LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ Gift oi Mrs. Robert Towne SANTA CRUZ THE PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY BY D. MENDEL£EFF PART FOUR NEW YORK P. F. COLLIER & SON 28 / PEINOIPLES OP CHEMISTBY (PART FOUR) CHAPTER XXI CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, AND MANGANESE SULPHUR, selenium, and tellurium belong to the uneven series of the Sixth group. In the even series of this group there are known chro- mium, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium ; these give acid oxides of the type R03, like SO3. Their acid properties are less sharply defined than those of sulphur, selenium, and tellurium, as is the case with all elements of the even series as compared with those of the uneven series in the same group. But still the oxides Cr03, Mo03, WOo, and even U03, have clearly defined acid properties, and form salts of the composition MO,nR03 with bases MO. In the case of the heavy elements, and especially of uranium, the type of oxide, U03, is less acid and more basic, because in the even series of oxides the element with the highest atomic weight always acquires a more and •more pronounced basic character. Hence UO3 shows the properties of A base, and gives salts UO2X2. The basic properties of chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium are most clearly expressed in the lower oxides, which they all form. Thus chromic oxide, Cr2O3, is as. distinct a base as alumina, A12O3. » Of all these elements chromium is the most widely distributed, and the most frequently used. It gives chromic anhydride, Cr03, and chromic oxide, Cr203 — two compounds whose relative amounts of oxygen stand in the ratio 2:1. Chromium is, although somewhat rarely, met with in nature as a compound of one or the other type. The red chromium ore of the Urals, lead chromate or crocoisite PbCrO4, was the source in which chromium was discovered, by Vauquelin, who gave it this name (from the Greek word signifying colour) owing to the brilliant colours of its compounds ; the chromatea (salts of chromic anhydride) are red and yellow, and the chromic salts (from Cr2O3) green and violet. The red lead chromate is, however, a rare chromium ore found only in the Urals and in a few other localities. Chromic oxide, Cr2O3, is more frequently met with. In small quantities it forms the colouring matter of many minerals and rocks — for example, 276 CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC. 277 of some serpentines. The commonest ore, and the chief source of the chromium compounds, is the chrome iron ore or chromite, which occurs in the Urals l and Asia Minor, California, Australia, and other localities. This is magnetic iron ore, FeO,Fe2O3, in which the ferric oxide is replaced by chromic oxide, its composition being FeO,Cr2O3. Chrome iron ore crystallises in octahedra of sp. gr. 4*4 , it has a feeble metallic lustre, is of a greyish -black colour, and gives a brown powder. It is very feebly acted on by acids, but when fused with potassium acid sulphate it gives a soluble mass, which contains a chromic salt, besides potassium sulphate and ferrous sulphate. Iri practice the treatment of chrome iron ore is mainly carried on for the preparation of chromates, and not of chromic salts, and therefore we will trace the history of the element by beginning with chromic acid, and especially with the working up of the chrome iron ore into potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7, as the most common salt of this acid. It must be remarked that chromic anhydride, CrO3, is only obtained in an anhydrous state, and is distinguished for its capacity for easily giving anhydro-salts with the alkalis, containing one, two, and even three equivalents of the anhydride to one equivalent of base. Thus among the potassium salts there is known the normal or yellow chromate, K2CrO4, which corre- sponds to, and is perfectly isomorphous with, potassium sulphate, easily forms isomorphous mixtures with it, and is not therefore suitable for a process in which it is necessary to separate the salt from a mixture containing sulphates. As in the presence of a certain excess of acid, thedichromate, K2Cr207 = 2K2CrO4 + 2HX — 2KX — H2O, is easily formed from K2CrO4, the object of the manufacturer is 'to produce such a dichromate, the more so as it contains a larger proportion of the elements of chromic acid than the normal salt. Finely-ground chrome iron ore, when heated with an alkali, absorbs" oxygen almost as easily (Chapter III., Note 7) as a mixture of the oxides of manganese, with an alkali. This absorption is due to the presence of chromic oxide, which is oxidised into the anhydride, and then combines with the alkali Cr2O3 -f- O3 = 2Cr03. As the oxidation and formation of the chromate proceeds, the mass turns yellow. The iron is also oxidised, but does not give ferric acid:, because the capacity of the chromium for oxidation is incomparably greater than that of the iron. A mixture of lime (sometimes with potash) and chrome iron ore is heated in a reverberatory furnace, with free access of air and at a The working of the Ural chrome iron ore into chromium compounds ha8 been firmly established in Russia, thanks to the endeavours of P. K. Ushakoff, who con- structed large works for this purpose on the river Kama, near Elabougi, where as much as 2,000 tons of ore are treated yearly, owing to which the importation of chromium pre- parations into Russia has ceased, 278 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY red heat for several hours, until the mass becomes yellow ; it then contains normal calcium- chromate, CaCrO4, which is insoluble in water in the presence of an excess of lime.1 bis The resultant mass is ground up, and treated with water and sulphuric acid. The excess of lime forms gypsum, and the soluble calcium dichromate, CaCr2O7, together with a certain amount of iron, pass into solution. The solution is poured off, and chalk added to it ; this precipitates the ferric oxide (the ferrous oxide is converted into ferric oxide in the furnace) and forms a fresh quantity of gypsum, while the chromic acid remains in solution — that is, it does not form the sparingly-soluble normal salt (1 part soluble in 240 parts of water). The solution then contains a fairly pure calcium dichromate, which by double decom- position gives other chromates ; for example, with a solution of potassium sulphate it gives a precipitate of calcium sulphate and a solution of potassium dichromate, which crystallises when evaporated.2 Potassium dichromate, K2Cr207, easily crystallises from acid solu- tions in red, well- formed prismatic crystals, which fuse at a red heat and evolve oxygen at a very high temperature, leaving chromic oxide and the normal salt, which undergoes no further change : 2K2O207 = 2K2Cr04 + Cr2O3 + 03. At the ordinary temperature 100 parts of water dissolve 10 parts of this salt, and the solubility increases as the temperature rises. It is most important to note that the dichromate' does not contain water, it is K2CrO4 + CrO3 , the acid salt corresponding to potassium acid sulphate, KHSO4, does not exist. It does not even evolve heat when dissolving in water, but on the con* trary produces cold, i.e. it does not form a very stable compound with water. The solution and the salt itself are poisonous, and act as powerful oxidising agents, which is the character of chromic acid in general. When heated with sulphur or organic substances, with sulphurous anhydride, hydrogen sulphide, &c., this salt is deoxidised, yielding chromic compounds.2 bis Potassium dichromate 3 is used in the arts and in chemistry as a source for the preparation of all other 1 bl" But the calcium chromate is soluble in water in the preseiice of an excess of chromic acid, as may be seen from the fact that a solution of chromic acid dissolves lime. 2 There are many variations in the details of the manufacturing processes, and these must be looked for in works on technical chemistry. But we may add that the chromate may also be obtained by slightly roasting briquettes of a mixture of chrome iron and lime, and then leaving the resultant mass to the action of moist air (oxygen is absorbed, and the mass turns yellow). 2 bis The oxidising action of potassium dichromate on organic substances at the ordinary temperature is especially marked under the action of light. Thus it acts on gelatin, as Poutven discovered ; this is applied to photography in the processes of photo- For Note 3 see p. 279. CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN) URANIUM, ETC. 279 chromium compounds. It is converted into yellow pigments by means of double decomposition with salts of lead, barium, and zinc. When solutions of the salts of these metals are mixed with potassium dichroraate (in dyeing generally mixed with soda, in order to obtain normal salts), they are precipitated as insoluble normal salts ; for example, 2BaCl2 + K2Cr207 + H2O == 2BaCrO4 + 2KC1 + 2HC1. It follows from this that these salts are insoluble in dilute acids, but the precipitation is not complete (as it would be with the normal salt). The barium and zinc salts are of a lemon yellow colour ; the lead salt has a still more intense colour passing into orange. Yellow cotton prints are dyed with this pigment. The silver salt, Ag2CrO4, is of a bright red colour. When potassium dichromate is mixed with potassium hydroxide gravure, photo-lithography, pigment printing, &c. Under the action of light this gelatin is oxidised, and the chromic anhydride deoxidised into chromic oxide, which unites with the gelatin and forms a compound insoluble in warm water, whilst where the light has not acted, the gelatin remains soluble, its properties being unaffected by the presence of chromic acid or potassium dichromate. 5 Ammonium and sodium dichromates are now also prepared on a large scale. The sodium salts may be prepared in exactly the same manner as those of potassium. The normal salt combines with ten equivalents of water, like Glauber's salt, with which it is isomorphous. Its solution above 80° deposits the anhydrous salt. Sodium dichromate crystals contain Na2Cr2O7,2H2O. The ammonium salts of chromic acid are obtained by saturating the anhydride itself with ammonia. The dichromate is obtained by saturating one part of the anhydride with ammonia, and then adding a second part of anhydride and evaporating under the receiver of an air-pump. On ignition, the normal and acid salts leave chromic oxide. Potassium ammonium chromate, NH4KCrO4, is obtained in yellow needles from a solution of potassium dichromate in aqueous ammonia ; it not only loses ammonia and becomes converted into potassium dichromate when ignited, but also by degrees at the ordinary temperature. This shows the feeble energy of chromic acid, and its tendency to form stable dichromates. Magnesium chromate is soluble in water, as also is the strontium salt. The calcium salt is also somewhat soluble, but the barium salt is almost insoluble. The isomorphism with sulphuric acid is shown in the chromates by the fact that the magnesium and ammonium salts form double salts containing six equivalents of water, which are perfectly isomorphous with the corre- ponding sulphates. The magnesium salt crystallises in large crystals containing seven equivalents of water. The beryllium, cerium, and cobalt salts are insoluble in water. Chromic acid dissolves manganous carbonate, but on evaporation the solution deposits manganese dioxide, formed at the expense of the oxygen of the chromic acid. Chromio acid also oxidises ferrous oxide, and ferric oxide is soluble in chromic acid. One of the chromates most used by the dyer is the insoluble yellow lead chromate, PbCrO4 (Chapter XVIII., Note 46), which is precipitated on mixing solutions of PbX2 with soluble chromates. It easily forms a basic salt, having the composition PbO,PbCrO4) as a crystalline powder, obtained by fusing the normal salt with nitre and then rapidly washing in water. The same substance is obtained, although impure and in small quantity, by treating lead chromate with neutral potassium chromate, especially on boiling the mixture ; and this gives the possibility of attaining, by means of these materials, various tints of lead chromate, from yellow to red, passing through different orange shades. The decomposition which takes place (incompletely) in this case ia as follows: 2PbCrQ4 + K3CrO^= PbCrO4,PbO + K2Cr2O7— that is, potassium dichromate is formed in solution. 280 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY or carbonate (carbonic anhydride being disengaged in the latter case) it forms the normal salt, K2Cr04, known as yellow chromate of potassium. Its specific gravity is 2*7, being almost the same as that of the dichro- mate. It absorbs heat in dissolving ; one part of the salt dissolves in 1*75 part of water at the ordinary temperature, forming a yellow solution. When mixed even with such feeble acids as acetic, and more especially with the ordinary acids, it give's the dichromate, and Graham obtained a trichromate, K2Cr3Ol0 = K2Cr04,2Cr03, by mixing a solution of the latter salt with an excess of nitric acid. Chromic anhydride is obtained by preparing a saturated solution of potassium dichromate at the ordinary temperature, and pouring it in a thin stream into an equal volume of pure sulphuric acid.4 On mixing, the temperature naturally rises , when slowly cooled, the solution deposits chromic anhydride in needle-shaped crystals of a red colour sometimes several centimetres long. The crystals are freed from the mother liquor by placing them on a porous tile.4 bis It is very important at this point to call attention to the fact that a hydrate of chromic anhydride is never obtained in the decomposition of chromic compounds, * The Sulphuric acid should not contain any lower oxides of nitrogen, because they reduce chromic anhydride into chromic oxide. If a solution of a chromate be heated with an excess of acid— for instance, sulphuric or hydrochloric acid — oxygen or chlorine is evolved, and a solution of a chromic salt is formed. Hence, under these circum- stances, chromic acid cannot be obtained from its salts. One of the first methods employed consisted in converting its salts into volatile chromium hexafluoride, CrF6. This compound, obtained by Unverdorben, may be prepared by mixing lead chromate with fluor spar in a dry state, and treating the mixture with fuming sulphuric acid in a platinunt vessel : PbCrO4 + 8CaF2 + 4H2SO4 = PbSO4 + 3CaSO4 + 4H2O + CrF6. Fuming sulphuric acid is taken, and in considerable excess, because the chromium fluoride which is formed is very easily decomposed by water. It is volatile, and forms a very caustic, poisonous vapour, which condenses when cooled in a dry platinum vessel into a red, exceedingly volatile liquid, which fumes powerfully in air. The vapours of this substance when introduced into water are decomposed into hydrofluoric acid and chromic anhydride : CrF6 + 8H2O = CrO3 -f 6HF. If very little water be taken the hydro- fluoric acid volatilises, and chromic anhydride separates directly in crystals. The chloranhydride of chromic acid, CrO2Cl2 (Note 5), is also decomposed in the same manner. A solution of chromic acid and a precipitate of barium sulphate are formed by Creating the insoluble barium chromate with an equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid. If carefully evaporated, the solution yields crystals of chromic anhydride. Fritzsche gave a very convenient method of preparing chromic anhydride, based on the relation of chromic to sulphuric acid. At the ordinary temperature the strong acid dissolves both chromic anhydride "and potassium chromate, but if a certain amount of water is added to the solution the chromic anhydride separates, and if the amount of water be increased the precipitated chromic anhydride is again dissolved. The chromic anhy- dride is almost all separated from the solution when it' contains two equivalents of water to one equivalent of sulphuric acid. "Many methods for the preparation of chromic anhydride are based on this fact. 4 bis They cannot be filtered through paper or washed, because the chromic anhydride is reduced by the filter-paper, and is _ dissolved during the process of washing. CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC. 281 but always the anhydride, Cr03. The corresponding hydrate, Cr04H2, or any other hydrate, is not even known. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that chromic acid is bibasic, because it forms salts isomorphous or perfectly analogous with the salts formed by sulphuric acid, which is the best example of a bibasic acid. A clear proof of the bibasicity o£ Cr03 is seen in the fact that the anhydride and salts give (when heated with sodium chloride and sulphuric acid) a volatile chloranhydride, Cr02Cl2, containing two atoms of chlorine as a bibasic acid should.5 5 Berzelius observed, and Rose carefully investigated, this remarkable reaction, which occurs between chromic acid and sodium chloride in the presence of sulphuric acid. If 10 parts of common salt be mixed with 12 parts of potassium dichromate, fused, cooled, and broken up into lumps, and placed in a retort with 20 parts of fuming sul- phuric acid, it gives rise to a violent reaction, accompanied by the formation of brown fumes of chromic chloranhydride, or chromyl chloride, CrO2Cl2, according to the re- action : Cr03 + 2NaCl -H H2S04 = Na2S04 + H2O -h CrO2Cl2. The addition of an excess of sulphuric acid is necessary in order to retain the water. The same substance is always formed when a metallic chloride is heated with chromic acid, or any of its salts, in the presence of sulphuric acid. The formation of this volatile substance is easily observed from the brown colour which is proper to its vapour. On condensing the vapour in a dry receiver a liquid is obtained having a sp. gr. of T9, boiling at 118°, and giving a vapour whose density, compared with hydrogen, is 78, which corresponds with the above formula. £hromyl chloride is decomposed by heat into chromic oxide, oxygen, and chlorine: 2CrOoCl2 = Cr3O3 + 2Cl2 + 0; so that it is able to act simultaneously as a powerful oxidising and chlorinating agent, which is taken advantage of in the investiga- tion of many, and especially of organic, substances. When reated with water, this substance first falls to the bottom, and is then decomposed into hydrochloric and chromic acids, like all chloranhydrides : CrO2Cl2 + H2O = CrO5 + 2HC1. When brought into con- tact with inflammable substances it sets fire to them ; it acts thus, for instance, on phosphorus, sulphur, oil of turpentine, ammonia, hydrogen, and other substances. It attracts moisture from the atmosphere with gredt energy, and must therefore be kept in closed vessels. It dissolves iodine and chlorine, and even forms a solid compound with the latter, which depends upon the faculty of chromium to form its higher oxide, Cr207. The close analogy in the physical properties of the chloranhydrides, CrO2Cl2 and SO2C12, is very remarkable, although sulphurous anhydride is a gas, and the corresponding oxide, CrO2, is a non- volatile solid. It may be imagined, therefore, that chromium di- oxide (which will be mentioned in the following note) presents a polymerised modification of the substance having, the composition CrOj ; in fact, this is obvious from the method of its formation. If three parts of potassium dichromate be mixed with four parts of strong hydrochloric" acid and a small quantity of water, and gently wanned, it all passes into solution, and no chlorine is evolved ; on cooling, the liquid deposits red prismatic crystals, known as Peligot's salt, very stable in air. Thfs has the composition KCl,CrO3, and is formed according to" the equation K2Cr2O7-f 2HCl = 2KCl,CrO5 + H2O. It is evident that this is the first chloranhydride of chromic acid, HCrO3Cl, in which the hydrogen is re- placed by potassium. It is decomposed by water, and on evaporation the solution yields potassium dichromate and hydrochloric acid. This is a fresh instance of the reversible reactions so frequently encountered. With sulphuric acid Peligot's salt forms chromyl chloride. The latter circumstance, and tHe fact that Geuther produced Peligot's salt from potassium chromate and chromyl chloride, give reason for thinking that it is a compound of these two substances . 2KCl,CrO3=K2CrO4 + Cr02Cl2. It is also sometimes regarded as potassium dichromate in which one atom of oxygen is replaced by chlorine — that is, K2Cr206Ci2, corresponding with K2Cr2O7. When heated it parts with all its chlorine, and on further heating gives chromic oxide. 282 PRINCIPLES : OF CHEMISTRY Chromic anhydride is a red crystalline substance, which is converted into a black mass by heat ; it fuses at 190°, and disengages oxygen above 250°, leaving a residue of chromium dioxide, CrO2,6 and, on still further heating, chromic oxide, Cr203. Chromic anhydride is exceed- ingly soluble in water, and even attracts moisture from the air, but, as was mentioned above, it does not form any definite compound with water. The specific gravity of its crystals is 2 '7, and when fused it has a specific gravity 2*6. The solution presents perfectly defined acid properties. It liberates carbonic anhydride from carbonates ; gives insoluble precipitates of the chromates with salts of barium, lead, silver, and mercury. The action of hydrogen peroxide on a solution of chromic acid or of potassium dichromate gives a blue solution, which very quickly becomes colourless with the disengagement of oxygen. Barreswill showed that this is due to the formation of a perchromic anhydride, Cr207, corre- sponding with sulphur peroxide. This peroxide is remarkable from the fact that it very easily dissolves in ether and is much more stable in this solution, so that, by shaking up hydrogen peroxide mixed with a small quantity of chromic acid, with ether, it is possible to transfer all the blue substance formed to the ether.6 bis With oxygen acids, chromic acid evolves oxygen ; for example, with <* This intermediate degree of oxidation, CrO2, may also be obtained by mixing solu- tions of chromic salts with solutions of chromates. The brown precipitate formed contains a compound, Cr2O3)CrO3, consisting of equivalent amounts of chromic oxide and anhydride. The' brown precipitate of chromium dioxide contains water. The same substance is formed by the imperfect deoxidation of chromic anhydride by various redu- cing agents. Chromic oxide, when heated, absorbs oxygen, and appears to give the same substance. Chromic nitrate, when ignited, also gives this substance. When this sub- stance is heated it first disengages water and then oxygen, chromic oxide being left. It corresponds with manganese dioxide, Cr20.3,CrO3 = 3CrO2. Kriiger treated chromium dioxide with a mixture of sodium chloride and sulphuric acid, and found that chlorine gas was evolved, but that chroniyl chloride was not formed. Under the action of light, a solution of chromic acid also deposits the brown dioxide. At the ordinary temperature chromic anhydride leaves a brown stain upon the skin and tissues, which probably pro- ceeds from a decomposition of the same kind. Chromic anhydride is soluble in alcohol containing water, and this solution is decomposed "-in a similar manner by light. Chromium dioxide forms K2CrO4 when treated with H2O2 in the presence of KHO. 6 bis NOW that persulphuric acid H2S2O8 is well known it might be supposed that perchromic anhydride, Cr2O7, would correspond to perchromic acid, H2Cr2Oa, but as yet it is not certain whether corresponding salts are formed. Pe'chard (1891) on adding an excess of H2O2 and baryta water to a dilute solution of CrO2 (8 grm. per litre), observed the formation of a yellow precipitate, but oxygen was disengaged at the same time and the precipitate (which easily exploded when dried) was found to contain, besides an admixture of BaO2, a compound BaCrO5, and this = BaO3 + CrO3, and does not correspond to perchromic acid. The fact of its decomposing with an explosion, and the mode of ite: preparation, proves, however, that this is a similar derivative of peroxide of hydrogen to. persulphuric: acid (Chapter XX.) CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC, 283 Sulphuric acid the following reaction takes place 2CrO3 + 3H2S04 =Cr2(SO4)3 + 03 -f 3H2O. It will be readily understood from this that a mixture of chromic acid or of its salts with sulphuric acid forms an excellent oxidising agent, which is frequently employed in chemical laboratories and even for technical purposes as a means of oxidation. Thus hydrogen sulphide and sulphurous anhydride are converted into sulphuric acid by this means. Chromic acid is able to act as a powerful oxidising agent because it passes into chromic oxide, and in so doing disengages half of the oxygen contained in it : 2CrO3 = Cr2O3-f O3. Thus chromic anhydride itself is a powerful oxidising agent, and is therefore employed instead of nitric acid in galvanic batteries (as a depolariser), the hydrogen evolved at the carbon being then oxidised, and the chromic acid converted into a non-volatile product of deoxida- tion, instead of yielding, as nitric acid does, volatile lower oxides of offensive odour. Organic substances are more or less perfectly oxidised by means of chromic anhydride, although this generally requires the aid of heat, and does not proceed in the presence of alkalis, but generally in the presence of acids. In acting on a solution of potassium iodide, chromic acid, like many oxidising agents, liberates iodine ; the reaction proceeds in proportion to the amount of Cr03 present, and may serve for determining the amount of CrO3, since the amount of iodine liberated can be accurately determined by the iodometric method (Chapter XX., Note 42). If chromic anhydride be ignited in a stream of ammonia, it gives chromic oxide, water, and nitrogen. In all cases when chromic acid acts as an oxidising agent in the presence of acids and under the action of heat, the product of its deoxidation is a chromic salt, CrX3, which is characterised by the green colour of its solution, so that the red or yellow solution of a salt of chromic acid is then transformed into a green solution of a chromic salt, derived from chromic oxide, Cr203, which is closely analogous to A12O3, Fe2O3, and other bases of the com- position E2O3. This analogy is seen in the insolubility of the anhydrous oxide, in the gelatinous form of the colloidal hydrate, in the formation of alums,7 of a > volatile chloride of chromium, &c.7 bis 7 As a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid is usually employed for oxidation, the resultant solution generally" contains a double sulphate of potas- sium and chromium— that is, chrome alum, isomorphous with ordinary alum — K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 + 20H2O = 63 + K2Cr2(SO4)4,24H20 or 2(KCr(SO4)2,12H20). It is pre- pared by dissolving potassium dichromate in dilute sulphuric acid ; alcohol is then added and the solution slightly heated, or sulphurous anhydride is passed through it. On the addition of alcohol to a cold mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, the gradual disengagement of pleasant-smelling volatile products of the oxidation of alcohol, and especially of aldehyde, C2H4O, is remarked. If the temperature of decomposition For Note 7 bis see p. 285. $84 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Chromic oxide, Cr203, rarely found, and iri small quantities, in chrome' ochre, is formed by the oxidation of chromium and its lower oxides, by*' does not exceed 85°, a violet solution of chrome alum is obtained, but if the tempera- ture be higher, a solution of the same alum is obtained of a green colour. As chrome alum requires for solution 7 parts of water at the ordinary temperature, it follows that il a somewhat strong solution of potassium dichromate be taken (4 parts of water and 1J of sulphuric acid to 1 part of dichromate), it will give so concentrated a solution of chrome alum that on cooling, the salt will separate without further evaporation. If the liquid, prepared as above or in any instance of the deoxidation of chromic acid, be heated (the oxidation naturally proceeds- more rapidly) somewhat strongly, for in- stance, to the boiling-point of water, or if the violet solution already formed be raised to the same temperature, it acquires a bright green colour, and on evaporation the same mixture, which at lower temperatures so easily gives cubical crystals of chrome alum, does not give any crystals whatever If the green solution be kept, however, for several weeks at the ordinary temperature, it deposits violet crystals of chrome alum. The green solution, when evaporated, gives a non-crystalline mass, and the violet crystals lose water at 100° and turn green. It must be remarked that the transition of the green modification into the violet is accompanied by a decrease in volume (Lecoq de Boisbaudran, Favre). If the green mass formed at the higher temperature be evaporated to dryness and heated at 30° in a current of air, it does not retain more then 6 equi- valents of water. Hence Lbwel, and also Schrbtter, concluded that the green and violet modifications of the alum depend on different degrees of combination with water, which may be likened to the different compounds of sodium sulphate with water and to the different hydrates of ferric oxide. However, the question in this case Is not so simple, as we shall afterwards see. Jtfot chrome alum alone, but all the chromic salts, give two, if not three, varieties. At least, there is no doubt about the existence of two— a green and a violet modification. The green chromic salts -are obtained by heating solutions of the violet salts, the violet solutions are produced on keeping solutions of the green salts for a long time. The con- version of the violet salts into green by the action of heat is itself an indication of the possibility of explaining the different modifications by their containing different propor- tions (or states) of water, and, moreover, by the green salts having a less amount of water than the violet. However, -there are other explanations. Chromic oxide is a base like alumina, and is therefore able to give both acid and basic salts. It is supposed that the difference between the green and violet salts is due to, this fact. This opinion of Kriiger is based on the fact that alcohol separates out a salt from the green solution which contains less sulphuric acid than the normal violet salt. On the other hand, Lbwel showed that all the acid cannot be separated from the green chromic salts by suitable reagents, as easily as it can be from the same solution of the violet salts ; thus barium salts do not precipitate all the sulphuric acid from solutions of the green salts. According to other researches the cause of the varieties of the chromic salts lies in a difference in the bases they contain— that is, it is connected with a modification of the properties of the oxide of chromium itself. This only refers to the hydroxides, but as hydroxides themselves are only special forms of salts, the differences observed as yet in this direction between the hydroxides only confirm the generality of the difference observed in the chromic compounds (see Note 7 bis). The salts of chromic oxide, like those of alumina, are. easily decomposed, give basic and double salts, and have an acid reaction, as chromic oxide is a feeble base. Potas- sium and sodium hydroxides give a precipitate of the hydroxide with chromic salts, CrX3. The violet and green salts give a hydroxide soluble in an excess of the reagent ; but the hydroxide is held in solution by very feeble affinities, so that it is partially separated by heat and dilution with water, and completely so on boiling. In an alkaline solution, chromic hydroxide is easily converted into chromic acid by the -action of lead dioxide, chlorine, and other oxidising agents. If the chromic oxide occurs together with such oxides as magnesia, or zinc oxide, then on precipitation CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC. 285 the reduction of chromates (for example, of ammonium or mercurio chromate) and by the decomposition (splitting up) of the saline corn- it separates out from its solution in combination with these oxides, forming, for example, ZnO,Cr2O5. Viard obtained compounds of Cr2O3 with the oxides of Mg, Zn, Cd, &c.) On precipitating the violet solution of chrome alum with ammonia, a precipitate contain- ing Cr2O3,6H2O is obtained, whilst the precipitate from the boiling solution with causth potash was a hydrate containing four equivalents of water. When fused with borax chromic Baits give a green glass. The same coloration is communicated to ordinary glass by the presence of traces of chromic oxide. A chrome glass containing a large amount of chromic oxide may be ground up and used as a green pigment. Among the hydrates of oxide of chromium Guignet's green forms one of the widely-used green pigments which have been substituted for the poisonous arsenical copper pigments, such as Schweinfurt green, which formerly was much used. Guignet's green has an extremely bright green colour, and is distinguished for its gre,it stability, not only under the action of light but also towards reagents ; thus it is not altered by alkaline solutions, and even nitric acid does not act on it. This pigment remains unchanged up to a temperature of 250° ; it contains Cr2O3,2HO2, and generally a small amount of alkali. It is prepared by fusing 3 parts of boric acid with 1 part of potassium dichromate ; oxygen is disengaged, and a green glass, containing a mixture of the boratesof chromium and potassium, is obtained. When cool this glass is ground up and treated with water, which extracts the borio acid and alkali and leaves the above-named chromic hydroxide behind. This hydroxide only parts with its water at a red heat, leaving the anhydrous oxide. The chromic hydroxides lose their water by ignition, and in so doing become spon- taneously incandescent, like the ordinary ferric hydroxide (Chapter XXII.). It is not known, however, whether all the modifications of chromic oxide show this phenomenon. The anhydrous chromic oxide, Cr<,O5, is exceedingly difficultly soluble in acids, if it has passed through the above recalescence. But if it has parted with its water, or the greater part of it, and not yet undergone this self-induced incandescence (has not lost a portion of its energy), then it is soluble in acids. It is not reduced by hydrogen. It is easily obtained in various crystalline forms by many methods. The chromates of mer- cury and ammonium give a very convenient method for its preparation, because when ignited they leave chromic oxide behind. In the first instance oxygen and mercury are disengaged, and in the second case nitrogen and water : 2Hg2Cr04 = Cr2O3 + 05 + 4Hg or (NH4)2Cr2O7 = Cr205 + 4H20 + N2. The second reaction is very energetic, and the mass of salt burns spontaneously if the temperature be sufficiently high. A mixture of potas- sium sulphate and chromic oxide is formed by heating -potassium dichrbmate with an equal weight of sulphur : K2Cr2O7 + S = K2SO4 + Cr2O5. The sulphate is easily extracted by water, and there remains a bright green residue of the oxide, whose colour is more brilliant the lower the temperature of the decomposition. The oxide thus obtained is used-as a green pigment for china and enamel. The anhydrous chromic oxide obtained from chromyl chloride, Cr02Cl2, has a specific gravity of 5'21, and forms almost black crystals, which give a green powder. They are hard enough to scratch glass, and have a metallic lustre. The crystalline form of chromic oxide is identical with that of the oxide of iron and alumina, with which it is isomorphous. 7 bis The most important of the compounds corresponding with chromic oxide is chromic chloride, Cr2Cl6, which is known in an anhydrous and in a hydrated form. It resembles ferric and aluminic chlorides in many respects. There is a great difference between the anhydrous and the hydrated chlorides ; the former is insoluble in water, the latter easily dissolves, and on evaporation its solution forms a hygroscopic mass which is very unstable and easily evolves hydrochloric acid when heated with water. The anhydrous form is of a violet colour, and Wb'hler gives the following method for its preparation : an intimate mixture is prepared of the anhydrous chromic oxide with carbon and organic matter, and charged into a wide infusible glass or porcelain tube which is heated in a combustion furnace ; one extremity of the tube communicates with an apparatus generat- ing chlorine which is passed through several bottles containing sulphuric acid in order 286 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY pounds of the oxide itself, CrX3 or Cr2X6, like alumina, which it resembles in forming a feeble base easily giving double and basic salts, which are either green or violet. to dry it perfectly before it reaches the tube. On heating the portion of the tube in which the mixture is placed and passing chlorine through, a slightly volatile sublimate of chromic chloride, CrCl3 or Cr2Cl6, is formed. This substance forms violet tabular crystals, which may be distilled in dry chlorine without change, but which, however, re- quire a red heat for their volatilisation. "These crystals are greasy to the touch and in- soluble in water, but if they be powdered and boiled in water for a long time they pass into a green solution. Strong sulphuric acid does not act on the anhydrous salt, or only acts with exceeding slowness, like water. Even aqua regia and other acids do not act on the crystals, and alkalis only show a very feeble action. The specific gravity of the crystals is 2'99. When fused with sodium carbonate and nitre they give sodium chloride and potassium chromate, and when ignited in air they form green chromic oxide and evolve chlorine. On jgnition in a stream of ammonia, chromic chloride forms sal-ammoniac and chromium nitride, CrN (analogous to the nitridesBN,A!N). Mosberg and Peligot showed that when chromic chloride is ignited in hydrogen, it parts with one-third of its chlorine, forming chromous chloride, CrCl2 — that is, there is formed from a com- pound corresponding with chromic oxide, Cr2O3, a compound answering to the suboxide, chromous oxide, CrO — just as hydrogen converts ferric chloride into ferrous chloride with the aid of heat. Chromous chloride, CrCl2, forms colourless crystals easily soluble in water, which in dissolving evolve a considerable amount of heat, and form a blue liquid, capable of absorbing oxygen from the air with great facility, being converted thereby into a chromic compound. The blue solution of chromous chloride may also be obtained by the action of metallic zinc on the green solution of the hydrated chromic chloride ; the zinc in this case takes up chlorine just as the hydrogen did. It must be employed in a large excess. Chromic oxide is also formed in the action of zinc on chromic chloride, and if the solution remain for a long time in contact with the zinc the whole of the chromium, is converted into chromic oxychloride. Other chromic salts are also reduced by zinc into chromous salts, CrX2, just as the ferric salts FeX3 are concerted into ferrous salts FeX2 by it. The chromous salts are exceedingly unstable and easily oxidise and pass into chromic salts; hence the reducing power of these salts is very great. From cupric salts they -separate cuprous salts, from stannous salts they precipitate metallic tin, they reduce mercuric salts into mercurous and ferric into ferrous salts. Moreover, they absorb oxygen from the air directly. With potassium chromate they give a brown precipitate of chromium dioxide or of chromic oxide, according to the relative amounts of the substances taken : Cr03 + CrO = 2CrO2 or CrO3 + 3CrO = 2Cr2Or. Aqueous ammonia gives a blue precipi- tate, and in the presence of ammoniacal salts a blue liquid is obtained which turns red in the air from oxidation. This is accompanied by the formation of compounds analo- gous to those given by cobalt (Chapter XXII.) A solution of chromous chloride with a hot saturated solution of sodium acetate, C2H3NaO2, gives, on coojing, transparent red crystals of chromous acetate, C4HrcHoO ; this is actually the composi- tion of phosphomolybdic acid. Probably it contains a portion of the hydrogen replaceable by metals of both the acids H5PO4 and of H2Mo0.i. The crystalline acid above is probably H-,MoPO7,9Mo03,12H.jO. This acid is really tribasic, because its aqueous Solution precipitates salts of potassium, ammonium, rubidium (but not lithium and sodium) from acid solutions, and gives a yellow precipitate of the composition R3MoPO7,9MoO3,8H2O, where R = NH4. Besides these, salts of another composition xnay be obtained, as would be expected from the preceding. These salts are only stable in acid solutions (which is naturally due to their containing an excess of acid oxides), whilst under the action of alkalis they give colourless phosphomolybdates of the compo- sition R3MoPOr),MoO2,8H20. The corresponding salts of potassium, silver, ammonium, are easily soluble in water and crystalline. Phosphomolybdic acid is an example of the complex inorganic acids first obtained by Marignac and afterwards generalised and studied in detail by Gibbs. We shall afterwards meet with several examples of such acids, and we will now turn attention to the fact that they are usually formed by wtfak polybasic acids (boric, silicic, molybdic, &c.), and in certain respects resemble the cobaltic and such similar complex compounds, with which we shall become acquainted in the following chapter. As an example we will here mention certain complex compounds containing molybdic and tungstic acids, aathey will illustrate the possibility of a considerable complexity in the composition of salts. The action of ammonium molybdate upon a dilute solution of purpureo-cobaltic salts (see Chapter XXII.) acidulated with acetic acid gives a salt which after drying at 100° has the composition Co.jO3lONH37MoO33H2O. After ignition this salt leaves a residue having the composition 2CoO?MoOs. An analogous compound is also obtained for tungstic acid, having 'ibe composition Co.jO510NH510WO39H,,0. In this case after ignition there remains a salt 294 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY this forms the means of obtcaining metallic molybdenum and tungsten, of the composition CoO5WO5 (Carnbt, 1889). Professor Kournakoff, by treating a solution of potassium and sodium molybdates, containing a certain amount of suboxide of cobalt, with bromine obtained salts having the composition : 8K2OCo.2O312MoO320HaO (light green) and SKjOCo^OjlOMo^lOBLjO (dark green). Pe'chard (1893) obtained saltsof the four complex phosphotungstic acids by evaporating equivalent mixtures of solutions of phosphoric acid and metatungstic acid (see further on): phosphotrimetatungstic acid P3O5l2WO348H2Or phosphotetrameiatungstic acid P205l6WO569H2O, phosphopentametatungstic acid P2O520WO3H2O, and phosphphexametatungstic acid PaO524WO559H2O. Kehrmann and Frankel described still more complex salts, such as: 8Ag2O4BaOP20522WO3H,2O, 6BaO'2K2OP2O322WO348H2O. Analogous double salts with 22WO5 were also obtained with KSr, KHg, BaHe, and NH4Pb. Kehrmann (1892) considers the possibility of obtaining an unlimited number of such salts to be a general characteristic of such com- pounds. Mahom and Friedheim (1892) obtained compounds of similar complexity for raolybdic and arsenic acids. For tungstic acid there are known : (1) Normal salts— for example, KaWO4 ; (2) the so-called acid salts have a composition like 8K2O,7WO3)6H2O or K6H8(WO4)7,2H2O ; (3> the tritungstates like Na3O,3WO3)3H5p = NaJH4(WO4)3,H2O. All these three classes of salts are soluble in water, but are precipitated by barium chloride, and with acids in solu- tion give an insoluble hydfate of tungstic acid ; whilst those salts which are enumerated below do not give >a precipitate either with acids or with the salts of the heavy metals, be- cause they form soluble salts even with barium and lead. They are generally called meta- tungstates. They all contain water and a larger proportion of acid elements than the preceding salts ; (4) the tetratungstates, like Na,iO,4WO3,10H2O and BaO,4WO3,9H2O for example ; (5) the octatungstates — for example, Na-jO.SW Oj^H^O. Since the metatung- states lose so much water at 100° that they leave salts whose composition corresponds with an acid, 8H2O,4WO3— that is, H6W4O15— whilst in the meta salts only 2 hydrogens ore replaced by metals, it is assumed, although without much ground, that these salts- contain a particular soluble metatungstic acid of the composition H6W4Oi5. NAs an example we will give a short description of the sodium salts. The normal Bait, Na2WO4, is obtained by heating a strong solution of sodium carbonate with tungstic- ftcid to a temperature of 80° ; if the solution be filtered hot, it crystallises in rhombic tabular crystals, having the composition Na2WO4,2H2O, which remain unchanged in the air and are easily soluble in water. When this salt is fused with a fresh quantity of tuugstic acid, it gives a ditungstate, which is soluble in water and separates from ita solution in crystals containing water. The same salt is obtained by carefully adding hydrochloric acid to the solution of the normal salt so long as a precipitate does not appear, and the liquid still has an alkaline reaction. This salt, was first supposed to have the composition Na2W2O7,4H2O, but it has since been found to contain (at 100°) NaeW7O24,16H2O — that is, it corresponds with the similar salt of molybdic acid. (If this salt be heated to a red heat in a-stream of hydrogen, it loses a portion of its oxygen, acquires a metallic lustre, and" turns a golden yellow colour, and, after being- treated with water, alkali, and acid, leaves golden yellow leaflets and cubes which are very like gold. This very remarkable substance,. discovered by W6hler, has, according1 to Malaguti's analysis, the composition Na2!W5O9 ; that, isj it, as it were, contains a- double tungstate of tungsten oxide, WO2, and of sodium, Na.2WO4;WO2WO3r ' The decomposition of the fused sodium salt is best effected by finely-divided tin. This sub- stance has a sp. gr. 6'6; it conducts electricity, like metals, and like them has a metallic lustre. When brought into contact with zinc and sulphuric acid it disengages hydrogen, and it becomes covered with a coating of copper in a solution of copper sulphate in the presence of zinc — that is, notwithstanding its complex composition it presents to a certain extent the appearance and reactions of the metals. It is not acted on by aqua- rcgia or alkaline solutions, but it is oxidised when ignited in air.) The ditungstate mentioned above, deprived of water (having undergone a modifica- tion similar to that of metaphosphoric acid), after being treated with water, leaves anr CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC, 295 Both metals are infusible, and both under the action of heat form anhydrous, sparingly soluble tetratungstate, Na2WO4,3WO5) which, when heated at 120° in a closed tube with water, passes into an easily soluble metatungstate. It may there- fore be said that the metatungstates are hydrated compounds. On boiling a solution of the above-mentioned salts of sodium with the yellow hydrate of tungstic acid they give a solution of metatungstate, which is the hydrated tetratungstate. Its crystals contain NaoW4O13,10H2O. After the hydra£e of tungstic acid (obtained from the ordinary tung- states by precipitation with an acid) has stood a long time in contact with a solution (hot or cold) of sodium tungstate, it gives a solution which is not precipitated by hydrochloric acid ; this must be filtered and evaporated over sulphuric acid in a desiccator (it is de- composed by boiling). It first forms a very dense solution (aluminium floats m it) of sp. gr. S'O, and octahedral crystals of sodium metat'ungstate, Na2W4O13,10H2O, sp. gr. 3'85, then separate. It effloresces and loses water, and at 100° only two out of the ten equivalents of water remain, but the properties of the salt remain unaltered. If the salt be deprived of water by further heating, it becomes insoluble. At the ordinary temperature one part of water dissolves ten parts of the metatungstate. The other metatungstates are easily obtained from this salt. Thus a strong and hot solution, mixed with a like solution of barium chloride, gives on cooling crystals of barium meta- tungstate, BaW4O13,9H2O. These crystals are dissolved without change in water con- taining hydrochloric acid, and also in hot water, but they are partially decomposed by cold water, with the formation of a solution of metatungstic acid and of the normal barium salt BaWO4. In order to explain the difference in the properties of the salts of tungstic acid, we may add that a mixture of a solution of tungstic acid with a.solution of silicic acid does not coagulate when heated, although the silicic acid alone would do so ; this is due to the formation of a silicotungstic acid, discovered by Marignac, which presents a fresh example of a complex acid. A solution of a tungstate dissolves gelatinous silica, just as it does gelatinous tungstic acid, and when evaporated deposits a crystalline salt of silicotungstic acid. This solution is not precipitated either by acids (a clear analogy to the metatungstates) or by sulphuretted hydrogen, and corresponds with a series of salts. These salts contain one equivalent .of silica and 8 equivalents of hydrogen or metals, in the same form as in salts, to 12 or 10 equivalents of tungstic anhydride ; for example, the crystalline potassium salt has the composition K8Wi2SiO42,14H.jO = 4K2O,12WO3, SiOjjlilLjO. Acid salts are also known in which half of the metal is replaced by hydrogen. The complexity of the composition of such complex acids (for example, of the phosphomolybdic acid) involuntarily leads to .the idea of polymerisation, which we were obliged to recognise for silica, lead oxide, and other compounds. This polymerisa- tion, it seems to me, may be understood thus : a hydrate A (for example, tungstic acid) is capable of combining with a hydrate B (for example, silica or phosphoric acid, with or without the disengagement of water), and by reason of this faculty it is capable of polymerisation — that is, A combines with A — combines with itself — just as aldehyde, GjH4O, or the cyanogen compounds are able to combine with hydrogen, oxygen, &c., and are liable to polymerisation. On this view the molecule of tungstic acid is probably much more complex than we represent it , this agrees with the easy volatility of such compounds a* the chloranhydrides, CrOaCl2, MoO2Clj, the analogues of the volatile eulphuryl chlcride, SO C12, and with the non-volatility, or difficult volatility, of chromic . and molybdic annydrides, the analogues of the volatile sulphuric anhydride. Such a view also finds a certain confirmation in the researches made by Graham on the colloidal state of tungstic acid, because colloidal properties only appertain to compounds of a very complex composition. The observations made by Graham on the colloidal state of tungstic and molybdic acids introduced much new matter into the history of these sub'- stances. When sodium tungstate, mixed in a dilute solution with an equivalent quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid, is placed in a dialyser, hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride pass through the membrane, and a solution of tungstic acid remains in the dialyser. Out of 100 parts of tucgstic acid about 80 parts remain in the dialyser. The solution *B 296 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY compounds with carbon and iron (the addition of tungsten to steel renders the latter ductile and hard).9 Molybdenum forms a grey powder,, which scarcely aggregates under a most powerful heat, and has a specific gravity of 8 '5 It is not acted on by the air at the ordinary tempera- ture, but when ignited it is first converted into a brown, and then into a blue oxide, and lastly into molybdic anhydride. Acids do not act on it — that is, it does not liberate hydrogen from them, not even from hydrochloric acid— but strong sulphuric acid disengages sulphurous anhydride, forming a brown mass, containing a lower oxide of molyb- denum. Alkalis in solution do not act on molybdenum, but when fused has a bitter, astringent taste, and does not yield gelatinous tungstio acid (hydrogel) either when heated or on the addition of acida or salts. It may also be evaporated to dryness; it then forms a vitreous mass of the hydrosol of tungstic acid, which adheres strongly to the walls of the vessel in which it has been evaporated, and is perfectly Soluble in water. It does not even lose its solubility after having been heated to 200°, and only becomes insoluble when heated to a red heat, when it loses about 2^ p.c. of water. The dry acid, dissolved in a small quantity of water, forms a gluey mass, just like gum arabic, which is one of the representatives of the hydrosols of colloidal substances. The solution, containing 5 p.c of the anhydride, has a sp. gr. of T047 ; with 20 p.c., of 1'217; with 50 p.c., of T80; and with 80 p.c., of 8'24. The presence of a polymerised trioxide in the form of hydrate, H2OW5O0 or HSO4WO5, must then be recognised in the solution : this is confirmed by Sabaneeffs cryoscopic determinations (1889). A similar stable solution of molybdic acid is obtained by the dialysis of a mixture of a strong solution of sodium molybdate with hydrochloric acid (the precipitate which is formed is re-dissolved). If MoCl4 be precipitated by ammonia and washed with water, a point is reached at which perfect solution takes place, and the molybdic acid" forms a colloid solution which is precipitated by the addition of ammonia (Muthmann). The addition of alkali to the solutions of the hydrosols of tungstic and molybdic acids immediately results in the re-formation of the ordinary tungstates and molybdates. There appears to be no doubt but that the same transformation is accomplished in the passage of the ordinary tungstates into the metatungstates as takes place in the passage of tungstic acid itself from an insoluble into a soluble state ; but this may be even actually proved to be the case, because Scheibler obtained a solution of tungstic acid, before Graham, by decomposing barium metatungstate (BaO4WO3,9H2O) with sulphunc acid. By treating this salt with sulphuric acid in the amount required for the precipi- tation of the baryta, Scheibler obtained a solution of metatungstic acid which, when containing 43-75 p.c. of acid, had a sp. gr. of T634, and with 27*61 p.c. a sp. gr. of 1*327 — that is, specific gravities corresponding with those found by Graham. Pechard found that as much heat is evolved by neutralising raetatungstic acid as with sulphuric acid. Questions connected with the metamorphoses or modifications of tungstic and molybdic acids, and the polymerisation and colloidal state of substances, as well as the formation of complex acids, belong to that class of problems the solution of which will do much towards attaining a true comprehension of the mechanism of a number of chemical reactions. I think, moreover, that questions of this kind stand in intimate con- nection with the theory of the formation of solutions and alloys and other so-called inde- finite compounds. 9 Moissan (1893) studied the compounds of Mo and W formed with carbon in the electrical furnace (they are extremely hard) from a mixture of the anhydrides and carbon. Poleck and Griitzner obtained definite compounds FeW2 and FeW2C5 for tungsten. Metallic W and MO displace Ag from its solutions but not Pb. There is reason for believing "that the sp. gr. of pure molybdenum is higher than that (8'5) generally ascribed to it. CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC. 297 with it hydrogen is given off, which shows, as does its whole character, the acid properties of the metal. The properties of tungsten are almost identical ; it is infusible, has an iron-grey colour, is exceedingly hard, so that it even scratches glass. Its specific gravity is 19'1 (according to Roscoe), so that, like uranium, platinum, &c., it is one of the heaviest metals.9 bis Just as sulphur and chromium have their corresponding persulphuric and perchromic acids, H2S2O8 and H2CrO8, having the properties of peroxides, and corresponding to peroxide of hydrogen, so also molybdenum and tungsten are known to give permolybdic and per- tungstic acids, H2Md2O8 and H2W,>08, which have the properties of true peroxides, i.e. easily disengage iodine from KI and chlorine from HC1, easily part with their oxygen, and are formed by the action of peroxide of hydrogen, into which they are readily reconverted (hence they may (be regarded as compounds of H202 with 2Mo05 and 2WO3), and the same. is seen in uranium; it forms U03, UO2, U^O.-, and their compounds. (3) Molybdenum and tungsten, in being reduced from RO->( easily and frequently give an intermediate oxide of a blue colour, and uranium shows the same property ; giving the so-called green oxide which, according to present views, must be regarded as U3O6 = UO22y03, analogous to Mo3O8. (4) The higher chlorides, RCld, possible for the elements of this group, are either unstable (WC1J or do not exist at all {Cr) ; but there is one single lower volatile compound, which is decomposed, by water, and liable to further reduction into a non-volatile chlorine product and the metal. The same is observed in uranium, which forms an easily volatile chloride, UC14, decomposed by water. (5) The high sp. gr. of uranium (18'6) is explained by its analogy to tungsten &c. Such a dioxide as MnO2 is, in all probability, a salt— that is, a manganous manganate, MnO3MnO, and also, as a basic salt of a feeble base, capable of combining with alkalis and acids. Hence the name of manganese peroxide should be abandoned, and replaced by manganese dioxide. PbO2 is better termed lead dioxide than peroxide. Bisulphide of manganese, MnS2, corresponding to iron pyrites, FeS.j, sometimes occurs in nature in fine octahedra (and cube combinations), for instance, in Sicily ; it is called Hauerite. 18 bis On comparing the manganates with the permanganates— for example, K2MnO.j with KMnO4 — we find that they differ in composition by the abstraction of on<* equivalent of the metal. Such a relation in composition produced by oxidation is of frequent occurrence— for instance, K4Fe(CN)6 in oxidising gives K3Fe(CN)6 ; H2S04 in oxidising gives persulphuric acid, HSO4, or H2S7O8 ; H^O forms HO or H2O2, &c. w In the preparation of oxygen from the dioxide by means of H2S04, MnSO4 is formed ; in the preparation of chlorine from HC1 and MnOa, MnClj is obtained. These two manganous salts may be taken as examples of compounds MnX-z. Manganoua sulphate generally contains various impurities, and also a large amount of iron salt CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, UBANIUM, ETC. 307 As the salts of manganous oxide MnX2 closely resemble (and are isomorphous with) the salts of magnesia MgX2 in many respects (with is a saline compound, containing MnOMnO3 or (MnO)5Mn2O7, and there are reactions which support such a view (Spring, Richards, Traube, and others) ; for instance it is known that manganous chloride and potassium permanganate give the dioxide in the presence of alkalis. Manganese dioxide may be obtained from manganous salts by the action of oxidis- ing agents. If manganous hydroxide or carbonate be shaken up in water through which chlorine is passed, the hypochlorite of the metal is not formed, as is the case with certain other oxides, but manganese dioxide is precipitated • 2MnO2H2 + Cla = MnCl2 + MnO2,H3O + H2O. Owing to this fact, hypochlorites in the presence of alkalis and acetic acid when added to a solution of manganous salts give hydrated manganese CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN URANIUM, ETC. 309 limit ourselves to illustrating the chemical character of manganese by describing the metal and its corresponding acids. The fact alone that the oxides of manganese are not reduced to the metal when ignited in hydrogen (whilst the oxides of iron give metallic iron under these circumstances), but only to manganous oxide, MnO, shows that manganese has a considerable affinity for oxygen — that is, it is difficult to reduce. This may be effected, however, by means of charcoal or sodium at a very high temperature. A mixture of one of the oxides of manganese with charcoal or organic matter gives fused metallic man- ganese under the powerful heat developed by coke with an artificial draught. The metal was obtained for the first time in this manner by Gahn, after Pott, and more especially Scheele, had in the last century shown the difference between the compounds of iron and manganese (they were previously regarded as being the same). Manganese is pre- pared by mixing one of its oxides in a finely-divided state with oil and soot ; the resultant mass is then first ignited in order to decompose the organic matter, and afterwards strongly heated in a charcoal crucible. The manganese thus obtained, however, contains, as a rule, a consider- able amount of silicon and other impurities. Its specific gravity varies between 7-2 and 8'0. It has a light grey colour, a feebly metallic lustre, and although it is very hard it can be scratched by a file. It rapidly oxidises in air, being converted into a black oxide ; water acts on it with the evolution of hydrogen — this decomposition proceeds very rapidly with boiling water, and if the metal contain carbon.20 dioxide, as was mentioned above. Manganous nitrate also leaves manganese dioxide when heated to 200° It is also obtained from manganous and manganic salts of the alkalis, when they are decomposed in the presence of a small amount of acid ; the prac- tical method of converting the salts MnX2 into the higher grades of oxidation is given in Chapter II., Note 6. 20 Other chemists have obtained manganese by different methods, and attributed different properties to it. This difference probably depends on the presence of carbon in different proportions. Deville obtained manganese by subjecting the pure dioxide, mixed with pure charcoal (from burnt sugar), to a strong heat in a lime crucible until the resultant metal fused. The metal obtained had a rose tint, like bismuth, and like it was very brittle, although exceedingly hard. It decomposed water at 'the ordinary temperature. Brunner obtained manganese having a specific gravity of about 7'2, which decomposed water very feebly at the ordinary temperature, did not oxidise in air, and was capable of taking a bright polish, like steel ; it had the grey colour of cast iron, was very brittle, and hard enough to scratch steel and glass, like a diamond. Brunner's method waa as follows , He decomposed the manganese fluoride (obtained as a soluble compound by the action of hydrofluoric acid on manganese carbonate) with sodium, by mixing these substances together in a crucible and covering the mixture with a layer of ealt and fluor spar , after which the crucible was first gradually heated until the reaction began, and then strongly heated in order to fuse the metal separated. Glatzel (1889) obtained 25 grms. of manganese, having a grey colour and sp. gr. 7'39, by heating a mixture of 100 grms. of MuClj with 200 grms. KC1 and 15 grms. Mg to a bright white heat. Moissan and others, by heating the oxides of manganese with carbon in the electric 310 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY It has been shown above that if manganese dioxide, or any lower oxide of manganese, be heated with an alkali in the presence of air, the mixture absorbs oxygen,21 and forms an alkaline manganate of a green colour: 2KHO + Mn02 4- O = K2Mn04 + H20. Steam is disen- gaged during the ignition of the mixture, and if this does not take place there is no absorption of oxygen. The oxidation proceeds much more rapidly if, before igniting in air, potassium chlorate or nitre be added to the mixture, and this is the method of preparing potassium manganate, K2MnO4. The resultant mass dissolved in a small quantity of water gives a dark green solution, which, when evaporated under the receiver of an air pump over sulphuric acid, deposits green crystals of exactly the same form as potassium sulphate — namely, six-sided prisms and pyramids. The composition of the product is not changed by being redissolved, if perfectly pure water free from air and carbonic acid be taken. But in the presence of even very feeble acids the solution of this salt changes its colour and becomes red, and deposits manganese dioxide. The same decomposition takes place when the salt is heated •with water, but when diluted with a large quantity of unboiled water manganese dioxide does not separate, although the solution turns red, This change of colour depends on the fact that potassium manganate, K2MnO4, whose solution is green, is transformed into potassium per- manganate, KMnO4, whose solution is of a red colour. The reaction proceeding under the influence of acids and a large quantity of water furnace, obtained carbides of manganese — for example, Mn3C — and remarked that the metal volatilised in the heat of the voltaic arc. Metallic manganese is, however, not prepared on' a large scale, but only its alloys with carbon (they readily and rapidly oxidise) and ferro- manganese or a coarsely crystalline alloy of iron, manganese and carbon, which is smelted in blast-furnaces like pig-iron (see Chapter XXII.) This ferro-manganese is employed in the manufacture of steel by Bessemer's and other processes (see Chapter XXII.) and for the manufacture of manganese bronze. However, in America, Green and Wahl (1895) obtained almost pure metallic manganese on a large scale. They first treat the ore of MnO.3 with 30 p.c. sulphuric acid (which extracts all the oxides of iron present in the ore), and then Iveat it in a reducing flame to convert it into MnO, which they mix with a powder of Al, lime and CaFo (as a flux), and heat the mixture in a crucible lined with magnesia ; a reaction immediately takes place at a certain temperature, and a metal of specific gravity 7'3 is obtained, which only contains a small trace of iron. Manganese gives two compounds with nitrogen, Mn5N2 and Mn^No. They were obtained by Prelinger (1894) from the amalgam of manganese Mn?Hg5 (obtained on a mercury anode by the action of an electric current upon a solution of MnCh) ; the mercury may be removed from this amalgam by heating it in an atmosphere of hydrogen, and then metallic manganese is obtained as a grey porous mass of specific gravity 7'42. If this amalgam be heated in dry nitrogen it gives Mn5N2 (grey powder, sp. gr. 6'58), but if heated in an atmosphere of NH3 it gives (as also does Mn5N2) Mn5N2, (a dark mass with a metallic lustre, sp. gr. G-21), which, when heated in nitrogen is converted into Mn5N.;, and if heated in hydrogen evolves NH5 and disengages hydrogen from a solution of NH4C1. At all events, manganese is a metal which decomposes water more easily than iron, nickel, and cobalt. « Volume I. p. 157. Note 7. CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, URANIUM, ETC. 811 is expressed in the following manner : 3K2Mn04 -f 2H20=2KMn04 -f MnO2 + 4KHO. If there is a large proportion of acid and the de- composition is aided by heat, the manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate are also decomposed, with formation of raanganous salt. Exactly the same decomposition as takes place under the action of acids is also accomplished by magnesium sulphate, which reacts in many cases like an acid. When water holding atmospheric oxygen in solution acts on a solution of potassium manganate, the oxygen combines directly with the manganate and forms potassium permanganate, without precipitating manganese dioxide, 2K2MnO4 + O + H2O = 2KMnO4 + 2KHO. Thus a solution of potassium manganate undergoes a very characteristic change in colour and passes from green to red ; hence this salt received the name of chameleon mineral.2'2 Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, crystallises in well-formed, long red prisms with a bright green metallic lustre. In the arts the potash is frequently replaced by soda, and by other alkaline bases, but no salt of permanganic acid crystallises so well as the potassium salt, and therefore this salt is exclusively used in chemical laboratories. One part of the crystalline salt dissolves in 15 parts of water at the ordinary temperature, The solution is of a very deep red colour, which is so intense that it is still clearly observable after being highly diluted with wa'ter. In a solid state it is decomposed by heat, with evolution of- 23 It was known -to the alchemists by this name, but the true explanation of the> change in colour is due to the researches of Cbevillot, Edwards, Mitscherlich, and Forchhammer. The change in colour of potassium manganate is due to its insta- bility and to its splitting up into two other manganese compounds, a higher and & lower 8MnO3 = Mn . O7 + MnO.^. Manganese trioxide is really decomposed in this manner by the action of water (see later) : 8MnO3 + H2O = 2MnHO4 + MnO2 (Franke, Thorpe, and Humbly). The instability of the salt is proved by the fact of its being deoxidised by organic matter, with the formation of manganese dioxide .and alkali, so that, for instance, a solution of this salt cannot be filtered through paper. The presence of an excess of alkali increases the stability of the salt ; when heated it breaks up in the presence of water, wif,h the evolution of oxygen. The method of preparing potassium permanganate will be understood from the above. There are many recipes for preparing this substance, as it is now used in considerable quantities both for technical and laboratory purposes. But in all cases the essence of the methods is one and the same : a mixture of alkali with any oxide of manganese (even manganous hydroxide, which may be obtained from manganous chloride) is first heated in the presence of air or of an oxidising substance (for the sake of rapidity, with potassium chlorate) , the resultant mass is then treated with water and heated, when manganese dioxide is precipitated and potassium permanganate remains in solution. This solution may be boiled, as the liquid will contain free alkali ; but the solution cannot be evaporated to dryness, because a strong solution, as well as the solid salt, ia decomposed by heat. By adding a dilute solution of manganous sulphate to a boiling mixture of lead dioxide and dilute nitric acid, the whole of the manganese may be converted into per« manganic acid (Crtun) 312 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY oxygen, a residue consisting of the lower oxides of manganese ancT potassium oxide being left.22bi3 A mixture of permanganate of potas- sium, phosphorous and sulphur takes fire when struck or rubbed, a mixture of the permanganate with carbon only takes h're when heated, not when struck. The instability of the salt is also seen in the fact that its solution is decomposed by peroxide of hydrogen, which at the same time it decomposes. A number of substances reduce potassium permanganate to manganese dioxide (in which case the red solution becomes colourless).23 Many organic substances (although far from all, even when boiled in a solution of permanganate) act in this manner, being oxidised at the expense of a portion of its oxygen. Thus, a solution of sugar decomposes a cold solution of potassium permanganate. In the presence of an excess of alkali, with a small quantity of sugar, the reduction leads to the formation of potassium manganate, because 2KMn04 + 2KHO=0 + 2K2Mn04 + H2O. With a considerable amount of sugar and a more prolonged action, the solution turns brown and precipitates manganese dioxide or even oxide. In the oxidation of many organic bodies by an alkaline solution of KMnO4 generally three- eighths of the oxygen in the salt are utilised for oxidation : 2KMn04 =K2O -j-2Mn02 + O3. A portion of the alkali liberated is retained by the manganese dioxide, and the other portion generally combines with the substance oxidised, because the latter most frequently gives an acid with an excess of alkali. A solution of potassium iodide acts in a similar manner, being converted into potassium iodate at the expense of the three atoms of oxygen disengaged by two molecules of potassium permanganate. In the presence of acids, potassium permanganate acts as an oxidising agent with still greater energy than in the presence of alkalis. At any rate, a greater proportion of oxygen is then available for oxidation, namely, not f , as in the presence of alkalis, but f , because in the first instance manganese dioxide is formed, and in the second case mangan- ous oxide, or rather the salt, MnX2, corresponding with it. Thus, for 22 bis The solution of this salt with an. excess of impure commercial alkali generally acquires a green tint. 23 A solution of potassium permanganate gives a beautiful absorption spectrum (Chapter XIII.) If the light in passing through this solution loses a portion pf its rays in it (if one may so account for it), this is partially explained by the increased oxidising power which the solution then acquires. We may here also remark that a dilute solution of permanganate of potassium forms a colourless solution with nickel salts, because the green colour of the solution of nickel salts is complementary to the red. Such a decolorised solution, containing a large proportion of nickel and a small proportion of manganese, decomposes after a time, throws down a precipitate, and re-acquires the green colour proper to the nickel salts. The addition of a solution of a cobalt salt (rose- red) to the nickel salt also destroys the colour of both salts. CHKOMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, UKANIUM, ETC. 313 instance, in the presence of an excess of sulphuric acid, the decom- position is accomplished in the following manner : 2KMn04 + 3H2SO4 ==K2S04 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5O. This decomposition, however, does not proceed directly on mixing a solution of the salt with sulphuric acid, and crystals of the salt even dissolve in oil of vitriol without the evolution of oxygen, and this solution only decomposes by degrees after a certain time. This is due to the fact that sulphuric acid liberates free permanganic acid from the permanganate,24 which acid is stable in solution. But if, in the presence of acids and a permanganate, there 24 If sulphuric acid is allowed to act on potassium permanganate without any special precautions, a large amount of oxygen is evolved (it may even explode and inflame), and a violet spray of the decomposing permanganic acid is given off. But if the pure salt (i.e. free from chlorine) be dissolved in pure well-cooled sulphuric acid, without any rise in temperature, a green-coloured liquid settles at the bottom of the vessel. This liquid does not contain any sulphuric acid, and consists of permanganic anhydride, MnaO7 (Aschoff, Terreil). It is impossible to prepare. any considerable quantity of the anhydride by this method, as it decomposes with an explosion as it collects, evolving oxygen and leaving red oxide of manganese. Permanganic anhydride, Mn.^O;, in dissolving in sulphuric acid, gives a green solution, which (according to Franke, 1887) con- tains a compound Mn2S010 = (MnO3)iSO4— that is, sulphuric acid in which both hydro- gens are replaced by the group MnO3, which is combined with OK in permanganate of potassium. This mixture with a small quantity of water gives Mn.^,O7, according to the equation: (MnO3)2SO4-t- H^O =» IL^O.^ + Mn207, and when heated to 80° it gives man- ganese- trioxide, (MnO5J2SO4 + H.jO = 2MnOa + H2SO4 + O. Pure manganese trioxide is obtained if the solution of (Mn03)2SO4 be poured in drops on to sodium carbonate. Then, together with carbonic anhydride, a spray of manganese trioxide passes over, which may be collected in a well-cooled receiver, and this shows that the reaction proceeds according to the equation . (MnO3)2SO4 + Na^COj - Na.;S04 + 2MnO3 + C02 + O (Thorpe). The trioxide is decomposed by water, forming manganese dioxide and a solution of permanganic acid: 8MnO3 + H;O = MnOi + 2HMn04. The same acid is obtained by dissolving permanganic anhydride in water. Barium permanganate when treated with sulphuric acid gives the same acid. This barium salt may be prepared by the action of barium chloride on the difficultly soluble silver permanganate, AgMnO4, which is precipitated on mixing a strong solution of the potassium salt with silver nitrate. The solution of permanganic acid forms a bright red liquid which reflects a dark violet tint. A dilute solution has exactly the same colour as that of the potassium salt. It deposits manganese dioxide when exposed to the action of light, and also when heated above 60°, and this proceeds the more rapidly the more dilute the solution. It shows its oxidising properties in many cases, as already mentioned. Even hydrogen gas is absorbed by a solution of permanganic acid ; and charcoal and sulphur are also oxidised by it, as they are by potassium permanganate. This may be taken advantage of in analysing gunpowder, because when it is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, all the sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid and all the charcoal into carbonic anhydride. Finely-divided platinum immediately decomposes permanganic acid. With potassium iodide it liberates iodine (which may afterwards be oxidised into iodic acid) (Mitscherlich, Fromherz, Aschoff, and others). Ammonia does not form a corresponding salt with free permanganic acid, because it is oxidised with evolution of nitrogen. The oxidising action of permanganic acid in a strong solution may be accompanied by flame and the formation of violet fumes of permanganic acid ; thus a strong solution of it takes fire when brought into contact with paper, alcohol, alkaline sulphides, fats, &c. We may add that, according to Franke, 1 part of potassium permanganate with 18 814 PRINCIPLES OF CHEM1STBY is a substance capable of absorbing oxygen— for instance, capable o£ passing into a higher grade of oxidation — then the reduction of the permanganic acid into manganous oxides sometimes proceeds directly at the ordinary temperature. This reduction is very clearly seen, because the solutions of potassium permanganate are red whilst the manganous salts are almost colourless. Thus, for instance, nitrous acid and its salts are converted into nitric acid and decolorise the acid solution, of the permanganate. Sulphurous anhydride and its salts immediately decolorise potassium permanganate, forming sulphuric acid. Ferrous salts, and in general salts of lower grades of oxidation capable of being oxidised in solution, act in exactly the same manner. Sulphuretted hydrogen is also oxidised to sulphuric acid ; even mercury is oxidised at the expense of permanganic acid, and decolorises its solution, being converted into mercuric oxide. Moreover, the end point of these reactions may easily be seen, and therefore, having first determined the amount of active oxygen in one volume of a solution of potassium permanganate, and knowing how many volumes are required to effect a given oxidation, it is easy to determine the amount of an oxidisable substance in a solution from the amount of permanganate expended (Marguerite's method). The oxidising action of KMnO4, like all other chemical reactions, is not accomplished instantaneously, but only gradually. And, as the course of the reaction is here easily followed by determining the amount of salt unchanged in a sample taken at a given moment,25 the oxidising reaction of potassium permanganate, in an acid liquid, was employed by Harcourt and Esson (1865) as one of the first cases for the investigation of the laws of the rate of chemical change^ as a subject of great import- ance in chemical mechanics. In their experiments they took oxalic acid,- parts of sulphuric acid at 100° gives brown crystals of the salt Mn.2(SO4)3,H2SO4,4H_,0, which gives a precipitate of hydrated -manganese dioxide, H2MnO5 = MnOjH^O, when treated with water. Spring, by precipitating potassium permanganate with sodium sulphite and washing the precipitate by decantation, obtained a soluble colloidal manganese oxide, whose composition was the mean between Mn3O5 and MnO2 — namely, MnaO3,4(Mn02HQO). 25 For rapid and accurate determinations of this kind, advantage is taken of those methods of chemical analysis which are known as ' titrations ' (volumetric analysis), and consist in measuring the volume of solutions of known strength required for the complete conversion of a given substance. Details respecting the theory and practice of titration, in which potassium permanganate is very frequently employed, must be looked for in works on analytical chemistry. 20 The measurements of velocity and acceleration serve for determining the measure of forces in mechanics, but in that case the velocities are magnitudes of length or paths passed over in a unit of .time. The velocity of chemical change embodies a conception of quite another kind. In the first place, the velocities of reactions are magnitudes of the masses which have entered into chemical transformations ; in the second place, these velocities can onlv be relative Quantities. Hence the conceotion of ' velocity ' has auite a CHKOMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, UKANIUM, ETC. 315 C2H204, which in oxidising gives carbonic anhydride, whilst, with an excess of sulphuric acid, the potassiym permanganate is converted into manganous sulphate, MnS04, so that the ultimate oxidation will be expressed by the equation: 5C2H204-f2MnK04 + 3H2S04 = 10C02 + K2S04 + 2MnS04 + 6H2O. The influence of the relative amount of sulphuric acid is seen from the annexed table, which gives the measure of reaction p per 100 parts of potassium permanganate, taken four minutes after mixing, using n molecules of sulphuric acid, H2S04, per 2KMnO4 + 5C2H204 n = 2 4 6 8 12 16 22 p =22 36 51 63 77 86 92. showing that in a given time (4 minutes) the oxidation is the more perfect the greater the amount of sulphuric acid taken for given amounts of KMnO4 and C2H2O4. It is obvious also that the temperature and relative amount of every one of the acting and resulting substances should show its influence on the relative velocity of reaction ; thus; for instance, direct experiment showed the influence of the admixture of manganous sulphate. When a large proportion of oxalic acid (108 molecules) was taken to a large mass of water and to 2 molecules of permanganate 14 molecules of manganous sulphate were added, the quantity x of the potassium permanganate acted on (in percentages of the potassium permanganate taken) in t minutes (at 16°)- was as follows : *=2 5 8 11 14 44 47 53 61 68 JB= 5-2 12-1 18-7 25-1 31-3 68-4 717 75-8 79-8 83-0 These figures show that the rate of reaction — that is, the quantity of permanganate changed in one minute — decreases proportionally to the decrease in the amount of unchanged potassium permanganate. At the different meaning in chemistry from what it has in mechanics. Their only common factor is time. If dt be the increment of time and dx the quantity of a substance changed in this space of time, then the fraction (or quotient) dx.'dt will express the rate of the reaction. The natural conclusion, come to both byHarcourt andEsson, and previously to them (1850) by Wilhelmj (who investigated the rate of conversion, or inversion, of sugar in its passage into glucose), consists in establishing that this velocity is proportional to the quantity of substances still unchanged— i.e. that dx'dt = C(A.-x), where C is a constant coefficient of proportionality, and where A is the quantity of a substance taken for reaction at the moment when t = 0 and a? = 0 — that is, at the beginning of the experiment, from which the time t and quantity x of substance changed is counted. On integrating the preceding equation we obtain \og(A./A-x)--=kt, where A; is a new constant, if we take ordinary (and not natural) logarithms. Hence, knowing A, x, and t, for each reaction, we find k, and it proves to be a constant quantity. Thus from the figures cited in the text for the reaction 2KMnO4 + 108C2H2O4+14MnSO4, it may be calculated that /t = 0'0114; for example, < = 44, a; = 68'4 (A = 100), whence A;i = 0'5004 and # = 0-0114, (see also Chapter XIV., Note 3, and Chapter XXVII., Note 25 bis). 316 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY commencement, about 2-6. per cent, of the salt taken was decomposed in the course of one minute, whilst after an hour the rate was about 0'5 per cent. The same phenomena are observed in every case which has been investigated, and this branch of theoretical or physical chemistry, now studied by many,27 promises to explain the course of chemical transformations from a fresh point of view, which is closely allied to the doctrine of affinity, because the rate of reaction, without doubt, is connected with the magnitude of the affinities acting between the reacting substances. 2l The researches' made by Hood, Van't Hoff, Oetwald, Warder, Menschutkin, Kono- valoff, and others have a particular significance in this direction. Owing to the com- parative novelty of this subject, and the absence of applicable as well as indubitable deductions, I consider it impossible to enter into this provinc'e of theoretical chemistry, although I am quite confident that its development should lead to very important results, especially in respect to chemical equilibria, for Van't Hoff has already shown that the limit of reaction in reversible reactions is determined by the attainment of equal velocities for tho opposite reactions. 317 CHAPTER XXII IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL JUDGING from the' atomic weights, and the forms of the higher oxides of the elements already considered, it is easy to form an idea of the seven groups of the periodic system. Such are, for instance, the typical series Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, or the third series, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl. The seven usual types of oxides from R2O to R2O7 correspond with them (Chapter XV.) The position of the eighth group is quite separate, and is determined by the fact that, as we have already seen, in each group of metals having a greater atomic weight than potassium a distinction ought to be ..made between the elements of the even and uneven series* The series of even elements, commencing with a strikingly alkaline element (potassium, rubidium, caesium), together with the uneven series following it, and concluding with a haloid (chlorine, bromine, iodine), forms a large period, the properties of whose members repeat themselves in other similar periods. The elements of the eighth group are situated between the elements of the even series and the ele- ments of the uneven series following them. And for this reason elements of the eighth group are found in the middle of each large period. The properties of the elements belonging to it, in many respects independent and striking, are shown with typical clearness in the case of iron, the well-known representative of this group. Iron is one of those elements which are not only widely diffused in the crust of the earth, but also throughout the entire universe. Its- oxides and their various compounds are found in the most diverse portions of the earth's crust ; but here iron is always found combined with some other element. Iron is not found on the earth's surface in a free state, because it easily oxidises under the action of air. It is occasionally found in the native state in meteorites, or aerolites, which fall upon the earth. Meteoric iron is formed outside the earth.1 Meteorites are fragments "which are carried round the sun in orbits, and fall upon the earth The composition of meteoric iron is variable. It generally contains nickel, phos- phorus, carbon, &c* The echreibersite of meteoric stones contains Fe4Ni2P. 818 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY when coming into proximity with it during their motion in space. The meteoric dust, on passing through the upper parts of the atmosphere, and becoming incandescent from friction with the gases, produces that phenomenon which is familiar under the name of falling stars.2 Such is 2 Comets and the rings of Saturn ought now to b6 considered as consisting of an accumulation of such meteoric cosmic particles. Perhaps the part played by these minute bodies scattered throughout space is much more important in the formation of the largest celestial bodies than has hitherto bean imagined. The investigation of this branch of astronomy, due to Schiaparelli, has a bearing on the whole of natural Science. The question arises as to why the iron in meteorites is in a free state, whilst on earth it is in a state of combination. Does not this tend to show that the condition of our globe is very different from that of the rest? My answer to this question has been already given in Volume I. p. 877, Note 57. It is my opinion that inside the earth there is a mass similar in composition to meteorites— that is, containing rdcky matter and metallic iron, partly carburetted. In conclusion, I consider it will not be out of place to add the following explanations. According to the theory of the distribution of pres- sures (sae my treatise, On Barometrical Levelling, 1876, pages 48 et scq.) in an atmo. sphere of mixed gases, it follows that two gases, whose densities are d and dlt and whose grelative quantities or partial pressures at a certain distance from the centre of gravity Are h and h^ will, when at a greater distance from the centre of attraction, present a -different ratio of their masses x : a^— that is, of their partial pressures— which may be •found by the equation fZ^log h — log x) — d(\og h\ — log Xi). If, for instance, d : di = 2 : 1, and h = hi (that is to say, the masses are equal at the lower height) = 1000, then when # = 10 the magnitude of Xi will not be 10 (i.e. the mass of a gas at a higher level whose density =1 will not be equal to the mass of a gas whose density =2, as was the case at a lower level), but much greater — namely, xl = 100 — that is, the lighter gas will pre» dominate over a heavier one at a higher level. Therefore, when the whole mass of the earth was in a state of vapour, the substances having a greater vapour density accumu- lated about the centre and those with a lesser vapour density at the surface. And as •the vapour densities depend on the atomic and molecular weights, those substances which "have small atomic and molecular weights ought to have accumulated at the surface, and those with high atomic and molecular weights, which are the least volatile and the easiest to condense, at the centre. Thus it becomes apparent why such light elements as liydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, •sulphur, chlorine^ potassium, calcium, and their compounds predominate at the surface .and largely form the earth's crust. There is also now much iron in the sun, as spectrum analysis shows, and therefore it must have entered into the composition of the earth And other planets, but would have accumulated at the centre, because the density of its vapour is certainly large and it easily condenses. There was also oxygen near the centre of the earth, but not sufficient to combine with the iron. The former, as a much lighter element, principally accumulated at the surface, where we at the present time find all oxidised compounds and even a remnant of free oxygen. This gives the possibility not only of explaining in accordance with cosmogonic theories the pre- dominance of oxygen compounds on the surface of the earth, with the occurrence of unoxidised iron in the interior of the earth and in meteorites, but also of understanding •why the density of the whole earth (over 5) is far greater than that of the rocks (1 to 3) composing its crust. And if all the preceding arguments and theories (for instance the supposition that the sun, earth, and all the planets were formed of an elementary homogeneous mass, formerly composed of vapours and gases) be -true, it must be ad- mitted that the interior of the earth and other planets contains metallic (unoxidised) iron, which, however, is only found on t'ae surface as aerolites. And then assuming that .aerolites are the fragments of plrnets which have crumbled to pieces so to say .during cooling (this has been held to be the case by astronomers, judging from the paths IRON, COBALT AND NICKEL 319 the doctrine concerning meteorites, and therefore the fact of their containing rocky (siliceous) matter and metallic iron shows that outside the earth the elements and their aggpegation are in some degree the same as upon the earth itself. The most widely diffused terrestrial compound of iron is iron bisulphide, FeS2, or iron pyrites. It occurs in formations of both aqueous and igneous origin, and sometimes in enormous masses. It is a substance having a greyish-yellow colour, with a metallic lustre, and a specific gravity of 5*0 ; it crystallises in the regular) system.2 bis The oxides are the principal ores used for producing metallic iron. The majority of the ores contain ferric oxide, Fe.2O3, either in a free state or combined with water, or else in combination with ferrous oxide, JTeO The species and varieties of iron ores are numerous and diverse. Ferric oxide in a separate form appears sometimes as crystals of the rhombohedric system, having a metallic lustre and greyish steel colour ; they areJbrittle, and form a red powder, specific gravity about 5-25. Ferric oxide in type of oxidation and properties resembles alumina ; it is, however, although with difficulty, soluble in acids even when anhydrous. The crystalline oxide bears the name of specular iron ore, but ferric oxide most often occurs in a non-crystalline form, in masses having a red fracture, and is then known as red hcematite. In this form, however, it is rather a rare ore, and is principally found in veins. The hydrates of ferric oxide, ferric hydroxides,3 are most. of aerolites), it is readily understood why they should be composed of metallic iron, and this would explain its occurrence in the depths of the earth, which we assumed as the basis of our theory of the formation of naphtha (Chapter VIII., Notes 67-60). *bls Immense deposits of iron pyrites are known in various parts of Russia. On the river Msta, near Borovitsi, thousands of tons are yearly collected from the detritus of the neighbouring rocks. In the Governments of Tou!a, Riazan, and in the Donets district continuous layers of pyrites occur among the coal seam". Very thick beds of pyrites are also known in many parts of the Caucasus. But the deposits of the Urals are par» ticularly vast, and have been worked for a long time. Amongst these I will only indicate the deposits on the Soymensky estate near the Kishteimsky works; the Kaletinsky deposits near the Virhny-Isetsky works (containing 1-2 p.c. Cu) ; on the banks of the river Koushaivi near Koushvi (3-5 p.c. Cu), and the deposits near the Bogoslovsky works (3-5 p.c. Cu). Iron pyrites (especially that containing copper which is extracted ifter roasting) is now chiefly employed for roasting, as a source of SO^ for the manufac* ture of chamber sulphuric acid (Vol.1, p. 291), but the remaining oxide of iron is per- fectly suitable for smelting into pig iron, although it gives a sulphurous pig iron (the sulphur may be easily removed by subsequent treatment, especially with the aid of ferro-manganese in Bessemer's process). The great technical importance of iron pyrites leads to its sometimes being imported from great distances; for instance, into England from Spain. Besides which, when heated in closed retorts FeS^ gives sulphur, and if allowed to oxidise in damp air, green vitriol, FeSO4. 3 The hydrated ferric oxide is found in nature in a dual form. It is somewhat rarely met with in the form of a crystalline mineral called gttthite, whose specific gravity is i'4 *c 820 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY often found in aqueous or stratified formations, and are knovrn as brown hcematites ; they generally have a brown colour, form a yellowish- brown powder, and have no metallic lustre but an earthy appearance. They easily dissolve in acids and diffuse through other formations, espe- cially clays (for instance, ochre) ; they sometimes occur in reniform and similar masses,, evidently of aqueous origin. Such are, for instance, the so-called bog or lake aiidvpeat ores found at the bottom of marshes and lakes, and also under and in peat beds. This ore is formed from water' containing ferrous carbonate in solution, which, after absorbing1 oxygen, deposits ferric hydroxide. In rivers and springs, iron is found in solution as ferrous carbonate through the agency of carbonic acid : hence the existence of chalybeate springs containing FeC03. This ferrous carbonate, or siderite, is either found as a non -crystalline product of evidently aqueous origin, or as a crystalline spar called spathic iron ore. The reniform deposits of the former are most re- markable ; "they are called spherosiderites, and sometimes form whole strata in the Jurassic and carboniferous formations. Magnetic iron ore, Fe3O4 = FeO,Fe2O3, in virtue of its purity and practical uses, is a very important ore ; it is a compound of the ferrous and ferric oxides, is naturally magnetic, has a specific gravity of 5-1, .crystallises in well-formed crystals of the regular system, is with diffi- culty soluble in acids, and sometimes forms enormous masses, as, for instance, Mount Blagodat in the Ural.. However, in most cases— for instance, at Korsak-Mogila (to the north of Berdiansk and Nogaiska, near the Sea of Azov), or at Krivoi Rog (to the west of Ekaterinoslav)-^. the magnetic iron ore is mixed with other iron 'ores. In the Urals, the Caucasus (without mentioning Siberia), and in the districts adjoining the basin of the Don, Russia possesses the richest iron ores in the world. To the south of Moscow, in the Governments of Toula and Nijni- novgorod, in the Olonetz district, and in the Government of Orloffsky (near Zinovieff in the district of Kromsky), and in many other places, there are likewise abundant supplies of iron ores amongst the deposited aqueous formations ; the siderite of Orloffsky, for instance, is dis- tinguished by its great purity.4 and composition Fe^H204, or FeHO.j— that is, one of oxide of iron to one of water, Fe^Os,!!./); frequently found as brown ironstone, forming a dense mass of fibrous, reniform deposits containing SFejO^SH^O— that is, having a composition Fe4H6O9. In bog ore and other similar ores we most often find a mixture of this hydrated ferric oxide with clay and other impurities. The specific gravity of such formations is rarely as high as 4-0. 4 The ores of iron, similarly to all substances extracted from veins and deposits, are worked according to mining practice by means of vertical, horizontal, or inclined shafts which reach and penetrate the veins and strata containing the ore deposits. The mass of ore excavated is raised to the surface, then sorted either by hand or else in 1BON. COBALT, AND NICKEL 821 Iron is also found in the form of various other compounds — for instance, in certain silicates, and also in some phosphates ; but these forms are comparatively rare in nature in a pure state, and have not the industrial importance of those natural compounds of iron pre- viously mentioned. In small quantities iron enters into the composi- tion of every kind of soil and all rocky formations. As ferrous oxide, FeO, is isomorphous with magnesia, and ferric oxide, Fe203, with alumina, isomorphous substitution is possible here, and hence minerals are not unfrequently found in which the quantity of iron varies con- siderably ; such, for instance, are pyroxene, amphibole, certain varieties of mica, &c. Although much iron oxide is deleterious to the growth of vegetation, still plants do not flourish without iron ; it enters as an indispensable component into the composition of all higher organisms ; in the ash of plants we always tind more or less of its compounds. It also occurs in blood, and forms one of the colouring matters in it ; 100 parts of the blood of the highest organisms contain about 0*05 of iron. The reduction of the ores of iron into metallic iron is in prin- teiple very simple, because when the oxides of iron are strongly heated with charcoal, hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and other reducing agents,* they easily give metallic iron. But the matter is rendered more special sorting apparatus (generally acting with water to wash the ore), and is subjected to roasting and other treatment. In every case the ore contains foreign matter. In the extraction of iron, which is one of the cheapest metals, the dressing of an ore is in most cases unprofitable, and only ores rich in metal are worked— namely, those containing at least 20 p.c. It is often profitable to transport very rich and pure ores (with as much as 70 p.c. of iron) from long distances. The details concerning the working and extraction of metals will be found in special treatises on metallurgy and mining. 4 The reduction of iron oxides by hydrogen belongs to the order of reversible re- actions (Chapter II.), and is therefore determined by a limit which is here expressed by the attainment of the same pressure as in the case where hydrogen acts on iron oxides, and as in the case where (at the same temperature) water is decomposed by metaHRc iron. The calculations referring to this matter were made by Henri Sainte-Claire Deville (1870). Spongy iron was placed in a tube having a temperature t, one end of which was connected with a vessel containing water at 0° (vapour tension = 4*6 mm.) and the other end with a mercury pump and pressure gauge which determined the limiting tension attained by the dry hydrogen p (subtracting the tension of the water vapour from the tension observed). A tube was then taken containing an excess of iron oxide. It was filled with hydrogen, and the tension pl observed of the residual hydrogen when the water was condensed at 0°. t = 200° 440° 860° 1040° p = 95' 9 25'8 12'8 9'2 mm. p±= — — 12' 8 9 '4 mm. The equality of the pressure (tension) of the hydrogen in the two cases is evident. The hydrogen here behaves like the vapour of iron or of its oxide. By taking ferric oxide, Fe2O3, Moissan observed that at 850° it passed into magnetic oxide, Fe5O4, at 500° into ferrous oxide, PeO, and at 600° into metallic iron. Wright and Luff (1878), whilst investigating the reduction of oxides, found that (a) the temperature of reaction depends on the condition of the oxide taken — for instance 322 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY difficult by the fact that the iron does not melt at the heat developed by the combustion of the charcoal, and therefore it does not separate from those mechanically mixed impurities which are found in the iron ore. This is obviated by the following very remarkable property of iron : at a high temperature it is capable of combining with a small quantity (from 2 to 5 p.c ) of carbon, and then forms cast iron, which easily melts in the heat developed by the combustion of charcoal in air. For this reason metallic iron is not obtained directly from the ore, but is only formed after the further treatment of the cast iron } the first product extracted from the ore being cast iron. The fused mass dis- poses itself in the furnace below the slag — that is, the impurities of the ore fused by the heat of the furnace. If these impurities did not fuse they would block up the furnace in which the ore was being smelted, and the continuous smelting of the cast iron would not be possible ; 6 it would be necessary periodically to cool the furnace and heat it up again, which means a wasteful expenditure of fuel, and hence in the production of cast iron, the object in view is to obtain all the earthy impurities of the ore in the shape of a fused mass or slag. Only in rare cases does the ore itself form a mass which fuses at the temperature employed, and these cases are objectionable if much iron oxide is carried away in the slag. The impurities of the ores most often consist of certain mixtures — for instance, a mixture of clay and sand, or a mixture of limestone and clay, or quartz, &c. These precipitated ferric oxide is reduced by hydrogen at 85°, that obtained by oxidising the metal or from its nitrate at 175° ; (b) when other conditions are the same the reduction by carbonic oxide commences earlier than that by hydrogen, and the reduction by hydrogen still earlier than that by charcoal ; (c) the reduction is effected with greater facility when a greater quantity of heat is evolved during the reaction. Ferric oxide obtained by heating ferrous sulphate to a red heat begins to be reduced by carbonic oxide at 202°, by hydrogen at 260°, by charcoal at 480°, whilst for magnetic oxide, Fe3C>4, the temperatures are 200°, 290°, and 450° respectively. c The primitive methods of iron manufacture were conducted by intermittent pro- cesses in hearths resembling smiths' fires. As evidenced by the uninterrupted action of the steam boiler, or the process of lime burning, and the continuous preparation and condensation of sulphuric acid or the uninterrupted smelting of iron, every industrial process becomes increasingly profitable and complete under the condition of the con- tinuous action, as far as possible, of all agencies concerned in the production. This continuous method of production is the first condition for the profitable production on the large scale of nearly all industrial products. This method lessens the cost of labour, simplifies the supervision of the work, renders the product uniform, and fre- quently introduces a very great economy in the expenditure of fuel and at the same time presents the simplicity and perfection of an equilibrated system. Hence every manu- facturing operation should be a continuous one, and the manufacture of pig iron and sulphuric acid, which have long since become so, may be taken as examples in many respects. A study of these two manufactures should form the commencement of an acquaintance with all the contemporary methods of manufacturing both from a tech* nical and economical point of view. IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 323 impurities do not separate of themselves, or do not fuse. The difficulty of the industry lies in forming an easily-fusible slag, into which the whole of the foreign matter of the- ore would pass and flow down to the bottom of the furnace above the heavier cast iron. This is effected by mixing certain fluxes with the ore and charcoal, A flux is a substance which, when mixed with the foreign matter of the ore, forms a fusible vitreous mass or slag. The flux used for silica is limestone with clay ; for limestone a definite quantity of silica is used, the best procedure having been arrived at by experiment and by long practice in iron smelting and other metallurgical processes*7 Thus the following materials have to be introduced into the furnace where the smelting of the iron ore is carried on : (1) the iron ore, composed of oxide of iron and foreign matter ; (2) the flux required to form a fusible slag with the foreign matter ; (3) the carbon which is necessary (a) for reducing, (6) for combining with the reduced iron to form cast iron, (c) principally for the purpose of combustion and the heat generated thereby, necessary not only for reducing the iron and transforming it into cast iron, but also for melting the slag, as well as the cast iron — and (4) the air necessary for the combustion of the charcoal. The air is introduced after a preparatory heating in order to economise fuel and to obtain the highest temperature. The air is forced in under pressure by means of a special blast arrangement. This permits of an exact regulation of the heat and rate of smelting. All these component parts necessary for the smelting of iron must be contained in a vertical, that is; shaft furnace, which at the base must have a receptacle for the accumulation of the slag and cast iron formed, in order that the operation may proceed without interruption. The walls of such a furnace ought to be built of fireproof materials if it be 7 The composition of slag suitable for iron smelting most often approaches the following : 50 to 60 p.c. SiO2, 5 to 20 A18O3, the rest of the mass consisting of MgO, CaO, MnO, FeO. Thus the most fusible slag (according to the observations of Bodeman) contains the alloy Al2O5,4CaO,7SiO2. On altering the quantity of magnesia and lime, and especially of the alkalis (which increases the fusibility) and of1 silica (which decreases it), the temperature of fusion changes with the relation between the total quantity of oxygen and that in the silica. Slags of the composition) RO,SiO2 are easily fusible, have a vitreous appearance, and are very common. Basic slags approach the composition 2RO,Si02. Hence, knowing the composition and quantity of the foreign matter in the ore, it is at once easy to find the quantity and quality of the flux which must be added to form a suitable slag. The smelting of iron is rendered more complex by the fact that the silica, SiO2, which enters into the slag and fluxes is capable of form- ing a slag with the iron oxides. In order that the least quantity of iron may pass into the slag, it is necessary for it to be reduced before the temperature is attained at which the slags are formed (about 1000°), which is effected by reducing the iron, not with char- coal itself, but with carbonic oxide. From this it will be understood how the progress of the whole treatment may be judged by the properties of the slags. Details of this complicated and well-studied subject will be found in works on metallurgy. 824 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY designed to serve for the continuous production of cast iron by charging the ore, fuel, and flux into the mouth of the furnace, forcing a blast of air into the lower part, and running out the molten iron and slag from below. The whole operation is conducted in furnaces known as blast furnaces. The annexed illustration, fig. 93 (which is taken by kind permission from Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry), represents the vertical section of such a furnace. These furnaces are generally of large dimensions — varying from 50 to 90 feet in height. They are sometimes built against rising ground in order to afford easy access to the top where the ore, flux, and charcoal or coke are charged.8 8 The section of a blast furnace is represented by two truncated cones joined at their bases, the upper cone being longer than the lower one ; the lower cone is terminated by the hearth, or almost cylindrical cavity in whichj the cast iron and slag collect, one side being provided with apertures for drawing off the iron and slag. The air is blown into the blast furnace through special pipes, situated, over the hearth, as shown in the section. The air previously passes through a series ;of cast-iron pipes, heated by the combustion of the carbonic oxide obtained from Jthe upper parts of the furnace, where it is formed as in a ' gas-producer.' The blast furnace acts continuously until it is worn out ; the iron is tapped off twicer day, and the furnace is allowed to cool a little from time to time so as not to be spoilt by the increasing heat, and to enable it to withstand long usage. Blast furnaces worked", with charcoal fuel are not so high, and in general give a smaller yield than those using coke, because the latter are worked with heavier charges than those in which charcoal is employed. Coke furnaces yield 20,000 tons and over of pig iron a year. In the United States there are blast furnaces 30 metres high, and upwards of 600 cubic metres capacity, yielding as much as 130,000 tons of pig iron, requiring a blast of about 750 cubic metres of air per minute, heated to' 600°, and consuming about 0*85 part of coke per 1 part of pig iron produced. At the present time the world produces as much as 30 million tons of pig iron a year, about T% of which is converted into wrought iron and steel. The chief producers are the United States (about 10 million tons a year) and England (about 9 million tons a year) ; Russia yields about 1£ million tons a year. The world's production has doubled during the last 20 years,, and in this respect the United States have outrun all other countries. The reason of this increase of production must be looked for in the increased demand for iron and steel for railway purposes, for structures (especially ship-building), and in the fact that : (a)' the cost of pig iron has fallen, thanks to the erection of large furnaces and a fuller study of the processes taking place in them, and (6) that every kind of iron ore (even sulphurous and phosphoritic) can now be converted into a homogeneous steel. In order to more thoroughly grasp the chemical process which takes place in blast furnaces, it is necessary to follow the course of the material charged in at the top and of 'the air passing through the furnace. From 50 to 200 parts of carbon are expended on 100 parts of iron. The ore, flux, and coke are charged into the top of the furnace, in layers, as the cast iron is formed in the lower parts and flowing down to the bottom causes the whole contents of the furnace to subside, thus forming an empty space at the top, which is again filled up with the afore-mentioned mixture. During its down* ward course this mixture is subjected to increasing heat. This rise of temperature first drives off the moisture of the ore mixture, and then leads to the formation of the products of the dry distillation of coal or charcoal. Little by little the subsiding mass attains a temperature at which the heated carbon reacts with the carbonic anhydride passing upwards through the furnace and transforms it into carbonic oxide. This is the reason why carbonic anhydride is not evolved from the furnace, but only carbonic oxide. As regards the ore itself, on being heated to about 600° to 800° it is reduced at the expense of the carbonic oxide ascending the furnace, and formed by the contact of IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 325 The cast iron formed in blast furnaces is not always of the same quality. When slowly cooled it is soft, has a grey colour, and is not the carbonic anhydride with the incandescent charcoal, so that the reduction in the blast furnace is without doubt brought about by the formation and decomposition of carbonic oxide and not by carbon itself— thus, Fe2O3 + 3CO = Fe2 + 8C02. The reduced iron, on further subsidence and contact with carbon, forms cast iron, which flows to the bottom of the furnace. In these lower layers, where the temperature is highest (about 1,800°), 15-0 1 Flo. 93.— Vertical section of a modern Cleveland blast furnace capable of producing 300 to 1,000 tons of pig iron weekly. The outer casing is of riveted iron plates, the furnace being lined with re- fractory fire-brick. It is closed at the top by a • cap and cone ' arrangement, by means of which the charge can be fed into the furnace at suitable intervals by lowering the moveable cone. the foreign matter of the ore finally forms slag, which also is fusible, with the aid of fluxes. The air blown in from below, through the so-called tuyeres, encounters carbon in the lower layers of the furnace, and burns it, converting it into carbonic anhydride. It is evident that this develops the highest temperature in these lower layers of the furnace, because here the combustion of the carbon is effected by heated and compressed air. This is very essential, for it is by virtue of this high temperature that the process of forming the slag and of forming and fusing the cast iron are effected 826 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY completely soluble in acids. When treated with acids a residue of graphite remains ; it is known as grey or soft cast iron. This is the general form of the ordinary cast iron used for casting various objects, because in this state it is not so brittle as in the shape of white cast iron, which does not leave particles of graphite when dissolved, but yields its carbon in the form of hydrocarbons. This white cast iron is characterised by its whitish-grey colour, dull lustre, the crystalline structure of its fracture (more homogeneous than that of grey iron), and such hardness that a file will hardly cut it. When white cast iron is produced (from manganese ore) at high temperatures (and with an ex- cess of lime), and containing little sulphur and silica but a considerable amount of carbon (as much as 5 p.c.), it acquires a coarse crystalline structure which increases in proportion to the amount of manganese, and it is then known under the name of ' spiegeleisen ' (and 'ferro- 9 simultaneously in these lower portions of the furnace. The carbonic acid formed in these parts rises higher, encounters incandescent carbon, and forms with it carbonic oxide. This heated carbonic oxide acts as a reducing agent on the iron ore, and is re- converted by it into carbonic anhydride ; this gas meets with more carbon, and again forms carbonic oxide, which again acts as a reducing agent. The final transformation of the carbonic anhydride into carbonic oxide is effected in those parts of the furnace where the reduction of the oxides of iron does not take place, but where the temperature^ is still high enough to reduce the carbonic anhydride. The ascending mixture of carbonic oxide and nitrogen, COj, &c., is then withdrawn through special lateral apertures formed in the upper cold parts of the furnace walls, and is conducted through pipes to those stoves which are used for heating the air, and also nometimes into other furnaces used for the further processes of iron manufacture. The fuel of blast furnaces consists of wood charcoal (this is the most expensive material, but the pig iron pro- duced is the purest, because charcoal does not contain any sulphur, while coke does), anthracite (for instance, in Pennsylvania, and in Russia at Pastouhoff's works in the Don district), coke, coal, and even wood and peat. It must be borne in mind that the utilisation of naphtha and naphtha refuse would probably give very profitable results in metallurgical processes. The process just described is accompanied by a series of other processes. Thus, for instance, in the blast furnace a considerable quantity of cyanogen compounds are formed. This takes place because the nitrogen of the air blast comes into contact with incan- descent carbon and various alkaline matters contained in the foreign matter of the ores. A considerable quantity of potassium cyanide is formed when wood charcoal is employed for iron smelting, as its ash is rich in potash. 9 The specific gravity of white cast iron is about 7'5. Grey cast iron has a much lower specific gravity, namely, 7'0. Grey cast iron generally contains less manganese and more silica than white ; but both contain from 2 to 8 p.c. of carbon. The difference between the varieties of cast iron depends on the condition of the carbon which enters into the composition of the iron. In white cast iron the carbon is in combination with the iron — in all probability, as the compound CFe4 (Abel and Osmond and others extracted this compound, which is sometimes called ' carbide,' from tempered steel, which stands to unannealed steel as white cast iron does to grey), but perhaps in the state of an indefinite chemical compound resembling a solution. In any case the compound of the iron and carbon in white cast iron is chemically very unstable, because when slowly cooled it decomposes, with separation of graphite, just as a solution when slowly cooled IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 827 Cast iron is a material which is either suitable for direct application for casting in moulds or else for working up into wrought iron and eteel. The latter principally differ from cast iron in their containing less carbon — thus, steel contains from 1 p.c. to 0*5 p.c. of carbon and far less silicon and manganese than cast iron ; wrought iron does not generally contain more than 0'25 p.c. of carbon and not more than 0-25 p.c. of the other impurities. Thus the essence of the working up of cast iron into steel and wrought iron consists in the removal of the greater part of the carbon and other elements, S, P, Mu, Si, &c. This is effected by means of oxidation, because the oxygen of the atmosphere, oxidising the iron at a high temperature, forms solid oxides with it ; and the latter, coming into contact with the carbon contained in the cast iron, are deoxidised, forming wrought iron and carbonic oxide, which is evolved from the mass in a gaseous form. It is evident that the oxidation must be carried on with a molten mass in a state of agitation, so that the oxygen of the air may be brought into contact with the whole mass of carbon contained in the cast iron, or else the operation is effected by means of the addition of oxygen compounds of iron (oxides, ores, as in Martin's process). Cast iron melts much more easily .than wrought iron and steel, and, therefore, as the carbon separates, the mass in the furnace (in puddling) or hearth (in the bloomery process) becomes more and more solid ; .moreover the degree of hardness forms, to a certain extent, a measure of the amount of carbon separated, and the operation may terminate either in the formation of steel or wrought iron.10 In any case, the iron used for industrial pur- yields a portion of the substance dissolved. The separation of carbon in the form of graphite on the conversion of white cast iron into grey is never complete, however slowly the separation be carried on; part of the carbon remains in combination with the iron in the same state in which it exists in white cast iron. Hence when grey cast iron is treated with acids, the whole of the carbon does not remain in the form of graphite, but a part of it is separated as hydrocarbons, which proves the existence of chemically-combined carbon in grey cast iron. It is sufficient to re-melt grey cast iron and to cool it quickly to transform it into white cast iron. It is not carbon alone that influences the properties of cast iron ; when it contains a considerable amount of sulphur, cast iron remains white even after having been slowly cooled. The same is observed in cast iron very rich in manganese (5 to 7 p.c.), and in this latter case the fracture is very distinctly crystalline and brilliant. When cast iron contains a large amount of manganese, the quantity of carbon may also be increased. Crystalline varieties of cast iron rich in manganese are in practice called ferro-manganese (p. 810), and are prepared for the Bessemer process. Grey cast iron not having an uniform structure is much more liable to various changes than dense and thoroughly uniform white cast iron, and the latter oxidises much more slowly in air than the former. White cast iron is not only used for conversion into wrought iron and steel, but also in those cases where great hardness is required, although it be ac- companied by a certain brittleness , for instance, for making rollers, plough- shares, &c. 10 This direct process of separating the carbon from cast iron is termed puddling. It is conducted in reverberatory furnaces. The cast iron is placed on the bed of the furnace and melted ; through a special aperture, the puddler stirs up the oxidising raasa 928 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY poses contains impurities. Chemically pure iron may he obtained by precipitating iron from a solution (a mixture of ferrous sulphate with of cast iron, pressing the oxides into the molten iron. This resembles kneading dough, and the process introduced in England became known as puddling. It ia evident that the puddled mass, or bloom, is a heterogeneous substance obtained by mixing, and hence one part of the mass will still be rich in carbon, another will be poor, some parts will contain oxide not reduced, &c. The further treatment of the puddled mass consists in hammering and drawing it out into flat pieces, which on being hammered become more homogeneous, and when several pieces are welded together and again hammered out a still more homogeneous mass is obtained. The quality of the steel and iron thug formed depends principally on their uniformity. The want of uniformity depends on the oxides remaining inside the mass, and on the variable distribution of the carbon throughout the mass. In order to obtain a more homogeneous metal for manufac- turing articles out of steel, it is drawn into thin rods, which are tied together m bundles and then again hammered out. As an example of what may be attained in this direction, imitation Damascus steel may be cited ; it consists of twisted and plaited wire, which is then hammered into a dense mass. (Real damascened wootz steel inay be made by melting a mixture of the best iron with graphite (fa) and iron rust; the article is then corroded with acid, and the carbon remains in the form of a pattern.) Steel and wrought iron are manufactured from cast iron by puddling. They are, how- ever, obtained not only by this method but also by the bloomery process, which is carried out in a fire similar to a blacksmith's forge, fed with charcoal and provided with a blast j a pig of cast iron is gradually pushed into the fire, and portions of it melt and fall to the bottom of the hearth, coming into contact with an air blast, and are thus oxidised. Tho bloom thus formed is then squeezed and hammered. It is evident that this process is only available when the charcoal used in the fire does not contain any foreign matter which might injure t"he quality of the iron or steel — for instance, sulphur or phosphorus —and therefore only wood charcoal may be used with impunity, from which it follows that this process can only be carried on where the manufacture of iron can be conducted With this fuel. Coal and coke contain the above-mentioned impurities, and would therefore produce iron of a brittle nature, and thus it would be necessary to have recourse to puddling, where the fuel is burnt on a special hearth, separate from the cast iron, whereby the impurities of the fuel do not come into contact with it. The manufacture of steel from cast iron may also be conducted m fires ; but, in addition to this, it is also now prepared by many other methods. One of the long-known processes is called cementation, by which steel is prepared from wrought iron but not from cast iron. For this process strips of iron are heated red-hot for a considerable time whilst immersed, in powdered charcoal ; during this operation the iron at the surface combines with the charcoal, which however does not penetrate ; after this the iron strips are re- forged, drawn out again, and cemented anew, repeating this process until a steel of the desired quality is formed — that is, containing the requisite proportion of carbon. The JBessemer process occupies the front rank among the newer methods (since 1856) ; it is so called from the name of its inventor. This process consists in running melted cast iron into converters (holding about 6 tons of cast iron)— that is, egg-shaped receivers, fig. 94, capable of revolving on trunnions (in order to charge in the cast iron and discharge the steel), and forcing a stream of air through small apertures at a considerable pressure. Combustion of the iron and carbon at an elevated tempera- ture then takes place, resulting from the bubbles of oxygen thus penetrating the mass of the cast iron. The carbon, however, burns to a greater extent than the iron, and therefore a mass is obtained which is much poorer in carbon than cast iron. As the combustion proceeds very rapidly in the mass of metal, the temperature rises to such an extent that even the wrought iron which may be formed remains in a molten condition, whilst the steel, being more fusible than the wrought iron, remains very liquid. In half an hour the mass is ready. The purest possible cast iron is used in the Bessemer IKON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 329 magnesium sulphate or ammonium cnloride) by the prolonged action of a feeble galvanic current ; th« iron may be then obtained as a dense process, because sulphur and phosphorus do not burn out like carbon, silicon, and manganese. The presence of manganese enables the sulphur to be removed with the slag, and the presence of lime or magnesia, which are introduced into the lining of the converter, loo 50 ;tt o t J sMeter yiO. 94.— Bessemer converter, constructed of iron plate and lined with ganister. The air is carried by the tubes, L, O, D to the bottom, M, from which it passes by a. number of holes into the con- verter. The converter is rotated on the trunnion d by means of the rack and pinion H, when it is required either to receive molten cast iron from the melting furnaces or to pour out the steel. facilitates the removal of the phosphorus. This basic Bessemer process, or Thomas Oilchrist process, introduced about 1880, enables ores containing a considerable amount if phosphorus, which bad hitherto only been used, for cast iron, to be used for making vrought iron and steel. Naturally the greatest uniformity will be obtained .by re-melting the metal. Steel is re- melted in small wind furnaces, in masses not exceeding 80 kilos ; a liquid metal is formed, which may be cast in moulds, A-tnixture of wrought and cast iron is often used for making cast steel (the addition pf a small amount of metallic Al improves the homogeneity of the castings, by facilitating the passage of the impurities into slag). Large steel castings are made by simultaneous fusion in several furnaces and •crucibles ; in this way, castings up to 80 tons or more, such as large ordnance, may be made. This molten, and therefore homogeneous, steel is called cast steel. Of late years the Martin's process for the manufacture of steel has come largely into use ; it was invented in France about 1860, and with the use of regenerative furnaces it enables large quantities of cast steel to be made at a time. It is based on the melting of cast iron with iron oxides and iron itself — for instance, pure ores, scrap, &c. There the carbon of the cast iron and the oxygen of the' oxide form carbonic oxide, and the carbon therefore burns out, and thus cast steel is obtained from cast iron, providing, naturally, 'that there is a requisite proportion and corresponding degree of heat. The advantage of this 830 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY mass. This method, proposed by Bottcher and applied by Klein, gives, as R. Lenz showed, iron containing occluded hydrogen, which is dis- process is that not only do the carbon, silicon, and manganese, but also a great part of the sulphur and phosphorus of the cast iron burn out at the expense of the oxygen of the iron oxides. During the last decade the manufacture of steel and its application for rails, armour plate, guns, boilers, &c., has developed to an enormous extent, thanks to the invention of cheap processes for the manufacture of large masses of homogeneous cast steel. Wrought iron may also be melted, but the heat of a blast furnace is insufficient for this. It easily melts in the oxyhydrogen flame. It may be obtained in a molten state directly from cast iron, if the latter be melted with nitre and sufficiently stirred up. Considerable oxidation then takes place inside the mass of cast iron, and the temperature rises to such an extent that the wrought iron formed remains liquid. A method is also known for obtaining wrought iron directly from rich iron ores by the action of carbonic oxide : the wrought iron is then formed as a spongy mass (which forms an excellent filter for purifying water), and may be worked up into wrought iron or steel either by forging or by dissolving in molten cast iron. Everybody is more or less familiar with the difference in the properties of steel and, wrought iron. Iron is remarkable for its softness, pliability, and small elasticity, whilst steel may be characterised by its capability of attaining elasticity and hardness if it be cooled suddenly after having been heated to a definite temperature, or, as it is termed, tempered. But if tempered' steel be re-heated and slowly cooled, it becomes as soft as wrought iron, and can then be cut with the file and forged, and in general can be made to assume any shape, like wrought iron. In this soft condition it is called annealed steel. The transition from tempered to annealed steel thus takes place in a similar way to the transition from white to grey cast iron. Steel, when homogeneous, has considerable lustre, and such a fine granular structure that it takes a very high polish. Its fracture clearly shows the granular nature of its structure. The possibility of tempering steel enables it to be used for making all kinds of cutting instruments, because annealed steel can be forged, turned, drawn (under rollers, for instance, for making rails, bars, &c.), filed, &c., and it may then be tempered, ground and polished. The method and temperature of tempering and annealing steel determine its hardness and other qualities. Steel is generally tempered to the required degree of hardness in the following manner : It is first strongly heated (for instance, up to 600°), and then plunged into water— that is, hardened by rapid cooling (it then becomes as brittle as glass). It is then heated until the surface assumes a definite colour, and finally cooled either quickly or slowly. When steel is heated up to 220°, its surface acquires a yellow colour (surgical instru- ments) ; it first of all becomes straw-coloured (razors, &c.), and then gold-coloured ; then at a temperature of 250° it becomes brown (scissors), then red, then light blue at 285° (springs), then indigo at 300° (files), and finally sea-green at about 340°. These colours are only the tints of thin films, like the hues of soap bubbles, and appear on the steel because a thin layer of oxides is formed over its surface. Steel rusts more slowly than wrought iron, and is more soluble in acids than cast iron, but less so than wrought iron. Its specific gravity is about 7'6 to 7'9. As regards the formation of steel, it was a long time before the process of cementation was thoroughly understood, because in this case infusible charcoal permeates unfused wrought iron. Caron showed that this permeation depends on the fact that the charcoal used in the process contains alkalis, which, in the presence of the nitrogen of the air,. form metallic cyanides; these being volatile and fusible, permeate the iron, and, giving up their carbon to it, serve as the material for the formation of steel. Thia explanation is confirmed by the fact that charcoal without alkalis or without nitrogen will not cement iron. The charcoal used for cementation acts badly when used over again, as it has lost alkali. The very volatile ammonium cyanide easily conduces to the formation of steel. Although steel is also formed by the action of cyanogen compounds, nevertheless it does not contain more nitrogen than cast or wrought iron (O'Ol p.c.), and IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 381 engaged on heating. This galvanic deposition of iron is used for making galvanoplastic cliches, which are distinguished for their great these latter contain it because their ores contain titanium, which combines directly with nitrogen. Hence the part played" by nitrogen in steel is but an insignificant one. Ifc may be useful here to add some information taken from Caron's treatise concerning the influence of foreign matter on the quality of steel. The principal properties of steel are* those of tempering and annealing. The compounds of iron with silicon and boron have not these properties. They are more stable than the carbon compound, and this latter1 is capable of changing its properties; because the carbon in it either enters into .combination or else is disengaged, which determines the condition of hardness or softness of steel, as in white and grey cast iron. When slowly cooled, steel splits up into & mixture of soft and carburetted iron ; but, nevertheless, the carbon does not separate from the iron. If such steel be again heated, it forms a uniform compound, and hardens, when rapidly cooled. If the same steel as before be taken and heated tPlong time, then, after being slowly cooled, it becomes much more soluble in acid, and leaves a residue of pure carbon. This shows that the combination between the carbon and iron in steel becomes destroyed when subjected to heat, and the steel becomes iron mixed with carbon. Such burnt steel cannot be tempered, but may be corrected by continued forging in a heated condition, which has the effect of redistributing the carbon equally throughout the whole mass. After the forging, if the iron is pure and the carbon has not been burnt out, steel is again formed, which may be tempered. If steel be re- peatedly or strongly heated, it becomes burnt through and cannot be tempered or annealed ; the carbon separates from the iron, and this is effected more easily if the steel contains other impurities which are capable of forming stable combinations with iron, such as silicon, sulphur, or phosphorus. If there be much silicon, it occupies the place of the carbon, and then continued forging will not induce the carbon once separated to re-enter into combination. Such steel is easily burnt through and cannot be corrected; when burnt through, it is hard and cannot be annealed— this is tougb, steel, an inferior kind. Iron which contains sulphur and phosphorus cements badly, combines but little with carbon, and steel of this kind is brittle, both hot and cold. Iron in combination with the above-mentioned substances cannot be annealed by alow cooling, showing that these compounds are more stable than those of carbon and ironfc and therefore they prevent the formation of the latter. Such metals as tin and zino combine with iron, but not with carbon, and form a brittle mass which cannot be annealed and is deleterious to steel. Manganese and tungsten, on the contrary, ajfe, capable of combining with charcoal ; they do not hinder the formation of steel, but even remove the injurious effects, of other admixtures (by transforming these admixed sub- stances into new compounds and slags), and are therefore ranked with the substances which act beneficially on steel ; but, nevertheless, the best steel, which is capable of renewing most often its primitive qualities after burning or hot forging, is the purest. The addition of Ni, Cr, W, and certain, other metals to steel renders it very suitable for, certain special purposes, and is therefore frequently made use of. It is worthy of attention that steel, besides temper, possesses many variable properties, a review of which may be made in the classification of the sorts of steel (1878, Cockerell). (1) Very mild steel contains from 0'05 to 0'20 p.c. of carbon, breaks with a weight of 40 to 50 kilosjper square millimetre, and has an extension of 20 to 80 p.c.; it may be welded, like wrought iron, but cannot be tempered ; is used in sheets for boilers, armour plate and bridges, nails, rivets, &c., as a substitute for wrought iron ; (2) mild steel, from 0'20 to 0'35 p.c. of carbon, resistance to tension 50 to 60 kitos, extension 15 to 20 p.c., not easily welded, and tempers badly, used for axles, rails, and railway tyres, for cannons and guns, and for parts of machines destined to resist bending and torsion ; (3 hard steel, carbon 0'85 to 0'50 p.c., breaking weight 60 to 70 kilos per square millimetre, extension 10 to 15 p.c., cannot be welded, takes a temper ; used for rails, all kinds of springe, swords, parts of machinery in motion subjected to friction, 332 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY hardness. Electro- deposited iron is brittle, but if heated (after the separation of the hydrogen) it becomes soft. If pure ferric hydroxide, which is easily prepared by the precipitation of solutions of ferric salts by means of ammonia, be heated in a stream of hydrogen, it forms, first of all, a dull black powder which ignites spontaneously in air (pyrophoric iron), and then a grey powder of pure iron. The powdery substance first obtained is an iron suboxide ; when thrown into the air it ignites, forming the oxide Fe3O4. If the heating in hydrogen be continued, more water and pure iron, which does not ignite spontaneously, will be obtained. If a small quantity of iron be I fused in the oxyhydrogen flame (with an excess of oxygen) in a piece of lime and mixed with powdered glass, pure molten iron will be formed, because in the oxyhydrogen flame iron melts and burns, but the substances mixed with the iron oxidise first. The oxidised im- purities here either disappear (carbonic anhydride) in a gaseous form, or turn into slag (silica, manganese, oxide, and others) — that is, fuse with the glass. Pure iron has a silvery white colour and a specific gravity of 7 '84 ; it melts at a temperature higher than the melting- points of silver, gold, nickel, and steel, i.e. about 1400°-! 500° and spindles of looms, hammers, spades, hoes, &c. ; (4) very hard steel, carbon 0'5 to 0'65 p.c., tensile breaking weight 70 to 80 kilos, extension 5 to 10 p.c., does not weld, but tempers easily ; used for small springs, saws, files, knives and similar instruments. The properties of ordinary wrought iron are well knowa. The best iron is the most tenacious — that is to say, that which does not break up when struck with the hammer or bent, and yet at the same time is sufficiently hard. There is, however, a distinction between hard and soft iron. Generally the softest iron is the most tenacious, and can best be welded, drawn into wire, sheets, &c. Hard, especially tough, iron is often characterised by its breaking when bent, and is therefore very difficult to work, and objects made from it are less serviceable in many respects. Soft iron is most adapted for making wire and sheet iron and such small objects as nails. Soft iron is characterised by its attaining a fibrous fracture after forging, whilst tough iron preserves its granular structure after this operation. Certain sorts of iron, although fairly soft at the ordinary temperature, become brittle when heated and are difficult to weld. These sorts are less suitable for being worked up into small objects. The variety of the properties of iron depends on the impurities which it contains. In general, the iron used in the arts still contains carbon and always a certain quantity of silicon, manganese, sulphur, phosphorus, &c. A variety in the proportion of these component parts changes the quality of the iron. In addition to this the change which soft wrought iron, having a fibrous structure, undergoes when subjected to repeated blows and vibrations is con- siderable ; it then becomes granular and brittle. This to a certain degree explains the want of stability of some iron objects — such as truck axles, which must be renewed after a certain term of service, otherwise they become brittle. It is evident that there are innumerable intermediate transitions from wrought iron to steel and cast iron. At the present day the greater part of the cast iron manufactured is converted into steel, generally cast steel (Bessemer's and Martin's). I may add the Urals, Donetz district, and other parts of Russia offer the greatest advantages for the development of an iron industry, because these localities not only contain vast supplies of excellent iron ore, but also coal, which is necessary for smelting it. IKON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 888 below the melting point of platinum (17500).11 But pure iron becomes soft at a temperature considerably below that at which it melts, and may then be easily forged, welded, and rolled or drawn into sheets and wireiibis Pure iron may be rolled into an exceedingly thin sheet, weighing less than a sheet of ordinary paper of the same size. This ductility is the most important property of iron in all its forms, and is most marked with sheet iron, and least so with cast iron, whose ductility, compared with wrought iron, is small, but it is still very considerable when compared with other substances — such, for instance, as rocks.12 The chemical properties of iron have been already repeatedly mentioned in preceding chapters. Iron rusts in air at the ordinary temperature — that is to say, it becomes covered with a layer of iron oxides. Here, without doubt, the moisture of the air plays a part, because in dry air iron does not oxidise at aH, and also because, more 11 According to information supplied by A. T. Skinder's experiments at the Oboukoff Steel Works, 140 volumes of liquid molten steel give 128 volumes of solid metal. By means of a galvanic current of great intensity and dense charcoal as one electrode, and iron as the other, Bernadoss. welded iron and fused holes through sheet iron. Soft wrought iron, like steel and soft malleable cast iron, may be melted in Siemens' regenerative furnaces, and in furnaces heated with naphtha. 11 bu <3.ore (1869), Tait, Barret, Tchernoff, Osmond, and others observed that at a temperature approaching 600° — that is, between dark and bright red .heat — all kinds of wrought iron undergo a peculiar change called recalescence, i.e. a spontaneous rise of temperature. If iron be considerably heated and allowed to cool, it may be observed that at this temperature the cooling stops— that is, latent heat is disengaged, corre- sponding with a change in condition. The specific heat, electrical conductivity, magnetic, and other properties then also change. In tempering, the temperature of recalescence must not be reached, and so also in annealing, 3 (or salt), and in the ferric state it requires more acid for the formation of a normal salt than in the ferrous condition. Thus in the normal ferrous sulphate, FeSO4, there is one equivalent of iron to one equivalent of sulphur (in the sulphuric radicle), but in the neutral ferric salt, Fe2(S04)3, there is one equivalent of iron to one and 'a half of sulphur in the form of the elements of sulphuric acid.19 The most simple oxidising agent for transforming ferrous into ferric salts is chlorine in the presence of water— for instance, 2FeCl2 4- Cla 18 Ferrous sulphate, like magnesium sulphate, easily forms double salts — for instance, (NH4)aSO4,FeSO4,6H2O. This salt does not oxidise in air so readily as green vitriol, and is therefore used for standardising K^MnO4 19 The transformation of ferrous oxide into ferric oxide is not completely effected in air, as then only a part of the suboxide is converted into ferric oxide. Under these circumstances the so-called magnetic oxide of iron is generally produced, which contains atomic quantities of the suboxide and oxide— namely, FeO,Fe2O5 = Fe3O4. This sub- stance, as already mentioned, is found in nature and in iron scale. It is also formed when most ferrous and ferric salts are heated in air; thus, for instance, when ferrous carbonate, FeCO5 (native or the precipitate given by soda in a solution of FX2), is heated ifc loses the elements of carbonic anhydride, and magnetic oxide remains. This oxide of iron is attracted by the magnet, and is on this .account called magnetic oxide, although it does not always show magnetic properties. If magnetic oxide be dissolved in any acid — for instance, hydrochloric — which does not act as an oxidising agent, a ferrous salt is first formed and ferric oxide remains, which is also capable of passing into solution. The best way of preparing the hydrate of the magnetic oxide is by decomposing a mixture of ferrous and ferric salts with ammonia ; it is, however, indispensable to pour this mixture into the ammonia, and not vice versd, as in that case the ferrous oxide would at first be precipitated alone, and then the ferric oxide. The compound thus formed has a bright green colour, and when dried forms a black powder. Other combinations of ferrous with ferric oxide are known, as are also compounds of ferric oxide with other bases. Thus, for instance, compounds are known containing 4 molecules of ferrous oxide to 1 of ferric oxide, and also 6 of ferrous to 1 of ferric oxide. These are also magnetic, and are formed by heating iron in air. The magnesium compound MgO,Fe2O3 is prepared by passing gaseous hydrochloric acid over a heated mixture of magnesia and ferric oxide. Crystalline magnesium oxide is then formed, and black, shiny, octahedral crystals of the above-mentioned composition. This compound is analogous- to the aluminates— for instance, to spinel. Bernheim (1888) and Rousseau (1891) obtained many similar compounds of ferric oxide, and their composition apparently corresponds to the hydrates (Note 22) known for the oxide. 838 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY = Ye2Cl6, or, generally speaking, 2FeO -f C12 + H2O = Fe2O3 + 2HC1 When such a transformation is required it is best to add potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid to the ferrous solution ; chlorine is formed by their mutual reaction and acts as an oxidising agent. Nitric acid produces a similar effect, although more slowly Ferrous salts may be completely and rapidly oxidised into ferric salts by means of chromic acid or permanganic acid, HMnO4, in the presence of acids — for example, 10FeSO4 + 2KMn04 + 8H2SO4 = 5Fe2(S04)3 + 2MnS04 4- K2S04 + 8H20. This reaction is easily observed by the change of colour, and its termination is easily seen, because potassium perman- ganate forms solutions of a bright red colour, and when added to a solution of a ferrous salt the above reaction immediately takes place in the presence of acid, and the solution then becomes colourless, because all 'the substances formed are only faintly coloured in solution. Directly all the ferrous compound has passed into the ferric state, any excess of permanganate which is added communicates a red colour to the liquid (see Chapter XXI.) Thus when ferrous salts are acted on by oxidising agents, they pass into the ferric form, and under the action of reducing agents the reverse reaction occurs. Sulphuretted hydrogen may, for instance, be used for this complete transformation, for under its influence ferric salts are reduced with separation of sulphur — for example, Fe2Cl6 + H2S = 2FeCl2 + 2HC1 + S. Sodium thior,ulphate acts in a similar way : Fe2Cl6 + Na2S203 + H2O = 2FeCl2 -f Na2SO4 + 2HC1 + S. Me- tallic iron or zinc,20 in the presence of acids, or sodium amalgam, a blue colour depending on the formation -of Prussian blue, whilst the second hydroxide does not give any reaction whatever with this salt. The first hydroxide is entirely soluble in nitric, hydrochloric, and all other acids; whilst the second sometimes (not always) forms a brick-coloured liquid, which appears turbid and does not give the reactions peculiai^ to the ferric salts (Pean de Saint-Gilles, Scheurer-Kestner). In addition to this, when the smallest quantity of an alkaline salt is added to this liquid, ferric oxide is precipitated. Thus a colloidal solution is formed (hydrosol), which is exactly similar to silica hydrosol (Chapter XVII.), according to which example the hydrosol of ferric oxide may be obtained. If ordinary ferric hydroxide be dissolved in acetic acid, a solution of the colour of red wine is obtained, which has all the reactions characteristic of ferric salts. But if this solution (formed in the cold) be heated to the boiling-point, its colour is very rapidly intensified, a smell of acetic acid becomes apparent, and the solution then contains a new variety of ferric oxide. If the boiling of the solution be continued, acetic acid is evolved, and the modified ferric oxide is precipitated. If the evaporation of the acetic acid be prevented (in a closed or sealed vessel), and the liquid be heated for some time, the whole of the ferric hydroxide then passes into the insoluble form, and if some alkaline salt be added (to the hydrosol formed), the whole of the ferric oxide is then precipitated, in its insoluble form. This method may be applied for separating ferric oxide from solutions of its salts. All phenomena observed respecting ferric oxide (colloidal properties, various forms, formation of double basic salts) demonstrate that this substance, like silica, alumina, lead hydroxide, &c., is polymerised, that the composition is represented by (Fe^QjJn. JS The ferric compound which is most used in practice (for instance, in medicine, for cauterising, stopping bleeding, &c.— Oleum Martis) is ferric chloride, Fe^Cle, easily obtained by dissolving the ordinary hydrated oxide of iron in hydrochloric acid. It" ia obtained in the anhydrous state by the action of chlorine on heated iron. The experi- ment is carried on in a porcelain tube, and a solid volatile substance is then formed in the shape of brilliant violet scales which very readily absorb moisture from the air, and when heated with water decompose into crystalline ferric oxide and hydrochloric acid : Fe.2Cl6 + 3H2O = 6HCl + Fe2O.v Ferric chloride is so volatile that the density of its vapour may be determined. At 440° it .is equal to 164'0 referred to hydrogen ; the formula Fe2Cl6 corresponds with a density of 162'5. An aqueous solution of this salt has a brown colour. On evaporating and cooling this solution, crystals separate con- taining 6 or 12 molecules of H.>O. Ferric chloride is not only soluble in water, but also in alcohol (similarly to magnesium chloride, &c.) and in ether. If the latter solutions axe exposed to the rays of the sun they become colourless, and deposit ferrous chloride, FeCl2, chlorine being disengaged. After a certain lapse of time, the aqueous solutions of ferric chloride decompose with precipitation of a basic salt, thus demonstrating the instability of ferric chloride, like the other salts of ferric oxide (Note 22). This salt is IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 341 Fe2(N03)6 ; it is obtained by dissolving iron in an excess of nitric acid, much more stable in the form of double salts, like all the ferric salts and also the salts of many other feeble bases. Potassium or ammonium chloride forms with it very beautiful red crystals of a double salt, having the composition Fe2Cl6,4KCl,2H2O. When a solution of this salt is evaporated it decomposes, with separation of potassium chloride. B. Eoozeboom (1892) studied in detail (as for CaCl2, Chapter XIV., Note 50) the separation of different hydrates from saturated solutions of Fe2Cl6 at various concen- trations and temperatures ; he found that there are 4 crystallohydrates with 12, 7, 5, and 4 molecules of water. An orange yellow only slightly hygroscopic hydrate, Fe2Cl6,12H20, is most easily and usually obtained, which melts at 37° ; its solubility at different tempera- tures is represented by the curve BCD in the accompanying figure, where the point B 0' 50' FIG. 95.— Diagram of the solubility of FeaCl. 100' corresponds to the formation, at -55°, of a cryohydrate containing about Fe2Cl,j + S6H20, the point C corresponds' to the melting-point ( + 37°) of the hydrate Fe2Cl6,12H2O, and the curve CD to the fall in the temperature of crystallisation with an increase in the amount of salt, or decrease in the amount of water (in the figure the temperatures are taken along the axis of abscissae, and the amount of n in the formula nEe^Clg -4- 100H O along the axis of ordinates). When anhydrous Fe2Cl6 is added to the above hydrate (12H20), or some of the water is evaporated from the latter, very hygroscopic crystals of Fe.,Cl6)5H2O (Fritsche) are formed ; they melt at 56°, their solubility is expressed by the curve HJ, which also presents a small branch at the end J This again gives the fall in the temperature of crystallisation with an increase in the amount of Fe.tC\6. Besides these curves and the solubility of the anhydrous salt expressed by the line KL (up to 100°, beyond which chlorine is liberated), Roozeboom also gives the two curves, EFG and JK, corresponding to the crystallohydrates, Fe2Cl6,7H2O (melts at + S2°-5, that is lower than any of the others) and Fe.jCla^HjO (melts at 730<5), which he discovered by a systematic research on the solutions of ferric chloride. The curve AB represents the separation of ice from dilute solutions of the salt. The researches of the same Dutch chemist upon the conditions of the formation of Crystals from the double salt (NH4Cl)4Fe2ClcJ2H2O are even more perfect. This salt was obtained in 1889 by Fritsche, and is easily formed from a strong solution of Fe4Cl<, by adding sal-ammoniac, when it separates in crimson rhombic crystal.?, which, after dissolving in water, only deposit again on evaporation, together with the sal-ammoniac. Roozeboom (1892) found that when the solution contains b molecules of FeuClc, and 342 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY b-i- taking care as far as possible to prevent any rise of temperature.1* Tht normal salt separates from the brown solution when it is concentrated a molecules of NH4C1, per 100 molecules H2O, then at 15° one of the following separa- tions takes place : (1) crystals, Fe2Cl6,12H2O, when a varies between 0 and 11, and 6 between 4'65 and 4'8, or (2) a mixture of these crystals and the double salt, when a, -1-86, and 6 = 4-47, or (8) the double salt, Fejd^NEUCl^iHjO, when a varies between 2 and 11'8, and 6 between 8'1 and 4'56, or (4) a mixture of sal-ammoniac with the iron salt (it crystallises in separate cubes, Retgers, Lehmann), when a varies between 7'7 and 10'9, and 6 is less than 8'88, or (5) sal-ammoniac, when a = ll'88. And as in the double salt, a ' 6-4 : 1 it is evident that the double salt only separates out when the ratio a ' b is less than 4 . 1 (i.e. when Fe2Cl6 predominates). The above is seen more clearly in the accom- panying figure, where a, or the number of molecules of NH4C1 per 100H2O, is taken along the axis of abscissae, and 6, or the number of -molecules of FeaCl6, along the ordinates. The curves ABCD correspond to saturation and present an iso- therm of 15°. The portion AB corresponds to the separation of chloride of iron (the ascending nature of this curve shows that the solubility of Fe2Cle is increased by the pre- sence of NH4C1, while that, of NH4C1 decreases in the presence of Fe2Cl6), the portion EC to the double salt, and the portion CD to a mixture of sal-ammoniac- and ferric chloride, while the straight line OF corresponds to the ratio Fe2Cl6,4NH4Cl, or a : &"4 : 1. The portion CE shows that more double salt may be introduced into the solution without decomposition, but- then the solution deposits a mixture of sal-ammoniac and ferric chloride (see Chapter XXIV. Note 9 bb). If there were more such well-investigated cases of solutions, our knowledge of double salts, solutions, the influence of water, equilibria, isomorphous mixtures, and such-like provinces of chemical relations might be considerably advanced. 24 The normal ferric salts are decomposed by heat and even by water, forming basic salts, which may be prepared in various ways. Generally ferric hydroxide is dissolved in solutions of ferric nitrate ; if it contains a double quantity of iron the basic salt is formed which contains Fe2O3 (in the form of hydroxide) + 2Fe2(NO3)6=3Fe./)(NO3)4, a salt of the type Fe2OX4. Probably water enters into its composition. With con- siderable quantities of ferric oxide, insoluble basic salts are obtained containing various amounts of ferric hydroxide. Thus when a solution of the above-mentioned basic acid is boiled, a precipitate is formed containing 4(Fe2O3)8,2(N2O5),8H2O, which probably Contains 2Fe2Os(NO3)2 + 2Fe8O3,8H2O If a solution of basic nitrate be sealed in a tube and then immersed in boiling water, the colour of the solution changes just in the same way as if a solution of ferric acetate had been employed (Note 22). The solution obtained smells strongly of nitric acid, and on adding a drop of sulphuric or Hydrochloric acid the insoluble variety of hydrated ferric oxide is precipitated. Normal ferric orthopjiosphaf is soluble in sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids, but insoluble in others, such as, for instance, acetic acid. The composition of this salt in the anhydrous state is FePO4, because in orthophosphoric acid there are three atoms of hydrogen, and iron, in the ferric state, replaces the three atoms of hydrogen. This .Bait is obtained from ferric acetate, which, with disodium phosphate, forms a white pre- II IS FIG. 96.— Diagram of the formation, at 15°, of the double salt FeaCle4NH4C12HaO or FeCNH^Cl.E^O, (After Roozeboom.) IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 343 under a bell jar over sulphuric acid. This salt, Fe2(N03)6,9H20, then orystallises in well-formed and perfectly colourless crystals,25 which deliquesce in air, melt at 35°, and are soluble in and decomposed by water, The decomposition may be seen from the fact that the solution is brown and does not yield the whole of the salt again, but gives partly basic salt. The normal salt (only stable in the presence o£ an excess of HN03) is completely decomposed with great facility by heat- ing with water, even at 130°, and this is made use of for removing iron (and also certain other oxides of the form R203) from many other bases (of the form RO) whose nitrates are far more stable. The ferric salts, FeX3, in passing into ferrous salts, act as oxidising agents, as is seen from the fact that they not only liberate S from SH2, but also iodine from KI like many oxidising agents.25 bis cipitate of FeP04, containing water. If a solution of ferric chloride (yellowish-red colour) be mixed with a solution of sodium acetate in excess, the liquid assumes an intense brown colour which demonstrates the formation of a certain quantity of ferric acetate ; then the disodium phosphate directly forms a white gelatinous precipitate of ferrio phosphate. By this means the whole of the iron may be precipitated, and the liquid which was brown then becomes colourless. If this normal salt be dissolved in orthophosphorio acid, the crystalline acid salt Fel^POJ^ is formed. If there be an excess of ferric oxide in the solution, the precipitate will consist of the basic salt. If ferric phosphate be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and ammonia be added, a salt is precipitated on heating which, after continued washing in water and heating (to remove the water), has the composition Fe4P;jOu — that is, 2Fe.iO3)P3O5. In an aqueous condition this salt may be considered as ferric hydroxide, Ee2(OH)6, in which (OH)3 is replaced by the equivalent group PO4. Whenever ammonia is added to a solution containing an excess of ferric salt and a certain amount of phosphoric acid, a precipitate is formed containing the whole of the phosphoric acid in the mass of the ferric oxide". Ferric oxide is characterised as a feeble base, and also by the fact of its forming double salts— for instance, potassium iron alum, which has a composition FeJ(S04)3,K2SO4, 24H3O or FeK(SO4)2,12H3O. It is obtained in the form of almost colourless or light rose-coloured large octahedra of the regular system by simply mixing solutions of potassium sulphate and the ferric sulphate obtained by dissolving ferric oxide in sul- phuric acid. . 25 It would seem that all normal ferric salts are colourless, and that the brown colou* which is peculiar to the solutions is really due to basic ferric salts. "A remarkable example of the apparent change of colour of salts is represented by the ferrous and ferric oxalates. The former in a dry state has a yellow colour, although as a rule the ferrous salts are green, and the latter is colourless or pale green. When the normal ferric salt is dissolved in water it is, like many salts, probably decomposed by the water into acid and basic salts, and the latter communicates a brown colour to the solution. Iron alum is almost colourless, is easily decomposed by water, and is the best proof of our asser- tion. The study of the phenomena peculiar to ferric nitrate might, in my opinion, give ft very useful addition to our knowledge of the aqueous solutions of salts in general. 23 bis The reaction FeX5 + KI = FeX3 + KX + I proceeds comparatively slowly in solu- tions, is not complete (depends upon the mass), and is reversible. In this connection we may cite the following data from Seubert and Rohrer's (1894) comprehensive researches. The investigations were conducted with solutions containing T\j gram— equivalent weights of Fea(S04)3 (i.e.' containing 20 grams of salt per litre), and a corresponding solution of KI ; the amount of iodine liberated being determined (after the addition of starch) by a solution (also T\j normal) of Na^S-jO^ (see Chapter XX., Note 42). The pro- *D $44 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY 'Iron forms one other oxide besides the ferric and ferrous oxides ; this contains twice as much oxygen as the former, but is so very unstable that it can neither be obtained in the free state nor as a hydrate. Whenever sjjch conditions of double decomposition occur as should allow of its serration in the free state, it decomposes into Oxygen and ferric oxide. It is known in the state of salts, and is only stable in the presence of alkalis, and forms salts with them which have a decidedly alkaline reaction ; it is therefore a feebly acid oxide. Thus when small pieces of iron are heated with nitre or potassium chlorate a potassium salt of the composition K2Fe04 is formed, and therefore the hydrate corresponding with this salt should have the composition H2FeO4. It is called ferric acid. Its anhydride ought to contain Fe03 or Fe2O6 — twice as much oxygen as ferric oxide. If a solution of potassium ferrate be mixed with acid, the free hydrate ought to be formed, but it immediately decomposes (2K2FeO4 -f SH.^SC^ = 2K2S04 + Fe2(SO4)3 + 5H2O + O3), oxygen being evolved. If a small quantity of acid be taken, or il; a solution of potassium ferrate be heated with solutions of other metallic salts, ferric oxide is sepa- rated— for instance : 2CuS04 + 2K2Fe04 = 2K2S04 + 03 -f Fe203 + 2CuO. Both these oxides are of course deposited in the form of hydrates. This shows that not only the hydrate H2FeO4, but also the salts of the heavy metals corresponding with this higher oxide of iron, are not formed by reactions of double decomposition. The solution of potas- sium ferrate naturally acts as a powerful oxidising agent ; for instance, it transforms manganous oxide into the dioxide, sulphurous into sulphuric acid, oxalic acid into carbonic anhydride and water, &c.26 Iron thus combines with oxygen in three proportions : RO, R203, gross of the reaction was expressed by the amount of liberated iodine in percentages of the theoretical amount. For instance, the following amount of iodide of potassium was decomposed when Fe2(S04)5+2nKI was taken: »•> 1 28 6 10 20 After 15' 11-4 26'3 40'6 78'5 01'8 96'0 p 80* 14-0 85-8 47-8 78'5 94'3 97'4 „ Ihour 19-0 42'7 66'0 84'0 95'7 97'6 „ 10 '„ 82-6 56-0 75-7 93'2 96'5 97'6 „ 48. „ 89'4 C7'7, 82'6 93'4 96'6 97*6 Similar results were obtained for FeCl3, but then the amount of iodine liberated was eomewhat greater. Similar results .were also obtained by increasing the mass of FeX$ per KI, and by replacing it by HI (see Chapter XXI., Note 26). |,a 26 If chlorine be passed through a strong solutidn of potassium hydroxide in which hydrated ferric oxide is suspended, the turbid liquid acquires a dark pomegranaie-red colour and contains potassium ferrate : 10KHO + Fe303 + 8C13 -' 2KjFeO4 + 6KC1 + SlLjO. The chlorine must not be in excess, otherwise the salt is again decomposed, although the mode of decomposition is unknown ; however, ferric chloride and potassium chlora ,0 are probably formed. Another way in which the above-described salt is formed is also IRON, COBALT. AND NICKEL 345 and RO3. It might have been expected that there would be inter- mecliate stages RO2 (corresponding to pyrites FeS2) a^nd R2O5, but for iron these are unknown. 26bis The lower oxide has a, distinctly basic character, the higher is feebly acid. The only one which is stable in the free state is ferric oxide, Fe2O3 ; the suboxide, FeO, absorbs oxygen, and ferric anhydride, FeO3, evolves it. It is also the same for other elements ; the character of each is determined by the relative degree of stability of the known oxides. The salts FeX2 correspond with the suboxide, the salts FeX3 or Fe2X6 with the sesquipxide, and FeX6 represents those of ferric acid, as its potassium salt is Fe02(OK)2, corresponding with K2SO4, K2Mn04, K2Cr04, &c. Iron therefore forms compounds of the types FeX2, FeX3, and FeX6, but this latter, like the type NX5, does not appear separately, but only when X re- presents heterogeneous elements or groups ; for instance, for nitrogen in the form of NO2(OH), NH4C1, &c., for iron in the form of Fe02(OK)2. But still the type FeX6 exists, and therefore FeX2 and FeX3 are compounds which, like ammonia, NH3, are capable of further combinations up to FeX6 ; this is also seen in the property of ferrous and ferric salts of forming compounds with water of crystallisa- tion, besides double and basic salts, whose stability is determined by the quality of the elements included in the types FeX2 and FeXs.26 tri It is therefore to be expected that there should be complex compounds remarkable ; a galvanic current (from 6 Grove . elements) is passed through cast-iron and platinum electrodes into -a strong solution of potassium hydroxide. The cast- iron electrode is connected with- the positive pole, and the platinum electrode is sur- rounded by a porous earthenware cylinder. Oxygen- would bo evolved at the cast- iron electrode, but it is used up in oxidation, and a dark solution of potassium ferrate is , therefore formed about it. It is remarkable that the cast iron cannot be replaced by wrought iron. 86t>i» When Mond and his assistants obtained the remarkable volatile compound Ni(CO)4 (described later, Chapter XXII.), it was shown subsequently by Mond and Quincke (1891), and also by Berthelot, that iron, under certain conditions, in a stream of carbonic oxide, also volatilises and forms a compound Jike that given by nickel. Koscoe and Scudder then showed that when water gas is passed through and kept under pressure (8 atmospheres) in iron vessels, a portion. of the iron volatilises from the sides of the vessel, and that when the gas is burnt it deposits a certain amount of oxides of iron (the same result is obtained with ordinary coal gas which contains a small amount of CO). To obtain the volatile compound of iron with carbonic oxide, Mond prepared •a finely divided iron by heating the oxalate in & stream of hydrogen, and after cooling it lo 80°— 45° he passed CO over the powder. The iron then formed (although very slowly) ft volatile compound containing Fe(CO)6 (as though it answered to a very high type, PeXjo), which when cooled condenses into a liquid (slightly coloured, -probably owing to Incipient decomposition), sp. gr. 1-47, which solidifies at -21°, boils at about 103°, and has a vapour density (about 6'5 with respect to air) corresponding to the above formula ; > decomposes at 180°. Water and dilute acids do not act upon it, but it decomposes wider the action of light and forms a hard, non-volatile crystalline yellow compound ITe3(CO)7 which decomposes at 80° and again forms Fe(CO)5. 80 tn When the molecular Fe8Cl6 is produced instead of FeCl3 this complication o'i. tthe type also occurs, 346 'PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY derived from ferrous and ferric oxides. Amongst these the series, of cyanogen compounds is particularly interesting j their formation, and character is not only determined by the property which, irort •possesses of forming complex types, but also by the similar faculty of the cyanogen compounds, -which, like nitriles (Chapter IX.), have clearly developed properties of polymerisation and in general of forming complex compounds.27 In the cyanogen compounds of iron, two degrees might be expected : Fe(CN)2, corresponding 'with ferrous oxide, and Fe(CN)3, correspond- ing with ferric oxide. There are actually, however, many other known compounds, intermediate and far more complex. They correspond with the double salts so easily formed by metallic cyanides. The two following double salts are particularly well known, very stable, often^ used, and easily prepared. Potassium ferrocyanide or yellow prussiate of potash, a double salt of cyanide of potassium and ferrous, cyanide, has the composition FeC2N2,4KCN ; its crystals contain 3 mol. of water : K4FeC6N6,3H20. The other is potassium ferricyanide or red prussiate of potash. It is also known as Gmelin's salt, and contains cyanide of potassium with ferric cyanide ; its composition is Fe(CN)3,3KCN or K3FeC6N6. Its crystals do not contain water. It is obtained from, the first by the action of chlorine, which removes one atom of the potassium. A whole series of other ferrocyanic -compounds correspond- with these ordinary salts. Before treating of the preparation and properties of these two remarkable and very stable salts, it must be observed that with ordi- nary reagents neither of them gives the same double decompositions as the other ferrous and ferric salts, and they both present a series of remarkable properties. Thus these salts have a neutral reaction, are unchanged by air, dilute acids, or water, unlike potassium cyanide and even some of its double salts. When solutions of these salts are treated with caustic alkalis, they do not give a precipitate of ferrous or fecric hydroxides, neither are they precipitated by sodium carbonate. This led the earlier investigators to recognise special independent groupings in them. The yellow prussiate was considered to contain the complex radicle FeC6N6 combined with potassium, namely with K4, and K$ was attributed to the red prussiate. This was confirmed by the feic* that whilst in both salts any other metal, even hydrogen, might be substituted for potassium, the iron remained unchangeable, just as nitrogen in cyanogen, ammonium, and nitrates does not enter into 27 Some light may be thrown upon the faculty of Fe of forming various compounds with CN, by the fact that Fe not only combines with carbon but also with nitrogen. Nitride of iron Fe2N was obtained by Fowler by heating finely powdered iron in a stream ol NH3 at the temperature of jnelting lead.^ IRON, COBALT, AND. NICKEI* 847' double decomposition, being in the state of- the complex radicles CJ$y NH4, NO2. Such a representation is, however, completely superfluous for the explanation of the peculiarities in the reactions of such com- pounds as double salts. If a magnesium salt which can be precipitated by potassium hydroxide does not form a precipitate in the presence of ammonium dbloride, it is very clear that it is owing to the formation of a soluble double salt which is not decomposed by alkalis. And there is no necessity to account for the peculiarity of reaction of a double salt by the formation of a new complex radicle. In the same way also, in the presence of an excess of tartaric acid, cupric salts do not form a precipitate with potassium hydroxide, because a double salt is formed. These peculiarities are more easily understood in the case of cyanogen compounds than in all others, because all cyanogen com- pounds,, as unsaturated compounds, show a marked tendency to. complexity. This tendency is satisfied in double salts. The appear- ance of a peculiar character in double cyanides is the more easily understood since in the case of potassium cyanide itself, and also in hydrocyanic acid, a great many peculiarities have been observed which are not encountered in those haloid compounds, potassium chloride and hydrochloric acid, with which it was usual to compare cyanogen compounds. These peculiarities become more comprehensible on comparing cyanogen compounds with ammonium compounds. Thus in the presence of ammonia the reactions of many compounds change considerably. If in addition to this it is remembered that the presence of many carbon (organic) compounds frequently completely disturbs the reaction of salts, the peculiarities of certain double cyanides will appear still less strange, because they contain carbon. The fact that the presence of carbon or another element in the compound pro- duces a change in the reactions, may be compared to the action of oxygen, which, when entering into a combination, also very materially changes the nature of reactions. Chlorine is not detected by silver nitrate when it is in, the form of potassium chlorate, KC103, as it is detected in potassium chloride, KC1. The iron in ferrous and ferric compounds varies in its. reactions. In addition>to the above-mentioned facts, consideration ought to be given to the circumstance that the easy mutability of nitric acid undergoes modification in its alkali salts, and in general the properties of a salt often differ much from those of the acid. Every double salt ought to be regarded as a pecu* liar kind of saline compound : potassium cyanide is, as it were, a basic* and ferrous cyanide an acid, element. They may be unstable in the separate state, but form a stable double compound when combined together ; the act of combination disengages the energy of the elements, 848 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY and they, so to speak, saturate each other. Of course, all this is not a definite explanation, but then the supposition of a special complex radicte can even less be regarded as such. Potassium ferrocyanide, K4FeC6N6, is very easily formed by mixing solutions of. ferrous sulphate and potassium cyanide. First, a white precipitate of ferrous cyanide, FeC2N2, is formed, which becomes blue on exposure to air, but is soluble in an excess of potassium cyanide, forming the ferrocyanide. The same yellow prussiate is obtained on heating animal nitrogenous charcoal or animal matters — such as horn, leather cuttings, &c. — with potassium carbonate in iron vessels,27 bls the mass formed being afterwards boiled with water with exposure to air, potassium cyanide first appearing, which gives yellow prussiate. The animal charcoal may be exchanged for wood charcoal, permeated with potassium carbonate and heated in nitrogen or ammonia ; the mass thus produced is then boiled in water with ferric oxide.28 In this manner it is manufactured on the large scale, and is called 'yellow prussiate' ('prussiate de potasse/ Blutlaugensalz). It is easy to substitute other metals for the potassium in the yellow prussiate. The hydrogen salt or hydroferrocyanic acid, H4FeC6N6, is obtained by mixing strong solutions of yellow prussiate and hydro- chloric acid. If ether be added and the air excluded, the acid is obtained directly in the form of a white scarcely crystalline precipitate which becomes blue on exposure to air (as ferrous cyanide does from the formation of blue compounds of ferrous and ferric cyanides, and it is on this account used in cotton printing). It is soluble in water and alcohol, but not in ether, has marked acid properties, and decomposes carbonates, which renders it easily possible to prepare ferrocyanides of 27 bU The sulphur of the animal refuse here forms the compound FeKS2, which by the action of potassidm cyanide yields potassium sulphide, thiocyanate, and ferro- cyanide. 28 Potassium ferrocyanide may also be obtained from Prussian blue by boiling with a solution of potassium hydroxide, and from the ferricyanide by the action of alkalis and reducing substances (because the red pruasiate is a product of oxidation produced by the action of chlorine : a ferric salt is reduced to a ferrous salt), &c. In many works (especially in Germany and France) yellow prussiate is prepared from the mass, con- taining oxide of iron, and employed for purifying coal gas (Vol. L, p. 861), which generally contains cyanogen compounds. About 2 p.c. of the nitrogen contained in coal is converted into cyanogen, which forms Prussian blue and thiocyanates in the mass used for purifying the gas. On evaporation the solution yields large yellow crystals containing 8 molecules of water, which is easily expelled by heating above 100°. 100 parts of water at the ordinary temperature are capable of dissolving 25 parts of this salt ; its sp. gr. is 1-83. Wnen ignited it forms potassium cyanide and iron carbide, FeC2 (Chapter XIII., Note 12). Oxidising substances change it into potassium ferricyanide. With strong sulphuric acid it gives carbonic oxide, and with dilute sulphuric acid, when heated, prussic acid is evolved according to the equation: 2K4FeC6N6 + 8H2S04 = Ka + 3K.,SO4 + 6HCN; hence in the yellow prussiate K* replaces Fe. IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 849 the metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths ; these are readily soluble, have a neutral reaction, and resemble the yellow prussiate. Solutions of these salts form precipitates with the salts of other metals, because the ferrocyanides of the heavy metals are insoluble. Here either the whole pf the potassium of the yellow prussiate, or only a part of it, is exchanged lor an equivalent quantity of the heavy metal. Thus, when a cupric salt is added to a solution of yellow prussiate, a red precipitate is obtained which still contains half the potassium of the yellow prussiate : K4FeC6N6 + CuS04 = K2CuFeC6N6 + K2S04. But if the process be reversed (the salt of copper being then in excess) the whole of the potassium will be exchanged for copper, forming a reddish-brown precipitate, Cu2FeC6N6,9H2O. This reaction and those similar to it are very sensitive and may be used for detecting metals in solution, more especially as the colour of the precipitate very often shows a marked difference when one metal is exchanged for another. Zinc, cadmium, lead, antimony, tin, silver, cuprous and aurous , salts form white precipitates ; cupric, uranium, titanium and molybdenum salts reddish-brown; those of nickel, cobalt, and chromium, green precipitates ; with ferrous salts, ferrocyanide forms, as has been already mentioned, a white precipitate — namely, uFe2Fe06N6, or FeC2N2 — which turns blue on exposure to air, and with ferric salts a blue precipitate called Prussian blue. Here the potassium is replaced by iron, the reaction being expressed thus : 2Fe2Clc + 3K4FeC6N6 = 12KCl4-Fe4Fe3C!8N18, the latter formula expressing the composition of Prussian blue. It is therefore the compound 4Fe(CN)3 + 3Fe(CN)2. The yellow prussiate is prepared in chemical works on a large scale especially for the manufacture 'of this blue pigment, which is used for dyeing cloth and other fabrics and also as one of the ordinary blue paints. It is insoluble in water, and the stuffs are therefore dyed by first soaking them in a solution of a ferric salt and then in a solution of yellow prussiate. If however an excess of yellow prussiate be present complete substitution between potassium and iron does not occur, and soluble Prussian blue is formed ; KFe2(CN)6= KCN,Fe(CN)2,Fe(CN)3. This blue salt is colloidal, is soluble in pure water, but insoluble and precipitated when other salts— for instanpe, potassium or sodium chloride — are present even in small quantities, and is therefore first obtained as a precipitate.29 ** Skraup obtained this salt both from potassium ferrocyanide with ferric chloride and from ferrjcyanide with ferrous chloride, which evidently shows that it contains iron $50 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Potassium ferricyanide, or red prussiate of potash, K3FeC6N6, is called 'Gmelin's salt,' because this savant obtained it by the action of chlorine on a solution of the -yellow prussiate : K4FeC6N6 + Cl e= K3FeC6NG 4- KC1. The reaction is due to the ferrous salt being changed by the action of the chlorine into a ferric salt. It separates from solutions in anhydrous, well-formed prisms of a red colour, but the solution has an oliye colour ; LOO parts of water, at 10°, dis- solve 37 parts of the salt, and at 100°, 78 parts.30 The red prus- siate gives a blue precipitate with ferrous salts, called TurnbidVs blue, very much like Prussian blue (and the soluble variety), because it also contains ferrous cyanide and ferric cyanide, although in another propor- in both the ferric and ferrous states. With ferrous chloride it forms Prussian blue, and with ferric chlbfide Turnbull's blue. Prussian blue was discovered in the beginning of the last century by a Berlin manufacturer, Diesbach. It was then prepared, as it sometimes is also at present, directly from potassium cyanida obtained by heating animal charcoal with potassium carbonate. The mass thus obtained Is dissolved in water, alum is added to the solution in order to saturate the- free alkali, and then a solution of green vitriol is added which has previously been sufficiently exposed to tho air to contain both ferric and ferrous salts. If the solution of potassium cyanide be mixed with a solution containing both salts, Prussian blrte will be formed, because it is a -compound of ferrous cyanide, FeC8N2, and ferric cyanide, Fe2C6N6. A ferric salt with potassium ferrocyanide forma a blue colour, because ferrous cyanide is obtained from the first salt and ferric cyanide from the second. During the preparation of this compound alkali must be avoided, aa otherwise the precipitate would contain oxides of iron. Prussian blue has not a crystal- line structure ; it forms a blue mass with a copper-red metallic lustre. Both acids and alkalis act on it. The action is at first confined to the ferric salt it contains. Thus •alkalis form ferric oxide and ferrocyanide in solution: 2Fe2C6N6,8FeC2N2+'12KHO , =» 2(Fe<2O-,,3H.40) + 8K4FeC6N6. Various ferrocyanides may thus be prepared. Prussian blue is soluble in an aqueous solution of oxalic acid, forming blue ink. In air, when exposed to the action of light, it fades; but in the dark again absorbs oxygen and becomes blue, which fact is also sometimes noticed in blue cloth. An excess of potassium ferrocyanide renders Prussian blue soluble in water, although insoluble in various saline solutions — that is, it converts it into the soluble variety. Strong hydrochloric acid also Dissolves Prussian blue. 80 An excess ;f chlorine must not be employed in preparing this compound, otherwise '-'the reaction goes further. It is easy to find out when the action of the chlorine on potassium ierrocyanide must cease ; it is only necessary to take a sample of the liquid and add a solution of a ferric salt to it'. If a precipitate of Prussian blue is formed, more chlorine must be added, as there is still- some undecomposed ferrocyanide, for the ferricyanide does not give a precipitate with ferric salts. Potassium' ferricyanide, like the ferro- cyanide, easily exchanges its potassium for hydrogen and various metals by double decomposition. With the salts of tin, silver, and mercury it forms yellow precipitates, and with those of uranium, nickel, cobalt, copper, and bismuth brown precipitates. The lead salt under the action of sulphuretted hydrogen forms lead sulphide and a hydrogen salt or acid, H3FeCbN6, corresponding with potassium ferricyanide, which is soluble, crystallises in red needles, and resembles hydroferrocyanic acid, H4FeC6NG. Under th* action of reducing agents— for instance, sulphuretted hydrogen, copper— potassium ferri- .cyanide is changed into ferrocyanide, especially in the presence of alkalis, and thus forma a rather energetic oxidising agent— capable, for instance, of changing manganous oxide into dioxide, bleaching tissues, &c. IRON. COBALT. AKD NICKEL 351 tion, being formed accordirig to the equation: 3FeCl2+2K3FeC6N(} .=6KCl+Fe3Fe2ai2Nl2, or 3FeC2N2,Fe206N6 ; in Prussian blue we have Fe7Cy18, and here Fe5Cy,2. A farric salt ought to form, ferric ^cyanide Fe2C6N6, with red priissiate, but ferric cyanide is solublei and therefore no precipitate is obtained, and the liquid only becomes •brown.31 If chlorine ancl sodium are representatives of independent groups of elements, the same may also be said of! iron. Its nearest ana- logues show, besides a similarity in character, a likeness as regards physical properties and a proximity in atomic weight. Iron, occupies a, medium position amongst its nearest analogues, both with respect to properties and faculty of forming saline oxides, and also as regards -atomic weight. On the one hand, cobalt, 58, and 'nickel, 59, approach S! It is important to mention a series of readily e.rystallisable salts formed by the- action of nitric acid on potassium and other ferrocyanides and ferricyanides. Thes* salt contain the elements of nitric oxide, and are therefore called nitrO'(nitro9o} ferricyanides (nitroprussides). Generally a crystalline sodium salt is obtained» Na2FeC5N6O,2H3O. In its composition this salt differs from the red sodium salt, Na3FeC6N6, by the fact that in it one molecule of sodium, cyanide, NaCN, is replaced by nitric oxide, NO. In order to prepare it, potassium ferrocyanida in powder is mixed with five-sevenths of its weight of nitric acid diluted with 'an equal volume of water. The mixture is at first left at the ordinary temperature, and then heated x>n a. water-bath. Here ferricyanide is first of all formed (as shown by the liquid giving a. precipitate with ferrous chloride), which then disappears (no precipitate with ferrous, chloride), and forms a green precipitate. The liquid, when cooled, deposits crystals. •of nitre. The liquid is then strained off and mixed with sodium carbonate, boiled*, filtered, and evaporated ; sodium nitrate and the salt described are deposited in crystals. It separates in prisms of a red colour. Alkalis and salts of the alkaline earths do not give precipitates: they are soluble, but the salts of iron, zinc, copper, and silver form precipitates where sodium is exchanged with these metals. It is remarkable that the- sulphides of the alkali metals give with this salt an intense bright purple coloration. This series of compounds was discovered by Gmelin and studied by Playfair and others. (1849). This series to a certain extent resembles the nitro-sulphide series described by Eoussin. Here the primary compound consists of black crystals, which are obtained aa follows :— Solutions of potassium hydrosulphide and nitrate are mixed, and the mixture is agitated whilst ferric chloride is added, then boiled and filtered;- on cooling, black Crystals aro deposited/having the composition Fe6S3 (NO)10,IL)O (Rosenberg), or, acfcord- ing to Demel, FeNO^NHgS. They have a slightly metallic, lustre, and are soluble im water, alcohol, and ether. They absorb the latter as easily as calcium chloride absorbs, water. In the presence of alkalis these crystals remain' unchanged, but with acids they evolve nitric oxides. There are several compounds which are capable of interchanging,, and correspond with Roussin's salt. Here we enter into the series of the nitrogen compounds which have been as yet but little investigated, and will most probably in time form most instructive material for studying the nature of that element. These- Beries of compounds are as unlike the usual saline compounds of inorganic chemistry as. are organic hydrocarbons. There is no necessity to describe these series in detail, because-, their connection, with othei compounds is not yet clear, and they have nob yet any application. 852 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTS? iron, 56 ; they are metals of a more basic character, they do not fonn stable acids or higher degrees of oxidation, and are a transition to copper, 63, and zind, 65. On the other hand, manganese, 55, and •chromium, 52, are the nearest to iron ; they form both basic and acid oxides, and- are a transition to the metals possessing acid properties. In addition to having atomic weights approximately alike, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, and .copper have also nearly the same specific gravity, so. that the atomic volumes and the molecules of their analogous compounds are also near to one another (see table at the beginning- of -this volume). Besides this, the likeness between the *above-mentioned elements is also seen from the following : They form suboxides, RO, fairly energetic bases, isornorphous with magnesia— for instance, the salt RS04,7H20, akin to MgS04,7H2O, And FeS04,7H20, or to sulphates containing less water j with alkali ^sulphates all form double salts crystallising with 6H20 ; all are capable of forming ammonium salts, &c. The lower oxides, in the cases of nickel and cobalt, .are tolerably stable, are not easily oxidised (the •nickel compound with more difficulty than cobalt, a transition to copper); with manganese, and .especially with chromium, they are •more easily oxidised than with iron and pass into higher oxides. They also form oxides of the form R203, and with nickel, cobalt, .and manganese this oxide is veify unstable, and is more easily reduced than ferric oxide ; but, in the case of chromium, it is very stable, and forms the ordinary kind of salts. It is_isomorphous with ferric oxide, forms alums, is a feeble base, &c. Chromium, manganese, and iron are oxidised by alkali and oxidising agents, forming salts like Na2S04 j but cobalt and nickel are difficult to oxidise ; their acids are not known with any certainty, and are, in all probability, still less stable than the •ferrates. Cr.Mn and Fe form compounds R2C1G which are like Fe2Cl3 in many respects ; in Co this faculty is weaker and in Ni it has almost disappeared. The cyanogen compounds, especially of manganese and cobalt, are very near akin to the corresponding ferrocyanides. The oxides of nickel and cobalt are more easily reduced to metal than those of iron, but those of manganese and chromium are not reduced so easily as iron, and the metals themselves are not easily obtained in a pure state j they are capable of forming varieties resembling cast iron. The metals Cr,Mn,Fe,Co, and Ni have a grey iron colour and are very -difficult to melt, but nickel and cobalt can be melted in the reverbera- 'tory furnace and are more fusible than iron, whilst chromium is more -difficult to melt than platinum (Deville). 'These metals decompose water, but with greater difficulty as the atomic weight rises, forming a transition to copper, which does not decompose water. All the com- IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 35$ pounds' of thes& metals have various colours,- which are sometimes very bright, especially, in the higher stages of oxidation. These metals of the iron group are often met with together in nature. Manganese nearly everywhere accompanies iron, and iron is always an ingredient in the ores of manganese. Chromium is found principally as chrome ironstone — that is, a peculiar kind of magnetio oxide in which Fe203 is replaced by Cr2O3. Nickel and cobalt are as inseparable companions as iron and manganese, The similarity between them even extends to such remote properties as magnetic qualities. In this series of metals we find those which ar6 the most magnetic : iron, cobalt, and nickel. There is even a magnetic oxide among the chromium compounds, such being unknown in the other series. Nickel easily becomes passive in strong nitric acid. It absorbs hydrogen in just the same way as iron. Tn short, in the series Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni, there are many points in common although there are many differences, as • will be seen still more "clearly on becoming acquainted with cobalt and nickel. In nature cobalt is principally found in combination with arsenio and sulphur. Cobalt arsenide, or cobalt sjieiss, CoAs2, is found in brilliant crystals of the regular system, principally in Saxony. CobdU glance, CoAs2CoS2, resembles it very much, and 'also belongs to the regular system ; it is found in Sweden, Norway, and the Caucasus. Kupfernickel is a. nickel ore in combination with arsenic, but of a different composition from cobalt arsenide, having the formula NiAs ; it is found in Bohemia and Saxony. It has a copper-red colour and is rarely crystalline ; it is so called because the miners of Saxony first mistook it for an ore of copper (Kupfer), but were unable to extract copper from it. Nickel glance, NiS2,NiAs2, corresponding with cobalt glance, is also known. Nickel accompanies the ores of cobalt and. cobalt those of nickel, so that both metals are found together. The ores of cobalt are worked in the Caucasus in the Government of Elizavetopolsk. Nickel ores containing aqueous hydrated nickel silicate are found in the Ural (Revdansk). Large quantities of a similar ore are exported into Europe from New Caledonia. Both ores contain about 12 per cent. Ni. Garnierite, (RO)5(SiO2)4l^H2O, where R=Ni and Mg, predominates in the New Caledonian ore. Large deposits of nickel have been discovered in Canada, where the ore (as nickelous pyrites) is free from arsenic. Cobalt is principally worked up into cobalt compounds, but nickel is generally reduced to the metallic statet in which it is now often used for alloys — for instance, for coinage in many European States, and for plating other metals, because it does not oxidise. Cobalt arsenide and cobalt glance are principally used for jthe .854 ?KINCIPLES OF -CHEMISTRY preparation of cobalt compounds ; they are first sorted by discarding the rocky matter, and then roasted. During this process most of the sulphur and arsenic disappears ; the arsenious anhydride volatilises with the sulphurous anhydride and the metal also oxidises.32 It is a simple matter to obtain nickel and cobalt from their oxides. In order vto obtain the latter, solutions of their salts are treated with sodium 52 The residue from the roasting of cobalt ores is called zqfflor, and is often met with in commerce. From this the purer compounds of cobalt may be prepared. The ores of nickel are also first roaste'd, and the oxides dissolved in acid, nickelous salts being then obtained. The further treatment of cobalt and nickel ores is facilitated if the arsenic can be almost entirely removed, which may be effected by roasting the ore a second time with a small addition of nitre and sodium carbonate 5 the nitre combines with the arsenic, forming an arsenious salt, which may be extracted with water. The remaining mass is Dissolved in hydrochloric acid, mixed with a small quantity of nitric acid. Copper, iroa, 'manganese, nickel, cobalt, &c., pass into solution. By passing hydrogen sulphide through the solution, copper, bismuth, lead, and arsenic are deposited as metallic sul- phides ; but iron, cobalt, nickel, and manganese remain in solution. If an alkaline solu- tion of bleaching powder be then added to the .remaining solution, the whole of the manganese will first be deposited in the form of dioxide, then the cobalt as hydrated cobaltio oxide, and finally the nickel also. It is, however, impossible to rely on this method for effecting a complete separation, the more so since the higher oxides of the » three above-mentioned metals haye all a black colour; but, after a few trials, it will be easy to find how much bleaching powder is required to precipitate the manganese, and the amount which will precipitate all the cobalt. The manganese may also be separated * from cobalt by precipitation .from a mix! ure of the solutions of both metals (in the form ol the ' ous ' salts) with ammonium sulphide, and then treating the precipitate with acetic acid or dilute hydrochloric acid, in which manganese sulphide is easily soluble and cobalt sulphide almost insoluble. Further particulars relating to the separation of cobalt from nickel may be found in treatises on analytical chemistry. In practice It is usual to rely on the rough method of separation founded oirthe fact that nickel is more easily reduced and more difficult to oxidise than cobalt. The New Caledonian ore is smelted with CaS04 end CaC03 on coke, and a metallic regulus is obtained containing all the NI, Fe, and 8. This is roasted with Si02, which converts all the iron into slag, whilst the Ni remains combined with the S ; this.residue on further roasting gives NiO, which is reduced by the carbon to metallic Ni. The Canadian ore (a pyrites containing 11 p. c. Ni) is frequently treated in America (after a preliminary dressing). by smelting it with NagSC^ and charcoal ; the resultant fusible Na-jS then dissolves the CuS and FeSft while the NiS la obtained in a bottom layer (Bartlett and Thomson's process) from which Ni is obtained in the manner described above. For manufacturing purposes somewhat impure cobalt compounds are frequently used, which are converted into smalt. This is glass containing a certain amount of cobalt oxide ; the glass acquires a bright blue colour from this addition, so that when powdered it may be used as a blue pigment; it is also unaltered at high temperatures, so that it used to take the place now occupied by Prussian blue, ultramarine, &o. At present smalt is almost exclusively used for colouring glass and china. To prepare emalt, ordinary impure cobalt ore (zaffre) is fused in a crucible with quartz and potassium carbonate. A fused mass of cobalt glass is thus formed, containing silica, cobalt oxide, i and potassium oxide, and a metallic mass remains at the bottom ol the crucible, con- taming almost all the other metals, x arsenic, nickel, copper, silver, &o. This 'metallic niass is called speiss, and is used as nickel ore for the extraction of nickel. Smalt usually contains 70 p.c. of silica, 20 p.c. of potash and soda, and about 5 to 6 p.o. of cobaltous i» All we know respecting the relations of Co and Ni to 'Fe and Cu confirms the fact that Co is more closely related to Pe and Ni to Cu ; and as the atomic weight of Fe =* 56 and of Cu = 68, then according to the principles of the periodic system it would be expected that the atomic weight of Co would be about-59H50, whilst that of Ni should be greater than that of Co but less than that of Cu, i.e. about. 50;5-.60-5. Hpwever, aft yet the majority of the determination)* of the atomic -weights ,bf Co and Ni give a different result and show that a lower atomic weight is obtained for Ni than for Co. Thus K. Winkler (1894) obtained (etnploying metals deposited electrolytically and deter- mining the amount of iodine which combined with them) Ni = 68'72 and Co = 59'87 (if H = 1 and I <= 126'53). In my opinion this should not be regarded as proving that the principles of the periodic system cannot be applied in this instance, nor as a reason for altering the position of these elements in the'system (i.e. by placing Ni after Fe, and Co next to Cu), because in the first place .the figures given by different chemists (for instance, Zimmerinann, Kriiss, and others) are somewhat divergent, and in the second place the majority of the latest modes of determining the 'atomic weights of Co and Ni aim at finding what weights of these metals react witjh known weights of other elements without taking into account the faculty they have of absorbing hydrogen; since this faculty is triore developed hi Ni than in Co the hydrogen (occluded in Ni) should lower the atomio 'weight of Ni more than that of Co. On the whole, the question of the atomio weights of Co and Ni cannot yet be considered as. .decided, notwithstanding • the •numerous researches which have been made ; still there can be no doubt that the atomio weights of these two metals are very nearly equal, and greater than that of Fe, but les» than that of Cu. This question is of great interest, not only for completing our know- ledge of these metals, but also for perfecting our knowledge of the periodic system'of the Elements. 6»tri por stance, the alkalis may be fused in nickel vessels as well as in silvefj because they have no action upon either metal. Nickel, like silver, is not acted upon b$ 856 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY st straight lines corresponding to 'the hexa- and di-hydrates ; th« passage of the one into the other hydrate being expressed by a «\jrve. The same character ofc phenomena is Seen also in the variation of the vapour IKON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 857 If a solution of potassium hydroxide be added to a solution of a cobalt salt, a blue precipitate of the basic salt will be formed. If a tension of solutions of chloride of cobalt with the temperature. We have repeatedly seen that aqueous solutions (for instance, Chapter XXII., NotQ 28 for Fe3Cl6) deposit different crystallo-hydrates at different temperatures, and that the amount of water in the hydrate decreases as the temperature t rises, so that it is not surprising that CoCl22H2O (or according to Potilitzin CoCl2H2O) should sepauate out above 55° and CoCl26H2O at 25° and below. Nor 'ia it exceptional that the colour of a salt varies according as it contains different amounts of H20. But in this instance it is character* istio fflmt the change of colour takes place in solution in the presence of an excess of water. This apparently shows that the actual solution may contain either CoC1^6H2O or CoCl22H2O And as we know that ar solution may contain both metaphosphoric PHOj end orthophosphoric acid H3P04 = HP03+H2O, as well as certain other anhydrides, the question of the s.tate of substances in solutions becomes still more complicated. Nickel sulphate crystallises from neutral solutions at a temperature of from 15° to 20° in rhombic crystals containing 7H.jO. Its form approaches very closely to that of the Salts of zinc and magnesium. The planes of a vertical prism for magnesium salts are inclined at an angle of 90° 80', for zinc salts at an angle of 91° 7', and for nickel salts at an, angle of 91° 10'. Such is also the form of the zinc and magnesium selenates and chromates. Cobalt sulphate containing 7 molecules of water is deposited in crystals of the monoclinic system, like the corresponding salts of iron and manganese. The angle of a vertical prism for the iron salt = 82° 20', for cobalt = 82° 22', and the inclination of the horizontal pinacoid to the vertical prism for the iron salt = 99° 2', and for the cobalt salt 99° 86' All the isomorphous mixtures of the salts of magnesium, iron, cobalt, nickel and manganese have the same form if they contain 7 mol. H2O and iron or cobalt predominate, whilst' if there is a preponderance of magnesium, zinc, or nickel, the crystals have a rhombic form like magnesium sulphate. Hence these sulphates are 'dimorphous, but for some the one form is more stable and for others the other. Brooke, "Moss, Mitscherlich, Rammelsberg, and Marignac have explained these relations. Brooke and Mitscherlich also supposed that NiSO4,7H2O is not only capable of assuming these forms, but also that of the tetragonal system, because it is deposite'd in this form from acid, and especially from slightly-heated solutions (80° to 40°). But Marignac demon- strated that the tetragonal crystals do not contain 7, but 6, molecules of water, NiSO4,6H2O. He also observed that a solution evaporated at 60° to 70° deposits monoclinic crystals, but of a different form from ferrous sulphate, FeSO4,7H2O— namely, the angle of the prism is 71° 62', that of the pinacoid 95° 6'. This salt appears to be the same with 6 molecules of water as the tetragonal. Marignac also obtained magnesium and zmo salts with 6 molecules of water by evaporating their solutions at a higher tem- perature, and these salts were found to be isomorphous with the monoclinic "nickel salt. In addition to this it must be observed that the rhombic crystals of nickel sulphate with 7H30 become turbid under the influence of heat and light, lose water, and change into the tetragonal salt. The monoclinic crystals in time also become turbid, and change their structure, so that the tetragonal form df this salt is the most stable. Let us also add that nickel sulphate in all its shapes forms very beautiful emerald green crystals, which, when heated to 280°, assume a dirty greenish-yellow hue and then contain one molecule of water. Klobb (1891) and Langlot and Lenoir obtained anhydrous CoS04 and NiS04by Igniting the hydrated salt with (NH4)2SO^ until the ammonium (Bait had completely volatilised and decomposed. We may add that when equivalent aqueous solutions of NiX2 (green) and CoX2 (red) ere mixed together they give an almost colourless (grey) solution, in which the green and tred' colour of the component parts disappears owing to the combination of thecomple* mentary colours. A double salt NiKF3 fs obtained by heating NiCJ2 withKFHPin a platinum'cruciblej ECoFs is formed in a similar manner. The nickel gait occurs in fine green plates, easily 658 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY solution of a cobalt salt be heated almost" to the boiling-point, and the solution be then mixed with a boiling solution of an alkali hydroxide, a pink precipitate of cobaltous hydroxide^ CoH2O2,"wiil be formed. If air be not completely excluded during the precipitation by boiling, the precipitate will also contain brown cobaltic hydroxide formed by the • further oxidation of the cobaltous oxide.34 Under similar circumstances nickel salts form a green precipitate of nickelous hydroxide> the forma- tion of which is not hindered by the presence of ammonium salts, butt in that case only requires more alkali to completely separate the nickel. The nickelous oxide obtained by heating the hydroxide, or from the carbonate or nitrate, is a grey powder, easily soluble in acids 'and easily reduced, but the same substance may be obtained in the crystalline form as an ordinary product from the ores ; it crystallises in regular octahedra, with a metallic lustre, and is of a grey colour. In this state the nickelous oxide almost resists the action of acids.34 bls soluble in water but scarcely soluble in ethyl and methyl alcohol. They decompose into oxide of nickel and potassium fluoride when heated in a current of air. The analogous salt of cobalt crystallises in crimson flakes. If instead of potassium fluoride, CoCl2 or NiCla be fused with ammonium fluoride, they also form double salts with the latter. This gives the possibility of obtaining anhydrous fluorides NiP2 and CoF^. Crystalline fluoride of nickel, obtained by heating the amorphous powder formed by decomposing the double ammonium salt in a stream of hydrofluoric acid, occurs in beautiful green prisms, sp. gr. 4'63, which are insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether; sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids also have no action upon them, even when heated ; ^NiF3 is decomposed by steam, with the forma- tion of black oxide, which retains the crystalline structure of the salt. Fluoride of cobalt, obtained as a r6se-coloured powder by decomposing the double ammonium salt with the aid of heat in a stream of hydrofluoric acid, fuses into a ruby-coloured mass which bears distinct signs of a crystalline structure; sp. gr. 4'48. The molten saH only Volatilises at about 1400°, which forms a clear distinction between CoF3 and the volatile NiFjj/ Hydrochloric, sulphuric, and nitric acids act upon CoFg even in the oold, although slowly, while when heated the reaction proceeds rapidly (Poulenc, 1892). w Hydrated suboxide of cobalt (de Schulten, 1889) is obtained in the following manner. A solution of 10 grams of CoCl26H2O in 60 c.c. of water is heated in a flask with 250 grams of caustic potash and a stream of coal gas is passed through the solution. When heated the hydrate of the suboxide of cobalt which separates out, dissolves in the caustic potash and forms a dark blue solution. This solution is allowed to stand for 24 hours in an atmosphere of coal gas (in order to prevent oxidation). The crystalline mass which separates out has a composition Co(OH)2, and to the naked eye appears as a violet powder, which is seen to be crystalline under the microscope. The specific gravity of this hydrate is 8'597 at 15°. It does not undergo change in the air ; warm acetic acid dissolves it, but it is insoluble in warm and cold solutions of ammonia and sal- ammoniac. 54 bis The following reaction may be added to those of the cobaltous and nickelous salts : potassium cyanide forms a precipitate with • cobalt salts which is soluble ify an excess of the reagent and forms a green solution. On heating this and adding a certain quantity of acid, a double. cobaZi cyanide is formed which corresponds with potassium lerricyanide'. Its formation. is Accompanied with the evolution of hydrogen, and is founded upon the property which cobalt has of oxidising in an alkaline solution, the de.« velopment of which has been^observed in such a considerable measure in the cobaltamino euJts. The process which goes on here may be expressed by the following equation | IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL It is interesting to note the relation of the cobaltous and nickelous "hydroxides to ammonia ; aqueous ammonia dissolves the precipitate of cobaltous and nickelous hydroxide. The blue ammoniacal solution of nickel resembles the same solution of cupric oxide, but has a somewhat reddish tint. It is characterised by the fact that it dissolves silk in the same way as the ammoniacal cuptic oxide dissolves cellulose. Am- monia likewise dissolves the precipitate of cobaltous hydroxide, forming a brownish liquid, which becomes darker in air and finally assumes a bright red hue, absorbing oxygen. The admixture of ammonium chloride prevents the precipitation of cobalt salts by ammonia j when the am- monia is added, a brown solution is obtained from which, as in the case of the preceding solution, potassium hydroxide does not separate the cobaltous oxide. Peculiar compounds are produced in this solution j they are comparatively stable, containing ammonia ancl an excess of oxygen ; they bear the name cobaltoamine and cobaltiamine salts. They have been principally investigated by Oenth, Fremy, Jorgenson and others. Genth found that when a cobalt salt, mixed with an excess of ammonium chloride, is treated with ammonia and exposed to the air, after a certain lapse of time, on adding hydrochloric acid and boiling, a red powder is precipitated and the remaining solution contains an orange salt. The study of these compounds led to the discovery of a whole series of similar salts, some of which correspond with particular higher degrees of oxidation of cobalt, which are described later.35 CoC2N2 + 4KCN first forms CoK4C6N6, which salt with water, H2O, forms potassium hydroxide, KHO, hydrogen, H, and the salt, K3CoC6N6. Here naturally the presence of the acid is indispensable in consequence of its being required to combine with the alkali. Prom aqueous solutions this salt crystallises in transparent, hexagonal prisms of a yellow colour, easily soluble in water. The reactions of double decomposition, and even the formation of the corresponding acid, are here completely the same as in the case of the ferricyanide. If a nickelous salt be treated in precisely the same manner as that just described for a salt of cobalt, decomposition will occur. 33 The cobalt salts may be divided into at least the following classes, which repeat themselves for Cr, Ir, Rh (we shall not stop to consider the latter, particularly as they closely resemble the cobalt salts) :— (a) Ammonium cobalt salts, which are simply direct compounds of ths cobaltous Ipalts €0X2 with ammonia, similar to various other compounds of the salts of silver, copper, and even calcium and magnesium, with ammonia. They are easily crystallised from an ammoniacal solution, and have a pink colour. Thus, for instance, when cobaltous chloride in solution is mixed with sufficient ammonia to redissolve the precipitate first formed, octahedral crystals are deposited which have a composition CoCl2,H3O,6NHg. These salts are nothing else but combinations with ammonia of crystallisation— if it may be so termed— likening them in this way to combinations with water of crystallisation. This similarity is evident both from their composition and from their capability of giving off ammonia at various temperatures. The most important point to observe is that all these salts contain 6 molecules of ammonia to 1 atom of cobalt, and this ammonia is held in fairly stable connection. Water decomposes these salts. (Nickel behaves similarly without forming other compounds corresponding to the true cobaltic.) (6) The solutions of the above-mentioned salts are rendered turbid by the action of 860 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Nickel does not possess this property of absorbing the oxygen of the air when in an aramoniacal solution. In order to understand this distinc- the art ; they absorb oxygen and become covered with a crust of oxycobaltamitie salts. The latter are sparingly soluble in aqueous ammonia, have a brown colour, and are characterised by the fact that with warm water they evolve oxygen, forming salts of the following category : The nitrate may be taken as an example of this kind of salt ; its composition is CoN207,6NH3,H20. It differs from cobaltous nitrate, Co(NO3)2, in con- taining an extra atom of oxygen — that is, it corresponds with cobalt dioxide, Co02, in the same way that the first salts correspond with cobaltous oxide ; they contain 5, and not 6, molecules of ammonia, as if NH3 had been replaced by O, but we shall afterwards meet compounds containing either 5NH3 or 6NH3 to each atom of cobalt. (c) The luteocobaltic salts are thus called because they have a yellow (luteus) colour. They are obtained from the salts of the first kind by submitting them in dilute solution to the action of the air ; in this case salts of the second kind are not formed, be'cause they are decomposed by an excess of water, with the evolution of oxygen and the formation of luteocobaltic salts. By the action of ammonia the salts of the fifth kind (roseocobaltic) are also converted into luteocobaltic salts. These last-named salts generally crystallise readily, and have a yellow colour ; they are comparatively much more stable than the preceding ones, and even for a certain time resist the action ol boiling water. Boiling aqueous potash liberates ammonia and precipitates hydrated cobaltic oxide, Co2O3,8H2O, from them. This shows that the luteocobaltic salts corre- spond with cobaltio oxide, Co2C>5, and those of the second kind with the dioxide. When a solution of luteocobaltic sulphate, Co2(S04)3,12NH5,4H2O, is treated with baryta, barium sulphate is precipitated, and the solution contains luteocobaltio hydroxide, Co(OH)3,6NH5, which is soluble in water, is powerfully alkaline, absorbs the oxygen of the air, and when heated is decomposed with the evolution of am- monia. This compound therefore corresponds to a solution of cobaltic hydroxide in ammonia. The luteocobaltic salts contain 2 atoms of cobalt and 12 molecules of ammonia — that is, 6NH3 to each atom of cobalt, like the salts of the first kind. The CoXj salts have a metallic taste, whilst those of luteocobalt and others have a purely saline taste, like the salts of the alkali metals. In the luteo-salts all the X's react (are ionised, as some chemists say) as in ordinary salts — for instance, all the C12 is pre- cipitated by a solution of AgNO3 ; all the (S04)5 gives a precipitate with BaX2, &c. The double salt formed with PtCl4 is composed in the same manner as the potassium salt, K2PtCl4 = 2KCl + PtCl4, that is, contains (CoCl3,6NH3)?,8PtCl4, or the amount of chlorine in the PtCl4 is double that in the alkaline salt. In the rosepentamine (e), and rosetetramine (/), salts, also all the X's react or are ionised, but in the (g) and (h) salts only a portion of the X's react, and they are equal to the (e) and (/) salts minus water ; this means that although the water dissolves them it is not combined with them, as PH03 differs from PH303; phenomena of this class correspond exactly to what has been already (Chapter XXI., Note 7) mentioned respecting the green and violet salts of oxide of chromium. (d) The fuscocobaltic salts. An ammoniacal solution of cobalt salts acquires a brown colou in the air, due to the formation of these salts. They are also produced by the decomposition of salts of the second kind ; they crystallise badly, and are separated from their solutions by addition of alcohol or an excess of ammonia. When boiled they give Up the ammonia and cobaltic oxide which they contain. Hydrochloric and nitric acids give a yellow precipitate with these salts, which turns red when boiled, forming salts of the next category. The following is an example of the composition of two of the fusco-* cobaltic salts, Co2O(S04)2,8NH3,4H2O and Co2OCl4,8NH3,3H2O. It is evident that the fuscocobaltic salts are aramoniacal compounds of basic cobaltic salts. The normal co- baltic sulphate ought to have the composition Co2(SO4)3 - Co2O3,8SO5 ; the simplest basic salts will be Co2O(SO4)2=Co203,2SO3, and Co2O2(S04) = Co2O3,SO3. The fusco- cobaltio salts correspond with the first type of basic salts. They are changed (in con- centrated solutions) into oxycobaltamine salts by absorption of one atom of oxygen, IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 361 tion, and in general the relation of nickel, it is important to observe that cobalt more easily forms a higher degree of oxidation — namely, Co202(S04)2. The whole process of oxidation will be as follows : first of all €03X4, a cobaltous salt, is in the solution (X a univalent haloid, 2 molecules of the salt being taken), then Co2OX4, the basic cobaltic salt (4th series), then Co2O2X4, the salt of the dioxide (2nd series); The series of basic salts with an acid, 2HX, forms water and a normal salt, Co2Xe (in -8, 5, 6 series). These salts are combined with various amounts ol water and ammonia. tJnder many conditions the salts .of fuscocobalt are easily trans- formed into salts oi the next series. The salts of the series that has just been described contain 4 molecules of ammonia to 1 atom of cobalt, (e) 'The roseocobaltic (or rosepentamine), CoXaBLjOjSNHj, salts, like the luteo- cobaltic, correspond with the normal cobaltic salts, but contain less ammonia, and an extra molecule of water. Thus the. sulphate is obtained from cobaltous sulphate dissolved in ammonia and left exposed to the air until transformed into a brown solution of the fuscocobaltic salt ; when this is treated with sulphuric acid a crystalline powder of the roseocobaltic salt, Co2(S04)3,10NH3,5H2O, separates. The formation of this salt is easily understood : cobaltous sulphate in the presence of ammonia absorbs oxygen, and the solution of the fuscocobaltic salt will therefore contain, like cobaltous sulphate, one part of sulphuric acid to every part of cobalt, so that the whole process of formation may be expressed by the equation: 10NH3 + 2CoSO4 + H2SO4 + 4H20 + O = Co2(S04)3)iONH3, 6H2O. This salt forms tetragonal crystals of a red colour, slightly soluble in cold, but readily soluble in warm water. Wh6n the sulphate is treated with baryta, roseocobaltio hydroxide is formed in the solution, which absorbs the carbonic anhydride of the air. It is obtained from the next series by the action of alkalis. (/) The rosetetramine cobaltic salts CoCl2,2H20,4NH5 were obtained by Jorgenson, and belong to the type of the luteo-salts, only with the substitution of 2NH3 for H2O. Like the luteo- and roseo-salts they give double salts with PtCl4, similar to the alkaline double salts, for instance (Co2H2O,4NH3)2(SO4)2Cl2PtCl4. They are darker in colour than the preceding, but also crystallise well. 'They are formed by dissolving CoC03 in sulphuric acid (of a given strength), and after NH3 and carbonate of ammonium have been added, air is passed through the solution (for oxidation) until the latter turns red. It is then evaporated with lumps of carbonate of ammonium, filtered from the precipi- tate and crystallised. A salt of the composition Co2(CO3)2(SO4), (2H2O,4NH3)3 is thus obtained, from which the other salts may be easily prepared. (<7) The purpureocobaltic salts, CoX3,5NH3, are also products of the direct oxidation of ammoniacal solutions of cobalt salts. They are easily obtained by heating the roseo- cobaltic and luteo-salts with strong acids. They are to all effects the same as the roseocobaltic salts, only anhydrous. Thus, for instance, the purpureocobaltic chloride, Co2Cl6,10NH3, or CoCl3,5NH3, is obtained by boiling the oxycobaltamine salts with ammonia. There is the same distinction between these salts and the preceding ones as between the various compounds of cobaltous chloride with water. In the purpureo- cobaltic only X2 out of the X3 react (are ionised) To the rosetetramine salts (/) there correspond the purpureotetramine salts, CoX3H20,4NH3. The corresponding chromium purpureopentamine salt, CrCl3,5NH3 is obtained with particular ease (Christensen, 1898). Dry anhydrous chromium chloride is treated with anhydrous liquid ammonia in a freezing mixture composed of liquid CO2 and chlorine, and after some time the mixture is taken out of the freezing mixture, so that the excess of 'NH3 boils away ; the violet crystals then immediately acquire the red colour of the salt, CrCl3,5NH3, which is formed. The product is washed with water (to extract the luteo-salt, CrCl3,6NH3), which does not dissolve the salt, and it is then recrystallised from a hot solution of hydrochloric acid. (h) The prazeocobaltic salts, CoX3,4NH3, are green, and form, with respect to the fosetetramine salts (/), the products of ultimate dehydration (for example, like meta- phosphoric acid with respect to orthophosphoric acid, but in dissolving in water they give neither rosetetramine nor tetramine salts. (In my opinion one should expect salts with a still smaller amount of NH3, of the blue colour proper to the low hydrated compounds 862 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY" tesquioxide of cobalt, cobaltic oxide, Co2O3— than nickel, especially in the presence of hypochlorous acid. If a solution of a cobalt salt be' of cobalt ; the green colour of the prazeo-salts already forms a step towards the blue.) Jorgenson obtained salts for ethylene-diamine, N2H4C2H4 which replaces 2NH3. After being kepi a long time" 'in aqueous solution they give rosetetramine salts, just as met%« phosphoric acid gives orthophosphoric acid, while the rosetetramine salts are converted into prazeo-salts by Ag2O and NaHO. Here only one X is ionised out of the X3. There are also basic salts of the same type; but the best known is the chromium salt called the fhodozochromic salt, Cr2(OH)3Cl3,6NH3,2H2O, which is formed by the prolonged action of water upon the corresponding roseo-salt.- The cobaltamine compounds differ essentially but little from the ammoniacal com* pounds of other metals. The only difference is that here the cobaltic oxide is obtained from the cobaltous oxide in the presence of ammonia. In any case it ia a simpler question than that of the double cyanides. Those forces in virtue of which each a considerable number of ammonia molecules are united with a molecule of a cobalt compound, apper- tain naturally to the series of those slightly investigated forces which exist even in the highest degrees of combination of the majority of elements. They are the same forced which lead to the formation of compounds containing water of crystallisation, double salts, isomorphous mixtures and complex acids '( Chapter XXI., Note 8 bis). The simplest conception, according to my opinion, of cobalt compounds (much more so than by assuming special complex radicles, with Schiff, Weltzien, Claus, and others), may be formed by comparing them with other ammoniacal products. Ammonia, like water, com* bines in various proportions with a multitude of molecules. Silver chloride and calcium chloride, just like cobalt chloride, absorb ammonia, forming compounds which are some- times slightly stable, and easily dissociated, sometimes more stable, in exactly the same way as water combines with certain substances, forming fairly stable compounds called hydroxides or hydrates, or less stable compounds which are called compounds with water of crystallisation. Naturally the difference in the properties in both oases depends on 4he properties of those elements which enter into the composition of the given substance, and on those kinds of affinity towards which chemists have not as yet turned their attention. If boron fluoride, silicon fluoride, &c., combine with hydrofluoric acid, if platinic chloride, and even cadmium chloride, combine with hydrochloric acid, these compounds may be regarded as double salts, because acids are salts of hydrogen. But evidently water and ammonia have the same saline faculty, more especially as they, like haloid acids, contain hydrogen, and are both capable of further combination— for instance, ammonia with hydrochloric acid. Hence it is simpler to compare complex ammoniacal with double salts, hydrates, and similar compounds, but the ammonio-metallic salts present a most complete qualitative and quantitative resemblance to the hydrated salts of metals. The composition of the latter is MXjiwH^O, where M •= metal, X = the haloid, simple or complex, and n and m the quantities of the haloid and so-called water of crystallisation respectively. The composition of the ammoniacal salts of metals is MXnmNHj. The water of crystallisation is held by the salt with more or less stability, and some salts even do not retain it at all ; some part with water easily when exposed to the air, others when heated, and then with difficulty. In the case of some metals all the salts com- bine with water, whilst with others only a, few, and the water so combined may then be easily disengaged. All this applies equally well to the ammoniacal, salts, and therefore the combination of ammonia may be termed the ammonia of crystallisation. Just as the water which is combined with a salt is held by it with different degrees of force, so it is with ammonia. In combining with 2NH3, PtCl2 evolves 81,000 cals. ; while CaCl9 only evolves 14,000 cals. ; and the former compound parts with its NH3 (together with HC1 in this case) with more difficulty, only above 200°, while the latter disengages ammonia at 180°. ZnCl2,2NH3 in forming ZnCl2, 4NH3 evolves only 11,000 cals., and splits up again into its components at 80°. The amount of combined ammonia is as variable as the amount of water of crystallisation— for instance, Snl48NE3,CrCl28NH5,CrCl56NH3,CrCl35NH3, PtCMNH*, &c. are Tmown. Very often NHX is replaceable by OH-, and conversely. A, IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 36$ mixed with barium carbonate and an excess of hypochlorous acid be added, or chlorine gas be passed through it, then at the ordinary colourless, anhydrous cupric salt—for instance, cupric sulphate — when combined with water forms blue and green salts, and violet when combined with ammonia. If steam be passed through anhydrous copper sulphate the salt absorbs water and becomes heated ; if ammonia be substituted for the water the heating becomes much more intense, and the ealt breaks up into a fine violet powder. With water CuS04,5H2O is formed, and with ammonia CuS04,5NH3, the number of water and; ammonia molecules retained by the Bait being the same in each case, and as a proof of this, and that it is not an isolated . coincidence, the remarkable fact must be borne in mind that water and ammonia con- secutively, molecule for molecule, are capable of supplanting each other, and forming the compounds CuSO4,5K20, CuS04,4H20,NH3; CuS04)8H20,2NH3 ; CuS04,2H30,3NH5 ; CuS04,H20,4NH3, and CuSO4,5NH3. The last of these compounds was obtained by Henry Rose, and my experiments have shown that more ammonia than this cannot be retained. By adding to a strong solution of cupric sulphate sufficient ammonia to dissolve the whole of the oxide precipitated, and then adding alcohol, Berzelius obtained the compound CuS04,H3O,4NH3, &c. The law of substitution also assists in rendering these phenomena clearer, because a compound of ammonia with water forms ammonium hydroxide, NH4HO, and therefore these molecules combining with one another may also interchange, as being of equal value. In general, those salts form stable ammoniacal compounds which are capable of forming stable compounds with water of crystallisation ; , and as ammonia is capable of combining with acids, and as some of the salts formed by slightly energetic bases in their properties more closely resemble acids (that is, salts of hydrogen) than those salts containing more energetic bases, we might expect to find more stable and more easily-formed ammonio-metallio salts with metals and their oxides having weaker basic properties than with those which form energetic bases. Thi# explains why the salts of potassium, barium, &c., do not form ammonio-metallic salts, whilst the salts of silver, copper, zinc, &c., easily form them, and the salts RX5 still more easily and with greater stability. This consideration also accounts for the great stability of the ammoniacal compounds of cupric oxide compared with those of silver oxide, since the former is displaced by the latter. It also enables us to see clearly the distinction which exists in the stability of the cobaltamine salts containing salts corre- ponding with cobaltous oxide, and those corresponding with higher oxides of cobalt, for the latter are weaker bases than cobaltous oxides. The nature of the forces and quality of the phenomena occurring during the formation of the most stable sub' stances, and of such compounds as crystallisable compounds, are one and the same it although perhaps exhibited in a different degree. This, in my opinion, may be best confirmed by examining the compounds of -carbon, because for this element the nature of the forces acting during the formation of its compounds is well known. Let us take as an example two unstable compounds of carbon. Acetic acid, C2H4O2 (specific gravity 1-06), with water forms the hydrate, C2H402,H20, denser (1'07) than either of the com- ponents, but unstable and easily decomposed, generally simply referred to as a solution. Such also is the crystalline compound of oxalic acid, C2H2O4, with water, C2H2O4)2H20. Their formation might be predicted as starting from the hydrocarbon C2H6, in which, as in any other, the hydrogen- may be exchanged for chlorine, the water residue (hydroxyl), &o. The first substitution product with hydroxyl, C2H5(HO), is stable ; it can be distilled without alteration, resists a temperature higher than 100°, and then does not give off water. This is ordinary alcohol. The second, C2H4(HO)2, can also be distilled without change, but can be decomposed into water and C2H4O (ethylene oxide or aldehyde) ; It boils at about 197°, whilst the first hydrate boils at 78°, ft difference of about 100° The compound C2H3(HO)S will be the third product of such substitution ; it ought to boil at about 300°, but does not resist this temperature— it de- composes into H20 and CiH402, where only one hydroxyl group remains, and the other atom of oxygen is left in the same condition as in ethyler.e oxide, C2H4O. There is a proof of this. Glycol, C2H4(HO)2, boils at 197°, and forms water and ethylene oxide, which 864 PEINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY temperature on shaking, the whole of the cobalt will be separated in the form of black cobaltic oxide : 2CoS04 + C1HO + 2BaC03 boils at 13° (aldehyde, its isomeride, boils at 21°) ; therefore the product disengaged by the splitting up of the hydrate boils at 184° lower than the hydrate C2H4(HO)2. Thus the hydrate C2H3(HO)3, which ought to boil at about 800°, splits up in exactly the same way into water and the product C2HjO2, which boils at 117°— that is, nearly 183° lower than the hydrate, C2H3(HO)3. But this hydrate splits up before distillation. The above-mentioned hydrate of acetic acid .is such a decomposable hydrate— that is to say, what is called a solution. Still less stability may be expected from the following hydrates. C2H2(HO)4 also splits up into water and a hydrate (it contains two hydroxyl groups) called glycollic acid, C2H2O(HO)2 = C2H4O3. The next product of substitution will be 02H(HO)5; it splits up into water, H2O, and glyoxylio acid, C2H4O4 (three hydroxyl groups). The last hydrate which ought to be obtained from C2H6, and ought to contain C2(HO)6, is the crystalline compound of oxalic acid, C2H2O4 (two hydroxyl groups), and water, 2H20, which has been already mentioned. The hydrate C2(HO)a «= C2H2O4,2H2O, ought, according to the foregoing reasoning, to boil at about 600° (because the hydrate, C2H4(HO)2, boils at about 200°, and the substitution of 4 hydroxyl groups for 4 atoms of hydrogen will raise the boiling-point 400°). It does not resist this temperature, but at a much lower point splits up into water, 2H20, and the hydrate C2O2(HO)2, which is also capable of yielding water. Without going into further dis- cussion of this subject, it may be observed that the formation of the hydrates, or com- pounds with water of crystallisation, of acetic and oxalic acids has thus received aa accurate explanation, illustrating the point we desired to prove in affirming that com- pounds with water of crystallisation are held together by the same forces as those which act in the formation of other complex substances, and that the easy displaceability of the water of crystallisation is only a peculiarity of a local character, and not a radical point of distinction. All the above-mentioned hydrates, C2X<3, or pro- ducts of their destruction, are actually obtained by the oxidation of the first hydrate, C2H5(HO), or common alcohol, by nitric acid (Sokoloft and others). Hence the forces which induce salts to combine with nH2O or with NH3 are undoubtedly of the same •order as the forces which govern the formation of ordinary ' atomic ' and saline com- pounds. (A great impediment in the study of the former was caused by the conviction which reigned in the sixties and seventies, that 'atomic' were essentially different from 'molecular* compounds like crystallohydrates, in which it was assumed that there was a combination of entire molecules, as though without the participation of the atomic forces,) If the bond between chlorine and different metals is not equally strong, eo also the bond uniting ?iH2O and «NH3 is exceeding variable; there is nothing very surprising in this. And in the fact that the combination of different amounts of NH$ and H20 alters the capacity of the haloids X of the salts RX2 for reaction (for instance, in the luteo-salts all the X3, while in the purpureo, only 2 out of the 3, and in the prazeo- salts only 1 of the 8 X's reacts), we should see in the first place a phenomenon similar to what we met with in Cr2Cle (Chapter XXI., Note 7 bis), for in both instances the essence of the difference lies in the removal of water; a molecule RC13,6H2O or RCl^GNHj contains the halogen in a perfectly mobile (ionised) state, while in the molecule HC13)5H2O or RC13,5NH3 a portion of the halogen has almost lost its faculty for reacting •with AgNO3, just as metalepsical chlorine has lost this faculty which is fully developed in the chloranhydride. tlntil the reason of this difference be clear, we cannot expect that ordinary points of view and generalisation can give a clear answer. However, we may assume that here the explanation lies in the nature and kind of motion of the-atoms in tb.6 molecules, although as yet it is not clear how. Nevertheless, I think it well to call attention again (Chapter I.) to the fact that the combination of water, and hence, also, Of any other element, leads to most diverse consequences ; the water in the gelatinous hydrate of alumina or in the decahydrated Glauber salt is very mobile, and easily reacts like water in a free state ; but the same water combined with oxide of calcium, or C2H4 (for instance, in C2H60 and in C4H10O), or with P205, has become quite different, and no IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 365 =Co203 4- 2BaS04 -f HC1 4- 2C02. Under these circumstances nickelous- oxide does not immediately form black sesquioxide, but after a consider- able space of time it also separates in the form of sesquidxide, Ni203, but always later than cobalt. This is due to the relative difficulty of further oxidation of the nickelous oxide. It is, however, possible to- oxidise it ; if, for instance, the hydroxide NiH2O2 be shaken in water and chlorine gas be passed through it, then nickel chloride will be. formed, which is soluble in water, and insoluble nickelic oxide in the form of a black precipitate: 3NiH202 + Cl2=NiCl2 + Ni203,3H8O, Nickelic oxide may also be obtained by adding sodium hypochlorite mixed with alkali to a solution of a nickel sialt. Nickelic and cobaltio hydrates are black. Nickelic oxide evolves oxygen with all acids, and in consequence of this it is not separated as a precipitate in the presence of acids ; thus it evolves chlorine with hydrochloric acid, exactly like manganese dioxide. When nickelic oxide is dissolved in aqueous ammonia it liberates nitrogen, and an ammoniacal solution of nickelous oxide is formed. When heated, nickelic oxide loses oxygen, forming longer acts like water in a free state. We see the same phenomenon in many other cases— for example, the chlorine in chlorates no longer gives a precipitate of chloride of silver with AgN03. Thus, although the 'instance which is found in the difference between the roseo- and purpureo-salts deserves to be fully studied on account of its sim- plicity, still it is far from being exceptional, and we cannot expect it to be thoroughly explained unless a mass of similar instances, which are exceedingly common among chemical compounds, be conjointly explained. (Among the researches which add to our knowledge respecting the complex ammoniacal compounds, I think it indispensable to call the reader's attention to Prof. Kournakofi's dissertation ' On complex metallic- bases,' 1893.) Kournakoff (1894) showed that the solubility of the luteo-salt, CoCl3)6NH3, at 0° = 4-80 (per 100 of water), at 20° = 7'7, that in passing into the roseo-salt, CoCl3H205NH3, the solubility rises considerably, and at 0° = 16'4, and. at 20°= about 27,- whilst the passage into the purpureo-salt, CoCl3,5NH3, is accompanied by a great fall in the solubility, namely, at 0° = 0'28, and at 20° = about 0'5. And as crystallohydrates with a- smaller amount of water are usually more soluble than the higher crystallohydrates (Le Chatelier)/ whilst here we find that the solubility falls (in the purpureo-salt) wkh a loss of water, that water which is contained in the roseo-salt cannot be compare^ with the water of crystallisation. Kournakoff, therefore, connects the fall in solubility (in the passage of the roseo- into the purpureo-salts) with the accompanying loss in the reactive Capacity of the chlorine. In conclusion, it may be observed that the elements of the eighth group — that is, the analogues of iron and platinum— according to my opinion, will yield most fruitful results when studied as to combinations with whole molecules, as already shown1 by the examples of complex ammoniacal, cyanogen, nitro-, and other compounds, which are easily formed In this eighth group, and are remarkable for their stability. This faculty of the elements of the eighth group for forming the complex compounds alluded to, is in all probability connected with the position which the eighth group occupies with regard to the others. Following the seventh, whi'ch forms the type RX7, it might be expected to contain the most complex type, RX8. This is met with in OsO4. The other elements of the eighth group, however, only form the lower types RX2, RX3, RX4 .... and these accordingly should be expected to aggregate themselves into the higher types, which is accom- plished in the formation of the above-mentioned complex compounds. 866 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY nickelous oxide. Cobaltic oxide, Co2O3, exhibits more stability thao nickelic oxide, and shows feeble basic properties j thus it is dissolve^ in acetic acid without the evolution of oxygen.35 bls But ordinary acids, especially on heating, evolve oxygen, forming a' solution of a cobaltous salt. The presence of a cobaltic salt in a solution of a cobaltous salt may be detected by the brown colour of the solution and the blacfc precipitate formed by the addition of alkali, and also from the fact that euch solutions evolve chlorine when heated with hydrochloric acid, Cobaltic oxide may not only be prepared by the above-mentioned methods, but also by heating cobalt nitrate, after which a steel-coloured mass remains which retains traces of nitric acid, but when heated further to incandescence evolves oxygen, leaving a compound of cobaltic and cobaltous oxides, similar to magnetic ironstone. Cobalt (but not nickel) undoubtedly forms besides Co2O3 a dioxide. Co02« This is obtained 36 when the cobaltous oxide is oxidised by iodine or peroxide of barium.37 55 bis Marshall (1891) obtained cobaltic sulphate, CoafSO^.lSHjjO, by the action of an electric current upon a strong solution of CoSO4. 56 rk6 action of an alkaline hypoohlorite or hypobromite upon a boiling solution of cobaltous salts, according to Sohroederer (18S9), produces oxides, whose composition varies between Co^Og (Rose's compound) and Co20s, and also between Co508 and Co12O19. If caustic potash and then bromine be added to the liquid, only Co203 is formed. The action of alkaline hypochlorites or hypo-bromites, or of iodine, upon cobaltio salts, gives a highly-coloured precipitate which has a different colour to the hydrate of the oxide Co.2(OH)e. According to Carnot the precipitate produced by the hypochlorites has a composition Co^O^, whilst that given by iodine in the presence of an alkali contains a larger amount of oxygen. Fortuuann (1891) reinvestigated the composition of the higher oxygen oxide obtained by iodine in the presence of alkali, and found that the greenish precipitate (which disengages oxygen when heated to 100°) corresponds to the formula Co02. The reaction must be expressed by the equation: CoX2 + 12 + 4KHO = Co02 +.2KX + 2KI + 2H2O. 37 Prior to Fortmann, Rousseau (1889) endeavoured to solve the question as to whether Co02 was able to combine, with bases. He succeeded in obtaining a barium compound corresponding to jthia oxide. Fifteen grams of BaCl2 or BaBra are triturated with 5-G grams of oxide of barium, and the mixture heated to redness in a closed platinum crucible ; 1 gram of oxide of cobalt is then gradually added to the fused mass. Bach addition of oxide is accompanied by a violent disengagement of oxygen. After a short time, however, the mass fuses quietly, and a salt settles at the bottom of the crucible, which, when freed from the .residue, appears as black hexagonal, very brilliant crystals. In dissolving in water this substance evolves chlorine ; its composition corre* sponds to the formula 2(Co02)BaO. If the original mass be neated for a long time (40 hours), the amount of dioxide in the resultant mass decseases. The author ob- tained a neutral salt having the composition CoOaBaO (this compound «=-Ba02CoO) by breaking up the mass a,s it agglomerates together, and bringing the pieces into /contact with the more heated surface of the crucible. This salt is formed between th* Somewhat narrow limits of temperature 1,000°-1,100° ; above and below these limit* compounds richer or poorer in Co02 are formed. The formation of Co02 by the action of BaO2, and the easy decomposition, of Co02 with the evolution of oxygen, give reason for thinking that it belongs *Q the class of peroxides (like Cr2O7, Ca02, &c.) ; it is not yet fenovra whether they give peroxide of hydrogen like the true peroxides. The fact that IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL 867 Nickel alloys possess qualities which render them valuable for technical purposes, the alloy of nickel with iron being particularly remarkable. This alloy is met With in nature as meteoric iron. The, Pallasoffsky mass of meteoric iron, preserved in the St. Petersburg Academy, fell in Siberia in the last century ; it weighs about 15 cwt. and contains 88 p.c. of iron and about 10 p.c. of nickel, with a small admixture of other metals. In the arts German silver is most extensively used ; it is an alloy containing nickel, copper, and zinc in various proportions. It generally consists of about 50 parts of copper, 25 parts of zinc, and 25 parts of nickel. This alloy is characterised by its white colour resembling that of silver, and, like this latter metal, it does not rust, and therefore furnishes an excellent substitute for silver in the majority of cases where it is used. Alloys which contain silver in addition to nickel show the properties of silver to a still greater extent. Alloys of nickel are used for currency, and if rich deposits of nickel are discovered a wide field of application lies before it, not only in a pure state (because it is a beautiful metal and does not rust) but also for use in alloys. Steel vessels (pressed or forged out of sheet steel) covered with nickel have such practical merits that their manu- facture, which has not long commenced, will most probably be rapidly developed, whilst nickel steel, which exceeds ordinary steel in its tenacity, has already proved its excellent qualities for many purposes (for instance, for armour plate). Until 1890 no compound of cobalt or nickel was known of sufficient volatility to determine the molecular weights of the compounds of these metals ; but in 1890 Mr, L. Mond, in conducting (together with Langer and Quincke) his researches on the action of nickel upon carbonic oxide (Chapter IX., Note 24 bis), observed that nickel gradually volatilises in a stream of carbonic oxide ; this only takes place at low temperatures, and is seen by the coloration of the flame of the carbonic oxide. This observation led to the discovery of a remarkable volatile compound of nickel and carbonic 'oxide, having as molecular composition Ni(CO)4,38 it is obtained by means of iodine (probably through H10), and its great resemblance to Mn02, leads rather, to the supposition that CoD3 is a very feeble saline oxide. The form Co02 is repeated in the cobaltic compounds (Note 85), and the existence of CoOi» Some light is thrown upon the facility with which the platinum compounds decompose by Thomsen's data, showing that in an excess of water ( + Aq) the formation THE PLATINUM METALS 371 All the platinum metals, like those of the iron group, are grey, with a comparatively feeble metallic lustre, and are very infusible. In this respect they stand in the same order as the metals of the iron series ; nickel is more fusible and whiter than cobalt and iron, so also palla- dium is whiter and more fusible than rhodium and ruthenium, and platinum is comparatively more fusible and whiter than iridium or osmium. The saline compounds of these metals are red or yellow, like those of the majority of the metals of the iron series, and like the latter, the different forms of oxidation present different colours. More- @yer, certain complex compounds of the platinum metals, like certain complex compounds of the iron series, either have particular character- istic tints or else are colourless. The platinum metals are found in nature associated together in alluvial deposits in a few localities, from which they are washed, owing to their very considerable density, which enables a stream of water to wash away the sand and clay with which they are mixed. Platinum deposits are chiefly known in the Urals, and also in Brazil and a few other localities. The platinum ore washed from these alluvial deposits presents the appearance of more or less coarse grains, and sometimes, as it were, of semi-fused nuggets.2 All the platinum metals give compounds with the halogens, and th« highest haloid type of combination for all is RX4. For the majority of the platinum metals this type is exceedingly unstable ; the lower compounds corresponding to the type RX2, which are formed by th^ separation of X2, are more stable. In the type RX8 the platinum metals form more stable salts, which offer no little resemblance to from platinum, of such a double salt as PtCl2,2KCl, is accompanied by a comparatively small evolution of heat (see Chapter XXI., Note 40), for instance, Pt+Cl2-f-2KCl-f Aq only evolves about 88,000 calories (hence the reaction, Pt-f-Cl2+Aq,. will evidently disengage still less, because PtCl2 + 2KCl evolves a certain amount of heat), whilst on the other hand, Fe + Cl2+Aq gives 100,000 calories, and even the reaction with copper (for the formation of the double salt) evolves 68,000 calories. 2 The largest amount of platinum is extracted in the Ura^s, about five tons annually. A certain amount of gold is extracted from the washed platinum by means of mercury, which does not dissolve the platinum metals but dissolves the gold accompanying the platinum in its ores. Moreover, the ores of platinum always contain metals of the iron series associated with them. The washed and mechanically sorted ore in the majority of cases contains about 70 to 80 p.c. of platinum, about 5 to 8 p.c. of indium, and a some- what smaller quantity of osmium. The other platinum metals — palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium — occur in smaller proportions than the three above named. Sometimes grains of almost pure osmium-iridium, containing only a small quantity of other metals, are found in platinum, ores. This osmium-iridium may be easily separated from the other platinum metals, owing to its being nearly insoluble in aqua regia, by which the latter are easily dissolved. There are grains of platinum which are magnetic. The grains of osmium-iridium are very hard and malleable, and are therefore used for certain pur- poses, for instance, for the tips of gold pens. 87'2 PRINCIPLES 0£ CHEMISTRY the kindred compounds of the iron series— for example, to nickeloufr chloride, NiCl2, cobaltous chloride, CoCl2, &c. This even expresses itself in a similarity of volume (platinous chloride, PtCl2, volume, 46 ; nickelous chloride, NiCl2 = 50), although in the type RX2 the true iron metals give very stable compounds, whilst the platinum metals fre- quently react after the manner of suboxides, decomposing into the metal and higher types, 2RX2 = R -h RX4. This probably depends on the facility with which RX2 decomposes into R and X2, when Xa combines with the remaining portion of RX2 As in the series iron, cobalt, nickel, nickel gives NiO and Ni203, whilst cobalt and iron give higher and varied forms of oxidation, so also among the platinum metals, platinum and palladium only give the forms RX2 and RX4, whilst rhodium and iridium form another and intermediate type, RX3, also met:. with in cobalt, corresponding with the oxide, having the composition R2O3, besides which they form an acid oxide, like ferric acid, which is also known in the form of salts, but is in every respect unstable. Osmium and ruthenium, like manganese, form still higher oxides, and in this respect exhibit the greatest diversity. They not only give RX2, RX3, RX4, and RX6, but also a still higher form of oxidation, RO4, which is not met with in any other series. This form is exceedingly characteristic, owing to the fact that the oxides, Os04 and Ru04, are volatile and have feebly acid properties. In this respect they most resemble permanganic anhydride, which is also somewhat volatile.3 When dissolved in aqua regia (PtCl4 is formed) and liberated from the solution by sal-ammoniac ( (NH4)2 PtCl6 is formed) and reduped by ignition (which may be done by Zn and other reducing agents, direct from a solution of Pt014) platinum 3 bis forms a powdery mass, known * In characterising the platinum metals according to their relation to the iron metals, {t is very important to add two more very remarkable points. The platinum metals are capable of forming a sort of unstable compound with hydrogen ; they absorb it and only part with it when somewhat strongly heated. This faculty is especially developed io platinum and palladium, and it is very characteristic that nickel, which exactly corresponds with platinum and palladium in the periodic system, should exhibit the same faculty for detaining a considerable quantity of hydrogen (Graham's and Raoult's experiments). Another characteristic property of the platinum metals consists in their easily giving (like cobalt which forms the cobaltio salts) stable and characteristic saline compounds with ammonia, and like Fe and Co, double salts with the cyanides of the alkali metals, especially in their lower forms of combination. All the above so clearly brings the elements of the iron series in close relation to the platinum metals, that the eighth group acquires as natural a character as can be required, with a certain originality or indivi- duality for each element. 3 t>u Platinum was first obtained in the last century from Brazil, where it was called silver (platinus). Watson in 1750 characterised platinum as a separate independent metal. In 1803 Wollaston discovered alladium and rhodium in crude platinum, and at THE PLATINUM METALS 373 as spongy platinum or platinum black. If this powder of platinum be heated and pressed, or hammered in a cylinder, the grains aggregate or forge together, and form a continuous, though of course not entirely homogeneous, mass. Platinum was formerly, and is even now, worked up in this manner- The platinum money formerly used in Russia was made in this way. Sainte-Claire Deville, in the fifties, for the first time melted platinum in considerable quantities by employing a special furnace made in the form of a small reverberatory furnace, and com- posed of two pieces of lime, on which the heat of ^the oxyhydrogen flame has no action. Into this furnace (shown in fig. 34, Vol. 1. p. 175) — or, more strictly speaking, into the cavity made in the pieces of lime — the platinum is introduced, and two orifices are made in the lime ; through one, the upper, or side orifice, is introduced an oxyhydrogen gas burner, in which either detonating gas or a mixture of oxygen and coal-gas is burnt, whilst the other orifice serves for the escape of the products of combustion and certain impurities which are more volatile than the platinum, and especially the oxidised compounds of osmium, ruthenium, and palladium, which are comparatively easily volatilised by heat. In this manner the platinum is converted into a continuous metallic form by means of fusion, and this method is now used for melting consider- able masses of platinum 4 and its alloys with iridiura. about the same time Tennant Distinguished iridium and osmium in it. Professor Glaus, of Kazan, in his researches on the platinum metals (about 1840) discovered ruthenium in them, and to him are due many important discoveries with regard to these elements, such as the indication of the remarkable analogy between the series Pd— Rh— Rn and Pt-Ir-0*. The treatment of platinum ore is chiefly carried on for the extraction of the platinum itself and its alloys with iridium, because these metals offer a greater resistance to the action of chemical reagents and high temperatures than any of the other malleable and ductile metals, and therefore the wire so often used in the laboratory and for technical purposes is made from them, as also are various vessels used for chemical purposes in the laboratory and in works. Thus sulphuric acid* is distilled in platinum retorts, and many substances are fused, ignited, and evaporated in the laboratory in platinum crucibles and on platinum foil. Gold and many other substances are dissolved in dishes made of iridium-platinum, because the alloys of platinum and iridium are but slightly attacked when subjected to the action of aqua regia. The comparatively high density (about 21'5), hardness, ductility, and infusibility (it does not melt at a furnace heat, but only in the oxyhydrogen flame or electric furnace),, as well as the fact of its resisting the action of water, air, and other reagents, renders an alloy of 90 parts of platinum and 10 parts of iridium (Deville's platinum-iridium alloy) a most valuable material for making standard weights and measures, such as the metrej kilogram, and pound, and therefore all the newest standards of most countries are made of this alloy. 1 This process has altered, the technical treatment of platinum to a considerable extent. It has in particular facilitated the manufacture of alloys of platinum with Iridium and rhodium from the pure platinum ores, since it is sufficient to fuse the ore in order for the greater amount of the osmium to burn off, and for the mass to fuse Into a homogeneous, malleable alloy, which can be directly made use of. There is very little ruthenium in the ores of platinum. If during fusion lead be added, it dissolves 874 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY To obtain pure platinum, the ore is treated with aqua regia in which only the osmium and iridium are insoluble. The solution contains the platinum metals in the form RC14, and in the lower forms of chlorina- tion, RC13 and RC12, because some of these metals — for instance, palladium and rhodium — form such unstable chlorides of the type RX4 that they partially decompose even when diluted with water, and pass into the stable lower type of combination j in addition to which the chlorine is very easily disengaged if it comes in contact with substances on which it can act. In this respect platinum resists the actiop of heat and reducing agents better than any of its companions — that is, it passes with greater difficulty from PtCl4 to the lower compound PtCl2. On this is based the method of preparation of more or less pure platinum. Lime or sodium hydroxide is added to the solution in aqua regia until neutralised, or only containing a very slight excess of alkali. It is best to first evaporate and slightly ignite the solution, in order to remove the excess of acid, and by heating it to partially con- vert the higher chlorides of the palladium, &c., into the lower. The addition of alkalis completes the reduction, because the chlorine held in the compounds RX4 acts on the alkali like free chlorine, converting it into a hypochlorite. Thus palladium chloride, PdCl4, for example, is converted into palladious chloride, PdCl2, by this means, according to the equation PdCl4 + 2NaHO=PdCl2 + NaCl+NaC10 + H20. In a similar manner iridic chloride, IrCl4, is converted into the trichloride, IrCl3, by this method. When this conversion takes place the platinum still remains in the form of platinic chloride, PtCl4. It is then possible to take advantage of a certain difference in the properties of the higher and lower chlorides of the platinum metals. Thus lime precipitates the lower chlorides of the members of the platinum metals occurring in solution without acting on the platinic chloride, Pt014, and hence the addition of a large proportion of lime immediately precipitates the associated metals, leaving the platinum itself in solution in the form of a soluble double salt, PtCl4,CaCl2. A far better and more perfect the platinum (and other platinum tnetals) owing to Its being able to form a very charac- teristic alloy containing PtPb. If an alloy of the two metals be left exposed to moiet air, the excess of lead is converted into carbonate (white lead) in \he presence of the water and carbonic acid of the air, whilst the above platinum alloy remains unchanged. The white lead may be extracted by dilute acid, and the alloy PtPb remains unaltered. The other platinum metals also give similar alloys with lead, The fusibility of these, alloys enables the platinum metals to be separated from the gangue of the ore, and they may afterwards be separated from the -lead by subjecting the alloy to oxidation in furnaces furnished with a bone ash bed, because the lead is then oxidised and absorbed by the bone ash, leaving the platinum metals untouched. This method of treatment was proposed by H. Sainte-Claire Deville in the sixties, and is also used in the analysis ofi those metals (see further on). THE PLATINUM METALS 875 separation is effected by means of ammonium chloride, which gives, with platinio chloride, an insoluble yellow precipitate, PtCl4,2NH4Cl, whilst it forms soluble double salts with the lower chlorides RC12 and RC13, so that ammonium chloride precipitates the platinum only from the solution obtained by the preceding method. These methods are employed for preparing the platinum which is used for the manufacture of platinum articles, because, having platinum in solution as calcium platinochloride, PtCaCl6, or as the insoluble ammonium platinochloride, Pt(NH4)2Cl6, the platinum compound in every case, after drying or ignition, loses all the chlorine from" the platinic chloride and leaves finely- divided metallic platinum, which may be converted into homogeneous metal by compression and forging, dr by fusion.9 s For the ultimate purification of platinum from palladium and iridium the metals must be re-dissolved in aqua regia, -and the solution evaporated until the residue begins to evolve chlorine. The residue is then re-precipitated with ammonium or potassium chloride. The precipitate may still contain a certain amount of iridium, which passes with greater difficulty from the tetraohloride, IxCl*, into the trichloride, IrCl5, but it will be quite free from palladium, because the latter easily loses its chlorine and passes into palladious chloride, PdCl2, which gives an easily-soluble salt with potassium chloride. The precipitate, containing a small quantity of ioidium, is then heated with sodium carbonate in a crucible, when the mass decomposes, giving metallic platinum and iridium oxide. If potassium chloride has been employed, the residue after ignition is washed with water and treated with aqua regia. The iridium oxide remains undissolved, and the platinum easily passes into solution. Only cold and dilute aqua regia must be used. The solution will then contain pure platinic chloride, which forms the starting- point for the preparation of all platinum compounds. Pure platinum for accurate researches (for instance, for the unit of light, according to Violle's method) may be obtained (Mylius and Foerster, 1892) by Finkener's method, by dissolving the impure metal in aqua regia (it should be evaporated to drive off the nitrogen compounds), and adding NaCl so as to form a double sodium salt, which is purified by crystallising with a email amount of caustic soda, washing the crystals with a strong solution of NaCl, and then dissolving them in a hot 1 p.c. solution of soda, repeating the above and ultimately igniting the double salt, previously dried at 120°, in a stream of hydrogen ; platinum black and NaCl are then formed. The three following are very sensitive tests (to thousandths of a per cent.) for the presence of Ir, Eu, Rh, Pd (osmium is not usually present in platinum which has once been purified, since it easily volatilises with Cl» and CO2, and in the first treatment of the crude platinum either passes off as Os04 or remains undissolved), Fe, Cu, Ag, and Pb : (1) the assay is alloyed with 10 parts of pure lead, the alloy treated with dilute nitric acid (to remove the greater part of the Pb), and dissolved in aqua regia; the residue will consist pf Ir and Ru; the Pb is precipitated from the nitric acid solution by sulphuric acid, whilst the remaining platinum metals are reduced from the evaporated solution by formic acid, and the resultant precipitate fused with KHSO4 ; the Pd and Rh are thus converted into soluble salts, and the former is then precipitated by HgC2N2. (2) Iron may be detected by the usual reagents, if the crude platinum be dissolved in aqua regia, and the platinum metals precipitated from the solution by formic acid. (3) If crude platinum (as foil or sponge) be heated in a mixture of chlorine and carbonic oxide it volatilises (with a Certain amount of Ir, Pd, Fe, &c.) as PtCl2,2CO (Note 11), whilst the whole of the Rh, Ag, and Cu it may contain remains behind. Among other characteristic reactions for the platinum metals, we may mention : (1) that rhodium is precipitated from the solution obtained after fusion with KHS04 (in which Pt does not dissolve) by NH3, acetic and formic acids ; (2) that dilute aqua regia dissolves precipitated Pt, but not Rh ; (3) thai 876 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY^ Metallic platinum in 'a fused state has a specific gravity of 21 ; ft is grey; softer than iron but harder than copper, exceedingly ductile, and therefore easily drawn into wire and rolled into thin sheets, and may be hammered into crucibles and drawn into thin tubes, &c. In the state in which it is obtained by the ignition of its compounds* it forms a spongy mass, known as spongy platinum, or else as powder (platinum black).6 In either case it is dull grey, and is characterised, as we already know, by the faculty of absorbing hydrogen and other gases. Platinum is not acted on by hydrochloric, hydriodic, nitric, and sulphuric acids, or a mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids. Aqua regia, and any liquid containing chlorine or able to evolve chlorine or bromine, dissolves platinum. Alkalis are decomposed by platinum at a red heat, owing to the faculty of the platinum oxide, Pt02, formed to combine with alkaline bases, inasmuch as it has a feebly-developed acid character (see Note 8). Sulphur, phosphorus (the phosphide, PtP2f if the insoluble residue of the platinum metals (Ir, Ru, Os) obtained, after treating with 'aqua regia, be fused with a mixture of 1 part of KNOj and 6 parts of KgCOj (in a gold crucible), and then treated with water, it gives a solution containing the Ru (and a 'portion o£ the Ir), but which throws it all down when -saturated with chlorine and boiled ; (4) that if indium be fused with a mixture of EHO and KN03, it gives a soluble 'potassium salt, IrK204 (the solution is blue), which, when saturated with chlorine, gives IrCI4, which is precipitated by NH4C1 (the precipitate is- black), forming a double salt, leaving metallic Ir after ignition; (5) that rhodium mixed with NaCl and ignited in a current of chlorine gives a soluble double salt (from which sal-ammoniac separates Pfc and Ir>, which gives (according to Jb'rgensen) a difficultly soluble purpureO'Salt (Chapter XXH, Note 85), Rh2Cl3,5NHa, when treated with NH5; in this form the Rh may be easily purified and obtained in a metallic form by igniting in hydrogen ; and (6) that palladium, dissolved in aqua regia and dried (NH^Cl ^hrows down any Pt), gives soluble PdCl2, which forms an easily crystallisable yellow salt, PdCl2NH3, with ammonia ; this- salt (Wilm) may be easily purified by crystallisation, and gives metallic Pd when ignited. These reactions illustrate the method of separating the platinum metals from each other. 6 We have already become acquainted with the effect of finely-divided platinum on many gaseous substances. It is best seen in the so-called platinum black, which is a coal-black powder left by the action of sulphuric acid, on the alloy of zinc and platinum, or which is precipitated by metallic zinc from a dilute solution of platinum. In any case, finely-divided platinum absorbs gases more powerfully and rapidly the more finely divided and porous it is. Sulphurous anhydride, hydrogen, alcohol, and many organic substances in the presence of such platinum are easily oxidised by the oxygen of the air, although they do not combine with it directly. The absorption of oxygen is as much as several hundred volumes per one volume of platinum, acd the oxidising power of such absorbed oxygen is taken advantage of not only in the laboratory but even in manufacturing processes. Asbestos or charcoal, soaked in a solution of platinic chloride and ignited, is very useful for this purpose, because by this means it becomes coated with pjatintim black. If 60 grams of PtCl4 be dissolved in 60 c.c. of water, and 70 c.ctjof a strong (40 p.c.) solution of formic aldehyde added, the mixture cooled, and then a flolu'tion of 60 grams of NaHO in 60 grams of water added, the platinum is pre- cipitated. After washing with water the precipitate passes into solution and forms * black liquid containing soluble colloidal platinum (Loew, 1890). If the precipitated platinum be allowed to absorb oxygen on the filter, the temperature rises 40°, and a very porous platinum black is obtained which vigorously facilitates oxidation. THE PLATINUM METALS 877 Is formed), arsenic and silicon all act more or less rapidly on platinum, under the influence of heat. Many of the metals form alloys with it. Even charcoal combines with platinum when it is ignited with it, and therefore carbonaceous matter cannot be subjected to prolonged and powerful ignition in platinum vessels. Hence a platinum crucible soon becomes dull on the surface in a.smoky flame. Platinum also forms alloys with zinc, lead, tin, copper, gold, and silver.7 Although mercury does not directly dissolve- platinum, still it forms a solution or amalgam with spongy platinum in the presence of sodium amalgam ; a similar amalgam is also formed by the action of sodium amalgam on a solution of platinum chloride, and is used for physical experiments. There are two kinds of platinum compounds, PtX4 and PtX2. The former are produced by an excess of halogen in the cold, and the latter by the aid of heat or by the splitting up of the former. The starting-point for the platinum compounds is platinum tetrachloride, platinic chloride, PtCl4, obtained by dissolving platinum in aqua regia.7bis The solution crystallises in the cold, in a desiccator, in the form of reddish-brown deliquescent crystals which contain hydrochloric acid, PtCl4,2HCl,6H20, and behave like a true acid whose salts cor- respond to the formula K2I>tCl6-- ammonium platinochloride, for example.7 tri The hydrochloric acid is liberated from these crystals by gently heating or evaporating the solution to dryness ; or, better still, after treatment with silver nitrate a reddish-brown mass remains behind, which dissolves in water, and forms a yellowish-red solution which on cooling deposits crystals of the composition PtCl4,8H20. The tendency of PtCl4 to combine with hydrochloric acid and water — that is, to form higher crystalline compound^ — is evident in the platinum compounds, and must be taken into account in explaining the properties of platinum and the formation of many other of its complex compounds. Dilute solutions of platinic chloride are yellow, and are completely reduced by hydrogen, sulphurous anhydride, and many reducing agents, which first convert the platiuic chloride into * It is necessary to remark that platinum when alloyed wifh silver, or as amalgam, is soluble in nitric acid, and in this respect it differs from gold, so that it is possible, by alloying gold with silver, and acting on the alloy with nitric acid, to recognise the presence of platinum in the gold, because nitric acid does not act on gold alloyed with silver. 7 t>ta Ptd4 is also formed by the action of a mixture of HC1 vapour and air, and by the action of gaseous chlorine upon platinum. 7 lrl Pigeon (1891) obtained fine yellow crystals of PtH3Cl6,4H20 by addingstrong sul- phuric acid to a strong solution of PtH2Cl6,6H20 If crystals of H2PtCl6)6H20 be melted in vacuo (60°) in the presence of anhydrous potash, a red-brown solid hydrate is obtained containing less water and HC1, which parts with the remainder at 200°, leaving anhydrous PtCl4. The latter does not disengage chlorine before 220°, and is perfectly eoluble in water. 878 PEINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY the lower compound platinoua chloride, PtCl2. That faculty "which reveals itself in platinum tetrachloride of combining with water of crystallisation and hydrochloric acid is distinctly marked in its pro* perty, with which we are already acquainted, of giving precipitates with the salts of potassium, ammonium, rubidium, &c. In general it readily forma double salts, R2PtCl6=:PtCl4 + 2RCl, where R is a univalent metal such as potassium or NH4. Hence the addition of a solution of potassium or ammoniunj chloride to a solution of platinio chloride is followed by the formation of a yellow precipitate, which is sparingly soluble in water and almost entirely insoluble in alcohol and ether (platinic chloride is soluble in alcohol, potassium iridiochloride, IrK8Cl6, i.e. a compound of IrCl8, is soluble in water but not in alcohol), It is especially remarkable in this case, that the potassium compounds here, as in a number of other instances, separate in an anhydrous form, whilst tjie sodium compounds, which are soluble in water and alcohol, form red crystals containing water. -The composition NaaPtCl6,6H2O exactly corresponds with the above-mentioned hydrochloric compound. The compounds with barium, BaPt016,4H2O, strontium, 8rPtCl6,8H20, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and many other metals are all soluble in watfer.8 e Nilson (1877), who investigated the platmochlorides of various metals subsequently to Bonsdorff, Topsoe, Cleve, Marignao, atjd others, found that univalent and bivalent metals — such as hydrogen, potassium, ammonium . . . beryllium, calcium, barium— give compounds of euch a composition that there is always twice as much chlorine in the platinic chloride as in the combined metallic chloride; for example, K2Cl8tPtCl4} BeC^PtCl^SHaO, to. Such trivalent metals as aluminium, iron (ferric), chromium, di« dyrnium, cerium (cerou8)'form compounds of the type ECljPtCl^ in which the amounts of chlorine are in the ratio 8 : 4. Only indium and yttrium-give salts of a different composi- tion—namely, 2lnCl5,5PtCl4,86HaO and 4YCl5,5PtCl4)5lHaO. Such quadrivalent metato as thorium, tin, zirconium give compounds of the type RCl^PtC^, in which the ratio of the chlorine is 1:1. In this manner the valency of a metal may, to a certain extent, be judged from the composition of the double salts formed with platinic chloride. Platinic bromide, PtBr4, and iodide, Ptl*, are analogous to the tetrachloride, but the todide is decomposed still more easily than the chloride. If sulphuric acid be added to platinic chloride, and the solution evaporated, it forms a black porous mass like char- coal, which deliquesces in the air, and has the composition Pt(SOi)2. But this, the only oxygen salt of the type PtXj, is exceedingly unstable. This is due to the fact that platinum oxide, the oxide of the type PtO2, has a feeble acid character. This is shown in a number of instances. Thus if a strong solution of platinic chloride treated with sodium carbonate be exposed to the action of light or evaporated to dryness and then washed with water, a sodium platinate, PtjNaaO^HsO, remains.. The composition ol this salt, if we regard it in the same sense as we did the salts of silicic, titanic, molybdio and other acids, will be PtO(ONa)8,2PtO2,6H20— that is, the same type is repeated as we saw in the crystalline compounds of platinum tetrachloride with sodium chloride, or with hydrochloric acid—namely, the type PtX^SY, where Y is the molecule H8O,HC1, &c. Similar compounds are also obtained with other alkalis. They will be platinates of the alkalis in which the platinio oxide, PtQ2, plays the part of an acid oxide. Eousseaa (1889) obtained different grades of combination BaOPt03> 8(BaO)2Pt08, &c., by igniting a mixture of PtCl^ and caustic b&ryta. If «uch an alkaline compound of platinum be THE PLATINUM METALS 379 Platinous chloride, PtCl2, is formed when hydrogen platinoghloride, PtH2Cl6, is ignited at 300°, or when potassium is heated at 230° in a fitream of chlorine. The undecomposed tetrachloride is extracted from the residue by washing it with water, and a greenish-grey or brown insoluble mass of the dichloride (sp. gr. 5'9) IB then obtained. It is soluble in hydrochloric acid, giving an acid solution of the composition PtCl8,2HCl, corresponding with the type of double salts PtR2Cl4. Although platinous chloride decomposes below 500°, still it is formed to a small extent at higher temperatures. Troost and Hautefeuille, an<$ Seelheim observed that when platinum was strongly ignited in a stream of chlorine, the metal, as it were, slowly volatilised and was deposited in crystals j a volatile chloride, probably platinous- chloride, was evidently formed in this case, and decomposed subsequently to its formation, depositing crystals of platinum. The properties of platinum above- described are repeated more or less distinctly, or sometimes with certain modifications, in the above-men- tioned associates and analogues of -this metal. Thus although palladium fortns PdCl4, this form passes into PdCla with extreme ease.9 Whilst treated with acetic acid, the alkali combines with the latter, and a platinio hydroxide^ Pt(OH)4, remains as a brown mass, which loses water and oxygen when ignited, and in BO doing decomposes with a slight explosion. When slightly ignited this hydroxide first loses water and gives the very unstable oxide Pt02. Piatinio sulphide,. PtS2, belongs to the same type ; it is precipitated by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on a solution of platinum tetrachloride. The moist precipitate is capable of attracting oxygen, and ia then converted into the sulphate above mentioned, which is soluble in water. This absorption of oxygen and conversion into sulphate is another illustration of the basio nature of PtO2, so that it clearly exhibits both basio and acid properties. The latter appear, for instance, in the fact that platiuic sulphide, PtS2, gives crystalline compounds with the alkali sulphides. * In comparing the characteristics of the platinum metals, it must be observed that palladium in its form of combination PdXg gives saline compounds of considerable) stability. Amongst them palladoua chloride is formed by the direct action of chlorine or aqua regia (not in excess or in dilute solutions) on palladium. It forms a brown solution, which gives a black insoluble precipitate of palladoua iodide, PdI2, with solutions of iodides (in this respect, as in many others, palladium resembles mercury in the mercuric compounds HgX8). With a solution of mercuric cyanide it gives a yellowish white precipitate, pallodous cyanide, PdC8N2, which is soluble in potassium cyanide, and gives other double salts, M2PdC4N4. That portion of the platinum ore which dissolves in aqua regia and is precipitated by ammonium or potassium chloride does not contain palladium. It remains in solu- tion, because the palladic chloride, PdClj, is decomposed and the palladoua chloride formed is not precipitated by ammonium chloride; the same holds good for all the other lower chlorides of the platinum metals. Zinc (and iron) separates out all the unprecipi. tated platinum metals (and also copper, &c.) from the solution. The palladium is found to these platinum residues precipitated by einc. If this mixture of metals be treated with aqua regia, all the palladium will pass into solution as palladous chloride, with, some platinic chloride. By this treatment the main portion of (he irtdium, rhodium, &c. remains almost undtseolved, the platinum is separated from the mixture of palladia tod platinto chlorides by a solution of ammonium chloride, and the eolation of 880 PRINCIPLES OP CHEMISTRY rhodium and indium in dissolving in aqua regia also form RhCl4 and is precipitated by potassium iodide or mercuric cyanide. Wilm (1881) showed, that palladium may be separated from an impure solution by saturating it with ammonia; all the iron present is thus precipitated, and, after filtering, the addition of hydrochloric acid to the filtrate gives a yellow precipitate of an ammonio-palladium compound^ PdCIa,2NH3, whilst nearly all the other metals remain in solution. Metallic palladium is obtained by igniting the aromonio-compound or the cyanide, PdC2N3. It occurs native- although rarely, and is a metal of a whiter colour than platinum, sp. gr. 11'4, melts at about 1,500° ; it is much more volatile than platinum, partially oxidises on the surface when heated (Wilm obtained spongy palladium by igniting PdCla,2NH3, and observed that it gives PdO when ignited in oxygen, and that on further ignition thia oxide forms a mixture of PdaO and Pd), and loses its absorbed oxygen on a further rise of temperature. It does not blacken or tarnish (does not absorb sulphur) in the air at the ordinary temperature, and is therefore better suited than silver for astronomical and other instruments In which fln.e divisions have to be engraved on a white metaj, in order that the fine lines should be clearly visible. The most remarkable property of palladium, discovered by Graham, consists in its capacity for absorbing a large amount of hydrogen. Ignited palladium absorbs as much as 940 volumes of hydrogen, or about 0'7 p.c. of its own weight, which closely approaches to the formation of the compound Pd5H3r and- probably indicates the formation of palladium hydride, Pd2H. This absorption also takes place at the ordinary temperature—for example, when palladium serves as an electrode at which hydrogen is evolved. In absorbing the hydrogen, the palladium does not change in appearance, and retains all its metallic properties, only its volume increases by about 10 p.c.— that is, the hydrogen pushes out and separates the atoms of the palladium from each other, and is itself compressed to ^ of its volume. This com- pression indicates a great force of chemical attraction, and is accompanied by the evolu- tion of heat (Chapter II., Note 88). The absorption of 1 grm. of hydrogen by metallic palladium (Favre) is accompanied by the evolution of 4'2 thousand calories (for Pt 20, for Na 13, for K 10 thousand junits of 'heat), trooat showed that the dissociation pressure of palladium hydride is inconsiderable at the ordinary temperature, but reaches the atmospheric pressure at about 140°. This subject was subsequently investigated by A. A. Cracow of 8*. Petersburg -(1894), who showed that at first the absorption of hydrogen by the palladium proceeds like solution, according to the law of Dalton and Henry, but that towards the proceeds hire a dissociation phenomenon in definite compounds; this forms another link between the phenomenon of solution and of the formation of definite atomic compounds. Cracow's observations for a temperature 18°, showed that the electro-conductivity and tension vary until a compound PdjH is reached, and namely, that the tension p rises with the volume v of hydrogen absorbed, according fb the law of Dalton and Henry— for instance) for p = 2~l 8'2 5-5 7-7 mm, v=14 20 84 47 The maximum tension at 18° is 9 mm. At a temperature of about 140° (in the vapour of xylene) the maximum tension is about 760mm., and when v = 10-50 vols. the tension (according to Cracow's experiments) stands at 90— 450 mm.— that is, increases in pro- portion to the volume of hydrogen absorbed. But from the point of view of chemical mechanics it is especially important to remark that Moutier clearly showed, through palladium hydride, the similarity of the phenomena which proceed in evaporation and dissociation, which fact Henri Sainte-Claire Deville placed as a fundamental proposition in the theory of dissociation. It is possible upon the basis of the second law of the theory of heat, according to the law of the variation of the tension p of evaporation with the temperature T (counted from —273°), to calculate the latent heat of evaporation L {see works on physics) because 424 L=*T (1/d-l/D) dp/dt, where d and D are the weights of cubic measures of the gas (vapour) and liquid. (Thus, for instance, for r, when combine with hydrogen. The permeability of iron and platinum tubes to hydrogen is naturally due to the formation of similar compounds, but palladium is the mosfe permeable. s W» Rhodium is generally separated, together with iridium, from the residues left after the treatment of native platimun, because the palladium is entirely separated from them, and the ruthenium is present in them in very small traces, whilst the osmium at any rate is easily separated, as we shall soon see. The mixture of rhodium and iridium which is left undissolved in dilute aqua regia is dissolved in chlorine water, or by the> action of chlorine on a mixture of the metals with sodium chloride. In either case both metals pass into solution. They may be separated by many methods. In either case (if the action be aided by heat) the rhodium is obtained in the form of the chloride RhClj, and the iridium as iridious chloride, IrClj. They both form double salts with sodium chloride which are soluble in water, but the iridium salt is also partially soluble in alcohol, whilst the rhodium salt is not. A mixture of the chlorides, when treated with dilute aqua regia, gives iridic chloride, IrCl^, whilst the rhodium chloride, RhClj, re- mains unaltered ; ammonium chloride then precipitates the iridium as ammonium ividio- chloride, Ir(NH4)2Cl6, and on evaporating -the rose-coloured filtrate the rhodium gives ft crystalline salt, RhtNH^Cle. Rhodium and its various oxides are dissolved when fused with potassium hydrogen sulphate, and give a soluble double sulphate (whilst iridium remains unacted on) ; this fact is very characteristic for this metal, which offers in its properties many points of resemblance with the iron metals. When fused with potassium hydroxide and chlorate it is oxidised like iridium, but it is not afterwards soluble in water, iu which respect it differs from ruthenium. This is taken advantage of for separating rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium. In any case, rhodium under ordinary conditions always gives salts of the type EX3, and not of any other type ; and not only halogen salts, but also oxygen salts, are known in Ibis type, which is rare among the platinum metals. Rhodium chloride, RhCls, is known in an insoluble anhydrous and also in a soluble form (like CrX5 or salts of chromic oxides), in which it easily gives double salts, compounds with water of crystallisation, and forms rose-coloured solutions. In this form rhodium easily gives double salts of the two types RhMjClg and RhM2Cl5— for example, K3RhCl6,8H2O and K2RhCl5,H2O. Solutions of the salts (at least, the ammonium salt) of the first kind give salts of the second kind when they are boiled. If a strong solution of potash be added to a red solution of rhodium chloride and boiled, a black precipitate of the hydroxide Rh(OH)3 is formed ; but if the solution of potash is added little by little, it gives a yellow precipitate containing more water. This yellow hydrate of rhodium oxide gives a yellow solution when it is dissolved in acids, which only becomes rose-coloured after being boiled. It is obvious a change here takes place, like the transmutations of the salts of chromio oxide. It is also a remarkable fact thai 882 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY or when acted upon by substances capable of taking up chlorine (even alkalis, which form bleaching salts). Among the platinum metals, ruthenium and osmium have the most acid character, and although they give RuCl4 and OsCl4 they are easily oxidised to Ru04 and Os04 by the action of chlorine in ibhe presence of water ; the latter are "volatile and may be distilled with the water and hydrochloric acid, from a solution containing other platinum metals.9 trl Thus with respect to the black hydroxide, like many other oxidised compounds of the platinoid metals, does not dissolve in the ordinary- oxygen acids, whilst the yellow hydroxide is easily soluble and gives yellow solutions, which deposit imperfectly crystallised salts. Metallic, rhodium ifl easily obtained by igniting its oxygen and other compounds in hydrogen, or by precipitation with zinc. It resembles platinum, and has a sp. gr. of 12-1. At the ordinary temperature it decomposes formic acid into hydrogen and carbonic anhydride, with development of heat (Deville). With the alkali sulphites, the salts of rhodium and iridiuni of the type #X3 give sparingly-soluble precipitates of double sulphites of the composition R(S03Na)3,HaO, by means of which these metals may be separated from solution, and also may be separated from each other, for a mixture of these salts when treated with strong sulphuric acid gives a soluble iridium sulphate and leaves a red in- soluble double salt of rhodium and sodium. It may be remarked that the oxides IraO3 and Eh2O3 are comparatively stable and are easily formed, and that they also form different aouble salts (for instance, IrCl3,3KCl3H2O, RhCl3)2NH4Cl4H30, RhCl^SNHiClliH-jO) and compounds like the cobaltia compounds (for instance, luteo-salts RhX5,6NH3, roseo- salts, RhX3H2O5NH3, and purpureo-salts IrX3,5NH3. &c.) Iridious oxide, Ir2O3, ia obtained by fusing iridious chloride and its compounds with sodium carbonate, and treating the mass with water. The oxide is then left as a black powder, which, when strongly heated, is decomposed into iridium and oxygen; it is easily reduced, and ia insoluble in acids, which indicates the feeble basic character of this oxide,, in many respects resembling such oxides as cobaltic oxide, cerio or lead dioxide, &o. It does not dissolve when fused with potassium hydrogen sulphate. Rhodium oxide, Rh-jOs, is a tar more energetic base. It dissolves when fused with potassium hydrogen sulphate. From what has been said respecting the separation of platinum and rhodium it will be understood how the compounds of iridium, which is the main associate of platinum, are obtained. Ia describing the treatment of osmiridium we shall again have an opportunity of learning the method of extraction of the compounds of this metal, which has in recent times found a technical application in the form of its oxide, Ir2O3& this is obtained from many of the compounds of iridium by ignition with water, is easily reduced by hydrogen, and is insoluble in acids. It is used in painting on china, for giving a black colour. Iridium itself is more difficultly fusible than platinum, and when fused it does not decompose acids or even aqua regia ; it is extremely hard, and is not malleable ; its sp. gr, is 22*4. In the form of powder it dissolves in aqua regia, and is even partially oxidised when heated in air, sets fire to hydrogen, and, in a word, closely resembles platinum. Heated in an excess of chlorine it gives iridio chloride. IrCl^ but this loses chlorine at 50° ; it Is, however, more stable in the form of double salts, which have a characteristic black colour— for instance, Ir(NH4)2Cl6— but they give iridious chloride, IrCl3, when treated with sulphuric aeid. 9 tr| We have yet to become acquainted with the two remaining associates of platinum —ruthenium and osmium—whose most important property is that they are oxidised even when heated in air, and that they are able to give volatile oxides of the form Ru04 and Os04 ; these have a powerful odour (like iodine and nitrous anhydride). Both these higher oxides are solids ; they volatilise with great ease at 100° ; the former is yellow and the latter white. They are known as ruthenic and osmic anhydrides, although their aqueous solutions (they both slowly dissolve in water) do not show an acid reaction, and although they do not even expel carbonic anhydride from potassium carbonate, do not THE PLATINUM MEf ALS 888 the types of combination, all the platinum metals, under certain circun> stances, give compounds of the type RX4 — for instance, HQ2, RC14, &o, give crystalline salts with bases, and their alkaline solutions partially deposit them again when boiled (an excess of water decomposes the salts). The formulae Os04 and Eu04 correspond with the vapour density of these oxides, Thus Deville found the vapour density of osmic anhydride to be 128 (by the formula 127*6) referred to hydrogen. Tennant and Vauquelin discovered this. con\pound, and Berzelius, Wb*hler, Fritzsche, Struve*, Deville, Claus, Joiy,and others, helped in its investigation; nevertheless there are still many questions concerning it which remain unsolved. It should be observed (hat BO* is the highest known form for an oxygen compound, and BH4 is the highest known form for a compound of hydrogen; whilst the highest forms of acid hydrates contain SLE^O*, PH304, SH204, .ClHOf-oll with four atoms of oxygen, and therefore in this number there is apparently the limit for the simple forms of combination of hydrogen dad oxygen. In combination with several atoms of an element, or several elements, there may be more than O4 or EE^ but a molecule never contains more than four atoms of either 0 or H to one atom of another element. Thus the simplest forms of combina* tion of hydrogen and oxygen are exhausted by the list BB^, BH$, BH2, BH, BO, B0fl, BOsj B04. The extreme members are BH4 and B04, and are' only met with for such elements as carbon, silicon, osmium, ruthenium, which also give BtJla w^h chlorine. In these extreme forms, BH4 and BO^ the compounds are the least stable (com. pare SiH^, PH5, SH2, C1H, or BuO^ MoOj, Zr08>.SrO), and easily give up part, or even all, their oxygen or hydrogen. The primary source from which the compounds of ruthenium and osmium are obtained is^either osmiridium (the osmium predominates, from IrOs to IrOs4, from 16 to 2*1), which occurs tn platinum ores (it is distinguished from the grains of platinum by its crystalline structure, hardness, and insolubility in aqua regia), or else those insoluble residues which -are obtained, as we saw above, after treating platinum with aqua regia. Osmium predominates in these materials, which sometimes 'contain from 80 p.o. to 40 p.c. of it, and rarely more than 4 p.o. to 5 p.c. of ruthenium. The process for their treatment is as follows : they are -first fused with 6 parts of zinc, %nd the zinc is then extracted with dilute hydrochloric acid* The osmiridium thus treated is, according to Fritzsche and Struv^s method, then added to a fused mixture of potassium hydroxide and chlorate in an iron crucible ; the mass as it begins to evolve oxygen acts on the- metal, and the reaction afterwards proceeds spontaneously. The dark product is treated with water,, and gives a solution of osmium and ruthenium in the form of soluble salts, B«jOs04 and B^BuO^ whilst the ins&luble residue contains a mixture of oxides of iridium fancl pome osmium, rhodium, and ruthenium), and grains of metallic iridium still unactefl on. According to Fre*my's method the lumps of osmiridium are straightway heated to whiteness in a porcelain tube in a stream of air or oxygen, when the very volatile osmio anhydride is obtained directly, and is collected in a well-cooled receiver, whilst the ruthenium gives a -crystalline sublimate ci the dioxide, Bu02, which is, however, very difficultly volatile (it volatilises together with osmio anhydride), and therefore remains in the cooler portions of the tube j this method does not give volatile ruthenic anhydride, and thevirldium and other metals are not oxidised or give non-volatile products, This method $s simple, and at once gives dry, pure osmio anhydride in the receiver, and ruthenium dioxide in the sublimate. The air which passes through the tube should be previously passed through sulphuric acid, not only in order to dry R, but also to remove the organic and reducing dust. The vapour of osmio anhydride must be powerfully cooled, and ultimately passed over caustic potash. A third mode of treatment, which is most frequently employed, was proposed by Wohler, and consists in slightly heating (in order that the sodium chloride, should not melt) an intimate mixture of osmiridium and common salt in a stream of moist chlorine. The metals then form compounds with chlorine and sodium chloride, whilst the osmium forms the chloride, OsCl^ which reacts with the moisture, and gives osmic anhydride, which is condensed. The ruthenium in this, as in the other processes, does not* directly 884 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY But this is the highest form for only platinum and palladiuraY The remaining platinum metals further, like iron, give acids of the type give ruthenic anhydride, but is always extracted as the soluble ruthenium salt, K2Ru04, obtained by fusion with potassium, hydroxide and chlorate or nitrate. When the orange- coloured ruthenate, K2RuO4, is mixed with acids, the liberated ruthenic acid immediately decomposes into the volatile ruthenio anhydride and the insoluble ruthenic oxide: 2K2Ru04 + 4HN05=Ru04+Ru02,2H2O + 4KN05. When once one of the above com- pounds of ruthenium or osmium is procured it is easy to obtain all the remaining compounds, and by reduction (by metals, hydrogen, formic acid, &c.) the metals themselves. Osmic anhydride, Os04, is 'very easily deoxidised by many methods. It1 blackens organic substances, owing to reduction, and is therefore used in investigating vegetable and animal, and especially nerve, preparations under the microscope. Although osmic anhydride may be distilled in hydrogen, still complete reduction is accomplished when a mixture of hydrogen and osmic anhydride is slightly ignited (just before it inflames). If osmium be placed in the flame it is oxidised, and gives vapours of osmic anhydride, which become reduced, and the flame gives a brilliant light. Osmio anhydride deflagrates like nitre on red-hot charcoal ; zinc, and even mercury and silver, reduce osmic anhydride from its aqueous solutions into the lower oxides or metal ; such reducing agents as hydrogen sulphide, ferrous sulphate, or sulphurous anhydride, alcohol, &c., act in the same manner with great ease. The lower oxides of osmium, ruthenium, and of the other elements of the platinum series are not volatile, and it is noteworthy that the other elements behave differently. On comparing S02, S03; As203, As2O5 ; P203, P2O5; CO, C02, Ac., we observe a converse phenomenon ; the higher oxides are less volatile than the lower. In the case of osmium all the oxides, with the exception of the highest, are non-volatile, and it may therefore be thought that this higher form is more simply constituted than the lower. It is possible that osmic oxide, OsO^ stands in the same relation to the anhydride as C2H4 to CH4 — i.e. the lower oxide is perhaps Os2O4, or is still more polymerised, which would explain why the lower oxides, having a greater molecular weight, are less volatile than the higher oxides, just as we saw in the case of the nitrogen oxides, N20 and NO. Buthenium and osmium, obtained by the ignition or reduction of their compounds in the form of powder, have a density considerably less than in the fused form, and differ in this condition in their capacity for reaction ; they are much more difficultly fused than platinum and iridium, although ruthenium is more fusible than osmium. Ruthenium in powder has a specific gravity of Q'5, the fused metal of 12-2 ; osmium in powder has a specific gravity of 20'0, and when semi-fused— or, more strictly speaking, agglomerated— in the oxy -hydrogen flame, of 21'4, and fused 22'5. The powder of slightly-heated osmium oxidises very easily in the air, and when ignited burns like tinder, directly forming the odoriferous osmic anhydride (hence its name, from the Greek word signifying odour) ; ruthenium also oxidises when heated in air, but with more difficulty, forming the oxide Bu02. The oxides of the types RO, R203, and RO2 (and their hydrates) obtained by reduction from the higher oxides, and also from the chlorides, are analogous to those given by the other platinum metals, in which respect osmium and ruthenium closely resemble them. We may also remark that ruthenium has been found rn the platinum deposits of Borneo in the form of laurite, Ru2S3, in grey octahedra of sp. gr. 7'0. For osmium, Moraht ' and Wischin (1893) obtained free osmic acid, H2OsO4, by decomposing K2OsO4 with water, and precipitating with alcohol in a current of hydrogen (because in air volatile Os04 is formed) ; with H2S, osmic acid gives Os03(HS)2 at the ordinary temperature. Debray and Joly showed that ruthenic anhydride, RuO4, fuses at 25°, boils at 100°, and evolves oxygen when dissolved in potash, forming the salt KRu04 (not isomorphous with potassium permanganate). Joly (1891), who studied the ruthenium compounds in greater detail, showed that the easily-formed KRu04 gives RuK04Ru03 when ignited, but it resembles KMn04 in many THE PLATINUM METALS 885 R03or hydrates, HaRO^ROafHO^ (the type o£ sulphuric acid) ; bu$ they, like ferric and manganic acids, are chiefly known in the form of salts of the composition K2R04 or K2R207 (like the dichromate). These salts are obtained, like the manganates and ferrates,, by fusing the oxides, or even the metals themselves, with nitric, or, better still, with potassium peroxide. They are soluble iji water, are easily deoxidised and do not yield the acid anhydrides under the action of acids, but break up, either (like the ferrate) forming oxygen and a basic oxide (indium and rhodium react in this manner, as they do not give higher forms of oxidation), Or passing into a lower and higher form of oxidation — that is, reacting like a manganate (or partly like nitrite 'or phosphite). Osmium and ruthenium react according to the latter form, as they are capable of giving higher forms of oxidation, Os04 and RuO4, and therefore their reaction.^, of decomposition may be essentially represented by the equa- tion • 20sC>3=OsOa respects. In general, Eu has much in common with Mn, Joly (1889) also showed that If KNO5 be added to a solution of EuClj containing HC1, .the solution, becomes hot, and ft salfr, EuCl3N02KCl, is formed, which enters into double .decomposition and is very Btable. Moreover, if Eu.Cl3 be treated with an excess of nitric acid, it forms a salt^ EuCl3NOEaO, after being heated (to boiling) and the addition of HCL The vapour density of Eu04, determined by Pebray and Joly, corresponds to that formula, 10 Although palladium gives the same type.s of combination (with chlorine) as platinum, its reduction to EX3 is incomparably easier tnan that of platinic-chloride, and (a the case of iridium iij is also very easy. Iridic chloride, IrCl4, ^ts as an oxidising agent, readily parts with a fourth of its- chlorine to a number of substances, readily evolves chlorine when heated, an,d it is only at low temperatures that chlorine and aqua regia convert iridium into iridio chloride. In' .disengaging chlorine iridium more often and easily gives the very* stable iridious chloride, IrCl3 (perhaps this substance is lr2Cle=IrCl2,IrCl4, insoluble in water, but soluble in potassium chloride, because it forms the double salt K3IrCl6), than the dichloride, IrCl^. This compound, corresponding to IrX2, is very stable, and corresponds with the basic oxide, Ir203> resembling the oxides Fe203, Co203. To this form there correspond ammoniacal compounds similar to those given by cobaltic oxide. Although iridium also gives an acid in the form of the salt K2Ir207, it does not, like iron (and chromium),, form the corresponding chloride^ IrC-lc. In general, in this as in the other elements, it is impossible to predict the chlorine compounds from those of oxygen. Just as there is no chloride SC16> but only SC12, so also, although Ir03 exists, IrCl6 is wanting, the only chloride being IrCl4^ and this is unstable, like SC12, and easily parts >with its chlorine. In this respect rhodium, is very much like iridium (as platinum is like palladium). For KhCl4 decomposes with extreme ease, whilst rhodium chloride, EhCl3> is very -stable,.like many of the salts of the type EhX5).although like the platinum elements these salts are easily reduced to metal by the actjon of heat and powerful reagents. There 'is as close a resemblance between osmium and ruthenium. Osmium when submitted to the riction of dry chlorine gives osmic chloride, OsCl^ but the' latter is converted by water (as is osmium by moist chlorine) into osmic anhydride, although the greater portion is then decomposed .into Os(HO)4 and 4HC1, like a chloranhydride of an acid. In general this acid character is more developed in osmium than in platinum and iridium. Having parted with chlorine, osmio chloride, OsCl4, gives the unstable trichloride, OsCl3, an.d the stable soluble dichloride, OsCl2> which corresponds with platinous chloride in its properties and reactions. 'The relation of ruthenium to the halogens is of the «^amQ nature* 386 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Platinum and its analogues, like iron and its analogues, are able to form complex and comparatively stable cyanogen and ammonia com- pounds, corresponding with the ferrocyanides and the ammoniacal com- pounds of /cobalt, which we have already considered in the preceding chapter. If platinous chloride, PtCla (insoluble in water), be added by degrees to a solution of potassium cyanide, it is completely dissolved (like silver chloride), and on evaporating the solution deposits rhombic prisms of potassium platinocyanidet PtK2(CN)4,3H20. This salt, like all those corresponding with it, has a remarkable play of colours, due to the phenomena of dichromism, and even polychromism, natural to all the platinocyanides. Thus it is yellow and reflects a bright blue light. It is easily soluble in water, effloresces in air, then turns red, and at 100° orange, when it loses all its water. The loss of water does not destroy its stability—that is, it still remains unchanged, and its stability is further shown by the fact that it is formed whea potassium ferrocyanide, K4Fe'(CN)6, is heated with platinum black. This salt, first obtained by Gmelin, shows a neutral reaction with litmus ; it is exceedingly stable under the action of air, like potassium ferrocyanide, which it resembles in many respects. Thus the platinum In it cannot be detected by reagents such as sulphuretted hydrogen ; the potassium may be replaced by other metals by the action of their salts, so that it corresponds with a whole series of compounds, R2Pt(CN)4, and it is stable, although the potassium cyanide and platinous salts, of which it is composed, individually easily undergo change. When treated with oxidising agents it passes, like the ferrocyanide, into a higher form of combination of platinum. If salts of silver be added to its solution, it gives a heavy white precipitate of silver platino- cyanide, PtAg2(CN)4, which when suspended in water and treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, enters into double decomposition with the latter and forms insoluble silver sulphide, Ag2S, and soluble hydro- platinocyanic acid, H2Pt(CN)4. If potassium platinocyanide be mixed with an equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid, the hydroplatino- cyanic acid liberated may be extracted by a. mixture, of alcohol and ether. The ethereal solution, when evaporated in a desiccator, deposits bright red crystals of the composition PtH2(CN)4,5H80. This acid colours litmus paper, liberates carbonic anhydride from sodium car- bonate, and saturates alkalis, so that it presents an analogy to hydro- ferrocyanic acid.11 " This acid character is explained by the influence of the platinum on the hydrogen, and by the attachment of the cyanogen groups. Thus cyanuric acid, H3(CN)303, is an energetic acid compared with cyanic acid, HCNO. And the formation of a compound THE PLATINUM METALS 887 Ammonia, like potassium cyanide, has the faculty of easily reacting with platinum dichloride, forming compounds similar to the platino with five molecules of water of crystallisation, (PtH2(CN)4>5H20), confirms the opinion that platinum is able to form compounds of still higher types than that expressed in its saline compounds, and, moreover, the combination of hydroplatinocyanio acid with water does not reach the limit of the compounds which appears in A whole series of glatinocyanides of the common type PtB2(CN)4wH20 is obtained by means of double decomposition with the potassium or hydrogen or silver salts. For example, the salts of sodium and lithium contain, like the potassium salt, three molecules of water» The sodium salt is soluble in water and alcohol. The ammonium salt has the composition Pt(NH4)2(CN)4,2H20 and gives crystals which reflect blue and rose-coloured light. This ammonium salt decomposes at 800°, with evolution of water and ammonium cyanide, leaving a greenish platinum dicyanide, Pt(CN)3, which is insoluble in water and acid but dissolved in potassium cyanide, hydrocyanic acid, and other cyanides. The eatne platinous cyanide is, obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on the potassium salts in the form of a reddish-brown amorphous precipitate. The most characteristic of the platinocyanides are those of the alkaline earths. The magnesium salt PtMg(CN)4,7H2O crystallises in regular prisms, whose side faces are of a metallic green colour and terminal planes dark blue. It shows a carmine-red colour along the main axis, and dark red along the lateral axes ; it easily loses water, (2H2O), at 40°, and then turns blue (it then contains 5H20, which is frequently the case with the platinocyanides). Its aqueous solution is colourless, and an' alcoholic solution deposits yellow crystals. The remainder of the water is given off at 280°. It is obtained by saturating platinocyanio acid with magnesia, or else by double decomposition between the barium salt and magnesium sul« phate. The strontium salt, SrPt(CN)4,4jH2O crystallises in milk-white plates having a violet and green iridescence. When it effloresces in a desiccator, its surfaces have a violet and metallic green iridescence. A colourless solution of the barium salt PtBa(CN)4,4H20 is obtained by saturating a solution of hydroplatinocyanio acid with baryta, or by boiling the insoluble copper platinocyanide in baryta water It crystallises in nronoclinic prisms of a yellow colour, with blue and green iridescence ; it loses half its water at 100°, and the whole at 150°. The ethyl salt, Pt(C2H5)2(CN)4)2HovO, is also very characteristic ; its crystals are isomotphous with those of the potassium salt, and are obtained by passing hydrochloric acid into an alcoholic solution of hydroplatino- cyanic acid. The, facility with which they crystallise, the regularity of their forms, and their remarkable play of colours, renders the preparation of the platinocyanides one of the most attractive lessons of the laboratory. By the action of chlorine or dilute nitric acid, the platinocyanides are converted into salts of the composition PtM3(CN)5, which corresponds with Pt(CN)3,2KCN— that is, they express the type of a non-existent form of oxidation of platinum, PtX$ (i.e. oxide PtsOj), just as potassium ferricyanide (FeCy3,8KCy) corresponds with ferric oxide, and the ferrocyanide corresponds with the ferrous oxide. The potassium salt of this series contains PtK^CN^SHgO, and forms brown regular prisms with a metallic lustre, and is soluble in water but insoluble in alcohol. Alkalis re-convert this compound into the ordinary platinocyanide K2Pt(CN)fc. taking up the excess of cyanogen. It is remarkable that the salts of the type J?tMjjCy5 contain the same amount of water of crystallisation as those of the type PtM2Cy4. Thus the salts of potassium and lithium contain three, and the salt of magnesium seven, molecules of water, like the corresponding salts of the type of platinous oxide. Moreover, neither platinum nor any of its associates gives any cyanogen compound corresponding with the oxide, i.e. having the composition PtK2Cy6, just as there are no compounds higher than those which correspond to BCy5wMCy for cobalt or iron. This would appear to indicate the absence of any such cyanides, and indeed, for no element are there yet known, any poly-cyanides containing more than three equivalents ol cyanogen for one equivalent of the element. The phenomenon, is perhapa 888 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY oyanide and cobaltia compounds, which are comparatively stable.- 'But as ammonia does not. contain any hydrogen easily replaceable by connected with the faculty or cyanogen of giving tricyanogen polymeridea, such as cyanurio. acid, solid cyanogen chloride, &c. Under the action of an excess of chlorine, a solution of PtK2(CN)4 gives (besides PtK2Cy6) a product PtK2Cy4Cl2, which evidently contains the form PtX4, but at first the action of the chlorine (or the electrolysis of, or addition of dilute peroxide of hydrogen to, a solution of PtK2Cy4, acidulated with hydrochloric acid) produces an easily soluble intermediate salt which crystallises in thin copper-red needles (Wilm, Hadow, 1889). It only contains a email amount of chlorine, and apparently corresponds to a compound 6PtK2Cy4+ PtK2Cy4Cl2 + 24H20. Under the action of an excess of ammonia both these chlorine products are converted either oon> pletety or in part (according to Wilm ammonia does not act upon PtK2Cy4) into PtCy2,2NH5, i.e. a platino-ammonia compound (see further on). It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that ruthenium and osmium—which, as we know, give higheir forms of oxidation than platinum — are also able to combine with a larger proportion of potassium cyanide (but not of cyanogen) than platinum. Thus ruthenium forms a crystalline hydroruth&wcyanic ac^d, RuH4(CN)6, which js soluble in water and alcohol, and corresponds with the salts M4Ru(CN)6. There are exactly similar osmic com- pounds—for example, "K4Os(CN)6,8H2O. The latter is obtained in the form of colourless, sparingly-soluble regular tablets on evaporating the solution obtained from a fused mixture of potassium osrciochloride, K2OsCl6,.and potassium cyanide. These osmic and ruthenic compounds fully correspond with potassium ferrocyanide, K4Fe(CN)6,8H20, not Only in their composition but also jn their crystalline form and reactions, which again demonstrates the close analogy between iron, ruthenium, and osmium, which we have shown by giving these three elements a similar position (in the eighth group) in the periodic system. For rhodium and indium only salts of the same type as the ferricyanides, M3RCy6, are known, and for palladium only of the type M2PdCy4, which are analogous to the platinum salts. In all these examples a constancy of the types of the double cyanides is apparent. In the eighth group we have iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, and their analogues ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, and also osmium, iridium, platinum, gold. The double cyanides of iron, ruthenium, osmium have the type K^CNJeJ of cobalt, rhodium, iridium, the type K5R(CN)e ; of nickel, palladium, platinum the type K2R(CN)4 and K2R(CN)5; and for copper, silver, gold there are known KR(CN)2, so that the presence of 4, 8, 2, and 1 atoms of potassium corresponds with the order of the elements in the periodic system. Those types which we have seen in the ferrocyanidea and ferricyanidea of iron repeat themselves in all the platinoid metals, and this naturally leads to the conclusion that the formation of similar so-called double salts is of exactly the 8ame*bature as that of the ordinary salts. If, in expressing the union of the elements in the oxygen salts, the existence of an aqueous residue (hydroxyl group) be admitted, in which the hydrogen is replaced by a metal, we have then only to apply this mode of expression to the double salts and the analogy will be obvious, if only we remember that C12, (CN)2, SO4, &c., are equivalent to O, as we see in RO, RC12, RS04, &c. They all «=X2, and, therefore, in point of fact, wherever X ( = C1 or OH, &c.) can be placed, there (C12H), (S04H), &c., can also stand. And as ClaH = Cl + HC1 and S04H <= OH + SO5, &c., it follows that molecules EDC1 or SQs, or, in general, whole molecules — for instance, NH8, B^O, salts, &c., can annex themselves to a compound containing X. (This is an indirect consequence of the law of substitution which explains the origin of double salts, ammonia compounds, compounds with water of crystallisation, &c., by one general method.) Thus the double salt MgS04,K2S04, according to this reasoning, may be considered as a substance of the same type as MgCl2, namely, as =Mg(S04K)2, and the alums as derived from A1(OH)(S04), namely, as AKSO^HSO^, Without stopping to pursue this digression further, we will apply these considerations to the type of the ferrocyanides and ferricyanides and their platinum analogues. Such a salt aa KgPtCy4 may accordingly be regarded as Pt(CyaS)^ THE PLATINUM METALS 889 metals, and as ammonia itself is able to combine -with acids, the PtX2 plays, as it tfere, the part of an acid with reference to the* like Pt(OH)2 ; and such a salt as PtK2Cy5 as PtCy(CyaK)2, the analogue of PtX(OH)2, or A1X(OH)2, and other compounds of the type RXj. 'Potassium ferricyanide and the analogous compounds of cobalt, iridium, and rhodium, belong to the same'type, with the same difference as there is between KX(OH)3 and R(OH)S, since FeK3Cy6=Fe(Cy2K)5. Limiting myself to these considerations, which may partially elucidate the nature of double salts, I will now pasa 'again to the complex saline compounds known for platinum. (A) On mixing a solution of potassium thiocyanate with a solution of potassium platinosochloride, K2PtCl4, they form a double thiocyanate, PtB^CNS)^ which is easily soluble in water and alcohol, crystallises in red prisms, and gives au orange-coloured solution, which precipitates salts of the heavy metals. The action of sulphuric acid on the lead .salt of the same 'type gives the acid jtself, PtH2(SCN)4, which corre- sponds with these salts. The type of these compounds is evidently the same as that of the cyanides. (J5) Platinous chloride, PtCl2> which is insoluble fn water, forms double $alt$ .with the metallic chlorides. These double chlorides are soluble in water, and capable of. crystallising. Hence when a hydrochloric acid solution of platinous chloride is mixed with solutions of metallic salts and evaporated it forms crystalline salts of a red or yellow colour. Thus, for example, the potassium salt, PtKjjCl^ is red, and easily soluble in water; the sodium salt is also soluble in alcohol;' the barium salt, PtBaCl4,8H2O, is soluble hi water, but the silver salt^ PtAg2Cl4, is insoluble in water, and may be used for obtaining the remaining salts by means of double decomposition with their chlorides. (0) A remarkable example of the complex compounds of platinum was observed by Schiitzenberger (1868). He showed that finely-divided platinum in the presence of chlorine and carbonic oxide at 250°-800° gives phosgene and a volatile compound con- taining platinum. The same substance is formed by the action of carbonic oxide on platinous chloride. It decomposes with an explosion in contact with water. Carbon tetracbloride dissolves a portion of this substance, and on evaporation gives crystals of 2PtCl2,8CO, whilst the compound PtCl2,2CO remains undissolved. When fused and sublimed it gives yellow needles of PtCl^CO, and in the presence of an excess of carbonic oxide PtCl2,2CO is formed. These compounds are fusible (the first at 250°, the second at 142°, and the third at 195°). In this case (as in the double cyanides) com- bination takes place, because both carbonic oxide and platinous chloride are unsaturated compounds capable of further combination. The carbon tetrachloride solution absorbs NH5 and gives PtCl2,CO,2NH3, and PtCl5,2CO,2NH5, and these substances are analo- gous (Foerster, Zeisel, Jorgensen) to similar compounds containing complex amines (for instance, pyridine, C5H5N), instead of NH$, and ethylene, &c., instead of CO, so that here we have a whole series of comple? platino-compounds. The compound PtC^CO dissolves in hydrochloric acid without change, and the solution disengages all the carbonic oxide when KCN is added to it, which shows that those forces which bind 9 molecules of KCN to PtClj can also bind the molecule CO, or 2 molecules of CO. When 'the hydrochloric acjd solution of PtCLjCO is mixed with a solution of sodium acetate or acetic acid, it gives a precipitate of PtOCO, i.e, the C12 is replaced by oxygen (probably because the acetate is decomposed by water). This oxide, PtOCO, splits up into Pt+ C02 at 850°, PtSCO is obtained by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen upon PtCl2CO. All this leads to the conclusion that the group PtCO is able to assimilate X2=C12, S, O, &c. (Mylius, FperstSlr, 1891). Pullinger (1891), by igniting spongy platinum at 250°, first in a stream of chlorine, and then in a stream of carbonic oxide, obtained (besides volatile products) a non-volatile yellow substance which remained unchanged in air and disengaged chlorine and phosgene gas when ignited ; its compo- sition was PtCl$(CO)2, which apparently proves it to be a compound of PtCl2 and 890 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY ammonia. Owing to the influence of the ammonia, the X2 in th« resultant compound will represent the same character as it has in 2COC12, as PtCla is able to combine with oxychlorides, and forms somewhat stable compounds. (D) The faculty of platinous chloride for forming stable compounds with divers sub- stances shows itself in the formation of the compound PtCl2,PCl3 by the action of phos- phorus pentachloride at 250° on platinum powder (Pd reacts in a similar manner, according to Fink, 1892), The product contains both phosphorus pentachloride and platinum, whilst the presence of PtCLj is shown in the fact that the action of water produces chlorplatino-phosphorous acid, PtCl2P(OH)3. (E) After the. cyanides, the double salts of platinum formed by sulphurous acid are most distinguished for their stability and characteristic properties. This is all the more instructive, as sulphurous acid is only feebly energetic, and, moreover, in these, as m all its compounds, it exhibits a dual reaction. The salts of sulphurous acid, R2S03) either react as salts of a feeble bibasic acid, where the group SO3 presents itself as bivalent, and consequently equal to X2, or else they react after the manner of salts of a monobasic acid containing the same residue, RSOj^lis occurs in the salts of sulphuric acid. In sul- phurous acid this residue is combined with hydrogen, H(803H), whilst in sulphuric acid it is united with the aqueous residue (hydroxyl), OH(S03H). These two forms of action of the sulphites appear in their reactions with the platinum salts — that is to say, salts of both kinds are formed, and they both correspond with the type PtH^. The one eeries of salts contain PtH2(S03)2, and their reactions are due to the bivalent residue of sulphurous acid, which replaces X2. The others, which have the composition PtR2(S03H)4, contain sulphoxyl. The latter salts will evidently react like, acids ; they are formed simultaneously with the salts of the first .kind, and pass into them. These salts are obtained either by directly dissolving platinous oxide in water containing sul- phurous acid, or by passing sulphurous anhydride into a solution of platinous chloride in hydrochloric acid. If a solution of platinous chloride or platinous oxide in sulphurou» acid be saturated with sodium carbonate, it forms a white, sparingly soluble precipitate containing PtNa2(S08Na)4,7H20. If this precipitate be dissolved in a small quantity ol hydrochloric acid and left to evaporate at the ordinary temperature, it deposits a salt of t*he other type, PtNa!,(S03)3,H3O, in the form of a yellow powder, which is sparingly eoluble in wafer. The potassium salt analogous to the first salt, PtK2(S03K)4.2H2O, is precipitated by passing sulphurous anhydride into a solution of potassium sulphite in which platinous oxide is suspended. A similar salt is known for ammonium, and with hydrochloric acid it gives a salt of the second kind, Pt(NH4)2(S03)2,H20. If ammonio- chloride of platinum be added to an aqueous solution of sulphurous anhydride, it is first deoxidised, and chlorine is evolved, forming a salt of the type PtX2 ; a double decompo- sition then takes place with the ammonium sulphite, and a salt of the composition Pt(NH4)3Cl8(803H) is formed (in a desiccator). The acid character of this substance is explained by the fact that it contains the elements SO3H— sulphoxyl, with the hydrogen not yet displaced by a metal. On saturating a solution of this acid with potassium carbonate it gives orange-coloured crystals of a potassium salt of the composition Pt(NH4)2Cl3(S03K). Here it is evident that an equivalent of chlorine in PtfNH^C^ is replaced by the univalent residue of sulphurous acid. Among these salts, that of the composition Pt(NH4)2Cla(S03H)2,H20 is very readily formed, and crystallises in well- formed colourless crystals; it is obtained by dissolving ammonium platinosochloride, Pt(NH4)2Cl4, in an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid. The difficulty with which sul- phurous anhydride and platinum are separated from these salts indicates the same basio character in these compounds as is seen in the double cyanides of platinum. In their passage Into a complex salt, the metal platinum and the group S03 modify their relations (compared with those of PtXa or S03X2), just as the chlorine in the salts KC1O, KC10«, and KC104 is modified in its relations as compared with hydrochloric acid or potassium chloride. THE PLATINUM' METALS 891 ammotoiacal salts.; consequently, the ammonlacal compounds produced from PtX2 will be salts in which X will be replaceable by various other haloids, just as the metal is replaced in the cyanogen salts ; such is the nature of the platino-ammonium compounds. PtX2 forms com- pounds with 2NH3 and with 4NH3, and so also PtX4 gives (not directly from PtX4 and ammonia, but from the compounds of PtX2 by the action of chlorine, 2NH3and inPtX2,4NH3. In the former, Pt(NH3Cl)2, the nitrogen of each atom of ammonia is united by three affinities with H3, by one with *F 392 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY If ammonia acts on a boiling solution of platinous chloride in hydrochloric acid, it produces the green salt of Magnus (1829), platinum, and by the fifth with chlorine. The other compound is Pt(NH3$:NH3Cl)y— that is, the N is united by one affinity with the other N, whilst the remaining bonds are the same as in the first salt. It is evident that this union or chain of ammonias has no obvious limit, and the most essential fault of such a mode of representation is that it does not indicate at all what number of ammonias are capable of being retained by platinum. Moreover, it is hardly possible to admit the bond between nitrogen and platinum in such stable compounds, for these kinds of affinities are, at all events, feeble, and cannot lead to stability, but would' rather indicate explosive and easily-decomposed compounds. Moreover, it is not clear why this platinum, which is capable of giving PtX4, does not act with its remaining affinities when the addition of ammonia to PtXj takes place. These, and certain other considerations which indicate the imperfection of this representation of the structure of the platino-ammonium salts, cause many chemists to incline more to the representations of Berzelius, Glaus, Gibbs, and others, who suppose that NH^is able to combine with substances, to adjoin itself or pair itself with them (this kind of combination is called ' Paarung ') without altering the fundamental capacity of a substance for further, combinations. Thus, in PtX2,2NH3, the ammonia is the associate of PtX2, as is expressed by the formula N^HePtX-j. Without enlarging on the exposition of the details of this doctrine, we will only mention that it, like the first, does not render it possible to foresee a limit to the compounds with ammonia; it isolates compounds of this kind into a special and artificial class ; does not show the connection between .compounds of this and of other kinds, and therefore it essentially only expresses the fact of the com- bination with ammonia and the modification in its ordinary reactions. For these reasons we do not hold to either of these proposed representations of the ammonio- platinum compounds, but regard them, from the point of view cited above with reference to double salts and water of crystallisation — that is, we embrace all these compounds under the representation of compounds of complex types. The type of the compound PtX2,2NH3 is far more probably the same as that of PtX2,2Z— i.e. as PtX^ or, still more •accurately and truly, it is a compound of the same type as PtX2,2KX or PtX2,2H20, &c. Although the platinum first entered into PtK2X4 as the type PtX2, yet its character has changed in the same manner as the character of sulphur changes when from SO2 the com- pound S02(OH)2 is obtained, or when KC104, the higher form, is obtained from KC1. For us as yet there is no question as to what affinities hold X2 and what hold 2NH3, because this is a question which arises from the supposition of the existence of different affinities in the atoms, which there is no reason for taking as a common phenomenon. It seems to me that it is most important as a commencement to render clear the analogy in the formation of various complex compounds, and it is this analogy of the ammonia compounds with those of water of crystallisation and double salts that forms the main object of the primary generalisation. We recognise in platinum, at all events, not only the four. affinities expressed in the compound PtCl4, but a much larger number of them, if only the- summation of affinities is actually possible. Thus, in sulphur we recognise not two but a much greater number of affinities; it is clear that at least six affinities can act. So also among the analogues of platinum : osmic anhydride, Os04, Ni(CO)4) PtH2Cl6, &o. indicate the existence of at least eight affinities ; whilst, in chlorine, judging from the compound KC1O4 = C1O3(OK) = C1X7, we must recognise at least seven affinities, instead of the one which is accepted. The latter mode of calculating affinities is a tribute to that period of the development of science when only the simplest hydrogen compounds •were considered, and when all complex compounds were entirely neglected (they were placed under the class of molecular compounds). This is insufficient for the present state of knowledge, because we find that, in complex compounds as in the most simple, the same constant types or modes of equilibrium are repeated, and the character of certain elements is greatly modified in the passage from the most simple into very complex compounds. THE PLATINUM METALS 893 PtCl2,2NH3, insoluble in water and hydrochloric acid. But, judging by its reactions, this salt has twice this formula. Thus, Gros (1837), on boiling Magnus's salt with nitric acid, observed that half the chlorine was replaced by the residue of nitric acid and half the platinum was disengaged : 2PtCl2(NH3)2 + 2HNO3==PtCl2(NO3)2(NH3)4 + 2PtCl2. The Gros's salt thus obtained, PtCl2(NO3)24NH3 (if Magnus's salt Judging from the most complex platino-ammonium compounds PtCl4,4NH3, we should admit the possibility of the formation of compounds of the type PtX4Y4, where Y4 = 4X2 = 4NH3,' and this shows that those forces which form such a characteristic Series of double platinocyanides PtK2(CN)4,3H2O. probably also determine the formation o! the higher ammonia derivatives, as is seen on comparing — PtCl2 NH3 C12 8NH3 Pt(CN)2 KCN KCN 3H20. Moreover, it is obviously much more natural to ascribe the faculty for combination with nY to the whole of the acting elements— that is; to PtX2 or PtX4, and not to platinum alone. Naturally such compounds are not produced with any Y. With certain X's there only combine certain Y's. The best known and most frequently-;', formed compounds of this kind are those with- water— that is, compounds with water of crystallisation. Compounds with salts are double salts; also we know that similar compounds are also frequently formed by means of ammonia. Salts of zinc, ZnXj, copper, CuX2, silver, AgX, and many others give similar compounds, but these and many other ammonio-metallic saline compounds are unstable, and readily part with their combined ammonia, and it is only in the elements of the platinum 'group and in the group of the analogues of iron, that we observe the faculty to form stable ammonio- metallic compounds. It must be remembered that the metals of the platinum and iron groups are able to form several high grades of oxidation which have an acid character, .and consequently in the lower degrees of combination there yet remain affinities capable of retaining other ' elements, and they probably retain ammonia, and hold it the more stably, because all the properties of the platinum compounds are rather acid than basic —that is, PtXn recalls rather HX or SnX» or CXn than KX, CaX2, BaX2, &c., and ammonia naturally will rather combine with an acid than with a basic substance. Further, a dependence, or certain connection of the forms of oxidation with the ammonia compounds, is seen on comparing the following compounds : PdClo,2NH3,H20 PdCl2,4NH3,H20 PtCl2,2NH3 PtCl4,4NH3 BhCl3,5NH3 BuCl2,4NH3,8H2O IrCl3)5NH3 OsCl2,4NH3,2H2O We know that platinum and palladium give compounds of lower types than iridium and rhodium, whilst ruthenium and osmium give the highest forms of oxidation ; this shows itself in this case also. We have purposely cited the same compounds with 4NH5 for^osmium and ruthenium as we have for platinum and palladium, and it is then seen that Eu and Os are capable of retaining 2H.2O and 8H2O, besides C12 and NH3, which .the compounds of platjnum and palladium are unable to do. The same ideas which were developed in Note 85, Chapter XXII. respecting the cobaltia compounds are perfectly applicable to the present case, i.e. to the platinia compounds or ammonia compounds of the platinum metals, among which Bh and Ir give compounds which are perfectly analogous to the cobaltia compounds. Iridium and rhodium, which easily give compounds of the type RX3, give compounds (Claus) of the type IrX3,6NH3, of a rose colour, and BhX3,5NH3, of a yellow colour. .Jbrgensen, in his researches on these compounds, showed their entire analogy with the .cobalt compounds, as was to be expected from the periodic system. 394 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY belongs to the type PtX2, then Gros's salt belongs to the type PtX4), is soluble in water, and the elements of nitric acid, but not the chlorine,, contained in it are capable of easily submitting themselves to double saline decomposition. Thus silver nitrate does not enter into double decomposition with the chlorine of Gros's salt. Most instructive was the circumstance that Gros, by acting on his salt with hydrochloric acid, succeeded in substituting the residue of nitric acid in it by chlorine, and the chlorine thus introduced, easily reacted with silver nitrate. Thus it appeared that Gros's salt contained two varieties of chlorine — one which reacts readily, and the other which reacts with difficulty. The composition of Gros's first salt is PtCl2(NH3)4(N03)2 ; it may be converted into PtCl2(NHa)4(S04), and in general into PtCl2(NH3)4X2.i* The salt of Magnus when boiled with a solution of ammonia gives the salt (of Reiset's first base) PtCl2(NH3)4, and this, when treated with bromine, forms the salt PtCl2Br2(NH3)4, which has the same composition and reactions as Gros's salt. To Reiset's salts there corresponds a soluble, colourless, crystalline hydroxide, Pt(OH)2(ISrH3)4, having the properties of a powerful and very energetic alkali ; it attracts carbonic anhydride from the atmosphere, precipitates metallic salts like potash, saturates active acids, even sulphuric, forming colourless (with nitric, carbonic, and hydrochloric acids), or yellow (with sulphuric acid), salts of the type PtX2(NH3)4.!4 The com- 13 Subsequently, a whole series of such compounds was obtained with various elements in the place of the (non-reacting) chlorine, and nevertheless they, like the chlorine, reacted with difficulty, whilst the second portion of the X's introduced into such salts easily underwent reaction. This -formed the most important reason for the interest which the study of the composition and structure of the platino-ammonium salts subsequently presented to many chemists, such as Keiset, Blomstrand, Peyrone, Raeffski, Gerhardt, Buckton, Cleve, Thomsen, Jorgensen, Kournakoff, Verner, and others. The salts PtX^NHs, discovered by Gerhardt, also exhibited several different properties in the two pairs of X's. In the remaining platino-ammonium salts all the X's appear to react alike. The quality of the X's, retainable in the platino-ammonium salts, maybe considerably modified, and they may frequently be wholly or partially replaced by hydroxyl. For example, the action of ammonia on the nitrate .of Gerhardt's base, Pt(NO5)4,2NH3, in a boiling solutiont gradually produces a yellow crystalline precipitate which is nothing else than a basic hydrate or alkali, Pt(OH)4,2NH3. It is sparingly soluble in water, but gives directly soluble salts PtX4,2NH3 with acids. The stability of this hydroxide is such that potash does not expel ammonia from it, even on boiling, and it does not change below 130°. Similar properties are shown by the hydroxide Pt(OH)2,2NH3 and the oxide PtO,2NH3 of Eeiset's second base. But the hydroxides of the compounds con- taining 4NH3 are particularly remarkable. The presence of ammonia renders them soluble and energetic. The brevity of this work does not permit us, however, to mention many interesting particulars in connection with this subject. 14 Hydroxides are known corresponding with Gros's salts, which contain one hydroxyl group in the place of that chlorine or haloid which in Gros's salts reacts with difficulty, THE PLATINUM METALS 895 parative stability (for instance, as compared with AgCl and NH3) of such compounds, and the existence of many other compounds analogous and these hydroxides do not at once show the properties of alkalis, just as the chlorine which stands in the same place does not react distinctly ; but still, after the prolonged action of acids, this hydroxyl group is also replaced by acids. Thus, for example, the action of nitric acid on Pt(N03)2Cl2,4NH3 causes the non-active chlorine to react, but in the product all the chlorine is not replaced by NO3, but only half, and the other half is replaced by the hydroxyl group : Pt(NO3)2Cl2,4NH3 + HN03 + H2O = Pt(NO3)3(OH),4NH3 + 2HC1 ; and this is particularly characteristic, because here the hydroxyl group has not reacted with the acid — an evident sign1 of the non-alkaline character of this residue. I think it may be well to call attention to the fact that the composition of the. ammonio-metalla- salts very often exhibits a correspondence between the amount of X's and the amount of NH3) of such a nature that we find they contain either XNH3 or the grouping X2NH3; for example, Pt(XNH3)2 and Pt(X2NH3)2, Co(X2NH3)3, Pt(XNH3)4, &o. Judging from this, the view of the constitution of the double cyanides of platinum given in Note 11 finds some confirmation here, but, in my opinion, all questions respecting the composition (and structure) of the ammoniacal, double, complex, and crystallisation compounds stand connected with the solution of questions respecting the formation of compounds of various degrees of stability, among which a theory of solutions must be included, and therefore I think that the time has not yet come for a complete generalisation of the data which exist for these compounds ; and here I again refer the reader to Prof. Kournakoff's work cited in Chapter XXII., Note 85. However, we may add a few individual remarks concerning the platinia compounds. To.the common properties of the platino-ammonium salts, we must add not only their stability (feeble acids and alkalis do not decompose them, the ammonia is not evolved by heating, &c.), but also the fact that the ordinary reactions of platinum are concealed in them to as great ah extent as those of iron in the ferricyanides. Thus neither alkalis nor hydrogen sulphide will separate the platinum "from them. For example, sulphuretted hydrogen in acting on Gros's salts gives sulphur, removes half the chlorine by' means of its hydrogen, and forms salts of Reiset's first base. This may be understood or explained by considering the platinum in the molecule as covered, walled up by the ammonia, or situated in the centre of the molecule, and therefore inaccessible to reagents. On this assumption, however, we should expect to find clearly-expressed ammoniacal properties, and this is not the case. Thus ammonia is easily decomposed by chlorine, whilst in acting on the platino-ammonium salts containing PtX2 and 2NH3 or 4NH3, chlorine combines and does not destroy the ammonia ; it converts Reiset's salts into those of. Gros and Gerhardt. Thus from PtX2,2NH3 there is formed PtX2Cl2,2NH3, and from PtX2,4NH3 the salt of Gros's base PtX2Cl2,4NH3. This shows that the amount .of chlorine which combines is not dependent on the amount of ammonia present, but is due to the basic properties of platinum. Owing to this some chemists suppose the ammonia to be inactive or passive in certain compounds. It appears to me that these relations, these modifications, in the usual properties of ammonia and platinum are explained directly by their mutual combination. Sulphur, in sulphurous anhydride, SO2, and hydrogen sulphide, SH2, is naturally one and the same, but if we, only knew of it in the form of hydrogen sulphide, then, having obtained it in the form of sulphurous anhydride, we should consider its properties as hidden. The oxygen in magnesia, MgO, and in •nitric peroxide, NO2, is so different that there is no resemblance. Arsenic no longer reacts in its compounds with hydrogen as it reacts in its compounds with chlorine, and in their compounds with nitrogen all metals modify both their reactions and their physical properties. We are accustomed to judge the metals by their saline compounds with haloid groups, and ammonia by its compounds with acid substances, and here, in the platino-compounds, if we assume the platinum to be bound to the entire mass of the ammonia — to its hydrogen and nitrogen — we shall understand that both the platinum and ammonia modify their characters. Far more complicated is the question why a por- 896 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY to them, endows them with a particular chemical interest. Thus Kournakoff (1889) obtained a series of corresponding compounds contain- tion of the chlorine (and other haloid simple and complex groups) in Gros's salts acts iu a different manner from the other portion, and why only half of it acts in the usual way. But this also is not an exclusive .case. The chlorine in potassium chlorate or in carbon tetrachloride does not react with the same ease with metals as the chlorine in the salts corresponding with hydrochloric acid. In this case it is united to oxygen and carbon, •whilst in the platino-ammonium compounds it is united partly to platinum and partly to the platino-ammonium group. Many chemists, moreover, suppose that a part of the chlorine is united directly to the platinum and the other part to the nitrogen of the ammonia, and thus explain the difference of the reactions ; but chlorine united to platinum reacts as well with a silver salt as the chlorine of ammonium chloride, NH4C1, or nitrosyl chloride, NOC1, although there is no doubt that in this case there is a union between the chlorine and nitrogen. Hence it is necessary to explain the absence of a facile reactive capacity in a portion of the chlorine by the conjoint influence of the platinum and ammonia on it, whilst the other portion may be admitted as being under the influence of the platinum only, and therefore as reacting as in other salts. By admitting a certain kind of stable union in the platino-ammonium grouping, it is possible to imagine that the chlorine does not react with its customary facility, because access to a portion of the atoms of chlorine in this complex grouping is difficult, and the chlorine union is not the same as we usually meet in the saline compounds of chlorine. These are the grounds on which we, in refuting the now accepted explanations of the reactions and formation of the platino-compounds, pronounce the following opinion as to their structure. In characterising the platino-ainmonmm compounds, it is necessary to bear in mind that compounds which already contain PtX4 do not combine directly with NH3, and that such compounds as PtX4,4NH3 only proceed from PtX2, and therefore it is natural to conclude that those affinities and forces which cause PtX2 to combine with X2 also cause it to combine with 2NH3. And having the compound PtX2,2NH3, and supposing that in subsequently combining with C12 it reacts with those affinities which produce the com- pounds of platinic chloride, PtCl4, with water, potassium chloride, potassium cyanide, hydrochloric acid, and the like, we explain not only the fact of combination, but also many of the reactions occurring in the transition of one kind of platino-ammonium salts into another. Thus by this means we explain the fact that (1) PtX2)2NH3 combines with 2NH3, forming salts of Beiset's first base ; (2) and the fact that this compound •(represented as follows for 'distinctness), PtX2,2NH3,2NH3, when heated, or even when boiled in solution, again passes into PtX2)2NH3 (which resembles the easy disengage- ment of water of crystallisation, &c.) ; (3) the fact that PtX2,2NH3 is capable of absorbing, under the action of the same forces, a molecule of chlorine, PtX2,2NH3,Cl2, which it then retains with energy, because it is attracted^ not only by the platinum, but also by the hydrogen of the ammonia; (4) the fact that this chlorine held in this compound (of Gerhardt) will have a position unusual in salts, which will explain a certain (although very feebly-marked) difficulty of reaction; (5) the fact that this does not exhaust the faculty of platinum for further combination (we need only recall the compound PtCl4,2HCl,16H2O), and that therefore both PtX2,2NH3,Cl.2 and PtX2,2NH3,2NH3 are still capable of combination, whence the latter, with chlorine, gives PtX2,2NH3)2NH3,Cl2, after the type of PtX4Y4 (and perhaps higher) ; (6) the fact that Gros's compounds thus formed are readily re-converted into the salts of Beiset's first base when acted on by reducing agents ; (7) the fact that in Gros's salts, PtX2)2NH5(NH3X);2, the newly- attached chlorine or haloid will react with difficulty with salts of silver, &c., because it is attached both to the platinum and to the ammonia, for both of which it has an attraction ; (8) the fact that the faculty for further combination is not even yet exhausted in the type of Gros's salts, and that we actually have a compound of Gros's chlorine salt with platinous chloride and with platinic chloride; the salt PtS04,2NH3,2NH3,SO4 com- bines further also with H30 ; (9) the fact that such a faculty of combination with new THE PLATINUM METALS S97 'ing thiocarbamide, CSN2H4, in the place of ammonia, PtCl2,4CSN2H4, and others corresponding with .Reisetfs salts. Hydroxylamine, and other substances corresponding with ammonia, also give similar com- pounds. The common properties and composition of such compounds show their entire analogy to the cobaltia compounds (especially for ruthenium and iridium) and correspond to the fact that both, the platinum- metals, and cobalt occur in the same, eighth, group. molecules is naturally more developed in the Idwer forms of combination than in the higher. Hence the salts of Reiset's first base— for example, PtCl2,2NH3,2NH3— both combine with water and give precipitates (soluble in water but not in hydrochloric acid) of double salts with many salts of the heavy metals— for example, with lead chloride, cupric chloride, and also with platinic and platinous chlorides* (Buckton's salts). The latter compounds^ will have the composition PtCl2?2NH3,2NH3,PtCl2 — that is, the same composition as the • salts of Reiset's second base, but it cannot be identical with it. Such an interesting case does actually exist. The first salt, PtCl2,4NH3)PtCl2, is green, insoluble in water and in hydrochloric acid, and is known as Magnus's salt, and the second, PtCl2,2NH3, is Reiset's yellow, sparingly soluble (in water). They are polymeric, namely, the first contains twice the number of elements held in the second, and at the same time they easily pass into each other. If ammonia be added to a hot hydrochloric acid solution of platinous chloride, it forms the salt PtCl2,4NH3, but in the presence of an excess of platinous chloride it gives Magnus's salt. On boiling the latter in ammonia it gives a colourless soluble salt of Reiset's first base, PtCl2',4NH3, and if this be boiled with water, ammonia is disengaged, and a salt of Reiset's second tase, PtCl2)2NH3, is obtained. A class of platino-ammonium isomerides (obtained by Millon and Thomsen) are also known. Buckton's salts — for example, the copper salt — were obtained by them from the salts of Reiset's first base, PtCl2,4NH3, by treatment with $ solution of cupric chloride, «fec., and therefore, according to our method of expression, Buckton's copper salt will be PtCl2,4NH3,CuCl2. This salt is soluble in water, but not in hydrochloric acid. In io the ammonia must be considered as united to the platinum. But if cupric chloride be dissolved in ammonia, and a solution of platinous chloride in ammonium chloride is added to it, a violet precipitate is obtained, of the same composition as Buckton's 3alt, which, however, is insoluble in water, but soluble in hydrochloric acid. In this a portion, if not all, of the ammonia must be regarded asN united to the copper, and it must therefore be represented as CuCl2,4NH3,PtCl2. This form is identical in composition but different in properties (is isomeric) with the preceding salt (Buckton's). The salt of Magnus is intermediate between them, PtCl2,4NH3,PtCl.j ; it is insoluble in water. and hydrochloric acid. These and certain other instances of isomeric compounds in the series of the platino-ammQnium salts throw a light on the nature of the compounds in question, just as the study of the isomerides of the carbon compounds has served and' still serves as the chief cause of the rapid progress of organic chemistry. In conclusion, we may add that (according to the law of substitution) we must necessarily expect all kinds of intermediate compounds between the platino and analogous ammonia deriva- tives on the one hand, and the complex compounds of nitrous acid on the other. Perhaps the instance of the reaction of ammonia upon osmic anhydride, Os04, observed by Fritsche, Fr&tny, and others, and more fully- studied by Joly (1891), belongs to this class. The latter showed that when ammonia acts upon an alkaline solution of OsO4 the reaction proceeds according to the equation : OsO4 + KHO + NH3 = OsNK03 + 2H2O. It might be imagined that in this case the ammonia is oxidised, probably forming the residue of nitrous acid (NO), while the type OsO4 is deoxidised into OsO2, and a salt, OsO(NO)(KO), of the type 03X4 is formed. This salt crystallises well in light yellow octahedra. It corresponds to osmiamic acid, OsO(ON)(HO), whose anhydride, [OsO(NO)]o, has the composition Os2N2O5, which equals 2Os + N2O5 to the same extent as the above-mentioned compound PtC02 equals Pt + CO? (see Note 11). 398 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY CHAPTER XXIV COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD THAT degree of analogy and difference which exists between iron, cobalt, and nickel repeats itself in the corresponding triad ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium, and also in the heavy platinum metals, osmium, iridium, and platinum. These nine metals form Group VIII. pf the elements in the periodic system, being ther intermediate group between the even elements of the large periods and the uneven, among which we know zinc, cadmium, and mercury in Group II. Copper, silver, and gold complete l this transition, because their properties place them in proximity to nickel, palladium, and platinum on the one hand, and to zinc, cadmium, and mercury on the other. Just as Zn, Cd, and Hg ; Fe, Ru, and Os ; Co, Rh, and Ir ; Ni, Pd, and Pt, resemble each other in many respects, so also do Cu, Ag, and Au. Thus, for example, the "atomic weight of copper Cu = 63, and in all its properties it stands between Ni = 59 and Zn = 65. But as the tran- sition from Group VIII. to Group II., where zinc is situated, cannot be otherwise than through Group I., so in copper there are certain pro- perties of the elements of Group I. Thus it gives a suboxide, Cu20, and salts, CuX, like the elements' of Group I., although at the same time it forms an oxide, CuO, and salts CuX2, like nickel and zinc. In the state of the oxide, CuO, and the salts, CuX2, copper is analogous to zinc, judging from the insolubility of the carbonates, phosphates, and similar salts, and by the isomorphism, and other characters.2 In the cuprous salts there is undoubtedly a great resemblance to the silver 1 The perfectly unique position held by copper, silver, and gold in the periodic system of the elements, and the degree of affinity which is found between them, is all the more remarkable, as nature and practice have long isolated these metals from all others by having employed them— for example, for coinage— and determined their relative importance and value in conformity with the order (silver between copper and gold) of their atomic weights, &c. 2 Cupric sulphate contains 5 molecules of water, CuS04,5H2O, and the isomorphous mixtures with ZnSO4,7H2O contain either 5 or 7 equivalents, according to whether copper or zinc predominates (Vol. II. p. G). If there be a large proportion of copper, and if the mixture contain 5HoO, the form of the isomorphous mixture (triclinic) will be isomorphous with cupric sulphate, CuS04,5H2O, but if a large amount of zinc (or magnesium, iron, nickel, or cobalt) be present the form (rhombic or monoch'nic)"will be nearly the same COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 899 salts — thus, for example, silver chloride, AgCl, is characterised by its insolubility and capacity of combining with ammonia, and in this respect cuprous chloride closely resembles it, for it is also insoluble in water, and combines with ammonia and dissolves in it, &c. Its composition is also BC1, the same as AgCl, NaCl, KC1, f their complexes as. Is COPPEE, SILVER, AND GOLD 411 oxides of lead! or mercury. Hence the hydroxide of copper dissolves in. solutions of neutral cupric salts. The cupric salts are generally blue or green, because cupric hydroxide itself is coloured. But some of the salts in the anhydrous state are colourless.10 characterised by a constant pressure at a constant temperature even under a change in the amount of one of the component parts (for instance, of a salt in a saturated solution), while an imperfect equilibrium is such a one for which such a change corresponds with a change of pressure (for instance, an unsaturated solution). The law of phases consists in the fact that : n "bodies only give a perfect equilibrium when n + 1 phases participate* in that equilibrium — for example, in the equilibrium of a salt in its saturated solution in water there are two bodies (the salt and water) and three phases, namely, the salt, solution, and Tapour,- which can be mechanically separated from each other, and to this equilibrium there corresponds a definite tension. At the same time, n bodies may occur in n + Z phases, but only at one definite temperature and one pressure ; a change of one of these may bring about another state (perfect or not— equilibrium stable or unstable). Thus water when liquid at the ordinary temperature offers two phases {liquid and vapour) and is in perfect equilibrium (as also is ice below 0°)1Lbut water, ice, and vapour (three phases and only one body) can only be in equilibrium at 0°, and at the ordinary pressure ; with a change of t there will remain either only ice and vapour or only liquid water and vapour ; whilst with a rise of pressure not only will the vapour pass into the liquid (there again only remain two phases) but also the temperature of the formation of ice will fall (by about 7° per 1000 atmospheres). The same laws of phases are applicable to the consideration of the formation of simple or double salts from saturated solutions and to a number of other purely chemical relations. Thus, for example, in the above-mentioned instance, when the bodies are KC1, GuCl2, and H20, perfect equilibrium (which here has reference to the solubility) consisting of four phas_es, corresponds to the following seven cases, considering only the phases (above 0°) A = CuCL,2KCl,2H2O; B = CuCl2KCl ; C = CuCl2,2H20,KCl, solution and vapour: (1) A + B + solution +jvapour; (2) A + C + solution t vapour ; (3) A + KC1 + solution, •f vapour; (4) A + B + C + vapour (it follows that B + KC1 + solution gives A); {5} A + C + KC1 + vapour ; (6) B + C + solution + vapour ; and (7) B + KC1 + solution + vapour. Thus above 92° A gives B + KC1. The law of phases by bringing complex instances of chemical reaction under simple physical schemes, facilitates their study in detail and gives the means' of seeking the simplest chemical relations dealing with solutions, dis- sociation, double decompositions and similar cases, and therefore deserves consideration, but a detailed exposition of this subject must be looked for" in works on physical chemistry. 10 The normal cupric nitrate, CuNoO6,3H20, is obtained as a deliquescent salt of a blue colour (soluble in water and in alcohol) by dissolving copper or cupric oxide iix nitric acid. It is so easily decomposed by the action of heat that it is impossible to drive off the water of crystallisation from it before it begins to decompose. During the ignition of the normal salt the cupric oxide formed enters into combination with the remaining undecomposed normal salt, and gives a basic salt, CuN266,2CuH2O2. The same basic salt is obtained if a certain quantity of alkali or cupric hydroxide or carbonate be added to -the solution of the normal salt, which is even decomposed when boiled with metallic copper, and forms, the basic salt as a green powder, which easily decomposes under the action of heat and leaves a residue of cupric oxide. The basic salt, having the composition CuN206,3CuH2O2, is nearly insoluble in water. The normal carbonate of copper, CuCO3, occurs in nature, although extremely rarely. If solutions of cupric salts be mixed with solutions of alkali carbonates, then, as in the case of magnesium, carbonic anhydride is evolved arid basic salts are formed, which vary in composition according to the temperature and conditions of the reaction. By mixing- cold solutions, a voluminous blue precipitate is. formed, containing an equivalent pro- portion of cupric hydroxide and carbonate (after standing or heating, its composition 412 PEINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY The commonest normal salt is blue vitriol — i.e. the normal cupric sulphate. It generally contains five molecules of water of crystallisa- tion, CuS04J5H2O. It forms the product of the action of strong sul- phuric acid on copper, sulphurous anhydride being evolved. The same salt is obtained in practice by carefully roasting sulphuretted ores of copper, and also by the action of water holding oxygen in solution on them : CuS -fO4 = CuSO4. This salt forms a by-product, obtained in gold refineries, when the silver is precipitated from the sulphuric acid solution by means of copper. It is also obtained by pouring dilute sulphuric acid over sheet copper in the presence of air, or by heating cupric oxide or carbonate in sulphuric acid. The crystals of this salt belong to the triclinic system, have a specific gravity of 2-19, are of a beautiful blue colour, and give a solution of the same colour. 100 parts of water at 0° dissolve 15, at 25° 23, and at 100° about 45 parts of cupric sulphate, CuS04.10 bi8 At 100° this salt loses a portion of its is the same as malachite, ep. gr. 8'5) : 2CuS04 + 2Na2COs + H20 = CuCO5,CuH203 + 2Na2SO4 + C02. If the resultant blue precipitate be heated in the liquid, it loses water and is transformed into a granular green mass of the composition Cu2CO4 — i.e. into a compound of the normal salt with anhydrous cupric oxide. This salt of the oxide corre- Bponds with or£hocarbonic acid, C(OH)4 = CH4O4, where 4H is replaced by 2Cu. On further boiling this salt loses a portion of the carbonic acid, forming black cupric oxide, BO unstable is the compound of copper with carbonic anhydride. Another basic salt which occurs in nature, 2CuCO3,CuH2O2, is known as azurite, or blue carbonate of copper ; it also loses carbonic acid when boiled with water. On mixing a solution of cupric sulphate with sodium sesquicarbonate no precipitate is at first obtained, but after boiling a pre- cipitate is formed having the composition of malachite. Debray obtained artificial azurite by heating cupric nitrate with chalk. 10 bis Although sulphate of copper usually crystallises with 5H2O, that is, differently to the sulphates of Mg, Fe, and Mn, it is nevertheless perfectly isomorphous with them, as is seen not only in the fact that it gives isomorphous mixtures with them, containing a similar amount of water of crystallisation, but also in the ease with which it forms, like all bases analogous to MgO, double salts, R2Cu(SO4).3,6H2O, where R=^K, Rb, Cs, of the monoclinic system. Salts of this kind, like CuCl2,2KCl,2H2O,PtK2Cy4, &€., present a composition CuX2 if tho representation of double salts given in Chapter XXIII., Note 11, be admitted, because they, like Cu(HO)o, contain Cu(X2K)2, where X2=SO4, i.e. the resuhie of sulphuric acid, which combines with H2, and is therefore able to replace the H2 by X2 or O. A detailed study of the crystalline forms of these salts, made by Tutton (1893) (see Chapter XIII., Note 1), showed : (1) that 22 investigated salts of the composition R2M(SO4),6H2O, where R = K, Rb, Cs, and M = Mg, Zn, Cd, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, present a complete crystallographic resemblance ; (2) that in all respects the Rb salts present a transition between the K and Cs salts ; (3) that the Cs salts form crystals most easily, and the K salts the most difficultly, and that for the K salts of Cd and Mn it was even impossible to obtain well-formed crystals ; (4) that notwithstanding the closeness of their angles, the general appearance (habit) of the potassium compound differs very clearly from the Cs salts, while the Rb salts present a distinct transition in this respect ; (5) that the angle of the inclination of one of the axes to the plane of the two Other axes showed that in the K salts (angle from 75° to 75° 38') the inclination is least, in the Cs salts (from 72° 62' to 73° 50') greatest, and in the Rb salts (from 73° 57' to 74° 42') intermediate between the two ; the replacement of Mg. . . Cu produces but a COPPER, ,SILVER, AND GOLD 413 water of crystallisation, which it only parts with entirely at a high temperature (220°) and then gives a white powder of the anhydrous sulphate ; and the latter, on further calcination, loses the elements of sulphuric anhydride, leaving cupric oxide, like all the cupric salts. The anhydrous (colourless) cupric sulphate is sometimes used for absorbing water ; it turns blue in the process. It offers the advantage that it retains both hydrochloric acid and water, but not carbonic anhydride.11 Cupric sulphate is used for steeping seed corn ; this is said to prevent the growth of certain parasites on the plants. In the arts a consider- able quantity of cupric sulphate is also used in the preparation of other copper salts— for instance, of certain pigments u bis — and a particularly very small change in this angle; (6) that the other angles and the ratio of the axes of. the crystals exhibit a similar variation ; and (7) that thus the variation of the form is chiefly determined by the atomic weight of the alkaline metal. As an example we cite the magnitude of the inclination of the axes of R2M(SO4)2,6H2O. R= K Rb Cs M = Mg 75d 12' 74° 1' 472° 54' Zn 75° 12' 74° 7' 72° 59' Cd 74° 7' 72° 49' Mn 78° 8' 72° 53' Fe 75° 28' 74° 16' 78° 8' Co 75° 5' 73° 59' 72° 52' Ni 75° 0' . 73° 57' 72° 58' Cu 75° 32' 74° 42' 73° 50' This shows clearly (within the limits of possible error, •which may be as much as W) the almost perfect identity of the independent crystalline forms notwithstanding the difference of the atomic weights of the diatomic elements, M = Mg : . . Cu. " In addition to what has been said (Chapter I., Note 65, and Chapter XXII., Note 85) respecting the combination of CuSO4 with water and ammonia, wo may add that Lachinoff (1893) showed that CuSO4,5H2O loses 4|H2O at 180°, that CuSO4,5NH5 also loses 4|NH3 at 320°, and that only £H2O and iNH3 remain in combination with the CuSO4. The last $H2O can only be driven off by heating to 200°, and the last |NH5 by heating to 860° Ammonia displaces water from CuSO4,5H2O, but water cannot displace the ammonia from CuSO^SNfi^. If hydrochloric, acid gas "be passed over CuSO4,5H2O at the ordinary temperature, it first forms CuSQ4,5H2Or8&Cl, and then CuSO4,2H20,2HCl. When air is passed over the latter compound it passes into CuSO4H2O with a small amount of HC1 (about £HC1). At 100°. Cu.SO4,5H2O in a stream of hydrochloric acid gas gives CuSO44H2O,2HCl, and then CuSO^ILjOHCl, whilst after prolonged heating- CuS04 remains, which rapidly passes into CuS04,5H20 when placed under a bell jar over water. Over sulphuric acid, however, CuSO4,5H2O only parts with 8H2O, and if CuSO4,2H2O be placed over water it again forma CuS04,5H2O, and so on. 11 bis Commercial blue vitriol generally contains ferrous sulphate. The salt is purified by converting the ferrous salt into a ferric salt by heating the solution with chlorine or nitric acid. The solution is then evaporated to dryness, and the unchanged cupric sul- phate extracted from the residue, which will 'con tain the larger portion of the ferric oxide. The remainder will be separated if cupric hydroxide is added to the solution andi boiled ; the cupric. oxide, CuO, then precipitates the ferric oxide, Fe2O3, just as it is itself precipitated by silver oxide. But the solution will contain a small proportion1 of a basic salt of copper, and therefore sulphuric acid must be added to the filtered solution, and the salt allowed to crystallise. Acid salts are not formed, and cupric sulphate itself has an acid reaction on litmus paper. 414 PRINCIPLES OP CHEMISTRY large quantity is used in the galvanoplastic process, tvhich consists in the deposition of copper from a solution of cupric sulphate by tho action of a galvanic current, when the metallic copper is deposited on the negative pole and takes the shape of the latter. The d£- ficription of the processes of galvanoplastic art introduced by Jacobi in St. Petersburg forms a part "of applied physics, and will not be touched on here, and we will only mention that, although first intro- duced for small articles, it is now used for such articles as type moulds (cliches], for maps, prints, &c., and also for large statues, and for the •deposition of iron, zinc, nickel, gold, silver, tfec. on other metals and materials. The beginning of the application of the galvanic current to the practical extraction of metals from solutions has also been estab- lished, especially since the dynamo- electric machines of Gramme, Siemens, and others have rendered it possible to cheaply convert the mechanical motion of the steam engine into an electric current. It is to be expected that the application of the electric current, which has long since given such important results in chemistry, will, in the near future, play an important part in technical processes, the example being fihown by electric lighting. The alloys of copper with certain metals, and especially with zinc *nd tin, are easily formed by directly melting the metals together. They are easily cast into moulds, forged, and worked like copper, whilst they are much more durable in the air, and are therefore fre- quently used in the arts. Even the ancients used exclusively alloys of copper, and not pure copper, but its alloys with tin or different kinds of bronze (Chapter XVIII., Note 35). The alloys of copper with zinc are called brass or ' yellow metal.' Brass contains about 32 p.c. of zinc ; generally, however, it does not contain more than 65 p.c. of copper. The remainder is composed of lead and tin, which usually occur, although in small quantities, in brass. Yellow metal contains about 40 p.c. of zinc.12 The addition of zinc to copper changes the 12 Among tha alloys of copper resembling brass, delta metal, invented by A. Dick (London) is largely used (since 1883). It contains 65 p.c. Cu, and 41 p.c. Zn, the Remaining 4 p.c. being composed of iron (as much as 3J p.c., which is first alloyed with .zinc), or of cobalt, and manganese, afcd certain other metals. The sp. gr. of delta metal is &'4. It melts at 950°, and then becomes so fluid that it fills up all the cavities in a 'mould and forms excellent castings. It has a tensile strength of 70 kilos per sq. mm. • (gun metal about 20, phosphor bronze about 80). It is very soft, especially when heated to 600°, but after forging and rolling it becomes very liard ; it is more difficultly acted Upon by air and water than other kinds of brass, and preserves its golden yellow colour for any length of time, especially if well polished. 'It is used for making bearing's, screw propellers, valves, and many other articles. In general the alloys of Cu and Zn con- taining about | p.c. by weight of copper were for a long time almost exclusively made io Sweden and England (Bristol, Birmingham). These alloys for the most part are cheaper, Larder, and more fusible than copper alone, and form good castings. The alloys con- COPPEB, SILVER, AND GOLD 415 colour of the latter to a considerable degree / with a certain amount of zinc the colour of the copper becomes yellow, and with a still larger proportion of zinc an alloy is formed w hich has a greenish tint In those alloys of zinc and copper which contain a larger Amount of zine than of copper, the yellow colour disappears and is replaced by a greyish colour. But when the amount of zinc is diminished to about 20 p.c.j the alloy is red and hard, and is called ' tombac.' A contraction takes place in alloying copper with zinc, so that the volume of the alloy is less than that of either metal individually. The zinc volatilises on prolonged heating at a high temperature and the excess of metallic copper remains behind. When heated in the air, the zinc oxidises before the copper, so that all the zinc alloyed with copper may be removed from the copper by this means. An important property of brass containing about 30 p.c. of zinc is that it is soft and malleable in: the cold, but becomes somewhat brittle when heated. We may also mention that ordinary copper coins contain, in order to render them hard, tin, zinc, and iron (Cu = 95 p.c.) ; that it is now customary to add a small amount of phosphorus to copper and bronze, for the same pur- pose ; and also that copper is added to silver and gold in coining, &c. to render it hard ; moreover, in Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium, and other countries, a silver- white alloy (melchior, German silver, &c.), for base coinage and other purposes, is prepared from brass and nickel (from 10 to 20 p.c. of nickel ; 20 to 30 p.c. zinc ; 50 to 70 p.c. copper), or directly from copper and nickel, or, more rarely, from an alloy con- taining silver, nickel, and copper. I2bis Copper, in its cuprous compounds, is so analogous to silver, that taining 45-80 p.c. Cu crystallise in cubes if slowly cooled (Bi also gives crystals). By washing the surface of brass with dilute sulphuric acid, Zn is removed and the article acquires the colour of copper. The alloys approaching Zn^Cuj in their composition exhibit the greatest resistance (under other equal conditions ; of purity, forging, rolling, &c.) The addition of 3 p.c. Al, or 5 p.c. Sn, improves the quality of brass. Bespecting aluminium bronze see Chapter XVII. p. 88. 12 bte Ball (also Kamensky), 1888, by investigating the electrical conductivity of the alloys of antimony and copper with lead, came to the conclusion that only two definite compounds of antimony and copper exist, whilst the other alloys are either alloys of these two together or with antimony or with copper. These compounds are Cu2Sb and Cu4Sb — one corresponds with the maximum, and the other with the minimum, electrical resistance. In general, the resistance offered to an electrical current forms one of the methods by which the composition of definite alloys (for example, PbaZn7) is often established, whilst the electromotive force of alloys affords (Laurie, 1888) a still more accurate method— for instance, several definite compounds were discovered by thia method among the alloys of copper with zinc and tin ; but we will not enter into any details of this subject, because we avoid all references to electricity, although the reader is recommended to make himself acquainted with this branch of science, which has many points in common with chemistry. The study of alloys regarded as solid solutions should, in my opinion, throw much light upon the question of solutions, which is still obscure .- in many aspects and in many branches of chemistry. *G 416 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTKY were thefe* no cupric compounds, or if silver gave stable compounds of the higher oxide, AgO, the resemblance would be as close as that between chlorine and bromine or zinc and cadmium ; but silver compounds corresponding to AgO are quite unknown. Although silver peroxide — which was regarded as AgO, but which Berthelot ^1880) recognised as the sesquioxide Ag2O3 — is known, still it does not form any true salts, and consequently cannot be placed along with cupric oxide. In distinction to copper, silver as a metal does not oxidise under the influence of heat ; and its oxides, Ag2O and Ag2O3, easily lose oxygen (see Note 8 tri). Silver does not oxidise in air at the ordinary pressure, and is therefore classed among the so-called noble metals. It has a white colour, which is much purer than that of any other known metal, especially when the metal is chemi- cally pure. In the arts silver is always used alloyed, because chemi- cally-pure silver is so soft that it wears exceedingly easily, whilst when fused with a small amount of copper, it becomes very hard, without losing its colour.13 15 There are not many soft metals ; lead, tin, copper, silver, iron, and fold are some- what soft, and potassium and sodium very soft. The metals of the alkaline earths are sonorous and hard, and many other metals are even brittle, especially, bismuth and antimony. But the very slight significance which these properties have in determining the fundamental chemical properties of substances (although, however, of immense importance in the practical applications of metals) is seen from the example shown by zinc, which is hard at the ordinary temperature, soft at 100°, and brittle at 200°. As the value of silver depends exclusively on its purity, and as there is no possibility, of telling the amount of impurities alloyed with it from its external appearance, it is customary in most countries to mark an article with the amount of pure silver ifc contains after an accurately-made analysis known as the assay of the silver. In France the FJG. 95.— Cupel for silver assaying. FIG. 96.— Clay muffle. assay of silver shows the amount of pure silver in 1,000 parts by weight ; in Russia the amount of pure silver in 96 parts— that is, the assay shows the number 'of zolotniks (4'26 grams) of pure silver in one pound (410 grams) of alloyed silver. Russian silver is generally 84 assay— that is, contains 84 parts by weight of pure silver and 12 parts of Copper and other metals. French money contains 90 p.c. (in the Russian system this Will be 86'4 assay) by weight of silver [English coins and jewellery contain 92'5 p.c. of silver] ; the silver rouble is of 83£ assay— that is, it contains 86'8 p.c. of silver— and the smaller Russian silver coinage is of 48 assay, and therefore contains 50 p.c. of silver. Silver ornaments and articles are usually made in Russia of 84 and 72 assay. As the alloys of silver and copper, especially after being subjected to the action of heat, are not so white as pure silver, they generally undergo a process known as ' blanching ' (or COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 417 Silver occurs in nature, both in a native state and in certain com- pounds. Native silver, however, is of rather rare occurrence. A far ' pickling ') after being worked up. This consists in removing the copper from the surface of the article by subjecting it to a dark-red heat and then immersing it in dilute acid. During the calcination the copper on the surface is oxidised, whilst the silver remains unchanged ; the dilute acid then dissolves the copper oxides formed, and pure silver is left on the surface. The surface is dull after this treatment, owing to the removal of a portion of the metal by the acid. After being polished the article acquires the desired lustre and colour, so as to be indistinguishable from a pure silver object. In order to test a silver article, a portion of its mass must be taken, not from the surface, but to a certain depth. The methods of assay used in practice are very varied.. The commonest and most often used is that known as cupellation. It is based on the difference in the oxidisability of copper, lead, and silver. The cupel is a porous cup with thick sides, FIG. 97.— Portable muffle furnace made by compressing bone ash. The porous mass of bone ash absorbs the fused oxides, especially the lead oxide, which is easily fusible, but it does not absorb the unoxidised metal. The latter collects into a globule under the action of a strong heat in the cupel, and on cooling solidifies into a button, which may then be weighed. Several cupels are placed in a muffle. A muffle is a semi-cylindrical clay vessel, shown in the accompanying drawing. The sides of the muffle are pierced with several orifices, which allow the access of air into it. The muffle is placed in a furnace, where it is strongly heated. Under the action of the air entering the muffle the copper of the silver alloy is oxidised, but as the oxide of copper is infusible, or, more strictly speaking, difficultly fusible, a certain quan- tity of lead is added to the alloy ; the lead is also oxidised by the air at the high tem- perature of the muffle, and gives the very fusible lead oxide. The copper oxide then fuses with the lead oxide, and is absorbed by the cupel, whilst the silver remains as a 41B PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY greater quantity of silver occurs in combination with sulphur, and especially in the form of silver sulphide^ Ag2S, with lead sulphide or copper sulphide, or the ores of various other metals. The largest amount of silver is extracted from the lead in which it occurs. If this lead be calcined in the presence of air, it oxidises, and the resultant lead oxide, PbO (* litharge ' or ' silberglatte/ as it is called), melts into a mobile liquid, which is easily removed. The silver remains in an unoxidised metallic state.14 This process is called cupellation. bright white globule. If the weight of the alloy taken and of the silver left on the cupel be determined, it is possible tp calculate the composition of the alloy. Thus the essence of cupellation consists in the separation of the oxidisable metals from silver, which does not oxidise under the action of heat. A more accurate method, based on the precipitation of silver from its solutions in the form of silver chloride, is described in detail in works on analytical chemistry. 14 In America, whence the largest amount of silver is now obtained, ores are worked containing not more than £ p.c. of silver, whilst at £ p.c. its extraction is very profitable. Moreover, the extraction of silver from ores containing not more than O'Ol p.c. of this metal is sometimes profitable. The majority of the lead smelted from galena contains silver, which is extracted from it.- Thus near Arras, in France, an ore is worked which contains about 65 parts of lead and 0'088 part of silver in 100 parts of ore, which corresponds with 186 parts of silver in 100,000 parts of lead. At Freiberg, in Saxony, the ore used (enriched by mechanical dressing) contains about 0'9 of silver, 160 of lead, and 2 of copper in 10,000 parts. In every case the lead is first extracted in the manner described in Chapter XVIII., and this lead will contain all the silver. Not unfrequently other ores of silver are mixed with lead ores, in order to obtain an argentiferous lead as the product. The extraction of small quantities of silver from lead is facilitated by the fact (Pattinson's process) that molten argentiferous- lead in cooling first deposits crystals of pure lead, which fall to the bottom of the cooling vessel, whilst the propoiv. tion of silver in the unsolidified mass increases owing to the removal of the crystals' of lead. The lead is enriched in this manner until it contains ^ part of "silver, and' is then subjected to cupellation on a larger scale. According to Park's process, zinc is- added to the molten argentiferous lead, and the alloy of Pb and Zn, which first separates out on cooling, is collected. This alloy is found to contain all the silver previously con- tained in the lead. The addition of O'i> p.c. of aluminium to the zinc (Bossier and Edelman) facilitates the extraction of the Ag from the resultant alloy besides preventing oxida- tion ; for, after re-melting, nearly all the lead easily runs off (remains, fluid), and leaves an alloy containing about 80 p.c. Ag and about 70 p.c. Zn. This alloy may be used as an anode in a solution of ZnCl2, when the Zn is deposited on the cathode, leaving the silver with a small amount of Pb, &c. behind. The silver can be easily obtained pure by treating it with dilute acids and cupelling. The ores of silver which contain a larger amount of it are : silver glance, Ag2S (sp. gr. 7'2) ; argentiferous-copper glance, CuAgS ; horn silver or chloride of silver, AgCl ; argentiferous grey copper ore; polybasite, M9RS6 (where M=Ag, Cu4 and R=Sb, As), and argentiferous gold. The latter is the usual form in which gold is found in alluvial deposits and ores. The crystals of gold from the Berezoffsky mines in the Urals contain •90 to 95 of gold and 5 to 9 of silver, and the Altai gold contains 50 to 65 of gold and 86 to 88 of silver. The proportion of silver in native gold varies between these limits in other localities. Silver ores, which generally occur in veins, usually contain native silver and Various sulphur compounds. The most famous mines in Europe are in Saxony (Frei- fcerg), which has a yearly output of as much as 26 tons of silver, Hungary, and Bohemia {41 tons). In Russia, silver is extracted in the Altai and at Nerchinsk (17 tons). The richest silver mines known are in America, especially in Chili (as much as 70 tons), Mexico (200 tons), and more particularly in the Western States of North America. The COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 419 Commercial silver generally contains copper, and, more rarely, other metallic impurities also. Chemically pure silver is obtained either by cupellation or by subjecting ordinary silver to the following treatment. The silver is first dissolved in nitric acid, which converts it and the copper into nitrates, Cu(NO3)2 and AgN03 ; hydrochloric acid is then added to the resultant solution (green, owing to the presence of the cupric salt), which is considerably diluted with water in order to retain the lead chloride in solution if the silver contained lead. The copper and many other metals remain in solution, whilst the silver is precipi- tated as silver chloride. The precipitate is allowed to settle, and the liquid is decanted off ; the precipitate is then washed and fused with sodium carbonate. A double decomposition then takes place, sodium chloride and silver carbonate being formed ; but the latter decomposes into metallic silver, because the silver oxide is decomposed by heat : •A.g2CO3 = Ag2 + O + CO2. The silver chloride may also be mixed with metallic zinc, sulphuric acid, and .water, and left for some time, when the zinc removes the chlorine from the silver chloride and pre- cipitates the silver as a powder. This finely-divided silver is called 1 molecular silver.' l5 richness of these mines may be judged 'from the fact that one mine in the State of Nevada (Comstock, near Washoe and the cities of Gold Hill and Virginia), which was dis- covered in 1859, gave an output of 400 tons in 1866. In place of cupellation, chlpri- nation may also be employed for extracting silver from its ores. The method of chlorination consists in converting the silver in an ore into silver chloride. This is either done by a wet or by a dry method, roasting the ore with NaCl. When the silver chloride is formed, the extraction of the metal is also done by two methods. The first consists in the silver chloride being reduced to metal by means of iron in rotating barrels, with the subsequent addition of mercury which dissolves the silver,. but does not act on the other petals. The mercury holding the silver in solution is distilled, when the silver remains behind. This method is called amalgamation. The other method is less frequently used, and consists in dissolving the silver chloride in sodium chloride or in sodium thiosulphate, and then precipitating the silver from the solution. The amalgamation is then carried on in rotating barrels containing the roasted ore mixed with water, iron, and mercury. The iron reduces the silver chloride by taking up the chlorine from it. The technical .details of these processes are described in works on metallurgy. The extraction of AgCl by the wet method is carried on (Patera's process) by means of a solution of hyposulphite of sodium which dissolves AgCl (see Note 28), or by lixiviating with a 2 p.c. solution of a double hyposulphite of Na and Cu (obtained by adding CuS04 to NaaS2O3). The resultant solution of AgCl is first treated with soda to precipitate PbCO3, and then with Na-jS, which precipitates the Ag and Au. The .process should be carried on rapidly to prevent the precipitation of Cu2S from the solu- tion of CuS04 and Na2S2O3. 15 There is another practical method which is also suitable for separating the silver from the solutions obtained in photography, and consists in precipitating the silver by oxalic acid. In this case the amount of silver in the solution must be known, and 28 grams of oxalic acid dissolved in 400 grams of water must be added for every 60 grains of silver in solution in a litre of water. A precipitate of silver oxalate, AgaC2O4, is then obtained, which is insoluble in water but soluble in acids. Hence, if the liquid contain any free acid it must be previously freed from it by the addition of podium carbonate. 420 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Chemically-pure silver has an exceeding pure white colour, and a 'specific gravity of 10'5. Solid silver is lighter than the molten metal, and therefore a piece of silver floats on the latter. The fusing - point of silver is about 950° C., and at the high temperature attained by the combustion of detonating gas it volatilises.16 By employing silver reduced from silver chloride by milk sugar and caustic potash, and distilling it, Stas obtained silver purer than that obtained by any other means ; in fact, this was perfectly pure silver. The vapour of silver has a very, beautiful green colour, which is seen when a silver wire is placed in an oxy hydrogen flame.17 It has long been known (Wohler) that when nitrate of silver, AgN03, reacts as an oxidising agent, upon citrates and tartrates, it is able under certain conditions to give either a salt of suboxide of silver (see Note 19) or a red solution, or to give a precipitate of metallic silver reduced at the expense of the organic substances. In 1889 Carey Lea, in his researches on this class of reactions, showed that soluble The resultant precipitate of silver oxalate is dried, mixed with an equal weight of dry sodium carbonate, and thrown into a gently-heated crucible. The separation of the silver then proceeds without an explosion, whilst the silver oxalate if heated alone decomposes with explosion. According to Stas, the best method for obtaining silver from its solutions is by the reduction of silver chloride dissolved in ammonia by means of an ammoniacal solution of cuprous thiosulphate ; the silver is then precipitated in a crystalline form. A solution of ammonium sulphite may be used instead of the cuprous salt. 16 Silver is very malleable and ductile; it may be beaten into leaves 0'002 mm. in thickness. Silver wire may be made so fine that 1 gram is drawn into a wire 2£ kilo-, metres long. In this respect silver is second only to gold. A wire of 2 mm. diameter breaks under a strain of 20 kilograms. 17 In melting, silver absorbs a considerable amount of oxygen, which is disengaged on solidifying. One volume of molten silver absorbs as much as 22 volumes of oxygen. In solidifying, the silver forms cavities like the craters of a volcano, and throws qff metal, owing to the evolution of the gas } all these phenomena recall a volcano on a miniature scale (Dumas). Silver which contains a small quantity of copper or gold, &c., does not .show this property of dissolving oxygen. The absorption of oxygen by molten silver is, however, an oxidation, but it is at the same time a phenomenon of solution. One cubic centimetre of molten silver can dissolve twenty-two cubic centimetres of oxygen, which, even at 0°, only weighs 0'08 gram, whilst 1 cubic centimetre of silver weighs at least 10 grams, and therefore it is impossible to suppose that the absorption of the oxygen is attended by the formation of any definite compound (rich in oxygen) of silver and oxygen (about 45 atoms of silver to 1 of oxygen) in any other but a dissociated form, and this is the state in which sub- stances in solution must be regarded (Chapter I.) Le Chatelier showed that at '300° and 15 atmospheres pressure silver absorbs so much oxygen that it may be regarded as having formed the compound Ag4O, or a mixture of Ag2 and Ag2O. Moreover, silver oxide, Ag20, only decomposes at 800° under, low pressures, whilst at pressures above 10 atmospheres there is no decomposition at 800° but only at 400°. Stas showed that silver is oxidised by air in the presence of acids. V. d. Pfordten .confirmed this, and showed that an acidified solution of potassium permanganate rapidly dissolves silver in the presence of air. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 421, silver is here formed, which he called allotropic silver. It may be obtained by taking 200 c.c. of a 10 per cent, solution of AgNO3 and quickly adding a mixture -(neutralised with NaHO) of 200 c.c. of a 80 per cent, solution of FeSO4 and 200 c.c. of a 40 per cent, solution of sodium citrate. A lilac precipitate is obtained, which is collected on a filter (the precipitate becomes blue) and washed with a solution of NH4NO3. It then becomes soluble in pure water, forming a red perfectly transparent solution from which the dissolved silver is preci- pitated on the addition of many soluble foreign bodies. Some of the latter — for instance, NH4N03, alkaline sulphates, nitrates, and citrates — give a precipitate which redissolves in pure water, whilst others — for instance, MgS04, FeS04, K2Cr2O7, AgNO3, Ba(N03)2 and many others- convert the precipitated silver into a new variety, which, although no longer soluble in water, regains its solubility in a solution of borax and is soluble in ammonia. Both the soluble and insoluble silver are rapidly converted into the ordinary grey-metallic variety by sulphuric acid, although nothing is given off in the reaction ; the same changd takes place on ignition, but in this case CO2 is disengaged ; the latter is formed from the organic substances which remain (to the amount of 3 per cent.) in the modified silver (they are not removed by soaking in alcohol or water). If the precipitated silver be slightly washed and laid in a smooth thin layer on paper or glass, it is seen that the soluble variety is red when moist and a fine blue colour when dry, whilst the in- soluble variety has a blue reflex. Besides these, under special conditions 18 18 When solutions of AgNO'3, FeSO4, sodium citrate, and NaHO are mixed together in the manner described above, they throw down a precipitate of a beautiful lilac colour; when transferred to a filter paper the precipitate soon changes colour, and becomes dark blue. To obtain the, substance as pure as possible it is washed with a 5-10 p.c. solution of ammonium nitrate; the liquid is decanted, and 150 c.c. of water poured Over the precipitate. It then dissolves entirely in the water. A small quantity of a saturated solution of ammonium nitrate is added to the solution, and the silver in solution again separates out as a precipitate. These alternate solutions and precipitations are repeated seven or eight times, after which 'the precipitate is trans- ferred to a filter and washed with 95 jp.c. alcohol until the filtrate gives no residue oil evaporation. An analysis of the substance so obtained showed that it contained from 97'18 p.c. to 97'31 p.c. of metallic silver. It remained to discover what the remaining 2-3 p.c. were composed of. Are they merely impurities, or is the substance sonje com- pound of silver with oxygen or hydrogen, or does it contain citric acid in combination which might account for its solubility ? The first supposition is set aside by the fact' that no gases are disengaged by the precipitate of silver, either under the action of gases or when heated. The second supposition is shown to be impossible by the fact that there is no definite relation between the silver and citric acid. A determination of the amount of silver in solution showed that the amount of citric acid varies greatly for one and the same amount of silver, and there is no simple ratio between them. Among other methods of preparing soluble silver given by Carey Lea, we may mention the method published by him in 1891. AgNO3 is added to a solution of dextrine in caustic soda or potash ; at first a precipitate of brown oxide of silver is thrown down, but the 422 PEINCIPLES OF CHEMISTKY a golden yellow variety may be obtained, which gives a brilliant golden, yellow coating on glass ; but it is easily converted into the ordinary grey- metallic state by friction or trituration. There is no doubt 18 bis that there is the same relation between ordinary silver which is per- fectly insoluble in water and the varieties of silver obtained by Carey Lea 18 tri as there is between quartz and soluble silica or between brown colour then changes into a reddish chocolate, owing to the reduction of the silver by the dextrine, and the solution turns a deep red. A few drops of this solution turn water bright red, and give a perfectly transparent liquid. The dextrine solution is pre- pared by dissolving 40 grams of caustic soda and the same amount of ordinary brown dextrine in two litres of water. To this solution is gradually added 28 grams of AgNOs dissolved in a small quantity of water. The insoluble allotropic silver is obtained, as was mentioned above, from a solution of silver prepared in the manner described, by the addition of sulphate of copper, iron, barium, magnesium, &c. In one experiment Lea succeeded hi obtaining the insoluble allotropic Ag in a crystalline form. The red solution, described above, after standing several weeks, deposits crystals spontaneously in the form of short black needles and thin prisms, the liquid becoming colourless. This insoluble variety, when rubbed upon paper, has the appearance of bright shining green flakes, which polarise light. The gold variety is obtained in a different manner to the two other varieties. A solution is prepared containing 200 c.c. of a 10 p.c. solution of nitrate of silver, 200 c.c. of a 20 p.c. solution of Rochelle salt, and 800 c.c. of water. Just as in the previous" case the reaction consisted in the reduction of the citrate of silver, so in this case it consists in the reduction of the tartrate, which here first forms a red, and then a black precipitate of allotropic Ag, which, when transferred to the, filter, appears of a beautiful bronze colour. After washing and drying, this precipitate acquires the lustre and colour peculiar to polished gold, and this is especially remarked where the precipitate comes into contact with glass or china. An analysis of the golden variety gave a percentage composition of 98'750 to 98'749 Ag. Both the insoluble varieties (the blue and gold) .have a different specific gravity from ordinary silver. Whilst that of fused silver is 10'50, and of finely-divided silver 10'62, the specific gravity of the blue insoluble variety is 9'58, and of the gold variety 8'51r The gold variety passes into ordinary Ag with great ease. This transition may even be remarked on the filter in those places which have acciden- tally not been moistened with wate^r. A simple shock, and therefore friction of one particle upon another, is enough to convert the gold variety into normal white silver. Carey Lea sent samples of the gold variety for a long distance by rail packed in three .tubes, in which the silver occupied about the quarter of their volume ; in one tube only he filled up this space with cotton-wool. It was afterwards found that the shaking of the particles of Ag had completely converted it into ordinary white silver, and that only the tube containing the cotton-wool had preserved the golden variety intact. The soluble variety of Ag also passes into the ordinary state with great ease, the heat of conversion being, .as Prange showed in 1890, about + 60 calories. 18 bio The opinion of the nature of soluble silver given below was first enunciated in the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society, February 1, 1890, Vol. XXII., Note 78. This view is, at the present tune, generally accepted, and this silver is frequently known AS the ' colloid ' variety. \ may add that Carey Lea observed the solution of ordinary molecular silver in ammonia without the access of air. 18 trt It is, however, noteworthy that ordinary metallic lead has long been considered soluble in water, that boron has been repeatedly obtained in a 'brown solution, and that observations upon the development of, certain bacteria have shown that the latter die in water which has been for some time in contact with metals. This seems to indicate the passage of small quantities of metals into water (however, the formation of peroxide of hydrogen may be supposed to have eorae influence in these oases) COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 42 8/ CuS and As2S2 in their ordinary insoluble forms and in the state of the colloid solution of their hydrosols (see Chapter I., Note 57, and Chapter XVII.,. Note 25 bis). Here, however, an important step in advance has been made in this respect, that we are dealing with the solution of a simple body, and moreover of a metal — i.e. of a particu- larly characteristic state of matter. And as boron, gold, and certain other simple bodies have already been obtained in a soluble (colloid) form, and as numerous organic compounds (albuminous substances, gum, cellulose, starch, &c.) and inorganic substances are also known in this form, it might be said that the colloid state (of hydrogels and hydro- sols) can be acquired, if not by every substance, at all .events by sub<- stances of most varied chemical character under particular conditions of formation from solutions. And this being the case, we may hope that a further study of soluble colloid compounds, which apparently present various transitions towards emulsions, may throw a new light upon the complex question of solutions, which forms one of the problems of the present epoch of chemical science. Moreover, we may remark that Spring (1890) clearly proved the colloid state of soluble silver by means of dialysis as it did not pass through' the membrane. As regards the capacity of silver for chemical reactions, it is remarkable for its small capacity for combination with oxygen, and for its considerable energy of combination with sulphur, iodine, and cer- tain kindred non-metals. Silver does not oxidise at any temperature, and its oxide, Ag20, is decomposed by heat. It is also a very impor- tant fact that silver is not oxidised by oxygen either in the presence of alkalis, even at exceedingly high temperatures, or in the presence of acids — at least, of dilute acids — which properties render it a very important metal in chemical industry for the fusion of alkalis, and also for many purposes in everyday life ; for instance, for making spoons, salt-cellars, i» According to Miiller, ferric oxide is reduced by hydrogen" (see Chapter XXII., Note 5) at 295° (into what ?), cupric oxide at 140°, NL,Os«t, 150° ; nickelous oxide, NiO, js reduced to the suboxide, Ni^O, at 195°, and to nickel at 270° ; zinc oxide requires so high a temperature for its reduction that the glass tube ia which Miiller conducted the experiment did not stand the heat ; antimony oxide requires a temperature of 215° for its reduction ; yellow mercuric oxide is reduced at 180° and the red oxide at 230° ; silver oxide at 85°, and. platinum oxide even at the ordinary temperature. 20 tH A silica compound, Ag2OSiO2 is obtained by fusing AgNO5 with eilica; this salt is able to decompose with the evolution of oxvgen, leaving Ag + SiOa. 426 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY hydroxide.21 Silver oxalate and the halogen compounds of silver are insoluble in water; hydrochloric acid and soluble chlorides give, as already repeatedly observed, a white precipitate of silver chloride in solutions of silver salts. Potassium iodide gives a yellowish precipitate of silver iodide. Zinc separates all the silver in a metallic.' form from solutions of silver salts. Many other metals and reducing agents — for example, organic substances — also reduce silver from the solutions of its salts. Silver nitrate, AgNO3, is known by the name of lunar caustic (or lapis infernalis) ; it is obtained by dissolving metallic silver in nitric acid. If the silver be impure, the resultant solution will contain a mixture of the nitrates of copper and silver. If this mixture' be evaporated to dry ness and the residue carefully fused at an\ incipient red heat, all the cupric nitrate is decomposed, whilst the greater part of the silver nitrate remains unchanged. On treating the fused mass with water the latter is dissolved, whilst the cupric oxide remains insoluble. If a certain amount of silver oxide be added to the solution containing the nitrates of silver and copper, it displaces all the cupric oxide. In this case it is of course not necessary to take" pure silver oxide, but only to pour off some of the solution and to add potassium hydroxide to one portion, and to mix the resultant pre- cipitate of the .hydroxides, Cu(OH)2 and AgOH, with the remaining portion.22 By these methods all the copper can be easily jremoved and 21 If a solution of a silver salt be precipitated by sodium hydroxide, and aqueous ammonia is added drop by drop until the precipitate is completely dissolved, the liquid when evaporated deposits a violet mass of crystalline silver oxide. If moist silver oxide be left in a strong solution of ainm6nia it gives a black mass, which easily decom- poses with a loud explosion, especially when struck. This black substance is called fulminating silver. Probably this is a compound like the other compounds of oxides with ammonia, and in exploding the oxygen of the silver oxide forms water with the hydrogen of the ammonia, which is naturally accompanied by the evolution of heat and formation of g&seous nitrogen, or, as Raschig states, fulminating silver contains NAg3 or o&e of the amides (for instance, NHAg2=NH3 + Ag2O — H2O). Fulminating silver is also formed when potassium hydroxide is added to a solution of silver nitrate in ammonia. The dangerous explosions which are produced by, this compound render it heedful that, great care be taken when salts of silver come into contact with ammonia and alkalis* {see Chapter XVI., Note 26). •' w So that we here encounter the following phenomena : copper displaces silver from jbhe solutions of , its salts, and silver oxide displaces copper oxide from cupric salts. Guided by the conceptions enunciated in Chapter XV., we can account for this in the following manners The atomic volume of silver =10-8, and of copper = 7'2, of silver oxide ='82, and of copper oxide = 18. A greater contraction has 'taken place in the for* iqiaition of cupric oxide, CuO, than in the formation of silver oxide, Ag2O, since in the former (18—7 = 6) the volume after combination with the oxygen has increased by very little, whilst the volume of silver oxide is considerably greater than that of the metal it contains [82 - (2 x ID'S) = 11*4]. Hence silver oxide is less compact than cupric oxide, and is therefore less stable ; but, on the other hand, there are greater intervals between.the atoms in silver oxide than in cupric oxide, and therefore silver oxide is able to COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 427 pure silver nitrate obtained (its solution is colourless, while the presence of Cu renders it blue), which may be ultimately purified by crystallisa- tion. It crystallises in colourless transparent prismatic plates, which are not acted on by air. They are anhydrous. Its sp. gr. is 4'34 ; it dissolves in half its weight of water at the ordinary temperature. 22bis The pure salt is nob acted on by light, but it easily acts in an oxidising manner on the majority of organic substances, which it generally blackens. This is due to the fact that the organic substance is oxidised by the silver nitrate, which is reduced to metallic silver ; the latter is thus obtained in a finely-divided state, which causes the black stain. This peculiarity is taken advantage of for marking linen. Silver nitrate is for the same reason used for cauterising wounds and various growths •on the body. Here again it acts by virtue of its oxidising capacity in destroying the organic matter, which it oxidises, as is seen from the separation of a coating of black metallic powdery silver from the part ^cauterised.22 tri From the description of the preparation of silver nitrate it will have been seen that this salt, which fuses at 218°, does not give more stable compounds than those of copper oxide. This is verified by the figures and data of their reactions. It is impossible to calculate for cupric nitrate, because this salt has not yet been obtained in. an anhydrous state ; but the sulphates of both oxides are known. The specific gravity of copper sulphate in an anhydrous state is 3'53, and of silver sulphate 5'36; the molecular volume of the former is 45, and of the latter 58. The group S03 in the" copper occupies, as it were, a volume 45-18 = 82, and in the silver palt a volume 58 — 82 = 26 ; hence a smaller contraction has taken place in the formation of the copper salt from the oxide than in the formation of the silver salt, and conse- quently the latter should be more stable than the former. Hence silver oxide is able to decompose the salt of copper oxide, whilst with respect to the metals both salts have been formed with an almost identical contraction, since 58 volumes of the silver salt contain 21 volumes of metal (difference = 87), and 45 volumes of the copper salt contain 7 volumes of copper (difference = 38). Besides which, it must be observed that copper o'xide displaces iron oxide'/ just .as silver, oxide displaces copper oxide. Silver, .copper, and iron, in the form of oxides, displace each other in the above order, but in the 'form of metals in a reverse order (iron, copper, silver). The cause of this order of the displacement of the oxides lies, amongst other things, in their composition. They have the composition Ag20, Cu2O2, Fe2O3 ; the oxide containing a less proportion of oxygen ; displaces that containing a larger proportion, because the basic character diminishes with the increase of contained oxygen. Copper also displaces mercury from its salts. It may here be remarked that Spring (1888), on leaving a mixture of dry mercurous chloride and copper for two hours, observed a distinct reduction, which belongs to the category of those phenomena which demonstrate the existence of a mobility of parts (i.e. atoms and molecules) in solid- sub- stances. 22 bis The reaction of 1 part' by weight of AgN03 requires (according to Kremers) the following amounts of water : at 0°, 0'82 part, at 19°'5, 0'41 part, at 54°, 0'20 part, at 110°, 0-09 part, and, according to Tilden, at 125°, 0-0617 part, and at 188°, 0'0515 .part. »2trl It may be remarked that the black stain produced by the reduction of metallic silver disappears under the action of a solution of. mercuric chloride or of potassium Cyanide, because these salts act on finely-divided silver, 428 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY decompose at an incipient red heat ; when cast into sticks it is usually employed for cauterising. On further heating,. the fused salt undergoes decomposition, first forming silver nitrite and then metallic .silver. With ammonia, silver nitrate forms, on evaporation of the solution, colourless crystals containing AgNO3,2HN3 (Marignac). In general the salts of silver, like cuprous, cupric, zinc, &c. salts, are able to give several compounds with ammonia j for example, silver nitrate in a dry state absorbs three molecules (Rose). The ammonia is generally easily expelled from these compounds by the action of heat. Nitrate of silver easily forms double salts like AgN032NaNO3 and AgNO3KNO3. Silver nitrate under the action of water and a halogen gives nitric acid (see Vol. I. p* 280, formation of N2O5), a halogen salt of silver, and a silver salt of an oxygen acid of the halogen. Thus, for example, a solution of chlorine in watery when mixed with a solution of silver nitrate, gives silver chloride and chlorate. It is here evident that the reaction of the silver nitrate is identical with the reaction of the caustic alkalis, as the nitric acid is all set free and the silver oxide x>nly reacts in exactly the same way in which aqueous potash acts on free chlorine. Hence the reaction may be expressed in the following manner : 6AgNO3 + 3C12 + 3H20 = SAgCl + AgC103 + 6NH03. Silver nitrate, like the nitrates of the alkalis, does not contain any water of crystallisation. Moreover the other salts of silver almost always separate out without any water of crystallisation. The silver salts are further characterised by the fact that they give neither basic nor acid salts, owing to which the formation of silver salts generally forms the means of determining the true composition of acids — thus, to any acid HnX there corresponds a salt AgnX — for instance, Ag3P04 (Chapter XIX., Note 15). Silver gives insoluble and exceedingly stable compounds with the halogens. They are obtained by double decomposition with great facility whenever a silver salt comes in contact with halogen salts. Solutions of nitrate, sulphate, and all other kindred salts of silver give a precipitate of silver chloride or iodide in solutions of chlorides and iodides and 6f the halogen acids, because the halogen salts of silver are insoluble both in water 23 and in other acids. Silver chloride, AgCl, is 25 Silver chloride is almost perfectly insoluble in water, but is somewhat- soluble i» water containing sodium chloride or hydrochloric acid, or other chlorides, and many salts, in solution. Thus at 100°, 100 parts of water saturated with sodium chloride dissolve 0'4 part of silver chloride. Bromide and iodide of silver are less soluble in this respect, as also in regard to other solvents. It should be remarked that silver chloride dissolves in solutions of ammonia, potassium cyanide, and of sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O5. Silver bromide is almost perfectly analogous to the chloride, but silver iodide is nearly insoluble in a solution of ammonia. Silver ehloride even absorbs dry ammonia g»% COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 429 then obtained as a white flocculent precipitate, silver bromide forms a yellowish precipitate, and silver iodide has a very distinct yellow colour. These halogen compounds sometimes occur in nature ; they are formed by a dry method — by the action of halogen compounds on silver compounds, especially under the influence of heat. Silver chlo- ride easily fuses at 451° on cooling from a molten state ; it forms a somewhat soft horn-like mass which can be cut with a knife and is known as horn silver. It volatilises at a higher tempera- ture. Its ammoniacal solution, on the evaporation of the ammonia, deposits crystalline chloride of silver, in octahedra. Bromide and iodide of silver also appear in forms of the regular system, so that in this respect the halogen salts of silver resemble the halogen salts of the alkali metals;24 forming very unstable ammoniacal compounds. When heated, these compounds (Vol. I. p. 250, Note 8) evolve the ammonia, as they also do under the action of all acids. Silver chloride enters into double decomposition with potassium cyanide, forming a soluble double cyanide, which we shall presently describe ; it also forms a soluble double salt, NaAgS2O3, with sodium thiosulphate. Silver chloride offers different modifications in the structure of its molecule, as is seen in the variations in the consistency of the precipitate, and in the differences in the action of light which partially decomposes AgCl (see Note 25), Stas and Carey Lea investigated this subject, which has a particular importance in photography, because silver bromide also gives photo-salts. There is still much to be discovered in this respect, since Abney showed that perfectly dry AgCl placed in a vacuum in the dark is not in the least acted upon when subsequently exposed to light. 24 Silver bromide and iodide (which occur as the minerals bromite and iodite) resemble the chloride in many respects, but the degree of affinity of silver for iodine is greater than that for chlorine and bromine, although less heat is evolved (see Note 28 Bis), Deville deduced this fact from a number of experiments. Thus silver chloride, when treated with hydriodic acid, evolves hydrochloric acid, and forms silver iodide. Finely- divided silver easily liberates* hydrogen when treated with hydriodic acid ; it produces the same decomposition with hydrochloric acid, but in a considerably less degree and only on the surface. 'The difference between silver chloride and iodide is especially remarkable, sinco the formation of the former is attended with a greater contraction than that of the latter. The volume of AgCl = 26 ; of chlorine 27, of silver 10, the sum = 87, hence a contraction has ensued j and in the formation of silver iodide an expansion takes place, for the volume of Ag is 10, of I 26, and of Agl 89 instead of 86 (density, AgCl, 5'59 ; Agl, 5'67). The atoms of chlorine have united with the atoms of silver without moving asunder, whilst the atoms of iodine must have moved apart in combining with, the silver. It is otherwise with respect to the metal ; the distance between its atoms in the metal = 2-2, in silver chloride' =8'0, and in silver iodide = 8'5 ; hence its atoms have moved asunder considerably in both cases. It is also very remarkable, as Fizeau observed, that the density of silver iodide increases with a rise oi temperature — that is, a contraction takes place when it is heated and an expansion wheq it is cooled. In order to explain the fact that in silver compounds the iodide is more stable than the chloride and oxide, Professor N. N. Beketoff, in his '.Researches on the Phenomena of Substitutions ' (Kharkoff, 1865), proposed the following original hypothesis, which we will give in almost the words of the author:— In the case of aluminium, the oxide, Al90g, is more stable than the chloride, A12C16, and the iodide, A12I0. In the oxide the amount of the metal is to the amount of the element, combined with it as 54*8 (Al» 87'8) iff to 48» 430 PRINCIPLES QE CHEMISTRY Silver chloride may be decomposed, with the separation of silver oxide, by heating it with a solution of an alkali, and if an organic or in the ratio 112 : 100 ; for the chloride the ratio is = 55 : 100 ; for the iodide it = 7 : 100 In the case of silver the oxide (ratio = 1350 : 100) is less stable than the chloride (ratio = 804 : 100), and the iodide (ratio of the weight of metal to the weight of the halogen = 85 : 100) is the most stable. From these and similar examples it follows that the most stable compounds are those in which the weights of the combined substances are equal. This may be partly explained by the attraction of similar molecules even after their having passed into combination with others. This attraction is proportional to the product of the acting masses. In silver oxide the attraction of Ag2 for Ag2 = 216x 216 = 46,656, and the attraction of Ag2 for O = 216 x 16 = 3,456. The attraction of like mole- cules thus counteracts the attraction of the unlike molecules. The former naturally does not overcome the latter, otherwise there would be a. disruption, but it nevertheless diminishes the stability. In the case of an equality or proximity of the magnitude of the combining masses, the attraction of the like parts will counteract the stability of the compound to the least extent — in other words, with an inequality of the combined masses, the molecules have an inclination to return to an elementary state, to decompose, which does riot exist to such an extent where the combined masses are equal. There is, there- fore, a tendency for large masses to combine with large, and for small masses to combine with small. Hence' Ag2O + 2KI 'gives K2O + 2AgI. The influence of an equality of masses on the stability is seen particularly clearly in the effect of a rise of temperature. Argentic, mercuric, auric and other oxides composed of unequal masses, are somewhat readily decomposed by heat, whilst the oxides of the lighter metals (like water) are not so easily decomposed by heat. Silver chloride and iodide approach the condition of equality, and are not decomposed by heat. The most stable oxides under the action of heat are those of magnesium, calcium, silicon, and aluminium, since they also approach the condition of equality. For the same reason hydriodic acid decomposesrwith greater facility than hydrochloric acid. Chlorine does not act on magnesia or alumina, but it acts on lime and silver oxide, &c. This is partially explained by the fact that by con- sidering heat as a mode of motion, and knowing that the atomic heats of the free elements are equal, it must be supposed that the amount of the motion of atoms (their vis viv.a) is equal, and as it is equal to the product of the mass (atomic weight) into the square of the velocity, it follows that the greater the combining weight the smaller will be the square of the velocity, and if the combining weights be nearly equal, then the velocities also will be nearly equal. Hence the greater the difference between the weights of the combined atoms the greater will be the difference between their velocities. The difference between the velocities will increase with the temperature, and therefore the temperature of de- composition will be the sooner attained the greater be. the original difference— that is, the greater the difference of the weights of the combined substances. The nearer these weights are to each other, the more analogous the motion of the unlike atoms, and con- sequently, the more stable the resultant compound. The instability of cupric chloride and nitric oxide, the 'absence of compounds of fluorine with oxygen, whilst there are compounds of oxygen with chlorine, the greater stability of the oxygen compounds of iodine than those of chlorine, the stability of boron nitride, and the instability of cyanogen, and a number of similar instances, T> here, j udging from the above argument, one would expect (owing to the closeness of the atomic weights) a stability, show that Beketoff's addition to the mechanical theory of chemical phenomena is still far from sufficient for explaining the true relations of affinities. Nevertheless, in his mode of explaining the relative stabilities of compounds,, we find an exceedingly interest- ing treatment of questions of primary importance. Without such efforts it would be unpossible;.to generalise the complex data of experimental knowledge. Fluoride of silver, AgF, is obtained by dissolving Ag.2O or Ag.2CO3 in hydrofluoric acid. It differs from the other halogen salts of silver in being soluble in water (1 part of salt in 0'55 of water). It crystallises from its solution in prisms, AgFH2O (Marignac), or AgF2H2O (Pfaundler), which lose their water in vacuo. Guntz (1891), by electrolising a saturated COPPER, SILVER, AND OO.LD 431 substance be added to the alkali the chloride can easily be reduced to metallic silver, the silver oxide being reduced in the oxidation of the organic substance. Iron, zinc, and many other metals reduce silver chloride in the presence of water. Cuprous and mercurous chlorides and many organic substances are also able to reduce the silver from chloride of silver. This shows the rather easy decomposability of the halogen compounds of silver; Silver iodide is much more stable in this respect than the chloride. The same is also observed with respect to the action of light upon moist AgCL White silver chloride soon acquires a violet -colour when exposed to the action of light, and especially under the direct action of the sun's rays. After being acted upon by light it is no longer entirely soluble in ammonia, ,but leaves metallic silver undissolved, from which it might be assumed that the action of light consisted in the decomposition of the silver chloride into chlorine and metallic silver and in fact the silver chloride be- comes in time darker and darker. Silver bromide and iodide are much more slowly acted on by light, and, according to certain observations, when pure they are even quite unacted on ; at least they do not change in weight,24 bi* so that if they are acted on by light, the change they undergo must be one of a change in the structure of their parts and not of decomposition, as it is in silver chloride. The silver chloride under the action of light changes in weight, which indicates the formation of a volatile product, and the deposition of metallic silver on dissolving in ammonia shows the loss of chlorine. The change does actually occur under the action of light, but the decomposition does not go as far as into chlorine and silver, but only to the formation of a sub- chloride of silver, Ag201, which is of a brown colour and is easily de- composed into metallic silver and silver chloride, Ag2Cl = AgCl + Ag. This change of the chemical composition and structure of the halogen salts of silver under the action of light forms the basis of photography, because the halogen compounds of silver, after having been exposed to light, give a precipitate of finely-divided silver, of a -black colour, when treated with reducing agents.25 solution of Ag2F, obtained poly fluoride of silver, Ag2F, which is decomposed by water into AgF + Ag. It is also formed by the action of a strong solution of AgF upon finely- divided (precipitated) silver. 24 bu The changes brought about by the action of light necessitate distinguishing the photo-salts of silver. 35 In photography these are called ' developers.' The most common developers are : solutions of ferrous sulphate, pyrogallol, ferrous oxalate, hydroxylamine, potassium sul- phite, hydroquinone (the last acts particularly well and is very convenient to use), &c. The chemical processes of photography are of great practical and theoretical interest ; but it would be impossible in this work to enter into this special branch of chemistry, which has as yet been very little worked out from a theoretical point of view. Nevertheless, we .will pause 482 . PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY The insolubility of the halogen compounds of silver forms tlid basis of many methods used in practical chemistry. Thus by means of this reaction it is possible to obtain salts of other acids from a halogen salt of a given metal, for instance, RC12 + 2AgN03=R(N03)2 4- 2AgCl. , The formati6n of the halogen compounds of silver is very frequently used in thes investigation of organic substances ; for example, if any product of metalepsis containing iodine or chlorine be heated with a silver salt or silver oxide, the silver combines with the halogen and gives a halogen salt, whilst the elements previously combined with the silver replace thq halogen. For instance, ethylene dibromide, C2H4Br2, is transformed^ into ethylene diacetate, C2H4(C2H3O2)2l and silver to consider certain^ aspects of this subject which are of a purely chemical interest, and especially the facts concerning subchloride of silver, AgoCl (see -Note 19), and the photo- salts (Note 28). There is no doubt that under the action of light, AgCl becomes darker in .colour, decreases iu weight, and probably forms a mixture of AgCl, Ag2Cl, and Ag. But the isolation of the subchloride has' only been recently accomplished by Giintz by means of the Ag2F, discovered by him (see Note 24). Many chemists (and among them .Hodgkinson) assumed that an oxychloride of silver was formed by the decomposition of AgCl under the action of light. Carey Lea's (1889) and A. Richardson's (1891) experiments showed that the product formed does not, however, contain any oxygen aft all, and the change in colour produced by the-, action of light upon AgCl is most probably due to the formation of Ag2Cl. This substance was isolated by Giintz (1891) by passing HC1 over crystals of AgoF. He also obtahied Ag2I in a similar manner by passing HI, and Ag2S by passing H2S over AgoF. Ag2Cl is best prepared by the action of phosphorus tri- chloride upon Ag2F. At the temperature of its formation Ag2Cl has an easily changeable tint, with shades of violet red to violet black. Under the action of light a similar fisomeric) substance is obtained, which splits up into AgCl + Ag when heated. With potassium cyanide Ag2Cl gives Ag + AgCN + KCl, whence it is possible to calculate the heat of formation of Ag2Cl ; it = 29:7, whilst the heat of formation of AgCl = 29'2 — i.e. the reaction 2AgCl = Ag2Cl + Cl corresponds to an absorption of 28-7 major calories. If we admit the formation of such a compound by the action of light, it is evident that the energy of the light is consumed in the above reaction. Carey Lea (1892) subjected AgCl, AgBr, and Agl to a pressure (of course in the dark) of 3,000 atmospheres, and to trituration with' water in a mortar, and observed a change of colour indicating incipient decomposition, which is facilitated under the action of light by the molecular currents set up (Lermontoff, Egoroff). The change of colour, of the halogen salts of silver under the action of light, and their faculty o£ subsequently giving a visible photographic image under the action of ' developers,' must now be regarded as connected with the decomposition of AgX, leading to the formation of AgoX, and the different tinted photo-salts must be considered as systems containing such AgoX^s. Carey Lea obtained photo-salts of this kind not only by the action of light but also in many other ways, which we will enumerate to prove that they contain the products of an incomplete combination of Ag with the halogens, (for the salts Ag2X must be regarded as. such). The photo-salts have been obtained (1) by the imperfect chlorination of silver ; (2) by the incomplete decomposition of Ag2O or Ag2COs by alternately heating and treating with a halogen acid ; (3) by the action of nitric acid or Na2S2O3 upon Ag->Cl; (4) by mixing a solution of AgNO3 with the hydrates of FeO, MnO and CrO, and precipitating by HC1 ; (5) by the action of HC1 upon the product obtained by the reduction of citrate of silver in hydrogen (Note 19), and (6) by the action of milk sugar upon AgNO3 together with soda and afterwards acidulating with HC1. All these reactions should lead to the formation of products of imperfect combination with the halogens and give photo-salts of a similar diversity of colour to those produced by the action of developers upon the halogen salts of silver after exposure to light. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 483 bromide by heating it with silver acetate, 2C2H3O2 Ag. The insolubility of the halogen compounds of silver is still more frequently taken ad- vantage of in determining the amount of silver and halogen in a given solution. If it is required, for instance, to determine the quantity of chlorine present in the form of a metallic chloride in a given solution, a solution of silver nitrate is added to it so long as it gives a pre- cipitate. On shaking or stirring the liquid, the silver chloride easily settles in the form of heavy flakes. It is possible in this way to precipitate the whole of the chlorine from a solution, without adding an excess of silver nitrate, since it can be easily seen whether the addition of a fresh quantity of silver nitrate produces a precipitate in the cleap liquid. In this manner it is possible to add to a solution containing chlorine, as much silver as is required for its entire precipi- tation, and to calculate the amount of chlorine previously in solution from the amount of the solution of silver nitrate consumed, if the quantity of silver nitrate in this solution has been previously deter- mined.25 bis The atomic proportions and preliminary experiments with a pure salt — for example, with sodium chloride — will give the amount of chlorine from the quantity of silver nitrate. Details of these methods will be found in works on analytical chemistry. 25trl 25 bis jn oraer to determine when the reaction is at an end, a few drops of a solution of K2CrO4 are added to the solution of the chloride. Before all the chlorine is precipitated as AgCl, the precipitate (after shaking) is white (since Ag2CrO4 with 2RC1 gives 2AgCl) ; but when all the chlorine is thrown down Ag2CrO4 is formed, which colours tte precipi- tate reddish-brown. In order to obtain accurate results the liquid should be neutral to litmus. 25 tri Silver cyanide, AgCN, is closely analogous to the haloid salts of silver. It is obtained, in similar manner to silver chloride, by the addition of potassium cyanide to silver nitrate. A white precipitate is then formed, which is almost insoluble in boiling water. It is also, like silver chloride, insoluble in dilute acids. However, it is dissolved when heated with nitric acid, and both hydriodic and hydrochloric acids act on it, con- verting it into silver chloride and iodide. Alkalis, however, do not act on silver cyanide, although they act on the other haloid salts of silver. Ammonia and solutions of the cyanides of the alkali metals dissolve silver cyanide, as they do the chloride. In the latter case double cyanides are formed — for example, KAgC2N2. This salt is obtained in a crystalline state on evaporating a solution of silver cyanide in potassium cyanide. It is much more stable than silver cyanide itself. It has a neutral reaction, does not change in the air, and does not smell of hydrocyanic acid. Many acids, in acting on a solution of this double salt, precipitate the insoluble silver cyanide. Metallic silver dis- solves in a solution of potassium cyanide in the presence of air, with formation of the same double salt and potassium hydroxide, and when silver chloride dissolves in potassium cyanide it forms potassium chloride, besides the salt KAgC2N2. This double salt of silver is used in silver plating. For this purpose potassium cyanide is added to its solution, as otherwise silver cyanide, and not metallic silver, is deposited by the electric current. If two electrodes — one positive (silver) and the other negative (copper)— be immersed in such a solution, silver will be deposited upon the latter, and the silver of the positive electrode will be dissolved by the liquid, which will thus preserve the same amount of metal in solution as it originally contained. If instead of the negative electrode a copper object be taken, well cleaned from all dirt, the silver 434 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Accurate experiments, and more especially the researches of Stas at Brussels, show the proportion in which silver reacts with metallic chlorides. These researches have led -to the determina- tion of the combining weights of silver, sodium, potassium, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and other elements, and are distinguished for their model exactitude, and we will therefore describe them in some detail. As sodium chloride is the chloride most generally used for the pre- cipitation of silver, since it can most easily be obtained in a pure state, we will here cite the quantitative observations made by Stas for show- ing the co-relation between the quantities of chloride .of sodium and silver which react together. In order to obtain perfectly pure sodium will be deposited in an even coating ; this, indeed, forms the mode of silver plating by the wet method, which is most often used in practice. A solution of one part of silver nitrate in 80 to 50 parts of 'water, and mixed with a siifficient quantity of a solution of potassium cyanide to redissolve the precipitate of silver cyanide formed, gives a dull coating of silver, but if twice as much water be used the same mixture gives a bright coating. .Silver plating in the wet way has now replaced to a considerable extent the old process of dry silvering, because this process, which consists in dissolving .silver in mercury and applying the amalgam to the surface of the objects, and then vaporising the mercury, offers the great disadvantage of the poisonous mercury fumes. Besides these, there is another method of silver plating, based on the direct displacement of silver from its salts by other metals — for example, by copper. The copper reduces the silver from its compounds, and the silver separated is deposited upon the copper. Thus a solution of silver chloride in sodium thiosulphate deposits a coating of silver upon a strip of copper immersed in it. It is best for this purpose to take pure 'silver sulphite. This is prepared by mixing a solution of silyer nitrate with an excess of ammonia, and adding a saturated solution of sodium sulphite, and then alcohol, which precipitates silver sulphite from the solution. The latter and its solutions are very easily decomposed by copper. Metallic iron produces the same decomposition, and iron and steel articles may be very readily silver-plated by means of the thiosulphate solution of silver chloride. Indeed, copper and similar metals may even be silver-plated by means of silver chloride ; if the chloride of silver, with a small amount of acid, be rubbed upon the surface of the copper, the latter becomes covered with a coating of silver, which it has reduced. Silver plating is not only applicable to metallic objects, but also to glass, china, &c. Glass is silvered for various purposes — for example, glass globes silvered internally are used for ornamentation, and have a mirrored surface. Common looking-glass silvered upon one side forms a mirror which is better than the ordinary mercury mirrors, owing to the truer colours of the image due to the whiteness of the silver. For optical in- struments—for example, telescopes— concave mirrors are now made of silvered glass, which has first been ground and polished into the required form. . The silvering of glass is based on the fact that silver which is reduced from certain solutions deposits itself uni- formly in a perfectly homogeneous and continuous but very thin layer, "forming a bright reflecting surface. Certain organic substances have the property of reducing silver in this form. The best known among these are certain aldehydes— :for instance, ordinary acetaldehyde, C2H4O, which easily oxidises in the air and formff acetic acid, C2H4O3. This oxidation also easily takes place at the expense of silver oxide, when a certain amount of ammonia is added to the mixture. The oxide of silver gives up its oxygen to the aldehyde, and the silver reduced from it is deposited in a metallic state in a uniform bright coating. The same action is produced by certain saccharine substances and certain organic acids, such as tartaric acid, &c. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 435 chloride, he took pure rock salt, containing only a small quantity of magnesium and calcium compounds and a small amount of potassium salts. This salt was dissolved in water, and the saturated solution evaporated by boiling. The sodium chloride separated out during the boiling, and the mother liquor containing the impurities was poured off. Alcohol of 65 p.c. strength and platinic chloride were added to the resultant salt, in order to precipitate all the potassium and a certain part of the sodium salts. The resultant alcoholic/ solution, containing the sodium and . platinum chlorides, was then mixed with a solution of pure ammonium chloride in order to remove the platinic chloride. After this precipitation, the solution was evaporated in a platinum retort, and then separate portions of this purified sodium chloride were collected as they crystallised. The same salt was pre- pared from sodium sulphate, tartrate, nitrate, and from the platino- chlpride, in order to have sodium chloride prepared b# different methods and from different sources, and in this manner ten samples of sodium chloride thus prepared were purified and investigated in their relation tK? silver. After being dried, weighed quantities of all ten samples of sodium chloride were dissolved in water and mixed with a solution in nitric acid of a weighed quantity of perfectly pure silver. A slightly greater quantity of silver was taken than would be required for the decomposition of the sodium chloride, arid when, after pour- ing in all the silver solution, the silver chloride had settled, the amount of silver remaining in excess was determined by means of a solution of sodium chloride of known strength. This solution of sodium chloride was added so long as it formed a precipitate. In this manner Stas determined how many parts of sodium chloride corre- spond to 100 parts by weight of silver. The result of ten determina- tions was that for the entire precipitation of 100 parts of silver, from 54-2060 to 54-2093 parts of sodium chloride were required. The difference is so inconsiderable that it has no perceptible influence on the subsequent calculations. The mean of ten experiments was that 100 parts of silver react with 54*2078 parts of sodium chloride. In order to learn from this the relation between the chlorine and silver, it was necessary to determine the quantity of chlorine contained in 54-2078 parts of sodium chloride, or, what is the same- thing, the quantity of chlorine which combines with 100 parts of silver. For this purpose Stag made a series of observations on the quantity of silver chloride obtained from 100 parts of silver. Four syntheses were made by him for this purpose. The first synthesis consisted in the formation of silver chloride by the action of chlorine on silver at a red heat. This experiment showed that 100 parts of silver give 132-841, 132-843 and 436 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY 132-843 of silver chloride. The second method consisted in dissolving a given quantity of silver in nitric acid and precipitating it by means of gaseous hydrochloric acid passed over the surface of the liquid ; the resultant mass was evaporated in the dark to drive off the nitric acid and excess of hydrochloric acid, and the remaining silver chloride was fused first in^an atmosphere of hydrochloric acid gas and then in air. In this process the silver chloride was not washed, and therefore there could be no loss from solution. Two experiments made by this method showed that 100 parts of silver give 132-849 and 132-846 parts of silver chloride. A third series of determinations was also made by precipitating a solution of silver nitrate with a certain excess of gaseous hydrochloric acid. The amount of silver chloride obtained was altogether 132-848. Lastly, a fourth determination was made by precipitating dissolved silver with a solution of ammonium chloride, when it was found that a considerable amount of silver (0-3175) had passed into solution in the washing; for 100 parts of silver there was obtained altogether 132-8417 of silver chloride. Thus from the mean of seven determinations it appears that 100 parts of silver give 132 '8445 parts of silver chloride — that, is, that 32-8445 parts of chlorine are able to combine with 100 parts of silver and with that quantity of sodium which is contained in 54-2078 parts of sodium chloride. These observations show that 32-8445 parts of chlorine combine with 100 parts of silver and with 21-3633 parts of sodium. From these figures expressing the relation between the combining weights of chlorine, silver, and sodium, it would be possible to determine their atomic weights— that is, the combining quantity of these elements with respect to one part by weight of hydrogen or 16 parts of oxygen, if there existed a series of similarly accurate determinations for the reactions between hydrogen or oxygen and one of these elements — chlorine, sodium, or silver. If we determine the quantity of silver chloride which is obtained from silver chlorate, AgClO3, we shall know the relation between the combining weights of silver chloride and oxygen, so that, taking the quantity of oxygen as a constant magnitude, we can learn from this reaction the combining weight of silver chloride, and from the preced- ing numbers the combining weights of chlorine and silver. For this purpose it was first necessary to obtain pure silver chlorate. This Stas did by acting on silver oxide or carbonate, suspended in water, with gaseous chlorine.26 26 The phenomenon which then takes place is described by Stas as follows, in a manner which is perfect in its clearness and accuracy : if silver oxide or carbonate be suspended in water, and an excess of water saturated with chlorine Jbe added, all the silver COPPEE, SILVER, AND GOLD 437 The decomposition of the silver chlorate thus obtained was accom- plished by the action of a solution of sulphurous anhydride on it. The salt was first fused by carefully heating it at 243°. The solution of sulphurous anhydride used was one saturated at 0°. Sulphurous anhydride in dilute solutions is oxidised at the expense of silver chlorate, even at low temperatures, with great ease if the liquid be continually shaken, sulphuric acid "and silver chloride being formed : AgC103 + 3S02 + 3H20==AgCl + 3H2SO4. After decomposition, the resultant liquid was evaporated, and the residue of silver chloride weighed. Thus the process consisted in taking a known weight of silver chlorate, converting it into silver chloride, and determining the weight of the latter. "The analysis conducted in this manner gave the following results, which, like the preceding, designate the weight in a vacuum calculated from the weights obtained in air : In the first experiment it appeared that 138*7890 grams of silver chlorate gave 103-9795 parts of silver chloride, and in the second experiment is converted into chloride, just as is the case with oxide or carbonate of mercury, and the water then contains, besides the excess of chlorine, only pure hypochlorous acid without the least trace of chloric or chlorous acid. If a stream of chlorine be passed into water containing an excess of silver oxide or silver carbonate while the liquid is continually agitated, the reaction is the same as the preceding; silver chloride and hypochlorous acid are formed. But this acid does not long remain in a free state-: it gradually acts on the silver oxide and gives silver hypochlorite, i.e. AgClO. If, after some time, the current of chlorine be stopped but the shaking continued, the liquid loses its characteristic odour of hypochlorous acid, while preserving its energetic decolourising property, because the silver hypochlorite which is formed is easily soluble in water. In the presence of an excess of silver oxide this salt can be kept for several days without decomposition, but it is exceedingly unstable when no excess of silver oxide or carbonate is present. So long as the solution of silver hypochlorite 19 shaken up with the silver oxide, it preserves its transparency and bleaching property, but directly it is allowed to stand, and the silver oxide settles, it becomes rapidly cloudy and deposits large flakes of silver chloride, so that- the black silver oxide which had settled becomes covered with the white precipitate. The liquid then loses its bleaching properties and contains silver chlorate, i.e. AgClO3, in solution, which has a slightly alkaline reaction, owing to the presence of a small amount of dissolved oxide. In this manner the reactions which are consecutively accomplished may be expressed by the equations : 6C12 + 3Ag2O + 8H2O = GAgCl + 6HC1O ; 6HC1O + 3Ag2O = 3H20 + 'GAgClO ; 6AgC10 = 4AgCl + 2AgClO3. Hence, Stas gives the following method for the preparation of silver chlorate : A slow current of chlorine is caused to act on oxide of silver, suspended in water which is kept in a state of continual agitation. The shaking is continued after the supply of chlorine has been stopped, in order that the free hypochlorous acid should pass into silver hypochlorite, and the resultant solution of the hypochlorite is drawn off from the sediment of the excess of silver oxide. This solution decomposes spontaneously into silver chloride and chlorate. The pure silver chlorate, AgClO3, does not change under the action of light. The salt is prepared for further use by drying it in dry air at 150°. It is necessary during drying to prevent the access of any organic matter ; this is done by filtering the air through cotton wool, and, passing it over & layer of red-hot copper oxide. 488 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY that 259-5287 grams of chlorate gave 194-44515 grams of silver chloride, and after fusion 194-4435 grams. The mean result of both experiments, converted into percentages, shows that 100 parts of silver chlorate contain 74*9205 of silver chloride and 25-0795 parts of oxygen. From this it is possible to calculate the combining weight of silver chloride, because in the decomposition of silver chlorate there are obtained three atoms of oxygen and one molecule of silver chloride : AgC103 s= AgCl + 3O. Taking the weight of an atom of oxygen to be 16, we find from the mean result that the equi- valent weight of silver chloride is equal to 143-395. Thus if O=16, AgCl= 143-395, and as the preceding experiments show that silver chloride contains 32-8445 parts of chlorine per 100 parts of silver, the- weight of the atom of silver 26bis must be 107*94 and that of chlorine 35*45 The weight of the atom of sodium is determined from the fact that 21*3633 parts of sodium chloride combine with 32-8445 parts of chlorine ; consequently Na=23-05. This conclusion, arrived at by the analysis of silver chlorate, was verified by means of the analysis of potassium chlorate by decomposing it by heat and determining the weight of the potassium chloride formed, and alsd by effecting the same decomposition by igniting the chlorate in a stream of hydrochloric acid. The combining weight of potassium chloride was thus determined, and another series of determinations confirmed the relation between chlorine, potassium, and silver, in the .same manner as the relation between sodium, chlorine, and silver was determined above. Consequently, the combining weights of sodium, chlorine, and potassium could be deduced by combining these data with the analysis of silver chlorate and the synthesis of silver chloride. The agreement between the results showed that the determinations made by the last method were perfectly correct, and did not depend in any considerable degree on the methods which were employed in the pre- ceding determinations, as the combining weights of chlorine and silver obtained were the same as before: There was naturally a difference, but so small a one that it undoubtedly depended on the errors inciden- tal to every process of weighing and experiment. The atomic weight of silver was also determined by Stas by means of the synthesis of silver sulphide and the analysis of silver sulphate. The combining weight obtained by this method .was 107-920. The synthesis of silver iodide and the analysis of silver iodate gave the figure 107-928. The ae tu The results given by Stas' determinations have recen.tly been recalculated and certain corrections have been introduced. We give in the context the average results of van der Plaat's and Thomseh's calculations, as well as in Table HE. neglecting' the doubtful thousandths. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 439 synthesis of silver bromide with the analysis of silver bromate gave the figure 107-921. The synthesis of silver chloride and the analysis of silver chlorate gave a mean result of 107-937. Hence there is no doubt that the combining weight of silver is at least as much as 107*9 — greater than 107-90 and less than 107-95, and probably equal to the mean= 107-92. Stas determined the combining weights of many other elements in this manner, such as lithium, potassium, sodium, bromine, chlorine, iodine, and also nitrogen, for the determination of the amount of silver nitrate obtained from a given amount of silver gives directly the combining weight of nitrogen. Taking that of oxygen as 16, he obtained the following combining weights for these elements : nitrogen 14-04, silver 107 '93, chlorine 35-46, bromine 79-95, iodine 126-85, lithium 7*02, sodium 23-04, potassium 39*15. These figures differ slightly from those which are usually employed in chemical investigations. They must be regarded as the result of. the best observations, whilst the figures usually used in practical chemistry are only approximate — are, so to speak, round numbers for the atomic weights which differ so little from the exact figures (for instance, for Ag 108 instead of 107-92, for Na 23 instead of 23-04) that in ordinary determinations and calculations the difference falls within the limits of experimental error inseparable from such determinations. The exhaustive investigations conducted by Stas on the atomic weights of the above-named elements have great significance in the solution of the problem as to whether the atomic weights of the elements can be expressed in whole numbers if the unit taken be the atomic weight of hydrogen. Prout, at the beginning of this century, stated that this was the case, and held that the atomic weights of the elements are multiples pf the atomic weight of hydrogen. The subse- quent determinations of Berzelius, Penny, Marchand, Marignac, Dumas, and more especially of Stas, proved this conclusion to be untenable ; since a whole series of elements proved to have fractional atomic weights—for example, chlorine, about 35-5. On account of this, Marignac and Dumas stated that the atomic weights of the elements are expressed in relation to hydrogen, either by whole numbers or by numbers with simple fractions of the magnitudes ^ and J. But Stas's researches refute this supposition also. Even between the com- bining weight of hydrogen and oxygen, there is not, so far as is yet known, that simple relation which is required by Front's hypothesis^ 37 This hypothesis, for the establishment or refutation of which so many researches have been made, is exceedingly important, and fully deserves the attention which has been given to it. Indeed, if it appeared that the atomic weights of all the elements could *H 440 PRINCIPLES OP CHEMISTRY i.e.y taking 0=16, the atomic weight of hydrogen is equal not to 1 bufc to a greater number somewhere between 1-002 and 1-008 or mean- be expressed in whole numbers with reference to hydrogen, or if they at least proved to be commensurable with one another, then it could be affirmed with confidence that the elements, with all their diversity, were formed of one material condensed or grouped in various manners into the stable, and, under known conditions, undecomposable groups which we call the atoms of the elements. At first it was supposed that all the elements were nothing else but condensed hydrogen, but when it appeared that the atomic weights of the elements could not be expressed in whole numbers in relation to hydrogen, it was still possible to imagine the existence of a certain material from which both hydro- gen and all the other elements were formed. If it should transpire that four atoms of this material form an atom of hydrogen, then the atom of chlorine would present itself as consisting of 142 atoms of .this substance, the weight of whose atom would be equal to 0'25. But in this case the atoms of all the elements should be "expressed in whole numbers with respect to the weight of the atom of this original material. Let us sup- pose that the atomic weight of this material is equal to unity, then all the atomic weights should be expressible in whole numbers relatively to this unit. Thus the atom of one ele- ment, let us suppose, would weigh m, and of another n, but, as both m and n must be whole numbers, it follows that the atomic weights of all the elements would be commen- surable. But it is sufficient to glance over the results obtained by Stas, and to be assured of their accuracy, especially for silver, in order to entirely destroy, or at least strongly undermine, this attractive hypothesis. We must therefore refuse our assent to the doctrine of the building up from a single substance of the elements knqwn to us. This hypothesis is not supported either by any known transformation (for one element has never been converted into another element), or by the commensurability of the atomic weights of the elements. Although the hypothesis of the formation of all the elements from a single substance (for which Crookes has suggested the name protyle) is most attractive in its comprehensiveness, it can neither be denied nor accepted for want of sufficient data. Marignac endeavoured, however, to overcome Stas's conclusions as to the incommensu- rability oft the atomic weights by supposing that in his, as in the determinations of all other observers, there were unperceived errors which were quite independent of the mode of observation — for example, silver nitrate might be supposed to be an unstable substance which changes, under the heatings, evaporations, and other processes' to which it is sub- jected in the reactions for the determination of the combining weight of silver. It might be supposed, for instance, that silver nitrate contains some impurity which cannot be removed by any means ; it might also be supposed that a portion of the elements of the nitric acid are disengaged in the evaporation of the solution of silver nitrate (owing to the decomposing action of water), and in its fusion, and that we have not to deal with normal silver nitrate, but with a slightly basic salt, or perhaps an excess of nitric acid which cannot be removed from the salt. In this case the observed combining weight will n»t refer to an actually definite chemical compound, but to some mixture for which there does not exist any perfectly exact combining relations. Marignac upholds this proposition by the fact that the conclusions of Stas and other observers respecting the combining weights determined with the greatest exactitude very nearly agree with the proposition of the commensurability of the atomic weights— for example, the combining weight of silver was shown to be equal to 107'98, so that it only differs by 0'08 from the whole number 108, which is generally accepted for silver. The combining weight of iodine proved to be equal to 126'85 — that is, it differs from 127 by 0'15. The combining weights of sodium, nitrogen, bromine, chlorine, and lithium are still nearer to the whole or round numbers which are generally accepted. But Marignac's proposition will hardly bear criticism. Indeed if we express the combining weights of the elements determined by Stas in relation to hydrogen, the approximation of these weights to whole numbers disappears, because one part of hydrogen in reality does not combine with 16 parts of oxygen, but with 15'92 parts, and therefore we shall obtain, taking H = 1, not the above- cited figures, but for silver 107-38, for bromine 79*55, magnitudes which are still further COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 441 1 005. Such a conclusion arrived at by direct experiment cannot but be regarded as having greater weight than Prout's supposition (hypothesis) that the atomic weights of the elements are in multiple proportion to each other, which would gi\ e reason for surmising (but not asserting) a complexity of nature in the elements, and their com- mon origin from a single primary material, and for expecting their mutual conversion into each other. All such ideas and hopes must removed from whole numbers. Besides which, if Marignac's proposition were true the combining weight of silver determined by one method — e.g. .by the analysis of silver chlorate combined with the synthesis of silver chloride — would not agree well with the combining weight determined by another method— e.g. by means of the analysis of silver iodate and the synthesis of silver iodide. If in one case a basic salt could be obtained, in the other case an acid salt might be obtained. Then the analysis of the acid salt would give different results from that of the basic salt. Thus Marignac's arguments cannot serve as a support for the vindication of Prout's hypothesis. In conclusion, I think it will not be out of place to cite the following passage from a paper" I read before the Chemical Society of London in 1889 (Appendix II.), referring to the hypothesis of the complexity of the elements recognised in chemistry, owing to the fact that many have endeavoured to apply the periodic law to the justification of this idea 'dating from a remote antiquity, when it was found convenient to admit the existence of many gods but only one matter. ' When we try to explain the origin of the idea of a unique primary matter, we easily trace that, in the absence of deductions from experiment, it derives its origin from the scientifically philosophical attempt at discovering some kind of unity in the immense diversity of individualities which we see around. In classical times such a tendency could only be satisfied by conceptions about the immaterial world. As to the material world, our ancestors were compelled to resort to some hypothesis, and they adopted the idea of unity in the formative material, because they were not able to evolve the concep- tion of any other possible unity in order to connect the multifarious relations of matter. Responding to the same legitimate scientific tendency, natural science has discovered throughout the universe a unity of plan, a unity of forces, and a unity of matter ; and the convincing conclusions of modem science compel every one to admit these kinds of unity. But while we admit unity in many things, we none the less must also explain the individuality and the apparent diversity which we cannot fail to trace everywhere. It was said of old " Give us a fulcrum and it will become easy to displace the earth." So also we must say, "Give us something that is individualised, and the apparent diversity will be easily understood." Otherwise, how could unity result in a multitude ' After a long and painstaking research, natural science has discovered the individu- alities of the chemical elements, and therefore it is now capable, not only of analysing, but also of synthesising ; it can understand and grasp generality and unity, as well as the individualised and multifarious. The general and universal, like time and space, like force and motion, vary uniformly. The uniform admit of interpolations, revealing every intermediate phase ; but the multitudinous, the individualised— such as ourselves, or the chemical elements, or the members of a peculiar periodic function of the elements, or Dalton's multiple proportions— is characterised in another way. We see in it— side by Bide with a general connecting principle— leaps, breaks of continuity, points which escape from the analysis of the infinitely small— an absence of complete intermediate linka. Chemistry has found an answer to the question as to the causes of multitudes, and while retaining the conception of many elements, all submitted to the discipline of a general law, it offers an escape from the Indian Nirvana— the absorption in the universal— re- placing it by the individualised. However, the place for individuality is so limited by the all-grasping, all-powerful universal, that it is merely a point of support for the under« standing of multitude in unity.' 442 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY now, thanks more especially to Stas, be placed in a region void of any experimental support whatever, and therefore not subject to the dis- cipline of the positive data of science. Among the platinum metals ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium, by their atomic weights and properties, approach silver, just as iron and its analogues (cobalt and nickel) approach copper in all respects. Gold stands in exactly the sarnie position in relation to the heavy platinum metals, osmium, iridium, and platinum, as copper and silver do to the two preceding series. The atomic weight of gold is nearly equal to their atomic weights ; 28 it is dense like these metals. It also gives various grades of oxidation, which are feeble, both in a basic and an acid sense. Whilst near to osmium, iridium, and pla- tinum, gold at the same time is able, like copper and silver, to form compounds which answer to the type RX — that is, oxides of the compo- sition R20. Cuprous chloride, CuCl, silver chloride, AgCl, and aurous chloride, AuCl, are substances which are very much alike in their physical and chemical properties.28 bis They are insoluble in water, but dissolve in hydrochloric acid and ammonia, in potassium cyanide, 88 It might be expected from the periodic law and analogies with the series iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, that the atomic weights of the elements of the series osmium, iridium, platinum, gold, mercury, would rise in this order, and at the time of the esta- blishment of the periodic law (1869), the determinations of Berzelius, Rose, and ofchera gave the following values for the atomic weights : Os = 200, Ir = 197, Pt = 198, Au = 196, Hg = 200. The fulfilment of the expectations of the periodic law was given in the first place by the fresh determinations (Seubert, Dittmar, and Arthur) of the atomic weight of platinum, which proved to be nearly 196, if O = 16 (as Marjgnac, Brauner, and others propose) ; in the second place, by the fact that Seubert proved that the atomic weight of osmium is really less than that of platinum, and approximately Os = 191 ; and, in the third place, by the fact that after the researches of Kriiss, Thorpe, and Laurie there was no doubt that, the atomic weight- of gold is greater than that of platinum— namely, nearly 197. 88 t>u in Chapter XXII., Note 40, we gave the thermal data for certain of the com- pounds of copper of the type CuXa ; we will now cite certain data for the cuprous compounds of the type CuX, which present an analogy to the . corresponding compounds AgX and AuX, some of which were investigated by Thomson in his classical work, ' Thermochemische Untersuchungen ' (Vol. iii., 1883). The data are given in the same manner as in the above-mentioned note : R = Cu Ag Au R + C1 +33 +29 +6 RfBi +25 +23 0 R + I +16 +14 -6 R + O +41 +6 -? Thus we see in the first place that gold, which possesses a much smaller affinity than Ag, evolves far less heat than an equivalent amount of copper, giving the same compound, and in the second place that the combination of copper with one atom of oxygen disengages more heat than its combination with one atom of a halogen, whilst with silver the reverse is the case. This is connected with the fact that Cu2O is more stable under the action of beat than Ag2O. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 443 sodium thiosulphate, &c. Just as copper forms a link between the iron metals and zinc, and as silver unites the light platinum metals with cadmium, so also gold presents a transition from the heavy platinum metals to mercury. Copper gives saline compounds of the types CuX and CuX2, silver of the type AgX, whilst gold, besides compounds of- the type AuX, very easily and most frequently forms those of the type AuCl3. The compounds of this type frequently pass into those of the lower type, just as PtX4 passes into PtX2, and the same is observable in the elements which, in their atomic weights, follow gold. Mercury gives HgX2 and HgX, thallium gives T1X3 and T1X, lead gives PbX4 and PbX2. On the other hand, gold in a qualitative respect differs from silver and oopper in the extreme ease with which all its com- pounds are reduced to metal by many means. This is not only accom- plished by many reducing agents, but also by the action of heat. Thus its chlorides and oxides lose their chlorine and oxygen when heated; and, if the temperature be sufficiently high, these elements are entirely expelled and metallic gold alone remains. Its compounds, therefore, act as oxidising agents.29 In nature gold occurs in the primary and chiefly in quartzose rocks, and especially in quartz veins, as in the Urals (at Berezoffsk), in Australia, and in California. The native gold is extracted from these rocks by subjecting them to a mechanical treatment consisting of crushing and washing.29 Ws Nature has already accomplished a similar * Heavy atoms and molecules, although they may present many points of analogy, are more easily isolated ; thus CigH^, although, like C2H4, it combines with Br2, and has a similar composition, yet reacts with much greater difficulty than C2H4) and in this it resem- bles gold ; the heavy atoms and molecules are, so to say, inert, and already saturated by themselves. Gold in its higher grade of oxidation, Au2O3, presents feeble basic pro- perties and weakly-developed acid properties, so that this oxide of gold, Au2O3, may be referred to the class of feeble acid oxides,, like platinic oxide. This is not the case in the highest known oxides of copper and silver. But in the lower grade of oxidation, aurous oxide, AujO, gold, like silver and copper, presents basic properties, although they ar^ not very pronounced. In this respect it stands very close in its properties, although not in its types of combination (AuX and AuX3), to platinum (PtX2 and PtX4) and its analogues. As yet the general chemical characteristics of gold and its compounds have not been fully investigated. This is partly due to the fact that very few researches have been undertaken on the compounds of this metal, owing to its inaccessibility for working in large quantities. As the atomic weight of gold is high (Au = 197), the preparation of its compounds requires that it should be taken in large quantities, which forma ah obstacle to its being fully studied. Hence the facts concerning the history of this metal are rarely distinguished by that exactitude with which many facts have been established concerning other elements more accessible, and long known in use. Wbl» Sonstadt (1872) showed that sea water, besides silver, always contains gold, Munster (1892) showed that the water of the Norwegian fiords contains about 5 milli- grams of gold per ton (or 5 milliardths) — i.e a quantity deserving practical attention, and I think it may be already said that, considering the immeasurable amount of sea water, in time means will be discovered for profitably extracting gold from eea water by 444 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY disintegration of the hard rocky matter containing gold.30 These dis- integrated rocks, washed by rain and other water, have formed gold- bearing deposits, which are known as alluvial gold deposits. Gold- bearing soil is sometimes met with on the surface and sometimes under bringing it into contact with substances capable of depositing gold upon their surface. The first efforts might be made upon the extraction of salt from sea water, and as the total amount of sea water maybe taken as about 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons, it follows that it contains about 10,000 million tons of gold. The yearly production of gold, is about 200 tons for, the whole world, of which about one quarter is extracted in Eussia. It ia supposed that gold is dissolved in sea water owing to the presence of iodides, which, under the action of animal organisms, yield free iodine. It is thought (as Professor Konova- loff mentions in his work upon 'The Industries of the United States,' 1894) that iodine facilitates the solution of the gold, and the organic matter its precipitation. These facts and considerations to a certain extent explain the distribution of gold in veins or rock fissures, chiefly filled with quartz, because there is sufficient reason for supposing that these rocks once formed the ocean bottom. R. Dentrie, and subse- quently Wilkinson, showed that organic matter— for instance, cork — and pyrites are able to precipitate gold from its solutions in that -metallic form and state in which it occurs in quartz veins, where (especially in the deeper parts of vein deposits) gold is frequently found on the surface of pyrites, chiefly arsenical pyrites. Kazantseff (in Ekaterinburg, 1891) eve^n supposes, from the distribution of the gold in these pyrites, that it occurred in solution as a compound of sulphide of gold and sulphide of arsenic when it penetrated 'into the veins. It is from such considerations that the origin of vein and pyritic gold is, at the present time, attributed to the reaction of solutions of this metal, the remains of which are seen in the gold still present in sea water. 30 However, in recent times, especially since about 1870, when chlorine (either -as a solution of the gas or as bleaching powder) and bromine began to be applied to the extrac- tion, of finely-divided gold from poor ores (previously roasted in order to drive off arsenio and sulphur, and oxidise the iron), the extraction of gold from quartz and pyrites, by the wet method, increases from year to year, and begins to equal the amount extracted from alluvial deposits. Since the nineties th,e cyanide process (Chapter XIII., Note 18 bis) has taken an important place among the wet methods for extracting gold from its ores. It consists in pouring a dilute solution of cyanide of potas- sium (about 500 parts of water and 1 to 4 parts of cyanide of potassium per 1.000 parts of ore, the amount of cyanide depending upon the richness of the ore) and a mixture of it with NaCN, (see Chapter XIII., Note 12) over the crushed ore (which need not be roasted, whilst roasting is indispensable in the chlorination process, as otherwise the chlorine is used up in oxidising the sulphur, arsenic, &c.) The gold is dissolved very rapidly even from pyrites, where it generally occurs on the surface in such fine and adherent particles that it either cannot be mechanically washed away, or, more frequently is carried away by the stream of water, and cannot be caught by mechanical means or by the mercury used for catching the gold In the sluices. Chlorination had already given the possibility of- extracting the finest particles of gold ; but the cyanide process enables such pyrites to be treated as could be scarcely worked by other means. The treatment of the crushed ore by the KCN is carried on in simple wooden vats (coated with paraffin or tar) with the greatest possible rapidity (in order that the KCN solution should not have time to change) by a method of systematic lixiviation, and is completed in 10 to 12 hours. The resultant solution of gold, containing AuK(CN)8> is decomposed either with freshly-made zinc filings (but when the gold settles on the Zn, the cyanide solution reacts upon the Zn with the evolution of EL, and formation of ZnH^Oj) or by sodium amalgam prepared at the moment of reaction by the action of an electric current upon a solution of NaHO poured into a vessel partially immersed in mercury (the NaCN is renewed continually by this means). The silver in the ore passes into solution, together with the gold, as in amalgamation. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 445 the upper soil, but more frequently along the banks of dried-tip water- courses and running streams. The sand of many rivers contains, however, a very small amount of gold, which it is not profitable to work ; for example, that of the Alpine rivers contains 5 parts of gold in 10,000,000 parts of sand. The richest gold deposits are those of Siberia, especially in the southern parts of the Government of Yeniseisk, the South Urals, Mexico, California, South Africa, and Australia, and then the comparatively poorer alluvial deposits of many countries (Hungary, the. Alps, and Spain in Europe). The extraction of the gold from alluvial deposits is based on the principle of levigation ; the earth is washed, while constantly agitated, by a stream of water, which carries away the lighter portion of the earth, and leaves the coarser particles of the rock and heavier particles of the gold, together with certain substances which accompany it, in the washing apparatus. The extraction of this washed gold only necessitates mechanical ap- pliances,31 and it is not therefore surprising that gold was known to savages and. in the most remote period of history. It sometimes occurs in crystals belonging to the regular system, but in the majority of cases 51 But the particles of golcLare sometimes so small that a large amount is lost during the washing. It is then profitable to have' recourse to the extraction by chlorine and KCN (Note 80). In speaking of the extraction of gold the following remarks may not be out of place: In California advantage is taken of water supplied from high altitudes in order to have a powerful head of water, with which the rocks are directly washed away, thus avoiding the greater portion of the mechanical labour required for the exploitation of these deposits. The last residues of gold are sometimes extracted from sand by washing them with mercury, which dissolves the gold. The sand mixed with water is caused to come into contact with mercury during the washing. The mercury is then distilled. Many sulphurous ores, even pyrites, contain a small amount of gold. Compounds of gold with bismuth, BiAuj, tellurium, AuTe2 (calverite), &c., have been found, although rarely. Among the minerals which accompany gold, and from which the presence of gold may be expected, we may mention white quartz, titanic and magnetic iron ores, and also the following, which are of rarer occurrence : zircon, topaz, garnet, and such like. The con- centrated gold washings first undergo a mechanical treatment, and the impure gold obtained is treated for pure gold by various methods. If the gold contain a considerable amount of foreign metals, especially lead and copper, it is sometimes cupelled, like silver, so that the oxidisable metals may be absorbed by the cupel in the form of oxides, but in every case the gold is obtained together with silver, because the latter metal also is" not oxidised. Sometimes the gold is extracted by means of mercury, that is, by amalgama- tion (and the mercury subsequently driven off by distillation), or by smelting it with lead (which is afterwasds removed by oxidation) and processes like those employed for the extraction of silver, because, gold, like silver, does not oxidise, is dissolved by lead and mercury, and is non-volatile. If .copper or any other metal contain gold and it be employed as an anode, pure copper will be deposited upon the cathode, while all the gold will remain at the anode as a slime. This method often amply repays the whole cost of the process, since it gives, besides the gold, a pure electrolytic copper. 446 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY in nuggets or grains of greater- or less magnitude. It always contains silver (from very small quantities up to 30 p.c., when it is called * electrum ') and certain other metals, among which lead and rhodium are sometimes found. The separation of the silver from gold is generally carried on with great precision,, as the presence of the silver in the gold does not increase its value for exchange, and it can be substituted by other less valuable metals, so that the extraction of the silver, as a precious metal, from its alloy with gold, is a profitable operation. This separation is conducted by different methods. Sometimes the argenti- ferous gold is melted in crucibles, together with a mixture of common salt and powdered bricks. The greater portion of the silver is' thus converted into the chloride, which fuses and is absorbed by the slags, from which it may be extracted by the usual methods. The silver is also extracted from gold by treating it with boiling sulphuric acid, which does not act on the gold but dissolves the silver. But if the alloy does not contain a large proportion of silver it cannot be extracted by this method or at B,ll events the separation will be imperfect, and therefore a fresh amount of silver is added (by fusion) to the gold, in such quantity that the alloy contains twice as much silver as gold. The silver which is added is preferably such as contains gold, which is very frequently the case. The alloy thus formed is poured in a thin stream into water, by which means it is obtained in a granulated form j it is then boiled with strong sulphuric acid, three parts of acid' being used to one part of alloy. The sulphuric acid extracts ,all the silver without acting on the gold. It is best, however, to' pour off the first portion of the acid, which has dissolved the silver, and then treat the residue of still imperfectly pure gold with a fresh quantity of sulphuric acid. The gold is thus obtained in the form of powder, which is washed with water until it is quite free from silver. The silver is precipitated from the solution by means of copper, so that cupric sulphate and metallic silver are obtained. This process is carried out in many countries, as in Russia, at the Govern- ment mints. Gold is generally used alloyed with copper ; since pure gold, like pure silver, is very soft, and therefore soon worn away. In assaying or determining the amount of pure gold in such an alloy it is usual to add silver to the gold in order to make up an alloy containing three parts of silver to one of gold (this is known as quartation because the alloy contains £ of gold), and the resultant alloy is treated with nitric acidi If the silver be not in excess over the gold, it is not all dissolved by the nitric acid, and this is the reason COPPER, .SILVER, AtfD GOLD 447 for the quartation. The amount of pure gold (assay) is determined by weighing the gold which remains after this treatment. English gold (= 22 carats) coinage is composed of an alloy containing 91-66 p.c. of gold, but for many articles gold is frequently used containing a larger lamount of foreign metals. Pure gold may be obtained from gold alloys by dissolving in aqua regia, and then adding ferrous sulphate to the solution or heating it •with a» solution of oxalic acid. These deoxidising agents reduce the gold, but not the other metals. The chlorine combined with the gold then acts like free chlorine. The gold, thus reduced, is precipitated as ftn exceedingly fine brown powder.31 bis It is then washed with water, and fused with nitre or borax. Pure gold reflects a yellow light, and in the form of very thin sheets (gold leaf), into which it can be hammered and rolled,31 trl it transmits a bluish-green light. The specific gravity of gold is about 19'5, the sp. gr. of gold coin is about 17'1. It fuses at 1090° — at a higher temperature than silver — and can be drawn into exceedingly fine wires or hammered into thin sheets. With its softness and ductility, gold is distinguished for its tenacity, and a gold wire two millimetres thick breaks only under a load of 68 kilograms. Gold vaporises even at a furnace heat, and imparts a greenish colour to a flame passing over it in a furnace. Gold , alloys with copper almost without changing its volume.32 In its chemical si t>is Schottlander (1893) obtained gold in a soluble colloid form (the solution is violet) by the action of a mixture of solutions of cerium acetate .and NaHO upon a solution of' AuClj. The gold separates out from such a solution in exactly~the same manner as Ag- does from the solution of colloid, silver mentioned above. • There always remains » certain amount of a higher oxide of cerium, CeO2, in the. solution — i.e. the gold is reduced by converting -the cerium into a higher grade 'of oxidation. Besides ., which Kriiss and Hofmann show'ed that sulphide of gold precipitated by the -action of H2S upon a solution of AuKCyg mixed with HC1 easily passea into a colloid solution after being properly washed (like As2S3, CuS, &c., Chapter I., Note 57). 31 trl Gold-leaf is used for gilding wood (leather, cardboard, and suchlike, upon which it is glued by means of varnish,, &c.), and is about O'OOS millimetre thick. It is obtained from thin sheets (weighing at first about £ grm. to a square inch), rolled between gold rollers, by gradually hammering them (in packets of a number at once) between sheets of moist (but not wet) parchment, and then, after cutting them into four pieces, between a specially prepared membrane, which, when at the right degree of moisture, does not tear or stick together under the blows of the hammer. 32 The. formation of the alloys Cu + Zn, Cu + Sn, Cu + Bi, Cu + Sb, Pb-f Sb, Ag + Pb, Ag+.S3, "A'u'4-Zn, Au + Sn, &c., is accompanied by a contraction (and evolution of heat). The formation of the alloys Fe + Sb, Fe + Pb, Cu + Pb, Pb + Sn, Pb+Sn, Pb + Sb, Zn + Sb, Ag + Cu, Au + Cu, 'Au + Pb, takes place with a certain increase in volume. With regard to the alloys of gold,' it may be mentioned that gold is only slightly dissolved by mercury (about 0'06 p.c., Dudley, 1890) j the remaining portion forms a granular alloy, whose composition has not been definitely determined. Aluminium (and silicon) also have the capacity of forming alloys with gold. The presence of a small amount of aluminium lowers the melting point of gold considerably (Roberts- Austen, 1692) ; thus the addition of 4 p.c. of aluminium lowers it by U0>28, the addition of 10 P.O. 448 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY aspect, gold presents, as is already seen from its general characteristics given above, an example of the so-called noble metals — i.e. it is incapable of being oxidised at any temperature, and its oxide is decomposed when calcined. Only chlorine and bromine combine directly with it at the ordinary temperature, but many other metals and non-metals combine with it at a red heat — for example, sulphur, phosphorus, and arsenic. Mercury dissolves it with great ease. It dissolves in potassium cyanide in the presence of air ; a .mixture of sulphuric acid with nitric acid dissolves it with the aid of heat, although in small quantity. It is also soluble in aqua regia and in selenic acid. Sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric, and hydrofluoric acids and the caustic alkalis do not act oh gold, but a mixture of hydro- chloric acid with such oxidising agents as evolve chlorine naturally dissolves it like aqua regia.32 bi*. As regards the compounds of gold, they belong, as was said above, to the types AuX3 and AuX. Auric chloride or gold tri- chloride, AuCl3, which is formed when gold is dissolved in aqua regia, belongs to the former and higher of these types. The-solution of this substance in water has a yellow colour, and jt may be obtained pure by evaporating the solution in aqua regia to dryness, but not to the point of decomposition. If the evaporation proceed to the point of crystal- lisation, a compound of gold chloride and hydrochloric acid, AuHCl4, is obtained, like the allied compounds of platinum ; but it easily parts with the acid and leaves auric chloride, which fuses into a red-brown liquid, and then solidifies to a crystalline mass. If dry chlorine be passed over gold in powder it forms a mixture of aurous and auric chlorides, but the aurous chloride is also decomposed by water into gold and auric chloride. Auric chloride crystallises from its solutions as AuCl3,2H2O, which easily, loses water, and the dry chloride loses two-thirds of its chlorine at 185°, forming aurous chloride, whilst Al by 410<7. The latter alloy is white. The alloy AuAl2 has a characteristic purple colour, and its melting point is 32°'5 above that of gold, which shows it to be a definite compound of the two metals. The melting points of alloys richer in Al gradually fall to 660°— that is, below that of aluminium (665°). Heycock and Neville (1892), in studying the triple alloys of Au, Cd, and Sn, observed a tendency in the gold to give compounds with Cd, and by sealing a mixture of Au and Cd in a tube, from which the air had been exhausted, and heating it, they obtained a grey crystalline brittle definite alloy AuCd. 53 bis Calderon (1892), at the request of some jewellers, investigated the cause of a peculiar alteration sometimes found on the surface of dead-gold articles, there appearing brownish and blackish spots, which widen and alter their form in course of time. He came to the conclusion that these spots are due to the appearance and development of peculiar micro-organisms. (Aspergillus niger and Micrococcus cimbareus) on the gold, spores of which were found in abundance on the cotton-wool in which the gold articles had been kept. COPPER, SILVEB, ANE GOLD 449 above 300° the latter chloride also loses its- chlorine and leaves metallic gold. Auric chloride is the usual form in which gold occurs in solutions, and in which its salts are used in the arts and for chemical purposes. It is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Light has a reduc- ing action on these solutions, and after a time metallic gold is deposited upon the sides of vessels containing the solution. Hydrogen when nascent, and even in a gaseous form, reduces gold from this solution to a metallic state. The reduction is more conveniently and usually effected by ferrous sulphate, and in general by the action of ferrous salts.38 If a solution of potassium hydroxide be added to a solution of auric chloride, a precipitate is first formed, which re-dissolves in an excess of the alkali. On being evaporated under the receiver of an air-pump, this solution yields yellow crystals, which present the same composition as the double salts AuMCl4, with the substitution of the chlorine by oxygen — that is to say, potassium aurate, AuK02, is formed in crystals containing 3H2O. The solution has a distinctly alkaline reaction. Auric oxide, Au2O3, separates when this alkaline solution is boiled with 'an excess of sulphuric acid. But it then still retains some alkali ; how- ever, it may be obtained in a pure state as a brown powder by dissolving in nitric acid and diluting with water. The brown powder decomposes below 250° into gold and oxygen. It is insoluble in water and in many acids, but it dissolves in alkalis, which shows the acid character of this oxide. An hydroxide, Au(OH)^ may be obtained as a brown powder by adding magnesium oxide to a solution of auric chlo- ride and treating the resultant precipitate of magnesiu no aurate with nitric acid. This hydroxide loses water at 100°. and gives auric oxide.34 53 Stannous chloride as a reducing agent also acts on auric chloride, and gives a red precipitate known as purple of Cassius. This substance, which probably contains a mixture or compound of aurous oxide and tin oxide, is used as a red pigment for china \and glass. Oxalic acid, on heating, reduces metallic gold from its salts, and this property may be taken advantage of for separating it from its solutions. The oxidation which then takes place in the presence, pf water may be expressed by the following equation : 5AuClj + 8C2H.2O4 = 2Au + 0HCl+ 6CO2. Nearly all organic substances have a reducing action on gold, and solutions of gold leave a violet stain on the skin. Auric chloride, like platinic chloride, is distinguished for its clearly-developed property of forming double salts. These double salts, as a rule, belong to the type AuMCl4. The compound of auric Jchloride with hydrochloric acid mentioned above evidently belongs to the same type. The compounds 2KAuCl4,5H2O, NaAuCl4,2H2O, A«NH4C14,H2O, Mg'AuCl4)2,2H2O, and jthe like are. easily crystallised in well-formed crystals*. Wells, Wheeler, and Penfield "(1892) obtained RbAuCl4 (reddish yellow) and CsAuCl4 (golden yellow), and corresponding bromides (dark coloured). AuBr3 is ex- tremely like the chloride. Auric cyanide is obtained easily in the form of a double salt of potassium, KAu(CN)4, by mixing saturated and hot solutions pf potassium cyanide* with auric chloride1 and then cooling. 34 If ammonia be 'added to a solution of auric chloride, it forms a yellow precipitate 450 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY The starting-point of the compounds of the type AuX 35 is gold monochloride or aurous chloride, AuCl, which is formed, as mentioned above, by heating auric chloride at 185°. A'urous chloride forms a yellowish -white powder ; this, when heated with water, is decomposed into metallic gold and auric chloride, which passes into solution * 3 AuCl = AuCl3 -f 2 Au. This decomposition is accelerated by the action of light. Hence it is obvious that the compounds corresponding with aurous oxide are comparatively unstable. But this only refers to the simple compounds AuX ; some of the complex compounds, on the contrary, form the most stable, compounds of gold. Such, for ex- ample, is the cyanide of gold and potassium, AuK(CN)2. It is formed, for instance, when finely-divided gold dissolves in the presence of air in a solution of potassium cyanide : 4KCN + 2 Au + H2O + O = 2KAu(CN)2-f 2KHO (this reaction also proceeds with solid pieces of gold, although very slowly). The same compound is formed in solution when many compounds of gold are mixed with potassium cyanide, because if 'a higher compound of gold be taken, it is reduced of the so-called fulminating gold, which contains gold, chlorine! hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, but its formula is not known with certainty. It is probably a sort of am- Tttonio-metallic compound, AuaO3,4jJH3, or amide (like the- mercury compound). This precipitate explodes at 140°, but when left in the presence of solutions containing am- monia it loses all its chlorine and becomes non-explosive. In this form the composition Au.iO3,2NH5,H2O is ascribed to it, but this is- uncertain. Auric sulphide, Au2S3, is obtained by the action of hydrogen sulphide on a solution of auric chloride, and also directly by fusing sulphur with gold. It has an acid character, and therefore dissolves in sodium arid ammonium sulphides. 35 Many double salts of suboxide.of gold belong to the type AuX— for instance, the cyanide corresponding to the type AuKX2, like PtK2X4, with which we became acquainted in the last chapter. We will enumerate several of the representatives of this class of compounds. If auric chloride, AuCl3, be mixed with a solution of sodium thiosulphate, the gold passes into a colourless solution, which deposits colourless crystals, con- taining a double thiosulphate of gold and sodium, which are easily soluble in water but are precipitated by alcohol. The composition of this salt is Na3Au(S2O3)2,2H2O.' If the sodium thiosulphate be represented as NaS2O5Na, the double salt in question will be AuNa(S2O3Na)2,2H2O, according to the type AuNaX2. The solution of this colourless and easily crystallisable salt has a sweet taste, and the gold is not separated from it either by ferroms sulphate or oxalic acid. This salt, which is known as Fordos and Gelis's salt, is used in medicine .and photography In general, aurous oxide exhibits a distinct inclination to the formation of similar double salts, as we Baw also with PtX2 — for example, it forms similar salts with sulphurous acid. Thus if a solution of sodium sulphite be gradually added to a solution of oxide of gold in sodium hydroxide, the precipitate at first formed re-dissolves to a colourless solution, which contains the double salt Na3Au(SO5)2=AuNa(SO3Na)2, The solution of this salt>, when mixed with barium chloride, first forms a precipitate of barium sulphite, and then a red barium double salt which corresponds with the above sodium salt. The oxygen compound of the type AuX, aurous oxide, Au2O, is obtained as a greenish violet powder on mixing aurous chloride with potassium chloride in the cold. With hydrochloric acid this oxide gives gold and auric chloride, and when heated it easily splits up into oxygen and metallic gold. COPPER, SILVER, AND GOLD 451 T>y the potassium cyanide into aurous oxide, which dissolves in potas- sium cyanide and forms KAu(CN)2. This substance is soluble in water, and gives a colourless solution, which can be kept for a long time, and is employed in electro-gilding — that is, for coating other metallic objects with a layer of gold, which is deposited if the object be connected with the negative pole of a battery and the positive pole consist of a gold plate. When an electric current is passed between them, the gold from the latter will dissolve, whilst a coating of gold from the solution will be deposited on the object. APPENDIX I AN ATTEMPT TO APPLY TO CHEMISTRY ONE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF NEWTON'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY BY PKOFESSOB MENDELEEFF A LECTURE DELIVERED AT THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN ON FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1889 NATURE, inert to the eyes of the ancients, has been revealed to us as full of life and activity. The conviction that motion pervaded all things, which was first realised with respect to the stellar universe, has now extended to the unseen world of atoms. No sooner had the human understanding denied to the earth a fixed position and launched it along its path in space, than it was sought to fix immovably the sun and the stars. But astronomy has demon- strated that the sun moves with unswerving regularity through the star- set tiniverse at the rate of about 50 kilometres per second. Among the so-called iixed stars are now discerned manifold changes and various orders of move-1 ment. Light, heat, electricity— like sound--have been proved to be modes of motion; to the realisation of this fact modern science is indebted for powers which have been used with such brilliant success, and which have been expounded so clearly at this lecture table by Faraday and by his successors, As, in the imagination of Dante, the invisible air became peopled with spiritual beings, so before the eyes of earnest investigators, and especially before those of Clerk Maxwell, the invisible mass of gases became peopled with particles : their rapid movements, their collisions, and impacts became so manifest that it seemed almost possible to count the impacts and determine many of 'the peculiarities or laws of their collisions. The fact of the existence of these invisible motions may at once be made apparent by demonstrating the difference in the rate of diffusion through porous bodies of the light and rapidly moving atoms of hydrogen and the heavier and more sluggish par- ticles of air. Within the masses of liquid and of solid bodies we have been forced to acknowledge the existence of persistent though limited motion of their ultimate particles, for otherwise it would be impossible to explain, for example, the celebrated experiments of Graham on diffusion through liquid and colloidal substances. If there were, in our times, no belief in the 454 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY molecular motion in solid bodies, could the famous Spring have hoped to attain any result by mixing carefully-dried powders of potash, saltpetre and, sodium acetate, in order to produce, by pressure, a chemical reaction between these substances through the interchange of their metals, and have derived, for the conviction of the incredulous, a mixture of two hygroscopic though solid salts — sodium nitrate and potassium acetate ? In these invisible and apparently chaotic movements', reaching from the stars to the minutest -atoms, there reigns, however, a harmonious order which is commonly mistaken for complete rest, but which is really & consequence of the conservation of that dynamic equilibrium which was first discerned by the genius of Newton, and which has been traced by his successors in the detailed analysis of the particular consequences of the great generalisation, liamely, relative immovability in the midst of universal and active movement. But the unseen world of chemical changes is closely analogous to the visible world of the heavenly bodies, since our atoms form distinct portions of an invisible world, as planets, satellites, and comets form distinct portions of the astronomer's universe ; our atoms may therefore be compared to the solar systems, or to the systems of double or of single stars: for example, ammonia (NH3) may be represented in the simplest manner by supposing the sun, nitrogen, surrounded by its planets of hydrogen ; and common salt (NaCl) may be looked on as a double star formed of sodium and chlorine. Besides, now that the indestructibility of the elements has been acknow- ledged, chemical changed cannot otherwise be explained than as changes of motion, and the production by chemical reactions of galvanic qurrents, of light, of heat, of pressure, or of steam power, demonstrates visibly that the processes of chemical reaction are inevitably connected with enormous though unseen displacements, originating in the movements of atoms in molecules* Astronomers and natural philosophers, in studying the visible motions of the heavenly bodies .and of matter on the earth, have Tinderstood and have esti- mated the valuer of this store of energy. But the chemist has had to pursue a contrary course. Observing in the physical and mechanical phenomena which accompany chemical reactions the quantity of energy manifested by the atoms and molecules, he is constrained to acknowledge that within the molecules there exist atoms in motion, endowed with an energy which, like matter itself, is neither being created nor capable of being destroyed. There- fore, in chemistry, we must seek dynamic equilibrium not only between the molecules, but also in their midst among their component atoms. Many conditions of such equilibrium have been determined, but much remains to be done, and it is not uncommon, even in these days, to find that some chemists forget that there is the possibility of motion in the interior of molecules, and therefore represent them as being in a condition of death-like inactivity; Chemical combinations take place with so much ease and rapidity, possess so many special characteristics, and are so numerous, that their sim- plicity and order were for a long time hidden from investigators. Sympathy, relationship, all the caprices or all the fancifulness of human intercourse, seemed to have found complete analogies in chemical combinations, but with this difference, that the characteristics of the material substances — such as eilver, for example, or of any other body — remain unchanged in every sub- APPENDIX I. 455 division from the largest masses to the smallest particles, and consequently these characteristics must be properties of the particles. But the world of heavenly luminaries appeared equally fanciful at man's first acquaintance With it, so much so, that the astrologers imagined a connection between the individualities of men and the conjunctions of planets. Thanks to the genius of Lavoisier and of Dalton, man has been able, in the unseen world of che- mical combinations, to recognise laws of the same simple order as those which Copernicus and Kepler proved to exist in the planetary universe. Man discovered, and continues every hour to discover, what remains unchanged in chemical evolution, and how changes take place in combinations of the unchangeable. He has learned to predict, not only what possible combina- tions may take place, but also the very existence of atoms of unknown elemen- tary substances, and has besides succeeded in making innumerable practical applications of his knowledge to the great advantage of his race, and has accomplished this notwithstanding that notions of sympathy and affinity still preserve a strong vitality in science. At present we cannot apply Newton's principles to chemistry, because the soil is only being now prepared. The invisible world of chemical atoms is still waiting for the creator of che- mical mechanics. For him our age is collecting a mass of materials, the inductions of well-digested facts, and many-sided inferences similar to those which existed for Astronomy and Mechanics in the days of Newton. It is well also to remember that Newton devoted much time to chemical experi- ments, and while considering questions of celestial mechanics, persistently kept in view the mutual action of those infinitely small worlds which are concerned in chemical evolutions. For this reason, and also to maintain the unity of laws, it seems to me that we must, in the first instance, seek to harmonise the various phases of contemporary chemical theories with the immortal principles of the Newtonian natural philosophy, and so hasten the advent of true chemical mechanics. Let the above considerations serve as my justification for the attempt Which I propose to make to act as a champion of the universality of the Newtonian principles, which I believe are com- petent to embrace every phenomenon in the universe, from the rotation of the fixed stars to the interchanges of chemical atoms. In the first place I consider it indispensable to bear in mind that, up to quite recent times, only a one-sided affinity has been recognised in chemical reactions. Thus, for example, from the circumstance that red-hot iron de- composes water with the evolution of hydrogen, it was concluded that oxygen had a greater affinity for iron than for hydrogen. But hydrogen, in presence of red-hot iron scale, appropriates its oxygen and forms water, whence an exactly opposite conclusion may be formed. During the last ten years a gradual, scarcely perceptible, but most important change has taken place in the views, and consequently in the researches, of chemists. They have sought everywhere, and have always, found, systems of conservation or dynamic equilibrium substantially similar to those which natural philosophers have long since discovered in the visible world, and in virtue of which the position of the heavenly bodies in the universe is determined. There where one-sided affinities only were at first •detected, not only secondary or lateral ones have been found, but even those 456 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Which are diametrically opposite ; yet among these, dynamical equilibrium establishes itself not by excluding one or other of the forces, but regulating them all. So the chemist finds in the flame of the blast furnace, in the formation of every salt, and, with especial clearness, in double salts and in the crystallisation of solutions, not a fight ending in the victory of one side, as used to be supposed, but the conjunction of forces ; the peace of dynamic equilibrium resulting from the action of many forces and affinities. Car- bonaceous matters, for example, burn at the expense of the oxygen of the air, yielding a quantity of heat, and forming products of combustion, in which it was thought that the affinities of the oxygen with the combustible elements were satisfied. But it appeared that the heat of combustion was competent to decompose these products, to dissociate the oxygen from the combustible elements, and therefore to explain combustion fully it is neces- sary to take into account the equilibrium between opposite reactions, between, those which evolve and those which absorb heat. In the same way, in the case of the solution of common salt in water, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the formati6n of compound particles generated by the combination of salt with water, and, on the other, the disintegration or scattering of the new particles formed, as well as of these originally contained. At present we find two currents of thought, apparently antagonistic to each other, dominating the study of solutions : according to the one, solution seems a mere act of building up or association ; according to the. other, it is only dissociation or disintegration. The truth lies, evidently, between these views ; it lies, as I have endeavoured to prove by my investigations into aqueous solutions, in the dynamic equilibrium of particles tending to combine and also to fall asunder. The large majority of chemical reactions which appeared to act victoriously along one line have been proved capable of acting as victoriously even along an exactly opposite line. Elements which utterly decline to combine directly may often be formed into comparatively stable "compounds by indirect means, as, for ex- ample, in the case of chlorine and carbon ; and consequently the sympathies and antipathies which it was thought 'to transfer from human relations to those of atoms should be laid aside until the mechanism of chemical rela- tions is explained. Let us remember, however, that chlorine, which does not form with carbon the chloride of carbon, is strongly absorbed, or, as it were, dissolved, by carbon, which leads us to suspect incipient chemical action even in an external and purely surface contact, and involuntarily gives rise to conceptions of that unity of the' forces of nature which has been so ener- getically insisted on by Sir William Grove and formulated in his famous paradox. Grove noticed that platinum, when fused in the oxyhydrogen flame, during which operation water is formed, when allowed to drop into water decomposes the latter and produces the explosive oxyhydrogen mixture. The explanation of this paradox, as of many others which arose during the period of chemical renaissance, has led, in our time, to the promulgation by Henri Sainte-Claire Deville of the conception of dissociation and of equili- brium, and has recalled the teaching of Berthollet, which, notwithstanding its brilliant confirmation by Heinrich Rose and Dr. Gladstone, had not, up to that period, been included in received chemical views. APPENDIX I. 457 Chemical equilibrium in general, and dissociation in particular, are now being so fully worked out in detail, and supplied in such various ways, that I do not allude to them to develop, but only use them as examples by which to indicate the correctness of a tendency to regard chemical combinations from points of view differing from those expressed by the term hitherto ap- propriated to define chemical forces, namely, ' affinity.' Chemical equilibria, dissociation, the speed of chemical reactions, thermochemistry, spectroscopy, and, more than all, the determination of the influence of masses and the search for a connection between the properties and weights of atoms and molecules — in one word, the vast mass of the most important chemical re- searches of the present day--clearly indicate the near approach of the time when chemical doctrines will submit fully and completely to the doctrine which was first announced, in the Principia of Newton. In order that the application of these principles may bear fruit it is evi- dently insufficient? to assume that statical equilibrium reigns alone in chemical systems or chemical molecules: it is necessary to grasp the conditions of possible states of dynamical equilibria, and to apply to them kinetic prin- ciples. Numerous considerations compel us to renounce the idea of statical equilibrium in molecules, and the recent yet strongly- supported appeals to dynamic principles constitute, in my opinion, the foundation of the modern teaching relating to atomicity, or the valency of the elements, which usually forms the basis of investigations into organic or carbon compounds. This teaching has led to brilliant explanations of very many chemical relations and to cases of isomerism, or the difference in the properties of substances having the same composition. It has been so fruitful in its many applications and in the foreshadowing of remote consequences, especially respecting carbon compounds, that it is impossible to deny its claims to be ranked as a great achievement of chemical science. Its practical application to the synthesis of many substances of the most complicated composition entering into the structure of organised bodies, and to the creation of an un- limited number of carbon compounds, among which the colours derived from coal tar stand prominently forward, surpass the synthetical powers of Nature itself. Yet this teaching, as applied to the structure of carbon compounds, is not on the face of it directly applicable to the investigation of other ele- ments, because in examining the first it is possible to assume that the atoms of carbon have always a definite and equal number of affinities, whilst in the combinations of other elements this is evidently inadmissible. Thus, for example, an atom of carbon yields only one compound with four atoms of hydrogen and one with four atoms of chlorine in the molecule, whilst the atoms of chlorine and hydrogen unite only in the proportions of one to one. Simplicity is here evident, and forms a point of departure from which it is easy to move forward with firm and secure tread. Other elements are of a different nature. Phosphorus unites with' three and with five atoms of chlorine, and consequently the simplicity and sharpness of the application of structural conceptions are lost. Sulphur unites only with two atoms of hydrogen, but with oxygen it enters into higher orders of combination. The periodic relationship which exists among all the properties of the elements- such, for example,, as their ability to enter into various combinations— and 458 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY their,atomic weights, indicate that this variation in atomicity is subject to one perfectly exact and general law, and it is only carbon and its near analogues which constitute cases of permanently preserved atomicity. It ia impossible to recognise as constant and fundamental properties of atoms, powers which, in substance, have proved to be variable. But by abandoning the idea of permanence, and of the constant saturation of affinities— that is to say, by acknowledging the possibility of free affinities— many retain a comprehension of the atomicity of the elements * under given conditions ; ' and on this frail foundation they build up structures composed of chemical molecules, evidently only because the conception of manifold affinities gives, at once, a simple statical method of estimating the composition of the most complicated molecules. I shall enter neither into details, nor into the various-consequences follow- ing from these views, nor into the disputes which have sprung up respecting them (and relating especially to the number of isomerides possible on the assumption of free affinities), because the foundation or origin of theories of this nature suffers from the radical defect of being in opposition to dynamics. The molecule, as even Laurent expressed himself, is represented as an archi- tectural structure, the style of which is determined by the fundamental arrangement of a few atoms, whilst the decorative details, which are capable of being varied by the same forces, are formed by the elements entering into the combination. It is on this account that the term ' structural ' is so appro- priate to the contemporary views of the above order, and that the ' struc- turalists' seek to justify the tetrahedric, plane, or prismatic disposition of the atoms' of carbon in benzene. It is evident that the consideration relates •to the statical position of atoms and molecules and not to their kinetic rela- tions. The atoms of the structural type are like the lifeless pieces on a chess board : they are endowed but with the voices of living beings, and are not those living beings themselves ; acting, indeed, according to laws, yet each possessed of a store of energy which, in the present state of our knowledge, must be taken into account. In the days of Haiiy, crystals were considered in the same statical and structural light, but modern crystallographers, having become more tho- roughly acquainted with their physical properties and their actual formation, have abandoned the earlier views, and have made their doctrines dependent on dynamics. The immediate object of this lecture is to show that, starting with Newton's third law of motion, it is possible to preserve to chemistry all the advantages arising from structural teaching, without being obliged to build up. molecules in solid and motionless figures, or to ascribe to atoms definite limited valencies, directions of cohesion, or affinities. The wide extent of the subject obliges me to treat only a smalfportion of it, namely otsubstitU' tions, without specially considering combinations and decompositions, and even then limiting myself to the simplest examples, which, however, will throw open prospects embracing all the natural complexity of chemical rela- tions. For this reason, if it should prove, possible to form groups similar, for example, to H4 or CH6 as the remnants of molecules CH4 or C2H7 we shall not pause to consider them, because, as far as we know, they fall asunder into APPENDIX I. 459 two parts, H2 + H2 or CH4 + H^as soon as they are even temporarily formed, and are incapable of separate existence, and therefore can take no part in the elementary act of substitution. With respect to the simplest molecules which we shall select— that is to say, those of whicn the parts have no sepa- rate existence, and therefore cannot appear in substitutions— we shall con< eider them according to the periodic law, arranging them in direct dependence on the atomic weight of the elements. Thus, for example, the molecules of the simplest hydrogen compounds-— HF H40 H3N H4C hydrofluoric acid water ammonia methane correspond with elements the atomic weights of which decrease consecutively F = 19, 0 = 10, N = 14, C = 12. Neither the arithmetical order (1, 2, 3, 4 atoms of hydrogen) nor the total information we possess respecting the elements will permit us to interpolate Into this typical series one more additional element ; and therefore we have here, for hydrogen compounds, a natural base on which are built up thos& simple chemical combinations which we take as typical. But even they arfc competent to unite with each other, as we see, for instance, in the property which hydrofluoric acid has of forming a hydrate— that is, of combining with water ; and a similar attribute of ammonia, resulting in the formation of a caustic alkali, NH3,H,0, or NH4OH. Having made these indispensable preliminary observations, I may now ,attack.the problem itself and attempt to explain the so-called structure or •father construction, of molecules -r- that is to say, their constitution and trans- "formations — without having recourse to the teaching of ' structuralists,' but on Newton's dynamical principles. Of Newton's three laws of motion, only the third can be applied directly to chemical molecules when regarded as systems of atoms among which it must be supposed that there exist common influences or forces, and resulting compounded relative motions. Chemical reactions of every kind are un- doubtedly accomplished by changes in these internal movements, respecting the nature of which nothing is known at present, but the existence of which the mass of evidence collected in modern times forces us to acknowledge as forming part of the common motion of the universe, and as a fact further established by the circumstance that chemical reactions are always charac- terised by changes of volume .or the relations between the atoms or the molecules. Newton's third law, which is applicable to every system, declares that, ' action is also associated with reaction, and is equal to it.' The brevity of conciseness of this axiom was, however, qualified by Newton in- a more expanded statement, 'the action of bodies one upon another ate always equal, and in opposite directions.' This simple fact constitutes tb.0 point of departure for explaining dynamic equilibrium— that is to say, systems of conservancy. Jt is capable of satisfying even the dualists, and of explain- ing, Without additional assumptions, the preservation of those chemical types .which Dumas, Laurent, and Gerhardt created unit types, and those views of atomic combinations which the structuralists express by atomicity or the 460 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY valency of the elements, and, in connection with them, the various numbers of affinities. In reality, if a system of atoins or a molecule he g'ven, then in it, according to the third law of Newton, each portion of atoms acts on the remaining portion in the same manner, and with the same force as the second set of atoms acts on the first. We infer directly from this considera- tion that both sets of atoms, forming a molecule, are not only equivalent with, regard to themselves, as they must be according to Dalton's law, but also that they may, if united, replace each other. Let there be a molecule containing .atoms A B C, it is clear that, according to Newton's law, the action of A on B C must be equal to the action of B C on A, and if the first action is directed on B C, then the second must be directed on A, and consequently then, where A can exist in dynamic equilibrium, B C may take its place and act in a like manner. In the same way the action of C is equal to the action of A B. In one word every two sets of atoms forming a molecule are equivalent to each other, and may take each other's place in other molecules, or, having the power of balancing each other, the atoms or their complements are endowed with the power of replacing each other. Let us call this consequence of an evident axiom ' the principle of substitution,' and let us apply it to those typical forms of hydrogen compounds which we have already discussed, and which, on account of their simplicity and regularity, have served as starting-- points of chemical argument long before the appearance of the doctrine of structure. In the type of hydrofluoric acid, HF, or in systems of double stars, are included a multitude of the simplest molecules. It will be sufficient for our purpose to recall a few : for example, the molecules of chlorine, Cl^, and of hydrogen, H^, and hydrochloric acid, HC1, which is familiar to all in aqueous solution as spirits of salt, and which has many points of resemblance with HF, H Br, HI. In these cases division into two parts can only be made in one way, and therefore the principle of substitution renders it probable that exchanges between the chlorine and the hydrogen can take place, if they are competent to unite with each other. There was a time when no chemist would even admit the idea of any such action ; it was then thought that the power of combination indicated •o, polar difference of the molecules in com- bination, and this thought set aside all idea of the substitution of one com- ponent element by another. Thanks to the observations and experiments of Dumas and Laurent fifty years ago, such fallacies were dispelled, and in this manner the principle of substitution was exhibited. Chlorine and bromine acting on many hydrogen compounds, occupy immediately the place of their hydrogen, and the displaced hydrogen, with another atom of chlorine or bromine, forms hydrochloric acid or bromide of hydrogen. This takes place in all typical hydrogen compounds. Thus chlorine acts on this principle on gaseous hydrogen — reaction, under the influence of light, resulting in the formation of hvdrochloric acid. Chlorine acting on the alkalis, constituted similarly to water, and even o'n water itself — only, however, under the influence of light and only partially because of the instability of HC1O— forms by this principle bleachirg salts, which are the same as the alkalis, but with their hydrogen replaced by chlorine. In ammonia and in methane, chlorine can also replace APPENDIX 1 461 the hydrogen. From ammonia is formed in this manner the so-called chloride of nitrogen, NC13, which decomposes very readily with violent explo- sion on account of the evolved gases, and falls asunder as chlorine and nitrogen. Out of marsh gas, or methane, CH4, may be obtained consecu- tively, by this method, every possible substitution, of which chloroform, CHC13, is the best known, and carbon tetrachloride, CC14, the most instruc- tive. But by virtue of the fact that chlorine and bromine act, in the manner shown, on the simplest typical hydrogen compounds, their action on the more complicated ones may be assumed to be the same. This can be easily demonstrated. The hydrogen of benzene, CtiH6, reacts feebly under the influ- ence of light on liquid bromine, but Gustavson has shown that the addition of the smallest quantity of metallic aluminium causes energetic action and the evolution of large volumes of hydrogen bromide. If we pass on to the second typical hydrogen compound — that is to say, water — its molecule, HOH, maybe split up in two ways : either into an atom of hydrogen and a semi-molecule of hydrogen peroxide, HO, or into oxygen, O, and two atoms of hydrogen, H ; and therefore, according to the principle of substitution, it is evident that one atom of hydrogen can exchange with hydrogen oxide, HO, and two atoms of hydrogen, H, with one atom of oxygen, 0. Both these forms of substitution will constitute methods of oxidation— that is to say, of the entrance of oxygen into the -compound— a reaction which is so common in nature as well as in the arts, taking place at the expense of the oxygen of the air or by the aid of various oxidising sub- stances or bodies which part easily with their oxygen. There is no occasion to reckon up the unlimited number of cases of such oxidising reactions. It is sufficient to state that in the first of these oxygen is directly transferred, and the position, the chemical function, which hydrogen originally occupied, is, after the substitution, occupied by the hydroxyl. Thus ammonia, NH3, yields hydroxylamine, NH2(OH), a substance which retains many of the properties of ammonia. Methane and a number of other hydrocarbons yield, by substitution of the hydrogen by its oxide, methyl alcohol, CH3(OH), and other alcohols. The substitution of one atom of oxygen for two atoms of hydrogen is equally common with hydrogen compounds. By this means alcoholic liquids con» taining ethyl alcohol, or spirits of wine, C.2H-,(OH), are oxidised until they become vinegar, or acetic aci>d, C2H30(OH). In the same way caustic ammonia, or the combination of ammonia with water, NH3,H20, or NH4(OH), which contains a great deal of hydrogen, by oxidation exchanges four atoms of hydrogen for two atoms of oxygen, and becomes converted into nitric acid, NO,(OH). This process of conversion of ammonium salts into saltpetre goes on in the fields every summer, and with especial rapidity hi tropical countries. The method by which this is accomplished, though complex, though involving the agency of all-permeating micro-organisms, is, in substance, the same as that by which alcohol is converted into acetic acid, or glycol, C2H4(OH)2, into oxalic acid, if we view the process of oxidation in the light of the Newtonian principles. But while speaking of the application of the principle of substitution to 462 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY water, we need not multiply instances, but must turn our attention to two> special circumstances which are closely connected with the very mechanism, of substitutions. In the first place, the replacement of two; atoms of hydrogen by one atom of oxygen may take place in two ways, because the hydrogen molecule is composed of two atoms, and therefore, under the influence of oxygen, the molecule forming water may separate before the o. gen has time to take its place. It is for this reason that we find, during the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid, that there is an interval during which is formed aldehyde* C2H40, which, as its very name implies, is « alcohol dehydrogenatum,' or alcohol deprived of hydrogen. Hence aldehyde combined with hydrogen yields alcohol ; and united to oxygen, acetic acid. For the same reason there should be, and there actually are, intermediate products between ammonia and nitric acid, N08(HO), containing either less hydrogen than ammonia, less oxygen than nitric acid, or less water than caustic ammonia. Accordingly we find, among the products" of the deoxida- tion of nitric acid and the oxidation of ammonia, not only hydroxylamine, but also nitrous oxide, nitrous and nitric anhydrides. Thus, the production of nitrous acid results from the removal of two a'toms of hydrogen from caustic ammonia and the substitution .of the oxygen for the hydrogen, NO(OH) ; or by the substitution, in ammonia, of three atoms of hydrogen by hydroxyl, N(OH)3, and by the removal of water: N(OH)3-HiO = NO(OH). The peculiarities and properties of nitrous acid — as, for instance, its action on ammonia and its conversion, by oxidation, into nitric acid— are thus clearly revealed On the other hand, in speaking of the principle of substitution as applied to water, it is necessary to observe that hydrogen and hydroxyl, H and OH, are not. only competent to unite, but also to form combinations with them- selves, and thus become H^ and Hj0.2 ; and such are hydrogen and the peroxide thereof. In general, if a molecule A B exists, then molecules A A and BB can exist also. A direct reaction of this kind does not, however, take place in water, therefore undoubtedly, at the moment of formation, hydrogen reacts on hydrogen peroxide, as we can show at once by experiment; and further because hydrogen peroxide, HjOa, exhibits a -structure containing a molecule of hydrogen, H2, and one of oxygen, 02, «ither of which is capable of separate existence. The fact, however, may now be taken as thoroughly established, that, at the moment of combustion of hydrogen or of the hydrogen compounds, hydrogen peroxide, is always formed, and not only so, but hi all probability its formation invariably pre- cedes the formation of water. This was to be expected as a consequence of the law of Avogadro and Gerhardt, which leads us to expect this sequence in the case of equal interactions of volumes of vapours and gases ; and in hydrogen peroxide we actually have such equal volumes of the elementary The. instability of hydrogen peroxide— that is to say, the ease with which it decomposes into water and oxygen, even at the mere contact of porous substances— accounts for the circumstance that it does not form a per- manent product of combustion, and is not produced during the decomposition APPENDIX I. 463 of water. I may mention this additional consideration that, with respect to hydrogen peroxide, we may look for its effecting still farther substitu- tions of hydrogen by means of which we may expect to obtain still more highly oxidised water compounds, such as Hj03 and H,,O4. These Schonbein and Bunsen have long been seeking, and Berthelot is investigating 'them a,t present. It is probable, however, that the reaction will stop at the last compound, because we find that, in a number of cases, the addition of four atoms of oxygen seems to form a limit. Thus, Os04, KC104, KMn04, 4, Na.,P04, and such like, represent the highest grades of oxidation.1 As for the last forty years, from the times of Berzelius, Dumas, Liebig, Gerhardt, Williamson, Frankland, Kolbe, Kekule*, and Butleroff, most theo- retical generalisations have centred round organic or carbon compounds, we will, for the sake of brevity, leave out the discussion of ammonia deriva- tives, notwithstanding their simplicity with respect to the doctrine of substi- tutions ; we will dwell more especially on its application to carbon compounds, starting from methane, CH4, as the simplest of the hydrocarbons, containing in its molecule one atom of carbon. According to the principles enumerated we may derive from CH4 every combination of the form CH3X, CB^X,, CHX3, and CX4, in which X is an element, or radicle, equivalent to hydrogen— that is to say, competent to take its place or to combine with it. Such are the chlorine substitutes already mentioned, such is wood-spirit, CHa(OH), in which X is represented by the residue of water, and such are numerous other carbon derivatives. If we continue, with the aid of hydroxyl, further substi- tutions of the hydrogen of methane we shall obtain successively CH2(OH)8, CH(OH)3, and C(OH)4. But if, in proceeding thus, we bear in mind that <5H2(OH)2 contains two hydroxyis in the same form as hydrogen peroxide, HjO2 or (OH)*, contains them — and moreover not only in one molecule, but together, attached to one and the same atom of carbon — so here we must look for the same decomposition as that which we find in hydrogenperoxide, And accompanied also by the formation of water as an independently existing molecule ; therefore CH,j(OH)8 should yield, as it actually does, im- mediately water and the oxide of methylene, CH.^0, which is methane with 1 Because more than four atoms of hydrogen never unite with one atom of the ele« ments, and because the hydrogen compounds (e.g. HC1, HjS, H3P, H4Si) always form their highest oxides with four atoms of oxygen, and as the highest forms of oxides (Os04, Eu04) also contain four of oxygen, and eight groups of the periodic system, corresponding to the highest basic oxides B-jO, BO, B2O3, BO8, RjOs, R03, B207, and RO4, imply the above relationship, and because of the nearest analogues among the elements— such as Mg, Zn, Cd, and Hg ; or Cr, Mo, W, and U ; or Si, Ge, Sn, and Pt; or P, Cl, Br, and I, and so forth— not more than four are known, it seems to me that in these relationships there lies a deep interest and meaning with regard to chemical mechanics. But because, to my imagination, the idea of unity of design in Nature, either acting in complex celestial systems or among chemical molecules, is very attractive, especially because the atomic teaching at once acquires its true meaning, I will recall the following facts re- lating to the solar system. There are eight major plarets, of which the four inner ones are not only separated from the -four outer by asteroids, but differ from, them in many respects, as, for example, in the smallness of their diameters and their greater density. Saturn with his ring has eight satellites, Jupiter and Uranus have each four. It is evi- dent that in the solar systems also we meet with these higher numbers four and eight which appear in the- combination of chemical molecules. *1 464 PRINCIPLES Off CHEMISTRY oxygen substituted for two atoms of hydrogen. Exactly in the same manner qut of CH(OH)3 are formed water and formic acid, CHO(OH), and out of C(OH)4 is produced water an i carbonic acid, or directly carbonic anhydride, CQ2? which will therefore be nothing else than methane with the double re- .placement of pairs of hydrogen by oxygen. As nothing leads to the supposi- tion that the four atoms of hydrogen in methane differ one from the other, so it does not matter by what means we obtain any one of the combinations indicated— they will be identical ; that is to say, there will be no case of actual isomerism, although there may easily be such cases of isomerisui as have been distinguished by the term metamerism. Formic acid, for example, has two atoms of hydrogen, dne attached to the< Carbon left from the methane, and the other attached to the oxygen which ha's entered in the form of hydroxyl, and if one of them be replaced by some substance X it is evident that we shall obtain substances of the same composi- tion, but of different construction, or of different orders of movement among the molecules, and therefore endowed with other properties and reactions. If X be methyl, CH3— -that is to say, a group capable of replacing hydrogen because it is actually contained with hydrogen hi methane itself— then by substituting this group for the original hydrogen we obtain acetic acid, CCILjO(OH), out of formic, and by substitution of the hydrogen in its oxide or hydroxyl we obtain methyl formate, CHO(OCH3). These substances differ so much from each Other physically and chemically that at first sight it is hardly possible to admit that they contain the same atoms in identically the same proportions. Acetic acid, for example, boils at a higher temperature than water, and has a higher specific gravity than it, whilst its metameride, methyl formate, is lighter than water, and boils at 80° — that is {o say, it evaporates very easily. Let us now turn to carbon compounds containing two atoms of carbon to the molecule, as. in acetic acid, and proceed to evolve them from methane by the principle of substitution. This principle declares at once that methane can only be split up in the four following ways : — 1. Into a group CH3 equivalent with H. Let us call changes of this nature methylation. 2. Into a group CBLj and H.J. We will call this order of substitutions methylenation. 3. Into CH and H3, which commutations we will call acetylenatioru 4. Into C and H4, which may be called carbonation. It is evident that hydrocarbon compounds containing two atoms of carbon can only proceed from, methane, CH4, which contains four atoms of hydrogen by the first three methods of substitution ; carbonation would yield free carbon if it could take place directly, and if the molecule of free carbon— which is in reality very complex, that is to say strongly polyatomic, as I have long since been proving by various means — could contain only C2 like the molecules O..,, H^; N2, and so on. By methylation we should evidently obtain from marsh gas, ethane, By methylenation — that is, by substituting group CH,, for H, — methane forms ethylene, CHjCH., = CaH4. APPENDIX I. 465 By acetylenation-s-that is, by substituting three atoms of hydrogen, H3, in methane — by the remnant CH, we get acetylene, CHCH^O^ELj. If we have applied the principles of Newton correctly, there should not be any other hydrocarbons contain ing two atoms of carbon in the molecule. All these combinations have long been known, and in each of them we can not only produce those substitutions of which an example has been given in the case of methane, but also all the phases of other substitutions, as we shall find frorn'a few more instances, by the aid of which I trust that I shall be able to show the great complexity of those derivatives which, on the principle of substitution, can be obtained from each hydrocarbon. Let us content our- Selves with the case of ethano, CHgCHj, and the substitution of the hydrogen *by hydroxyl. The following are the possible changes :— 1. CH3CH9(OH) : this is nothing more than spirit of wine, or ethyl alcohol, C8H5(OH) or C8HeO. 2. CH^OEOCSiOH) : this is the glycol of Wtirtz^ which has shed so much light on the history of alcohol. Its isomeride may be CH3CH(OH)a, but as we have seen in the case of CH(OH),j, it decomposes, giving off water, and forming aldehyde, CH3CHO, a substance" capable of yielding alcohol by uniting with hydrogen, and of yielding acetic acid by uniting with oxygen. If glycol, CE,(OH)GH..(OH), loses its water, it may be seen at once that it will not now yield aldehyde, CH8CHO, but its isomeride, CH2^5Ha' the oxide of ethylene. I have here indicated in a special manner the oxygen which has taken the place of two atoms of 'the hydrogen of ethane taken from different atoms of the carbon. 8. CH3C(OH)8 decomposed as CH(OH)3, forming water and acetic acid, CH3CO(OH). It is evident that this acid is nothing else than formic acid, CHO(OH), with its hydrogen replaced by methyl. Without examining further the vast member of possible derivatives, I will direct your attention to the circumstance that in dissolving acetic acid in water we obtain the maximum contraction and the greatest viscosity when to the molecule Bt that time were far from being generally recognised. And though no understanding could be arrived at, yet the objects of the meeting were attained,, for the ideas of Cannizzaro proved, after a few years, to be the only ones which could stand criticism,- and which represented an atom as— 'the smallest portion of an element which enters into a molecule of its compound.* Only such real atomic weights— not conventional ones— could afford a basis for generalisation. It is sufficient, by way of example, to indicate the following cases in which the relation is seen at once and is perfectly clear : — K = 39 Rb = 85 Cs=rl33 Ca = 40 Sr=87 Ba = 137 whereas with the equivalents then in use— K =39 Rb = 85 Cs =133 Ca = 20 Sr =43'5 Ba = 68'5 the consecutiveness of change in atomic weight, which with the true values is so evident, completely disappears. Secondly, it had become evident during the period 1860-70, and even during the preceding decade, that the relations between the atomic, weights of analogous elements were governed by some general and simple laws. Cooke, Cremers, Gladstone, Gmelin, Lenssen, Petfcenkofer, and especially Dumas, had already established many facts bearing on that view. Thus Dumas compared the following groups of analogous elements with organic radicles : — 474 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Dift Diff. Difl. Ditf. Mg=12j8 *=31J44 0-818 Li » 7) Ca =20v Ae = 75\ S =16, 16 3*8 44 3x8 Na*23 8r =44 Bb = 119 Se-40 16 13x8 12x44 18x8 K =39' Ba =68) ABi=207) Te = 64) and pointed dut some really striking relationships, such as the following:— F o!9. Cl «= 86-5 =19 + 1^*6 Br=80 =19 + 2x16-5 + 28. I = 127 = 2 x.19 + 2 x l6'5 -f 2 x 28. A. Strecker, in his work • Theorien und Experimente zur Bestimmung der Atomgewichte der Elemente ' (Braunschweig, 1859), after summarising the data relating to the subject, and pointing out the remarkable series of equivalents— Cr,-26-2 Mn-27-6 Fe~28 Ni = 29 Co»80 Cu«=31-7 remarks that: It is hardly probable that all the above-mentioned relations between the atomic weights (or equivalents) of chemically analogous elements are merely accidental. We must, however, leave to the future tbe discovery of the law of the relations which appears in these figures.' l In such attempts at arrangement and in such views are to be recognised the real forerunners of the periodic law ; the ground was prepared for it between I860 and 1870, and that it was not expressed in a determinate form before the end of the decade may, I suppose, be ascribed to the fact that only analogous elements had been compared. The idea of seeking for a relation between the atomic weights of all the elements was foreign to the ideas then current, so that neither the vis tellurique of Be Chancourtois, nor the law of octaves of Newlands, could secure anybody's attention. And yet both De Chancourtois and Newlands like Dumas 'and Strecker, more than Lenssen and Pettenkofer, had made an approach to the periodic law and had dis- covered its germs. The solution of the problem advanced but slowly, because the facts, but not the law, stood foremost in all attempts*, and the law could not awaken a general interest so long as elements, having no apparent con- nection with each other, were included in the same octave, as for example : — 1st octave of Newlands . . 7th Ditto Cl Fe Co&Ni Se Br Bh'&Ru Pd Te Au Pt&Ir Os or Th Analogies of the above order seemed quite accidental, and the more so as the octave contained occasionally ten elements instead of eight, and when two 1 * Ea ist wohl kanm anztmehmen, dass alle ii» Vorhergehfcnden hervorgehobenen Beziehangen zwischen den Atomgewichten (oder Aequi valenten) in chemischen Verh51t« nissen einander ahnJjche Elemente bloss zufallig sind. T)ie Auffindung der in dieseo Zablen gesetzlichen Beziehungen mttssen wir jedoch dex Zqkunft iiberlassen.' APPENDIX II. 47$ ench elements as Ba and V, Co and N.i, or Rh and Ru, occupied one place in the octave,3 Nevertheless, the fruit was ripening, and I now see clearly thafr Strecker, De Chancourtois, and Newlands stood foremosf in the way towards the discovery of the periodic law, and that they merely wanted the boldness necessary to place the whole question at such a height that its reflection on the facts could be clearly seen. A third circumstance which revealed the periodicity of chemical elements , ivas the accumulation, by the end of the sixties, of new information respecting ' the rare elements, disclosing their many-sided relations to the other elements and to each other. The researches of Marignac on niobium, and those of , Roscoe on vanadium, were of special moment. The striding analogies between vanadium and phosphorus on the one hand, and between vanadium and chromium on the other, which became so apparent in the investigations con- nected with that element, naturally induced the comparison of V = 51 with Cr = 62, Kb = 94 with Mo = 96, and Ta = 192 with W = 194; while, on the other hand, P = 31 could be compared with S « 32, As » 75 with Se - 79, and Sb • 120 with Te« 125. From such approximations there remained but one Step to the discovery of the law of periodicity. The law of periodicity was thus a direct outcome of the stock of generali- sations and established facts which had accumulated by the end of the decade 1860-1870 : it is an embodiment of those data in a more or less systematio expression. \Vhere, then, lies the secret of the special importance which has since been attached to the periodic law, and has raised it to the position of a generalisation which has already given to chemistry unexpected aid, and which promises to be far more fruitful in the future and to impress upon several branches of chemical research a peculiar and original stamp? The remaining part of my communication will be an attempt to answer this Question. In the first place we have the circumstance that, as soon as the law made its appearance, it demanded a revision of many facts which were considered by chemists as fully established by existing experience. I shall return, later on, briefly to this subject, but I wish now to remind you that the periodic law, by insisting on the necessity for a revision of supposed facts, exposed itself at once to destruction in its very origin. Its first requirements, how- ever, have been almost entirely satisfied during the last 20 years ; the sap- posed facts have yielded to the law, thus proving that the law itself was a legitimate induction from the verified facts. But our inductions from data 'bave often to do with such- details of a s6ience so rich in facts, that only generalisations which cover a wide range of important phenomena can attract general attention. What were the regions touched on by the periodic J»w ? This is what we shall now consider. The most important point to notice is, that periodic functions, used for the purpose of expressing changes which are dependent on variations of time find space, have been long known. Tbey are familiar to the mind when we have to deal with motion in closed cycles, or with any kind of deviation from * To judge from J. A. R. Newlands's work, OH the Discovery of the Periodic Lawt London, 3884, p. 149; 'Oo the Law of Octaves' (from the Chemical News, 12, 83, . 1S65J. 476 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY a stable position, such as occurs in pendulum-oscillations. A like periodic function became evident in the case of the elements, depending on the mass of the atom. The primary conception of the masses of bodies, or of the masses of atoms, belongs to a category which the present state of science forbids us to discuss, because as yet we have no means of dissecting or analysing the conception. All that was known of functions dependent on masses derived its origin from Galileo and Newton, and indicated that such functions either decrease or increase with the increase of mass, like the attraction of celestial bodies. The numerical expression of the phenomena was always found to be proportional to 'the mass, and in no case was an increase of mass followed by a recurrence of properties such as is disclosed by the periodic law of the elements. This constituted such a novelty in the study of the phenomena of nature that, although it did not lift the veil which conceals the true concep- tion of mass» it nevertheless indicated that the explanation of that conception must be searched for in the masses of the atoms ; the more so, as all masses are nothing but aggregations, or additions, of chemical atoms which would be best described as chemical individuals. Let me remark, by the way, that though the Latin word ' individual ' is merely a translation of the Greek word • atom,' nevertheless history and custom have drawn a sharp distinction between the two words, and the present chemical conception of atoms is nearer to that defined by the Latin word than by the Greek, although this latter also has acquired a special meaning which was unknown to the classics. The periodic law has shown that our chemical individuals display a harmonic periodicity of properties dependent on their masses. Now natural science has long been accustomed to. deal with periodicities observed in nature, to seize them with the vice of mathematical analysis, to submit them to the> rasp of experiment. And these instruments' of scientific thought wouldL surely, long since, have mastered the problem connected with the chemical elements, were it not for a new feature which was brpught to light by the periodic law, and which gave a peculiar and original character to the periodic function. If we mark on an axis of abscissa) a series of lengths proportional to angles, and trace ordinates which are proportional to eines or other trigono- metrical functions, we get periodic curves of a harmonic character. So it might seem, at first sight, that with the increase of atomic weights the funct tionof the properties of, the elements should also vary in the same harmonioui way. But in this case there is no such continuous change as in th& curves just referred to, because the periods do not contain the infinite number of points constituting a curve, but a finite number only of such points. An example will Better ffltfstrate this view. The atomic weights— Ag = 108 Cd = 112 In = 113 Sn = 118 Sb-120 Te = 125 1 = 127 steadily 'increase, and their increase is accompanied by a modification of many properties which constitutes the essence of the periodic law. Thus, for example, the densities of the above elements decrease, steadily, being respectively— 10-5 8-6 7'4 7'2 6-7 6'4 4-9 APPENDIX II. 477 •while their oxides contain an increasing quantity of oxygen— Ag20 CdA InA SiifcO, Sb20a Te209 1,0, But to connect by a. curve the summits of the ordinates expressing any of these properties would involve the rejection of Dalton's law of multiple proportions. Not only are there no intermediate elements between silver, which gives AgCl, and cadmium, which gives CdCl2, but, according to the very essence of the periodic law, there can be none ; in fact a uniform curve would be inapplicable in such a case, as it would lead us to expect elements possessed of special properties at any point of the curve. The periods of the /elements have thus a character very different from those which are so simply represented by geometers. They correspond to points, to numbers, to sudden changes of the masses, and not to a continuous evolution. In these sudden -changes destitute of intermediate steps or positions, in the absence of elements intermediate between-, say, silver and cadmium, or aluminium and silicon, we must recognise a, problem to which no direct application of the analysis of the infinitely small can be made. Therefore, neither the trigonometrical functions proposed by Ridberg and Flavitzky, nor the pen. dulum-oscillations suggested by Crookes, nor the cubical curves of the Bev, Mr. Haughton, which have been proposed for expressing the periodic law, from the nature of the case, can represent the periods of the chemical elements. If geometrical analysis is to be applied to this subject, it will re» quire to be modified in a special manner. It must find the means of repre- senting in a special way, not only such long periods as that comprising K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br, but short periods like the following :— Na Mg Ai Si P 8 Cl. In the theory of numbers only do we find problems analogous to ours, and two attempts at expressing the atomic weights of the elements by alge- braic formulae seem to be deserving of attention, although neither of them can be considered as a complete theory, nor as promising finally to solve the problem of the periodic law. The attempt of E. J. Mills (1886) does not even aspire to attain this end. He considers that all' atomic weights can be expressed by a logarithmic function, 15(71-0-9375'), in which the variables n and t are whole numbers. Thus, for oxygen, n = 2, and t = 1, whence its atomic weight is = 15'94 ; in the case of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, n has .respective values of 8, 6, and 9, whilst t = 7, 6, and 0 ; in the case of potassium, rubidium, and caesium, n = 4, 6, and 9, and t = 14, 18, and 20. Another attempt was made in 1888 by B. N. Tchitche"rra. Its author places the problem of the periodic law in the first rank, but as yet he has investigated the alkali "metals only Tchitche'rin first noticed the simple 478 FB.INCIPLES OP CHEMISTRY relations existing between the atomic volumes of all alkali metals; can be expressed, according to his views, by the formula A(2^- 0-00535 Aw), where A is the atomic weight, and n is equal to 8 for lithium and sodium, to 4 for potassium, to 3 for rubidium, and to 2 for caesium. If n remained equal to 8 during the increase of A, the volume would become zero at A = 40$, and it would reach its maximum at A - 23£. The close approximation of the number 46§ to the differences between the atomic weights of analogous elements (such as Cs — Bb, I — Br, and so on) ; the close correspondence of the number 23£ to the atomic weight of sodium ; the fact of n being neces* earily a whole number, and several other aspects of the question, induce Tchitcherin to believe that they afford a clue to the understanding of the nature cf the elements ; we must, however, await the full develcpment of his theory before pronouncing judgment on it. What we can at present only be certain of is this : that attempts like the two above named must be re- peated and multiplied, because the periodic law has clearly shown that the masses of the atoms increase abruptly, by steps, which are clearly connected in some way with Dalton's law of multiple proportions ; and because the periodicity of the elements finds expression in the transition from BX to BX2, EX3, BX4, and so on till RXd, at which point, the energy of the com- bining forces being exhausted, the series begins anew from BX £o BX.,, and so on. While connecting by new bonds the theory of the chemical elements with Dalton's theory of multiple proportions, or atomic structure of bodies, the periodic law opened for natural philosophy a new and wide field for specula* tion. Kant said that there are in the world ' two things which never cease to call for the admiration and reverence of man : the" moral law within ourselves, and the stellar sky above us.' But when we turn our thoughts towards the nature of the elements and the periodic law, we must add a third subject, namely, ' the nature of the elementary individuals which we discover everywhere around us.* Without them the stellar sky itself is inconceiv- able ; and in tho atoms we see at once then* peculiar individualities, the in- finite multiplicity of the individuals, and the submission of their seeming freedom to the general harmony of Nature. Having thus indicated a new mystery of Nature, which does not yet yield to rational conception, the periodic law, together with the revelations of spectrum analysis, have contributed to again revive an old but remarkably long-lived hope— that of discovering, if not by experiment, at least by a mental effort, the primary matter— -which had its genesis in the minds of the Grecian philosophers, and has been transmitted, together with many other ideas of the classic period, to the heirs of their civilisation. Having grown, during the times of the alchemists up to the period when experimental proof was required, the idea has rendered good service; it induced those •careful observations and experiments which later on called into being the works of Scheele, Lavoisier, Priestley, and Cavendish. It then slumbered awhile, but was soon awakened by the attempts either to confirm or to refute the ideas of Prout as to the multiple proportion relationship of the atomic APPENDIX. IL 479 ^reighteof all the elements, And once again the inductive or experimental method of studying Nature gained a direct advantage from the old Pytha- gorean 'ide'a : because atomic weights were determined with an accuracy formerly unknown. But again the idea could not stand the ordeal of expert- tnental test, yet the prejudice remains and has not been uprooted, even by 'Stas; nay, it has gained a new vigour, for we see that all which is imperfectly worked out, new and unexplained, from the still scarcely studied rare metals to the hardly perceptible nebulae, have been used to justify it. As soon da spectrum analysis appears as a new and powerful weapon of chemistry, the idea of a primary matter is immediately attached to it. From all sides we see 'attempts to constitute -the imaginary substance helium,9 the, so much longed for primary matter.. No attention is paid to the circumstance that the helium line is only seen in the spectrum of the solar protuberances, so that its universality in Nature remains, as problematic as the primary matter itself ; nor to the fact that the helium line is wanting amongst the Fraun- hofer lines of the solar spectrum, and thus does not answer to the brilliant fundamental conception which gives its real force to spectrum analysis. And finally, no notice is even taken of the indubitable fact that the bril- liancies of the spectral lines of the simple substances vary under different tem- peratures and pressures ; so that all probabilities are in favour of the helium line simply belonging to some long since known, element placed under such conditions of temperature, pressure, and gravity as have not yet been realised in our experiments. Again, the idea that the excellent investigations of Lockyer of the spectrum o£ iron can be interpreted in favour of the compound nature of that element, evidently, must have arisen from some misunder- standing. The spectrum of a compound certainly does not appear as a sum of the spectra of its components ; and therefore the observations of Lockyer can oe considered precisely as a- proof that iron undergoes no other changes at the temperature of the sun than those which it experiences in the •voltaic arc— provided the spectrum of iron is preserved. As to the shifting of some of the lines -of the spectrum of iron while the other lines maintain their positions, it can be explained, as shown by M. Klelbetf ('Journal -of the Russian Chemical and Physical Society, 1885, 14*7), by the relative motion of the various strata of the sun's atmosphere, and by Zollner's laws of the relative brilliancies of different lines of the spectrum. Moreover, it ought not to be forgotten that if iron were really proved to consist of two or more, unknown elements, we should simply have an increase in the number of our elements^-not a reduction, and still less a reduction of all of them to one single primary matter. Feeling that spectrum analysis will not yield a support to the Pythagorean conception, its. modern promoters are so bent upon its being confirmed by the periodic law, that the illustrious Berthelot, in his work * Les origines de i'Alchjmie,' 1885, 318, has simply mixed up the fundamental idea of the law of periodicity with the ideas of Prout, the alchemists, and Democritus about primary matter,4 But the periodic law, based as it is on the solid and whole- 8 That is, a substance having a wave-length equal to 0*0005875 millimetre, * He maintains (on p. 800) that the periodic law requires two new analogous elements, having atomic Weights of. 48 and 64, occupying positions between sulphur 480, PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY some ground of experimental research, has been evolved Independently of any conception as to the nature of the elements; it does not in the least Originate in the idea of a unique matter ; and it has no historical connec- tion with that relic of the torments of classical thought, and therefore it affords no more indication of the unity of matter or of the compound character, of our elements, than the law of Avogadro, or the law of specific heats, or even the conclusions of spectrum analysis. None of the advocates of a unique matter have ever tried to explain the law from the standpoint of ideas taken from a remote antiquity when it vyas found convenient to admit the existence of many gods— and. of a unique matter. When we try to explain the origin of the idea of a unique primary matter, we easily trace that in the absence of inductions from experiment it derives its origin from the scientifically philosophical attempt at discovering eome'kind of unity in the immense diversity of individualities which we see around. In classical times such a tendency could only be satisfied by con- ceptions about the immaterial world. As to the material world, our ancestors were compelled to resort to some hypothesis, and they adopted the idea of unity in the formative material, because they were not able to evolve the conception of any other possible unity in order to connect the multifarious relations of matter. Responding to the same legitimate scientific tendency, natural science has discovered throughout the universe a unity of plan, a unity of forces, and a unity of matter, and the convincing conclusions of modern science compel every one to admit these kinds of unity. But while we admit unity in many things, we none the less must also explain the individuality and the apparent diversity which we cannot fail to trace every- where. It has been said of old, ' Give us a fulcrum, and it will become easy to displace the earth.' So also we must say, ' Give us something that is individu- alised, and the apparent diversity will be easily understood.' Otherwise, how could unity result in a multitude ? After a long and painstaking research, natural science has discovered the individualities of the chemical elements, and therefore it is now capable not only of analysing, but also of synthesising ; it can understand and grasp generality and unity, as well as the individualised and the multifarious. The general and universal, like time and space, like force and motion, vary uni- formly ; the uniform admit of interpolations, revealing every intermediate phase. But the multitudirious, the individualised— such as ourselves, or the chemical elements, or the members of a peculiar periodic function of the Clements, or Dalton's multiple proportions — is characterised in another way : We see in it, side by side with a connecting general principle, leaps, breaks of continuity, points which escape from the analysis of the infinitely small— an absence- of complete intermediate links. Chemistry has found an answer to the question as to the causes of multitudes ; and while retaining the conception of many elements, all submitted to the discipline of a general law, it offers an esc.ape from the Indian Nirvana — the. absorption in the universal, replacing it by the individualised. However, the place for indi- and selenium, although nothing of the kind results from any of the different readings of the law. A£PE;NDIX a 481 viduality is so limited by the all-grasping, all-powerful 'universal, that it. Is merely a point of support for the understanding of multitude in unity. Having touched upon the metaphysical bases of the conception of a unique matter which is supposed to enter into the composition of all bodies I think it necessary to dwell upon another theory, akin to the above concep- tion—the theory of the compound character of the elements now admitted by some—and especially upon one particular circumstance which, being related to tfie periodic law, is considered to be an argument in favour of that hypo- thesis. Dr. Pelopidas, in 1883, made a communication to the Russian Chemical and Physical Society on the periodicity of the hydrocarbon radicles, pointing out the remarkable parallelism which was to be noticed in the change of properties of hydrocarbon radicles and elements when classed in groups. Professor Carnelley, in 1686, developed a similar parallelism. The idea of M. Pelopidas will be easily understood if we consider the series of hydro-' carbon radicles which contain, say, 6 atoms of carbon :— i. n. in. iv. v. vi. vnt vni. C6H13 C6H13 C6Hn C0H1Q CaHa 06H8 06H7 The first of these radicles, like the elements of the 1st group, combines with, Cl, OH, and so on, and gives the derivatives of hexyl alcohol, CeH13(OH) ; but, in proportion as the number of hydrogen atoms decreases, the capacity of the radicles of combining with, say, the halogens increases. 06HW already combines, with 2 atoms of chlorine ; C0HU with 3 atoms, and so on. The last members of the series comprise the radicles of ae.ids : thus C6H8, which belongs to the 6th group, gives, like sulphur, a bibasio acid, 09H8O2(OH)2, which is homologous with oxalic acid. The parallelism can be traced still further, because C6H5 appears as a monovalent radicle of benzene,- and with it begins a new series of aromatic derivatives, so analogous to the derivatives of the aliphatic series. Let me also mention another example from among those which have been given by M. Pelopidas. Starting from the alkaline radicle of monomethylammonium, N(CH3)H3,- or -NCH6, which presents many analogies with the alkaline metals of the 1st group, he arrives, by successively diminishing the number of the atoms of hydrogen, at a 7th group which contains cyanogen, CN, which lias long since been compared to the halogens of the 7th group. The most important consequence which, in my opinion, can be drawn from the above comparison is that the. periodic law, so apparent in the elements, has a wider, application than might appear at first sight ; it opens tip a new vista of chemical evolutions. But, while admitting the fullest parallelism between the periodicity of the elements and that of the compound radicles, we must not forget that in the periods of the hydrocarbon radicles we have a* decrease of mass as We pass from the representatives of the first group to the1 next, while in the periods of the elements the mass increases during the progression. It thus becomes evident that we cannot speak of an identity of periodicity in both, cases, unless we put aside the ideas of mass and attraction* which are the real corner-stones of the whole of natural science, and even enter into those very conceptions of simple substances which 482 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY came to light a foil hundred years later than the immortal principles of Newton.5 From the foregoing, as well as from the failures of so many attempts at finding in experiment and speculation a proof of the compound character of the elements and of the existence of primordial matter, it is evident, in my opinion, that this theory must be classed among mere Utopias. But Utopias can only be combated by freedom of opinion, by experiment, and by new Utopias. In the republic of scientific theories freedom of opinions is guaran- teed. It is precisely that freedom which permits me to criticise openly the widely-diffused idea as to the unity of matter in the elements. Experiments and attempts at confirming that idea have been so numerous that it really would be instructive to have them all collected together, if only to serve as a warning against the repetition of old failures. And now as to new Utopias which may bo helpful in the struggle against the old ones, I do not think it quite useless to mention & phantasy of one of my students who imagined that the weight of bodies does not depend upon their mass, but upon the character of the motion of then* atoms. The atoms, according to this new Utopian, may all be homogeneous or heterogeneous, we know not which ; we know them in motion only, and that motion they maintain with the same persistence as the stellar bodies maintain theirs. The weights of atoms differ only in con- sequence of their various modes and quantity of motion ; the heaviest atoms may be much simpler than the lighter ones : thus an atom of mercury may be simpler than an atom of hydrogen— the manner in which it moves causes it to be heavier. My interlocutor even suggested that the view which attributes the greater complexity to the lighter elements finds confirmation in the fact that the hydrocarbon radicles mentioned by Pelopidas, while becoming lighter as they lose hydrogen, change their properties periodically in the same manner as the elements, change theirs, according as the atoms grow heavier. The French proverb, La critique est facile, mais I'art est difficile, how- ever, may well be reversed in the case of all such ideal views, as it is much easier to formulate than to criticise them. Arising from the virgin soil of newly-established facts, the knowledge relating to the elements, to their masses, and to the periodic changes of their properties has given a motive for the formation of Utopian hypotheses, probably because they could not be foreseen by the aid of any of the various metaphysical systems, and exist, like the idea of gravitation, as an independent outcome of natural science, requiring the acknowledgment of general laws, when these have been estab- lished with the same degree of persistency as is indispensable for the accept- ance of a thoroughly established fact. Two centuries have elapsed since the theory of gravitation was enunciated, and although we do not understand its cause, we still must regard gravitation as a fundamental conception of natural philosophy, a conception which has enabled us to perceive much more than the metaphysicians did or could with their seeming omniscience. A hundred 5 It is noteworthy that the year in which Lavoisier was born (1748) — the author of the idea of elements and of the indestructibility of matter — is later by exactly one century than the year in which the author of the theory of gravitation and mass was born (1643 N.3.). The affiliation of the ideas of Lavoisier and those of Newton is beyond doubt. APPENDIX H. 483 years later the conception of the elements arose; it made chemistry what it now is ; and yet we have advanced as little in our comprehension of simple substances since the times of Lavoisier and Dalton as we have in our und*r- istanding of gravitation. The periodic law of the elements is only twenty years old; it is not surprising, therefore, that, knowing nothing about tho. causes of gravitation and mass, or about the nature of the elements, we do not comprehend the rationale of the periodic law. It is only by collecting established laws — that is, by working at the acquirement of truth — that \\ o can hope gradually to lift the veil which, conceals from us the causes of the mysteries of Nature and to discover their mutual dependency. Like the telescope and the microscope, laws founded on the basis of experiment are the instruments and means of enlarging our mental horizon. In the remaining part of my communication I shall endeavour to show, and as briefly as possible, in how far the periodic law contributes to enlarge our range of vision. Before the promulgation of this law the chemical elements were mere fragmentary, incidental facts in Nature ; there was no special reason to expect the discovery of new elements, and the new ones which were discovered from time to time appeared to be possessed of quite novel properties. The law of periodicity first enabled us to perceive undis- covered elements at a distance which formerly was inaccessible to chemical vision ; and long ere they were discovered new elements appeared before oui" eyes possessed of a number of well-defined properties. We jnow know three cases of elements whose existence and properties were foreseen by the instru- mentality of the periodic law. I need but mention the brilliant discovery of ffaltwm, which proved to correspond to eka-aluminium of the periodic law, by Lecoq de Boisbaudran ; of scandium, corresponding to ekaboron, by Nilson ; .and of germanium, which proved to correspond in all respects to ekasilicon, by Wlnkler. "When, in 1871, 1 described to the Russian Chemical Society the properties, clearly defined by the ^eripdio law, which such elements ought to possess, I never hoped that I should live to mention their discovery to the Chemical Society of Great Britain as a confirmation of the exactitude and the generality of the periodic law. Now that I have had the happiness of doing so, I unhesitatingly say that, although greatly enlarging our vision, even now the "periodic law needs further improvements in order that it may become a trustworthy instrument in further discoveries.9 I will venture to allude to some other matters which chemistry has dis- •cemed by mjsaus of its new instrument, and which it could not have made • I foresee 'some more new elements, but not w,ith the same certitude as before. I shall give one example, and yet f do not see it quite distinctly. In the series which con- tains Hg «= 204, Pb =» 206, and Bi •** 208, we can imagine the existence (at the place VI— 11) of an element analogous to tellurium, which we can describe as dvi-tellurium, Dt, having fin atomic weight of 212, and the property of forming the oxide DtOj. If this element really exists, it ought in the free state to be an easily fusible, crystalline, non- volatile metal of. a grey colour, having a density pf about 9-8, capable of giving a dioxide, DtO?, equally endowed with feeble acid and' basic properties. This dioxide must give on active ! oxidation an unstable higher oxide, DtOj, which should resemble in its properties PbO9 and Bi205. Dvi-tellurium hydride, if it be found to exist, will be a less stable compound than even HjTe. The compounds of dvi-tellurium will be easily reduced, and it will form characteristic defcute alloys with other metals. 484 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY out without a knowledge of the law of periodicity, and I will confine myself to simple substances and to oxides. Before the periodic law was formulated the atomic weights of the elements were purely empirical numbers, so that the magnitude of the equivalent, and' the atomicity, or the value in substitution possessed by an atom, could only, be tested by critically examining the methods of determination, but never directly by considering the numerical values themselves ; in short, we wer# compelled to move in the dark, to submit to the facts, instead of being masters of them. I need not recount the methods which permitted the periodic law at last to master the facts relating to atomic weights, and I would merely call to mind that it compelled us to modify the valencies of indium and cerium, and to assign to their compounds a different molecular composition* Determinations of the specific heats of these two metals fully confirmed the change. The trivalency of yttriii/ml which makes us now represent its oxide ^ as Y203 instead of as YO, was also foreseen (in 1870) by the periodic law, and it has now become so probable that Cleve, and all other subsequent investi- gators of the rare metals, have not only adopted it, but have also applied it without any new demonstration to substances so imperfectly known as thosa- of the cerite and gadolinite group, especially since Hillebrand determined the specific heats of lanthanum and didymium and confirmed the expectations suggested by the periodic law. But here, especially hi the case of didymium, we meet with a series of difficulties long since foreseen through the periodic law, but only now becoming evident, and chiefly arising from the relative rarity and insufficient knowledge of the elements which usually accompany didymium. Passing to the results obtained in the case of the rare elements leryllium%. scandium, and thorium, it is found that these have many points of contact with the periodic law. Although Avd^eff long since proposed the magnesia formula to represent beryllium oxide, yet there was so much to be said in favour of the alumina formula, on account of the specific heat of the metals and the isomorphism of the two oxides, that it became generally adopted and seemed to be well established. The periodic law, however, as Brauner repeatedly insisted ('Berichte,' 1878,872; 1881, 53), was against the formula Be203 ; it required the magnesia formula BeO — that is, an atomic weight! of 9— because there was no place in the system for an element like beryllium having an atomic weight of 18'5. This divergence of opinion lasted for years, and I often heard that the question as to the atomic weight of beryllium threatened to disturb the generality of the periodic law, or, at any rate, to require some important modifications of it. Many forces were operating in the controversy regarding beryllium, evidently because a much more im- portant question was at issue than merely that involved in the discussion of the atomic weight of a relatively rare element: and during the controversy the periodic law became better understood, and the mutual relations of the elements became more apparent than ever before. It is most remarkable that the victory of the periodic law was won by the researches of the very observers who previously had discovered a number of facts in support of the tri- valency of beryllium. Applying the higher law of Avogadro, Nilson and Petterson have finally shown that the density of the vapour of the beryl- APPENDIX II. 485 Hum chloridey/BeClj, obliges us to regard beryllium as bivalent in conformity witji the periodic law.7 I consider the confirmation of Avde*efFs and Braunery view as important in the history of the periodic law as the discovery of scandium, which, in Nilson's hands, confirmed the existence of ekaboron. The circumstance that thorium proved to be quadrivalent, and Th = 232, in accordance with the views of Chydenius and the requirements of thl periodic law", passed almost unnoticed, and was accepted without opposition, and yet both thorium and uranium are of great importance in the periodic system, as they are its last members,. and have the highest atomic weights of all the elements. The alteration of the atomic weight of uranium from U = 120 into U = 240 attracted more attention, the change having been made on account of the periodic law, and for no other reason. Now that Roscoe, Rammelsberg, Zimmerman^) and several others have admitted the various claims of the periodic law in the case of uranium, its high atomic weight is received .with- out objection, and it endows that element with a special interest. While thus demonstrating the necessity for modifying the atomic weights of several insufficiently known elements, the periodic law enabled us also to detect errors in the determination of the atomic weights of several elements whose valencies and true position among other elements were already well known. Three such cases are especially noteworthy: those of tellurium, titanium and platinum. Berzelius had determined the atomic weight of tellurium to be 128, while the periodic law claimed for it an atomic weight below that of iodine, which had been fixed by Stas at 126*5, and which was certainly not higher 'than 127. Brauner then undertook the investigation, and he has shown that the true atomic weight of tellurium is lower than that of iodine, being near to 125. For titanium the extensive researches of Thorpe have confirmed the atomic weight of Ti - 48, indicated by the law, and already foreseen by Rose, but contradicted by the analyses of Pierre and several other chemists. An equally brilliant confirmation of the expectations based on the periodic law has been given in the case of the series osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold. At the time of the promulgation of the periodic law, the determinations of Berzelius, Rose, and many others gave the follow- ing figures :— Os = 200; Ir = 197; Pt = 198; Au = 196. 7 Let me mention another proof of the bivalency of beryllium which may have passed unnoticed, as it was only published in the Russian chemical literature. Having remarked" (in 1884) that the density of such solutions of chlorides of metals, MCln, as contain 200 mols. of water (or a large and constant amount of water) regularly increases as the mole- cular weight of the dissolved salt increases, I proposed to one of our young chemists, M. Burdakoff, that he should investigate beryllium chloride. If its molecule be BeGlj its weight must be =80; and in such a case it must be heavier than the molecule of KC1 = 74-5, and lighter than that of MgCl2 = 93. On the contrary, if beryllium chloride is a trichloride, BeCl3 = 120, its molecule must be heavier than that of CaCl2 = lll, ind lighter than that of MnCl2 = 126. Experiment has shown the correctness of the fonrier formula, the solution BeCl2 + 200H2O having (at 15°/4°) a density of T0138, this being a lugher density than that of the solution KC14-200H2O ( = 1'0121), and lower than that of MgCl2+200H2O ( = 1-0203). The bivalency of beryllium was thus confirmed in the case both of the dissolved and the vaporised chloride. 486 PEINCIPLES Off CHEMISTRY The expectations of the periodic law8 have been confirmed, first, by n,e> determinations of the atomic weight of ptatvmm (by Seubert, Dittmar, and W Arthur, which proved to be near. to 196 (taking 0 = 16, as proposed by Marignac, Brauner, and others) j secondly, by Seubert having proved that the atomic weight of osmwm is really lower than that of platinum, being near to 191; and thirdly, by the investigations of Krtiss, Thorpe and Laurie, proving that the atomic weight of gold exceeds that of platinum, and approximates to 197. The. atomic weights .which were thus found to require correction were precisely those, which the periodic law had indicated as affected with errors ;. and it has been proved/ therefore, that the periodic law affords a means of testing experimental results. If we succeed in dis- covering the exact character of the periodic relationships between the increments in atomic weights of allied elements discussed by Eidberg in 1885, and again by Bazaroff in 1887, we may expect that our instrument will give us the means of still more closely controlling .the experimental data, relating to atomic weights. Let me next call to mind that, while disclosing the variation of chemical properties,9 the periodic law has also enabled us to systematically discuss many of the physical properties of elementary bodies, and to show that these properties are also subject to the law of periodicity. At the Moscow Congress of Bussian Naturalists in August, 1869, I dwelt upon the relations which existed between density and the atomic weight of the elements. The follow- ing year Professor Lothar Meyer, in his well-known paper,10 studied the same subject in more detail, and thus contributed to spread information about the periodic law. Later on, Carnelley, Laurie, L. Meyer, Roberts* Austen, and several others applied the periodic system to represent the order in the changes of the magnetic properties of the elements, their melting points, the heats of formation of their haloid compounds, and even of such mechanical properties as the co-efficient of elasticity, the breaking stress, &c., Ac. These deductions, which have received further support in the discovery of new elements endowed not only with chemical but even with physical properties, which were foreseen by the law of periodicity, are well known ; eo I need not dwell upon the subject, and may pass to the consideration of oxides.11 8 I pointed them out in the Liebig's Annalen, Supplement Band* viii. 1871, p. 211. 9 Thus, in the typical small period of Li,Be,B,C,N,0,F, we see at once the progression from the alkali metals to the acid non-metals, such as are the halogens. »» LieUg's Annalen, Supplement Band., vii 1870. 11 A distinct periodicity can also be discovered in the spectra of the elements. Thua the researches of Hartley, Ciamician, and others have disclosed, first, the homology of the spectra of analogous elements: secondly, that the alkali metals have simpler epectra than the metals of the following groups; and thirdly, that there is a certain like- ness between the complicated spectra of manganese and iron on the one hand, and the» no less complicated spectra of chlorine and bromine on the other hand, and their likeness corresponds to the degree of analogy between those elements which is indicated by the> periodic law. APPENDIX n. 487 In indicating that the gradual increase of the power of elements of com- bining with oxygen ia accompanied by a corresponding decrease in their power of combining with hydrogen, the periodic law has shown that there is a limit of oxidation, just as there is a well-known limit to the capacity of elements for combining with hydrogen. A single atom of an element com- bines with at most four atoms of either hydrogen or oxygen ; and while CH4 and SiH4 represent the highest hydrides, so Bu04 and OsO4 are the highest oxides. We are thus led to recognise types of oxides, just as we have had to recognise types of hydrides.12 The periodic law has demonstrated that the maximum extent to which different non-metals enter into combination with oxygen is determined by the extent to which they combine with hydrogen, and that the sum of the number of equivalents of both must be equal to 8. Thus chlorine, which combines with 1 atom or 1 equivalent of hydrogen, cannot fix more than 7 equivalents of oxygen, giving C^Of ; while sulphur, which fixes 2 equivalents of hydrogen, cannot combine with more than 6 equivalents or 3 atoms of oxygen. It thua becomes evident that we cannot recognise as a fundamental property of the elements the atomic valencies deduced from their hydrides ; and that we must modify, to a certain extent, the theory of atomicity if we desire to raise it to the dignity of a general principle capable of affording an insight into the constitution of all compound molecules. In other words, it is only to carbon, which is quadrivalent with regard both to oxygen and hydrogen, that we can apply the theory of constant valency and of bond, by means of which so many still endeavour to explain the structure of compound molecules. But I should go too far if I ventured to explain in detail the conclusions which can be drawn from the above considerations. Still, I think it necessary to dwell upon one particular fact which must be explained from the point of view of the periodic law in order to clear the way to its extension in that particular direction. The higher oxides yielding salts the formation of which was foreseen by the periodic system— for instance, in the short series beginning with sodium— Na,0, MgO, A1A, Si02, P205> S03, CIA. must be clearly distinguished from the higher degrees of oxidation which cor- respond to hydrogen peroxide and bear the true character of peroxides. Per- oxides such as Na3Oa, BaO2, and the like have long been known, Similar 12 Formerly it was supposed that, being a bivalent element, oxygen can enter into any grouping of the atoms, and there was no limit foreseen as to the extent to which it could further enter into combination. We couldnot explain why bivalent sulphur, which forms. compounds such as could not also form oxides such while other elements, as, for instance, chlorine, form compounds such as— Cl-O-Q— 0-0— K *J 488 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY peroxides have also recently become known in the case of chromium, sulphur, titanium, and many other elements, and I have sometimes heard it said that discoveries of this kind weaken the conclusions of the periodic law in so far as it concerns the oxides. I do not think so in the least, and I may remark, in the first place, that all these peroxides are endowed with certain properties obviously common to all of them, which distinguish them from the actual, Higher, salt-forming oxides, especially their easy decomposition by means of simple contact agencies ; their incapability of forming salts of the common type ; and their capability of combining with other peroxides (like the faculty which hydrogen peroxide possesses of combining with barium peroxide, dis- covered by Schoene). Again, we remark that some groups are especially characterised by their capacity of generating peroxides. Such is, for instance, the case in the sixth group, where we find the well-known peroxides of sulphur, chromium, and uranium ; so that further investigation of peroxides will probably establish a new periodic function, foreshadowing that molyb- denum and tungsten will assume peroxide forms with comparative readiness. To appreciate the constitution of such peroxides, it is enough to notice that the peroxide form of sulphur (so-called persulphuric acid) stands in the same relation to sulphuric acid as hydrogen peroxide stands to water : — H(OH), or ItjO, responds to (OH)(OH), or H202, and so also — H(HSOJ, or H2S04, responds to (HS04)(HS04), or H.2S208. Similar relations are seen everywhere, and they correspond to the principle of substitutions which I long since endeavoured, to represent as one of the chemical generalisations called into life by the periodic law. So also sulphuric acid, if considered with reference .to hydroxyl, and represented as follows— HO(S02OH), has its corresponding compound in dithionio acid— (S02OH)(S02OH), or H2S206. Therefore, also, phosphoric acid, HO(POH20S), has, in the same sense, its corresponding compound in the subphosphoric acid of Saltzer : — ), or H4Pa06; and we must suppose that the peroxide compound corresponding to phosphoric acid, if it be discovered, will have the following structure : — (H.,P04)2 or H4P208 = 2H.O + 2P03.13 So far as is known at present, the highest form of peroxides is met with in is Jn this sense, oxalic acid, (COOH)2, also corresponds to carbonic acid, OH(COOH), in the same way that ditliionic acid corresponds to sulphuric acid, and subphosphoric acid to phosphoric; hence, if a peroxide corresponding to carbonic acid be obtained, .it will have the structure of (HCO3)2, or H2C206=H2O + C806, So .also lead must have a real peroxide, Pb2O6. APPENDIX II. 489 the peroxide of uranium, U04, prepared by Fairley ; 14 while Os04 is the highest oxide giving salts. The line of argument which is inspired by the periodic law, so far from being weakened by the discovery of peroxides, is thus actually strengthened, and we must hope that a further exploration of the region under consideration will confirm the applicability to chemistry generally of the principles deduced from the periodic law. Permit me now to conclude my rapid sketch of the oxygen compounds by the observation that the periodic law is especially brought into evidence hi the case of the oxides which constitute the immense majority of bodies at our disposal on the surface of the earth. The oxides are evidently subject to the law, both as regards their chemical and their physical properties, especially if we take into account the cases of polymerism which are so obvious when comparing C02 with Si»02n. In order to prove this I give the densities s and the specific volumes v of the higher oxides of two short periods. To render comparison easier, the oxides are all represented as of the form E.20n. In the column headed A the differences are given between the volume of the oxygen compound and that of the parent element, divided by n — that is, by the number of atoms of oxygen in the Compound : — 15 Na20 s. v. . 2-6 24 A -22 K00... 8. V. 2-7 35 A -55 Mg,00... 3-6 22 -3 Ca2O 3-15 36 -7 ALO, 4-0 26 + 1-3- Sc,0o ., 3-86 35 0 SLO, 2-65 45 5-2 Li 0 . . 4-2 38 + 5 PnO 2-39 59 6-2 V 0. .. . . 3*49 52 6-7 S00, ,. 1-96 82 8-7 Cr^CX ., .. 2-74 73 9-5 I have nothing to add to these figures, except that like relations appear in other periods as well. The above relations were precisely those which made it possible for me to be certain that the relative density of ekasilicon oxide would be about 4-7 ; germanium oxide, actually obtained by Winkler, proved, m fact, to have the relative density 4-703. The foregoing account is far from being an exhaustive one of all that has already been discovered by means of the periodic law telescope in the bound- less realms of chemical evolution. Still less is it an exhaustive account of all that may yet be seen, but I trust that the little which I have said will account 14 The compounds of uranium prepared by Fairley seem to me especially instructive in understanding the peroxides. By the action jof hydrogen peroxide on uranium oxide, TJO3, a peroxide of uranium, UO4,4H2O, is obtained (U = 240) if the solution be .acid; but if hydrogen peroxide act on uranium oxide in the presence of caustic soda, a crystalline deposit is obtained which has the composition Na4UO8,4H2O, and evidently is a combina- tion of sodium peroxide, Na^O^ with uranium peroxide, UO^ It is possible that the former peroxide, UO4,4H2O, contains the elements of hydrogen peroxide and uranium peroxide, XJ2O7, or even U(OH)6,H2O2, like the peroxide of tin recently discovered by Spring, which has the constitution Sn206,H2O2. 15 A thus represents the average increase of volume for each atom of oxygen con- tained in the higher salt-forming oxide. The acid oxides give, as a rule, a higher value of A, while in the case of the strongly alkaline oxides its value is usually negative. 490 PKINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY for the philosophical interest attached in chemistry to this law. Although but a recent scientific generalisation, it has already stood the test of laboratory verification, and appears as an instrument of thought which has not yet been compelled to undergo modification ; but it needs not only new applications, but also improvements, further development, and plenty of fresh energy. All this will surely come, seeing that such an assembly of men of science as the Chemical Society of Great Britain has expressed the desire to have the his- tory of the periodic law described in a lecture dedicated to the glorious name of Faraday. 491 APPENDIX III ARGON, A NEW CONSTITUENT OF THE ATMOSPHERE WBITTEN BY PEOFESSOE MENDELEEFF IN FEBEUAEY 1895. THE remarks made in Chapter V., Note 16 bis respecting the newly discovered, constituent of the atmosphere are here supplemented by data (taken from the publications of the Boyal Society of London) given by the discoverers Lord Bayleigh and Professor Kamsay in January 1895, together with obser- vations made by Crookes and Olszewsky upon the same subject, This gas, which was discovered by Bayleigh and Bamsay -in atmo- spheric nitrogen, was named argon l by them, and upon the supposition of its being an element, they gave it the symbol A. But its true chemical nature is not yet fully known, for not only has no compound of it been yet obtained, but it has not even been brought into any reaction. From all that is known about it at the present time, we may conclude with the discoverers that argon belongs to those gases which are permanent constituents of the atmosphere, and that it is a new element. The latter statement, however^ requires confirmation. We shall presently see, however, that the negative chemical character of argon (its incapacity to react with any substance), and the small amount of it present in the atmosphere (about 1£ per cent, by volume in the nitrogen of air, and consequently about 1 per cent, by volume in air), as well as the recent date of its discovery (1894) and the difficulty pf its preparation, are quite sufficient reasons for the incompleteness of the existing knowledge respecting this element. But since, so far as is yet known, we are dealing with a normal constituent of the atmosphere * WS the » From the Greet Ap-ybv— inert, t bia In Note 16 bis, Chapter V., I mentioned that, judging from the specific gravity of argon, it might possibly be polymerised nitrogen, N5, bearing the same relationship to nitrogen, N^, that ozone, Oj, bears to ordinary oxygen. If this idea were confirmed, stilt. one would not imagine that argon was formed from the atmospheric nitrogen by those; reactions by which it was obtained by Eayleigh and Ramsay, but rather that it arises from the nitrogen of the atmosphere under natural conditions. Although this proposition is not quite destroyed by the more recent results, still it is contradicted by the fact that the ratio of the specific heats of argon was found to be T66, which, as far as is now known, could not be the case for a gas containing 8 atoms in its molecule, since such gases (sea Chapter XIV., Note 7) give the ratio approximately l'8-(for example, CO,j). La abstain. ing from further conclusions, for they must inevitably be purely conjectural, I consider, it advisable to suggest, that in conducting further researches upon argou it ought be well. 492 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY existing data, notwithstanding their insufficiently definite nature, should find a place even in such an elementary work as the present, all the more as the names of Rayleigh, Ramsay, Crookes and Olszewsky, who have worked upon argon, are among the highest in our science, and their researches among ithe most difficult.2 These researches, moreover,- "were directed straight to the goal, which was only partly reached owing to the unusual properties of argon itself. When it became known (Chapter V., Note 4 bis) that the nitrogen obtained from air (by removing the oxygen, moisture and C02 by various reagents) has a greater density than that obtained from the various (oxygen, hydrogen and metallic) compounds of nitrogen, it was a plausible explanation that the latter contained an admixture of hydrogen, or of some other light gas lower- ing the density of the mixture. But such an assumption is refuted not only by the fact that the nitrogen obtained from its various compounds (after purification) has always the same density (although the supposed impurities mixed with it should vary), but also by Rayleigh and Ramsay's experiment of artificially adding hydrogBn to nitrogen, and then passing the mixture over red-hot oxide of copper, when it was found that the nitrogen regained its original density, i.e. that the whole of the hydrogen was removed by this treatment. Therefore ths difference in the density of the two varieties of nitrogen had to be explained by the presence of a heavier gas in admixture with the nitrogen obtained from the atmosphere. This hypothesis was con- firmed by the fact that Rayleigh and Ramsay having obtained purified nitrogen (by removing the 0.2, CO., and H20), both from ordinary air and from air which had been previously subjected Jo atmolysis, that is which had been passed through porous tubes (of burnt clay, e.g. pipe-stem), surrounded by a rarefied space, and so deprived of its lighter constituents (chiefly nitrogen), found that the nitrogen from the air which had been subjected to atmolysis was heavier than that obtained from- ah- which had not been so treated. This experiment showed that the nitrogen of ah- contains an admixture of a gas which, being heavier than nitrogen itself,3 diffuses more slowly than nitrogen to subject it to as high a temperature as possible. And the possibility of nitrogen polymerising is all the more admissible from the fact that the aggregation of its atoms in the molecule is not at all unlikely, and that polymerised, nitrogen, judging from many .examples, might be inert if the polymerisation were accompanied by the evolution of neat. In' the following footnotes I frequently return to this hypothesis, not only because I have not yet met any facts definitely contradictory to it, but also because the chief' properties of argon agree with it to a certain extent. 2 The chief difficulty in investigating argon lies in the fact that its preparation requires the employment of a large quantity of air, which has to be treated with a number of different reagents, whose perfect purity (especially that of magnesium) will always be doubtful, and argon hasjnot yet been transferred to a substance in which it could be easily purified. Perhaps the considerable solubility of argou in water (or in other suitable liquids, which have not apparently yet been tried) may give the means of doing so, and it may be possible, by collecting the air expelled from boiling water, to obtain a richer source of argon than ordinary air. . 3 It inight also be supposed that this heavy gas is separated by the copper when the latter absorbs the oxygen of the air; but such a supposition is not only improbable in itself, but does not agree with the fact that nitrogen may be obtained from air by absorb- ing the oxygen by various other substances in solution (for instance, by the lower oxides APPENDIX III; 493 through the porous material.. It remained, therefore-, to separate this im- purity from the nitrogen. To do this Rayleigh and Ramsay adopted two methods, converting the nitrogen into solid and liquid substances, either, by absorbing the nitrogen by heated magnesium (Chapter V., Note 6, and Chapter XIV., Note 14), with the formation of nitride of magnesium, or else- by converting it into nitric, acid by the action of electric sparks or the presence of an excess" of air and alkali, as in Cavendish's method.3 bis In both cases the nitrogen entered into reaction, while the heavier gas mixed with it remained inert, and was thus able to be isolated. That is", the argon could be separated by these means from the excess of atmospheric nitrogen accom- panying it.4 As an illustration, we will describe how argon was obtained from the atmospheric nitrogen by means of magnesium.5 To begin with, it was discovered that when atmospheric nitrogen was passed through a tube containing metallic magnesium heated to redness,' its specific gravity rose to 14'88. As this showed that part of the gas was absorbed by the magnesium, a mercury gasometer filled with atmospheric nitrogen was taken, and the gas drawn over soda-lime, P205» heated magnesium6 and then through tubes containing red-hot copper oxide, soda-lime and phosphoric anhydride to a second mercury gasometer.. Every time the gas was repassed through the tubes, it decreased in volume and increased in density. After repeating of the metals, like PeO) besides red-hot copper, and that the nitrogen obtained is always just as heavy. Besides which, nitrogen is also set free from its oxides by copper, and the nitrogen thus obtained is lighter. Therefore it is not the copper which produces the .heavy gas — i.e. argon. 8 bis 1$ ja worthy 'of note that Cavendish obtained a small residue of gas in con- verting nitrogen into nitric acid ; but he paid no attention to it, although probably he had in.his hands the very argon recently discovered. 4 When in these experiments, instead of atmospheric nitrogen the gas obtained from its compound was taken, an inert residue of a heavy gas, having the properties of argon, was-also remarked, but its-amount was very small. Eayleigh and Ramsay ascribe the formation of this residue to the fact that the gas in these experiments was collected over water, and $ portion of the dissolved argon in it might have passed into the nitrogen. As the authors of this supposition did not prove it by any special experiments, it forms a weak point in their classical research. If it be admitted that argon is N3, the fact of its being obtained from the nitrogen of compounds might be explained by the polymerisation of a portion of the nitrogen in the act of reaction, although it is impossible to refute Eayleigh and Eamsay's hypothesis of its being evolved from the water employed in the manipulation of the gases. Three thousand volumes of nitrogen extracted from its compounds gave about three volumes of argon, while thirty volume's were yielded by the eame amount of atmospheric nitrogen. 6 The preparation of argon by the conversion of nitrogen into nitric acid is complicated by the necessity of adding a large proportion of. pxygen and alkali, of passing jin electric discharge through the mixture #>r a long period, and then removing the remaining' oxygen. AlLthis was repeatedly done by the authors, but this method is far more complex, both in practice and theory, than the preparation of argon by means of magnesium. From 100 volumes of air subjected to conversion into HN03, 0'76 volume of argon were obtained after absorbing the excess of oxygen. 6 In these and the following experiments the magnesium was placed in an ordinary hard glass tube, and heated in a gas furnace to a temperature almost sufficient to soften the glass. The current of gas must be very slow (a tube containing a small quantity of sulphuric acid served as a meter), as otherwise the heat evolved in the formation of tho Mg3N2 (Chapter XTV., Note 14) will melt the tube. 494 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY this for tea days 1,500 c.c. of gas were reduced to 200 cc., and the density increased to IG'l (if that of EL, - 1 and N2 • 14). Further treatment of the remainder brought the density up to 19-09. After adding a small quantity of oxygen and repassing the gas through the apparatus, the density rose to 20-0. To obtain argon by this process Ramsay and Eayleigh (employing a mercury air pump and mercury gasometers) once treated about 150 litres of atmospheric nitrogen. On another occasion they treated 7,925 c.c. of air by the oxidation method and obtained 65 c.c. of argon, which corresponds to 0'82 per cent. The density of the argon obtained by this means was nearly 19-7, while that obtained by the magnesium method varied between 19-09 and 20-88. Thus the first positive and very important fact respecting argon is that its specific gravity is nearly 20 — that is, that it is 20 times heavier than hydrogen, while nitrogen is only 14 times and oxygen 16 times heavier than hydrogen. This explains the difference observed by Bayleigh between the -densities of nitrogen obtained from- its compounds and from the atmosphere (Chapter V., Note 4 bis). At 0° and 760 mm. a litre of the former gas weighs 1-2505 grm., while a litre of the latter weighs 1-2572, or taking H - 1, the density of the first - 13-916, and of the latter = 13-991. If the density of argon be taken as 20, it is contained in atmospheric nitrogen to the extent of about 1'23 per cent, by volume, whilst air contains about 0-97 per cent, by volume. When argon had been isolated the question naturally arose, was it a new homogeneous substance having definite properties or was it a mixture of gases ? The former may now be positively asserted, namely, that argon is a peculiar gas previously unknown to chemistry. Such a conviction is in the first place established by the fact that argon has a greater number of nega- tive properties, a smaller capacity for reaction, than any other simple or compound body known. The most inert gas known is nitrogen, but argon far exceeds it in this respect. Thus nitrogen is absorbed at a red heat by many metals, with the formation of nitrides, while argon, as is seen in the mode of its preparation and by direct experiment, does not possess this property. Nitrogen, under the action of electric sparks, combines with hydrogen in -the presence of acids and with oxygen hi the presence of alkalis, while argon is unable to do so, as is seen from the method of separation from nitrogen. Bayleigh and Ramsay also proved that argon is unable to react with chlorine (dry or moist) either directly or under the action of an electric discharge, or with phosphorus or sulphur, at a red heat. Sodium, potassium, and tellurium may be distilled in an atmosphere of argon without change. Fused caustic soda, incandescent soda-lime, molten nitre, red-hot peroxide of sodium, and the polysulphides of calcium and sodium also do not react with argon. Platinum black does not absorb it, and spongy platinum is unable to excite its reaction with oxygen or chlorine. Aqua regia, bromine water, and a mixture of hydrochloric acid and KMn04 were also without action upon argon. Besides which it is evident from the method of its preparation that it is not acted upon by red-hot oxide of copper. All these facts exclude any possibility of argon con- taining any already known body, and prove it to be the most inert of all the gases known. But besides these negative points, the independency of argon is APPENDIX III. 495 confirmed by four observed positive properties possessed by it, which are: — 1. The spectrum of argon observed by Crookes under a low pressure (in Geissler-Pliicker tubes) distinguishes it; from other gases.7 It was proved by this means that the argon obtained by means of magnesium is identical with that which remains after the uconversion of the atmospheric nitrogen into nitric acid. Like nitrogen, argon presents two spectra produced at different potentials of the induced current, one being orange-red, the other steel-blue ; the latter is obtained under a higher degree of rarefaction and with a battery of Leyden jars. Both the spectra of argon (in contradistinction to those of nitrogen) are distinguished by clearly defined lines.8 The red (ordinary) spectrum of argon has two particularly brilliant and characteristic red lines (not far from the bright red line of lithium, on the opposite side to the orange band) having wave-lengths 705*64 and 696*56 (see Vol. I., p. 565). Between these bright lines there are in addition lines with wave lengths 603*8, 565*1, 561*0, 555*7, 518*58, 516*5, 450*95, 420*10, 415*95 and 394*85. Altogether 80 lines have been observed in this spectrum and 119 in the blue spectrum, .of which 26 are common to both spectra.9 2. According to Rayleigh and Ramsay the solubility of argon in water is approximately 4 volumes hi 100 volumes of water at 13°. Thus argon is nearly 2£ times more soluble than nitrogen, and its solubility ap- proaches that of oxygen. Direct experiment proves that nitrogen obtained from air from boiled water is heavier than that obtained straight from the atmosphere. This again is an indirect proof of the presence of argon in air. 3. The ratio & of the two specific heats (at a constant pressure and at 7 The greatest brilliancy of the spectrum of argon is obtained at a tension of 9 mm., while for nitrogen it is about 75 mm. (Crookes). In Chapter V., Note 16 bis, it is said that the same blue line observed in the spectrum of argon is also observed in the spectrum of nitrogen. This is a mistake, since there is no coincidence between the blue lines of the argon and nitrogen spectra. However, we may add that for nitrogen the following moderately bright lines are known of wave-lengths 585, 574, 544, 516, 457, 442,^36, and 426, which are repeated in the spectra (red and blue) of argon, judging by Crookes' researches (1895) ; but it is naturally impossible to assert that there is perfect identity until some special comparative work has been done in this subject, which is very desirable, and more especially for the bluish-violet portion of the spectrum, more particularly between the lines 442-436, as these lines are distinguished by their brilliancy in both the argon and nitrogen spectra. The above-mentioned supposition of argon being polymerised nitrogen (N3), formed from nitrogen (N2), with the evolution of heat, might find some support should it be found after careful comparison that even a limited number of spectral lines coincided. 8 At first the spectrum of argon exhibits the nitrogen lines, but after a certain time these lines disappear (under the influence of the platinum, and also of Al and Mg, but with the latter the spectrum of hydrogen appears) and leave a pure argon spectrum. It does not appear clear to me whether a polymerisation here takes place or a simple absorption. Perhaps the elucidation of this question would prove important in the history of argon. It would be desirable to know, for instance, whether the volume of argon changes when it is first subjected to the action of the electric discharge. 9 Crookea supposes that argon contains a mixture of two gases, but as he gives no reasons for this, beyond certain peculiarities of a spectroscopio character, we will not consider this hypothesis further. 496 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY a constant volume) of argon was determined by Kayleigh and Ramsay "by the method of the velocity of sound (see Chapter XIV., Note 7 and Chapter VII., Note 26) and was found to be nearly 1'GG, that is greater than for those gases whose molecules contain two atoms (for instance, CO,H2,N2, air, &c., for which" 7c is nearly 1'4) or those whose molecules contain three atoms (for instance, C02,N20, &c., for which ft is about 1'3), but closely approximate to the ratio of the specific heats of mercury vapour (Kundt and Warburg, fc = 1*67). And as the molecule of mercury vapour contains one atom, so it may be said that argon is a simple gaseous body whose molecule contains one atom.10 A compound body should give a smaller ratio. The experi- ments upon the liquefaction of argon, which we shall presently describe, speak against the supposition that argon is a mixture of two gases. The import- ance of the results in question makes one wish that the determinations of the ratio of the specific heats (and other physical properties) might be confirmed with all possible accuracy.11 If we admit, as we are obliged to do for the present, that argon is a new element, its density shows that its atomic weight must be nearly 40, that is, near to that of K = 39 and Ca = 40, which does cot correspond to the existing data respecting the periodicity of the properties 10 This portion of Rayleigh and Ramsay's researches deserves particular attention as, 80 far, no gaseous substance is known whose molecule contains but one atom. Were it not for the above determinations, it might be thought that argon, having a density 20, has a complex molecule, and may be a compound or polymerised body, for instance, N5 or NXn, or in general Xn ; but as the matter stands, it can only be said that either (1) argon is a new, peculiar, and quite unusual elementary substance, since there is no reason for assuming it to contain two simple gases, or (2) the magnitude, k (the ratio of the specific heats) does not only depend upon the number of atoms contained in the molecules, but also upon the store of internal energy (internal motion of the atoms in the molecule). Should the latter be admitted, it would follow that the molecules of very active gaseous elements would correspond to a smaller k than those of other gases having an equal number of atoms in their molecule. • Such a gas is chlorine, for which k = T33 (Chapter XIV., Note 7). For gases having a small chemical energy, on the contrary, a larger magnitude would be expected for k. I think these questions might be partially 8e.ttled by determining k for ozone (O3) and sulphur (S6) (at about 500°). In other words, I would suggest, though only provisionally, that the magnitude, k = T6, obtained for argon might prove to agree with the hypothesis that argon is N3, formed from N2 with the evolution of heat or loss of energy. Here argon gives rise to questions of primary importance, and it is to be hoped that further research will throw some light upon them. In making these remarks, I only wish to clear the road for further progress in the study of argon, and of the questions depending on it. I may also remark that if argon is NS formed with the evolution of heat, its conversion into nitrogen, N2, and into nitride Compounds (for instance, boron nitride or nitride of titanium) might only take place at a, very high temperature. 11 Without having the slightest reason for doubting the accuracy of Rayleigh and Ramsay's determinations, I think it necessary to say that as yet (February 1895) I am only acquainted with the short memoir of the above chemists in the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,' which does not give any description of the methods employed and results obtained, while at the end (in the general conclusions) the authors themselves express some doubt as to the simple nature of argon. Moreover, it seems to me that (Note 10) there must be a dependence of k upon the chemical energy. Besides which, it is not clear what density of the gas Rayleigh and Ramsay took in determining k. (If argon be N5, its density would be near to 21.) Hence I permit myself to express some doubt as to whether the molecule of argon contains but one atom. APPENDIX III. 497 of the elements in dependence upon their atomic weights, for there is no reason on the basis of existing data, for admitting any intermediate elements between Cl = 35*5 and K =» 39, and all the positions above potassium in the periodic system are occupied. This renders it very desirable that the velocity of sound in argon should be re-determined.13 4. Argon was liquefied by Professor Olszewsky, who is well known for his classical researches upon liquefied gases. These researches have an especial interest since they show that argon exhibits a perfect constancy in its w If it should be found that Tc for argon is less than 1-4, or that k is dependent upon the chemical energy, it would be possible to admit that the molecule of argon contains not one, but several atoms— for instance, either N3 (then the density would be 21, which is near to the observed density) or Xg, if X stand for an element with an atomic weight near to 6*7. No elements are known between H=l and Li = 7, but perhaps they may exist. The hypothesis A = 40 does not admit argon into the periodic system. If the molecule of argon be taken as A2 — i.e. the atomic weight as A =20 — argon apparently finds a place in Group VIII., between, P = 19 and Na = 23 ; but such a position could only be justified by the consideration that elements of small atomic weight belong to the category of typical elements widen offer many peculiarities in their properties, as is seen on comparing N with the other elements of Group V., or O with those of Group VI. Apart from this there appears to me to be little probability, in the light of the periodic law, in the position of an inert substance like argon in Group VIET., between such active elements as fluorine and sodium, as the representatives of this group by their atomic weights and also by their properties show distinct transitions from the elements of the last groups of the uneven series to the elements of the first groups of the even series— for instance, Group vi. vn. vm. i. n. Cr Mn Fe,Co,Ni Cu Zn While if we place argpn in a similar manner, vi. vn. VHI. i. n. 0 = 16 F = 19 A=20 Na=23 Mg = 24 although from a numerical point of view there is a similar sequence to the gjbove, still from a chemical and physical point of view the result is quite different, as there is no such resemblance between the properties of O, F and Na, Mg, as between Cr, Mn, and Cu, Zn. I repeat that only the typical character of the elements with small atomic weights can justify the atomic weight A =20, and the placing of argon in Group VIII amongst the typical elements ; then N, O, F, A are a series of gases. It appears to me simpler to assume that argon contains N3, especially as argon is present in nitrogen and accompanies it, and, as a matter of fact, none of the observed properties of argon are contradictory to this hypothesis. These observations were written by me in the beginning of February 1895, and on the 29th of that month I received a letter, dated February 25, from Professor Eamsay informing me that ' the periodic classification entirely corresponds to its (argon's) atomic weight, and that it even gives a fresh proof of the periodic law,' judging from the researches of my English friends. But in what these researches consisted, and how the above agreement between the atomic weight of argon and the periodic system was arrived at, is not referred to in the letter, and we remain in expectation of a first publication of the work of Lord Rayleigh and Professor Ramsey. [For more complete information see papers read before the Royal Society, January 81, 1895, February 13, March 10, and May 21, 1896, and a paper published in the Chemical Society's Transactions, 1895, p. 684. For abstracts of these and other papers on argon and helium, and correspon- dence, see ' Nature,' 1895 and 1896.] 498 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY properties in the liquid and critical states, which almost 13 disposes of the sup- position that it contains a mixture of two or more unknown gases. As the first experiments showed, argon remains a gas under a pressure of 100 atmospheres and at a temperature of — 90° ; this indicated that its critical temperature was probably below this temperature, as was indeed found to be the case when the temperature was lowered to — 128°'6 14 by means of liquid ethylene. At this temperature argon easily liquefies to a colourless liquid under 38 atmospheres. The meniscus begins to disappear at between 13 There only remains the very remote possibility that argon consists of a mixture of two gases having very nearly the same properties. 14 The following data, given by Olszewsky, supplement the data given in Chapter II., JNote 29, upon liquefied gases. (tc) (pc) t «, s N2 -146° 85 -194°-4 -214° 0'885 CO -139°'5 85-5 -190° -207 ? A -121° 60-6 -187° -189°'6 1-5 O2 -118°-8 60-8 -182°'7 ? T124 NO - 93°'5 71-2 -153°'6 -167° ? CH4 - 81°'8 54-9 -164° -158°'8 0'415 where tc is the absolute (critical) boiling point, pc the pressure (critical) in atmospheres corresponding to it, t the boiling point (under a pressure of 760 mm.), t\ the melting point, and s the specific gravity in a liquid state at t. The above shows that argon in its properties in a liquid state stands near to oxyge^ (as it also does in its solubility), but that all the temperatures relating to it (tc, £, and C, is 38'0 atmospheres, at - 187° it is one atmosphere, and at — 189°*6 it solidifies to a colourless substance like ice. The specific gravity of liquid argon at about - 187° is nearly 1-5, which is far above that of other liquefied gases of very low absolute boiling point. The discovery of argon is one of the most remarkable chemical acquisi- tions of recent times, and we trust that Lord Eayleigh and Professor Ramsay, who made this wonderful discovery, will further elucidate the true nature of argon, as this should widen the fundamental principles of chemistry, to which the chemists of Great Britain have from early times made such valuable contributions. It would be premature now to give any definite opinions upon so new a subject. Only one thing can be said ; argon is so inert that its role in nature cannot be considerable, notwithstanding its presence hi the atmosphere. But as the atmosphere itself plays such a vast part in the life of the surface of the earth, every addition to our knowledge of its compo- sition must directly -or indirectly react upon the sum total of our knowledge of nature. INDEX OP AUTHOEITIES ?, i. 75 Abel, ii. 56, 326, 410 Acheson, ii. 107 Adie, ii. 186 Alexeeff, i. 75, 94 Alluard, i. 458 Amagat, i. 132, 135, 140 Amat, ii. 171 Ammennuller, i. 504 Ampere, i. 309 Andr^eff, i. 251 Andrews, i. 136, 203 Angeli, i. 266 Ansdell, i. 451 Arfvedson, i. 575 Arrhenius, i. 89, 92, 889 Aschoff, ii. 313 kskenasy, i. 508 Aubel, ii. 45 Aubin, i. 238 Avdeeff,i. 618; ii. 484 Avogadro, i. 309 BABO, v., i. 9? 900, 203 Bach, i. 39^ Bachmetien, ii. 31 Baeyer, v., i. 507 Bagouski, i. 384 Bailey, i. 449 ; ii. 29, 538 Baker, i. 318, 403 Balard, i. 480, 494, 495, 505 Ball, ii. 414 Bannoff, i. 506 Barfoed, ii. 53 Baroni, i. 331 Barreswill, ii. 282, Baudrimont, ii. 35 Baume, i. 193 Baumgau -. v' 20 Baumhauer, i, 495 Bayer, ii. 76, 159 Bazaroff, i. 409 ; ii. 24, 68, 486 BOX Becher, i. 17 Becker, i. 16 Beckmann, i. 91, 496 ; ii. 156 Becquerel, i. 228 ; ii. 97, 220 Beilby, i. 71 Beilstein, i. 373 ; ii. 188 Beketoff, i. 120, 122, 124, 146, 403, 459, 466, 534, 541, 674, 577 ; ii. 87, 102, 289, 429 Bender, i. 476 Benedict, ii. 65 Berglund, ii. 229 Bergman, i. 27, 435 ; ii 100 Berlin, i. 95 Bernouilli, i. 81 Bernthsen, ii. 228 Bert, i. 86, 153 Bertheim, ii. 337 Berthelot, i. 171, 173,189,199,229,230, 258, 264, 266, 267, 272, 283, 289, 351, 372, 393, 394, 405, 415,424, 438, 457, 463, 502, 506, 507, 518, 529, 537, 582 ; ii. 23, 57, 207, 209, 251, 253, 259, 345, 367 Berthier, ii. 8 Berthollet, i. 27, 31, 105, 433, 434, 459, 470, 502, 609 Berzelius, i. 131, 148, 194, 255, 379 ; ii. 8, 100, 102, 147, 148, 219, 281, 300, 485 Besson, i. 288 ; ii. 67, 70, 105, 179 Beudant, ii. 7, 8 Bineau, i. 100, 271, 452, 504; ii. 239 Binget, i. 75 Blaese, ii. 188 Blagden, i. 91. 428 Blake, ii. 30 Blitz, ii. 184 Blomstrand, ii. 299 Boerwald, ii. 279 Bottger, ii. 595 Bogorodsky, i. Boilleau, i. 415 Boisbaudran.L. de, i. 97, 102, 672, 600 { ii. 6, 26, 90, 82, 284, 483 502 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Bornemann, i. 509 Botkin, ii. 30 Bouchardat, ii. 45 Boullay, ii. 55 Bourdiakoff, i. 584, 617 Boussingault, i. 131, 157, 233, 235, 525, 615 Boyle, i. 124 Brand, ii. 150 Brandau, i. 481 Brandes. i. 72 Bravais, i. 233 Brauner, i. 490, 491 ; ii. 26, 59, 94, 96, 97, 134, 144, 194, 271, 483 Brewster, i. 569 Brigham, ii. 193 Brodie, i. 212, 351, 405 : ii. 252 Brooke, ii. 357 Brown, i. 81, 88 Brugellrnann, i. 616 Brunn, ii. 182, 189 Bruyn, i. 262 Biiihl, i. 263, 337 Brunner, i. 124, 146, 263 ; ii. 230, 309, 534 Buchner, i. 615 Buckton, ii. 143 Buff, ii. 103 Bunge, i. 288 Bunsen, i. 43, 69, 78, 117, 180, 465, 568, 575, 576, 577 ; ii. 27, 289 Bussy, i. 75, 594, 619 >Butleroff, i. 143 Bystrom, i. 585 CAONIARD DE LATOUB, i. 135, 345 Cahours, ii. 143, 173 Cailletet, i. 132, 138 ; ii. 45 Callender, i. 134 Calvert, i. 484 ; ii. 45 Cannizzaro, i. 584, 587 Carey-Lea, ii. 420, 424, 425, 432 Carius, i. 69, 481 Carnelley, i. 483, 515, 555 ; ii. 22, 29, 30, 31, 64, 143, 486 Carnot, ii. 294, 361 Cavon, i. 595, 604, 610 ; ii. 336 Carrara, i. 213 Cass, ii. 85 Castner, i. 431, 535, 541 Cavazzi, ii. 160, 172, 182 Cavendish, i. 113, 125, 228 ; ii. 493 Chabrie, i. 229 Chappuis, i. 50, 199, 205, 264 Chapuy, i. 59 Cheltzoff, i. 393, 457 ; ii. 41, 247, 582 Cherikoff, ii. 102 Chertel, ii. 245 Chevillot, ii. 311 DEV Chevreul, i. 530 Chigoffsky, ii. 62 Christomanos, i. 511 Chroustchoff, i. 353, 444 ; ii. 122 Chydenius, ii. 148, 485 Ciamician, i. 565, 573 ; ii. 486 Clark, i. 26 Classen, ii. 146 Clausius, i. 81, 93, 140, 142, 212, 309, 491 Clement, i. 494 Cleve, ii. 26, 94, 97, 484 Cloez, i. 207, 246, 377 Clowes, i. 242 Calderon, i. 596 Collendar, i. 134 Cbmaille, i. 596 Comb, ii. 81 Connell, i. 508 Coppet, i. 91, 428, 601 Corenwinde*, i. 501 Cornu, i. 565 Courtois, i. 494 Cracow, ii. 380 Crafts, i. 380 ; ii. 80, 83 Cremers, ii. 100 Croissier, i. 251 Crompton, i. 247 Crookes, i. 229, 617; ii. 20, 91, 96, 440, 491 Crum, ii. 79, 311 Cundall, i. 611 Curtius, i. 258, 265 DAHL, ii. 59 Dalton, i. 29, 78, 81, 109, 206, 271, 322 Dana, ii. 8 Davies, i. 484 Davy, i. 37, 114, 195, 255, 364,460,463, 484, 489, 494, 533, 541, 594, 604, 617 Deacon, i. 599 Debray, i. 609 ; ii. 45, 122, 291, 293, 384, 385 De Chancourtois, ii. 20, 26 De Forcrand, ii. 106, 211 De Haen, ii. 189 De Heen, i. 140 Delafontaine, ii. 97, 148, 198 De la Rive, i. 198 ; ii. 226 Del-Rio, ii. 197 De Saussure, i. 235, 240 De Schulten, ii. 48 Deville, St.-Claire, i. 4, 36, 118, 143, 179, 180, 227, 239, 280, 281, 301, 320, 392, 393, 399, 459, 467, 476, 477, 500, 534, 595, 608, 609 ; ii. 48, 80, 83, 85, 102, 147, 156, 198, 289, 309, 321, 352, 373 374, 429 INDEX OF AUTHORITIES 503 De Vries, i. 62, 64, 429 Dewar, i. 3, 5, 135, 139, 163, 297, 563, 565, 569, 585 ; ii. 176, 220 Dick, ii. 414 Dingwall, i. 486 Ditte, i. 72, 403, 430, 457, 509, 539, 618 ; ii. 64, 65, 85, 189, 249 Dittmar, i. 100, 452 ; ii. 240 Divers, i. 274. 294 ; ii. 54 Dixon, i. 171 Dobereiner, i. 145 Dokouchaeff, i. 344 Donny, i. 534 Dossios, i. 502 Draper, i. 465 Drawe, ii. 161 Drebbel, i. 294 Dulong, i. 131, 148, 437 Dumas, i. 28, 131, 148, 150, 233, 302, 320, 379, 471, 476, 584, 586, 604 ; ii. 22, 37, 62, 101, 156, 420 Dumont, ii. 197 EBELMANN, ii. 65 Eder, i. 566 Edron, ii. 95 Edwards, ii. 311 Egoreff, i. 569 Eissler, i. 553 Elbers, ii. 221 Emich, i. 286 287 Emilianoff, ii Engel, i. 457 Engelhardt, i 126 ii. 130, 132, 189, 206 530 Eotvos, i. 333 Erdmann, i. 150 Ernst, i. 399 Erofeeff, i. 352 Esson, ii. 314 tard, i. 72, 516, 615 ; ii. 238, 335, 356 Ettinger, i. 53, 312 FAMINTZIN, i. 611 Faraday, i. 134, 177, 296, 385, 463, 464 Favorsky, i. 373 Favre, i. 120, 172, 267 ; ii, 83, 259,284, 380, 582 Fick, i. 62 Fisher, ii. 424 Fizeau, ii. 31, 429 Flavitzky, i. 21 Fleitmann, ii. 170 Foerster, ii. 375, 389 Forchhammer, ii. 311 Fordos, ii. 257 Fortmann, ii. 230, 366 Fourcroy, i. 114 OBO Fowler, i. 449 Frank, ii. 88 Franke, ii. 311, 313 Frankel, ii. 294 Frankenheim, ii. 7 Frankland, i. 178, 357, 486 ; ii. 16, 143 Fraunhofer, i. 563 Fremy, i. 228, 489, 492 ; ii. 74, 131, 133, 142, 229, 290, 359 Freyer, i. 171, 488 Friedheim, ii. 197, 294 Friedel, i. 353, 472 ; ii. 80, 83, 103, 122 Friedrich, i. 49 ; ii. 144 Fritzsche, i. 94, 285, 600, 612 ; ii. 125, 218, 280, 341 Fromherz, ii. 313 Fiirst, i. 484 GALILEO, i. 7 Garni, i. 582 Garzarolli-Thurnlackh, i. 481 Gattenfiann, i. 596 ; ii. 102, 104 Gautier, i. 585 Gavaloffsky, i. 160 Gay-Lussac, i. 40, 61, 71, 93, 170, 302, 307, 406, 412, 460, 463, 464, 467, 500, 506, 508, 511, 515, 534, 539 ; ii. 8, 50, 256 Geber, i. 17 Ge"lis, ii. 257 Genth, ii. 359 Georgi, ii. 197 Georgiewics, ii. 64 Gerberts, i. 528 Gerhardt, i. 196, 309, 357, 388 Gerlach, i. 525 Gernez, i. 97 ; ii. 205 Geuther, i. 281, 283, 285 , ii. 176 Gibbs, i. 140, 464 ; ii. 293, 410 Girault, i. 498 Gladstone, i. 337, 438, 573 ; ii. 213 Glatzel, ii. 213, 289, 309 Glauber, f. 17, 26, 193, 432 Glinka, i. 607 Goldberg, i. 93 Gooch, i. 484 Gore, i. 489, 492, 493 Graham, i. 62, 63, 98, 143, 155, 388, 429, 518, 601; ii. 77, 114, 131, 163, 170, 296, 307 Granger, ii. 157, 410 Grassi, i. 88 Green, ii. 310 Greshoff, i. 403 Griffiths, i. 135 Grimaldi.i. 537 Groth, ii. 10 504 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY ORO Grouven, i. 615 Grove, i. 118, 119 Grunwald, i. 573 Grutzner, ii. 296 Guckelberger, ii. 84 Guibourt, ii. 53 Guldberg, i. 439, 464 Giintz, i. 575 ; ii. 430 Gustavson, i. 443, 444, 472, 505, 547 ; ii. 29, 175 Guthrie, i. 99, 428, 601 Guy, i. 136 HABERMANN, ii. 210 Hagebach, i. 573 Hagen, i. 337 Haitinger, i. 593 Hammerl, i. 613 Hanisch, ii. 233 Hannay, i. 352 ; ii. 135 Harcourt, ii. 314 Hargreaves, i. 515 Harris, ii. 52 Hartley, i. 573 ; ii. 486 Hartog, ii. 268 Hasselberg, i. 560 Haiiy, ii. 7 Haughton, ii. 20 Haussermann, i. 483 Hautefeuille, i. 199,-205,.264, 409, 414, 476, 477, 501, 538 ; ii. 102, 122, 379 Hayter, ii. 175 Hemilian, i. 132 Hempel, i. 59, 524 Henkotf, i. 530 Henneberg, ii. 170 Henning, ii. 3 Henry, i. 78, 81 Herard, ii. 191 Hermann, ii. 8, 47, 197 Hermes, i. 529 Hertz, ii. 156 Hess, i. 178, 588 Heycock, i. 537 ; ii. 128, 448 Hillebrand, ii. 26, 93, 94, 484 Hintze, ii. 10 Hirtzel, ii. 55 Hittorf, ii. 155 Hodgkinson, ii. 432 Hoglund, ii. 94 Hofmann, i. 302 ; ii. 146, 218, 447 Holtzmann, i. 505 Hoppe-Seyler, i. 611 Horstmann, i. 408 Houz«au, i. 202 Hughes, ii. 212 Hugo, ii. 21 Humboldt, i. 170 Humbly, i. 493 ; ii. 311 Hutchinson, i. 491 Huth, ii. 20 Kuyghens, i. 569 IKEDA, ii. 152 Ilosva, i. 202 Inostrantzeif, i. 345 ; ii. 4 Isambert, i. 250, 257, 408 ; ii. 41 Ittner, i. 412 JANSSEN, i. 569 Jawein, ii. 170 Jay, i. 258 Jeannel, i. 104 Joannis, i. 251, 255, 405, 537, 559 Jorgensen, i. 498 ; ii. 359, 361, 376 Johnson, ii. 45 Jolly, i. 233 Joly, ii. 384, 385 KAMENSKY, ii. 414 Kamuierer, i. 286, 462, 509 ; ii. 297 Kane, ii. 57 Kapoustin, i. 403 Karsten, i. 427, 428, 541, 599 Kassner, i. 158 Kayander, i. 133, 384; ii. 46 K.eiser, i. 150 Kekule, i. 358, 369, 507 ; ii. 294 Keyser, ii. 33 Khichinsky, i. 440 Kimmins, i. 510 Kirchhoff, i. 567 Kirmann, ii. 268 Kirpieheff, i. 132 Kjeldahl, i. 249 ; -ii. 249 Klaproth, ii. 7, 145, 147, 301 Kleiber, i. 570 Klimenko, i. 465 Klobb, ii. 357 Klodt, i. 426 Knopp, ii. 338 Knox, i. 489 Kobb, ii. 125 Kobell, ii. 197 Koch, i. 44 Kohlrausch, i. 245, 525 Kolbe, i. 506 Konovalofi, i. 39, 65, 90, 93, 100, 140, 142, 172, 322 ; ii. 235, 268 Kopp, i. 586, 587, 612 ; ii. 3, 37 Koucheroff, i. 373 Kolotoff, i. 263 Kournakoff, i. 393 ; ii. 294, 365, 396 Kouriloff, i. 209, 247, 274 ; ii. 41 INDEX OF AUTHOKITIES 505 Kraevitch, i. 133, 134 Kraft, 1. 65, 88, 537 Krafts, i. 393 Kreisler, i. 233 Kremers, i. 87, 443 ; ii. 244, 427 Kreider, i. 484 Kronig, i. 81 Kruger, ii. 282, 284 . Kriiss, ii. 355, 442, 447, 486 Kubierschky, ii. 213 Kuhlmann, i. 608 Kuhnheim, i. 612 Kundt, i. 328, 589 ; ii. 496 Kvasnik, ii. 57 Kynaston., i. 522 LACHINOFF,!. 116, 457; ii. 410 Ladenburg, ii, 103 Lamy, ii. 91 Landolt, i. 7, 837 Lang, i. 399 Langer, i. 226, 459, 462 Langlois, i. 570 ; ii. 257 Latchinoff (see LachinoS), i. 103, 352 Laurent, i. 28, 196, 388, 471, 526 ; ii. 7, 9, 10, 117, 292 Laurie, i. 106 ; ii. 32, 442, 486 Lavenig, i. 140 • Lavoisier, i. 7, 29, 49, 114, 131, 155, 379, 459 Leblanc, ii. 8 Le Chatelier, i. 158, 172, 350, 393, 399, 585, 588, 611 ; ii. 51, 65, 420 Le Due, i. 131, 170 Lemery, i. 125 Lemoine, i. 501 ; ii. 155 Lerch, i. 405 Leroy, i. 285 Lescoeur, i. 103 Leton, ii. 425 Levy, ii. 102 Lewes, i. 371 Lewy, i. 232 Lidoff, ii. 209 Liebig, i. 195, 388, 495, 527 ; il. 58 Linder, ii. 223 Lies-Bodart, i. 604, 612 Lisenko, i. 373 Liveing, i. 563, 569 Lockyer, i. 565, 569 Loew, ii. 376 L6wetfi?.525, 600 ; ii. 45, 284, 286 LoewigTi. 528 ; ii. 77 Loewitz, i. 96 Lessen, i. 262 Louget, i. 489 Louginine, i. 360 Louise, ii. 81 Mil Lovel, i. 515 ; ii. 338 Lubavin, i. 593 Lubbert, ii. 85, 170 Ludwig, i. 463 Luedeking, ii. 194 Luff, ii. 321 Lunge, ii. 244, 246 Liipke, ii. 157 Lvoff, i. 358 MAACK, i. 596 Mac Cobb, i. 612 Mac Laurin, i. 553 McLeod, ii. 180 Magnus, i. 93, 510 Mailfert, i. 199 Malaguti, i. 437,; ii. 300 Mallard, i. 172, 393, 588 ; ii. 4 Mallet, i. 493 Maquenne, i. 349, 620, 621 Marchand, i. 150 Marchetti, ii. 288 Maresca, i. 534 Marguerite, ii. 292 Marignac, i. 198, 233, 428, 430, 453, 454, 518, 525, 600, 601 ; ii. 6, 9, 95, 101, 194, 197, 198, 199, 234, 239, 241, 244, 292, 293, 295, 357, 440, 486 Markleffsky, i. 273 Markovnikoff, i. 373 Maroffsky, ii. 138 Marshall, ii. 253, 365 Matigon, i. 258, 266 Mau'mene, i. 258 Maxwell, i. 81 Mayow, i. 17 Mendeleeff, i. 99, 132, 133, 136, 141, 275, 321, 357, 373, 377, 406, 426, 427, 428, 506, 587, 596 ; ii. 27, 33, 93, 94 Menschutkin, i. 171 Mente, ii. 270 Merme, i. 462 Merz, i. 505 Meselan, i. 463 Metzner, ii. 189 Metchikoff, i. 44 Meusnier, i. 114 Meyer (Lothar), i. 226, 321, 403; ii. 21, 24, 26, 29, 33, 486 Meyer (Victor), i. 135, 171, 294, 303, 320, 427, 459, 462, 467, 488, 506, 508, 558; ii. 43, 48, 52, 80, 129, 184 Meyerhoffer, ii. 410 Miasnikoff, i. 372 Michaelis, ii. 175 Michel, i. 65, 88 Millon, i. 481, 484, 508 Mills, ii. 20 506 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY MIT Mitchell, i. 156 Mitscherlich, i. 428, 527 ; ii. 1, 5, 8, 156 184, 311, 313 Moissan, i. 202, 349, 353, 490, 564, 585, 621 ; ii. 66, 67, 70, 88, 100, 107, 147, 174, 196, 289, 295, 309, 311, 313, 321 Mond, i. 129, 400, 405; ii. 345, 367- Monge, i. 114 Monnier, i. 611 Montemartini, i. 279 Moraht, ii. 384 Moreau, ii. 298 Morel, i. 549 Mosander, ii. 97 Miihlhauser, ii. 66, 107 Muir, ii. 193 Mulder, i. 515 Miiller-Erzbach, i. 103 Muller, i. 427 ; ii. 425 Munster, ii. 443 Muntz, i. 238, 241, 420, 553 Muthmann, ii. 273 MyOius, ii. 375, 389 NASCHOLD, i. 483 Nasini, i. 496 ; ii. 156 Natanson, i. 282, 409 Natterer, i. 132, 135, 141, 385 Naumann, i. 399, 408 Nernst, i. 62, 148 ; ii. 3, 50 Nensky, i. 245 Neville, i. 537 ; ii. 128, 448 Newlands, ii. 21, 26 Newth, i. 505 Newton, i. 7, 29 Nickles, ii. 10 Nikolukin, i. 491 ; ii. 144 Nilson, i. 618 ; ii. 26, 37, 80, 83, 0L 94 95,271,378,483 Nordenskiold, i. 241 Norton, i. 76; ii. 94 Nuricsan, ii. 264 ODLINO, ii. 52 Offer, i. 99 Ogier, i. 321, 509 ; ii. 159, 182 Olszewski, i. 139, 569 ; ii. 491, 497 Oppenheim, i. 506 Ordway, ii. 80 Osmond, ii. 326 Ossovetsky, ii. 137 Ostwald, i. 89, 92, 389, 441, 443 Oumoff, i. 62 PALLARD, i. 491 ; ii. 83 Panfeloff, i. 603 Paracelsus, i. 17, 125, 129, 379