COLUMBM LIBRARIES OFFSTTE lllli III illlii lliii lliii Hill iilli lull Hill iliil ilii illi HX00025399 PRIKCIPLES OF HISTOLOGY A. H. TUTIXE THHHi THE PRINCIPLES OF HISTOLOGY DHSCKIPTIVIC AND PRACTICAL BOOK I. DESCRIPTIVE HISTOLOGY. BY ALBERT H. TUTTLE. PUBLISHED BY ANDERSON BROS. UNrV'ERSlTY OF VIRGINIA. 1898. Entered according to Act of Congress by Albert H. Tuttle, University o£ Virginia, J 898, Press of Prout the Printer, Charlottesville, Va. ft ^ PREFACE. This manual represents an effort to state the most im- ])ortant facts of descriptive histology in a manner adapt- ed to the wants of my own classes of students, both aca- demic and medical. It lays no claim to originality save in the arrangement and mode of presentation, and ac- knowledgement is here made of the extensive use of the ])est modern treatises and monographs accessible in its preparation. In the portions dealing with the nervous system I am under special obligations to the writings of Cajal and Van Gehucten among others. I am in- debted to Dr. Lyman J. Skeen for frequent and valuable aid in the preparation of the book. This volume will be followed by a second, now in course of preparation, dealing with Practical Histology. ALBERT H. TUTTLE. University of Virginia, Mav, 1898. CONTENTS OF BOOK 1. PART 1: THE CELL AND THE TISSUES. CHAPTER L Page Introductory: Definitions: The Cell, - - 14— IG CHAPTER n. The Epithelia : Endothelium: Epithelioid AND Endothelioid Structures, 17— 22 CHAPTER HL The Cartilage Group: Cartilages, - - - 23— 30 CHAPTER IV. The Fibrous Tissues: Areolar Tissue : Adi- pose Tissue: Retiform Tissue : Membranes: Tendons, 31— 4-6 CHAPTER V. The Lamellated Tissues : Corneal Tissue : Osseous Tissue : Periosteum : Marrow : Bones, 47— 58 CHAPTER VL Ossification : of Membranes ; in Cartilage, 59— 72 YI CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. The Blood, - 73— 82 CHAPTER VIII. The Contractile Tissues: Muscles, - - - 83 — 90 • CHAPTER IX. The Small Vessels: Bloodvessels; Lym- phatics: Serous Cavities, - 91— 98 CHAPTER X. The Nervous Tissues: Nerve Fibres; Cor- puscles : Terminals : Nerves ; Ganglia : Neuroglia, ._----_- 99 — ]14 CHAPTER XI. The Structure of the Cell: Nuclear Division, --------.----- 115—123 PART II: HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. CHAPTER XII. Introductory: The Embryonic Tissue Lay- ers: Systems of Organs, ------- 127—134 CONTENTS. VII CHAI'TBK XIII. Thk Skin and Appendages: Epidermis: Dermal Glands: Hairs: Nails, 13r)— 152 CHAPTER XIV. The Mouth and its Contents: Glands of THE M-wcous AND Serous Type;s: Salivary- Glands: the Teeth: the Tongue, - - - 153—170 CHAPTER XV. The Alimentary Canal: Component Stra- ta: The Pharynx: The Oesophagus: The Stomach : The Duodenum : The Small In- testine: The Colon: The Rectum: The Pancreas: The Liver, - - - 153—190 CHAPTER XVI. The Respiratory Apparatus: The Trachea: The Bronchi.: The Lungs: The Pulmon- ary Blood Supply, - 191—202 CHAPTER XVn. The Urinary Organs; The Kidneys: The Bladder: The Urethra. 203 — 216 CHAPTER XVin. The Male Reproductive Organs: The Scro- tum ; The Testes: The Spermatic Ducts and Seminal Vesicles: The Male Ure- thra : The Penis : The Prostate : Cow- per's Glands, 217—232 YIII CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. The Female Reproductive Organs: The Ovaries: The Oviducts: The Uterus: The Vagina: The Vulva: The Mammary Glands: The Homologies of the Urino- Gexital Organs, __... 233—258 CHAPTER XX. The Vascular System; The Arteries; The Heart; TheVeins: The Lymphatic Trunks; The Serous Membranes: The Synovial Membranes, .- 259—268 CHAPTER XXI. The Ductless Bodies: Lymphatic Nodules AND Nodes: The Spleen: The Thymus: The Thyroid: The Parathyroids, Carotid Glands, AND Coccygeal Gland: The Adre- nal Bodies: The Pituitary Body: The Pineal Body, - 269—286 CHAPTER XXII. The Nervous System : The Meninges : The Spinal Cokd: The Cerebellar Cortex: The Cerebral Cortex, 287—320 CHAPTER XXIII. The Organs of Special Sense; The Taste Buds; The Organs of Smell; The Eye; The Ear, - - 321—360 BOOK I. DESCRIPTIVE HISTOLOGY, PART I. THE CELL AND THE TLSSUES. \-\-{^yt-> !/) 'O bc 'J; U ij , '0 o V f^ rr r ) 3 — . O •*« > ^ ~ 4-» ^^ Ic o o r/i -^ »-• l~l •-• u w , ^ u, C V -M o O c 0 J2 a; >• c S I. 'y. QQ T3 3 •§•§ 5 55 « 2 -^ '° O ^ -p Ji f 1 c: c ^ c -£ 9 <: ■" O K rt ^ 2 -si TO X -t-» -M -M O ^ ;=; -M ^^ M . 5"^ « 2 o o c ;= . t.-^-rt-i-^ CO C > 3 *- r; O ^ • ^ X .'■'3 ^- w C rt > cJ w " o O -i 3 ^ S bX3 c "7^ 15 'O <*- Cg C ^ r- :^; -M ^ bcz ■ -M S 3 ^ c^tj bc'^ c«.S rt s C V. ci ^^ N^ a-M Pi^ ci bco'^ O TO c; 4j **, ^ -*- -i: P ec . yJ^*^ ied by the disappearance of this power: it is retained, how- ever, in some cases, as in the contractility of pigment cor- puscles in many vertebrates, and notably in the amoeboid movements of leucocytes which has been described in the preceding chapter. In one group of elements, however, this j)ower is special- ized and becomes their distinctive function. This speciali- zation is of more than one kind : there is probably an in- crease in the actual amount of contraction, and certainlv an increase in its rate; but the most important feature is its detiniteness of direction, one axis of the mass (the long- est) always becoming shorter, while the mass as a whole becomes thicker. From the fact that elements belonging to this group are the essentials of structure of the organs known as muscles, the tissues formed of them are known 84 . PART I. THE TISSUES. as muscular tissues, although the elements of which they are composed sometimes occur singl}^ and are frequently found in masses that cannot with propriety be called mus- cles. There are three distinct kinds of muscular elements or fibres (as they are commonly termed, from the elongation generalh' characteristic of them) the smooth, the cardiac, and the striped or striated muscular fibres. The elements of the first two kinds have in each instance a single nu- cleus, and may therefore be regarded as resulting from the direct modification of a single embrj'-onic cell. Those of the third kind are much longer as well as thicker than the others, and while they arise in each instance from a single embryonic cell, this becomes greatly elongated and the nucleus divides repeatedly; the resulting strand of proto- plasm thus becoming multmuclear. What is variously called smooth, unstriped, plain or involuntary muscular tissue is composed of spindle shaped cells or fibres whose protoplasmic bodies show at times quite distinct evidences of longitudinal striation, but are at other times perfectly plain. The existence of a very delicate investing membrane or sheath has been dem- onstrated. The nucleus is elongated, sometimes oval but in many cases distinctly rod shaped, and is situated in the centre of the mass. Smooth muscular fibres vary some- what in size and particularly in length : the transverse diameter usually ranging between five and ten micra, while the length maybe less than tenormorc than twenty times the diameter. When so situated as to escape lateral CHAPTER Vm. CONTRACTILE TISSl'ES. 80 [jress^ure the smoolh fibres are cjrculnr in cross section : when, however, as is frequently the case, thev are pressed together, the sides become flattened and their cross sec- tions polygonal. When seen in transverse section, there- fore, the investing membrane forms a circle or polygon, within which is seen the protoplasm of the body of the fii^rc, devoid of any clearly discernible structure, and in the centre the circular section of the nucleus. Smooth muscular fibres are usually associated in bun- dles, the tapering extremities (which are sometimes forked ) overlapping upon the bodies of adjacent fibres and adher- ing closely thereto; a small amountof intercellular cement substance intervenes, as can be demonstrated by the use of silver nitrate. Little if any skeletal tissue pervades the bundles. The latter are in some cases more or less loosely interwoven : their most common arrangement, however, is in more or less extensive layers; as, for instance, in the muscular wall of the intestine: such la3'ers are penetrated by areolar tissue accompanying the blood vessels and nerv- ous supply of the muscle fibres. It is very rarely the case that smooth muscular fibres are aggregated together into definite masses that can with propriety be called muscles, their most common occurrence being in the blood vessels and the viscera. In no case are they under the control of the will. The cardiac fibres are found, as their name implies, in the muscular substance of the heart, both the auricles and the ventricles beingchiefl}' composed of them : they also con- stitute an important portion of the walls of the ]ndmon- 86 PART I. THE TISSUES, ary veins and the superior and inferior venae cavae for a short distance previous to their openings into the auricles. What are known anatomically as fibres are in this case as in others aggregates of structures not visible to the naked eve. In this instance, however, a confusion sometimes arises from the application of the term fibre to bodies which are thus compared with ordinarj' striped fibres: the}' are in realitj' rows of shorter elements more nearh' comparable to the smooth muscular fibres. The cardiac muscular elements are short, stout, irreg- ularly prismatic bodies, intermediate in diameter between smooth and striped fibres and three or four times as long as wnde. Their ends in some cases terminate squarel}^ in others are quite jagged and irregular. They are sometimes of uniform diameter throughout, but many give off short branches which unite with those from adjacent elements, Nothing like an investing membrane or sarcolemhia has been demonstrated. The elements are faintly striated longitudinall}' and more distinctly transversely. Each element has a single nucleus, surrrounded b\' a compara- tively large amount of protoplasm showing no trace of the structure which in the superficial portion gives rise to the appearance of striation. The c.ardiac elements are joined together by their ends to form the cardiac fibres to which reference has been made, a larger or smaller quantity of intervening cement substance being clearly demonstrable. As many of the elements branch and anastomose with those of adjacent fibres, the appearance presented is that of a network with elongated and narrow meshes. CHAPTER VIII. CONTRACTILE TISSUES S7 The various names of striped, striated, voluntary or skeletal muscular fibres are applied to those niultinu- eleated fibres whieh form the organs ordinarily called muscles and usually attached to the bony or cartilaginous skeleton, the majority of them being under the control of the will. They are much larger than the smooth or thecar- diac muscular elements, their transverse diameter ranging from ten to seventy micra, while they are in some cases as much as three or four centimetres long: they are prismatic in form, the ends tapering more or less graduall}-. Each fibre is invested by a thin homogeneous membrane known as the sarcolemma: within this is the mass of modified protoplasm which is the seat of the function of contrac- tion : its most conspicuous feature is the transverse strip- ing or striation which gives to the fibres the name most commonlv applied. This, when seen b\' moderate powers of the microscope, presents to the eye the appearance of alternating dim and clear bands; while through the mid- dle of the clear band may be seen a narrow black line: a longitudinal striation may also be seen, but usually less distincth'. Beneath the sarcolemma, lying between it and the con- tractile substance, may be seen here and there elongated oval nuclei: these may be shown to be surrounded with a small amount of granular protoplasm which extends as a thin disk for a short distance around the nucleus. The protoplasm and the nucleus together make up what is known as a muscle corpuscle: these, like the similar masses in the centre of the cardiac elements, may be re- garded as the residuum after the formation of the contrac- 88 CHAPTER Vlir. CONTRACTILE TISSUES. tile substance. When a cross section of a bundle of striped muscular fibres is examined the nuclei are seen between the sarcolemmaand the contractile substance, the latter being subdivided into small polygonal areas, the fields or areas of Cohnheim. The appearances above described are easily seen : the explanation of the structure of the contractile substance upon which most of them depend is still a matter of dis- pute. The following facts are, however, quite generally conceded, and will probably form the basis of any further positive addition to our knowledge. The contractile sub- stance may be regarded as made up of a clear viscid or semi-fluid portion, the sarcoplasm : imbedded in this are great numbers of elongated or rod-like bodies (whose ex- act form is not yet certainly demonstrated, and probably varies with different animals) ; these are know^n as the sarcous elements. They are quite uniform in length and lie in disk-like groups w^hich compose the dim bands or zones of the fibre, the clear zones being filled chiefly bv sarcoplasm : the exact cause of the dark line in the middle of the clear zone (known as Dobie's line or as the mem- brane of Krause) is not yet certainly known. The sar- cous elements are not only regularly grouped across the fibre, but also succeed each other regularly along its length, and are possibly united end to end ; the rows of sarcous elements constituting the fibrillae. The sarcous elements are not uniformly distributed across the fibre, the fibrillae which thev compose being grouped together in strands known as muscle columns: These are separated from each other by sarcoplasm, and CHAPTER VIII. CONTK.VCTILK TISSUES. 89 the columns themselves arc somewhat irregularly aggre- gatcd in a similar manner. This may best be seen in the cross section of a fibre, where the arcfis of Cohnheim are the cross sections of the columns, the finely granular ap- pearance of their interiors representing the ends of the fibrillae; the lines which bound the areas are composed of sarcoplasm, those which are thickest separating the groups of columns abt)ve mentioned. The conversion of the whole of the interior of the fibre into sarcoplasm and sarcous elements and the consequent lateral position of the muscle corpuscles is characteristic of most striped fibres of adult mammals, if not of all. In the young of most mammals, however, and particularly in the embr\'o, this conversion is not entire, and the nuclei are still found in the interior of the fibre : a condition that is permanent for many of the lower vertebrates. Such fibres have also been described in certain muscles of some species of mammals when fully grown. A muscle, in the ordinary sense of the term, is an organ consisting substantially of a mass of striped muscular fibre and its associated skeletal structures. It will there- fore be convenient in this case, as in those of the cartilages and the bones, to describe the histological anatomy of the muscles in connection with their single characteristic tis- sue. When seen with the naked eye a muscle appears to be made up of readily distinguishable fibres of varying fine- ness : these, which are the anatomical fibres, are bundles or fasciculi of the elements which are termed fibres in the 90 PART I. THE TISSUES. histological sense. Each fasciculus is invested b\^ a layer of areolar tissue continuous upon its outer surface with that of those adjacent and giving off from its inner surface delicate septa which lie between the individual fibres. The investing layer of the fasciculus is known as the perimys- ium; the internal skeletal tissue as the endomysium. The aggregated fasciculi which make up the body of the muscle are invested as a whole by a layer of connective tissue continuous with the outer perimysial layers, termed the epimysium. The arteries and veins proper to the mus- cle are chiefly located in the perimysium, while the capil- lary network, whose meshes are as a rule greatly elon- gated in the direction of the fasculi, are situated in the en- domysium in such a manner as to be in close proximity to every fibre. The striped muscular fibres terminate by rounded or obliquely truncated ends, which are closely applied to the correspondingly shaped extremities of white fibre bundles, the sarcolemma of the muscular fibre being directly contin- uous therewith : these bundles are in some cases almost immediately connected with the periosteum of a bone or some similar place of attachment: in other instances they are prolonged beyond the muscle in a fibrous mass, the tendon of origin or of insertion, as the case may be. Cn.VrTKK IX. SMALL VKSSKLS. 91 chapti:r IX. TUB SMALL VLSSlvLS. Mention was made in the introductorv ehapter of the iaet that eertain tissue aggregates, while themselves de- serving to rank as organs, sustain the same relation to larger and more complex organs as do the tissues them- selves. Among these compound factors of structure, as they were there termed, the most important are the small blood and lymph vessels, particularly the former. As they are built up of endothelial, skeletal and muscular tissues, their structure may now properly be described. The fol- lowing statements apply, however, only to those smaller vessels which enter the structure of other organs. The larger vascular trunks will be described in a subsequent chapter in connection with the other organs of the circu- latory system. The blood vessels are commonly distinguished as arter- ies, which carry the blood from the heart, veins, which return it to the heart, and capillaries, which intervene between the arteries and the veins, and in which the blood is brought into the closest proximit}'^ to the tissues possi- ble in a closed system of vessels. The lymph vessels origi- nate in the interstitial spaces of the tissues (chiefly if not solely the connective tissues), these communicating directly with the open mouths of very small and thin-walled 92 PART I. THE TISSUES. vessels known as the lymph capillaries: these unite to to form the larger vessels sometimes called lymph veins since they convey their contents toward the heart, but more commonly spoken of as lymphatics. The interior of a small artery, such, for example, as can be just distinguished with the unaided eye, is lined with a laj^er of endothelium, whose cells are as a rule greatly elongated in the direction of the vessel ; the nuclei also being elongated. Beneath this is a layer of elastic tissue usually in the form of a membrane, either hotnogeneous or fenestrated, but occasionally composed of reticulated fibres. The endothelium and the elastic layer make up what is usually called the intima, or inner coat ; the term is, however, applied by some histologists to the elastic layer, to the exclusion of the endothelium. Beneath the intima is the middle coat, or media; this, in the vessels under consideration, consists almostentirelv of smooth muscular fibres, arranged in a la^^er several cells deep, the long axes of the fibres crossing the vessel at right angles or nearly so. Like all layers of muscular tis- sue, this is highly elastic; during life it is always upon the stretch ; and the contraction which usually takes place in it after death throws the intima into longitudinal folds, which, when seen in cross section, give an undulating out- line to the interior of the arter}^ which is highly charac- teristic. External to the media is the adventitia, or outer coat : this consists in the smaller arteries of a la3'er of connective tissue in most cases clearly definable on the one hand as CIIAPTEK IX. SMALL VESSELS. 93 pertaining to the artery, on the other passing over more or less gradually into the adjacent interstitial tissue. / As the small arteries divide and subdivide, finally becom- ing lost in the ca|)illaries, there is a gradual reduction alike of the adventitia, the media and the intima. The for- mer becomes reduced to a layer of extreme thinness : the media diminishes until it is reduced to a single layer of j /transverse smooth muscular fibres and later to scattered V ^fibres not in contact and not forming a continuous layer: i the elastic layer of the intima is similarh' reduced in ex- tent, and finally disappears; the last and least of the ves- sels that may with propriety be called arterial consisting merely of the endothelial lining and an imperfectly contin- iuous layer of smooth muscular fibres, surrounded more or less definitely by a few branched connective tissue corpus-"' les. The capillaries are the direct continuation of the arter- ies, arising either by the farther subdivision of the struct- ures just described or springing directK% as in some cases, from the sides of vessels still distinctly arterial in their structure. In either case they branch freely, forming a net- work, whose meshes have a size, form and direction in direct relation with the structure of the organ in which they occur. Thc}^ do not, like the arteries, become smaller as they branch, those of any one network being approxi- mately of the same size, though they may vary consider- ably in different parts of the same organ. Their size in life is not easily determined, but the majority of them are probably not over ten micra in diameter, though in some 94 PART I, THE TISSUES. tissues, notably in the marrow, they may be as much as twice as large. " In structure the capillaries are simple tubes (usually cylindricEil in form) of elongated endothelial cells of such width that from two to four may be seen in the cross sec- tion of a single capillary. As in other endothelial layers, the cells are united by an intercellular cement substance: here and there patches of this substance may be demon- strated by the silver method which may be regarded as indicating gaps between the cells ; these have been termed stigmata; and it is probable that such places offer favor- able opportunity for that migration of the leucocytes from the blood-stream into the tissues which is known to be normal to them. Capillaries are almost always situ- ated in interstitial areolar tissue or its equivalent, and are in direct relation with the connective tissue corpuscles : in some organs branched corpuscles appear to form an almost continuous layer investing the capillaries : such a layer has been termed an adventitia capiilaris. As the capillaries originate by the subdivision of the arteries, so their union forms the origin of the veins. A small vein resembles a small artery in its general struct- ure, its wall, like that of the latter, being distinguishable into an intima, a media, and an adventitia : the chief differ- ences between them may be stated briefly as follows. The endothelium of the veins is, as a rule, composed of shorter and broader cells than that of the arteries, and the elas- tic layer of the intima is thinner: the media is very much thinner, the amount of muscular tissue being very much CIIAPTKK IX. SMALL VESSELS. 95 reduced: the advcntiLia, which is the principal coat of tlic veins, is, if anythiiij^, thicker than that of the correspond- ing artery, and is composed largely of fibrous tissue. The veins are as a rule of a greater diameter than the arter- ies which they accompany. Unlike tlic arteries, the veins arc not during life continu- allv on the stretch; and the recoil mentioned in connection with the former vessels does not take place after death : this reaction on the part of the arterial wall tends to drive the contained blood through the capillaries and into the veins: as a rule, therefore, the arteries are empty after death, but retain their patency on account of the thickness and elasticity of their walls. The veins, on the other hand, are usually filled with blood; or if empty become col- lapsed and flattened on account of the thinness and inelas- ticity of their walls. A small artery and a small vein may therefore usually be distinguished when seen in cross section by the follow- ing differences : The artery is cjrcular inform : it is in most cases empty, or contains but a small amount of blood dot: the intima is thrown^ into folds, giving the elastic layer a sinuous contour, upon whicli the nuclei of the endo- thelial cells are often peculiarly conspicuous : the media is quite thick, consisting chiefly of numerous muscular fibres : the adventitia is comparatively weak, and the least con- spicuous of the three coats. The vein may be either circular or more or less irreg^ular in forni : if thejormer, it is usually filled with blood clot, readilv recognizable from the numer- ous colored corpuscles, devoid of nuclei and appearing as clear circles, and the few leucocytes with distinct nuclei: 96 PART I. THE TISSUES. the intima is thin and siraj)le_injc:ontour : the media is also thin, containing but few smooth muscular fibres : the ad- ventitia is often the thickest and most conspicuous^ the three coats. Where the artery and vein He side_bj5?_side, the latter is usuall}^ the larger. A similar application of the principles of structure above described w^ill enable the student to interpret the different appearances seen when a vessel is cut obliquely or longi- tudinally, and with practice to recognize an artery or a vein wherever met with in a section passing through one of the organs of the body. The interstitial spaces of the tissues form in many cases an irregular network, in others definite lacunae or chan- nels for the lymph, a rather indefinite terra applied to the fluid originally derived from the blood and destined to be returned to it again by way of the lyraphatic vessels. The sraallest of these, the lymph capillaries, arise from the lymph-spaces of the tissues in an exceedingly irregular manner, the connective tissue corpuscles in many cases pass- ing by an insensible transition into their endothelium. When fully formed they consist of tubes which resemble blood capillaries in consisting solely of endothelial cells, but differ from those structures in the fact that they are rarely if ever cylindrical, being exceedingly irregular in form, though usually flattened, and very often quite vari' able in diameter: they anastomose freely, forming net- works of very irregular meshes. The cells of which they are composed are usually about as long as broad, but are usually characterized by a distinct sinuosity of outline. CMAPTKK IX. SMALL VESSELS. 97 The Iviiiph c.'ipillaries unite to I'nnu the lar;.,a'r vessels known as llie lymphatics. These do not differ materially from the former exee|)t in size and in the presence of valvu- lar folds. Like the capillaries, they consist almost entirely of endothelial cells, which are, however, more elongated in the direction of the vessel than those forming the capilla- ries, but having the same sinuous outline. It should be stated here that bv some histologists it is held that the characteristic irregular outlines seen in preparations of the lymphatic endothelium by the silver method are due solely to shrinkage of the tissues after death, the outlines of the cells in the living tissues being far simpler. A lymphatic when seen in cross section in the interior of an organ appears as an opening of irregular form, its sides usually approaching each other (due to the flatness of the vessel) ; it can in many cases hardly be distinguished from a simple tear or fissure in the connective tissue, save by the definiteness of its outline: this, except in cases where the vessel is quite collapsed, is made up of simple curves; and in it may occasionally be seen the nuclei of the endothe- lial cells of which it is composed. In some cases the open- ingis larger and more nearly equal in its various diameters, resembling the cross section of a vein : it can then be dis- tinguished from the latter b^-^the greater thinness and sim- plicity of its walls and by the fact that any clot which ma}' be present consists almost entirely of fibrin, appearing granular in the section, with here and there a few lymph- ocytes with large nuclei and a small amount of surround- ing protoplasm. 98 PART I. THE TISSUES. The structure of the larger lymphatic vessels v/ill be de- scribed iti connection with the circulatory system. The lymphatics have a distribution closely related to that of the blood vessels : and it is not unusual to see a small artery, its companion vein, and one or more lym- phatics in close proximity. In some cases a blood vessel may be situated within a lymphatic vessel. Such lym- phatics are termed perivascular. The serous cavities of the body are in reality enlarged lymph cavities. They are lined by the serous membranes, which are known by distinctive names (e. g., pleura), ac- cording to their position. These consist in each case of connjective tissue which contains a more or less well de- veloped network of fine elastic fibres, surmounted by a homogeneous basement membrane. On this rests the serous endothelium, a layer of polygonal pavement cells of varying size. Here and there ma^- be found small open- ings called stomata, which put the serous cavities in com- munication with the lymph channels of the membrane and thus with the lymphatic system : they are surrounded by cells which are usually more tumid and granular than those adjacent. In addition to the tumid cells which surround the sto- mata there may sometimes be found on the serous surfaces patches of granular cells, which may be cuboidal if not columnar in form: these give evidence of rapid cell divi- sion, and may be regarded as local centres for the forma- tion of the leucocytes which may be found in the serous cavities. A^ ha^jik^ CHAI'TFR X. NERVOUS TISSUES. 99 CHAPTER X. THE NERVOUS TISSUES. The nervous tissues have for their characteristic function the reception, conduction, distribution, and discharge of impulses or stimuli. The stimuli received may be such as, when manifested in consciousness, we know as sensations ; or the\' may be such as are never reported to our con- sciousness : in either case they may be either rnechanical, physical, or chemical in their origin: the distance to which they are transmitted may vary greatl}^ in different cases, as may also the extent and nature of their distribution. The impulses which are discharged (with or without pre- vious distribution) must be regarded as liberations of energy due to changes set up in the central nervous ele- ments by the ingoing stimuli : the\' ma^' or may not re- sult in associated and more conspicuous liberations of energy in the muscular tissues. The nervous elements, are, then, like the muscular ele- ments, reservoirs of energy : they differ from them both functionally and structurally by what has been termed their polarity, by which is expressed the fact that the im- pulses received enter in a more or less definite direction, while the ensuing discharge takes place along a definite line which is in a general way in an opposite direction to that along which the incoming stimulus enters. A nervous 100 PART I. THE TISSUES. element of the simplest type may be conceived of as com- prising a spheroidal or spindle-shap^ed rnass of protoplasm provided with a nucleus, each of whose extremities is con- tinued into a filament of more or less length. Along one of these filaments stimiuli travel toward the central corpus- cle, and the extremity of the filament is modified for their reception: along the other, nervous impulses pass outward to their appropriate place of discharge, its extremity show- ing corresponding modification. The whole structure, from one set of terminals to the other (and including both) is the result of the modification of a single embryonic cell : on account of the delicacy of the various parts, however, and the great length in many cases of the conducting fila- ment, it is rarely (if ever) possible to isolate such a nervous element in its entirety, as we can isolate a smooth muscu- lar fibre or an epithelial cell: nor can nervous elements (with a few exceptions) be so prepared that the\^ can be seen in their entirety in a single section : in most cases our study must at any one time be chiefly directed to one or the other of the regions above indicated. Practicallv, it has been customary to distinguish, as the structural fac- tors of the nervous system, the conducting strands of greater or less length along which impulses are transmit- ted ; the central corpuscular masses ; and the terminals of reception and discharge: and although these are now known not to be independent parts, it is convenient to retain this distinction as a basis for their description: according, therefore, to the form and associated function of the vari- ous components of the nervous system, it is customary to classify them as follows. CHArTKK X. NKRVors TISSUKS. 101 A. ComlucLiiiL,^ elements, or nerve fibres : ihese consist in every case of continuonsev linilrical ( or rounded) strands w hieh run without interruption Ironi the central cor|3us- cles to the terminal modifications ol their free extremities. The presence or absence of certain investing structures dis- tinguishes two kinds of nerve fibres, known as 1. Non-medullated fibres: also called gray or gel- atinous fibres, or (from their discoverer) the fibres of Remak: the axis consists of a grayish cylinder or a band with rounded edges, showing delicate longitudinal striations : they are invested, if at all, by a very delicate primitive sheath whose exist- ence is questioned by many histologists. Upon the surface of the fibre are seen numerous nuclei. The gray fibres not unfrequently branch and anasto- mose with adjacent fibres. ^ 2. Medullated fibres: also called white fibres: the O^^^ •axis-cylinder is grayish and longitudinally striat- ed : it is surrounded by a layer of a fatty substance termed myelin, the layer being called the medul- lary sheath or white substance of Schwann: outside of this is the clearl}^ defined primitive sheath or neurilemma. The medullary sheath is interrupted at frequent intervals, the points where this occurs being termed the nodes of Ranvier ; the intervening segments are called internodes: each exhibits one or two so-called nerve-fibre cor- puscles situated between the medullary sheath and the neurilemma and consisting of oval nuclei spar- ingly invested with protoplasm. Medullated fibres rarely branch, except near their extremities. 102 PART I. THE TISSUES. B. Central elements, or nerve corpuscles: these are variously shaped bodies with conspicuous nuclei: they vary greatly in size also, some being among the smallest and others among the largest of the tissue elements. Their surfaces always give off one or more processes termed poles: according to the number of these processes they are commonly distinguished as unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar corpuscles. Most nerve corpuscles (in the higher vertebrates, at least) are multipolar; and in the great majority of instances one of the poles of a multipol- ar corpuscle can be distinguished from the x)thers as the process of Deiters, or, better, as its axis-cylinder process : the rest are then known as protoplasmic processes and rapidly divide into irregular branches termed dendrites : in some multipolar corpuscles no axis-cylinder process can be distinguished ; such corpuscles are termed amacrine. Other features will be discussed in a subsequent para- graph. C. Peripheral elements, or nerve terminals, formed by the modification of the extremities of nerve fibres with or without epithelial or skeletal elements. According as they are situated at the extremities of fibres which conduct im- pulses toward the nerve centres (afferent fibres) or away from them (efferent fibres) they are distinguished as 1. Receiving terminals: of these various kinds are known, composing two groups which differ from each other alike in the form and in the arrangement of the structures included. In one group large num- bers of similar terminals are associated with modi- fied epithelial cells to form the essential structures of the three great organs of special sense, the nose. f) CHAPTER X. NKKVnCS TISSUI-S. 103 Fcri|)luM'al cleinenls or nerve terminals (continued). the eye, and the ear: these will be described in a subsequent chapter, together with the less highly sjjecialized organs of tiiste. In the other the term- inals are always either solitary or in groups of two or three, though they mav be more or less al)und- ant. Some of these forms of terminals have been regarded as associated with specific modes of sen- sation, but the function of most of them is alto- gether unknown : they are therefore usually dis- tinguished by peculiarities of form or of location, or by the names of their discoverers. The principal forms ma}' conveniently be described here. a. The simplest form of receiving terminal is seen in what are known as free endings. In these the nerve fibre first looses the investing white sub- stance of Schwann, and later the neurilemma, though the nerve-fibre corpuscles are still seen for a while before the axis-cylinder becomes entireh- naked. When the latter stage is reached, the fibrils are rapidly split up into small bundles, and finally form a tuft or pencil of delicate more or less vari- cose filaments which ramify among the cells of the epithelium in the case of the skin, a mucous mem- brane, or the substance of a gland ; or among the elements of other organs. Branching terminals, essentially similar, found in tendons, are known as organs of Golgi. b. Closely allied to the preceding are the terminals associated with what are known as tactile cells : these are spheroidal cells found in the deeper por- tion of the epidermis and probabl}' epithelial in character. The nerve fibre in relation with a group 104 PART I. THE TISSUES. C. Peripheral elements or nerve terminals [continued). of them looses its investments and breaks up into a number of slender branches, each of which ends in a saucer-shaped disk, the tactile meniscus, which embraces the proximal surface of the tactile cell, so called. There is no positive evidence that these, rather than other cutaneous terminals, are the special organs of touch. C. The bodies known as compound tactile cells, also sometimes called the corpuscles of Grandry, found in the skin of certain birds, and also de- scribed as occurring in mammals, may be regarded as composed of two or more layers of tactile cells, and having between adjacent layers terminal ex- pansions known as tactile disks. The neurilemma of the nerve fibre of which the tactile disks are the termination becomes continuous with a connective tissue capsule that invests the whole structure. d. The name of tactile corpuscles has long been given to large ovoid bodies found in the papillae of the skin of the hand and foot and in other places whore the sense of touch is well developed : they are also called the corpuscles of Meissner. Each is com - posed of a mass of connective tissue about which a medullated fibre winds spirally once or twice, the sheaths of the fibre then becoming merged in the mass or continuous with its capsule: the axis- C3dinder passes as a nonmedullated fibre into the interior, where it branches more or less freely, the branches becoming varicose. Two, three, or even four medullated fibres may be connected with a single large corpuscle of Meissner. e. What are termed end-bulbs are spheroidal or cylindroidal bodies of simple structure in which the axis cylinder of a medullated fibre enters the proxi- CIIAPTKR X. NICKVOUS TISSUES. 105 C. Peripheral elements or nerve terminals (continued). mal end of a mass of connectivctissue which is con- tinuous with the sheaths of the fibre, and extends throughout its length, branching but little if at all. They are found in the conjunctiva of the eye, and in other modified dermal structures, as well as in- ternally. The articular corpuscles found in the vicinity of joints, as well as the genital corpuscles of the male and the female sexual organs are prob- ably to be regarded as modified end-bulbs, though both are held by some histologis ts to approach more nearly in structure to the corpuscles of Meissner. f. The Pacinian bodies, or, as thev are sometimes called, the corpuscles of Vater, are the largest of the terminals, being easily visible to the naked eye in man\'^ cases. They are irregularly^ ovoid in form, each having for its axis the axis-cylinder of a med- ullated nerve-fibre, which may terminate near the extremity of the corpuscle by a bulbous enlarge- ment or may divide near the end into short irregu- lar branches wnth pyriform extremities. The axial structure is imbedded in a cylindrical core of doubt- ful nature: it is faintly granular and contains scat- tered nuclei, and is possibly homologous with the principal mass of an end-bulb. Surrounding this is a series of concentric tunics which maybefiftyor more in number, each consisting of a fibrous layer and an endothelial investment: the whole may be regarded as a highh^ specialized modification of the capsule of the end-bulb. Pacinian bodies are found widely distributed throughout the bodv. As is the case with the other forms of receiving termi- nals, we have as yet no certain knowledge of their specific function. lOG PART I. THE TISSUES. C. Peripheral elements or nerve terminals {continued). 2. Discharging terminals : Impulses sent out from the nerve centres may give rise to muscular, glan- dular, or other activities. The terminals by which discharge is made upon the elements of the tissues involved have in every case, as far as known, the form of ramifications or arborizations of the ex- tremities of efferent fibres. In the case of glands or other secretorv structures the terminal subdivi- sions are situated among the epithelial cells. In the case of smooth muscular tissue, nonmedullated fibres from an adjacent ganglion or ganglionic plexus enter the muscular layer, between whose elements the ramifications of the fibre are situated. The mechanism of discharge in the case of striped muscular tissue is somewhat more complex. Me- dullated fibres from the intramuscular plexus, fol- lowing the endomysium, divide in each instance into two or more branches, each branch passing to a single muscular fibre. The medullary sheath disappears, the neurilemma apparentU^ becomes continuous with the sarcolemma of the muscular fibre, and the axis-cylinder breaks up into a number of fine varicose branches : the latter rest upon or are imbedded in the sole-plate, a flat- tened granular mass of protoplasm containing several nuclei and lying between the sarcolemma and the body of the fibre: the whole structure is termed a motor end-plate. By some histologists the end-plates are believed to be situated altogether outside of the sarcolemma. CHAPTKR X. NERVOI'S Tl«Sl'ES. 1(>7 Attention has l)ccn called to the delicate longitudinal striation of the axis cvlinder of the medullated fibre and of the corresponding portion of the gray fibre. This is the expression of a distinct fibrillation, the primitive fibrillae l)eing imbedded in an intervening homogeneous substance, the neuroplasm (the resemblance to the fibril- lae and sarcoplasm of striated muscular fibre is note- worthy). The terminal subdivision common to medul- lated and nonmedullated fibres consists of a breaking up of the axis into smaller bundles of these fibrillae and even- tually, in some cases, to the separation of each individual fibrilla. The gray or nonmedullated fibres consist of little more than bundles of fibrils and neuroplasm. Those which compose the branches of the olfactory nerves have a well- defined and nucleated primitive sheath: in most gray fibres no such sheath can be demonstrated. Scattered nuclei are seen upon the surface of the gray fibres: these, like the sheath, when present must be regarded as skeletal rather than nervous in character. Gray fibres show well marked varicosities, w'hich are possibU' due to local accu- mulations of neuroplasm, the fibrillae being correspond- ingly separated at such points. Where gray fibres branch and anastomose bundles of fibrillae accompanied by neu- roplasm pass over from one fibre to another: the angles formed by the branches are frequently filled for a short distance with neuroplasm, and investing nuclei are often relatively abundant at such points. The axis cylinders of white fibres show under certain methods of treatment transverse striation curiouslv like 108 PART I. THE TISSUES. that of a striped muscular fibre: if a reality, and not due merely to the reagents used for its demonstration, this must be catised b\' regular variations in the size of the fibril- lae. The axis cylinder may also be shown to be suddenly thickened at the nodes of Ranvier, the spindle-shaped en- largement being apparently due to an increase in the amount of neuroplasm with an accompanying separation of the fibrillae. Some histologists maintain that the axis cylinder is invested with a delicate structureless sheath, for which Kuehne has proposed the name of the axlleaiina : whether this structure exists in the living fibre is still a matter of question. ' The medullary sheath also presents (under certain treat- ment) apparent evidence of a structure that would hardly be inferred from its semifluid character as seen in the fresh nerve. A reticular framework of a substance of a horny nature known as neurokeratin can be demonstrated, whose meshes and filaments vary greatly in size in differ- ent parts of the same fibre. That the substance in ques- tion exists as a component of myelin is probably true: but the solid framework described is quite possibly due to its coagulation by the reagents employed. Far more con- spicuous are the oblique clefts seen in the medullary sheath after treatment with certain reagents, notably osmic acid : these are evidently the view in section of conical cleavage spaces running from the primitive sheath to the axis cylinder, and dividing the medullary sheath into the me- dullary segments of Schmidt and Lantermann, a number of which may be found ineachinternode: whether these are real or artificial must, however, be regarded as still unset- tled. ,-A.I, f*^' CHAPTKH X. NKRVOTTS TISSIKS. 109 The iiciirik'iiinia exhibits no special sLniclur.'il features worthy of remark. It should he noted that when a me- dullnted fibre joins the brain or cord, while the medullary sheath is continued within the axial structure as far as the gray matter, the neurilemma disappears: thus the columns of the cord are made up in f^^reat measure of me- dullated fibresdev^oid of neurilemma. At the distal extremi- ties of the fibres the medullary sheath is the first to disap- pear, the neurilemma bcinj^ continued for some distance toward the terminal. Nerve fibres, both gray and meduUated, var}' considera- bly in size, their diameters ranging from two to twenty micra ; the difference appears to be associated with a cor- responding difference in the length of the fibres. Corpuscles, fibres, and terminals are now known to be continuous structures and components of what may properly be called true tissue elements, meaning by that term in each case the result of the modification of a single embr3''onic cell. As indicated at the outset, such an element may consist of a receiving terminal, an afferent fibre (medullated or nonmedullated), a central corpuscle, an efferent fibre (of either kind) and a discharging terminal. The simplest form of terminal is in either case a tuft of fibrillae: if the subdivisions of the receiving terminal are called dendrites, and the discharging cluster an arboriza- tion, the two can readily be distinguished by these terms. A corpuscle so situated would be essentially bipolar; such corpuscles exist, though not in great numbers, in the ner- vous tissues of the higher vertebrates : more frequently the points of attachment of the two fibres become approx- 110 PARTI. THE TISSUES. iniated and finally consolidated for a short distance, form- ing what is apparently a unipolar corpuscle with what is termed either a Y- or a T-connection according to the mode of separation of the two fibres. In certain super- ficially situated elements of a sensory character in some of the lower animals (and possibly in higher forms as well) the receiving terminal and afferent filament become so shortened and condensed as to form a mere eminence onl\' on the body of the corpuscle: such elements may be said to be in form (but even then not in function) unipolar. What have been called in the past apolar corpuscles prob- ably do not exist. In the ganglia of the sympathetic system corpuscles are found with more than two processes, each of which be- comes an axis cylinder (or a gray fibre) : such corpuscles are in the strictest sense multipolar: whether the majority of the poles are afferent or efferent is unknown : both conditions may possibly occur. The term multipolar has long been applied to the cor- puscles found chiefly in the brain and spinal cord in which a distinction can be made, as has been pointed out, be- tween a single axis-cylinder process and a number of so called protoplasmic processes which subdivide into a group of dendrites. It has been suggested that the latter have for their function some connection with the nutrition of the corpuscle: but a more reasonable interpretation is one which regards such a corpuscle as resulting from the disappearance of the afferent fibre, its primary subdivi- sions thus becoming processes of the corpuscle itself. The axis cylinder process may in its course give off one or more ClIAPTKK X. NKUVOUS TISSITRS. Ill slciidcr branches ; these leave the process at well marked angles, but soon after bend str()n<^ly to become ajjproxi- matcly parallel to it In most cases: they are known as collaterals, and like the processes from which they arise terminate in arborizations. Axis-cylinder processes which pass from the jj^ray into the white matter of the cord become invested with a medul- lary sheath and are then true axis cylinders: elements in which this is the case are known as corpuscles of the first type: in other cases the efferent process is (piite short, the terminal arborization beinr^ situated in the gray matter: such elements are called corpuscles of the second type. The disappearance of the process altogether, making the arborization sessile, like the dendrites, gives rise to the amacrine corpuscles of Cajal. Nerve corj)uscles alwa\^s have large and conspicuous nuclei, in the vicinity of which a patch of pigment granules is very commonly present. The iibrillae of the processes may be traced into the interior of the corpuscles, but their internal distribution is as yet unknown. The corpuscles are almost always situated in well defined lymph spaces which agree closely with them in contour. The forms of the corpuscles of the brain and cord will be described in the chapter devoted to those organs. The nerves are definite aggregates of nerve fibres : like the blood vessels, the\' penetrate the organs of the bod\' and are consequently to be regarded among the factors of structure thereof: the same is true of manv sfanjrlia: both will therefore be described at this time. 112 PART I. THE TISSUES. A nerve is a bundle of nerve fibres or an aggregate of such bundles. Each bundle is termed a funiculus, and is composed of a number of fibres surrounded by a cjUndrical sheath called the perineurium. The latter is lamellated in structure, the number of lamellae never being less than three save in the smallest branches of the ner v^es : they are separated by distinct lymph spaces lined with endothelioid corpuscles. The inner lamella is continued into the funi- culus by the connective tissue which lies between the fibres and supports their capillaries, called the endoneurium. In small funiculi this connective tissue is homogeneous in composition, approaching gelatinous tissue in consistency : such funiculi are termed simple: larger funiculi, called compound, show here and there in the endoneurium con- nective tissue septa which divide the funiculus irregularly. In small nerves, consisting of but a single funiculus, the outer lamella of the perineurium is continuous with the adjacent areolartissue: where several or more bundles are associated, however, as in the larger nerves, a definite mass of connective tissue, containing more or less fat, and definitely compacted on its outer surface, invests and sup- ports the funiculi, becoming continuous with their outer lamellae: this is known as the epineurium. Within it the associated funiculi divide and anastomose from time to time, each large nerve being thus in reality a greatly elongated plexus. As the funiculi divide into small groups of fibres and finally into single fibres in the vicinity of their destination, the perineurium becomes greatly reduced, being finally continued for a short distance on the single fibres either as CIIAPTI^R X. Ni;UV()l'S TISSUES. 113 a single lamella or as a mere layer of etidothelioid eclls : sneli an investment is known by the name of Henle's sheath. A ganglion is a mass of nerve corpuscles invested with a definite sheath or capsule of connective tissuecontinuous with the e|)ineurium of the nerv^cs with which it is asso- ciated; or, in the case of nerves consisting of single funi- culi, with the perineurium. These ma}^ be but two in number, the ganglion in such cases being practically seated upon a nerve trunk; or there maybe three or more, the !2fanorli^ and of Henle, these latter having previously become merged into one, and with the cells of the cuticle of the root-sheath. The valley at the base of the papilla is thus filled with a mass of newly formed cells, which, as they are rapidlv multiplied, are pushed off as a cylindrical mass, the hair, from around the papilla. The medulla of the hair is formed from the cells developed upon the upper end of the papilla itself, and is in a certain sense the continuation of the col- 150 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. umnar layer of the outer root-sheath : the cortex of the hair represents the polyhedral layer and the la^^ers of Hux- ley and Henle ; while the cuticle of the hair corresponds to that of the root-sheath. The outer fibrous layer of the hair follicles is richly sup- plied with blood vessels and nerves : some fibres of the lat- ter pass to the outer root-sheath, where they appear to terminate among the epithelial cells in a manner similar to that found in the stratum Malpighii of the epidermis, chiefly in the immediate vicinity of the sebaceous glands. In some of the lower animals large hairs, chiefly about the face, are provided with special forms of nerve terminals : such hairs are termed tactile hairs. The hair follicles are rarely vertical to the surface of the skin, the degree of their obliquity varying in different local- ities and, in consequence, the position of the hair upon the surface. Many hairs have small bundles of smooth mus- cular fibres passing from a point on the papillary layer of the corium near the opening of the follicle and on the side toward which the hair is inclined, to be inserted in the outer fibrous layer of the follicle near the bulb. The con- traction of these muscles, known as the arrectores pili, tends to erect the hairs. Hairs are formed as solid club-shaped downgrowths of the stratum Malpighii of the epidermis, which meet with specially formed papillae around which the hair-bulb is moulded : the young hair is developed as a conical mass CHAPTKK XIII. SKIN AND APrKNDAOES. 151 above the pa])illa, the solid epithelial plug first formed undergoing sebaceous degeneration in its centre and thus permitting the escape of the hair: its lateral portions be- come the root-sheath, outgrowths therefrom giving rise to the sebaceous glands. When a hair ceases to grow, the papilla gradually disappears and the hair finally drops out of the follicle: this may or may not have been pre- ceded by the formation of a new downgrowth from the bottom of the follicle and the development of a new pa- llia, thus giving rise to a replacing hair. The nails, like hairs, are masses of epidermal cells, con- sisting chiefly of a thickened and otherwise modified ex- tension of the stratum lucidum. Each nail can be regarded as composed of three portions : the free margin, in which growth has entireh- ceased, the nail-body, which consti- tutes its greater portion, but which receives but slight ad- ditions to its under surface, and the nail-root, which is the region of greatest increase. The body of the nail is con- tinuous below with a modification of the stratum Mal- pighii, which rests upon a modified portion of the corium, called the nail-bed: laterally this fibrous layer is folded upward to form the lateral nail-grooves, and posteriorly upward and forward to form the posterior nail-groove ; the lower portion of which is termed the nail-matrix, in- cluding the whitish curved area at the base of the nail known as the lunula. The nail-bed and nail-matrix are continuations of the corium which has become highly vascular and is well sup- 152 PART II, HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. plied with nerves : the papillae upon its surface are simple and closelv crowded tog-ether: as far as the outer marmn of the lunula thev show no definite arrangement, but throughput the nail-bed proper are arranged in longitud- inal row^s, their extremities inclining toward the free end of the nail : the^-are so closeh'set in the rows as to appear to be confluent in ridges, which are sometimes said to re- place them. Below, the nail-bed is connected with the dis- tal extremit}' of the last phalangeal bone b\' numerous strong bands of fibrous tissue: as it passes around the mar- gin of the nail to enter the walls of the nail-grooves, it assumes the structure commonh^ characteristic of it. The stratum Malpighii is by some histologists defined as a part of the nail-bed : it is a question of names merely, but it is perhaps better on the whole to divide the two re- gions by the natural boundary between dermal and epi- dermal structures. The columnar cells of this stratum are close]}'- packed together, and multiply rapidly, partic- ularh'- in the region of the matrix: very few polyhedral cells are to be seen, the newly formed cells passing over rapidly into the substance of the nail without an inter- vening stratum granulosum. Like the stratum lucidum, the bod}^ of the nail consists of flattened horny cells, in which traces of nuclei can be seen after dissociation. Dur- ing foetal life the nail is invested by the stratum epitrich- ium, traces of which overlie its margins at birth. CIIAPTHR XIY. MOl^TH AND CONTENTS. 153 CHAPTER XIV. THE MOUTH AND ITS CONTENTS. The mouth is formed b}^ an ingrowth from the surface of the head ; its lining is therefore epiblastic in origin and directl\' continuous with the epidermis: the cavity of the mouth does not at first communicate with that of the phar- 3'^nx, but the two are connected later by the perforation of their common wall at the fauces. Within the cavity of the mouth are found the jaw arches, covered by the gums and bearing the teeth, and the tongue, which rises from its floor; and in the so-called mucous membrane which lines it throughout are found the labial, buccal, palatal and lin- gual glands : while other and larger glands more remoteh- situated discharge their secretion into the cavity of the mouth b}'^ means of ducts. As we pass from the skin upon the outer surface of the lip to the mucous membrane which is found upon its inner surface marked changes are to be noted in both the epithe- lial and the fibrous layer. Near the margin of the lip the hair follicles are wanting, though sebaceous glands are present ; the derma becomes thinner and highly vascular ; while the epidermis becomes much more transparent, al- lowing the red color of the blood in the dermal capillaries to shine through. As the transition is made from a sur- face constantly dr}- from exposure to the air to one con- 154 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. stantly moist, the stratification of the egithelium becomes less distinct: and on the inside of the mouth is found a la^^er of protoplasmic cells corresponding to the stratum Malpighii passing by insensible gradations into a layer of hornj^ cells, flattened, and with small nudei, that are con- stantly being exfoliated, corresponding to the stratum cor- neum : all trace of the inter veniiig stratum granulqsum and stratum lucidum disappearing The cells at the base of the layer are columnar, like those in the correspond- ing portion of the epidermis, and, like them, are con- stantly forming new cells to replace those lost from the outer surface. Underneath the epithelium is the fibrous J[ayer, corres- ponding to the corium, to w^hich the name of mucosa or mucous membrane is sometime restricted : it is in most cases thinner than the corium, but bears upon its surface numerous papillae : below it breaks up into looser connec- tive tissue as a rule, the meshes being occupied by the glands of the mucosa and by fat lobules : to bhis looser subjacent tissue the names of submucosa is applied: in the region of the fauces, the soft palate, and the uvula ad- enoid tissue is present in great abundance in the raucous membrane ; a feature never found in connection with the corium of the skin. Where the mucous membrane invests the hard palate, and where it passes over the arch of either jaw to form the gums, the fibrous layer becomes firm and dense, glands and fat lobules alike being absent or very sparingly pres- ent, and the deeper portion becomes directly continuous with the periosteum of the subjacent bone. The papillae and the investing epidermis of the dorsal surface of the CHAPTKK XTV. MOITII AM) CONTKNTS. 155 tongue undergo special modifications best described in connection with that organ. The term mucosa, or its equivalent, mucous membrane, above applied to the lining of the mouth, is also used to designatethe lining of all those cavities which communi- cate directly or indirectly with the outside of the body (with the exception of the abdominal cavity of the female). It thus includes the investment of the nasal passages and the associated sinuses, the respirator\' tract, the oral cav- ity and the alimentary canal, the urinogenital tract, and the middle ear with the Eustachian tube. B\' some histol- ogiststhe term is even applied to the lining of the hair folli- cles and the dermal glands. Excluding the latter, it may in general terms be described as consisting, like the skin, and as seen in the lining of the mouth, of an epithelial and a skeletal portion. The epithelium of the mouth and of the nasal passages is epiblastic in its origin : that of the kid- neys and genital glands, and of their proper ducts, meso- blastic : that of all the rest of the surfaces named hypo- blastic. It is to the regions lined with h3'poblastic epithe- lium that the term mucosa is chiefly applied. The epithelium of a mucous surface ma\' be simple and flattened, polyhedral, or columnar; or transitional; or stratified. The skeletal layer consists usnallv of a base- ment membrane (sometimes termed a membrana propria,) which may be either a homogeneous layer of closely felted fibres, or an endothelioid layer of connective tissue cor- puscles ; beneath this is the felted fibrous layer termed va- riously the corium, the stroma, or the tunica propria, or, by some, the mucosti in a limited sense. It consists of a 156 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. thicker or thinner layer of rather loosely felted bundles of white fibres, rich in blood vessels and in some cases having its surface raised into papillae. Elastic fibres are some- times present in such great numbers as to form a definite elastic layer, and at other times are almost entirely want- ing. Adenoid tissue may be present in varying quantity, sometimes forming definite nodules or clusters of nodules. Smooth muscular fibres may also be present, forming a stratum in the deeper part of the membrane one or more layers in thickness and known as the muscularis mucosae. In exceptional cases, such as that above described in con- nection with the hard palate and the jaw^ arches, the mu- cosa is firmh' united to the subjacent structures : as a rule the deeper portion passes over into a la^^er of loose areolar tissue knowm as the submucosa, thus permitting of the free movement of the mucosa on the structures beneath. Where the epithelium of a mucous surface is columnar a varying proportion of the elements have the form of gob- let cells, as described in a previous chapter : these are per- haps the simplest form of special secreting organs found in the human body ; and are sometimes spoken of as uni- cellular glands : the term gland being often loosely em- ployed to designate any secreting organ and, indeed, some organs that are not at all secretory in function. Increase of secreting surface is obtained by ingrowths of the epithelium which penetrate the fibrous layer to a greater or less extent, in a manner similar to that de- scribed in connection with the skin ; like those referred to these ingrowths may be either tubular or saccular. Where CHAPTKR XIY. MOl TH AND CONTENTS. 157 such ingrowths are not sub-divided internally they are commonly called simple tubular or simple saccular glands, as the case may be. A distinction of importance, both structural and physiological, ought, however, to be noted in this connection. Some such simple secreting or- gans are lined with cells that are similar in form and alike secretory in function throughout their whole extent : while in others the work of secretion is restricted to specialized cells in the epithelium of the deeper portions, that which is found upon the portion next the surface having lost its secretorj' activity' and become modified to form the lining of a conducting tube through which the secretion of the deeper portion is discharged. This dis- tinction can be kept in view if we always apph' to the structure which secretes throughout its whole extent the name of a follicle, and define a gland as a secreting organ provided with a duct. Glands, as thus defined, may be either tubular or sac- cular, and either simple or, by the subdivision of the se- creting portion, multiple or compound: the secreting por- of a simple gland is called the fundus: those of a com- pound gland are called acini or alveoli. Where the final divisions of a compound gland are saccular in form, the gland is frequently designated as acinous or racemose ; where they are elongated, the gland is called compound tubular; and where both forms of alveolus are present the term acino-tubular is applied. B\' many histologists, however, the distinctions which these terms imply are re- garded as of questionable value. Follicles, simple glands, and the smaller compound glands 158 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. rareh' penetrate deeper than the submucous or subcutane- ous tissue of the membrane Irom which they are derived. Large compound glands, on the contrar3^ are usually sit- uated at some distance from the surface where their secre- tions are discharged. Glands which are thus situated out- side of the organs to w^ich their ducts lead are called ex- trinsic, the term intrinsic being applied to those contained Avithin the organs in question. With the exception of the tegumentary glands discussed or mentioned in the preceding chapter, all the glands of the body open upon mucous surfaces ; and with the far- ther exception of the kidne3'-s and the genital glands are derived from the modification of a mucous membrane. The secretions discharged b}^ them have always one or both of two functions : to lubricate and preserve the sur_ face in question, which is a general function, or to act as ferments upon food stuffs taken into the body, which is a special function restricted to the alimentary tract. Two principal types of glands are therefore distinguishable both structurally and functionally. Those of the first sort are known as mucous glands; those of the second (from the more water}^ character of their secretions, but less properly) as serous glands. In the case of some com- pound glands some of the alveoli are of the mucous and some of the serous t3^pe: such are designated mixed, glands. In glands of the mucous type the acini or alveoli are lined with polj^hedral cells which do not extend quite to the centre of the cavity, thus leaving a well defined central CHAPTER XIV. MOl'TH AND CONTEXTS. '[~>9 opening or lumen: the free extremity of the eell is trans- parent and does not stain readily with most reagents, while the ])rotoplasm and the somewhat flattened nu- cleus which it surrounds are crowded down to the base* of the cell; ijn other words, the general appearance is like that previously described as characteristic of goblet cells, which, it should be recalled, are mucigenous in function. In addition, there may in some cases be seen between the glandularcells and the basement membranecrescent shai)ed groups of granular cells which stain deeply : these were described independently by two observers, who gave them names associated with their form ; they are therefore called the crescents of Gianuzzi, or the demilunes of Heidenhain: their nature and functions are not yet fully understood: the constituent cells (sometimes solitary ) are called marginal cells. In glands of the serous type the secreting epithelium consists of polyhedral cells which when at rest extend clear to the centre of the alveolus: a distinct lumen cannot, therefore, be recognized. The whole body of the cell is granular, the substance which is to become the character- istic secretion being thus stored up in the protoplasm : the nucleus is spherical, and situated near thecentre of the mass ; and the whole cell stains readily. No trace of any- thing like the crescentic cell-masses above mentioned or of marginal cells is to be found in any serous gland. The appearances above described are those seen in sec- tions of glands previousK'hardenedby reagents, and taken 160 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. trom organs which had not been actively stimulated im- mediately before the preparation was made. If a piece of the fresh gland be examined in blood serum the mucigen is seen in the case of the mucigenous cells to be present in the form of very large granules : while the ferment secre- ting cells are so swollen that not only the lumen of the acinus but also the outlines of the cells are obliterated : otherwise the appearances are much as described above. As the result of prolonged stimulation the mucigenous cells discharge their secretion, and the nuclei approach a central position : while the cells of the serous type become smaller after discharge, and a distinct lumen becomes vis- ible in the acinus. The two types of alveoli, become therefore much more nearly alike, though not so much so as to prevent their distinct recognition. It is -in the mouth that we first meet with a mucosa ; and its discussion has therefore been deferred until after a description of the lining membrane of that cavity. The glands of the mouth also furnish usw^ith examples of both mucous and serous, and both intrinsic and extrinsic glands. The intrinsic glands of the mouth are the labial, buc- cal, palatal (including those of the uvula), and lingual. These are all racemose glands situated in the submucosa, with the exception of the lingual, which lie between the muscular bundles of the tongue. They are all of the mu- cous t3^pe save those on the posterior part of the tongue, which are serous. Their secretion contributes to form the saliva of the mouth. CHAPTER XIV. MOUTir A.NT) CONTENTS. 101 The extrinsic glands of the mouth are those commonh' referred to under the name of the salivary glands: they are dcslpiatcd, from their positions as tlic sublingual, the submaxillary, and the parotid glands: the first- named are doubtfully to be called extrinsic, on account of their structure and position, since they consist in each in- stance of a group of small glands opening by several ducts, and are situated just beneath the mucous membrane on either side of the base of the frenum of the tongue. The nature of the salivary glands differs in different mam- mals: in man the sublingual and submaxillary are mixed glands, and the parotid is of the serous type. The acini or alveoli of one of the larger or extrinsic salivary glands vary greatl^^ in form from flask-shaped sacs to wavy, contorted, or even branched tubules: the basement membrane is reticulated and the epithelium varies with the type of gland in question. Each alveolus leads into a tubule smaller than itself known variously as the ductule, the connecting or intermediate tubule or the intercalary duct: the basement membrane of the duc- tule is continuous with that of the alveolus; its epithelium consists of a sjngle layer of flattened cells. The ductules of a number of alveoli enter a common tube known as an intralobular duct or salivary tube of Pflueger, the ajveoli and ductules with the duct just mentioned together making up a lobule. An intralobular duct consists of a basement membrane continuous with that of the ductules, and a single la3^er of columnar epithelial cells : the latter have spherical nuclei situated near the centre of the cell ; h^UJJrOJr di^cli r (^J ducJr 162 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. the outer extremit}^ of the cell is finely granular, while that next the basement membrane is vertically striated. The basement membrane of the alveoli, the ductules and the intralobular duct alike rest upon the interstitial con- nective tissue, which contains rich networks of capillaries surrounding the alveoli. The intralobular ducts lead into larger conducting tubes known as interlobular ducts, around which the lobules are aggregated into lobes, their boundaries within the lobe being marked by septa of fibrous tissue. The interlobular lead into the interlobar ducts, which finally enter the chief duct of the gland. The larger ducts have beneath the basement membrane a definite fibrous layer which in some cases contains smooth niuscular fibres : the epithe- lium is columnar and simple, save in the largest ducts, in which a layer of polyhedral cells lies betw^een the colum- nar cells and the basement membrane. The interstitial connective tissue which fills the spaces between the alveoli passes into thin laminae of fibrous tis- sue which separate the lobules : these septa are again con- tinuous with stouter structures of the same nature which lie between the lobes of the gland. The interlobar septa are continuous internally with the stroma of connective tissue which immediatelj^ surrounds the proper fibrous tunic of the chief duct and its principal subdivisions, and externalh^ with a membranous layer which surrounds the whole gland and is known as its capsule. The place where the chief duct leaves the interior of the gland is known as the hilum: the nerves, arteries, veins, and lymphatics of the gland also enter or leave at this point, CHAPTER XIV. MOITH AND CONTENTS. 1 Orj the capsule here becomino^ continuous with the stroma of fibrous tissue (above mentioned as surrounding the duct and its branches) in which they He, and in which occa- sional small nervous ganglia may be found. The saliva contained in the mouth is a mixture of the secretions of the various intrinsic and extrinsic glands. With the nature and properties of the fluid itself we are not here concerned : it constantly contains, however, certain histological elements which may with propriety be men- tioned in this connection. The most abundant of these are the scpiamous cells which are constantly being exfol- iated from the surface of the stratified epithelium of the mouth : the}' occur singlj^and in patches; and when found in the latter form the overlapping of their bevelled edges can be plainU'seen: the nuclei arc small and flattened, and stain readih'. Less numerous, but quite abundant in the saliva from the back part of the mouth are the so-called salivary corpuscles, spheroidal bodies but little larger than colorless blood corpuscles, each containing one or two spheroidal nuclei and numerous minute granules which exhibit a constant dancing movement within the interior of the cell. The salivary corpuscles are really modified leucocj'tes that have escaped into the oral cavity from the tonsils or similar adjacent structures, and have become swollen by the imbibition of the water}' saliva; the gran- ules of the protoplasm being suspended in the imbibed fluid and exhibiting Brownian motion in consequence. The mouth contains certain organs by means of which 164 PART II. HISTOLO UCAL ANATOMY. the food is masticated and prepared for swallowing by the thorough admixture of the saliva. These are the teeth and the tongue. A tooth is a vertical]}^ elongated mass of the tissue mentioned in a previous chapter by the name of dentine, having a solid free portion, the crown, project- ing above the gum and covered with a layer of enamel: and a hollow portion, the fang, imbedded in a socket in the jaw known as an alveolus; the outer surface of the fang is covered with a layer of cementum, and the inter- nal cavit}^ occupied by the pulp. The slightly constricted region where the crown and the fang meet and the tooth pierces the gum is called the neck of the tooth. The pulp which fills the central cavity of the tooth is a mass of connective tissue approaching in character more nearly to the gelatinous tissue of the embryo than any other structure in the adult human body, its soft and spar- ingly fibrillated matrix containing numerous branching corpuscles whose processes are connected. It contains a rich network of bloodvessels, and a small bundle of nerve fibres, entering its substance through the minute canal at the tip of the fang. Toward its surface the corpuscles rapidly increase in number and in size, forming a superfi- cial layer of crowded cells much resembling a columnar epithelium : these are the odontoblasts ; they are in all probability directly associated with the formation of den- tine. Like osseous tissue, dentine is characterized by a lamel- lated and calcified matrix traversed by canaliculi : it differs essentially from the substance of bone, however, in the mode of calcification and the definiteness of the lamel- CHAPTKR XIY. MOl'TH AND CONTEXTS. 165 lae, and particularly in that the characteristic corpuscles associated with its formation, the odontoblasts, do not, like the osteoblasts of bone tissue, become imbedded be- t\veen the lamellae, but remain situated upon the inner surface of the mass, their long and sparingly branched processes, the fibres of Tomes, occupying the canals, called dentinal tubules, which traverse the dentinal lamellae. Calcification takes place, at least in the outer portion of the mass, by the deposition of globular nodules of lime salts; these at first do not occupy the whole of the matrix, leaving numerous irregularly stellate spaces, the inter- globular spaces, the outer layer in which they abound being known as the granular layer. The interglobular spaces communicate outwardly with the surface of the dentine and inwardK' with the dentinal tubules : corpus- cles have been described as contained in them and commu- nicating with the extremities of the fibres of Tomes. Deeper the calcification becomes more nearh' continuous ; at certain intervals it is, however, incomplete, irregular lines in a general way parallel to the surface being seen : these, known as the incremental lines of Salter, may be regarded as marking the boundaries of the lamellae. The dentinal tubules are lined b}- a condensation of the fibres of the matrix sometimes described as a distinct membrane; they have a wavy or spiral course across the lamellae and give off branches occasionally at acute angles which pur- sue a similar course; their waviness gives rise to a striated appearance when a tooth is seen in longitudinal section with the naked eye, or a low pow-er of the microscope : the alternating dark bands seen are know^n as the lines of 166 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY, Schreger. The general direction of the tubules is in the fang at right angles to the lamellae ; in the crown they pass obliquely upward. The enamel consists of a layer of elongated calcified prisms, usually hexagonal in cross section, set in a general way vertical to the surface of the dentine of the crown of the tooth ; they are alternated lighter and darker through- out their extent, giving to the enamel as a whole a banded appearance. In addition, occasional dark brov\rn lines may be seen crossing the enamel columns parallel-wise to the surface; these, known as the stripes of Retzius, may indicate lines of growth. Here and there vertical spaces may be seen slightly separating the enamel columns near the dentine, with which the interglobular spaces of the latter possibly communicate. At the time of irruption the surface of the enamel is covered with a thin cuti- cular layer know^n as Nasmyth's membrane; it is rapidly worn away as soon as the teeth are put to active use. The cementum, cement-substance, or crusta petrosa, as it is variously termed, investing the surface of the fang, is composed of tissue essentially similar in structure to that of dense bone : the lamellae are few and irregularly ar- ranged, the lacunae varying in size and form ; the canali- culi of the latter are said to communicate with the inter- globular spaces of the adjacent dentine: there are no clearly defined Haversian systems. The layer is formed by the so-called periodontal membrane, which is practically continuous outwardly with the periosteum lining the alveolus which contains the tooth. CHAPTER XIV. MOITII AND CONTENTS. 107 The enamel is epithelial in its origin, being derived from the calcification of a layer of cells or formed by their secre- tion. The dentine and ccmcntum are true skeletal struc- tures. The margin of the foetal jaw early shows a thick- ening of the stratified epithelium which grov/s downward into a groove into the mesoblastic tissue beneath, the dental groove: the curved rod of epithelial cells thus formed is known as the primary enamel germ. At regu- lar intervals along the under side (jf this rod further prolif- erations of the e])ithelial cells occur, with localized down- growths, the special enamel germs, at first flask-shaped. At the same time a condensation in the mesoblastic tissue beneath each gives rise to a conical dental papilla which grows upward to meet the epithelial downgrowth. The lat- ter grows down about the papilla, thus becoming converted into a cap-like mass, the enamel organ, connected with the epithelial ridge above b}- a slender stalk: the stalk is attached to one side of the enamel organ, owing to the mode of growth of the latter. A condensation of the mesoblastic tissues surrounding the newly formed enamel organ and papilla gives rise to a membrane which soon becomes rich in bloodvessels, and is known as the dental sac. The papilla, thus invested by the enamel organ, assumes the general shape of the crown of the future tooth : the corpuscles near the surface become more numerous and larger than those of the interior, and the layer of odonto- blasts is formed, after which the deposition of dentine is begun. Important changes have in the meantime taken place in the enamel organ : the cells upon the concave sur- 168 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. face next the papilla become greatly elongated verticall}'', and b}^ their activity begin the deposition of the enamel ; whether b}'- a process of secretion or by the transforma- tion of their own substance is still a matter of debate ; the layer of enamel-forming cells is known as the inner layer of the enamel organ : the margin of this layer is continued over the convex surface of the enamel organ b}^ the outer layer of cuboidal epithelial cells, which is in turn continuous through the stalk with the epithelium of the jaw, and which lies in contact with the dental sac: the interior of the enamel organ contains a mass of cells, the so-called middle layer, which becomes converted into branching corpuscles, their interspaces being filled with a water}' fluid. From the side of the enamel organ or from the adjacent stalk a bud arises early in the history of the tooth, and grows downward to form a second enamel organ in the case of those teeth which are succeeded by others. As the time of irruption approaches, the middle la^^er of the enamel organ becomes greatly compressed, and the enamel forming cells of the inner layer reduced in depths to flattened scale-like bodies, forming the membrane of Nasmyth. The papilla rapidly elongates, forming the fang, thus pushing the first formed crown upward to- ward its final position. After the dentinal portion of the fang is fully formed the cementum is deposited upon its outer surface in a manner practically the same as that of the formation of bone elsewhere. The tongue is a mass of striped muscular tissue in- CttAl'TlvR XIV. MOITH AND CONTEMTS. 100 Vested with the niueous njembrane of tlic mouth, which upon its upper surface is specially modified. The muscu- lar fibres which make up its bulk are divided into two symmetrical masses by a median vertical partition of fibrous tissue, the lingual septum, which is better devel- oped below than above: right and left of this the}' lie in interwoven bundles some of which run kHigitudinall}^ others transversely, and a third set vertically; their arrangement to form the lingual muscles is a matter anatomical rather than of histological discussion. The mucous membrane of the lower surface and sides of the tongue does not differ essentiall)' from that of the rest of the mouth. At the margin of the upper or dorsal sur- face, however, it suddenly becomes modified, the majority of the papillae becoming greatly enlarged to form the pro- jections of the surface visible to the naked ey^ and known as the lingual papillae. Of these there are three kinds : those most abundant, and covering the whole surface of the tongue with a velvety layer, are known as conical or filiform from their shape; they are tapering upgrowths of the corium, covered with a corresponding layer of epi- thelium, and are frequently bifid at their tips: scattered here and there among them are spheroidal elevations of the surface about the size of a small pin's head ; these are termed fungiform^ and are invested with a thin layer of stratified epithelium. Near the root of the tongue, and arranged in a V-shaped figure whose apex is directed back- ward, are eight to twelve large papillae, roughly cylindrical in form, which are sunk in depressions of the surface and surrounded by circular trenches or grooves ; these are the 170 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY, cir cum vallate papillae: the stratified epithelium of their sides forms a deep la^'er in which are imbedded the taste- buds or gustatory organs. The description of these struc- tures will be given in the chapter devoted to the organs of special sense. The papillae all contain capillary networks, the fungi- form and circumvallate papillae having a specially abun- dant blood supply. The mucous membrane of the pos- terior part of the tongue contains diffuse adenoid tissue with here and there occasional nodules of the same. The lingual glands of the anterior part of the tongue are all of the mjLicous type : some of those of the posterior part, known as the glands of Ebner, are of the serous type, their ducts opening into the grooves which surround the circumvallate papillae. The tongue is formed in part by an upgrowth from the floor of the mouth, in part by a growth forward from the ventral wall of the pharynx : its epithelium is therefore in part epiblastic and in part hypoblastic in origin ; but the two regions cannot be dis- tinguished in the adult iJo^^^Uii^ M^^^ vhiwvt CHAPTER XV. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 171 CHAPTER XV. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. As we pass from the mouth through the opening of the fauces we enter the tube lined with h vpoblastic epitheHum of which the mouth is the antechamber, and to which the name of the alimentary canal is strictly applicable. The anterior and posterior pillars of the fauces are folds of the mucous membrane rich in mucous glands and containing some diffuse adenoid tissue : between them on either side of the mouth is situated a tonsil: a rounded body of va- riable size consisting of a mass of fibrous tissue richly in- filtrated with adenoid tissue and containing a variable number (from ten to twenty) well-defined nodules of the same structure, like those found in the mucous membrane of the rest of the tongue. The surface of the adenoid mass -thus formed is covered with stratified epithelium continu- ous with that adjacent, which is in places invaded by numbers of leucocytes passing through it into the oral cavity to become the bodies described above as salivar\' corpuscles. Deep folds or depressions of the surface occur, lined with stratified epithelium : these are termed crypts, and receive the secretions of subjacent mucous glands. The alimentary canal, p'taperWW^c^lVeiil is a tube which, beginning at the pharynx and ending with the rectum. 172 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. varies in size and form in different portions. Its structure varies correspondingly in detail, as will be stated in the descriptions of the various regions. In general plan it is a tube having essentially a double wall whose divisions are connected by a stratum of areolar tissue, and invested throughout a portion of its extent b}' the serous membrane which lines the abdominal cavity. The inner or glandular layer, the mucosa, is a mucous membrane whose epithelium varies greatly in different parts : the fibrous portion is in all the various regions more or less infiltrated with adenoid tissue which is in places quite scanty in amount or wanting altogether, in places so abundant as to form conspicuous nodular masses. Smooth muscular fibres are also present in all the regions, usualh'- in such quantity as to form a well-defined muscu- laris mucosae, which may consist of two or even three distinct layers. The stratum of areolar tissue into which the loose and folded mucosa passes, the submucosa, varies in extent in different regions, but always permits of free movement of the folds of the mucosa. It is characterized throughout the greater portion of its extent b}' the presence of a net- w^ork of nonmedullated nervous fibres with small ganglia at the nodes, the plexus of Meissner: and contains the larger blood and lymph vessels from w^hich those of the mucosa are derived. Beyond the submucosa, which is continuous with its in- ternal skeletal framework, is the outer principal layer of the tube, the musculosa, or muscular layer. The anterior portion is composed of striped fibres; the remainder (and chaptp:r XV. ali.mkntary canal. 173 greater portion) of sniooth filires. Except in the pharynx, where definite muscles are found, the bundles of fibres, whether smooth or striped, are arranp^cd in two continu- ous strata, the inner of which is composed of circular and the outer of longitudinal fibres: between them is a thin layer of connective tissue containing blood vessels and a second and larger nervous network known as the plexus of Auerbach. In the neck atid thorax the connective tissue adjacent forms a more or less well defined membranous layer just without the musculosa sometimes described as a separate layer of the canal under the name of the fibrosa; while the term serosa is commonly applied to the peritoneal fold which rests upon the musculosa throughout the abdomi- nal cavity. The pharnyx is the first region of the alimentary canal. Its u_pper or res^giratory portion is lined with ciliated col- umnar epithelium ; while that of the lower and larger por- tion is stratified squamous: the latter is throughout a large part of its extent more or less infiltrated with leucocytes. The fibrous membrane contains a large amount of adenoid tissue, which in the upper and posterior part of the phar- ynx is collected into a large patch containing adenoid nod- ules and crypt-like depressions, to which the name of the pharyngeal tonsil has been given : gjan^s of the rnucous type are abundant. Beneath the submucosa is found a dense layer of fibrous tissue, the pharyngeal aponeurosis, separating the mucous membrane from the muscular coat. Without are the well defined pharyngeal muscles, com- u 0 IkAj^ ^JLCuf4- H odj^\AMM}LL{--uJ (lMy\^i.nA 174 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. posed of striped muscular fibres. The structure of the pharynx ma}^ perhaps be best understood if we regard the musculosa proper of the aHmentary tract as entirely defi- cient, the aponeurosis representing the fibrosa, and the constrictor muscles as external additions thereto. The oesophagus, like the lower part of the pharynx, is lined with stratified squamous epithelium. The mucous membrane, which is thrown into longitudinal folds, bears numerous small papillae upon the surface, covered by a homogeneous basement membrane. Adenoid tissue is very sparingly present in the mucosa, but occasional solitary nodules may be found. The muscularis mucosae is want- ing in the uppermost part of the oesophagus : lower it at -first appears in the form of scattered longitudinal bun- dles, which near the lower end of the oesophagus become so numerous as to form a continuous layer of longitudinal fibres. The submucosa, which is well developed, contains the intrinsic glands of the oesophagus, which are of the mucous type; their ducts traverse the mucosa : blood ves- sels and lymphatics are numerous : the plexus of Meissner is wanting or very scantily developed throughout the greater part of the oesophagus. The musculosa consists throughout the uj22er_third of a transverse and a longitudinal layer of striped muscular fibres ; lower down the layers are made up wholly of smooth fibres. The plexus of Auerbach is present, though its ganglia are smaller and less numerous than those of the rest of the alimentarv canal. There is a more^iDi^ less CHAPTER XV. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 175 well defined fibrosa just without the external muscular layer. The oesophagus opens into the stomach, a saccular dila- tion of the gilimentary canal whose wall is greatly modi- fied, chiefly in the mucosa: thjs layer is much thjckened, owing to the development of long tubular glands which open upon its surface, are imbedded in it, and make up the greater part of its substance ; it is thrown into numerous folds, or rugae, and is covered with a simple la\'er of columnar epithelium containing nujnerous goblet cells, the transition between which and the stratified epithelium of the oesophagus is abrupt : its surface is dotted all over with the minute openings of the gastric glands previously mentioned. The gastric glands are distinguished by their structure into two kinds, designated according to their position as cardiac (also called peptic), occupying the region extend- ing from the oesophageal opening to beyond the middle of the stomach, and the pyloric, which occup\^ the Ipw'er third. The former have short ducts lined with columncir epithelium similar to that of the surface of the stomach : the glandular portion is a long wavy or slightly coiled tubule, whose end is sometimes strongly bent ; from two to four such secreting tubules commonl}^ opening into a single duct : lining the tubule throughout its whole extent is a single layer of polyhedral cells, while scattered along the tubule here and there between the la\'er of cells just mentioned and the basement membrane are larger spher- oidal or ovoidal cells. The cells first mentioned are called UvVMi:*^VAJ^^vyUL\, «,4^M0U-tUA^ J^ Jm^^UOMU^-^J,^^^^ ithM4^i 176 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. the chief or from their position the central cells, or, from their probable ferment-secreting function, the peptic cells: the others are known as the accessory or parietal cells ; they have also been called the oxyntic cells, and are sup- posed to produce the acid of the gastric juice. The pyloric glands differ from the cardiac in the propor- tions of their parts, the ducts being much longer and the tubules shorter: in the form of the secreting tubules, which are much more contorted; and in the absence of parietal cells. Between the region of well defined cardiac and pyloric glands is a narrow intermediate zone of transition in which the ducts become longer and the tubules shorter than in the cardiac region, while the pari- etal cells become less numerous and finally are wanting altogether. The interstices between the gastric glands are filled with interstitial areolar tissue containing a rich network of capillaries and lymphatics and a small amount of adenoid tissue, with occasional slender bundles of smooth muscu- lar fibres. About the bases of the secreting tubules the adenoid tissue is more abundant, and here and there forms small nodules with ill-defined boundaries. Below, there is a well-developed muscularis mucosae, consisting of two distinct layers, an inner transverse and an outer longitu- dinal layer : the inner is to some extent subdivided into two laminae, the fibres of one running somewhat ob- liquely to those of the other; from its inmost surface the slender bundles above mentioned as running up between the gastric glands are given off. CHAPTKR XV. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 177 The submucosa of the stomach is a rather thick layer of areolar tissue which extends upwards into the folds of the mucosa which form the rugae. It contains the larger bloodvessels and lymphatics connected with the vascular supply of the niucosa, and a well developed plexus of Meiss- ner situated nearer to the mucosa than to the muscular coat. The musculosa is thicker in the stomach thqji in any other portion of the alimentary canal, the increase in thickness being chiefly in the inner or transverse coat. This, in addition to being greatly increased in volume is in the cardiac portion more or less clearly divided into two layers lying obliquely to each other and to the longitudi- nal coat. The plexus of Auerbach is conspicuously seen between the two coats. On the outer surface is the serosa, a thin fibrous membrane covered by endothelium, and ad- hering closely to the longitudinal muscular coat except along a narrow strip at the attachment of the mesogaster and the omentum. As we pass from the stomach to the duodenum the mu- cosa becomes much thinner, the glands present in the upper portion of the latter bemg situated in the submu- cosa; a narrow zone of transition is seen between the pyloric glands of the stomach and the duodenal glands, or glands of Brunner. The mucosa, which is thrown into folds, the valvulae conniventes, is covered with finger-like or leaf-like projections, the villi, between which are tubu- lar depressions, the intestinal follicles or crypts of Lie- berkuhn : the siirface of the villi and the lining of the crypts are alike covered with simple columnar epithelium con- 178 part; II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMV: taining large numbers of goblet cells, the columnar cells having vertically striated cajps or borders. Beneath the epithelium of both crypts and villi is an endothelial base- ment membrane, sometimes called the subepithelial endo- thelium of De Bove. The centre of a villus contains a lymphatic with a widely opened extremity : around it are scattered bundles of smooth muscular fibres proceeding from the muscularis mucosae below : near the surface is a network of capil- laries formed from the breaking up of a small artery at the base of the villus and uniting to form a vein near its tip : the interstices are filled with loose adenoid tissue. Between the crypts at the base of the villi is a rich network of capil- laries and Ij'mphatics and imbedded, like those of the villi, in adenoid tissue, which becomes quite dense about the bases of the crypts ; here and there well defined nodules are found. Immediatel}'^ beneath the layer of adenoid tissue upon which the crypts abut is situated the muscularis mucosae, which is not so thick as in the stomach, but presents two distinct layers, an inner transverse and an outer longitu- dinal. The submucosa of the upper portion of the duodenum is quite thick: in addition to the blood vessels and lymphatics and the plexus of Meissner, it contains the glands of Brunner already mentioned. These are compound tubu- lar glands, whose short alveoli, lined with polyhedral cells surrounding a distinct lumen, open into slender branching ducts which pass to the centre of the gland, there to open CHAPTER XV. ALIMENTARY CANAI,. 179 into the central duct : this, which is lined with short col- umnar cells, penetrates the mucosa to open between the villi. The glandular epithelium resembles that of the pyloric glands, between which and the glands in question there is a distinct transition at the pylorus : the epithelial cells contain fine granules similar to those found in the cells of glands of the serous type, which these glands re- semble save in the non-essential feature of the larger size of the lumen. The transverse layer of the musculosa, as it reaches the lower end of the stomach, becomes suddenl}^ thickened to form a muscular ring, the pylorus or gastro-duodenal valve: passing into the intestine it becomes as quickly reduced in thickness, forming a la\^er much thinner than that found in the gastric wall : a similar diminution is found in the thickness of the longitudinal layer. The mus- culosa of the small intestine does not otherwise differ from that of the stomach, like which it is invested by a serosa formed from the peritoneum. In the lower portion of the duodenum the glands of Brunner are wanting, and thesubmucosa becomes greatly reduced, the canal assuming the structural character com- mon to the greater portion of the small intestine, whose division into the regions recognized by the anatomist is not marked by any histological characters. The only noteworthy feature in this respect is the specialization seen in the quantity and disposition of the adenoid tissue of the mucosa, which attains its highest development in the lower portion of the small intestine, the ileum. 180 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Throughout the whole of the small intestine adenoid tis. sue is found in the villi and between the crypts, as in the upper portions ot the duodenum just described : and as in that structure, there is a continuous layer thereof between thecrypts and the muscularis mucosae. This, however, be- comes much thinner and less dense, while here and there appear well defined nodules commonly known as solitary follicles or (by the use of a term equally unfortunate) sol- itary glands: it should of course be understood that these bodies have functionally nothing in common with either glands or follicles as defined on a preceding page: they are broadly pear-shaped bodies whose bases usually extend into the submucosa, which is locally thickened in connec- tion therewith, and whose apices when large project as rounded eminences upon the surface of the mucosa covered with a single layer of columnar epithelium, both crypts and villi being wanting at that point : in structure each is a dense mass of adenoid tissue in the main uniformly dis- posed, but with a slight diminution in density toward the centre of the mass, containing a capillary network and sur- rounded by numerous lymphatics: the nodules are sur- rounded by the fibrous tissue of the mucosa, which is here quite dense, but they have no definite capsule. The solitary nodules of adenoid tissue give place to a great extent in the lower portion of the intestine to clus- ters of similar bodies sometimes called agminated glands, but better known as Peyer's patches. Where these occur the mucosa and submucosa are both thicker than in other portions of the intestine : the nodules are closely crowded together and in the centre of the mass become confluent : CHAPTER XV. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 181 the conical apices of most of them project upon the sur- face of the mucosa: the epithelium of the projections (as is the case to some extent with that of the solitary nodules just described) becomes infiltrated with leucocytes as in the case of that investing the tonsils, often to such an ex- tent as to be no longer clearly distinguishable, large num- bers of leucocytes thus constantly entering the intestinal cavity. At the margin of the folds which constitute the iko- colic valve the villi cease abruptly; and as we pass the margin in question we come upon the wall of the large intestine, including its greater portion, the colon, with its anterior prolongation, the caecum (ending in the ver- miform appendix), and its posterior continuation, the rectum. The mucosa of the colon, like that of the rest of the large intestine, is devoid of villi. It is crowded through- out its whole extent with tubular follicles resembling the crj'pts of the small intestine, but larger and showing ordi- narily a larger proportion of goblet cells. The interstitial adenoid tissue is scant)', but large solitary nodules occa- sionallv occur. The muscularis mucosae does not differ materially from that of the small intestine. The submucosa is a layer of moderate thickness, con- taining the larger vessels and the plexus of Meissner. The musculosa is well developed : the inner or circular layer is thickened uniformly, while the outer layer is chiefly gath- ered into three longitudinal bands. The outer surface is covered for a portion of its extent with a serosa. 182 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL AMATOMY. The caecum is essentially similar in structure to the colon. The appendix vermiformis is a rudimentary struc- ture, variable in size and development: its mucosa con- tains numerous follicles, like those of the colon, and also solitary nodules of adenoid tissue: its musculosa con- sists of two layers, the outer or longitudinal differing from that of the colon in being of uniform thickness and thicker than the inner or circular laj^er. As the alimentary^ canal is continued downward to form the rectum, its structure undergoes important changes in each of the fundamental layers, in connection with the modification which takes place in the function of the ca- nal: these will as before, be described in connection with the layers successively. The mucosa of the rectum, like that of the colon, is^e- void of villi : it is much thicker than that of the colon, in- creasing in thickness downwards to the anal opening. In addition to temporary foldings, chiefly longitudinal, which exist when the tube is empty, there are present three or four transverse folds, semilunar in shape, known as the valves of Houston, and near the terminus several longitu- dinal folds, the columns of Morgagni ; their relations to subjacent structures will be mentioned later. The epithe- lium of the greater portions of the rectum is columnar, like that of the small and the large intestines : just above the anus there is in man a transition from simple columnar to stratified squamous epithelium continuous with that of the surface of the body : this transition takes place upon CHAPTER XV. AI.IMENTARY CANAL. 183 the columns of Morgagni higher up than within the de- pressions which lie between them. Follicles or crypts like those of the colon abound in the mucosa of the greater portions of the rectum : the\' disappear at the level of the commencement of the columns of Morgagni. In addition to a small amount of diffuse adenoid tissue, occasional solitary nodules arc found : they are less numerous rela- tively than in the colon. The fibrous structure of the mucosa of the rectum is denser than that of the colon, particularly toward the lower extremity, where there is a marked increase in the proportion of elastic fibres and a diminution in the amount of adenoid tissue, the fibrous layer finally passing without abrupt transition into the corium of the skin. The mus- cularis mucosae is gradually increased in extent, and consists chiefly of longitudinal fibres: at the lower por- tion these are gathered together in several stout bundles, which, with the overlying folds of the mucosa, form the columns of Morgagni above described : these are contin- ued into tendinous bundles which are inserted into the skin in the immediate vicinity of the anal opening. The submucosa of the rectum becomes considerably thickened toward its lower extremity', in connection with the increased mobility of the mucosa, and is in addition reinforced b\' the presence of numerous elastic fibres : it contains, moreover, a certain amount of adenoid tissue, in this respect differing markedly from the same la^-er in other portions of the canal. A distinct plexus of Meissner is present. 184 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY, The musculosa of the rectum undergoes marked in- crease in thickness from above downward in both the cir- cular and the longitudinal layer. In the former, there is in addition to the gradual increase in volume a tendency to divide into bundles of fibres of gradually increasing size : at its lowermost limit a number of these bundles are ag- gregated together to form the internal sphincter muscle which surrounds the anal opening : distinct thickenings of the circular layer also underlie the valves of Houston. The longitudinal layer, as it passes downward, also undergoes subdivision, the resultant bundles of fibres diverging more and more from the circular layer, and being roughly divisi- ble into three strata ; an inner, the bundles of which are interwoven with those that form the internal sphincter ; a middle, whose bundles terminate along the boundary of the external sphincter (an extrinsic muscular structure composed of striped fibres) ; and an outer stratum whose bundles unite with the levatores ani and the recto-coccy- geal muscles. The extrinsic glands connected with the alimentary canal are but two in number, the pancreas and the liver, both of them opening into the duodenal portion of the small intes- tine, of which they are outgrowths. The pancreas is in most respects similar in structure to a large salivary gland of the serous type; its connective tissue framework as well as its blood and lymph vascular supply being the same, and the form of the alveoli similar, as well as their arrange- 4, CHAPTER XV. ALIMKNTARY CANAL. 185 ment in lobules and lobes. The epithelium of the alveoli re- sembles that of a serous {.^land in its j^ranular appearance, and in the position of the nucleus; the lumen is also very small. Certain differences are, however, to be noted. The ajveoli are as a rule longer and more generally tubular in form : theepithelial cells are taller and narrow^er, as a rule, approaching to the columnar form : there have been de- scribed under the name of centroacinar cells, certain spin- dle-shaped elements occupying the lumen near the union of the alveolus with the intermediate tubule; their origin and function are alike uncertain. The intermediate tubules, with their characteristic flattened epithelium, are more extensive than in the salivary glands, replacing in great measure the intralobular ducts. The pancreas is also characterized by the presence between the alveoli of pecu- liar groups or clusters of intertubular cells which form nodular masses situated in the intralobular connective tissue or the interlobular septa; each mass having a defi- nite tuft of capillaries : these bodies whose nature is not clearly understood, are by some regarded as newly formed or embryonic alveoli. The liver is at once the largest and the most highly modified of all the digestive glands. While it must be re- garded as formed by the modification of a primarily tubu- lar structure, the multiplication of the glandular epithe- lial cells has obliterated the lumen of the tubule in each instance, the secretion formed by the epithelium being dis- charged throughtheagency of intercellular channels which are unlike anything found in any other portion of the human body. This extreme modification in the arrange- 186 PART n. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. ment of the glandular epithelium is also accompanied by an equally great modification in the arrangement of the blood vessels, the capillary network apparently penetrat- ing the epithelial masses ; thus forming what at first sight seems to be an exception to the general rule that epithelia are devoid of blood vessels. The structure of the liver will therefore best be understood if we begin by examining the blood supply and the framework of skeletal tissue with which it is associated. The surface of the liver is invested by a thin capsule of fibrous tissue, surmounted by the peritoneal endothelium. From this capsule thin lamellae penetrate the surface of the gland as interlobular septa : in the transverse fissure it becomes continuous at the porta (which corresponds to the hilum of an ordinary gland) with an important in- growth of connective tissue, the so-called capsule of Glis- son, which forms by far the larger part of the interlobular tissue, becoming continuous with the ingrowths from the capsule. The porta is the place of entrance for the nerve- supply of the liver, and for the large portal vein and the smaller hepatic artery ; as well as of exit for the bile duct and for the principal lymphatic trunk : these four vessels and their ramifications, together with strands of nerve-fibres, are usually found in close proximity, sur- rounded by a certain amount of connective tissue, the whole constituting what is known as a portal canal. The blood leaves the liver by means of the hepatic veins, whose branches are formed by the union of the sublobular veins, the origin of which will be presently described : the sublobular and hepatic veins are not accompanied in their CHAPTER XV. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 187 course by branches of other vessels, a character by means of which they can be readily distinguished from the branches of the portal vein. The lobules of the liver, sometimes (but less correctly) termed the acini or alveoli, arc masses of hepatic cells, penetrated by capillary networks, polyhedral in form as the result of pressure, and in man something over a milli- metre in diameter. Those at the surface of the liver have the axis vertical or nearly so to that surface: but there is no such regularity of position in the case of those more deeply situated. The interlobular septa are in a few mam- mals (of which the pig is one) quite stout and conspicuous : in man they are far less developed ; and the boundaries of the lobules are in consequence not always readily deter- mined. From certain points on the septa a very scanty framework of connective tissue traverses the interior of the lobule, accompanying the capillaries: its presence even in small quantity is a fact of importance in forming a clear conception of the essential structure of the liver. The branches of the portal yein end in veinlets situated in the septa and hence known as interlobular veins, each lobule having several surrounding it : these give off capil- laries (in a manner similar to arteries elsewhere) which form a network whose meshes converge toward the axis of the lobule : this is occupied by a single vessel, the cen- tral or intralobular vein, into which the capillaries empty. The intralobular vein passes at the base of the lobule into a sublobular vein, the hepatic veins being as has been stated, formed by the confluence of the sublobu- lar veins. 188 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The branches of the hepatic artery accompany those of the portal vein to the lobules, where they divide into inter- lobular arterioles situated in the septa, together with the interlobular veins: like the latter, they terminate in capil- laries ; these are, however, situated chiefly' in the connec- tive tissue of the septa and the walls of the veins, a por^ tion of them only penetrating the lobules for a sufficient distance to form channels of communication with the capillary network of the lobule, as a means of discharge of the blood from the arterioles. The portal vein and its final branches, the interlobular veins, are therefore to be resfarded as the channels bv means of which the blood is submitted to the glandular action of the hepatic cells ; the hepatic artery being probably in large part, if not alto- orether the channel of nutrition for the skeletal framework and vascular mechanism of the organ. The network of capillaries with its accompanying scanty' connective tissue forming, according to some observers, perivascular lymph channels, is interwoven with another and somewhat coarser network, that of the strands of liver cells or hepatic cords. These are polj'hedral epithelial cells about twentj^ micra in average diameter, with granu- lar protoplasm and central spherical nuclei, which perform the complex secretor}^ function of the liver. The size of these cords are such that nearly every cell is brought at some point in contact with a capillary ; the surface of the cell being in many cases slightly excavated along the line of contact. Between the hepatic cells is found a network of minute passages usually not more than a micron in diameter, the CHAPTER XV. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 189 so-called bile capillaries or, as they are otherwise termed the bile canaliculi : these are so situated that they tra- verse the surface of the cell along a side or an angle oppo- site that in contact with the blood capillaries, never pass- ing loetw^een the latter and the cells. At the surface of the lobule the bile canaliculi communicate with small inter- lobular bile ducts whose flattened epithelium is continu- ous with the hepatic cells, and whose basement membrane is resolved into the scant}* connectiv'e tissue of the lobule. These unite as they pass to the portal canals to form the smaller bile ducts situated therein ; the epithelium becom- ing columnar and the basement membrane stouter. As the smaller bile ducts come together to form the larger trunks found in the more central region of the liver the cells of the columnar epithelium become taller and are seen to rest upon a distinct membrana propria: while the fibrous layer beneath is reinforced by smooth muscular fibres: the largest ducts have in addition srnall mucous glands in their walls. The structure of the duct leading to the intestine, and of the gall bladder as well, is essen- tially the same as that of the largest ducts within the liver. If we recall the structure of a gland of the serous type it will be remembered that the epithelial cells which line the alveoli are so large as to reduce the lumen to a very slen- der and often imperceptible channel between their apices: the bile canaliculi may with propriety be compared to such channels. The alveoli of ordinary glands may be either spheroidal or elongated and tubular, the interstices between them containing a variable amount of connective 190 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. tissue which supports a capillary network, whose meshes conform to the structure and arrangement of the alveoli. In the lower vertebrates the liver consists of tubular alve- oli essentially similar to those of other glands. If we con- ceive of such tubules in the mammalian liver as becoming elongated and branched, and finally anastomosing, we shall understand the structure and arrangement of the hepatic cords. According to this view the anastomoses formed obliterate the boundaries of the alveoli ; but we may regard as belonging to one such division all the bile canaliculi with their surrounding epithelium which lie nearest to and presumably discharge into one of the inter- lobular bile ducts : the beginnings of the ducts, with their flattened epithelium, corresponding in position and struc- ture with intermediate tubules or intercalary ducts of other glands : the lobule is thus seen to be in fact as well as in name a lobule ; that is, a collection of acini or alveoli ; and the application of either of the latter titles to it is misleading. The most peculiar features in the structure of the liver are those connected with the blood supply. CrtAPTfiR XVI. RESPIRATORY APPARATUS. 191 CHAPTER XVI. THE RESPIRATORY .APP.VrATUS. In the description of the alimentary canal which has just been given, the conspicuous layers, whose modifica- tions in the various regions have been discussed, are those most readily demonstrable by the knife of the anatomist: they are those, moreover, which naturally result from the double function of the greater part of the canal, the inner layer, or mucosa, being in substance a glandular layer by means of which the nutritious portion of the food is brought into a condition suitable for the accompanying process of absorption; the outer layer, or musculosa, being in effect a mechanism by which the food mass is caused to traverse this glandular surface; while the sub- mucosa makes possible the necessary movements of the mucosa and the musculosa on each other. We should, however, bear in mind the continuity of the submucosa with the fibrous structure of the mucosa on the one hand, and on the other with the interstitial connective tissue of the musculosa, and through it with the fibrosa or serosa: considering this, and bearing in mind the embryonic origin of the tissues present, it will be quite clear that another very natural division of the wall of the alimentary canal, based on histological rather than anatomical characters, would recognize two primary la\"ers of tissues (differing 192 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL AN'ATOMY. vastly in extent), the epithelial layer, hypoblastic in its origin; and the musculo-skeletal (and vascular) layer de- rived from the mesoblast, extending from the basement membrane, just beneath the epithelium w^ithin, to the fibrosa (or, in the intestine, to the fibrous basis of the serosa) without: the presence of this fibrous layer as one of the constituents of the alimentary canal should be clearh' borne in mind. It is by an outgrov^'th from the phar3'ngeal region of the alimentary canal that the respiratory apparatus is formed, and its structure throughout its whole extent is de- rived from such modifications of a musculo-skeletal layer lined with epithelium as are required for the proper per- formance of the functions of the various regions. These are in the trachea and bronchial tubes such as will serve to maintain the patency of these channels for the passage of the air and in some measure to regulate the same: and in the airsacs such as will permit the freest interchange of gases between the air which they contain and the capil- laries within their walls. The trachea is plainly seen to be composed of three well-defined layers, similarly disposed to those which ap- pear as the chief factors of the alimentary canal. The inner of these is the mucosa; it differs in some important respects from the layer of that name in the region just mentioned. It is lined with w^hat is usually termed a stratified columnar ciliated epithelium: the layer is but a few cells deep ; those at the surface are cylindrical or prismatic, with tapering bases, their free extremities in most cases beset with numerous fine cilia, whose united ClIAPTHR XVI. RHSI'IKATOKV APPARATUS. 193 action causes constant currents toward the mouth; here and there g^ohlet cells occur; beneath the superficial cells, or intcrsjjersed between their bcises, are elongated and more or less spindle-shaped cells, which are probably des- tined to replace them ; still lower are pyriform and spher- oidal cells, many of which multiply rapidly by cell-divi- sion, replacing the older superficial cells as occasion re- quires, resembling thus in function the deepest portion of the stratified stiuamous epithelium of the oesophagus. The epithelium of the trachea rests upon a basement membrane, a homogeneous, elastic layer of considerable thickness, perforated by occasional fine canals. This is followed abruptly by a fibrous layer, whose bundles are irregularly and somewhat loosely disposed and are inter- mintjled with a considerable number of elastic fibres: there is a well but not greatly developed network of small blood vessels, accompanied by nerves and lymphatics, and a considerable amount of adenoid infiltration. Beneath the fibrous layer, and continuous therewith, is the elastic layer, composed of a dense network of elastic fibres, most of which are longitudinally disposed, which form the inner boundary of the mucosa : it is best developed in the dorsal portion of the trachea. The submucosa. like that of the alimentary canal, is a layer of areolar tissue serving to unite the mucosa with the denser layer beyond it. In addition to the larger blood vessels from which the blood supply of the mucosa is derived, and their associated lymphatics, it contains numerous small glands ol the mucous type, whose long ducts, lined with cuboidal epithelium, traverse the mucosa 194 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. to open on its surface. These glands are, as a rule, most abundant in those portions of the submucosa which are situated opposite the intervals between the successive fibrous rings of the trachea. Here and there in the sub- mucosa an occasional adenoid nodule may be found, fre- quently associated with a gland or its duct. No single word will readily indicate the complex struc- ture of the outer layer of the trachea : if we for conven- ience make use of the terra fibrosa in referring to it, we shall designate it by its most constant though not most conspicuous factor. It is in effect a tube of d^nse fibrous membrane, rich in elastic fibres, reinforced at regular in- tervals by the incomplete rings of cartilage which are the most prominent components of the trachea, and bearing on the inner su_rface of its dorsal portion the rudiments of a muscular layer. The rings are composed of hyaline cartilage w^hich is far less brittle than usual: they are imbedded in the fibrous layer, which is continuous with the perichondrium of each, and situated rather toward its inner than its outer limit. The muscular layer occupies an elongated rectangular area nearly identical with that bounded b}^ the lines connecting the dorsal ends of the in- complete cartilaginous rings, but somewhat more exten- sive laterally : to the band of muscular tissue thus formed, the name of the tracheal muscle is given. It consists en- tirely of smooth muscular fibres; the great majority of these are arranged in transverse bundles disposed in groups which are separated by occasional transverse septa of fibrous tissue ; external to these are a few thin and short longitudinal bundles forming an imperfectly defined layer: CHAPTER XVI. RESPIRATORY APPARATUS. 195 the muscular laver is invested outwardly l\v the fibrous laver which it in some measure replaces, the latter being here much thinner than in other portions of the trachea. The bundles of the trans verse la vera re inserted bet ween the rings upon the fibrous layer; those opposite the rings are in man inserted on their inner surface; in some of the lower mammals thev are inserted on the ends and in others on the outer surface of the rings. The longitudinal bundles are inserted upon the ends of the rings and upon the fib- rous layer. It is a noteworthy fact that in the dorsal por- tions of the trachea some of the mucous glands are situ- ated external to the muscular layer, their ducts penetrat- ing it as well as the other layers of tissue beneath the epi- thelium. The bronchi, or right and left divisions of the trachea, while they differ from it anatomically, particularly in the form of the cartilages, resemble it in all essential respects as regards their histological structure. As the}- enter the lungs they branch and subdivide repeatedly, their imme- diate continuations and their subdivisions, with the ex- ception of the smallest, being known as the bronchial tubes, or, as they are sometimes termed, the intrapulmon- ary bronchi: by the time they are reduced to a diameter of one millimetre, or thereabouts, they are known from their size and structure as bronchioles; the smallest of these are never less than half a millimetre in diameter. The largest bronchial tubes are essentially like the extra-pulmonary bronchi in structure : as we pass toward the bronchioles, their structure undergoes marked though 196 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. gradual modification: that of a tube of medium size may be described as follows. The epithelium, like that of the trachea and larger bronchi, is stratified, columnar and ciliated, and rests on a homogeneous basement membrane. Beneath this is a fibrous layer containing a moderate amount of adenoid tissue, and numerous elastic fibres no longer forming a continuous layer, but gathered into strands, which form the bases of the folds into which the inner portion of the mucosa is frequently thrown : exter- nal to the adeno-fibrous layer is a well-defined muscularis mucosae, composed of smooth fibres transversely dis- posed, this layer, which is of variable thickness from point to point along the tube, is sometimes designated the bronchial muscle. External to the muscular layer is the submucosa, com- posed here, as in the trachea and bronchi, of areolar tis- sue containing rnucous glands and plexuses. QJLblood and lymph vessels. The outermost layer, that which we have for convenience termed the fibrosa, is the one which first shows signs of reduction: the fibrous membrane is by no means as dense, nor as clearly defined, either from the sub- mucosa within or from the adjacent tissues without, as in the trachea; the cartilaginous rings of the latter are rep- resented by plates of cartilage of varying size and shape; and there is nothing present in this laj^er that may be re- garded as corresponding structurally to the tracheal mus- cle. Occasional lobules of fat may be seen, and the mucous glnnds not unfrequently penetrate into this layer, which thus tends to approach in its structure that of the sub- mucosa. CHAPTER XVI. UKSIMKATOKY APPARATUS. 197 As we ])ass toward the smaller bronchial tubes the epi- thelium becomes gradually reduced to a single layer ot" columnar ciliated cells resting upon a basement membrane. The fibrous layer beneath becomes much thin^ner; the rela- tive amount of adenoid tissue becomes less and less, and elastic fibres become far less numerous, though they do not altogether disappear. The muscular layer, on the other hand, for a time at least, increases in relative thick- ness, becoming one of the niosc conspicuous features of small tubes. The submucosa and fibrosa become blended into one layer ^f loose fibrous tissue rich in lymphatics and containing blood vessels, the mucous glands djsap- pearing from the former, together with the cartilaginous plcites (and the nodules which succeed them) from the lat- ter. Within the bronchioles (otherwise designated the term- inal bronchi) still further reductions of structure take place: the epkhelium changes from columnar to cubical, loses its cilia, and later becomes more or less flattened, forming a single layer of polyhedral granular cells upon the basement membrane. The latter rests on a thin layer of fibrous tissue with longitudinal elastic fibres: the muscu- lar layer is reduced to scattered bundles and later to iso- lated fibres, without finally disappearing altogether; while the submucosa and the fibrosa become blended with each other and with the fibrous layer of the mucosa. The bronchioles lead into larger pyramidal or irregular shaped spaces, the infundibula, into each of which open by wide apertures a large number of the spheroidal or 198 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. polyhedral air-sacs or alveoli which are the ultimate chambers of the lung: each infundibulum with its associ- ated alveoli making up one of the component lobules of that organ. The principal change in passing from the bronchiole to the infundibulum is found in the epithelial layer: the low granular cells with which the distal extrem- ity of the bronchiole is lined are found in the infundibulum in patches which become smaller and less numerous as we proceed to its farther extremity: between them are found larger and thinner transparent cells which form a sirnple squamous epithelium to which the distinctive title of res- piratory epithelium is applied . The basement membrane, the longitudinal network of elastic fibres, and the layer of scattered muscular fibres are continued without essen- tial change. The fibrous portion of the wall of the bron- chiole is represented by scattered branched connective tis- sue corpuscles situated in the interstices between the elas- tic and muscular fibres. The alveoli are in the main continuations of the walls of the infundibulum. The epithelium consists almost entirely of the large flat cells above mentioned, the smaller granu- lar cells being scattered sparingly among them either singly or in groups of two or three: between the cells, and in par- ticular at the angle where three or four meet, are occasional stomata, minute openings which communicate with the lymph spaces below. About the mouth of each alveolus there is an annular bundle of elastic fibres from which is given off a network, which, together with a small amount of fibrous tissue and a few connective tissue corpuscles, forms the wall of the alveolus and the support of the epi- CHAPTER XVI. RESPIRATORY APPARATUS, 199 theliuni and capillary network: from the form and dispo- sition of the alveoli it results that a single layer thus formed does duty in jj;^reat measure for two adjacent alveoli. The capillary network contained in the interalveolar septum thus formed isexceedin«i^ly dense; and itsloops pass from side to side of the septum in a serpentine course, thus l)rin while they vary in form in the several regions distinguish- ed by the anatomist, are quite uniform in their histologi- cal structure throughout their whole extent. Continuous at the isthmus with the uterus, they open at the fimbriated extremities into the peritoneal cavit}^ : they consequently present the only instance of direct continuitx^between a mucous and a serous surface. Like nearly all the larger tubular structures in the body, the wall is divisible into a mucosa, a submucosa and a musculosa; to which is added a serosa derived from their investment by the marginal fold of the broad ligament. The mucosa consists of a well developed fibrous mem- brane moderately rich in elastic fibres, and well supplied with blood vessels and lymphatics, which supports a layer of simple columnar ciliated epithelium. An imperfectly developed muscularis mucosae, consisting of longitudinal bundles of smooth fibres, is also present. The mucosa throughout its extent is thrown into longitudinal folds which in the ampulla and particularly in the infundibulum are very extensive and have secondary folds upon their surfaces, giving to the cross section a peculiar arborescent appearance. As seen in such sections the bases of these folds often present the appearance of tubular glands ; but CHAPTER XIX. Ff 274 PART n. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. strands and masses. The lymph channels of the medulla converge at the hilumtororm a plexus, from which a single efferent trunk may lead, or, in the larger nodes, several smaller vessels which unite outside the node to form a single trunk. Pacinian bodies are of frequent occurrence in the interstitial connective tissue j ust without the ^ap- sjale at the hiluni. The relation between the lymphatic nodes and the lymph stream, as regards the formation of lymphocytes and their transformation in the blood stream into leucocytes, has been discussed in a previous chapter. The minute is- lands of adenoid tissue occasionally found either on or within the walls of lymphatic vessels, and known as peri- lymphatic or endolymphatic nodules, may be regarded as rudimentary organs of the same kind. The spleen is as closely related to the blood vascular as the lymphatic nodes to the lymphatic portion of the cir- culatory system : it may possibly be regarded as derived from the modification of one of the last named bodies, though differing from them greatly not only in its vascu- lar relations, but also in its internal structure. It is inter- esting to note that in some of the lower mammals num- erous small accessory spleen-like nodules are norrnally pre- sent in other regions of the body. Similar bodies are sometimes found in man in the vicinity of the principal organ, of which they may be regarded as diverticula. The spleen is invested by a serosa derived from the peri- toneum which rests upon a stout capsule of fibrous tissue which, like that of the lymphatic nodes, contains occa- CHAPTER XXI. TIIK DUCTLESS GLANDS. 275 sional sraqoth_muscular fibres: it differs from that of the bodies last mentioned in the greater predominence of elas- tic fibres, making the organ highly distensible. At the hilum the capsule is continued into the spleen to form large trabeculae. which branch and subdivide within, eventually becoming continuous with the branches of similar though small trabeculae which pass inward from the capsule at numerous points: the trabeculae, like the capsule, contain numerous elastic fibres, and some muscular fibres : the interior of the organ is pervaded by the large-meshed re- ticular framework thus produced. Continuous with this framework is a coarse retiform tissue whose fibrous net- work is invested with branched corpuscles : in many cases the fibrous element is quite scanty, and the reticulum con- sists of little more than branched corpuscles connected with each other by the tips of their branches, the so-called reticular cells of the spleen. The intervals between these cells are filled with blood which contains rather more than the usual proportion of colorless corpuscles and rather less of the colored : there are present also numerous unbranch- ed amoeboid cells somewhat larger than colorless corpus- cles, the spleen-cells: these, the reticular cells, and the ^asma of the blood itself contains disintegrating colored corpuscles, and pigment granules derived therefrom : the whole constitutes the spleen pulp, a reddish brown mass to which the characteristic color of the organ is due. The splenic arterj' divides into several branches just be- fore reaching the organ : these enter at the hilum, follow- ing the stout trabecular continuations ofthe capsule above mentioned : within the latter they branch, their branches ^^'"'^" f i J ., r L , /luJ.^u^u^^Mf^'^^ 276 PART n. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. in some cases followmg the subdivisions of the trabeculae. In other cases small branches leave the trabeculae and be- come divided into brush-like tufts of arterioles: on emerging, their adyentitia, heretofore continuous with the fibrous tissue of the framework of the organ, becomes replaced by a layer of adenoid tissue : here and there this sheath is suddenh' enlarged to form spheroidal masses which ma}' be as much as a millimetre in diameter, though usually less than half as large: thej^are known as the Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen, and are readily visible to the naked e^-e as whitish spots in the dark brown pulp. The adenoid tissue of the corpuscles is permeated b}' capillaries given off from the arterioles enclosed ; it is quite loose in the centre but denser at the surface, where it passes over abruptly into the retiform tissue of the pulp. The cor- puscles are found surrounding small arteries and appar- ently strung upon them, or upon their subdivisions, in which case they look like lateral outgrowths. fOn leaving the corpuscles the arteries divide into capil- laries, which, like those arising from the smaller divisions of the arteries which follow the framework of the spleen more 1 closely, finall}^ open into the spaces of the tissue of the _y pulp, the endothelial cells of the capillaries gradually be- 1 coming looser, branching, and finally passing over into I ) the reticular cells ; thus^f|m:din^ the only instance jn the body where the blood leaves the definite vessels ,prc)ger_to \\it and circulates in the interstices of the tissues ; a condi- tion largely characteristic of the circulation of all inver- tebrates. The veinlets of the pulp originate in the same way that the arterioles terminate, or rather its converse : -;Uu^CMf>4^ CHAPTER Xxi. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. 277 the reticular cells passing over into branched and loosely disposed endothelial cells which later become closely united to form the lining of the commencing vessels. The latter soon enter the trabeculae, where they are gathered into larger vein&j these anastomose freely within the trabecu- lae, finalh' uniting to form the few large trunks that leave the hilum. The thymus is a bijobed adenoid body situated just be- neath the sternum in the upper part of the thorax and ex- tending into the lower part of the neck in the embryo and the infant: it is gradually reduced to a mere vestige in the adult. The whole organ is invested by a thin capsule of fibrous tissue, beneath which it is subdivided into a num- ber of irregular lobules each but a few millimetres in di- ameter. The fibrous tissue envelope of each lobule gives off trabeculae which penetrate the interior in the same manner as the similar structures in a 13'mphatic node. The lobule in consequence exhibits a cortical and a medullarv portion. The cortex is composed of nodules of adenoid tissue not unlike those found in a tonsil : the medulla is a mass of adenoid tissue much less dense than that of the cortex, the transition from the one to the other being so rapid as to be quite conspicuous in sections. The trabec- ulae are continuous with the retiform tissue of the cortex and medulla alike, but there is no distinct raedullar\' frame- \vork of fibrous tissue and no segregation of the adenoid tissue in medullary cords: nor are there any lymph chan- nels in either cortex or medulla. The most characteristic feature^ of the thymus is the - — CJUa^iU^' f 278 -- PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. presence in the medulla of what are known as Hassall's corpuscles, or, as that histologist termed them, concen- tric corpuscles. These are peculiar nest-like groups of epi- thelioid cells which are now" known to be derived from the breaking up of right and left tubular diverticula from the cervical hypoblast. Each corpuscle consists of a central granular mass containing one or more spheroidal cells, surrounded by two or three layers of concentric flattened cells : compound corpuscles sometimes occur, two or three ordinary corpuscles being invested by a common layer of concentric cells. The adenoid tissue of the organ contains a rich capillary network, and is the place of origin of nu- merous large lymphatics. The thyroid resembles the thymus in being relatively large in foetal life and infancy : it differs from that organ in its persistence and evident functional importance in the adult, as indicated by the grave consequences of its com- plete extirpation. Like the tubular structures which even- tually break up into the concentric corpuscles of the thymus, its characteristic elements are derived from the cervical hypoblast. It is at first provided with a duct, whose rudi- ment becomes the foramen caecum of the dorsum of the tongue: the duct in question in rare instances persists; in the great majority of cases it aborts, converting the organ into a true ductless gland. Unlike most glandular bodies, the thyroid is not pro- vided with a well-defined capsule. It is invested by a layer of areolar tissue considerably denser than that connecting it with adjacent organs but not passing over into a dis- CHAPTER XXI. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. 279 tinct fibrous ineinl)ranc. Areolar tissue of variable density ])erva(k's the interior of the organ, forming the support- ing framework of its structure, the characteristic feature of which is the jiresence of great numbers of vesicles united into imperfect lobules. The vesicles are spheroidal, polyhedral, or sometimes tubular in form, their walls con- sisting of a single laver of cubqi^al epithelium. The inte- rior of the vesicle is filled with a glairy yellowish colloid substance which frequently contains leucocytes and de- tached epithelial cells. A distinction has been] made by some observers between the colloid, cells, which are act- ivelv engaged in secreting the fluid contained in the ves- icles, and the reserve cells. A definite basement mem- brane cannot be clearly discerned, the epithelial cells ap- pearing to rest directly upon the interstitial septa of are- olar tissue already mentioned : the areolae of the septa not infrequently contain the colloid secretion of the cells: elements resembling plasma cells are found in the inter- stitial tissue. The thyroid is highly vascular, the arteries being relativel}' quite large, and anastomosing freely : the vesicles are surrounded by a rich capillar}' network : the lymphatics are also large and numerous, and the presence of colloid substance in their interior may sometimes be detected. Imbedded in the substance of the thyroid upon both the lateral and the mesial surfaces of the lobes are small bodies a few millimeters in diameter to which the name of parathyroids has been given. They resemble the thyroid in color ^ind appearance, but differ from it in ^structure, f';/^/ 280 PART n. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. consisting of solid strands of epithelioid cells apparently anastomosing, their interspaces being occupied by numer- ous blood vessels. They have been regarded by some ob- servers as masses of embryonic thyroid tissue: this view- is denied by others, who regard their structure as more nearly approaching that of the carotid glands. There is usually associated with each a small mass of adenoid tis- sue containing concentric corpuscles and in other respects resembling the substance of the thymus. The carotid glands, situated in the angle between the branches of the common carotid artery, are small irregu- larly shaped bodies whose envelope of connective tissue is continued inward to form a supporting framework im- bedded in which are nodular masses of epithelioid cells richly supplied with capillaries. They resemble the para- thyroids in their origin from the cervical hypoblast, and both are probably to be regarded as rudiments of larger and more important organs. The coccygeal gland is another body of quite similar structure to those just described, and probably also rudi- mentary in its character. The epithelioid cells which con- stitute its distinguishing feature are to some extent dis- posed in columnar strands as in the parathyroids. Eberth has described among them nests of cells resembling con- centric corpuscles. Attempts have been made to show that the elements of this body are largely nervous in char- acter, but this view of their nature lacks confirmation. The mode of development is not known. CHAPTER XXI. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. 281 The suprarenal capsules, or, in the lan<2:uage of com- parative anatomy, the adrenal bodies, since their position is usually near but not upon the kidneys, as is the case in man,^ are in some respects the most complex in structure of all the -ductless bodies, to no other of which are they nearly allied. Each on section shows to the naked eye a distinct yellowish cortex, radialh' striated, and a dark brownish homogeneous medulla, the two being clearly de- fined from each other. The surface is invested by a thin but firm fibrous capsule whose deeper portion shows scat- tered bundles of smooth muscular fibres: from it tough fibrous septa enter the interior of the organ to form the cortical framework, which is limited internally b\' a con- tinuous layer of connective tissue which bounds the medul- la. The interior of the latter is also pervaded b}' a frame- work of fibrous tissue. The cortex is divided by the difference in the disposition of its septa and in the consequent mode of segregation of its elements into three distinct zones which pass into each other without great abruptness : these are the thin zona glomerulosa just beneath the capsule, the zona fascicu- lata next within, which forms by far the greater portion of the cortex, and the zona reticularis, little if at all thicker than the outer zone, which lies next the medullary sheath [of connective tissue. The spaces of the fibrous framework are occupied in the outer zone by rounded no- dules, in the middle b\' columnar masses, and in the inner by a network of strands of closely packed polyhedral cells of moderate size whose protoplasm shows numerous small oil globules to which the color of the cortex is largeh^ due. / A ^ (? c V. / ,/ 282 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The cells of the inner zone are darker in color, frequently containing brownish pigment : those of the outer in some animals are occasionalh' columnar in form, being disposed about an ill-defined lumen in the centre of the nodule. The medulla contains within the fibrous stroma irreg" ular cords and masses of cells larger and much more loosely arranged than those of the cortex : they are de- void of oil globules and frequentl}^ exhibit branching pro- cesses. A rich plexus of non-medullated nerve fibres is present, and connected with great number of ganglion cells either scattered or clustered in groups of varj'ing size. Numerous small ganglia are also found upon the nerves just external to the hilum. The arteries of supply enter the surface of the capsule by numerous small branches : wathin, the vessels are distri- buted to the cortex along its framework, the capillaries not pervading the cellular masses as in the parathyroids, carotid glands, and coccygeal gland : thence they pass to the medulla, which contains a large plexus of veins whose branches unite into one at the hilum. The cortex is well supplied with lymphatics which communicate both with those of the capsule and with those of the medulla. In the angles of the irregularly pyramidal adrenals of the human subject the cortex is folded upon itself, the me- dulla not extending into the fold ; the two layers of the zona reticularis are, however, separated b^^a continuation of the connective tissue layer which surrounds the me- dulla. The distinctness between the cortex and the medulla is associated with an important difference in their embry- onic development. The two arise independently of each CHAPTER XXI. THE DUCTLESS ORGANS. 288 other, and, indeed, remain so throughout life in some of the fish-like vertebrates: the eortex arises as an outgrowth from the peritoneum in close proximity to the mesone- phros: the medulla is derived from an extension of the adjaeent sympathetic chain of ganglia : from its close con- nection with which and from its richness in nervous elements many are inclined to regard the adrenals as essentially portions of the nervous system. The pituitary body is also known as the hypophysis x cerebri. It is a double structure, consisting of an anterior j?, and a posterior portion : it would be well if the former term could be restricted to the first of these and the latter ,p(^V. to the other, since they are essentially different alike in structure and in origin. The posterior division is in real- ity a downgrowth of the brain, as the second term im- plies: it is the rudiment in man and mammals of what is a distinct and important lobe of the brain in the fish-like vertebrates. The anterior is an upgrowth from the epi- blast which lines the oral invagination, and is in sub- stance an epithelial body: it is also a rudiment of what was probabh^ in the earlier vertebrates or their inverte- brate ancestors an important glandular organ; its path- ^^-^■^■ ological relations indicate that it still has a persistent though as yet unknown function. The contact and cohe- sion of the two bodies is confined to the mammals : in all other vertebrates they remain distinct. The anterior lobe is larger than the posterior, and is of a darker reddish color. It consists of spheroidal and sim- ple or branched[_tubularacini ; their closed cavities are lined 28-4 PART n. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. either by a mass of polyhedral ep^itheliqid cells which fill the cavitv, or by a layer of true epithelial cells which sur- round a distinct though sometimes irregular lumen fre- quently filled with colloid substance similar to that found in the thyroid : in some of the larger tubules cilia have been observed upon the cells. Between the vesicles and tubules is a framework of connective tissue which sup- ports the numerous blood vessels and lymphatics and is continuous with the fibrous capsule. The posterior lobe is at first a hollow diverticulum of the 'twixt-brain : in man and all mammals its cavity is nearly or quite obliterated, and it becomes a small solid mass. The nervous tissues characteristic of the inferior lobe of the brain of the fish-like vertebrates fail to devel- ope in the higher forms, their place being taken by an in- growth of vessels and of bundles of fibrous tissue: within the meshes of the latter are found numerous peculiar fus- iform or stellate cells which are frequently pigmented. Where a vestige of the cavit\^ remains it is lined with col- umnar ciliated cells similar to those found lining the cavity of the third ventricle. The relation of this portion of the pituitary body to the brain is so close that the whole is frequent^ described in connection wath that organ : but the larger and apparently more important anterior por- tion resembles the thj^roid so much both in structure and in origin as to justif)^ its description among the anom- olous ductless bodies. The pineal body, otherwise known as the epiphysis cerebri has already been spoken of in connection with the CHAPTER XXI. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. 285 pituitary body. Like the posterior portion of that organ, it is stricth' a portion of the brain ; and its structure should be included in a full account of that organ. Like its analogue first mentioned, however, it is in mammals altogether rudimentary and completely devoid of true nervous tissue: it has therefore no longer any histological relation with the nervous axis and may as a matter of convenience be described at this time. It consists essen- tially of a number of closed spheroidal or tubular acini lined or in most cases wholh' filled with polyhedral epithelial cells, and supported by dense interstitial con- nective tissue. Among the epithelial cells, as well as on the outer surface of the body, are numerous gritty calcare- ous particles known as brain-sand: this is also found in some other portions of the brain. The pineal body in some of the lower vertebrates contains true nervous tissue and is connected with a peculiar median sense organ sometimes called the parietal or pineal e^-e. Attention was called In the opening paragraphs of this book to the frequent use of the term Physiological Anat- omy as a s3'nonym for Histological Anatomy. The dis- tinction between the two is very well illustrated by the facts in the case of the bodies described in this chapter. It was alike the hope and the expectation of the earlier histologists and physiologists that the investigation of the elemental structure of each organ of the body would throw great light upon its functions. This has proved to be the case in many instances, and physiology has been 286 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. under correspondingly great obligations to histology, which it has been quick to acknowledge: so ready, indeed, that the student new to the subject is to some extent liable to loose sight of the important fact that in not a few instances no such happy result has followed upon a dvances in our knowledge of minute structure. While, for example, the diiference in the form and relations of the cells lining the alveoli of serous and of mucous glands respectively can be correlated with the difference in the character of the fluids secreted by them, no one could have foretold, given the facts of structure, the associated difference in function ; there is still less evident relation be- tween structure and function in the case of the cardiac and pjdoric glands of the stomach ; and none at all that can as yet be discerned between the form and arrangement of the hepatic cells and the secretion of bile. What is true in numerous other instances is eminently so in the case of the ductless bodies : we have in them examples of quite com- plex organs whose histological anatomy has in each case been ver}^ carefully studied; but whose function is in every instance, save that of those which consist chiefly of adenoid tissue, almost if not altogether unknown. CHAI'TKH XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 287 CHAPTER XXII. THE CBXTK.\L NERVOUS SYSTEM. The ductless bodies afford us instances of organs exhib- iting quite complex histological structure, concerning whose functions little or nothing is known. A case not exactly the converse of this is presented b}' the nervous axis; whose ph3'siological anatomy is exceedingly com- plex, but whose histological structure is far less so. For example, experiments show that the white matter of either side of the spinal cord is resolvable into a number of more or less distinct tracts, none of which presents any single structural feature or any combination of features b}'^ which it can be demonstrated : much the same may be said of the physiological centres that have been experimentally located in the grey matter of the cord; in no case can their positions be demonstrated by histological methods. Failure to distinguish between the provinces of ph3''si- ological and of histological anatomy has led many writ- ers upon the latter to include in their description of the nervous axis many facts (in themselves of the highest im- portance) which are demonstrable only by methods that are essentially physiological : to the confusion of the stu- dent, who is frequently led to expect that his sections will show him more than our present histological methods at least make possible; and being disappointed is apt to 288 PART n. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. doubt the validity of the statements which he has read. The present chapter will undertake no more than a brief description of such structural features as can with cer- taintv be made out by histological methods; in other words, b^' a study of the form, relations, and groupings of the structural elements present. The consideration of the different regions of the brain wnll follow that of the spinal cord : and both will be preceded by a short account of the membranes which invest the nervous axis or line the cavity in which it is contained. The meninges, or lining and investing membranes con- nected with the nervous axis, are three in number: of these the outer, known as the dura mater, or meninx fi- brosa, lines more or less closely the spinal canal and the cavity of the skull ; the inner, called the pia mater, or meninx vasculosa, closeU^ invests the surface of the cord and the brain; while the third, the arachnoid, or meninx serosa, situated between the first and the second, is structurally connected with the latter, the two being de- rived from the differentiation of a single investing laj'er. On account of the intimate relation between these two meninges they are by some anatomists described as one, under the name of the leptomeninx, the outer membrane being termed the pachymeninx : a view which is sup- ported by the comparat ve anatomy of these structures as well as bj' their embryology ; it is also true, however, that the two meninges so designated are themselves form- ed from a single mass of indifferent tissue originally filling the space between the nervous axis and its case. CHAPTER XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 289 Tlie dura is a thick and strong mass of white fibrous tis- sue, rni.xed with a small amount of elastic fibres; the con- stituent bundles are dis]3osed chiefly in a longitudinal di- rection in the spinal portion of the membrane, those of the cranial portion being variously disposed. In the latter re- gion the dura is closely adherent to thecranial periosteum, })articularly at the base of the brain; dorsally the two fibrous layers are less intimatcU' united; it is, indeed, cus- tomary to speak of the dura as forming the intracranial periosteum, and as composed of two layers; but the inter- pretation here indicated is more in accordance with the facts of structure. The inner surface of the cranial dura is invested throughout with serous endothelium; a similar structure has been described upon the outer surface in places where it is free from the periosteum. The spinal dura is covered on both sides with a similar investment. In addition to flattened connective tissue corpuscles, both the cranial and the spinal dura contain numerous granule cells. The cranial dura is separated from the cranial periosteum here and there by the large sinuses which receive the blood from the veins of the brain, and bv the accessory or parasinoidal spaces, but is not itself highly vascular; the same is true of the spinal dura, be- tween which and the periosteal lining of the spinal canal is found the internal spinal plexus. Ossification occurs normally in the principal folds of the cranial dura (the falx and the tentorium) in some mammals. The pia consists of two more or less clearly distinguished laN'crs, an inner or investing layer, closely applied to the subjacent nervous mass, with whose connective tissue framework it is directly continuous ; and an outer or vas- cular stratum, rich in small blood vessels whose branches enter the nervous tissue beneath. The whole membrane 290 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. is made up of interlacing bundles of white fibres, mixed with occasional elastic fibres; in the spinal pia the prevail- ing direction of the bundles is longitudinal. The outer layer of the pia is connected with the arachnoid by numerous trabeculae o^ connective tissue, which pass across the subarachnoid space; this is quite extensive along the spinal cord, and in some places around the brain ; a nearly continuous series of definitely arranged strands passes from the pia at the sides of the spinal cord across to the inner surface of the dura, traversing the arachnoid; the groups of internally converging bundles are found between the spinal nerves, with which they alternate; the whole forms the denticulate ligament of either side. Upon the free surface of the pin and along the surfaces of the trabeculae and the ligaments just de- scribed are found flattened connective tissue corpuscles, endothelioid in form and position. In the stroma of the pia plasma and granule cells occur, and in some animals great numbers of pigment cells. The arachnoid is composed of loosely interwoven delicate bundles of fibres, the intervening meshes containingnumer- ous flattened corpuscles: the outer surface is invested with a layer of serous endothelium ; it is near to but very spar- ingly connected with the dura. The inner surface corres- ponds to the outer surface of the pia, with which it is united by the loose mesh work of trabeculae above de- scribed. The relations of the meninges to each other and to the adjacent structures are as yet but imperfectly understood, neither their structure nor their embryonic development being as yet fully known. Such facts as are known con- cerning the latter, and such light as is afforded bj-^ com- parative anatomy, appear to justify the view which CHAPTER XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 291 regards the subdural space as the primary cleavage of the mass of connective tissue which in the embryo and in the lowest vertebrates lies between the nervous axis and the walls of the cerebrosj)inal canal ; the portion outside this cleft becoming the dura or pachymeninx, and that inter- nal to it tlie leptomeninx or arachno-pial membrane; if this view be correct, the supradural (or so-called "epi- dural") and the subarachnoid spaces must be regarded as secondary. As a modification of this view it has been suggested that the arachnoid is in reality reflected over the inner surface of the dura, thus forming a continuous serous membrane which surrounds a serous cavity for which the name of the arachnoid space (as a substitute for the more familiar name of subdural space) has been proposed ; and this interpretation has some facts in its support. The spinal cord, surrounded by its meninges and sup- ported by them, hangs freely in the spinal canal; through- out a great part of its extent it is nearly cylindrical ; in the cervical and lumbar enlargements its transverse diameter is distinctly greater than the dorsoventral. It is divided into symmetrical halves by the so-called anterior and posterior fissures; the former of these, the ventral fissure of comparative anatomy, is a distinct furrow from a fourth to a third of the diameter of the cord in depth, containing a fold of the pia which bears an important relation to the blood supply of the cord : the latter, or dorsal fissure, while deeper than the former, is not a true cleft, the right and left masses being separated simph' bv a stout median septum given off from the inner surface of the pia. Other septa of a similar nature, but less exten- sive, are given ofif from the pia at various points along the sides of the cord, and contribute in some measure to its subdivision. 292 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY, When viewed in cross section the cord appears to the naked eye to be made up of two differently appearing sub- stances known from their color as the white and the gray mitter. The latter is in each half of the cord almost entirely surrounded by the former, but not uniformly so ; from its central portion on either side a narrow ridge pro- jects dorsally (and slightly outward) almost to the sur- face of the cord ; from its appearance in cross section it is known as the posterior or dorsal cornu; in a similar manner the gray matter projects ventrally and outward to form an anterior or ventral cornu which is much thicker than the dorsal, but does not approach the sur- face so nearly; in the thoracic portion of the cord a slightly projecting ridge extending directly outward be- tween the dorsal and ventral cornu constitutes the so- called lateral cornu. The gray matter of the two sides of the cord is continued inward in the mid-region through- out the extent of the cord to form the gray commissure, by which the two halves are connected, and in which runs the central canal; in consequence of the disposition of the gray matter of the cord its figure as seen in cross section is irregularly H-shaped. The white matter also exhibits certain conspicuous subdivisions, due in part to the disposition of the gray matter, in part to the mode of origin of the spinal nerves. The bundles of fibres which are gathered together at regular intervals outside the cord to form the posterior or dorsal roots of the spinal nerves enter the cord close to the dorsal cornu along a well-defined line on either side, which lies in a shallow groove. Between the dorsal cornu of either side and the median septum, which extends inward to the gray commissure, lies the posterior or dorsal col- umn of the side in question ; it is limited externally by the line of entrance of the dorsal roots, between which and CHAPTKK XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 293 the dorsal midline a well-marked septal process of the pia suhdivides the column into two important tracts to be presently described. Between the dorsal and the ventral cornu of each side is situated the lateral column; anrl be- tween the ventral cornu and the ventral fissure the an- terior or ventral column. As has been already stated, the ventral cornu docs not approach very closelv to the surface, and the fibre-bundles which enter into the anterior or ventral roots of the spinal nerves are given off irregu- larly over a region of considerable width; there is there- fore no clearlv defined boundary either externally or internally between the lateral and the ventral columns ; the whole region from the dorsal cornu to the ventral fis- sure is therefore sometimes spoken of as the antero- lateral or lateroventral column. The ventral columns of the two sides are connected with each other dorsad of the ventral fissure by a narrow layer of white matter called the white commissure. The ajjpearances thus far described can all be readily seen, most of them with the naked eye; the histological structure of which they are the expression, in some re- spects exceedingly simple, is in others of such complexity that it has hitherto taxed the resources of histological technique to the utmost. It has long been known that the gray matter contains numerous multipolar nerve corpuscles of varying size and of a distinct but not sharply defined arrangement; their branching processes; non-medullated nerve fibres; and numbers of the neuroglia cells mentioned in a previous chapter; that the central canal is lined with a layer of columnar cells which are sometimes ciliated ; that the white matter is composed chiefly of medullated nerve fibres, mingled with which are numerous neuroglia cells like those of the gray matter: that the pial septa already mentioned subdivide in the interior of the cord to 294 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY, form a framework along which are distributed the inter- nal vessels of the cord, the general disposition of which can readih'^ be determined In brief, the cord is known to consist of multipolar corpuscles and nerve fibres sup- ported largely by neuroglia cells and provided with a definite blood-supply. The complexity of the cord depends not upon the number of kinds of tissue elements present, no other active organ in the body of equal size and im- portance containing so few; but upon the arrangement of the corpuscles and fibres, and particularly upon the rela- tions existing between them ; and it is only recently that the latter has been at all satisfactorily determined by means of technical processes of great efficiency and corres- ponding delicacy. It will be profitable to consider first the more conspicuous and therefore longer known feat- ures of the histological anatomy of the cord, and subse- quently the minuter details that have more recently been discovered. Beginning with the gray matter, the most conspicuous and in every sense the most important elements are the multipolar corpuscles scattered throughout it. While they at first seem to be quite irregularly distributed, the examination of a number of successive sections from the same region of the cord, and theircomparison with similar series from other regions will demonstrate that the corpus- cles are arranged in groups extending along the length of thecord throughout the whole or definite portions of its ex- tent with sufficient regularitv to warrant their design a- tion as distinct ganglionic columns. Of these the most readily distinguishable on account alike of its extent and the size of its constituent corpuscles is the column of the ventral cornu, or, from the know^n distribution of the axis-cylinder processes of most of its corpuscles to the ven- tral roots of the spinal nerves, the motor-corpuscle col- CHAPTER XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 295 umn; this mav a^aiii be more or less distinctly divided in some portions of the cord into a mesial tract, situated adjacent to the ventral fissure ( which probably supplies motor fibres to the nerves of the dorsal muscles ol the trunk); a ventrolateral tract, contiguous to the mesial and extending to the outer side of the cornu, (which probal)lv supplies fibres to the nerves of the lateral and ventral muscles of the trunk) ; these two tracts, which are confluent in the thoracic portion of the cord, are quite con- st'itit throughout its whole extent; and a third, the. dor- solateral tract, which is situated, as its name implies, in the outer side of the cornu and dorsad of the second above mentioned ; it is present chieflv in the cervical and lumbar enlargements ( and probablv supplies fiiires to the brachial and sacral plexuses). Still another group, more centrally located, can be distinguished in some sections; but it is much less constant than those above described The cor- puscles of the ventral cornu are the largest found in the cord, their diameters ranging in most instances from sixty-five to one hundred and thirty micra. At the base of the ventral cornu and near the gray com- missure is a group of much smaller corpuscles, rarely ex- ceeding thirty micra in diameter, the medlocentral tract; it is well developed in the thoracic portions of the cord, but much less so in the cervical and the lumbar. At the base of the so-called lateral cornu, also in the thoracic re- gion, there is a group of corpuscles of similar size, the mediolateral tract, or, as it is called, the column of the lateral cornu. The dorsal cornu exhibits at its juncture with the gray commissure a well-marked column which extends from the level of the seventh cervical to that of the third lumbar nerve ; throughout the thoracic region it is quite conspic- uous, being roughly cylindrical in form and quite sharply defined by the arrangement of the adjacent fibres; it was 296 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. the first column ofcorpuscles to be clearl}' recognized, and is known from its discoverer as Clarke's column. Stilling proposed for it the name of the dorsal ( thoracic j nucleus, and for similarly placed aggregations situated respectively at the level of the third and fourth cervical nerves and the second and third sacral the names of the cervical and the sacral nucleus. The corpuscles of Clarke's column are next to those of the anterior cornu in size, being from thirty to ninety micra in diameter. Small corpuscles, from twenty to thirty micra in diameter, are scattered through the rest of the cornu with little definite arrange- ment; those close to the mesial margin are in some cases quite distinctly elongated parallel thereto and are known as marginal corpuscles; near the middle of the cornu the gray matter is broken up along the mesial side and to some extent along the lateral side also by bundles of fibres; the reticular formations thus produced have associated with them irregularly defined groups of corpuscles. The posterior cornu is capped dorsally by a trani*lucent mass, rich in glia cells, known as the gelati- nous substance of Rolando ; it contains numerous small rounded elements, about fifteen micra in diameter, gener- ally regarded as nerve corpuscles, as well as other larger elements, unquestionably nervous, some of which are mar- ginal in form and position. Mention may also here be made of the fact that various observers have described outlying corpuscles scattered among the fibres of the white columns, both dorsal and lateroventral. While the corpuscles are the most conspicuous elements of the gray matter, they form but a small portion thereof. By far the larger portion consists of a densely felted mass of fibres of various kinds ; including small medullated fibres, nonmedullated fibres, axis-cylinder processes and their branches, and the dendritic subdivisions of the protoplasmic processes of the corpuscles. These were CHAPTER XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 297 formerly suj)posc{l to be continuous .'ind to form the so- called reticulum of the gray matter: but the evidence of recent investi^^ations by methods giving results of great delicacy leads to the belief that no such continuity exists; what is now generally believed to be the true relation of the corpuscles and the fibres of the gray matter will be in- dicated later. To the interlacing fibres and fibrillae already mentioned are added the numerous delicate fila- ments proceeding from the glia cells which with the con- nective tissue elements present make up what is some- times called the spongy substance of the gray matter. About the central canal there lies a translucent layer simi- lar to that which caps the dorsal cornua, the central gelatinous substance. The white matter of the cord consists, as has already been said, chiefly of medullated nerve fibres; these vary greatly in size, the smallest being but one or two micra in diameter, while the largest may have a diameter of over twenty-five micra. The great majority of these fibres are longitudinally disposed, the most conspicuous exception to this being found in the white commissure, through which fibres pass at greatly varying degrees of obliquit}'. Between the medullated fibres are numerous neuroglia cells so disposed as to form an interstitial framework be- tween the subdivisions of the pial septa. Along the sur- face of the septa the neuroglia cells are gathered in great numbers, forming a definite investment which is con- tinuous outwardl}'^ with a well defined layer of consider- able thickness which lines the inner surface of the pia. While it is possible to recognize readily that certain regions of the cord, presently to be indicated, contain chiefly cither larger or smaller medullated fibres, through most portions the fibres vary so much and so irregularl}^ in size that no such division into tracts can be made as in 298 PART It. HISTOLOGICAL A.NATOMV. the gray matter, based on the size and arrangement of the fibres; the only conspicuous visible feature on which a sub- division can be based is the presence of the important secondary septum already mentioned as situated between the median septum and the dorsal cornu of either side; this passes obliquely toward the ventral edge of the median septum, thus dividing the dorsal column into two well defined portions, long known respectively as the column of GoU (next to the median septum) and the col- umn of Burdach (next to the dorsal cornu). The remainder of the cord has been more or less accurately subdivided into tracts by other methods; while these tracts cannot be distinguished by any means now in our possession in sections of the normal adult cord, some knowledge of them is necessary in order to understand the meaning of some of the finer details of structure devel- oped by recent histological researches in both the white and gray matter: a brief account of them and of the methods by which they have been determined will there- fore be given. We owe chiefly to Flechsig the discovery that the medul- lated nerve fibres of the different tracts of the cord attain their full development at different periods of embryonic and even of infantile life ; the difference in question being apparently correlated with similar differences in thecalling into activity of different powers and faculties of the ner- vous system : the study of the spinal cords of embryos at various stages of advancement thus revealing significant differences in structure not discernible in the cord of the adult. To Waller we are indebted for pointing out that an axis-cylinder when severed from the corpuscle of which it is a process rapidly undergoes degeneration : it follows from this that in cases of lesion of the cord, either patho- logical or experimental, not only single fibres but also tracts composed of fibres of a similar character will un- CHAPTER XXII. TIIK \ERVOUS AXIS. 209 dergo degeneration in a manner definitely related to the place of lesion. Without entering into the physiological significance of the changes involved, it may be said that degeneration on the side of the lesion toward the brain is called ascending; and that on the opposite side of the lesion descending ; and that the same terms are applied to the tracts in which the changes in question occur. The method of Flechsig and that based on the Wallerian law of degeneration give us results which coincide to such an extent as to determine quite clearly the limit of some of the tracts about to be mentioned ; the evidence in favor of the existence of others, while generally regarded as satis- factory, is by no means as conclusive. None of the tracts which are thus shown to exist in the white matter of the spinal cord are more clearly definable than those which pass from the pyramids of the medulla oblongata into the ventral and lateral columns of the cord. The fibres of the pyramids decussating while still in the medulla, the great majority of them enter a large com- pact bundle whose cross section is an irregularly triangular area lying (in the human spinal cord) between the dorsal cornu, from which it is separated by a thin layer of fibres, and the lateral surface of the cord, from which it is also separated by a layer of fibres save in the lumbar region, where it extends to the surface ; it is known as the lateral (or the crossed) pyramidal tract. In man the fibres of the pyramid do not, as a rule, all decussate in the medulla, a small tract passing down as a thin la\'er on the portion of the surface of the ventral column which lies within the ventral fissure on the same side as the pyramid from which it proceeds; this tract is therefore called the anterior (or the direct) pyramidal tract ; it does not extend beyond the middle of the thoracic region of the cord. It is proba- ble that decussation goes on between the right and left tracts throughout their whole course, the fibres passing 300 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. throuo^h the white commissure, instead of occurring all at once in the medulla: in some mammals the pyramidal decussation is complete, and there is in consequence no direct pyra.nidal tract: this is sometimes the case in the human subject The existence of both pyramidal tracts was demonstrated by Tuerck, though his name is usually associated with the smaller and less constant of the two, which is CO nmonly designated the column of Tuerck. Far less clearly defined and less constant in position is another descending tract, the ventrolateral, or anterior marginal bundle of Loewenthal: it consists of a thin layer of fibres situated upon or near the surface of the ventral and a good portion of the lateral columns : its fibres proceed fro n the cerebellar cortex ot the same side. In close contact with the ventrolateral descending cerebellar tract, the fibres of the two mingling to a greater or less extent, lies the ventrolateral ascending cerebellar tract, or anterolateral ascending^ tract of Gowers: like its companion, it is throughout the larger part of its course a thin layer of fibres, which is situated between the tract just mentioned and the surface of the cord: it is thickest in its most dorsal portion, and is limited in that direction by the crossed pyramidal tract. Dorsad of the tract of Gowers and external to the crossed pyramidal tract is the dorsolateral ascending cerebellar tract, or the direct cerebellar tract of Flechslg. It begins in the lower part of the thoracic portion of the cord (below which level the crossed pyramidal tract comes to the surface of the cord) and extends from there up- wards, passing through the restiform body in the medulla oblongata to reach the middle lobe of the cerebellum. Like the pyramidal tracts and unlike those just described, the tract of Flechsig is very clearly defined. Between its dor- sal border and the line of entrance of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves, limited externally by the surface of the cord, is a narrow tract, the marginal zone of Lissauer. CHAPTER XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 301 Attempts have been made to farther subdivide the white matter of the ventral and lateral columns; but the results on which these attempts arc based arc thus far so conflicting as to render theconclusions drawn therefrom cpiite doubt- ful: for the present it is best to include the whole of the territory enclosing the ventral cornu and perforated by the fibre-bundles of the ventral roots of the spinal nerves (excepting, ol course, the tracts already designated) under the title of the ventro-lateral root zone. The columns of GoU and ol Burdach, situated in the dorsal region of the white matter, have already been de- scribed as limited structurally: they may be otherwise distinguished, according to their function, as the dorso- median and the dorso- lateral ascending tracts. Im- bedded within the latter may be detected a small bundle of fibres with descending degeneration, known Irom its outline when seen in cross section as the comma. Wehaveseen that some of the tracts above described, both ascending and descending, are in direct relation with the brain : others are doubtless composed entirely' or in large measure of fibres that begin and end in the cord itself: others, and pcirticularly those of the dorsal tracts, are in direct relation with the spinal nerves; and these latter organs are in such close connection with the cord as to merit mention in this connection. Each spinal nerve possesses, as is well known, a dorsal and a ventral root. The latter consists of efferent fibres chiefly if not solely motor in function, which arise from the axis-cylinder processes of the corpuscles of the ventral cornu, as has been stated, and pass almost directly out of thecord : they therefore make no important contributions to its col- umns. The dorsal root, in addition to its ganglion, which will be farther discussed in a subsequent paragraph, con- tains a few fibres probably motor in function : it consists chiefly of efferent or so called sensory fibres which are some- 302 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. what definitely divided into two groups, a mesial and a lat- eral, in each bundle; they penetrate the surface of the cord more or less obliquely and then bifurcate, givmg rise to as- cending and descending branches, the disposition of whose terminal and collateral arborizations will be described later. Recent researches by Cajal indicate that the fibres of the lateral group, which are slender, have their bifurcation in the marginal zone of Lissauer and the adjacent part of the lateral column; their collaterals are few and delicate and end in the dorsal cornu : the fibres of the mesial group, which are stouter, reach the columns of Goll and Burdach, and there bifurcate: their collaterals form by far the larger portion of those subsequently to be described as derived from the dorsial column, and in particular those which form the channels whereby those impulses are transmitted which are involved in simple reflex movements. The white matter of the cord, therefore, consists of med- ullated nerve fibres which may be divided according to their origin and destination into three groups, the mem- bers of which are not structurally distinguishable: those which pass from the cord to end in the brain; those, com- missural in character, which pass from one portion of the cord to end in another; and those which pass to the cord from the brain or from the spinal nerves. From the de- scription of the nervous elements given in a preceding chapter it will be evident that each of these fibres consists essentially of the axis-cylinder process of a corpuscle, and ends in an arborization, giving off along its course one or more collaterals. It is probable, but not certain, that these collaterals have their terminal arborizations in re- gions of the gray matter of the cord homologous with that in which the terminal arborization of the fibre itself is situated. Leaving out of consideration for the present the fibres CttAPTEk XXll. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 303 which pass from the cord to the l)rain, it may be said that the terminal arborizations of fibres, whether collateral or principal^ which enter the gray matter of the cord are in close contiguitv or actual contact with the bodies or the dendritic processes of the corpuscles of the gray matter: the latter play the part of conductors (and not a nutritive role merely), and connection is thusestablished asefficiently ns by the continuity of substance once supposed to exist. An impulse thus transmitted calls forth the activity of the corpuscle in question, resulting in a discharge along its axis-cylinder process which undergoes a similar distribu- tion. Regarding the final arborization of a fibre as essentially similar to thoseof the collaterals, and therefore to beclassi' fied with them, we shall make the first step toward a con* ception of the physiological anatomy of the cord by an enquiry into the distribution of these structures as they leave the various regions of the white matter. The follow- ing account thereof, as well as that of the corpuscles of the gray matter to be subsequently given, is taken almost wholly from Cajal. Collaterals of the ventral (anterior) column. These are larger than those from any other portion of the cord : springing from the large axis cylinders which compose this column they pass dorsad in irregular groups to be distrib- uted within the ventral cornu and particularly about the motor corpuscles. Some bundles pass to the mid-plane of the cord and are distributed in the ventral cornu of the opposite side, constituting the ventral (or anterior) com- missure of collaterals, situated largely dorsad of the ven- tral commissure formed of axis cylinders. Collaterals of the lateral column. These pass inward to be distributed chiefly in the central region of the gray 304 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. matter of the same side: some, however, pass to the mid- plane, dorsad of the central canal, where thev form a por- tion of the dorsal (posterior) or gray commissure: they are divided in it into two bundles, a ventral and a ne- dian, and are distributed in the central and to some extent the dorsal region of the opposite side Collaterals of the dorsal (posterior ) column. The tracts of Goll and of Burdach,and the marginal zone of Lissauer, from which these collaterals are chiefly derived, are formed in great part of the continuations of the fibres of the pos- terior roots of the spinal nerves. Four groups of collat- erals may be distinguished. Sensitivo-motor (or reflexo-motor) collaterals: these arise not onh' from the continuations of the fibres of the posterior root but also from the fibres themselves before their bifurcation; passing across the gray matter, they terminate in the ventral cornu of the same side. Dorsal cornu collaterals : these, like the preceding, are very numerous: they traverse the substance of Rolando in groups to form immediately ventrad thereof and through- out the substance of the dorsal cornu a dense network composed of the intercrossing of their terminal arboriza- tions. Clarke's column collaterals: small bundles pass ven- . trally from the tract of Goll to terminate in the column of Clarke of the same side, there forming a thick network about the corpuscles of the column. Commissural Collaterals: arising chiefly in the tract of Goll numerous small bundles pass to the most dorsal por- tion of the gray commissure, which they traverse, to be distributed in the dorsal cornu of the opposite side: thus forming the dorsal bundle of the commissure. Thus, it will be seen, each white column gives off two CIIAPTKR XXII. THE NKRVOUS AXIS. 305 kinds of coUateriils: those which furnish their terminal arborizations to the gray matter of the same side, and those, commissural in chiiracter, which are destined to ramifv in the gray matter of the opposite side. In either case their relations are eventually directly with the cor- ])uscles of the gray matter, whose disposition may now be further considered. E.Kcepting in the substance of Ro- lando, where some elements of special form ai*e found, the corpuscles of the dorsal, central, and ventral regions diflfer but little, save in size. The only important distinction to be noted in them pertains to the final disposition of their axis-cylinder processes: on this basis five groups or kinds of corpuscles may be distinguished : of these the first four send, as will be seen, their axis-cylinder processes out of the gray matter into the white, there to become medul lated : they may be therefore distinguished as corpuscles with long axis-cylinder processes (corpuscles of the first class); while the axis-cvlinder processes of the fifth end in the gray matter not far from their point of origin : they are therefore corpuscles with short axis-cjdinder processes (corpuscles of the second class, corpuscles of Golgi). The five kinds of corpuscles are as follows: Radical corpuscles, or corpuscles directly related to the roots of the spinal nerves. These are the motor corpuscles of the ventral cornua, and comprise the largest corpuscles of the cord : their axis-cylinder processes are thick and devoid of collaterals and pass in most cases directly through the lateroventral column to enter the ventral roots of the spinal nerves. From a few^ of the corpuscles the axis-cylinder processes traverse the gray matter to leave the cord by the dorsal root : they pass through the spinal ganglia, however, without entering into relation with their corpuscles, and must be regarded as in all prob- ability motor in function. Q'()6 PART n. HISTbLOGICAL ANATOMY? ■ The dendrites of these corpuscles are stout, lotig/aria ver}' much branched. They ma}' be distinguished as ven- tro-external, dorsal, and internal (mesial); the latter branch dichotomously in the Vicinity of the ventral (ante- rior) commissure ; some of the branches pass the niid-plane and enter the ventral cornu of the Opposite- side, intercross- ing with corresponding processes therefrom and forming the protoplasmic commissure of Caijal. The ventro-ex- ternal processes terminate in the lateroventral column, and the posterior in different regions of the ventral cornu. Commissural Corpuscles: these are smaller than thosie just described, a:nd provided vC^ith fewer arid shorter den- drites. Golgi demonstrated their presence in all of the regions of the gray matter, and that the axis-cylinder pro- cesses pass to the mid-plane which they crOss ventrally (Iti the white commissure) to- be continued to the ventrolat^- eral column of the Opposite side. Cajal has shown that thfey there under'g'o not a sifi'gle continuation', btit a T- division: this indicates that'the conitnissural axis-cylinder process, on reaching the white inatter of the opposite side; divides into an ascending and a descending fibre of the column. Columnar corpuscles : we may thus designate the nutn- erous medium-sized corpuscles scattered throughout the whole of the gray matter, of which the axis-cylinder pro- cesses enter into vertical 'fibres of their own side.' The greater number of the corpuscles of this kind which occur in the ventral cornii send their processes to the lateroven- tral column : those which are sittJated in the dorsal cornu direct them toward the most dorsal portion of the lateral column in manycases, though some of the corpuscles found in the substance of Rolando and the internal portion of the dorsal cornu send their processes to the dorsal column. CHAPTKR XXII. THE NHRYODS AXIS; 307 A? rc«;ar(ls tht'columii ol Clarke, two kinds of corpuscles cati be demonslrated : conimissiiral corpuscles, whose processes enter the ventral commissure ; and columnar cor- puscles, whose processes pass to the lateral column to be- come continuous with the fibres of the cerebellar tract. This continuation takes place by two methods; by the formation of a l)end, which furnishes a sinj^le conductor, ascendiuLj or descending; and by a T-division, which forms two conductors or vertical branches, one ascending and the other descending. Pluricolumnar corpuscles : Elements. are so termed by Cajal of which the axis-cylinder process is divided while still in the gray matter into two or more portions which enter into as many nerve fibres belonging to different col- umns : thus, for example, an element of this kind may send one fibre to the ventral column of its own side and an- other to that of the opposite side; in another the process may divide into a fibre for the dorsal column and another for the lateral or ventral, etc. Van Gehuchten has proposed for the corpuscles here designated commissural, columnar, and pluricolumnar the names of heteromeral, tautomeral, and hecateroraeral corpuscles respectively. Short process corpuscles: these, which are found chiefly in the dorsal portion of the gray matter, have slender and flexuous axis-cylinder processes which speedily end in arbor- izations situated in proximit\' to Other and adjacent cor- puscles. The substance of Rolando merits special mention on ac- count of the peculiarities of some of the corpuscles con- tained therein. The latter belong chiefly to the columnar and short process types, with some pluricolumnar cor- 308 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. puscles; whilst commissural corpuscles are not known with certaint}' to occur. Those characteristic of the re- gion are of three principal forms disposed in as manv con- centric zones, passing from without inward, as follows. The marginal corpuscles are large fu:!iform or flat- tened elements situated between the substance of Rolando and the dorsal column of white matter, thus forming a discontinuous layer. The dendritic processes line the sur- face of the dorsal column and there ramify: the axis-cylin- der process, arising sometimes from the border of the cor- puscles, sometimes from one of its processes, is directed ven- trally across the substance of Rolando; it then changes its direction to reach the posterior portion of the lateral col- umn, with one of the fibres of which it becomes continuous. The pyriform or fusiform corpuscles are the smallest elements of the cord: their shape is quite variable, but forms indicated by the terms above are prevalent. It is characteristic of them that they are elongated dorsoven- trally and have great numbers of crooked and intermin- gled dendrites, the greater portion of which arise from a ventrally directed stalk which is prolonged almost to the head of the dorsal cornu. The axis-cylinder process gen- erally arises from the posterior portion of the corpuscle and passes either dorsally or laterally to become continu- ous with one of the fibres of the dorsal column. The stellate corpuscles are situated nearest to the head of the dorsal cornu: they unite the substance of Rolando with that region by means of their abundant spinous den- drites. The axis-cylinder process is sometimes directed lengthwise of the cord; it then comports itself as a por- tion of a short process corpuscle, and appears to end in the substance of Rolando itself: at other times it is directed either mesially, to become continuous with a fibre of the column of Burdach, or laterally, to form a slender fibre of the marginal zone of Lissauer. CIIAPTKK XXII. THE NERVOUS AXIS. 309 Bv a CO n():iris :)n of this (Ijscription of the corpuscles as based upon the destination of their axis-cylinder processes with that previously j^iven of their distribution in col- umnar tracts aloni^ the cord, it will be seen that these lat- ter are in nearlv everv instance composed of corpuscles of v'lrvinar relatiois. n )t evi.';i the colu of the ventral cornu consistin'j^ solely of so called motor corpuscles: Each of these elon^jated clusters may therefore be regarded as consisting of corpuscles so coordinated in function as to justify the title of nuclear or ganglionic columns fre- quently applied to them. The corpuscles of the spinal ganglia, while they are situated without the cord, should always be associated with that structure in any attempt to form a complete conception of the central nervous mechanism, since their eflferent axis-cylinder processes enter extensively into rela- tion with the dorsal columns andcornua. Their spheroidal or ])vriform contour has been described in a previouschap- ter, as has also the manner in which two medullated fibres are derived from the single pole or process borne by the bodv of the corpuscle. They are unique in the fact that one of these fibres puts them in communication with den- dritic or receptive terminals which are far more remote in most instances than those of any other nervous element. The central canal of the cord is lined with a columnar epithelial layer of ependyma cells which are frequently but not always ciliated. These are in the embryo con- tinued b\' slender prolongations which reach to the pia, forming the primary' framework of the cord : such contin- uations persist in the lower vertebrates, but their presence in adult birds and mammals is not yet well established. In connection with the ependyma cells, and possibly de- rived therefrom, there are found in the adult cord of the 310 PART If. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. , higher vertebrates numerous neuroglia cells which are particularly abundant in the white, matter,, immediatehr beneath the pi a and along the septa and blood vessels, in the substance of Rolando, and in the central gelatinous, substance. . , > , . • , , i The blood supply of the cord merits special mention. A s;ingle median ventral spinal artery (the anterior spinal of human anatomy) runs along the . ventral margin of. the fold.of the pia which enter§ the ventral fissure: while a pair of dorsal spinal arteries ;,(or postejioj^ spinals). are situated just ventrad of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves: branches of these arteries ramify. in the ]')ia tK) form an, extensive plexus. From the, ventral tr,unkv small, vessels, the central arterioles of Ross, injiumber several times as many as the iV,erte;brae follow, the .fold of, the pia into the.median fissure as far as the white commis-, sure. Here they turn altern^.tely right , and' left to reach: the central region of the gray matter of, either, side* where, they breakup into small arterioles and finally into capil; laries: the central arterioles are distributed, chiefly to the; gray matter, though some of their divisions penetrate thef white ma,tter, particularly of the lateral and ventral col- umns. ' , The dorsa,l vessels and the pial plexusgiyeoflT great num,- bers of peripheral arterioles which follow the dorsal me- dian septum or the other less prominent septa into the cord: their terminal divisions^ are .found not only in the w^hite matter but also in the, outer portion of the grayi matter and throughout the, dorsal coruua. Each a.irteriole, whether central or peripheral, has its own proper capil-; lary area, anastomoses between adjacent arterioles not being known to occur. Similarly disposed central and peripheral venules o^rry the blood from the capillary networks to the irregu- CHA<»fER XXII. TilK NERtoUS AXIS. 311 Inr plexuses of veins in the ()ia and to tlie ])rinei|)al venous trunks: these are two in number, a ventral which follows the ventral artery nmre or less eloselv, and a dorsal, \\ hieh overlies the niediiin dorsal septum and is not the compatiion of any artery. ' ' ' ^'The brain is the mo'dified and specialized anterior end of the nervous axis. As we pass from the spinal cord into the medulla oblonfrata, and thence; throu<;h the region of the pons, into the crura cerebri, we find that the fibrous tracts which can be recognized in the white matter of the coi^d here become subdivided and varibusl}' modified, some of theni sooii disappearing as such, while others mav be traced almost to the most anterior portions of the brain; while new fibrous tracts variouslv related, mav be de- tected by the method of Waller and particularh'^ bv that of F'lechsig, The central canal expands here and there to form the ventricular cavities of the brain ; while its epen^ dymal lining frequently coming in contact with the pial •investment through the absence of intervening nervous tissues; is often thrown into A'^ascular folds of greater or less exrterit. The'gray matter*,' which ih the c6rd sur- rounds the ceritral canal, now lies chiefly in its floor and yides, and is penetrated and subdivided by the diversified fibre tracts already referred to. The ganglionic columns, ■v^'hich in the cord were continuous throughout the whole or large portions of its structure, are now broken up into more or less definite nuclear aggregates of corpuscles, ser- ving a«i centres for specific cranial nerves: some of these nuclei may perhaps be homologized with portions of some of the ganglionic columns ; while for others no such rela- tion is discernible. In addition to this central prolongation and modifica- tion of the cord, other structures appear connected there 312 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. with Nvliicli. while they must unquestionably be regarded as developments of the axial region, are of such size and structural importance as to be properh' regarded as sub- stantially additions thereto. These, like the cord, and the basal portions of the brain as well, are composed of more or less definite fibre tracts and corpuscular areas, related to each other and to the more axial structures. Within recent years great progress has been made in the process of unraveling this complex structure, and it is safe to say that the general topography of the brain is known. To attempt to sketch it. however, would take far more space than the range of the present work con- templates, and would take us largeh^ into a field where, while the method has been and must be chiefl\' that of the histologist, the results belong rather to the domain of the anatomist. Aledullated fibres, axis-cylinder processes with their collaterals, and multipolar corpuscles are much the same in appearance and in relations throughout a large portion of the brain as in the spinal cord : and we are con- cerned from a histological standpoint only with those resions of the brain in which new forms of nervous ele- m.ents appear or in w-hich some special mode of combina- tion is demonstrable. The chief of these are the cerebel- lum, the cerebral hemispheres, and the olfactory bulbs ; an account of the cerebellum and of the hemispheres will now be given : that of the olfactory bulb will be deferred until the sense organ with which it is connected has been described. The cerebellar cortex is a superficial la^^er of gray mat- ter whose well marked folds form the laminae visible on the surface of the organ to the naked eye: the middle of each fold is occupied b}' a mass of white fibres in direct relation to the gray matter. The latter shows to the naked eye tw^o distinct strata ; an outer and paler known CHAPTER XXII. THK NERVOUS AXIS. 313 as the molecular layer, and an inner, of a rusty brown color, called the granular layer. Between these, and par- tially imbedded in each, is a nearly continuous stratum of kir;j[e corpuscles, the most characteristic of the cerebellar cortex, the corpuscles of Purkinje. They are pyriform or flask-shaped, the large extremity being directed inward: from the latter an axis-cylinder process is given oft' which passes through thegranular layer to enter the white mat- ter as 'ci medullated nerve fibre; during its course through the granular layer it gives off^ collaterals which in many cases turn backward to enter the molecular layer. The outer extremity of the corpuscle is prolonged for a greater or less distance, but usually soon divides into two ])rincipal branches, which rapidly and repeatedly subdi- vide to give rise to large numbers of dendritic processes, many of which are continued to the surface of the cortex: their surface is beset with .short processes which end bluntly. The ramification is in every case almost entireh' confined to a plane transverse to the lamella in which the corpuscle is situated. The great majority of the corpuscles of the granular layer are exceedingly small, with large nuclei and very scanty surrounding protoplasm : their great numbers, and their appearance when stained with carmine or other similar stains led to the name above given for the region in which the}' occur. For a long time their nervous char- acter was doubted or denied. The more recent technical methods have demonstrated it beyond question, and the}' are now known as granule corpuscles. Their bodies con- tain a relatively large quantity of rusty brown pigment, to which the characteristic color of the layer is due, A few protoplasmic processes are given off b\' each corpus- cle: these branch sparingly to end in a sm.all number of dendrites with thickened extremities. From the bod}' of the corpuscle, or frequently from one of the processes, a 314 PART II. HISTOLOGICAT. ANATOMY. slender axis-cylinder process is given off, which passes without collaterals into the molecular layer and there undergoes a T-division to form two slender tangential fibres whose course is alwa^'s in the direction of the lamella in which the}^ occur and therefore at right angles to the plane of the dendrites of the corpuscles of Purkinje, with which they are in close contact as the\^ pass. The tangential fibres have been shown in some of the smaller vertebrates to run the whole length of the lamellae in which they are situated. In addition to the small granule corpuscles there are present in the inner layer, though in small numbers, other nervous elements. They are situated near the outer limit of the layer and are nearly as large as the corpuscles of Purkinje, which they somewhat resemble in form. Their outer region sends off numerous protoplasmic processes, which branch irregularh^ in every direction to form large numbers of dendrites: these project chiefly into the mole- cular layer, though many of them lie altogether within the granular layer. From the inner region there is given off a slender axis-cylinder process, which branches freelj'- almost from its origin, the whole giving rise to an exten- sive arborization-plexus which is situated entirel^within the granular layer. These corpuscles therefore opb^ng to Golgi's second type. The finely dotted appearance to which the molecular layer owes its name, seen when the lamella is cut trans- versely, is largely due to the cut ends of the tangential fibres. There are present in this layer two kinds of cor- puscles. In the deeper portion are seen numerous corpus- cles of medium size and irregular form, whose dendritic processes branch sparingly but extend for some distance into the surrounding region : the axis-cylinder process takes a course generally parallel to the surface of the cor- tex and gives off frequent collaterals ; these pass inward CIIAPTKK XXII. TIIK NKK VOl'S AXIS. 315 to be ji|)|)lic(l in each instance to the bodv of a cor- puscle of Puikinje, ujjon whicii, or about the base of the axis-cylinder process, tliev terminate with little if anv snb- (bvision: a»nunil)er of such fibrils surround each corjjus- cle of Purkinje, forming a nest or basket about it: the cor|)uscles Ironi which they proceed are therefore known as basket corpuscles. Throus^hout the molecular laver, but chiefly in the outer portion thereof, are found numerous stellate COrpuscles, which though smaller in size, resemble the elements just described in their general form and in the appearance of their sparingly brdnched dendrites. The destination of their axis-cylinder processes is not known The axis-cylinder processes of the corpuscles of Purkinje give rise to the only fibres of the central white matter of the lamella known to be sent inward from the cerebellar cortex. The fibres which pass out into it have been shown to terminate in two different methods. Some of them end in the granular layer, where their extremities branch spar- ingly, the subdivisions terminating in enlargements in such a way as to give to the whole somewhat the appear- ance of a tuft of moss: the}' have therefore been desig- nated EQQSSy fibres. The others find their way to the cor- puscles of Purkinje, traverse their surfaces, and subdivide to follow the branchings of the dendritic processes, thus forming a terminal arborization which adheres thereto like a vine to a tree: they have therefore received the name of climbing fibres. It will be seen from the above description of the cerebel- lar cortex that each corpuscle of Purkinje is in relation with three sets of discharging terminals: the tangential fibres of the granule corpuscles, the collaterals of the bas- ket corpuscles, and the arborizations of the climbing fibres. We are aX present entirel)' ignorant of the func- tional relations which are based on this structure. 316 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The cerebral cortex has been regarded as composed of several distinct la^-ers which differ from each other as re- gards the form and size of the contained corjDuscles. As our knowledge has increased, the boundaries between these la\'ers have been found to be less sharply defined than was at first supposed. Three can with certainty be distinguished: the outer, or so called molecular laver, the middle, or p3'ramidal laj-er, and the inner, or polymor- phous la^er. The molecular layer, like that of the cerebellar cortex, owes its characteristic appearance largely to the cut ends of the collaterals and slender fibres which are denselv in- terwoven in it and to their terminals. Its outermost por- tion contains numerous neuroglia cells, which just beneath the pia form an almost continuous stratum, as in the spinal cord: this has been described as a distinct layer of the cortex. vScattered throughout the molecular layer are numerous nervous elements, the corpuscles of Cajal, that histologist having first demonstrated their distinguishing characteristics. Two forms have been described b}^ him, the fusiform and the stellate. The former are, as their name implies, spindle shaped, and give off from either end a polar process which runs parallel to the surface of the cortex : the two processes cannot be distinguished struc- turalh'-, and each may take on the character of an axis- cylinder process : from each collaterals are given off at right angles or nearly so, which are invariablj'' directed toward the surface of the cortex. In the second form the number of similar processes is increased to three or more. In each case the processes terminate eventually in ramifi- cations which are turned toward the cortical surface. Cajal has also described in the molecular la^^er a third form of corpuscle under the name of polygonal; these have several protoplasmic processes which end in dendrites CHAPTER XXII. THP: NERVOUS AXIS. 317 which nuiv extend beyond the molecular layer to enter that beneath it. The axis-cylinder process may arise either from the body of the corpuscle or from one of the processes: its terminal subdivisions are confined to the molecular layer. The pyramidal layer is very commonly divided into two strata, the layer of small pyramids, next the molecular layer, and the layer of large pyramids, immediately sub- jacent. The elements characteristic of these two layers are, however, so nearly alike in everything but size, and the transition from the one to the other is so gradual in this respect, that they mav. at least for the present, be advMutagcouslv considered as one. The most numerous of the elements peculiar to this layer are the pyramidal corpuscles: their form is indicated by their name. The base of the pyramid is turned away from the surface of the cortex, the apex being directed verti- cally upward and continued into a long tapering ascend- ing stem which, even from the corpuscles most deeply placed, extends nearly or quite to the molecular layer: it terminates by subdivisions into a tuft of protoplasmic processes; similar processes are given off" at right angles along its course; while others are given oft' from the bodv of the corpuscle, and particularly from the angles of its base : all these processes are probably to be regarded as dendritic : their subdivisions are distributed chiefly to the surrounding substance of the pyramidal layer, save those of the apical tuft, which are largely situated in the molecular layer. An axis-cylinder process is given off" from the base of each pj-ramidal corpuscle, usualU' from a point near the centre: it is always directed toward the white matter be- neath the cortex: collaterals are, however, given oft" while it is still in the gray matter, some of which run horizon- tally to terminal ramifications within the pyramidal 318 PART 11. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. layer, while others bend upward at a right angle to termi- nate in the molecular layer. Within the lower portion of the pyramidal layer are cdso found, scattered here and there, certain elements confined to the cerebral cortex, the carpuscles of Martinotti : they are also found in the third or polymorphous layer. They are spindle shaped, roughly pyramidal, or irregular in form, their distinguishing characteristic being the distribu- tion of the dendritic processes chiefly outward and down- ward, and an axis-cylinder process which generally arises from the uppermost portion of the corpuscle, though some- times from one of the ascending protoplasmic processes, and ascends toward the molecular layer in which its rami- fications are usually situated : in some instances the ter- minals lie wholly or in part in the uppermost portion of the pyramidal layer. The polymorphous layer is so called from the occur- rence therein of elements which vary greatly in form as well as in size: they may be ovoid, spindle shaped, pyramidal, or polygonal. They agree, however, in the fact that their long axes are as a rule disposed horizontally to the sur- face of the cortex, and that when a terminal or apical stalk is present it is never vertically directed as in the pyramidal layer. Some of the elements present are, as has just been indicated, ascending corpuscles of Mar- tinotti: others belong to the second type of Golgi, having short axis-cylinder processes which break upinto terminal ramifications in the immediate vicinity of the corpuscle. Still others give off long axis-cylinder processes which bend downward to enter the white matter and become medullated fibres of varying distribution. The deeper portion of the polymorphous laj'cr contains chiefly small fusiform corpuscles, which has led to its dis- tinction en the part of some histologists as a separate , cnAPTKK xxii. Tin-: nkkvois axis. 319 hiver: tliis is more clearly deHiied in the rej^ioii of the island of Rjil than elsevvh.'re, where the strataiii in (|ucs- tion is separated from the rest of the cortex by intervening white matter, forminf:^ the layer visible to the naked eye, known as the claustl'um. In most portions of the cortex the stratum in cjiu'stion is not clearlv definable from the rest of the ])olymorphous layer. Brief mention may perhaps l)e made of the composition of the subjacent white fibrous layer, although the vari- ous fibres and tracts are not histologically distinguishable, save to a certain extent by the methods of Waller and of Flechsig. Fibres formed by the development of medullary sheaths about axis-cylinder processes which descend from the corpuscles of the cortical gray matter may pass on downward as projection fibres to the basal ganglia, the hindbrain, or the spinal cord itself: other fibres pass as association fibres to other ])ortions, more or less remote, of the cortex of the same hemisphere: while others still pass, chiefly by way of the corpus callosum, as commis- sural fibres to regions of the cortex of the opposite hemi- si)here; not unfrequently an axis-cylinder process may be- come a projection or an association fibre, and one or more of its collaterals an association or a commissural fibre: or the converse may occur. Still other fibres pass upward into the cortex by wa}' of projection, association, or com- missural tracts to end there, the terminal arborizations being situated either in the molecular or the upper portion of the pyramidal layer. The neuroglia of the brain does not differ from that of the spinal cord to such an extent as to merit a detailed description in so brief an account of the organ as is here given. Much the same mav be said of the ependyma, which lines the ventricles and passage ways of the brain : 320 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. like that of the central canal of the cord, it is composed chiefly of columnar cells, whose free extremities bear for a time at least cilia-like processes not known to be vibratile. Mention should be made of the plexuses of the ventricles, formed b}^ infoldings of the pia and the ependyma, and consisting chiefly of a rich network of small bloodvessels supported by the former and invested b}' the latter. An outline of the blood supply of the cord was given above: that of the brain is far too complex and too much a mat- ter of gross anatomy to be described here. Neither will any account be attempted in this connection of the devel- opmental history of the nervous axis, beyond the state- ment that it is formed entirely from an infolding of the outer or epiblastic layer. CHAPTER XXIII. Tlin ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. 321 CHAPTER XXIir. THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. As was stated in a previous chapter, there are certain organs in which specially modified receiving terminals are associated with more or less highly modified forms of epi- thelium and with other special structures of a skeletal character to form in each case an apparatus for the recep- tion of a specific and clearly defined impression ; their stimulation giving rise to sensations of flavor, odor, sound, or light, commonly called special, as distinguished from the more diffused and less clearly definable sensations of temperature, contact, resistance, etc., received by the more widely scattered and possibly less specialized termi- nals described in the chapter referred to. In each case the special receiving apparatus involved has associated therewith other special structures, chiefly skele- tal, whose function it is to render more intense or more specific the impression received: these associated struc- tures being, equally with the nervous apparatus in ques- tion, essential factors of the organ of special sense. As in the case of the brain, a full description of these structures belongs rather to the province of anatomy than to that of histolog}', and would require far more space than can with propriety be given here: an account of the histological composition of the essential apparatus will in each case be given, together with mention of any characteristic features noteworthy in the tissues of the accessory parts, some previous knowledge of the anatomy of the organs in question being presumed. 322 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The immediate organs of taste are the taste-buds, so called from their spheroidal form, which are situated in large numbers upon both the outer and the inner sides of the valle\'S which surround the circum vallate papillae; on the fungiform papillae; and particularly upon the loose folds just in front of the anterior pillars of the fauces which in inan represent the more definiteU' circumscribed foliate papillae of some of the lower mammals: they are also found on the soft palate and the epiglottis, and arc scat- tered here and there over the surface of the tongue. They are spheroidal bodies, almost completely embedded in the stratified squamous epithelium of the surface where the\' occur: the long axis is directed vertically or nearly so to the surface, and the outer extreinitv tapers slightly, on which account their form is sometimes described as flask shaped. The mass consists of a number of elongated epi- thelial cells, of which some are spindle shaped, or flattened, and are known as sustentacular cells : a layer of these completed covers the outer surface, their grouping recall- ing somewhat the surface segmentation of acantelope: others are scattered irregularly throughout the interior. Between them lie other cells whose bodies, except just around the large nucleus, are slender and almost filamen- tous; these are the so called gustatory cells. The outer extremity of each ends in a ciliary process, the taste-hair, which projects with its fellows through a small circular opening in the squamous epithelium known as the gus- tatory pore: its inner extremity is slender, often bifur- cated, and frequently more extensively branched ; its sub- divisions, which are sometimes varicose, reach to the base of the taste-bud. Numerous attempts have been made to demonstrate a structural relation between theelements just described and the nerve fibres which pass to the taste-buds from the sub- divisions of the glossopharyngeal nerve, but thus far CH.VPTKK XXIII. TlIK ORCANS OF SPKCIAI, SENSE. 323 without success. This ucrvc, like the dorsal root of a spinal nerve, bears a j^anglion near its point of union with the nervous axis: examination by the chromate and silver method shows that tiie axis cylinders of the nerve fibres end in the taste-buds by branching ainoni^f the cells in the interior, forniin*,^ what are known asintrabulbar ramifica- tions: the honiolosi^y existing between the glossopharvn- jjeal and the spinal nerves would indicate that these are to be regarded as dendritic processes at the ends of long af- ferent fibres, similar to the "free endings" in the epidermis described in the chapter on the nervous tissues. Accord- ing to this view it is questionable whether the so called gustatory cells are in reality nervous in character, and some have regarded them and the sustentacular cells as alike modified epithelial elements whose form and arrange- ment favors the stimulation of the nerve terminals. There is, however, a close relationship between the senses of taste and of smell ; and the structure of the receiving ap- paratus of the latter suggests an explanation of the struc- ture of the taste-buds in which the gustatory cell would form the first member in a series of nervous elements. Reference will be made to this after the organ of smell has been described: the statements already made, however, represent the present extent of our knowledge of the facts in the case. Mention should be made here of the fact that some of the medulla ted nerve fibres of the subdivisions of the glossopharyngeal nerve going to the taste-buds terminate bv free endings in the stratified epithelium immediately surrounding those structures, forming what are termed peribulbar ramifications : these are generally regarded as fibres of general and not of special sensibilitv. The glands of a serous type, known as the glands of Ebner, which are closely associated with the taste-buds, have been de- 324 PART ir. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. scribed in connection with the tongue. They are to be distinctly regarded as accessor}^ to the apparatus of taste perception, the fluid secreted by them aiding in the solu- tion of substances whose flavor is to be perceived by the taste-buds. The sense of taste resembles most forms of general bodih- sensation in requiring the actual contact of the object per- ceived: the remaining special senses resemble the thermal sense in being capable of givingknowledge of objects at a distance. Of these the first and as regards its receiving mechanism the simplest is that of smell. The accessory- muscular and skeletal structures which make up the facial region known as the nose require no special description from a histological standpoint. The air passages which they enclose are lined with a mucous membrane known as the pituitary or the Schneiderian membrane : the vesti- bule, into which the nostril opens on either side, is lined with stratified squamous epithelium continuous at the margin of the nostril with the epidermis, of which it is a modification : the remainder is divided into two portions, the lower or respiratory and the upper or olfactory : the former is lined with stratified ciliated columnar epithelium, similar to that of other respiratory^ passages, beneath which is a highly vascular membrane which contains a considerable amount of adenoid tissue here and there gath- ered into distinct nodules, and numerous racemose glands, some of which are mucous and others are serous in char- acter: large numbers of goblet cells are also distributed throughout the epithelium. The olfactory region of the nasal mucosa can be distin- guished with the naked eye b}' means of its well marked pigmentation, it being of a yellow color in man and some CHAPTER XXIII, THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. 325 of the lower mnmmals, nnd of a yellowish brown in others. The fibrous layer is more highly vascular than in the respiratory region, but contains less adenoid tissue: it contains numerous glands, the glands of Bowman, which diflTer from the racemose glands above mentioned in being tubular, rarely branched, and but slightly bent or convo- luted: the distal extremity is frequently the largest, the tube tapering toward the duct, which is always slender, and opens either upon the mucous surface or occasionally into a small ciliated crypt: the epithelium of the glands of Bowman is of the serous type, but the tubules resem- ble those of mucous glands in having a conspicuous lumen: ordinary racemose glands are also occasionally found in the olfactory region. The epithelial layer of the olfactor}' region is composed chiefly of two kinds of elements. The first comprises the non-ciliated columnar supporting cells: these are chiefly prismatic in form throughout the greater portion of their extent, but with tapering inner extremities, and with oval nuclei situated at an approximateK' uniform distance from the surface: other more deeply situated epithelial cells are ])yramidal in form, their bases resting on the fibrous layer; they ma\' perhaps be regarded as immature supporting cells. Interspersed among the columnar epithelial cells are large mambers of slender elements of the second kind, whose outer extremities terminate in tufts of hair-like pro- cesses, the olfactory hairs, which project above thegeneral surface: the middle portion is suddenly thickened to con- tain large spheroidal nuclei : these are the olfactory cells: their slender varicose inner portions are now known to be continuous with the medullated fibres of the nerves of smell. They must therefore be regarded as nervous ele- ments, the thickened middle portion which contains the nucleus constituting the bod\' of the corpuscle, and the peripheral portion a greatly reduced dendritic region con' 326 Part ii. histological anatomy. sivSting of a single protoplasmic process; while the proxi- mal portion passes over into an axis-cylinder process which shortly becomes a non-meclnllated nerve fibre. The olfactory nerve-fibres can bo follov^^ed through the cribriform plate to their passage into the surface of the olfactory bulbs, whose structure may now be considered : as has been stated in a previous chapter, the^^ constitute a distinct region of the brain; but their histological struc- ture is so intimately associated with their relation to the sense of smell as to make their description appropriate in this connection. Each olfactory bulb is a rounded mass at the anterior extremity of the longer or shorter olfac- tory tract (or olfactory nerve, improperly so called): the whole is an outgrowth from the hemisphere and originally contains a cavity, the olfactory ventricle, which is a di- verticulum of the lateral ventricle: in many mammals this cavity persists throughout life ; in some it persists in the bulb, that of the tract being obliterated ; in man and the Primates generally it disappears altogether in the adult. In passing across a section of the olfactory bulb from the surface in close proximity to the cribriform plate to the ependymal lining of the olfactory ventricle a more or less distinct stratification may be observed: the number of layers distinguished by difterent observers varies accord- ing to the degree of subdivision recognized: Cajal desig- nates five, distinguished by histological characteristics de- monstrable with the aid of the silver chromate method, in addition to the ependymal la\'er, which is wanting in those forms in which the bulb is solid. The first of these is the superficial layer of nerve fibres: this is a thin stratum of slender non-medullated fibres arranged in a felted mass: it is composed exclu- sively of the constituents of the bundles which pass through the perforations of the cribriform plate, whose origin, as we have seen, is in the axis-cylinder processes of CllAPTHK XXIll. Tin: ORGANS OF SPFXIAI. SKNSK. 327 ihc olfactory cells. The fibres leave the layer inwardly cither siniilv or in stnall *;roups to enter the second stra- lurn. or layer of olfactory glomeruli: the bodies whose presence distin«i:uishcs this layer have lon<; been known to spheroidal masses present inlarji^e nnnibers near the surface of the bulb: it is only recently that their structure has been at all understood : they are composed in])arL hv the dense tufts of varicose fibrils which form the terminal arborizations of the olfactory fibres entering them from the superficial layer; in part by the similarly tufted dendritic ramifications of the extremities of pro- cesses derived from corpuscles situated in a deeper layer to be presently described: they are, therefore, the places where ingoing impulses are transmitted from the first to the second of a series of nervous elements. The third stratum is termed by Cajal the molecular layer: as is the case with other structures similarly desig- nated in various parts of the nervous axis, the finely punctate appearance which characterizes it when seen in section is due to the cut ends of numerous fibres, and of fibre-like processes from the corpuscles of the layer next adjacent. Cajal describes in addition, as i)cculiar to this layer, certain elongated or fusiform corpuscles whose peripheral extremities are continued by slender processes which run to the glomeruli and there terminate in small dendritic tufts which are subsidiary to those of the cor puscles of the layer next within: their proximal extremi- ties give rise to axis-cylinder processes which run to the innermost layer and there bend strongly to pass toward the olfactory tracts, which they enter as medullated fibres. The layer of mitral corpuscles is the fourth of the suc- cessive zones : it consists of large nervous elements chiefly disposed in a sitigle stratum, whose general form is indi- cated by their title. The base of each corpuscle is directed 328 PART rr. histological anatomv. toward the outer surface of the bulb: it gives off, in mam- mals usually from a point near its centre,a stout descend- ing process which traverses the molecular la^^er to form in one of the glomeruli the important dendritic ramifica- tion already described as one of the essential constituents of each of those bodies. From the margin of the base are given off stout protoplasmic processes which diverge greatly, their ramifications interlacing to form a layer in which the corpuscles lie: their finer subdivisions extend obliquely into the molecular layer. The inwardly directed apex of the corpuscle gives rise to a stout axis-cylinder process which penetrates the layer next within and there bends abruptly to run backward in that layer, giving off collaterals whose terminal ramifications are in the mole- cular layer, and eventually to become the axis-cylinder of a medullated fibre of the olfactory tract. The form and relations of the mitral corpuscles are sub- ject in different vertebrates to variations in detail that are of such importance, as bearing upon their functions, as to merit description here. Tn mammals generally each mitral corpuscle bears but a single descending process: this may, however, divide and send branches to more than one glom- erulus. In birds each mitral corpuscle gives off several descending processes to as many glomeruli : in either of these two ways a single corpuscle is put in relation with a number of the bipolar nervous elements of the olfactory mucosa. In some mammals, however, the glomeruli are relatively large, and each receives the dendritic ramifica- tions of several descending processes from as many mitral corpuscles: in such cases a single bipolar element may transmit a stimulus to several mitral corpuscles: this lat- ter condition obtains in the olfactory bulbs of mammals possessed of a high degree of olfactory sensibility. Within the layer of mitral corpuscles is found the granu- lar layer or deep layer of fibres: both of these terms being ciiMTKu xxiii Tin: ouc.ANS OF siMXiAL shnsp:. 829 ai);)lic(l to the tilth stratum as here defined. , Omitting tro 11 eoiisideration tlie ependymal liniiiij; of the eavity of the bulb, by some regarded as belonging to this layer, but which does not differ in any essential respect from the ependvma which everywhere lines the cavities of the ner- vous axis, the stratum consists almost exclusively of the two kinds of nervous elements indicated by the titles above given. The principal constituents are the nervoUS fibres, which represent the axis-cylinder processes already described as entering this layer from the subjacent corpus- cles: as these pass along the length of the bulb they give off numerous collaterals, of which some run horizontallv to end among the adjacent granules; others descend ver- tically to terminate by interlacing ramifications among the lateral protoplasmic processes of the mitral corpus- cles. The name of granule corpuscles is used to designate the abundant cellular elements, probably nervous in char- acter, which are grouped in numerous clusters through- out the laver, the fi.bres above mentioned running in inter- lacing bundles among these clusters. They vary more or less in form, but are usually provided at their inner ex- tremities with several short, slender, rapidly branching processes: the outer extremity bears a single stouter process which runs to the inner surface of the molecular layer, there to ramify among the lateral processes of the mitral corpuscles. Other corpuscular elements, which are more doubtfully nervous in function, have been described in this layer. The medullated fibres of this layer pass through the ol- factory tract to enter the hemisphere and there to be dis- tributed to their destinations in the cortex. In addition, Cajal describes in the tract eflferent fibres which pass into the deep fibre layer of the bulb to end in arborizations which are situated chiefly among the central processes of 33U PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. the granule corpuscles. In those mammals in which the cavity of the bulb is ol)literated in the adult, the ependy- mal lining is replaced b\^ a gelatinous mass containing numerous neuroglia cells. The dorsal portion of the bulb is in mammals generalU' far simpler in structure than the ventral, the latter, by virtue of its position, being brought into far more intimate relations with the olfac- tory mucosa. At the close of the description of the structure of the taste-buds reference u^as made to the close relationship of the senses of taste and of smell, and a possible resem- blance in structure in the two organs was intimated. That resemblance, if it exists, is chiefly between the gus- tatory and the olfactory cells : the former are strikingly like the latter as regards their general form, and particu- larly as regards the central nucleated portion and the peripheral process. As we pass inward, however, the likeness is less evident : the olfactory cell is plainly a ner- vous element, being continued by an axis-cylinder process which ends by arborizations in one of the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb: if the gustatory cell is a nervous element, its inner portion must be regarded as a corresponding arborization-region, very greatly reduced, and probably discharging the impulses which it transmits upon the intrabulbar ramifications of the fibres of the glossopharyn- geal nerve. Such an arrangement, if it exists, is without parallel as far as known ; but would find its nearest repre- sentation in the olfactory apparatus. If, on the other hand, the gustatory cells are epithelial, and not nervous, the structure of the taste-bud approaches most nearly to that of a tactile or pressure-organ, a form of sensation having little relation to the sense of taste, which resem- bles that of smell (and no other sense) in that it enables us to take cognizance of stimuli that must be regarded as CHAPTER XXIII. 1 HI. ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSK. 3^1 essentially chemical. It should be noted that true gusta- tory sensations are also received on portions of the tongue in which taste-buds have not been found, and that these organs have been descriljed upon surfaces other than that of the tongue which are certainly not gusta- tory. We are here undoubtedly confronted with a prob- lem whose solution depends upon discoveries yet to be made. The apparatus of sight is far more complex in structure than that of smell, alike in its essential portions and in those which are accessory thereto. The former include the capsule, fibrous in man and in the mammals generalh' throughout the larger portion of its wall (though ]iartl\- cartilaginous or bony in some vertebrates) ; the apparatus of refraction, with its mechanisms of adjustment; and the structures directly involved in the reception of light stimuli and their conversion into nervous impulses. The accessory parts are the protecting eyelids; the investing membrane common to them and to the eyeball ; and the glands whose secretions maintain the proper condition of this membrane. It will be convenient to proceed, in des- cription, from the more external accessory parts to the more deeply seated and more complex essential structures: in each case considering anatomical characters only in so far as necessary for the elucidation of the histology of the parts in question. The eyelids are essentially muscular folds of the skin, modified chiefly upon their inner surfaces. The outer sur- face resembles the skin of adjacent portions of the face in 332 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. the presence of diminutive hairs, accompanied by small sebaceous glands, and by occasional sweat glands : it is thrown into small irregular folds. The underlying corium is loose in texture: it also differs from that of the rest of the skin of the face in the presence of considerable numbers of branched pigment corpuscles. At the free margin ol the lid the surface curves inward ; the corium becomes more dense; and the hair follicles are suddenly enkirged for the development of the long, stout, and recurved cilia, or eye- lashes. Sebaceous glands open into the follicles of the cilia, as do also some of the ducts cf modiiied sweat glands known as the glands of Moll, others opening freely at the surface. As the integument approaches the inner surface of the lid it bends almost at a right angle at the palpebral bor- der, and at the same time becomes modified in "structure to form the palpebral conjunctiva, which lines the sur- face of the lid in contact with the eyeball. Beneath the in- tegument is situated the orbicularis muscle, composed of striated fibres whose bundles run in a general way par- allel to the palpebral border: the group of bundles situ- ated just within the border fold, and separated from the mass of the orbicularis by the follicles of the cilia, is dis- tinguished as the ciliary or marginal muscle, or as the muscle of Riolan. Just interior to the orbicularis mus- cle lies the palpebral fascia, a layer of fibrous tissue which separates the tegumental from the conjunctival portion of the lid: in the upper lid it is blended with the tendon of the levator muscle. The palpebral conjunctiva consists of a layer of strati- fied columnar epithelium containing scattered goblet cells, and resting upon a definite basement membrane: and a dense mass of fibrous tissue, the tarsus, or the tarsal carti- lage (erroneously so-called, as it is entirelv devoid of carti- lage corpuscles). The stratified columnar epithelium of the CHAI'TKK XXIII. THE ORGANS OF SPKCIAL SENSE. 333 conjinictiva passes tjradually at the palpebral border into the stratified squamous epithelium ot the integument : the tarsus may be regarded as the continuation of the denser portion of the tegumentary corium. Upon the inner surface of the lid there can be seen with the naked eye. a number ol vertical rows o( apparently granular masses, of a yellowish color. These are the tarsal or Meibomian glands. com])ound structures of the sebace- ous type which are imbedded in the tarsus: each consists of a straight or somewhat curved conducting tube or duct lined with cuboidal epithelium, into the sides of which o])en numerous sebaceous saccules resembling in everv es- sential those found in connection with the hair follicles; the ducts open by minute orifices upon the margin of the lid. their mouths being lined for a short distance with stratified squamous e])ithelium. Along the proximal margin of the tarsus, and partly imbedded therein are scattered branched tubular glands of the serous type, the accessory tear glands: they discharge their secretion upon the adjacent conjunctival surface. The conjunctival surface of this vicinity is frequentlv thrown into folds, chiefly involving the epithelium, whose appearance in cross section has led to their being de- scribed as glands. The connective tissue between the base- ment membrane of the conjunctiva and the tarsal plate contains diffuse adenoid tissue which is occasionallvgath- ered into nodules in the human subject: in some of the lower mammals these nodules are quite numerous and well-defined. Bevond the base of the eyelids the conjunctiva passes over upon the eyeball at the fornix conjunctivae. Goblet cells are more numerous here than upon the palpebral sur- face; the fibrous portion contains a number of distinct adenoid nodules, and a few mucous glands : passes over into a loose la\er of subconjunctival areolar 334 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. tissue which permits of a considerable amount of motion. The continuation of the conjunctiva upon the e\'eball will be best described in connection with that structure. The plica semilunaris, a vertical curved fold at the inner angle of the e3'-e, representing the third e\^elid of many lower vertebrates, is a mere fold of conjunctiva; it con- tains internall}' in some mammals, and sometimes in man, a thin slip of h3'aline cartilage: as well as a rudimentary racemose gland regarded as representing the Harderian gland generalh'^ present in the eyes of those vertebrates which have a functional third eyelid. The adjacent ca- runcle is a rounded fatty mass, with an investment agree- ing with the integument in structure and containing mi- nute hairs and modified sweat glands. The conjunctiva, w^hich is highH' sensitive, is richly supplied with the nerve terminals already described as end-bulbs. The lachrymal gland, situated in the supero-lateral portion of the orbit, consists of two somewhat distinct portions, sometimes described as the superior and inferior lachrymal glands. The whole mass consists of an aggre- gation of compound racemose glands which open by in- dependent ducts upon the conjunctival surface in the region of the superior fornix. The acini, which may be either simple or branched, are lined by granular cells with large spherical nuclei, agreeing in this respect with the alveoli of serous glands ; from which the}' differ, however, b}^ the presence in each of a distinct and sometimes a large lumen. They open into ductules lined by flattened or low columnar cells: these lead into ducts whose epithelium is distinctly columnar, and in which a second layer of small cells has been described as situated near the basement membrane. The secretion of the lachrjanal gland, after washing the surface of the eyeball, is carried away by the lachrymal C!I.M'TI-:K XXIII. TIIK ORC/ANS OF SI'KCIAL SENSE. 335 canals, whlcli open on the ])alj)chral borders near their inner extremities. Each canal is lined with stratified squa- inons epilheliuin, which rests upon a tihrous layer rich in clastic fibres: external to this is a layer of striated mus- cular fibres which are <2^cnerally dis|)osed lon<;itudinally. The canals discharge into the lachrymal sac, which is continued to the nasal cavity by the nasal or lachrymal duct. The sac and the duct are both comj^osed of ahi elas- tic fibrous layer containing considerable adenoid tissue, and lined bv a mucous membrane which is invested by columnar ejiithelium resembling that of the nasal cavity. The visual capsule consists of two distinct strata ; the outer, or skeletal, which is known throughout the greater ]K)rtion of the eyeball as the sclerotic, but is transformed in front to form the transparent cornea; and the inner, or musculo-vascular, which is composed of the posterior choroid, and the anterior iris: the essential nervous struc- ture of the eye lies immediately interior to the choroid. The cornea is a part of the refracting apparatus of the eve, and the iris a portion of the regulatory mechanism : but each ma\' be conveniently described in connection with the stratum of which it is a portion. The whitish sclerotic is a dense fibrous layer resembling somewhat a greatly thickened membrane; the interlacing fibre bundles are arranged chiefly in antero-posterior and in transverse directions : elastic fibres are sparingly pres- ent: the fixed corpuscles are flattened, and lie in definite lacunae of irregular form. The inner kiyer is rich in brown- ish pigment and is known as the lamina fusca: between it and the outer layer of the choroid are extensive lymjih spaces lined with endothelium and traversed by blood- vessels and strands of connective tissue. The sclerotic is nearh' twice as thick in its posterior as in its anterior por- tion : where the optic nerve enters the eye the sclerotic be- 336 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. comes continuous with thesheath of that cylindrical bodv: the circular area enclosed is suddenly thinned, and is pierced by a number of small openings; it is therefore des- ignated the lamina cribrosa. Over the larger portion of the sclerotic its outer surface is invested by a thin layer of connective tissue loosely uniting it to the capsule of Tenon, a membranous sac lined with endothelium and enclosing the space of Tenon by means of which the e^'eball is sep- arated from the fat masses lining the orbit. In front the sclerotic, is invested, as far as the scleral sulcus bv which it is separated from the cornea, by the scleral conjunctiva: this consists chiefly of stratified squamous epithelium resting upon a thin fibrous membrane which is connected to the sclerotic by a scanty layer of looser connective tis- sue: it contains numerous end-bulbs, and, as is well known, is extremely sensitive. The cornea is readily distinguishable from the sclerotic, not only by its transparency, but also by its greater con- vexity. Its outer surface is covered by a layer of stratified squamous epithelium continuous with that ol the scleral conjunctiva: the layer is several cells deep, the outer ele- ments being strongly flattened, but retaining their nuclei, and the inner being digitated in a manner similar to the prickle-cells of the epidermis. The deepest cells rest on a thin, dense, homogeneous layer of closely felted fibres, the membrane of Bowman, or external limiting membrane, which possibly represents the fibrous portion of the con- junctiva. Beneath this membrane, and closel}^ connected with it is the substantia propria of the cornea, a mass of the corneal tissue described in detail in a previous chapter: at its margin it passes over into the substance of the scle- rotic, of which it is presumably a modification. Internally this mass is invested with a thin homogeneous elastic in- ternal limiting membrane, otherwise known as the membrane of Descemet: its inner surface is covered CHAPTER XXIII. THK OKOANS OF SPECIAL SENSK. 337 with a layer of endoLhcliuni and bounds the anterior chamber of the eye. Around its margin the meml)rane of Deseeniet is continued by a number of processes to form the pectinate ligament by which the cornea is attached to the iris. The choroid is nearly coextensive with the sclerotic. It consists of a vascular layer of fibrous tissue which is ex- ceedingly rich in large pigment corpuscles, imparting to it a color which varies from brown to black: in the human eye it is dark brown in color. Its outermost portion, con- sisting entirely of pigmented connective tissue, forms a layer distinguished as the lamina suprachoroidea : it lies immediate!}' within the lamina fusca of the sclerotic, from which it is largely separated, as has been already stated, by extensive lymph spaces lined with endothelium. The body of the choroid is rich in bloodvessels, which are disposed in tw^o strata; an outer containing the arteries and veins, wdiich are arranged in a characteristic manner, and an inner, the capillary tunic, or tunic of Ruysch: the fibrous structure between the two is a layer of connective tissue rich in elastic fibres which in some mammals is so well developed as to form a distinct layer which is visible through the capillary tunic and the retina, and is known as the tapetum. Within the capillary tunic is a thin trans- jjarent layer, the membrane of Bruch, or vitreous mem- brane. The anterior portion of the choroid is modified by the foldings of its inner surface known as the ciliary processes, and by the thickening due to the presence of the layer of bundles of smooth muscular fibres termed the ciliary muscle: the whole region, including a marginal zone, the ciliary ring, in which the capillary tunic is less well de- veloped than in the choroid generally, is sometimes desig- nated the ciliary body. The ciliary processes, upwards of seventy in number in the human eye, are meridion- 33H PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. ally disposed folds which begin just anterior to the cili- ary ritig and rise gradually to the height of a half of a millimetre or so, to terminate abruptly at the margin of the iris: like the rest of the choroid, they are quite vascu- lar, the vessels being imbedded in a pigmented stroma of connective tissue, and are limited internally by the vitreous membrane. Upon their surfaces are pouch-like depressions lined by the epithelial layer, presently to be described, with which the vitreous membrane is invested in this re- gion; these have been called ciliary glands : their gland- ular function is, however, doubtful. The ciliary muscle is b_v some regarded as a portion of the choroid, by others as interposed between it and the sclerotic. It is composed of bundles of smooth muscular fibres (of striated fibres in birds), most of which arise from the pectinate ligament at the region where the scle- rotic, the cornea, and the iris come together: of these the greater number run meridionally to be inserted into the choroid, and are therefore sometimes regarded as forming a distinct muscle, the tensor choroideae: the remainder, known as radial bundles, run obliqueh' to those just de- scribed, assuming a direction which tends toward the cen- tre of the eye, and being inserted in the ciliary processes. Other bundles, internally situated, are arranged in a more or less definite circular tract, known as the ring-muscle of Mueller- The ciliary muscle as a whole is triangular in cross section : it is thickest in hypermetropic eyes, due largely to an increase in the size of the ring-muscle. The stroma of the choroid is continued forward from be- yond the ciliary body to form the principal portion of the iris: the latterishighly vascular, but not so much so as the rest of the musculo-vascular layer: it is also somewhat dif- ferent in texture, approaching more nearh'tothe vStructure of retiform tissue. It contains numerous pigment cor- puscles, of different colors in different persons, on whose CIIAPTHK XXIII. Tin: ORGANS OF SIM:CIAI- SKXSK. 331) presence the color of the iris depends: i\n exception to this occurs in cases where the iris is blue: here pigment cor- puscles are wanting in the stroma, the color depending entirely on the appearance of the post-iridal pigment (to be described-later) as seen through the body of the iris. The anterior surface of the stroma is somewhat con- densed, and leaves a layer of endothelial corpuscles con- tinuous at the irido-corneal angle with those w'hich invest the membrane of Descemet. The posterior surface is formed by a homogenous layer continuous with the vitre- ous membrane of the choroid and the ciliary body : against it lies the layer of pigment corpuscles above referred to. Imbedded in the stroma of the iris near the pupillary mar- gin is an angular layer of smooth muscular fibres, the sphincter papillae: near the posterior surface are radi- iiting bundles forming a thin la3'er which is not continu- ous, known as the dilator pupillae: its existence is ques- tioned by some histologists, the demonstration of the scattered bundles of smooth muscular fibres, as distin- guished from the adjacent bloodvessels and bundles of connective tissue, being quite difficult. The region lying between the outer margin of the iris and the sclero-corneal sulcus is one of great import- ance; the iris, the choroid, the ciliarx' muscle, the cornea and the sclera all coming together in this vicinit\'. Just external to the irido- corneal angle, and among the fasciculi which make up the pectinate ligament, lies a loose network of trabeculae of white and elastic fibres whose interstitial cavities, imperfectl}^ lined with endothelial cells, are known as the spaces of Fontana: they communicate freeK' with the anterior chamber of the eye and contain the same fluid. External to these and fairly within the sclerotic portion of the region is situated an annular space, irregularly flattened and in places subdivided : it is called the canal of Schlemm : whether it is a lymphatic 340 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. or a venous channel, and whether or not it communicates with the spaces of Fontana are still matters of dispute. The parts concerned with the processes of refraction by means of which distinct images of things seen are formed on the sensitive surface within the eye are the cornea, a description of which has already been given; the aqueous humor, a water}^ fluid in which leucocytes are occasionalh^ found, but containing no other tissue elements, which fills the space between the cornea and the capsule of the lens: the crystalline lens, with its capsule, by means of which it is suspended at right angles to the eye immedi- ately behind the iris ; and the vitreous humor, which fills the cavity posterior to the lens. The regulatory mechan- isms are the iris, which, by modif\ang the size of the pupil- lary aperture, governs the amount of light which passes through the lens and indirectly (to some extent) the sharp- ness of the image formed by it ; and the ciliary muscle, whose action modifies the convexity of the lens and thus affects its definition : an account of these having already been given, there remain for description the lens and the vitreous humor, with the capsules by which they are surrounded. The crystalline lens is composed of an epithelial layer and a fibrous mass whose components are modified epi- thelial corpuscles. The epithelial layer consists of cu- boidal elements which form nearly the whole of the ante- rior surface: as they approach the equator they become columnar, and as thej^ reach that region become greatly elongated and assume the shape of the long hexagonal ])rismatic fibres of which the greater part of the lens is composed : at the equator these retain their nuclei for some time after birth, but those of the greater portion of the mass are quickly lost. The fibres run from the anterior to the posterior por- CHAPTER XXIII. IHK ORGANS OF SPECIAL SKXSE. 341 tion of the mass, l)elii<.^ so disposed that their extremities eome to<2^ether in eaeh region along radifiting sutural pL'ines ])rimarily three in number; the sutures of the an- terior region alternate with those of the posterior region in position; as a consequence, the fibres pass obliquely from one region to another: the degree of obliquity is in- creased by the fact that the length of the fibres is such that those which arise nearest the centre of the anterior region terminate posteriorly nearest the equator; and vice versa. As a consequence of this arrangement of the fibres, stellate figures are formed w^hich can be easil}' seen in the artificially hardened lens, and traces of which have been discovered in the living e\^e by the aid of the ophthal- moscope. Hardening in alcohol reveals a tendency to lamination, particularly in the outer portion, the laminae peeling ofifin triangular patches which separate along the sutural planes. The capsule of the lens is a transparent elastic sac which completely encloses that body. It is apparenth' homogenous in structure in the adult, but is regarded b}- some as composed of two laminae: an inner, cuticular in character, formed b_v the activity of the epithelial elements within while still embryonic : and an outer, composed of fibrous tissue. It is thicker in front than behind, in rela- tion with the greater change of curvature which takes place in the more highly convex posterior surface in visual adjustments. The support of the capsule and lens in place will be described later. The vitreous humor, or vitreous body (as it also called), is a semi-fluid mass of extreme tranparenc}' derived from the modification of a quantity' of gelatinous tissue b\' the infiltration of lymph to such an extent that over ninety- eight per cent, of its substance is water. Slender trans- parent fibres are scattered through the mass, and occa- sional corpuscles are found in it : these are generally of ex- 342 PART ir. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. ' qeedingly irregular shape, and are often extensively vacuo- lated ; they are probably modified leucocytes. Under cer- tain methods of hardening the vitreous body can be seen to present evidences of a laminar structure; whether this is real, or the result of the treatment employed, is not 3^et certain. The vitreous body is invested by a thin transparent capsule, the hyaloid membrane, which is structureless throughout the greater portion of its extent. Opposite the optic nerve it is reflected forward to line the slender hyaloid, canal which perforates the vitreous body, termi- nating in front at a point opposite the centre of the pos- terior surface of the crystalline lens: here the hyaloid membrane is reflected outward from the anterior extremi- ty of the canal to line the patellary fossa, on the anterior surface of the vitreous body, which receives the convexity of the lens and its capsule, the latter being in contact with the hyaloid membrane. At the margin of the patellary fossa the hyaloid mem brane lining it becomes continuous with that investing the outer surface of the vitreous body: here the membrane is distinctly fibrous, the fibres in some cases penetrating the gelatinous mass within. It gives off from its outer surface a fibrous layer which closely invests the ciliary processes as the zone of Zinn, or zonula ciliaris : its free portion extends beyond the ciliary processes to be inserted upon the capsule of the lens at its equator, thus forming the suspensory ligament of the lens above mentioned. The mode of insertion of the suspensory ligament is such as to leave a narrow circular space between the two layers of the hyaloid, known as the canal of Pettit. The structures directly involved in the reception of light stimuli and their conversion into nervous impulses are contained in the retina, a highly complex organ formed by CHAPTKR XXIII. THE OK(iANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. 34-3 the modification of a direct outgrowth from the brain. This outgrowtli, at first vcsicuhir in form, is afterwards doubled upon itself in such a manner as to form a sphe- roidal cup composed of two layers and situated chiefl\' between the vitreous humor and the choroid, its basal stalk-like portion beconiinfr the optic nerve. The fibres of the optic nerve are continued over the inner surface ot the retina, in a manner to be presently described, as far as the outer or posterior extremities of the ciliary processes; the sinuous line which marks the limit of their distribution being known as the ora serrata. In front of this line the surface of the ciliary processes is invested by a much sim- pler ciliary portion of the retina, which is in turn con- tinued into the iridal portion, or uvea, which lines the in- ner surface of the iris: the structure of these outlying por- tions will be best understood after a description of that of the principal portion of the retina. When examined by the ordinary methods of hardening and staining the retina shows in transvervse section a num- ber of distinct strata or layers, tolerabl}^ uniform in structure throughout the greater portion of its extent. These are usually stated as eight in number: here, how- ever, as in the other sense organs, our views have in re- cent 3'ears been greatly modified by the results of the chromate and silver method. An account of the eight layers will first be given, and the relation of their compo- nents as now understood subsequently considered. Beginning at the inner or anterior surface of the retina, there may be discerned next to the hyaloid membrane which invests the vitreous bod}'^ a delicate layer which is apparently (and onK' apparently) continuous : it has been designated the internal limiting membrane: it is in reality a mosaic formed b}^ the thin expanded ends of sup- porting structural elements, the fibres of Mueller, which 344 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. pass verticalh' toward (but not to) the outer surface of the retina. Next to the internal limiting membrane, so called, is seen the first definite stratum of the retina, the layer of nerve fibres. These, which are non-medullated in most cases, are arranged in small bundles which form a plexi- form meshwork over the inner surface, radiating from the optic nerve, or, more exactly, converging to it from all portions of the retina. This layer, like nearly all the others, is quite transparent, and is itself insensitive to light. The layer of nerve fibres is succeeded outwardly by the ganglionic layer, a stratum of relatively large multipolar nerve corpuscles, either spheroidal or pyriform in shape, whose axis-cylinder processes are continuous with fibres of the preceding layer, and whose other processes ramifj- in the la3^er next beyond. The ganglionic layer varies in thickness in different portions of the retina, being in some places two or three corpuscles deep, but over the greater portion of its surface consisting of a single layer of cor- puscles: toward the ora serrata these become separated from each other by considerable intervals. Immediately beyond the ganglionic layer is situated the inner molecular layer: this, which is in most portions of the retina the thickest of the visible strata, is appar- ently composed of a granular mass, which is in reality the expression in section of the cut extremities of the rami- fying processes of the corpuscular elements of the layers next adjacent. External to the inner molecular layer is seen the inner nuclear layer, composed chiefly of closely aggregated bipolar and multipolar nerve corpuscles, the former pre- dominating. The corpuscles var^^ greatl}^ in size, but are, on the average, decidedly smaller than those of the gan- glionic layer: the disposition of their processes will be de- CIIVrTIvK XXIII. Tin: ORC.ANS OF SPIXIAL SKXSE. 34-0 scribed later. Xiicleatcd cMilari^ciiK'nts of the sustentacu- lar elements, or fibres of Mueller, are also found in this Layer to some extent. The inner nuclear layer is followed by the outer molecu- lar layer, a <;ranular stratum closely resembling in its appearance the inner molecular layer, but differing from it gi'catlv in extent, being usually the thinnest of the various la vers of the retina. Bevond the outer molecular layer, again, is seen a layer of cor j)uscular elements, the so called outer nuclear layer, which as ordinarily seen resembles the inner nuclear layer as closely as do the two molecular layers : nearly all of the constituent elements are distinctly bipolar, and, as will presently be shown, their relations are quite different from those of the elements of the inner of the two apparently similar layers. The corpuscles of this layer are, further- more, closely connected with the elements of the succeed- ing layer in a manner which differentiates them sharply from any other retinal elements. The outer surface of the outer nuclear layer is sharply defined, the sustentacular tissue of the retina here termin- ating soabruptly as to lead to the description of a definite external limiting membrane: recent researches have shown that the application of the term membrane in this connection is even less justifiable than in the case of the inner boundary of the retina. External to the outer nuclear layer, and apparently resting upon the so-called external limiting membrane, is the bacillary layer, or layer of rods and cones. It consists exclusively of the two kinds of elements designated by the latter of these titles. Those termed rods are b\^ far the most numerous in nearly all portions of the retina : each consists of an inner or basal portion, somewhat thicker in the middle than at the extremities, and an outer or terminal portion, slightl}' longer than the basal in man 34-6 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. and most mammals, which is of nearly uniform diameter throughout its entire length. The outer segment of each rodistransversely striated, and can be resolved into a num- ber of thin disks by the aid of certain reagents : the outer portion of the basal segment is longitudinally striated. The cones resemble the rods in consisting of two segments: the inner of these is much stouter than the basal segments of the adjacent rods, and is thicker at the base than at the outer extremity : like the corresponding regions of the rods, the outer portion of the basal segment is longitudi- nally striated. Upon its free extremity is seated the outer segment, which is shorter than that of the rods, and tapers to a point : it shows transverse striations. The layer of rods and cones was for a long time re- garded as the limiting stratum of the retina, the adjacent layer of pigment cells being associated with the choroid, with which it is in close contact. With advancing know- ledge of the embryological development of the eye, how- ever, it has become evident that it must be regarded as retinal in nature. It consists of a single stratum ol pris- matic cells, hexagonal in form and so heavily loaded with jjigment as to hide the large central nucleus: the outer surface of the cell, in contact with the choroid, is smooth: the inner is prolonged by numerous slender processes which extend between the rods and cones of the adjacent layer to a distance which varies in relation with the in- tensity of the stimulus acting upon the retina. The layers of the retina, as above described, are now known to be the expression as seen under the more familiar methods of preparation of a system of nervous elements ar- ranged in a manner not unlike that which is found in the other organs of special sense: their disposition may be briefly described as follows, disregarding for the present the layer of pigment cells just mentioned. The rods and the cones of the bacillary layer are in real- CHAPTER XXIII. THE OnOANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. 34-7 itv structurally continuous with the elements of the outer nuclear laver in such a manner that they may with propri- ety be rci^arded as their peripheral prolongations, or as their greatly morlified dendritic portions. Each rod is continued within the external limiting membrane by a slender filament of greater or less extent which terminates at the outer pole of one of the spindle sha])ed corpuscles ot the nuclear layer: the body of the corpuscle is transversely striated in a characteristic manner: from its inner pole it gives oft' a fine varicose filament, the homologue of the axis-cylinder process, which extends to the outer molecu- lar layer and there terminates in a small knob-like expan- sion, representing a greatly modified terminal arborization the rod-corpuscles are situated at various levels in the outer nuclear layer from the outer to the inner surface, their peripheral and central filamentous prolongations varying in length in a corresponding manner. The base of each cone is continued beneath the external limiting membrane by a stout strand of protoplasm which passes almost immediately into the nucleated cor- puscle, the latter being situated just within the membrane: the corpuscle is continued inward b\' a stout smooth fibre which passes directly across the outer nuclear layer to end within the surface of the outer molecular layer by a disk-like expansion from whose margin slender filaments are given off, forming a rudimentary arborization. The rod and cone elements, including both the bacillary and the nuclear portions, as far as the outer molecular layer, may be regarded as forming the first of the three groups of nervous elements proper to the visual appa- ratus: they are frequently distinguished as the neuro- epithelial layer, or the layer of visual cells. The outer molecular layer, like the glomeruli of the ol- factory bulb, may be regarded as chiefly made up of the interlacement of arborizations and dendrites, the central 348 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. terminals of the rod and cone elements here coming into relation with the peripheral terminals of the corpuscles of the inner nuclear la^'-er; or, as it is now frequently desig- nated, the layer of bipolar corpuscles. Each of these corpuscles is prolonged peripherally b\' a filament which terminates at the outer molecular layer b\' a group of dendritic processes: Cajal has shown that those of some of them pass the outer portions of that layer to form close tufts about the knob-like terminals of the rod -elements; the central processes (or axis-cylinder pro- cesses) of the same corpuscles passing to the innermost portion of the inner molecular layer: for these he has pro- posed the name of rod-bipolars. The others he has shown to ramifx' extensivel}^ in the inner portion of the outer molecular layer, in relation with the terminals of the cone-elements; while their central processes terminate in arborizations w'hich are situated at various levels in the stratified inner molecular laver: these he calls cone- bipolars. The same investigator has demonstrated in the outer- most portion of the layer of bipolar corpuscles elements varying" in size, whose dendrites ramify in the outer mole- cular layer and whose axis-cylinder processes run for longer or shorter distances horizontally to end in arbor- izations distributed in the same layer ; for which reason he calls them the horizontal corpuscles of the retina. In the innermost portion of the same layer of corpuscles he has described pear-shaped amacrine corpuscles of vary- ing size, whose processes branch and ramify in the inner molecular layer at various levels corresponding to those indicated in connection with the terminals of the cone- bipolars. The nature and functions of the horizontal and amacrine corpuscles of this layer may perhaps stiil be re- garded as matters of question ; the bipolar corpuscles CHAPTKK XXIII. THK OKCAXS OF SriaiAL SENSE. 349 clearly rorin ihc second members of tiie series ol nervous elements involved in visual sensation. The inner molecular layer resembles the outer (and, in- deed, all the so-called molecular layers of the nervous sys- tem) in consistins^ chieHy of an interlacement of central and peripheral terminal filaments. It shows, as has been indicated, evidence of stratification, due to the termina- tion, at more or less definite levels, of the central pro- cesses of the cone-bipolars, and the associated horizontal distribution of their arborizations ; in relation not only with the terminals of the processes of the amacrine cells, but also with those of the dendrites of the corpuscles of the layer next within. The layer of ganglion corpuscles, the third and in- nermost members of the visual series, is composed of ele- ments which vary much in size: according to Cajal, the smallest corpuscles send their dendrites into the inner- most stratum of the inner molecular layer: the largest to the outermost stratum : and those of intermediate size in like manner to the intervening strata ; the arborizations of the terminals from the rod-bipolars being distributed in all cases in the innermost stratum. From each of these corpuscles an axis-cylinder process is given off which eventually becomes one of the fibres of the optic nerve, its terminal arborizations being situated in the brain. Cajal has also described in the optic nerve fibres which come from the brain and enter the retina, terminatingby arbor- izations within the layer of bipolar corpuscles: he regards them as conve^-ing centrifugal impulses. The layer of bipolar corpuscles and that of ganglionic corpuscles, taken together, have been designated the cere- bral layer, as distinguished from the neuro-epithelial layer or layer of visual cells. The cerebral and neuro- epithelial layers, taken together, are formed from the an- terior (and principal) lamina of the collapsed optic vesi- 350 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. cle, the layer of pigment cells alone representing the pos- terior lamina. At the macula lutea the retinal layers are notably thickened, the layer of ganglionic coi'puscles in particular becoming several cells deep. Passing towards the centre of the macula, the layers become rapidl}^ thinned to form the fovea centralis, in which cone-elements only are pre- sent in the neuro-epithelial layer, and cone-bipolars in the cerebral layer, the central processes of the latter passing obliquely outward to enter the inner granular layer at the margin of the fovea. Where the optic nerve pierces the retina the retinal structures are of course wanting. The characteristic retinal layers disappear at the ora serrata, the layer of visual cells first becoming absent. Over the ciliary portion of the retina the posterior lamina of the optic vesicle is represented by a layer of pigment cells as elsewhere: the anterior lamina bj' a layer of col- umnar cells l\nng between the pigment layer and the hya- loid membrane: they have large oval nuclei near their outer extremities. In the iridal portion of the retina both lam- inae are represented by layers of pigment cells. The masses of retinal pigment cells between the ciliary pro- cesses form the so-called ciliary glands alread}'' mentioned. The apparatus of hearing, like that of sight, comprises a receiving and a transmitting mechanism in addition to the structure which contains the special terminal organs involved. The receiving neuro-epithelium is in some respects more complex than in any of the other organs of special sense: the accessory mechanisms are far simpler than those of the apparatus of sight. CIIAPTHU XXIII. Tin: ORGANS OF SIM;CIAI. SKXSK. 351 The pinna cotiijists essentially of a sheet of yellow fibro- cartilage covered by integument: funncl-shiiped or vari- ously modified in mammals generidly, it is in man crum- pled and comparatively rudimentary, but retains its char- acteristic structure. In the lobe of the ear the cartilage is rejjUiced by a mass of fjit. The skin u]Jon the outer or convex surface does not in man differ materialK'from that of the adjacent portion of the head : that of the inner sur- face is thin and but slightly mobile upon the subjacent cartilage, and is devoid of sweat glands. The hairs of the integument of the pinna are in man very small, with rela- tivelv large sebaceous rrlands. The small intrinsic muscles which pass from certain folds of the cartilage to others, beneath the integument, are composed of slender striated fibres. The external auditory meatus, in part cartilaginous and in part bony, is lined by a closely adhering tegumen- tary layer, continuous with the skin upon the inner side of the pinna, which grows thinner and simpler in struct- ure as it passes inward. The portion of the skin which invests the surface of the outer or cartilaginous portion of the tube contains fine hairs which, like those of the pinna, iire accompanied by well developed sebaceous glands : the fibrous tissue subjacent to the corium contains in addi- tion numerous convoluted tubular ceruminous glands which greatly resemble sweat glands in form and struct- ure but are larger and more closely aggregated : they are farther characterized by their brownish color and the highly refracting fatty particles seen in their secretion. The lining of the deeper bony portion of the meatus is devoid alike of hairs and of glands. The membrana tympani, which separates the external meatus from the middle ear, is composed of a fibrous lay- er invested outwardly by a continuation of the integ- 352 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. ument from the bony wall of the meatus, and inwardly bv the mucous membrane which lines the whole of the tympanic cavity. The fibrous layer consists chiefly of ra- diating bundles diverging chiefly from the point of attach- ment of the malleus: there are in addition circularly dis- posed bundles of fibres, chiefl\^ near the margin of the membrane, which form a so-called inner layer. The tegu- mentarv la\'er resembles that of which it is a continua- tion: the mucous la\'er consists of a thin membrane rich in elastic fibres which bears a single layer of cuboidal epi- thelium whose component cells are devoid of cilia. The auditory ossicles possess to some extent the char- acter of dense bone, their thicker portions showing dis- tinct though small Haversian systems of lamellae: defi- nite marrow^ cavities exist in the interior of the principal masses of the malleus and incus. The articular surfaces are in each case invested with hyaline cartilage. The muscles connected with the ossicles are composed of stri- ated fibres. Both bones and muscles are invested wnth the mucous membrane which lines the tympanic cavity. The Eustachian tube, which connects the tympanic cavit}^ with the pharynx, has a bony wall in its posterior portion; in the anterior portion the wall is in part com- posed of h\^aline cartilage, sparingly reinforced by bund- les of white fibres, and in part of dense fibrous membrane. It is lined throughout its extent by a mucosa which is a continuation of that of the phar\'nx, and is in turn con- tinued by the lining of the tympanic cavity: like that of the phar3'nx, the mucosa is invested wath a layer of strat- ified columnar ciliated epithelium. In the cartilaginous ])ortion of the tube there is a submucosa which contains numerous mucous glands and a considerable, cpiantity of diffuse adenoid tissue; in this respect, again, recalling the structure of the ph^-rynx. In the bony posterior portion CHAPTER XXIII. THE ORGANS OF SPKCMAL SENSE. 853 the mucosa is devoid of ;2;laii(ls and adheres more elosely to the wall of the tube. The cavity of the tympanum, like that of the mastoid cells leadiuij out from it. may be re<^arded as an expan- sion of that of the Eustachian tube. It is lined with a mucous membrane which has already been frequentlv re- ferred to : between the membrane and the bony wall of the cavity is a submucosa consisting of interlaced fibrous bundles among which are seen numerous spheroidal bodies in manv wavs resem])ling Pacinian corjjuscles. The disposition of this fibrous network, the irregulari- ties of the bony surfaces involved, and the structures pre- sent in the tympanic cavity cooperate to throw the mu- cosa into cons]3lcuous folds; their disposition is a matter for the anatomist rather than for the histologist. The epithelium of the tympanic cavity is columnar ciliated over the greater ])ortion of the surface; that of the mas- toid cells is devoid of cilia. The existence of distinct glands in the mucosa of the tympanum is a matter of question. The inner ear is in the strict sense the organ of hearing, the middle and outer regions being merely accessory thereto. It consists of the membranous labyrinth, in which the specially modified neuro-epithelial structures in- volved in audition are situated, enclosed in the cavity within the periotic mass known as the bony labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth is formed by the ingrowth of the integument of the side of the head : this is at first a simple saccular or flask-shaped cavity lined with epithe- lium derived from the ectoderm, and communicating with the surface by a small aperture. Later, this aperture is obliterated and the sac is divided into two principal re- gions, the utricle and the saccule, which are in the adult onlvindirectlv connected. The three semicircular canals 354 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. are developments of the wall of the utricle and together with it form the labyrinth in the limited sense in which the term was formerly used. The cochlea is an extension of the saccule. The bon}' walls of the cavity which contains the utricle and the semicircular canals are lined with a thin perios- teum invested by flattened connective tissue corpuscles which form an endothelium. The membranous structures enclosed within are adherent to the periosteum along one side of each canal and upon a portion of the surface of the utricle: throughout the rest of their extent they are sep- arated therefrom by a space filled with perihmph which is traversed by frequent trabeculae of fibrous tissue, the free surface being similarly invested. The membranous wall consists of a layer of connective tissue containing numer- ous elastic fibres, within which is a dense clear tunica propria, whose surface throughout the canals shows nu- merous low papillary eminences; lining the tunica is a layer of polygonal pavement-epithelium cells. In the ampulla of each of the semicircular canals the tunica propria is much thickened along a projecting ridge, the transverse septum, upon whose summit is situated a crista acustica, or ampullar area of auditory neuro-epi- thelium. In passing from the general surface of the am- pulla upon the sides of the septum the pavement epithe- lium becomes first cuboidal and then columnar in form, the columnar cells being surmounted by a distinct cutic- ular layer. Within the crista the epithelium consists of cells of two sorts: fibre cells, whose elongated bodies ex- tend through the whole epithelium, their bases being larger than their free extremities, and their nuclei being variously situated within the basal half; and hair-cells, cylindrical elements which are situated in the outer half of the epithelium only, their nuclei being situated near CIIAPTICK XXIII. TFIi: ORC.AXS OF SPKCIAL SKNSE. 'A3~} their rounded inner extremities, find their free ends bear- ui'fl, Ion;; taperin.L!^ lilainonts, the auditory hairs. Branches of the auditorv nerve are distributed to each crista: as the fibres enter the epithelium they loose the medullarv sheath, and quickly divide into fibrils which ramify extensively in the vicinity of the hair-cells, their free extremities being in every ease in direct contact with these ej)ithelial elements: the relation between the nerve terminals and the epithelial cells must be regarded as sim- ilar to and as specializations of that elsewhere described in connection with the free endings of nerve fibre in the epidermis. In material hardened for section cutting the surface of each crista is found to be covered by a dome-shaped mass of a clear colorless substance of unknown composition and origin, in which the auditory hairs are imbedded : to this mass the term cupula is applied. Under suitable reagents the auditory hairs can be made to break up into numerous fine cilia-like filaments, indicating that the hairs are compound structures. The surface of the utricle bears a large patch of neuro- epithelium, the macula acustica or macula cribrosa, as it is sometimes termed, essentially similar in structure and in the mode of nerve supply to one of the cristae of the ampullae. There is not such a marked thickening of the subjacent tunica propria, and the auditory hairs are not as long as those of the ampullar organs: the surface of the macula is invested b\' a soft gelatinous mass in which are imbedded numbers of crystals of calcium carbonate known as otoliths. A macula in every way similar to that of the utricle is found in the saccule. The cochlea, a development of a portion of the saccule, with which it is directly connected in the lower verte- brates and in the embryo, is in the mammal in great measure constricted off from that region in the adult, be- 856 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. ing connected with it only by a slender tubular passage, the canalis reuniens. It should be regarded, however, as a tubular diverticulum of that division of the primary auditorv vesicle, differing from the rest of the membran- ous labyrinth in its spirally coiled form, its mode of at- tachment, and particularly in the complexity of its neuro- epithelium, which here attains a degree of specialization found in no other organ Regarding, for convenience, the position of the whole structure as so far shifted from that which it occupies in the living body as to bring the base of the spiral into a horizontal plane, the apex pointing upward, the cochlear tube mav be said to be adherent outwardly for about one third of its surface to the bony wall of thecontainingcav- itv; and to be connected inwardly with the central bony spiral lamina b\' two flat membranes, the lower of which, the basilar membrane, is nearly horizontal in this posi- tion, while the upper, the membrane of Reissner, slopes at an angle of about forty-five degrees: the tube is there- fore approximately triangular in cross section. The periosteum of the outer wall is much thickened alone: the area of adhesion of the cochlear tube to form the spiral ligament, the greatest elevation being at the point of attachment of the basilar membrane, where a fibrous ridge is found known as the crista basilaris; a short distance above this a second ridge is seen, the vas- cular prominence, containing one or more conspicuous bloodvessels : the somewhat concave surface between this and the ridge to which the membrane of Reissner is at- tached, known as the stria vascularis, exhibits a histo- logical structure without parallel in the entire body. It contains a rich network of capillaries, imbedded in ele- ments apparentl}' epithelial in character, and commonly so described: the superficial cells (which entirely overlie the capillaries) are certainly in continuity with the epithe- CHAPTKK XXIII. THK ORGANS Ol- SI'IXIAI. SKNSK. Sf)? Hiim linin«T the rest of the tube; those situated between the capillMi'ies may very possibly l)e epithelioid connect- ive tissue corpuscles not unlike those known to occur elsewhere. The membrane of Reissner is an exceedingly delicate sheet of connective tissue invested on the side toward the scala vestibuli with a layer of endothelium some of whose cells are pigmented : the inner side is lined, like the greater portion of the membranous labyrinth, by a j^avement epithelium composed of polyhedral cells: the three com- ponent layers are of nearly equal thickness. The inner and lower edge of the membrane is united to the middle or inner portion of the limbus, a peculiar thickening of the periosteum of the upper surface of the bon\' spiral lamina. The portion of the limbus situated outwardly from the attachment of the membrane of Reissner terminates ab- ruptly b}' a border excavated by the spiral groove, which is bounded by an upper and a lower lip. The upper sur- face of the upper lip is ridged and grooved and its margin developed into numerous tongue-like processes, the audi- tory teeth: the surface of the ridges and the teeth is in- vested by polyhedral pavement epithelium : that of the grooves is columnar: this is continued over the spiral groove by a layer of cuboidal cells continuous at the lower lip of the groove with the epithelial structures upon the upper surface of the basilar membrane. The lower lip extends to the margin of the bony spiral lamina. The basilar membrane extends from this margin to the basilar crest of the spiral ligament. Its middlelayer consists of a sheet of homogeneous ground substance containing scattered nuclei, and having embedded in it an immense number of straight stout fibres running radially from the spiral lamina to the basilar crest. The surface toward the scala tympani is covered by a layer of connective tis- 358 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. sue whose elements do not take on a definite endothelial form, but are largely spindle-shaped fibres disposed at right angles to the fibres of the middle layer. The inner surface is invested with epithelium continuous with that lining the rest of the tube: that of the outer half of the membrane, or zona pectinata, is but slightly modified : that of the inner half, or zona tecta, is greatly modified to form the characteristic structure of the cochlea. This structure, the organ of Corti, is a neuro-epithelium not unlike those found in the cristae and maculae acnsticae; being composed, like those bodies, of hair cells and sup- porting cells: its greater complexity is due chiefly to the form and arrangement of the latter elements. The central feature is a series of arches formed by the convergence above of an inner and an outer rod of Corti, the outer rods being longer and more slanting than the inner: the triangular space beneath them, which runs the whole length of the cochlea, beingknown as the tunnel of Corti. Each rod consists of a broad basal portion, or foot, a slender shaft, and an enlarged head, that of the inner rod having a concave surface upon its outer side into Vt^hich is fitted a corresponding convexity upon the inner aspect of the head of the outer rod : both the inner and the outer rods bear outwardly directed flattened phalangeal pro- cesses, those of the inner rods overlapping the inner por- tions of the processes of the outer rods. Both inner and outer rods are invested with a layer of protoplasm which is accumulated at the base on the side toward the tunnel in a mass containing an oval nucleus. The inner rods are narrower and more numerous than the outer. On the inner side of the upper extremities of the inner rods is situated a row of inner hair cells, cylindrical in form, and, like those of the auditory structures, only extending through the upper half of the layer: the upper extremity of each Ijears a number of hair-like processes : CHAPTER XXIII. TIIH ORGANS OF SPECIAL SKNPE. 359 the lower extremity is routuled and contains a spherical nucleus. Internal to the inner hair cells are columnar sup- portin«; cells which pass gradually over into the epithe- lium of the spiral groove. On the outer side of the heads of the outer rods are rows, three or four in number, of outer hair cells, essentially like those of the inner row. Between them are the ujiper extremities of the cells of Deiters, elements somewhat re- sembling the rods of Corti : each has a spindle-shaped basal portion containing a spheroidal nucleus, and a slen- der rigid upper portion which terminates in an outward- ly directed phalanx. The phalangeal processes of the rods of Corti and the phalanges of the cells of Deiters are united by their angles to form a reticular membrane through whose apertures the extremities of the outer hair-cells project. Between the outer rods, the hair-cells, and the cells of Deiters are intervals, the spaces of Nuel, which communicate with each other and with the tunnel of Corti, the whole being filled with a semifluid substance. The organ of Corti may be said to be limited by the hair cells and the cells of Deiters : the latter pass over out- wardly into tall columnar elements, the cells of Hensen, whose nuclei are situated in their large upper extremities. These pass rather abruptl}' into the shorter columnar cells of Claudius, between which and theepitheliumof the outer wall of the tube a gradual transition is seen along the surface of the zona pectinata. The bundles of nerve fibres distributed along the cochlea pass along the under surface of the bony spiral lamina to its margin from the spiral ganglion of the mod- iolus. Here they penetrate the basilar membrane : the fibres loose their medullar}' sheath and are distributed to the epithelium in a manner quite similar to that described in the account of the cristae, some of the fibres travers- ing the tunnel of Corti to reach the vicinity of the outer 360 PART II. HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY. hair cells. From the margin of the upper lipofthelimbus a cuticular fold, the membrana tectoria, extends out as far as the outer cells. It probably rests upon the organ of Corti durinof life. A comparison of the es.sential structures of the various organs of special sense shows that they agree in being modified epithelia containing more or less specialized ter- minals of nervous elements. These epithelia are in [each instance derived from the ectoderm : in the case of the re- tina indirectl}^ the organ in question being formed as a diverticulum of the nervous axis, which is itself formed from an infolding of the ectoderm : in the case of the other sense organs the derivation from the ectoderm is direct. The nerve terminals of the organs of taste and of hearing resemble each other in consisting of fibrils ramifying be- tween the specialized epithelial cells, though these senses are not at all related as regards the character of the stim- uli to which they respond. Similarly, the terminals of the organ of smell and of sight are somewhat alike, greath' as these senses differ. Farther investigation may explain these apparent resemblances and differences and exhibit a still deeper unity of structure in the mechanisms of special sense. INDEX. 361 INDEX. Pack Achromatic spindle 120 Achromatin 117 Adenoid nodules 180, 183, 271 Adenoid tissue, 40, 80, 178, 183, 196 Adipose tissue 39 Adrencils 281 Adventitia 92, 94, 260, 264 Agminated glands 180 Allantois 257 Alveoli, pulmonary 188 Amacrine corpuscles 102, 111 Amitotic division 119 Amoeboid motion 33, 80 Ampulla 226 Ampullae, auditory 354 Aorta 261 Apolar c(irpuscles 110 Appendix vermilormis 182 Arborizations 109, 111 Areas of Colinheim 88 Areolae 39, 55, 66 Areolar tissue 38 Arteries 91, 92, 259 Articular corpuscles 105 Auditory meatus 551 ossicles 362 teeth 347 Aucrbach, plexus of. 173, 174 Axilemma 108 Axis-cylinder 101, 105 Axis-cylinder process 102, 110 Bacillary Layer 345 Hellini, ducts of 210 Bertin, columns of 205 Bile capillaries 189 Bipolar corpuscles 102, 109 Bladder, urinary 214,257 Blastoderm 128 Page Blood 14, 73 corpuscles 74 platelets 74, 82 Bone corpuscles 51 nutrition of. 57 structure of. 32, 50, 53 Brain 311 Bronchi 195 Bronchial muscle 196 Bronchioles 197 Brunner, glands of. 177 Caecum 182 Calyces of kidney 204, 212 Canal of Schlemm 339 Canaliculi 49, 51 Capillaries 91 , 93 Capsule of Bowman 207 of Glisson 186 of lens 341 of Tenon 336 Cardiac fibres 85 Carotid glands 280 Cartilage 25, 29, 30 calcified 27 cellular 26 elastic 27 hyaline 26 ossification in 60 reticular 27 transformation of. 64. 65 vascularization of. 63 Cartilage bone 61 Caruncle.... 334 Cell-division 2.S, 119 Cells 14, 115 of Claudius 359 colloid 278 of Deiters 359 362 INDEX. Cells of Hensen 359 tactile 103, 104 Cellular tissue 38 Cement um 164, 166 Central canal of cord 292, 309 Centres of ossification 61 Centroacinar cells 185 Cerebellar cortvx 312 Cerebral cortex 316 Ceruminous glands 144 Cervix uteri 242 Chondrin ^9 Chondroclasts 56 Chondrogen 29 Chordae tcndinea 263 Choroid 337 Chromatin 117 Chromoplasm 117 Chromosomes 120 Ciliary processes 337 Circumferential lamellae 52 Clitoris 245,258 Cloaca 257 Coelom 250 Coccygeal gland 280 Cochlea 355 Cohnheim, areas of. 88 Collagen 29 Collaterals Ill of cord 303 Colloid cells ■ 278 Columnae carnae 263 Columns of Bertin 205 of Burdach 298 Clarke's 296 of Goll 298 of Morgani 182 of Sertoli 221 of spinal cord 292 of Tuerck 300. Coni vasciilosi 223 Conjunctiva 332 Connective tissues 24, 32, 38 Contractile tissues S3 Cord, spermatic 217 spinal 291 Corium 138, 155 Cornea 336 Corneal tissue 32, 48 Corpora cavernosa 228 Corpus Arantii 263 Highmori 219, 223 luteum 237 spongiosum 229 Corpuscles 14, 23 accessory 36 adventitious 36 amacrine 102, 111 apolar 110 articular 105 basket 315 bipolar 102, 109 blood , 73 bone 51 of Cajal 316. colored . 74 colorless 74, 77 concentric 278 . corneal 49 fixed 31, 36 genital 105, 230. 244 of Gran dry 103 , of Hassali 278 Malpighian 205. 276 . of Martinotti 318 of Melssner 104 — —migratory 33, 36 mitral 327 multipolar 102, 110 of muscle 87 nerve 102, 111 nerve-fibre 101 of Purkinje 313 pyramidal 317 red 74 of retina 348 of spinal cord 305 tactile 104 unipolar.... 102. 110 of Vater 105 wliite 74 Cowpcr, glands of 231 INDEX. 363 Crcmaster 218 Crescents of Ciianuzzi 158 Crista acustica 354 Crtista i>etrosa IfiG Crypts of Lielirrkuhn 177 Crystalline letis 340 Cumulus proligerus 236 Cupula 355 Cytology 15 Daktos 218 DeBove. endothelium of. 178 Deiters, process of. 102 Demilunes of Heidenhain 159 Dendrites 102, 109, 110 Dense bone 52, 69 f«)rmation of. 64 Dental papilia 167 Dentinal tubules 165 Dentine ..32, 48. 164 Dcutoplasm 116 Discharging terminals 106- Discus proligerus 236 Disks, tactile 104 Division, amitotic 119 karyokinetic 119 Dobie's line 88 Dorsal coniua 292 Duct of Gartner 240 Ductless bodies 269 Duodenum 177 Dura 289 E.\R 350 Ebncr, glands of. 170 Ectodei-m 128 Ectoplasm 116 Elastic cartilage 27 fibres 34 membrane 41 tissue 43 Elastin 35 Elementary particles 82 Enamel 164, 166 germ 167 End-bulbs of Krausc 104 Endings, free nerve 103 Endocardium 262 Endochondral bone 64, 67 Endomysium 90 Endoneurium 112 Endoplasm HG Endosteum 59 Endothelium 20, 44 of DeBove 178 End-plates, motor 106 Entoderm 128 Eosinophile cells..... 37 leucocytes 79 Ependyma 309 Epiblast 128 Epicardium 262 Epidermis ,. 135 Epididymis 217, 223 Epineurium 112 Epiphysis cerebri 284 Epithelium 17 ciliated.... 19 columnar 8l germinal 234 — — glandular IS pavement 18 polyhcdrai 18 respiratory 198 simple 19 spheroidal .^. 19 squamous 18 stratified 19 transitional 19, 214 Epoophoron 239 Erectile tissue 228 Erectorcs fili 15o Erythroblasts .'i5, 81 Erythrocytes 74 Eyelids 331 Factors of strictire 14 Fallopian tubes 238 Fasciculi, muscular 89 Fat cells .... 37 364 INDEX. Fenestrated membrane 42 Ferrein, pyramids of. 205 Fertilized ovum 86 Fibres 34 elastic 34 gray 101. 107 medullated 101 of Mueller 344 non-meduUated 101 of Purkinjc 563 of Remak lOl smooth muscular 84 striated 87 of Tomes 165 white 34, 101, 107 Fibrillae, muscular 88 • primitive 107 Fibrin 73 Fibro-cartilage 27 Fibrosa 173, 194, 196, 216, 244 Fibrous membrane 41 tissues 31, 32, 42, 45 Fields of Cohnheim 88 Fixed corpuscles 31, 36 Follicles 157 intestinal 177 Foveolae 56 Free nerve endings 103 Funiculus 112 Ganglia 113 Ganglionic columns 294 Gartner, duct of. 240 Gelatin 29 Gelatinous fibres 101 tissue 32 Genital corpuscles 105, 230, 244 eminence 257 ridges 257 Germinal epithelium 234 ridge 255 spot 237 vesicle 237 Gianuzzi, crescents of. 159 Giant cells 55 Giraldes, organ of 223 Glands 157 of Bartholin 245 of Brunner 177 cardiac 175 carotid 280 ceruminous 144, 351 coccygeal 280 of owper 231 of Ebner 170 gastric 175 lachrymal 334 of Littre 227 mammarj' 246 Meibomian 145, 333 - of Moll 332 of mouth 160 mucous 158 peptic 175 prostate 231 pyloric 175 salivary 161 sebaceous 144 serous 158 of skin 142 sudoriparous 152 of Tyson 230 unicellular 156 uterine 240 Glandular epithelium 18 Glans penis 230 Glia-cells 46,113 Glisson, capsule of. 186 Glomeruli, renal 207 olfactorj' 327 Goblet cells 19. 156 Golgi, organs of. 103 Gonads 217 Graafian follicles 234 Grandry, corpuscles of. 104 Granule cells 37 Gray commissure 292 fibres 101, 107 matter of cord 292 Gums 154 Haematoblasts 82 INDEX. 365 Haemoglobin 76 Hairs U6 Hassall's corpuscles 27H Haversian canals 52 spaces ". 53 systems .- 52. 166 Head kidney 252 Heart 261 Heidenhain, demilunes of. 159 Henle's layer l+H loop 208 sheatli 113 He|)atic cords 188 Horny layer 135 Houston, valves of. 182 Howship's lacunae 56 Huxley's layer 148 Hyaline cartilage 26 Hyaloid menibrane 342 Hyaloplasm 1 15 Hydatids of Morgagni 223. 224 stalked 239 Hymen 244 Hypoblast 128 Hypophysis cerebri 283 I.NCREMENTAL LINKS OF SALTER, 165 Infundibula, pulmonary 197 Intima 92, 259, 264 Interglobular spaces 165 Interlobular cells of pancreas.. 185 Internal sphincter 184 Internodes 101 Interstitial lamellae 52 Intestinal follicles 177 Intramembranous ossification, 60, 61 Involuntarv muscular tissue 84 Jelly of Wharto.n 33 Karvokinksis 119 Kidneys 203 bloodsupply of : 205 permanent 252 primitive 252 Krausc, end-bulbs of 104 membrane of 88 Laijia majora 246. 257 minora 245. 257 Lachrymal glands 334 Lacteal glands 267 Lacunae, of bone 49, 50 Howship's 56 of Morgagni 227 Lamellae, circumferential 52 interstitial. 52 Ivameilated tissues 47 Lamina cribrosa 335 fusca 335 - - suprachoroidea 337 Large intestine 181 Larynx 199 Lateral cornu .- 292 Leucocytes 33, 36, 74. 77 Lieberkuhn, crypts of. 177 Lines of Schreger 165 Lingual papillae 169 Littre, glands of. 227 Liver 185 Lymph 96 capillaries 92, 96 vessels 92,97, 264 Lymphatic glands 80, 272 Lymphobiasts 81 Lymphocytes 80 Lymphoid tissue 80 Macula acistica 355 Malpighian corpuscles 205, 276 Malpighi, lacunae of 227 pyramids of 204 Mammary glands 246 Marrow 40, 53, 54. 81 Matrix 23 Media 92, 259. 264 Mediastinum testis 219 Medullated fibres 101. Iu6 Medullary sheath lOl Meibomian glands 144 Meissner, corpuscles of. 104 366 INDEX. Meissner, plexus of 172, 174, 178, 183 Melanin 37 Membrana granulosa 236 propria 41 tectoria 360 Membrane, basilar 356 bone 61 of Bowman 336 of Descemtt 336 of Krause 88 Nasm\'tirs 166 periodontal 166 serous 98 tympanic 351 Membranous labyrinth 353 Meninges 267, 288 Menisci, tactile 104 Merkel, tactile cells of 103 Mesenchyma 130 Mesentery 267 Mesoblast 128 Mesoderm 128 Mesogaster 177 Mesonepliros 252, 254 Metanephros 252 Microcytes 75 Migratory corpuscles 33, 36 Mitosis 119 Mons veneris 246 Morgagni, columns of. 182 hydatids of 223. 224 Motor end-plate 106 Mucosa, 154, 155. 172, 175, 177, 181, 182, 192, 215,238,240,243 Mucous glands 158 layer of skin 135 membranes 153 tissue 32 Muellerian duct 253 Multipolar corpuscles 102, 110 Muscle 89 bronchial 196 corpuscles H7 papillary 263 of Kiolan 332 tracheal 194 Muscular tissues 84 cardiac 36 smooth 84 striated 37 Muscularis mucosa.>6, 172, 174, 176, 178, 183, 241. Musculosa, 172, 174. 177, llsi, 184, 216. 239, 241, 244. Myelin 101 Myeloplaxes 55 Myocardium 262 Nails 15 1 Nasmyth's membrane 166 Nephridium 249 Nephrostome 250 Nerve corpuscles 102, 111 fibres 101, 109 fibre corpuscles 101 terminals 102 Nerves 112 Nervous tissues 99 Neurilemma 101, 109 Neuro-epithelium 222, 325, 347, 354, 308, 360. Neuroglia 46, 113 Neurokeratin 108 Neuroplasm 107 Nodes of Ranvier 101 Nodules, adenoid IHO, 183 Non-meduUated fibres 101, 105 Nuclear division 118 Nucleoli - 117 Nucleus 16, 110 Odontoblasts 164 Oesophagus 174 Olfactory bulbs 325 cells 325 glomeruli 327 hairs 325 Omentum 177, 267 Oosperm 128 Organ 14, 127 of Corti 358 of Ciraldcs 223 INDEX. 367 Orjjf.'iii of (iolgi 103 of Roseuniucllcr 2.'}9 Os uteri 24-:{ Osier's jj;ra miles 82 Ossein 51 Osseous tissue 50 Ossification 59 centres of (il in cartila^'c 60. 63 in membrane 60, 61 Osteo!)lasts 5+. 59 Osteoclasts 56 Osteogenetic fibres 62 - layer 54,59 tissue 66 Otoliths 355 Ova, primitive 234- primordial 255 Ovary 233 Oviducts 238, 253 Ovula Nabotlii 242 Ovum 128, 236 I'aciman noDiKs 105, 230 Palate 154 Pancreas 184 Pannicuius adiposus 140 Pa])i!lae, foliate 322 of kidney 203 of Iin<,nial 169 Papillary muscles 263 Parablast 130 Paradidymis 225 Paraplasm 116 Paratliyroids 279 I'arietal cells 176 Paroophoron 240 Parovarium 239 Pavement epithelium 18 Pelvis of kidney 212 Penis 227, 257 Peptic cells 176 Pericardium 266 Perichondral bone 64. 69 Perichondrium 30 Periodontal membrane 166 Perimysium 90 Perineurium 112 Periosteum 53, 54. 66, 68 Peritoneum 266 Perivascular lymphatics.. 98 Permanent marrow 67 Peyer's patches 180 Pflue^er, tubes of. 161 Pharynx 173 Pia 289 Pigment cells 37 Pineal body 284 Pituitary body 283 Plain muscular tissue 84 Plasma of blood... 73 cells 37 Platelets, blood 74, 82 Pleurae 266 Plexus of Auerbach 173, 174, 177 of Meissner..l72, 174, 178, 183 Plica semilunaris 333 Poles of nerve corpuscles 102 Polyhedral epithelium 18 Portal canals 186 Prickle cells 19 Primary areolae 65, 66 marrow 67 vascular invasion 67 F'rimitivc fibrillae 107 ova 234 sheath 101 Process, axis cylinder 102 of Deiters 102 Pronephros 252 Prostate gland 231 Protoplasm 15, 115 Protoplasmic processes 102, 110 Pulmonary artery 261 Pupil, muscles of 339 Pylorus 1 79 Pyramids of Ferrein 205 of Malpighi 204 Pyriform corpuscles 101, 109 368 INDEX. Ranvier, nodes of 101 Receiving terminals 102 Rectum 182 Red corpuscles 74 marrow 55 Remak, fibres of 100 Rete mucosum 135 testis 220 Reticular cartilage 27 Reticulum 1 15, 121 Retiform tissue 4-0 Retina 344 Retinal pigment 346 Retzius. stripes of. 106 Ring-muscle 338 Root-sheatli of hair 147 Saliva 163 Salivary glands 161 Salter, incremental lines of. 165 Sarcolemma 87 Sarcoplasm 88 Sarcous elements 88 Schachowa, spiral tubule of 208 Schmidt, medullary segments of 108 Schreger, lines of. 165 Schwann, white substance of.... 101 Sclerotic 335 Scrotum 217, 258 Sebaceous glands 144 Secondar3' areolae 65, 66 Segmental ducts 252 organs 250 Segmentation 128 Seminal vesicles 226 Seminiferous tubules 220 Serosa 173, 177, 181, 239 Serous endothelium 20, 98 glands 158, 159 membranes 99, 265 Sertoli, columns of 221 Sharpey's fibres 53 Sheath, Henle's 113 Simple epithelium 19 Sinus pocularis 231, 232 Skeletal tissues 45 Skin 135, 141, 217, 230, 331, 351 Small intestine 179 Small vessels 91 Smooth muscular fibres 84 Sole-plate 106 Solitary follicles 170 Spaces of Fontana 339 interglobular 165 Spermatic cord 217 Spermatozoa 220, 222 Spermiduct 254 Spheroidal epithelium 18 Spinal cord 291 ganglia 309 nerves 301 Spleen 274 Spirem • 119 Spongioplasm 115 Spongy bone- 52 Squamous epithelium 18 Stalked hydatid 239 Stellate corpuscles 113 Stellules of Verhuyen 206 Stigmata 94 Stomach 175 Stomata 98, 198 Stratified epithelium 19 Stratum adiposum 140 corneum 137 epitrichium 137 granulosum 136 lucidum 137, 152 Malpighii 136, 152 papillare 139 reticulare 139 squamosum I'SH Stria vascularis 356 Striated muscular fibres 87 Striped muscular fibres ... 87 Stripes of Retzius 166 Subcutanea 140 Submucosa 154, 156, 172, 174 177, 178, 181, 183, 193, 196, 216 239, 241, 244. INDEX. 369 Substance of Rolando Ii95. 307 Sudoriparous slj^nds 142 Su|)rarciial i.'a|)Siiles....j 2Ml Svmpatlictic system 110 Synovial nienihrancs 268 Tactilk cklls 103, lO-l- cor|)usclcs 104- disks 104 hairs 150 Taste-buds 322 Teeth 16+ Tendon cells 43 tissue 42 Terminals, discharf^in^ 106 nerve 102 receiving 10 i Testis 217, 219 Theca folliculi 235 Thoracic duct 265 Thymus 277 Thyroid 27S Tissue 13 Tomes, fibres of. 165 Tongue 168 Tonsils 171, 173 Trabeculae of spongy bone 53 Trachea 192 Tracheal muscle 194 Tracts of cord 299 Transitional epithelium 19 Tubes of Ptlueger 161 Tunica albuginea 219, 229, 234 Tympanum 353 I'mbilical cord 33 Uniceilular glands 156 Unipolar coipuscles 102, 110 Ureter 213 Urethra, female 216 male 226 Urinary bladder 214, 257 Uriniferous tubules 207 Urogenital sinus 257 U'tcrine glands 240 Uterus 240 masculinus 231 Vagina 243 Valves ot heart 263 of Houston 182 of veins 264 Vas aberrans 223, 224 deferens 219, 224, 225 Vasa cfferentia 223 vasorum 261 Vascular endothelium .20, 90 Vascularization of cartilage 63 Vatcr, corpuscies of. 105 Veins 91, 94, 263 I Ventral cornu 292 I Verhuyen, stellules of. 206 Vermiform appendix 182 Vessels 91 Vestibule 245 Villi 177 Vitelline membrane 237 Vitellus 237 Vitreous body 33,341 Volkmann's canals 52 Vulva 244 Wharto.n's jelly 33 White commissure 293 fibres 34, lOl, lo7 fibrocartilage 28 fibrous tissue 42 matter of cord 292 substance of Schwann 101 Wolffian body ... 253 duct 253 Yellow fibres 34 fibro-cartilage 27 marrow 56 Zona pellccida 236 striata 236 vasculosa 234 Zone of Zinn 343 ' --.S^' i) ^ ^ i^-^ ^r^ \v ■ j'-s- -t-i Y A^-'- ^/; V l\ t U/VWuOS'Mrj uvs- MA-'W^'l.^ U"^^. ^//l / /