THE PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY BY HERBERT SPENCER IN TIVO VOLUMES VOL. II REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION 1899 NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1901 Copyright, 1867, 1899, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. S7 l9ol o.2^ PKEFACE TO THE REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION OF VOL. II. To the statements made in the preface to the first volume of this revised edition, there must here be added a few hav- ing special reference to this second volume. One of them is that the revision has not been carried out in quite the same way, but in a way somewhat less com- plete. When reviewing the first volume a friendly critic, Prof. Lloyd Morgan, said : — " But though the intellectual weight has also been augmented, it is an open question whether it would not have been wiser to leave intact a treatise, &c. . . . relegating corrections and additions to notes and appendices." I think that Prof. Morgan is right. Though at the close of the preface to volume I, I wrote : — " in all sections not marked as new, the essential ideas set forth are the same as they were in the original edition of 1864," yet the reader who has not read this statement, or does not bear it in mind, will suppose that all or most of the enunciated conceptions are of recent date, whereas only a small part of them are. I have therefore decided to follow, in this second volume, a course somewhat like that suggested by Prof. Morgan- somewhat like, I say, because in sundry cases the amend- ments could not be satisfactorily made by appended notes. vi PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. But there has been a further reason for this change of method. An invalid who is nearly eighty cannot with pru- dence enter upon work which will take long to complete. Hence I have thought it better to make the needful altera- tions and additions in ways requiring relatively moderate time and labour. The additions made to this volume are less numerous and less important than those made to the first volume. A new chapter ending Part V, on " The Integration of the Or- ganic World," serves to round off the general theory of Evolution in its application to living things. Beyond a new section (§ 289a) and the various foot-notes, serving chiefly the purpose of elucidation, there are notes of some signifi- cance appended to Chapters I, III, IY, and V, in Part IY, Chapters Y and VIII, in Part V, and Chapters IX, X, and XII in Part VI. Moreover there are three further appen- dices, D3, F, and G, which have, I think, considerable sig- nificance as serving to make clearer some of the views expressed in the body of the work. Turning from the additions to the revisions, I have to say that the aid needed for bringing up to date the contents of this volume, has been given me by the gentlemen who gave me like aid in revising the first volume : omitting Prof. Perkin, within whose province none of the contents of this volume fall. Plant-Morphology and Plant-Physi- ology have been overseen by Mr. A. G. Tansley. Criti- cisms upon parts dealing with Animal Morphology I owe to Mr. J. T. Cunningham and Prof. E. W. MacBride. And the statements included under Animal Physiology have been checked by Mr. W. B. Hardy. PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. vii For reasons like those named in the preface to the first volume, I have not submitted the proofs of this revised second volume to these gentlemen : a fact which it is need- ful to name, since one or other of them might else be held responsible for some error which is not his but mine. It is the more requisite to say this because while, in respect of matters of fact, I have, save in one or two cases, accepted their corrections as not to be questioned, I have not always done this in respect of matters of inference, but in sundry places have adhered to my own interpretations. Perhaps I may be excused for expressing some satisfac- tion that I have not been obliged to relinquish the views set forth in 1864-7. The hypothesis of physiological units — or, as I would now call them, constitutional units—has been adopted by several zoologists under modified forms. So far as I am aware, the alleged general law of organic symmetry has not called forth any manifestations of dissent. The suggested theory of vertebrate structure appears to have become current ; and from the investigations of the late Prof. Cope, has received verification. The conclusions drawn in Part YI on " The Laws of Multiplication," have not, I believe, been controverted. And though only some works on botany have given currency to the doctrine set forth in Appendix C, " On Circulation and the Formation of Wood in Plants," yet I have met with no attempt to dis- prove it. The only views contested by certain of the gen- tlemen above named, are those concerning the origin of the two great phsenogamic types of plants, and the origin of the annulose type of animals. I have not, however, — perhaps because of natural bias — found myself compelled viii PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. to surrender these views. My reasons for adhering to them will be found in notes to the ends of Chapters III and IV in Fart IV, and in Appendix D9. On now finally leaving biological studies, it remains only to say that I am glad I have survived long enough to give this work its finished form. Brighton, October, 1899. PREFACE TO VOL. II. The proof sheets of this volume, like those of the last volume, have been looked through by Dr. Hooker and Prof. Huxley ; and I have, as before, to thank them for their valuable criticisms, and for the trouble they have taken in checking the numerous statements of fact on which the arguments proceed. The consciousness that their many duties render time extremely precious to them, makes me feel how heavy is my obligation. Part IY., with which this volume commences, contains numerous figures. Nearly one half of them are repeti- tions, mostly altered in scale and simplified in execution, of figures, or parts of figures, contained in the wTorks of vari- ous Botanists and Zoologists. Among the authors whom I have laid under contribution, I may name Berkeley, Car- penter, Cuvier, Green, Harvey, Hooker, Huxley, Milne- Edwards, Ralfs, Smith. The remaining figures, numbering 150, are from original sketches and diagrams. The successive instalments which compose this volume, were issued to the Subscribers at the following dates : — No. 13 (pp. 1—80) in January, 1865 ; No. 14 (pp. 81—160) in June, 1865 ; No. 15 (pp. 161—240) in December, 1865 ; No. 16 (pp. 241—320) in June, 1866 ; No. IT (pp. 321—400) in November, 1866 ; and No. 18 (pp. 401—566) in March, 1867. London, March 23rd, 1867. CONTENTS OF VOL. II. PART IV.— MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. CHAP. PAGE I. — The problems of morphology 3 II. — The morphological composition of plants ... 17 III. — The morphological composition of plants — Continued . 37 IV. — The morphological composition of animals ... 85 V. — The morphological composition of animals — Continued 111 VI. — Morphological differentiation in plants . . . 128 VII. — The general shapes of plants 134 VIII. — The shapes of branches 145 IX.— The shapes of leaves 152 X.— The shapes of flowers 161 XL — The shapes of vegetal cells 175 XII. — Changes of shape otherwise caused .... 178 XIII. — Morphological differentiation in animals . . . 183 XIV. — The general shapes of animals 186 XV. — The shapes of vertebrate skeletons .... 209 XVI. — The shapes of animal-cells 228 XVII.— Summary of morphological development . . . .231 PART V.— PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. I. — The problems of physiology 239 II. — Differentiations between the outer and inner tis- sues OF PLANTS 244 III. — Differentiations among the outer tissues of plants . 251 IV. — Differentiations among the inner tissues of plants . 272 xii CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGK V. — Physiological integration in plants .... 292 VI. — Differentiations between the outer and inner tissues OF ANIMALS 299 VII. — Differentiations among the outer tissues of animals . 309 VIII. — Differentiations among the inner tissues of animals . 323 IX. — Physiological integration in animals .... 373 X. — Summary of physiological development .... 384 X\ — The integration of the organic world .... 396 PAET VI.— LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. I. — The factors 411 II. — A PRIORI principle , .417 III. — Obverse a PRIORI principle 424 IV. — Difficulties of inductive verification .... 432 V. — Antagonism between growth and asexual genesis . 439 VI. — Antagonism between growth and sexual genesis . . 448 VII. — The antagonism between development and genesis, ASEXUAL AND SEXUAL 461 VIII. — Antagonism between expenditure and genesis . . 467 IX. — Coincidence between high nutrition and genesis . . 475 X. — Specialities of these relations 486 XL — Interpretation and qualification 497 XII. — Multiplication of the human race 506 v XIII. — Human population in the future 522 APPENDICES. A. — Substitution of axial for foliar organs in plants . . 541 B. — A criticism on Prof. Owen's theory of the vertebrate skeleton 548 C. — On circulation and the formation of wood in plants . . 567 D. — On the origin of the vertebrate type 599 D2. — The annulose type 602 E. — The shapes and arrangements of flowers .... 608 P. — Physiological (or constitutional) units .... 612 C— The inheritance of functionally-caused modifications . 618 PART IV. MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT 47 CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. § 175. The division of Morphology from Physiology, is one which may be tolerably-well preserved so long as we do not carry our inquiries beyond the empirical generalizations of their respective phenomena; but it is one which becomes in great measure nominal, when the phenomena are to be rationally interpreted. It would be possible, after analyzing our Solar System, to set down certain general truths respect- ing the sizes and distances of its primary and secondary members, omitting all mention of their motions ; and it would be possible to set down certain other general truths respect- ing their motions, without specifying their dimensions or positions, further than as greater or less, nearer or more re- mote. But on seeking to account for these general truths, arrived at by induction, we find ourselves obliged to consider simultaneously the relative sizes and places of the masses, and the relative amounts and directions of their motions. Similarly with organisms. Though we may frame sundry comprehensive propositions respecting the arrangements of their organs, considered as so many inert parts; and though we may establish several wide conclusions respecting the sepa- rate and combined actions of their organs, without knowing anything definite respecting the forms and positions of these organs; yet we cannot reach such a rationale of the facts as 3 4 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the hypothesis of Evolution aims at, without contemplating structures and functions in their mutual relations. Every- where structures in great measure determine functions; and everywhere functions are incessantly modifying structures. In Nature the two are inseparable co-operators; and Science can give no true interpretation of Nature without keeping their co-operation constantly in view. An account of organic evolution, in its more special aspects, must be essentially an account of the inter-actions of structures and functions, as perpetually altered by changes of conditions. Hence, when treating apart Morphological Development and Physiological Development, all we can do is to direct our attention mainly to the one or to the other, as the case may be. In dealing with the facts of structure, we must consider the facts of function only in such general way as is needful to explain the facts of structure; and conversely when deal- ing with the facts of function. § 176. The problems of Morphology fall into two distinct classes, answering respectively to the two leading aspects of Evolution. In things which evolve there go on two processes — increase of mass and increase of structure. Increase of mass is primary, and in simple evolution takes place almost alone. Increase of structure is secondary, accompanying or following increase of mass with more or less regularity, wher- ever evolution rises above that form which small inorganic bodies, such as crystals, present to us. As the fundamental antagonism between Dissolution and Evolution consists in this, that while the one is an integration of motion and dis- integration of matter, the other is an integration of matter and disintegration of motion; and as this integration of mat- ter accompanying disintegration of motion, is a necessary antecedent to the differentiation of the matter so integrated; it follows that questions concerning the mode in which the parts are united into a whole, must be dealt with before THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 5 questions concerning the mode in which these parts become modified.* This is not obviously a morphological question. But an illustration or two will make it manifest that fundamental differences may be produced between aggregates by differences in the degrees of composition of the increments : the ultimate units of the increments being the same. Thus an accumula- tion of things of a given kind may be made by adding one at a time. Or the things may be tied up into bundles of ten, and the tens placed together. Or the tens may be united into hundreds, and a pile of hundreds formed. Such unlike- nesses in the structures of masses are habitually seen in our mercantile transactions. Articles which the consumer re- cognizes as single, the retailer keeps wrapped up in dozens, the wholesaler sends in gross, and the manufacturer supplies in packages of a hundred gross. That is, they severally in- crease their stocks by units of simple, of compound, and of doubly-compound kinds. Similarly result those differences of morphological composition which we have first to consider. An organism consists of units. These units may be aggre- gated into a mass by the addition of unit to unit. Or they may be united into groups, and the groups joined together. Or these groups of groups may be so combined as to form a doubly-compound aggregate. Hence there arises respecting each organic form the question — is its composition of the first, second, third, or fourth order? — does it exhibit units of a singly-compounded kind only, or are these consolidated into units of a doubly-compounded kind, or a triply-com- pounded kind? And if it displays double or triple composi- * It seems needful here to say, that allusion is made in this paragraph to a proposition respecting the ultimate natures of Evolution and Dissolution, which is contained in an essay on The Classification of the Sciences, pub- lished in March, 1864. When the opportunity comes, I hope to make the definition there arrived at, the basis of a re-organization of the second part of First Principles: giving to that work a higher development, and a greater cohesion, than it at present possesses. [The intention here indicated was shown in Fig. 195. Radially symmetrical as is the type, and radially symmetrical as are those centrally-placed individuals which are equally crowded all round, we see that the peri- pheral individuals, dissimilarly circumstanced on their outer sides and on their sides next the group, have partially changed their radial symmetry into bilateral symmetry. It is no longer possible to make two corresponding halves by any vertical plane cutting down through the pileus and the stem; but there is only one vertical plane that will thus pro- duce corresponding halves — the plane on the opposite sides of which the relations to the environment are alike. And then mark that the divergence from all-sided symmetry towards two-sided symmetry, here caused in the individual by special circumstances, is characteristic of the race where the habits of the race constantly involve two-sidedness of conditions. Besides being exemplified by such comparatively undifferentiated types as certain Poly port, Fig. 196, a, 0, this truth is exemplified by members of the genus just named. In Agaricus liorizontalis, Fig. 196, c, we have a departure from radial symmetry that is conspicuous only in the form of the stem. A more decided bilateralness exists in A. sub- palmatus, shown in elevation at d and in section at d'. And 140 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Lentinus flab elli for mis, of which e and e' are different views, exhibits complete bilateralness — a bilateralness in which there is the greatest likeness of the parts that are most simi- larly conditioned, and the greatest unlikeness of the parts that are most dissimilarly conditioned. Among plants of the second order of composition, it will suffice to note one further class of facts which are the con- verse of the foregoing and have the same implications. These are the facts showing that along with habitual irregularity in the relations to external forces, there is habitual irregularity in the mode of growth. Besides finding such facts among Thallophytes, as in the tubers of underground fungi and in the creeping films of sessile lichens, which severally show us variations of proportions obviously caused by variations in the amounts of the influences on their different sides, we also, among Archegoniates of inferior types, find irregularities of form along with irregularities in environing actions. The fronds of the Marchantiacece or such Jungermanniacece as are shown in Figs. 41, 42, 43, illustrate the way in which each lowly-organized aggregate of the second order, not individuated by the mutual dependence of its parts, has its form deter- mined by the balance of facilities and resistances which each side of the frond meets with as it spreads. § 219. Among plants displaying integration of the third degree, and among plants still further compounded, these same truths are equally manifest. In the forms of such plants we see primary contrasts and secondary contrasts which, no less clearly than the foregoing, are related to contrasts of conditions. That flowering plants from the daisy up to the oak, have in common the fundamental unlikeness between the upward growing part and the downward growing part; and that this most marked unlikeness corresponds with the most marked unlikeness between the two parts of their environ- ment, soil and air; are facts too conspicuous to be named THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. 141 were they not important items in the argument. More instructive perhaps, because less familiar, is the fact that we miss this extreme contrast in flowering plants which have not their higher and lower portions exposed to conditions thus extremely contrasted. A parasite like the Dodder, growing in entangled masses upon other plants, from which it sucks the juices, is not thus divisible into two strongly-distinguished halves. Leaving out of consideration the difference between the supporting part and the supported part in phamogams, and looking at the supported part only, we observe between its form and the habitual incidence of forces, a relation like that which we observed in the simpler plants. Phsenogams that are practically if not literally uniaxial, and those which de- velop their lateral axes only in the shape of axillary flowers, when uninterfered with commonly send up vertical stems round which the leaves and flowers are disposed with a more or less decided radial symmetry. Gardens and fields supply us with such instances as the Tulip and the Orchis; and, on a larger scale, the Palms and the Aloes are fertile in ex- amples. The exceptions, too, are instructive. Besides the individual divergences arising from special interferences, there are to be traced general divergences where the habits of the plants expose them to general interferences in anything approaching to constant ways. Plants which, like the Fox- glove, have spikes of flowers that are borne on flexible foot- stalks, have their flowers habitually bent round to one face of the stem: an unlikeness of distribution probably caused by unlikeness in the relation to the Sun's rays. The wild Hya- cinth, too, with stem so flexible that its upper part droops, shows us how a consequent difference in the action of gravity on the flowers, causes them to deviate from their typically- radial arrangement towards a bilateral arrangement. Much more conspicuous are these general and special rela- tions of form to general and special actions in the environ- ment, among phasnogams that are multiaxial. That when 142 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. standing alone, and in places where the winds do not injure them nor adjacent things shade them, shrubs and trees develop with tolerable evenness on all sides, is an obvious truth. Equally obvious is the truth that, when growing together in a wood, and mutually interfered with on all sides, trees still show obscurely radial distributions of parts; though, under such conditions, they have tall taper stems with branches directed upwards — a difference of shape clearly due to the different incidence of forces. And almost equally obvious is the truth, that a tree of this same kind growing at the edge of the wood, has its outer branches well developed and its inner branches comparatively ill-developed. Fig. 197, which t98 V 1S>9 inaccurately represents this difference, will serve to make it manifest that while one of the peripheral trees can be cut into something like two similar halves by a vertical plane directed towards the centre of the wood — a plane on each side of which the conditions are alike — it cannot be cut into simi- lar halves by any other plane. A like divergence from an indefinitely-radial symmetry towards an indefinitely-bilateral symmetry, occurs in trees that have their conditions made bilateral by growing on inclined surfaces. Two of the common forms observable in such cases are given in Fig. 198. Here there is divisibility into parts that are tolerably similar, by a vertical plane running directly down the hill; but not by any other plane. Then, further, there is the bilateralness, similar in general meaning though differently caused, often seen in trees exposed to strong prevailing winds. Almost THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. 143 every sea-coast has abundant examples of stunted trees which, like the one shown in Fig. 199, have been made to deviate from their ordinary equal growth on all sides of a vertical axis, to a growth that is equal only on the opposite sides of a vertical plane directed towards the wind's eye. From among vegetal aggregates of the third order, we have now only to add examples of the entirely asymmetrical form which accompanies an entirely irregular distribution of inci- dent forces. Creeping plants furnish such examples. They show, both when climbing up vertical or inclined surfaces and when trailing on the ground, that their branches grow hither and thither as the balance of forces aids or opposes; and the general outline is without symmetry of any kind, because the environing influences have no kind of regularity in their arrangement. § 220. Along with some unfamiliar facts, I have here set down facts which are so familiar as to seem scarcely worth noting. It is because these facts have become meaningless to perceptions deadened by infinite repetitions of them, that it is needful here to point out their meanings. Not alone for its intrinsic importance has the unlikeness between the attached ends and the free ends been traced among plants of all degrees of integration. Nor is it simply because of the significance they have in themselves, that instances have been given of those varieties of symmetry and asymmetry which the free ends of plants equally display : bewthey plants of the first, second, third, or any higher order. Neither has the only other purpose been that of showing how, in the radial symmetry of some vegetal aggregates and the single bilateral symmetry of others, there are traceable the same ultimate principles as in the spherical symmetry and triple bilateral symmetry of certain minute plants first described. But the main object has been to present, under their simplest aspects, those general laws of morphological differentiation which are fulfilled by the component parts of each plant. 144 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. If organic form is determined by the distribution of forces, and the approach in every case towards an equilibrium of inner actions with outer actions; then this relation between forms and forces must hold alike in the organism as a whole in its proximate units, and in its units of lower orders. For- mulas which express the shapes of entire plants in terms of surrounding conditions, must be formulas which also express the shapes of their several parts in terms of surrounding conditions. If, therefore, we find that a plant as a whole is radially symmetrical or bilaterally symmetrical or asymme- trical, according as the incident forces affect it equally on all sides of an axis, or affect it equally only on the opposite sides of one plane, or affect it equally in no two directions; then, we may expect that, in like manner, each member of a plant will display radial symmetry where environing influences are alike along many radii, bilateral symmetry where there is bilateralness of environing influences, and unsymmetry or asymmetry where there is partial or entire departure from a balance of surrounding actions. To show that this expectation is borne out by the facts, will be the object of the following four chapters. Let us begin with the largest parts into which plants are divisible; and proceed to the successively smaller parts. CHAPTER VIII. THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. 200 §221. Aggregates of the first order supply a few examples of forms ramified in an approximately-regular manner, under conditions which subject their parts to approximately-regu- lar distributions of forces. Some unicellular Algce, becoming elaborately branched, assume very much the aspects of small trees; and show us in their branches analogous relations of forms to forces. Bryopsis plumosa may be instanced. Fig. 200 represents the end of one of its lateral ramifications, above and beneath which come others of like characters. Here it will be seen that the attached and free ends differ; that the two sides are much alike; and that they are unlike the upper and under surfaces, which resemble one another. The more highly developed members of the same group of Algce, the Siphonece, show a marked radial symmetry coexisting with very elaborate branching, e.g., Neo- meris, Cymopolia, and others. § 222. Fig. 201 shows us how, in an aggregate of the second order, each proxi- mate component is modified by its rela- tions to the rest; just as we before saw a whole fungus of the same type modified 56 146 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. by its relations to environing objects. If a branch of the fungus here figured, be compared with one of the fungi clustered together in Fig. 195, or, still better, with one of the laterally-growing fungi shown in Fig. 196, there will be per- ceived a kindred transition from radial to bilateral symmetry, occurring under kindred conditions. The portion of the pileus next to the side of attachment is undeveloped in this branched form as in the simpler form ; and in the one case as in the other, the stem is modified towards the side of attach- ment. A division into similar halves, which, as shown in Fig. 196 e, might be made of the whole fungus by a vertical plane passing through the centre of the pileus and the axis of the supporting body, might here be made of the branch, by a vertical plane passing through the centre of its pileus and the axis of the main stem. Among aggregates of this order, the Algce furnish cases of kindred nature. In the branches of Lessonia, Fig. 37, may be observed a substantially- similar relationship. As their inner parts are less developed than their outer parts, while their two sides are developed in approximately equal degrees, they are rendered bilateral. § 223. These few cases introduce us to the more familiar but more complex cases which plants of the third degree of 202 aggregation present. At a, b, c, Fig. 202, are sketched three homologous parts of the same tree: a being the leading THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. 147 shoot ; b a lateral branch near the top, and c a lateral branch lower down. There is here a double exemplification. While the branch a, as a whole, has its branchlets arranged with tolerable regularity all round, in correspondence with its equal exposure on all sides, each branchlet shows by its curve as much bilateral symmetry as its simple form permits. The branch b, dissimilarly circumstanced on the side next the main stem and on the side away from it, has an approxi- mate bilateralness as a whole, while the bilateralness of its branchlets varies with their respective positions. And in the branch c, having its parts still more differently conditioned, these traits of structure are still more marked. Extremely strong contrasts of this kind occur in trees having very regular modes of growth. The uppermost branches of a Spruce-fir have radially-arranged branchlets: each of them, if growing vigorously, repeats the type of the leading shoot, as shown in Fig. 203, a, b. But if we examine branches lower and lower down the tree, we find the vertically-growing branchlets bear a less and less ratio to the horizontally- growing ones; until, towards the bottom, the radial arrange- ment has wholly merged into the bilateral. Shaded and confined by the branches above them, these eldest branches develop their offshoots in those directions where there is most space and light: becoming finally quite flattened and fan-shaped, as shown at Fig. 203, c. And on remembering that each of these eldest branches, when first it diverged from the main stem, was radial, we see not only that between the upper and lower branches does this contrast in structure hold, but also that each branch is transformed from the radial to the bilateral by the progressive change in its en- vironment. Other forces besides those which aid or hinder growth, conspire to produce this two-sided character in lateral branches. The annexed Fig. 204, sketched from an example of the Pinus Coulterii at Kew, shows very clearly how, by mere gravitation, the once radially-arranged branch- lets may be so bent as to produce in the branch as a whole a 148 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. decided bilateralness. A full-grown Araucaria, too, exhibits in its lower branches modifications similarly caused; and in each of such branches there may be remarked the further fact, that its upward-bending termination has a partially- modified radialness, at the same time that its drooping lateral branchlets give to the part nearer the trunk a completely bilateral character. Now in these few instances, typical of countless instances which might be given, we see, as we saw in the case of the fungi, that the same thing is true of the parts in their relations to the whole and to one another, which is true of the whole in its relations to the environment at large. Entire trees become bilateral instead of radial, when exposed to forces that are equal only on opposite sides of one plane ; and in their branches, parallel changes of form occur under parallel changes of conditions. § 224. There remains to be said something respecting th distribution of leaves. How a branch carries its leaves constitutes one of its characters as a branch, and is to be considered apart from the characters of the leaves them- selves. The principles hitherto illustrated we shall here find illustrated still further. The leading shoot and all the upper twigs of a fir-tree, have their pin-shaped leaves evenly distributed all round, or placed radially ; * but as we descend we find them beginning to assume a bilateral distribution ; and on the lower, horizon- tally-growing branches, their distribution is quite bilateral, f Between the Irish and English kinds of Yew, there is a con- trast of like significance. The branches of the one, shooting up as they do almost vertically, are clothed with leaves * Here and throughout, the word radial is applied equally to the spiral and the whorled structures. These, as being alike on all sides, are similarly distinguished from arrangements that are alike on two sides only. f It should be added that this change of distribution is not due to change in the relative positions of the insertions of the leaves but to their twistings. . THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. 149 all round; while those of the other, which spread laterally, bear their leaves on the two sides. In trees with better- developed leaves, the same principle is more or less manifest in proportion as the leaves are more or less enabled by their structures to maintain fixed positions. Where the foot-stalks are long and slender, and where, consequently, each leaf, according to its weight, the flexibility and twist of its foot- stalk, and the direction of the branch it grows from, falls into some indefinite attitude, the relations are obscured. But where the foot-stalks are stiff, as in the Laurel, it will be found, as before, that from the topmost and upward-growing branches the leaves diverge on all sides; while the under- most branches, growing out from the shade of those above, have their leaves so turned as to bring them into rows hori- zontally spread out on the two sides of each branch. A kindred truth, having like implications, comes into view when we observe the relative sizes of leaves on the same branch, where their sizes differ. 20s Fig. 205 represents a branch of a Horse-chestnut, taken from the lowermost fringe of the tree, where the light has been to a great extent intercepted from all but the most protruded parts. Beyond the fact that the leaves become by appro- priate growths of their foot-stalks bilaterally distributed on this droop- ing branch, instead of being distributed symmetrically all round, as on one of the ascending shoots, we have here to note the fact that there is unequal development on the upper and lower sides. Each of the compound leaves acquires a foot-stalk and leaflets that are large in proportion to the supply of light; and hence, as we descend towards the bot- tom of the tree, the clusters of leaves display increasing contrasts. How marked these contrasts become will be seen on comparing a and b, which form one pair of leaves that 150 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. are normally equal, or c and d, which form another pair noi mally equal. Let us not omit to note, while we have this case before us, the proof it affords that these differences of development are in a considerable degree determined by the different con- ditions of the parts after they have been unfolded. Though those inequalities of dimensions whence the differentiations of form result, may be in many cases largely due to the inequalities in the circumstances of the parts while in the bud (which are, however, representative of inequalities in ancestral circumstances) ; yet these are clearly not the sole causes of the unlikenesses which eventually arise. This bi- lateralness resulting from the unequal sizes of the leaves, must be considered as due to the differential actions that come into play after the leaves have assumed their typical structures. § 225. How, in the arrangement of their twigs and leaves, branches tend to lapse from forms that are approximately symmetrical to forms that are quite asymmetrical, need not be demonstrated: it is sufficiently conspicuous. But it may be well to point out how the tendency to do this further enforces our argument. The comparatively regular budding- out of secondary axes and tertiary axes, does not usually produce an aggregate which maintains its regularity, for the simple reason that many of the axes abort. Terminal buds are some of them destroyed by birds; others are bur- rowed into by insects; others are nipped by frost; others are broken off or injured during gales of wind. The envi- ronment of each branch and its branchlets is thus ever being varied on all sides: here, space being left vacant by the death of some shoot that would ordinarily have occupied it; and there, space being trenched on by the lateral growth of some adjacent branch that has had its main axis broken. Hence the asymmetry, or heterogeneity of form, assumed by the branch, is caused by the asymmetrical distribution THE SHAPES OP BRANCHES. 151 of incident forces — a result and a cause which go on ever complicating. § 226. One conspicuous trait in the shapes of branches has still to be named. Their proximal or attached ends differ from their distal or free ends, in the same way that the lower ends of trees differ from their upper ends. This fact, like the fact to which it is here paralleled, has had its significance obscured by its extreme familiarity. But it shows in a striking way how the most differently-conditioned parts become the most strongly contrasted in their struc- tures. A phaenogamic axis is made up of homologous seg- ments, marked off from one another by the nodes; and a compound branch consists of groups of such segments. The earliest-formed segments, alike of the tree and of each branch, serve as mechanical supports and channels for sap to the successive generations of segments that grow out of them; and become more and more shaded by their progeny as these increase. Hence the progressively-increasing con- trasts which, while mainly due to the unlikenesses of bulk accompanying differences of age, are in part due to the un- likenesses of structure which differences of relation to the environment have caused. § 227. Thus, then, it is with the proximate parts of plants as it is with plants as wholes. The radial symmetry, the bilateral symmetry, and the asymmetry, which branches dis- play in different trees, in different parts of the same tree, and at different stages of their own growths, prove to be all con- sequent on the ways in which they stand towards the entire plexus of surrounding actions. The principle that the growths are unequal in proportion as the relations of parts to the environment are unequal, serves to explain all the leading traits of structure. CHAPTEE IX. THE SHAPES OP LEAVES. § 228. Next in the descending order of composition conn compound leaves. The relative sizes and distributions oi their leaflets, as affecting their forms as wholes, have to be considered in their relations to conditions. Figs. 206, 207, represent leaves of the common Oxalis and of the Marsilea, in which radial symmetry is as completely displayed as the small number of leaflets permits. This equal development of the leaflets on all sides, occurs where the foot-stalks, grow- ing up vertically from creeping or underground stems, are so long that the leaves either do not interfere with one another or do it in an inconstant way: the leaflets are not differently conditioned on different sides, as they are where the foot-stalks grow out in the ordinary manner. How un- likeness of position influences the leaflets is clearly shown in a Clover-leaf, Fig. 208, which deviates from the Oxalis-leaf but slightly towards bilateralness, as it deviates from it but slightly in the attitude of its petiole; which is a little in- clined away from the others borne by the same procumbent axis. A familiar example of an almost radial symmetry along with almost equal relations to surrounding conditions, occurs in the root-leaves of the Lupin, Fig. 209 b. Here though we have lateral divergence from a vertical axis, yet the long foot-stalks preserve nearly erect positions, and carry their leaves to such distances from the axis, that the development of the leaflets on the side next it is not much 152 THE SHAPES OF LEAVES. 153 hindered. Still the interference of the leaves with one another is, on the average, somewhat greater on the proximal side than on the distal side; and hence the interior leaflets are rather less than the exterior leaflets. In further proof of which influence, let it be added that, as shown in the figure, at a, the leaves growing out of the flowering-stem deviate towards the two-sided form more decidedly. Two-sidedness is much greater where there is a greater relative proximity of the inner leaflets to the axis, or where the foot-stalk approaches towards a horizontal position. The Horse-chest- nut, Fig. 205, already instanced as showing how the arrange- ments and sizes of leaflets are determined by the incidence of forces, serves also to show how the incidence of forces deter- mines the relative sizes and arrangements of leaflets. Fig. 210, which shows a leaf of the Bombax, further illustrates this relation of structure to conditions. Compound leaves that are completely bilateral, present us with modifications of form exemplifying the same general truth in another way. In them the proximal and distal parts have none of that resemblance which we see in those intermediate forms just described. The portion next the axis and the portion furthest from* the axis are entirely different ; and the only likeness is between the wings or leaflets on opposite sides of the main foot-stalk or mid-rib. On turning back to Fig. 65, it will be seen that the compound leaf there 154 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. drawn to exemplify another truth, serves also to exemplify this truth: the homologous parts a, b, c, d, while they are unlike one another, are, in their main proportions, severally like the parts with which they are paired. And here let us not overlook a characteristic which is less conspicuous but not less significant. Each of the lateral wings has winglets that are larger on the one side than on the other; and in each case the two sides are dissimilarly conditioned. Even in the several components of each wing may be traced a like divergence from symmetry, along with a like inequality in the relations to the rest: the proximal half of each leaflet is habitually larger than the distal half. In the leaves of the Bramble, previously figured, kindred facts are presented. How far such differences of development are due to the posi- tions of the parts in the bud; how far the respective spaces available for the parts when unfolded affect them; and how far the parts are rendered unlike by unlikenesses in their relations to light; it is difficult to say. Probably these several factors operate in all varieties of proportion. That the habitual shading of some parts by others largely aids in causing these divergences from symmetry, is very instructively shown by the compound leaves of the Cow- parsnip. Fig. 211 represents one of these. While the leaf as a whole is bilaterally symmetrical, each of the wings has an un- s}onmetrical bilateralness : the side next the axis being larger than the remoter side. How does this happen? Fig. 212, which is a diagrammatic section down the mid-rib of the leaf, showing its inclined attitude and the positions of the THE SHAPES OF LEAVES. 155 wings a, b, c, will make the cause clear. As the wings overlap, like the bars of a Venetian blind, each intercepts some light from the one below it; and the one below it thus suffers more on its distal side than on its proximal side. Hence the smaller development of the distal side. That this is the cause is further shown by the proportion that is main- tained between the degree of obscuration and the degree of non-development; for this unlikeness is greater between the two sides a and a', than between b and b' or c and c', at the same time that the interference is greater in the lower wings than in the upper. Of course in this case and in the kindred cases hereafter similarly interpreted, it is not meant that this differentiation is consequent solely, or even chiefty, on the differential actions experienced by the individual plant. Though there is good reason to believe that the rate of growth in each part of each leaf is affected by the incidence of light, yet contrasts so marked and so systematic as these are not explicable without taking into account the inheritance of modifications either functionally caused or caused by spon- taneous variation. Clearly, the tendency will be towards the preservation of a plant which distributes its chlorophyll in the most advantageous way ; and hence there will always be a gravitation towards a form in which shaded parts of leaves are undeveloped. § 229. From compound leaves to simple ones, we find transitions in leaves of which the divisions are partial in- stead of total; and in these we see, with equal clearness, the relations between forms and positions that have been traced thus far. Fig. 213 is the leaf of a Winter-aconite in which, round a vertical petiole, there is a radial distribution of half- separated leaflets. The Cecropia-le&i, Fig. 214, shows us a two-sided development of the parts beginning to modify, but not obliterating, the all-sided arrangement; and this mixed symmetry occurs under conditions that are interme- diate. A more marked degree of the same relation is pre- 156 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. sented in the leaf of the Lady's Mantle, Fig. 215. And then in the Sycamore and the Vine, we have a cleft type of leaf in which a decided bilateralness of form co-exists with a decided bilateralness of conditions. The quite simple leaves to which we now descend, exhibit, very distinctly, a parallel series of facts. Where they grow up on long and completely-independent foot-stalks, without definite subordination to some central vertical axis, the leaves of water-plants are symmetrically peltate. Of this the sacred Indian-bean, Fig. 216, furnishes an example. Here there is only a trace of bilateralness in the venation of the leaf, corresponding to the very small difference of the con- ditions oh the proximal and distal sides. In the Victoria regia, Fig. 217, the foot-stalks, though radiating almost horizontally from a centre, are so long as to keep the leaves quite remote from one another; and in it each leaf is almost symmetrically peltate, with a bilateralness indicated only by a seam over the line of the foot-stalk. The leaves of the Nymphcea, Fig. 218, more closely clustered, and having less 213$ 240 241 Very instructive evidences here meet us. Sometimes within the limits of one genus we find radial flowers, bilateral flowers, and flowers of intermediate characters. The genus 166 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Begonia may be instanced. In B. rigida the flowers, various in their attitudes, are in their more conspicuous characters radial: though there is a certain bilateralness in the calyx, the five petals are symmetrically disposed all round. B. Wageneriana furnishes two forms of flowers. On the same in- dividual plant may be. found radial flowers like Fig. 242, and others, like Fig. 243, which are merging into the bilateral. More decided is the bilateralness in B. albo-coccinea, Fig. 244; and still more in B. nitida, Fig. 245. While in B. heraclei- 242 243 244 245 2,46 folia, Fig. 246, the change reaches its extreme by the dis- appearance of the lateral petals. On examining the modes of growth in these several species, they will be seen to explain these changes in the manner alleged. Even more conclusive are the nearly-allied transformations occur- ring in artificially-produced varieties of the same species. Gloxinia may be named in illustration. In Fig. 247 is repre- sented one of the ordinary forms, which shows us bilateralness of shape along with a mode of growth that renders the condi- tions alike on the two sides while different above and below. 247 24L^ But in 0. erecta, Fig. 248, we have the flower assuming ai upright attitude, and at the same time assuming the radial type. This is not to be inter- preted as a production of ra- dial symmetry out of bilateral symmetry, under the action of the appropriate conditions. It is rather to be taken as a case of what is termed " peloria " — a reversion to the primitive radial type, from which the bilateral modification had been derived. The significant inference to be drawn from it is, I THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 167 that this primitive radial type had an upright attitude; and that the derivation of a bilateral type from it, occurred along with the assumption of an inclined attitude. We come now to a group of cases above referred to, in which radial symmetry continues to co-exist with that con- stant lateral attitude ordinarily accompanied by the two- sided form. Two examples will suffice: one a very large flower, the Hollyhock, and the other a very small flower, the Agrimony. Why does the radial form here remain unchanged ? and how does its continuance consist with the alleged general law? Until quite recently I have been unable to find any prob- able answers to these questions. When the difficulty first presented itself, I could think of no other possible cause for the anomaly, than that the parts of the Hollyhock-flower, unfolding spirally as they do, might have different degrees of spiral twist in different flowers, and might thus not be unfolded in sufficiently-constant positions. But this seemed a questionable interpretation; and one which did not ob- viously apply to the case of the Agrimony. It was only on inquiring what are the special causes of modifications in the forms of flowers, that a more feasible explanation suggested itself; and this would probably never have suggested itself, had not Mr. Darwin's investigations into the fertilization of Orchids led me to take into account an unnoticed agency. The actions which affect the forms of leaves, affect much less decidedly the forms of flowers; and the forms of flowers are influenced by actions which do not influence the forms of leaves. Partly through the direct action of incident forces and partly through the indirect action of natural selection, leaves get their parts distributed in ways that most facilitate their assimilative functions, under the circumstances in which they are placed ; and their several types of symmetry are thus explicable. But in flowers, the petals and fructifying organs of which do not contain chlorophyll, the tendency to grow most where the supply of light is greatest, is less decided, if 168 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. not absent; and a shape otherwise determined is hence less liable to alter in consequence of altered relations to sun and air. Gravity, too, must be comparatively ineffective in caus- ing modifications : the smaller sizes of the parts, as well as their modes of attachment, giving them greater relative rigidity. Not, indeed, that these incident forces of the inor- **9 KH^ ganic world are here quite inoperative. Fig. 249, representing a species of Campanula, shows that the developments of individual flowers are somewhat modified by the rela- tions of their parts to general conditions. But the fact to be observed is, that the extreme transformations which flowers undergo are not likely to be thus caused: some further cause must be sought. And if we bear in mind the functions of flowers, we shall find in their adaptations to these functions, under conditions that are extremely varied, an adequate cause for the different types of symmetry, as well as for the exceptions to them. Flowers are parts in which fertilization is effected; and the active agents of this fertilization are insects — bees, moths, butter- flies, &c. Mr. Darwin has shown in many cases, that the forms and positions of the essential organs of fructification, are such as to facilitate the actions of insects in trans- ferring pollen from the anthers of one flower to the pistil of another — an arrangement produced by natural selection. And here we shall find reason for concluding, that the forms and positions of those subsidiary parts which give their shapes to flowers, similarly arise by the survival of indi- viduals which have the subsidiary parts so adjusted as to aid this fertilizing process — the deviations from radial symmetry being among such adjustments. The reasoning is as fol- lows. So long as the axis of a flower is vertical and the conditions are similar all round, a bee or butterfly alight- ing on it, will be as likely to come from one side as from another; and hence, hindrance rather than facilitation would THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 169 result if the several sides of the flower did not afford it equally free access. In like manner, flowers which are distributed over a plant in such ways that their discs open out on planes of all directions and inclinations, will have no tend- ency to lose their radial symmetry; since, on the average, no part of the periphery is differently related to insect- agency from any other part. But flowers so fixed as to open out sideways in tolerably-constant attitudes, have their petals differently related to insect-agency. A bee or butterfly coming to a laterally-growing flower, does not settle on it in one way as readily as in another; but almost of necessity settles with the axis of its body inclined upwards towards the stem of the plant. Hence the side-petals of a flower so fixed, habitually stand to the alighting insect in relations different from those in which the upper and lower petals stand; and the upper and lower petals differ from one another in their relations to it. If, then, there so arises an habitual attitude of the insect towards the petals, there is likely to be some arrangement of the petals that will be most convenient to the insect — will most facilitate its entrance into the flower. Thus we see in many cases, that a long undermost petal or lip, by enabling the insect to settle in such way as to bring its head opposite to the opening of the tube, aids its fertilizing agency. But whatever be the special modifications of the corolla which facilitate the actions of the particular insects concerned, all of them will conduce to bilateral symmetry; since they will be alike for the two sides but unlike for the top and bottom. And now we are prepared for understanding the exceptions. Flowers growing sideways can become thus adapted by survival of the fittest, only if they are of such sizes and structures that insect-agency can affect them in the way described. But in the plants named above, this condition is not fulfilled. A Hollyhock-flower is so open, as well as so large, that its petals are n$t in any appreciable degree differently related to the insects which visit it. On the other hand, the flower of the 170 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Agrimony is so small, that unless visited by insects of a corresponding size which settle as bees and butterflies settle, its parts will not be affected in the alleged manner. That all anomalies of this kind can at once be satisfactorily ex- plained, is scarcely to be expected : the circumstances of each case have to be studied. But it seems not improbable that they are due to causes of the kind indicated.* § 235. We have already glanced at clusters of flowers for the purpose of considering their shapes as clusters. We must now return to them to observe the modifications undergone by their component flowers. Among these occur illustrations of great significance. An example of transition from the radial to the bilateral form in clustered flowers of the same species, is furnished by the cultivated Geraniums, called by florists Pelargoniums. Some of these, bearing somewhat small terminal clusters of flowers, which are closely packed together with their faces almost upwards, have radially-symmetrical flowers. But among other varieties having terminal clusters of which the members are mutually thrust on one side by crowding, the flowers depart very considerably from the radial shape * It is objected to the above interpretation that " many flowers of sizes intermediate between the Hollyhock and the Agrimony are radially sym- metrical and yet grow sideways. I may mention various Ziliacece, e.g. Chlo- rophytum, Eitcomis, Muscari, Anthericvm. Sagittaria, also, has many of its flowers in this position. Further, if the higher insects alight on flowers in a definite way. as they do, the parts of the flower must bear different rela- tions to the visiting insect, however large, so that flowers unvisited ought all to be zygomorphic." My reply is that in the sense which here concerns us, the different petals of the Hollyhock -flower do not bear different rela- tions to the visiting insect ; since, practically, the upper and lateral petals bear no physical relations at all : in so far as the visiting bee is concerned they are non-existent. The argument implies that change in the form of a flower from the radial to the bilateral is likely to take place only when the contact-relations of the petals to the visiting insect, are such as to make some forms facilitate its action more than others ; and the large petals of the Hollyhock cannot facilitate its action at all. In respect of the LiHacece instanced, it is needful to inquire whether the structures are such that this alleged cause of bilateral symmetry can come into play. THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 171 towards the trilateral shape. A like result occurs under like conditions in Rhododendrons and Azaleas. The Verbena, too, furnishes an illustration of radial flowers rendered slightly two-sided by the slight two-sidedness of their relations to other flowers in the cluster. And among the Cruciferce a kindred case occurs in the cultivated Candytuft. Evidence of a somewhat different kind is offered us by clustered flowers in which the peripheral members of the clusters differ from the central members; and this evidence is especially significant where we find allied species that do not exhibit the deviation, at the same time that they do not fulfil the conditions under which it may be expected. Thus, in Scabiosa succisa, Fig. 250, which bears its numerous small flowers in a hemispherical knob, the component flowers, similarly circumstanced, are all equal and all radial; but in Scabiosa arvensis, Fig. 251, in which the numerous small flowers form a flattened disk only the confined central ones are radial : round the edge the flowers are much larger and conspicuously bilateral. But the most remarkable and most conclusive proofs of these relations between forms and positions, are those given by the clustered flowers called Umbellifera?. In some cases, as where the component flowers have all plenty of room, or where the surface of the umbel is more or less globular, the modifications are not conspicuous; but where, as mViburnum,Cha?rophyttum, Anthriscus, Torilis, Caucalis, Daucus, Tordylium, &c, we have flowers clustered in such ways as to be differently conditioned, we find a num- ber of modifications that are marked and varied in propor- tion as the differences of conditions are marked and varied. In Cheer ophyllum, where the flowers of each umbellule are closely placed so as to form a flat surface, but where the umbellules are wide apart and form a dispersed umbel, the umbellules do not differ from one another; though among the 172 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. flowers of each umbellule there are decided differences: the central flowers being small and radial, while the peripheral ones are large and bilateral. But in other genera, where not only the flowers of each nmbelhile but also the umbellules themselves, are closely clustered into a flat surface, the umbel- lules themselves become contrasted; and many remarkable secondary modifications arise. In an umbel of Heracleum, for instance, there are to be noted the facts; — first, that the external umbellules are larger than the internal ones; second, that in each umbellule the central flowers are less developed than the peripheral ones; third, that this greater development of the peripheral flowers is most marked in the outer umbellules ; fourth, that it is most marked on the outer sides of the outer umbellules; fifth, that while the interior flowers of each umbellule are radial, the exterior ones are bilateral; sixth, that this bilateralness is most marked in the peripheral flowers of the peripheral umbellules; seventh, that the flowers on the outer sides of these peripheral umbellules are those in which the bilateralness reaches a maximum; and eighth, that where the outer umbellules touch one another, the flow- ers, being unsymmetrically placed, are unsymmetrically bilateral.* The like modifi- cations are displayed, though not in so clearly-traceable a way, in an umbel of Tordy- lium, Fig. 252. Considering how obviously these various forms are related to the vari- ous conditions, we should be scarcely able, even in the * I had intended here to insert a figure exhibiting these differences ; but as the Cow-parsnip does not flower till July, and as I can find no drawing of the umbel which adequately represents its details, I am obliged to take another instance. THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 173 absence of all other facts, to resist the conclusion that the differences in the conditions are the causes of the differences in the forms. Composite flowers furnish evidence so nearly allied to that which clustered flowers furnish, that we may fitly glance at them under the same head. Such a common type of this order as the Sun-flower, exempli- fies the extremely marked difference which arises in many of these plants between the closely-packed internal florets, each similarly circumstanced on all sides, and the external florets, not similarly circumstanced on all sides. In Fig. 253, representing the inner and outer florets of a Daisy, the contrast is marked between the small radial corolla of the one and the larger bilateral corolla of the other. In many cases, how- ever, this contrast is less marked: the inner florets also having their outward-growing prolongations — a difference possibly related to some difference in the habits of the insects that fertilize them. Nevertheless, these composite flowers which have inner florets with strap-shaped corollas out- wardly directed, equally conform to the general principle; both in the radial arrangement of the assemblage of florets, and in the bilateral shape of each floret; which has its parts alike on the two sides of a line passing from the centre of the assemblage to the circumference. Certain other members of this order fulfil the law somewhat differ- ently. In Centaurea, for instance, the inner florets are small and vertical in direction, while the outer florets are large and lateral in direction. And here may be remarked, in passing, a clear indication of the effect which great flexibility of the petals has in preventing a flower from losing its original radiate form ; for while in G. cyanus, the large outward-grow- ing florets, having short, stiff divisions of the corolla, are decidedly bilateral, in C. scabiosa, where the divisions of the 174 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. corolla are long and flexible, the radial form is scarcely at all modified. On bearing in mind the probable relations of the forms to insect-agency, the meaning of this difference will not be difficult to understand.* § 236. In extremely-varied ways there are thus re-illus- trated among flowers, the general laws of form which leaves and branches and entire plants disclose to us. Composed as each cluster of flowers is of individuals that are originally similar; and composed as each flower is of homologous foliar organs; we see both that the like flowers become unlike and the like parts of each flower become unlike, where the posi- tions involve unlike incidence of forces. The symmetry remains radial where the conditions are equal all round; shows deviation towards two-sidedness where there is slight two-sidedness of conditions; becomes decidedly bilateral where the conditions are decidedly bilateral; and passes into an unsymmetrical form where the relations to the environ- ment are unsymmetrical. * It has been pointed out to me that " the extreme development of the corolla so often found in the outer flowers or on the outer side of the outer flowers in closely packed inflorescences, associated as it often is with disap- pearance of stamens or carpels or both, is usually put down to specialization of these outer flowers for attractive purposes. Since the whole inflorescence is increased in conspicuousness by such a modification, it is supposed that natural selection favoured those plants which sacrificed a portion of their seed-bearing capacity for the supposed greater advantage of securing more insect visits." But granting this interpretation, it may still be held that increase of attractiveness due to increase of area must be achieved by florets at the periphery, and that their ability to achieve it depends on their having an outer, unoccupied, space which the inner florets have not; so that, thougt in a more indirect way, their different development is determined by different exposure to conditions. CHAPTEK XL THE SHAPES OF VEGETAL CELLS. § 237. We come now to aggregates of the lowest order. Already something has been said (§217) concerning the forms of those morphological units which exist as indepen- dent plants. But it is here requisite briefly to note the modifications undergone by them where they become compo- nents of larger plants. Of the numerous cell-forms which are found in the tissues of the higher plants, it will suffice to give, in Fig. 254, re- presenting a section of a leaf, a single example. In this it will be seen that the cells forming the upper and lower sur- faces, a and b, have dif- ferences of shape related d ;^U^-^ to differences in the inci- dence of forces: they are more or less flattened in relation to the environment. The underneath cells at c, form a class which, similarly exposed to light at their outer ends, and, as we may assume, largely developed in adjustment to their active assimilative functions, are, by mutual pressure, made to grow more in the direction of their lengths than in the direction of their breadths. Then on the other side we see that the cells d, next above the outer layer, while approximately similar, become more and more dissimilar as they diverge from the surface, and are quite 175 176 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. irregular in the interior e, where there is no definiteness in the conditions to which they are exposed. Thus the diver- gences of these cells from primordial sphericity are such as correspond with unlikenesses in their circumstances. And throughout the more complex modifications which the cells of other tissues exhibit, the like correspondences hold. Among plants of a lower order of aggregation, we have already seen how cells become metamorphosed as they become integrated into masses having definite organizations. The higher Algce, exemplified in Figs. 32, 34, 35, show this very clearly. Here the departure from the simple cell-form to the form of an elongated prism, is mani- festly subordinated to the con- trasts in the relations of the parts. And it is interesting to ob- serve how, in one of the branches of Fig. 32, we pass from the small, almost-spherical cells which ter- minate the branchlets, to the large, much-modified cells which join the main stem, through gra- dations obviously related in their changed forms to the altered actions their positions expose them to. More simply, but quite as conclusively, do the inferior Algce, of which Figs. 19 — 23 are examples, show us how J9 cells pass from their original spherical symmetry into radial symmetry, as they pass from a state in which they are simi- THE SHAPES OF VEGETAL CELLS. 177 larly-conditioned on all sides, to a state in which two of their opposite sides or ends are conditioned in ways that are like one another, but unlike the ways in which all other sides are conditioned. Still more instructive are the morphological differentia- tions of those protophytes in which the first steps towards a higher degree of integration are shown. In Fig. 10, represent- ing one of the transitional forms of Desmidiacece, it is to be noted that besides the difference between the transverse and longitudinal dimensions, which the component units display in common, the two end-units differ from the rest : they have «ffi*: y3& appendages which the rest have not. Once more, where the integration is carried on in such ways as to produce not strings but clusters, there arise contrasts and correspondences just such as might be looked for. All the four members of the group shown in Fig. 12, are similarly conditioned; and each of them has a bilateral shape answering to its bilateral rela- tions. In Fig. 14 we have a number of similarly-bilateral individuals on the circumference, including a central in- dividual differing from the rest by having the bilateral character nearly obliterated. And then, in Fig. 15, we have two central components of the group, deviating more deci- dedly from those that surround them.* * One of my critics writes : — " This chapter might of course be enormously extended, not only as in the preceding ones by citation of quite similar cases, but by the introduction of fresh groups of cases." 58 CHAPTER XII. CHANGES OF SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED. § 238. Besides the more special causes of modification in the shapes of plants and of their parts, certain more general causes must be briefly noticed. These may be described as consequences of variations in the total quantities of the matters and forces furnished to plants by their environments. Some of the changes of form so produced are displayed by plants as wholes, and others only by their parts. We will glance at them in this order. &7S- 2&S § 239. It is a familiar fact that luxuriant shoots have relatively-long internodes; and, conversely, that a shoot dwarfed from lack of sap, has its nodes closely clustered: a concomitant result being that the lateral axes, where these are developed, become in the one case far apart and in the other case near together. Fig. 255 represents a branch to the parts of which the longer and shorter internodes so resulting give differential characters. A whole tree being in many cases simultaneously thus affected by states of the earth or the air, all parts of it may have such variations impressed on them; and, indeed, such variations, following more or less regularly the changes of the seasons, give to many trees manifest CHANGES OP SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED. 179 traits of structure. In Fig. 256, a shoot of Phyllocactus crenatus, we have an interesting example of a variation essentially of the same nature, little as it appears to be so. For each of the lateral indentations is here the seat of an axillary bud; and these we see are separated by internodes which, becoming broader as they become longer, and narrower as they become shorter, produce changes of form that corre- spond with changes in the luxuriance of growth. To complete the statement it must be added that these variations of nutrition often determine the development or non-development of lateral axes; and by so doing cause still more marked structural differences. The Fox-glove may be named as a plant which illustrates this truth.* § 240. From the morphological differentiations caused by unlikenesses of nutrition felt by the whole plant, we pass now to those which are thus caused in some of its parts and not in others. Among such are the contrasts between flowering axes, and the axes that bear leaves only. It has already been shown in § 78, that the belief expressed by Wolff in a direct connexion between fructification and innu- trition, is justified inductively by many facts of many kinds. Deductively too, in § 79, we saw reason to conclude that such a relation would be established by survival of the fittest; seeing that it would profit a species for its members to begin sending off migrating germs from the ends of those axes which innutrition prevented from further agamogenetic mul- tiplication. Once more, when considering the nature of the phaenogamic axis, we found support for this belief in the fact * Natural selection may have operated in establishing a constitutional tendency to other sudden abridgments. Mr. Tansley alleges that this is a part-cause of the varying distribution of leaves. He says : — " I have myself made some observations on the length of internodes in the Beech, and am satisfied that it follows quite other laws, connected with the suitable dis- position of the leaves on the branch. Although I have not had the oppor- tunity of following up this line of work so as in any way to generalize the results, I suspect that ' indirect equilibration ' is a widespread cause of such variation." 180 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. that the components of a flower exhibit a reversion to that type from which the phasnogamic type has probably arisen — a reversion which the laws of embryology would lead us to look for where innutrition had arrested development. Hence, then, we may properly count those deviations of structure which constitute inflorescence, as among the mor- phological differentiations produced by local innutrition. I do not mean that the detailed modifications which the essential and subservient organs of fructification display, are thus accounted for: we have seen reason to think them otherwise caused. But I mean that the morphological characters which distinguish gamogenetic axes in general from agamogenetic axes, such as non-development of the internodes and dwarf- ing of the foliar organs, are primarily results of failure in the supply of some material required for further growth.* § 241. Another trait which has to be noticed under this head, is the spiral, or rather the helical, arrangement of parts. The successive nodes of a phaenogam habitually bear their appendages in ways implying more or less twist in the substance of the axis ; and in climbing plants the twist is such * It is but just to the memory of Wolff, here to point out that he was immensely in advance of Goethe in his rationale of these metamorphoses. Whatever greater elaboration Goethe gave to the theory considered as an induction, seems to me more than counter-balanced by the irrationality of his deductive interpretation ; which unites mediaeval physiology with Platonic philosophy. A dominant idea with him is that leaves exist for the purpose of carrying off crude juices— that "as long as there are crude juices to be carried off, the plant must be provided with organs competent to effect the task " ; that while " the less pure fluids are got rid of, purer ones are introduced " and that " if nourishment is withheld, that operation of nature (flowering) is facilitated and hastened; the organs of the nodes (leaves) become more refined in texture, the action of the purified juices becomes stronger, and the transformation of parts having now become possible, takes place without delay." This being the proximate explanation, the ultimate explanation is, that Nature wishes to form flowers — that when a plant flowers it " attains the end prescribed to it by nature " ; and that so " Nature at length attains her object." Instead of vitiating his induction by a teleology that is as unwar- ranted in its assigned object as in its assigned means, Wolff ascribes the phenomena to a cause which, whether sufficient or not, is strictly scientific in CHANGES OF SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED. 181 as to produce a corkscrew shape. This structure is ascrib- able to differences of interstitial nutrition. Take a shoot which is growing vertically. It is clear that if the molecules are added with perfect equality on all sides, there will be no tendency towards any kind of lateral deviation; and the successively-produced parts will be perpendicularly over one another. But any inequality in the rate of growth on the different sides of the shoot, will destroy this straightness in the lines of growth. If the greatest and least rates of mole- cular increase happen to be on opposite sides, the shoot must assume a curve of single curvature; but in every other case of unequal molecular increase, a curve of double curvature must result. Now it is a corollary from the instability of the homogeneous, that the rates of growth on all sides of a shoot can never be exactly alike; and it is also to be inferred from the same general law, that the greatest and least rates of growth will not occur on exactly opposite sides of the shoot, at the same time that equal rates of growth are preserved by the two other sides. Hence, there must almost inevitably arise more or less of twist; and the appendages of the inter- nodes will so be prevented from occurring perpendicularly one over another. A deviation of this kind, necessarily initiated by physical causes in conformity with the general laws of evolution, is likely to be made regular and decided by natural selection. For under ordinary circumstances, a plant profits by having its axis so twisted as to bring the appended leaves into posi- tions which prevent them from shading one another. And, manifestly, modifications in the forms, sizes, and insertions of the leaves, may, under the same agency, lead to adapted modifications of the twist. We must therefore ascribe this common characteristic of phasnogams, primarily to local differ- ences of nutrition, and secondarily to survival of the fittest. its character. Variation of nutrition is unquestionably a "true cause" of variation in plant-structure. We have here no imaginary action of a fictitious agency ; but an ascertained action of a known agency. 182 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. It is proper to add that there are some Monocotyledons, as Ravenala madagascariensis, in which this character does not occur. What conditions of existence they are that here hold this natural tendency in check, it is not easy to see.* * The Natural History Review for July, 1865, contained an article on the doctrine of morphological composition set forth in the foregoing Chaps. I. to III. In this article, which unites exposition and criticism in a way that is unhappily not common with reviewers, it is suggested that the spiral struc- ture may be caused by natural selection. When this article appeared, the foregoing five pages were standing over in type, as surplus from No. 14, issued in June, 1865. CHAPTEE XIII. MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN ANIMALS. § 242. The general considerations which preluded our in- quiry into the shapes of plants and their parts, equally serve, so far as they go, to prelude an inquiry into the shapes of animals and their parts. Among animals, as among plants, the formation of aggregates greater in bulk or higher in de- gree of composition, or both, is accompanied by changes of form in the aggregates as wholes as well as by changes of form in their parts; and the processes of morphological differentiation conform to the same general laws in the one kingdom as in the other. It is needless to recapitulate the several kinds of modifi- cation to be explained, and the several factors that co- operate in working them. In so far as these are common to plants and animals, the preceding chapters have suf- ficiently familiarized them. Nor is it needful to specify afresh the several types of symmetry and their descriptive names; for what is true of them in the one case is true of them in the other. There is, however, one new and all- important factor which we shall have now to take into account; and about this a few preliminary remarks are requisite. § 243. This new factor is motion — motion of the organism in relation to surrounding objects, or of the parts of the 183 184 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. organism in relation to one another, or both. Though there are plants, especially of the simpler kinds, which move, and though a few of the simpler animals do not move ; yet move- ments are so exceptional and unobtrusive in the one kin^ dom, while they are so general and conspicuous in the other, that the broad distinction commonly made is well warranted. What, among plants, is an inappreciable cause of morpho- logical differentiation, becomes, among animals, the chief cause of morphological differentiation. Booted animals or animals otherwise fixed, of course pre- sent traits of structure nearest akin to those we have lately been studying. The motions of parts in relation to one another and to the environment, being governed by the mode of aggre- gation and mode of fixing, we are presented with morpho- logical differentiations similar in their general characters to those of plants, and showing us parallel kinds of symmetry under parallel conditions. But animals which move from place to place are subject to an additional class of actions and reactions. These actions and reactions affect them in various ways according to their various modes of movement. Let us glance at the several leading relations between shape and motion which we may expect to find. If an organism advances through a homogeneous medium with one end always foremost, that end, being exposed to forces unlike those to which the other end is exposed, may be expected to become unlike it; and supposing this to be the only constant contrast of conditions, we may expect an equal distribution of the parts round the axis of movement — a radial symmetry. If, in addition to this habitual attitude of the ends, one surface of the body is always upper- most and another always lowermost, there arise between the top and bottom dissimilarities of conditions, while the two sides remain similarly conditioned. Hence it is inferable that such an organism will be divisible into similar halves by a vertical plane passing through its axis of motion — will have a bilateral symmetry. We may presume that this MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN ANIMALS. 185 symmetry will deviate but little from double bilateralness where the upper and under parts are not exposed to strongly- contrasted influences; while we may rationally look for single bilateral symmetry of a decided kind, in creatures having dorsal and ventral parts conversant with very unlike regions of the environment: as in all cases where the move- ment is over a solid surface. If the movement, though over a solid surface, is not constant in direction, but takes place as often on one side as on another, radial sym- metry may be again looked for; and if the motions are still more variously directed — if they are not limited to approxi- mately-plane surfaces, but extend to surfaces that are dis- tributed all around with a regular irregularity — an approach of the radial towards the spherical symmetry is to be antici- pated. Where the habits are such that the inter- course between the organism and its environment, does not involve an average equality of actions and reactions on any two or more sides, there may be expected either total irregu- larity or some divergence from regularity. The like general relations between forms and incident forces are inferable in the component parts of animals, as well as in the animals as wholes. It is needless, however, to occupy space by descriptions of these. Let us now pass to the facts, and see how they confirm, a posteriori, the conclu- sions here reached a priori. CHAPTEE XIV. THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. § 244. Certain of the Protozoa are quite indefinite in their shapes, and quite inconstant in those indefinite shapes which they have — the relations of their parts are indeterminate both in space and time. In one of the simpler Khizopods, at least during the active stage of its existence, no permanent distinction of inside and outside is established; and hence there can arise no established correspondence between the shape of the-^ outside and the distribution of environing actions. But when the relation of inner and outer becomes fixed, either over part of the mass or over the whole of it, we have kinds of symmetry that correspond with the habitual incidence of forces. An Amoeba in becoming encysted, passes from an indefinite, ever-changing form into a spherical form; and the order of symmetry which it thus assumes, is in harmony with the average equality of the actions on all its sides. In Difflugia, Fig. 134, and still better in Arcella, we have an indefinitely-radial symmetry occurring where the conditions are different above and below but alike all around. Among the Gregarinida the spherical symmetry and sym- metry passing from that into the radial, are such as appear to be congruous with the simple circumstances of these creatures in the intestines of insects. But the relations of these lowest types to their environments are comparatively so indeterminate, and our knowledge of their actions so 186 THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 187 scanty, that little beyond negative evidence can be expected from the study of them. ml /j/ ua \j The like may be said of the Infusoria. These are more or less irregular. In some cases, where the line of movement through the water is tolerably definite and constant, we have a form that is approximately radial — externally at least. But usually, as shown in Figs. 137, 138, 139, there is either an unsymmetrical or an asymmetrical shape. And when one of these creatures is watched under the microscope, the con- gruity of this shape with the incidence of forces is manifest. For the movements are conspicuously varied and indetermi- nate— movements which do not expose any two or more sides of the mass to approximately equal sets of actions.* § 245. Among aggregates of the second order, as among aggregates of the first order, we find that of those possessing any definite shapes the lowest are spherical or spheroidal. Such are some of the Radiolaria, as Collozoum inerme. These bodies which float passively in the sea, and present in turn all their sides to the same influences, have their parts dis- posed with approximate regularity round a centre — approxi- mate, because in the absence of locomotion a slight irregu- larity of growth, almost certain to take place, may cause a fixed attitude and a resulting deviation from spherical sym- metry. The best cases in illustration of the truth here named, are furnished by rotating and locomotive organisms respecting which there is a dispute whether they are animal or vegetal — the Volvocinece. These, already instanced under * A verifying comment on this paragraph runs as follows : — " In the Hypotricha Infusoria, which creep over solid surfaces, there is a differen- tiation between ventral and dorsal surface and an approach to bilateral sym- metry. The ventral surface is provided with movable cilia, the dorsal with immobile setae." 188 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the one head in § 218, may here be instanced afresh under the other. Further, among these secondary aggregates in which the units, only physically integrated, have not had their individualities merged into an individuality of a higher order, must be named the compound Infusoria. The cluster of VorUcellce in Fig. 144, will sufficiently exemplify them; and the striking resemblance borne by its individuals to those of a radially-arranged cluster of flowers, will show how, under analogous conditions, the general principles of mor- phological differentiation are similarly illustrated in the two kingdoms. * § 246. Eadial symmetry is usual in low aggregates of the second order which have their parts sufficiently differen- tiated and integrated to give individualities to them as wholes. The Ccelenterata offer numerous examples of this. Solitary polypes — hydroid or helianthoid — mostly stationary, and when they move, moving with any side foremost, do not by locomotion subject their bodies to habitual contrasts of con- ditions. Seated with their mouths upwards or downwards, or else at all degrees of inclination, the individuals of a species taken together, are subject to no mechanical actions affecting some parts of their discs more than other parts. And this indeterminateness of attitude similarly prevents their relations to prey from being such as subject some of their prehensile organs to forces unlike those to which the rest are subject. The fixed end is differently conditioned from the free end, and the two are therefore different; but around the axis running from the fixed to the free end the conditions are alike in all directions, and the form therefore is radial. Again, among many of the simple free- swimming Hydrozoa, the same general truth is exemplified under other circumstances. In a common Medusa, advanc- ing through the water by the rhythmical contractions of its disc, the mechanical reactions are the same on all sides; and as, from accidental causes, every part of the edge of the disc THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 189 comes uppermost in its turn, no part is permanently affected in a different way from the rest. Hence the radial form con- tinues. In others of this same group, however, there occur forms which show us an incipient bilateralness ; and help us to see how a more decided bilateralness may arise. Sundry of the Medusidce are proliferous, giving -origin to gemmae from the body of the central polypite or from certain points on the edge of the disc; and this budding, unless it occurs equally on all sides, which it does not and is unlikely to do, must tend to destroy the balance of the disc, and to make its attitude less changeable. In other cases the growth of a large process [a much-developed tentacle] from the edge of the disc on one side, as in Steenstrupia, Fig. 257, constitutes a similar modification, and a cause of further modification. The animal is no longer divisible into any two quite similar halves, except those formed by a plane passing through the process ; and unless the process is of the same specific gravity as the disc, it must tend towards either the lowest or the highest point, and must so serve to increase the bilateralness, by keeping the two sides of the disc similarly conditioned while the top and bottom are differently conditioned. Fig. 258 represents the underside of another Medusa, in which a more decided bilateralness is produced by the presence of two such processes. Among the simple free-swimming Acti- nozoa, occur like deviations from radial symmetry, along with like motions through the water in bilateral attitudes. Of this a Cydippe is a familiar example. Though radial in some of its characters, as in the distribution of its meridi- onal bands of locomotive paddles with their accompanying canals, this creature has a two-sided distribution of tentacles 357 190 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and various other parts, corresponding with its two-sidec attitude in moving through the water. And in other genen of this group, as in Cestum, Eurhamphcea, and Callianira, that almost equal distribution of parts which characterize the Beroe is quite lost. Here seems a fit place to meet the objection which some may feel to this and other such illustrations, that they amount very much to physical truisms. If the parts of a Medusa are disposed in radial symmetry round the axis of motion through the water, there will of course be no means of maintaining one part of its edge uppermost more than another; and the equality of conditions may be ascribed to the radiateness, as much as the radiateness to the equality of conditions. Con- versely, when the parts are not radially arranged around the axis of motion, they must gravitate towards some one atti- tude, implying a balance on the two sides of a vertical plane — a bilateralness ; and the two-sided conditions so necessi- tated, may be as much ascribed to the bilateralness as the bilateralness to the two-sided conditions. Doubt- less the form and the conditions are, in the way alleged, necessary correlates; and in so far as it asserts this, the ob- jection harmonizes with the argument. To the difficulty which it at the same time raises by the implied question — Why make the form the result of the conditions, rather than the conditions the result of the form? the reply is this: — The radial type, both as being the least differentiated type and as being the most obviously related to lower types, must be taken as antecedent to the bilateral type. The indi- vidual variations which incidental circumstances produce in the radial type, will not cause divergence of a species from the radial type, unless such variations give advantages to the individuals displaying them ; which there is no reason to sup- pose they will always do. Those occasional deviations from the radial type, which the law of the instability of the homo- geneous warrants us in expecting to take place, will, however, in some cases be beneficial; and will then be likely to estab- THE GENERAL SHAPES OP ANIMALS. 191 lish themselves. Such deviations must tend to destroy the original indefiniteness and variability of attitude — must cause gravitation towards an habitual attitude. And gravitation towards an habitual attitude having once commenced, will continually increase, where increase of it is not negatived by adverse agencies : each further degree of bilateralness render- ing more decided the actions that conduce to bilateralness. If this reply be thought insufficient, it may be enforced by the further one, that as, among plants, the incident forces are the antecedents and the forms the consequents (changes of forces being in many cases visibly followed by changes of forms) we are warranted in concluding that the like order of cause and effect holds among animals.* § 247. Keeping to the same type but passing to a higher degree of composition, we meet more complex and varied illustrations of the same general laws. In the compound * Criticisms on the above passage have shown the need for naming sun- dry complications. These complications chiefly, if not wholly, arise from changes in modes of life — changes from the locomotive to the stationary, and from the stationary to the locomotive. Referring to my statement that (ignor- ing the spherical) the radial type is the lowest and must be taken as ante- cedent to the bilateral type, it is alleged that all existing "radial animals above Protozoa are probably derived from free swimming, bilaterally-sym- metrical animals." If this is intended to include the planulse of the hydroid polyps, then it seems rather a straining of the evidence. These locomotive embryos, described as severally having the structure of a gastrula with a closed mouth, can be said to show bilateralness only because the first two ten- tacle^ make their appearance on opposite sides of the mouth — a bilateralness which lasts only till two other tentacles make their appearance in a plane at right angles, so giving the radial structure. I think the criticism applies only to cases furnished by Echinoderms. The larvae of these creatures have bilat- erally-symmetrical structures, which they retain as long as they swim about and which such of them as fix themselves lose by becoming similarly related to conditions all round : the radial structure being retained by those types which, becoming subsequently detached, move about miscellaneously. But, as happens in some of the Sea-urchins and still more among the Holothurians, the structure is again made bilaterally-symmetrical by a locomotive life pur- sued with one end foremost. Should it be contended that the conditions and the forms are reciprocally influential — that either may initiate the other, it still remains unquestionable that ordinarily the conditions are the antecedents, as is so abundantly shown by plants. 192 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Calenterata, presenting clusters of individuals which ai severally homologous with the solitary individuals last deall with, we have to note both the shapes of the individuals thi united, and the shapes of the aggregates made up of them. Such of the fixed Hydrozoa an&Actinozoa as form branched societies, continue radial; both because their varied attitudes do not expose them to appreciable differences in their rela- tions to those surrounding actions which chiefly concern them (the actions of prey), and because such differences, even if they were appreciable, would be so averaged in their effects on the dissimilarly-placed members of each group as to be neutralized in the race. Among the tree- like coral-polypedoms, as well as in such ramified assemblages of simpler polypes as are shown in Figs. 149, 150, we have, indeed, cases in many respects parallel to the cases of scattered flowers (§ 233), which though placed laterally remain radial, because no differentiating agency can act uniformly on all of them. Meanwhile, in the groups which these united individuals compose, we see the shapes of plants further simulated under a further parallelism of conditions. The attached ends differ from the free ends as they do in plants; and the regular or irregular branches obviously stand to environing actions in relations analogous to those in which the branches of plants stand. The members of those compound Ccelenterata which move through the water by their own actions, in attitudes that are approximately constant, show us a more or less distinct two- sidedness. Diphyes, Fig. 259, furnishes an example. Each of the largely-developed and modified polypites forming its swimming sacs is bilateral, in correspondence with the bi- lateralness of its conditions; and in each of the appended polypites the insertion of the solitary tentacle produces a kindred divergence from the primitive radial type. The aggregate, too, which here very much subordinates its mem- THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 193 bers, exhibits the same conformity of structure to circum- stances. It admits of symmetrical bisection by a plane pass- ing through its two contractile sacs, or nectocalyces, but not by any other plane; and the plane which thus symmetrically bisects it, is the vertical plane on the two sides of which its parts are similarly conditioned as it propels itself through the water. Another group of the oceanic Hydrozoa, the Physoplioridce, furnishes interesting evidence — not so much in respect of the forms of the united individuals, which we may pass over, as in respect of the forms of the aggregates. Some of these are without swimming organs, and have their parts sus- pended from air-vessels which habitually float on the surface of the water. Hence the distribution of their parts is asym- metrical. The Physalia, Fig. 152, is an example. Here the relations of the integrated group of individuals to the environment are in- definite; and there is thus no agency tending to change that comparatively irregular mode of growth which is pro- bably derived from a primordial type of the branched Hydrozoa. So various are the modes of union among the compound Ccelenterata, that it is out of the question to deal with them all. Even did space permit, it would be impracticable for any one but a professed naturalist, to trace through- 59 J& 194 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. out this group the relations between shapes and conditions of existence. The above must be taken simply as a few of the most significant and easily-interpretable cases. § 248. In the sub-kingdoms Polyzoa and Tunicata we meet with examples not wholly unlike the foregoing. Among the types assembled under these names there are simple indivi- duals or aggregates of the second order, and societies or tertiary aggregates produced by their union. The relations of forms to forces have to be traced in both. Solitary Ascidians, fixed or floating, carry on an inactive and indefinite converse with the actions in the environment. Without power to move about vivaciously, and unable to catch any prey but that contained in the currents of water they absorb and expel, these creatures are not exposed to sets of forces which are equal on two or more sides ; and their shapes consequently remain vague. Though internally their parts have a partially-symmetrical arrangement, due to their derivation, yet they are substantially unsymmetrical in that part of the body which is concerned with the environment. Fig. 156 is an example.* Among the composite Ascidians, floating and fixed, the shape of the aggregate, partly determined by the habitual mode of gemmation and partly by the surrounding conditions in each case, is in great measure indefinite. We can say no more about it than that it is not obviously at variance with the laws alleged. Evidence of a more positive kind occurs among those com- pound Molluscoida which are most like the compound Ccclenterata in their modes of union — the Polyzoa. Many of these form groups that are more or less irregular — spread- ing as films over solid surfaces, combining into sea-weed- like fronds, budding out from creeping stolons, or growing up into tree-shaped societies; and besides aggregating * Should it be proved that the Ascidian is a degraded vertebrate, then the argument will be strengthened ; since loss of bilateral symmetry has gone along with change to asymmetrical conditions. THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 195 irregularly they are irregularly placed on surfaces inclined in all directions. Merely noting that this asymmetrical distribution of the united individuals is explained by the absence of definiteness in the relations of the aggregate to incident forces, it concerns us chiefly to observe that the united individuals severally exemplify the same truth as do similarly-united individuals among the Ccelenterata. Averag- ing the members of each society, the ciliated tentacles they protrude are similarly related to prey on all sides; and therefore remain the same on all sides. This distribution of tentacles is not, however, without exception. Among the fresh-water Polyzoa there are some genera, as Plumatella and Crystatella, in which the arrangement of these parts is very decidedly bilateral. Some species of them show us such relations of the individuals to one another and to their sur- face of attachment, as give a clue to the modification; but in other species the meaning of this deviation from the radial type is not obvious. § 249. In the Platyhelminthes good examples of the con- nexions between forms and forces occur. The Planaria exemplifies the single bilateral symmetry which, even in very inferior forms, accompanies the habit of moving in one direction over a solid surface. Humbly organized as are these creatures and their allies the Nemertidce, we see in them, just as clearly as in the highest animals, that where the movements subject the body to different forces at its two ends, different forces on its under and upper surfaces, and like forces along its two sides, there arises a corresponding form, unlike at its extremities, unlike above and below, but having its two sides alike. tThe Echinodermata furnish us with instructive illustra- tions— instructive because among types that are nearly allied, cc e meet with wide deviations of form answering to marked contrasts in the relations to the environment. The facts fall into four groups. The Crinoidea, once so abundant 196 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and now so rare, present a radial symmetry answering to an incidence of forces that are equal on all sides. In the general attitudes of their parts towards surrounding actions, they are like uniaxial plants or like polypes; and show, as those do, marked differences between the attached ends and the free ends, along with even distributions of parts all round their axes. In the Ophiuridea, and in the Star- fishes, we have radial symmetry co-existing with very differ- ent habits; but habits which nevertheless account for the maintenance of the form. Holding on to rocks and weeds by its simple or branched arms, or by the suckers borne on the under surface of its rays, one of these creatures moves about not always with one side foremost, but with any side foremost. Consequently, averaging its movements, its arms or rays are equally affected, and therefore remain the same on all sides. On watching the ways of the com- mon Sea-urchin, we are similarly furnished with an ex- planation of its spherical, or rather its spheroidal, figure. Here the habit is not to move over any one approximately- flat surface; but the habit is to hold on by several surfaces on different sides at the same time. Frequenting crevices and the interstices among stones and weeds, the Sea-urchin protrudes the suckers arranged in meridional bands over its shell, laying hold of objects now on this side and now on that, now above and now below: the result being that it does not move in all directions over one plane but in all directions through space. Hence the approach in general form towards spherical symmetry — an approach which is, however, re- strained by the relations of the parts to the mouth and vent : the conditions not being exactly the same at the two poles as at other parts of the surface. Still more significant is that deviation from this shape which occurs among such of the Echinidea as have habitats of a different kind, and con- sequently, different habits. The genera Echinocyamus, Spa- tangus, Brissus, and Ampliidotus, diverge markedly towards a bilateral structure. These creatures are found not on rocky THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 197 shores but on flat sea-bottoms, and some of them only on bottoms of sand or mud. Here, there is none of that distri- bution of surfaces on all sides which makes the spheroidal form congruous with the conditions. Having to move about over an approximately-horizontal plane, any deviation of structure arising accidentally which leads to one side being kept always foremost, will be an advantage: greater fitness to function becoming possible in proportion as function becomes fixed. Survival of the fittest will therefore tend to establish, under such conditions, a form that keeps the same part in advance — a form in which, consequently, the original radial symmetry diverges more and more towards bilateral symmetry. § 250. Very definite and comparatively uniform, are the relations between shapes and circumstances among the Annulosa: including under that title the Annelida and the Arthropoda. The agreements and the disagreements are equally instructive. At one time or other of its life, if not throughout its life, every annulose animal is locomotive; and its temporary or permanent locomotion, being carried on with one end habitu- ally foremost and one surface habitually uppermost, it fulfils those conditions under which bilateral symmetry arises. Accordingly, bilateral symmetry is traceable throughout the whole of this sub-kingdom. Traceable, we must say, because, though it is extremely conspicuous in the immense majority of annulose t}rpes, it is to a considerable extent obscured where obscuration is to be expected. The embryos of the Tubicolce, after swimming about a while, settle down and build themselves tubes, from which they protrude their heads; and in them, or in some of them, the bilateral symmetry is disguised by the -development of head-append- ages in an all-sided manner. The tentacles of Terebella are distributed much in the same way as those of a polype. The breathing organs in Sabella unispira, Fig. 260, do not corre- 198 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. spond on opposite sides of a median plane. Even here, how- ever, the body retains its primitive bilateralness ; and it is further to be remarked that this loss of bilateralness in the external appendages, does not occur where the relations to external conditions continue bilateral: witness the Serpula, Fig. 261, which has its respiratory tufts arranged in a two- sided way, under the two-sided conditions involved by the habitual position of its tube. The community of symmetry among the higher Annulosa, has an unobserved significance. That Flies, Beetles, Lob- sters, Centipedes, Spiders, Mites, have in common the cha- racters, that the end which moves in advance differs from the hinder end, that the upper surface differs from the under surface, and that the two sides are alike, is a truth received as a matter of course. After all that has been said above, however, it will be seen to have a meaning not to be over- looked ; since it supplies a million-fold illustration of the laws which have been set forth. It is needless to give diagrams. Every reader can call to mind the unity indicated. While, however, annulose animals repeat so uniformly these traits of structure, there are certain other traits in which they are variously contrasted; and their contrasts have to be here noted, as serving further to build up the general argument. In them we see the stages through which THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 199 bilateral symmetry becomes gradually more marked, as the conditions it responds to become more decided. A common Earth-worm may be instanced as a member of this sub-kingdom that is among the least-conspicuously bilateral. Though internally its parts have a two-sided arrangement; and though the positions of its orifices give it an external two-sidedness, at the same time that they estab- lish a difference between the two ends; yet its two-sidedness is not strongly-marked. The form deviates but little from what we have distinguished as triple bilateral symmetry: if the creature is cut across the middle, the head and tail ends are very much alike; if cut in two along its axis by a hori- zontal plane, the under and upper halves are very much alike, externally if not internally ; and if cut in two along its axis by a vertical plane, the two sides are quite alike. Figs. 263 and 264 will make this clear. Such creatures as the Julus and the Centipede, may be taken as showing a transition to double bilateral symmetry. Besides being divisible into exactly similar halves by a vertical plane pass- ing through its axis, one of these animals may be bisected transversely into parts that differ only slightly ; but if cut in 267 D Jte& 468 ^ "^mm& very case, are so variable in their absolute and relative amounts, that we can rarely disentangle the effect of each one, and have usually to be content with qualified inferences. Though in the mass organisms show us an unmistakable relation between great size and small fertility, yet special compari- sons among them are nearly always partially vitiated by differences of structure, differences of nutrition, differences of expenditure. Though it is beyond question that the more complex organisms are the less prolific, yet as complexity has a certain general connexion with bulk, and in animals with expenditure, we cannot often identify its results as inde- pendent of these. And, similarly, though the creatures which waste much matter in producing motion, sensible and insen- sible, have lower rates of multiplication than those which waste less, yet, as the creatures which waste much are generally larger and more complex, we are again met by an obstacle which limits our comparisons, and compels us to accept conclusions less definite than are desirable. Such difficulties arise, however, only when we endeavour, as in foregoing chapters, to prove the inverse variation 78 497 * 498 JjAWS of multiplication. between Genesis and each separate element of Individuation — growth, development, activity. We are scarcely at all hampered by qualifications when, from contemplating these special relations, we return to the general relation. The antagonism between Individuation and Genesis is shown by all the facts which have been grouped under each head. We have seen that in ascending from the lowest to the highest types, there is a decrease of fertility so great as to be abso- lutely inconceivable, and even inexpressible by figures; and whether the superiority of type consists in relative largeness, in greater complexity, in higher activity, or in some or all of these combined, matters not to the ultimate inference. The broad fact, enough for us here, is that organisms in which the integration and differentiation of matter and motion have been carried furthest, are those in which the rate of multipli- cation has fallen lowest. How much of the decline of repro- ductive power is due to the greater integration of matter, how much to its greater differentiation, how much to the larger amounts of integrated and differentiated motions gene- rated, it may be impossible to say; and it is not needful to say. These are all elements of a higher degree of life, an augmented ability to maintain the organic equilibrium amid environing actions, an increased power of self-preservation; and. we find their invariable accompaniment to be, a dimi- nished expenditure of matter, or motion, or both, in race- preservation. In brief, then, examination of the evidence shows that there does exist that relation which we inferred must exist. Arguing from general data, we saw that for the maintenance of a species, the ability to produce offspring must be great, in proportion as the ability of the individuals to contend with destroying forces is small; and conversely. Arguing from other general data, we saw that, derived as the self-sustain- ing and race-sustaining forces are from a common stock of force, it necessarily happens that, other things equal, increase of one involves decrease of the other. And then, turning INTERPRETATION AND QUALIFICATION. 499 to special facts, we have found that this inverse variation is clearly traceable throughout both the animal and vegetal kingdoms. We may therefore set it down as a law, that every higher degree of organic evolution, has for its concomi- tant a lower degree of that peculiar organic dissolution which is seen in the production of new organisms. § 363. Something remains to be said in reply to the in- quiry— how is the ratio between Individuation and Genesis established in each case ? This inquiry has been but partially answered in the course of the foregoing argument. Many specialities of the reproductive process are mani- festly due to the natural selection of favourable variations. Whether a creature lays a few large eggs or many small ones equal in weight to the few large, is not determined by any physiological necessity : here the only assignable cause is the survival of varieties in which the matter devoted to repro- duction happens to be divided into portions of such size and number as most to favour multiplication. Whether in any case there are frequent small broods or larger broods at longer intervals, depends wholly on the constitutional pecu- liarity that has arisen from the dying out of families in which the sizes and intervals of the broods were least suited to the conditions of life. Whether a species of animal pro- duces many offspring of which it takes no care or a few of which it takes much care — that is, whether its reproductive surplus is laid out wholly in germs or partly in germs and partly in labour on their behalf — must have been decided by that moulding of constitution to conditions slowly effected through the more frequent preservation of descendants from those whose reproductive habits were best adapted to the circumstances of the species. Given a certain surplus avail- able for race-preservation, and it is clear that by indirect equilibration only, can there be established the more or less peculiar distribution of this surplus which we see in each case. Obviously, too, survival of the fittest 500 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. has a share in determining the proportion between the amount of matter that goes to Individuation and the amount that goes to Genesis. Whether the interests of the species are most subserved by a higher evolution of the individual joined with a diminished fertility, or by a lower evolution of the individual joined with an increased fertility, are ques- tions ever being experimentally answered. If the more- developed and less-prolific variety has a greater number of survivors, it becomes established and predominant. If, con- trariwise, the conditions of life being simple, the larger or more-organized individuals gain nothing by their greater size or better organization; then the greater fertility of the less evolved ones, will insure to their descendants an increasing predominance. But direct equilibration all along maintains the limits within which indirect equilibration thus works. The necessary antagonism we have traced, rigidly restricts the changes that natural selection can produce, under given con- ditions, in either direction. A greater demand for Individua- tion, be it a demand caused by some spontaneous variation or by an adaptive increase of structure and function, inevitably diminishes the supply for Genesis; and natural selection cannot, other things remaining the same, restore the rate of Genesis while the higher Individuation is maintained. Con- versely, survival of the fittest, acting on a species that has, by spontaneous variation or otherwise, become more prolific, cannot again raise its lowered Individuation, so long as every- thing else continues constant. # § 364. Here, however, a qualification must be made. It was parenthetically remarked in § 327, that the inverse varia- tion between Individuation and Genesis is not exact ; and it was hinted that a slight modification of statement would be requisite at a more advanced stage of the argument. We have now reached the proper place for specifying this modi- fication. INTERPRETATION AND QUALIFICATION. 501 Each increment of evolution entails a decrement of repro- duction which is not accurately proportionate, but somewhat less than proportionate. The gain in the one direction is not wholly cancelled by a loss in the other direction, but only partially cancelled : leaving a margin of profit to the species. Though augmented power of self-maintenance habitually necessitates diminished power of race-propagation, yet the product of the two factors is greater than before ; so that the forces preservative of race become, thereafter, in excess of the forces destructive of race, and the race spreads. We shall soon see why this happens. Every advance in evolution implies an economy. That any increase in bulk, or structure, or activity, may become estab- lished, the life of the organism must be to some extent facilitated by the change — the cost of self-support must be, on the average, reduced. If the greater complexity, or the larger size, or the more agile movement, entails on the in- dividual an outlay that is not repaid in food more-easily obtained, or danger more-easily escaped; then the individual will be at a relative disadvantage, and its diminished posterity will disappear. If the extra outlay is but just made good by the extra advantage, the modified individual will not sur- vive longer, or leave more descendants, than the unmodified individuals. Consequently, it is only when the expense of greater individuation is out-balanced by a subsequent saving, that it can tend to subserve the preservation of the indi- vidual, and, by implication, the preservation of the race. The vital capital invested in the alteration must bring a more than equivalent return. A few instances will show that, whether the change results from direct equilibration or from indirect equilibration, this must happen. Suppose a creature takes to performing some act in an un- usual way — leaps where ordinarily its kindred crawl, eludes pursuit by diving instead of, like others of its kind, by swim- ming along the surface, escapes by doubling instead of by speed. Clearly, perseverance in the modified habit will, other 502 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. things equal, imply that it takes less effort. The creature's sensations will ever prompt desistance from the more labori- ous course; and hence a congenital habit is not likely to be diverged from unless an economy of force is achieved by the divergence. Assuming, then, that the new method has no advantage over the old in directly diminishing the chances of death, the establishment of it, and of the structural complications involved, nevertheless implies a physiological gain. Suppose, again, that an animal takes to some abundant food previously refused by its kind. It is likely to persist only if the comparative ease in obtaining this food, more than compensates for any want of adaptation to its digestive organs; so that superposed modifications of the digestive organs are likely to arise only when an average economy results. What now must be the influence on the creature's system as a whole ? Diminished expenditure in any direction, or increased nutrition however effected, will leave a greater surplus of materials. The animal will be physiological richer. Part of its augmented wealth will go towards its own greater individuation — its size, or its strength, or both, will increase; while another part will go towards more active genesis. Just as a state of plethora directly produced enhances fertility; so will such a state indirectly produced. In another way, the same thing must result from those additions to bulk or complexity or activity that are due to survival of the fittest. Any change which prolongs individual life will, other things remaining the same, further the pro- duction of offspring. Even when it is not, like the foregoing, a means of economizing the forces of the individual, still, if it increases the chances of escaping destruction, it increases the chances of leaving posterity. Any further degree of evolu- tion, therefore, will be established only where the cost of it is more than repaid: part of the gain being shown in the lengthened life of the individual, and part in the greater production of other individuals. INTERPRETATION AND QUALIFICATION. 503 We have here the solution of various minor anomalies by which the inverse variation of Individuation and Genesis is obscured. Take as an instance the fertility of the Blackbird as compared with that of the Linnet. Both birds lay five eggs, and both usually have two broods. Yet the Blackbird is far the larger of the two, and ought, according to the general law, to be much less prolific. What causes this noncon- formity? We shall find an answer in their respective foods and habits. Except during the time that it is rearing its young, the Linnet collects only vegetal food — lives during the winter on the seeds it finds in the fields, or, when hard pressed, picks up around farms; and to obtain this spare diet is continually flying about. The result, if it survives the frost and snow, is a considerable depletion; and it recovers its condition only after some length of spring weather. The Blackbird, on the other hand, is omnivorous. While it eats $ grain and fruit when they come in its way, it depends largely on animal food. It cuts to pieces and devours the dew-worms which, morning and evening, it finds on the surface of a lawn, and, even discovering where they are, unearths them; it swallows slugs, and breaking snail-shells, either with its beak or by hammering them against stones, tears out their tenants ; and it eats beetles and larvas. Thus the strength of the Blackbird opens to it a store of good food, much of which is inaccessible to so small and weak a bird as a Linnet — a store especially helpful to it during the cold months, when the hybernating snails in hedge-bottoms yield it abundant pro- vision. The result is that the Blackbird is ready to breed very early in spring, and is able during the summer to rear a second, and sometimes even a third, brood. Here, then, a higher degree of Individuation secures advantages so great, as to much more than compensate its cost. It is not that the decline of Genesis is less than proportionate to the increase of Individuation, but there is no decline at all. Com- parison of the Bat with the Mouse yields a parallel result. Though they differ greatly in size, yet the one is as prolific 504 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. as the other. This absence of difference cannot be ascribed to their unlike degrees of activity. We must seek its cause in some facility of living secured to the Rat by its greater intelligence, greater power and courage, greater ability to utilize what it finds. The Eat is notoriously cunning ; and its cunning gives success to its foraging expeditions. It is not, like the Mouse, limited mainly to vegetal food; but while it eats grain and beans like the Mouse, it also eats flesh and carrion, devours young poultry and eggs. The result is that, without a proportionate increase of expenditure, it gets a far larger supply of nourishment than the Mouse; and relative excess of nourishment makes possible a larger size without a smaller rate of multiplication. How clearly this is the cause, we see in the contrast between the common Eat and the Water-Eat. While the common Eat has ordinarily several broods a-year of from 10 to 12 each, the Water-Eat, though somewhat smaller, has but 5 or 6 in a brood, and but one brood, or sometimes two broods, a-year. But the Water- Eat lives on vegetal food, and it lacks all that its bold, saga- cious, omnivorous congener gains from the warmth as well as the abundance which men's habitations yield. The inverse variation of Individuation and Genesis is, therefore, but approximate. Eecognizing the truth that every increment of evolution which is appropriate to the circumstances of an organism, brings an advantage somewhat in excess of its cost ; we see the general law, as more strictly stated, to be that Genesis decreases not quite so fast as Individuation increases. Whether the greater Individuation takes the form of a larger bulk and accompanying access of strength; whether it be shown in higher speed or agility; whether it consists in a modification of structure which facili- tates some habitual movement, or in a visceral change that helps to utilize better the absorbed aliment; the ultimate effect is identical. There is either a more economical per- formance of the same actions, internal or external, or there is a securing of greater advantages by modified actions, which INTERPRETATION AND QUALIFICATION. 505 cost no more, or have an increased cost less than the in- creased gain. In any case the result is a greater surplus of vital capital, part of which goes to the aggrandizement of the individual, and part to the formation of new individuals. While the higher tide of nutritive matters, everywhere filling the parent-organism, adds to its power of self-maintenance, it also causes a reproductive overflow larger than before. Hence every type which is best adapted to its conditions, (and this on the average means every higher type), has a rate of multiplication that insures a tendency to predominate. Survival of the fittest, acting alon*e, is ever replacing in- ferior species by superior species. But beyond the longer survival, and therefore greater chance of leaving offspring, which superiority gives, we see here another way in which the spread of the superior is insured. Though the more- evolved organism is the less fertile absolutely, it is the more fertile relatively. / CHAPTER XII. MULTIPLICATION" OF THE HUMAN" EACE. f § 365. The relative fertility of Man considered as a species, and those changes in Man's fertility which occur under changed conditions, must conform to the laws which we have traced thus far. As a matter of course, the inverse variation between Individuation and Genesis holds of him as of all other organized beings. His extremely low rate of multipli- cation— far below that of all terrestrial Mammals except the Elephant, (which though otherwise less evolved is, in extent of integration, more evolved) — we shall recognize as the necessary concomitant of his much higher evolution. And the causes of increase or decrease in his fertility, special or general, temporary or permanent, we shall expect to find in those changes of bulk, of structure, or of expenditure, which we have in all other cases seen associated with such effects. In the absence of detailed proof that these parallelisms exist, it might suffice to contemplate the several communities between the reproductive function in human beings and other beings. I do not refer simply to the fact that genesis pro- ceeds in a similar manner; but I refer to the similarity of the relation between the generative function and the func- tions which have for their joint end the preservation of the individual. In Man, as in other creatures that expend much, genesis commences only when growth and development are declining in rapidity and approaching their termination. Among the higher organisms in general, the reproductive 506 MULTIPLICATION OP THE HUMAK RACE. 507 activity, continuing during the prime of life, ceases when the vigour declines, leaving a closing period of infertility ; and in like manner among ourselves, barrenness supervenes when middle age brings the surplus vitality to an end. So, too, it is found that in Man, as in beings of lower orders, there is a period at which fecundity culminates. In § 341, facts were cited showing that at the commencement of the reproductive period, animals bear fewer offspring than afterwards; and that towards the close of the reproductive period, there is a decrease in the number produced. In like manner it is shown by the tables of Dr. Duncan's recent work, that the fecundity of women increases up to the age of about 25 years, and continuing high with but slight diminution till after 30, then gradually wanes. It is the same with the sizes and weights of offspring. Infants born of women from 25 to 29 years of age, are both longer and heavier than infants born of younger or older women ; and this difference has the same implication as the greater total weight of the offspring pro- duced at a birth, during the most fecund age of a pluriparous animal. Once more, there is the fact that a too-early bearing of young produces on a woman the same injurious effects as on an inferior creature — an arrest of growth and an enfeeble- ment of constitution. Considering these general and special parallelisms, we might safely infer that variations of human fertility conform to the same laws as do variations of fertility in general. But it is not needful to content ourselves with an implication. Evidence is assignable that what causes increase or decrease of genesis in other creatures, causes increase or decrease of genesis in Man. It is true that, even more than hitherto, our reasonings are beset by difficulties. So numerous are the inequalities in the conditions, that but few unobjectionable comparisons can be made. The human races differ consider- ably in their sizes, and notably in their degrees of cerebral development. The countries they inhabit entail on them widely different consumptions of matter for maintenance of 508 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. temperature. Both in their qualities and quantities the foods they live on are unlike; and the supply is here regular and there very irregular. Their expenditures in bodily action are extremely unequal; and even still more unequal are their expenditures in mental action. Hence the factors, varying so much in their amounts and combinations, can scarcely ever have their respective effects identified. Never- theless there are a few comparisons the results of which may withstand criticism. § 366. The increase of fertility caused by a nutrition that is greatly in excess of the expenditure, is to be detected by contrasting populations of the same race, or allied races, one of which obtains good and abundant sustenance much more easily than the other. Three cases may here be set down. The traveller Barrow, describing the Cape-Boers, says : — " Unwilling to work and unable to think/' ..." indulging to excess in the gratification of every sensual appetite, the African peasant grows to an unwieldy size ; " and respecting the other sex, he adds — " the women of the African peasantry lead a life of the most listless inactivity." Then, after illus- trating these statements, he goes on to note "the prolific tendency of all the African peasantry. Six or seven children in a family are considered as very few; from a dozen to twenty are not uncommon." The native races of this region yield evidence to the same effect. Speaking of the cruelly-used Hottentots (he is writing a century ago), who, while they are poor and ill-fed, have to do all the work for the idle Boers, Barrow says that they " seldom have more than two or three children; and many of the women are barren." This unusual infertility stands in remarkable con- trast with the unusual fertility of the Kaffirs, of whom he afterwards gives an account. Eich in cattle, leading easy lives, and living almost exclusively on animal food (chiefly milk with occasional flesh), these people were then reputed MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. 509 to have a very high rate of multiplication. Barrow writes : — " They are said to be exceedingly prolific ; that twins are almost as frequent as single births, and that it is no un- common thing for a woman to have three at a time." Pro- bably both these statements are in excess of the truth; but there is room for large discounts without destroying the extreme difference. A third instance is that of the French Canadians. "Nous sommes terribles pour les en- f ants I " observed one of them to Prof. Johnston, who tells us that the man who said this " was one of fourteen children — was himself the father of fourteen, and assured me that from eight to sixteen was the usual number of the farmers' families. He even named one or two women who had brought their husbands five-and-twenty, and threatened ' le vingt-sixieme pour le pretre/ " From these large families, joined with the early marriages and low rate of mortality, it results that, by natural increase, "there are added to the French-Canadian population of Lower Canada four persons for every one that is added to the population of England." Now these French-Canadians are described by Prof. Johnston as home-loving, contented, unenterprising; and as living in a region where " land and subsistence are easily obtained." Very moderate industry brings to them liberal supplies of necessaries ; and they pass a considerable portion of the year in idleness. Hence the cost of Individuation being much reduced, the rate of Genesis is much increased. That this uncommon fertility is not due to any direct influence of the locality, is implied by the fact that along with the " restless, discontented, striving, burning energy of their Saxon neigh- bours," no such rate of multiplication is observed; while further south, where the physical circumstances are more favourable if anything, the Anglo-Saxons, leading lives of excessive activity, have a fertility below the average. And that the peculiarity is not a direct effect of race, is proved by the fact that in Europe, the rural French are certainly not more prolific than the rural English. 510 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. To every reader there will probably occur the seemingly- adverse evidence furnished by the Irish; who, though not well fed, multiply fast. Part of this more rapid increase is due to the earlier marriages common among them, and con- sequent quicker succession of generations — a factor which, as we have seen, has a larger effect than any other on the rate of multiplication. Part of it is due to the greater generality of marriage — to the comparative smallness of the number who die without having had the opportunity of pro- ducing offspring. The effects of these causes having been deducted, we may doubt whether the Irish, individually con- sidered, would be found more prolific than the English. Perhaps, however, it will be said that, considering their diet, they ought to be less prolific. This is by no means obvious. It is not simply a question of nutriment absorbed. It is a question of how much remains after the expenditure in self- maintenance. Now a notorious peculiarity in the life of the Irish peasant is, that he obtains a return of food which is large in proportion to his outlay in labour. The cultivation of his potatoe-ground occupies each cottager but a small part of the year ; and the domestic economy of his wife is not of a kind to entail on her much daily exertion. Consequently the crop, tolerably abundant in quantity though innutritive in quality, possibly suffices to meet the comparatively-low ex- penditure, and to leave a good surplus for genesis — perhaps a greater surplus than remains to the males and females of the English peasantry, who, though fed on better food, are harder worked. We conclude, then, that in the human race, as in all other races, such absolute or relative abundance of nutriment as leaves a large excess after defraying the cost of carrying on parental life, is accompanied by a high rate of genesis.* § 367. Evidence of the converse truth, that relative in- * This is exactly the reverse of Mr. Doubleday's doctrine ; which is that throughout both the animal and vegetable kingdoms, "over-feeding checks increase ; whilst, on the other hand, a limited or deficient nutriment stimu- MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. 511 crease of expenditure, leaving a diminished surplus, reduces the degree of fertility, is not wanting. Some of it has been set down for the sake of antithesis in the foregoing section. Here may be grouped a few facts of a more special kind having the same implication. To prove that much bodily labour renders women less pro- lific, requires more evidence than has at present been collected. Nevertheless it may be noted that De Boismont in France and Dr. Szukits in Austria, have shown by extensive statistical comparisons, that the reproductive age is reached a year later by women of the labouring class than by middle-class women; and. while ascribing this delay in part to inferior latcs and adds to it." Or, as he elsewhere says — " Be the range of the natural power to increase in any species what it may, the plethoric state inva- riably checks it, and the deplethoric state invariably develops it ; and this hap- pens in the exact ratio of the intensity and completeness of each state, until each state be carried so far as to bring about the actual death of the animal or plant itself." I have space here only to indicate the misinterpretations on which Mr. Doubleday has based his argument. In the first place, he has confounded normal plethora with what I have, in § 355, distinguished as abnormal plethora. The cases of infertility accom- panying fatness, which he cites in proof that over-feeding checks increase, are not cases of high nutrition properly so called ; but cases of such defective ab- sorption or assimilation as constitutes low nutrition. In Chap. IX, abundant proof was given that a truly plethoric state is an unusually fertile state. It may be added that much of the evidence by which Mr. Doubleday seeks to show that among men, highly-fed classes are infertile classes, may be out- balanced by counter-evidence. Many years ago Mr. G. H. Lewes pointed this out : extracting from a book on the peerage, the names of 16 peers who had, at that time, 186 children ; giving an average of 11 '6 in a family. Mr. Doubleday insists much on the support given to his theory by the barrenness of very luxuriant plant", and the fruitfulness produced in plants by depletion. Had he been aware that the change from barrenness to fruit- fulness in plants, is a change from agamogenesis to gamogenesis — had it been as well known at the time when he wrote as it is now, that a tree which goes on putting out sexless shoots, is thus producing new individuals ; and that when it begins to bear fruit, it simply begins to produce new individuals after another manner — he would have perceived that facts of this class do not tell in his favour. In the law which Mr. Doubleday alleges, he sees a guarantee for the maintenance of species. He argues that the plethoric state of the indivi- 512 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. nutrition, we may suspect that it is in part due to greater muscular expenditure. A kindred fact, admitting of a kindred interpretation, may be added. Though the com- paratively-low rate of increase in France is attributed to other causes, yet, very possibly, one of its causes is the greater proportion of hard work entailed on French women, by the excessive abstraction of men for non-productive occupations, military and civil. The higher rate of multipli- cation in England than in continental countries generally, is not improbably furthered by the easier lives which English women lead. That absolute or relative infertility is commonly produced in women by mental labour carried to excess, is more clearly shown. Though the regimen of upper-class girls is not what it should be, yet, considering that their feeding is better than that of girls belonging to the poorer classes, while, in most other respects, their physical treatment is not worse, the duals constituting any race of organisms, presupposes conditions so favour- able to life that the race can be in no danger ; and that rapidity of multi- plication becomes needless. Conversely, he argues that a deplethoric state implies unfavourable conditions — implies, consequently, unusual mortality; that is — implies a necessity for increased fertility to prevent the race from dying out. It may be readily shown, however, that such an arrangement would be the reverse of self-adjusting. Suppose a species, too numerous for its food, to be in the resulting deplethoric state. It will, according to Mr. Doubleday, become unusually fertile ; and the next generation will be more numerous rather than less numerous. For, by the hypothesis, the un- usual fertility due to the deplethoric state, is the cause of undue increase of population. But if the next generation is more numerous while the supply of food has not increased in proportion, then this next generation will be in a still more deplethoric state, and will be still more fertile. Thus there will go on an ever-increasing rate of multiplication, and an ever-decreasing share of food, for each person, until the species disappears. Suppose, on the other hand, the members of a species to be in an unusually plethoric state. Their rate of multiplication, ordinarily sufficient to maintain their numbers, will become insufficient to maintain their numbers. In the next generation, therefore, there will be fewer to eat the already abundant food, which be- coming relatively still more abundant, will render the fewer members of the species still mor^ plethoric, and still less fertile, than their parents. And the actions and reactions continuing, the species will presently die out from abso- lute barrenness. MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAK RACE. 513 deficiency of reproductive power among them may be reason- ably attributed to the overtaxing of their brains — an over- t axing which produces a serious reaction on the physique. This diminution of reproductive power is not shown only by the greater frequency of absolute sterility; nor is it shown only in the earlier cessation of child-bearing; but it is also shown in the very frequent inability of such women to suckle their infants. In its full sense, the reproductive power means the power to bear a well-developed infant and to supply that infant with the natural food for the natural period. Most of the flat-chested girls who survive their high-pressure educa- tion, are incompetent to do this. Were their fertility mea- sured by the number of children they could rear without artificial aid, they would prove relatively very infertile. The cost of reproduction to males being so much less than it is to females, the antagonism between Genesis and Individuation is not often shown in men by suppression of generative power consequent on unusual expenditure in bodily action. Nevertheless, there are indications that this results in extreme cases. We read that the ancient athletes rarely had children; and among such of their modern repre- sentatives as acrobats, an allied relation of cause and effect is alleged. Indirectly this truth, or rather its converse, appears to have been ascertained by those who train men for feats of strength — they find it needful to insist on con- tinence. Special proofs that in men great cerebral expenditure diminishes or destroys generative power, are difficult to obtain. It is, indeed, asserted that intense application to mathematics, requiring as it does extreme concentration of thought, is apt to have this result; and it is asserted, too, that this result is produced by the excessive emotional ex- citement of gambling. Then, again, it is a matter of common remark how frequently men of unusual mental activity leave no offspring. But facts of this kind admit of another inter- pretation. The reaction of the brain on the body is so violent 79 514 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. — the overtaxing of the nervous system is so apt to prostrate the heart and derange the digestion; that the incapacities caused in these cases, are probably often due more to con- stitutional disturbance than to the direct deduction which excessive action entails. Such instances harmonize with the hypothesis; but how far they yield it positive support we cannot say. § 368. An objection must here be guarded against. It is likely to be urged that since the civilized races are, on the average, larger than many of the uncivilized races ; and since they are also somewhat more complex as well as more active ; they ought, in conformity with the alleged general law, to be less prolific. There is, however, no evidence to prove that they are so : on the whole, they seem rather the reverse. The reply is that were all other things equal, these superior varieties of men should have inferior rates of in- crease. But other things are not equal; and it is to the inequality of other things that this apparent anomaly is attributable. Already we have seen how much more fertile domesticated animals are than their wild kindred; and the causes of this greater fertility are also the causes of the greater fertility, relative or absolute, which civilized men exhibit when compared with savages. There is the difference in amount of food. Australians, Fuegians, and sundry races that might be named as having low rates of multiplication, are obviously underfed. The sketches of natives contained in the volumes of Livingstone, Baker, and others, yield clear proofs of the extreme depletion common among the uncivilized. In quality as well as in quantity, their feeding is bad. Wild fruits, insects, larvse, vermin, &c, which we refuse with disgust, often enter largely into their dietary. Much of this inferior food they eat uncooked; and they have not our elaborate appliances for mechanically-preparing it, and rejecting its useless parts. So that they live on matters of less nutritive value, which MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. 515 cost more both to masticate and to digest. Further, to uncivilized men supplies of food come very irregularly. Long periods of scarcity are divided by short periods of abundance. And though by gorging when opportunity occurs, something is done towards compensating for previous fasting, yet the effects of prolonged starvation cannot be neutralized by occasional enormous meals. Bearing in mind,' too, that improvident as they are, savages often bestir them- selves only under pressure of hunger, we may fairly consider them as habitually ill-nourished — may see that even the poorer classes of civilized men, making regular meals on food separated from innutritive matters, easy to masticate and digest, tolerably good in quality and adequate if not abundant in quantity, are much better nourished. Then, again, though a greater consumption in muscular action appears to be undergone by civilized men than by savages; and though it is probably true that among our labouring people the daily repairs cost more; yet in many cases there does not exist so much difference as we are apt to suppose. The chase is very laborious; and great amounts of exertion are gone through by the lowest races in seeking and securing the odds and ends of wild food on which they largely depend. We naturally assume that because bar- barians are averse to regular labour, their muscular action is less than our own. But this is not necessarily true. The monotonous toil is what they cannot tolerate; and they may be ready to go through as much or more exertion when it is joined with excitement. If we remember that the sportsman who gladly scrambles up and down rough hill- sides all day after grouse or deer, would think himself hardly used had he to spend as much effort and time in digging; we shall see that a savage who is the reverse of industrious, may nevertheless be subject to a muscular waste not very different in amount from that undergone by the indus- trious. When it is added that a larger physiolo- gical expenditure is entailed on the uncivilized than on the 516 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. civilized by the absence of good appliances for shelter and protection — that in some cases they have to make good a greater loss of heat, and in other cases suffer much wear from irritating swarms of insects; we shall see that the total cost of self -maintenance among them is probably in many cases little less, and in some cases more, than it is among ourselves. So that though, on the average, the civilized are probably larger than the savage; and though they are, in their nervous systems at least, somewhat more complex; and though, other things equal, they ought to be the less prolific; yet other things are so unequal as to make it quite conformable to the general law that they should be more prolific. In § 365 we observed how, among inferior animals, higher evolution sometimes makes self-preservation far easier, by opening the way to resources previously un- available: so involving an undiminished, or even an in^ creased, rate of genesis. And similarly we may expect that among races of men, those whose slight further develop- ments have been followed by habits and arts which immensely facilitate life, will not exhibit a lower degree of fertility, and may even exhibit a higher. § 369. One more objection has to be met — a kindred ob- jection to which there is a kindred reply. Cases may be named of men conspicuous for activity, bodily and mental, who were also noted, not for less generative power than usual, but for more. As their superiorities indicate higher degrees of evolution, it may be urged that such men should, accord- ing to the theory, have lower degrees of reproductive activity. The fact that here, along with increased powers of self-pre- servation, there go increased powers of race-propagation, seems irreconcilable with the general doctrine. Keconcilia- tion is not difficult however. The cases are analogous to some before named, in which more abundant food simultaneously aggrandizes the indi- MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. 517 vidual and adds to the production of new individuals: the difference between the cases being, that instead of a better external supply of materials there is a better internal utilization of materials. Creatures of the same species noto- riously differ in goodness of constitution. Here there is some visceral defect, showing itself in feebleness of all the func- tions; while here some peculiarity of organic balance, some high quality of tissue, some abundance or potency of the digestive juices, gives to the system a perpetual high tide of rich blood, which serves at once to enhance the vital activities and to raise the power of propagation. Such variations, however, are independent of changes in the proportion be- tween Individuation and Genesis. This remains the same, while both are increased or decreased by the increase or decrease of the common stock of materials. An illustration will best clear up any perplexity. Let us say that the fuel burnt in the furnace of a locomotive steam- engine, answers to the food which a man consumes. Let us say that the produced steam expended in working the engine, corresponds to that portion of absorbed nutriment which carries on the man's functions and activities. And let us say that the steam blowing off at the safety-valve, answers to that portion of the absorbed nutriment which goes to the propagation of the race. Such being the condi- tions of the case, several kinds of variations are possible. All other circumstances remaining the same, there may be changes of proportion between the steam used for working the engine and the steam that escapes by the safety-valve. There may be a structural or organic change of proportion. By enlarging the safety-valve or weakening its spring, while the cylinders are reduced in size, there may be established a constitutionally-small power of locomotion and a constitu- tionally-large amount of escape-steam ; and inverse variations so produced, will answer to the inverse variations between Individuation and Genesis which different types of organisms 518 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. show us. Again, there may be a functional change of pro- portion. If the engine has to draw a considerable load, the abstraction of steam by the cylinders greatly reduces the discharge by the safety-valve; and if a high velocity is kept up, the discharge from the safety-valve entirely ceases. Con- versely, if the velocity is low, the escape-steam bears a large ratio to the steam consumed by the motor apparatus ; and if the engine becomes stationary the whole of the steam escapes by the safety-valve. This inverse variation answers to that which we have traced between Expenditure and Genesis, as displayed in the contrasts between species of the same type but unlike activities, and in the contrasts between active and inactive individuals of the same species. But now beyond these inverse variations between the quantities of consumed steam and escape-steam, which are structurally and function- ally caused, there are coincident variations, producible in both by changes in the quantity of steam supplied — changes which may be caused in several ways. In the first place, the fuel thrown into the furnace may be increased or made better. Other things equal, there will result a more active locomo- tion as well as a greater escape ; and this will answer to that simultaneous addition to its individual vigour and its repro- ductive activity, caused in an animal by a larger quantity, or a superior quality, of food. In the second place, the steam generated may be economized. Loss by radiation from the boiler may be lessened by a covering of non-conducting sub- stances; and part of the steam thus prevented from con- densing, will go to increase the working power of the engine, while part will be added to the quantity blowing off. This variation corresponds to that simultaneous addition to bodily vigour and propagative power, which results in animals that have to expend less in keeping up their temperatures. In the third place, by improvement of the steam-generating apparatus, more steam may be obtained from a given weight of fuel. A better-formed evaporating surface, or boiler tubes which conduct more rapidly, or an increased number of them MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. 519 may cause a larger absorption of heat from the burning mass or the hot gases it gives off; and the extra steam generated by this extra heat will, as before, augment both the motive force and the emission through the safety-valve. And this last case of coincident variation, is parallel to the case with which we are here concerned — the augmentation of individual expenditure and of reproductive energy, that may be caused by a superiority of some organ on which the utilizing or economizing of materials depends. Manifestly, therefore, an increased expenditure for Gene- sis, or an increased expenditure for Individuation, may arise in one of two quite different ways — either by diminution of the antagonistic expenditure, or by addition to the store which supplies both expenditures; and confusion results from not distinguishing between these. Given the ratio 4 to 20, as expressive of the relative costs of Genesis and Individuation ; then the expenditure for Genesis may be raised to 5 while the expenditure for Individuation is raised to 25, without any alteration of type, merely by favourable circumstances or superiority of constitution. On the other hand, circumstances remaining the same, the expenditure for . Genesis may be raised from 4 to 5, by lowering the expenditure for Indi- viduation from 20 to 19 : which change of ratio may be either functional and temporary, or structural and per- manent. And only when it is the last does it illustrate that inverse variation between degree of evolution and degree of procreative dissolution, which we have everywhere seen. § 370. There is no reason to suppose, then, that the laws of multiplication which hold of other beings, do not hold of the human being. On the contrary, there, are special facts which unite with general implications to show that these laws do hold of the human being. The absence of direct evidence in some cases where it might be looked for, we find fully explained when all the factors are taken into account. And certain seemingly-adverse facts prove, on examination, 520 £AWS OF MULTIPLICATION. to be facts belonging to a different category from that in which they are placed, and harmonize with the rest when rightly interpreted. The conformity of human fertility to the laws of multipli- cation in general, being granted, it remains to inquire what effects must be caused by permanent changes in 'men's natures and circumstances. Thus far we have observed, how, by their exceptionally-high evolution and exceptionally-low fertility, mankind display the inverse variation between Individuation and Genesis, in one of its extremes. And we have also ob- served how mankind, like other kinds, are functionally changed in their rates of multiplication by changes of conditions. But we have not observed how alteration of structure in Man entails alteration of fertility. The influence of this factor is so entangled with the influences of other factors which are for the present more potent, that we cannot recognize it. Here, if we proceed at all, we must proceed deductively. [Note. — From among the publications of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, there was sent to me some years ago an essay entitled " The Significance of a Decreasing Birth Bate" by (Miss) J. L. Brownell, Fellow in Political Science, Bryn Mawr College. This essay contains a number of elaborate comparisons drawn from the vital statistics of the tenth* United States Census. The results of these comparisons are thus summed up: — " 1. Whether or not it be true that the means spoken of by Dr. Billings, M. Dumont, M. Levasseur, and Dr. Edson has become an important factor in the diminishing birth-rate of civilized countries, it is evident that it is not the only factor, and that, quite apart from voluntary prevention, there is a distinct problem to be investigated. This is shown by the fact that the white and the colored birth-rate vary together. " 2. Mr. Spencer's generalization that the birth-rate diminishes as the rate of individual evolution increases is confirmed by a comparison of the birth-rates with the death-rates from nervous diseases, and also MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. 521 with the density of population, the values of agricultural and manu- factured products, and the mortgage indebtedness." Of course multitudinous differences of race, class, mode of living, occupation, locality, make it difficult to draw posi- tive inferences from the data ; but the inferences above drawn are held to remain outstanding after allowing for all the qualifying conditions.] CHAPTER XIII. HUMAN POPULATION IN THE FUTURE. § 371. Any further evolution in the most-highly evolved of terrestrial beings, Man, must be of the same nature as evolution in general. Structurally considered, it may consist in greater integration, or greater differentiation, or both — augmented bulk, or increased heterogeneity and definiteness, or a combination of the two. Functionally considered, it may consist in a larger sum of actions, or more multiplied varieties of actions, or both — a larger amount of sensible and insensible motion generated, or motions more numerous in their kinds and more intricate and exact in their co-ordina- tions, or motions that are greater alike in quantity, com- plexity, and precision. Expressing the change in terms of that more special evolution displayed by organisms; we may say that it must be one which further adapts the moving equilibrium of organic actions. As was pointed out in First Principles, § 173, "the maintenance of such a moving equilibrium, re- quires the habitual genesis of internal forces corresponding in number, directions, and amounts to the external incident forces — as many inner functions, single or combined, as there are single or combined outer actions to be met." And it was also pointed out that " the structural complexity accom- panying functional equilibration, is definable as one in which there are as many specialized parts as are capable, separately and jointly, of counteracting the separate and joint forces 522 HUMAN POPULATION IN THE FUTURE. 523 amid which the organism exists." Clearly, then, since all incompletenesses in Man as now constituted, are failures to meet certain of the outer actions (mostly involved, remote, irregular), to which he is exposed; every advance implies additional co-ordinations of actions and accompanying com- plexities of organization. Or, to specialize still further this conception of future pro- gress, we may consider it as an advance towards completion of that continuous adjustment of internal to external rela- tions, which Life shows us. In Part I. of this work, where it was shown that the correspondence between inner and outer actions which under its phenomenal aspect, we call Life, is a particular kind of what, in terms of Evolution, we called a moving equilibrium; it was shown that the degree of life varies as the degree of correspondence. Greater evo- lution or higher life implies, then, such modifications of human nature as shall make more exact the existing corre- spondences, or shall establish additional correspondences, or both. Connexions of phenomena of a rare, distant, unobtru- sive, or intricate kind, which we either suffer from or do not take advantage of, have to be responded to by new connexions of ideas, and acts properly combined and proportioned : there must be increase of knowledge, or skill, or power, or of all these. And to effect this more extensive, more varied, and more accurate, co-ordination of actions, there must be organi- zation of still greater heterogeneity and definiteness. § 372. Let us, before proceeding, consider in what par- ticular ways this further evolution, this higher life, this greater co-ordination of actions, may be expected to show itself. Will it be in strength ? Probably not to any considerable degree. Mechanical appliances are fast supplanting brute force, and doubtless will continue doing this. Though at present civilized nations largely depend for self-preservation on vigour of limb, and are likely to do so while wars con- 524 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. tinue; yet that progressive adaptation to the social state which must at last bring wars to an end, will leave the amount of muscular power to adjust itself to the requirements of a peaceful regime. Though, taking all things into account, the muscular power then required may not be less than now, there seems no reason why more should be required. . Will it be swiftness or agility ? Probably not. In savages these are important elements of the ability to maintain life; but in civilized men they aid self-preservation in quite minor degrees, and there seems no circumstance likely to necessitate an increase of them. By games and gymnastic competitions, such attributes may indeed be artificially in- creased; but no artificial increase which does not bring a proportionate advantage can be permanent; since, other things equal, individuals and societies that devote the same amounts of energy in ways which subserve life more effectu- ally, must by and by predominate. Will it be in mechanical skill, that is, in the better- co-ordination of complex movements? Most likely in some degree. Awkwardness is continually entailing injuries and deaths. Moreover the complicated tools which civilization brings into use, are constantly requiring greater delicacy of manipulation. All the arts, industrial and aesthetic, as they develop, imply a corresponding development of perceptive and executive faculties in men : the two act and react. Will it be in intelligence? Largely, no doubt. There is ample room for advance in this direction, and ample demand for it. Our lives are universally shortened by our ignorance. In attaining complete knowledge of our own natures and of the natures of surrounding things — in ascertaining the con- ditions of existence to which' we must conform, and in dis- covering means of conforming to them under all variations of seasons and circumstances; we have abundant scope for intellectual progress. Wrill it be in morality, that is, in greater power of self- HUMAN POPULATION IN THE FUTURE. 525 regulation ? Largely also : perhaps most largely. Eight con- duct is usually come short of more from defect of will than defect of knowledge. For the right co-ordination of those complex actions which constitute human life in its civilized form, there goes not only the pre-requisite — recognition of the proper course; but the further pre-requisite — a due impulse to pursue that course. On calling to mind our daily failures to fulfil often-repeated resolutions, we shall perceive that lack of the needful desire, rather than lack of the needful insight, is the chief cause of faulty action. A further endowment of those feelings which civilization is developing in us — sentiments responding to the requirements of the social state — emotive faculties that find their gratifi- cations in the duties devolving on us — must be acquired before the crimes, excesses, diseases, improvidences, dishones- ties, and cruelties, that now so greatly diminish the duration of life, can cease. Thus, looking at the several possibilities, and asking what direction this further evolution, this more complete moving equilibrium, this better adjustment of inner to outer relations, this more perfect co-ordination of actions, is likely to take; we conclude that it must take mainly the direction of a higher intellectual and emotional development. § 373. This conclusion we shall find equally forced on us if we inquire for the causes which are to bring about such results. 30, 685, 690; why facts in sup- port are meagre, I, 632; degrada- tion of little toe, I, 652-3, 673; neuter forms of social insects, I, 658-9, 663-4, 670, 675; degenerated instinct in ants, I, 660-2; rudi- mentary limbs of whale, I, 669, 692; importance of question, I, 672, 690; monstrous development of honey-ants, I, 683-4; osteology of Punjabis, I, 689; summary of evidences in support, I, 692-5; 86 genesis of vertebrate skull, II, 227; false joints, II, 371, 372; con. ceivability of rival hypotheses, II> 618-22; adaptation to environment in Aspergillus, II, 623. Acrogens, the term, II, 55-6. (See Archegoniatcw.) Actinophrys: a primary aggregate, II, 76, genesis, II, 452. Actinozoa: multiaxial development, I, 166; waste and repair, I, 213, 219; differentiation, I, 391; para- sitism, I, 397; integration, II, 92; symmetry, II, 189, 192; growth and genesis, II, 444. Activity: the principle of, the es- sential element in Life, I, 113, 114, 122; not inherent in living matter, I, 120; nutrition and gene- sis, resume, II, 497-9; and evolu- tion, II, 501-4. Adaptation: general truths, I, 227- 33, 233-5; botanical, I, 227; physio- logical, I, 228-33; psychological, I, 229, 230-3; structural, func- tional, and interdependence, I, 235-9, 240-1, 318; social and or- ganic stability, I, 240-2; resume, I, 242-3; to varied media, I, 479-81, 489, 556: multiplication of effects, I, 512-3, 550; direct equilibration, I, 522-3; natural selection and equilibration, I, 530-5; non-adap- tive specific characters, I, 565; time required for effecting, I, 565-6; an obstacle to re-adapta- tion, II, 11; of skin and skele- ton, II, 215, 217; outer tissue, II, 312-4, 387; skin and mucous mem- brane differentiation, II, 321-2; 389; vascular system, II, 343-4; osseous, II, 352; muscular, II, 625 626 SUBJECT-INDEX. 368-9, 391; persistence of force and physiological, II, 394; of re- productive activity to conditions, II, 411-6; vertebrae development, II, 563-6. (See also Co-adapta- tion.) Africa, effect of climate on inhabi- tants, I, 30. Agamogenesis : alternation with gamogenesis, I, 266-7, 272-3, 284- 94, 336, 592, II, 415; parallelism in karyokinesis, I, 267-8; a process of disintegration, I, 276-7; condi- tions determining its continuance, I, 284-94, 295-7, 330; physiological units, I, 351, II, 613; spontane- ous fission, I, 582, 584-7, 589-92, 595-6, 599; remarkable extent of, under favourable conditions, I, 591-2, 640-1; in Actinozoa, II, 92; in Hydrozoa, II, 102; in Annelida, II, 103; innutrition, II, 179-80. Agaricinw, II, 139, 257. Agassiz, L. J. R., zoological classi- fication, I, 380. Aggregates, Animal and Plant (see Morphology). Agility, a vital attribute, I, 578. Agrimony, floral symmetry, II, 42, 167, 170. Air, in vegetal tissues, II, 567-8, 583, 591, 593. " Air plants," I, 208. Albumen: properties, I, 12; Lieber- kuhn's formula, I, 13; diffusibil- ity, I, 19; in organic tissues, I, 41. Alcohols, properties, I, 10-12. Algw: reproduction, and the dy- namic element in life, I, 118-9; multicentral development, I, 163, 164; axial development, I, 165; locomotive powers of minute forms, I, 196; uniform tissue and function, I, 200, 586; gamogenesis, I, 271, 279, 280, 283, II, 448, 449, 450; fertility, I, 582, II, 440, 441; fission, I, 584, 585; unicellular forms, II, 22; integration in Con- fervoidcce and Conjugates, II, 25; pseudo-foliar and axial develop- ment, II, 28-33, 57; foliar devel- opment, II, 76, 91; branch sym- metry, II, 145; cell metamor- phoses, II, 176; tissue differentia- tion, II, 244, 246, 251, 252, 256, 272, 385-6; adaptation of repro- ductive activity to conditions, II, 289; integration, II, 292; indefi- niteness, II, 295; genesis and de- velopment, II, 403. Alimentary canal: metabolic pro- cesses and agents, I, 68-9, 74; structural traits, I, 192; progres- sive development, I, 195; relation to environment, I, 196; function, I, 205; segmentation in annelids, II, 125; differentiation, II, 301, . 302, 321-2, 323-5, 389; specializa- tions in birds, II, 325; in rumi- nants, II, 327-9; differentiation of liver, II, 329-33; muscularity, II, 364. Allotropism: of organic constitu- ents, I, 4, 9; muscular action, 1, 59. Alloys, melting point of, I, 339. Alternation of generations, mislead- ing application of term, II, 84. (See Agamogenesis and Gamogen- esis.) Amitosis, occurrence of, in morbid tissues,. I, 264. Ammonia: properties, I, 7, 9; nerve stimulation, I, 55. Amoeba: central development, I, 163; a primary aggregate, II, 86; sym- metry of encysted, II, 186; sym- biosis, II, 400. Amphibia: classification of, I, 392; embryonic respiratory system, I, 457; structure and media, I, 483; limb locomotion, II, 15; segmenta- tion, II, 122, 225; outer tissues, II, 311; respiration, II, 334, 338; Owen on skeleton, II, 552, 557, 558. Amphioxus: separation of segmenta- tion spheres of egg, I, 691; em- bryogeny, II, 121; local segmenta- tion, II, 125-7, 605; genesis of vertebrate axis, II, 213-6, 218, 222; development, II, 564. Amphipnous cuchia, vascular air- sacs, II, 337. Anabas scandens, the climbing fish, I, 480, 483. Anacharis (see Eloidea). Anaesthetics, diverse effects of, I, 55. SUBJECT-INDEX. 627 AngrcEcum, assimilative function of root, II, 255. " Animal Spirits," vitalism and, I, 115. Animals: nutrition and molecular rearrangement, I, 3G-7; nitrogen- ous character, I, 39-41; sensible motion, I, 57; metabolism, I, (>2- 77; multiplication of energies, I, 75; contrasted traits of plants and, I, 196; what is an individual? I, 240-7; solar influence, I, 500, 550; geologic changes affecting, I, 501- 4, 549, 550, 556; interdependence with plants, I, 504-6, 514, II, 398- 401; complexity of influences af- fecting, I, 506; geographical iso- lation and origin of species, I, 568-9; vital attributes, I, 577-9; distribution and antiquity of plant and animal types, II, 297; mutual dependence of organisms at large, II, 397-408; hypothetical plant-animal type, II, 397; pro- gressive increase of size, II, 401; laws of multiplication, II, 411-6; rhythm in numbers, II, 419; law of weights and dimensions, II, 434. Animals, domesticated: variation, I, 324, 326, 560, 563, 693; inter- breeding, I, 345-7, 354, II, 615; pure and mixed breeds, I, 354, 625. Annelida: phosphorescence, I, 50; axial development, I, 165, 166; in- tegration, I, 363; larval forms and phylogeny, I, 447, II, 115; seg- mental fission, I, 588-9; seg- mentation, II, 98-101, 103-4, 602- 5, II, 107-9, 125-7; lateral gem- mation, II, 105; embryogeny, II, 119; bilateral symmetry, II, 197- 200; genesis, II, 444, 453. Annulosa: regeneration, I, 361-2; distinctive traits, I, 392; origin of type, II, 98-110, 602-6; unit of composition, II, 105; application of term, II, 111; vertebrate sym- metry compared, II, 203-6; seg- mental differentiation, II, 207-9; unintegrated function in Planaria, II, 373; development and genesis, II, 464; nutrition and genesis, II, 490. (See also Annelida and Arthropoda.) Anthropomorphism, former preva- lence of, I, 419. Ants: utilization of aphids, I, 660- I, II, 403, 405; nest-mates, II, 405; castes in social species, I, 658-9, 670, 675; loss of self-feeding in- stinct in Amazons, I, 660-1, 663- 4; monstrous development of Hon- ey-ants, I, 683; bulk and fecun- dity, II, 492. (See also Termites.) Aphis: iudividuality, I, 249, 250; II, 603; parthenogenesis, I, 274-5, 289; fertility, I, 582, 640-1; II, 476, 490; utilized by ants, I, 660- 1; II, 403, 405; over-multiplica- tion checked by lady-bird, II, 406. Aquatic animals, large size attained by, I, 156. Arachnida: avoidance of danger, I, 92; oviparous homogenesis, I, 271; segmentation, I, 469; II, 113, 314; integration and homology, II, 111, 121; bilateral symmetry, II, 198. Arcella: symmetry, II, 186; outer tissue differentiation, II, 309. Archcgoniatea? : morphological com- position, II, 32-5; growth and de- velopment, II, 50-6; tubular structure, II, 58, 62; alternating generation not distinctive, II, 84; asymmetry and environment, II, 140; integration, II, 293, 296; in- dividuation and genesis, II, 441, 451, 463. Archenteron: primitive externality, II, 301; formation of coelom, II, 302. Archiannelida: segmentation, II, 125. Arenicola marina: polytrochal lar- vae, II, 109. Arm: embryogeny of human, I, 169; vicarious use of, I, 209. Army, morphological analogy, II, 6. Arteries (see Vascular System). Arthropoda: uniaxial development, I, 165; protoplasmic continuity, I, 190, 629; excursiveness, I, 481; limb locomotion, II, 15; integra- tion and homology, II, 111-4, 121; bilateral symmetry, II, 197-200; genesis, II, 445, 453. 628 SUBJECT-INDEX. Ascidians: multlaxlal development, I, 165, 166; functional differentia- tion, I, 202; composite individual- ity of Doliolum, I, 247; self-fer- tilization, I, 342; integration, II, 94, 96, 97; symmetry, II, 194; origin of vertebrate type, II, 194, 598, 605. Ascomycetes, reproduction, II, 450. Assimilation: compared with rea- soning, I, 81-7; a trait of vitality, I, 577. Asteroidea, radial symmetry, II, 196. Astronomy: growth of celestial bodies, I, 135; Schleiden on indi- viduality, I, 245; evolution, I, 432, 435; classification of stars, I, 444; rhythm of, and organic change, I, 499-501, 557; law of equilibration, I, 519-20; coopera- tion of structure and function, II, 3. Atavism: occurrence of, I, 305-6 314; digital variation, I, 321-3. Atoms: use of term, I, 6, 31; ethe- real undulations and oscillations, I, 31-5. Australia: settler's usages, I, 364: ratio of jaw to skull in natives, I, 541. Axillary buds, origin and develop- ment, II, 65-8. Axis: " neutral " of mechanics, II, 210; genesis of vertebrate, II, 212-6, 224-7. Bacteria: fission, I, 270; non-nu- cleated, II, 20; rate of increase, II, 443. Baer, K. E. von: embryological for- mula, I, 171, 172, 451, 453, 461, 466; zoological classification, I, 383; on animal transitions, I, 480. Balanophorw, inner tissue, II, 274. Bark: varied development, II, 247- 9; physiological differentiation, II, 249-50, 258, 386. Basidiomycetes, reproduction, II, 450. Bat, infertility of, II, 473. Bates, H. W., protective mimicry of butterflies, I, 398. Batrachia (see Amphibia). Bean, vascular system, II, 573, 591. Beaver, tail and co-adapted struc- tures, I, 616. Bees (see Insects). Bcgoniacett: multiplication I, 224, 317, 442; individuality, I, 251; de- velopment from scales, I, 282; symmetry, II, 159, 166; develop- ment, II, 271. Berkeley, M. J., indefiniteness of mosses and ferns, II, 296. Bile, arrest of excretion, I, 209. Bilirubin and biliverdine, function of, II, 330, 333. Biology: definition and divisions, I, 124-5; organic structural pheno- mena, I, 125-7; also functional, I, 127-9; actions and reactions of function and structure, I, 129-30; genesis, I, 130-1; limited knowl- edge of, I, 131; evolution, I, 432, 434; sociological analogies (see Sociology). Biophors, Weismann's germ-plasm units (see Weismann). Birds: flesh-eating and grain-eat- ing contrasted, I, 68; growth and expenditure of force, I, 142; size of egg and adult, I, 144; limita- tions on flight, I, 155; self-mobil- ity, I, 175; temperature, I, 176; functional and structural differ- entiation, I, 201; food of starv- ing pigeon, I, 215; viviparous- ness, I, 271; heredity and pigeon breeding, I, 305; atavism in pigeon, I, 314; osseous varia- tion in pigeon, I, 321; classifica- tion, I, 392; migrations and change of habits, I, 399, 402, 500; distribution in time, I, 410; Dar- win on petrels, I, 455; rudi- mentary teeth, I, 457; vertebrae, I, 471; II, 564; feather develop- ment, I, 473; habits of water ouzel, I, 485; egg shells and di- rect equilibration, I, 526; bones of waders and direct equilibration, I, 527; fertility and nervous de- velopment, I, 598; cellular con- tinuity, I, 629; adaptation of structure to environment, II, 12; SUBJECT-INDEX. 629 sexual selection, II, 269; wing spurs, II, 313; outer tissue differ- entiation, II, 314-5, 387; ali- mentary canal development, II, 828, 327; muscular colour and activity, II, 305-9; nutrition, II, 433; cost of genesis, II, 436; growth and genesis, II, 454, 458; heat expenditure and genesis, II, 468-9, 474; activity and genesis, II, 470-2, 474; contrasted mam- malian fertility, II, 470; eggs of wild and tame, II, 478; fertility of blackbird and linnet compared, II, 503; Owen on skeleton of, II, 559, 560, 561. Bischoff, embryogeny of human arm, I, 169. Bison, modifications entailed by In- creased weight of head, I, 512. Blackbird, contrasted with linnet in development, II, 503. Blainville, de, definition of life, I, 79, 93. Blastosphere, independence of cells in Echinoderm larvae, I, 185. Blastula, definition of life and for- mation of, I, 112. Blood: similarity of iron peroxide, I, 17; metabolic processes, I, 69; segregation of abnormal constitu- ents, I, 180; protozoon life of cor- puscles, I, 186-7; morbid changes, I, 221, 701; assimilative power and organic repair, I, 221-2; res- piratory tissue differentiation, II, 310-1; pressure in mammals, II, 340. (See also Vascular System.) Blow-fly, Weismann on nutrition and genesis in, I, 678-9. Boers, Cape, habits and fertility, II, 508. Boismont, A. B. de, on human fer- tility, II, 511. Bone: growth and function, I, 151; adaptability, I, 230; II, 217-8; function and weight, I, 308, 693; mammalian cervical vertebrae, I, 394; evolution and vertebral col- umn, I, 470-1; partial develop- ment, I, 473; size of head as in- fluencing, I, 512, 536-9; direct equilibration and strength, I, 527; natural selection and co- adaptations, I, 614-21, 674, 677; rudimentary limbs of whale, I, 668, 685, 692; inheritance of ac- quired modifications In Punjabis, I, 689; skull development, II, 222; theory of supernumerary, II, 223; Cope on origin of vertebrate osse- ous system, II, 225-7; differentia- tion, II, 344-56; false joints, II, 370-2; Owen's theory of verte- brate skeleton, II, 548-66. Book-worm, food of, I, 77. Born, G., experiments on frog-lar- vee, I, 365. Botany, biological classification, I, 124, 125. (See Plants.) Bothriocephalus, development, II, 490. Botryllidw: development, I, 166; in- dependence of components, I, 247; agamogenesis, I, 641. Bower, Prof., on alternation of gen- erations, II, 84. Brachiopoda, rude vascular system, II, 340. Bradbury, J. B., on vaso-dilators, I, 55. Brain: natural selection and mental evolution, I, 553; analysis of sub- stance, I, 596; weight in higher animals, I, 598-9; size in civilized and uncivilized, II, 530. Branches (see Morphology). Branchiw (see Respiratory System). Brass, effect of antimony on, I, 121. Bread, diamagnetism, I, 370. Breeding: heredity, I, 304-5; in- and-in, I, 344-7, 353; II, 615; pure and mixed, I, 354, 625. Bricks, changed equilibrium shown by, I, 38, 42. Brodie, T. G., cell chemistry, I, 260. Brownell, Miss J. L., on birth-rate in United States, II, 520. Brown-Sequard, on inherited epi- lepsy, I, 312, 624. Bryophyllum, peculiar proliferation, II, 295. Bryophyta, large size attained by some, I, 138. Bryozoa, gemmation, I, 588. Budding (see Gemmation). Buds: development, I, 167-8; the- 630 SUBJECT-INDEX. ories of heredity and cauline, I, 358-9, 360; axillary, II, 65-9; ef- fects of nutrition, II, 73-4. Butterfly: protective mimicry, I, 398; instance of tame, I, 684. Cabbage, varieties of, I, 302. Cactacew: foliar and axial develop- ment, II, 47-9; differentiation in, II, 258, 276, 282; vascular system, II, 282; dye permeability and cir- culation, II, 571, 572; wood for- mation, II, 575, 577, 578, 580. " Callus," budding from, I, 358, 359. Camel, natural selection and hump of, I, 534. Canadians, French, fertility of, II, 509. Cancer, the definition of life, I, 111; oesophageal, II, 324; and vascular system, II, 343. Caoutchouc, leaf structure, II, 589. Capillaries (see Vascular System). Capillarity, and vegetal vascular system, II, 279-80, 286, 568, 570, 585, 587, 592-6. Carbohydrates: instability, I, 10; the term " hydro-carbon," ib.; molecular changes in, I, 42-3; or- ganic transformation, I, 43, 48; metabolic processes, I, 63-77, 262-3, II, 362. Carbon: properties, I, 3-5, 20; com- pounds, I, 6, 7, 9, 10-12, 13, 24-5. Carbonic acid (carbon dioxide): properties, I, 6, 7, 9; in animal and plant functions, I, 62, 214, II, 398; diffusibility, II, 331. Carbonic oxide, properties, I, 6. Carnivores: nitrogenous food, I, 47, 68; katabolic process, I, 71; re- stricted environment, I, 396; their beneficial effects on animal life, II, 405-6. Carpenter, W. B. : on functional specialization, I, 208; reproduc- tion of sea-weed, I, 582; vegetal cell multiplication, I, 585; struc- ture and multiplication of com- pound organisms, I, 586-9; on fundamental traits of sex, I, 595; nutritive system of invertebrates, I, 595; Macrocystis, II, 450; nutri- tion and reproductive function, II, 460. Cartilage (see Bone). Castration, effect of, on growth, II, 459. " Castration parasitaire," Julin on, II, 493-6. Catalysis, and vital metamorphosis, I, 39, 43. Cattell, McKeen, on tactual percep- tiveness, I, 666. Caulcrpa, simulation of higher plant-forms, II, 22. Cave-animals, degeneration of eyes, I, 309, 612-3, 614, 647-9, 693. Cell, the: incomprehensibility of forces at work in, I, 118; proto- plasts and their traits, I, 181; the cell-theory, I, 184, 252, II, 17- 21, 85; differentiation, I, 188-9, 194; the continuity of protoplasm, I, 190-2, 194, 628-30, II, 21; its structure, I, 253-5; function of centrosome, I, 254-5, 257; struc- ture and function of nucleus, I, 255-6, 258-9; karyokinesis, I, 257- 8; function of chromatin, I, 259- 65; fertilization and function of polar bodies, I, 266-8; theories of heredity based on theory, I, 356; Weismann's differentiation into reproductive and somatic, I, 622, 628-30, 633-44; nucleus absent or dispersed, II, 20, 85; morphologi- cal differentiation, II, 175-7; ani- mal morphology, II, 228-30; mor- phological summary, II, 233; vegetal tissue differentiation, II, 249-50, 386; vascular develop- ment, II, 279-84, 389. Centipede, bilateral symmetry, II, 198-200. Cephalopoda: bilateral symmetry, II, 203; vascular system, II, 341. Cercariw (see Distoma). Cereus, tissue differentiation, II, 276, 283. Cesalpino, I, 377. Cestoda (see Entozoa). Chcetopoda, segmentation, II, 98, 103, 605. C'haja, wing spurs, II, 313. Change, and definition of life, I, 81-90, 113. SUBJECT-INDEX. 631 Charles, R. H., on inheritance of acquired modifications in leg- hones of Tunjahis, I, 689. Chatie, on single and double stocks, II, 622. Chemistry: properties of organic elements, I, 3-5, 20, 22; of dia- tomic compounds, I, 7-10; tria- tomic, I, 10-12; polyatomic, I, 12-13, 25; traits of evolution, I, 23-4; ethereal undulations and atomic oscillation, I, 31-6; chemi- cal affinity and organic change, I, 3G-7, 38-43; oxidation and genera- tion of heat, I, 46-9, 60; genera- tion of nerve force, I, 52, 60; metabolism, I, 62-77; physiology and organic, I, 127; flesh constitu- ents, I, 154; composition of or- ganisms and environment, I, 173; organic development and differen- tial assimilation, I, 179-80; chemi- cal units, I, 225, II, 612; primi- tive ideas of elements, I, 41 i; evolution of organic compounds, I, 696-701, 703. Chestnut, leaf symmetry, II, 149, 153. Chiton: simulation of segmentation, II, 116, 118; symmetry, II, 202. Chlorophyll: function, I, 65, II, 263; nutrition and absence of, II, 74; constitution, II, 262; symbi- otic presence in animals, II, 400. Chondracanthus gibbosus, enormous development of reproductive sys- tem, II, 487. Chordata, affinities, I, 466. Chromatin (see Cell). Circle, the, and evolution hypoth- esis, I, 433. Circulation (see Vascular System). Cirripedia: Darwin on retrograde development, I, 458; remarkable transformation in Sacculina, II, 494-5. Civilization, human evolution and genesis, II, 529-31. Cladophora: integration, II, 25; axial development, II, 28. Classification: subjective concep- tion, I, 78; two purposes of, I, 374; a gradual process, I, 375; botanical, I, 377-80, 389-90; zo- ological, I, 380-9; incomplete equivalence of groups, I, 389, 445-6, 448, 555, 572; group at- tributes, I, 390-3; the truths in- terpreted, I, 393-4; ethnologic and linguistic evolution, I, 441-6; organic evolution, I, 443, 447, 555; differences in kind and de- gree, I, 444-6; antecedent struc- tural similarity, I, 447, 448-9; Von Baer's formula, I, 451-4, 555; organic, not uniserial, II, 115. Classification of the Sciences, The, and evolution and dissolution, II, 5. Claus, C, on segmentation in An- nelids and Chsetopods, II, 605. Clover: flower and axial develop- ment, II, 45; symmetry, II, 152. Co-adaptation of cooperative parts: principles underlying, I, 234-5, 511-3, 514-5; slow operation of the process, I, 236; sociological analogy, I, 237^0; reversion un- der original conditions, I, 240; the analogy continued, ib. ; the case of bison's head, I, 512; natural se- lection an inadequate explana- tion, I, 535, 614-21, 692; Romanes on " cessation of selection " as effecting, I, 560, 561-2; Weis- mann's theories, I, 560-3, 663-5, 670, 674-5; natural selection and economy of growth, I, 562; phy- siological processes involved, I, 566-7; Wallace's argument from artificial selection, I, 615; what are cooperative parts? I, 616-7; " intra-selection " examined, I, 676-8. Coal, social effects of supply, I, 238-9, 241. Cocoa-nut, growth and fertility, II, 457. Coccospheres: vital problem pre- sented by protective structures, I, 119; imbricated plates, I, 182. Cockroach, ousting of European species, I, 399. Cod: ova of, II, 435; growth and fertility, II, 454. Codium: symmetry, II, 136; tissue differentiation, II, 246. 632 SUBJECT-INDEX. Coelenterata: rudimentary contrac- tile organs, I, 58; vital changes in polyp, I, 95; axial development, I, 165, 16G; environment and structure, I, 173; self-mobility, I, 175; II, 14, 15; functional differ- entiation, I, 201, 391; inactivity and waste, I, 213; reparative power, I, 219, 224; individuality, I, 246, 247, 250; heterogenesis, I, 273, 277, 296; negative disintegra- tion in Hydrozoa, I, 276, 587; re- productive tissue, I, 281; differen- tiation in Hydrozoa, I, 391; classi- ficatory value, I, 446; regenera- tion of fragments, II, 90; integra- tion, II, 90, 102, 105, 124; gemma- tion, II, 91; tertiary aggregation, II, 92, 95, 124; molluscan affin- ities, II, 115; radial symmetry, II, 188; symmetry of compound, II, 192-3; segmental differentiation, II, 207; physiological differentia- tion in Hydra and analogy, II, 300; ciliation of blastula, II, 301; tissue reduplication, II, 301-2, 389; outer tissue differentiation, II, 309; osmosis in Hydra, II, 339; vascular system in Hydra, II, 340, 376; functional co-ordination, II, 376; symbiosis, II, 400; asex- ual genesis, II, 443-4; growth and sexual genesis, II, 452; develop- ment and genesis, II, 462; nutri- tion and genesis, II, 476. Coelom, origin and function, II, 302-3. Collins, F. Howard, jaws and teeth of savages and civilized, I, 541. Colloids: T. Graham on, I, 15-8; diffusibility, I, 18-21; organic, I, 21, 25, 26; pliability and elas- ticity, I, 27; capillary affinity, I, 28; isomerism, I, 59; instability, I, 350; molecular mobility and dif- fusibility, II, 331; instability of, and nerve differentiation, II, 356- 61; and muscular tissue, II, 361^1. Colonies, autogenous development and parallel in heredity, I, 366- 8; II, 620. Colour: sensation of, I, 54; phceno- gamic, II, 75, 265-6; light and vegetal, II, 261-2; floral fertiliza- ection. tion, II, 267-9; sexual selection, II, 269; activity and muscular, II, 365-9; physiological units and mixture of, in offspring, II, 616, 617. Commensalism, organic integration as displayed in, II, 402-4. Composite: floral symmetry, II, 173. Condor, weight of, I, 155. Confervoidece, I, 279, 280; II, 25, 28, 449. (See Algw.) Conjugatcw, II, 449. (See Algw.) Conjugation, in Algw, I, 279; in Pro- tozoa, I, 280; II, 452; can fission persist without? I, 637; relation to growth, II, 449. Connective tissue, Hertwig's classi- fication, I, 189. Constitutional units, I, 369. (See Physiological Units.) Consumption, hereditary transmis- sion, I, 307. Co-ordination of actions (see Life). Cope, E. D., on origin of vertebrate structure, II, 225-7. Cormophyta: slight internal differ- entiation, II, 273; vascular sys- tem, II, 280. Corpuscula tactus, their function, I, 75. Correspondence, use of word, I, 97. (See Life.) Cousin-marriages, I, 345, II, 615. Cow: what prompts her to mumble a bone? I, 120. Cow-parsnip (see Heracleum). Crab (see Crustacea). Creation (see Special creation). Crinoidea, symmetry, II, 195-6. Crocodile, continuous growth, I, 154, 292. Crookes, Sir W., hypothetical chemical unit " protyle," I, 22, 23. Cruciferw, floral symmetry, II, 164, 171. Crustacea: locomotion of lobster, I, 175; regeneration of limbs, I, 224, 360, 589, II, 76; homogenesis, I, 271; genesis and nutrition in Daphnidw, I, 290-1; growth and genesis, I, 292; degeneration of eye in cave-inhabiting, I, 309, 614, 648; hermit crab parasite, I, 397; changes of media, I, 401, 481-2; SUBJECT-INDEX. 633 retrograde development In cirri- pedes, I, 458; segmentation, I, 408-9, II, 114; Darwin on jaws and legs, I, 471; survival of cirri- pedes, I, 517; integration and homology, II, 111-4, 121, 603; bi- lateral symmetry, II, 198-201; eyes, II, 318; dermal structure of hermit erab, II, 322, 387; fer- tility, II, 453; nutrition and gene- sis in parasitic species, II, 487; " castration parasitaire," II, 4!t:; o. Crystalloids: Prof. Graham on, I, 15-8; diffusibility, I, 18-21; or- ganic, I, 21-2, 26. Crystals: simulation of life in 11 storm glass," I, 96; growth, I, 135-7, 577; segregation, I, 179, 221, 223; equilibration, I, 337; physiological units and polarity, I, 701-6; time and formation, II, 77. Ctcnodrilus, segmental individual- ity, II, 103, 603, 604. Cube, bilateral symmetry, II, 132. Cunningham, J. T., I, vi; II, vi; on non-adaptive specific charac- ters, I, 565; food of blow-fly lar- vae, I, 678; arthropod segmenta- tion, II, 114; egg-production of Conger, II, 425. Cuttle-fish, individuality of Hecto- cotylus, I, 250. Cuvier, zoological classification, I, 381. Cyanogen, properties, I, 7, 9. Cyclichthys, dermal structure, II, 306. Daltell, Sir J., regeneration in Dasychone, I, 361; propagation of Hydra, II, 476. Daphnidw, heterogenesis and nutri- tion, I, 290-1. Darwin, C: Origin of Species, I, 129, II, 528; natural selection and function, I, 308-9, 693: atavism, I, 314; osseous variations in pig- eons, I, 321; plant variation and domestication, I, 325; " spontane- ous variation," I, 328, 697; floral fertilization, I, 340, II, 1(58, 267, 407, 608; intercrossing and self- fertilization, I, 344, 345; inter- crossing I, 347, 611, 669; his the- ory of pangenesis examined, I, 356-62, 370, 372; plant fertiliza- tion and distribution, I, 397; habits of birds, I, 400; distribu- tion and natural barriers, I, 402, 476; disappearance and non-reap- pearance of species, I, 406; dis- tribution in time and space, I, 410; linguistic classification, I, 442; classification of organisms, I, 443; classification and descent, I, 448; on petrels, I, 455; suppres- sion of organs, I, 457; develop- ment of Cirrhipedia, I, 458; jaws and legs of Crustacea, I, 471; aborted organs, I, 474, 563; rela- tions of species in Galapagos archipelago, I, 478; opinions of E. Darwin and Lamarck, I, 491; the term " survival of the fittest," I, 530; indirect equilibration by natural selection, I, 530-5; in- heritance of acquired characters, I, 535-42, 560, 630, 685, 690; Wal- lace on natural selection in man, I, 553; misleading connotations of term " natural selection," I, 609, 695; caste gradations and jaws of driver ants, I, 658; attachment of climbing plants, II, 276-7; vegetal fructification, II, 294; earth- worm, II, 402; animal sterility and domestication, II, 480, 483; variation in hyacinth and camel- lia, II, 621. Darwin, Dr. E., modifiability of or- ganisms, I, 490, 492-7. Death: an arrest of vital corre- spondence, I, 102; only limit to vegetal growth, I, 153; cessation of coordination of actions, I, 578, 579; Weismann's hypothesis, I, 636-8; physiological integration, II, 374, 392; cause of natural, II, 413; relation to births, II, 417. Definiteness: of vital change, I, 87- 90, 106, 109; developmental, I, 178; functional, I, 212; segrega- tion of evolution, I, 514-6. Definition, difficulties of, I, 78; II, 17. Degeneracy, morphological obscura- tions due to, II, 12, 13. 634 SUBJECT-INDEX. I Dendrobium (see Orchids). Desmidiaccw: unicellular, II, 21; linear and central aggregation, II, 23; natural selection and sym- metry, II, 134, 135; morphological differentiation, II, 177; tissue, II, 244; genesis, II, 440, 449. Determinants, Weismann's germ- plasm units (see Germ-plasm). Development: an increase of struc- ture, I, 162, II, 461; primarily central, I, 162, 166; uni- and mul- ti-central, I, 163-4, 166-7; axial, I, 164, 167; uni- and multi-axial, I, 165-6; a change to coherent definite heterogeneity, I, 167-70, 179; Von Baer's formula, I, 171-2; individual differentiation from environment, I, 172-8; cell forma- tion, I, 225; discontinuous, and agamogenesis, I, 275; Prof. Hux- ley's classification, I, 276; socio- logical parallel to autogenous, I, 364-8, II, 620; retrograde, I, 457- 8: inequalities among co-operative parts, I, 617; " heterochrony," I, 655; continuous and discontinuous vegetal, II, 52; summary of physiological, II, 384-90; nutri- tion and genesis, resume, II, 497- 9; evolution, II, 501-5; commence- ment of genesis, II, 506; of ver- tebrate limbs, II, 553. (See also Multiplication.) Development Hypothesis, The, I, 417. Dialects (see Language). Dialysis, and diffusibility, I, 19, 20. Diastase, decomposition of, I, 38, 40. Diatomacece: tissue, II, 244; genesis, II, 440, 448. Diatomic compounds (see Chem- istry). Dicotyledons: growth, I, 139, 143, II, 63-4, 69-72, 78, 82-3; uniaxial development, I, 165; stem and leaf functions, II, 257; mechani- cal stress and wood formation, II, 277; growth and genesis, II, 451. Differentiation (see Morphology and Physiology). Difflugia: primary aggregate, II, 86- 7; symmetry, II, 186; outer tissue differentiation, II, 309. Diffusion, of colloids and crystal- loids, I, 18-20; II, 331. Digestion: action of nitrogenous compounds, I, 69; obesity, II, 480-4; fertility, II, 514. Dimorphism: floral, I, 534; sexual, in parasites, I, 315; social insects (see Insects). Dinosaurs, size of, I, 139. Diphyes: individuality, I, 246; sym- metry, II, 192. Disease: segregation of blood con- stituents, I, 179; changes in blood from, I, 221, 701; heredity, I, 306-7, 312-3, 622-3; belief in supernatural origin, I, 419; para- sitism and special creation, I, 427; morbid products as specific characters, I, 567; telegony, I, 646; dermal structure, II, 306; in- testinal muscular hypertrophy, II, 325; indigestion and alimentary canal development, II, 328; jaun- dice and bilirubin, II, 330; locali- zation of excretion, II, 331; mem- branes in inflammatory, II, 343; osseous differentiation in rickets, II, 352; fatty degeneration, II, 482. Disintegration, physiological (see Physiology). Distoma: metagenesis, I, 273-4; dis- integration of genesis, I, 276; cycle of generations, II, 489. Distribution: physical limits, I, 396; organic environment, I, 396-8; parasitic conditions, I, 397-8; sim- ultaneity of agencies affecting, I, 398; mutual encroachments of species, I, 398-401, 477, 489; facts disproving pre-adaptation to habi- tats, I, 401-3, 411-2; of animals and plants in time, I, 404-11, 412; ousting of native species in New Zealand, I, 477; local influences, I, 477-9, 489; through varied media, I, 479-85, 489, 556; past and present organic forms, I, 485-9, 556; complex organization and, II, 296-7. Division of labour, physiological (see Labour). Dog: contrasted lives of tortoise and, I, 103, 104; inherited habits, SUBJECT-INDEX. 635 I, 309, 573; abnormal digits, I, 324; interbreeding of divergent varieties, I, 666; decrease of jaw, I, G15, 693; telegony, I, 645; con- ditions affecting fertility, II, 474, 479. Dohrn, theory of vertebrate struc- ture, II, 606. Doliolum, combination of individu- alities, I, 247. Domestication (see Animals). Doubleday, E., on nutrition of gene- sis, II, 510-2. Driesch, separation of segmentation spheres of Echinus ovum, I, 691; II, 618. Dropsy (see Disease). . Droscra: individuality, I, 251; pro- liferous growth, II, 75. Du Bois-Reymond, E. H., elec- tricity from muscles and nerves, I, 50. Dumas, antithesis of animals and plants, I, iVl. Dwarfs, Hindu family of, I, 310. Ear, development of vertebrate, II, 318, 320. Earth, climatic rhythm and organic change, I, 499-501, 557. Earth-worm : bilateral symmetry, II, 199, 200; mould production, II, 402. Echinococcus (see Entozoa). Echinodermata: independence of blastosphere cells, I, 185; proto- plasmic continuity in embryos, I, 190; separation of segmentation spheres of ovum, I, 691; II, 618; symmetry, II, 191, 195-6. Economy: of growth in natural se- lection, I, 536, 562; a trait of or- ganic evolution, II, 501, 504. Ectoderm: functional differentia- tion, I, 202, 203; functional vicari- ousness, I, 209; reproductive func- tion, I, 281. Effects, Multiplication of: varia- tion, I, 329-30, 333; organic evo- lution, I, 511-4, 515, 517, 549, 557, II, 405-6; morphological de- velopment, II, 7-9, 234; physio- logical differentiation, II, 390-1, 392. Eggs (see Embryology). Eimer, T., theory of orthogenesis I, 563-4. Elasmobranchii: protoplasmic con tinuity, I, 629; segmentation, II 126. Electricity: genesis in organic mat ter, I, 50-2, 60; muscular ac tion, I, 59; incomprehensibility I, 121. Elephant: fertility, I, 583, 599, II 459, 506; cerebro-spinal system, I 598, 599. Elk, Irish, horns and correlated parts, I, 537, 674. Eloidea canadensis: individuality, I, 248; enormous agamic multiplica- tion, I, 642. Elongation, and locomotion in ani- mals, II, 15. Embryology: as aiding biology, I, 125-6; simulated growth, I, 136; initial and final organic bulks, I, 143, 158, 161; foetal flesh constitu- ents, I, 154; human arm develop- ment, I, 169; Von Baer's for- mula, I, 170-2, 451^, 466: em- bryonic heat, I, 177; spherical or- ganic form, I, 177; unit-life in multicellular organisms, I, 185-6; functional differentiation, I, 203; individuality, I, 246-7: unspecial- ized reproductive tissue, I, 279- 83, 317; changes following im- pregnation, I, 283-4: nutrition and vegetal growth, I, 285-8, 295-7; and animal growth, I, 289-94, 295-7; physiological units and heredity, I, 317-9; variation and parental functional condition, I, 324; uterine environment, I, 327-8; physiological units and variation, I, 330-4, 458; fertilized and un- fertilized ova, I, 340-1; hermaph- rodism, I, 341-2, 344; sociologi- cal parallel, I, 366-8: evolution hypothesis, I, 434, 436, 453, 454, 555; petrel development, I, 455; substitution and suppression of organs, I, 456-8, 466, 472-3; struc- tural proclivities of physiological units, I, 458; abridgment of stages, I, 458-9, 464: disappear- ance of intermediate forms, I, 636 SUBJECT-INDEX. I 459-60, 463; pre-adaptation, I, 461-3; discrimination of species in early stages, I, 461; anomalous persistence of ancestral traits, I, 463-5; phylogeny, I, 466; egg-shell function, I, 527; genesis of grades in social insects, I, 654-6, 658-9, 679-80; determination of sex, I, 657; order of development quali- fied by needs, I, 679; osteology of Punjabis, I, 689; direct transfor- mations and physiological units, I, 706: transformation of blas- tema, II, 20; arrest of growth and innutrition, II, 73: development of segmented animals, II, 100-2, 602; adaptive vertebrate segmentation, II, 118-23, 124, 223-4, 605-6; ani- mal cell morphology, II, 228; pri- mary differentiations of germinal layers, II, 300-2; lung develop- ment, II, 333-4; mammalian ova maturation, II, 342-3: movements of ova, II, 356, 363; modifications in mole, II, 391; genesis and nu- trition, II, 424, 425; fish ova, II, 435, 454; cost of genesis, II, 435- 6; number of birds' eggs, II, 454- 6, 478; heat and genesis, II, 468, 474: activity and genesis in birds, II, 470-2, 474; vertebrate limb development, II, 553; ossification in vertebrates, II, 556; Owen's vertebrate theory, II, 563; devel- opment of vertebrae, II, 564. (See also Multiplication.) Embryology of conceptions, I, 451. Emigrants, type of organization among, I, 364, II, 620. Endoderm: functional differentia- tion, I, 202, 203; functional vicari- ousness, I, 209. Endogen, application of term, II, 62, 78, 82. (See Monocotyledons.) Energy: evolution of, in animals, I, 71-7; organic growth and expen- diture, I, 141; functional transfer, I, 201-6; chromatin as the source of, in karyokinesis, II, 261-5. (See also Force.) Entozoa: metagenesis, I, 273, 641; self-fertilization, I, 342; distribu- tion, I, 398; and special creation, I, 428; fission in simple types, I, 584; nutrition and genesis, I, 641; II, 488; direct transformation, I, 706; integration, II, 102; seg- mentation, II, 107, 108; interde- pendence and organic integration, II, 404. Environment: degree of life and complexity of, I, 104-7; relation to organic structure and func- tion, I, 172-8; II, 12-5; adaptation to varied media an evidence of evolution, I, 479-81, 556; influence of solar system, I, 500, 556; in- herited adaptation to, II, 623. Eolis, branchiae, II, 118. Epidermis (see Skin). Epilepsy: definition of life and movements in, I, 112; heredity, I, 312. Epithelium: ciliated, I, 187; Hert- wig's classification, I, 189; repro- ductive function, I, 280; " pave- ment " and " cylinder," II, 229. Epizoa: distribution, I, 398; special creation and effects of, I, 428: in- terdependence and organic inte- gration, II, 404; nutrition and genesis, II, 487. Equilibration: variation and law of, I, 326, 334; molecular arrange- ment, I, 337-45; of organic change, I, 348, 547, 557; direct and indirect, I, 519-22, 573: adap- tation by direct, I, 522-3, 551, 557; nutrition, defence, and fer- tilization of plants, I, 523-5; di- rect of animals, I, 525-8, 551, 557; natural selection and indi- rect, I, 530-4, 552, 557; of natural selection, I, 543-7, 552-3, 557; increasing importance of direct, I, 553; of forces acting on species, I, 571-2, II, 417-20; phenomena not accounted for by, I, 573; tis- sue differentiation, II, 245; gene- sis of nervous system, II, 307-8; functional, II, 391-4; laws of mul- tiplication, II, 411-6; in human and social evolution, II, 537. (See also Acquired characters and Natural selection.) Errera, L., on inherited adaptation to environment in Aspergillus, II, 623. SUBJECT-INDEX. 637 Ethnology: heredity, I, 303-4, 310; plasticity of mixed races, I, 354; primitive ideas, I, 417; evolution and classification, I, 441-3, 446; natural selection, I, 553. Euphorbiaccw: foliar and axial de- velopment, II, 47-8; physiological differentiation, II, 258; dye per- meability and circulation, II, 571; wood formation, II, 575, 577, 578; foliar vascular system, II, 589-92, 506. Evaporation: organic change, I, 28; vegetal circulation, II, 587. Evolution: chemical elements and compounds, I, 22-4, 67; primordial form of living matter, I, 63-4, 181; II, 21-2; definitions of life, I, 107-10; growth the primary trait of, I, 135; comprehends growth and development, I, 162; illustra- tions in development, I, 167-70, 178-9; progressive structural dif- ferentiation, I, 181-4, 192-6, 211- 2; life before organization, I, 210; heterogeneity of function, I, 211; stability of species, I, 242, 515, 518; individuality, I, 247; cell-or- ganization, I, 262; genesis, hered- ity, and variation resulting from, I, 354-5; period required for or- ganic, I, 407, 565-6; contrasted with special-creation hypothesis, I, 415, 431-40; derivation of hy- pothesis, I, 431, 439, 554; increas- ing belief in, I, 431-3, 439; ex- periences supporting conceivabil- ity, I, 433-5, 439; direct evidence, I, 435-7, 439; malevolence not im- plied by, I, 437-9; evidence from classification, I, 443, 444, 449, 466, 555; embryology, I, 451-3, 466; substitution and suppression of organs, I, 456-8, 466, 472-3; in- sect segmentation, I, 468-9; ver- tebral column development, I, 470-2; rudimentary organs, I, 472-5; adaptation to varied media, I, 479-85, 556; growth of the the- ory of organic, I, 490-8; instabil- ity of the homogeneous, a cause, I, 509-11, 516, 550; multiplication of effects, I, 511-14, 517-8, 550, II, 405; segregation, and heteroge- neity and definiteness of, I, 514-8, 550; natural selection and general doctrine of, I, 543-8, 557; factors tabulated, I, 551; inductive evi- dences summarized, I, 555-6; sur- viving disbelief in France, I, 559; current theories of organic, I, 559-74; Eimer's theory of ortho- genesis, I, 563-4; Gulick on monotypic and polytypic, I, 569; phenomena unexplained by the- ories, I, 573-4; inorganic and the System of Philosophy, I, 696; " spontaneous generation," I, 696- 701, 702; dissolution and problems of morphology, II, 4-6; morphol- ogy and formula, II, 7-9, 231-5; difliculties of definition, II, 17; cell-doctrine, II, 17-21, 85; unicel- lular origin of plants, II, 21-2; resume of plant morphology, II, 78-80; origin and differentiation of phsenogamic type, II, 83; physiological problems, II, 239-43; tissue differentiation, II, 244-6, 385; integration of organic world, II, 396, 406; race and individual multiplication, II, 428-30; declin- ing fertility and human, II, 431, 529-30; individuation, genesis, and, II, 501-5; human life, pro- spective, II, 522-5; forces influ- encing human, II, 525-8; future of population, II, 532-7; self-suf- ficingness of, II, 537; vertebral, II, 563-6. Excretion: genesis of organs of, II, 303; localization of, II, 331-3. Exogen, application of term, II, 82. (See Dicotyledons.) Expenditure (see Multiplication). Eye, the: molecular transforma- tions in visual process, I, 75-6; progressive development, I, 195, II, 317-9; waste and repair, I, 218; transmitted defects, I, 306, 311, 694; degeneration in cave- animals, I, 309, 612-3, 614, 647-9, 693; late development in insects, I, 658; migration in flat fishes, II, 205. Fabre, J. H., nutrition and sex in Osmia tricomis, I, 657. 638 SUBJECT-INDEX. False joints, I, 230; theories of heredity and, I, 362, 364, II, 371-2. Fats, the: physical and chemical properties, I, 10-12; non-nitrogen- ous, I, 41; action of bile, II, 330. Fatty degeneration, and failing vi- tality, I, 41. Feathers, development, I, 474, II, 314-6. Feet, heredity and size, I, 311. Ferments, changes and nitrogen- ous character of, I, 38. Ferns: foliar development and nu- trition, II, 76; inner tissue differ- entiation, II, 273; indefiniteness, II, 296; genesis, II, 441, 463. Fertility, the General Law of Ani- mal, I, 577-601. (See Multiplica- tion.) Fertilization: unit-life of generative elements, I, 185-6; the function of chromatin, I, 260, 263-5; extru- sion of polar bodies, I, 266-8; na- ture and functions of generative elements, I, 279-83, 317, 334, 342, 593-7; differentiation and varia- tion effected by, I, 330-2; the es- sential object of, I, 340-1, II, 614- 6; hermaphrodism and self-, I, 341-2; crossing and its effects, I, 343-7; isolation of species in re- spect of, I, 570; floral (see Flow- ers). Ficus, foliar structure, II, 589, 596. Fingers: embryogeny of human, I, 169; heredity and abnormal, I, 305, 314, 321-3; autogenous de- velopment of supernumerary, I, 363; rudimentary, I, 473. Fishes: sizes of ova and adult, I, 143-4; growth of pike, I, 154, 292; size and environment, I, 156; temperature, I, 174; self-mobility, I, 175; continuity of blastomeres, I, 214, II, 327; genesis, I, 271, II, 435, 436; conditions affecting genesis, I, 292-3, 583, 598, 599, II, 454; classification, I, 392; change of media, I, 401, 480; distribution in time, I, 408-9; climbing spe- cies, I, 480, 482; migrations, I, 500; dermal structure, I, 526, II, 305-6, 315, 387; Cunningham on non-adaptive specific characters, 1, 565; elongation and locomotion, 11, 15; segmentation, II, 122, 225; bilateral symmetry, II, 203-5; eyes of Pleuronectidce, II, 205; genesis of vertebrate axis, II, 212-6, 218-21, 225; ossification of paleozoic, II, 218; respiratory or- gans, II, 334-8; activity and mus- cular colour, II, 365-9; Owen on skeleton, II, 552, 557, 558-60, 562, 564. Fission (see Agamogenesis). Flint, Austin, on telegony, I, 644. Flounder, symmetry and eyes, II, 205. Flower, Sir W., on ferret, II, 480. Flowers: pollen propulsion in or- chids, I, 57; nature of reproduc- tive elements, I, 283; insect fer- tilization, I, 340, 525, II, 168, 174, 267, 407; self- and mutual fertili- zation, I, 342-5, 570; Darwin on homologies, I, 472; direct equi- libration and fertilization, I, 524- 5; dimorphism, I, 534; foliar ho- mology of petals, II, 43-6; sym- metry, II, 132, 161, 162-^, 170, 174, 608; fertilization and sym- metry, II, 164-70; clusters and components, II, 170-4; nutrition and inflorescence, II, 179-80, 541- 2, 546-7; tissue differentiation, II, 265-9; separation of ancestral traits in hybrids, II, 616-7. Fly, beneficial parasitism, II, 406. Food (see Nutrition). Food-cavity, genesis and develop- ment of, I, 188, 195. Foraminifera: form, I, 173; primary aggregate, II, 87, 124; progress- ing integration, II, 89-90, 124. Force: action on like and unlike units, I, 5; expenditure and or- ganic growth, I, 149-54, 161; func- tional accumulation, transfer, and expenditure, I, 198-9, 201-3, 391; waste and expenditure, I, 214-5; distribution during strain, II, 209- 12. (See also Energy, and Persist- ence of Force.) Fossils (see Palaeontology). Foster, Sir M., on storage of glyco- gen, I, 70, 74; increase of weight in hybernating dormouse, I, 214. SUBJECT-INDEX. 639 Fowls (see Gallinaccw). Foxglove: abnormal development, I, 287, II, 4G; floral distribution, II, 141; nutrition and growth, II, 179. France: surviving disbelief in or- ganic evolution, I, 559; rate of multiplication, II, 509, 512. Frankland, Sir E., on isomerism of protein, I, 700. Fraser, Col. A. T., on family of Hindu dwarfs, I, 316. Fries, E., multiplication of Rcticu- laria, I, 582, II, 450. Frog: vitality of detached heart, I, 111; of larval fragments, I, 365. Fry, Sir E., on alternation of gen- erations, II, 84. Fnci: cell multiplication, II, 27; un- differentiated outer tissue, II, 256. Function: as a basis of classifica- tion, I, 124-9, 129-31; simultane- ous progress of structure and, I, 197, 211; divisions of, I, 198-200, 391; correlative complexity of structure, I, 200, 210-1; progres- sive differentiations, I, 201-4; con- comitant integration, I, 205-8; specialization and vicariousness, I, 208-10; formula of evolution, I, 211; diminished ability and over- work, I, 215-6; growth and in- creased, I, 228-33, 234-5; inter- dependence of social and organic, I, 237-9, 240-2; structure and heredity, I, 306-13, 318-9 (see Ac- quired Characters); aids natural selection, I, 308; organic interde- pendence, I, 318-9; parental con- dition and variation, I, 324, 326; variation and altered, I, 325-6, 333-4; as causing variation, I, 334-5; effect on physiological units, I, 353-4, II, 620; zoological classification, I, 391-3; multipli- cation of effects, I, 512; law. of equilibration, I, 519-22, 557; cor- relation of changes in, I, 529; structural effects of changing, I, 541-2; structural cooperation, II, 3, 217; vicarious vegetal, II, 270; vicariousness and specialization, II, 293; epidermic structure, II, 312-4, 387; structure and muscu- lar, II, 369, 391; adaptive bone- structures, II, 370-1; equilibra- tion and adaptation, II, 392; per- sistence of force and adaptation, II, 394. (See also Physiology.) Fungi: nitrogenous character, I, 40; development, I, 163, 164, 165; conjugation, I, 279, II, 449; fis- sion, I, 584, 585; integration, II, 24-5, 293; symmetry, II, 137^0, 146: puff-ball tissue, II, 246, 252, 386; tissue differentiation, II, 256; inner tissue, II, 279; indefinite- ness, II, 295; growth and genesis, II, 459; nutrition and genesis, II, 487. Gallinaccw: conditions affecting fer- tility, II, 454-5, 469, 471; mascu- line traits of old hens, II, 495. Galls: definition of life and, I, III; Hertwig on, I, 690. Galton, F., on variation outside the mean, I, 669. Gamogenesis: homogenesis, I, 270, 271, 336; heterogenesis, I, 270, 336; independence of offspring, I, 278; reproductive tissue, I, 279- 84; vegetal nutrition, I, 285-8, 293; II, 39; animal nutrition, I, 289-94, 297; when and why does it recur? I, 294-7, 336-40; effect on species, I, 347-9; leaf forma- tion, II, 39; alternating genera- tion in liverworts, II, 80^4; mol- luscan homogenesis, II, 116, 117- 8; vertebrate, II, 118; growth, II, 266. (See also Fertilization, and Multiplication.) Gasteropoda (see Mollusca). Geddes and Thompson, on the de- termination of sex, I, 657. Gelatine, nutritive value of, I, 77. Gemmation: and genesis, I, 272-6; theories of heredity and, I, 361; annulose, II, 100-5, 106. Generalization, impossibility of per- fect, I, 450. Generation, and genesis: the words, I, 269. Genesis (see Multiplication). Gcntiana: floral arrangement, II, 608-11. Genus: indefinite value, I, 389, 446; 640 SUBJECT-INDEX. Instability of homogeneous and heterogeneity of, I, 509-11, 515, 517-8, 550, 557. Geology: growth displayed in, I, 135. 136; distribution in time, I, 404-11, 412; special creation, I, 419, 426; evolution, I, 432, 437; record congruous with evolution, I, 485-9, 556; organic influence of changes, I, 501-3, 549, 550, 557; climatic influence of changes, I, 503; time required for organic evolution, I, 565-6; rise of insect and plant relations, II, 407; hu- man evolution and changes, II, 534. Geometry, evolution illustrated by, I, 433-4. Germ-cell: unspecialized nature, I, 279-83, 317; dissimilarity, I, 330, 332, 334, 342; equilibrium, I, 340. (See also Fertilization.) Germ-plasm, Weismann's theory of, I, 357-8; inconsistent with plant embryogeny, I, 359; regeneration of lost limbs, I, 362; variations in peacock's tail feather, I, 372, 695; II, 618-9; alleged differentiation of reproductive and somatic cells, I, 622, 628-30, 633^4, 646; origin of variations in neuter insects, I, 659, 663-5, 671, 675; correlated variations in stag, I, 677; insuper- able difficulties, I, 682; conceiva- bility of hypothesis, I, 695; II, 619; correlated variations in culti- vated plants, II, 621-2. Ghost-theory, Vitalism and, I, 114. Giraffe, co-adaptation of structures, I, 615. Gizzard, development of birds, II, 320. Glass, molecular rearrangement, I, 337, 352, 704. Glove, strain analogy, II, 575. Glycogen, in animal metabolism, I, 70, 72. Goethe, J. W. von: foliar homology, II, 43-4, 543, 544, archetypal hy- pothesis, II, 122; vegetal fructifi- cation and nutrition, II, 180; the- ory of supernumerary bones, II, 223; on the skull, II, 561. Gold, effect of bismuth on, I, 121. Gorilla, callosities, II, 312 Gould, J., Birds of Australia, II, 469. Gout (see Disease). Grafting, Born's experiments with frog larvae, I, 365. Graham, T., properties of water, I, 9, II, 359; colloids and crystal- loids, I, 15-8, II, 356; their dif- fusibility, I, 18-20; sapid and in- sipid substances, I, 53. Graminw: foliar surfaces, II, 61, 263; floral symmetry, II, 165; physiological differentiation, II, 257. Graminivores, food contrasted with that of carnivores, I, 68. Grassi, on food-habits of Termites, I, 686. Gravity: its ultimate incomprehen- sibility, I, 121; vegetal circula- tion, II, 586. (See also Specific Grav'ty.) Gregarina: central development, I, 163; primary aggregate, II, 87; symmetry, II, 186. Grimaux, on artificial proteids, I, 39. Growth: organic and inorganic, I, 135-7; simulation of, I, 136; limits- to, I, 137, 155-7; structural com- plexity, I, 138-40, 145-7, 161; nu- trition, I, 140, 147-9, 161; expen- diture of energy, I, 141-3, 161; initial and final bulks, I, 143-4, 157-60, 161; final arrest of, I, 149-55, 639; where unceasing, I, 154; resume' with generalizations, I, 161; defined, I, 162; II, 461; increased function, I, 228-33, 234- 5; functional interdependence, I, 235-9, 240; nutrition and vegetal, I, 293, 294-7, 336, II, 39; hetero- genesis and animal nutrition, I, 289-93, 296, 336; homo- and hetero- genesis and natural selection, I, 294-8; of acrogens, II, 56; cylin- drical form of vegetal, II, 56-64; endogenous, II, 60-2, 78; exogen- ous, II, 63-4, 78; plant differentia- tion, II, 129-131; tissue differen- tiation, II, 370; formation of adaptive bone-structures, II, 370- 2; progressive increase of size SUBJECT-INDEX. 641 with evolution, II, 401-2; vegetal, and asexual genesis, II, 439-42; animal, and asexual genesis, II, 442-5; antagonistic to asexual genesis, II, 446; vegetal and sex- ual genesis, II, 448-51; animal and sexual genesis, II, 452-6, 495; antagonistic to soxual genesis, II, 457-8; nutrition and genesis, re- sume, II, 497-9; evolution and, II, 501-5; commencement of gen- esis, II, 500; fertilization and restoration of growth-energy, II, 613. Gulick, T. : on monotypic and poly- typic evolution, I, 569; physio- logical selection, I, 569-71. Gunpowder, nitrogenous instability, I, 8, 43. Gymnotus, electricity of, I, 51. Gyrodactylus elcgans, rapid succes- sion of generations, I, 641; II, 488. Habit, change of, in plants, I, 308. Haemal, term applied to female ele- ment, I, 594-5. Hairs: non-conductors of heat, I, 526; vegetal, and natural selec- tion, I, 532; development, II, 314- 6; tactual organs, II, 317. Hand: embryogeny, I, 169; heredity and size of, I, 311; distribution of veins, I, 364. Hardy, W. B., I, vii; II, vi. Hare: activity and muscular col- our, II, 365; expenditure and genesis, II, 472. Hart, J. A., on " Parasol " ants, I, 687-8. Haviland, G. D., collection of Ter- mites, I, 687. Haystack, chemical action in, I, 74. Head, structural influence of size, I, 512, 537. Hearing: the sense of, I, 54; multi- plying agencies, I, 75. Heart (see Vascular System). Heat: action on di- and tri-atomic compounds, I, 7-8, 10-12, 23, 24; on colloids and crystalloids, I, 26; organic changes from evaporation, I, 29; chemical decomposition by, I, 33; organic oxidation, I, 46-9, 87 60; growth and organic, I, 152-3; animal, vegetal, and environment, I, 174-5, 177; alloy melting points, I, 339; organic effects of rhythm in terrestrial, I, 498, 557; effect on physiological units, I, 705; respiration in fishes, II, 337; ani- mal preservation, II, 434; verte- brate expenditure and genesis, II, 468-9, 474; insect genesis, II, 476; seasonal variations and genesis, II, 484-5; in germination, II, 615. Hebrew idea of creation, I, 421. Hectocotylus, individuality, I, 250. Hellin, D., on multiparity and twin-births, II, 457. Hen, what prompts her to pick up egg-shell fragments? I, 120. Henslow, Rev. G., inheritance of functionally-produced changes, I, 560. Hepaticw: Schleiden on, II, 51, 52; continuous and discontinuous de- velopment, II, 52< phyletic homo- logies, II, 80-4; meaning of so- called alternating generation, II, 84; vascular system, II, 280; gene- sis and development, II, 463. Heredity: structural modification, I, 232; function of cell-nucleus in, 258-59; general truths, I, 301-4; transmission of congenital pecul- iarities, I, 304-7; structure and altered function, I, 307-13, 318-9 (see also Acquired Characters); atavism, or recurrence of ances- tral traits, I, 314; sex limitation, I, 314-6; physiological units, re- sume, I, 350-5; II, 612-6; Darwin's and Weismann's theories exam- ined, I, 356 et seq., 559-61; II, 622; true theory must include plants, I, 358; inadequacy of theory of physiological units, I, 360-1; so- ciological parallel, I, 366-8; natu- ral selection (q. v.), I, 545-7, 553, 557; ethnology and natural selec- tion, I, 553; unsolved problems, I, 573-4; mutilations, I, 631; ulti- mate process incomprehensible, I, 695; cell doctrine, II, 19; physio- logical development, II, 242; wood formation, II, 287; tissue differ- entiation, II, 304, 312-4; respira- 642 SUBJECT-INDEX. tory system, II, 311; osseous dif- ferentiation, II, 351; muscular adaptation, II, 367; persistence of force and physiological adapta- tion, II, 394; vegetal vascular sys- tem, II, 574, 582, 588, 596. Hermaphrodism, I, 340-3. Hertwig, O.: on Weismann's germ- plasm theory, I, 690; cell charac- ters, I, 691; meaning of fertiliza- tion, II, 613. Hertwig, R., classification of tis- sues, I, 189. Heterochrony of development, I, 655. Heterogeneity: in chemical evolu- tion, I, 23-4; of vital changes, I, 84-90; of development, I, 170, 178; functional, I, 204-8, 211-2; of or- ganic matter, I, 350-5; organic and instability of homogeneous, I, 509-11, 517, 549, 557; segregation accompanying, I, 514-6, 517-8, 550. Heterogenesis: occurrence, I, 270, 272-5, 336; animal nutrition, I, 289-91, 295-7; natural selection, I, 295-8; heredity, I, 301. Hindus: food, I, 68; dwarf family, I, 316. Histology (see Physiology). Hofmeister, sporophytic generation of Archegoniates, II, 80. Hollyhock, floral symmetry, II, 167, 169, 170. Homogeneous, instability of the: variation, I, 330, 334, 342; evolu- tion, I, 509-11, 517, 549, 557; mor- phological development, II, 7-9, 234; direction of vegetal growth, II, 181; radial symmetry, II, 190; physiological differentiation, II, 384, 392. Homogenesis (see Gamogenesis). Homology, simulation of, by anal- ogy, II, 14. Hooker, Sir J. D., I, ix; European plants in New Zealand, I, 477; plant distribution, I, 479; adapta- tion of plants to varied media, I, 484; plant growth, II, 56; Balano- phorw and Rafjflesiacew, II, 274; structural complexity, II, 295, 297; relative antiquity and dis- tribution of plants and animals, II, 297; bean vascular system, II, 574. Hooker, Sir W., on fructification in Jungermanniacew, II, 52. Horns, natural selection and corre- lated variation, I, 537, 567, 674, 677. Horse: ancestral types, I, 409; fer- tility, I, 598; weight of brain, I, 599; quagga markings, I, 624, 627. Husbandry, co-ordination of actions in, I, 96, 579. Hutchinson, Sir J., hereditary syphilis, I, 623. Huxley, T. H., I, ix; " continuous " and " discontinuous " develop- ment, I, 164; classification of de- velopment, I, 276; hermaphrodism, I, 344; zoological classification, I, 383; on " Persistent Types," I, 408-9; ancestral equine types, ib. ; segmentation of articulates, I, 468-9, II, 113; agamic multiplica- m tion of Aphis and Entozoa, I, 640- ' 1; II, 476; cell doctrine, II, 21; ver- tebrate embryo, II, 119, 120; mol- luscan symmetry, II, 202; tegu- mentary organs, II, 314, 315; ver- tebrate sensory organs, II, 318, 319; Chotidracanthus, II, 487; Owen's vertebrate theory, II, 563. Hyacinth: lateral spike, II, 42; symmetry, II, 141, 162. Hybernation, waste and repair in, I, 214-5. Hybrids, separation of ancestral traits in, II, 616-7. Hydro-carbons: properties, I, 6-9; the term carbo-hydrates (q. v.), I, 10. Hydrochloric acid, in gastric juice, I, 69. Hydrogen: chemical and physical properties, I, 3-5; compounds, I, 6, 8, 9, 10-12; 12-13. Hydrozoa (see Coelentcrata). Hymenoptera (see Insects). Hypertrophy (see Disease). Hypospadias, telegonic transmis- sion, I, 646. Hypostasis of a relation, exempli- fied in explanations of fertiliza- tion, II, 613. SUBJECT-INDEX. 643 Ideas (see Psychology). Individuality: the botanical, I, 244- 6; the zoological, I, 246-7; the fer- tilized germ product, I, 248-9; definition of life, I, 250. Individuation: and genesis, I, 583- 4; II, 428-30, 499; total cost, II, 435-7; genesis and evolution, II, 501-5, 529, 530. Infusoria: functional specialization, I, 391; primary aggregate, II, 87; asymmetry, II, 187, 188; differ- entiation, II,. 299, 385; genesis, II, 442, 446, 452. Injuries, repair of animal, I, 219, 222-4, 316, II, 102, 611. Insanity, inherited, I, 314. Insects: temperature, I, 47, 174; phosphorescence, I, 49; self-mo- bility, I, 175; parthenogenesis, I, 274-5, 277, 294, 592, 640; growth and reproduction, I, 292; species distribution determined by pres- ence of, I, 396-7; eyes of cave-in- habiting, I, 309, 612-3, 614, 647-9, 693; persistent types, I, 408; re- trograde development, I, 458; segmentation, I, 468-9; II, 114; aborted organs, I, 474; East In- dian distribution, I, 478; floral fer- tilization, I, 525; II, 168-9, 406 7, 608; appliances for cleaning an- tennae, I, 651; eyes, I, 658, II, 318; integration and homology, II, 111-3, 121; bilateral symmetry, II, 198; sexual selection, II, 269; eyes, II, 318; environment, II, 433; cost of genesis, II, 436, 437; development and genesis, II, 461; nutrition and genesis, II, 476, 490-2. Insects, Social, origin of caste- gradations in, I, 654-65, 670, 674, 675, 678-84, 686-8. Instability of the homogeneous (see Homogeneous). Instinct: organic evolution and co- ordination of, in mason-wasp, I, 574; a vital attribute, I, 578; loss of self-feeding, in Amazon ants, I, 660-1, 663-4. Integration: in chemical evolution, I, 23; morphological composition, II, 4-6; arthropod, II, 111-4, 121; physiological, in plants, II, 292-5, 295-8, 390; of organic world, II, 396-408; genesis, II, 424, 426-9. Intelligence, a vital attribute, I, 579. Internodes: varied development, II, 45; nutrition and length, II, 178-9. Intestine (see Alimentary Canal). Intra-selection, Roux's theory of, I, 562, 676-8. Irish, nutrition and genesis, II, 510. Iron: colloidal form of peroxide, I, 17, 20; molecular rearrangement, I, 337, 704; vegetal absorption, II, 573. Iron industry, interdependence of social function, I, 237-41. Isolation, and species differentia- tion, I, 568-9. Isomerism: of organic constituents, I, 4, 9, 25; tri- and poly-atomic compounds, I, 11, 13, 25; muscular action, I, 59; organic evolution, I, 700, 703; differentiation of nerve- tissue, II, 356-60, 361; of muscu- lar tissue, II, 361-4. Jackson, J. Hughlings, on inherit- ance of nervous peculiarities, I, 313, 694. Jaundice (see Disease). Jaws, of uncivilized and civilized, I, 541-2, 612, 693. Johnson, G. Lindsey, on inherited myopia, I, 694. Jones, T. Rymer, on fission, I, 585, 590. Julin, C, on " castration parasi- taire " in Crustaceans, II, 493-6. Jungermanniacew: morphology, II, 33-4; relations of high and low types, II, 35, 55; continuous and discontinuous development, II, 52-5, 92: tubular structure, II, 58, 62; proliferous growth, II, 67, 91; colour, II, 75, 265: symmetry, II, 140; fertility and growth, II, 441. Jussieu, A. de, plant classification, I, 378. Karyokinesis, I, 257, 259, 263-5. Kerner, A., on cauline buds, I, 358; plant-classification in Natural His- tory of Plants, I, 378-9. 644 SUBJECT-INDEX. Kidd, Ben;}., his acceptance of Weismannism, I, 690. Kitto, Dr., his visual memory and deafness, I, 230. Klebs, on Hydrodictyon, I, 288; Vau- cheria, II, 84. Klein, E., multiplication of Bac- teria, II, 443. Korschelt, E., annulose segmenta- tion, II, 103, 601-3, 605; Arenicola larvae, II, 109. Labour, physiological division of, I, 204, 207, 591, II, 373; its. mean- ing and Weismann's fallacious in- terpretation, I, 634-5. Lacaze-Duthiers, on origin of annu- lose type, II, 110. Lamarck: zoological classification, I, 382: opinions of E. Darwin and, I, 491, 493-7; neo-Darwinists and, I, 630-1. Laminariacew: pseudo-foliar and axial development, II, 30; tissue, II, 247, 256, 272. Language: and evolution, I, 442, 444, 446; perceptiveness of tongue- tip, I, 607. Lankester, Sir E. Ray, absence of nucleus in Archerina, I, 183; di- versity of Protozoa, ib.; zoological classification, I, 387; blindness of cave-animals, I, 647-8, 649. Laugh, definition of life and, I, 112. Laurel, leaves of, II, 149, 249. Leaves: growth of shoot, I, 168; de- velopment and aggregation, II, 37-42, 76; stem-like stalks, II, 41; homologies, II, 42, 75-7, 83; nu- trition and compound, II, 42; foliar and axial development, II, 46-50, 541-7; " adnate," II, 58; proliferous growth, II, 67, 91; nu- trition and development, II, 76-8; symmetry, and of branches, II, 148-50, 151; size and distribution of leaflets, II, 152-5; transition from compound to simple, II, 155- 8; unsymmetrical form, II, 158- 9; natural selection and distribu- tion, II, 179; morphological sum- mary, II, 234-5; tissue differentia- tion, II, 247; distribution, II, 249; outer tissues of stem and, II, 256-9, 270, 386; distribution of stomata, II, 260-1; wax deposit on, II, 260, 261; light and colour, II, 261-2; superficial differentia- tion, II, 263-5, 270, 387; abortive in parasitic plants, II, 274; sub- merged, in aquatic plants, II, 274-5; inner tissue differentiation, II, 278, 388; vascular tissue dif- ferentiation, II, 286, 288, 388; dye absorption and circulation, II, 570^4, 577; vascular system, II, 588-92, 596; arrangement, II, 608- 11. Lcpidoptera (see Insects). Lcpidosiren: ossification, II, 218; respiration, II, 338; skeleton, II, 553, 555, 560. Lcpidosteus: armour, I, 526; air bladder, II, 334. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre, on Austra- lian miners' usages, I, 364. Lessonia: Hooker on growth, II, 56; branch symmetry, II, 146. Lewes, G. H., definition of life, I, 80. Lichens: tissue, I, 586; cell multi- plication, II, 27; Hooker on growth, II, 56; tubular structure, II, 57; integration, II, 293; dual nature, II, 399; reproduction, II, 450. Liebig, Baron, nitrogenous food stuffs, I, 47-8. Life: co-ordination of actions, I, 79, 89, 577-^80; defined by Schell- ing, I, 78, 178; Richeraud, I, 79; De Blainville, I, 79, 93; Lewes, I, 80; definition yielded by contrast- ing most unlike kinds, I, 81-8; changes showing, I, 91; vital ac- tions and environment, I, 92-3; resulting addition to conception, I, 93, 326; Comte's definition, I, 93; correspondence of external and internal relations, I, 93-6, 100; II, 523; continuous adjust- ment of such relations, I, 99; com- pleteness proportionate to corre- spondence, I, 101-4, 109, 349; length and complexity, I, 103; complexity of environment and degree of, I, 104-6; definitions of evolution and, I, 107-10; deficien- SUBJECT-INDEX. 645 cies of formula, I, 112-3; activity the essential element, I, 113; hy- pothesis of independent vital principle examined, I, 114-7; dif- ficulties of physico-chemical the- ory, I, 117-20; ultimate incompre- hensibility, I, 120-3, 373: validity of conclusions reached, I, 123; is organization produced by? I, 107; precedes organization, I, 210; definitions of individuality and, I, 250; effect of incident forces on, I, 348-9, 355: length in individuals and species, I, 422; equilibration of, I, 547, 557; final formulation of definition, I, 580; co-ordination of actions and sexual differentia- tion, I, 593; " absolute " com- mencement of, I, 699, 702; inte- gration and augmentation, II, 426; prospective human, II, 522-5. Light: influence on organisms, I, 30-6, II, 433; nitrogenous plants, I, 40; organic phosphorescence, I, 49; heliotropism, I, 92, II, 160; effects on organic matter, I, 149; plant adaptation, I, 227; rhyth- mical variation of, and organic life, I, 499, 557; vegetal influ- ences, II, 130, 131, 147, 149, 158; influence on flowers, II, 167-8, 608-11; vegetal tissue-differentia- tion, II, 253-5, 258, 259; action on leaves, II, 260-4 ; on plant vascular system, II, 288, 297, 586; develop- ment of sensory organs, II, 320. Liliaccw, floral symmetry, II, 170. Lime, leaf forms, II, 158, 159. Lindley, J., plant classification, I, 377. Linnaeus, C, classificatory system, I, 377, 380. Linnet, contrasted with blackbird in development, II, 503. Liver: metabolic processes, I, 69, 70; vitality of excised, I, 111; de- velopment, II, 329-33. Liver-fluke (see Distoma). Liverworts (see Hepaticce). Lizard, regeneration of lost tail, I, 360, Locomotion (see Motion). Logic, reasoning and definition of life, I, 81-6. Logwood, vegetal staining, II, 569- 74, 577-81, 584. Longevity, and complexity of life, I, 102-3. Lubbock, Sir J.: on growth and genesis in insects and crusta- ceans, I, 292; aquatic flies, I, 400. Lungs (see Respiratory System). Lymphatic system: amoeboid cells, I, 187; structural traits, I, 192, 193. MacBridb, E. W., I, vi, II, vi; zoological phyla, I, 386-7; arthro- pod segmentation, II, 114; cteni- dia of slug, II, 117; conjugation of Paramecium, II, 452. Macrocystis pyrifera, gigantic sea- weed, I, 121. Magenta, vegetal staining, II, 569- 74, 577-81, 584. Magnetism: muscular action, I, 59; incomprehensibility, I, 121. Maillet, B. de, modifiability of or- ganisms, I, 490, 496. Mammalia: temperature and mole- cular change, I, 30; nutrition and growth, I, 141; expenditure of force, I, 142, 156; flesh constitu- ents, I, 154; temperature, I, 174, 177; self-mobility, I, 175; func- tional and structural differentia- tion, I, 201; heart-function, I, 208; viviparous homogenesis, I, 271; variation and uterine environ- ment, I, 327; classification, I, 392; cervical vertebra?, I, 394, II, 564; aquatic types, I, 400; fossil re- mains and rate of evolution, I, 407; ancient and modern forms contrasted, I, 408-10; embryonic respiratory system, I, 456; sup- pression of teeth, I, 457; arrested development, I, 473^; simulated homologies, I, 485; natural selec- tion and inactive parts, I, 534; re-development of rudimentary organs, I, 563; location of testes and current theories, I, 573; fer- tility and development, I, 583, II, 465; fertility and nervous develop- ment, I, 598-9; locomotion and elongated form, II, 15; symmetry, 11,204; tegumentary structure, II, M6 SUBJECT-INDEX. 314; circulation, II, 340; vascular- ity and ova-maturation, II, 342-3; activity and muscular colour, II, 365-9; functional integration, II, 375; outer tissue differentiation, II, 387; growth and genesis, II, 456, 459; comparative fertility, II, 465, 470; heat expenditure, and genesis, II, 467-9; activity and fertility, II, 472; nutrition and genesis, II, 479-80. Man: effect of climate on vigour, I, 30; flesh and grain eaters com- pared, I, 68; longevity and life, I, 103; complex environment, I, 105; embryogeny of arm, I, 169; fer- tility and conditions affecting it, I, 300, 570, 583, II, 484, 506-21; inheritance of functionally pro- duced changes, I, 310-3, 541, 605, 608, 612, 652, 673, 689, 693-^; heredity and sex, I, 315-6; func- tion of bilirubin, I, 330; cousin- marriages, I, 346, II, 615; primi- tive notions, I, 417-9; inutility of Appendix vermiformis, I, 474; di- minution of jaw, I, 541, 612, 693; co-ordination of actions greatest in, I, 579; fundamental traits of sex, I, 594-7; obesity, I, 594; sub- stance and weight of brain, I, 596, 599; distribution of tactual perceptiveness, I, 602-8, 665-6, 672-3, 692; telegony, I, 625, 644-5; degradation of little toe, I, 652, 673; transmitted osteological pe- culiarities of Punjabis, I, 689; traits of twin-bearing women, II, 457; comparative mammalian fer- tility, II, 465; future evolution, II, 522-37. (See also Language and Sociology.) Manatee, nailless paddles, I, 473. Manx cats, I, 303. Marchantiacew: symmetry, II, 140; outer tissue differentiation, II, 252. Marmot, hybernation and waste, I, 214-5. Marriage (see Multiplication). Marsh, O. C, on telegony, I, 644. Masters, M. T., on foliar homology, II, 46-7; selection of inconspicu- ous variations in plants, II, 298, 621; separation of ancestral con- stitutions in plant hybrids, II, 616; single and double stocks, II, 622. Matter, incomprehensibility of in- teractions, I, 121-2. Mechanics: tran verse strains, II, 209-12; genesis of vertebrate axis, II, 212-6, 216-8, 224, 225-7; osse- ous differentiation, II, 345-51; dis- integrated motion, II, 375; anal- ogy from locomotive, II, 517-9; future human evolution, II, 524; strain and vegetal structure, II, 574-88, 592-6. Medusw: contractile functions, I, 58; II, 374; individuality, I, 248; heterogenesis, I, 273; fertility, I, 582; stabilization, I, 592; sym- metry, II, 188-91. Mehnert, E., on feet of pentadae- tyle vertebrates, I, 461. Mensel's salt, temperature and iso- merism, I, 77. Metabolism: antithesis between plants and animals, I, 62-3; evo- lution-hypothesis and primordial, I, 63-4; in plants, I, 64-7; ani- mals, I, 67-77; nervo-muscular ac- tivities, I, 71-7; summary, I, 77; cell processes, I, 261. Metals: remarkable interactions of some, I, 121; melting of alloys, I, 339; atomic re-arrangement, I, 352. Metamerism (see Segmentation). Metazoa: cellular structure, I, 184, 194, II, 21; subordination of units, I, 185-7; general characters of tis- sues, I, 188-9; protoplasmic con- tinuity, I, 190-2, 194, 628; genesis of food cavity and visual organ, I, 195; Weismann's differentiation theory, I, 637-43. Meteorology: non-vital changes shown in, I, 82, 84; crystalliza- tion of " storm glass," I, 96; spe- cial creation, I, 419; rhythm in, and organic change, I, 499-501, 557; variations due to geologic change, I, 503. Microstomida, segmental reproduc- tion, II, 102. Migration: of animal species, I, SUBJECT-INDEX. 647 396-401, 411; solar influences, I, 500; part played by, In organic evolution, I, 508; causes of, II, 533-4. Milk, heat and supply of, II, 468. Milne-Edwards, H., " physiological division of labour," I, 204; Weis- mann's erroneous application of it, I, 634; on ocular structure, II, 318. Mind (see Psychology). Mitosis (see Karyokinesis). Mobility, molar and molecular, I, 14; environment and self mobil- ity, I, 177. Mohl, on phsenogamic growth, II, 82. Mole, modifications due to habits, II, 391. Molecules: mechanically considered, I, 14; stability, I, 337-40; nerve- differentiation, II, 355-61, 379-82. Mollusca: axial development, I, 165; genesis, I, 271, II, 444; her- maphrodism, I, 341; classifieatory traits, I, 392; distribution in time, I, 405, 408, 410, 446-7; trochophore and its relationships, I, 447, II, 10S, 109, 115; devel- opment, I, 460; amphibious and terrestrial, I, 481; indirect equi- libration, I, 534; secondary ag- gregation, II, 115-7; symmetry, II, 201-3; outer tissue, II, 310, 387; alimentary system, II, 325; vascular system, II, 340-1. Molluscoida, II, 598. (See Polyzoa and Tunicata.) Monocotyledons: growth, I, 138, 139, 143; uniaxial development, I, 165; cotyledonous germination and endogenous growth, II, 59-62, 69- 72, 82-3, 181-2; absence of helical phyllotaxy in Ravcnala, II, 182; surface contrasts, II, 257; outer leaf tissue, II, 263; wood forma- tion, II, 278; growth and genesis, II, 451. Monstrosities, in plants, II, 78, 541, 546; vertebrate, II, 118. Morgan, T. H., on regeneration of Planaria, II, 102, 611. Morphology: facts comprised in, I, 125-6; morphological units, I, 190- 2, 225; rudimentary organs, I, 472-5, 556; structural and func- tional co-operation, II, 3, 239; in- tegration, II, 4-6, 181-96; change of shape, II, 6; formula of evolu- tion, II, 7-9; as interpreted by phylogeny, II, 10-6; evolution and cell doctrine, II, 17-21. Morphology, Animal: evolution and segmentation of Articulata, I, 468- 9; vertebral column development, I, 470; simulated homologies, II, 14-5; primary aggregates, II, 85- 8, 123-4; secondary, II, 88-91, 124; tertiary, II, 91-3; integration and independence of individuality, II, 93-9, 124; annulose segmentation, II, 98-101, 106-10, 125-7, 602-7; progressive annulose integration, II, 100-5, 111-5, 121, 124, 223; un- integrated molluscan form, II, 115-7; vertebrate segmentation and integration, II, 117-23, 124-7, 223-4, 602, 606-7; motion and symmetry, II, 183-5; symme- try of primary and secondary ag- gregates, II, 186, 187-91; of compound Ccelenterata, II, 192-4; simulation of plant shapes, II, 192; symmetry of Polyzoa and Tunicata, II, 194; of Platyhel- minthes and Echinoderms, II, 195- 7; of Annulosa, II, 197-201; of molluscs, II, 201-3; of verte- brates, II, 203-6, 208; similarity of animal and plant, II, 206; cell- shapes, II, 228-30; evolution and generalizations summarized, II, 231-5. (See also Structure.) Morphology, Vegetal: simulated homologies, II, 13-4; unicellular plants, II, 21; aggregation and in- tegration, II, 22-6, 78-9; pseudo- foliar development, II, 2(5-8; pseud-axial, II, 28-9: pseudo- foliar and axial, II, 30-2; com- position of Archegoniates, II, 33- 5; leaf development and aggrega- tion, II, 37-42, 75-8; foliar homo- logies, II, 42-6, 75-8; foliar and axial development, II, 46-50, 541- 7; growth and development of Archegoniates, II, 50-6; of Phre- not'ams, II, 56-64, 78-80; axil- 648 SUBJECT-INDEX. lary bud development, II, 65-9; phaenogamic modes of growth, II, 69-72; homologies, II, 73-5, 80-4; development of foliar into axial organs, II, 75-8; resume', II, 78- 80; criticisms and replies, II, 80- 4; can plant-shapes be formu- lated? II, 128; growth and differ- entiation, II, 129-31; kinds of symmetry, II, 131-3; symmetry of primary aggregates, II, 134-7; of secondary, II, 137-40; tertiary, II, 140-3; symmetry and environing influences, II, 143-4; symmetry of branches, II, 145-8; leaf and branch symmetry, II, 148-50; phaenogamic unit homology, II, 151; size and distribution of leaf- lets, II, 152-5; transition from compound to simple leaves, II, 155-8; unsymmetrical leaf devel- opment, II, 158-9; differentiation of homologous units, II, 159-60; floral symmetry, II, 161-74; cell- differentiation and metamorpho- sis, II, 175-7; nutrition and differ- entiation, II, 178; and inflores- cence, II, 179; helical growth of phsenogams, II, 180-1; summary of symmetry, II, 234; stress and structure, II, 275-9, 388. (See also Structure.) Morton, Lord, quagga-marked foal, I, 624. Moser, impressions produced by light on metals, I, 352. Mosses: varied development, II, 50- 1, 52; homologies, II, 80, 81; in- deflniteness, II, 296; multiplica- tion, II, 441. Moth, clothes, food of larva, I, 77. Motion: organic, and environment, I, 75-7, 175-8, 196; of animals and waste, I, 214, 220; simulation of locomotive structures, II, 15. Motor organs, differentiation of, I, 262. Mountains: climatic effects, I, 504; growth of trees on, II, 142. Mouse: fertility of, II, 421, 473; tapeworm parasitism, II, 490; compared with rat, II, 503-4. Mucor, II, 22, 123. Mucous membrane, differentiation, II, 321-2, 389. Multiplication: decline of fertility with evolution, I, 103, II, 431; vitalism, I, 116; phenomena classi- fied, I, 130; the term " genesis," I, 269: processes classified, I, 270- 6, 336, 583; a process of disinte- gration, I, 276; reproductive tis- sue in gamogenesis, I, 278-84; nu- trition and growth, I, 285-94, 295-7, 299; natural selection, I, 295-8; hermaphrodism, I, 340-4: in-and-in breeding, I, 344-7; phy- siological units, I, 350-5; law of race-maintenance, I, 581; II, 420- 3, 430; effect of mental applica- tion, I, 597, II, 511-4, 516-9, 530; individuation antagonistic to, I, 598-600, II, 428-30, 435-7, 499, 501-5; checks put by carnivores on, II, 405; four factors in rate of, II, 416, 435; destructive and preservative forces, II, 417-20; rhythm of species, II, 419; nutri- tion and disintegration of, II, 424, 425, 430; integration and genesis, II, 426-8; influence of environ- ment, II, 432-3; and variations of expenditure, II, 433-5; growth and asexual genesis, II, 439^46; asexual and sexual distinguished, II, 448; sexual genesis and growth, II, 448-58, 495; and de- velopment, II, 461-5; plant ex- penditure, II, 467; animal expen- diture, II, 468-72; nutrition in plants, II, 475, 511; in animals, II, 476-84, 511; seasonal variations, II, 484-5; nutrition, resume, II, 486, 497-9; nutrition and para- sitic, II, 486-90; reversion to agamogenesis, II, 490-2; human fertility, II, 506-10; Doubleday on, II, 510-2; civilized and uncivil- ized, II, 514-6; human evolution and decline in, II, 529-31; the future of population, II, 532-7: equilibration and evolution, II, 537. Muscle: electrical contrasts, I, 50: action of, I, 59; metabolism, I, 70, 71-4: definition of life and actidns of, I, 112-3: growth and function, SUBJECT-INDEX. 649 I, 151, 155; development, I, 170; Hertwlg's classification of tissues, I, 189; functional differentiation, I, 203-4; waste and repair, 215-7; modifiabllity and adaptability, I, 228-9, 230, 232; correlated varia- tions, I, 536-9, 614-21, 676, 693; resistance to strains, I, 639; ac- tion on bones in Punjabis, I, 889: differentiation, II, 361-9; activity and colour, II, 365-9: integration, II, 376, 382: equilibration in ac- tion, II, 393; activity and fertility in birds, II, 470-2; future human evolution, II, 523; origin of ver- tebrate type, II, 598-600. Music: limited adaptability of voice and ear, I, 231; inheritance of faculty, I, 311-2, 694. Mutilations, the question of their inheritance, I, 631. Mycctozoa, growth and reproduction, I, 298-9. Myocommata (myotomes), and ver- tebrate skeleton, II, 216, 217-8, 222. Myopia, inheritance of, I, 306, 694. Myrianida fasciata, I, 361; II, 445. Myriapoda: gemmation, I, 589; seg- mentation, I, 590, II, 113, 114, 601; degenerated eyes of cave-in- habiting, I, 649; integration and homology, II, 111-4; genesis, II, 445. Myxothallophyta, I, 378. Nails, mammalian, I, 473. Nais: regeneration of detached parts, I, 219, 361. Narcissus, separation of ancestral traits in hybrids, II, 617. Natural selection: structural modifi- cation, I, 211; in cell processes, I, 263-4; multiplication, I, 295-8; aided by function, I, 308-10; spe- cial creation, I, 426-7; the term " survival of the fittest," I, 530; indirect equilibration, I, 530-5, 552-3, 557, 571; changes unex- plained by, I, 535-42, 571, II, 371; tendency to economy, I, 536, 562; decrease of jaw, I, 541, 693; gen- eral doctrine of evolution, I, 543- 8, 557; unceasing operation, I, 552; human races, I, 553; current views, I, 559-60; panmixia and cessation of selection, I, 560-3: intra-selection, I, 562, 676-8; Eimer's theory of orthogenesis, I, 564; Mr. Cunningham's criticism, I, 565-6; location of mammalian testes, I, 573; co-ordinated in- stincts of mason-wasp, I, 574; tactual perceptiveness, I, 603-8, 633, 646, 665, 671, 672, 692; errone- ously identified with artificial se- lection, I, 609, 695; reversed se- lection, I, 611; blindness of cave- animals, I, 613, 614, 647-8, 693; co- adaptation of co-operative parts, I, 614, 621, 663-5, 670, 674, 675, 689, 692; where operative, I, 632; Weismann on conceivability of process, I, 651; degeneration of little toe, I, 652-3, 673; genesis of caste gradations in social insects, I, 654-60, 663, 670, 675, 684; self- feeding instinct in ants, I, 660-2, 670; rudimentary organs, I, 667-9, 671, 692; horns of stag, I, 676-8, 692; musical faculty, I, 694; the neo-Darwinian position reviewed, I, 694-5; vegetal nutrition, II, 51- 2; upright vegetal growth, II, 56- 7; endogenous growth, II, 57-8; exogenous, II, 64; Navieula sym- metry, II, 135; foliar, II, 158; foliar distribution, II, 167, 179; floral fertilization and symmetry, II, 168-70, 608-11; helical phseno- gamic growth, II, 181; Echinodcr- mata and bilateral symmetry, II, 197; vertebrate structure, II, 214- 20, 227; phsenogamic tissue differ- entiation, II, 248: physiological differentiation, II, 252, 256; root- lets of ivy, II, 254; stomata and foliar surfaces, II, 261, 262; floral fertilization, II, 268-9; sexual se- lection, II, 269; vegetal tissue dif- ferentiation, II, 279; wood forma- tion, II, 287-8, 290; animal tissue differentiation, II, 304-8; evolu- tion of nervous system, II, 307-8; respiratory system, II, 311; der- mal callosities, II, 312^; sensory organ complexities, II, 321; skin and mucous membrane differen- 650 SUBJECT-INDEX. tiatlon, II, 322; localization of ex- cretion, II, 333; respiratory or- gans of fishes, II, 335-8; heart and vascular system, II, 341, 344; osseous differentiation, II, 355; also muscular, II, 363, 368-9; " false joints," II, 371; insect nu- trition and genesis, II, 499; econo- mics of evolution, II, 501-5; au- thor's enunciation of survival of the fittest in 1852, II, 528-9; evils of interference with, in man, II, 532-3; vegetal tissue formation, II, 582, 594-6; origin of verte- brate type, II, 599. Nature, more complex than sup- posed, I, 252, 450. Navicula, symmetry, II, 134-5. " Nebular Hypothesis," I, 23. Negation, inconceivability of, the ultimate test of truth, I, 675. Negroes, telegony in United States, I, 644-5. Nemertidce: continuing vitality of pilidium, I, 250; bilateral sym- metry, II, 195. Neo-Darwinists, and Lamarck, I, 630; their position reviewed, I, 694-5. Nerves: electrical phenomena, I, 51; generation of nerve-force, I, 52-6, 60; corpuscula tactus, I, 75; Hert- wig's classification of tissues, I, 189: structural traits, I, 192, 193; environment and structure, I, 196; differentiation, I, 203; II, 355-61; vasomotor system, I, 206; vicarious function, I, 209; activity and waste, I, 216; adaptability, I, 229, 232, 236; parallelism in cell- processes, I, 260-2; heredity, I, 313; effects of severance, I, 349; relative development in men and women, I, 594; analysis of brain substance, I, 596; individuation and development of, I, 598, 599, 600; distribution of tactual per- ceptiveness, I, 603-8, 633, 646, 665-6, 671, 672, 692; alleged cost- liness of tissue, I, 662; instinct degeneration in ants, ib. ; " sensa- tion areas," I, 666; segmentation in Annelids, II, 125; ectodermal derivation, II, 303^; cooperating factors in evolution of, II, 307-8; differentiation from muscle, II, 363. (See also Psychology.) Nervousness, hereditary transmis- sion, I, 307. Neurine, I, 594, 597. Neuter-insects (see Insects). New Zealand: invasion of alien spe- cies, I, 477; kinship of past and present forms, I, 489. Nitrogen: properties, I, 3-5, 20, 24; compounds and their properties, I, 6, 8, 9, 12-14, 25-6, 39, 41, 42-3, II, 250; organic importance, I, 42-3; evolution of heat and oxida- tion, I, 47; violent organic effects of compounds, I, 54-5; function in metabolism, I, 63-4, 66, 68-76; presence in protoplasm, I, 66; ac- tion in digestion, I, 69; fat accu- mulation and fertility, II, 483. Nitro-glycerine, violent effects of, I, 55, 122. Notochord: segmentation, II, 125, 218-22; formation, II, 217-8, 600; in Permian vertebrates, II, 225. Noumenon, life not manifested as, I, 5S0. Nuclein, II, 21. Nucleus: central development, I, 163; in simple organisms, I, 183; phenomena exhibited by, I, 255- 8; current hypotheses of function, I, 258-9; properties and function of chromatin, I, 259-65; fusion in fertilization, I, 283-4; function in unicellular reproduction, I, 595-6; absence of, II, 20-1; diffused form, II, 85; macro- and micro- nucleus in conjugation, II, 452. Nutrition: organic molecular re-ar- rangement, I, 36; nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous, I, 47-8, 68, 71-4, 77, II, 362; food assimilation and reasoning, I, 81; needful for vital change, I, 94; relation to growth, I, 140, 143, 144, 147-9, 150, 157, 161; expenditure of energy, I, 157, 391; fluid, I, 208; vegetal fructification, I, 267; II, 266; vegetal growth and genesis, I, 293, 294-7, 336; animal growth and genesis, I, 289-93, 295-7, 336; conditions qualifying antagonism SUBJECT-INDEX. 651 of growth and genesis, I, 299; competition among parts of an or- ganism for, I, 562, 566, 676; sex differentiation, I, 594-5; cell-mul- tiplication, I, 638; differentiation of neuter insects, I, 655-60, 670, 674, 686-8; monstrous ant forms, I, 683-4: leaf-development, II, 39, 42, 73-8; vegetal development, II, 51-2, 178, 276; axillary buds, II, 65-9, 73-4; effect on animal aggre- gation, II, 93; internodes and in- florescence, II, 178-80; helical phsenogamic growth, II, 181; ac- tion of bile, II, 330; osseous de- velopment, II, 349, 353; genesis, II, 419, 422, 427, 435-7, 452; par- ental loss in feeding young, II, 424, 429; diverse sources, II, 433; Carpenter on reproduction and, II, 460; animal development and genesis, II, 465; expenditure and genesis, II, 468; variations of genesis, II, 475-80, 511; obesity and genesis, II, 480-4, 511; gen- eral doctrine of genesis, II, 486; genesis and vegetal parasitism, II, 486; also animal, II, 487-90, 495; insect genesis, II, 490-2: genesis, resume, II, 497-9; and evo- lution, II, 501-4; of blackbird and linnet, II, 503; genesis in human race, II, 508-10, 514-6; Doubleday on, II, 510-2; future human evolution, II, 526, 531; flo- ral monstrosities, II, 542, 546, 547. Obesity, nutrition and genesis, II, 480-4, 511. Odoriferous glands, natural selec- tion and, I, 534. Odours: floral fertilization, II, 268- 9; animal protection, II, 434. Offspring: parental loss entailed by nurture, II, 424, 429; influence of age on, II, 507. Oken, L., archetypal hypothesis, II, 122; theory of supernumerary bones, II, 223; on the skull, II, 561. Oliver, F. W., classification of plants, I, 378-9. Ophryotrocha pucrilis, ciliation of segments, II, 109. Orchids: pollen propulsion, I, 57; leaf formation in Dendrobium, II, 60-1; aerial roots and physiologi- cal differentiation, II, 255, 257; foliar surface, II, 264. Organic matter: properties of ele- ments, I, 3-5, 22; of compounds, I, 5-13, 25; molar and molecular mobility, I, 12-14; colloid and crystalloid form, I, 15-8, 25; their diffusibility, I, 18-21, 26; ex- treme complexity, I, 21; laws of evolution and genesis of, I, 22-4; modifiability, I, 27, 44; capillarity and osmosis, I, 28; effects of heat, I, 29; of light, I, 30-4; nitrogen- ous, I, 39^3; oxidation and evo- lution of heat, I, 46, 60; genesis of electricity, I, 50-2, 60; sensible motions in, I, 59; transformations and persistence of force, I, 61; metabolism, 1, 62-77; artificial pro- duction of compounds, I, 64: con- trasted with inorganic matter, I, 107-8; incomprehensibility of vital changes in, I, 122; instability, I, 149, 508; phosphorus in cell-or- ganization, I, 260-1; heteroge- neity, I, 350-5; " spontaneous gen- eration " and evolution of, I, 696- 701; cell-doctrine and evolution of, II, 17-21. Organization (see Structure). Ormerod, Dr., on sex and nutrition in wasps, I, 656. Orthogenesis, Eimer's theory of, I, 563-4. Osmosis: organic effects, I, 28, 29; in animals, I, 58; in vascular sys- tem, II, 339; in vegetal tissue, II, 568, 575, 577, 585, 592-6. Osteology (see Bone). Ovum (see Egg and Fertilization). Owen, Sir R. : metagenesis and par- thenogenesis, I, 273-4; fossil mammals, I, 410; human para- sites, I, 427; continuous operation of creative power, I, 492; fission in Infusoria, I, 584, 585, 595-6; parthenogenesis, I, 592; theory of vertebrate skeleton, II, 123, 548- 66; , theory of supernumerary bones, II, 223; Eschricht on Ascaris, II, 488. 652 SUBJECT-INDEX. Oxalis: radial symmetry, II, 152; foliar surface, II, 264. Oxen: comparison with sheep, I, 158, 160; cerebro-spinal system, I, 598. Oxidation (see Oxygen). Oxygen: properties, I, 3-5, 20, 22; compounds, I, 6-7, 10-13, 22, 24-5; a crystalloid, I, 21; combining power and atomic weight, I, 33; organic change from, I, 37; heat generation, I, 46-9; phosphores- cence, I, 49; nerve force depend- ent on, I, 53; animal metabolism, I, 72, 73; necessary to animal life, I, 94-5, 577; activity and amount inhaled, I, 214. Packard, A. S., on eyes of cave- animals, I, 648-9, 693. Paget, Sir J., blood changes in small-pox and scarlatina, I, 221, 701. Palaeontology: distribution in time, I, 404-11, 412; special creation, I, 425; congruity with evolution hy- pothesis, I, 485-9, 556; relations of present to extinct species, II, 10-11; scarcity of remains, II, 34-5; secondary thickening in plants, II, 56; Cope on osteology of Permian Vertebrates, II, 225-6. Pangenesis, Darwin's theory of, I, 356, 357, 359, 360, 362, 372. Panmixia, Weismann's hypothesis of: its relation to Romanes* " ces- sation Of selection," I, 560; al- leged selective process denied, I, 561-3, 667, 685; distribution of . tactual perceptiveness, I, 608; rudimentary eyes of cava-fauna, I, 612-3, 647; Romanes on pro- cess, I, 649, 667; degeneration of self-feeding instinct in Amazon- ants, I, 660-2, 670; rudimentary limbs of whale, I, 668-9, 685; a pure speculation, I, 671; markings on leg-bones of Punjabis, I, 689. Paramcecium: parasite infesting, I, 427; reproduction, II, 443, 452. Parasites: sexual dimorphism, I, 315; limits to distribution, I, 397; special-creation and, I, 427-9, 438; retrograde development, I, 457, II, 12; aphis and ant, I, 660-1, II, 403, 405; as an integrating agency, II, 402-4; its comparative recency, II, 404; nutrition and genesis in vegetal, II, 486; in ani- mal, II, 487-90, 493; " castration parasitaire " in crustaceans, II, 493-6. Parasol Ants, origin of classes, I, 687-8. Parthenogenesis: occurrence, I, 274-5; alternating with gamo- genesis, I, 289-91; Owen on, I, 592; laws of multiplication, II, 415; in articulate animals, II, 445. Pasteur, L., silk-worm diseases, I, 622-3. Peacock: theories of heredity and structure of tail feather, I, 372-3, 695, II, 618-9. Pear, foreright shoots, I, 287. Peloria: in gloxinia, II, 166; phseno- gams, II, 180. Penguin, dermal structure, II, 314. Pepsin, I, 69. Pericyclic fibres of monocotyledons, II, 278. Peripatus capensis, protoplasmic continuity, I, 629. Peri-visceral sac, function and dif- ferentiation, I, 391. Perkin, W. H., I, vi. Persistence of force, corollaries from: properties of compounds, I, 3; organic transformation, I, 60; growth, I, 150; organic en- ergy, I, 220; variation, I, 335; genesis, heredity, and variation, I, 354-5; morphological summary, II, 235; vegetal tissue differentia- tion, II, 245; physiological devel- opment, II, 394. Petals: foliar homology, II, 43-6; " adnate," II, 58. Petrels, Darwin on, I, 455. Phsenogams: production of sperma- tozoids, I, 186; morphological composition, II, 37-79; leaf tran- sitions, II, 37-42; foliar homolo- gies, II, 42-9; origin of type, II, 49-84; vertical growth, II, 56-64; axillary buds, II, 66; cotyledon- ous germination and endogenous growth, II, 69-72; axial homolo- SUBJECT-INDEX. 653 gles, II, 73-5; irregular develop- ment, II, 75-8; degree of com- position, II, 78; reproductive ho- mology, II, 80-4; uni- and multi- axial symmetry, II, 141-3; unit of composition, II, 151; helical growth, II, 181; secondary thick- ening, II, 247; tissue and leaf dif- ferentiation, II, 247-9, 387; also bark and cambium, II, 249-50, 386; also outer tissue, II, 252, 256-9, 270, 386-7; wax deposit on leaves, II, 260-2; differentiation of inner tissues, II, 273-5, 388; vascular system development, II, 280-4, 388; integration, II, 293-5, 296, 390; insect-fertilization, II, 407; multiplication, II, 441, 442; genesis and growth, II, 451, 457; and development, II, 464; and nu- trition, II, 476, 477, 511; substi- tution of axial for foliar organs, II, 541-7. Phenomenon, life manifested as, I, 580. Philology (see Language). Phoronis, individuality, II, 444. Phosphorescence, organic, I, 49. Phosphorus: allotropic, I, 4; in cell physiology, I, 259-62; cerebral ac- tivity, I, 596-7; organic evolution, I, 703. Photogenes, visibility of, I, 218. Phylogeny: as interpreting mor- phology, II, 10-12; difficulties of affiliation, II, 34-5. {See Embry- ology and Evolution.) Physiological Units: definition, I, 226; genesis, I, 280-1, 316; hered- ity, I, 315-9; variation, I, 330, 331-2, 333, II, 619: stability, I, 340: II, 614; self-fertilization, I, 342-4, 353; interbreeding, I, 345, 353, II, 615: recapitulation of hy- pothesis, I, 350-5; II, 612-7; structural proclivities, I, 362, 364, 369-71, II, 613, 622; sociological analogy, I, 364, II, 620; complex- ity in organized types, I, 368-70; re-named " constitutional units," I, 369; telegony, I, 650; " me- chanical theory," I, 701-6; mor- phological development, II, 7-9; cell doctrine, II, 17-21; develop- ment, II, 76; " false-joints," II, 371-2; dissociation of ancestral traits in hybrids, II, 616-7; in- heritance of acquired characters, II, 618-23. Physiological division of labour (see Labour). Physiological Selection, I, 569-71. Physiology: and psychology, I, 127; subdivisions, I, 128: vicarious function, I, 208; primitive inter- pretations, I, 417; multiplication of effects exemplified, I, 512, II, 390; relations to morphology, II, 3, 239-41; evolutionary interpre- tation of phenomena, II, 241-5, 384-95; ultimate inconceivability of processes, II, 372; correlated integration and differentiation, II, 373. Physiology, Animal: metabolism, I, 67-77; vertebrate internal sym- metry, II, 108; tissue differentia- tion in Protozoa, II, 299, 385; pri- mary tissue differentiation, II, 300- 2, 382, 389; natural selection and tissue differentiation, II, 304-8; outer tissue in Cmlenterata, II, 309-10; respiratory organs, II, 310-1, 333-8; differentiation of animal epidermic tissue, II, 312-4, 387; development of tegumentary organs, II, 314-6; of sensory, II, 317-20: inner and outer tissue transition, II, 321-2, 389; aliment- ary canal differentiation, II, 323- 5; gizzard development in birds, II, 325; alimentary canal of rumi- nants, II, 327-9; differentiation of liver, II, 329-33; of animal vascu- lar system, II, 339-44; of osseous system, II, 344-55; of nerve tissue, II, 355-61; of muscle, II, 361-9; differentiation and integration, II, 373-6; in vascular system, II, 376- 9, 383; in nerves, II, 379-82; origin of development, II, 384; differen- tiation and instability of homo- geneous, II, 384-9, 392; summary of development, II, 384-94; mul- tiplication of effects, II, 390-1, 392; equilibration, II, 391-4. (See also Function.) Physiology, Plant: metabolism, I, 654 SUBJECT-INDEX. 62-7; tissue differentiation in sec- ondary aggregates, II, 246, 385; in phsenogams, II, 247-9, 386; in bark and cambium, II, 249-50, 386; in free and fixed surfaces, II, 251-6, 270, 386; outer stem and leaf tissue, II, 256-9, 270, 386; su- perficial differentiation in leaves, II, 260-4, 270, 387; floral tissue differentiation, II, 265-9; outer tis- sue, risumi, II, 270: inner tissue differentiation, II, 273-5, 388; supporting tissue, II, 275-9, 285-S, 388; vascular system develop- ment, II, 273-5, 279-84, 285-8, 388: inner tissue, summary, II, 288-91, 388; integration, II, 292-8; differentiation and instability of homogeneous, II, 384-9, 392; mul- tiplication of effects, II, 390-1, 392; equilibration, II, 391-4; cir- culation and wood formation, II, 564-97; dye permeability, II, 569- 74, 577-81, 584, 586. (See also Function.) Pickering, J. W., on artificial pro- teids, I, 39. Pig: colour of muscles, I, 365-6; telegony, I, 627; fertility of do- mestic and wild sow, II, 479-80. Pigeons: food of starving, I, 215; heredity and variation, I, 305, 321, 615; atavism, I, 314; fertility, II, 471-2, 478. Pike, unceasing growth, I, 154, 292. Pique-gouffe, commensal relations with buffalo, II, 403. Plogiochila, evolution of stem, II, 62. Planaria: integration, II, 101-2; Morgan on regeneration, II, 102, 611; segmentation, II, 107; sym- metry, II, 195: unintegrated func- tion, II, 373. Plants: influence of heat, I, 29; effect of solar rays, I, 31-6, 500, 557; chemical composition, I, 40- 1; heat generation, I, 47; phos- phorescence, I, 49; electricity, I, 51; sensible motion, I, 56-7, 58; metabolism, I, 62-7, 70; vital changes, I, 86, 87, 91, 94; simula- tion by crystals, I, 96; vital ad- justments, I, 102; length and com- plexity of life, I, 103-4; biological classification, I, 125; growth, I, 136, 138, 140, 143, 145-9, 153, 160- 1, II, 401-2; development, I, 163- 5, 167-70, 272; weight, tempera- ture, and self- mobility, I, 174; function, I, 174-8; structure, I, 194-6, II, 21; animal structure contrasted, I, 196; function and structure, I, 200; vicarious func- tion, I, 208-9; waste and re- pair, I, 213, 220; physiological units, I, 225-6, 317, 360; adap- tation, I, 227; what is an in- dividual? I, 244-6, 250-1; gene- sis, I, 270, 271, 272-3, 274, 276-8, 279-85; relation of nutrition to growth and genesis, I, 284-9, 294, 295-300, 642, II, 39; ovule homo- logues, I, 288; natural selection, I, 294-8, 532, 533, II, 51; heredity, I, 301-4, 308, 358-60; variation, I, 320, 323-4, 325-6; fertilization, I, 340-5; classification, I, 377-80, 389-90; distribution, I, 396-400, 401-3, 404-12, 478-9, 556; special creation and parasitism, I, 428; evolution hypothesis, I, 434, 443, 449-50; rudimentary organs, I, 474, 475, 556; varied media, I, 484, II, 32; alien and native species in New Zealand, I, 477; E. Darwin and Lamarck on evolution of, I, 490-8; geologic changes affecting, I, 501-3, 557; interdependence of animals and, I, 504-6, 514, II, 398; complexity of influences af- fecting, I, 506; direct equilibra- tion, I, 523-5; indirect, I, 532, 533; seed distribution, I, 546; wood development, II, 285-7, 289, 567-97; interdependence, II, 402- 3, 404; insect relations, II, 406-7; adaptation and multiplication, II, 411-6; rhythm in numbers, II, 419; growth and asexual genesis, 11,439-42; growth and sexual gene- sis, 11,448-51; expenditure, II, 467; horticulture, nutrition, and gene- sis, II, 477; tree development, II, 553; circulation and wood forma- tion, II, 567-92; dye permeability and circulation, II, 569-74, 577-81, 584, 586; resume on circulation SUBJECT-INDEX. 655 and wood formation, II, 592-7. (See also Multiplication, Mor- phology, and Physiology.) Plasmodium, dissolution of, I, 185. Tlato, iSrfa of, II, 550. Phityhelminthes: transverse fission, II, 101; segmented and non-seg- mented types, II, 102, 107; sym- metry, II, 195, 197; multiplication and growth, II, 488-9. Plethora, fertility and, II, 480-4, 511. Pleuroeoccaccw, unicellular form, II, 21, 134. Plcuroneetidw: symmetry and loca- tion of eyes, II, 205; outer tissue, II, 387. Plumatella: metagenesis, I, 277; symmetry, II, 195. Podostemaccw, undeveloped circula- tory system, II, 274. Polar bodies, hypothesis concerning extrusion of, I, 266-8. Polarity, organic, of physiological units, I, 226, 315, 317, 332, 350-1, 701-6. Polyatomic compounds (see Chem- istry). Polyclwtce, anomalous development in Myrianida, I, 361. Polycytliaria, integration, II, 90, 124. Polygastrica, aggregation, I, 586. Polymerism: of compounds, I, 9, 11, 25; nerve tissue, II, 356. Polypori, symmetry and environ- ment, II, 139. Polyps (see Coelenterala). Polyzoa: size, I, 140; multiaxial de- velopment, I, 165; structural in- definiteness, I, 173: functional dif- ferentiation, I, 202; trochophoral kinship, I, 447; integration, II, 93-4, 96, 124; symmetry, II, 194, 207; vascular system, II, 340; gemmation, II, 444. Poor Laws, and natural selection, II, 532. Population, A Theory of, I, 265, 577- 601, II, 411. Potato: simulated growth, I, 136; vicarious function of tuber, I, 209, II, 255; sub-species, I, 302; dye absorption, II, 279. Preservation: fertility and self-, I, 581; II, 423, 430; nutrition, II, 493. " Progress; its Law and Cause," theory of species differentiation, I, 568. Projectiles, factors in flight of, I, 450-1. Proteids: metabolic function, I, 67, 68, 69, 72, 76; complexity of molecule, I, 122. Protein: evolution, I, 23, 24; isomer- ism, I, 700, 703, 704. Proteus, degeneration of eye, I, 613. Protodrilus, intestine segmentation, II, 125. Protophyta: internal movements, I, 56; limit of growth, I, 138; devel- opment, I, 164; structure, I, 173, 181-3; self-mobility, I, 175; indi- viduality, I, 245; multiplication, I, 270, 276, 279, 581, 584-5, II, 439, 462; genesis and nutrition, I, 295; unicellular, II, 21; central ag- gregation, II, 24; symmetry, II, 134; tissues, II, 244, 249; primary differentiation, II, 385; primordial type, II, 398; symbiosis, II, 400. Protoplasm: self-increasing func- tion of primordial, I, 63-4; plant metabolism, I, 65-7; complexity, 1,122,253-5; differentiatkm in sim- ple organisms, I, 182-3; continuity and inter-circulation, I, 190-2, 371, 629, II, 21, 620; " streaming," I, 253; structure, I, 253-5. (See also Cell.) Protozoa: inorganic components*, I, 17; locomotion, I, 58, 175, II, 14; vital changes shown by, I, 94; limitation of growth, I, 138; de- velopment, I, 164; structure, I, 173, 181-3; incipient differentia- tion, I, 198, 391, II, 299, 3D9; mul- tiplication, I, 270, 276, 279, 280, 582,584; 11,442,451-2; genesis and nutrition, I, 295; distribution, I, 396; parasites infesting, I, 427; Weismann's hypothesis of immor- tality, I, 637; " spontaneous gen- eration," I, 697-701; non-nucle- ated, II, 20; primary aggregate, II, 86-7, 124; progressing integra- tion, II, 89-91, 124; symmetry, II, SUBJECT-INDEX. 186; primordial plant-animal type, II, 397-8: symbiosis, II, 400, Protyle, hypothetical chemical unit, I, 22, 23. Pseud-axial development, vegetal, II, 28-9, 30. Pseudo-foliar development, vegetal, II, 26^8, 30. Psychidw: parthenogenesis, I, 275; sexual dimorphism, I, 683. Psychology: reasoning and defini- tion of life, I, 81-8; correspond- ence shown by recognition, I, 95; contrasted with physiology, I, 127; departments of, I, 127-8; vicarious function, I, 209; waste and repair in sensory organs, I, 217; sensory adaptability, I, 229, 231, 232; inheritance of sensory defects, I, 306; musical talent, I, 311-2; intellectual progress and special-creation hypothesis, 1,417; special-creation a pseud-idea, I, 420, 429, 433, 554; legitimacy of evolution-hypothesis, I, 433-5, 439, 554; embryology of ideas, I, 450, 457; persistent formative power unrepresentable, I, 492; E. Darwin's and Lamarck's theory of desires, I, 494; natural selection and brain evolution, I, 553; gene- sis and cerebral activity, I, 594, II, 512-4, 516-9, 530; heredity and distribution of tactual perceptive- ness, I, 602-8, 646, 665-6, 672, 692; inconceivability of the nega- tion, I, 675; vitiation of evidence, II, 88; repetition and perception, II, 143; differentiation of sensory organs, II, 317-20; differentiation of nerve tissue, II, 355-61; func- tional integration, II, 376; also in- tegration, II, 380-2; equilibration of nerve discharge, II, 393; human fertility and nerve development, II, 466, 532; future human evolu- tion, II, 523-5, 527; human evolu- tion and genesis, II, 529-31; future mental development, II, 535; origin of vertebrate type, II, 598-600. Pteridophyta: size attained by, I, 138, 139; homologies, II, 80-1, 82; frond surface differentiation, II, 260. Pteropoda: bilateral symmetry, II, 201; dermal respiration, II, 310. Ptyaline, metabolic function, I, 69. Punjabis, inheritance of acquired osteological peculiarities, I, 689. Pyrosomidw: phosphorescence, I, 47; integration, I, 588, II, 97. Quagga, telegonic transmission of markings to offspring of mare, I, 624, 627, 646. Quills, development, II, 314-6. Rabbit: activity and muscle col- our, II, 365; over-running checked by weasels, II, 405; expendi- ture and genesis, II, 472. Radial, definition, II, 148. Radiolaria: unicentral development, I, 163; secondary aggregation, II, 88; symmetry, II, 187. Radula, development of roots from leaflets, II, 34. Rafflcsiaccce: homogenesis, I, 272; tissue differentiation, II, 274; nu- trition and genesis, II, 486. Rat (see Rodentia). Rathke, H., on vertebrate embryo, II, 119. Ray, J., plant classification, I, 378. Reasoning, compared with assimila- tion, I, 81-7. Recapitulation, embryological, I, 453. Regeneration (see Repair). Rejuvenescence, and sexual fertili- zation, I, 637; II, 613. Remak, R., vertebrate embryo, II, 120. Repair: continuity of, I, 216-9; ani- mal injuries, I, 219, 222-4, II, 102, 611; deductive interpretation, I, 221-2; theories of heredity and regenerative phenomena, I, 360-1. Repetition of like parts, II, 126. Reproduction (see Multiplication). Rcptilia: growth and expenditure of force, I, 142; sizes of ova and adult, I, 144; longevity of croco- dile, I, 154; temperature, I, 174; waste, I, 214; distinctive charac- ters, I, 392; distribution in time, I, 409, 412; vertebral segmenta- tion, I, 470; rudimentary limbs of SUBJECT-INDEX. 657 snakes, I, 473; fertility and devel- opment, I, 583, 598, 590; regenera- tion, I, 189; elongated form, II, 1.1; supernumerary vertebrae, II, 123, 584; bilateral symmetry, II, 203, 204; Cope on segmentation in extinct, II, 225, 2liti; activity and muscular colour, II, 385; func- tional Integration, II, 375; outer tissue differentiation, II, 387; Owen on skeleton, II, 500. Resistance of media to locomotion, II, 15. Respiratory System: effect of light, I, 31; organic re-arrangement, I, 37; cutaneous, I, 209; air-cells of lungs, I, 254; embryonic branchiae of salamander, I, 457; differen- tiation, II, 310-1, 333-8; physio- logical integration, II, 374-5, 382; vascmar differentiation and inte- gration, II, 377. Retrograde metamorphoses, in ani- mals, II, 12. Retzius, G., superficial nerve-end- ings, I, 6