L I E) R.ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 634 J63p Wtter <♦ SCIENCE AND PRACTICE GARDENING. London: GEORGE WOODPALL AND SON, ANGEL COURT, SRINNER STREET. THE PRINCIPLES OF PRACTICAL GARDENING. BY GEORGE W. JOHNSON, ESQ. FELLOW OF THK -AGRI-HORTICt'LTURAL SOCIETY OF fXDrA; CORREfePO.VDIVG -MEMBER OF THE ROYAL CALEDONIAN AND MARYLAND HORTICVLTCRAL SOCIETIES, ETC. ETC. LONDOxN : ROBERT BALDWIN, 47, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1845. PREFACE, For nearly twenty years the Author of these pages has laboured to make the gardeners of England more generally aware than they are, even at pre- sent, of the principles on which their practices are, or ought to be, founded. The results of his early researches have, from time to time, been made public, and those, together with more that are new, he now offers to his readers in a collected and orderly form. He has thus laboured to impart the reasons for horticultural practice, because it is certain that gardening is no exception to the rule, that the worst of ignorance is an ignorance of the reasons for our conduct ; and if this volume aids in some j degree to remove such ignorance from the gardener, -^ the Author ^ill be happy in the consciousness that ^ he has helped the advance of plant- culture from ^ mere empiricism into the class of the rational ^ sciences. 304427 CONTENTS. Introduction Chapter I. — Sowing Chapter II. — The Root Chapter III. — The Stem and Branches Chapter IV. — The Leaves Chapter V,— The Sap . . . Chapter YI. — The Flower Chapter VIL — The Fruit and Seed . Chapter VIII, — The Diaeases of Plants Chapter IX. — Death and Decomposition PAGE 1 8 49 125 135 152 185 212 243 309 THE PRINCIPLES OF GAEDENING. INTRODUCTION. Gardening or Horticulture has for its objects, the production of the fiTiits, flowers, and culinaiy vege- tables of any climate, in any habitable place, in the greatest perfection, and at the least possible expense. Like all other human occupations, gardening is di- visible into the science which teaches the principles and circumstances on which the attainment of the de- sired objects is founded ; and the art or practical skill which enables the practitioner to secure those cir- cumstances, and effectuate those principles. It is to the first of these departments of knowledge that the following pages are devoted: their prime subject being the guidance afforded to the gardener in the practice of his art by chemistry, vegetable physiology, and other sciences. If any one asks what those sciences have done for 2 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. gardening, I point to the discoveries of the late Mr. Knight. The opinion of that most scienced horti- cultuinst is also recorded in a letter from him now in my possession, — the words should be engraved over the portal of every garden : " Physiological know- ledge CAN ALONE NOW DIRECT THE GARDENER TO IM- PROVEMENT, FOR HE possesses ALL THAT MERE PRAC- TICE IS LIKELY TO GIVE." Scicnce, it is time, can never supersede the necessity for a practical ac- quaintance with the operations of the spade, the knife, and the hoe ; but it is their best guide, — a pilot needed even by the most experienced, and let it be remembered, that to botanists we owe nearly the whole of our flowers, as well as our knowledge of their habits; and that to information drawn from their discoveries, we are indebted for the ma- jority of oui' numerous varieties of fruits and culinary vegetables, as well as for a laiowledge of their ana- tomy and functions. Botany also affords the best nomenclature for our plants ; and thus, to it we are indebted for an enlightened practice, and a language universally intelligible. But for another science, chemistiy, the true nature of soils, of manures, of the food and functions of plants, would be unknown to us, and many of our simplest gai'den operations would be inexplicable. The gro\Ni:h of horticultural science has been slow; for, although its dawn was in the Elizabethan age. INTRODUCTION. 3 yet it never afforded any distinct light to gardening until the beginning of the present centmy. It is undoubtedly tme. that in much earher ages there were suiinises bom of inquiiing minds, that are startlingly in accordance with the results afforded by modern vegetable chemistiy and physiology ; but they were no more than sm'mises ; fortunate guesses that, among many totally erroneous, happened to sa- vour of ti-uth. Thus Pythagoras forbade the use of beans as food, because he thought that they and human flesh were created from the same substances, and modern research has rendered it certain that that pulse has among its constituents more animo-vege- table matter than most other seeds. Empedocles maintained that plants are sexual ; that they possess life and sensation ; and that he remembered when he was a plant himself, previously to being Empe- docles. Theophrastus and Pliny wrote more voluminously upon plants, but not ^vith more knowledge of their physiolog}^ ; and little or no improved progress is really visible until the sixteenth centurj^ was well advanced; for this branch of science was no bright exception from the darkness enveloping all human knowledge dming the middle ages, and it was not until that period in which Bacon lived, that the human mind threw off the trammels of the school- men, and instead of arguing as to what must be, B '2 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. proceeded to examine and search out what is. The Reformation, the spirit of the age, was then not con- fined to rehgion. By dehvering the human mind from thraldom, and teaching man to search all things, hut to retain only that which is good because true, it gave an impetus to improvement which no tyrant opposition has ever since been enabled to check. Such men as Bacon, Peiresc, Evelyn, Grew and Malpighi arose. Bacon was the first to teach aloud that man can discover truth in no way but by observ- ino- and imitating the operations of natm'e ; that truth is born of fact, not of speculation ; and that systems of Imowledge are to be founded not upon ancient authority, not upon metaphysical theories, but upon experiments and obsen-ations in the world around us. Peiresc was a munificent man of letters, whose house, whose advice, and whose purse were opened to the students of eveiy art and science. His library was stored with the literature of every age, and his garden with exotics from exerj clime, from whence he delighted to spread them over Em'ope^. Grew in England, and Malpighi in Italy, de- voted themselves to the anatomical examination of plants, and these were followed by Linnaeus, Gaertner, and others, who, trusting only to the dissecting knife and the microscope, soon precipitated into mins all * History of English Gardening. INTRODUCTION. 5 the fanciful fabrics of the Aristotelians. They were the founders of that science of vegetable physiology, which, enlarged and carried into practice by the late Mr. Knight and others, has advanced horti- culture to a degree of improvement, undreamed of by their immediate predecessor, Heresbach, when he informed the world that, if the powder of rams' horns is sown, and well watered, " it will come to be good aspai'agus." The researches of Hales upon the circulatory power of the sap-vessels, of Bonnet upon the func- tions of the leaves, and of Du Hamel, Priestley, Ingenhousz, Sennebier, Saussure, and others, upon the action of hght, and the nature of the gases de- veloped during the respiration of plants, imparted still more useful knowledge to the gardener, and rendered his art still less empirical. The same philosophers directed their attention also to the food of plants imbibed by their roots, and to the examination of their various secretions ; but here they were joined by another band of na- ture's students, and no one conversant with the phi- losophy of plant-culture but will remember the debt he owes to Vauquelin, Lavoisier, Johns, Da^y, Liebig, Lindley, Johnston, and Low. It has been my endeavour to concentrate and arrange the results of the researches of the above-named disci- ples of nature in the following pages, — adding such rays, 6 PEINX'IPLES OF GARDENING. derived from lesser lights, as aid to render the whole more luminous, and such links of experiments and obsen'ations from similar sources as make the work more connected than it w^ould be without their aid. In the arrangement of this work I might have fol- lowed the more obvious plan of commencing with a description of the seed, and the promotion of its pro- duction ; but I found that the order adopted enabled me to pursue more readily, and more progressively, the phenomena and practices to be explained and illustrated. A few gardeners may still exist who venture to think science useless — as there once existed a de- votee of fashion who wondered w4iy it was not alwaj^s candle-light ; but the great majority of gardeners are now men of science, endeavouring thoroughly to understand the reason of eveiy practice, and the supposed cause of each effect. To those differing from them I might name, if it would not be invi- dious, nearly all the most successful of our modern gardeners. To a man, these are w^ell acquainted with gardening's relative sciences. I forbear from men- tioning names, but I may remind my readers, with- out fearing to offend, of two departed savans, M. Lavoisier, and our fellow^-countrjmian, Mr. Knight. Lavoisier, the Linnaeus of chemistiy, cultivated his grounds in La Vendee on scientific principles, and in a few years their annual produce doubled that from INTRODUCTION. I equal spaces of his' neighbours' soil. Mr. Knight has scai'cely left a department of our horticulture unim- proved, by that combination of scientific ^vith prac- tical knowledge which he, perhaps more than anv other man, had united in his own mind. It behoves every gardener to follow in theu" steps, for though the great men who have gone before have done much for gardening, yet still more remains to be accomplished. We still, on most points, do and must ever see through a glass dai'kly ; but that is no reason why any one should refrain from the efifort to elicit a ray towards diminishing the obscu- rity— and we may all, without fear of misspending our laboui', continue to act as if botany could still fur- nish something new, and as if chemistry and phy- siology had still some secret to reveal to the en- quirer. CHAPTER I. SOWING. That the seed should have a perfectly developed em- bryo, and have arrived to nearly perfect ripeness, is essential to its being able to germinate. The rea- son for this is obvious : the young plant requires for its earliest nourishment a peculiar compoimd, usually saccharine matter ; and this compoimd, in accordance with that universal fitness of things which demon- strates the wisdom of God, is always generated by the combined agency of heat, moistm'e, and oxygen gas, from the substances most abmidant in the fully ripened seed. Let barley be the example. Saccha- rine matter is essential for the first nourishment of the radicle and plumule,^ and into such saccharine matter is starch converted, by the combined agency I have named. It is starch, therefore, that is the chief constituent of the seed. But if barley be gathered immature, and dried, the chief ingredient is mu- cilage or gum ; and this, if exposed to the essentials for germination, heat, moisture and oxygen gas, in- ^ The thread-like sprouts, becoming afterwards the root and stem, are so named. CH. I.] SOWING. 9 Stead of passing into saccharine matter, is converted into acetic acid. As it is imperative that eveiy seed should have nearly attained to ripeness before it acquii'es the power of germinating, and that the more perfect the ripeness the more perfect and the more healthy that germina- tion, so is it equally ceitain, that the length of time it retains the power of germination differs in almost every plant. The seed of the coffee shrub loses all vege- tative power, unless sown within a few weeks after it has been gathered, whilst that of the melon improves by being stored for one or two years, and celery re- mains capable of germinating for five times the last- named period ^. These and all other instances within my knowledge demonstrate, that the more starchy and other matters into which nitrogen^ does not enter as a constituent, which a seed contains, the longer v61\ it retain vitality ; and two familiar instances are com- mon rice and the kidney bean. Eice contains 85 per cent, of starch, and will retain its vegetative powers for many years ; whilst kidney beans, which contain * Melon seeds^ by keeping, improve only in the sense in which gardeners consider the plant improved, viz. less of stem is produced, and the fruit is matured earlier. Whatever checks the develop- ment of the early organs, the radicle and plumule, produces this effect, and this is effected by age in the melon seed ; its starchy component diminishes in quantity, being gradually converted into albumen. This is less easily transmuted to the soluble matters necessary for the nourishment of the parts first developed. ^ Nitrogen, a gas present in most animal matters. 10 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. one-third their weight of animo-vegetable matter and other constituents, of which nitrogen is a component, will not vegetate healthily a second season. Carolina, Rice. Water 5.00 Starch 85.07 Parenchyma 4.80 Gluten 3.60 Uncrystallizable sugar . . . 0.29 Grummy matter, approaching starch 0.71 Oil 0.13 Phosphate of lime . . . . 0.13 99.73^ Kidney Beans. Skins 288 Starchy fibrous matter . . . 425 Starch 1380 Animo-vegetable matter . . . 799 Extractive 131 Albumen and vegeto-animal mat- ter 52 Mucilage 744 Loss SI 3840 b * M. Braconnot, in Ann. de Chym. iv. 370. '' Einhof in Gehlen's Journ. vi. 545. CH. I.] SOWING. ' 11 This speedy loss of \-itality in seeds abounding in nitrogenous matter, is just what the chemist would predict ; for all bodies so constituted are most prone to decomposition and decay. The following list, furnished by the late Mr. Lou- don, shows the greatest age at which some of our common garden seeds germinate freely ; and this result of experience is quite concuiTent ^vith our knowledge of their chemical constitution : — One year. Peas, beans, kidney beans, carrot, par- snip, oraches, herb-patience, rhubarb, elm, poplar, and willow. Tivo years. Radish, salsafy, scorzonera, purslane, the alUums, cardoon, rampion, alisander, love apple, capsicum, egg-plant. Three years. Sea-kale, artichoke, lettuce, mari- gold, rue, rosemaiy. Four years. Brassicas, skirret, spinach, asparagus, endive, mustard, tarragon, borage. Five and six years. Burnet, sorrel, parsley, dill, fennel, chervil, hyssop. Ten years. Beet, celery, pompion, cucumber, melon. Now in this list generally, as already observed, those with the most of nitrogenous matters among their component parts, are the first to decompose, and consequently lose their \-itahty ; and those with the greatest amount of starch and lignin, or more carbonaceous constituents, retain their germinating 12 EKINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. power the longest, and for the evident reason, that such ai'e less prone to decay. At the same time, let me guard myself from being misconceived to say, that such are the only chemical causes for a seed's curtailed or protracted vitality. On the contrary, I am "well awai'e there are others, and for example may be taken many seeds abounding with expressed oil. These, exposed to the free ope- ration of the air, gradually lose their \'itality, as the oil they contain becomes rancid. Presented from the action of the air, no seeds are more retentive of vi- tality, apparently because when so preserved, the oil they contain will remain sweet and unchanged for ages. This is the reason that in earth excavated from great depths below the sui-face, charlock, mus- tard, and such like plants, ha\ing oleaginous seeds, are found to have retained their embiyo ^^tality. In considering this subject, let it ever be kept in mind, that almost every species of seed has a peculiar degree of heat, and a peculiar amoimt of moisture, at or approaching to which its vitality will be excited into action. Therefore, in all obsei'vations on the life-retaining power of seeds, and in conclusions deduced from experiment, it must be carefully secured that they have not been excited to those initiatory steps of germination, which being taken and then checked, invariably cause the destruction of a seed's vital powers. CH. I.] SOWING. 13 This brings me to the consideration of the con- tingencies necessaiy to cause a seed's germination. A certain degi'ee of warmth is essential, for no known plant has seeds that will genninate below or at the freezing point of water. A temperature above 32° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, therefore, is requisite ; and the plants whose seeds will germinate nearest to that low degree of temperature, in this country, are the winter weeds. For example, I have found the seeds of the Poa annua, the commonest grass of our gravel walks, germinate at SS"^, and the seeds of groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) would probably requii'e no higher temperature. But, on the other hand, the temperature must not be excessively high. Even no tropical seed, probably, will germinate at a temperature much above 120^ F., and we know from ' tl^^f.i ix^ the experiments of MM. Edwards and Colin, that ' ^ neither wheat, oats, nor barley will vegetate in a temperature of 113°.^ Every seed differing in its degree of excitability, consequently has a temperature without which it will not vegetate, and from which cause arise the consequences that different plants require to be so"uti at different seasons, and that they genninate with various degrees of rapidity. For example, two vaiieties of early pea, sown on a south border on the same day, and treated strictly ^ Jour, de Pharmacie, xxii. 210. 14 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. alike throughout their growth, were about a fortnight differing in all their stages of vegetation. Sown In bloom Gathered from Cormack's Prince Albert . . Jan. 4. April 1. May 14- Warwick . Jan. 4. April 13. May -28. Adanson found that, under the most favourable circumstances, various garden seeds might be made to germinate in the following veiy different spaxies of time. Spinach, Beans, Mustard . 3 days. Lettuce, Aniseed .... 4 Melon, Cucumber, Cress . 5 Eadish, Beet 6 Orache 8 Purslain 9 Cabbage 10 Hyssop 30 Parsley 40 or 50 do. Almond, Chesnut, Peach . 1 year. Rose, Hawthorn, Filbert . 2 do.^ In one instance M. Adanson certainly must have experimented with old seed, for I have fomid good new parsley seed, sown on fresh fertile soil in May, had germinated in two days, and its leaves were above the surface within a week from the day of " Families des Plantes, i. 85. CH. I.] SOWING. 15 sowing. Then again in the case of rose seed, — at all events, in the case of that of the dog rose, — if the hips he allowed to endure the frosts of winter before they are gathered, their seed vail geiToinate in much less time than is named by M. Adanson. This lesson was probably taught the gardener by nature, for the hips of roses never shed their seed in this country until they have been frosted. The gardener should always bear in mind, that it would be a very erroneous conclusion, because a seed does not geiTuinate at the accustomed time, that therefore its vegetating powers ai'e departed. No two seeds taken from the same seed-vessel ger- minate precisely at the same time ; but, on the contrary, one will often do so promptly, while its companion seed will remain dormant imtil anotlier year. M. De Candolle relates an instance where fresh tobacco seedhngs continued to appear annually for ten years on the same plot, though no seed was sown after the first sowing ; and the same phenomenon usually occurs for two or three years, when the seed of either the peony or hawthorn are sown. Why one seed is more easily excited than another is as yet unexplained, but the wisdom of this one of many pro-visions for avoiding the accidental extinction of a species in any given locality is readily discerned. An ungenial spring may destroy the plants from those seeds which first germinated, but this could 16 PBINCIPLES OF GAEDENING. [CH. I. scarcely occur also to those of the second and third year, or even to those which were only a few weeks later in their vegetation. It is not possible to enunciate a general rule I relative to germinating temperatures requiring no exceptions, but in general, for the seeds of plants natives of temperate latitudes, the best germinating temperatiu'e is about 60° ; ^ for those of half-hardy plants 70° ; and for those of tropical plants about SO'^; and the necessity for such temperatui'es depends upon the same causes that prevent the incubation of eggs unless they be kept for a certain period at a temperatui'e of about 100^. The requisite changes are not produced either in the seed or in the egg, miless it be submitted to the pro- pitious temperature — but why this is requisite to develope the forms, and effect the changes, without ' wliich there is no vitality, is a secret at present witlilield from man s understanding by the Almighty I architect, and w^e must rest satisfied with the approximate Imowledge that heat is the vast and all pen^ading agent he employs to call life into existence. Although temperatm'es ranging between 60° and 80"^, are those most usually propitious to germina- tion, yet a much higher temperature can be endured by seed without its vitality being destroyed, and * Except where otherwise stated, Fahrenheit's thermometer is referred to in the temperatures particularized. CH. I.] SOWING. 17 indeed may be employed Avith great advantage, when the seed from age or other cause geinninates A\-ith difficulty. Dr. Lindley foimd the seeds of a raspberr}^ germinate, though they must have endured a temperature of 230'^ in the boiling synip of the jam, -whence they were taken ; and other instances are known where peas submitted to a temperature of 200°, and, left in the water for twenty-four hours until cool, germinated more readily than other peas not so treated. The seeds of Acacia lophantha also produced seedlings after being boiled in water for five minutes. The effects produced by this high temperature, are to permanently soften the cuticle of the seed, and render it more readily per- meable by the air ; also aiding the conversion of the starchy components of the seed into saccharine matter ; but if the boiling be contmued until the com- position of the germen is altered, the germinating power of the seed is destroyed. These facts lead to the verj- important inquiry, whether the soil has any influence over the tempera- ture occurring to the seed, and to the roots of plants placed beneath its surface. The researches of M. Schluber answer this query in the affirmative. This distinguished German chemist fomid that when the temperature of the upper sui'face of tlie earth was 77° in the shade, various soils, exposed to the sun from c 18 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. eleven to three, in vessels four inches square and half an inch deep, attained the temperatures shewn in this table. Wet. Dry. Siliceous Sand, bright yellowish gray 99.1 11 '2. 6 Calcareous Sand, whitish gray . . 99.3 112.1 Gypsum, bright w^liite gray . . . 97.3 110.5 Sandy Clay, yellowish 98.2 111.4 Loamy Clay, yellowish . . . , 99.1 112.1 Stiff Clay, or Brick Earth, yellowish gray 99.3 112.3 Fine bluish gray Clay 99.5 113.0 Lime, white 96.1 109.4 Magnesia, pure wiiite 95.2 108.6 Garden Mould, blackish gray . . 99.5 113.5 Arable Soil, gray ...... 97.7 111.7 Slaty Marl, brownish red .... 101.8 115.3 The results of M. Schluber's experiments demon- strate that which our knowledge of the laws of caloric would have induced us to pre-suppose, namely, that light coloured earths by reason of their reiiecting most rays of heat, are warmed much more tardily than dark coloured earths. It was this conclusion which induced me, some years now past, to try the effect of sprinkling coal ashes over rows of autumn sown peas. The peas invariably appeared above "the soil some days before those in rows not similarly CH. I.] SOWING. 19 treated. This acceleration of vegetation continued equally marked throughout their growth, and is further explained hy other experiments of M. Schluber, which testify that those soils in the above table which absorbed the heat most readily, retained it most tenaciously, and consequently were longest coohng. Magnesia cooled in one hour and twenty minutes as much as the garden mould did in two hours and sixteen minutes, and the slaty marl in three hours and twenty-six minutes. From more recent experiments made in the Hor- ticultural Society's garden at Chiswick, and in other parts of England, Ave have the following results, con- firming M. Schluber's experiments. In the Chiswick garden, 1844. Minimum Temp, of air. Earth 1 foot deep. Earth 2 feet deep )ec. 4 . 2-2 . 40 . 43 5 . U . 38 . 43 6 . U . 37 . 42 7 20 . 37 . 41 8 . 26 . 36 . 41 9 . •28 . 36 . 40 10 . 28 . 36 . 40 11 . 22 36 . 39 In a stiffish loam on a gravelly subsoil near Sheffield, after a fortnight "s exposure to a minimum c 2 20 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I, temperature, var^-ing between 21° and 31°, the soil had frozen to a depth of 4 J inches, but at lower depths the temperatui'es w^ere as follow : — At 6 mches . . 34° — 12 „ . . 36i — 24 „ . . 39 In every instance the lighter soils were frozen to a less depth than the more tenacious. The for- mer in no case having the frost penetrate lower than six inches, but in hesi\j soils two inches deeper.* The following table, kept by Mr. Shai-p, the scien- tific manager of the Winchester gas works, shows the lowest temperature of the air at night, and its highest temperature by day during the January of the present year, as well as the temperature of the soil at six inches and at twelve inches below its sur- face. The soil is black, rich, and siliceous, resting on a chalky subsoil : — ^ Gardeners' Chronicle. CH. I.] SOWING. ^1 Ground. Jan. Night. Day. 6 in. 12 in. Jan. 1 35 44 39 39 1 2 34 38 371 39 2 3 25 40 34 37 3 4 32 47 35 36 4 5 38 51 38 381 5 6 42 52 41 40 6 7 45 50 421 411 7 8 35 42 40 41 8 9 32 39 371 40 9 10 35 39 371 391 10 11 43 50 42 41^ 11 12 39 45 42 42 12 13 38 45 41 414 13 14 36A 49 40 4l| 14 15 38 46 40 41 15 16 38 46 40 41 16 17 39 45 40 41 17 18 38 48 40 41 18 19 32 46 38 401 19 20 34 45 38 40 20 21 30 42 36 39 21 22 25 47 35 39 22 23 35 49 40 391 23 24 36 49 40 40t 24 25 29 51 37 39 25 26 42 47 41 41 26 27 34 46 38 39 27 28 281 40 35 3'i 28 29 27 39 34 37 29 30 31 39 38 37 30 31 25 35 33 36 31 These facts, and the frequent failure of our potato crops have led Dr. Lindley to the very judicious sug- gestion of planting these crops in autumn, which must be the best time, if practicable, for it is pursuing the dictate of nature. That it is practicable, I have no 22 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. doubt, for no frost -would injure the sets if a little coal ashes were put over them in each hole, for coal I ashes are an excellent non-conductor of heat, and 1 consequently opposed to the admission of cold, and / are, at the same time, a good preservative from ex- ' cessive moisture. The fact that the earth, in regions not eternally ice-boimd, never is reduced in temperature, at a few inches from the surface, so low as the exterior air in winter, nor is elevated at a similar depth to an equal degree of warmth in summer, suggests the necessity for more attention to the temperature of the soil in our horticultural houses than it has hitherto ob- tained. Attention is more awakened to it now than for- merly, and by hottom-heat our gardeners now intend something more than a mass of fermenting matter for forcing cucumbers or pine-apples. It is quite certain, that eveiy plant, when growing in a favourite soil in its native climate, has its roots growing in the temperatui'e which is best accordant with that in which its branches are delighting. Under no circumstances, if the plant is flourishing, will the temperature in summer, at 12 inches from the sur- face, be found to be less than 2"", nor more than 5° loiver than the average temperature of the atmo- sphere ; and in winter, that temperature at the same SOWING. 23 depth will be found to range similarly above the at- mospheric temperatiu'e. There is no doubt that in tropical climates, the bare exposed soil becomes heated, for a few inches in depth, to a degree higher than that of the air incumbent upon it. But this is not the case about the roots of plants ; for their fohage, and the herbage naturally clothing the soil, preserve this from such a pernicious elevation of temperature. That such an excessive elevation is injmious, is known to every obseiTer of plants, whether the plants are grow- ing in the tropics or in a stove. The roots are stimu- lated to imbibe moisture faster than the foliage can digest sufficiently the sap thus forced to them, and that foliage is expanded wider and more weakly m the vain effort to keep pace with the supply. This is only one among many instances of that property, so wisely given to organised beings by their Creator, of adapting themselves to circumstances ; and it is only when the vicissitudes of those circumstances are too violent, or too long continued, that they fail in their effort at conformity. If the temperature of the soil be unnaturally below that in which the branches are vegetating, the effects are equally, though differently, disastrous. The sup- ply of sap is too much diminished in quantity, and the edges of the leaves consequently die, or the blos- soms fall, or disease attacks some part of the fruit, according to the nature of the plant, or the stage of 24 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. growth in which it occurs. The shanking in grapes appears traceable to this cause. Then again, a soil abounding in supei'fluous \Yater is always colder than a soil of siinilai' constitution that has been well drained. The reason for this is obviously that the same quantity of caloric which will heat the earth four degrees will only heat water one degree ; or, to use the language of the chemist, tlie capacity for heat of water is four times greater than that of the earth s. In every day experience, we see the low lying and consequently the wettest portions of a field, are always those on which the even- ing mist or fog first appears ; for at one season of the year it becomes colder than the air, and the at- mospheric moisture always precipitates first on the coldest surface. At other seasons of the year, eva- poration from the wettest portion of a field is tlie most abundant ; and, at those seasons, mists ai'e formed by the temperature of the aii* being much below that of the earth, and consequently condensing its watery exhalations. The greater the difference of temperature, the denser is the mist, the condensa- tion being more complete. I will observe, as on a former occasion, that the time will probably anive when gi'eater precision will be attained as to the time when om' various seeds may best be committed to the soil. We shall owe that advance to a more complete knowledge of what CH. I.] SOWING. 25 mav be termed the coincidences or sjniclironisms of natiu'e. The attempt to attain knowledge on this subject is not new, for nearly a centmy since Harald Barck and Alexander Berger, in Sweden, made many observ- ations directed to this object, and in later years, Stillingfleet and Martyn have done the same in England. The first named of these botanists thus expresses himself upon the subject : "If botanists noted the time of the foliation and blossoming of trees and herbs, and the days on which the seed is sown, flowers, and ripens, and if they continued these observations for many years, there can be no doubt but that we might find some inle from which we might conclude at what time grains and culinary- plants, according to the nature of each soil, ought to be sown ; nor should we be at a loss to guess at the approach of winter ; nor ignorant whether we ought to make our autumn sowing later or earlier." M. Barck would derive his intimations from the vegetable tribes alone, but I think the other king- doms of organic nature might be included — as the appearances of certain migratory birds, and the birth of certain insects. For example, in the east of England, it is a common sapng among gardeners — confirmed by practice — AMien you have seen two swallows together, sow kidney beans. 26 PRINCIPLES OF GAP.DENING. [CH. I. This s}Tichronical mode of regulating the opera- tions of the cultivator of the soil is no modem sug- gestion, but the efforts of Barck and his successors have only been to find such indications in our north- em clime that would be of the same utility, and similarly admonitory as others adopted by the an- cients in more simny latitudes. Thus Hesiod says, If it rain three days together when the Cuckoo sings, then late sowing will be as good as early sowing ; and in another place, when snails begin to move and climb up plants, cease from digging about vines, and take to pruning. That our operations may be made justly s}ti- chronical vdth certain appearances in nature is sup- ported even by our present limited knowledge. " It is wonderful," says Mr. Stillingfleet, " to observe the conformity between vegetation and the arrival of certain birds of passage. I will give one instance as mai'ked down in a diary kept by me in Norfolk, in the year 1755. 'April ICtli. Young Figs appear; the 17th of the same month the Cuckoo sings.' Now the word xo-^iv^ signifies a Cuckoo and the young Fig, and the reason given for it is, that in Greece they appeared together. I will just add, that the same year I first found the Cuckoo Jioicer in blossom the 19th of April." "Linnaeus says, that the Wood Anemone blows when the Swallow arrives. In my diary for the year CH. I.] SOWING. 27 1755, I find the swallow appeared April 6th, and the Wood Anemone was in blow on the lOtli of the same month. He says that the Marsh Marygold blows when the Cuckoo sings. Accordingly in my diary that flower was in blow April 7th, and the same day the Cuckoo sang." Then, again, whatever may be the character of the season, whether it be unusually cold or preter- naturally mild, the same order prevails in the leafing of plants. 1. Honeysuckle. 2. Gooseberry. 3. Currant. 4. Elder. 5. Birch. G. "Weeping "Willow. 7. Raspberry. 8. Bramble. 9. Briar. 10. Plum. 11. Apricot. 12. Peach. 13. Filbert. 14. Sallow. 15. Alder. 16. Sycamore. 17. Elm. 18. Quince. 19. Marsh Elder. 20. Wych Elm. 21. Quicken Tree. 22. Hombean. 23. Apple. 24. Abele. 25. Chestnut. 26. WiUow. 27. Oak. 28. Lune. 29. Maple. 30. Wahiut. 31. Plane. 32. Black Poplar. 33. Beech. 34. Acacia Piobinia. 35. Ash. 36. Carolina Poplar. 28 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. This invariable simultaneous change, this con- sistent adherence to the same order of time, seems to demonstrate that the same circumstances, the same variations of cold and moisture endured, produce this general similar effect ; they make all plants delay or accelerate their leafing to the most favourable time for vegetating. It seems to follow, therefore, that if it be found one year that the best potato crop was obtained by planting on the 15th of March, being the first day the gooseberr}^-leaves opened, and that the following year the leaves of the same tree did not open until the 7th of April, that in such case the potato planting ought until then to be delayed, for, as M. Barck observes, " No one can deny but tliat the same influences which bring forth the leaves of trees, will also make grain vegetate ; and no one can justly assert that a premature sowing will always and everywhere accelerate a ripe harvest." I beg leave to explain that my illustration by potato planting is a mere assumption, and that I do not intend to advance that the leafing of the goose- berry and potato planting ought to be simultaneous. I only throw out the suggestion for others to confirm or to refute by observation and ex})eriment, adding only thus much, that Mr. Stillingfleet, one of the most careful of Nature's observers says, that in his time " the prudent gardener never ventured to put CH. I.] SOWING. 29 his house-plants out until the mulberry leaf was of a certain growth." As no seed ^^ill germinate unless a certain degree of heat is present, so also does it require that a cer- tain quantity of water is in contact ^^ith its outer skin or integument, and this is required not only to soften this covering, and thus permit the enlarge- ment of the cotyledons (seed lobes) always preceding germination, but also to afford that water to the in- ternal components of the seed, without which the chemical changes necessary for the nutriment of the embryo plant will not take place. Pure water, or some other liquid of which it is a large constituent, is absolutely necessary ; no other fluid will advance germination a single stage. The quantity of water, necessaiy to be present before germination will proceed, varies much. The seeds of aquatic plants require to be completely and con- stantly submerged in water; others, natives of dry soils and warm climates, \vill germinate if merely exposed to a damp atmosphere, of which the Spanish and Horse chestnut afford ready examples ; but the far larger majority of seeds require and germinate most healthily in contact with that degree of moisture wliich a fertile soil retains only by its chemical and capillary attraction. If the soil be inefficiently drained, and there be, consequently, a superfluity of 30 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. stagnant water, the seeds either decay without ger- minating or germinate unhealthily. This arises neither merely from its keeping them in an ungenial temperature, nor only from the usual tendency of excessive moisture to promote putrefaction ; but also because the vegetable decomposing matters in a soil, where water is superabimdant, give out carburetted- hydrogen with acetic and gallic acids — compounds unfavourable to the vegetation of most cultivated plants, whilst the evolution of carbonic acid and ammonia is prevented, which two bodies are bene- ficial to the embryo plant. x\s water is essential to germination, and only a certain quantity is required for its healthy progress, so is it by no means a matter of indifference what matters it holds in solution. Until germination has commenced, no liquid but water at common tempera- tures \sill pass through the integuments of a seed. So soon as germination has commenced, this power to exclude foreign fluids ceases, but the organs start- ing into activity, the radicle and the plumule, are so delicate, that the weakest saline solutions are too acrid and offensive for them. So utterly incapable are the infant roots of imbibing such solutions, that at first they are absolutely dependent, themselves, for their \ery existence, upon the seed-leaves ; and if these be removed, the plant either makes no further advance, or altogether perishes. Many years since I CH. I.] SOWING. 31 tried various menstrua, to facilitate the germination of seeds ; but, with the exception of those which pro- moted the decomposition of water, and the conse- quent more abundant evolution of oxygen, I found none of any efficiency. xVs to keeping the seeds in saline solutions until they germinated, I never, cer- tainly, carried my experiments so far as that; and shall be most astonished, if any other effect than injury or death to the plant is the consequence. Such has been the result in the Horticultural So- ciety's gardens, where the seeds of Lupinus Hartwegii were made to germinate in a weak solution of phos- phate of ammonia. No liquid in which water does not preponderate will enable a seed moistened ^vith it to germinate ; for I have treated broad beans, Iddney beans, and peas with pure alcohol, (spiiit of wine), ohve oil, alcohol and water, in equal proportions by measure, and with a solution of carbonate of ammonia, but in no instance did they germinate. It may be noted as a warning to those who em- ploy steeps for seed, with the hope of promoting the %igour of the future plant, that they must keep the seed in those steeps a very few hours. In foity-eight hom's, if the temperatui'e be 60^ or more, putrefaction commences, and germination is weakened, or entirely destroyed. M. Vogel, of Munich, has published an extended 32 PKINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. course of experiments upon this subject ; and they fully confii'm my opinion, that salts, innoxious when the plant is of robust and advanced growth, are fatal to it at the time of germination; for he found that seeds germinate without injury in carbonate of lime, (chalk), carbonate of strontian, litharge, red oxide of lead, phosphate of lead, black oxide of manganese, calo- mel, and cinnabar. That they germinate feebly in carbonate of magnesia, copper filings, sulphuret of antimony, red oxide of mercury, and aqueous solution of iodine. Lastly, that they refused to germinate at all in carbonate of barytes, hydrate of barytes, iodine pulverised and moistened, kermes mineral, golden sulphur of antimony, oxide of bismuth, arseniate of lead, and green oxide of chromium ^. These are facts which explain the result of practice, that saline ma- nures are generally injurious if applied with the seed, though they may be beneficial if applied long before the seed time, or subsequently, when the plants are of advanced gro\vth. Nothing is so injurious to a germinating seed as ^dcissitudes of temperature and moisture, or a length- ened exposure to excess of the latter ; in either case, the awakening vitality is frequently entirely extin- guished. Nothing is more dreaded by the maltster than a sudden check to his germinating barley ; and, as a chill to the incubatmg egg effectually prevents the ^ Joum. de Pharmacie. xvi. 406. CH. I.] SOWING. 33 formation of the cluck. To preserve the seeds of our winter crops from such vicissitudes, they should in- variably be sown upon and covered with a thin stratum of coal ashes — these are an excellent drainage, as well as a good non-conductor of heat. The preceding facts afford a warning to those who have to pack seeds for lengthened transport in tropical regions. They cannot be kept too dry — for heat alone will have no influence over their germina- tion ; and they should, therefore, be put into small, open, canvas bags, and suspended from the beams of the upper cabins, where a current of air mil keep the seeds as free as possible from damp. Close packing in paper, in boxes, and in tin cases, stowed away in the hot hold of a ship, causes such a heating of the seeds, such an extrication of moisture from them, as is just enough to commence their germination ; and which, only carried through its first stage, ceases, and then decomposition ensues, which effectually destroys the arousing vitality. Water being such an essential application to the seed as well as to the growing plant, it may be at once observed, that the source from whence it comes is by no means immaterial. The best for the gar- dener's purpose is rain water, preserved in tanks sunk in the earth, and rendered tight either by pud- dling, or bricks, covered with Parker's cement. To keep these tanks replenished, gutters should run 34 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. round the eaves of every structure in the garden, and coramimicate with them. Every 100 cubic inches of rain water contains more than 4 cubic inches of air, of wliich more than half are carbonic acid gas, and the remainder nitrogen and oxygen, in the proportion of 62 of the fonner to 38 of the last named. Liebig, from actual experiment on a large scale, states that both rain and snow contain ammonia; and its importance appears from the fact that, if there be only one-fourth of a gi'ain in each pint of water, the annual deposition from the atmosphere would be more than sufficient, on half an acre of ground, to give all the nitrogen contained in the vegetable albu- men of 150 cwt. of beet root. Ram water also contains a peculiar substance, analogous to the ex- tractive matter and gluten of plants, though dif- fering from them chemically. To this substance Dr. Daubeny has given the name of Pyrrhine. Traces of salts and oxides have also been found in rain water ; but compared ^vith all other naturally produced, it is so pure, and so abounds with the gases beneficid to plants, that none other can equal it for their service. That obtained from ponds or sprmgs invariably con- tains matters offensive or deleterious to plants. That known as hard water, containing in excess salts of lime or magnesia, is invariably prejudicial, and pond water is scarcely less so. If it be stagnant and loaded ' with vegetable extract, it is even worse than hard CH. I.] SOWING. 35 spring water, for it then contains carburetted hydrogen and other matters noxious to vegetables. These last named waters, if obHged to be employed to tender plants, should have a pint of the ammoniacal ivater of the gas-works, mixed thoroughly with every sLxty gallons, an hour or two before they are used. The presence of .one of the constituent gases of the atmosphere, oxygen, is also essential to germination. Ray proved that lettuce seeds would not germinate in the exhausted receiver of an air pump, though they did so when the air was re-admitted ^ ; and though the experiments of Homberg throw some doubt upon this conclusion b, yet it was fully confirmed by the re- searches of Boyle, Muschenbroek, Boerhaave and Saussure, for they showed that Homberg must have employed an imperfect apparatus, and their expe- riments embraced many other seeds than those of the lettuce. So soon as pneumatic chemistry de- monstrated that the atmospheric air is composed of several gases, \iz. : Oxygen 21 Nitrogen 79 100 with about one per cent, of aqueous vapour in the driest weather, and about one part in every thousand of carbonic acid gas, the question then arose which ^ Phil. Trans. No. xiii. »> Mem. French Acad, for 1693. D 2 36 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. of these gases is necessary for germination, and Scheele was the first to demonstrate that it is the oxj'gen. Achard afterwards proved that seeds will not germinate in nitrogen, carbonic acid, or hydrogen gases, unless mixed with oxygen ; and though Carra- dori doubted the correctness of his experiments, his doubt was sho"\Mi to be groundless by the more accu- rate researches of Gough, Cruickshank, Saussure and others^. Senebier carried his experiments still fur- ther, and has determined that although seeds will germinate in an atmosphere not containing at least one-eighth of its bulk of oxygen, yet that the propor- tion most favourable to the process is one-fouith. Ger- mination will proceed in an atmosphere of pure oxy- gen, but not so readily as when it is mixed ^rith other gases. The same phenomena attend the incu- bation of eggs — they will not hatch in the vacuum of an air pump, nor will the process proceed so satis- factorily in any other mixtm'e of gases than atmo- spheric air. It is necessary that the oxygen should penetrate ^ Althougli seeds will not germinate in an atmosphere of nitro- gen, yet they all absorb a small quantity of this gas when ger- minating. It is a constituent of most young roots^ especially of their spongioles, or extreme points. There is reason to believe that by its aid ammonia is fonned during germination, and that this acts as a stimulant and food to the young plant. Seeds con- taining nitrogen germinate more rapidly than seeds of the same genus which do not contain this gas. CH. I.] SOWING. 37 to the cotyledonous parts of the seed, as is e\-ident by the changes which take place during gennination : and it is fmlher proved by experiment. TMien healthy seed is moistened and exposed in a suitable temperature to atmospheric air, it absorbs the oxygen only. This power of separating one gas from the others, appears to reside in the integuments of the seed, for old seeds lose the power of absorbing the oxygen and consequently of germinating ; yet they will frequently germinate if soaked in an aqueous solution of chlorine — a gas wliich has the power of attracting hydrogen from water, and others of its compounds, and releasing the oxygen, doing so in the case of seeds ^vithin their integuments as well as withoutside. Humboldt and Saussure have also she\vn that the application of chlorine to seed ac- celerates its gennination, and cress seed, which, under ordinaiy cu'cumstances, requires some days to com- plete the process, they found e£fected it in no more tlian three houi's. The late Mr. George Sinclair, author of the excellent Hortus Gramineus Wo- hurnensis, also informed me that he employed chlorine with singular success. He obtained it by mixing a tablespoonful of miu-iatic acid ^vith a similar quantity of black oxide of manganese, and half a pint of water. After allo^^ing the mixtm'e to remain two or three hours, the seed is to be immersed in the liquid for a similar period, and then sown. Another, 38 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. and I consider the most eligible mode of applying the chlorine, was also suggested to me by the same distinguished horticulturist. In this way he said he made tropical seeds vegetate, which refused to ger- minate by other modes of treatment. He placed the mixed ingredients mentioned above in a glass retort, inserting its bulb in the hot bed, and bringing its beak mider the pot in which the seeds were so^mi connecting it with the draining aperture of the pot. The chlorine gas is gradually evolved, passing through the earth of the pot to the seeds, with more or less rapidity according to the heat employed. This absolute necessity for the presence of oxygen is a reason why seeds will not germinate if buried beyond a certain distance from the earth's surface ; and why clayey soils often fail of having a good plant, an impervious coat of the clay enveloping the seed, and preventing the airs access. M. Bm'ger foimd that seeds of lye buried one inch below the sui'face had their leaves above it in eight days and a half, whereas those at a depth of sL\ inches, had only just sprouted at the end of twenty-two days. But too deep sowing inflicts another injury ; though it be not at such a depth as entirely to prevent ger- mination, yet it so consumes the matter of the seed in forming the useless elongation of stalk necessary to bring the leaves above the surface, that all further progress in vegetation has been prevented. M. CH. I.] SOWING, 39 Bui-ger found that rye seeds sown five inches and a half deep, forced thek blades to the surface in seventeen days and a half, but these remained green only for six days and then \Nithered ; and that in evei7 instance, the most shallow sown seeds pro- duced the most stalks. I have observed the same in the case of kidney beans, Windsor beans, and peas of various vaiieties ; those seeds, buried one and a half inch below the surface, invariably grew higher and were more prolific than those buried at greater depths. From Saussure's experiments we leam that, weight for weight, wheat and barley during germination absorb less oxygen than peas, whilst these consume less than beans and kidney beans. This explains why, in proportion to their size, the two first may be so^^•n at a greater depth below the soil's surface than the three last named, without vegetation being pre- vented. Seeds deposited at great depths, or similarly ex- cluded from the air '\\ithin the Egyptian mummy cerements, mil often retain their vegetative power for an apparently unlimited time. Hence, earth taken from far below the surface ■will often become covered with charlock. This is an oleaginous-seeded plant, and such, when thus excluded from the air, retain their \itality most pertinaciously for reasons already assigned. The atmosphere contains rather more than one- 40 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. ^ fifth of its weight of oxygen gas, and this is the pro- portion most favourable to the germination of the majority of fresh seeds. Indeed few seeds will ger- minate when this proportion is much reduced. Ra- dish seed refuses to do so when it amounts to no more than one-fortieth part, and lettuce seeds require in it at the least one-sixth, when it amounts to only one-eighth, they refuse to germinate. This is a reason why of all kitchen garden seeds the lettuce requires the most shallow sowing. So far are plants at their first germination from being benefited by the application of stimulants, as is supposed by the advocates of those menstrua, that if the air supplied to them during that process is contaminated by stimulating vapours, such as that of sulphuric aether, camphor, spirits of turpentine, or ammonia, germination is always in some degree retarded and injured. Old seeds are alone those which require the addi- tional stimulus of more oxygen to enable them to ger- minate, and this as just stated is most readily aff'orded by moistening them with a solution of chlorine, which slowly extracts the hydrogen from water, and sets at liberty its oxygen \rithin the integuments of the seeds. How oxygen operates in aiding the seed to develope the parts of the embryo plant we cannot even guess — we only know that most seeds have more carbon (pure charcoal) in their composition than other parts CH. I.] SOWING. 41 of their parent plant, that the oxygen absorbed by the seeds combines with a portion of that extra carbon, and is emitted in the form of carbonic acid. These are the attendant phenomena, but we can penetrate the mysteiy no farther. I have never been able to discover that light has any injurious influence over germination, and in those experiments apparently proving the contraiy, due care was not taken to prevent the seed being exposed to a greater degree of dryness as well as to light. If seed be placed on the surface of a soil, and other seed just below that surface, and care be taken to keep the former constantly moist, it will ger- minate just as speedily as the bui'ied seed, and if ex- posed to the blue rays only of the spectrum, by being kept under a glass of that colour, even more rapidly. M. Saussui'e found that when the dii'ect rays of the sun were intercepted, though light was admitted, seeds geiTiiinated as fast as when kept in the dark^. Therefore the object of so^^Tng the seed below the surface, is for the purposes of keeping it in a state of equable and salutary moisture, as well as to place the radicle in the medium necessary for its gro^vth into a root, immediately it emerges from the integument of the seed. A seed placed in a situation where it is supplied with the desirable degrees of heat, moisture, and air, * Recherches sur la Vegetation, 23. 42 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. begins immediately to enlarge in size. Tliis is occasioned by its absorbing moistiu'e, %vliich, passing into the Cotyledons, causes their immediate increase in size. The rapidity of tliis process is remai'kable, and warns the gai'dener from distui'bing the seed after it is once committed to the ground. A few choice peas, from -which to raise stock, being sown accidentally in ground devoted to another crop, were removed after twenty-four hours, and were not again committed to the ground for some days. Not one of them produced a fniitfid plant, and only two or three vegetated. This is in no degree surprising, because in the ma- jority of healthy seeds cultivated in our open gi'ound departments, the embryo will be found swollen within three hours ; within six hours the radicle will be preceptible ; in from one to six days the radicle will have burst the integuments of the seed ; within from two to seven days the pi nutlet will have similarly escaped ; and in from four to twenty-four da3's perfect roots will have been developed, and the leaves appear above the surface. Moistui'e, as already stated, is absorbed and causes the immediate enlargement of the parts of the seed, and this moisture though it will and does penetrate through the suiiace of the integuments, yet is chiefly imbibed through the hilum or scai\ It passes to the cotyledons, causing their enlargement, and settmg in CH. I.] SOWING. 43 motion their elaborating powers for the nutriment of the radicle and plantlet, for if thej are removed, or if thev have been injured bv insects, the seed does not germinate, and if they are removed even after the radicle is developed into a root, the plants vegetation ceases. No sooner has the radicle escaped from the seed's integument, tlian it immediately proceeds to elongate in the dii'ection of the matters most promotive of the future plant s growth. If the seeds of carrots, pars- ■■ nips, beets, and other fusiform-rooted plants are sown in a soil with its surface richly manured, and its subsoil deficient in decomposing organic matters, the plants will have forked and abundant lateral roots, keeping within the fertile surface soil. On the other hand, if the surface stratum is only moderately rich, but some manure is trenched in with the bottom spit so as to be about sixteen inches below the ,seed, the roots \vill strike down straight to this superior source of nutriment. From the same cause the roots of orchidaceous plants, grown upon wood only partially charred, will be found to have their roots clamber up, and around, and along the wood, but always directing their course most numerously towards the charred portion. Again, the seeds of the misletoe placed upon the under surface of a bough, always have their radicles grow upwai'ds to penetrate the bark, and thus secure to 44 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. themselves the moisture without which they could not exist. Lastly, if seeds of plants loving a fertile soil be somi along the partition, dividmg a vessel into two portions, of which one portion is filled with rich earth, and the other with sand, though both portions are equally moist, equally loose, and equally wann, all the radicles will direct their course into the fertile soil. These facts, with many others, all demonstrating that roots travel in the direction where the most acceptable food is presented, overturn, beyond all con- troversy, Mr. Knight's hypothesis, that the descent of the root is a consequence of the laws of gravitation, for these laws will not explain why roots mil grow sidewise, and even upwards, if their best source of nourishment is so placed as to require it — Gravita- tion could only influence them to a downward direc- tion, and in a fluid medium. To maintain that the laws of gravitation will make the tender radicle of a seed piejce the hardest soil, appears to be a self- evident absurdity. As the radicle always advances in the direction most suited to its nourishment, and in which it can best exercise its functions, so does the plantlet as invariably direct itself towards the surface of the soil, where its leaves and stem and other superior organs can alone develope themselves and perform the functions bestowed upon them at their creation. CH. I.] SOWING. 45 The necessaries in search of which their upward course is directed, are air and hght, but especially the first, for the plantlet rises above the surface though the seed is genninated in a totally dark room, but if the seed of an aquatic plant be germinated in water under a double glass receiver, one compartment of wliich is filled with hydi'ogen or nitrogen, and the other compartment with atmospheric air, the plantlet invariably dii'ects its growth into the latter. We also know that germinated seeds placed in vacuo refuse to advance any further in vegetation. The absorption of moisture and the consequent en- largement of the cotyledons is followed by another change in them. Oxygen gas is absorbed and carbonic acid is evolved, the farinaceous natiu'e of the seed being completely changed — it usually becoming saccharine, though sometimes it attains acidity — but in every case its components become soluble in water, more liquid, and adapted to the nutriment of the embryo 46 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. plant. The quantity of oxygen absorbed by seeds differs in every species, but they entirely agree in emitting it all again in the form of carbonic acid ; it is absorbed therefore for the purpose of diminishing the seed's carbon. The seeds of beans and lettuce absorb one-hun- dredth part of their weight of oxygen to enable them to germinate ; purslain, onion, and radish seed one- thousandth only, and the weight absorbed is always proportionate to the weight of the cotyledon. The fact of carbonic acid being extricated aids to explain why germination proceeds more slowly in clay soils, and in soils rolled firm, even mider other- wise favom'able contingencies, than it does in porous, well pulverized soils ; not only does the atmospheric air get to the seed in the former soils vdih more difficulty, but in these the carbonic acid emitted during germination is confined in immediate contact with the seed, and M. Saussure found that carbonic acid, almost in any proportion, retards the com- mencement of germmation. That the atmospheric air is that mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases which is most favourable to the due progress of germination, is proved by the experi- ments of M. Saussure, for he found that seeds ger- minating in it always absorbed a portion of the nitrogen, but which they did not do if the proportion of oxygen was increased. CH. I.] SOWING. 47 These facts hold out some beacons worthy of being attended to, as guides for the operation of sowing. They point out that eveiy kind of seed has a par- ticular depth below the sui'face, at which it germi- nates most \dgorously, as securing to it the most appropriate degree of moisture, of oxygen gas, and of warmth. From a quarter of an inch to two inches beneath the siuface, appear to be the limits for the seeds of plan.s usually the objects of cultivation; these, howev r, must x-ary for the same seeds in different grounds and countries. It must be the least in aluminous soils and dry climates. In general, sow- ing should be performed in dry weather, especially on heavy soils, not only because of the greater saving of labour, but because it prevents the seed being enveloped with a coat of earth impermeable by the air, " which,"' says Sir H. Davy, " is one cause of the miproductiveness of cold, clayey soils." Perhaps the time at which any ground may be raked with the greatest facility, is as good a practical criterion as any, to judge when it is most fit for sowing. In general, if clay does not predommate in its constitu- tion, a soil rakes best just after it has been turned up with the ^] ade. If clay does predominate, it usually rakes ^rith most facility after it has been dug two or three days, and then immediately after a gentle rain. But it is ceitain that the sooner seed is sown after the soil is dug for its reception, the earlier it 48 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. I. germinates. In the di'oughts of summer, water is often required to newly sown beds. Such applica- tion must not be very limited or transitory ; for, if the soil is only moistened at the immediate time of sowing, it induces the projection of the radicle, which in veiy parcliing weather, and in clayey caking soil, I have known wither away, and the crop be consequently lost from the want of a continued supply of moisture. CHAPTER II. THE ROOT. The root is present in all cultivated plants. The truffle, which, however, can scarcely be considered as belonging to cultivated vegetables, having hitherto defied all attempts to subjugate it, maybe considered as consisting of nothing but root^. A root is annual, biennial, or perennial. In the two former instances, if the individuals to which they belong be allowed to perfect their seed, no care can protract their existence beyond the ensuing winter, however genial the temperature, &c., in which they are made to vegetate ; but, if the ri- pening of seed be prevented, it is undetermined how long in most instances they may be sustained in life. I have kno\vn mignionette continued in healthy vegetation for four years by this pre- caution. In all roots, and under any mode of ma- nagement, the fibrous parts (radiculse) are strictly annual ; they decay as winter approaches, and are produced with the returning vigour of their parent * In Prussia it is said the gardeners succeed in cultivating this subterraneous fungus, but their mode of treatment is a secret. E 50 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. 11. in the spring. Hence the reason that plants are transplanted with most success during the season of their decay : for, as the root almost exclusively im- bibes nourishment by the mouths of these fibres, in proportion as they are injured by the removal, so is the plant deprived of the means of support ; that sap which is employed in the formation of new fibres, would have sensed to increase tlie size of other parts. The quantity of root I have always observed to increase with the poverty of the soil in which it is growing. Duhamel found the roots of some young oaks in a poor soil to be nearly four feet long, though the stem was not more than six inches. Every one may have noticed this familiarly instanced in Poa annua growing on a gravel walk, its stem minute, its root a mass of widely extending fibres. The cause of this is evident : the nourishment which is required for the growtli of the plant, can only be obtained by an increased, widely extending surface of root, and, to form this, more sap is often required than the plant, owing to the poverty of the earth, can obtain for itself ; in that case, a soil is sterile, for the plant must evidently perish. A root always proceeds in that direction where food is most abundant, and, from a knowledge of this fact, we should be circumspect in our mode of applying manures, according to the crop and object CH. II.] THE ROOT. 51 we have in ^-iew. The soil in my own garden being shallow, never produced a carrot or a parsnip of any size ; but almost every root consisted of numerous forks thickly coated with fibres : digging two spades deep produced no material advantage, the gardener applying as usual manure to the surface ; but, by trenching as before, and turning in a small quantity of manure at the bottom, the roots always spindled well, grew clean, and had few lateral fibres. For late crops of peas, which mildew chiefly from a deficiency of moisture to the root, it is an object to keep their radiculae near the surface, for the sake of the light depositions of moisture incident to their season of growth ; hence it will always be found of benefit to cover the earth over the rows with a little well rotted dung, and to point it in hghtly. If it be desirable to prevent the roots of any plant travelling in a certain direction, the soil on that side should be excavated and the cavity refilled with sand or some other unfertile earth, whilst the soil on those sides of the plant whither the roots are desired to tend should be made as fertile as is per- missible with its habits. To keep the roots of trees near the surface, gardeners make an impervious substratum beneath their borders, either by ramming a bed of chalk at the requisite distance from the sui'face, or by placing there an asphaltic mixture of hot coal tar and lime E 2 llNlveRSlTY OB ■ ILLINOIS LIBRARY •s bH PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. rubbish. Roots coming in contact with these do not tuni aside, but immediately cease extending in length, and produce laterals. It may be accepted as an universal maxim, that whatever causes an excessive developement of root prevents the production of seed ; and vice versa, the production of seed, especially in tuberous-rooted plants, reduces the amount of root developed. Thus, , frequent transplanting the young plants of the* lettuce, brocoli, and cauliflower causes the production of nmnerous fibrous roots, and is found effective in jire- ■ venting the mature plants advancing early to seed. : The early varieties of the potato do not naturally produce seed; but if their tubers are removed as soon as they are formed, these early varieties blossom and bear seed as freely as the later kinds, a fact suggesting many experiments to the cultivators of sin'-blooming tuberous-rooted flowers. Again, if . the blossoms of these later varieties are plucked ofl" \as they appear, the weight of tubers produced will be very materially increased. According to the usual acceptation of the term, the roots of plants do not emit excrements, yet it is quite certain that in common with all the other parts of a plant they perspire matters differing in their amount and composition in every species. The earth in contact with the tubers of a potato fully ripe contains mucilage, and has the peculiar odour of CH. II.] THE ROOT. 53 the root ; that in contact ^vith the roots of peas is also mucilaginous, and smells veiy strongly of that vegetable ; and the freshly up-turned soil where cabbages have been growing always smells offensively. In addition to this, every gardener knows that the vigour and luxmiance of a crop is influenced remark- ably by that which immediately before pre-occupied the ground on which it is growing, and this does not arise entirely from the previous crop having robbed the soil of constituents requu'ed by its successor, but from that crop ha^'ingleft something offensive. Thus brassicas will not grow healthily upon soil where the immediately previous crop was of the same tribe, but if the ground be pared and burnt they will grow Iilxu- riantlv ; and the same occurs to crroimd exhausted bv strawberries : ^ if it be burnt and manured, straw- berries will grow as vigorously as upon fresh gi'ound, but they will not do so if manure only is applied. It has also been observed that the roots of plants placed in water give out their characteristic flavours to the liquid, but on this, as evidence that they emit excre- ments, no great rehance can be placed, for some of the roots during removal from the soil must be wounded. The fact that the roots of plants do give out peculiar and varying matters to the soil which sustains them, aids to explain why one rotation of crops is superior to another, as well as why fallovsing is beneficial. Fallowing gets rid by decomposition of any offen- sive excrementitious matters, as well as accumulates 54 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. that which is desirable to plants ; and one crop suc- ceeds better after some predecessors than others, be- cause their exuvise is more salutar}'. Upon similar principles is explained the association which, centu- ries since, was first observed to prevail between some plants. Thus, in 1570, Conrad Heresbach wrote thus : " Because there is a natural friendsliip and love be- tween certain trees, you must set them the nearer together, as the "sdne and the olive, the pomegranate and the myrtle." Others, he adds, have a natural hatred, " as the \Tne with the filbert and the bay, &c. ;" and Cato says that the vine is at enmity with the cabbage. That some plants are benefited by being grown in the vicinity of others, seems established by obsen^a- tion, and might be rationally expected. Thus the blue bottle {Centaurea cyanus) is rarely found flourish- ing, except in company ^itli a com crop. The bene- fit arising from such associations is probably the con- sequence of the cereal grasses emitting the usual gases in proportions and at times grateful to the Centaurea, or from their excreting something in the soil that is acceptable to its roots. Then, again, the fragrance of the rose is said to be increased by having the onion or some other allium grown in its vicinity. Phillips, in his poem entitled " Cider," alludes to this result : " The Paestan rose unfolds \ Her bud more lovely near the foetid leek, (Crest of stout Britons,) and enhances thence The price of her celestial scent." CH. II.] THE ROOT. 65 This increase of fragrance, if it be a truth, probably arises from the same cause that ammonia increases the pungent perfume of snuff. Flavours and scents, we all know, are often made more intense by com- bination. Plants are very much benefited by having oxygen applied to their roots, being found to consume more than their own volume of that gas in twenty-four hours ; and when applied by Mr. Hill to the roots of melons, hyacinths, &c., the first were found to be im- proved in flavour, the second in beauty, and all in vigour. Everything, therefore, that promotes the presentation of oxygen to the roots of plants, must be beneficial ; thus we find, that frequently stirring the ground about them promotes their growth; for, in proportion as the soil is loose can the atmosphere more easily penetrate it. Moist earth rapidly ab- sorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, as Humboldt has demonstrated, but diy soil does not ; this affords an- other reason for frequently stirring the earth about plants during the di'oughts of summer ; for well pul- verized soils admit the evening dews, more freely than others more consolidated, and consequently dews will be deposited more within their texture, and moisture is more firmly retained in such pulverized soils, in as- much as that they are not so much heated by the sun's rays, being more pervaded by the air, which, like all gases, is one of the worst conductors of heat. 56 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. M. Schluber has more recently published experi- ments upon this subject, and their results confirm those of M. Humboldt. No earth, in the follo"«ing table, absorbed any oxygen from the air in which they were confined, so long as they were dr>'' ; but when moist, and confined in a similar bulk of atmospheric air for thirty days, they had absorbed its oxygen in the following proportions : Per cent. Siliceous sand l.G Calcareous sand 5.6 Gypsum in powder . . . . 2.7 Sandy clay 9.3 Loamy clay 11.0 Stiff" clay or brick earth . . . 13.6 Grey pure clay 15.3 Fine lime 10.8 Magnesia 17.0 Humus '20.3 Garden mould 18.0 Arable soil 16.2 Slaty marl 11.0 The decomposing parts of animals and yegetables contained in a soil are also highly absorbent of mois- ture : hence the more freely the air is exposed to them, the more eff'ectually will they be enabled to exert tliis power. By being freely exposed to the influence of the air, such substances are more rapidly CH. II.] THE ROOT. 57 decomposed, which leads to a consideration of the practice of exposing soils as much as possible, to the action of the atmosphere by ridging, &c. WTien a soil is tenacious, or abounding in stubborn vegetable matters, as in heath lands, it cannot be too com- pletely exposed to the action of the air ; but to light soils, "^vhich are in general deficient in organic de- composing matters, chemistry would say that ridging is accompanied by e^'ils more injmious than can be compensated by the benefits obtained ; for such light soils are easily pulverized whenever occasion requires, are so porous as at all times freely to admit the per- vasion of the atmosphere ; and therefore, by this extra exposure the vegetable and animal remauas are hastened in decomposing, and much of their fertile constituents evolved in the state of gas, or carried away by the rains, &c., ^rithout there being any crop upon them to benefit by them. Thus theory argues, and practice certainly seems to support, in this in- stance, her doctrines. Switzer, one of our horticul- tural classics, says, " Rich, heavy ground cannot well be ploughed too often to make it light, and the better manure by killing the weeds ; as poor, light , gromid cannot be ploughed too seldom, for fear of / impoverishing it."' — (Ichnographia Rustica, vol. iii. p. 237.) The benefit derivable from the access of the atmo- spheric gases to the roots of plants, and the knowledge / r I 58 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. that fertile pulverized soil absorbs and retains from them moisture, explains why plants are benefited by having their lateral roots kept near the surface, and by lla^•ing that surface frequently loosened by the fork. This is no mere imagination of theory, for as long since as the days of Cato, half a century before the Christian era, the importance of pulver- izing the soil was duly appreciated. "What is good husbandry ? " inquires that writer. To plough. •' What is the second point?" To plough. The third is " to manure." In later days, Mr. Barnes, one of the best practical gardeners of the present age, in a letter to me, dated August, 18-44, says, — " To secure good crops of carrots, parsnips, and onions, I make it a standing rule to trench the ground well in winter, tliro\\-ing it into rough ridges, forking and turning it over during frosty mornings, which not only sweetens and pulverizes the earth, but eradicates insects, for I prefer a good prepara- tion to early sowing ; and practice has proved to me ^ that a good season for sowing is any time between ?the 15th March and the 10th April. My practice is, sow every thing in drills ; hoe as soon as the plants can be seen breaking the suiface, continuing the hoeing throughout the season at eveiy opportunity when the weather will permit, but not duiing rain, or when the ground is full of water, — not for the sake so much to destroy weeds and insects, which CH. II.l THE ROOT. 59 are rarely to be seen by following up hoeing with spirit, but with a desire to keep one unifoiTu pulver- ization and moisture throughout, which is the means of not only continuing the present crop in the greatest of health and luxuriance, but at the same time is making a beautiful preparation for the succeeding crop. No season, for some years, has proved this practice to be efficient more than that of 1844, in proof of which, I have the great satis- faction of hearing, from many practical gardeners from various parts of the countiy, who have carried out the system of my practice, recommended in the " Gardener s Magazine," and elsewhere. For my own part, I never had more abundant or healthier crops of vegetables of all kinds than I have this season, although in this neighbourhood (Sidmouth) we were eighty-nine days without any rain, after the 5th April, and then only partial showers for a few days ; and then drought set in again for some time, more rigorously than it had previously been. Onions \rith me are astonishingly large, weighty, and somid. " I keep all ground, as soon as a crop is done with, well trenched, burning all the refuse I possibly can in a green state, casting the earth into rough ridges, tumbling those ridges over with a strong fork on frosty mornings in winter and spring, and 60 PRINCIPLES OF GAEDENIKG. ^CH. II. during hot sunny days in summer; continually changing the crops ; keeping the hoe at work at all seasons in suitable "weather ; forking up all odd comers and spare ground without loss of time. By this management, I find the ground is always in good condition, and never tired by cropping ; some judgment only being exercised in applpng such properties again to the soil that have been taken from it, or that are likely to be required by the succeeding crop. To rest or fallow groimd for any length of time, is only loss of time and produce ; more benefit will be obtained by trenching and forking, in frosty or hot sunny weather, in a few days, than a whole season of what is erroneously called rest or fallow. Trench, fork, and hoe ; change every succeeding crop; return to the earth all refuse that is not otherwise useful in a green state, adding a change of other manm^es occasionally, especially charred refuse of any kind, at the time of putting the crop into the ground. Every succeeding crop will be found healthy and luxmiant, suffering but little either from drought, too much moisture, or vermin." The benefit derived from keeping the roots near the surface is more apparent in fruit trees and other perennials than in our annual crops, inasmuch as that the roots of trees being thus kept within the CH. II.] THE ROOT. 61 influence of the solar rays, they always vegetate early, and ripen well their young wood, yet the quan- tity of oxygen absorbed by the roots of annual plants is very large, being, in the instances of the radish, carrot, and others, not less than their own bulk in the course of twenty-four hours. Digging, hoeing, and trenching are employed for facilitating the access of the air to the roots of plants, by rendering the texture of the soil easily perme- able, and they are practices requiring a separate consideration. Very few people ever consider in detail the expenditui'e of labour required from the gardener when digging. It is a labour above all others call- ing into exercise the muscles of the human frame, and how great is the amount of this exercise may be estimated from the following facts : — In digging a square perch of ground in spits of the usual dimensions, (seven inches by eight inches,) the spade has to be thrust in 700 times, and as each spadeful of earth, if the spade penetrates nine inches, as it ought to do, ^rill weigh on the average full seventeen pounds, eleven thousand nine hun dred pounds of earth have to be lifted, and the customar}' pay for doing this is S^tZ. ! As there are 160 perches or rods in an acre, in digging the latter measure of ground, the garden labourer has to cut out 112,000 spadefuls of earth, V"^ 62 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. ■weighing in the aggregate 17,000 cwl., or 850 tons, and during the work he moves over a distance of fourteen miles. As the spade weighs between eight and nine pounds, he has to lift, in fact, during the work, half as much more weight than that above specified, or 1,278 tons. An able-bodied labourer can dig ten square perches a-day. A four-pronged fork, with the prongs twelve inches long, and the whole together forming a head eight inches wide, is a more efficient tool for digging than the common spade. It requires the exertion of less power; breaks up the soil more effectually ; and does not clog even when the soil is most wet. It is less costly than the spade, and when worn can be relaid at a less expense. The following table, being the results of the ex- periments of M. Schluber, exhibits the comparative labour required in digging various soils, and the same soil in various states. Thus if to penetrate with a spade, when dry, grey pure clay, required a force represented by 100, then to penetrate an arable soil in the same state would require a force equal only to 33, or about one-third ; so in a wet state the clay would adhere to the blade of the spade with a force equal to 29.2 lbs. the square foot, while the arable soil would only adhere to the same surface with the force of 6.4 lbs. CH. II.] THE ROOT. 63 Siliceous sand Calcareous sand Fine lime Gypsum powder Humus Magnesia Sandy clay Loamy clay Brick earth Grey pure clay Garden mould Arable soil . Slaty marl . Firmness when dry. 0 0 5.0 7.3 8.7 11.5 57.3 68.8 83.3 100.0 7.6 33.0 23.0 Adhesion to a square foot of iron when wet, 3.8 lbs. 4.1 14.3 10.7 8.8 5.8 7.9 10.6 17.3 27.0 6.4 5.8 4.9 The preceding observations and facts are appli- cable to Jweing, an operation beneficial in conse- quence of its loosening the soil, as much, or more, as by its destroying weeds. Moisture abounds in the atmosphere during the hottest months, and it is absorbed and retained most abundantly by a soil which is in the most friable state. Professor Schluber found, that 1000 grains of stiff clay ab- sorbed in twenty-four hours only thirty-six grains of moisture from the air ; whilst garden mould ab- sorbed in the same time forty-five grains ; and fine magnesia seventy-six grains. Then, again, pulver- izing the soil enables it better to retain the 64 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. moisture absorbed. This I demonstrated some years since, and the reason is, ob^dously, because a hard soil becomes heated by the sun's rays much more rapidly than one with a loosened texture. The latter is better permeated by the air, which is one of the worst conductors of heat. I am glad to find my opinions confinned by so practical and so intelli- gent a man as Mr. Barnes, gardener to Lady Rolle, at Bicton Gardens, DeA^onshire. He says, (Gard. Mag. Sept. 1843,) " I do not agree with those who tell us, one good weeding is worth two hoeings ; I say, never weed any crop in which a hoe can be got between the plants ; not so much for the sake of destroying weeds and vermin, which must necessa- rily be the case, if hoeing be done well, as for increasing the porosity of the soil, to allow the water and air to penetrate fi'eely through it. I am well convinced, by long and close practice, that oftentimes there is more benefit derived by crops from keeping them well hoed, than there is from the manure applied. Weeds, or no weeds, still I keep Stirling the soil ; well knowing, from practice, the very beneficial eff'ect which it has. " Baking the surface fine, I have almost wholly dispensed with in eveiy department. By hoeing with judgment and foresight, the surface can be left even wholesome, and porous ; and three hoeings can be accomplished to one hoeing and raking. CH. II.] THE ROOTS. 65 Much injury is done by raking the surface so very much. It is not only the means of binding and cakincf the surface, but it clears the stones o£f as well'". The eaith, in its natui'al state, has stones, &c., to keep it open and porous, &c. If the earth be sufficiently di'ained, either naturally or othei-wise, ' and the surface kept open, there is no fear of suffer- ing either from drought or moistui'e." Exposing the soil in ridges during the winter is usually practised by gai'deners for the pui'pose of destroying predatory vermin, but it is also beneficial by aiding the atmosphere to pen-ade its texture, which textui'e is also rendered much more friable by the frost. M. Schluber says that freezing re- duces the consistency of soils most remarkably, and that in the case of clays and other adhesive soils, the diminution of this consistency amounts to at least 50 per cent. In hoeing clay he found it re- duced from sixty-nine to forty-five of the scale already stated, and in the ordinary arable soil from thirty- three to twenty. He satisfactorily explains this phenomenon, by obsendng that the crystals of ice pervading the entire substance of the frozen soil necessarily separate the particles of earth, rendering their points of contact fewer. We have seen that plants seai'ch after and acquire * A finely pulverized even surface cakes after rain much more than a surface rather rough. F 66 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENIXG. [CH. II. food by the agency of their roots ; and the extremi- ties of these appear to be the chief, if not the only parts employed, in the intro-susception of all food not in a gaseous state, for M. Duhamel observed that that portion of a soil was soonest exhausted in which the greatest number of the extremities of the roots were assembled. — [Physique des Ai'bres, vol. iii. p. 276.) M.M. Sennebier and Carradori brought this to the test of direct experiment, and fomid that if roots of the carrot, scorzonera, and radish are placed in water, some mth only their extremities immersed, and others with their entire surfaces plunged in, except the extremities, the foimer imbibe the water rapidly, and the plants continue vegetating ; but the others imbibe no perceptible quantity, and speedily wither. It suggests also the reason why the gardener, in applying water or manure to trees or shrubs, does so at a distance from their stems. A good rule for ascertaining the proper distance for such applications, seems to be to make them beneath the circumference of the head of the tree ; for, as M. De Candolle observ^ed, there is usually a relation between that and the length of the roots, so that the rain falling upon the foliage is poured off most abundantly at the distance most desirable for reach- ing the extremities of the roots. This explains why the fibrous points of roots are CH. II.] THE ROOTS. 67 usually annually renewed, and the caudex (or main limb of the root) extended in length : by these means they each year shoot forth into a fresh soil, always changing their du'ection to where most food is to be obtained. If the extremity of a root is cut off, it ceases to increase in length, but enlarges its circle of extension by lateral shoots. The distance to which the roots of a plant extend is much greater than is usually imagined; and one reason of the stunted growth of plants in a poor soil is, that the sap collected and elaborated by them has to be expended in the extension of the roots, which have to be larger in proportion as the pasturage near home is scanty. An acorn accidentally deposited on a wall produced a young oak ; but this made no pro- gress until its root had descended the whole height of the wall, and had penetrated the soil at its base. In deep, poor siliceous soils I have traced the roots of trees from twelve to fourteen feet perpendicidar without reaching their tennination. Those of the Canada thistle, seven feet ; common fern, eight feet ; wheat, thirty inches; oats, twenty-four inches; potatoes, eighteen inches ; onions, twenty inches ; caiTots, parsnips, and beet, two feet. The distance to wliich roots will travel, and their tenacity of life, render them, often, veiy obnoxious to the gardener. Thus the common couch_grass (TriUcum rej)jim^)-is — ■' the most troublesome of weeds, for every fragment of F 2 68 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. its far-spreading roots will vegetate ; and the Sweet- scented coltsfoot and Lemon mint are not less to be avoided, for the same cause renders them extremely difficult of extirpation, and they never can be kept within moderate bounds. Yet these creeping rooted plants are not to be condemned without exception; for whoever has grounds under his care bordering upon the sea-shore, the sands of which are trouble- . somely light and shifting, may have them effectually 'bound down by inoculating them with slips of the root of these grasses, Elymus arenarius, Carex aren- iaria, and Arundo arenaria. The roots of plants, unless frozen, are constantly imbibing nourishment, and even developing parts ; for if the roots of trees planted during the winter be examined after an interval of a few weeks, they will be found to have emitted fresh radicles. The food they imbibe is slowly elaborated in the vessels of the stem and branches, and there deposited. It is by their extremities, then, that roots imbibe food ; but the orifices of these are so minute, that they can only admit such as is in a state of solution. Carbon, reduced to an impalpable powder, being insoluble in water, though offered to the roots of several plants, mingled with that fluid, has never been obsened to be absorbed by them ; yet it is one of their chief constituents, and is readily absorbed in anv combination which renders it fluid. TH. II.] THE ROOTS. 69 Roots then must obtain from a soil nomishmeut to plants in a gaseous or liquid state : we may next, therefore, consider "what constituents of soils are capable of being presented in such foims. Water can be the only solvent employed ; indeed, so essen- . tial is this liquid itself, that no plant can exist wheiNfe/ it is entirely absent ; and, on the other hand, many^ will exist ^vith their roots in vessels containing nothing but distilled water. Plants with a broad surface of leaves as mint, beans, voom.( Spa rtiumscopariunij abounds, we may be certain that no clay will be found ^\-ithin reach of its deeply penetrating roots. It thrives only in hungiy deep gi'avels or sands. The common nettle ( Urtica urens) I have always considered indicative of fertility, and this will be found, I believe, to be the fact, except in accidental cases. Thus was I once startled from such conclu- sion by seeing immense beds of this plant gro-uing upon that most sterile of sandy soils, the rabbit war- rens near Brandon, in Norfolk. But the explanation of this was easy upon remembering that the urine of the rabbit contains an excess of the salts of potash, — salts absolutely necessary for the nettle's A^gorous growth, — salts found, also, near old brick walls, and inducing the nettle to be so constant an attendant on the dwellings of man in temperate latitudes^. Wherever the elm (Ulmus campestris) grows * Vauquelin found in the urine of the rabbit. Carbonate of lime. magnesia, potash. Sulphate of lime. Chloride of potassium. Urea. Mucus and sulphur. Sulphate of potash. Its milkiness arises from carbonate of lime, — (Tfiot/uon's AniiKKiL Ckeiiiistry, 496.) 118 PRIN'CIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. 11. rapidly and to a large size, it is well kno\^-n that the soil is rich and open, and capable of producing abundant crops of almost any plant subject to the Fanner's care. If the birch (Betula alba J be the most flourishing tree upon the land, it is most certainly light and poor. Where the oak flourishes, wheat and beans, with good tillage, are sure to succeed, for the staple of the soil must be hea^7 and deep. A very marked illustration of this is to be seen in a valley be- tween East Grinsted and Lewes, near the resi- dence of the Earl of Shefiield. In this valley the oak, the wheat, and the beans, flourish, whilst not one of the uplands around peld any thing approach- ing to an average growth. Again, near Littleton, the residence of Captain Dunn, not far from Himgerford, in Berkshire, I know an oak standing in a hollow, probably an old clay pit. The tree is of gigantic gro^nh, and the field itself almost invariably grows better beans and wheat than any other inclosure on the estate. Wherever the common way tliistle, or saw-wort fCarduus arvensis of Smith, Serratula arvemis of Linnseus) grows luxuriantly, it is usually an intima- tion that the soil is fertile, and that the plant is rejoicing in its being rather aluminous. This weed will live and annoy the cultivator on almost any soil, but if a vein of soil somewhat heavier than the rest CH. II.] THE ROOT. ] 19 of tlie land crosses a field, the "vs'av thistle will be found on that part to be remarkably the most luxuriant and robust. If the colts-foot (Tussilago farfara) is prevalent and luxuriant, it may be considered certain that the soil is fertile ; it may indicate that the land has been ill-farmed, and that under- draining, especially, is required; but the staple of the soil ^^■i^l generally be fomid to reward the judicious cultivator. Where femiel {Meum fcenicidum of Smith, AncB- thumfcenicuhinio{ljmn2exis)is obseiTed upon land, it indicates not only that the soil will reward the efforts of the cultivator, but that chalk (carbonate of limej will in some form be fomid in the vicinity. Com mint (Mentha an'ensisj is never found upon unfeitile soils, but it is a certain indication that underdraining is required. It will not live except where there is more moisture habitually in the soil than is requu'ed for the healthful vegetation of cultivated crops. The scaly stalked spike-rush (Eleocliaris ccEspitosa) is indicative of a soil not very easily reclaimable, %-iz. ; the bog resting upon a retentive subsoil. Common knot grass (Polygonum aviculare ), black grass f Alojtecunis agrentis), and the smaller leaved creeping bent (Agrostls stolonifera angustifoUaJ, are very far from being indicative of barrenness. They are most noxious weeds, injuiious to the legitimate 1'20 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. crops, and most difficult of eradication, but I do not know that I ever observed them upon any soil that would not amply reward the careful cultivator. It is also quite certain that they are never found prevail- ing upon well cultivated land. I know some farmers w^ho class unsparingly together " Poppies and Poverty," but this conclusion ought not to be without reservation. There is no doubt that this weed (Papaver rhceasj prevails and seeds most abundantly upon very poor sandy or gravelly soils, but I know it will be in profusion also even in the best land, with the exception of that which is veiy heavy. On the latter I do not re- member having ever seen the poj)py veiy numerous. Sprit fJimcus articulatusj. Purple sandwort (Aren- aria rubra), and Sweet Gale (Myrica gale), are un- erringly indicative of a poor siliceous soil resting on a porous substratum. II. The soil itself. — The most fertile soils have the greatest difference of colour between the extreme surface, after it has been exposed for some days to the atmosphere, and that portion which is taken fresh from a few inches below that surface. I am not aware of having ever met with a fertile soil that retained, after exposure to the dry air, the same coloiu*, after the lapse of forty eight hours, that it had when freshly turned up. Such a soil mvariably becomes much lighter coloiu'ed. ^ CH. II.] THE ROOT. 121 Not SO barren soils, for I know many that are nearly the same colour at all times, and some boggy soils that are even darker upon the dry surface than beneath. Eveiy one knows the fresh earthy smell peculiar to a fertile soil newly dug. This smell is never given forth by boggy or sandy soils that are baiTen, neither is it emitted by chalk. It does not indeed appear to be perceptibly emitted by any soil not con- taining five per cent, of alumina. It is totally absent from the soil on the most barren portions of Bagshot Heath, and is always most powerful upon the heaviest soils. The smell arises in fact fi'om the alumina. I have never known a black sandy soil, containing a multitude of white pebbles, that ever repaid the expense of cultivation; especially if it was on the side of a decli\dty, and, I may add, that all the most fertile soils of England have a specific gravity not exceeding 2.4. I have never yet examined a pro- ductive soil ^ith a specific gravity above 2.5. Although a black sandy soil, as last described, is invariably infertile, yet a dark coloured soil, if of con-ect staple, will always bear better crops than one lighter coloured. I know two soils, the specific graxities of which are the same ; they have nearly the same amount of aluminous and decomposing matters, but one has much less silica and has much more chalk in its composition than the other. The chalky 122 PRINCIPLES OF CtARDENING. [cH. II. soil is lighter coloured, and although they both rest upon porous subsoils, yet vegetation is always later, and harvest backwarder, on this than upon the other field. So much indeed has colour to do ^vith forwai'd vegetation, that, if the surface of one stetch in a field where wheat is so^^'n be sprinkled thickly with coal ashes, it will be found to be earlier in every stage of growth than the com growing around. This result of obsen-ation is readily explicable upon the fact demonstrated by Leslie and others, that dark surfaces absorb more heat from the sun than light coloured ones. The latter reflect its rays. The sensation imparted to the hand when damp portions of various soils are grasped is very ditferent. The greasy feel of the clayey ; the grittiness of the sandy; and the cold softness of the chalky, are easily recognizable by those accustomed to §uch examinations. There are two tests connected with handling damp soils that are fer from bad criteria, whereby to judge of their fertility. Let a handful be grasped firmly of each soil under examination, and let each con- solidated handful be placed upon a sheet of paper on a table m the same room, out of the sunshine. The handful which dries first and crumbles do\ra the most easily will be the least fertile. Take equal proportions of different equally damp soils, and expose them side by side, each on a CH. II.] THE EOOT. 1^3 separate sheet of paper, to the sun's rays for an hour, and then put them into a dark cold closet for another houi'. Handle them in succession, and that which feels the warmest will be the most fertile. This is easily explicable from the fact that a fertile soil, that is, one haWng a due proportion of alumina and de- composing matter, is always slower in cooling than one that is deficient in these constituents. III. The drainage ivater. — Upon this I shall merely observe, that I have never been able to find that it affords any satisfactory criterion whereby to judge of the fertility of a soil. A red, ocherous deposit from such water shews that the subsoil through which it percolated is an irony gravel or sand. The dark film exhibiting the dove's-neck varying colours, often seen on the surface of drainage water, indicates its having passed through peat, bog, or wood, for that film arises from the vegetable extract it contains. Virgil tells us (Georg. ii. 245) to wash a soil, and that if the water employed becomes con- sequently nauseous and bitter, it indicates a salt soil unsuited to the growth of com. I have never met with such a soil, except where soda was a product of the land, and this is not the case in England. IV. Meteorological j^heriomena. — Under this head I have only to remark that, wherever fogs or mists settle, or become apparent in the evening earlier than upon neighbouring soils, it is a certain indica- 124 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. II. tion that that part is colder, and ^^•ill be usually more unproductive and certainly later in its vegetation. I once saw a remarkable proof of this. On one portion of a field the evening mist-cloud was always obsen-ed to settle sooner than on the other parts. This portion also always bore the lightest part of the crops grown. It was under-drained, and the early mists and unproductiveness simultaneously ceased. i CHAPTER III. THE STEM AND BRANCHES. Although even- member of the vegetable form, from the minutest root to the most fragile flower, have their epidermis, cellular integument, bark, woody fibre, and medullary matter, yet as these are most apparent in the stem and branches, they can be commented upon most readily in tliis chapter, devoted to the consideration of those vegetable members. The first of these, the epidermis, is analogous to the human cuticle, or scarf skin, being the external envelope of the whole surface. It is commonly ti'ansparent and smooth, sometimes hairy ; in other instances hard and rugged, occasionally so abounding -with silica or flint as to be employed as a polisher for wood, and even brass. In every instance it is a net- work of fibres, the meshes of which are filled ^^ith a fine membrane. The epidermis appears to be de- signed as a preservative from the injurious effects of the atmosphere, to regulate the quantity of gaseous matter and moistm'e respired, and as a shield from the attacks of animals, &c. It is certainly devoid of 126 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. III. sensation. The texture of the membrane between the meshes varies much in different species of plants. In ver}' succulent plants, it is so contrived, tliat it readily allows the absorption of moisture, but pre- vents perspiration. Such plants are, consequently, well qualified to inhabit hot climates and diy soils. Neither is it at all impossible, that it possesses the quality of allowing the passage of some gases, and rejecting others, as the bladder of animals permits water to pass through its textm'e, but is impendous to alcohol. In old trees it cracks, and in many cases becomes obliterated, the dead layers of bark performing its offices. Its growth is slower than that of other parts, and its powers of expan- sion, though great occasionall}^ cannot equal the rapid enlargement of the parts it incloses and de- fends. This is very frequently the case with the stem and branches of the cherry ; the tre€ is then said by gardeners to be hide-hound, and is relieved by making longitudinal incisions. It is still more apparent in the fruit of the clierr}' and plum : when rain falls abundantly during their state of ripeness, their pulj) swells so rapidly, that in an hour or two the epidermis of eveiy ripe dimpe upon a tree ^^'ill be cracked. Gardeners are very prone to scrape ^^ith no gentle hand the bark of their fruit- trees ; whereas every care should be taken not to wound its surface unnecessarily, and never to reduce CH. III.] THE STEM AND BRANCHES. \'i7 its tliickuess until all danger of severe frosts is passed. The epidermis regulates the evaporation from a plant, and preserves it in some degree from the de- trimental sudden changes of temperature to which our climate is liable. The birch {Betulus alba), has more films of epidermis than any other European tree ; and it ascends to greater heights in the Alps, and approaches nearer to the frozen zone than other trees of the same climates. Immediately below the epidermis occurs the cellu- lar integument (otherwise known as the parenchyma and pulp.) It is a juicy substance ; and, being the seat of colour, is analogous to the rete 7nucosum of man, which is red in the white, and black in the negro : the flesh of fruits is composed of it. Leaves are chiefly formed of a plate of it, inclosed by epidermis. In herbs, succulent plants, leaves and fruits, if it is destroyed, like the epidermis of the same, it remains unrestored ; but in the case of trees and shiaibs, it is regenerated after each re- moval. In leaves it is generally gi'een ; in flowers and fiTiits, of eveiy hue. It is alwa^'s cellular, and evidently acts a part in the secretory system of plants. Under the cellular integument occurs the hark, which, in annual plants, or branches of one year s growth, consists of a single layer, scarcely distin- guishable from the wood ; in older stems and branches, 128 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. III. it is composed of as many layers as tliey are years of age. It is in the innermost of these, which is called the liber, that the vital returning circulation and se- cretions are carried on for the time being almost ex- clusively. These layers are concentric, or, as they are usually termed, cortical layers; they are thicker in feeble plants than in more vigorous plants of the same species ; they are formed of wa\dng longitudi- nal fibres, the meshes of the net- work they thus con- stitute being filled with pulp. If the outer bark is destroyed, but the wound does not penetrate below the liber, the wound is healed up, otherwise the re- moved part is unregenerated. In some roots, al- though only annuals, the bark is composed entirely of liber, and is \ery thick, as in the carrot and pars- nep, in which it is remarkably separated by a light- coloui'ed annular mark, from the central or woody part. The liber is composed of various longitudinal tubes, m which the true sap of the individual de- scends after elaboration in the leaves : consequently here are found in the most concentrated state the sub- stances that are the peculiar products of each plant, as the resin of the fir, the bitter principle of the cin- chona, or Peruvian bark, &c. I will here pause, to remark upon some of the remedies which have been recommended for the re- moval of insects from the bark of trees. Oil has been directed to be smeared over them, for the de- CH. III.] THE STEM AND BRANCHES. 129 struction of the aphis lanigera, moss, &c. TMiether this appUcation "will answer such piii'pose, I ^sill not stop to argue, but >vill content myseK with observing, that a more deleterious one is scarcely possible ; for on the same principle that it destroys the parasites, namely, by closing their spiracles and pores, and thus suffocating them, it in a like manner clogs up the pores of the infected tree, and. in every instance, insures a weak and unhealthy vegetation ; for it is not a tran- sient remedy, that will cease in its effects as soon as it has attained the desired end. The oil dries, and, as it were, forms a varnish over the epidermis for years, unremoved by exposure to the atmosphere ; and this effect is more decidedly insured by linseed oil being the kind recommended, it being one of the most unctuous and quick-drying of the oils. The most effectual, most salutary, and least disagreeable remedy is of trivial expense, and which a gardener need but try upon one indi%adual to insure its adoption. It is with a hard sci-ubbing brush, dipped in a strong brine of common salt, as often as necessary, to insure eaxih portion of the bark being moistened with it, to scrub the trunks and branches of his trees at least every second year. It most effectually destroys in- serts of all kinds, and moss ; and the stimulating influence of the application and the friction are pro- ductive of the most beneficial effects. The expense is not 80 much as that of dressing the tnmks ^vith a K h 130 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. III. solution of lime, which, however efficient in the de- struction of moss, is not so in the removal of insects — is highly injurious to the trees, by filling up the respiratory pores of the epidermis, and is decidedly a promoter of canker. Let my remedy be brought by every orchardist to the test of experiment under his own eye, that it may be effectually done, and he will not require me to theorise. Facts are stubborn opponents. The injury inflicted by stopping the pores of the epidermis, on the stem and branches of a tree, is at once evident from the fact, that oxygen and water are absorbed, and carbonic acid evolved from them, the same as in the leaves, which operations are all parts of the process of elaborating the sap. It is no trivial inspiration of oxygen ; for in twenty-four hours, the branch of an apple-tree has been found to inhale five times its own volume. If the fibres emitted by the ivy, by which they cling to other trees for support, do not aid it in ob- taining nourishment, yet by fillmg their respiratory pores, they ai'e injurious, and should never be al- lowed to cling around serviceable trees. Immediately beneath the bark is situated the wood, which forms the chief bulk of trees and shrubs. It is formed of concentric layers, one of which, at least, is added annually. These layers are formed of a tissue of longitudinal fibres, resembling net-work, the in- i CH. III.] THE STEM AND BRANCHES. J 31 terstices of which are filled up with soluble matter, differing in each vegetable genus, but closely resem- bling its parenchj-ma The layer immediately in contact with the bark is the softest and palest in colour, and thence is called the alburnum. It is in this that the vessels which convey the sap from the roots to the leaves are chiefly situated. This layer is annually renewed, that of the previous year becoming more complete wood. Although the chief part of the sap vessels, as just observed, is situated in the albur- num, yet others, though more scantily, are dispersed through the whole of the w^ood. Wherever situated, they extend from the extremity of the minutest root to the leaves. The idea that the annular layer of wood is rendered more dense and firm by severe winters, is denied by reason, and demonstrated to be false by actual obsei-vation. The layers are thickest on those sides of a tree where the largest branches occur, and are, throughout, of greater size, in such years as afford the most genial period to vegetation. Wood is consolidated fastest m those plants which are most freely exposed to the influence of light and air, and those plants grow in height the slowest. This teaches a lesson to the gardener he often may remember with advantage ; for it is often desirable to have specimens of the same shrub, varying in height ; and he may often increase their stature, yet preserve them in health, by keeping them in a moist, k2 lo'2 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. Ill, shaded locality, during the early stages of growth ; and he may as certainly render them more dwarf, by exposing them to a drier, and the brightest atmo- sphere that they will healthily endure, and he can command. By the former treatment, I have seen heliotropes clustering round the pillars of a conserva- tory to the height of fifteen feet. From the extension of the woody fibre being greater and longer continued on one side of a stem or branch than on its opposite side, it frequently becomes con- torted. Gardeners usually endeavour to remedy this by making an incision on the inner side of the cun^a- ture, and then employing force to restore it to a rec- tilinear form, causing a gaping wound, and mostly failing to attain the object. If the incision be made on the outer side of the curve, thus dividing the woody fibres that continue to elongate most rapidly, the branch or stem, \vith but slight assistance, will recover its due form, and there will be no open wound. From the fact that there is invariably more wood}' matter deposited on the side of a stem or branch which is most exposed to the air and light, gardenei-s have explained to them why those sides of their trained trees which are nearest the wall, ripen, as they term it, most slowly ; and are benefited by being loosened from the wall so soon as they are relieved from tlieir fruit. If they require any demonstration that tliis explanation is correct, they need only examine the CH. III.] THE STEM AND BRANCHES. 138 trees in clumps and avenues ; their external sides will be found to enlarge much more rapidly than their internal or most shaded sides. In the centre of the wood is situated the medulla or pith. It is a soft, cellular, membranous substance, juicy when young, and extendmg from the ends of the roots to the extremities of the branches. In the first stages of vegetation, it occupies but a small space : it gradually dilates ; and in shoots of a year old, and in young trees, it is of considerable diameter; as their age increases, it gradually diminishes and at length becomes totally extinct, its place being occupied by perfect wood. Its functions are little understood. It appears to be connected with the production of young shoots ; for, as soon as it becomes extinct in a branch, that member loses, in a great degree, the power of producing them ; that power apparently being transferred to those younger branches which still retain their pith in perfection. The stem is by no means an essential part of the plant, since many are destitute of it ; to such trees as naturally are gifted with one, it is somewhat injurious to prevent its formation. Standard fruit trees, under similar circumstances of soil, season, and culture, generally, produce finer flavoured fruit than either dwarf standards or espaliers. This fact appears to be accounted for by the discoveries of the indefatigable Knight, which evince that plants, duiing the latter 134 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. III. part of the summer, are employed in preparing nourishment for the production of the foliage and blossom in the succeeding spring ; this nourishment is perfected and deposited in the alburnum, and mixes with the saj) dming its ascent in that season. Of a consequence it is found to increase in density- proportionate to the height at which it is extracted. I CHAPTER IV. THE LEAVES. The leaves are highly vascular organs, in Tvhicli are performed some of the most important fmictions of a plant. They are very general, but not absolutely necessary organs, since the branches sometimes per- fonn their offices ; such plants, however, as naturally possess them, are destroyed, or greatly injured by being deprived of them. The duration of a leaf is, in general, but for a year, though in some plants, they survive for t^^'ice or thrice that period. These organs are generally of a green colour. Light seems to have a powerful influence in causing this, since, if kept in the dark, they become of a pale yellow, or even white hue, unless uncombined hydrogen is present, in which case they retain theii' verdure though light be absent. Hence their etiolation would seem to arise from their being unable to obtain this gas, ujider ordinaiy circumstances, except when light is present. Now, the only source from which they can obtain hydrogen, is by decomposing water; and how light assists in the decomposition may perhaps be 136 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IV. explained by the disoxygenizing power ^ntli which it is gifted. The violet rays of the spectrum have this power iu the greatest degree; and Sennebier has ascertained by experiment, that those rays have the greatest influence in producing the green colour of plants. ^Yhen leaves are of any other hue than green, they are said to he coloured. This variegation is often considered to be a symptom either of tender- ness or debility ; and it is ceitain, when the leaves of a plant become generally white, that that mdividual is seldom long lived. Mr. Knight, however, has demonstrated that variegation is not a certain indica- tion of a deficiency of hardiliood. The functions of the leaves appear to be a com- bination of those of the lungs aiid stomach of animals ; they not only modify the food brought to them from the roots, so as to fit it for increasing the size of the parent plant, but they also absorb nourishment from the atmosphere. The sap, after elaboration in these organs, difi'ers in every plant, though as far as experi- ments have been tried, it appears to be nearly the same in all vegetables when it first arrives to them. The power of a leaf to generate sap is in proportion to its area of surface, exposure to the light, and con- genial situation. Leaves throw off a veiy considerable quantity of water. Dr. Hales found that a cabbage emitted daily nearly half its weight of moisture, a sunflower, CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 107 three feet high, perspired lib. 14 oz., and spearmint exhales 1^ times its weight in the same period. But of all the plants the diumal perspiration of vrhich has been ascertained, the coiTieHan cheriy f Coniiis masculaj transpires the most ; the exhalation amount- ing to nearly twice the weight of the plant in twenty- foui' hours. This aqueous expiration takes place chiefly duiing the day ; is much promoted by heat, and checked by rain, or a reduction of temperature. On the free-performance of this function of plants, their health is dependent in a very high degree ; and I believe that half the epidemics to which they are subject arise from its derangement. That consequence of the clubbing of the roots of the brassica tribe called fingers and toes arises, I consider, entu*ely from it. In the drought of summer, when the moisture sup- plied to a club-rooted cabbage by its root does not nearly equal the exhalation of its foliage, to supply this deficiency the plant endeavours, by forming a kind of spurious bulbous root, to adapt itself to the contingency ; in the same manner that in dry situa- tions, the fibrous roots of Phleum pratense, Alopecu- rus geniculatus, &c., acquire a tuberous form, because bulbous or tuberous-rooted plants, it is well known, will exist in a soil so deficient in moisture as to de- stroy all fibrous-rooted vegetables. Evergreens transpire less moisture than deciduous plants ; which would lead to the expectation that 138 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IV. they are more capable of Imng in dry situations, wliich, in general, is really the case. The matter transpired by a healthy plant is nearly pure water, 5,000 grains of it never containing more than one grain of solid matter, and this is constituted of resin- ous and gummy matter, with carbonate and sulphate of lime. It appears to be nearly the same in all plants. The quantity, however, we have seen, varies in every species, probably in eveiy indi^ddual — and is greatly influenced by the quantity of water applied to the roots. Under precisely similar circumstances, Sennebier obtained the following results : Grs. Grs. A peach branch, imbibing 100 exhaled 35 210 . . 90 220 . . 120 710 . . 295 I have found the branch of a pelargonium, that, whilst growing on the parent stem, exhaled only twenty grains in twenty-four hours, more than trebled that quantity, in the same time, when cut from the stem, and placed \^ith the di^dded end in water. This increased transpiration is attended by a propor- tionate reduction of temperature ; for a collection of pelargoniums, in the midst of which Fahrenheit's thermometer stood at 55*^, fell to 48° ^rithin two hours after a plentiful watering to their roots only, CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 139 though the water vras of the same temperature as the greenhouse. The transpiration of plants decreases with that of the temperature to wliich they are exposed, as well as with the period of their growth. This explains why the gardener finds that his plants do not require so much water in cold weather, nor during the time that elapses between the fall of their blossom and the ripening of their seed. Duiing this period they do not transpire more than one-half so much as during the period preceding and attending upon their blooming. The transpiration takes place from the upper surfaces of the leaves ; and, if these surfaces are coated with varnish, the leaves gradually decay and fall, and the growth of the plant ceases until fresh leaves are produced. Hence arises the benefit which plants derive in rooms, gi'eenhouses, and other confined inclosures, from keeping those sur- faces cleansed with the sponge and syringe. Some plants are particularly sensitive to injury from any check to their transpiration, among wliich are the tea-scented roses ; and it thence arises, that they cannot now be cultivated in nurseiy-gardens near London, where they once flourished when that me- tropolis was less extensive. The advantage derived by plants from having their leaves cleansed, was ex- emplified by the following experiment : — Two orange trees, weighing respectively 18 and 140 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [cH. IV. '20 ozs., were allowed to vegetate without their leaves being cleansed for a whole twelvemonth ; and two others, weighing 19 and 20 1 ozs. each, had their leaves sponged mth tepid water once a week; the two first increased in weight less than half an ounce each; whilst of the two latter, one had increased two, and the other nearly three ounces. In all other respects they had been treated similarly. It must be remembered, however, in using the sponge and the syringe, that the under side of leaves is an absorbing surface, benefited by being kept clean, and by the application of moisture. The kid- ney bean, sunflower, cabbage, and spinach, absorb moisture equally by their under and upper surfaces ; the cockscomb, pui'ple-leaved amaranth, heliotrope, lilac, and balm, absorb most freely by their upper surfaces ; and the vine, pear, cheriy, apricot, walnut, mulberry, and rose, absorb most by their under sur- faces. The transpiration from the leaves of plants is ef- fected through pores or stromates, varying in number and size in every species, but being, usually, either largest or most numerous in plants inhabiting moist or shady localities. This is a wise provision ; for such plants, consequently, have an abundant supply of moist food to their roots, requiring a competent provision for its elaboration and reduction from su- perfluous water. Those plants which are natives of CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 141 sandy, exposed soils, have, on the other hand, either fewer or smaller stromates. Criniim amahile, an in- habitant of swamps near Calcutta, has 40,000 of the largest known stromates on ever}^ square inch of its leaves ; whilst an aloe from the exposed sands of the Cape of Good Hope, has 45,000 of the smallest, and not equal in transpiring power to half the same num- ber of stromates in the leaves of the Crinum. I have not been able to test their relative transpiring powers ; but of two similarly constnicted plants, of nearly similar size, the rate of perspiring in July, both in a temperature of 65°, but not exposed to the sunshine, was as follows. In six hours, Mesemhry- anthemum Deltoides, native of an arid soil, exhaled eight grains, whilst Caltha palustris, found only in marshy places, exhaled twenty-five grains. In the absence of certain information, therefore, the gardener may conclude, as a guide for his treatment of a new plant, that, if its stromates are large, it will require abundance of water. Another circumstance most influential in control- ing the transpiration of plants, is the hygrometric state of the atmosphere in which they are growing. The drier the air, the greater is the amount of moisture transpired ; and this becomes so excessive, if it be also promoted by a high temperatui'e, that plants in hothouses, where it has occui'red, often djj up as if burned. The justly-lamented Mr. Daniell 142 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IV. has well illustrated this by showing, that if the tem- perature of a hot-house be raised only five degrees, viz. from 75° to 80'', whilst the air within it retains the same degree of moisture, a plant that, in the lower temperature exhaled 57 grains of moisture, would, in the higher temperature, exhale 120 grains in the same space of time. Plants, however, like animals, can bear a higher temperature in diy air, than they can in air charged with vapour ; animals are scalded in the latter, if the temperatiure is veiy elevated ; and plants die under similar circumstances as if boiled. MM. Edwards and Colins found kidney beans sustained no injury when the air was dry at a temperature of 167" ; but they died in a few minutes if the air was moist. Other plants, under similar circumstances, would perish, probably, at a much lower temperature ; and the fact affords a warning to the gardener to have the atmosphere in his stoves very dry, whenever he wishes to elevate their temperatui'e for the destruc- tion of insects or other pui'poses. Though growing plants can bear an elevated tem- perature without injury, a very different effect is produced upon them by even a lower heat, after they have been separated from their roots. This has to be borne in miud in the diying of potherbs, which, though it is a process very simple and veiy important for the winter's cuisine that it should be conducted CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 143 correctly, is usually more neglected and more thoughtlessly practised than any other in the varied range of the gardener's duties. To demonstrate this, will only require to have pointed out how it ought to be managed. The flavoui' of almost every potherb arises from an essential oil which it secretes, and this being in the greatest abundance just pre- viously to the opening of its flowers, that is the time which ought to be selected for gathering. Potherbs ought to be dried quickly, because, if left exposed to winds, much of the essential oil evaporates, and mouldiness occurring, and long continuing, destroys it altogether, for nearly eyerj plant has its pecu- liar mucor, (mould,) the food of which is the charac- teristic oily secretion of the plant on which it vege- tates. A dry brisk heat is therefore desirable ; and as the fruit store-room ought always to have a stove, and is untenanted when herbs require drying, no other place can be more efficiently employed for the purpose. The temperature should be 90°, for if it exceeds this, the essential oils are apt to burst the integuments of the containing vessels, 6ind to escape. Forty-eight hours, if the heat be kept up steadily, are sufficient to complete the process of diying. The leaves, in which alone the essential oils of potherbs reside, should then be carefully clipped ^dth scissors, not crushed, from the stalks, and stored in tightly corked wide-mouthed bottles. Each will thus preserve its 144 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IV. peculiar aroma, not only through the winter, but for years, and be infinitely superior to any specimens producible in the forcing department, for these are unavoidably deficient in flavour. Leaves have the power of absorbing moisture as well as of emitting it, which power of absorption they principally enjoy during the night. During the day leaves also absorb carbonic acid gas, which they decompose, retaining its carbon, and emitting the greatest part of the oxygen that enters into its composition. In the night this ope- ration is in a certain measure reversed, a small quantity of oxygen being absorbed from the atmo- sphere, and a yet smaller proportion of carbonic acid emitted. Carbonic acid gas in small proportions is essential to the existence of leaves, yet it only benefits them when present in quantities not exceeding one-twelfth of the bulk of the atmosphere in which they are vegetating ; though one twenty-fifth is a still more favourable proportion; and as hot-beds, heated by fermenting matters, rapidly have the air within their frames contaminated to a much greater extent than the proportions above-named, thence arises the injury to the plants they contain, from a too long neglected ventilation. The leaves turn yellow from the excess of acid, which they are unable to digest, and which consequently effects that change of colour which also CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 145 occurs in autumn, and wliich will be more fully con- sidered when the decay of plants is detailed. It is the accumulation of carbonic acid and other gaseous matters, such as sulphurous acid and am- monia, which renders ventilation so essential to the health of plants in forcing-pits and hot-houses. They cannot inhale air, overloaded with these con- taminations, without being speedily injured, and the proportions of those gases which rapidly cause dis- ease, or even death, are much less than the gardener usually suspects, for if the sulphurous acid amounts to no more than one cubic foot in ten thousand of the air in a hot-house, it will destroy most of its inhabitants in two days. To avoid such destruction, for the comfort of visitors, and, above all, for the sake of the plant s vigour, air should be admitted as freely as the temperatui'e will permit. The foul warm air can be easily allowed to escape through ventilators in the most elevated parts of the roof, and fresh warm air can be as readily supplied, through pipes made to enter near the flooring of the house after passing through hot water, another source of heat. I am quite aware that Mr. Knight has stated that he paid little attention to ventilation, and that plants Avill be vigorous for a time in Wardian cases ; but this does not prove that their Creator made a mis- take when he placed vegetables in the open air. Plants confined in houses or other close structures L 146 PRINCIPLES OF GARDEXING. [CH. IV. may be made to grow in spite of such confinement, but all experience proves that other favourable cir- cumstances, such as heat, light, and moisture, being equal, those plants are most ^-igorous and healthy wliich have the most liberal supply of air. Though an excess of carbonic acid eras is detri- mental, yet its partial absence from the atmosphere is equally fatal to a plant's leaves, for without it they witlier and fall. It is not a matter of indifference, therefore, whether a gTeen-house or hot-house be whitened with a solution of lime, which absorbs that gas from the air, a fortnight or only a day or two before plants are introduced or forcing commenced ; for it is the infliction of several tri\dal injuries to a plant that prevents its successful cultivation; no one who is entitled to practise in the higher departments of his art ever makes such great blunders as at once to destroy the plants under liis care. That fresh-limed walls do injui-e plants is beyond dispute, for the plants in a row of small pots next the back wall in a propagating house W'hich had been thus whitened only the day before, have been more than once observed to be the only plants that acquired a sickly hue, and shed nearly all their leaves. Fleshy leaved plants would not be so liable to injury if obliged to be brought into a house fresh limed, for these require much less carbonic acid daily than thin leaved plants. Five plants of Cactus sj^eciosmimus in the injured CH. IV.] THE LEA\'ES. 147 row just noticed, were not apparently affected. Thin leaved plants consume daily from five to ten times their own bulk of carbonic acid gas, whilst fleshy leaved plants, such as the cacti, aloes, agaves and mesembiyanthemums, do not consume more than their owa or double their ovm. bulk of that gas. Plants and their leaves if excluded from light become of a white or pale yellow colour, in which state they are said to be blanched or etiolated. This is occasioned by their being neither able to decom- pose the water they imbibe, nor to inhale cai'bonic acid. In the dai'k, plants can only inhale oxygen, and thus, deprived of free hydrogen and carbon, on the due assimilation of wliich by the leaves all vegetable colours depend, and satm*ated with oxygen, they of necessity become wliite. An excess of oxygen has uniformly a tendency to whiten vege- table matters ; and, to impart it to them is the prin- ciple upon which aU bleaching is conducted. An over-dose of oxygen causes in them a deficiency of alkaline, or an excess of acid matter, and light enables plants to decompose the acid matter and to restore that predominancy of alkalinity on which their green colour depends. Sennebier and Davy found most carbonic acid in etiolated leaves ; and all green leaves contain more alkahne matter than the rest of the plant which bears them. Ever}- cook knows that a little alkali, carbonate of soda, added l2 148 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IV. to the water improves the green hue of her boiled vegetables. That this is the cause of the pheno- menon is testified by direct experiment. Blanched celeiy and endive, and the -white inner leaves of the cos-lettuce, contain about one-third more water than the same parts when green ; and if submitted to destructive distillation do not yield more than half so much carbon. Then, again, if a plant of celerj- is made to vegetate in the dark, under a receiver containing atmospheric air, with the addition of not more than one-twentyfifth part of its bulk of a mix- ture of carburetted hydrogen, and hydrogen such as is afforded by the distillation of coal, that plant, though it becomes paler than when grown in the daylight, still retains a verdant colour. So effectual is the metamorphosis of plants effected by excluding them from the light, that Pro- fessor Robinson brought up from a coal-mine, near Glasgow, some whitish-looking plants of wliich no one could detect the name or character. Aft^er exposure to the light, the white leaves decayed, and were succeeded by green ones, which speedily re- vealed that the plants were tansy. They had found their way into the mine in some sods from a neigh- bouring garden ; but though they had retained life in its dark galleries, they had entirely lost their natural colour, odour, and combustibility. This is only in accordance with the gardener s yearly expe- CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 149 rience, for his blanched sea-kale, endive, and lettuce are totally dissimilar in flavour and appearance to the plant left in its natui'al state. Sir H. Daxj excluded a cos-lettuce from the light. In six days it was rendered very pale, and, at the end of another week, it was quite white : the growth of the plant was checked, and the analysis of its leaves shewed that they contained more carbonic acid and water, but less hydrogen and residual cai'bon, than an equal weight of green leaves. It deseiTes notice, that it has been proved by the experiments of Dr. Hope and others, that light from artificial sources may be concentrated so as to enable plants to absorb oxygen and perfect those elaborations on which their green colour depends ; and the light of the moon has a similar influence. A similar concentrated light will make the pim- pernel and other flowers which close until sun-rise open their petals, and rouse from their rest ; a fact which gives another reason why plants in rooms frequented at night become weak and exhausted sooner than those that remain, as nature dictates, unexcited at night. The yellow, red, and light brown tints wliich render the fohage of our plants so beautiful in autumn, arise from the absorption of an excess of oxygen gas. When the reduced temperature of the season deprives a leaf of the power to elaborate the 150 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IV. sap, and, indeed, stops the circulation to it of that fluid, the absorbent powers of the organ are re- versed, and instead of carbonic acid it inhales oxygen. The effect is speedily perceptible. Gallic acid forms, and this, modified by the differing saline constituents of different leaves, changes the hue of their green colouring matter, called chlorophyllite or chromulite, into various tints of yellow, red, and bro^\Ti. This is the general effect of acids acting upon vegetable greens, and that it is the cause of the autumnal change of colour in leaves, is proved by the fact, that if a green leaf be dipped into an acid it assumes the same hue, and if a red or yellow leaf be dipped into an alkaline solution, it is ren- dered green — the alkali, evidently, neutralizing the acid that had wrought the unnatural change of colour. The hints and warnings which these facts suggest to the mind of eveiy reflecting practitioner are nu- merous. They explain and enforce the necessity of a regular, and by no means, as to quantity, indiscri- minate, supply of water to plants ; the importance of shading after their transplanting, and of a free circulation of air, &c. ; and the necessity of keeping the leaves as clean and as free from injuiy as possible. The leaves of plants must often be re- moved ; and in some instances this is done mth essential benefit ; but the horticulturist should con- CH. IV.] THE LEAVES. 151 stautly keep in mind that, with eveiy leaf that he removes, he deprives the plant of a primary organ of its existence. Light, it has just been stated, is the cause of the green colour of plants ; but it should be obseiTed that its full power is only beneficial when directed upon their upper surface. This is evidenced by the posi- tion they always maintain. Trees nailed either to a north or south wall, or trained as espaliers, always turn the upper surfaces of their leaves outwards, to where there is most light. Plants in a hot-house uninflu- enced by the direction from whence proceeds the first supply of air or the greatest degree of heat, turn not only their leaves but their very branches towards the source of brightest light, and if not turned almost daily, entirely lose their sjTnmetrical form. If the branches of a tree trained against a wall, or other support, are so moved when their leaves are completely expanded, that the under side of the foliage is the most exposed to the light, they are always found to regain their natural position in a day or two. If the experiment is often repeated on the same individual, the leaves to the last continue to revert, but become gradually weaker in the effort, partially decay, and their epidermis peels off. Suc- culent leaves are particularly sensible of light, but those of pinnated, legTiminous plants, as the pea and French bean, are still more so. CHAPTER y. THE SAP. As there is a ver^^ close similarity in the blood of all animals, so does the same resemblance obtain in the sap of plants. Uniformly it is limpid as water, its chief constituent, and contains an acid, salts, and mucilage or saccharine matter. The proportions of course vaiy. The basis of this sap is the moisture of the soil and atmosphere absorbed by the roots and other organs ; and that that power of absorption is veiy great has been observed in a previous chapter. Neither is it an indiscriminate power : for if the roots of a plant are placed in water containing two or more salts in solution, they will abstract different portions of those salts, and will reject some of them entirely. Thus, when 100 grains of each of the follomng salts were dissolved in 10,000 grains of water, and plants of Polygonum persicaria, Mentha jnperita, and Bidens camiah'ma were made to grow in it, they took up six grains of sulphate of soda (glauber salt), and ten grains of chloride of sodium (common salt), but not a grain of acetate of lime. CH. v.] THE SAP. 153 The moistui'e from the soil absorbed by organs ha\'ing such powers of intro-susception and dis- crimination passes up vessels situated in the wood, but especially in the alburnum, impelled by their contractile power, a power so great that it drives the sap from the extremity of a cut vine branch with a force capable of sustaining a column of mer- cury thirty-two inches and a half high. If a proof of their contractile power, evidently resembling the peristaltic motion of the animal power, be required, Dr. Thomson justly refers for such proof to the evidence afforded by milky-juiced plants like the Euphorbia peplis. If the stem of this plant be divided in two places, the juice flows out at both ends so completely, that if it be again bisected between the two former cuts, no more juice will appear. Now it is impossible that these phenomena could take place ^rithout a contraction of the vessels ; for the vessels in that part of the stem which has been detached could not be more than full; and their diameter is so small, that if that diameter continued imaltered, the capillary attraction would be more than sufficient to retain their contents, and, consequently, not a drop would flow out. Since, then, the whole liquid escapes, it must be driven out forcibly, and, con- sequently, the vessels must contract*. Thus propelled, the sap is distributed along each ' Thomson's Organic Chemistrj', 988. 154 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. branch, to every leaf, and to every finiit of the plants, gradually acquiring during its passage a greater specific gravit}^ not only by exlialation, but by dissolving the peculiar secretions of the plant formed during its previous year's growth, and de- posited in the alburnum from the sap, during its downward course in the inner bark from the leaves. It is in the leaves that the chief elaboration of the sap takes place, and those peculiar juices are formed characteristic of the plant, and which are found deposited there, or in the bark, or still further altered in the fruit and seed. Although the sap increases in specific gi'avity, and consequently obtains an accession of solid matter duiing its progress up the stem, yet the matter thus obtained is not of paramomit importance, nor abso- lutely controlling the subsequent changes to be effected, for in such case the greengage would be altered by its plum stock, and the nonpareil by its crab stem. So far from this being the case, the old gardener's maxim, "the graft overruleth the stock quite " is consonant with truth, though it is to be taken with some reservation. The graft prevails and retains its qualities, yet the stock has the power of influencing its productiveness as well as the quality of the fruit. Thus, a tree having an expan- sive foliage and robust growth, indicative of large sap vessels and vigorous circulation, should never be CH. v.] THE SAP. 155 grafted upon a stock oppositely characterized, for the supply of sap Avill not be sufficient: illustrations are afforded by the codlin never succeeding so well on a crab, nor a bigoureux on a wild cherrv^ as they do on freer growing stocks. Indeed, I have no doubt that exerj tree and shrub succeeds best, is most productive, and freest from disease, if it be supplied A\ith sap from roots and through a stem of its own particular kind. This is evident to common sense, nor would any fruit-scion be grafted upon a stock of another species or variety, if it were not that such stocks are most easily obtainable. For example, our choicest cherries are, for the reason assigned, grafted or budded upon the wild cherry ; and eveiy one must have noticed the frequently occurring consequence, an enlargement, appearing like a wen, encircling the tree just above where the graft and the stock joined; — the growth of the former ha\ing far outstripped that of the latter. If a tree could be nourished from its ovm. roots, — from organs assigned by its Creator as those best suited to supply the most appropriate quantity and quality of sap, there can be no doubt that it would be pro- ductive of benefit ; and this desideratum seems to be secured by the plan suggested by M. Aibret. In the instances of apples and pears, and I see no reason forbidding its adoption to any other grafted tree, he recommends the grafts always to be inserted 156 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. close to the surface of the gi'ound, or they might be even rather below the surface, by scooping out the earth around the stems of the stocks. When planted out, the lowest extremity of the graft should be about four inches below the surface. After two or three years, at the close of June, the soil should be removed, and just above the junction of the graft and stock, with a gouge, one-fourth of the bark removed, by four cuts on opposite sides of the stem. The cuts being deep enough to remove the inner bark, and the wounds covered immediately viixh rich soil, formed of one part putrescent cow-dung, and two parts maiden loam. If kept constantly moist with water, and occasionally ^nth liquid manure, roots will usually be speedily emitted, espe- cially if the place where a bud once was formed be thus kept moist beneath the soil. But the stock has some other influence over the sap, besides limiting the quantity of sap supplied to the scion, an influence not only arising from the size of its vessels, but upon its susceptibility to heat. It has a further influence over the scion by the sap becoming more rich, indicated by its acquiring a greater specific gravity in some stocks than in others, during its upward progress. The specific gravity of the sap of a black cluster vine stock on which a black Ham- burgh had been grafted was, when obtained six inches from the ground, 1,003, and at five feet from CH. v.] THE SAP. 157 the ground 1,006; but the same black Hamburgh, gro^-ing upon its o^vn roots, had specific gravities at corresponding heights of 1,004 and 1,009. This increase is of great importance to a tree's gro^^th, when the quantity of sap passing annually through its vessels is considered. The exact amount of this, it is perhaps impossible to discover, but its extent may be appreciated by the quantity of moisture their roots ai'e kno^ii to imbibe, and by the facts that a small \me branch has poui'ed out sixteen ounces of sap in twenty-four hours ; a birch tree a quantity equal to its own weight during the bleeding season ; and a moderate sized maple about two himdred pints duiing the same period. The habit of the stock also is of much more im- portance than is usually considered. If it grows more rapidly, or has larger sap vessels than the scion or bud, an enlargement occurs below these ; but if they grow more rapidly than the stock, an enlargement takes place just above the point of union. In either case the tree is usually rendered temporarily more prolific, but in the case where the stock grows most slowly, the productiveness is often of very short duration, the supply of sap annually becoming less and less sufiicient to sustain the enlai"ged production of blossom and leaves. This veiy frequently occurs in the freer growing cherries when inserted upon the wild species; and still more 158 PKINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. frequently to the peach and apricot upon stocks of the slower growing plums. It is highly important, therefore, to employ stocks, the growth of which is as nearly similar as may be to that of the parent of the buds or scion. The earlier vegetation of the stock than of the bud or graft is also important ; for if these are earliest in developement, they ai'e apt to be exhausted and die before the flow of sap has enabled granulation and union between the faces of the wounds at the junc- tion to occur. Mr. Knight's observations upon this point are the results of experience, and are so con- sonant with the suggestions of science, that I vnll quote them in his own words without comment : *' The practice of grafting the pear tree on the quince stock, and the peach and apricot on the plum, where extensive growth and durability are wanted, is wrong; but it is eligible wherever it is wished to diminish the vigour and growth of the tree, and where its durability is not thought important. The last remark applies chiefly to the Moor-park apricot — the Abricot-peche, or Abricot de Nancy of the French. " When great difficulty occurs in making a tree, whether fructiferous or ornamental, of any species or variety, produce blossoms, or in making its blos- soms set when produced, success, probably, \\ill be obtained, by budding or grafting upon a stock nearly enough allied to the graft to preserve it alive for a CH. v.] THE SAP. 159 few years, but not pemianently. Tlie pear-tree affords a stock of tliis kind to the apple, and I have obtained a heaAy crop of apples from a graft inserted in a tall pear stock only twenty months pre\dously, when every blossom of the same variety of fruit in the orchard was destroyed by frost. The fruit thus obtained was perfect externally, and possessed all its ordinary qualities ; but the cores were black and without a single seed ; and exery blossom, ceitainly, would have fallen abortively, if it had been growing upon its native stock. The graft perished the ^\'inter following. " My own experience induces me to think very highly of the excellence of the apricot stock for the peach or nectarine ; but whenever that or the plum stock is employed, I am confident the bud cannot be inserted too near the gromid, if ^-igorous and durable trees are required. " The form and habit which a peach-tree of any given variety is disposed to assume, is very much influenced by the kind of stock on which it is budded. If upon a plum or apricot stock, its stem will increase in size considerably as its base approaches the stock, and it will be much disposed to emit many lateral shoots, as always occurs in trees whose stems taper considerably upwai'ds. Consequently, such a tree will be more disposed to spread itself horizontally, than to ascend to the top of the wall, even when a 160 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. single stem is suffered to stand perpendicularly. On the contrary, where a peach is budded upon a stock of some cultivated variety of its own species, the stock and the budded stem remain very nearly of the same size at the point of junction, as well as above and below. No obstacle is presented to the ascent or descent of the sap, which appears to arise more abundantly to the summit of the tree. It appears, also, to flow more freely into the slender branches, wdiich have been the bearing wood of preceding years, and these extend consequently veiy ^ndely, com- pared "v\'ith the bulk of the stock and large branches. " "V\Tien a stock of the same species, A^"ith the grtift or bud, but of a variety far less changed by cultiva- tion is employed, its effects are very nearly allied to those produced by a stock of another species or genus. The graft, generally, overgrows its stock ; but the form and durability of the tree generally are less affected than by a stock of a different species or genus. Many gardeners entertain an opinion, that the stock communicates a portion of its own power to bear cold without injury to the species, or variety of fiTiit, which is grafted upon it : but I have ample reason to believe that this opinion is wholly errone- ous ; and this kind of hardiness in the root alone, never can be a quality of any value in a stock, for the branches of every species of tree are much more easily destroyed by frost than its roots. CH. v.] THE SAP. 161 Many believe, also, that a peach-tree, when grafted upon its native stock, veiy soon perishes, but my experience does not further support this conclusion, than that it proves seedling peach-trees, when growing in a veiy rich soil, to be greatly injured, and often killed, by the excessive use of the pmning-knife upon their branches, when these are confined to too narrow limits. I think the stock, in tliis instance, can only act injuriously by supplying more nutriment than can be expended ; for the root which nature gives to each seedling plant must be well, if not best, calculated for its support ; and the chief general conclusions which my experience has enabled me to draw safely, ai'e, that a stock of a species or genus, different from that of the fniit to be grafted upon it, can be used rarely with advantage, unless where the object of the planter is to restrain and debilitate ; and that where stocks of the same species ^rith the bud, or graft, are used, it will be found advantageous, gene- rally, to select such as approximate in their habits and state of change, or improvement, from cultiva- tion, those of the variety of fmit which they are intended to support^. The only situation in which I can believe that the stock of another species can be advantageously em- ployed, is where the soil happens to be unfriendly ^ Trans. Hort. Soc. of London for 1816. M 162 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. to the species from which the bud or scion is taken. This is justified bj my observing that in a garden so low-lying as to be veiy subject to an ovei'flow of water, the only pear-trees which were at all productive were those grafted upon quince stocks — and the quince is well knovra to endure water much better than either the apple or pear. The ascent of the sap, like the circulation of the blood, is increased in rapidity by an addition to the temperature in which the plant is vegetating, and when it is flowing from incisions made in a stem at various heights from the ground, a sudden reduc- tion of temperature will cause a cessation of the flow from the upper wounds whilst it continues from those below. These facts indicate most satisfactorily why the gardener finds his vines, peaches, and other plants in the forcing-houses injured by keeping them in a high temperature during the night. It is then, as in the animal economy, that the individual functions are renovated by a temporary repose, and if left to the dictates of healthy nature, the sap, like the blood, flows at night with a much diminished velocity. That plants do become exhausted by too unre- mitting excitement is proved to eveiy gardener who has a peach-house under his nile, for if the greatest care be not taken to ripen the wood by exposure to the air and light during the summer, no peach-tree OH. v.] THE SAP. 163 wHl be fniitful if forced during a second successive winter, but -will require a much more increased tem- perature than at fii'st to excite it even to any ad- vance in vegetation. Mr. Barnes, one of the best practical gardeners of the day, has very justly observed that there is more judgment required in thoroughly ripening the wood of forced fmit trees, than in ripening their finiit^. It is too generally an error to think that when the fruit is off no further trouble is required ; that the wood has got to be hardened, — and that no other care is necessaiy until the times for pruning, forcing, &c., come round. This is a mistake fraught with failm*e. "VMien the finiit is off, the whole vegetative power of the tree is employed, until the leaves begin to fall, in imbibing and elaborating the sap which is to be the source from whence next year's growth and produce are to arise. The hurry some gardeners are in to expose the forced trees to the full influence of the air, and allo^ving them to remain without the shelter of glass at night, after the ariival of frosts, are all errors, sources of injury and loss. A far more judicious plan is to promote the lengthened vigorous vegetation of the trees, by sheltering them during inclement weather ; by not reducing the temperature of the house suddenly ; by gi\ing liquid manure occasionally, and never allowing the ^ Grard. Mag. 604. m2 164 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. trees to be subjected to a freezing tem2:»erature. It v,il\ be found, generally, that the forced tree that is kept longest vegetating healthily after its finiit is gathered, \\ill be the most vigorous next season. The experiments of Hai'ting and Munter upon \ines growing in the open air, and those of Dr. Lindley upon \dnes in a hothouse, coincide in testi- fying that this tree grows most duiing the less light and cooler houi's of the twenty-four. But the hours of total darkness were the period when the vine grew slowest. This, observ^es Dr. Lindley, seems to show the danger of employing a high night tem- perature, which forces such plants into growing fast at a time when nature bids them repose ^. That the elevation of temperature at night does hurtfully excite plants, is proved by the fact, that the branch of a vine kept at that period of the day in a temperature not higher than 50'', inhales from one-sixteenth to one-tenth less oxygen than a simi- lar branch of the same vine during the same night in a temperature of 16°. The exlialation of mois- ture and carbonic acid is proportionably increased by the higher temperature. The e^■idence of the vine's growth being most rapid during the hours of diminished light, but not of entire darkness, is curiously coincident with the observation of Moses, that, though fruit is brought ^ Hort, Trans. 109. CH. v.] THE SAP. 165 forth by the sun, yet that the plant itself is put forth by the moon ^. The sap, after ascending the stem, and being dis- tributed along the various branches, is poured by their vessels into their leaves and there undergoes that elaboration, the phenomena of wliich have been described in the last chapter. The sap vessels are ramified from the wood of the branches along the upper side of the leaf-stalks, are minutely subdi^'ided so as to form a web resembling lace work, on their superior sm'faces, and unite at the edge of the leaf with equally minute vessels, forming a similar web on then lower sm'faces. These fall into larger vessels, which return the sap along the under side of the leaf-stalks into vessels traversing the inner bark of the branches, stem, and roots, and the sap is found to be converted, during its elaboration in the leaves, into the peculiar juices of the plant. The limpid insipid sap has been converted into the austere Gallic acid and tannin of the oak; the acrid perfumed oil of the lemon ; the insipid gum of the cheriy ; the starchy matter of the potato, and the pimgent resin of the pine tribe. In its descent in trees and shrubs it deposits between the bark and the wood that juice, known as cambium, from which the year's increase or enlarged growth is obtained, and a superfluous store is depo- ^ Deut. xxxiii. 14. 166 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V sited ready to be communicated to the sap in its upward course the following spring, as it may be required for the developement of the next year's foliage, flowers, and fi-uit. In the potato, dahlia, and other tuberous-rooted plants, it is deposited in the tuber ; in the bulbs of the onion and tulip, and in the fibrous roots of the ranunculus and grasses. A knowledge of these facts suggested to the gardener that if the return of the sap were checked by a ligature so tight as to compress the vessels of the bark, the fruit above the ligature would be rendered finer and more abundant. Practice has shewn that this is the desired result ; and it may be taken as a rule, that whatever mechanical means check the downward flow of the sap, causes the enlargement of buds or the production of new. If it be practised upon the artichoke, a ligature being twisted round the stem, about three inches below the head, its size will be very much increased. If a similar ligature be passed round the branch of a fiiiit-tree just previously to the bursting of its buds in the spring, the fiTiit will set more abundantly and be of finer growth. -When the fruit is beginning to ripen, the ligature should be removed, that the refliLx of the sap to the inferior parts may be less impeded, and the growth of those parts be, consequently, less checked. The power to do this renders a ligature much superior to another mode of producing the CH. v.] THE SAP. 167 same effect, first introduced in Germany, \dz., by removing an entire zone of bark, about an inch wide around the branch to be rendered more fruitful, and taking care that the bark be completely removed down to the very wood. This was designated the ring of Pomona, but it certainly was not auspiciously received by that deity, for although it renders the part of the branch superior to the woimd more fruitful for two or three seasons, yet it renders the branch unsightly, by the swelling which occurs around the upper lip of the wound, and is always followed by disease and unfmitfulness. If the branch of a tree be cut off; or if an inci- sion be made so as to remove entirely not only a section of its bark, but also the alburnum of the wood beneath it, one bud or more, if the tree be vigorous, usually will be put forth below the incision. Lateral vessels are formed from the alburnum, com- municating with the bud, and ha\dng a similar return communication with those of the bark, it speedily enlarges into a perfect branch, with its necessary leafy organs. If instead of leaNing the portion of the branch above the incision exposed to the air it be covered with moist earth, which is easily effected by the aid of a layering pot, roots will be protruded from the lips of the wound, and as these are furnished, like the bud produced from below, with vessels from the alburnum and bark, it is evident that the plant has the power of producing 168 PRINCIPES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. branches or roots accordingly as the medium, air or earth, renders the production appropriate. This may be proved in two ways ; for if a gooseberry bush be trimmed, and then its head is buried in the earth with the roots exposed to the air, these will put forth leaves whilst the branches will emit roots. On the other hand, if a root be induced by the layering pot in the mode mentioned, and subsequently it is gradually introduced to the air, by removing the soil and filling the pot Arith moist moss, and then by removing the moss and giving only moisture, it may eventually be left exposed, and will put forth leaves. The experiment mil succeed with the codlin, and probably with the June-eating apple. Buds contain the rudiments of a plant, and it very early suggested itself to the gardener that they might be employed advantageously as a means of propagation ; and budding has now become the most prevalent mode. In performing the operation, as the nourishment has to be afforded to the bud from the albiu-num of the stock Avith which it is brought in contact, this should not be exposed to the air for one minute longer than is necessai-y to insert the pre\dously prepared bud, for if the surface becomes dry in the slightest degree, vegetation on that part is permanently destroyed. The alburnum of the stock only supplies sap, which is elaborated in the bud and its developed leaves ; and through its bark is returned the peculiar juice from whence the woody CH. v.] THE SAP. 169 matter is formed that unites it to the stock. A con- fused line marks the point of union, but all the deposit of wood is between that line and the bud, and is always the same in character as the tree from which the bud is taken. A bud, with almost the solitary exception of that of the walnut, succeeds best when inserted on a shoot of the same year's growth, and apparently for the reason that the sap and juice it yields are most nearly of the same state of elaboration as they were in the parent of the bud ; and because, as in the animal frame, repair of injuiy, the healing of wounds, is always advanced most favourably by the \^tal energy of youth. The more mature any part of a plant the less easy is it excitable ; a branch from which the leaves have fallen in autumn requires a higher temperature to induce vegetation, than does a similar branch in the spring. So is it with a bud ; and, as was suggested by Mr. Knight, it appears to be occasioned by those parts having passed into a state of repose ; a de- creased degree of ^'ital energy occurring preparatoiy to their -winter sleep. Let no man scoff at the idea of this vital energy continuing in a bud after a sepa- ^ ration from the parent, for even the head of a poly- pus may be cut off and grafted, ^\'ithout injuiy, upon the decapitated body of another. The mature bud •^-^i-i S^-^At^. is consequently always inserted with more success f^i, ^ l^A ^p^e^^e^-iT^ a 170 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. in a stock, the buds of which are less mature, for it does not commence vegetating until the supply of sap is abundant, nor until the union between the bark and alburnum have had time to be completed. WTien Mr. Knight reversed this comparative state of the stock and the bud, by inserting immatui'e buds from a wall peach, upon peach trees in a forcing house, which had nearly completed their gro^\th for the season, the buds broke soon after their insertion, and necessarily perished for w^ant of sufficient nouiishment. Whatever promotes an over-luxuriant production of leaf buds, proportionately diminishes the pro- duction of flower buds, and the reason is obvious. A luxuriant foliage is ever attendant upon an over- abmidant supply of moist nomishment to the roots, the consequent amount of sap generated is large, requiring a proportionately increased surface of leaf for its elaboration, and for the transpiration of the supei^uous moisture, and as the bud becomes a branch or a root accordingly as circumstances re- quire, so does it produce, as may be necessary for the plant s health, either leaves or flowers. This is ascertained by the universal fact that a tree or shi-ub, if headed down, throws out leaf-producing buds only, but never flower buds; the former are required for the plant's existence, but the latter are only needful for the propagation of its species. CH. v.] THE SAP. 171 A cloud of other testimonies might be produced, shewing the alteration of vegetable form to accommo- date the individual to altered circumstances. Place some aquatic plants in a running stream, the water cress, for instance, and its submerged leaves will be very small, thus giving the stream less power to force them from their rooted hold ; but plant them in still water, and the leaves are uniform in size. Momitain plants have, for a similar reason, the smallest foliage near then- summits, thus giving less hold to the boisterous ^inds which sweep over them. Nor is this contrary to reason, as some persons would have us believe ; for the petals, and even the minuter parts of eveiy flower, are only different forms of the same alburnum, parenchyma, and bark, which takes another shape in the leaf. And it is only one other instance of that power of adapta- tion to circumstances so wisely given by God to all organized beings, which makes the wool of the sheep become scanty hair m tropical tempera- tures, and the brown fur of our hare become white amid the snows of the arctic regions. In the case of plants, it is familiar to eveiy gardener ; and he knows, that by differing modes of treatment, he can make, according to his pleasure, his plants pro- duce an exuberance of leaves or of flowers, and a well-known instance is the Solandra grancUflora. This native of Jamaica had for many years been cultivated in our hot-houses, had been propagated 17Q PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. by cuttings, and eacli plant put forth annually shoots of surpassing luxuriance ; but no flower had ever been produced : accidentally one plant was left for a season in the dry stove at Kew, and this plant had only a moderately luxmiant foliage, but a flower was produced at the extremity oi every shoot. It now blooms every season in our stoves, a drier and less fertilizing course of treatment being adopted. Those who ridicule the idea of the leaf, the flower, and the fruit being only different developements of the same parts, which take different forms as the ne- cessities of the plant render them desirable, surely forget that the leaf naturally takes such vaiying shapes, as in many instances to have more the ap- pearance of fruit than of that usually assumed by foliage. Of this number are many of our fleshy- leaved plants ; and the tubular vessel at the ex- tremity of the leaf of the Nepenthes distillatoria . In the calyx of the strawbeny-spinach, (i^Z/ttwi,) and in that of the mulberry, the transformation is still more complete ; for here it actually changes colour when the flowering is over, becoming the edible part of the fruit, and inclosing the seed like a genuine berry. The difference of colour usually existing between leaves and petals is a veiy unsubstantial distinction. Many flowers are altogether green ; many leaves are brilliantly coloured, as those of melampyiiim, ama- ranthus, begonia, &c. Then again, gi'een leaves be- come vellow, red, and bro\\ii, in autiunn ; and M. CH. v.] THE SAP. 173 Macaire has slio\vn, that the chromule, or colouring matter of leaves and flowers is identical, being only more oxygenised in the latter. There are cii'cumstances, there are certain degrees of nouiishment, of heat, and of light, though our knowledge is too limited to assign them with arith- metical precision, which have a tendency to promote the developement of some vegetable organs rather than others. Accordingly, as those circumstances prevail, we find the pistils increased in number at the expense of the stamens, as was obsen^ed by Mr. Brown, in the case of the wallflower, and in the Mag- nolia fuscata; and by M. Pioeper, in the Campanula Rapunculoides ; or the pistils changed into stamens, as was noticed by the same botanist in Euphorhia palustris and Gentiana campestris ; so the petals have been observed converted to calyx in the Ranunculus abortivm, and the calyx into petals in Primula caly- canthema ; petals changed to stamens in the black currant, and in Capsella bursa pastor is ; and stamens to petals in double flowers. But all the parts of a flower have been observed changed into leaves : nor is this matter of sui^prise, for these are the organs most necessary for the well-being of a plant ; and when the production of blossom fails, it is only be- cause more foliage is required, for the elaboration of a superabundant sap. Illustrations of these changes of the floral organs into leaves have been obsen-ed 174 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. by M. de Candolle and others, in a variety of the gilUflower (Hesperus Matronalis), in varieties of the anemone, ranunculus, and fraxinella {Dlctamnus alius) ; in Ranunculus philonotis ; Campanula rapun- culoides, Anemone nemorosa, Erysimum officinale, and Scahiosa columbaria. To promote the production of blossoms, and the maturity of the fruit they engender, is the usual ob- ject of pruning and training — confessedly two of the most difficult practices of the gardener's art ; for if the branches are too much reduced in number, or are unfavourably trained, the developement of leaves is induced, and the production of blossom as propor- tionately prevented. The reason for this has al- ready been explained ; and in these pages, devoted to the science rather than the practice of gardening, I can add little more than a few hints upon the sub- ject. The season for pruning must be regulated in some degree by the strength of the tree ; for al- though, as a general mle, the operation should not take place mitil the fall of the leaf indicates that vegetation has ceased, yet if the tree be weak, it may be often performed mth advantage a little ear- lier, but still so late in the autumn as to f)revent the protmsion of fresh shoots. This reduction of the branches before the tree has finished vegetating, di- rects a greater supply of sap to those remaining, and stores up in them the supply for increased growth CH. v.] THE SAP. 175 next season. If the production of spurs is the ob- ject of pmning, a branch should be pinned so as to leave a stump ; because, as the sap supplied to the branch vdW be concentrated upon those buds remain- ing at its extremity, these will be productive of shoots, though othenvise they would have remaineii dormant, it being the general habit of plants, first to develope and mature parts that are furthest from the roots. It is thus the filbert is induced to put forth an abundance of young bearing wood, for its fruit is borne on the annual shoots, and similar treat- ment to a less severe extent is practised upon wall fmit. With regard to the practice of budding, the gar- dener finds it essential to insure success, that the bud should be sheltered from the direct rays of the sun, and the wound, where it joins the stock, from the air and from wet. Moist bast is usually employed for closing the womid of the stock ; but it is far preferable to use worsted, and over this a coating of the grafting wax, made according to the following recipe : Ozs. Burgundy pitch 1 Common pitch 4 Yellow wax 4 Tallow 2 Nitre (carbonate of potash, powdered) . 1 176 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. These must be melted slowly in an earthen pipkm, and applied whilst warm. Common diachylon, sold in rolls by chemists, answers as well as the above. A laurel leaf, fastened at each end by a ligature round the stock, so as to arch over the bud, will complete the arrangement. If the rays of the smi are not excluded from the scion for some time after its insertion, it is dried uj) by the transpiration from it being greater, owing to the uniting vessels being unformed, than can be sup- plied by its iutrosusception from the stock. If wet from the rains and dews be not excluded, the water from them settles in the wound, and, by mere capillaiy attraction, is absorbed between the bark of the bud and the alburnum of the stock, so diluting the sap as to prevent their organic union. If the air be not excluded sufficiently, a diyness of the parts, and consequent collapse of the vessels so as to prevent the requisite supply of sap is induced, equally fatal to the desired connexion. Grafting is a more difficult mode of multiplying an individual, because it is requisite so to fit the scion to the stock that some portion of their albur- nums and inner barks must coincide, otherwise the requisite circulation of the sap is prevented. No graft will succeed if not immediately grafted upon a nearly kindred stock — I say immediately, because it is possible that by grafting on the most dissimilar CH. v.] THE SAP. 177 species on which it will take, and then moving it, with some of the stock attached to another stock still more remotely allied, that a graft may be made to succeed, though supplied with sap from roots of a very dissimilar species. Thus some pear scions can hardly be made to unite with a quince stock ; but if they be gi^afted upon a young shoot of a pear that can be so united to the quince, and this young shoot be aftei-wards inserted in a Cjuince stock, they grow as freely as if inserted in a seedling pear stock. The reason for this unusual difficulty in the way of uniting kindred species arises from one or more of these causes. First, the sap flowing at discordant periods; secondly, the proper juices being dis- similar ; or thirdly, the sap vessels being of inappro- priate calibre. It is quite certain that the ancient Romans were skilful gi'afters, for Cato, in his De Re Paisticd, gives very full and accurate dkections on the art. If it be true, as he asserts, in common with Varro, Palladius, Virgil, Columella, Pliny, and other writers, contemporary as well as more ancient, that they en- grafted any kind of tree upon any stock, though of an entirely different genus, as the apple upon the plane, and the \due or the fig on the cherry, then, indeed, is there another added to the list of lost arts. But there is just reason for concluding that the ancients N 178 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. never possessed the Imowledge thus claimed — not only because it is denied by modem experience and science; but because we know that by stratagem such unions may be made to appeal' as if effected, and none of the ancient writers on the soil s culture were practical men. Moreover, in considering this question, it must not be forgotten that it was denied that such grafting was possible, even by some of their contemporaries. Columella, in his treatise on trees, has a chapter maintaining by argument the possibility of promiscuous grafting in opposition to some other authors who denied its practicabiUty. Arguments would have been needless if there were examples of success ready for reference. Inarching differs from grafting only in having the scion still attached to its parent stem whilst the process of union -with the stock is proceeding. It is the most certain mode of multiplying an indi\'idual that roots or grafts with difficulty, but is attended with the inconvenience that both the stock and the parent of the scion must be neighbours. The most ingenious application of inarching is one suggested by Mr. Knight. If a fruit-bearing branch becomes denuded of its leaves above the fruit it has produced, this either falls, or remains stunted and deficient in flavour, owing to bemg thus de- prived of a supply of the elaborated sap or proper juice. In such case a branch having leaves of the CH. v.] THE SAP. 179 same or of a neighbouring tree, may be inarched to the denuded portion of the branch, and the fruit will then proceed to maturity. Mr. Knight's experiment was tried upon a peach tree, the fruit of which he was anxious to taste, but which produced that season only two peaches, and from the branch bearing which all the leaves had fallen. Cuttings for multiplying any individual may in general be taken either from the stem, branch, or root, and are, in fact, grafts, which by being placed in the earth, a medium favourable to the production of roots, expend their juices in the formation of ra- dicles instead of aiding the stock to effect that developement of vessels necessary for their union to it had they been grafted. A due degree of mois- ture in the soil is all that is absolutely required from it by cuttings, for these will often produce roots if placed in water only. The time for taldng off cuttings from the parent plant for propaga- tion, is when the sap is in full acti\'ity, the vital energy in all its parts is then most potent for the developement of the new organs their altered circum- stances require. Well-matured buds are foimd to emit roots most successfully, and apparently for the same reason that they are least liable to failure when employed for budding, viz., that being less easily excitable, they do not begin to develope until the cutting has the power to afford a due supply of sap. n2 ISO PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. Therefore, in taking a cutting it is advisable to remove a portion of the wood having on it a bud, or joint, as it is popularly called, of the previous year's production. Many plants can be multiplied by cuttings with the greatest facility, but others only with the greatest difficulty, and after every care has been taken to secure to the cutting eveiy circumstance favourable to the developement of roots. Those plants which vegetate rapidly, and delight in either a moist or rich soil, are those which are propagated most readily by this mode, and such plants are the willow, gooseberry, and pelargonium — a budded section of these can hardly be thmst into the ground without its rooting. Cuttings of those plants which grow tardily, or, in other words, form new parts slowly, are those which are most liable to fail. These are strildngly instanced in the heaths, the orange, and ceratonia. A rooted cutting is not a new plant, it is only an extension of the parent, gifted with precisely the same habits, and delighting most in exactly the same degrees of heat, light, and moisture, and in the same food. A cutting produces roots either from a bud or eye, or from a callus, resembling a protuberant lip, which forms from the alburnum between the wood and the bark round the face of the cut which divided the slip from the parent stem. CH. v.] THE SAP. 181 If tlie atmospheric temperature is so liigh that moistm-e is emitted from the leaves faster than it is suppUed, they droop or flag, and the growth of the plant is suspended. If a cutting be placed in water, it imbibes at first more rapidly than a rooted plant of the same size, though this power rapidly decreases ; but if planted in the earth, it at no time imbibes so fast as the rooted plant, provided the soil is similarly moist ; and this evidently because it has not such an extensive imbibing surface as is possessed by the rooted plant : consequently the soil in which a cutting is placed, should be much more moist than is beneficial to a rooted plant of the same species ; and evaporation from the leaves should be checked by covering the cuttings Avith a bell glass, or a Wardian case would be still better. The temperature to which the leaves are exposed should be approaching the lowest the plant ^^ill endure. The wanner the soil within the range of tempera- ture most suitable to the plant, the more active are the roots, and the more energetically are caiTied on all the processes of the vessels buried beneath the surface of the soil: 50'^ for the atmosphere, and between 65° and 75° for the bottom heat, are the most effectual temperatures for the generality of plants. The cutting should be as short as possible con- sistently ^^•ith the objects in \'iew. 182 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. V. Three or four leaves, or even two, if the cutting be very short, are abundant. They elaborate the sap quite as fast as required, and are not liable to exhaust the cutting by super-exhalation of moisture. Cuttings taken from the upper branches of ajjlant flower and bear fmit the earliest, but those taken from near the soil are said to root most freely. Cuttings which reluctantly emit roots, may be aided by ringing. The ring should be cut romid the branch a few weeks before the cutting has to be removed; the bark should be completely removed do^vn to the wood; and the section dividing the cutting from the parent be made between the ring and the parent stem, so soon as a callus appears round the upper edge of the ring. The soil is an important consideration. The cuttings of orange-trees and others which strike ^vith difficulty if inserted in the middle of the earth of a pot, do so readily if placed in contact ^^ith its side. The same effect is produced by the end of the cutting touching an under-drainage of gravel or broken pots. Why is this ? and my obsen-ations justify me in concluding that it is because in these situations — the side and the open-drainage of the pot — the atmospheric air gains a salutaiy access. A light porous soil, or even sand, which admits air the most readilv, is the best for cuttings ; and so CH. v.] THE S.O*. 183 is a shallow pan rather than a flower-pot, and appa- rently for the same reason. I have no doubt that numerous perforations in the bottom of the cutting pan would be found advantageous for cuttings which root shyly. Some plants may be successfully propagated by means of the leaves ; and among those whose num- bers are thus most commonly increased are the Cacti, Gesnerge, Gloxiniae, and other fleshy-leaved plants. Lately, the suggestion has been revived, that the majority of plants may be thus propagated, a suggestion first made by Agiicola, at the commence- ment of the last century. He states that M. Mandi- rola had raised a lemon tree in this mode ; and thence concludes, rather too rashly, " that all exotic leaves may, at any time, be converted into trees." Since that was written, in 1721, it is certain, that plants have been raised from leaves that previously had been considered totally incapable of such exten- sion. Thus Mr. Neumann has succeeded with the Theophrasta latifolia; and, going a step further, he has even bisected a leaf, and raised a leaf from each half. Mr. Knight has also recorded, in the Horticultural Transactions of 182Q, that leaves of the peppermint, {Mentha piperita,) without any portion of the stem upon which they had grown, lived for more than twelve months, increased in size, neai'ly assumed 184 PRINCIPLES OF GAEDENING. [CH. V. the character of evergreen trees, and emitted a mass of roots. That leaves may be made almost universally to emit roots, there appears little reason to doubt ; for the same great physiologist had long before proved, that the roots of trees are generated from vessels passing from the leaves through the bark ; and that they never, in any instance, spring from the albur- num. But the question arises, will they produce buds '? and, at present, the answer derived from prac- tice is in the negative. Orange leaves, Rose leaves, leaves of Statice arborea, have been made to root abundantly ; but, like blind cabbage-plants, they ob- stinately refused to produce buds. Dr. Lindley thinks that a more abmidant supply of richer food, and ex- posure to a greater mtensity of light, would have re- moved this deficiency^; and I see every reason for concurring with so excellent an authority ; for buds seem to spring from the central vessels of plants, and these vessels are never absent from a leaf. If an abundant supply of food were given to a well- rooted leaf, and it were cut do^\-n close to the callus from whence the roots are emitted, I think buds would be produced, for the very roots themselves have the same power. * Gardeners' Chronicle, January, 1845. CHAPTER VI. THE FLOWER. The organs of fmctification are absolutely neces- sar}% and are always producible by garden plants properly cultivated. They may be deficient in leaves, or stems, or roots, because other organs may supply their places; but plants are never incapable of beaiing flowers and seeds, for without these they can never fully attain the object of their creation — the increase of their species. Eveiy flower is composed of one or more of the following parts, viz., the calyx, which is usually green and enveloping the flower whilst in the bud ; the corolla or petals, leaves so beautifully coloured, and so delicate in most flowers; the stamens, or male portion of the flower secreting the pollen, or impregnating powder; the pistils, or female portion, impregnatable by the pollen, and rendeiing fertile the seeds ; and lastly, the pericarp, or seed-vessel. It is not within the scope of this work to trace these parts through their various forms, — a research belonging to the botanist, — but we may profitably consider Ihek structure. 186 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. Their organization closely resembles that of the branch by which they are borne, and they are only its parts taking other fonns. Tracing, says the late Mr. Ivnight, the progress of the organization in the full grown finiits of the apple and pear, I found, as Linnaeus has described, that the medulla, or pith, appeared to end in the pistils. The central vessels diverged round the core, and approaching each other again in the eye of the fniit, seemed to end in ten points at the base of the stamens, to which I believe they give existence. The spiral tubes, which are, in all other parts, appendages to these vessels, I could not trace beyond the com- mencement of the core ; but as the vessels them- selves extend through the whole fruit, it is probable that the spiral tubes may have escaped my observation. xUthough the medulla is traced to the base of the pistils, the central vessels to the part enveloping the seed, and to the stamens, and the spiral ves- sels tlu'oughout the fniit, yet over eveiy part is extended the parenchyma and epidermis, and the sap circulates through the entii'e of the flower and fmit — ascending, being elaborated, and descending — as regularly as through other parts of the plant. Coloured infusions may be traced through the ves- sels in the stem to the fmit, and if a ligature be passed round a peach or an apple, the enlargement is greatest above, that is between the ligature and CH. VI.] THE FLOWEK. 187 the footstalk ; and Mr. Knight succeeded, by inter- grafting, in proving that the leaf-stalk, the tendril of the vine, the fniit stalk, and the succulent point of the annual shoot, may be substituted for each other — a bunch of gTapes grew and ripened when grafted upon the leaf-stalk ; and a succulent voung shoot of the \me, under the same circumstances, acquired a growth of many feet. The stamens are the only portion of a flower which can be removed without preventing the form- ation of fertile seed, and their loss must be sup- plied by the introduction to the pistils of pollen from some kindred flower. The calyx is not useless so soon as it ceases to envelope and protect the flower, for the flower-stalk continues increasing in size until the seed is per- fected, but ceases to do so in those plants whose caljTes remain long green if these be removed. On the other hand, in the poppy, and other flowers from which the calvx falls early, the flower-stalk does not subsequently enlarge. The corulla or petals, with all their varied tints and perfumes, have more important oSices to per- form than thus to delight the senses of mankind. Those bright coloiu's and their perfumed honey serve to attract insects, which are the chief, and often essential, assistants of impregnation ; and those petals, as obsened by Linnaeus, sen-e as 188 PRINCIPLES OF GAEDENING. [CH. VI. wiugs, giving a motion, assisting to effect the same impoitaiit process. But tliey have a still more essential office, for although they are absent from some plants, yet, if removed from those possessing them before imj)regnation is completed, the ferti- lization never takes place. They, therefore, per- form in such cases, an essential part in the vegetable economy ; and that they do so is testified by all the phenomena they exhibit. They turn to the sun open only when he has a certain degree of poAver. and close at the setting of that luminaiy ; their secretions are usually more odorous, more saccha- rine, and totally differing from those of the other organs of plants ; and in the absence of light those secretions are not formed. The corolla is not always short-Hved, for, although in some, as the cistus, the petals which open Avith the rising sim, strew the border as it departs ; so some, far from being ephemeral, continue until the fiiiit is perfected. The dm'ation of the petals, how- ever, is intimately connected with the impregnation of the seed, for in most flowers they fade soon after this is completed; and double flowers, in which it occm's not at all, ai*e always longer endming than single flowers of the same species. Then, again, in some flowers they become green, and perform the functions of leaves after impregnation has been effected. A familiar example occurs in the Christr CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 189 mas rose {Helleborus ni(/er), the petals of wMch are white, but which become green so soon as the seeds have somewhat increased in size, and the stamens, and other organs connected with fertility, have fallen off. It is quite tme that some fiiiit ^vill not ripen if the part of the branch beyond is denuded of leaves ; but this only shews that those fniits cannot advance when deprived of leaves as well as of calyx and corolla — the only organs for elaborating the sap ; and there are some flowers, as the Daphne mezereon, autumn crocus, and sloe, that have their flowers per- fected and- passed away before the leaves have even appeared. That the petals perform an important part in elabo- rating the sap supplied to the fruit, is further proved by the flower being unable to bloom or to be fertile in an atmosphere deprived of its oxygen ; and by their absorbing more of that gas, and evolving more carbonic acid than even a larger sur&ce of leaves of the same plant. So essential is oxygen to the fertility of a flower, that we shall find, in a futui'e chapter, that the sta- mens of one plant absorb 200 times their bulk of the gas at the time of impregnation ; and Saussure found that double, or imfertile flowers, do not absorb so much oxygen as those which are productive. The following table shows the number of volumes of this 190 PEINCIPLES OF GAEDEXING. [CH. VI. gas inspired by one volume of the flowers and leaves : Cheirantlius incanus, 6 p.m. . . Ditto double-flowered Poljantlies tuberosa, 9 a.m. . Ditto double-flowered TropEeolum majus, 9 a.m. . . . Ditto double-flowered Datura arborea, 10 a.m. Passiflora serratifolia, 8 a.m. . Daucus cai'ota, 6 p.m Hibiscus speciosus, 7 a.m. Hypericum calicinum, 8 a.m. . Cucurbitamelo-pepo, male flowers, 7 A.M Ditto female ditto, 7 a.m. Lilium candidum, 1 1 a.:m. . Typha latifolia, 9 a.m 9.8 . 4.25 Fagus castanea, 4 p.m 9.1 . 8.] As the flowers inhale more oxygen than the leaves, so do they exhale more carbonic acid than these or- gans ; and, unlike leaves, they pour it forth not only during the night, but in the sun-light — at least, Dr. Priestley, Dr. Ingenhouz, and M. Saussure found this was done by the rose, marigold, and honey- suckle. It is upon the oxygen combined with their paren- By the By the flowers. leaves. 11.0 , . 4.0 7.7 9.0 . , 3.0 7.4 8.5 . 8.3 7.25 9.0 . 5.0 18.5 . 5.25 8.8 . 7.3 8.7 . 5.1 7.5 . 7.5 12.0 . 6.7 3.5 5.0 2.5 CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 191 chyma, that the coloui' of a petal depends ; foj sul- phiu'ous acid, (the fume aising from a bmiiing match,) which has a most powerful affinity for oxygen, destroys the hue of all coloui-ed flowers, though it leaves that of white flowers unchanged. Mr. Smithson's experi- ments, and those of M. Schluber, seem to indicate that the coloming matter of flowers and fruits is fun- damentally blue — rendered red by acids or the ad- dition of oxygen, or yellow by the presence of an al- kali or the subtraction of oxygen. Mr. Smithson says, that the coloming matter of the violet is the same in the ruddy tips of the daisy, geranium, blue hyacinth, hollyhock, lavender, and vaiious plums, in the leaves of the red cabbage, and in the lind of the salmon radish. The acid which causes the red tint seems to be usually the carbonic. No seed ever attains the power of germinating, unless the pollen from the stamens in the same, or some nearly-allied flower has reached and impreg- nated its pistils. This was known to the most an- cient of the Greeks ; for Herodotus relates that the cultivators of the date (Phoenix dactilifera) brought the flowers of the barren plants, which they called the males, and attached them to the finiitful trees, that theii' produce might not fall without attaining matmity, a phenomenon explained both by Anaxa- goras and Empedocles, who flourished in the fifth century before the Christian era, by claiming for 192 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH, VI. vegetables the same sexuality as animals. Subse- quent researches have established the fact beyond the reach of reasonable doubt. In favourable seasons, when genial warmth and gentle winds prevail, impregnation is readily affected by the plant's own provision. The pollen is never shed from the anther of the stamen, until the stigma of the pistil is fully developed ; and this soon withers after the contact. The gaping of the stigma when the pollen is about to fall, and at that time only, may be observed in the heart's-ease [Viola tricolor) ; and every morning, on the summit of the stigma of the Jacobean lily [Amaryllis forviosissima), a drop of viscous hquid protrudes, to be re-absorbed as regu- larly at noon, with the pollen shed upon it, until impregnation is completed — the drop then exudes no more. But, as was first observed by Sir J. E. Smith, the process, as it is effected in the berberry [Berheris vulgaris), is the most curious. In the flowers of this shrub the six stamens, spreading moderately, are sheltered under the concave tips of the petals, until some extraneous body, as the feet or tnmk of an in- sect searching for honey, touches the inner part of a filament near the bottom. The irritability of that part is such, that contracting and thrown forward spasmodically, it dashes the anther, full of pollen, against the stigma. The above are only a few of the modes by which CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 193 plants are, by their own powers, enabled to effect the impregnation of then- seed ; but where there is any more than ordinar}' difficulty, theu' all-pro^ddent Creator has invariably provided efficient assistance. The agents usually called in are insects : these, in their search after honey and wax, visit the inmost re- cesses of flowers, and bear from the anthers to the stigma, and from flower to flower, the fecmidating dust. Here, too, I may remai'k upon another in- stance of that Providence, which makes all things fitting and appropriate ; for those who have made the bee their study relate, that though this insect does not confine itself to one species of flower, yet it re- stricts its visits dming each ramble to that kind which it first ^'isits. How this facilitates impregna- tion is obvious, when it is remembered, that no flower can be fecundated but with pollen from a kindred species. The most remarkable instance of the agency of in- sects, and of the aitifice, if the tenn be permissible, employed to render them efficiently semceable, oc- curs in the Aristolochia Clematitis ; and is thus de- scribed by Willdenow^ The corolla is tubular, ter- minating in a globiilai' extension at the base. The tubular part is lined with stiff hairs, pointing down- wards, like the wii*e entrances to some mouse-traps. The globular part contains the pistils, surrounded by the stamens ; but the latter bemg veiy much the o 194 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. shorter, and as the flower always holds itself erect, the pollen cannot reach the stigmas, but would fall to the bottom of the corolla, if it were not for the agency of a particular insect. This diminutive vi- sitant is the T'qmla pennicornis, which entering the tube in search of honey, in vain tries to repass the phalanx of hairs which easily yielded to it an en- trance ; in its search for a way of escape, it carries the pollen to the stigma, and impregnation being ef- fected, the hairs lose their rigidity, sink to the side of the tube, and the prisoner easily escapes. The efficient agency of insects suggested that in hot-houses from whence they are almost totally excluded, other artificial means might be adopted with success to render fertile flowers that had hitherto failed in producing seed. One of the earliest instances on record of the experiment being tried with a prosperous result was on the Abroma augusta, which had bloomed unfertilely for several years in a hot-house at Berlin. The gardener by the aid of a hair pencil applied a little pollen to the stigma, and for the first time perfect seed was pro- duced, from which plants were raised. This practice is now very generally adopted to all plants cultivated under glass from which a produce of either fruit or seed is desired ; for fruit rarely attains its full size if the seeds within it are unfertilized. Thus the gar- dener always finds the advantage of using the camel 4 CH. XI.] THE FLOWERS. 105 hair pencil to apply pollen to the stigmas of his forced melons, cucumbers, cherries, and peaches. That seed can be rendered fertile by the agency of other flowers than their o^Yn parent has long been known, for it had come within the obseiwation of the IsraeHtes, some three thousand four hundred years now past, as may be gathered from Deutero- nomy, xxii. 9 ; Jeremiah, ii. -21 ; and Le^^ticus, xix. 19 ; but it was not rendered useful knowledge, until the late President of the Horticultui'al So- ciety, Mr. Knight, commenced his experiments in 1787. Mr. Bradley, seventy years before, had de- monstrated that hybrid plants may be grown, par- taking of the qualities of both their parents ; but to Mr. Knight first occurred the happy thought that the good characteristics of one parent might thus be employed to correct deficiencies which would other- wise occui- in the offspring of another parent of the same species. Since his time, this system of cross- breeding has been practised by gardeners upon almost every genus of plant that comes under their care, and by its agency the size, colour, and form of flowers have been improved and varied ; the mag- nitude and flavour of fruits have been increased; and tender plants have been made to bring forth a hardy progeny. Bradley had only carried out the suggestions of others, for both Lawson and Evelyn, half a century o2 196 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI- previously, had related that new apples ad infinitum might be raised from kemjels ; and Bacon, whose penetrating eye pierced the most dark recesses of nature, had observed that " The compounding and mixture of plants is not found out, which, never- theless, if it be possible, is more at command than that of living creatures ; wherefore, it were one of the most noble experiments touching plants to find this out ; for so you may have a great variety of new plants and flowers yet unkno^ai. Grafting doth it not : that mendeth the fruit, or doubleth the flower, but it hath not the power to make a new kind." My own observations, and those of others, justify the following statements, as affording some guide to the raiser of varieties. 1. The seed-vessel is not altered in appearance by impregnation from another plant ; therefore, no hasty conclusion of failure is justified by that want of change. 2. The colour of the future seed, not of that first hybridized, seems to be most influenced by the male plant, if its seeds and flowers are darker than those of the female. Mr. Knight found, that when the pollen of a coloured blossomed pea was introduced into a white one, the whole of the future seeds were coloured. But when the pollen of a white blossom was introduced to the stigma of a coloured blossom, the whole of the future seeds were not white. Capt. i CH. VI.l THE FLOWER. 197 Thurtell, from his experiments on the pelargonium, also informs me, that he has always fomid the colour and spot of the petals to be more influenced by the male than by the female parent. Indeed, all ex- perience proves that the progeny usually, though not invariably, most resembles in colour the male parent. 3. Large stature and robustness is transmitted to the offspring by either parent. It does not abso- lutely matter, for obtaining this characteristic, whether it be the male or female w-hich is large ; but Mr. Knight generally found the most robust female parent produced the finest offspring. 4. Capt. Thurtell, from lengthened obser^-ation and experiment, ha§ ascertained that the form of the petals follows most closely that of the female parent. 5. Mr. Knight says that the largest seed from the finest fruit that has ripened earliest and most per- fectly should always be selected. In stone fruit, if two kernels are in one stone these give birth to inferior plants. 6. The time which elapses before seedlings attain a bearing age is very various. The pear recjuires from twelve to eighteen years; the apple, five to thirteen ; plum and cherry, four to five ; \dne, three to four ; raspberiy, two ; and the strawberiy one. 7. The most successful mode of obtaining good and very distinct varieties is to employ the pollen from a male in a flower grown on another plant than 19B PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI, that bearing the female parent. To avoid previous and undesired impregnation, the anthers in the female parent, if they are produced in the same flower with the pistils must be removed by a sharp- pomted pair of scissors, and the flower enclosed in a gauze bag to exclude insects, mitil the desired pollen is ripe. Another effectual mode of avoiding undesii'ed impregnation is biinging the female parent into flower a little earlier than its congeners, and re- moving the anthers as above described ; the stigma will remain a long time vigorous if unimpregnated. 8. Although the fertility of all the seed in one seed-vessel may be secured by applying pollen only to one style, even where, there are several, yet the quantity of pollen is by no means a matter of in- difference. Koelreuter found that from fifty to sLxty globules of pollen were required to complete the impregnation of one flower of Hybiscus Syriacus : but in Mirabilis Jalapa and il/. longijiora, two or tliree globules were enough-^, and in the case of pelargoniums, Capt. Thurtell says, two or three globules are certainly sufficient. 9. M. Haquin, a distinguished horticulturist at Liege, has impregnated flowers of the Azalea mth pollen kept sL\ weeks ; and Camellias -svith pollen kept sixty-five days. He gathers the stamens just pre- viously to the anthers opening, wraps them in writing ^ Willdenow, 323. CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 199 pajDer, places them in a warm room for a day, collects the pollen they emit, and presences it in sheet lead in a cool diy place. M. Godefroy suggests that two concave glasses, like those employed for vaccine "\-inis, would be better. The globules of the pollen must not be crushed. M. Haquin thinks the pollen of one year mil be effective if preserved imtil the year following. Mr. Jackson of Cross Lanes Xiu-ser}', near Bedale, says, he has found the pollen of the Rhododendron Smithii tigrinum retain its fertilizing power even for twelve months. 1(J. It is easy to discern whether impregnation has been effected, as in such case the stigmas soon wither. The stigmas which have not received the pollen remain for a long time green and vigorous. " By the aid of the Stanhope lens," obsen^es Capt. Thurtell, in a letter now before me, " 1 fancy I can discover the seed of the pelargoniimi being closed over in the space of four hours after impregnation." 11. When double flowers are desired, if a double flower should chance to have a fertile anther or two, these should be employed for fertilization, as their offspring are almost sure to be very double. \'Z. Many analyses of the pollen of various plants have been made by chemists, ^^ithout throwing any light upon hybridizing. M. Grotthus found the components of twenty-six grains of the pollen of the tulip were : — 200 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. Vegetable albumen . . . Malates of lime and magnesia Malic acid .,,... Malate of ammonia . . . Colouring matter .... Nitrate of potash .... 20.-25 3.50 1.00 1.25^ 26.00 13. Superfoetation has been doubted, but as it occui's in the dog, we see no reason for disbelieving its possibility in plants. Capt. Thurtell thinks it may be done by the bee introducing mmgled pollens at the same instant. Then why not, if a similar mixture is inserted by the camel's hair pencil of the cultivator ? I think it quite possible, that different seeds in the same pericarp, may be fertilized by pollen from more than one different male species ; but nothing but the strongest evidence will convince me that the same seed can be effectually fertilized by more than one pollen. M. Foulard gravely asks us to believe that his Rosa perpetuosissima had four male parents, the Bengal, the tea, the hundred- leaved, and the noisette ! 14. Plants nearly related, that is, closely similar in the structure of their various parts, are those only which will immediately impregnate each other ; but it is impossible, at present, to say what families of * Schweigger's Jouni. xi. 281. CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. QOl plants may or may not be brought into fertile union through intermediate crosses. A very short time ago the azalea and rhododendron were thought incapable of such union, but this opinion is now exploded, for rhododendron ponticum has been fertilized with the pollen of azalea sinensis, and the progeny, between that evergreen and this deciduous shiiib, is the pre- viously unknown phenomenon a yellow rhododendron. Though such unions may be effected, I entirely agree with Mr. Knight in anticipating that the progeny will be mules, incapable of producing offspring. Jt is quite time that many plants, said by botanists to be distinct species, have between them produced fertile seeds, but I incline decidedly to the opinion, that this fact demonstrates that they are not distinct species, but only deviations from a common origin. For example, the peach and almond are considered distinct species by botanists, yet the fruit of both and of the nectarine have been borne spontaneously by the same tree. " I cannot," says Mr. Knight, " by any means admit that plants ought to be considered of originally distinct species, merely because they happen to be found to have assumed somewhat different forms or colours in an uncultivated state. The genus Prmius contains the P. ai'meniaca, P. cerasus, P. domestica. P. insititia, P. spinosa, P. sibirica, and many others. Of these I feel perfectly confident that no art will ever obtain offspring (not being mules) between the Pnuius 202 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. armeniaca, P. cerasus, and P. domestica ; but I do not entertain much doubt of being able to obtain an endless variety of perfect offspring between tlie P. domestica, P. insititia, and P. spinosa; and still less doubt of obtaining an abundant variety of offspring from the P. armeniaca and P. sibirica. The former, the common apricot^, is found, according to M. Reg- nier, in a wild state in the oases of Africa. It is there a rich and sweet fruit of a yellow colour. The fruit of the P. sibirica, seeds of which came to me last year from Dr. Fischer of Gorenki, is, on the contrary', I understand, black, veiy acid, and of small size : but nevertheless if these apparently distinct species will breed together, and I confidently expect they ^rill, without giving existence to mule plants, I shall not hesitate to pronounce these plants of one and the same species, as I have done relatively to the scarlet, the pine, and the chili strawberries. Botanists may nevertheless, if they please, continue to call these transmutable plants, species; but if they do so, * The early period at which the apricot unfolds its flowers leads me to believe it to be a native of a cold climate : and I suspect the French word abricot, the English aprico^, and the African berrikokka, to have been alike derived from the Latin word praicocia, which the Romans (there is every reason to believe) pronounced praikokia, and which was the term applied to early varieties of peaches, which probably included the apricot. The Greeks also wrote the Latin word as I suppose the Romans to have pronoxmced it. — Hardouins ed. of Pliny, lib. 15. sec. xi. CH. VI.J THE FLOWER. 203 I think they should find some other term for such species as are not transmutable, and which will either not breed together at all, or which breeding together give existence to mule plants. " If hybrid 2)lants had been foiined as abimdantly as Linnaeus and some of his followers have imagined, and such had proved capable of affording offspring, all traces of genus and species must snrely long ago have been lost and obhterated; for a seed vessel even of a monogynous blossom often affords plants which are obviously the offspiing of different male parents ; and I beheve I could adduce many facts which would satisfactoiily prove that a single plant is often the offspiTQg of more than one, and, in some instances, of many male parents. Under such circumstances, every species of plant which, either in a natural state or cultivated by man, has been once made to sport in varieties, must almost of necessity continue to assume valuations of fonn. Some of these have often been found to resemble other species of the same genus, or other varieties of the same species, and of permanent habits, which were assumed to be species ; but I have never yet seen a hybrid plant capable of affording offspring, which had been proved, by any thing like satisfactory- eridence, to have sprung from two originally distinct species ; and I must therefore continue to believe that no species capable of propagating offspring, either of plant or 204 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. animal, no-^ exists, which did not come as such immediately from the hand of the Creator." Hybridizing, aided by cultivation, gives birth to those splendid objects of the gardener's care, gene- rally designated double flowers, which are such beau- teous ornaments of our borders and parterres. To the uninitiated it seems incredible that the double moss-rose should be a legitimate descendant from the briai' ; neither do the flowers of the Fair maid of France appear less impossible derivatives from those of the Ranunculus platanifoUus ; nor Bachelor's buttons from the common buttercup, yet so they are. Double flowers, as they are popularly called, are more correctly discriminated as the full flower, the multiplicate flower, and the proliferous flower. The full-flower is a flower with its petals aug- mented in number by the total transformation into them of its stamens and its pistils. One-petiilled flowers rarely undergo this metamorphosis ; but it is very common in those having many petals, as in the carnation, ranunculus, rose, and poppy. But this is not the only mode in which a flower becomes full : for, in the columbine {Aquilegia) it is eff'ected in three difl'erent ways, \az., by the multiplication of the petals to the exclusion of the nectaries ; by the multiplication of the nectaries to the exclusion of the petals ; and by the multiplication of the necta- ries whilst the usual petals remain. Piadiated CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 205 flowers, such as the sunflower, dahlia, anthemis,. and others, become full by the multiplication of the florets of their rays to the exclusion of the florets of their disks. On the contraiy, various species of the daisy, matricaria, &c., become full by the multiplica- tion of the florets of the disks. The multiplicate flower has its petals increased by the conversion of a portion of its stamens, or of its cal}^, into those forms. It occui's most fre- quently in poh^etallous flowers. Linnaeus gives the only instances I know of the conversion of the calyx into petals, and these are to be observed in the pink [Dianthus caryophyllus) and a few of the Alpine gi'asses. A proliferous flower has another flower, or a shoot produced from it. This is most strikingly exem- plified by that variety of the daisy popularly known as The-hen-and-chickens. It occurs also more rarely in the ranunculus, pink, marigold, and hawk-weed. A leafy shoot often appears in the bosom of the double-blossomed cherry, anemone, and rose. The influences regulating the production and developement of leaves and flowers are these : — If an excess of water to the roots, or too little light to the superior parts of plants be appUed, they produce an increased surface of leaf, and few or no flowers ; for it is a wise power given to them by their Creator, that those parts shall increase in size. 206 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. which circumstances render most necessary'. An excess of moisture requires an increased transpira- tory surface, as in the case of Solandra grandiflora before mentioned. This knowledge that flower-buds and leaf-buds are mutually convertible is no novel discovery, much less a visionaiy theory, for, as long ago as the beginning of 1817, the late Mr. Knight thus expressed the results of his experience, when writing to the Lon- don Horticultural Society relative to the pruning of peach-trees : — " The buds of fmit-trees, which pro- duce blossoms, and those which afford leaves only, in the spring, do not at all differ from each other, in their first organization, as buds. Each contains the rudiments of leaves only, which are subsequently transformed into the component parts of the blos- som, and, in-some species, as the fruit also." And he then proceeds to state his experience that leaf- buds of the apple and pear have been thus trans- formed, and of his ha\'ing succeeded in obtaining every gradation of monstrous transfonnation, adding, that " eveiy bunch of grapes commences its forma- tion as a tendril, it being always within the power of every cultivator to occasion it to remain a tendril," either by removing a considerable portion of the leaves, or reducing the temperature and light to which the vine is exposed. A deficiency of light decreases the decomposing CH. YI.] THE FLOWER. '207 power of the leaves. For this reason the best glass should always be employed in the sashes of the hothouse, conservatory, and other stnictures of the forcmg department. But the benefit sought for is frustrated if that glass be not constantly well cleansed. Tlie best glass, if dirty, allows fewer rays of light to pass through than inferior glass if kept bright. A thorough cleansing should be given both to the outside and inside twice annually, during the first weeks of March and of October, and a third cleansing, on the outside only, at the end of June. In proportion to the deficiency of hght, does the plant under glass become, in the gardener "s phrase- ology, drawn. That is, its surface of leaves be- comes unnaturally extended, in the vain effort to have a suf&cient elaboration of the sap effected by means of a large suiface exposed to a diminished light, for which a less surface would have been sufficient if the light were more intense. The plant with this enlarged sui'face of leaves becomes unfniitful, the sap being expended in their produc- tion, which should have been appropriated to the formation of fruit. Mr. Williams made some experiments intended to illustrate this point, and he found that varieties of the vme, when grown under white, or crown glass, under green glass and in the open air, had ^08 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. the diameters of their leaves, in inches, altered as in the following table : — Name. 1 White. ! Green. 1 1 Open Air. \Yhite Muscat . . . Malmsey Muscadine Syrian White Sweet Water . . Black Hamburgh . . Wliite Frontignac . . WTiite Muscadine . . 8 ? ' 6 ! 8 1 6 6 l--i 12 9 131 11 11 6 6 b 6 A due supply of moisture, but rather less than the plant most delights in when the production of seed is the desu-ed object, a superabundant supply of decomposing organic matter to its roots, and an exposui'e to the greatest possible degree of sun- light, are the means successfully employed to pro- mote that excessive developement of the petals which characterize double-flowers. By these means a greater amount of sap is sup- plied to the flower than the natural extent of petal can elaborate, and, following the laws of nature already specified, those parts required for the extra elaboration are developed at the expense of those not demanded for the pui-pose. The chief office of tlie petals is this preparation of nourishment for the stamens, and, for the most part, they fade together, usually enduring until impregnation has been effected, i CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 209 or has altx)getlier failed. In double flowers, too, as was observed by the late Sir J. E. Smith, the corolla is much more durable than in single ones of the same species, as anemones and poppies, because, as he conceived, in such double flowers the natural functions not being performed, the vital principle of their corolla is not so soon exhausted. Advantage may be taken of this to prolong the duration of flowers by cutting away the pistils, or stamens, whichever are least conspicuous, with a sharp pair of pointed scissors. The transmutation of the stamens into petals is most readily traceable in the water-lily {NymphcEa alba) and the common China rose. Sometimes, as is justly observed by a writer in the Gardeners Chronicle, sometimes a stamen is half changed, and then half an anther is found on one side, while the other is expanded into the thin texture of the petal. Sometimes the anther seems to struggle with the petal for mastery, and resolutely maintains its ground at the point while the filament as resolutely expands, till at last it rises above the anther on each side, as if to smother that w^hich it cannot otherwise destroy. Although an abundant supply of nourishment is absolutely necessaiy for the production of double flowers, it is quite as certain that such supply will not, of a certainty, cause their appearance — there. p 210 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VI. must be some tendency in the parent thus to sport, otherwise the superfluity of food will not have the desired influence. That abundance of nourishment is necessary appears from the fact, that if the double- daisy, or the double-narcissus be grown in a poor soil they speedily produce none but single flowers, yet, if they again be restored to a rich soil, they may, with care, be made to produce an unnatural profusion of petals. Mr. D. Beaton's estimate of a double flower is original. He says that cultivation having enlarged all the parts of a plant, the consti- tutional vigour thus obtained is transferred to the next generation, and to some of the seedlings, in a measure, even greater than that possessed by the parent. Extraordinary supplies of nourishment, under favourable circumstances, invigorate still fur- ther the improved race, and so on through many generations. During this time cultivation produces the very opposite of double-flowers, and Mr. Beaton thinks it would continue to do so if it were possible to keep up every member of each generation to the same degree of health and vigour; but accidents and diseases overtake some of the plants, and double- flowers are the produce from these decrepits. Cul- tivation, according to this idea, is only indirectly the cause of double-flowers, and these a retrograde step from a liigh state of developement. CH. VI.] THE FLOWER. 'ill Whether my own opuiion or Mr. Beaton's be correct, it is quite certain that in practice the plants from which double-flowered varieties are sought must be kept in the highest state of developement by supplpng them abundantly with all the as- sistants to ^dgorous growth, and when the seed- vessels are formed these should be reduced in num- ber, in order to make the seed in these remaining as large and perfect as possible. In the course of a few generations seedlings appear having flowers, with an excess of petals and seeds being obtained from these, or from other flow^ers impregnated by their stamens, and the same high cultivation continued, the excess of petals increases, and becomes a perma- nent habit. CHAPTER VII. THE FRUIT AND SEED. When the blossom begins to fade, " tlie joy of the plant" is departing, but other beauties and parts more important to the animal world are advancing to succeed the decapng inflorescence. The fruit and the seed are then entering on the season of maturity ; will soon offer to the palate some of our most delicious luxuries, nor will beauty of colour be altogether wanting. "The ripened tints of autumn are equally pleasing with the bloom of spring, and the colours of the peach and apricot, the plum and cherry, are in nothing inferior to the blossom which preceded them." The petals, stamens, pistils, and frequently the calyx having performed their destined functions, fall and leave the oyslyj or embiyo seed-vessel, re- maining attached to the parent plant. This in- creases in growth and becomes the fruit, which title is not restricted merely to such as ai-e edible, but includes every matured ovary with its contents, and which matured ovary, in botanical language, is kno^ii as the pericarp. This takes various distinct forms. CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. '213 and as ail are subjects of interest to the gardener, eacli may liave advantageously a separate notice. 1. The capsule is diy, woody, or membranous, containing one or more cells, as in the poppy, cle- matis, ash, and paeony. '2. The siliqua or pod, is long, diy, and has two valves separated by a linear receptacle, along the edges of which are ranged the seeds alternately. Instances are hi the stock, wall-flower, and cabbage. 3. The legume has tsvo dr}" long valves united by a seam at their edges, having no dividing receptacle as in the pod, but with the seed attached to one edge, as in the pea, bean, laburnum, and other legu- mmous plants. 4. The drupe or stone fruit is usually soft and fleshy, not separating into valves ; but enclosing a woody nut to which it is attached, as in the peach, plum, olive, and cherry; but sometimes more diy, as in the almond and cocoa nut. 5. The pome, or apple, is usually fleshy like the drupe, but enclosing a capsule \\'itli several seeds, instead of a nut, as in the common apple and pear. 6. The berry is pulpy and has its seed embedded in its substance as in the asparagus, currant, goose- beiTy, strawberiy, raspbeny, potatoe, orange, melon, cucumber, and medlar. 7. The strobile or cone is scaly, tough, and woody, formed of the catkin or calyx which has become 214 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. YII. indurated. It is the seed-vessel of the pine tribe, the plane tree, and comptonia. Though thus vai-jdng in form, they have all one common office, the protection and maturing of the seed they contain. To effect this they require a due supply of sap as well as of the peculiar juice of the parent plant ; for they make no further advance, if the entire wood^ be cut through below them, so that they are only attached to the parent by a strip of bark ; neither will they advance though fully supplied with sap, if the peculiar juices are cut off from them by removing the leaves that are above them on the branch. The loss of such leaves, as stated in a preceding page, may be supplied by in- arching to the denuded branch one stUl retaining its foliage. I have also shewn that the application of a ligature to a peach or apple, shews by the enlarge- ment on one side of the ligature, that the sap really circulates through them. Yet each fruit has a peculiar elaboration of its owii to perform, for though the fluids afforded by the branches and leaves be nearly similar, yet each fruit differs from another in fragrance and flavour: six different varieties of the peach and of the apple budded upon the same branch, still retain unaltered their times of ripening, and their distinctive colours and flavours. Now the processes going on at dif- ferent periods of a fruit s growth are very opposite CH. ^TI.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 215 in their character. During their green and growing state they are usually converting gummy matter into an acid ; but during ripening they, as commonly, are convertincr an acid into su^ar. To convert gum or mucilage into tartaric acid, as in the early growth of the grape, oxygen in excess should be absorbed, for their relative components stand thus : Grum. Tartaric Acid. Carbon . . . 42.23 . . 24.05 Oxygen . . . 50.84 . . 69.32 Hydrogen . . . 6.93 . . 6.63 100.00 100.00 They might therefore be expected to absorb more oxygen than the leaves, and this is actually the case, for though a vine branch will continue to vegetate in a glass globe hermetically sealed, yet the grapes upon it will not increase in size unless oxygen gas be from time to time admitted. The same phe- nomenon occm^s duiing the ripening of the grapes ; oxygen has to be absorbed during the conversion of the tartaric acid into sugar, but a larger volume of carbonic acid has to be evolved, and this is coincident with the result of well established experiments, uniformly testifying that carbonic acid is given out abundantly by ripening fruit. " Six equivalents of tartaric acid," saysLiebig, " by absorbing six equiva- 216 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. lents of oxygen from the air, form grape sugar, separating at the time twelve equivalents of carbonic acid." This, however, is not the only decomposition taking place whereby sugar is formed in ripe fruit, but there is sufficient reason to believe that its mucilage and starchy constituents are converted into saccharine matter by the combined agency of warmth and the acids. It is thus that apples are rendered so much sweeter by baldng, and M. De Candolle states that the pulp of apple dissolved in water with a vegetable acid is converted into sugar ; that gummy matter obtained from starch and mixed with tartaric acid aided by warmth effects a similar transmutation ; and M. Kirchoff proved long since that starch, digested at a gentle heat ^\ith diluted sulphuric acid, became sweet. During the ripening process, both of fruit and seed, all plants give out more carbonic acid and less oxygen than during the earlier stages of their growth, and thus is given a reason why room plants should be removed when once past their meridian vigour. Now to effect these changes, to ripen perfectly, that is to generate its best proportions of sugar and aroma, every plant requires a certain amount of sap, light, heat, air, and moistui'e ; and how these are best secured to them, so far as training and the atmosphere around them is concerned, may be here appropriately CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 217 considered. These circumstances, so far as the roots and leaves were also concerned, have heen examined in previous chapters. Sap. — The more rapidly and consequently the greater the amount of this poui-ed into the branches, the greater suiface of leaf is required for its elabora- tion ; and, as the plant has power given it of increas- ing most freely, and even at the expense of others, those organs which are most necessary, the leaves of such abundantly supplied branches are increased both in number and size, whilst the blossom is pro- portionately dimmished in number, or is obliterated entirely. A plant propels its sap with greatest force perpendicularly, so much so that the sap rising in a vine branch growing in a right line from the root with a force capable of sustaining a column of mercuiy twenty-eight inches high, will, if the branch be bent do^\Ti to a right angle, support barely twenty-three inches, and if bent a few degrees below the hori- zontal, the column sustained will not be more than tv/enty one inches. This is the reason why, at such angles, gardeners find the trained branches of their wall trees rendered more productive of blos- soms, and furnished with a smaller smface of leaves. A similar effect *218 PEIKCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. is produced by training a branch in a waving form, for two thirds of its length are placed horizontally as in the accompanying outline. Other modes of inter- rupting the rapid flow of the sap by checking its return has been noticed in a previous chapter. Among which modes are ligatures and wounds round the bark. Light and heat are so combmed, and so equally essential for the ripening of fniit, that they may be considered conjointly. They are both diminished in ungenial summers, and in such, finiit ripens indiffer- ently, or not at all, being, if it does ripen, deficient in colour, as well as flavour. In our latitudes, however, warmth is more deficient than light for the matui'ing of exotic plants — therefore, by securing to them a higher temperature, we have the peach, the melon, the mango, and the pine-apple as richly flavom-ed, and even superior to the excellence they attain in their native climes. It must be remembered, in considering this branch of our subject, that all cooling is occasioned either by the heat being conducted from a body by a colder, which is in contact with it, or by radiating from the body cooled, though circumstances accelerate or retard the radiation, and whatever checks the radiation of heat from a body keeps it warmer. For example, — a ther- mometer placed upon a grass-plat, exposed to a clear sky, fell to 35°, but another thermometer witlun a CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 219 few 3'ards of the preceding, but with the radiation of the rajs of heat from the grass checked by no other covering than a cambric pocket-handkerchief, decHned no lower than 42°. Xo difference of result occurs, whether the radiating surface be parallel or per- pendicular to the horizon ; for when the mercury in a thermometer, hung against an openly exposed wall, fell to 38", another thermometer against the same wall, but beneath a web of gauze stretched tightly at a few inches distance, indicated a temperatui'e of 43°. These results explain the beneficial operation of apparently such slight shelter to our wall-fruit when in blossom. A sheet of canvas, or of netting, pre- vents the direct radiation of heat from the wall — the cooling goes on more slowly, and is not reduced to that of the exterior air at night before the return of day begins to re-elevate the external temperature. The colder the body surrounding another body, the more rapid the radiation from the latter ; for it is a law of heat that it has a constant tendency to be diffused equally, and the greater the diversity of temperatui'e between two bodies in contact with each other, the greater is the rapidity with which the progi'ess towards equihbrium goes on. This is one reason why a temperatm'e of 32° with a brisk wind attending it -^dll injure plants to a far greater extent than a temperature many degrees lower with a still atmosphere, but it is aided by the operation of ^20 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. anotlier law of heat, viz. that aeriform bodies convey it from a cooling hodj, as a wall or a tree, hy an actual change in the situation of their own particles. That portion of the air which is nearest to the cooling body is expanded, and becoming specifically lighter, ascends, and is replaced by a colder portion. This, in its turn, becomes heated and dilated, and gives place to another colder portion, and thus the process goes on imtil the cooling body is reduced to the same temperatui'e as the air. In a still atmosphere this goes on slowly, the air in contact with the wall and tree rises very gradually as it imbibes warmth from them, but if there be a brisk wind, a constant current of air at the lowest temperature then occur- ing is brought in constant contact with them, and the cooling is rapid in accordance ^^ith the law of equilibrium just noticed. A shelter of netting, or even the sprays of evergreens are of the greatest service in preventing the sweeping contact of cold air at such times. It is not altogether immaterial of what substance netting is formed. Worsted is to be preferred, not only because it is the most durable, but because it is the best preventive of a wall's coolhig. I have found the thermometer under a hemp net sink during the night from two to four degrees lower than that under a net of worsted, the meshes being small and of equal size in both nets. This can only be because worsted CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 221 is a known worse conductor of heat than hemp, and not absorbing moisture so easily, is not so liable to the cold always produced by its drying. Snow is a protection to plants from the three fore- going reasons — it prevents heat radiating from them — protects them from the chilling blasts — and is one of the worst conductors of heat. I have never known the surface of the earth below a covering of snow colder than 3-2°, even when the temperature of the air above has been 28°. A similar protection, though less effec- tual, is afforded by straw. Strange as it may appear, yet it is nevertheless true, that a shelter is more beneficial in preseiwing the temperature of trees, when from three to six inches from them, than when in immediate contact with their surfaces. When a woollen net was suspended four inches from the wall, on which a peach-tree was trained, the thermometer fell very slowly, and the lowest degree it reached was SS'^; when the same screen was twelve inches off, it fell to 34° ; and when draAvn tightly over the tree, it barely kept above 32", the temperatiu'e of the exterior air. When at twelve inches from the wall, it permitted the too free circulation of the air; and when in immediate contact with the polished bark of the peach, perhaps another law of cooling came into operation. That law is, that polished surfaces radiate heat slowest. Thus if two glass 222 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. YII. bottles, equal in size and thicknes of glass, and of the same shape, be filled with warm water, and one of the bottles be covered with an envelope of fine muslin, this bottle will give out heat to the sur- rounding air with much greater rapidity than the other bottle : so that in a given time the bottle with the envelope will be found colder than the one which has no covering. Shelters such as the preceding, or the slighter agents, sprays of evergreens, placed before the branches of wall-trees, or other plants, as already noticed, operate beneficially in another way — check- ing the rapid passage of the air over them — such passage is detrimental in proportion to its rapidity, for the more rapid it is, the greater is the amount of evaporation, and consequently of cold produced. Mr. Daniell says, " That a surface which exhales 100 parts of moisture when the air is calm, exhales 125 parts when exposed to a moderate breeze, and 150 parts when the wind is high. During all high winds, but especially when blowing from points varying between the east and the south — for they are the driest in this country — the gardener will always find shelters beneficial to his plants whether in blossom or with fruit in its first stages of growth, for these winds cause an evaporation much exceeding in amount the supply of moisture afforded by the roots." In March, such shelters are much required. CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 223 for the winds are then violent and diy even to a proverb ; but it is during the days of its successor, April, that sets in the only periodical wind, known in this island. It comes intermittingly, and A-sith variable force, from points ranging from e. to n.e., and is one of the most blighting winds we have. It continues until about the end of the second week in May, though often until its close ; and it is a good plan to have the trees during the whole period, by day as well as by night, protected. This periodical wind is occasioned, probably, by Sweden and Norway remaining covered with snow, whilst England is some 20° or more warmer; an upper current of warm air is consequently flowing hence to those countries, whilst a cold under current is rusliing hither to supply its place. This wind, and its consequent cold weather, is so regular in its appearance, that in Hampshire and some other parts of England the peasantry speak of it as " the blackthorn winter," that bush being in blossom durmga part of its continuance. Colour has very considerable influence over a body's power of absorbing heat. If a thennometer on a hot summer's day be exposed to the sun, it will indicate a temperature of about 100°, but if the bulb be black- ened with Indian ink, or the smoke of a candle, it wiU rise from ten to twenty degrees higher. The ' reason for this is, that the polished surface of the glass reflects some of the sun's rays, but the blackened 224 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. surface absorbs them all. Blue absorbs all but the blue rays — red all but the red — green and yellow, all but those of their own name, and white reflects all the rays. The lightest coloured rays are the most heating, therefore light coloured walls, but especially white, are the worst for fruit trees. The thermometer against a wall rendered black by coal tar rises 5° higher in the sunshine than the same insti-ument suspended against a red brick structure of the same thickness ; nor will it cool lower at night, though its racUating power is increased by the increased darkness of its colour, if a proper screen be then employed. The elevation of the temperature of a dark coloured fniit compared with that of a lighter coloured of the same kind is often remarkable, as in the instance of the muscle plum and greengage, growing on standard trees. But there are other causes than colour for fmit often remaining of a cool temperature m the hottest weather, and among these causes is then- covering. Ever}^ one must have noticed the delicious coolness of the peach s flesh compared with that of the nec- tarine grovm on the same wall and in the same bright sunshine ; and the reason of this is, that the dense woolly cuticle of the first, hke all other dowiy coveiings, is one of the worst conductors of heat. Similar coverings are found on Mexican and Cretan plants which have to endure exposui*e to a torrid temperature. CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 225 Despite all the contrivances for rencleiing more effectual the natural sources of temperature offered by oui' climate, these can never obtain duiing the twelve months, by night as well as by day, a heat sufficient for the successful cultivation of most tro- pical plants. Hence arises the necessity for employ- ing hothouses and other shelters of that description. In these, fuel has to be employed to elevate the temperatm'e, and some transparent medium as a covering, to prevent the radiation of the heat thus obtained, as well as to shut out the colder atmo- sphere, without excluding the hght. But few words ^Yill suffice relative to the fuel employed, this being so generally coal ; yet there are some facts ascer- tained by the chemist, which afford guides to the gardener in the selection of his fuel, as well as tests to enable him to judge whether he employs it eco- nomically. The heating quality of the different coals known in Great Britain are in the following proportions : Scotch Cannel 199 Lancashire Wigan 196 Yorkshire Cannel 188 Newcastle (best Wallsend) . . . 169 Gloucestershire (Forest of Dean) . 108 Welsh (common) 25 Hence, if the Scotch Cannel coal cost 19s., when the nv Tiarrl ona} \ 3.13 226 PRINXIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. Gloucestershire could be had for 10s. per chaldron, the latter would be no cheaper ; for the heating powers of the first is as 199 to 108 of the latter. In other words, 108 chaldrons of Scotch would afford as much heat as 199 chaldrons of Stafford- shire. The following are the quantities of the fuels named, required to heat eight gallons of water, from 52'^ to 2 12°: lbs. Caking coals 1.2 Splint, or hard coal Cannel coal . Cherry, or soft coal 1.5 Wood of lime 3,10 beech 3.16 elm 3.52 " oak (chips) 4.20 ash 3.50 maple 3.00 " service 3.00 cherry 3.20 " fir 3.52 poplar 3.10 " hornbeam 3.37 Peat (average, not compressed) . . 7.6 Charcoal of w^ood 1-52 j " peat 3.28 CH. VIT.] THE FRUIT AXD SEED. 2*27 The specific heat of water being 1, and that of at- mospheric air 0.00035, or o-rV*)^^' ^ *'^^ quantity of fuel which will heat a cubic foot of water one de- gree be multiplied by 0.00035, the product will be the quantity of fuel requh'ed to heat a cubic foot of air one degree., and twenty times that quantity vn\\ heat it twenty degrees, thhty times will heat it thuty degrees, and so on. Xow 0.0075 lbs. of best coals will heat a cubic foot of water one degree, there- fore, 0.0000026-25 lbs. of coal vdW heat a cubic foot of air one degree. It is essential to good and profitable fuel that it should be free from moisture ; for unless it be dry, much of the heat which it generates is consumed in converting that moisture into vapour ; hence the su- perior value of old, dense, dry wood, to that which is porous and damp. A pound of dry will heat thirty- five pounds of water from 32° to 212', but a pound of the same wood in a moist or fresh state, vdW not similarly heat more than twenty-five pounds. The value, therefore, of different woods for fuel is nearly inversely as their moisture ; and this may be readily ascertained, by finding how much a pound weight of the shavings of each loses by drying, during two hours, at a temperature of 212^2 ^ C. Johnson's Fanner's Encyc. p. 512. q2 228 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. The above are the average of results obtainable in a common well-constiTicted furnace. By a compli- cated form of boiler, perhaps, a small saving of fuel in obtaining the same results may be effected ; but it mil be foimd, generally, that the original cost of appai'atus, and the current additional ex- penses for repairs will more tlian exceed the economy of fuel. Flues for imparting heat to hot-houses are, for the most part, superseded by either tanks or hot-water pipes ; but where retained, the top should be formed of iron plates, these admitting the heat most readily into the house, and consequently requiring a less consumption of fuel. If it be desirable to have a covering for the flues that will retain the heat longer, as when the fires are made up at night, this may be readily accomplished, by putting a row of the thick square paring tiles on the top of the whole length of the flue, an hour or two before the houses are finally closed. The power of retaining heat, or, in other words, of cooling slowly and gradually, wliich renders the covering of paving tiles desirable, renders the tank system of heating by hot-water still more efficient. It is a scientific operation throughout, and will be best appreciated by a reference to the annexed diagram, borrowed from Mr. Rendle's pamphlet, CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. a-29 entitled the " Tank System of communicating Heat:" It is a law of fluids, that their hottest portions rise to the surface of the containing vessel, and the coldest portions as invariably subside to the lowest suiface ; because heat makes them expand, and con- sequently diminishes their specific gravity ; and the abstraction of heat makes them contract, and, as con- sequently, increases that gravity. When the boiler A and the tank g are filled with water, as well as their connecting pipes, and a fire is lighted in B, the hottest portions rise to the top, pass up c, flow along the surface of g, and getting cool, sink to its bottom, and passing down d, enter A again at the lower part, to be once more heated and pass through the same 230 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. YII. circulatory system. A very small boiler will speedily raise the heat of the water, in a very large tank, to 1 80 degrees ; and if this heat be imparted late in the evening, it will retain its heat but little di- minished until the morning. The smoke, by means of a flue, /, may be made to impart heat to the house, by passing through it, or may at once enter the chim- ney or pipe attached to the summit of the boiler. Hot water in a tank is superior to the same source of heat in pipes, because it is not liable to freeze ; and it is preferable to steam, because its heating power continues, until the whole mass of water is cooled down to the temperature of the house, whereas steam ceases to be generated as a source of heat the moment the temperature falls below 212°. If steam be employed, Mr. Tredgold has given the following niles for calculating the surface of pipe, the size of the boiler, the quantity of fuel, and the quantity of ventilation required for a house thirty feet long, twelve feet mde, with the glass four feet high in front ; vertical height of the glass roof eight feet ; length of the rafters foiu'teen feet ; height of the back wall fifteen feet. The surface of glass in this house will be 720 feet supei-ficial, viz." 540 feet in the front and roof, and 180 feet in the ends. Now, half the vertical height, 7 ft. 6 in., multiplied by the length in feet, and added to Ij time the CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 231 area of glass in feet, is equal to the cubic feet of air to be wanned in each minute, when there are no double doors. That is 7.5 x30 + 1| X 720 = 1305 cubic feet. But in a house ^ith wooden bars and rafters, about -J^th of this space will be occupied with wood-work, which is so slow a conductor of heat, that it will not suffer a sensible quantity to escape, therefore 130 feet may be deducted, leading the quantity to be warmed per minute ==1175 cubic feet. To ascertain the surface of pipe required to warm any given quantity of air, multiply the cubic feet of j air to be heated per minute by the difference be- j tween the temperature the house is to be kept at, 1 and that of the external air in degrees of Fahren- \ heit s thennometer, and divide the product by 2.1, the difference between 200, which is the temperature of the steam pipes, and the temperature of the house ; the quotient will be the surface of cast iron pipe required. Now in the house, the dimensions of which are above given, if the lowest temperatm^e in the night be fixed at 50°, and lO'^ are allowed for winds, and • the external air is supposed to be at zero, or 0 of Fahrenheit, then 1175 multiplied by 60, and the product divided by 2.1, the difference between 200 and 60, will give us the quotient 236 =to the surface of pipe required. Now the house •23'2 PRINCIPLES OF GARDEXINO. [CH. VII. being thirty feet long, five pipes of that length, and five inches in diameter, will be about the proper quantity. If hot water be employed instead of steam, the following proportions and information, ol>tained from Mr. Rendle, may be adopted confidently as guides. In a span roof propagating house forty feet long, thirteen feet broad, seven feet high in the centre, and four feet high at the two fronts, having a super- ficial surface of glass amounting to 538 square feet, Mr. Rendle has a tank eighty-three feet long, running round three sides of the house, four feet mde and about eight inches deep, and consequently capable of containing nearly 300 cubic feet of hot water, though only half that quantity is used. This is closely approaching to the size pointed out accord- ing to Mr. Tredgold's formida. The mean tem- perature of a hot water tank will never be much above 160 \ so that for the sized house mentioned by that slvilful engineer, the divisor must be '2.1 times the diff"erence between 160' and 60", which gives as the quotient 335 cubic feet. The tank in Mr. Rendle s propagating house is built of bricks lined ^vith Roman cement, and if the temperature at the time of lighting the fire be 90", the temperature of the atmosphere of the house 67°, and the temperature out of doors 50°, the quantity of small coal, or breeze, required to raise the tern- CH. Tir.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 233 perature of the -water to 10,6^ is SSlbs. In twelve hours the water cools, after the fire has been ex- tmgiiished, from 125° to 93°. "WTien steam is employed, the space for steam in the boiler is easily found by multiplying the length of the pipe in feet, by the quantity of steam in a foot in length of the pipe. T . • J- Decimal parts of Intenor dia- ■>■ r ^ r r • a cubic toot ot meter ot pipe ^ . , . . xf ^ steam m eacn in inches. r ^ r • toot ot pipe. 1 00545 U 01225 2 02185 2i 034 3 049 4 0873 5 1363 6 1964 7 267 8 349 9 442 10 545 In the above noticed house the length of pipe, 5 inches in diameter, is 150 feet, and these mul- tiplied by 1.363=20.5 cubic feet of steam; and as the pipe will condense the steam of about one cubic foot and one third of water per hour, therefore the boiler should be capable of evaporating 1| cubic feet 234 PRINCIPLES OF GAEDENIKG. [CH. VII. of water per hour, to allow for unavoidable loss. In the extreme case of the thermometer being at zero, the consimiption of coals to keep up tliis evaporation will be 12|lbs. per hour^. These calculations are all founded upon the sup- position that the condensed water is returned to the boiler whilst hot ; but if this cannot be effected, then one-twelfth more fuel will be required. The boiler for the supply either of steam or hot- water should be covered ^^ith the best available non-con- ductor of heat, and this is either charcoal or sand. A case of brick-work, -with pulverized charcoal be- tween this and the boiler, is to be preferred to any other. A boiler ha\ing a surface of seventy feet exposed to the air in a temperature of S'Z^ requires an extra bushel of coals to be consumed per day, to compensate for the heat radiated and conducted from that surface ; and the smaller the boiler the greater is the proportionate waste. The surface of the pipes should be painted black, because sui'faces of this colour give out more heat in a given time than any other. Solar light is essential to the ripening of all fruit ; it ^^•ill not ripen in the dark, and the greater the light's intensity and the longer its daily endiu'ance, the * For these rules I am chiefly indebted to ]\Ir. Tredgold's valuable work on " Warming and Ventilation/' which will well repay the gardener for the perusal.' CH. VII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 235 sweeter and the higher is the fniit's flayoiir. Xo fiiiits are so luscious as those grown witliin the tropics, and the fruits of the temperate zone are excel- lent in proportion to the brightness of its seasons. That light is essential in causing the colour of the leaves and other parts of plants has been noticed already ; and it aids the ripenmg process of fruit in a similar manner, to convert their acid and mucila- ginous constituents into sugar ; much carbon and hydrogen have to be got rid of, and this is effected, if light be admitted, by the evolution of cai'bonic acid and watery vapour. How light operates in pro- moting this and other decompositions which are effected by the vegetable organs is at present a mysteiT, but so it is ; and the gardener promotes its access as much as lies within his power by removing overshadowing leaves, by employing the best glass in his hot-houses, and by havmg their interior whitened, for white surfaces reflect all the rays of light back upon the objects those smfaces enclose. The angle formed by the glass roof of the hot-house is of veiy considerable importance, because rays of light are reflected in proportion to the obliquity with which they fall upon any given smface ; those which fall upon it pei-pendicularly from the source of light pass through \vith very slight diminution, but those falling upon it in a slanting or oblique direction are reduced in number in proportion to the obliquity of 236 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. that direction. To ascertain how a glass roof may be constructed so as to receive the greatest number of rays of light from the sun pei-pendicularly or near to perpendicularity at any given time of the year, it is necessary to know the latitude of the place where the hot-house is erected, and the sun's declination at the period when most light is required. The latter information may be obtained from most almanacks, and if it be subtracted from the latitude, the remainder will be the angle desired. If London be the place, and May the 6th the time about when the most light is desired, the latitude being .51° 31' and the smi's declension then 16° 36' north, therefore the roof ought to slope at an angle of 34° 55^ CH. Yll.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 237 In latitude 52°, Mr. Knight found, from lengthened experiment, that the best angle is about 34°, con- sidering the services of a hot-house through the year ; and to illustrate this, he gave the preceding diagram. About the middle of May, the elevation of the sun at noon, corresponds nearly with the asterisk a ; in the beginning of June, and early in July it will be vertical at *&, and at midsummer at c, only six degrees from being vertical. The asterisk d points out its position at the equinoxes, and e its position at midwinter ^ If the best glass be employed it is an excellent plan to have it put double in each sash, an interval of half an inch being left between the two panes, and a small hole at the comer of the inner one to pre- vent the glass being broken by the expansion or con- traction of the air between. This confined air is one of the worst possible conductors of heat, keeping the house from being rapidly cooled during the coldest weather ; and thus is effected a very great economy of fuel, whilst little or no extra interruption is caused to the entrance of light. Moisture. — Every fruit-bearing tree requires a larger supply of moisture during the growth of its fruit, and in proportion to its abundance, than at any other season, and for the obvious reason that, as the fruit is a reservoir of accumulated and elaborated '' Hort. Society's Trans. 238 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. sap, that sap requires for its formation an extra supply of moisture, inasmuch as that its chief in- gredient is "water. Though ahundance is required it must not be excessive, for if this does occur, the sap poured into the fruit is so abundant that it cannot elaborate it sufficiently fast ; and instead of exhalmg the super- fluous moisture, its cells enlarge, and the fruit greatly increases in size, but at the expense of its flavour. In veiy wet seasons the supply of moisture is so great that the cells of the parenchymous or fleshy part of the fruit swells faster than its epidermis can expand, and this consequently bursts. This is continually occurring to the plum and cherry. When this happens to the greengage, and its extremely sax:-- charine juice is exposed to the air, vinous fermentation speedily takes place, and an appreciable quantity of spirit of wine (alcohol) is formed, a discovery to which I was led by observing, what every gardener must have observed, that wasps, after feeding plentifully upon the juice that has been thus exposed, usually fall to the ground stupified and inebriated. Finiit has also the power of imbibing water through the pores of its epidermis, a power taken ad^'antage of by those gooseberiy growers, who aim at size rather than flavour. They keep the calyx end of the berry dipped in a saucer of water. Fruit for storing should be gathered before it is CH. YII.] THE FRUIT AND SEED. 239 qiiite matiu'e, for the ripening process, the formation of sugar, with its attendant exhalation of carbonic acid and water, goes on as well in the fruit-room as in the open air, at the season when the functions of the leaves have ceased, and the fmit no longer enlarges. In gathering fruit every care should be adopted to avoid bruising, and to this end, in the case of apples, pears, quinces, and medlars, let the gatheiing basket be lined throughout -with sacldng, and let the con- tents of each basket be carried at once to a floor covered with sand, and taken out one by one, not poured out, as is too usual, into a larger basket, and then again from this into a heap ; for this systematic mode of inflicting small bruises, is sure to usher in decay, inasmuch as that it bursts the di^dsional membranes of the cells containing the juice, and this being extravasated speedily passes from the stage of spirituous feimentation to that of putrefac- tion. To avoid this is the principal object of fruit stoiing, whilst, at the same time, it is necessary that the fruit shall be kept firm and juicy. Now it so happens that the means required to seciu'e the one also effects the other. To presence the juiciness of the fruit, nothing more is required than a low temperature and the exclusion of the atmospheric air. The best practical mode of doing this, is to pack the fniit in boxes of perfectly dried pit-sand, employing boxes or bins, and taking care 240 PEINCIPLES OF GAEDENING. [CH. VII. that no two apples or pears touch. The sand should be thoroughly dried by fire-heat, and over the upper- most layer of fi-uit the sand should form a covering nine inches deep. Putrefaction requires indispensably three contin- gencies,— moisture, warmth, and the presence of atmospheric air, or at least of its oxygen. Now burying in sand excludes all these as much as can be practically effected. The more minutely divided into small portions animal or vegetable juices may be, so much longer are they preserved from putridity, — hence one of the reasons why biniised fi*uit decays more quickly than sound — the membranes of the pulp dividing it into little cells are niptured, and a larger quantity of the juices are together ; but this is only one reason, for bruising allows the air to penetrate, and it deranges that inexplicable vital power which, whilst uninjured, acts so antiseptically in all fruits, seeds, and eggs. Bruises the most slight, therefore, are to be avoided ; and instead of putting fruit in heaps to sweat, as it is ignorantly termed, but in fact to heat, and promote decay, fiiiit should be placed one by one upon a floor covered witli diy sand, and the day follo^ving, if the air be dry, wiped and stored away as before directed. Fruit for storing should not only be gathered during the midday hours of a dry day, but after the occurrence of several such. CH. VII.] THE FEriT A^'D SEED. 241 Although the fniit is stored in sand, it is not best for it to be kept there up to the very time of using, for the presence of light and air are necessary for the elaboration of saccharine matter. A fortnight's con- sumption of each sort should be kept upon beach, birch, or elm shelves, with a ledge all round to keep on them about half an inch in depth of dry sand. On this the fruit rests softly, and the vacancy caused by every day's consumption should be replaced from the boxes as it occui's. If deal is employed for the shelving, it is apt to impart a flavour of turpentine to the fruit. The store-room should have a northern aspect, be on a second floor, and have at least t^wo "windovrs to promote ventilation in diy days. A stove in the room, or hot -water pipe mth a regulating cock, is almost essential, for heat will be required occasionally in veiy cold and in damp weather : the windows should have stout inside shutters. Sand operates as a preservative, not only by excluding air and mois- ture, but by keeping the fruit cool, for it is one of the worst conductors of heat, and moreover, it keeps car- bonic acid in contact with the fruit. All fruit in ripening emits carbonic acid, and this gas is one of the most powerful preventives of decay known. The temperature of the fruit-room should never rise above 40°, nor sink below 34° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, the more regular the better. Powdered 242 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VII. charcoal is even a better preservative for packing fruit than sand, and one box not to be opened until April, ought to be packed with tliis most powerful antiseptic. If it were not from its soiling nature, and the trouble consequent upon its employment. I should advocate its exclusive use. I have kept apples perfectly sound in it until June. It is not unworthy of observation, that the eye or extremity fuithest from the stalk is invariably the first to ripen. This is most perceptible in pears, especially in the Chaumontelle. That end, therefore, should be slightly embedded in the sand, as thus ex- cluding it from the light, checks its progress in ripening. The perfecting of seed is a process very similar to the matui'ation of fniit — indeed, for the most part, whatever advances the one promotes the other. The chief difference is that, if seed be the exclusive object, less moisture and rich food should be supplied to the plants, inasmuch as that an abundant supply of these increases excessively the developement of the succulent part of the fniit, and yet tlie vessels from this to the seed ^ritlier and render it abortive. A similar defective fertility occurs if the female parent in animals is over-stimulated and fat. In the gai'- dener s department it is most apparent in the pine apple. CHAPTER VIIL THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. De. Good, the distingiiislied medical wiiter, has remarked, that the morbid affections to -^-hich the vegetable part of the creation is liable, are almost as numerous as those which render decrepid and destroy the animal tribes. It would be difficult, perhaps, whatever system of nosology is followed, to place a finger upon a class of animal physical diseases, of which a parallel example could not be pointed out among plants. The smut, which ravages our com crops ; the mildew, which destroys our peas ; the curl that is annually infecting more destructively our potatoes; the ambur}% or club- root, to which oiu' turnips, and other species of brassica, are liable ; the shanking, or ulceration, which attacks the stalks of our grapes, are only a few of the most commonly observed diseases to which the plants we cultivate are liable. Numerous as are the vegetable diseases, and de- structive as they are to the interests of the culti- vator, yet no subject connected with his art has obtained so little attention, and never was even trivial attention followed by benefit less important. r2 244 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. The reason of this deficiency of benefit is not dif- ficult of detection. Common experience teaches us that diligence and perseverance, directed by judgment, are the essential preliminaries of success : and these are more particularly requisite in examining, in search- ing for the causes of the diseases and decay of vegetables, because we have fewer guides, less as- sistance from the vegetable affected, than Tve have from a diseased animal ; fewer symptoms marking the commencement, or seat of the evil. Yet where is the cultivator who ever took a fraction of the care, or a decimal of the attention to discover the cause, progress, or remedy of one disease, some- times bringing destruction upon his harvests, as he does to detect the disorder or discover the panacea for some miserable pig ? The subject is one beset mth difficulties, but it is commensurately important. Difficulty, however, is veiy distinct from impossiljility ; and the importance of the research is a stimulus to exertion. Human knowledge being acquired by observation and expe- rience, by conversing mth the things about us,, —that is by noticing them attentively, and re- cording and reflecting upon the facts they reveal, — eveiy gardener should do this, especially whenever he finds his crops diseased. He should record from what soil he obtained his seed ; how and in what CK. Vni.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. *245 weather it was committed to the ground : the subse- quent culture of the crop : the crops which preceded it; the thermometrical and hygrometrical registries of the seasons through which it has grown; the treatment of the soil ; its drainage ; with the ma nures employed ; the wateiings ; the piiming ; and any other miscellaneous observations his owa com- mon sense may dictate. If this were done, vegetable medicine would soon advance more in one year towai'ds that state of reasoned knowledge, which alone desen^es the name of science, than it has done during the last century. As observations multiply, the adjutant sciences, chemistr}^ and physiology, will contribute and apply their improved stores of information, and if but few specifics for the diseases of plants resulted, yet I am quite satisfied that the causes of diseases would be more accurately ascertained : and every one is aware that to know the cause of an evil is the most im- portant step towards the prevention of its occur- rence. It is a very important preliminaiy to the study of the diseases of plants, that the nature of these be understood — for our ignorance of, or inattention to, the nature of these organized creatures, is one of the causes from whence arises the little progress made in this branch of natural philosophy. Its students ought fully to understand that this 246 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. part of the creation, even the commonest weed they uproot, is so highly organized, so exhibiting intima- tions of the fimctions, circulations, and secretions more highly developed in the superior animals, that it is not possible to point out where animal life terminates, and where vegetable life begins : the zoophytes connect the two kingdoms. It is abso- lutely necessaiy, I think, for this to be understood and felt by those who enter upon the investigation of vegetable diseases, because I have a strong opinion that these, in veiy many instances, are caused by the plants which they infect being treated as if they were totally insentiate matter, scarcely more suscep- tible of injury at some periods of their growth than the soil from whence they partly derive their sus- tenance. To determine the question, whether plants possess a degi'ee of sensation, is not so easy as the cursory inquirer may believe ; and Mr. Tupper is much nearer to tinith when observing that it is as difficult to ascertain the nature of vegetable existence as to de- termine what constitutes the li\dng principle in animals. Dr. Darwin, by the aid of imaginaiy Jbeings simi- lar to the Dryads and other minor deities of the heathen mytholog}', has raised plants to a position, in the order of nature, superior even to that to which animals are entitled. Other philosophers CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PL-\^•TS. 247 adopting a totally antagonist opinion, estimate vege- tables as bodies, only somewhat more organized than crystals, but like these entirely and micon- troledly subject to chemical and mechanical changes. Each of the foregoing extreme opinions is simi- larly eiToneous, as ^^ill have been gleaned from the facts mentioned in preceding pages, and as vrill more clearly appear from those -^'hich now follow. The gradation from reason to instinct, from instinct to inanimation, might easily be she^Ti to be as gradual as are the transitions of light in om* climate from the noontide to the midnight of a summer's day. But we must, in this volume, confine our attention to that section of creation commencing from the close of the animal classes in the zoophyte, and termi- nating where inorganic matter commences in the crystal, and the details here given must be directed specially to demonstrate how closely it approaches, how indistinctly it is divided from, the former. Let us first consider the comparative composition of animals and plants as revealed by the researches of the chemist, and it must be somewhat startling even to the most sceptical to find that their consti- tuents are identical. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphm', phosphoiTis, acids, alkalies, earths and metals are the components of both. Nitrogen was considered as a constituent, mark- ing, by its presence, animal from vegetable matters ; 248 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. but this distinction is now admitted to fail ; for although in the former it is usually most abundant, yet later researches shew it to be present in all seeds, it is abundant in yegetable gluten, and per- vades the whole frame of the tobacco plant, yet is absent from some animal substances. If we follow the above-named chemical bodies through their combinations, we shall find that the similarity between animals and plants still obtains, and are equally numerous and intricate in each. Of the acids there are contained in Animals, Vegetables. 1. Sulplumc, 1. Sulphuric, 2. Phosphoric, 2. Phosphoric, 3. Miuiatic, 3. Muriatic, 4. Carbonic, 4. Carbonic, 5. Benzoic, 5. Benzoic, 6. Oxalic, 6. Oxalic, 7. Acetic, 7. AcetiC; 8. Malic, 8. Malic, besides others still more numerous, peculiar to each. Of the earths and alkalies, lime, magnesia, silica, soda, and potass are found in both classes ; and of the metals, iron and manganese are their conjoint constituents. If we follow the two orders of organized creatures through their more compound constituents » CH. YIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 249 we shall find the close analogy still continues, for they contain in common, sugar, mucus, jelly, colour- ing matters, gluten a, fibrin, oils, resins, and ex- tractives. The fimctions of animals and plants ai'e in a like degree analogous. Animals take in their food by the agency of the mouth, and prepare it for -digestion either by various degrees of mastication, or by attri- tion, as in the gizzards of birds. In this they differ from plants ; but these have a sufficient compensa- tion, inasmuch as that they imbibe their food in a fluid foi-m, liquid or aeriform, and consequently in a state already of the finest possible dirision. Animal and vegetable remains ai'e their common food, and salts of various kinds are their condiments and stimu- lants ; plants having this advantage over animals, that as they absorb only the soluble and finer parts of their nutriments, and their absorbing organs have the power of rejecting that which is offensive, they have no offensive matters to sepai'ate such as appear in the excrements of animals. In the animal stomach the food undergoes an ex tensive change, being reduced to a pulp of greater specific gravity, and being altered entirely both in taste and odoui'. In the sap vessels of plants, which may be tinily considered as their primary organ of digestion, their food or sap undergoes a change pre * The gluten of plants is the albumen of animals. 250 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. cisely similar ; its colour and flavour are altered, and its specific gravity increased. From its stomacli the animal's food passes into the intestines, is there subjected to the action of the bile, and the chyle or nutritive portion separated from that which is excrementitious. In its pas- sage through the intestines, the chyle is absorbed by the lacteal vessels, and conveyed into the blood ; and these mingled liquids are propelled by the heart into the lungs, to be there exposed to the action of the air. The vital liquid now changes its pui'ple hue to a florid red, loses a portion of its carbon and watery particles, the former combining with the oxygen of the atmospheric air in the lungs, and being breathed forth in the form of carbonic acid gas. As plants take in as food no gross, imneeded ingredients, it is obvious that no process like the biliaiy operation is required in their course of digestion. But in them the food or sap, proceeding at once along the branches, is poured into the leaves, which are the very lungs of the vegetable world. Here, as is the blood, its colour is changed, and oxygen emitted from it dur- ing the light hours of the twenty-four ; but carbonic acid is breathed forth during the night, and, at all periods, a considerable amount of wateiy vapour is emitted. From the lungs, by the agency of the heart, the blood is propelled through the arteries over the whole CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PL^^'TS. 251 animal frame, supplying noimshment and warmth to all the parts, and where, by those being abstracted, it is again converted into purple or venous blood, and is returned by the veins to imdergo a repetition of those changes already noted as being effected in the lungs. In plants the sap, after exposure to the ac- tion of the air in their leaves, is returned by another set of vessels, situated in the bark, ministering to the growth and support of the whole plant. It is true, that only under certain circumstances, detailed in another chapter, is heat evolved duiing the pro- cesses of vegetation ; but the cumulation of the sap in plants, beyond all doubt, enables them to resist the intense colds and heats of their native chmates. In frosts, the most intense and prolonged, we find the interior of trees remain unfrozen ; and, under the meridian sun of the tropics, the sap of the palm and all other trees retain temperate coolness. This power to resist extremely elevated and depressed tempera- tures is characteristic of all animated nature. Such is the close similarity in the digestive and circulatory processes characterising the members of the two great kingdoms of organized nature, a resem- blance which obtains in all the other functions en- joyed by them in common. During respiration, the air inhaled by animals through the mouth and nos- trils proceeds immediately to the lungs, and acts upon the blood ; in plants, the air inhaled by their 252 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. leaves operates instantaneously upon the sap. The changes which occur have been detailed in pre^dous pages, and there it has been shown, that as oxygen is the vital air of animals, so that gas and carbonic acid gas are equally essential to plants. If animals be placed in a situation where they inhale pure oxy- gen, their functions are highly excited and mcreased in rapidity ; but it is an exhilaration speedily termi- nating in exhaustion and death, if the inhalation be contmued for a protracted time. So plants will flourish with increased vigour in an atmosphere con- taining -/irth of carbonic acid, but even this brings on prematui'e decay ; and if it exceeds that pro- portion, destruction is still more rapidly induced. During sleep, animals exhale less carbonic acid than during their waking hours, so plants emit a much diminished amount of oxvgen duiing the night. We might now proceed to enumerate the obsen-a- tions and facts demonstrative that plants are gifted with sensation, if these had not already been re- corded at p. 104. In addition to those I mil only ob- serve, that plants are obviously stimulated by light. Everybody must have observed, that they bend to- wards the point whence its brightest influence pro- ceeds. M. Bonnet, the French botanist, demon- strated this by some very satisfactory experiments, in which plants, growing in a dark cellar, all extended CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 253 themselves towards the same small orifice admitting a few illuminating rays. Almost every flower has a particular degree of light requisite for its full expansion. The blossoms of the pea and other papilionaceous plants, spread out their wings in fine weather, to admit the solar rays, and again close them at the approach of night. Plants requiring powerful stimulants do not expand their flowers until noon, whilst some would be de- stroyed if compelled to open in the meridian sun — of such is the night-blooming Cereus, the flowers of which speedily droop, even if exposed to the blaze of light attendant on Indian festivities. From these and other facts incidentally mentioned in the preceding chapters, without belie"STng that the}' demonstrate sensation to exist in plants as acute as that possessed by the superior or more perfect classes of animals, yet they certainly are satisfactory e\ddence that plants possess it to a degree nearly as high as that with which the zoophytes, or even the polypus and leech, are gifted. Some of these ani- mals may be cut into pieces, and each section will be- come a perfect individual ; of others, their heads being taken off, may be grafted upon other bodies ; and a third class of them may be turned with their insides outwards, without any apparent inconvenience. If plants be endowed with no more or even less sens- ation than must be that of such animals as these, it 254 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. explains the causes, and throws light upon the pre- vention of many diseases affecting those which we cultivate, and warns the cultivator from the late per- formance of many of his operations, as Avell as from being needlessly violent in his treatment. If a grape- vine be pinmed too late in the spring, the bleeding or effusion of sap has been known to be so excessive, that the tree has died from absolute exhaustion. Stone-fruit trees, if severely bruised, are frequently destroyed by the inroads of a disease, resembhng, in all its characteristics, the cancerous affections of ani- mals ; and I have known a whole crop of wheat af- fected with a swelling of the stem or culm, evidently caused by an extravasation of the sap from its rup- tured vessels, owing to a hea\7- roller being passed over the crop, Avhen of a forward growth. I shall now proceed to the consideration of a few of the most usual diseases affecting cultivated plants, but without any attempt at classification, for our knowledge is too imperfect as yet to justify an attempt to form a system of vegetable nosology. It is readily perceivable that plants have their epi- demics, for at certain seasons a disease, such as the mildew, will devastate a whole neighbourhood. They have their endemics for some diseases, as the Amhury is often confined to a single compartment in a garden ; but these and other detached portions of similar knowledge are too slight and uncoimected CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 255 to enable me to attempt a classification of their dis- eases. Neither shall I attempt in this volume to enter upon the consideration of the injuiies to which plants are subjected either from predatoiy insects, or from parasitical plants : my space will not permit this, and I regret it the less because they ai'e now the subjects dwelt upon by master minds in the pages of the Gardeners Chronicle. The Curl. — Xo disease appears to me to arise from impau'ed vital energy in the plant more clearly than the curl, that of late years has made such extensive ravages upon our potato crops ^. Any one can insure the occurrence of this disease, at least I have found it so in the county of Essex, by keeping the sets in a situation favourable to their vegetation, as in a warm damp out-house, and then nibbing off repeatedly the long shoots they have thrown out. Sets that have been so treated, I have invariably found produce curled plants. Is not the reason very apparent. The vital energy had been weakened by the repeated efforts to vegetate; so that, when planted in the soil, their energy was unequal to the perfect developement of the parts ; for the curl is nothing more nor less than a distorted * The opinions of Mr. Monro, of Brechin Nursery, coincides with mine. He considers " weakness is the cause " of the dis- ease.— Gardeners Magazine, xi. 417. 256 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. or incomplete formation of the foliage, preceded by an imperfect production of the fibrous roots. The following experiment I consider as very de- cisive : it was made in the year 1830, in my garden at Great Totham, in the coimty of Essex. The soil in this case, and in all others that will be stated here- after, unless otherwise specified, is light, deep, moderately fertile, resting on a substratum of sili- cious gravel, and is constituted as follows : Water 30.5 Stones and coarse sand , . . . 15.5 Vegetable fibres 5 Saline matters 4.5 Oxide of iron 2.5 Carbonate of lime 17.5 Decomposing matter 7 Alumina 15 Silica 102.5 200 The variety employed was the early Shaw. An equal number of whole moderately-sized potatoes that had been treated in three different modes, were planted the last week of March. No. 1! Twenty sets that had been carefully kept cold and diy through- out the mnter, firm, unshrivelled, and with scarcely any symptoms of vegetation. No. 2. Twenty sets CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 257 that had been kept warm and moist, and from which the shoots, after attaining a length of six inches, had been thrice removed. No. 3. Twenty sets that had been kept warm and moist for about half the time that No. 2 Had, and from which the shoots, three, inches in length, had been removed only twice. All the sets were planted the same morning, each exactly six inches below the smface, and each with an unsprouted eye upwards. The spring was genial. Of No. 1, nineteen plants came up. The twen- tieth seemed to have been removed by an accident. Of the mneteen not one was curled. The produce a ftdl average crop. Of No. 2, all came up, but from ten to fourteen days later than those of No. 1, and three of the plants sixteen days later. Fourteen of the plants were cm-led. Of No. 3, all came up, but from ten to fourteen days later than those of No. 1. Fom' plants were as severely curled as those in No. 2, eight were less so, and the remainder not at all ; but of these the produce was below an average, and a full fortnight later in ripening. Dickson, Crichton, Knight^, and others have found, that tubers, taken up before they are fully ripened, produce plants not so liable to the curl as those " Caledonian Hort. Mem., Horticultural Trans,, Loudon's Gar- dener's Mag., &c. S S58 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. that have remained in the ground until completely perfected ; and I believe, under ordinaiy treatment, this to be the fact, for it is rational. The process of ripening proceeds in the potato, as in the apple, after it has been gathered, and until that is per- fected, it is accumulating vigour, shews no appetency to vegetate, consequently is not exhausting its vitality, which is a great point, considering the careless mode usually adopted to store them through the winter ; for this energy commences its decHne from the moment it begins to develope the parts of the future plant. Tubers taken from the soil before perfectly ripe, never are so early in shewing sjinp- toms of vegetation. Crichton, Hunter, and Young, in some of the works before referred to, have also agreed, that exposing the sets to light and air, allomng them to become diy and shrivelled, also induces the curl in the plants arising from them. This result of experience also confirms my con- clusion, that the disease aiises from deficient vital energ}^; for no process more than this drying one of exposui'e to the light and air, tends to take away from a tuber the power of vegetating altogether. A farmer, Mr. G. Allaker, residing in the same village that I did, employed in the year 1836 rather small sets : cutting a moderate-sized potato into at least two pieces. Unfavourable weather, other business, and a somewhat dilatory habit, caused him to leave those 4 ji CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. Q59 sets Upon a bam floor, dndng for more than a week. He planted with them a two-aere field, and not more than three-fifths vegetated ; of which three-fifths, a fourth was in various degrees ciu'led. Similar results were obtained in the experiments of Mr, Wright, a market gardener of Westfield. When the sets were allowed to ferment in a heap, allowed to sprout, &c., he had a crop, one-fifth of which was curled^. Every one acquainted with the cultivation of the potato, is aware of the great difference existing in the varieties as to their early and rapid vegetation ; those that excel in this quality are, of course, the most easily excitable, A consequence of this is, that they are always planted earliest in the spring before their vital power has become veiy active : and of all crops, practice demonstrates that these early ones are least liable to the cui'l. But what is the consequence on the contraiy, if an early variety is planted for a main crop later in the spring, when extraordinaiy pains in keeping them cold and dry have not been employed to check their vegeta- tion, and consequent decrease of vital energy ? Such crop then is, more than any other, liable to tlie disease ; and a good preventive has been suggested by Dr. Lindley, namely, that of planting the tubers in autumn immediately after they have ripened. * Grardener's Mag, x. 436, s2 260 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. Till, The statements of a practical man in the Gar- deners Magazine, vol. x. 433., entirely support my views of the disease. He remarks that in 1836, through the prevalence of rain, the late crops of potatoes never sufficiently ripened so as to be marketable. They were resei'ved for planting the next season, and the consequence was, that the curl affected the crops that year to a great extent ; but those who planted well ripened tubers had crops free from the disease, and as productive as usual. Now we all know that the ^dtal energy is always the most powerful in a bulb or seed that is perfectly ripened. The results of my view of the disease, sustained by numerous experiments, are, that it will never occur if the following points are attended to : — First, that the sets are from tubers that exhibit scarcely any symptoms of incipient vegetation. To effect which, they ought, throughout the winter, to be preserved as cool, and as much excluded from the air as possible. Secondly, that the tubers should be perfectly ripened. Thirdly, that they should be planted immediately after they are cut. Fourthly, that the manure applied should be spread regularly, and mixed with the soil, and not along a trench in immediate contact "VN-ith the sets. Fifthly, that the crop is not raised for several successive years on the same area. CH. Tin.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. *26l The Amhury ^, Anbury, Hanhury, or club root. The deficiency of knowledge relative to the diseases of plants, is well illustrated by the imperfect and inaccui'ate observations that have been adventured upon this disease. Where there is much difference of opinion there is little real knowledge, and both these are certainly the case in the instance before us. Some cultivators assert that the disease arises from a variableness and unfavourable state of the seasons ; a second 2)arty of theorists advance, that it is caused by insects ; and a third, that it is owing to a too fre- quent growth of the same crop upon the same site. Every man having formed an opinion, usually clings to it pertinaciously, and sets its estimate far above its real value, or correctness, " *Tis with our judgments as our watches ; none Gro just alike^ yet each believes his own." The chief error appears to be in considering any of the above enumerated causes as the exclusive one, for, beyond doubt,, they each contribute, either im- • This, the correct name, is evidently derived from the Saxon word atmhre, a wart suffused with blood, to which horses are subject. In Holdemess, a district of Yorkshire, this disease is known as " Fingers and Toes," from its causing the tap-root of the turnip to be divided into swollen fibres, resembling those members of the human body. On this Mr. Spence, the entomologist, wrote a very sensible pamphlet, entitled " Observations on the Diseases in Turnips termed in Holdemess, ' Finger and Toes.' Hull, 1812." 262 PEINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII, mediately or remotely, to induce or exasperate the attacks of the ambuiy. I am about in the first place to consider the disease exclusively as aifecting the cabbage, and secondly, as it operates upon the turnip, though other species of brassica, the hollyhock, &c., are sub- ject to its attacks. Its progress has invariably ap- peared to me as follows : Cabbage-plants are frequently infected with ambury in the seed-bed, and this incipient infection appears in the form of a gall or wart upon the stem, im- mediately in the vicinity of the root's. If this wart is opened, it will be found to contain a small white maggot, the lan^a of a little insect called the weevil. If the gall and its tenant being removed, the plant is placed again in the earth, where it is to remain, unless it is again attacked, the wound usually heals, and the growth is but httle retarded. On the other hand, if the gall is left undisturbed, the maggot continues to feed upon the alburnum or young woody part of the stem, until the period arrives for its passing into the other insect form, previously to which it gnaws its way out through the exterior bark. The disease is now almost beyond the power of remedies. The gall, increased in size, encircles the whole stem; the alburnum being so extensively destroyed, pre- vents the sap ascending ; consequently, in dry wea- ther, sufficient moisture is not supplied from the roots CH. Vni.] THE DISEASES OF TUlSTS. 263 to counterbalance the transpkation of the leaves, and the diseased is veiy discernible amongst its healthy companions, by its pallid hue and flagging foliage. The disease now makes rapid progress, the swelling continues to increase, for the vessels of the alburnum and the bark continue to afford their juices faster than they can be conveyed away ; moisture and air are admitted to the interior of the excrescence through the perforation made by the maggot; the wounded vessels ulcerate: putrefaction super^'enes, and death concludes the stinted existence of the miserable plant. The tumom' usually attains the size of a large hen's egg ; has a rugged, ichorous, and even mouldy surface, smelling strong and offen- sively. The fibrous roots, besides being. generally thickened, are distorted and monstrous from swell- ings, that appear throughout their length, and which appai'ently arise from an effort of nature to form receptacles for the sap, deprived as it is of its natui-al spissation in the leaves. These swellings do not seem to arise immediately from the attacks of the weevil ; for I have never observed them containmg its larva. Mr. Marshall very correctly describes the form which this disease assumes when it attacks the turnip. It is a large excrescence appearing below the bulb ; growing to the size of both hands, and as soon as the hard weather sets in, or it is by its own 264 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. nature brought to matmitv, becoming putrid, and smelling very offensively. On the last day of August, when the bulbs of the turnips were about the size of walnuts in the husk, the amburies were as big as a goose's egg. These were irregular and uncouth in their form, with inferior excrescences, resembling the races of ginger, hanging to them. On cutting them, their general appearance is that of a hard turnip ; but on examining them through a mag- nifier, there are veins or string-like vessels, dispersed amongst the pulp. The smell and taste somewhat resemble those of turnips, but without their mildness, having an austere and somewhat disagreeable flavour resembling that of an old stringy turnip. The tops of those much affected turn yellow, and flag with the heat of the sun, so that, in the day-time, they are obviously distinguishable from those that are healthy. These distortions manifest themselves veiy early in the turnip s growth, even before the rough leaf is much developed. Observation seems to have ascertained, that if the bulbs have attained the size of a wal- nut unaffected, they do not subsequently become diseased. Mr. Spencer has already shewn, from established facts, that the ambury does not arise from any im- perfection of the seed sown ; for experience demon- strates, that, in the same field and crop, the attax^ks are very partial ; and crops in two adjoining fields, CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 265 sovm with seed from the same growth, will one be diseased and the other healthy. Secondly, It does not arise from an unfavourable time of sowing, or from dry unpropitious seasons dur- ing their aftergi'owth ; " for, on this supposition, we might expect that in all turnip districts the disease would occasionally make its appearance, in conse- quence of variations in the period and mode of sow- ing, or from following droughts ; yet we know that in many parts of the country it has never been heard of." Thirdly, It does not arise from the quality of the soil ; for Sir Joseph Banks suffered from its infecting thin stapled sandy fields, whilst all Holdemess, which is generally a strong loamy soil, was found equally liable to the disease. But a stiU more decisive e\ddence on this point is, that it makes its appeamnce at uncertain intervals upon the same soil ; the turnips upon it being in some years greatly injured by the disease, and in other years entirely free. Fourthly, Although it is certain from the observa- tions of Sir Joseph Banks, and from general experience, that the disease occurs most frequently in soils tired of the crop, that is soils upon which it has been grown for a long course of years ; yet, that this is not the immediate cause of the disease is proved by the fact, that often only patches in the same field are S66 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [cH. VIII, affected; and the same observers record, that it appears in soils that have not produced turnips for a long series of years. The diseased specimens examined by Mr. Marshall, were from an old orchard that had not borne turnips ^rithin the memory of man. Mr. Spence concluded, that the disease is occa- sioned by the poisonous wound inflicted by some un- ascertained insect upon the turnip in an eai'ly stage of vegetation, or by its insinuating its egg into it, infusing at the same time a liquid, causing a morbid action in the sap vessels, and the consequent forming of excrescences. This correct opinion was afterwards confiiined by the actual discoveiy of the insect, and that there actually is a maggot generated from the egg, of which fact, at the time, he was entirely ignorant. The maggot fomid in the turnip ambury, is the larva of a wee\il called Curculio pleiirostigma by Marsham, and Rhynchcenus sulcicollis by Gyllenhal. " I have bred this species of weevil " says Mr. Kirby, "from the knob-like galls on turnips, called the ambury, and I have little doubt that the same insects, or a species allied to them, cause the clubbing of the roots of cabbages ^. Marsham describes the parent as a cleopterous insect, of a dusky black colour, with the breast ' Kirby and Spence's Introduction to Entomology, i. 450. CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. QG7 Spotted with white, and the length of the body one line and two-thirds^. The general experience of all the farmers and gardeners with whom I have conversed upon the subject, testified that the ambuiy of the turnip and cabbage usually attacks these crops when grown for successive years on the same soil. This is precisely what might be expected; for the parent insect always deposits her eggs in those situations where her progeny ^^ill find their appropriate food ; and in the fragments of the roots of preceding crops, some of these embryo ravagers are to be expected. That they never attack the plants upon a fresh site is not asserted. Mr. Marshall's statement is e\'idence to the contraiy; but it is advanced that the obnoxious weeN-il is most frequently to be observed in soils where the turnip, or cabbage, has recently and repeatedly been cultivated. " He adds, subtus albido squamosus ; inter thoracem et elytro- rum basin puncto albo pectus notatur. Thorax utrinque obsolete dentatus, postice et antice fossula intermedia exaratur. Femora omnia denticulata. Entomologia Brit. 282. A very full de- scription of this insect is in the " Insecta Suecica Descripta" of Gyllenhal, vol. iii. p. 229, under the name of Rhynchcenns sulci- collis. It is the Curculio affinis of Panzer's Faunae Insectorum Germanicce initia ; the Curculio sulcicollu in PaykuU's Suecica, the Falciger suldcollis of De Jean's Catalogue des Cleopteres ; and the Cryptorhynchus alanda of Germar's Insectorum species novae, &c. 268 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. Another general result of experience is, that the ambury is most frequently observed in dry seasons. This is also what might be anticipated, for insects that inhabit the earth, just beneath its surface, are always restricted and checked in their movements by its abounding in moisture. Moreover, the plants actually affected by the ambuiy, are more able to con- tend against the injury inflicted by the lan-a of the weevil by the same copious supply. The dev elope- ment of their parts, their growth, is more rapid ; consequently the maggot has not to extend its ravages so extensively in search of food, as in drier seasons, when the stem is less juicy, and of smaller growth. In wet periods also the affected plants shew less the extent of the injury they have sus- tained; for their foliage does not flag, because their transpirations of wateiy particles are less, and their supply of nutriment from the soil is more free. In wet seasons I have, in a veiy few instances, known an infected cabbage plant produce fresh healthy roots above the swelling of the ambuiy. These facts, being premised, better qualify us for the consideration of the best modes of preventing the occurrence of the disease and pdliating its attacks. It is apparent that any addition to the soil that renders it disagreeable to the weevil, will prevent the visits of this msect. The gardener has CH. YIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 269 this in his poTver ^ith but little difficulty, for he can keep the ^-icinity of his cabbage, cauliflower, and brocoli plants soaked with water. Mr. Smith, gardener to M. Bell, Esq., of Wool- sington, in Northumberland, expresses his conviction after several years' experience, that charcoal-dust, spread about half an inch deep upon the suiiace, and just mixed with it by the point of a spade, effectually prevents the occurrence of this disease^. That this would be the case we might have surmised from analogy, for charcoal-dust is offensive to many in- sects ; and is one of the most powerful preventives of putrefaction known. Soot, I have reason to believe, from a slight experience, is as effectual as charcoal dust. Judging from theoretical reasons, we might conclude that it would be more specifical, for in addition to its being like charcoal, finely di\-ided carbon, it contains sulphur, to which insects have also a great antipathy. Mr. Drurey, a practical farmer at Erpingham, in Norfolk, considered marl a certain preventive of this disease. He and several other judicious farmers also thought that teatJiing, that is, giving sheep and cattle their green food, turnips, &c., upon the barley- stubbles intended for turnips as the succeeding crop, would cause the ambur}^^. It is ver}' evident ^ Trans, of London Horticultural Soc. vi. art. 2. ^ Marshall's Rural Economy of Norfolk, ii. 33-35. 270 PPJXCIPLES OF GAEDENING. [CH. VIII. that it would mLx fragments ■with the soil that would be liable to contain the eggs of the weevil. The marl approved by Mr. Drurey is probably the calcareous marl which occui's at Thorp Mar- ket, in the hundred of North Erpingham ; but as there is a slight doubt owing to the defici- ency of accuracy in the statement, it affords me an opportunity to impress upon cultivators in general the great importance of employing more certain terms than they usually do. What can be more indefinite than the statement, that marl is a certain preventive of the ambury ? For the very first question suggested to the readers mind is, what marl is intended? Is it a chalky-marl, or a clay-marl ? Is it a mixture of chalk and clay, or of chalk and silicious sand ? for all these va- rieties of marl are known. The want of a cor- rect nomenclature is one of the drawbacks and deficiencies checking the improving progi'ess of the soil's cultivation. Few have ever thought much upon this point, and still smaller is the number who duly appreciate its importance. Yet it is an in- controvertible fact, that no art or science can advance rapidly imtil its technical terms are fixed, terse, expressive, and generally understood. Che- mistry attained a greater aid to its advancement by the introduction of its new nomenclature by Lavoisier, than by any series of discoveries that CH Vm.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. '271 have since been made on its rapid and brilliant progress. If a sulphate, an acid, or a metal is mentioned, a chemist immediately has a definite idea of the nature and properties of the substance alluded to, but if a loam or marl is spoken of, would any t^ro cultivators of the soil agree in their idea of what description of earthy compound was intended? To make it well understood, a long detail must be added, and nothing checks the im- parting of knowledge more than the person capable of imparting it being conscious that he must define every term as he goes on, and that even then it is doubtful whether he shall succeed in making himself intelligible. The veiy name (ambmy) usually ap- plied to the disease which is the subject of our present consideration, is another proof of the necessity of a reformed horticultm^al and agricultural nomenclature ; for, LQ Suffolk, the same title is given to another dis- ease, which merely affects the leaves of the tui'nip. Sir Joseph Banks, Mr. Baker, of Norfolk, and others, agree that marl is the best preventive of am- bury, and another evidence of the efficacy of appli- cations to the soil, is afforded by a gentleman in Holdemess, a Mr. Brigham, who had a highly ma- nui'ed clayey ridge, which he had levelled the year before, and which grew turnips entirely free from the disease, whilst, in the natural rich loam of the field, they were much infected. 272 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. Francis Constable, Esq., of Burton Constable, had a field that had been in grass twenty years : this he pared, burned, and sowed ^vith turnips, obtaining a crop perfectly free from the disease. Two white crops were then taken, after which turnips were again sown ; and a considerable portion of the crop was then infected ^. I have myself tried the efficacy of common salt in preventing the occurrence of this disease. Its tendency to keep the soil moist, and to irritate the animal frame, certainly checks the inroads of the weevil, and its generally beneficial effects as a manure enables the plants better to sustain them- selves under the weakening influence of the disease ; but it is not a decisive preventive. The following results of one of my experiments was read to the Hor- ticultural Society of London, October 16, 1821 : — *' Some cauliflowers were planted in a light sili- ceous soil, which had pre\dously been manured with well putrefied stable maniu'e ; and over one-third of the allotted space was sown salt, at the rate of twenty bushels per acre ; immediately before the planting, in the beginning of July, 1821, the previous crop had been brocoli ; fifty-four plants were set on the two-thirds unsalted, and twenty-six on the one-third salted ; the result has been, that of the fifty-four un- ^ Spence's Observations on the Disease in Turnips, tenned in Holdemess, " Fingers and Toes." CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. Q73 salted, fifteen have been diseased and unproductive, but of the twenty-sk salted, only two. " Some more cauliflowers were planted on a plot of ground which had previously borne a crop of savoys, and half of which ground had been sown with salt four months previous to planting ; in this the un- salted and the salted were alike nearly destroyed, evincing that the salt was not present in a sufficient proportion to produce the desired effect. " With regard to the use of salt as a cure for the disease, I am inclined to think, from the results of experiments which I have instituted, that unless the salt be applied very early it would be useless, for the root soon becomes so diseased as to be entirely past recovery." a I have a strong opinion that a slight dressing of the surface soil, with a little of the docj hydro-sul- phuret of lime, that may be now obtained so readily from the gas-works introduced through England, would prevent the occurrence of the disease, by driving the weevils from the soil. It would, pro- bably, as effectually banish the turnip-fly or flea, if sprinkled over the sui'face immediately after the seed is sown. I entertain this opinion of its effi- cacy in preventing the occurrence of the ambury, from an instance when it was applied to some brocoli, ignorantly grown upon a bed, where cabbages had as * C, \V. Johnson's Essay on Salt, p. 136. T 274 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENIXG. [CH. VIII. ignorantly been endeavoured to be produced in suc- cessive crops. These had invariably failed, from the occuiTcnce of the ambury ; but the brocoli was unin- fected. The only cause for this escape that I could trace was, that just previously to planting, a little of the hydro-sulphuret of lime had been dug in. This is a very fetid, powerful compound. \Vhere dry lime purifiers are employed at gas works, it may be obtained in the state of a diy powder ; but where a liquid mixture of lime and water is employed, the hydro-sulphuret can only be had as a thick cream. Of the diy hydro-sulphuret, I recommend eight bushels per acre to be spread regularly by hand upon the surface, after the turnip seed is sown, and before harrowing. If the liquid is employed, I recommend thirty gallons of it to be mixed with a sufficient quantity of earth or ashes, to enable it to be spread over an acre in a similar manner. For cabbages, twelve bushels or forty-seven gallons per acre, would not, probably, be too much, spread upon the surface, and turned in with the spade or last ploughing. To effect the banishment of the turnip flea, I should like a trial to be made of six or eight bushels of the dry, or from twenty-two to twenty-eight gallons of the liquid hydro-sulphuret being spread over the surface, immediately after the sowing, harrowing and rolling are finished. Although CH. YIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. '275 I specify these quantities as those I calculate to he the most correct, yet in all experiments it is best to try various proportions. Three or four bushels may be found sufficient, perhaps twelve, or even twenty may not be too much. Frequent hoeing has been recommended as a pre- ventive of this disease ; but I believe tliis to be un- sustained by either reason or practice. Hoeing, like any other stirring of the surface soil, assists the ad- mission of the atmosphere to the incumbent plants, and so far promotes then- general health ; but I have never yet found, or even heard any one advance, that a frequently hoed part of a crop was free from the ambury, which affected the more rarely hoed portion. It would be fortunate if our white turnip crops could be sown as early as our Swedes, for they would then, probably, be as little liable to the ambur}' as these are. The reason of this seems to be, that the weevil does not emerge into that state in which it is capable of injuring the young plants until the sum- mer is far advanced, and by that time the Swedish turnips have attained a size which secures their safety. I conclude this to be the case from my own slight, very slight, observ^ations upon the habits of the insect ; for, unfortunately, we are veiy deficient in knowledge upon this point. It is to be regretted, that entomologists are not more attentive to what may be termed the private and particular histor}^ of t2 276 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII, their study. To define and describe tlieir specific cliaracters is very useful ; but it is chiefly so, be- cause it is like a good index to an intricate volume. It is of far more utility to ascertain their habits, and their periods of gestation and transformation, be- cause such knowledge is that which often affords us one of the best means of avoiding their ravages. In cabbages, the ambury may usually be avoided by frequent transplan tings, for this enables the work- man to remove the excrescences upon their first ap- pearance, and renders the plants altogether more ro- bust and ligneous ; the plant, in its tender, sappy stage of growth, being most open to the insect's attacks. The sap of the turnip and cabbage thus diseased undergoes a considerable change. Its specific gravity is much increased, arising from an excess of mu- cilage, vegetable extract, and saline constituents, which it naturally contains, caused probably by its being in a concentrated state ; for it is very con- siderably reduced in quantity, compared with what the same plant contains when healthy. The increase of the saline components unquestionably exasperates the disease. They consist chiefly of chloride and carbonate of potass, which, by the corroding power of the last-named, and the irritating qualities of both, must increase the sanious discharge, by stimulating the already lacerated and morbidly sensitive vessels. CH. Tin.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. '^77 Probably the occasional application of diluted acids, such as the dregs of beer, ^vould mitigate the spn- ptoms, and check the progress of the ulceration ; but the application could not be expected to effect a cure, nor is it available, even if proved to be a specific. The warts or galls that may so frequently be no- ticed on the bulbs of turnips, must not be mistaken for the ambury in a mitigated foiTQ. If these are opened, they "will usually be found to contain a yel- lowish maggot, the larva, probably, of some species of c}'nips. This insect deposits its eggs in the turnip when of larger growth than that when it is attacked by the weevil, and the vegetable, consequently, suf- fers less from the injmy; but from slight observa- tions, I am inclined to conclude, that the turnips thus infested suffer most from the frosts of winter, and are the earliest in decay. This is what might be an- ticipated ; for when the maggot has escaped from its cell, the hollow of this admits the exterior air to the wounded vessels, and forms a resen'oir for moisture, agents which promote the progress of putrefaction, and assist the penetrating influence of the freezing temperature. Canker. "Wliatever may be the disease under which a plant is suffering, it is too usual for the cultivator to confine his attention to the part immediately af- fected. It is looked upon as a strictly local derange- ment, and the remedies are as erroneously topical. 278 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. To consider that because a bud, a brancli, or a root is diseased, that the cause of the disorder is to be sought for there, is as sensible as to suppose that every local pain endui'ed by the human frame arises from a disorganization of that part. On the con- traiy, we Imow that the diseases of animals arise al- most universally from the stomach; and, as Addi- son remarked, " that physic is generally the substi- tute for temperance or exercise." The functions of the stomach, by whatever cause deranged, render di- gestion imperfect, and the secretions defective ; the bile is superabimdant or deficient in quantity, and head-ache is the result ; the liver is diseased, and it causes a pain the most acute between the shoulders ; the blood is ill elaborated, and eruptions are thrown out on the surface of the body. With plants it is the same. It may be laid do-«ii as an axiom, ^rith- out exception, that all vegetable diseases, unpre- ceded by external injmy, arise from the unhealthy state of the sap — a state brought about conjointly or separately by the improper food imbibed, and the de- ranged digestive power of the leaves and other or- gans. That this is so will not appeal' strange, when we reflect, that from the sap all parts of the plant are formed, and are continually increased in number and size. The solid substance of the wood, and the temporaiy tender blossoms are alike extracted from that circulating fluid. If the constituents for tliese I CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 279 are wanting, or if improper components are intro- duced, disease is the necessaiy consequence. Dis- ease, which in youth and manhood usually arises from intemperance and over-excitement, visits old age as a consequence of its decayed \dtal powers; and, " if the silver cord has not been loosed," or " tlie golden bowl broken" by the short-sighted indul- gence of early years, man gradually declines into the ■ grave, as the vital organs cease to perfonn their of- fices, because the limit of existence natui'al to his species has been attained. Some diseases pecidiar to old age are prematurely induced in the usually vigorous period of life by licentious indulgences, in- di\idual or hereditaiy. Ossification of the vascular system is an example. In the vegetable part of the creation, the canker or ulcer, to which our apple, pear, elm, and other trees are subject, is a somewhat parallel instance. This disease is accompanied by different symptoms, according to the species of the tree which it infects. In some of those whose tme sap contains a considerable quantity of free acid, as in the genus Pyms, it is rarely accompanied by any dis- charge. To this dry form of the disease it would be well to confine the term canker, and to give it the scientific name of Gangrana sicca. In other trees, whose sap is characterized by abounding in astringent or mucilaginous constituents, it is usually attended by a sanious discharge. In such instances, it might 280 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. strictly be designated ulcer, or Gangrana saniosa. This disease has a considerable resemblance to the tendency to ossification which appears in most aged animals, arising from their marked appetency to se- crete the calcareous saline compounds that chiefly constitute their skeletons. The consequence is an enlargement of the joints, and ossification of the cir- culatory vessels and other parts, phenomena very ana- logous to those attending the cankering of trees. As in animals, this tendency is general throughout their system; but, as is observed by Mr. Knight, " like the mortification in the limbs of elderly people,'" it may be determined as to its point of attack, by the irritability of that part of the system. This disease commences with an enlargement of the vessels of the bark of a branch, or of the stem. This swelling in- variably attends the disease, when it attacks the apple tree. In the pear the enlargement is less, yet is always present. In the elm and the oak some- times no swelling occurs ; and in the peach I do not recollect to have seen any. I have never observed the disease in the cherry tree, nor in any of the pine tribe. The swelling is soon commmiicated to the wood, which, if laid open to view on its first appear- ance, by the removal of the bark, exhibits no marks of disease beyond the mere unnatural enlargement. In the course of a few years, less in number in pro- portion to the advanced age of the tree, and the un- CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 281 favourable circumstances under which it is vege- tating, the swelling is greatly increased in size, and the albumiun has become extensively dead ; the su- perincumbent bark cracks, rises ia discoloured scales, and decays even more rapidly than the wood beneath. If the caries is upon a moderately-sized branch, the decay soon completely encircles it, extending through the whole alburnum and bark. The circulation of the sap being thus entu'ely prevented, all the parts above the disease necessarily perish. In the apple and the pear the disease is accompanied by scarcely any discharge ; but in the elm this is veiy abundant. The only chemists who have examined these morbid products are Sir H. Davy and Vauquelin ; the former s obseiTations being confined to the fact, that he often fomid carbonate of lime on the edges of the canker in apple-trees^. Vauquelin has examined the sanies discharged from the canker of an elm with much more precision. He found this liquor nearly as transparent as water, sometimes slightly coloured, at other times a blackish bro^vn, but always tasting acrid and saline. From this liquor a soft matter, insoluble in water, is de- posited upon the sides of the ulcer. The bark over which the transparent sanies flows attains the ap- pearance of chalk, becoming white, friable, cr}'stal- line, alkahne, and effervescent mth acids. A * Elements of Agric. Chemistry, 2nd ed. p. 246. 282 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. magnifier exhibits the crj^stals in the forms of rhomboids and four sided prisms. When the liquid is dark coloured, the bark appears blackish, and seems as if coated \^dth varnish. It sometimes is dis- charged in such quantities as to hang from the bark like stalactites. The matter of which these are composed is alkaline, soluble in water, and with acids effervesces. The analysis of this dark slimy matter shews it to be compounded of carbonate of potass and ulmin, a product peculiar to the elm. The white matter deposited round the canker was composed of — Vegetable matter . . . 60.5 Carbonate of potass . . 34.2 Carbonate of lime . . 5.0 Carbonate of magnesia . 0.3 100.0 Vauquelin calculated from the quantity of this white matter that was found about the canker of an elm, that 5001b. weight of its wood must have been destroyed a. There is no doubt that such a discharge is deeply injurious to the tree, but the above learned chemist appears to have largely erred, for he calcu- lated from a knowledge of the amount of the saline constituents in the healthy sap, whereas in its diseased state these are much and unnaturally increased. I once was of opinion, that this disease ' Annales de Chimie, xxi. 30. CH. Yin.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 283 does not arise from a general diseased state of the tree, but that it is brought on by some bruise or injury, exasperated by an unhealthy sap consequent to an unfavourable soil, situation, and culture : but more extensive and more accurate examinations con- vince- me that the disease is in the tree's system ; that its juices are vitiated; and that disease ^ill continue to break out independent of any external injur}% so long as these juices continue peccant and unaltered. This conclusion will be justified, I think, by the preceding facts, as well as by those distributed through the following pages. The disease is not strictly confined to any par- ticular period of the tree's age. I have repeatedly noticed it in some of our lately introduced varieties that have not been grafted more than five or six years ; and a writer in the Gardener's Magazine, vol. V. p. 3, states, that the trees in his orchard, though " only of four years' growth, are sadly troubled \sith the canker." Although young trees are liable to this disease, yet their old age is the period of existence most obnoxious to its attacks. It must be remembered, that that is not consequently a young tree which is lately grafted. If the tree from which the scion was taken be an old variety, it is only the multiplication of an aged individual. The scion may for a few years exhibit signs of increased vigour, owing to the extra stimulus of the more abundant 284 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. quantity of healthy sap supplied by the stock ; but the vessels of the scion vdW, after the lapse of that period, gradually become as decrepid as the parent tree. The unanimous experience of naturalists agrees in testifying that eveiy organized creature has its limit of existence. In plants it varies from the scanty period of a few months, to the long expanse of as many centuries ; but of all, the days are numbered ; and although the gardener's,' like the physician's skill, may retard the onward pace of death, he will not be permanently delayed. In the last periods of life, plants shew every symptom that accompanies organization in old age, — not only a cessation of growth, but a decay of former develope- ment, a languid circulation, and diseased organs. The canker, as already observed, attends especially the old age of some fruit trees, and of these the apple is most remarkably a sufferer. " I do not mean" says Mr. Knight, "to assert that there ever was a time when an apple tree did not canker on unfavourable soils, or that higlily cultivated varieties were not more subject to the disease than others, where the soil did not suit them. But I assert, from my omti expeiience and obsen^ation within the last twenty years, that this disease becomes progres- sively more fatal to each variety, as the age of that variety, beyond a certain period, increases : that if an old worn-out orchard be replanted with fruit trees, CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 285 the varieties of the apple which I have found in the catalogues of the middle of the seventeenth century, are unproductive of fruit, and in a state of dehility and decay. "^ Among the individuals particularly liable to be in- fected, are those which have been marked by an ex- cessively vigorous growth in their early years. I had one in my garden at Great Totham, which for the first twelve years of its existence was remarkable for the unnaturally large size and abundance of its annual shoots. It then became grievously affected by canker which at length destroyed it. Trees injudiciously pruned, or growing upon an uugenial soil, are more frequently attacked than those advancing under contrary circumstances. The oldest trees are always the first attacked of those similarly cultivated. The golden pippin, one of the oldest existing varieties of the apple, is more frequently and more seriously attacked than any other. The soil has a very considerable influence in inducing the disease. If the subsoil be a ferruginous gravel, or if it is not well drained, and the soil be aluminous, and effective means are not adopted to free it of superabundant moisture — the canker, under any one of these circumstances, is almost certain to make appearance amongst the trees they sustain, * Some doubts as to the Efficacy of Mr. Forsyth's Plaster, by T. A. Knight, Esq. P. L. H. S., &c., 1802. 286 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. however young and vigorous they were when first planted. How inductive of this disease is a wet retentive subsoil, if the roots penetrate it, appears from the statement of Mr. Watts, gardener to R. G. Rus- sell, Esq., of Chequer's Court, in Bucldughamshire. A border beneath a south wall had a soil three feet and a half in depth, apparently of the most fertile staple, twice re-made imder the du'ection of the late Mr. Lee, of the Vineyard, Hammersmith. In this the trees, peaches and nectarines, flourish for the next three or four years after they are planted, but ai'e then rapidly destroyed by the canker and gum. The subsoil is a stiff sour clay, nearly approaching to a brick eaith ; and the disease occm-s as soon as it is reached by the roots of the trees ^. Mr. Forsyth concluded that the soil is not always the soui'ce of the disease, because it universally and invariably appears at first in the branches, and proceeds thence towards the roots of the tree. But this is certainly not a conclusion waiTanted by the premises, because the acridity of the sap, whatever may be its soirrce, would be likely to injiu'e and corrode, in the first instance, those parts where the vessels are the most weak and tender ; now these, past dispute, are in the branches. Moreover, we generally see the youngest branches the earliest sufferers. " Grardener's Magazine, vi. 617. CH. YIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLAKTS. 287 Pruning has a povrerful influence in preventing the occuiTence of the canker. I remember a standard russet apple tree, of not more than twenty years' growth, with a redundancy of ill-arranged branches, that was excessively attacked by this disease. I had two of its three main branches and the laterals of that remaining carefully thinned ; all the in- fected parts being at the same time removed. The result was a total cm'e. The branches were annually regulated, and for sLx years the disease never re- appeared. At the end of that time the tree had to be removed, as the gi'omid it stood upon was required for another pm'pose. John Williams, Esq. of Pit- maston, from long experience, concludes that the golden pippin and other apples may be presented from this disease, by pnining away every year that part of each shoot which is not perfectly ripened. By pui-suing this method for sLx years, he brought a dwarf golden pippin tree to be as ^dgorous and as free from canker as any new variety^. All these facts unite in assuring us that the canker arises from the tree's weakness, from a de- ficiency in its \ital energ}', and consequent inability to imbibe and elaborate the nourishment necessary to sustain its frame in "sdgoui', and much less to supply the healthy developement of new parts. It matters not whether its energ}' be broken down by an unna- tural rapidity of growth, by a disproportioned excess ^ Trans. London Horticultural Society, vi. Art. 61. 288 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIJI. of branches over the mass of roots, by old age, or by the disorganization of the roots in an ungenial soil ; they render the tree incapable of extracting sufficient nouiishment from the soil, consequently incapable of developing a sufficient foliage^, and therefore unable to digest and elaborate even the scanty sap that is supplied to them. The reason of the sap becoming unnaturally saline appears to be, that in proportion as the vigour of any vegetable declines, it loses the power of select- ing by its roots the nourishment congenial to its na- ture. M. Saussure found in his experiments, that the roots of plants, growing in saline solutions, absorbed the most of those salts that were injurious to them, evidently because the declining plant lost the sensitiveness and energy necessary to select and to reject. M. Saussure also found, that, if the extremities of the roots were removed, the plants absorbed all solutions indiscriminately^. An imgenial soil would have a debilitating influ- ence upon the roots in a proportionate, though less violent, degree than the sulphate of copper, and as these consequently would absorb soluble bodies more freely, and Avithout that discrimination so absolutely necessary for a healthy vegetation, so the other * No sjinptoms of a cankered tree is more inYariable than a deficiency of leaves. •» Saussiire's Recherches Chimiques sur la Vegetation^ 260. CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 289 most essential organs of nutrition, the leaves, of the weakened plant, would promote and accelerate the disease. These, reduced in number and size, do not properly elaborate the sap ; and I have always found that, under such circumstances, these stimted organs exhale the aqueous particles of the sap veiy abmidantly, whilst their power of absoi-ption is greatly reduced. The sap, thus deficient in quan- tity, and increased in acridity, seems to corrode, and affect the vascular system of the tree in the manner already described. These facts afford us most important guides in attaining the desired objects, the prevention and cure of the disease. If superluxuriance threaten its introduction, the best remedy is for the cultivator to remove one of the main roots of the tree, and to be particularly careful not to add any fertile addition to the soil ^^ithin their range. On the contraiy, it will be well if the continued exuberant gro\\1;h shews its necessity for the staple of the soil to be reduced in fertility by the admixture of one less fertile, or even of drift sand. If there be an excess of branches, the saw and the pruning knife must be gradually appHed. It can be only trees of very weak vital powers, such as is the golden pippin, that \\ill bear the general cutting of the annual shoots, as pursued by Mr. u 290 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. Williams. A new \dgorous variety would exhaust itself, the following year, in the production of fresh wood. Nothing beyond a general rule for the pruning can be laid doMH, and it amounts to no more than the direction to keep a considerable vacancy between every branch, both above and be- neath it; and especially to provide, that not even two twigs shall chafe against each other. The greater the intensity of light, and the freer the circulation of air amongst the foliage of a tree, the better the chance for its healthy vegetation. If the disease be in a fiiiit tree, it is probably a premature senility, induced by injudicious ma- nagement, for very few of our varieties are of an age that insure to it decrepitude. I have never yet known a tree, unless it was in the last stage of decay, that could not be recovered by gi^ing it more air and light, by careful heading in, pruning, improvement of the soil, and cleansing the bark. If the soil by its ungenial character induces the disease, the obvious and only remedy is its ame- lioration, and if the subsoil be the cause of the mis- chief, the roots must be prevented strildng into it. In all cases, it is the best practice to remove the tap-root. Many orchardists pave beneath each tree with tiles and broken bricks. If the trees are planted shallowly, as they ought to be, and the sur- face of the soil kept duly fertile, there is not much CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PIANTS. 291 danger of the roots striking into the worse pasturage of the subsoil. On this point, the experience of Mr. W. Nichol, the gardener at Newick Place, in Sussex, agrees Anth my own. He says that the canker may he avoided in most instances by paying proper attention to the soil in which the tree is planted. Canker, he thinks, will seldom occur if the surface- soil is good, for in that case the roots aatII never descend into the prejudicial subsoil, but spread out their radicles near the surface, where they find food most abundant. If this is not kept up, the roots descend into the obnoxious substratum, and the disease assuredly follows^. It remains for me to detail the course of treat- ment that I have always found successful in effecting a cure in any variety not decrepit from age, if the canker has not spread to the roots. Having completely headed down, if the canker is generally prevdent, or duly thinned the branches, entirely removed every small one that is in the least degree diseased, and cut away the decayed parts of the larger, so as not to leave a single speck of the decayed wood, I cover over the sm'face of each wound with a mixture, whilst in a melted state, of equal parts tar and rosin, applying it vdth a * Baxter's Library of Agric. and Hortic. Knowledge, 3rd Edit. 22. u2 29'3 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [cU. VIII. brush immediately after the amputations have been performed, taking care to select a diy day. I prefer this to any composition with a basis of cow-dung and clay, because the latter is always more or less absorbent of moistui'e and is liable to injury by rain and frost, causing alternations of moisture and dry- ness to the wounds, that promote decay rather than their healing, by the formation of new wood and bark. The resinous plaster seldom or never requires re- newal. Mr. Forsyth, the arch advocate of earthy and alkaline plasters, finding that they promoted decay, if applied to the wounds of autumn-pruned trees, recommends this important act of cultivation to be postponed to the spring. Such a procrastination is always liable to defer the pruning until bleeding is the consequence. If a resinous plaster be em- ployed, it excludes the wet, and obviates the objection to autumnal pnming. Mr. Fors}'th's treatment of the trunks and branches of trees, namely, scraping from them all the scaly, dry exuvite of the bark, is to be adopted in every instance. He recommends 5 them to be brushed over with a thin liquid com- pound of fresh cow-dung, soap-suds, and urine ; but I veiy much prefer a brine of common salt. Each acts as a gentle stimulus, which is their chief cause of benefit ; and the latter is more efficacious in de- stro}dng insects, and does not, like the other, obstruct CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. Q93 the respiratoiy vessels of the tree. The brine is advautageously inihbed in with a scrubbing, or large j painter's biiish. Some persons recommend a liquid wash, containing, as prominent ingredients, quick- lime and wood ashes, which, as the disease arises from an over-alkalescent state of the sap, cannot but prove injurious, and aggravate the disease. Mr. Forsyth, formerly gardener at Kensington Palace, made a considerable sensation at the close of the last, and at the commencement of the present cen- tury, by the wonderful effects produced upon trees, as he asserted, by the following composition, used as a plaster over the womids from which the decayed or cankered parts had been cut out : — One bushel of fresh cow dimg. Half a bushel of lime iTibbish ; that from ceilings of rooms is preferable, or powdered chalk. Half a bushel of wood ashes. One sixteenth of a bushel of sand ; the three last to be sifted fine. The whole to be mixed and beaten together until they form a fine plaster 3. Mr. Knight, in a very able and sarcastic pamphlet published in 180^, entitled " Some Doubts relative to the Efficacy of Mr. Forsjlh's Plaster," fully exposed tlie quackeiy, perhaps falsehood may not be too harsh a term, of this horticulturist's statements. * Forsyth's Observations on Fruit Trees, p. 68. 204 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. Mr. Forsyth received a pai'liamentary grant of money for his discovery ; but this, as Mr. Ivnight obsen-es, " affords a much better proof that he -was paid for an impoitaut discovery than that he made one." " Should the pubhc," continues this distinguished physiologist, " believe that an old dying tree can be restored to youth and vigour, merely by being plastered with lime, cow-dung, and wood ashes, and that a piece of such tree may by such means be made immortal, I think it would be a good spe- culation for some enterprising genius, in imita- tion of the quack doctors of the sixteenth century, to bring forward a nostnim to restore and per- petuate youth in the human subject. Should such a projector join Mr. Forsyth, and the one imder- take the animal, and the other the vegetable world, under Dr. Andersons patronage, I will ventm'e to predict that the success of each in the cures they perform will be equal." j It has been very ingeniously suggested, that, if a 1 destruction of the bark by external violence, txnd consequently, likely to terminate in canker, has 1 occurred, it would be a good plan to insert, as in budding, a piece of living bark, exactly correspond- ing to the excision, from a less valuable tree. In conclusion, I would enforce upon the or- chai'dist s attention the importance of obtaining his CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PL.A.NTS. 295 grafts or buds from trees not affected by the disease, because, apparently, it is hereditary ; and, although after-culture may eradicate the malady, it is always far better to avoid the infection than to have to employ a specific. Having noticed the gangrene as it appears in various forms upon our trees, we may now turn to a few of the many instances where it occurs to our fruits and flowers, for it is not too much to say that scarcely a cultivated plant is within our enclosures that is not liable to its inroads. It assumes dif- ferent aspects, and varies as to the organs it assails, yet still in some mode and in some of their parts all occasionally suffer, for it is the most common form of vegetable disease. The canker in the auricula is of this nature, being a rapidly spreading ulcer, which, destroying the whole texture of the plant where it occurs, prevents the rise of the sap. Some gardeners believe it to be infectious, and therefore destroy the specimen in which it occurs, unless it be very valuable; but this I believe to be an erroneous opinion, the reason of its appear- ing to be infectious or epidemic, being that it occurs to many when they are subjected to the same injurious treatment which gives birth to the disease. It appears to be caused by the application of too much water, especially if combined with superabund- ant nourishment. Therefore, although cutting out 296 PRINCIPLES OF GAPvDENIKG. [CH. VIII, the decaying part when it first appears, and appljdng to the wound some finely powdered charcoal, will effect a cure if the disease has not penetrated too deeply, yet it mil he liahle to return immediately if a less forcing mode of culture he not adopted. No auricula mil suffer from this disease if it he shifted annually, and the tap-root at the time of moving be shortened, a thorough system of draining being adopted, either by using one of the pots suggested in a previous part of this work, or by having the pot used one-fourth filled with pebbles ; and excessive damp during the winter being prevented by proper shelter. Parsley grown in a poor soil is also liable to canker in the winter. Mr. Barnes says he never found any application w^ich eradicated this disease so effectu- ally as a mixture in equal parts of soot and slacked lime sown over the plants. The cure is complete in a few days, and the vigour of the plants restored, indicating that this species of ulceration, like that which is found in the dwellings of the poor, arises from deficient nourishment. The spot, as it is technically termed, occurring on the leaves of the jwlargoniiim, is a dry gangrene, occasioned by an irregularity in the supply of moisture, and vicissitudes of temperature, but espe- cially if one of the extremes is much below the degree of heat most favourable to the healthy growth of that plant. The reason of this is very obvious. CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 297 If a pelargonium, or any other plant, be placed in a highly stimulating heat, and is abundantly supplied with root-moisture, it immediately increases its sur- face of leaf to elaborate and digest the large amount of sap forwarded from the roots. If this amount of sap is subsequently suddenly reduced, by lowering the temperature and adding water to the soil less freely. the increased suiface of leaf is no longer required, and it is a law pervading all the vegetable creation, that the moment any of the parts of a plant are unnecessaiy to it, that moment it begins to decay. I placed a plant of the Manuel of Peru, or Heliotrope, in a high temperature, and supplied it abundantly "\nth water until its leaves were much increased in size ; the temperature and moisture were then much reduced, and the leaves in a few days were completely decayed round their edges and in spots upon their surfaces. The extent of leaf was accommodated to the amount of sap to be elaborated. The tubers of the potato also are liable to the speck, black spot, or diy gangrene ; a disease which I once thought was occasioned by the calcareous earth (lime, or chalk) contained by the soil, but more lengthened observation has con\dnced me of my error ; and having obsen^ed it in all soils, and in seasons characterized by opposite extremes of wet- ness and dryness, I am induced to consider that the disease arises from some defect in the sets employed ; 20S PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII, or to potatoes being grown too often on the same site. It is quite certain from my own experience, that in ground tired of potatoes, the disease invari- ably and most extensively appears. This suggests that it is occasioned by a deficiency of some con- stituent in the soil required by the tubers, a sug- gestion confirmed by the fact that in the fields of the market gardeners near London, which are supplied without stint with the most fertilizing manure, this disease of the potato comparatively is unknown. The stems of succulent plants, such as the cacti, mesembryanthemums, and the balsam, as well as the fruit of the cucumber and melon, and the stalk of the grape, are all liable to moist gangrene ; all requiring for the developement of the disease exces- sive moisture in the air, though the immediate cause of its outbreak is usually a sudden reduction of tem- perature. Extravasated Sap. — Under tliis general name I puq)ose to include the consideration of gumming, bleeding, and other injurious affections under which plants occasionally labour, on account of their sap escaping from the properly containing vessels. The extravasation proceeds either from the albumnm or from the inner bark, and may arise from five causes : 1. The acrid or alkaline state of the sap, which has been considered already, when treating of the canker. 2. From plethora, or excessive abundance CH. VIII.] TnE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 299 of the sap effused. 3. From tlie unnatural contrac- tion of the circulatory vessels. 4. From wounds. 5. Heat and dryness. 1. With regard to the alkaline state of the sap, it may be observed, additionally, that the excessive alkaline quality of the sap, imparting to it the power of destroying the fibre of its containing vessels, is placed on the basis of chemical experiment. A weak alkalme solution dissolves woody fibre, Avithout altera- tion ; and it may be thrown down again by means of an acid. By this property we are enabled to sepa- rate wood from most of the other vegetable princi- ples, as few of them are soluble in weak alkaline leys^. It is tiTie that the vital principle may counteract powerfully this chemical action ; but it will not con- trol the corrosive effect of an active agent in excess, if repeated for any length of time. The blood of the human system contains, when in a healthy state, a portion of common salt ; yet if this saline constituent is in excess, it induces inflammation and organic de- rangement. '2. Plethora is that state of a plant's excessive vigour, in which the sap is formed more rapidly than the circulatory vessels can convey it away. When this occurs, inipture must take place ; for the force with which it is propelled during circulation, and cons^equently, the force acting to burst the vessels ^ Thomson's System of Chemistry, vol. iv. p. 180. 6th ed. 300 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. YIII. during any check, is very much greater than coukl have been expected, before Mr. Hales demonstrated it by experiment. This distinguished vegetable physiologist found, that in the vine this furce Avas able to raise 19 lbs. weight. To the stem of a vine cut off about two feet and a half from the ground, he fixed a mercurial gauge, and luted it to the sides of the stem with mastic. The gauge was in the form of a syphon, so contrived, that the mercmy might be made to rise in proportion to the pressure of the as- cending sap. In this instance it raised the mercury to a height of thirty-eight inches^. The branch of an apple-tree was separated from the parent trunk, and placed in water. When the leaves were upon it, the force with which it propelled its sap, raised the mercur}' four inches, in a tube attached as to the vine; but a similar branch, deprived of its leaves, scarcely raised the mercury a quarter of an inch. The pear, quince, cherry, walnut, peach, gooseberry, and sycamore, had a power equal to elevating the mercur)% varying from three to six inches. The elm, the oak, chesnut, hazel, sallow, and ash, elevated it variously from one to two inches. The laurustinus, laurel, and other evergreens, scarcelv raised the mer- cury at all ^. The experiments made with a separated branch do * Hale's Vcget. Statics, vol. i. p. 107. b Ibid. p. 114, &c. CH. VIII.l THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 301 not give the full amount of the parent tree s power, because the exhaustion incident to amputation neces- sarily diminishes the vigour, and every minute the power in the branch is reduced, because it is so much the nearer to death. Now we know that a much less pressure than any of those above mentioned would be capable of burst- ingf the delicate membranes of anv of their exterior descending sap vessels ; and it is in such outer ducts that the injuiy first occurs. ^Yhen one exterior ves- sel is ruptured, that next beneath it, having the sup- porting pressure removed, is enabled to follow the same course at the same locality ; and in proportion to the length of the time that the sap continues in excess, is the depth to which the mischief extends, and the quantity of sap extravasated. If the extravasation proceeds from this cause, there is but one course of treatment to be pursued : sever one of the main roots, to afford the tree immediate relief, and reduce the staple of the soil, by remo\dng some of it, and admixing less fertile earthy compo- nents, as sand or chalk. This must be done gra- dually, for the fibrous roots that are suited for the collection of food from a fertile soil, are not at once adapted for the introsusception of that from a less abundant pasturage. Care must be taken not to apply the above reme- dies, before it is clearly ascertained that the cause is 302 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. not an unnatural contraction of the sap vessels — be- cause, in such case, the treatment might be injurious rather than beneficial. I have ahvays found it aris- ing from an excessive production of sap, if the tree, when afflicted by extravasation, produces at the same time superluxuriant shoots. 3. Local contraction of the sap vessels. If the ex- travasation arises from this cause, there is usually a swelling of the bark immediately above the place of dischari^e. I had a cherry tree in my garden, in Essex, of which the stock grew very much less freely than the graft. Consequently, just above the place of union, a swelling, resembing a wen, extended round the whole gii'th of the tree, from which swelling, gum was continually exuding. In the stem below it I never observ^ed a single extravasation. In a case such as this, the cultivators only resource is to reduce cautiously the amount of branches, if the bleeding threatens to be mjuriously extensive, other- wise it is of but little consequence, acting like tem- porary dischaiges of blood from the human frame, as a relief to the system. 4. The extravasation of the sap from a wound is usually the most abundant, and therefore the most exhausting ; and as the wound, whether contused or cut, is liable to be a lodgement for water and other foreign bodies, opposed to the healing of the CH. VIII,] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 308 injured part, the discharge is often protracted. This is especially the case, if the wound he made in the spring, hefore the leaves are developed, as in performing the vrinter pruning of the vine later than is proper. In such case the vine is always weakened, and in some instances it has been destroyed. The quantity of sap which may be made to flow from some trees is astonishing, especially in tropical climates. Thus from a cocoa-nut palm, fi'om three to five pints of sap will flow dming eveiy day for four or five successive weeks. The best mode of checking such exudations, is by placing a piece of sponge dipped in a solution of sulphate of iron, upon the discharging place, covering the sponge with a piece of sheet lead, and binding it on firmly. The sulphate acts as a styptic, pro- moting the contraction of the mouths of the vessels ; the sponge encourages cicatrization, and the lead excludes moisture. 5. Heat, attended by dryness of the soil, as during the drought of summer, is very liable to produce an unnatural exudation. This is especially noticeable upon the leaves of some plants, and is popularly known as honey-dew. It is somewhat analogous to that out-burst of blood which, in such seasons, is apt to occur to man, and arises from the increased action of the secretory and circulatory systems to which it affords relief. There is this great and 304 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. essential difference, that in the case of the plants the extravasation is upon the surface of the leaves, and consequently, in proportion to the abundance of the extruded sap is their respiration and digestion impau'ed. Azaleas sometimes, hut rarely, have the impubes- cence on their leaves, especially on their lower sur- face, beaded as it were with a resinous exudation. This can scarcely he called a disease. It is never found but upon plants that have been ke2)t in a temperatiu'e too high, and in a soil too fertile. It is an effort to relieve the surcharged vessels, and occurs in various forms in other plants. The honey-dew was noticed by the ancients and is mentioned by Pliny ^ by the fanciful designation of the " sweat of the heavens," and the '• saliva of the stars," though he questioned whether it is a deposition from the air, purging it from some contracted im- purity. More modem philosophers have been quite as erroneous and discordant in their opinions relative to the diseases nature. Some, with the mostunmi- tigatable asperity declare that it is the excrement of aphides : others as exclusively maintain that it is an atmospheric deposit ; and a third party consider that it arises from bleeding consequent to the woimds of insects. That there may be a glutinous, saccharine liquid found upon the leaves of plants arising from ^ Hist. Natur. xi. 12. CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 305 the fii-st and third named causes is probable, or rather certain, but this is by no means conclusive that there is not a similar liquid extravasated upon the surface of the leaves, o^^ing to some unhealthy action of their vessels. It is vrith this description of honey.dew that we are here concerned. The error into which writers on this subject appear to have fallen, consists in then* having endeavoui'ed to assign the origin of every kind of honey-dew to the same cause. Thus the Rev. Gilbert White seems (Natu- ralist's Calendar, 144) to have had a fanciful and comprehensive mode of accountuig for the origin of honey-dew: he tells us, "June 4, 1783. Vast honey- dews this week. The reason of this seems to be, that in hot days the effluvia of flowers are dmvm. up by a brisk evaporation, and then in the night fall down with the dews with which they are entangled." The objection ui'ged to this theoiy by Ciu'tis (Trans. Linn. Soc. vi. 82) is conclusive. " If it fell from the atmosphere, it would cover every thing on which it fell indiscriminately, whereas we never find it but on certain liviug plants and trees ; we find it also on plants in stoves and green-houses covered -svith^lass." Curtis had convinced himself that the honey-dew was merely the excrement of the aphides ; and he supported his theoiy Ts-ith his usual ability, although he justly deemed it a little " wonderful extraordin- ary," that any insect should secrete, as excrementi- X 306 PEINCIPLES OF GAKDENING. [CH. VHI. tious matter, sugar, — he even thought it possible that if the ants, wasps, and flies, could be prevented from devouring the honey dew " almost as fast as it was deposited," to collect it in considerable quantities and convert it into the " choicest sugar and sugar candy." The bees, however, he found totally disre- garded the honey dew which came imder his observ- ation. With the opinion of Mr. Curtis I do not agree, any more than does the Abbe Boissier de Sauvages, who, in a memoir read before the Society of Sciences, at Montpelier, gives an account of '* a shower of honey- dew," which he witnessed imder a lime tree in the King's garden at Paris. The various successful applications of liquids to plants, in order to prevent the occurrence of the honey-dew, and similar diseases, would seem to indicate that a morbid state of the sap is the chief cause of the honey-dew, for otherwise it would be difficult to explain the reason why the use of a solu- tion of common salt in water, applied to the soil in which a plant is growing, can prevent the appearance of a disease caused by insects. But if we admit that the irregular action of the sap is the cause of the disorder, then we can understand that a portion of salt introduced into the juices of the plant woidd natm'ally have a tendency to correct or vary any morbid tendency, either correcting the too rapid secretion of sap, stimulating it in promoting its CH. VIII.] THE DISEASES OF PLA^'TS. 307 regular fomiation, or presenting its fluidity. And that, by such a treatment, the honey-dew may be entirely prevented, I have myself often witnessed in my own garden, when experimentalizing with totally different objects. Thus I have seen plants of various kinds which have been treated with a weak solution of common salt and water totally escape the honey- dew, where trees of the same kind, growing in the same plot of ground, not so treated, have been ma- terially injured by its ravages. I think, however, that the solution which has been sometimes employed for this purpose is much too strong for watering plants. I have always preferred a weaker liquid, and am of opinion that one ounce of salt (chloride of sodium) to a gallon of water is quite powerful enough for the intended purpose. I am in doubt as to the con'ectness of Knight's opinion as to the mere water having any material influence in the composition of such a remedy, since I have noticed that standard fruit trees, around which, at a distance of six or eight feet from the stem, I had deposited, at a depth of twelve inches, a quantity of salt to promote the general health and fniitfulness of the tree, according to the manner fonnerly adopted to some extent in the cyder counties for the apple orchards ; that these escaped the honey-dew (which infected adjacent trees) just as well as those which had been watered with salt and water. It is ^rith much diffidence that I x2 308 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. VIII. doubt the correctness of any of the opinions of such a man as the late lamented President of the Horti- cultural Society, for to him is vegetable physiolog;^' most deeply indebted for many highly scientific, accm'ate, and interesting researches : he seemed, too, on all occasions, to introduce into his experiments an elegance of research and ingenious management, worthy of the great class of organized substances to which he devoted his valuable life. Will not some- thing be done towards shewing the gratitude of his contemporaries? Cannot some nook be found at Westminster for his tablet? CHAPTER IX. DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. As in the animal creation the period of life varies from a few hours in the ephemeron, to hundreds of years in the tortoise, so among the vegetable tribes, though it is circumscribed to a few months in some of our annuals, yet it extends to centuries in the oak, the chestnut, and the adansonia. But however varied in space, each has its limit of existence ; and death, though its inroad may be delayed, finally effects a conquest over all. Now, wliat is the death of a plant ? — and though this queiy admits of the ready answer that it is a want of the power to vegetate, though the requisites for vegetation are present — yet one question more difficult of solution follows upon this reply — what is that power of wliich death is the negation ? — and although neither the chemist nor the physiologist have ever succeeded — probably never will succeed — in penetrating further than to an acquaintance witli the phenomena of that power, yet these we have already seen are intimately connected with the gar- dener s art, and the phenomena attending its absence are not less worthy of his study. 310 PEINCirLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IX. The phenomena of that power — which is justly called vegetable life — have been traced in pre^'ious pages from germination through all the stages of growth, the developement of parts, the circulation of the sap, the mysteries of the impregnation and the matuiing of the fruit; and we will noAT trace the phenomena of the plant's decline and final decay. The first symptom of that decline is a deficiency of the usual annual developement of parts. A perma- nently lessened production of shoots, or leaves, or fruit — or of all these — becomes apparent ; and this non-production arises from a diminished power in the roots to imbibe, and of the vessels of the stem and branches to impel, the sap. Thus Hales always found that the two, three, and foul' years' old branches of trees imbibed water with much greater force than those of greater age ; and that young A-igorous vines usually exuded their sap with much oreater force than the older and less o robust. So I have found that our annuals, such as the dwarf kidney bean, mignionette, clarkias, and others, imbibed water with more than twofold ra- pidity when in full bloom, than other plants of the same species and size did in the autumn, though they were still growing and verdant. Now, w^hat is the cause of this deficient power — this decline of vigour ? — To me there appears little CH. IX.] DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 31 1 doubt that it is the exhaustion consequent upon the production of seed. Scarcely an annual exists which usually dies at the close of the season, after ripening its seed, but may be made to retain a vigorous existence if its inflorescence be removed as speedily as formed. Mignionette is a very familiar example, for this may be allowed to bloom, but if its flower stalks be cut down before the seed-vessels are per- fected, it becomes woody and shrubby, and ^^ill live and bloom for three or more successive years. If allowed to ripen its seed, it dies the same autumn. The common nasturtium is an annual, but the double nasturtium, says M. De Candolle, has be- come a perennial, because its flowers, deprived of the faculty of producing seeds, do not exhaust the plant, and it is probable that every annual, rendered double by cultivation, will become a perennial. This explains why fniit trees are weakened, or rendered temporarily improductive, and even killed, by being allowed to ripen too large a crop of fniit, or to " overbear themselves," as it is emphatically tenned by the gardener. The thinning of fruit is, consequently, one of the | most important operations of the garden, though \ one of the least generally practised. On the weaker branches of the nectarine and peach, an average space of nine inches should be between each brace of fruit, and on the most \'igorous wood 312 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IX. of the most healthy trees, they should not be nearer than six inches. This enforcement of the importance of thinning fruit, is not intended to be confined to the two trees specified; it is equally important to be attended to in all other finiit-bearers, but especially the vine, apricot, apple, and pear. It should be done with a bold, fearless hand — and the perfection of that which is allowed to remain will amply reward the grower in the harvest time for the apparent sacrifice now made. But he will not reap his reward only in this year ; for the trees thus kept unweakened by over-production, will be able to ripen their wood and deposit that store of inspis- sated sap in their vessels, so absolutely necessary for their fniitfulness next season. The berries of the grape-vine are best thinned from the branches with a sharp-pointed pair of scissors, care being taken to remove the smallest berries. This increases the weight and excellence of the bunches, for two berries will always outweigh four grown on the same branchlet of a bunch, besides being far handsomer, and having more juice as compared with the skins. The average weight of the bunches on a ^ine may be taken, when ripe, at half a pound each, and with this data it is easy to carry into practice Mr. Clement Hoare's excellent rule for proportioning the crop to the size of the vine. CH. IX.] DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 313 If its stem, measured just above the ground, be three inches in cii'cumference, it may bear five pounds weight of grapes. 3i inches 10 lbs. i 15 ^ 20 5 25 And so five pounds additional for eveiy half inch of increased circumference. Although fiTiit bearing is the most influential curtailer of a plant's longevity, there are others of scarcely less fatal efficiency, among which are im- proper supplies of moisture, obnoxious soils., dele- terious food, uncongenial temperatures, and deficient light. These all tend to shorten a plants existence, or even at once to destroy it if administered in a violent or protracted degi'ee. Excessive moisture induces that over succulency which is ever attended by weakness, unnatural growth, and early decay. Such plants more than any others are sufferers by sudden \acissitudes, in the hygrometric state of the atmosphere, and are still more fatally visited if exposed to low reductions of temperature. Soils containing obnoxious ingredients are certain introducers of disease and premature death. An excess of oxide of iron, as when the roots of the 314 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IX. apple and pear get into an ii'ony red, gravelly subsoil, al-ways causes canker to supervene. In the neighboui'liood of copper-smelting furnaces not only are cattle subjected to swollen joints, and other unusual diseases, causing decrepitude and death, but the plants also around are subject to sudden visit- ations— to irregular growths, and to unwarned destruction : and a crop once vigorous ^^•ill sud- denly wither as if swept over by a blast. There is no doubt of this arising from the salts of copper which impregnate the soil irregularly as the winds may have borne them sublimed from the furnaces, and the experiments of Sennebier have she^vn, that of all salts those of copper are the most fatal to plants. That they can be poisoned, and by many of those substances, narcotic as well as corrosive, which are fatal to animals, has been she^ii by the experi- ments of M. F. Marcet. The metallic poisons being absorbed are conveyed to the different parts of the plant, and alter or destroy its tissue. The vege^ table poisons, such as opium, stiychnia, prussic acid, belladonna, alcohol, and oxalic acid, which act fatally upon the nenous system of animals, also cause the death of plants. Does not this fa- vour the opinion of those who believe that there is something in plants analogous to the nerves in animals? is the natui'ally suggested inquiiy made CH. IX.] UEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 315 bv Dr. Thomson, the Glasgow Regius Professor of Chemistry. The poisonous substance is absorbed into the plants system, and proves injmious when merely applied to its branches or stem, almost as much as if placed in contact with the roots. Ulcerations and canker ai*e exasperated if lime be put upon the wounds : and when Dr. Hales made 'a golden rennet apple tree absorb a quart of camphorated spuits of wine through one of its branches, one half of the tree was destroyed. An uncongenial heat is as pernicious to vege- tables as to animals. Every plant has a particular temperatiuT, without which its functions cease, but the majority of them luxuiiate most in a climate of which the extreme temperatures do not much exceed o'2'^ and 90°. No seed t,\tL1 vegetate, no sap will circulate, at a temperature at or below the freezing point of water, yet the juices of the plant are not congealed even at a temperature fai' more de- pressed, and I know of no other more satisfactory proof, that like a cold-blooded animal, the frog and the leech for example, it becomes torpid though life is not extinct, imless excited by a genial temperature. No cultivation will render plants, natives of the torrid zone, capable of beaiing the rigoiu's of our ^^inters, although their offsprmg raised from seed may be 316 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IX. rendered much more hardy than their parents. When a new plant arrives from such tropical lati- tudes, it is desirable to use eveiy precaution to avoid its loss, but so soon as it has been propagated from, and the danger of such loss is removed, from that moment ought experiments to commence, to ascertain whether its acclimatization is attainable. That this should be done is self-evident ; for the nearer such a desirable point can be attained, the cheaper will be its cultivation, and consequently the greater will be the number of those who mil be able to derive pleasure from its growth. Hence, it is very desirable that an extended series of experi- ments should be instituted, to ascertain decisively whether many of our present green-house and stove plants would not endure exposure to our winters, if but slightly or not at all protected. It may be laid do\Nai as a rule, that all Japan plants mil do so in the southern coast counties of England, but it remains unascertained to what degree of northern latitude in our islands this general power of endur- ance extends. " Foregone conclusions" should have nothing to do with this matter. Experiment, and experiment only, ought to be relied upon ; for we know that the larch was once kept in a green-house : and within these few months, such South American plants as Tro^aolexmi 'pentaphyllum and Gesnera CH. IX.] DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 317 Doiiglasii have been found to sumve our \\-inters in our garden borders ; the first in Scotland and Suf- folk, and the second in Herefordshire ^. Another fact is, that many tropical plants of every order and species have been found to re- quire much less heat, both during the day and during the night, than gardeners of a previous century believed. Other plants than those already noticed have passed from the tropics to our par- terres, and even to those of higher noitheni lati- tudes. The horse chestnut is a native of the tropics, but it endui'es uninjured the stem climate of Sweden, Auciiba Japonica, FcEonia Moutan, we all remember to have, passed from our stoves to the green-house, and now they are in our open gardens. Every year renders us acquainted with instances of plants being acclimatized ; and, in addition to those already noticed, we iind that Mr. Buchan, Lord Bagot's gardener, at Blithfield House, in Staffordshire, has an old cinnamon tree {Laurus Cinnamonum) under his care, which ripens seed: from these many plants have been raised that endure our winters in a consers'^atory without any artificial heat^. Then, again, there is no doubt that all the conifercB of Mexico, which flourish there at an elevation of more than 8000 feet above the sea's level, will survive our winters in the open air. ^ Gard. Chron. 824. *• Lond. Hort. Soc. Trans. 318 PRINCIPLES OF GARDENING. [CH. IX. Among these are Pinus Llaveana, P. Teocote, P. pa- tula, P. Hartivegll, Cupressus thurifera, Jumperus flaccida, Abies religiosa, and some others a. Closely connected with the consideration of accli- matization of plants is the fact that they retain habits long after their removal to situations in which these habits are unsuitable. Thus the hyacinth, a native of Southern Asia, begins to shew symptoms of vegetation here in autumn, wliich answers to the spring of its long-left native clime. So the fuchsia, although it accommodates itself to our hemisphere, and submitting to remain dormant during the winter, will revive in the spring, yet the season duiing which it ^ill grow most vigorously, if placed in a suitable temperatui'e, is the winter, for this is the spring-time of its native countiy, Chili. This. I consider, is the rationale of what Mr. Ayres justly calls the whole secret of fuchsia management^. It should be placed at the end of December, in a suit- able temperature, and duly supplied with moisture and manure, and it ^Nill have attained a growth in April far larger than it would during twice the number of months, if the growth were not per- mitted to commence until the spring. In the next place, let us consider what cir- cumstances render a plant most liable to suffer from frost, and let it be observed once for all, that " Gard. Chron. 315, &c. " Gard. Cliron. 821. CH. IX.] DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 319 to avoid such circumstances, is by so much to render plants capable of enduring our climate. First. Moisture renders a plant susceptible of cold. Every gardener knows this. If the au' of his green-house be dry, the plants -within may be sub- mitted to a temperature of 3-2=^ without injuiy, provided the return to a higher temperatm'e be gradual. Secondly. Gradual decrements of temperature are scarcely felt. A myrtle may be forced, and sub- sequently passed to the conservatoiy, cold pit, and even thence to an open border, if in the south of England, -without enduring any injury fi'om the cold of winter, but it would be killed if passed at once from the hot-house to the border. Thirdly. The more saline are the juices of a plant, the less liable are they to congelation by frost. " Salt presences vegetables from injury by sudden transitions in the temperature of the atmo- sphere. That salted soils freeze with more reluctance than before the salt is apphed is well known, and that crops of turnips, cabbages, cauliflowers, &c., are similarly preserved, is equally well established a. Fourthly. Absence of motion enables plants to endure a lower degi'ee of temperature. Water may be cooled down to below 3-2o without freezing, but it solidifies the moment it is agitated. * Cuthbert Johnson on Fertilizers, 381. 320 PRINCIPI-ES OF GARDENING. [CH. IX. Some plants like some animals are able to endiu'e a veiy higb degree of temperatiire. Sir Joseph Banks and others have breathed for many minutes in an atmosphere hot enough to cook eggs, and I have myself travelled in Bengal breathing air with- out inconvenience, which rendered the silver mount- ings of my green spectacles too hot to be bonie without their occasional removal. So do certain plants flourish in hot water springs of which the temperature varies between the scalding heats of from 150° to 180° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and others have been found growing freely on the edge of volcanoes in an atmosphere heated above the boiling point of water. Indeed it is quite certain that most plants will better bear for a short time an elevated temperature which, if long continued, would destroy them, than they can a low temperature. Thus a temperature much above the freezing point of water to orchidaceous and other tropical plants is generally fatal if endui'ed by them for only a few minutes, whereas a considerable elevation above a salutaiy temperature is rarely injurious to plants. But this is not universally the case, for the elegant Pnmula marginata is so impatient of heat, that although just about to bloom, it never opens a bud if brought into a room in which there is a fire. Plants, generally, have the power of preventing tlieir sap attaining to the unnatural elevation of CH. IX.] DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 321 temperature of the atmosphere around them. This in some degree may depend upon the bark and wood being bad conductors of heat, but they have a power of resisting heat quite independent from that; for the pine apple, though growing for months in a minimum temperature of 60°, never has that of its flesh, whilst growing, elevated above 50°. Now the worst of conductors would have conveyed heat through them in that time. This is only analogous to what occurs in the animal economy. Sir Joseph Banks, Sir Charles Blagden, and Dr. Solander, in the case already alluded to, remained several minutes in a room heated to 212°, the boiling point of water, and though unpleasant sensations were produced, yet the air was easily borne, and the temperature of the body was very little elevated. If they breathed on the thermometer it sank several degrees ; every expiration was cool to the nostrils, previously heated by the air inspired ; the body felt cold as a corpse to the touch of the fingers, and the heat of the skin under the tongue was only 98°. A dog was exposed to a temperature of 220° for ten minutes, but its body's heat did not rise above 1 1 0°, being only nine degrees above its natural warmth. In these rooms an egg was cooked quite hard in twenty minutes. But though plants have the power of preserving an internal temperature, differing from that of the ex- ternal air in which they are vegetating, yet they have Y 322 PEINCIPLES OF GAKDENING. [CH. IX. no more power than have animals to escape from the injurious excitement occasioned by being compelled to live for any protracted time in a temperature uncon- genially elevated. In such a temperature, youthful and growing animals are stimulated to an excessive rapidity of growth, so attenuating, that nothing but removal to a colder climate can preserve them from premature death ; and the same phenomena attend upon plants. These, over-excited by heat, acquire rapidly an unnaturally elongated growth, attended by a weakness of texture, that hastens them to decay, unless checked by a gradual reduction of tempera- ture. The roots in such a heat absorb water with unnatural rapidity, and this is commensurately hurried through the sap vessels of the stem and branches, so that the over wateiy sap arrives at the leaves much too fast for them to elaborate it suffici- ently, though an extra effort is made by preternatur- ally enlarging the leaves. The water transpired is excessive, but very little carbonic acid is inhaled, and consequently the quantity of carbon assimilated is very deficient. The whole structure of the plant is therefore wateiy and weak ; and if a supply of water to the roots is withheld but for a few hours, the leaves mther and shrivel past revival. These organs not only lose the power to decompose carbonic acid, but also to decompose water, though the light to which they are exposed be the brightest sunshine ; and CH. IX.] DEATH AND DECOMPOSITION. 323 thus deficient of carbon and hydrogen, the chief constituents of their colouiing matter, they become unnaturally pale. It must not be omitted to be observed, that all plants have a great power to resist the reduction, as well as the elevation, of their internal temperatm-e, however low may be that of the air which suiTounds them. In the polar regions, and even in those of less northern latitudes, they have to endure a tem- perature ten and more degrees below the freezing point of water — yet their sap is never known to freeze. If water does congeal in the texture of a plant it rifts it, but this never occurs unless extraneous moisture has penetrated through some wound or decayed part. I have seen trees so torn, but never with- out finding a mass of ice within the trunk or branch traceable to some outward fissure. This is entirely in accordance with the the experiments of Mr. John Hunter; and other experiments which I have tried, confirm me in acceding to the conclusion to which that distinguished anatomist, as well as Sprengel, Schluber, and others have arrived, that the sap of healthy plants never congeals, however low the tem- perature to which they are exposed. Even in a temperature fifteen degrees below that at which the sap, if taken from the tree, would freeze, yet, in the living plant, it remains uncongealed. This has been tried upon the vine, walnut, elm, and red pine. y 2 824 rniNCiPLEs of gardening. [ch. ix, Tliese experiments also determine that plants have but a slight power of generating heat ; for the thermometer, placed mthin their stems, in -sWnter sinks gradually nearly to the temperature of the exterior air ; and in the spring or summer, that instru- ment so placed does not follow implicity the atmo- spheric variations, hut this is not merely hecause wood is a bad conductor of heat. It is evident that a hving plant has the power of preventing the congelation of its juices, and it is impossible to account for this phenomenon without connecting it ydih the plant's vitality ; and I see no reason for concluding that plants, differing from animals, do not, during their respiratory function, convert oxy gen into carbonic acid, set free its latent heat, and thus presen-e their temperature. It is beyond a doubt, that, by this chemical change, some plants at one period of their vegetation generate a considerable; degree of heat. The stamens of Arum cordifolium emit so much heat at the time they shed their pollen, that twelve of them placed by M. Hubert round a thermometer raised the mercury from 79° to 143°. Under similar circumstances, M. Sennebier observ^ed the stamens of the Arum maculatum were nearly 16° hotter than the surrounding air. The flowers of Caladium j;mnaf«/z\Zisorbed, 5(i absorbed by roots, 60 inhaled by the stem and branches, 130 essential to flowers, 189 quantity the}' absorb, 190 Packing seed, 33 Papaver rhceas, 120 Parenchyma, 127 Parslev seed, 14 canker, 296 Parsnip, 87 Peach, stocks for, 158, 161 thinning, 311 Pearmain, 332 Peas, early, 16 to preserve, 328 Peat, its value as fuel, 226 soil, 331 Peculiar juices, 165 Peiresc, 4 Pelargonium spotting, 296 Peony seed, 1 5 Pericarp, 185, 212 its office, 214 Petals, 185 their use, 187 Phoenix dactilifera, 191 Phosphate of lime, 97 Physiology, its progress, 4 Pis'tils, 185 Pith, 133 Plants, their nature, 245 constitUv?nts, 247 functions, 249 proofs of sensation in, 1 04, 9n9 Plethora in plants, 299 Poa annua, 13, 50 Pod, 213 Poisons, their effect on plants, 313 Pollen, 185 its use, 192 quantity necessary, 198 time it continus good, 198 analysis of, 200 essential to fertility, 191 Polyanthus tuberosa, 325 Polvgoniim aviculare, 119 Pome, 213 Pomona's riuff, 167 Poppy, 120 Potato, autuum planting, 21 Potatoes, deprived of blossom, 52 ulcers in, 297 cui'l in, 255 Pot-culture, 75 Potherbs, drying, 143 Pots, their form, 72 Primula marginata, 320 Proliferous flowers, 2{i5 Pruning, 174 Prunus, various species of, 201 Pteris aquilina, 113 Pulp, 127 Putrefaction, 327 of manures, 92 causes heat, 329 its requisites, 24«") Pyrrhine in rain, 34 Pythagoras, 3 Rabbits' urine, 117 INDEX. 341 Radiation, to prevent, 218 Rain water to be preferred, 33 ammonia in, 34: Rain in England, 84, 114 Raking, 47, 64 Rendles system of heating, 229 Rest-haiTow, 117 Retentive power of manures, 103 Rhododendron, cross with azalea, 201 ■ — ferrugineum, 82 Rice, ^ Ridging, its benefits, 55, 59, 65 Ring of Pomona, 167 Ripening wood, 132, 162 Room plants, their culture, 75 Rooms-, their temperature, 77 Roots, temperature they like, 22 effect of heat and cold upon, 23, 73 effects of salts on, 30 v.hy they descend, 43 their duration, 49 most abundant in poor soils, 5' I how to guide, 50 excess of, checks the pro- duction of seed, 52 oxygen to, 55 whv to be near the surface, 58 their power of selection, 107 their extremities, 6Q renewed annually, 67 their extent, 67 reqiiire a certain suppl}' of water, 74 a plant's own best, 155 to promote produce of, 1G7 Rosa pcrpetuosissima, 200 Rose, increasing its fragrance, 54 seed 15 Rotation of crops, 53 Salt (common), 81, 109 Salt, as a remedy, 273, 807, 319 Saltpetre, 81 Salts as manures, 97 in plants, 98 ■ when to be used, 99 their effect on roots. 30 Sand, 84 Sandv soils, grasses for. 65 Sap, 152 power v.'ith which it rises, 153, 300 its elaboration, 154 its descent, 1 5 checking its return, 166 required by fruit, 217 checking its ascent, 217 extravasated, 295 Saw-wort, 118 Scar of seed, 42 Science of Gardening, 2 Scion, hov.- influenced bv the stock, 154—160 and stock must be related, 177 Seedlings, time before they bear, 197 Seed-packing, 33 Seed-producing shortens the life of a plant, 49 Seed-vessel, its office, 214 Seeds, 212 time they retain A'itality, 9, 11 containing nitrosen, 9, 11 oil, 12 differ in excitability, 13 time of germinat- ing, 14 some bear great heat, 16 their germination accele- rated, 31 depths to bur}-, 39, 47 abound with carbon, 40 why buried in the soil, 41 time germinating, 42 how fertilized, 191 34Q INDEX. Seeds, sap they require, 217 ripening, 242 Sensation in plants, 104. 252 Shanking of grapes, 24, 298 Sheltering, laws of, 218 Shoots, to promote, 167 Silica, 84 in soils, &c., 80 Siliqua, 213 Skin of fruit, its influence, 224 Small-foliaged plants, soil for, 83 water for, 75 Smell of soil, 121 Smithia sensitiva, 105 Snow useful as a shelter, 221 Soil in pots, 78 poisonous components of, 313 temperature of, 17 influence of colour, 18 rate of heating, 18, 55 cooling, 19, 85 depth it is frozen, 20 wet and cold, 24 when moist absorbs oxygen, 55 stirring beneficial, 55, 64 how regulated, 57 force required to dig, 63 with which it adheres, 63, 122 composition, 82 fertile, 82 relation to moisture, 83 will not grow some crops, 86 for early and late crops, 87 its soluble matters, 95. specific gravity, 121 smell, 121 feel, 122 Solandra grandiflora, 171 Soluble matter in soil, 95 Sowing, 8 guides for time of, 25 - proper depths for, 39 rule for, 47 Spartium scoparium, 117 Spiked rush, 119 Spinach, soil for, 83 Specific gravity of soils, 121 — heat of water and air, 227 Speck in potatoes, 297 Spot in pelargonium, 296 Sprit, 120 Stable manure, its components, 89 Stamens, 185 absorb oxygen, 189 Standards produce best fruit, 133 Steam as a source of heat, 230 Steeping seed, 31, 111 Stem of plants, 125 pores of the, 130 absorbent, 130 not essential, 133 Stems, W'hy they rise out of the soil, 45 Sterile soils, their characters, 112 Sterility, 86 , Stillness preserves a plant from | injury by cold, 319 ' Stimulating manures, 104 Stock, its influence over the scion, 154—160 Storing fruit, 239 room, 241 Strawberries, 53 Strobile, 213 Subsoils, 83 Sugar, 94 its formation, 215 Sulphate of lime, 81, 96 Sulphurous acid destroys colour of flowers, 191 Superfoetation, 200 Sweet-gale, 120 Synchronisms of nature, 25 Tank system of heating, 228 Tap-rooted vegetables, to grow fine, 51 INDEX. :34H Tartaric acid, its components, 215 Temperature for cuttings, 181 - internal, of plants, 221 142, 320 — for germination, 16 — endured by seed, 16 — of soils, 18 endured by plants, — '■ at night, 162 its influence over transpiration, 139, 164 Theophrasta latifolia, 183 Thinning fruit, its importance, 311 Tipula pennicomis, 194 Tobacco seed, 15 Training, 174 to check the progress of the sap, 217 Transformations, 173 Transpired matter, 198 proportioned to that imbibed, 138 decreases with the temperature, 139, 164 — influenced by the dryness of air, 141 Transplanting, its effects, 50 why in autumn, 68 Trenching, 51, 58, 86 Tropical plants which endure our climate, 316 Tniffie, 49 Tuberous roots, 137 Tulip pollen, 200 Turnip flea or fly, 273 warts, 277 Turnips secured from the fly by ■early sowing, 275 Tussilago farfara, 119 Ulcers, 279 , analysis of discharge from, 282 Ulex europaeus, 115 Ulmus campestris, 117 Urtica urens, 117 Varieties, raising, 196 Vegetable manures, 91 mould, 329 Ventilation, why needed, 145 Vine, increase of its leaves, 208 training vigorous, 217 when it grows, 164 Vines, their roots vv^hen forced, 73 Viola tricolor, 192 Vital power of plants, 309 — 333 Wall fruit, sheltering, 219 Warts on turnips, 277 Water required for germination, 29 quality important, 30, 33 — not sole food of plants, 69, 81 -- salts in, 70 — not to be in excess, 70, 313 — when to be applied, 74 Wax for budding and grafting, 175 Way-thistle, 118 White-washing, how injmious, 116 Wind, why cooling, 222 periodical, 223 Wood, its construction, 130 promotion of its growth, 131 promoting its ripening, 132, 162 value of as fuel, 226 Woody fibre, 94 Wounds of plants, 302 PUBLISHED BY ROBERT BALDWIN GUIDE to the CONSERVATORY ; being a concise Treatise on the Management of the Hot-house and Green-house ; the Forcing- of Bulbs, Shrubs, &c. ; and the best mode of keeping a suc- cession of bloom through every month of the year; exomplitied in a .select list of the most admirable plants of the present day, under the arrangement both of Jussieu and Linnaeus ; including their luitiw- countr}', propagation, and the soil adapted to each. 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