UMASS/AMHERST ^ 31EDt)bDD5im7=3S PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY TOLEDO, OHIO 1921 L UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY SB 354 A47 V.38 1921 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Thirty-Eighth Convention OF THE American Pomolo^ical Society ORGANIZED 1848 TOLEDO, OHIO December 7, 8 and 9, 1921 Columbus, Ohio: The F. J. Heer Printing Co. 1922 201029 JLIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MAasACHifsnrS riJAPE no' J PROCLAMATION " (IF THE THIRTN -KICHTII CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN POMO- LOGICAL SOCIETY. VVe hereby proclaim that the American Pomological Society is to hold its thirty-eighth convention in the city' of Toledo, Ohio, on the days and evenings of December 7th, 8th and 9th, being Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, in connection with the Na- tional Farmers' Exposition. In pursuance of the time-honored declaration of the constitution, the conclave is called for "the ad- vancement of the science of pomology." To this end we cordial- ly invite all friends of fruit-growing to attend the convention and to take part in the discussions, and request that horticultural societies, organizations and firms send delegates. VVe solicit specimens of good fruits, fresh and preserved, for the exhibition tables, as also manufactured fruit products, machines, devices, apparatus, materials, nursery stock, and whatever else may contribute to the attractiveness and educa- tional value of the general display. It is the desire to make the convention, both in its speaking program and its exhibition, a worthy expression of the best development of pomology in the United States and Canada. It is expected that the program will outline the large for- ward movements in organization, transportation, marketing, governmental oversight, and the prospects of the fruit industry, as well as to consider problems of production and the valuable knowledge of species and varieties. It is purposed not to dupli- cate the work of state and provincial horticultural societies, but to give the meetings a national and international character. The convention should be a clearing-house for the problems of both the commercial grower and the amateur. The student fruit-judging contests and the participation of collegiate members from the colleges of agriculture should be attractive features. The American Pomological Society stands for an educa- tional ])olicy and program, and we ask the cordial cooperation of (3) the fruit-loving public as a renewal of fellowship and a con- tribution to the public good. L. H. Bailey, President. R. B. Cruickshank, Secretary-Treasurer. October 25, 1921. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONVENTION AMERICAN POMO- LOGICAL SOCIETY Toledo, Ohio, December 7, 8, 9, 1921. The Thirty-eighth session of the American Pomological Society was held in Toledo, Ohio, December 7, 8, and 9, 192 1. The first meeting was called to order at eleven-twenty a. m., December 7. in the Moose Hall, by the President, Dr. L. H. Bailey. The President: Ladies and Gentlemen: The meeting will come to order. I presume at subsequent sessions we shall have a larger attendance as persons begin to come in. You have the program before you. You know that the pro- ceedings this morning are largely formal, having to do with the report of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Address of the Presi- dent. The first in order is the Presidential Address. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Dr. L. H. Bailey, Ithaca, N. Y. Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to the thirty-eighth convention of the American Pomological Society. This I do with reverence for the past and confidence in the future. The Society is in its seventy-fourth year. The conventions have been bien- nial, until this one and its predecessor. Movements are now too rapid to await a biennium. The program is before you. Some of you are surprised that the first business session opens with reports from the different States. This is in some sense a reversion to the older plan of the Society, whereby the convention developed at once into an experience meeting. In the early years, the convention consisted of two parts, — the reports of the fruit committees and the open discussions. In those days, pomologists did not come together (5) "to hear papers." They told each other what they had learned in the two years, for the custom had not then developed of ask- ing government for aid, of demanding redress of grievances, and of laying great plans for the securing of rights and the further- ance of trade. For more than half a century this Society occupied a dis- tinct field quite its own, concerned largely with amateur interests and the varieties of fruits because, at first, there were practically no other interests. Its work was associated with production. But the great State horticultural societies came into existence ; large commercial interests developed ; distribution and marketing took precedence, in public discussions, over production ; the scien- tific undertakings received great stimulus and the investigators made an association of their own. The old Society came into difficulty, and almost before anyone was aware it found itself without a field of effective operation. There have now been some years of prospecting. We think we now have a program, and we know the field is clear. There is nothing in the genius or even in the history of the Society to prevent it from occupy- ing a large ])lace in the stirring processes of the twentieth cen- tury. YESTERDAY In a peculiar sense the Society now stands between yesterday and tomorrow. It emerges from its long and honorable past into a future of a somswhat diflferent direction. First, then, may we take a retrospect. Let us sit calmly for a few moments and try to reconstruct in our minds the temper of one of the early conventions. By the time of the fifth meeting, held in Boston in 1854, the Society had gained its headway and its character was known. It .was a delegate convention. The proceedings of this convention are in my hand. Be attentive while I read. "The morning session was opened, at ten o'clock, by the President, Hon. Marshall P. Wilder, of Massachusetts, who .took the chair, and called the Society to order. The Secre- tary, H. W. S. Cleveland, of New Jersey, was present, and took his seat. The delegates were then requested to hand in their credentials to the Secretary for examination. "Col. Henry Little, of Maine, moved that when the dele- gations from the dift'erent States, should have presented their credentials, the President proceed to appoint a committee, consisting of one gentleman from each State, to nominate a list of officers for the next biennial term; and the motion was unanimously adopted. The President said there were other delegates in the city ; but as the time was passing, it might be expedient to proceed at once to business. He then requested those present to answer to their names, as the list of delegates was called in congressional order. The gentle- men present responded." The delegates were : seven from Maine ; thirty-nine from Massachusetts; nineteen from Connecticut; twenty-six .'rom New York ; twelve from Pennsylvania ; eight from New j ersey ; two from Maryland ; one from Ohio ; two from Illinois ; one from Iowa; one from Missouri; three from Florida; and one from District of Columbia, — 122. It is a mistake to suppose that in the old days the attendance at the conventions was large. I think the attendance was fair to good, but it was of superior quality and influence. The memberships in 1854-6 were 114. of which 26 were from Massachusetts, 23 New York, 23 Penn-- sylvania, 10 New Jersey, 15 Connecticut. 5 Ohio. 4 Maryland, 3 Maine, 2 each from Virginia, Florida and Illinois, one from each of several States including one member as far west as Davenport, Iowa. There was none from Canada. In 1867 the membership, as published in the proceedings, was 308; in 1885 it was 322; in 1895 the number was 347;~these figures include both life and biennial members. "After the calling of the list of delegates, an invitation was extended to all persons present, and feeling an interest in the objects of the association, to take part in its delibera- tions. "Hon. Marshall P. Wilder, the President, gave notice that he should hold a Levee, on the evening of the next day, Thursday, at eight o'clock, at the Revere House ; and ex- tended a hearty invitation to all the memlrers and delegates of the Society, to be present on that occasion. "The President then rose and delivered the following address." 8 The President's address was the dignified, hopeful and ar- tistic statement that was always received from Marshall P. Wilder. In this day we should call him "a gentleman of the old school." We now speak of our fellows as men, persons, dele- gates and associates. The particular points emphasized in that address were the methods to be invoked for "the production from seed of new varieties of fruits adapted to particular local- ities, or to general cultivation"; the "arts of cultivation"; a dis- cussion of "appropriate fertilizers for fruit-trees"; mention of the difficult subject of "summer pruning" ; the necessity of re- garding "the affinities between different varieties in the arts of multiplication" ; the maladies of trees ; "the preservation and ripening of fruit." He admonished the delegates that "eternal vigilance is an indispensable condition of success." The conclu- sion of this worthy address was the following paragraph : "Gentlemen, Go on. Prosecute the work you have so honorably commenced. Sow the seeds of your best fruits, — raise new varieties, — ply the arts of judicious cultivation, — study the laws of nature, and extend your researches and labors, till our beloved land shall be adorned with orchards, vineyards and gardens; and man shall realize the poet's idea of Paradise regained !" The President's address was received "with enthusiastic ap- plause." The President appointed twelve persons to serve as the nominating committee. A committee was then appointed by the President "to report business for the convention." Then "The President invited all editors and reporters of papers to take seats at the board, and requested gentlemen having list of fruits, which they might have contributed, to pass them into the Secretary's hands, and they would then be disposed of by the Committee on Fruits." The convention then proceeded to hear and discuss the re- ports of delegates representing the different states as to the con- dition of pomology, particularly in respect to the varieties of fruits. About one-half of the report of 258 pages is made up of a record of this part of the proceedings. The second half of the report comprises a miscellaneous discussion, which turned to a considerable extent on the kinds -and varieties of fruits. It will be seen that this convention turned mostly on the subject of the production of fruits. Judging- from the character of the experience which is recorded, it must have been a fraternal and entertaining series of meetings. The reason why production was the theme of the convention was because the commercial side of fruit-growing had not then come into existence. The market- ing of fruit was a local and personal practice, and did not need to be discussed before a convention. Remember that in that time there was no great fruit-growing West and practically no subtropical pomology. Railroads were few. If there had been marketing problems at that time, the Society undoubtedly would have attacked them. In the proceedings of the nth session held at St. Louis in September, 1867, the Society was addressed by M. L. Dunlap of Champaign, Illinois, on the subject of "Packing and marketing fruit." In subsequent reports the commercial subjects associated with pomology are given increasing attention. TOMORROW We now come to a time, nearing the end of the first quarter of the twentieth century, when the delightful subjects associated with the kinds and varieties of fruit are readily and effectively handled by State, Provincial and local societies. The produc- tion of fruit is largely a series of geographical questions, and the methods employed in one part of the country may not be ap- plicable to remoter parts. The national fruit-growing subjects are rather those that have to do with policies and programs. How to organize and to effectualize the forces of society for the furtherance and protection of fruit-growing are problems for a national and international society to consider. The different State and Provincial societies represent political divisions of the continent. All of them, however, must consider large questions of policy associated with transportation, distribution, selling, mar- keting, storage, quarantine, packages, and many legislative mat- ters that touch the fruit-growing industry. It would add much to their effectiveness without detracting anything from their in- itiative and integrity if they could act through a body of con- tinental scope, including both the United States and Canada. This is the large field of the American Pomological Society. 10 Some of its friends have felt that the Society should not be "commercialized." We need, however, to understand what we mean by this word. I would not have the Society commercialized in the sense of becoming a trade organization ; it should not en- gage in buying and selling nor become an agency of distribution; it should not be a pooling company or a fruit-growers' exchange. However, it may very properly cover all the educational and in- formational subjects associated with the commerce in fruits as well as those associated with the breeding and production of fruits. The Secretary's office should be prepared to give in- formation on the fruit crops of other countries, and of North America, the prospects of the export trade, the laws and regula- tions touching the handling and the movement of fruits, and all other subjects that will aid the fruit-grower in the better con- duct of his business. At the same time, the Secretary's office may give any information it is able to collect that will help per- sons better to understand and to grow fruits, whether these growers are commercial men or amateurs on village lots. All new findings of experiment stations, conclusions as to new varieties, new apparatus, methods and practices, opinions of per- sons competent to advise, may be distributed freely to the mem- bership. Although the Society may cover commercial fruit- growing in this wa}', it must never lose sight of the amateur and the small planter, for it is on this body of non-occupational fruit-lovers that a successful and growing commercial fruit- growing must rest. The American Pomological Society, there- fore, may stimulate all planting of fruits independently of the size of those plantings. Tt must encourage the growing of single trees and plants as well as of large orchards, for the interest of fruit-growing holds together from one end to the other. If these statements are sound, then it follows that the cen- tral service of the American Pomological Society is not in its conventions and exhibitions, however important they may be, but in the Secretary's office. I am convinced that the Society may exercise a very large usefulness and make a great impression on the country without any conventions whatever. Such a frequent periodical issuance of helpful information from the Secretary's, office as I have in mind, aided by supporting officers and by the membership, is competent to interest a vast number of people. The return for the membership will lie in a useful, attractive. II well-bound annual report promptly delivered, in circular letters frequently issued, in the member's privilege of being able to write a central ofRce for information, in the exchange of sample fruits and of cions, and in the support that a good organized body may give to all worthy needs and purposes of fruit-growers. The Society should be prepared to exert its influence promptly when questions of public policy touching fruit-growing are pending. To this end, the Socfety invites membership from all per- sons who are interested in fruits, whether they grow the fruit- trees in suburban lots or whether they have large commercial areas, and also those who grow the trees, who manufacture ap- pliances and supplies used by fruit-growers, from traders in fruits, and all others interested in the subject. Local ?'.nd state horticultural societies are invited to affiliate and to take part by means of delegates, as are also institutions and business organiza- tions. The active personal membership is in two parts, --the regu- lar adult members, and the collegiate members. Tb; collegiate membership is a departure, and the organization of it is not yet perfected. I trust that we may now complete the plans for it. These members in the colleges should have full standing, receiv- ing the annual reports and all the literature. They should hold chapter meetings, with suggestions, so far as possible, from the secretary's office. They should be led to expect a talk or lecture once each year by some officer or member of the parent society if their local organization is active and effectual. The Society should cover the field ; and as the field is in- creasingly commercial and legislative, so must the Society attack these economical and legal questions if it is to represent North American pomology. It shall represent and cover this field by means of education and stimulation rather than by buying and selling. What. then, are its agencies? 1. A sustained Secretary's office, giving its entire time to the wo-rk of the Society. 2. Conventions and exhibitions, held annually in dififerent parts of the country. 3 . The annual report and yearbook, containing the proceed- ings of the conventions and also much collected matter of timely interest to fruit-growers. 12 4- Monthly or twice-monthly letter or bulletin from the Secretary's office to the membership, keeping the mem- bership informed on new fruits, new methods, insects and diseases, new movements, the state of the fruit crops, the projected and pending legislation, the markets, and whatever else the Secretary may be able to assemble that may be of current value. 5. The re-issue each year of the fruit catalogue. 6. The giving of medals and awards for meritorious fruits, worthy inventions, and notable contributions to the science and practice of pomology. 7. The distribution, under proper safeguards, of cions, cut- tings, and samples of fruits to the membership. 8. Eventually, a permanent home for the Society, with land, buildings and library. THE PROGRAM This is a day of programs. You have a schedule for three days. This includes the careful inspection of the exhibitions. These three days will set many things in motion for the coming year. I have a few other propositions to recommend for your consideration. 1. That you commend the untiring labors of the Secretary and ask for a continuation of these efforts in making the Society known and in obtaining memberships. 2. That you set forth a regular activity to increase the con- sumption of fruits and their products. This shall be accom- plished by all proper means of publicity, including regular adver- tising when we have the funds. In particular, ask every college of agriculture and experiment station to issue at least one bulletin in 1922 on the food and health value of fruits. The many de- partments of home economics can help greatly. Ask, also, all public health and sanitation and welfare bodies to issue such publications or leaflets. 3. That a definite program be set afoot to encourage the home planting of fruits. The fruit-garden seems now to be little known in the old sense ; or if it exists, it is likely to be no more than a plantation of berries. But to collect and to grow varieties of the different fruits is as joyful an enterprise as to grow a collection of roses, peonies or irises. It is said that the 13 home orchard is going out. This may not be a misfortune if the home orchard is merely a small commercial plantation, form- ing an unimportant and uneconomical adjunct to a farm enter- prise, and competing with what may be called professional or- chards. But it is a tremendous misfortune if it means that fruit-growing is to be in the hands of only a few large area growers and that the people are to be deprived of the vast spir- itual resource of growing choice fruits and to be divorced from personal knowledge of them. Our concern, as public men and women, is quite as much to multiply the resources and satisfac- tions of the lives of the people as to swell the volume of trade. Home-making is the major concern of society. A fruit-garden as a part of every home, in which it is possible to rear one. should be a cardinal objective of this Society. Publications to this end may be prepared ; and definite co- operation with State and local societies should be undertaken with the view to have this subject entered on all the programs of 1922. 4. That the Secretary's office issue a printed or mimeo- graph letter or bulletin at least six times a year, devoted to the purposes of the Society and distributed to the membership. 5. That the first bulletin be a record of the resolutions and programs adopted by this Convention for the furtherance of the activities of the Societ}^ 6. That the code of nomenclature be published as another bulletin, having been edited for the purpose, together with the names of current varieties made to conform to it. I recommend that two new principles be incorporated in the code, — the principle of alternative names, and the principle of fifty years of accepted usage. By the principle of alternatives the Society makes legal the use of two names for the same variety, when these names are thoroughly established in popular usage. Thus, both Newtown and Albemarle may be allowed and perhaps also both Duchess and Oldenburgh. This is only making the rules practical, for the Society cannot expect the people in the Albemarle region to say "Newtown." This means that the name Albermarle may be raised from synonomy and given good standing. By the principle of a half-century established usage in times past, a name remains standard, even though it does not conform 14 to the code. Thus, Rhode Island Greening and Esopus Spitzen- burgh and Roxbury Russet, are untouched. Again we are only making the rules practical, for the Society cannot expect the people to forget childhood and Downing and say Rhode Island, Esopus and Roxbury. To carry out these recommendations I suggest a committee of three to prepare the nomenclature bulletin. 7. That the Society establish a regular official size of page and style of binding for the Report and Annual. There has never been an official size and format. :\t one time the proceedings were published in quarto. Hereafter the volume should be bound and a regular design of cover should be adopted. For this result a small committee should be con- stituted. 8. That we now make up our minds just what we want to do with the collegiate membership idea, and that we issue a bul- letin on the subject. 9. That the Society delegate certain of its members to act as advisors to the Secretary in the working out of the activities entrusted to his care. There should be one advisor, for example, in the publicity-for-consumption enterprise, one in publicity-for- planting, one in marketing, one in co-operation, one in affiliation and so on. These advisors should not constitute a committee or organized body. 10. That we here -and now raise a supplementary fund, above the usual income of the Society, to put through the new work. Are there twenty persons and firms ready to contribute fifty dollars each? The contribution could be charged to the advertising appropriation oi the firm. Or are there ten persons and firms who will contribute fifty dollars and twenty who will contribute twenty-five dollars? Or are there one hundred who will give ten dollars? Aside from these suggestions let me call attention to certain resolutions adopted at the Columbus meeting, on the recom- mendation of the Lake Committee, and which have not yet been carried out so far as I know. They are printed on page 112 of the last Report. There are five of these resolutions needing at- tention : on the conduct of fruit shows ; statement on condition of commercial fruit-growing in United States and Canada ; en- couraging of students' judging competitions ; the offering of prizes i'5 in plate apples; inquiry into cost of producing apples. Atten- tion should also be called to the excellent suggestions contained in the Report of Professor Lake, retiring Secretary, printed on page 115. The Convention is now before you. I trust it will be satis- factory to you, and inspiring. I hope we shall set our faces toward the future, taking a long look. We cannot stand still. To make no progress is to admit defeat. The officers cannot carry the work alone. There must be a large and helpful mem- bership. The members must give as well as receive. We must be a working company. Let us keep constantly before us the three larger purposes of the Society. These purposes are : to encourage the produc- tion of more and better fruit; to increase the consumption of fruit ; to enable everyone to have greater joy and reward in the knowledge and the growing of fruits. Charles E. Greening (Monroe, Michigan): 1 move that we adopt the recommendations of the President's Address.. The President: May I make a suggestion — that inas- much as you want to take these recommendations up in detail, the motion be changed and that a committee be appointed to consider them, the motion being that a committee be appointed to dissect the President's Address. (This change was accepted, the motion seconded and unanimously carried). Charles E. Greening : I move that the President appoint a committee of three for this purpose. The President : It would be better to have them named from the floor. H. P. Gould ( Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.) : I move to amend the motion and that the Secretary appoint this committee. (The amendment was accepted, the amended motion sec- onded and unanimously carried.) The President: The appointments will be made later in the session. I do not know how many of the people here are members of the American Pomological Societv, but at all of these sessions i6 we want those who are not to make themselves known to the secretary — the handsome young man sitting over there. His name is Cruickshank — and he will take everything you have for the American Pomological Society. We shall now have the report of the Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. R. B. Cruickshank. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER This report is presented in full realization that the secretary has not been able to accomplish during the year any great part of the program laid out for his office at the last meeting. Cir- cumstances explained below and the impossibility of devoting to the work of the Society more than a small fraction of the time which it requires have interfered and kept tangible results below expectations. Finances — One of the purposes of the partial reorganiza- tion at the last meeting, was to interest financially in the So- ciety those industries allied to the business of fruit growing. The report in this connection is not as satisfactory as was hoped a year ago. A meeting of the executive committee was called in Chicago in January. At this time, plans were laid to approach members of these industries through the several persons on the executive committee, to begin a widespread campaign for mem- bership through the farm papers and through the literature issued by such allied interests as were in sympathy by means of membership application coupons. The business men on the committee were confident that a large sum for underwriting the expense of an extensive program could be raised and that a greatly increased membership of national distribution and pro- l)ortions could be ol^tained. However, before this work could be gotten underway, a conference of fruitgrowers was called for April in Chicago by the American Farm Bureau Federation. There immediately arose a question as to what this gathering would decide to do. and for fear there might be a conflict of action, it was felt ad- visable and necessary to allow our plans to rest until after that conference. 17 The executive committee met again the evening before and on the (lay of the fruitgrowers' conference. It appeared then that the new program of the American Pomological Society might in large measure be a duplication of v/hat was proposed in the resohitions adopted by the conference, and to show its interest in the movement, one of our members seconded the mo- tion for the appointment of a general fruit committee of 21 by the American Farm Bureau Federation. Efiforts to raise money through large subscriptions were again postponed. Meanwhile President Bailey had returned to the United States and another executive committee meeting was called and held in Toledo, July 26. Dr. Bailey was of the opinion that re- gardless of the probable program which might evolve from the American Farm Bureau Fruit Committee of 21. there was still a large field of useful endeavor for the American Pomological Society and that it could be placed in a position to give generous service to the fruit industry without interfering with or duplicat- ing the work of any other organization. With the loss then of eight months of valuable time, definite work began. Firms were written by both Mr. Stark and the sec- retary, asking not for actual donations, but for subscriptions which would be repaid if desired whenever the Society found itself in position to do so. The responses w-ere sympathetic, but in almost every case we were reminded of the present business depression, of the necessity for complete financial retrenchment and of the utter impossibility at the present time to help out. The exact results of the canvass are these. Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company of Louisiana, Mo., and The Hardie Manufacturing Company of Hudson, Mich., each gave $100.00, The Niagara Sprayer Company of Middleport, New York, gave $50.00 and the Package Sales Corporation of South Bend, Indiana, gave $200.00. None indicating a desire for re- turn of same. Many other concerns left themselves open to be approached again later, upon return of better business condi- tions. In addition, $1700.00 have been promised as a contribu- tion to a given working fund. Representatives of two business enterprises thought their firms would be willino^ to donate a small percentage of their profits towards the maintenance of a going 9 organization. The American Fruitgrower offered a full page in each issue for items concerning the Society. It appears that there are many allied businesses in the coun- try which see value in a strong, constantly functioning national or international organization to the fruitgrower and of course in- directly to themselves, and that they are ready under improved business circumstances and upon a reasonable state of readiness on the part of the American Pomological Society to underwrite it sufficiently to establish and equip a permanent office, without dictation by themselves. If but a little money has been collected, the past four months' effort seems to show that there is good promise of necessary funds. The complete financial report is herewith appended. The money received has been spent. It was spent with the idea of making it do the most to put the Society in position to progress. Membership — The roll of the Society now consists of 131 Life members, 297 Annual members, 36 Collegiate members, 2 Society members and 64 Institutional members, a total of 527. This is approximately what it was last year and, therefore, no increase is shown. The same circumstances which necessitated postponement of the financial campaign acted similarly against a big member- ship effort until late in the year. However, during the past few months, many of the State Horticultural Society members have been canvassed with the result that since August i, 200 of the 297 annual memberships have been received. This would seem to mean that members can be obtained if they are insistently followed through a whole year and with a program of service to the individual and to the industry. During the past year, approximately 12,000 pieces of mail have gone out from the office of the secretary. Much of this has been an attempt to acquaint growers with the work and proposed work of the Society. In addition, news items have ap- peared in agricultural and horticultural papers to the extent of over a million copies. This widespread advertising is certain to exert a pulling force and gradually to increase the membership if properly fol- lowed up. The circulation manager of a national fruit paper estimated that 100,000 members could be obtained at a cost of $T.oo each. 19 Once begun with sufficient financial foundation, tliere is every reason to believe that the Society could l)e developed into a strong factor in the pomological world. Publications — During the year, the Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth meeting at St. Louis and the Thirty-seventh meet- ing at Columbus were printed and distributed. Together with this, was issued the first Pomological Annual, most of the ma- terial for which was gathered bv former Secretary Lake. It comprised ninety pages of the volume. This feature has pos- sibilities of great value and interest to members of the Society. Late in the year, in an attempt to keep the members more frec^uently and more completely in touch with the policies and activities of the Society and to give them more definite service, your secretary began sending out monthly mimeographed letters. Three were issued. While far below their possibilities, judging from the responses received, they appeared to be welcome. At least, they served to put the Society in mind more or less regu- larly. Such letters, though not so attractive as a printed page, have the advantages of being less costly, of consuming less time in the secretary's office and of possessing a more personal at- mosphere. A sufficiently organized secretarial oftice could make of these a source of real pleasure and worth to members. They like to hear from headquartei s. The President's Proclamation, calling this convention into session, was printed and mailed to meml:)ers. to horticultural societies and to agricultural magazines. Obituary — The following deaths have been reported to me during the year : Mrs. Helen V. Austin, Richmond, Indiana, and Prince E. L. Odescalchi, Purser, Hungary, both life mem- Ijers; Mr. George W. Trowbridge, Glendale, Ohio, and Mr. George B. Thomas, West Chester, Pa., annual members. Awards — Silver Wilder Medals were sent to the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada, and to the Buckeye Nurs- eries, Tampa, Florida, the latter for the Temple Orange. Bronze Wilder Medals were sent to the New York x\gri- cultural Experiment Station, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Experiment Station, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, New England Fruit Show and Miss Elizabeth C. White, New Lisbon, New lersev. 20 A silver cup was given to the successful judging team of the Department of Horticulture of the Ohio State University. Silver medals were sent to Mr. A. L. Laisy and Mr. H. L. Geer, of Ohio and Massachusetts, respectively, as awards for their high scores in the judging contest at Columbus last year. In conclusion, your secretary is of the opinion that the American Pomological Society is in better position than it was a year ago. Its new policies are better defined, it has introduced itself to many thousands of fruitgrowers who previously had not heard of it, it has had widespread publicity which can be capi- talized, it has been promised the financial support of many busi- nesses allied to the fruit industry, it has had correspondence with all state horticultural societies and with a large number of fruit- growers cooperative associations, it has kept in close touch with its membership and has given considerable personal service to them, it has been stirring and has attracted attention to itself. Columbus, Ohio, December G, 1!)-21. R. B. Cruickshank, Secretary-Treasurer In account with the American Pomological Society. J92I March 1. To Cash. Received from L. R. Taft. . $608 Ml Dec. H. " 297 Annual Memberships... rm 00 " 1 Life Membership m 00 301 Collegiate Memberships 30 .V) " State Memberships 20 00 " " Institutional Membership... .-)0 00 n « Subscriptions 448 00 " Reports sold 53 10 " " Interest on Bonds 200 00 .12,054 51 Feb. 23. By Cash. Nov. 21. April F. E. Dillon. Stenographic Service, Columbus meeting |152 90 R. B. Cruickshank, Expense Office and Ex. Com. meeting, Chicago 19 10 Madge Guyton, Stenographic Service. 40 00 F. J. Heer Printing Co., Letterheads.. 25 00 9. 21. 22. May 4 June 1 20 July 1. 30 Augus 4 9. 12. Sept. 1. 23. 26. 80. Oct. 8. 20. 31. Nov. 3. 5. 11. 30 21 Mary E. Brown, Merchandise R. B. Cruickshank, Expense Office and Ex. Com. meeting, Chicago F. Cranefield, Expense Ex. Com. meeting, Chicago Madge Guyton, Stenographic Service Madge Guyton, Stenographic Service. H. M. Aldrich, Legal Opinion Madge Guyton. Stenographic Service Madge Guyton, Stenographic Service F. J. Heer Printing Co., Letter Heads Trafford Talmadge Agency Co., Premium on $10,000 Bond L. Roesch, Return on Overpayment of Dues Weinland, Kahle & Doud, Legal Service E. S. Welch, Return on Overpayment of Dues Frances Carlisle, Stenographic Service F. J. Heer Printing Co., Envelopes, Letter Heads, Paper F. J. Heer Printing Co., Envelopes for Report F. J. Heer Printing Co., Bill Heads.. Frances Carlisle, Stenographic Service Xantha Day, Stenographic Service... Simons Bros., Philadelphia, Wilder Medals and Cases Xantha Day, Stenographic Service... F. J. Heer Printing Co., Stamped Envelopes, Folder, Paper Frances Carlisle, Stenographic Service F. J. Heer Printing Co., Envelopes... Xantha Day, Stenographic Service... R. B. Cruickshank, Office Expense... Frances Carlisle, Stenographic Service F. J. Heer Printing Co., Annual Re- ports R. B. Powers , Ribbons (30 48 24 28 16 40 00 40 00 25 00 40 00 40 00 10 00 35 00 1 (M) 2 50 1 00 40 00 41 50 15 00 3 50 40 00 20 00 79 00 24 00 141 20 40 00 10 00 24 00 88 65 40 00 758 80 9 00 11,925 15 Cash to balance. $2,054 51 $1,925 15 129 36 $2,054 51 $2,054 51 22 Ex-treasurer Taft reported that his books showed a balance of $730.00 credited to the Life Membership fund, and that the receipts from the Wilder Medal fund had exceeded the outlay for medals by the sum of $499.20, but that it had been neces- sary to draw upon these funds to pay current bills. One new life membership has been added, making the total fund now $780.00. There were expended for Wilder Medals $79.00; re- ceipts were $40.00. This fund therefore stands reduced to $460.00. Res])ect fully submitted, R. B. Ckujckshank. Secretary-Treasurer. Columbus, ()., Dec. i, 192 1. The President: You have heard this report. It is in two parts as the office is now a secretaryship and treasurership. Whether you wish to do anything with the secretary's report more than to receive it, is for you to say. It is the usual custom to have an auditing committee appointed to go over the Treas- urer's books, and a motion to that effect would be in order. H. P. Gould: I move that an auditing committee of three he named by the Chair to go over the Treasurer's report. ( Motion seconded and carried. ) The president named : Charles E. Greening, Fred Johnson, J. E. Cochran. The President: We are now ready to adjourn this ses- sion. We are to be back here at two-thirty ready for a trip to the plant of the Rex Spray Company, and before that time we will have our afternoon session. The program calls for one o'clock, l)ut it has been suggested that this be made one-thirty, which will leave us an hour for our program. If there is no action to the contrary we will now adjourn to meet at one-thirty hy this clock. Any further business to come before this session? If not we will stand adjourned. W KDNESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION The Wednesday afternoon session was called to order at one- forty by the President, Dr. L. H. Bailey. The Prksidknt : Wc have one or two things left over from the morning session. One is the appointment of the committee to dissect the President's Address. This committee was to be appointed by Mr. Criiickshank. The Secretary: That committee will be: H. P. (jould. Washington, D. C. Frederic Cranefield, Madison. Wis. M. B. Davis, Ontario, Canada. The President: A committee was appointed this morning to audit the Treasurer's Report. No action was taken, however, in reference to the re]Kirt of the Secretary. Do you wish to ac- cept it ? Cl.\rk Allis (New York) : I move that the report of the Secretary be accepted. (Motion seconded and carried). The President : We have two numbers on the program this afternoon. Mr. H. C. Taylor of Washington is not able to be here, but his paper is in our hands. I think we ought to give Mr. Allis whatever time he wants, and I propose therefore to call on him first. Then if we have time before going to the plant of the Spra}' Company we shall have the other paper read. Mr. Clark Allis of New York will now read a paper on "Pure Fruit Juices." PURE FRUIT JUICES Clark Allis, Neiv York Mr. President and Fellow Members : I think perhaps in fairness to the victims I have before me that I should announce that I am a manufacturer of cider; I am also a fruit grower. I (23) 24 am very much interested in growing fruit, apples principally, and I think there is no field in the fruit industry that offers the chance that does the manufacture of the by-products of the apple. Perhaps I am a crank on that subject. I never drank cider until I began to make it myself. This short title does not sound like the biggest thing and the greatest opportunity that has ever come to any class of ordinary business. Very few, if any, realize that this one, demand, if catered to and encouraged, with a publicity campaign carried on in keeping with the magnitude of the fruit business, would take all the fruit juice we could make. A billion dollars does not make a loud noise any more, but a billion spent by Americans last year for so-called "soft" drinks would boom the fruit busi- ness so all the world would hear. Much of the soft drink business is but a left-over from the brewing and whiskey-making days and is the most prolific source of bootlegging and drink with over one-half of one per cent, that the prohibition officers have to handle. Most of the near- beers, pops, Bunco-Bunco and drinks with similar compound names that have such immense sales are absolutely worthless and dangerous. Dye stuffs, chemicals and drugs, with the addition of a small amount of saccharine and canal water, make a con- coction that is beautiful to look at, that sells readily, and is al- most all profit. Some of the most widely advertised drinks con- tain certain drugs that are Avorse than beer. Part of the brewers and makers of soft drinks are as unscrupulous as ever and are making a big drive against the largest manufacturer of grape juice because this manufacturer worked hard to make America dry. As a part of their contract with retailers they have this clause — that the retailer of pop, etc., shall not handle this brand of grape juice — and incidentally, any kind of fruit juice made from fruit. A noted doctor who is a manufacturer of lemon, orange and other bottled fruit juices, gave me to drink at his laboratory several brands of fruit juices, none of which had a particle of fruit juice in them. In many cases of children's diseases where doctors have advised fruit juices, parents have bought commer- cial fruit juice without knowing that it was made entirely of chemicals. 25 The bottlers of America in their annual convention passed resolutions against certain editors of farm papers who were urging that school children should be furnished free, or at cost, milk to drink. They boom their hellish business even at the ex- pense of children's health, and America will stand or fall on the health or illness of its children. Milk and fruit juices are Nature's complete foods. Constipation is called an American disease, but with the proper use of milk, fruit and fruit juices, the use of drugs and dope is not necessary. A vast amount of pop and dangerous drinks are always on sale where school chil- dren can get them and many parents do not know the harm such drinks do to the children. Ikey went home one day to find his wife ill and wanting a doctor. Ikey hurried to get one, and his wife liked the doctor so well that she had him every day. Ikey objected, but his wife could not exist without the doctor's daily visit. Finally Ikey sent home a barrel of apples. When he came home his wife said, "Ikey, some one, I guess the doctor, sent us a barrel of apples." "Oh, no," said Ikey, "I sent them. I read in a paper that 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' " Loganberry juice, with its exquisite aroma and taste is dis- tinctly a product of our great Northwest and one of which she may well be proud. Grape juice had long been a favorite with many people, but it took Bryan, the Boy Orator of the Platte and our perpetual candidate for President, to give it a deserved boom at Washing- ton. Practically all fruits furnish juice that makes drinks that are refreshing and valuable as aids to health - — currants and berries of all kinds. Orange juice has sprung into great popularity and all the citrus fruits are valuable for their juices. No home or table is furnished as it should be without some citrus fruits always on hand, and lemonade — say boy ! This would be a desert place indeed without lemonade, both hot and cold. I can remember in the olden days that I often faked a cold just to get a quart or two of hot lemonade, and we use lots of it the year around. I am a great lover of citrus fruits and never read any of the wonderful ads. their associations put out but what I say, "Go to it ! You have the goods." 26 In a recent campaign three thousand doctors have been writ- ten to as to the value of orange juice. I think so far all who have answered endorse it unreservedly. From Washington our Government is sending out floods of bulletins encouraging the use of citrus fruits. All this shows what a wonderful organiza- tion the citrut fruit growers have. I congratulate them and hope they continue to prosper. Up to the present time it has been im- possible to pasteurize any of the citrus juices and retain a good flavor and color. Many have tried, ]:)Ut the results have been dis- appointing. All that has gone before is but an introduction to the one fruit and its juice, whose glory shines so brightly and whose true merit and worth are so wonderful. Xo fruit can compare with it. Adam and Eve left Paradise and all its pleasures for a poor specimen of an apple, but what would they say now if they could but see and eat some of our luscious apples or have a drink of cider made from ripe, picked, sound apples — apples that are fresh from the trees with no rot, specks or dirt I Do you know how Queen Victoria took her pills? In side'er ( cider). The apple is the king of all fruit, and cider is the queen of all drinks. The nectar that the gods of old were so fond of was poor stufif compared with cider. For ages cider has been of such poor quality and usually hard, that it has been quite properly classed with the outlaws. But made as it should be, from good apples, bottled, capped and pasteurized at 140" to 145° long enough to destroy all the ferment germs, it is truly a drink fit for the best people on earth, the Americans, and my ambition is to make cider America's royal drink. Any process that will keep cider from working is all that is required, and pasteurization is the one usually followed. But one recipe is to get an 1. W. W'. to oversee the job — and the cider will never work — it is guaranteed never to work. (jrades and grading are drawbacks to apple growers, but with cider made as it should be, and all but the best grades of fruit made mto cider, apples would have a boom that would benefit the grower, the 'dealer and the consumer alike. The grower would not have so many barrels or boxes to sell and would receive more money. The dealer could say the packages 27 contained nothing but No. i fruit, and the consumer would al- ways be able to get high-class fruit. Until recently the United States Department of Agriculture has advised pasteurizing cider at 1/5°. This is entirely too high a temperature to use. as some kinds of apples have juice that changes flavor at 140''"'. All manufacturers of Ijottled cider that I know have been after a clear cider that deposits no sediment after standing. They have produced a clear liquid almost like water. They have refined cider to death. A filter should be used that leaves a cloudy, natural-colored cider. The sediment, which is pectin, easily shakes into suspension again and is what gives the cider its fine flavor. ■'Liquid apple" should be a standard product and everyone should ask for cider or apple juice instead of pop, Coca-Cola, etc. The International Apple Dealers' Association and other as- sociations are readv to help in a campaign of this sort. Coopera- tive packing associations everywhere should back this movement to dispose of many of the apples now shipped in barrels and boxes. Cider can be made in vears when apples are cheap, and held over until the following year or years. Cider sells well in the summert-me, and this would help the apple business the year around. Publicity, a nation.-wide campaign, and every grower a booster, would do this. Doctor Bates, the great Indian expert at Cornell University. attended church on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation. He and Hen Hawk, an Indian Ijrave, were asked how the}^ liked the sermon — an eloquent sermon on Adam and Eve — the sin of eating the apple, what might have been, etc., etc.. etc. Doctor Bates of course praised the sermon, but when the minister tried to get praise from Hen Hawk he only grunted. Finally the min- ister urged Hen Hawk so hard that he said, "Adam damn fool." The minister wa^ horrified to hear Hen Hawk swear, l^ut asked him what he would have done with the apple, to which Hen Hawk replied, "Made cider.'" Legislation is necessary to check the flood of soft drinks now being sold. Every bottle should l)e branded as to its con- tents and as to the [)urity of the water it contains. The Pure Food law covers ]:)art of this, but it is not strict enough. ^lany 28 of the brands now being sold should be prohibited entirely. Nothing will help the sale of fruit juices as much as making public the "dope" that soft drinks are made from. It is some job, but each and everyone should do his part. "Up, men, and at 'em!" The President : This interesting paper is l^efore you for consideration and discussion, presented by one of the substantial fruit growers of western New York who is well known to all oi us. Are there any questions? A Member: I want to ask about the length of time to hold it. Clark Allis : When you get it to 140° hold it for one hour. But never let it get beyond 140° or 145° C. A. Bingham (Cleveland, Ohio) : I would like to ex- press my appreciation of this paper. I realize thoroughly the great business that can be done in bottling good fruit juices, be- cause I know a gentleman who had made himself an income of over $100 a day from the drink they call "Whistle." And he made a very small initial investment. His brother-in-law told me that when he died, at the age of about forty-five, he had an income of $100 a day. The President : You may not all know it, but the person who just sat down is Dr. C. A. Bingham, President of the Ohio State Horticultural Society, one of the members of the Executive Committee of this Society, and a practicing physician of many years' standing. We have time enough to hear the other paper on the pro- gram, by Dr. H. C. Taylor. Unfortunately, Dr. Taylor cannot be with us, but Mr. H. P. Gould, of the Department of Agri- culture at Washington, is here and will read the paper, on "Economic Work of the United States Department of Agricul- ture in Connection with Pomology." Lest there be confusion, let me say that this is Dr. H. C. Taylor, not Dr. William A. Taylor, Chief of .the Bureau of Plant Industry, who was for some years the Secretary of this Society. 29 ECONOMIC WORK OF THE UNITED STATES DE- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE IN CONNEC- TION WITH POMOLOGY Dr. H. C. Taylor, Chief, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates, U. S. D. A. The work of the Department of Agriculture having a vital relation to the economic advancement of pomology has many phases and is scattered through many offices in several bureaus of the Department. The field of pomological research is of major importance in such bureaus as Plant Industry, Markets, Chemistry and Entomology. Even the W^eather Bureau and Bureau of Forestry are concerned with problems that contribute in some vital respect to the well-being and progress of pomology. But ina-much as members of this Society are already well ac- quainted with much of the work conducted by the Bureau of Plant Industry, always ably represented at your meetings, and probably to a certain extent with the other lines in the other ofifices, it seems safe to assume that you expected in this paper special consideration of the economic work of a marketing nature. Standardization. — Fundamental to all of our economic marketing work with fruits is the work relating to standardiza- tion. In the process of developing each of our other lines we have come squarely up against the necessity for more general and just recognition of standards now in use, for further de- \elopment of standards and education regarding their purposes and use, to the end that we may have a generally recognized basis for buying and selling, a common language understood by contracting parties, a definite standard of quality upon which values may be tixed and quotations and determinations made. Experience has shown that products which are sold by grade more readily find a market, bring better prices, and are marketed at less expense than those which are not so graded. The ship- ment of poor quality and ungraded commodities causes great losses and has a depressing eflfect upon prices of the good as well as the poor products. A great many fruits and vegetables are shipped to market whose value does not warrant the payment of the freight charges. This poor fruit occupies valuable space in 30 cars and not only results in a loss upon arrival at destination, but lowers the value of the good fruit with which it is often mixed. Chiefly as a result of the work of the Department of Agri- culture mandatory standards have been promulgated for several staples and ])erniissive and tentative standards have been de- velo})ccl for various vegetables and fruits. The Department was able to be of considerable service to Congress in preparing the Standard Container Act and other standardization legislation now pending, and has had sole cliarge of the administration of the Standard Container Act. the enforcement of which is largely a matter of education. A Farmers' Bulletin dealing chiefly with much of our work of standardization has been issued. An article in the last Yearbook of the Department gives a popular review of the progress of standardization to date. Crop and Market News Scr7'icc. — The Department of Agriculture is making vigorous efforts to place the market news and trade information in its possession within the reach of all sellers and buyers whether they be farmers, dealers or ultimate consumers. The development of a nation-wide market news service, especially on vegetables and fruits, was one of the most insistent demands of the public when the Bureau of Markets was organized in 19 13. Naturally the people at large were en- tirely uninformed regarding • the complexity and magnitude of such an undertaking and had little idea of the expense involved in such a service. One of the first lines of work drafted and- pursued by the Bureau of Markets was the investigation of the practicability, methods and costs of a general market news service on perishables, and by 191 5 an experimental market news service on specified perishable commodities was in active opera- tion. During the war this service reached large proportions and was trvdy nation-wide in a very real sense. Curtailed appropria- tions have necessarily meant a curtailment of the work but in all reductions of the service the national aspect has l)een kept in mind and the essentials for such a framework have been retained in so far as possible. Whenever serious consideration is given to the complex and intricate prol^lems of marketing and distributing farm products, the need for prompt and accurate market information at every stage in the process is quickly manifested. This is especially true in tlie marketing of such highly perishable 31 products as fruits and vt-getables. If all parties to a commercial transaction are correctl}- informed with reference to the main conditions and circumstances surrounding the transaction, the possibilities for misunderstandings, misrepresentations, and un- fair practices are greatly minimized. This is particularly ap- plicable in the merchandizing of goods when the seller is hun- dreds of miles away from the buyer. If the buyer does not have dependable information regarding supply, movement, demand, and price, he is at a disadvantage. If the seller — the farmer or his agent — does not know the prices in the big markets ; if he does not have reliable information regarding supplies, movement, demand and weather conditions in the markets and other ship- ping districts competing with him he is at a disadvantage. When these conditions prevail, suspicion arises, confidence is destroyed, and unfair practices are indulged in by the unscrupulous. The circulation and dissemination of market information will not correct all these things, but it will go far toward allaying suspicion, establishing confidence, and in l)ringing about a better basis for common understanding. Its educational advantages to the farmer in particular are obvious. It demonstrates to him that he must know liis markets ; that he must be able to sell as well as to produce. A market report must be more than a report of prices. It must descrilie weather conditions for the weather is an important factor in marketing fruits and vegetables. It must show sup- plies moving to market, supported by production data. It must indicate the trend of demand and movement. It should describe the products sold or shipped according to definite grade and con- tainer so that a common language will be used by both buyer and seller. It is difficult to report market conditions when the products are not standardized as to grade and container. Com- prehensive market reporting has given an impetus to standardiza- tion work. There is now an unprecedented interest in standardi- zation activities by State and Federal agencies. The methods followed in collecting, compiling and dis- seminating this information are too detailed to be described here. Sufficient to say that earnest efiforts are made to make the service of the greatest practical benefit. Important reports on certain fruit crops showing condition during growing seasons, the prospective production, and later the 32 total production, are made available periodically by the Depart- ment. Perishables are so susceptible to the weather that these reports of conditions often show decided change in crop pros- pects from week to week and are awaited with much interest by the trade. Special reports on the commercial fruit crops were rendered for several years prior to 1920 but are temporarily sus- pended for lack of funds. Through our foreign information service we are able to keep in touch to a considerable extent with export conditions as they relate to fruits as well as other commodities. Press ma- terial and Department circulars have been issued intended to carry to the public the results of some of our studies regarding foreign outlets for fruits. As a result of the crop and news service work in the De- partment, many valuable statistics have been gathered day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year. Many of these statistics have recently been compiled, tabulated and averaged and made available through a Department l)ulletin en- titled Market Statistics. Cost. — Cost and accounting studies under way in the De- partment have included fruits. Cost of production studies have included apples in New York and in the West and citrus fruits in Florida. Accounting systems for fruit associations have been worked out and are now in process of revision after being tried out under actual conditions. Accounting records for sampling apples by weight have been worked out for the packing houses of the Northwest that needed the system. Hcmdling, Transportation and Storage. — Much progress has been made in the prevention of waste in the handling, trans- portation and storage of fruits and vegetables. All the effort and expense that go into the production of a fruit crop .for market may be largely wasted unless it can be transported to the mar- ket in sound, edible condition. The investigations of the factors influencing the keeping qualities of fruits and vegetables in transit and storage have pointed out why careful handling and refrigeration in transit reduce the losses from deterioration and decay of these products during their transportation and distribu- tion in the markets. Careful studies of the precooling of fruits and vegetables have led to the installation of many precooling plants in producing districts whfch have contributed to the elimi- 33 nation of waste in transportation. During the last five years extensive investigations iiave been made by the Department to determine the factors influencing the efficiency of refrigerator cars. Verv definite improvements in the type of this equipment have been worked out with the cooperation of the fruit growers, shipper and the carriers. Many of these improved cars are being built by the railroads of this country to replace old and obsolete equipment. The refrigerator cars of this type are capable of transporting fresh fruits and vegetables to distant markets with a minimum of loss from spoilage and deterioration in transit. Better methods of applying refrigeration and ventilation for the safe and economical transportation of these products are being studied and improved methods worked out and widely demon- strated. The causes of poor keeping quality of fruits and vegetables in storage are being studied and many of the destructive diseases and other troubles affecting these products in storage are being brought under control through proper methods of handling, and by determining the most favoral)!e temperature, humidity and air conditions which effect the storage life of perishable products. The Department is called upon to assist fruit growers and ship- pers in the building of efficient storage houses, based on the find- ings of its investigations. Assistance has beeen given in the building of several thousand storage houses for apples, pears, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes and other fruits and vegetables. Market Inspection of Perishable Products. — Inspection of perishables at the market is sought l:)y the shipper that he may know the condition of the goods if they arrive unsold. It is sought by the city buyer or receiver when he feels that the goods received are for any reason less valuable than he had a right to expect. Market inspection is not sanitary inspection, nor c[uarantine inspection nor regulatory inspection. Market inspection is a service rendered to aid in merchandizing the goods inspected. If this service is to be of real value it must be technically efficient and thoroughly impartial. Public sentiment in America will credit none but an official agency with a combination of these qualities. Therefore, Congress authorizes the Department of Agriculture to sell the services of men trained for this purpose. 34 in the principal terminal markets of the country. With the service thus instituted private enterprise has made no effort to compete. Inspection under the Food Products Inspection Law, first effective in 191 7, may involve any fact, condition, or cjuaHty which affects value. It may be invoked by any party interested in or having custody of the products. It is forced upon no one. A fee is charged which approximately covers the cost of the service and a certificate is issued setting forth in detail all the facts discovered which affect the value of the goods. Congress has made this certificate prima facie evidence in all United States courts as to the true grade, quality or condition of the products when inspected. As a result the certificate is usually made the basis of settlement out of court. Market inspection may be desired to determine grade, quantity, quality or condition, or twO' or more of them. Larger and larger volumes of fruits and vegetables are offered or con- tracted for on the basis of grade. When deliveries are made the receiver, if the market is declining, is anxious to secure a concession from the contract price and will often challenge the grade of the goods on the slightest pretext. The boxed apple crop of the Northwest and a large part of the potato crop are sold on grade. The volume of these products is enormous and the number of honest controversies over the question in grade is large. The question of quantity may be raised on account of breakage, slack or improperly filled packages, excessive shrink- age caused by evaporation or decay, or caused by pilfering en route to market. Inspections for quality usually involve grade but are often requested on products for which no grades are established. The controversy or complaint may involve maturity, color, freshness, flavor, odor, texture, freezing or any factor which by injuring the character of the product tends to reduce its market value. Inspection for condition is likely to be asked when perish- ables arrive with many packages broken and the contents of the car disarranged and injured by rough handling on the road. Im- proper loading and the use of frail containers are frequent reasons for arrivals in bad mechanical condition. General deterioration, however, may result from deficient refrigeration. 35 improper ventilation, delays in transit, freezing, general disease infection and many other causes. The economic value of the inspection service is seen in the fact that it expedites and renders safe transactions based upon standard grades and also provides expeditious machinery for the impartial determination of the facts tipon which prompt set- tlement can be based in cases where the goods delivered are not exactly what the purchaser had a right to expect. In many cases also fault may lie with the common carrier, and many of the railroad companies are making the inspection reports the basis of judgment in cases where loss and damage claims are filed by the shippers of perishables. The Office of Fruit-Disease Investigations in the Bureau of Plant Industry cooperates closely with the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates in this inspection service, by identifying the fruit diseases on the market, investigating the cause and spoilage of fruits on the market and giving advice and instruction to the inspectors on matters, pertaining to fruit pathology. Other im- l)ortant lines of work conducted by that office are probably al- ready known to you, as it has contintied for years the investiga- tions relating to the diseases of fruits and fruit trees, including citrus and subtropical fruit diseases, the diseases of cultivated nuts and the grape, cranberry, and small-fruit diseases. In the fruit utilization investigations of the Department, better methods are being developed for the caniiing, preserving and dehydration of fruits that products which would otherwise be wasted may be utilized for food purposes. The discovery of new and promising fruits, the improvement of varieties by selec- tion and breeding and the introduction and propagation of the most valuable fruits of other lands, has been an interesting and highly productive work of the Department. In fact, much more has been attempted and accomplished in the study of production problems than in the equally important field of distribution and. marketing. As you are aware, scientific study of marketing may be said to have had its beginning in 1900 when the U. S. Industrial Commission called attention to the need for intelligent analysis of the marketing problem. Even with this impetus to study, scientific investigations in this field were slow to develop even among agricultural research workers 36 until the Federal Government took action in 191 3, resulting in the organization of the Bureau of Markets. Economic conditions today, however, force the Nation to an acute consciousness of the necessity for pushing such work with vigor and determination. We have been laying the foundations for safe building; we must press on with practical and construc- tive work, accompanied by close study of economic forces and of changing economic conditions. > Dr. L. H. BAILl-:^• : I am sure you will all agree that this is a very valuable paper, setting forth as it^does this particular work of the United States Department of Agriculture. This subject takes on a particular interest just now in view of certain state- ments in the address by President Harding before Congress yes- terday. He said he was shocked to learn — as it is shocking to all of us — that it is more profitable to raise nine billion bales of cotton than to raise thirteen billion bales (my denominations may not be exact) ; that it is more profitable to raise seven hundred million bushels of wheat than to raise one billion bushels ; and yet there are persons everywhere greatly in need of fabrics and also in need of bread. He brings out the fact very strongly that there are great deficiencies in our distributing and marketing systems whereby these goods must be sold. But to me the significance of these statements has another very important bearing — it constantly suggests to a man that three-fourths of his produc- tion is at the expense of four-fourths of his elTort. It is important that every man and every woman in a re- public put forth the best effort of which they are capable. It is the only way whereby we can become the best type of citizen, and certainly there must he something radically wrong in any situation that does not give to a man the projjer reward for the expenditure of all his efforts. Every statement, therefore, that has any bearing upon this general question of marketing and distribution and selling is of great importance to us, not only as fruit-growers and those interested in getting a return on our investment, Init also to bring to us as citizens that we must de- velop that type of effort that will allow a person to put forth the best effort of which lie is capable and receive a return for the Avhole of it. 37 Is there any further discussion of this paper? F. P. Downing (South Bend, Indiana) : I am particularly interested in this paper by Doctor Taylor, probably because I was formerly associated with that Department. While we are in the employ of the Department we cannot have anything to say, but now that I am out I want to say just a word to the fruit growers here. The work of the Bureau of Markets is something in which you as individuals and through your Society should be very much interested. This paper has very briefly told the various lines of activity of the Bureau of Markets — the work in reference to the marketing of surplus, the work in reference to the standardi- zation of fruits and vegetables, and that referring to the inspec- tion of fruits and vegetables. These three lines of activity should receive the undivided support of every fruit grower. It is ab- solutely to your interest to read these market reports yourself and to make use of this inspection service, because by it you can re- ceive protection in the large markets of the country. There are of course certain interests that are opposed to inspection, and they are lobbying against this work. When the Committee on Agriculture holds its meetings there are very few fruit growers there to take a stand for the things they want — but the other fellows are there. Let us hope that this Limitations Conference now meeting in Washington will be successful, and that when they accom- plish their purpose we may get at least a portion of that money saved for the development of these activities that are being car- ried on by the Department of Agriculture — things that ar^ worth while. Gentlemen, I think there is one place where this Society, through its efforts in a national way, and through good legisla- tion, can do a decidedly good work. That is one place where by oro-anizing you can get together and send someone down there, or even through your own State Associations, you can voice your desires in this matter. It seems to me that this matter should receive careful consideration. The President: There is one phase of this question brought out by the last speaker that seems to me very significant — that if we are to save vast sums in the expenditure for arma- ments, not all that money should be saved ultimately to the tax- 38 payer, but should be put into constructive lines of effort. When you come to consider what a small proportion of public expendi- ture really does represent constructive effort, it is almost alarm- ing, and if we can deflect a good part of the expenditure for armament mto constructive channels it will make vastly for the happiness and health of the country. Is there anything further to be said on this paper? The time has about come to adjourn. There is no regular program for this evening, but tomorrow evening there will be a program in the form of a get-together supper. Full arrangements for this have not been made, but they will be announced. T hope you are all planning to be free tomorrow evening so that we may get together in an informal social way. This evening at seven-thirty I should like to have a meeting of the Executive Committee at the Hotel Secor. This Committee is not desirous of holding secret sessions, and if any persons connected with the Society desire to drop in and take part in any of the discussions of plans and policies which may be there suggested, we should be very glad to have them come. Bear in mind that you are welcome to come if you desire to do so, for the Executive Committee is your committee. I hope you will be here promptly tomorrow morning when we will discuss the situation and the policies which obtain in the different parts of the country. This meeting is not large — al- though I can say frankly that it is larger than I at first expected. But I am particularly impressed with the number of young per- sons in the room. There was a time — many of the older mem- l)ers will remember it — fifteen or twenty years ago, when at the farmers' meetings you saw only graybeards ; the young men were not going into the agricultural enterprises to any extent. Now in the meetings of stock growers, farmers, fruit growers, you see the young men coming forward. It augurs well for the future. The larger numl^er of persons before me are young men, and as one of the older men I wish to say that we are especially pleased to have them, and we hope they will not feel that be- cause some of us are older in years, they are therefore debarred from getting on their feet and saying what they think. I re- member when as a lad I met with the American Pomological Society and had the privilege of the floor. I trust it will seem the same honor to these young men that it did to me. It is a great 39 privilege to inherit the traditions of the old Society, to know- something of the men who have iDeen at its head — Wilder. Berckman, Hale, Watrous. Goodman, Hutt- — I have known them all — and the continuing welfare of the Society will depend upon these young people who will carry forward these traditions. I think I am the only one in the room who participated in these old traditions. I am sorry for it, but glad I had the privilege. Before we adjourn I wish to say that we should have a Nominating Committee. Other committees will be appointed to- morrow, but I think the Nominating Committee should be ap- pointed today. The election will not take place until the close of the program, but this committee should be at work. H. P. Gould: I move that a Nominating Committee of three be named by the Chair. (Motion seconded and carrried). The President : I will name on that committee : Clark Allis, New York; \\\ C. Reed, Indiana; M. B. Davis. Ontario. We will now stand adjourned until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. TRIP TO PLANT OF THE TOLEDO REX SPRAY CO. The fruit growers attending the meeting were especially in- terested in the privilege extended for a trip to and through the plant of The Toledo Rex Spray Company. First they were shown through the plant where they were producing Spraydried Lime-Stilphur Powder and which was a very interesting experience. In this Plant, the full strength solu- tion is sprayed into a closed, heated room, the temperature in that room being maintained at uniform heat, the solution being sprayed in at different points near the top of the room, and by the time that fine mist gets down to the bottom, the moisture has all been taken away from it and the powdered material falls into hoppers in the bottom of which there is a conveyor which carries it directly to the packages without further exposure to air. After being shown all through that plant they were taken through the Lime-Sulphur Solution plant, then all through the Arsenate of Lead Plant, and finally into the Laboratory, which is located on the second floor of the Arsenate of Lead Plant, and 40 there the fruit growers listened to a very interesting address by Dr. O. F. Hedenburg of the Mellon Institute of Industrial Re- search, Pittsburgh, Pa. His talk was on the subject: "Importance of Quality," is summarized as follows : Argentine Republic recently bought 85 locomotives for $6,- 500,000.00 from a United States concern disregarding a 25% lower price by a German concern. Butter and apples, of high quality, are more desirable, demand a higher price, and find a ready market. Pure bred stock in being developed more each year because of the quality. Desirable features in anything mean higher quality. High quality in Lead Arsenate has been sought for by many manufacturers and others. The REX Spray Companies founded a Research Bureau, five years ago at the Mellon Institute of In- dustrial Research, Pittsburgh, Pa., to develop new products for them and to improve all products to a high degree of quality. Apart from total and soluble Arsenic in Lead Arsenate, covering power and adhesion, are qualities that are highly de- sirable. Ordinary Lead Arsenate does not cover nor adhere so well as desired. A product has been developed for the REX people, at the Mellon Institute, which has all the desirable features required for spraying and this product is now being used in all parts of the United States and Canada. It is prepared by combining with the Dry Powdered Lead Arsenate a small quantity of a special colloid which gives the Lead Arsenate improved covering, spreading and adhesive qualities. This colloid is not an im- purity but a component part of an improved product. Carbon, vanadium, chromium and molybdenum are not impurities in the steels to which they impart new qualities but are necessary com- ponents to produce a desired result. Starch in baking powder is not an impurity but a necessary component. This colloid im- proves the suspension of the Lead Arsenate in water by causing the aggregations of particles to be deflocculatecl into separate particles. As a result, the Lead Arsenate is given greater cover- ing, spreading and adhesive properties. The surface of foliage will be covered with a more uniform covering of single minute particles instead of a deposit of aggregations of particles with uncovered spaces between the aggregations. The colloid causes 41 the particles of Lead Arsenate to adhere to a surface so that they are not washed off by flowing water. When the deposit of Lead Arsenate is dried on foHage and fruit it remains there after heavy rains have fallen. Ordinary Lead Arsenate would not re- main under these conditions. Whereas, ordinary Lead Arsenate when combined with Lime-sulphur for summer spray is black- ened and coagulated, the Lead Arsenate in this product contain- ing this special colloid is not coagulated by Lime-Sulphur, but re- mains finely divided and is colored only a light grayish brown. The Lead Arsenate in this product will, therefore, also have im- proved covering power when used with Lime-Sulphur. Many spraying experiments have proved the superiority of this product when compared with ordinary Lead Arsenate. Of- ficial tests made under direct supervision of State Experiment Station men during the past year have shown that this product gave a considerable percentage more of sound fruit. Li Illinois, an experiment was carried on, without the REX people knowing anything about it, and in their experimental orchard at Plain- view, results as taken from the printed annual report of the Illinois Horticultural Society, (1920, Page 174), show as follows : Standard Arsenate NuREXform of Lead Number of apples 624 687 Number sound 81% 70% Codling Moth 3% 6% Stings 3% 8% Curculio 4% 6% Scab 10% Ibfo Other diseases 1% 1% This table shows that NuREXform gave 11% better control than the old form Arsenates of Lead. Fruit growers in order to protect and advance their own best interests from a dollar and cent or profit-paying standpoint must hereafter give more consideration to quality and less consideration to a little difference in price. For instance, the test above referred to shows 11% better control from using the im- proved quality product. 42 Figuring apples at $i.oo per bushel, the matter figures out as follows : 1% better control makes the improved product worth 30c more per pound to the user. 2% better control makes the improved product worth 60c more per pound to the user. 3% better control makes the improved product worth 90c more per pound to the user. 10% better control makes the improved product worth $3.00 more per pound to the user. THURSDAY MORNING SESSION The Thursday morning session was called to order at nine forty-five by the President, Dr. L. H. Bailey. The President: This morning is to be devoted, as you will see, to regional reports on conditions and outlook — etc. Not all of these persons are here, but their reports are in the hands of the Secretary, and we have enough for a full session this morning. I will call first for the report of Mr. H. P. Gould, of the United States Department of Agriculture. AN ANALYSIS OF SOME OF THE CENSUS FIGURES ON FRUIT TREES H. P. Gould, U. S. D. A. For the past week or ten days I have been spending con- siderable time trying to find out something about what the census figures on fruits really mean. While census figures are not of themselves untrue, one can prove almost anything by them if he only goes at it in the right w^ay. There are certain outstanding facts which I think may not be without interest to those of you who have not been following the census summaries as they have come out from time to time. There are some surprises — to me at least — as well as some things which on their face, if taken as they stand, are de- cidedly striking. One of these striking things, taken as a bare statement, is that, as oi January i, 1920, there were in round numbers 65,670,000 fewer apple trees in the United States than ten years before. Xow a loss of sixty-five million apple trees and more, in ten years is no small thing ! That loss is divided between bearing and non-bearing trees approximately as follows : 36,000,000 bearing trees, and 29,620,000 non-bearing trees. The census of 1910 showed 65,790,000 trees of non-bearing age, while (43) 44 the census of 1920 shows only about 36,000,000 trees not of bearing age. Bearing and* non-bearing trees taken together were in 1 9 10: 217,000,000; in 1920, 151,000,000. Referring to bearing trees, there are eighteen states which show an increase in the number of trees as compared with 1910. These instances range in number from 8,000 in Arizona and i'),- 000 in North Dakota, to ahnost 5,000,000 in Washington. Other States show, of course, some heavy losses. I was interested in trying to discover where these gains and losses were, because after all, the gains and losses are relative in importance, those in some States making very little difference. For instance, losses in such States as Florida and Louisiana, Nevada and Wyoming, and some others, would have no real significance so far as the apple industry is concerned, and I think I can show you that even large losses in certain apple-producing States do not have the commercial significance that the bare statement of the fact might suggest. So far as gains are concerned, in trees of non-bearing age, T was interested to notice that there has been slight increases in all of the New England States except Maine, and in Massa- chusetts the gain was something like four millions. In Maine there was a loss of a half million trees, but that still leaves more than a half million not of bearing age in that State. There are gains also in non-bearing trees in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, as compared with 19 10. Then there have been quite appreciable losses in non-bearing trees, as compared with 1910, in Illinois, Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, Washington, Texas, and some other States. Now let us see what these losses mean. For instance, in Texas, which is not a heavy apple-producing State, there were in 1910, 1,100,000 apple trees not of bearing age. In 1920, that number was re-, duced to 236.000. Montana in 1910 had 1,300.000; in 1920 that number was reduced to 69,000. The census figures do not tell all of the story by a long ways as to what has happened in that state. It was during the census decade that the great promotion development in the planting of apple trees occurred in western Montana. It reached its peak and was well started on its decline within this period. The decline is suggested by the relatively small number of non-bearing trees in 1910 but the maximum 45 number was undoubtedly much greater about 191 3 or 1914 than is suggested even by the large number reported in 1910. In Oregon, in 1910, there were 2,240,000 trees not of bear- ing age; in 1920, a half million. You will notice there have been some very decided reductions in some of these apple-producing States. In that number would he Washington, Oregon, Ar- kansas, Iowa and Illinois. Of course the trees reported as of non-bearing age in 19 10 were included in the number bearing in 1920. That the number of non-bearing age should be apprecia- bly smaller in 1920 as compared with 1910 is but natural; it re- flects the influence of World War conditions, high prices, scarcity of labor, etc. I will run over hastily a part of the figures in some of the important apple producing States, because even there heavy losses in the important commercial producing sections may not mean, from a commercial standpoint, just what the bare figures might suggest: In Arkansas, in 1920, there were 3,575,000 few- er trees of bearing age than ten years before. About 2,970,000. or all except some 600,000 of this number (3,575,000) were in Benton and Washington counties. These are the two largest apple producing counties in Arkansas. But even such losses as these do not necessarily mean very much in terms of actual ap- ple production. In both Arkansas and Missouri the census figures, as in the case of Montana, do not tell all the story by a long ways, \^^lat was going on between the years in which the census figures were compiled, is not shown. This is true especially of the Ozark region. The crest of the wave of ex- tensive planting was reached early in the census decade. Every- body, nearly planted an orchard. Many without previous ex- perience planted 40, 60 or perhaps 120 acres to apples. Under such circumstances, fatal mistakes in the selection of sites, in the care of the trees and in other ways, was inevitable and failure was certain from the beginning. As a result of these conditions, hundreds of acres, once in trees, were never included in a census enumerator's record of trees in bearing, because they were planted and in turn dug up before the enumerator got around in his decennial visits. But thousands of the trees included in the decreases shown in the census figures represented trees planted on impossible sites or which for other reasons never possessed any potential value in terms of commercial production. In other 46 words, the decrease shown does not necessarily represent any decrease in the actual apple producing capacity of the States. This applies elsewhere as well as it does in the Ozark region. In California there was a gain in the number of bearing trees during the decade in question of 645,000, not a great num- ber for so large a State, but yet these figures have quite a lot of significance, because they include, among other things, the de- velopment of at least one new and rather promising apple area — the Yucaipa district in San Bernardino county. There was a gain in Sonoma county of 270,000, in San Bernardino county of 208,000, and in Riverside county of 97,000 trees. In Colorado the gain is 89,000 in bearing trees, but in non- bearing trees, a loss of nearly 1,800,000 trees, compared with the number in 19 10. Relatively speaking, the gain in bearing trees in Colorado is small, but on referring to the report of the census by counties some rather striking facts appear. In the three most important apple-producing counties of the state there were increases as follows : In Fremont County, 65,000 ; in Delta County, 117,000, and in Mesa County, 130,000, — a total of 312,- 000 trees for these counties. Note that for the state the net in- crease was only 89,000. There were appreciable gains in the three most important apple-producing counties, but there were evidently losses in the relatively small apple-producing counties which largely offset these gains. It may be questioned whether these losses affect the commercial crop in any appreciable degree. In Delaware there is a gain of 386,000 in bearing trees and that gain means relatively quite a lot, the increase being from 430,000 in 1910 to 816,000 in 1920. By counties, 289,000 in Kent; 91,000 in Sussex; 5,000 in New Castle, all in round numbers. In Idaho the gain in bearing trees was 1,375,000 trees. I was surprised at this. In some sections of Idaho where the early plantings represented promotion developments, the orchards have ceased to be, and the land has been planted to potatoes, alfalfa and other crops. These figures (1,375,000) show a gain in actual numbers from 1,005,000 in 1910, to 2,380,000 in 1920. It is not possible to make a comparison by counties in Idaho, be- cause during the last ten years the county lines have been much changed and a number of new counties have been created. The 47 gains, however, are mostly in the Fayette and Snake River Valleys. In Illinois we have to talk al^out losses, because that State shows in the decade, not gains, but losses of 4,800,000 trees of liearing age, and some of this heavy loss has occurred in some of the heavy apple-producing counties. Just what that means in potential production I do not know, but there are many counties in the State which show losses of from 50,000 to 75,000 trees. I might digress here to say that a loss of 75,000 or 100,000 or even 200,000 bearing trees in a county does not necessarily mean that there is a loss in commercial production, as I had oc- casion to realize a number of years ago when I was sent into a county in northeast Indiana. I knew nothing about the county, but looking at the census figures it seemed as though there ought to be quite a lot of apple-growing there. If I remember correct- ly about 150,000 trees of bearing age were reported by the last census then made, but when I got into the county and tried to find the orchards and the people who operated them, not a com- mercial planting could be located. The number of trees reported was made up of ?mall home orchards that were without commer- cial significance. In Kansas the loss is 5,400,000, or a reduction from 6,900.- 000 in 19 10 to 1,500,000 in 1920. I have no county figures at this time for Kansas, but I think that must mean some heavy losses in the commercial counties as well as in some that do not figure very much in the commercial estimates. In Maryland there was a gain of 363,000, the gains being mostly in the Blue Ridge region and in the western part of the State. The largest county gain ( 161,000) was by Washington County. In New Jersey the gain was 96,000. The situation there is not unlike Colorado with reference to the meaning of the figures. Burlington County has lost 94,000, while the net gain for the State is only 96,000. Burlington County has also 228,000 trees not of bearing age. Gloucester County has a gain of 41,000 trees of bearing age. This means of course heavy losses in other counties. Missouri, so far as census figures go. shows by far the heaviest loss in trees of bearing age — something over 9,000,000 trees, the reduction being from 14,397,000 in 1910 to 5,160,000 in 48 1920. I have no county figures — at least I did not undertake to work out the county comparisons ; but these losses occur quite largely in the (Jzark region, and as I said in the beginning, the census figures do not tell all the story, because I have no doubt there was a considerably larger number of trees of bearing age subsequent to 1910 when the Thirteenth Census was compiled than was shown in that year. In other words, I do not think the 14,397,000 trees reported in 1910 represents the largest number of bearing trees that there were in Missouri at one time. During the last decade many orchards have been taken out in the Ozark region. They were planted during the boom period when farm- ers without any experience in orcharding frequently wanted at least 160 acres in apples. Many of these orchards were planted without regard to suitability of location or ability of the grower and the result in the final day of reckoning has been what these figures show. That, substantially, is the situation. I suspect the 5,000,000 trees of bearing age now in Missouri are worth more from the standpoint of production than the 14,000,000 of igio. I was interested to see what the crop estimates for Missouri showed in view of this production. Beginning with 1910, the estimated total (not restricted tO' the commercial) crop for each year in hundreds of thousands of l)arrels, using the first two figures only, was as follows: 1910. 25; 191 1, 38; 1912, 64; 1913, 26; 1914, 41; 1915, 62; 1916, 27; 1917, 26; 1918, 14; 1919, 19: 1920, 16. These figures suggest a decrease in production, but the estimates are for the total or farm crop. They do not in- dicate how the commercial crop — that part of the total actually marketed — has been affected. In 1921, Missouri was one of the States that was in the l)ath of the spring freeze, and the estimated crop was only about 10 per cent of that for 1920. New York shows some interesting figures. The reduction was i,6cG,ooo l:earing trees — (juite a sizable loss — yet some of the counties show an increase. Columbia County, the most im- ];ortant Hudson River county, shows a gain of 55,000 trees; Ulster County, a gain of 30,000; Orleans County, 107,000, and Wayne County, 107,000. These same counties have trees not of bearing age — Columbia, 199,000; Ulster, 203,000; Orleans, 205,- coc, and Wayne, 374,000. Of some of the relatively less impor 49 tant counties, Erie shows a loss of 133,000 bearing trees; Genesee, 60, coo and Oswego, 60.000. The S.tate shows a total loss of 1,600,000 trees of bearing age, while four important apple-producing counties show a gain compared with 1910 of 299,00c. These figures, in spite of the losses, make it looks as though New York State was in pretty good shape — still on the map. Rvmning over the apple crop estimates in New York, these figures may not be without interest. Using the first two figiires. or three as the case may be, as I did for Missouri, the crop in 1910 would be represented by 56; (5,600.000 barrels) ; 191 1, 130; 1912, 146; 1913, 65; 1914, 165; 1915, 85; 1916, 126; 1917. 33'^ 1918. 136; 1919. 56: 1920. 157; 1921. 47. These figures would make it look as if apple production in New York, even with the losses, has been maintained on a pretty good basis. I think this sort of thing grows rather monotonous, and the only thing I hope to accomplish is to show that figures in man\- cases, whether indicating gain or loss, need interpretation on the basis of known facts in order not to be misleading. I have here the estimated commercial apple crop since 1916. You may be interested to run over these figures with me in the same way we did for New York and Missouri. Using "millions"" of barrels as the unit, the commercial crop for 1916 wotild be represented by 25; for 1917. by 22; 1918. by 24; 1919. by 26; 1920. by 7,"/: and 1921, by 19. The average for these six years is nearly 26,000,000 barrels. There is another thing I want to mention in this connection. Not infrequently we get crop comparisons, in the press and else- where, of different ^'ears. Such comparisons -are likely to be mis- leading, unless the crop conditions in those years are known. For instance, suppose the year 1922 was the census vear instead of 192c, and the census enumerators used the crop of the pre- ceding year, which would be for 1921. What sort of a showing would the apple crop figures suggest if interpreted without re- spect to crop conditions for such states as Virginia, West Vir- ginia, Missouri, Kansas, and so on for fifteen States in which the apple crop for that year was nearly wiped out by spring frosts and freezes? If the croj) for 1921 in these States went into the 4 50 census hgiires there would be some pretty sad comparisons be- tween that year and the one preceding. It would look as if they had gone out of the apple business ! And yet that sort of inter- pretation of census figures and crop estimates is going on in some ([uarters all the time — facts so far as figures are concerned ; but mere figtires. even though they tell the truth, can be made very misleading. I will not say more about apples, but will pass quickly over peaches. Substantially the same thing is presented in the peach data that appears in apple figures. One of my office associates commented to me a while ago to the effect that it had been shown by Government figures that in the course of twenty-five or thirty years peach growing in the United States would cease. I won- dered for a moment what there was back of such a report. It happened, however, that just before this a summary of the census figures on the peach had been released for publication. I looked them up and sure enough, some interpretation as that just in- dicated might be possible. For instance, in 1910 there were in the United States 94.500.000 bearing peach trees. In 1920 there were 65.600,000, a reduction of nearly 29.000,000 trees. On that basis, a continued reduction at the same rate, during the next 25 years, would, for a fact, leave but a very small showmg in the way of commercial peach growing in the United States. Such is the misuse of figures ! In this case no account had been taken of the number of trees not of bearing age, nor of the fact that during the decade between the two Census reports the world had been turned up-side-down by war, and that the planting of peach trees had not gone on "as usual." In non-bearing peach trees there was a decrease of nearly 21,000,000 trees as compared with 1910 (1910, 42,266.000; 1920. 21,623.000). The total decrease in both bearing and non-bearing trees for the same period was about 49.000,000. But here again one gets into difficulties if one compares merely figvires, since in si)ite of the loss of nearly 29,000,000 bearing trees between the two census years, the peach crop figures for 1919 show an increase of 16,000,000 bushels over the corresponding census figures of ten years previous. The gains and losses are significant — the States in which they occur — the came as with apples. Take, for instance, the gains in the number of bearing trees. I was quite a good deal surprised when I found 51 that all over the New England States there has been gains in the number of peach trees of bearing age. Maine has gained 564, Massachusetts, 190,000. The production of peaches in New England is of course a minor factor except in Connecticut and Massachusetts, and in Massachusetts the fruit is mostly marketed locally. There are sixteen States which show a gain in the number of bearing peach trees : These include New Jersey. Pennsylvania. West Virginia. Washington. Oregon, and California. The others I am not stopping to mention. The States in which the heavy losses have occurred in bear- ing peach trees are significant, as I have already said. I did not have time to consider these figures from the county basis, but simply collected them from the State basis, and as I run over them it will come to your mind at once whether the State is a large or small peach producer. In Indiana the decrease as compared with 19 10 was 1,270.- 000; Illinois. 1.800.000; Iowa, 960,000; Missouri. 4,230,000; Nebraska. 1.093.000; Kansas, 3,550.000; Delaware. 700.000; Maryland. 500.000 ; Georgia, 2.000,000 ; Tennessee. 800.000 ; Alabama. 1,600.000; Mississippi, 870,000; Arkansas, 3,500,000; Oklahoma, 1,900,000; Texas. 5.200,000, and several others with smaller interests. So you will see that some of these heavy losses have oc- curred in what we have come to think of as important com- mercial peach producing States, but judging from the yields it would look as if the production had been maintained on a pretty good parallel. The gains in trees of bearing age were made in four States, compared with 1910: Illinois, 100,000; X^irginia. 3.000; North Carolina. 233.000; Georgia, 1,800,000. To suggest to you how the crops have run, let me go over the crop estimates very briefly. These figures are given in mil- lions of bushels using the first two figures. 1919, 35; 1910, 48; 1911, 34; 1912, 52; 1913, 39; 1914, 54; 1915, 64; 1916, 37; 1917. 48; 1918, 34; 1919, 50; 1920, 43; 1921. 33. A five years' aver- age, 191 5-19, is 46,608,000 bushels. Just a passing mention should be made of citrus fruits to show the trend of things. Because of the restricted distribution, geographically, of citrus fruit growing and from the nature of 52 the case, the statistics are prett}- dehnitely commercial in their bearing. Of course only a few states are concerned with citrus fruit growing. In California there were, in 1920, in round numbers 2,600,- 000 orange trees not of bearing age ; over 10,000,000 in bearing. In 1910 there were 6,600,000 orange trees of bearing age. Lem- ons,— number of trees in 1920 not in bearing, 780,000; in bear- ing, 2,880,000. In 1 910, there were 940,000 trees in bearing. In Florida, orange trees in 1920 not of l^earing age, 2,300,- 000; in 1920, in bearing, 3,600,000; in 1910. in bearing, 2,766,000. Grapefruit in 1920 not bearing, 960,000; in l:)earing 1,680,000. In 1910, in bearing 656,000 trees. In Alabama, oranges principally of the Satsuma group, 1920, not in bearing, 165,000; in bearing, 260,000. In 1910 there were only 2,600 orange trees in bearing in this state. In Texas, mostly in the Lower Rio Grande A'alley, there has been considerable planting of oranges and grapefruit during the past few years. During the past decade also, in the Gulf Coast region, great numbers of orange trees of the Satsuma varieties have been destroyed. It is therefore, rather difficult to tell just what statistical reports actually signify. The figures for Arizona are not available at this time. One might go on studying census figures almost to the end of time, making minute comparisons, but in order to really know just what the difi^erences mean in the net total one has to know ])retty nearly what the local conditions are. In other words, fruit statistics, taken by themselves, do not always mean just what they appear to mean, any more than do averages. I heard the other day of a man who tried to shoot a rabbit with* a double- barreled shotgun. The first time he fired he shot a foot too far to one side ; the next time he shot a foot too far to the other side. Now, according to the law of averages, the rabbit ought to have been dead, — but he wasn't. So figures when averaged and adjusted without due regard to what is, are likely to show, what in fact is iwi. The President : You have heard these very interesting figures. I have come to feel that I will not read reports of census figures unless I see the name of the person who makes 53 the report. (Jne must understand cr(jp conditions, and all that. Census figures are exceedingly valuable when interpreted by per- sons who understand what they mean ; otherwise, they are not. Are there any suggestions in connection with these figures? There are some exhibits that ne&d to be gone over with reference to the Wilder medals for this year, and there should be a committee appointed for that purpose. 1 shall appoint on that committee Professors Taft of Michigan, and Gourley of Ohio. The Nominating Committee named yesterday had for its Chairman Mr. Clark Allis of New York. Mr. Allis was obliged to leave last night, and we must appoint someone else in his place. I will ap]:)oint Professor F. H. Beach of Ohio. The com- mittee will now be, W. C. Reed, Chairman; M. V>. Davis of On- tario, and F. H. Beach of Ohio. I understand Mr. Drain is here from Massachusetts and will present the report of F. C. Sears. FRUIT CONDITIONS IN NFW ENGLAND F. C. Sears, MassacliHseffs As a general statement I think it would be safe to say that the condition of the fruit in lustry in New England is excellent. Certainly it is excellent when one considers the fact that our countr\- is in the midst of 'one of the worst financial depressions ever known ; and when he adds to that the fact that the crop of 1921 in our section was one of the poorest for many years. It is surely a sign of great vitality of the industr_\' that fruit men are as cheerful and oj^timistic as the^• are. As to the problems which face our fruit growers, we have, of course, those which face fruit growers everywhere, — the secur- ing of an adequate and satisfactory labor supply ; the choice of a market package which shall meet the requirements of our trade; the question of the extent to which dusting ought to supersede s]M-aying ; the attempt to formulate and have passed such laws as will benefit the industry ; better control of ]>ests ; better fertilizing and cultivation and marketing. 54 In addition to these. New England may fairly lay claim to a few problems of its own, just as most other sections probably can. Some of these are the following: 1. We suiTered more than probably any other section from the severe winter of 1917-18. The authorities in Maine estimated that that state alone lost over a million bearing apple trees. Other New England states lost very heavily. What is to be done about replacing these damaged or ruined orchards? Shall we reset our crchards or shall we grow potatoes or cabbages or cows? If we do reset shall we set out Baldwins, the variety which suffered more tl:an any other, or shall we resort to some of the cast-iron varieties like Ben Davis and Stark and Mcintosh and Fameuse? Mcintosh is, of course, one of our best varieties but there is a limit to the extent to which this variety can be handled by any one grower. It will be seen that this one question of winter trouble involves all the ])roblems that most men would care to shoulder. 2. A second problem which has just come upon us within the last fortnight is the damage from the most severe ice-storm in a centur}'. It is too early to say what the damage has been but is it certainly tremendous. It will certainly lead to more care in the formation of the heads of trees, to greater interest in bolts and braces to support trees ; and it is more than probable that it will modify the popularit\' of varieties since some have suffered much more than others. 3. A third problem which is as yet a New England specialty is the Gypsy-Browntail-Moth menace. It fluctuates somewhat as t(j severity Ijut is alwa\s a serious added handicap to our growers. Yet withi all these handicaj^s. general and special, our growers are most of them conhdent of the future of the fruit business in New England. Turning now to some of the more recent developments in the fruit business in New JMigland perhaps nothing is of more im- ])ortance in those sections where it has come than the roadside stand or market. The conditions in many parts of New England are ideal for the development of such markets, combining a maxi- mum of traffic by a public which is almost wholly non-producing. And we might add, largely fairly well-to-do and with a distinct preference for country buying. 55 Naturally these roadside markets are of every conceivable variety, from the simplest sort of stand (or even no stand at all) to fairly good sized buildings. In many cases what started as a mere stand, has gradually developed into a fair sized market and finally into a combination of market and "tea room." Of course the great advantage of these roadside markets is the fact that the farmers get the retail price and without any ex- pense for transportation. There is also the added advantage that there is a sale, in fact an urgent call, for the riper and softer grades which perhaps would not stand transportation to market. This is especiall}' important in handling fairly large crops of such fruits as peaches. Moreover there is a sale for any and everything that is, or can be, produced on the farm, — home made sausage, bread, pastry, candies and the like ; wild flowers of all kinds, guinea pigs, chickens, hickory nuts, butternuts, elderberries and rabbits ; all sorts of maple products, fresh eggs, saner kraut, vegetables and fruits of every description. Another development which has gone hand in hand with the roadside market and yet which is only now in its infancy, is the manufacture of fruit products. Customers who bought apples asked for apple jelly and the housewife made some. People who bought a basket of fresh peaches asked for canned peaches and they were forthcoming. In some cases this making of fruit products became the principal line of endeavor and the output was so large that some of it had to be marketed in the city ; but in most cases it was sold right on the spot, no matter how large the output. And the beauty of this work is that it requires such a small capi- tal. In one case a woman with an investment of not over $ioo for equipment makes a labor income of about $2000. In an- other case a woman with certainly less than $1000 for equip- ment makes a labor income of close to $10,000. Of course in neither of these cases is the building included but in both cases the home has been utilized and only slight additions made to it. This development has been greatly stimulated by the estab- lishment some four years ago of a Department of Horticultural Manufactures at the Agricultural College at Amherst. Prof. W. W. Chenoweth is at the head of this work and the department now numbers four men with a registration last year of about 200 students 56 Another very important factor in the present situation of the fruit industry is the adoption by some of the New England states, notably Massachusetts, of a lo-year program for the de- velopment of the fruit industry. Space will not permit more than a mere mention of it here but it is a very definite and con- crete plan to improve the industry along certain lines. Some of the more important of these lines are as follows — 1. Better methods of planning, equipping and growing orchards. 2. Improvement in nursery stock. 3. A better selection of varieties ; fewer in number, red in color and better in equality. 4. Management of orchards to secure better color. 5. Management to reduce the percentage of low grade fruits. 6. Better equipment and more efficient management of labor. 7. Better crop reporting. 8. Better advertising and publicity. 9. Better transportation. 10. More cooperation. 11. Better storage facilities. 12. Development of fruit manufactures. 13. Standardizing grades and packages. Just a word in closing as to the outlook for the future. A glance at the accompanying table, which gives the percentage of increase or decrease in New England of the various fruits for the past ten years, will show that while New England has not kept up in production and acreage as was expected, yet it has made a better showing than many other parts of the United States and a decidedly better one than the country as a whole. And a very encouraging feature of the situation is the fact that while the number of bearing apple trees has decreased 22%, the produc- tion has increased 14%. showing that our growers are taking much better care of their orchards. Moreover to the man who is now in the fruit business, or who is contemplating going into it, there is certainly every as- surance that the market of the future will at least equal that of 57 the past and prol^ably be vei')- much better. The bogie of over- production which ha.? been constantly exhibited by some people in an attempt to alarm the fruit grower, ought certainly to be laid to rest for a time at least. If the trees of bearing age in the United States have decreased 22^^'/r and those not in bearing 45%, one would certainly seem to be safe in sticking to the fruit busi- ness and in enlarging somewhat his plantings. At least that is the view of our New England growers. We are facing the future wtih contidence ! We believe in the fruit business and in New England ! And to any man who tries to discourage us and to dampen our ardor we will say, with our brothers from Missouri. "You'll have to show meT' Division and State Small Fruits Strawberries Rasp- berries Black- berries 3 P -50 New England....! 6.15+ 13.98— : 24.35- Maine 24.84+ 31.67— I 20.49— N. H I 73.30+ 24.47— ' 18.06+ Vt. i 47.98+ i 9.33— | 0.36— Mass I 0.81+ I 7.39— I 28.98— R. I I 12.46— I 22.51— ] 35.71— Conn i 11.52— ! 50.21— I 35.95— 46.19— 45.04— 23.24— 30.44— 42.90— 64.28-T 58.90— 22.84+ 81.194- 51.51-1- 108.75+ 24 .61+ 44.03+ 29.59— 1.80— 57.64+ 19.43+ 101.25+ 18.19— 64.04— 55 . 71 — Apples Peaches Division and State be c 'u CO u 0 1) u 0 ™ - fct .2~ 0 — 1 CO V a V New England 14.86+ \ -12. 1-2— 3". 81+ 1 18.50— 1.39-1- 51 99— 17.22+ 8.C9+ 37.19+ 11.05+ 41.19-1- 46.92— 123.98+ 55.36+ 7.37-1- 43.36— 22.59— N. H ■''3.06+ 1 41.8.5- 1 9.95+ 34.12— \"t 34.22- ' 39.79— 15.55+ 59.30-^ 24.97+ 1 10.86— 122.48+ 132.29+ 57.02+ i 13.88+ 30.82+ | 62.51+ 9.46 — 1 1.^.99— 1 9.=s.76-l- 1 97_7,S— 45.02— 16.46— R. I 17.63— 60.55— 58 Pears T'lunis and Prunes Division ^nd State bc a o o Production (bushels) 1 Trees not of bearing age Xew England Maine .' ; 16.92— 1 25.75— 63.32— i 51.75— lS.60— 1 41.59^ 1 50.11— 1 45.45- 12.06— 1 21.82— 14.30— 20.54— 38. .33+ 1 5.6.^? 1- 18.71+ 23.74— 45.29— 36.93+ 17.49— 11.76+ 9.81+ 71.38— 37.43+ 1 26.17— 47.17+ 1 75.16— 34.28+ 1 73.01- 18.43— 13.8&- 20.81— 40.32— 20.7.5— 59.39— 47.87- 40.81— 58.23— N. H 48.62— Vt 32. CO— 30.66— R. I 47.30— 31.43— Ur. L. H. Bailey: I think this is an exceedingly suggestive paper, as showing the tendencies in the development of a country which is old, and which has long since gon-e through its formative and exploitive stage, which has passed its period of miscellaneous planting of a great number of crops for the purpose of maintain- ing the home family, and which has outlived the epoch of dis- couragement that comes with the development of a new section. And now you find in New Rngland a well organized, thoughtful, constructive movement in agriculture, perhaps one of the best movements in the United States, wherein persons are concerned with the careful study of the whole situation and with the homo- genous development of it^ enter]>rises and of its country life, as tl:is i;aper very clearly rex'eals. Another suggestion from the paper is the fact that with the coming of the automobile, the motor-truck and good roads in parts of the country largely filled with a city population, the buyers are coming to the farmer, and home manufacture is again develci>ing. Perhaps we should not look for the mill along the creek any more, but the making of fabrics of home manufacture is beginning to find itself again and the return to the country is marked. Every agitation that exposes the deficiencies of our marketing system makes persons all the more anxious to do their own marketing at the source and to get away from the city markets as far as they can. Those who have automobiles go to the country to buy ; and so you will find in the more thickly settled parts these wayside markets developing, and, as this paper suggests, they are coming to be of great importance. This probably means in the • 59 future a diiferent conception of market statistics for the dilierent parts of the country, and any records which are to be made as to tl;e output of the farms. must take into consideration this question of home sales. 1 wish to call for tlie report of the committee on the Presi- dent's Address. Inasmuch as certain recommendations were made in that address which may need some discussion it seems not to be wise to hold it until tomorrow afternoon if the com- mittee is ready to report at this time. REPORT OF THF. COMMITTEE ON PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS This committee has been somewhat handicapped by not hav- ing actually befoie it the record of the precedent to guide it in its action. We lacked assurance as to just what was expected of us. We have assumed, however, that our course should result in the Society's giving positive, detailed consideration to the program ];resented in the President's Address. The Committee therefore comments an I recommends as follows: We commend without reservation the ftjrward-looking pro- gram outlined by our President, and congratulate the Society on the opi^ortunit'es for serving the fruit industry of America that arc befoie it. We feel that the Address should mark a new start- ing point in the work of the Society, and that it will be the docu- ment to which the officers of the Society in future years will refer to determine progress. We recommend the adoption b\' the Societv of the Presi- dent's .Vc'dress and the taking of such ])ositive steps as will best insure the accomplishment of ihe program. These steps should include activities along several lines. I . .\ full-time paid Secretary. The Society should commit itself to this idea and should consider every possible means to attain it. We believe the Executive Committee is at present in the best position of an\' group in the Society to deal with this matter. Our recommendation is that the Executive Committee be especially charged with the matter of securing funds by which a full-time Secretar\- ma\- be em])loye(l, 6o • 2. It is too much to ask of a Secretary who serves without pay and with active duties that require practically all his time, to do all the work that is proposed for the Secretary's office. We recommend that a committee be provided to assist the Secretary, as he might direct, in the preparation of material for the monthly or bi-monthly letter to members, and in other ways. This recom- mendation in part anticipates one in the latter part of the President's Address where he suggests the appointment by the Society of advisors to the Secretary on publicity, consumption, planting, marketing, co-operation, affiliation, etc. These two fea- tures— advisors and special assistants — may well be considered together. 3. Membership — regular and collegiate. At present any campaign for new members rests with the Secretary. That of it- self is a heavy burden, if the work be effective. A committee of really interested members could doubtless accomplish much: The work of such a committee should be directed by the Secretary. We recommend that a committee be appointed, with the Secre- tary as chairman, and that this committee be in two parts, one to cover the regular, the other the collegiate membership. 4. Medals, aw^ards, etc. Our recommendation is that a standing committee on awards he appointed and that this com- mittee be charged with the awarding of the Wilder medal and all others that may from time to time be given by the Society ; further, that this committee be charged with the canvassing of the entire situation to determine what other awards, medals, etc., ought to be given by the Society, if any, in addition to those that are now given from time to time. 5. Increase in consumption of fruits. Our President re- commends the issuing of bulletins by all the experiment stations, colleges, departments of home economics, etc., in which are set forth the value of fruit in the diet. We heartily endorse such a program, but this committee would place special emphasis on the work of the home economics departments in the colleges and also on the work of home demonstration and other home ex- tension agencies. These are the people who are reaching those who put the food on the table. We recommend especially that, whatever else be done, the Secretary's office address a special letter to these agencies asking them to stress as much as possible 6i the use of fruil in the home and perhaps referring them to the Hterature ah-eady available. 6. Cooperation and affiliation with State societies. We cannot over-emphasize the importance of our President's refer- ences to such activities. The American Pomological Society ought to be the central clearinghouse for all the State and Provincial fruit-growers" organizations, and each one should be somehow linked up with it. We recommend that every Provin- cial, State and county organization or society be urged to desig- nate a member who shall be its representative in the American Pomological Society and whose annual dues shall be paid by each society or organization so represented. It is believed also that as far as our funds permit the monthly or bi-monthly letters from the Secretary's office should be sent to all horticultural society secretaries and other officers as a means of interesting them in the American Pomological Society and its work. A committee on affiliation and cooperation l:)etween the American Pomological Society and other societies might well l)e designated. We recommend it. 7. The desirability of establishing a regular-sized page and style of binding for the annual report needs no discussion. It is self-evident. We believe this is a matter that the Execu- tive Committee, in consultation with those familiar with print- ing, binding, etc.. can best handle. We recommend that the Executive Committee be charged with this duty and that it be given power to act. That is, that the action of the committee shall be the action of the Society. 8. The raising of supplementary funds. The whole work of this Society seems to hang on funds, and our financial limita- tions mark the limitation of the , Society's activities. The com- mittee recommends that this Society give its earnest considera- tion to all possible sources of securing funds. The President had made certain suggestions with several alternatives. They merit consideration and action. This committee, however, feels that this is a matter on which it should withhold at this time any particular recommendation of its own. 9. The matter of nomenclature. We feel that the im- portance of this matter is very inadequately appreciated. Throughout its entire life this Society has stood as the one bodv in America that had had a directing: influence on fruit 62 \ ariety names. That influence has had more or less general recognition, lint it has no comi)e11ing power. Its influence in this direction has sometimes waned, and many times has been ignored. The whole question needs careful, constructive, scien- tific consideration. This committee recognizes the fact that nomenclature work is very definitely research work. The re- sults are not merely matters of opinion, where one man's is as good as another's ; hut rather, the results are matters of fact, and the problem is to establish the fact or facts which are involved. Not every one is so situated that he can do lesearch work in fruit nomenclature. The placing of this work where it can best be done is a matter that calls for earnest consideration. Our Presi- dent has said as much in his Address. He recommends the pub- lishing of the Code, after proper editing as a bulletin. This committee emphasizes the need of action and recommends giving the widest publicity possible to the Code, after it has received the editing our President speaks of and consideration with re- spect to revision along the lines suggested in the President's Ad- dress, and in any other respects that are essential to make it scientific and workable. A committee to consider these matters should be appointed with power to act. The latter feature is necessary if the recommendations of the President for the pub- lication of the Code as a l:)ulletin are adopted. We have not tried to include in our recommendations for action every detail presented in the Address, but we have en- deavored in this way to suggest to you what we believe should be done to put the President's program, which becomes our pro- gram if ap])roved, into real action. H. P. Gould, Chairman, Frederic Cranefield, M. P.. Davis. H. P. Gould: It may seem that in the execution of the President's recommendations we have recommended the appoint- ment of an unduly large number of committees. We realize that if you want to kill a thing the best way to do it is to appoint a committee to handle it and then have that committee inopera- tive. A dead committee means dead activity. Possibly some very worthv things promulgated by this Society have died in just that 63 way. We believe, on the other hand, that there are enough men vitally interested in the things we wish to accomplish in this Society so that these committees may be very valuable. Another thing. I think one of the difficulties experienced by many committees is that they have been large and scattered over the country so that it was practically impossible to have a meeting of the committee. It seemed to this committee as we talked over this feature that very much smaller committees could accomplish everything that larger committees could accomplish, and nuich more in most respects, because of the situation I have just men- tioned. Then. too. there is one other feature with reference to com- mittees. There has been* an effort made in the past to have the committees represent the Society regionally, and that is theoreti- cally a most excellent and essential point because of the nation- wide scope of the Society, extending into international aspects - — the American Pomological Society being Canadian as well as American. It has seemed to us that certain committees, as for instance the committees to advise the Secretary and assist in some of his work ; the membership committee, too. should perhaps be regional because there are regional problems to work out and the work is necessarily regional. But the committee on nomenclature does not have regional problems. The giving of a name to a variety is the same whether it is in Manitoba, Florida, or Alaska, and the committee therefore does not. it seems to us. require regional representation. The President : What will you do with the report of this committee? Do you wish to consider it as a whole, or adopt it recommendation by recommendation? J. E. Smith: (Muncie, Indiana) I move that we accept the report of the committee. ( Motion seconded ) . Dr. L. H. Bailey : There are some questions in regard to nomenclature on which I should like to express myself briefly. Nomenclature is exceedingly important, not merely academically, not alone in the finding of a set of names which will be usable and in all ways commendable in itself, but because the time is not far distant when some action may be expected by Congress that will require a standardized set of names of fruits. For example, a bill is now before Congress which seeks to regulate the sale of 64 nursery stock with respect to misnaming. Whether there is any chance of this bih passing Congress or not, legislation along this line is bound to arise. Whenever such legislation shall arise, the whole question of the proper naming of varieties, whether we are considering fruits or nursery stock, becomes very important and there must be a standard practice. The Government, prob- ably in its own interest and in self-defense, must before long begin to compile a list of standard varieties which carries with it the determination of the j^roper nomenclature. As many of you know, this Society once had affiliations with the United States Department of Agriculture whereby the work in nomenclature was conducted by its members, some of whom were connected with the Department, and the fruit catalog was published by the Department. It is one thing to make a set of standard names ; it is an- other thing to find a means of publication and of distribution. The question is whether this Society should memorialize the Secretary of Agriculture looking toward the renewal of such co- operation. Very important questions arise at once in the con- sideration of nomenclature, particularly in view of the fact that the American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature is putting into type its second list or report. This committee, representing nurserymen, florists, landscape gardners, the Amer- ican Pomological Society and practically all the national societies that deal with plants, is now waiting to publish something from the American Pomological Society. I do not know that the committee has definitely passed on the two recommendations I made as to new principles to be con- sidered. H. P. Gould : The committee recommended that a committee on nomenclature be appointed to consider this and other things, with power to act. Dr. L. H. Bailey : The American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature is a going organization. It started in the nurserymen's organization for the purpose of determining a uniform practice in the naming of plants. This Society has taken action whereby it is to co-operate with the committee. It is very important, therefore, that this nomenclature question be con- sidered at once and that this committee have power. 65 Mr. Frederic. Cranefield (Madison, Wisconsin) : It seems to me that the reason there is so little response to your re- quest for discussion of this subject is that it is such a tremen- dously big subject — so many things involved. The success or failure of the work of the American Pomological Society is in- volved, and yet we pass it lightly off, extend our thanks to the Secretary^ hope that by some means we may be able to employ a permanent secretary, and so on, and lo and behold, there is no discussion of the subject. These subjects are vital to the in- terests of the Society and its life in the future. Unless ways and means are found for carrying out these recommendations we might as well stop where we are. Perhaps this is not the best time and place to discuss these things. It occurred to me while Mr. Gould was reading the report that perhaps at the informal supper this evening we may feel like taking these subjects up in detail. But we should not leave this convention without a fuller discussion of the points involved in the President's Address. I shall feel that my trip here is wholly in vain, wath due respect to the other subjects on the program. 1 merelv rise to invite fuller discussion, either now or at a later time. To my mind there is nothing else as important before the convention as the employment of a full-time Secretary and how we are to accomplish this end. Charles E. Greening (Monroe, Michigan) : I feel some- one should comment on the splendid, thorough, carefully worked out report that has been submitted by the committee. It is a difficult task to handle the subjects presented by the President, and I feel this report will help us a great deal in our discussion. I want to express my commendation of the work of the com- mittee. The President : I may indicate to you what we have be- fore us this morning. We have on our program for this afternoon Mr. Charles Brand, formerly with the Department of Agricul- ture, who cannot be here this afternoon. I propose therefore to call on him this forenoon. Before I do that, what do you wish to do in regard to this report which is before us? Shall you take action on the motion, or have further discussion of it tonight as to ways and means, and defer action now? 5 6S W. C. Reed (Indiana) : I think it would be better to dis- cuss it tonight more thoroughly. H. P. Gould: We have this matter before us now, ready to speak or keep silent, as you see fit, and my fear is that if it is not settled now it will go by default — or some other road — and this motion that is before us be left hanging in the air. Paul Thayer (Ohio) : I think the idea just expressed is the idea of all of us. I think we all agree with the suggestions of the committee, and the way to work them out it seems to me would be a fit subject for discussion now, not tonight. I there- fore call for discussion. (Vote on the motion of Mr. Smith. Carried). The Secretary : The Toledo Chamber of Commerce has arranged for a supper to be given in the Chamber of Commerce dining room on the top floor of the Nicholas Building corner Madison and Huron, tonight at six-thirty. The price is $1.50 a plate. This will not be a banquet, but just a good supper, and I would like to have a show of hands now of those who will attend this supper. The President: Then we can discuss this subject which we have before us. I will now call on Mr. Charles Brand, whom we will be very glad to hear. FRUIT FOR THE FUTURE A BRIEF review OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AFFECTING FRUIT MARKETING AND OF THE STATISTICAL POSITION OF THE DECIDUOUS FRUIT INDUSTRY Charles J. Brand, Vice President and General Manager of American Fruit Grow- ers, Incorporated, Pittsburgh, Pa. Economic conditions in the United States and in the world at large are such that we have far more than the usual interest in the future of the fruit industry. Our interest and concern most generally contemplate two phases of the problem; namely: ^7 I. — The relatively immediate future, 1922 and 1923, and 2. — The longer pull of the census decade ending in 1929, but including as well the past year and the years im- mediately before us. An intelligent consideration of the probable future involves not only a consideration of the present statistical position of the industry itself and a comparison with the past but also a study of economic events in past times under relatively similar condi- tions and the present trend of things commercially and in- dustrially. Every form of agricultural industry feels thoroughly de- flated, and so it is, relatively, in greater measure than any other great industry that comes to my mind. As the editor of the Wall Street Journal recently put it — "not only has the water been squeezed out of farm prices but a lot of the blood." Prices of many manufactured products, particularly, are still on too high a plane compared with a five year average of pre-war prices. Retail prices of foodstuffs and particularly of fruits and veg- etables are too commonly wholly out of line with wholesale prices. Within a week I have seen boxed Spitzenburgs, 96 size, selling on fruit stands at ten cents a piece or $9.60 per box when the wholesale price was ranging between $3.25 and $3.75. On the whole, fruit prices to the grower are ranging higher in comparison than live stock, grain and cotton prices. I heard the Chairman of the Congressional Joint Commission of Agri- cultural Inquiry, Mr. Sydney Anderson, of Minnesota, at the American Farm Bureau Federation Meeting at Atlanta give some decidedly shocking figures resulting from the Commission's in- vestigations. The following implements are a necessity to the great bulk of our farmers; a wagon; a gang plow; a corn binder and a grain binder. It was found that when the farmer buys these four im- plements paying for them in corn shipped to Chicago from Springfield, Illinois, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the total freight in money is as follows : — • At Springfield, Illinois : — 1913 .^1 1920 474 1921 700 68 At Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : — 1913 $484 1920 934 1921 751 Expressed in terms of corn the cost of the four implements is as follows : — At Springfield, Illinois : — 1913 716 bushels 1920 583 bushels 1921 2,027 bushels At Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : — 1913 932 bushels 1920 702 bushels 1921 4,191 bushels The freight on the implements alone expressed in terms of corn was : — To Springfield, Illinois : — . 1913 71 bushels 1920 132 bushels 1921 265 bushels To Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : — 1913 197 bushels 1920 308 bushels 1921 1,238 bushels The freight on the corn plus the freight on the implements in 1921 was fifty percent greater than the cost of the implements. The blighting efifect upon agriculture that the continuance of such a condition will produce needs no comment. GENERAL BUSINESS CONDITIONS While American business is enjoying a great deal of grief these days, conditions are by no means as bad in some ways as they have been, even in the relatively recent past. Most of us find no difficulty in recalling the depression in 1900 followed by two years of recovery, and then by the com- 69 mercial and financial crash of 1903 and 1904. 1905 and 1906 and the first few months of 1907 represent a period of unusual pros- perity which was followed by the panic of 1907 and 1908. In fact, a curve showing conditions shows with slight fluctuations a normal period to 1912, 1913 and 1914, followed first, by prostra- tion at the outbreak of the war, with subsequent inflation, specu- lation, waste, extravagance, over expansion and uneconomic pro- duction that culminated in 1920, and from which we have been recovering or deflating since that time. In a recent statement showing fifty different commodities, in which there has been a recession to practically pre-war levels, I noted that thirty-one were farm crop or farm crop derivatives. In any period of sharp price movements, particularly downward, farm and wholesale prices move first and farthest; retail prices move more slowly; wages change even less rapidly; and manu- factured articles, having a high labor content, change more slow- ly than any of the foregoing; while salaries and rents change slowest of all. Farm and wholesale prices have receded to a considerable extent except in certain lines, but retail prices have not reacted satisfactorily and are at a serious disparity. This is especially true as to farm and food products. Wages in other industries than agriculture are still exceed- ingly abnormal. While farm wages average now in the neigh- borhood of twenty cents an hour, common labor on railroads is still in many cases as high as sixty-one cents an hour. The wage scale of the United States has been increasing constantly for more than a hundred years. In 1820 the average weekly wage of an artisan was about $7.00; by i860 it was $10.00 a week; dur- ing the Civil War it rose to a level of about $15.00, where it re- mained relatively stationary until 1900. By 191 5 it has risen to over $21.00; while in 1920 it was $42.00. Needless to say, with this fixed rise in costs deflation along many lines has pro- ceeded necessarily slowly. Conditions are improving. In Pitts- burgh a number of additional furnaces have been blown in. We hear the same news from Chicago, Cleveland and other points. There is a firmer undertone not only in business in general, but in the security and commodity markets. While unemployment is abroad in the land, improved conditions with constructive ef- forts at relief promise better conditions. This is of great im- 1o portance to the farmers and fruit growers of the United States, as purchasing power of the pubHc will be one of the important determining factors in their operations during the next year. There is ample evidence that the general trend of prices for a 1 eriod of years will fluctuate irregularly downward, on the whole. Prices of farm products are more nearly normal than 01 bet commodities, and will, therefore, in the future recede less. The index numbers of wholesale prices, using 1913 as 100, show the following situation : — October, October, J920 1921 Farm Products 182 119 Clothes and Clothing 257 190 Fuel and Lighting 282 182 House Furnishing Goods 371 218 From this it appears reasonable that agriculture on the v.'hole will suffer less from further deflation than other industries. T am sure we are all thankful for this hope. Nevertheless, as perishable growers, we must remember that certain of our products are still above normal. This is particularly true of apples and potatoes. After our war of 1812, which was a mere incident in the Napoleonic world war; and after 1864 the culmination year of Civil war high prices, there were periods of nearly thirty years of generally receding wholesale prices followed by twenty years in each case of ascending prices. How long we will be in completing the cycle of receding and ascending prices under existing world conditions, it is of course, impossible to foretell. This much is certain, the elasticity of the modern financial structure with its marvelously increased facility to accommodate itself to changed conditions gives good reason to hope that the readjustment which we are now carrying on after the orgy of the past six years will be accomplished at a rate hitherto impossible, nevertheless we are in a period of genuine depression. Consuming power of great bodies of consumers ha=; been impaired by unemployment. Continued high prices along many lines have decreased consumption. High costs of produc- tion seem in many cases to make profitable operations impossible. On the other hand, we have the statistical position : 71 First — Of population and hence of possible consump- tive demand. Second — Of acreage, both bearing and non-bearing rep- resenting available and prospective supply to consider. By census periods our population has grown as follows : 1890 62,947,000 1900 75,994,000 1910 91,972,000 1920 105,683,000 These figures mean that in tlip last forty years our population has increased about 43.000,000 persons. This increase is more significant than the mere figures indicate. In 1890 the United States was still preponderantly an agricultural nation, so that the consumptive force of the population for commercially produced and commercially shipped products was not what it is in 192 1. More than fifty per cent of our population has ceased to be rural, within the census meaning of the word, and being largely in- dustrial and urban is dependent upon commercial production of fruit for supplying its needs. The other side of the picture, considering for purposes of illustration a comparison only peaches and apples, we find the following situation as to production as disclosed by the census figures : APPLES 1889 143,105,000 bushels 1899 175,397,000 bushels 1909 146,122,000 bushels 1919 136,746,000 bushels 1920* 244,022,000 bushels 1921* 102,290,000 bushels During more recent years the Bureau reports have presented commercial production as distinguished from total production. The commercial crop is expressed in barrels and by the term is meant that portion of the total crop which is sold for con- sumption as fresh fruit. The commercial production for the last five years according to the Bureau has been as follows : * Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates figures for November 1st. 72 1916 26,747,000 barrels 1917 22,341,000 barrels 1918 24,743,000 barrels 1919 26,174,000 barrels 1920 37,239,000 barrels 1921* 18,563,000 barrels The average commercial crop for the five years from 1916 to 1920 was 27,848,000 barrels. Compared with this, the present commercial crop is approximately 9,285,000 barrels short, but compared with the year 1920 it totals only about one-half the quantity of commercial fruit that was put into consumption from the 1920 crop. It will be noted by comparing total crop figures with com- mercial crop figures that the latter do not show the fluctuation the former show. The unattended farm or garden orchard, left largely to nature's care, swells the total crop in years of favorable con- ditions, no doubt exercising a profound influence on the prices of the commercial crop. From Colonial time until about thirty to forty years ago specialized commercial orchards were practically unknown. Now a constantly growing proportion of plantings is in commercial orchards, well cared for by trained and successful orchardists. This fact must be borne in mind in considering the subsequent census figures: BEARING AND NON-BEARING TREES Trees of Bearing Age : 1910 , 151,322,000 1920 115,265,000 a decrease of slightly more than 36,000,000 trees or 23.8 per cent, as shown by the Bureau of the Census release furnished by Mr. Cruickshank. It is to be remembered that within the same period the population of the United States increased about 14,- 000,000; namely, from 91,000,000 in 1909 to 105,000,000 m 1919. The short crop of the present year is, of course, merely a temporary phase in the situation, due to unprecedented Spring * Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates figure for November 1st. n frosts, particularly the one that occurred on Easter day. Never- theless, it is of interest to know that the 1921 crop is the small- est but one in the last thirty-two years, the only one that was smaller being the crop of 1890, which amounted to 80,142,000 barrels. As long ago as 1889, when the population of the United States was only about 60,000,000 souls, we had a total crop, ac- cording to the census, of over 143,000,000 bushels, compared with a total estimated crop of 102,000,000 bushels for the present year, when our population stands in excess of 105,000,000. From the foregoing it is most obvious that the fundamental conditions, in so far as apple production is concerned, must be sound. We must, of course, bear in mind the greater efficiency of commercial production together with the fact that a very large percentage of our bearing trees are of an age that will lead to increased production without any necessary increase in plantings. The situation with respect to trees of non-bearing age is of the same kind. There were trees of non-bearing age : — 1910 65,791,000 1920 36,171,000 a decrease of 29,620,000 or 45 percent of trees not of bearing age. As it requires from 6 to 12 years for different varieties or different sections of the country to bring apple trees to bearing age, it is quite apparent both from an economic and a practical nursery standpoint that with the continued inevitable growth of our country, the fundamental outlook for the apple grower is good. PEACHES I have devoted so much time to apples, which are no doubt a premier crop both in quantity, value and importance as a food, that there is little time to devote to other fruit crops. In the case of peaches ; there has been a fluctuating but nevertheless on the whole a progressive increase in production during the 22 years from 1899 to 1921. The normal total crop amounts to about 46.000,000 bushels. x\s long ago as 1900 a crop of greater size was produced. The largest crop in our his- 74 tory was that of 191 5, totalling 64,000,000 bushels. Its dis- astrous effect on the market is still recent enough in the minds of many of us so that no description of it is necesasry. The position with respect to trees of bearing age is as follows : — 1910 94,506,657 1920 65,654,219 The effective life of the peach tree is relatively so short that this decrease of 28,851,438 in the number of trees of bearing age is more significant than are the figures given for apples. Peach trees are so susceptible to bacterial and insect enemies that the mortality per year is extraordinarily heavy. However, viewing the figures as they stand, the present plantings being more largely in commercial orchards have a greater potential productive capacity than a great number of trees had in earlier years. The number of trees not of bearing age were as follows : — 1910 42,266,243 1920 21,623,657 a decrease of more than 20,000,000 or 48.8 percent. It is evident from the foregoing that production possibilities both present and prospective do not point to any grave dangers through over expansion and wild exploitations in the near future. It is so commonly said that figures lie that we are forced to hesitate, but we do know the stupendous decreases both of bearing and non-bearing apple and peach trees. The census figures, however, are certainly to be relied upon implicitly, with- in the limits of probable error in any task so enormous. PROSPECTS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE I92I CROP. The crop in the barrel states shows a decrease of almost 71 per cent from 1920, while the crop from the box states shows an increase of over 39 percent, indicating one of the largest, if not, the largest box crop on record. The average decrease for the whole United States, compared with last year is approximately one-third. The movement of the crop to the first of December was as follows : — 75 Box Sections : Total this season to November 26th 40,311 cars Total last season to November 26th 24,357 cars Total last season — 1920 36,293 cars Barrel Sections : Total this season to November 26th 21,614 cars Total last season to November 26th 50,999 cars Total last season — 1920 72,417 cars As the total barrel crop for this year is about 29 per cent of last year it would appear that the movement has proceeded more rapidly in 192 1 than in 1920, in relation to the probable total crop. Similarly the box crop seems to have moved more rapidly into consumption or storage or both, in relation to the size of the crop, than last year. The December ist cold storage report is not available but the November ist holdings were: — Barrel Apples : November 1, 1920 3,516,000 barrels November 1, 1921 1,815,000 barrels Box Apples : November 1, 1920 2,878,000 barrels November 1, 1921 5,-348,000 barrels It will be seen from the above that, while the deficiency in barrel apples is very great, the quantity of box apples in storage is such as to leave the total deficiency only 231,000 barrels in 192 1 as compared w^ith 1920. As usual, when the supply and demand operate with relative freedom, the barrel deal, with its short supply, will show higher returns per package but very low returns per acre. The conclusion of the box deal depend on skillful sales- m_anship and the general character and quality of the stock in storage. In closing, may I say that the situation in the fruit industry as a whole is unquestionably good. That does not mean that efficient work, elimination of waste, the application of sound economy and a most careful cutting of all the corners will not be necessary. In fact, judged from previous economic history, as 76 very briefly outlined above, economy, thrift and efficiency will be absolutely essential. A Member: What about the probability of exporting ap- ples in the future? Charles Brand: I feel that the export problem will be de- termined largely by a reasonable system of parity of exchange, and as the pound Sterling has gotten above $4.07 in the past ten days I think the outlook in that respect is very favorable. The President : We will now have the report of the Auditing Committee. REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO AUDIT TREASURER'S BOOKS Toledo,, Ohio, December 8, 1921. The Auditing Committee wishes to report that they have gone over the books, vouchers, receipts and bank balance of the Treasurer and find them correct. We therefore move the ac- ceptance and adoption of the treasurer's report. Charles E. Greening, Fred Johnson, J. E, Cochran. (Motion seconded and carried.) THURSDAY AFTERNOON SESSION The Thursday afternoon session was called to order at one- thirty by the Secretary, Prof. R. B. Cruickshank. The Secretary : Doctor Bailey has been detained, but will be here shortly, and he asks that the program go forward even though he is absent. One of the men on the program this morning who was not here was Prof. Laurenz Greene of Indiana. We would like to hear from him at the present time. 17 FRUIT GROWING IN THE EAST NORTH CENTRAL GROUP OF STATES Laurenz Greene, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind, This group of states is a general farming country with few well developed orchard districts. It contains the agricultural states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. Door County, Wisconsin, with its cherries and western Michigan with its general fruit plantings mark the most highly developed horti- cultural industries. Southern Illinois is distinctly an early apple district but the orchards are not so thickly planted as in the dis- tricts named. In addition to the general farming this region is noted for its industrial development insuring markets close at home. The great "Calumet Region" with its hundreds of thousands of work- ers and the automobile industries of Michigan are the most famous. Of equal importance from the marketing standpoint are the numerous large towns, small cities and great industrial centers over the central part of this group of states. Because the bearing apple trees — found in the farm or- chards comprise a relatively large percentage of the total the mortality during the decade covered by the recent census has been rather high. This region lost one third of its bearing apple trees during that period. During that same time there was a, loss of 35% in the number of bearing peach trees, 30% of its bearing pear trees, 50% of its bearing plum trees, while the small fruit acreage was increased less than one per cent. Non-bearing fruit trees tell about the same story. This region had 70% as many-non bearing apple trees in 1920 as it had in 1910. Only 48% as many non-bearing pear trees were found in the last census as were found in its predecessor but this crop is unimportant as only about three million pear trees of all ages were found in 1920. Only half as many non-bearing plum trees were found in 1920 as were reported in 1910. It was noted that there was a slight increase in the small fruit acreage but there are few cars of this fruit shipped out of the counties where it is produced as compared with the better de- veloped small fruit sections. With a few exceptions, labor con- ^ 78 ditions remaining- on either the present or a pre-war basis, no large development of this industry may be looked for and the op- portunities where labor can be secured are excellent. Approximately 20% of the total population of the United lives in this group of states. They produce but 17% of the total apple crop of the United States during the period 191 1 to 1920, inclusive. A large percentage of that was produced on the farms and was not marketed nor marketable. The commercial crop of the United States is 45% of the total farm crop while in this section only 35% is called commercial, according to Bureau of Markets figures. Such conditions make for excellent markets within the district. As a further illustration of these markets and their supply it is interesting to note that in 1918 this group of states supplied their large markets of Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati, Indianap- olis and Chicago with less than one third of the cars of apples consumed by those markets. The east north central group of states produced less than 10% of the cars of apples that were unloaded on the 14 larger markets of the country. Of the fruit marketed in these cities that was produced in this group of states practically 90% was marketed within the border of the group. Either New York state or Washington supplied more apples for the markets in these five states in 1918 than came from their orchards. During that year New York supplied Indianapolis with six times as many cars of apples as were received from either Indiana or Illinois. Indianapolis in that season received less than seven percent of its apple supply from the state of which it is the capital. Because of this shortage of supply and the apparent demand at home the average farm price is higher in this section than in the United States as a whole. It was 13 cents per bushel higher for the ten year period just past. In 1919 it was 54 cents per bushel higher in these five states than the average for the United States and in Indiana that year it was 81 c per bushel higher. The automobile trade is developing rapidly and many or- chardists are finding they do not need to provide packages, storage and marketing facilities beyond the limits of their own farms. Isolated orchards can not supply the demand at the orchard while the elimination of the farm orchard crops is adding to the joys of the commercial man in increasing- his orchard trade. One In- 79 diana berry grower with fifteen acres sells his berries on the vines and the customers pay for the privilege of picking them. The loss of the large numbers of trees and the increasing city populations with smaller and smaller crops of fruit coming from the farm orchards makes a very bright outlook for the real commercial fruit grower in these great lakes states. There have been no boom plantings since the nineties and the neglected or- chards put out at that time are nearly gone. There are no young plantings coming on to supply the demand ten, fifteen, or twenty years in the future. It is undoubtedly a most opportune time to plant fruit in this region. Good care has produced some splendid orchards that have proven highly productive and profitable to their owners. Personally I believe that it is not only a most op- portune time to plant orchards in the east north central group of states but I also believe that this region is the most promising place to plant fruit that can be found in this or any other country. The Secretary: Is there any discussion of this paper? There seems to be no question but what, so far as Ohio is con- cerned, a great many men are beginning to develop markets such as Professor Greene has indicated. I will now call on Mr. H. G. Ingerson to tell us something about the census figures from the standpoint of a man interested in the manufacture of spraying machines. UNITED STATES APPLE PRODUCTION IN 1930 H. G. Ingerson, Ohio 1 have taken for my topic, "United States Apple Production in 1930." I think we like to look forward, but perhaps not for more than a ten-year period. We can only arrive at that ap- proximation by what has happened in the past ten years, so I will present in a brief way my personal opinions on this matter, and then just briefly state what I feel, as a manufacturer of spray machinery, should be the trend of orchard planting from the standpoint of orchard economics. 8o A study of the United States census figures on apple pro- duction in 1909 and 1919, and the relative number of bearing and non-bearing trees in 1910 and 1920, shows clearly the following condition: That of a total of 216,000,000 bearing and non-bear- ing apple trees in 1910, but 115,000,000 were in bearing in 1920; a loss of 47 per cent. With this same ratio of loss prevailing (and we have no reason to doubt that it will prevail), from the total of 151,000,000 bearing and non-bearing trees in 1920 we will have but 80,000,000 bearing apple trees in 1930, or but slightly more than half as many bearing trees as in 1910. The production figures for 1909 and 1919 show an increase from one bushel per tree to 1.2 bushel, or 20 per cent, increase. With an additional increase per tree of another 20 per cent., which I think we may expect from our improved methods of pruning, fertilizing and spraying, we shall still be short 33,000,- 000 bushels, or 23 per cent, of the 1909 crop. So far we have not considered any increased consumption of apples. I think we all realize that consumption could be greatly increased if high quality apples could be furnished to our people at reasonable cost. How much this increase may be we will leave to our advertising friends to estimate, but surely enough to care for the increase per tree that we are securing. With these facts before us I believe we must agree that a period of apple tree planting is just ahead of us, and I feel that it is for an organization such as the American Pomological So- ciety to point out the course that such planting should take. I submit that the most successful and profitable orchard in the future will be the two-man commercial orchard, probably thirty to fifty acres of mixed fruits, within trucking distance of several small towns, or a city of some size. I see the advantages of such a location as follows : I'. Production : 1 . A constant supply of labor, the owner and son, or owner and one good tenant. 2. Economical use of labor throughout the season in production and marketing work. 3. Economical use of orchard equipment. 4. Low overhead. 8i II. Quality fruit: 1 . Because relatively small acreage of each kind and variety can be harvested and marketed in best con- dition. 2. Because storage varieties can be placed in home storage immediately following harvest and mar- keted when in best condition. III. Most important of all, the marketing of fruit at lowest possible cost effecting the following savings over the grower who must pick and ship to distant markets : 1 . Packing expense oc to 10c bushel 2. Shipping expense over local market package 5c to 10c package 3 . Season storage 10c to 20c bushel 4. Commission 10c to 20c bushel 5. Drayage to freight car and to storage or commission house 10c to 15c bushel Total saving per bushel 40c to 75c I am assuming that the total cost of trucking to local mar- kets will not exceed the cost of freight on distance shipments. I believe we must recognize that the unusual development of automobiles, trucks and roads, and the growth of our urban population is calling for a rapid change in our marketing methods and that the future orchard plantings should be made with these things well in mind. Now just a word as to the attitude of the sprayer manu- facturers on these things. We believe we had better have less fruit on the market and have it of higher quality. A lot of this home farm orchard fruit on the market serves no good purpose and should not be there, and we feel that rather than encourage the general planting of farm orchards we should rather discour- age them and encourage the commercial orchard on an economic basis. The Secretary : Is there any discussion of this paper ? He has brought out some figures which you may or may not agree with, and we would be glad to have the subject discussed. 6 82 Prof. Laurenz Greene (Indiana) : Mr. Ingerson brought out a thought that I am wondering about. That is that apple planting occurs in cycles. If that is the case, the last cycle has been a long period. If I remember history right, the last general planting in most of the orchards through the country west of us, including the Missouri River country and the Ozarks, was from about 1883 to 1893. Aside from the planting in the Pacific Northwest we have not had in the eastern or central west ex- tensive commercial planting since that time. I wonder if he has the facts as to the general planting that we had at that time ? H. G. Ingerson : No, I do not. Personally, I do not feel that we will see the extensive planting that we have had in other periods of inflation of the orchard industry. I beheve the fruit growers will avoid planting exceedingly large orchards, such as the big plantings of the Ozarks and other places. The smaller tracts can be handled well and sold to advantage. I feel the fruit grower of the future will be the man who puts out thirty to forty acres and cares for them well without a big investment. In other words, a substantial commercial orchard. T. B. West (Perry, Ohio) : I think the passing of the farm orchard is much to be regretted, if it is true. I think an organiza- tion such as this, and organizations such as the state horticultural societies, should encourage the planting of small farm orchards. I think in the passing of the farm orchard you are hitting hard- est at farm life. I think everything should be grown on the farm for the comfort and enjoyment of the people who live on the farm, and they should be encouraged to produce them. If the farm orchard is a thing of the past, as the talks here would seem to indicate, it is very much to be regretted. Children on the farm should have apples where they can get them. You know the average farmer's attitude towards buying fruit for the fam- ily— if he does not grow it he will not buy it, I think as men who stand for and represent this industry we should encourage the planting of the small farm orchard for the benefit of the farmer's children. The farmer should be encouraged to take care of a few trees so he can have the fruit for his family. I think it is very much to be regretted that we are losing that great asset to our American farms. Prof. Laurenz Greene: I may be guilty of starting this discussion. I think every one of us is absolutely with the last 83 speaker, with one proviso — that the farmer will take care of the planting, that he will plant fifteen or twenty trees in place of three or four hundred, as Mr. Ingerson mentioned. I believe it is the place of the fruit industry to encourage an orchard on each farm, but this fruit should be taken care of. Frederick Cranefield : I agree with all these gentlemen. When you get down to the bottom there is no difference of opinion. I think perhaps we might use another term that would help in this matter. Why not say "home orchard"? That is what we mean — enough fruit trees to produce sufficient fruit for the home needs, for the family, and as Professor Greene says, with the proviso that these trees be taken care of. If you can do that you will have done a great thing. We have been working at this in Wisconsin for years, through the Horticultural Society, the Farmers' Institutes, etc., trying tO' induce the farmers to care for their farm orchards, and we have helped some. Further than that I would not have the farmer go. We say up in Wis- consin that no farmer has brains enough to be a successful stock grower, dairyman and fruit grower at the same time. He is not able to do it even if he has the equipment. He is com- pelled to provide the equipment necessary to take care of his overhead, and then the question arises of marketing the fruit. It is no problem for the farmer to market his stock, or his dairy products ; that is comparatively easy. Sometimes he asks wheth- er he is getting the price he should be entitled to, but the matter of disposing of his product is pretty well settled. There are cer- tain definite channels through which these products go. But not so with fruit. He must seek his market. Can the average farmer do that? Experience shows he cannot, and I doubt if it will ever be done successfully. In years of over-production there is a glut and it is not reasonable to expect the average farmer to produce the good quality of fruit, so let us burn out every farm orchard in the United States except what will supply the farmer's needs, but let us at the same time encourage the farmer to plant trees enough to supply the needs of his family. R. A. Simpson (Vincennes, Indiana) : I would like to em- phasize the importance of selling from the orchard. You can develop a home orchard trade and supply the wants of the family and children by advertising, because the people from the city will come out to the farms and buy fruit at half the price charged 84 by the stores, and therefore they will use a great deal more fruit. For instance, at our place, we find if we sell our fruit to the stores, which we do, the price immediately goes up loo per cent, it keeps down the consumption, and there are not as many apples used. If we sell direct to the customers they come to the farm for the fruit and a great many more apples go to the chil- dren. The farmers want apples, but they are not willing to pay the price and take care of their orchards. They say they want to take care of the orchard, but the corn has to be cultivated, or something else must be done, and they cannot take proper care of the orchard. I do not believe it will hurt the consumption; I believe it will increase it. The Secretary: In that connection I might say that our Ohio farm bureaus are buying apples by the car-load in the Fall for those members who do not raise fruit. It seems to be a work that is developing very rapidly. W. S. Perrine (Centralia, Illinois) : Either the farmer should take care of his orchard, or cut it down and this will be necessary if the commercial man is to take care of his orchard. The farmer who has had a commercial orchard should either care for it or take it out. In Illinois, especially in the southern part, we have thousands of acres of uncared-for orchards, and they ought to come oUt. I believe it is in the province oi this Society and others like it to lend their influence along that line and get these orchards taken out ot cleaned up. It is a great handicap to the healthful development of the fruit industry to have these orchards standing there uncared for. These census figures undoubtedly are true, but it is a fact that we have more trees in the United States at the present time than we need to produce the fruit that is being produced. It is a question of care, not the number of trees. Not more trees, but better care, not only on the part of the commercial growers, but everyone who has trees. I want to emphasize the need of either caring for the farm orchards, or the commercial orchards, or cutting them down and cleaning them out. The Secretary : I think this Society is committed to the proposition of better home as well as commercial orchards, and certain publicity ought to be carried on in that connection. The President : Some of these numbers on the program are represented only by papers. Inasmuch as the program is full S5 the probability is that we shall not have these papers read, but of course they will be available in the Annual Report. Others have not even sent in their papers. The program will therefore be more or less mixed for the remainder of the afternoon, but we hope to get. through with the persons who are here without hold- ing any over until tomorrow. We are now on the general subject of the analyses of the census figures for fruit trees. Mr. Pratt of New York is here. We will hear from him. SOME LESSONS FROM THE 1920 CENSUS REPORT B. G, Pratt, New York During the past ten years the general opinion as expressed by many of our fruit growers has been that the fruit business is being overdone ; that when the young orchards being planted had come into bearing, the price of fruit would go so far below the cost of production that fruit growing would cease to be profitable and orchards would be cut out to make way for more profitable farm products. The late Mr. J. H. Hale stated in my presence, several years before his death, that he believed that fancy grade apples would reach as low a price as $1.00 per barrel, which would mean the destruction of many of our orchards, especially those uncared for. And while I am not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, my observation in visiting orchards throughout the country was, that despite the heavy planting of young trees, too many orchards, both young and old, were receiving but indifferent care and that it would be a case of the survival of the fittest. With these facts clearly before me, I have set out over 30,- 000 fruit trees in the past ten years and expect to plant as many more in the next five years. I am an optimist but I have been long enough in the game to appreciate the difficulties and disap- pointments, as well as the possibilities of profit. This reminds me of Fisher Ames' description of the differ- ence between a monarchy and a democracy. "A monarchy," he said, "is like a merchantman ; you get on board and ride the wind and tide in safety and elation, but by and by you strike a reef and 86 go down. But democracy is like a raft; you never sink, but, damn it, your feet are always wet." You seldom hear of a fruit grower (not a fruit company) failing, but his feet are always in the water. After he has done his part, there are frosts in the spring, hail in the summer, winds in the fall, railroad freights and commission men after picking. He even questions the valid- ity of the check when he receives it, especially if it is a large one. But what is the actual condition of the fruit industry as shown by the U. S. census report, released June, 1921? It was a surprise to me, although I was more or less prepared for it. Mr. D. E. Lewis of the Central States Orchards Company, Kan- sas City, Missouri, in an address before the Horticultural So- ciety at Topeka, Kansas, last winter gave a summary of reports received throughout the country on the lack of care of the apple orchards during the past five years and the small plantings of young trees. This he had gathered to convince his board of di- rectors of the advisability of planting more orchards at once. I am sorry that I could not get a report of this address, for it was the first word of encouragement for planting young orchards I had heard in five years. This year's census report confirms all he said, but dwarfs it by comparison. What does it say? That in 191 o there were 151,000,000 apple trees in the United States of bearing age, while in 1920 there were only 115,000,000, a reduction of 23.8%. It also says that in 1910 there were 65,000,000 apple trees under bearing age, all of which would be of bearing age or dead in 1920, so that the figures show an actual loss of 101,000,000 trees, or 47% in the past ten years. But unfortunately, this does not represent the total loss. The planting of apple trees after the census was taken in 1910, 191 1 and 1912 was very heavy, amounting to millions of trees more, rnost of which are included as bearing trees in the 1920 census. So you see that it is safe to say that one-half of all the apple trees in the United States ten years ago are today dead ; and there are only 36,000,000 apple trees under bearing age today against 65,000,000 ten years ago, — a decrease of 45%. With all the trees planted out in the past thirty years, we have today 5,000,000 less bearing apple trees than we had in 1890, thirty years ago ; 86,000,000 less than 20 years ago, and 36,000,000 less than ten years ago. I am sorry that the census 87 does not give the number of apple trees under bearing age in the census of 1890 and 1900, but from the figures we have, it is reasonable to calculate that we are losing apple trees today faster than in the palmiest days of the San Jose Scale. The length of life of an apple tree is almost comparable with that of a human being. Twenty years ago there were more than two bearing apple trees for every man, woman and child in the United States. Ten years ago there were i^ bearing apple trees per capita. Today there are not much more than one. If the present mortality continues, we will have to plant 20,000,- 000 apple trees every year for the next ten years, or about five times as many as we are today planting, to place the apple in- dustry on the same plane as it was only ten years ago, with a reasonable expectation that the population will be 20% greater than it was at that time. 1 assume that the census figures are as near- correct as similar figures can be and represent a true condition of the apple industry today. But there is a cause or causes that dominate every effect, and with your permission I will try briefly to point out some of the causes for this tremendous economic waste. It is a tre- mendous waste when 50% of our apple trees do not reach bear- ing age or die prematurely, for an apple tree of bearing age represents a value of at least $10.00 and pays a handsome divi- dend on a much larger amount, so that the loss of 100,000,000 trees in ten years represents an economic loss of at least $1,000,- 000,000 or $100,000,000 each and every year. Can we afford it? What are some of the causes? There has been no general alarm such as that experienced by the fruit growers fifteen or twenty years ago when the San Jose Scale threatened the de- struction of the orchard, yet the danger is evidently as great. Only once in a while a voice is raised and then none too strongly. Naturally we would expect 10, 15 or possibly 20% of our bearing trees to go out in ten years from old age, yet I know of orchards in New York State a hundred to a hundred and twenty-five years of age still in profitable bearing. Then again, large tracts of land have been planted to apples during the past twenty years by orchard companies for specula- tive purposes that have been neglected and finally passed away, but in the states where these speculative orchards have been 88 largely planted, the mortality in the past ten years has reached as high as 8i%. While there are a number of other minor causes for the death of our apple trees, there is one other cause that I believe dominates them all, and that is the blight organism, Bacillus amylvorous, either as a primary or secondary cause. Its ap- pearance as twig blight is alarming because it is so noticeable, yet it is the least dangerous form and only the beginning of the trouble, — the flower, so to speak. It is the blight canker or hold-over canker as it appears on the branches, the larger limbs, the crotch, the collar and the root that is to be most feared, and the danger increases in the order named. It would be presumption on my part to attempt to describe so common a trouble before the American Pomological Society, but I do not think that as a rule we, as apple growers, appreciate how serious our losses are from this trouble alone, or if we do, do nothing to combat it. The Pennsylvania Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 136, of August, 1915, by Professors Orton and Adams, on page 6 says: — "The loss from collar blight alone in Pennsylvania is conserva- tively estimated at 2% annually". If this is conservative it will account for 20% of the loss in Pennsylvania, where the total loss for the past ten years is only 34%, — very much lower than the average. Please do not say that it is useless to combat it ; that it can- not be done. In an orchard, not over 25 miles from the Pennsyl- vania State Line, of 3,000 apple trees ranging from twenty-eight to forty years of age where collar blight had been taking its usual toll, we have not lost a single tree from collar blight or rot in ten years. What has been done and is being done can be done again. But that is not the question. What does the census report mean to the fruit grower? To my mind it means the dawn of a new era in the apple industry ; that there is no over-planting and no over-production; that there will be a good demand and good prices for all the good apples we can raise for a good many years to come, and the man who neglects his orchard today is blind to his opportunity. The great danger, as I see it, is that apples will be put in the luxury class, cutting down the demand. If we 89 would prevent this, we must stop wasting trees and wasting fruit and put business methods and business organization behind the industry; give personal attention to the details of the orchard and organization for distribution and sales. An old stage driver was showing his dexterity with a whip to a young city chap who was driving beside him on the box-. "You see that fly on the right ear of the off lead horse?" He flipped it off without even cracking his whip. "See that yellow leaf, the first sign of frost?" Again he nipped it off neatly. Then it was the city chap's turn. "See that gray ball hang- ing on that birch tree by the side of the road? Let me see you hit that." The old driver gave a grunt. "Look here, young man, a fly is a fly; a yellow leaf is a yellow leaf, but a hornet's nest is an organization." I thank you. The President : I certainly am impressed with the changes that are coming to pass in the fruit growing business. As I have stood here today, coming after an absence of two years, I am im- pressed with the remarkable optimism. It would seem from the census figures, as they appear on the face, that the opposite would be the result. But the vigor and energy manifested in these papers is really inspiring. Mr. D. C. Babcock of Ohio is here and will present a paper in this symposium. ANALYSIS OF CENSUS FIGURES FOR FRUIT TREES D. C. Babcock, Ohio The Department of Census at Washington has published from year to year figures on the growing apple industry. I say growing in spite of the fact that the total number of bearing trees for 1920 is given as 115,265,029, or a decrease of over 36,- 000,000 bearing trees as compared with 19 10. We must first 90 bear in mind that these figures do not differentiate between the farm orchard and the commercial orchards that are now coming into existence and have helped materially to bring apples up to the ninth place among farm crops. The production of apples both commercial and non-commercial for 1919 is given as 136,- 746,154 bushels, or a decrease of over 8,666,164 bushels. A de- crease of 36,000,000 bearing trees with only a decrease of 8,666,- 164 bushels goes to prove the statement made by one of the liorticultural investigators a few years ago that a great many apple trees in this country bore no more relation to commercial production than so many shade trees. The number of bearing trees that can be reported in 1930 will show a decrease over the number reported for 1920, as there are 29,000,000 less trees not of bearing age than there were in 19 10. The combined total of bearing and non-bearing trees in 1920 is just 100,000 more than the total number of bearing trees in 1910 (151,322,840). There has been very little planting since 1 910 and this with the passing out of some of our old com- mercial orchards like those in western New York will have a pronounced effect within the next ten years, or before 1930. Now how are we to interpret these figures for the fertilizer industry and what conclusions can we draw from them. In the first place the average yield per tree in 1910 was less than one bushel, while in 1920 the average yield was i 1-3 bushels. This increase has been brought about by the paying of more careful attention to the production of apples by the commercial orchard- ists who realize the importance of fertilization. This group of commercial orchardists are practically the only fruit growers that are buying nitrogenous fertilizers, as the home orchards are being sadly neglected. The commercial crop of the United States amounts to about 75,000,000 bushels per year. The trees in the commercial orchards will average more bushels per tree than the average given for the whole United States. We will say that they average two' bushels per tree. This would give us 37,- 500,000 trees in commercial orchards. That would leave about 75,000,000 trees of bearing age that are located in the home orchards and are producing only about 4-5 of a bushel per tree. Practically all of the fruit produced in these home orchards is 91 consumed by the owner's family, or disposed of locally to buyers whose purchases do not influence the market either way. The farmers will eat apples and use them in various ways when they have them in their own orchards, but they will not buy to any extent the apples offered on the market. The fertilizing of these home orchards which are in a deplorable condition will bring about an increased production that will be consumed largely at home and put apple sauce, apple pie, apple dumplings, etc., on the American farmer's table. The Pomological Society can do no better piece of work than to urge that more attention be paid to the farm orchard and make it possible for every American man, woman and child to "eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away." Bearing apple trees that need to be rejuvenated should be fertilized with approximately four pounds of sulphate of ammonia, or five pounds of nitrate of soda. These home orchards would require 150,000 tons of sulphate of ammonia. The majority of commercial orchards that respond to fertilization are being fertilized at the present time. Therefore, the additional 150,000 tons can be profitably used by the apple growers of the United States. Something must be done to help make up the big shortage in apple production and which is not going to be any better owing to the big decrease in bearing trees. If we turn our attention to the peach industry we find a decrease of 28,852,000 bearing trees or one third less trees than in 1910 and with only one half as many trees not of bearing age as in 1910. Here a gain is a big field for the use of nitrogenous fertilizer and so it is all along the line in the fruit industry. Re- ports on pears, plums, strawberries, raspberries, etc., show a de- cided decrease in the source of supply. With the present de- velopments in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers on fruit and the increased yields obtained from the use of these materials, I pre- dict a big consumption of both sulphate of ammonia and nitrate of soda by this industry within the next ten years. The home orchard with its neglected trees is the great field to be developed by the various forces. 92 REPORT ON FRUIT CONDITIONS FOR NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, MARYLAND AND DELAWARE NEW JERSEY Prepared by A. Freeman Mason and Arthur J. Farley. The Census Statistics for 1910 and 1920 are a little hard to understand in face of present day conditions. There has been a steady increase in plantings of apple trees, with no reductions of any importance, and, yet the Census figures only show a 400,000 tree increase for the 10 year period, while in peach plantings there has been a corresponding increase, and the reductions in the past 10 years have not been anywhere nearly commensurate with the reductions of the preceding 10 years, and surely not enough to account for the small increase indicated in the Census figures. Either the Census figures for 1910 were high, or else the Census figures for 1920 are not entirely reliable in our estimation. peaches There has been a steady planting of peaches for the last 10 years, culminating in a boom during the past 2 seasons, during which time we believe 300,000 trees have been set out, which are not accounted for in the 1920 Census. During the past few years, fewer old orchards have gone out than formerly, due to the greater care and the renovation work carried on. The high prices of nursery stock, and the cost of bringing an orchard into bearing caused the growers to take better care of their old or- chards. There has also been a corresponding increase in per tree production, due to the improved cultural methods during the last 10 years. The outlook is for increased plantings in the peach sections of Burlington, Gloucester and Cumberland Counties. The Vine- land and Hammonton sections are reducing their acreage, due principally to "yellows" and "little peach." The varieties being planted are principally the later peaches coming after Carman, with Elberta leading. There are very few of the early varieties being set out. New Jersey has not approached the former high mark reached in 1900, when it had five or six million trees in the state, but which were destroyed by scale, "yellows" and neglect. 93 The prospects for the industry are bright. The marketing question is a paramount issue. Until recently all of the New- Jersey crop was marketed in Philadelphia, New York and nearby points, but with the rapid increase in bearing trees these markets are not absorbing the crop in a satisfactory manner and a wider market is being sought. Along this line, steps were taken re- cently to organize the New Jersey Fruit Growers' Cooperative Association, with the intention of marketing the peach crop alone. No steps other than to vote for the formation of such an organization have been taken. APPLES During the past lo years there has been a steady, heavy planting of apples, which is believed to be much heavier than in- dicated by the Census figures. This reached a maximum prob- ably in 1915 and 1916 and 1917, but slowed down in 1918 and 1919, due to the high prices of nursery stock and scarcity of labor, while now a normal planting is taking place, principally by old growers who are extending their present holdings. One firm alone, however, during the last 2 years has set out 50,000 apple trees. Stayman, Delicious, Rome Beauty and Old Winesap form the bulk of the late varieties, while Starr and Wealthy are the principal early varieties being planted, — equal quantities of early and late varieties being set out. The outlook is unusually bright for the apple industry, and without doubt the marketing work now being undertaken on peaches will be extended to apples in the near future. PEARS There has been a steady decrease in pear acreage during the past 10 years. Kieffer is the only variety now being grown ex- tensively, and many Kiefifer orchards are being pulled out due to the uncertainty of setting a crop, and the expense of spraying and other cultural methods, and to prevailing low prices for the product. CHERRIES Only sour cherries are being grown commercially in New Jersey, principally in Burlington and Camden Counties. There has been a slight increase in the last year or so, but there is a big decrease from the 1910 figures. 94 RASPBERRIES AND STRAWBERRIES Raspberries and strawberries have both decreased, the strawberry probably having dropped more noticeably. Formerly there were large acreages of these small fruits near Hammonton, but the growers went out of srnall fruits to go into peaches. There has been a general decline in interest in strawberries in all sections of New Jersey. GRAPES There is only a small "acreage of grapes planted commercial- ly in New Jersey, but there have been large extensions of plant- ings by growers formerly having small blocks. Concord is the principal variety planted, followed by a few Niagara and other varieties, PLUMS No commercial interest, due to uncertainties of market and lack of facilities for drying. NEW YORK Report Prepared by Ralph W. Rees In New York State there has been a decrease in the number of peach trees due to their having been very few profitable seasons on peaches during the past lo to 12 years; also, the freeze of 1917 and 1918 made a very marked decrease in the number of trees throughout our peach belt. Nurserymen tell me there is an increased interest in peach planting this year, and that the spring of 1922 will see the largest peach planting in New York since about 1913 or 1914. In apple planting there has not been a marked decrease or increase since 1914. During the war the scarcity of labor, high price of trees and only a moderate return on fruit, tended" to make a gradual decrease from 1914 to the present time. There has been some planting going on primarily in the old established apple sections, particularly in the lake counties from the Niagara River east along the southern shore of Lake Ontario. Planting has been done very largely by present fruit growers who have ex- tended their plantings. There has been very little speculative 95 planting in this state. Apples lead among the fruits ; the varieties have shifted to a smaller percentage of Baldwin, Greening, Spy and Kings which are at present the leading varieties, to a higher percentage of Mcintosh, Wealthy, Twenty Ounce and Wagener. The present outlook seems to be for a commercial planting about equal to the decreasing commercial acreage. There is practically no planting of home orchards and there has been a very high mortality among home orchards during the past lo years. The whole tendency is to drift from the home orchard to commercial plantings. MARYLAND Report Prepared by E. C. Auchter The reason for the decrease in the number of trees may be due to the fact that growers have realized that large plantings have been made and they probably felt that there may be an over- production of fruit and have stopped their planting somewhat. The other reason is, that fruit trees have been so high in price during the last five years, that orchardists have felt that they could not afford to plant until prices came down. During the past year with lower prices, we have had large plantings all through the western part of Maryland. Apples and peaches in equal number are being planted. Varieties being planted are Stayman, Winesap, Yellow Transparent, Williams Early Red, Northwestern Greening, Delicious, Duchess and Jonathan. Of peaches, the varieties being planted are Carman, Hiley, Elberta, Belle and some Salway. The outlook appears to me to be excellent at the present time. Very few pears and plums are planted in this state. The pears blight so badly that our growers do not want them around, because of the danger of getting blight in the apple orchard. The crop from plum trees appears to be lost from early frosts so much, and they are so subject to brown rot, that our growers are not planting them. Then, too, with no drying plants, they are compelled to market the fruit in a fresh state and this had not been worked out very well in this region. 96 Grapes should be very profitable in Maryland, and we are recommending that more of them be planted. PENNSYLVANIA Report by Dr. S. W. Fletcher and A. Freeman Mason The decrease in the number of trees in Pennsylvania during the last lo years has been due principally to the dying out of the old farm orchards in the Northwestern central portions of the state. This is not at all indicative, however, of the real status of the fruit industry ; there being at the same time a tremendous in- crease in commercial plantings which has been reflected in a tremendous increase in the commercial crops. However, there has been a steady increase in the peach industry, due to plantings in the southeastern part of the state, and this industry will prob- ably hold its own in the future. The principal plantings are in Adams and Franklin Counties, although there have been extensive plantings over the entire southeastern portion of the state. Peaches and apples are the principal fruits planted. The main varieties are Stayman and York Imperial ; York Imperial furnishing almost a third of the entire plantings of the region and Stayman about a fifth. Rome Beauty and Delicious are also planted heavily. The outlook appears to be excellent, due to the natural climatic advantages, and the adjacence to the market, providing that proper steps are taken to improve their marketing system. There are practically no pears grown in the state in a com- mercial way. The plum and grape section is in Erie County along Lake Erie, and should be classed with the New York counties in this industry. DELAWARE Report Prepared by Prof. C. A. McCue At the present time Delaware has about 816,000 apple trees in bearing and about 308, 000 not in bearing or only 28% non- bearing trees. This indicates a very steady increase in apple 97 planting. In 1910 there were only a total of 430,000 trees in the state while in 1920 the total is considerably above a million. In the case of peaches there has been a decrease in planting. In 19 10 there were 1,177,000 peach trees in Delaware while in 1920 there are only 557,000, and of these only a little over 90,000 were below bearing age. Only about 16% below bearing age. This indicated that the industry is on the decline because any district should have from 25 to 33% of its trees non-bearing in order to stabilize the industry. The peach industry is still un- dergoing an evolution whereby peach growing is becoming cen- tralized in the hands of specialists. I look for an increase in planting among specialists, but for a general decline by the farm- er and the ordinary fruit grower. A great deal of the decrease is due to the fact that most of our peaches are interplanted with apples and most of these trees have to be taken or have been taken out. It will only be in the new plantings of apples that very many new peach trees will be set out. The new plantings are largely centered for both peaches and apples in Kent and Sussex counties. For peaches the varieties commonly used are Belle and Elberta. For apples, Yellow Transparent, Williams Early Red, some Duchess, Jonathan, Grimes and Stayman. Rome Beauty is slightly on the increase. I believe the outlook to be good for both peaches and apples. The pear industry is on the decline and will become largely a thing of the past as is the plum industry. The grape industry is on the increase. VIRGINIA Report by Dr. S. W. Fletcher There has been a steady increase in planting during the past 10 years, which has placed the Shenandoah district among the foremost fruit growing districts in the United States. This has been due to unusualy advantageous growing conditions, and near- ness to markets, and the prevailing high prices during this period. During the past 2 years, however, there has been a serious slump in the orchard outlook, due to an ice storm in November 2 years 98 ago, followed by the low prices the following season, and again by the freeze this past spring. Planting has been going on principally in the Cumberland- Shenandoah region, apples leading with some planting of peaches. York and Stayman are the principal varieties being planted, with Old Winesap and Rome Beauty following closely. The outlook appears to be good, providing the growers take the logical steps in organization and marketing. There is very little interest in the grape, berry and plum in- dustry. FRUIT CONDITIONS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST C. I. Lewis, Salem, Oregon The season of 192 1 will go down in the annals of the Pacific Northwest Horticulture, as a freak year. Seemingly the unex- pected has always happened. Very satisfactory returns have been realized from many fruits, and very disappointing results from others. The season of 1920 proved disastrous to the cannerymen. They paid high prices for the raw products, boxes, sugar, labor, — only to find such commodities subsequently dropping very rapidly in price. A buyers' market, which bought from hand to mouth, cancellations galore, with the result that the cannerymen found themselves holding huge stocks in the middle of the winter, on which they finally had to take heavy discounts. This condition forced some into bankruptcy, others into re- ceiverships, and made it difficult for others to operate. The con- dition which resulted from the collapse of the canning industry was that there was very little demand for canning fruits. The California growers were offered early in the season, about 3c a pound for strawberrries. They started a newspaper campaign, sold them in the fresh state, netting the growers about eight cents a pound. When the cherry season came on, most of the canneries would not offer more than five cents, many less, for a limited tonnage. California boxed most of their cherries, shipped them east, and netted the growers returns of probably an average of 99 not far from sixteen to seventeen cents a pound. The Pacific Northwest grows berries that cannot be shipped great distances, like the Loganberry and blackberry and many of the strawberries, of the softer types. So that the strawberry season on the whole proved to be rather disastrous. Right in the beginning of the season, high water in the rivers put some of the manufacturers of hallocks out of business, and there was a great shortage of crates and hallocks. Berries which were barreled and sold fresh, brought much better money than berries which were canned or made into juices. The cherry price offered to the northwest growers was three to five cents. However most of the larger associations were so equipped that they began to ship cherries east immediately. The Oregon Growers' Cooperative Association alone shipped sixty three cars of cherries to eastern markets, including about twenty five cars of Napoleons, known locally as Royal Annes. This variety is not considered a shipping variety but the cars arrived seemingly in good shape, and undoubtedly the foundation has been laid for a splendid business with this variety of cherry in years to come, as it arrived on the Atlantic sea-board in such ex- cellent condition. The growers will net several times as much for these cherries as they would have obtained had they been forced to sell them to the canneries. When the Bartlett pear season arrived the California grow- ers sold very little to the canneries, believing they could repeat their experience on cherries and berrries, and the northwest fol- lowed suit. However, there was a decided slump in eastern mar- kets, these markets were over loaded, at the same time with melons, grapes, green prunes, Barlett pears, and peaches. The buying powers of the public were decidedly curtailed, and as a result, there was a terrific collapse in the Bartlett pear market. Those canneries which were able to can strawberries. Logan- berries, Bartlett pears and similar fruits soon found a ready de- mand for their products, the result has been that the canneries have sold out practically their entire pack, and there is every in- dication that grocery shelves will be clear of canned goods this next spring, meaning that a new start can be made and the season of 1922 should be a profitable one for both growers and cannery- men. 100 APPLE GROWERS The apple crop in the Pacific Northwest is the largest in its history and also the finest quality. There was an indcation in June and July that the prices for our crop would beat all records. However the slump in the Barlett pear market was used by buy- ers as an index for prices on apples. The growers in the northwest made the mistake of not being so organized that they could obtain a very wide distribution of their fruit. Independent growers sold to many cash buyers, who dumped much of the fruit in large centers like New York and Chicago. An attempt was made by the big cooperatives to launch an advertising campaign and develop new markets. The in- dependent buyers and growers, however, would not join in this movement. The lack of joining in the movement has caused probably an average of a loss of fifty cents a box on the crop this year. However on the whole, the apple growers of the Pacific Coast this year are going to make money. The high quality of the fruit and the fact that a large per- centage of it ran to pretty good size and high color, has brought a very fair return. Small apples, even this year, have brought poor returns, and there is an indication that the small apple, ex- cept with a few varieties like Jonathan, and Grimes, is doomed. The program of the western grower will be in the future to at- tempt to grow a larger percentage of the larger sizes. This he will accomplish by more feeding of trees, intensive irrigation and tillage and heavier pruning. DRIED PRUNES Owing to the combined efforts of the Oregon Growers' Cooperative Association of Oregon, and the Washington Grow- ers' Packing Corporation of Vancouver, Washington, the huge crop of 1920 was moved. If this crop had not been moved out, the result for the crop of 192 1 would have been disastrous. As it is a large percentage of the 192 1 crop of dried prunes was sold at a very satisfactory price, and the indication is that the season will be a very profitable one to the growers. The fall of 1922 will show probably wholesale houses and grocery shelves cleaned up of dried prunes. This will be a splendid condition, because it is anticipated now, that the crop of lOI 1922 will be the largest in the history of the northwest, and will mean much to the industry to have the supplies at the lowest possible point. All in all the outlook for the Pacific Coast Horticulture is very bright. With the canneries getting back on their feet, the supplies of fruits being exhausted, with new channels and new outlets being developed, with a greater tendency on the part of all concerned on the coast, to cooperate, the problems of the future should be solved. MONTANA HORTICULTURE F. M. Harrington, Boseman, Mont. An examination of census figures does not appeal to me as giving the exact situation of the fruit industry of a state or region. The census figures for Montana for the years 1909 and 19 19 would indicate that Montana is decidedly going back, or at least not making any progress along the various lines of fruit pioduction. In part, the figures show the correct situation; in other ways they do not. The census figures released June 27th show the following: Apples — Production in 1909 — 567,054 bushels Production in 1919 — 673,716 bushels Trees of bearing age in 1909—696,753 Trees of bearing age in 1920—1,059,198 Pears — Production in 1909 — 7,543 bushels Production in 1919 — 3,960 bushels Trees of bearing age in 1910 — 10,297 Trees of bearing age in 1920 — 10,278 Plums and Prunes — Production in 1909 — 8,777 bushels Production in 1919 — 9,575 bushels Bearing trees in 1910 — 21,140 Bearing trees in 1920 — 24,501 102 Small Fruits — Production in 1909 — 766,791 quarts Production in 1919 — 338,087 quarts Acreage in 1909 — 562 Acreage in 1919 — 886 Apple Situation. A talk with various fruit growers in the Bitter Root Valley for example, leads a person to believe that the situation there is better just now than has ever been the case in that valley previ- ously. The Bitter Root Valley is one of those sections which was strongly boomed by orchard development companies a num- ber of years ago. In the course of this boom development, it is very noticeable that orchards were planted and an endeavor made to develop orchards in places absolutely unfavorable. An in- spection trip which I made through the valley this fall revealed orchards planted on unsuitable soils. Other orchards were pointed out to me which are being caught practically every year by late spring frosts. Other orchards were found which had been put out above the irrigation ditch, inaccessive to water which is an absolute necessary in that region. As a result, a person will find many orchards in the Bitter Root Valley which are being allowed to go back. Many of them have already been pulled out and the land has gone back to the use for which it is fitted. In addition to the poor locations, one finds some of these orchards filled with any and all varieties of fruit. As a result of this some varieties are being produced in a quantity which has not warranted their being handled in a commercial way. Other varieties as grown are not equal to the same variety grown in other localities and as a result are not in commercial demand. The Bitter Root Valley, we might say, is just beginning to get back to normal. The orchards in undesirable localities are becoming a thing of the past and the varieties in turn weeded out. This past two years, the fruit of the district has been handled mainly through a cooperative growers' organization. This organization has established central packing and grading houses equipped with modern machinery. The fruit of the mem- bers of this organization has all been graded and packed in these central packnig plants and as a result the packing has been standardized to a greater extent than ever before. The state de- I03 partment has maintained inspectors in these houses to insure proper grading and packing. This organization alone is already beginning to show its effects and an improved situation is be- ginning to develop. The Bitter Root Valley has not, and that is still the case, been bothered to any great extent with insects and diseases. The codling moth is almost unknown in the valley and scab shows up but rarely. Many orchards are producing good clean fruit without ever having had a spraying outfit working within their boundaries. This situation is changing somewhat. The blister mite and leaf rollers are comparatively new pests in the valley and have raised havoc in some orchards. Their presence is going to mean the equipping of orchards with spray outfits and the starting of a fairly general spray program in the valley. The handling of the soil is a matter in which the Bitter Root growers are not keeping up-to-date. In other words, they are depleting their orchard soils and so far are doing very little to bring them back or to keep up the present fertility. Clean culti- vation seems to be the general practice. Marked results have been obtained in a few orchards by the application of commercial fertilizers. Other orchards have shown marked benefit as the result of growing a legume such as clover. This question of fertility is one which the growers must meet if their orchards are to continue to do well. Apple production as far as Montana is concerned, is the only line of fruit raising which is possible on a commercial scale. With the elimination of undesirable situations and unsuitable varieties and by meeting the soil fertility situation and the spray- ing question halfway, western Montana, with its many young trees just coming into bearing should make a material advance in apple production during the coming years. Cherry Production. During the boom period, sweet cherries were planted pretty generally in parts of Montana. These trees have, to a great ex- tent, been killed out, showing that the state is not suited to the production of sweet cherries, at least. Varieties of cherries, such as the Early Richmond are being grown in a number of localities to good advantage but the demand within a reasonable distance does not warrant their being produced on any extensive com- 104 mercial scale. The total production of cherries should increase but mainly as a result of planting in home orchards with small commercial plantings in the vicinity of certain larger cities. Plums and Primes. Montana cannot produce a drying prune. The Bitter Root Valley can, however, produce such plums as Lombard, Green Gage and the Pond Seedling Prune. As a fresh fruit, there is a limited demand for such material. The part of the state east of the Continental Divide is only suited for the growing of Ameri- cana varieties. The Yellowstone Valley can produce such plums to very good advantage and throughout the Great Plains area of Montana varieties of the native plums are found doing very well. Pear and Peach Production. Pears and peaches might be said to be absolutely out of place in Montana. On such peach trees as are found, a crop is obtained once in a while. With the pears, the blight is such a factor that none of the desirable commercial pears can be grown to any advantage. An increase in pear production cannot be ex- pected. Small Fruit Production. The census figures show a decided falling away in the pro- duction of small fruits throughout the state. As a matter of fact it would seem to me one line of fruit growing that should become more general. Small fruits generally throughout the state will need to be given winter protection. By giving such winter protection the small fruits are being found doing fairly well in all parts of the state. Inasmuch as it can be so grown while other fruits cannot in all sections, a person acquainted with the growing conditions would have expected a decided in- crease rather than a decrease. Montana can never hope to be one of the leading fruit states of the union. It can, however, increase its total production of apples and small fruits in part by a good percentage. Extension work is needed along small fruit lines in order to acquaint the people with the proper methods of handling small fruits under the varying conditions. Such extension service has not been available to date but is likely to be inaugurated this coming year. los CONDITIONS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN STATES N. D. Peacock, Knoxville, Tenn. In the report which follows I have included statements from prominent men in many of the Southeastern States and in that way I have attempted to give a reasonable impression of the con- ditions as they are seen by prominent workers. I have, during the past few years been connected with the horticultural work in Georgia and more recently in Tennessee, and, therefore, base my report of these States, especially the latter, on my own observa- tions and investigations. All of the economic conditions in the United States now are so unsettled and during the past few years they have been so abnormal that it is rather difficult to distinguish the superficial expresssion of these abnormal conditions from the underlying forces which tend to stimulate or retard progress. Statistics show that the production of apples in Tennessee in 1909 was 4,640,444 bushels while in 1919 the production was but 1,258,878 bushels. However, production varies so greatly in dif- ferent years because of climatic conditions, that averages are more representative. The average production in Tennessee in 191 1, 1912 and 1913 was 5,233,333 bushels, while the average produc- tion in 1915, 1916 and 1917 was 5,325,333 bushels which is an increase of approximately 2%. The average production in Ten- nessee during 1918, 1919 and 1920 was considerably less than this but exact figures are not at hand. A study of the statistics on the number of trees shows that in 1920 there were 34% fewer trees of bearing age and 51% fewer not of bearing age than there were in 1910. The greater decrease in the number of trees than in the production is largely explained by the fact that a much larger percent of the trees in the State in 1920 were in com- mercial orchards which received better care, and, therefore, yielded more per tree. Several factors may be mentioned which have had an in- fluence in bringing about these conditions. First : It is during this period that many of our orchard pests which are so serious now were introduced. These pests rapidly destroyed the small home orchards which were given no care and they made the cost io6 of growing good fruit in well cared for orchards so much greater that many of these were abandoned. Second : The scarcity and extremely high cost of labor made it difficult to care for large plantings and prevented the setting of new orchards. Third : The abnormally high prices offered for other farm products which could be produced in a short time discouraged the setting of trees which would produce nothing for several years. The last two of these were temporary, and methods of controlling the or- chard pests have developed so that they are no longer so greatly feared. This, together with the high price which hias been secured , for fruits during the past two years as compared with the price of other farm products, has wonderfully renewed interest in or- charding. Growers who have stayed in the business and cared for their trees are optimistic. Their fruit has helped them over the slump in business and made the descent less abrupt. Com- munities where fruit is produced have passed through the hard times thus far much better than the average community. At present there is a very decided tendency to increase plantings and to set new orchards. I have been told by the large nurserymen of Tennessee that their sales are surprisingly large this season. All of those to whom I have talked are having no trouble to dispose of their entire production. During the season of 1920 there were 2,750,000 June bud peach trees sold from one county in Tennessee. In another county in Tennessee there were 200,000 peach trees set last year and the year before and 150,000 have been ordered for this year. There are several large com- panies being organized in this State which anticipate the setting of large acreages in the near future. As I see the conditions in this State, therefore, they are very promising for the man who will care for his trees and I anticipate a material increase both in the number of trees and in the production during the next few years. J. A. McCHntock, Physiologist of the Georgia Experiment Station, calls attention to the fact that there has been a large tendency to plant peaches in the Piedmont section of Georgia during the past few years, but that there has been less planting in Fort Valley and the other older sections. He states that many old orchards are being reduced in size because of disease. Mr. R. H. Black, a prominent apple grower of Georgia, reports a general optimistic feeling among the careful orchardists I07 and states that the careless grower must go out of business. Ac- cording to Mr. Black there was heavy planting of apples from 1908 to 1 91 4, but there has not been a general planting since. H. W. Harvey, Extension worker of Georgia, attributes the reduction in number of trees to the distruction of home orchards by insects and diseases. Dr. T. H. McHatton's, Horticulturist of Georgia, letter is enclosed and it gives a good idea of the present condition in Georgia. The opinions of these men cover the conditions very much as I have observed them myself. H. Garman, Entomologist of Kentucky, says that during the war, planting was at a standstill in that State, but that his im- pression is that now there is a renewed tendency to plant. He said that no definite figures were available at present in that State. W. W. McGill. Extension Horticulturist of North Carolina, could give no statistics, but reported a very large increase in the planting of peaches due to the past crop which was very success- ful. He also reports an increase in the planting of app'es at the present time. G. C. Starcher, Horticulturist of Alabama, attributes the re- duction in the number of trees to the ravages of insects and diseases. He reports a slight increase in the strawberry planting but no great movement. He says further, "Apples in Alabama have good bearing records and statistics show that the first class fruit in Alabama brings a higher price than in any State in the United States." George P. HofTman, Extension Horticulturist of South Carolina, couldn't give statistics but reported an increase in the planting of peaches. Much of South Carolina is not adapted to the growing of apples. W. P. James, State Fruit Specialist of Mississippi, was very enthusiastic over the conditions in that State. I am enclosing a copy of his letter to me. As is clearly shown in this report the prospects for the horti- cultural development of this section of the United States in the near future is very bright. The growers who are caring for their orchards are optimistic and they are the only ones who have a right to be. Every state and every section has its advantages but io8 in many ways it seems to me that Tennessee offers as great op- portunities for development as any other state and I beheve that during the next few years we will see much of this progress. Agricultural College, Mississippi, November 28, 192 1. Mr. N. D. Peacock, Field Agent, Tennessee State Horticultural Society^ Knoxville, Tennessee. Dear Mr. Peacock: Mr. H. E. Kimball referred your letter of November 16 to me and it is with pleasure I offer the following facts : There are absolutely no climatic, soil or geographical reasons why Mississippi should have suffered the decrease of 50% in her horticultural industry in the last ten years. In fact the three phases mentioned above are so favorable to commercial apple, peach, pear, grape, satsuma and strawberry growing that Missis- sippi bids fair to wonderful strides in commercial fruit growing in the future. One year ago only 50 acres of commercial peaches were in Mississippi. During the planting season of 1920-21, 425 acres were added. One county alone put out 250 acres. There will be approximately 500 acres of commercial peaches planted in De- cember and a large setting in February. The Plant Board has issued 10,000 more nursery tags than last year and new capital and large land owners are beginning to investigate the commercial fruit possibilities. Four companies for growing peaches were incorporated in the state last year. The southern part of the state along G. & S. I. R. R. territory is especially adapted to fruit growing with rich clay subsoil land, and splendid drainage with good elevation. The satsuma or kid glove industry is being developed along the coast and one individual now has out 5,000 2 year old trees, is setting 6,000 more and installing power spray outfits and a power grader in his new packing house. 109 The Mississippi Gulf region is in the small territory peculiar- ly adapted to satsuma growing. The State Horticultural Society which was allowed to divide and disappear in the past ten years, has been revived and the Annual Convention is to be held in December and is meeting with enthusiastic support throughout the State. Home orchards are being planted extensively throughout the State with over 7,000 nursery orders having been sold in Mississippi last year. The strawberry acreage has been tripled for the coming season and two new points organized and placed on a stable basis. Commercial fruit growing in Mississippi is fast approaching volume enough to insure its becoming one of the State's leadmg industries in the near future. Very truly yours, (Signed) W. P. James, State Fruit Specialist. November 21, 1921. Mr. N. D. Peacock, Field Agent, Tcnn. State Horticultural Society, Knoxville, Tenn. Dear Peacock : — Yours of the i6th. received. I am glad that you are going to be able to go to the American Pomological Society meeting in Toledo, and if you are going to be there, there is no necessity for me to write a report for that Association as my report was only to be presented in case you did not appear, or so I understood, and I would be only too glad for you to incorporate in your report anything that you might from this section. I do not think that I have anything beyond what you al- ready know concerning conditions in this state. Of course you know we lost the apple crop, shipping somewhere around 200 car loads from Cornelia. The movement of the peaches was the greatest in the history of the state, being 11,000 car loads. The no producers made some money out of this crop. The speculators and buyers, however, claim that they, themselves, made little or nothing. As a matter of fact, they lost due to high freight rates. We have an exceptionally good pecan crop. The estimates, however, are not now available. Some varieties have been very seriously affected by scab in certain localities, but, in general, the crop is a good one and should move at a good profit. The water- melon crop was exceptionally big, there being about 12,000 cars shipped from the state. This was a very opportune crop, as it furnished 'considerable ready money just at a time when the farmer needed it and, as a matter of fact, the watermelon crop tided over the section which produced them and they are not suffering as seriously from the depression as the other sections of our state. As a matter of fact, the horticultural industries of Georgia have been those that have seemed to help the farmers out in this present terrific cotton situation, and the horticulture of this local- ity is certain to be on the increase for the next few years. It will be the work of those interested along these lines to so direct those taking up the various horticultural ventures that they may be turned into profitable investments rather than into sink holes, out of which returns may never be expected. For your own information, I would suggest that you also include the report on Florida, which at this time has one of the largest citrus crops in its history. It is to be hoped that this crop will greatly help the financial conditions in that state. I also further understand that there is a good satsuma crop around Mobile. Generally speaking, the other southern states are not as successful, horticulturally, as Georgia, due to the fact that a frost last year practically wiped out their peach prospects. You can take this letter with you if you care to, or put it in as part of your report. Trusting that this will help you and that you will have a good trip as I will not be able to be there, I beg to remain Yours very truly, T. H. McHatton, Horticulturist. Ill MISSOURI V. R. Gardner^ Columbia, Mo. Columbia, Mo., December 6, 192 1. In answer to your request for a report on conditions and outlook in the fruit industry in Missouri I may make the follow- ing brief statement. For a period of ten years there has been a gradual decrease in tree numbers in Missouri. Some new plant- ings have been and are being made, but I do not expect that they will make up for the losses for a number of years to come. In other words I expect a still further decrease in the number of bearing trees in this State, particularly apples. On the other hand I expect our average annual production to stay stationary because better care will probably be given to the orchards that remain. I doubt if Missouri is raising as many apples on the average as it consumes. Of course each year there is a crop of apples shipped out, and others are shipped in. With other fruits the supply does not meet the demand, the small fruits particularly being very high priced. There is every reason to believe that this conditions will prevail at least for an- other decade, and probably very much longer. The only section of the State in which there is a boom to the fruit business is in Southwestern Missouri where they are making extensive plant- ings of the grape, especially the Concord which will be grown rather largely for grape juice purposes. FRUIT IN NEW MEXICO Fabian Garcia The fruit situation in New Mexico has been more or less at a standstill since the war. That is, there has been no addi- tional planting of large plantations. However, just now there is a marked interest taken in the planting of grapes, and I look for a good many vineyards to be put in this coming spring. The vinefera grape is the one that is planted in this section of New Mexico. The grape is one of the surest bearers of any fruits 112 under our conditions, because it begins to grow later than any of the other fruits ; and thus it escapes considerable frost injury from the late spring frosts that frequently destroy the crops of other fruits. In some of our fruit growing sections there has been a great deal of neglect in caring for old orchards, and as a result of this they decline very fast. On the other hand some of the young orchards that were planted five or six years ago are now coming into bearing, and in a general way, I am safe in saying that at present we have about the same number of bearing trees that we had a few years ago. Due to the low prices for farm products I begin to see some new interest being taken in orcharding; and if niirsery stock was not so high, I believe there would be considerable planting of small plantations at this time. I am inclined tO' believe that the old idea of planting large plantations is a thing of the past in this country, as it takes too much time and money to manage them. I feel that the future fruit business in New Mexico will develop along small, but more numerous, plantations, so that the individual growers cah take care of them, instead of having to hire everything done as has often been the case in past years. In New Mexico fruit growing can only be carried on suc- cessfully in the irrigated sections. On account of the high price of land and water our land owners are beginning to realize that they must grow more intensive crops than wheat, corn, or even alfalfa. So I feel that there are some chances of development along fruit growing. FRUIT PRODUCTION IN PORTO RICO By T. B. McClelland, Horticidturist, Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station Twenty years ago the fruit exported from Porto Rico was of little economic importance. Then its total value amounted to but slightly more than a hundred thousand dollars whereas today it does not fall far short of four million dollars. The fruits in- volved in this great change are grapefruit, oranges, pineapples, and cocoanuts. 113 The grapefruit groves are located principally in the vicinity of San Juan and along the north coast from San Juan to Arecibo and for the most part are in the hands of Americans. They have been planted and tended in systematic fashion and many of them are served by large community packing houses. Duncan is the variety generally preferred. The quality of the Porto Rican grapefruit is high. The cost of production ranges anywhere from $i to $2 per box. The department of farm man- agement of the Federal Agricultural Experiment Station has esti- mated that in 1919 it cost from $1.40 to $1.70 to pick a box of grapefruit and place it in the auction room in New York. This means that the total cost to the grower may range anywhere from $2.40 to $3.70 a box plus a 6 per cent selling commission. Dur- ing September and October prices are always high and the grow- ers ship at that time all fruit which is available, a quantity how- ever not very great. More than $13 a box has been paid for extra fancy fruit. Due to heavy shipments from Florida and Cuba which compete with Porto Rico, prices are much lower thru the winter but rise again in the spring. The Experiment Station is actively engaged in a study of citrus storage and of decay in transit. Other problems which confront the growers are the control of scab which makes much excellent fruit unsightly, and the profitable utilization of good but unattractive fruit. In the past, the fruit growers have felt greatly handicapped thru lack of properly equipped steamers. This autumn a new line has entered the Porto Rican trade offering both ventilation and refrigeration for fruit shipments. Most of the Porto Rican oranges are grown under very different conditions from the grapefruit as they are chiefly what is known as "wild fruit", that is, the produce of scattered trees found growing wild here and there through the country, princi- pally in the coffee-producing sections. They are frequently care- lessly picked and handled and often must be brought over long stretches of rough road. The owner receives relatively little for them, the crop being bought up by a few packers in the larger ports. These oranges are of delicious flavor when properly mature but many are shipped long before they are palatable. 114 Numerous sections of the interior are too inaccessible to permit exportation of the orange crop which proves nevertheless of economic importance in adding to the peon's food supply. The value of oranges exported has exceeded a million dollars in the years of heaviest shipments. The pineapple growers have been this past year perhaps the most prosperous agriculturists on the island. Pineapples have sold at good prices thruout the season, the very fanciest fruit bringing more than $13 a crate. Pineapple exportations show a decreasing production for the past few years. From 1906 to 191 5 the increase was constant at which time the value of pine- apples exported reached nearly i^ million dollars. Since then there has been a steady decline with an insignificent rise in 1920. The pineapple growers are confronted with the difificulty of producing sufficient slips to maintain their plantings, the produc- tion of fruit of sufficient size for profitable shipment, and the necessity of a change of location as the same field does not pro- duce profitable crops indefinitely. The value of cocoanuts exported has increased steadily from $8,334 in 1 90 1 to $1,142,412 in 1920 and the many young planta- tions along the coast point to a continued increase for some years. This is generally regarded as one of the safest of tropical investments and the cocoanut grower has fewer problems to meet than almost any other agriculturist. Other fruits such as bananas, mangoes and avocadoes play an important role in the local food supply, but up to the present have been of little significance otherwise. All are abundant and better shipping facilities may mean their future transportation to the mainland. The Guatemalan avocado, more suitable for ship- ping than the West Indian type, is being tested at the Experi- ment Station where also many seelcted varieties of mangoes from other tropical regions have been extensively planted. To some of these choice mango importations the new environment has proved admirably adapted. 115 ALASKA C. C. Georgeson, Sitka The only fruits we can produce in Alaska are berries. Strawberries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries in all varieties do remarkably well, also about five or six species of native Vaccineum, but we are too far north to mature apples or any other tree fruit except when we happen to have an occasional very favorable season. In 191 5 the season was of this character. We then matured early summer apples at the Sitka Station and also sour cherries in several varieties. The sweet cherries have never matured at Sitka nor have we succeeded in growing any variety of plums. We have a native crab apple that bears fruit every year. It is Pyrus rivularis (diversifolia). This year the crab apples have had a fine crop. These wild crab apples make excellent jelly. The Yellow Transparent has been our most suc- cessful apple and it matures only in favorable years. The Presdent : So far as I know these are all the papers under these two headings — that is, all the persons who are here with their papers. If that is the case we will go on with our program. Many years ago I was asked to discuss before a horticul- tural society the question whether there is likely to be an over- production of fruit. Not knowing the facts, I engaged in specu- lation, and I remember starting with the premise that a certain percentage of failure follows human effort and that a certain percentage of accidents always occur, so that we could not ex- pect anywhere near all the plantings to mature to bearing trees, and I gave at that time some figures. I am glad to say they were borne out by the census of the United States a third of a century later. Now we are up with our program, and we are to begin with a discussion of "The Relationship Between the American Pomo- logical Society and Allied Industries." Before I call on the next speaker I wish to inject another statement in regard to the supper this evening. It is not merely ii6 the coming together of a few persons here, it is a regular meeting of the American Pomological Society, and in order to save time and have a little pleasure we are to sit around the tables and have some discussion. There is no regular subject on the pro- gram for discussion, but this morning, as you will recall, the suggestion was made that certain of the questions raised in the President's Address, and also in the report of the committee who reported on that address, be discussed this evening. This dis- cussion will be perfectly harmless, because the Society has adopted the recommendations. We will now hear the paper of Mr. F. P. Downing of In- diana on the subject mentioned before. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE AMERICAN" POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES F. P. Downing, South Bendj Ind. I wish to preface my paper by saying that I have not a single figure from the 1920 Census Report. (Applause). It will be impossible in the short time allotted to the dis- cussion of the relationship between the American Pomological Society and Allied Industries, to* do more than outline in a very brief manner a few of the more important existing relations and I shall confine my remarks to two phases of the problem that I believe are of fundamental and of prime importance. Briefly, these two phases, can be boiled down so that they can be ex- pressed by the twO' words — Interdependence and Cooperation. It shall be my purpose, therefore, to show on the one hand the dependence of Allied Industries upon the fruit grower and on the other hand I wish to show that the prosperity of the fruit grower depends in a very large measure upon the prosperity of these Allied Industries. First, what industries are so closely related to the growing of fruit that they can be called Allied Industries? Among the chief industries of this nature may be mentioned the Spray Com- panies that furnish chemicals and appliances for spraying orchards, the Fertilizer Industry, Farm Implement Manufactur- 117 ers, Orchard Supply Companies and Fruit Package Manufactur- ers. As I am more familiar with the Fruit Package Industry than with the other lines of work referred to, my remarks, while perhaps applicable in many ways to conditions existing in all these industries, will be particularly applicable to the industry with which I am directly connected, that is, the manufacture and sale of fruit packages. The factory that manufactures fruit packages, and fruit packages only, is absolutely dependent upon the fruit growers of the country for its market. When there is a large crop of fruit there is a big demand for fruit packages. When the fruit crop is a failure the factory has no outlet for it's product. The fruit package manufacturer is, therefore, vitally interested in the dis- semination of information that wil be helpful to the fruit grower, for he realizes such information will be helpful in his business. The publishing of market and crop reports ; the dissemination of information of an educational nature that will help fruit growers in increasing production or improving grades are of great value to the fruit package manufacturer as well. This interdependence of grower and package manufacturer can, be illustrated in no better way than by referring to the dis- astrous frosts of last spring that swept over the country from New Jersey to Oklahoma destroying all prospects of a bumper fruit crop in some thirteen or fourteen states. This shortage in fruit was reflected in our business this past season in these thirteen states to the extent of some 700 carloads of baskets. I simply mention this to show how dependent the fruit package manufacturer is upon the size of the fruit crop for a successful business. With no fruit to market there is no demand for fruit packages. The factory must close its doors and there is no re- turn to the stockholders on the capital invested. Now, let us look at this matter from another viewpoint. Just as the factory is dependent upon the grower so is the grower dependent upon the factory for his financial success. He must have fruit packages in order to get his fruit to market in proper condition. Let us suppose, for example, that one half of the fruit package factories in the country were to be destroyed with- in the next three or four months by fire. You can readily see what a disastrous effect this would have upon the fruit grower. Unable to obtain a sufficient number of packages he would be ii8 unable to place all of his fruit upon the market and the returns for his year's labor would be very materially reduced. Now, of course, it is not at all likely that half of the factories in this country will be destroyed within the next few months, but right now there are many serious problems confronting the fruit pack- age industry that may have most disastrous results. Like the fruit grower the manufacturer is in business to make money ; like the fruit grower he is satisfied with a fair profit; like the fruit grower he can take his losses for one or probably two years as he has done during the past disastrous season, but he cannot keep this up indefinitely. I do not believe that there is a fruit package manufacturer that has made any money the past season, but I do know that most of them have sustained serious losses. They have been taking their liquida- tion. It has cost our New York factories more than $2.00 a dozen to turn out baskets this past season without taking into consideration the selling overhead or the payment of freight. If this condition continues for any great length of time fruit pack- age manufacturers will be obliged to shut down. In fact, a num- ber of manufacturers have madd it known to me this season that unless they can get a fair return for their packages they will turn their capital into other lines of industry. The shutting down of a considerable number of factories would, of course, be dis- astrous to the fruit grower. Now, this brings me to the second phase of my discussion, namely that of Cooperation. The fruit grower of today should be vitally interested in the success of the package manufacturer. Where are the factories going to obtain their raw material ? Timber is getting scarce. The big problems of reforestration should be of as much interest to the fruit grower as they are to the package manufacturer. Yet, very few growers see it in this light. It is true that the grower has problems in which the package manufacturer is not interested just as package manufacturers have problems that do not concern fruit growers, but there are many important matters in which both are vitally interested and which can only be handled by an organization such as the Amer- ican Pomological Society in which both fruit growers and Allied Industries are represented and where it is possible to get to- 119 gether and talk over problems that are of equal concern to both. This is true Cooperation. I know that you will pardon me if I take just a moment to show you the feeling of cooperation toward the fruit grower that exists in the minds of the officers and directors of the corpora- tion with which I am connected. I am going to take you back a few years and refresh your memory regarding the conditions existing in the fruit package industry at that time. In the fight for business between manufacturers price cut- ting was rampant and quality of output forgotton. Conditions became so bad that il finally became necessary for the fruit package manufacturers either to organize or go out of business. Some twenty fruit package manufacturers set aside their per- sonal grievances and incorporated as the Package Sales Corpora- tion of South Bend, Indiana. Aftei the organization of this new company conditions improved somewhat but not as fast as the officers of the corporation desired. Something was wrong. The bushel basket had a bad name in many of the leading mar- kets of the country. It failed to satisfy the fruit grower, the carrier and the receiver. The directors of our organization de- cided that there must be a change in the attitude of these parties towards the basket. They felt that this could only be accom- plished by rendering the fruit grower a real service and thru him the other interested parties would likewise be benefited. To do this a Service Department was established. About two years ago I was put in charge of this newly created depart- ment. Instead of selecting field men from the ranks of the package industry I informed our directors that we must obtain men who were conversant with the problems of the fruit grower. One of our men was an extension horticulturist in one of the leading fruit states, another was in charge of the spray work conducted by a State University, another was taken from the Bureau of Crop Estimates, a fourth was a trained marketing man taken from the Market News Service of the Federal Bureau of Markets, and the fifth a man who has made a record for him- self as a County Agent in a fruit county. These men were brought together, the condition of the basket industry was made known to them ; they were sent out into their respective fields and were told to make a careful study of the situation. After 120 doing this they were brought together and we began to formulate our plans. It was found that the fault stood in part at the door of the fruit package manufacturer and in part at the door of the grow- er. First, it was decided that the quality of baskets must be im- proved. Our field forces noticed that enormous losses were sustained through the manufacture of defective baskets. This matter was very carefully studied. A series of tests were con- ducted at the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., with the object in view of determining the proper design and correct strength specifications for a good basket. Experimental shipments of fruits packed in baskets con- structed in accordance with the new specifications were made both by freight and by express and the weak points discovered. Finally the present wide bottom basket with star hoop cover was settled upon a satisfactory to the needs of the shipper. The field investigators emphasized the fact that the basket was given a black eye largely because of the poor quality of fruit marketed in that container. Because of this general condition basket apples, regardless of quality, were often penalized on the markets. A campaign for better packing in baskets was then in- situted. By means of addresses, publication of service literature and proper advertising, we are getting growers to see the need of careful packing in the basket, and for the first time this year apples in baskets brought better returns than apples packed in barrels. Our Field Department reported that oftentimes baskets of proper construction and carefully packed did not arrive at desti- nation in good condition because of the ignorance or lack of knowledge of many shippers in correct methods of loading. A careful study of proper methods of loading was instituted and as a result a Loading Booklet was prepared and distributed. The loss and damage claims against the railroads have been materially reduced this past season due in part at least to this booklet. Our Service Department is now getting ready to demon- strate to the apple grower that he can pack and store his apples in bushel baskets with even better results than he can in barrels. We expect within the next few months to get out a booklet showing proper methods of storing apples in baskets but we do 121 not intend to stop here. We intend to go on and work out a package that will be suitable for export trade. In our study of marketing conditions we know that the tendency is towards the use of a smaller container than the barrel. The barrel people already recognized this demand and at their last meeting in Atlantic City adopted the half barrel as a shipping container for apples. In doing the above lines of work we are not guided entirely by alruistic motives. We know that by making the basket popular we are increasing our output and developing the basket industry. Service work of the type just mentioned can only be carried on at considerable expense. It will not pay our organization to carry on this line of work indefinitely unless we receive the back- ing and cooperation of the progressive fruit grower. We know that the fruit grower who makes use of our Service Department will be amply repaid in net returns on the fruit grown and mar- keted. I wish to emphasize the fact that our Corporation is do- ing more than selling the grower fruit packages. We are selling him a service that he cannot obtain through any other source. That service should be worth money to him. He should be will- ing to share at least a portion of the expense. The success of our Service Department depends upon a true cooperation, there- fore, between the fruit grower and the package manufacturer. There is need of education, or publicity, of a knowledge of actual conditions. Many growers are of the opinion that all fruit baskets are of the same grade or quality. It is true that baskets look alike but there is as big a difference between a good basket and a poor one as there is between daylight and dark. I believe that an organization like the American Pomological Society could render both grower and package manufacturer a real service by making an unbiased study of this question. I do not ask you to take my word for anything but I do ask you to investigate. If our service is not worth anything to the grower it is a needless expense and it will be to the interest of both parties to have it discontinued at once. If it has a real value that fact should be given due publicity. Is this not a true function of the American Pomological Society? A grower may be able to obtain packages from manufac- turers not maintaining a Service Department at a price of from ten to twenty-five cents a dozen less than the container that we 122 manufacture but if in so doing he gets an inferior package, no service, no promise of prompt delivery, no surety that he will be able to obtain this package at all, the chances are that his net profit will be less than had he paid a few cents more for his container. The successful business man of today realizes that the sell- ing game is dififerent from what it was a number of years ago. There is a changed attitude. To be successful in business today you must render a real service to your customers. You must not only sell them a manufactured article but you must guarantee quality, delivery, and above all, you must give them an article that is suitable to their needs. This is a practical problem and it deserves a practical answer. An organization like the American Pomological Society can be of great value to its members by combining theory with practice. The colleges of today, through Extension Departments, and close association with the various farm movements are trying out many different theories, finding which are practical and which are impractical. Their work can be supplemented by such an organization as the American Pomo- logical Society. Until quite recently most colleges and government activi- ties were directed towards increasing the production of farm products, by studying processes of plant growth, spraying, culti- vation, fertilizing and so on. But we are beginning to realize today, that the problems of finding a market for our fruits, of getting our fruits to market in proper condition are of equal im- portance, and I believe that this association should make a care- ful study and analysis of marketing conditions. Its fields of activities are much broader than the activities of the Service De- partment of the Package Sales Corporation, which is confining itself to the development or improvement of marketing condi- tions with one container. The fruit grower of today must organize. It is only through organization that we can get anywhere. Working as individuals, it is true, we may accomplish something but by combining our strength through an organization such as this, through lending it our undivided support, we can obtain a much greater return than we can by working independently. Think of the national prob- lems that an organization like this might handle. One needs but mention such problems as crop reporting, market demands, 123 improved methods of production, proper methods of distribution, traffic problems and legislative matters. Combine with these the dissemination of information relative to proper methods of pack- ing, loading, storing, shipping and marketing and you will see that the field is unlimited, that it cannot be carried on except through a National organization with sufficient funds to maintain the right kind of an office, the right kind of help and the proper machinery for getting the information to the members. At this very moment there is an important piece of legisla- tion pending that should receive the undivided support of every member present. I refer to H. R. 7102, known as the Hamper and Basket Bill. This bill was introduced in the last session of Congress, was reported on the floor of the house favorably, but it has failed to pass thus far because the industries that are vital- ly affected have not shown a sufficient amount of interest to make the passage of the bill possible. As I stated this bill is of vital importance to every fruit grower. It provides for standard packages, standard bushel baskets, standard hampers and stand- ard market baskets. It gives the Secretary of Agriculture power to prescribe regulations, it provides for the marking of the capacity on these packages, it provides that these baskets be made in accordance with certain strength specifications. It will improve the quality and cut down the number of packages and in that way will have a tendency to simplify factory operations and that, of course, will result in lower prices. If the American Pomological Society has a Legislative Com- mittee, I am going to ask that committee to investigate the pro- visions of this bill and if they find the same satisfactory that they instruct the Secretary to get busy and use his influence to see that the bill is passed at the coming session of Congress. I have copies of the bill with me and would be glad to give the same to individual members and I know that after reading the same it will be a pleasure tO' you to write your Congressman urging him to get back of the legislation. In conclusion let me say that I believe the two main factors — Interdependence and Cooperation upon which I have briefly dwelt furnish the basis upon which the fruit grower will find it to his best interest to establish intimate and friendly relationship with Allied Industries. Your problems are our problems and 124 our problems should be your problems. Let us hope that this will be the ultimate outcome of your deliberations. The President : You have heard this very valuable paper which certainly opens up a new line of thought. Mr. Downing has mentioned Bill H. R. 7102, the Hamper and Basket Bill. This Society certainly must inform itself upon the movement in regard to packages, for this will take on international scope be- fore long. Is there any discussion? If not, we will pass to the next number, under this same heading of the relation of this Society to allied industries. I was interested in the remarks of Mr. Gould, the chairman of the committee on the President's Address, when he said that we had heretofore made a mistake in thinking that our commit- tees should have a large geographical spread, as a result of which they could not get together. I think that is true, and in appoint- ing the Committee on Nomenclature I will name : H. P. Gould, Washington, D. C., U. P. Hedrick, New York, W. H. Chandler, New York. We will now hear the paper of Mr. Gail T. Abbott of Ohio. HOW CAN THE AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY BE OF INTEREST AND BENEFIT TO THE FER- TILIZER INDUSTRY SO FAR AS IT IS CONCERNED WITH ORCHARDS? Gail T. Abbott, Medina, Ohio When the American Pomological Society adopted its new expanded program at its Annual Meeting in 1920 the allied com- mercial interests which are vitally interested in the production of good fruit and more of it were given representation in the organization. 125 As one of the representatives of the fertihzer industry we gladly avail ourselves of the opportunity to make suggestions which we believe the Society might adopt to our mutual profit. Since funds are provided for our Experiment Stations to be used in obtaining needed information along horticultural lines, I believe that we may well ask them for more information along the following lines. When Mr. Ballou started his pioneer work with fertilizers in the old orchards of southeastern Ohio, he arbitrarily assumed 5 lbs. of nitrate of soda, 5 lbs. of acid phos- phate and 2^ lbs. of potash to be the correct amount to apply to each tree. His work confirmed by that of many other experi- menters has pretty well established the fact that nitrogen is the only element of the three commonly purchased in fertilizer, which will greatly increase the fruit crop. The majority of experi- menters have made about the same application per tree as Mr. Ballou. Some of our best apple growers are coming to believe that 5 lbs. of nitrate of soda or sulphate of ammonia per tree is not enough and that twice that amount is frequently highly profitable. We know of two of the best apple growers in the state of Ohio each of whom is making a second application in June on the trees which are carrying a heavy set of fruit. Each of these men feels satisfied that he is not using any more nitrogen than is profitable. We need a large number of experiments conducted on the different types of soil to determine more nearly the advisable amounts to use. Truckers have found it profitable to make two or more ap- plications of nitrate of soda to their crops, because of the ex- treme ease with which nitrate of soda may be leached from the soil. Because this is true in the case of truck crops some have thought that better results might be secured on fruit if several applications were made instead of one. Professor Roberts of the Wisconsin Station and many other authorities are now ad- vising that we apply soluble nitrogen two to four weeks before the buds open, yet we need more work so that the question may be answered with authority by the experiment station in each state where fruit growing is of any importance. Another question which arises frequently is the relative speed with which nitrtae of soda and sulphate of ammonia will produce results when applied to tree fruits. The small amount 126 of work already done seems to indicate that no difference can be noted. In a few cases experimenters thought they observed a change in color of foliage sooner where sulphate of ammonia was applied than when nitrate of soda was used. The majority report that no difference could be detected. We need many more experiments to enable us to speak with assurance on this point. When we discuss fertilizers for peaches we are more at sea than in the case of apples. While Alderman and a number of others have done some excellent work on peaches, the large per- cent of work on tree fruits has been done with apples and con- clusions and recommendations for other tree fruits are largely based on the results of experiments with the former. Peaches grow and produce fruit in an entirely different way from apples and we need much more work before we can say whether soluble nitrates should be applied to peaches at the same time we fertilize apples, or later in the season. We know that a peach tree will profitably use much larger quantities of nitrogen than an apple tree of the same age, because it comes into bearing and is gone and forgotten before the apple tree begins to bear, in many cases. How much nitrogen can it use? Should it be applied early, or later in the season? Should there be two ap- plications, or only one, and should the same rule be followed when using sulphate of ammonia as when nitrate of soda is the carrier ? Who can tell ? If our information on these points regarding apples and peaches is limited, what shall we say regarding pears, plums and cherries? Pear growers have always had a great deal of trouble witb pear blight, which has apparently been worse where there was a large amount of new wood. For this reason the opinion has been prevalent among growers that nitrogen should be used with a good deal of caution, yet the Oregon Station in an experiment with Winter Nelis pears .used 5 lbs. of sulphate of amonia and 10 lbs. of nitrate of soda per tree with very satisfactory results. On plums and cherries we have practically no information regarding all these questions. There is very meager data for guidance in applying fertiliz- ers on the bush fruits and vines such as raspberries, black ber- 127 ries, currants and gooseberries. The best we can do at present is to reason from limited information we have on apples. The Geneva Station in New York has done some good work on grapes, but only a beginning has been made. Many of the results obtained by experimenters on apples are so absolutely at variance that the reader is tempted to inquire whether we know anything at all. In some of the older work some of the orchards were in sod while others were cultivated and cover crops sown. In some cases the nitrogen was ap- plied in ]\Iay or June and in others early in the spring. One ex- perimenter may have applied nitrate of soda in a cultivated or- chard very early and heavy rains leached it all away before the trees could make use of it. Another applied sulphate of am- monia on sod at the same time and had fine returns. The next man used sulphate of ammonia on sod in Alay and got nothing for his investment, while still another used nitrate of soda in two applications on sod, one early and the other the fore part of June with splendid results. Can the amateur who reads these conflicting reports reach any safe conclusions? It seems to me as a Society- we might recommend work along some of these lines which in time would give us information which we could follow in planting a com- mercial orchard with a reasonable expectation of getting results. Could not we appoint a committee whose duty it would be to go carefully over the experiments already made and recom- mend to the experiment stations a program which we would like to see followed out? I realize that it is a difficult problem, because the life of an apple orchard from setting to the end of its usefulness may cover a period of fifty or sixty years. The soil where it is located must be uniform in type and fertility. The varieties of apples on the different plots must be the same. The plots must be of consid- erable size. Experiment station workers hesitate to start such work, fearing they will be dead and gone before results will be obtained which will be of value. Experiment station regimes change and workers are removed by death or otherwise. New men are inclined to wish to start new work of their own instead of carrying on work started bv someone else. The advice and backing of this Society could do much to 128 encourage the starting and continuation of some such work as we have outHned. I believe I voice the best thought in the great fertilizer in- dustry when I say that we are willing and anxious to supply the fruit grower with the plant food which will give him the most satisfactory returns, not for one or a half dozen years, but for the entire life of his orchard. In order to do this we must know what is needed. We look to the experiment stations to svipply this in- formation. The President : This is a very interesting subject and probably in the older days would have aroused a great deal of discussion. Have you anything to propose in regard to these various suggestions? Mr. Cashman of Minnesota is not here, but I understand that Mr. Paul Stark has his paper, and we will have him read it now. Paul C. Stark (Missouri) : Mr. Cashman wrote me that he greatly regretted his inability to attend the meeting, but he had already accepted another appointment so the best he could do was to write his message and send it to the members of the American Pomological Society. COOPERATION BETWEEN THE AMERICAN POMO- LOGICAL SOCIETY AND THE NURSERYMEN M. R. Cashman^ President, Americani Association of Nurserymen The American Association of Nurserymen greet you and extend to you their hearty congratulations and best wishes for a successful and profitable conclusion of this, your annual meeting. We nurserymen appreciate, perhaps more than anyone else, the noble impulses which prompted the birth of the American Pomological Society, and we look upon it as an instrument and means through which many providential blessings are bestowed upon mankind. 129 The ambition and desire to know nature and to search her marvelous treasury for new fruits and new flowers is indeed most laudable, and we can look upon the American Pomological Society as a congregation of men and women, prompted by lofty ideals unselfishly laboring in the garden of nature in order that this old world may be a better place in which to live. The nurserymen are keenly interested in the work that this Society is doing for are we not following the same line of en- deavor in our propagating fields that you are in your experi- mental plots. You may be working to originate or improve a variety of fruit while we are engaged in disseminating those of recognized merit. Without the pomologist the country would be destitute of many of the valuable varieties we now enjoy, and without the nurserymen our orchardists would be unable to ob- tain these valuable varieties even after they were originatd. Your success is our success for our business is affected di- rectly when something new is brought out that the American planter finds more profitable to grow than that he already has. Progress has always been a watchword of the American people; our forefathers laid the foundation of prosperity and left us a heritage of wealth and abundance, and our own generation has carried forward the banner of progress with no slackening of speed. The American business man as well as the American fruit grower never hesitates to replace the old with the new, if, by so doing, he can increase his returns. American genius has led the world in working out improved methods to increase pro- duction, and in the horticultural field we are not behind in the origination of new and valuable fruits for the fruit growers orchard. This latter field indeed offers great and interesting oppor- tunities to the nature-loving genius of the horticulturist, and it is not at all surprising to find in the ranks of the A. P. S. the names of men whose contributions to science and big business have made them internationally famous. The farmer, the or- chardist, the nurseryman, the merchant, the doctor, the lawyer, the educator, the statesman, the author, and the naturalist, all find common ground in the pomological garden and therein commune with nature in the study of her charming mysteries. 9 I30 Your Society, embracing, as it does, men and women en- dowed with such noble impulses and coming from all walks of life, can not fail to attract national attention to its work. The fruit grower is eager to adopt the new and improved methods of orcharding which you have worked out ; he is eager to put out a new orchard of some new or improved variety which your or- ganization recomrnends. The fruit grovver looks to you as a guiding hand in the con- duct of his business. The nurseryman does not neglect to note the results of each year's experiments which your members are carrying on in all parts of the United States. Every improve- ment made either in the bringing out of a new variety of fruit or by improved orchard methods, vitally effects the nurseryman for when you assist the fruit grower to make his plantings more profitable, you also assist the nurseryman to sell more trees. The commission merchants, the transportation companies, the fruit dealers, and many other avenues through which fruit trade passes have been benefited by the work that this society has done and will continue to benefit just so long as your efiforts are directed in the channels they now are. Your field of endeavor is not only ex- tensive but very fertile. You have achieved success, for the bounteous harvest of new luscious fruits speaks eloquently of your endeavors. Your labors, however, are just beginning for I feel sure that you recog- nize the tremendous possibilities that lie before you. Let me urge upon you that you give no less attention to the essentials of fruit growing and fruit marketing that today seem to be very much neglected in so many sections of this country. The fruit grower needs your supporting hand and advice in order to make his business more profitable. The fruit industry does not afTord the profit that it should because of the fact that scientific and practical methods are lacking. Our state agricultural colleges and the U. S. Department of Agriculture have done and are doing great good throughout the country, but one central organization such as yours is highly de- sirable and necessary for the successful development of the fruit growing industry. My heart is with you today and may God continue to bless your work. I would very much like to have met with you, but the distance and other vital matters make it necessary for me to 131 send my message. I trust that you will appreciate the fact that the American Association of Nurserymen is with you in all that you do. We feel a part of you and hope to assist in making the A. P. S. the dominant factor in promoting the fruit industry of American by urging every nurseryman in the U. S. to join your Society. Again I say, your success is our success. The President: We are now ahead of our program, and I propose we take an intermission before we go on with the program. INTERMISSION The American Pomological Society aims to be what its name indicates, really American, that is, international. The First Vice President is Profesosr Macoun of Ottawa, who has served this Society for many years with ability and devotion. We are very sorry that he is not here to help us this year. As far as I know only two people from Canada are in attendance at this convention, and fortunately they are both to present us with papers. The first one will be on "Commercial Fruit Growing in Canada," by Mr. C. W. Baxter of Ontario. Mr. Baxter, is con- nected with the Department of Agriculture and has had charge of the fruit growing statistics and similar work. I am obliged now to go to a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee and I will ask Mr. Gould to take the Chair. COMMERCIAL FRUIT GROWING IN CANADA C. W. Baxter, Ontario, Canada. I deem it a privilege to attend the i\nnual Convention of your Society and discussion with you for a short time some of the problems of the fruit industry. I am glad to have the op- portunity of publicly expressing my great appreciation, also the appreciation of the fruit growers of Canada, of the generous co- operation and assistance we have received from the fruit growers in the United States and from your Federal and State Depart- ments of Agriculture in our efforts to promote the fruit industry 132 of our Country. You are very generous in giving us the results of your many experiments along various lines and in forwarding direct crops and market information which we include in our Crop and Telegraph Market Reports. These reports are sup- plied free of charge to our fruit growers, shippers and dealers, thus enabling them to determine values and to find the most profitable market. The production of fruit in Canada as compared to the United States is very small and it is of great importance to our industry that we keep very closely in touch with fruit growing on this side of the line. It is also desirable that the fruit growers on this side of the line should keep in touch with activities in Canada. Therefore, we have a great deal in common and meet- ings of this kind afiford an excellent opportunity to get together and talk over the whole situation to our mutual advantage. I have been requested by your President to speak to you on the outlook for commercial fruit growing in Canada and I shall be glad to refer briefly to conditions during the past few years, present conditions and our outlook for the future. As you know, we do not grow as many kinds of fruit in Canada as you do on this side. Our colder climate will not permit it and, in order to make what I wish to say as clear as possible, I will divide the fruit grown commercially into three classes: first apples, second tender fruits and third small fruit which includes strawberries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries. Apples — As the distance between our Eastern Coast and the Pacific Coast apple producing provinces is approximately 3,000 miles it is quite natural that there should be considerable variation in growing conditions and in the fruit. When the ex- tensive plantings in your North Western States and in British Columbia came into commercial bearing and the fruit was placed on the Eastern markets, not a few of our growers and dealers in the Eastern Provinces would refer to them as "nice looking apples but having little or no flavour." However, this is now history and it is generally recognized that there is no one state or province which can produce the best fruit. The variation in soil and climatic conditions makes' it possible to grow varieties especially adapted to certain conditions better in one particular district than the same variety grown under less favorable condi- tions. Thus is one state or province the conditions in one section 133 will vary from those in another not many miles distant. Because of the very great distance which separates our commercial apple growing districts and the variation in growing conditions, I think our situation will be better understood if we deal with each province separately. Commencing at the Atlantic Coast we have in the Province of Nova Scotia, the Annapolis and Cornwallis Valleys, which are perhaps better known as "The Land of Evangeline," where ap- ple growing is carried on to a greater extent than any other branch of agriculture. These valleys are especially adapted to the growing of this fruit and the close proximity to seaboard ofifers special advantages to the export markets of the United Kingdom and the Continent. In 191 1, as the result of increased efforts on the part of the growers and exceptionally favorable weather conditions. Nova Scotia produced a crop of approxi- mately 2,000,000 barrels — a record which has not since been reached. During the Great War, as we know, there were many things afifecting the fruit industry which were very discouraging to fruit growers. Fruit was considered a luxury and a non-essential and, while other Branches of Agriculture were being encouraged by increased demand and correspondingly increased prices, the dif- ficulties to fruit growers were increased and the export markets were closed to fruit. As Nova Scotia had for many years ex- ported the greater part of her crop to the United Kingdom and did not have a home trade connection with other provinces in Canada, these discouragements were felt more in that Province than in any other. The placing of an embargo on the importa- tion of fruit into the United Kingdom resulted in an almost total neglect of orchards in some provinces but the growers in Nova Scotia notwithstanding the discouraging outlook continued to care for their orchards with the result that they have had good crops for several years. Each year we find a greater number of growers practicing the best known methods of pruning, grafting and spraying, and the result has been very good average crops during the past three years of approximately 1,300,000 barrels of commercial fruit. A large percentage of the crop is marketed co-operatively. In one co-operative association there are between 1700 and 1800 members, representing about 40% of the growers of the Prov- 134 ince. I will not take up your time to explain the workings of this organization but we are always glad to point to it as one of the best examples of what can be done by organized efforts. This I think is one of the most efficient and most economical dis- tributing organizations on this continent. The St. John River Valley in the adjoining province of New Brunswick is especially adapted to the growing of some of the best hardy varieties, including Mcintosh Red and Fameuse. This Province, at the Imperial Fruit Show held about a month ago in London, England, was awarded first prize in the "All Canadian" competitive section for both these varieties. The quantity has not yet been sufficient to supply the needs of the Province but as a railway has recently been constructed, formerly known as the St. John Valley Railway but now owned and operated by the Canadian National Railway System, we are con- fidently looking forward to this valley becoming one of the best apple producing districts in the Maritime Provinces. The com- mercial apple crop of New Brunswick in 1919 was 40,000 barrels and in 1920 was 30,000 barrels. The 192 1 crop has been esti- mated at 33,000 barrels. The Province of Prince Edward Island which, as you know, is situated in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and separated from the Mainland by the Northumberland Straits, is not a great factor in the commercial apple crop and a large portion of the fruit consumed is brought in from the adjoining provinces. It has, however, been demonstrated that the hardier varieties can be successfully grown there. This province is specially adapted to the growing of small fruits but on account of the difficulties of transportation fruit growing has not made any great progress during the past thirty years. The railway system of the Island is of the narrow gauge type, however, the more thickly popu- lated section approximating 40 miles, served by this railway has recently been changed to the standard gauge and it is expected that in the course of a few years the whole system will be stand- ardized. So that with improved transportation service which in- cludes the excellent ferry system, now in operation and which is operated the year round it is expected that fruit growing in that province will be greatly increased in a few years. Leaving the Maritime Province and traveling west about 800 miles, we come to the principal apple producing districts of 135 the Province of Quebec, where the Fameuse and the Mcintosh Red varieties are grown to perfection. This province was un- fortunate in losing a large portion of the Fameuse trees and many trees of the other varieties as the result of the unusually severe winter of 1917-18, but, notwithstanding this severe loss, the growers are not discouraged and these orchards are being re-established. The demand for the Quebec grown Fameuse and Mcintosh Red in the Province of Quebec is such that the highest price paid for any variety has been obtained and it has not yet been necessary for the growers to look outside their Province for a market. The Province of Ontario, which is one of the oldest apple growing provinces in Canada and which up to a few years ago produced the greatest quantity, also suffered from the severe winter of 1917-18 and a number of the trees were killed. Had the fruit growers of Ontario followed the practice of the grow- ers in Nova Scotia and continued to care for their orchards dur- in the war years, prior to 191 7, the loss from the severe weather would undoubtedly have been less. This province during the past three years has produced the following commercial crops : in 1919, 879,000 barrels; 1920, 1,600,000 barrels, and the esti- mate for 1921 is 960,000 barrels. Unlike the Provinces of Nova Scotia and British Columbia, where apple growing is a specialized industry, the bulk of the apples in Ontario are grown on mixed farms and, on account of the higher prices which have been paid of late for other farm products, the farmer-fruit grower has not been giving much at- tention to orcharding. However, now that prices of these products have been greatly reduced in contrast to the slight re- duction in the price of apples, there is a greater interest being taken in orcharding and, while the process may be slow, never- theless we expect that apple growing will in the near future be carried on as a specialized industry in Ontario as it is in the other provinces referred to. In the Prairie Provinces apple growing is not carried on in a commercial way and our next and last commercial apple grow- ing province is British Columbia on the Pacific Coast. This province has produced this year 4,000 cars of apples or ap- proximately 3,000,000 boxes. This is about 100% more than in 1920. The increase is largely the result of the increased growth 136 of the trees recently come into commercial bearing. The grow- ers in British Columbia like the growers in the North Western States have been compelled to adopt co-operative marketing. This province has now one of the most efficient co-operative marketing organizations in Canada and has established an ex- cellent reputation for reliable grading and packing in both the home and export markets. During the past year the distribution has been greatly widened. This will give you . some idea as to the conditions in the commercial apple growing provinces in Canada at the present time but in order to form a definite opinion as to the outlook it is necessary that we review the marketing conditions during the past few years. It will be remembered that in 1912 the United States and Canada had one of the biggest apple crops on record and the returns to the growers, generally speaking, were very discouraging. The conclusion reached by many was that there had been over-planting and this conclusion was strengthened by the fact that there had been extensive planting in the North Western States and in British Columbia and when these plant- ings came into bearing the price of apples would be so low that it would not pay to care for the orchards. Planting, therefore, practically ceased in 191 1. In 1914 we had another big crop and when the fruit was ready to harvest the markets were com- pletely disorganized as the result of war conditions. Later an embargo was placed against the export of apples to the United Kingdom. Our growers were very much discouraged and, as already stated, in some of the provinces the orchards were total- ly neglected. Therefore, having regard to the fact that planting practically ceased in 191 1 and many orchards since 1912 have been neglected, also the great loss of trees from the unusually long and severe cold during the winter of 191 7- 18 we are of the opinion that even under the most favorable growing conditions our maximum commercial apple production cannot exceed our greatest production of twenty-five years ago. The supply of some agricultural products may be increased or decreased in one or two years, but with apples this cannot be done as the plantings of today represent the crop of several years hence and the law of averages is again asserting itself. Today although the prices of many agricultural products have materially declined the price of the best varieties and grades of fruit are 137 being substantially maintained. We, therefore, feel that the out- look for commercial apple growing in Canada was never better, providing that we profit by our past experience and plant only varieties which the market requires and which succeed best in the particular district. We are not convinced that we have at any time reached the stage of over-production but that our dis- couragements, especially in 191 2, were due to lack of organized marketing facilities. The large cities and towns were over-sup- plied, while the smaller consuming centres, and we have many of them in Canada, were receiving a very small proportion of what they might consume. We are at the same time convinced that if we are to avoid a repetition of the unsatisfactory condi- tions met with in 191 2 and preceding years we must develop an efficient co-operative marketing organization in proportion to our increased production. Unless this is done our industry will be unbalanced. In fact we are so firmly convinced that our future success is 'dependent on centralized co-operative marketing that we hesitate to organize more independent fruit growers' associa- tions in Ontario until the independent associations now in ex- istence have established a Central co-operative marketing or- ganization. We fully expect that we will accomplish this before another crop is ready to market. Tender Fruit. In regard to- the growing of tender fruit in Canada, I may say that while pears and plums are grown in all the commercial apple producing provinces a very large per- centage of the total crop is produced in the Province of Ontario and in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. With regard to peaches the history of commercial peach growing in Canada has convinced us that the area in which these can be grown with any degree of safety from winter killing is confined to the Niagara Peninsula in Ontario and the Southern parts of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. There are a few more districts in Ontario where peaches are grown, but the quantity can have very little effect on the market. Therefore, with ef- ficient marketing facilities provided peach growing in both Niagara district in Ontario and the Southern part of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia should be a very profitable branch of fruit growing. The same conditions would apply to the commercial growing of grapes although British Columbia has not yet produced any great quantity of these. 138 Small Fruits. Small fruits, such as strawberries, rasp- berries, currants and gooseberries, like pears and plums, are grown in all commercial apple producing provinces but the larger portion of the total crop is grown in Ontario. In the Eastern Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island strawberries form the major portion of the small fruit crop, the bulk of which is, as a rule, sold within the province. For several years prior to 1910, the prices received by growers were not satisfactory and it was difficult at that time to obtain sufficient help to harvest the crop, due principally to the exodus of our people to the Prairie Provinces. The result was that the acreage in 191 1 was considerably reduced and as labor difficulties continued and were increased during the war years there was a further reduction in acreage. The demand, however, continued firm and there was a steady advance in prices which probably reached the peak in 1919 and 1920. Notwith- standing the advance in prices it was not until the labor situation improved in 1919 that our growers were able to increase the acreage to any extent. In 1919 and 1920 the acreage was greatly increased, especially on the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island, B. C, where a number of our ex-service men have taken up small fruit growing with considerable success under Govern- ment assistance. During the past season the price of straw- berries and some other small fruit declined but the decline would not have been so pronounced had the jam and canning factories been able to handle even a small portion of their annual pur- chases. There has been a decided improvement in the marketing facilities for handling the small fruits during the past season and we are confidently expecting that this branch of the industry can, with profit, be considerably extended. THE FRUIT MARKS ACT The Canadian Fruit Marks Act applies to all fruit grown commercially in Canada, but was in its inception designed primarily to remedy certain evils which threatened the existence of the export apple trade. This trade was particularly important to Canadian growers as, especially in the early days owing to the comparatively limited local demand, it was necessary to look to distant markets to dispose profitably of the apples grown in the 139 large producing districts. But while the Federal Law was passed originally with the markets of the United Kingdom particularly in mind, it is recognized that the Regulations have strengthened the industry in all markets, local, inter-provincial and export, al- though the benefits have been particularly noticeable in long dis- tance trading when a reliable system of grading is more im- portant than in the case of local shipments where differences of opinion between shipper and consignee can be more easily ad- justed. A brief resume of our experience with Federal grading regulations may be of interest. Twenty-five years ago Canada was in danger of losing her export apple trade owing to the high percentage of consignments which were received on the British markets showing large quantities of over-faced and improperly packed and graded fruit. It was felt that the unsatisfactory con- ditions governing the industry were due largely to the absence of any regulations governing the packing, grading and marking, thus making it impossible to place any reliance upon the grade marks which appeared upon the barrels. As the returns to exporters were reflecting the lack of con- fidence felt by buyers in the United Kingdom and, as it was realized by those interested in the welfare of the industry that the trade could not be saved from retrogression without stand- ardization, the more progressive growers and shippers requested legislation providing for compulsory grading and marking, and in 1901 the Fruit Marks Act was passed. The object of the Act was to raise the standard of the commercial pack of fruit in Canada, the improvement of the export trade as noted before, being particularly in the minds of those framing its provisions. The administration of the Act was placed with the Depart- ment of Agriculture and a stafif of eight inspectors were charged with its enforcement. During the first few years of the operation of the Act the inspection was confined almost entirely to the ports of export, and almost immediately a marked improvement in the grading and packing of the apples offered for export was noticeable. Even as early as the second season the satisfactory results of its enforcement were being commented upon in the United Kingdom, one large fruit broker writing under date, January 10, 1903 : "In reference to the packing of apples in barrels, there can be no doubt that the passing of the Fruit 140 Marks Act (1901) has had a most beneficial effect in improving the grading and marking of fruit." References were also made to the Act in the British press, an article in the Glasgow "Herald" of December 29, 1902, reading in part: "Recent legislation in Canada has done much to remove complaints as to the marking of packages and of the quality of the fruit." As the advantages of the inspection service became ap- parent, growers, shippers and dealers urged upon the Depart- ment the necessity for an extension of the work to include the principal distributing and consuming points in Canada, and also to cover many other kinds of fruit grown commercially in this country. The definitions of grade in the original Fruits Marks Act were not very specific, and many points were not considered that have since had to be regulated. Amendments have been made from time to time therefore, but I would point out that these amendments have been made, in practically every case, only upon the recommendation of the fruit industry as the need for further regulation along any particular line became apparent. Thus grade designations, grade definitions, packing regulations, standardization of packages, etc., have followed in natural se- quence. This, together with the fact that the administration has been carried on in a business-like spirit, has meant that every forward step in our regulations has had public opinion behind it ; consequently the Act has never been one of those pieces of legis- lation, some of which we have even in Canada, that have been put on the Statute Book but are practically "dead-letters" so far as enforcement is concerned. From 1901 to 1912 the work of inspection was confined practically to the docks at Montreal, St. John and Halifax, and to the large consuming centres such as Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vancouver. The manner of inspection was to open and examine a number of packages from each lot, and if the fruit was not packed in accordance with the Act, a report was made to that effect and the packer prosecuted if, after thor- ough investigation, the facts warranted such action. While this method, which was the only practical one with the few in- spectors on the staff, undoubtedly had a deterrent effect on pack- ers and shippers who were anxious to avoid prosecution, it did not prevent the improperly packed and marked fruit reaching 141 the market. Also in the case of the less reputable packers and shippers, there was a tendency to run the risk of prosecution as the chances of detection were fairly remote, particularly in the case of export fruit, it being possible to inspect only a small per- centage of the apples for export, owing to the speed with which these are loaded from the cars into the steamer's hold — the in- spection being made on the dock as the loading was in process. In 191 3, therefore, some additional inspectors were ap- pointed, and the work extended in certain sections to the ship- ping centres in the producing districts. This change soon showed a material improvement, and by 19 14 this system of "inspection at point of shipment" had been adopted in all commercial fruit growing districts, and has been continued to date, so that this season practically the whole staff of over sixty inspectors are working among the growers and packers, not only inspecting the fruit after it has been packed, but giving instructions in the orchards and packing houses in the proper methods of picking, grading, packing and shipping fruit. Instead of waiting to detect false packing or grading after it has been done, the inspectors today are spending their time and energy in preventing the evil, thereby protecting the grower from commercial and financial loss in marketing his fruit and, in addition, protecting the consumer, and establishing greater confidence in the trade. This is particu- larly valuable in the case of export and inter-provincial ship- ments, as the inspectors endeavor to give special attention to all requests for the inspection of long distance shipments. As the packing season is short, it is impossible for the in- spectors to visit every orchard, and consequently a great many lots are inspected at the shipping station. If fruit is found not up to grade the inspector at once communicates with the packer and requests him to examine the shipment, giving him a practical demonstration in grading; the packer, if circumstances warrant it, is then given an opportunity to reduce the grade before his fruit is shipped. If the grade is not lowered in accordance with the quality by the packer the inspector may mark the words "Be- low Grade" on the package or he may efface the false mark and place the proper grade mark thereon. Of special value in the case of inter-provincial shipments, particularly to the Prairie markets, is an arrangement made the past few years by which officers of the Branch are authorized to 142 give any shipper desiring it a copy of the report referring to his fruit, which is often attached to the bill of lading by request of the consignee. Such a report does not vouch for the contents of the car, but for those packages only which have been actually inspected and marked with the inspector's stamp, but dealers have demonstrated their willingness to purchase cars on the strength of these reports. Since 1918 the inspectors at such points as Vancouver, Win- nipeg, Toronto and Montreal have also been authorized to in- spect rejected cars, and give a report to the consignee or con- signor as to the condition. In the past serious loss and waste of fruit and vegetables have been incurred through consignees refusing to accept cars, necessitating the re-consignment and pos- sibly a second rejection or a forced acceptance at a greatly re- duced price. The principal reason for undertaking the inspection of such cars, which was started during the war years, was to facilitate prompt delivery, thus avoiding unnecessary waste of food. This service has also assisted materially in insuring prompt settlement of disputes between shippers and consignees, and has proved particularly valuable in inter-provincial trade where, the disputing parties being a great distance apart, one or other was very often at a disadvantage. The report of an im- partial inspector has frequently been the means of effecting a prompt settlement. In the early fruit inspection days apples were the principal fruit dealt with, but during the past few years all kinds of fruits grown commercially in Canada, and also some vegetables, have been inspected and as noted, special attention is given to long distance shipments. Special work in connection with our inspec- tion service is also done by the Transportation Division of the Fruit Branch of the Federal Department of Agriculture. This Division was organized a little over four years ago in response to the request of growers and shippers throughout the Dominion, transportation problems going hand in hand with long distance trading in perishable products such as fruit and vegetables. While it is recognized that the Fruit Marks Act has been an important factor in improving the Canadian fruit industry, and particularly the export apple trade, we realize that there is still room for improvement in the Act, and I may say that a strong feeling has been growing in regard to the need for more definite 143 grade definitions, particularly with respect to the size and colour of apples. It has also been suggested from certain districts that grades should be defined specifically for some of the tender fruits. Further amendments are to be expected, therefore, but this is quite in order as it was never intended that the Fruit Marks Act should be stationary, but it is expected to evolve with the grow- ing needs of the fruit industry. The President : We look to Canada for so many elements of leadership because they have men who know^ and who can answer your questions authoritatively. I may say that by arrangement we have transposed the papers of Mr. Davis and Dr. Chandler. Mr. Davis' paper will come tomorrow, and Dr. Chandler will read his this afternoon. After we have had Doctor Chandler's paper there will be some rather important departures to be brought to your attention by the Executive Committee. Are there any questions you wish to ask Mr. Baxter on the Canadian question? H. P. Gould: Is there any charge or fee for inspection? C. W. Baxter: No, we make no charge. We cannot in- spect all the fruit that we are asked to inspect, but on the whole it is ver)^ satisfactory. If a man wishes to have a copy of the re- port to attach to the bill of lading, and if he will make request •twenty- four hours in advance we are usually able to accommo- date him ; but during the great rush we have not been able to do this because it would require a small army. But on the whole our shippers have been entirely satisfied with the service, for which there is no charge. F. P. Downing (Indiana) : Is there any conflict between the standard package laws of this country and Canada? C. W. Baxter: Mr. Downing very kindly sent me a copy of this Bill he referred to. I received it just before I left home and looked it over on the train. I see it is proposed to prohibit the selling of fruit in the United States unless it is packed in packages described in that Bill. We have not gone so far as that. We say that all fruit packed in Canada for sale in Canada must be packed in specified packages of certain capacities and dimen- sions. I w^ould not say that at the present time there is any con- 144- flict there because we do not put any restriction on packages com- ing into Canada. How long that will last I do not know. Last year when we had a surplus of strawberries and you needed them we were deprived of shipping twenty-five car-loads from one Province because our standard box is four-fifths of a quart and your markets demand a full quart box. I believe that our grow- ers are coming to the point where they want to adopt the same box you have and I think before another season comes around they will do it. Two years ago we adopted a standard barrel. We were just waiting for the United States to adopt a standard barrel, and. as soon as you did, we did. We have adopted standard boxes. I do not believe that you have locally adopted standard boxes, but we have what is known as the Oregon box. That is our standard and it is the standard in Great Britain, known as the British standard. We hope you will not be long following suit. At the present time there is nothing to prohibit the im- portation of fruit in your packages except with regard to the marking. If apples, peaches or pears are imported in closed packages bearing grade marks inconsistent with our grade marks, they must be completely erased and the importer must put his name on the box in order that we may fix the responsibility for the grading. That is the only restriction at the present time on import business. Prior to 191 8 we required that only for pears coming into Canada in any other boxes than our standard, and these boxes had to be marked "short." But this was not satis- factory and was discontinued. A Member: What does a bushel of apples weigh in Canada ? C. W. Baxter: I have never yet been able to determine what a bushel of apples should weigh, because a bushel of small Baldwins compared with a bushel of large ones would show a difference. I should say a barrel of Ben Davis or Snow apples would weigh about 150 pounds, while Baldwins or Russets would weigh about 180 pounds. But we have not attempted to fix the weights for fruit. What we have done in standardizing pack- ages is to fix the capacity of our packages, and to secure the price that package must be full. We have found the fixing of weights for fruits and vegetables is unsound. 145 We have a bill started at the last session for the compulsory grading of potatoes and' onions, and that bill was prepared as a result of a Dominion conference representing the potato and onion industry of Canada. They adopted a resolution and re- quested that the resolution be enacted. They made provision for the repeal of our present law which says that a bushel of turnips must weigh so much, and a bushel of carrots so much, and in- stead of that adopted a unit of one pound as the basis of all sales. F. P. Downing : I think Mr. Baxter is absolutely right as to the stand they are taking in Canada — standardizing the pack- ages on the basis of volume, not weight. We have in this country a volume bushel and a weight bushel, and confusion is the result. I think the members of this Association should ask our legis- lators to repeal a lot of these foolish weight laws. In some States they say 44 pounds of apples to the bushel, and in some States 45, and you know there is a wide variation in apples ac- cording to the variety and according to the season of the year. It is impossible to standardize capacity in terms of weight. That is why I think every member of this Society should get back of the proposed bill to standardize packages. V. H. Davis (Port Clinton, Ohio) : I want to emphasize what was said in regard to weight and capacity because I do not believe there is a fruit grower in Ohio or any other State that does not appreciate the utter absurdity of trying to put the same number of pounds of these different varieties of fruit into the same size packages. It does not work out. I do not know just how to better it. but when you see how inconsistent the State and National governments have been in regard to this matter it does seem that it is time an organization of this kind took some stand. The western box people appreciate the fact that they cannot get 48 pounds of apples into a bushel box, and they only guarantee 40 pounds. When it comes to peaches we can get 48 to 55 pounds, and we can guarantee 48 pounds and be safe. Why have it 48 pounds in this State and 44 in adjoining States? C. W. Baxter: Just to illustrate the point made by the last speaker. For some time we had a law which required that a barrel of potatoes shall weigh 165 pounds. If a barrel is made big enough to hold 165 pounds of large potatoes, that same bar- rel, when containing small potatoes would not be filled by some 10 146 eight inches, which meant that in expressing that barrel (most of our potatoes are handled that way) the potatoes would be bruised. It is not practical. I think that is the best illustration of the unsoundness of defining capacity by weight. V. H. Davis : In southern Ohio a few years ago we hap- pened to find most of the buyers buying Rambo apples by the barrel. They bought Ben Davis and Ganos by the hundred pounds, but they sold them by the barrel. You can readily see why if you know the difiference in weight of the two varieties. The President : Tomorrow morning we will take up some papers dealing with college work in research and teaching as it bears upon this pomological situation. The first paper is by Dr. W. H. Chandler, who cannot be here in the morning but who is here this afternoon. He is Vice Dean of Research in the College of Agriculture at Cornell, and we will be glad to hear his paper- on "The Prospect for Research in Pomology." THE TREND OF RESEARCH ON POMOLOGY. W. H. Chandler, Cornell University The earlier teachers of horticulture in the agricultural col- leges were generally rather well trained in Botany and were in- clined to form opinions concerning best practices by reasoning from the botanical or physiological nature of the trees. They were also inclined to lean rather heavily upon the agricultural chemist, particularly in their research. The number of publica- tions suggesting cultural practices, such as fertilizer treatments based upon the result of analysis of tree tissues, is considerable. It is needless to say that conclusions based upon such studies were not always correct. Even with the present great increase of our knowledge of plant physiology it is not always safe to base recommendations as to orchard practices upon physiological knowledge alone. In fact, it will certainly be very long before physiological knowledge is sufficiently complete that one can know all of the principles involved in an orchard practice. It should be said for those workers that at that time few, if any, of 147 the colleges had facilities for extensive experimentation with orchard problems. Somewhat later a rather large number of field experi- ments upon orchard problems, particularly in orchard soil man- agement were begun. The results of these have been appearing in print during the past fifteen years. It is fair to say that they have not fully satisfied the hopes of workers in the subject. That the results of different experiments should be conflicting was to be expected since soil and climatic conditions were not the same. One result of these field experiments probably no one had an- ticipated, that is the very large experimental error involved. In very few, if any, of the experiments are conclusions justified where the differences are no larger than 25 percent, in fact, in a majority of cases a difference of 50 per cent would hardly justify conclusions, and with some a difference of 100 percent is not significant. In other words, with some experiments where a given treatment has seemed to double the yield, it is not at all certain that the difference in the yield of the two plots is due to the difference in treatment. On account of these difficulties with field experiments there is among workers now a tendency to give them little value and to attempt answering practical problems by means of physiological studies, that is studies in the nature and response of the trees. In spite of earlier failures it seems certain that such studies are very valuable, and no doubt in many cases trustworthy answers to cul- tural problems may be secured in that way without resort to field experiments. For example, we often find it safe to assume that if a certain treatment will control a disease or insect the treat- ment will be profitable. At least, with many diseases and in- sects careful experiments to determine whether or not the cost of control is equal to the return from such control is not neces- sary, because the cost and returns can be estimated with sufficient accuracy. This, of course, could be true only where the returns were much greater than the cost. In the same way, if it should be found that less pruning when the tree is young would increase the yield it would hardly be necessary to conduct an experiment to determine whether or not such a practice is profitable for the cost in that case is reduced, while the returns are increased. No doubt there are many opportunities to secure results of practical 148 importance by merely learning more about the nature of the tree, and without the use of field experiments. The conclusion, however, that field experiments are of little value seems hardly justified. In fact, a careful survey of the re- sults of the experiments that have been done will, I think, con- vince any one that the contribution has been large. Thus, we have rather conclusive proof that in the American orchard potassium and phosphorus are so seldom present in the soil in insufficient quantities for the best production of fruit trees that, the prob- lem as to these elements is, at least, a minor one. On the other hand, while we formerly applied nitrogen with some fear that it might stimulate vegetative growth to an injurious extent and thus reduce f ruitfulness, we have found that this very seldom happens and, as a matter of fact, nitrogen is the element that can most often be applied with profit. Further, we have learned that while the soil must be low in available nitrates before apple or pear trees, or blackberry or currant plants in cultivated orchards will show response to applications of nitrogen, peach, cherry, and plum trees, and raspberry and gooseberry plants are much more likely to show a response. By field experiments we have learned, not only the injurious effect of sod on trees, but that by the use of nitrogen that injurious' effect can be largely overcome. We have further learned that nearly all orchardists have been pruning all young trees too severely and thus delaying the time when the trees should be expected to bear profitable crops, and that sum- mer pruning does not stimulate f ruitfulness, but the reverse. We have also learned, with reasonable certainty, from experiments that alternate bearing of fruit trees cannot be prevented by thin- ning, and that thinning can be expected tO' be profitable only through the influence on the crop thinned, or through its effect on tlie growth of the tree. No reference is made to valuable con- tributions of field experiments in spraying because those have been made largely by plant pathologist or botanists and en- tomologists. We can be certain, however, that in the future field experi- ments will be of a different type. First the problems investigated will almost certainly be of a more limited nature. We shall hardly expect reports of experiments concerning such general problems as the relative value of tillage and the sod mulch. In tillage we should expect to see problems investigated as to the 149 value of continuous tillage through the summer, let us say until September, as compared with ceasing tillage as early as July first or even earlier. In fact, a study might very profitably be made as to whether or not any tillage after the spring plowing and leveling of the soil is profitable. Even more specific problems as to whether or not ceasing tillage in June or earlier in order to permit the growth of a heavy cover crop actually reduces the moisture supply in late summer, that is whether the increased humus supply may not, by increasing the water holding capacity of the soil, increase the water supply more than late cultivation would. We should also learn by field experiments whether, when for unavoidable reasons the spring plowing has been delayed until after the fruit has set, or failed to set, and the season's growth has nearly been made, it is better to plow it then or wait until the following spring. Similar, in the study of pruning, the relative value of specific types of pruning will probably be studied rather than such gen- eral problems as the relative value of much or little pruning, or summer and dormant pruning, though this last question can hard- ly be considered settled. Of even greater importance and re- quiring more detailed study is the problem as to the age of each kind and variety of fruit when for a given climate renewal prun- ing will begin to be profitable. Experiments in the field will also be done with very much more care than was thought necessary at the time the earlier field experiments were planned. These earlier field experiments have given us valuable results only because in the problems studied the differences were very large. As we narrow the problems down to questions involving more minute details of orchard practices we must so refine our experimental methods that smaller differences will be significant. Several methods of reducing experimental error suggest themselves. First, there should be several plots re- ceiving each treatment ; these plots being distributed evenly over the experimental area. Thus, Batchelor and Reed found that the probable error on i6 trees was but half as great when each treat- ment was given to 4 plots of 4 trees each (these plots being dis- tributed evenly over the experimental area) instead of to one plot of 16 trees. These authors found that there is little reduction in the experimental error by having more than 8 trees in the plot; the better plan is to have many small plots receiving each treat- 150 ment. Second, where trees of bearing age can be used in an ex- periment, perhaps the most important improvement in our ex- perimental method would be to give all of the experimental area uniform treatment for a period of two to four years, after which the different plots would receive the treatments called for in the plan of the experiment. The plots could then be so arranged that the average yield for each plot during this preliminary period would be nearly the same, or if the experiment should be one requiring symmetrical arrangement of the plots the average yield of each tree during this period may be used in estimating the probable yield afterward, if the treatment had not been varied, and therefore in estimating the increase or decrease in yield due to the treatment. Third, where the problem concerns young trees the error due to the variations in the soil could be greatly reduced by planting the trees closely so that the experimental plot could be smaller' and the possibility of introducing soil variations therefore smaller. By this method, too, the young trees could be dug up or cut off and weighted, or at least a part of them could be. It is not necessary to emphasize the fact that the weight of a tree is a much more accurate measurement of growth during a period of years than either trunk girth or twig measurements, this last being nearly worthless. It is highly probable, however, that an increasing proportion of the research with fruit trees in the future will be physiological studies, that is studies pursued in the hope of learning more about the fundamental nature of the tree itself, or of the fruit. The phase of pomology in which our knowledge is now growing most rapidly concerns the storage of fruits and these problems are now being solved largely by physiological methods. Thus, studies in the respiration of fruits and the chemical substances formed by respiration at different temperatures is of the greatest importance concerning the influence of storage temperatures on flavor. You may expect to see very few bulletins reporting simply results of various storage temperatures of fruits with no effort to explain how the temperature influenced the keeping. More fundamental details will be studied in order that the results may be more safely applied to different conditions. Such fundamental studies of the trees seem as necessary for safe conclusions as to cultural problems. The emphasis that Kraus and Kraybill give to the relation of carbo-hydrates and 151 nitrogen in the tissue is certain to interest many workers. We are interested to know what eiTect on fruit bud formation a high proportion of nitrogen with a low proportion of carbo-hydrates may have, and we shall want to know this for every portion of the growing period. Thus, we are learning that increasing the nitrogen content of the soil very seldom, or under practical condi- tion.s almost never, results in reducing fruitfulness when a period of several years is considered. It seems possible, however, that the proportion of nitrogen might be injuriously increased for a short period by indirect influences. Thus, let us say, the spring plowing of the orchard has been delayed until late in the period of rapid growth. The nitrogen supply being low until the plow- ing is done growth will be checked. The leaf surface of the trees will be reduced and, therefore, the possible carbo-hydrate supply. Then if the plowing is done and the nitrate and water supply increased, the available carbo-hydrate supply might tend to be ex- hausted or greatly reduced just at the time when seasonal con- ditions are most favorable for fruit bud formation. I do not say that this would happen, but it seems to be a possibility and I think that workers will continue to be interested in the carbo- hydrate nitrogen ratio until its possible influence through all cultural treatments upon all varieties is known. Probably many other physiological problems of the trees will have much atten- tion. Thus the rest period of the trees will have much more ex- tensive study. We want to know, not only its nature and the factors that influence it during the dormant season but, perhaps even more, its nature during the period after the terminal buds are formed and while the leaves are still active. We shall want to know just how difficult it is to take the plant out of the rest period during the late summer and what effect various treat- ments during that time may have. Thus, if nitrogen is applied after the tree has gone into the rest period, (that is into a condi- tion in which new top growth will not be stimulated by a favor- able water and nitrogen supply) what effect does that have upon the carbo-hydrate supply in the tree? If an increased nitrogen supply during the summer portion of the rest period does not stimulate top growth does it cause an increased root growth dur- ing the summer in which it is applied ? What effect does an in- creased nitrogen and water supply during that period have on the ripening of the wood? Is the rest period as fixed for cam- 152 bium as for the buds? These are specific examples out of many physiological problems that will engage the attention of the scientist in pomology'. It seems certain that the pomologist will come to view his problems more nearly from the point of view of the fundamental scientist and to attack them in that way. Both because of his need for a broader fund of knowledge to present to his students and because of his own inclination, he will be anxious to have as complete knowledge as possible concerning the nature and be- havior of his trees regardless of whether or not that knowledge may be of practical value. The fruit grower need not fear, how- ever, that such a change will mean less interest in his problems or less beneficial results. It is not possible to know what in- formation may prove to be of greatest practical value. Certainly, practical field experiments can be the more wisely planned, and more wisely interpreted, the greater the available supply of knowledge concerning the fundamental nature of the trees or plants. "The greatest contribution to the fruit grower, and prob- ably to the farmer generally, that has been made by the scientist, has been in the control of diseases and insects and this has been done by the botanist or the entomologist whose point of view was generally that of the scientist seeking the truth for sake of truth. It is becoming increasingly clear that only the highly trained scientist, who has come to seek the truth because truth to him is more worth seeking than anything else in the world, possesses the patience or the insight necessary to solve the dif- ficult and complicated problems of the fruit grower and the farmer. The President : This is a very stimulating paper looking to the future. Are there any questions ? W. C. Baird (Ashtabula, Ohio) : Speaking of the forma- tion of the bud, is it not formed early in the spring? Dr. W. H. Chandler: The bud may begin as early as June, but that same thing may not begin until September. There is a period from June to September in which the fruit bud forma- tion is beginning in the young buds. Dr. L. H. Bailey: I have a question of the Constitution and By-laws now to bring to your attention. You must remem- 153 ., ber that the Constitution of the American Pomological Society- runs back into the beginning of things so far as this organization is concerned, and we are now in our seventy-fourth year. With the changing standards it is only right that we should modify our Constitution and By-laws. Certain changes have been made the last two sessions and certain others, it seems to me, now need to be made. In Article VII of the Constitution as it now stands — Of- ficers and Executive Committee — the first paragraph reads as follows : "The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, first and second Vice-Presidents, one of which shall be from Canada ; Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Committee consisting of the President, first and second Vice-Presidents and seven additional mem- bers, six of whom shall constitute a quorum." You will notice that the four officers mentioned are not ex- officio members, they are real members of the Executive Com- mittee. The seven elected members are in addition to these four, so that there is an executive body of eleven members, and a ma- jority of six constitutes a quorum. This is too large a body to constitute a quorum. I do not think any national society could operate and work effectively on a basis of having to secure a quorum of six. You cannot get them together, particularly if the Executive Committee represents many parts of the country, as the present Executive Committee of this Society does. On the other hand, it is important that the Executive Committee should be large and representative. It does not follow, however, that the ad interim business of the Society should be handled by the full Executive Committee. The question is, shall the Executive Committee be reduced in numbers, or shall it increase its repre- sentative character, and shall the quorum be reduced to three or four? The members of the Executive Committee here present have discussed this question and they have a recommendation to make. They would like to make the Executive Committee some- what more representative by increasing its size. Instead of hav- 154 Ing seven members to be elected by the Society, there should be eleven, and the four officers — President, two Vice-Presidents, and Secretary-Treasurer — shall be members of the Executive Committee ex-officio, having a vote ; it shall be incumbent upon the Executive Committee to select a body of three from its number who shall carry the business incumbent on the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Committee. Probably it will not be difficult always tO' find three persons near enough to- gether so that the Secretary, sometimes the President, could meet with them. H. P. Gould : I move that Article VII of the Constitution be amended to read : The officers of this organization shall con- sist of a president ; first and second vice-president, one of whom shall be from Canada; a secretary-treasurer; and an executive committee which shall consist of eleven members and the officers ex-officio. The executive committee as soon as possible after election shall choose from among themselves a board of man- agers of three who shall conduct in the absence of the executive committee the ad interim business of the Society. Six shall con- stitute a quorum of the executive committee and two of the board of managers. (Motion seconded and carried) Dr. L. H. Bailey : There are one or two other matters in the By-laws that I should like to bring up. By-laws No. 5 reads : "A Chairman of Fruit Committees for each State, Territory and Province, and a General Chairman over all, shall be appointed annually. It shall be the duty of such Chairman to appoint four additional members of his committee, and with their aid and such information as he can procure, to forward to the General Chairman one month before each annual meeting, State Pomo- logical reports, to be condensed by him for publication." This goes back to the time when there was no reporting service, when there were no great State societies gathering in- formation, and no experiment stations or public service depart- ments for agriculture. At present, this method is antiquated. If we operated under it we would now have forty-eight State chairmen, the District of Columbia would make forty-nine, nine 155 Canadian provinces would make fifty-eight, to which four would be added. This is practically the same as the By-laws of 1854. It does not work ; so I would like to have this By-law stricken from the list. Prof. J. C. Bl.\ir (Illinois) : I move that the said By-law be stricken from the list. (Motion seconded and carried). Dr. L. H. Bailey: By-law No. 6 reads: "A Standing Committee on New Fruits of Ameri- can origin, consisting of eleven members, shall be ap- pointed by the President immediately after his election. It shall be the duty of this Committee to report annually on new fruits of American Origin, and also to examine, and before the close of the session to report on, all new seedling varieties that may be exhibited and to make an ad interim report on those that were exhibited in an unripe condition at the meeting of the Society, but had subsequently attained a state of maturity ; and on such other seedlings as may have been submitted to their inspection during the Society's vacation." Let me read you the Constitution of 1854. (Reads). We ought to have a Fruit Committee, but we are not doing business in the old way now, we do not have biennial sessions, and we are not concerned primarily with exhibiting varieties. What I should like to see here is the first line of this By-laws retained with a change in the number — the committee to consist of five, or three if you wish. C. H. Waid (Ohio) : I move that the change be made and that this committee be three instead of eleven. (Motion seconded and carried) Dr. L. H. Bailey: The seventh By-law reads: "A Standing Committee on Foreign Fruits, consist- ing of eleven members, shall be appointed, whose duties shall be similar to those of the committee in By-law six." 156 I will also read the Constitution of 1854. (Reads). The argument is the same here, and I think the same change should be made — the committee reduced to three. A committee of twelve members is likely to have four times the inertia of a com- mittee of three. This would also apply to By-law No. 8, and I think the Standing Committee on Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruits should consist of three members. Prof. J. C. Blair: I move that these By-laws be modified according to your statement. (Motion seconded and carried). Dr. L. H. Bailey : By-law No. 9 provides for "A Standing Committee on Nomenclature consisting of seven members." Inas- much as about an hour ago a committee of three was appointed, I would like to have this changed. Dr. C. a. Bingham : I so move. (Motion seconded and carried). Dr. L. H. Bailey: We are through with our program and are now ready to adjourn until six-thirty, when we will get to- gether for a feed at the Nicholas Building. That will be a meeting of the American Pomological Society and it will legally transact business. Adjournment until six-thirty. THURSDAY EVENING SESSION Following the supper in the dining room of the Chamber of Commerce, there was informal discussion. Dr. L. H. Bailey pre- siding. Dr. L. H. Bailey : You will remember the committee re- ported on the President's Address, and I think this evening would be a good time to discuss it. Of course I do not know what part of the report you wish to discuss, but let us start in an informal way with whatever comment you wish to make. H. H. Hardie (Hudson, Michigan) : I think Mr. Crane- field has something of interest to tell us. 157 Mr. Frederic Cranefield: I felt in talking with some of the committee yesterday that the membership really ought to know what the Executive Committee had accomplished, or at- tempted to accomplish, during the past year. I hope you will pardon me if I go farther back tTian that. My mind goes back to the meeting of the American Pomo- logical Society held in St. Louis three or four years ago, at which time the Society was as near dead as could be. There was just a breath of life left in it, that was all. At that time the Society for Horticultural Science saved the day. A number of professional horticulturists were there in connection with the larger meeting — this is ancient history, but it leads up to the point I want to make. A meeting was called one evening and a number of these horticulturists were present — about fifty. Whether they were all members of the American Pomological Society I do not know ; but there was a re-organization, and some life breathed into this ancient and honorable American Pomological Society with tradition and history back of it, but not much life. The consti- tution was revised at that time, and later, as I recall it, Dr. Bailey was elected President and other officers and committees ap- pointed, one a committee to revise the constitution, and they re- vised that constitution to a f are-ye-well — did a lot of things to it, but as it transpires today, not quite enough, so we finished the job today and eliminated dead matter, etc. But the Society, through its Executive Committee, functioned fairly well the fol- lowing year. The committee met at least threei times in Colum- bus to discuss ways and means of making a bigger and better Pomological Society and we finally arrived at some conclusion about the things we w^anted to do — the things that should be done and could well be done by a Society of this kind. We were progressing step by step. Then came the meeting of the American Pomological Society at Columbus last year when we adopted the revised constitution as you have it today, providing for a working body and eliminat- ing the old Vice-President idea. But there was one thing always in the way, one stumbling block to our further progress. We could talk, and did talk, and then talked some more about things we wanted to do, that ought to be done, but we found no money with which to do these things and that was the greatest need of all. 158 Then followed the meeting in Chicago of the Executive Committee, and at that time it was thought to discuss the matter with the American Farm Bureau Federation to see what could be done in that regard, and it resulted in the calling of a con- ference of fruit growers from different parts of the whole coun- try to meet in Chicago under the auspices of the Farm Bureau Federation and financed by the Federation. At that time the American Pomological Society saw that through its Executive Committee it should pool its interests, as it were, with this new conference. That conference resulted in a committee of twenty- one being appointed by the Farm Bureau Federation to study and consider means and methods of marketing fruits, and it seems to me at this point that we should know rather definitely, if pos- sible, the scope of that committee's work — what the- committee intends to do, how far they expect to go in this question of col- lecting data and information concerning the marketing of fruit, before the American Pomological Society undertakes any work of that kind. That is as clear an outline as I can give of the things that have been done, or I might better say, the things that have been attempted in the past year by the officers and Executive Com- mittee of the American Pomological Society. H. H. Hardie (Michigan) : I would like to supplement what Mr. Cranefield has said by saying that at the time of this meeting in Chicago we had almost decided to take up this ques- tion of marketing American fruits ourselves ; but the farther we got into it the more we saw that it was too big a proposition and we were afraid of starting something that we could not finish, so when the Farm Bureau came along and took the matter out of our hands we were very glad because we felt it was too much of a job for us. As I understand it, the American Pomological Society, up to the time Mr. Cranefield mentions, was largely a society of ex- perimenters, who no doubt did a very good work in this way ; but I have come to the belief that unless this Society can make itself of real value to the fruit growers of the country we will have missed our opportunity. In other words, this American Pomological Society is handed over to us with a very good reputation, but it is liable to be like the girl coming over from Ireland if we don't watch out. 159 This girl was coming over, and on the same steamer was art old man from her home town. He asked her if she expected anybody to meet her, and she said she did not, but that she had a good recommendation, only she had lost it — could not find it anywhere. This man said, "Don't let that worry you, I'll write you another," and this is what he wrote. "Mary Hogan when she left Ireland had a good reputation, but she lost it on the way over." We do not want to lose our reputation "on the way over," and I do not think it will be necessary. I think we can make this American Pomological Society of real worth. But I am more of a business man than a fruit grower. I play with fruit and suflfer with my business. But there is one thing that we all know — that the first thing you must have is money. You figure how much you want, how much you might need, then multiply it by ten — and then you will not have enough. The next thing we must have is organization. That is al- most as necessary as money. The next thing is business, and then you have a successful going concern. These are the three things we must have. This is a business organization. We must have capital, organization and business. The capital is pretty hard to get. If everybody is as poor as I am it will be very hard to get. However, the money can be raised in some way. The Rex Spray Company has been very generous to do what they have just done. No doubt the spray pump manufacturers will do what they can ; no doubt the package men and nurseries will do something; but suppose they did ofifer to pay all the expenses of the American Pomological Society — a paid secretary and all that — it would not be a suc- cess. It will never be a success until you get a membership. We were talking a minute ago about how many fruit grow- ers there are in the United States. One man said 100,000, an- other said 500,000, and another 800,000. Suppose there were 500.000, do you know how many members we have? We have less than a thousand. That is not enough. My idea of the business is that you first of all must have money, and still you must have something that will sell, you must be able to give a man his money's worth, and if I know anything about fruit grow- ing I know that you have to give him about ten dollars' worth for two dollars. And I think we can do it. I think this Ameri- i6o can Pomological Society can gather statistics and information that the fruit grower needs «and which will be worth ten dollars to him, and sell it for two dollars. Of course you have to have money to start with, but I think you can get these allied indus- tries to furnish enough money to put on a campaign to get mem- bership; but the fruit growers must be the fellows to support this organization, and not the allied industries. What we need is not so much the fruit grower's money, as his membership and his interest. That is my plan to make the American Pomological Society worth while to the fruit growers. Dr. L. H. Bailey: Are there any further discussions? Do you wish to say anything about this report of the committee? Of course that is not particularly before you, except that it was suggested on the floor today that we might discuss it tonight. Prof. Laurenz Greene: I believe Mr. Gould, the chair- man of that committee, had about ten points in the report, and I am wondering if it would not be a good thing to have him state what these ten points are that the committee recommended in connection with the President's Address. H. P. Gould: In the first place, the report was adopted as <-' whole. The first thing that was presented and which might call for discussion had already been touched upon — that of a full-time paid secretary. The committee commented on this as an essential feature and its recommendation was that the Execu- tive Committee be especially charged with the matter of securing funds so that a full-time paid secretary may be employed. Whether you desire to discuss that further or not is of course the point to be decided. May I say, however, in this connection, that the reason why the committee suggested that it be left to the Executive Commit- tee was because of the fact that we knew the Executive Commit- tee had given quite a little attention to this very thing during the past year, at least to the matter of raising funds, and a full-time paid secretary can be easily arranged for if we have the funds. Feeling that the Executive Committee had that matter in hand and that they knew the situation better than any special com- mittee could know it, and also that they appreciate the need prob- ably more keenly than the average member of the Society, and further that they had given some attention to this matter of se- curing funds, we felt it would be wise to have this matter remain i6i in the hands of the Executive Committee as their job, or a part of their job. Perhaps some of you have a hundred thousand dollars that you wish to endow the Society with, or you may know someone who is making his will and would like to do that sort of thing. This is the recommendation of the committee. Dr. L. H. Bailey : That has been the trend of the Execu- tive Committee meetings for the past two years, and while direct progress does not seem to have been made, as a matter of fact many plans have been investigated and we know some of the things that will not succeed. It requires some years to get these things started. I am not discouraged, although I had hoped we would have an endowment before this. But of course we want the opinion of the audience just the same. H. P. Gould : The second point had to do with the work of the Secretary as that office is now constituted, the suggestions being based on the President's reference in his address to our appreciation of the work of the Secretary. We know the Secre- tary is busy with his work, the work of Secretary being simply an added burden. With the issue of the monthly or bi-monthly letter, which I think has been definitely adopted as a part of the regular work of the Secretary, it seems to the committee that the Secretary'-s office is being pretty well loaded up with work which has to be done as a voluntary contribution to the Society, so our recommendation was "that a committee be provided to assist the Secretary, as he may direct, in the preparation of material for the monthly or bi-monthly letter to members, and in other ways. This recommendation in part anticipates one in the latter part of the President's Address where he suggests the appointment by the Society of advisors to the Secretary on publicity, consumption, planting, marketing, cooperation, affiliation, etc. These two features — advisors and special assistants — may well be con- sidered together." It is a question of providing a committee, or some other con- stituted body, as a means of assisting and advising the Secretary in carrying on the work of which he has charge. Dr. L. H. Bailey: May I say a word in this connection? Of course we want the Secretary to be paid a sufficient salary to make it attractive, and so that it will be a permanent matter. 11 i6^ Just now we have not the funds for that. We are fortunate to have a Secretary who is wilHng to carry on this work for a year without remuneration . on his part, and I think if we had a thousand dollars extra the Secretary could carry on his work and the other work fairly effectively, because a young woman has been trained this year who can take care of part of this corre- spondence. The Secretary reported that they sent out 12,000 pieces of mail this last year, and that is no small matter. The young woman who has been helping in this work would be avail- able and a good part of this routine work could be put directly into her hands, under the general supervision of the Secretary, so that it would not be so much of a burden to the Secretary as you might think at first hand. Of course the management of all this does add to his work, but he is willing to assume it if it means that this Society is a going concern. If we had about one thousand dollars in addition to what we had last year it would enable us to employ the necessary help. The other suggestion is that we have a series of advisors, and inasmuch as there has been some question as to the status of these advisors, let me explain what was in my mind when making the suggestion in the first place. I did not think of having an ofifiicial body in any way competing with the Executive Commit- tee. These were not to be officers of the Society, but my idea was that certain members would be designated as advisors to the Secretary. Suppose he is getting information on markets, some particular person in the Society "who is skilled in that direction he would feel free to call upon for help and advice ; and on the other hand, that person would feel free to offer his advice with- out being asked directly. The Secretary may follow the advice or he may not. In putting on a publicity campaign as to the con- sumption of fruit there would be some person who has had special training in that direction, who may be publicity agent for some concern, or advertising man, who knows the way to reach the people, and the Secretary would call on him for advice ; but that man could freely offer advice without being called on. And so on the question of relationships, I had in mind to help the Secretary, not to burden him. It would safeguard him also against mistakes which might be made in the office, and he would not feel that all the responsibility is on him. There could be as many advisors as there are subjects to be considered, and i63 certainly in every field there would be someone who could offer his advice to the Secretary with great benefit. H. P. Gould : In this connection I would like to call atten- tion to the fact that we adopted the President's recommendations as our program, so we are simply commending this sort of thing. Dr. L. H. Bailey: We commended this when we adopted the report of the committee, but no procedure has been taken whereby these advisors are to be appointed or elected. For my- self, I should prefer that they be chosen from the membership by the members from the floor. If there are any suggestions to the contrary it might be well to think upon the matter over night and tomorrow take it up and call for names. This is not su com- mittee — they are simply advisors to the Secretary on whom he can call. C. W. Baxter: It might be interesting to the members to know that we in Canada have been seriously considering some- thing along similar lines. As I mentioned this afternoon, we have periodically called a Dominion conference of fruit growers. They are invited as guests of the Government, and we term it a Fruit Growers' Parliament. They are free to criticize the action of the Department, and to adopt resolutions having to do with the various activities, and I think I am safe in saying that every resolution adopted at any of these conferences has been acted upon by our Government. We have felt that there is need for a national organization. At the conference in December the matter was considered, but no definite action taken beyond electing a provisional Board of Directors, and many difficulties were over- come at that time, but evidently this Board of Directors did not feel it necessary to proceed. We have made great advance since that time and we believe that there is great power in numbers. If we have something we wish to present to the House of Com- mons in the way of legislation we like to have behind that all the force of the industry in Canada. I happen to have in my pocket just a rough draft — this thing has not been presented to our people — but I put this in my pocket with the hope of being able to discuss it with some of my confreres in the Provincial Government. We have put down as the name, the Canadian Fruit Council. I was interested in what Mr. Hardie said as a business man — that you must have something to sell. This is what our pro- i64 posed Fruit Council would have to sell and the things they hope to attain. "The object of the Fruit Council shall be the advancement of all matters tending to the improvement of the fruit industry in Canada, including production, grading, packing, transportation, storage, marketing, etc., (a) by initiating, fostering and assist- ing in obtaining such legislation and regulations as will be bene- ficial to the industry; (b) by emphasizing through inter-provin- cial cooperation the importance of the fruit industry and ob- taining for it the position it deserves as an important branch of agriculture." We feel that we have not had in the past the recognition that the industry deserves. The product has been considered a luxury, a highly specialized industry, and we feel that it is es- sential to the welfare of the nation and the people. We also feel that the few deaths during the Great War was due largely to the fact that fruit was plenty at all times. We hope to have greater recognition. "By encouraging the greater distribution of fruit and by systematic advertising to educate the general public as to the food value of fruit. "By encouraging the adoption of uniform grading and pack- ing regulations. "By cooperating with the railroad, express and steamship companies in securing the best possible facilities for transporta- tion and a just equalization of charges. "By cooperating with any agency working in a national way for the improvement of marketing methods and for a most equit- able distribution of the fruit crop. "By carrying on any undertaking which may seem to the Council should be carried on in the furtherance of this business." These are our ideas, in rough form. As to the members of the Council we feel that a big committee would be burdensome and less effective than a smaller one, and we propose that this Canadian Fruit Council shall consist of thirteen representatives. Eight of these shall be producers of fruit; two dealers in fruit; one representing the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ; one the remaining provinces ; one a manufacturer of fruit packages, one a nurseryman, and one a representative of the canning and jam industry. Of the eight producers two shall i65 be from the Province of British Columbia, two from Ontario, one from Quebec, one from New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, and two from Nova Scotia. Then we have our constitution and by-laws, which are much the same as any commercial organization. The question of finances was taken up and we have this out- lined. In order that the Canadian Fruit Council shall secure funds sufficient to carry on its work each association or interest represented shall pay to the treasurer of the Council on February 1st of each year the sum of $ioo for each representative so ap- pointed, and each interest such as package manufacturers, nurs- erymen, etc., shall be assessed one-tenth of one per cent, of its annual turn-over, such assessment to be paid to the treasurer of the Council. These were our ideas as to how we might promote an or- ganization of this kind. It is not new. We have our dairy in- dustry working along similar lines. We do not know yet how we will succeed, but we are hopeful. H. H. Hardie: How much do you figure your program will cost you a year? C. W. Baxter : We have not figured that yet, but not less than $10,000. W^e figure we cannot hope to make the organiza- tion successful without an active and efficient secretary, and we would have to pay him $4,000 to $5,000 a year. M. B. David (Ontario) : The Dairy Council has $12,000 to $14,000. The first year they had their meeting someone guar- anteed $10,000, but that was not enough. H. H. Hardie : I do not know how the fruit production in Canada compares with the United States, but it certainly is less than one-fourth. They over there are starting out with a proposi- tion that costs them $10,000, and we are trying to handle the United States for $1,000 or some such small sum. You cannot do it. This organization ought to have five thousand members, say at $2.00 a year, that would be $10,000. That is a conserva- tive mark. I believe we can do it. I believe we can get five thousand members, and we ought to have them. We must have a sufficient proportion of the fruit growers of America to cut some figure and give us a voice in matters of legislation if we expect to accomplish anything. i66 M. B. Davis: Last night while we were discussing the re- port of the committee we discussed the question which you handed over to your Farm Bureau, the question of fruit packages, and it seemed to me that that was one place where this Society should be functioning. We should act as a national mouthpiece for every fruit growers' organization in the United States. It struck me that that was what this Society should do — get all the fruit growers' associations together and have the Society become partically a delegate Society, a national Society to act on matters of national import for all the fruit growers in the United States, and certainly the subject of packages is not only of national, but international, importance, as Doctor Bailey pointed out this after- noon. I think that work which has been handed over to the twenty-one members of the Farm Federation is something that ought to come back to this Society as soon as we can get under way. If you can function on that then you will have some reason for existence, but unless you can function as a national or an in- ternational organization representing' the interests of all the fruit growers, I do not see any line of endeavor that this organization can really take unto itself. I think when you let that one thing slip through your hands you missed an opportunity. C. H. Waid (Toledo, Ohio) : No doubt this matter will come up tomorrow in connection with Mr. Farnsworth's report, but I think perhaps a word here might be in place. As I under- stand, the relationship that will exist between the American Farm Bureau and this organization will be something like this — that this organization will recommend things they want to see put through, such as certain rules covering packages, etc., to the American Farm Bureau because it can be of greater service, hav- ing such a large membership back of it, in securing Congressional action. I believe the two organizations can work together in that capacity, but I agree with Mr. Davis that it is well for this or- ganization tO' be the mouthpiece for the fruit growers and indicate their wishes along such lines. T. B. West (Perry, Ohio) : It is just suggested to me that the nurserymen should get into this game. Our hearts are with you and we wish you well — even if you do intimate that we charged you too much for trees the last year or two. Our in- terests are identical with those of the fruit growers in this coun- try. I think an appeal to the nurserymen of the country to give i67 a little publicity in their literature, in catalogs that are sent out, appealing to their customers and patrons to become members of this Society, would be a good thing, and I believe the nurserymen would respond heartily to the suggestion. I think it would be a practical way of getting in touch with a great many fruit growers of the country. Paul C. Stark : I do not know whether Mr. West was at the meeting in Chicago of the American Association of Nursery- men, but they went on record last year at that meeting as being in favor of boosting the American Pomological Society in every way possible, trying to get all their members to become members of the American Pomological Society, because they realized what it meant to the nursery industry indirectly. Anyone who heard the paper I read for President Cashman will realize that this association is receiving help from them. There is one thing that Mr. Hardie mentioned, and some- thing similar came up in one of the executive meetings, and that is the fact that you must show your prospective members that they are going to get some real benefit out of this organization — ■- far more than two dollars' worth. I am a nurseryman, and also an orchardist. I have a young orchard coming on, and I am vitally interested in everything that shows new development in the orchard field. We have forty-eight States and there are ex- periment stations in every State, more in the agricultural colleges, and besides that we have our big departments of agriculture that are continually putting out bulletins ; but of the 500,000 fruit growers there are very few who really have an opportunity to see what is coming out of these experiment stations, colleges and departments of agriculture. They are busy men and it is hard to get these bulletins, and they are too busy to read the bulletins when they do get them. That will bring up a point we discussed this afternoon. We should, as a national organization, be the mouth- piece of the fruit growers of America, and if these bulletins and articles giving the experiments that are being carried on through the country could be condensed in this monthly bulletin, maybe just a summary of the different articles and bulletins, it would be invaluable to the orchardist and he would have time to read it — and would read it. That is one of the things we can sell to the fruit growers and show them they cannot get along without this information. There are a good many more similar activities, but i68 that is one thing that would interest me very much as an or- chardist and it would take more than ten dollars a year to keep that away from me. I think the more publicity we can get from nurserymen and spray manufacturers and other manufacturers sending out little pamphlets giving the advantages of the Ameri- can Pomological Society, the more members we will get. Speak- ing for the nurserymen, I think they will be glad to do everything in their power to get this information to the fruit growers and get more members. I think there is a fertile field. H. H. Hardie: It goes without saying that the manufac- turers of sprayers, of packages, the nurserymen and all the allied industries would be very glad to send out circulars of the Ameri- can Pomological Society and do all they can to promote the inter- ests of the Society, and we can do a lot, because there are thousands of pieces of mail sent out every day by the allied in- dustries. But the question that strikes me is. What are we going to do with this Society. Are we going to be satisfied with 500 members paying $2.00 a year, getting along with a Secretary who is over-worked and getting nothing, or are we going to try to make a healthy, useful organization? It seems to me we ought to set a mark and work to it. F. P. Downing (Indiana) : If you are going to make a campaign for membership you must do as the manufacturer does when he goes after business — you must use a follow-up system. You must get right out and dig for these members. They will not come to you. It seems to me if we could have the proper machinery for distributing these letters and making a direct ap- peal to the fruit growers and the allied industries, there is no doubt but what we could get a membership of five thousand, or even ten thousand. Speaking for the package manufacturers, this is^the first time I ever had an opportunity to attend a meeting of this organiza- tion, and I doubt whether there are a half dozen of the fruit package men in this country who know of this organization. We have a national organization, we have a paid secretary and a paid traffic manager. Our secretary gets out a bi-weekly letter, and I know he would be glad to call attention to the objects of this Society — I know that will be done. When I go back I intend to make a report and I know something of what this Society stands for. We have in the neighborhood of 1,200 members in our or- 169 ganization — there are probably 400 or 500 package manufac- turers in this country, and if they knew what this Society stands for I have no doubt they would be glad to join and lend you their moral and financial support. Dr. L. H. Bailey : These expressions are certainly very en- couraging. These matters have been discussed by the Executive Committee and at least one man has been sending out literature. Let me call your attention to the Secretary's report, showing that something has been done in this direction, although it is very small compared with what ought to be done — twelve thousand pieces of mail last year. The Secretary did not take his office until after the meeting last year, so some work has been done along this line. Biit just such ofifers as have been made here will be of immense help. V. H. Davis (Ohio) : It seems to me that Mr. Hardie has well stated the case. We must have something to sell people before we can start with a program, and after that it is largely a matter of financing. It has occurred to me. however, that if we go before the fruit growers with a two-dollar program we will get a two-dollar response. It would seem to me, too, that we ought to be able to learn something from the experience of the Farm Bureau people during the last year or to^ and also from the commercial clubs of the various cities during the last ten or fifteen years — that when the membership dues have been made worth while and a program that is worth while attempted, the result has been that the membership has rapidly increased in spite of the increased dues and something worth while has been done. We all know that the Farm Bureau has gotten immeasur- ably farther with the $10.00 program than they could ever have gotten with the $1.00 program, as they started out. As we all know, it is a powerful organization, and it is because it is properly financed. It would seem to me that if the fruit growers of this country are not sufficiently interested to put $5.00 into this or- ganization, then I do not think it will ever be successful on a $2.00 basis. I do not care whether we have one hundred mem- bers or ten thousand, the principle will be the same. I believe we will be much more likely to get ten thousand members at $5.00, or even $10.00, than on the $2.00 basis. Dr. L. H. Bailey : It is to be remembered that we lose money on every membership if we are to put on the program we 170 have outlined. The annual report, these monthly or bi-monthly letters, the fruit catalog — the mere cost of printing and compil- ing costs more than $2.00, and the more members you have the more money you lose from that point of view but of course it enables you to get money elsewhere, and we want all the mem- bers we can get. But from the financial point of view we cannot make it work out, so tliere must be other funds aside from the membership dues, which are not very high. B. G. Pratt (New York) : May I ask whether a regular prospectus has ever been gotten out for the Pomological Society? As Mr. Hardie says, we must have something to sell and we must tell people what we have to sell. So many people have said they do not know anything about the American Pomological Society. When we start in a new business we lay out a prospectus of what we expect to give for value received. If we ask $2.00, or $5.00, or even ^10.00, we should be able to tell the general public, intelligently and as briefly as possible, what the American Pomo- logical Society proposes to give them. I want to second what has been said by other manufacturers, that we will take pleasure in circulating any amount of literature in regard to the American Pomological Society that they will furnish. We will see that it gets into the hands of the fruit grow- ers, for we believe there is a wide field of usefulness for this society. Another thing occurs to me — would it not be proper to have a member of the American Pomological Society present at every one of our horticultural society meetings once a year to let them know what the American Pomological Society is and what it stands for. In that way we might be able to get the cooperation of every horticultural society in the country, which we should have. Dr. L. H. Bailey : Mr. Pratt asks about a prospectus. We have a prospectus this year setting forth the aims and objects of the Society and the basis of membership. The Secretary sent out 8,000 this year and I sent out several thousand myself last year. That was a beginning. With respect to the appeal to the different societies, we had last year one man who was to look after that phase of the work, Prof. Shaw of Maryland, and in the report of Secretary Lake you will find an account of his activities and the result thereof. 171 We have had the American Pomological Society presented at a number of these meetings. The difficulty is to find means to pay the expenses of the man sent there, and persons who have been members of the American Pomological Society in times past, un- less they have been in touch with the meetings recently, are really not able to represent the Society. Correspondence has been had this year between the Secretary and the President's office as to the persons who would represent the Society at subsequent meet- ings, but we could not find those persons, and we have not the funds. Mr. Cruickshank has represented us this year at the Michigan meeting, so the work has already been begun, but the importance of it has been well emphasized by Mr. Pratt and I wish we had a membership on which we could call and the money to pay their expenses. We cannot send anyone to California, but if there was someone in active association with that society he could speak for us. But if we had a member who was in touch with the Society ten or fifteen years ago he would not be thor- oughly acquainted with the progress we have made up to the present time. Paul C. Stark : Mr. Davis brought out the point of in- creasing the dues. I wonder if it would not be a good idea to hear from some of the members present as to what they think of that proposition. Of course some times it is inadvisable to in- crease dues, but it might be well to discuss that, for if we could get as many members at $5.00 as we have at $2.00 it would give us a whole lot more money. I do not know but what he is right, that we might get more members if we put out a good strong prospectus as to what we will give the people. H. H. Hardie: I think what the President said is germane to this matter. He says we will lose money by going on with what we have been giving for $2.00. If we are selling something for $2.00 and losing money, we must first find if we cannot cut our cost, and if not, then raise the price. Prof. J. C. Blair (Illinois) : I have been a member of the American Pomological Society for twenty-nine years. I think I attended the first meeting in December, 1892, and at that meet- ing and at subsequent meetings we have had some of the finest people on the North American continent to speak to us ; but throughout all these years we have run the institution on a cheap plan. It has been said here that it is a $10.00 program, then why 172 do we go along on a cheap scale. Why do we not, as business men, put the American Pomological Society on a steady, working, going basis, financing it in the way it should be. Let us make it at least a $5.00 proposition. Dr. L. H. Bailey: The membership fee was only $1.00 for about seventy years, and two years ago when it was raised to $2.00 many persons questioned whether that could be carried. If you want to make it $5.00 I will support it, but there are some fruit growers who are not interested in the sale of commodities and therefore might not receive any greater benefit. Of course there are many fruit growers who will pay $5.00. W. S. Perrine (Illinois) : It seems to me we ought to pay $10.00 rather than $5.00. I belong to an organization in Illinois where the annual membership is $20.00, and if we can pay $20.00 to a State organization we ought to pay $10.00 to an international organization like the American Pomological Society. So I am strongly in favor of putting it up to $5.00, and more in favor of making it $10.00. R. A. Simpson (Indiana) : I am like Mr. Perrine and Pro- fessor Blair — I would rather see it a $10.00 proposition than $2.00. I would feel I was more likely to get my money's worth than at $2.00. We would not spend so much time on how to finance the Society, and have more time to put on the best pro- gram we could get. Prof. W. S. Brock (Urbana, Illinois) : I am a fruit grower and belong to the same association Mr. Perrine speaks of, and we pay $20.00 for the privilege of sitting in the meeting each year, and I believe I have an opportunity to get more information than nine-tenths of the men who belong to the association, because of the fact that I belong to the experiment station and college. But I think between now and January ist I can deliver 100 mem- bers into the American Pomological Society at anything under $20.00. I will guarantee to deliver that many. Dr. L. H. Bailey : Who will agree to deliver another hundred ? W. C. Reed (Indiana) : I have been a member of the American Pomological Society for over thirty years and possibly I have missed two or three years in that time. I really never felt I got a great deal out of it except the meetings I attended. But if you are going to put on anything like the program mentioned I 173 I think you will get a great many more members at $10.00 than at $2.00. I would glady give $10.00 a year if you carry out the program outlined. Gail T. Abbott (Medina, Ohio) : I am not a fruit grower and anything I would do or say would be representing the fer- tilizer interests, but I do not think there is any question as far as they are concerned that they would back any program that has been mentioned so far. I think if we stick anywhere it will be with the individual growers. I do not 'think there is any question about the allied interests. Dr. L. H. Bailfa- : Of course we do want this to be a grow- ers' society and those who are interested in the production and sale of fruit, not all the others who are accessory thereto. Are there any growers here who wish to say anything? Mr. Landfear (Ashtabula, Ohio) : While I may appear to be one of the older members of the Society, I am one of the youngest, for I have just paid my two dollars, and when I did so I wondered how in the world they could afiford to run an or- ganization of this kind for two dollars. The first thought was that they could not give much for $2.00. But I feel, while I am the youngest member, that the dues should not be less than $5.00. or even $10.00. C. H. Waid (Ohio) : I am a grower, as well as interested in other activities. I have watched the movements of the Ameri- can State Farm Bureaus very closely and have been much im- pressed by the fact that the men who refused to give one dollar for membership in that organization gladly gave ten dollars. I have also watched the development of other organizations of a national character such as this, and I find the most of them have more difficulty on the small fee basis. In view of the fact that this organization has not been able to get a membership on a small fee it seems to me it would be wise to attempt a larger fee. I do not know whether it is in order or not, but I like to see action, and I am ready to move that it is the sense of this gathering that the fee of this organization be placed at $10.00. I am willing to increase mine up to that amount. (Motion second.) Dr. L. H. Bailey : That is a radical change, one that it would be well to consider with care. This body here represents 174 a rather selected group. What about the other five hundred that are elsewhere ? What effect will it have on them, not feeling the impulse of the meeting here? I am not opposed to this, but you must consider it on all sides. The Society has agreed that this shall not be a trade organization, and the higher fees are those that are particularly applicable to trade organizations which are engaged particularly in buying and selling and in combating other enterprises which have direct relation thereto. This motion is before you now — a motion to increase the membership fee from $2.00 to $10.00. W. H. Lloyd (Cleveland, Ohio) : I believe if we could even find the money to finance a permanent secretary for six months, he would be able to show results such that there would be no question as to where the money is coming from. H. G. Ingerson (Ohio) : I have been using my pencil, and I figure that we have at least thirty State organizations and if we had thirty-five men out of each of these organizations it would give us one thousand members, which at $10.00 each would give us some money to start on. I believe that in Ohio we can get thirty-five men, and if Michigan would do the same, and the other States, we would have something as a start. H. H. Hardie : I think I can guarantee to get one hundred men in Michigan at $10.00 each. B. G. Pratt: I am a life member of the American Pomo- logical Society, and I think there are enough right here to put up $100 for life memberships to guarantee that this will go through. I will be one of those. Prof. W. Paddock (Ohio State University) : It strikes me that the people who are doing most of the talking in favor of $10.00 are either manufacturers or nurserymen — they are not fruit growers or college men. Of course the college men could pay $10.00, for they get wonderful salaries, but I have been won- dering whether a ten-dollar fee would not be pretty severe on the great bulk of fruit growers who are in moderate circumstance and have moderate incomes. Rather than have a limited mem- bership would it not l)e better to have an organization that would appeal to the whole fruit growing fraternity of the continent? It strikes me that way. Then again, the American Pomological Society, to tell the naked truth, has not amounted to a whole lot in the last fifteen 175 years. I do not feel that we have gotten a great deal out of it. Perhaps I am behind the times, but I did not get here until late this afternoon and I have not heard any declaration of principles as to what you are going to give these people for their ten dollars. If I am too late it might be a good thing to hash that over. I can imagine where this Society might be worth a whole lot more than ten dollars, but if we are going to interest a lot of Ohio growers that I would like to see interested in this scheme, friends of mine, I can tell you that to the man who had a big crop a year ago and did not get anything out of it and did not have any crop this year, ten dollars is a pretty good-sized lump of money to put into something that they are not sure will benefit them. I do not like to throw cold water, but it strikes me that ten dollars is pretty steep. Prof. L. H. Taft (Michigan) : I hardly know how we can handle this question. I have had the experience of taking in the memberships for a number of years, and I recall that at St. Louis a few years ago some ten men there pledged one hundred members from their States at $2.00. We have not received one hundred members altogether, even at two dollars. It is a question of what we can furnish the members in return for their fees. If we can make it worth while to become a member at $10.00, we can bring it up to that fee. Many of our members are paying $10.00 a year for Farm Bureau membership and I think they would feel it pretty heavy to be asked to pay ten dollars here. If, however, we can show them another year that it is worth ten dollars, I think we can get it. Paul C. Stark: When I asked for discussion of Mr. Davis' discussion I had in mind that it would be a good thing to have a larger fee — as large a one as we could get by with and get in a good many members. Mr. Pratt has said he would take a life membership at $100, and speaking for our company I will make it another $100, and I think quite a number of the allied industries will do the same things That will help to finance the thing for a while, but I believe it would be a mistake to make the dues $10.00 right now, although I am in favor of $10.00 next year. I believe $5.00 would come nearer to holding the orchardists, and then let as many of the allied industries and larger orchard men take out life memberships. That will give us quite a little money to begin with. 176 Dr. L. H. Bailey: Will you read the concluding recom- mendation of the ten made in my address yesterday morning? H. P. Gould : The tenth recommendations is : "That we here and now raise a supplementary fund, above the usual income of the Society, to put through the new work. > Are there twenty persons and firms ready to contribute fifty dollars each? The contribution would be charged to the advertising appropriation of the firm. Or are there ten persons and firms who will contribute fifty dollars, and twenty who will contribute twenty-five dollars? Or are there one hundred who will give ten dollars." The President : I want to call your attention to a phase of this situation which has not been mentioned. We are here as com- mercial fruit growers, but we have taken action already in this convention to interest the amateur by trying to increase the plant- ing of fruit in all areas where it is possible for the purpose of increasing the home-making value of growing fruits. If we are to do that it means appealing to the amateur as well as to the commercial man. Will he pay ten dollars ? C. H. Waid: In view of the fact that I made the motion I would like to say that I had in mind that it was a radical step. I also had this in mind, that there would be certain ones who would pay this fee and perhaps get the organization on a good financial basis. However, I can see plainly that it might have a tendency to keep some of the smaller men out, although the one dollar and two dollar fees have kept out ninety-nine out of one hundred so far. So if this Society thinks it better to have this $10.00 membership made a little donation, leaving the present fee as it is, that would be perfectly satisfactory. I will be willing tO' with- draw my motion. My idea was that if we could get enough money to put the Society on a good financial basis we could show the small growers that it isl worth while to come in. H. H. Hardie : We have a resolution, duly passed, leaving the financing of this organization to the Executive Committee, It seems to me the Executive Committee can get after these allied industries and get the money. I think it is up to the members here to fix the fee, but the plan of raising money as I understand it is left to the Executive Committee. Dr. L. H. Bailey: That was the action of the convention. 177 H. H. Hardie: If Mr. Waid has withdrawn his motion I move that the annual fee be five dollars. (Motion seconded.) - Dr. L. H. Bailey : The Secretary has whispered in my ear i — suppose the fee was ten dollars and the Secretary was not able to deliver ten dollars worth? But the larger question is as to the purposes of this Society. I think the fee ought to be raised, if not this year another year. I am not sure about this year. The question is, shall we make the fee so large as to make this purely a professional and commercial organization, missing the larger aims of the Society? We must not be misled by certain other or- ganizations who are able to pay high fees. I belong to a society in which the fee is $25.00 a year and I am glad to pay it ; but this is quite another proposition. W. W. Farnsworth (Ohio) : I realize the force of Mr. Waid's statements, and I realize also the truth of what the Chair- man has said — ^that this is a different proposition. My at- tendance at this Society dates back thirty years and I realize that a great many men who have loved and labored for this Society are men of moderate means but high ideals. I realize also that the force of this Society is not altogether a full treasury, and while I have no objection to the commercial interests taking as much of the financial burden as they care to, I would be very sorry, indeed, to see any fee placed upon the membership which would keep anyone out. I feel that two dollars is too small, but I do not believe we ought to make any further upward movement, especially now when the average fruit grower does not boast of a very full pocketboak. Mr. Gourley (Ohio) : I have taken it upon myself on sev- eral occasions to talk to fruit growers' associations and ask for memberships in the American Pomological Society, and perhaps one or two would do so, but there was no general response. It seems to me that we must have this pretty clearly worked out, do something that is concrete, and give something for this money. Unless we can do that it is a question whether we are justified in adopting anything very radical in the way of raising our dues. Of course the thing to do would seem to be to make the Associa- tion worth while. Various things have been suggested. If we 12 178 could go before Congress with something tangible, if we could do something as to package standardization, or a uniform law for grading and packing of fruit, something of that sort would draw considerable attention, and perhaps considerable fire, to the So- ciety and it thereby would gain strength. When the Farm Bureau raised its fee to ten dollars they had an organization by which they could do considerable work which they could not have done before. But there seem to be one or two here who do not have very clearly in mind the exact things the Society is going to do. They all should know bcause there are only a few of us here and when we go from here there will be a great many questions asked — how did the meeting come out, is it a going concern ? Personally, I feel very much encouraged in comparison with last year, when there seemed to be a lack of purpose and policy. Now these things have been outlined more clearly and we know better what the Society is attempting to do. But I think a moderate course would be better and that perhaps five dollars is best for the present. T. B. West: When does this become effective, this year or next? Dr. L. H. Bailey : That depends on the action. T. B. West : I did not understand whether it would take ef- fect this year or* next. I think without question the fee ought to be five dollars. All of us ought to be willing to pay five dollars to belong to this Society whether we get anything out of it or not. A society of national scope with a fee of only two dollars looks cheap to me. If you make a fee that they are willing to pay and then show the members you are doing something for them you will build up the strength of the Society. I think nearly every fruit grower in' Ohio can pay five dollars and is willing to do it and I hope in the future we can raise it to ten dollars. Dr. L. H. Bailey : The Secretary has a suggestion to make. The Secretary : I have certainly been interested in this discussion. It is necessary to have money in order to do anything, but I suggested to Doctor Bailey a short time ago that at the present time the Secretary, whether myself or someone else, has to do something else as his own business and do the work of the American Pomological Society when he can get a few hours, which means that he will not be able to give to the membership as much as he would like to and as much as they ought to have. 179 I would therefore make a motion that the fee be two dollars for 1922, or until the next meeting, with the recommendation that at that time it be increased to five dollars. I make this as an amendment to the other motion. (Amendment seconded.) Vote on the amendment; lost. (Vote on the original motion, that the fee be five dollars; carried.) W. C. Reed (Indiana) : What do you want to do about life memberships. Do you want to change that, or do you want to see how many life memberships you can get here at one hundred dollars? H. H. Hardie (Michigan) : I move that the life membership fee be left at fifty dollars. (Taken by consent.) W. C. Reed: In order to finance the Society I would like to join nineteen others in taking out life memberships at fifty dollars each. (The final subscriptions were) : B. G. Pratt $50 00 W. C. Reed 50 00 Paul C. Stark 50 00 H. H. Hardie 50 00 L. H. Bailey 50 00 J. E. Smith 50 00 Toledo Rex Spray Co 100 00 W. Paddock 10 00 J. H. Gourley 10 00 W. H. Lloyd 10 00 W. S. Brock 10 00 C. H. Waid 10 00 R. B. Cruickshank 10 00 L. V. Doud 10 00 L. H. Bailey: If there is nothing further in this line we will take up the next item of thi^ report. H. P. Gould : The matter is still undecided about advisors to the Secretary. I do not know whether this matter should be discussed and carried through tonight or handled in some other way. i8o Dr. L. H. Bailey : I should think those persons should be named from the floor. J. H. Gourley: I move that the President appoint these men. (Motion seconded, then an amendment offered that the President and Secretary make the appointments. Amendment accepted and amended motion carried.) H. P. Gould: The next item is membership. "3. Membership — regular and collegiate. At present any campaign for new members rests with the Secretary. That of itself is a heavy burden, if the work be effective. A committee of really interested members could doubtless accomplish much. The work of such a committee should be directed by the Secretary. We recommend that a committee be appointed, with the Sec- retary as chairman, and that this committee be in two parts, one to cover regular, the other collegiate member- ship." "4. Medals, awards, etc. Our recommendation is that a standing committee on awards be appointed and that this committee be charged with the awarding" of the Wilder medal and- all others that may from time to time be given by the Society ; further, that this committee be charged with the canvassing of the entire situation to de- termine what other awards, medals, etc., ought to be given by the Society, if any, in addition to those that are now given from time to time." Dr. L. H. Bailey : We now have a committee consisting of F. G. Charles, J. W. Crow, and B. D. Drain, and two of them are working on this very problem, working out the details of the judg- ing contest tomorrow. It would be perfectly agreeable to us, as long as the members of this committee are not here, to ask them to get memBbrships in the collegiate branch. H. P. Gould: The matter of medals and awards has been handled and a committee appointed, so we can go to the next item. "5. Increase in consumption of fruits. Our Presi- dent recommends the issuing of bulletins by all the ex- perimental stations, colleges, departments of home eco- i8i nomics, etc., in which are set forth the value of fruit in the diet. We heartily endorse such a program, but this committee would place special emphasis on the work of the home economics departments in the colleges, and also on the work of home demonstration and other home ex- tension agencies. These are the people who are reaching those who put food on the table. We recommend especi- ally that, whatever else be done, the Secretary's office ad- dress a special letter to these agencies asking them to stress as much as possible the use of fruit in the home and perhaps referring them to the literature already available." The President's recommendation was that all the experiment stations and colleges be requested to issue one bulletin'each during 1922 setting forth the value of fruit in the diet, and allied matters. Dr. L. H. Bailey : I made that suggestion for the purpose of getting publicity on the use of fruit and fruit products. I do not know that any action is necessary as this is the program out- lined by the Society. It is up to the Secretary's office — we want him to earn his salary — to correspond with these different agencies and see if they will take on such publication activities. H. P. Gould: If the committee had known when it made these recommendations what it knows now, it would not have made the next recommendation. "6. Cooperation and affiliation with State societies. We cannot over-emphasize the importance of our Presi- dent's references to such activities. The American Pomo- logical Society ought to be the central clearing house for all the State and Provincial fruit growers' organizations, and each one should be, somehow, linked up with it. We recommend that every Provincial, State and county or- ganization or Society be urged to designate a member who shall be its representative in the American Pomo- logical Society and whose annual dues shall be paid by each Society or organization so represented. It is be- lieved also that as far as our funds permit, the monthly or bi-monthly letters from the Secretary's office should be sent to all horticultural society secretaries and other lg2 officers, as a means of interesting them in the American Pomological Society and its work. A committee on af- filiation and cooperation between the American Pomo- logical Society and other societies might well be desig- nated. We recommend it. In regard to the binding of the report the committee we thought this was administrative and belonged to the Executive Committee, and we have so recommended. "7. The desirability of establishing a regular-sized page and style of binding for the annual report needs no discussion. It is self-evident. We believe this is a mat- ter that the Executive Committee, in consultation with those -familiar with printing, binding, etc., can best handle. We recommend that the Executive Committee be charged with this duty and that it be given power to act. That is, that the action of the committee shall be the action of the Society. Dr. L. H. Bailey: There is no place in the annual report this year in which a statement is clearly made as to the status of society memberships. There is a regulation of this Society to the effect that other societies may take out memberships and pay a fee of $10.00, and they have certain privileges. We have a printed slip which gives the official action of the Society taken some time ago in this respect and that has been sent to every State and regional society on the continent asking for their affiliation. Then as I told you. Prof. Shaw was last year designated as the person to attempt to procure these affiliated society memberships, the re- sults of which is in the report this year. I think the fact that he did not get as many memberships as expected is no reason why this should be dropped. This should be taken up every year with these organizations. I think as soon as the Society is thoroughly on its feet there will be no question about the affiliations. About the standardization of the report. Here is the report of 1854 — you can see the way it is bound. Of course the bind- ing is an additional ex])ense — about fifty cents for good cloth binding. But the question is as to the size of these reports. For some years they were published as quartos, and the suggestion is i83 that we adopt a size of page, a format, and a general method of compiling the report. I do not like the reports. They have good matter in them, but I think the arrangement might be changed so they would be more attractive and put up in the form of a book. But what kind of binding shall we have ; what color shall we have? It has been recommended that this be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. This means that some- one who is familiar with editing and getting material ready for the press will look into it with a good deal of care. H. P. Gould : No. 8, which has to do with the raising of funds, has been discussed. The last item is that of nomenclature. "9. The matter of nomenclature. We feel that the importance of this matter is very inadequately appre- ciated. Throughout its entire life this Society has stood as the one body in America that has hadj a directing in- fluence on fruit variety names. That influence has had more or less general recognition, but it has nO' compelling power. Its influence in this direction has sometimes waned, and many times has been ignored. The whole question needs careful, constructive, scientific considera- tion. This committee recognizes the fact that nomencla- ture work is very definitely research, work. The results are not merely matters of opinion, where one man's is as good as another's ; but rather, the results are matters of fact, and the problem is to establish the fact or facts which are involved. Not every one is so situated that he can do research work in fruit nomenclature. The placing of this work where it can best be done is a matter that calls for earnest consideration. Our Presi- dent has said as much in his address. He recommends the publishing of the Code, after proper editing, as a bulletin. This committee emphasizes the need of action and recommends giving the widest publicity possible to the Code, after it has received the editing our President speaks of, and consideration with respect to revision along lines suggested in the President's address, and in any other respects that are essential to make it scientific and workable. A committee to consider these matters i84 should be appointed with power to act. The latter fea- ture is necessary if the recommendation of the President for the publication of the Code as a bulletin is adopted." Perhaps in this connection I might call attention to the fact that the committee on nomenclature of the American Society of Nurserymen is also interested in this matter, and two members, including the chairman, of that committee are here. They called my attention to the list of fruit varieties prepared in 1920 by Prof. Lake, a list which was, I think, prepared for the Nurserymen's Association. I am sorry to say that there are some things in that list which need correcting. Mr. Kelsey, member of the horticul- tural committee on nomenclature, is also a member of the com- mittee on nomenclature of the Nurserymen's Association, and he has referred the matter to Mr. Simpson, who is chairman of that committee in the Nurserymen's Association, and with a little work I thing we can bring that list to a higher degree of com- pletion than at the present time. The question might be whether that list, brought up to date and with some corrections, should be the list that we turn over to this committee to print, or whether we should request that they print the list in the last issue of the American Pomological Association, the list which was published as Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 151. Dr. L. H. Bailey: Could you go over the list for 1920 in a week or two and make it conform to the Code? H. P. Gould: I think so, putting in some new ones that ought to go in and making some omissions. Dr. L. H. Bailey: If in a week or so you could make this list conform to the Code it could be given to this committee to print. Mr. Gould has been appointed the chairman of the com- mittee on nomenclature, with power. Now go to it ! H. P. Gould: Even though that list may not be the official list of the nurserymen it could be the foundation of a list of the Society and I am inclined to think such a list would be more satisfactory to the nurserymen than this list. Dr. L. H. Bailey: It will be the official list for us — you are our committee. W. C. Reed : As a member of the Executive Committee of the American Association of Nurserymen I would urge upon you i85 that this be gotten back to Mr. Kelsey as soon as possible, as it is partly in type now, and as the Executive Committee of the Nurser}'men's Association sent Mr. Kelsey a check for $1000 to help get this out, I am sure that any corrections you wish will be all right with the Association. Dr. L. H. Bailey: In connection with the matter of nomen- clature it was suggested today that we might desire to re-establish the relationship between the American Pomological Society and the United States Department of Agriculture. An appropriation was made by Congress for nomenclature work and I believe three bulletins were published. H. P. Gould : There was no special appropriation made by Congress for that, but the Secretary, Mr. Morton, ordered the bulletins printed, and for several years after the death of Dr. Lyon, Prof. Ragan was chairman of the committee on nomen- clature and a member of our staff, so that it amounted virtually to a paid chairman who devoted all his time to nomenclature work. Dr. L. H. Bailey: These bulletins were very valuable and ought to be revived. In the early days it was published not only in die list of fruits but also in our Proceedings, the last of these being in 1891. The fruit catalog began about fifty years ago. We have now a definite action to revive the fruit catalog. Mr. Gould is chairman of the Nomenclature Committee connected with the Department of Agriculture and I think it would be a good plan to memorialize Congress asking that this be re-established. Of course the chances are that it will be regarded as a publication of the United States Department, and the danger is that the Society might lose something of its identity, although I think it was a perfectly satisfactory arrangement in Prof. Pagan's time. For myself, I should like to see a cooperative movement of that kind resumed. If we are to do that it is necessary to have a motion. Prof. J. C. Blair: I move that this Society memorialize Congress looking toward the resumption of cooperative work in the preparation of a fruit catalog and the publication thereof. (Motion seconded and carried.) B. G. Pratt: I want to suggest this for the Executive Com- mittee. I am a member of almost every horticultural society and I try to attend as many meetings as possible. Is there not some way in which the American Pomological Society through the Sec- i86 retary's office, can be a clearing house for the meetings of the different horticultural societies where this will not conflict with some constitutional requirement as to the holding of these meet- ings. As it is, a number of the meetings are held simultaneously. We cannot be in two places at the same time and I think where it is possible arrangements should be made to hold, say one meet- ing at the first of the week and another at the last of the week, and if the office of the Secretary could be a clearing house it would be a tremendous help. Dr. L. H. Bailey : Personally, I feel the time for the meeting of this Society is September, as in the old days. Prof. L. R. Taft (Michigan): I would like to make a partial report for the Committee on Awards of the Wilder Medals. The will of Mr. Wilder left this Society $5,000 to be used for this work, $1,000 for Wilder medals. The Society has for a num- ber of years given silver and bronze medals, sometimes in con- nection with the work in horticulture, other times for new fruits. The Committee wishes now to recommend, that the silver Wilder medal for notable contributions to horticulture and to the work of the Society be given to our President, Dr. L. H. Bailey. (Ap- plause.) Prof. J. C. Blair: I move that this be done. (Motion sec- onded and carried.) Dr. L. H. Bailey : I wish tO' say that I appreciate this very much. It so happens that I have been the recipient of certain medals and dij^lomas both from this country and abroad, and the one I prize most is the Wilder Medal which I received in 1885 for an exhibit of native nuts and fruits, and with this medal, coming at the last of my work, it is difficult to say which I will prize the more. I very much appreciate this action. (Applause.) H. P. Gould: There was a matter mentioned a little while ago which if it is possible to bring to a head now would be de- sirable. We have all seen the little medal which the Secretary has secured for work in connection with the judging contests. If I understood the suggestion it was tliat the design of this medal might be adopted as the official seal of the Society. It seems to me it is a very fitting and attractive design and I would like to move that the design of that small medal be adopted as the official seal of the American Pomological Society. (Motion seconded and carried.) i87 (Dr. Baile)^ then read a telegram from the International Fruit Exchange of Chicago, inviting the American Pomological Society to hold its next annual meeting and students judging contest in connection with the International Fruit Exchange.) Prof. J. C. Blair : I am sure I express the sentiments of everyone here tonight, and of all members of the Society whether present or not, when I say that we all appreciate the fact that after a term of years our grand old organization has had breathed into it the breath of life. The American Pomological Society it seems to me reached its lowest ebb in 1916-17, for I remember very well the meeting that was held in Boston in 1917 in con- nection with the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, at which time I think there were less then a dozen members of this or- ganization present. I recall, too. the air of discouragement no- ticeable on all sides. A group of six or seven of the old guard met at the Copley Square Hotel on the second evening, in my room, to discuss wa}'s and means, and the discouragement mani- fest at that meeting was great. I remember one member said, "Let's bury the d — d thing." Another said, "Yes, but let us have a rosewood- casket and cover it with flowers and bury it with honor, for this is an honored organization we are laying away." And then later in the discussion there was one man who said that in the entire membership of this organization there was but one man who could save the institution, and was it not worth while to enlist his sympathy and help. Another man said, "Who is it?" and the reply was "Liberty Hyde Bailey." (Applause.) So it was decided to wire him and find out if he would take the job of putting new life into the Society. I am glad, Mr. President, that I was one of the five or six who signed that telegram which went to you asking if you would step into the gap and save the American Pomological Society. Word came back the next morning that if it was the wish of those who had this matter in charge he would step in and do the best he could. That day at the meeting Doctor Bailey was elected President of this organization and from that day to this there has been a steady growth. He has put into it not only the breath of life, he has given it not only the inspiration such as seen today, but he has given it a stabilizing equality, he has put into us a faith in the organization which we have long wanted to have and now we see that again this institution is a real live, going concern. i88 Will you not rise with me in further expression to our honor- able President of our appreciation of the service he has rendered. (Applause.) Prof. Laurenz Greene: I think Professor Blair should tell us exactly who were at that meeting. From some of the quota- tions, I would judge that Frederic Cranefield was one of the number. Mr. Frederic Cranfield : I was at that meeting, and I op- posed the election of Doctor Bailey, because I said there were too d — d many professors in the Society now. But I want to say that tonight I agree with every word Professor Blair has said, and it has been one of the greatest delights of my life to have been associated in this work with President Bailey. Dr. L. H. Bailey : I think I must say a few words in respect to this matter. It was before the time of the Boston meeting that I retired from university and educational work, so I was not at that time a professor nor connected in any way with any institu- tion. I expected and hoped never again to be connected in an of- ficial way with any society, not because I did not like the work, but because I had other work to do. I have consistently escaped such connection except in the case of the American Pomological Society. I want you to know the situation in which I now find myself. I am devoting the remainder of my life to other lines of work. I took the presidency with the distinct understanding that I should not stop my work and my travel for its conventions. I have stayed in the country this year for the purpose of attending this meeting when I should otherwise have been somewhere else. I am glad that I did. I may be nowhere near when you meet again. It is not fair to the Society that the president should be absent from the conventions. You ought to have someone as President who not only knows this Society and is in touch with it, but who can be present at its meetings. I have been asked whether I would be willing to retain some connection with the Society. I say yes, but what that connection shall be I do not know ; that is for you to decide. I am interested in it, and if I can do anything to help it along and still not neglect the work in which I am engaged, I shall be glad; but you ought to have someone who can be actively present and take part, at- tend Executive Committee meetings. Whether he is an acting Vice-President or an actual President, or whether he has some i89 other official capacity in connection with the Society — I leave that for you to work out. But I must not have the details of the American Pomological on my mind for the next few years. Now you see my situation. I want you to take action. I do not say that I want you to disassociate me from the Society, but take some action whereby the President's work can be passed to someone else; within the limits of my power and of the oppor- tunities I have and the leisure from other work, if I can be of any service I shall be* only too glad to render it. FRIDAY MORNING SESSION The Friday morning session was called to order at nine-fifty bv the President. The President : There was a time when the people attend- ing a horticultural meeting got to the meeting at eight in the morn- ing; but in these later days it is difficult to get them out. We will now begin the last session of this meeting of the American Pomological Society. The first number on the pro- gram is a paper by Dr Chandler, which was given yesterday in the place of the paper of Mr. Davis of Ontario, so I will call on Mr. Davis now to give us his paper on "Canadian Efforts to Im- prove the Apple for the More Severe Districts." This will be par- ticularly interesting to us on this side of the line — the develop- ment of fruit on our northern border. CANADIAN EFFORTS TO IMPROVE THE APPLE FOR THE MORE SEVERE DISTRICTS M. B. Davis, Ontario As the climatic conditions of the Dominion cover a wide range, from where practically all varieties of tender fruits may be grown to where only the hardiest of hardy fruits may be even at- tempted, there enters in the field a great number of possibilities and opportunities for the apple breeder. It remained for the Ex- perimental Farms System, therefore, to decide upon some line of endeavor with regard to its projects for the improvement of the apple for Canadian conditions. Three distinct phases or opportunities offered : First, to at- tempt to originate newer and better commercial varieties for the larger fruit districts where hardiness was of secondary considera- tion; second, to undertake the origination of varieties for the more severe districts which were limited to a few of the hardiest varieties for the more severe districts, which were limited to a few (190) 191 (if the hardiest varieties of our dessert apples; or third, to attempt to create a list of varieties for the prairies where it was impossible to grow edible varieties of the apple. The two latter phases were decided upon as being the most urgent. The first attempt at improving the list of varieties for the severer districts was made in 1890, when 3,000 trees, grown from seed imported from Russia, were planted. From this lot a few apples were considered worth propagating, but after years of test- ing only one can be considered a valuable addition to the ex- isting list of hardy varieties. This one is Rupert, an apple similar to Yellow Transparent, but hardier and earlier in season. From this attempt it became evident that improvement must be sought by introducing a greater amount of quality into the seedlings than could be obtained by merely selecting within the Russian varieties, ail of which are medium in that respect. In 1918, therefore, seed was taken from such varieties as Northern Spy, Mcintosh, Fameuse, St. Lawerence and Wealthy, which were growing in the orchard at the Central Experimental Farm, along with four or five hundred other sorts. From this seed about 2,000 seedlings have been raised, and the actual results have been most encouraging indeed, even though there is much yet to be achieved. To date well over 1,200 of these seedlings have fruited and the remarkable feature is that only 4. per cent of these produced fruit of crab-like nature. Another remarkable point was the influence of the female parent on colour, quality and keeping quality. Of the above lot about luo were considered worthy of naming and holding for further trial, but gradually, through the process of elimination, this num- ber is being reduced, although to date five named varieties have Deen selected for propagation and general introduction. The list of really important commercial varieties which may be grown in the severe districts, at present may roughly be classed IS Duchess, Wealthy. Mcintosh and Fameuse, giving as one will see a rather short season for edible apples. The Duchess at best is only of medium quality and Wealthy can hardly be termed a his:h-class dessert fruit, so one might really say that these districts are limited lo two high-class varieties whose season exteri^s only to Christmas, as there are really no winter varieties of sufficiently high quality to compete with such apples as Spy and Delicious. 192 The object to be attained then resolves itself into obtaining varieties earlier and later than Mcintosh, but approaching it in quality, and at the same time possessing the factor of hardiness developed to the highest degree, and here is the rub, especially in the origination of the winter sorts. The first part of the program, namely the obtaining of earlier varieties, is practically accom- plished by the introduction of the five sorts mentioned a few mo- ments ago. These are all seedlings of Mcintosh Red. Melba, the first of these in season, is ready for use about August ist and is a highly colored apple of excellent quality and should prove a distinct acquisition to the fruit lists of any fruit growing centre desiring a high-class apple earlier than Duchess. To replace the Duchess variety, Joyce, of about the same season, may be men- tioned. Practically as good as Mcintosh, of high color and bear- ing at an early age, this apple would seem to merit considerable attention. The next in season is Pedro, somewhat earlier than Wealthy, midway in quality between it and Mcintosh, and a regu- larly heavy yielder of high color. The next, Patricia, is a beauti- ful apple in appearance and quality, just after Wealthy in season. Lobo, the last of these, is looked upon in some districts as being a possible successor to Wealthy, being of about the same season, of better quality and a better keeper, of as high color, with a better shaped tree to recommend it. In addition to these five apples there are several winter varieties which are decidedly better than any we now have, but which require further testing to determine their hardiness. These are all seedlings of Northern Spy and are as follows : Spiotta, Emilia, Spiro, Bingo, Donald and Niobe. The last named is the best in quality, being excellent in that respect, but lacking in color Of the others, probably Emilia is the best in quality, with a con- siderable amount of color. Not all the work has been confined to growing seedlings where only one parent was known. Considerable cross breeding has been done, and it is of interest to note the crosses between Lawver and Mcintosh and its reciprocal. This combination was made in the hope that a variety combining the high quality of Mcintosh with the keeping quality of Lawver and the color of both parents would be obtained. Apples of high color and good keeping quality re- sulted, but were a keen disappointment when it came to the test tor dessert purposes. Another series of hybrids between such 193 varieties as Antonovka, Duchess, Winter Rose, Wealthy, Mc- intosh, etc.. has given little of promise. These hybrids were made after the test winter of 1903, when the majority of our best sorts were killed out and it was then thought that hardiness was the only consideration and that it would be wise to limit endeavors to the crossing of varieties which contained this factor highly developed, so with the exception of the quality from Mc- intosh little of that factor was introduced. There are now coming into bearing a series of most in- teresting and promising cross-breds, made up of combinations between such excellent sorts as Cox Orange, Grimes, Graven- stein, Delicious, King and Bellefleur, with Mcintosh, Wealthy, Fameuse, Duchess and Yellow Transparent as hardy varieties. Here we have combinations which should give us color, quality, hardiness and keeping quality, and it is hoped that from these series the latter part of our program will be completed, namely the obtaining of a number of high class winter varieties for the northern districts. Reference must now be made to the efforts to create a list of hardy edible varieties for the Northwest plains. This work was inaugurated by the late Dr. Wm. Saunders, then Director of the Dominion Experimental Farms. He crossed the Russian species, Pyrus baccata, with such sorts as Northern Spy and Mcintosh and obtained a number of first crosses, all crab-like but several times larger than the Pyrus baccata, which is about the size of a small cherry. Of these first crosses two, namely Osman and Columbia, seem able to resist the rigorous climate of the Northwest plains and appear to mark an advance in the desired direction. Dr. Saunders introduced a second infusion of true Malus blood into his first crosses and several varieties have re- sulted bearing fruit as large as 2^" in diameter and quite edible, while apparently hardy, although this latter point requires further testing in the Prairits. The best of these second crosses are ( I ) Rosilda, a cross between Pioneer and Mcintosh, Pioneer being a cross between P. baccata and Tetofsky, a hardy Russian sort; and (2) Wapella, a cross between Pioneer and Northern Spy. If these two sorts prove hardy for the Northwest they will prove distinct acquisitions to the horticulture of that area and will mark a permanent step in the progress of the develop- 13 194 ment of satisfactory apples for that country. This work is still being prosecuted by adding another infusion of pure Malus blood to the best of these second crosses, by selfing for segrega- tion where a variety is self fertile and by inter-crossing the best of the second crosses where the process of selfing is impossible. It might here be mentioned that in the work of Dr. Saunders, Pyrus baccata was used as the female in every instance. Re- cently hybrids have been made where Pyrus baccata has been used as the male, using such varieties as Mcintosh, Wealthy, etc., as the female parent, so that if there is any difference in the in- fluence of sex in the transmission of characters, benefit should be derived from it in this latter series of crosses. From all this wealth of material, by careful selection and testing, surely there is no reason to doubt but that ultimately we shall be able to offer the settler of the northern great plains a number of varieties of apples of good quality and sufficiently hardy to withstand his trying conditions. It is the work of many life times, but if each generation can but add its quota of progress, what appeared impossible forty or fifty years ago will become an accomplished fact. The President: Through some oversight there has not been a committee on resolutions appointed. I will ask Prof. Pad- dock and Mr. Cranefield to act on that committee. Is there any discussion of Mr. Davis' paper? Prof. Laurenz Greene: I was very much interested in what Mr. Davis had to say regarding the early Mcintosh with which they are trying to replace the Duchess and Wealthy. A number of growers in our southern territory, especially in Ar- kansas, have been anxious to find a red variety that would come at the season of the Yellow Transparent and would not be sub- ject to blight. I am interested to know whether these Mcintosh seedlings withstand fire blight. M. B. Davis : We have very little of that in our orchards and consequently any information I would give in that respect would hardly indicate whether it was so or not. With us there are very few varieties that are ever touched with blight. These 195 seedlings with us are free. I think they have been tested at Ames. The earliest apple we have in Canada is the Crimson Beauty, but it is of poor quality and there is a great demand for a dessert apple at that season of the year. Of course the Duchess will always be used for that purpose, but at that time of the year the people are begging for apples and will even take the Crim- son Beauty. There is a great opportunity for early apples and we think we have them now. Prof. J. C. Blair: I would like to ask if in the breeding work in Canada they have found any satisfactory seedling variety which would do well in the great prairie region south and east of Calgary in the Albertas? M. B. Davis: No; the only thing that approaches a variety that will do for them are some of this second list I mentioned. They are very crab-like in nature, the largest size is about 2^", and the flesh is crab-like, but they are the only varieties that will grow in that part of the country. We hope eventually to get them some of these other varieties. We tested out thousands and thousands of the Russian varieties on our farms and they are living, but the only one that has been any good is the Pyrus baccata. In Manitoba they can grow the Duchess and Wealthy, but they cannot grow anything more, and that is limited to southern Manitoba. The President : Will the native crabs grow on the plains ? M. B. Davis: No; they wil not stand the winters. The Red Siberian will come through most winters pretty well, but che native crabs are not hardy enough for the great plains. Even some of the hardy ones are killed back to the snow line. The V^ellow Siberian is a hardy crab, but even that is killed back to the snow line on the prairies. W. S. Perrine : Southern Illinois is interested in a red variety about as early as the Transparent, and if there is any- thing anywhere we would like to know it. I would like to ask Professor Greene if he knows about the Carson. It is supposed to be a red apple about as early as the Transparent. Prof. Laurenz Greene: I cannot answer that. I have seen the apple this year for the first time. F. H. Beach : I was talking to Mr. R. A. Simpson yester- day regarding this variety and his experience was this — that 196 it followed the Transparent, but owing to certain deficiencies in tree characteristics he is now top-working the trees planted. I am unable to give a detailed report, but evidently he was not pleased with this variety under his conditions at Vincennes. Prof. J. C. Blair : I would like to ask Mr. Davis if he thinks it is the continuous low temperature in those regions that damages the fruit, or is it the variable temperature? Even when you get the temperature down to 30° below zero you will sometimes get considerable fluctuation. Is it the variable tem- perature or the low temperature ? M. B. Davis : I think it is due to the fluctuating tempera- ture, say a sudden drop down 25°. The temperature does not go much below zero in Ottawa, but on the prairies it drops from a few degrees above to 25° or 30° below in thirty-six hours, and in the spring of the year it will rise, the trees will start growth, and then the temperature will drop below again. It is the sud- den changes coupled with the fact that the trees do not ripen properly. The ground will sometimes be covered with snow, then the snow will go and the ground will be bare. It is not root injury, but top injury, and they attribute it to the dropping from above zero to 25° or 30° below, and then back again. H. P. Gould : I would like to ask Mr. Davis if he does not think the very dry condition of the atmosphere, the aridity, is also an important factor in the killing of these trees on the prairies and the great plains? I have had a litle experience on the great plains and with some collections of fruit trees at some of the stations through the great plains area, and we always felt that the dryness of the atmosphere was a very important factor 'in the killing of the trees, as well as the low and the variable temperatures. The President: The next event on the program is "The Prospect for Teaching in Pomology," and we are glad to have this presented by Professor Blair, who has been responsible for the remarkable development along this line in Illinois. Pro- fessor Blair now has the floor. 197 THE PROSPECT FOR TEACHING IN POMOLOGY Professor J. C. Blair, Illinois Mr. President and Members of the American Povnological Society: After nearly thirty years of helping to teach the subject of Pomology I have reached the conviction that after all the most difficult of all of our college subjects to teach is that of Pomol- ogy. I am equally convinced that in the entire range of educa- tional work there is probably no subject so poorly taught as the subject of Pomology. This statement may challenge a good deal of discussion in one place or another, but I make the state- ment deliberately and after having visited and examined the laboratory equipment in some thirty-four of our educational in- stitutions in this country and in Canada during the last three years. Pomology is the most difficult subject to teach because in academic work we have nowhere the wide range of varieties or the variable nature that we have in this field. And when I speak of the teaching of Pomology I do not mean only the teaching of apple culture in its various phases, but also the teaching of the other forms of tree fruits, vine fruits and small fruits. This subject is the most poorly taught, on the other hand, for the simple reason that the equipment for the teaching of this subject is the most expensive to procure and the material the most difficult to present to the live, expectant student. It is a fine thing to have, as Professor Paddock and I had some twenty- six or twenty-eight years ago, the untiring leadership of a great man like Doctor Bailey in the classroom — even though he had to teach horticulture at Cornell University with inadequate la- boratory facilities and without land on which to grow the plants he was talking about as only a great and inspired teacher can talk. Indeed it was that conviction borne in those early days that led me to answer the significant question which comes some- times to the boy in the early years of his life when in school, the question which varies in one way or another but which came to me in this particular form from Dr. T. J. Burrill of the Uni- versity of Illinois, in May, 1892, when he wrote to the school 198 boy in Ithaca and among other things put this question. He said, "What are your wishes and tastes with reference to your life work?" He had been led to write to me because there was a minor job in the State of Illinois that needed to be done and my teacher, Professor Bailey, said I was the man to do it. My answer to that was simply this, "That my ambitions and my tastes with reference to my life work were to make a contri- bution to the pomological and horticultural development of this country, especially in the way of so co-ordinating the work of a department of horticulture that the boys and girls could have better material with which to work than had been given them heretofore." Now you may think that such a program, starting so long ago, should have accompHshed something tremendously significant; and yet as I. stand here today I feel very humble in- deed, for I look back over twenty-five years and it seems to me incredible that the amount of time and energy spent should have produced such small results. Nevertheless, some rather im- portant results have been attained, especially in the matter of equipment and this is what I want to tell you about today. Let me take you, by means of lantern slides, step by step through this evolution or growth which has taken place at Illi- nois, in the Department of Horticulture. Let me add here also, that Pomology is being better taught in all our institutions today because of the fact that the pomological and horticultural in- terests throughout the States as well as the instructors and stu- dents had reached the point where they were demanding and ex- pecting the institutions to provide laboratory equipment for the proper presentation of their subjects, and which is so essential to the development of research as well as instruction. I was told in those early days that Illinois was not a horti- cultural State ; that it was in the great Mississippi valley where corn and hogs and cattle were to be raised, and not an apple growing or peach growing State ; that these things did not be- long to the prairie country. I did not believe that, and today I am sure we have reason to feel that Illinois occupies a rather enviable position from the standpoint of horticultural develop- ment, and no little part of it is due to the organized efifort of the horticultural people of the State. I mean not only the great Horticultural Society under the leadership of such men as Mr. 199 Perrine, who is here today, and who was for a number of years President of that Society, but also the floricultural interests of Chicago and Cook County. That organization was just as im- portant in estabHshing pomological laboratories at the University as the Horticultural Society, because of their influence with the legislators at Chicago, and in that way secured their interest. But, that was not all — the State Nurserymen's Association came into being as the direct result of the necessity for some one to look after the nurserymen's interests. And so throughout the years there has been a gradual prog- ress, yet with so many discouragements, so many breakdowns, as it were, that it seemed many times as though our efforts would be entirely nullified and lost. And on three different oc- casions the Department of Horticulture of our University was completely legislated, not only off the face of the campus, but so far as we could see, off the face of the earth. By patiently bringing together organized efforts over the State the situation has improved and now we have a fairly good working start in the matter of developing the horticultural and pomological labora- tories. The land that we had in the early days was close in, and it is necessary, in order to teach pomology and horticulture to have our laboratories close at hand so the students can get to the plants. And that was the difficulty with our situation, for it seemed impossible to get the executive heads of the insti- 'tution to the point where they would spend thousands of dollars for land upon which to plant trees when it was so sorely needed for military purposes and for buildings for the liberal arts, en- gineering, etc. There was the rub. We met that situation, how- ever, by finally stepping outside the campus proper and making our campaign for a half section of land, 320 acres. We got two appropriations, and finally a third, for that- enterprise. Now, we are at work developing plant laboratories to suit the needs for material for the teaching of the different courses of study. It is in these out-door working laboratories, and the indoor laboratories now being built, that students can get first-hand ac- quaintance with different plants, their characteristics and re- quirements. Let me now take you, by means of lantern slides, rapidly over the program of development at Illinois, and show you in 200 concrete fashion some of the equipment we have brought to- gether for teaching and for the research work of our Depart- ment of Horticulture. (SHdes shown.) Dr. L. H. Bailey : I am wondering whether the persons here understand the epoch in which we Hve so far as the teach- ing of rural subjects is concerned. The teacher of literature, his- tory and general science has his routine provided for him to a cer- tain extent. He is set to teach a certain definite line of subjects and the results to be attained are projected and fairly well known. Then comes a series of subjects of this kind in which there are no standardized results to be secured, in which there is very little ex- perience as to the methods to be pursued ; and these persons are not only to teach the subject, but often they must convince the people that the subjects ought to be taught, and legislators that they ought to have facilities. It is a most remarkable state of af- fairs, and the very opposition, the inertia, the contention, have stimulated these men to greater effort and have made it possible for them to produce such developments as this of which we hear from Professor Blair. And if they had not had this opposition perhaps they would not have made such remarkable development in the teaching of rural subjects. Those who have taught in thes'e institutions have often had to spend the major part of their time and energy in merely find- ing the facilities with which to work. When we come to another generation with a more standardized effort we shall then un- derstand what has been the contribution of men like Professor Blair and many others who have convinced the public mind that there should be facilities and opportunities for the rural-minded college youth of the land. Yet I sometimes fear that with the expenditure of less energy, with possibly the necessity for less public leadership, the teacher may lose some of the spirit of enthusiasm. We are practically up to our schedule, and we will now have a paper by Mr. W. G. Farnsworth, "A Report from the American Farm Bureau Federation Fruit Committee." 201 REPORT FROM AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERA- TION FRUIT COMMITTEE W. G. Farnsworth, Ohio. Mr. President and Gentlemen: The Fruit Growers' Marketing Committee of Twenty-one appointed by President Howard of the American Farm Bureau Federation for the purpose of determining' market conditions and creating a better feeHng between the consumer and producer and also the distributor, met at Atlanta, Georgia, on November 19th and I am glad to say there was almost one hundred per cent, at- tendance. In fact, out of the twenty-one members there were nineteen present, representing the various fruit interests from the grower, including the packer and shipper, to the marketing end of it, and representing nearly all sections of the country and all fruit interests, citrus fruits as well as the fruits grown in the east. I believe every member of that committee fully realized the position he was in, as well as the immensity of the problem that had been handed to them for solution, and I think nearly all of them came with the idea that they had but very little to offer. They were in the dark as to just what could be done, realizing there were so many problems and so many conflicting interests to be considered that it would be a difficult matter to form plans whereby they could all unite to accomplish the results they were hoping for. I was very much pleased with the spirit in which the men went into the work. There was a gentleman there, Mr. Edwards, from Redlands, California, who has been in California for thirty- five or forty years. In fact, he made the statement that he had been with the orange industry from the time when oranges were packed in the orchard and hauled to the railroad station and shipped that way, up to the present time. He is one of the of- ficers of the California Citrus Association who are handling oranges in a perfect way, not only owning their own packing plants, but manufacturing their own packages and looking after the selling. So he was well qualified to bring experience to that meeting. They were all broad-minded men, not looking for their own selfish interests entirely, realizing that this committee was 202 to work not only for the good of one branch of the industry, but for the fruit industry of the United States. They were all there in a spirit of hearty cooperation. We had a man by the name of Stewart from Florida, manager of the Florida Citrus As- sociation. He came as a doubting Thomas, the same as most of them, doubting the possibility of what could be accomplished, but I am glad to say this morning that while he came as a doubt- ing Thomas he went away a converted Paul. And this could be said of the rest of the committee. They saw a vision of what could be accomplished in time. I believe you realize as well as I do that this project cannot be put across in a week, or a month, or a year, but we must grow to it as we gain information and knowledge along these lines. Your committee met on November 19th, called to order by the temporary chairman, Mr. Nicols of Michigan, who was elected permanent chairman. Mr. Durst of Chicago acted as secretary of the meeting. We discussed the viarious problems confronting us and each member was called upon to give his views. But no one had any definite plan in view. They were there with open minds to study the problem from all angles and to decide carefully. You can realize that a mistake could easily be made when so many interests are considered. After discussing the various problems the committee dissolved into small sub-com- mittees appointed by the chair and went into separate sessions to take up the problems assigned to each individual committee. At last something tentative was decided upon and I will read you the plans, which are not completed as yet. They elected an executive committee for the purpose of looking after the executive work of the entire committee. This committee was James Nicols, Samuel Adams, of the American Fruit Grower of Chicago, and J. S. Edwards of Redlands, Cali- fornia, a man of deep thought and very careful in his state- ments; a man of few words, but what he did say counted. I think this would apply to the other members, and I know it will to Professor Greene from Purdue, a very strong man on the committee, who did his work and is still doing it, heart and soul, for the good of the public in general. Then there was a committee on inter-relations, which will work out lines of relationship between the fruit growers' as- sociations and submit plans for the organization of a new as- 203 sociation. This committee will have a difficult problem. Some of the strong organizations are almost perfected in the South and they will have to form some plan that these large associa- tions can adopt with profit to themselves ; also a plan that will appeal to the associations that are weaker and smaller, possibly to the local units that have no State Federation as yet. Then they will have to appeal to the individual growers in different localities, or to the local units, showing the advantage to be gained by State and Federal organization. So you see the im- mensity of the problem this committee has on their hands. Then we have a publicity committee which will investigate the advertising of fruit and ways and means of increasing the consumption of the products. This committee will look after what to my mind is the educational part of the work — seeing that fruit is advertised so that its value as an article of diet will be recognized. Then we have a committee on transportation. This com- mittee will investigate the car supply, the character of equip- ment, and study the freight rates. Then we have a committee on the standardization of pack- ages, which will stud}' and recommend containers which will in- sure the honest packing and grading of fruit. This will redound to the benefit of all parties concerned. That is one point where the entire committee agreed perfectly — • that anything that was done along this line should be done for the benefit not alone of the manufacturer, not alone of the consumer, but for the general good of the entire public, realizing that the only way we can accomplish anything and get anywhere is when we lay aside all selfishness and unite for the common good. That is what this committee has in charge — ■ the standardization of packages, and Professor Greene is the chairman of that committee. The legislative committee will study legislation affecting the fruit industry, particularly as related to the manufacture of fruit juices, and the grading laws. We have on that committee Mr. Gray Silver. You know of his work in connection with the American Farm Bureau Federation, which I must say is some- thing out of the ordinary, the work he has accomplished along legislative lines for that association. Then we have also a finance committee which looks after the financing of this work. 204 In closing I want to say a word or two as to the future plans of this committee. The plan is that the various commit- tees appointed are to hold separate meetings and take up the special problems assigned to them. They are to get all the data possible from all sources, and after studying this data and look- ing it over and digesting it, then the Committee of Twenty-one is to be called together, possibly along in January, if we can get the preliminary work done before that, and then take up the entire problem and see if we can work out a plan that will take in all this association should do and get the plan working in entire continuity. I would like to ask you this morning for the hearty co- operation of this Society. We know this Society can be of vast help in solving these problems and I believe it is the duty of the American Pomological Society. I know the committee will wel- come any suggestions or assistance you may give them, and I hope you will take some action before you close this session whereby something can be done — some one person appointed, or a committee, as you see fit, to act with us and meet with the entire committee when we meet in January. I believe it is the intention of President Nicols to call for a representative from the different associations to give suggestions and assist in formu- lating these plans, and I hope some action will be taken here this morning before you close. The President: This report is now before you for at- tention. This is the last paper on the program. The other papers, not being represented by their authors, will of course be published in the report. The remaining business will be the discussion of this report, the reports of one or two committees, and the election of officers. This report of Mr. Farnsworth is before you. Prof. Laurenz Greene : Last year some of us who were working on the Executive Committee of the American Pomologi- cal Society tried to devise ways and means whereby this organiza- tion could be of better service, knowing that only through that method could it live and prosper as it has done in the past. A lot of the things which Mr. Farnsworth has told you this morning as to the plans of the marketing committee were in the mind of Dean 205 Bailey and the Executive Committee as the program of work for the American Pomological Society. The matter of the af- fihation with the American Farm Bureau in some form through its Chicago office was discussed ; the possibihty of the estabhsh- ment of the office of the American Pomological Society there was discussed. It was my dream that the American Pomological Society should be a national organization of the fruit growers of America and Canada, through which they could speak in legis- lative matters, transportation matter and other things ; where- by the strawberry growers of the Ozarks, which is not a strong organization could get the active cooperation and support of the apple growers' organization, a strong, going concern ; whereby the individual grower who had some problem which he was not able to handle alone, could get the active cooperation and help of the fruit growers of the country. That looks like the thing that the American Pomological Society should do and I believe that today it is the biggest service it can render. With that idea in mind, some of us felt that a national sec- retaryship should be established with well eciuipped offices that could supply information on markets, on our own crops and the possibility of their being marketed profitably, and in other ways act as a bureau of information which would be of real service to the individual grower, and where you could sell him ten dol- lars' worth for two dollars. I believe that the Executive Com- mittee last year had this vision, but at their Chicago meeting after discussing the problem the American Farm Bureau Federa- tion representatives were called in. The result was the confer- ence of fruit growers held in Chicago on April 5th which re- c|uested the American Farm Bureau to appoint this Committee of Twenty-one. It was a matter of deep regret to me that the American Pomological Society, through its Officers and Executive Com- mittee, did not absolutely handle that conference, did not super- vise the appointment of the Committee of Twenty-one, did not actively cooperate with President Howard in this movement. It seems to me that it is not too late for the American Pomological Society to be the centre of the organized fruit interests of the United States. If the plans which Mr. Farnsworth has just told you about crystallize, two things are going to become facts within the next decade, and possibly sooner than that : First of all, a 206 fruit marketing department will be established by the American Farm Bureau. I do not want to say anything here that will be misunderstood, but I am confident that a paid secretary will be established in the office of the Farm Bureau to look after the fruit interests of the country — the thing which we have been talking about in the American Pomological Society. . What will be his duties? To send out the marketing information to mem- bers of the American Farm Bureau and cooperative associations, to State and county units ; transportation problems, legislative problems, everything that we have been talking about will be the duties of that official. The second thing that I believe is coming to the pomological interests of America is an organization — I do not know what form it will take — where the California citrus exchange, the Florida citrus exchange, the members of the federated associa- tions of the Northwest, the apple growers, the packing associa- tion of New York, the strawberry association of Louisiana, the cherry growers of Wisconsin, are going to have a central or- ganization through which their problems will be considered, and the force, not only of all these large organizations which I have mentioned, but of the smaller ones, and of the Farm Bureau Federation, will be brought to bear upon legislation, transporta- tion and other matters. Here is the problem which I want to put to the American Pomological Society membership. Will a duplication of effort on our part as members of the American Pomological Society get us very far? I do not want to criticize. The thing I have in mind in bringing this to your attention is this — is there not some way by which the American Pomological Society, with its long standing, can become that central organization, can direct the work of the secretary in charge of the marketing department of the American Farm Bureau ? I do not know that there is. I make that suggestion for your consideration. It seems to me that it will be very difficult to get the fruit growers in Indiana, Ohio and Iowa — these central states where the Farm Bureau is strong — ^California with its central organization — to pay five dollars into the American Pomological Society for the same service they get for the ten dollars they pay for membership in the State Farm Bureau, and other service in addition. This is a practical problem. I do not want to throw cold water ; I simply 207 want to bring this to your attention to see if it is not possible before it is too late for the American Pomological Society to be- come that central organization of the fruit growers of this coun- try. I should like to have Professor Paddock, Professor Blair and other members in the Central West tell us whether or not, on the program I have tentatively outlined, we can go out and get a five dollar membership fee for the American Pomo- logical Society. Is there not some way that we can combine our efforts along this line? The President : We have a very fundamental problem before us, one that should have very careful attention. Mr. Frederic Cranefield: With Professor Greene, it was a matter of keen regret to me that the American Pomological Society, through its Executive Committee at least, seemed unable or unwilling to dominate that conference, and for a considerable time thereafter I regretted it. I felt that this Society through its Executive Committee had done the pioneer work, if you please, and then when the time came we seemed to slip back and let somebody else do this work. But after considering it for several months I have lost this regret. I am well satisfied with the outcome. Especially am I well satisfied since hearing this report which we have looked forward to for some time. I wish we could have had it last evening when we were discussing the President's report. I understand now more clearly than before just what this committee intends to do. That is purely a com- mercial proposition. The Committee of Twenty-one will use their utmost efl:'orts to advance the fruit interests of the country in the marketing and sale of fruit and in finding the outlet for fruit. It is very largely a dollars and cents proposition, affecting, as Mr. Farnsworth has said, both the producer and distributor as well as the consumer. Such work belongs properly in the hands of such a committee and has the further advantage of having the backing of a tremendous organization with almost unlimited funds. That has been one drawback in the American Pomological Society. We could do everything but raise money. But immediately this committee was appointed there was any amount of money at its disposal. Therefore is it not better that we lay aside all our regrets and any little petty feeling we may have had at any time and offer to cooperate with that as- sociation ? 208 When it comes to the matter of duplication, that has been a puzzle to me — how we were to offer our good will and all that sort of thing to this Committee of Twenty-one, and then do the things which Mr. Farnsworth has outlined in his report — then what is left for the American Pomological Society to do? But frankly, Mr. President and members, I am not worrying about that. I used to worry a great deal years ago, when I was third assistant to the janitor of the horticultural department of the agricultural college of the State of Wisconsin, about work. I was afraid somebody else was going to do the work that I was to do. But after a great many years I saw that there is so much to do that with all our efforts we can only make a litle dent in it. There is still much work for the American Pomological Society to do. We have just scratched the surface, and there is. more work than this Committee of Twenty-one can do in the lifetime of its members. In the meantime let us give to the Committee of Twenty-one the right hand of fellowship and lend to it all the support possible. H. H. Hardie : When this problem came to us it came in the form of a marketing proposition, and when this Committee of Twenty-one was formed by the Farm Bureau Federation it was, as I understood it, a marketing division. When we first took up the problem that was what we called it — the marketing division of the American Pomological Society. When we got into it further and analyzed it, considered what it meant to market fruit over the United States, the problem looked so big that it frightened us. I do not suppose anybody would dream of try- ing to raise a million dollars this year for the American Pomo- logical Society ; you would think it out of reason if I were to say a million dollars was a small sum to put behind the marketing division of the American Pomological Society. It is such a big undertaking that there is only one concern that can handle it, which is the American Farm Bureau Federation and nobody else. There are only two fruits grown in this country that are properly marketed ; one is the banana and the other is the cran- berry. The marketing of the banana is remarkable, for they have it down to such a science that it is almost true that you can buy bananas any place at any time at about the same\ price. But you find out what it costs — I venture to say it has cost over a 209 million dollars for the marketing division of the United Fruit Company to market the banana alone. This American Pomological Society started out to be a scientific organization. We felt if we could get the Federation of Farm Bureaus to take up this proposition of marketing Ameri- can fruits, there were still plenty of things the American Pomo- logical Society could do. It seems to me what it should be more than anything else is a clearing house for information pertaining to matters connected with the fruit industry, and I do think there should be very clear lines established. We ought to have a clear program of what we are going to do and what we can do, and I am very much against trying to start something we do not think we can finish. But I do think we ought to have a clear program as to what we are going to do, and also a clear program as to what the Farm Bureau is going to do. I do not think it is necessary for them to clash. There is so much to do that both organizations can be kept busy and can use all the brains and money at their command, and still leave a lot of things undone. It seems to me the most important thing to do at this time is to have a clear understanding of the program, of what the American Pomological Society is going to do, and then cooperate with the Farm Bureau Federation, so we are not trying to do the same thing. I think that could be worked out very easily and the two jobs divided. They would naturally interlock to a certain extent, but we can have a definite program for both organi- zations The President : This goes to the root of things with re- spect to this Society and we ought to discuss it pretty thoroughly. Prof. Laurenz Greene : I would like to hear from Mr. Simpson. He is a Farm Bureau man and was a delegate to the conference in Chicago. If the American Pomological Society deletes from its program all that pertains to marketing, will it be easy to go out and sell memberships in the American Pomologi- cal Society in the corn belt? R. A. Simpson : I believe after this work is started and the farmers and fruit men understand the possibilities of what is being done by the Committee of Twenty-one, that they have something that is feasible, that the Pomological Society will naturally develop and get a great many more members through 14 210 the farmers' organization. And since we cannot finance this thing first-hand from this end the thing for us to do is to have this executive committee of this Committee of Twenty-one, who are probably all members of the American Pomological Society, represent us, appoint them as our representatives, and in that way cooperate with them. We could then get a good member- ship and really be the ones who are at the head of this marketing organization. The President : Mr. Simpson makes the same suggestion as Mr. Farnsworth did — to have a committee to stand be- tween the two which will represent this Society in the Committee of Twenty-one. Prof. Laurenz Greene : There is one impression that I want to correct. Someone, I believe it was Mr. Cranefield, said that there was an unlimited fund immediately available for the Committee of Twenty-one. Mr. Farnsworth will tell you that the Committee of Twenty-one had no funds. The members paid their way to the first meeting. Whether they will ever be re- imbursed is a question. So far as I know of the Farm Bureau Federation, not one cent from their treasury will go to this Com- mittee. It will be financed entirely by the fruit growers and fruit growers' organizations. R. A. Simpson : I think the American Pomological Society might do some good work by throwing out the precaution that the Committee of Twenty-one do not undertake more than they can put over ; to go step by step, not attempting too much. It would be a mistake for this committee to try something and fall down. I believe in that way we might be able to do something that is worth while. There is no use undertaking something that we are not pretty sure we can put over. Better take it step by step. W. G. Farnsworth : I see that Mr. Simpson has the same idea that the Committee of Twenty-one had. They wanted to go carefully. They realized the size of the problem they had to solve, and that is why these various committees were appointed, to meet again in a general committee meeting later on. As Pro- fessor Greene said, the committee financed itself. A good many of the larger organizations in California and Florida are taking care of the expenses of their delegates, and they have an un- limited fund to fall back upon. 211 Mr. Cranefield: I stand corrected, Mr. President. I was under the impression that this work was to be financed wholly by the American Farm Bureau Federation. W. G. Farnsworth : Not the preliminary work. Mr. Cranefield: Will it later? W. G. Farnsworth : Yes. Mr. Cranefield: If the Committee does not derive sup- port from the Farm Bureau Federation, from what source is. it expected that the support will be derived? I am asking this question, not to inquire into the work of the Committee, but I am trying to arrive at something. W. G. Farnsworth : The American Farm Bureau has of- fered us help in the way of furnishing a secretary to take care of this work of collecting data and information, but they have not offered us financial aid to take care of the expenses of this Committee of Twenty-one. A number of the members of the Committee said they believed their State associations would take care of the expense for the preliminary work until something definite comes out of the work, and then that it will be taken care of by the American Farm Bureau Federation, we hope. Frederic Cranefield: I am trying to fix this thing clearly. The expenses of the Committee of Twenty-one is an insignificant matter ; it will not amount to much one way or another. But the field of work you have outlined is not insignificant ; it will cover years and years and will take hundreds of thousands of dollars to complete it. It is quite likely that the Committee has already looked ahead to see the sources from which that money is com- ing, just as the American Pomological Society is looking ahead. I want to repeat that it is quite within the province of this Com- mittee to do this work, and the thing for us to do is to cooperate, unless they try to cover the whole field of horticulture, market- ing, distribution, and everything else in the whole wide world, and if they attempt to do that then there is nothing left for the American Pomological Society to do. That seems to be pretty nearly the way it has been outlined — marketing, transportation, publicity. I am anxious at this rhoment to know what the American Pomological Society is going to do and what is the work of the Committee of Twenty-one. Professor Laurenz Greene : I would like to say one word in regard to financing the Committee. The Committee of Seven- 212 teen on grains was financed by donations from various State farm bureaus, I think about six or seven states, not from the treasury of the American Farm Bureau Federation. The live- stock committee was financed by about five states, and the dairy committee is being financed by the dairy people, not from col- lections made from State farm bureaus. But it was the feeling of the Committee of Twenty-one that this work, if sufficiently important, ought to appeal to the fruit interests for their support and would go over in a much better way than if it were sup- ported by donations from farmers who had no fruit interests. Therefore it is the intention that whatever financing is done shall be done by collections from fruit growers, either individually or through associations. H. H. Hardie : I want to give you some light on this financing proposition. Possibly I was misunderstood in my re- marks. I did not want to convey the idea that it was my opinion that there were a million dollars back of the Federation of Farm Bureaus for this particular proposition. But there is back of this' Committee the biggest farm organization in the world, with all its resources. For instance, they have an attorney who looks after their legal affairs who gets a salary of $15,000 a year. They liave other salaried men looking after legislation, they have other men looking after transportation. Now this fruit division of the Farm Bureau Federation will be financed by the fruit grow- ers themselves, but they will have free access to all of the exist- ing organizations of the Farm Bureau Federation. They will have the assistance and help of the Washington office, the New York office, and the other general offices. They have an or- ganization. We call a meeting of the American Pomological Society and get fifty members from nearby territory. The Farm Bureau Federation calls a meeting and they get members from California to Maine. We all hope to see the time when the American Pomological Society can have as much influence or more than the Federation of Farm Bureaus, but you must look the thing in the face. At the time this thing was started we were getting $2.00 each from five hundred people and saw no way of getting any more, and it did look to the executive committee that we could not see our way to take up this bigger proposition, and we thought if the American Federation of Farm Bureaus could accomplish it quicker than we, it would be all right. We 213 did not care who did it so long as it was done ; the important thing was to have the work done. At the same time we did not think there was any necessity for there being a clash of activities between the Farm Bureau Federation and the American Pomo- logical Society. There is plenty of work for both organizations if we use both of them in the best way. R. A. Simpson": I would like to suggest that we make a special effort to get all the members of the committee of Twenty- one to belong to the American Pomological Society. Most of liiem do, but I think that is important. The President: I think the Secretary will look after that. Mr. Farnsworth and Mr. Simpson suggested that there should be some sort of a committee appointed to represent the Ameri- can Pomological Society with the Committee of Twenty-one. Will you take up that suggestion for action? W. G. Farnsworth: Might I offer this suggestion? At our meeting it was decided that our Chairman should call for representatives from the various associations throughout the United States, and we would like to know who to call. We want some responsible official appointed so we will know who repre- sents the American Pomological Society. Mr. Nicols will then notify him to come to the meeting of the Committee in January. W. S. Perrine : I would suggest that this committee as far as possible be made a committee that already exists so there will not be a duplication. The President: That was the idea, that there should be some person delegated by this Society as representative in case the Committee of Twenty-one wishes to confer with the Ameri- can Pomological Society and have it represented at this .meeting. Prof. J. C. Blair : It would seem a good idea to have one representative that could be called upon as our representative, and I would suggest that Mr. Farnsworth would be the proper man. W. G. Farnsworth : I want to be clearly understood. I would be willing to serve, but I believe it would be advisable to have some person who is a member of the American Pomological Society but not; now a member of the Committee of Twenty-one appointed to confer with this Committee. Prof. Laurenz Greene : I would like to move that the 214 presiding" officer, whoever he may be, should be that representa- tive. (Motion seconded.) The President : Do you mean the President ? Prof. Greene: If he is in this country; if not, the active presiding officer. (Motion carried.) Paul C. Stark : I have Ijeen Hstening to what has been said on this subject and I beHeve that everybody here who is in- terested, directly or indirectly, in the good of the fruit growers wishes well for the Committee of Twenty-one, because it is fund- amental. It means that the fruit growers' position will be strengthened and improved, and if that is true it affects us all. I believe anyone who goes around the country and sees the lack of interest among a lot of fruit growers, in spite of the work of colleges and experiment stations, will realize that probably here is a way to handle the situation. The country is mighty big, and if there are 500,000 fruit growers in this country this Com- mittee of Twenty-one has a big job on its hands. I am a mem- ber of the Farm Bureau Federation and am deeply interested in the work they are doing. It will affect me directly and indirectly. But there is so much to be done that in spite of all their other agencies I believe the American Pomological Society has a big place to fill. I would like to see this Society get five thousand members in this coming year. We have this work laid out be- fore us and I think we should cooperate to the fullest extent with the Committee of Twenty-one. because their success will be our success, and I believe there^ is more than enough work for both organizations. I would like to see the fullest cooperation and the best results for the good of the fruit growers. C. H. Waid : Bringing it closer home, we have the same situation within the States that we have been discussing here. We have in Ohio a fine Horticultural Society, and we have a Farm Bureau. At the last annual meeting of the State Horti- cultural Society we appointed a committee to consider the re- lationship between the Farm Bureau and the State Horticultural Society, and that committee has announced that there has been an additional committee or council appointed representing the important fruit-growing counties, and that committee is work- ing very closely in cooperation both with the State Horticultural 215 Society and the State Farm Bureau. There is no clash what- ever; they are working hand in hand. We feel there is a field for both and both working together they can accomplish more than can be accomplished independently. I believe the same thing is true so far as the national movement is concerned. The men who are working on this problem are men of experience, men who are thinking deeply, and it seems to me the time will come when this problem will be in much better shape than at the present. I do not see any reason why there should not be the closest co-operation between the State farm bureaus and the State horticultural societies, and between the American Pomo- logical Society and the American Farm Bureau Federation. Prof. Laurenz Greene : I do not believe there is any pos- sibility of a clash ; that is the farthest from my thought. I wish to ask this body, if the fruit growers of America (forgetting the Farm Bureau) through their local and State associations organize a national association, will the American Pomological Society be interested in having any official connection with it? An associa- tion of fruit growers only. Mr. Frederic Cranefield: I do not quite understand Pro- fessor Greene's division. I am not at all afraid of a clash. It is duplication I am afraid of. There is no use in two organizations attempting to do the same thing at the same time. But your idea of a fruit growers' organization is not quite clear. You ask if the American Pomological Society would affiliate. That is some- thing in the future. But my thought is that there would be duplication of eft'ort. I do not believe there is a place for an- other national fruit growers' association. WATER TRANSPORTATION FOR APPLES M. L. Dean, Washington In taking up the discussion of Water Transportation of Ap- ples there is a factor which enters into the subject tending strong- ly toward the educational side of the question. The education of the matter or rather a clear understanding of the problem enters into the distribution of the product really more than it 2l6 does into the transportation. It is not a difficult matter to as- semble the fruit on the western coast and embark it by water for the foreign or eastern U. S. ports. But it is' difficult to make the dealers and jobbers of the East see that it is of equal advantage to him to have fruit transported to him as it is to have it de- livered across the country through all kinds of weather, subject to all degrees of damage over the steel rails. There are of course some questions in connection with the diversions of what we might call "tramp cars" which might be difficult to solve but in my judgment that practice should be eliminated as much as pos- sible and for that reason I believe the water transportation might solve some of those objections. Previous to the recent war there was much agitation of this subject and several ships were in the process of construction for the refrigerator transportation of fruit but conditions of course immediately changed and the matter has not again come promi- nently before the people until within the past two years. Last season some shipments were made and the delivery was made in A. I condition. This has encouraged this method of transporta- tion until this season there have been a number of boats equipped which have been moving large quantities of fruit. Some of the larger organizations in the west are contemplating the establish- ment of independent boat lines for the delivery of their product to the outside markets. As the fruit industry increases in the west, ample rail transportation almost seems impossible and this is one avenue whereby relief can be secured. It is a fact that the availability of refrigerator ships for the carrying of apples into foreign ports has been a long established service, and the features of that manner of movement need not be discussed, but as the movement of apples from the West to the East Coast by water is new and not thoroughly understood, the details of such movement will bear explanation. Of course there is no radical difference between the movement of apples by water from Coast to Coast than the movement of apples to foreign ports, with the exception that the intercoastal movement comes into competition with the rail carriers and for that reason the advantages of both means of shipment should be compared. Since the opening of the Panama Canal, steamships with common storage facilities have been available to apple shippers out of the Port of Seattle, but as yet apple shippers seem loath to 217 trust their apples to these ships, in view of the uncertain factor of ventilation. Ventilation in these ships is accomplished in several manners. The first is by the simple draft created by the motion of the ship. This current of air passes thru ventilators and is dis- tributed into the hodes, passes up, and goes out, after circulating through the fruit, into the open air again. Of course the tem- perature -of fruit, under this system, follows closely the different temperatures of the air through which the ship passes. Under this system, the record of one ship showed an average temperature of 69 degrees for the entire voyage thru the Canal. The highest recorded temperature was 74 degrees at which time the tempera- ture of the air in the shade was 88 degrees, F., and the tempera- ture of the water 85 degrees F. The second manner of ventilation is by forced air — the electric fans being so arranged that the air is sucked in, or ex- pelled thru the ventilators. This system is uniformly successful on North Atlantic shipments. A third plan has been tried which has the merit of main- taining several degrees lower temperature than the air thru which the ship passes. This method consists of placing fans down low in the ship's hold, under the water line, next to the skin of the ship. The temperature of the air at this point is always that of the water thru which the vessel passes, and is considerably lower than summer temperatures of the air and also considerably warmer than freezing temperatures of the outside air: It is only very recently that refrigerator steamships have been available for carrying apples from Coast to Coast. The first ship in this service left Seattle November 12th. At the time of her loading in Seattle, she was inspected by a representative of the Wenatchee Valley Traffic Association, and by a Government Fruit Transportation and Storage specialist. They inspected the ship in regard to her insulation, refrigerating machinery and man- ner of stowing of apples. During her voyage from Coast to Coast she will have on board a representative apple grower who will watch the temperatures from day to day. The result of this trial shipment should be available by the first of the year. To show the elaborate equipment for refrigerating purposes, the following data of the SS Deerfield is given. The Deerfield has a gross tonnage of 7,551 tons and a net tonnage of 4,644 tons. Her length is 435 feet; breadth 58 feet; depth 27 feet. Her 2l8 refrigerating plant consists of three single York type 80 ton unit engines. These engines were constructed by the York Manufac- turing Company, in 1919. Her general system is CO2 Brine Cir- culating. Insulation consists of Mineral Wool and Slab Cork. Her entire system has been tested by Lloyds and found to be more than ample for the needs of the ship. Under working condi- tions she maintained 13 degrees F. below zero for the entire ship for a period of two weeks. The refrigerated space is divided into fourteen separate compartments in any one of which any degree of temperature may be maintained independently of any of the others. Her total refrigerated space is 413, 673 cubic feet. It might be added that the general figure for the stowage factor of apples may be placed at two cubic feet per box which would mean this ship's total carrying capacity was about 207,000 boxes of apples. Other ships of like capacity may be furnished as the de- mand requires. At the present time, there are nine intercoastal steamship lines into the Port of Seattle, the majority of which would be capable of use for ventilated space. Their carrying capacity of course far exceeds any demand that the apple ship- pers would put upon them. The following is the manner in which a shipment of apples will move from Yakima or Wenatchee to any East Coast port and all the incidents of the shipment are given. When space has been secured in advance aboard any steamer from Seattle, the interior shippers are notified of the date of loading of the ship, in sufficient time for them to load and dispatch cars to Seattle. The cars used for this purpose may be ordinary box cars with- out the equipment of heaters or other paraphernalia. For this reason, shipments may be gotten off promptly, even during ex- treme car shortages, for the equipment used in bringing apples to this Coast may be of such a character as would not be suitable for a trans-continental rail haul. The only freezing temperatures to be encountered on the westward haul, would be on the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains and these would not be over a few hours in duration. Once consignments passed the summit, the mild Puget Sound climate will not endanger them. Upon arrival at Seattle, the apples may go into suitable storage facilities on a number of the 219 piers. Many piers may furnish ample frost proof storage facili- ties, and other piers can furnish cold storage room. Special attention is called to the Spokane Street Pier, which was constructed primarily for the apple trade and has unexcelled equipment. The apples being unloaded on the wharf, and the ship having arrived, the next feature is loading from wharf to ship. This is usually accomplished by loading by hand on to small flat cars, holding about forty boxes per car, drawn by electric tractors in trains of five or six. These trains move from the storage pile on the dock to the ship's side. The ship's tackle then grabs the entire platform, from the small car, which is usual- ly called an aeroplane and the forty boxes are hoisted without further touching up and over the ship's side and lowered into her hold. From place of rest in the ship's hold, they are conveyed by the roller conveyors used in apple packing houses to the place in the ship's hold where they are finally stowed. As each tier of apples is placed, dunnage in the form of 1-3 strips is laid along the ends of the boxes, so that the super- imposed tier rests on the dunnage and not at all on the thin box boards. This dunnage extending laterally thru piles of boxes binds the whole cargo into a solid unit so that it cannot shift. The entire weight of the cargo is carried on the extreme ends of the boxes. Unloading is just the reverse of the method just -de- scribed, with the exception that this being perishable refrigerated cargo, it is either discharged upon a heated pier or any cold storage warehouse, or directly to the receiver's conveyance, so that the cargo is not exposed for any appreciable length of time to either heat or cold. The present rates for this class of service are slightly less than the thru rail rate. The rates on ventilated ships are even less. Advocates of shipment by railway contend that the diversion feature of cars upon route makes their marketing sure. How- ever, there should be in the Eastern ports a market for fruit that would be actually consumed in such ports, wherein the perfect condition of the fruit should be a primary consideration. The receiver shall be the actual consumer of the fruit and not merely a speculative broker. Upon the regular establishment of the re- frigerator service, the rates on apples should be lowered to such a point as to permit of a back haul from Atlantic Coast ports. Rates on ventilated ships now permit of this feature. 220 The time of transit from Yakima or Wenatchee to New York may be roughly set at thirty 4ays. This may be relatively certain in view of the fact that a ship which is a large unit, is very costly to operate and equally costly in the matter of de- murrage per day varies with the size of the ship, from several hundred to several thousand dollars per day; hence ships must move rapidly to be profitable. This is not so imperative with the smaller unit of a railway car, which may be side-tracked, become in bad order, run into a snowbank, may be derailed or suffer numerous other delays for which there is no appreciable loss, in the nature of demurrage, to the operator. At the present time, apples may be received with equal facility by rail or water in any port save that of New York. In the Port of New York, apples are received over the Erie Pier upon which is located the fruit auction. This pier is not available because of depth of water to ocean going ships, but other piers close by are convenient. It is the present intention of the Port Authority of New York to construct, and construction has commenced, on a $2,- 000,000 terminal, intended expressly for the receivers of perish- able produce. This terminal should be available by next season. Other cold storage plants in New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City are at present available for apple shipments, but owing to the custom of selling across the Erie Pier, New York receivers are slow to accept shipments in any other manner than over the Erie Pier. However, this objection would have no valid weight with those receivers who are not ordering apples for speculative purposes, or who do not expect to divert cars in transit. A railroad car at best is too small a unit to demand personal supervision in transit. In the summer, cars are iced. In winter, they are heated, but there is no record kept of variation of tem- peratures of melting of ice or of overheating by lamps, or freez- ing because the same have been extinguished. In contrast to this, consider the costly and extensive equipment of a refrigerator ship, which at all times, day and night, is in charge of a certified engi- neer, whose duty is to maintain within a degree any temperature shippers may indicate. For apples, shippers have designated 35 degrees P., and this temperature shippers may be absolutely certain will be maintained without variance during the entire 221 voyage. So this opportunity is open for shippers to place on the Eastern Seaboard their fruit in perfect condition. Shipments by water carry Marine Insurance, and in case of loss thereunder it is the pride of insurance companies to adjust such losses within a period of thi_rty days. Claims for loss on railway are at the tender mercies of the claim department. Consider the ship as a cold storage plant. Apple shippers may actually personally see their fruit go into such cold storage plant, in Seattle, and absolutely know that such fruit will arrive at destination in exactly the same condition in which they last saw it, hence avoiding any argument with receivers as to condi- tion of the fruit. Such a method of shipment warrants apple men in sending their very best and costliest fruit by water route as soon as con- ditions in the east are adjusted so that present objections by ill advised dealers are removed. REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO AWARD WILDER MEDALS Your Committee recommend the following awards : SILVER MEDALS 1. To Doctor Liberty Hyde Bailey, President of the Ameri- can Pomological Society, for his notable contributions to horti- culture and his work for the Society. 2. To the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, Tus- con, Arizona, for an exhibit of leaves, fruit clusters, photographs and dried fruit of 2"] varieties of dates, in baskets and boxes. 3. To J. L. Dumas and R. T. Reid, Washington, for a col- lection of 20 varieties of apples of unusual excellence. BROXZE MEDALS 1. To E. A. Riehl. Alton, Illinois, for a collection of i variety of walnut, i almond, and 19 varieties of chestnuts, the result of cross-breeding. 2. To the Fruit Products Department of Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, for an interesting and instructive exhibit, showing 7 jars of jam and 5 glasses of jelly made from 10 pounds of grapes ; 1 1 glasses of jelly and 4 jars of butter from 5 pounds of plums. An exhibit showing food value of fruit and fruit products expressed in sugar, and various uses of fruit peelings. HONORABLE MENTION Central Experimental Farms. Ottawa, Canada, for a col- lection of 53 seedling varieties of apples, mostly crosses with Mc- intosh or Northern Spy, developed for the purpose of securing varieties that will be of good quality and cover a long season, or show extreme hardiness. Ohio Experiment Station, Wooster, for an exhibit of 31 flats showing 20 of the more valuable commercial sorts for Ohio ; also plates of 93 other varieties of apples. (222) 223 Yakima Valley, Washington, for a commercial exhibit of 30 boxes showing 6 varieties, the fruit exceptionally well grown and handled. The California Prune and Apricot Growers, Inc., San Jose, California, for an exhibit of Sunsweet prunes in boxes, including two cases of prunes put up in 5-cent retail packages ; also photo- graphs showing the growing and dr\'ing of prunes. O. F. E. Wlnberg, Silverhill, Alabama, an exhibit of kum- quats, tangerines and prape fruits. Georgia Experiment Station. Experiment, Georgia, a col- lection of 27 plates of pecans, including several of much ex- cellence. Department of Horticulture, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, 11 varieties of pecans of considerable merit. Clark Alhs, Medina, New York, an exhibit of bottled cider of excellent flavor and neat appearance. Food Products Laboratory, College of Agriculture. Berkeley, California, a collection of 10 fruit drinks and 5 cans of jam and fruit juices. Certo Sales Company. Rochester, New York, samples of Certo and 62 containers of Certo jelly of various fruit flavors. Yuma ]\Iesa Orange Ranch. Yuma, Arizona, exhibit of navel oranges and grape fruit. ^ ^ Gourley, L. R. Taft, Committee. Prof. L. R. Taft : I move the adoption of this report. (Motion seconded and carried.) The President : We will now have the report of the Com- mittee on Resolutions. REPORT OF CO^vIMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS The thanks of the American Pomological Society are due the Chamber of Commerce of Toledo for courtesies extended; also to Mr. H. V. Buelow for contributions so generously given ; also to the Order of Moose for the use of this hall. We are also indebted to the Rex Spray Company for a visit to their plant. It is also suggested that the Secretary of the American 224 Pomological Society take up the matter of legislation regarding the standardization of packages in connection with this proposed bill. Finally, we wish to record in appropriate terms our regret at the death of Mr. C. G. Patton of Charles City, Iowa, and we hope that an adequate obituary may be published in our annual W. Paddock, Chainnan. (Moved that this report be adopted. Motion seconded and carried). The President: Is there anything to come before this meeting except the election of offiicers? Any person feel moved to express himself on any subject? If not, I will call for the re- port of the Nominating Committee. REPORT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE Your committee after going over the membership quite care- fully beg to report as follows : President, L. H. Bailey, New York. First Vicc-P resident, Paul C. Stark, Missouri. Second Vice-President, W. T. Macoun, Ottawa. Sec'y-Treas., R. B. Cruickshank, Ohio. ExecU'tiz^e Committee: — J. C. B'lair, Illinois. F. P. Downing, Indiana. Frederic Cranefield, Wisconsm. H. H. Hume, Florida. F. C. Sears, Massachusetts. W. P. Massey, Virginia. G. Harold Powell, California. C. I. Lewis, Oregon. H. H. Hardie, Michigan. W. W. Farnsworth, Ohio. W. S. Perrine, Illinois. W. C. Reed, " Signed ^ M. B. Davis, F, H. Beach. 225 J. H. GouRLEY : I move that the report be adopted and that the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot of the Society for these officers. (Motion seconded and carried and ballot cast.) The following committees for the year were appointed : CollegiU'te Membership — F. G. Charles, Ohio ; B. D. Drain, Massachusetts; J. W. Crow, Ontario. Exhibits and Fairs — R. S. Herrick, Iowa. Nezv Fruits — C. P. Close, Washington, D. C. ; N. E. Han- sen, South Dakota ; R. A. Simpson, Indiana. Foreign Fruits — David Fairchild, Washington, D. C. ; George Roeding, California; M. B. Davis, Ontario. Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruits — Wilson Popenoe, Wash- ington, D. C. ; H. H. Hume, Florida; J. Eliot Coit, California. The President: Is there anything else to come before the American Pomological Society at its 38th convention? I wish before adjourning to express my very great apprecia- tion of the helpfulness of all the members and the promptness with which you tried to get together. I have also appreciated the spirit of good fellowship that has run throughout the con- vention and the desire to put the Society in a position where it can do useful work for all the people. The Society now stands adjourned s^ine die. SECOND POMOLOGICAL ANNUAL 1921 (227) CODE OF FRUIT NOMENCLATURE, AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY This code aims to establish a simple and clear system of pomological nomenclature that shall be appropriate and stable. Accordingly it is urged that all persons naming new varieties of fruits choose simple one-word names that are fittingly expressive of some character, quality, place, person, or event associated .with the source, time or place of origin of the variety. The paramount right of the originator, discoverer, or in- troducer of a new variety to name it, within the limitations of this code, is recognized and established. The term "kind" as herein used shall be understood to apply to those general classes of fruits which are grouped together in common usage without regard to their exact botanical relation- ship, as apple, cherry, grape, peach, plum, raspberry, etc. I. FORM OF NAMES. 1. Names of new varieties shall be of one word preferably, but two words may be accepted. Names of existing varieties shall not be changed in such way as to lead to confusion or loss of identity. 2. The spelling and pronunciation of a variety name shall be the same as that of the person, place, substance, circumstance, or quality from which it is derived. 3. A possessive noun shall not be used. 4. Initials should not be used as a part of a variety name. 5. A name shall not be formed by the compounding or hyphenating of two or more existing names, but this does not prohibit the formation of a one-word name by the use of parts of two or more existing names. The hyphen shall not be used between the words of a name. Thus, neither Bartlett-Seckel nor Bar Seek may be used, but Barseck is admissible. 6. Such general terms as seedling, hybrid, beurre, damson, pippin, rareripe, bigarreau, should not be used. (229) 230 7- A variety imported from a foreign country should retain its foreign name, subject only to such modification as is necessary to conform it to this code, and provided that names having a recognized English equivalent may be, but are not necessarily, so rendered. 8. The name of a person shall not be applied to a variety in his lifetime without his consent. 9. The name of a deceased person shall not be applied to a variety except through formal action by some competent pomo- logical body, preferably that with which the deceased was most closely associated. II. PRIORITY, USAGE AND DUPLICATION. ID. The name first published for a variety shall be the ac- cepted and recognized name except when contrary to the pro- visions of this code ; but names established by usage in American pomological literature may be retained even though they do not conform to these rules. I. A name once used shall not be used again for a variety of the same kind except that a name once established through long usage for two or more American varieties shall not be dis- placed for either or radically modified only when a well-known synonym can be used in its place ; or when no such synonym is available, the varieties bearing identical names may be distin- guished by the addition of the name of the author whO' first de- scribed each, or by some other suitable distinguishing term. III. PUBLICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION. 12. Publication consists in: (i) The public distribution of a printed name and description or characterization of the fruit ; (2) the publication of a new name for a variety described else- where under a dififerent name, number, or other untenable desig- nation, the synonym being given. 13. Publication of a name may be made in any book, bulletin, report, trade catalog or periodical of public distribution and bearing date of issue. 14. But a varietal name may be established by current usage in the locality of its origin, when well known, and shall be 231 considered as published and have precedence over a later printed name for the same variety. 15. Complete description of a variety consists of a detailed account of the characteristics of the plant, foliage, flowers, fruit, and habit of growth, so as to distinguish it from other varieties of similar appearance. fc'' 16. The type of a variety is the fruit of the original plant; and type descriptions or illustrations shall be made from material produced by the original plant, or when this is not available, from a plant as near as possible to the original in asexual reproduction, and preferably grown in the same pomological region. As revised December 21, 1921. by H. P. Gould, U. P. Hedrick, W. H. Chandler, Comimittee on Fruit Variety Nomenclature. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NEW FRUITS FOR 1921 C. P. Close, Chairman The chairman of this committee was appointed early in 1921, but it seems that no other members were appointed. Miss Mag- dalene R; Newman of the United States Department of Agri- culture has given most valuable aid in assembling the informa- tion in this report and her help is most gratefully acknowledged by the chairman. This committee report is really developing into a check list of all varieties of fruits ever introduced into the United States and Canada, rather than consisting of only the really new or little known varieties. This will be of immense value in the nam- ing of new fruits and is a history of varieties. To those who do not have the report of 1920 it is necessary to explain that these lists supplement earlier lists published in certain books or bulletins. Hedrick's "Peaches of New York", the committee report of 1920, and this report, contain all the names and information we can find on peach varieties. The same is true of cherries and plums using Hedrick's books on these fruits as standard guide lists. With grapes, Hedrick's "Grapes of New York" is used as a guide, but the hundreds of vinifera varieties introduced into California have not yet been listed in the committee reports. Pagan's "Nomenclature of the Apple", Beach's "Apples of Ntew York", the report of 1920 and this re- port, contain all the apple varieties we have found. Pagan's "Nomenclature of the Pear" and these reports contain our in- formation on pears. In the same way Card's Bush Fruits and Fletcher's Technical Strawberry Bulletin No. 11 of the Virginia Experiment Station, together with this committee's reports, in- clude all names of bush fruits and strawberries we can locate. With the other fruits and the various nuts there are no guide lists but the hope is to complete the lists in time. It is understood that the committee simply reports the in- formation it gathers and passes it along without vouching for its (232) 233 accuracy or changing names which do not conform to the So- ciety's code of nomenclature. ERRORS IN THE REPORT FOR I92O. A few errors crept into the 1920 report and are corrected as follows : — Dtmcan apple should be Duncan (of Washington) as there was an earlier Duncan. Ice Cream apple should be Icq Cream (of Oregon) as there are two other varieties by this name. Sasha is not a crabapp'le, it should be listed with the apples. Come Johnson peach should be Cone Johnson. Longhina peach should be Toughina. Mealing peach — In the notes the address of Fruitland Nurseries is given as Atlanta, it should be Augusta instead. Silver Cross peach should be Silver Press. Wharton's C. of R. D. peach should be Wharton's C. of R. Dick Damson plum should be Deck Damson, Ogibzm plum should be Ojibwa. Primlew plum should be Prinlew. Riibol blueberry should be Rubel. Earliest Ripe strawberry is the same as Earliest. Grand Marie, Maryland, Peerless, and World Wonder strawberries are listed by Fletcher and should not have been in- cluded. Warren strawberry may be the Warren given by Fletcher who lists Lady Corneille as Corneille, John H. Cook as John Cook, Joe Crampton as Crampton, and Greensboro Favorite as Greensboro. The present chairman of this committee is being continued for 1922 and he would appreciate hearing from any one who has knowledge of any new variety of fruit. APPLE > Ada Red: Originated by A. G. Philpott near Springtown, Washington ^ County, Ark. Fruit medium or above, roundish ; color yellow nearly i covered with red and broken stripes of purplish crimson; flesh whitish, tender, fine grained, mild subacid, good. August. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I., Bull. 275 234 Adno: (Provisional name), N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D. Received from Russia. "Very handsome, large, red, subacid, productive, late fall apple." Alberta: Pyrus baccata x Haas, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit 1 6/10 inches across by Ij/^ inches deep, round, somewhat flattened, slightly ribbed; stem Yz inch long; color greenish yellow with bright red cheek; flesh nearly white, juicy, slightly astringent, fair to good. September and October. Tree vigorous, productive. Allgold: Seedling of Wagener, originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Cal. Fruit of fine size, clear golden color; flesh non-fibrous, crisp, juicy, tree productive, bears a full crop every season; a good keeper. Angus: Seedling of Dean x Ontario, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or below, roundish, slightly ribbed ; cavity narrow, medium depth, wrinkled ; color yel- low, washed with pinkish red ; flesh yellow, crisp, breaking, mod- erately juicy, briskly subacid, fair. October and November. Anson: Seedling of Winter St. Lawrence, originated at the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Reported in 191(>; fruit medium size, roundish, slightly ribbed, pale yellow, almost white, thinly splashed and streaked with carmine ; flesh white, fine grained, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, flavor like Fameuse, quality good to very good. October and November. Aroostook: Originated on the farm of S. S. Stiles, Mapleton, Aroostook County, Maine, about 1870. Fruit small, roundish-conical, light golden russet ; flesh fine grained, sweet, good. Season to July in Aroostook County. Tree vigorous, hardy, productive. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. August Greening: Originated with General Nowell, Bangor, Maine, about 1850. Fruit large, roundish-conical, dark green with reddish blotches ; flesh rich, tender, juicy, sprightly acid, good. August. Tree hardy, spreading, productive. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Autumn Russet: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Cal., "Medium size, fine quality, crimson." Barbarie: Fruit roundish-oblate; basin wide, deeply ribbed; dull yel- lowish green, splashed with dark red ; flesh firm, flavor somewhat puckery and not very pleasant. A cider apple but not very promising. October. Spec. Bull. 48, Mich. Exp. Sta. Battle: Seedling of Wealthy, originated by the Central Experiment Farm, Ottawa, Canada ; reported in 1910. Fruit above medium to large,.! roundish-conic ; cavity deep, medium width ; stem short to medium, stout; basin medium width, medium depth, color pale greenish yel- low, splashed and washed with bright purplish red ; dots few, yel- low, distinct; flesh white, tinged red, firm, crisp, breaking, tender, rather coarse, juicy, briskly subacid, aromatic, raspberry-like flavor. 235 ' quality good. Resembles Wealthy. August to early September, just before Oldenburg. Bayfield: Clinton Falls Nursery Company, Ottawa, Minn. Originated by T. E. Perkms, Redwing, Minn. Seedling of Malinda. "Tree is a very rapid grower bearing large red apples of splendid quality that will keep well up to May lo'th." Introduced by Clinton Falls Nursery Company and Wedge Nursery Company, Albert Lea, Minn., in 1912. Bcda: Seedling of Langford Beauty. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada; reported in 1916. Fruit medium size, oblate to roundish, cavity medium depth and width; stem medium length, stout ; basin deep, open, wrinkled, calyx open ; color pale yellow, thinly splashed and washed with bright carmine ; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, quality good; Sep- tember and October. Ben Hur: Fruit large, roundish-oblate; cavity and basin both wide and deep ; color similar to a highly colored Ben Davis ; flesh white, very firm, juicy, sprightly subacid, good, a better keeper than Ben Davis. Bull. 290, Ohio Exp. Sta. Bennett: A chance seedling originating about 1883 with S. L. Bennett, Medford, Oregon, and belongs in the Winesap Group. Fruit roundish-conical, sides often unequal, large to very large; cavity large, deep, russeted ; stem short to medium; basin medium size; color deep yellow, washed with mixed red and striped with crim- son; flesh yellow, moderately fine grained, juicy, rich, subacid, good to very good. November to June in Oregon. From 1908 Year- book of the U. S. Dept. of Agr. Benzonia: Originated in Benzonia, Mich., on the farm of E. B. Judson about 30 years ago. Fruit roundish-oblate to round-conic, large to ver)^ large ; skin light yellow, faintly washed with coppery-red on one side; cavity very shallow, small; stem very short, very stout; basin medium size; flesh pure white, crisp, moderately juicy, sharp subacid, good. Tree productive, top spreading. Late summer and late fall. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Bilhneyer: Originated about 40 years ago with the late J. H. Billmeyer, Hollway, Mich. Fruit large, oblate to roundish-oblate; cavity medium size, russeted; stem short, moderately stout; basin medium size; skin thick, tenacious, yellow washed with mixed crimson, splashed and striped with darker crimson ; flesh yellowish, fine grained, tender, juicy, pleasant subacid, good to very good. Same season as Tompkins King. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Blanc Mollett: A small unpromising cider apple, oblate-conic; yellow mostly covered with red and indistinctly striped ; flesh very firm, dry, tough, bitter and puckery, very poor. Spec. Bull. 48, Mich. Exp. Sta. 236 Blankenship Sweet: Rose Hill Nursery, Annamoriah, West Virginia. Originated by George Blankenship, Anna Maria Flats, W. Va. ; said to be a chance seedling. Fruited first in 1912; fruit very large, greenish yellow, striped and splashed with red; September and October. Introduced by Rose Hill Nursery in 1913. Blurt on' s luce Core: Planter's Nurseries, Humboldt, Tenn. "Large fine, one of the best fall." Bohlman: Humphrey Nurseries, Humphrey, Nebr. Originated by Mr. Bohlman, 9 miles southwest of Yankton, S. D. Fruit of good size and finest quality; a good keeper; tree an early and annual bearer. Boiv: Pyrus baccata x Pewaukee. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, yellow with faint tinge of red; flesh yellowish white, crisp, juicy, mildly subacid, good, not astringent. September and October. Tree vigor- ous, fairly productive. Braxton: Roanoke Nursery, Roanoke, W. Va. A chance seedling originating with J. D. Smyth, Sutton, W. Va. Tree first fruited in 1910. Introduced by M. M. Havener and Sons, Roanoke, W. Va. Fruit of yellowish color, flesh juicy, subacid; very late keeper. Brock: Seedling of Mcintosh, originated . by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, roundish; cavity medium size, slightly russeted; stem short, stout; basin medium size; color yel- low, splashed and washed with orange red ; flesh yellowish, tender, moderately juicy, subacid, vinous, good. September and October. Fruited first in 1908. Broome: Parentage unknown. Originated at the Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Geneva, N. Y. Fruit medium or above in size, roundish to oblate-conic, usually completely overspread with dark red; flesh yellowish, firm, moderately juicy, mild, subacid, aromatic, good ; tree vigorous, upright spreading, rather late to come into bearing, medium productive. January and later. Bruno: Seedling of Scott Winter, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, oblate; cavity medium size; stem short, rather stout; basin deep, medium width, wrinkled ; skin greenish yellow, washed with dark orange and purplish red; flesh white, crisp, tender, juicy subacid, quality above medium. November to January. Resembles Scott Winter. Burton: From M. Sharpe, Vacaville, Calif. Fruit large, roundish- angular, pale green splashed with red, fairly good. October and November. Burton (of New Brunswick) : Originated in New Brunswick, Canada. Fruit above medium, roundish to oblate ; cavity narrow, medium depth; russeted; stem short; basin open, medium depth; color yellow, washed with attractive crimson ; flesh dull white, rather coarse, firm, moderately juicy, subacid, sprightly, pleasant, fair to good. 237 Carlton: Pyrus baccata x Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit very small ; stem more than one inch long; color red tinged orange or deep red; flesh firm, crisp, juicy, rather acid, quite astringent, fair. September and October. Tree vigorous, productive, very ornamental when in bloom. Cascade: From W. A. Robinson, Lake Side, Wash. Fruit medium to large, oblate-conic, rich yellow covered with dark red; flesh sub- acid, vinous, pleasant, good. Winter. Charles: Pyrus baccata x Tekofsky. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, slightly ribbed; stem rather long; color yellow; flesh yellowish, solid, crisp, juicy, pleasant, mildly acid, slightly astringent. Tree upright, vigorous, medium productive. September. Chelsea: Said to have originated in Washtenaw County, Mich. Fruit same size and shape as Swaar, yellow with red dots, a long keeper. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Cherry field: Originated with the late Wyman B. Collins, Cherryfield, Maine, about 1857. Fruit large, roundish-conical, yellowish-green, washed and splashed on the side with crimson ; stem medium length, stout; cavity moderately deep; flaring; basin small, irregular; flesh greenish white, crisp, tender, fine grained, mild acid, good. Novem- ber to February. Tree vigorous, hardy, spreading, productive. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Cliesebro-Spy: Originated as a bud sport on a Northern Spy tree about 50 years ago on the farm of C. C. Chesebro, South Haven, Mich. Fruit large, 33^ inches in diameter, roundish ; cavity broad, deep ; stem medium long, stout; basin broad, shallow; skin thick, tough, solid deep bright crimson except a little greenish russet at calyx end; flesh yellowish, tender, juicy, mild subacid; quality very good. Season same as Northern Spy. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. demons: A rather attractive red apple of good size and good quality. In season from late fall to mid-winter. Tree hardy and productive. Originated by L. A. demons, Storm Lake, Iowa. Bull. 108, Iowa Exp. Sta. Clivc: Seedling of Wealthy originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, roundish, cavity medium size, deep ; stem short, stout ; basin deep, open ; color greenish yellow, washed with rich crimson ; flesh dull white, rather coarse, firm, crisp, moderately juicy, subacid, good, pleasant. October to November. Coluinbia (of Macoun) : Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Pyrus baccata x Broad Green. Fruit small, nearly conical, distinctly ribbed; stem medium long; color red with stripes and dots of a deeper red, juicy, subacid, pleasant, slightly astringent, fairly good. September and October. Tree vigorous, fairly productive. 238 Cook Szveet: Depot Road Nurseries, Salem, Ohio. "Very large, bright yellow, sweet, a good bearer." Coolcy Sweet: Originated with J. F. Cooley near Lansing, Mich. Fruit small to medium, roundish conical ; cavity medium size, abrupt and irregular, inclined to Romanstem ; stem very short, stout, fleshy ; basin medium, abrupt, leather-cracked ; skin thin and tender, rich yellow, washed and striped with dull red; flesh yellowish, juicy, sweet, good. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Conn: Corinth Nurseries, Corinth, Miss. Originated in Northeastern Mississippi more than 20 years ago. Said to be a very fine winter apple. Coppleton: A sweet apple, originating at Coppleton, Mich. Not de-' scribed. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Crimson: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Seedling of Garden Royal. Deepest almost black crimson, slightly striped yellow, delicious, mild, rich, tender, fragrant, productive. October." Cromer: A seedling of Swazie. Fruit above medium, roundish, angular; cavity medium size ; stem short, stout ; basin medium size ; flesh yellow, firm, crisp, moderately juicy, subacid, pleasant, good to very good. Late winter apple of the Ribston type. Color green thinly washed with pinkish red. Dale View Dessert: Fruit medium or below; roundish or oblong-conical; color yellow, flecked and patched with russet, sometimes blushed with brownish red; cavity small; stem short, slender; basin very small; flesh yellow, juicy, subacid, sprightly, rich, good. Tree vigorous, upright. Late fall and early winter. Cir. No. 94, Ohio Agr. Sta. Dan (of Kinne) : Originated with P. F. Kinne. Storm Lake, Iowa. "A greenish subacid apple of fair quality." Bull. 108, Iowa Exp. Sta. Danville: Seedling of Lawver. Fruit above medium, conical to oblong- conical; cavity medium size, russeted ; stem short, rather stout; basin open, deep ; color greenish-yellow, washed with deep crimson ; flesh yellowish, tender, juicy, subacid, sprightly pleasant, good. Winter. Dawn: Pyrus prunifolia x Simbirsk No. 9. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, bright red ; flesh white, juicy, crisp, subacid, pleasant, good. September. Day: A chance seedling originating with J. W. Day, Crystal Spring, Miss. Fruit medium to large, red striped; flesh juicy, crisp, nearly sweet, good quality. July and August in Mississippi. Deacon Jones: Originated in Pennsylvania. Fruit large to very large, roundish-conic to oblong-conic, ribbed; stem short, thick; cavity shallow, narrow, prominently lipped ; basin moderately deep, narrow, furrowed and wrinkled ; skin thick, tough, slightly rough, waxen yellow mottled and washed with red, splashed with carmine ; dots conspicuous, whitish large or small; flesh yellowish-white, firm, 239 coarse, crisp, tender, juicy, mild subacid, good; core very large, open. Tree vigorous, upright spreading. November to March. Bull. 364, N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Dean (of Macoun) : Pyrus baccata x Wealthy. Originated by the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit too small to be of value. Dclevan: Originated in Wisconsin. Fruit medium size or below; attrac- tive red color ; flesh mild subacid, very good quality. Tree hardy and productive. Bull. 108, Iowa Exp. Sta. Dcliah: Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif., says this is a very beautiful, showy, rather large, almost white apple, briskly acid, making a jelly that is exceedingly clear and well flavored. Derby (of Macoun) : Pyrus baccata x Transcendent. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small ; stem lJ/2 inch long; color bright red; flesh firm, crisp, juicy, rather acid, slightly astringent, fair. September to December. Tree vigorous, productive. Diana: Seedling of Langford Beauty, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish ; cavity medium size; stem medium length, moderately stout; basin medium size, wrinkled ; color yellow, washed and splashed with at- tractive crimson; flesh white, tinged red, crisp, tender, juicy, briskly subacid, aromatic, good. September to November. Dixon (of Burge) : "Originated with Airs. Emiline Burge of Ector, Texas, in 1898. Tree vigorous and upright. The fruit is clear yellow, round, subacid, excellent. July. Introduced by Jno. S. Kerr." Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Doctor Becker: Thompson Nurseries, Waco, Texas. Originated in Colorado County, Texas. "Fine quality, sure bearer." Dodd: Fruit above medium, oblong; cavity shallow, medium width; stem short, stout, sometimes fleshy; basin medium size; color yellow, splashed and streaked with bright yellow ; flesh white, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Winter. This is of the Gravenstein type and is grown on Prince Edward Island. Donald: Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium to large, oblate to roundish; cavity deep, medium width, russeted ; stem short, stout; basin medium size, deep, wrinkled ; color yellow, washed and splashed with crimson ; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, rather coarse, juicy, subacid; good. October to March. Drumbo: Seedling of Winter St. Lawrence originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium to large, conical ; cavity deep, russeted ; stem short, stout ; basin deep ; color pale yellow, washed and splashed with dark crimson ; dots few, gray, conspicuous ; flesh white, rather coarse, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. November to February. Resembles its parent but is a better keeper. 24C Early Goodwin: The Milton Nurseries, Milton, Oregon. Originated near Milton, Oregon, on the farm of William Goodwin. Fruit large, roundish-oblong, whitish-yellow, striped and splashed with bright red; flesh white, tender, juicy, subacid, excellent. Tree vigorous, upright-spreading, productive. July and August. Eastman: Seedling of Fameuse, originated by the late Charles G. Patten, Charles City, Iowa. Fruit large, roundish ; cavity large, deep, some- what russeted ; stem rather slender, medium length ; basin very large and deep, furrowed; skin pale yellow, heavily washed with bright red and splashed with carmine ; flesh whitish, tender, rather coarse, moderately juicy, mild subacid, pleasant, good. Tree vigor- ous, spreading, hardy. Season just after Wealthy. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1912. Elmer: Seedling of Northern Spy originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish, slightly ribbed ; cavity deep, narrow, russeted at base ; stem slender, medium length ; basin deep, medium width ; color greenish-yellow, washed and splashed with deep crimson, covered with pinkish bloom; flesh yellowish, juicy, crisp, tender, subacid, pleasant, good. December to late winter. Elsa: Pyrus baccata x Yellow Transparent. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, slightly ribbed; stem 1 inch long, slender; color bright yellow;' flesh fine grained, tender, juicy, rather acid, pleasant, good. August and September. Tree vigorous, productive. Emery: Fruit medium size, globular, russet washed and streaked with red ; stem slender ; cavity moderately deep ; flesh white, fine grained, rich, sweet, keeps until May. Bull 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Emilia: Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish-conical, greenish-yellow washed and splashed with crimson ; cavity medium, deep; stem short, stout; basin medium, deep; dots white, distinct; flesh dull white, crisp, juicy, tender, briskly subacid, pleasant, good to very good. Resembles Northern Spy in color, shape, flesh and flavor. December to April. Ensee: Originated on the farm of the late Nelson Cox, Proctorville, Ohio. Fruit large, roundish to roundish-oblate, irregular; skin pale yellow washed with mixed red and splashed with bright crim- son, sometimes overspread with gray; cavity irregular, large, deep, russeted, often lipped; stem short, moderately stout; basin deep, abrupt, furrowed, downy; flesh yellowish, juicy, subacid, very good. Early winter. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1907. Epochal: Arthur F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. "It is clear golden yellow, well flavored, has a slight suggestion of grapefruit in its flavor." Eric: A Russian seedling originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, conical, slightly angular; cavity medium size; stem medium length, stout; basin medium size; 241 skin yellow, splashed and streaked with crimson ; flesh white, tender, tinged with red, moderately juicy, briskly subacid, pleasant, good. October. Eurisko: Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Not described. Eve: Pyrus baccata x Simbirsk No. 9. Originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, ribbed ; color bright red; stem short; flesh yellowish, fairly juicy, pleasant, good. September. Tree slow grow and fair bearer. Fairfield (of Macoun) : Hyslop x Oldenburg. Originated by the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium, oblong; color yellow splashed and streaked with bright red ; flesh nearly white, juicy, tender, pleasant, very mild subacid, fair to good. September. Finch: Originated with E. J. Finch, Albion, Mich. Fruit medium size, oblate ; cavity shallow, flaring, green and russet ; stem short, stout ; basin shallow ; color golden yellow, mostly covered with splashes and dots of bright crimson; flesh yellowish white, somewhat coarse, firm, crisp, juicy, sprightly subacid, very good to best. Season late summer and early fall. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Folwell (Minnesota 237) : Originated by Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm, Zumbra Heights, Minn. Seedling of Malinda. Tree very vigorous, hardy at Zumbra Heights, annual bearer. Fruit slightly irregular, very large, roundish, greenish yellow, blushed red or nearly red ; flesh tender, moderately fine grained, pleasant subacid, very good. Mid-winter — a httle later than Wealthy. Forerunner: Seedling of Mcintosh, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish, ribbed ; yellow well washed with rich orange-red and crimson ; cavity medium, deep ; stem medium to long, stout ; basin medium, shallow ; flesh yellowish with red near basin, tender, moderately juicy, subacid, little flavor, quality above medium. Mid-August to late September. Forest: Originated in Wisconsin. Fruit above medium, oblong to roundish-conical ; cavity medium size, sometimes lipped, russeted ; stem short, stout ; basin medium size, wrinkled ; color greenish yellow, washed with dull red; flesh yellow, crisp, juicy, subacid, good, pleasant. Winter. Bull. 86, Dominion Exp. Farms, Canada. Frank: Pyrus prunifolia x McMahon. Originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit nearly medium in size, nearly round, slightly pyramidal ; skin yellowish white, sometimes faintly blushed; flesh white, juicy, crisp, fine grained, subacid, slightly astringent. Frankford: Originated about 30 years ago with the late Paul Rose, South Frankford, Mich. Fruit medium size, roundish, pale yellow, mostly covered with bright crimson, somewhat striped with dark crimson; 16 242 cavity narrow, medium depth; stem medium length, fleshy; basin very small ; flesh white, very fine grained, melting, juicy, very mild subacid, very good. Tree vigorous, spreading. Season late fall and early winter. Special Bull. 4-1, Mich. Exp. Sta. Galatta: Seedling of Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium size, roundish, flat- tened at both ends ; cavity deep, open, slightly russeted ; stem short, stout; basin deep, open, wrinkled; skin thick, pale yellow, washed and splashed with red; flesh white, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Resembles Wealthy somewhat. Late August and early September. Gallon-: Seedling of Northern Spy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size or above, roundish, slightly ribbed ; yellow, washed with deep orange red ap- proaching crimson ; cavity medium ; deep ; stem medium length, slender; basin medium, deep; flesh yellowish with traces of red near basin, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, spicy, pleasant, good. Flavor like Sops of Wine. Season late. September to November. Garner: Seedling of Langford Beauty, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, oblate ; cavity deep, russeted; stem medium long, slender; basin deep, wrinkled; pale greenish-yellow, washed and splashed with dark crimson ; flesh white, firm, juicy; subacid, pleasant, good. October. Gvlgcr: Fruit large, oblong, yellow washed with mixed red ; dots numer- ous; stem slender; flesh yellowish, subacid, rather rich, good to very good, winter. Notes on new fruits U. S. Dept. Agr. Gerald: Seedling of Langford Beauty, originated with the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, roundish to oblate ; cavity medium size ; stem short to medium, stout ; basin deep, medium width ; color yellow, washed with crimson ; flesh 'white, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. November to February. First fruited in 191 L Giant Winesap or Keep Late: Continental Plant Company, Kittrell, N. C. "Originated by a Mr. Dillard of Virginia. Similar to the famous Winesap in color and flavor, but much larger and a much better keeper. In fact one of the very best keepers of all apples." Giffin: Originated in the orchard of Joseph Giffin, near St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio, about 1872. Fruit medium to large, roundish-oblate, inclined to conic; stem short to medium, rather slender ; cavity wide and deep, russeted ; basin wide and somewhat shallow; skin thick, very smooth and glossy, rich bright crimson, sometimes showing greenish-yellow under color ; flesh creamy yel- low, rather firm, crisp, fine grained, moderately juicy, mild sub- acid, fair to good. Bull. 290, Ohio Exp. Sta. Girton: Seedling of Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish-conical, slightly ribbed, greenish-yellow or yellow, thinly washed with crim- 243 son ; dots white, indistinct ; cavity narrow, deep, russeted ; stem short, slender to moderately stout; basin medium, deep; flesh dull white or yellowish, crisp, tender, subacid, pleasant, spicy, good. Resembles Wealthy somewhat in appearance and flesh. November to March. Golden (of Macoun) ; Pyrus prunifolia x Golden Russet. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, round, flattened at ends; color bright yellow; flesh fairly juicy, rather sweet, slightly astringent, good. Last of August and Sep- tember. Golden Aiken: Reed Nursery Company, Hanover, Indiana. Not de- scribed. Golden Croivn: Originated by Adonijah Marks, Clifton, P. E. I. Fruit above medium size, roundish-oblong, slightly angular; cavity medium size; stem short; stout; basin deep, open; skin yellow with traces of pinkish red; flesh white, tender breaking, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Winter. Resembles Grimes Golden. Report of the Hor- ticulturist, Ottawa, Canada, 1908. Goldo : Seedling of Grimes Golden probably by Oldenburg. Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D. Fruit much like Grimes Golden in appearance and flavor. Tree a vigorous grower. Gordon (of Macoun) : Pyrus prunifolia x Golden Russet. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, color russety-yellow ; skin rather thick; flesh yellowish-white, fine grained, juicy, pleasant subacid, good. September. Granhy: Seedling of McMahon x Scott Winter, originated by the Cen- tral Experiment Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, oblate to roundish-conic ; cavity narrow, deep, russeted ; stem short, rather stout ; basin medium size, deep, wrinkled ; skin yellow, washed and splashed with attractive orange red ; flesh dull white with traces of red, tender, moderately juicy, briskly subacid, fair quality. Winter. Grant: Originated with H. N. Grant, Newtonbrook, Ontario. Fruit above medium, roundish-conic ; cavity open, medium depth ; stem short, stout ; basin medium width, shallow, wrinkled ; color yellow with trace of pink blush; flesh yellowish, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. November to January. Hanko: Fruit large, oblate, deeply furrowed and ridged; color greenish- yellow shaded with bright red, marked with broad stripes of crim- son ; stem short ; cavity medium size, abrupt, furrowed ; basin medium deep, abrupt, furrowed ; flesh greenish-white tinged red, moderately coarse, crisp, subacid, good to very good. October to April. Tree low, spreading. Bull. 10, Wis. State Hort. Soc. Harmon (of Maine) : Originated with J. H. Harmon, Buxton, Maine, about 1887. Fruit medium size, oblate, washed and overlaid with red, splashed with deep crimson, numerous large grey dots ; cavity medium size; stem very short; basin wide, shallow; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, sharp acid, good. December to February. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. 244 Hayden's Favorite: Tucker-Mosby Seed Co., Memphis, Tenn. "Hardy tree, sure bearer." Hayjord Sweet: Originated with C. Hayford, Maysville, Maine, about 1872. Fruit small to medium, oblate-conical, washed and splashed with crimson] stem short; cavity narrow, rather deep; basin deep, abrupt ; flesh fine grained, rich, sweet but rather dry, good. October to January or later. Tree hardy, vigorous, spreading. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Heacock Sivcet: Rogers Nurseries, Rogers, Ohio. Not described. Helen: Fruit medium size, irregular-oblate or roundish-oblate, lemon yellow, washed with bright or dull rich red; flesh mild subacid, of fair quality. July. No. 30229 of Seed and Plant Introduction, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Hibkee: Graft-hybrid of Hibernal and Milwaukee by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, South Dakota. "The fruits so far show the flesh and core of Milwaukee and the surface coloring of Hibernal." Hickman: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Seedling of Shockley, originated with D. W. Dickinson, Hickman, Ky. "Valuable for the cotton belt; color yellow, covered with light red; flesh yel- low, of good quality; a good keeper. Hitchcock: Originated by J. P. Hitchcock, Massawippi, Quebec. Fruit large, roundish; cavity deep, medium width, russeted; stem short, stout; basin deep, medium width; color yellow; flesh white, tender, crisp, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Winter. Hollow Log: Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, N. C. Originated in Ruther- ford County, North Carolina, as a chance seedling. Tree a strong grower, upright, blooms late, productive. Fruit large, deep yellow, flesh tender, crisp, juicy, spicy, aromatic. June to September. Hah: Lawver x Mcintosh, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish, pale greenish-yel- low, well washed with crimson ; cavity medium, open, russeted ; stem medium, stout; basin deep; flesh dull white, firm, crisp, juicy, subacid, pleasant but not high flavor, medium to good. Resembles Lawver very much. January to late winter. Honora: Seedling of Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish to oblate- conic, yellow, well washed with crimson ; cavity medium depth, russeted; stem short, stout; basin medium size, wrinkled; flesh white, tinged with red, tender, melting, moderately juicy, mildly subacid, pleasant, good. Resembles Mcintosh very much. Late September and October. Horace: From L. C. H. Ayers, Midway, Tenn. Fruit medium large, roundish-oblate, lemon yellow. August. Hoyt (of Mich.) : Originated with Jas. E. Hoyt, Roeland, Mich. Fruit below medium ; greenish yellow with dark purple blush ; flesh nearly white, firm, breaking, buttery, juicy, vinous, subacid, rich. Season until May. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. 245 Hume: Seedling of Mcintosh, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish to oblate, slightly ribbed; suggests Mcintosh in color, flesh, perfume and flavor. Hunter (of Macoun) : Pyrus baccata x Red Anis. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, good for jelly. Husband: Seedling of Grimes Golden, originated by Jos. Husband, Chester, 111. Fruit large, roundish, yellow washed with mixed red; dots prominent, russet; stem medium; basin and cavity regular; flesh yellow, subacid, good to very good. December to April. Notes on new fruits U. S. Dept. Agr. Jakway: Originated with J. J. Jakway, Benton Harbor, Mich. Fruit as large as Tompkins King, very good quality, ripens with Maiden Blush; yellow with red stripes. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. James: Pyrus prunifolia x Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, deep red with streaks of dull yellowish ; flesh nearly white, fine grained, rather acid, pleasant, slightly astringent. Jean Hardy: Bobbink and Atkins, Rutherford, N. J. "Very large fruit, juicy and sweet, very fine." Jethro: Seedling of Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, oblate to roundish- conic, pale yellow washed and splashed with orange-red and car- mine; cavity "medium size, green; stem short, stout, basin medium, deep; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, juicy, briskly subacid, pleasant, good. Resembles Wealthy in flesh and flavor. Late September to December. Jewel: Pyrus baccata x Yellow Transparent. Originated by the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round; stem longer than one inch; color yellowish with pale red cheek; flesh moderately firm, crisp, juicy, subacid, good, slightly astringent. August and September. Tree vigorous, productive. Josie: Pyrus prunifolia x Simbirsk No. 9. Originated 'by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit nearly medium size, greenish-yellow, washed and striped with bright red ; flesh white, fairly juicy, pleasant, slight astringency, good. September and October. Junco: Seedling of Wealthy, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium, oblate, angular; cavity nar- row, medium deep, russeted ; stem short, moderately stout ; basin deep, open, wrinkled ; skin pale yellow, washed with crimson ; flesh yellowish, firm, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. December and later. Kelso: McMahon x Scott Winter. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium, oblate ; cavity deep, medium width, russeted ; stem medium to short ; basin open, deep ; 246 skin yellow, washed with bright crimson ; flesh dull white, tender, moderately juicy, acid, pleasant, quality fair, fair to good flavor. Mid-winter. Kent (of Macoun) : Pyrus baccata x Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, ribbed at calyx; stem one inch long; color dark red shaded with orange, deepest on sunny side; flesh yellowish-white, juicy, crisp, mildly subacid, slightly astringent, fairly good. September to November. Tree vigorous, productive. Kildare: Seedling of Langford Beauty, originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, oblate to roundish-conic ; cavity medium size ; stem medium to long, slender or rather stout ; basin narrow, medium depth ; color pale yellow, washed and splashed with crimson ; flesh white tinged yellow, crisp, very tender, juicy, sprightly, subacid, pleasant, good. August to October. Kim: Seedling of Langford Beauty, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish ; cavity medium size, russeted ; stem short, slender to stout ; basin deep, open ; color yellow, washed and splashed with crimson, covered with pinkish bloom ; flesh dull white, tinged red, crisp, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. November to late winter. King of Titus: Originated in Titus County, Texas. Fruit large ; flesh yellow, subacid; tree vigorous, productive. September and October. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Lcgace : Originated with Jules Legace, Van Buren, Aroostook County, Maine. Fruit medium size, roundish oblate, washed with red and splashed with crimson ; cavity rather deep, russeted ; stem medium short; basin rather shallow; flesh white, tender, juicy, pleasant sub- acid, good. September and October. Tree vigorous, spreading, very productive. Bull. H3, Maine Exp. Sta. Linda: Seedling of Langford Beauty. Originated by Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, large, roundish to oblate, pale yellow washed and splashed with crimson ; cavity medium, shallow; stem short, stout; basin medium; flesh juicy, briskly subacid, aromatic, good. November probably to February. Linton: Seedling of Winter St. Lawrence. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish ; cavity medium size ; stem slender, medium length ; basin medium size; color pale yellow, thinly splashed with bright red; flesh white, tender, juicy, mildly subacid, pleasant, good. September. Linville: Fruit medium size, roundish-oblate; color yellow or greenish- yellow almost entirely covered with rich dark red ; cavity medium size, russeted ; stem short, strong ; basin rather wide and deep ; flesh yellowish, firm, crisp, juicy, subacid, pleasant, refreshing. December to March. Tree vigorous, spreading. Cir. No. 94, Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. 247 Lipion: Seedling of Northern Spy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish- conical, ribbed, yellow splashed and washed with crimson ; dots yellow, distinct ; cavity deep, open ; stem short, stout ; basin medium, deep, wrinkled ; flesh yellow with traces of red, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Much like Northern Spy. November prob- 'ably to February. Lisgar: Pyrus prunifolia x McMahon. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit nearly medium size, yellow covered with bright red; flesh yellowish-white, juicy, pleasant, rather astringent, rather inferior in quality. October. Lb:;ic: Pyrus baccata x Hcrren. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small; stem one inch long; color deep red; quality medium. September. Too small to be of value. Lowry: Originated on the farm of John Lowry, Afton, Va., about 70 years ago. Has also been known as Dixie and Mosby's Best. Fruit medium size, roundish or roundish-oblate ; cavity medium size and depth, russeted ; stem fairly long and stout; basin medium size; skin yellow washed with mixed red and splashed with rich crim- son; flesh yellowish, rather fine grained, moderately juicy, mild subacid, pleasant, good to very good. December to February. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1910. Luke (of Canada Experimental Farm) : Seedling of Wealthy. Orig- inated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium to large, oblate to roundish-conic; pale greenish yellow washed with red ; cavity narrow, russeted ; stem short, moderately stout; basin open, medium depth; flesh dull white or yellowish, rather coarse, tender, moderately juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Resembles Wealthy but is a better keeper. October and November. MacSu'cct: Seedling of Mcintosh, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. A good sweet apple, resembling Mcintosh. AlcSiveeny: Seedling of Sweet Bough, originated by a Mr. McSweeny, Kalamazoo, Mich. Fruit large, truncate-conical or slightly roundish: clear waxen white; texture and flavor very similar to Red Astrachan, same season as Red Astrachan. Tree strong grower, exceedingly productive. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Madge (of Macoun) : Pyrus prunifolia x Golden Russet. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, deep red ; flavor mildly acid, pleasant, sfightly astringent, quality above medium. September. Magnate: A seedling of Winesap, originated by the late Dr. J. Stayman, Leavenworth, Katisas, about 1866. Fruit medium to large, round or roundish-conical, rich yellow washed with crimson and indis- tinctly striped with dark purple ; cavity regular, large, deep, fur- rowed, faintly russeted ; stem short, slender, curved ; basin medium 248 size and depth, furrowed; flesh yellowish stained with red, fine grained, juicy, rich subacid, very good. Season same as Jonathan. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1906. Magnus: Pyrus prunifolia x Simbirsk No. 9. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round ; color orange and scarlet; flesh firm, rather juicy, subacid, aromatic, slightly astringent, very good. September. Manitou: Pyrus baccata x McMahon. Originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, ribbed; stem one inch or more long; color yellow, striped with red, deep red on exposed side; flesh nearly white, juicy, sprightly, fair quality. September and October. Tree vigorous, productive. Margery: Pioneer x Northern Spy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, yellow, sometimes tinged with red; flesh greenish-white, fine grained, juicy, pleasant, subacid, sprightly. October to February. Marlboro (of Maine) : Originated with S. H. Remick, Marlboro, Maine. Fruit medium, roundish-oblate ; yellowish-green, overlaid with deep crimson on sunny side ; cavity medium, flaring, slightly russeted ; stem slender, ver}' short ; basin very wide, shallow, plaited ; flesh white, crisp, juicy, fine grained, very firm, pleasant acid, good. January to Alay. Bull, 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Marnc: Seedling of Northern Spy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium to large, oblate, slightly red, yellow thinly washed and splashed with crimson; dots white, distinct ; cavity deep, open, russeted ; stem short, stout ; basin deep, open; flesh 5'ellowish, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, good. November probably to February. Martin (of Macoun) : Pioneer x Ontario. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, nearly round ; color warm orange yellow, with an orange red cheek ; flesh white, fine grained, pleasant subacid, sprightly. October to February. Mason: Fruit medium size; in color and form it somewhat resembles Striped June. One of the best South Texas varieties. July. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Mavis: Mcintosh by Lawver. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish, slightly ribbed ; cavity medium depth to shallow ; stem moderately stout ; basin deep, mediu^n width, wrinkled ; skin thick, tough, yellow, washed and splashed with crimson ; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Mid-November to March. Does not resemble either parent. Maxon: Said to be a delicious summer dessert apple which originated with the Central Michigan Nursery, Kalamazoo, Mich. Tree hardy and productive. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta, 249 Maxson's Early: Storrs & Harrison Co., Painesville, Ohio. Fruit large, pale yellow ; flesh tender, tart, well flavored. Tree productive. A summer cooking apple. August. May field (Gibbs No. 2) : A seedling of Northern Spy, originated by E. B. Gibbs, Summit City, Mich., about 40 years ago. Fruit large to very large, round-oblate; color pale yellow with reddish-brown blush; cavity medium size, deep, russeted; stem short, stout; basin broad, rather deep; flesh white, fine grained, very tender, juicy, sweet, very good. Mid-winter to late winter. Tree vigorous, spreading. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Mecca: Pyrus baccata x Simbirsk No. 9. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round; color orange, streaked red and with crimson cheek, flesh mildly sub- acid, rather astringent, good. Tree fairly vigorous, productive. Medford: Seedling of Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, oblate, cavity open, medium depths, stem short; basin open, deep, wrinkled; color pale yellow, splashed and washed with crimson; flesh white tinged with red, crisp, tender; juicy, subacid, sprightly, pleasant, good. September. Melvin (of Macoun) : Seedling of Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish; cavity deep, medium width, sometimes lipped, slightly russeted; stem medium to long, slender to stout; basin medium depth and width; skin rather dull red, attractive; flesh yellow, slightly stained red, very tender, melting briskly subacid, spicy, good. Middle to end of August. Merlin: Seedling of Shiawassee. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, oblate; re- sembles Shiawassee in shape, flesh and flavor. Mexico: Cibolo Nursery, Cibolo, Texas. "A wild apple found in the Mexican mountains; a strong healthy grower, and heavy bearer of good size, fine flavored, red apples; stands our hot sun better than any other apple on our grounds." Meyer: Originated on the farm of Wm. Meyer, Mears, Mich., about 40 years ago. Fruit medium size, oblong-conic to round-conic ; color rich yellow, striped with bright crimson; skin waxy; cavity nar- row, deep; stem short, stout; basin narrow, shallow; flesh yellowish- white, very fine grained, tender, juicy, brisk subacid, very good. Autumn. Tree medium strong, upright. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Miles: L. C. H. Ayers, Midway, Tennessee. A medium large, roundish- conic, yellowish, mild subacid, summer apple of fair quality. Miller's Sweet: Farmer Seed and Nursery Co., Faribault, Minn. Seedling of Oldenburg. Fruit conical, medium large, greenish-white with red cheek; flesh firm and sweet. Tree strong, vigorous with spread- 250 ing top, very hardy, early and heavy bearer ; September to November. Monocacy: Originated with Wm. Baumgardner, Carroll County, Md. Fruit roundish or slightly oblate-conic, sometimes slightly ribbed, medium to large ; cavity medium to large,, rather deep, sometimes slightly russeted ; stem short, rather slender; basin medium width and depth, slightly furrowed; skin yellowish green, mostly covered with dark crimson or purplish crimson, striped and splashed with darker crimson, often overspread with mottled gray; flesh yellowish white, sometimes tinted red, moderately fine grained, juicy, mild subacid, moderately rich, good to very good. Winter. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., 1912. Montgomery: Originated by the New York Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva. Fruit large, roundish to oblate-conic, almost entirely overspread with bright red and faintly striped with darker red, resembling Red Astrachan ; flesh white, fine grained, tender, juicy, brisk subacid, good. Tree vigorous, upright spreading. September, Moore's Blight Proof: Citronelle Nursery and Orchard Co., Citronelle, Alabama. Chance seedling. Originated at Enterprise, Miss., 40 or more years ago. Fruit large, round, slightly flattened, striped red, fair quality, very acid, good keeper. May be good for home use in the South. Morton (of Mich.) : Originated at Benton Harbor, Mich. Fruit medium size, roundish-oblate, pale yellow, striped and splashed with light and dark red; cavity medium size; stem rather short; basin narrow, abrupt; flesh crisp, tender, moderately juicy, rich subacid, very good ; as beautiful as the finest Red Astrachan and a far better juicy, subacid, good. September. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Mottinger: Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. Chance seedling, found on an island in the Columbia River near Umatilla, Oregon. Fruit very large, greenish-yellow, striped with red ; follows Yellow Transparent in season ; tree is a strong grower. Mrs. Richardson: Thompson's Nurseries, Waco, Texas. "Fruit large, yellow." Narragansett: Originated with Jacob H. Harmon, Buxton, Maine, in 1873. Fruit medium to large, conical, pale yellow washed and splashed with crimson, heavily overlaid with deeper crimson ; cavity deep, flaring; stem short, stout; basin medium, slightly corrugated; flesh white, tender, rather dry, mild subacid, good. November and December. Resembles Mother in size and shape, but is almost as dark colored as Black Oxford. Tree very hardy and a shy bearer. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Nelson (of Wood) : Originated with Elihu Wood, Winthrop, Maine. Fruit medium, oblong-conical, pale yellow with small gray dots; stem short; cavity narrow, deep; basin medium size; flesh tender; juicy, subacid, good. September. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. 251 Niobe: Seedling of Northern Spy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, roundish- conical; cavity deep, medium width; stem medium to long, slender to rather stout; basin deep, medium width; color greenish-yellow, washed and splashed with dull crimson, thin pinkish bloom ; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, rather coarse, moderately juicy, mildly sub- acid, pleasant, good to very good. December and later. Nome: Seedling of Swaj^zie. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium, oblate to roundish ; cavity deep, russeted; stem short, stout; basin medium depth or shallow; skin yellow washed with orange-red ; flesh yellow, tender, mod- erately juicj% breaking, buttery, subacid, pleasant, spic}^ good to very good. Resembles Blenheim somewhat. October and November. 2_ Norman: Pyrus baccata x Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, round, bright red ; flesh yellowish-white, crisp, juicy, sprightly, pleasant, trace of astringency, good. October. Tree fairly vigorous, productive. Northern Queen: Pyrus baccata x Hyslop. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, fairly good but rather astringent, too small to be of value. Late August and September. Novelty: Seedling of Pyrus baccata by Wealthy. Originated by the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit IJ^ inches across, nearl}' round, flattened at ends; stem long, slender; skin deep red; flesh pale yellowish-pink, firm, crisp, juicy, subacid, fair quality. September. Tree vigorous, fairly productive. Nutting: Seedling of Oldenburg. Originated by the late James Nutting, Perham, Aroostook County, Maine. Fruit large, roundish-conical, yellowish-green, faintly washed or striped with dull red ; stem long, slender; cavity deep; basin rather large; flesh greenish- white, tender, juicy, mild acid, good. September to December. Tree hardy, vigorous, very productive. Bull. 14.3, Maine Exp. Sta. Okohogi: "A rather attractive, striped red winter apple, above medium to below ; subacid, fair to good quality. Introduced by H. M. Antisdel, Milford, Iowa." Bull. 108, Iowa Exp. Sta. Omesel: Seedling of Salome. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, resembling Salome in appear- ance, flesh and flavor ; a good keeper. Onslour: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated in Onslow County, N. C. Fruit above medium, roundish-oblate, en- tirely covered with dark red, faintly striped ; flesh yellow, fine quality ; good keeper. Winter. Orsino: Seedling of Shiawassee. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, resembling Shiawassee in flesh and flavor, attractive and a good dessert apple. Oscar: A Russian seedling. ' Originated b}^ the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, conical almost oblong ; cavity narrow, medium depth, russeted near base ; stem medium 252 length ; basin shallow, medium width ; color pale yellow, washed and splashed with bright crimson ; flesh white, tinged red, tender, juicy, briskly subacid, fair to good. October. Osman: Pyrus baccata x Osimoe. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, pale yellow, washed with crimson ; flesh tender, breaking, pleasant acid, slightly astringent. August. Tree a fair grower, productive. Otto: Pyrus baccata x McMahon. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, yellow, washed and faintly streaked with red, becoming entirely red; flesh juicy, sprightly, fair, astringent. October. Tree vigorous, fairly pro- ductive. Oivatonna: Clinton Falls Nursery Co., Owatonna, Minn. Originated at Medford, Minn. "A rapid grower, very prolific and hardy as an oak. Fruit large, dark red ; flesh tender, crisp, subacid. Good keeper, season late." Resembles Wealthy in size and color. Oxbo: A seedling of Roxbury probably by Oldenburg. Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D. Fruit medium size; flesh white, juicy, subacid. Season probably late fall. Peace: Seedling of Langford Beauty. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. A handsome apple, resembling its parent in appearance, flesh and flavor. Pearl: From S. Billingsley, Greenwood, Indiana. A large sized, roundish-oblate, rich, clear yellow, subacid apple of fair quality. September and October. Perfect: Supposed to be a seedling of Baldwin, originating with W. F. Cobb, South Turner, Me. Fruit large, roundish-conic, somewhat ribbed ; stem medium length, thick ; cavity acute, moderately deep, broad, often russeted, sometimes lipped; basin medium size, rather abrupt, furrowed ; skin moderately thick, smooth, dull, oily, dull greenish-yellow, much overspread with dark, dull red, almost solid on well colored specimens, indistinctly splashed with carmine; flesh yellow, firm, somewhat coarse, crisp, moderately tender, juicy, sub- acid, good. January to May. Introduced by Rice Bros. Co., Geneva, N. Y. Tree vigorous, hardy, upright-spreading, productive. Perkins Late: Clinton Falls Nursery Co., Owatonna, Minn. "The fruit is of good size, round, red, firm and juicy and will keep until May or June." Pensaukee Russet: Fruit above medium, oblate-conical, slightly angular; cavity open, medium depth; stem medium length, stout; basin medium size ; color greenish-yellow with red blush, heavily russeted ; flesh yellow, firm, juicy, briskly subacid, pleasant, good. Winter. Pink Russet: Originated in the nursery of R. B. C. Newcomb, Blissfield, Mich. Said to keep as late as Roxbury and to be much superior in flavor and juiciness to Roxbury. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. 253 Pinto: Seedling of Wealthy. Fruit above medium, oblate; cavity deep, medium wide; stem short, slender; basin deep, medium width, wrinkled, color pale greenish yellow, washed and splashed with dull orange red; flesh yellowish, tender, juicy, briskly subacid, pleasant, aromatic, good. October and November. Pioneer: Pyrus baccata x Tetofsky. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, slightly ribbed ; stem rather long ; color yellow yith pink cheek ; flesh white, fine grained, firm, crisp, subacid, slightly astringent, moderately juicy, pleasant. September and October. Tree strong, productive. Pitton: A seedling of Wagener, originating with G. W. Pitton, Stanton, Mich., about 30 years ago. Fruit medium size, oblate, distinctly five ribbed; light yellow, almost entirely covered with broad stripes of bright crimson ; cavity medium size, deep ; stem short, stout ; basin medium size, shallow ; flesh white, fine grained, crisp, tender, very juicy, mild subacid, very good to best. Season late fall and early winter. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Prince (of Macoun) : Seedling of Pyrus baccata x Tetofsky, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit 1^ inches in diameter, nearly round; calyx sometimes deciduous; stem an inch or more long; color bright red with a few pale dots and streaks; flesh nearly white, juicy subacid, somewhat astringent, pleasant flavor. ^ Early September. Tree vigorous, very productive. Queen of Albemarle: Old Dominion Nurseries, Richmond, Va. Not described. Rabun: Yearbook of U. S. Dept. Agr., 1906. A chance seedling found by Mr. Andy Hamby, 13 miles northeast of Clayton, Georgia, about 1890. Fruit large, oblate, slightly ribbed; cavity large, deep, rus- seted; stem short, stout; basin large, deep; skin moderately thick, yellow washed with mixed red, splashed and striped with bright crimson ; flesh yellowish, fine grained, breaking, juicy, subacid, good to very good; core large, oblate, open. Tree vigorous, spreading. November to March in Northern Georgia. Radnor: Seedling of Swazie. Fruit medium to large, roundish-conic, slightly angular ; cavity medium size, russeted ; stem short, stout ; basin deep, medium width, wrinkled ; color greenish yellow or yel- low with faint bronzy pink blush; flesh dull white or yellowish, crisp, juicy, a little coarse, subacid, spicy, good. November and later. Rainier: The origin of Rainier is not definitely known, but it has been grown under various names for perhaps 35 years near North Yakima, Washington. Fruit medium size or above, usually oblong- conical and irregular, rich, yellow mottled and washed with red and striped with dark red; flesh yellowish, juicy, mild subacid, good. Tree vigorous, spreading. October to May or later, sometimes to September. 254 Ramona: Seedling of Shiawassee, originated by Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium to above, oblate; cavity deep, open, slightly russeted ; stem short, stout ; basin medium ; color pale yellow, washed and splashed with carmine; flesh white, fine grained, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. August and September. Red Broadivell: Stark Bros. Nurseries and Orchards Co., Louisiana, Missouri. Not described. Red Maiden's Blush: Same as Bonita. Red Rome: Stark Bros. Centennial Fruits. "Red Rome Beauty is deep, dark red, indistinctly striped; large, tender, juicy; good quality and a favorite for cooking." (Solid red sports of Rome Beauty have appeared in various parts of the country. C- P- C.) Reese: From C. W. Ewing, Mountainboro, Ala. A medium sized, ir- regular, roundish-conical, greenish-yellow splashed red, mild sub- acid apple of fairly good quality. September in Alabama. Rideau: Wealthy x Oldenburg. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium to large, roundish-angular ; cavity deep, open ; color pale yellow, splashed and washed with bright crimson; flesh juicy, yellowish, firm, pleasant, sprightly, sub- acid, good. Late September to February. Robin (of ]\Iacoun) : Pyrus baccata x Simbirsk No. 9. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, much ribbed ; stem an inch long ; color yellow shaded with red; flesh very firm, juicy, subacid, slightly astringent, pleasant, good. August and September. Tree vigorous, medium productive. Rocket: Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish- conical ; cavity deep, medium width, russeted ; stem short, medium stout; basin deep, narrow; color yellow, washed and splashed with crimson, covered with pinkish bloom ; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. October to January. Roniney: Pyrus baccata x Broad Green. Originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small ; stem one inch long; color dull, deep red; flesh moderately firm, fairly juicy, fairly good. August and September. Tree medium vigorous, fairly productive. Ruby: Pyrus baccata x Wealthy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small and of poor quality. September. Rufus: Fruit medium, roundish-conical; cavity narrow, shallow, russeted; stem short, slender ; basin narrow, medium depth, wrinkled ; color yellow, washed with crimson ; flesh white with traces of red, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Winter. An attractive apple of the Fameuse type, promising for Ontario. 255 Rupert: A Russian seedling. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, oblate; cavity medium size, russeted; stem short, stout; basin medium size, wrinkled; skin thick, tough, pale greenish yellow, sometimes with a faint pink blush; flesh white, tender, juicy, briskly subacid, medium to good. Earlier than Tetofsky and better in quality than Tetofsky and Yel- low Transparent. August. Rustler: Mcintosh x Lawver. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, roundish, slightly ribbed ; cavity open, medium depth ; stem medium length, stout ; basin deep, medium width, smooth ; skin thick, tough, yellow almost en- tirely covered with crimson ; flesh yellowish tinted red, moderately juicy, firm but tender, subacid, pleasant, above medium to good. December to March or later. Ruth: Pyrus prunifolia x Pewaukee. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, nearly round, deep crimson with white dots; flesh fine grained, yellow stained red, breaking, pleasant subacid. October to November. Samson (of Macoun); Oldenburg x Anis. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium to large; flesh crisp, moderately juicy, subacid, sprightly, pleasant. September. Schoolcraft: Originated 25 years ago with Ralph Beebee, Gulliver, Mich. Fruit medium to large, round-oblate, ribbed, resembles Wagener ; greenish yellow, mostly covered with broken stripes and splashes of crimson or solid red ; cavity broad, shallow ; stem short, stout ; basin broad, shallow; flesh greenish-white, fine grained, juicy, sweet, very good. Winter. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Seedless: Alpha Nursery, Alpha, Illinois. Originated in New Mexico in 1908. "The fruit is red, striped slightly with yellow. There are no seeds and many of the apples have no core. Good keeper. Tree hardy and good grower. December to March." Sereda: Seedling of Harry Kaump. Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brook- ings, S. D. Resembles Yellow Transparent but is more regular in form and of the same season. Fruit yellow, juicy, sprightly subacid. Severn: Seedling of Swayzie. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish, angular, flat- tened at ends; cavity deep, open, russeted; stem short, slender; basin deep, open, smooth; yellow, washed with orange-red and splashed with crimson; flesh moderately juicy, tender, pleasant, good. October. Shishee: Seedling of Shiawassee, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium size, resembles Shiawassee in color, flesh and flavor. Shock: From L. L. Moore, Taylorsville, N. C. Fruit medium size, roundish, somewhat flattened, whitish-yellow, subacid, fair quality. August. Silvia: Pyrus baccata x Yellow Transparent. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, somewhat 256 pointed and ribbed; stem very short, color pale yellow; flesh sub- acid, not astringent, pleasant, good, early August. Tree strong, up- right, fairly productive. Smith Pippin: Fruit medium size, roundish ; cavity medium size, russeted ; stem short ; basin open, deep, sometimes lipped ; color yellowish green with red blush; flesh yellowish, crisp, tender, juicy, pleasant, mildly subacid, good. Winter. Sonora: Seedling of Langford Beauty. Originated by the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, roundish ; cavity medium size; stem slender, medium length; basin open, medium depth ; color pale yellow washed with crimson ; flesh dull white, rather coarse, tender, moderately juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. Early September. Sorel: McMahon x Scott Winter. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, oblate-conic; cavity deep, medium width, russeted; stem short to medium, stout; basin deep, open, wrinkled ; color yellow, washed with bright attrac- tive red; flesh white, tinged j'ellow, crisp, moderately juicy, sub- acid, pleasant, good. Winter. Southern Beauty: Corinth Nurseries, Corinth, Miss. Originated in Al- corn County, Miss. Very much like Yates but twice as large. Winter. Spates: Originated by a Mr. Spates, Excelsior, Minn. Resembles Jewell's Winter. Very hardy. Spiotta: Seedling of Shiawassee, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium size to large, re- sembling Northern Spy in color, flesh and flavor. Spiro: Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, resembling Northern Spy in flesh and flavor. Star (of Burbank) : Seedling of Baldwin, originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Large and even better quality than Baldwin. Yellow ground nearly all covered with deep crimson stripes and flakes. Beautiful regular form; flesh white. Same season as Baldwin, September to December 20 at Santa Rosa." Stearns (name used previously) : From C. L. Stearns, Clay, New York. Fruit medium large, roundish to roundish-oblate, greenish-yellow with red stripes, pleasant subacid, good quality. Stickle Sweet: Depot Road Nurseries, Salem, Ohio. Flesh tender and good; good bearer; fine for apple butter. Stork: Pyrus baccata x Oldenburg. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small; stem one inch long, slender; color red; flesh yellowish, firm, not very juicy, rather astringent, fair quality. Late August and September. Stringston: Thompson Nurseries, Waco, Texas. Very successful in Texas; fine size and quality and bears young. 257 Suawnee: Jackson County Nurseries, Winder, Ga. Fruit large, roundish oblique, pale yellowish green with russet dots ; flesh yellowish, mod- erately juicy, mild subacid, very good; good keeper. Tree vigor- ous, productive. Summer Champion: Originated near Lincoln, Washington County, Ark., about 34 years ago. Fruit large ; yellowish-white, washed over en- tire surface with crimson or dark purplish stripes ; flesh whitish, satiny, subacid, good. Tree strong grower with upright open head. August. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I., Bull. 275. Sununer Greening: Supposed to have originated in Michigan. Fruit medium size, round, green and yellow, very good quality. Sep- tember. Tree upright and productive. Special Bull. 44., Mich. Exp. Sta. Summit (Gibbs No. 1, Great Northern) : Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by E. B. Gibbs, Summit City, Mich., about 40 years ago. Fruit large, round-oblate, somewhat angular ; color light yellow, overspread with bright crimson and striped with dark crimson, sometimes with solid red cheek ; cavity wide, deep, russeted ; stem short, stout ; basin broad, deep, plaited ; flesh white, fine grained, tender, juicy, brisk subacid, good. Late winter. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Szveet Evalina: Fruit Grower and Farmer, Sept. 1, 1913. Seedling of White Pearmain and resembles this variety. Flesh creamy yellow, rich sweet. Szvect Orange: Vaughan's Seed Store, Chicago, 111. Seedling of the old Orange Crab. Resembles Orange Crab somewhat but is flatter in shape and lighter in color ; flavor fine, delicious. Siveetosh: Seedling of Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium to large, rather dull in color but is attractive and a good sweet apple. Sivan: Frank J. Schwan & Son, Dansville, N. Y. A large size, irregular, roundish, greenish-red, pleasant subacid, late fall apple of good quality. Tabor: Originated with S. W. Tabor, Washburn, Maine. Fruit medium, oblate, yellowish-green, washed and splashed with crimson; stem slender ; cavity wide, flaring, furrowed ; basin medium size, abrupt ; flesh greenish white, fine grained, tender, rather dry, sweet, good. October to January. Bull. 143, Maine Exp. Sta. Teddy: Pyrus prunifolia x Golden Russet. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit nearly medium, dull red with streaks and spots of a brighter shade; flesh yellowish, crisp, fairly juicy, pleasant. September and October. Texas King: Fruit large, yellow splashed with red; flesh juicj', crisp, subacid ; tree vigorous, productive. Originated in East Texas. July and August. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. 17 258 Thackers: Originated with W. H. Thacker, Benzonia, Mich. Fruit - medium size, roundish-conic, yellow with dark crimson splashes;' cavity medium size, russeted ; stem medium length, rather slender ; basin narrow, shallow; flesh whitish, fine grained, crisp, juicy, brisk subacid, good to very good. Winter. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Thurso: Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish to oblate, slightly angular ; cavity medium, sometimes russeted ; stem medium length, slender to rather stout; basin medium size; color pale greenish yellow, washed and splashed with attractive red or crimson; flesh yellowish with traces of red, firm, crisp, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good. September and October or later. Tony: Pyrus baccata x McMahon. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit small, round, somewhat flat- tened ; stem nearly two inches long ; color greenish yellow, streaked and splashed with bright red; flesh yellowish-white, juicy, sprightly, subacid, slightly astringent, pleasant, medium quality. Late Sep- tember and October. Tree strong, spreading, very productive. Traverse (Gibbs No. 4) : Seedling of Northern Spy, originated by E. B. Gibbs, Summit City, Mich., about 40 years ago. Fruit medium size, roundish, dull dark red, considerably russeted ; cavity narrow, deep, russeted ; stem medium long, rather slender ; basin very broad, shallow; flesh yellowish, crisp, fine grained, moderately juicy, brisk subacid, very good to best. Winter. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Ttdl: Originated by the late Abraham Tull near Tull, Grant County, Ark., about 1840. Fruit medium size ; yellow washed with red, few broken stripes of crimson, sometimes -with a "coppery" finish; flesh yellow with green veins, tender, juicy, fine texture, subacid, pleasant, good to very good. Tree very thrifty. Winter. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I., Bull. 275 Ulster: Originated by the New York Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. Fruit medium to above in size, roundish-oblate, green or greenish-yellow, sometimes with faint bronze blush ; flesh tinged yellow, fine grained, crisp, tender, juicy, pleasant subacid, aromatic, good to very good. Tree medium vigorous, upright spreading. Winter. Unnard's Choice: Tucker-Mosby Seed Co., Memphis, Tenn. Same as Kinnard. Venable's Seedling: Jackson County Nurseries, Windser, Georgia. "Tree "erect, vigorous and very productive. Fruit medium size; flesh tender, juicy, subacid, fine flavor. In flavor and keeping qualities it is unexcelled." Vermac: Lawver x Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit below medium size, roundish; cavity medium depth and width; stem medium length, moderately stout; basin shallow, medium width, wrinkled; skin thick, tough, yellow 259 almost entirely covered with rich deep crimson ; flesh white tinged red with bright red core line, tender, juicy, subacid, pleasant, good with aroma of Mcintosh. Early to mid-winter. Wapella: Seedling of Dean x Ontario. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit below medium, roundish to oblong, ribbed ; cavity medium size ; stem medium length, slender to rather stout ; basin open, deep, wrinkled ; color yellow, washed with red; flesh yellowish with traces of red, crisp, breaking, juicy, quality above medium. November to mid-winter. Wedge, (Minn. No. 207) : Seedling of Ben Davis. Originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm. Especially promising because of its large well colored and high quality fruit which keeps in common storage until spring. A strong grower, an early bearer and hardy at least as far north as St. Paul. Western Wealthy: Originated with Chas. Bilger, Clyde, Callahan County, Texas, from seed brought from Germany. Fruit large, rich car- mine. Tree vigorous and productive. Early fall. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Wilgar: Seedling of Northern Spy. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Resembles Northern Spy in ap- pearance, color, shape, flesh, and somewhat in flavor but'not as good as Northern Spy. Winton: Seedling of Mcintosh. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium, roundish-conical ; cavity narrow, medium depth, russeted ; stem medium to long, moderately stout ; basin medium size ; skin thick, tough,- pale yellOw, washed with crimson and orange ; flesh white, sometimes tinged red, tender, juicy, subacid, good; flavor much like Mcintosh. Late September and October. Wisconsin Golden: Capital City Nurseries, Des Moines, Iowa. "Russet, high quality, long keeper. December to June." Wolverine: Said to be an early winter variety of good size, rich color, exceedingly agreeable flavor, but lacking in juiciness. Subject to scab. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Womack's Choice: Pleasant Valley Nursery, McMinnville, Tenn. Fruit large, yellow, ripens 10 days earlier than Early Harvest ; tree strong grower and productive. In 1861, Mr. Monro Womack brought the tree from the Cum.berland Mountains to Warren County, Tenn. Woodring's Favorite: Originated as a chance seedling with James Wood- ring on Little Creek, Calhoun Co., W. Va., about 1902. Fruit medium to large, yellow almost covered with bright red and darker red stripes. Quality extra good. Tree productive. December to March. Introduced by the Rose Hill Nursery, Annamoriah, W. Va. Xantho: From J. A. Cox, Wheeling, W. Va. Fruit medium to large, roundish-oblong, rich yellow ; flesh sprightly subacid, fairly good. August. 26o Zeleha: Imported from Russia as Krimakaja Zeleba by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D. Fruit very large, about 3^ inches in diameter, globular, red ; very attractive ; flesh white, pleasant subacid, good cooker; season December and later. CRAB APPLE Alberta: Pyrus baccata x Haas. Originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit 1.6 inches wide, 1.4 inches long, round somewhat flattened and slightly ribbed ; stem short ; calyx persistent; color greenish yellow with bright red cheek; flesh nearly white, juicy, slightly astringent, fair to good. Tree vigorous and productive. Last of September to middle of October. Baird Winter: Originated with Wm. Baird, Lincoln, Kansas. Supposed to be a cross between Ralls and Whitney. Fruit above medium size, uniform; dark red; flesh juicy, crisp, subacid, good. October to last of May. Introduced by the Wichita Nurseries, Wichita, Kans., in 1916. Canadian: Texas Seed and Floral Co., Dallas, Texas. "Green striped with carmine. Flesh firm, juicy and rich. Very hardy." Elkhorn: Seedling of Jewell x Gideon, originated by the Central Experi- mental Farms, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, oblate to roundish ; cavity open, medium depth ; stem long, slender ; basin open, wrinkled; skin yellow, washed with crimson; flesh yellowish, crisp, breaking, juicy acid, good. September and October. Freeman: Freeman Nursery Co., Freeman, S. D. Not described. Gretna: Seedling of Pioneer x Northern Spy, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large up to 2^^ inches in diameter, oblate ; cavity deep, open ; stem medium to long, stout ; basin open, medium depth ; color yellow, washed and splashed with crimson; flesh yellowish, crisp, breaking, juicy, briskly subacid, good. November to January. Huges Virginia: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. "Good keeper and cider apple." Jenkin's Crab: Gurney Seed and Nursery Co., Yankton, S. D. Fruit of size and shape of Transcendent but said to be of better quality when fully ripe being a delicious little dessert apple. Tree large and pro- ductive; blossoms said to be semi-double, two inches in diameter and very fragrant. King: P. J. Berckmans Co., Augusta, Ga. Fruit medium size, roundish oblate, greenish yellow, acid. Mammoth Wild Crab: Hopedale Nursery, Hopedale, 111. In appearance the fruit is like the wild crab, even to the odor and greasy skin. It is fully as large as Ralls. Identical with Pyrus coronaria but many times as large. Piotosh: Pioneer x Mcintosh, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit above medium, roundish; cavity 26 1 medium size and depth ; stem long, moderately stout ; basin open, medium depth, wrinkled ; calyx closed ; skin yellow well washed with bright crimson ; bloom pinkish ; flesh yellow tinged red near skin, subacid, pleasant, no astringency, good. September. Re- sembles Transcendent. Prince: Pyrus baccata x Tetofsky. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit nearly round, 1.6 inches across and 1.3 inches deep; stem medium length; skin bright red with a few paler dots and streaks ; flesh nearly white, subacid, some- what astringent, pleasant; calyx often deciduous. September. Tree vigorous, upright and productive. Success: Strand's Nursery, Taylors Falls, Minn. "Very thrifty, upright grower; fruit of good color and size, mild, acid; a very promising marketing sort." Syli'a: Fruit Grower and Farmer, Sept. 1, 1913. Seedling of Stark Florence. Originated with R. E. L. Flowers, Quitman, Ark. Said to be almost three times the size of Florence, more tender and juicy and very mild subacid. Ripens entire crop within 10 days. Tony: Pyrus baccata x McMahon. Originated by the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit round somewhat flattened, 1.6 inches across and 1.4 inches deep; stem medium; skin greenish- yellow, streaked and splashed with bright red; calyx persistent; flesh yellowish white, juicy, sprightly subacid, slightly astringent, pleasant, quality fair; tree vigorous, spreading, productive. Late September and October. Trail: Seedling of Northern Queen x Rideau, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit larger than Martha, oblate to roundish ; cavity medium size ; stem very long, slender ; basin open, deep ; color pale yellow, splashed and washed with orange red and crimson ; flesh yellowish, crisp, breaking, subacid, good to very good. August. PEAR Bailey (of Mich.) : Originated with L. H. Bailey, South Haven, Mich., about 1870. Is said to be of fine flavor, ripening October 1. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Big Productive: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Not described. Chamness: Clingman Nursery Company, Keithville, La. Fruit medium, roundish-obovate, greenish yellow ; flesh sweet, quality fair. Sep- tember in Louisiana. Clairmont: From Wm. J. Corsa, Baltimore, Md. Fruit small, globular- obtuse-pyriform, greenish yellow; flesh sweet, rich, buttery, pleasant, very good. August. Demorest: Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. Chance seedling originated with Mrs. Libbie J. Demorest, Tacoma, Wash. "Luscious, larger and better keeper than Bartlett." 262 Douglas: Said to be a cross between. Kieffer and Angouleme, originating in Douglas County, Kansas. Fruit large, beautiful yellow color; flesh juicy, sprightly, good. Same season as Kieffer. Effie Holt: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated in Alamance County, N. C, and was introduced by Mr. L. W. Holt. Fruit large, pyriform, greenish-yellow; flesh light yellow, rich, juicy, fine quality. Season late fall. Tree vigorous, very productive. Said to succeed well in the South. Ely: Originated in Sherman, Texas. Fruit small, deep yellow, good quality. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Eureka (of Dickinson) : Augustine & Company, Normal, 111. Supposed to be Seckel x Kieff^er, originating with E. W. Dickinson, Eureka, , 111. Fruit medium, bright yellow with russet and bright red cheek, shape of Seckel, but 4 or 5 times as large; flesh delicious, sweet, flavor of Seckel. Hassler: Originated in California, with J. E. Hassler at Placerville. Fruit large, obtuse pyriform; skin very smooth, greenish yellow with russet dots ; basin large, deep, irregular ; stem short, stout ; cavity quite deep with stem inserted at angle; flesh, juicy, very buttery, sweet, pleasant. Season very late-winter or early spring. Cir. No. 94, Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Hosli: Biloxi Nursery, Biloxi, Miss. Originated with Joseph Hosli, Biloxi, Miss. Supposed to be a cross between Kiefifer and LeConte. Fruit resembles Kiefifer, does not mellow; flesh sweet and juicy. Season about with LeConte. Tree resembles LeConte. Joan of Arc: Fruit medium to large ; oblong-pyriform to obtuse-pyri- form; color lemon yellow with russet netting; basin broad, deep, regular; stem short, stout, inserted at angle; flesh medium fine grained, melting, juicy, rich, sweet, musky, very good. Originated in France. Cir. No. 94, Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Katy: Seedling of LeConte, originated with the late J. T. Leyendecker, New Ulm, Texas.' Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Lyman: Benjamin Buckman, Farmingdale, 111. Fruit medium size, ovate-pyriform, smooth, russeted yellow; flesh sprightly subacid, fair to good quality. September. Mammoth Bartlett: American Fruit Grower, March, 1922. Originated with J. W. Robinson, Sebastopol, Calif. "They ripen at the same time, have the same flavor and are apparently the same pear as the Bartlett except for size." Miller: J. Van Lindley Nursery Company, Pomona, N. C. Seedling of Kiefifer, originated with D. J. Miller, Millersburg, Ohio. Fruit said to be sweet, buttery, melting, good quality, much superior to Kiefifer and has russet skin. Winter. Morman Late: Fruit of Kiefifer type but more pyriform; dull yellowish with waxy appearance; stem very long; flavor much like Kiefifer; not as handsome as Kiefifer. Spec. Bull. 48, Mich. Exp. Sta. 263 Parrish Favorite: Porter-Walton Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. "Beautiful large winter pear, ripening in November and December; will keep until late spring in fine condition, retaining its deliciously captivating flavor. Always vigorous, never blights." Pride: Originated with F. M. Johnson, San Marcus, Texas; introduced by Otto Locke, New Braunfels, Texas. Fruit juicy, highly flavored, ripens two weeks earlier than LeConte of which it is supposed to be a seedling. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Rankin: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated with Col. W. H. Rankin, Guilford Count}', N. C. "Tree a strong grower, hardy, blights but little. Similar to Duchess and two weeks earlier." Ruby IVells: Thompson Nurseries, Waco, Texas. "Of LeConte type, mellows on tree, fine table fruit." Originated in Waco, Texas. Theodore Williams: Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo. Seedling of Kieflfer. Originated with Theodore Williams, Benson, Neb. "A large beau- tiful pear of excellent quality ; tree healthy, vigorous, a prolific bearer — has stood 40 degrees below zero without injury." Flesh very sweet, juicy and fine flavored. A fall variety of green color. Touraine: Fruit medium size, oblong-pyriform; color greenish-yellow without blush ; basin medium size ; stem long, inserted at angle ; quality medium; season late. Bull. Vol. VII, No. 5, May, 1918, Calif. State Com. of Hort. Vanille: Fruit small, roundish, obtuse-obovate; color yellow, with beau- tiful blush ; basin wide ; stem short, cavity very small ; quality medium; season late. Cir. No. 94, Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Voorhies: A seedling of Seckel, originated by W. G. Voorhies, South Frankford, Mich. Fruit larger than Seckel, obovate-turbinate, ir- regular ; light yellow almost entirely overlaid with dull reddish brown, somewhat striped near cavity; cavity narrow, very shallow; stem medium long, stonJt, clubbed; basin broad, rather shallow; flesh whitish, somewhat coarse, juicy, mild subacid, good to very good. Tree like Seckel but more vigorous and spreading. Late fall and early winter. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. QUINCE Alpha: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Produces large, handsome, light crimson blossom and extremely large orange-like, waxy, yel- low fruits in the greatest profusion. It is one of the handsomest of all fruits, and always attracts attention by its large size, peculiar form, golden color and exquisite fragrance. Useful everywhere owing to its hardy vigor, productiveness and value for jelly making." Childs: Originated by Luther Burbank and sold to John Lewis Childs, Floral Park, N. Y. Burbank-s description : "It is the earliest quince to ripen, earliest to bear, productive, smooth, handsome, lemon-yellow, very large and cooks in five minutes." Childs' de- 264 scription : "Fruit larger than the largest apples, nearly round ; skin smooth; flesh tender, very mild pleasant flavor, delicious to eat raw or cooked. Tree large, rank grower, bears enormously." Elephant: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Fruit produced in the greatest abundance ; good specimens a foot and a half around each way; smooth bright orange, flesh yellow, turning to a deep pink when cooked; of superior quality." Muck: Keystone Nurseries, Lancaster, Pa. "Large and prolific." Santa Rosa: Seedling of Rea Mammoth. Originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Remarkable for its great size, exquisite beauty of form, polished light lemon yellow almost white skin, productive- ness, tenderness of flesh, delicious flavor and diminutive core. The fruit is fine grained and so free from the harsh acid of the old quinces that it is as good as some of the popular apples for eating raw, fully equal to the best of apples or pears when baked, stewed or canned and makes a superior light colored dried fruit. Tree unusually vigorous. September." PEACH Abilene: A cross between Mamie Ross and Elberta. Originated with J. M. Howell, Weatherf ord, Texas. Fruit large, yellow ; flesh firm, good flavor, good shipper, freestone. Ripens July 15. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Argyle Elberta: Franklin Davis Nursery Co., Baltimore, Md. Said to be a strain of Elberta, but the fruit is of finer color, redder, of better flavor, and keeps better than Elberta, ripens iour to six days later than Elberta. Alice (of Emery) : Fruit good size, freestone, Spanish type. Originated with a Mr. Emery at Arkansas Pass, Texas. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Anabell: A small white cling introduced by F. T. Ramsey on account of its heavy bearing habits. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Annabel: Austin Nursery, Austin, Texas. Originated in Texas. "One of the largest peaches we have ever seen. The color is most gorgeous red and yellow. July 10 to 20 in Texas." Said to be larger and more brilliant in color than Elberta, but is not a sure bearer in Texas. Annie Willia^iis: Originated in Smith County, Texas. Fruit white with red cheek resembling Mamie Ross, but is earlier in season; flesh yellow, flavor excellent. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. A tame: From G. Onderdonk Nursery, Texas. Fruit small to medium size, roundish, greenish-yellow to rich yellow, very mild subacid, fair quality, clingstone. End of July. Atoyac: Fruit large, yellow. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Beall Late White: Fruit large, roundish, 'pale greenish-yellow, mottled and blushed with thin bright red; skin thick, tough, downy; flesh 265 creamy- white stained red, red at stone, moderately juicy, fibrous, very meaty, mild subacid, good ; stone free. Tree erect, vigorous, leaf glands orbicular. October. Maryland Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Berks' Favorite: Originated with O. G. Berks, Swedesboro, N. J. Re- sembles Stevens Rareripe. Tree hardy and productive. Season same as Iron Mountain. Black's October: Fruit large, white with red cheek, highly flavored, clingstone. October. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Black's September: Fruit large, yellow, juicy, delicious. September. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Blanche: From R. Bates, Jackson, S. C. Fruit medium size, roundish, rich yellow, nearly sweet, fairly good quality, clingstone. August. BlooDiuigton: From Ray Smith, St. George, Utah. Fruit large, roundish, dull yellow, nearly sweet, clingstone. Last of September and first of October. Bolivian Cling : Fruit medium to large, irregularly roundish, rich golden yellow, nearly sweet, poor to fair quality, clingstone. August. Bolivian Free: Fruit medium size, roundish-oval, greenish-yellow, mild subacid, poor to fair quality, freestone. August. Boyett's Extra Cling: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tenn. Not de- scribed. Briner: Same as Briner's Favorite. See report for 1920. Buckhorn: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. Fruit medium to large, roundish to oval, creamy white to pale yellow, mild subacid, good quality, freestone. July. Burk: Fruit medium size, roundish, sides often unequal^ suture to apex; apex rounded ; color creamy white, mottled with rich red ; skin thick, tough with considerable down ; flesh creamy, tinted red, red at stone, moderately juicy, nearly sweet, fair; stone free. Tree erect, vigorous; leaf glands orbicular. Maryland Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. September. Butler: Fruit round, sometimes lopsided, medium large ; suture to apex ; color rich yellow, mottled and blushed red ; flesh rich yellow, tinged red, red at stone, juicy, nearly sweet, fair; stone cling. Tree vigor- ous, spreading; leaf glands reniform. September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Cauthcn : Seedling of Elberta. Originated by Mrs. Thomas Cauthen, Lampasas, Texas, in 1901. Fruit large, deep yellow ; flesh firm, fine flavor; pit small, freestone, follows Elberta in season, and is as good as Elberta. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Chas. Evans: Thompson Nurseries, Waco, Texas. Originated with Chas. Evans, Waco, Texas. "Large, oblong, rich yellow with red cheek. Follows Elberta and is a clingstone of unusually fine quality." Clara (of Onderdonk) ; Originated with Gilbert Onderdonk in 1906. Fruit small, sweet with slight tinge of bitterness, ripens last of May. Of Peen-To parentage. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. 266 Cole: Originated with J. R. Cole, Dallas County, Texas. Indian type. Skin dark with streaks of red. Flesh firm, juicy; clingstone. Ripens August 1. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Coleman (of Mississippi) : J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated near Utica, Miss. Fruit large, yellow, freestone, ripen- ing ten days after Smock; said to be similar to Smock. Columbine : Drum Seed and Floral Co., Ft. Worth, Texas. "Very large; skin downy; dingy yellow; juicy and rich; ripe about June 20 and continues for a month." Connet's Latest: Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Fruit large, yellow, freestone ; flavor rich, season November. Denvy: Fruit roundish, sides unequal, medium or above; suture beyond apex; skin thick, tough, downy, creamy color with faint blush; flesh white, moderately juicy, meaty, pleasant, nearly sweet, fair; stone large, cling. Tree erect, vigorous, leaf glands orbicular. September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. DeWitt: Fruit medium size; flesh creamy-white, firm, fine flavor, ripens August 5 to 10. Originated in Kaufman County, Texas. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Dixie (Not Dixie of Hedrick) : Seedling of Elberta. Originated at San Marcos, Texas. Fruit yellow with pink cheek, two weeks earlier than Elberta. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Dixon: Originated with C. P. Orr, Arp, Texas. Fruit large, creamy- white; flesh firm, juicy, fine flavor, clingstone. Tree vigorous, ' prolific. July 15 to 25. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Dock Harris: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tenn. Not described. Double Crop: Fruit medium, roundish, sides unequal; suture beyond apex ; pale yellow mottled with heavy red almost black, very attrac- tive; flesh cream-colored, stained red, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, meaty, sweet, spicy, good ; stone cling. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular. August. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Early (of Burbank) : Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Productive home peach of surpassing beauty and excellent for home use." Early Smock: Fruit medium, roundish, sides often unequal; suture to apex ; rich yellow with bright and dark red mottling ; flesh yellow, red at stone, melting, moderately juicy, fibrous, mild subacid, fair; stone free. Tree erect, vigorous, very productive; leaf glands reni- form. September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Ellington: Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Originated with Captain Ellington, Greensboro, N. C. Said to be a peach of first class quality, ripening in November in North Carolina. Ensley: Planters' Nursery, Humboldt, Tenn. "Very large, yellow, 12 peaches fill peck." Eva: Willow Lake Nursery, Marshallville, Ga. Originated by Judge J. A. Edwards, Marshallville, Ga. Fruit very large, yellow with red cheek; flesh yellow, firm, rather 'dry texture, excellent flavor; free- stone; later than Salway. 2^^ Eva (of Stubenrauch) ; Seedling of Mamie Ross by Elberta. Originated by J. W. Stubenrauch, Mexia, Texas. Fruit nearly round, mostly covered with red, size of Elberta and of similar quality but ripens several days earlier. Freestone. Fcmmonsi: From M. Sharp, Vacaville, Calif. Fruit very large, roundish- oval, smooth, greenish yellow, mild subacid flavor, fair quality, clingstone. July. Fiiiley Cling: Thompson Nursery, Waco, Texas. "White cling; better than Gen. Lee or Chinese Cling. Ripens last of July." Originated at Waco, Texas. Prcdcrica: Fruit large, roundish, lopsided; suture to apex; light yellow, washed with heavy dark red and mottled with light red; flesh rich yellow, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, melting, rich, spicy, good; stone very large, free. Tree somewhat spreading, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular. September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Fruitland Cling: Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Originated in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Fruit nearly as large as Elberta ; flesh firm and of excellent flavor and quality; color red; flesh dark orange color ; a good shipper. Fulton: Adams County Nursery and Fruit Farms, Aspers, Pa. Fruit large, creamy-white covered with red, fine market peach. Tree heavy bearer. August. Gardi)ia: Fruit medium size, white, freestone. Originated with Peler Jecker, Victoria, Texas in 1908. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Georgia Cling: Fruit medium to large, roundish, somewhat elongated, somewhat lopsided ; suture to apex ; white with bright mottling over most of the surface, dark blush; flesh white, juicy, spicy, meaty, mild subacid, good ; stone large, cling. Tree spreading, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular or wanting. August. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Gilbert: Xewton Nurseries, Newton, Miss. A seedling grown by S. B. Gilbert, Newton, Miss. Fruit large, oblong, white with red cheek. August. Gold Medal: Gardiner's Nurseries, Kennewick, Wash. Not described. Gold Miller: Fruit medium, roundish, lopsided ; suture to apex, color rich yellow, with rich dull blush, very attractive ; flesh yellow, tinged with green, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, meaty, pleasant, good; stone large, free. Tree vigorous, erect. August. Md. Exp. Sta. Bull. 159. Leaf glands orbicular. Golden Acme: Utah Nursery Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. Origi- nated near Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas. Fruit large, highly colored, beautiful ; flesh rich, sweet, delicious. Tree vigorous, very productive. Season early, 10 days after Amsden. Freestone. Gordon (of Tucker-Mosby Seed Co.) : Tucker-Mosby Seed Co., Mem- phis, Tenn. Originated near Byron, Ga., has been disseminated under several other names. Fruit nearly as large as Carman; season first half of June. 268 Grace: Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Originated by Paul Edmundson, Gilford College, N. C. Fruit creamy-white with blush; flavor delicious ; freestone. Hardison Seedling: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not de- scribed. Harris: Originated with J. T. Harris, Lampasas, Texas. Fruit large, white with delicate pink blush; flesh juicy, sweet. Prolific bearer. 'Ripens Sept. 1 to 15. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Harfs Cling: Originated with D. M. Hart, Jr., Weatherford, Texas. Fruit pinkish white, flesh creamy white, red at pit. August. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Heard: Fruit medium, roundish with sides compressed; suture three- fourths around fruit ; color pale yellow with small blush or mottling of bright red; flesh white tinged with yellow, moderately juicy, very firm, meaty, nearly sweet, fair; stone large, cling. Tree vigor- ous, spreading; leaf glands reniform. September. Md. Agr. Exp., Bull. 159. Heidelberg : Fruit medium large, round, lopsided; suture to apex; color rich yellow almost entirely blushed with red, attractive; flesh rich yellow, red at stone; juicy, fibrous, meaty, spicy, nearly sweet, excellent; stone large, free. Tree erect, vigorous. August. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Leaf glands orbicular. Henderson: Fruit medium or above, roundish, often lopsided; suture beyond apex ; color yellow, mottled with bright and dark red with dull purplish stripes and patches; flesh yellow, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, meaty, mild pleasant subacid, fair to good ; stone large, free. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular. August. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Hess Seedling: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not de- scribed. Hodgin: E. B. Hodgin, Spout Springs, N. C. Fruit medium to large, roundish, sides compressed, smooth, pale yellow mottled with rich red, mild subacid, good to best quality, stone nearly free. July. Holcombe: "A yellow freestone of medium size, has a very rich pleasant flavor." Rep. N. J. State Hort. Soc, 1915. Hoovers' October: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not de- scribed. Horton: Fruit large, roundish, lopsided; suture to apex; color pale yellow with rich deep blush, rather attractive; flesh rich yellow, juicy, meaty, nearly sweet, fair; stone large, semi-cling. Tree vigorous, spreading ; leaf glands orbicular. September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Hoy: Originated with Miss Jessie Hoy, Bonham, Texas. Fruit large, handsome, yellow, exquisite flavor, freestone, ripens with Elberta but is a better peach. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Improved Muir: American Fruit Grower, March 1922. Said to be a cross between Muir and Strawberry. Much juicier and better than 269 Muir and more pointed and redder. Originated by J. W. Robinson, Sebastopol, Calif. Jack Beall: Waxahachie Nursery Co., Waxahachie, Texas. A chance seedling originating in Ellis County, Texas. "Large yellow cling- stone, quality first class. Jarrell: Fruit large, roundish, sometimes oblong, sides unequal ; suture nearly or entirely around fruit; color creamy white with small dull blush; flesh creamy white, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, flavor rather bitter, poor. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular. September. Md. Exp. Sta. Bull. 159. Stone large, free. John Adams: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not described. Junebcrta: Seedling of Elberta. Originated with J. F. Sneed, Tyler, Texas. Fruit large, yellow, resembles Elberta except it is a cling- stone. June. Texas Dept. Agr. Bull. 32. Kathryn: Chance seedling found by J. W. Heal, Beverly, N. J., in 1915. Supposed to be a cross between Belle and 'Greensboro. Fruit of good size; flesh white, quality high; flavor similar to Belle; free- stone. Tree vigorous and productive. Ripens with Carman. Kcyport Red Cling: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Fruit large, red, clingstone, much like old Mixon cling but higher colored. Kirk: Originated by J. W. Stubenrauch, Mexia, Texas. Fruit light lemon yellow with red cheek, good size, good quality, good shipper, cling- stone. Late Admirable : Fruit medium, roundish, little lopsided; suture short; color pale yellow with a little heavy red and bright mottling, dull colored; flesh greenish yellow, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, meaty, mild subacid slightly bitter, fair to good ; stone very large, free. Tree vigorous, spreading. Leaf glands orbicular. August. Md. Exp. Sta. Bull. 159. iMury's Choice: Seems to be identical with Late Crawford. Rep. N. J. State Hort. Soc, 1915. Linfhicum : Fruit roundish pointed, sides unequal, medium; color pale yellow with heavy blush ; flesh light yellow, red at stone, moderately juicy, fibrous, pleasant, mild subacid, nearly sweet, good. Stone large, free. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular or wanting. August. Md. Exp. Sta. Bull. 159. Llewellyn: Fruit small, roundish; suture to apex; color dull greenish, mottled with dark red and streaked with carmine overcast with grey, dull colored; flesh white, deep carmine next to skin, juicy, fibrous, meaty, mild subacid, fair ; stone large, cling. Tree spread- ing, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular. August. Md. Exp. Sta. Bull. 159. Lyndon Cling: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated by Dr. L. Lyndon Hobbs, President of Guilford College, N. C. Fruit very large, handsome, yellow with red cheek; flesh brittle, juicy, very good, clingstone. Season last half of August, in Georgia. 270 McKee: Austin Nursery, Austin, Texas. "Wonderful for its striking color. July 15 to 25." Indian type inside and out, prolific. Mason Orange: From B. F. Mason, Martinsville, Ind. Fruit very large, irregular, roundish; rich orange yellovir, splashed red and carmine; pleasant mild subacid flavor, fairly good quality. September. Mays' October: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not de- scribed. Michigan Beauty: The Monroe Nursery, Monroe, Michigan. Fruit large, highly colored ; flesh yellow, rich, quality like Crawford Late, freestone. Tree vigorous, productive. First part of October. Midland: Originated with J. M. Howell, Weatherford, Texas. Fruit large, yellow, flesh yellow, freestone, ripens July 20. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Mikado (Not Mikado of Hedrick) : Originated with E. W. Kirkpatrick, McKinney, Texas. Fruit bright yellow, firm, good shipper, semi- cling. Tree prolific. June. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Minter: Originated with Morgan Minter near Como, Texas. Fruit large, white with red cheek, semi-cling; tree vigorous, productive, June. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Mosty's Cling: Originated with L. A. Mosty, Kerrville, Texas. Fruit medium, deep orange covered with crimson ; flesh firm, fine quality. September. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Mosty's Free: Originated with L. A. Mosty, Kerrville, Texas. Fruit medium, deep orange covered with crimson ; flesh firm, quality fine, freestone ; September. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Motlow: J. C. Hale Nursery Co., Winchester, Tenn. Fruit yellow, freestone, as large as Elberta but ripens two weeks later. Quality fine ; tree very vigorous and productive. Originated in Winchester, Tenn. M. T. Cox: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not described, Munford: Austin Nursery, Austin, Texas. Originated by S. B. Mun- ford, San Marcos, Texas. "A large round Honey type freestone, of high quality, almost as smooth as a nectarine; sure bearer." Neal ''Stuart October: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not described. Newcombe: W. E. Collins Company, Fennville, Michigan. Originated near Fennville, Mich. Fruit large, round, yellow overspread with carmine; high quality, freestone; ripens just ahead of Elberta. Nii'Ui: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated with J. C. McNeill, Hinds County, Miss. Fruit large, yellow shaded with red ; flesh yellow, quality fine, freestone. Season middle of August. Between Elberta and Matthews Beauty. October Elberta: Fruit medium size, oblong-pointed; suture to apex; skin thick, tough, somewhat downy, pale yellow with bright blush; flesh creamy, red at stone, juicy, meaty, pleasant mild subacid, fair; stone large, cling. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands reniform, September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. 271 Oklahoma: Chipola Nursery, Apalachicola, Fla. "Tree a good grower, fruit large, juicy, fine flavor, beautiful appearance, freestone." Oklahoma Beauty: Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. "Nearly round and is more highly colored than the Greensboro, three days earlier, and equals it in every other respect. Some specimens measure 8 inches in circumference, semi-cling." Oklahoma Queen: Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. "Ripens one week after Greensboro ; very large ; white creamy ground with beautiful blush, semi-cling." Patison: Crow's Nurseries, Gilroy, Gal. Originated with J. C. Patison, Gilroy, Cal., about 1900. Fruit extra large for its season which is immediately following Alexander. Flesh clear golden yellow par- tially clinging to the seed, fine grained, highly flavored, very good quality for an early variety. Persia: Fruit large, roundish, lopsided; suture to apex; color light yellow shaded and mottled with bright and dull red, attractive ; flesh rich yellow, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, meaty, rich mild subacid, very good; stone large, free. Tree vigorous, spreading; leaf glands reniform. Last of August and first of September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Philip Horton: Originated with Philip Horton, Smith County, Texas. Fruit very large, 3'ellow, fine flavor, cling, ripens after Elberta. Tree prolific. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Pomcroy: Originated with Pomeroy Page of Titus County, Texas. Fruit large, firm, yellow, good flavor. Tree vigorous. August. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 3-2. Quality (of Burbank) : Originated by Luther Burbank who says: "The best flavored of all my Crawford-Muir hybrids." Ranes Seedling: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. Not de- scribed. Red Georgia: Bunting's Nurseries, Selbyville, Del. Fruit medium to large ; skin deep blood red ; flesh red ; clingstone. Tree vigorous, abundant cropper. Last of September. Ribroco: Rice Bros. Co., Geneva, N. Y. "A large, handsome freestone with golden skin, covered with a bright crimson blush. Flesh yel- low, juicy. Valuable for market, a good shipper. Ripens after Crawford Early." Richards: C. W. Stuart & Company, Newark, N. Y. Originated in Central New York. Fruit very large, yellow with red cheek; flesh light yellow, quality excellent. Tree a heavy bearer. Middle of September. Robert G. Nectar: Fruit medium size, roundish to oblong, often lopsided; suture beyond apex ; skin thick, tough, considerably downy, creamy white with indication of blush; flesh creamy white, juicy, tender, fibrous, mild subacid, bitterish, poor ; stone large, free. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands reniform. September. Md, Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. n 272 San Antonio: A yellow freestone of good quality which originated in the U. S. Exp. Farm, San Antonio, Texas, where it ripens July 1. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Scarborough: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated near Greensboro, N. C. Fruit resembles Old Mixon Free but ripens three weeks later. Seafon's Golden Cling: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated in Hinds County, Miss. Fruit medium to large, golden yellow, fine quality, very prolific, clingstone. Season middle of July in Miss. Smith Yellow: Fruit medium large, shaped like Crawford Late but more pointed ; suture to apex ; color rich yellow shaded and mottled with bright and dark red; flesh rich yellow, juicy, red at stone, rich, spicy, nearly sweet, excellent ; stone medium, free. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands orbicular. Last of August and first of September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. South Ha7/cn: Originated by A. G. Spencer, South Haven, Mich., about 1908. Fruit large, roundish, thick-skinned, highly colored; flesh yellow. Freestone ; ripens with St. John, about the middle of August. Hoosier Horticulture, Oct. 1921. Stonewall Jackson Free: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Fruit very large, sometimes weighing twenty ounces ; orange yel- low ; flesh yellow, firm, fine for canning or market. Seedling of Crawford Late and originated in Union County, N. C. Middle of August. Tarbell (Not Tarbell of Hedrick) : Fruit yellow; flesh very tender; freestone. Originated in Smith County, Texas, and was intro- duced by J. T. Whitaker, Tyler, Texas. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Thorn: Originated with J. S. Thorn, Canton, Texas. Fruit large, light yellow, firm, cling, good shipper, one of the best keepers of all of the Texas peaches. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Togo: Originated with E. W. Kirkpatrick, McKinney, Texas. Fruit medium size, red cheek, white flesh, good quality, extra early, ripening Mav 10 in Texas. Tree prolific. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 82. Tom Davis: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. Originated in South Carolina ; said to be a large yellow clingstone of very fine quality. Late August. Tryon: Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Fruit large, red blush on creamy skin ; flavor delicious, season last of July and first of August. Uneeda: Fruit medium or above, square in outline but flattened on suture side and on sides at apex; suture entirely around fruit; skin thick, pale yellow with thin bright blush ; flesh white, rather dry, meaty, mild subacid, flat, fair; stone cling. Tree vigorous, spreading, leaf glands orbicular. August. Md. Exp. Sta., Bui. 159. 273 Utah Orange: Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Originated near Salt Lake City about 189L Fruit resembles Foster; quality rich ; freestone ; tree thrifty, productive. Follows Elberta in season and is an excellent shipper. Weatherford: Originated with J. M. Howell, Weatherford, Texas. Fruit large, white with red cheek, fine flavor, freestone. Ripens Sept. L Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Winnie Davis: Fruit medium to above, nearly round, sides often unequal; suture beyond apex ; color greenish-white with purplish blush ; flesh greenish-white, red at stone, melting, juicy, modferately tender, subacid, good ; stone large, semi-cling. Tree vigorous, spreading, not productive; leaf glands orbicular. October. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. L59. Winstone: Same as Winstone Seedling. See report for 1920. Wright Nebraska: Fruit very large, roundish or slightly flattened; suture to apex; color rich yellow, somewhat mottled and blushed with bright red; flesh rich yellow, tinged with red, red at stone, juicy, fibrous, meaty, pleasant mild subacid, very good ; stone large, free. Tree erect, vigorous ; leaf glands reniform. Last half of August and first half of September. Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 159. Yellozv Dazis: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. "A large yellow freestone of excellent quality; very prolific; ripens middle of August in North Carolina. Yellow Sandy River Seedling Cling: Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, N. C. Fruit large, yellow; flesh juicy, acid, valuable for home use or market. Clingstone. Said to come true from seed. PLUM Advance (Not Advance of Hedrick) : A cross between the Japanese and native types. "It is the largest early plum and the earliest large plum." Ripens last of May. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Alma: Seedling of Caro, fruit large, oval; cavity narrow, abrupt; stem short, slender; suture a distinct line; skin thick, tough, yellow, thinly washed with bright red ; dots few, small, yellow ; bloom thin, bluish; flesh yellow, juicy, sweet, rich, good; stone cling. Americana group. Bull. No. 43, Exp. Farms, Ottawa, Canada. Anoka: Alinnesota Horticulturist, September 1921. Burbank x DeSoto ; originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm. "Hardy, strong growing nursery tree making a moderate sized tree in the orchard. Fruit large, dark red, medium size; flesh very firm; pit clinging; quality fair. Ripens first week in September." Promising as a market variety. Austrian Prune: Scions imported from the Imperial gardens, Vienna, Austria, in 1893, by Geo. Aprill, Ann Arbor, Mich. Fruit larger than any American or Japanese variety; specimens weighing 4 to 5 18 274 ounces ; flesh delicious. Tree hardy and productive. September in Michigan. Beauty Junior: Seedling of Beauty. Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Very large, round, deepest crimson, superior quality, long keeper. September and October." Bodabrad: Same as Austrian Prune. C alloc: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Very large, deep purple plum. Flesh yellow, sweet, rich, freestone. Good grower and productive. Ripe August 10." CasiqUrc: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Ripens here June 20 with the earliest plums. Large, round, purple; flesh shaded yellow and crimson like Santa Rosa, sweet, rich, delicious. About one week earlier than Santa Rosa. Productive." Churry: Fruit medium size, very dark red ; flesh meaty ; stone almost free. Americana type. Not worth propagating except possibly for breeding purposes. Bull. 114, Iowa Exp. Sta. Corona: Seedling of Caro originated at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, oval, lopsided ; cavity medium size, shallow ; suture slightly depressed ; apex knobbed ; skin thick, tough, greenish-yellow, overspread with bright red ; flesh greenish- yellow, firm, juicy, meaty, sweet, good; stone large, cling. Septem- ber. Cranberry: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Fruit small, one inch in diameter, brilliant rosy crimson color ; flesh white, exquisitely delicious, freestone. Very productive. October 10 to November 10." Cremo: Cross between Botan and Chickasaw, originating on the farm of Sam H. Dixon, in Montgomery County, Texas. Fruit large, yellow, ripens June 1 to 10. Tree vigorous, upright, prolific. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Creosoto: Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D. Cross be- tween the sand cherry and DeSoto. Tree an early and abundant cropper. Crimson Beauty (of Burbank) .• Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Medium size, finest quality for home use." Crimson Cluster: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Latest of all; ripening in November ; enormously productive ; beautiful, superior." Dara: Seedling of Caro, originated at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Can. Fruit large, roundish to oval ; cavity medium size ; suture a distinct line ; skin thick, yellow, mottled and thinly washed with red; flesh yellow, juicy, sweet, pleasant, good; stone medium size, almost free. Season late. Discovery: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Earlier than Climax and of same size but infinitely better in quality; deep crimson. Flesh sweet, rich, firm, rosy crimson. Productive. July. Douglas: Fruit rather large, conical, yellow with purple tinge; flesh firm, flavor good. Tree upright, vigorous, hardy and productive. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. 275 Easton: Aye Brothers, Blair, Nebr. Japanese type, not described. Eldorado (of Burbank) ; Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit black and flat like an apple ; flesh firm, pale salmon color, rich, sweet, delicious, freestone. Season early. Ettor: A cross of Norman with Chabot originated by A. L. Bruce, Clarendon, Texas. Resembles both parents. Fine flavor Tree large, productive. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Firmina: Seedling of Consul, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, oval, wedge, slightly lopsided ; cavity medium size ; suture indistinct ; skin medium thick, yellow, mottled and washed with carmine red ; flesh yellow, firm, not juicy, sweet or insipid, medium quality; stone large, free. September. Frances: Originated with the Texas Nursery Company, Sherman, Texas. Fruit large, yellow, handsome, ripens late in June. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Gigantic: (Provisional name) Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit extra large, clear lemon yellow ; flesh lemon yellow, sweet, and fine ; nearly freestone. August 20 to September 15. Gill: Fruit medium size, round, blue covered with light bloom; flesh firm sweet, rich, good. Tree strong, vigorous, spreading. Cir. No. 94, Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Hazel: Seedling of Gloria, originated at Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, roundish-ovate ; cavity medium size ; suture indistinct ; skin thick, tough, yellow overspread with dull rich red; flesh golden yellow, juicy, moderately firm, sweet, good; stone large, flattened. September. Hogg: Originated with Sam H. Dixon, Houston, Texas. A seedling of Kelsey. Fruit large, mottled, delicious flavor, semi-cling, ripens June 10. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Home (Provisional name) : Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit salmon color, half covered with pale crimson, pale thin bloom. Flesh lemon yellow, firm, juicy, sweet, very fragrant, delicious, cling. Tree a very strong upright grower, productive. Home Chestnut: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Salmon skin, covered with pale crimson with numerous yellow dots. Flesh lemon yellow, firm but juicy. Good grower and regular bearer." (This may be the same as Home of an earlier catalogue.) Honey Prune: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Seedling of French prune. Larger than the French prune, white, semi-transparent with a heavy white bloom ; flesh honey sweet, "excels -all other prunes or plums". Hubert: Originated with A. L. Bruce, Clarendon, Texas. Fruit large, purple ; flesh coarse grained, fine flavor. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Imperial Blue: Originated by Israel Pennington, Mason, Mich. Fruit under medium size, nearly round, purplish black with bluish bloom ; stem short; cavity shallow, flesh greenish-yellow, soft, delicate, 276 juicy, rich, sweet; pit small. Season September. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Inca: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit large, oval, greenish- yellow tinged crimson; flesh firm, yellow, sweet, delicious. Very productive, September. Joseph: Originated with Joseph Rowley, Sr., Cummings Bridge, Ontario. Fruit very large, oval, flattened ; cavity shallow, medium width ; suture a distinct line; skin rather thick, yellow, mottled and washed with attractive red; flesh yellow, juicy, sweet, rich, good, quality very good for an American plum. September. Bull. No. 43, Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Julia May: Originated and introduced by W. H. Perkins, McKinney, Texas. Fruit large, deep red, quality good. Ripens last half of May. Texas Dept. Agr.,- Bull. 32. Kaw: N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D. Prunus watsoni x Wolf. Fruit bright dark red with fine white dots and white bloom. Flesh yellow, crisp, pleasing quality. Kilmorc: Seedling of Yosemite purple. Originated by Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, roundish, slightly flattened ; cavity medium size ; suture a distinct line ; skin rather thick, bright purplish red ; dots numerous, yellow. Flesh deep yellow, juicy, sweet, rich, good; stone above medium, almost free. Season medium late. Kingston Sugar: Fruit above medium size, heart shaped; cavity shallow; stem medium length, rather stout ; suture a distinct line ; skin rather thick and tough, green with traces of yellow ; flesh yellowish- green, juicy, sweet, very good; stone medium size, cling; belongs to Reine Claude group. Bull. No. 43, Exp. Farm. Ottawa, Canada. Lester: Seedling of DeSoto, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium or above, roundish ; cavity narrow, shallow ; suture a distinct line ; skin rather thick, yellow, mostly covered with bright red, bloom moderate, bluish ; dots small, yellow; flesh deep yellow, juicy, sweet, good; stone medium size, semi-cling. September. Tree very productive. I^oring : Minnesota Horticulturist, December 1917. Originated at Lons- dale, Rice County, Minn. Fruit over 2 inches in diameter, well colored; flesh firm, free from bitterness with a slight peach flavor; clingstone. Tree hardy productive. Major: Seedling of the wild plum of Manitoba, originated at the Experimental Farm, Brandon, Manitoba. Fruit rather small, quality good, season very early. Mancheno: Seedling of Cheney x Manitoba, originated by the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit medium size, oval ; cavity narrow, rather deep; stem medium length, slender; suture indistinct ; skin moderately thick, yellow, nearly covered with deep red; dots obscure; flesh yellow, juicy, briskly subacid, some- what astringent, medium quality ; stone large, cling. 277 . Marler: Seedling of Caro, originated at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, roundish to oval; cavity medium size ; stem medium length, rather stout ; suture a distinct line ; skin thick, yellow covered with bright crimson ; dots numerous, yellow, conspicuous; bloom pinkish; flesh yellow, firm, juicy, sweet, rich, good; stone medium size, cling. Belongs to Americana group. May Beauty: Munson Nurseries, Denison, Texas. Abundance X an early Chickasaw variety. Originated by J. M. Funk, Denison, Texas, about 1898. Fruit large, red, same shape as Wild Goose; juicy, of best quality. Season early. Mound (Minn. No. 50).- Burbank x Wolf. Originated by the Minne- sota Fruit Breeding Station, Zumbra Heights, Minn. Fruit large, oval, yellowish-red; flesh firm, quality fair; pit small, semi-cling; promising as a market variety. Tree hardy and a heavy regular cropper. September. Red Magnate — -error for Red Nagnate : Tucker-Mosby Seed Company, Memphis, Tenn. Rhoda: Seedling of Cheney. Originated at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, oval ; cavity broad, moderately deep; suture slightly depressed; skin rather thin, dark red; flesh rich, orange-yellow, firm, juicy, sweet, rich, pleasant, good; stone semi-free. September. Sachem: iuther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit large, egg-shaped, purple ; flesh rich magenta, firm, sweet, freestone. Tree vigorous and productive. An early hybrid plum. Sam Dixon: Seedling of Wild Goose x Botan, originated by J. M. Howell. Fruit large, red, flavor fine, good shipper. Tree vigorous, prolific. Ripens June 10. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Sehe Thomas: Originated with A. L. Bruce', Clarendon, Texas. Fruit very large, fine flavor, resembles Six Weeks. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Sumono: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Not described. "Swcetesf Prune: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Not described. Thunder Cloud: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Foliage has a wonderful metallic-crimson lustre. Fruit good." Toto: Seedling of Wild Goose, originated with Sam H. Dixon, Houston, Texas. Fruit medium size, purple red, firm, good flavor, good shipper, makes fine jelly; tree productive. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Troy: Seedling of Cheney, originated at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Fruit large, roundish ; suture fairly distinct ; skin rather thick, yellowish, washed with deep red ; dots numerous, small, yellow; flesh deep yellow, juicy, sweet, good to very good; stone rather large, flattened, September. Valleda: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit large, oval, deepest crimson ; flesh crimson, sweet, rich, extra fine quality, freestone. Tree vigorous, productive. August. 278 White Japan: Austin Nursery, Austin, Texas. "Roundish, transparent cream colored, finest quality, June." Winona (Minn. No. 30) : Triflora x Americana. Originated by the Min- nesota Fruit Breeding Station. Fruit large, yellow turning red when ripe, roundish; flesh juicy, sweet, very good; semi-cling. Tree vigorous, regular and productive bearer. Yellow May: Baker Bros., Forth Worth, Texas. Not described. PLUMCOT Silver: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit long, oval-flattened, deep silvery purple; flesh firm, deep yellow, -juicy, sub-acid, flavor of finest cranberries either fresh or cooked, juice like that of straw- berries. Tree vigorous, productive. APRICOT Coc's Hemskirk: Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. "In size fully as large as any other variety and of better quality, a regular bearer." Said to have originated in California. Gold Dust: J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C. "From Japan. Very large; deep, golden yellow and fine in quality." Jones: Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. "Medium, yellow with red cheek, prolific, early." Key: Austin Nursery Co., Austin, Texas. Chance seedling* originated with J. R. Key, Lampasas, Texas. Fruit medium size, good quality. Tree a regular bearer. May in Texas. Knobel: Crow's Nurseries, Gilroy, Cal. Originated with M. D. Knobel, San Jose, Cal. "A greatly improved Blenheim. Tree a strong thrifty grower. A better all round commercial fruit than Blenheim." Smyr)ia: Leonard Coates Nursery Co., Morganhill, Cal. "New, kernel is sweet like the almond." NECTARINE Breck: Originated with Jos. Breck, Travis County, Texas. Said to be of the shape, size and qualit\' of the Honey peach. Texas Dept. Agr.. Bull. 32. Griffith: Austin Nursery Co., Austin, Texas. Original tree on grounds of Mr. Griffith, East Austin, Texas. "Large fine yellow and red fruit ; prolific, regular bearer." J. C. Wees: Kavan Nurseries, San Bernardino, Calif. A chance seedling, originated by J. C. Wees, San Bernardino, Calif., aI)out 1915. Not described. Red Cling: Originated with John Burkhardt, Fayette County, Texas. Spanish type, good flavor, cling. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Tough: Originated by J. W. Stubenrauch, Mexia, Texas. Fruit nearly round, smaller than Elberta peach ; skin tough, nearly covered with red; flesh quite juicy and of highest quplity. Freestone. 279 Wilkinson: Austin Nursery, Austin, Texas. Looks and tastes like a Honey Peach; fair size; valuable on account of succeeding so far south. Fine and productive at Austin. Ycllozi': Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. '"Large, crimson, rich yellow flesh. Enormous and constant bearer." CHERRY Black Orb : Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 'Tree vigorous grower. Fruit large, round, purplish black. Flesh high colored and excellent quality. Pit small and free. An excellent variety for canning or shipping." Cirucla: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Evergreen Patagonian Cherry, most rapid growing of all cherries. Lumber greatly prized for furniture. Very ornamental, symmetrical, upright grower; long clusters of fruits in profusion like that of Prunus serotina, but larger and sweeter." Dai's Early Red: Porter-Walton Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. "Very large ; deep red. Delicious sweet flavor. Ripens here the last of May or first part of June." Early Dychousc: Probably same as Dyehouse. Guilford Seedling: Dubuque Nursery, Dubuque, Iowa. Not described. Honey Dew: (Of Plumfield Nursery). Originated with J. H. Walters, Wahoo, Nebraska, as a chance seedling about 1903. Fruit large, yellow and light red; flesh firm, meaty, sweet, rich and of highest quality. Koontz Mannnoth : The Monroe Nursery. Monroe, Michigan. Origi- nated in Northern Indiana. Fruit large, nearly twice the size of Early Richmond and about the same shape ; flesh melting, firm acid ; seeds small. Last of June. Pennington : Originated by Israel Pennington, Mason, Mich., about 1858. Fruit large, roundish, heart-shaped, dark red ; flesh pale, yellowish- white, sweet, vinous, rich, firm. Tree upright, very productive. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Porter Tartarian: Max J. Crow & Son. Gilroy, Cal. Said to be a strain of Black Tartarian originated with Robert Porter, Santa Clara, Cal. Fruit is a little larger, firmer, and better shipper than Black Tar- tarian and does not crack with rain, nor sunburn like its parent. Tree strong, vigorous, exceedingly prolific, ripens later than Black Tartarian. i6 to i: Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake C\ty, Utah. Fruit large, red; flesh rich sub-acid ; tree very hardy. August. Warren's May: Planters' Nurseries, Humboldt, Tennessee. "Early, large, succeeds well here, of Morella type." Young's Large Black: Utah Nursery Co., Salt Lake City. Utah. "Very large ; liver color ; flesh very firm, fine flavor. Ripens early in July. An excellent market variety," 28o MULBERRY Everbearing : Tucker-Mosby Seed Co., Memphis, Tenn. Not described but supposed to be either Hicks or Black English. PERSIMMON American Honey : The Munson Nurseries, Denison, Texas. "A tree of the native persimmon found wild, bearing profusely of large, clear honey colored fruit of finest quality preferred by all to even the finest Japanese kinds. It has few small seeds." Garretson: J. F. Jones, Lancaster, Pa. A native from Adams County, Pa. Fruit small, delicious, seedless, productive. Hyakrniiic: Same as Hyakume. Lambert: J. F. Jones, Lancaster, Pa. A native from Hiawatha, Kansas. Fruit very large, bright yellow, very showy, very good quality, few seeds. Oalcame: Same as Okame. Saburoza: Fruit small to medium, four prominent lobes beyond calyx; very dark tomato red, surface glossy, very attractive ; flesh very dark cinnamon when seeded, sweet, rich, excellent. Bull. 316, Calif. Exp. Sta. Yemoan: Same as Yemon. HAWTHORN Chinese Fruiting. Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "A very beau- tiful small tree bearing great quantities of bright crimson fruit as large as large olives, which is excellent for jam, jellies, etc. The foliage also is very beautiful during the fall." GRAPE Australis (of Burbank) : Seedling of Pierce, originated by Luther Bur- bank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Berry very large, blue-black, quality very best, very early in season. Beula: Originated about 50' years ago with the late Benj. F. Meekins, Manteo, N. C. Vine vigorous, productive, leaves medium size, dark green, cordate. Cluster of fair size, round; berry large, brownish black, pulp meaty but juicy, medium flavor and quality; skin thick, tough; suited only for wine. U. S. Dept. Agr. B. P. I., Bull. 273. Broivn (Rotundifolia) : (Not Brown of Hedrick.) Originated near Kinston, N. C. and was named by Mr. J. I. Brown of that place. Both vine and fruit are similar to the Scuppernong, but the fruit is sweeter and of better quality; the berry is also smaller. U. S. Dept. Agr. B. P. I., Bull. 273. Carolina Belle: Originated with Elisha Lamb, Dwight, N. C, about 30 years ago. Cluster medium size ; berry medium size ; oblong, almost black with small specks; pulp fairly juicy, medium quality; skin 28l thin, tough ; seeds small. Vine very vigorous ; leaf cordate, sharp pointed at tip ; glabrous, leathery. U. S. Depft. Agr. B. P. I., Bull. 273. Christmas: Seedling of Pierce. Originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Enormously productive of blue-black fruit of the very best quality, the vines appearing as a mass of very large, long full clusters which retain their superior quality during cool dry weather, or if protected by rain on the vines until nearly or quite Christmas. Bunches six to eight inches long." Clayton: Discovered by the late Col. Clayton Griffin, Swans Point, N. C. Not described. Is said to be a good variety. U. S. Dept. Agr. B. P. I., Bull. 273. Floii'crs Improved: Discovered about 1869 by J. M. Shipman, near Red Hill Swamp, N. C. Compared with Flowers the vine is more vigorous and productive, the clusters larger, the berries more oblong and cling tenaciously to~ the stem. Season late. Bull. 201, N. C. Exp. Sta. Hopkins (Rotundifolia) : (Not Hopkins of Munson.) Clusters resemble those of Scuppernong; berry large, slightly oblong, black; flesh pulpy but soft, sweet, pleasant; skin medium thick, tough; seeds 2 to 4, large. Vine vigorous, productive ; leaves large, dark green, thick, broadly cordate, irregular, dentate. Last of August at Wil- mington, N. C. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 273. Howard: Seedling of San Jacinto. Originated by the late T. V. Munson, Denison, Texas. Not described. U. S. Agr. Dept., B. P. I. Bull. 23. Hunt: Cross between prepotent white male x Flowers. Vine vigorous, productive, berry large, black, hangs on well ; skin medium to thin ; pulp medium, flavor excellent ; cluster stems long. August Bull. 133, Ga. Exp. Sta. Irene: Cross between black male and Thomas. Vine vigorous, produc- tive ; berry large, lustrous black ; skin medium, quality good ; season two weeks after Scuppernong and lasts until frost. Bull. 133, Ga. Exp. Sta. Island Belle: Jacob Kaufman Co., Seattle, Wash. Originated with Isador Bush, Bushberg, Mo. Berry and cluster larger than Con- cord ; color black, some bloom ; skin tough, a good shipper, does not crack or shatter on the vine ; productive, better quality than Con- cord ; vine fairly vigorous ; same season as Moore Early. Klickitat: A European variety, earlier than Sweetwater. Bunches large; berry round, white, large, sweet. Vine vigorous, heavy producer, hardy at Kennewick, Washington. Is also called Opal Rose. Lahama: Seedling of San Jacinto. Originated by the late T. V. Munson, Denison, Texas. Not described. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 273. Lady James : Discovered near Grindool, Pitt County, N. C, by B. M. W. James about 35 years ago. Cluster medium size, very compact with a short stem ; berry medium size, round, reddish wine color ; skin 282 thin, moderately tough with many small pimples dotting the surface ; pulp juicy, sweet, with sprightly flavor. For home use only. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 273. Latham: Discovered by F. P. Latham near Newbern, N. C, before the Civil War. Resembles Thomas and Lady James. Cluster compact, medium size with very short stem ; berry medium size, round with prominent markings, wine color ; skin thin, moderately tough, cov- ered with pin head dots; pulp juicy, exceedingly sweet with sprightly flavor. U. S. Department Agr., B. P. L Bull. 273. LuoJa: Originated near Boardman, N. C, 30 or more years ago. Clusters medium size, rather loose; berries round, dark purplish black; pulp melting, juicy, fruity, vineless. Ripens just before frost. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. L Bull. 273. Manuel: Seedling of San Jacinto. Originated by the late T. V. Munson, Denison, Texas. Not described. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. L Bull. 273. McTaznsh: Bunch below medium to small, broad, compact, slightly shouldered ; berry medium size, roundish, pale green, slightly tinged with purple ; skin thick, tough ; pulp tender, does not separate readily from seeds, juicy, sweet, slightly foxy, good to very good. Season early. Muscatella Gordo Blanco: Utah Nursery Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. A grape much resembling the Muscat of Alexandria, but with smaller and fewer seeds, and thinner skin. A valuable raisin grape. November: Cross between black male and Scuppernong. Vine vigorous prolific; berry medium size, lighter color than Scuppernong; quality fair; season late just before frost. Bull. 133, Ga. Exp. Sta. Old English: Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, N. C. Bunch medium large, well shouldered ; berry light pink to red ; very delicious, ripens in September in North Carolina after all other bunch grapes are gone. Vine a strong grower with large healthy leaves. Paw Paw: Originated in the vineyard of O. W. Rowland, Paw Paw, Mich. Bunch large, compact; berry very large resembling Concord but more acid. Flavor excellent. Special Bull. 44, Mich. Exp. Sta. Philippi: Seedling of purple Damascus x Flame Tokay. Originated by J. W. Philippi, Acampo, Cal. Bunch very large ; berry very large, skin tough, quality very fine, color deep red. Fruited first in 1905. Qualitas: Cross between black male and Thomas. Vine medium strong, very prolific ; clusters medium size ; berry medium to large, dull black; skin thin, pulp and seeds medium in size, very sweet, ex- cellent quality. Season 10 days after Scuppernong. Bull. 133, Ga. Exp. Sta. Sanbrilasco: Seedling of San Jacinto. Originated by the late T. V. Munson, Denison, Texas. Not described. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 275. 283 San Gabriel: Seedling of San Jacinto. Originated by the late T. V. Munson, Denison. Texas. Not described. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 273. Sanherbo:- Seedling of San Jacinto. Originated by the late T. V. Mun- son, Denison. Texas. Not described. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 273. Smith: Originated near Albertson, Duplin County, North Carolina, about 30 years ago. Cluster medium size and roundish ; berry large, oblong, bluish or deep purplish black with "guinea speck" markings ; vine vigorous, productive ; leaves cordate, rather thick, not much pointed. Ripens early and hangs on vine until frost. U. S. Dept. Agr.. B. P. I. Bull. 273. Spalding: Cross between prepotent white male and Flowers. Vine vigor- ous, very prolific; berry black, slightly smaller than Hunt; skin medium to thin ; pulp medium to small, quality excellent. Season two weeks after Hunt. Bull. 133, Ga. Exp. Sta. Stuckcy: Cross between black male and Scuppernong. Vine medium vigorous, productive ; berry medium to large, color of Scuppernong, not attractive, size of pulp and seeds medium, juicy, very sweet, very good quality. Season 10 days after Scuppernong. Bull. 133, Ga. Exp. Sta. Texas Queen: Originated in Texas and was introduced by J. W. Tacket, Weatherford. Texas. Bunch large, compact, ripens evenly; berry almost seedless. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. JVcsfbrook: Originated with the late J. S. Westbrook, Paison, N. C. Not described. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. P. I. Bull. 273. White Ruby: Pilot Point Dewberry Farm, Pilot Point, Texas. Fruit resembles Niagara, very juicy and sweet; bunch medium to large. Vine a strong grower, hardy, productive. BLACKBERRY Autumn King: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "A rampant grower and quite thorny, with curious, handsome, palmate foliage and pink blossoms. The berries which ripen late in the fall, are of the largest size, and have a superior, aromatic sweet quality never found in any of the common summer varieties." Second generation cross of Lawton and Oregon Everbearing. Burbank Thornless Blackberry: Originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Fruit firm and quite uniform in size, plump, good quality; plant thornless, exceedingly vigorous and very productive. Cox: Found in Erath County, Texas, introduced by F. T. Ramsey, Austin, Texas. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Early Wonder: Fitzgerald's Nursery, Stevenville, Texas. Nearly as large as Austin dewberry, very productive, sometimes fruiting in the fall. 284 English: Discovered 20 miles north of Bonham, Fammin County, Texas. Berry large, good quality; plant hardy, prolific. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Erskine Park Seedless: Said to be a sport of Kittatinny, very hardy with long fruiting season ; berry very large, fine flavor, no core and no seeds. German: Lennox Nursery and Fruit Farm, Lennox, S. D. Root cuttings were brought from Germany about 1909. Fruit very large, juicy, very firm, dark glossy colored ; plant very vigorous, must be pro- tected during the winter in South Dakota. Gray's Perfection: Gray's Nursery, Salem, Ind. Fruit jet black and glossy, very large, oblong, very firm, flavor excellent. Plants very hardy having withstood 35° F. below zero. This may be the same as Perfection. Lux: W. L. Lux, Topeka, Kansas. "Very large, late. Finest quality, never winterkills." Perfection : Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo. "Large jet black, highest qual- ity. Productive, very hardy." Sensatio)i: L. G. Rathbun & Son, Orland, Indiana. Berry very large; plant hardy, bears full crop in summer and half crop in fall on new canes. Spalding: Originated with a Mr. Spalding of Gonzales County, Texas, introduced by F. T. Ramsey, Austin, Texas. Not described. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Superb: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Highly flavored, sweet, and delicious. Larger and more productive than the Himalaya." Thornlcss Mammoth: Kavan Nurseries, San Bernardino, Calif. "Vines are thornless, making picking easy ; the berry is as large as Mam- moth, but better flavor." RASPBERRY Early King: "The plants are not good growers nor vigorous. Berries of medium size, red, medium quality. Not productive. Not promising as a commercial variety. Season early." Everbearing Black Raspberry: F. W. Brow Nursery Co., Inc., Rosehill, N. Y. "Will actually bear fruit from June until killed by frost. The plants grow upright, very strong and are literally loaded with fruit in all stages, from bloom to ripe fruit." Fillbasket: "An English variety which has done well in British Columbia at the Agassiz Farm. Not grown in Eastern Canada." Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farms, Ottawa. Freseman's Black Cap: Lennox Nursery & Fruit Farm, Lennox, S. D. Originated with A. A. Freseman, Lennox, S. D. "A large black shiny fruit of excellent flavor. The vine appears to be much hardier than any other black raspberry tested out. Great bearer." 285 Henry: Originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry above medium to large, roundish to slightly conical, bright to deep red ; , flesh moderately firm, juicy, briskly sub-acid, above medium in quality; mwfeeason. Jumbo (of Canada) : Berry large, conic, deep crimson, firm, mildly sub- acid, lacking in flavor, quality medium ; mid-season. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farms, Ottawa. Kei'itt's Hybrid: Wm. H. Hunt & Co., New York, N. Y. "Planted out this fall will yield next year one pint of extra large berries to each cane. Grows ten feet first season. Hardy and almost free from seeds." King of the Market: Wm. Henry Maule, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Origin- ated by Geo. W. Elliott, Mankanda, 111. Introduced by Bradley Bros., Mankanda, 111., in 1915. Plant upright, stalky and very productive. Berry beautiful light crimson, very meaty, rich, de- licious. Everbearing. Fruit said to be twice as large as Ranere and a week later in ripening in both spring and fall. Leyerle: John Lewis Childs, Inc., Floral Park, N. Y. Originated by Jake Leyerle of Jackson County, Illinois. Fruit bright crimson, meaty, rich in sugar, delicious flavor, very large, firm. Everbearing. Plants very stocky, upright, healthy. Not quite as early as St. Regis. Louboro: Seedling of Loudon x Marlboro originated by the Experiment Station. Geneva, N. Y. Berry large, roundish-conic, light bright crimson, attractive ; mildly sub-acid, rather flat in flavor, quality above medium, flesh rather soft; midseason. Plant vigorous and productive. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farms, Ottawa. October Giant: Seedling of Eureka originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Remarkable for its habit of bearing in October, as well as for its unusual size, measuring nearly 4 inches in cir- cumference ; bright red color ; rather soft except for home use." Oro Noca: Same as Oronoco. See 1920 report. Perfection: King Bros. Nurseries, Danville, N. Y. Said to be a new extra early variety of great merit, hardy and very productive; a strong grower. Redpath: J. V. Bailey, St. Paul, Minn. Berry a bright red, very large, firm. Plant hardy, prolific. Rex: Fruit Belt (Grand Rapids, Mich.) Feb. 1920. "Everbearing; red. A picking every week from June to October. The new canes bear fruit 90 days after planting. Berries large, firm, sweet, and of delightful flavor. Sugar Hybrid: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Berry quite large about the size of Marlboro, dark red color, said to be the sweetest of all red raspberries. Plants tall and slender, almost thornless, productive. Hybrid of a second generation Shafifer and Souhegan. Thornber: A chance seedling originating with W. S. Thornber, Oark- ston. Wash. Berry very large, attractive dark red, rich flavor; plant very vigorous and hardy. 286 White Queen: Wm. N. Hunt & Co., New York, N. Y. Originated with Jonathan Thorne, Black Rock, Conn. Plant very vigorous with large canes and heavy foliage. Berry very attractive, very large, creamy white, exquisite flavor and aroma, sometMies very soft, not a good shipper. Season August to middle of November. BLACKBERRY — RASPBERRY HYBRID Humbolt (of Burbank) : Seedling of an improved California wild dew- berry X Cuthbert raspberry originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Berry very large, dark crimson or dark purple covered with a silvery sheen, very acid, delicious for canning or drying, said to have both raspberry and blackberry flavor. Plants extremely vigorous. Ripens in June. Paradox: Fourth generation from a cross of Christal White blackberry X Shaffer raspberry. Originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Produces an abundance of oval light red berries of good size, larger than either progenitor and of superior quality. The plant is in every respect a most perfect balance between the two species." DEWBERRY Chestnut: Originated with L J. Chestnut, Keene, Texas. Berry large, sweet, firm, good shipper, ripens last of April in Texas. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. Monroe: Austin Nursery, Austin, Texas. "A very large, long dewberry of pure southern type. Rank grower. May." Noten: Found wild by Pierson Noten in Hornsby's Bend 10 miles east of Austin, Texas, about 1896. Not as large as Rogers. Not de- scribed. Rogers: Said to have been discovered near Alvin, Texas, by a Mr. Rogers. Introduced by C. Falkner, Waco, Texas. Not described. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. GOOSEBERRY Berkeley: "Bush is a fairly vigorous grower and good bearer. Berries are very large and ripen early. An old English variety and subject to mildew." Circular 164, Calif. Exp. Sta. Charles: Seedling of Houghton x Roaring Lion, originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry larger than Downing, roundish to oval, green tinged red; quality good, slightly sub-acid; season medium. Como (Minn. No. 43) : A seedling of Pearl x Columbus. Originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm, Sumbra Heights, Minn. Berry large, roundish or slightly oblong, green, fair quality. Plant vigorous, moderately thorny, productive. Indian Chief: Alneer Bros., Rockford, III. "Large, color bright red, of superior quality." 287 Oregon: Originated by O. Dickinson, Salem, Oregon. Berry larger than Downing, pale green with whitish bloom, translucent; skin tender; season rather late. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Pride of Michigan: Peach Belt Nurseries, Bangor, Mich. Berry re- sembles Downing in size, color and quality, but the bush is more vigorous, healthier, hardier and more productive. Introduced by Hurlbut and Cross, Bangor, Mich., about 1916. Plants were found near South Haven, Mich., but whether they were a seedling or an old variety is not known. Queen Anne: Berry medium size, roundish to oval, yellowish-green; skin thick ; quality medium to good, briskly sub-acid. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Syh'ia: Originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry above medium, roundish, greenish more or less covered with dull red ; quality good, sub-acid ; season medium. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. CURRANT Boskoop Giant (of Wilk) : John Wilk, New York, N. Y. "The largest and sweetest white currant." Buddenborg : Berry large to very large in medium size bunches, skin thick, black; flavor good, quality good, pleasant sub-acid, season late. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Clipper: Seedling of Black Naples Seedling originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry medium to large in large bunches ; skin moderately thick, black, tender ; flavor good, quality good, briskly sub-acid; season medium to late; bush a strong grower and pro- ductive. Collins Prolific: Fruit mostly in large bunches; skin thick, acid; quality medium ; season late. Bull. 94^ Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Cumberland Red: Originated by C. L. Stevens, Orillia, Ont. Bunch medium in size and length ; berry medium to above in size, bright scarlet ; quality medium, acid ; season medium. Bush strong rather spreading grower. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Eagle: Seedling of Black Naples seedling, originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry medium to large in medium bunches ; skin black, moderately thick ; flavor briskly sub-acid ; quality medium. Season medium. Bush a strong grower and productive. Eclipse: Seedling of Black Naples Seedling, originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry medium to large in large bunches ; skin black, moderately thick, fairly tender ; quality good, flavor sub-acid ; season early. Bush a medium to strong grower and productive. Giant Red: "The bush is a more vigorous grower than Perfection; also holds its foliage better." Report Wis. State Hort. Soc, 1913. Greenfield: Originated by S. Greenfield, Ottawa East, Ont. Bunch well- filled ; berry medium to above in size, bright scarlet ; quality above 288 medium, pleasantly acid. Season medium. Bush a strong moder- ately spreading grower. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Kerry: Seedling of Black Naples Seedling, originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry above medium to large; skin black, thick but tender ; quality above medium, flavor briskly sub-acid. Bush a strong grower and very productive. La Condc: Bunch well-filled; berry medium or above in size, bright scarlet ; quality medium, acid. Bush a strong moderately spreading grower. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Lcvrgc White: Bunch long, usually about half filled; berry medium to large, pale yellow ; quality above medium, briskly sub-acid ; season early. Bush a strong upright grower and productive. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Late Victoria: Gill Bros. Seed Co., Portland, Oregon. "Large long bunches, red fruit." Magnus: Seedling of Black Naples Seedling originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry large; skin black, rather thick; quality good; flavor sub-acid ; season medium. Bush a strong grower and very productive. Merccille de la Gironde: Berry medium in size or below, bunch large; skin black, moderately thick, tender ; flavor good, quality good, briskly sub-acid ; season medium to late. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Newark: C. W. Stuart & Company, Newark, N. Y. Bunch of good length, berry above medium size, red sub-acid. Bush a very vigor-, ous grower and a great producer. Pack: Utah Nursery Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. "An improvement upon Fay's Prolific, which it resembles; more prolific, however; berry larger, better flavor. Fruit does not fall ofif as in other varieties." Rankins Red: Bunch medium to long, well-filled; berry small to medium, bright scarlet ; quality medium, acid ; season medium. Bush a strong upright grower and very productive. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. Success: Seedling of Black Naples Seedling, originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry large, skin black, moderately thick, tender; quality good to very good, sub-acid ; season very early. Bush a rather weak grower, and not very productive. Topsy: Dempsey black currant x (Houghton x Broom Girl Goose- berry). Originated by Wm. Saunders, London, Ont. Berry above medium to large; skin black, rather thick; quality good, briskly sub-acid ; season medium. This black currant-gooseberry hybrid has foliage and fruit like a black currant. Bush a strong grower and productive. White Kaiser: Bunch medium to large about three-fourths filled; berries medium to large, pale yellow ; quality good, flavor pleasant, sub- 289 acid ; season medium. Bush a strong upright grower. Bull. No. 94, Dominion Exp. Farm, Ottawa. ELDERBERRY Superb: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "A large white flowering elder which blooms and bears fruit abundantly all summer until December. The berries are especially fine for cooking, not having the usual bitter taste of ordinary elderberries, and can be dried in two or three days, when they taste like raisins." JUNEBERRY Dzmrf: Arlington Nurseries, Arlington, Nebr. "Grows 4 to 6 feet high; branches out from the ground like currants ; resembles the common (Service or Juneberry in leaf and fruit, but the fruit is larger, and in color almost black; commences to bear the second year after trans- planting, and bears profusely." ' Dwarf Juneberry, Large Fruited: Farmer Seed and Nursery Co., Fair- bault, Minn. "Very hardy, enduring the coldest winters as well as the hottest summers without injury. It forms dense bushes and begins bearing fruit when quite young, often producing several quarts of fruit from one bush. The fruit is very sweet, of ex- cellent flavor, and of a reddish purple color, changing to bluish black when fully ripe." Grows wild in the Rocky Mountains. Dimrf Mountain Juneberry (Jefferson Strain) : Gurney Seed & Nursery Co., Yankton, S. D. Said to be very hardy and enormously pro- ductive ; plants grow 3 to 4 feet high. HUCKLEBERRY Large Blue: West Hill Nurseries, Fredonia, N. Y. Not described. Ozark: Arkansas Nursery Company, Fayetteville, Ark. "Remarkable for its fine flavor. Luxuriant, very hardy, a prolific bearer and when given a small amount of attention produces regular annual crops. Will grow on most any kind of soil, and when once set, is there permanently." STRAWBERRY A-i: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. "Ripens from early to late; a sure and continuous bearer ; large, dark red when ripe ; exceed- ingly prolific." Alaska (of Kevitt) (Per.): Seedling of Climax x Glen Mary. Origin- ated by T. C. Kevitt, Athenia, N. J. Berry medium to large, irregular, long-conic to long-wedge shape, necked, glossy, medium to dark red; flesh rather dark red, firm, medium, juicy, mild, sweet, fair quality. Unattractive in shape and color, undesirable. Mid- season. Bull. 447 N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. 19 290 Anna (Imper.) : Berry medium size, roundish-conical, dark red; flesh dark red, acid to sub-acid, moderately firm, fair quality, core dark red, spongy, seeds medium, sunken, midseason. Bull. 200, Purdue Univ. Exp. Sta. Atkins Continuity (Per.) : Berry above medium, roundish-conic to wedge, medium red, glossy; flesh whitish toward center, firm, mild sub- acid, fair quality. Plants unproductive, fruit stems short; erect. Season early. Bull. 401, N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Baldwin's Pride (Per) : Berry medium size, conical, irregular, dark red; seeds large, raised ; flesh light red, subacid, medium firm, quality fair to good, core light red, solid. Midseason. Plants of medium vigor. Bull. 200, Purdue Univ. Exp. Sta. Baldwin's Pride of Michigan: Plant vigorous, healthy; berry of same color, quality and size as Dunlap. Everbearing. Trans. Wis. State Hort. Soc, 1913. Big Early (Imper.) : Berry medium to large, roundish-conical, often double, fairly uniform, medium red; flesh light red, rather soft, sub-acid to nearly sweet; quality fair; core light red, spongy. Season early. Plant very vigorous. Bull. 200, Purdue Univ. Exp. Sta. Bridgeton Beauty (Per.) : Young's Seed Store, St. Louis, Mo. Orig- inated with a 'Mr. Aleyer, Bridgeton, Mo. Berry rich dark color, firm, quality excellent. Plant a strong grower, productive. British Queen (of Brand) : James Brand & Co., Vancouver, B. C. "Large fruits of bright color; fine flavor; main crop." Buckhee (Imp.) : Wm. M. Hunt & Co., New York, N. Y. Seedling of Chesapeake, originated by Tice C. Kevitt, Athenia, N. J. Berry very large, round, bright glossy red, same flavor as Chesapeake, firm and good shipper. Plant drought resistant. Bun Special: O. D. Baldwin, Bridman, Mich. A chance seedling origin- ating with E. M. Buechly, Greenville, Ohio. Berry very large, bright red, globular-oval, glossy red, good flavor and quality. California (Per.) : William M. Hunt & Co., New York, N. Y. Orig- inated by Tice C. Kevitt, Athenia, N. J. Fruit large, firm, rich flavor; plants robust, very erect, very productive; mid-season. Chaska (per.) (Minn. 801) : (Dunlap x Pocomoke) x Brandywine. Originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm, Zumbra Heights, Minn. Fruit large, conic, medium red, glossy; flesh dark red, firm, juicy, sub-acid, aromatic, quality best. Season moderately early. Colborn's Early: E. W. Johnson & Co., Salisbury, Md. "It is as early or a few days earlier than any other variety we have ever seen. Very productive of medium sized berries that color all over; very firm, and of good quality." Cream: Seedling of No. 330 x Trebla. Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Berry medium size, yellow, sometimes taking on light blush ; flesh yellow, flavor peculiar, not an improvement on red varieties. 291 Deephaven (Per.) (Minn. 41) : Dunlap x Progressive. Originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm, Zumbra Heights, Minn. Fruit large roundish-conic, medium red, glossy, flesh light red, juicy, mild sub-acid, good. Everbearing. Early Elisabeth: Michael Seed Store, Sioux City, Iowa. "Very hardy and prolific. Ten days earlier than Warfield or Dunlap ; excellent quality." Ea^ypicker (Imper.) (Minn. 775) : Dunlap x Crescent. Originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm, Zumbra Heights, Minn. Fruit large, nearly round, medium red ; flesh dark red, moderately firm, sweet, mild, very good, good market berry. Midseason. Elate: E. W. Johnson & Bro., Salisbury, Md. Berry large to very large, well colored, uniform in shape, firm. Plant medium size, strong grower. Season late, a few days later than Gandy. Eldorado (Per or semi-Per.) : Fruit large, irregular, roundish to blunt- conic or wedge-shape, broad at base, apex obtuse and indented ; mediurq to light red, somewhat glossy; flesh whitish toward center, juicy, firm, mild sub-acid, pleasant, good. Plant vigorous, very productive. Season early. Bull. 447, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Elwell's Early: King Bros. Nurseries, Danville, N. Y. Said to be very early, a heavy yielder, good shipper with exceptionally fine flavor. Evergreen White: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Berry very large, pure white, very good ; plant large and strong, fruit stems strong, very productive. Famous Gibson: Same as Gibson. Ecndalcino (Imp.) : Seedling of Feudal x Ettersburg No. 121. Origin- ated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Berry extra large, bright red, moderately firm, fine flavor. Season extra early and supposed to be an everbearer. Fern Dell: Plant strong, healthy, very productive; berry medium to large; color and quality fair to good. Trans. Wis. State Hort. Soc, 1913. Ford (Per.) (of Townsend) : A chance seedling found by Grandville Brewington. Wicomico County, Md. Fruit very large, blunt-wedge to blunt-conic, attractive, glossy, medium to dark red ; flesh red, firm, very juicy, mild, sweet, good. Plant vigorous, very productive. One of the best late varieties. Bull. 447, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Four Seasons (Per.) : Berry very small, conic, whitish, unattractive; flesh tart, flat, poor; plants small, weak, unproductive, midseason. Bull 401, N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Fred Crampton: W. E. Collins Company, Fennville, Mich. Not de- scribed. General Pershing (Per.) : Seedling of McKinley, originated by W. J. Moyle, Union Grove, Wis. Fruited first in 1912. Berry large; plants strong, productive. 292 Giant (of Burbank) : Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "The largest bush and largest berries of this class. Medium early, very large bright red berries of excellent sub-acid quality." Horsey (Per.) : John W. Hall, Marion Station, Md. Originated with J. C. Horsey, Somerset Co., Md. Berries larger than Klondike or Missionary, as good shipper as Klondike, beautiful bright red flesh. Plant a strong grower. Earlier than Klondike and also bears a fall crop. Improved Nich Ohmer: E. W. Townsend & Son, Salisbury, Md. Seedling of Nich Ohmer. Fruit and plant similar to Nic Ohmer, but season a few days later. hbell's Pride of Michigan (Per.) : S. M. Isbell & Co., Jackson, Mich. Fruit large, smooth, glossy, rich deep red, aromatic flavor. Very productive. Everbearing. /. B. (Imper.) : Seedling of Nettie x Aroma. Originated by Louis Hu- bach, Judsonia, Ark. Fruit above medium, irregular, wedge to conic, furrowed, usually necked, attractive medium red ; flesh red to center, juiCy, medium firm, pleasantly sprightly, good to very good. Very late in season. Bull. 447, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Judith (Per.) : Mass. Hort. Soc, Trans. 1915, p. 176. Originated by Dr. F. S. DeLue, Neadham, Mass. Berry large, irregularly conic, shiny; flesh deep red and without core, firm, sweet, juicy. Very good. Season early. Kalicene (Per.) : Seedling of Ettersburg No. 216 x Trebla. Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Berry good size, heart shaped, very firm, blood red to the center, spicy and highly flavored, belongs to the canning type. Kellogg' s Big Wonder (Per.) : R. M. Kellogg Co., Three Rivers, Mich. Berry large, very dark glossy red, flavor delicious. Plant vigorous, productive. Kellogg' s Hercules (Per.) : R. M. Kellogg Co., Three Rivers, Mich. Said to be an extra early vigorous growing variety, producing large fruit. Has been discontinued. Kellogg' s Perfection: R. M. Kellogg Co., Three Rivers, Mich. Origin- ated in 1914 by E. H. Riehl, Alton, 111. Seedling of Rockhills No. 6 probably by Dunlap. Berry large, well formed, rich color, delicate flavor, high quality. Plant vigorous, unusually productive. Ever- bearing. This variety won the $1,000 cash prize ofifered for the everbearer which proved nearest perfection. Kevitfs Jubilee (Per.) : Originated by T. C. Kevitt, Athenia, N. J. Plant very vigorous, fruit stems strong, very productive. Berry dark lustrous red. Kilcko:' J. B. Wagner, Pasadena, Calif. Not described. Komoka: John Connon Co., Hamilton, Ontario. "Early and heavy yielder. Fine flavor, large berries." Laurel Leaf: Said to be a mild, delicious, light colored berry with white flesh, desirable for home use only. 293 Laxton's Latest: Berry medium size, wedge to long conic, glossy, light to dark red ; flesh whitish toward center, juicy, subacid, poor. Plant unproductive, season late. Bull. 401, N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Lucky Boy: E. W. Townsend & Co., Salisbury, Md. Fruit extra large, &. round, firm, sweet. Plant deep rooted, medium size, very drought ar' resistant. Originated by Samuel Cooper, Delevan, N. Y. Lucky Cross: Evergreen Plantation, New Meadows, Idaho. Seedling of Productive, originating with W. M. Freeman, New Meadows, Idaho. Fruit large, brilliant red, white center, very firm, good quality, productive. Everbearing. Luge: Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. "The most perfect canning berry I have yet produced. Almost as solid and firm as a potato, brilliant red that never fades, and will pick without the husk as readily as a blackberry." Season early. Montmorency: Augustine & Co., Normal, 111. Berry very large, deep red ; flesh deep red, rich, good quality. Very productive. Season of Dunlap. Nokomis (of Minn.) (Minn. 489) (Per.) : Seedling of Dunlap x Abing- ton. Originated by the Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm, Zumbra ' Height, Minn. Berry very large, conic, slightly necked, medium red, somewhat glossy; flesh light red, fine texture, slightly stringy, sweet, good, probably not firm enough for good shipper. Mid- season. Old Glory (Per.) : R. M. Kellogg Co., Three Rivers, Mich. Berry extra large, round, somewhat resembling Chesapeake ; plant vigorous, productive, season late. Has been discontinued. Pasadena: Originated by Tice C. Kevitt, Athenia, N. J. Florists Ex- change June, 1921. "Imperfect flowered.'' Pa.i-ton: Jas. Brand & Co., Vancouver, B. C. "About 10 days later than Magoon ; large, fine flavor." Perpetual (of Burbank) : Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Ever- bearing. The most delicious and constantly productive of this new class. Medium sized berry, oval, light crimson. The plants are multiplied mostly by division as they make few runners." President Harding (Per.) : E. W. Townsend & Son, Salisbury, Md. Berry extra large ; flesh extra firm, deep red to center, good, medium to very late in season. A chance seedling, originating with Geo. Williams, Wicomico Co., Md. Red Cross (Per.) (Of Etter): Seedling of Ettersburg No. 216 x Trebla. Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Berry globular, glossy bright red, firm, mild, sweet, rich and delicate, not of the canning type. Plant moderately vigorous, fruit-stems long, upright, very productive. Season very early. Rena (of Etter) : Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. ■ "A type of Beach strawberry with very beautiful foliage, and an imperfect blossom that always makes a berry. The fruit is of fine 294 size and shape, light pink in color with white flesh. The flavor is characteristically that of the Beach strawberry." Richmond (of Thompson) (Per. to semi-Per.) : Berry small to above medium, oblong-conic, necked, light red, not very glossy; flesh red, juicy, firm, fair quality; plant medium vigorous, very productive. Bull. 447, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Robusta : Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Everbearing. Makes numerous strong runners while bearing continuously all the season large, scarlet, oval berries of the most exquisite quality, well above the foliage." Scrieher (Per.) : "Of the Uncle Jim type and does not show any im- provement on that variety." Spec. Bull. 48, Mich. Exp. Sta. Sir William: S. W. Call, Perry, Ohio. Said to be of poor quality and a poor shipper. Has been discontinued. Todd's Late: H. L. McConnell & Son, Port Burwell, Ontario. "An extra good plant maker and bears an abundant crop of large, per- fectly formed, glossy red, firm berries of high quality." Trebla (Per.) : Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Fruit one inch in diameter, very red, very firm, pleasant flavor. Plant very productive. Everbearing. Uitlandcr : A cross between Heart Flush x Stridewaj^ originated by Arthur T. Goldsborough, Washington, D. C, in 1906. Berry large, roundish, crimson; stem medium stout, hairy; flesh pink, very light color at core, medium tender, meaty, moderately juicy, sub-acid, rich, good to very good. Notes on new fruits U. S. Dept. Agr. Unique: Evergreen Plantation, New Meadows, Idaho. Seedling of Pro- ductive, originated by W. M. Freeman, New Meadows, Idaho, in 1919. Berry very large, firm, highly colored, plant vigorous. Ever- bearing. Venia: Mass. Hort. Soc. Trans. 1917, p. 143. "This strawberry is medium early, very prolific, having a long season and holding its size to the last." Originated by Dr. F. S. DeLue, Needham, Mass. This variety was awarded a silver medal by the Mass. Hort. Soc. Walnut Stump (Per.) : Seedling of Bubach x Minor's Great Prolific, originated by Silvanus Gordon, Sergeantsville, N. J., about 1900. Berry medium size, roundish-conic, glossy, light red; flesh well colored to center, tart, fair quality. Plant large, vigorous, pro- ductive, season late. Bull. 401, N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva. White Sugar: Originated by Albert F. Etter, Ettersburg, Calif. Berry extra large, firm, very sweet, white, occasionally blushed. This is a novelty. Wilbert: J. W. Jones & Son, Allen, Md. Berry resembles Aroma, very uniform in size and shape, lively red color. Plant vigorous, pro- ductive. Early midseason. Williams Improved: H. L. McConnell & Son, Port Burwell, Ontario. Berry large, dark red, firm, good shipper, good canner. Plant strong grower, healthy. I 295 ORANGE Drake: A bud variation appearing in the grove of Tustin P. Drake, Drake Point, Yalaha, Fla. Fruit large, surface undulating, pitted, dark orange yellow, oil cells numerous, peel tenacious, aromatic; flesh yellowish, translucent, medium tender, pleasant, no bitterness ; seeds medium size, plump. Notes on new fruits U. S. Dept. Agr. Eureka: Teas Nurseries, Houston, Texas. "Fruit very large, as large as the largest California or Florida orange; finest quality, thin skinned, almost seedless, splendid keeper. Tree very hardy, vigorous grower, and immensely productive." Golden Ring: Lake Garfield Nurseries Co., Bartow, Fla. Fruit medium tsize, globular, has a distinctive ring around the blossom end, deep red; flesh rich colored, juicy, sweet, very good, long keeper and good shipper. New Satsuma: Fancher Creek Nurseries, Fresno, Calif. Fruit is of the true Alandarin t>T)e, but with more seeds and a month earlier. The flavor is of the best. Tree not as vigorous as Mandarin or Satsuma and has willow-like foliage making it very ornamental. Tree very prolific. Buds were obtained from the French Govern- ment Experiment Station in Algeria about 1913. Westmoreland: Teas Nursery Company, Houston, Texas. This variety was formerly called Eureka and is in the report of 1920. LEMON Kenedy: Originated with John G. Kenedy, Sarita, Texas. Fruit large, highly colored, thin skin, superior acid flavor. Texas Dept. Agr., Bull. 32. POMELO Ellen: Originated with E. N. Reasoner, Oneco, Fla. Fruit large, oblate, surface smooth, lemon yellow, peel tenacious, aromatic, tissue thin, flavor tart ; seeds numerous, plump, bitter. Notes on new fruits U. S. Dept. Agr. Patardia: Originated with C. E. Davis, Dade County, Fla., as a sport of the Davis Seedless. Fruit medium size, round, uniform, skin smooth, waxy, very thin, bright lemon color; texture of flesh fine and tender with little rag; juice very abundant, fine flavor, slight bitterness, spicy ; almost seedless. December to March. . Pink Marsh: This was discovered in the grove of W. B. Thompson near Oneco, Fla., in 1913, one branch only of the Marsh tree bearing pink fruit. The flesh is a beautiful pink in January and February, but later fades to an amber shade in March and April. A pink strain of the Marsh. TANGERINE Trimble: Seedling of Dancey Tangerine x Parson Brown orange. Fruit roundish, compressed, large; color deep orange red, surface some- what rough, sometimes like King orange; oil glands small; rind 296 loose, thin; flesh deep orange yellow, tender, juicy, sprightly acid, excellent with pronounced bouquet. Tree vigorous, prolific. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook 1904. Weshart: Fruit roundish, compressed, about 3 inches in diameter, sur- face smooth, glossy, very attractive ; deep orange red, rind loose, thin, oil glands medium size ; texture tender, flavor sweet, very juicy, very pleasant bouquet; flesh buff orange. Tree vigorous and prolific. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook 1904. AVOCADO Butter: Fruit large, oblong-oblique-roundish, smooth, greenish yellow; flavor mild and pleasant, quality very good. U. S. Dept. Agr. Seed and Plant Introduction No. 36,270. September. Capac: Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not de- scribed. Carchi: Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not de- scribed. Chota Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not de- scribed. Collinson: Geo. B. Cellon, Miami, Fla. Fruit weighs 1 to IJ pounds, broadly pear shaped to nearly round, skin smooth, green. December and February. Guatemala-West Indian hybrid. Delicious : Orchard and Farm, July, 1921. Seedling originated by Geo. Schrader, Altadena, Calif. Fruit rather small, weighing 12 ounces, pear shaped, dark purple ; seed small ; flesh very smooth and buttery ; flavor unusually fine. March and April. Eagle Rock: Geo. B. Cellon, Miami, Fla. Fruit large, IJ to 2 pounds, nearly round, green, Guatemala type. February to April. Egos: Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not de- scribed. Hawaii: Geo. B. Cellon, Miami, Fla. Fruit large, 1^^ to 2 pounds, oblong oval, greenish purple ; season June and July. Huira: Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not de- scribed. Imbabura: Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not described. Irumtina: Brought from northern Ecuador by Wilson Popenoe. Not scribed. Kist: Imported from Guatemala in 1914 by E. E. Knight. Not a good variety for commercial planting, the seed is too large for the amount of flesh. California Cultivator, April 2, 1921. Lulu: Geo. B. Cellon, Miami, Fla. A Guatemala-Mexican hybrid; fruit 1 to IJ pounds in weight, pear shaped, green ; November and De- cember. Quite resistant to frost. Simmonds: Geo. B. Cellon, Miami, Fla. Fruit large, weighing IJ to 2 pounds each, broadly pear shaped, green ; West Indian type. August and September. 297 Tamayo: Brought from northern Ecuador by WJilson Popenoe. Not described. Thompson: California Cultivator, July 16, 1921. Original tree from a seed brought from-Atlixco Puebla, Mexico, in 1912. Fruit medium ^ large, weighing from 16 to 24 ounces, rich chocolate brown, shading to purplish tints ; flesh fine grained, flavor very good ; seeds small. February and March. Winslowsow: Geo. B. Cellon, Miami, Fla. Fruit weighs 1 to 1^ pounds, nearly round, skin smooth, green ; seed rather large, fitting tightly in cavity. October to December. Guatemala-West Indian hybrid. CACTUS Bijou: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Smaller than Elegant. In flavor and form of fruit fully as good as Elegant. Hardy." Elegant: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. A seedling of the New England hardy Opuntia vulgaris x Opuntia rafinesquii of the west- ern plains. In the summer the plants are covered with deep yellow flowers which are followed by brilliant scarlet fruits H inches long, f inches thick, and are very good to eat. The leaves are deep green 4 to 6 inches long, 3 inches wide and ^ inch thick, almost spineless. Season spring. Plants hardy. Quisco: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Not described. Saffrano: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Produces a large yield of superior orange yellow fruits." Superb: Seedling of Smith x Anacantha. Originated by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Extra vigorous plant with long, thick oval slabs which almost cover themselves with loads of very large, oval fruit, pale yellow, shaded olive green and crimson. Extremely thin skin which is readily removed from the pale amber, rich, sweet, delicious flesh. Almost seedless. Ripens first of October and re- mains in good condition for 4 months or more." VVhitcfniit: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. "Produces great oval white fruits. The most delicious of all." CERATONIA SILIQUA Anaheim: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. Originated with Mr. Langenberger, Anaheim, Calif. "Tree a very strong grower, the original tree being of immense size, bears about 400 pounds of pods annually. The pods are large and rich in sugar." FEIJOA SELLOWIANA Andre: Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany. Fruit large, oblong to oval, sometimes slightly flattened ; skin thin, rather rough, green ; flesh whitish, very thick, granular, pulp fairly abun- dant, juicy, spicy and aromatic resembling pineapple and strawberry, strongly perfumed, very good. 298 Besson: Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany. Fruit small to medium, oval; skin smooth, green with red or maroon on one side; flesh whitish, medium thick, soft, fine grained, pulp abundant, very juic\", spicy, aromatic very good; seeds large, rather numerous. Choiccana: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. Fruit oblong, 3 inches long by '2\ thick, has a banana and pineapple flavor, delicious for jelly, jam and sauce, as well as to eat fresh. Hehre: Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany. Originated by H. Hehre. Los Angeles. Calif., from a seed imported from Argen- tina. Fruit slender pyriform, sometimes curved, large, base tapering, yellowish green : flesh whitish, finely granular ; pulp abundant, verj' juicy, melting, sweet, lacking in aroma, quality fairh" good; seeds large, rather numerous. September at Los Angeles. Superba: Armstrong Nurseries. Ontario. Calif. Originated by Wm. Boyes. Torrance. Calif. Fruit large, weighing 2 to 5 ounces, round, green ; flavor like pineapple-raspberry-banana. October and No- vember. FIG Cotter's Choice: Commercial Nurserj- Co.. Winchester. Tenn. "It is the largest and finest fig we ever saw. Large, white with yellow ' bloom, ver>- hard}- and prolific." Everhearing : Same as New Hiller. Martin: Ellwood Nurseries, Midlothian, \'a. ''A hea^■y- bearer of medium to large figs. Requires some protection during winter." Originated near Midlothian, \"a. Mission Blue: Same as Mission. PASSION VINE Australian Fruiting Passion Vim: Luther Burbank. Santa Rosa, Calif. "Hardy in the larger part of California and produces quantities of fruit the size of duck eggs, with a hard shell. Exquisite flavor." SAPOTA Anaheim: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. Seedling plant was brought from the state of Galisco, Mexico, and planted in Anaheim, Calif., by Mr. Langenberger of that citj*. Fruit large, shape of a mango, white, very sweet, excellent flavor. Tree good grower of weeping willow habit, verj' ornamental. Gillespie: Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany. Fruit round, 3 inches in diameter ; basin deep and narrow, abrupt, deeply five folded ; cavity shallow, rovmded or flaring ; skin rather rough, pale green, much overspread with russet; flesh white, tinged pale green near skin, very- good; seeds 5 or 6 short and broad, blunt, surface reticulated. Tree upright open headed, verj' prolific. Oc- tober to November, at Montecito, Calif. 299 Maechtlen : Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. "Fruit 3'ellow, smooth skin, of delicious peach-life flavor; very prolific." Parroquia: Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany. Originated from Mexican seed planted by Dr. Franceschi, Santa Barbara, Calif., in 1896. Fruit oval. 3 inches long, 2\ inches wide, yellowish green, smooth; skin thin, tender; flesh creamy white, very good; fruits usually contain 3 seeds not all of which are well developed. Tree upright, open-headed, fairly prolific. October to April, at Santa Barbara, Calif. San Diego: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. Chance seedling of San Diego Co.. Calif. "Round, good size ; flesh yellow, firm, and of high quality. Ripens from spring to fall. ALMOND Dayton: Milton Nursery Co., Milton. Oregon. This may be an old variety- renamed, since several trees of it were found in bearing several years ago at Dayton, Columbia Co., \\'ashington. Where the trees came from is not known. Nut large; shell soft; kernel rich, sweet ; tree vigorous, upright, hardy and very prolific. CHESTNUT Euphresia: Tree is very prolific, growing in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. Not described. Merrinian : Maple Bend Nursery, Perrj', Ohio. Cross between Paragon and the American sweet chestnut. Nuts very large, sometimes 3 inches in circumference. Tree very hardy, vigorous, ver\' pro- ductive. Originated near Perry, Ohio. Miracle: Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Calif. Introduced in 1915. "Will bear the first season every time just like corn or beans. The nuts which are of great size and superior qualitj' are produced in greatest abundance right from the start." FILBERT English White: Crow's Nurseries. Gilroj". Calif. "Young and heavy bearing strain ; nut oblong, finest qualitj-." Manitoba Hasclnut: N. E. Hanson. Brookings, S. D. Third generation from the native hazel of Manitoba. Plants very productive. Xocc Lunghe: Imported by the U. S. Dept. Agr. from Istria, Austria, about 1901, or earlier. Has been grown in California. Nut very large, nearly round, good qualit}', productive. Pearson's Prolific: Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. Said to be an extremely fertile variety used as a poUenizer. True Kentish: Leonard Coates, Morgan Hill, Calif. "Finest and best flavored but lighter bearer." 300 HICKORY NUT Billau: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. "A thin shelled nut with a very full plump meat of best quality. Nut of good size and a free cracker. Native of Linn County, Iowa." Dennis: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. Originated in Linn County, Iowa. Nut of good size, a very free cracker, with meat of good flavor. Edaburn: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. "A fine, smooth nut with a very thin shell. Meats crack out very freely and are of good flavor. Native of Benton County, Iowa." Grupe: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. Originated in Linn County, Iowa. Said to be a superior variety. Kelsey: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. Nut large, thin shell; full, plump meat of high quality, which cracks out freely. Originated in Linn County, Iowa. Kentucky (Shellbark) : McCoy Nut Nurseries, Evansville, Ind. "Kernel very rich and sweet, nut above average in size, very white and good cracker." Zoni: American Nut Journal, Feb. 1921. Supposed to be a hybrid between the Mockernut (Carya alba) and the Arkansas hickory, (Carya Buckleyi Arkansana). Nut like Mockernut in shape and color but much smaller ; shell has small, distinctive, vertical furrows and ridges of the Arkansas hickory but is larger in size. Nut very large weighing 31 grams. PECAN Burlington (hybrid) : The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. Originated in Burlington, Iowa, original tree very old but still productive. "Nuts of same shape as pecan, shells a little thicker, very free cracker and unsurpassed flavor. They are nearly as large as the largest Southern pecan, color of shell" between that of pecan and hickory." Campbell: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. Original tree stands near the original tree of Witte. Said to be as good as Witte but smaller. Greenbay (hybrid) : The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. "Original tree stands along the Mississippi River and is of great age, nearly five feet in diameter, 65 feet to the first limb and , over 100 feet high." Nuts resemble the Burlington but are much larger. Liberty Bond : West Texas Pecan Nurseries, San Saba, Texas. Origin- ated with this nursery company, not described. Luce: Vincennes Nurseries, Vincennes, Ind. Originated in Luce Town- ship, Spencer County, Ind. Nut medium size with moderately thin shell, very good quality. Tree productive. 301 Obennan: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, Iowa. About the same size as Campbell, eating quality of the best. Oklahoma: Originated with L. I. Wilkinson, near Ardmore, Oklahoma. This was originally named Darden. Nut fully as large as Stuart and similar in shape with thinner shell ; kernel plump, fine quality. Tree vigorous, productive. Sabine: Originated in Newton County, Texas. A very large nut. Shcrard: Originated with John H. Sherard, Sherard, Coahoma County, Miss. Nut is good in size, color, cracking quality and ilavor. Tree very prolific, first fruited in 1916. Twelve: The Eagle Pecan Co., Pittsview, Ala. "A new and very prom- ising variety of highest ;nerit originating in Alabama. Nuts are bright and handsome, very large, full meated and of fine flavor." Williams (Capt Williams) : Originated by Capt. W. H. Williams, Shreveport, La., about 1898. Nut medium to large with four well defined ridges, abruptly tapered at both ends, grayish brown with few black markings near apex ; shell medium thick cracking easily and separating readily from the" kernel; kernel light brown; par- titions medium! thick; texture fine grained; flavor sweet, nutty, quality very good. JJ'illiuius (Dr. W. W. Williams) : Originated with Dr. W. P. Williams at Waycross, Ware County, Ga., about 1903. Nut oblong, shell thin, a good cracker, quality of kernel ranks high. Tree vigorous, very productive. IVitte: The Linn County Nurseries, Center Point, la. Originated in Iowa, along the Mississippi River, 200 miles further north than other pecans of its size. "The nut is a real paper shell and a very free cracker." Said to be as large as any of the Indiana varieties. Quality and plumpness of meat not surpassed by any. PERSIAN WALNUT Bar)ies: Vincennes Nurseries, Vincennes, Ind. Originated in Wash- ington, D. C. Nut of average size, quality very good. Ehrhart: Seedling of Santa Barbara. Originated by D. C. Disher. and introduced by V. E. Ehrhart, Santa Rosa, California. Tree vigor- ous, early to begin fruiting. Nut larger than Santa Barbara, oval with round base, good cracker, kernel medium light brown, plump, pleasant and mild. Lady Edith : Originated in Leroy, New York. Glenwood Nursery, Rochester, N. Y. "Bears good crops regularly. The nut of more than medium size with smooth, handsome, paper shell thickness, full meated, and of remarkable fine flavor." Meyers: Introduced by F. N. Meyers from the mountains of Northern China in 1909. Fruited by Tribble Bros.. Elk Grove, Calif., in 1917. Tree very hardy and productive, foliage thick and leathery. Nut very large, roundish flattened at ends, shell thin, cracking quality 302 excellent ; kernel large, almost white, fairly plump, crisp texture, nutty and sweet, quality splendid. Potomac: The McCoy Nut Nurseries, Evansville, Ind. "A fine nut of excellent fiavor." Solano: Originated with Mr. Hawkins, Vacaville, Calif. Introduced by Chas. Riechers in 1910. Tree very hardy and productive. Nut medium size, oval ; kernel white, sweet, high quality. September. Sorento: Introduced from Sicily in 1915. Fruited by Tribble Bros., Elk Grove, Calif., in 1917. Tree thrifty and a rapid grower, very productive. Nut medium, elongated, shell medium thin, cracking quality good ; kernel light color, quite plump, sweet and nutty, very good. Utah English Walnut: Porter-Walton Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. "Ex- perience with this hardy type has proved that it can be grown in every section of the West suitable to apricots, cherries or peaches." Said to make a beautiful ornamental tree and to bear 6 or 8 years after planting. Nuts of good size and superior quality. Wilson's Wonder: Bijou type. Originated by F. C. Wilson, Sunnyvale, Calif., and introduced by him in 1910. Tree very thrifty, early to begin fruiting, very productive annually. Nut extra large, slightly pyrifo'rm, being smallest at stem end, shell thin, cracking good ; kernel plump, large, light color, flavor mild and extra sweet, quality extra good. THE AVOCADO INDUSTRY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Dr. W. L. Hardin, President of the California Avocado Association, Los Angeles, Cal. The rapid growth of the avocado industry in Southern CaH- fornia forms a new and important chapter in the horticultural industries of the United States. From a few scattered trees seven years ago. the number has been increased to about 60,000 trees in orchard form. Many of these trees, however, are not of the best varieties and will require topworking. The industry is show- ing a healthy growth, and the number of trees is increasing rap- idly. It is doubtful if any horticultural industry anywhere has ever received so much competent scientific investigation and as- sistance during its early stages of development as has the avocado industry in Southern California. The State University has carried on extensive research on the composition and nutritive value of the avocado. It has pub- lished instructive bulletins, and introduced a correspondence course covering various problems involved in the growing of avocadoes. The United States government has performed a valuable work in determining the chemical composition of the better varieties of avocadoes at different degrees of maturity. It has sent an expert horticultural explorer to all parts of the world where the avocado grows to secure budwood of the better varieties for propagation in this country and is offering every possible assistance to encourage the growing of avocadoes in the United States wherever climatic conditions will permit. The reason for this great activity and interest is to be found in the remarkable character of the fruit itself, — a fruit rich in fat, protein and mineral salts, obtainable every month in the year and requiring no cooking. The avocado has been truly called the "aristocrat of the whole fruit and vegetable world". The high food value and other excellent qualities of this fruit put it in a class by itself. The avocado replaces meat to a very large extent (303) 304 in countries where it is extensively grown. It is evidently one of the great undeveloped sources of food in this country. The avocado has been incorrectly called "alligator pear" in many places in the United States. It bears no relation whatever to the ordinary pear. The avocado belongs to the laurel family (Lauraceae), and is related to such trees as the cinnamon, bay, camphor and sassafras. The varieties of the West Indian and Guatemalan races belong to the species Persea americana, whi'le the varieties of the Mexican race belong to Persea drymifoUa. The avocado is a native of tropical America and grows wild in large numbers in Mexico, Central America and parts of South America. The varieties grown in Southern California belong to the Mexican and Guatemalan races. Most of the plantings at present are being limited to the Guatemalan varieties, but an ef- fort is being made to introduce larger and more satisfactory varieties of the Mexican race. The leaves of the Mexican varieties have an anise odor, and the fruit has a very thin skin. The Guatemalan varieties have thick, leathery or woody skins. Avocadoes grow on beautiful evergreen trees which re- semble somewhat the magnolia tree, and which are 'larger, in many instances, than large apple trees. Trees of the Mexican varieties will probably stand more cold than citrus trees, while the Guatemalan varieties are somewhat less hardy than citrus trees. The size of the fruit varies from a few ounces to several pounds, the better varieties varying from one half pound to three pounds. The shape varies from round to oval or pear shaped. The color varies from light green to dark purple, some- times black. The avocado has one large seed. The trees do not come true from seeds. Desirable varieties are propagated by bud- ding onto the young stock of the hardy Mexican varieties, or by top working older trees by means of buds or grafts. The varieties which are being propagated in large numbers in Southern Cali- fornia at present are Fuerte, Spinks, Puebla, Sharpless, Queen. Lyon, Dickinson, Taft, Linda and a few others. The govern- ment is introducing a number of promising varieties from Central and South America, but these have not been grown long enough in this country to fully establish their desirability as varieties for propagation. The hardier varieties in the tropics are selected by taking buds from trees growing on the highlands where the tem- perature goes down at times to 25° Fahrenheit or* lower. 305 20 3o6 The avocado when properly matured and ripened is a very delicious fruit, differing from most other fruits in that it is not juicy, being neither acid nor sweet. It is smooth and buttery in consistency, and has a rich nutty flavor which characterizes it from all other fruits. The better varieties of avocadoes contain from 15% to 30% of fat and from 2% to 4% of protein, which are easily digested. They contain much less water than ordinary fruits. Mineral matter, which has been found in recent years to be so essential to a healthful diet, is found in the avocado in much larger quanities than in other fruits. Avocadoes should not be removed from the trees until mature. They are softened off the trees within one to two weeks after picking. When ready to eat they should be soft enough to spread on bread like butter. They may be eaten on bread or crackers with a little salt as the main part of a meal, or they may be eaten as a salad with a little salt or French dressing. They make an excellent cocktail and are fine frozen in ice cream. Avocadoes have a high food value and should be used a sa substitute for meats or other heavy foods. Wherever grown in quantity they are a staple article of diet. It is unfortunate that the high prices which have prevailed in the United States have caused considerable prejudice against the avocado. The high prices have been due to the fact that the demand has been much greater than the supply. Those who can afford it and who know something of the high food value and other excellent qualities of the avocado have been willing to pay almost any price for it. As production increases, the price, of course, will decrease. On account of the high food value, how- ever, no one should expect the prices of avocadoes to go down to the prices of apples, peaches, pears and similar fruits. As the supply increases avocadoes will be sold by the pound on the basis of the prices of butter or a good quality of meat. On that basis the consumer will get full value for the prices paid. It is only natural that so remarkable a fruit as the avocado and so promising an industry as the avocado industry should call forth such an organization as the California Avocado Association. This organization, which began seven years ago with a few charter members, now has nearly 500 enthusiastic and energetic members. The short history of this association shows a spirit of harmony and cooperation seldom equalled. The association has cooperated with the state and national governments in carrying 307 on scientific investigations on the avocado. Its members have brought in budwood from some of the best varieties in Mexico and Guatemala. The organization is making a careful study of the climatic and soil conditions best adapted to the growing of this fruit; it is making a study of the avocado industry in various other countries ; it has eliminated many of the less desirable varieties ; it has recently started a cooperative marketing depart- ment. In general, the work of this association covers every phase of the avocado industry. The members meet twice a year for the reading of papers and the discussion of matters pertaining to the development of the industry, and the annual reports of the California Avocado ^Association, in which these papers and dis- cussions are published, are veritable storehouses of information on the avocado and the avocado industry. So important has this work been that the association has among its members repre- sentative horticulturists from all parts of the world where the avocado can be grown. THE FACTS CONCERNING CALCIUM ARSENATE* By J. H. Reedy At the outset of this discussion, it should be stated that this subject will be considered wholly from the stand point of the chemist, rather than that of the practical- horticulturist. No pre- tensions as to expertness are made as to the strictly biological aspects of the problem. This paper is based on a study of cal- cium arsenate in a chemical laboratory, and is intended to be sup- plementary to the field experience of those who have used this in- secticide ; to this end, it is offered with the hope that it will give a satisfactory explanation of the results that have been obtained by the use of this material. Capricious Behavior — During the past few years, calcium arsenate has been tried more or less extensively as a substitute for the more expensive arsenical, lead arsenate. Reports of its success have been, to say the least, conflicting. In some cases it seems to have worked satisfactorily and its users have recom- * Presented at meeting of Illinois State Horticultural Society, Decem- ber, 1921. 3o8 mended it strongly ; to others, it has played havoc, "burning" the foliage, or even killing the plant itself. This decidedly capricious behavior was found to be due to varying amounts of water soluble arsenate, which ranged all the way from i per cent to 8 per cent, or even lo per cent. This water soluble arsenate seems to be the active toxic ingredient of the insecticide, and the injury to plants was traced to its presence in excess. As a result, .75 per cent of As^Oj was fixed as the upper limit of soluble arsenate that might be present in the ma- terial if it is to be used without injury to the plant. As a result of the enforcement of this ruling, carload after carload of re- jected calcium arsenate was returned to the manufacturer, upon whose hands it is a dead loss, since there is no way of reworking the inferior product. Since the records of the manufacturer show that the material was up to specifications at the time it was shipped, the first surmise was that the decomposition of the cal- cium arsenate in transit was due to the action of the moisture and carbon dioxide of the air. This led to the use of air-tight containers, which seemed to improve the situation to a certain degree. However, this was not sufficient to prevent the deterior- ation of the material. At the same time the manufacturers were having troubles at home, in that they were not able to "control" their methods so as to give uniform products. . Using the same procedure and technique, the products of different "runs" might differ widely in soluble arsenate content. One batch might be of excellent grade, while the next one, made from the same materials and using practically identical technique, would have to- be rejected. In order to understand this phenomenon, it is well to review some of the chemical relationships of the calcium arsenate indus- try. In the first place, calcium forms at least three well-defined arsenates, viz. : Ca3(As04)2 CaHAsOi CaCH.AsO*)^ Tertiary (or Tri-) Secondary Primary Calcium Arsenate Calcium Arsenate Calcium Arsenate The most noteworthy dift'erence between these three salts is their solubility. The first one, while frequently called "insoluble", is not absolutely. It has a certain low solubility, which gives a concentration of soluble arsenate which seems sufficient to be kill- 309 ing for insects, but not enough to "burn" the foHage. The sec- ondary calcium arsenate is much more soluble, and its use would cause serious damage to the plant to which it is applied. The primary arsenate is still more soluble, its solubility being of the same order as its analogue 0(H2P04)2, commonly called "super- phosphate of lime". Furthermore, this last material appears — at least, at high temperature — to be decidedly unstable, breaking down into one of the other arsenates and free arsenic acid. That if used as a spray material for plants would be disastrous, is easily seen. Preparation — Two general reactions suggest themselves as suitable for the preparation of tricalcium arsenate : 3CaCl2 + 2 Na3As04Ca3(As04), + 6 NaCl (1) 3Ca(0H)H 2 H3As04Ca3(As04), + 6 H^O (2) Equation ( i ) , however, gives a product whose soluble arsenate content is considerably in excess of .75 per cent, and evidently does not represent the total reaction. Analysis shows that the product approximates the secondary arsenate, CaHAs04. Futher- more, filter-pressing or washing is not sufticcient to reduce the soluble arsenate content so as to even approach that of tertiary calcium arsenate. This leads to the conclusion that, even if it is assumed that Ca3(As4)2 is the primary product, secondary re- action occurs, converting the product into CaHAs04 with practical completeness. This secondary reaction is represented thus : Ca3(As04). + 2 H,0 2 CaHAsO* + CaCOH)^ (3) Reactions of this type chemists call "hydrolysis". Equation (2) gives, under proper control, the best grade of product and repre- sents the method generally used The Ca(OH)2 is in the form of "milk of lime", and is made by thoroughly slaking pure lime, and then adding water in excess until a smooth thin paste is obtained. The arsenic acid. H3ASO4, is prepared by the action of nitric acid, HNO3. on arsenic trioxide, AS2O3, (the "white arsenic" of the druggist) ; the resulting solution is then evaporated until the ex- cess of nitric acid is expelled. The arsenic acid solution is in- troduced intoi the lime paste very slowly, the mixture being thor- oughly stirred during the process. The amount of lime used is always in slight excess of the theoretical amount. This not only 310 prevents the possibility of an excess of arsenic acid, but the ex- cess Hme also tends to inhibit the hydrolysis of the calcium arsenate, which, as mentioned above, results in an increased solu- ble arsenate content. The calcium arsenate is formed as a white precipitate, and is separated by filtration and careful drying. Besides low solubility, another quality required for tricalcium arsenate, if it is to be used as a spray material, is fluffiness. This is necessary for the formation of slow-settling suspensions. This flufifiness is due, to be sure, to fineness of the particles, since suspensibility depends directly upon the size of the particle. This fluffiness may be of importance in another way. Physicians are familiar with the fact that finely-divided substances are much more reactive than the same substances in coarser grain, largely due to increased surface, though doubtless the increased solubil- ity of fine particles has something to do with it. In a similar way, fine calcium arsenate is probably much more reactive than the ordinary form, and not only goes further, but has greater "killing" power. Experiment has led to the conclusion that fluffi- ness is best obtained by allowing the action between the lime and the arsenic acid to take place at high temperatures — • say, 8o° — 90° C. Chemists recognize the fact that this preparation from hot solutions favors a certain amount of hydrolysis, but it seems that the requisite degree of fluffiness cannot be obtained in any other way. Instability — We now come to consider how tricalcium arsenate, with a soluble arsenate content well within the limit of safety, can so change its nature as to cause all of the havoc that planters and orchard growers have attributed to it ; furthermore, why one batch of the material should behave in one way and one in another. Our explanation is that tricalcium arsenate is a metastable substance. We use the term "metastable" in the sense of in- stable, only the peculiar conditions favoring the change are lack- ing. What is meant may become clearer by an illustration. A stick of dynamite is an example of a metastable substance. It may persist as such for an indefinite length of time, until the proper agency — the explosion of a cap — affords or provides the requisite condition for the materials that go to make up this dynamite to change into more stable forms. Chemists call these agents which initiate or facilitate the change of a substance from 311 a metastable state to a stable state "catalytic agents", or "cata- lysts". In the case of the explosion of the nitroglycerin of the dynamite, the shock of the cap is the catalyst, though other sub- stances are known which ^\"ill effect the same changes. Tricalcium arsenate appears to be instable in just the same sense, though its change to the more stable form is by no means so rapid and noisy and destructive. Our first cine as to what miglu cause the decomposition of tricalcium arsenate came from consideration of equations (i) and (2) above. It will be noticed in the first equation that salt, NaCl is formed, and it occurred to us that this might catalyze the decomposition of our product. In the second reaction, how- ever, water is the by-product, and this is a substance that, as a rule, is not regarded as a catalyst for such reactions as this. Actual experiments showed that the surmise was correct. The presence of very small amounts ( e. g., .02 per cent) of such salts as NaCl. FeSO, and so forth, were found to increase the amount of soluble arsenate 20 to 100 fold. This salt effect explains many points : First, why tricalcium arsenate cannot be prepared by equation (i) ; second, why pure lime and arsenic acid must be used in its preparation; third, why the use of impure waters in making up the spray solutions have caused such marked cases of burning of foliage. Since the decomposition of tricalcium arsenate requires water as a factor in the reaction (see equation (3) above), it is readily seen that moisture may exert a marked effect in this change. W'e are led to believe that one condition for the per- m.anence of our insecticide is that it must be kept dry. On the other hand, the presence of any deliquescent substance m the calcium arsenate will keep the material moist, and may also be- have as an active catalyst in its decomposition. This suggests one reason why manufacturers have had trouble. Their arsenic acid as we have seen, is made by the action of nitric acid on arsenic trioxide, and it is not easy to remove all of the excess nitric acid. Upon mixing this impure arsenic acid with the lime, some calcium nitrate, Ca(N03)2. is formed. This substance is very de- liquescent, and at the same time catalyzes the decomposition of the calcium arsenate. It is a general rule that heat will favor hydrolytic reactions such as this one. This would lead us to the conjecture that cal- 312 cium arsenate would prove less satisfactory in the hot, moist climates of the southern states, than in the colder climates of the middle west. Stabili^aation — A great many people have suggested that materials might be admixed with calcium arsenate that would in- hibit its hydrolysis, or, in other words, stabilize this metastable substance. Such catalysts are called by chemists "negative catalysts". It has been reported by certain investigators that calcium arsenate might be stabilized by the presence of a small excess of lime. If equation (3) is a "reversible" reaction, that is just what chemists would expect. It can only be said that by using lime in excess and neglecting the other influences that may condition stability, the injurious effects upon crops have not been averted. This may be due to the combination of the free Ca(OH)o with the COo of the air, or with impurities present in the water used in making up the spray. At any rate, the removal of the Ca(OH)., by any means whatsoever would "displace equilibrium to the right" and Ijring about the formation of the fairly soluble second- ary arsenate, CaHAsO^. y\nother device for stabilizing this material is the admixture of cane sugar or other so-called "inert" substances. We under- stand that experiments along this line are in progress, though no reports are yet available. The effect of such substances might affect the arsenical sprays in several ways : it might lower their surface tension, or it might increase their viscosity ; it might pre- vent the excessive evaporation of the water, and improve their adhesiveness to the plant surface; or it might repress the re- activity of the impurities that tend to promote hydrolysis. An attemjit at a])praisement of such practice would be premature at this time. An Italian, according to a recent report, has succeeded in preparing calcium phosphate in what is known as the "colloidal" condition, by precipitation methods in such media as gelatine, gum arable, starch, and so forth. Judging from the close analogy be- tween arsenates and phosphates, it would be expected that cal- cium arsenate would assume this colloidal condition also. These colloids appear to be dissolved in the water of the solution, though it is now known that the phenomenon is not one of solution, but 313 of suspension, the particles being too small to be visible to the eye. Biologists have found these "colloidal solutions" to have marked physiological activity, and very probably that will be true in the case of calcium arsenate. One of our students has taken up the problem of preparing this active form of calcium arsenate, and its fungicidal properties will be investigated in the botanical laboratories of the University of Illinois. The prime question in this work is the stability of the colloidal material. If the toxicity of a given mixture does not increase upon standing, there is good reason to hope that by the use of small amounts just the correct toxic value can be obtained to kill insects without injury to the plants. The whole problem, however, depends upon stability. Mixing ztnth Other Spray Materials — There is one other point that should be mentioned in this connection, and that is the efifect of mixing this insecticide with such other materials as lead arsenate, lime-sulfur mixture, and the like. In a bulletin from the Michigan Agricultural College, Patten and Bergen state that lead arsenate will reduce the solubility of calcium arsenate to practically mil. Others have compounded calcium arsenate with lime-sulfur mixture (i. e., calcium polysulfides). At the present it is not advisable to take a stand on either side of propositions like these, for the very reason that the behavior of calcium arsenate itself is too indeterminate for the influence of the admixed sub- stance to be isolated. Theoretical considerations may be said to indicate that the soluble arsenate content would be diminished or repressed, owing to what is called the "mass effect" ; on the other hand, we have just pointed out that the presence of salts promote the decomposition of calcium arsenate. These two' influences op- pose each other, and the correct answer to the problem can be known only by means of very careful analytical work with the purest materials obtainable. In the Chemical Laboratories of the University of Illinois there has just been started some work which looks to the determination of the soluble arsenate content of a solution by a very quick and accurate electrical method. It is hoped that this will throw some light on these problems. By the way of summary, I might say : Calcium arsenate is a metastable substance, and whether or not it will meet the needs of the practical horticulturists is a mat- ter that they will have to decide for themselves. It is a gamble, 314 for a certain risk will always be involved in its use. It may turn out that the collective experience of the horticulturists of the country will vindicate its use. It will be, strictly speaking, a mat- ter of averages. As a chemist, I would make the following sug- gestions as to its use if the best results are to be obtained: ( 1 ) The material should be as fresh as possible. (2) It should have been kept dry at all times previous to its immediate use. (3) -'^s pure water as possible should be used in making up" sprays. (4) In all cases, analysis for soluble arsenates should be run at the time of delivery to the consumer. (5) Its use will probably be more satisfactory in the milder climates, rather than the south. (6) The effect of combining it with other insecticides is not yet definitely known, since the action of the latter may be masked by the indefinite behavior of calcium arsenate itself. PRODUCTION OF APPLE AND PEAR SEEDLINGS* I. M. Orner The growing of apple seedlings is an important industry in the Kaw River valley. It is estimated that 90 per cent of all the seedlings grown in the United States are grown within a radius of twenty-five miles of Topeka. The commercial crop consists mainly of apple and pear seedlings. Practically all of the seed for the apple and pear seedlings is imported from France and Japan. The apple seed is supposed to be from a variety of French crab. The preparation of this seed for the market is an important industry in France and the process of extracting the seed from the pomace without crushing it is unknown to the American people. The apple seed received by growers in this vicinity is shipped from a distributing centef on the Atlantic coast, and this distribution point is nearly always the city of New York. The seed arrives in large barrels packed in charcoal and is separated * Read at the 55th meeting of the Kansas State Horticultural Society. 3^5 from the charcoal by using a fanning mill. The seed is then soaked in clear water for forty-eight hours, after which it is packed in ice until time of planting, when it is dried sufficiently to readily pass through the seeder which is used in planting the seed. An ordinary wheat drill arranged to plant rows twenty-four inches apart is quite satisfactory for planting the seed. The plant- ing is done during March and April. The seed is covered to a greater depth than other seed of this size. This is for the purpose of keeping the seed bed moist which aids germination. As soon as the seed is sprouted the extra covering of earth is removed by a stroke of an ordinary garden rake and cultivation starts immediately. The first cultivation is given by using a wheel hoe. Care must be taken to prevent the forming of a crust, which, when dis- turbed is apt to break the tap-root which prevents the growth of the young seedlings. A man will wheel-hoe about one acre a day the first time the seedlings are cultivated. A specially prepared horse cultivator is made that will cultivate half as many rows at a time as there were planted at a time with the seeder. Small mules about the size of cotton mules are perhaps the best power that can be used for drawing this cultivator. When the weeds start after the cultivation begins, weeding must also be started. Seed- lings are one of the crops that will not tolerate weeds at all. Boys from the age of ten years to those of fifteen or sixteen years of age have proven to be the best weeders obtainable. The work is not very difficult if the weeding is begun at the proper time. The crop is cultivated about ten times during the season. Cultivation must be given just as soon as the condition of the soil will permit, after each rain. The crop must be weeded as often as the weeds begin to show in the rows, about three times during the growing season. Apple and pear seedlings are usually grown on the ground which is generally prepared the previous fall by extremely deep plowing — twelve to fifteen inches. This enables the seedlings to make a long straight root, ordinarily growing down as deep as the ground is plowed. The seedlings make a part of their growth during the late fall and continue to grow up to the time of severe freezing. When the weather is favorable, the harvesting of the seedling crop begins, about the first of November. The seedling 3i6 growers have a very ingenious digger which consists of a blade of steel about ten inches wide at the bottom and bent in the shape of the letter V to which are fitted a plow beam and handles. At the bottom of the V there is welded a riser which pushes the seed- lings up two or three inches in the loosened ground, this enables them to be quite easily pulled. As the seedlings are pulled they are placed in bundles of about lOO each, these bundles are tied with tarred string and lightly buried in the soil and remain there until gathered by the haulers. The bundles are taken to a cave or cellar where the seedlings have a part of the top removed, heeled in and then covered with a mixture of straw and manure to prevent freezing and are left there until they are graded. The seedlings are graded into several classes ; one-fourth inch, three- sixteenth inch, two-sixteenth inch and one and one-half six- teenth inch. The great advantage of the Kaw river soil is that there can be grown seedlings which are capable of being cut into several grafts, which form the piece root grafts for the great majority of the apple and pear grafts that are planted in the United States. Apple seedlings and pear seedlings grown in this territory are shipped to all parts of the United States and Canada where grafting is practiced. The greatest growers of seedlings in the United States have their headquarters in Topeka. Although the soil in this territory is especially adapted to the production of seedlings, it is not profitable to raise more than two successive crops of seedlings on the same ground. Several years must elapse before that piece of ground is again planted to seedlings. Land must have sufificient fertility to produce a large growth of wood for this crop. It is not unusual to dig one hundred thousand apple seedlings from an acre of ground. The producing of apple and pear seedlings is not very com- plicated or difificult, and if one requires only a few thousand it will be better to have the professional grower produce them. Seeds from native apples will produce good seedlings. The great trouble is in preparing the seed so that a crop may be produced from them, and until there is some improved method for separat- ing the seed from the pomace, we will be compelled to import our apple and pear seed. 317 COMMERCIAL PEACH GROWING* J. E. Khlore, District Manager, The Anicrican Fruit Grozcers, Inc., Hancock, Md. What is commercial peach growing? I sometimes think thac secretaries and program committees use the word "commercial" to inform the audience that the speaker is a farmer instead of a professor, but having been duly informed that the speaker is a farmer, I believe that we should inquire a little further as to the meaning of the word "commercial.'' Commercial peach growing to me means growing peaches for profit. I feel sure that most of you present will agree that if this definition is not correct, per- haps a better definition would be - — trying to grow peaches for a profit. Since we are engaged in growing peaches for profit, we are vitally interested in the factors which influence the amount or extent of that profit. Fundamentally, profit is the margin be- tween cost and selling price. I do not intend to discuss the factors influencing the cost of production, but shall confine my discussion to the factors influencing the selling price. You will agree, I am sure, that the most important single factor influencing the selling price of peaches is quality, and that the amount of your profit is likely to be determined by the quantity of high quality fruit at your disposal. This would be true if it were not for the existence of another factor which seems to have a more far-reaching effect in many cases than either quality or quantity. That factor is supply and demand. Since we wish to attack this problem of securing profits in a logical manner, we must know just what we can do to grow fruit of better quality, how to increase the yield of high quality fruit, and finally having satisfied ourselves that we have done all in our power to increase our profits in this manner, we want to dispose of our crop to the best advantage. Quality is dependent on a number of factors, but practically all of them, fortunately, are more or less under our control. Elevation for instance influences the color and snap of the fruit. * Read at meeting of Pennsylvania Horticultural Association, Harris- burg, January, 1922. 3i8 gives it the life which it would otherwise not have. The soil in- fluences the growth of the tree, and by its depth, tilth -and fertility has an important efifect on the quality of the fruit Both of these factors can be determined or regulated by the owner. The grow- er is likewise responsible for the quality of the fruit as it is af- fected by what we may properly term cultural practices. A well proportioned pruning program, followed by the application of the necessary fertilising elements in the correct proportions, and sup- plemented by thorough cultivation to insure sufficient moisture to mature the crop, all these things add to the quality of the fruit. SjDraying and dusting protect the crop from the insects and fungous diseases which tend to make peach growing such a hazardous undertaking, while careful packing presents the product to the consumer in the most attractive shape. Each of these operations, you will observe, is influenced to a greater or less extent by the desires of the grower. Subject always to weather conditions, the quantity of fruit is almost as readily determined as the quality, and we are able to a certain extent to insure ourselves from the loss attending a frost by selecting orchard sites with sufftcient elevation and air drainage to minimize the hazard in that respect. What then is the limiting factor which determines the profits from commercial peach growing? H. P. Gould, who has written a very good book on peach growing, says "That the profitableness of peach growing in any location depends in no small measure on the sequence in which the Elberta peach ripens there in compari- son with its ripening period in other localities with which it comes in contact on the markets." In other words, in so far as we are concerned, the limiting factor is supply and demand which may properly be translated the "geography of peach growing." Let us examine the peach growing areas in the eastern and southern sections of the country, and ascertain if pos- sible what effect they have on the profits from our ventures here in the north. "With the Elberta only in mind, the peach season commences about July ist in northeastern Texas. Over a series of years, the section which comes in next is usually south- western Arkansas, where the Elberta season lasts from July lo to the 15th. While the Fort Valley section usually ships Elbertas from July 15th to 20th, it sometimes happens that the growers in Georgia are shipping Elbertas prior to Arkansas. The Elberta 319 season in North Carolina follows close on the heels of the Georgia and Arkansas season, and is over by the 5th of August. With the exception of minor shipments from southern Virginia and West Virginia the next section of importance in order of ripening of the Elberta is northern West Virginia and Maryland, where the season normally starts about August 20th and continues to the first of September. New Jersey and Delaware usually start shipping Elbertas about the 25th of August and continue until the 5th of September. The usual date of ripening of the Elbertas in southern and southeastern Pennsylvania is September ist to loth, although certain sections, notably that region north of Hagerstown, is somewhat earlier. What does this mean to you as a grower of peaches in Penn- sylvania? It means that from about July loth until you start shipping Elbertas in late August, or early September, there is an almost constant supply of Elbertas from districts south of you. That in itself is a statement without much meaning, unless further analyzed. But let me show you how vital this fact is to you, even though you are not shipping peaches in carlots to the larger markets. — Although I have not had access to the government records, it has been reported that the Georgia crop last year was in excess of 6,000 cars. Most of this fruit is consumed in eastern and northern markets, and is not all confined to the large cities. I know one firm who canvassed thoroughly every town of 2,000 or more inhabitants between Johnstown and Harrisburg, and sev- eral towns east of Harrisburg in an endeavor to dispose of Georgia peaches in carloads if possible, but in less than carloads if necessary. Under normal conditions the early peaches would have been ripening in Pennsylvania at that time, and you would certainly have felt the efifect of the southern competition. But there are other ways in which your profits are in- fluenced by your southern neighbors. All of you know that the peach market is extremely fickle, and that it fluctuates violently when there is no reason apparent to the grower. There are sev- eral reasons for this fact. The peach market is usually estab- lished during the Georgia shipping season. The appearance of worms or brown rot in Georgia peaches has had, and probably will continue to have a very far-reaching influence. Buyers who appreciate the fear of brown rot on the part of the wholesaler 320 and retailer are quite likely to use this fact in securing fruit at considerably lower prices from the grower. During the past season I happened to be engaged in packing Elbertas in southwestern Arkansas. Because of the fact that the Texas crop of Elbertas was a failure in so far as carrying qualities were concerned, I knew of several buyers to remain in our pack- ing house almost a week before buying a car load of peaches. They were afraid to buy on surface indications, preferring to wait until some of our fruit arrived on the market, in order to assure themselves that Arkansas Elbertas had no brown rot. If we had been depending on local buyers our profits certainly would have sufifered. The readiness with which the public absorbs the shipments from the south certainly has a marked effect on the price paid for the same variety from later sections. Due to the perishable nature of the fruit, the disposal of a crop of peaches, particularly where that crop is largely Elbertas, is usually a matter of days rather than weeks. Dealers are not slow to take advantage of that fact, and relying on the information gained in the crops from southern districts, use every means in their power to recoup losses and increase gains by manipulation of the crops from northern sections. But the most marked effect of the southern grown peach, and by that I mean the peach grown in any section earlier than our own, is the residual effect on. the market. Following each other so closely as the shipping seasons of the different sections in- variably do, there is a sluggish period on the market almost every year. The effect is so marked, and so far-reaching as to merit our closest attention. Let me cite an example. As I have men- tioned before, Georgia had an exceptionally large crop of peaches last year. The ripening period was several weeks earlier than usual, throwing the peak of the Elberta season about July loth, on which date the first cars were moving from southwestern Arkansas. What was the effect on the f. o. b. price of the Arkansas Elbertas ? The best quotation for the first two days of the season was $2.25, but in about three days, when the bulk of the southern crop had disappeared from the midwest markets, the price began, to jump about $.25 each day, until at the end of the twelve-day season the f. o. b. price for the same quality peach was $4.50 per bushel, while two days later on my return through 321 North Carolina, I learned that choice Elbertas were being quoted at $2.50 per bushel on board the car. This difference in price in the case of the North Carolina peaches was primarily due to the fact that they were being shipped to New York, Philadelphia and Boston, at which points there were about eight hundred cars of Georgia Elbertas in storage, and the influence of the Georgia peach crop was felt as far north as New York State, because not all of them had been removed from storage when New York Carmens were being shipped. I think you will see from what I have said that the price you will receive for your peaches is quite likely to be influenced quite markedly by concurrent shipments from districts earlier than that in which you happen to be located. How can you overcome the disadvantage arising from your location? This is not an easy question to answer, but there are certain ways in which this effect can be minimized. Those of you who are contemplating planting new orchards or replanting old orchards, will, I am sure, pay much more at- tention in the future than you have in the past to the varieties which you plant. This is of vital importance. Those of you who have large bearing orchards of varieties which conflict with Elbertas, or other more salable varieties, will take advantage of all of the information sent out by your experi- ment station concerning the methods of regulating the ripening period of those varieties by means of varied applications of fertilizers. And all of you, whether you have just planted your orchard or whether it is in full bearing at this time, will, I am sure, pay a great deal more attention to your neighbors on the south and the east. You will know his varieties, his expected crop, and when that crop is to be marketed. Furthermore, you will have a daily acquaintance with the market conditions, not only of your local market, but in the large city markets as well. You have seen how your profits are vitally affected not only by what kind of a peach 3'ou grow, and how many of them you sell but by what your southern neighbor is growing and selling. Your local cooperative association, your state bureau of markets, and all of the government agencies, as well as the State College and Experiment Station annually publish an immense amount of 21 322 valuable information dealing with this subject, but it remains for you to reap full advantages from these faciHties. The profit from commercial peach growing is two-thirds under your control, and a greater part of the remaining third can be secured by facilities already provided, presuming of course that you are on the alert. MODERN PRUNING METHODS* Dr. J. K. Shaw, Massachusetts Agricultural College I am not going to give you any system of pruning trees, be- cause I do not believe there is any definite procedure which may be set forth that is not subject to criticism. No one system will work for all varieties under all conditions better than any other system. Before talking about pruning methods, I want to call your at- tention to the way the tree grows. You are all familiar with trees. You know that the growth in length of the trees is entirely near the growing tip. It follows that the head of the tree and the branches will never be any further from the ground than they are when they come out in the young tree. The growth in diam- eter takes place always between the bark and wood. Sometimes we get two rings, but usually only one ring during the summer. Now the new growth that grows out of the terminal buds each year has on it single leaves arranged in regular fashion, and in the axil of every one of these leaves is a bud. I want to show what becomes of these buds. They will do one of four things. They may fail to develop at all, but die and drop off. They may make a little rosette of leaves, not growing very much, but make a rosette for a year or possibly two, and then die. Some of the buds will develop into short or long shoots, according to condi- tions, and these leafy shoots repeat this same history. Eourth, they may develop into fruit spurs. These make a short growth, amounting to a rosette of leaves the first year, and after that they form a fruit bud and a spur. * Delivered at 30th Annual Meeting Connecticut Pomological So- ciety, December 13, 1921. - 323 The buds that fall off are of no use. Those that make leaves are of a great deal of use. The presence of these rosettes of leaves on the trees help to make the tree stocky. They fatten the trunk of the tree. You will find if you cut the rosettes off you get a very slender growth. We tried a scheme for getting just the kind of tree we wanted by taking a one-year whip, and re- moving the buds we did not want to grow, and leaving those we did want. When we did that the trunk of the tree was too slender. We must have these rosettes to give strength to the stock. We certainly would want a few of these buds to develop into leafy shoots. I can't see the use for a great many of these shoots, — just enough to produce new bearing wood in the future years. Of course we want to have all the spur buds we can get when the tree comes to bearing age. We want all the buds the tree can develop into mature fruits. Just a word more about the fruit buds. Not all the fruit buds on trees are spur buds. On the Northern Spy only a small percentage are spur buds. There are two other kinds of buds. One, the terminal shoot bud, from four to six inches long, as on the Ben Davis and Mcintosh. A young tree produces more of these than old bearing trees. Then on some kinds, as Wealthy and Wagener, we have lateral buds. These are where the one- year bud instead of developing into a leafy shoot may develop a fruit bud, so that the second year after a shoot is produced we have lateral buds, particularly in young trees. Our Wealthy crop last year in Amherst was due to lateral buds. The spur buds were killed, but the lateral buds came out later and escaped the freeze. Now with these fundamental facts as to growth and fruit bud production, let us proceed to discuss systems of pruning. In the first place, I think we have sufffcient evidence to say that pruning is always a dwarfing process. The tree that is pruned will never be as large in the future as if no branch had been re- moved. The diffierence in size is not great. We have an experi- mental pruning orchard of 600 trees in Amherst, and there was a difference in trunk increase a year ago this summer of .18 millimeter between the smallest and largest trees, and these trees received quite different amounts of pruning. If the practice is continued it will make quite a difference in the size of the trees. The dwarfing process in itself is not necessarily harmful. 324 There are two ways of pruning a tree. One is by heading back, — by cutting off a one-year shoot, or by cutting back into two or three or four-year wood. The terminal buds have a strong tendency to start out when you head back in one-year wood. The resuU is that next year you have two or three branches instead of one. They shade each other and shoot up for air and light. So the process of heading back in one-year wood is liable to be unsuccessful in keeping the top low, because this process causes them to shoot up perhaps as high as before. Another effect of heading back young trees which is quite serious is the effect it has on the branch angle, that is the angle at which the branch comes out from the trunk. If you cut back a main branch, the branches will come out at a sharp angle, which will be weaker than a broader angle. This is important with the Baldwin and with the Wealthy, and not so important with the Mc- intosh, because it is hard to spoil a Mcintosh tree by pruning, but you can spoil the Baldwin or Wealthy quite easily. The effect of cutting back trees about to come into bearing is that it promotes a tendency for the buds either to fall into this first class, making litle or no growth, or to grow out into leafy shoots ; few of them seem to make fruit spurs. That is apparent- ly the reason why heading back delays bearing. Some of the buds grow more than they ought to, and others fail to grow at all. When you thin out the top of a tree it does not have this tendency to make the tree shoot up in the air and make a dense top. The branches will be more evenly balanced, and the leaves which you have on the trees are better exposed to the light. I do not absolutely condemn heading back young trees. I think with certain varieties it may be desirable, but I feel that there has been a great deal of damage done by too severe heading back of young trees by getting weak angles, and we are now reap- ing the results by having some breakage in Baldwin trees ten years old. We shall have to spend some time and money wiring up these trees this winter. There are five more or less well recognized types toward which a fruit grower may prune a tree. One is the vase form, where we try to have the head of the tree in the form of an in- verted cone. This ideal has not often been realized because the center of the tree tends to fill up. Then we have the globular tree, which is what one is likely to get when he starts out for a 325 vase-form tree. The strong primary branches come out all at about the same point on the trunk, and form a round or globular head on the tree. Then we have the modified leader which is very much like the globular form except that we try to separate the main branches on the trunk and keep the main leader growing straight up to perhaps six or eight feet from the ground, the branches coming out at intervals. A modification of this is the two-story tree. In this we try to get about three branches coming out and diverging, each occupying about one-third of the space around the tree, and then a foot or two above that three other branches coming out. In Virginia I saw an orchard like this, the best pruned orchard I ever saw. It had been pruned by the hand of an artist. There is also the central leader tree. The central leader extends indefinitely into the air, and has a con- siderable number of branches coming out at the sides. Eventually these side branches will be few. I don't like the first two, the vase form and the globular tree, very well, because of the danger of breaking down. I presume the majority of the best growers will prefer the modified leader, which is similar to the globular tree, except that the branches are separated more. Not many men advocate a central leader tree, and those who do are apt to be rabid about it. I should choose one of the last three types, and whichever one I chose I would aim to keep the branches well separated and well balanced around the tree, and above all try to visualize what that tree will look like in ten or fifteen years, — what these little branches will look like when they are six inches in diameter. The objection to the cen- tral leader tree is that it is said to make a high-headed tree. As a matter of fact it will be high-headed for the first ten years, but as nearly as I can ascertain, by the time they get to be fifteen or twenty years old, a central leader tree is no higher than the vase formed tree. Of course when the tree has grown out horizontally until it reaches its neighbors it goes up in the air more. We hear arguments about the height of head. When you look ahead fif- teen or twenty years what difference does it make whether you start the branches of your tree at eighteen or twenty-four inches from the ground. If I had a high-headed tree like Spy, I would head it near the ground. The height of the head of the mature tree will depend more upon the variety and later pruning than on the height at which the end is started. 326 Just a few words about pruning bearing trees. Of course everybody could cut out all "dead and diseased wood, and every- body would cut out water sprouts. These ought to be cut out as soon as they come. Once in a- while you will get a visitation of blight, and when it comes it will attack these water sprouts and may cause a canker on the tree. After the dead and diseased wood is cut out, most any bearing tree will need a certain amount of thinning, letting in the light to the top of the tree. Then if the trees are getting old I think it is even desirable to do a certain amount of spur thinning. Of course you do not want to cut out fruit spurs generally. But with old trees do not prune too severe- ly at one time. Take out not more than five or ten per cent of the top. It is important that you prune trees every year. A light pruning every year is a great deal better than letting it go two or three years. Many times a man is moved by the spirit, and goes out into the orchard and does a thorough job, and does noth- ing more for two or three years, when they are just as bad or worse than before. If you prune old trees severely, you must follow it up the next few years. Keep the head open so that it won't shoot out into excessive and high growth. We sometimes hear arguments as to the time of year that pruning should be done. Usually it is done in the spring. Prob- ably that is as good a time as any, but I see no reason why we should not prune any time during the winter if we want to. Some experiments in Missouri seem to show that a tree wih dry out less from the cut of a removed branch than it would from the branch itself, that is, pruning, the tree in the fall in these ex- periments reduced the loss of moisture in the tree. We think that loss of moisture goes with winter-killing. This would seem to in- dicate thaf it does not do any harm to prune any time in the fall when the wind does not blow to hard. I believe the time for sum- mer pruning is in the spring, pinching off the new shoots that start out. I am not prepared to advocate any special method of doing this. I hope in a few years I may be able to. We hear a great deal about wound protection. In sections where there is much blister canker this is desirable, but in most cases I am inclined to question whether the application of pro- tective material over wounds is worth the trouble. I don't know, but I am inclined to doubt it. I would rely more on thorough spraying to keep the wounds free from disease. At the same time, 327 if any one wants to cover the wounds with paint. I would not say he should not do it. For that purpose there is nothing better than white lead and linseed oil, with color in if you want to make it less conspicuous. Beware of ready mixed paints. I firmly believe it is important to get good tools. You can buy good pruning shears now for $2.00 tO' $2.50. Get them heavy, so that they will stand heavy work without bending. Get them with a shape of blade that will cut readily, and with the least effort. There are two types of pruning saws, the light saw and the meat saw type. The meat saw is fine for a lazy man, and none of us want to work harder than we have to. They do a good job, and I don't know why we shouldn't use them. I don't like the two-edged saw. It is almost impossible to keep from raking the bark and making a bad wound. INTERCOLLEGIATE APPLE JUDGING CONTEST The Intercollegiate Apple Judging Contest was won by the team from the Massachusetts Agricultural College. But two teams were entered. A cup was given the winning team and medals were awarded the two highest men, Mr. Wood and Mr. Warren. The scores were as follows : MASSACHUSETTS. C. M. Wood 3260 E. H. Warren 3180 W. H. Peck 2906S OHIO. Earl Prather 27934 F. F. Smith 2696§ Dale Stoltz 2693 8183 (328) THE AIRPLANE IN FOREST INSECT CONTROL* J. S. HOUSER, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station In its final analysis, the Agricultural Experiment Station must be a practical institution, for its mission is the solving of problems of the land which contribute to more efficient produc- tion, and its workers must in most essentials be practical men in order to enjoy the confidence of those whom they attempt to serve. The present speaker hopes that, he may have merited in the past a little of the good opinion, in this respect, of the mem- bers of the State Horticultural Society and it is with some hesitation that he stands before you today, scheduled to discuss a topic which from its very nature is more or less ethereal in character — spraying by aeroplane. He hopes that when he will have finished he will not be an outcast, for what is to be presented is a record of achievement and not a dissertation on untried theories. In the prehistoric ages in the science of spraying a quarter of a century ago many members of this Society still clung to the inherited tendencies of their ancestral progenitors and spent the spraying season clambering about through the tops of their trees. At that time, if one of the members had appeared on the annual program of the Society and suggested that we abandon the clambering method of spraying and substitute for it the use of a thousand dollar power plant, whose fuel was an extract from the bowels of the earth and utilizing volts and amperes from goodness knows where to give it kick, he surely would have been branded as impractical. Or had he asserted that two men might apply 5,000 gallons of liquid day after day he would have been termed a waster and dreamer. What would we have said if in the discussion that followed the reading of such a paper if friend Schmitkons had arisen in his characteristically modest way and stated that he planned to use a little different method the fol- lowing summer ; that he was thinking some of treating his or- *Read at meeting of the Ohio State Horticultural Society, Columbus, iJan. 31, 1922. (329) 330 chard at night by blowing a new kind of dust on it ; that he would probably be able to do thirty acres or so in one evening, and that he would use powerful searchlights to show the way? I will answer my own question. We would have looked solemn, and tapped our foreheads and said : "Too bad, too bad, hej always seemed all right until today." The idea of spraying by airplane may seem just as far' fetched now as the $i,ooo power plant sprayer or the Schmit- kons blow-dust-searchlight-thirty-acre-by-night-business would] have seemed at that time. The hopper for carrying and distributing the powder. When the gate below was opened and the cranio above was turned the powder was re- leased as is grain from a grain drill. The violent air current of the propeller was sufficient to thoroughly disperse the dust. — Photo Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. To Mr. C. R. Neillie of the Cleveland Park Department is due the credit for having first conceived the idea of using an airplane in insect control. Upon invitation by Mr. Neillie the writer assumed the responsibility of giving the theory a practical test. A cooperative project was arranged between the Ohio Agric.ultural Experiment Station and the Federal Aviation Ex- periment Station at McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, and the field chosen for experiment was a six-acre grove of catalpas severely infested with the catalpa sphinx near Troy, Ohio. o c T) OJ oi ? o p y< o .^ h/1 b/1 C rrt ^ IS OS o 03 rt TD — ?1 7^ PRODUCTION OF PEARS AND PLUMS AND PRUNES IN THE UNITED STATES, AND NUMBER OF TREES, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919 AND 1909 — Concluded Pears Plums and Prunes Trees not of bearing age Production (busiiels) Trees of b earing age Trees not of bearing age 1920 1910 1919 1909 1920 1910 1920 1910 1,386 12,806 9,575 8,777 24,501 21,140 4,598 15,001 20,539 76,939 485,325 179,027 552,595 302,855 80,485 98,017 239 901 3,091 659 6,827 4,564 9,091 7,475 39,979 171,367 44,944 81,539 80,027 143,921 28,055 68,525 19,423 100,201 30,047 15,528 43,766 51,257 18,042 42,351 7,716 12,852 23,786 8,420 15,713 12,196 6,795 7,898 8,479 39,901 50,677 68,249 66,914 135,619 7,508 23,388 4,109 2,215 617,754 4,418 3,857 5,543 6,716 1,719 3,155 183,346 785,920 1,032,077 875,363 823,082 309,230 122,912 214,523 795,669 2,151,864 1,747,587 2,999,480 1,764,896 1,331,606 427,609 2,178,526 398,093 1 13,200,805 9,317,979 8,768,436 7,168,705 5,237,145 1,599,924 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF SMALL FRUITS IN THE UNITED STATES The Bureau of the Census, of the Department of Commerce, announces, subject to correction, the following preliminary figures from the 1920 census of agriculture for the United States, with comparative figures for the preceding census. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF SMALL FRUITS IN THE UNITED STATES : I919 AND I909 (Acres). Production (quarts). Total 1919.. 1909. . Strawberries 1919. . 1909.. Raspberries 1919 . . Loganberries 1919 . . Raspberries and loganberries 1909 . . Blackberries and dewberries 1919. . 1909.. Cranberries 1919 . . 1909. . Currants 1919.. 1909.. Other berries 1919. . 1909.. 249,084 272,460 325,096,968 426,565,863 119,395 143.045 50,278 8,978 48,668 46,165 49,004 16,804 18,431 7,379 7,862 5,085 5,450 176,931,550 255,702.035 49,210.447 12,123,062 60,918,196 39,945,078 55,343,570 35,260,291 38,243,060 7.722,817 10,448,532 3,903.723 5.910,470 The total acreage of small fruits harvested in the United States in 1919, according to the Fourteenth Census, was 249,084, as compared with 272,460 in 1909, representing a decrease of 23,- 376 acres, or 8.6 per cent. The states reporting the largest acreage in small fruits in 1919 were Michigan, with 21,021 acres; Sew York, with 20,412 acres; Missouri, with 16,768 acres; and New Jersey, with 15,374 acres. (372) 373 The production of small fruits in 1919 was 325,096,968 quarts, as compared with 426,565,863 quarts in 1909, a decrease of 101,468,895 quarts, or 23.8 per cent. STRAWBERRIES The acreage of strawberries harvested in 1919 was 119,395, as compared with 143,045 in 1909, representing a decrease of 23,650 acres, or 16.5 per cent. The states reporting the largest acreage in strawberries in 1919 were as follows: Tennessee, 10,- 876 acres ; Missouri, 8,645 acres ; Arkansas, 8,324 acres ; and Michigan, 8.048 acres. The production of strawberries in 1919 was 176,931,550 quarts, as against 255,702,035 quarts in 1909. These figures represent a decrease of 78,770,485 quarts, or 30.8 per cent. RASPBERRIES AND LOGANBERRIES The acreage in raspberries and loganberries in 1919 was 54,- 256, as compared with 48,668 in 1909. The production of rasp- berries and loganberrries in 1919 was 61,333,509 quarts, as com- pared with a production of 60,918,196 quarts in 1909. Raspberries and loganberries were not reported separately in 1909. The acreage of raspberries harvested in 1919 was 50,278 and the production was 49,210,447 quarts. The acreage of logan- berries harvested in 1919 was 3,978 and the production was 12,- 123,062 quarts. The leading states in the production of raspberries in 1919 were New York, Michigan, and Washington. Practically all of the loganberries produced in the United States in 1919 were re- ported from three states, as follows: Oregon, 10,198,011 quarts; Washington, 1,157,778 quarts; and Cahfornia, 655,592 quarts. BLACKBERRIES AND DEWBERRIES There were 46,165 acres in blackberries and dewberries in 1919, as compared with 49,004 acres in 1909. The production was 39,945,078 quarts in 1919 and 55,343,570 quarts in 1909. The states reporting the largest production of blackberries and dewberries in 1919 were as follows : Texas, 6,287,333 quarts; Washington, 3,691,065 quarts; Missouri, 2,958,006 quarts; Cahfornia, 2,549,082 quarts; Michigan, 2,452,909 quarts; and Oregon, 2,139,110 quarts. 374 CRANBERRIES, CURRANTS, AND OTHER BERRIES The total acreage in cranberries in 1919 was 16,804, as com- pared with 18,431 in 1909. The production in 1919 was 35,260,- 291 quarts, while the production in 1909 was 38,243,060 quarts. The states reporting the largest acreage in cranberries in 1919 were Massachusetts, with 7,096 acres; New Jersey, with 6,583 acres; and Wisconsin, with 1,805 acres. These three states pro- duced 33,852,310 quarts of cranberries in 1919. There were 7,379 acres in currants in 1919, as against 7,862 acres in 1909. The production in 1919 was 7,722,817 quarts, while the production in 1909 was 10,448,532 quarts. The state of New York in 1919 produced 3,321,583 quarts of currants. The acreage in "other berries" (mostly gooseberries) in 1919 was 5,085, as compared with 5,450 acres in 1909. The pro- duction in 1919 was 3.903, 723 quarts, as against 5,910,470 quarts in 1909. 376 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF SMALL FRUITS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES : 1919 AND 1909 Division and State Total 1 Acres 1919 1909 Production (quarts) 1919 1909 UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific NEW ENGLAND: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania EAST NOlRTH CENTRAL: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin WEST NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota ; . . Nebraska Kansas SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware Maryland 'District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi ^ Includes strawberries, raspberries cranberries, currants, and other berries. 249,084 14,6-25 44,466 57,239 35,322 25,319 20,943 22,713 4,624 23,833 1,573 1,071 694 9,628 246 1,413 20,412 15,374 8,680 9,447 7,565 11,215 21,021 7,991 5,008 7,885 16,768 524 412 1,147 3,578 3,915 8,360 21 3,518 3,162 4,099 498 842 904 6,163 12,544 1,477 759 272,460 325,096,968 426,565,863 13,777 55,243 56,957 35,587 45,403 18,994 19,417 6,765 20,317 32,406,719 56,924,436 63,702,944 37,368,041 28,198,785 23,457,806 26,666,084 5,050,860 51,321,293 1,260 618 469 9,552 281 1,597 22,496 24,069 11,591 5,919 11,723 21,419 6,305 3,738 7,211 17,009 399 419 1,411 5,400 8,687 16,595 12 7,295 2,913 6,701 856 988 1,356 4,387 12,539 1,232 836 1,561,647 753,969 749,032 27,099,119 339,064 1,903,888 25,713,901 20,148,717 11,061,818 11,963,128 6,812,972 10,591,818 23,946,801 10,388,225 6,165,120 8,837,293 17,769,936 170,771 224,398 647,321 3,553,202 4,362,473 10,278,972 25,789 4,439,964 2,092,376 4,776,710 269,248 625,783 1,327,470 5,323,010 14,620,175 2,125,418 1,389,203 37,631,006 90,300,863 73,745,968 46,275,534 72,300,168 22,182,689 23,878,888 10,587,207 49,663,540 2,285,415 998,244 836,122 29,260,143 437,560 3,823,522 37,857,829 38,822,987 13,620,047 15,721,023 7,424,831 13,602,676 27,214,659 9,782,779 4,476,575 10,344,052 23,696,221 285,696 401,295 1,594,421 5,477,274 14,425,209 26,277,054 24,109 11,342,980 2,336,562 12,827,427 1,408,099 1,262,155 2,396,573 4,972,702 13,895,498 1,907,193 1,407,301 loganberries, black berries, dewberries, 377 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF SMALL FRUITS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919 AND 1909— Continued Raspberries and Blackberries and StrawDernes loganberries dewb erries Acres Production (quarts) Production (quarts) Production (quarts) 1919 1909 1919 1909 1919 1909 1919 1909 119,395 143,045 176,931,550 255,702,035 61,333,509 60,918,196 39,946,078 66,343,570 3,353 4,432 6,319,419 11,741,829 1,374,601 1,119,007 790,102 804,595 13,909 19,202 24,065,552 43,747,240 16,328,692 |19,802,119 4,608,673 9,029,897 24,258 23,604 36,133,472 39,698,906 14,714,507 16,895,570 6,721,886 10,437,862 18,147 16,433 26,048,603 26.308,539 5,616,192 5,634,788 4,422,115 12,311,930 18,058 37,280 23,497,227 63,124,937 1,694,922 2,218,296 2,829,944 6,463,811 16,038 14,253 ]9, 673, 040 17,648,063 599,320 799,212 3,128,749 3,680,336 13,136 13,917 17,690,967 19,701,936 191,458 268,809 8,722,827 3,836,925 1,623 3,115 2,158,6.34 5,030,445 1,495,425 3,194,610 341,525 723,167 10,873 10,809 21,344,616 28,700,140 19,318,392 10,985,785 8,379,257 8,155,047 555 698 893,740 1,626,250 279,254 154,121 242,478 153,816 366 310 489,774 638,057 131,145 86,558 90,666 75,913 275 276 428,335 615,820 177,575 85,065 113,210 56,252 1,431 2,015 3,151,371 5,518,867 468,715 376,136 251,951 307,987 90 140 116,646 326,540 47,345 32,871 6,428 17,875 636 993 1,239,553 3,016,295 270,567 384,256 85,369 192,752 4,872 6,382 8,579,563 15,945,863 11,674,978 14,751,940 1,711,546 2,509,851 5,029 8,684 8,301,893 18,767,473 2,083,925 2,143,877 2,045,521 5,456,789 4,008 4,136 7,184,096 9,033,904 2,569,789 2,906,302 861,606 1,063,257 4,172 4,706 7,165,957 8,501,065 2,773,819 4,029,480 1,481,447 2,466,407 3,401 2,574 4,277,646 3.759,132 1,251,652 1,595,921 1,087,317 1,482,909 4,985 5,410 6,901,199 8,031,824 1,945,336 1,834,337 1,365,223 2,915,473 8,048 8,051 12,585,543 14,218,768 7,657,819 8,381,943 2,452,909 3,075,954 3,652 2,863 5,203,127 5,188,117 1,085,881 1,053,889 334,990 498,119 2,768 1,873 4,111,969 2,730,099 1,516,147 1,340,469 181,183 139,741 4,472 2,917 6,606,592 5,330,105 1,428,396 1,728,547 597,449 2,733,728 8,645 9,048 12,861,820 15,171,034 1,592,556 1,563,527 2,958,006 6,391,209 93 88 47,157 66,028 39,173 60,742 2,486 3,404 227 226 141,163 238,164 30,368 60,285 1,811 6,058 754 562 451,798 664,061 89,672 265,183 35,433 501,872 1,188 1,719 1,828,104 2,119,048 919,880 616,035 646,748 2,535,918 3,503 7,194 4,056,028 12,730,265 26,801 275,871 270,560 1,403,977 7,096 14,292 8,976,057 23,611,095 723,738 959,369 517,525 1,372,164 10 11 16,882 18,709 933 700 7,097 1,700 2,446 6,606 3,803,278 10,761,381 280,228 257,322 313,873 273,551 1,006 709 840,273 812,049 607,495 648,174 594,833 803,498 2,186 5,420 3,807,598 10,313,361 29,073 37,764 936,251 2,464,065 312 815 223,745 1,337,208 4,111 4,955 40,187 64,754 665 890 505,693 1,157,472 19,479 33,928 96,852 67,285 834 1,343 1,267,673 2,383,397 3,064 213 52,766 12,817 3,112 1,553 3,194,624 2,114,929 308,406 558,529 1.778,468 2,165,547 10,876 10,761 13,130,904 12,339,584 277,344 222,331 1,200,981 1,316,100 1,359 1,167 2,024,051 1,848,537 9,833 10,546 87,696 44,954 691 772 1,323,461 1,345,013 3,737 7,806 61,605 53,735 378 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF SMALL FRUITS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919 AND 1909 — Continued Division and State Total 1 Acres 1909 Production (quarts) 1919 1909 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL Arkansas Louisiana , Oklahoma MOUNTAIN: Montana Idaho Wyoming , Colorado , New Mexico Arizona , Utah Nevada PACIFIC: Washington Oregon , California 9,873 4,052 2,6i9 6,139 386 1,240 87 1,798 120 58 910 25 7,434 8,463 7,936 8,032 3,587 2,745 5,053 562 1,673 106 2,829 66 76 1,416 37 5,508 5,122 9,687 12,538,205 5,342,180 1,899,073 338,087 1,106,208 56,824 2,213,619 53,750 62,467 1,198,200 21,705 16,884,745 18,977,822 15,458,726 8,965,572 6,420,207 2,310,367 6,182,742 766,791 2,071,141 96,883 4,294,988 76,532 112,190 3,118,395 50,287 13,490,930 9,348,490 26,824,120 * Includes strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, currants, and other berries. loganberries, black berries, dewberries, 379 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF SMALL FRUITS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919 AND 1909 — Concluded Strawberries Raspberries and loganberries Blackberries and dewberries Acres Productic n (quarts) Production (quarts) Production (quarts) 1919 1909 1919 1909 1919 1909 1919 1909 8,324 4,007 302 503 155 469 39 7,361 3,570 825 2,161 265 698 24 1,326 20 58 719 5 3,283 2,941 4,585 11,463,971 5,323,890 311,630 591,476 171,150 494,818 27,061 944,276 14,363 17,058 484,792 5,136 6,377,368 4,159,200 10,808,048 8,259,240 0,405,236 830,404 4,207,056 406,038 953,723 20,895 1,674,923 35,634 95,247 1,832,796 11,189 7,683,774 5,322,040 15,694,326 154,351 145 30,234 6,728 80,875 385,510 10,979 643,678 6,202 677 364,061 3,443 5,757,456 12,022,912 1,538,024 96,414 639 74,104 97,652 165,473 575,209 15,213 1,650,785 10,222 1,550 758,317 17,841 3,118,720 2,644,948 5,222,117 885,539 18,145 1,531,810 6,287,333 13,128 91,056 587,977 14,332 1,366,497 1,868,119 36,321 249,984 149 ■ 653 1 28 20 254 5 3,087 2,812 1 4,974 1 76,234 8,233 37,040 115,437 397 3,691,065 2,139,110 2,549,082 227,598 10,089 13,808 184,140 1,078 2,340,779 915,744 4,898,524 FRUIT PRODUCTS OF FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES The Department of Commerce, through the Bureau of the Census, announces the following figures from the 1920 census of agriculture for the United States, with comparative figures for the preceding census. FRUIT PRODUCTS OF FARMS IN THE UNITED^STATES I I919 AND I909 Product 1919 1909 rider made on farms gallons.. 13,365,805 32,583,99? Cider made, or to be made, into vinegar gallons.. 6,470,060 ^ 7,246,632 Grape juice made on farms gallons.. 2,202,848 ^jg 53^225 Dried fruits, total pounds.. 612,700,626 385,039,552 Raisins and dried grapes pounds..] 301,035,519 | 169,245,101 Other dried fruits pounds..) 311,665,107 1 215,794,451 1 Vinegar made on farms. ^ Wine and grape juice. CIDER AND VINEGAR The number of gallons of cider rnade on farms in the United States in 1919, according to the Fourteenth Census, was 13,365,- 805, as compared with 32,583,998 in 1909, representing a decrease of 19,218,193 gallons, or 59 per cent. The production of cider reported for 1899 was 55,280,199 gallons, and the decrease be- tween 1899 and 1909 amounted to 22,696,201 gallons, or 41. i per cent. The number of farms reporting cider produced in 1919 was 216,617, as compared with 332,810 in 1909. The leading states in the production of cider on farms in 1919 were Pennsylvania, with 2,532,044 gallons; New York, with 2,144,848 gallons; Maine, with 933,440 gallons; Connect- icut, with 883,937 gallons; Virginia, with 804,405 gallons; and Ohio, with 708,563 gallons. The number of gallons of cider made into vinegar in 1919, or to be made into vinegar, was 6,470,060, while the quantity of vinegar made on farms in 1909 (including some vinegar other than cider vinegar) was 7,246,632 gallons. (380) 38i The only states in 19 19 that reported over 500,000 gallons of cider vinegar made on farms were New York, with 1,109,- 794 gallons; Pennsylvania, with 948,480. gallons; and Maine, with 594.739 gallons. GRAPE JUICE The quantity of grape juice made on farms in 1919 was 2,202,848 gallons. There is no comparison between this quan- tity and the quantity of wine and grape juice (18,636,225 gal- lons) which was reported for 1909. The number of farms re- porting grape juice made in 19 19 was 30,993. California reported 1,820,895 gallons, or 82.7 per cent of the grape juice produced on farms in 1919. Among the other states, New York produced 45,320 gallons; Illinois, 38,746 gal- lons; Ohio, 36,071 gallons; and Missouri, 33,671 gallons. DRIED FRUITS The total production of dried fruits in 1919 was 612,700,- 626 pounds, as compared with 385,039,552 pounds in 1909, representing an increase of 227,661,074 pounds, or 59.1 per cent. The total for 1919 included 301,035,519 pounds of raisins and dried grapes. The number of farms reporting dried fruits in 1919 was 252,289, as compared with 137,041 in 1909. California produced 577,041,118 pounds, or 94.2 per cent of the total production of dried fruits in 1919, and all except 35,288 pounds of the total production of raisins. Other states reporting over 1,000,000 pounds of dried fruits in 1919 were as follows: Oregon, 17,470,568; Washington, 5,378,989; Ar- kansas, 3,724,743; Virginia, 1,818,481; and North Carolina, 1,065,302. 382 FRUIT PRODUCTS OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919 AND 1909 Division and State UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific NEW ENGLAND: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin WEST NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska / Kansas SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas , Louisiana Oklahoma ■ Texas Cider 6,448,313 1.56,564 425,147 1,084,744 1,096.951 1.158,976 1,051,600 996,088 244,109 2.34,164 216,617 38,840 72,331 39,377 13,716 30,323 4,187 3,152 2,537 12,154 48,227 20,523 29,075 32,001 4,083 22,655 193,195 29,702 202,250 256,695 205,126 237,181 196,447 189,295 178,478 213,439 263,004 77,690 74,637 124,417 165,286 10,140 47,908 204 186,242 87,289 269,763 192,693 310,732 54,005 270,626 252,774 256,099 272,101 232,604 136,463 191,988 436,033 11,417 5,822 6,574 6,653 926 7,448 32,835 2,415 37,081 12,751 2,650 10,215 11,231 2,530 585 2,648 7,S56 73 979 1,575 1,178 5,960 4 12,680 3,500 6,616 123 262 2,311 1,525 330 21 1,590 6 1,408 148 Production (gallons) 1919 13,365,805 3,274,452 4,827,773 2,133,353 566,303 1,760,076 114,835 138,841 191,269 3.58,903 933,440 420,794 394,770 537,386 104,125 883,937 2,144,818 150,881 2,532,014 708,563 126,878 672,868 541,458 83,586 21,143 78,930 339,794 3,047 36,169 87,220 66,190 438,877 93 804,405 194,630 250,517 1,518 3,846 1909 32,583,998 4,705,949 13,510,722 8,614,873 2,053,882 2,394,776 692,131 72,145 203,095 306,425 939,085 671 ,684 651,159 1,004,392 147,645 1,291,984 5,191,221 288,587 8,060,914 2,889,237 1,491,911 678,437 3,386,138 169,150 9,044 590,352 1,065,881 4,103 255,886 128,616 36,145 970,705 72,068 38,954 3,539 274 50,394 81 82,449 5,917 469,651 248,543 647,152 6,692 14,970 918 464,321 213,916 12,557 1,337 36,825 436 30,081 4,803 383 FRUIT PRODUCTS OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES 1919 AND 1909 — Continued ade Into 1 Grape J uice, 1919 i & Dried Fruits r, 1919 ade on W9 ■3 ».7 C s Production (pounds) c 0 a c 0 c be i 0 a u o^^ ■ ;3S° : 0.—, «--' » u a in •a.c O O Vineg Fart (gal i Pi 3 tn T3 C «>2 1919 1909 6,470,060 7,246,632 30,993 2,202,848 18,636,225 252,^ 612,700,626 J8§.,0S9,552 1,583,157 710,412 1,622 27,638 50,738 1,250 1 36,815 23,644 2,131,261 1,994,295 4,448 74,271 687,609 13,591 760,021 4,677,598 957,461 1,741,506 8,783 115,441 875,955 10,343 351,696 312,976 334,215 821,849 6,377 63,887 410,867 24,126 939,242 1,217,194 845,574 836,450 4,640 42,677 323,801 54,085 3,429,824 3,106,883 67,646 526,311 1,889 9,813 82,520 47,734 1,674,085 2,705,816 83,527 89,217 1,400 33,380 135,310 66,228 5,066,575 1,268,210 105,324 158,820 201 4,344 26,783 3,038 552,693 273,828 361,895 367,772 1,633 1,831,397 16,042,642 31,894 599,890,675 371,453,403 594,739 197,996 31 250 328 649 16,347 15,034 260,214 115,894 137 368 2,846 118 3,295 1,768 180,533 96,520 80 217 1,199 348 8,406 5,828 210,496 133,653 627 5,591 12,937 51 5,59t 465 36,408 300,767 19,003 104 2,591 2,856 16 307 147', 346 613 18^621 30,572 68 1,866 549 1,109,794 703,384 1,524 45,320 346,973 971 374,317 4,385,978 72,987 48,665 444 17,148 233,880 54 2,132 6,323 948,480 1,242,246 2,480 11,803 106,756 12,566 383,572 285,297 279,603 483,908 2,268 36,071 264,213 2,156 46,319 65,432 54,576 431,187 1,167 9,778 130,976 894 24,409 62,196 314,592 207,242 3,025 38,746 247,951 5,030 236,830 128,376 278,752 602,697 2,117 29,205 199,030 1,098 22,250 48,328 29,938 16,472 206 1,641 33,785 1,166 21,888 8,644 11,835 5,778 40 214 4,567 566 11,675 2,853 49,270 244,473 2,757 23,334 76,092 1,652 35,189 87,421 200,321 402,518 44 2,823 2,968 33,671 245,656 128 10,096 20,793 861,912 1,102,274 106 i,m 5" 26' 29" i',4i2" 1,247 23,343 109,593 224 2,449 47,703 262 5,910 17,793 48,107 56,620 383 4,199 26,625 824 23,144 5,500 37,531 9,481 37 120 1,379 74 2,088 370 177,083 226,460 885 4,869 20,783 2,395 60,152 39,292 5 1,799 59 10,455 1 22,966 5 1,818,481 '"395 ',755' '"268',457" 49',609' 929 ',546 96,176 122,592 500 2,409 15,449 7,053 329,329 396,927 136,323 188,610 984 22,501 205,152 17,023 1,065,302 1,500,681 792 3,599 139 719 12,371 1,351 46,878 26,758 1,914 14,232 248 1,259 2,665 3,192 106,724 212,570 3,019 43 296 16,393 30 865 739 41,997 309,562 827 4,008 45,138 12,979 467,882 1,593,727 23,613 191,915 727 2,924 16,576 21,222 782,603 857,903 1,895 18,217 255 2,346 12,820 7,674 231,978 201,797 141 6,617 80 535 7,986 5,859 191,622 52,389 30,727 42,770 502 8,752 75,070 38,352 3,724,743 1,193,139 20 3,521 4 14 1,205 1,495 41,497 3,198 50,275 32,887 489 9,697 16,999 8,454 460,195 45,684 2,506 10,039 405 14,917 42,036 17,927 840,140 26,189 3^4 FRUIT PRODUCTS OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES; 1919 AND 1909 — Continued Division and State Cider Eft I.'-' Production (gallons) 1919 1909 Cider M Vinega MOUNTAIN: Montana .., -Idaho Wyoming . . Colorado New Mexico Arizona .... Utah Nevada PACIFIC: Washington Oregon _ California . 57,677 42,106 15,748 59,934 29,844 9,975 25,662 3,163 66,288 50,206 117,670 376 714 26 862 271 39 192 57 5,771, 5,121 1,262 27,771 45,062 998 66,852 25,369 2,437 18,033 4,727 223,314 35,169 100,420 22,314 10,562 612 138,091 12,788 2,771 5,347 10,610 98,050 89,919 118,456 258 505 15 633 206 29 111 , 48 3,162 4,013 819 385 FRUIT PRODUCTS OF FARMS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919 AND 1909— Concluded ade Into Grape J uice, 1919 _o Dried Fruits r, 1919 ade on 909 '5 a in i Q. u Production (pounds) o a C 13 oj CM o G u (« 5 0/-V rt B° Produ Ions Qj 2 ra 10,108 £ 1 Produ Ions Si eg •-2 1919 1909 13,689 3 368 71 2,912 435 22,197 J 1,762 ■ 53 421 3,452 460 256,010 21,280 683 239 121,428 197 1,116 16 282 755 11,444 110 43,96(J 60' , 505 59,286 13,999 5,880 23 757 1,684 1,305 160,315 16,506 1,085 3,504 32 5,100 176 23,422 7,932 6,891 2,689 19 S71 12,173 663 78,830 103,743 2,820 3,210 S 1,755 2,693 65 19,005 64,536 112,264 62,446 235 1,777 5,891 2,225 5,378,989 1,842,306 201, 5i6 60,643 361 8,725 31,232 4,320 17,470,568 10,904,713 . 48,086 244,683 1,037 1,820,895 16,005,519 25,349 577,041,118 358,706,384 25 THE FIFTY LEADING AGRICULTURAL COUNTIES IN THE UNITED STATES The Department of Commerce, through the Bureau of the Census, announces the following data from the 1920 census of agriculture for the United States. The Census Bureau has determined the rank of the 50 counties in the United States leading in the combined value of farm crops and live-stock products in 1919. The live-stock products include dairy products, chickens and eggs, honey and wax, and wool and mohair, but not domestic animals sold and slaughtered. There is some duplication, to be sure, when the value of crops and the value of live-stock products are included in the same total, by reason of the fact that a large part of the live-stock products are derived from the feeding of farm crops to farm live stock. This combined value, however, appears to offer the best available index of the counties' agricultural pro- duction. The 50 leading agricultural counties were distributed among the several states as follows: California, 13; New York, 7; Illinois, 5; Texas, 4; Pennsylvania, 4; South Carolina, 4; North Carolina, 3 ; Washington, 2 ; Wisconsin, 2 ; and i each for Arizona, Colorado; Connecticut, Maine, Minnesota, and Missis- sippi. RANK OF SOME INDIVIDUAL COUNTIES Los Angeles County, Calif., ranked first among all counties in the United States in the combined value of crops and live- stock products in 1919, the total value amounting to $71,579,899. The value of crops in this country was $61,864,479, which was greater than the combined value of crops and live-stock products in any other county. Oranges contributed slightly more than one-third of the combined value of crops and live-stock products in this county. Other important items were lemons, walnuts, and hay and forage. Fresno County, Calif., ranked second among all counties, with a value of $55,110,101 for crops and live-stock products, and stood third in the value of crops alone, with $51,861,252. (386) 387 Grapes made up a little more than one-half of the combined value of crops and live-stock products, with peaches, and hay and forage following- in order. Aroostook County, Me., stood third in the combined value of crops and live-stock products, with $54,376,256, and was second in value of crops, with $52,541,205. Potatoes comprised about four-fifths of. the combined value in this county, while hay and forage was the next item in importance as regards value. San Joaquin County, Calif, ranked fourth, with a combined value of $41,191,240, for crops and live-stock products, and also stood fourth in the value of crops, with $37,956,866. Potatoes, grapes, barley, and hay and forage were the leading items from the standpoint of value. Lancaster County, Pa., was fifth in rank, with $40,776,212 representing the value of crops and live-stock products. To- bacco, corn, hay and forage, and wheat were the most important items, in the order named. Yakima County, Wash., stood sixth in value of crop and live-stock products, with $34,741,710. Apples, and hay and forage were the leading items as regards value. Other counties, with their rank according to the combined value of crops and live-stock products in 1919, were as follows: Tulare County, Calif., seventh, with $34,036,167; Sonoma County. Calif., eighth, with $32,300,623 ; Whitman County, Wash., ninth, with $31,921,047; and Dane County, Wis., tenth, with $29,395,753. The 50 counties whose rank in the combined value of crops and live-stock products has been determined, are shown in the following table : 388 < in Pm O u o w > Q w 1—4 o u 0^ It] i: j-H t/J :^ H ►—1 U r-i D •P^ P u Q D:i < Dh r/i o W H H c/0 < W H > U) H-1 Q W H ^; ^ C/5 w 1—1 H O '.J "T; 1- >^ nJ *j o !; n! >,5f '*-' ° O rt n! -n .-So "! ?; « ^'-o 1^ •/ " " s t- ;- o o o nl i- .- 'i it ^C "■^ gii o 4-1 n!T3 - bo >>« -^ '^'^ rt o 2 -o >> M - 1) rt 2 O t^ O S « u u _, o &-" .^ dj (U i^ o 60 ..—C -T-j f ^ P, rt n.y -3 c « re « . - . ^ en -t- +- ^ ^ oj rt rt ,_ .:: j: . 60 C .-60 C S ° C- C t- O rt )- UOUGO o J-' o o c o o uqhUUu u;.^ouu le of Crops Amount $61,864,479 51,861,2.52 .'52,541.205 37,956,866. 32,191,536 32,458,658 30,547,341 17,477,370 30,824,407 20,978.957 ' 26,938,018 26.517,455 24,054,416 13,582,476 25,572.032 20,9.33,838 23,792.084 23,604,661 23,800,535 22,199,150 ■23,114,901 21,474,008 22,012,165 22,904.976 22,055,9.50 'a > Rank ,-1^5-•« SjiEE S c o ■- c3 O.- Ul (U o c C Hjti,<:c/2K-1 >iHixi?- .z d'-H^S^ S ro o rt IJ 'Z r-.i!. : % S tiZ re cq o is ' ,u _ VI, C3 S rejS*:" Srereij.^ cO^toO >Ht/";i_!.,i_l o g B i< o 389 ^ S|S ° Sd -« ^°« " ^" V hfi ^ rt « . . nJ ha for ee o I- ^ o r S S -O m T) 0, etc s, wh potato lay an corn, >. M rt m C3 -D -M iOO rH 00 «(? t- CO-* 00 CO -<^ (XJ ^O Tj* -^ COOiOOi— !■«* COrHT-HCO-* t^'+'t— lOCO CS <© CO T-H tT< rH r-iOlOi CO ^ O 05 Oi 03 CO 00 (N C-l CM C^ (f>l OJ - rH(MC0-*iO COt-^COOiO (MCNC^liMOO COCOCOCOCO OOCOCOW"^ ■^ >^U = S^^ .Zc rax ••7t' « ■ C o o T C o tfl 4-( w ^ c.»— ■•- n ra 4-* flj o ''C c.; " b ° E THE TWENTY LEADING CROPS IN THE UNITED STATES The Department of Commerce, through the Bureau of the Census, announces the following data from the 1920 census of agriculture for the United States. The 20 leading crops of the United States in 1919, arranged in order of value, were corn, hay and forage, cotton, wheat, oats, potatoes, tobacco, apples, barley, sweet potatoes, rye, rough rice, grapes, peaches, kafir and milo, oranges, sugar beets, peanuts, dry edible beans, and sugar cane. The total value of these 20 crops was $13,754,290,926, which represents more than nine- tenths of the total value of crops shown by the Fourteenth Census. Corn heads the list, with a value of $3,507,797,102, or almost $1,000,000 more than hay and forage, which stands second on the list with a value of $2,523,050,224. Cotton ranked third, with a value (including cottonseed) of $2,355,169,365, and wheat ranked fourth, with a value of $2,074,078,801. These four crops combined represented a value amounting to $10,- 460,095,492, or 70.9 per cent of the total value of all crops harvested in 1919. The next four crops in order were oats, with a value of $855,255,468; potatoes (white), with a value of $639,440,521; tobacco, with a value of $444,047,481 ; and apples, the leading fruit crop, with a value of $241,573,577. The following table shows for the 20 leading crops both the value and the acreage — or in case of fruit crops the number of trees or vines : VALUE AND ACREAGE OF TWENTY LEADING CROPS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1919 Crop Value Acreage 1. Corn 13,507,797,102 87,771,600 2. Hay and forage 2,523,050,224 96,121,228 3. Cotton and cottonseed 2,355,169,36-5 33,740,106 4. Wheat 2,074,078,801 73,099,421 5. Oats 855,255,468 37,991,002 (390) 391 6. Potatoes (white) 639,440,521 3,251,703 7. Tobacco 444,047,481 1,864,080 8. Apples 241,573,577 *115,309,165 9. Barley 160,427,255 6,472,888 10. Sweet potatoes 124,844,475 803,727 11. Rye 116,537,965 7,679,005 12. Rough rice 97,194,481 911,272 13. Grapes 95,586,021 *225,754,285 14. Peaches 95,569,868 *65,646,101 15. Kafir, milo, etc 90,221,046 3,619,034 16. Oranges 83,398,894 n4, 397, 836 17. Sugar beets 66,051,989 636,434 18. Peanuts 62,751,701 1,125,100 19. Dry edible beans 61,795,225 1,161,682 20. Sugar cane 59,499,467 372,938 * Number of trees or vines of bearing age. 392 FRUIT CROPS, NUMBER OF TREES AND VINES, (U. S. Census) 1919 Counties Allen Defiance Fulton Hancock . Henry Lucas . . . . Paulding . Putnam Van Wert Williams . Wood .... Ashland Crawford Erie Huron . . Lorain . . Ottawa . . Richland Sandusky Seneca . . Wyandot Ashtabula . Columbiana Cuyahoga . Geauga ... Lake Mahoning Medina . . . Portage ... Stark Summit Trumbull Wavne . . . . Auglaize . Champaign aark Darke Hardin ... Logan . . . . Mercer Miami Shelby ... Delaware Fairfield Fayette Franklin Knox Licking . Madison Marion Morrow . Pickaway Ross LTnioTi ., Apple Trees Peach Trees 13,629 6,1.54 11,298 8.63+ 7,127 23,09:3 2,716 6,692 5,S.52 8.420 6,779 8,811 10,836 27,704 10,185 37,887 41,937 10,613 20,200 10,380 6,197 52,654 70,590 44,487 41,716 47,541 28,606 21,567 22,ftJ5 32,454 29,439 15,104 22,421 20 3,386 4,174 10.225 4.919 7,9.59 8,923 4.527 5,774 19,808 31,3.38 1,782 21,661 13.084 29,209 4,383 0,3.34 7,181 3,456 .35,849 8,375 57 1 187 1 26 323 60 m-2. 40« 579 47 747 48 452 24 748 1 49 316 .59 790 44 019 53 136 44 291 51 1.38 60 327 48 304 75 867 63 70S .57 2)0 49 737 52 842 31 021 93 125 137 393 83 297 52 2.55 53 573 75 550 62 553 80 482 101 346 59 501 94 204 98 560 44 553 31 963 37 51.3 ! 66 803 39 303 42 633 .51 093 46 358 51 525 53 623 81 007 17 464 69 .528 57 922 87 344 11 363 25 464 43 454 26 082 104 8-12 23 720 3,458 4,065 6,545 2,196 3,163 19,942 669 2,071 1,626 2,07^ 6,193 5.6S3 2,747 27,492 4,858 20,2.50 66,413 7,437 9,691 3,638 2,929 13,002 45,975 22,397 11,551 19,591 I 19,184 10,000 10,858 26,652 30,923 9,547 10,699 1,225 2,185 2,411 3,591 1,849 3,162 2,323 2,568 2,022 6,778 16,390 680 8,6-16 8,. 553 18,517 572 1.160 3,717 1,263 15,691 1,016 «-M o 5,446 . 6,232 14,447 5,589 3,357 49,536 t)74 3,204 2,471 3,256 10,633 13,067 4,788 97,060 7,1.31 66.840 548,737 13,656 23,286 6,908 4,9S3 130,606 110,234 42,317 24,073 97,163 45,094 19,935 18,712 57,623 31,727 37,683 33,498 1,522 3,834 n ,715 3,904 2.686 6,267 3,407 2,346 1,952 5.320 25.700 2,748 6,688 14,465 44,070 1,131 1,917 4.295 3,067 I 35.306 I 1,280 I Pear Irees he T -t; n! M P U-i n! bn y. 0 1,112 4,218 641 2,782 1,173 43,016 783 3,939 726 3,924 4,789 10,672 236 1,637 600 3,097 342 2,697 944 4,455 1,356 6,445 759 3,069 979 4,295 3,M6 16,697 704 2,973 3,262 9,475 7,764 22,825 1,190 6,214 2,0.59 6,453 7.31 4,797 489 2,632 4,465 8,946 5,267 12,439 7,915 19,978 6,7(:9 21,057 8,006 26,641 3,795 8,920 1,919 6,456 2,322 7,131 3,938 9,733 5,259 6,644 1,484 7,456 1,596 7,890 611 3,3.53 640 3,469 894 5,624 1,1.38 6,234 487 3,146 761 4,104 675 3,535 625 7,868 659 4,997 798 3,6.58 1,869 5,1J9 284 2,977 1 ,998 6,678 1 ,9.35 7,322 1,368 5.670 643 1,095 471 2,803 6.52 4,&55 369 1,963 1,128 4,017 656 2,545 Grape Vines 2,591 946 1,361 1,926 1,236 9,233 596 1,132 907 1,175 1,660 538 1,160 20,696 676 54,602 23,731 1,707 850 953 533 128,203 4,562 64,159 13,708 93,388 3,823 12,425 4,393 2,096 6,323 1,330 3,338 647 670 473 1,095 559 900 2,631 917 402 566 1,574 245 2,120 963 1,142 2)5 503 009 418 403 395 393 FRUIT CROPS, NUMBER OF TREES AND VINES, 1919 — Concluded < ►J Counties Belmont .. Carroll Coshocton Harrison Holmes . . . I Jefferson . . I Tuscarawas Butler Clermont . . Clinton .... Greene Hamilton . . Montgomery Preble Warren . Adams . . Brown . . Gallia . . . Highland Jackson Lawrence Pike Scioto ... Apple Trees 33,697 19,7ST 17,639 10,126 9,663 25,214 29,242 5.453 31,337 12,330 8,451 24,397 10,639 6,283 15,666 I 11,612 109.228 I 11, .386 I 74,291 I 278,352 I 21,765 I 43,377 39,394 I 19,915 I 15,. 515 I 43,901 ] 8,987 ( 10,828 I 35,399 I 10,489 I 12,698 I 24,662 I 62,194 I Peach Trees 107,339 ! 71,340 I 96,485 1 54,539 I 64,. 524 I 11,147 60,629 f 12,260 92,176 I 17,718 21,541 16,394 15,545 6,913 25,409 114,099 27,2.35 33,712 61,100 5] ,.561 39,861 4,976 15,937 4,487 3,384 26,786 4,782 3,741 6,631 I 27,924 3,460 68,973 9,428 55,933 I 6,468 175,953 I 12,401 46,895 I 5,584 Athens . . . . Guernsey Hocking .. Meigs Monroe . . . Morgan . . . Muskingum Noble Perry \'inton . . . . Washington State 2,047,687 5,970,410 1970,183 2,113 377,654 71,980 72,719 126,050 94,786 51,557 U6,318 83,695 68,768 114,316 72,516 62,7.55 60,0.53 194,, 573 24,668 54,537 8,183 16,711 756 297 967 373 902 667 092 868 537 492 423 Pear Trees Grape Vines K O 72,802 49,4-12 48,500 37,148 31,313 53,621 61,126 I 6,562 I 44,620 I 2,055 I 3,693 ' 82,308 I 5,684 I 6,968 7,188 I 23,446 S,090 43,629 13,802 40,294 125,001 24,027 23,538 68,417 52,052 27,346 30,816 17,769 22,419 58,883 20,929 26,525 28.404 32,174 2,924,177 2,439 1,060 1,178 751 886 1,440 2,089 856 2,035 377 772 6,106 3,161 981 524 1,040 1,524 798 665 292 1,7«1 539 1,224 1,119 1.485 602 1.184 308 570 1,182 540 1,054 661 1,228 147,892 o 9,707 2,897 7,. 371 3,2Sr 4,237 2,9' :J 6,727 4,285 27,036 2,306 3,8.51 47,307 17,352 4,915 2,873 6,560 3,635 4,285 2,633 499 5,826 1,346 2,671 5,389 3,727 1,462 6,395 1,701 2,320 10,616 2,309 3,533 1,111 3,680 616,416 5,557 390 485 327 661 1,416 1,306 1,253 527 197 148 198 180 1,036 281 2,429 204 995 38,274 3,071 5,774 1,791 5,548 5,939 9,589 1,007 8,200 1,179 20,497 277 2,216 975 4,667 7,644 79,016 4,663 12,721 1,520 3,593 349 3,0f,9 400 3,499 492 6,658 603 2,156 302 4,472 105 1,537 366 1,867 393 3,957 1,111 5,770 5,811 3,984 4,041 3,765 8,542 2,479 10,973 4,156 4,710 l,58l 4,413 6,553,904 AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I NAME The name of this Association shall be the American Pomo- logical Society. ARTICLE II OBJECT Its object shall be the advancement of the science and art of Pomology. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP The regular membership of this Society shall consist of Collegiate, Annual, Society, Life, and Institutional members. The special membership shall consist of Honorary members, Subscribers, Contributors, Junior and Senior Patrons. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS The regular meetings of this Society shall be held annually at such time and place as the Executive Committee may decide. Special meetings may be convened upon the call of the President or by the Executive Committee on petition signed by a majority of its members. ARTICLE V ELECTION OF MEMBERS Students shall be eligible for Collegiate membership on recommendation of the professor of pomology in the faculty of the institution whence the applicant registers. ' Any person shall be eligible for Annual membership on pay- ment of membership fee. Any society of established standing shall be eligible for Society membership and may become such member on its own election. Libraries and educational institutions may become members on their own election ; such memberships shall be limited to thirty years. (394) 395 . Any person shall be eligible to Life membership on recom- mendation of a special committee appointed by the president to determine the applicant's qualifications ; and may be elected to such membership on approval by two-thirds of the Executive Committee. Honorary membership, in recognition of eminent or dis- tinguished services to pomology, may be conferred upon any person nominated by not less than a two-thirds vote of the Ex- ecutive Committee, and who receives not less than a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a regular annual meeting. The designation of Subscriber may be conferred by vote of the Executive Committee upon any person, firm or corporation that may have contributed valuable services toward the ac- complishment of a definite periodical purpose. The designation of Contributor may be conferred, as above, upon any person, firm or corporation that may have contributed means, material or special services of notable permanent value for the advancement of the work being carried on by the Society. The title of Junior Patron may be conferred in similar man- ner upon any person — otherwise eligible to regular membership, who may contribute at any one time to any of the permanent funds of the Society the sum of $500. The title of Senior Patron may likewise be conferred upon any person similarly eligible, who has contributed, for a like purpose, the sum of $1,000. ARTICLE VI DUES AND FEES * The dues for Collegiate membership shall be one dollar for the calendar year ; for Annual membership shall be five dollars for the calendar year ; for Society membership shall be ten dol- lars, the calendar year; the fee for Institutional membership shall be fifty dollars; the fee for Life membership shall be fifty dollars. ARTICLE VII OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The officers of this organization shall consist of a president ; first and second vice-presidents, one of whom shall be from Canada; a secretary-treasurer; and an executive committee which shall consist of eleven members and the officers ex-officio. The executive committee as soon as possible after election shall 396 choose from among themselves a Board of Managers of three who shall conduct in the absence of the executive committee the ad interim business of the Society. Six shall constitute a quorum of the executive committee and two of the Board of Managers. BY-LAWS 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the So- ciety ; he shall exercise a general supervision and control of the business and affairs of the Society, and appoint all committees unless otherwise directed. 2. In case of death, sickness or inability of the President, his official duties shall devolve on the Vice-President. 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all moneys be- longing to the Society, and pay over the same on the written orders of the President ; he shall, with the assistance of a re- porter appointed by him, keep a record of the transactions of the Society for publication; he shall furnish such bond as may be required by the Executive Committee. 4. There shall be an Auditing Committee of three members appointed by the President at each annual meeting. 5. A Standing Committee on New Fruits of American Origin consisting of three members, shall be appointed by the President, immediately after his election. It shall be the duty of this Committee to report annually on new fruits of American origin, and also to examine, and before the close of the session report on, all new seedling varieties that may be exhibited and to make an ad interim report on those that wer-e exhibited in an unripe condition at the meeting of the Society, but had subse- quently attained a state of maturity; and on such other seedlings as may have been submitted to their inspection during the Society's vacation. 6. A Standing Committee on Foreign Fruits, consisting of three members, shall be appointed, whose duties shall be similar to those of the committee in By-Law Five. 7. A Standing Committee on Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fruits, consisting of three members, shall be appointed, whose duties shall be similar to those of the committee in By-Law Five. 8. A Standing Committee on Nomenclature, consisting of three members, shall be appointed annually. 397 9- A'acancies occurring in committees shall be filled by the chairman of each, and in case of his death or inability to serve, his place shall be supplied by the President of the Society. 10. The order of business for each meetitig- shall be ar- ranged by the Executive Committee. 11. The Constitution or By-Laws may be altered or amend- ed, at any regular annual meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 12. That there be hereby established a membership in this body to be known as Society Membership, which shall be open to state. Provincial and district organizations. The fee for such membership shall be, for a State or Provincial Society, ten dol- lars, and for a district society five dollars, the year. This mem- bership carries with it the right and duty to appoint delegates, one for each hundred members, or major fraction thereof, and one delegate-at-large, of the delegating body, to attend and par- ticipate in the meetings of this Society. Delegates from the above Society Members shall be en- titled to all the privileges of other members of this Society ; but in the case of the appointment of alternates, no alternate shall have a right to vote except in the absence of his principal, or in the event his principal elects to divide his privilege, thereby casting a one-half vote for principal and alternate. 13. There is hereby established a membership in this So- ciety known as the Collegiate Membership which shall be open to students in Pomology in any agricultural school, college or university. 14. The voting privilege of this organization shall be ex- ercised by these annual, society and life members in good stand- ing, and whose dues are paid for the current year. MEMBERSHIP LIST OF THE AMERICAN POMOLOG- ICAL SOCIETY . LIFE Allen, Alexander, M. D. Alwood, Wm. B., Greenwood, Va. Ash, John, Pomfret Center, Ct. Atkins, Chas. G., Bucksport, Me. Austin, C. F., Herradura, Cuba. Babcock, J. L., Norfolk, Va. Bailey, L. H., Ithaca, N. Y. BerryhiU, J. G., 304 New Call Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Black, Chas., Hightstown, N. J. Blackmore, John C, Christ Church, Canterbury, New Zealand. Blair, J. C, Urbana, 111. Briggs, G. R., Plymouth, Mass. Bunyard, E. A., AUington, Maid- stone, Eng. Chase, Howard A., Commonwealth Bldg., Mount Pocono, Pa. Cane, Mrs. Moses H., Blowing Rock, N. C. Cook, David C, Elgin, 111. Crandall, C. S., Urbana, 111. Coe, Asher M., North Olmstead, Ohio. Chase Bros. Co., The Rochester Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. Cruickshank, R. B., O. S. U., Co- lumbus, Ohio. Darrow, Geo. M., U. S. D. A., Washington, D. C. Dean, M. L., Wenatchee, Wash. Dearing, Chas., U. S. D. A., Wash- mgton, D. C. Devitt, Wm., Georgetown, Del. Devol, Wm. Stowe, Santa Monica, Calif. Dewey, Geo. W., Jerome, Idaho. Dreer, W. F., 714 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dumas, J. L., Pomona Ranch, Day- ton, Wash. Durell, E. H., Woodbury, N. J. De Cou, Howard F., Moorestown, N.J. Egbert, Knott C, Rt. 7, Tiffin, Ohio. Fay, Jesse B., 10"21 Society for Sav- ings Bldg., Cleveland, O. Fletcher, W. F., Woodward Okla. Eraser, Samuel, Geneseo, N. Y. Fugazzi, John F., Cincinnati. Ohio. Gammon, C. W., 67 7th Ave., New York City. Gardiner, Robt. H.. Gardiner, Me. Garfield, Chas. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Gay, Leslie F., Sta. A, Los Angeles, Calif. Gerrish, O. K., Lakeville, Mass. Gillett, M. E., Tampa, Fla. Greening, Chas. E., Monroe, Mich. Green, E. C, 1101 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. Guilford, W. S., Orland, Calif. Hansen, N. E.,- Brookings, S. D. Harrison, Orlando, Berlin, Md. Hart. W. S., Hawk's Park, Fla. Hartevelt, A., Ryswiik, by den Haag, Holland. Hodge, C. F., Clark Univ., Wor- cester, Mass. Hume, H. Harold, Glen St. Mary, Fla. Hunnewell, Walter, 87 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Husmann, Fred L., 2nd and Sem- inary Sts., Napa, Calif. Husmann, Geo. C, U. S. D. A., Washington, D. C. Herf¥, B. Von, Berlin, Postlagernd, Germany. Ilgenfritz, Chas. A., Monroe, Mich. Irish. H. C. R. 6, Webster Groves, Mo. Kains, M. G., Pomona, N. Y. Kidder. N. T.. Milton, Mass. (398) 399 Kirkpatrick, T. J., 1603 High St., Springfield, Ohio. Lake, E. R., 2033 Park Rd., N. W., Washington, D. C. Lauman, G. N., Ithaca, N. Y. Lehenbauer, P. A., University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. Leslie, W. R., Dominion Exp. Farm, Morden, Manitoba, Can. Lewis, K. B., Red Hook, N. Y. Lovett, J. T., Little Silver, N. J. Lysle, Addison, Fillmore, Calif. McAfee, H. B., Indiana Ave. and oOth St., Chicago, 111. McLaughlin, Henry, Bangor, Me. Magid, Louis B., Tallulah Park, Ga. Mann, Chas. W., U. S. D. A., Washington, D. C. Marshall, Geo. A., Arlington, Nebr. Mayer, Dr. I. H., Willowstreet, Pa. Meneray, F. W.. 71-5 1st St., Coun- cil Bluffs, la. Miller, H. W., Paw Paw, W. Va. Minott, C. W., 964 Main St., Mel- rose Highlands, Mass. Morris, O. M., Pullman, Wash. Munson, D. O., Falls Church, Va. Myers, Wm. S., 25 Madison St., New York City. Neame, F. Ivo, Macknade, Faver- sham, Eng. Niagara Sprayer Co., Gasport, N. Y. Perrine, W. S., Centralia, 111. Phillips. J. L., Linden, Va. Price, H. L., Blacksburg, Va. Purington, E. F., East Wilton, Me. Pershing, Thed., Pineville, Pa. Pease, J. L., Apartado Postal No. 2843, Mexico City, Mexico. Pratt, B. G. Co., 50 Church St., New York City. Quaintance, A. L., U. S. D. A., Washington, D. C. Reom, J. A., Paradise, Butte Co., Calif. Richardson, Chas. E., Brookline, Mass. Roeding, Geo. C, Fresno, Calif. Rogers, A. J., Beulah, Mich. Rowe, George E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rumph, Samuel H., Marshallville Ga. Rust, David, 606 Finance BIdg. Philadelphia, Pa. Riehl. E. A., Godfrey,^ III. Reed, W. C. & Son, Vincennes, Ind Sadler, Dr. O. W., Mount Dora Fla. Sampson, F. G., Quincy, Fla. Schenck, A. A., Brookfield Centre Conn. Smith, Wm. Elliot, Alton, 111. Smith, George W., Hartford, Conn Smith, Erwin F., 1457 Stoughton St., Washington, D.' C. Smith, John D., Jr., Tipton, Ind. Smjth, Wing. R., 226 Wieting Bldg. Syracuse, N. Y. Stark, Wm. H., 30 Wayne Ave. White Plains, N. Y. Starr, Robt. W., Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Can. Streator, Geo. J., 854 Seaside x\ve., Santa Cruz, Calif. Swineford, Howard, 617 Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Va. Swingle, W. T., U. S. D. A., Wash- ington, D. C. Smith, J. E.. Wvsor Bldg., Muncie, Ind. Taber. G. L., Glen St., Mary, Fla. Taylor, F. W., 3939 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Taylor, Wm. A., 55 Q. St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Temple, W. C, Winter Park, Fla. Thomas, Mrs. Anna V. G., King- ston, R. I. Thompson, J. B., Guam, Guam. Trelease, Wm., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 111. Templin, M. B.. Canfield, Ohio. Toledo Rex Sprav Co., Toledo, Ohio. Underwood, J. M., Lake City, Minn. Ward, C. W., Box 48, Eureka, Calif. Warren, J. R., Marathon. 23 Sey- mour Gr., Camberwell, Victoria, Australia. Watson, B. M.. Plymouth, Mass. Weber, Frank A., Nursery, St. Louis, Mo. Wester, P. J.. Manila, Philippine Islands. 400 Whitworth, J. A., 527 Crescent Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Wickersham, R. A., Benderville, Pa. Wilder, Ed. B., Dorchester, Mass. Wilder, H. J., U. S. D. A., Wash- ington, D. C. Williams, J. L., Kansas City, Kans. Wilson, Silas, Nampa, Idaho. Wister, J. C., Germantown, Pa. ANNUAL Abbott, Gail T., Medina, Ohio. .\nderson, Robt., Covert, Mich. Albyn, H. A., The Orchards, Ben- nington, Vt. Archbold & Co., Waterport, N. Y. .Anderson, E. H., 54 Buena PI., Rochester, N. Y. Adams, Chas. H., New Waterford, Ohio. Albertson, H. H., Burlington, N. J. Bayer, Coony, 8'25 Edgewater Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Barry, Frederic G.. T06 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Bentley, Arthur F., Paoli, Ind. Buchanan, H. L., Rt. 10, Logans- port, Ind. Baker, Wm. A., Rt. 2, Wolcott, N. Y. Brennan, F. H., Fennville, Mich. Bullard, T. E., Schuylerville, N. Y. Bowker Insecticide Co., 49 Cham- bers St., New York City. Bailev, E. W.. Naches, Wash. Burkholder, H., Clyde, Ohio. Ballon, F. H., Newark, Ohio. Bingham. C A., 404 Erie Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Brock, W. S., Univ. of Illinois. Urbana, 111. Baird, W. C, Ashtabula, Ohio. Bowman, M. L., North Baltimore, Ohio. Berckmans, L. A., Herald Bldg., Augusta, Ga. Bureau of Plant Industry, Harris- burg, Pa. Blessing, David S., B. 1175, Harris- burg, Pa. Byers, E. E., Flora. 111. Browne, Milton W., 3103 Coleman Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Brown, C. H., Swedesboro; N. J. Blakeslee, E. B.. Medina. Ohio. Babcock, E. B., College of Ayr.. Berkeley, Calif. Bioletti. F. F._, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. Clarke, W. R., Milton, N. Y Cross, T. E., Lagrangeville, N. Y. Chandler, Dr. W. H., Ithaca, N. Y. Crawford, Chas., Rt. 2, Sta. B, Toledo, Ohio. Cranefield, F., Madison, Wis. Cofifing, J. D., Silverwood, Ind. Coffing, Homer, Silverwood, Ind. Cecil, M. A., 8018 Grace Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Public Library, Cleve- land, Ohio. Conklin, R., Smithfield, Va. Coit, J. Eliot, 1880 Linda Vista Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Cole, W. R., Mass. Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. Clifton, L. J.. Clifton Fruit Farm, Memphis, N. Y. Chilcott, A. H., Vienna, Va. Close, C. P., College Park, Md. Caha, Wm., Wahoo, Nebr. Cannadav. Dr. J. E., 407 Kanawha Banking & Trust Bldg., Charles- tori, W. Va. Dav, L. O., Olney, 111. Demorest, H. P., Warwick, N. Y. De Cou. Benj. S., Rt. 1, Norris- town. Pa.' Downing, F. P., Package Sales Corp.. South Bend, Ind. Dickinson, Dr. B. M., 5711 Elgin Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Doud, L. v., Denver, Ind. Davis, M. B., Central Experimental Farms, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Davis, V. H., Port Clinton, Ohio. Dominion Exp. Farms, c/o W. W. Baird, Nappan, N. S., Canada. Dow. Herbert H.. Midland, Mich. Dickson, W. M., Woodside. Del. Dencer, Ed., R. 3, Salem. Ore. Dunlap. H. ^I., Savoy, III. Eagles. Albert E., Wolcottville, Ind. Everhart. G. W., York, Pa. Emerson, Dr. J. B., 40 E. 40th St., New York City. Evarts, R. L., 622 Pine St., Owasso, Mich. Etter, Albert F., Ettersburg, Calif. 401 Estes, J. L., Gay, Ga. Inillerton, H. B., Medford, Long- Island, N. Y. I^'arnsworth, P". W., Waterville, O. ■ •"arnsworth, VY. G., Waterville, O. I'arnsworth, Willard, Waterville, Ohio. l-arnsworth, \Y. W., Waterville, O. Kaxon, Richard, Elyria, O. Flonrnoy, W. T., Marionville, Mo. Fiebing, J. H., 238 Reed St., Mil- waukee. Wis. Ferguson, T: L., Farms, Dyers- burg, Tenn. Finley, Milton A., R. 1, Portchester, N. Y. Forkert, C, Ocean Springs, Miss. Graham, Gordon, Rochester. Ind. Greene, Frank \L, Brockport, N. Y. Green. Howard A., Walled Lake, Mich. Gill, John, VII, Haddon Farms, Haddonfield, N. J. ' Graves, Henry B., 2134 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Greene, Laurenz, Purdue Univ., La- fayette. Ind. Gould, H. P., U. S. D. A., Wash- ington, D. C. Garrett, F. B., Burns City, Ind. Gourlev, J. H., Wooster, O. Gill. R. A., Port Clinton, O. Gall Co., B. L., Wilson, N. Y. Gray, J. P., 721 5th St., Nampa. Idaho. Green's N^ursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. Gage, J. P., Vineland, N. J. Gilmer, R. T. H.. 500 E. Burlington St.. Fairfield, la. Gordon, Silvanus, Sergeantsville, N. J. Hoffman. Max, Rt. 2, St. Joseph, Mich. Hayes, A. C, Muir, Mich, liunter, D. W., Chattanooga, H. P. Sta., Tenn. Hill, Arthur W., Isle La Motte, Vt. Holmes, H. B., Mitchell, Ind. Haines, Robt. B., TIT. 130 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Hull Bros., Wvmart. Pa. Huey, H. E., Rt. 2. Shelby. Mich. Havman, Guv L., Northbronk, Pa. Hall, H. G., "Mitchell. Ind. Henkle, S. G., Staunton. Va. Harrington, Chas. O., Warsaw, N. Y. Hubbell, Julius, EUensburg, Wash. Haines, Lafayette, 63 Thompson St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Harrington, F. M., Bozeman, Mont. Hommel, R. S., 504 Randolph St., Knoxville. Tenn. Huckins, F. O., c/o Rex Spray Co., Toledo, Ohio. Holstein, Geo., Amherst, Ohio. Hoddy, E. J., L. & N. R. R., Knox- ville, Tenn. Horticultural Exp. Station, Vine- land Sta., Ontario, Canada. Hatch, L. M., Alderton, Wash. Harris, Walter B., Worton, Md. Hines, W. F., Gilmore, Ohio. Flay ward, Thos. B., Harmony Grove, Md. Higgins, Corwin W., 181P E. (ith St.,'Duluth, Minn. Hovt, E. C, Brentwood, Long Island, N. Y. Higgins, J. E., Los Banos College, Laguma, Phil. Is. Hutchinson, I. H., Jobstown, N. J. ITubbard, T. S., Co., Fredonia, N. Y. Harris, W. B., Chestertown, Md. Universitv of 111. Library, LIrbana, 111. James, Carl B., Horticulturist, L. & N. R. R., Athens, Ala. Johnson, Fred, Westfield, N. Y. Kirby, Clarence J., 914 East Front St., Monroe. Mich. Kuchler, Geo. W., Jr., Lagrange- ville, N. Y. Ketchum, C. S., Middlefield, O. Kennish, V. W., 304 Dwight St., Kewanee. 111. Kinsella, Arthur J., 2613 Ashland St., Cincinnati, O. Kelley, F. H., Albion, 111. Ledoux, Wm. H., Grand Isle, Vt. Lamoreux. Paul, Kettle Falls. Wash. Liddell, M. L.. Burt, X. Y. Lavvlor. F. J.. Box F27, Pitts ford, N. Y. Lachman. John, 4100 Brownsville Rd., Mt. Oliver Sta., Pittsburgh. Pa. 402 Lewis, S. R., Mountainville, Orange Co., N. Y. Locklin, H. D., Grand Junction, Colo., Box 637. Lewis, L P., Fleming, Ohio. Logan, Paul, Camden, O. Launder, C. H. & Son, Wabash, Ind., Box 393. Lewis, C. B., Riverton, N. J. LaMont, Geo. B., Maple Grove Fruit and Stock Farm, Albion, N. Y. Longanecker, E. L., Canfield, O. Livezey. A. J., Barnesville, O. Latimer-Goodwin Chem. Co., Grand Junction, Colo. Leeson, J. P., 91 South St., Boston. Mass. McLane, F. W., Ann Arbor, Mich. McFarland, J. Horace, Harrisburg, Pa. Myers, Hosea P., 30 North Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Murray, H. D., Box 515, Staunton, Va. Morse, Geo. A., Williamson, N. Y. Maney, T. J., Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, la. Meissner, Henry, Leighton, la. Marsh, Herbert V., Kingston, R. I. Massey, Wm. P., Winchester, Va. Magid, L. B., New Orleans, La. Mam, E. L., 126 W. Winter St., Delaware, O. Mount Arbor Nurseries, Shenan- doah, la. Mason, A. F., Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, N. J. Maver, Guy S., Willow Street, Pa. Meder, O. F.. B 8, R 1, Westwood, N. J. Newberry, W. F., 233 Broadway. New York City. Noble, S. G.. Peach, Wash. Nichols, H. E., Iowa State College of Agriculture, Ames, la. O'Brien, P. J., Kettle Falls. Wash. Odell & Weiderhold, Box 201. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Oldfield, E., P. O. Drawer 578, Vic- toria, B. C, Canada. Otis, Geo. T., 1213 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Odell, F. I., Cannelton, Ind. Ordway, C. D.. 207 S. Union St., Burlington, Vt. Pickford, I. T., Hart, Mich. Piatt, Norman S., 395 Whalley Ave., New Haven, Conn. Popenoe, Wilson, U. S. D. A., Washington, D. C. Phillips, A. D., North East, Pa. Pickett, Harold. Clyde, Ohio. Paddock, W., O. S. U., Columbus. Ohio. Patton, W. Z., Catlettsburg, Ky. Parker, H. B., Fiskdale, Mass. Peters, R. B., Devore, Calif. Patterson, C. F., Univ. of Sas- katchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatch- ewan. Poff, Wilmer H., 333 N. Elliott St., Olney, 111. Quak-Al-Nunk Orchards, Delta, Pa., Rt. 3. Ryan, John C, The Orchards, Ben- nington, Vt. Reist, John G., Mt. Joy, Pa. Rick, John, 438-444 Penn St., Read- ing, Pa. Rittenhouse, Dr. J. S., Lorane, Pa. Robertson, J. B., Box 165, Kettle Falls, Wash. Reasoner, J. R., Urbana, 111. Reed, Noble, Rt. 1, Hanover, Ind. Ring, M. A., Conneaut, Ohio. Rubicon Realty Co., 221 S. Ludlow St., Dayton, Ohio. Repp, Chas. F., Glassboro, N. J. Rodgers, R. W., Dockland, Ohio. ' Romans, W. P., Chamber of Com- merce, Spokane, Wash. Root, W. A., Easthampton, Mass. Reasoner, E. N., Oneco, Fla. Riggs, E. J., Raccoon Island, Ohio. Reed. W. C. & Sons, Vincennes, Ind. Roesch, Lewis, Fredonia, N. Y. Rich. Wm. P., Sec'y-, Mass. Hort. Society. 300 Mass. Ave., Boston. Mass. Spargar Orchard Co., Mt. Airy, N. Carolina. Strohle, George, Clinton Corner, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Smith, Geo. E., Albion, N. Y. Stafford, Irving B., 848 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Stear, J. R., 431 Philadelphia Ave.. Chambersburg, Pa. Smith Co., W. & T., Geneva, N. Y. Shipert. Dr. H. L., Alpena, Mich. 403 Simpson Orchard Co., Vincennes, Ind. Scranton, A. V., 1334 Lakeview Rd., Cleveland, O. Sweet, Wm., Chesterland, O. Scott. F. W., 634 River St., Ypsi- lanti, Mich. Storrs-Harrison Co., Painesville, O. Schroeder, Henry J., Barclay Hts., Saugerties, N. Y. Shaw, P. J., Truro, N. S., Canada. Shattuck, F. E., Princeton, Ky. Schauber, Geo. R., Ballston Lake, N. Y. Simpson, F. H., Flora, 111. Scarfif, H. F., New Carlisle, O. Schultze, E. B., Laurel, Ind. Stephens. E. F., Nampa, Ind. Sharp, M., Vacaville, Calif. Tyson, C. J., Flora Dale, Pa. Trisler, G. E., c/o The Deming Co., Salem, Ohio. Thayer, Paul, Wooster, O. Taft, L. R., Lansing, Mich. Tyler, W. D., Dante, Russell Co., W. Va. Thatcher, C. W., Martinsburg, W. Va. Thornburg, Thos. E., Ashland, O. Undershill Bros., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Ueland, L. A., Roseburg, Oregon. Underdown, W. E., Ann Arbor, Mich. United Paper Co., Box 888, At- lanta, Ga. Underwood, D. B., Harveysburg, O. Vonnegut, Walter, Culver, Ind. ; 71 55th St., New York City (win- ter). Whitney, Granger, Williamsburg, Mich. Wine, V. W., R. F. D. 1, Cashmere, Wash. Warner, James H., Hampton Farms. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Wood, Jay, Knowlesville, N. Y. Waid, C. W., Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Columbus. O. West, T. B., Perry, Ohio. Whitney, O. F., Topeka, Kans. Weed, Addison, North Rose, N. Y. Wood, Allen L., 891 Garson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Washington Nursery Co., Top- penish. Wash. Wile-Adler Fruit Farms, 955 Har- vard St., Rochester, N. Y. Whitten, Ralph C, Bridgman, Mich. White, Elizabeth C., New Lisbon, N.J. Wight, J. B., Cairo, Ga. Wood, E. M., North Madison, Ind. Waite, J. W., Box 307, Normandy, Tenn. Willis, A. & Co., Ottawa, Kans. Whisker, A. L., Grass Valley, Calif. Westcourt, F. W., John Tarleton Agr. College, Stephenville, Tex. Zimmerman, F. S., Brewster. Wash. COLLEGIATE Cornell Adams, Geo. O., Rt. -22, Ransom- ville, N. Y. Black, Clifford M.. 214 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Boyd, Stephen, 433 Park St., Ithaca, N. Y. Cubbon, M. H., 134 College Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Dikeman, R. C. 105 Dewitt Place, Ithaca, N. Y. Foster, S. M.. 233 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Hewlett, F. S., Dept. of Pomologv, Ithaca. N. Y. Jenkins, E. W., Sidney Center, N. Y. Knapp, L. B., 214Thurston Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Perrine, S. A., Phi Delta Sigma. The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y. Phelps, L. S.. 220 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Prentiss, Earl A., 134 College St., Ithaca, N. Y. Rupert, P. v.. Phi Delta Sigma, The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y. Smith, J. E., North Rose, N. Y. Van Patten, E. F., Walcott, N. Y. 404 Van de Water, C, Hyde Park. N. Y. Wilkin. G. A.. 102 West Ave, Ithaca, N. Y. Wincliester, M. F., 300 Highland Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. MacGillivray, J. H., Dept. of Veg- etable Gardening. N. Y. State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. Iowa Simons. H. C, 216 Stanton Ave.,. Kahac, V. O., 125 Hyland Ave., Ames, la. Ames. Ta. Klopp. R. I., 81 Stanton Ave., Tucker. D. A., 237 North Lincoln- Ames, la. wav, Ames, la. Reyschlag, F., ' 131 Hyland Ave.. Peterson. H. W., Y. M. C. A.. Ames, la. Pavette, la. Porter, D. R., 2.^18 West St.. Ames, Hahn. H.A., Y. M. C. A.. Chicago, Towa. III. Simon. C. M., 515 6th St., Ames, la. Ohio French, A. P., M. A. C, Amherst. Mass. Gordon, E. W., Beech Bottom, W. Va. Scott. H. F., Cumberland. Ohio. Stacy. D. D., Marietta, Ohio. Ink, James, Campus, O. S. U., Co- lumbus, Ohio. Richardson, H. C, Campus, O. S. U.. Columbus. Ohio. Rofkar, W. F., Campus, O. S. U., Columbus. Ohio. Wells, H. M., Campus, O. S. U., Columbus. Ohio. Oregon Bean, Bruce C. San Fernando, Calif. Baker, Rufus W., Oregon City, Oregon. Chapman, Paul J.. Santa Rosa. Calif. Chu. John S., Corvallis, Ore. Cusack, Mary, 1005 Missouri Ave., Portland, Ore. Davis, L. C, Corvallis. Ore. De Macedo. Wm., Corvallis, Ore. Fendall, Kenneth D.. Newberg, Ore. Green, Ferris M., Hood River, Ore. Garst, Clyde W., P. S. K., Corval- lis, Ore. Macpherson. D. F. Moreland. H. M.. !)57 Jefferson St.. Corvallis, Ore. Norris, R. K.. Modford. Ore. Parker, J. R. Patchett. W. C, Corvallis, Ore. Palmer, D. F.. Upland, Calif. Perkins. A. B., .Santa Anaa, Calif. Pentzer, W. P., Poling Hall, Cor- vallis, Ore. Storz, C. W.. Theta Chi. Corvallis, Ore. Shade. Jack. Riveria. Calif. Sawver, M. F., Whittier, Calif. Scott, M.L.. Whittier. Calif. Teevin, J. F., Corvallis, Ore. Waldo, Geo. F., Dayton, Ore. Wharton, M. F.. Garden City, Calif. Waterman, E. Y., Corvallis, Ore. Willuir, R. F., Poling Hall. Cor- vallis, Ore. Weller. J. B.. Mosier, Ore. Piurtncr, J. C. Dufur, Ore. Coe. Francis, 632 Rex Ave., San Bernardino, Calif. Dawson, F. W.. 220 N. 15tli St.. Corvallis, Ore. Paddock. H. L.. 1944 Lincoln St., Eugene, Ore. 405 SOCIETY Ohio State Horticultural Society, O. S. U., Columbus, Ohio. New York State Horticultural Society, Leroy, N." Y. Pomologic'al and Fruit Growing Society of Quebec, Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada. Fruit Growers' Association, Parliament Bldg., Toronto, Canada. Illinois State Horticultural Society, Urbana, 111. Northumberland & Durham Apple Association, Brighton, Ontario, Can. Wisconsin State Hort. Society, Madison, Wis. Michigan State Horticultural Society, East Lansing, Mich. New Jersey State Horticultural Society, Burlington, N. J. THIRTY YEAR INSTITUTIONAL Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Library, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Luther Burbank Press, Santa Rosa, Calif. California State University Library, Berkeley, Calif. Central Experiment Farms, Ottawa, Canada. Citrus Experiment Station, Riverside, Calif. Colorado State Agricultural Library, Fort Collins, Colo. Cornell University Library, Ithaca, N. Y. Crerar Library, The John, Chicago, III. Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Mich. Georgia State College of Agricultural Library, Athens, Ga. Georgia State University Library, Athens, Ga. Illinois State University Hort. Dept., Urbana, 111. Iowa State College Library, Ames, la. Iowa State Hort. Library, Des Moines, la. Kansas State Hort. Society, Topeka, Kans. Maine State Experiment Sta. Library, Orono, Me. Maine State Univ. Library, Orono, Me. Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station Library, College Park, Md. Massachusetts Agricultural College Library, Amherst, Mass. Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Ass'n., Library, Marlboro, Mass. Michigan Agricultural College Library, East Lansing, Mich. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Sta. Library, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Mississippi State Agriculttfral College Library, Agricultural College, Miss. Missouri Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove, Mo. Missouri State Hort. Society, Columbia, Mo. Missouri State University Library, Columbia, Mo. Montana State Board of Horticulture, Missoula, Mont. Montana Experiment Station Library, Bozeman, Mont. Nebraska State University Library, Lincoln, Nebr. New Hampshire State Agricultural Experiment Sta., Durham, N. H. New Hampshire State Library, Concord, N. H. New Mexico A. & M. College Library, Mesilla Park, N. M. New York State Experiment Station Library, Geneva, N. Y. New York State Library, Albany, N. Y. North Carolina College of Agricultural, West Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. Ohio State University Library, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Sta., Wooster, Ohio. Ontario Agricultural College Library, Guelph, Ontario, Can. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, Corvallis, Ore. Oregon State Agricultural Experiment Station, Talent, Oregon. 40b Purdue University Library, Lafayette, Ind. Purdue University Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind. Rhode Island Experiment Station Library, Kingston, R. I. Riverside Public Library, Riverside, Calif. Sapporo Agricultural College, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Y..Hoshino, Japan. Texas Agricultural College Library, College Station, Texas. University of California Agricultural Library, Berkeley, Calif. Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington, Vt. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Washington Agricultural College Library, Pullman, Wash. West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Morgantown, W. Va. West Virginia .University Library, Morgantown, W. Va. Wild & Bros., James B., Sarcoxie, Mo. Wisconsin State University Library, Madison, Wis. Worcester County Horticultural Society, Worcester, Mass. Wyoming State University Library, Laramie, Wyoming. H. H. Hardie Co., Hudson, Mich. Stark Bros. Orchards and Nursery Co., Louisiana, Mo. Library, University of State of New York, Albany, N. Y. Library, Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kans. Package- Sales Corporation, South Bend, Ind. Toledo Rex Spray Co., Toledo, Ohio. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PAGE Proclamation 3 Addresses and Reports — President's Address — Dr. L. H. Bailey 5 Report of the Secretary-Treasurer — R. B. Cruickshank 16 Pure Fruit Juices — Clark Allis 23 Economic Work of the United States Department of Agricul- ture in Connection with Pomology — Dr. H. C. Taylor 2!) Trip to Plant of the Toledo Rex Spray Company .3!) An Analysis of Some of the Census Figures on Fruit Trees — H. P. Gould 43 " Fruit Conditions in New England — F. C. Sears 53 Report of Committee on President's Address 59 Fruit for the Future — Chas. J. Brand 66' Fruit Growing in the East North Central Group of States — Laurenz Greene 77 United States Apple Production in 1930 — -H. G. Ingerson 79 Some Lessons From the 1920 Census Report — B. G. Pratt 85 Analysis of Census Figures for Fruit Trees — D. C. Babcock.. SO Report on Fruit Conditions for New Jersey, New York, Penn- sylvania, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware — A. Freeman Mason and Arthur J. Farley 92 Fruit Conditions in the Pacific Northwest — C. T. Lewis 98 Montana Horticulture — F. M. Harrington 101 Conditions in the Southeastern States — N. D. Peacock. 105 Fruit in New Mexico — Fabian Garcia Ill Fruit Production in Porto Rico — T. B. McClelland 112 Alaska — C. C. Georgeson 115 The Relationship Between the American Pomological Society and Allied Industries — F. P. Downing IJfi How Can the American Pomological Society be of Interest and Benefit to the Fertilizer Industry so Far as it is Concerned with Orchards ? — Gail T. Abbott 124 Cooperation Between the American Pomological Societ}- and the Nurserymen — M. R. Cashman 128 Commercial Fruit Growing in Canada — C. W. Baxter 131 The Trend 'of Research on Pomology — W. H. Chandler 146 Informal Discussion — Dr. L. H. Bailey Presiding 156 Canadian Efforts to Improve the Apple for the More Severe Districts — M. B. Davis 190 The Prospect for Teaching in Pomology — Prof. J. C. Blair... 197 (407) 4o8 PAGE Report from American Farm Bureau Federation Fruit Commit- tee — W. G. Farnsworth 201 Water Transportation for Apples — M. L. Dean 215 Report of Committee to Award Wilder Medals 222 Report of Committee on Resolutions 223 Report of Nominating Committee 224 SECOND POMOLOGICAL ANNUAL 1921 PAGE Code of Fruit Nomenclature American Pomological Society 229 Report of Committee on New Fruits for 1921 - — C. P. Close 232 The Avocado Industr}^ in Southern California — Dr. W. L. Hardin.. 303 The Facts Concerning Calcium Arsenate — J. H. Reedy 307 Production of Apple and Pear Seedlings — I. M. Orner 314 Commercial Peach Growing — J. E. Khlore 317 Modern Pruning Methods — Dr. J. K. Shaw 322 Intercollegiate Apple Judging Contest — Massachusetts — Ohio 328 The Airplane in Forest Insect Control — J. S. Houser 329 Horticultural Manufactures — W. W. Chenoweth 333 1 Progress in Control of Raspberry Diseases — R. B. Wilcox 344 Production of Apples and Peaches in the United States, and Number of Trees 356 Production of Apples and Peaches in the United States, and Number of Trees, by Geographic Divisions and States: 1919 and 1909.... 36li Production of Pears and Plums and Prunes in the United States, and Number of Tre^s 364 Production of Pears and Plums and Prunes in the United States, and Number of Trees, by Geographic Divisions and States : 1919 and 1909 368 Acreage and Production of Small Fruits in United States 372 Acreage and Production of Small Fruits in the United States by Geographic Divisions and States : 1919 and 1909 376 Fruit Products of Farms in the United States 380 Fruit Products of Farms, by Divisions and States: 1919 and 1909. . . 382 The Fifty Leading Agricultural Counties in the United States 386 1 The Fifty Counties in U. S. Leading 'in the Combined Value of Crops and Live-Stock Products : 1919 ' 3881 The Twenty Leading Crops in the United States 390| Fruit Crops, Number of Trees and Vines: 1919 (U. S. Census) .... 392 Constitution and By-Laws of American Pomological Society 39^^ Membership 39f