw eee 10 INAS TROOU s sbecdesseseoo sd ssc 5000 boeunosEde 19, 20 WIGIAWINE) Ss Sec ob seen eueonsaneuUseopEaenouacce 20 OTIS S ee Fope sees aee Shae ee ncpooeEcrer 19 NGI, 2 ssc sano ndouceoueoosD soUucEEooudods 20 MNightshad@:2-225 <- =<. o=--- ----------2--5--- 52 levees cies aise wwecleisiow eres 62 COMMON ees Semis sarc eal enter = nla 52 GlaROK 3 das cecBeseseocsooc paseocuec sons 52 BEI Ose 4 See eca se oeeoneeesseasecdesoue 52, 53 POMAOhNe Ss. sesenoescopadecesuadseConoor 53 AIO RRP eee cia Cie oo ate scise moe cae 53 WOOUby. = dteedne Se Sao ode COSeeeenebEEbece 53 SN nomi nad Osyeees arm meee oe 51 @enanthe sarmentosa:.-.2.--+-.--.-2-2--2.-.- 42 OldGmaidtsspinikeeele se ane sete isi= sie cn te 21 OIGHINGGE 55 SEARS SROs SOs eSceeaeeces 10 Oncluglaiiiml\W Ske sod soadesdeoordodsuEesseose 19 (OR@MGINCCED Sas saschaeoocdeooducsscduossusee 19 OX GVO cess a55hace topeonse ose anasoucoeedouss 54 Hap ONACEACK aap ye 22 ie en = 2 RaAnsleyaSpOklede. 2 2.- ct. sceoee sccceree2/ae 40, 43 lea iemlhy ahb 53.6 ee SS ode Eee a So oOC a Se Eees a Physic mmo spTazihanas. 2720.22. -- sccm ee oD IPIGIKIN/ SS ebksosdedausodces sseacodonotosaeer 35 PICS AGIAN A see cisco cae cise a nace se Slee 47, 48 Jer NORTE. Be eee se soResoaee see res Soeonese 10 IPO TOUS NESS eRe een eae Se CASES eeisc Bil JE VRITD 5 cy5 As AC ea eS 27 etemmilly. eee eee = By tat ape Clete eee ices eee ere 26 OMS OtuAsEt ee ee et lise Joe ee cee 32 PM OIGOMMAS lt es secon eee et ac dea te ewe cies 36 CLCOV CLES acca mos soe ies ela tis Se one ce cr 35 CUGKETE 6525S eS rer a Sn oe ee 3 Insp OO) CSR aes Se oe eee oe Renee ee 42, 43 TINT See cls aa CRS Hie eae ore est eth 9, 35 ivy, poison oak, poison sumac........-. 35 Page EROISOTLNO MKS oe aa sae ee ee See ee ee 35, 36 TOOT Sree ie eis cree crete oe epee rere ere eats 43 SUM AC ae stele ele eleven or eR ee 35, 36 VAL IN Ope eile ere cei teas ay Lt ame ens peat 35 WOOC aes She wo ee saree oe eee 36 (Poker diane ceo soy eee ee 16 TOA O Weems aoe ee See rs aS 16 TOO Ghee ee eee eats ce een aimee a 16 SE OLatopama Ty ee cre Ce ioe ec 5 erent 49 PUMA COAG ISS He eye eee eee oe raed ce 26 Prunwsscarolmlianaee eee ees eee 27 laurocerasus -..)-25.-- Se eee Se 27 Serotinaye eee SAG Sn euce tine oe mre Rens 96, 27 WAL CUNT AW Ae cte Aa oslo oe ee eee 27 Puppet LOotyse seer aces aes rs 2 eh ee 16 Queue des tats. sss: ses. sses tee Rae 42 Ranunenlaceaes-s eee eee eee eee 22 Rattleboxmtsns- 2 ies | eres ee nee 31 Rattle weeds: sashes ke Soé es see ey ees 31 Rhododendron ssa] ee eee ee eee 47 MAXIMUM. ose aes ee eee eo 47 PRIUS Eee a Ges Shea Be ea ra anal a te 20, 35 Giviersilob asec ese Se ee eee es ee ree 35, 36 TAC ANS! se oe sce ee ee ee Sipe eee e ds a 20 3a VO TINK! Ge Fs aipe ee seme yaa pete eed bata Tee 36 IRICIN USEC OMAN Se see ee eee 32 IROSCDaYa=a- ee ee 2 NS eee pole te ae Re a ees ee 47 AUN CTICAM NA Hs Sos kee oe 47 WV] Cee. 2 sie inte Eo areata rie: Ween 47 ROS eicamplon essai eee eee ee ee eee 21 Sambucus:canadensish as. es4- ne eee eee ae 10 Sapindaceae..2 5.2663 52s ase eee 39 Scarlet, berry -2-22--- 2.2. eaten ee ene 53 pennatamilyee ceases eer ao eesorte es seo 28 Sheep Poisons sa. cence se ee eerie 46 Sleep ys Orasstee. aes sk cece sem cies SNEEZEWOC Gs ae ease hse seheeeiae Selec een 54, 55 Sneezewort aeee= sess eee le Se, te 54 AUbOIMN a SS Se eee ee ea Lei le aloe o4 Snow onthe mountain —-< 222-224... 22 oes 34 Solanaceae -j-2 castes see eee cee et eee 49 Sola mies Sa Gee Neral eee el eee ee 51 Gil Gam ara eerste ies Laat ese 53 TVA UIM eee eel iio eee eee 52 triflOniMiMe assess Seon e ce okltes ee eee 53 Gaberosuime ete. cose ee see eee 54 Spoon hunts eee see eo) eee ce oe oe eens 44 SPoomehyut cle ase eee eee ae oe cep eee rape 47 WSs) OODWOOU Sem tees eect ia OEE vay eaenage eee 44 SUA Ee tea dae eson Sons seosdsHenaacs as 33 SPULLS CAPC beer eee eeee ee eee eres 33 LEY 000 ge cae Sa CEI EP RI cise ie 2 Card eMecer: ees eeeere ee eeaceee eee 33 Miya tle gee coer Pelee feats alc Cee eee eee 33 Nebtle s sso eee a a oh ae a eee a2 SH OWUERN Sood scocsocensesadroscusosoSsaaceons 32 Stathvin eG see sees ee cree ee ome eee eee 53 Stagecenbushetencerece-- ences eae emcee 47, 48 SURRY Aue baocasods oseedae sa aScorocese aie 24, 54 stinkroot 75-24 sacs Baud asdaccoasme soc 50 SS bimiksw, Ce Cie ts aas eter ao eee en ete e e eree a 43, 49, 50 Stinlewirt acre ses crce ede ee coe ener eee 49 Stipa viridula robusta ........... Beeeeece 10 60 Page. Storm thati-cea>- sce eee eee ees 22 Stranoninm-:-common =- 22-2222 2 = ee ee 49,50 Sumac family <2). 22222 eee eee 35 POISON) - seers eee ea eee 3D, 36 POISONS WAM Phe ase ee ee ee 36 SAVENN D sosssocassonssoss5 ans ssesessesees 36 Sunflowerdtalse t= ee. eee re ee ee eee 54 family. -2sce=eeee eee ee ee ee ee 54 SWE Desscest 5s s50csens sSsasacosesaneee 54 ween Cicely, Oregon =2soeee- see cee eee 42 RELOMWOLUre eee = ee eee ee eee re 53 RhOrnIappletee cee s- eee eae eee 49, 50 DALE Dlg ne eee ea ee ere 50 Abhun derw0Odh22eeea = arse eae ees 7236 Moad stool sas. is as se ae eee eae 11 iravianepetacioliars-.2-— + et eee ee 32 Trumpet flower, evening......-.-..--.----- 48 Wimibilsyellowe -sere= = — eee eee 20 ION) OG) Ss Sa oss oes e6 eSeckossossoensusss 20 Wareus) indian 223.242 e oes aoe = oe eee 16 Valerian, Ameri Calo. sces a2 soe Se see 20 Wenus:SiCU Dress: -eeserr seer ee nee eee 20 WWeTIUS|S SHOO. == = = 5-33. sek ee eae ee 20 WMeratrumsalbunts.-+-.2--2-222- sass -eee os 16,17 Scoccie Sen odEe eee oS SsrSsane 18 californicum Page Weralram=VATICS one e eo a eee eee 16,17 Vao0let: bloom: .-ss<2 =e eee 53 Water hemlock: - 2222-22-52 32e eee 9, 46, 41 AINCLICaN = 2h eee eee 40 OLG GON. 2 ans oe eee eee 41 NW hip-poor-wall shoes= =" 2. =5-- eee 19 White man’s plant ..-..--.. eee ae eee 49 Wile koyae bee eee ee) cl A 44, 46 Wald’ celenyere oo... 3 Ae ene 42 Wald hemlockeersest = see eee eee 40 Wild’ pea: cae sree ee ee heen ee ase eee 30 IWANTCD OF CGN eee ee eee 45 Wiode-whistle. 2-2-2222) 43 Wioliser ape eee. ae ee eee 53 Wroltsbane #2. ee eee 16, 22 Weolfsamilkes: te oe pee ee 33 Wood bine:=222 == wee eee ee ee 48 Garolinacwaldo:2 cect eee ee eee 48 Kanthium! Canadense-o--—- = eee 10 SpINOSUM c= seee ee ane eee ee 10 StrimariumM = 2-2. eo eee -10 WellOws: 2255555202 2 225 eee ee eee 20 Yellow: star... ssc2e) 22st see ee eee 54 WOW. 3 cc.2 chee cece eee eeeee seem eeee 9 . an : a) poe See se al r rr res 28592 im