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TUCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane. The Royal Society* of Qyeensland. Patron : HIS EXCELLENCY LIEUT-GENEEAL SIE JOHN D. LAVAEACK, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., C. de G., K.B.E. OFFICERS, 1952. President : I. M. MACKEEEAS, F.E.A.C.P. Vice-President : S. T. BLAKE, M.Sc. Hon. Treasurer : E. N. MAEKS, M.Sc., Pli.D. Hon. Secretary : DOEOTHEA F. SANDAES, M.Sc. Hon. Librarian: F. S. COLLIVEE Hon. Editor: GEOEGE MACK, B.Sc. Members of Council: . EOBINSON, M.Sc., Professor W. STEPHENSON, B.Sc., Pli.D., Professor L. J. H. TEAKLE, B.Sc.Agr., M.S., Ph.D., J. H. SIMMONDS, M.B.E., M.Sc., Professor M. SHAW, M.E., M.I.Mec.E. Hon. Auditor: L. P. HEEDSMAN Trustees : F. BENNETT, B.Sc., Professor W. H. BEYAN, M.C., D.Sc., E. O. MAEKS, M.D., B.A., B.E. CONTENTS. 6 Vol. LXIY. Pages. NIo. 1. — Some Biochemical Aspects of Reactions to Heat and Cold. By H. J. G. Hines. (Issued separately, 16th November, 1953) 1-14 No. 2. — Volcanic Rocks of Aitape, New Guinea. By George Baker. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) . . . . . . . . 15-44 No. 3. — The Identity of Spadella moretonensis Johnston and Taylor. By J. M. Thomson. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) . . 45-49 No. 4. — Two New Species of Dipetalonema (Nematoda, Filarioidea) from Australian Marsupials. By M. J. Mackerras. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) . . . . . . . . . . 51-56 No. 5. — Memorial Lecture. Professor T. Harvey Johnston: First Professor of Biology in the University of Queensland. By Dorothea F. Sandars. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) . . . . 57-68 Report of Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. Abstract of Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . vii. List of Members . . . . . . . • - ■ • • . • . . . . xiv. «» ft PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND FOR 1952 VOL. LXIV. PRICE: TWENTY-FIVE SHILLINGS. Printed for the Society by A. H. TUCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane. NOTICE TO AUTHORS 1. Papers should be double-spaced typescript on one side of the paper with ample margins, and must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than one hundred words prepared according to directions given on the inside back cover. 2. Papers must be complete and in a form suitable for publication when communicated to the Society and should be as concise as possible. All calculations, figures, tables, names, quotations and references to literature should be carefully checked. 3. The use of italics in the text should be restricted to the names of genera and groups of lower rank, foreign words and titles of periodicals. 4. Except in taxonomic papers, all references should be listed at the end of each paper and arranged alphabetically under authors’ names, e.g. Bagnold, It. A., 1937. The Transport of Sand by Wind. Geogr. J., 89, 409-438. Kelley, T. L., 1923. Statistical Method. New York, Macmillan Company. XI + 390 pp., 24 fig. The corresponding references in the text should take one of the following forms : Bagnold (1937), (Bagnold, 1937), Bagnold (1937, p. . . .), or (Bagnold 1937, p. . . .). In taxonomic papers references may be inserted in the text in accordance with established usage. Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 5. The cost of author’s corrections to proof above what the Council considers a reasonable amount, must be borne by the author. 6. Each author will be supplied with fifty separate copies of his paper. Additional copies may be obtained at approximately cost price and should be ordered when the galley proof is returned. 7. The size of the printed plate will not exceed 8 in. x 4£ in., and drawings should be to this size, or preferably a convenient small multiple thereof. The effect of the necessary reduction on lettering and fine detail should be borne in mind. Text-figures should be drawn for reduction to a width not exceeding 4 in. 8. Drawing in line should be executed in intensely black ink such as good Indian ink, on a smooth surface, preferably Bristol board. Excessively fine, scratchy, or faint lines are to be avoided. Tints or washes cannot be reproduced in line drawings, in which the maximum degree of contrast is necessary. 9. Drawings or photographs for reproduction in half-tone, should where possible, be grouped for reproduction on one plate. They should be done or mounted on a smooth surface, such as Bristol board, as the grain of most drawing papers become visible on reproduction. Single photographs should be sent flat and unmounted. All prints should be on a glossy bromide or gas-light paper. Vol. LX IV., No. 1. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. By H. J. G. Hines, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Queensland. ( Delivered before the Royal Society of Queensland, 31 st March, 1952.; The department with which I am associated has, since its inception in 1936, made the study of the reactions of man and animals to environmental conditions its special business (Yeates, Lee and Hines, 1941). It is the business of the physiologist to study the working of animals and plants as a whole. To do this he must often study the functions of parts whether in situ or detached from the animals. It is the function of the biochemist to study the events of the living process at the molecular level. There is often a considerable gap between these two processes since the working out of biochemical details usually lags behind the general overall picture of physiological behaviour. I shall therefore endeavour to show how this gap is being filled, as yet, of course, incompletely, with respect to the effects of climatic conditions on man and animals. I can assume that we are all familiar with the distinction between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals, or to use more technical jargon, the homoiotherms and the poikilotherms. The former group, which comprises the mammals and bird's, is able to maintain a relatively constant internal temperature which is usually above that of the environment, while the internal temperature of the poikilotherms rises and falls with that of the surroundings. I want to concern myself with homoiothermic animals, the maintenance of whose internal temperature requires the generation of sufficient heat to balance that which is lost to the environment, and also requires mechanisms to regulate the production and loss of heat. The main features of this process were clearly established during the nineteenth century, and accounts given in text books written fifty years ago can still be read with profit. The production of animal heat was, of course, a mystery to the ancients and its true nature had to await the investigations of Lavoisier in Prance and of Crawford in Scotland in the latter part of the eighteenth century. With the discovery of the true nature of combustion, Lavoisier was quick to recognise the essential similarity between combustion and respiration, the consumption of oxygen and the output of carbon dioxide. He was able to measure the gaseous exchange quite accurately and went on to measure the heat output of small animals with his ice calorimeter. He realised the defects of this apparatus and in 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. particular noted that the heat output of the animal increased in the cold. Crawford, and later Duboy and Despretz were able to make improved measurements. Animal heat was clearly produced in the process of oxidation of the food consumed. During the succeeding century nearly every physiologist of note had something to say of this problem, touching as it did on almost all aspects of physiology, and the investigations of the great German physiologists, Yoit, Pettenkofer and Rubner clearly established the energetic equivalence of food consumed and heat and work produced. Throughout this time, the nature of the oxidative process remained a mystery. Lavoisier thought that combustion took place in the lungs, but later experiments showed that oxygen was consumed and carbon dioxide was produced in all parts of the body and that the amounts were greatly increased by muscular exertion. A recent calculation gives the following estimate of the heat produced by the tissues of a man under basal conditions. TABLE I*. Weight of Organ and (Proportion of Body Weight). Oxygen Consumption of Organ. Litres 02/24 in’, and Proportion of Total Oxygen Consumption. Heat Produced Kg. Cal./24 hr. /Kg. Tissue. Whole Body . . 70 Kg. 356 23-5 (100%) (100%) Heart . . 0-33 Kg. 37 520 (0-47%) (10%) Kidneys 0-33 Kg. 31 440 (0-47%) (9%) Liver . . 1-6 Kg. 115 335 (2*3%) (32%) Brain . . 1-4 Kg. 68-5 225 (2%) (19%) 3-66 Kg. 251-5 (5*24%) (70%) Rest of Body (by difference) 66-3 Kg. 105 7-4 (94-7%) (30%) Muscles 29-5 Kg. 58-5 9-2 (42%) (16%) * This table is taken from Mr. Hedley Marston’s Liversidge Lecture (Marston 1951). The term ' basal conditions’ used in this connection may require a little explanation. When an animal fasts, the food in its alimentary canal is quickly used up and it is forced to live on its own reserves, the protein and fat of its tissues. Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and with them heat production, fall to a minimum value which forms an important base line, the 'basal metabolism,’ well known in all nutritional studies. Under external conditions, generally spoken of as thermoneutral, the basal metabolism is held to represent the minimum energy expenditure necessary to sustain life. The table shows that most of the energy exchange under these conditions occurs in a central 'core’. Particularly noteworthy is the high oxygen consumption of liver and brain. Organs which between them constitute only five per cent, of the body weight, are responsible for seventy per cent, of the heat production. The liver, of course, is the great factory and warehouse, receiving most of the products of SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. 3 digestion and converting them into products suitable for use in other tissues. The multiplicity of its chemical functions makes it a happy hunting ground for the biochemical investigator. The way in which oxidation is effected in the tissues remained unknown in the nineteenth century. Quite obviously, the change from such a substance as sugar to carbon dioxide and water was not sudden. The patient unravelling of the mechanisms of oxidation in the tissues has been a major occupation of biochemists during the past thirty years. The operation proceeds stepwise through a series of inter- mediates. Linked with these steps is another process, the transfer of phosphoric acid. The energy released by the dismutation and oxidation of sugars, fats, and other substances is transferred to compounds of phosphoric acid, and in particular is used in forming the substance adenosine triphosphate. The anhydride linkages in this substance serve as a kind of energy currency. Simple hydrolysis of the linkage merely dissipates chemical energy as heat, but the energy of fission can be directly utilized for a variety of purposes ; the contraction of muscle, the generation of electricity, the movement of substances along concentration gradients, the synthesis of complex molecules, all derive the necessary energy through transfer of phosphoric acid from these (instable compounds of phosphoric acid. The process appears universal in plants and animals, and its discovery is one of the major biochemical achievements of the past twenty-five years. Animals therefore are not beat engines. They do not convert heat energy into mechanical energy, but achieve the transfer of chemical energy in a variety of ways. In all such transfers a part of the energy is lost as heat energy, and if the animal is not performing external work, eventually all the energy QC 'b O > N. Cc uj Cl Co Ui o N? u Fig. 1. Comparison of the heat production of fasting albino rats with that of animals receiving feed at different environmental temperatures. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. resulting from oxidation appears as heat. Such heat energy is useful to the animal only in so far as it serves to maintain body temperature above that of the surroundings. From the earliest investigations it was made clear that down to a certain environmental temperature (the critical temperature), the body temperature could be maintained without increasing the metabolism, simply by increasing the insulation (so called physical heat, regulation). Below the critical temperature, the body temperature could be main- tained only by increasing the heat production (so-called metabolic or ‘chemical7 heat regulation). A great many experiments have been conducted to determine this critical temperature for a variety of animals. A typical experiment with that favourite laboratory animal, the albino rat, is shown in Fig. 1 (Black and Swift, 1943). In this rather pampered animal, the range of thermoneutrality is limited to a degree or so, and the heat production rises linearly with decrease in temperature. Note that above the critical temperature, or critical thermal environment, heat production also rises. Fig. 2. Influence of environmental temperature on heat production. Figure 2 (Brody, 1945) serves to illustrate features common to all homoiotherms. If the environmental conditions are such that heat production can no longer keep pace with heat loss, and ‘body tempera- ture’ falls and the animal may die. In man, a rectal temperature of 25° C. seems to be the lowest consistent with survival, but other animals can drop to still lower temperatures and survive. The SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. 5 hibernating animals during hibernation resemble cold-blooded animals and the rectal temperature may fall to as low as 2°C. with metabolism almost at a standstill. Strictly speaking then, the term homoiotherm as applied to mammals and birds is a misnomer. Life can continue over quite a range of temperature, but the range is greater below the critical temperature than above it. At this stage I should like to draw your attention to the compre- hensive studies on arctic and tropical birds and mammals recently published by Scholander (1950) and his associates. They were able to carry out experiments at Point Barrow, Alaska, latitude 71°N., and in the Panama Canal zone at latitude 9°N. Metabolic rates for a number of animals were determined at different environmental tempera- tures, and striking differences were shown in the behaviour of the arctic and tropical groups. The arctic animals were able to maintain constant body temperatures without increase in metabolic rate. There is no evidence of adaptive low body temperature in arctic mammals and birds, or high body temperature in the tropical species. There are no signs so far that body temperatures of mammals and birds are adaptive to the different climates on earth. A logical corollary of this is that they cannot have been adaptive to the overall climatic conditions on earth. It seems then that the narrow band of body temperatures on which both birds and mammals operate is a fundamental, non-adaptive constant in their biochemical set-up. This shows that the striking differences in critical temperatures, and increased rates of heat produc- tion below critical temperatures, are largely a matter of insulation in the broad sense, that is, in resistance to heat dissipation (Pig. 3). Fig. 3. Heat regulation and temperature sensitivity in arctic and tropical mammals. With the facilities available at the Arctic Research Laboratory at Point Barrow, Scholander was unable to reach the critical temperature for foxes or eskimo dogs. It is believed that their critical temperature is somewhere between — 45° C. and — 50° C. In Panama it was observed that the tropical mammals and birds responded with an increase in metabolism starting at only a few degrees below the ambient air temperature, producing strikingly steep curves compared with those of the arctic animals. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The critical temperature in naked man is known to be around 27° C. to 29 °C., which places him among the more temperature sensitive of the tropical mammals. The Australian aboriginal however, seems to be exceptional in that he can apparently lie naked and at rest at temperatures near to freezing point without increasing his metabolic rate. There appears to be a fall in body temperature, however, and the aborigine’s behaviour on waking bears some resemblance to that of a hibernating animal. The point that emerges from these investigations is that the basal metabolic rate of terrestrial mammals from tropics to arctic is fundamentally determined by a size relation according to the formula Cal. /day =70 Kg«, and is phylogenetically non-adaptive to external temperature conditions. Equally non-adaptive is the body temperature, and the phylogenetic adaptation to cold therefore rests entirely upon the plasticity of the factors which determine the heat loss. The basal heat production we have seen, arises largely from the activity of the visceral organs and the brain. The muscles contribute a relatively small amount. Below the critical temperature, however, when conditions are no longer basal, the extra heat production is brought about largely through muscular movement, both voluntary and involuntary. The survival of an animal exposed to cold obviously depends on whether this extra heat production can balance the heat loss, and the duration of this extra heat production will determine survival. This in turn will depend on the rate supply of nutrients to the metabolising tissues and the rate of utilization. The rapidity with which liver glycogen is used by pigeons subjected to cold is shown by the following table (adapted from Streicher, Hackel and Fleischmann, 1950). TABLE II. Duration of Experiment in Hours. At — 40°C. At 23°- -25°C. Liver Glycogen %. Blood Sugar mg.m/lOOml. Liver Glycogen %. Blood Sugar mg.m/lOOml. 1 1-48 147 1*31 152 3 0-84 143 1*54 147 8 005 158 0-76 154 24 0002 135 0043 154 48 0015 129 0108 141 72 0-0 159 0005 151 In eight hours the liver glycogen of the birds kept fasting at — 40°C. was almost exhausted. After 24 hours that of the control group was almost zero. The metabolic rate of the birds exposed to cold was approximately three times that of the birds in the control group. The blood sugar on the other hand stays constant, and this implies the efficient conversion of non-sugars to sugar. The survival of the birds will depend on the availability of body reserves of protein and fat and the rate at which they can be oxidised. That metabolic demand may outstrip exogeneous supply in fully fed animals is also shown by the experiments of Black and Swift (1943) on rats. With decreasing external temperatures, their experi- ments showed that the respiratory quotient fell as the metabolic rate rose. A curious point is that the respiratory quotient also fell with the rise in metabolic rate above the critical temperature. The following table is taken from their paper. SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. 7 TABLE III. Temperature. Respiratory Quotient. Total Heat /hr. •c. 12 0-837 3-00 18 0-859 2-40 24 0-902 1-79 28 0-948 1-59 30 0-946 1-50 31 0-951 1.38 32 0-942 1-38 33 0-915 1-45 34 0-918 1*61 DAYS Fig. 4. Survival of clipped rats at 1*5 °C. after periods of previous exposure. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. A respiratory quotient of unity in an experiment lasting 7-J hours may be taken to indicate that carbohydrate is being consumed whilst the R.Q. of fat is 0.7. It has been shown, however, that rats can gradually undergo adaptive changes to cold which increase their resistance to this form of stress. The 1 acclimatisation, ’ if such it can be called, is related to the ability of the animal to maintain a high level of metabolic activity for prolonged periods. This relationship has been shown by clipping the fur of normal and acclimatised rats and exposing them to cold. Acclimatised animals survive and maintain greatly increased metabolic rates for significantly longer periods than do animals which are unaccustomed to lowered environmental temperatures. The effects of varying exposure on survival time are shown in figure 4 (Sellers, Reichman and Thomas, 1951). The conclusions drawn from these figures are that the process of acclimatisation to cold is gradual. No effect is noticed before two weeks of exposure, but it is fully developed after four to five weeks and does not increase further. The altered metabolic state is not permanent and may be rapidly lost after a return to a warm environment. There is ample evidence that hormonal factors are implicated in some of the changes which take place during exposure to cold. The pituitary, the adrenal and the thyroid glands all undergo alterations in size and in function during exposure. Indeed, there is evidence that survival at temperatures near zero is dependent on the presence of these glands. The relationship of the endocrine glands to acclimatisa- tion is not a simple one, however, for it has been shown that acclimatised animals subjected to adrenalectomy survive longer in the cold than do non-acclimatised adrenalectomised controls. A similar relationship has also been established with respect to the exposure of thyroidectomised animals to cold. These observations, taken in conjunction with the finding that acclimatisation develops gradually, suggest that metabolic tissues themselves undergo some adaptive alteration, perhaps in response to a general controlling influence. Note that these changes are temporary and are not to be confused with phylogenetic adaption to temperature. Sellers, Reichmann and Thomas (1951) attempted to prolong survival ‘artificially’ by pretreatment with cortisone and thyroxine and with other substances. The use of a combination of cortisone and thyroxine given before clipping and exposure to cold significantly increased survival (Fig. 5). The recognition of the part played by the hormones of the sup- rarenal in the maintenance of homeostasis has been one of the most striking features of the physiology of the past decade. Earlier emphasis on the sympatho-adrenal system has been followed by the discover}' of the even more ubiquitous part played by the pituitary and adrenal cortex. “The sympatho-adrenal system actively drives organs and organ systems to increased functional activity in emergencies, whereas the pituitary-adrenocortical system plays a passive role, making cortical hormone available in quantities appropriate for the varying needs of the organism. In other words, the sympatho-adrenal system initiates, whereas the pituitary-adrenocortical system supports cellular activities.” SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. 9 /on c -*■ PRE- T RE A TM ENT Wtfh: controls 43 rais y/ucose /o y/ucose insulin to cortisone <&. insulin to “ DC A 9 - ascorbic Odd IO " so/me controls 2-S6/0 4* - fhyroxme, 200 mM- ! O " ihyroxi ne ‘50m/u,. 23 » A. C. T. H 3/ corfisone 36 " cortisone £ thyroxine 79 '■ Fig. 5. Effect of various substances on the survival of clipped non-aeclimatised rats exposed to cold. Sayers (1950), whom I have quoted above, illustrates current conceptions of cortical behaviour by means of the accompanying diagrams (Figs. 6 and 7). According to this concept then, the increased metabolism, in response to exposure to cold may be initiated by impulses to the hypothalamus, but the metabolic response is sustained by increased output from the adrenal cortex. The stimulus to this is derived from the pituitary which may simply respond to diminished levels of cortical hormone in the venous blood. I want to draw attention to one other consequence of the metabolic adaptation to cold, and that is the increased demand for vitamin C, ascorbic acid, under such conditions. Ascorbic acid is stored in the 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. A DEN OH Y POP H YS IS PERIPHERAL Cor he a/ ADRENAL T ISSUES hormone C ORT EX Fig. C. Self-regularatory system (Peripheral — humoral concept). Sfimu/ue Afferent nervous pathways Ep/nephnt )nne Sympafh / n Acelylcholn ne H YPO THALAMUS ADENOHYPOPH YS/S ACTH Y ADRENAL CORTEX Corf ICO’ hormone PERIPHERAL 7 ISSUES Fig. 7. Centrally driven system (Central — neural concept). suprarenal and disappears when the suprarenal is stimulated by stress conditions. Dugal and Therien (1947) in an impressive series of experiments were able to show that ascorbic acid was necessary for resistance and adaption to cold by guinea pigs, animals which like man are unable to synthesise vitamin C. The resemblance between scurvy and certain features of adrenal insufficiency has been noted, but ii seems certain that ascorbic acid is not concerned in the synthesis of adrenocortical hormones. It appears more likely that both cortical hormone and ascorbic acid are required to support cellular activity and that the demand for both is roughly parallel. Either may prove SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. 11 a limiting factor in cellular activity if the demand is great and the supply restricted. Classical scurvy, although probably a multiple deficiency, occurred most frequently in men performing strenuous muscular work in cold environments. Scurvy generally occurred among crews of sailing vessels after a strenuous rounding of Cape Horn, and it was the bugbear of polar explorers. I have said that hormones, such as those of the adrenal cortex and such substances as vitamin C, are necessary for the support of cellular activities. In spite of the fact that adrenalin has been known for close on fifty years, there is still no clear idea of its action and the same holds true for other hormones. Their general effect on metabolic processes has been explored extensively, but their connection with specific reactions occurring in cells remains obscure. With the vitamins however, which may be looked upon as exogenous hormones, there has been more success. The members of the vitamin B group have all been shown to be connected with specific stages of cellular metabolism and to be components of the catalysts accelerating cellular reactions, the enzymes. It is almost an article of faith with biochemists that both vitamins and hormones will ultimately be linked with the promotion of enzyme activity. Some recent publications support this view. Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, has been shown to be required for the oxidation of tyrosine in liver, a process which also requires the presence of a-keto-glutaric acid. Hormones have rarely been found to affect appropriate cell-free enzymes directly. Special importance therefore attaches to a recent paper by Knox (1951). Enzyme adaptation, that is, increased activity in a particular enzyme produced by treatment with the substrate of the enzyme and indepen- dent of the growth of selection of the cells, is well established for micro-organisms. Knox claims that the same phenomenon is demonstrable in liver with the enzyme tryptophane peroxidase and that it can be demonstrated both in slices and in cell-free preparations after treat- ment with the substrate tryptophane. He goes on to show that treatment of the animal with small doses of adrenalin or histamine will elicit a similar response which can be attributed to increased cortical hormone release. You and Sellers (1951) have also shown that after rats have been exposed to a cold environment for more than sixteen days, the oxygen consumption of liver slices, and the succinoxidase activity of liver homogenates is significantly increased. They point out therefore that increased activity of non-mnscular tissues must contribute to the increased heat production brought on by exposure to cold. I want now to turn to another factor which affects the production of heat by the animal, the influence of food. It has long been known that giving food to a fasting animal increases its heat production and that this effect varies with the kind of food given. This action of nutrients was called by Rubner the “specific dynamic action”, and the additional heat produced by a given quantity of food became known as the heat increment. Lusk (1930) defined this action in the following way: — “If what we now call the basal metabolism of a typical animal be 100 calories per day and if 100 calories be administered to the animal in each of the several foodstuffs on different days, then the heat production of the animal after receiving meat protein will rise to about 130 calories, after glucose to about 106 calories, and after fat to about 104 calories”. The large heat increment observed with protein feeding could also be observed with amino acids, and according to Grafe (1915), even with ammonium salts. Lusk goes on to say: — “Just as the 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. source of muscular energy may be derived from the oxidation of fat in a fasting dog diabetic with phlorliizin, the source of energy for the specific dynamic action of protein is obtained from the oxidation of fat. It has been shown in numerous experiments that, after such a phlorizinised dog has received meat, the non-protein R.Q. is 0.70, or approximately that of fat’I * * * * * 7. Other experimenters found that the site of the extra heat production was in the liver and attempted to relate the extra heat production to the formation of urea. However a case can be made out for the coupling of proteins with fat oxidation. It is well established that the initial stages of fat oxidation occur in the liver. By the process known as beta oxidation, the fatty acid is split into two carbon fragments (acetate) which unite to form acetoaeetate. The nature of the two carbon fragment remains a mystery, but Weinhouse, Medes and Floyd (1946) have suggested that the combination of an acetyl group in an amide linkage is a normal step in acetate metabolism. This ‘ active acetate’ may either condense with itself to form acetoaeetate as occurs in the liver, or with oxal- acetate in the extra-hepatic tissues to form citric acid. The effect of protein feeding would then be to provide available amino groups in addition to the endogenous supply which would facilitate the formation of acetoaeetate, the utilization of which in the extra-hepatic tissues, would in turn be dependent on metabolites derived either from carbohydrate or the glucogenic amino acids. Be that as it may, Rubner quite clearly saw that the specific dynamic effect of exogenous protein could be used to replace that of endogenous protein in an animal exposed to cold. In other words the heat tax on the utilization of endogenous and exogenous protein is essentially the same. This idea has been very effectively Used recently by Marston (1951). The original concept of specific dynamic action was arrived at by feeding small amounts of food to fasting animals. It was later assumed that the same differential effects of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be manifest at all levels of nutrition and it has taken many years of patient experiment to show that this is not so. Under ordinary conditions of nutrition, at above maintenance levels, it is the meta- bolisable energy and not the protein content of the diet which dominates the production of heat (Forbes and others, 1944). In other words the relationship between intake of available energy and heat production is linear (Marston 1951). I have perhaps spent rather too long in considering the sequence of events which follow the exposure of an animal to cold. Examination of the graph showing relationship between oxygen consumption and external temperature in the case of the rat shows an increase of heat production above as well as below the critical temperature. This is ascribed to the combined effects of muscular activity (panting, increased respiratory rate) and rise in body temperature which would tend to increase the rate of chemical reactions in the body. The animal may be able to establish thermal equilibrium between itself and its environ- ment at a raised body temperature, or it may fail to do so and the body temperature will continue to increase until the upper limiting tempera- ture is reached and the animal dies. Clearly the situation in these thermal environments calls for decreased heat production or increased SOME BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD. 13 heat dissipation or both. Here the sweating animals have a pronounced advantage and can tolerate environments which prove fatal to other animals. Acclimatisation occurs, and in the sweating animal, the primary adaptive change is circulatory, blood is shunted to the outside and an increase of blood volume occurs. The non-sweating animals have less scope. Extra cooling is largely obtained by evaporation from the lungs, a process which varies in efficiency in different animals. Increased food consumption and increased activity both tend to move the animal farther from its position of equilibrium. The proverbial stillness of the Australian bush on a hot summer’s day, “where no birds sing”, is silent testimony to the precariousness of the position in which our fauna finds itself. Whilst our native animals can do as they please, our non- indigenous population, man and the domestic animals is expected to perform its allotted task, irrespective of the time of year. These activities involve consumption of food much above mere maintenance, and heat production is in general proportional to the intake of energy. The effects of high and low plane feeding on animals exposed to heat were clearly shown by Robinson and Lee (1947) in experiments con- ducted a few years ago. High rates of feeding resulted in increases of rectal temperature and respiratory rate in all the animals studied, and a reversal to a lower plane of nutrition quickly lowered these responses. A high protein diet had no significant effect on the reactions of animals to heat. We have seen that adaptation to cold involves definite increases in endocrine activity essentially brought about by the increased meta- bolic activity. One might expect therefore that endocrine activity would diminish as environmental stimuli to metabolism decrease. There is some evidence that this is so. Seasonal changes have been observed in the weights of the adrenal and thyroid in animals, and in 17-keto- steroid excretion in man, which support the suggestion of diminished glandular activity in hot summer conditions and of an increase in winter. There is as yet no satisfactory method for the assessment of the level of adrenal activity in man. Urinary analyses involving the deter- mination of 17-ketosteroids and of ‘reducing steroids’ obviously bear no necessary direct relation to adrenocortical activity and the analytical procedure for determining ‘reducing steroids’ is thoroughly unsatis- factory. The determination of protein-bound iodine and of iodine exchange in the thyroid offers hope of a more satisfactory measure of the activity of the thyroid. If then we can regard raised body temperature as likely to be detrimental, we see that at the upper end of the critical zone, increased metabolism becomes increasingly difficult to tolerate, and the factors promoting increased metabolism, namely, increased food intake and endocrine activity, should also prove detrimental. Food intake is largely determined by appetite and it appears that appetite is controlled by a nervous mechanism centred in the hypo- thalamus. Here also are located the temperature regulating centre, and the nervous mechanism for stimulating the pituitary. It is well established in humans that appetite declines as environmental tempera- tures rise. However, there is a limit to this form of control. Humans are able to dissipate the extra heat formed through increased food intake satisfactorily, but our domestic animals cannot do so effectively. 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. One would expect therefore that those functions which demand a rapid metabolic rate, such as milk and egg production, would tend to decline if the external conditions became increasingly less tolerable. This does in effect prove to be true. The problem therefore of producing such animals as high producing dairy cattle able to withstand severe tropical conditions is likely to prove difficult, more difficult than producing beef animals suited to the same conditions. In both cases it is likely that a compromise between what is considered desirable and what is practicable will have to be made. We have begun the study of some of these problems in Queensland, but more rapid progress demands far greater resources than we at present possess. I want to conclude by putting in a plea for the greater recognition of the part that physiology and biochemistry have to play in the promotion of the welfare of our domestic animals. By historical chance, these studies have largely become linked with medical schools and applications to medicine form their primary reason for existence. Comparative physiology and biochemistry have much to offer, not only directly to the animal industries, but to our understanding of human physiology, so much of which has been founded on experimental work, not with vitamins, but with such humble animals as rats and guinea pigs. REFERENCES. Black, A. and Swift, R. W., 1943. J. Nutrit., 25, 127. Brody, S., 1945. Bioenergetics and Growth. Reinhold, New York, pp. 283. Dugal, L. P. and Therien, M., 1947. Canad. J. Res., Sect. E., 25, 111. Forbes, E. B., Swift, R. W., Marcy, L. F. and Davenport, M. T., 1944. J. Nutrit., 28, 189 Grafe, E., 1915. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med., 118, 1. Knox, W. E., 1951. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 32, 462. Lusk, G., 1930. J. Nutrit,, 3, 519. Marston, H. R,, 1951. J. and Proc. Roy. Soe, N.S.W., 84, 169. Robinson, K. W. and Lee, D. H. K., 1947. J. Animal Sci., 6, 182. Sayers, G., 1950. Physiol. Rev., 30, 241. Scholander, P. F., Hock, R., Walters, V., Johnston, F. and Irving, L., 1950. Biol. Bull., 99, 237. Sellers. E. A., Reichman, S. and Thomas, N., 1951. Amer. J. Physiol., 167, 644. Streicher, E., Hackel, D. B. and Fleischmann, W., 1950. Amer. J. Physiol., 161, 300. Weinhouse, S., Medes, G. and Floyd, N. F., 1946. J. Biol. Chem., 166, 621. Yeates, N. T. M., Lee, D. H. K. and Hines, H. J. G., 1941. Proc, Roy. Soc. Queensland, 53, 105. You, R. W. and Sellers, E. A., 1951. Endocrinology, 49, 374. 15 You LXIV., No. 2. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. By George Baker, University of Melbourne, Australia. (With 10 Text-figures.) ( Received 4 th July, 1952; issued separately 22nd March, 1954.) ABSTRACT. Volcanic rocks at Aitape, Eastern New Guinea are Lower Miocene andesitic agglomerates with occasional andesitic lavas and limited areas of basalt. The basalts verge on basic andesite ; they are partly submarine flows and in places are soda-rich. The Aitape volcanic suite belongs to the earliest period of formation of the Bismarck Archipelago Inner Volcanic Arc of Neogenic to Quaternary age and is situated at the north-western end of this arc. The volcanic rocks are members of the extensive andesite-basalt group of lavas and ejectamenta that encircles the Pacific Basin. The basaltic rocks reveal some similarities and certain marked differences compared with Central Pacific (Hawaiian) basalts, but the suite is characteristically allied to the Circum-Pacific volcanic rocks. Both basaltic and andesitic rocks in the Aitape volcanic suite have been subjected in parts to strong deuteric alteration and solfataric action. Figure 1. — Locality Map of South-eastern New Guinea. (Based on War Office Map 1: 4,000,000 of East Indies, Sheet 2, 1928.) C 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. INTRODUCTION. The paper deals with the petrology of a collection of Aitape volcanic rocks made in 1944 by A. Coulson, M.Sc., who also supplied held notes and specimens of other New Guinea volcanic rocks. Aitape is situated in the Bewani-Pual Depression north of the Torricelli Mountains on the north-western coast of Eastern New Guinea (figure 1). The Lower Miocene volcanic rocks of Aitape occur near the north- western extremity of the Neogenic-Quaternary Inner Volcanic Arc of the Bismarck Archipelago (Van Bemmelen, i939). This xarc, in part still active, though not in the Aitape district itself, extends from the vicinity of the 143rd meridian, south-easterly through a string of Recent volcanic islands — Kairiru to the Schouten Islands on to Manam Island, Karkar, Bagabag, Long and Umboi Islands to New Britain, where it follows the north coast to the 152nd meridian near Rabaul (figure 2). Figure 2. — Sketch Map showing the Inner Volcanic Arc of the Bismarck Archipelago. The arc was a zone of strong volcanic activity in Lower Miocene times and again from ( ? ) Pleistocene to present times. The more recently active part of the arc is composed of a series of lines of eruption arranged more or less en echelon, the products of volcanicity being built up on the summits of submarine ridges. The volcanic rocks of the arc are intermediate to basic lavas and ejectamenta emitted from active, dormant and extinct (Early Quaternary and Lower Miocene) volcanoes. The Aitape volcanic series is exclusively Lower Miocene. GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. The general geology of the Aitape district is indicated in figure 3. In the vicinity of the coast, the area is covered largely by Coastal Plain alluvium, up to 10 miles wide and recently uplifted a few feet. Recent coral limestones cover three to four square miles of the country west of the Raihu River mouth, near Aitape. Aerial photographs reveal a series of low, longitudinal sand ridges east and west of the Raihu River mouth and northwest of Tepier Plantation (figure 4). 17 VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. Army Map of Aitape East, A54/15, N.E. New Guinea Provisional Map (1 inch = 1 mile). Preliminary Sheet, 1943. Geology based on Anglo-Persian Oil Co. Ltd. Geological Survey (see Nason Jones, 1920-1929.) The oldest rocks exposed in the neighbourhood of Aitape, are interbedded Lower Miocene sediments (figure 3) and volcanic rocks, but in the eastern part of the Torricelli Mountains, behind the coastal plain, remnant patches of Eocene limestones and shales were recorded by Nason Jones (1920-1929). The Lower Miocene sediments outcrop near Aitape in the following areas — (i) in Tepier Plantation, south of Tepier, (ii) §ast and west of Pultalul Hill, (iii) between Lapar Point and Rohm Point north of the Aitape River, (iv) in the St. Anna Mission area west of the Raihu River, (v) in the west centre of Tumleo Island. Tumleo Island (figure 5) is principally Recent coral limestone and sand on the low-lying regions, above which rise two prominent hills. The lower, Mesor Hill (69') in the west centre, is composed of Lower Miocene limestone containing Spiroclypeus and other Orbitoids. The higher, Solyaliu Hill (262') in the northwest, is composed of volcanic agglomerate. The areal distribution of the Neogene volcanic rocks, which in parts overlie and in parts are interbedded with the Lower Miocene sediments, is indicated in figure 4. Two outcrops in Tepier Plantation, 4 miles west of Aitape, form the largest single outcrops of the Aitape volcanic suite. Smaller outcrops occur near and at Rohm Point and Lapar Point (=Cape Roon of Richarz, 1910), near Aitape, at Solyaliu Hill on Tumleo Island 34 miles east-north-east of Aitape, at St. Anna Plantation 2 miles east-south- east of Aitape, and the smallest outcrop forms a low hill, Pultalul Hill 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. (115') l-§ miles west-south-west of Aitape. These outcrops form lava residuals and hills of agglomerate rising up to a maximum of 488' above the Aitape Coastal Plain. Figure 4. — Sketch Map showing outcrops of Neogene Volcanic Rocks and heights from which some of the specimens were obtained in the Aitape District. Figure 5. — Geological Map of Tumleo Island. Based on U.S. Army Map of Aitape East, N.E. New Guinea, A54/15, Provisional Map (1 inch = 1 mile). Preliminary Sheet, 1943. Geology based on Anglo-Persian Oil Co. Ltd. Geological Survey (see Nason Jones, 1920-1929). VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AIT APE, NEW GUINEA. 19 A string of small reefs — Ant Rock, Pultata Reef, Lamak Reef and Stein Reef (figure 4) — extending between Tumleo Island and Rohm Point, consists of volcanic rocks similar to those around Aitape on the mainland. The only distinct evidence of a centre of eruption occurs in the northwest of Tumleo Island, where a volcanic neck of porphyritic andesite cuts through the agglomerate (figure 6) comprising Solyaliu Hill (figure 5). S- M£SOR 30 0'j HILL 200-1 ioo' i {/a o SCALE OF MILES RECENT ITT CORAL VOLCANIC UMESTONES AGGLOMERATES Figure 6. — Geological Sketch Section from south to north through the western portion of Tumleo Island. f/4 LOWER MIQC E NE FORAMINIFERAt LI MESTONES SOLYALIU DISTRIBUTION OP THE VOLCANIC ROCKS. The various rock types comprising the Aitape volcanic suite occur in the following localities: Tepier Plantation. Andesitic agglomerates extend up to 200' above sea level in the western outcrop of the Tepier area. The easterly outcrop is composed essentially of two hills, the higher (488') in the south-west and the lower (456') near the coast in the north-eastern portion of the outcrop. In the north-eastern portion, hill 456' consists principally of amygdaloidal porphyritic augite andesite, with occasional representa- tives of hornblende-augite andesite and pyribole andesite (i.e. with hypersthene, augite and hornblende). The rocks are largely heavy agglomerates, in parts forming old sea cliffs up to 120' high (now 5 to 8 chains in inland) and are flanked on the north by old beach sand- ridges. At Tepier Hill (488') in the south-western portion of the eastern outcrop, the andesitic rocks (up to 400' thick), are the thickest known volcanic exposures in the Aitape district. Some of the Tepier andesites resemble andesite fragments in the Tumleo Island agglomerate. Sub-columnar structures occur in andesite lavas exposed on a cutting face along the road descending west to Tepier Plantation. There is a notable absence of tuff and scoria from the volcanic rocks throughout the Tepier-Lapar Point area. ROHM PT. HILL SCALE OF MILES SKETCH SECTION NORTH-WEST OF AiTAPE Figure 7. — Geological Sketch Section through Rohm Point, showing relation- ship of the two lava flows and the tuff bed to Tertiary (Lower Miocene) sediments. Section drawn along strike of beds dipping 20° to 25° to the south. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Lapar Point. Amygdaloidal basalt at Lapar Point, J of a mile north-west of Aitape Settlement, forms a steep coastal cliff up to 200' high. Volcanic breccia has been described from this cliff by Richarz (1910, p. 436). Rohm Point. Two flows of basalt, separated by a bed of tuff, are exposed on top of Tertiary limestone at Rohm Point (figure 7). The rocks here form hills 223' above sea level at the coast and 274' high a short distance to the west. The lower flow is approximately 30' thick, the tuff 10', the upper flow varies from 40' to 50' thick and has been considerably eroded. The Rohm Point upper flow, sampled from above the tuff bed at a height of 270' above sea level at Rohm Point Hill, and the lower flow, sampled from below the tuff bed at 200' in the same locality, consist of a similar amygdaloidal basalt. Lava from 223' at Rohm Point proper, is a more crystalline phase of the lower flow. Portions of the Rohm Point flow appear as pillow lavas and contain Tertiary globigerina limestone included between the blocks as a cement (Nason Jones, 1920-1929, vol. Ill, p. 55, fig. 8). In view of this, and the presence of a chilled phase of the basalt here, it is evident that portions of the volcanic rocks are submarine flows. Pultalul Hill. Approximately 50' of basalt capping Tertiary limestone, forms Pultalul Hill (115') near the native village of Pultalul. Rising from the Aitape Coastal Plain, the hill is more or less surrounded by swampy country. St. Anna Plantation. An amygdaloidal, soda-rich, glassy basalt, similar in many ways to the Lapar Point flow, is occasionally associated with tuffs and limestone, half a mile south of the St. Anna Mission Station, south-east of Aitape. Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. Andesitic agglomerates cut by a volcanic neck of porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite carrying abundant phenocrysts of augite up to 10 mm. across, comprise Solyaliu Hill (figures 5 and 6). Richarz (1910, p. 419) described these rocks as volcanic andesitic breccia. Little scoriaceous rock is present, and the exposure consists largely of angular blocks of lava up to 5' across, set in a grey, tuffaceous matrix. Constituents of the agglomerate are red, limonitized porphyritic augite andesite and occasional blocks of hard, dense, grey porphyritic hornblende-augite andesite, augite andesite and porphy- ritic augite-hypersthene andesite. In addition are a few ejected fragments of gabbroic rocks derived from the basement complex rocks in the Torricelli Mountains region, and rare fragments of Tertiary limestone. Richarz (1910, p. 434) also recorded hornfels and horn- blende gabbro among the ejected blocks. AGE RELATIONS OF THE VOLCANIC ROCKS. The volcanic rocks on Tumleo Island and the mainland nearby, are grouped (figure 5) with the Lower Miocene limestones and tuffaceous limestones in age, according to the Anglo-Persian Oil Co. Ltd. geological survey (see Nason Jones, 1920-1929). The presence of ejected blocks of Miocene limestone in the agglomerate at Solyaliu Hill, suggests a post-Miocene age for the volcanic rocks, but they are iundamentally the same age as the mainland volcanic rocks that are m part interbedded with Lower Miocene limestones and tuffaceous limestones and were formed penecontemporaneously with them. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 21 There is no evidence to indicate any real difference in age between the basaltic and andesitic rocks in the Aitape volcanic suite. Nowhere have they been observed in contact, but they are closely associated in space. The basaltic rocks at Rohm Point and St. Anna Plantation were evidently poured out before the andesites, because: (i) they have been rather more strongly eroded, (ii) they are associated with Tertiary limestones and appear as dissected remnants of flows, while the andesites have not been observed in contact with the limestones and are built up to greater heights than the basalts, (iii) the andesitic rocks are somewhat fresher in appearance and little eroded. The more basic flows are regarded as the earliest products of Neogene volcanism in the Aitape district. They broke through a sea door composed of Tertiary deposits including limestones, thus account- ing for (a) the chilled character of parts of the flows, (b) the pillow structures and (c) [Miocene globigerina limestone cementing the pillow structures. Richarz (1910, p. 449) suggested from microscope investigations that hornblende andesite and hornblende gabbro, found as ejected blocks in the agglomerate on Tumleo Island, represented the porphyr- itic and granular facies respectively of the same magma. Chemical analysis, however, (table II, columns 11 and 12) does not confirm this, and according to the field evidence, they cannot be of the same age and derived from the same magma. The andesitic rocks are Lower Miocene, the complex basement rocks exposed in the Torricelli Mountains (figure 10), of which similar gabbroic rocks form a part, are pre-Eocene and possibly of considerable antiquity. TABULAR REPRESENTATION OP THE DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANIC ROCKS IN THE AITAPE DISTRICT. The various petrological types, the localities at which they occur, their frequency of occurrence and nature in the field are indicated in table I. The volcanic rocks set out in this table have characteristic merocrystalline textures and contain both fine-grained and porphyritic examples. The normal type augite andesites, the porphyritic augite andesites and the amygdaloidal porphyritic augite andesites are more common than hornblende andesites and pyribole andesites wherever andesites are represented in the Aitape district, i.e. on Tumleo Island and in the Tepier Plantation area. TABLE I. Rock Type. Locality. Frequency at Each Locality. Nature in Field. Basaltic Rocks — Amygdaloidal Basalt . . 200' above s.l., Rohm Principal type Flow Basalt Pt. Hill (Lower Flow) 223' above s.l., Rohm Principal type Flow Amygdaloidal Basalt . . Pt. proper 270' above s.l., Rohm Principal type Flow Amygdaloidal Basalt . . Pt. Hill (Upper Flow) St. Anna Plantation . . Principal type Flow Amygdaloidal Basalt . . 200' cliff, Lapar Pt. Hill Principal type Flow Basalt Pultalul Hill (115') .. Principal type Flow 22 PROCEEDINGS OP THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. TABLE I. — continued. Rock Type. Locality. Frequency at Each Locality. Nature in Field. Andesitic Rocks — Augite Andesite Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Occasional . . Agglomerate Porphyritic Augite Andesite Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Occasional . . Agglomerate Amygdaloidal Porphyri- Tepier East Hill (488') Common Agglomerate tic Augite Andesite Hornblende- Augite Tepier East Hill (456') Occasional . . Agglomerate Andesite Porphyritic Homblende- Augite Andesite Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Common Agglomerate Porphyritic Augite- Hypersthene Andesite Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Occasional . . Volcanic Neck Pyribole Andesite Tepier Plantation Uncommon . . Agglomerate Ejected Blocks — Gabbroic Rocks Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Occasional . . F ragments up to 6" across Hornfels . . Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Occasional . . Tertiary Limestone Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island Occasional . . PETROGRAPHY. BASALTIC ROCKS. The Aitape basalts are mafelsic and distinct from the andesites in many respects, although in parts they tend to verge on basic andesites. They contain altered olivine, more prominently developed amygdaloidal structures, abundant iron ore minerals and are in parts soda-rich, with hypersthene typically absent. They do not show the porphyritic textures characteristic of the andesites. The few microphenocrysts of plagioclase, more basic than those in the andesites, show little zoning, thus contrasting sharply with the numerous zoned-twinned micropheno- crysts and laths of plagioclase in the andesites. Both basaltic and andesitic rocks contain members with glassy groundmasses. . The basaltic rocks are limited in both lateral and vertical directions in the neighbourhood of Aitape. St. Anna Plantation Basalt. The St. Anna Plantation amygda- loidal basalt has a glassy base with fine-grained groundmass constituents. Minute, but abundant grains, skeletal crystals and cubes of magnetite are prominent. Small, needle-like, unaltered plagioclase felspars show marked fluidal alignment in parts (figure 8). The dominant felspar is albite-oligoclase, with some microphenocrysts of albite. Occasional microphenocrysts of unaltered augite have a pale yellow colour as in all the basalts and most andesites of the Aitape volcanic suite. The unaltered character of the augite is a marked feature of the Aitape volcanic rocks, especially in parts of the flows where the felspars have been albitized. Benson (1915) and Scott (1950) have also noted a similar feature in basaltic rocks from New South "Wales and King Island, Tasmania. All the olivine crystals are typically altered to serpentinous products, opal with chlorite, calcite and secondary iron hydroxide. These secondary products also form irregular patches in the groundmass. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 23 The augite has only been partially replaced in some parts of the rock by pleochroic delessite, which forms occasional cores in a few of the augite crystals. A striking feature of the rock is the large number of infilled vesicles, producing the well-developed amygdaloidal structure. The largest amygdales seldom exceed 4 mm. in length but are often complex in character (figure 8). Most of the amygdales are subspherical or ovoid, but a few are irregularly elongated (figure 8). Figure 8. — Sketch of microstructures in amygdaloidal basalt, St. Anna Plantation, Aitape. (x20). Showing amygdales lined with opal-bearing chlorite (unstippled) and infilled with concentric and radial growths of calcite and large calcite crystals. Phenocrysts of olivine (at bottom of sketch) altered to calcite and opal-bearing chlorite pseudomorphs. Augite phenocrysts (one at top of sketch) fresh. Glassy groundmass with partial fluidal alignment of albite-oligoclase laths and abundant grains and cubes of magnetite. The larger amygdales are lined with narrow zones of pale greenish opaline silica containing chlorite. Smaller amygdales are often com- pletely infilled with similar material. In many amygdales, similar lining material encloses spherulitic calcite. Amygdales infilled by greenish opal with chlorite, sometimes contain patches of clear opal, sometimes one crystal only of a zeolite having the properties of chabazite. Rohm Point Hill Upper Flow. Amygdaloidal basalt sampled at 270' on Rohm Point Hill, occurs above the tuff band (see figure 7). The amygdales, filled with brownish to colourless opaline silica and ehloritic matter, are smaller than at St. Anna Plantation, but larger than in the lower flow at Rohm Point Hill. The rock has a coarser- grained texture than the flow sampled from 223' at Rohm Point proper and from 200' at Rohm Point Hill. Labradorite laths and pale yellowish augite crystals are larger and there are more and larger pseudomorphs after olivine. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The groundmass of the rock consists of a pale brown to colourless, interstitial glass, crowded with magnetite grains. Rohm Point Hill Lower Flow. In the lower flow at Rohm Point Hill, small plagioclase laths have been completely altered to micro- and crypto-crystalline aggregates. Olivine is altered to serpentinous products and opaline silica. Unaltered, pale yellow augite crystals are numerous in a groundmass composed of brown to almost black glass. Many small amygdales are lined with radial and concentric growths of pale green, crypto-crystalline silica, sometimes containing one narrow shell of quartz. Colourless opaline silica infills a few amygdales and forms small veinlets in parts of the groundmass. Rohm Point Lower Flow and Pultalul Flow. The Rohm Point lower flow, sampled from approximately the same height (223') as the lower flow with which it is presumably contiguous at Rohm Point (sampled at 200'), shows marked differences from the Rohm Point outcrop. In thin section it resembles the basalt at Pultalul Hill, although it is slightly different in chemical composition (cf. columns 3 and 4 in table II). The main differences from the Rohm Point Hill lower flow are (a) the rock is more crystalline, containing more and larger crystals, particularly of augite, and rather less glass which is darker brown, interstitial and contains fewer minute magnetite grains, ( b ) the felspars are fresher and (c) although vesicular, few of the vesicles are infilled with secondary mineral matter. The felspar laths are basic labradorite. Abundant pale yellow augite crystals are identical with augite in other Aitape basalts. Olivine pseudomorphs are few in number and consist largely of serpentinous products. Pale brown and colourless opaline silica infills a few vesicles and forms narrow fringes to others. Lapar Point Flow. The amygdaloidal rock forming sea cliffs 200' high at Lapar Point, is intermediate between basalt and andesite. It is a finer-grained phase of the Aitape basaltic rocks, having smaller plagioclase laths and augite crystals and rather more dark groundmass glass. Groundmass plagioclase laths show pronounced streaming and consist of albite-oligoelase, as in the St. Anna Plantation flow. Quartz occurs in both calcite-infilled and chlorite-infilled vesicles. The presence of albite in the groundmass was originallv noted by Richarz (1910, p. 436). The abundance of secondary minerals replacing some of the ferro- magnesian minerals, particularly olivine, and the replacement of parts of the groundmass by similar materials and by albite, suggest a spilitic character, although chemical analysis (table II. column 2) does not reveal any marked excess of soda at Lapar Point compared with the St. Anna Plantation rock. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP THE BASALTIC BOCKS. Analyses of the Aitape basalts are compared with analyses of average basalts, average spilites, Central Pacific (Hawaiian) and selected Circum-Pacific basalts in table II. Two previously recorded analyses of gabbro (Richarz, 1910) from Tumleo Island are also included for contrast with the basalts (and the andesites) of the Aitape district. 25 VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. TABLE II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Si02 . . 50-12 50-86 50-45 49-68 51-22 46-05 46-01 49-6 A1203 . . 14-98 17-02 17-46 15-89 13-66 14-83 15-21 16-3 Fe203 . . 4-08 4-82 5-25 4-88 2-84 2-80 1-35 2-8 FeO 2-52 1-89 2-24 2-73 9-20 7-44 8-69 8-2 CaO . . 9-06 7-36 8-77 10-58 6-89 10-04 8-64 8-8 MgO . . 9-11 7-27 5-48 6-34 4-55 4-85 4-18 5-0 K,0 . . 1-61 1-65 1-74 0-71 0-75 0-38 0-34 0-8 Na20 . . 4-07 3-13 3-40 2-33 4-93 4-31 4-97 4-8 TiOa .. 0-90 0-47 0-77 0-90 3-32 2-50 2-21 0-6 MnO . . 0-24 0-24 0-24 0-26 0-25 0-31 0-33 0-2 p2o5 .. 0-27 0-54 0-24 0-20 0-29 0-38 0-61 0-1 H20 ( + ) 1-82 2-90 2-04 3-50 L 1 , Q Q / 3-04 2-48 2-6 H20 (-) 1-19 1-89 1-90 2-02 / 1 88 \ 0-30 . # 0-2 €1 0-01 0-01 nil. nil. , , , . . . . . co2 .. 0-25 0-30 0-03 0-05 0-94 4-09 4-98 0-1 Total . . 100-23 100-44 100-01 100-07 Sp. Gr. 2-59 2-58 2-67 2-71 (The specific gravity values were determined in distilled water at 24-5 °C.) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SiO 2 49-06 50-44 47-97 46-09 49-25 52-63 51-98 A1203 . . 15-70 14-00 20-03 12-76 16-31 17-62 17-20 Fe203 . . 5-38 3-15 8-08 2-65 6-47 6-49 8-22 FeO 6-37 8-27 1-29 4-50 3-13 3-10 2-00 CaO 8-95 10-19 12-10 16-65 10-58 8-62 8-17 MgO 6-17 6-73 5-43 14-42 6-16 5-64 5-41 K20 1-52 0-48 0-17 , , 0-05 1-73 0-90 Na20 3-11 2-58 1-54 0-60 2-22 3-38 3-84 Ti02 1-36 3-06 1-46 0-45 2-03 0-07 0-36 MnO 0-31 0-12 tr. . . tr. tr. . , f2o5 0-45 0-29 v.sl.tr. # # 0-10 0-47 0-99 h2o (+) H20 (-) 1-62 | 2-04 2-43 / 3-14 \ -• 0-79 0-62 Cl # , • • , # , . , . , , co2 Total • • 100-11 100-55 99-48 100-54 99-69 Sp. Gr. • • 2-72 Key to Table II. G. 1. — Amygdaloidal C. Carlos). basalt, hill 200', St. Anna Plantation, Aitape (anal. G. 2. — Amygdaloidal C. Carlos). basalt, 200' cliff, Lapar Point Hill, Aitape (anal. 3. — Basalt, Pultalul Hill (115'), Aitape (anal. G. C. Carlos). G. 4. — Basalt, Rohm C. Carlos). Point proper, 223' above sea level, Aitape (anal. 5. — Average spilite according to N. Sundius (“On the Spilitic Rocks”, Geol. Mag., 67, (1930), pp. 1-17). 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Key to Table II. — continued. 6. — Average of seven spilites from various localities set out in Washington’s Tables (H. S. Washington, (1917-1918), Professional Paper No. 99, U.S.A. Geol. Survey). 7. — Average spilite according to A. K. Wells (“The Nomenclature of the Spilitic Suite”, Part II, Geol. Mag., lx (1923), p. 62). 8. — Average of four King Island (Tasmania) spilites, analysed by Miss B, Scott (1950). 9. — Average basalt according to A. K. Wells (loc. cit.). 10. — Average of twenty-nine Hawaiian basalts (G. A. Macdonald — “Hawaiian Petrographic Province”, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 60 (1949), pp. 1541-1596). 11. — Hornblende gabbro (inclusion in hornblende andesite), Tumleo Island, Aitape (anal. E. Ludwig — see Richarz, 1910). 12. — Olivine gabbro (waterworn, found on Tumleo Island and of the same nature as the olivine gabbro so common in the Torricelli Mountains nearby), (anal. E. Ludwig — see Richarz, 1910). 13. — Basalt, Retschnaia Bay, Copper Island, Commander Islands, Bering Sea (anal. W. Staronka — see J. Morozewicz, Mem Comm. G. Buss., No. 72 (1912), p. 72). 14. Basalt, Burney Butte, Shasta County, California (anal. R. B. Riggs — see J. S. Diller, JJ.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 148 (1887), p. 200). 15. Basalt, Cerro de Guadalupi, Puebla, Mexico (anal. A. Rohrig — see A. Hoope in Felix and Lenk, Petr. G. Mex. II (1899), p. 211). Compared with the analyses of the Aitape andesites (see table III, columns 1 and 2), the analyses of the Aitape amygdaloidal basalts (table II, columns 1 and 2) are distinctly lower in silica content. These basalts contain a little more silica than average basalts and average spilites (table II, columns 5, 6, 7, 8), evidently because of the secondary silica and silicates in some of the amygdales. Generally, the silica contents in Central Pacific basalts (table II, column 10) and the Aitape basalts compare favourably, while those from Circum-Pacific localities (table II, columns 13, 14, 15) are a little variable. Lime and magnesia are comparable in amount in the several amygdaloidal basalts of Aitape, but not in the basalts from the same area. The rather high magnesia content is accounted for by the abundance of chloritic and serpentinous material throughout the amygdaloidal basalts. In the more normal basalts of Aitape, the excess of lime over magnesia is of the same order as in Central Pacific basalts and Circum-Pacific basalts. The presence of approximately twice as much Fe203 as FeO in all the analysed Aitape basalts, is a function of the large quantity of grains and skeletal crystals of magnetite and accompanying hematite in their groundmasses. These basalts show the same characteristics as the Aitape andesites (table III, columns 1 and 2) in containing Fe2Q3 in excess of FeO, whereas the reverse holds in the average basalts and average spilites. The Circum-Pacific basalts likewise contain Fe203 in excess of FeO, but not the Central Pacific (Hawaiian) basalts. The Aitape basalts, however, are generally low in total iron, the amygda- loidal more so than the normal varieties, whereas both the Circum- Pacific and the Central Pacific basalts contain approximately twice as much total iron as the Aitape basalts, evidently because the augite in the Aitape basalts is a less iron-rich variety than in most other Pacific basalts. Total alkalies in the Aitape and Pacific basalts show certain anoma- lies when individual values are considered, only one of the Aitape basalts (i.e. from Rohm Point proper) being as low in alkalies as VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 27 Central Pacific basalts, the others being similar to the general run of Circum-Pacific basalts. The average value for total alkalies in the Aitape basalts (4-66%) is a little higher than for average basalts (4-63%), but lower than for average andesites (5*5% and 64% — table III, columns 4 and 5) and close to average spilites of some authors (table II, column 6). The average value is more comparable with the average for Circum-Pacific basalts than with the value for Central Pacific basalts. A little of the soda (likewise some of the potash and lime) in some of the Aitape basalts, such as the St. Anna Plantation basalt, has to be apportioned to chabazite in the amygdales, but as this mineral is relatively rare, the rock itself must be richer in soda than any other member of the analysed Aitape volcanic rocks, whether basalts or andesites, and so is closely related to the spilitic rocks. Total lime and magnesia in the Aitape basalts shows a range from 14-25% to 18-17%, but is closer to average basalt (15-12% — table II, column 9) than to average andesites (9-70% and 8-0% — table III, columns 4 and 5), and closer to Central than to Circum-Pacific basalts, although little different, on the average, from either. Aitape basalts are much poorer in titania than average basalts, average spilites and Central Pacific basalts. The ejected block of hornblende gabbro (table II, column 11) was regarded by Richarz (1910) as chemically similar to gabbro from Langenlois in Lower Austria. ANDESITIC EOCKS. In the Aitape district, andesitic rocks occur principally as agglom- erates. The texture and the amounts and nature of pyroxene and amphibole minerals in andesite fragments forming the Tepier and Tumleo Island agglomerates, are markedly variable. Many of the fragments are amygdaloidal porphyritic augite andesite, with occasional representatives of augite andesite, hornblende-augite andesite, porphyr- itic augite andesite, pyribole andesite, porphyritic hornblende-augite andesite and porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite. The texture of the andesites is typically hyalopilitic, the ground- mass in most varieties being microlitic, with abundant glass containing numerous laths of plagioclase. A few of the andesites have pilotaxitic texture, due to microlitic felspars developing almost to the exclusion of glass. A number are porphyritic. Augite Andesite. Uncommon, and only occurring in the agglom- erate of Solyaliu Hill on Tumleo Island, this rock has a crypto- crystalline to glassy groundmass with abundant minute grains and •clots of magnetite (partly altered to hematite), larger twinned-zoned andesine laths (some with cores of acid labradorite) , abundant fresh augite, occasional altered hypersthene and rare hornblende. Infilled vesicles are few and small. The augite is the pale yellow to yellowish -green variety common to the Aitape andesites generally, and is occasionally zoned. Pseudo- morphs after hypersthene consist mainly of opaline silica with a little chlorite and numerous apatite rods, while a few consist of serpentinous products showing relic pyroxene cleavage. Hornblende is mostly replaced by deuteric alteration products. In rare crystals, an inner core of fresh, pleoehroic hornblende is surrounded by a reaction corona. The corona is composed of an inner zone of unaltered magnetite crystals and a 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. broad outer zone of indefinite, pale grey to greenish coloured fibres and minute plates. Larger plates, that evidently consist of similar material to these fibres and small plates, occur in a replaced micro- phenocryst and consist of secondary, pale coloured amphibole. Porphyritic Augite Andesite. An uncommon constituent of the Solyaliu Hill agglomerate, this rock has a crypto- to micro-crystalline and glassy base containing secondary iron oxides and hydroxides that impart a light reddish-brown colour to the groundmass. Abundant colourless laths of plagioclase and less frequent, pale yellow to almost colourless prisms of pyroxene, form a striking contrast to the pinkish coloured groundmass in which they are set with a marked fluidal alignment. Augite forms unaltered phenocrysts a little larger than the plagio- clase laths and up to 1 mm- long. Altered hypersthene prisms are the same size as the plagioclase laths and occasional microphenocrysts are a little larger than the augite crystals. Richarz (1910, p. 433) noted that the hypersthene crystals in some of the Tumleo Island volcanic rocks, had been replaced by opal and that chlorite had penetrated the opal. That the replaced mineral (see figure 9B) was originally hypersthene, is proved by accumulated evidence from several of the andesitic rocks, thus : (а) unaltered hypersthene occurs in other Aitape andesites, (б) 8-sided cross sections and prisms with characteristic pyroxene form, are replaced by opal in the porphyritic augite andesite, (c) unaltered augite occurs in the same rocks as replaced hypersthene, and (d) hypersthene remnants occur in partially opalized pseudo- morphs in porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite from Solyaliu Hill. Original hypersthene groundmass prisms and microphenocrysts in the porphyritic augite andesite, are now largely isotropic pseudomorphs, with here and there a little secondary quartz left as relics of hypers- thene alteration (figure 9B). Hypersthene pseudomorphs are more common than fresh augite microphenocrysts and unlike them, have been considerably corroded by groundmass constituents in places. Unaltered plagioclase laths with sharply defined crystal outlines, show multiple twinning, sometimes combined with normal continuous zoning, sometimes normal discontinuous (varying from acid to basic andesine) and rarely oscillatory or oscillatory reverse chemical zoning. A few andesine crystals contain central cores of opal (figure 9A), indicating replacement of the more lime-rich portion. In rare examples, originally lime-rich outer zones have been replaced by opal. Areas of opaline silica are sometimes wedged between partially welded-on andesine crystals. Amygdaloidal Porphyritic Augite Andesite. This rock, from Tepier East Hill (488'), is a common constituent of the agglomerate and one of the few Aitape andesites containing vesicles infilled with secondary minerals. Primary minerals are esssentially the same and the groundmass constituents similar to porphyritic augite andesite from Solyaliu Hill. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AIT APE, NEW GUINEA. 29 Double pseudomorphs after hypersthene are characteristic of this rock, several opaline silica replacements of hypersthene crystals them- selves being subsequently replaced, completely or partially (figure 9E), by calcite. Calcite veinlets that link up several replaced pseudomorphs, pass around augite phenocrysts, cut through groundmass constituents, through fresh andesine laths without displacing them, but swell out into knots within the laths. Rather more common than calcite, olive green, pleochroic delessite is often spherulitic, sometimes fibrous, and occurs in many parts of the rock, including vesicles and altered minerals. Andesine and augite crystals remain unaltered. Brown to purplish coloured, pleochroic apatite prisms are occasionally associated with clots of augite. One zoned plagioclase phenocryst in this rock, has a core of basic labradorite surrounded by 30 narrow chemical zones ranging from acid labradorite to basic andesine in normal discontinuous zoning. Otherwise, the andesine crystals are similar to those in the porphyritic augite andesite from Solyaliu Hill. Hornblende- Augite Andesite. Occurring at Tepier East Hill (456'), this rock has a dusty, grey, micro- to crypto-crystalline ground- mass containing numerous grains and well-developed crystals of mag- netite largely replaced by hematite, pseudomorphs of hematite after hornblende, laths of andesine and prisms of yellowish-brown, zoned augite. The plagioclase is largely acid andesine, and as in the Mt. Bogana andesites on Bougainville Island (Baker, 1949), the number of zoned- twinned crystals is greater in hornblende-bearing than in augite andesite. A few border crystals are welded-on to larger andesine crystals. Zoning is commonly oscillatory normal, ranging from basic to acid andesine. Continuous normal zoning is common, oscillatory reverse zoning rare. Small hornblende prisms are altered to hematite, but phenocrysts occasionally have unaltered, pleochroic cores enveloped by broad coronas of deuterically produced magnetite, more or less oxidized to hematite. Much of the augite differs from the general type encountered in other Aitape andesites, in being yellowish-brown, non-pleochroic, with dark brown rims surrounding occasionally zoned cores (figure 9C). The zones extinguish at similar angles (34°) and in each crystal, are marked by colour differences only. Lighter coloured, pale yellow, non- zoned augite of a type characteristic of the Aitape volcanic rocks generally, is uncommon in the hornblende-augite andesite. Coloured, pleochroic rods of apatite up to 1 mm. in length, appear fibrous due to regularly arranged inclusions. The pleochroism varies from brown to pale purple in some crystals, pink to pale pink in others. The few vesicles in the rock are infilled with cryptocrystalline and opaline silica. Porphyritic Hornblende-Augite Andesite. A common type at Solyaliu Hill, this rock has a microcrystalline groundmass with numerous magnetite crystals, oligoclase-andesine laths in pronounced fluidal alignment, abundant larger andesine laths, hornblende and augite phenocrysts, pseudomorphs after hypersthene and a few infilled vesicles. Fresh, strongly pleochroic cores of brown hornblende are surrounded by broad, well-developed reaction coronas (figure 9D). Smaller hornblende crystals are replaced by material like that in the 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. coronas. Formed by deuteric alteration of peripheral regions of the hornblende, the coronas consist of secondary, iron-stained fibres arranged normal to the outer surfaces, with occasional unaltered and partially altered magnetite grains. Some hornblende crystals with coronas, show corrosion by groundmass constituents (figure 9D), portions of which are in turn partially replaced by opaline silica and chlorite. A few hornblende cores are entirely replaced, leaving only punctured sheaths of alteration products around kernels composed partly of groundmass constituents, partly of opaline silica with accompanying delessite. Figure 9. — Sketch Diagrams of Eeplaced and Zoned Minerals from the Aitape andesites. volcanic rocks of aitape, new guinea. 31 A. — Zoned andesine with lime-rich core replaced by opal. Outer and similarly shaded zones extinguish at 11°, others at 32°. Zoning is discontinuous oscillatory. Crystal 0-25 mm. long in porphyritic augite andesite from Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. B. — Silica-replaced hypersthene crystal showing altered (?) olivine centre and areas of crystalline and opaline silica. Globular and micro-botryoidal growths of opal occur in the crystalline silica. Chlorite along cracks and cleavage directions of the original hypersthene and small amount of calcite present (at bottom of pseudomorph) . Dark patches are magnetite. Crystal 1-lmm. long from porphyritic augite andesite at Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. C. — Dark brown rim of optically continuous augite, sharply delineated from yellowish-brown core of augite having a slightly darker coloured central region. Crystal 0-25 mm. across in hornblende-augite andesite from Tepier East Hill (456'). D. — Reddish-brown hornblende with well-developed corona of fibrous secondary mineral stained throughout with iron oxide. Corona broken through (see bottom of sketch) by groundmass constituents and part of the interior of fresh horn- blende replaced by opal and chlorite. Crystal 1-25 mm. long in porphyritic hornblende-augite andesite from Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. E. — Hypersthene microphenocryst replaced by opal and fibrous delessite, and portion subsequently replaced by calcite. Crystal 0*50mm. long in amygdaloidal porphyritic augite andesite from Tepier Hill (488'). Key to A. O. = altered (?) olivine. CH. = chlorite. DE. = delessite. LI. = limonite. OP. = opal, in part with chlorite. Letters. PI. = plagioclase (andesine). CA. = calcite. C.S. = crystalline silica. HO. = hornblende. M. — magnetite. Phenocrysts of pale yellow augite have in parts reacted with the groundmass to form narrow, but infrequent reaction coronas of pale green hornblende. Pseudomorphs of opaline silica after hypersthene are partially invaded along cracks by chloritic matter. Some contain crystalline and crypto-crystalline silica enclosing globular and micro-botryoidal opal. A feature of the pseudomorphs is that practically all the apatite content of the rock is located in them. Andesine laths are fresh and typically the same as in other Aitape andesites. Larger laths characteristically combine zoning and twinning in the same crystal. They also contain more inclusions than usual of chloritized and opalized earlier products of crystallization, often dis- persed throughout the core regions which are surrounded by jackets of clear andesine. Opaline silica infills the majority of the few, small irregularly shaped vesicles and is often fringed by delessite (cf. Richarz, 1910, pp. 422-423). Occasional vesicles contain crystalline silica with minutely globular opal. Porphyritic Augite-Hypersthene Andesite. This rock has only been observed at Solyaliu Hill on Tumleo Island, where it forms a volcanic neck (figure 6). Its groundmass is microcrystalline and a little coarser than any other Aitape andesite, also being crowded with grains and clots of magnetite. The weathered rock is pink to brown from oxidation of practically all the magnetite in the groundmass. Phenocrysts of augite up to 10 mm. across are more strongly coloured greenish-yellow than in the majority of Aitape andesites. They often contain numerous cubes of magnetite and occasional prisms of hypersthene, indicating later crystallization than these minerals. D 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. I Unenclosed hypersthene crystals smaller than the augite, are relatively common as microphenocrysts. Few have been replaced by delessite — opaline silica growths in areas where these secondary minerals are locally well-developed. A few such pseudomorphs contain unreplaced remnants of pleochroic hypersthene. Vesicles are mainly infilled with delessite and a little opal. Andesine phenocrysts, smaller than the augite phenocrysts, are numerous with zoned-twinned crystals prominent. One such plagioclase phenocryst with 56 narrow chemical zones, shows a range from acid to basic andesine in discontinuous normal zoning. Pyribole Andesite. Containing hypersthene, augite, hornblende and xenocrystal biotite, this andesite is an uncommon component of the Tepier Plantation agglomerates. A specimen from the lower levels of Tepier East Hill (456') has a much clearer glassy groundmass than most Aitape andesites, containing few microlites and few magnetite grains. Magnetite forms prominent clots and cubes larger than nor- mally, thus accounting for the distinct shortage of minute magnetite grains in the glassy matrix. Perlitic cracks (normally due to rapid cooling), are characteristically developed in the clear glass surrounding the larger magnetite crystals, but not around any other minerals in this rock. Hypersthene, the more abundant pyroxene present, forms prisms and occasional microphenocrysts. Augite is of similar size, but less frequent. Unaltered hornblende prisms are common, while occasional phenocrysts are twice the size of pyroxene microphenocrysts. Numerous andesine crystals range from groundmass laths to crystals of phenocrystal dimensions. Combined polysynthetic twinning and chemical zoning is a common feature. Some zoned crystals range in composition from acid labradorite to acid andesine. Several groups of andesine crystals indicate growth by welding-on as in the Torokina River andesites on Bougainville Island (Baker, 1949, p. 254). Small plagioclase laths (originally attached border crystals), incorporated in the structure of one larger, zoned crystal, are more or less optically continuous with the larger crystal, and are made evident by small refractive index differences along lines of attachment and by small variations in extinction. One or two retain traces of zoning independ- ently developed prior to welding-on. All constituents of the pyribole andesite are unaltered. A few minute rods of clear apatite and rare, small prisms of hornblende are distributed at random in some of the andesine crystals. Vesicles are scarce and infilled with delessite. The pyribole andesite contains rare clots of hypersthene-hornblende- magnetite and occasional clots of xenocrystal biotite. Accompanying the biotite clots are apatite and iron ore minerals. One coarse-grained clot, consisting of biotite attached to oligoclase, evidently represents a small inclusion of the country rock through which the andesite was emitted. In contact with oligoclase, the biotite was protected from attack by the host lava, but in contact with andesite groundmass, reaction fringes composed of small, colourless plates and prisms of indefinite character were formed. One embayed xenocryst of biotite, surrounded by a dis- continuous reaction zone, is embedded in a pale violet-grey, weakly birefringent, fibrous matrix, alien to the enveloping groundmass con- stituents of the andesite and with a crude radial arrangement. Along directions of elongation of the fibres, are many slender threads of iron ore minerals. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 33 Elsewhere in the Tepier Plantation area, as in the 120' high cliff of andesitic agglomerate 5 to 8 chains inland from the present shore- line, in the north-eastern portion of the outcrop, pyribole andesite has a rather more dusty, glassy base. The primary mineral content is of the same order of abundance and the mineral species are generally similar, even to the biotite xenocrysts with reaction borders as in the Tepier East Hill (456') pyribole andesite. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE ANDESITIC EOCKS. Analysed andesites from the Aitape district (Richarz, 1910, p. 445) are listed in table III and compared with average andesites from several localities and with biopyribole andesite of recent origin in the Goropu Mountains of South-east Papua (Baker, 1946). TABLE III. l 2 3 4 6 SiOa 59-39 54-02 55-83 59-3 60-8 ai2o8 16-73 14-82 16-23 16-6 17-3 Fe203 5-03 7-12 nil. 3-1 2-9 FeO 1-60 2-67 4-13 3-5 2-5 CaO 6-98 9-07 7-87 6-3 5-5 MgO 3-48 5-64 7-91 3-4 2-5 k2o 1-32 0-71 3-80 1-9 2-4 Na20 3-18 2-63 2-30 3-6 4-0 TiOa 0-72 1-60 114 0-7 0-6 MnO 0-10 tr. 0-11 0-1 0-1 h3po4 tr. tr. n.d. 0-2 0-2 h2o 1-52 1-92 101 1-3 1-2 Total 100-05 100-20 100-33 100-0 100-0 Key to Table III. 1. — Hornblende andesite, Tumleo Island, Aitape (anal. E. Ludwig — see Eicharz, 1910, p. 445). 2. — Augite-hyperstliene andesite, Tumleo Island, Aitape (anal. E. Ludwig — see Eicharz, 1910, p. 445). 3. Biopyribole andesite (lapilli), Goropu Mountains, South-east Papua (anal. F. F. Field — see Baker, 1946, p. 23). 4. — Mean of twenty analyses of hypersthene and augite andesites (Osann — Bosenbusch, “ Elemente der Gesteinlelire ” (1923), p. 409, Stuttgart: E. Nagele). 5. — Mean of eighteen analyses of biotite and hornblende andesites (ibid.). The Ti02 in column 1, table III, is ascribed by Richarz (1910) to titan-rich hornblende and the Ti02 in column 2, table HI is regarded as being mostly in magnetite. However, examination of a polished surface of porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite from Tumleo Island under a 1/10 PI. oil immersion lens, does not confirm the observations of Richarz. Among the opaque minerals are abundant grains of hematite, and in occasional of these grains are narrow lamellae of ilmenite. The hematite is pseudomorplious after magnetite and some of the Ti02 of the analysis is ascribed to the exsolved ilmenite lamellae. The remainder of the Ti02 is accounted for by the presence of minute crystals of foxy-red to honey-yellow rutile, so small as to be only detectable under the oil immersion lens and scattered throughout the rock. In hornblende-augite andesite from this area, the Ti02 is not due to titan-rich hornblende as concluded by Richarz, but arises from 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. the presence of small rutile grains, numerous micrographic inter- growths of rutile and hematite and occasional granular intergrowths of ilmenite and hematite, the hematite in the intergrowths being pseudomorphous after magnetite. The chemical composition of the hornblende andesite (table III, column 1) closely approximates the mean composition of twenty hypers- thene and augite andesites (table III, column 4), but is slightly lower in silica, alumina and total alkalies and a little richer in iron, lime and magnesia than the average of eighteen biotite and hornblende andesites (table III, column 5). Richarz (1910) regarded the horn- blende andesite from Tumleo Island, Aitape, as chemically similar to andesites from Rincon de la Vieja, Costarica and from Tuscan Buttes, Lassen ’s Peak region, California. This is of some interest in view of the comparable character, chemically, of basalts from California and basalt from Pultalul Hill, Aitape, and indicates that both the andesitic and the basaltic suites in these widely separated Circum-Paeific localities, thus have much in common. The Tumleo Island andesites typically have lime in excess of magnesia and soda in excess of potash, the normal for1 andesites generally (cf. averages in table III, columns 4 and 5). Total iron is rather higher in augite-hypersthene andesite (table III, column 2) than usual, alumina a little lower. The residual glass forming the groundmass of the andesites, is evidently enriched in potash, since soda would have been used up in development of the andesine laths. The excess silica over and above the requirements of the silicates in the andesites, lies occult in the groundmass glass, just as in the biopyri- bole andesite lapilli (table III, column 3) from the Goropu Mountains, South-east New Guinea. EJECTED BLOCKS. Richarz (1910, pp. 434 and 436) described inclusions in the Tumleo Island volcanic rocks as (i) hornblende gabbro (see analysis, table II, column 11), consisting of hornblende and plagioclase with some biotite, magnetite and apatite, (ii) hornfels composed of biotite, magnetite, bytownite, quartz and hypersthene, the rock being impregnated with delessite with isotropic cores. Other alien fragments ejected by the Lower Miocene volcano at Solyaliu Hill on Tumleo Island are largely gabbroic rocks similar to those of the basement complex as exposed in the Torricelli Mountains, and some blocks from the Lower Miocene limestones exposed on the northern flanks of these mountains. Gabbroic ejected fragments are fairly common and up to 6" across. They consist of basic bytownite to anorthite, diallage, hypersthene, dark green hornblende (as partial rims to some of the pyroxenes), clots of magnetite and abundant opaline silica with chlorite which in parts have developed around the ferro- magnesian minerals. The formation of such secondary material in the gabbroic rocks, evidently arose simply by virtue of these rocks being ejected fragments in association with similarly altered andesite frag- ments, the alteration having occurred in the late stages of Tertiary voleanicity. Gabbroic rocks from the Torricelli exposure of the New Guinea basement complex, remote from this Tertiary volcanism, were sampled from Afua village (figure 10) on the Driniumor River, 20 miles south-east of Aitape. These show only the usual alteration such as serpentinization, &c., and no development of opaline silica-delessite associations as in the Neogene andesitic rocks. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 35 Similar, typical gabbro alteration to that at Afua, is also shown by gabbro and peridotite from near Babiang at the mouth of the Dandrawad River (figure 10), but hornblende-liypersthene gabbro and amphibolite from Matapau at the mouth of the Wakip River together with diorite from Rocky Point and Niap, show no alteration. ALTERATION OF THE AITAPE VOLCANIC ROCKS. Most of the Aitape volcanic rocks have been partly altered, as indicated in table IV. Alteration was partly late magmatic, partly due to solfataric action and the effects of hydrothermal agencies such as hot springs containing dissolved silica, and hot, circulating carbonated waters. Some alteration (e.g. of magnetite) was due to atmospheric agencies, some (e.g. of olivine and hornblende) to corrosive deuteric action early in the magmatic history of the rocks. Table XV shows that few Aitape volcanic rocks escaped alteration of some sort. Those subjected to most alteration are (i) nearly all the more basic types, particularly amygdaloidal basalts, and (ii) among the intermediate types — characteristically the amygdaloidal andesite and hornblende-augite andesite in Tepier Plantation and porphyritic horn- blende-augite andesite on Tumleo Island. Early deuteric changes in the Aitape lavas are represented by com- plete alteration of olivine in basaltic types, development of reaction coronas around hornblende in porphyritic hornblende-augite andesite on Tumleo Island, complete alteration of hornblende in hornblende- bearing augite andesite on Tumleo Island and in hornblende-augite andesite from Tepier East Hill (456'), and production of occasional narrow reaction rims around a few augite crystals in porphyritic horn- blende-augite andesite on Tumleo Island. Late magmatic, evidently solfataric and hydrothermal alteration is represented by the infilling of vesicles with opaline silica, chloritic 36 PROCEEDINGS OP THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. products (including delessite) and later calcite. Concomitantly pseudo- morphs were developed where opaline silica, crystalline silica and chloritic material selectively replaced hypersthene. Of rather later development, are the occasional double pseudomorphs formed where calcite replaced some of the opaline silica pseudomorphs after hypers- thene. Throughout these changes, the majority of the felspars and virtually all the augite remained unaltered. Table IV. Showing- Mineral Alteration of the Aitape Volcanic Rocks. Mineral alteration or introduction. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Albite and albite-oligoclase developed + + Felspars completely altered + Olivine completely altered + + + + + + Secondary minerals in amygdales + + + + + + + + Augite partially altered . . + + Augite with reaction coronas + Hornblende with' reaction coronas + + Some hornblende com- pletely altered + + + Hypersthene completely altered + + + + + Groundmass partially altered + + + + Magnetite altered . . + + + + + + Biotite (xenocrystal) altered + + Escaped alteration + * + ( + * indicates a little mineral matter introduced into a few vesicles.) Key to Table IV. 1. — Amygdaloidal basalt, Lower Flow, 200' Rohm Point Hill. 2. — Basalt, 223' Rohm Point proper. 3. — Amygdaloidal basalt, Upper Flow, 270' Rohm Point Hill. 4. — Amygdaloidal basalt, St. Anna Plantation. 5. — Amygdaloidal basalt, cliff 200', Lapar Point Hill. 6. — Basalt, Pultalul Hill. 7. — Augite andesite, Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. 8. — Porphyritic augite andesite, Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. 9. — Amygdaloidal porphyritic augite andesite, Tepier East Hill (488'). 10. — Hornblende-augite andesite, Tepier East Hill (456'). 11. — Porphyritic hornblende-augite andesite, Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. 12. — Porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite, Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. 13. — Porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite (unweathered portion of volcanic neck) Solyaliu Hill, Tumleo Island. 14. — Pyribole andesite, old sea clilfs, 120' high, Tepier Plantation, north-eastern end of eastern outcrop. 15. — Pyribole andesite, lower levels, Tepier East Hill (456'). VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 37 It is uncertain whether the formation of the soda-rich amygdaloidal types by soda replacement of lime in the transition of basic to albitic felspar in the earlier-formed, more basic lavas at Aitape, occurred at this or an earlier stage. Undoubtedly this phase of lava alteration occurred after the development of the primary minerals, as the albite and albite-oligoclase are not primary in the sense that the lime- plagioclase is primary. Neither are they secondary in the sense that the opaline silica-calcite-delessite infillings of amygdales and replacements of other minerals are secondary. The fact that augite remains fresh in the soda-rich types, suggests that the albitized felspars have not been formed by the action of external solutions on already consolidated basalt, but more likely by reaction with a sodic fraction developed in the magma, during the end phases of crystallization. Replacement of the minute groundmass plagioclase laths in the amygdaloidal basalt from 200', Lower Flow, Rohm Point Hill (table IV, column 1), by crypto-crystalline material, is also a late secondary development. Changes due to ordinary processes of atmospheric weathering, are evidenced by the alteration of magnetite to hematite and limonite, both in the groundmass of some of the andesitic rocks and in the coronas of marginally altered hornblende in the hornblende-bearing andesites. The alteration to hematite may have commenced during phases of metasomatie alteration. The magnesia, lime and silica requisite for the formation of the abundant secondary minerals — chlorite, delessite, calcite, opal, crypto- crystalline silica and quartz, that form pseudomorphs and small veinlets, infill vesicles and replace parts of the groundmass in the various Aitape volcanic rocks, were evidently derived from the altered olivine and partially albitized lime-felspars in the basalts. COMPARISONS OF THE AITAPE VOLCANIC SUITE WITH OTHER NEW GUINEA VOLCANIC AREAS. Andesitic and basaltic rocks from various parts of British New Guinea, vary in age from Tertiary to Recent. Specimens from (i) Sogeri, north-east of Port Moresby, (ii) Dobodura, north-east of Mt. Lamington, (iii) Goodenough Island and Urasi Island in the D’Entre- casteaux Group, (iv) Kesup, four miles south of Madang and (v) the Goropu Mountains near Collingwood Bay*, reveal various types of basalts and andesites of Tertiary, Pleistocene and Recent age, with at least two, possibly three marked periods of volcanic activity during the Tertiary period. D’Entrecasteaux Group. The more basic members of the Aitape volcanic series bear little resemblance to the relatively young basaltic rocks at Malafua Creek and Bolu Bolu on Goodenough Island in the D’Entrecasteaux Group, south-eastern New Guinea (Baker and Coulson, 1948). At these localities, the flows are fresh, porphyritic olivine basalts, sometimes iddingsitized and lacking the amygdales so charac- teristic of the Aitape basalts, although some are vesicular in parts. Many features of some of the andesites at Aitape, however, are repeated on Urasi Island and the neighbouring islands of the Amphlett Group (Baker and Coulson, 1948, p. 661), where hornblende andesites are hypersthene-bearing as in so many of the andesitic volcanic rocks erupted around the fringe of the Pacific Basin. They are likewise * These localities are marked on figure 1. 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. crowded with similarly twinned-zoned andesine crystals, have a micro- crystalline groundmass that is in parts glassy and typically show similar reaction coronas around the larger hornblende phenocrysts as in the hornblende-bearing representatives of the Aitape andesites. These coronas are similarly altered to form broad bands of limonite and hematite. Porphyritic hornblende-augite andesite from Solyaliu Hill , on Tumleo Island, near Aitape, has many characteristics in common with porphyritic hornblende andesite from the west side of Urasi Island. Sogeri. The Upper Tertiary volcanic agglomerates from Sogeri, north-east of Port Moresby, consist largely of blocks of porphyritic olivine basalt up to 2 or 3 feet in size, averaging 9 inches and with smaller constituents 1 to 2 inches across. All the component fragments of the agglomerate appear to be volcanic, no ejected fragments of alien rock types being noted. The fragments are not particularly vesicular and there is a notable absence of fine ash constituents. The most common components are basaltic rocks that have little, if any, resem- blance to the Aitape basalts, but among these components, occur occasional fragments of pyribole andesite not unlike the Aitape pyribole andesite. Dobodura. Hypersthene andesite, augite-hypersthene andesite, pyribole andesite, hornblende andesite and hornblende-augite andesite represented among volcanic pebbles derived from the Mt. Lamington Pleistocene volcanics and collected from the Dobodura airstrip area, are unlike the similarly named varieties of andesite at Aitape in several respects. They are coarser-grained, having larger phenocrysts of pyroxene, amphibole and felspar in rather coarser groundmasses. There are a few similarities, however, in that the Dobodura volcanic rocks have incipiently developed hornblende reaction coronas in the pyribole andesite, broad well-developed reaction coronas and completely replaced hornblende microphenocrysts in the hornblende andesite and occasional pseudomorphs of opal after hypersthene. The hornblende reaction coronas and completely replaced hornblende microphenocrysts, however, are little weathered and are largely magnetite rather than hematite as at Aitape and in the islands of the Amphlett Group. Kesup. The Kesup volcanic rocks are waterworn pebbles from the ford over the Gum River, four miles south of Madang. They were presumably derived ‘from the Lower Miocene volcanic rocks of the Adelbert Mountains. Hornblende-augite andesite from Kesup has a microcrystalline groundmass without any glass, and contains much larger phenocrysts of hornblende and plagioclase than the Aitape hornblende-augite andesite. No hornblende reaction coronas were formed in the Kesup example and groundmass andesine laths are lacking. Small differences occur between pyribole andesite from Kesup and Aitape, the Kesup specimen containing in addition a considerable amount of quartz (mainly in the groundmass). If present in the Aitape pyribole andesite, excess silica lies occult in the glassy groundmass. The Kesup rock contains more numerous pleochroic apatite crystals. Kesup andesites are more crystalline than Aitape andesites, but are generally mineralogically similar to them, although opaline silica- chlorite pseudomorphs after hypersthene are conspicuously absent at Kesup. Goropu Mountains. Pyribole andesites at Aitape bear little resemblance to vesicular lapilli of porphyritic biopyribole (biotite, augite, hornblende, olivine) andesite recently ejected in the foothills of the Goropu Mountains (Baker, 1946). Aitape andesites are not as VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 39 basic and do not contain fresh or altered olivine. Where biotite is present as in pyribole andesite from Tepier Plantation near Aitape, it is xenocrystal in origin; the biotite in the Goropn rock is a primary constituent of biopyribole andesite. Hypersthene has not been observed in the Goropu Mountains andesitic lapilli, but is commonly present in several of the Aitape andesites. The Aitape rock is not nearly as vesicular as biopyribole andesite from the Goropu Mountains. GENEEAL EEMAEKS ON THE YAEIOUS VOLCANIC SUITES. The Aitape, Adelbert Mountains and Sogeri volcanic rocks are all shown as Upper Tertiary on the geological sketch map of Eastern New Guinea (Montgomery, Osborne and Glaessner, 1945). The Aitape . and Adelbert Mountains volcanic rocks are Lower Miocene, while the Sogeri volcanic rocks are generally considered to be Pliocene. The Dobodura-Mt. Lamington volcanic rocks are shown as Pleisto- cene on the geological sketch map of Eastern New Guinea, and the Goropu volcano is historically recent (Baker, 1946). The petrographic comparisons and contrasts between these various outcrops add nothing new to the above age relationships. Mt. Lamington, however, re-erupted violently during the early part of 1951, having apparently remained dormant for a period beyond the legendary knowledge of the local inhabitants. Eruption took the form of explosive activity, with the production of nuees ardentes and much ash and gas, causing scorifica- tion of the vent*. Among the Aitape volcanic rocks, the andesites are more like some of the younger volcanic rocks of the Mt. Lamington area and like those of Urasi Island, but the basaltic types have no near counterparts among basalts from the areas examined, being localized types verging on basic andesites and becoming sodic in parts. FORMATIONAL AND CRYSTALLIZATION HISTORY OP THE AITAPE VOLCANIC ROCKS. Volcanicity in the Aitape district commenced with an essentially effusive stage and little associated explosive activity. Submarine flows were extruded on to a sea floor of Tertiary sediments including lime- stones containing tuffaceous material in parts. The time of extrusion was presumably during the initial phases of the development of the Neogenic-Quaternary Inner Volcanic Arc of the Bismarck Archipelago. The site was the southern fringe of this arc, i.e. on the edge of the north-eastern down-warped (Miocene) areas off the north-westerly trending coastline of North-east New Guinea. The volcanic rocks com- menced to form here soon after the initiation of the downward move- ments in the formation of the Bewani Geosyncline (Beltz 1944, p. 1453). Geosynclinal conditions resulted in the accumulation of considerable thicknesses (15,000') of the Miocene-Pliocene deposits now constituting the Neogene foothills on the northern flanks of the Torricelli Mountains, part of which is shown in figure 10. During periods of limestone formation towards the bottom of the geosynclinal sediments, volcanic ash was emitted from time to time, and incorporated in the accumulat- ing limestones, thus forming tuffaceous limestones (see Nason Jones, 1920-1929) which contain the interbedded Aitape lavas. * These statements on the type of eruption are deduced from press reports only. E 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. No doubt, the same phase of volcanicity along this arc, formed the Upper Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Serra Mountains, the Adelbert Mountains anjd the .Finisterre Mountains*. The latest phases of volcanicity constitute the en echelon arcs extending from Kairiru Island to New Britain (figure 2). The evidence already set out shows that the earliest lava flows of the Aitape volcanic suite were partly submarine and in parts somewhat enriched in soda, and though they may not be true spilites in the strictest sense of the term, portions are closely allied to albitized basalts. Some of these lavas were evidently derived from a magma fraction more basic and locally as rich or richer in soda than the later formed magma fractions that produced the Aitape andesites (cf. tables II and 111). Such a fraction, however, was as basic, although richer in soda, than the magma producing the associated more normal basalt flows at Aitape. Changes involving alteration of the lime-rich felspars in the formation of spilitic rocks, are usually regarded as occurring at a late stage in magmatic cooling history, and not subsequently to consolidation in the generally accepted sense (cf. Hatch and Wells, 1926, p. 297). Significant albitization of basaltic rocks by resurgent water has been suggested by Daly (1933, p. 420), but the fact is not overlooked that spilitic pillow lavas often show evidence of having been erupted through wet sediments and solidified in the presence of abundant steam. Con- siderable thicknesses of wet sediments had already accumulated in the Bewani Geosyncline prior to the effusive stages of Lower Miocene volcanicity. The autolytic development of the soda-rich plagioclases in spilitic pillow lavas, requires abundant volatiles, but the source of these volatiles is difficult to prove at Aitape, where the partial soda-enrichment of the basic flows is so localized among the limited amounts of basalt emitted. Surging of soda-rich volatiles could possibly have occurred in the rising magma below the level of active sedimentation, but the con- clusion regarding the more fundamental question of the nature of the magma in which such concentration could take place, is in agreement with that of Daly (1933) and Eskola (1925), who hold that typical spilites are deuteric products of ordinary basalts. Gilluly (1935) con- cludes that spilites are not derived from an independent magma, that the albitization is caused by hydrothermal solutions and that hydro- thermal alteration is autolytic, closely following in time the consolida- tion of the rocks. Sundius (1930) pointed out that British authors also believe that spilitic rocks were altered by an autometamorphic (i.e. autolytic) change, Na20 and C02 being retained in solution during solidification of the magma, after which they acted upon the minerals of the rocks; but the high Na20 content is regarded as a necessary component of the original magma. The evidence from the Aitape soda-rich basalts provides no excep- tions to these ideas concerning the formation of spilites, and adds little that is new to the problem. Throughout geological history, albitic rocks of the spilite suite have characteristically developed in the geosyn- clines (Holmes, 1927, p. 263), and the soda-enriched portions of the Lower Miocene basaltic rocks at Aitape are no exception, being asso- ciated with an Upper Tertiary geosyncline — the Bewani Geosyncline. * These localities are marked on figure 1. volcanic rocks of aitape, new guinea. 41 The Aitape basalts followed a normal order of crystallization, and eventually gave place to augite-, hypersthene- and hornblende-bearing andesites in the later stages of eruptivity. This association is similar to the relationships of spilites and andesites in the Arenig centre of Ordovician lavas in North Wales, and as propounded for this area (see Hatch and Wells, 1926, p. 438), likewise in the much younger volcanic suite of the Aitape district in New Guinea — the change in facies of the volcanic products from sodic (spilitic) to calc-alkaline (andesitic) types, goes hand in hand with the fact that locally, the volcanic materials built up above sea level. By this time, the nature of the eruptivity at Aitape had become essentially explosive, forming the thicker deposits of andesitic agglomerates. The constituents of the mixed assemblage of eject amenta in the agglomerates, and the associated andesitic lava flows, represent various phases of minor differentiation in a magma that had passed from basic to one of intermediate composi- tion. Products of andesite of several mineralogical types were built up to greater thicknesses than was obtained by the essentially effusive basaltic phase. Evidently submarine explosive activity had occurred before and continued afterwards, but to lesser extents and under deeper water conditions, thus accounting for the presence of tuffaceous material incorporated within the marine limestones (tuffaceous lime- stones) that are recorded by Nason Jones (1920-1929) as being inter- bedded with Aitape volcanic rocks. The order of formation of the several types of andesites is not clear from the field evidence, and it is only certain that the last to form was the volcanic neck of porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite at Solyaliu Hill on Tumleo Island. Petrological evidence indicates that in the other andesites, hypersthene crystallized after the primary acces- sory minerals magnetite and apatite, but prior to augite and plagioclase. Some of the augite crystallized after the hypersthene, then followed hornblende, then the rest of the augite and then much of the plagioclase felspar. It would thus appear that most hypersthene-bearing andesites were among the earlier-formed products of the andesite suite at Aitape, although the volcanic neck rock at Solyaliu Hill which is hypersthene- bearing, was evidently the last andesite emitted from Tumleo volcano. The evidence accrued from this investigation, shows that at various times and for various reasons, parts of the crystallized fractions of the andesitic magma were out of equilibrium with the enclosing melt, and the process of crystallization did not follow a normal sequence of events as in the basaltic phase. There is evidence of the probability of at least two periods of hypersthene formation — one in the early stages and one in the final stages of andesitic volcanicity. Oscillation from wet to dry conditions of crystallization seems to be indicated by the formation of some of the augite after crystallization of the normal intermediate variety of hornblende, and by the development of coronas containing hornblende around occasional of the earlier-formed augite crystals. Felspar formation occurred in marked phases due to changes in equilib- rium at various stages, resulting in a final mixed assemblage of laths, microphenocrysts and phenocrysts with considerably divergent types of combined chemical zoning and twinning, and with variations in the nature and amount of earlier crystallized mineral inclusions. The distribution and frequency of occurrence of the zoned and twinned plagioclase felspars (chiefly an desine) of phenocrystal and microphenocrystal dimensions in the andesitic rocks of Aitape, are indicated in Table V. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Table V. Zoned-Twinned Plagioclase Felspars in the Aitape Andesites. No. Andesitic Rock. Twinned- Zoned Felspars. Zoned, Non-Twinned Felspars. Twinned, Non-Zoned Felspars. Other Zoned Crystals. 1 Augite andesite common occasional very few augite 2 Porphyritic augite andesite common common few 3 Amygdaloidal por- phyritic augite andesite common few occasional 4 Hornblend e-a u g it e andesite abundant few few augite 5 Porphyritic hornblende- augite andesite occasional very few common 6 Porphyritic augite - hypersthene andesite common occasional common 7 Pyribole andesite occasional abundant none Hornblende remained unaltered in some of the andesite fragments forming the agglomerates, but reaction coronas were developed around it and some crystals entirely replaced in other andesite fragments from the same locality. These unaltered, partially altered and completely altered hornblende crystals point to derivation during varying condi- tions in the magma, probably largely in the crater and conduit magma. The alteration apparently arose during effusive phases, when different levels of either the conduit or the cupola region were being tapped and added to the crater magma, where variations in the steam and water content were prevalent. Parts where the hornblende remained in equilibrium with the enclosing melt, were evidently free of excess active reacting materials, so that unaltered hornblende crystals could persist. Other parts were in a state of non-equilibrium as between hornblende and enclosing melt for a time, so that the fringes of the crystals were altered to produce reaction coronas surrounding fresh cores. Completely altered hornblende crystals in other andesitic frag- ments from the agglomerate, indicate origin in parts where volatiles were in greater concentrations for longer periods prior to ejection at the surface. Hornblende alteration occured after some of the andesine had crystallized, for where small hornblende crystals are included in the andesine, they remain unaltered, whereas unprotected hornblende crystals in the same rock were subjected to considerable deuteric alteration. The Mg, Ca, A1 and Si content of these deuterically altered horn- blende crystals was in parts wholly, elsewhere partially abstracted during the process of alteration. The iron content was precipitated as abundant grains of magnetite, sometimes as fringes forming the bulk of the reaction coronas, sometimes distributed throughout the original hornblende crystals to form pseudomorphs of magnetite. The greater stability of the augite throughout the phases of horn- blende alteration enabled it to withstand attack by surging volatile com- ponents during (and subsequently to) effusion. Only rarely does the augite show evidence of narrow reaction borders developing. Rapid crystallization of the residual molten portions of the various fractions of the andesitic magma, in positions near the earth’s surface, led to the formation of a glassy groundmass in many and a crypto- crystalline to micro-crystalline groundmass in a few of the andesitic rocks. VOLCANIC ROCKS OF AITAPE, NEW GUINEA. 43 Especially in the basalts (which were more vesicular than andesites at Aitape), but also to some extent in the andesites, subsequent altera- tion of solidified portions of the lavas by hydrothermal (possibly juvenile) solutions, led to selective mineral replacement and ultimate precipitation of newly formed products such as opal, crypto-crystalline silica, crystalline silica, calcite and delessite. The porphyritic augite- hypersthene andesite on Tumleo Island and the pyribole andesite at Tepier Plantation west of Aitape on the mainland, show no effects of this phase of alteration of the andesitic lavas, (c.f. table IV), even horn- blende remaining unaltered. This, and the fact that field evidence indicates that porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite was the last volcanic rock emitted in this area, all point to a cessation of the evolution of active hydrothermal waters in these parts, and conse- quently, cessation of selective mineral replacement, some time prior to the final emission of solid volcanic products in the Aitape district. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The author is indebted to Professor E. S. Hills for the use of laboratory facilities in the Geology Department of the University of Melbourne during examination of the Aitape rocks. Dr. A. B. Edwards and Mr. J. N. Montgomery have rendered much helpful criticism and advice during investigations of the rocks and preparation of the manu- script. Analyses of the Aitape basalts were carried out in the chemical laboratory of the Mineragraphic Investigations Section, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. REFERENCES. Baker, G., 1946. Preliminary Note on Volcanic Eruptions in the Goropu Moun- tains, Southeastern Papua, during the period December, 1943, to August, 1944. Journ. Geol., 54, 19-31. Baker G., 1949. Note on Volcanic Rocks, with special reference to Plagioclase Felspars from Mt. Bogana, Bougainville Island, Solomon Islands. Trans. Amer. Geopliys. Union, 30, 250-262. Baker, G. and Coulson, A., 1948. Metamorphic and Volcanic Rocks from the D ’Entrecasteaux Islands. Trans. Amer. Geopliys. Union, 20, 656-663. Beltz, E. W., 1944. Principal Sedimentary Basins in the East Indies. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 28, (10), 1430-1454. Benson, W. M., 1915. The Geology and Petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales, Part IV., The Dolerites, Spilites and Keratophyres of the Nundle District. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 40, 121-173. Daly, R. A., 1933. Igneous Rocks and the Depths of the Earth. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Eskola, P., 1925. On the Petrology of Eastern Fennoscandia, I, The Mineral Development of Basic Rocks in the Karelian Formations. Fennia, 45, No. 19, 1-93. Fisher, N. H., 1939. Report on the Volcanoes of, the Territory of New Guinea. Territory of New Guinea Geol. Bull., No. 2. Gilluly, J., 1935. Keratophyres of Eastern Oregon and the Spilitic Problem. Am. Journ. Sci., 29, 225-252 and 336-352. Hatch, F. R. and Wells, A. K., 1926. The Petrology of the Igneous Rocks. Allen and Unwin, London. Holmes, A., 1927. Some Problems of Physical Geology and the Earth’s Thermal History. Geol. Mag., 64, 263. Macdonald, G. A., 1949. Hawaiian Petrographic Province. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., 60, 1541-1596. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Montgomery, J. N., Osborne, N. and Glaessner, M. F., 1945. Geological Sketch Map of Eastern New Guinea, prepared by Directorate of Research, L. H.Q. Melbourne, from information supplied by J. N. Montgomery, N. Osborne, and M. F. Glaessner. Drawn and reproduced hy L.H.Q. Cartographic Coy., Austr. Surv. Corps., 1945. Nason Jones, J., 1920-1929. Anglo-Persian Oil Co. Geol. Surv. — “The Oil Explora- tion Work in Papua and New Guinea,” 8- Osann, A., and Rosenbusch, II., 1923. Elemente der Gesteinlehre. Erwin Nagele, Stuttgart. Raggatt, H. G., 1927. A Geological Reconnaissance of part of the Aitape District, M. T.N.G. Proc. Boy. Soc. Queensland, 40. Rioharz, S., 1910. Der Geologische Bau von Kaiser Wilhelms-Land noch dem heutigen Stand unseres Wissens. Neues Jahrh., 29, 406-536. Scott, B., 1950. The Petrology of the Volcanic Rocks of South East King Island, Tasmania. Proc. Boy. Soc. Tasmania, 113-136. Sundius, N., 1930. On the Spilitic Rocks. Geol. Mag., 07, 1-17. Van Bemmelen, R. W., 1939. The Geotectonic Structure of New Guinea. Die Ingenieur in Nederlandscli-Indie, Yaarg. 6, No. 2, 4, 17-28. Washington, H. S., 1917-1918. Professional Paper No. 99, TJ.S.A. Geol. Survey. Wells, A. K., 1923. The Nomenclature of the Spilitic Suite, Part II. Geol. Mag., 60, 62-74. Vol. LXIV., No. 3. 45 THE IDENTITY OF SPADELLA MORETONENSIS JOHNSTON AND TAYLOR. By J. M. Thomson, C.S.X.R.O., Division of Fisheries, Cronulla, N.S.W. ( Received 25th November, 1952; issued separately, 22nd March, 1954.) The benthic genus Spadella is not so well known as the more pelagic chaetognaths. The first record of the genus in Australia was the description by Johnston and Taylor (1919) of Spadella moretonensis from a single preserved specimen collected at low water mark at Caloundra, Moreton Bay. Mawson (1944) recorded three species of the genus, two of them new, from material dredged in water from 70 to 100 metres deep off the southern New South Wales coast. , Thomson (1947) recorded Spadella cephaloptera (Busch) from one specimen taken in a vertical plankton haul in 20 metres inshore off Port Hacking. Recently specimens of a species of Spadella were found to be abundant amongst the eel-grass {Zoster a marina) in various parts of Moreton Bay, including the type locality of Spadella moretonensis. The species is very common on the mud-flats at Dunwich, Stradbroke Island. Specimens were kept alive for some time in aquarium jars enabling a more detailed inspection of the animals than was possible for Johnston and Taylor. The species was determined to be Spadella cephaloptera (Busch) 1851. The measurements of 60 specimens are summarised in the following table: — Length ram. Tail % Hooks no. Ant. teeth no. Post teeth no. IV. Maturit’ III. y stages. II. I. 6-7 52-55 9-10 3-5 0-1 % 100 % % % 6-6 50-54 8-10 2-4 0-1 20 80 4-6 50-54 7-9 2-4 0-1 10 80 10 3-4 50-53 7-9 2-4 0-1 20 80 2-3 50-52 7-8 2-3 0-0 100 The maturity stages are distinguished as in Thomson (1947). Specimens are short and robust. There is one pair of lateral fins the membranes of which pass around the seminal vesicles to merge with those of the tail fin. Anterior origin of lateral fins varies from a little in front of the receptaculum seminis on trunk segment to immediately behind lateral insertions of transverse septum. This level is anterior to anus which is anterior to the median portion of transverse septum and posterior to lateral insertions (figure 1). Both lateral and tail fins are rayed except for membranes which pass around the seminal vesicles. Tail fin spatulate rather than broadly rounded as in pelagic chaetognaths. Hooks 7 to 10., anterior teeth 2 to 5; posterior teeth usually absent. Hooks or seizing jaws slender, with shaft bearing a spiral pattern, cutting edge smooth, point of hook sharp. Point inserted rather less than a quarter of its length into shaft. Anterior teeth rather long, slender and twisted. Posterior teeth when present, short and squat. F 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Corona ciliata somewhat variably shaped but always situated in neck region. Usually oval in shape with long axis transverse to long axis of body. Posterior margin of corona generally hollowed inwards. Collarette well defined, commencing at anterior end of head ; widest and most prominent in neck region, but extending to the receptula. Smaller specimens have a pair of prominent tentacles laterally on head at about level of eyes. These tentacles are not readily seen as they can be folded into slight grooves on the head. A pad of minute papillae is present antero-laterally each side of mouth. Ovaries extend about two-thirds of length of trunk. In ripe condition, 3 to 10 large eggs are apparent. Seminal vesicles and receptula reniform in shape. Ventral transverse musculature present throughout trunk, prominent anteriorly. As Yosii and Tokioka (1939) reported for Japanese specimens, the number of posterior teeth is fewer than that recorded for European specimens. This seems to be a common feature of several species which are present both in the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans (see Johnston and Taylor (1919), Tokioka (1940) and Thomson (194/)). This difference cannot be accounted as having specific value. The complete absence of posterior teeth has not been recorded for European specimens, except by Moltschanoff (1909) for his Spadella parvula . John (1933) figured and mentioned in the text only one row (the anterior) in his description of specimens from the Plymouth region. The spiral pattern of the shaft of the hooks has been recorded by Yosii and Tokioka (1939), but has not been mentioned by observers of Atlantic Ocean specimens. The short denticles on the cutting edge of the hooks reported by Ritter-Zahony (1911) are not apparent in the Moreton Bay specimens. Both John (1933) and Yosii and Tokioka (1939) record the cutting edge as smooth and sharp. According to Ritter-Zahony (1911) the anterior teeth are long, slender and twisted along their length as described here. Yosii and Tokioka do not comment on this point, but their figure shows this condition. On the other hand, John (1933) in his detailed study of the species stated that the teeth are small, conical structures with pointed tips. Possibly this is a matter of terminology or of experience with the phylum, for John’s figures show the teeth as relatively large for a chaetognath. In life, the transverse septum between trunk and tail is directed posteriorly in the median line so that the anus opens posterior to the lateral insertions of the septum. However, in preserved specimens the gut appears to contract and the septum apparently is carried forward to the position figured by Johnston and Taylor (1919) and Yosii and Tokioka (1939). This may account for the doubt as to whether the lateral fins commence anterior to the tail segment, although in the many specimens examined from Moreton Bay the origin is variable. The collarette merges into the anterior end of the fin, making the rays difficult to detect. However, of the 60 specimens examined, 21 had the lateral fins commencing in front of the receptula seminis on the trunk segment, whereas in 39, these fins commenced on the tail segment immediately posterior to the septum. Where the insertion is anterior to the septum, this small, anterior portion does not flare more widely as in Spadella schizoptera. THE IDENTITY OF SPADELLA MOEETONENSIS. 47 Figure 1. Spadella cephaloptera. Dorsal view. a. anus; c. collarette; c.c. corona ciliata; e. eye; j. books; l.f. lateral fin; o. ovary; p. sensory papilla; r.s. receptaculum seminis; s. trunk-tail septum; s.v. seminal vesicle; t. tentacle; t.f. tail fin. 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The distribution of the collarette is identical in Moreton Bay specimens with European examples. Johnston and Taylor (1919) were apparently misled by the remarks of Ritter-Zahony (1911a) “Collerette schon vor dem Halse beginnend, am breitesten in der Gegend der Corona, dann rasch sich verschmalernd, aber bis an die Mundung der Receptacula, also fast fiber den ganzen Rumpf reichend. ? ’ However, in Ritter-Zahony ’s terminology “Rumpf” means the trunk segment, not the whole body. The distinction made by Johnston and Taylor (1919) between the corona shape of Spadella cephaloptera and S. moretonensis is not of any significance because of the great variability in the outline of this structure. This has been commented on previously by John (1933) and Yosii and Tokioka (1939). Giard (1874) and Johnston and Taylor (1919) were in error in suggesting that the lateral tentacles reported by previous observers were foreign organisms. All specimens under 3-5 mm. bear them. John (1933) stated that they can be found in larger specimens retracted alongside the head, but careful examination has failed to reveal them. No specimen over 5 mm. in length was found to bear them. Johnston and Taylor (1919) are probably in error in stating that transverse muscles occur in the tail in moretonensis. Their diagnosis was based on a solitary specimen, and there is no evidence from their text or figures that it was sectioned. It is most difficult to determine the presence of transverse muscle from external appearances. The longitudinal muscles are transversely striated and the contraction of the longitudinal band in the tail segment may cause superficial transverse striations which have the appearance of transverse muscle in external view (Yosii and Tokioka). Sectioning of Moreton Bay specimens failed to reveal transverse musculature in the tail. The Moreton Bay specimens adhere to the surfaces upon which they rest by means of the adhesive papillae described by John. There are no glands associated with the papillae; the adhesion is entirely mechanical by the muscular creation of partial vacuua in the pits between the papillae. According to John (1933), the adhesive papillae occur only on the anterior third of the tail segment of adult cephaloptera , but in the newly hatched larvae they are said to occur only on the trunk and the head. The Moreton Bay specimens had adhesive papillae on at least the posterior third of the trunk segment as well as on the tail. Ritter-Zahony (1911, 1911a) and Kuhl (1938) both say merely that adhesive papillae occur on the ventral epitheleum without designating the limits of the adhesive area. Yosii and Tokioka (1939) were in error in considering the two club-shaped bodies found by Johnston and Taylor on the ventral surface of the posterior part of the tail as adhesive organs. Most probably they would be foreign bodies as suggested by Johnston and Taylor. The lack of any clear difference between the specimens from Moreton Bay and the descriptions of S. cephaloptera from the north Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans leads to the conclusion that Spadella moretonensis Johnston and Taylor is a synonym of Spadella cephaloptera ( Busch ) . THE IDENTITY OF SPADELLA MORETONENSIS. 49 REFERENCES. Busch, W., 1851. Beobachtung uber Anatomie und Entwicklung einiger wirbellosen Seethiere. Berlin. Giard, M., 1874. On the position of Sagitta and on the convergence of types by pelagic life. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 16, 85-90. John, C. C., 1933. Habits, structure and development of Spadella cephaloptera, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 75, 625-696. Johnston, J. H., and Taylor, B. B., 1919. Notes on the Australian Chaetognaths. Proc. Boy. Soc. Qld., 31, 28-41. Kuhl, W., 1938. Chaetognatha, Bronn’s Klassen. Ord. Tiereich, 4 (2), 1-226. Mawson, P. M., 1944. Some species of the chaetognath genus Spadella from New South Wales. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Aust., 68 (2), 327-333. Moltschanoff, L. A., 1909. Die Chaetognathen des Schwarzen Meeres. Bull. Acad. St. Petersh., Ser. 6, 1887-902. Ritter-Zahony, R. V., 1911. Revision der Chaetognathen. Deutsche Sudpolar Exped., 13 (5), 1-71. Ritter-Zahony, R. V., 19H. Die Chaetognathen der Plankton-Expedition. Planlcton Expedition, 2, 1-33. Thomson, j. m., 1947. The Chaetognatha of South-eastern Australia. Counc. Sci. Indust. Res. Aust., Bull 222, 1-43. Tokioka, T., 1940. A small collection of Chaetognaths from coast of New South Wales. Rec. Aust. Mus., 20 (6), 367-379. Yosii, N., & Tokioka, T., 1939. Notes on the Japanese Spadella. Annot. Zool. Jap. 18, 267-273. Vol. LXIV., No. 4. 51 TWO NEW SPECIES OF DIPETALONEMA ( N EMATODA, F I LAR I O I DEA ) F ROM AUSTRALIAN MARSUPIALS. By M. J. Mackerras, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane. (With Plate I. and nine Text-figures.) (Received 14th November, 1952 ; issued separately, 22nd March, 1954.) INTRODUCTION. Many filariid worms have already been described from Austral- asian marsupials, by Leidy (1875), von Linstow (1897, 1898, 1905), Breinl (1913), Solomon (1933), Baylis (1934) and Johnston and Mawson (1938a, 1938b). It was therefore rather surprising to find a previously undescribed species in the common bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus Shaw and Nodder, and another in the red-legged wallaby, Thylogale wilcoxi (McCoy). The taxonomy of this group of parasites is in an unsettled state. Yorke and Mapleston (1926) founded a genus Breinlia for the species which occurs in the possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, and which was originally described as Filaria trichosuri by Breinl (1913). Solomon (1933) placed the species from the tree kangaroo in this genus, but later workers, including Baylis, Johnston and Mawson, and Chabaud (1952) have regarded Breinlia as a synonym of Dipetalonema Diesing, and for some years all the species from Australasian marsupials have been assigned to this latter genus. The species described here have therefore also been placed in Dipetalonema, though with some reserva- tion, because the writer feels that the genus Breinlia may well be revived in the future. Nothing, however, is yet known of the life histories of these parasites. When some of these are elucidated, it may be possible to group the species into natural assemblages. DIPETALONEMA JOHNSTONI n. sp. The adult worms were found loosely coiled in the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior abdominal wall of the short-nosed bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus. An examination of 33 individuals from various localities in South Queensland showed six to be infected. The infected individuals came from Mount Nebo and Mount Tamborine. Some female specimens collected by Mr. R. Riek from the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta, also belong to this species. Usually there were from 2 to 10 adult worms present; one individual, however, had a heavier infection, about 25 worms being removed. Types. — Holotype male, allotype female and a skin section showing microfilariae have been deposited in the Queensland Museum. Distinctive Features. — Very short and slender; oesophagus uniform in width, vulva immedidately post-oesophageal ; tail ending in four digitations; long spicule complex, short one relatively simple; no gubernaculum. a 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Male. — Capillary in form, 20-32 mm. long by 0-14 mm. in maxi- mum breadth. The cuticle is relatively thick and smooth except in the posterior part of the body, where fine transverse striations appear. These striae are most clearly defined in the spiral portion of the tail. Each stria is ornamented with a row of minute, close-set, regular bosses. Striae and bosses fade out in the cloacal region. The head measures 0-12 mm. in diameter and is followed by a distinct neck, 0*1 mm. in diameter. No cephalic papillae nor oral chitinous structures could be detected. The nerve ring lies about 0-28 mm. from the anterior end. The oesophagus measures 0-7 to 0-9 mm. in length by 0-025 to 0-03 mm. in diameter. It may widen slightly from before backward, but there is no definite division into two parts. The posterior end of the body is coiled into a tight spiral of three or four turns. The tail measures 0-14 mm. from tip to cloaca, and ends in four minute digitations (Text-fig. 2). The left spicule is long and slender, measuring 0-35 mm. in length by 0-012 mm. in maximum breadth, which is at the proximal end. It consists of a stiff, tubular, proximal portion about 0-18 mm. long, which appears irregularly chitinised or roughened. There is then a more flexible-looking part supported by two slender struts, which seem to merge together to form the curved, needle-like distal portion (Plate 1, fig. 3; text-fig. 2). The smaller, right spicule is 0-080 mm. long by 0-010 mm. wide ; it is boat-shaped with the keel directed dorsally. The distal end is bluntly spatulate. The ventral surface appears to be grooved to accommodate the long spicule. There is no gubernaculum. The cloacal papillae consist of two pairs of small pre-anals, two pairs of minute ad-anals and two pairs of post-anals. (These papillae are only shown on one side in text-fig. 2.) Female.— Considerably larger than the male, measuring 45 to 70 mm. in length by 0-2 to 0-3 mm. in maximum breadth. The cuticle is similar to that of the male, except that bosses are inconspicuous or absent. The shape of the head and form of oesophagus are similar to those in the male. The oesophagus measures 0-7 to 1-1 mm. in length by 0-03 to 0-04 mm. in width. In some specimens the anus is ill-defined and may not be patent. The ovarian tubes begin in the posterior part of the body. The uteri are packed with well-developed embryos. The uteri pass forward to a point about 2 to 3 mm. from the anterior end, where they unite to form the vagina. This is a muscular tube about 1 mm. in length; it leads through a muscular bulb to the vulva, which opens in the immediate post-oesophageal region about 1-1 to 1-5 mm. from the anterior end. There is a distinct bulge at this point; opisthodelphys (Text-fig. 1). The tail ends in four digitations as in the male. A pair of minute subterminal papillae was detected in some specimens. The length from anus to tip of tail is 0-145 mm. Microfilaria. — These were not detected in blood films, but in sections of the skin they were regularly found lying immediately below the Malpighian layer (Plate 1, figs. 1 and 2). Specimens from the uterus of the female measure 0-110 mm. to 0-120 mm. by 0-004 mm. The head is blunt, with two retractile spots in Leishman-stained smears. The tail is pointed. The nerve ring is 0-025 to 0-03 mm. and the excretory pore 0-04 to 0-045 mm. from the anterior end. No sheath was detected (Text-fig. 3). Specimens found in thick, tangential sections of the skin are considerably longer. TWO NEW SPECIES OF DIPBTAEONEMA. 53 Two perfect specimens measure 0-19 and 0-2 mm. in length respec- tively, by 0-004 to 0-005 mm. in width. The head is blunt ; no refractile spots were detected. The nerve ring lies 0-045 to 0-05 mm. and the excretory pore 0-075 mm. from the anterior end. The anal pore was not defined (Text-fig. 4). Microfilariae have only been found in skin sections of those animals which harboured the adult worms, and it is assumed they originated from them. The differences in measurement may be due partly to shrinkage in a dried film, but it seems likely that some growth had also occurred. The positions of the nerve ring and excretory pore are the same proportionally as in those from the uterus. Taxonomic Notes. — The tip of the tail seems quite characteristic, no other species being recorded with four terminal digitations. It differs in size (being much smaller) from all the described species except D. rarurn Johnston and Mawson, which is known only from the female, D. dasyuri Johnston and Mawson, and D. capilliforme Text-figs. 1-4. Dipetalonema johnstoni n. sp. : fig. 1, anterior end of female; fig. 2, posterior end of male in ventro-lateral view; fig. 3, microfilaria from uterus; fig. 4, microfilaria from skin; a.p., anal pore; ex.p. excretory pore; i. intestine; l.sp., long spicule; n.r., nerve ring; o., oesophagus; s.sp., short spicule; v. vulva; vag. vagina. 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Baylis. In rarum the head bears four papillae and the tail two subterminal papillae; the vulva is further back (3-55 mm.) than in johnstoni n. sp. (1-1 mm.). In dasyuri the vulva is very much further back, being 6 mm. from the anterior end; moreover, the spicules in dasyuri are short and nearly equal. In capilliforme the females are usually larger, about 140 mm. by 0-3 mm., than in johnstoni n. sp. (about 50 mm. by 0-2 mm.), but the oesophagus is shorter and the vulva nearer the anterior end. I have named this species in honour of the eminent Australian parasitologist, the late Professor T. Harvey Johnston of Adelaide. DIPETALONEMA THYLOGALI n.sp. The adult worms were found in the peritoneal and pleural cavities of a red-legged wallaby, Thylogale wilcoxi, from Tamborine, South Queensland. Types. — Holotype male and allotype female have been deposited in the Queensland Museum. Distinctive Features. — Relatively short, slender worms; cephalic papillae well-developed; with a chitinous ring at the base of the buccal cavity; cuticle transversely striated; oesophagus distinctly divided into two parts, vulva post-oesophageal; tail bluntly rounded; long spicule complex, short one relatively simple; gubernaculum present. Male. — A single specimen found in the mesentery measured 37 mm. long by 0-2 mm. in maximum breadth. The cuticle is smooth anteriorly, but fine striations appear in the mid-oesophageal region. They are more pronounced in the middle of the body, appearing as regular lines 0-005 mm. apart. Some irregular, minute, elongate bosses are associated with the striae, and are best defined in the spiral region of the posterior end. Both striae and bosses fade out in the cloacal region. There is no neck, the width of the head end increasing gradually from before backward. There is an outer circle of four, moderately large, cephalic papillae, and an inner circle of smaller ones, difficult to count. A chitinous ring is present at the base of the minute buccal cavity. The oesophagus consists of a narrow anterior portion, 0-44 mm. long by 0-03 mm. wide, and a longer, broader posterior section, which is 1-2 mm. long by 0-05 mm. wide. The nerve ring is about 0-21 mm. from the anterior end. The posterior part of the body is coiled in a loose spiral of three turns. The bluntly rounded tail measures 0-45 mm. from tip to cloaca. The left spicule is 0-45 mm. long. It consists of a stiff, tubular proximal portion 0-2 mm. long by 0-02 mm. in maximum diameter, a shorter, more flexible-looking portion supported by two strong, marginal struts, and a curved, needle-like distal portion about 0-19 mm. long. The right spicule is 0-11 mm. long. The proximal end is expanded into two lobes which are less heavily chitinised than the remainder. The distal end is rounded, spatulate. There is a small, rectangular gubernaculum, 0-03 mm. in length, which is grooved on the ventral aspect to accommodate the small spicule, which in turn appears to support the long spicule (Text-fig. 9; plate 1, fig. 4). The cloacal papillae are large; there are two pairs of pre-anal, one pair of ad-anal (not shown in diagram) and four pairs of post-anal papillae, the last pair being asymmetrically placed. TWO NEW SPECIES OF DIPETALONEMA. 55 Female. — One intact and one broken specimen were studied. Length 98 and 94 mm. by 045 mm. in maximum diameter. The cuticle resembles that of the male, except that bosses are ill-defined or absent. The head and conformation of the oesophagus resemble those of the male. The anterior part of the oesophagus is 045 mm. by 0-03 mm., and the posterior part 14 mm. by 0-07 mm. in width. The anus is clearly patent. The nerve ring lies between 0-2 and 0-3 mm. from the anterior end. The ovarian tubes begin in the posterior part of the body. The uteri contain microfilariae, and pass forward side by side to within 4 or 5 mm. of the anterior end, where they unite to form the vagina. This is thrown into coils before opening to the exterior through a muscular bulb. The vulva is in the post-oesophageal region, 2-8 mm. from the anterior end; opistho- delphys. The length of the tail from tip to anus is 0-55 mm. (Text-figs. 5 and 6). Microfilaria. — Scanty microfilariae were found in smears taken from blood clot around the heart. It should be noted that the lungs, diaphragm and liver had been removed from the wallaby in the search for hydatid cysts before the carcase was examined for filariae. At least one mature female worm had been damaged, so that the presence of microfilariae in blood films may have been an artefact. They were not, however, found in skin sections. Measurements in Leishman- stained films were : — Length 0-210 to 0-245 mm. by 0-007 to 0-008 mm. in width. The head is rounded and the tail pointed. The nerve ring is 0-05 to 0-06 mm. and the excretory pore 0-075 mm. from the anterior end. The anal pore was not defined. 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Taxonomic Notes. — This species appears to be nearly related to D. robertsi Johnston and Mawson, but may be distinguished by its smaller size; by the position of the vulva, 2-8 mm. from the anterior end in thylogali n. sp., 6-5 mm. in robertsi ; by the smooth tail, subterminal papillae present in robertsi; by the greater length of the long spicule and the greater disproportion of the two spicules, left four times length of the right in thylogali n. sp., only twice length in robertsi. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I wish to thank Mr. T. Lawton of Mount Nebo for several infected bandicoots, and Mr. R. Riek for the wallaby, two infected bandicoots and for material from other marsupials. I am indebted to Mr. G. Mack, Queensland Museum, for identifying the marsupials. SUMMARY. Two new filariid parasites are described from marsupials from South Queensland. Dipetalonema johnstoni n. sp. is described from the subcutaneous tissue of the bandicoots, Isoodon obesulus and Perameles nasuta; and Dipetalonema thylogali n. sp. from the body cavity of the red-legged wallaby, Thylogale wilcoxi. REFERENCES. Baylis, H. A., 1934. On two Filariid parasites of marsupials from Queensland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 10, IB, 549-554. Breinl, A., 1913. Nematodes observed in North Queensland. Rpt. Aust. Inst. Trop. Med. for 1911, 39-40. Chabaud, A. G-., 1952. Le Genre Dipetalonema Diesing 1861. Essai de classification. Ann. de Parasit., 27, 250-285. Johnston, T. H., and Mawson, P. M., 1938a. An account of some filarial parasites of Australian marsupials. Trans. B. Soc. S. Aust., 62, 107-121. Johnston, T. H., and Mawson, P.M., 1938b. Some nematodes from Australian marsupials. Bee. S. Aust. Mus., 6, 187-198. Leidy, J., 1875. On some parasitic worms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 27, 17-18. von Linstow, O., 1897. Zur Systematik der Nematoden nebst Beschcreibung neuer Arten. Arch f. Mikr. Anat., 49, 608-622. von Linstow, O., 1898. Nemathelminthen von Herrn Richard Semon in Australien gesammelt. Semon ’s Forschungsreisen in Australien (V). Denk. Med. Nat. Ges. Jena, 8, 469-471. von Linstow, O., 1905. Helminthologische Beobachtungen. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., 66, 355-366. Solomon, S. G., 1933. A note on a new species of Breinlia (Filariidae) from a tree kangaroo. J. Helminth., 11, 101-104. Yorke, W., and Maplestone, P. A., 1926. The Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates. London, Churchill, p. 400. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. Dipetalonema johnstoni n. sp. — Fig. 1, vertical section of skin of bandicoot showing microfilariae, x 192 ; fig. 2, high power view of another field, x 650 ; fig. 3, posterior end of male. D. thylogali n. sp. — Fig. 4, posterior end of male, g., gubernaculum ; p. 1. sp., proximal part of long spicule; s. sp., short spicule; t. 1. sp., tip of long spicule. (Figs. 3 and 4 are at the same magnification; the small divisions in the scale equal 0-01 mm.) Proc. Roy. Sot Plate I a Q ’land., Vol. LXIV., No. 4. 3 Vol. LXIV., No. 5. 57. MEMORIAL LECTURE. PROFESSOR T. HARVEY JOHNSTON: FIRST PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. By Dorothea F. Sandars, Queensland Institute of Medical Research and Department of Social and Tropical Medicine, University of Queensland. (With Plate II.) (Delivered before the Royal Society of Queensland , 1st December, 1952.) On 30th August, 1951, many of us, listening to the 7 p.m. National News were shocked by the following announcement : — “The death occurred in Adelaide this morning of Professor Thomas Harvey Johnston, Professor of Zoology at Adelaide University. “Professor Johnston was one of the best known biologists in Australia. He had won many high scientific awards for his research work, particularly on parasites. “Professor Johnston was Chairman of the Queensland Prickly Pear Commission from 1912 to 1914; Chief Biologist on the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expeditions from 1929 to 1931 ; and the author of more than 250 publications about Australian zoology. He was 69.” So it was that Australia learnt of the loss that day of her senior Professor of Zoology, so the world was told that there had passed one of its leading parasitologists, and to many of us there came a deep hurt in the realization that we had lost, not only a sound adviser and ready fount of knowledge, but a very sincere friend. Thomas Harvey Johnston was born in Sydney on 9th December, 1881. Of his ancestry I have discovered little, but one thing has stood out in the minds of several of us, and that is his pride in claiming forebears who had come from the north of Ireland. Harvey Johnston was apparently a hard-working small boy at school, and grew to become a very studious young man, whose career was marked by one distinction after another. Matriculating at 15 years of age, he joined the New South Wales Education Department, and winning the Jones Memorial Scholarship, proceeded to the University. In 1902, Thomas Harvey Johnston commenced his University career at the University of Sydney — a career that was to claim him for the rest of his life. First he completed a Bachelor of Arts degree, and in the last year of this course, while studying English III., he did the first year requirements of a Science Degree. In 1906 he completed the requirements for his Bachelor of Science degree, gaining second class honours in Biology. During the same year he successfully presented a thesis in Modern History on “The Puritan Period” for a Master of Arts degree. Thomas Harvey Johnston had the degree H 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. of Bachelor of Arts conferred on him on 6th May, 1905 ; and at the same ceremony on 27th April, 1907, both the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts. This in itself seems no small task, but add the fact that from 1903-6 he was teaching at the Fort Street High School and we see that here must have been a young man with determination, enthusiasm and tireless energy — and yet with enough spare time to woo and win for himself Miss Alice Maude Pearce, whom he married on 1st January, 1907. Along with other students, many of whom became well known, Harvey Johnston received a very thorough training in Zoology under the famous Professor W. A. Haswell. Even as early in his career as this, Johnston was renowned for being a stickler for details, and was always regarded as being the one of the group who could invariably “ produce the facts.” A slim, serious and keen young man, he was not, however, without a certain amount of fun, and very often in the Zoology laboratory, when some innocent practical joke was discovered, the comment would be heard, ‘ ‘ another of Harvey ’s tricks ! ’ ’ In 1907-8 he was a Lecturer in Zoology and Physiology at the Sydney Technical College, where he added to his academic achieve- ments by becoming, in 1908, an Associate (in Biology and Agri- culture), and in 1910 a Fellow. In 1908 he was also the Assistant Director of the Bathurst Technical College, New South Wales. In 1909, on the establishment of the Bureau of Microbiology in Sydney, Johnston was appointed an Assistant Microbiologist to Dr. J. B. Cleland. These years at the Bureau were both productive and stimulating, and were to have a marked effect on the young man, which persisted throughout his subsequent career in Queensland, and probably to a degree throughout his later lifetime. Papers on parasitic Protozoa and Helminths flowed from his pen ; papers written both by himself alone and jointly with Cleland. To workers to-day, this rate of production is alarming, but it must be remembered that here was a young and vigorous team working in an almost untouched field. The Bureau was newly established, and the young man was being pushed continually to produce paper after paper; publications were demanded of him, and he gave — but very often he expressed the opinion that he did not have enough time to complete papers in the manner that he would have liked. That sense of thoroughness, so characteristic of him throughout his life, rebelled against this rapid churning out of work. Of the association with Dr. J. B. Cleland at the Bureau I can do no better than to quote directly what Cleland himself recently wrote to me of the period: “Our association there and again later in Adelaide was a very happy one. Harvey Johnston had already shown considerable interest in Parasitology, especially in the Cestodes. As I had a very catholic interest in natural history and the scope of activities of the new Bureau was very wide, we began to follow up the parasites of our Australian mammals, birds, batrachians and fishes. The birds were collected under licence and every possible use made of these victims of scientific curiosity. The colours of the soft parts were noted, the temperatures sometimes taken, measurements made, blood smears prepared, feathers searched for Mallophaga, intestines examined for worms and even in some cases the carcase was not thrown away. I remember my wife being given the remnants of a wonga or other pigeon, which had gone through such an overhauling, MEMORIAL LECTURE: T. HARVEY JOHNSTON. 59 for a meal. The blood smears were stained and searched for Haematozoa and the results of onr researches published in the journals of the Linnean Society of New South Wales or the Royal Society of New South Wales. In examining these blood smears we noticed that the size of avian red cells varied considerably, being larger in the more archaic families than in the Insessores ; in blood smears from fishes, the sharks, &c., had larger cells than the bony fishes, and seemed to lead on to the red cells of reptiles and then to those of birds. Ceratodus had far and away the largest red cells. We collected material wherever we went. On one trip to Kurnell on Botany Bay, we went as far as to try cooking and eating the flesh of a Varanus after searching it for ticks, cestodes, &c.” This habit of not wasting the flesh of an animal investigated for parasites persisted throughout Johnston’s lifetime; one of his later students remembers, even as recently as 1948, that “It was Christmas eve and the ‘Prof.’ had been examining a duck for parasites, then carefully he wrapped up the body and took it home.” Professor Cleland also referred to the contact they had had with Queensland’s Dr. T. L. Bancroft who, again to use Cleland ’s own words, “was very helpful to us, generously placing at our disposal blood smears and parasites from birds, mammals and reptiles that he had collected in Eidsvold. ’ ’ Meanwhile, this energetic young zoologist, besides producing some twenty-five publications and part of the reports of the Bureau, had, during 1909-10, found time to write a thesis on the cestodes, the group of helminths that was essentially his greatest love throughout his life. This thesis, ‘ ‘ Studies in Australian Cestoda, ’ ’ and an examination for which he sat, gained for him a Doctorate of Science of the University of Sydney, to which degree he was admitted on 1st May, 1911. The thesis was subsequently published in Records of the Australian Museum, 1912, under the title “On a re-examination of the types of Krefft’s species of Cestoda in the Australian Museum, Sydney.” Johnston’s papers for this period are mainly to be found in the journals of the Royal Society of New South Wales of which he became a member in 1909, making five contributions in that one year, and the Linnean Society of New South Wales, of which he became a member in 1907. Many of these were on the blood parasites of native animals, particularly fishes, reptiles and birds. And still he found time during these years to indulge in outside activities, acting as chief examiner for an ambulance branch and for the Royal Life Saving Club. On the establishment of the University of Queensland, Dr. Harvey Johnston was one of the early appointees on the staff, being made Lecturer-in-Charge of the Department of Biology. He could not take up his appointment until June, 1911, the teaching within the newly- formed department being done by Dr. Hamlyn-Harris. Of the arrival of Dr. Johnston and his family in Brisbane, Dr. C. D. Gillies, one of Queensland’s first students in Biology, has recalled the following: — “It was about the middle of 1911 when Raymond Dart and I called at ‘Menzies,’ George Street, to meet the Johnston family. Fortunately, we found them in. Dr. and Mrs. Johnston were a very pleasant, friendly couple, with two very healthy looking small children of the romper stage. Johnston was a slender man of medium height, obviously a student of some 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. academic subject, very earnest, serious and full of enthusiasm. At that time he had just been appointed to the lectureship in Biology; the Professorship came later.” The Biology Department was initially housed in what is now the administration building of the University, in the rooms on the left on entering the Main Hall. Teaching facilities were those of an embryonic department, the blackboard was easel-type, the laboratory bench space was improvised by having tables with holes cut along the middle to allow slop buckets to be inset, and no water was laid on. It is perhaps of interest to note that for the year 1911 the maintenance of the Biology Department was £18 16s. 2d. The rest of the staff for Biology was nominated as “One Laboratory Attendant (Boy).” Those early years some of you will recall — my story is one pieced together from memories of others. Again Dr. Gillies has recalled the following of Dr. Johnston: — “It was soon obvious that (a) he wanted us to understand and fully appreciate his remarks, as he spoke slowly and very distinctly to enable us to take down what he was saying, (b) he was an enthusiastic man and did his best to impart some of his enthusiasm to us. Johnston lectured down to the level of the average student and didn’t parade his knowledge per medium of vague but sonorous oratory. He made us realise that Biology was essentially a practical study, so we had to handle as many specimens as we could both in the laboratory and in the field. He lavishly illustrated his remarks with simple diagrams, frequently with the various systems contrasted in vivid colours.” Excursions became an essential part of the Biology curriculum, and it was soon an established custom that a week in May was spent at Caloundra and a fortnight in August somewhere further north, usually on the Great Barrier Beef on Masthead Island, North-West Island, &c. The organisation of any of these excursions, especially in the days before modern transport, was no small matter. However, Dr. Johnston always had everything arranged right to the last detail. To go to Caloundra was more or less an adventure, first by train to Landsborough, and then by coach or a high-wheeled motor carriage to the township ; on some occasions Caloundra was approached by the Koopa to Bribie Island and the trip completed by hired launch from which dredging could be done. Mrs. Johnston and their two small children, a .girl and a boy, always accompanied these excursions. Meanwhile this young zoologist was receiving outside recognition, being made a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London on 7th December, 1911, and a Fellow of the Boyal Microscopical Society on 17th January, 1912. Then there came the opportunity that was to establish his name permanently in the biological world. In September, 1912, he was appointed Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry, with Mr. Henry Tryon, to investigate means of control of the spread of the introduced pest, prickly-pear, which had become an economic problem. In 1912-14 they went on a world trip to undertake the necessary investigation, and I am sure that there is much we do not know that could be told of these two travellers. It is certainly recognised that they did not fit easily into each other’s ways, and apparently even to-day in America, Johnston and Tryon are still MEMORIAL LECTURE: T. HARVEY JOHNSTON. 61 remembered as the “prickly pair.” One result of this trip was the successful introduction of one species of cochineal insect, Dactylopius ceylonicus, for the control of one species of pear, Opuntia monacantha. It was this success which paved the way for the whole project to be regarded favourably. Meanwhile, a laboratory where chemical investigations were being carried out under the direction of Dr. Jean White, had been established at Yulacca, and all specimens from the Commission were forwarded to her. In 1914, Johnston and Tryon published an account of the investigations they had made on their world trip : ‘ ‘ Report of the Queensland Prickly Pear Travelling Commission. ’ ’ Johnston’s interest in the Prickly Pear problem was not to wane until well after his establishment in Adelaide, and he produced numerous publications on the subject. He was appointed Controller of the Commonwealth Prickly Pear Laboratories, and went on a second world trip in 1920. He was seconded for this purpose until the end of 1922 first from the University of Queensland, and then from the University of Adelaide. The laboratory at Sherwood was established, and an intensive plan of investigation in biological control undertaken. In planning and guiding these researches it may perhaps be well said that Professor Johnston launched the ship for biological control of Prickly Pear, but as he himself said, before that ship came successfully home to port, he had retired from command. The eventual success of Cactoblastis and the control of Prickly Pear is common knowledge. Perhaps it is not as well known that Cactoblastis cactorum was actually introduced into Queensland by the Travelling Commission in 1914, found to feed readily on the pest pear, but unfortunately it died out. Again it was introduced from the Argentine in 1921, but again without success. . (Johnston, Presidential Address: “The Australian Prickly Pear Problem,” A.N.Z.A.A.S., 1923, p. 378.) It was in 1925 that this insect was at last successfully introduced with such dramatic results. For the 1912-14 Prickly Pear world trip, Dr. Johnston had obtained leave of absence from the University of Queensland, provided he could find a replacement for himself, and preferably a man ! This temporary appointment was accepted by a young Melbourne graduate, Miss Freda Bage. If Dr. Johnston had been responsible for nothing else, by being instrumental in bringing Miss Bage to Queensland he did the University of Queensland, the University Women’s College and the State a very great service indeed. Before he left, he had set the wheels in motion for a new depart- mental building, which was to have been between the tennis courts and the then Men’s Common-room (to-day, the Department of Agri- culture). He met Miss Bage in Sydney, sketched these plans for her, and gave her the impression, which he himself obviously must have had, that the buildings would be ready for occupation on her arrival. But not so; in point of fact that building was never erected. By some machination beyond the control of those who were to occupy and work in the new quarters, the small building he had designed “acquired wings,” and transported itself to the top floor, above the Physics Department, in the new brick building which suddenly started to make its appearance. The original compact plan was simply stretched to fit the new, much larger, and differently proportioned space. The result was grotesque and impractical. But Miss Bage, in 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. a very capable manner, took charge of the situation, wheedled the plans from the powers that were, and redesigned the available space, keeping as closely as possible to the original plans. On his return, Dr. Johnston appeared to be disappointed in the unexpected change, and probably never fully reconciled himself to the new building. To-day his touch can still be seen in the original part of the depart- ment— at the top of the stairs on the electricity switchboard, one switch still bears the label, “Dr. Harvey Johnston,” and when I was in the department, those of his catalogues that were still in existence were in many ways the most reliable sources of information. He recorded everything, even the tools, and it is typical that the museum had both a card catalogue and a book catalogue! In 1919, he received his professorship, being appointed as the first Professor of Biology in the University of Queensland. This position he retained until appointed to the Chair of Zoology in the University of Adelaide in August, 1921. All this while, scientific research had been continuing, and papers were being published rapidly. As head of the new Biology Depart- ment, he was continually consulted on all manner of economic problems, such as sheep blowfly, cattle tick, or fish epidemics. Papers on all these were published, as well as continued work on his beloved helminths. Marine biology, and even many odd marine groups, also found their place in the list of work being done. From 1911 until 1923, in collaboration with many of his students, he published, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland alone, some thirty papers. These all demonstrated his extremely wide range of biological knowledge. Early in his career he revealed a remarkable capacity for keeping his finger directly on the heart of every one of numerous diverse problems under investigation. This characteristic he retained until his death and thereby could maintain his wide zoological interest. He guided through to publication the work of many young students, and it is no doubt because of this, that we have inherited such a large legacy of papers by “T. H. J. and ... ” Altogether, he pub- lished alone, or with others, 299 papers. He kept a complete list of these, which has been published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia , volume 75, 1952. During the period that he was in Queensland, there passed through the hands of Professor Johnston many students who were later to make their own mark, both in the scientific world and in other spheres. Mention may be made of a few only of the most outstanding of these: Professor R. A. Dart, late of the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa; Professor 0. W. Tiegs, F.R.S., Professor of Zoology in the University of Melbourne; Dr. M. J. Mackerras (nee Bancroft), now of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research ; Air Vice-Marshal Reginald Cassidy, R.A.F. ; Dr. O. Hirschfeld, now Deputy-Chancellor of the University of Queensland, who is one of the many leading Brisbane medical men, too numerous to enumerate, who were taught by Professor Johnston. In 1913, Dr. Johnston was awarded by the University of Melbourne the David Syme Memorial Prize and Medal for Research, and he was the first Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in Economic Biology in the University of Queensland. Characteristically, he also developed interests outside his department ; he was President of the Royal Society MEMORIAL LECTURE: T. HARVEY JOHNSTON. 63 of Queensland in 1915-16, delivering an address: “A Census of the Endoparasites recorded as occurring in Queensland, arranged under their Hosts.” He served as a Council member every year that he was in Brisbane, being Librarian for three years. As President of the Queens- land Field Naturalists’ Club for 1916-17, he delivered an address: “Ecological Notes on the Littoral Fauna and Flora of Caloundra, Queensland.” This is a most important publication, and to-day it is still probably the best Queensland paper on marine ecology yet published. In 1922, he was appointed to the Great Barrier Reef Committee, which had just come into being. He was one of the foundation members, being nominated as a representative of the University of Adelaide. Although a member until his death, he only attended one meeting, the third one of the Committee, on 3rd November, 1922. In. 1922, Mr. 0. W. Tiegs, one of Johnston’s leading Queensland students, went as his deputy to Adelaide until he himself could take up this new post. Tiegs stayed on for a further two years before proceeding to Melbourne, where he now occupies the Chair of Zoology. Apparently it took Johnston some time to settle into his new position; he was for a while seriously ill with pleurisy and had to take things easily. This new post meant working up once more a new department, but by now, perhaps, he knew what some of the pitfalls, some of the heart-aches attached to such a task, would be. Again, the Zoology Department was housed on the top floor of a three-storied building, the Darling Building, the bottom two floors housing the Department of Pathology, of which his old friend Professor J. B. Cleland was the head. From this time onwards, Johnston’s life seemed to acquire a greater degree of directiveness and serenity of purpose. He had a department within the University with a Medical School, and that had seemed to him, as a parasitologist, an important factor influencing his decision to apply for the Adelaide chair. Teaching and research grew and flourished under his direction, and there soon began to appear the steady stream of publications by which Professor T. Harvey Johnston will long be remembered. Year after year increasing classes of first and fourth year medical students, as well as science students and others, were instructed in the fundamentals of Zoology, made more interesting by a teacher who truly loved and lived his subject, and a teacher with an ever-increasing wealth of experience. For many years he did most of the lecturing himself, and he was rarely known to escape immediately after a lecture, but was usually showered with a deluge of questions from enthusiastic students. Still he lectured in the same slow, deliberate way, making certain that every point he made could be readily absorbed by the young mind. Right to the end, he kept an open mind on all he taught, and recog- nised and usually knew a great deal about any of the latest zoological developments. However, he was not above having his attention drawn by his students to anything new and then modifying his lecture notes accordingly; lecture notes, incidentally, that may well be jotted down on any scrap of paper, the back of a telegram, or on the insides of opened-up, used envelopes. The abstract of his paper delivered at the last A.N.Z.A.A.S. Congress which he attended, he sent me (as secretary of Section D) on a sheet of paper, which he had folded and stuck together with stamp edging, addressed on the outside, and forwarded with no envelope ! 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The conception he had of the breadth of his subject is clearly- shown in the 1936 Centenary Address he gave on “A Hundred Years of Zoology in South Australia.” In this address, which was one of the series of contributions by the Royal Society of South Australia to the celebration of the Centenary of the State of South Australia, he indicated briefly the work then still to be done in the systematic, parasitological, ecological and embryological fields, as well as fisheries problems, cytology and genetics. Again Johnston had the same experience in Adelaide as he had had in Brisbane, his department acquired new quarters. In 1939, it was shifted to occupy half of the new Benham Laboratories, which were made possible by a £46,000 bequest “to encourage the study of natural history,” and built near the Torrens River. This was the department I knew, when I joined him in 1943. It is a long, three- storied building, one end being occupied by Botany and the other by Zoology. Mounting the few stone steps into the department, one enters a world characterised by its feeling of serenity, stability and neatness. Wide halls have mounted photographs of Antarctic animals on their walls, and the museum is truly indicative of the orderliness which permeates the whole department. This museum, besides the usual range of specimens, possesses the complete skeleton of a young elephant (Nellie!), and has as well an interesting and useful series of hand-made models, done in baked clay and painted by one of Johnston’s own students under his direction. The Professor had a big office, always very tidy, and from this one went through to a smaller laboratory, where there were shelves and shelves of bottled specimens, all meticulously labelled and sorted. In a minute he could put his hand on any single thing. Throughout the department, everything had its proper home, and, what is more, was usually there. The one room in the whole building quite out of its setting was mine, and whenever he paid me a visit, which was often, Professor Johnston always had a very busy time squaring things up on the bench or the table, a small characteristic of his which frequently came to the fore. In Adelaide, just as one would expect, his outside interests grew. He was President of the Zoology Section of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science in 1923 at the meeting held in Wellington, New Zealand, and delivered an address on “The Australian Prickly Pear Problem.” He was Vice-President of the Section for many of the subsequent meetings and one of the original Fellows, being nominated in 1938-39. It is perhaps fitting that the last A.N.Z.A.A.S. meeting he was to attend was that held in Brisbane in May, 1951, only three months before his death. This was the first time he had returned to Brisbane since he had left about 30 years earlier. At this Congress he was particularly active, and his fund of knowledge never seemed to be exhausted ; there was always something from him, on Marine Biology, Antarctic studies, Parasitology, and so on. It was almost as though he realized that the sands of time were running out, and he wanted to give of all he knew. He had joined the Royal Society of South Australia in 1921, so beginning a long association with it. Besides publishing many papers from his Adelaide department in the Transactions, he served on the Council in several capacities. He was President in 1931-32; several years later, from 1937-40, he was secretary, and in 1943-45, editor. As MEMORIAL LECTURE: T. HARVEY JOHNSTON. 65 an editor he had vast experience, and it is but one of the many activities that he performed with meticulous care; he had the patience and tenacity of purpose desirable in a good editor. From very early in his career Professor Johnston took a keen and active interest in Museum work. He was appointed as Honorary Zoologist to the Australian Museum in 1909, to the Queensland Museum in 1911, and to the South Australian Museum in 1924. As an honorary ^associate, he served the South Australian Museum over a long period, and was elected by the Royal Society of South Australia as a member of the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia. He sat on the Board from May, 1927, until September, 1929, and in 1928, on the death of Mr. E. Waite, he became Honorary Director of the Museum for about three years. Later, in 1931, he was again elected on the same Board of Governors by the University of Adelaide, continuing in this capacity until 1940, when the composite board was disbanded and each institu- tion acquired its own Board. During this period on the composite board, he had been Chairman of the Museum Committee from 1935 and had strongly advocated that each institution should have its own Board. On the formation of an independent Board for the Museum, the South Australian Government appointed him as Chairman, which office he retained until his death. He also served over a long period as secretary of the Handbooks Committee of South Australia, and in this capacity he had the unenviable task each year of budgeting for the costs of the Handbooks produced. These publications are of great importance to Australian biological sciences. Since 1919, Johnston was a member of the Australian National Research Council. He was also deeply conscious of the contributions that could be made to the public health and welfare, both through his department and his own knowledge. Not only did he become a member of the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies in South Australia, but for many years a record was kept by a member of his staff of the algae and other organisms (excluding bacteria) present in the local reservoirs. His advice on the biological aspects of sewage disposal at the Glenelg Treatment Works was also sought. Within the University, he performed many tasks outside that of being the head of the Department of Zoology; he acted as Professor of Botany from 1928-34; served as Dean of the Faculty of Science several times, and on the last occasion, when it was his turn to assume the task once more, he was big enough to refuse it because he felt that he could not do it justice. Again we see a man with high ideals and endeavouring to live by them. In South Australia, just as in Queensland, the career of Professor Harvey Johnston shows how keenly sensitive he was to the value of field work in his subject. This was an enthusiasm that persisted throughout his lifetime. In 1929 he, in Sir Douglas Mawson’s own words, “was easily persuaded to join the staff of the British Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition as Chief Zoologist”. He went on the two cruises of the Discovery I. between 1929-31, and was described by Mawson as being “indefatigable in his collecting work”. The biological programme was mainly of marine investigations in the South Atlantic Ocean, but landings had been made at various places, including both Heard and Macquarie Islands. Specimens were i 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. collected, recorded, preserved, labelled and stored away for further work later, and he still found time to collect parasites. This endless work was, presumably, made the more creditable because of the proneness to sea-sickness which apparently persisted throughout his lifetime. These Antarctic adventures were to provide him for the rest of his life with a wealth of anecdotes, and it was always to the delight of his students that he could easily be persuaded to talk of his travels. On returning to Australia, he was given the task of editing the Expedition’s Zoological and Botanical Reports — several of which he himself prepared. He had already contributed a great deal in the editing of the final numbers of the same series of the earlier Antarctic Expedition of 1911-14, after the death of Professor Haswell. The death of Professor Johnston. has set back the publication of several more of these reports. Only a week before he died, a Report by himself and Muirhead on Cephalocliscus, had just been issued. At the time of his death, he was supervising work on the B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. collections of Nematodes, Cestodes and Trenlatodes, to which had been added specimens collected recently at Heard and Macquarie Islands by the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition. For his Antarctic Expedition, Harvey Johnston was awarded the Polar Medal in 1934. In Adelaide, Johnston had linked up again with his earlier colleague Professor J. B. Cleland, with whom he became associated in still more scientific work. He accompanied Cleland and his party on many of the yearly Anthropological expeditions to various parts of Central Australia between 1929-37. The scientists travelled by train to Alice Springs, and from there continued to their particular destination by car and truck. Again I can do no better than to quote what Professor Cleland has written to me : “Harvey Johnston was my tent companion and working colleague in a number of the Anthropological expeditions through the interior — a very helpful and considerate companion. We did the blood grouping together. Whilst I did the blood tests, he searched the heads of the natives for head lice, made blood smears, took finger prints and hand prints and solaced over willing victims with sweets or a plug of tobacco — both very acceptable. He was always particularly neat and tidy and our working tent was,, in consequence, a model in this respect as well as his sleeping bag and gear. ’ ’ As well as these tasks, Johnston never missed an opportunity to collect his beloved helminths. Natives would bring in animals and carefully he would examine them, particularly the gut content for worms. As a result, through the papers he subsequently published, our knowledge of the helminths of the fauna of Central Australia has been much enriched. Characteristically, on these expeditions Johnston did not limit his investigations to his own particular scientific fields, but also took a keen interest in the Australian aborigines about whom he became very knowledgeable. This was an interest that his wife shared with him. In 1927-8 he was President of the South Australian Anthropological Society. And still outside honours came to him. Among these, in 1934 he was awarded by the Royal Society of South Australia the Sir Joseph Yerco Medal for distinguished scientific work, and in 1939 from A.N.Z.A.A.S. came the much coveted Mueller Medal. This award was MEMORIAL LECTURE: T. HARVEY JOHNSTON. 67 made for his investigations in the biological control of prickly pear in Australia, and in Australian and Antarctic parasitology. He had long been a Corresponding Member of the Zoological Society of London, a Corresponding Member of the Helminthological Society of Washington, and a ^Foreign Member of the American Association of Economic Entomologists. His interest in entomology had never waned, and in 1935-37 he was President of the South Australian Entomological Society. It is typical of this man that, despite all these activities, he visualised and embarked upon a long term project which was still in operation at the time of his death. This was an extensive investigation into the parasites of both birds and mammals of the lower Murray. Here he found the material for unravelling complicated life cycles of a great number of flukes. It was a slow, tedious job; the mollusc fauna had to be carefully studied for cercarial infection. Every excursion meant that material would be collected, taken back to the laboratory, sorted, and every snail or bivalve segregated into its own small tube, so that their infection, if present, could be detected Sometimes, too, larger animals, perhaps a snake, a bird or a lizard would be captured, brought back to the laboratory, and searched meticulously for its parasites. Usually the Professor himself would carry out these examina- tions, and invariably he would find something of great interest, often after a long, slow, painstaking hunt. Then with great joy he would call his students into his private laboratory and proudly show them the treasures he had found. Tailem Bend was the place he frequented and loved most. Nearly all of us who were with him in Adelaide have at one-time or another accompanied him on one of these day trips to the Jaensch’s property, right on the river. Many are the stories that may be told of odd professorial accomplishments on these trips — as on the occasion when the Professor slithered down the slippery muddy bank of the Murray and disappeared, to leave only a floating hat. Then there were to be seen only flubbles, and soon afterwards the Professor. He had come up immediately under his hat, and emerged, wet, somewhat unusually dishevelled and not particularly neat, but still wearing his hat! Right up to the time of his death, Professor Johnston was actively engaged in working on the life cycles of various flukes. He had an almost uncanny ability to postulate what would be the necessary intermediate hosts, and with each trematode life history discovered, he would with the help of his staff almost invariably prove his theories to be quite correct. Only a week after his death, there was completed in his department another trematode life cycle that he had predicted* Having traced the developmental stages of a fluke, which lives in the bursa Fabricii of the seagull, through a gastropod, Bembicium , and then a small lamellibranch, the adult fluke was found in the final host just as he thought it would be. During the last few years of his life, Professor Johnston’s health had somewhat deteriorated. In 1945 he had a stroke, and for a long time afterwards was unable to turn his head completely to the right. In 1949 it was a very great sorrow to him when his only son died suddenly. However, when in May, 1951, he came to Brisbane, he looked amazingly well, and we had hoped that he would be able to retire and complete much of the work that he still wanted to do. He was really quite well until the last week of his life, and then he was only “not feeling well” for several days. On Thursday, August 30th, while 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. dressing to attend the meeting at which his successor in the Zoology Department was to be selected, he suddenly collapsed and died. He was cremated on the following day. Professor Harvey Johnston leaves behind him in the hearts of many the picture of a gentle man, clear thinking, sensitive and with a slow, quiet sense of humour. His particular type of humour is perhaps well shown by this incident. From the Jabiru, which is one of our largest birds, he recovered a new very small cestode. This he described soon after Professor Cleland ’s first daughter was born, calling it Clelandia parva. He was a man proud of his students and their achievements, unassuming in his manner, almost hesitant at times when making requests for himself, but nevertheless, if the occasion demanded it, having the capacity for fiery retort and argument. Being human, he had human faults and failings; but his life may truly be said to have been one in which sincerity, square conduct and kindliness were keynotes. He had, again to quote Cleland : “an ethical code that he lived up to and to which few of us can attain ”. It is small wonder that there were so many so extremely fond of him. Many, like myself, will not have realised fully and appreciated the breadth of the knowledge and the greatness of this very approachable person. In some degree, his greatness is reflected by the fact that he admitted openly that, of his papers, he wished he had not published one half! Professor T. Harvey Johnston has left Australia greatly enriched in biological knowledge, particularly in the field of parasitology. Perhaps, he may even be regarded one day, as the Father of Australian Helminthology. Our heritage is a great one. While perhaps some of his work will have to be revised as new horizons open up in genetics, physiology, ecology and perhaps even radical new ideas appear, still much will endure. Into the hands of workers today, Professor Johnston has thrust a brightly burning torch ; ours will be the task to keep that flame alight. For me, the late Professor Harvey Johnston will always be a fitting example of a complete man in the sense used by Greek philosophers; for according to their standards: “The complete man is not the man who has the most knowledge, but he is the one who is the best equipped to acquire it”. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I would like to express my thanks to every one of the many friends from whom I obtained information and stories, which I have been able to piece together into this whole. Outstanding amongst these are : Mrs. Johnston, Dr. F. Bage, Dr. M. J. Mackerras, Professor H. J. L. Wilkinson, Mr. J. B. Watkins, Dr. C. D. Gillies, Professor J. B. Cleland, Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, Mr. H. M. Hale, Mr. Duncan Swan, Professor O. W. Tiegs, and Mr. K. Salter. There are also many others, too numerous to mention individually. I hope that each will take this as a personal expression of my sincere appreciation. Also my thanks are due to the librarians of the several institutions, who so kindly helped in seeking out information and numerous references, particularly Mrs. M. Macgregor of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and Miss N. Turnbull of the Queensland Museum. For the photographs of Professor Johnston, I must thank Dr. M. J. Mackerras, Professor Sir Douglas Mawson, and Mrs. M. Macgregor. Proc. Roy. Soc. Q ’land, Yol. LXIV., No. 5. Plate II. Thomas Harvey Johnston. Top left: In Sydney, 1911. Top right: On bank of Burnett River, near Eidsvold, Queensland, 1917. Bottom left: On the Antarctic Expedition, 1929-31. Bottom right: At the A.N.Z.A.A.S. Meeting, Perth, August 1947. V. The Royai Society of Queensland. Report of the Council for 1951. To the Members of the Royal Society of Queensland. Your Council has pleasure in submitting the Annual Report of the Society for the year 1951. At the Ordinary Meetings throughout the year, four addresses were given. Symposia were held at two meetings, and one evening was devoted to exhibits. Several original papers were accepted for publication in the Proceedings. During the year, Volume LXI. (1949) of the Proceedings was issued and Volume LXI I., which includes the C. T, White Memorial Supplement, is nearing completion. The Society’s Library is to be moved early in 1952 to a new location in the University, George street. Additions to the Library total approximately 1,500 volumes and parts, some of which are back-numbers recently provided. Twelve new exchanges have been established. A total of 67 volumes from the library are at present being bound and the thanks of the Society are due to the Government for a grant to meet half the cost. The cataloguing of the library is proceeding gradually. During the year the Society has approved of financial support to the Marine Biological Station Fund of the Great Barrier Reef Committee, and to the Australian National Research Committee of Radio Science for the International Scientific Radio Union Assembly to be held in Australia in 1952. Professor Hines and Miss Scott were appointed delegates for the Society to the Council of A.N.Z.A.A.S., which held a meeting in Brisbane during May, 1951. There are now 6 honorary life members, 8 life members, 3 corresponding members, 229 ordinary members and 9 associate members in the Society. During the year the Society lost one member by death, and 13 by resignation ; 10 ordinary members and 1 associate member were elected. Mr. F. Gipps, one of the Society’s earliest members, was elected to honorary life membership. Attendance at Council Meetings was as follows: — II. J. G. Hines, 9; M. F. Hickey, 4; I. M. Mackerras, 8; M. I. R. Scott, 8, D. F. Sandars, 9 ; F. S. Colliver, 8 ; S. T. Blake, 8 ; G. Mack, 8 ; M. J. Mackerras, 6 ; A. L. Reimann, 5 ; J. II. Simmonds, 8 ; W. Stephenson, 7; L. J. H. Teakle, 7. H. J. G. HINES, President. Margaret I. R. Scott, Hon. Secretary. Dorothea F. Sandars, Acting Hon. Secretary. j VI. O z < < >- 0 c£ LU 1 to ci p p P a P o P P ■U> m rH co p P p p p in Z LU LU 3 g O' w LU P O g v P >“ « l— P Hi a . — p u I o ^ Cn m Ui p p p <1 m EH P i— i P o p p p o H P P HH P P <1 EH m H|H O rH Cl IO CO 50 l—l r—i i—l rH i— 1 oo i—i oo CO t3 -rH CO Cl 1—1 1— i 1— 1 O 50 Cl io co CO -h M & o ,_ O 3 : : : : : : : : : : p ® : « 03 3. n> ft O ^ & o P 03 P *2 23 33 o ® -g : : : : : : : g S © p I-! , rS 0 I Jr co h 0*^2 3 P rC or! -jh oo a § a fl-l 111 ■g §0 1 S' 'i^fi .£ « I g O’S h £o0 p ^pp3*2 s0ca3®S I P 1—1 r? 03 K 3 2 2rC_OwTl«fl.rthHa3 ^ fl’fl 2 © © Ja §§^gg^o£3«033o 5 ° ® r?*5 £ £h 0 ?_ p °OH ^Oo.gccpp fl h0Q -M 3 £ P -H ^3 2 03 3 r3 3 ,0 3 3 ai ev-i.rH 3 > P 2 1h O C«-P 03 Ph o rH 3 3 t> PPP02 P P P P PO P r3 3 S3 O 3 PP § P Cj r— J O C3 P 2 Up >h P 2 p 3 C3 3 ® 2 , 03 2 cci 03 33 r- I • rH PP cf? CO QO CO IO CO o Cl Cl CO rH 00 00 o IO o O CO 00 00 1—1 00 o IO o rH HjM CO CO o rH Cl Ui . H|M ^ CIO O 50 o rH CO « COSO o o o 50 CO rH „ . t- rH CO Cl oo Cl Cl ^ IO CO io IO Cl m \ ^ I ^ 1 h-H W O H P O IO Cl T— I r-H CO r3 S3 3 p 30 O 3 LO 03 \ k. CO 3 rH 1 — 1 CO | o> p rH CD rH s w o r^i • rH • rH PH o i— i c5 0) <1 o rH M- • rH 'IO rH O 3 P U1 c3 -3 03 • rH o o OQ rH ct 3 P 03 P «H o 03 r— l 3 m 3 3 o p 3 03 > 2 o o 03 be rH 3 3 03 « H 03 CO 03 > 3 M <3H 03 P 3 O 2 3 03 r3 Eh 3 P CO 03 03 CO 03 -3 r_3 P o 3H be 03 P rH 3 P _, O CO p^ 3 O . . bJO 3 • rH 3 o • • I— H • a O «H 03 P • • -3 . . 0> 3 3 3 GO P 3 ^ 0> 3 P'B 03 3 P o ”W p - P 02 3p 2; <1 ^ P .2 m c5 r * 3 P 3< « m P -H M 3 3 3 • rH ° P 53 P -H P rC ► 03 3 H 3 3 23 rH o rH rH 03 r- ' 3 03 P • rH nd £27 -H 3 • rH o m 3 buD 2 s C3 • rH 0 3* |> _9 3 o O P- o o 02 w O *3 °n « P 3P o «3 P P 03 3 3 P ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. VII. Abstract of Proceedings, 31st March, 1952. The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 31st March, with the President, Associate Professor H. J. G. Hines, in the chair. About forty-eight members and friends were present. The President expressed appreciation of the long service given by Miss M. I. R. Scott as Secretary of the Society, who is leaving the State and consequently has resigned. It was moved and seconded that a special letter of thanks be written to Miss Scott. The following members were elected as Office Bearers for 1952 : — President: I. M. Mackerras. Vice-President : S. T. Blake. Hon. Secretary : Miss D. F. Sandars. Hon. Treasurer: Miss E. N. Marks. Librarian : F. S. Colliver. Editor : George Mack. Councillors : Miss K. Robinson, W. Stephenson, M. Shaw, L. J. H. Teakle, J. H. Simmonds. Hon. Auditor : L. P. Herdsman. The Presidential Address, “Some Biochemical Aspects of Reactions to Heat and Cold,” was delivered by Associate Professor II. J. G. Hines. Abstract of Proceedings, 28th April, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 28th April. Owing to the absence of Dr. I. M. Mackerras, Associate Professor Hines acted as chairman for the evening. About twenty- one members and friends were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The following were nominated for member- ship : — Miss P. Lee, Captain F. Rose and Mr. B. R. Ayling for Ordinary Membership, and Miss L. Emanuel and Miss M. McCaffrey for Associate Membership. Professor H. C. Webster gave an address entitled “Recent Impressions of Physics in Great Britain.” Most interesting develop- ments have occurred in the study of fundamental sub-atomic particles and several new particles — various kinds of ‘ meson’ — have been discovered in recent years, particularly at Bristol. The work at this centre has the merit of simplicity; photographic plates are sent to great heights in plastic balloons then, after recovery, developed and examined. For further investigations of these particles several highly costly machines are under construction, including a cyclotron at Liverpool, a synchrotron at Glasgow and a cyclo-synchrotron at Birmingham. At other centres, studies of the atomic nucleus are being made with a view to revealing the nature of the nuclear forces. In biophysics, investigations include the study of the 1 crystal structure 7 of biological entities such as protein molecules and the examination of the action of X-rays on living organisms. British developments in Astrophysics include those in the new science of radio-astronomy — the location of stars by the radio waves they emit. VIII. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Abstract of Proceedings, 26th May, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 26th May, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras in the chair. About twenty-seven members and friends were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The following were elected to membership : — Miss P. Lee, Captain F. Rhodes, Mr. B. R. Ayling to Ordinary Membership ; and Miss L. M. Emanuel and Miss M. McCaffrey to Associate Membership. Mr. R. Endean, Dr. I. Hiscock and Professor J. Francis were nominated for membership. The Librarian reported the addition of 173 volumes. Mr. George Mack exhibited several snakes. He referred to the great public interest in these reptiles, and expressed regret at the tendency to condemn all species when only a few could be described as potentially dangerous. Mr. R. Endean exhibited littoral echinoderms from collections made between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Queensland-New South Wales border. The series indicated something of the range of morphological variation to be found in these waters. Of interest was the finding of successive juvenile stages of the 'pincushion’ star-fish, Culcita novaeguineae and the frecpient occurrence of disc and brachial schizogony in N epanthia belcheri and Linckia guildingii respectively. The majority of holothuroids found belong to the Aspidochirotae. The close resemblance of the fauna to that, of Lord Howe Island was discussed. Dr. M. J. Mackerras and Miss D. Sandars exhibited lung-worms from marsupials. Plectostrongylus fragilis from the marsupial mouse, Antechinus flavipes , and Marsupostrongylus bronchialus from the bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus, were described. The relationship of the hosts and the parasites was discussed and the diet of the hosts considered. Reference was made to the South American opossum, the only other marsupial in which lung-worms are known to occur. It was postulated that the occurrence of the parasites may possibly be correlated with the habits of their hosts, rather than with the phytogeny of their hosts. Mr. J. O’Hagan described the methods used for the characterisa- tion of proteins and the estimation of individual proteins in a mixture by electrophoresis on filter paper. Staining of the paper revealed the proteins as coloured spots. Instances were given of the application of the method in the diagnosis of disease states by the electrophoresis of serum from the patient. Mr. R. L. O’Neill noted that oddities in crystal formation in minerals may be worthy of study in connection with the occurrence of ores, in that they are indicative of temperature and volumetric conditions of crystallisation. Professor M. Shaw exhibited two instruments, one of which was an Angle Bekkor for fine measurements of angles by rising collinated light. After explaining the principle of the instrument, Professor Shaw presented some ideas of how it could be used to measure angles and surface flatness. The other was a Light Wave Micrometer, which illustrated the use of light waves for percussion measurement. The instrument was used to measure the deflection of a 3J-inch diameter steel bar under finger pressure. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. IX. Abstract of Proceedings, 30th June, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland on Monday, 30th June, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras, in the chair. About forty-three members and friends were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The following were elected to Ordinary Membership : — Mr. R. Endean, Dr. I. Hiscock and Professor J. Francis. Dr. T. E. Woodward, Dr. Sprent and Mr. C. A. Appleby were nominated for Ordinary Membership. The Librarian reported that there had been 273 additions to the Library. Dr. 0. A. Jones exhibited seismograph records of the recent Maryborough earth-tremor from the University Seismological Station. Mr. R. H. Greenwood gave an address entitled ‘ ‘ Our Lopsided Earth.” It was pointed out that the disparity between the amount of fertile, well-watered country in the middle-latitude regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the separation of the closely-settled European and Oriental realms by an extensive zone of mountainous and desert land, and the marked concentration of coal and iron ore deposits in Northern Hemisphere middle-latitude regions have resulted in a very unequal distribution of man and his productive activities throughout the world. About 85 per cent, of the world’s people live in the Northern Hemisphere. The demand for European manufac- tured goods has been restricted by industrialization of other lands and it seems essential in the long run for the European economic problem to be alleviated by increased emigration to the New World. Further development of the tropics, involving technological improve- ments in productivity, will be necessary in order to produce food and raw materials that the New World will be less able to export with a growing population. While emigration alone could not be on a scale large enough to relieve the population problems of Japan, China, India and Pakistan, further industrialization might help, provided that the tropical parts of south-east Asia and Africa could be developed to supply more raw materials and to absorb more Asiatic manufactured goods. Abstract of Proceedings, 28th July, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 28th July, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras, in the chair. About twenty-eight members and friends were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The following were elected to Ordinary Membership: — Dr. T. E. Woodward, Dr. J. Sprent and Mr. C. A. Appleby. The Librarian reported that there had been 150 additions to the Library. Professor W. Bryan exhibited rocks from Mount Lamington, New Guinea, which had been collected after the eruptions during January, 1951. In fiery cloud eruptions of this sort, more common than was once realised, there are ejected great clouds of incandescent particles. Professor F. T. M. White delivered an address entitled ‘ ‘ Some Varied Aspects of a Recent Overseas Visit.” In dealing with the mines at Witwatersrand, South Africa, he mentioned that the presence of Thucholite, a pegmatitic mineral, believed to be pseudomorphous X. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. after Uraninite in the auriferous conglomerate (Banket), may revive controversies over the theoretical explanation of the origin of the gold. He then contrasted the incidence of Silicosis in South Africa with the fact that 4 classical silicosis ’ is unknown on the Kolar Gold Field, Mysore, India, where a highly silicious ore is also mined under conditions of 4 dry’ mining and extreme temperatures, and suggested possible explanations for the differences. Mention was made of a disease known as Sporotrichosis which is related to fungus growth particularly on Eucalyptus salignia and Acacia mollissima, two Australian timbers used extensively underground on the Rand. Physio- logical effects of the temperature and humidity conditions in the working environment of the Kolar mines at depths between 9,000- 10,000 feet were outlined and the necessity for acclimatisation of workers was stressed. The archaeological background to copper mining on Cyprus from the days of the Phoenicians to the present time was discussed, and the speaker concluded his remarks with a note dealing with the history of the island from its former possession in 1191 until its re-integration as part of the British Empire in 1925. Abstract of Proceedings, 1st September, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 1st September, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras in the chair. The minutes of the special meeting held on 28th July, and of the ordinary meeting held on that date were confirmed. The following were nominated for membership : — Dr. R. Tucker for Ordinary Mem- bership ; and Mr. R. Dwyer, Miss Y. Battey and Miss C. Henry for Associate Membership. The Librarian reported that there have been 86 additions to the Library. Dr. O. A. Jones exhibited some geological specimens from the Mount Isa district and a portable Geiger Counter. Professor J. Francis gave an address entitled 4 4 Preventive Medicine.” Major epizootics which had for long swept back and forth over Europe, as they were carried by the movements of armies and by trade, were particularly severe during the 18th and 19th centuries. Cattle Plague or Rinderpest is believed to have destroyed 200,000,000 cattle in Europe during the 18th century and it was largely due to the ravages of this disease that the Veterinary Colleges were established. England was relatively free until about 1840 when live animals were imported from Europe for food for the increasing population. Foot and mouth disase, pleuropneumonia and, later, cattle plague inevitably followed. Although, since 1863 all the major epizootics had been classified as infectious, and quarantine periods had been laid down, it was not until the Cattle Disease Prevention Act, which provided for the slaughter of infected animals and those in contact with them, was introduced in 1866, that cattle plague wTas brought under control. Subsequent legislation has led to the eradica- tion of pleuropneumonia, glanders and rabies from Great Britain and tuberculosis is now being controlled energetically. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XI. Where the incidence of a disease was high, it has not been possible to take such drastic measures and immunization has been used. The use of various vaccines was outlined. During recent years drugs had been developed to control various bacterial infections. Deference was made to the control of mastitis and the development of 4, 4-diamino- diphenyl sulphone for the treatment of human leprosy. Attention was drawn to the effect of preventive medicine and the growth of human populations. It was contended that Mai thus’ dictum that populations tended to increase by a geometric ratio but food production by an arithmetic ratio was still true ; in the long run a reasonably low world birth rate was the only alternative to the traditional checks of disease, starvation and war. Abstract of Proceedings, 29th September, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 29th September, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras, in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The following were elected to membership : — Dr. R. S. Tucker to Ordinary Mem- bership, and Miss C. Plenry, Miss Y. Battey and Mr. R. Dwyer to Associate Membership. The Librarian reported that there have been 134 additions to the Library. Abstracts of the following papers were delivered : — “The Identity of Spaclella moretonensis Johnston and Taylor,” by J. Thomson. “Faulty Rain-recording,” by Captain F. Rhodes. “Volcanic Rocks of Aitape, New Guinea,” by G. Baker. Mr. W. Dali exhibited prawns from Moreton Bay. Hitherto river prawners have caught only small immature individuals of two species, Metapenaeus monoceros and M. macleayi. Three additional commercial species, Penaeus esculent its, P. plebejus and P. merguiensis, all large prawns, are being caught in Moreton Bay. Five other species are taken fairly commonly, while two new species have been found to date. Professor F. N. Lahey exhibited a number of new products iso- lated from Queensland plants and forming the bases of some of the organic chemical research being carried out at the University, St. Lucia. They included the new yellow alkaloid, acronycine, from Acronychia baueri, the tetracyclic triterpene, ebricoic acid from the tree-rotting fungus, Polyporus anthracophilus, and two new coumarins, halfordin and isohalf ordin, from Halfordia schleroxyla. Mr. H. J. T. Bake demonstrated the inflammability of solid fuel that had proved to be hexamine. XII. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Abstract of Proceedings,. 27th October, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 27th October, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras, in the chair. About thirty-one members and friends were present. The minutes, of the previous meeting were confirmed. The Librarian reported that there had been 150 additions to the Library. A discussion on “Observations in Torres Strait” was held, the speakers being Dr. M. J. Mackerras, Dr. E. N. Marks and Dr. D. Hill. Dr. M. J. Mackerras gave a brief account of an epidemic of malignant tertian malaria, which occurred on Murray and Darnley Islands earlier in the year. On Murray Island, with a population of about 461, there were 11 deaths and 60 proven cases of malaria. On Darnley Island, with a population of 289, 45 per cent, were found to be infected, but the disease was mild and there were no deaths. It is evident that malaria has not been endemic on either island ; the spleen rate was low, and the distribution of parasites in the different age groups quite different from that wdiich occurs in a hyperendemic area such as Wewak. It seems likely that the parasite was brought to Murray Island in 1951, and that the infection built up to epidemic propor- tions following the great increase in mosquito abundance after the wet season. Dr. E. N. Marks gave an account of the mosquitoes. Nine species were found on Murray Island and twelve on Darnley Island, seven being common to both. One species of Anopheline, Anopheles farauti , which is known to be an efficient vector of malaria, was taken. It was suggested that in the period of north-west monsoons, from December to April, many rain-filled puddles and brackish pools at mouths of creeks would provide suitable breeding places for A. farauti and the population should be at its maximum in the warm still period following the monsoons. Aedes aegypti was found only on Murray Island and A. scutellaris only on Darnley Island. They have similar habits and it seems likely that the introduced A. aegypti has difficulty in establishing itself in competition with the native A. scutellaris. A. kochi was a pest species on Murray Island. Nearly all the species taken occur both in Australia and New Guinea. Harpagomyia leei is known only from New Guinea and Darnley Island and an undescribed species of Aedes ( Macleaya ) only from the latter. . Dr. Dorothy Hill said that Murray and Darnley Islands which lie between Cape York Peninsula and New Guinea are the only volcanic islands on the Great Barrier Reef. The volcanoes are of the central type and the islands are built up of flows of augite and olivine basalts and ash. During explosive phases of the volcanic activity, parts of the coral reef were incorporated as boulders in the ash beds and these boulders have been dolomotised and silicified. The only two recognisable species of coral in these boulders are still living on the same reef. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XIII. Abstract of Proceedings, 1st December, 1952. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Society was held in the Physiology Department of the University of Queensland, on Monday, 1st December, with the President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras, in the chair. About seventy members and friends were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The Librarian reported that there have been 184 additions to the Library. The President, Dr. I. M. Mackerras, presented, on behalf of the Council of A.N.Z.A.A.S., the 1952 Mueller Medal to Mr. Heber A. Longman. The years of devoted service to, and interest in, natural science that had been spent by Mr. Longman were outlined by Dr. Mackerras and supported by Associated Professor Whitehouse. Miss D. F. Sandars delivered the Memorial Lecture entitled “Professor T. Harvey Johnston: First Professor of Biology in the University of Queensland. ’ ’ XIV. List of Members. Honorary Life Members. Ball, L. C., B.E. Bennett, F., B.Sc. . . Gipps, F. G. Longman, H. A., F.L.S. Simmonds, J. H., Senr. Walkom, A. B., D.Sc. 38 Dorchester St., South Brisbane, Q. Kin Kin, via Gympie, Q. “ Corymbosa,” Eagle Heights, Mt. Tam- borine, Q. River Tee., Chelmer, Brisbane, Q. Hillsdon Rd., Taringa, Brisbane, Q. Australian Museum, College St., Sydney, N.S.W. Life Members. East, J. D., B.Sc. Francis, Professor J., M.Sc., M.R.C.V.S. Herdsman, L. P. Higginson, H. L., B.Sc. Jensen, H. I., D.Sc. Perkins, F. A., B.Sc.Agr. Riddell, R. M. Sanders, Dorothea F., M.Sc. Tilling, H. W., M.R.S.C., L.R.C.T. District Geologist’s Office, Rockhamp- ton, Q. Veterinary School, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Government Printing Office, George St., Brisbane, Q. Patent Office, Canberra, A.C.T. Post Office, Caboolture, Q. Entomology Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Public Instruction, Brisbane Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Nairobi, Kenya, Africa Corresponding Member. Gregory, Professor W. K. . . . . . . Columbia University, New York, U.S.A. Ordinary Members. Anderson, B. E. Archibald, Lorna, M.Sc., M.B., B.S. Atherton, D. O., M.Agr.Sc. Bage, Anna F., M.Sc., LL.D. Bake, H. J. T Ball, C. W., M.Sc Barker, F. Barker, G. H. Basire, A. H. Beasley, A. W., M.Sc., Ph.D. Beckman, T. J., B.Sc. Belford, D. J., B.Sc. Berglin, C. L. W., B.E Berrill, F. W., B.Sc. Blake, S. T., M.Sc c 'o Cardno & Davies, N.Z. Chambers, Queen St., Brisbane, Q. Doughty Av., Holland Park, Brisbane Q. . . Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. . . 8 Grove Crescent, Toowong, Brisbane, Q. Gowrie House, Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. Jersey Lead Zinc Mine, Salmo, B.C., Canada 347 Boundary St., West End, Brisbane, Q. Adelaide St., Brisbane, Q. . . c/o Anglo -Egyptian Oilfields, P.O. Box 228, Cairo, Egypt . . National Museum, Melbourne, Vic. . . Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. . . c/o Australian Petroleum Co., Port Moresby, N.G. Engineering Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. . . Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Nambour, Q. . . Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Q. LIST OF MEMBERS. XV. Bleakly, M. C., M.Sc., D.Phil Bostock, J., M.D., B.S., D.P.M., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Boys, R. S., L.D.S. Braes, E. M. Brameld, H. G., B.E. Briggs, Mrs. C. Brimblecombe, A. R., M.Sc. Briton, N. W., B.Vet.Sc Brockington, T. C. . . Browne, H. V. Bryan, Professor W. H., M.C., D.Sc. Bryan, W. W., M.Agr.Sc. Bums, W. G., B.Sc. Buzacott, J. H., M.Sc. Caldwell, N. E. H., M.Agr.Sc Callaghan, J. P., M.Sc. Campbell, K. S. W., B.Sc. Carter, S., B.Sc. Casey, J. A., B.Sc. Cavaye, Mrs. G., B.Sc. Chamberlain, W. J., D.Sc. Chippendale, F., M.Agr.Sc. Clark, C., M.A Clarke, Harriet Coleman, F. B. Colli ver, F. S Common, I. F. B., M.A., M.Sc.Agr. Connah, T. H., M.Sc. Cottrell-Dormer, W., M.Agr.Sc. Crawfoot, A. Cribb, A. B., M.Sc Cribb, H. G., B.Sc Cummings, Prof. R. P., M.A. de Jersey, N. J., M.Sc., Ph.D. Denmead, A. K., M.Sc. Derrington, J. S., B.Sc. Dodd, A. P., O.B.E. Donaldson, R. J. Dowd, W. R. Zoology Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. P.O. Box 135, Toowoomba, Q. care of Zinc Corporation, Cobar, N.S.W. Highland Tee., St. Lucia, Brisbane, Q. 21 Roseby Avenue, Eagle Junction, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Agricultural College, Lawes, Q. Bayview Rd., Sandgate, Brisbane, Q. Otway St., Holland Park, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., George St., Brisbane, Q. Emperor Gold Mines, Vatukaula, Fiji Sugar Experiment Station, Box 146, Gordonvale, Q. 30 Norfolk Rd., Coorparoo, Brisbane, Q. Moggill Rd., Kenmore, Brisbane, Q. University College, Armidale, N.S.W. Mt. Isa Mines Ltd., Mt. Isa, Q. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, A.C.T. 32 Bennison St., Ascot, Brisbane, Q. 503 Queen St., Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. University of Oxford, Oxford, England 32 Kennedy Tee., Red Hill, Brisbane, Q. 25 Abbot St., New Farm, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., Box 109, Canberra, A.C.T. District Geologist’s Office, Charters Towers, Q. Regional Agriculture Office, Inauaia, via Kairuku, Papua, N.G. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Botany Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Geological Survey Office, Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Architecture, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Durack St., Moorooka, Brisbane, Q. “ Venard,” Milne St., Clayfield, Brisbane, Q. 423 Milton Rd., Auchenflower Prickly Pear Laboratory, Sherwood, Brisbane, Q. c/o Gibbs Bright & Co., Queen St., Brisbane, Q. Coronation Drive, Auchenflower, Brisbane, Q. XVI. LIST OF MEMBERS. Draydon, A. W. Durie, P. H., M.Sc. Elliott, T. M. B. Endean, R., M.Sc. . . Evans, C. K., M.Sc. Evans, I. A., M.Sc. Everist, S. L., B.Sc. Excell, B. J., B.Sc. Exley, Elizabeth, B.Sc. Ewer, Professor T. K., Ph.D., B.V.Sc. Fenwick, O. T., M.E. Ferguson, G., B.Sc. Fisher, N. H., D.Sc. Fraser, K. N., B.Sc., B.Sc.App., B.E. Gehrmann, A. S., B.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.), A.M.I.E.E. Gibson, A. A. Gillies, C. D., M.Sc., M.B., B.S Gipps, R. de V., B.E. Goldsmid, Creina Gradwell, R., B.Sc., Ph.D. Grant, G. R. M., B.E. Green, J., B.Sc. Greenwood, R. H., M.A. Grey, Mrs. B. B., F.L.S Gurney, E. H. Gutteridge, N. M., M.B., B.S. Haenke, W. L., M.Sc., B.Sc.App. Hall, G., B.Sc. Halliday, Mrs. J., B.Sc. Flamon, W. P., B.Agr.Sc. . . Hardy, G. H. Hawthorne, W. L., B.Sc. Hayliow, W. Haysom, N., B.Sc. Herbert, Professor D. A., D.Sc. Herbert, Joan W., B.Sc. Dept, of Anatomy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. 231 Wickham Ter., Brisbane, Q. Zoology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Tennyson Rd., Tennyson, Brisbane, Q. Tennyson Rd., Tennyson, Brisbane, Q. Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Q. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. 5 Chiswick Rd., Bardon, Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Vet. Sc., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. c/o W. J. Reinhold, 371 Queen St.,. Brisbane, Q. Rode Rd., Nundah, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Supply and Shipping,. Canberra, A.C.T. Engineering Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Dayboro Rd., Petrie, Q. Mt. Isa Mines Ltd., Mt. Isa, Q. 10 Dornoch Tee., West End, Brisbane, Q. Stanley River Works Board, Somerset Dam, Q. 30 Eblin Drive, Hamilton, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. 97 Lambert Rd., Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Q. Botany Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Geography Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Longdooly Ranch, Santa Paula, Cali- fornia, U.S.A. 26 Augustus St., Toowong, Brisbane, Q. Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. “ Rockton,” Limestone Hill, Ipswich, Q„ Electrolytic Zinc Co., Roseberry,, Tasmania 31 Lyons Rd., Moorooka, Brisbane, Q. “ Dario,” River Rd., Fig Tree Pocket,. Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Q. “ The Gardens,” Letitia St., Katoomba, N.S.W. Geological Survey Office, George St., Brisbane, Q. Anatomy Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Fleming Rd., Kenmore, Brisbane, Q. Botany Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Botany Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. LIST OF MEMBERS. XVII. Hickey, Associate-Professor M. F., M.A., M.B., B.S. JEIill, Dorothy, D.Sc., Ph.D. Hines, Associate-Professor H. J. G., B.Sc. Hirschfeld, O. S., M.Sc., M.B. Hiscock, I. D., M.Sc., Ph.D. Hitchcock, L. F., M.Sc. Hossfeld, P. S., M.Sc. Howard, Beth, B.Sc. Hoyling, N., B.Sc. Hunt, T. E. . . Jones, Inigo, F.R.A.S., F.H.Met.Soc., F.Am.Geog.Soc., F.R.S.A. Jones, O. A., D.Sc. . . Jones, Professor T. G. H., D.Sc., A.A.I.C. Julius, S., M.B. Just, J. S. Kemp, D. H. Kemp, Sir John R. Kenny, G. C., M.B., B.S. Kindler, J. E. Knight, C. L., M.Sc. Lahey, G., M.Sc. Lang, T. A. . . Langdon, R. F. N., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. Lavery, Professor J. H., M.E. Le Breton, E. G., B.Sc., M.B. Lee, Alan, M.B., B.S. Lee, Patricia, B.Sc. Legg, J. D. D., V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S. Levingston, K. R. . . Lloyd, A. R. Ludford, C. G., B.Sc. Macfarlane, Professor W. V., M.A., M.D., Ch.B. Mack, G., B.Sc. Mackerras, I. M., M.B., Ch.M., B.Sc. Mackerras, M. Josephine, M.Sc., M.B. Marks, Elizabeth N., M.Sc., Ph.D. Dept, of Anatomy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Biochemistry Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. 131 Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. Zoology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. 132 Fisher St., Fullarton, S. Aust. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. c/o Bureau of Mineral Resources, 495 Bourke St., Melbourne, Vic. 15 Challinor St., Ipswich, Q. Crohamhurst Observatory, Beerwah, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Chemistry Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. General Hospital, Brisbane, Q. Box 1067N., G.P.O., Brisbane, Q. 56 Heath St., East Brisbane, Q. Co-ordinator General of Public Works Dept., George St., Brisbane, Q. Anatomy Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. 30 Percival Tee., Holland Park, Bris- bane, Q. 37 Dover St., London, W.I., England Government Analyst’s Dept., Brisbane, Q. Snowy River Authority, Sydney, N.S.W. Botany Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Engineering Dept., -University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Red Cross Society, Adelaide St., Bris- bane, Q. Brisbane Clinic, Wickham Tee., Bris- bane, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Animal Health Station, Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. District Geologist’s Office, Charters Towers, Q. c /o Evans Service Station, Atherton, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Entomology Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. XVIII. LIST OF MEMBERS. Marks, E. O., M.D., B.A., B.E Mather, W. B., M.Sc Mathewson, T. H. R., M.B., Ch.B. Maxwell, W. G., B.Sc McDougall, W. A., D.Sc. McDowell, V., M.B., Ch.M., F.R.A.C.P., F.F.R. Millar, R. Morton, C. C., A.C.T.S.M Munro, I. S. R., M.Sc. Murray, Colonel J. K., B.A., B.Sc.Agr. . . Murphy, Ellis, M.D. Naylor, G., M.A., M.Sc., Dip. Ed. Newman, Ailsa W., B.Sc. Nommensen, F. C., B.Sc. Nye, J., M.B., Ch.M., F.R.A.C.P. O’Connor, E. A., M.Sc Ogilvie, C., B.E. O'Hagan, J. E., M.Sc. O’Sullivan, P. J., B.Agr.Sc. Parnell, Mrs. E., B.Sc. Patey, Moira, B.Sc. Pennycuik, Pamela, M.Sc. Powell, Mrs. R. E., B.Sc. Preston, G. H. Puregger, W. J. Reimann, Professor A. L., D.Sc., Ph.D. . . Reye, A. J., M.B., B.S. Reye, Mrs. M., B.A. Reye, E. J., M.B., Ch.M Rhodes, Captain F. Riek, E. F., M.Sc. Roberts, F. H. S., D.Sc. Robertson, D. F., M.Sc. Robertson, W. T. Robinson, E. V., B.A. Robinson, Kathleen W., M.Sc. 101 Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. Zoology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. 576 Sandgate Rd., Clayfield, Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Geology, Imperial College, London, England 14 Juster St., Annerley, Brisbane, Q. 131 Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Vet. Sc., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Geological Survey Office, George St., Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., P.O. Box 21, Cronulla, N.S.W. Dell St., St. Lucia, Brisbane, Q. 14 Sutherland Av., Ascot, Brisbane, Q. Psychology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Bilsen Rd., Nundah, Brisbane, Q. Campbell Bros. Pty. Ltd., Campbell St., Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Q. Brisbane Clinic, Wickham Tee., Bris- bane, Q. Chemistry Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Cambridge Downs, Richmond, Q. Red Cross Socioty, Adelaide St., Bris- bane, Q. Animal Health Station, Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. c/o Finney Rd., Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Q. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. “ Craigston,” Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Gregory Tee., Brisbane, Q. 13 Wright St., Milton, Brisbane, Q. Physics Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. 97 Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. 416 Upper Cornwall St., Greenslopes, Brisbane, Q. Hyde Rd., Yeronga, Brisbane, Q. 203 Berserker St., Rockhampton, Q. C.S.I.R.O., Box 109, Canberra, A.C.T. C.S.I.R.O., Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. Physics Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. City Hall, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. LIST OF MEMBERS. XIX. Roe, R., B.Sc. Roulston, W., B.Sc. Sapsford, L. P., M.B., B.S. Schindler, C., M.A. Shaw, Professor M., M.E., M.Mech.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E. Shaw, N. H., B.Agr.Sc. Shepherd, E. M., M.E., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.E. Aust. Siller, C. W., B.Sc Simmonds, J. H., M.B.E., M.Sc. Simmons, G. C., B.Sc. Simonds, Professor E. F., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Sims, G. W Singer, E., M.D., D.Ph., D.Sc. Sinnamon, C. N., M.B., B.S. Skerman, P. J., M.Agr.Sc. Sloan, W. J. S., M.Agr Smith, J. H., M.Sc., N.D.A Smith, L. S., B.Sc. Spratt, R. N. Sprent, J. F. A., Ph.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.S.V. Stephenson, J. P., B.Sc. Stephenson, Professor W., B.Sc., Ph.D. . . Stoney, A. J., B.E.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.), A.M.I.E.E. Sutherland, A. K., B.V.Sc., M.S. Sutherland, M. D., D.Sc. Taylor, G. C., M.B., Ch.M. Teakle, Professor L. J. H., B.Sc. (Agric.), M.Sc,, Ph.D., A.A.C.I. Thelander, C., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.A.C.S. . . Thomas, J. A., B.Sc. Thomas, L. A., M.Sc. Thomson, J. M., M.Sc. Tommerup, E. C., M.Sc. Trist, A. R., M.F., B.Sc. Tucker, R., B.V.Sc., D.V.M Tuffley, A. M., B.Sc. Tweedale, G., B.Sc. Veitch, R., B.Sc.Agr., B.Sc. For., F.R.E.S. 147 Jessie St., Armidale, N.S.W. C.S.I.R.O., Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. Glen Rd., Toowong, Brisbane, Q. “ Aiyura,” via Lae, N.G. Engineering Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., George St., Brisbane, Q. “ Greenways,” Smeaton St., Coorparoo, Brisbane, Q. Boundary Rd., Rain worth, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Animal Health Station, Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Mathematics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Grove Crescent, Toowong, Brisbane, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Ryan Rd., St. Lucia, Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Agriculture, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Q. Mt. Isa Mines Ltd., Mt. Isa, Q. Dept, of Vet. Sc., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Macquarie St., St Lucia, Brisbane, Q. Zoology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Engineering Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Animal Health Station, Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Q. Chemistry Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Wickham House, Wickham Tee., Bris- bane, Q. Agriculture Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. 131 Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. Physics Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. C.S.I.R.O., Applethorpe, Q. C.S.I.R.O., P.O. Box 21, Cronulla, N.S.W. Agricultural College, Lawes, Q. Forestry Dept., Brisbane, Q. Dept, of Vet. Sc., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. XX. LIST OF MEMBERS. Wadley, J. B. Watkins, S. B., M.Sc Webb, J. P., B.Sc Webster, Professor H. C., M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.P., F.R.M.S. Weddell, J. A. Wells, W. G. White, Professor F. T. M., B.Met.E., B.E. (Min.), M.I.M.M., M.I.Min.E., M.Aust J.M.M., F.G.S. White, M., M.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.A.C.I. Whitehouse, Associate-Professor F. W., D.Sc., Ph.D. Wilkinson, Professor H. J., B.A., M.D., Ch.M. Williams, W. W. Wilson, G. L., B.Ag.Sc., D.Phil. Womersley, J. S., B.Sc. Woods, J. T., B.Sc. Woodward, T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Wyatt, G. A. Yeates, N. T. M., B.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Battey, Yvonne Dwyer, R. Emanuel, Marie L. . . Henry, Claudia James, J. B. Lewis, Margaret McCaffrey, Mary McLeod, I. R. Smith, K. G. Salt St., Albion, Brisbane, Q. Mt. Cootha Rd., Brisbane, Q„ Dept, of Geology, St. Louis University, Missouri, U.S.A. Physics Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture • and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Engineering Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Anatomy Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Post Office, Kilcoy, Q. Botany Dept., .University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Forestry Dept., Lae, N.G. Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Q. Entomology Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. A.P.M., No. 2 Staff House, 2 Henry St.. Traralgan, Vic. Physiology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Members. Dept, of Health, Brisbane, Q. 51 Baynes St., West End, Brisbane, Q. Q.I.M.R., Herston Rd., Brisbane, Q. Bacteriology Dept., University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q. Geology Dept., University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. Medical School, University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Q. 14 Inkerman St., Wooloongabba, Bris- bane, Q. Kerr St., Toowong, Brisbane, Q. 193 Wickham Tee., Brisbane, Q. A. H. Tucker, Government Printer, Brisbane. GUIDE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SYNOPSES | 1. PURPOSE. It is desirable that each paper be accompanied by a synopsis preferably appearing at the beginning. This synopsis is not part of the paper; it is intended to convey briefly the content of the paper, to draw attention to all new information and to the main conclusions. It should be factual. 2. STYLE OF WRITING. The synopsis should be written concisely and in normal rather than abbreviated English. It is preferable to use the third person. Where possible use standard rather than proprietary terms, and avoid unnecessary contracting. It should be presumed that the reader has some knowledge of the subject but has not read the paper. The synopsis should therefore be intelligible in itself without reference to the paper, for example it should not cite sections or illustra- tions by their numerical references in the text. 3. CONTENT. The title of the paper is usually read as part of the synopsis. The opening sentence should be framed accordingly and repetition of the title avoided. If the title is insufficiently comprehensive the opening should indicate the subjects covered. Usually the beginning of a synopsis should state the objective of the investigation. It is sometimes valuable to indicate the treatment of the4 * 6 subject by such words as: brief, exhaustive, theoretical, etc. The synopsis should indicate newly observed facts, conclusions of an experiment or argument and, if possible, the essential parts of any new theory, treatment, apparatus, technique, etc. It should contain the names of any new compound, mineral, species, etc., and any new numerical data, such as physical constants; if this is not possible it should draw attention to them. It is important to refer to new items and observations, -even though some are incidental to the main purpose of the paper ; such information may otherwise be hidden though it is often very useful. When giving experimental results the synopsis should indicate the methods used; for new methods the basic principle, range of operation and degree of accuracy should be given. 4. DETAIL OF LAYOUT. It is impossible to recommend a standard length for a synopsis. It should, however, be concise and should not normally exceed 100 words. If it is necessary to refer to earlier work in the summary, the reference should always be given in the same manner as in the text. Otherwise references should be left out. When a synopsis is completed, the author is urged to revise it carefully, removing redundant words, clarifying obscurities and rectifying errors in copying from the paper. Particular attention should be paid by him to scientific and proper names, numerical data and chemical and mathematical formulae. CONTENTS Vol. LXIV. i! No. 1. — Some Biochemical Aspects of Reactions to Heat and Cold. By H. J. G. Hines. (Issued separately, 16th November, 1953) No. 2. — Volcanic Rocks of Aitape, New Guinea. By George Baker. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) No. 3. — The Identity of Spadella moretonensis Johnston and Taylor. By J. M. Thomson. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) No. 5. — Memorial Lecture. Professor T. Harvey Johnston: First Professor of Biology in the University of Queensland. By Dorothea F. Sandars. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) Report of Council . . Abstract of Proceedings List of Members Pages. 1-14 15-44 45-49 No. 4. — Two New Species of Dipetalonema (Nematoda, Filarioidea) from Australian Marsupials. By M. J. Mackerras. (Issued separately, 22nd March, 1953) . . . . 51-56 57-68 v. Vll. XIV. «» PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND FOR 1953 VOL. LXV. ISSUED 20th SEPTEMBER, 1954. PRICE: TWENTY-FIVE SHILLINGS. Registered in Australia for transmission by post as a periodical. Printed for the Society by A. H. TUCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane. The Royal Society of Queensland, Patron : HIS EXCELLENCY LIEUT. -GENERAL SIR JOHN H. LAVARACK, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., C. de G., K.B.E. OFFICERS, 1953. President : S. T. BLAKE, M.Sc. Vice-Presidents : I. M. MACKERRAS, F.R.A.C.P. Professor MANSERGH SHAW, M.E., M.I.Mech.E. Hon. Treasurer: E. N. MARKS, B.Sc., Ph.D. Hon. Secretary: DOROTHEA E. SANDARS, M.Sc. Asst. Hon. Secretary: K. ROBINSON, M.Sc. Hon. Librarian: F. S. COLLIYER Hon. Editor: GEORGE MACK, B.Sc. Members of Council: A. R. BRIMBLECOMBE, M.Sc., B. HOWARD, B.Sc., Professor T. K. EWER, B.V.Sc., Ph.D., Professor F. T. M. WHITE, B.Met.E., M.Inst.M.M., G. L. WILSON, B.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. Hon. Auditor: L. P. HERDSMAN Trustees : F. BENNETT, B.Sc., Professor W. H. BRYAN, M.C., D.Sc., E. O. MARKS, M.D., B.A., B.E. CONTENTS, Vol. LXY. Pages, No. 1. — Animal Beservoirs of Infection in Australia. By I. M. Mackerras (Issued separately, 6th September, 1954) . . . . . . 1-24 No. 2. — Contributions to the Geology of Brisbane. No. 2. The Structure of the Brisbane Metamorphics. By W. H. Bryan and Owen A. Jones. (Issued separately, 6th September, 1954) . . . . 25-50 No. 3. — Spheruloids and Allied Structures, Part II. The Spheruloids of Binna Burra. By W. H. Bryan. (Issued separately, 13th September, 1954) . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-70 No. 4. — Pronounced Parameral Differentiation in the Wombat Lasiorhinus. By Richard Tucker. (Issued separately, 13th September, 1954) 71-74 Report of Council . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . v. Abstract of Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii. «» PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND FOR 1953 VOL. LXV. ISSUED 20th SEPTEMBER, 1954. I ■ 1 AUG 8 o— WtiCE: TWENTY-FIVE SHILLINGS. Registered in Australia for transmission by post as a periodical. Printed for the Society by A. H. TUCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane. NOTICE TO AUTHORS • rV ■ ’ ' ' •’ ■ y'V AjjjH •. ' _ ■ • c ' *. 4v4 . 1. Papers should be double -spaced typescript on one side of the paper with ample margins, and must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than one hundred words prepared according to directions given on the inside back cover. \ 1 . 4 2. Papers must be complete and in a form suitable for publication when communicated to the Society and should be as concise as possible. • All calculations, figures, tables, names, quotations and references to literature should be carefully checked. . 3. The use of italics in the text should be restricted to the names of genera and groups of lower rank, foreign words and titles of periodicals. 4. Except in taxonomic papers, all references should be listed at the end of each paper and arranged alphabetically under authors’ names, e.g. Bagnold, R. A., 1937. The Transport of Sand by Wind. Geogr. J., 89, 409-438. Kelley, T. L., 1923. Statistical Method. New York, Macmillan Company. XI + 390 pp., 24 fig. The corresponding references in the text should take one of the following forms : — - Bagnold (1937), (Bagnold, 1937), Bagnold (1937, p. . . .), or (Bagnold 1937, p. . . .). , In taxonomic papers references may be inserted in the text in accordance with established usage. Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals. o. The cost of author’s corrections to proof above what the Council considers a reasonable amount, must be borne by the author. M- \ . > (3. Each author will be supplied with fifty separate copies of his paper. Additional : . copies may be obtained at approximately cost price and should be ordered when i • the galley proof is returned. - j V ;7. The size of the printed plate will not exceed 8 in. x 4£ in., and drawings should' 1 ' be to this size, or preferably a convenient small multiple thereof. The effect of i the necessary reduction on lettering and fine detail should be borne in mind. 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( Delivered before the Royal Society of Queensland, 30 th March, 1953.) Exactly eleven years ago, in his Presidential Address to this Society, Dr. H. R. Seddon reviewed those diseases of domestic stock, which are derived from direct or indirect association with other animals. My own interest in the parallel problems of human medicine was first stimulated by experience with a classic example, tick-borne relapsing fever, in the Middle East during the last war. In this infection, the spirochaete is happily exchanged between Argasid ticks and small desert rodents, without apparent inconvenience to either. Nothing happened, until enemy activity made the small caves, which were the favourite shelters of the ticks, also attractive shelters for the troops. The ticks obtained a vicarious feed of human blood, and a significant incidence of relapsing fever appeared in the force. Later, we had an exactly similar experience with scrub typhus in jungle training in North Queensland and in jungle warfare against the Japanese. Seddon was able to find few examples of animal reservoir infections of domestic stock in Australia, although some have been added since. In human medicine, there are many. In world surveys, Meyer (1948) has listed 75 diseases of man which have animal reservoirs, and Wright (1947) has recorded no less than 116 species of parasitic worms which include man at least occasionally among their hosts. Quite a number of these infections occurs in Australia. Some of them have been reviewed individually by various workers, who are listed in Part I. below; the literature about those which have an Arthropod vector has been collected up to 1947 (Mackerras, 1948) ; and, in an earlier address (Mackerras, 1953), I have touched on some of the general problems involved. Nevertheless, so far as I can discover, no one has attempted to bring the available information about these infections together in one place, in order to take stock of the situation as a whole. Part I. of this address, then, is an annotated check list of the infections of man in Australia, which are derived from other animals. This has been made as complete as the available information permits, and is arranged systematically according to the infective agents concerned; Arthropod ectoparasites have been omitted, except as vectors of infection. In order to keep an inevitably large bibliography within manageable limits, the first paper listed under each item is, so far as «I6« 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. practicable, the most recent in which the previous literature is reviewed, and, unless otherwise clearly stated, the references are only to occurrence in Australia. In Part II., some general problems are discussed from the biological rather than the medical point of view, in an attempt to define weak links in the chain of infection, and to indicate lines on which further research might be pursued. I am greatly indebted to my colleagues in the Institute and to Messrs. A. K. Sutherland, G. C. Simmons and G. S. Cottew, of the State Animal Health Station, Yeerongpilly, for help in the preparation of the check list, and discussion of the general questions involved, and to Mr. George Mack, Director of the Queensland Museum, for assistance in problems of nomenclature. PART I.— ANNOTATED CHECK LIST. Helminthic Infections. Nematoda. 1. Trichostrongylus colubriformis (Giles). — Norman hosts sheep and goats. Intestinal infections in man have been recorded by Heydon and Green (1931), Ross (1937), Heydon and Bearup (1939). Evidence of identification is satisfactory. 2. ? Trichostrongylus extenuatus (Raill.). — Normal hosts sheep and goats. Intestinal infections in man have been reported by Heydon and Green (1931). The record is probably valid, but the authors could not completely exclude the possibility of accidental infection of the kids which were fed with larvae cultured from the human faeces. 3. ? Haemonclius contortus (Rud.). — Normal hosts sheep and goats. Intestinal infections in man have been recorded by Sweet (1924) and Heydon and Green (1931). Both authors regard their records as doubtful, on account of the risk of contamination by goat faeces in the first, and of accidental infection in the experimental kids in the second. 4. 5. Ancylostoma braziliense de Faria and A. caninum (Ere.) — Both species are common hookworms of cats and dogs. Larvae in moist, shaded soil attempt to infect man, but can penetrate no further than the skin, in which they may wander for several weeks or even months. The resulting irrigating condition, which is known as ‘'creeping eruption or “sand worm”, is not uncommon in North Queensland, and was elucidated by Heydon (1929, 1931). y 6. ? Habronema spp. — Normal hosts horses, transmitted by Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) and Musca spp. The conditions known as bung eye in humans is popularly believed to be associated with attack by a fly. Bull (1922), on the basis of histological similarity of the lesions, suggested that it might be caused by attempts by Habronema larvae to penetrate the human conjunctiva. Cestoda. 7. Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch). — Dogs are the normal hosts of the adults and sheep of the cysts in Australia, thought other hosts have been recorded. Johnston and Cleland (1937) have summarised the extensive literature on hydatid infection in man up to that date. Recently, Durie and Riek (1952) have demonstrated the existence of a natural cycle in native animals in Queensland, adults in the dingo, Ganis dingo Meyer, and fertile cysts in the wallabies, Wallabia elegans ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 3 (Lambert), W. dorsalis (Gray), W. rufogrisea (Desm.), W. bicolor (Desm.) and Thylogale wilcoxi M’Coy, with an associated high incidence of sterile cysts in cattle. Earlier workers, of whom Bancroft (1890) appears to have been the first, had found cysts in the following marsupials also: Macropus major Shaw, M. calabatus L. & G., Thylogale eugenii (Desm.), T. thetis (Lesson) and Osphrantor robustus Gould. Sandars (1952) could find no evidence that the dingo-wallaby cycle was associated with infections in man. 8. Dipylidium caninum (L.) — Normal host dog, transmitted by fleas, Ctenocephalides spp. Intestinal infections in man have been reviewed by Bearup and Morgan (1939). M. J. Mackerras (unpub- lished) has recently found two infections in young children in Brisbane. 9. Hymenolepis nana (Sieb.) — Normal host mouse, transmission direct, by contamination. Intestinal infections in man are not uncommon, and have been summarised by Sweet (1924). 10. Hymenolepis diminuta (Rud.). — Normal host rats, Rattus rattus (L.) and R. norvegicus (Erxl.), transmitted by various coprophagous insects. Intestinal infections in man have been reviewed by Bearup and Morgan (1939). 11. Diphyllobothrium ferinacei (Bud.). — The spargana of this species have the interesting property of passing from host to host by ingestion, and remaining in the sparganal stage until they reach a suitable Carnivore, in which they complete their development. Sandars (1953) has therefore concluded that the spargana recorded in Australia probably all belong to the one species, and she gives a list of the Amphibian, Reptilian, Marsupial and Eutherian Mammalian hosts in which they are known to survive. Undoubted spargana, which may be strongly suspected to be D. erinacei, have been recorded from man by MacCormick and Hill (1907) and Cleland (1915, 1918), * and two doubtful ones by Spencer (1893). Miss Sandars (unpublished) has shown that chilling for six days will kill spargana in meat, which seems an effective way to protect those who like their pork underdone. Trematoda. 12. Fasciola hepatica (L.). — Normal host sheep, developmental cycle in Simlimnea subaquatilis (Tate). Infections of man are very rare, but have been reported by Crawford in 1864 (quoted by Sweet, 1909) and by Jeremy and Jones (1935). 13. Cercaria parocellata Johnston. — Normal host probably the black swan, Chenopis atrata (Lath.), with development in the water snail, Limnaea lessoni (Desh.). Attempts by the fork-tailed cercariae to invade the human skin lead to a condition known as bathers7 itch, first described in Australia by Johnston (1941) in the swamps of the Murray River in South Australia, and later by Macfarlane (1952) also from lakes near Wagin in Western Australia, with a doubtful record in Narrabeen Lake, New South Wales. Macfarlane confirmed his earlier work in New Zealand, which had shown that the development of persistently itchy papules was due to previous sensitization by the proteins of the cercariae. Dimethyl phthalate was found to protect. Protozoal and Fungal Infections. This group is of doubtful validity in Australia. We have no Haemoflagellates that infect man, and are not likely to acquire any, * Since this was written, a spa.rganum has been obtained from the thigh of a woman in Queensland (Sandars, unpublished). 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. because the vectors are either absent ( Glossina , Triatoma) or rare (Phlebotomies) . Thus, apart from some ringworms, of which the animal reservoir is undoubted, we are left with Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis* among the Protozoa, and several systemic mycoses among the Fungi, all of which infect man and some other animals. There is a distinct suspicion (Steele, 1952) that the animals may not be reservoirs, but simply victims, like man, of infections derived from elsewhere in the environment. Moreover, in at least one case, recent work indicates that the organisms infecting man may be different from those that infect the supposed reservoir. 14. Toxoplasma sp. — Animals found infected include the silver- eye, Zosterops lateralis (Lath.) (record doubtful), sparrow, Passer domesticus L., sheep, cat, dog, laboratory rabbit, and Dasyurus quoll (Zimm.) ; infections in man are recorded from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania (unproven) and Western Australia; references in Seddon (1952) and Mackerras (1953). 15. 8 arco cyst is spp. — Recorded from cattle, sheep, pigs, Rattus norvegicus (Erxl.) and R. rattus (L.) by Johnston and Cleland (1909) ; probably related forms from Bettongia grayi Gould by Bourne (1932) and Isoodon obesulus (S. & N.)f by Mackerras et al. (1953), and from Python spilotes (Lacep.) by Tiegs (1931). We have found no published record of infection in man in Australia, but have seen typical Sarco- cystis in a section of human cardiac muscle prepared in the Anatomy Department of the University of Queensland. The material was from a child, aged 6, who was accidentally killed; no further information is available. 16. Histoplasma capsidatum Darling. — Three infections in man have been described in Australia, by Johnson and Derrick (1948), Inglis and Powell (1953) and Dowe et al. (1953). No infections in animals have been recorded here, but dogs and other mammals have been found infected in America. On present knowledge, soil, especially if enriched by fowl or pigeon manure, appears to be the probable source of infection. 17. Cryptococcus neof ormans (Sanf.) Vuil. — Cox and Tolhurst (1946) record 33 cases of torulosis in man from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. No infections have been recorded in animals (other than experimental animals) in Australia, but else- where horses, cattle and mammals in zoos have been found infected. Fruit has been suspected as a possible source of infection. 18. Candida albicans Bob. (Berk.). — Mondial infections in humans are well known in Australia, fatal infections in Queensland being reported by Duhig and Mead (1951). All have been caused by C. albicans , and the same species has been found in turkeys and fowls by Hart (1947). A survey undertaken in Brisbane by Mrs. R. E. Powell (unpublished) has demonstrated Candida-like organisms (apparently doing no harm) in liver, spleen or kidney from 48 of 113 randomly selected human autopsies, and in 16 of 32 animals, including guinea- pig, laboratory rabbit, Rattus rattus (L.), R. norvegicus (Erxl.) and Isoodon obesulus (S. & N.). At least five species of Candida have been * Spindler (1947) believes that Sarcocystis is a fungus. t The names obesulus (Shaw and Nodder) and torosus (Ramsay) reported in various places in this list almost certainly refer to the one form, which might be regarded as not separable from obesulus or as a subspecies, torosus, according to one’s views on their geographical differentiation (Mack, personal communication).. ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 5 found, but C. albicans, which is the only one certainly known to be pathogenic, has so far been isolated only from humans and the faeces of a laboratory rabbit. It is not known whether there is any relation between human and animal infections. 19. Sporotrichum schenckii Matr. — Infections in man have been reported by Robinson and Orban (1951) and Barrack and Powell (1952). Infections of animals, chiefly horses, have been described in other parts of the world, and a case has been recorded of a veterinarian who became infected when treating a horse which was suffering from sporotrichosis. Normally, however, the fungus is associated with vegetation, and the disease follows pricks or scratches from infected thorns or wood splinters. 20. Nocardia asteroides (Epp.) Blanch. — Aerobic Actinomycetes have been isolated twice from man, by Goldsworthy (1937) and O’Reilly and Powell (1953), and from lesions in the mouth or lung of domestic and native animals by Mr. G. C. Simmons. There is little doubt of the identity of the human strains with N. asteroides, but further work is needed on those from animals, more than one species probably being concerned (Simmons, personal communication). 21. Actinomyces bovis Harz. — Infection with anaerobic Actinomy- cetes occurs in Australia, but not as commonly as the extent of the cattle industry might lead one to expect. Recent work abroad and in Australia (Ludwig and Sullivan, 1952) indicates that at least some strains isolated from human sources are not A. bovis, and the opinion is growing that infection is usually, if not always, caused by organisms which normally live as saprophytes in the human mouth. 22. Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Rob.) Blanch. — A ringworm. Normal hosts horses and cattle, but infections recorded in many other animals, including guinea-pigs in Brisbane. Transmission to man not infrequent. 23. Microsporum OAidouini Gruby. — A ringworm. Normal hosts dogs. Transmission to man not infrequent. 24. Microsporum lanosum Sab. — A ringworm. Normal hosts kittens, puppies, rabbit kittens. Transmission to humans, especially children, not uncommon. Bacterial Infections. It will be convenient, from this point onwards, to list the names of the infections rather than of the causative organisms, because the former are generally more familiar, some infections are caused by several related organisms (for example, leptospirosis, salmonellosis), and, when we come to the viruses, generic and specific names are still somewhat imaginative. 25. bovine tuberculosis. — It is well known that tubercle bacilli of bovine origin may infect human beings. These infections are usually, though not always, milk-borne, and are now much less frequent than formerly. Webster (1941) recorded no bovine infections in adults in Victoria since 1924*, and a declining proportion, from one-fourth of all tuberculous infections investigated in children under 14 prior to 1932, to one-tenth nine years later. He stated that the change was “correlated with a striking reduction in tuberculin reactors in herds.” * Derrick (1945) lias reported one in Queensland. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. 26. erysipeloid. — Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is fairly common in pigs in Australia, and Speight (1951) believes that it is also not uncommon in man, with a strong occupational incidence in those who handle meat at any stage from slaughter to cooking and in the fell- mongering and wool-scouring trades. Lawes et al. (1952) have recorded a case of subacute bacterial endocarditis as having been caused by this organism, but infections do not often come to bacteriological examination, so precise information is difficult to obtain. 27. listeriosis. — Infection with Listeria monocytogenes is not infrequent in sheep, but only one case of Listeria meningitis in man appears to have been recorded in this country (Stanley, 1948). 28. leptospirosis. — This is a typical animal reservoir infection, usually with an equally typical occupational bias. Infection may be direct, or, more frequently as a result of leptospirae, passed in the urine of infected animals, contaminating water, wet soil or wet vegetation (e.g., sugar cane), and entering the body through abraded skin or mucous membranes. Johnson (1950) reviewed the leptospiroses of Australia, and listed five species: Leptospira ictero-haemorrhagiae , from Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria; L. australis A and L. australis B, from North Queensland ; and L. pomona and L. mitis , from Queensland and northern New South Wales. Since then, L. pomona has been recorded from Victoria by Wellington et al. (1951), Graves et al. (1951), and Forbes and Lawrence (1952a, 1952b), while Sinnamon and Pask (1952) and Sinnamon et al. (1953), in collaboration with the State Laboratory of Microbiology and Pathology, have added three species in North Queensland, namely, L. canicola, L. medanensis, and an undescribed species which passes under the temporary name “Celledoni. ” Still more recently, L. australis B and L. medanensis have been split into subgroups, so that altogether eleven types of leptospirae are now known in this country. The animal reservoirs, for which there is direct or indirect evidence so far are : — Cattle: L. pomona , L. mitis (serological). Pigs: L. pomona, L. mitis. Dogs: L. ictero-haemorrhagiae, L. pomona (serological), L. australis A (serological). Introduced rats (R. rattus, R. norvegicus) : L. ictero- haemorrhagiae, L australis B (serological). Rattus conatus Thomas : L. australis A, L. australis B. Bandicoots (probably Isoodon obesulus S. & N.) : L. australis A (serological). Perameles nasuta Geoff: L. “ Celledoni (serological). Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr: L. medanensis (serological). The entries marked' as serological must be regarded as tentative, because there is considerable serological overlapping between some of the types. Clearly, a great deal remains to be done in this field. 29. rat bite fever ( Spirillum minus). — The occurrence of S. minus in rats in Queensland was recorded by Derrick and Brown (1936), who also reviewed suspected infections in man. Since then, additional cases have been described by Shallard (1937) in New South Wales, Powell (1939) in Victoria, and Lawrence (1942) in South Australia. The organism is difficult to isolate from human material, and all the cases ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 7 recorded rest on clinical evidence only. It would appear, too, that its infectivity for man is usually low, because it is probably not uncommon in our laboratory rats and mice and several people have been bitten, including two by a mouse which had S. minus in its blood at the time. 30. rat bite fever ( Streptobacillus moniliformis) . — Rountree and Rohan (1941) have recorded a fatal infection in a girl who was bitten on the face by a rat in Victoria, Gray and Hoeben (1941) mention an epizootic in laboratory rats and mice in Queensland, and Stephen Williams (1941) has described an epizootic which occurred during a plague of wild mice (Mus musculus L.) in New South Wales. His experience was like ours, in that he was frequently bitten by infected mice without ill effect. 31. plague. — Except in the comparatively rare pneumonic form, infection in man is always an overflow from an epizootic in an animal population. Epidemics occur, when the animals involved are urban rats, and contact with man via the rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (Roths.), is frequent. There have been two periods when plague has invaded Australia, between 1900 and 1909 and in 1921-22 (Cumpston and McCallum, 1926). In both, it remained strictly urban, and there was no evidence of establishment of “sylvatic plague” in native animal populations, as has occurred in some other countries. 32. melioidosis. — This infection appears usually to be a disease of rodents in Malaya, where it was first, described; but infection in sheep and goats has been found in North Queensland by Cottew (1950), Cottew et al. (1952) and Lewis and Olds (1952), and recently in a pig by Lewis and Olds (unpublished). I know of no published account of the disease in man in this country, but, through the kindness of Dr. R. A. Rimington, of the Commonwealth Health Laboratory, Townsville, I have seen the history of a man who lived at Charters Towers, and who died in the Townsville General Hospital. Malleomyces pseudomallei was isolated from his blood no less than four times during his illness, so the identity of the infection is beyond doubt. 33. brucellosis. — Two species of Brucella may infect man in Australia, namely, Br. abortus in all States and Br. suis in Queensland and New South Wales. Infections are common in cattle and pigs, relatively rare in humans, and direct contact with infected tissues would appear to be a much more important method of infection than ingestion in milk; otherwise it would be difficult to account for the sex and occupational incidence recorded by Derrick and Brown (1950). As infection of milk is common (Lee, 1952), it is necessary to assume also that infectivity for humans is low, and that the disease is seen chiefly in veterinarians, farmers and meatworkers because they may be exposed to massive doses of the organisms. 34. salmonellosis. — The epidemiology of Salmonella infections is a complicated story. Infants are undoubtedly originally infected from older people (perhaps occasionally from contamination of food by vermin), but the infection may then be spread from infant to infant by the hands of those who care for them in institutions (Mackerras and Mackerras, 1949). Infections are also not infrequent in older humans and in various animal populations. In at least S. typhi, the parasite population is maintained in human hosts only, and we may suspect that the same could apply to other species of Salmonella too. On the other hand, there are innumerable records of humans being infected from animal sources, which may thus be properly regarded as reservoirs. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Actually, the position seems to be, that most of the common species of Salmonella have a wide range of hosts, that they can probably maintain themselves in any one host species, but that they can transfer from one to another whenever the opportunity arises. Their behaviour is thus not typical of the animal reservoir infections as a whole. The species of Salmonella recorded from animals in Australia by Atkinson et al. (1944-52), Mackerras and Mackerras (1948, 1949), Simmons (1951), Singer and McCaffrey (1950, 1951), Singer and Ludford (1952), Rac and Wall (1952), Simmons (unpublished) and Lee (unpublished) are set out in the following list, which is arranged according to hosts. Most of them have been found also in man. Domestic animals. Cattle : 8. typhi-murium, S. derby, S. potsdam, S. muenchen, S. bovis-morbificans, S. dublin, S. anatum, S. london, S. meleagridis, S. newington, S. orientalis. Sheep : S. typhi-murium, S. derby, S. potsdam, S. cholerae-suis var. kunzendorf , S. newport, S. bovis-morbificans, S. melea- gridis, S. anatum. Horse : S. typhi-murium, S. bovis-morbificans, S. kottbus, S. new- port, S. meleagridis, S. anatum, S. newington. Pig: S. typhi-murium, S. derby, S. Chester, S. cholerae-suis and var. kunzendorf, S. paratyphi C, S. bovis-morbificans, S. muenchen, S. newport, S. enteritidis, S. anatum, S. give, S. Chester, S. worthington. Dog: S. typhi-murium, S. derby, S. Chester. Cat : S. typhi-murium, S. bovis-morbificans , S. Cambridge. Guinea-pig: S. typhi-murium, S. blegdam, S. enteritidis. Laboratory rabbit : S. typhi-murium. Laboratory mice : S. typhi-murium, S. enteritidis, S. blegdam. Fowl : S. typhi-murium, S. derby, S. Chester, S. saint-paul, S. bredeney, S. oslo, S. oranienburg, S. bovis-morbificans, S. bonariensis, S. bareilly, S. muenchen, S. newport, S. pullorum, S. Cambridge, S. anatum, S. london, S. melea- gridis, S. give, S. lexington, S. newington, S. champaign. Duck: S. typhi-murium, S. derby, S. bovis-morbificans, S. anatum, S. give. Turkey : S. typhi-murium. Pigeon : S. typhi-murium. Sparrow* : S. pullorum. Vermin. Rattus norvegicus (Erxl.) : S. typhi-murium, S. Chester, S. para- typhi C., S. bovis-morbificans, 8. meleagridis, 8. adelaide. Mus muscidus (L.) : 8. derby, 8. bovis-morbificans, 8. orientalis. Periplaneta americana (L.) : 8. bovis-morbificans. N auphoeta cinerea (Oliv.) : 8. typhi-murium. Marsupials. Isoodon obesulus (S. & N.) : 8. bonariensis. Wallabia dorsalis (Gray) : 8. meleagridis, 8. anatum. * Placed here for convenience. ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 9 Reptilia (Fam. Agamidae). Amphibolurus barbatus (Cuv.) : 8. Chester, 8. birkenhead, 8. muenchen, 8. bonariensis, 8. adelaide, 8. rubislaw, 8. waycross. Physignathus lesueurii (Gray) : 8. adelaide. Chlamy do s aunts kingii (Gray) : 8. rubislaw. 35. anthrax. — Seddon (1948) gives the central districts and County of Cumberland in New South Wales as the chief enzootic centres of anthrax in Australia, with minor areas in Victoria. It is commonest in sheep, with some cases in cattle and pigs. Few infections in man have been notified in recent years, but a local practitioner has informed me that he has recently seen two in central New South Wales. Formerly, cases were also associated with the use of some imported shaving brushes. 36. clostridal infections. — These are scarcely to be classed here, for, although C. tetani and other species normally live in the intestine of horses and some other animals, the role of the animal in the chain of infection is to enrich the soil, in which the organisms may live for a very long time, and from which they may enter wounds and abrasions. Gas gangrene is now rare in man, but tetanus is not very infrequent, particularly in Queensland. It may be noted that horses and sheep are just as susceptible in infection of wounds with tetanus bacilli as are human beings, and sheep have their own group of diseases caused by other Clostridia. Rickettsial Infections. Apart from epidemic typhus, which was brought to Australia in the early days of settlement, but did not become established, the four rickettsial infections which are now known here are typical animal reservoir infections, in that man is an accidental intruder into a cycle with which he has normally nothing to do. 37. murine typhus. — This disease was discovered by Hone (1922) in Adelaide. He suspected that it came from rats or mice, and it is now well known, chiefly from work in the United States, that Rickettsia typhi is a normal parasite of urban rats, which is transmitted from rat to rat by fleas, lice and mites, and occasionally from rat to man by Xenopsylla cheopis (Roths.), although the exact mechanism of trans- mission is not yet understood. A few cases: occur almost every year in Australia, chiefly among storemen, grocers and others whose occupations expose them to special risk. 38. scrub typhus. — The ecology of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi is similar to that of R. typhi, but the reservoirs are bush rodents, the vectors Trombiculine mites, and the intruders are those people whose occasions take them into the fringe of the jungle in Queensland from Mackay northward. Heaslip (1941), chiefly on evidence from serology and mouse inoculation, considered that the reservoirs were Ratitus conatus Thomas, R. assimilis Gould, Melomys littoralis (Lonn.), introduced rats, and the bandicoot, Isoodon torosus (Ramsey). On epidemiological grounds, he believed the vector to be Trombicula deliensis Walch. Southcott (1947) obtained serological evidence suggest- ing that possibly the pied currawong, Strepera graculina (Shaw), might also be a reservoir. Kohle et al. (1945), in New Guinea, provided definite proof by isolating Rickettsias from Rattus concolor browni (Alston) and Trombicula deliensis, but could not find evidence to support the 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. suggestion that bandicoots were susceptible to infection. Clearly, a good deal of precise work is needed to clarify the situation in Australia. 39. tick typhus. — Andrew, Bonnin and Williams (1946) described a disease in North Queensland, which they had strong inferential grounds for believing to be a form of tick typhus, and similar cases have been reported in North Queensland by Brody (1946) and South Queensland by Streeten et al. (1948). The Rickettsia isolated from the North Queensland cases proved to be related to, but distinct from, those causing tick typhus in other parts of the world, and has been named Rickettsia australis. Fenner (1946) concluded on serological evidence that probable reservoirs were Isoodon obesulus (S. & N.), Perameles nasuta Geoffroy, Trichosurus vulpecula johnstonii Ramsey, Aepyprym- nus rufescens (Gray) and TJromys sher r ini Thomas. The vector is suspected to be the common Ixodes holocyclus Neum., but no direct evidence has yet been obtained against this or any other tick. 40. q fever. — Rickettsia burneti behaves in many ways very differently from other species of the group, so differently that several authors place it in a different genus, Coxieila. From the present point of view, the most striking difference is its extraordinary wide host range, both in vertebrates and in ticks. In Australia, cattle are frequently infected, and are the major source of infection in man. Among native mammals, R. burneti has been isolated from Isoodon torosus (Ramsey) ; antibodies have been found in captured Aepyprym- nus rufescens (Gray), Hydromys ckrysogaster (Geoffroy) and Rattus lutreolus (Gray) ; while Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr), Rattus assimilis (Gould), R. conatus Thomas, R. culmorum Thomas and Melomys litt oralis (Lonn.) (and also II. ckrysogaster and R. lutreolus) have been experimentally infected in the laboratory. Ticks, in which infection has been found in nature or produced experimentally, are Haemaphy- salis kumerosa W. & N., II. bispinosa Neum., Boopkilus annulatus microplus (Canest.), Ixodes holocyclus Neum., Rkipicepkalus sanguineus (Latr.) and Ornithodorus fgurneyi Warburton. Evidence of trans- ovarial infection has been found in H. kumerosa, and also in ticks in other parts of the world, so it seems possible that at least some species may serve as a continuing reservoir, without intervention of infection in a vertebrate. Evidence of a native Isoodon-Haemapkysalis cycle has been found on Moreton Island, South Queensland ; but it is not known whether the infection was originally native to Australia, whether the native animals acquired it from cattle or vice versa, nor how human beings become infected. Neither Arthropod vectors nor infected milk appear to be significant in Queensland, and close contact with infected cattle seems usually to be essential. Derrick (1953) has reviewed the literature, and discussed these problems in detail. Viral Infections. 41. psittacosis. — This is an infection mainly of parrots and their allies, which Burnet (1935, 1942) and Tremain (1938) demonstrated to be quite widespread in Australia, the species found infected being Trickoglossus cklorolepidotus (Kuhl), T. moluccanus (Gmelin), Kakatoe roseicapilla (Vieillot), Loptolopkus kollandicus (Kerr), Aprosmictus scapularis (Licht.), Polytelis antkopeplus (Lear), Platy- cerus elegans (Gmelin), P. eximius (Shaw), P. adscitus (Latham), Barnardius zonarius (ShaAv), B. semitorquatus (Quoy & Gaimard) , B. barnardi (Vigors & ILorsfield), Psepkotus haematonotus (G.), Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw), and the finches, Poepkila gouldiae (G.) and P. acuticauda (G.). ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 11 Humans are infected by breathing infected dust from captive birds and their cages, Tremain gives! references to cases recorded to 1938, all in Victoria, and Yeatman and McEwan (1945) have described a later outbreak in South Australia. 42. Murray valley encephalitis. — This Infection is related to Japanese B encephalitis. The natural reservoirs are birds, the vectors presumably mosquitoes, and secondary hosts are horses and man, while antibodies have also been found in clogs, foxes and Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr). No evidence of infection was found in sheep, cattle or pigs (Anderson et al 1952). Among the sixteen species of water birds and nine of land birds, in which neutralising antibodies have been detected, the following showed the highest incidence : N otophoyx novae-hollandiae (Latham), Nycticorax caledonicus (Gmelin), Micro- carbo melanoleucus (Vieillot), Phalacrocorax carbo (L.), Lobibyx miles (Boddaert), Kakatoe sanguined (G.), Grallina cyanoleuca (Latham) and Gallus domesticus L. The extremely interesting epidemiological problems presented by M.V.E. have been reviewed by Burnet (1952), Miles and Howes (1953) and Mackerras (1953). 43. contagious ecthyma. — It was long suspected by people in the grazing industry that ‘ ‘ scabby mouth ’ ’ could be transmitted from sheep to man. This was proved to be correct by Bask et al. (1951), but they found also that human skin did not provide as good as environment for the virus as the skin of the sheep. 44. cat scratch disease. — Xnglis and Tonge (1950) described a curious granulomatous infection of lymph glands in Queensland. About the same time,, workers in Europe described a similar condition, which, in many instances, followed scratches by cats. The causal organism is unknown, but is suspected to be a virus. Tonge et al. (1953) have now obtained evidence that their infection is the same as “eat scratch disease”, though the association with cats has not been as close as in the European cases. Infections Not Included. The following have been excluded from the list, for the reasons indicated : — Parasites, such as Taenia saginata Goeze, which have an alterna- tion of hosts, of which man is specifically one; these do not comply with the essential condition that the parasite popula- tion is independent of the human population. Introduced infections, such as African trypanosomiasis, Japanese schistosomiasis, Diphyllobotlirium latum (L.), Trichinella spiralis (Owen) and others, which have not become estab- lished here. The Ascaris of the pig, because it has been shown to be specifically distinct from the Ascaris of man. Balantidium coli (Malm.), which has been found in pigs in Queensland and Victoria (Seddon, 1952), but does not so far appear to have been recorded from man in this country. Benign lymphocytic choriomeningitis, which was recorded by Parry (1951) ; the name was used in a general rather than a specific sense, and there is no evidence that the L.C.M. virus was concerned. The condition known as “cow pox” in Australia, which is trans- missible to man, but of which the etiology is still obscure (Seddon, 1952). 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. PART II. SOME PROBLEMS IN ECOLOGY. General Considerations. When we look at the data in Part I., the first fact that impresses ns in that here is a formidable array of infections. That is true, but the impression needs qualification. Except for the Salmonella infections, which man may be said to share with the animals, and which can spread in human populations; and for the leptospiroses in certain limited geographical areas; and for plague, when there is a severe epizootic in a large urban rat population; the majority of animal reservoir infections are uncommon, and many of them are no more than clinical and zoological curiosities. Sporadic, scattered, apparently unrelated appearance in man is, in fact, a normal characteristic of this group. The second characteristic that impresses us is related to the first, and is that, in the majority of these infections, man forms no part of the ecological niche which the parasite normally occupies. Infection in him is an overflow into marginal territory, and, just as with locusts, birds or mammals in marginal territories, the overflowing populations usually die — although they may sometimes kill their strange host in the process*. This phenomenon is well known, and man is often spoken of as an intruder. It is, however, necessary to emphasise it, because it has one very important practical consequence, namely, that controlling these infections in man in no way influences the effective parasite population ; if we wish to do that, we must control them in the animal hosts, which is often a much more difficult task. The third phenomenon that impresses us is that the reaction provoked by a parasite often differs markedly in its principal and casual hosts. It is a question of adaptation. Over a long evolutionary association, most parasites and hosts have arrived at a nicely adjusted mutual balance, so that they now live together in moderate amity. It is rarely beneficial to a parasite to kill its host, unless it needs to do so to achieve dispersal (as, for example, in the Myxosporidia) . It- has frequently followed that, as adaptation to particular hosts has become more and more perfect, so the ability to infect other hosts has decreased, and the parasites have become progressively more host specific. A well- balanced, highly specific host-parasite association is the normal climax situation. Some parasites, however, have remained sufficiently plastic to multiply in a variety of hosts ; and in these we frequently find that the relationship with the principal host is one of well balanced tolerance, whereas there is decided discord with the occasional hosts. There are two stages in this adaptive process. The first is a progressively increasing ability of a parasite to invade a foreign host. It may be illustrated by the worms. At one end of the scale, the cercariae of avian Schistosomes can enter human skin, but they go no further, and quickly die. The hookworms of the dog also cannot usually penetrate beyond the skin of man, but they persist, producing creeping eruption, although they rarely reach the intestine. The Ascaris of the pig goes further; the larvae hatch in the intestine and * As with other animals and plants in marginal territory, the occasional ones that do not die may become adapted to the new environment, isolated from their parent populations, and so become the founders of new species of parasite in a new host. These casual infections are thus of fundamental biological importance as well as practical interest, but this side of their story is not relevant to the present discussion. ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 13 pass from the gut to the lungs, where they may produce pneumonitis, but they die when they reach the alimentary tract again. Finally, man. is as good an intermediate host of Taenia echinococcus as the sheep or the wallaby. The second stage comes when the parasite can establish itself in its normal tissue habitat. The new host reacts to the intrusion and disease is the usual result. This is a somewhat dangerous situation, because we have reservoirs, which are perfectly well and therefore unnoticed, spreading disease to an unsuspecting human population. Relapsing fever, the rickettsioses and leptospirosis are classical examples. In this stage, severity of illness is a cardinal sign of incomplete adaptation. Mildness, on the other hand, may indicate, either that the parasite has only acquired a slender hold on its host, or that mutual adaptation is well advanced. Duration of infection, not of illness, should differen- tiate between the two, and we may therefore suspect that the milder rickettsioses and leptospiroses may represent incomplete adaptation as well as the severe ones. When we look for examples to illustrate the steps in this process of adaptation, we find them more readily in the malaria parasites of vertebrates than in the infections recorded here. Plasmodium falci- parum may kill fully susceptible Europeans and P. vivax give them a very unpleasant experience ; but native races, who have lived with them for many generations, show a considerable tolerance to both species. The malaria of monkeys is usually mild ; but transfer F. knowlesi to a strange simian host, and it becomes as severe as P. falciparum in northern Europeans, a fact that has been made use of in experimental malariology. Incidentally, when P. knowlesi is inoculated into man, a still stranger host zoologically, it cannot maintain its hold, and the result is a very mild and transitory infection. In birds, which are also a recent, highly evolved group, infections vary from severe to very mild, and there is the added phenomenon, not recorded so far in the mammals, that the exoerythrocytic stages may sometimes kill, as well as those in the blood cells. By contrast, the reptiles, in which the host-parasite relationship must be presumed to have developed over long geological periods, show the most perfect tolerance. It is often possible to find abundant parasites of various genera in the blood of reptiles which are lively and active and show no signs of ill-health whatever. The parasite population is high, and its chances to spread from host to host are at a maximum. This is the climax situation, of which I spoke earlier. The practical consequence of all this is that we look for disease in our patients, but infection in the reservoirs. In the classical animal reservoir infections, the carrier state is normal in the reservoir, but does not occur, and need not be considered, in the casual human victim, a conclusion which also follows from the second of the general characteristics stated earlier. We come now to a fourth consideration, which is by no means limited to this nor to any one field of biology, and that is that there are important exceptions to the classical picture which I have endeavoured to present above. The Salmonella infections are an exception, and I have already endeavoured to indicate this by expressing the opinion that they are shared by man and animals, there being little indication of a principal host-casual host relationship. Indeed, they seem to be equally 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. imperfectly adapted to all hosts, and one may see acute enteritis in all, lizards as well as birds and mammals. Conversely, the carrier state can be found in all, too, and we know nothing of the reasons why the same species of Salmonella in the same species of host, whether it be a human baby or an Amphil)olurus, may at times appear to be quite harmless and at others be fatally pathogenic. Again, there are exceptions : S. typhi is almost exclusively a parasite of man, S. enteritidis (in this country) of rodents, and S. pullorum of birds, and some hosts seem to harbour more species of Salmonella than others; but the table of infections in Part I indicates clearly enough the broad truth of the statement. The second group of exceptions is a particularly interesting one. An infection, which normally smoulders quietly in the principal hosts, may, apparently quite suddenly, show increased infectivity (and sometimes virulence), and produce a widespread epizootic, with a consequent increased overflow into the human population. Plague is the classical example, epidemics in human populations being always preceded and accompanied by a fatal epizootic in urban rodents. Burnet has described a natural epizootic of psittacosis in Australian parrots, but the contacts of these birds with humans in the bush are few, and there does not appear to have been any significant overflow. On the other hand, there is considerable evidence that an appreciable incidence of M.Y. encephalitis in humans is seen only when a rather rare set of special circumstances has led to widespread subclinical infection in the avian population. In the view of Miles and Howes, the essential condition is exceptionally early rain in the northern rookeries of water-birds, leading to production of two broods in the year and early dispersal of young infected birds through the southern parts of the country at a time when mosquitoes are active. Silent epizootics in local birds follow, and then overflow into the human population. As less than one per cent, of infected humans show clinical signs, the mass of infection must be very considerable before a clinical epidemic becomes apparent. With this background of information, incomplete, but still sufficient to give us a fair appreciation of the situation, we may consider what may be done about it. I have always held, and time has not altered my views, that the true approach to any problem in economic or medical biology is through a full understanding of the problem. In the present instance, the frequency of infection in man depends primarily on the frequency of effective contacts, direct or indirect, between the human and animal populations, and we must examine this aspect before proceeding further. Frequency of Infection in Man. The frequency of infection in man depends on five sets of factors, of which the last three interact with one another. 1. SPREAD WITHIN THE HUMAN POPULATION. When man to man infection can occur, factors other than those relating to contact with the animal population come into play, and the disease ceases to show true animal reservoir characteristics. Salmonella infections are the most important example in this country, yellow fever in tropical America and Africa. Indeed, it was not realised that yellow fever had an animal reservoir, until it was found that the virus could not be exterminated by preventing its spread within human populations. In Q fever, the sick may occasionally infect the healthy, but that is not part of its usual epidemiology. ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 15 2. THE DOSAGE OF INFECTION. We know practically nothing about the number of organisms needed to produce recognizable infection in man in any of the diseases listed in Part I. Nevertheless, there is a certain amount of indirect evidence. The infective dose of worms would appear to be small — probably a single Ancylostome larva will produce a single line of creeping eruption — and it seems likely that it is small, too, in leptospiral and most rickettsial infections. By contrast, there is evidence, mentioned earlier, that the infective dose in brucellosis is probably large. This factor influences the availability of particular pathways of infection; but it does not concern us otherwise, because transmission is measured automatically by infective doses, in that it is assessed by palpable infection in man. We should, however, when examining a possible source of infection, remember always to ask ourselves : is it adequate ? And we often cannot give an answer. 3. THE PATHWAY OF INFECTION. These may be tabulated, with illustrative infections, in order of increasing length of the path. Broadly speaking, infections with more direct transmission usually come from domesticated animals, contaminative ones from vermin, and those with an Arthropod vector from native animals. (a) By contact with the host or its products: ringworm, rat bite fevers (2), erysipeloid, brucellosis, anthrax, ? Q fever, contagious ecthyma, ? cat-scratch disease. (b) By ingestion of the host or its products: spargana, bovine tuberculosis (milk), salmonellosis, brucellosis (milk, rare), Q fever (milk, rare). (c) By inhalation of infected dust or droplets: ? moniliasis, bovine tuberculosis (rare), Q fever, psittacosis. (d) By contamination: Triehostrongyles, hydatid, Hymenolepis nana, salmonellosis. (e) From external environment, including long range con- tamination: creeping eruption, liver flake, bathers’ itch, leptospirosis, clostridial infections. (/) By an Arthropod vector: Dipylidium caninum (by ingestion), Hymenolepis diminuta (by ingestion), plague murine typhus, scrub typhus, tick typhus, M.Y. encephalitis. This tabulation is by no means complete, chiefly because the pathway is unknown or but dimly perceived in several of the infections which are listed in Part I. Nevertheless, the sort of knowledge which is set out here is often of the greatest value in planning measures of control, and the gaps in our knowledge are therefore a stimulus to further endeavour. 4. THE PORTAL OF ENTRY. This is largely determined by the pathway of infection. Most infections have only one portal of entry, but a few have two or more, and infectivity may vary markedly by the different available routes. Thus, Rickettsia burneti is much more infective by the respiratory portal than by any other, and it seems possible that Brucella may infect more readily through the skin than the digestive tract. This is a case in which dosage and portal are difficult to disentangle in the present state of our knowledge. 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. 5. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN HOSTS. It is a truism to say that, the higher the interacting populations, and the closer the association between them, the greater the chances that infection will spread from one to the other, but it is still profitable to examine the position. So far as man is concerned, the domestic animals (sheep, cattle, fowls, etc.) on which he depends, and the vermin (rats and mice) which infest his settlements, are naturally the most important; canefield rats spread more leptospirosis than bush rats spread scrub typhus, even though closely related species may be involved ; cage birds disseminate more psittacosis to man than wild birds ; and so on. Infections which are transmitted by a wide-ranging vector (e.g. mosquito- borne encephalitis) may be an exception to this rule, for their frequency in man depends on frequency of attack by the vector, not on human contacts with the reservoir. Even in encephalitis, however, there is probably a chain of infection from water-birds to birds which live near the habitations of man, and from them, probably by a different vector, to humans. Mr. Sutherland has told me of another interesting chain. Dairy farmers keep pigs to consume the surplus skim-milk, and so turn it to profit. The pigs are reservoirs of leptospirae,- which spread from them to the cattle, and thence to man. Thus, infection in both bovine and human depends, to a degree, on sound farming practice ! In the tabulation below, all the infections listed earlier from animals are included, though it does not necessarily follow that they are likely to pass from a given host direct to man — he is not, for example, in much danger from spargana in frogs or Salmonellas in lizards ! Moreover, it cannot be taken that species in different hosts are necessarily identical; in some instances, for example Sarcocystis, we simply do not know. A question mark indicates that infection in the host group has not been proven. In spite of these imperfections, it is clear that, at least in the number of different kinds of infections, the sequence is very much as one would expect from what has been said above. Domestic animals. Trichostrongyle worms, creeping eruption, Habronema, hydatid, dog tapeworm, spargana; liver fluke. Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, nocardiasis, actinomycosis, ringworm (3 species). Bovine tuberculosis, erysipeloid, listeriosis, leptospirosis, melioidosis, brucellosis, salmonellosis, anthrax, clostridial infection. Q fever. Contagious ecthyma, encephalitis, ? cat-scratch disease. Vermin. Rat tapeworm, mouse tapeworm, spargana. Sarcocystis, moniliasis. Leptospirosis, rat-bite fever (2 species), plague, salmonellosis. Murine typhus. Native animals. Dingo : Hydatid. Rodents: Leptospirosis; scrub typhus, tick typhus, Q fever. ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 17 Marsupials: Hydatid, spargana; Sarcocystis, moniliasis, nocar- diasis ; leptospirosis, salmonellosis ; ? scrub typhus, tick typhus, Q fever ; encephalitis. Birds: Bathers’ itch; Toxoplasma; ? scrub typhus; psittacosis,, encephalitis. Reptiles: Spargana; Sarcocystis; salmonellosis. Frogs : Spargana. The part to be played in the control of these diseases by veterinary workers, meat and food inspectors, and those whose duty it is to control vermin, is obvious; but the native mammals and birds present a special and very interesting problem. Shorn of rarities and infections of doubtful validity, they are primary reservoirs of at least four types of Leptospira, scrub typhus, psittacosis, M.V. encephalitis, almost certainly tick typhus, and possibly Q fever. It remains to examine how our knowledge of them can be enlarged. Development of Future Research. On the present level of knowledge, we can do a great deal to prevent or ameliorate the animal reservoir infections. I have already mentioned the part that can be played by veterinarians in controlling infection in domestic animals, and meat and food inspectors in preventing it from reaching the human consumer, to which should be added the valuable progress that has been made in pasteurising urban milk supplies. Vermin control still leaves much to be desired; nevertheless, no one who has known Brisbane thirty years ago and to-day could deny that substantial progress has been made in this field, too. The occupational bias of some infections like leptospirosis in cane-workers and Q fever in meat-workers, has been clearly recognized (indeed, it may have been over-emphasised in some cases), and considerable sums are paid out every year in compensation — although this is a form of amelioration we would all be glad to see become less necessary. Methods of controlling contaminative infections have been improved, though not always applied. We can immunize against tetanus. We cannot yet control bush rodents or Trombiculine mites, but McCulloch developed a simple way to use dibutyl phthalate as a barrier between the mite and its casual human host — and now chloramphenicol has robbed scrub typhus of most of its terrors. Progress has, indeed, been notable ; but, as in every field of research, it has also led to the definition of problems which still need to be studied. These involve different kinds and levels of research, and I think that they can be arranged in a logical sequence, although some degree of overlapping and integration will certainly be desirable in practice. In all of this, I am thinking, as I said earlier, primarily of the infections that reside in our native animals, for I believe that these now merit most attention. 1. PRIMARY MICROBIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. The first step, which is essentially a task for the microbiologist, is to discover whether there are any still unrecognized infections that attack man. I have already mentioned the recent discovery of five leptospiral infections that were previously unknown in Australia. There may be more, and there may be new Rickettsias and viruses that have escaped notice in the past. At the same time, we need to improve the methods of identifying the known infections; there is, for example, a good deal B 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. of evidence that some cases of scrub typhus are not recognized, because we lack a sufficiently precise and delicate method of identification. I do not think that there is room in this for clinical investigation, for there is so much variability and overlapping in the manifestations of these infections in the human host, that clinical analysis can only point a wavering and uncertain finger at their identity. Another important task under this head is to discover whether the M.V.E. virus still persists in Australia, and if so, where. Is Miles correct in suggesting that the infection is still smouldering in the far north? Techniques recently developed in the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, may help us to answer this question. 2. THE SEARCH FOR RESERVOIRS AND VECTORS. In this phase of the work, the zoologist begins to appear as an essential member of the team : first, to collect animals in the field — Arthropods as well as vertebrates — for the microbiologist to examine ; and second, to provide accurate identifications of the species studied. The normal way to meet both needs would be to have a good field man, satisfactory methods of preservation, and a sound liaison with systematises in museums. I feel, however, that this is not enough, and that a great deal would be gained if the field worker himself had a good systematic knowledge of the groups with which he was working. This team would accumulate still more facts of the kind that are described in this paper, and they are needed. But it could go further ; it could provide basic information about the incidence of infection in different reservoir species, which at present is almost completely lacking, and it could demonstrate chains of infection, like those mentioned on an earlier page. Sideline investigations may also well be profitable, and the behaviour of parasites in strange hosts may throw unexpected light on more homely phenomena. That is why we are so interested in the curious problems of how insectivorous and dandelion-eating Agamids acquire their Salmonella infections, and whether they have them when not in contact with man or his domestic stock. 3. HABITAT STUDIES. The collaboration between the microbiologist and zoologist is now left behind and the task becomes purely one for the field ecologist. Too little work of this kind has been done in Australia, the most useful so far, from our point of view, being McDougall’s (1944) study of canefield rodents in North Queensland. I have been very impressed with the effect that small changes in the environment, produced even by sparse settlement, have had on many native animals; they have vanished away from places where they were once common. My own experience has been mainly with insects, but the same has happened to mammals and birds. I feel, therefore, that equally small changes, provided they were of precisely the right kind, might drive away some of our reservoir rodents and bandicoots from the places where we do not want them. These could only be revealed by careful, detailed habitat studies. Equally, it might be demonstrated that we cannot attack the reservoirs in this way ; but it is certainly worth trying, for the methods of control at present available are not highly efficient, and the general knowledge obtained would in any case not be wasted. ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF INFECTION IN AUSTRALIA. 19 I have a strong aversion to the extermination of any of our native fauna — too much of it is disappearing already — and it seems to me that a safe balance between control and extermination can only be achieved through such studies as I have indicated here. 4. POPULATION STUDIES. These carry the ecological investigations to their logical conclusion. Again, McDougall (1946) has made a beginning, and he has demonstrated periodic restlesness and local movements of canefield rodents, which seem to me to be particularly well adapted to disseminating infection far and wide. We need to know more about happenings of this kind. But the matter goes further than that, for, in the words of Elton (1942) : ‘‘Animal population dynamics . . . promises to become the fundamental science upon which pest control and protection from animal diseases will be based.” We should therefore not lag behind in developing this field. Conclusion. As in every branch of knowledge, we are advancing from the simple to the complex, from the plain observations of the field naturalist to a highly specialised science. We have made a beginning by defining our problems ; we are in stage one of development, with excursions into stage two. Whether we ourselves will go further and attempt to follow them through to their logical conclusion, I do not know ; but someone, somewhere, will certainly do so, and will complete a story that is still only half written. REFERENCES. Anderson, S. G., Donnelley, M., Stevenson, W. J., Caldwell, N. J., and Eagle, M., 1952. Murray Valley encephalitis: surveys of human and animal sera. Med. J. Aust., 1952, 1 ; 110-114. Andrew, R., Bonnin, J. M., and Williams, S., 1946. Tick typhus in North Queensland. Med. J. Aust., 1946, 2; 253-258. Atkinson, N., and Woodroofe, G. M., 1944. The occurrence of Salmonella types in Australia. 1. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci., 22; 51-55. Atkinson, N., Woodroofe, G. M., and Macbeth, A. M., 1949. The occurrence of Salmonella types in Australia. 4. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci., 27; 375-383. Atkinson, N., Woodroofe, G. M., Macbeth, A. M., Chibnall, H., and Mander, S., 1949. The occurrence of Salmonella types in Australia. 5. Salmonella blegdam. Aust. J. Exp. 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(Received 16th February , 1953; issued separately 6th September , 1954.) CONTENTS. I. INTRODUCTION. II. THE COMPONENT FORMATIONS OF THE BRISBANE METAMORPHICS. A. General Statement. B. The Rocksberg Greenstones. C. The Bunya Phyllites. (i.) the bunya phyllites (undeformed). (ii.) THE ST. LUCIA POLYMETAMORPHICS. (a) The Milton Type, (b) The Ironside Type, (c) The Taringa Type. D. The Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. (i.) the neranleigh-fernvale (undeformed). (ii.) THE HAMILTON CATACLASITES. III. STRUCTURAL RELATIONSHIPS. A. The Indooroopilly Anticline. B. The Unconformity between the Bunya Phyllites and tub Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. C. The St. Lucia Thrust. D. The Hamilton Thrust. E. The Buranda Fault. F. The Normal Faults. IV. SIGNIFICANT IGNEOUS EVENTS. A. The D ’Aguilar Batholith. B. The Intrusive Rhyolites. C. The Enoggera Pluton. D. The Brisbane Tuffs. V. INTEGRATION OF TECTONIC, IGNEOUS AND META- MORPHIC EVENTS. 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. I.— INTRODUCTION. In the past, the history of the Brisbane Metamorphics has been, in our opinion, grossly over-simplified. It is our aim, in this contribu- tion, to show that by the end of the Palaeozoic era, the Brisbane Metamorphics had undergone a protracted and complicated history of tectonic, met amorphic and igneous events. But although the story as we now tell it is much more elaborate than earlier versions we feel Geological Map of part of THE CITY OF BRISBANE Scale irt eTiains SO ' 4-0 O 80 x X X x X X s 'k ' / 1 "• P'T*-J - r'w A' T£ 11 Ltt Brisbane Tuffs (TriassicT Znoggera Granitic PluTorv IndooroopiHy Rhyolitic Intrusives Hamilton Catac las ites 1 JJeranlei^b FernvaJe) Undeformed J Group / Brisbane 5t.LuciaPo!ymeta.morphics } jSunya (Metamorphics Undeformed J PhylliteS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 27 that it may still be an over-simplification and that more detailed studies by future workers will likely reveal a history fascinating in its complexity. A great deal has been written about the Brisbane Metamorphics but the one all-important contribution that has been made (and one which includes references to all earlier work) is the paper by Denmead (1928), entitled “A Survey of the Brisbane Schists”. Denmead interpreted the Metamorphics as a conformable succession consisting of four series, namely — the Greenstone Series (basic volcanics, &c.), the Bunya Series (phyllites, &c.), the Neranleigli Series (grey- wackes, &c.) and the Pernvale Series (jaspers, &c.). He pointed out that one group of rocks, the “Hamilton Schists,” did not fit neatly into his succession and might have been introduced by overthrusting, but he mapped it as part of his Bunya Series. He named the “Indoo- roopilly anticline” as the dominant structural feature within the area. Little of importance on the subject has been published since Denmead ’s paper, although valuable, but as yet unpublished, work has been done outside the city limits by R. T. Mathews on the Greenstones to the north and D. J. Belford on the Neranleigh Series to the south. In our Contribution No. 1 to the Geology of Brisbane (Bryan and Jones, 1950) we made some adjustments to the serial nomenclature of the Brisbane Metamorphics to bring it into harmony with the recently introduced stratigraphical code. We have also published a geological map of the area and accompanying Explanatory Notes in which we briefly anticipated some of the main points of the present contribution (Bryan and Jones, 1951). II.— THE COMPONENT FORMATIONS OF THE BRISBANE METAMORPHICS. (A) General Statement. The picture presented by the Brisbane Metamorphics is a very variegated one. This is due to the large range of lithological types involved and to the several different degrees to which these have been metamorphosed. The diversity of the original material might be expected to have resulted in differences of kind and in apparent differences of intensity of the metamorphic products even if only one uniform meta- morphism has been experienced, and further variety would have been introduced as a result merely of the variation of intensity of this one metamorphism from place to place. But the complexity of rock types' is so pronounced that it would be unreasonable to expect such a relatively simple explanation to fit all the facts, and we were early forced to the conclusion that only by invoking the sequential and varied effects of multiple metamorphism could an hypothesis adequate to explain all the varied features of the Brisbane Metamorphics be developed. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The following diagram by setting out concisely our views on this matter will, it is hoped, assist the reader in following the argument to be presented : — THE BRISBANE METAMORPHICS [ROCKSBERG GREENSTONES] conformity BUNYA PHYLLITES unconformity NERANLEIGH-FERNVALE GROUP Undeformed by Deformed by Deformed by Deformed by Deformed by Deformed by Thrusts as first Thrust both Thrusts second Thrust second Thrust Thrusts as at at only, as at as at only, as at only, as at Coorparoo Indooroopilly Ironside Milton Taringa Hamilton ST. LUCtA POLYMETAMORPHfCS HAMILTON CATACLASITES The arrangement adopted above differs in some respects from that set out in our earlier statement (1951). In particular the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics are now treated as the deformed representa- tives of the Bunya Phyllites, and the Hamilton rocks (here called the Hamilton Cataclasites) are now regarded as definitely distinct from the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics and as the deformed equivalent of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. (B) The Rocksberg Greenstones. The lowest series in the structural sequence is that formed by the Rocksberg Greenstones. These are in all essentials identical with o Denmead’s Greenstone Series. According to Mathews (1950) “The Rocksberg Greenstones are a series of metamorphosed basic rocks, possibly originally olivine basalts and related rocks forming the core of an anticline . . . [they] have been subjected to at least two periods of metamorphism . . . post-dating the orogeny. .... The greenstones are shown to be a disequilibrium assemblage, with anomalous mineral associations which make it difficult to determine the metamorphic grade, but it is not thought that the rocks rise above the chlorite zone.” The only analysis available is that of one of a group of rocks which Mathews described as “Normal rocks with a mosaic of albitic plagioclase grains together with actinolite, epidote, minor chlorite and sphene or leueoxene. ’ ’ The analysis Per cent. is as follows : — Per cent SiO, . . 50-65 TiO, 0-86 ALOj . . 11-47 CO, 0-10 Fe2Os . . 4-11 p,o5 0-17 FeO , , 5-75 NiO 0-03 MgO . . . . 11-65 MnO 0-18 CaO 7-74 H,0-f- . . 3-21 Na,0 K, 0 3-07 0-68 H20~ . . 0-55 Total . . 100*22 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 29 The Rocksberg Greenstones are, in their upper part, interbedded with the lowest members of the Bunya Phyllites which comformably succeed them. There is only one small and inconspicuous outcrop of the Greenstones within the area of Greater Brisbane, namely, on the road from Bald Hills to Brighton. C. The Bunya Phyllites. These succeed the Rocksberg Greenstones as a strictly conformable sequence, for Mathews has shown that at Petrie and other places to the north of Brisbane the lowest members are interbedded with the uppermost Greenstones to form a transitional series. In Brisbane itself the Phyllites show evidence of having suffered regional metamorphism comparable with that of the Greenstones, It can be argued that they must have shared too the later metamorphism which affected the Neran- leigh-Fernvale Group, but the additional effects of this on the rocks under consideration would presumably have been slight and certainly are difficult to detect. Some members of the group have also been deformed to varying degrees by one or both of two distinct episodes of purely dynamic character. (i.) the bunya phyllites (undeformed). These correspond to the Bunya Phyllites as defined and mapped by us (1951) but not to the Bunya Series of Denmead (1928) which was more extensive and lithologically less uniform including rocks of various types which we have assigned to the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics, the Hamilton Catac- lasites and undeformed members of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group respectively. The undeformed Phyllities are typically developed in the suburb of Indooroopilly especially in the railway cutting and nearby where they occupy the crest of a denuded anticline and dip gently beneath the St, Lucia Polymetamorphics which overlie them both to the north- east and to the south-west. They thus form a window in the Polymeta- morphics extending from this, their southern-most point at Witton Creek, in a gradually widening wedge to the north-west. They have been subjected successively to a mild and later even milder regional metamorphism and, locally, to a yet later moderate thermal meta- morphism from the Enoggera pluton and its subjacent extensions. As seen in the field the Bunya Phyllites are fine-grained pelitic metamorphics which are so deeply weathered that it is difficult to obtain fresh unoxidised specimens for study. Fortunately some of the material from the lower levels of the University Training Mine at Indooroopilly is quite unweathered and this has been used as a basis for microscopical examination and for the rock analysis shown below. The rock is finely phyllitic in character although in places it presents certain more coarsely schistose features and the question arises whether it is a phyllonite due to retrogressive metamorphism of a schistose rock of somewhat higher grade, rather than simply a phyllite due to the positive effect of mild regional metamorphism. Phyllonitiza- tion, if it did occur, was so remarkably complete that no sure evidence of it remains. The Bunya Phyllite consists essentially of parallel alternating wider bands of micaceous and narrower bands of quartzitic character along and across which veins of white quartz have been intruded. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The micaceous bands which make up the bulk of the rock, although dark in colour owing to the presence of graphite, are composed essen- tially of innumerable small platy crystals of sericite in parallel arrange- ments. The quartzitic bands are relatively narrow and are made up of an even-grained mosaic of very small quartz crystals between which are dispersed numerous minute crystals of green chlorite, the majority of which are elongated parallel to the length of the bands. It is clear that these two assemblages represent the original pelitic sediment from which the phyllite was derived and that the rock consists essentially of a muscovite, chlorite, quartz assembly and as such falls naturally into the muscovite-chlorite sub-facies of the green-schist facies. This very moderate metamorphism is in keeping with Mathew’s findings for the Kocksberg Greenstones and interbedded phyllites. The white quartz veins, which show some signs of strain, were introduced after the phyllite was produced. They are lighter in colour and coarser in texture than the quartz-chlorite aggregates and contain rare crystals of tourmaline and a plagioclase felspar. The analysis of a typical example of the Bunya« Phyllites collected from the University of Queensland Training Mine at Finney’s Hill appended. Per cent. Per cent. Si02 . . 63-0 TiO, 0-70 ALL) 3 . . 14-53 C02 0-14 FeoOs 3-81 C 0-12 FeO #'8'0 P205 0-20 MgO 2-28 MnO 0-63 CaO 0-55 PbO 0-32 NaA) 0-92 S 0-06 k.,6 2-75 h2o+ . . 4-33 BaO 0-05 h2o — . . 0-59 Total . . 99-78 (ii.) the st. lucia POLYMETAMORPHics. In the recently published Geological Map of the City of Brisbane and in the Explanatory Notes that accompany it (1951) we introduced the term Polymetamorphics to distinguish those members of the Brisbane Metamorphics which showed evidence of a more complicated metamorphic history than their fellows, as indicated by their appearance in the field, in the hand specimen and under the microscope. Within this group we recognised and mapped two distinct facies which we named the St. Lucia and Hamilton Poly- metamorphics respectively. In the same publication we expressed the opinion that “Although lithologically different, the Hamilton rocks are thought to be equivalent to those at St. Lucia.” A reconsideration of the evidence then available together with the appraisal of the new information since collected leads us now to reject that correlation. We now regard the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics and the Plamilton rocks as distinct stratigraphically as they are lithologically, their only remaining bond being the evidence they both show of severe deformation. The St. Lucia Polymetamorphics occupy two belts which converge to the south where, at Indooroopilly, they are only a mile apart. The eastern limit of the main development is determined by the Normanby Fault beyond which there occur only a few isolated narrow strips such as those from Turbot Street to Vulture Street and from Ivory Street to the foundations of the Story Bridge. The western limit is similarly marked by the Kenmore fault. How far they extend to the north is unknown, but Dr. Gradwell has collected typical material from the Samford Range. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 31 The resemblances between the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics and the Bunya Phyllites are such that there can be little doubt that both were derived from similar pelitic material, but they go further than that and strongly suggest, if they do not convincingly establish, that the Polymetamorphics were derived by deformation directly from the Phyllites themselves. Detailed examination shows that the minerals are identical in kind and proportion and that the very striking differences in general appearance of the two rocks are due only to the different textural arrangement of these minerals. Within the St, Lucia Polymetamorphics all the members show clear evidence of mechanical deformation, but very considerable diversity exists in the manner in which it is displayed and in the degree of its development. But although striking contrasts in both qualitative and quantitative effects can be found in the field and under the microscope, gradations between what at first seem to be distinctive lithological types can be found. This should be borne in mind when reading the descrip- tions of the three types set out below. ( a ) The Milton Type. This shows the Polymetamorphics in their most complex and intricate development which gives them a superficial resemblance to migmatites and the appearance of great antiquity. Thus Jensen (1910) expressed the opinion that “The Brisbane Schists . . . are so crushed, folded, foliated and faulted that they must be assigned to the Middle Zone, ...” The same reasons led Wearne (1912) to suggest a Pre-Cambrian age for the “Brisbane Schists.” In the field the rocks appear as an intricate, highly involved and dislocated aggregate of alternating bands of micaceous minerals and dark flint-like material, along and across which are very numerous veins of white quartz. It i§ clear that the original rock is represented by the micaceous bands (which frequently show fine examples of strain-slip cleavage), and the black quartzitic bands, many of which have been pinched to form strings of lenses, interrupted as semi-isolated lunules, twisted into intricate knots or broken into detached individual lenses. The whitQ quartz veins, which have clearly invaded the rock subsequent to its original deformation, have been involved in a further deformation which has folded and strained them strongly as well as intensifying and complicating the earlier structures of the micaceous and quartzitic bands. The dip, if such it can be called, of these highly contorted beds is usually very steep, and small overfolds and overthrusts are common. Most of the outcrops are so deeply weathered that it is difficult to collect specimens suitable for microscopic examination, but fortunately fresh material was made available by the excavations for the piers of the Grey Street Bridge. In his original description of this material, Richards (1931) wrote:— “When fresh [they] are a dark blue or grey colour and exhibit a plication usually well-developed owing to the fine-grained character Puckering on a minute but intense scale is a frequent characteristic A tough knotted character is induced in the rock by this fine puckering ...” Richards also stated that “The quartz veins in these schists are of two different kinds. One kind is a dark bluish grey in colour and appears to have resulted from a metasomatic replacement of the schistose material. Those veins are the most abundant and are veins of quartzite rather than quartz. The quartz veins proper are generally larger, are white and much less regular in their development [i.e. distribution].” Wilb 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. regard to the development of the more interesting characteristics of this very unusual rock Richards made the following comments : 1 ‘ The micro- scopic characters of the rocks show clearly that much of the schistose or phyllitic material has been replaced by silica. The original bedded structure and the later induced schistose structure are both sometimes preserved in the [dark] quartz veins formed by the metasoma tie replacement of the schistose material. Throughout the quartz there is a fine dust of the graphitic and other small mineral particles which were not replaced. ’ ’ After re-examining the material on which the above statements were based and preparing additional microslides we are in a position to confirm Richards’ descriptions in most essentials, but find ourselves in disagreement with some of the explanations provided for the structures described. Our principal point of disagreement concerns the origin of what for the purpose of simplicity we shall refei to as the “black quartz”. Under the microscope this appears at first glance to be, as Richards suggested, a quartzitic aggregate darkened by opaque graphitic smudges, but examination under high power shows that the smudges are produced by myriads of minute greenish transparent crystals, the larger of which are recognisably chloritic. This quartz-chlorite aggregate is not, in our opinion, the result of metasomatic replacement, but of micro- brecciation and recrystallization brought about by the play of severely deformative mechanical forces. The minute green crystals are not uniformly distributed in the aggregate but are arranged in streaks or smears roughly parallel to the margins of the veins and separated by relatively clear lanes. Such an arrangement is probably due to the crushing and orientation of quartz-chlorite aggregates such as those already described as forming bands in the undeformed Bunya Phyllites. We agree with Richards that the white, less finely crystalline quartz veins, although they may represent more than one generation, are all of them later than the black quartz aggregates which they often intersect. But some of these show clearly that they too, although they followed the deformative effects outlined above, have been subjected to severe stresses. Evidence of this is seen in the shape of many actual fractures (in some cases to produce a quartzitic breccia) and numerous incipient fractures indicated by very pronounced strain lamellae and undulose extinction. Many of these veins, which we will refer to as the ‘ 1 white quartz ’ ’, are highly contorted. This may be due in part to their having followed contortions in the host rock produced by the earlier deformation, but as they invariably show signs of strain, part of the contortion must be due to a later deformation. In addition the larger white quartz veins may be seen in many places in the field to be overturned with well developed patterns of tension cracks on the overfold. This later deformation which has affected the white quartz veins has also produced recognisable secondary effects in the main body of the rock. This is shown especially by the development within the micaceous bands of well-developed strain-slip cleavage ( Umfaltungs Klivag), and by the production of secondary streaks in the black- quartz bands which are related to the primary streaks like the woof to the web in a woven material. Further, the direction of both the CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 33 false cleavage and the secondary streaks appears to be related to the overfolds in the white quartz veins. Although under the microscope, the differential effects due to each of the two thrusts can be clearly distinguished, macroscopically, it is very difficult to distinguish the earlier effects from those superimposed by the later deformation. In all, the evidence points to Polymetamorphics of the Milton type as having suffered, in addition to regional metamorphism which produced schistosity almost parallel to the bedding, two distinct episodes of deformation. Also, where these rocks came within the thermal reach of the Enoggera pluton, a contact metamorphism was superimposed on the regional and kinetic effects to give a strongly contorted but non-fissile hornfels. ( b ) The Ironside Type. This differs from the type described above in its comparative simplicity and regularity of structure. Whereas at Milton the structure is so confused as to be almost chaotic, at Ironside the rocks appear to have a comparatively gentle dip and a pronounced parallelism that gives the impression of a regularly bedded deposit, although closer examination reveals that they are minutely and intri- cately involved. The veins of white quartz in particular, strengthen the illusion. It would seem that here we have all the features of the early deformation as indicated by the irregular and distorted character of the black quartz, only slightly complicated by the later deformation as indicated by the regularity of the white quartz. That the differences between the Ironside and Milton types are quantitative and spatial, rather than qualitative and temporal, is seen in the field where the gently dipping and compartively simple beds of Ironside type are found to grade imperceptibly into the steep and highly complex masses of the Milton Type (and by the strong evidence of strain within the apparently undisturbed quartz veins). (c) The Taringa Type. In the western part of the suburb of Faringa there occur Phyllites of the Indooroopilly type which, while they lack the features indicative of the earlier deformation, show evidence. of strain-slip cleavage and possess the numerous closely folded and strained veins of white quartz characteristic of the second defor- mation. Evidently the rocks in this area occupied a position sheltered from the earlier deformative forces but exposed to those of the later more wide-spread deformation. (D) The Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. This Group we now regard as including not only the normal very mildly metamorphosed sediments as hitherto, but also the Hamilton Cataclasites previously mapped by Denmead as part of his Bunya Series. (i.) the neranleigh-fernvale group (Undeformed) . The lower members of this group outcrop over wide areas of Greater Brisbane, and although relatively “undeformed”, show in many places strain phenomena mildly developed. As mapped by us, they occupy a much greater area than that indicated in Denmead ’s (1928) map. In particular, a large area to the east of the City and to the north of the Brisbane River assigned by Denmead to his Bunya Series consists we think, of the northerly prolongation of his Neranleigh Series which his map shows as confined to the south of the river. In support of this contention, we submit that much of the material to the north of the 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. river, as at Wilston, Newmarket and Alderley, is on the same regional strike as, and lithologically identical or very similar to, Denmead’s Neranleigh Series. This applies particularly to the banded slates and to the much-contorted, thin-bedded quartzites, although admittedly the greywackes are less common to the north of the river. The area thus extended now includes within the Neranleigh- Fernvale territory the locality from which the specimen was obtained for the chemical analysis of Denmead’s (1928) Bunya Series. It is significant we think that this analysis is quite similar to that published by Denmead of his typical Neranleigh greywacke, especially in its high soda content which is more than twice that to be expected in a phyllite. It is equally significant that Denmead’s analysis is dissimilar from that of the Indooroopilly rock selected by us as typical of the Bunya Phyllites particularly in the low soda content of the latter. The rocks of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group form a heterogeneous assemblage that is in striking contrast to the uniformity of the Bunya Phyllites. This is especially true of the Group as developed to the west of Kenmore. Composed essentially of an irregular alternation of politic types like banded shales and psammitic types like massive greywackes, they also include highly siliceous rocks like cherts and jaspers, while impure limestones and at least one phosphatic horizon are also present. They differ too in that the total regional metamorphism they have experienced is notably milder than that to which the phyllites were subjected. Similar pelitic sediments have been changed to slates in one case and to phyllites in the other. It is difficult to select a “type” in such a varied assemblage as is found in the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group, but Denmead has pointed out that greywackes are the most conspicuous rocks in the lower part of the Group. We append here three analyses. No. 1 is that given by Denmead of a typical greywacke from his Neranleigh Series as developed at Bethania Junction 18 miles S.E. of Brisbane. No. 2 is that of the analysis from the city of Brisbane, attributed by Denmead (wrongly, we think) to the Bunya Phyllites, and No. 3, kindly supplied by Dr. R. Gradwell, is that from the northerly development of the Neranleigh at Mt. Nebo, 13 miles N.E. of Brisbane. l. 2. 3. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Si02 68-54 61-62 66-06 A1203 15-49 21-20 15-34 Fe203 0-88 1-51 1*01 FeO 3-17 1-93 4-58 MgO 1-23 1*77 2-85 CaO 2-24 1-59 2-38 Na,0 3-04 3-39 3-21 k2o 3-50 3-07 4-00 h2o+ 0-75 3-29 0-36 h2o-- 0-15 0-03 0-16 TiO, 0-59 0-82 0-62 p2o5 0-16 0-17 0-09 MnO 0-08 0-07 0-04 Total 99-82 100-56 100-70 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 35 The localities from which the specimens were collected on which these analyses are based all fall within the area which we regard as occupied by the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. It is noteworthy that not only are the analyses similar, but the high soda content of all is unusual for rocks of sedimentary origin. Thus the evidence of the analyses supports the field evidence that the rocks from which they were made belong to one and the same series. (ii. ) the Hamilton CATACLASiTES are closely associated geographically with the Neranleigh-Fernvale distribution as interpreted by us, and show evidence of having been produced by the deformation of these or similar rocks, (Indeed the “ undeformed” Neranleigh shows signs of strain over a very large area.) They are roughly equivalent to DenmeacFs (1928) “Hamilton Schists. ’ ? Of the Neranleigh-Hamilton relationship Denmead (p. 98) wrote: “The passage from the slates of Wilston to these highly schistose rocks appears to be perfectly conformable, and yet it is inconceivable that but slightly cleaved slates could underlie conformably a thick series of schists, the foliation and contortion of which must be seen before its intensity can be appreciated. Furthermore, near Breakfast Creek and at Bulimba there are undis- turbed greywackes and slates dipping in an easterly direction. Both of these occurrences are surrounded by quartzose schists which (at Bulimba particularly) are very highly contorted. They outcrop at low levels, while the surrounding hills are occupied by the quartzose schists. ’ ’ Denmead concludes that ‘ ‘ The only reasonable explanation of these facts is an over-thrust fault.” The Cataclasites of Hamilton differ rather markedly from the Polymetamorphics of St. Lucia both qualitatively in their typically psammitic character and quantitatively in the scale of the structures exhibited, although of course these differences may well be related. The grossness of structure is determined, at least in part, by the coarseness of grain of the rocks involved. That the phenomena observed at Hamilton have been brought about by forces similar in kind to those which produced the St. Lucia rocks is demonstrated where an occasional politic stratum is interbedded with the dominating psammites. At such places, as for instance in Hamilton Hoad, minor plications and minute convolutions are to be seen. But relatively large scale overfolds and overthrusts are usually the most conspicuous characteristics of the Hamilton rocks as seen in the field. They are so numerous as to form in places an almost chaotic jumble. Nevertheless, a fundamental uniformity of pattern does exist. Although, observed from a distance, the rocks appear to have a regular strike and a dip which can be readily measured by sighting on them with a clinometer, on closer inspection the k ‘ dip ’ ’ proves to be the expression of an imbricate structure, a kind of gigantic cleavage, consisting of parallel shear planes, the bedding proper as seen between these planes being very irregular and involved. One interesting feature is that the cylindrical rolls in the axial portions of the overfolds resemble super- ficially the trunks of large fossil trees. In many places, not only the rocks themselves but the white quartz veins which penetrate them show obvious signs of having been sheared and shattered. Associated with this strongly overfolded and overthrust material there occur on many horizons, and particularly towards the base of the disturbed material, sandy strata that have been crushed into 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. extraordinary fine-grained, weakly coherent cataclasites made up entirely of rock flour. These are well shown immediately behind Dalgety’s Wharf at New Farm and in Adelaide Street in the city. The Hamilton Cataclasites resemble the St. Lucia Polymeta- morphics in that they clearly show the effects of mechanical deformation, but differ from them in several important respects. Briefly these are : The Hamilton rocks have experienced only one regional metamorphism, and that a very mild one ; the ‘ 1 black quartz 7 ’ is conspicuous by its absence ; the only deformation exhibited involves the white quartz veins ; the structures produced are on a larger scale ; and micro- breeeiation is more pronounced. Under the microscope the Hamilton rocks examined are typically psammitic and made up essentially of detrital quartz and felspar. Veins of white quartz are numerous. Evidence of microbrecciation of rock proper is abundantly clear and is accompanied by equally severe strain effects in the white quartz veins. No “black quartz” is present. Where occasional more pelitic strata are found they show signs of a very mild regional metamorphism imposed before the deformation which brought about strain-slip cleavage in the sericitic bands and granulation of the remainder of the rocks, including the white quartz veins. As a result of these differences, the Hamilton rocks cannot be matched against any of the three types of St. Lucia Polymetamorphics. The evidence of the microscope shows that Hamilton has shared only the latter part of the varied tectonic history of St. Lucia. III. STRUCTURAL RELATIONSHIPS. (A) The Indooroopilly Anticline. This feature which was first named and described by Denmead (1928) is, as he rightly pointed out, the dominant structure of the area. As’ far as research has as yet proceeded, it appears originally to have been no more than a simple anticline. But it is most unusual for such a very large structure to be of such a simple pattern and future work may prove it to have been quite complex. David (1932) seems to have had this possibility in mind when he introduced the term “Brisbane Geanticline” for the same structure. The anticline is notably asymmetrical, the dips on the north-eastern limb are on the whole less steep than those on the south-western flank. Except for a few unimportant local reversals, the north-easterly dips are consistent in direction over a minimum distance of seven miles, from the axis to the point where the Brisbane Metamorphics disappear beneath a cover of younger rocks. On the other hand the amount of dip is by no means consistent, alternating as it does between very steep and moderate. But the steeper dips are not, in our opinion, original but have been superimposed subsequently on the anticline by steep reverse faults associated with thrusting movements. (See Section IIID, The Hamilton Thrust). The south-western flank of the anticline presents a very different picture. Not only are the dips commonly very steep but they alter- nate in direction. They show no signs of having been exaggerated by the later thrusts. Such asymmetry suggests that the anticline was CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 37 elevated by pressure from the north-east. The axis has been traced by Denmead (1928) from Indooroopilly in a north-westerly direction to a point near Woodford, forty miles away. Taylor Range marks the position of the axis near its south-eastern limit which is formed by the Brisbane River near Indooroopilly, where the horizontal strata forming the crest of the fold may be seen in cliffs on the riverbank. The structure pitches gently to the south-east beneath a cover of Mesozoic and later rocks. It has a breadth, as measured from Pullen Creek to Hamilton, of approximately twelve miles. Earlier interpretations of the history of the anticline suggested that strata of a total thickness of 50,000 feet were involved, and that the crest at its maximum may have reached a height of 30,000 feet. Indeed David (1932) described the structure as “the core of a huge geanticline, originally perhaps at least as high as the Himalayas.” In our view the Indooroopilly Anticline, although an imposing structure, never reached the heights that David suggested, for we hold that it was elevated in at least two stages, once before and once after the deposition of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group, and that a consider- able erosion interval occurred between the orogenies. Our cross-section (Figure 2) suggests a height of the order of 10,000 feet. (B) The Unconformity Between the Bunya Phyllites and the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. As defined and mapped by us the Bunya Phyllites constitute a homogeneous, almost purely pelitic facies which probably accumulated slowly under deep water, whereas the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group is a heterogeneous one, in which psammitic types are well represented, deposited quickly under rapidly changing conditions, in which the water was commonly shallow. In short, although both series are geosynclinal, the Bunya Phyllites represent accumulation under static conditions, whereas the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group represents accumu- lation under dynamic conditions. Another important difference is that the older series clearly shows the effects of regional metamorphism, whereas the equally sensitive pelitic strata in the younger group show only traces of a mild meta- morphism and, further, they sometimes contain fragmentary fossil plants. If we assume that the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics are coeval with the Bunya Phyllites and the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group with the Hamilton Cataclasites, we have further indirect evidence of an important time break, for the former show clear evidence of two epochs of deformation (separated by the invasion of white quartz), while the latter show only the effects of the second deformation. Direct structural evidence of such an unconformity would however be difficult to find, for we hold that the later orogeny, which affected all the Brisbane Metamorphics, was strictly supplementary to the earlier orogeny which had already folded the Bunya Phyllites, and that conse- quently, the effect of the second orogeny was to emphasize the regional strike and the principal structures produced by the first. One could not expect therefore to find either unconformity of strike or reversal of dip as between the two series. Theoretically, the dips of the Phyllites might be expected to have higher values than those of the Neranleigh- Fernvale Group, but such differences would be difficult to determine 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. owing to (a) the absence of vertical sections showing the junction of the two series, (b) the fact that the dips of both series frequently change in value rather abruptly, and (c) the difficulty in some cases of recognising the original bedding in the strongly foliated Phyllites. Nevertheless, numerous observations indicate that, on the whole, the strike of the Bunya Phyllites is more nearly meridional than that of the later group, and the dip is somewhat steeper. (C) The St. Lucia Thrust. In the earlier work already referred to (1951), we advanced the opinion that a single great thrust, ‘ ‘ The Brisbane Thrust, ’ ’ was respon- sible for the deformation of both the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics and the Hamilton Cataclasites, but we now hold that the former series shows evidence in the hand specimen and under the microscope of having undergone an earlier deformation before that which it shared with the Hamilton Cataclasites. We hold further that this earlier deformation was brought about by an earlier thrust, here called the St. Lucia Thrust, which, as it anticipated many of the features of the Hamilton Thrust, is less obvious in the field. The Hamilton Thrust added to, but at the same time overshadowed and largely obscured, the effects of the earlier thrust. In the early part of our investigations the much-metamorphosed rocks that we have since called the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics were assumed from their ancient appearance to form the basement upon which the less metamorphosed Bunya Phyllites rest. But, to our surprise, field investigations have shown that where the Polymeta- morphics and the Phyllites are in conjunction the former always occupy the position expected of the younger series. The consistency with which these apparently older rocks occupy the higher position can be explained only in terms of overfolding or overthrusting. The former possibility was examined first, but no scheme of overfolding either simple or complex appeared adequate to explain even the larger features of distribution. By contrast, the latter alter- native proved helpful from the start, and in the end, the hypothesis of overthrusting which was originally introduced to explain the distribu- tion of the Polymetamorphics in the field proved adequate to explain too the intense deformation of these rocks as expressed by their lithology and texture. Search for this thrust-plane did not disclose any obvious structure of that nature, and it may well be that, under the particular set of conditions prevailing, the thrust-plane (so-called) may not have been either strictly planar or confined to one horizon. Added to this, we believe that since its formation it has been successively folded into an anticline, disturbed by a later thrust, further folded, partitioned and displaced by normal faulting, covered in part by sediments and partially removed by erosion. It is not surprising that the “ plane’ 7 as such is not readily recognisable. Only rarely, as at Hart’s Road, Indooroopilly and near the Toowong Cemetery (where the effects peculiar to the earlier thrust are well displayed) are the two series which are separated by the St. Lucia overthrust seen in close juxtaposition. At other places, where the super- position of the Polymetamorphics has been established by the field evidence, the actual junctions are obscure. However, if the actual CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 39 “sole” is not in evidence the lowest parts of the St. Lucia Polymeta- morphics are especially rich in minor overthrusts, while in the upper- most part of the over-ridden Phyllities, numerous drag-folds occur and these, with the added evidence of numerous intense slickensides, point to the proximity of the main thrust. While to the north-east of the Indooroopilly Anticline the minor overfolds and overthrusts are directed up the dip, although at some- what steeper angles, on the south-western limb the overfolds are diverted down the dip, but at gentler angles. From this it is clear that the thrust-plane and overlying sheet of Polymetamorphics were involved in the movement that finally produced the Indooroopilly Anticline. Although there are a few minor incidental exceptions, the evidence of numerous and widely scattered overfolds points convincingly to the overthrusting having been produced by pressure from a north-easterly direction. How far the sheet has travelled and to what extent it is allochthonous we have been unable to determine as its north-eastern limit .is a faulted one, beyond which its possible extension is hidden beneath younger rocks. But the close mineralogical resemblance of the material of the sheet to that of the underlying Bunya Phyllites suggests that it may well be autochthonous or that it has travelled only a short distance. The discontinuous remnants of the sheet measure five miles across the strike from the Grey Street Bridge to Chappel Hill, while they extend ten miles along the strike from Fig Tree Pocket to the northern boundary of the City of Brisbane. Beyond this, their northern limit is as yet unknown, although Dr. R. Gradwell has collected typical St. Lucia material from the top of the Samford Range. Equally little is known of the original thickness of the sheet, but measurements between Indooroopilly and Kenmore suggest a minimum thickness of 1,300 feet. (D) The Hamilton Thrust. While the proof of the existence of the St. Lucia Thrust rests largely on the study of thin sections, the Hamilton Thrust is securely based upon field observations. The direction, intensity and general microscopic effects of the Hamilton Thrust are broadly comparable with those assigned to the St. Lucia Thrust. The interval between the two thrusts was a very considerable one, during which the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group had been laid down and the whole area invaded by innumerable veins of white quartz. The structures produced varied in scale in accordance with the character of the rocks affected. Thus at Hamilton, where psammitic types are the rule, relatively large-scale structures are to be seen, whereas in areas where pelitic types are dominant, as at Milton, the structures are much smaller and are closely comparable to those due to the earlier St. Lucia thrust. However, some of the minor effects, such as the straining of the white quartz and the development of incipient strain-slip cleavage in the micaceous bands, are wide-spread and extend well beyond the margins of the area which we have mapped as occupied by the Hamilton Cataclasites. The geographical distribution of the Cataclasites suggests that the second thrust came from much the same direction as the first but at a 40 PROCEEDINGS OF TPIE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. more gentle angle* with the result that at Hamilton the second thrust is well above the first, while at Taringa they are almost coincident. In spite of the severity of the deformative effects shown by them, the Hamilton Cataclasites are lithologically so closely similar to typical members of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group that they too must be regarded as virtually autochthonous. Associated with the main Hamilton Thrust there appears to have been a series of reverse faults, some of them quite steep. To the east, as at Hamilton, Booroodabin and New Farm, these affected only Neranleigh-Fernvale sediments, but in the city, as near the Story Bridge, at All Hallows Convent and at the Dental College, the upper- most parts of the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics were also scooped up, while still further west at Toowong, the St. Lucia rocks only were involved in these steep upthrusts. The relative degrees to which various areas were affected by these minor thrusts are shown almost diagr aro- matically by varying degrees of irregularity of the white quartz veins. Where the rocks, whatever they may be, are least affected and dip most gently the white quartz veins present an undisturbed bedded appear- ance, but as one proceeds down the dip towards the reverse faults and as the dips steepen progressively, quartz veins become gradually less regular until they become folded and twisted into a confused tangle. (E) The Buranda Fault. There is a marked lack of harmony both stratigraphical and structural between those members of the Brisbane Metamorphics developed in the north-western suburbs of the city and those found to the south-east. This is especially noticeable owing to the fact that the regional strike is directed approximately from one to the other of these areas. Clearly, some kind of discontinuity exists. Denmead (1928) was the first to recognise this discordance. He placed the dividing line roughly in the position of the Brisbane River and explained it as due to a zone of dip-faults with downthrow to the south-east, which affected not only the Brisbane Metamorphics but the Mesozoic rocks which in places overlie them. In contrast to Denmead ’s interpretation, we place the discontinuity somewhat further to the south-east at what we have termed the Buranda Fault, which we now hold to be a “tear, ” “wrench,” or “transcurrent” fault with sinistra! displacement, which occurred in pre-Mesozoic times as the final effort of the compressive movement that brought about the Hamilton Thrust. To the south-east of the fault the only representatives of the Brisbane Metamorphics to be found are members of the Neranleigh- Fernvale Group, whereas to the north-west there are developed in addition to these the Bunya Phyllites, the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics and the Hamilton Cataclasites. It is, we think, particularly significant that the southerly extension of the last of these should be so abruptly terminated by the Buranda Fault. The fault itself cannot be traced continuously owing to its having been covered in places by Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments and by recent alluvium. Nevertheless it is well developed at several points * Alternatively the St. Lucia Thrust may have been tilted somewhat before the Hamilton Thrust was produced. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OP BRISBANE. 41 which are virtually eolinear, and where its presence is indicated by fault breccias, slickensided surfaces and disturbance of strike due to horizontal drag1. In particular, in the neighbourhood of Corinda, intense disturbance, brecciation and slickensiding can be seen in the abandoned Council quarry, while nearby, at the Carrington Rocks, banded quartzites of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group have been dragged from their normal N.50°W. strike to a N.100°W. direction. Again, at the other extremity of the fault as mapped, there is a well-developed zone of fault-breccia at Cannon Hill, where Muir Street intersects Erica Street, and a strong swing from the regional strike towards parallelism with the line of fault. On each side of the fault as here developed the local change in strike suggests movement in the sinistral sense. In the earlier work (Bryan and Jones, 1951) we have depicted the Bur an da Fault as one of a series of normal faults due to tensional reaction following the completion of the thrusting movements, but we now prefer to remove it from that series and to interpret it as a tear fault with sinistral displacement for the following reasons : — 1. The local evidence of faulting wherever found along the Buranda line is at least as compatible with a tear fault as with a normal fault. 2. Such a fault would explain all that a normal fault explains, and at least as convincingly. 3. Additionally, by assuming a horizontal displacement of appro- priate dimensions, it would bring into geological and geo- graphical harmony features that are now discordant. For example, the several prominent quartzite hills of the Mt. Gravatt area could lie matched against those of the Brook- field area, while the folds of Coorparoo which do not continue across the Buranda Fault would find their counterparts near Moggill. 4. The assumption of such a forward movement across the strike of the north-western portion would place the fault neatly into the structural picture as one of the several related results of the Hamilton Thrust. 5. It would remove from the list of normal faults the only excep- tion to the generalization that these form a parallel series in the general direction of strike. F. The Normal Faults. These tensional faults are very numerous especially in the approxi- mate direction of the regional strike. They are readily recognised where the throw is small and the amount of displacement can be observed, as in deep cuttings. At the other end of the scale too, they are readily deduced where the throw is sufficiently great to bring litho- logically different series into juxtaposition. But there are in addition very numerous faults of moderate throw where neither of the above conditions apply and where the only visible evidence of faulting is that of disturbance about a steeply dipping plane. In such cases the direc- tion of throw must remain in doubt, and we cannot know whether the effects of these faults are cumulative or whether they tend to cancel out. D 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. The normal faults are later than the thrusts, as may be seen in the road cuttings on St. Lucia Road, where numerous small tensional faults displace the minor thrust-planes. The larger of the normal faults determine, in part at least, the present limits of the deformed beds. Thus the Kenmore Fault, a near- strike fault with a large downthrow to the west, forms the western boundary of the St. Lucia Polymetaporphics. It lias been recognised at intervals from the Mt. Nebo Road to Fig Tree Pocket. The eastern boundary of the Hamilton Cataclasites may be provided by a large fault for it is the nature of a steep scarp* against which the much younger Ipswich Coal Measures lie. This may well be a fault-line scarp, the fault itself having occurred in pre-Mesozoic times, concurrent with that just considered. The most conspicuous and probably the most important of the other normal faults is the Normanby Fault which approximately folloivs the regional north-westerly strike for at least twelve miles from a point in Bracken street, Moorooka, where it is strongly developed and where an arresting fault breccia may be seen, to the city boundary near Bunyaville. It may be examined, too, at several intermediate points, as for example, under the northern end of the Grey Street Bridge, near the intersection of Windsor Road and Victoria Street, and at the City Council Quarry on Samford Road near Alderley. The amount of the throw which has brought the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group down against the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics is unknown, but probably it is of the order of hundreds of feet as shown in the accompanying section. Evidence of other major faults of a tensional character may be seen near Windsor railway station where a course fault breccia is developed. This we have named the Windsor Fault. Although hidden beneath a considerable width of Mesozoic strata, an extension in a direction parallel to that of the other normal faults would carry it to the well-developed fault-breccias in East Brisbane near Norman Crescent. Another strongly developed fault of this series may be seen in the abandoned Morningside Quarry near Richmond Road. Here, relatively undisturbed members of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group lie against typical Hamilton Cataclasites, the faulted junction running in a north-westerly direction. The fault plane with its slickensides and breccias is clearly seen to form the south-western edge of the deepened quarry. Other similar and parallel faults may be deduced from the distribution pattern of the Brisbane Metamorphics. In some cases, as at the mouth of Breakfast Creek the faults so deduced are supported by obvious signs of disturbance. Yet further members of this group may have effected considerable total displacement although none has had a sufficiently large throw to modify the distribution of the Metamorphics as shown on a small scale map. ' The steepness of the scarp is demonstrated by the fact that in a bore on the Ascot racecourse, only half a mile from the boundary, the Metamorphics were not encountered until 1,680 feet, S, A. Boys Proc. Rot. Soc. Q’i ), Vol. LXV., No. 2. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 43 IV. SIGNIFICANT IGNEOUS EVENTS. This section does not aim at giving a complete account of all the igneous episodes that occurred during the prolonged history of the Brisbane Metamorphics. Instead attention is directed to those events which, in our opinion, are closely relevant to the structural history of the Brisbane Metamorphics. A. The D ’Aguilar Batholith. This is the name, already in use by local geologists, for the supposedly continuous batholithic mass which reinforces the D ’Aguilar Block to the north of Brisbane and appears at the surface as a number of separate outcrops. The larger of those which occur withim or infringe upon the boundaries of the city of Brisbane are at Mt. Crosby, Camp Mountain and Enoggera. The last of these is the most interest- ing and important from the point of view of this discussion and will be dealt with later in a separate section under the caption “The Enoggera Pluton”. The batholith is, we hold, composite in character, for the constituent parts differ from each other, not only petrologically, but in age, in mode of emplacement and in metamorphic effects. The earliest evidence of the existence of the batholith appears to be provided by the white quartz veins, although these have not in fact been traced to their source. These veins are extremely numerous. In size, they vary from microscopic to veins several inches in width. They characteristically follow the bedding even when it is highly deformed. They occur over a very large area, and are particularly plentiful in the Buny a Phyllites and the St. Lucia Poly metamorphics. They are common too in the Hamilton Cataclasites and the associated Neranleigh- Fernvale of the eastern suburbs, but they are relatively rare in those members of the Group developed west of the Kenmore fault. They are not found in any post-Palaozoic rocks. In keeping with their uniformly white colour they are remarkably pure quartz veins, but triclinic felspars are not uncommon in pegmatitic intergrowths, thus clearly indicating an igneous origin for these veins. Of similar significance is the presence of brown tourmaline. The crystals are very minute and are very rare, but they are all very similar in colour and crystalline form and are scattered over a very large area, reaching from St. Lucia to Galloway’s Hill in the east to the Samford Range in the north. At one point near the top of the Samford Range, small crystals of andalusite were found. The white quartz veins are intrusive in character. They are later than the St. Lucia Thrust, for they frequently intersect the micro- structures produced by that thrust. In particular, they are definitely later than the black quartz veins which were originally bedded and which they often cross at right angles. On the other hand, the white quartz veins are earlier than the Hamilton Thrust which has caused them, in places, to be twisted into ptygmatic forms, while the individual crystals have been strained and even brecciated to give typical mortar structure. Many of the tour- maline crystals and those of andalusite have also been fractured, and the broken fragments displaced. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Since the white quartz veins must have been derived from some adjacent igneous intrusion, their relationship to the Enoggera pluton was investigated with particular care, as it would seem to have been the most obvious source. But the results of this examination were somewhat surprising in that they not only failed to disclose any con- nection, but clearly indicated that the quartz veins were earlier than the pluton. The evidence for this conclusion is that : — 1. In the held where sharp contacts could be found, as in Ithaca Creek and on the Cedar Creek road, large white quartz veins were sharply truncated and turned up slightly by the upward movement of the pluton. 2. Xenoliths of Bunya Phyllites were collected containing smaller quartz veins and these also are truncated by the surrounding granite. 3. Under the microscope still smaller but essentially similar examples maj^ be seen. 4. It may be significant too that the tourmaline found in the marginal parts of the granite does not occur as isolated brown crystals like those of the quartz veins, but as radiating aggregates of the black variety, schorl. Clearly these white quartz veins were emplaced before the intrusion of the Enoggera pluton and we are led to suppose they came from a subjacent igneous mass (perhaps the original "D ’Aguilar Batholith”) from which the pluton itself may well have been derived at a later date. (B) The Intrusive Rhyolites. In a paper on 4 'The Enoggera Granite and the Allied Intrusives” one of us (Bryan 1914-1922) pointed out that the field distribution of the intrusive rhyolites of the Indooroopilly area suggested that they were earlier than those other intrusions of porphyrite, which are clearly related to the Enoggera mass. Nevertheless, as the title of the paper indicated, he regarded the rhyolitic intrusions also as probably allied to the "granite”. Observations made during the present enquiry show that these acid intrusions occur over a much wider area than had been suspected, for typical representatives have been found at Upper Brookfield, four miles south-west of the Enoggera mass and at Bulimba, six miles away to the east. This wider distribution seems to admit of an independant origin of the intrusive rhyolites, and this is supported to some extent b}^ their lithological uniformity over such a large area, by the fact that mineralogically they are generally dissimilar from, and in particular, are less calcic in character than either the granodiorite or the adamellite, and by their far more intense silicification. We suggest therefore that these rocks were intruded before the Enoggera pluton. Support, although of an indirect character, is given to this conclusion by the following evidence: — (1) At Upper Brookfield, a typical intrusive rhyolite appears to be genetically related to rhyolitic flows of the Brookfield Yoleanics almost immediately above it; (2) other rhyolites of this series have suffered contact metamorphism from the intrusion of the Mt. Crosby granodiorite? ; (3) the Mt. Crosby granodiorite is probably to be correlated with the grey phase of the Enoggera pluton. * This interesting relationship was brought to our notice by Dr. B. Gradwell and Mr. J. T. Woods. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 45 A lower limit is given to the age of the rhyolitic intrusions by the fact that at Chappel Hill they break across white quartz veins which had been deformed by the Hamilton Thrust, prior to the intrusion. (C) The Enoggera Pluton. This has been described in considerable detail by one of us (Bryan 1914, 1922) and reference will be made here only to its structural aspects. With regard to the relationship of the Enoggera mass to the “schists” which it intrudes, Bryan (1914) stated that “the evidence in general supports the Laccolitic method of intrusion” since “The schists near the contact strike parallel to and dip away from the granite. Here, obviously, great mechanical energy must have been called into play, either in the preparation by folding movements of a cavity or plane of weakness in the schists into which the magma found its way (forming the “phacolite” of Harker) or — and this seems more probable, since the long axis of the intrusion is not sympathetic with the strike of the schists — in the actual lifting up of the schist cover by the invading magma itself to form a typical laccolite”. Denmead (1928) came to a different conclusion, namely that “granites have penetrated and now form cores in the great anticline whose axis passed through Indooroopilly and Dayboro”. $ After re-examining the margins of the Enoggera mass we are satisfied that in places, as to the north-west of the pluton, the local strike is almost at right angles to the regional strike and is parallel to and obviously produced by the intrusion itself. We conclude that the intrusion played a more active part than that of a phacolite. It did more than conform to an already established structure. If it was not solely responsible for the structure, as we see it today, it at least profoundly modified the earlier structure. In a number of places, knife-edge contacts of the granite and the metamorphics can be seen, and although aplitic dykes are common, there are virtually no pegmatitic apophyses to be seen. Indeed, the intrusion shoAvs all the phenomena to be expected of subsequent or cross- cutting granites, and none of those usually associated with granitic intrusions of the synchronous type. This conclusion is reinforced by the facts that although the adjacent country rocks are definitely horn- felsed, the contact phenomena are not very intense and are restricted to a fairly narrow band. The most conspicuous mineral within the contact zone is epidote, although schorl is strongly developed at one point. The quartz veins within and near the hornfels zone differ from the “white quartz” which they intersect in showing little or no signs of deformation and in the occurrence of epidote within them. The Enoggera Pluton which may represent a late-formed cupola arising out of the composite D ’Aguilar Batholith is composite, being made up in the. main of a granitic rock, “the Pink Phase”, which encloses a considerable mass of granodiorite, “the Grey Phase”. Xenoliths of the latter are very common in the former and are evidently cognate, and appear to have been carried bodily from some subjacent source. Chemically, as the following analyses clearly indicate, the Grey Phase, although very, different from the Pink Phase which followed it, is almost identical with the main mass of the batholith as represented by the quartz-diorite at Camp Mountain. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. ROCK ANALYSES. Enoggera Pluton. D’Aguilar Batholitb as developed at Camp Mountain. Main Mass (“ Pink Phase ”). Xenoliths (“ Grey Phase ”). Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Si02 73*52 61*10 61*54 A1203 . . 11*05 19*24 19*03 Fe203 . . Nil 4*66 Nil FeO 3*15 # , 5*04 MgO 1*03 2*56 2*97 CaO 1*70 5*25 4*90 Na20 . . 4*08 3*82 2*84 k2o 3*99 1*68 2*76 h20+ 0*44 1*31 0*35 h20- 0*16 0*64 0*10 co2 , . Ti02 0*20 , , 0*72 p2o5 0*15 0*08 Total 99*48 100*34 100*33 (D) The Brisbane Tuffs. These rhyolitic tuffs and ignimbrites appear to mark the end of an igneous cycle. They succeed a few feet of lacustrine sediments of the Ipswich Coal Measures which rest with a violent unconformity upon the Brisbane Metamorphics. They contain no quartz veins and have not been affected by either thermal or dynamic metamorphism of any sort. They are later than the Hamilton overthrust and later too than the numerous normal faults which followed that thrust. TABLE OF IGNEOUS EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE D’AGUILAR BATHOLITH. Mt. Crosby. Upper Brookfield. Indooroopilly. Enoggera. Camp Mt. City. Tuffs Tuffs Adamellite (Pink Phase) Quartz Diorite Porphyrite Dykes Porphyrite Dykes Granodiorite (Grey Phase) Quartz Diorite Rhyolitic Volcanics and Dykes Rhyolitic Dykes White Quartz Veins White Quartz Veins V. INTEGRATION OF STRATIGRAPHIC, TECTONIC, IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC EVENTS. In this contribution to the geology of Brisbane we have attempted to determine the succession of events in a restricted area by the examina- tion of purely internal evidence. As a result of the limitations of the method as here applied, it has proved impossible to interpret the story in strictly stratigraphical terms. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 47 We have found no evidence within the city of Brisbane for assign- ing ages either to the Bunya Phyllites or the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. We do not know the age of either of the two epochs of regional metamorphism, nor do we know when either the St. Lucia Thrust or the Hamilton Thrust took place. Of the several igneous events we can be sure of the age of only the last, namely, the Brisbane Tuffs. If we seek indirect age determinations through external correla- tions based on lithology or intensity of metamorphism we are in little better case. On such evidence the Brisbane Metamorphics have, at one time or another, been assigned to practically every period from the Pre-Cambrian to the Permo-Carboniferous. Only with regard to the upper limit of the Brisbane Metamorphics do we find a clue, for they appear to be older than the lithologically distinct, unmetamorphosed, richly fossiliferous Devonian strata that occur both to the north and to the south, although at very considerable distances from Brisbane. The history of the Brisbane Metamorphics, as far as it can be deciphered within the bounds of Greater Brisbane, is summarised in the table below. THE HISTORY OF THE BRISBANE METAMORPHICS. The Probable Sequence of Events. Stratigraphic. Geographic. Tectonic. Metamorphic. Igneous. Ipswich Coal Measures Local Lakes • Brisbane Tuffs Part of Normal Faults continental Thermal (moderate) Enoggera Pluton Brookfield Volcanics Second hiatus land r Neranleigh - Fern- vale Group mass Geosynclinal Sea l of Inclooroopilly Anticline Hamilton Thrust Orogeny Kinetic (intense) Regional (mild) Initiation of D’ Aguilar Batholith (white quartz veins) 4^ £ o Downwarp First hiatus Median Island o St. Lucia Thrust Kinetic (? intense) Bunya Phyllites Geosynclinal Sea Orogeny Regional (moderate) Rocksberg Green- stones Spilitic Extrusions 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. It is the history of a small part of the great Tasman Geosyncline, and began with intense and sustained volcanic outbursts, largely sub- marine, which yielded the basic lavas and tuffs which we now know as the Rocksberg Greenstones. While outcropping in only one small area within Brisbane itself, these are developed on a large scale not far to the north of the city boundaries, and may well occur at depth under a large part of Brisbane. Immediately following the outpourings of lavas and tuffs, prolonged deposition of muds and clays (now known as the Bunya Bhy llites) took place. Originally mapped by Denmeacl as covering a large part of Brisbane, they are restricted in our interpretation to a relatively small triangular area with its southern apex at Indooroopilly. There followed a pause in deposition during which mild regional metamorphism converted the Rocksberg lavas and tuffs into greenstones and the Bunya muds and clays into phy llites. At about the same time, the first result of prolonged though possibly intermittent pressure from the north-east, was the initiation of the Indooroopilly Anticline which rapidly grew to form a median island in the geosyncline. This lateral pressure reached a first culmination in a great' overthrust called by us the St. Lucia Thrust which pushed a sheet of rocks (the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics) over the top of the phy llites. These overthrust rocks may well have been a lateral extension of the Bunya Phyllites, for they are very similar in both texture and composition. The severe deformation resulting from these movements is shown by the crumpling of the micaceous layers into an involved and intricate system of small scale contortions and the crushing of the quartzitic layers into a black ultramy Ionite. This first orogenic climax was followed by a quiescent interval during which gentle downwarping took place which, however, may not have completely submerged the median island. The sediments now formed were very different in character from and accumulated far more rapidly than those which had been deposited earlier. They consisted largely of felspathic sands, though muds were well represented. The compaction of these sediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group was followed by a second even milder regional metamorphism which had little effect upon the grevwaekes beyond further consolidating them, but which was sufficient to turn the shales into slates. It was at about this time that the earliest of the numerous white quartz veins were emplaced, from which Are have inferred the initiation of the D ’Aguilar Batholith. Following the appearance of this first generation of quartz veins, the continuing pressure from the north-east reached a second culmination in a second overthrust. This time the rocks of the overthrust sheet came mainly from the north-easterly extension of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group, though in places the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics were involved to some extent. This appears to have been more complex than the earlier thrust, many minor offshoots from the main thrust plane producing an imbricate structure, and in places where the thrust plane was close to the top of the Polymetamor- phics, the latter were scooped up and carried to the surface. The rocks which were affected by this second thrust alone we have called the Hamilton Cataclasites. Being in the main coarser than the earlier sediments, the structures produced in them are generally on a larger scale. Some of the white quartz veins were involved in this second thrust and violentlv disturbed, while others, such as the “ bedded” veins, though not deformed were optically strained. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRISBANE. 49 The Indooroopilly Anticline had now reached such a height that the whole of Brisbane was converted into a land area. On parts of the surface the acid lavas and tuffs, now restricted by denudation to the Brookfield area, accumulated. The final stage of the D ’Aguilar Batholith followed, namely, the forcible injection of the Enoggera Bluton, which in its crosscutting character was in contrast to the earlier phases which may well have been concordant. SUMMARY. This paper proposes the division of the Brisbane Metamorphics into an earlier more-metamorphosed group, consisting of the Rocksberg Greenstones and the Bunya Phyllites, followed unconformably by a younger less-metamorphosed Neranleigh-Fernvale group. This complete structural history involves five principal episodes as follows: — 1. A first regional metamorphism which affected the whole area occupied by the older group. 2. A first or St. Lucia thrust which added some purely kinetic effects to that part of the Bunya Phyllites involved. 3. An orogeny accompanied by a second very mild regional metamorphism, subsequent to the deposition of the younger group, which added little to the metamorphism of the older group but which produced noticeable effects on some members of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. 4. A second or Hamilton thrust that changed still farther those parts of the older group which came under its influence, converting them to the most intensely affected of the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics and crushing parts of the younger group into the Hamilton Cataclasites. Accompanying the Hamilton thrust was the important Buranda Tear Fault which brought about a horizontal displacement of the Neranleigh- Fernvale Group of approximately seven miles. 5. Finally, a series of near-strike tensional faults sliced the Brisbane Metamorphics in pre- Mesozoic times. The paper also deals with the associated and related igneous events. LITERATURE CITED. Bryan, W. H., 1914. Geology and Petrology of the Enoggera Granite and the Allied Intrusives. Part I. General Geology. Proc. Boy. Soc. Qld., 26, 141-162. Bryan, W. H., 1922. Idem. Part II. Petrology. Proc. Boy. Soc. Qld., 34, 123-160. Bryan, W. H., and Jones, O. A., 1950. Contributions to the Geology of Brisbane. No. 1. Local Applications of the Standard Stratigraphical Nomenclature. Proc. Boy. Soc. Qld., 61, 13-18. Bryan, W. H., and Jones, O. A., 1951. Explanatory Notes to Accompany a Geological Map of Brisbane. Pap. Pep. Geol. Univ. Qld., 3 (N.S.), No. 13. David, T. W. E., 1932. Explanatory Notes to Accompany a New Geological Map of the Commonwealth of Australia, 177 pp. Australian Medical Publishing Company Ltd., Sydney. Denmead, A. K., 1928. A Survey of the Brisbane Schists. Proc. Boy. Soc. Qld., 39, 71-106. Jensen, H. I., 1910. The Metamorphic Rocks of the East Moreton and Gympie Districts. Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., 12, 258-265. Richards, II. C., 1922. Study .of the Brisbane Schists from the Point of View of the Engineer. Instn. Engrs. Aust., pp. 1-19. (Special publication, Brisbane Branch.) Richards, H. C., 1931. The Grey Street Bridge, Brisbane. The Rock Foundations of the Piers. J. Instn. Engrs. Aust.', 3, 377-385. We arne, R. A., 1912. Notes on the Brisbane Schists. Aust. Ass. Aclv. Sci., 13, 124-5. Mathews, R. T., 1950. An Investigation of the Greenstones of the Dayboro, Petrie, Caboolture and Mt. Delaney Area. Unpublished Honours Thesis. E 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate I. Contrasting types within the Brisbane Metamorphics. 1. Banded slates of Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. Upper Brookfield. 2. Contorted Bunya Phyllites with numerous quartz veins. Near Ivory Street, City. Plate II. Bunya Phyllites. 1. On the crest of the Indooroopilly anticline as seen through a window in the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics. Slide No. 1508, U. of Q. Colin. X 15. 2. River Road, Indooroopilly. Plate III. Macroscopic effects of the Hamilton Thrust. 1. Gouge occupying a minor thrust-plane (outlined in white). St. Lucia Road, Toowong. 2. White quartz vein showing thrust and normal faults. St. Lucia Road, Toowong. Plate IV. White quartz veins affected to different degrees by the Hamilton Thrust. 1. “Bedded” quartz. Optically strained but undeformed. Hawken Drive, St. Lucia. 2. Overfolded quartz vein. St. Lucia Road, St. Lucia. 3. Violently deformed quartz veins. Milton Road, Milton. Plate V. ‘ ‘ Black quartz ’ ’ and white quartz in the St. Lucia Polymetamorphics. 1. Vein of strongly sheared pure white quartz, cutting finely grained “black quartz”. Upland Road, St. Lucia. Slide No. 2915, U. of Q. Colin. Crossed nicols. X 20. 2. Vein of similar white quartz following earlier shear pattern in “black quartzi” which has been partially replaced. Upland Road, St. Lucia. Slide No. 2915, U. of Q. Colin, x 25. 3. Irregular veins of white quartz invading “black quartz”. Top of Samford Range. Dr. R. GradAvell’s Colin. Crossed nicols. X 20. Plate VI. Characteristic patterns in St. Lucia Polymetamorphics. 1. Slip-strain cleavage induced by Hamilton Thrust superseding earlier foliation. Grey Street Bridge. Slide No. 1505, U. of Q. Colin, x 45. 2. Alternations of micaceous bands (black) and “black quartz” (dark, finely mottled) invaded by white quartz. Grey Street Bridge. Slide No. 2917, U. of Q. Colin. Crossed nicols. X 40. Plate VII. Degrees of deformation in the Neranleigh-Fernvale Group. 1. Typical micro-breccia in psammitic bed of Hamilton Cataelasites. Sewerage shaft, corner of Hamilton Road and Riverview Terrace, Hamilton. Slide No. 1512, U. of Q. Colin. Crossed nicols. X 15. 2. Sheared and contorted mylonite from a nearby pelitic band. Slide No. 2918. U. of Q. Colin. X 20. 3. Similar but undeformed pelitic bed from beneath Hamilton Thrust, Adelaide Street, Brisbane. Slide No. 321, U. of Q. Colin. X 20. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Q 'land, ArOL. L XV., No 9 Plate I, U -Proc. Poy. Soc. Q’land, Yol. LXV., No o Plate II Plate III Proc. Roy. Hoc. Q ’land, Yol. LXVv No 9 Plate IV, Proc. Boy. Soc. Q'land, Yol. LXV., No O Plate V, 51 Vol. LXV., No. 3. SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES, PART II. By W. H. Bryan, Department of Geology, University of Queensland. (With Plates VIII.-XX. and three Text-figures.) ( Received 25 th February , 1953 ; issued separately 13 th September, 1954.) V. THE SPHERULOIDS OP BINNA BURRA. (A) Introduction. From time to time there have been described spheroidal bodies, similar in many respects to spherulites proper, but which depart from the accepted definition of those bodies, in that the spherical form is not the result of radial crystallization from a centre. The containing rocks which are usually of a rhyolitic nature, have been referred to by such terms as “nodular rhyolites”, “globular porphyry”, “ball rock”, “concretionary felstone”, “pyromerides” and “roches globulensis 7 7, all of which emphasize their outstanding characteristic of sphericity. The term “spheruloid” was proposed in an earlier paper (Bryan, 1940, p. 41), as an appropriate name for these structures that are at once so like and unlike spherulites. The name connotes no special mode of origin, but aims at emphasizing the resemblance of these forms to spherulites, while recognising important differences. The following short description by Teall (1888, p. 336) from his classical work on British Petrography is typical of the earlier accounts of these interesting spherical bodies. “Nodular and banded felsites are seen on the south side of Skomer Island. The nodules in these rocks vary in size from minute globules, no larger than small peas, to spherical masses measuring several inches in diameter. They are sometimes solid to the core, at other times they contain a hollow cavity on the surface of which quartz crystals have been formed. A radial structure may occasionally be observed but as a rule it is absent. Bands in the felsite may often be followed through the nodules. 7 7 It is not considered necessary to cite further detailed descriptions from the many available in petrographic literature* ; suffice it to say that in most of these accounts attention is drawn on the one hand, to the resemblance of spheruloids to the spherulites proper in shape and in mode of occurrence, and on the other hand, to their difference In lacking a dominant radial structure. Those authors who emphasize the points of resemblance usually claim that the differences are of degree, not of kind, and insist that every gradation may be found from typical spherulites to structureless spheruloids. But within this school of thought are two divergent views, one of which, represented by Harker (1889), explains these gradations as due to different degrees of weathering and displacement of internal * For a useful list of references see Greig, (1928, p. 375). F 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. structure, whereas the other view, championed by Greig (1928, p. 375), regards them as different manifestations of spherulitic crystallization. Those who emphasize the differences between spheruloids and spherulites, consider the absence of radial structure of such great significance that they feel constrained to assign to the spheruloids a quite different mode of origin. But again there are advanced diverse attempts at explanation. Thus von Richthofen ( vide Harker 1889, p. 32) argued that they were formed by the infilling of vesicles, Tanton (1925, p. 629) regarded them as immiscible globules of glass enclosed within another glass, and Bain (1926, p. 83) suggested that they might be cognate xenoliths (autoliths). It is possible, of course, that these bodies, occurring as they do in many parts of the world, and ranging in age from Precambrian to Tertiary, have not all been formed in precisely the same way, and that several of the above explanations may be adequate for their individual purposes. On the other hand, spheruloids, the world over, possess so many points in common that it seems reasonable to seek one mode of origin common to them all. Moreover, it is likely that the several different explanations advanced are due to differences of interpretation rather than to differences in the nature of the material studied. In this connection it is significant that, in some cases, as for example in the occurrence at Agate Pt., Ontario (Greig, 1928), several different views as to origin have been founded on examination of the same material. (B) General Description. The specimens on which the following description is based have all been obtained from Binna Burra in South-eastern Queensland. They occur in astounding profusion in a sequence of rhyolitic flows totalling several hundred feet in thickness. These rhyolites, felsites, perlites and acid lavas form part of a much greater and more extensive series of volcanic rocks consisting for the most part of basalts and andesites. The rhyolitic flows form a succession towards the base of the series, which is generally regarded as Upper Tertiary in age, but which may well be no later than Oligocene. The volcanic series forms a number of plateaux dissected by gorges and canyons, the rhyolitic representatives often appearing as precipitous cliffs which provide excellent, if somewhat awkward, sections for study. Fortunately differential erosion of the successive flows has, in places, resulted in the formation of shelves which provide a means of access. The spheruloids occur in countless thousands ranging in size from small beads to giant spheres over three feet in diameter, and showing a wide range of variation in shape, aggregation, and internal arrange- ment. Nevertheless, the individuals in any one flow usually keep rather closely to a pattern characteristic of that flow. Thus, each of the four groups now to be described was restricted to one particular flow. In descending order these are as follows : Group 1. The spheruloids are for the most part small, up to about one inch in diameter. Individuals, when they occur, are well rounded with a smooth, glossy surface that readily marks them off from the enclosing rock. Generally they tend to occur as clusters of round individuals, in many cases concentrated along particular fluxion planes so that they appear in vertical cliff-sections like the beads on an SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 53 abacus. In some cases the individuals forming such a string have coalesced to form a caterpillar-like structure. A further stage in coalition gives rise to platy structures with mammillated surfaces. A notable feature is that the great majority of these small spheruloids are found half above and half below well-marked flow planes that clearly penetrate them. The upper and lower halves are frequently not quite symmetrical, showing that although growth of both parts started from the same point, the two halves developed independently, but at approximately the same rate. In some examples the two halves meet in a common outwardly projecting flange coincident with the fluxion plane. Wherever the small spheruloids of this group are found they are extremely numerous ; nevertheless, owing to their restriction to well-defined bands, they do not form a very large proportion of the rock mass as a whole. Group 2. Another cliff face, formed from a lower flow, shows larger spheruloids, for the most part measuring several inches in diameter and reaching a maximum of about one foot. These are scattered sporadically through a groundmass composed of perlitic glass. The members of this group exhibit several remarkable features. They are almost perfectly spherical, and show no sign of mammillated or botryoidal irregularities. Complete individuals are easily collected, for they come away freely and cleanly from the groundmass. These spheruloids are invariably hollow, each having a single stellate cavity. Fluxion lines may be followed continuously through these spheruloids, but they show definite evidence of disturbance. Group 3. This consists of more numerous spheruloids, more closely spaced within the flow. They exhibit a greater range in size than those of the second group, but have a similar maximum diameter of about one foot. Although in a few instances they approach a regularly spherical form, in the majority of cases they are distinctly irregular. Many examples are rough approximations to biaxial or triaxial ellipsoids, the longest axis always being clearly related to a fluxion plane of the enclosing rhyolite. Externally, the members of this group always exhibit, very plainly, the fluxion phenomena of the lava from which they were formed. These features appear as though superimposed on the irregular, warty surfaces characteristic of the group. Enclosing each spheruloid there is present a distinct crust that differs conspicuously in its darker colour and finer texture from the enclosed material. The thickness of these crusts is very variable, the largest spheruloids usually, but not always, possessing the thickest cover. The relationship between the nature of the crust and the shape of the enclosed spheruloid is of some interest. In simple spheruloids the crust is regular and of uniform thickness, but in composite spheruloids the thickness of the crust may be variable even in that one specimen, according to the mode of origin of the several protuberant parts. In one, where the bulbous excrescence is itself part of a small but complete spheruloid of an earlier generation that has been partially engulfed, the protuberance is seen, on breaking the specimen, to have its own complete crust, which may have been thickened in the 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. protuberant part by that of the enclosing spheruloid. (Figure 1, B.l)„ In a second, the excrescence appears to be part of a spheruloid of the same generation that has coalesced with the larger spheruloid before either has developed a crust. Consequently, whereas the protuberant part is covered by an outgrowth of the crust of the large spheruloid, the inner part shows no sign of an integument of any kind (Fig. 1, B.3). A third kind of irregularity proves to be an excrescence in the strictest sense. It represents growth of a later generation superimposed on the large spheruloid. It is covered externally by its own relatively thin crust, but rests upon the thicker crust of the large spheruloid (Fig. 1, C.4). All three types may occur in the one specimen resulting in a somewhat irregular composite spheruloid with a warty or mammillary appearance (Fig. 1). The relationship of the three kinds of protuber- ances to the main spheruloid and more particularly to its crust are shown in Fig. 1, in which the sequence of development is also indicated by the numbers one to four. t • * 0 . / \ ' . ■ • ' irT • . • \ ; . . ‘ . • \ & • . • ’TV; . ; • .• -w |. • ; / .’ V. 4.". . \\ *. . •; \|- I * • [• • -i. , .. • \ : •. * . ■$' .*. • ..... - ’ . . V.4 • \ *. • .’. . ■ : /. ; • • • . 'jf 4t~ it c. Text-fig. 1. — Diagram showing growth and amalgamation of spheruloids. Note that when a skin has been formed, no further expansion of the individual occurs (except as the result of distension). In one particularly interesting specimen a spheruloid completely enclosed by a dark grey crust has been partially engulfed by another spheruloid of similar size, which is itself contained within a thinner red crust. In this example, as indeed in all cases of these irregular spheruloids, the one set of fluxion planes pass continuously through both spheruloids, together with their protuberances and crusts without interruption or divergence. In some cases the crusts are sufficiently thick to contain within themselves ovoid patches of material indistinguishable from that of the spheruloid proper. Separating the conspicuous crusts from the spheruloid within, there is often to be found an inner skin, usually less than 1 mm. in thickness, comparable in colour and texture with the spheruloid itself. The lenses of spheruloidal material enclosed within the thickness of the outer crust also possess this inner envelope. The inner skin may be marked off from both the crust and the spheruloid by thin films of haematite. The inner of these is very regular but the outer is less regular and encloses minor outgrowths of the inner skin. In some instances the spheruloid appears to have split along the junction of the inner skin with the spheruloid to form a crack which has been partially filled by tridymite. The spheruloids of this group are never cavernous. On the other hand they are not very dense, a somewhat loose, spongy texture being a characteristic feature. SPHERU LTTES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 55 Group 4. This group is well exhibited in a spectacular section consisting of a cliff face made up almost entirely of large spheruloids measuring up to three feet in diameter. (Plate VIII., Figs. 1-3.) The groundmass, which barely separates these huge spheruloids, forms less than one-fourth of the section and cannot therefore occupy much more than ten per cent, of the whole mass. It consists of a fresh, black perlitic glass. Some of the spheruloids are quite dense, others are cavernous, and still others are loose textured. Apart from their larger size, these three varieties are very similar to members of the groups A, B and C respectively. A special feature associated with one of the large hollow spheruloids warrants more detailed consideration. This is the presence in a cavernous spheruloid, measuring about two feet in diameter, of several objects superficially resembling ‘ stalagmites ’ that project upwardly from the floor of the miniature cavern (Plate XI., Fig. 1). Closer inspection shows that the ‘stalagmites’ are in reality fluted and striated masses of rhyolitic lava that have been injected through irregular cracks in the base of the spheruloid. In the specimen illus- trated, the lava has been of such a consistency that it has retained the pattern impressed upon it as it was squeezed through the crack which acted in much the same manner as the dies used in biscuit factories to produce patterns on biscuits of the ribbon type. The viscosity of the injected lava was not quite great enough to hold the ‘ribbon’ in an upright position, and as it grew it sagged laterally under its own weight. An examination (Plate XI., Fig. 2) shows that while the cross section of the ribbon of lava progressively increases from the tip towards the base, the details of the pattern remain unchanged. This suggests that the crack which allowed the injection became progressively wider during the process. The somewhat serrated edges of the ribbon are due to a plucking effect brought about by the high viscosity. This feature too is to be seen in many biscuits of the ribbon type. It is not due (as might at first be thought) to spasmodic movement through the die, but solely to the degree of plasticity of the biscuit mixture. The special significance of these injections into the cavernous spheruloid will be considered later in this paper. The preceeding descriptions must not be regarded as adequately covering the almost innumerable varieties of spheruloids that may be examined and collected at Binna Burra, but they do indicate the outstanding characteristics. Several remarks of a general nature may be added. In almost all cases the spheruloids are clearly distinct from the enclosing groundmass. The distinction may be shown by differences of colour or texture, and is still clearly to be seen even where the same fluxion lines can be followed from the groundmass, through the spheruloid, and out again into the groundmass. The difference is particularly marked, where, as in many cases, the enclosing rock is a glass, for although the spheruloids show some variety in constitution, they are never glassy. Nor are they spherulitic, for despite the numerous good exposures and the many hundreds of specimens that have been examined, not one example of a spherulite proper has been found. In spite of their great variety in shape and form the spheruloids show a marked lithological uniformity. In all cases, if a fresh surface be examined, it is seen to be light in colour (pink or cream or greyish) 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. and of a felsitic texture. A considerable number of fresh phenocrysts of quartz and of felspars, about one millimetre in diameter, and an occasional smaller phenocryst of a black ferro-magnesian mineral are set in the felsitic groundmass. Fluxion phenomena are to be seen in all specimens, in some cases quite strongly developed. This usually shows itself as a somewhat indistinct colour banding or streakiness in a texturally uniform rock. The flow planes are clearly influenced by the position and shape of the phenocrysts. In the solid spheruloids, the flow planes cut right across the specimen, being quite independent of its contours, but in hollow spheruloids they show the influence of the external form and exhibit curves that, while they are not quite concentric with the margin of the spheruloid, are in harmony with it. (C) Microscopic Features. The regular nature of a spheruloid and its marked differences from the immediate surroundings give it an appearance of completeness and unity that leads one to expect a simple and homogeneous internal structure, or at least, a systematic arrangement of the mineral constituents. But this expectation is not realised. Mineralogically, each spheruloid is a heterogeneous aggregate, and such struc- tures as do exist are independent of each other and discordant with the complete structure of the spheruloid. Moreover, the interior does not represent either a simple simultaneous crystallization or an orderly sequence of events, but appears to result from the integration of different minerals and different structures developed at different stages of a somewhat complex history. From this point of view, the ingredients of a spheruloid fall for the most part into three distinct groups. First, there are the relatively large but sporadic crystals forming the phenocrysts. Secondly, there are those minerals found associated with, and indeed contributing to, the fluxion phenomena, while in the third group may be placed those minerals the attitude and arrangement of which is strikingly inde- pendent of the fluxion. 1. The Phenocrysts. — The phenocrysts quite clearly belong to an early generation of their own and can have little to do with the development of spheruloids as such, for they occur as freely in the enclosing glass as in the spheruloids themselves. The most abundant phenocrysts are those of sanidine. These vary in size from one-half to two millimetres. They are invariably clear and colourless with no sign of decomposition. They are rarely idiomorphic, but in many cases show marked embayments. In some cases, the whole surface of the crystal appears to have suffered resorption. Carlsbad twins are shown by some crystals. The two characteristic cleavages, although perfectly developed, are not conspicuous. A noticeable feature is the presence of inclusions arranged in parallel planes coincident with one of these cleavages. The phenocrysts of sanidine show a definite influence on the course of the flow planes which sweep about them. In some cases the crystals are orientated with their long axes parallel to the fluxion. Occasionally, such crystals are seen to have been cracked and the two broken fragments drawn asunder so that the cracks have become rifts with parallel walls. The phenocrysts next in abundance are those of quartz. These are usually less than one millimetre in length and are for the most part idiomorphic. They occur as bipyramidal crystals giving rhombic SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 57 sections parallel to the vertical axis. In a very few instances the prism is also present but poorly developed. In contrast to the phenocrysts of sanidine they show little or no sign of embayment. Far less common than either the sanidine or the quartz are pheno- crysts of acid oligoclase. These are usually idiomorphic, or nearly so. They show both carlsbad and albite twinning. Ferro-magnesian phenocrysts although present are far from plentiful. They consist for the most part of occasional small crystals of biotite. 2. The Minerals Influenced by Fluxion. — The phenocrysts described above are surrounded by minerals which by their distribution and arrangement clearly reflect the fluxion phenomena, and obviously represent a later crystallization than that of the phenocrysts. The most important mineral of this group is a felspar (presumably ortho- clase) which occurs as numerous small elongate crystals arranged in sub-parallel fashion. In ordinary light it is difficult to distinguish these from their surroundings owing to their clarity, freshness and the lack of refractive contrast, but under crossed nicols they are exhibited as clear-cut crystals with elongate rectangular sections in the direction of flow. In a few of the slides examined the fluxion phenomena are also emphasized by very numerous minute crystals of a greenish ferro- magnesian mineral. These are arranged in swirling groups of sub- parallel crystals that sweep about the phenocrysts. Within the narrow spaces between adjacent phenocrysts they are crowded together as though constricted owing to their having been forced through a strait. In addition to the above minerals, many slides clearly indicate the fluxion by the arrangement of numerous crystallites. These are con- tained within the thickness of the slide and consist chiefly of trichites, margarites and longulites, the last two of which show in their orienta- tion a definite parallelism with the flow planes. 3. The Minerals Independent of Fluxion. — In striking contrast with the previous group are those minerals that are quite independent of the flow phenomena in their attitude, arrangement and distribution, and they appear to have crystallized after all other movement had ceased. Nevertheless, their distribution is not sporadic nor is their arrangement haphazard. These, too, appear to have developed in accordance with a definite plan, but it is a new plan. The most notable development of this group is seen in the ferro- magnesian minerals. These may consist of individual microlites arranged in roughly parallel fashion, or they may take the form of connected groups, but always their orientation is discordant with that of the flow planes. In some cases the arrangement consists of a number of elongate delicate microlites or slender crystals springing from a common point, and although diverging somewhat, all point in the same general direction. In other cases, the group may diverge by dichotomous branching from an initial individual, but the general effect is much the same. All the bunches in any of the slides examined are orientated along the same general line and diverge in the same way. The whole slide thus appears to be pierced by a delicate tenuous structure of slender ferro-magnesian crystals. The point of origin of any of the divergent bundles may be situated within a particular flow plane or in some other favourable position such as the embayment of a phenocryst. The distal ends of the constituent crystals of the 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. growing aggregate are seen, in some instances, to have ceased their forward growth quite abruptly where each of the crystals of a group reached a particular flow plane. This influence of flow planes in initiating and terminating growth is in marked contrast to their lack of influence in the matter of orientation. Where a group of these crystals encounters a phenocryst it tends to splay out about the pheno- cryst in further growth. In a few isolated instances the femic mineral is arranged in roughly radial clumps of somewhat stouter but shorter crystals. These larger crystals show that the mineral is greyish-green in colour, strongly pleochroic, with high interference colours and an extinction angle at or very near the zero position. These optical properties are in keeping with those of a ferro-magnesian mica, but if so they are difficult to reconcile with the capillary habit of the smaller crystals. 4. Other Minerals. — Although, owing to their equidimensional shapes, they show no sign of regular arrangement sympathetic to either the parallel felspars of the flow planes or the divergent aggregates of the ferro-magnesian mineral, there should be mentioned the numerous minute crystals of quartz which make • up a large part of the ground-mass. In some of the slides the appearance of heterogeneity is emphasized by the presence of occasional and obviously incidental microspherulites. These are dusty from decomposition, ragged in outline and up to one millimetre in diameter. They occur sporadically and are usually associated with the phenocrysts. In one example a phenocryst has been cracked transversely, the parts have been drawn asunder, and in the rift thus formed an irregular spherulitic growth has been initiated which has travelled to the outer limit of the rift and there spread out fanwise to form a hemi-spherulite. This example shows that the spherulites were produced after the lava had become quite viscous, but before the felspars of the ground-mass had crystallised. The micro-spherulites when present thus appear to be intermediate in time between the first and second groups discussed above. (D) Chemical Considerations. In order to establish the chemical relationship of the many varieties of spheruloids at Binna Burra to their respective parent rocks a large number of analyses would be necessary. Only with such a complete chemical record would it be possible to make, with confidence, generalisations covering the whole range of phenomena observed. But since such a comprehensive set of analyses was not available and could not be specially prepared for this paper, recourse was had to the selection and analysis of one spheruloid and of the rock in which it was embedded. In selecting the material for analysis every endeavour was made to assure that it was typical, as far as such a thing is possible in a series with so many variants, and that it was unaffected by weathering. The material chosen consisted of a fresh, grey glass with pro- nounced perlitic structure, containing well-developed hollow spheru- loids ranging in size from about a half-inch to two inches in diameter, all of which still retained traces of the initial central vesicle. Part of the specimen from which the samples were obtained is shown as Plate X., fig. 1. Microslides prepared for the purpose showed that, compared with other specimens neither the containing glass nor the spheruloid presented any unusual or abnormal features. SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 59 Table I. Bock Analyses from Binna Burra, Queensland, and for Purposes of Comparison, from Agate Point, Ontario. Binna Burra. Agate Point. Perlitic Glass. Spheruloid. Red Vitrophyre. Black Orbs. Si02 71-70 72-00 71-64 76-20 Al*Os 14-14 14-93 13-19 11-33 Fe203 0-56 1-41 2-39 1-90 FeO 0-46 0-32 0-18 0-28 MgO 0-09 0-10 0-25 0-20 CaO 0-40 0-40 117 0-92 Na20 . . 4-28 5-46 2-41 2-75 k2o 5-16 3-74 3-85 3-42 h20+ 3-40 1-20 2-28 1-81 h20- 0-10 0-80 2-00 0-28 Ti02 — — 0-31 0-34 MnO 0-05 0-05 — — Volatile — — — 0-56 Totals 100-34 100-41 99-67 99-99 The perlitic glass from Binna Burra which envelops the spheruloid is shown by an analysis to have no striking or abnormal features. Calculation of the norm shows the rock to be a Liparose with the symbols (I. 4.1.3). Rhyolitic rocks of such a type are quite common in South-eastern Queensland as is shown by the fact that four of the nine analyses of rhyolites, pitchstones, etc. selected by Richards (1915, p. 142) as typical of South-eastern Queensland are included in the Liparose sub-rang. In particular the perlite is chemically similar to the rhyolitic glasses of Mount Lindesay and the MacPherson Range. These are not very distant from the Binna Burra material and are almost certainly coeval with it. In short, the glass seems quite normal. The analysis of the spheruloid from Binna Burra (treated on its own merits, and without reference to that of the enclosing glass), is of a kind less common in South-eastern Queensland. Its norm brings it within the sub-rang Kallerudose (I. 4.4.4.). Only one such rhyolite is listed by Richards (1915, p. 142) from Glen Rock, Esk, and this is abnormal in other respects, too. A comparison of the analysis of the perlite with that of the spheruloid presents some expected features and others that were not anticipated. In the former category may be placed the close resemblance in silica, alumina, magnesia and lime. Such similarities support the conclusion that the spheruloids were formed in situ from material similar to that which provided the enclosing glass. Certain of the differences shown by the two analyses were also expected. Thus the relatively smaller content of H20+ in the spheruloid was antici- pated in view of the hypothesis (to be advanced later) that the expansion exhibited by the hollow spheruloid was due to the effect of steam set free by crystallization within the spheruloid. Assuming that the water content of the two materials was initially equal, then 2-2% (that is about 65% of the original H20+ of the spheruloid) has been converted into steam. But, if the suggestion that hollow spheruloids tend to be formed in the wetter parts of the lava be 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. accepted (and the presence of central vesicles supports such a view), then considerably greater quantities of water must have been lost in the subsequent expansion. The relatively higher ferric oxide in the spheruloid, while it was not anticipated, may be explained as due to the oxidation of the exposed segmental surfaces since consolidation and disruption. The fact that the segments are coated by a yellow inorganic stain is in keeping with such an explanation. The most unexpected feature in the analyses is the discrepancy in the relative proportions of soda and potash. Whereas the total alkalies are closely comparable, the glass shows a definite excess of potash, while the spheruloid shows just as definite an excess of soda. Such a discordance indicates unexpected sudden variations in composition of the parent lava, and the question naturally arises as to whether the spheruloid was produced as a result of the locally high soda-potash ratio. Since it would be unwise to base such an important conclusion on one pair of analyses only, and in the absence of any further chemical evidence from the local material, we may study the results obtained elsewhere. At the occurrence already mentioned at Agate Point on the shores of Lake Superior, Bain (1926, p. 82) has collected and analysed black “Orbs” (similar in many respects to our spheruloids) and the con- taining red rhyolitic glass. Bain’s analyses are set out in Table I. of this paper, for comparison with the Binna Burra material. A glance at the analyses from Agate Point shows that not only are the total alkalies of the orb similar to those of the glass, but the propor- tions of soda to potash are not very dissimilar, although here, too, the spheruloid is somewhat richer in soda than is the groundmass. If, as seems probable, the Agate Point material is to be regarded as comparable in general to that obtained at Binna Burra, these facts would suggest that the development of spheruloids is not deter- mined by a local excess of soda over potash, but nevertheless, a local enrichment in soda, even a small amount, may possibly predispose a portion of the lava towards spheruloidal growth. (E) Hollow Spheruloids. Many of the broken spheruloids that lie scattered upon the slopes of Binna Burra, and a large proportion of those collected in situ for examination, show the presence of a hollow interior closely resembling those found in the nodular spherulites of Tamborine Mountain (Bryan, 1934, p. 168). These cavities vary in size from minute hollows to cavernous openings nearly three feet in diameter (Plate VIII., fig. 3). They vary, too, in size relative to the spheruloid that contains them. In some spheruloids the cavities form only a small proportion of the total, while in others the solid material is little more than an enclosing skin. One noteworthy fact is that, the larger the cavity relative to the spheruloid, the more nearly does the latter approach true sphericity in its outer surface. In shape, too, the hollow interiors show considerable variety ; nevertheless, a large proportion of them present a markedly regular appearance, and in a great many cases, even show a close approach to certain well-defined geometrical patterns. SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 61 There appears too to be a definite relationship between the shape of the cavity and its size relative to that of the complete sphernloid. In general, relatively small cavities are acutely angular, whereas relatively large cavities are less deeply indented. In a great number of instances the cavities present more or less regular stellate cross sections, the result of each spheruloid being divided into a number of radially arranged sectors, each with its narrow end directed towards the cavernous interior. The number of such sectors has a wide range and may be as small as four, or as great as twenty-four. Adopting the argument adduced in Part I of the paper (Bryan, 1940, p. 46), it can be shown that the ideally symmetrical arrangement consists of twelve sectors based on a pyritohedral pattern. Such a development is not infrequently seen and is responsible for the numerous cross sections showing five sectors in the one plane. Another common arrangement, and one of special interest, is based on the cube and consists of a total of six inwardly projecting sectors, each squarely pyramidal in shape (Fig. 2). Text-fig. 2. — Diagram showing distension and ultimate rupture of a mature spheruloid. In very many spheruloids a central vesicle is to be seen. In some cases this is preserved entire, attached to the inner end of one of the segments (See Plate X, Fig. 1). In other cases it has been broken and is represented discontinuously by concave surfaces at the inner ends of all or several sectors. A notable feature that is to be seen in many hollow spheruloids is a system of radial striae or flutings decorating the broken surfaces of the sectors (Plate X, Figs. 2 and 3). These, on account of both their nature and location, closely simulate the radially arranged felspar fibres characteristic of true spherulitic structure. Closer examination soon reveals, however, that the markings are quite superficial, being restricted to the surfaces of the sectors. They are in no sense spherulitic, but are fracture patterns such as are produced by the tearing apart of highly viscous material. A smaller number of specimens show, in addition to the radial flutings and disposed at right angles to them, another pattern consisting of a series of concentric interruptions producing small steps in the otherwise even slope of the sectors. They are probably due to the spasmodic nature of the tearing process (Plate X, Fig. 2). Finally, reference should be made to the fact that in many of the hollow spheruloids, the sectors are coated with a veneer consisting of minutes plates of tridymite. It is of interest to note here that loose- textured spheruloids in no instance possess a central vesicle, nor do they develop hollow interiors. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. (F) Origin and Growth of Spheruloids. There are many features exhibited by the spheruloids of Binna Burra that call for explanation, but outstanding above a host of minor problems, are three of major importance, namely. — (1) the manner of origin, (2) the reason for the adoption of the spherical form, and (3) the nature of hollow spheruloids. These three problems/ are intimately related, but an attempt will be made in the first instance to deal with them separately. 1. Mode of Origin. In order to clear the ground, a number of explanations, that have been advanced from time to time for similar bodies elsewhere but are inadequate so far as the Binna Burra material is concerned, will be dealt with briefly and summarily dismissed. Spheruloids are not due (a) to the weathering and replacement of true spherulites, for in the great majority of cases they are quite fresh and show no trace of radial structure. The fact that the same fluxion planes are common to the spheruloids and the adjacent ground- mass and can be traced continuously from one to the other indicates that the spheruloids cannot be (b) infillings of vesicles, (c) xenoliths introduced from some outside source (such as bombs from a nearby vent), (d) autoliths consolidated at an earlier stage and carried bodily in the lava stream. They are not (e) immiscible globules of glass enclosed within another glass. They do not represent (/) patches of the surrounding glass that have been devitrified, for the evidence of viscous lava injected through cracks in hollow spheruloids shows that the latter were solid units before the enclosing lava became a glass. Nor does it seem probable that they represent (g) regions of the lava that were first vitrified and then devitrified before the vitrification of the surrounding lava. The only remaining alternative appears to be (h) that the spheruloids developed as crystalline aggregates, in the positions they now occupy, before the vitrification of the enclosing lava took place. Such an hypothesis not only avoids the several difficulties that confront the other attempts at explanation but satisfies fully all the field and laboratory evidence that has been assembled.* 2. Adoption of the Spherical Form. Numerous observations indicate that, if undisturbed, a growing spheruloid spreads uniformly outwards in all directions and thus develops and maintains a regularly spherical form. The approach to sphericity is so close and the outer surface so regular and clearly defined that it is natural to enquire as to the nature of the mechanism which guides and regulates this outward growth. Spherical aggregations of crystalline material can, in general, be brought about in several ways. One method, commonly seen in con- cretions, is due to the deposition of successive, concentric layers about the initial point. But the entire absence of any trace of concentric structures in the vast majority of cases, either in the hand specimen or under the microscope, shows that this method of growth is inapplicable to the spheruloids. Orbicular structures due to reactions between a magma and its xenoliths are also essentially concentric in build, and as such these too are ruled out. * The arguments on which this conclusion is based should be compared with those set out by Greig (1928, p. 383) most of which are directly applicable to the Binna Burra material. SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 63 Spherical aggregations may also be due to regularly radial growth about a point. Such is the case in spherulites proper. But the principal reason for introducing the new term ‘spheruloid’ for the bodies now under discussion was that the shape was not determined by such radial growth. It is true that microscopical examination shows that within some large spheruloids, some spherulites may occur. But these latter are relatively so few, so small, and so widely spaced when they are present, that in volume they form only a small fraction of one per cent of the whole spheruloid. Moreover, the distribution of these, micro- spherulites is so sporadic that they can have no significant relationship to the complete structure. Indeed, in appearance and arrangement, they are so obviously incidental, they serve to emphasize the point that the form of the spheruloid as a whole is not due to any such spherulitic growth. Another method by which a crystalline aggregate may take on a spherical shape is really a modification of that which we have just considered. This consists of radial crystalline growth building an open skeletal network or scaffolding which is subsequently filled by further crystallization which may or may not be spherulitic. This method has been suggested by Iddings (vide Barker, 1889, p. 34) for the origin of some spherulites. He described the process as follows: “In the still viscous glass, from a centre of crystallization the first frail beginnings of felspar spread innumerable rays, pre-empting as it were a sphere of the magma. ’ 7 Although, in the spheruloids under discussion, felspar is never found in this form, yet, in many of the slides examined, a ferro- magnesian mineral occurs in divergent, fragile, but rigid groups of acicular and capillary crystals, which increase in number dichotomously. It would seem possible on the evidence of these slides that, at least in some cases, small quantities of this1 ferro-magnesian mineral, crystallizing as an open, many-branched spherulite, might pre-empt, in Iddings’ sense, a region subsequently occupied for the most part by a quartz-felspar aggregate. In some of the slides studied the individual crystals were so very fine that the possibility suggested itself that the tenuous framework might be present in other specimens in sub-microscopic form. For this open spherulitic structure to produce the spherical form by radial growth, the arrangement would have to be developed about one central point. But the evidence of the material examined shows that the growths under consideration have developed not about one but about many points within the spheruloid. In particular, several divergent groups may be seen to radiate from embayments in the sporadically scattered felspar phenocrysts. Again it can be shown that the . radial growths are not all continuous to the margin of the spheruloid, for certain groups are sharply limited by fluxion planes within the spheruloid. Hence, although the writer is of the opinion that these divergent growths may prove to be significant structures in the spheruloids (especially as contrasted with the incidental microspherulites of felspar previously considered), it is difficult to see how they could contribute towards either the unity or the external shape of spheruloids. The above considerations suggest that the spheruloid^ do not possess in themselves any structure, concentric or radial, adequate to explain their characteristic sphericity. Greig (1928, p. 398) 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. appears to have been forced to a similar conclusion for the Agate Point material for he writes: “Whether or not there has always been some spherulitic growth radial with respect to the whole ‘globule’ I have no means of knowing. It is possible that in some cases there has never been any such growth ; but that the spherulite was composed of a mass of small bundles of plumose crystals radiating from centres throughout it ... . The reasons for such growths assuming a spherical form are difficult to see but they are probably the same as for the spherical forms of certain spherulites [sic] in artificial glasses which show no radial arrangement. ’ ’ But if the spheroidal shape is not dependent on internal structures, there remains the possibility that it may have been induced by some process that preceded the development and determined the limits of spheruloidal crystallization. In this connection one is reminded of the position reached by Cross (1891, p. 439) from his study of the spherulites of Colorado. “The idea” he wrote “that a radiate crystallization is the direct and primary cause of the peculiar forms assumed by spherulites cannot be accepted for all cases, because there are instances, .... in which the crystalline growth is very subordinate to an amorphous matter that in its development brings out the same characteristics of form, as opposed to the surrounding glass. In certain spherulites one finds indications that the form was outlined^ by the amorphous substance before crystallization began. Further, there are many minor peculiarities .... best explained by the assumption of some force tending to produce the spherical form other than that of radiate crystallization.” This preliminary and, as Cross would have it, “more important act”, which provided the conditions necessary to spherulitic growth and directed and limited it, was conceived to be “a local change in the character of the magma, in that, within the area of each spherulite, there first developed a oblloidal substance.” Although the Crossi hypothesis of “spheres of influence”, as we may perhaps call it, appears gratuitous with respect to many spherulites (for there is ample evidence that these crystallize out immediately without any intervening process, and their external shape consequently is due directly and solely to their mode of growth), it has certain very attractive features where spheruloids are concerned. But the study of the Binna Burra material suggests that certain elaborations of this simple scheme are necessary if all the phenomena of growing spheruloids are to be covered. Thus, instead of regarding each sphere of influence as fixed in size and position from the beginning, it is more helpful to regard it as continuously spreading outward from an initial point or vesicle, the consequent crystallization almost keeping pace with the expansion of the space. While this progressive occupation of the expanding sphere is in progress, there would appear to be no effective skin or diaphragm surrounding the spheruloidal material, for neighbouring growths readily coalesce. But when the sphere of influence has reached the maximum size which the local conditions allow, and the crystalline aggregate has completely occupied this, a skin of amorphous material is formed about the completed spheruloid. This effectively prevents any further growth of that individual except by inflation and distension. At this stage, each spheruloid might be regarded as forming a closed system and any further development would be that of a unit independent of the surrounding lava, except in so far as the lava SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 65 formed a confining medium with certain relevant physical characters such as temperature and viscosity. In terms of the modified hypothesis it would appear that after initiation (as a spherical droplet?), spheruloids attained their shape by the occupation of a continuously expanding sphere within which conditions were favourable for crystallization. 3. Formation of Hollow Spheruloids. The whole arrangement in a typical hollow spheruloid is just what might be expected in a thick spherical shell that has failed under internal pressure. Mechanical considerations show that in such a case there will be compression directed radially outwards, combined with tangential tension greatest at the inside and least at the outside. Such a combination of forces would tend to produce the outward displacement of wedge-shaped sectors, together with, as a complementary effect, the formation of radial rifts, widest at the inside of the shell and tapering towards , the outside. All the features considered earlier, in the description of hollow spheruloids, are consistent with such an hypothesis of internal compression. The source of the compression which provided the motive power that produced hollow spheruloids may now be considered. The most likely agent appears to be a gas, and the most readily available gas in a rhyolite lava is steam. That a cooling acid lava with locally high water content could produce the necessary pressure, is shown by the work of Morey (1922, 1924) who has made a special study of the development of pressure in magmas as a result of crystallization (see also Niggli, 1929, p. 2). Morey (1924, p. 292) explains that in systems in which volatile and non-volatile components are both present “we have the unusual condition that the vapour pressure of the system does not decrease with decreasing temperature, as is almost the universal rule, but on the contrary increases as the temperature falls.” More particularly, and bearing even more closely on our problem, Morey adds that “In a laboratory study of mixtures of orthoclase, quartz and water we have been able to obtain liquid solutions at 600° and a water vapour pressure of approximately 700 atmospheres . . . .” It would seem from these statements that in ‘wet’ rhyolitic lavas there exists in potential form the agent necessary for the internal compression that produces hollow spheruloids. The fact that solid spheruloids are sometimes found in close proximity to hollow spheruloids suggests that the distribution of water in the parent lava was irregular and sporadic. Such a condition of affairs is probable enough in view of the work carried out by Shepherd (1938, p. 338) who, as a result of his experiences, states that “The distribution of the volatiles in rocks and lavas is largely fortuitous.” In particular, and after sampling and analysing many rhyolitic glasses, he concluded that “water is not uniformly distributed through any given field exposure.” (G) Interpretation of Development. A study of the spheruloids of Binna Burra in the field, combined with microscopical examination in the laboratory, enables one to determine with tolerable certainty, the succession of events in the development of these objects, even if the processes controlling some of those events are not clearly understood. No one specimen has been 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. discovered that, in itself, provides material evidence on which to base a complete history (although one particular hollow sphernloid is remarkably illuminating), but many specimens show the sequence clearly for two or more successive steps. In this way certain short sequences can be established based on the mutually confirmatory evidence of several different spheruloids. Further progress is possible owing to the overlapping of the evidence derived from distinct specimens. By the combination of such overlapping sequences many of the numerous events indicated by solid or by hollow spheruloids may be confidently arranged in simple sequence. But even after full use has been made of this method there are certain events which, while precisely placed in their own restricted series, do not fall automatically into place in any general sequence. These points are illustrated by the accompanying table in which the sequence of events within any particular vertical column is well established. It will be noted that the several different sequences are based on spheruloids of different types and the question arises : To what extent is it legitimate to draw up one general, composite sequence by dovetailing the events shown in the separate sequences? On the one hand, all the spheruloids are strikingly similar in such essential features as lithology, and they are found almost side by side in a common environment. These facts would lead one to expect their individual histories to be closely similar. But, on the other hand, considerable variation exists even in what may well be important characters. For example, the containing crust is strikingly conspicuous in some specimens, is indistinct in others, and may be altogether lacking in still other specimens. The central vesicle, too, may or may not be present. The spheruloid may be solid or it may be hollow. The presence of such diversity suggests that the construction of a general sequence based on spheruloids of different types should be of a tentative nature only. In the table, such a provisional correlation has been attempted by spacing the events of each established sequence to allow nTrrrrrri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi LUillJ Flu idol Lava. Injected Lava. Fe/sitlc 5/bheru/o/d . Perlitic Glass. Text-fig. 3. — Diagram showing A, initial vesicle; B, mature spheruloid in its confining integument ; C, distended spheruloid ; D, ruptured spheruloid ; E, lava ribbon injected; F, final consolidation. (See Plate XI., fig. 1.) SPHERULITES AND ALLIED STRUCTURES. 67 the interlocking of those of the other. Although all the evidence indicates that the development of spheruloids is a very rapid process as compared with the rate of solidification of the enclosing lava, nevertheless their history can be divided into several phases. (See Table II.) 1. The Preliminary Phase. — The first or preliminary phase in the evolution of the spheruloids includes all those events which these bodies experience in common with the lava from which they are presently to be differentiated. This phase appears to have been normal in all respects. At its close there existed a somewhat viscous acid lava with well developed fluxion phenomena and with phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, oligoclase and biotite. The water content of the lava was notably high and appears to have been unevenly distributed and to have been concentrated particularly along certain flow planes. 2. The Initial Stage. — This phase began with the crystallization of the lava about certain points or about certain vesicles which in some cases were more or less restricted to certain flow planes, while in others they were sporadically distributed. Table II. Established Sequences. From Microslides. See Plate IX, Fig. 1. See Plate X, Fig. 1. See Plate XI Fig. 1. Generalized Sequence. Phenocrysts formed Parent Lava of Preliminary Phase Phenocrysts embayed Fluxion developed . . Spheruloids Groundmass Flow minerals formed Spheruloid initiated Central vesicle formed Initial Phase Independent minerals formed . . Spheruloid enlarged by coalescence Spheruloid developed by growth as unit Developmental Phase HH E3 O *-s a> P Enclosing skin formed Spheruloid complete Mature Phase w 5* CfQ <5 w o o w Spheruloid distended Spheruloid distended Distended Phase Spheruloid ruptured Supplementary Phase