é y “ONG 27 y &§ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. | BULLETIN No. 10. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF EHDGAR RICHARDS, ASSISTANT CHEMIST, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Ere - 1886. fionograph 5 7 wee ee -S + ogeahly DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. US. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. BULLETIN No. 10. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF Mott, ANALYSIS. BmNIGAH RICHARDS, ASSISTANT CHEMIST. WASHING TON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1886. ~ 13735—No., 10 ‘- . *. i. ‘ rev » ® ‘ 3 2 7 Hy a ee: > aay f a } " eA ad ; id wan) ~- i ar ag see ee aa , \ t PO EL! pt Y : 3 C3) es ie Pa s 2 . *) — — he Pe a | 9m. S$, ae, 2&4 6 hae / LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY, Washington, D. C., April 2, 1886. Sir: The numerous inquiries received at this office relating to the methods and objects of soil analysis lead me to believe that an abstract of the present knowledge possessed by scientists on this subject would prove of interest to those engaged in scientific agriculture. Quite a number of samples of soil having accumulated in the Labora- tory awaiting examination, I requested Mr. Edgar Richards to conduct the analyses and to collect the information which is hereby submitted. The following report shows how well he has performed his work. The analyst who desires information concerning the latest methods of analy- sis will find the best authorities mentioned with references to their works; while the reader wko is not a chemist will discover a valuable fund of information about soils and their treatment. Respectfully, H. W. WILEY, Chemist. Hon. NORMAN J. COLMAN, Commissioner of Agriculture. ——— UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY, Washington, D. C., March 31, 1886. Sir: In submitting the following report an attempt has been made to collect such information on the subject of soils, now scattered through so many different books and periodicals, as will be of general interest ; together with the chemical methods that I have employed in executing the analyses of some soils from New York, Louisiana, and elsewhere, during the past year. Respectfully, yours, EDGAR RICHARDS, Assistant Chemist. Dy ir W. WILEY, Chemist. TABLE OF CONTENTS. On the derivation and the formation of soil -- ......- 22. secs 22-2 -- one one omposition of the soil. 2 -- 2-20. -2= eee 29 The method of soil analysis........-. ---.. A SS A A EERE 32 Collecting; the saniple G22 22. ssn aes ote eee eee os So sna hoes eee 33 Preparatroniof the sam ple shee. sect omiecins ceteris ke) sarees eee eece See eeee 34 Determination of moisture and of volatile and organic matter .:.....--..----. 35 Treatment of the soil with dilute hydrochloric acid ....-.-..-2.-.---» ---- <2 35 Determination of theunsoluble reside rae soonest ee 7 ese eee ae 36 Determination. of the hydratedisilica:. 2 2.\.2- dec sec. ee aoe eee cig Sek oe 36 Deternimatvon- of the solublesilies 22.4 --0oec-co 2 - Seen eee ee eee 37 Determunahionjiof the aroneand alumina =e. -sasee cee soe eee ee eee 37 Determination of the ferric oxide by titration with Sehnestna permanganate. . 38 Preparation of the standard permanganate solution ......-.-.--...--.---- 39 DeterninvHGnsOL tae diMe: 4.45 en. .aleeheears Metis REMARKS. Where such a complete analysis of a soil is not required, as that for which the directions are given in the preceding pages, the estimation of potash, soda, phosphoric acid, nitrogen, and lime will give valuable information for judging of its fertility. The following qualitative tests may be applied in case only a very preliminary examination is required. Test the slightly moistened soil with litmus paper; if this should show an acid reaction, the presence of an excess of humic acids, or small quantities of sulphate of iron, may be suspected. All good and fertile 13735—No. 10——4 50 soils have generally no effect on litmus paper, or show only a slight al- kaline reaction. Make a water solution of the soil, and test the solution for lime with ammonium oxalate; for sulphuric acid with barium chloride, after acid- ulating with hydrochloric acid; for iron, with ammonia; and for chlorides with silver nitrate. An excess of any of the three latter would indicate - that the soil contains injurious quantities of them. Boil some of the soil with nitric acid, and after filtering off the in- soluble residue, test the solution with ammonium molybdate for the ‘presence of phosphoric acid. In a hydrochloric acid solution of the soil the different bases may be tested for as in the quantitative analysis. Ifan effervescence is produced on adding the acid to the soil, the presence of carbonate of lime is indi- cated, but should none occur, but analysis show that lime is present, it is probably in the state of sulphate or gypsum. ON THE GEOLOGICAL CHARACTER AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOILS IN THE UNITED STATES. While there is a vast variety of detail in the character of the soils of this country in regard to both their physical properties and chemical composition, still they may be classified under the two heads of soils of transport and soils of disintegration, geologically speaking. Soils of transport include, as has been previously stated, all drift and alluvial materials which have been worn from other rocks by atmos- pheric agencies and transported to their existing positions by ancient glacial action, by winds, and by waters. These embrace the majority df all soils occurring in the United States. Drift soils —These occupy the principal portion of the States lying north of the Ohio and east of the Missouri Rivers. According to Pro- fessor Dana, they occur ‘over all New England and Long Island, New York, New Jersey, and part of Pennsylvania, and the States west, to the western limits of Iowa and Minnesota. Beyond the meridian of 98° W., in the United States, they are not known. They have their southern limit near the parallel of 39°, in Southern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Lowa, whilst their northern is undetermined. South of the Ohio River they are hardly traceable.” * Without going into the details of the theory of ancient glacial action, which has given rise to a large amount of study and an extensive litera- ture, the term drift, as it is commonly employed in geology, includes the sands, gravels, clays of various composition and texture, and bowl- ders, more or less water-worn, all mingled in various proportions and of various degrees of fineness, which have been transported from places in higher latitudes by glacial action and deposited on the country rock in varying thickness. The soils of this drift are usually gravelly, often stony, of variable fertility, from the noted fertile lands of Ohio and Western New York to the barren portions of New England. As a whole, these soils grow finer as they go further southward and westward from New England and Western New York. When overcropped and worn out, as often happens, they recover when allowed to rest fallow several years by the decomposition of the mingled materials of which they are composed. Alluvial soils.—These are formed from the deposits of the fine earthy materials, sediment, silt, or detritus, by running streams and rivers, of which we have such a notable example at the Mississippi’s Delta. The amount of transportation going on over a continent is beyond calculation ; streams are everywhere at work; rivers, with their large tributaries and their thou- sand little ones, spreading among all the hills and to the summits of every mountain. And thus the whole surface of a continent is on the move toward the oceans. The word detritus means worn out, and is well applied to river depositions. The amount *Dana’s Geology, p. 528. 52 of silt carried to the Mexican Gulf by the Mississippi, according to the Delta Survey bulk; equivalent for an average year to 812,500,000,000,00 pounds, or to a mass 1 square mile in area and 241 feet deep.* These constitute the “bottom lands,” as they are called in the West. The Red River region, which has become famous as a wheat producing country, lying partly in Minnesota and partly in Dakota, occupies the bed of an ancient lake, known to geologists as Lake Agassiz, and is composed of a black sedimentary soil, exceedingly fine in texture, and very fertile and deep. This tract extends southward to Lake Traverse, on the Red River, widening as it proceeds northward and extending on both sides of the river 50 or 60 miles wide where its bed leaves this country, and expanding to much greater width in Manitoba. The further westward soils of this class are found the less the amount of organic matter they contain, although the soils are not necessarily less fertile, until in some places in the valleys of California are found soils of great fertility which contain an exceedingly small amount. Of course such soils, as those of California just mentioned, are deficient in the faculty of storing up water for future use, and, however rich they may be in mineral constituents, yet in a dry region or one subject to periodical droughts, irrigation would have to be resorted to in order to get large yields of crops. Soils of disintegration.—These occupy the undulating parts of this country lying south of the drift, possessing every variety of character, both in regard to their chemical composition and physical properties, as their mode of formation indicates, arising from the disintegration of the subjacent rocks by atmospheric agencies. Where the underlying rock has been an impure limestone, containing much insoluble matter, the carbonate of lime has been slowly dissolved out by the action of the carbonic acid eontained in the rain, leaving the insoluble matter behind. Such soils as that of the ‘‘ blue grass” regions of Kentucky are so formed, and are often of extreme fertility. (See the *‘ Kentucky Geological Reports” for further details about this re- gion, including the chemical analyses of its soils.) Professor Whitney states that some of the prairie soils of Lowa, par- ticularly those where the soil is almost of impalpable fineness, have been produced by the slow action of atmospheric agencies on beds of limestones which formerly occupied their places. In the course of time the soluble carbonate of lime was gradually dissolved out and carried away by the rivers and streams to the ocean, and a small amount of insoluble residue was left, forming the thick prairie soil of the region, which has since become blackened by the decay of subsequent abundant vegetation on it.t In the table-lands of Oregon and Washington the underlying rock is volcanic, and thesoil arising trom its disintegration is very finein texture, * Dana’s Geology, p. 648. t lowa Geological Survey, Vol. I, 1858. es 53 dark in color, of great fertility, and, judging from the soils of similar ‘ origin found in the Rhine region and the Mediterraneans in Europe, a which have supported vineyards for many years, will probably prove pe TERy enduring and produce a great variety of crops. These two classes of soils run into each gore by insensible grada- “tions The term “ prairie soils” is most indefinite, as commoniy used, includ- E . Pie soils of various origin. The prairie region of the West occupies a % vast extent of country, extending over the eastern part of Ohio, Indiana, the southern portions of Michigan and Wisconsin, nearly the whole of - Tilinois and Iowa, and the northern portion of Aptana e and gradually oe passing, in aan and Nebraska, into the plains, or the arid and desert ‘ ~ region which hes at the base of the Rocky Mountains. West of the parallel of 97° and 100° the country becomes too barren to be inhabited af and worthless for cultivation. The region of the greatest cereal production of this country includes the most noted of the prairie soils. and is nominally in the drift region : of geologists. Light clays and heavy loams are the best for wheat, _ though very heavy clays often produce good crops, both as to yield and _ quality; the lighter soils may yield a good quality, but deficient in quan- tity; moderately stiff soils produce generally the best crops. HISTORY OF THE SOILS ANALYZED BY THIS DIVISION. During the past year over thirty-six soils were analyzed by this divis- ion, thirty of which were done completely and the results obtained will be feund in Table IV. The remainder were only partially analyzed, and are not tabulated. ‘ This table is presented in the following pages, and the history of each _ soil, as far as known, is appended, to be found under its respective serial numbers ee 80 °¢9 lee eye lee nceeeeea atiges irsee! ode ane wet a ene ee Boer vee [secs es ee ee ee) eeecee teeta let eee eee ees | see eeeeeeeereees = 25 qproqeur omry 26 "FE Yeates Se ae term ices ia pr io fine ego ee pleat et gs smaan inl Zhe bore Slee || eins pels": BR SSE TS Sar coma ae SE ge sos ee ae JOAvas os1v0g | —sU1v}U09 [108 polup-ILy SoS ies a Se ae BS eae ol ees Be es Gist | 1 ita (Ree : ee eee BREE te eee SPL 'T 190° FRE" OFT’ 690° ©10° | 680° ¥F0° | PIP: LE | $ze° cece ee et eee ee eees “== "NT ‘aSoaqINT GLG “OOT | 898 ‘00T LST “VOL 88 66 | 696 66 6SL “O0T PFS O0L 6LF OOT | TL6‘00T | GUL “OOT TGs 00) Geis eee ade) EL oat OTOL oS es. a ee Se ee ae Ss ee Se eee Se ee eee | a |e 98T “9E 009% 699 T C835 ‘T | OF0°G P89 629° SOG }; SLT OT EATS S06 8 * 19} JVUT OLUVS.1O PUL O[19VTO A 686 ‘T 000° EES 060 © Paulie Ol” 600° £00 || 0&9 °G FOL’ AT Ae eR a th a 2OD ‘plow ormoqanyD 6FS* F10~ 200° 060° | 0&0° 060° clo" 060° || 820° €S0 ° | LG0° a. 2 Sie corre sess" 1 “eulogy GLG © | 661° f&0° GLO * | 690° 090 * 6G0 * €F0° || $91 ° LL0° Oel * voor rs sess ss* €Q9 ‘prov orumgdyng FPS” 00L * SG “L St6 | 0&8" OL0'L OOS Sh ecided sh || OSS “TE OF9” | GPG Ri Se ee ea ot ae ““OFBN "Bpog (1-9 Oe OOL* OFG* ces = Gr” Gly OF OFF” | SPL" Gol * | O6L° PEE EE ho ae SACI UE Use 196° 166° | LPG ° | §26° | WIT GOP - 659 * €0L° L00°6 cee T | 898 ° 151i cin See ODN CISOU aR, 196° GPP T | 86F'T Slr iT 660 G | Gok OT G&F T 8&b T 868 “€ GSB ° 88° er aa Sia 1 ORD. 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MOd pesto VO ‘ponuryu0g—spmyory wbpy lig ‘spos parup-uw fo sasijpup— AJ ATA], me 57 PRAIRIE SOILS FROM DAKOTA. 1611-1613. These soils were forwarded to the Department in July, 1882, unaccompanied by any letter or other means of indentification from the person who sent them; their analysis was begun in expecta- - tion that some information concerning them would come to hand before they were finished, but all attempts to find ous the sender have, so far, proved unavailing. SOILS FROM THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, WALLA WALLA, WASH. The seven samples of soil were sent by Hon. Joseph Jorgenson, United States land office, Walla Walla, January 5, 1884. They were taken from various points of a section of unsettled country, lying be- _ -tween the Yakima and Coluwbia Rivers, and west of Wallula, on the Northern Pacitic Railroad, comprising about 1.300 square miles of gently rolling plateau—from 500 to 1,000 feet above sea Jevel—the only drawback being a lack of running streams of water on any part of it, and but few natural springs. Water is reached at varying depths, from 14 to 80 feet. It is covered, however, with a fine bunch grass, which is accepted here as indnbitable proof that_the smaller grains will grow to maturity and perfection. This year (1885) there are some fine crops of wheat on it. .The samples were taken from “1 to 5 feet” in depth, the soil being a “decomposed basalt from 3 to 100 teet deep,” and the subsoil is * ba- saltic rock.” No timber is found on it, the prevailing growth being * buneh grass and sage bush.” 1656. Sandy soil from 5 miles northwest of Umatilla, reg. 1657. Surface soil in Grant’s Ranch, See. 24, T. 11, Rk. 24. 1658. Two feet of surface soil in Grant’s Ranch, See. 24, T. 11. BR. 25. 1659. Soil from T. 8, R. 26. " ~ 1660. Soil from Sec. 26, T. 7, R. 26. 1661. Soil from middle ‘of T. 8 N., R. 27, between the Yakima and Co- lumbia Rivers. 1662. Soil from Sec. 12, T. 8, BR. 28. These are samples of virgin soils, and contain a large amount of the most important soil constituents, as phosphoric acid, lime, potash, We., and should produce abundant crops under favorable climatic conditions. ___In their contents of nitrogen, however, they are, with the exception of § Nos. 1660 and 1661, somewhat deficient; and this would indicate that ammoniacal manures would have to be applied in the future, if, by ex- cessive cropping, the soil should become unproductive. 7 “4 ; ( SOIL FROM N. E. SMITH, UNION PIER, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 2550. The sample of soil was sent by Mr. Smith December 10, 1883. The sample was taken to a depth of “10 inches from a portion of the inverted furrow.” The field is “flat” and the depth of the soil ‘ like _ sample is from 8 to 30 inches.” The subsoil, “to a depth of 2 feet, is sand filled with the infiltration of the surface; this sand in places has many small flat stones resembling pieces of broken oyster shells in t ay, an? od ( 58 shape but flinty in character.” The timber was “ yellow pine and larch, filled with a dense growth of alders, tag and black, and blueberries ; the surface was covered with moss 2 feet deep.” The following crops have been raised : Oats, good straw, light grain. Buckwheat, 25 to 30 bushels to the acre. Corn, not a success. Potatoes, one hundred and one in a hill, but none larger than a walnut. Cabbages, radishes, melons, squashes, and beans have succeeded. My largest ex- perience is with onions from the seed ; the first year, after getting 2inches high, many turned yellow on top and finally died; second year they were better, and third year good. In regard to manure used: In plats as follows: First year, ashes and lime, fresh slaked; ashes 200 bushels to the acre, lime 2 tons to the acre; crop failed. Same plat, second year: Hen droppings at the rate of 10 eubic yards per acre, composited with plaster, and just previons to application mixed with twice their bulk of white-ash ashes. Yield, 300 to 400 bushels~ per acre. Third year: ‘‘ Garden City phosphate,” 1,000 pounds per acre. Yield im- proved. This year (1885) applied nitrate of soda, 150 pounds, ‘‘Garden City phos- phate,” 800 pounds per acre; the crop is of fair promise in the main, but there are spots where a good stand has disappeared; in these barren spots there will be found small patches of fine onions marking the spot of a fire. The original plat, treated this year as above, now (July) promises a fine crop. This year I have taken in new ground with the above stated result. ‘The sample was dried to make it more secure when sent through the mail. This sample, as the most casual inspection of the analysis will show, contains an enormous amount of organic matter, and to this may be at- tributed the poor success met with in raising crops; as nothing is more injurious than the action of the organic acids, arising from the decay of the organic matter in the soil, on vegetation when they are present in excess. For, however fertile the soil may be in other respects, until this excess of humic acids is neutralized or otherwise got rid of, the prospect of raising remiunerative crops is very slight. The remedy for such a state of affairs is a heavy dressing of lime, from 2 to 5 tons of quicklime per acre, depending on the quantity of organic matter present, that is, from 0.05 to 0.5 per cent., by weight, of the cultivated soil; the lime or marl used has the power of neutralizing the humicacids. Burn- ing might also be resorted to, but the use of lime will probably, in such cases, prove more beneficial. The lime should be used as a top dress- ing, as it has a strong tendency to sink into the subsoil, and so it should not be plowed in, but kept as near the surface as possible. The ground should be plowed first, then the lime spread and simply har- rowed in. This dose of lime must not be repeated yearly, but at inter- vals of six or eight years 1 to 2 tons of lime made into a compost may be used. It is best applied’ in the early winter, so that the lime may work into the surface before the spring growth commences. The amount of nitrogen and of phosphoric acid is very large, and that of lime, of potash, and soda is abundant for the raising of any crop when the excess of organic acids has been destroyed. With the exception — noted the analysis shows this soil to be a very fertile one, containing an abundant supply of all the necessary plant constituents. 59 4 SOIL AND SUBSOIL FROM JESSE H. BLAIR, LEBANON, BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA. 2551, 2552. The samples were sent January 5, 1884, having been taken on September 12, 1583, from ‘ what is popularly called a prairie region, but what is thought to have once been a lake, in the northern part of Hendricks County ; it was dry and very difficult to get a good sample.” The sample of soil was taken “by digging a hole an inch square, then shaving a slice downward, about 6 inches deep.” The sample of subsoil was taken from the ‘‘ next 6 inches below the surface sample.” The soilis “rich, solid, and about 18 inches deep, and in a meadow of timothy grass.” The subsoil is ‘tough clay, about 3 feet deep, then sand or gravel.” “No timber, a swamp or wet prairie, avd lately redeemed.” No manure has been used. The following crops were raised: ‘Corn, 75 bushels per acre; large yield of broom corn, then a large yield of hay.” ‘It produces a heavy crop of grass; wheat does fair; the corn is not as good as clay lands yield.” The analyses show that an abundant supply of the necessary plant constituents are present, and that. the soil should be very fertile. The amount of nitrogen in the soil is very large. SOILS FROM WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT, OSWEGO, N. Y. 2553-2561. Samples taken from three distinct fields on which an acre of sugar-beet was grown: in 1883, and were sent December 24, 1583. Samples Nos. 2553-2556, marked “ A 1, 2, 3, and 4,” were taken from “a square two-thirds acre plot at different points, SE., SW., NE., NW. of the field.” Samples Nos. 2557-2559, marked * B. 5, 6, and 7,” were from “a triangular one-third acre plot,” taken at the different angles. The two remaining samples, Nos. 2560 and 2561, marked “ C. 8, and 9,” were from ‘a field of sugar-beet a mile distant ” from the other two fields, ~—“eultivated by another party, on a rectangular plot of half an acre; the samples being taken at the ends, E. and W., of the rectangle.” The general character of all the fields was a gentle slope, enough to turn water readily. The samples were cut out with a spade, a couple of weeks after the crop was gathered, each about 6 inches wide and deep; the soil of field A was 8 to 10 inches deep; that of field B probably 1 foot; field C was rather stony, soil 8to 12 inches deep The subsoil of all the fields was hard-pan, with large stones and bowlders imbedded. A subsoil plow was used in preparing fields A and B. No timber was grown on the fields; the woods adjacent, I believe, were maple. The laud had been under cultiva- tion for years. Fields A and B had been heavily manured in the spring of 1852 with barn-yard manure, and an excellent crop of corn and beans gathered that year. A succession of rotating crops had been taken previously from these two fields, but I have not the statistics concerning them. No manure was directly applied previous to beet planting on A and B, but I was informed that on field C barn-yard manure was strewn midway between the beet rows, which were 30 inches apart. In fields A and B, after harrowing and rolling, the seed, sugar-beet seed was sown, part by hand and part with a wheelbarrow drill, in rows 18 and 20 inches apart, on the 4th and 9th of May, 1883. All work after hoeing, thinning, and weeding was entirely by hand. The crop weighed nearly 18 tons. ‘60 The analysis of the beets grown on these different fields is as follows: * Analyses of beets from William Cartwright, Oswego, N. Y. of of tae NS the 2 ae he i=] <= | ~ | nD = Q a). 6 eh Te aaa ee @ rene aE pate Be: Pe se lees poms k= Variety. Se ae -E Sin Vt. gest az ela ys = as s2 = re Om $s = Pe fo] ee = 3 | = 7 S a of he sa | g e ane o é 5) | 4 |\4°?] «€ = By A ven ea) | Kilos.* | Kilos.* | | Improved, south field, north end. -. 1 5 | 2.838 | Not taken.| 12.12 0.29 | 1.022 | 74.6 Improved, south field, south end... - 5 | 2.457 | 2.238 15. 34 0.17, 0.775 | 83.0 Improved, north field, north end-.. 5 5 | 2.776 2.610 | 15.32 0.16 0. 862 85. 0 Improved, north field, south end .. 6 5 | 2.795 2. 540 15. 20 0.12 | 1. 061.| 82.0 RT Omvrtart a Meld = S25 cee aoe 11 5 2. 915 2.810 | 12.74 0. 40 0. 897 79.0 | *A kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. The analyses of these soils show the great difficulty of obtaining a sample of soil from a field which shall represent its average quality, unless the greatest care is taken. In regard to the analysis, No. 2553-2556, taken from the south field at different corners of the plot, the three samples, A 1, 2, and 4, eon- tain practically the same amount of coarse sand and gravel, whilst A 3 has about 10 per cent. less. All four samples show that the soil is de- ficient in phosphoric acid and lime, and probably would be much bene- fited by the use of a lime phosphate or similar fertilizer; its contents of other soil constituents are ample for fertility. The samples, No. 2557-2559, taken from the north field, show that this soil is likewise deficient in phosphoric acid, but is richer in its con- tents of lime and nitrogen and in other constituents similar to that of the south field. The content of gravel also varies in the different samples. The two samples, No. 2560 and 2561, taken from Hart’s field, differ in their contents of coarse gravel, but contain an abundance of phosphoric acid and other soil constituents. For the purpose of comparing soils on which such sugar-producing plants as sorghum and sugar beet have been grown, the following an- alyses, made by Mr. Clifford Richardson, first assistant chemist of this Department, in 1882-’83, are given:t ANALYSES OF SOILS. The character and composition of the soils best adapted to the cultivation of sor- ghum for sugar production, as, also, the proper method of fertilization necessary for the best results, are obviously matters of fundamental importance. At present our knowledge is very limited, and the number of carefully ascertained facts so small as hardly to warrant more than conjecture. In many respects the habits of the sorghums and their demands upon climate and soil are almost identical with those of the several varieties of maize, and yet there © appear to be in certain respects marked differences. It is known that when fairly * Chemical Division, Bulletin No. 3, 1884, p. 26. t Investigation of Sorghum as a Sugar-producing Plant; season of 1882. Special Report, pp. 58-64. ie G4 ee OP oe eee ee ee 61 established the sorghums as a class are capable of sustaining a period of drought which would prove fatal to maize, and not only this, but that such drought and the accompanying high temperature results in the development of an unusual amount of sugar in the plant. (See Annual Report of Department of Agriculture, 1881~’R2, p. 456.) It will be seen by consulting the results of our experiments as to the effect of fer- tilizers upon the sugar content and ash in the juices of the several sorghums (see Annual Report, 1880, pp. 118, 125) that, although a very large number of determina- tions were made, the average result of all was such as to leave the matter wholly un- settled. To those who may desire to aid in these and similar investigations, a careful study of these results above referred to may be helpful as showing the extreme danger of hasty generalizations; for any half dozen of the analytical results, selected at random and considered alone, would, in most cases, warrant a conclusion, more or less decided, which the increase of testimony renders less and less probable. The results of the past year at Rio Grande, N. J. (where they produced 320,000 pounds of sugar, and where, upon fields identical in character, there was great vari- ation in the amount of crop produced), were suchas to awaken great interest in these questions of soils and fertilization. Besides, the juices of the sorghums there grown proved to be remarkably pnre, comparing well even with the best sugar-cane juice. Therefore, average specimens of the soils from the several fields were obtained, and a record of the yield of crop and the fertilizers applied to each was also secured from the president of the Sorghum Sugar Company, George C, Potts, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pa. Rio Grande is a small bamlet some 6 miles north of Cape May, N. J., in latitude 39 degrees north and longitude nearly z degrees east fron. Washington. It is situated upon a sandy peniusula, about 5 miles in breadth, with the Atlantic upon the east and separated from the mainland by the Delaware Bay, at this point about 2/ miles wide. Average samples of soil from six fields were selected for analysis, viz : A. Harne farm.—This field received an application of 300 pounds of Peruvian guano per acre. The average yield of stalks was 34 tons per acre. B. Richwine farm.—This farm also had 309 pounds Peruvian guano per acre. The average yield was 54 tons of stalks per acre. C. Hand farm.—This field received an application of 300 pounds of Peruvian guano and 30 bushels of lime per acre. The average yield was 7} tons of stalks per acre, D. Neafie farm.—This field received same amount of guano and lime as C, Average yield per acre, 8 tons stalks. E. Uriah Creese farm.—Same amount of guano and lime as C and D. Average yield per acre, 15 tons stalks. F. Bennett farm.—Same amount of guano and lime as C, D, and E. Average yield per acre, 17 tons stalks. From the above results it will be seen that the application of the expensive fertil- izer Peruvian guano was without any apparent benefit, while the application of lime seems to have been beneficial, although it is to be regretted that we have not the data for comparing the yield of these fields with and without the application of fer- tilizers. With the exception only that the amount of pebbles of an appreciable size, one- twentieth to one-quarter inch in diameter, was more in some of the samples than in others, there was to the eye no noticeable difference in the character of the six. The samples were passéd through sieves of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 meshes to the inch, and the following results obtained: The column marked residue consisted of pebbles which would not pass through a sieve of twenty meshes to the inch, or rather of one-twentieth inch diamcter. The column marked 20 was that portion which, passing meshes of one-twentieth inch, would not pass those of one-thirtieth, &c. 62 Besides these six samples of soil from Rio Grande, N. J., analyses have been made of several other soils upon which serghum was grown the past year, as follows : G. Grounds of the Department of Agriculture.—The recent treatment of this plot is given in the annual reports of the past three years. The sample for analysis was taken November, 1882. H. Soil No. 1—Great Bend, Kans.—This soil has been cultivated for six years. The yield was 10} tons stalks per acre. No fertilizer used. I. Soil No. 2—Great Bend, Kans.—This soil was plowed for the first time. The yield per acre was 8 tons of stalks. No fertilizers were used. J. Soils from Rising City, Nebr., upon which 18 tons per acre of sugar-beets were grown, which gave, on analysis, an average of 12 27 per cent. of sugar in the juice. K. Soil from Hutchinson, Kans.—Yield of sorgiium, 6 tons stalks per acre. L. Soil from Sterling, Kans.—Under cultivation for three years in cereal crops. A black, sandy loam. Average yield per acre, 7 tons stalks. M. Soil from Sterling, Kans.—A black, sandy*loam. Under cultivation for seven years with crops of cereals. Crop very promising, but destroyed by hail. N. Soil from Sterling, Kans.—Black, sandy loam. Under cultivation for five years in cereal crops. Average yield per acre, 12 tons of stalks. O. Soil from Sterling, Kans.—A strictly sandy soil; in cereals for five years. Aver- age yield per acre, 10 tons of stalks. Per cent. of soils passed through sieves. | } “Residue. 20. | 30. | 40. | 50. | 60. 70. | 80. | 90. | Total. | | | | | < ee a 1 ERE GEER ae KI GaSe SEN, aC se geht | 27.8) 4.2] 5.9) 36] 25] 30) 431 39/4408 100 Lae ae Ry eee aor ce ee | 227) 81] 89) 78] 50] 60] 112) 64] 269 100 EAs ek iin TM ii eG malta e | 3.0 | 67|17.6|/165| 88| 88 bogey. 16.6} 100 Pee Wea ASR Ue cect iee | 6.7 | 72/167 13.6) 9.6| 82) 98/120) 17.2 100 sank RS SN Ms Bar | 3.2| 62/1221 871 7.5| 69| 98] 83] 822 100 Seal eae ae ee See ee | 55| 69|186|)125| &7| 94| 97| 80| 207 100 Gee i ik Be edeP Het en caces. 5.5] 1.6| 66| 7.2| 39} 36| 51| 79] 586 100 see lt 5a MO ep ere Oo 22] 21| 29! 33] 37] 261 7.3) 68 lao 100 jets, BE Ree yeaa aaa ee | 0.3/0.3] 0.9| 10) 1.2] 07] 22) 4.5] 88.9 100 Tee ee ete cat ee | 0.2| 0.5] 01] 01] 0.1] 06] 11] 1.5] 95.8 100 OD eee ne oot, 07-| 0.3) 8] LO| 07] 09| 21) ote 100 be BAA 45 AIOE, te re A | 18| 30h 74! 56] 51] 31] 46| 46| 648 100 Mie Sees Scape bana netar 2: 4.9] 1.4| 33] 822] 21h 27) 421 3.3) Weg 00 i pirate Spam cea hi oe |e | 10| 0.9| 33! 75| 65| 42] 96/129 | 541 100 Dr abigs ele Mak Rd eeee eee | 0.9| 1.6) 9.2 4.6) 11.8 | 9.3 | 14.6 | 14.7 2048 100 \ | | So far as the partial mechanical analysis goes it quite fails to throw any light upon the cause of the very wide difference in the crops grown upon the Rio Grange soils. For example, the soils C, D, F are very much alike, and jet their respective yields per acre in tons of stalks were 74, 8, and 17, It is obvious that much of this might have been due to difference in cultivation, but it does not appear that there was prac- tically any difference in this respect. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE SOILS. The following table shows the results of the chemical analysis of the several soils, The absence of other than mere traces of chlorine in the Rio Grande soils is remarkable, in view of the fact that these fields were lying within a few hundred yards of the ocean. It is possible that the heavy fall rains had leached such compounds below the surface, from which alone the samples were taken for analysis. It isintended to make still further examination of the subsoils of these several fields, for it may be that sorg- hum, being through its root system a deep feeder, will account for good crops of cane upon land which failed to grow good crops of other kinds: Percentage of— A. B. C. D E. F. G. ies Cano. womewetttos ome . 830 - 680 | -190 | . 850 - 430 . 180 | 1.140 > Organic matter........-. .-.. 4.730 3. 500 1. 290: | 2.180 2.420 | 1.780 | 4. 690 Insoluble matter ............. 87. 008 92.243 | 96.910 93.837 | 93. 167 95, 297 | 84. 670 OE a eee er SBD Aline is Lap 040 1.110 1.500 | 1.445 3. 440 MEA tala -ipietole = avai aiaiateimn 4.110 | 1.640 | . 550 1.765 | 1.805 | 1. 060 | 4. 360 RM De odie afalclatotars weet 315 . 805 225 375 460 | . 505 . 860 _, 2330s oe. eee . 390 | . 290 | .147 . 185 | . 180 . 190 . 367 Res, coe . 238 . 124 | - 061 . 085 | 7122) | . 074 . 894 Ben hia ee Gita efaiort ok Trace. ABs ely SUTACE. (se peceecel| . 012 Trace. | F023 eee Neon (niacin eisininis vies wal s . 088 . 047 . 024 . 034 | - 043 | 026 | . 265 Ses ene sc cece cass Trace. | Trace. Trace. Trace. | Trace.) Tracv. | Trace. one OSE ae . 044 | . 009 . 003 . 004 | . 005 OU | . 009 RPM Finis Geis eas ainin ee A0 NSS 230 ets Sees oe LU ee aoe Trace. | Trace. _— oO — —| or ren | — RG 100.308 | 100.636 | 100.340 100.055 100.144 | 100.560 100. 228 BRMOPETEDOU ON. <. 2-2-2 - 128 | . 067 | 045 | 045 - 078 | . 062 . 146 7 | | | = - —— = = =: = = — = eee "z = | se oT = Percentage of— H. I. J. 1 IS FPR RY A O. a. +.) enema 12 | a) SEK eel eT Dt) Pa See 1. 000 - 300 1.140} .33 400 | _.470 300 - 360 . “Organi¢ mnatter ...-...--- > 4. 320 5.620 | #820 | 4.830)! 4.310 |} 5.150) 2.520 1. 330 Memubnsoluble matter......-.-.--- 85, 250 84,625 | 78. 162 | 86.2-2 | 87.792 | 81.832 | 91.544 94. 231 Oe 3. 605 3. 330 | 4,550 | 8.270 | 2.775 | 3.270 | 2. 330 1.775 RISO aes <\e snmisiarss aces sesame 3. 575 | 3. 890 5. 805 3. 885 3. 005 3. 665 1. 835 1. 465 Oe BASSE Eras Ss . 710 - 760 | -715| . 565 .660 | 2.685 | .450 505 DREN UN eese cscig' stale crete, “sais Steams . 325 ~ 450 . &20 . 095 | 380 | .690 |) .390 woo EOIN fot ig nc bic one tans op . 524 538 | . 686 437 |. .482 Pio 1 Cian memes {8 et lly NO 3 Sees SUES sai 2A 2 0 | ea Trace. | 059 | Trace., 042 | .050 | Trace BsOnyrt =. 6 ng eee ES Se ae 0 . 047 . 046 | SAD tg 026.) SOLO OMT | 5. oe O24. .017 WE oS NE ea a Trace. .115| Trace. | .050 | Trace. |} .044 | . 036 . 041 SRE eae: ed tote BN so | . U4 . 019 O17 | 2.007 SOZT i LOLI) “2019 -017 AU, oe SS ae ecieee POET OF [oc OCet Mew Moet eee ats Lekota TE GUS Woe Sacre lll no eee ——— — —— — ——— 99. 360 99.893 |. 99.257 | 99.836 | 99.941 | 99. 976 | 99. 799 | 100. 228 OUT00 Aa - 151 . 190 ~2380) . .162 -140) .146) .0384 . 050 : | | For purpose of comparison, analyses are given of two sugar-cane soils from a pam- phlet on the agricultural chemistry of the sugar cane by Dr. T. L. Phipson. A is soil from Jamaica, under cane for the first time. B is soil from Demerara which has been steadily under cane for 15 years. A. B. — Per cent. | Per cent. Moisture ...-....-.-..---.- <2 22 one ee eee eee nee et eee cence better eee ee een Re 18.72 _ Boma Team arii COMPING WWtEl cc