PUTA epee lanatigs WM APE tah gt t Ye ate HES AUER FAV VN ee Way's he, Caras! /FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY \ iGlao Le A A fo mo i ° (vy aie) , PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. VOLT FOR THE YEARS 1838, 1839 & 1840. ——— WWI IO ODO OF IG 2 00---—_$§$ PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, By John C. Clark, 60 Dock Street. 1840, A at 10) 36.7 oh ate 36.8 ae 37.8 toe 40.8 aii 7, 36.6 mean 41 14 38.1 130 By u. c. & urse minoris, Aug. 13, Latitude Al 14 35.1 Og 36.2 mean 41 14 35.7 From which he concludes that the latitude is 41° 14’ 37." nearly. The paper contains a series of fifty moon culminations, one eclipse, and six occultations, observed in 1888 and 18389. These furnish data for determining the longitude of the Hudson Observatory when corresponding European and American observations shall have been obtained. Prof. Loomis gives for the approximate longitude 5h 25m 42s. It may be proper to add, that one of the undersigned, 8. C. Walker, having reduced the six occultations contained in this paper, and compared them with four corresponding observations at the Philadelphia Observatory, four at the Dorchester Observatory, two at Mr. Paine’s House, Boston, and one at Princeton College, New Jersey, finds for the longitude of the Hudson Observatory, 54 25m 47s. The instruments for this observatory were selected by Professor Loomis during his late journey in Europe. This economical estab- lishment appears to be more complete than any of the kind now known to be in operation in the United States, and the Committee cordially recommend the example of the Western Reserve College, as worthy of being followed by those Universities which are desirous, at moderate expense, of inculcating practical astronomy, of making observations highly useful for geographical purposes, and of prose- cuting interesting researches connected with the progress and advance- ment of astronomy. The Committee recommend the paper for publication. Sears C. WALKER, R. M. Patrerson, Geo. M. Jusricr, Committee. The recommendation in favour of publication, was adopted. Dr. Bache, on behalf of the Committee on Dr. Hare’s paper, entitled “On the extrication of Barium, Strontium and Cal- cium,’ reported in favour of publication in the Society’s Transactions, which was ordered accordingly. In this paper Dr. Hare first calls attention to the following pheno- menon observed by him almost twelve years since, and published. 131 When the circuit in a galvanic battery, the deflagrator of the author, was completed through a saturated solution of chloride of calcium, the anode being formed by a coarse, and the cathode by a fine plati- num wire, the latter was rapidly fused, while, when the situation of the wires was reversed, the ignition was comparatively feeble. It having occurred, some months since, to Dr. Hare, that this phenome- non might be due to the evolution and combustion of calcium at the cathode, he proceeded to apply a galvanic deflagrator of three hun- dred and fifty pairs of plates, in the process of Berzelius and Pontin, for preparing the amalgams of the metallic radicals of the earths. The author gives a sketch of the present state of our knowledge in relation to the metallic bases of the alkaline earths, as derived from the experiments of Davy ; adding his own observations, in confirmation of the declaration of Davy, that the substances obtained by him from baryta and strontia, were amalgams of their metallic bases, and not the bases themselves; and, further, that the process employed for obtain- ing calcium, by Davy, was really incompetent to effect the desired result. He then proceeds to describe the peculiar apparatus by which amalgams of barium, strontium and calcium were -procured; the chlorides of the respective alkaline radicals being exposed to galvanic action, the cathode being mercury, and the anode a coil of platinum wire. ‘The details of the apparatus cannot be properly understood without the figure which accompanies Dr. Hare’s communication: its chief peculiarities are the following: Ist. It furnishes the means of keeping the mercury, forming the cathode, at a temperature nearly as low as 382° Fah. 2d. It prevents exposure of the amalgam of the radical, to the direct action of the chlorine from the chloride used. 3d. The alternate and successive, or the simultaneous action of two galvanic deflagrators, was conveniently obtained. Dr. Hare states, that after operating with a series of two hundred pairs of plates of one hundred square inches each, for twenty minutes, unaided by these improvements, he had found the proportion of cal- cium to be but one six-hundredth part of the amalgamated mass. An apparatus for distilling the amalgam is also described and figured in Dr. Hare’s memoir. It consists of an iron alembic, con- nected with a glass receiver, and an adopter communicating with a reservoir of hydrogen, and containing chloride of calcium and quick- lime. Within the alembic, an iron crucible, containing the amalgam, was placed, the crucible being closed by a capsule, in which was a portion of caoutchoucine, and by its cover. Naphtha was poured into 132 the alembic. ‘The air from the apparatus was expelled by hydrogen, desiccated by passing through the chloride of calcium and quick-lime in the adopter. The distillation was conducted by applying heat principally to the upper part of the amalgam, to prevent an explosive ebullition. The mercury being distilled off; which requires a bright red heat in expelling the last portions, the metallic radical remained in the crucible. ; The metals oxidize rapidly in water; are brittle, fixed, and require a good red heat for fusion. They sink in sulphuricacid. By keeping in naphtha, they acquire a coating which renders them less active when exposed to water. Dr. Hare attempted to separate the mercury from the amalgams when solidified by the use of solid carbonic acid, by straining them through leather, but the result did not answer his expectations. By using solid carbonic acid and hydric (sulphuric) ether, Dr. Hare solidified a mass of the amalgam of ammonium. He considers that in this case a portion of ether combines with the alloy, without impairing its metallic character. Professor Bache, Reporter, informed the Society, that No. 7 of the Society’s Proceedings, was now printed. Professor Bache, in behalf of Professor Alexander, of Prince- ton, made a verbal communication of a description of the aurora borealis, of September 3d, 1839, as it appeared at Princeton. - At about ten or fifteen minutes past eight, P. M. an ill-defined, but considerably bright light was seen to extend for some distance above the horizon, in a direction nearly due east; it was similar, in intensity and appearance, to a lunar twilight. Soon after this, a continuous arch or zone of light was manifest, extending from the same spot to the opposite, or nearly opposite portion of the western horizon. This soon separated into two parts,* and, after a short interval, beams of light shot up from the eastern portion of the arch, which were speedily multiplied in every direction around the observer, except within about thirty degrees of the true (or, it might be, magnetic) south. A corona was soon formed, which was at first quite indistinct, and was not continuous for any great length of time, during the existence * Two arches, it is believed, were at this time formed, and either separated throughout their entire extent, or united only near their extremities; but this my notes do not explicitly state. 133 of the aurora, except at the period of its greatest brilliancy. At about twenty minutes past eight, this corona was situated in a line with, and about midway between « Aquilz and « Lyre. This may be considered as a very tolerable approximation to its position, though, from the apparent intersection, or, as it might almost be termed, interweav- ing of the beams which composed it, it was not often easy to fix upon the place of its centre with much precision, if indeed that which seemed its centre, did not really change its place; since, at times, it seemed to occupy a position very sensibly lower than that which the pre- ceding observation would indicate. At about half past eight, the appearance of the aurora was superb. The radiations which extended from the corona, nearly reached the horizon in every direction, with the exception of those which tended toward the southern space beforementioned, which, it is believed, was even at this time bounded by something like an arch, that was convex toward the zenith. The aurora was often party-coloured; frequently of a rose-red, especially in spots, in that portion of the sky which might be supposed to be near the plane of the dipping needle; and also about the centre of the corona. It was in the part of the héavens here de- scribed, that the arch of greatest intensity could most commonly, if not uniformly, be traced: though the crown of it frequently faded away, or became excessively faint. . Between the spots, of red light, or beams of the same tint, others were observed, which, either from the effect of the first mentioned colour, or something peculiar to themselves, appeared of a colour ap- proaching to a bottle-green. At times, again, when the corona was deficient, the appearance of what remained on each side of the vacant spot, was not unlike that of two immense comets; their heads some small distance asunder, and their tails turned eastward and westward. The light of the corona, when most perfect, was quite dense, not only at the central point, but also near to what seemed to be the outer limits of its radiations, at which the tint commonly exhibited the nearest approach to white. Two meteors or. shooting stars were seen, which in both cases appeared to pass between the aurora and the eye of the observer; one nearly in the direction of the arch of greatest intensity, and the other almost perpendicular to it. The precise times of their appear- ance were not noted, though they fell within that period in which the phenomena already described were exhibited. 134 The corona formed again at nine; and, though again broken, was maperfectly visible after that time. At half past nine, the eastern portion of the sky became tinted with intense red and green; but at half past ten, little else remained than the appearance of bright horizontal beams of a white colour in the north. If it be admitted that the centre of the aurora was precisely midway between # Aquilz and « Lyre, at twenty minutes past eight, its azi- muth must have been 1° 14’ 42” E. of S., and its altitude 73° 27' 6"; the latitude of the observer being 40° 20' 47’ N. The point thus designated, would be very nearly in the direction of the dipping needle; the dip being, by observation, 72° 47’ 6’ (72° 47.1’) and the variation (though not accurately determined,) some 4° W. or that of the S. end of the needle, of course, the same extent to the east. The degrees of azimuth, reckoned on a parallel to the horizon at an altitude of 72° and more, being small, the deviation from the direc- tion of the dipping needle, measured on the arc of a great circle, would be scarcely more than 1° towards the N. W. Professor Bache stated that his own observations near Philadelphia, of the altitude of the apparent converging point of the auroral beams, at nine, P. M. made it but about 69°. He had witnessed a case of the appearance of a dark spot of irregular shape, between two beams of light, which was certainly not a cloud, as the stars were not at all obscured by it, and which he supposed to be the phenomenon referred to recently by Professor Lloyd. No mottled clouds, such as usually attend the aurora, were visible during the period between nine and ten o’clock, when he had been able to observe. Professor Bache stated that he did not place much stress upon his measurements, as he had been prevented from sustained observation by indisposition. There had been, in the newspapers, an account of an auroral display visible at London, on the morning of the fourth of September, at about the same absolute time as at Princeton, according to Professor Alexandeyr’s observations. It was said to have been accompanied by a very unusual number of shooting stars, compared in one statement to the splendid display of November 13th, 1833. Professor Henry had examined the light of this aurora by the polariscopes of Savart and Arago, but had not been able to detect the slightest trace of polarization. The following extract from a letter, addressed by Professor Henry, of Princeton, to Professor Bache, was read, announc- 135 ing the discovery of two distinct kinds of dynamic induction, by a galvanic current. “Since the publication of my last paper, I have received through the kindness of Dr. Faraday, a copy of his fourteenth series of expe- rimental researches; and in this I was surprised to find a statement directly in opposition to one of the principal results given in my paper. It is stated in substance, in the 59th paragraph of my last communi- cation to the American Philosophical Society, that when a plate of metal is interposed between a galvanic current and a conductor, the secondary shock is neutralized. Dr. Faraday finds, on the contrary, under apparently the same circumstances, that no effect is produced by the interposition of the metal. As the fact mentioned forms a very important part of my paper, and is connected with nearly all the phe- nomena described subsequently to it, I was anxious to investigate the cause of the discrepancy between the results obtained by Dr. Faraday and those found by myself. My experiments were on such a scale, and the results so decided, that there could be no room for doubt as to their character; a secondary current of such intensity as to pa- ralize the arms having been so neutralized, by the interposition of a plate and riband of metal, as not to be perceptible through the tongue. I was led by a little reflection to conclude that there might exist a case of induction similar to that of magnetism, in which no neutrali- zation would take place; and I thought it possible that Dr: Faraday’s results might have been derived from this. I have now, however, found a solution to the difficulty in the remarkable fact, that an elec- trical current from a galvanic battery exerts ¢wo distinct kinds of dyna- mic induction: one of these produces, by means of a helix of long wire, intense secondary shocks at the moment of breaking the contact, and feeble shocks at the moment of making the contact. This kind of in- duction is capable, also, of being neutralized by the interposition of a plate of metal between the two conductors. The other kind of induc- tion is produced at the same time from the same arrangement, and does not give shocks, but affects the needle of the galvanometer; it is of equal energy at the moment of making contact, and of breaking contact, and is not affected by the introduction of a plate of copper or zinc between the conductors.* The phenomena produced by the first * Since writing the account of the two kinds of induction, [ have found that the second kind, although not screened by a plate of copper or zinc, is affected by the introduction of a plate of iron. In the cases of the first kind of induc- tion, iron acts as any other metal. 136 kind of induction form the subject of my last paper as well as that of the one before; while it would appear from the arrangement of Dr. Faraday’s experiments, that the results detailed in his first series, and those in the fourteenth, were principally produced by the second kind of induction. Although I may be too sanguine in reference to the results of this discovery, yet I cannot refrain from adding that it ap- pears to lead to a separation of the electrical induction of a galvanic current from the magnetical, and that it is a step of some importance towards a more precise knowledge of the phenomena of magneto-elec- tricity.” Dr. Bache announced the death of William Sullivan, Esq., late a member of the Society, and Dr. Hare was requested to prepare an obituary notice of the deceased. The following gentlemen were duly elected members of the Society :— Tuomas U. Watrer, of Philadelphia. Joun Pentnerton, of Philadelphia. Eveene A. Vait, of Paris. Cuartes Rumxer, of Hamburgh. Cuartes Gurziarr, of Macao. Joun Wasuineron, Captain R. B, N. E1as Loomrs, of the Western Reserve College, Ohio. STEPHEN ALEXANDER, of Princeton College, N. J. . PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Vox. I. NOVEMBER & DECEMBER, 1839. No.9. Stated Meeting, November 1. Present, twenty-two members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Astronomical Observations, made at the Royal Observatory, Edin- burgh. By Thomas Henderson, F.R.S.E., &c. Vol. Il. For the year 1836. Edinburgh, 1839.—From the Royal Society of London. Nieuwe Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk- Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. Vols. I. to V. inclusive. Am- sterdam, 1827 to 1836. From the Royal Institute. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to propose Amendments to the Constitution, com- menced and held at Harrisburg, on the second of May, 1837. Thirteen Volumes. Harrisburg, 1837 to 1839.—From Mr. C. J. Ingersoll. Journal of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania, to propose Amendments to the Constitution, commenced and held at the state capitol in Harrisburg, on the second of May, 1837. ‘Two Vols. Harrisburg, 1837, and Philadelphia, 1888.—F rom the same. Third Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. By Charles T. Jackson, M. D. Augusta, 1839.—From Mr. John Sergeant. A 138 Reports on the Ichthyology and Herpetology of Massachusetts. By D. Humphreys Storer, M. D.—From the Author. Carte Générale de l’Empire d’Allemagne, par M. Chauchard. Paris, 1791.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de l’Italie, par M. Chauchard. Paris, 1791.—From the same. Renati Descartes Principia Philosophie. Amsterdam, 1692.—From Mr. William Kinitzing. Friderici Wilhelmi Pestel Commentarii de Republica Batava. Ley- den, 1782.—From Mr. John Vaughan. Meteorological Essays and Observations. By J. Frederic Daniell, F.R.S. London, 1827.—From the same. New Remedies: the Method of preparing and administering them; their Effects on the healthy and diseased Economy, &c. By Rob- ley Dunglison, M. D. Philadelphia, 18389.—F'rom the Author. The Select Medical Library. Six Volumes. Philadelphia, 1838 and 1839.—From the Editor. The Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Edited by John Bell, M. D. Vol. Ill. Philadelphia, 1889.—From the Editor. The American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Benja- min Silliman, M. D., LL. D., aided by Benjamin Silliman, jr., A.B. Vol. XXXVII. Nos. 1 and 2. For July and October. New Haven, 1839.—Fvrom the Conductors. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Geographical Society of Paris, announcing the purpose of that society to form a Geographical Museum, and inviting contributions from the members of this society. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Bache, Dr. Patterson and Mr. Booth, to whom the paper of Doctor Hare, read at the last meeting of the society, was referred, entitled, “Description of an Apparatus for deflagrating carburets, phosphurets, or cya- nides, in vacuo, or in an atmosphere of hydrogen, between elec- trodes of charcoal; with an account of the results obtained by these and other means, especially the isolation of calcium, and formation of a new fulminating compound. By R. Hare, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsyl- vania,’ reported in favour of publication in the Society’s Transactions. The publication was ordered accordingly. 139 The apparatus is of a convenient construction for the purposes de- signated in the title of the paper. The lower electrode or cathode is a parallelopipedon of charcoal, on which the body is placed, to be sub- jected to the influence of one or more batteries; and tubes, with valve- cocks, communicating with an air-pump, a barometer-gauge, and a reservoir of hydrogen, open into the interior of a ground plate, on which a bell-glass is fitted, air tight. In the experiments of the author, an equivalent of lime was heated with one equivalent and a half of bicyanide of mercury, in a porcelain crucible, enclosed in the alembic made for this purpose, and described in a former paper. (See p. 131 of these Proceedings.) The weight of the residue was such as would result from the union of an equivalent of calcium with an equivalent of cyanogen. This was then subjected to galvanic action on the cathode of the apparatus, the anode being brought in contact with it, and the result was the production of masses on the charcoal, having a metallic appearance. Phosphuret of calcium, exposed in the same manner, in the gal- vanic circuit, left pulverulent matter which effervesced in water, and, when rubbed on porcelain, appeared to contain metallic spangles, which were rapidly oxidized in the air. In one experiment, particles of charcoal, apparently fused or re- sembling plumbago, dropped from the anode. After heating lime with bicyanide of mercury, the mass was dis- solyed in acetic acid, in which nitrate of mercury produced a copicus white precipitate, that detonated under the hammer like fulminating silver. Doctor Coates announced the formation of the Pathological Society of this City, and adverted to some of its labours. Doctor Hare made some observations on the method of ob- taining oxygen from nitre. He stated that the usual opinion of chemists, that the residuum is a hyponitrite in case the process is stopped during the extrication of pure oxygen, Is erroneous; as he found that it always contained, under these circumstances, a considerable portion of undecomposed nitre. If the heat was pushed in order fully to change the nitre into hypo- nitrite, there was always an extrication of nitrogen. 140 Stated Meeting, November 15. Present, twenty-nine members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ire- land. Vol. V. No. 10. London, 1839.—From the Society. Journal of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. Session of 1838-39. Three Volumes. Harrisburg, 1838-39.—From the State of Pennsylvania. Journal of the Senate of Pennsylvania. Session of 1888-39. Two Volumes, with an Appendix in one Volume. Harrisburg, 1838— 39.—From the same. Report of the State Treasurer, showing the Receipts and Expendi- tures at the Treasury of Pennsylvania, from the first day of No- vember, 1837, to the thirty-first day of October, 1838. Harris- burg, 1838.—From the same. Obras Completas de Luis de CamGes, correctas e emendadas pelo cui- dado e diligencia de J. V. Barreto Feio e J. G. Monteiro. Three Volumes. Hamburg, 1834.—From Mr. E. F. Franca, Minis- ter from Brazil. Storia dei Progettie delle Opere per la Navigazione-Interna del Mi- lanese di Giuseppe Bruschetti. ‘Two Volumes. Milan, 1880.— From Mr. Lewis Tinelli. Catalogo delle Opere piti o meno estese in otto diverse Lingue pubbli- cate dal Conte Cavaliere Jacopo Graberg da Hemsé. Florence, 1837.—From the Author. Various Tracts relating to the Inhabitants, Geography, Agriculture, and Commerce of Marocco, Algiers, Tripoli, and Tuscany, by Count Jacob Graberg da Hemsé.—From the Author. Memoria sulla Scoperta dell’America nel Secolo Decimo dettata in Lingua Danese da Carlo Cristino Rafn e tradotta da Jacopo Gra- berg da Hemsé. Pisa, 1839.—F rom the Translator. L’Hivernage des Hollandais a la Nouvelle-Zemble, 1596, 1597, tra- duit de Tollens, par Auguste Clavareau. Maestricht, 1839.— From M. Martini, Minister from Holland. ee 141 Caspipina’s Letters, to which are added the Life and Character of Wil- liam Penn. By the Rev. Jacob Duché. Two Volumes. Bath, 1777.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Conjugation of the Verb “to hear,” in its various forms in the Chip- peway Language, by Dr. Edwin James, of Albany.—From the same. ‘ Coleccion de los Tratados de Paz, Alianza, Comercio ete. ajustados por la Corona de Espafia con las Potencias Estrangeras desde el Reynado del Sefior Don Felipe Quinto hasta el Presente. Three Volumes. Madrid, 1796 to 1801.—F rom the same. Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean, and Japanese Languages. Batavia, 1835.—From Mr. W. H. Med- hurst. An English and Japanese, and Japanese and English Vocabulary. Compiled from Native Works, by W. H. Medhurst. Batavia, 1830.—From the same. ; Chinese Testament.—From the same. Three Missionary Malay Tracts.x—From the Rev. Charles Guizlaff. The Proceedings relative to calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790. The Minutes of the Convention that formed the present Constitu- tion of Pennsylvania, together with the Charter to William Penn, the Constitutions of 1776 and 1790, and a View of the Proceed- ings of the Convention of 1776, and the Council of Censors. Har- risburg, 1825.—From Mr. John Vaughan. Enactments by the Rector and Visiters of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, 1825.—From Dr. Dunglison. Annales des Mines, ou Recueil de Mémoires sur lExploitation des Mines. ‘Troisiéme série. Vol. XV. No. 2, for 1839. Paris, 1839.—From the Council of Mines. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Edited by Isaac Hays, M. D. No. XLIX, for November, 1839. Philadelphia, 1839.—From the Editor, The committee, consisting of Dr. Patterson, Mr. Justice, and Prof. A. D. Bache, on Mr. E. Otis Kendall’s paper, read November 1, and entitled “On the longitude of several places in the United States, as deduced from the observations of the Solar Eclipse of September 18th, 1838. By E. Otis Kendall, Professor of Mathematics in the Central High School of Phila- delphia,”’ reported in favour of publication in the Society’s 142 Transactions. The publication was ordered accordingly. The following abstract of the paper was contained in the report of the committee. The paper contains the reductions of all the observations of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, September 18th, 1838, yet reported to the Society : together with those of Mr. Hallowell at Alexandria, D.C.; of Messrs. Olmsted, Mason and Smith, at New Haven; and of Mr. J. Blickensderfer, jr. of Dover, Tuscarawas county, Ohio. The com- putations were made after Bessel’s method. The corrections of the elements in the Nautical Almanac as de- rived from eight equations of condition, from the durations of the ring, and twelve from that of the eclipse, were e = — 14.''782 = correction of moon’s place on true orbit. ¢ = — 7.310 = correction of do. ona secondary to do. 2 = — 3.198 = correction of sum of semi-diameters. y = + 0."515 = correction of difference of do. In which » and 7’ refer to Burckhardt’s semidiameter of the moon and Bessel’s semidiameter of the sun. The value of ¢ is obtained by assuming the longitude of the State House, Philadelphia, to be 5h Om 39s, west of Greenwich. After applying these corrections of the elements, Mr. Kendall deduces the following longitudes of the places of observation. The constant value of a was 2.2035 whence, ae = — 32s. 571. The values in the last column are, calling d’ the resulting longitude, not corrected for the errors of the tables. d=d' + a¢ + b¢ + ca for beginning or end. d=d' + ae + b¢ + cz’ for the annular phase. 143 3 Longitude-+- East : Mean Time of 5 Place of Observation. Obsevvadenl b c aavest. « ftom hm s hm s Western Reserve College, 9 ann ay rE vileerty (Oy stop s : B. 2 38 17.02 |—0.855 |-4+-2.332|—5 25 40.70 ee ee orgs eeriat B. 2 39 38.82 |—-0.372 |42.235|—5 25 52.71 Asotet IFLR. 4 0 25.71 |—0.848 | 42.361 45.44 R.R.4 6 9.63 |4-0.802 |—2.224 59.60 E.5 18 3.64 |—0.151 |—2.209 59.45 Alexandria, D.C. B.3 5 52.00 |—0.298 |--2.223|—5 8 24.44 F. R. 4 24 6.00 |—0.093 |+2.205 29.16 R.R. 4 30 13.00 |—0.345 |—2.229 16.46 E. 5 39 25.00 |—0.131 |—2.208 38.79 Washington Capitol, B.3 6 9.23 |—0.294 |+2.223|—5 8 3.25 F.R. 4 24 27.61 |—0.014 |--2.204 2.72 R.R. 4 30 18.05 |—0.405 |—2.240 2.73 “E.5 39 54.76 |—0.134 |—2.208 1.96 Haverford School, Pa. B. 3 12 17.59 |—0.231 |+2.216|—5 1 12.03 F.R. 4 30 29.63 |4-1.412 |+-2 617 13.98 R.R. 4 34 44.80 |—1.961 |—2.949 13.71 E. 5 44 28.24 |—0.165 |—2.210 17.73 Philadelphia State House, B. 3 13 10.06 |—0.229 |+2.215 |—5 0 37.79 F. R. 4 31 18.76 |4+-1.420 |+2.621 38.72 R.R. 4 35 31.35 |—1.965 |—2.952 40.16 E.5 45 15.46 |—0.164 |—2.210 39.32 Germantown, Pa. B. 3 12 54.90 |—0.228 |+2.215|--5 0 40.99 F.R.4 31 8.90 |-+1.501 |-+2.665 40.75 R.R. 4 35 18.40 |—2.070 |—3.023 38.83 E.5 45 7.90 |—0.166 |—2.210 36.06 Burlington, N. J. B. 3 14 23.70 |—0.220 |-++-2.214 |—4 59 24.69 F, R. 4 32 32.60 |4+-1.743 | 2.810 28.99 R.R. 4 36 19.60 |—2.350 |—3.222 29,59 E.5 46 8.50 |—0.168 |—2.210 30.35 Princeton, N. J. B. 3 14 43.01 |—0.167 |+-2.213 |—4 58 43.69 F.R.4 33 11.27 |+2.245 |3.146 43.68 E. 5 46 38.89 |—0.174 |—2.210 30.70 Weasel Mountain, N. J. B. 3 15 56.98 |—0.189 | 42.211 |—4 56 46.75 F. R. 4 35 57.09 |4+-6.875 | +-7.220 48.26 R.R. 4 35 58.09 |—6.912 |_—7.255 49,10 E. 5 47 13.10 |—0.187 | 2.213 51.34 Brooklyn, N. Y. B. 3 17 18.80 |—0.189 |4-2.211 |—4 56 0.02 F.R. 4 36 47.30 |-+5.829 |-5.766 0.80 E. 5 48 23.63 |—0.184 |—2.211 2.31 New Haven, B. 3 21 14.47 |—0.155 |4+-2.209 |—4 51 47,65 E. 5 51 17.00 |—0.199 |—2.213 56,82 Southwick, Mass. B. 3 20 19.00 |—0.139 |-+-2.208 |—4 51 16 92 E. 5 50 27.00 |—0.215 |—2.214 20,16 Wesleyan University, Conn. B. 3 22 0.81 |—0.145 | 42.208 |—4 50 43,62 E.5 52 1.46 |—0.205 |—2.213 41.73 Williamstown College, Mass. B. 3 17 19.90 |—0.132 |4-2.206 |—4 52 26.93 Dorchester Observatory, B. 3 28 10.90 |—0.099 |+-2.206 |—4 44 22.76 144 The Committee, consisting of Prof. A. D. Bache, Dr. Pat- terson, and Mr. Walker, on Prof. Loomis’s paper, read Octo- ber 18th, and entitled “ Additional Observations of the Mag- netic Dip in the United States, by Elias Loomis, Prof. of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Western Reserve College,’’ reported in favour of publication in the Transactions of the Society. The publication was ordered accordingly. The following abstract was given in the report of the Com- mittee. The paper of Prof. Loomis contains the result of his observations of the magnetic dip at twenty-two places in the United States. The stations, with the latitude and longitude of each, the date of the obser- vations for dip, and the determinations resulting from them, are as follows: 1. Hudson, Ohio, lat. 41° 15’ N., long. 5h. 21m. W., August 16th and 19th, 1839, A. M. Dip 72° 48'.4. Buffalo, New York, lat. 42° 53' N., long. 5h. 16m. W., August 31st, A. M. Dip 74° 40'.8. Oswego, New York, lat. 43° 26' N., long. 5h. 6m. W., September Ist, A. M. Dip 75° 11'.38. Syracuse, New York, lat. 43° N., long. 5h. 5m. W., September 2d, A. M. Dip 74° 50’.9. Utica, New York, lat. 48° 9’ N., long. 5h. 1m. W., September 3d, P. M. Dip 74° 57'.2. Schenectady, New York, lat. 42° 48’ N., long. 4h. 56m. W., September 4th, P. M. Dip 74° 36'.1. Albany, New York, lat. 42° 39' N., long. 4h. 55m. W., September 4th, noon. Dip 74° 51'.8. West Point, New York, lat. 41° 25' N., long. 4h. 56m. W., September 5th, P. M. Dip 73° 27'.4. New York City, lat. 40° 43’ N., long. 4h. 56m. W., September 9th, A. M. Dip 72° 52'.2. New Haven, Connecticut, lat. 41° 18’ N., long. 4h. 52m. W., September 11th, A. M. Dip 78° 26'.7. Hartford, Connecticut, lat. 41° 46' N., long. 4h. 51m. W., September 13th, A. M. Dip 73° 58’.1. Springfield, Massachusetts, lat. 42° 6’ N., long. 8h. 50m. W., September 14th, A. M. Dip 74° 06'.9. Longmeadow, Massa- chusetts, lat. 42° 2’ N., long. 4h. 50m. W., September 14th, P. M., 74° 05'.3. Worcester, Massachusetts, lat. 42° 16’ N., long. 4h. 47m. W., September 16th, P. M. Dip 74° 20’ .6. Cambridge, Massachu- setts, lat. 42° 22’ N., long. 4h. 44m. W., September 17th, P. M. Dip 74° 20'.1. Providence, Rhode Island, lat. 41° 50' N., long. 4h. 46m. W., September 19th, P. M., 73° 59'.6. Princeton, New Jer- sey, lat. 40° 22’ N., long. 4h. 58m. W., September 21st, A.M. Dip 72° 47'.1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, lat. 39° 57’ N., long. 5h. 145 Im. W., September 23d, A. M. Dip 72° 7'.1. Baltimore, Mary- land, lat. 39° 17' N., long. 5h. 7m. W., September 25th, A. M. Dip 71° 50'.3. Washington City, lat. 38° 53’ N., long. 5h. 8m. W., September 25th, P. M. Dip 71° 21'.4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, lat. 40° 32’ N., long. 5h. 20m. W., September 30th, A. M. Dip 72° 38'.9. Beaver, Pennsylvania, lat. 40° 44’ N., long. 5h. 22m. W., October Ist, A. M. Dip 72° 40'.3. Hudson, Ohio, lat. 41° 15’ N., long. 5h. 26m. W., October 7th, P. M. Dip (observations repeated) 72° 45'.9. These observations were made with the instrument by Gambey, with which the results contained in Prof. Loomis’s former paper were obtained. The series is the most extensive yet made in the United States, with which the Committee are acquainted. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Hare, Dr. Bache, and Mr. Booth, on a paper entitled “On a new compound of deuto- chloride of platinum, nitric oxide, and hydrochloric acid; by Henry D. Rogers, Professor of Geology in the University of Pennsylvania, and Martin H. Boyé, Graduate of the Univer- sity of Copenhagen,” reported in favour of publication in the Transactions of the Society. The publication was ordered accordingly. This substance is procured by dissolving platinum in an excess of nitromuriatic acid, and evaporating nearly to dryness; after which it is treated with aqua regia, freshly prepared, from concentrated hy- drochloric and nitric acids. A little water is afterwards added, drop by drop, just sufficient to keep the chloride of platinum dissolved, when the compound will remain in the form of a gamboge yellow powder. It is then separated by decanting and filtering, and pressed between the folds of bibulous paper, and dried tn vacuo over sulphuric acid. The precipitate is a yellow, minutely crystalline powder, which ab- sorbs water with great avidity. It may be preserved, without decom- position, in dry air, or in vacuo. It is decomposed by water, alcohol, &c., with extrication of nitric oxide, chloride of platinum remaining in solution. A concentrated solution of chloride of platinum has, how- ever, no action on it. Heated in an atmosphere of hydrogen, it gives off a large amount of chloride of ammonium, leaving a residuum of metallic platinum. Awnatysis.—The salt analysed, was prepared and kept in the man- B 146 ner described. Heated to the temperature of 212° F., it does not part with any of its water of combination. For estimating the amount of platinum and chlorine, the salt was fused with carbonate of potassa, &c., and the platinum, thus obtained, weighed by itself, and the chlo- rine precipitated from the solution by nitrate of silver. The quantity of nitric oxide was determined by introducing a por- tion of the salt into a graduated tube, inverted over mercury, and decomposing it by letting up the requisite proportion of water. The mean of a series of experiments, varied in different ways, gave Platinum, - 41.26 per cent. Chlorine, - 43.89 <« Nitric oxide, 4.98 <« The above results correspond to five atoms of bichloride of plati- num; five atoms of hydrochloric acid, and two atoms of nitric oxide. The water was calculated from the loss, in the analysis, to be equiva- lent to ten atoms. Respecting the chemical nature of this compound, it may be re- garded, either as a chloride of platinum, with a muriate of nitric ox- ide, represented by the following formula, (Pt Cl?) > + [(Cl H)>5 + (NO?)?] + 10 Aq, or as a double chlorosalt, a chloroplatinate of nitrogen, with a chloroplatinate of hydrogen, represented by the for- mula, [(Pt Cl?) ? + N Cl?]? + (Pt Cl? + HCl) + 14 Aq. Professor A. D. Bache made a verbal communication in which he compared the observations on the magnetic dip by Pro- fessor Loomis, contained in his paper ordered this evening for publication, with those given in a paper by Professor Courtenay and himself, read before the Society in 1834. Professor Bache remarked, that as some of the stations of a series of observations for magnetic dip made by Professor Courtenay and himself, and published in the fifth volume of the Society’s Transac- tions in 1835, were the same as those of the series of Professor Loomis, about to be published, it might be of interest to compare the results. The annexed table was given as containing the places, dates, and results of observations in the two series. Series by Professors Bache and 147 Series by Professor Place. Courtenay. Loomis. aN ue Date. we ke Date. 1834. 1839. Baltimore, 70° 58'.6 |July 19, P. M. 71° 50.3 |Sept. 25, A. M. Philadelphia, 72 00 .2|July 25, August 4,P.M.|72 07.1 |Sept. 23, A.M. New York, 72 51.7 |August 7, A. M. 72 52.2 |Sept. 9, A. M. West Point, 73 37.2 |April, May, June, July. |73 27.4 |Sept.5, P. M. Providence, {74 02.8 |August 8, P. M. 73 59.6 |Sept. 19, P. M. Springfield, Mass.|74 10.7 |August 10, A. M. 74 06.9 |Sept. 14, A. M. Albany, 74 40.1 [August 11, P.M. 74 51.3 |Sept. 4, noon. Professor Bache further remarked, that in regard to the results for Baltimore, he had at first supposed that an error of a degree had occurred in recording or transcribing the observations of one or other series. The difference of dip between New York and Philadelphia was nearly fifty minutes; and it was, therefore, not probable that that between Philadelphia and Baltimore should be only seventeen minutes, according to the numbers of Professor Loomis as they now stand. On the other hand, the dip reported by Professor Loomis agrees better with the determination of Professor Patterson at Charlottesville, and of Lieutenant Wilkes at Washington. The discrepancy thus not being easily reconciled, it is much to be desired that other observa- tions should be made at Baltimore. The agreement of the results for New York, Providence and Spring- field, is reasonably close; though, if the diminution of dip in the inter- val of the two series be considered, the agreement at New York will not be so close. At Philadelphia, Professor Bache has ascertained by recent experiments made for the purpose, that the difference between Professor Loomis and himself might be explained by the difference in the stations used; there being considerable local attraction at one or the other, though he had not yet ascertained which represented most properly the dip due to the position of Philadelphia. The difference at West Point certainly, and that at Albany probably, resulted from using different stations for observation. Professor Courtenay had found the magnetic dip at the middle of the plain at West Point, to differ several minutes from that at his house to the west of the plain. Professor Loomis had used a station near the steamboat land- ing. At Albany, he had observed near the station formerly used by Professor Henry in the Academy Park; and as the dip found by him in 1839, was nearly the same as that found by Professor Henry in 1834, the discrepancy between them might be considered as amounting 148 to the diminution of dip in the interval. Professor Bache stated that it was so desirable that each succeeding observer in a given place should, when a well selected site had been employed for observations, use the same, that he had only left the position used by Professor Henry on account of changes which had been made by putting up an iron railing about the Park. In the case of the two series by Pro- fessor Loomis, and by Professor Courtenay and himself, the stations did not appear to have been generally in common. Professor Bache further observed that the diminution of dip at New York, according to his observations, compared with those of Major Sabine, had been at the rate of nine minutes in twelve years, between 1822 and 1835; while those of Professor Loomis would give but eight minutes in seventeen years. Both results are probably too small. Professor Bache concluded by stating, that the general tenor of the comparison between these two series of observations, indicates that the relative correction for the two pairs of needles was. subtractive for those of Professor Loomis, and additive for those which he had used ; but that as they had been furnished by the same maker, and were of similar dimensions, there was, until they had been compared with other needles, no just ground of preference for either. The following resolutions in relation to combined magnetic observations were adopted: Resolved, ‘That in the opinion of the American Philosophical So- ciety, it is highly desirable that the combined series of magnetic ob- servations now in progress under the direction of the British govern- ment, should be extended to the United States, by the establishment of Magnetic Observatories at suitable places. Resolved, 'That a Committee be appointed, with authority, on be- half of the Society, to invite the attention of one of the departments of the Government of the United States to the plan for combined magnetic observations, a sketch of which was presented in the docu- ments from a Committee of the Royal Society of London, and to urge co-operation in the plan as a national undertaking, in every way worthy of the United States. The Committee under the above resolution, consists of Pro- fessor Bache, Doctor Patterson, Professor Henry, Mr. Kane, and Colonel Totten. Professor Bache, reporter, stated that No. 8 of the Proceed- 149 ings of the Society was in the hands of the Librarian for dis- tribution. Mr. Fisher reported the decease of Mr. Levett Harris, amem- ber of this Society. Stated Meeting, December 6. Present, thirty-two members. Dr. Parrerson, Vice-President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. XVIII. Part Second. Dublin, 1839.—From the Royal Irish Academy. Abhandlungen der K6niglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Jahre, 1837. Berlin, 1838.—From the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin. i Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der KGnigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, im Mo- nat Juli, 1838. Berlin, 1838.—From the same. Roteiro Geral dos Mares, Costas, Ilhas, e Baixos reconhecidos no Globo. Extractado per Ordem da Academia Real das Sciencias, por Antonio Lopes da Costa Almeida. Vol. Il. Part Third. Lisbon, 1838.—From the Royal Academy of Lisbon. Compendio de Botanica do Doutor Felix de Avellar Brotero. Apre- sentado 4 Academia Real das Sciencias. Vol. II. Lisbon, 18389.— From the same. Astronomia Spherica e Nautica, por Mattheus Valente do Couto. Lis- bon, 1839.—F rom the same. Memoria sobre os Pesos e Medidas de Portugal, Espanha, Inglaterra, e Franca. Por Fortunato Jose Barreiros. Lisbon, 1838.—From the same. Annaes da Marinha Portugueza. Por Ignacio da Costa Quintella. Vol. I. Lisbon, 1839.—From the same. 150 Reports on the Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds of Massachusetts. Bos- ton, 1839.—From Mr. G. B. Emerson. Histoire Militaire du Piémont par le Comte Alexandre de Saluces. Five volumes. ‘Turin, 1818.—F rom the Author. Tableau Statistique et Politique des Deux Canadas. Par M. Isidore Lebrun. Paris, 18383.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson. —Two volumes. New York, 1809.—From the same. La Revue Américaine. Vols. I. IJ. & III. Paris, 1826 and 1827.— From the same. Archives of Useful Knowledge. By James Mease, M. D. Philadel- phia, 1813.—#rom the Editor. Annals of Tryon County, or the Border Warfare of New York, dur- ing the Revolution. By William W. Campbell. New York, 1831.—From the same. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. By Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch. Boston, 1839.—F rom the Author. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1839.—From Mr. Dunn. Discourse on the Integrity of the Legal Character. By Job R. Ty- son, Esq. Philadelphia, 1839.—F rom the Author. General Karte der sichtbaren Seite der Mondoberfliche. Von W. Beer und J. H. Madler. Berlin, 1887.—From Professor A. D. Bache. . Sopra una Meteora luminosa osservata in Filadelfia dal Regio Con- ' sole delle Due Sicilie negli Stati Uniti di America. Naples, 1839. —From the Chev. Morelli. Magazine of Natural History. Edited by Edward Charlesworth. Vol. Il. New Series. Nos. 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35. London, 1839.—From the Editor. FOR THE CABINET. A Bust of Simeon De Witt, late Surveyor General of the State of New York.—From Mr. Richard V. De Witt. The Librarian presented to the Society, in the name of the Rey. James P. Engles, a manuscript Treatise on the Means of extending the Learning and Civilization of Europe to the English Empire in India. By C. E. Trevelyan, at Kotah, which was ordered to be deposited in the Archives of the Society. eee 151 The Committee of Publication reported, that the sixth volume of the Transactions of the Society was completed. Professor A. D. Bache made a verbal communication, accom- panied by a chart, showing the changes of magnetic variation on the last two terms of the German Magnetic Association; namely, the 30th of August and 30th of November, of the pre- sent year. Professor Bache also presented, on behalf of the Committee on Magnetic Observations, appointed at the last meeting of the Society, a Memorial, addressed to the Secretary of War of the United States, inviting the establishment of Magnetic Observa- tories, and co-operation in the system of magnetic and meteor- ological observations now in progress under the direction of the British Government. Hall of the American Philosophical Society, PHILADELPHIA, December, 1839. To the Hon. Jozt R. Pornserr, Secretary of War, &c. Fc. Sir:—The undersigned have been appointed a Committee of the American Philosophical Society, to call your attention to, and to in- vite, through the medium of your department, co-operation in, the extensive system of magnetic and meteorological observations about to be made under the direction of the British Government, and in con- nexion with their Antarctic expedition, particularly directed towards magnetic investigations. The science of terrestrial magnetism has of late years made great advances, through the instrumentality of Humboldt, Hansteen, Gauss and others, and has now reached that point where a system of com- bined observations at widely distant points over the surface of the globe, appears to be necessary to its further progress: desultory effort has already done all that it is competent to effect. Such a series of systematic observations has now been set on foot by the British Government, directed to a better determination of the magnetic lines, for the use of navigators, and to the accurate investigation of the magnetic elements for theoretical purposes. The objects embraced are the measurement of the magnetic intensity, dip, and variation, at different stations, by a nautical expedition, and at fixed observatories, and especially the investigation of the variations of these elements at the latter points. As subsidiary to these objects, combined meteorolo- 152 gical observations are to be made, which cannot fail to elucidate some of the most important questions in this useful science. The magnetic changes to be investigated are of three kinds: first, those which, depending upon a cause not yet satisfactorily explained, take place slowly but regularly, causing a general displacement of the lines of equal variation and dip; secondly, those which, depend- ing upon the position of the sun, run through their period of change in a year or day, producing different values in the magnetic elements, according to the season or to the hour of the day; and thirdly, the small disturbances which appear to be constantly taking place, and which require for their measurement continued observation with the most accurate instruments. The striking fact was proved in 1818, by the observations of haa at Paris, and of M. Kupffer at Kasan, that the large changes which take place in the position of the horizontal needle during the day, are simultaneous at these places, so distant from each other; and a con- firmation of the fact as applying to even more distant stations, resulted from the system of observations established by Humboldt and others in 1830, and extended, through the influence of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, to the most remote parts of the Russian empire, and even to Pekin. In 1834, the celebrated German philoso- pher Gauss, invented an instrument for measuring the variation of the needle and its changes, which introduced into these determinations an accuracy similar to that attainable in astronomical measurements. This instrument was soon furnished to different observatories, and a-concerted system of observations of the minute changes of varia- tion was introduced, which is now going on at no less than twenty- three places in Europe, the smaller and larger states having vied with each other in providing the means of executing them. The stations include Altona, Augsburg, Berlin, Bonn, Brunswick, Breda, Breslau, Cassel, Copenhagen, Cracow, Dublin, Freyberg, Gottingen, Greenwich, Halle, Kasan, Leipsic, Marburg, Milan, Munich, Naples, St. Petersburg, and Upsala. The results already obtained and published by the German Mag- netic Association, have proved satisfactorily that the minute changes in the direction of the needle, as well as the larger ones, are simulta- neous at the different stations, varying however in amount, and the variation appearing to decrease in passing southward; but the influ- ence of the position of the place, whether depending upon geographical or magnetic position, not having yet been fully determined, and being 153 probably determinable only by observations at places even more dis- tant from each other than those now embraced in the German series. The invention of an instrument by Gauss, for determining the changes in horizontal magnetic intensity with the same accuracy as those of the direction of the needle, will give rise to interesting developments in regard to them; and the changes of the three elements of horizontal direction, and horizontal and vertical intensity are all included by the two instruments before referred to, and a third invented by Professor Lloyd, of Dublin. It is the object of the series now projected, to em- brace these three elements; to extend the number of stations with special reference to their distribution at points of the earth interesting in their magnetic relations; to keep up a constant series of simulta- neous observations for three years; and thus to effect, on an extended scale, what the German Magnetic Association has so well begun. The execution of this plan, with observations of an appropriate kind, directed also to magnetic research, by a naval expedition, was recom- mended to the British Government by the members of the British Association, including men of science from different countries, in 1838. It subsequently received the sanction of the Royal Society of London, was adopted by the Government, and is now in course of execution. It may be considered, therefore, to have been ap- proved by the highest scientific authorities. In pursuance of this plan, stationary observatories are to be established, and regular obser- vations made, for the next three years, at Toronto in Upper Canada, at St. Helena, at the Cape of Good Hope, and at a station in Van Dieman’s Land. The East India Company have also undertaken to furnish the means of observation at nine points in their dominions. European Governments, who have not hitherto joined in the German system, with which this will be in connexion, have also promised similar aid. It is this extended scheme, to which our attention has been specially invited by a circular from the Royal Society of Lon- don, and in which the American Philosophical Society desires that our country should co-operate. It is on a broad scale, worthy of all encouragement, and the magnitude of the scheme, the objects for which it is undertaken, and the possibility of its execution, all mark the character of the period in which we live. The Society would propose, in furtherance of this plan, that five magnetic observatories should be established in the N. E., N. W., S. E., S. W., and at some central point of the United States, furnished with the instruments and observers necessary, fully to carry out the c 154 proper plan of combined magnetic and meteorological observations. Should the proposition to make this co-operation truly national, be acceded to, the details in relation to it can easily be arranged, and the Society will, the undersigned confidently believe, feel proud to lend any aid in their power, in planning or executing them. It may per- haps be more satisfactory however, to state briefly, beforehand, the nature of the observations to be made, and the means required for their execution. The magnetic observations to be undertaken at the fixed observato- ries are, first, of the variation (declination), absolute horizontal inten- sity and dip; second, of the changes of the variation of the horizontal intensity, and of the vertical intensity. ‘The regular observations for changes in these elements, are to be made every two hours every day, (with the exception of Sundays,) for the next three years, beginning as soon as the several observatories can be arranged. To these are to be added more frequent observations on one day of each month, including the four terms during the year, fixed by the German Mag- netic Association. At each station, a building of stone or wood will be required, in the construction of which no iron must be employed. The instruments adopted by the British observers are the following: A magnetometer for the declination, one for the horizontal force, one for the vertical force, a dipping needle, azimuthal transit, two reading telescopes, and two chronometers. The estimated cost of each set of these, is about fourteen hundred dollars. The cost of the observatory must vary with the place at which it is erected, and the material chosen for it, but may be estimated at from one thousand to fifteen hundred dollars. One principal and three assistants will suffice for making and reducing the observations at each station, and for carry- ing on a supplementary series of meteorological observations. The meteorological observations proposed, are on the pressure, tempera- ture, and moisture of the air; on the direction and force of the wind; on the quantity of rain; on the temperature of the ground at different depths; on solar and terrestrial radiation; besides a few miscellaneous and occasional observations, not necessary to be here stated. Regu- lar observations are to be made on these points, four times every day, and every hour on one day in each month. The instruments. re- quired at each station, are a barometer, a standard thermometer, a maximum and minimum thermometer, a hygrometer, an anemome- ter, several extra thermometers, an actinometer, and an apparatus for atmospheric electricity. The probable cost of each set of these would 195 not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars. The value of the results would be much increased, by providing a self-registering anemometer and ‘rain-gauge, instead of the common ones, which would increase the cost of each set of instruments to five hundred and seventy dol- lars. ‘The whole cost of erecting the five observatories, and providing them with excellent instruments, will probably not exceed sixteen thousand dollars; and if the observatory already existing at Philadel- phia, and provided with the necessary instruments, should be adopted as one of the five, and four others be erected and furnished, the expense to the United States would not exceed twelve thousand dollars. No estimate is made of the cost of the principal and assistants for the proposed observatories. In the organization of the new British stationary observatories, these persons are taken, in part, if not alto- gether, from the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the artillery. The acquirements of the graduates of our Military Academy, admirably fit them for directing the observatories, which might be appropriately placed at military posts; so as to provide the officers and men necessary for making the observations, without addi- tional expense. ‘The direction thus given to the views of the Com- mittee ; the fact that you have long been enrolled as a member of the American Philosophical Society; and the interest which you have always manifested, both as an individual and in a. public capacity, in all enterprises calculated to shed a lustre upon your country, have induced the Society to direct us to address ourselves particularly to you on this subject. With the hope that your views may coincide with those of the So- ciety, in regard to the plan now presented for your consideration, we are, Very respectfully, yours, A. D. Bacur, 7 R. M. Parrerson, | JosrpH HEnry, Committee. J. K. Kane, Jos: G. Lowrnuns: ) Dr. Patterson laid before the Society a specimen of the Daguerreotype, by Mr. Robert Cornelius, of Philadelphia. Dr. Hays communicated a case of perverted vision, in which all perpendicular lines appeared double, while horizontal ones 156 were seen accurately. This occurred in a gentleman who was labouring under catarrhal inflammation of the conjunctiva, and ceased with the removal of the disease. Dr. Hare made the following verbal communications. For effecting the congelation of water by the evaporation of ether, it had been usual to expose a bulb, containing water and moistened by the ether, to a current of air. Recently Dr. Hare had succeed- ed far more satisfactorily by exposing a quantity of water, twenty times as largeas that usually employed, covered by ether in a capsule to a blast of air, proceeding from a vessel in which it had been con- densed by a pressure equal to one or two atmospheres. By these means, the freezing of the water might be seen by five hundred spec- tators. Having mentioned that the pure hyponitrous ether recently obtained, caused a cold of 15° by its evaporation, it would of course be inferred, as he had found to be the fact, that this last mentioned ether might _be advantageously employed. When hydric ether is employed, it should not exceed 730 in spe- cific gravity. Dr. Hare further said, that it would probable be remembered, that about two years since, he had published an account of a new process for freezing water by the evaporation of ether, caused by a diminution of atmospheric pressure. In the process then described, concentrated sulphuric acid was interposed between the retort holding the water and ether, and the air pump. Since that time he had rendered the process more rapid and interesting by interposing an iron mercury bottle, with two cocks between the re- ceiver holding the acid and the pump. ‘The ether and water were introduced into the retort. The beak of the retort, properly bent, entered the receiver, through the tubulure to which it was luted. The beak was of such a length and curvature, as to cause its orifice to be below the surface of the acid. The neck of ihe receiver com- municated with the cavity of the bottle, that of the bottle with the pump. ‘The apparatus being thus arranged, the bottle was exhausted, and the cock, communicating with the pump, closed. Under these circumstances, on opening a communication between the bottle and re- ceiver, the pressure in that vessel and in the retort was so much reduced as to cause the instantaneous ebullition of the ether, so that little, if any subsequent aid, was required from the pump. But the a 157 result which gave increased interest to the process, was the in- conceivable rapidity with which the acid, under these circumstances, absorbed the ethereal vapour, which it appeared to do with greater avidity as the process advanced. In fact, the water, in the act of congealing, flew all over the inner surface of the retort, in consequence of an explosive evolution of ethereal vapour, generated amid the aqueous particles. The conge- lation of the water was rendered evident to the ears as well to the eyes of his class of more than three hundred students. Doctor Bache communicated the decease of the Hon. Jona- than Sewell, of Quebec, a member of the Society. Stated Meeting, December 20. Present, forty members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received:— FOR THE LIBRARY. Appendix to Part V. of the Greenwich Observations, for the year 1834. (A missing number.) London, 1834.— From the Royal Society of London. The Statutes at Large, of South Carolina. Edited under the author- ity of the Legislature. By Thomas Cooper,M.D., LL.D. Vol. V. Columbia, 1839.—From Dr. Tidyman. A Map of the Extremity of Cape Cod. Executed under the direction of Major J. D. Graham, U. S. Top. Engrs.—From the Author. Crania Americana; or. a Comparative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America. By Samuel George Morton, M.D. Philadelphia, 1839.—F rom the Author. Medical and Topographical Observations upon the Mediterranean ; and upon Portugal, Spain, and other Countries. By G. B. R. Hor- ner, M.D., U.S.N. Philadelphia, 1839.—F’rom the Author. The State of the Prisons in England and Wales. By John Howard, F. R. 8. Warrington, 1784.—From Mr. John Vaughan. 158 State of the Prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales. By James Neild, Esq. London, 1812.—From the same. The Natural History of British Insects. By E. Donovan, F.L.S. Ten Volumes. London, 1793 to 1802.—F rom the same. The Natural History of British Birds. By E. Donovan, F.L.S. London, 1794 to 1798. Five Voiumes.—F rom the same. The Natural History of British Fishes. By E. Donovan, F.L.S. Vol. I. London, 1802.—From the same. Biographical Sketches of distinguished American Naval Heroes in the War of the Revolution. By S. Putnam Waldo, Esq. Hart- ford, 1823.—From the same. An Account, Historical, Political, and Statistical, of the United Pro- vinces of Rio de la Plata. Translated from the Spanish of Ignacio — Nunes. London, 1825.—From the same. Flora Caroliniensis, or an Historical, Medical, and Economical Dis- play of the Vegetable Kingdom. By John L. E. W. Shecut. Vol. 1. Charleston, 1806.—F rom the same. Travels in Brazil, in the Years from 1809 to 1815. By Henry Koster. ‘Two Vols. Philadelphia, 1817.—From the same. History of Spain, from the establishment of the Colony of Gades, by the Pheenicians, to the death of Ferdinand, surnamed the Sage. Two Volumes. Dublin, 1793.—From the same. History of the County of Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. By Peter Whitney, A.M. Worcester, 1793.—From the same. The First Settlers of Virginia. New York, 1806.—From the same. An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, F.S.A. Two Volumes. London, 1808.—From the same. Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Editarum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinem Digessit, J. D. Reuss. Historia, etc. Gottingen, 1810.—From Mr. P. S. Du Ponceau. Historisch Statistische Darstellung des Nérdlichen Englands. Von K.F. Rivinus. Leipsic, 1824.—From the same. The Ruins of Pestum and other Compositions, in verse. Salem, 1822.—From the same. Athens, and other Poems. Salem, 1824.—F vom the same. Academical Catalogues.—From the same. 159 The American Medical Library and Intelligencer. By Robley Dunglison, M. D. Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 18.—From the Editor. The Committees of Finance and Publication, respectively made their Annual Reports, which were, on motion, accepted. — Doctor Hare made the following verbal communication relative to the application of radiant heat to glass. Dr. Hare said, it did not appear to him that sufficient attention had been paid by artists or men of science, to the great difference which existed between the effect upon glass of heating it by radiation and by conduction. When exposed to radiant heat alone, unaccompanied by flame, or a current of hot air, glass is readily penetrated by it, and is heated, within and without, with commensurate rapidity; but, in the case of its exposure to an incandescent vapour or gas, the caloric could only penetrate by the process of conduction; and, consequently, from the inferior conducting power of glass, the temperature of the outer and inner portions of the mass would be so different, as by the consequent inequality of expansion to cause the fracture, which was ‘well known, under such circumstances, to ensue. The combustion of anthracite coal, in an open grate, in his labora- tory, having four flues of about 4.12 by 2.12 inches each, in area, just above the level of the grate, (the upper stratum of the fire, having nothing between it and the ceiling,) had allowed him to perform some operations with success, which formerly he would have considered impracticable. ‘The fire haying attained to that state of incandes- cence to which it easily arrives when well managed, he had, on open- ing a hole by means of an iron rod, so as to have a perpendicular perforation extending to the bottom of the fire, repeatedly fused the beaks of retorts of any capacity, not being more than three gallons, causing them to draw out, by the force of gravity, into a tapering tube; so that, on lifting the beak from the fire, and holding the body of the retort upright, the fused portion would hang down so as to form an angle with the rest of the beak, or to have any desired obliquity. By these means, in a séries of retorts, the beak of the first might be made to descend through the tubulure of a second; the beak of the se- cond through that of a third, and so on; the beak of the last retort in the row being made, when requisite, to enter a tube passing through ice and water in an inverted bell-glass. By means of the anthracite fire, as above described, thick rods, as 160 well as stout tubes, might, as he had found, be softened and extended, or bent into suitable forms. The lower end of a green glass phial, such as is used usually for Cologne water, might be made to draw out into a trumpet-shaped extre- mity. A Florence flask might be heated, and made flat, so as to an- swer better for some purposes. The drawing out of tubes into a tapering form, suitable for introducing liquids through retort tubulures, was thus easily effected; and in all cases the sealing of large tubes was better commenced in this way, although the blowpipe might be necessary to close a capillary opening which could not be closed by the fire. Dr. Hare further communicated a method of preparing pure chlorohydric acid, from the impure muriatic acid of com- merce, by the action of sulphuric acid. It is known, said Dr. Hare, that concentrated sulphuric acid, when added to liquid chlorohydric acid, expels more or less of it as a gas, in consequence of its superior affinity for water. At the present low: price of the ordinary acid of commerce, Dr. Hare had found it ad- vantageous to procure the latter in purity, by subjecting it to the for- mer. A tubulated glass retort, having been half-filled with chlorohydric acid, sulphuric acid was allowed to drop from a glass funnel, with a cock, into a tube descending into the acid in the retort through the tu- bulure, to which it was luted by strips of gum-elastic. The tube ter- minated in a very small bore. The beak of the retort, bent in the fire, as he had just described, descended through the tubulure into the body of a small retort containing water not refrigerated. The beak of the latter descended into a larger one, half full of water, to which ice was applied. Of course the beak of the third might, in like manner, enter the body of a fourth. After an equivalent weight of sulphuric acid had been introduced, and the evolution of gas was no longer sufficiently active, heat might be applied until nearly all the chlorohydric acid should come over. The residual diluted sulphuric acid was, with the addition of nitrate of soda or potassa, or nitric acid, as serviceable for galvanic purposes, as if it had not been thus used. Dr. Hare further communicated a method of preparing hy- drochloric acid and chlorine in the self-regulating reservoir 161 invented by him, and spoke of some of the applications of the gases thus prepared. Dr. Hare was under the impression that few chemists were aware of the great advantage of the self-regulating reservoirs of gas, to which he had resorted. He was enabled, by means of them, to keep hydrogen, carbonic acid, nitric oxide, chlorine, chlorohydric acid, sulphydric acid, and arseniuretted hydrogen, so as to use any of these gases at pleasure. He had kept these reservoirs in operation for months, without taking the constituent vessels apart. By means of the reservoir of chlorohydric acid he had been en- couraged to make an effort which proved successful ; to form artificial camphor by the impregnation of oil of turpentine with that gas. Subjecting an ingot of tin to a current from his reservoir of chlo- rine, it was rapidly converted into the bichloride, or fuming liquor of Libavius. ‘To his surprise the ingot was fused by the heat generated. In the last mentioned reservoir the materials were manganese, in lumps, and concentrated chlorohydric acid, diluted sulphuric acid being also introduced; as the reaction of this last mentioned acid with the manganese was more active than that of the chlorohydric acid. In fact, sulphuric acid, diluted with its weight of water and common salt, might be used without chlorohydric acid. In the reservoir for chlorohydric acid, the materials were sal ammoniac and sulphuric acid, to which some water was added, but not so much as to prevent the chlorohydric acid from assuming the gaseous state. He had found it preferable to keep the sulphydric acid reservoir in a flue, the gas being drawn, when wanted, through a globe of water, by means of a leaden tube, at a convenient place. It would be de- sirable that the reservoirs of chlorine and chlorohydric acid should be similarly situated. Mr. Sears C. Walker made an oral communication on the subject of determining longitudes from corresponding observa- tions of meteors. It had been recently remarked by Prof. Schumacher, Astr. Nachr. No, 283, that, so far as his information extended, no trial had been made of the observation of meteors for determining longitude; though the subject had been proposed long since by Prof. Benzenberg. Ac- cordingly, on the 11th of August, 1889, observations, chiefly of the instant of vanishing of meteors were made at. the observatories of Altona, Bremen, Konigsberg, Breslaw, &c. with such success as to D 162 lead Dr. Olbers to the conclusion announced in a succeeding No. (284) that observations of this kind are adequate for the complete determi- nation of longitudes of places. By means of twelve coincidences on the same night, Prof. Boguslawski found the Breslaw Observatory to be 28m 22s.07 east of Altona, differing less than a second from that which had been previously adopted. As the subject of priority in this inquiry might be considered im- portant, Mr. Walker deemed it his duty to communicate the substance of a letter from Prof. Alexander, of Princeton College, New Jersey, dated January 14th 1839, in which is contained the result of seven coincidences of observations of meteors, made 25th Noy. 1835, by Messrs. A. D. Bache and J. P. Espy, at the house of Prof. Bache, in Philadelphia, and by Professors Henry and Alexander, at the Philoso- phical Hall, 0.1s. east of Nassau Hall, College of New Jersey, at Princeton. As the time referred to by the Philadelphia observers is that of the University of Pennsylvania, which is about 0.7s, west of the State House, Philadelphia, the differences of longitude, given by Prof. Alexander, have been diminished by 0.6s. to reduce them to the State House, Philadelphia, and Nassau Hall, Princeton. The re- sults are contained in the table. The time of the disappearance of the meteors was noted. Meteor. | N. Hall, East of |Comparative Observers. State House. Weight. a |-+2m. 0.45sec. 1 Espy and Alexander. b |+2,, 0.30 ,, 1 «and = and Henry, e j--1 ,,59.20 ,, 0.5 “ and Henry, d |4+2,, 020 ,, 1 Sanh pee e |t2,, 1.00 ,, 1 Bache and “ f |+2,, 0.80 ,, 1 “ and Alexander, g |42,, 2.60 ,, 0.5 Espy and Henry. Mean according to weights. +- 2m 0.61 sec. S. House, W. of Greenwich —5h. 0 ,, 39.12,, N. Hall, W.of Greenwich — 4,, 58 ,, 38.51 ,, No. 1. In order to judge of the degree of precision of this result, an extract of a letter from Robert Treat Paine, Esq. dated June 10th, 1839, was read, giving his determination of the same by transportation of three chronometers in May last, from Princeton to Castle Garden, New York, and thence to Boston, as follows: State House, Boston — 4h. 44m. 16.60sec. Castle Garden, West — 11,, 46.33 ,, Nassau Hall, W. of C. Garden — 2 5, 185.14; Nassau Hall, W. of Greenwich — 4,, 58,, 38.07 ,, No. 2. 163 A further comparison was furnished from the observations of the solar eclipse of Sept. 18th, 1838, as reduced by Prof. Kendall, and from those of several occultations reduced by Mr. Walker. Comparisons with the High School Observatory. Assumed longi- tude—5h. Om. 42s. Resulting longitude of Nassau Hall, 5 h. m. S. 1838, Sept. 18th. Solar Eclipse four phases,— 4 58 37.64 weight 2.0 Nov. 21, Ira. # Sagittarii, 34.62 1.0 h. m. Ss. Dec. 27, Im. » Pleiadum, — 4 58 39.42 ce Set cc 36.39 + 36.80 1boee eS con oe 34.62 1839, Aprill9, ‘ c Geminorum, 39.84 1.0 No. 3, Mean according to weights, — 4 58 37.25 Sei Comparisons with the State House, Boston. Assumed longitude — 4h. 44m. 16.6s. h. m. Ss. 1838, Dec. 24, Im. ¢ Piscium, — 458 39.56 weight 1.0 27, Im. f Pleiadum, 36.35 1.0 h. m. Ss. ; 1839, April 19, Im. c Geminorum, — 4 58 39.31 39.97 1.4 Do. at Dorchester Obs’y. 39.22 5 ; No. 4. Mean according to weights — 4 58 38.49 3.4 The Immersion of f Pleiadum was also observed by Prof: Boguslawski at the Breslaw Observatory, longitude + 1h. 8m. 10.4s., whence Nassau Hall — 4h. 58m. 41.15s. No. 5, weight 1. This result is somewhat uncertain, from the variation of the co-efficient of the un- known error ¢ of the moon’s tabular place on a secondary to its orbit ; since we have for the longitude, d = — 4h. 58m. 41.15s. — 2.353 x ¢— 0.406 x x, according to Bessel’s Notation. The mean results taken with their weights gave, h. m. Ss. No. 1 —4 58 38.51 weight 6.0 2 38.07 3.0 3 37.25 5.7 4 38.49 3.4 5 41.15 1.0 Mean according to weights —4 58 38.20 19.1 Thus it appears that the observations of the 25th November, 1835, lead to the same conclusion as that which was subsequently in 1839, obtained by the European astronomers. Teo wii = 4 ad (et Ht ie as » md ee ee at gitlsoxpnmuight '. pbee isa mht ay ha. i age oa ahs S49 a babe 4 + ee er 4 Re a me Sligiavat faa Lene y ae oil: i ARS, wi oe 4 3 Ot sis A > 7 ‘nt 3 yore 8 q PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. JANUARY & FEBRUARY, 1840. No. 10. Stated Meeting, January 3. Present, twenty-seven members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The Judges and Clerks of the Election, held this day, re- ported the appointment of the following officers:— President. Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL. D. Vice Presidents. | Nathaniel Chapman, M. D., 4 Joseph Hopkinson, UL. D., Robert M. Patterson. M. D. Secretaries. Franklin Bache, M. D., ‘John K. Kane, Alexander D. Bache, LL. D., Robley Dunglison, M.D. Counsellors for Three Years. Nicholas Biddle, Thomas Biddle, Gouverneur Emerson, J. Francis Fisher. Curators. John P. Wetherill, Isaac Hays, M. D., Franklin Peale. . Treasurer. John Vaughan. 166 The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Gradmessung in Ostpreussen und ihre Verbindung mit Preussischen und Russischen Dreiecksketten; ausgefiihrt von F. W. Bessel, Director der Kénigsberger Sternwarte u. s. w.—From the Au- thor. Address at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society, Nov. 11, 1839. By R. R. Gurley. Emie deans: 1839. From Mr. Elliot Cresson. FOR THE CABINET. A Donation of Mastodon Bones, procured by a subscription of mem- bers of the Society ;—the head perfect. Drs. Horner and Hays were appointed a Committee to report a description of the same. Mr. Henry Seybert, at the time in Paris, transmitted to the Society a specimen of the Daguerréotype. Mr. Du Ponceau made a verbal communication respecting the publication of the Cochin Chinese Dictionary of the late Bishop of Adran, and also of a Latin and Cochin Chinese Dic- tionary by the Bishop of Isauropolis, and announced that the Grammar of the Berber language, by M. Venture, was about to be published. Dr. Hare produced a remarkably beautiful ee eer of po- fassium, in the globular form, assumed by falling into naphtha. This specimen was a part of the product of one process which yielded him six ounces, two hundred and sixty-three grains, avoirdu- pois. The process, and the apparatus by which this large amount of po- tassium was procured, had been described in the last volume of the Society’s Transactions. The quantity of materials employed, was 8 lbs. cream of tartar, reduced to 47 oz., by carbonization; and 3 oz. of coarsely powdered charcoal, from which the finer part had been sifted. u Notwithstanding the employment of a tube of two inches in diame- ter, it became choked with the potassium, carbon, and other volatile products, which were sublimed; and in the effort to open a passage, a steel rod, employed for this purpose, became so firmly fastened as to render its extrication impracticable by the force of two men. 167 In the effort to withdraw it, the tube was detached from the bottle. As the rod had been rendered smooth and cylindrical by the wire- drawing process, it could not have been thus held, upon any other view than that of its being soldered to the potassium. The iron casing, used -to protect the bottle, had been exposed to the fire during three processes; yet, excepting at the lower corner, it did not appear to be injured. With slight emendation, and with the protection of a stout disk of malleable iron, situate so as to form a basis, Dr. Hare had no doubt it might be used for several more ope- rations. In distilling the potassium from the tube, “ per descensum,” as de- scribed in his account of the process already referred to, the cap con- verging to a tapering tube was screwed on to that end of the receiver which was nearest the bottle; and, of course, this end was the lower- most in the distillatory process. This arrangement was preferable, as it prevented the loose deposition always found at the end of the tube farthest from the fire, from falling into the naphtha employed together with the potassium. Dr. Hare hoped to lay before the Society a drawing aft his appara- tus, under the impression that it would be deemed worthy of being published among the Transactions of the Society. The purchase of the Reports on Prisons, printed by- order of the House of Commons of Great Britain, was directed by the Society. Stated Meeting, January 17. Present, thirty-three members. Mr. Du Poncuau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received. FOR THE LIBRARY. A History of the Heathen Mythology ; or the Fables of the Ancients, elucidated from Historical Records, an Important Key to the Clas- sics. To which is added, an Inquiry into the Religion of the first Inhabitants of Great Britain, and a particular Account of the 168 Ancient Druids. Translated from the French of M. Abbé de Tressan. By H. North. 2d Edition, embellished with 75 engra- vings. London, 1806.—From Mr. Vaughan. The Life of John Jay, with Selections from his Correspondence, and Miscellaneous Papers. By his Son, William Jay. Two Vols. 8vo. New York, 1833.——From the same. Vies des Peintres, Sculpteurs et Architectes les plus célébres, par G. Vasari, Peintre et Architecte Arétin; traduites de I’Italien, avec des notes, particulicrement celles de Bottari, et les portraits de chaque artiste, gravés a l’eau forte par G. Boichot, correspond. - de l'Institut National. Three Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803.—From the same. Scriptores Rerum Mythicarum Latini tres Rome nuper reperti. Ad fidem Codicum MSS. Guelferbytanorum Gottingensis, Gothani et Parisiensis integriores edidit ac Scholiis illustravit Dr. Georgius Henricus Bode, ordinis Philos. Gotting. Assessor Societatis Litterar. que Cantabrigiz Americanorum floret Socius. Two Vols. Cellis, 1834.—-From Mr. Du Ponceau. Observations on the Sugar Beet and its Cultivation. Philadelphia, 1840.—From Mr. James Ronaldson. Annuaire Magnétique et Méteorologique du Corps des Ingénieurs des Mines de Russie ou Recueil d’Observations Magnétiques et Méte- orologiques faites dans l’étendue de l’empire de Russie et publiées par ordre de 8S. M. TEmpéreur Nicolas I., et sous les auspices de . M. le Comte Cancrine, Ministre des Finances, par A. T. Kupffer, membre de |’Académie des Sciences de St. Péetersbourg. Année, 1837. 4to. St. Pétersbourg, 1839.—From the Imperial Aca- demy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. Catalogue of Columbia College in the City of New York; embracing the Names of its Trustees, Officers, and Graduates; together with a List of all Academical Honours conferred by the Institution, from A.D. 1758 to A. D. 1826, inclusive. New York, 1826.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Circular Letter addressed to the Tr nee of the University of Penn- sylvania, by the Professor of Botany, (Dr. W. P. C. Barton,) on the introduction of that Branch into the Curriculum of Study fora Medical Degree. Philadelphia, 1825.—From the same. Sundry recent English Catalogues of Books.x—From Mr. E. D. In- graham. 169 Prof. Bache read extracts from a letter from Major Sabine, of England, describing the progress of measures for contempo- raneous magnetic and meteorological observations for the next three years, urging a concert of observations in the United States, and stating that a magnetic survey of the British domi- nions north of the United States would be made, and suggesting a similar survey of the United States. Prof. Bache remarked, that steps had been taken some months since, by several gen- tlemen who have heretofore been engaged in magnetic re- searches, to procure such a survey, the result of which, how- ever, was yet uncertain. A circular relating to the term observations, proposed by the Royal Society, was also read. Mr. John Vaughan was re-elected Librarian. The following standing committees were appointed for the year. Of Finance.—Mr. C. C. Biddle, Mr. George Ord, and Dr. R. M. Patterson. Of Publication.—Mr. Lea, Dr. Hays, and Mr. J. F. Fisher. On the Hail.—Mr. Strickland, Mr. Kane, Mr. Vaughan. On the Library.—Mr. Ord, Dr. Hays, Mr. Geo. Campbell. Agreeably to a provision of the by-laws, the list of surviving members of the Society was read. The number is 316; 216 of whom are residents of the United States, and 100 in foreign countries. The following gentlemen were elected members of the So- ciety :— Jupaw Dosson, of Philadelphia. Joun Forses, M.D. F.R.S. of Chichester, England. Micuarr Farapay, D.C. L. F. R.S. of London. Rev. C. R. Demme’, D.D. of Philadelphia. Joun J. Vanperkemp, of Philadelphia. Rev. Puruie Mitieporer, D.D. of New Jersey. Don Prepro pr Anee is, of Buenos Ayres. Isaac Wayne, of Pennsylvania. Samvuet D. Inenam, of Pennsylvania. Groreée M. Dantas, of Philadelphia. Martin Boye’, of Philadelphia, 170 Stated Meeting, February 6. Present en members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Kong. Vetenskaps-Academiens Handlingar, for Ar 1837. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1838.—From the Royal Swedish Academy. Aorsberattelse om Framstegen i Fysik och Kemi afgifven den 31 Mars, 1837; af Jac. Berzelius K. V. Acad. Secr. 8vo. Stockholm, 1837.—From the same. Aorsberattelse om Technologiens Framsteg till Kongl. Vetenskaps- Academien afgifven den 31 Mars, 1837, af G. E. Pasch. 8vo. Stockholm, 1837.—From the same. Aorsberattelse om Botaniska Arbeten och Upptickter for Ar 1836, till Kongl. Vetenskaps-Academien afgifven den 31 Mars, 1837, af Joh. Em. Wikstrom. 8vo. Stockholm, 1838.—From the same. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, found- ed January 6, 1824. Vol. II. 8vo. Quebec, 1831.—From Mr. C. D. Forbes, of Montreal. ; Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, for the Year 1837-388. -Part II. 8vo. Dublin, 1838; and for the Year 1838-9. Part III. 8vo. Dublin, 18389.—From the Royal Irish Academy. The Life of Daniel, the Prophet of God, with a Bengali Translation. By the Rey. Wm. Morton, of the London Missionary Society. 12mo. Calcutta, 1837.--From the American Sunday School Union, of Philudelphia. O Auxiliador da Industria Nacional, ou Collecgéo de Memorias e Noticias interressantes aos Fazendeiros, Fabricantes, Artistas, e Classes industriosas no Brasil, tanto originaes, como traduzidas das melhores Obras que neste genero se publicao. Periodico Mensal, publicado pela Sociedade Auxiliadora da Industria Nacional, esta- belecida no Rio de Janeiro. Anno. VII. No. i.—vi. Janeiro.— Junho de 1889. 8vo. Rio Janeiro, 1839.—From Mr. J. S. Rebello. Discurso lido em 15 de Maio de 1888 na Sess&o publica da Acade- 171 mia real das Sciencias de Lisboa por Joaquim José da Costa de Macedo, do Conselho de S. M. e Commendador da Ordem de N. Senhora da Conceic&o de Villa Viciosa, &c. &c. 8vo. Lisboa, 1838.— From the Author. Answers to the Questions: What constitutes Currency? What are the Causes of Unsteadiness of the Currency? and What is the Re- medy? By H. C. Carey, author of “ Principles of Political Eco- nomy,” &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. An Address to the Members of the Mississippi Legislature on the subject of the Geological Survey ofthe State. By C. G. Forshey.— From the Author. The American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Benja- min Silliman, M. D. LL. D., &c. &c. Aided by Benjamin Silli- man, jr-, A. B., &c. &c. Vol. xxxviil. No.1. Jan. 1840.-- From the Editors. A Monograph of the Limniades and other fresh water Univalve Shells of North America. By S. Stehman Haldeman, Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, &c. &c. (Speci- men number.) 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. Rapports a M. le Comte de Montalivet, Pair de France, Ministre Secrétaire d'Etat au Département de l’Intérieur, sur les Péniten- ciers des Etats-Unis, par M. Demetz,; Conseiller 4 la Cour Roy- ale, Membre du Conseil Général du Département de Seine-et- Oise, et par M. G. Abel Blouet, Architecte du Gouvernement, Di- recteur de la Section des Beaux Arts de Expédition Scientifique de Morée. Folio. Paris, 1837.—From Dr. Bache. Mr. Saxton laid before the Society several copies of medals, produced by the galvanic process of Prof. Jacobi, of St. Pe- tersburg, and a small vase, obtained by a similar process, using a fusible metal matrix, which was removed when the form was obtained. Mr. Lea exhibited nearly forty specimens of representations of plants and shells, by the photographic process of Talbot, modified by Mr. Mungo Ponton, of Edinburgh. They were prepared by his son, Mr. Carey Lea, and were entirely suc- cessful; the minute parts of the plants, and the outlines being perfect. 172 Stated Meeting, February 21. Present, twenty-two members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vol. Vill. P. I. 8vo. Philad. 1839.—From the Academy of Nat. Sciences. The American Medical Library and Intelligencer, a concentrated Record of Medical Science and Literature. By Robley Dunglison, M. D., Sec. A. P.S., &c. &c. Vol. III. Nos. 21 & 22. Feb. 1 & 15, 1840. Philadelphia. —From the Editor. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. No. L. Feb. 1840. Philadelphia. Edited by Dr. Hays.—From the Editor. Two Letters on the Chinese System of Writing. By the Rev. Charles Gutzlaff, Missionary at Canton, and Peter $. Du Ponceau, LL.D., President of the American Philosophical Society. Extracted from the 7th Vol. (New Series) of the Society’s ‘Transactions. Ato. Philadelphia, 1840.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. A Condensed Geography and History of the Western ae or the Mississippi Valley. By Timothy Flint, Author of Recollections of the Last Ten Years in the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1828.—From Mr. Vaughan. Democracy in America. By Alexis de Tocqueville, Avocat a la Cour Royale de Paris, &c. &c. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. With an Original Preface and Notes. By John C. Spencer, Coun- sellor at Law. 8vo. New York, 1838.—From the same. The Speeches of Henry Clay, delivered in the Congress of the United States; to which is prefixed, a Biographical Memoir; with an Ap- pendix, containing his Speeches at Lexington and Lewisburg, and before the Colonization Society at Washington: together with his Address to his Constituents on the Subject of the late Presidential Election: with a Portrait. Philadelphia, 1827.—From the same. Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley: comprising Observations on its Mineral Geography, Internal Resources, and 173 Aboriginal Population (performed under the sanction of Govern- ment, in the year 1821). By Henry Schooleraft, U.S. I. A., &c. 8vo. New York, 1825.—From the same. A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. By Lieut. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson. Bos- ton, 1769.—From the same. A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs, explained and made in- telligible to the English Reader. By James Kelly, M. A. Lon- don, 1721.—From the same. The History of the Province of New York, from the First Discovery to the Year 1832; to which is annexed, a Description of the Coun- try, with a Short Account of the Inhabitants, their Trade, Reli- gious and Political State, and the Constitution of the Courts of Justice in that Colony. By William Smith, A.M. 4to. London, 1757.—From the same. Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie. Uitgiven door J. Van der Hoeven, M. D. Prof. te Leiden, en W. H. de Vriese, M. D. Prof. te Amsterdam. Zesde Deel le, 2e en 8e Stuk. Leiden, 1839.—From the Minister of the Interior of the King of the Netherlands. Mr. Lea read a paper entitled, “Description of Nineteen New Species of Colimacea,’’ from his Collection. These were recently received, and chiefly from Mr. W. W. Wood, now of Manilla. Butrmus Woopranus. ‘Testa ovato-conicé, crassa, rufo-fuscA, im- perforata; anfractibus quinis, convexis; apertura magna, ovata; labro incrassato, reflexo, margine purpurato; columella incrassata, levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands—W. W. Wood. Buximus Bicotoratus. ‘Testa turrita, supra rufo-fuscd, subtus vi- ridi, imperforata, carinata; anfractibus septenis, subconvexis; apertura subrotundata; labro reflexo, margine subnigro; colu- mella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands—W. W. Wood. Buximus Suscroposus. Testa globoso-turbinata, subtenui, rufo-fusca, fasciata, imperforata; anfractibus quinis, ventricosis; apertura subrotundata; labro subreflexo, margine tenebroso; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands —W. W. Wood. Butimus Gracinis. ‘Testa ovato-conica, tenui, imperforata; an- fractibus senis; subconvexis; apertura parva, subrotundata; labro subreflexo, acuto; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.—W. W. Wood. 174 Butimus Carinatus. Testa acuminato-conica, subtenui, rufo-fusca, imperforata, carinata; anfractibus septenis, subplanulatis; aper- tura ovata; labro reflexo, margine tenebroso; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.—W. W. Wood. Butimus Viripo-Srriatus. ‘Testa turbinato-conicé, subcrassa, vi- ridi, albo fasciata, nitida, imperforaté; anfractibus quinis, ventri- cosis; apertura subrotunda; labro reflexo, margine albo; colu- mella levi. Habitat. Philippine Jslands.—W. W. Wood. Butimus Virerneus. ‘Testa ovato-conica, albida, tenui, tenuissimé striata, imperforata; anfractibus quinis, convexis; apertura ovata; labro simplici; columella izvi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.— W. W. Wood. Butimus Lizerranus. ‘Testa elevata, lacted, pellucida, nitida, mi- nuté striata, perforata; anfractibus senis; apertura longula; labro incrassato, reflexo; columella levi. Habitat. Liberia, Africa.a— Dr. Blanding. Cyctostoma Woop1ana. ‘Testa orbiculaté, subdepressa, rufa, albo maculata et cincta, striata, laté et profundé umbilicata; anfractibus quinis; apice acuminato; labro incrassato, reflexo, albo. Habitat. Philippine Islands—W. W. Wood. Carocotia BrrascratTa. ‘Testa orbiculari, supra convexa, subtus sub-planulata, luteo-alba, nitida, minutissimé longitudinaliter striata, viridi-bifasciata; anfractibus quaternis; labro acuto, re- flexo. Habitat. Philippine Islands—W. W. Wood. Heuix Ceroipes. Testi globosa, conico turbinata, subtenui, lon- - gitudinaliter striata, supra rufo-fusca, subtus luteo-fusca, infra peri- pheeriam fasciata, ad basim uniplicata, imperforata ; anfractibus sep- tenis, inflatis; apertura lunaté; labro irregulariter reflexo, acuto, marginé rufo; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.— W. W. Wood. Her Buarnvittrana. ‘Testa obtuso-convexa, superné granulata, inferné levi, infra peripheriam unifasciaté, minute perforata; anfractibus senis, convexis; apertura parva, transversa; labro acuto; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.—W. W. Wood. Hewix Lamarcniana. ‘Testa orbiculato-convex4, subcarinata, rufo- fusca, subtenui, irregulariter striata, minuté perforata; anfrac- tibus quaternis, superné planulatis; apertura magna, transversa; labro acuto; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Tslands.—W. W. Wood. 175 Hetix Lurro-Fasctata. Testa orbiculato-conoided, superné minuté cancellata, inferne levi, tenebroso-castanea, luteo-uni vittata, mi- nuté perforata; anfractibus senis, convexis; apertura parva, trans- versa; labro acuto; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands. —W. W. Wood. Hevix Ferrvueinza. ‘Testa globoso-conoided, ferruginea, trans- versim striata, solidi, ventricosa interdum vittata, imperforata; anfractibus quaternis, convexis; apertura magna, obliqua; labro incrassato, reflexo; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.— W. W. Wood. Hetix Cuvierrana. Testa orbiculato-convexa, carinata, tenui, lon- gitudinaliter minute striata, infra peripheriam tenebrosa, superné pallida ; minuté perforata ;. anfractibus quinis, subplanulatis, supra suturis Impressis; apertura parva, transversa; labro acuto; colu- mella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands—W. W. Wood. Heirx Buanpinerana. ‘Testa subglobosd, corned, longitudinaliter striata, imperforata, obliqué depressa; anfractibus senis; aper- tura oblique rotundata; labro incrassato, reflexo; columella levi. Habitat. Banks of the River St. Paul, Liberia, Africaa—Dr. Blanding. Hetix Humpureysrana. ‘Testa orbiculato-conoidea, subtus con- vexa, minuté rugosa albido-fulva, ad peripheriam fasciata, laté umbilicata, profundé perforata; anfractibus senis, convexis; aper- tura submagna, obliqua; labro acuto; columella levi. Habitat. Specimens received of Mr. Humpheys were marked Pondicherry. Subsequently I received it from Mr. Balastier, of Singapore. Hetix Batastertana. Testa orbiculato-conoidea, sinistrorsa, sub- carinata, subtenui, castanea, inferné inflata, prope peripheriam tenebrosiori, minuté rugoso-striata, perforata; anfractibus senis convexis; apertura parva; labro incrassato, subreflexo; columella levi. Habitat. Philippine Islands.—Mr. Balastier. Dr. Hare described a mode of procuring silicon by an easy process. In the year 1833, Dr. Hare had published an engraving and de- scription of an apparatus for evolving silicon or boron from their gaseous fluorides. In operating with the apparatus alluded to, a wire rendered incandescent by a calorimotor was made to ignite po- tassium while surrounded by fluosilicic or fluoboric acid gas. Conse- quently the potassium and fluorine entered in combination with pheno- 176 mena of combustion, while the silicon was deposited or left in combi- nation with potassium and its fluoride. Lately he had resorted with success to a much simpler process, by which the evolution of silicon or boron might be made easy to any person possessing a sufficiently large mercurial reservoir. A bell glass, oyer mercury, was filled with fluo-silicic acid, and by means of a bent wire, a cage of wire gauze, containing a suitable quantity of potassium, was introduced through the mercury into the cavity of the bell, and supported in a position nearly in the centre of it. A knob of iron was made at the end of the rod, so recurved as to reach the cage with ease. ‘The knob, having been heated nearly white hot, was passed through the mercury, so as to touch the cage, and cause the combustion of the potassium and evolution of the silicon. Of this, much remains attached to the cage, in combination with the fluoride of potassium, from which the silicon may be separated by wash- ing in cold water and digestion in nitric acid. Dr. Hare exhibited a specimen of the silicon obtained by the means above described, weighing seventeen grains. Dr. Hare made some observations on certain products from the formation of hyponitrous or nitric ether, and its decompo- sition by various agents, one of which he exhibited to the Society. This was an extremely acrid liquid, obtained from the last ethereal products of the distillation of hyponitrite of soda, with equivalent measures of alcohol, sulphuric acid and water. The products thus procured, being agitated with green sulphate of ircn, until no further portion was absorbed, the aggregate was washed with hydric ether. The resulting ethereal solution, beg separated by a funnel and the finger, was subjected to the air in an open vessel. ‘The hydric ether soon evaporating, the residue was the acrid liquid in question, which might be inferred to bea peculiar ether. Its boiling point did not ap- pear to be inferior to that of water. It was soluble in ether and alcohol, but insoluble in water. Caustic potash appeared to cause its decomposition. As Dr. Hare had elsewhere stated, the effects of this liquid upon the organs of taste and smell, resembled those of mustard or horse- radish: upon the eyes its influence was equally distressing. Dr. Hare believed this acrid principle might always be generated at the close of the process for obtaining sweet spirits of nitre by distilling 177 alcohol from sulphuric acid and nitrate of potassa,* if the process were continued beyond certain limits. Mr. Lea exhibited a.specimen of photographic represen- tation of a plant which had been coloured, together with the original plant, and made some remarks on the useful purposes to which this art might be applied in facilitating the objects of the botanist, &c. Dr. Patterson, from the committee appointed to correspond with the Secretary of War relative to a system of magnetic and meteorological observations, reported that the subject had been referred to a select committee of Congress, in consequence of the representations of the Secretary. Mr. 8. C. Walker communicated an extract from a letter received from Mr. Edmund Blunt, detailing his observations of the Solar Eclipses of May 14th, 1836, and September 18th, 1838. | These were made at his private Observatory, Brooklyn, New York. Latitude 40° 42'0". Longitude 4h. 56m. Os., nearly, west of Green- wich, being 4.36s. east of the City Hall, New York. They are given in mean time of the place of observation. h. m. S. Begin. Solar Eclipse, May 14th, 1836, 19 10 1.30 ‘E. Blunt. End ie a 21 40 31.20 ie Begin. ie Sept. 18th, 1838, 3 17 18.80 ue Formation of Ring ui A 36 47.30 i End of Eclipse ~ s 5 48 23.63 fe 5 48 17.63 T. I. Page. 9) 9) Mr. Blunt used a five feet Dollond’s achromatic belonging to the coast survey. Mr. Page saw the end of the eclipse of 1886 with an- other telescope, within half a second of the time stated by Mr. Blunt. In the eclipse of 1838, the time noted for the formation of the ring was when the cusps were separated only by a few dark intervening spaces. Of these, Mr. Blunt counted six in number. ‘The instant of rupture of the ring was not noted. Mr. Blunt thinks that the luminous * One of the members of the Society, J. Price Wetherill, Esq. whose know- ledge and skill, as a manufacturing chemist, are well known, informed Dr. Hare that in the manufacture of sweet spirits of nitre upon a large scale, he had always been careful not to have the process continued after the products began to show a certain degree of acridity. 178 points connecting the cusps, continued twelve or fifteen seconds. Mr. Blunt did not see the dark lines described by Francis Bailey, Esq. though favourably circumstanced for such an observation. Mr. Walker had found for the longitude of Mr. Blunt’s observatory, from the be- ginning of the eclipse of 1836, 4h. 55m. 52.95s. and 4h. 56m. 2.07s. from the end:—Mean result, 4h. 55m. 57.51s. Mr. E. O. Kendall had found from the eclipse of 1838, a mean result of 4h. 56m. 1.16s. The mean, by the two eclipses, was 4h. 55m. 59.34s.; which makes the longitude of the City Hall, New York, 4h. 56m. 3.7s. Mr. Paine, in the American Almanac, makes the same 4h. 56m. 4.5s.; and Mr. E. I. Dent, by transportation of four chronometers from the Green- wich Observatory to New York, and again to Greenwich, finds for the same 4h. 56m. 4.42s. The mean of the three determinations is 4h. 56m. 4.2s. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Vor. T. MARCH & APRIL, 1840. No. 11. Stated Meeting, March 6. Present, thirty-one members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Nouvelle Formule, pour trouver la hauteur des lieux par celles du Baromeétre et du Thermoméetre, avec laquelle on determine, pour la premicre fois, le degré du Thermométre centigrade ov: le froid est absolu. Par M. Du Villard de Durand, Ancien Deputé, membre de la Société de Harlem, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1826.—From Mr. Pennington. Vues Prophylactiques et Curatives sur la Fi¢vre Jaune, extraites @un Mémoire en date de Decembre, 1828, intitulé; Topographie Physique et Médicale de Florence et d’une partie de la Toscane. Par le Chev. Foureau de Beauregard, Docteur en Médecine de la Faculté de Paris, &c. &c. Presentées a l’Académie Royale de Médecine, &c. &c. 8yvo. Paris, 1826.—From the same. A Collection of the Publications, relative to Slavery, Temperance, the - - Indian Natives of this Continent, &c. &c. of Anthony Benezet. 12mo. Phiiadelphia, 1762 to 1784.—From Mr. J. F. Fisher. Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon. By William Strickland. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From Mr. J. Struthers. The History of Hindostan, translated from the Persian. Second edition. Revised, altered, corrected and greatly enlarged. By Alex. Dow, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1770.—From Mr. Vaughan. A 180 Journal of a Residence in China, and the Neighbouring Countries, from 1829 to 18338. By David Abeel, a Minister of the Re- formed Dutch Church in North America, &c. Small 8vo. New York, 1834.—From the same. Flora Scotica, cr a Systematic Arrangement, in the Linnean method, of the Native Plants of Scotland and the Hebrides. By John Lightfoot, A.M. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. From the same. A Memoir of the Life of Daniel Webster. By Samuel L. Knapp. Small 8ve. Boston, 1831.—From the same. A Sketch of the Laws relating to Slavery in the several States of the United States of America. By George M. Stroud. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827.—From the same. History of the late Polish Revolution, and the Events of the Cam- paign. By Joseph Hordynski, Major of the late Tenth Regiment of Lithuanian Lancers. Fourth edition. S8vo. Boston, 1833. Fron the same. Essai Statistique sur le Royaume de Portugal et d’Algarve, comparé aux autres Etats de l’Europe, et suivi d’un Coup d’CHil sur l’Etat actuel des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts parmi les Por- tugais des Deux Hémispheres. Dédié a sa Majesté trés-fidéle. Par Adrien Balbi, Ancien Professeur de Géographie, &c. &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822.— From the same. The Lottery System in the United States. By Job R. Tyson, Bee Third edition. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1837. From the Author. Codex Juris Gentium recentissimi, ¢ Tabulariorum Exemplorumque Fide Dignorum Monumentis Compositus. 3 vols. Svo. 1735 et 1772. Leips. 1781 & 1795.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Tableau de l’Histoire Générale des Provinces-Unies. Par A. M. Cérisier. 10 vols. 12mo. Utrecht, 1777 et 1784.—Fvom the same. Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy. Promulgated at Cadiz on the 19th of March, 1812. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814.—From the same. Exposition d’une Nouvelle Méthode pour |’Enseignement de la Mu- sique. Par P. Galin, Instituteur 4 ’Ecole Royale des Sourds- muets de Bordeaux. 8yvo. Paris, 1818.—From the same. Fundamenta Jurisprudentiz Naturalis 4 Fred. Gulielm. Pestel de- lineata, in usum auditorum. Edit. 3tia aucta. 4to. Lugd. Batay. 1777.—From the same. 181 The Magazine of Natural History. New Series. December, 1839. Conducted by Edward Charlesworth, F. G. 8. &c.+-From the Editor. The Charge delivered (by Judge Logan,) from the Bench to the Grand Jury, at the Court of the Quarter Sessions, held for the County of Philadelphia, the second day of September, 1723. Published at the desire of the said Grand Jury. Together with their Address. 4to. Philadelphia, 1723.—From J. J. Smith, Jun. Mr. Geo. M. Justice presented an original document con- taining William Penn’s objections to the accounts of his stew- ard, Philip Ford, which exhibited overcharges on Ford’s part to the amount of 9697 pounds, and stating William Penn’s reasons why he submitted himself to their “unnatural confine- ment of him to the Fleet.” Mr. Lea read a paper on the Patella Amzna of Say, which was referred to a Committee. Professor Bache read a paper entitled “ Observations of the Magnetic Intensity at twenty-one Stations in Kurope,”” which was referred to a Committee. A communication was read from Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, containing an account of magnetic observations at several places in the north-west of the United States, which was re- ferred to a Committee. Dr. Patterson exhibited some specimens of the Heliographic Art (Daguerréotype) of a large size, executed by Mr. Robert Cornelius, of Philadelphia; and stated to the Society, that Mr. Cornelius had succeeded in obtaining beautiful representations upon highly polished silver plate. Mr. Saxton exhibited additional medals obtained by the gal- vanic process of Professor Jacobi; and likewise pieces of char- coal and anthracite, which he had used as substitutes for the forms of fusible mctal ordinarily employed. These were per- fectly coated with copper, a fact which shows it to be but necessary, that the substance at the negative electrode should be a conductor of electricity. 182 Stated Meeting, March 20. Present, twenty-seven members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received:— FOR THE LIBRARY. The Present State of Nova Scotia, with a Brief Account of Canada, and the British Islands on the Coast of North America. 2d edi- tion. 8vo. Edinburg, 1787.—From Mr. Vaughan. Reports of the Committee of the House of Assembly, on that part of the Speech of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the Settlement of the Crown Lands, with the Minutes of Evi- dence taken before the Committee. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1821.— From the same. The History of Hindostan; translated from the Persian: the second edition; revised, altered, corrected, and greatly enlarged. By Alexander Dow, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1770.—From the same. The History of Hindostan, from the Death of Akbar to the Complete. Settlement of the Empire under Aurungzebe. To which are pre- fixed, 1. A Dissertation on the Origin and Nature of Despotism in Hindostan. 2. An Inquiry into the State of Bengal; with a Plan for restoring that Kingdom to its former Prosperity and Splendour. By Alexander Dow, Esq. Lieut. Col. in the Com- pany’s Service. 4to. London, 1772.—From the same. Motifs des Guerres et des Traités de Paix de la France, pendant les Régnes de Louis XIV., Louis XV., et Louis XVI., depuis la Paix de Westphalie, en 1648, jusqu’a celle de Versailles, en 1783. Par le Chev. Anquetil, &c. 12mo. Paris, An 6 de la Répub- liquee—F'rom the same. Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life. By Erasmus Darwin, M.D., F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1800.—From the same. Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Phi- losophy. By Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S. Professor of Natu- ral Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1802.—F*om the same. 183 Journal Historique de la Révolution de la partie Francaise de Saint- Domingue, commencé le 10 Aotit 1808, avec des Notes Statis- tiques sur cette partie. Par Gilbert Guillermin, Chef d’Escadron attaché a l’Etat-major de l’Armée de Saint-Domingue. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810.—From the same. Guida da Milano a Ginevra pel Sempione; con 30 Vedute ed una Carta Geografica. 8vo. Milano, 1822.—From the same. Dissertation Second: exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, since the revival of Letters in Europe. By John Playfair, Late Professor of Natural Philo- sophy in the University of Edinburgh, &c. (From the Supple- ment to the Encyclopedia Britannica.) S8vo. 2 vols.—From the same. Dissertation Third: exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Chemical Philosophy, from the Early Ages to the End of the Eighteenth Century. By William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society of London, &c. (From the Supplement to the Encyclopeedia Britannica.) 8vo.—F’rom the same. Original Papers, relating to the Expedition to Panama. 8vo. Lon- don, 1744.—From the same. Le Conservateur de la Vue, suivi du Manuel de l’Ingénieur-opticien, Aéme édit. par l’Ingénieur Chevallier (le Chev.) Membre de la So- ciété Royale Académique des Sciences de Paris, &c. 8vo. Paris, (1820.—From the same. Abrégé @un Cours Complet de Lexicologie a ’Usage des Eléves de la Quatriéme Classe de l’Ecole Polymathique: par P. R. F. Bu- tet (de la Sarthe) Directeur de cette Ecole, &c. 8yvo. Paris, An. IX. 1801.—From the same. Essai sur la Théorie des Proportions Chimiques et sur |’Influence Chimique de l’Electricité: par J. J. Berzelius, Membre de l’Aca- démie des Sciences de Stockholm. Traduit du Suédois sous les yeux de |’Auteur, et publié par lui-méme. 8vo. Paris, 1819.— From the same. Dictionnaire Raisonné de Botanique, contenant les Termes Tech- niques, Anciens et Modernes, considérés sous le Rapport de la Botanique, de VAgriculture, de la Médecine, des Arts, des Faux et Foréts, &c., par Sébastien Gérardin (de Mirecourt), Ex Professeur a l’Ecole Centrale du Departement des Vosges, é&c. Publié, Reyu et Augmenté de plus de Trois Mille Articles, par M. 184 N. A. Desvaux, Professeur de Botanique, &c. Nouvelle édition. 8vo. Paris, 1822.—From the same. The Works of John Locke, Esq. Three vols. folio. Second edition. London, 1722.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. A New Atlas of the Mundane System; or of Geography and Cosmo- graphy; describing the Heavens and the Earth, the Distances, Motions, and Magnitudes of the Celestial Bodies: the various Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics throughout the Known World: with the Particular Description of the Latest Discoveries. The whole elegantly engraved on Sixty-four Copperplates; with a General Introduction to Geography and Cosmography, in which the Elements of these Sciences are compendiously deduced from Original Principles, and traced from their Invention to the latest Improvements. The fourth edition, with Additions, Corrections, and very great Improvements. By the late Mr. Samuel Dunn, Mathematician and Member of the American Philosophical So- ciety, at Philadelphia, &c. Folio. London, 1796.—F rom the same. A’ Kavé, Thé és Csokolade Tériéneti, Természethistériai Diaeteticai és Orvosi Tekintetben. F. Almasi Balogh pl Altal. 12mo. Pesten, 1831.—-From the Author. De Evolutione et Vita Encephali. Auctore Paulo Balogh de F. Al- mas. S8vo. Pestini, 1823.—From the same. Philosophiai Palyamunkak. Kiadja A’ Magyar Tudos Tarsashg. 8vo. Budan, 1835.—From the same. Report by the Board of Directors of the Transactions, Affairs and Ac- counts of the New Orleans and Nashville Rail Road Company, from its Organization to the present Time. New Orleans, Feb- ruary 28, 1840.—F rom Mr. Merrick. Manuel Général pour les Arbitrages de Changes, et pour beaucoup d’autres Calculs Nécessaires chez les Négocians, par Nombres fixes ou par Logarithmes, &c. Suivi de Logarithmes depuis 1 jusqu’a 10400, &c. Par Félix Reishammer. 8vo. Paris, An. VILL. (1800)—From Mr. J. P. Engles. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a Re- port from the Secretary of State upon the subject of the Law for taking the Sixth Census. December 31, 1839.—From Dr. Patterson. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a Report of F. R. Hassler, upon the subject of the Coast Survey, and the Pro- 185 eress of Preparing Standard Weights and Measures. December 30, 1839.—From the same. A Bill to Provide for the Disposal and Management of the Fund be- queathed by James Smithson to the United States, for the Esta- blishment of an Institution for the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge among Men. Reported to Congress by Mr. Adams.— From the same. FOR THE CABINET. A Specimen of Native Platinum, from Russia, weighing one ounce and twenty grains.—From Col. Melnikoff, of the Russian Service. The Committee, consisting of Professor Henry, Dr. Patter- son, and Mr. Walker, to whom was referred a paper entitled, “ Observations of the Magnetic Intensity at twenty-one Sta- tions in Europe. By A. D. Bache, LL.D. President of the Girard College for Orphans, &c.,”’? reported in favour of the publication of the paper in the Society’s Transactions. The Report was adopted, and the publication ordered accordingly. The stations at which the observations, recorded in this memoir, were made, were twenty-one in number: three in Great Britain, and the others on the continent of Europe. They include Edinburgh, Dublin, London, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, the Flégiére, Brientz, the Faulhorn, Geneva, Chamberi, Chamouni, Lyons, Milan, Venice, Trieste, Florence, Turin, Rome, and Naples. The author remarks, that the magnetic dip and intensity are so well known at some of these places, that he produces his results for them, in order that, by comparison with those of other observers, the value of his determi- nations for other places may be judged of. ‘The observations were of the horizontal intensity and dip, except in the comparison of the in- tensities at London and Paris, where, in addition, the statical me- thod devised by Prof. Lloyd was used. At three of the stations the dip was not observed. The horizontal intensities were generally com- pared by oscillating two different needles in a rarefied medium, ac- cording to the method described by the author in a former paper (Am. Philos. Society’s Transactions, Vol. V). At London and Paris, two additional needles were employed. The dip was observed in the usual way, with an instrument by Robinson, by whom also the nee- dles for Prof. Lloyd’s method were made. The corrections required for temperature in the horizontal needles had been previously obtain- x 186 ed. The correction, for loss of magnetism by the needles, was ascertained from observations at Philadelphia, London, and Paris, and curves traced representing the loss, from which the specific cor- rection, to be applied at any epoch, was readily obtained. The curve for one of the needles, showed a tendency towards a permanent state, and for the other was nearly a straight line. Irregular changes took place in neither needle. ‘The author’s experience with these needles, induces him to give a preference to the method of placing the needles in pairs, over that which he has hitherto employed, of keeping each needle separate from the other. A suggestion also results in the use of the dipping needle, of the necessity of ascertaining that the needles have, in the reversal of the poles, been charged nearly, or quite, to saturation. The author takes occasion to correct his state- ment in regard to the inefficacy of heating needles in boiling water in producing an approach to a permanent magnetic state. The ob- servations at each station, with the corrections employed, are given in tables; and the number observed for the dip, or calculated for the horizontal or total intensities, are compared with the results of other observers. The Memoir concludes with the following Abstract of the numeri- cal results. Long. No. P.aces. Latitude.| from Date. Horizontal} Dip.. Total | Paris. Intensity. Intensity. ORY oT Paris) Oe) | Panis=— JjEdinburgh - (55 57 N.| 5 32W.|Feb. 3, 1837) 0.841 }— —* 2)Dublin - - |5323,,)841,,|/Nov. 20,1836 0.879 }— —*| —— 3/London - ~- [51 31,,| 226,,|June 16,1837) 0.9391 |69 16.0) 1.021 4| Brussels - (00 51 ,,| 202K JJuly 25,1838) 0.969 ;— —*) —— 5/Berlin - - /5232,, /11 02,,|Dec. 16,1837) 0.979 |6808.5) 1.014 6| Paris - - 4850,,|000,,)/Aug. 17,1837; 1.000 |67 20.8) 1.000 7\Vienna - ~- |4813,, 14 02 ., |March 23, 1833} 1.090 |64 49.7; 0.989 8|The Flégigre |—— | — |Aug. 26,1837} 1,099 |64 35.8) 0.987 9|Brientz - -{|—— |—— |Sept. 22, ,, 1.078 |65 06.7) 0.987 10)The Faulhorn |—— |—— |Sept. 20, ,, 1.082 |65 01.7) 0.987 1lj)Geneva - - |4612,,)349,,)/Aug. 25, ,, 1.086 |64 49.8) 0.984 12;'Chamberi - |—— |—— |June 21,1838) 1.089 |64 35.0} 0.979 13}Chamouni - |—— |—— |Aug. 26,1837) 1.088 |64 38.2; 0.979 l4i\Lyons - - (4546,,|229,,|June 25,1838) 1.078 |64 49.0} 0.978 15)Milan - ~- 4528,,|651,,|June 10, ,, 11il |63 54.7) 0.972 16)Venice - - |4526,,/1010,,|April 11, ,, 1.129 |63 21.9) 0.971 17|Trieste - - 4535,,}1127,,|/April 4, ,, 1.128 (63 20.5) 0.970 18) Florence - 43 47,,| 855 ,,|May 28, ,, 1.170 |62 05.5) 0.965 19\Turin - ~- |4504,,)520,,|June 17, ,, 1,094 |63 52.2) . 0.959 20; Rome - - 4154,,]1010,,|/May 18, ,, 1.225 |60 14.0} 0.952 21|\Naples - - 4052,, [11 57 ,, |May There 1.249 {59 05.1) 0.938 * Dip not observed. + Mean of results in June, July and Aug. 1837, and in July and Aug. 1833. 187 The Committee, consisting of Mr. Nicklin, Prof. Bache, and Dr. Hays, to whom was referred a Paper entitled “ On the Pa- tella Amzna of Say, by Isaac Lea,” reported in favour of publication, which was ordered accordingly. In this Paper Mr. Lea gives a Synonymy, showing that the Patella Amena of Say was first described by Miiller, under the spe- cific name of Testudinalis: Zool. Dan. p. 237; and Mr. Couthouy, having lately given an elaborate description of the animal, in the Boston Journal of Natural Science, showing that it belongs to the new genus Patelloida, recently established by Quoy and Gaimard; Mr. Lea argues that it should henceforth be called Patelloida Tes- tudinalis. A Communication was read, entitled, “ On the Storm which was experienced throughout the United States, about the 20th of December, 1836; by Elias Loomis, Professor of Mathema- tics and Natural Philosophy in Western ese College,” which was referred to a Committee. Dr. Hare read a Communication, entitled, “1. The Well- known Features of the Climate of the Atlantic States. 2. On Certain Facts and Inferences respecting the Origin and the Effects of the Trade Winds, and the Westerly Breezes which they must induce, or into which they must be deflected. 3. Of Certain Facts or Laws of Electrical Reaction, which have been ascertained experimentally, and which render it irrational not to consider Electricity as the Principal Instrument of Nature in the Production of Storms.’’ The Paper was referred to a Committee. Mr. Peale exhibited specimens of Medals, obtained by the process of Professor Jacobi. He stated, that Mr. Eckfeldt, of the Mint, had found the specific gravity of the copper, thus procured, to be as high as that of rolled copper; that is, 8.95. Mr. Peale also exhibited a diaphragm of parchment, which had been used in the battery employed in the process; and upon which metallic copper had been precipitated. He farther exhibited specimens of Metallic Silver, reduced, by a similar process, from the chloride of silver: but remarked, that it was not likely to lead to any useful analogous result, owing to the silver being deposited in a granular state. B 188 Mr. Sears C. Walker read an extract from a letter, of Prof. S. Alexander, of Princeton, giving a Description, with Draw- ings, of two Appearances of Lateral and Vertical Mirage, no- ticed by him. The thermometer, in both instances, was nearly at 0° Fahrenheit. The first was of the rising of the sun, seen in the winter of 1834-5, across the valley of Stony Brook, through which the Delaware and Raritan Canal passes. The distorted and ragged shape of the sun resembled a sketch, made by Mr. Head, of the moon’s appear- ance several minutes before setting, Jan. 7th, 1825, at Port Bowen, in Captain Parry’s third voyage. The other phenomenon was ob- served by Prof. Alexander, at sea, off Cape May, Dec. 15th, 1834. The preceding night had been severely cold, and the surface cf the ocean was covered with a thin cloud, denominated by the Green- landers, ‘“ Port Smoke.” In the afternoon, as the sun approached the horizon, a brilliant and distinct image of himself arose to meet him. After the apparent contact of the two discs, the two centres ap- proached and passed each other, leaving visible, however, only the lower segment of the image, and the upper segment of the sun’s disc, which double segment became more and more narrow, till it vanished; thus presenting the phenomenon of sunset, at about 15’ above the horizon. A similar appearance is described in Parry’s second voyage, at Winter Island, Dec. 20th, 1821, when an inverted image of the moon appeared just after she had risen. Dr. Bache reported the decease of John Frederick Blumen- bach, on the 22d of January, 1840; and of Joseph Parrish, M. D., on the 18th of March, 1840—members of the Society. Dr. Dunglison, Reporter, stated that No. 10, of the Bulletin was ready for distribution. 189 Stated Meeting, April 3. Present, twenty-one members. Juper Horxinson, Vice President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. II. No. 2.— From the Society. Address of the Most Noble the Marquis of Northampton, &c. &c., the President, read at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal So- ciety, on Saturday, Nov. 30, 1839.—From the Royal Society. Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Vol. VI. 8vo. Calcutta, 1889.—From the Society. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. IX. 1839. Part 3. 8vo. London, 1839.—From the Society. Notes, taken during Travels in Africa, by the late John Davidson, F.R.S. F.S.A., &c. Printed for private circulation only. 4to. London, 1839.—From Capt. John Washington, of London. Voyages of the Dutch Brig of War Dourga, through the Southern and little-known Parts of the Mohiccan Archipelago, and along the previously unknown Southern Coast of New Guinea, per- formed during the Years 1825 and 1826. By D. H. Kolff, Jun. Lieutenant ter Zee, le Klasse, en Ridder van de Militaire Wil- lems Orde. Translated from the Dutch, by George Windsor Earl, Author of the “‘ Eastern Seas.” 8vo. London, 1840.— From the same. The Statutes at Large of South Carolina; Edited under Authority of the Legislature, by David J. M‘Cord. Vol. VI. Containing the Acts from 1814, exclusive, to 1838, inclusive. 8vo. Columbia, 1839.—F'rom Dr. P. Tidyman. Select American Speeches, Forensic and Parliamentary, with Pre- fatory Remarks: being a Sequel to Dr. Chapman’s “ Select Speeches.” By S. C. Carpenter. Two Vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1815.—From Mr. Vaughan. Sermons, Orations, and Eulogiums, by Various Individuals, in 1799 and 1800. Two Vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800.—F rom the same. 190 A Voyage Round the World; including an Embassy to Muscat and Siam, in 1835, 1836 and 18387. By W.S. W. Ruschenberger, M. D., Surgeon U.S. Navy, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838.— From Mr. Lea. The Philadelphia Book; or Specimens of Metropolitan Literature. 12mo. 1836.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Praktische Deutsche Sprachlehre zum Selbstunterricht und fiir Schu- len. 12mo. Leipzig, 1801.—From the same. My Prisons, Memoirs of Silvio Pellico of Saluzzo. Two Vols, 12mo. Cambridge, 1836.—From the same. Ethnological Extracts from the Monthly Chronicle; containing a Paper, by Dr. Prichard, on the Extinction of Human Races, &c., and a Communication on the Practicability of Civilizing Abo- riginal Populations.—From Dr. Hodgkin. The London Athenzeum, for December 28, 1839, containing the Me- teorological Observations at the Apartments of the Royal Society, for Twenty-five Successive Hours, commencing at 6 A. M. Dec. 21, 1839, and ending at 6 A. M. of the following day. By Mr. J. D. Roberton, Assistant Secretary Royal Society.x—From Mr. Wm. Vaughan. Address, delivered by the Actuary, (Mr. Morgan) to the General Court of the Equitable Society, on Thursday, the 5th Dec. 1839, with Tables and Statements of Insurance on Lives, by the So-. ciety.—From the same. The American Medical Library and Intelligencer. By Robley Dun- glison, M. D., &c. Vol. HI. Nos. 23 and 24, (which conclude the year) March 1 & 15. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Editor. Lecture on the Advantages derived from Cultivating the Arts and Sciences. By G. Emerson, M.D. Delivered before the Phila- delphia Mercantile Library Association. Dec. 8, 1839. 8vo. pp: 22. Philadelphia, 1840. FOR THE CABINET. A Musical Reed Instrument, consisting of fourteen Bamboo Reeds, invented at Laos, and described in Ruschenberger’s Voyage Round the World.—Presented by Dr. Ruschenberger. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Patterson, Dr. Hare, and Prof. Bache, to whom was referred a paper entitled “On a new Principle in regard to the Power of Fluids in Motion to 191 produce Rupture of the Vessels, which contain them, and on the Distinction between Accumulative and Instantaneous Pres- sures; by Charles Bonnycastle, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Virginia,”’ reported in favour of its publica- tion in the Transactions of the Society, which was ordered ac- cordingly. Mr. Bonnycastle’s investigation was suggested by a paper read by Dr. Hare, and printed in the Transactions of the Society, entitled “On the Collapse of a Reservoir, whilst apparently subject within to great Pressure from a Head of Water.” Dr. Hare pointed out the circumstances attendant upon this curious occurrence, and showed how the vessel might have been momentarily relieved from the pres- sure of the water within, so as to make that of the surrounding air efficient in producing the collapse. The principal object of Mr. Bon- nycastle’s paper is to investigate the precise nature and degree of the forces brought into action in this and similar cases. The results at which Mr. Bonnycastle arrived, are stated by him as follows :— 1. It is convenient to distinguish between accumulative and in- stantaneous loads, or between those which are gradually increased until the deflection due to the ultimate load is obtained, and those which commence in full efficacy from the initial position of the sup- port. 2. Within the limits of perfect elasticity, instantaneous pressure produces twice the effect of that which is accumulative, whether the result be to produce deflection or fracture. 3. In regard to supports perfectly elastic in one direction, and per- fectly flexible in the other, instantaneous action, at right angles to the axis of elasticity, produces a deflection which is to that of accumula- tive action as 4/4 to 1, whilst the tendencies to fracture are as 4 to 1. But should any case. occur when the law of elasticity follows an ex- tremely high power of the deflection, then the singular result will follow, that the deflections are the same, whether the force be exerted from the initial state or the state of load, but that the tendency to fracture will be immensely greater in the former case, than in the latter. 4. In producing the fracture of natural substances, which all de- part from the law of perfect elasticity as we approach the limit of 192 fracture, the ratio of the effect of instantaneous and accumulative ac- tion will vary with the nature of the substance, never being less, for elastic bodies, than 2 to 1, nor for flexible than 4 to 1, and more usually approaching 3 or 4 to 1 for the former case, and 5 or 6 to 1 for the latter. 5. Let a vase or conduit be acted upon by a load which is alone sufficient to break it, and let this load be partly balanced by a small exterior force: should the great interior force suddenly cease, the small exterior action may crush the vase or conduit inward; its ener- gy in such case being the sum of the interior and exterior forces. 6. Should the interior force be a vibration of the kind already ex- plained, and should the exterior action be extremely feeble, and act on a very great mass, this extremely feeble action may crush the vase inward, with a power that shall exceed in any degree the enor- mous action of the interior or explosive vibration. ‘The comparison of the interior and exterior actions is best effected in this case, by finding the modulus of elasticity of a material spring that shall coin- cide most nearly in effect with the interior tremor. For putting e and e' respectively for the modulus of the spring and of the support, and cand ¢’ for the deflections resulting from the tremor acting alone, ! o e : and the reaction as it does act, we have —= a/ —, or, in other c € words, the deflection produced by the reaction, is to the deflection that would be produced by the interior tremor alone, in the inverse proportion of the square roots of the moduli of tremor and support. 7. Combining what is here said with the known laws of fluids moving in pipes, and whereby they necessarily produce hydraulic shocks, it follows, that any vessel connected with such a train of pipes, and plunged at some little depth in a considerable mass of wa- ter, or other heavy fluid, will occasionally be subject to a crushing and exterior force vastly greater than the interior strain due to the constant head of fluid. In illustration of the principles thus developed, Mr. Bonnycastle details some experiments, and mentions a phenomenon which oc-. curred under his own notice, and is analogous to the one described by Dr. Hare. In making experiments on the propagation of sound through water, he had occasion to cause an explosion of gunpowder within a hollow metallic cylinder, open at the lower end, and im- mersed under the liquid; and, although the strength of the cylinder 193 was abundantly sufficient to bear the statical pressure of the sur- rounding water, he found it crushed inward after the explosion. Judge Hopkinson deposited with the Society, the Log Book of the first voyage in a steam vessel across the Atlantic, by Captain Rogers, in the year 1819; an account of which was given in the Proceedings of the Society, No. 2, p. 14. In a written communication, Judge Hopkinson stated, amongst other matters in reference to Captain Rogers’s priority, that he was on board the steam ship, lying at the City of Washington, after her re- turn from the voyage. She was built and rigged like one of the Liverpool packets; and her wheels were made to fold up at her sides, when the wind permitted her sails to be used. The Log Book states, among the occurrences usually noted, the days when the steam was used. Dr. Hare made some observations on Professor Loomis’s views of storms, read at the last meeting; also, on the mode in which storms may be induced by the meeting of opposite cur- rents, and the ascent of an intervening mass of air; on the agency of electricity in their production, &c. &c. Dr. Hare asked permission to withdraw his paper, presented at the last meeting of the Society, which was agreed to. He stated that he was about to perform some experiments, the re- sults of which it appeared to him desirable to publish with his essays, and he was fearful that the subject could not be described satisfac- torily without quotations from previous publications, which might not be consistent with the limits allowed to articles published in the Transactions. 194 Stated Meeting, April 17. Present, twenty-nine members. Mr. Du Ponceat, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received. FOR THE LIBRARY. Sundry Chinese Works, consisting of 29 volumes, or pamphlets, 8vo. From the Rev. Mr. Gutzlaff, Missionary at Canton. Flora Batava, of Afbeelding en Beschryving van Nederlandsche Gewassen, door Jan Kops, Hoogleeraar te Utrecht; en F. A. W. Miquel. 118 aflevering, 4to. Te Amsterdam, 1839.—From Mis Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Bulletin de la Sociéte de Géographie, Deuxiéme Serie. Tom. 1léeme. 8vo. Paris, 1839.—From the Society of Geography of Paris. Charles d’Este, ou Trente Ans de la Vie d’un Souverain. 2 Tom. Paris, 18836—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution, Posthumous Work of the Baroness de Stael. Edited by the- Duke de Broglie, and the Baron de Stael. 8vo. 2 vols. New York, 1818.—From the same. The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the Ameri- ‘can War. By C. Stedman, who served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Cornwallis. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1794.—From Mr. Vaughan. The American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Ben- jamin Silliman, M.D., LL.D., aided by Benjamin Silliman, Jr., A. B., &c. &c. Vol. XXXVIII. No. 2. April, 1840.—From the Editors. Annales des Mines, ou Recueil de Mémoires sur |’Exploitation des Mines, &c. &c. rédigées par les Ingénieurs des Mines, &c. &c. Tom. XVI. 5¢ Livraison de 1839. 8vo. Paris, 1839.—From the Ingénieurs des Mines. Catalogue of the Library of the late Dr. Thomas Cooper. 8vo. Co- lumbia, 1889.— From Dr. Hays. A Report on the History and Causes of the Strangers’, or Yellow Fever of Charleston, read before the Board. of Health. By 195 Thomas Y. Simons, M. D., Chairman of the Board.—From the same. The Committee, consisting of Professor Bache, Dr. Patter- son, and Mr. Walker, to whom was referred a paper entitled “On the Storm which was experienced throughout the United States, about the 20th of December, 1836, by Elias Loomis, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Western Reserve College,’ reported in favour of publication in the So- ciety’s Transactions, which was ordered accordingly. The memoir of Prof. Loomis first describes the sources of informa- tion to which he has had access, consisting of various published or private meteorological journals. ‘The principal phenomena occurred in the eastern states, within the period recommended by Sir John Her- schell for hourly meteorological observations; and were, of course, accurately noted at the stations where these observations were made. From various sources, Prof. Lcomis has obtained observations of the barometer at twenty-seven different stations in the United States and the neighbouring British possessions, and records of the thermometer and weather from twenty-eight military stations of the United States, from forty-two academies of the state of New York, and from five other stations within the probable limits of the storm, besides others beyond it. In some cases two sets of observations were made at the same station. The phenomena are discussed by the author under the following heads. 1. A remarkable oscillation of the barometer. 2. A sudden depression of the thermometer. 3. ‘The amount, and the time of be- ginning and ending of the rain. 4. The direction and velocity of the wind. 1. The observations of the barometer show that during the storm there was a sudden depression of the barometer immediately suc- ceeded by a sudden rise; that the minimum of pressure occurred first in the western states, and passed ina wave over the United States, moving eastwardly. The curves drawn to represent the heights of the barometer illustrate this fact in a very striking manner. Prof. Loomis has attempted to determine, from the observations, the amount of depression of the barometer, the form and velocity of the atmospheric wave, the progress of which, over the United States, he has represented upon a chart. c 196 2. A comparison of the observations of the thermometer and baro- meter, shows that while the pressure was diminishing the temperature was increasing, and vice versa. ‘The very remarkable diminution of temperature of 48° Fah. in six hours and a half, occurred at one station in the N. W. of the United States. The commencement of the dimi- nution of temperature is shown to coincide with the minimum of the barometer, and hence is used when barometric observations were not made, to point out the probable time of the occurrence of this minimum. The average of the maxima of the thermometer at the eastern stations was about 33° Fah. greater than at the western, and the average of the minima 14° Fah. greater. 3. Rain or snow fell during the storm within the limits of about latitude 28° N. to latitude 48° N., and from longitude 52° to 96° W. The average amount at fifty-nine stations was seven-eighths of an inch. The author is led to remark upon the great discrepancies in the statements of the fall of rain at places very near each other, and upon defects in the registers in not stating the time of beginning and ending of the rain. 4. The epoch of the minimum of pressure at the several places of observation was marked by a change of wind from a southern quar- ter, generally the south-east, to a northern quarter, almost uniformly the north-west. This sudden change of wind was every where one of the most prominent features of the storm, the wind having been. violent both before and after the change; but more violent from the north-westerly direction, except perhaps at New York and in the north-eastern states. The author sums up thus the characteristic of the storm. After a cold and clear interval, with the barometer high, the wind commenced blowing from a southerly quarter; the barometer fell rapidly, the thermometer rose, and rain fellin abundance. ‘The wind subsequently veered suddenly to the north-west, and blew with great violence; the rain was succeeded by hail or snow, which continued but for a short time. The changes thus described occurred, not simultaneously, over the United States, but progressively from west to east. The author next endeavours to determine the limits of the storm, using for this purpose other meteorological registers in addition to those before noticed, and of which he gives a particular account. From these, and theoretical considerations, he places the Rocky Moun- tains as the western limit, the parallel of 25° N. lat. as the southern limit, the middle of the Atlantic as the eastern limit, and the northern 197 as altogether conjectural, but probably as remote as the arctic circle, thus extending over 70° of longitude and 40° of latitude. The question whether the remarkable storm which occurred in Europe, about the 25th of December, was. continuation of this storm, is exa- mined, and the author concludes, from a discussion of its peculiarities, that it was not—the progress of the barometric minimum in Europe being from north to south, inclining a little to the west. The author next proceeds to generalize the deductions in regard to the circumstances of this storm, and to apply them as tests to the dif- ferent theories of wind, rain, &c. He first endeavours to show how far registered observations of the wind may be influenced by localities, and their accuracy affected by the mode of observing, and the transcribing of the registers; and con- cludes that it is indispensable to regard the average of directions at near stations, and not those at individual ones, and gives some exam- ples of discrepancies at places near each other, in support of this opi-— nion. The anomalies presented by the stations in the state of New York are very curious. : The causes assigned by theory for the production of winds are next enumerated and discussed. Recurring to the observations, the author traces a connexion between the direction of the surface wind on the 18th and 19th of December, and a maximum of the barometer exist- img on a line nearly north and south, moving eastwardly, and pass- ing, on the morning of the 20th of December, nearly through the east- ern extremity of the State of Maine. At this period a minimum of the barometer existed nearly on the line of the river Mississippi, and the winds blew towards this line. This minimum is traced in its motion eastward; and in connexion with it, the change of wind from the easterly to the westerly quarter. On the afternoon of the 21st, the line of minimum pressure had reached Boston; and on the 22d, the north-westerly wind now prevailed at nearly all the stations. The direction and approximate force of the wind, on the morning of the 21st, are represented upon a map of the United States, accompanying the memoir. From an examination of a phenomenon of the wind, Prof. Loomis concludes that the south-easterly current rose, so that the north-westerly wind thus became the lowermost current; and subsequently, from an examination of the phenomenon of the rain, snow, and hail, that the rising current was, in part at least, deflected back upon itself. The immediate cause of the south-easterly wind is 198 traced to the existence of a minimum of pressure, at some point north of the United States. The author next examines the various causes which have been, or may be, in his opinion, assigned as producing rain, and infers that the most common cause of rain, in these latitudes, is the sudden lift- ing up of warm air into regions about the earth’s surface, by its dis- placement by a cold current originally above it, and from an oppo- site direction; and that such was the actual cause of the rain in question, a warm current from the south having been displaced, and caused to rise to a considerable elevation by a cold current from the west. The mixture of the warm and cold air is inadequate, in the author’s opinion, to account for the phenomena. : The author then explains the causes of the observed rise of the thermometer to be due to the warm south-east wind, and the subse- quent depression to the cold north-west wind. The author next examines the causes which have been assigned for the fluctuations of the barometer during this storm, selecting, as applicable to the present case, the following :—“ The south-east wind, which accompanied the rain, moyed with an accelerated velocity. The particles, therefore, of air, at one extremity of the current, must have left those of the other extremity at an increased distance. Hence a mechanical rarefaction, and, of course, diminished pressure. The reverse effect must have taken place after the storm had passed. A north-west wind sets in with great violence. A vast body of air is precipitated toward the south-east. The partial vacuum which at first existed, is very soon supplied: yet, though the first impelling cause has ceased to act, the momentum of the excited current still urges it onward, and a condensation results, which continues the rise of the barometer.” The author concludes by remarking, that he has availed himself in these discussions of the suggestions of writers on meteorology, and is especially indebted to the labours of Messrs. Redfield, Espy, and Reid. Dr. Hare read a communication entitled “ Engraving and description of an apparatus and process for the rapid congela- tion of water, by the explosive evolution of ethereal vapour, consequent to the combined influence of rarefaction and the absorbing power of sulphuric acid, by Robert Hare, M. D.,’ which was referred to a Committee. 199 Mr. Walker read a communication, entitled “ Observations on Nebulz with a fourteen feet Reflector, by H. L. Smith and EK. P. Mason, during the year 1839, by E. P. Mason,”? which was referred to a Committee. Dr. Hare made a verbal communication in reference to the extent at which the galvanic influence could be extended through a coil of wire. Dr. Hare stated, that he had prepared a coil of copper wire, No. 26, nearly a mile in length, by means of which, and a strap of copper, three inches in width, and 196 feet in length, he had been enabled to repeat the experiment of Professor Henry, for exciting a Faradian current. The wire was covered with cotton, and was coiled upon a wooden sieve hoop. Being suspended over a pulley, and counter- balanced by a weight over the strap, when this was placed in the cir- cuit of a calorimotor, so that the circuit might be broken by drawing one of the electrodes over a rasp or ratchet wheel, communicating with the coil, shocks were felt, when the distance of several feet in- tervened, and they became intolerable when the coil and strap were nearly in contact. Having this coil at command, it occurred to Dr. Hare, to ascertain how far it would be competent to act as a multi- plier. It seemed to be a problem which was yet to be solved, how far the extension of the length of the coils employed would affect their efficacy. He had not heard of any one in which resort had been had to an extension so great asa mile. Actuated by these con- siderations, Dr. Hare supported his coil in a vertical plane, and placed upon the lower and under surface of the hoop, the magnetic needle of an ordinary multiplier. A five cent piece, and a disk of zinc of the same size, being separated by a piece of moistened paper, when one of the ends of the coil was made to touch the silver disk and the other the zinc, the needle moved nearly a quadrant at every contact. When the disk was divided into four parts, every one of them was adequate to produce a movement in the needle, when the coil was made the medium of discharge. That such minute portions of metal should be capable of creating an electrical current in so long a coil, and sufficiently copious to influence a magnetic needle, would have appeared incredible to him, had it not been thus proved experi- mentally. Dr. Hare stated the general results of some experiments, 200 made since the last meeting of the Society, on the rarefaction of moist and dry air. Prof. Bache presented a chart of the magnetic observations made on the 28th of February last, in which he was assisted by Mr. Walker and Mr. Kendall. He farther called the at- tention of the Society to the recent publication of Prof. Gauss, - in regard to the simultaneous changes of magnetic intensity at places as far apart as Gottingen and Miinich. Dr. Dunglison read a letter from the Rev. James T. Dickin- son, of Singapore, to Mr. Du Ponceau, dated Nov. 25, 1839, expressing his satisfaction with the views of Mr. Du Ponceau, as contained in his “ Dissertation on the Chinese System of Writing.’ When Mr. Dickinson commenced the study of the Chinese lan- guage, nearly four years ago, he attempted to learn the written language by the eye merely, without connecting sounds with the characters. ‘To this course he was led by the fact, that the Hok- kien dialect, the one he studies, differs very much, as spoken, from the sounds given to the characters as read. His plan was to learn the colloquial language by itself, and to defer the learning of the sounds given to the characters in reading, while, in the meantime, he endeavoured to learn to read the characters independently of all sounds. In this way he would have succeeded in learning to read Chinese books, had the common hypothesis, that the Chinese charac- ters are addressed directly to the mind, and not to the mind through the medium of sounds, been correct. Mr. Dickinson, however, found himself always translating either into English or the colloquial Chinese. All his efforts to transfer the ideas represented in Chinese books to his own mind, without the help of words, either Chinese or English, were fruitless. Mr. Dickinson considers the work of Mr. Du Ponceau “a most valuable gift to the world, and an honour to American learning.” Dr. Dunglison referred to a curious but not unique case, of a worm in the eye of a horse now in Baltimore. The particulars were contained in a letter to him, from Dr. Joshua J. Cohen, of Baltimore. This entozoon is a species of filaria, (see Fvla- ria Papillosa, Rudolphi, Synops. p. 213) probably from 33 to 4 inches 201 in length, and situate in the aqueous humour, in which it moves about with great activity, but its motions are so constant, that it is difficult to appreciate its exact length. ‘The great size of the anierior cham- _ ber of the horse’s eye, affords it ample space; and through the trans- parent cornea, it can be observed as well as if it were in a glass vessel. The horse was sent up from Calvert county, Maryland. Dr. Dunglison made some observations on the difficulty of ac- counting for its presence in this shut sack, and alluded to the different views of distinguished naturalists as to the generation of many of the lower tribes of the animal kingdom,—some presuming that they may be formed spontaneously, whilst others consider that the germs must always be received from without. ‘The difficulty, he observed, ap- plied to all the entozoa that infest the animal body; and this case was certainly not more difficult of explanation, than that of entozoa found in the intestines of the foetus in utero. Dr. Bache referred to a similar case, which was published in an early volume of the Transactions of the Society, (Vol. II. p- 183, by F. Hopkinson, Esq., and Ibid. p. 383, by Dr. Mor- gan.) Mr. Walker referred to a letter which he had received from Prof. Loomis, containing two observations of Galle’s second comet, and stated, that he (Mr. Walker) had been engaged in deducing the elements of the orbit of the comet, which accord- ed with results of Huropean observers, but did not perfectly correspond with those of Prof. Loomis. The following gentlemen were duly elected members of the Society :— Pavut Brecx Gopparp, M. D., of Philadelphia. W. H. C. Barriert, Professor of Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy, West Point. Ww. R. Fisuer, M. D., of Philadelphia. Grorce M. Wuarron, of Philadelphia. Frrepr. Wituetm Bessex, Director of the Observatory, Konigsberg. Rey. Wm. H. Furness, of Philadelphia. Captain Francis Beavrort, R. N., Hydrographer to the Admiralty of Great Britain. Hartman Kuuy, of Philadelphia. Grorce Wasuineron Suir, of Philadelphia. beeihe: Tana that ut % hits Siti tt oP S eetiaiis iy ee aia, gah igi 4 (ORD etesoaer ols invaind SS Ang) Se ‘ ait ” hat sagiasend pst td OT OR ) . “A meee bodsiary ytiteiie, ogee yeret:" a Sr aeuirinrg "6 les i "3 rb, Tes tF cbse edt it apodiah 1 t rh cy dts otf {adh sabiedos tafistae itotanete, hoes i me boric afb. Gut nga ve at Batti sa Gu . re ama, “eiild, | has. 3 bed] es be i mesald® tb tiortd cer ; Hint — pot > cicisnetenaae a8 dil ve ein ueolel add at ital | oes — eT) iit tee err ive ante anil’ errs “4 eh Led Ce. babe. se a Aa Agald: Aci te aE v » Bs se Neues pote z Hi Dosky 1 oF a, ois ay ¢ Bh ly 35 bg You byt fact vast 26 dias th: che paler! Seg ae ip ' emai ath ry wa’ cahhde PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Vor. I. MAY, JUNE & JULY, 1840. No. 12. Stated Meeting, May 1. Present, twenty-one members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, publi¢es par les Profes- seurs-Administrateurs de cet Etablissement. Tom. I. 4to. Paris, 1839.—From the Professors. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, edited by the Acting Secre- taries, and circulated gratis to the Members of the Society. Nos. 88 and 89, for April and May, 1839.—From the Society. Report of the Committee of Physics and Meteorology of the Royal Society, relative io the Observations to be made in the Antarctic Expedition, and in the Magnetic Observatories. 8vo. London, 1840.—From the Royal Society. Fifty-third Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, made to the Legislature, March 2, 1840. 8vo. Albany, 1840.—From the Regents. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York. Vol. IV. In Three Parts. 8vo. Albany, 1838-9-40.—From the Society. C. Cornelii Taciti quee extant, Marcus Zuerius Boxhornius recensuit, et Animadversionibus illustravit, &c. &c. 24mo. Amstelodam. 1664.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Joannis Seldeni Mare clausum, seu de Dominio Maris, Libri duo. 24mo. Londins. 1636.—From the same. A 204 Juris et Judicii Fecialis sive Juris inter Gentes, et Queestionum de eodem Explicatio, qua que ad Pacem et Bellum inter diversos Principes aut Populos spectant, ex Preecipuis Historico-jure-peritis exhibentur. Opera R. Z. (Ricard. Zouch) Auctoris Elementorum Jurisprudentiz. 24mo. Hage Comitis, 1669.—From the same. Kong Christian den Femtes Danske Lov paa nye oplagt ved Casper Peter Rothe, efter Kongl. Allernaadigst meddelt Privilegium, 1753. From the same. Litteratur des gesammten sowohl natiirlichen als positiven Volker- rechts. Von Diedr. Heinr. Ludw. Freyherrn von Ompteda, Konigl. Grosbritt. Churfiirsil. Braunschweig. Liineb. Comitial- Gesandten bey der Reichsversammlung zu Regensburg, u. s. We 2 Theil. 8vo. Regensburg, 1785.—From the same. Saggio di Poesie Alemann erecate in versi Italiani da Antonio Bellati. Edizione nuovissima. 12mo. Milano, 1832.—F rom the same. Minshei Emendatio, vel 4 Mendis Expurgatio, seu Augmentatio sui Ductoris in Linguas. ‘The Guide into Tongues. Cum illarum Harmonia et Etymologiis, Originationibus, Rationibus et Deriva- tionibus in omnibus his novem Linguis, viz.—1. Anglica; 2. Bel- gica; 3. Germanica; 4. Gallica; 5. Italica; 6. Hispanica; 7. Latina; 8. Greca; 9. Hebrea, &c. &c. &c. Opera, Studio, Industria, Labore et Sumptibus Johannis Minshei in lucem edi- tum et impressum, 22 Julii, Anno, 1625. 2da Editio, folio. London, 1627.—From Mr. Vaughan. A Memoir of William Rawle, LL.D., President of the Historical So- ciety, &c. By T. 1. Wharton, Esq. Read at a Meeting of the Council, held on the 22d day of February, 1837, and printed by order of the Society; with a Letter from Peter S. Duponceau, Esq., to the Author, containing his Recollections of Mr. Rawle’s Life and Character. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From Mr. Wharton. The Magazine of Natural History. New Series. Conducted by Edward Charlesworth, F. G.S. &c. Jan. and Feb. 1840. Lon- don.—From the Editor. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the Prison Discipline Society, Boston, May, 18389. 8vo. Boston, 1839.— From Mr. J. P. Davis. Answer to the Whig Members of the Legislature of Massachusetts, constituting a Majority of both Branches, to the Address of His Excellency, Marcus Morton, delivered in the Convention of the 205 two Houses, Jan. 22, 1840. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From the same. Abstract of the Return of the Overseers of the Poor in Massachusetts, for 1839; prepared by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From the same. Third Annual Report of the Board of Education, together with the Third Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1840.—F vom the same. Seventh Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, December, 1839. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From the. same. Abstract of the Massachusetts School Returns for 1838-9. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From the same. Report of the Geologists of the State of New York. In Assembly. January 24,1840. 8vo.—From Mr. Vanuxem. | Review of Morton’s Crania Americana, from the American Journal of Science and Arts, No. 2, Vol. 38.—From Prof. Silliman. The Farmer’s Register, a monthly publication, devoted to the Im- provement of the Practice and Support of the Interests of Agri- culture. Edmund Ruffin, Editor and Proprietor. Vol. VII. 8yo. Petersburg, 1839.—From the Editor. Supplement to the Farmer’s Register, containing the Essay on Cal- careous Manures. Second edition, greatly enlarged. 8vo. Prince George County, Va.—From the same. Instruction sur la Fabrication du Sucre de Betteraves par le Procédé de Macération, 42 Vusage des Fabriques Rurales: par C. J. A. Mathieu de Dombasle. 12mo. Paris, 1839.—From Mr. D. B. Warden. Question des Sucres. Indemnité aux Fabricans: par C. J. A. Ma- thien de Dombasle.—From the same. Société Royale et Centrale d’Agriculture. Coup d’ceil sur lAgricul- ture de la Sicile; par M. le Cte. de Gasparin, Pair de France. From the same. Observations Météorologiques faites 4 Flacq, Ile Maurice, par M. Ju- lien Desjardins, pendant les années, 1836, 1837, 18388.—From the Author. Notice Historique sur Charles Telfair, Esq., Fondateur et Président de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de l’Ile Maurice, &c. &c., lue ala 4me Séance Annuelle de la Societé d’Histoire Naturelle de PIle Maurice, le Samedi, 24 Aofit, 1833, par M. Julien Desjar- 206 dins, Secrétaire et lun des Membres Fondateurs de cette Société, &c. &c. Ato. Port-Louis, Ile Maurice, 1836.—F vom the same. Liste des Membres qui composent la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de ’Ile Maurice. ler September, 1836.—From the same. Huitiéme Rapport Annuel sur les Travaux de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de l’Ile Maurice, lu a la Seance Anniversaire du Jeudi, 24 Aoit, 1837, par M. Julien Desjardins, &c. &c. 8vo. Mau- rice, 1837.—From the same. — Proceedings of the Numismatic Society of London, 1837-8, contain- ing the Address of the President, Dr. Lee. 8yo. London, 1838. From Dr. Lee. Sir James Clark’s Statement of the Case of the late Lady Flora Has- tings, &c. &c.—From Dr. Dunglison. The Works of Benjamin Franklin; containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former edition, and many Letters, Official and Private, not hitherto published; with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Jared Sparks. Vols. 1, 8, 9, and 10, which complete the Work. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1889-40.— From Mr. Sparks. The Orderly Book of the American Army, under the immediate Command of Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. MS.—From Col. Hugh Mercer, of Fredericksburg, Va., through Dr. Mease. Mr. Vaughan, on presenting a transfer of page 524 of Schaaf’s Syriac Lexicon (Leyden edition, 1717), &c., by Mr. Joseph Dixon, of Taunton, Massachusetts, on the plan of the transfer process of Mr. Dixon’s invention, read sundry extracts of letters from him on the subject. A notice of this invention was first published in the Salem Gazette, by the editor of that paper, on the 25th day of May, 1882; but the inventor has not yet made the process public. The Committee, consisting of Mr. Walker, Dr. Patterson, and Mr. Bache, to whom was referred a paper, entitled “Ob- servations on Nebule, with a Fourteen Feet Reflector, by H. L. Smith and E. P. Mason, during the year 1839, by E. P. Mason,” reported in favour of publication in the Society’s Transactions, which was directed accordingly. The object of Messrs. Smith and Mason was to furnish a minute description of some of the principal nebule in the heavens, in order 207 that future changes in their appearance, should any occur, may be detected. The process employed was—Ist. To prepare an accurate chart of all the stars in and about the nebula, capable of micrometri- cal measurement. 2dly. To fill in with the smaller stars down to the minimum visibile, by estimation. 3dly. To lay down the nebula on this chart with such care and precision, that the errors of its delinea- tion may not far exceed those of original vision. The author, Mr. Mason, states at length the expedients used to effect the latter pur- pose, viz.—the drawing of lines of equal brightness, as a guide to the engraver; the examination of each portion of the nebula by seve- ral persons; and, lastly, the repeated comparison of the drawings with the original, on successive evenings, till no further improvement seemed to be practicable. The telescope, used by Messrs. Smith and Mason, was of their own construction. It was 14 feet in length, and had 12 inches clear aper- ture, being a Herschelian, mounted somewhat rudely on the plan of Mr. Ramage. ‘The difficulties experienced by Messrs. Smith and Mason, as amateur artists in casting and polishing specula at New Haven, are stated in detail. The telescope was capable of sepa- rating ¢ Orionis, «® Bootis, y Virginis in 1838, a Ophiuchi, and others of a distance of less than 1". For such purposes, however, the use of diaphragms was necessary, owing to an imperfection of the cast- ing, and the full light of the telescope could not be employed. This circumstance directed their attention to the subject of this paper. A cursory examination of the principal nebulze described, and, in some instances, figured by the Herschels, pointed out discrepancies between their descriptions and present appearances, which must be attributed either to a change in the nebule themselves, or to the want of sufficient minuteness of examination on the part of the Herschels, whose object was rather the formation of a complete catalogue of the nebulze in the heavens, than the full and perfect description of any of the individuals. Thus, the paper contains a drawing of the “nebula trifida,” h. 1991: the triple star does not occupy the same position in the cleft as given in the figure in Sir J. F. W. Herschel’s paper, Phil. Trans. 1833, but rather adheres to the left of the three divisions; and what is more remarkable, the small star about 30’ north of this triple star was surrounded with a nebula not much inferior in size and brilliancy to the “nebula trifida.” A drawing is also fur- nished of the nebula, 4. 2008, (the shape of which resembles the 208 capital Greek ©) with a critical examination of Herschel’s figure of the same. The most remarkable discovery of Messrs. Smith and Mason, was that of the junction of the two nebule, h. 2092 and 20938. ‘These great nebule, or ‘milky ways,” are described on several occasions by the elder Herschel, and are also described and figured by the younger. ‘They are distant about two-thirds of a degree from each other. Messrs. Smith and Mason, however, distinctly saw the nebu- lous matter extending from one to the other, making the whole one conspicuous nebula of more than a degree in length, being among the most remarkable in the heavens, and inferior only to the eran nebulze of Orion and Andromeda. Mr. Mason remarks, that it is difficult to conceive how the com- panion of the nebula trifida, and the junction of the two last men- tioned, should have been overlooked by such observers as the Her- schels, with instruments so far superior to his in optical capacity. The supposition that the nebulous space, noticed by Messrs. Smith and Mason, was not brought under the immediate inspection of the Herschels, seemed inadmissible. That the greater clearness of the atmosphere of New Haven should more than compensate for the in- ferior light of the telescope employed was hardly probable; the only remaining supposition was, that the nebulous matter, in the space examined by all these observers, has recently undergone a change in shape and brilliancy. In making the chart of the stars to which the nebulous space is re- ferred, Mr. Mason used the ten feet Dollond refractor, of five inches aperture, belonging to the Philosophical Department of Yale College, with a Dollond’s illuminated line micrometer. With this he has de- termined the relative position of the stars down to the 16th magni- tude, by repeated observations, and has furnished a catalogue of the correct places of 15 stars in the first chart, 30 in the second, and 182 in the third. Dr. Dunglison stated, that the horse, with the filaria in the aqueous humour of the eye, to which allusion was made at the last meeting (See Proceedings, p. 200), was in the city, and that he had had an opportunity of verifying the statement then made. Dr. Dunglison referred to several similar cases,—most of the observers believing the entozoon te be a filaria papillosa, but some a lesser strongylus. 209 Dr. Hays referred to cases of entozoa found not only in the eye, but in other parts of the body, and alluded briefly to the practicability of the germs being received from without. Dr. Chapman, as chairman of the Committee to collect docu- ments connected with the political and historical state of the country, reported that he would be able to procure for the So- ciety the Correspondence of Robert Morris. He farther stated his expectation to be able to present important documents from Virginia, calculated to throw valuable light on the history of the colony and the country. : Mr. Vaughan reported the death of Mr. Wm. Maclure, a member of the Society, who died in Mexico on the 23d of March last. Dr. Dunglison, reporter, presented No. 11 of the printed Bulletin. Stated Meeting, May 15. Present, twenty-six members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received:— FOR THE LIBRARY. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Nos. 2 & 3. Année, 1888. 8vo. Moscou, 1838.—From the So- ciety. Communication from the Governor, transmitting several Reports re- lative to the Geological Survey of the State. 8vo. New York, 1840.—From the State. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Nos. 41 and 42. December 5, 1839, to March 26, 1840, inclusive.x—From the Royal Society. Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. V. No. 4. February 14, 1840. (Annual meeting).—From the Society. Public Documents, printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 210 Third Session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 3, 1838, &c. In 5 vols. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1839.—From the Secretary of State. | Executive Documents, 25th Congress, 3d Session, 1888. In 6 Vols. 8vo.—From the same. Reports of Committees, 25th Congress, 3d Session, 18388. In 2 Vols. 8vo.—From the same. Journal of the Senate of the United States of ees 3d Shean, 25th Congress, &c. &c. Sve. Washington, 1838.—From the same. Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 3d Ses- sion, 25th Congress, &c. &c. 8vo. Washington, 1839.—From the same. Experimental Researches on Electricity. By Michael Faraday, D. C. L., F. R. S., Fullerian Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution, &c. &c. 8yo. London, 1839.—From Mr. Bancker. De la Bienfaisance Publique: par M. le Baron de Gérando, Pair de France, Membre de l'Institut, &c. &c. 4 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839.—From Dr. Harlan. L’Egypte et la Turquie de 1829 41836: par MM. Ed. de Cadalvene et J. de Breuvery, avec Cartes et Planches. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Avec Atlas in fol—From Mr. Vaughan. A Treatise on the Mulberry Tree and Silkworm, and on the Produc- tion and Manufacture of Silk, embellished with appropriate En- sravings. By John Clarke, Superintendent of the Morodendron - Silk Company of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839.— From Mr. Duponceau. A Manual, containing Information respecting the Growth of the Mul- berry Tree, with suitable Directions for the Culture of Silk. In three parts. By J. H. Cobb, A. M. Originally published by direction of His Excellency, Governor Lincoln, agreeably to a Resolve of the Commonwealth. Fourth edition, enlarged. 12mo. Boston, 1839.— From the same. A Manual, containing Directions for Sowing, Transplanting, and Raising the Mulberry Tree; together with proper Instructions for Propagating the same by Cuttings, Layers, &c. &c., as also In- structions for the Culture of Silk: to which is added, Calculations showing the Produce and probable Expense of Cultivating from one to ten Acres, as tested by actual Results. By Edward P. 21st Roberts, Editor, Farmer and Gardener. Third edition, with Improvements and Additions. 8vo. Baltimore, 1838.—From the same. The History of the United States for 1796; including a Variety of In- teresting Particulars relative to the Federal Government previous to that Period. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797.—From the same. The American Monthly Magazine, from January to June, 1824. Edited by James M‘Henry. Vol. I. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824.— From the same. Tracts and other Papers relating principally to the Origin, Settle- ment and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. Collected by Peter Force. Vol. 1. Washington, 1836.—From the same. The Original Letters written by the Rev. John Heckewelder, from the 3d of April, 1816, to the 5th of May, 1822, on the Indian Languages, &c. Collected by Peter S. Du Ponceau. 1840.— From the same. Berichte aus den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America, tiber Ei- senbahnen, Dampfschiffahrten, Banken und Andere Oeffentliche Unternehmungen. Verfasst von Franz Anton Ritter von Gerst- ner, Landstand im Kénigreiche Béhmen, emer. Professor der Mathematik am K. K. Polytechnischen Institute in Wien, u. s. we; wahrend dessen Aufenthaltes in Nord America, im Jahre, 1838 und 1839. 4to. Leipzig, 1839.—From Dr. T. G. Fliigel, U. S. Consul at Leipzig. North American Herpetology, or a Description of the Reptiles in- habiting the United States. By John Edward Holbrook, M. D. Professor of Anatomy in the Medical College of the State of South Carolina, &c. &c. Vol. 3. 4to. Philadelphia, 1838.— From the Author. Report of a Geological, Mineralogical, and Topographical Examiina- tion of the Coal Field of Carbon Creek, the Property of the To- wanda Rail Road and Coal Company, Bradford County, Pa. with an Analysis of thé Minerals, accompanied by a Map of the Sur- veys, Profile of the Road, and Sections of the Minetal Ground. By Walter R. Johnson, A. M., Civ. and Min. Engineer, Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in Pennsylvania College, Philadelphia, &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. Pétrifications Recueillies en Amérique, par M. Alexandre de Hum- B 212 boldt, et par M. Charles Degenhardt; décrites par Léopold de Buch. Fol. Berlin, 1839.—From M. de Buch. Explication de Deux Planches de Spirifer et d’Orthis. Par Léopold de Buch. Fol.—From the same. Explication de Trois Planches d’Ammonites. Par Léopold de Buch. 4to.—From the same. Lecture on the Advantages derived from Cultivating the Arts and Sciences. By G. Emerson, M.D. Delivered before the Phila- delphia Mercantile Library Association, &c. Dec. 8, 1839. 8vo. From the Author. Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal, kept in the city of New York for the Years 1838 and 1889, including also the Mean Results of the last Seven Years. By W. C. Redfield.—From the Author. New Zealand in 1839, or Four Letters to the Right Hon. Earl Dur- ham, Governor of the New Zealand Land Company, &c. &c. on the Colonization of that Island, and on the Present Condition and Prospects of its Native Inhabitants. By John Dunmore Lang, -D.D., Principal of the Australian College, and Senior Minister of the Church of Scotland in New South Wales. 8vo. London, 1839.—From the Author. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. No. LI. May, 1840.—From the Editor, Dr. Hays. Report of the Directors of the Thames Tunnel Company to the Ge- neral Assembly of Proprietors, held at the London Tavern, on- the 3d day of March, 1840 ;—with a Plan.—From Mr. William Vaughan. Sundry Pamphlets, 1. Exposition of the Plan and Objects of the Greenwood Cemetery, chartered by the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1839. 2. Report of the Committee on the New - Haven Burying Ground. 8yo. New Haven, 1839. 3. A Ser- mon, by Thomas F. Davies; published by request of the Congre- gational Society in Green’s Farms. 8vo. New Haven, 1839. 4. Annual Address to the Candidates for Medical Degrees and Licenses in Yale College, Feb. 26, 1889. By Dr. Thomas Miner. Second edition. Svo. New Haven, 1839. 5. Annual Address on a Similar Occasion, Jan. 21,1840. By Dr. Dyar T. Brainard. 8vo. New Haven, 1840. 6. Report of a Commit- tee on the State of the Prisons of Fairfield County. 8vo. Bridge- port, 18389. 7. The Completion of two Centuries, a Discourse preached in Fairfield, Nov. 28, 1839. By Lyman H. Atwater, 213 Pastor of the First Church in Fairfield. S8vo. Bridgeport, 1839. 8. Report of the Agricultural Meeting held in Boston, Jan. 13, 1840, containing the Remarks of Mr. Webster and Prof. Silliman, with Notes by Henry Colman, Commissioner for the Agricultural Survey of the State. 8vo. Salem,1840. A Discourse delivered in Norfield, May, 29, 1836. By John Noyes, at the close of the 50th year of his Ministry. 8vo. New Haven, 1889.—From Prof. Silliman. Tableau Théorique de la Succession et de la Disposition la plus générale en Europe des Terrains et Roches qui composent PEcorce de la Terre; ou Exposition Graphique du Tableau des Terrains, publié en 1829; par M. Alexandre Brongniart, Pro- fesseur de Mineralogie au Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. From the Author. Third Annual Report of the Board of Education, together with the Third Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1840.—From Dr. Thomas H. Webb, of Boston. Original Journal of a Council of War, held at Perth Amboy, Sept. 17, 1776; General Mercer, President, in which he proposed an Attack on the British Posts at Staten Island. MS.—From his Son, Col. Hugh Mercer. FOR THE CABINET. A Plaster Bust of Alexander Hamilton.—From Mrs. Astley. Specimens of Crystallized Carbonate of Lime and Pipe Iron Ore; found at the Iron Works of William Reed, Perrysville, Mifflin County, and by him deposited at the Bank of the United States, with N. Biddle, Esq.—From Mr. Dunlap, with the assent of Mr. Biddle. Two Daguerrotype Portraits, the one of Mr. Du Ponceau, the other of Mr. Vaughan, taken by Mr. Cornelius.x—From Dr. Goddard. The Committee to whom was referred the paper of Dr. Hare, entitled “ Engraving and description of an apparatus and process for the rapid congelation of water,’’ &c. reported in favour of its publication in the Society’s Transactions, which was ordered accordingly. A communication was read from Professor Bonnyeastle, of the University of Virginia, entitled “On the insufficiency of Taylor’s Theorem, as commonly investigated, with objections 214 to the demonstrations of Poisson and Cauchy, and the assumed generalization of Mr. Peacock, to which is added a new in- vestigation, and remarks on the development and continuity of functions;’’ which was referred to a Committee. Mr. Lea read a paper, entitled “ Notice of the Oolitic forma- tion in America, with descriptions of some of its organic re- mains, by Isaac Lea;’? which was referred to a Committee. A communication was read from Prof. Locke, of Cincinnati, the objects of which are, “1. To determine more accurately the elation, magnetic dip and intensity at Cincinnati, and at Louis- ville, Ky., by making observations as near together, in point of time, as possible. 2. T'o determine the horary changes of horizontal intensity at Cincinnati, and 3. To ascertain more accurately the effect of changes of temperature on the needles used by the author, and to deduce a constant coefficient for each of them.”? The paper was referred to the same Committee to whom Professor Locke’s previous paper on the same subject was referred, (proceedings of March 6, 1840.) Mr. Du Ponceau made a verbal communication on the sub- ject of the silk culture in India. It appears from the sixth volume of the Transactions of the Agri- cultural and Horticultural Society of India, Calcutta, 1839, which is - in the library of the Society, that the English are extending the cul- ture. of silk to the Deccan and the Western Coast of India, and have an establishment for that purpose, under the direction of Signor Mutti, an Italian gentleman, who resides at Bombay, and is styled “Superintendent of the Silk Culture in the Deccan.” ‘Two letters addressed by him to John Bell, Esq. Secretary of the Agricultural Society of India, Mr. Du Ponceau considered to be worthy of the at- tention of those who feel an interest in the promotion of the silk cul- ture in this country. A treatise by that gentleman on the various branches of the silk culture, is subjoined to, and published with, his letters. ‘The chapter or division concerning the art or method of reeling or winding silk from the cocoons, Mr. Du Ponceau regards as replete with valuable practical instruction. On this last subject, (the art of reeling,) the correspondent at Paris of the National Intelligencer asserts, that an excellent Treatise has been lately published, in that capital, by Mons. Ferrier, which has been re- 215 published in the third volume of the Annals of the Sericole Society, specially instituted for the promotion of the culture of silk in France. As instruction is much wanted in this country, on this particular subject, while the culture of silk engages the general attention, Mr. Du Ponceau expressed a hope that M. Ferrier’s Treatise would be translated, and published for the benefit of his fellow citizens. Mr. Du Ponceau farther stated, that from the volume of Transac- tions above cited, it appears that the English are making great exer- tions to introduce the culture of cotton into India. Specimens of the best soils for growing cotton in this country, particularly those of Georgia, have been sent to the Agricultural and Horticultural So- ciety, and analyzed by them.. The descriptions accompanying the specimens have not been found sufficiently. particular, nor have their analyses yet led to any decided conclusions. ‘They seem to think, that the abundance and fineness of good cotton depend on the quanti- ty of carbon in the soil, and the solubility of that carbon. But with this theory they do not appear to be entirely satisfied. They find that all the American, the Mauritius, and the best Singapore soils, producing the finest cotton, contain a considerable per centage of vegetable matter under the form of peat or lignite, in a state of ex- ceedingly minute division, and in many of them, some part of it is readily soluble in cold water. They find, again, that the Indian soils contain very little vegetable matter, and this wholly insoluble in water, but that the best contain a far larger proportion of carbonate of lime, and some of them the iron in a different state from the others. It would seem, however, that the plant is somewhat indifferent about the iron; yet, as it is not known what part the iron plays in soils (which may influence their electricity as well as their tenacity and relations to moisture), they consider it a matter to be borne in mind and to be subjected to farther inquiries. The culture of the vine in India, Mr. Du Ponceau added, appears also to engage much of the attention of the Society; and, on the whole, the useful arts and sciences seem to be cultivated in that country to a degree which deserves to be particularly noticed. Mr. Walker stated the results of Professor Loomis’s farther ‘observations on the subject of Galle’s second comet, which Prof. L. intends hereafter to lay before the Society. He further stated, that Galle had discovered a third comet, which 216 was of great interest to the astronomer; as it was likely to add another to the number of comets of known period. Mr. Walker mentioned the receipt of European observations of Galle’s second comet, as late as the 21st of February, and those of Prof. Loomis of the 18th and 19th of March. From.these, he had selected the observations made Jan. 25th and Feb. 21st. at the Ber- lin Observatory, and that of Prof. Loomis at the Hudson Observa- tory, on the 19th of March; and had computed the elements of its orbit. The comet’s observed geocentric longitude and latitude, cleared of aberration and parallax, and referred to the mean equinox of Jan. 1840, were as follows :— M. T. Berlin. Longitude. Latitude. Gan Ce ae — Saar = ae =n 25.749021 ee OM ee Ou +75° 9! 42.1" 52. 47442 28 44 0.6 +33 42 26.1 79. 59679 35 AT 34.8 + 9 22 20.4 from which he had obtained for the elements of the comet ;— Perihelion Pass. March 13.707523 Berlin mean time. S& 236° 49’ 8.0" t 59 15 8.9 SOs MAN 5228 los. q 0.086798 Motion retrograde. Dr. Dunglison gave the particulars of a case, in which blood that flowed, on dissection, from the arteries of the brain, coa- gulated fifteen hours after the death of the individual. The patient died after a severe agony, and after an illness of some duration, for which mercury had been administered so as to af- fect the system freely. On opening the head, the arteries of the brain were found turgid with blood; and on removing the brain, the blood flowed from them, and coagulated. Dr. Dunglison made some remarks on the singularity of this phe- nomenon, and its relations to physiology and medicai jurisprudence, and stated that it completely overthrew the views of those, who be- lieve that the blood is either possessed of a vital influence, or re- ceives some influence from the living vessels that contain it, which maintains its fluidity, and that so soon as it is removed from these 217 influences it coagulates or dies. In this case the blood remained fluid, and coagulation took place fifteen hours after the total cessation of respiration and circulation, and after the blood had become cold ; circumstances showing that the phenomenon is wholly physical in its nature. Mr. Vaughan reported the death of Benjamin Allen, LL. D., a member of the Society, who died on the 20th of July, 1836, aged 64 years. On motion of Mr. Vaughan, it was Resolved, That Prince Maximilian of Neuwied should be presented with the volumes of the Transactions of the Society since the fourth volume. Mr. Vaughan further stated, that Prince Maximilian had intimated his intention of presenting to the Society a copy of his Voyage to America, with accompanying Atlas, &c. The Librarian, in accordance with a resolution of the So- ciety,* presented, for approval, a list of Societies to whom it is proposed to send the proceedings of the Society. * The resolutions, adopted at a recent meeting (April 3d, 1840,) for the dis- tribution of the Society’s proceedings, are as follows :— First. Twenty copies to be furnished to the Librarian to be retained in the Library. : Secondly. A copy to be sent regularly a. To members qualified to vote at elections, and to such other members as the Secretaries may think proper. b. To each of the Societies in correspondence with this Society. c. To the Editors of such Scientific Journals of the United States and of foreign countries as may be determined upon by the Secretaries. d. To each subscriber to the Transactions of the Society, not otherwise en- titled to a copy. Thirdly. A copy of the number of the Bulletin, in which their communica- cations are noticed, to be sent to correspondents, not members of the So- ciety. Fourthly. Any person to be permitted to subscribe for the year, with the Li- brarian, at such annual subscription price as shall be affixed by the Secretaries. Fifthly. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to transmit regularly, and as early after the date of publication as practicable, the copies for the various So- cieties, at home and abroad, which copies shall be furnished him by the Secre- taries, duly enveloped, according to a list sanctioned by the Society. Siathly. It shall be the duty of the Secretaries to attend to the conservation and distribution of the remainder, as above directed, and they shall be au- thorized to take such measures for this purpose as they may deem expedient. 218 The following list was sanctioned. UNITED STATES. Albany, Institute. Boston, Bowditch Library. » Academy of Sciences. », Historical Society of Massa- chusetts. » Atheneum. », Society of Natural History. — Statistical Society. Ganumdee. Library of Harvard Uni- versity. Georgia Historical Society. EUROPE.—1. Bath, Bath and West of England So- ciety. Cambridge, Philosophical Society. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy. », Dublin Society. Edinburgh Royal Society. Society of Antiquaries. nondew Royal Society. A Astronomical Society. i Greenwich Observatory. 45 Horticultural Society. % Society of Arts, Manufac- tures and Commerce. Harrisburg, Library of State of Penri- sylvania. Hartford, Society of Natural History. * Historical Society. Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sci- ences. 3 Atheneum. a Franklin Institute: Providence, Rhode Island Historical Society. Washington City, Library of Congress. Worcester, Antiquarian Society. Great Britain. London, Geological Society. 5 Zoological Society. ns Linnean Society. » Royal Geographical Society. 9 Royal Asiatic Society. 6 Antiquarian Society. ve London Institution. * Royal Institution. 29 British Association. Manchester, Literary and Philosophi- cal Society. Penzance, Royal Cornwall Geologi- cal Society. 2. Continent. Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute. Haarlem, Hollandish Society of Sci- ences. Rotterdam, Batavian Society of Sci- ences. Brussels, Royal Academy of Sciences" and Belles Lettres. Berlin, Royal Academy of Sciences. Copenhagen, Royal Academy of Sci- ences. Gottingen, Royal Academy of Sci- ences. Lisbon, Royal Academy of Sciences. Madrid, Royal Academy of History. Moscow, Imperial Society of Natural History. St. Petersburg, [mperial Academy of Sciences. Paris, Institute and Royal Academy of Sciences. », School of Mines. » Royal Asiatic Society. » Museum of Natural History. » ‘society of Antiquaries. Geographical Society. Pesthi, Hungarian Academy of Sci- ences. Stockholm, Royal Academy of Sci- ences. Turin, Royal Academy of Sciences. Upsal, Royal Academy of Sciences. INDIA. Calcutta, Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Calcutta, Horticultural and Agricultu- ral Society. 219 Stated Meeting, June 19. Present, twenty-four members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Second series. Vol. V. Part 2. 4to. London, 1840.—From the Society. Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. V. No. 5. March 13, 1840.—From the Society. Bulletin de la Société de Geographie. Deuxiéme Serie. Tom. xii. 8yo. Paris, 1839.—From the Society. Physicorum Aristotelis Libri. Argumenta in singulos Libros, ex Op- timis Greecorum Commentariis conversa jam recens adjecimus. Catalogum vero Librorum in hoe Opere contentorum sequenti Pagella reperies. 8vo. Lugduni, 1554.—From Mr. Pening- ton. Lapis Philosophicus sive Commentarius in octo Libros Physicorum Aristot. in quo Arcana Physiologie examinantur. Auctore Jo- anne Caso, in Medicina Doctore Oxoniensi, &c. Accedit in Fine Ancilla Philosophiz, seu Epitome in octo Libros Aristot. Phy- sicorum, eodem Auctore, cum Indicibus Locupletissimis. 8vo. Francof. ad Menum. 1600.—From the same. Fourth Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Pennsylvania. By Henry D. Rogers, State Geologist. Read in the House of Representatives, Feb. 8, 1840. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1840.—From Mr. Frederick Fraley. A Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of the United States, comprehending Notices of all the Works of Internal Improvement throughout the several States. By H.S. Tanner. 8yo. New York, 1840.—From the Author. The American Traveller, or Guide through the United States: con- taining Brief Notices of the several States, Cities, principal Towns, Canals, and Rail Roads, &c., with Tables of Distances by Stage, Canal, and Steamboat Routes: the whole Alphabeti- cally arranged, with direct reference to the accompanying Map of the Roads, Canals, and Railways of the United States. Sixth « ) 220 Edition. By H. 8S. Tanner. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. Sketch of the Geology of North America, being the Substance of a Memoir read before the Ashmolean Society, November 26, 1838. By Charles. Daubeny, M.D., F.R.S., L.S., G.S., M. RT. A., Member of the American Philosophical Society, &c. &c. 8vo. Oxford, 1839.—F rom the Author. Fifth Geological Report to the Twenty-third General Assembly of Tennessee, made November, 1839. By G. Troost, M. D., Geo- logist to the State, &c. 8vo. Nashville, 1840.—From the Au- thor. Pamphlets. 1. Journal of a Voyage from Okkak, on the Coast of Labrador, to Ungana Bay, westward of Cape Chudleigh; under- taken to Explore the Coast, and Visit the Esquimaux in that Un- known Region. By Benjamin Kohlmeister and George Kmoch, Missionaries of the Church of the Unitas Fratrum or United Brethren. S8vo. London, 1814. 2. Authentische Relation von dem Anlass, Fortgang und Schlusse der am Isten. und 2ten. Ja- nuaril, Anno 1743, im Germantown gehaltenen Versammlung einiger Arbeiter derer meisten Christlichen Religionen und vieler vor sich selbst Gorr-dienenden Curisten-menschen in Pennsyl- vania: aufgesetzt in Germantown am Abend des 2ten. obigen Monats. 4to. Philadelphia. 3. Defensive War, in a Just Cause, Sinless: a Sermon preached by the Rey. David Jones, A. M. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1775. 4. A Lecture on the Excellence of . the Gospel of Christ, &c. By John Stanford, M.A. 12mo. New York, 1791. 5. Report of the Preliminary Survey of the Route of the Hudson and Delaware Rail Road. By James B. Sargent, Esq., Civil Engineer, &c. 8vo. Newburgh, 1836.— From Mr. John Jordan, Jr. Twelve Views of Churches, Schools, and other Bildiees erected by the United Brethren in America, with Descriptions, History, &c. New York, 1836.—F rom the same. Frank; or Dialogues between a Father and Son, on the Subjects of Agriculture, Husbandry, and Rural Affairs. By the Author of “The Yellow Shoestrings.” Small 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.— From the Author. View of the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation; demon- strating their Ancient Discovery and Progressive Settlement of 221 the Continent of America. By John Dunmore Lang, D. D., &c. &c. 8vo. London, 1834.—f vom the Author. Transportation and Colonization; or the Causes of the Comparative Failure of the Transportation System in the Australian Colonies: with Suggestions for Insuring its Future Efficiency in Subser- viency to Extensive Colonization. By John Dunmore Lang, D. D., Principal of the Australian College, &c. 12mo. London, 1837.— From the same. Annual Report of the Geologist of Maryland (Dr. J. T. Ducatel). Svo. 1839.—From the Author. On the Mutual Action of Permanent Magnets, considered chiefly in Reference to their best Relative Position in an Observatory. By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A. M., Fellow of Trinity College, Pro- fessor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin, &c. &c., Honorary Member of the American Philosophical Society. (Pub- lished in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. XIX. Part I.) 4to. Dublin, 1840.—From the Author. A Discourse pronounced at Barnstable on the 8d of September, 1839, at the Celebration of the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Cape Cod. By John Gorham Palfrey. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1840.—From the Author. The Study of the Celtic Languages. (From the New York Review for April, 1840.) By A. B. Chapin, M. A., Mem. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sciences, and Rector of St. James’ Church, New Haven. 8vo. New York, 1840.—From the Author. The Twenty-fourth Report of the Directors of the American Asylum at Hartford, for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Exhibited to the Asylum, May 16,1840. 8vo. Hart- ford, 1840.—From Mr. Lewis Weld. Researches on the Gale and Hurricane in the Bay of Bengal on the 3d, 4th, and 5th of June, 1839. By Henry Peddington. (From the Journal of the Asiatic Society.) 8vo. Calcutta, 1839.— From Dr. Harlan. The Bhaguat-géeta, or Dialogues of Kreéshna and Arjodn, in eighteen Lectures; with Notes. Translated from the Original in the San- skréét, or Ancient Language of the Brahmans. By Charles Wil- kins, Senior Merchant in the Service of the Honourable East India Company, &c. 4to. London, 1785.—From Mr. Vaughan. Memorials of Columbus: or a Collection of Authentic Documents of that Celebrated Navigator, now first published from the Original 222 Manuscripts, by Order of the Decurions of Genoa; preceded by a Memoir of his Life and Discoveries. Translated from the Spanish and Italian. 8vo. London, 1823.—F rom the same. Necessity of Popular Education as a National Object; with Hints on the Treatment of Criminals, and Observations on Homicidal In- sanity. By James Simpson. 12mo. New York, 1834.—From the same. A Biographical Memoir of the late Commodore Joshua Barney, from Autographical Notes and Journals in Possession of his Family, and other Authentic Sources. Edited by Mary Barney. 8vo. Boston, 1832.—F rom the same. The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor: being a Full and Accurate Treatise on the Exchanges, Moneys, Weights, and Measures of all Trading Nations and their Colonies; with an Ac- count of their Banks, Public Funds, and Paper Currencies. By P. Kelly, LL.D., Master of the Finsbury Square Academy, Lon- don, &c. &c. 2 Vols. 4to. The Second Edition, including a Revision of Foreign Weights and Measures, from an Actual Com- parison of their Standards, by the Order and Aid of the British Government. London, 1821.—From the same. Description de l’Egypte, contenant plusieurs Remarques Curieuses - sur la Géographie Ancienne et Moderne de ce Pais, sur ses Monu- mens Anciens, sur les Meurs, les Coutumes, et la Religion des Habitans, sur le Gouvernement et le Commerce, sur les Animaux, les Arbres, les Plantes, &c. Composée sur les Mémoires de M. de Maillet, Ancien Consul de Francé au Caire, par M. l’Abbé le “Maserier. Ouvrage enrichi de Cartes et de Figures. 4to. Paris, 1735.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Indian Biography, containing the Lives of more than Two Hundred Indian Chiefs; also such others of that Race as have rendered their Names conspicuous in the History of North America, from its first being known to Europeans, to the present Period; giving, at large, their most Celebrated Speeches, Memorable Sayings, Numerous Anecdotes, and a History of their Wars; much of which is taken from Manuscripts never before published. By Samuel G. Drake. 12mo. Boston, 1832.—From the same. An Original Letter of William Smith, Secretary of the American Philosophical Society, before its Union with the Junto in 1769, to Governor Hamilton, October 18, 1768, relative to the Transit of Venus.—From the same. 223 A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Reverend John Thorn- ton Kirkland, D. D., LL.D., formerly Pastor of the Church on Church Green, Boston, and late President of Harvard University ; delivered in the Church on Church Green, May 3, 1840. By Alexander Young. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From the Author. Two Reports on the Coal Lands, Mines, and Improvements of the Dauphin and Susquehanna Coal Company, and of the Geologi- cal Examinations, Present Condition, and Prospects of the Stony Creek Coal Estate, in the Townships of Jackson, Rush, and Mid- dle Paxtang, in the County of Dauphin, and of East Hanover Township, in the County of Lebanon, Pennsylvania: with an Appendix, containing numerous Tables and Statistical Informa- tion, and various Maps, Sections, and Diagrams, chiefly in Illus- tration of Coal and Iron. Addressed to the Board of Directors of the Dauphin and Susquehanna Coal Company, &c. &c. By Richard C. Taylor, President of the Board of Directors. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. Index Monasticus; or the Abbeys and other Monasteries, Alien Pri- ories, Friaries, Colleges, Collegiate Churches, and Hospitals, with their Dependencies, formerly established in the Diocese of Nor- wich and the Ancient Kingdom of East Anglia; systematically arranged and briefly described, according to the respective Orders and Denominations in each County, and Illustrated by Maps of Suffolk, Norfolk, and the City of Norwich, and the Arms of Re- ligious Houses. By Richard Taylor, of Norwich. Folio. Lon- don, 1821.—From the same. On the Geology of East Norfolk: with Remarks upon the Hypothesis of Mr. J. W. Robberds, respecting the former Level of the Ger- man Ocean. By Richard C. Taylor, F. G.S., Author of the In- dex Monasticus. 8vo. London, 1827.— rom the same. Pamphlets. 1. Notes respecting Certain Indian Mounds and Earth- works, in the Form of Animal Effigies, chiefly in the Wisconsin Territory, U.S. By Richard C. Taylor, Esq. 2. Sundry Com- munications.—a. The Natural History of the Alleghany Moun- tains. b. The American Fucoides. c. The Natural History of Cuba. d. The History and Progress of Geology. e. Reviews of Martin’s Geological Memoir, and of Professor Buckland on the Formation of the Valley of Kingsclerc, &c. (f. Introduction to Geology. g. Antediluvian Zoology and Botany. h. Illustra- tions of Antediluvian Zoology. 17. Geological Arrangement of 224 Fossil Shells. 7. On part of the Mineral Basin of South Wales. By R. C. Taylor.—From the same. The American Medical Library and Intelligencer for May 15, and June 1, 1840. Vol. IV. Nos. 4 and 5.—From the Editor, Dr. Dunglison. Pamphlets. 1. Notice of the Daguerreotype. By William E. A. Aikin, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy in the Uni- versity of Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1840. 2. Report of a Committee of the Medical Society of the State of New York, on the Subject of Medical Education. 8vo. Albany,1840. 3. Phi- losophy of Mind, developing New Sources of Ideas, designating their Distinctive Classes, and Simplifying the Faculties and Ope- rations of the whole Mind. By John Stearns, M. D., of the City of New York, late President of the Medical Society of the State. 8vo. New York, 1840. 4. A Letter to William E. Channing, D.D., in Reply to one addressed to him by R. R. Madden, on - the Abuse of the Flag of the United States in the Island of Cuba, for Promoting the Slave Trade. By a Calm Observer. 8vo. Boston, 1840. 5. An Account of the Visit of the French Frigate L’Artemise to the Sandwich Islands, July, 1839. 8vo. Hono- lulu, 1839.—From the same. Sundry Engravings. 1. James Madison. 2. Governor Strong. 3. Robert Morris. 4. Charles Dickens. 5. Rev. John Fletcher. 6. A Lady from Franca. 7. J. Rusling. 8. Rev. C. Wesley, by T. B. Welch. From Mr. Welch. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States (J. Q. Adams, Chairman), on the Smithsonian Bequest, March 5, 1840.—From Mr. Sergeant. Memoir, Historical and Political, on the North-west Coast of Ame- rica, and the adjacent Territories: Illustrated by a Map, and a Geographical View of those Countries. By Robert Greenhow, Translator and Librarian to the Department of State. (Submit- ted by Mr. Linn to the Senate of the United States.) 4to. Wash- ington, 1840.—From the same. The Prospects of Art in the United States: an Address before the Artists’ Fund Society of Philadelphia, at the Opening of their Ex- hibition, May, 1840. By George W. Bethune. (By request.) 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Society. The History of the Royal Society of London, for the Improving of 229 Natural Knowledge. By Thomas Sprat. 4to. London, 1667.— From Dr. Hare. Trois Planches d’Ammonites, par Léopold de Buch. Folio.—From the Author. Observations of the Magnetic Intensity at Twenty-one Stations in Europe. By A. D. Bache, LL.D., President of the Girard Col- lege for Orphans, one of the Secretaries of the American Philo- sophical Society, &c. (From Vol. VII. of the Transactions of the Society.) 4to.—From the Author. Boletin Enciclopedico de la Sociedad Economica de Amigos del] Pais, &c. &c. &c. Niimerol. Enero, 1840. 8vo. Valencia, 1840.— From the Society. A Discourse on the Death of .General Washington, late President of the United States; delivered on the 22d of February, 1800, in the Church in Williamsburg. By James Madison, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, and President of William and Mary College. Third Edition, with Additions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831.—From Col. Hugh Mercer, of Fredericks- burg. © Sundry Biographical Notices of Brigadier General H. Mercer, and Accounts of the Battle of Trenton.—F’rom the same. FOR THE CABINET. Several Stones, worked by the Indians with Stone Hammers, found in an Indian workshop, five miles from Paradise, near Lancaster, Pennsylvania.—from Mr. Redmond Conyngham. The Committee, consisting of Mr. Taylor, Mr. Booth, and Dr. Hays, to whom was referred a Communication, entitled “‘ Notice of the Oolitic Formation in America, with Descrip- tions of some of its Organic Remains, by Isaac Lea,’ reported in favour of publication, which was ordered accordingly. In this paper Mr. Lea describes a number of fossils from New Granada and Cuba, which he considers to belong properly to the forms resembling those well known to exist in the Oolites (Jura for- mation) of Europe. In a note Mr. Lea mentions, that after his paper was written, the work of the distinguished geologist, Von Buch, was received by him from the author. In this work, Von Buch describes and figures some of the fossils from the same formation in New Granada, taken by Humboldt nearly forty years since to Europe, 226 which that learned traveller, in his “‘ Essay on the Superposition of Rocks,”’ considered to belong to the Jura Formation. Von Buch takes a different view, and places them higher up in the series; that is, in the Chalk Formation. After a careful perusal of Von Buch’s work, and a re-examination of the specimens, Mr. Lea still holds to his previous opinion, that these forms belong properly to the Oolitic series, and not to the Chalk. He is the more confirmed in this opinion from having since been enabled to examine Captain Grant’s Memoir on the Geology of Cutch, recently published in the Geological Society’s Transactions of London, Second Series, Vol. V. Part 2; where the forms represented have a strong alliance to those described by Mr. Lea. Captain Grant states, that the mineralogical character of the rock ‘greatly resembles the English Lias; but its fossils have been found, after a careful examination by Mr. James Sowerby, to assimi- late very closely to those of the Oolitic beds,” &c. Mr. Lea’s paper contains descriptions of the following species :— Orthocera Humboldtiana. 'Testa recta, elongato-conica, subcylin- dracea; articulis transversis, subdistantibus. Ammonites Tocaimaensis. ‘Testa orbiculari; anfractibus planula- tis, transversim costulatis; costis planulatis; peripheria minute sul- cata. Ammonites Occidentalis. ‘Testa orbiculari, utrinque umbilicata; anfractibus rotundatis, transversim costulatis; peripheeria ci sulco circulari destituta. Ammomtes Gibboniana. ‘Testa orbiculari; anfractibus - compres- sis; costis elevatis, carinatis, remotiusculis ad periphzriam. Ammonites Vanuxemensis. Testa orbiculari, utrinque umbili- cata; anfractibus convexo-cylindraceis, transversim crebrissiméque costulatis; peripheeria rotunda, sulco circulari destituta. Ammonites Americana. ‘Testa orbiculari; anfractibus subplanis, obliqué costulatis; periphzeria sulcata. Trigonia Gibboniana. ‘Testa ovato-trigona, multicostata; costis transversis, subtuberculato-asperis; area postica carinata. Trigonia Tocaimana. ‘Testa trigona, posticé producta inflata; costis transversis leevibus. Trigonia Hondaana. Testa ovato-trigona, inflata, multicostata; costis transversis, tuberculato-nodosis; area postica elevata, crebris- siméque nodosa. Natica Gibboniana. ‘Testa ovata, ventricosa; spira productius- cula; anfractibus quinis, subplanulatis; apertura contracta, elongata. PP | Spatangus Colombianus. Sp. ovato-cordatus, gibbus, convexus, anticé planulato; ambulacris quinis, lanceolatis, transversim punc- tatis. Terebratula Tayloriana. ‘Testa triangulari, sulcis longitudinali- bus impressis; valva inferiore in superiorem reflexi; margine bipli- cato. r Terebratula Poeyana. Testa elongato-ovata, levi, inflata; nate producta, incurva; foramine submagno. Tellina [?| Humboldtiana. ‘Testa scalenia, inflata, anticé trun- cata; striis transversis, elevatis, remotiusculis, rotundatis. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Patterson, Prof. Bache, and Mr. Walker, to whom was referred a paper, entitled, “On the Insufficiency of Taylor’s Theorem as commonly investi- gated, with Objections to the Demonstrations of Poisson and Cauchy, and the assumed Generalization of Mr. Peacock; to which is added, a New Investigation and Remarks on the De- velopment and Continuity of Functions, by Charles Bonny- castle, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Virgi- nia,’ reported in favour of its publication in the Transactions of the Society, which was ordered accordingly. The paper of Professor Bonnycastle is composed of three sections. In the first, which is on the “Development of Functions,” he points out and discusses what he considers to be “the errors and conflicting views resulting from the vague manner in which mathematical writers have usually conceived the ultimate object of their peculiar logic.” The second section is on the “Continuity of Functions,” and the di- vision of this continuity into classes; a subject heretofore touched upon only incidentally by other writers. The principal object of the paper is presented in the third section, which treats of ‘Functions consi- dered in the order of their magnitude,” and particularly of “‘Taylor’s Theorem ;” and the author discusses this subject with the care de- manded by a theorem which forms the basis of the differential and integral calculus, and which acts so important a part in all the higher mathematics. Mr. Walker, from the Committee on making and collecting observations of Celestial Phenomena, reported, in part, that they had received observations of Lunar Occultations of the Fixed Stars, which are given in the mean time of the respec- D 228 tive places of observation, being a continuation of the list pub- lished in No. 6, pages 71 and 72, of the Society’s Proceed- ings; and, on motion, the Report was accepted. 1838. hm gs 48. Nov.13, a Virginis, Im. 19 31 8.55 49. Dec. 25, 57 Mayer, Im. 7 7 48.95 50. », 102% Piscium, Im. 7 22 46.22 oust 3 . 5 Em. 7 34 37.10 52. 26, 27. Arietis, Im. 6 15 46.34 53.* % es Em. 7 23 24.12 54. 56 of +5 Im. 5 31 35.90 5d. i ~ i Im. 6 27 50.28 56. 27, +» Pleiadum,Im. 7 29 19.80 57. ada i 5 Im. 8 13 3.00 58. = 5s sf Im. 16 25 37.94 59. > r] 9 Im. 7 29 19.80 60. ure sa x Im. 815 3.00 1839. 61. Jan.10, @ Virginis, Im. 18 19 19.00 62. sila Me AN Em. 18 34 15.00 63. 21, 7 Piscium, Im. 6 18 58.44 64. op Ai 4 Im. 6 31 44.00 65. April19, c Geminorum, Im. 7 17 35.38 66.* x ‘ 4 Em, 8 25 35.42 67. BS * Im. 7 55 51.65 68. = i e Im. 7 58 46.10 69.* + 9 a Em. 8 57 43.20 70. 5 i . Im. 8 9 42.90 71. a a 3s Im. 8 20 31.90 Cs % 5 3) Im. 8 20 31.70 73. x ¥ 5 Im. 8 20 33.96 74. 20, y Cancri Im. 10 6 3.13 75." 0 KP ss Em. 10 53 51.08 76. 5 y 4 Im. 10 44 24.80 77. * * 4 Im. 10 44 24.70 78. x» - “5 Im. 10 44 21.70 79. 25, 91 Virginis, Im. 8 13 47.20 80. » 50 Virginis, Im. 8 25 59.50 81. June 20, 682 Virginis, Im. 7 46 28.80 82. oF op a Im. 7 57 42.88 83. = 56 Im. 8 11 57.25 84. June 23, 6 Scorpii Im. 8 39 53.90 85. x x > Im. 8 50 52.07 86. 30, DAquarii Im. 10 58 50.54 87. July 6, 6 Pleiadum, Im. 15 29 49.49 88.* ¥ » 2 Im. 15 29 43.49 89. ” » ” Em. 16 24 6.99 Pea aeAaaoaoeaad Pt th teat he ee ate pe SS ee ee on d. b. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. b. b. d. ote al “Wk al: al. ple 5 dle cole slp elk wale aus ale 1. 1. mils 1. ths 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Ue 1. 1. 1. 1. . Hudson Obs’y. . Breslaw . Elberfeldt, . Cracow Obs’y. Weisse. Loomis. Boguslawski. ? rh) Hulsman. 2 Pech ”? 29 . Breslaw Obs. Boguslawski. . Dover, Blickensderfer. 2?) 23 Southwick, Holcomb. 2? ”? Philad. Obs’y. W. and K. Southwick, H. Hudson Obs’y. L. 2) Philad. Obs’y. W. and K. Princeton, N. J. A. rP) ” Southwick, Ee Dorchester, Bond rh) bb) Boston, Paine Hudson Obs’y. L. 2? ? Dorchester, B. bp) 9 Boston, EE Philad. Obs’y. W. P. & K. 93 ” Washington, Gilliss. Philad. Obs’y. W. and K. Southwick, H. Washington, G. Philad. Obs’y. W. and K. rr) Pr] 5 W. R re) 1839. 90. July6, 6 Pleiadum, Em. 91.* », Anony. 7th mag. Im. 92." ” ” ” Im. 93. 3 d 5 Im. 94. ” ” ” Im. 99. ry) ” ”? ~ ‘In. 96. ” ” ” Em. 97. 6 CPe ass Im. 98. ” ” ” Im. 99. ” ” ” Im. 100. 35 en a Em. 101. ; N29 y 2 ne ” ” ” JE 102. ; ” D) ” oa rP) 7 ” oie 103. 5 a 35 Im. 104. July 14,59c Leonis, Im. 105.Sep.14, + Scorpii, Im. 106. ” yet) Im. 107. “ 0 os Em. 108. op os a5 Im. 109. 20,42 Aquarii, Im. 110. 5 of op In. 111. ” ” FP) Im 112. 26, 6 Pleiadum, Im. 113. oe “p op Im. 114. cr ss i Km. 115. “r 0 . Em. 116. os op cp Em. 117. 5) 6 6 Em. 118. s D5 FP Im. 7119. “5 % 6 Em. 120. op p 5 Em. 121. wg A In. 122. 5 “9 . Em. 123. bo on 6 Em. 124. ” ” ” Em 125. ” ” ” Em 126. ” ” 99 / Em 127. ” ” ” Em 128.* a e Pe Im 129. ” ” ” Im 130. ” ” ” Im 131. ” ” ” Em 132. ” ” ” Em 133. ” ” ” Em 134, op Em 16 30 25.79 .10 39 .10 39 srl va . 10 30 0) CySvedonbs . 10 6 39.61 b. 1. - 10 6 42.35 b. 1. .10 49 58.93 d. 1. .10 49 59.52 d. 1. .10 50 0.36 d. 1. .10 49 59.33 d.1. 229 hm s 1614 7.10 d. 15 55 4.49 b. Ik 1 15 55 4.07 b. 1. 16 0 21.49 b. 1. 16 0 18.69 b.i1. o 1. Hudson Obs’y. te 1 1 1 1 b 15 32 34.56 b. 16 22 28.85 b. 16 14 45.29 b. 16 5 49.10 b. 16 30 24.79 ; 16 30 26.49 16 30 24.49 16 20 17.40 b. 8 2 44.25 d. 6 19 51.92 d.1. 6 19 51.72 d.1. 747 5.84 b. 1. 6 42 13.71 d. 12 24 39.75 d. 12 24 40.15 d.1. » 12 45 12.40 d. 9 41 9 41 10 32 10 32 10 32 10 32 954 6.00 b. 10 53 6.90 d. 10 22 52.60 d. 9 45 5.88 b. 10 39 10 39 49.68 b. 45.27 d. do. . Washington, . Philad. Obs’y. ] ] ] ] 1 l ] 1 l ] 49.18 b. 1. 4.73 d.1. “Ota, V: 5.78 d. 1. 5.13 d.1. 1. ] ] 1 1 1 ] ] 1 1 1 ] 1 1 ] 1 ] Washington, . Philad. Obs’y. . ) ”? ?) . Philad. Obs’y. 16 14 44.29 b. 1. rr) . Washington, 16 33 41.10 d.1. 9? . 1. Philad. Obs’y. IL H ” ” 2) . Dorchester, . Philad. Obs’y. oP) . Boston, . Philad. Obs’y. Southwick, . Boston, . Washington, . Philad. Obs’y. 57.09 d. 1. 57.67 d. 1. 5895 d. 1. 57.04 d. 1. ”? . Boston, 20.20 d. 1. . Philad. Obs’y. Washington, s SPR ASPAQMERPASSOUTH EPR SESSA: SRO w 1839. h 0% &s 135. Sep.26, e Pleiadum, Em. 11 12 36.43 d. 136. BS Hs ys Im. 9 57 40.60 b. 137. 4 ne 5; Em. 10 39 59.40 d. 138.* 3 a HF Im. 17 58 17.77 b. 139. - c 43 Im. 10 9 11.23 b. 140. * = - Im. 10 9 11.83 b. 141.* s + <5 Im. 10 9 7.40 b. 142. - ke 2 Em.11 6 34.69 d. 143. “ x = Em. 11 6 35.04 d. 144. 55 - Em. 11 6 35.29 d. 145. - a 55 Im. 10 22 2.00 b. 146. = 53 45 Em. 11 28 58.98 d. 147. 7 3 3 Im. 9 59 56.20 b. 148. me A 8 Em. 10 56 42.40 d. 149.* . 3 3 Im. 18 23 53.51 b. 150.* » 66 Arietis, Im. 9 55 48.14 b. 151.* - 5 3 Im. 9 55 56.85 b. 152. 5 a Em.10 8 36.22 d. 153. S Hf x Im. 9.22 28:03 b. 154.* $3 cSt as Em. 9 54 22.77 d. 155. Oct.14, + Sagittarii, Im. 8 21 56.26 d. 156. 17, &Capricorni,Im. 8 28 11.50 d. 157.* 3 = Im. 8 40 10.52 d. 158.* .; 5 5 Em. 9 32 1.04 b. 159. <3 5 zs Im. 8 18 19.10 d. 160. a y Capricorni, Im. 12 11 46.80 d. 161. 18,58 Aquarii, Im. 12 5 44.71 d. 162. 28, yCancri, Im. 14 8 30.10 d. 163. Dec.12, aAquarii, Im. 9 22 24.02 b. 164. $5 5 3 Im. 9 22 24.45 b. 165. = 5 5 Im. 8 25 48.24 b. 166. + z a Im. 8 25 48.39 b. 167. A i . Em. 9 31 57.38 d. 168. * 5 s Em. 9 31 57.78 d. 169. By os . Im. 9 33 36.20 d. 170. 55 i Im. 9 33 38.45 d. 171. 5s ‘ “5 Im. 9 43 26.84 d. 172. As e * Im. 9 43 26.89 d. 173. July 6, 6 Pleiadum, Em. 15 56 22.65 d. 174, 4 if Im. 16 2 21.67 b. pee te tt eet rt pe pet et et feet et peg ed et feet en et et bt : . : fiie=tien 0 . ° . Oe sty ° eM en mac g . . . Boston, 1 . Washington, G. 2? 3? . Breslaw Obs’y. . Philad. Obs’y. W. ” M. 4 R. 23 W. 2? R. 23 M. . Southwick, H. Boston, ‘P. . Washington, AGE 9 ”? . Breslaw Obs. Boguslawski. 2? 9? 2? ” ?? 79 . Hamburg Obs’y. Rumker. 9 ? . Roscoe, O. Blickensderfer. . Philad. Obs’y. W. . New Haven, Mason. 3? 2? . Washington, G. . Breslaw, B. 2? ?? . Washington, G. . Philad. Obs’y. W. 2 R. . New Haven, ~ Mason. 7p Bradley. ap Mason. + Bradley. . Philad. Obs’y. W. 2? R. . New Haven, Mason. 53 Bradley. . Hudson Obs’y. L. >? ? 231 The longitudes and latitudes of the American places of observation, as far as they can be determined from a reduction of these and former American observations, have been furnished by Messrs. Walker and Kendall, as follows: Longitude from | Longitude west Place of Observation. N. Latitude. Philad. Obs’y. from Greenwich. : Oy aN m s Teen S| Boston State House - - | 42 21 22.7) FE. 16 24.77 | 4 44 17.13 » Paine’s House - 42 20 56 | E. 16 25.10 | 4 44 16.50 Dorchester, Bond’s private Obs. 421915 | E. 16 24.09 | 4 44 17.81 Southwick, Holcomb’s _ ,, 42 041 | BE. 9 24.83] 4 51 17.07 Yale College, New Haven -]| 411758 | E. 8 51.00] 4 51 50.90 City Hall, New York’ - 40 42 40 | E. 4 3754 | 456 4.6 Brooklyn, Blunt’ s private Obs'y 40 42 0 | E. 4 41.90 | 4 56 0.00 Nassau Hall, Princeton College | 40 2050 | BK. 2 3.70] 4 58 38.20 Alexander’s House 40 20 56 | BE. 2 4.00} 4 58 37.90 Philadelphia High School Obs’y | 39 57 8 * 0. 5 0 41.90 State House - | 39 56 57.9) E 2.86 | 5 0 39.04 Washington, Capitol - -| 3853 23 | W. 7 2410] 5 8 6.00 Marine Obs’y -j| 3853 31 | W. 7 24.18] 5 8 6.08 Hudson Observatory. - -| 41 14 37 | W. 25 5.56 | 5 25 47.46 Dover, Ohio - - - -| 40 30 52 | W. 25 14.02 | 5 25 55.92 The details of the computations on which these results are based, are too extensive for the limits of this Report. The separate results for the longitude of the Capitol, on account of its importance as being our prime meridian, are here appended. 232 (3) te} iN : Paw tas g cs < : ee - foder oy} Jo opnyisuoy sousy AA eo uoysog pue ‘epiy “UojSurYyseAA Uoomjoq ‘oureg *y, “y Aq ‘s,uoryo Jo ujr0dsuen fq sy[nsar 9 jo Ure. ‘“SqQ cule, BL'e - : - : - : - ; : ; = : : : - Joudeg BFGQG - - - - - - - 2 S}YSIOM 0} SuIpsoooe synses 1% Jo urs ‘sqQ oulrEy Ss mY SS SSS_ LSS — ee ee eee L0°881 6 & LY OT ES O a 3 ce (74 6 ce yl ° ce wee LO ci a = a (13 (79 (13 ¢¢ ee) (14 aie 91 Avi ce i ore 2) j= P : é ‘ : Be oe Ndioog > my | 6LINdY “OMSL | 02 se Ol | ee ee che eee 0 S teoor al om ela 5 3 a “Wy cs 8 a5 D a sf 3 (3 (14 14 13 (4 “ on 6c ¢ hae af = A et uojsog pur 6c 6c (3 ce “ a se 3 (G : ae 18'6 90 | ‘S10 MeIseIg a yoImyynog pue . Mae auth s ge GI Pe lee e cs Ue ek a ee ; beau] ra . ‘ 14 cc ce (19 66 ce . (74 174 ; ey at Asn uospyy pm | umpmorgg wt | 9 Ame | 66:61 0 c 13 4 13 11d.109g qt “wy eg oun “ OL 89'9 ce ee ne : ee IOC ened Sno A? 99 WT | Os eunt ESEI || 6 a6: e uA[Yoo1g pue YormyYjnog uojeouTIg mudlepelitd he esdr ari tel) ST Wes ‘e681 18 - - - - voedoin : ; GL 2 - - - - £i0}yeAIEsqO Paisenaron asdijoq repos ot cca ee : SF LG 0 - = - > sallo}eAlesqQ ueodoiny “ re mney, € 0.090 GI ‘uve ‘EIST | ¢ ae ae oe x : a2 ae eee en Pee IN LOLs) ; 10). yolen Pres AL "3499 “TIST. | F 5 : r 2 06 0 ‘POSE | & g0'6S 4 S iO ie ies a : S e z * “PHOT HOE Pet o2O! |) sie Ul “B6LE Ie eeg 8g g - = - - , SeloyeArasqQ uredoiny ‘sqgQ “1109 asdipoq iejnuuy @ dy ‘I6Zt | T Ss Ub Y *YOIAUeary WOIy | “AY SIOAA YIM poredwuoy *paaresqg yalqo a}8q ‘ONT ‘aorTy SULI[USeYy | oAreloy SEES ee ee I 239 NOTE BY THE COMMITTEE. The observations at the Hudson Observatory are made by _ Prof. E. Loomis. op _ 5, Washington Marine Obs’y. Lieut. S. M. Gilliss. a » Boston, R. T. Paine, Esq. = », Dorchester Obs’y. Wm. Cranch Bond ss op Southwick Mass. Mr. A. Holcomb. = » Princeton, Prof. S. Alexander. ‘ », Dover, Ohio, Mr. J. Blickensderfer, jr. ss » Brooklyn Obs’y. Mr. E. Blunt. +o » New Haven, Mr. E. P. Mason and Mr. Bradley. » Philadelphia Obs’y. W is for Mr. S. C. Walker. » AD op K », Prof. K.O. Kendall. ” ie op R » Wm. H.C. Riggs. op on 7 M 5 Mr. E. P. Mason ~ op op Hs P . R. T. Paine, Esq. The numbers which have an asterisk (*) prefixed to them are considered by the observers as somewhat doubtful, from brightness of the moon’s limb or other causes. The European observations have been selected from those pub- lished in Schumacher’s Astronomische Nachrichten, on account of their coin- cidence in date with the American observations. ‘lhe immersion and emer- sion of @ Piscium, January 10th, 1839, took place both at the moon’s dark limb. At the immersion of y Pleiadum, July 6th, 1839, the star appeared to hang on the moon’s bright limb about 1.7s; or rather, the star appeared to have a sen- sible disc taking that time to immerge. Professor Henry presented a communication, entitled “ Con- tributions to Electricity and Magnetism, Fourth Series.—On Electro-dynamic Induction, Magnetic Distribution, &c.,—by Joseph Henry, Professor of Natural Philosophy, College of New Jersey, Princeton;”’ and accompanied the presentation of the same with sundry verbal and graphic illustrations. The communication was referred to a committee. Mr. Du Ponceau presented a communication, entitled “ An Historical Account of the Origin and Formation of the Ameri- ean Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting Useful Knowledge;”’ when, in consequence of the lateness of the hour and the amount of unfinished business, it was resolved, that the Society do adjourn to meet again on Friday evening next, and that due notice thereof be given in the public papers by the Librarian. 234 Adjourned Meeting, June 27. Present, twenty-four members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The communication of Mr. Du Ponceau relative to the ori- gin and formation of the Society, which was presented at the last meeting, was read, and referred to a committee. A letter was read from Mr. Fisher to Mr. Kane, one of the Secretaries, in relation to the subject ef Mr. Du Ponceau’s communication, and explanatory of a communication on the ‘same subject from Mr. Fisher, which was afterwards read. The letter and communication were referred to the committee who had charge of the communication of Mr. Du Ponceau. On motion, it was resolved, that the Maryland Academy of Science and Literature, and the Sociedad Economica de Ami- gos del Pais de Valencia, should hereafter be furnished regu- larly with a copy of the published proceedings of this Society. Mr. Vaughan announced the death of Mr. Wm. H. Keating, a member of the Society, which took place in London, on the 17th May; and, on motion of Mr. Kane, it was resolved, that a member of the Society be requested to prepare an Obituary Notice of the deceased. Dr. Hays was appointed to that of- fice. In consequence of unfinished business still remaining, it was resolved, that the Society should adjourn to meet again on Friday evening next, and that due notice thereof be given in the public papers by the Librarian. Adjourned Meeting, July 3. Present, twenty members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. Professor Bache read a letter from Mr. Rumker, of Ham- burg, acknowledging the honour of his election as a member 235 of the Society, and containing astronomical observations in reference to Galle’s comets. The communication was referred to the Committee on As- tronomical Observations. Mr. Breck, after some prefatory remarks, presented for the Library, and read, a Manuscript Essay, written by him for the Society, and entitled “ Historical Sketch of the Continental Bills of Credit, from the year 1775 to 1781, with Specimens thereof;’’? which was referred to the Historical Committee. Mr. Du Ponceau announced that the Society would receive at their next meeting, the Anamitic and Latin, and Latin and Anamitic Dictionaries, lately published by the Right Reverend Father Taberd, Bishop of Isauropolis, and Vicar General of _ Cochin China, which he had mentioned to the Society at a former meeting, as in course of publication. This valuable work was printed at Serampore, under the auspices, and, it is understood, at the expense, of the British Government in India, and of the East India Company, to whom the learned world are already indebted for the publication of the important labours of the late Dr. Morrison, and other works, which have thrown conside- rable light on the Chinese language, and who are now, with the same liberality, extending the knowledge of the Indo-Chinese idioms, which, until lately, were entirely unknown in America and Europe. It will not be forgotten, Mr. Du Ponceau added, that this Society was the first to make known the Anamitic language, by the publication of Father Morrone’s French and Cochin Chinese Vocabulary, and of the Latin and Cochin Chinese Dictionary, in use among the Mission- aries in Cochin China, which works, though not so full and so com- plete as those published by Bishop Taberd, were Le first to shed . light on that branch of philological science. Mr. Du Ponceau further observed, that these publications have set- tled a point, which has been warmly contested by travellers, and others who have contended (and the view has even gained belief among sinologists) that not only the Anamites, whose languages are monosyllabic, and formed on the model of that of China, but the Japa- nese and Loo Chooans, whose idioms are polysyllabic and formed on quite different principles, could converse with the Chinese and with each other, without knowing one word of each other’s spoken lan- guage, by means of the Chinese characters, which presented (it was E 236 affirmed) to their minds, ideas unconnected with words. Bishop Taberd asserts, on the contrary, that the Cochin Chinese and Chinese cannot understand each other, either orally or in writing; and that the Chinese is, in Cochin China, a learned language, which is studied by the better class, who, by that means, can communicate with the Chinese, but not by means of the vulgar language, spoken or writ- ten.* The following extract contains a statement of these facts in Bishop Taberd’s own words. “« Preecipuum nunc nobis incumbit pauca de characteribus nec non de lingua Anamitica delibare. Dubium non est quin Anamitarum lingua a Sinensi ortum ducat. Ipsorum enim characteres non tantum mag- nam habent affinitatem cum Sinensibus, sed vel integré vel particu- latim ab ipsis mutuantur. Attamen utriusque gentis characteres seu hieroglyphi talem subiere commutationem, ut neque legendo, neque loquendo se invicem intelligant. Qui ex honesta oriuntur familia Sinensibus characteribus dant operam, illi enim characteres in usu sunt apud Anamitas ttm in legibus tum in supplicibus libellis et aliis. Qui magna spectant, vel honoribus dignitatibusque inhiant, toto pec- tore animique impetu in characterum Simensium studium incumbere debent, et hos scribendo characteres cum Sinensibus colloqui possunt, adeo diversus est pronunciationis modus inter utramque gentem, ut aliter sermonem mutuum habere nequeant. Undé due linguz usur- pantur in Cocincina; scilicet, lingua Doctorum, seu lingua Sinensis, et lingua communis quz in usu quotidiano ab omnibus adhibetur et de- qua ninc sermonem habemus.” Monit. p. 1. Dr. Hare presented copies of a French translation of a Com- munication, which he had made to the Society, on the subject of Tornadoes, and in reference to a Memoir, by M. Peltier, on the Cause of these Meteors. (See Proceedings of the Society for October 4, 1839, No. 8. p. 122.) The Communication had been translated by him into French, and sent to each member of the National Institute, with the object of showing that the view of M. Peltier, as contained in the Journal des - Débats of the 17th of July last, was essentially the same as the one which he (Dr. Hare) had offered relative to these me- teors; and also that the allegation made before the Academy, * This, as the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society testify, has al- ways been the opinion of Mr. Du Ponceau; but it has been much combated both in Asia and Europe. 237 by M. Peltier, that Dr. Hare’s hypothesis was defective in not taking into account other co-operating forces, as well as those of electricity, was incorrect. Dr. Hare made some observations on the effect of the rare- faction of air, on its desiccation and refrigeration, and on other phenomena connected with the presence of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere. He also detailed some experiments, showing that the phenomena of air, heated by re-entering a receiver partially exhausted, were more consistent, in some respects, with the idea that a vacuum has a capacity for heat, than that it is destitute of any appropriate portion of caloric. Dr. Hare adverted to the fact, that in an essay, published in Silli- man’s Journal in 1822, he had, agreeably to the authority of Dalton and Davy, stated, that the cold consequent on the rarefaction of air in its ascent towards the upper strata of the atmosphere, was one of the causes of the formation of clouds; and in his text books he had soon after published an engraving of an apparatus, by means of which he was accustomed to illustrate, before his pupils, the transient cloud which arises from a diminution of pressure in air containing aqueous vapour. In the essay above mentioned, Dr. Hare had alleged, that as much caloric was given out by aqueous vapour, during its conver- sion into snow, as would be yielded by twice the weight of red-hot powdered glass. But Mr. Espy, he considered, had the merit of being the first to suggest, that the heat, thus evolved, might be an important instrument in causing a buoyancy tending to accelerate any upward current of warm moist air. Dr. Hare had been willing to admit, that this transfer of heat might co-operate with other causes in the production of storms, but could not concur with Mr. Espy in considering it competent to give rise to thunder gusts, tornadoes, or hurricanes. These he had considered, and still considers, to be mainly owing to electrical discharges be- tween the earth and the sky; or between one mass of clouds and another. With a view to a more accurate estimate of the comparative influ- ence of rarefaction and condensation, in causing evolution of heat in dry air, and in air replete with aqueous vapour, Dr. Hare had per- formed a number of experiments, of which he proceeded to give a description. 238 Large globes, each containing about a cubic foot of space, fur- nished with thermometers and hygrometers, were made to communi- cate, respectively, with reservoirs of perfectly dry air, and of air re- plete with aqueous vapour.* ‘The cold, ultimately acquired by any degree of rarefaction, appeared to be the same, whether the air was in the one state or the other; provided that the air, replete with aqueous vapour, was not in contact with liquid water in the vessel subjected to exhaustion. When water was present, in consequence of the formation of additional vapour, and a consequent absorption of caloric, the cold produced was nearly twice as great as when the air was not in contact with liquid water; being nearly as 9 to 5. Under the circumstances last mentioned, the hygrometer was mo- tionless; whereas, when no liquid water was accessible, the space, although previously saturated with vapour, by the removal of a por- tion of it together with the air which is withdrawn by the exhaus- tion, acquires a capacity for more vapour; and hence the hygrome- ter, by an abstraction of one-third of the air, revolved more than sixty degrees towards dryness. But when a smaller receiver (after being subjected to a diminution of pressure of about ten inches of mercury, so as to cause the index of the hygrometer to move about thirty-five degrees towards dryness) was surrounded by a freezing mixture, until a thermometer in the axis of the receiver stood at three degrees below freezing, the hygrometer revolved towards dampness, until it went about ten degrees beyond the point at which it rested when the process commenced. it appears, therefore, that the dryness produced by the degree of rarefaction employed is more than counterbalanced by a freezing temperature. As respects the heat imparted to the air above mentioned, the fact, that the ultimate refrigeration in the case of air replete with vapour, and in that of anhydrous air, was equally great, and that when water _ was present the cold was greater in the damp vessel, led to the idea, that the heat arising under such circumstances could not have much efficacy in augmenting the buoyancy of an ascending column of air: but when, by an appropriate mechanism, the refrigeration was mea- sured by the difference of pressure at the moment when the ex- haustion was arrested, and when the thermometer had become sta- * The hygrometers were constructed by means of the beard of the avena sensitiva or wild oat, also called animated oat. 239 tionary, it was found czteris paribus, that the reduction of pressure arising from cold was at least one-half greater in the anhydrous air, than in the air replete with vapour. ‘This difference seems to be owing to a loan of latent heat made by the contained moisture, or transferred from the apparatus by its intervention, which checks the refrigeration; yet, ultimately, the whole of the moisture being converted into vapour, the aggregate refrigeration does not differ in the two cases. Agreeably to Dalton’s tables, at 70° the quantity of moisture in 31 grains or 100 cubic inches of air, is #5), of a grain. The space al- lotted to this weight of vapour being doubled, it would remain uncon- densed at 45° F., being associated with the same weight, but double the volume, of air; but at 32°, notwithstanding the doubling of the space, only = of a grain would remain in the aériform state; of course 551 — 356 = 513%, or nearly 4 of a grain, would be pre- cipitated. The latent heat given out by the condensation of this vapour, would heat, as is well known, 1000 times its weight of water, or 195 grains, one degree; or 31 grains 42? = 6.29 degrees; and as the capacity of air for heat is only one-fourth of that of water, it would heat 31 grains of air 6.29 x 4 = 25.16, or nearly 25° F. As air, at 32° F., expands ,4, for each additional degree, the difference of bulk, arising from the heat received, as above calculated, would be fey or zy nearly. When air, replete with aqueous vapour, was admitted into a re- ceiver partially exhausted, and containing liquid water, a copious pre- cipitation of moisture ensued, and a rise of temperature greater than when perfectly dry air was allowed to enter a vessel containing rare- fied air in the same state. In the instance first mentioned, a portion of vapour rises into the place of that which is withdrawn during the partial exhaustion. Hence when the air, containing its full propor- tion of vapour, enters, there is an excess of vapour which must pre- cipitate, causing a cloud, and an evolution of latent heat from the aqueous particles previously in the aériform state. Dr. Hare con- ceives that as the enlargement of the space occupied by a sponge, allows, proportionably, a larger quantity of any liquid to enter its eells, so any rarefaction of the air when in contact with water, con- sequent on increase of heat or diminution of pressure, permits a pro- portionably larger volume of vapour to associate itself with a given weight of the air. When, subsequently, by the afflux of wind replete 240 with aqueous vapour, the density of the aggregate is increased, a por- ‘tion of the vapour equivalent to the condensation must be con- densed, giving out latent heat, excepting so far as the heat thus evolved, being retained by the air, raises the dew point. Hence, whenever a diminution of density of the air inland causes an influx of sea air to restore the equilibrium, there may result a con- densation of aqueous vapour, and evolution of heat, tending to promote an ascending current. ‘This process being followed by that which Mr. Espy has pointed out, of the transfer of heat from vapour to air, during its ascent to the region of the clouds, and consequent precipi- tation of moisture, might, Dr. H. thought, be among the efficient causes of those non-electrical rain storms, during which the water of the Gulf of Mexico, or of the Atlantic, is transferred to the soil of the United States. Dr. Hare proceeded to mention some additional experiments which he had made, respecting the increase of temperature resulting from the admission of dry air into an exhausted receiver. When the re- ceiver was exhausted so as to reduce the interior pressure to one- fourth of that of the atmosphere, and one-fourth was suddenly ad- mitted, so as to reduce a gage from about 223 inches to 15 inches, heat was produced; and however the ratio of the entering air to the residuat portion was varied, still there was a similar result. When the cavity of the receiver was supplied with the vapour of ether or with that of water, so as to form, according to the Daltonian hypothesis, a vacuum for the admitted air, still heat was produced by the latter, however small might be the quantity, or rapid the re- admission. When the receiver was exhausted, until the tension was less than that of aqueous vapour at the existing temperature, so as to cause the water to boil, as in the Cryophorus, or Leslie’s experi- ment, still the entrance of 5,65 of the quantity requisite to fill the receiver caused the thermometer to rise a tenth of a degree. An al- ternate motion of the key of the cock, through one-fourth of a circle, . within one-third of a second of time, was adequate to produce the change last mentioned. Dr. Hare considered the fact, that heat is produced, when to air, rarefied to one-fourth of the atmospheric density, another fourth — is added, irreconcileable with the idea, that this result arises from the compression of the portion of air previously occupying the cavity, since the entering air must be as much expanded as the residual por- tion is condensed. 241 As, agreeably to Dalton, a cavity occupied by a vapour acts as a vacuum to any air which may be introduced, Dr. Hare argued, that when a receiver, after being supplied with ether or water, is exhaust- ed so as to remove all the air and leave nothing besides aqueous or etherial vapour, the heat, acquired by air admitted, cannot be as- cribed, consistently, to the condensation of the vapour. | The facts above stated, he added, are not reconcileable with the idea of De la Rive and Marcet, that the first portion of the entering air is productive of cold, although a subsequent condensation is pro- ductive of an opposite change. The effect upon the thermometer was too rapid, and the quantity of the entering air too minute, to allow it to be refrigerated by rarefaction in the first place, and yet after- wards to be so much condensed as to become warm by the evolution of caloric. Notwithstanding the experiments of Gay Lussae and of those of De la Rive and Marcet, there appeared to Dr. Hare to be evidence in favour of the heat being due to the space, rather than to the air which it contained. With respect to Gay Lussac’s celebrated experiment with the Tor- ricellian vacuum, supposing such a vacuum to be a pre-eminently good liberator of heat, as it ought in reason to be, the caloric would be ab- sorbed by the mercury as rapidly as this metal could be made to en- croach upon the space occupied by the calorific particles. Admitting that, for equal weights, the specific heat of air is seven times as great as that of mercury, there could not have been a ca- pacity greater than that of about 200 grains of the metal, whereas a very small stratum of this metal, equal to one-fourth of an inch, would, in the apparatus employed, amount to more than a pound. _ The rapidity with which a mercurial thermometer is affected by the changes of temperature, in experiments like those which he had been describing, showed, in Dr. Hare’s opinion, that there was some- .thing not yet understood respecting the transfer of heat in such cases. It was hardly reconcileable with the process of conduction or circula- tion, as ordinarily understood. In the experiments of De la Rive and Marcet, in which the enter- ing air being made to impinge upon the bulb of a thermometer, was productive of a fall in the thermometric column, it might be inferred, he conceived, that the bulb interfered with the access of caloric from the space. It was in fact the bulb upon which the air acted previous- 242 ly to its distribution in the space where it could have encountered: the due proportion of caloric. Professor Bache, from the Committee on magnetic observa- tions, read an extract from a letter of Major Sabine, V. P. of the Royal Society of London, stating that the Council of the Society had, on the recommendation of the Committee of Phy- sics, expressed their opinion of the importance to the plan of combined magnetic observations now in progress, that ovser- vatories should be established in the United States, and had instructed their President to bring this expression of opinion to the knowledge of the government of this country. Professor Bache stated that the resolution just referred to had been — adopted with a view to aid the efforts of this Society in procuring the erection of observatories, as recommended in their Memorial to the Secretary of War, which had been referred, by that officer, to Con- STeSS. He also read an extract from a subsequent letter from Major Sabine, in reference to the progress of the combined magnetic observations, stating that the Emperor of Russia had ordered the erection of nine magnetic and meteorological observatories in his dominions, to conform, in respect to instruments and times of observations, to the system recommended by the Royal Society. One of these observatories is to be upon the N. W. coast of America. Professor Bache stated that the regular system of bi-hourly mag- netic and meteorological observations was now established in the observatory at the Girard College, and had been in progress since the close of the month of May. He intended, at a future day, to present to the Society the names of the gentlemen, chiefly members of the American Philosophical Society, by whose contributions a fund had been raised to defray the expense of employing the assistants required for these observations. On the occasion of the May magnetic term day for observations at short intervals, a brilliant aurora had occurred, during which the magnetic instruments were very much disturbed. ‘The details were reserved for future presentation, but it was perhaps proper now to state, that an auroral arch had been visible here a little after ten 243 o’clock. The same phenomenon was observed at Southwick, Mass., by Mr. Holcomb, at a much earlier hour. . Professor Bache read an extract of a letter addressed by Mr. Forshey, of Natchez, to Mr. Espy, in reference to the tornado which occurred there-recently. The writer stated that he had spent much time in examining the track of the storm in the vicinity of Natchez. He had ascertained its extent to have been not less than five or six miles below the city, and twenty miles beyond; its effects having been felt, but with less violence, for nearly one hundred and fifty miles. The track near Natchez was directed sixty degrees to the east of north. After de- scribing the destruction of the city of Natchez, the writer states, that objects were every where blown towards the track of the storm; those directed most westwardly lying invariably below those directed more eastwardly. Mr. Forshey also describes the effect upon the houses as of an explosion outwards. In his view, these facts strongly confirm Mr. Espy’s theory of this meteor. Professor Bache referred to the conformity between the phenomena described by Mr. Forshey, and those which were ascertained by Mr. Espy and himself to have occurred at New Brunswick, N. J., in the tornado of June, 1825. Stated Meeting, July 17. Present, thirty-five members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Green- wich, in the Year 1838, under the Direction of George Biddell Airy, Esq., M. A. Astronomer Royal, &c. &c. 4to. London, 1840.—From the Royal Society. F 244 Philosophical ‘Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the Year 1839. Parts1 and 2. 4to. London, 1839.—F om the same. List of the Members of the Royal Society, 30th November, 1839.— From the same. Zenith Distances observed with the Mural Circle, at the Royal Ob- servatory, Cape of Good Hope, and the Calculation of the Geo- centric South Polar Distances. 4to. 1837.—From the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty of Great Britain. — Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. VII. Part 1. Ato. Cambridge, 1889.—From the Society. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, containing Ab- stracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society, from June, 1833, to June, 1886. Vol. 3. 8yvo. London, 1836.— From the Society. Also, Notice No. 6, Vol. V., for April 10, 1840.—From the same. Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the Encourage- ment of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce; with the Premiums offered for the Years 1838-39 and 1839-40. Vol. 52. 8vo. London, 18389.—From the Society. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. I. 8vo. Savan- nah, 1840.—From the Society. Bulletins de Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles. Tom. 1I.—VII. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1832-39, et Nos. 1 & 2, Janvier et Février, 1840.—From the Academy. Nouveaux Méraoires de ?Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles. Tom. X. XI. XII. 4to. Bruxelles, 1837 -38-39.— From the same. Annuaire de Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles. 2e, 3e, 4e, 5e, et Ge Années. 5 Vols. 12mo. Brux- elles, 18386-40.—From the same. Annuaire de Observatoire de Bruxelles, pour l’'an 1840. Par le Di- recteur A. Quetelet, Secrétaire Perpétuel de Académie Royale de Bruxelles, &c. &c. 12mo. Bruxelles, 18389.—From the Au- thor. Apercu de l’Etat de l’Observatoire, pendant ’année 1839. Par le Directeur de cet Etablissement. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1840.—From the same. Catalogue des Principales Apparitions d’Etoiles Filantes. Par A. Quetelet, &c. &c. Ato. Bruxelles, 1889.—From the same. 245 Sur Ja Longitude de ’Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Mémoire lu 4 la Séance du 6 Juillet, 1839. Par A. Quetelet, &c. &c. Ato. Bruxelles, 1839.—From the same. Observations Météorologiques faites a Maestricht, pendant les Années 1805—1812. Par M. le Professeur Minckelers. 4to.—From the Author. fa? On the Heat of Vapour, and on Astronomical Refractions. By John William Lubbock, Esq., Treas. R. S. &c. &c. 8yvo. London, 1840.—From the Author. A Comparative Vocabulary of Indian Languages. By Benjamin 8S. Barton, M. D. (extracted from his New Views) with Manuscript Additions by Peter S. Du Ponceau, and a German Review of Barton’s “New Views.” 8vo.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. An Enquiry into the Origin of the Population of America, from the Old Continent. By John Severin Vater. Translated from the German, by Peter S. Du Ponceau. (In MS.) Folio.—From the same. : i A Sketch of the Politics, Relations, and Statistics of the Western World, and of those Characteristics of European Policy which most immediately affect its Interests; intended to demonstrate the ~ Necessity of a Grand American Confederation and Alliance. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827.—F rom the same. — Hugonis Grotii Annales et Historia de Rebus Belgicis. 24mo. Am- steledam. 1658.—F rom the same. De la Liberté des Mers. Par M. De Rayneval. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811.—From the same. On the Freedom of the Sea. By M. de Rayneval. Translated from the French, by Peter S. Du Ponceau. In 8 Vols. (MS.)—From the same. Principles of Political Economy. Part the Third—Of the Causes which retard Increase in the Numbers of Mankind. Part the Fourth—Of the Causes which retard Improvement in the Political Condition of Man. By H. C. Carey, Author of an Essay on the Rate of Wages. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—F'rom the Author. A Treatise on Currency and Banking. By Condy Raguet, LL.D., Member of the American Philosophical Society, &c. 2d edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. Address delivered before the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania, Thursday, Nov. 1, A. D. 18388. By William B. Reed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838.—From Prof. Henry Reed. 246 The Infancy of the Union. A Discourse delivered before the New York Historical Society, Thursday, Dec. 19, 1839. By Wm. B. Reed. Published at the request of the Society. S8yo. Philadel- phia, 1840.—From the same. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Rail Road Corpo- ration, held, by adjournment, in the City of Boston, March 12, 1840, including the Report of the Committee of Investigation ap- pointed by the Stockholders. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From Mr. Isaac P. Davis. Historia de la Revolucion Hispano-Americana. Por D. Mariano Corrente, Autor de la Geografia Universal. 3'Tom. 8vo. Ma- drid, 1829-30.—From Mr. A. de Frias. Memorias de la Seccion de Historia de la Real Sociedad Patriotica. 8vo. Habana, 18380-31.—From the same. La Espana Maritima. Serie de Articulos relativos 4 las Ciencias y Artes, proprias 6 Auxiliares de la Marina, &c. &c. 8yo. Cua- dern. 1-9. Madrid, 1838-9.—F om the same. Folletin Historico 6 Coleccion de Historias Espafiolas. Su Autor, Don Juan Miguel de los Rios. 8vo. Cuadern. 1-3. Madrid, 1837.—From the same. Fourth Report of the Inspectors appointed under the Provisions of the Act 5 and 6 Will. IV. c. 38, to Visit the different Prisons of Great Britain. 1. Home District. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, by Command of her Majesty. Fol. London, 1839.— From Mr. Samuel R. Wood. Jahrbiicher der Literatur, Band. 85, 86, 87, 88. 8vo. Wien, 1839.— From the Editor, Von Hammer-Purgstall. Falknerklee, bestehend in drey ungedruckten Werken tiber die Falk- nerey, nahmlich. 1. Das Falkenbuch (Tiirkisch.) auf der Am- brosiana zu Mailand. 2. IEPAKOZO®ION das ist: die Habichts- lehre (auf der k. k. Hofbibliothek zu Wien). 38. Kaiser Maxi- milians Handschrift tiber die Falknerey (auf der k. k. Hofbib- liothek zu Wien) aus dem Tiirkischen und Griechischen Ver- deutscht, und in Text und Ubersetzung herausgegeben von Ham- mer-Purgstall. (In Dreyhundert Abdriicken.) 8vo. Wien, 1840. From the same. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunst, Literatur, Theater, und Mode; Don- nerstag, den 23 Janner, 1840. Enthaltend:—* Der Sanften Pal- last der Beduinen auf der Insel Raudha.” Von Hammer-Purg- stall.— From the same, 247 Gemildesaal der Lebensbechreibungen grosser Moslimischer Herr- scher der ersten Sieben Jahrhunderte der Hidschret. Von Ham- mer-Purgstall. Band V. 8vo. Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1838.— From the same. Catalogo dei Codici Arabi, Persiani e Turchi della Biblioteca Ambro- siana (per Giuseppe de-Hammer). 8vo. Milano, 1839.—From the same. O Auxiliador da Industria Nacional, &c. &c., Periodico Mensal, pub- licado pela Sociedade auxiliadora da Industria Nacional, estable- cida no Rio de Janeiro. Anno VII. Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ¢.12. (Julho—Dezembro, 1839.) 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1839.—From Mr. J.S. Rebello. Naturhistorische Skizze von Lithauen, Volhynien und Podolien in geognostisch—mineralogischer, botanischer, und zoologischer Hinsicht, entworfen von Edward Eichwald, der Medizin Dr. u. Prof. der Kaiser]. Academie der Wissench. zu St. Petersb. u. s. w. 4to. Wilna, 1830.—From the Author. The American Medical Library and Intelligencer. Vol. [V. Nos. 6 and 7, for June 15, and July 1, 1840. By Robley Dunglison, M. D., Sec. A. P. S.— From the Editor. Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, from the Organi- zation to the ‘Termination of the Proprietary Government. Pub- lished by the State. Vol. 3, containing the Proceedings. of Coun- cil from May 31st, 1717, to January 23d, 1735-6. 8vo. Har- risburg, 1840.—From the State. Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. IV. Part 1. 8yvo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Society. FOR THE CABINET. A beautiful and ingeniously contrived Balloting Box, of Mahogany, for the use of the Society.—From Mr. T. U. Walter. The Astronomical Committee, consisting of Dr. R. M. Pat- terson, Mr. Sears C. Walker, and Prof. A. D. Bache, to whom was referred the communication of Mr. Riimker, of Hamburg, on the three comets discovered by Galle, of Berlin, reported in favour of its publication in the Society’s Transactions, which was ordered accordingly. Dr. Dunglison, as Secretary of the Historical and Literary 248 Committee, reported the minutes of the Committee in relation to several subjects referred to them. Whereupon, on motion of Mr. Kane, it was resolved, that so much of the proceed- ings of the Committee as refers to the Paper of Mr. Breck, entitled, “ Historical Sketch of the Continental Bills of Credit, from the Year 1775 to 1781, with Specimens thereof,’ and contains a resolution, that the Paper is worthy of publication in the next volume of the Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee, is approved by the Society, and the pub- lication thereof ordered accordingly. Immediately after the battle of Lexington, which took place in April, 1775, the colonial congress began to prepare for war. Having neither funds, nor the means of creating any for present use, either by taxation or loans, they adopted the plan of issuing paper money. Whereupon, even before the battle of Bunker’s Hill, one million of dollars were emitted, in bills of various denominations, from one-third, one-half, and two-thirds of a dollar, to eight dollars; and subsequently of denominations varying from thirty to eighty dollars. These bills were made payable to bearer, and entitled him to receive Spanish milled dollars for them, or their value in gold or silver; and for their redemption, congress bound the thirteen Confederated Colonies. Con- tracts were made at Philadelphia for printing the bills; and thirty individuals of that city were appointed by congress, to divide the la- bour of signing them, so as to have commonly two names on each bill. Appropriate mottoes, in Latin, were placed on the obverse, and a rudely printed emblem on the reverse. ‘Treasurers were named to administer these funds, at an annual salary of five hundred paper dollars. The colonies were called upon to tax themselves for the repayment of this money; and the quota of each was determined, according to the number of its inhabitants, including negroes and mulattoes. Vir- ginia ranked first, Massachusetts second, Pennsylvania third; and New York came in with Connecticut and North and South Carolina. When the treasurers happened to have gold or silver, they were di- rected to advertise their readiness to exchange the same for paper; and some individuals, ardently patriotic, sent large sums of metallic money to the treasury, and received bills of credit in return at par. In the course of the year 1775, ten millions of dollars were emitted. The next year independence was declared, and some specie having 249 been imported, the credit of the bills was well sustained; and, in or- der to avoid interruption in striking them off, the printers were ex- cused from military duty. The press was now in permanent operation, and the sums emitted so large, that public confidence began to diminish, while ruinous fluctuations in the prices of every commodity took place. Upon this, congress gave new assurance of their intention to redeem every dol- lar; and availing themselves of the good eflect of this promise, they issued this year (1776) in loan office certificates, lottery tickets and bills of credit, about twenty millions. Yet, fearful of a renewed de- preciation, they authorized General Washington to take whatever he might want for the use of the army, whenever the inhabitants refused to sell, and to imprison and report the names of all those who reject- ed the continental currency. These harsh measures did not, however, strengthen the credit of the bills; and congress passed, in the begin- ning of 1777, vehement resolutions of accusation against the enemies of liberty, for impairing their credit, by raising the nominal value of gold and silver. The states were exhorted to pass laws to compel every one, under the penalty of forfeiture of goods, &c. to take them at specie value; to make them a tender in payment of debts; and the refusal to receive them an extinguishment of such debts. About twenty-one millions had been raised in 1777, on loan and bills, when, on the 3d of December of that year, congress found themselves obliged to acknowledge that the quantity issued was too great. A pause was resolved upon, and recourse had to France for a loan of two millions sterling. Meantime, the British at New York, and others elsewhere, counterfeited extensively ; provisions and merchan- dise increased manifoldly in price, and the current money fell to four for one. Much of this unsteadiness was ascribed by congress “to a spirit of sharping and extortion.” In the year 1778, the press was again in full operation, and sixty- three millions were issued, at three and four for one; for, abused as this prolific source had been, and continued to be, it seemed to offer greater advantages than any other of the various means that congress had tried. Very little hard money circulated; for, while this large sum in paper was paid out in the single year of 1778, only seventy- eight thousand dollars in specie passed through the treasury. Taxes were recommended as a sinking fund; but the credit of the 209 bills had fallen too low to be forced upon the public at the scale fixed by congress; it was, therefore, ordered by that body, on the 8th of October, 1778, ‘That all limitation of prices of silver and gold be taken off.” The appeal by congress, on asking for taxes, is clothed in stirring language. They think the redemption of the bills no difficult mat- ter; and, upon this conviction, send forth fifty millions, giving this time an assurance to pay the whole, on or before the Ist of January, 1797. | During the following year, 1779, sixty-three millions were emit- ted; and now the amount abroad having reached the enormous sum of one hundred and sixty millions, congress resolved to stop the press, whenever the increase should extend to two hundred millions. This sum, with others due elsewhere, would swell the grand total at the end of the war, they supposed, to three hundred millions. Stupendous, says Mr. Breck, as this debt was for a community in its infancy, they thought the resources of the country equal to the payment of the whole. “‘'There are at present,” they say, ‘three millions of inhabitants in the thirteen states; and this sum divided, per head, would give but one hundred dollars for each to pay, in eighteen or twenty years; and if the debt be assessed in proportion to the wealth of the inhabi- tants, the poor man’s share would not be more than ten dollars; and if twenty years be taken to pay the debt, our population will be nearly double, and our ability to pay increased more than two-fold.” Again, they say: ‘‘ This paper money has been eminently serviceable, and cannot ‘make unto itself wings and fly away.’ It remains with us; it will not forsake us; it is always ready for purposes of commerce or taxes; and every industrious man can find it. Having pledged our lives, fortunes and sacred honour for our independence, the same pledge is given for the redemption of these bills.” ‘A bankrupt, faith- | less republic,” adds this congressional address, ‘“‘ would be a novelty in the political world, and appear like a common prostitute among chaste and respectable matrons. It is impossible that America should think, without horror, of such an execrable deed.” The hopes of that patriotic body were not realized. These bills, which have never been paid, defrayed the chief expense of five years of active warfare, in which specie bore so small a share, that the official accounts of the years 1778 and 1779 show only one hun- dred and fifty-six thousand dollars, paid out of the treasury in hard money during those two years, against ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY 201 MILLIONS in paper. This paper was suffered to depreciate to one thousand dollars for one in silver, and there it died without redemp- tion—the vast sum of two hundred millions being extinguished by a gradual depreciation. It was further resolved, that such part of the proceedings of the Historical Committee as refers to a MS. communication, entitled “A Grammar of the Mohawk Dialect of the Iroquois Language, or of the Five Ancient Confederated Nations; con- taining Rules and Exercises intended to Exemplify the Indian Syntax, according to the best Authorities, preceded by suc- cinct Rules relative to the Pronunciation, by Eleazer Wil- liams, Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church at Green Bay, Michigan;” and contains a resolution that the Paper is worthy of publication in the next volume of the Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee, is approved by the Society, and its publication ordered accordingly. Dr. Hare read a communication, entitled “ On the Change ef- fected in the Nitrates of Potash and Soda, by the limited appli- cation of Heat, with a view to obtain pure Oxygen: and, also, on a Liquid and a Gaseous Ethereal Compound, resulting from the reaction of Nascent Hyponitrous Acid on Alcohol,”’ &c. which was referred to a committee. Mr. Nicklin read the dedication to the Society, of a Mentuii on the Geology of North America, by Dr. Daubeny of Oxford, and accompanied the same by some remarks. Mr. Nicklin stated that he should not have brought Dr. Daubeny’s dedication before the Society, had it been one of mere form and flat- tery; but as it was a paper of research, showing much depth of ob- servation, and justness of conclusion, and was written in a spirit evincing the best feeling towards his brethren on this side of the At- lantic, he thought it due both to the Society and the author, that it should be read at a stated meeting. Mr. Du Ponceau made a verbal cravertanratice fie in regard to certain interesting works, now in course of publication in Eu- rope,—in reference to the discovery, geography and history of America—and especially to that of M. Ternaux Compans. He also referred to the conclusions of Don Alonzo Zurita, in re- gard to the Mexican Picture Writing. G 202 Mr. Du Ponceau remarked, that the American hemisphere, its dis- covery, geography, and history, seem to engage the attention of the learned in Europe, as much as they did in the sixteenth century. The great work of Baron Humboldt, entitled, ‘Examen Critique de |’His- toire de la Géographie du Nouveau Continent, et des Progrés de l’Astro- nomie Nautique aux 15e & 16e siécles,” has now reached its fifth volume, and only comes down to the third and fourth voyages of Ame- rigo Vespucci. Another work, less learned, but not less important, is now in course of publication at Paris, by M. Ternaux Compans, of which fourteen volumes have already appeared. It is entitled, “‘ Voy- ages, Relations et Mémoires Originaux pour Servir a l’Histoire de la Découverte de ’ Amérique, publiés pour la premiere fois en Frangais.” The Journal des Savants considers this collection as of the “‘ highest interest.” It contains many rare works, now out of print, written in different languages, and difficult, if not impossible, to be obtained ;— several of which have not appeared in any other compilation. Among these is a “ Report on the Different Classes of Chiefs in New Spain,” by Alonzo Zurita. This work, says the Journal des Savants, contains the best, the fullest, and the most interesting ac- count of the system of government, and of the laws, usages, manners and customs of the Mexicans before the Conquest, and proves them to have been by no means so barbarous and uncivilized a people as they have been represented by their conquerors, who, by degrading them, thought to justify their own barbarity. Zurita was employed in Mexico by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, and resided there nine- teen years, with the power of a magistrate and the curiosity of a philosopher. The work has not yet made its way into this country; but the Journal des Savants for the month of January last contains an ample and very interesting notice of it, and a full account of its contents. Speaking of the Mexican picture writing, this author, who was in Mexico not long after the Conquest, and had opportunities which are lost to the present generation, says: “that those charac- ters had a cursive form, or running hand, and were capable of repre- senting all the sounds, and all the proper names.” ‘This would show that the characters were connected with the spoken language, which is the doctrine advanced by Mr. Du Ponceau in his Dissertation on the Chinese System of Writing. Mr. Du Ponceau expressed a hope that this interesting subject might be further investigated. 2953 Mr. Vaughan informed the Society that Mr. Charles P. Fox, who possessed a large collection of the original letters and papers of Benjamin Franklin, had deposited them with the Society. The Franklin papers were bequeathed, by will, to George Fox, father of C. P. Fox, by Femple Franklin, grandson to Benjamin Franklin, and by him submitted to Mr. Sparks, to aid him in the completion of his edition of Franklin’s works. Mr. Sparks recom- mended Mr. Fox to deposit them with the Society, of which Franklin was so long President. Dr. Hare made a communication respecting an extensive voltaic apparatus, of the form which he had designated by the name of galvanic deflagrator. This apparatus had been con- structed for the Lowell Institute of Boston, under his direc- tion, by request of Professor Silliman. It consists of four troughs, each containing 100 pairs within a . space of about 30 inches in length. ‘The pairs, severally, are of the Cruickshank pattern, and about 63 inches square, independently of the grooves, so as to expose about 42 inches of zine surface. Every fifth plate is cemented into its groove by a compound of rosin and suet. The plates, intermediate between those thus cemented, are made to fit tightly into their grooves; but in consequence of a slight obliquity in their sides, can be extracted by the aid of forceps, so as to be cleansed, and, when expedient, scraped. ‘The cementing of each fifth plate tends to prevent any injurious retrocession of the vol- taic fluid; and yet when the intermediate four plates are removed, an interstice is vacated, sufficiently large to allow the stationary metallic surfaces to be reached by a scraper. The plates are all amalga- mated, which not only renders them less susceptible of wasteful reaction with acid, but more susceptible of being cleaned. A strip of wood, 13 inches wide and 2 inches deep, is bored by a centre bit, so as to have eight vertical and cylindrical holes, which are all supplied with mercury. By means of ropes of copper wire, these holes are made to communicate severally with the poles of each of the troughs, so that every one of these has its corresponding mercu- rial receptacle. Arches of twisted copper wire are provided of such various lengths, that the receptacles may be connected in such man- ner as to cause the associated troughs to act either as one series of 204 400 pairs each of 42 inches of zine surface; as a series of 200 pairs each of 84 inches of zinc surface; or as a series of 100 pairs each of 168 inches of zinc surface. In the usual mode of constructing the voltaic apparatus, the diversities of power that appertain to an appa- ratus in which the ratio of the size of the pairs to their number va- ries, as above described, can only be produced by changes in the ar- rangement, which are too inconvenient to be employed; but, accord- ing to the contrivance described, are attainable simply by shifting the connecting arches, so as to alter duly the mode in which the recepta- cles are connected with each other. By means of this apparatus, the deflagration of metals, the arched flame between charcoal points, the fusion of platina by contact with the aqueous solution of chloride of calcium, the welding of iron wire to a rod of the same metal under water, were all accomplished with the most striking success. In repeating Davy’s experiment, in which the arched flame between charcoal points was subjected to the influence of a permanent mag- net, the reaction between the voltaic and magnetic fluids was so vio- lent, as to be productive of a noise like that of small bubbles of hy- drogen inflamed in escaping from the generating liquid. ‘This last mentioned experiment was performed by request of Prof. Henry, who manipulated in the performance of it. Dr. Hare stated, that he had for many years endeavoured to draw the attention of men of science to the fact, that if, when a fine and a coarse wire of platina are made to form the electrodes or poles of a powerful voltaic series of not less than 300 pairs, the coarse wire, while forming the positive end or anode, be introduced into a concen- trated solution of chloride of calcium, and the fine wire be made to touch the surface of the solution, fusion of the extremity into a glo- bule will follow every contact. But when the polarity of the wires is reversed, the resulting ignition is comparatively feeble. This experiment, Dr. Hare stated, was repeated to the satisfaction of Professors Silliman, Henry, and James Rogers, all of whom were present at the trial of the apparatus. When the finer wire was plunged about an inch below the surface of the solution, it became luminous throughout, emitting rays of a brilliant purple hue. For the fusion of the platina wire, in the experiment above de- scribed, it was found necessary to use the whole series consecutively as 400 pairs; showing, Dr. Hare remarked, that there are effects 209 which require a great number of pairs. He had, in previous experi- ments, found that fresh phosphuret of calcium was a conductor for 350 pairs of 7 x 3, but not for 100 pairs of 73 x 14. The deflagration of an iron wire by contact with mercury, took place with phenomena which were never before witnessed by any of the spectators. At first the mercury was deflagrated with an intense silvery white light, after which there arose a vertical shower of red sparks, caused by the combustion of the iron. Lastly, a globule having accumulated at the end of the wire after a momentary stop- page of the reaction, an explosion took place, by which fragments of the globule, together with portions of the mercury, were projected to a great distance. It would seem, said Dr. Hare, as if a globule of peroxide of iron, having formed at the end of the wire, caused a temporary arrestation of the voltaic current; but that the apparatus, gaining energy in con- sequence of a transient repose, was unable to break through the glo- bule so as to disperse its particles with violence. Mr. Walker made some remarks on the tornado, of limited extent, which visited Philadelphia on the 13th instant. Mr. Walker’s own observations, and those of several intelligent in- dividuals, on different sides of the central path, led him to the conclu- sion, that the currents from without the borders of the tornado were directed, in every instance, towards its centre. ‘This was manifest from the motion of the clouds, in the different strata of the atmos- phere. ‘The theory of the central tendency of the currents in tor- nadoes, usually ascribed to Mr. Espy, was, Mr. Walker remarked, of older date, having been advanced by Franklin in the middle of the last century. The whirl, on which so much stress is laid by Mr. Redfield and Colonel Reid, was distinctly seen in the lower current, where the condensed vapour, resembling spent steam, moved round in a spiral, making several turns downwards, each of smaller dimen- sions than the preceding, and resembling the motion of water ina common whirlpool. This circumstance seemed, to Mr. Walker, somewhat contradictory to part of Mr. Redfield’s theory, that of the gradual enlargement of the periphery of the whirl, whereas the mo- tion in the present instance was in a spiral tending inwards. Mr. Lea confirmed, from his own observations, the central 256 tendency of the outer currents, and the spiral motion of the clouds in the lower stratum, near the centre of the tornado. Dr. Hare made some remarks on the same atmospheric phe- nomenon, and especially on the bearing of the different facts upon his electrical theory of tornadoes. Dr. Hare stated that he had not had his attention drawn to the me- teor, until it had passed the zenith. But subsequently, seeing it dis- tinctly from the top of his house, he had distinguished two clouds, one much above the other, between which there appeared to be an electrical reaction, tending to keep them at a distance, while the lower seemed to move from the south-west, and the upper one from the south-east. These features, together with the tremendous accompa- nying or preceding electrical discharges, as indicated by thunder and lightning, could not but demonstrate, in Dr. Hare’s opinion, that elec- tricity was the principal agent in the production of such phenomena. The fact mentioned in the public prints, that the iron chimney of a steamboat had been carried aloft, proved that a vertical force had been exerted; and the concentration of that force about a tall metal- lic cylinder was, Dr. Hare maintained, quite consistent with the idea, that the vertical force was the consequence of an electrical current, which would naturally concentrate the action about a prominent per- fect conductor. Dr. Hare could not reconcile the relative situation of the clouds, or their evident reaction and diversity of movement, with the theory of Mr. Espy. The following gentlemen were duly elected members of the Society :— } Rosert Were Fox, of Falmouth, England. Joun Sanperson, of Philadelphia. Francisco Martinez DE LA Rosa, of Madrid. Major Jamzs D. Granam, U. S. Topographical Engineers. J. B. B. Eyrtes, of Paris. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Vo. I. AUGUST, SEPT. & OCT. 1840. No. 13. Stated Meeting, August 21. Present, twenty-six members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Monthly Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society of London. Vol. V- Nos. 7 & 8, for May 8, and June 12. London, 1840. From the Society. : The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. No. 11. London, May, 1840.—From the Society. A'Magyar Tudés Tarsasig’ Evkényvei. Harmadik Kétet. 4to. Budan, 1837.—From the Hungarian Society, Pesth. Archeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. XXVIII. Ato. London, 1840.—From the Society. A Geological Map of England and Wales. By G. B. Greenough, Esq., F.R.S., President of the Geological Society, &c. &c. In 6 sheets.—From the Geological Society. Memoir of a Geologicat Map of England; to which is added an Alphabetical Index to the Hills, and a List of the Hills, arranged according to Counties. By George Bellas Greenough, F.R.S. &ec. &c. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1840.—From the same. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Premiums for the Sessions 1840-41; 1841-42. 8vo. London, 1840.—From the Society. A 258 A Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution ; systematical- ly classed. Preceded by an Historical and Bibliographical Ac- count of the Tracts and Pamphlets. Vol. 2. (The Tracts and Pamphlets) 8vo. 1840.—From the Institution. A new Collection of Laws, Charters, and Local Ordinances of the Governments of Great Britain, France and Spain, relating to the Concessions of Land in their respective Colonies; together with the Laws of Mexico and Texas on the same subject, &c. &c. By Joseph M. White, Counsellor at Law, &c. &c.. Two vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839.—From the Publishers, Messrs. John- son, of Philadelphia. Fiorilegium Nugarum Cantabrigensium—Pan, a Pastoral of the first age, together with some other Poems. By T. Forster, M.B., F. R.A.S., F.L.S., &c. &c. 8vo. Brussels, 1840.—From the Author. Eulogy on Shargs, a favourite Dog, together with the Life of Loski, a Memoir in French, and other Miscellanies. A new edition with additions. By T. Forster, M.B., &c. &c. 8vo. Brussels, 1840.— From the same. Eloge de Chiens favoris avec plusieurs Anecdotes sur Pinteliiesdes des Bétes, par lAuteur de Philozoia, traduit littéralement de PAnglais. 24mo. Bruxelles, 1840.—From the same. Del primo Scopritore del Continente de Nuovo Mondo e dei pit antichi Storici che ne Scrissero ragionamento, &c. &c. Da Gianfran- cisco Galeani Napione. 8vo. Firenze, 1809.—From Dr. Joshua _ J. Cohen, of Baltimore. Esame Critico del primo Viaggio di Amerigo Vespucci al Nuovo Mondo, &c. &c. Da Gianfrancisco Galeani Napione. 8vo. Firenze, 1811.—F rom the same. A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Honourable Thomas Lee, late Judge in the District Court of the United States; pro- nounced in the Unitarian Church, Charleston, S. C., Nov. 3, 1839. By Samuel Gilman, D.D., Pastor of the Church, &c. 8vo. Charleston, 1839.—From the Author. Balu of the Ancient Charters and of the Welch and Scottish ’ Rolls, now remaining in the Tower of London, &c. &c. To which are added, Memoranda concerning the Affairs of Ireland, ex- tracted from the Tower Records, &c. &c. By Sir Joseph Ayloffe, Bart., V.P.A.S. and F.R.S., &c. London, 1774.—From Mr. John Vaughan. 259 Index alter Plantarum que in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur, conscriptus ab Herrnanno Boerhaave. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1720.—From the same. The Annual Address of the Philodemic Society of Georgetown Col- lege, delivered at the Annual Commencement, held on Thursday, July 28, 1831. By Daniel J. Desmond, Esq., of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831.—From the Author. An Address delivered at the Consecration of the Harmony Grove Cemetery, in Salem, June 14,1840. By Daniel Appleton White, with an Appendix. 8vo. Salem, 1840.—From the Author. Experimental Researches in Electricity. 16th and 17th Series. On the Source of Power in the Voltaic Pile. By Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. &c. From the Philosophical Trans- actions, Part I. for 1840. 4to. London, 1840.—fFrom the Author. An Answer to Dr. Hare’s Letter on certain Theoretical Opinions. By M. Faraday. (From the American Journal of Science and Arts. )—From the same. A Treatise on the principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling, and Astronomy; explaining their Con- struction, Adjustment and Use, with Tables. By F. W. Simms, Assistant at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Revised, with Additions. By J. H. Alexander, Civil Engineer. 8vo. Balti- more, 1836.-—From Mr. Alexander. History of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Company. A Letter to Antonio Panizzi, Esq., Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum, on the reputed earliest Printed Newspaper, “The English Mercurie, 1588.” By Thomas Watts, of the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1839.—From Mr. Penington. The American Medical Library and Intelligencer. By Robley Dunglison, M.D., Sec. A. P. S., &c. &c. Nos. 8 & 9, for July 15, and August 1, 1840.—F'rom the Editor. Recherches Analytiques sur les Expressions du Rapport de la Cir- conférence au Diamétre trouvees par Wallis et Brounker; et sur la Théorie de ’Intégrale Eulérienne, &c. &c. par Mr. Jean Plana a Turin, &c. 4to. (Lxtrait du Journal de Crelle.)— From the Author. Mémoire sur Trcis Intégrales Définies, par Mr. J. Plana, Directeur de ’Observateur de Turin. 4to.—From the same. 260 Mémoire sur Expression Analytique de la surface totale de I’ellip- soide dont les trois axes sont inégaux; et sur l’évaluation de la surface d’une votite symmétrique, a la base rectangulaire, re- tranchée dans la moitié du méme ellipsoide, par Mr. J. Plana a Turin. 4to.—From the same. Note ou l’on explique une remarquable objection faite par Euler en 1751, contre une régle donnée par Newton dans son Arithmétique Universelle, pour extraire la racine d’un binome réel de la forme / at / b, quelque soit le degré impair de la racine demandée, si toutefois elle est possible, par Mr. J. Plana a Turin. 4to.— From the same. Mémoire sur une nouvelle manicre de déterminer les Intégrales dé- finies, &c. &c. par M. J. Plana, &c. 8vo.—F rom the same. Mémoire sur le Mouvement d’un Pendule dans un Milieu Résistant, par Jean Plana, &c. &c. 4to. Turin, 18385.—From the same. A New Picture of Philadelphia, or the Stranger’s Guide to the City and adjoining Districts, &c. &c., with a Plan of the City and Map of its Environs. By H.S. Tanner. 24mo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. The Magazine of Natural History. New Series. March to June, 1840, inclusive. Conducted by Edward Charlesworth, F.G.S., &ec. 8vo. London, 1840.—From the Ediior. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. No. 52. August, 1840. 8vo. Philadelphia.—From the Editor, Dr. Hays. Considerations on the Currency and Banking System of the United . States. By Albert Gallatin. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831.—From the Author. Memorial of the Committee appointed by the “ Free Trade Conven- tion,” held at Philadelphia in September and October, 1831, to prepare and present a Memorial to Congress, remonstrating against the existing Tariff of Duties; with an Appendix. (Mr. Gallatin, Reporter.) 8vo. New York, 1832.—From the same. Report of the “‘ Union Committee,” appointed by the meeting of the Signers of the Memorial to Congress, held on the 11th day of February, 1834, at the Merchants’ Exchange, in the City of New York. (Mr. Gallatin, Reporter.) 8vo. New York, 1834.— From the same. Standard Weights and Measures. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a Report of F. R. Hassler, Superintendent 261 of the Works of Standard Weights and Measures. (Doc. No. 261. Ho. of Reps. Treas. Department.)—From Mr. Hassler. FOR THE CABINET. A Collection of Turkish Coins, commencing with those of Othman, founder of the present Dynasty.—From John P. Brown, U. S. Dragoman, at Constantinople. A communication was read from Mr. Forshey, of Louisiana, entitled “Observations upon the Meteors of August, by C. G. Forshey,’’ which was referred to a Committee. Mr. Boyé stated, that Mr. Clarke Hare and he had succeeded in producing a perchloric ether. It is a colourless liquid, heavier than water, and of a sweet, but afterwards acid taste, resembling that of the oil of cinnamon. Its most remarkable property is its explosiveness. Not only by ignition, but even by friction or percussion, it explodes with extreme violence, and cannot therefore be handled without the greatest precaution. When it is borne in mind, that perchloric acid, containing seven atoms of oxygen, loosely combined with chlorine, is in this substance, in contact with sufficient carbon and hydrogen to be converted into carbonic oxide and water, the violence of its explosion will easily be accounted for. Mr. Boyé further stated, that he hoped to be soon able to give a farther account of this substance; of the way in which it is obtained, and of some other similar reactions, which they are now engaged in studying. Mr. Vaughan exhibited from M. Alexandre Vattemare a fac simile of an original grant by Charles of England to William Penn; and also a fac simile of a deed of sale, by William Penn, of 20,000 acres of land, for 800 pounds sterling;—the original deed being in Penn’s handwriting. Mr. Walker made an oral communication on the subject of the August shower of meteors. These meteors returned, this year on the 9th instant, and were observed at the High School Observatory, by Mr. Walker, as well as by Messrs. Forshey, of Louisiana, and Hamilton, of this city. The evenings of the 10th and 11th, being partly cloudy, and the 262 moon nearly full, no observations were made. The evening of the 9th, however, was distinguished by all the peculiarities hitherto noticed in the August period. The following table exhibits a classifi- cation of the meteors from memoranda, concerning each meteor, made at the time of its appearance. Me mee oe Es Mees scl actostdlas Su aeRO Sot Br = = oma Breslaw, » | 221.76 | —51.41] 200 == [9'5)) == 138 1839. Berlin, 9 | 224.86 | —50.18 50 =E 11.9} 1.68 op - 10 | 223.88 | —52.39 48 S323) |) S992 He #5 11 | 218.45 | —51.05 43 13.5] -E 2.06 » Kénigsberg, 10 | 214.85 | — 55.59 75 se 2il())| sa 2A ms cf 11 | 215.11 | — 55.29 74 sss Se 1840. Phila. 9410h57m | 216.14 | — 55.76 12 SE 233 GSE 06% i ow A 214.71 | — 55.43 15 ae Wal Sess * Ono) LO 219.25 |— 55.12 29 Sty th? = 0)22 * Silliman’s Journal, Vol. 33, p. 176 and 359. t Ibid, Vol. 37, p. 328. 264 : Mr. Walker referred to some of the analytical conclusions drawn by Mr. Erman* from the fact, which the Philadelphia observations of this year go to confirm, that these meteors appear to converge nearly to a common point in the heavens. “1st. Mr. Erman concludes, that these bodies are of a cosmical origin; that they move in a continuous ring-formed stream of not less that 3° in breadth; that the plane of the centre of this stream is inclined at least 56°, probably more than 90°, and not exceeding 124° to the plane of the ecliptic,—an incli- nation which hitherto comets alone have been known to possess. «2d. That their least velocity in space Aug. 10.5th, is 55 hundredths that of the earth in its orbit, giving them a period round the sun of 128 days; that their greatest velocity is 143 hundredths that of the earth, which would locate them at this time on the perihelion of a parabola or ellipse of period indefi- nitely great. «3d. That to remove this uncertainty of their velocities, between 55 and 143 hundredths that of the earth, it is only necessary that two observers, at a distance apart, should trace with precision the apparent path of the same me- teor, and one of them at least its duration. This condition had not yet been fulfilled in Europe, otherwise the entire elements of their orbit would have been approximately determined. ‘Ath. That their perihelion distances are not less than 2 hundredths nor more than 97 hundredths of the earth’s mean distance from the sun. “5th. That they are in their descending node when visible Aug. 10.5th, and that their distance from the sun, in the ascending node, is not less than 7 hundredths, and may be several times the earth’s mean distance from the sun. Hence, even if they are a continuous ellipse-formed stream, it is only in one of these possible distances, viz. that of the earth from the sun; that this stream would be visible to a spectator on the earth, when traversing its ascend- ing node. If, near the sun, their aggregate might appear as spots on the solar disc, or might intercept some of the solar light and heat: if far beyond the earth, no traces of them would be found. “6th. That the earth traverses this meteor-stream from the 5.5th to the 7.5th of February. The fact that no such stream has of late years been noticed, shows that the first condition of No. 5, does not prevail. Mr. Erman thinks that the diminution of the normal increase of temperature at this date, as ascertained at several stations, for many years past, by Mr. Madler, of Ber- lin, may possibly warrant the conclusion, that the second condition takes place, and that the meteor-stream at this time is between the earth and sun. That the first condition may have prevailed in 1206, and the second in 1208, seems not improbable from history. This apparent change in the appearance of the meteor-stream Mr. Erman ascribes to the secular variations of its ele- ments; the possibility of which is admitted by Olbers and Bessel. “7th. That the greatest possible apparent motion of the common point of convergence of their apparent paths, consistent with the existence and ob- served position of this point, is one-tenth of a degree of a great circle west- ward, in an hour.” * Astr. Nachr., Nos. 385, 390 and 404. 265 Mr. Walker remarked, that though much pains had been bestowed upon determining their apparent paths and duration, at the High School Observatory, he had as yet received no corresponding obser- vations which could throw light on the third conclusion of Mr. Er- man. The motion of the radiant—if any—according to Mr. For- shey’s and his own observations, would seem to be in a south-easterly direction, of about one half of a degree of a great circle per hour, a phenomenon not reconcilable with the analysis of Mr. Erman. In conclusion, Mr. Walker referred, for the details of the Philadel- phia observations, to Mr. Forshey’s paper read this evening. _ Dr. Hays communicated the particulars of a case of inability to distinguish certain colours, occurring in a man, a patient in Wills’ Hospital, under the care of Dr. Fox. This case, Dr. Hays remarked, presented the following points of interest. ist. It confirmed the correctness of the observation made by Dr. Hays, in a former communication, that no reliance can be placed on the account of their own cases, given by those who labour under this defect; and that their statements should never be received as ac- curate, until after careful and repeated examination. The subject of the case under notice had been admitted into the hospital with partial amaurosis, and was not aware of his inability to distinguish colours until he was informed of the defect by Dr. Fox. He then maintained, very confidently, that it had come on since his loss of the power of seeing objects, and mentioned several circum- stances to prove, that it was of recent occurrence. Nevertheless, on being minutely and closely questioned, it appeared beyond all doubt, and even the patient himself had to admit the fact, that the defect must have always existed. Again, after being shown various coloured papers, which he was requested 1o name, and satisfying all who witnessed the experiment, that he could distinguish but two colours, viz. yellow and blue, he named correctly the colours of a red strawberry and green leaf, which were presented to him. This surprised all present. It occurred, however, to Dr. Hays, that the patient had learned the usual colour of these objects, and that his answers were dictated by this know- ledge, and not from a real perception of colour. Experiments, made with a view of determining this point, most conclusively established the correctness of Dr. Hays’s suspicion. B 266 2dly. The-case tends to confirm the accuracy of the laws announced by Dr. Hays on a former occasion, as governing the defect of vision under notice. ‘This patient could perceive but two colours, yellow and blue. His perception of the former was perfect, of the latter somewhat less so. Dr. Hays stated, that the laws just alluded to, so far as ascertained by his investigations, were the following :— Ist. Entire inability of distinguishing colours may co-exist with a perfect ability of perceiving the forms of objects. This constitutes the highest grade of the defect. Individuals who labour under it can recognise differences of intensity of colour, so that whilst a diversity of colours of the same intensity appears to them to be a uniform colour, they accurately designate, as lighter or — darker, different shades of the same colour, or of various colours. The rainbow appears to them as a band of a uniform colour, darker at one side, and gradually becoming lighter towards the other. 2dly. The defect may extend to all but one. colour, and in such case the colour recognised is always YELLOW. The perception of this colour may be perfect, or limited to some shades. 3dly. The defect may extend to all but two colours, and in such case the colours recognised are always YELLOW and BLUE. In some of these cases, the perception of the latter colour is less perfect than of the former. Individuals who labour under this grade of the defect, though able to recognise, perfectly, yellow and blue, cannot distinguish them when combined, and forming green. The laws which govern the other grades of this defect, Dr. Hays remarked, remain to be determined. There are certain persons who can accurately recognise yellow and blue, and some who can recognise red, who cannot distinguish green; but whether or not there are individuals who can recognise the three primitive colours accurately, and are yet unable to dis- tinguish the secondary colours, must be left, Dr. Hays remarked, to further observation to determine. It also remains to be ascertained, whether any person, having an imperfect perception of yellow, can recognise blue; or with an im- perfect perception of yellow and blue, or of the latter alone, can dis- tinguish red. Dr. Hays, from the Publication Committee, stated, that the 267 first part of the new volume of the Transactions of the Society, would be published in a few days. Mr. Vaughan reported the death of Mr. Prinsep, of Calcutta, a member of the Society. On motion, it was resolved, that a Committee be appointed to arrange the Franklin Papers deposited with the Society, (see Proceedings, No. XII, p. 253,) and to report a plan for the better preservation of the Manuscripts of the Society. Dr. Dunglison, Reporter, presented No. 12 of the printed Bulletin of the Proceedings of the Society for May, June, and July, 1840. Stated Meeting, September 18. Present, twenty-six members. Dr. Patterson, and subsequently Dr. Cuarman, Vice Presidents, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Second Series. Vol. V. Part 3. 4to. London, 1840.—From the Society. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Vol. II. Part 4. 4to. London, 1840.—From the Society. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Part VII. 1839. 8vo.—From the same. Reports of the Council and Auditors of the Zoological Society of London; read at the annual general meeting, April 29, 1840. 8vo. London, 1840.—From the same. Flora Batava of Afbeelding en Beschryving van Nederlandsche Gewassen, door Jan Kops, Hoogleeraar te Utrecht, u. s. w. en F. A. W. Miquel. 4to. 119 Aflevering. 5 Platen. 4to. Am- sterdam.—From his Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon der jetzt lebenden Aerzte, Wund- arzte, Geburtshelfer, Apotheker, und Naturforscher aller gebil- 268 deten Volker. Von Adolph Carl Peter. Callisen, Doctor der Medicin und Chirurgie, u. s. w. Band. 1-21. 8vo. Copen- hagen, 1830-35. Die anonymischen Schriften, mit Einschluss der Cholera, der Homéopathie, der Pharmacopéen, Arzneitaxen und allgemeinen Medecinalordnungen, Zeitschriften, gesellschaft- schriften und gesammelte Schriften mehrerer Verfasser. Band. 22-25. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1835, 1837. Nachtrag enthaltend: Berichtigungen, Erganzungen, die nevere Literatur, und die seit 1830 verstorbenen medicinischen Schriftsteller, mit einigen Bei- tragen von den Herren Doctoren: dem Hofrathe Choulant, dem Leibchirurgen Koberwein, dem Director der Koénigsbergschen Hebammen-Lehranstalt Richter, dem Archiater und Etatsrathe A. von Schonberg. Band. 26,28. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1838-40.— From the Author. _A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language, &c. &c., with a pre- face on the Origin and Connexion of the Germanic Tongues; a Map of Languages, and the Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Gram- mar. By the Rev. J. Bosworth, LL.D., Dr. Phil. of Leyden, &c. &c. Royal 8vo. London, 1838.—From the Author. Memoirs illustrating the History of Jacobinism. A Translation from the French of the Abbé Barruel. Part 1. Vol. 1. The Anti- Christian Conspiracy. Part 2. Vol. 2. The Anti-Monarchical Conspiracy. Part 3. Vol.3. The Anti-Social Conspiracy. 8vo. Hartford and New York, 1799.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. A Star in the West; or a Humble Attempt to Discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved City, Jerusalem. By Elias Boudinot, LL.D. 8vo. Trenton, N. J., 1816.—From the same. Biography and History of the Indians of North America; comprising a General Account of them, and Details in the Lives of all the most Distinguished Chiefs and others, who have been noted among the various Indian Nations upon the Continent; also a History of their Wars, &c. &c. By Samuel G. Drake, Member of the New Hampshire Historical Society. Third Edition, with large additions and corrections, and numerous engravings. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1834.—From the same. Etudes Physiologiques et Pathologiques sur les Organes de la Voix Humaine, Ouvrage auquel Académie Royale des Sciences a Décerné un des Prix de Médecine fondés par M. Montyon. Par 269 F. Bennati, Docteur en Médecine et en Chirurgie des Facultés de Vienne, &c. &c. 8vo. Paris, 1823.—From the same. Memoirs of My Own Times. By General James Wilkinson. Three Vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816.—F rom the same. Traductor Ingles, 6 Sistema Practico i Tedrico para aprender 4 traducir la Léngua-Inglesa por Médio de la Espafiola. Por Mariano Cubi i Soler, Catedraticc de Idiomas Modernos en el Coléjio de la Louisiana, Segunda Edicion, Correjida i Mejorada. 8vo. Cambridge.—From the Author. An Historical and Statistical Account of New South Wales, both as a Penal Settlement and British Colony. By John Dunmore Lang, D.D., Senior Minister of the Scots Church, é&c. &c. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837.—From the Author. A Treatise on the Yellow Fever, as it appeared in the Island of Do- minica, in the Years 1793-4, 5, 6; to which are added, Obser- vations on the Bilious Remittent Fever, on Intermittents, Dysen- tery, and some other West India Diseases; also the Chemical Analysis and Medical Properties of the Hot Mineral Waters on the same Island. By James Clark, M.D., F.R.S.E., &c. &c. 8yo. London, 1797.—From Mr. Vaughan. The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole Asserted. By the Hon. D. Barrington. A new Edition, with an Appendix, con- taining Papers on the same subject, and on a Northwest Passage. By Colonel Beaufoy, F.R.S. Illustrated with a Map of the North Pole, according to the latest Discoveries. 8vo. New York. 1818.—From the same. Besancon’s Annual Register of the State of Mississippi, for the Year 1838, completed from Original Documents and Actual Surveys, &e. &c. Vol. 1. 12mo. Natchez, 1838.—From Mr. C. G. Forshey. Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie. Uitge- geven door J. Van der Hoeven, M.D., Prof. te Leiden, en W. H. Vriese, M.D., Prof. te Amsterdam. Zesde Deel. 4. Stuk. 1839.—From the Editors. Mow Yih Tung Che. A Treatise on Commerce. (In Chinese.) 8vo. with a Map of the Southern Hemisphere. By Mr. Gutzlaff. [This work is founded on M‘Culloch’s publication. ] Institut Royal de France, (Etat actuel, Liste et Adresses de MM. les Académiciens, &c.) 24mo. Pour l’année, 1840.—From Mr. Warden. 270 Pamphlets. 1. Institut Royal de France. Académie Royale des Sciences. a. Funérailles de M. Turpin; Discours de M. Le Baron de Silvestre, 5 Mai, 1840. 6. Funérailles de M. Bro- chant de Villiers; Discours de M. Al. Brongniart, 19 Mai, 1840. c. Funérailles de M. le Lieutenant Général du Génie, Vicomte Rogniat; Discours de M. Becquerel, 11 Mai, 1840. d. Funé- railles de M. Robiquet; Discours de M. Chevreul, Mai 2, 1840. _ €. Funérailles de M. Poisson; Discours de M. Arago, 30 Avril, 1840, et Discours de M. Cousin, 30 Avril, 1840. 2. Institut . Royal de France. Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Sujets de Prix et Programmes adoptés par Académie pour étre mis au concours des Anneés, 1840-41 & 42. 3. Institut Royal de France. Séance Publique Annuelle des Cing Acadé- mies, du Samedi, 2 Mai, 1840, &c. 4. Institut Royal de France. Académie Frangaise ; Séance Publique du Jeudi, 11 Juin, 1840. 5. Réglements de la Société Royale des Antiquaires de France, 1840. 6. Rapport sur les Opérations de la Campagne de la Corvette l’Astrolabe, depuis le départ de Rio Janeiro jusqu’a PArrivée a Valparaiso. ‘7 Rapport fait 4 la Société d’Encou- ragement pour l’Industrie Nationale, par M. le Vicomte Héricart de Thury, &c. sur le procéde proposé par M.C. P. Brard, &c. pour reconndéitre immédiatement les Pierres qui ne peuvent point ré- sister 4 la Gelée, et que l’on désigne ordinairement par les Noms de Pierres Gelives ou Pierres Gelisses. Ato. Paris, 1824. 8. Société Asiatique; Discours et Rapport Jus dans la Séance Générale annuelle du.28 Avril, 1825, &c. 8yvo. Paris, 1825.— - From the same. A Monograph of the Limniades, and other fresh water Univalve Shells of North America. By S. Stehman Haldeman, Member of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. No.1. July, 1840. 8vo.—From the Author. List of Optical Instruments to be found in the Optical Institute of Utzschneider and Frauenhofer, Miinchen; with the prices. (In French and German.)—From Mr. Justice. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Bache, Prof. Bache, and Mr. Booth, to whom was referred a communication, by Dr. Hare, entitled “On the Change effected in the Nitrates of Potash and Soda, by the limited application of Heat, witha view to obtain pure Oxygen; and, also, on a Liquid and a 271 Gaseous Ethereal Compound, resulting from the reaction of Nascent Hyponitrous Acid on Alcohol,’ &c., reported in favour of publication in the Transactions of the Society, and the publication thereof was ordered accordingly. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Patterson, Prof. Henry, and Mr. Walker, to whom was referred a letter, addressed by Dr. John Locke to Prof. Bache, containing observations to de- termine the Horizontal Magnetic Intensity and Dip, at Louis- ville, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio, reported certain ex- tracts for publication. After describing the apparatus used in these observations, Doctor Locke states, in detail, the results of two series of observations, each made with three horizontal needles, and concludes from the mean of them, that the relative horizontal intensities at Louisville and Cincin- nati, are as 1 to 0.9727. ‘The dates of the observations were March 7th, 10th, 11th, and 14th, 1840, at about noon of each day. *The correction for temperature, in each of the three needles used, was ob- tained by experiments which are fully described, and which gave the following coefficients :—for needle No. 1, 0.000125, for No. 2, 0.000145, No. 3, 0.000058. The magnetic dip at Cincinnati, as determined by two series of observations, each with two needles, in March, 1840, was 70° 25'.5, and by one series, in April, 70° 28'.8, and the dip at Louisville, by three series, at nearly the same date, in March, 69° 54’.9. The relative total intensities thus deduced for a period corres- ponding to March 10th, 1840, are, Cincinnati, 1.000, Louisville, 1.008. A communication was read from Mr. C. G. Forshey, of Louisiana, entitled “An Account of the Great Mound near Washington, Adams county, Mississippi,’’ which was referred to a committee. Mr. Du Ponceau presented to the Society a Manuscript by the late Mr. Heckewelder, containing the names of various trees, shrubs and plants, in the Lennape (Del.) language, which was referred to the Historical and Literary Committee. Dr. Horner read a communication entitled “Note of the Remains of the Mastodon, and some other extinct Animals col- lected together in St. Louis, Missouri. By W. E. Horner, . ~ ae M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsyl- vania,’’ which was referred to a committee. Mr. Ord directed the attention of the Society to the follow- ing passage in Audubon’s “Birds of America.’ Article, Small-headed Flycatcher. “When Alexander Wilson visited me at Louisville, he found, in my already large collection of drawings, a figure of the present species, which, being at that time unknown to him, he copied, and afterwards published in his great work, but without acknowledging the privilege that had thus been granted to him. Ihave more than once regretted this, not by any means so much on my own account, as for the sake of one to whom we are so deeply indebted for his elucidation of our ornithology.” “This attack upon the reputation of a member of this Society,” said Mr. Ord, “one who, during the long period that he dwelt amongst us, was noted for his integrity, ought not to be suffered to pass without examination.” Mr. Ord submitted to the inspection of the Society, Wilson’s Autograph Diary of his journey from Philadelphia to New Orleans, vid Pittsburg and Louisville, commencing on the 30th of January, 1810. From this diary it ap- pears, that he arrived at Louisville on the evening of Sunday, the 18th of March; and departed thence for Frankford and Lexington, on the morning of Friday the 23d. During his stay at Louisville, he was occupied three days in soliciting subscribers, and endeavouring to get materials for his work, and one day he was employed in writing to his friends at home. Four days, con- sequently, were passed in Louisville, one afternoon of which was devoted to shooting, in company with Mr. Audubon; and a portion of a morning was ap- propriated to examining that gentleman’s collection of crayon drawings; in _ which Wilson states he saw the figures of two new birds, both Motacille or Warblers; but he does not state that he saw a figure of a Muscicapa or Fly- catcher. He does not say a word respecting the loan of Mr. Audubon’s draw- ings, nor does he give the least reason to suppose that he made a copy of any of the drawings; on the contrary, he positively asserts that he did not get one new bird at Louisville. Mr. Ord proceeded to examine the style of both Audubon’s and Wilson's drawings, and pointed out the peculiarities of each author. He declared, that the figure of Wilson’s Small-headed Flycatcher differs in no respect from his ordinary style; that it bears the signet of paternity on its very front. But, as it might be objected that this mode of reasoning is inconclusive, from the cir- cumstance of several of Mr. Audubon’s birds bearing a resemblance to those of Wilson, Mr. Ord obviated this objection, by stating that Mr. Audubon had not scrupled to appropriate the labours of Wilson to his own use; inasmuch as the figure of the female March Blackbird, (Birds of America, plate 67,) and that of the male Mississippi Kite, (same work, plate 117,) had both been copied from the American Ornithology, without the least acknowledgment of the source whence they had been derived. Mr. Ord thought that the charge of plagiarism came with an ill grace from one who had been guilty of it him- self, as in the instances above mentioned. Wilson states, that he shot the bird figured and described in his 6th volume, 273 page 62, in an orchard, on the 24th of April. Mr. Ord confirmed this state- ment, by declaring to the Society, that he himself was with Wilson on the day in question; that he saw and examined the specimen; and that Wilson assured him it was entirely new to him. Wilson was then residing at the Bartram Botanic Garden, near Philadelphia. Mr. Ord farther read to the Society a letter addressed to him by the artist, Mr. Lawson, who engraved the plate in which the Small-headed Flycatcher is figured. This gentleman affirms, that all the plates, which he engraved for the American Ornithology, were from Wilson’s own drawings; and that with respect to the plate in which the Small-headed Flycatcher appears, specumens of all the birds there represented accompanied the drawings; and he, after getting his outline, worked from them. Mr. Ord laid before the Society a proof of the etching of this plate, and remarked, that from the minuteness of the details, the point of the engraver had evidently a greater share in produ- cing the desired result, than even the pencil of the ornithologist. Mr. Lea, from the Publication Committee, reported, that the first part of the 7th volume of the Transactions of the So- ciety was completed, and presented a copy thereof for the in- spection of the members. Mr. Vaughan stated, that agreeably to the instructions of the Society, he had purchased the Anamitic and Latin, and Latin and Anamitic Dictionaries, lately published by the Right Reverend Father Taberd, Bishop of Isauropolis, and Vicar General of Cochin China; in two volumes, 4to. Serampore, 1838. (See Proceedings of July 3.) Dr. Hays made an oral communication relative to the opera- tion recently devised for squinting, and to its effects in modi- fying the adjusting power of the eye for near and distant objects. ; Dr. Hays stated, that certain phenomena which he had observed in one of the cases in which he had divided the internal rectus mus- cle, for the cure of squinting, seemed to favour the theory of the ad- justment being made by an alteration in the form of the eye, under the conjoint action of the four recti muscles ; a theory rejected by the best physiologists of the day. The case, the details of which Dr. Hays related, was that of a gentleman thirty-six years of age, who had squinted with his left eye since the age of five years. Both the eyes were presbyopic; the left, however, was most so, and required for distinct vision a glass three Nos. higher than the other eye; the respective Nos. being 11 and 14. Vision with the left eye, even by the aid of a glass, was not c 274 perfect, words printed in long primer being scarcely legible. After the division of the internal rectus muscle, vision not only improved, but the eye became less presbyopic, and at the present time, three weeks since the operation, said Dr. Hays, the glass (No. 14,) which had been before adapted to the patient’s left eye, now magnifies so much, that it is unpleasant to read with it; and he is able to see best with glass, No.11. On careful comparison, he is unable to perceive any difference in the size of objects viewed with either eye through this glass ; and an opera glass, adjusted to one eye, seems equally well adapted for the other. These facts, Dr. Hays remarked, show, thata change has taken place in the left eye, and this probably consists in an elongation of its antero-posterior diameter, resulting from the operation. Dr. Hays also made some observations on the mode in which squinting causes an impairment of the function of vision, and stated, that from a great number of cases which he had examined, it ap- peared to him to be a general rule, that the greater the degree of strabismus, the more imperfect is the sight of the affected eye. In all the cases in which he had operated, the sight had been improved. Dr. Dunglison stated, that he was not prepared to admit, from this single observation, that the accommodating power of the eye is owing to the pressure of the four recti muscles on the eye ball; the division of any one of them not being likely, in his opinion, to rectify the results of compression, if it existed in the case in ques- tion. He was disposed to refer a great agency to the contraction and dilatation of the pupil in facilitating distinct vision at different distances, and he alluded to an experiment made on one of his own eyes whilst a student of medicine. This consisted in applying some freshly prepared extract of belladonna to the eyelids. ‘The conse- quence was, that the pupil soon became so much dilated, that the iris was almost invisible. The focus of this eye was found to be at twice the distance of that of the sound organ; but in proportion as the ef- fects of the belladonna passed off, and the pupil approached its na- tural size, vision became more and more distinct, and the focus nearer the natural. In the open air, all objects, except those near, were distinctly seen, but on entering a room, every thing was obscured. Dr. Dunglison expressed the belief, that squinting is often owing to impairment of vision in one eye, in consequence of a want of corres- pondence in the sensibility of the two retinze; the mind, therefore, acquires the habit of attending to the impression made on the sound eye only, and the other, being neglected, is drawn into a position to interfere, as little as possible, with the better vision of its fellow. 2795 Professor Bache alluded to a case of strabismus, which seemed to him to favour a suggestion thrown out by Dr. Hays, that defective vision in the inverted or everted eye, might be owing to stretching of the optic nerve. In this case the eye became everted; and simul- taneously, vision with it was impaired. Ultimately, indeed, the sight of both eyes was lost. Professor Bache communicated the following observations made by Mr. Riimker, Director of the Observatory of Ham- burg, on the second comet of Galle. Longitude of the Observatory of Hamburg, 39m. 54s. E. of Green- wich. 2 38 Date. os Mean Time at Apparent AR of | Apparent Declinat. ae 1840. Hamburg. Comet in Time. of Comet in Ascen. 53 Ee) [oe TOES NI Ge ARON. & olnis da January 29| 9 55 28.89|21 17 51.990 | 62 18 5915 | 13 » 30] 8 11 23.07] 21 31 31.5451 61 55 2819] 15 February 2|15 47 45.98 | 22 16 53.236| 59 55 35.53] 15 ¥ 3] 8 58 46.24] 22 25 51.671] 59 23 3857} 12 i 4112 45 54.87 | 22 39 52004158 28 7.73 4 i 8 38 19.30 | 23.19 35128|55 1 1281 | 14 i 9 59 24.03 | 23 28 23.452|54 4 3.05] 1 eae v TT 30 24.43/23 45 9.317/52 2 24.91] 14 ee 12 59 54.97 | 23 52 16184|51 5 2371) 19.04 | 23 59 19.388 /50 4 5817 4 ff (Ju) SONDONOMDCOA*IO (ee) Q ee 2739.88 24 28.638 | 45 59 10.16 7 » 20110 24 44.96 40 30.642 | 42 54 50.14 9 5 RE 97 9.89 44 44.511 | 42 2 10.16 5 36 19.92 49 0566] 41 7 51.14 8 6 5 19 4.72 53 42.774 | 40 6.82 () eC) J 0 0 0 0 0 21 20.47} 0 57 13.625] 39 18 17.17 9 44 5876) 1 O 58.806 | 38 26 14.25 2 44 840} 1 11 43.889 | 35 50 13.13 11 30 35.35] 1 14 57.249 | 35 1 34.78 11 1 1 it 1 1 52 35.50 18 86888 | 34 9 25.57 3 30 17.55 24 1.221 | 32 40 4.76 10 18 0.15 26 48.581 | 31 55 31.03 11 36 57.85 29 32.423 | 31 10 41.80 10 25 47.30 32 8.990 | 30 28 10.08 9 pt oe -22 00 | co BS aasans SWI WISH iow) on Al 29.37 | 1 34 42.030 | 29 45 41.59 7 35 22.20) 1 39 32.121 | 28 24 27.00 8 45 35.77] 1 44 5.870) 27 6 18.05 Z 4 11.57] 1 54 28.674 | 24 5 17.24 6 5 25.47] 1 56 24.191 | 23 31 20.68 2 0 646|] 1 58 15.616 | 22 58 12.00 16 26 38.67) 2 1 52.951 | 21 53 17.10 3 53. 58.95} 2 3 37.382 | 21 22 54.45 8 52 56.85} 2 5 19245 | 20 52 0.14 4 17 1592! 2 8 41.0441 19 51 52,52 8 2716 Mr. Justice stated to the Society, that the Astronomical In- struments ordered for the High School Observatory, from Mii- nich, had arrived, and invited the members to inspect them. Whereupon, Professor Bache proposed the following resolu- tions, which were adopted by the Society. Resolved, That the Committee on Astronomical Observations be requested to examine the instruments recently imported from Miinich, for the Observatory of the Central High School, by the Controllers of the Public Schools, and to report in relation to them to the Society. Resolved, That the same Committee be requested to consider and report to the Society, the best application of the sum of money in the possession of the Society, which was collected for the erection of an Astronomical Observatory. Mr. Vaughan reported the death of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, a member of the Society, aged 66. A letter was read by Mr. Vaughan from Mr. Charles P. Fox, presenting to the Society, in his own name, and that of his sisters, the collection of the original letters and papers of Benjamin Franklin. (See Proceedings, July 17.) On motion of Mr. Ord, the Secretary was directed to trans- mit to Mr. Fox a special vote of thanks for his valuable do- nation. Stated Meeting, October 2. Present, twenty-nine members. Dr. Cuapman, Vice President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Royal Society. Report of the Committee of Physics, including Meteorology, on the objects of Scientific Inquiry in those Sciences. Approved by the President and Council. 8vo. Lon- don, 1840.—From Mr. Petty Vaughan. Monument de Yu, ou la plus Ancienne Inscription de la Chine, suivie de trente-deux formes d’Anciens Caractéres Chinois, &c. Par Joseph Hager. Fol. Paris, 1802.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. : 207 Discours sur les Revolutions de la Surface du Globe, &c. &c. Par M. Le Baron Cuvier, &c. &c. 5éme édit. 8vo. Paris, 1828.— From the same. Des Caractéres Physiologiques des Races Humaines considérés dans leurs Rapports avec l’Histoire, &c. &c. Par W. F. Edwards, D.M., &c. &c. 8vo.. Paris, 1829.—From the same. The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge, for the year 1841. 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From Mr. J. E. Worcester. An Examination of Dr. Burnet’s Theory of the Earth, with some re- marks on Whiston’s New Theory of the Earth, &c. &c. By J. Keill, A.M., &c. Second Edition. To the whole is annexed a Dissertation on the different Figures of Ceelestial Bodies, &c. By Mons. De Maupertuis, &c. &c. Svo. Oxford, 1734.—From Mr. Vaughan. | Des Administrations Proyinciales, Mémoire présenté au Roi par feu M. Turgot. 8vo. Lausanne, 1788.—From the same. Lettres Américaines, dans lesquelles on examine l’Origine, Etat Civil, Politique, &c. &c. des Anciens Habitans de l’Amérique, &c. &c. pour servir de Suite aux Mémoires de D. Ulloa. Par M. le Comte J. R. Carli, &c. &c. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1788.— From the same. HevoQavros Kupov Tiasdeia, BiGAe oxzw. Xenophontis de Cyri Insti- tutione Libri octo, &c. &c. Cura Thom. Hutchinson, A.M. Edit. 6ta. 8vo. London, 1765.—From the same. : Map of the Inland Navigation, Canals and Rail Roads, with the situations of the various Mineral Productions throughout Great Britain, from actual Surveys projected on the Basis of the Trigo- nometrical Survey made by order of the Honourable the Board of Ordnance, by J. Walker, &c. &c., accompanied by a Book of Reference, compiled by Joseph Priestley, Esq., &c. &c.; in six sheets. London, 1831.—From the same. Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic. By William Stokes, M.D., &c. &c. Second American edition, with numerous Notes, and twelve additional Lectures, by John Bell, M.D., &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From Dr. Bell. Treatise on the Physiological and Moral Management of Infancy. By Andrew Combe, M.D., &c. &c., with Notes and a Supplementary Chapter, by John Bell, M.D., &c. &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1840.—F rom the same. 278 Ensaio Corografico sobre a Provincia do Para, por Antonio Ladislau Monteiro Baena, &c. &c. 8yo. Para, 18389.—From the Author. FOR THE CABINET. Sundry Specimens of Minerals, &c. from the southern and western parts of the Union, from Mr. C. G. Forshey, of Louisiana. 1. A coal recently found on the Arkansas river, about 300 miles beyond the capital of the State. The stratum crops out on the bank of the river, between high and low water mark, in a line of hills called “ Spadra Bluffs,’”’ one of the Ozark range. A shaft has been sunk by John Walker, the discoverer, an en- terprising citizen of Natchez, Miss. At the depth of 35 feet, he found the coal 4 to 5 feet thick. The following analysis is from Professor L. D. Gale, of Jefferson College, Mississippi. “ Extracts from the Journal of the Laboratory. ‘¢ Specimen of coal furnished by Prof. Forshey, of Natchez, February, 1840. 100 grs. of the coal, (Specific gravity = 1.336, and of jet black,) were put into a close vessel and heated to redness for two hours, and weighed while warm. Amount lost=9.75 grs. The residuum, consisting of coal and earthy mat- ters, was again heated, but in an open platinum crucible, until all the carbon was burned away. Loss by the combustion = 80.81 grs. The earthy matters left, removed from the crucible, weighed 9.44 grs. The specimen, then, is composed of volatile matter per cent. - - - - = - 9.75 Carbon, per cent. So ee Sa ee Ue Earthy matters, ae Med eae - 944 ‘“‘ The volatile matters were found to be composed chiefly of water and car- buretted hydrogen, with a mere trace of sulphur. “The coal belongs to the class called Bituminous Coal, but has not enough to admit of coking by heat. * * * * * It is richer in carbon than any of the four varieties of English Bituminous Coal.” It ignites easily without the aid of charcoal, and burns with a clear white blaze, without smoke, leaving a very small quantity of white ashes and earthy matter. 2. A Shell, Unio Asperrimus, Lake Concordia, La. 3. Two Shells, Unio Trapezoides, Lake St. Joseph, La. 4. One Shell, Unio Pustulatus, Lake Bruin, La. 5. Single valves of two Shells, U. Subrotundus, Lake St. Joseph. 6. Two Shells, Unio Parvus, Lake Concordia, La. 7. Five species of fossil Coralloides, from Jackson County, Iowa Territory, 1838. 8. Two Cyathphylla and an Orthocera, from the Chert, above the mountain limestone of Copper creek, Iowa, 1838. 9. Specimen of Alabaster, laminated sulphate of lime, from a cavern near Charleston, Iowa, 1838. 10. A cast, in Chalcedonic Quartz, of a Pentamiris, from the Chert of Iowa, 1838. 11. Three Iron Ores, Hematite, Crystallized Nodular Oxide, and Pipe Ore, Jackson County, Iowa, 1838. 12. A Cyathphyllum, and a Coralloides, from Calloway County, Mis- souri, 1839. 13. A specimen of Lignite, and the laminated Gypsum which enveloped it, in the form of a concretion. From the base of the Natchez 279 Bluff, 170 feet below the surface. When obtained, the specimen was rotten wood, so decayed as to be easily crushed between the fingers. The ligneous fibre was very palpable, and showed it to be oak. After twenty days ex- posure, it was covered with a fine frost of Copperas, (Sulph. Iron,) and was transformed into beautiful lignite. 14. A piece of Brick, from the Mounds on Lake St. Joseph, Louisiana. Its porousness, Mr. F. found from some spe- cimens imperfectly burnt, arises from the entire combustion of the moss used to give the mortar consistency. 15. An Iron Ore, from the pudding stone forming at the base of the Natchez Bluffs. When first broken the cavity was filled with white potter’s clay, coated with brown ochre at the surface. 16. A specimen of the Spanish Moss, Tillandsia Usneoides, from Natchez, Missis- sippi. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Horner and Dr. Hays, appointed on the 3d of January last, to report to the Society a description of a donation of Mastodon Bones, made to the So- ciety by a subscription of members, gave in their report, which was directed to be printed in the Transactions of the Society. The Committee, consisting of Dr. Hays, Mr. Peale, and Dr. Dunglison, to whom was referred a paper entitled “ Note of the Remains of the Mastodon, and some other extinct animals, collected together in St. Louis, Missouri; by W. E. Horner, M.D., Professor of Anatomy University of Pennsylvania,” re- commended that an abstract of the same should be inserted in the Bulletin of the Society’s Proceedings; and on motion, the report was accepted, and the committee discharged. The collection referred to, was made by Mr. Albert Koch—a Ger- man resident in St. Louis, for the last five years—and has been ob- tained principally from two localities, Rock Creek, twenty miles south of St. Louis, and Gasconade County, two hundred miles above the mouth of the Missouri river. It consists of two hundred or more Teeth of the Mastodon and of the American Elephant. s Ssesesisinpslooooeo + |+ + NIELS 008°96 1cgchp Gb 6L __ O€86r Gr 6T 16e4p 9€ GL __9r0'06_€E 6T __ 68626 8S 8T Ore AG. fe 98c1e EF 8I GL48'8G OF 8I __GEO'6T 86 8T 104'GG GG BI gesr Ie 81 Igcg'LE 61 81 OO Gir Sy L98b Ie 8 ossze 61 Bi _ G0 6i 8 66091 GLG'6G st st fol! €66°SS 8 L1G'EE €66'6E L89'ST S61 TE 8t 81 st SI IL Or 6 8 96G°E SG BT g & G I 0 88686 9G AL _ verze €S ALT POVLZE GS ALL 66VEL GS AT pe0se 1S AT G0G6S AP AL Sls br) VI 91 6. Or ST 6E°LS SBOP 66'6G bV'GP 6617 GV'0G 869'6 Tol Or SE LEV 68P'TS __ Gite 91 OLS Koni) mo RQ No 1} | €0°EL Sik O54 66 0+ Gy @ Sr 009'S S€G'9G Sh 8T G86'86 9E BI CoV IG 9& 8T 989°GI GG 8ST 984'8— 20 ST 6146 GL 8st ormsr 4 8i Srl 9E TT 8 9g _AL BgL'86 0S ATL eee 929 Vane Vo pses 96 BI Ss6r_ sr Al eral GE L60L GE 8ST 96°S6 8ST 8ST OLY GS-81 £8'6P 61 8I Os'st ft 81 Sui6, Sh Sh Areniq9a,q F Areniqa,q Z Arenuee Zz Arenuer 1Z Arenute 6] Arenuer ZT Arenuee FT Arenuer &T Arenuer eT Arenuep [1 Arenuer Of Arenuer 6 Arenuer g 304 The places of the stars are the apparent places for the time of comparison with the comet. Prof. Bache also reported the following occultations of fixed stars by the Moon, observed by Prof. Riimker in Hamburg. 1840. Star. Phase. Mean Time at Hamburg. April 11 y Leonis Immers. 10 34 58.29 22 + Sagittarii Immers. 16 13 20.77 May 4 Anon. Immers. 10 30 16.97 | June 3 » Cancri Immers. 9 48 30.98 Aug. 24 | : * Cancri Immers. 16 13 35.8 * Cancri Immers. 16616 = «7.9 Stated Meeting, December 4. Present, thirty members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received:— FOR THE LIBRARY. A History of the United States before the Revolution; with some Ac- count of the Aborigines. By Ezekiel Sandford. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1819.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. ' The Resources of the United States of America; or a View of the Agricultural, Commercial, Manufacturing, Financial, Political, Literary, Moral, and Religious Capacity and Character of the American People. By John Bristed, Counsellor at Law, &c. &c. 8yo. New York, 1818.—From the same. History of the late Polish Revolution, and the Events of the Cam- paign. By Joseph Hordynski, Major of the late 10th Regiment of Lithuanian Lancers. 8vo. Boston, 1832.—From the same. Memoirs of Goethe, written by himself. S8vo. New York, 1824.— From the same. The History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., late Presi- dent of the United States. By John Wood, Author of the His- tory of Switzerland, &c. 8vo. New York.—From the same. 305 The Political Mirror: or Review of Jacksonism. 12mo. New York, 1835.—From the same. The Proceedings and Resolutions of the West India Body, including Copies of their various Communications with His Majesty’s Go- vernment, relative to the Measures of the Session of 1833, for the Abolition of Slavery. Small Folio. 1833.—From Mr. Petty _ Vaughan. , A Pictorial Geography of the World, comprising a System of Uni- versal Geography, Popular and Scientific, &c. &c., illustrated by more than One Thousand Engravings of Manners, Costumes, Curiosities, Cities, Edifices, Ruins, Beasts, Birds, &c. &c., with a Copious Index, answering the purpose of a Gazetteer. By S. G. Goodrich. Second Edition. 2 Vols. Large 8vo. Boston, 1840.—From the Author. . Specimens of an Improved Metrical Translation of the Psalms of Da- vid, intended for the Use of the Presbyterian Church in Australia and New Zealand, with a Preliminary Dissertation, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. By John Dunmore Lang, D.D., Se- nior Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Communion with the Church of Scotland in New South Wales.—From the ‘Author. Report from the Select Committee on Lighting the House (of Com- mons); together with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Fol. Aug. 1839.—From Mr. H. C. Carey. Report to the Controllers of the Public Schools, on the Reorganiza- tion of the Central High School of Philadelphia. By A. D. Bache, LL.D., President of the Girard College for Orphans. 8vyo. Philadelphia, 1839-40.— From the Author. Report on the Organization of a High School for Girls, and Semi- nary for Female Teachers. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the same. The Committee, consisting of Mr. Richards, Dr. Ludlow, and Mr. G. M. Wharton, on a communication of Professor Forshey, of Natchez, containing a description of the great Mound near Washington, Adams County, Mississippi, re- ported favourably of the same, and expressed the hope, that the author might be enabled to prosecute farther examinations, “the result of which, with his enlightened commentaries, would furnish a most acceptable addition to the Transactions of the Society.” 306 The Mound, described by Professor Forshey, is found about nine miles north-east from the city of Natchez, Mississippi, upon the most elevated portion of that comparatively low and level region. It is approached on all sides by a slope. The elevation of its base above the mean level of the waters of the Mississippi, at Natchez, is esti- mated at 265 feet, and the greatest height of the Mound above the earth, 84 feet. The whole elevation above the waters of the river 348 feet, giving to the spectator a clear horizon of 150 degrees, em- bracing, in that flat region, a rich and extended prospect. The Mound is an irregular artificial elevation of earth, varying, in its general line, from 40 to 46 feet in height, and encloses an area of about seven acres inclusive of the ground covered by its base. On the surface of the general Mound are erected, at irregular intervals, 15 smaller Mounds, one of which is 88 feet in height, and the re- maining 14 varying from 4 to 12 feet in height. The Mound con- sists of clay, with some admixture of earth, and its sides seem to have been faced with rudely formed brick, made from the adjacent clay. The bricks are found after digging to the depth of some 12 or 15 inches into the embankment. ‘The western front is ascended by two causeways, which are distinctly marked, and are found one at each angle of the Mound. At the eastern extremity is another cause- way entrance to the enclosure, and near to this entrance, and outside the embankment, may be traced, for some distance, an ancient fosse. The three causeways are of easy ascent, and wide enough for the in- troduction of burthens. Upon the north and south sides of the great Mound, and at points nearly opposite to each other, covered entrances - or archways were constructed, but they are now so obstructed as to be difficult of examination. Before the forest was cleared by civilized culture, tradition relates that extensive avenues reached north, south, east, and west, thus affording, from the elevation of the great Mound, a most attractive prospect. The result, of the partial examinations made, shows that portions of the Mound were used as places of interment by the Indians. The cranium secured by Prof. Forshey was of the tribe of Flatheads. Earthen vessels of rude construction, and probably used frequently as receptacles for the remains of those interred, or as mementos at their funeral obsequies, are found. Various objects from the Mound have reached the Lyceum at Natchez. The Committee, consisting of Mr. Lea, Dr. Hays, and Mr. Ord, to whom was referred a communication, entitled “Re- 307 marks on the Dental System of the Mastodon, with an Ac- count of some Lower Jaws in Mr. Koch’s Collection, St. Louis, Missouri, where there is a Solitary Tusk on the Right Side, by William E. Horner, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania,’’ reported in favour of the publication, which was directed accordingly. Dr. Horner inquires into the mode of formation of the teeth of the Mastodon, and compares it with that of the elephant and of man. The teeth of the Mastodon are all formed upon one type of configu- ration, the number of denticules excepted; they therefore, like those of the elephant, do not admit of a division into incisors, cuspidati, and molares, as in some other animals. The teeth are all molars. The lower jaw itself resembles somewhat a human lower jaw cut off in front of the molar teeth, and then joined in the two posterior seg- ments. ‘These teeth invariably succeed each other from behind; the hindmost, as they emerge, pushing the others forward, and out of their places, until the latter all drop out, and a large solitary tooth is finally left on each side of each jaw. Dr. Horner alludes to the erroneous nature of the early ideas of naturalists on the teeth of the Mastodon, and observes that we now know, with some degree of certainty, that the earliest teeth of this animal were not more than an inch and a half square, and that the three immediately succeeding were a gradual and successive enlarge- ment on this and on each other’s volume. In the Museum of Mr. Koch, at St. Louis, there is a young head, the long diameter of which is 18 or 20 inches, where the fact of four co-existent teeth on each side of each jaw is exhibited. This specimen, with a dozen lower jaws of different ages and sizes, enables us to trace, with some accu- racy, the stages of dentition, until it reaches the large and solitary grinder of ten inches in length on each side. Judging from these phases of dentition, Dr. Horner infers that the entire amount of teeth was at least 24; he is disposed, indeed, to think that the number may have been greater than this; perhaps 28, and possibly 32. Dr. Horner makes some observations on some specimens of lower jaws in Mr. Koch’s Museum in St. Louis, in which there was a soli- tary tusk on the right side, and alludes to the embarrassments that their existence occasions in regard to the Tetracauledon of Godman; whether, for example, we are to consider them merely as abnormous types of that animal, as known Mastodons, or as still another species c 308 to which, if such, the name Tetracauledon might be attached. Dr. Horner confesses himself unable to suggest a probable solution of these questions, and states, in connection with them, that Mr. Koch has the lower part of the head of a Mastodon of middling size, in which, from the intermaxillary bone, as usual, protrudes a tusk, which measures thirty inches long by four inches in diameter; but the tusk exists only on the left side, there being not even a vestige of alveolus on the right. It is very far from being certain, Dr. Horner adds, that any exam- ple exists of the upper jaw of the Tetracauledon; the presence of tusks in both jaws at once has therefore to be yet proved. The Committee, consisting of Prof. Bache, Dr. Patterson, and Mr. Lukens, to whom was referred the paper, entitled “Observations to determine the Magnetic Intensity at several Places in the United States, with some additional Observations of the Magnetic Dip, by Elias Loomis, Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy in Western Reserve College,” recommended the same for publication in the Society’s Trans- actions, which was ordered accordingly. The following is an abstract of the results of observations contained in this memoir. 1. Magnetic Intensity.—The horizontal intensity was observed by an apparatus similar to the one used by Professor Hansteen. Three small needles furnished to the author by Professor Renwick, and made under the direction, respectively, of Professor Hansteen, Major Sabine, and Professor Henry, were employed. The commencing semi-arc of vibration was, in every case, 30°, and each series in- cluded 320 oscillations, the instant of the completion of every tenth vibration being noted. No correction, therefore, is applied for the arc of vibration. The times were observed at Dorchester, Princeton, and Philadelphia, by a chronometer, and at the other stations by a lever watch, which, at Hudson, was compared with the observatory clock before and after the observations. The author remarks, that “at the remaining stations there is a little uncertainty with regard to the time, yet it is thought its influence upon the results will not be great.” The correction for temperature, for each of the needles, was ob- tained by direct experiment, and gave the following coefficients :—- 309 For the Hansteen needle, .000191; for the Sabine needle, .000328 ; for the Henry needle, .000116. The results of observation are re- duced to a standard temperature of 60° Fah. _ The author gives the reasons which induce him to apply no cor- rection for the change of magnetism in the needles. The observa- tions for horizontal intensity were principally made in September and November, 1839. , The stations of observation at different places were the same as for- merly described (Am. Phil. Soc. Trans.), except at Dorchester, which was near Mr. Bond’s Observatory. The details of the observations are given, and from the mean of those for horizontal intensity, com- bined with the dips formerly observed, the author gives the total in- tensities, taking New York as 1.803, according to the determination of Major Sabine, and referring to the unit established by Humboldt, as follows :— Horizontal Intensity. Dip. Total Intensity. New York, -96707 Aen ey 1.803 New Haven, -92364 73 26.7 1.780 Dorchester, .88182 74 16.0 1.786 Providence, .89830 73 59.6 1.789 Princeton, 97414 2 Aa 1.807 Philadelphia, 1.00000 72 07.0 1.788 Hudson, 97344 72 47.6 1.807 The author remarks that Hudson, Ohio, and New York, thus ap- pear to have sensibly the same magnetic dip and intensity. He con- cludes this part of his memoir with a comparison of his intensity ob- servations with those of Professors Bache and Courtenay. 2. Magnetic Dip.—This section commences with an account of observations of the magnetic dip, made at Hudson, Ohio, in different azimuths, to try the figure of the axles of the dipping needles. The results for needle No. 1 were quite satisfactory, and for needle No. 2, showed a difference in the extremes of 12.7’: upon a review of the whole, the author considers them as justifying confidence in the nee- dles used. The following determinations of the dip are next given:— Latitude. Longitude. Date. Magnetic Dip. Hudson, Ohio, 41 15N. 81 26W. April 15,1840 72 53.2 Aurora, A 41 20 81 20 Sept. 8, i 72 55.5 Windham, ,, 41 15 81 03 haces of 73 03.4 310 Bazetta, 2B, 41 20 80 45 Sept. 9, 1840, 72 59.7 Kinsman, 3 41 30 80 34 sy FOS, 73 08.1 Hartford, 4, 4119 8034 » 10, 5 72 59.8 Warren, ,, 4116 80 49 5jinldly ign a aloe Cleveland, ,, 4130 81 42 53 22 gt TSA Bedford, 4 424), 1p 32 » 23, 5 72 58.0 Twinsburgh, ,, 4i 20 81 26 3 ud is 72 61.3 Tallmadge, ,, 41 06 81 26 30s lu ge 72 50.1 Shalersville, ,, 41 15” = 81 18 Oct. 15, ,, 72 56.6 Streetsboro’, ,, 4115 81 20 wi PEyo%, 72 53.0 Tallmadge, ,, 4106 81 26 iB i gin Rimew Dr. Patterson, from the Observatory Committee, laid before the Society the following Ordinance, passed by the City Coun- cils on the 19th of November last. “An Ordinance to authorize the American Philosophical Society to erect an Observatory in Rittenhouse Square. Sect. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Citizens of Phila- delphia in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the Ame- rican Philosophical Society be and they are hereby authorized to erect, at their expense, an Observatory in Rittenhouse Square, the same to be built under the supervision of the Committee on City Pro- perty, and after a plan to be approved by them; subject, nevertheless, to the right of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Philadelphia, to prescribe regulations for the government and management thereof, and at any time the Select and Common Councils may deem it expe- dient, to take possession of and remove the said building from the said square.” Signed by the Presidents of the Select and the Common Council. Whereupon it was resolved, that the terms of the Ordinance be accepted by the Society, and that the Observatory Commit- tee be instructed to take the necessary measures, under the powers given them, for carrying the objects of the Ordinance into effect. Mr. Walker read a communication, entitled “ Researches concerning the Periodical Meteors of August and November, by Sears C. Walker,’’ which was referred to a Committee. Prof. Bache brought before the Society an instrument for measuring the changes in the vertical components of the force dll of terrestrial magnetism, which he described as combining the principles of the vertical force instrument of Prof. Lioyd, with that of reflection adopted in the magnetometers of Prof. Gauss, and which had been made for him by Mr. Saxton. Prof. Bache stated, that having found difficulties in the use, espe- cially by his assistants, of the vertical force instrument invented by Prof. Lloyd, and made for the Magnetic Observatory at the Girard College, by Robinson, of London, he had applied, in June last, to Mr. Saxton, to construct the instrument now presented to the notice of the Society. ‘The details had been matured by conference with Mr. Sax- ton. ‘The magnetic bar, placed and supported as in the instrument of Prof. Lloyd, carries a mirror upon its axis. The mode of adjust- ing the position of the centre of gravity of the needle does not differ materially from that adopted in the instrument referred to. The nee- dle is raised off the agate planes by the action of a screw, raising a bar which supports two small cups adapted to receive two projecting pins on the arms of the magnet. This magnetometer is observed from a distance, like those of Prof. Gauss. Prof. Bache explained the mode of adjusting the instrument, and of placing the scale and telescopes. Mr. Peale remarked, that in the November number of the “London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine,’’ there were communications “On the Electricity of a Jet of Steam issuing from a Boiler,’’ and stated that sparks, of the kind mentioned, had been observed in a steam-engine at Wil- mington, North Carolina. Mr. Boyé read a communication, entitled, “On the Perchlo- rate of the Oxide of Ethule, or Perchloric Ether, by Clark Hare and Martin H. Boyé,’’ which was referred to a Com- mittee. Professors Rogers and Hare referred to circumstances connected with the discovery, mode of preparing, and preserving this highly explosive compound; of which a specimen, dissolved in alcohol, was presented by M. Boyé to the Society. Dr. Hare, amongst other matters, remarked, that this is the only ether which is explosive, per se, when transferred from one vessel to another. Prof. Bache called the attention of the Society to a diagram 312 representing the changes of magnetic declination, as recorded at the Magnetic Observatory of Mr. Bond, at Cambridge, and at the Girard College, on the magnetic term day of May, 1840, and showing that the changes attending the aurora are not pe- culiar to one locality, but that, as observed at different places, they are parts of a great magnetic disturbance. The two curves thus presented agreed remarkably in all their ge- neral features, showing, as a general result, similar motions of the needle at the two places in direction, though not always proportional in amount. ‘They presented remarkable differences in the absolute times at which these movements had taken place at the two sta- tions, the similar movements differing frequently five minutes (with opposite signs), and in a few cases as much as ten minutes in time; _ in other cases being simultaneous. The period at which the needle had attained, suddenly, its greatest deviation from the true meridian, was ten minutes earlier in absolute time at Cambridge, than at Phi- ladelphia. Mr. Justice reported, that during the last four or five even- ings, he had tested the value of the telescope referred to at a former meeting of the Society (Proceedings, No. 13, p. 276), by observations on the Moon, and stated his opinion of its ex- cellence, as deduced from those observations. Mr. Justice de- tailed the appearances presented by the Moon’s surface through this instrument. . Dr. Demmé referred to the contents of a circular letter from Germany, in which it was stated, that a number of gentlemen of Stuttgart had united, under the name “Societas Bibliophilo- rum Stuttgartiz,’’ to publish historical and antiquarian works, which are either out of print, or have never been printed. The Society at Stuttgart will begin to publish as soon as they have procured five hundred subscribers. ‘The subscription is one pound sterling for which the subscriber will receive one copy: and no more copies will be printed than are subscribed for. The letter to Dr. Demmé, which accompanied it, requested the honour of enrolling the American Philosophical Society amongst the subscribers. On motion, the Society resolved to subscribe to the under- taking. 313 Professor Bache read a letter from Major Sabine, giving the progress of the magnetic observations now making, and refer- ring to the modes deemed advisable for the publication of the records of observatories. He referred also to the anomalous nature of the curves for the May term day at Toronto and at Greenwich, and to an instrument for observing vertical force by reflection, in the putting up of which Professor Airy was engaged. Stated Meeting, December 18. Present, thirty-eight members. Mr. Du Ponceau, President, in the Chair. The following donations were received :— FOR THE LIBRARY. Journal Asiatique. 3 Série. Tom. 1X. No. 49. Paris. Janvier, 1840.—From the Society. Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie; uitgegeven door J. Van der Hoeven, M.D., Prof. te Leiden, en W. H. Vriese, M.D., Prof. te Amsterdam. Zevende Deel. 1ste en 2de Stuk. 8vo. Leiden, 1840.—From the Editors. An Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States, for the Year 1839. 8vo. Washington, 1840.—From Mr. T. LL. Smith, Register of the Treasury. A Commercial Dictionary, containing the Present State of Mercantile Law, Practice, and Custom. By Joshua Montefiore, &c. The first American Edition, with very considerable Additions relative to the Laws, Usages, and Practice of the United States. In three Vclumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804.—From Mr. Du Ponceau. Sundry Pamphlets, Catalogues, &c., relating to the University of Pennsylvania. 8vo. (Bound.)—From the same. Lettere sull' Indie Orientali. 8vo. Filadelfia, 1802. (2 Vols.)— From the same. Des Crimes de la Presse, considérés comme Générateurs de tous les Autres. Dédié aux Souverains de la Sainte-Alliance. | 8vo. Paris. (No date.)—From the same. 314 Traité des Tribunaux de Judicature, ou l’on examine ce que la Reli- gion exige des Juges, des Plaideurs, des Avocats et des Témoins, &c. &c. Par P. Roques, Pasteur de l’Eglise Francoise de Basle. 4to. Basle, 1740.— From the same. Alger sous la Domination Francaise; son Etat présent et son Avenir. Par M. le Baron Pichon, Conseiller d’Etat, ancien Intendant Civil d’Alger. 8vo. Paris, 18383.—From the same. A New Spanish Grammar, adapted to every Class of Learners. By Mariano Cubi i Soler, Professor of Modern Languages in the Col- lege of Louisiana. Sixth Edition, with Corrections and Improve- ments.—From the Author. The Natural History of the Fishes of the Firth of Forth, and Tribu- taries. By Richard Parnell, M.D. F.R.S. Edin., é&c. &c. Pri- vate Copy: from the Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History _ Society, Vol. VII. 8vo. Edinb. 1838.—From the Author. Description of the Geology of the State of New Jersey, being a Final Report. By Henry D. Rogers, State Geologist, &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From the Author. Récit de Inauguration de la Statue de Gutenberg et des fétes don- nées par la Ville de Strasbourg, les 24, 25, et 26 Juin, 1840. Par Auguste Luchet, &c. 24mo. Paris, 1840.—From Mr. D. B. Warden. Pamphlets.—1. Institut Royal de France. a. Académie des Sciences, Morales et Politiques: Séance publique du Samedi, 27 Juin, 1840. b. Académie Francaise: Séance publique du Jeudi, 11 Juin, 1840. c. Académie Royale des Sciences: Séance publique du Lundi, 13 Juillet, 1840. 2. Revue de ]’Agriculture Universelle, publiée par la Société d’ Agriculture Universelle, sous la direction de M. l’Ab- bé Theodore Perrin, &c. &c. Tom. ler. lre et 2e Livraison, Oct. 1839. 3. Société Royale et Centrale d’Agriculiture. a, Mé- moire sur la Culture de Chéne Liége, sur la Récolte et la Fabri- cation du Liege: par M. F. Jaubert, de Passa, &c. &c. Paris, 1836. 6. De la Greffe du Murier blanc sur le Murier des Philip- pines, par M. Bonafous, &c. &c. Paris, 1835. c. Rapport sur une Herse-Rateau, de Invention de N. Lestouniére, &c.—M. le Vte Héricart de Thury, Rapporteur. Paris, 1840. d. Archives d’Harcourt, lére Année. Paris, 1836. e. Premier Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d’Cinologie, composée de MM. le Comte de Rambuteau, Président; le Due Decazes, de Mirbel, Morin de Sainte-Colombe,—O. Leclerc-Thouin, Rapporteur. 315 J: Second Rapport sur le méme sujet. 4. Compte rendu des Tra- vaux de la Société Philotechnique, par le Baron de Ladoucette, Sécrétaire perpetuel: Séances, de Dec. 1834; Juin, 1835; Mai, 1836; Dec. 1836; Juin, 1837 et Juin, 1888. Liste des Mem- bres de la Société, &c. 5. Discours de M. de Ladouchette, de- puté de la Moselle, dans la discussion sur la proposition de M. Anisson, relative au défrichement des Foréts. (Chambre des Dé- putés: Séance du 5 Mars, 1838.) 6. Discours de M. le Baron de Morogues, Pair de France, dans la discussion du projet de Loi sur les Douanes. (Chambre des Pairs: Séance du 9 Juin, 1836.) 7. Note Historique sur les Bateaux a Vapeur, &c. par Mr. C. P. Molard, de Académie des Sciences. 8. Mémoire sur une Apo- plexie Charbonneuse de la Rate qui a regné épizootiquement sur les Bétes a Laine, dans les Départemens de |’Indre et du Cher, pendant |’Automne de 1834. Par J. Ch. Herpin, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 9. Des Pertes qu’occasionerait 4 PEtat la Continuation de l’application actuelle de notre Puissance amortissante: par A. Séguin, de |’Institut. Février, 1830. 10. Rapport sur l’Horlo- gerie de Paris, par M. Charles-Louis Le Roy, sone du Roi, 8vo. Paris, 1840.—From the same. Memorial of Edmund Pendleton Gaines to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled. 8vo. Memphis, Tennessee. 1840.—From General Gaines. Meteorological Register for the Years 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, and 1830, from Observations made by the Surgeons of the Army, and others at the Military Posts of the United States. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, M.D., Surgeon-general United States Army. .To which is appended, the Meteorological Regis- ter for the Years 1822, 1823, 1824, and 1825. Compiled under the direction of Joseph Lovell, M.D., late Surgeon-general of the United States Army. (Published for the use of the medical offi- cers of the army.) 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.—From Dr. Dun- glison. © The Committee, consisting of Dr. Patterson, Prof. Bache, and Mr. Lukens, to whom was referred the communication of Prof. Henry, entitled “Contributions to Electricity, No. IV., on Electro-dynamic Induction,” reported in favour of publica- tion, which was directed accordingly. D 316 In this paper Prof. Henry has collected such parts of his researches as particularly relate to the induction at the moment of making and breaking a galvanic circuit, and presents them as the continuation, and, in a measure, as the completion of this part of the general sub- ject of his “ Contributions.” The paper is divided into three sections: the first of these relates to the induction at the beginning of a galvanic current. It will be recollected that the arrangement of apparatus employed in the last series of experiments produced a powerful shock at the moment of the ending of the current; but a very feeble one at the beginning. In order, therefore, to study the induction in the latter case, the attention of Prof. Henry was first directed to the discovery of some means by which its intensity could be increased, and after some preliminary ex- periments, the desired result was obtained, by using a compound Da- niel’s battery, instead of the single battery before employed. It was also found, that the shock could be increased by diminishing, within certain limits, the length of the primary conductor. After detailing a number of new facts relative to the induction at the beginning as well as at the ending of a galvanic current, an ac- count is given of the production of currents, of different orders, from the beginning induction, These are found to be of the same nature as the several currents produced by the induction at the ending of the eurrent, as described in Prof. Henry’s last paper—each induced cur- rent possessing the property of inducing a current in an opposite di- rection to itself: and hence a series of alternating currents is exhi- bited in the case of this induction, similar to that described in Prof. _Henry’s last communication in reference to the ending induction. The same neutralizing effect is also produced by the interposition of a plate of metal between the conductors of the different orders. The second section relates to a class of phenomena which at first sight would appear to indicate the existence of two kinds of electro- dynamic induction. A brief account of the principal part of these has been given in the Proceedings of the Society for Oct. 1889. The attention of Prof. Henry was directed to this part of his investigations, by a statement in the 14th series of Dr. Faraday’s researches, which was apparently in contradiction to one of the most important facts given in the last number of his “Contributions.” It is stated in sub- stance, in Prof. Henry’s last paper, that when a plate of metal is inter- posed between the coil, and a helix placed above it to receive the in- duction, the shock is almost entirely neutralized. Dr. Faraday, in 317 apparent opposition to this, found that not the least difference in effect is produced, whether the space between the conductors is occupied with a conductor of electricity or not, provided the interposed sub- stance be not of the magnetic kind. A series of experiments was in- stituted to discover the cause of the discrepancy; and it was found, that in the case of induction produced by the motion of a helix to- wards a galvanic current, no screening influence was indicated by the deflections of the needle ‘of a galvanometer; also, when the in- duction was effected by moving a battery up and down in the acid, and in the case of magnetic electricity produced by the motion of the keeper towards the poles of a magnet, the interposition of the plate of metal produced no change in the indications of the needle. The in- duced electricity—which is thus produced by motion, and is of such low intensity as only to affect the galvanometer, which does not cause shocks, and is not neutralized by a plate of metal—was at first thought to be of a different kind from that induced by the sudden ending of a galvanic current. In reference to this idea, a new examination was made of the phenomena of the screening influence of the plate, in the case of the induction at the making and breaking of a galvanic cir- cuit, and it was found, that the neutralizing effects, described in Prof. Henry’s last paper, only existed in reference to the shock, and the power of magnetizing steel needles, while the indications of the gal- vanometer were not at all influenced by the presence of the plate: also, that the shock and deflections of the needle appeared to depend on entirely different conditions, and gave, in almost every case, very different indications of the amount of inductive action. Thus, in the arrangement of an apparatus, which gave an intense shock at the breaking of a galvanic circuit, and a very feeble one at the making of the same, the deflections of the needle were as great in the latter case as in the former. It was also found, that although the shock, - from the currents of the third and fourth orders, was very severe, yet the galvanometer was scarcely moved by them. From all these results, Prof. Henry was at first inclined to believe, that there were two kinds of electro-dynamic induction, or that the induced current consisted.of two parts, one of which could be neu- tralized by a plate, and the other not; but after an attentive study of the whole subject, he was led to conclude, that these facts, as well as all those belonging to galvanic induction, given in his former papers, could be referred to the simple laws of the induction in different di- rections at the moment of making and breaking a galvanic circuit. 318 The third section of the paper is occupied with these theoretical considerations, and in this Prof. Henry shows, that if the fact be granted, that the deflection of the needle is due to the whole amount of induced electricity, whatever may be its intensity, all the pheno- mena may be explained by the different degrees of rapidity with which a given amount of inductive action is expended. When the development or the diminution of the quantity of a gal- vanic current is sufficiently rapid, a shock is produced; but if the same amount of development is produced more slowly, no shock per- haps will be obtained, although the deflection of the needle will be as great as before. The neutralizing effects of the interposed plate, in reference to the shock and not to the needle, are direct consequences of these principles, and most of the perplexing phenomena, described in Prof. Henry’s last papers are referred to the same cause. Prof. Henry illustrates his views by the artifice of a curve, the ab- scisses of which represent the time of the increase or diminution of the quantity of a current, and the ordinates the amount of inductive force produced by the same. The Committee, consisting of Mr. Nuttall, Mr. Lea, and Dr. Coates, to whom was referred a communication by Miss Mar- garetta H. Morris, on the Cecidomyia Destructor or Hessian Fly, reported in favour of publication, which was ordered ac- cordingly. The Committee express the opinion, that should the observations of Miss Morris be ultimately proved correct, they will eventuate in con- siderable benefit to the agricultural community, and, through it, to the public. Miss Morris believes she has established, that the ovum of this destructive insect is deposited by the parent in the seed of the wheat, and not, as previously supposed, in the stalk or culm. She has watched the progress of the animal since June, 1836, and has satisfied herself that she has frequently seen the larva within the seed. She has also detected the larva, at various stages of its progress, from the seed to between the body of the stalk and the sheath of the leaves. In the latter situation it passes into the pupa or “ flaxseed state.” According to the observations of Miss Morris, the recently hatched larva penetrates to thecentre of the straw, where it may be found of a pale greenish- white semi- transparent appearance, in form somewhat resembling a silk-worm. From one to six of these have 319 been found at various heights from the seed to the third joint: they would seem to enter the pupa state about the beginning of June. This fly was not observed by Miss Morris to inhabit any other plant than wheat. To prevent the ravages of this destroyer of the grain, it will be proper to obtain fresh seed from localities in which the fly has not made its appearance. By this means the crop of the following year will be un- injured; but in order to avoid the introduction of straggling insects of the kind from adjacent fields, it is requisite that a whole neighbour- hood should persevere in this precaution for two or more years in succession. ‘This result was obtained, in part, in the course of trials made by Mr. Kirk, of Bucks County, Pa., with some seed-wheat from the Mediterranean, in and since the year 1837. His first crop was free from the fly, but it was gradually introduced from adjacent fields; and in the present year the mischief has been considerable. As Miss Morris states that the fly has never made its appearance in Susquehanna and Bradford Counties, seed-wheat, free from the fly, might be obtained from these, and probably from other, localities. The Committee recommend that the conclusion of Miss Morris ‘“‘may be subjected to the only efficient test—repeated observations and effective trials of the precaution she advises.” The Committee, consisting of Prof. Rogers, Dr. Bache, and Mr. Booth, on a communication, entitled, “On the Perchlorate of Ethule or Perchloric Ether, by Clark Hare and Martin H. Boyé,” reported in fayour of publication, which was ordered accordingly. In the above paper, the mode of obtaining the perchloric ether, by subjecting a mixture of sulphovinate of baryta and perchlorate of ba- ryta to distillation, is first described. ‘The authors next detail the precautions to be attended to in preparing and experimenting upon this highly explosive compound. They afterwards describe the ap- pearance and properties of the substance which ranks in that class of organic salts, denominated ethers. It is a colourless, transparent liquid, heavier than water, and soluble in alcohol, from which it may be precipitated again, by the addition of water. An alcoholic solu- tion of the hydrate of potassa has the power of decomposing it, form- ing perchlorate of potassa and alcohol. The most characteristic pro- perty of the compound is its tendency to explode from the slightest causes 320 Mr. Nuttall presented a continuation of his communication read at a former meeting (Proceedings, No. 13, p. 284), under the title, “On the Corymbiferz, collected on a Tour across the Continent of North America,’ which was referred to the same Committee as its predecessor. Mr. Vaughan read a letter from Mr. J. H. Alexander, of Baltimore, containing very favourable remarks on the con- struction adopted by Mr. James Green, of Baltimore, for the standard barometer made by him for the Maryland Academy of Science and Literature, and described in a Report of the Meteorological Committee of the Academy, in 1836. Professor Bache laid before the Society a Report from Mr. Adams to the House of Representatives, on a Letter from the Secretary of War, of the 31st Dec. 1839; and a Memorial from — a Committee of the American Philosophical Society, asking the aid of the government to carry on a series of magnetic and meteorological observations, and ending with a resolution,— “That the sum of twenty thousand dollars ought to be appropriated for the establishment of five several stations, at suitable distances from each other, for making observations of terrestrial magnetism and me- teorology, conformably to the invitation from the Royal Society of Great Britain to the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, and to other learned societies in the United States; that the said sum should be placed under the direction, and at the disposal, of the Se- cretary of War, for the fulfilment of these purposes; he to account for the expenditures, thus authorized, to the Treasury of the United States.” Professor Bache then offered the following resolution, which was adopted :— Resolved, That the Committee by whom a memorial was addressed to the Secretary of War, in reference to the establishment of mag- netic observations, be instructed again to call his attention to the sys- tem of combined observations on terrestrial magnetism and meteo- rology now in progress. Dr. Patterson called the attention of the Society to the sub- ject of the evolution of electricity from steam, mentioned at the last meeting, and stated that the experiments made lately in o2l England had been successfully repeated by Mr. Peale, Mr, Saxton, and himself, at the United States’ Mint. Dr. Patterson said, that their first attempts were to collect elec- tricity from the steam as it issued from a gauge-cock, near the sur- face of the water, in the boiler; but in this case the steam was always accompanied by a spray of-water, and the experiments failed. ‘They also failed when the steam was of a low temperature, as it was then condensed immediately upon leaving the boiler, so as to form a cloud of vesicular vapour. In both these cases, the electricity, if evolved at all, would be led back to the boiler—the spray and the vesicular vapour being, as is well known, electrical conductors. When, on the other hand, high steam was drawn off from a stop- cock far removed from the water in the boiler, it was observed to issue, for some distance, in the form of a transparent gaseous vapour, and, in this case, any insulated body on which it was condensed was always found to be charged with electricity. Thus, if the experi- menter stood on an insulating stool, or even on a box or ladder of dry wood, and held an iron ladle, or any other conductor, in the is- suing steam, the conductor and the operator became so fully charged with electricity, that thick sparks of a half, three-quarters, and in some instances a whole inch in length, were drawn off; the Leyden jar charged; the shock given to several persons holding hands, &c. The electricity thus produced was found to be always positive. Dr. Patterson said, that one of the most important conclusions to which the experiments had led, was, that true gaseous steam is a non-conductor of electricity. If it had not been so, the apparatus ~ would not have been insulated, and the electricity excited would have been carried back to the metallic boiler, and thence to the earth. Dr. Patterson thought it most probable that the electricity, in these experiments, was evolved by the condensation of the steam—the phe- nomenon being analogous to the evolution of latent heat by the same condensation. He remarked, that as the steam within the boiler was surrounded by conductors, it could not be supposed to contain free electricity, and that on leaving the boiler, the only sources to which the electricity could be ascribed, seemed to be the condensation of the steam, the oxidation of the iron against which it impinges, or the fric- tion of the steam against the air as it rushes through it. To shew that oxidation was not the source of the electricity, the experimenters caused the steam to strike upon a large bar of fine gold 322 (400 oz. in weight,) and the generation of electricity was as abundant as when they employed an oxidizable metal. The electricity was also evolved by the insulated operator simply holding his hand in the steam as it issued; in which case the steam was condensed upon the hand, and the whole person became charged. Dr. Patterson stated, that this was, in fact, the experiment accidentally made near New Castle, in England, and which has attracted so much attention. To show that the electricity was not caused by the rushing of the vapour through the air, Dr. Patterson said, that an apparatus was made, consisting of a pipe connected with the stop-cock on the boiler, a portion of about ten inches in length, near the upper end, being of glass, to produce insulation, and the remainder of lead, wound into a helix, like the worm of a still. This helix was immersed in a bucket of water and snow. When the steam was admitted, it became entire- ly condensed within the pipe, so that there was no rush through the air; yet the production of electricity was as abundant as with the for- mer arrangements. Dr. Patterson took notice of experiments made, half a century ago, by Volta and Saussure, and afterwards by Cavallo, which proved, to their satisfaction, that electricity was evolved during evaporation and condensation, but which have since been called in question by Pouil- let and others, who assert, that a mere change of state, not accompa- nied by chemical change, never gives rise to electricity. He con- sidered the experiments, now made on a large scale, as favouring, if not confirming, the first opinions entertained on this subject. Dr. Patterson referred to the satisfactory manner in which these new experiments seem to explain the sources of electricity in the thun- - der storm, and in volcanic eruptions. He then related an experiment in which an insulated iron ball, and afterwards a bar of gold, was. heated, and a small stream of water poured on it, so as to be formed into steam at its surface. The first experiments seemed to show that the metal was charged with nega- tive electricity, but subsequent trials threw doubts upon this conclu- sion. Dr. Patterson also described experiments made to determine whe- ther electricity was given off during the solidification of liquids,—the substances used being melted lead, silver and gold. In every case, however, the gold-leaf electroscope failed to exhibit the presence of any electricity. Prof. Henry stated that he had not seen the sparks from steam; but 329 that he had obtained feeble electricity from a small ball, partly filled with water, and heated bya lamp. He agreed with Dr. Patterson in the opi- nion, that the source of the electricity was the change of state, but from water to vapour. ‘There was, however, some doubt on the subject; Pouillet had denied the evolution of electricity from the evaporation of pure water. The facts were interesting, particularly on account of the great intensity of the electricity. The results, obtained by the phi- losophers, which had been mentioned, indicated electricity of very feeble tension, which could only be observed by the most delicate instruments, but here the sparks were an inch in length. If the va- _ porization of the water were shown to be the source of the electricity, Prof. Henry thought that the phenomena might be readily explained by the beautiful theory of Becquerel, in regard to the production of the great intensity of the electricity in the thunder cloud. According to this theory, each particle of the vapour carries up with it into the atmosphere the free electricity, which it receives at the moment of the change of state: this, being diffused through the whole capacity of the air, is of very feeble intensity, although of great quantity; but the condensation of the vapour into a cloud affords a continuous con- ductor, and consequently the electricity of all the particles of the in- terior, according to the well known principles of distribution, rushes to the surface of the cloud, and hence the great intensity of the light- ning. According to this hypothesis, the insulated conductor, placed in the steam, would act not only as a collector, but also as a con- denser of the free, but feeble, electricity of the vapour. Prof. Henry farther stated, in connection with this subject, that he had been informed by several persons, that they had obtained sparks of electricity from.a coal stove during the combustion of anthracite. A case had been stated to him several years ago, which he mentioned to his friend Professor Bache, who informed him that a similar one had fallen under his own notice, in which, however, Prof. Bache had succeeded in tracing the electricity to the silk shirt of the person who drew the spark. Another case had lately been reported to him by an intelligent gentleman, of a stove burning bituminous coal, on board of a steam-boat on the Ohio, which afforded amusement to all the pas- sengers during the voyage, by giving sparks of electricity whenever it was touched. In connection with the facts that had been stated of the production of electricity from steam, Prof. Henry observed that he was now in- clined to believe that electricity may also be evolved during the combus- E 324 tion of coal in a stove. But what, he asked, is the source of electri- city in this case? Is it combustion, the evaporation of the moisture, or the friction of the hot air on the interior of the pipe? Dr. Goddard stated, that in the case of a stove, pretty well insulated, his family had amused themselves with drawing sparks half an inch or three quarters of an inch long; and that similar sparks were ob- tained from the frame of a looking-glass over an open grate, in the house of Dr. Norris, of this city. Professor Bache remarked, that in the case referred to by Prof. Henry, in which sparks of electricity were obtained from a stove, he had satisfied himself that these were owing to the experimenter wear- ing a silken shirt:—an experimenter, not similarly clad, being unsuc- cessful. ; Dr. Hare ascribed the incredulity and the opinions which he had | expressed, when this subject was brought before the Society by Mr. Peale, at the last meeting, to a misapprehension, on his part, as to the circumstances. He considered that the fact of electricity being developed in the case adduced was established. He alluded to the almost incredible case of a lady, who, agreeably to evidence men- tioned in Silliman’s Journal, gave off sparks of electricity. He stated also the result of an experiment to discover whether electricity was given off during the rapid evaporation of a saline solution. There was no evidence of excitement. ‘The vessel was of glass. Mr. Lea had frequently observed sparks from a common grate. In reference to the results of experiments by Dr. Patterson, in which no evidence of the development of electricity was observed in metals, whilst undergoing a change from the liquid to the solid state, Dr. Goddard observed, that in cases of crystallization on the large scale, as of nitre, in the extensive chemical works of Mr. Wetherill, a beau- tiful flash of electrical light was apparent. Professor Rogers suggested, that in ordinary combustion there may be a constant development of electricity, and that means may possibly be found to render it apparent by perfect insulation. Professor Henry stated, that Pouillet had found that electricity is developed by the combustion of charcoal, and he offered some sugges- tions as to the mode of rendering the electricity, given off from a stove, apparent, by insulating it both above and below. Dr. Emerson thought, that the change of state from solid to liquid, and from liquid to solid, might account for various electrical pheno- mena presented by the animal body. Dr. Hare suggested the diffi- 320 culty, that the human body is a good conductor; and that without a peculiar organization, analogous to that with which nature has en- dowed the Torpedo or Gymnotus, it is inconceivable that electrical discharges could arise from vital organization. He believed it was admitted by electricians, that there could be no electrical excitement without the existence of the opposite electricities. Agreeably to the published facts of the case to which he had alluded, the lady was permanently in one state of excitement, generating electricity, as animal heat is generated, and throwing off the excess in sparks. In the case of the Gymnotus the intensity, Dr. Hare remarked, is so low that sparks are with difficulty rendered apparent at a kerf made by a knife in tinfoil; of course, the sparks alleged to be given by the lady were vastly more intense. From the Gymnotus, sparks could only be received by forming a circuit with a portion of the or- ganic series situate parallel to the spine. Contact in a transverse di- rection was not productive of any discharge. a Mr. Vaughan stated that there had been no application for the Magellanic premium. Dr. Patterson, from the Observatory Committee, moved that Mr. Justice be added to that committee. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Vaughan announced the death of M. J. P. F. Deleuze, of Paris, a member of the Society. FINIS. PURE Simi ae ay es RE ygartRy Reet Sawer’ ye z Ther Pere ae Mey, Freie le oa? see. aT See weht patton inthe re watechute Nip) of elas gas FT) bongin t> \ fab SG) ; y nk an eg INDEX. Academy of Natural Sciences, letter from the, in relation to a proposed National Museum, 111. Acid, chlorohydric, pure, mode of pre- paring, 160. Adams, Mr. J. Q., Report to the House of Representatives on Magnetic Ob- servations, &c., 320. Adet, M., his death announced, 10.” Air, moist and dry, results of rarefaction of, 200. Airy, Prof., instrument for observing gothest magnetic force by reflection, 13. a Alexander, J. H. Esq., on the construc- tion of a standard barometer, 320. Prof. S., description of the aurora borealis of Sept. 3, 1839, 132. on two appearances of late- ral and vertical mirage observed by him, 188. presents transparent models of crystals, 97. Allen, Benj.. LL.D., his death an- nounced, 217. Mr. Z., of Providence, description of a tornado there, 48. Andrada e Silva, Don, his death an- nounced, 61. Anemometer, Osler’s, Mr. Walker on, 3. Asphalt of Seyssel, remarks on, by Mr. Strickland, 47. Association, American, for the promo- tion of science, proposed, 77. Astronomical committee directed to re- port on the High School instruments, aud on the subject of an observatory, 76. — instruments at the High School ob- servatory, 276. : observations made by Prof. Loomis, Atmosphere, phenomena connected with ee presence of aqueous vapour in the, es Audubon, Mr., his remarks on Wilson, ae Ornithologist, noticed by Mr. Ord, v2. Aurora Borealis, description of, by Prof. Alexander, 132. Bache, Dr., appointed reporter, 24. announces the death of John Fred. Blumenbach, 188—of Dr. Eberle, 6— of Mr. F. H. Le Comte, of Paris, 6(0— of Dr. John Newman, of North Caro- lina, 108—of Dr. Jos. Parrish, 188—of Dr. A. Pearson, 62—of Dr. Robt. Per- cival, 117—of Mr. G. Pollok, 98—of the Hon. Jonathan Sewell, of Quebec, 157—of Mr. Sullivan, 136—of M. Tal- leyrand, 29—of Mr. Wickham, of Vir- ginia, 74. presents a translation of an obituary notice of Prof. Rask, of Copenhagen, 104. on a worm in the eye of the horse, 201. : Bache, Prof., appointed reporter, 74. on electricity from a stove, 324. tions on the magnetic dip with those of Prof. Courtenay and himself, 146. on a convenient mode for deter- mining the magnetic dip and inten- sity, by Prof. Lloyd, 77. on the magnetic declination on the February magnetic term day, 1840, 294. experiments on the magnetic dip, 4, on the simultaneous changes of magnetic intensity at Géttingen and Miinich, 200. observations of the magnetic inten- sity at twenty-one stations in Europe, 181, 185. resolutions of, regarding magnetic observations, 320. reads an extract from a letter from Major Sabine, on contemporaneous magnetic and meteorological observa- tions, &c. 169. presents a chart of magnetic obser- vations for Feb. 28, 1840, 200. on the measures taken by the Bri- tish government for obtaining a series of magnetic observations in different quarters of the globe, 117. on combined magnetic observa- tions, 242, compares Prof. Loomis’s observa-. 328 INDEX. Bache, Prof., exhibits the changes of magnetic variation on the two terms of the German Magnetic Association, of August 30 and November 30, 1839, 151. on an instrument for measuring the vertical components of the force of terrestrial magnetism, 311. on a diagram exhibiting changes of magnetic declination at Cambridge and Philadelphia, 311. on Mr. Forshey’s remarks on the tornado of Natchez, 243. on the meteors of the 12th, 13th, and 14th of Nov. 1838, 60. on a donation of transparent models of crystals, by Prof. Alexander, 97. on a magnetic observatory to be erected at the Girard College, 118. presents No. 6 of the Society’s Pro- ceedings, 90—No. 7, 132—No. 8, 148. relates an instance of the rapid cor- rosion of a chain cable in sea water, 70. reports the deaths of M. Stainsby and of Dr. Van Marum, 48. on shooting stars, 69. on shooting stars of Nov. 1840, 299. Balbo, Count Prospero, of Turin, his death announced, 74. Barium, laid before the Society by Dr. Hare, 104. extrication of, 130. Barometer, standard, constructed by Mr. Green, 320. Bessel, M., investigates the parallax of the star 61 Cygni, 78. Bills of credit, continental, Mr. Breck on the, 235, 248. Blind, thin sheets of lead used by the, in writing, &c., 98. — Institution, use of the wax tablet and iron stylus in the, 94. Blood, fluid 15 hours after death, which subsequently coagulated, 216. Blowpipe, compound, of Dr. Hare, re- marks on the, by Dr. H., 59. Blumenbach, John Frederick, his death announced, 188. Blunt, Mr. E., on the solar eclipses of May 14, 1836, and Sept. 18, 1838, 177. Bonaparte, Lucien, Prince of Canino, his death announced, 276. Bond, Mr. W. C., chart of extraordinary variations of magnetic declination at Cambridge on May 29, 1840, 293. Bonnycastle, Mr., on the insufficiency of Taylor’s theorem, &c., with remarks on the development and continuity of functions, 214, 227 on a new principle in regard to fluids in motion to produce rupture of the vessels, &c., 191. Bonnycastle, Mr., notes of experiments to determine the depth of the sea by the echo, 39. his death announced, 295. aeciel, Dr. N., his death announced, oni of, directed to be purchased, family of, to be furnished with the Transactions of the Society, 117. Boyé, Mr. M. H. See Rogers, Prof. H. D. and Mr. Clark Hare, on perchloric ether, 26], 319. Bradford, Mr. Thomas, his death an- nounced, 16. Breck, Mr. historical sketch of the con- tinental bills of credit, from 1775 to _ 1781, 235, 248. By-laws in regard to the contribution of members, 95. Calcium, brilliant metallic spangles of, 83. extrication of, 130. portion of, laid before the society by Dr. Hare, 104. recent experiments to obtain, 100. Capillary action, phenomenon of, 82. Carbonic acid, solidification of, by Dr. Mitchell, 15. Carey, Mr. Matthew, his death an- nounced, 117. obituary notice of, directed, 117. Cecidomyia Destructor, Miss Morris on the, 282, 318. Ceraphron Destructor, Miss Morris on the, 282, 318. Chapman, Dr. announces the death of Mr. Matthew Carey, 117. announces the probability of ob- taining the correspondence of Robert Morris, &c., 209. on a presumed earthquake, Nov. 14, 1840, 301. presents meteorological observa- tions, given by Mrs. Madison, 117. letter to, from the Prince of Musig- nano, inviting the Society to send a delegate to the meeting of scientific. men at Pisa, in Oct. 1839, 108. Chemistry, communications relative to, by Dr. Hare, 61. Chinese system of writing, Rev. Mr. Dickinson on the, 200. Messrs. Gutzlaff, and Du Ponceau on the, 120. Chlorine, mode of preparing, in Dr. Hare’s self-regulating reservoir, 160. Climate of the Atlantic States, Dr. Hare on the, 187. Coates, Dr. announces the formation of the Pathological Society, 139. Coins and Medals, presented by Col. Linah, report on the, 70. INDEX. Colimacea, nineteen new species of, de- scribed by Mr. Lea, 173. Colonial Records, copy of, presented to Mr. Du Ponceau, 105. Colours, loss of power of distinguishing, cases of, 104, 117, 265. Comet, Galle’s first, results of observa- tions of, 301. Galle’s second, Mr. Walker, and Mr. Loomis on, 201, 215. : Galle’s second, Prof. Rimker on, 275. Galle’s third, 215. Comets, Galle’s, astronomical observa- tions in reference to, 235, 247. New formule relative to, by Mr. Nulty, 38, 43. Committees, standing, 1840, 169. Congelation of water, by the evaporation of ether, &c. 156, 198. Cooper, Dr. Thos., his death announced, 104. Corrosion, rapid, of a chain cable, in sea- water, 70. Corymbifere, Mr. Nuttall, on the, 320. Cresson, Mr. exhibits specimens of Naph- thaline, 299. ona presumed earthquake, Nov. 14, 1840, 301. Crystals, transparent models of, pre- sented by Prof. Alexander, 97. Cyclovolute, magic, on some points re- garding the, 289, 293. appointed for Daguerreotype, specimens of, by Mr. Cornelius, 155, 181. by Mr. Seybert, 166. Dearborn, Mr. Benjamin, his death an- nounced, 7. De Lancey, Bishop, obituary notice on Bishop White, 117. Deleuze, J. P. F., his death announced, 320. Demmé, Dr., announces the formation of the Societas Bibliophilorum Stutt- gartiz, 312. Dickinson, Rey. James T., letter to Mr. Du Ponceau, on the Chinese system of writing, 200. Dixon, Mr. Joseph, invention of a trans- fer process, 206. Donations for the cabinet, 4, 6, 35, 43, 50, 57, 63, 68, 96, 120, 150, 166, 185, 190, 213, 225, 247, 261, 278, 284. Donations for the Library, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 29, 33, 42, 47, 49, 56, 60, 62, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 81, 87, 90, 95, 98, 102, 105, 109, 113, 118, 126, 137, 140, 149, 157, 166, 167, 170, 172, 179, 182, 189, 194, 203, 209, 219, 243, 297, 267, 276, 283, 291. Dunglison, Dr., announces the death of Mr. T. W. Griffith, 19. 329 Dunglison, Dr., case in which blood flowed 15 hours after death, and co- agulated, 216. reports the minutes of the Histori- cal and Literary Committee, 247. appointed reporter for 1840. announces the publication of No. 10 of the Society’s proceedings, 188, of No. 11, of the proceedings, 209—of No. 12, of the proceedings, 267—of No. 13, of the proceedings, 292. on a tornado at New Haven, on the dist of July, 1839, 111. on some new vaccine virus, 68. case of worm, in the eye ofa horse, 200, 208. Du Ponceau, Mr., announces the death of M. Adet, 10. announces the death of Mr. Godon, 295. on works in reference to the dis- covery, geography, &c., of America, now publishing in Kurope, 251. letter to Mr. Vaughan, in answer to Mr. Gutzlaff, on the Chinese system of writing, 120. announces the reception of the Cochin Chinese Dictionary, of Bishop Taberd, 235. offered, by the Society, a copy of the Colonial Records, 105. presents a Grammar of the Iroquois Language, by E. Williams, 46. exhibits a Japanese and English Vocabulary, and a Translation of a comparative Vocabulary of the Chi- nese, Corean, and Japanese languages, by the Rev. Mr. Medhurst, 41. announces the publication abroad, of a Cochin Chinese Dictionary, and of a Grammar of the Berber language, 166. presents a MS., by Mr. Heckewel- der, containing words in the Lennape language, 271. on the Silk Culture in India, 214. presents a MS., from M. Nicollet, on the language of the Sioux, 289. historical account of the origin and formation of the Society, 233. — presents a Vocabulary of the lan- guage of the Valiente Indians, by Col. Galindo, 38. Earthquake, presumed, Nov. 14, 1840, 301 Eberle, Dr. John, his death announced, 6. Eclipse of the Sun, committee appointed to observe the, 31. committee report in part, 35, 44, 48, 50, 58, 64, 107. Eclipses, solar, of May 14, 1836, and Sept, 18, 1838, Mr. E. Blunt on the, 177. 330 Electricity of the animal body, 324. contributions to, by Prof. Henry, 54, 65, 233, 299. developed under combustion, 324. developed during crystallization, 324. ae given off from a common grate, of a jet of steam, 311, 320. given off from a lady, 324, 325. from the frame of a mirror, 324. from a cast-iron stove, 323, 324. as an instrument in the production of storms, 187. ‘ developed under various circum- stances, 323. ; lateral discharge of, 6. ordinary, currents by induction from, 14. Electro-dynamic induction, Prof. Henry on, 54, 65, 233, 299, 315. Electro-magnetic machine, invented by Prof. Henry, 301. Emerson, Dr., on the electricity of the animal body, 324. Encke, Prof., letter to Prof. Bache on observatories, 92. Engles, Mr. James P., presents a MS. treatise on the means of extending the learning and civilization of Eu- rope to India, by C. EK. Trevelyan, at Kotah, 150. Ether, hyponitrous, certain products from the formation of, 176. formed by Messrs. Boyé and Hare, 261, 319. Ethule, perchlorate of, 261, 319. eee examination of the, 97, 102. Fisher, Mr., announces the death of Mr. Levett Harris, 149—of Benjamin R. Morgan, 301. -—— letter relative to the History of the Society, 234. Fly, Hessian, Miss Morris on the, 282. Forshey, Prof., observations upon the meteors of August, 1840, 261, 292. account of the great mound near Washington, Adams County, Missis- sippi, 271, 305. on the tornado of Natchez, 243. Fox, Mr. Charles P., deposits papers of Franklin with the Society, 253. presents the Franklin papers to the Society, 276. vote of thanks to, for the Franklin papers, 276. Franklin papers, deposited with the So- ciety, 203. presented to the Society, 276. —— committee appointed to ar- range, 267. INDEX. Galindo, Col. D. J., vocabulary of the Valiente Indians, 38. Galvanic apparatus for producing reci- procating motion, 391. current, two kinds of dynamic in- duction, caused by, 135. ignition used in rock blasting, 99. influence through a coil of wire, extent of the, 99. Galvanism, communications relative te, by Dr. Hare, 61. — medals copied by, specimens of, 171. Geological specimens, from Mr. J. K. Townsend, 4. Geology of the tertiary formations of Virginia, 69, 80, §8. Gillies, Mr., on the meteors of Nov. 1840, 301. Glass, application of radiant heat to, 1 Goddard, Dr., on the disengagement of electricity during the crystallization of nitre, 324. on electricity from a stove, and from the frame of a mirror, 324. Godon, Mr.S., his death announced, 295. Goetz, Pierre de, letter from, accompa- nying works from the Imperial Rus- sian Academy, &c. 16. Griffith, Mr. T. W., his death announced, J 9. Gutzlaff, Rev. Charles, letter to Mr. Vaughan, on the Chinese system of writing, 120. Hare, Dr., appointed to prepare an obi- tuary notice of Mr. Sullivan, 136. on phenomena connected with the presence of aqueous vapour in the at- mosphere, &c., 237. description of an apparatus for de- flagrating carburets, phosphurets, or cyanides, in vacuo, &c. &c., 138. on his compound blowpipe, 59. on the extrication of barium, stron- tium, and-calcium, 130. exhibits specimens of barium, stron- tium, and calcium, obtained by him, 104. results of experiments to obtain calcium, 100. communications on subjects re- lating to chemistry and galvanism, 61. on a mode of preparing pure chlo- rohydric acid and chlorine, 160. suggests the galvanic fluid to pro- duce an explosion below the surface of water, 41. on the results of exploding the ele- ments of water, in contact with cer- tain gases or essential oils, 16. on the blasting of rocks by the aid of galvanic ignition, 99. INDEX: Hare, Dr., on the cliniate of the Atlantic states; on the trade winds; and on electricity as a principal instrument in the production of storms, 187. on the congelation of water by the evaporation of ether, &c. 156. engraving and description of an ap- paratus and process for the rapid con- gelation of water, &c., 198, 213. on the electricity of the. animal body, 324. : on the electricity of a jet of steam, &c., 324. on the extent to which the galvanic influence can extend through a coil of wire, 199. on a liquid and gaseous ethereal compound, resulting from the reaction of nascent hyponitrous acid on alco- hol, 251, 270. on Prof. Loomis’s views of storms, 193. obtains brilliant metallic spangles of calcium, 83. on the change effected in the ni- trates of potash and soda, by the limit- ed application of heat, with a view to obtain pure oxygen, 251, 270. on the method of obtaining oxygen from nitre, 139. exhibits a specimen of pure plati- num, freed from iridium, 14. exhibits a mass of fused platinum between 22 and 23 ounces in weight, 42. describes a specimen of potassium, in the globular form, assumed by fall- ing into naphtha, 166. on certain products from the for- mation of hyponitrous ether, &c., 176. on the application of radiant heat to glass, 159. results of experiments on the rare- faction of moist and dry air, 200. on anew mode of procuring silicon, 17%. on the tornado at Philadelphia, Ju- ly 13, 1840, 256. on a tornado at Providence, R. 1. 48, 58. remarks on a tornado at Somerset, Mass., 42. on tornadoes and the .electrical theory of their formation, 122. presents copies of a French trans- lation of his communication on the subject of tornadoes, 236. on an extensive voltaic apparatus, constructed under his direction for the Lowell Institution, 253. Mr. Clark, on the perchlorate of ethule, 261, 319. Bee, Mr. Levett, his death announced, ¥K Jol Hays, Dr., appointed to prepare an obi- tuary notice of Mr. Keating, 234. —— remarks on two animals in the museum of Mr. Koch, of St. Louis, 283. on the catoptric examination of the eye, 97, 102. on entozoa in the eye, and else- where, 209. i relates a case of cerebral disease, with loss of the power of distinguish- ing colours, 104. on the inability to distinguish cer- tain colours, 265. on a case of perverted vision, in which all perpendicular lines appear- ed double, whilst horizontal ones were seen accurately, 156. presents a table of the peculiarities of those not able to distinguish co- lours, 117. on the operation recently devised for strabismus, and its effects on vi- sion, 273. on a new vaccine virus, 90. Heckewelder, Mr., MS. of werds in the Lennape language, 271. Henry, Prof., announces, from ordinary electricity, currents by induction, &ce., 14. announces the discovery of two distinct kinds of dynamic induction by a galvanic current, 135. on the development of electricity during combustion, &c., 324. on the electricity of a jet of steam, 322. papers on-electro-dynamic induc- tion, 54, 64, 233, 299, 315. on electro-dynamic induction, mag- netic distribution, dc. 233. on an electro-magnetic machine invented by him, 301. ona galvanic apparatus for produc- ing reciprocating motion, 301. —— on the lateral discharge of electri- city, &c. 6. on a phenomenon of capillary ac- tion, 82. Hessian fly, Miss Morris, on the, 282, 318. Hewson, Dr. T., meteorological journal of, report of committee on the, 104. Historical committee announce the pub- lication of Mr. Du Ponceau’s Disser- tation on the Chinese system of wri- ting, 7. report of the, 247. Hopkinson, Judge, deposits the log-book of the first steam vessel across the Atlantic, 193. on a presumed earthquake, Nov. 14, 1840, 301. Horner, Dr., on a fancied earthquake, Noy. 14, 1840, 301. Jo2 Horner, Dr., reads a necrological notice of Dr. Physick, 13. on the dental system of the Mas- todon, 293, 307. on the remains of the Mastodon, and other extinct animals at St. Louis, Mo., 271, 279. ah ae Hulliken, Mr. S. P., letter from, on an inscription on a stone near Wheeling, and Dr. Townsend, report on the letters of, 104. Humphreys, Mr. Joshua, on the naval construction of the United States, 4. death of, announced, 3. : India, silk culture in, 214. Indian Vocabularies, from Mr. J. K. Townsend, 4. Indians of the N. W. Coast of America, vocabularies of the, 146. Valiente, vocabulary of the lan- guage of the, 38. Ingersoll, Mr. C. J., reads an obituary no- tice of Mr. Madison, 61. Inscription on a stone found near Wheel- ing, 46. Institution, National, of Washington, let- ter from the, 299. Troquois language, grammar of the, 46, 201. Jefferson, Mr., his writing chair deposit- ed, 11. Justice, Mr., announces the arrival of the astronomical instruments at the High School observatory, 276. observations with the new teles- cope, 312. presents an original document of Wm. Penn, 181. on a tornado on the 3Ist of July, 1839, near Philadelphia, 111, 118. added to the observatory committee, 325. Kane, Mr., announces the appointment of Dr. Bache as reporter to the Socie- ty, 24. deposits the writing chair of Mr. Jefferson during the Congressional Session of 1776, 11. on the inability to distinguish co- lours, 117. Keating, Mr. Wm. H., death of, announ- ced, 234. Kendall, Mr. E. O., Paper on the lon- gitude of several places in the United states, deduced from the solar eclipse of Sept. 18, 1838, 141. Lea, Mr., appointed to write an obituary notice of Mr. Carey, 117. —— on certain facts by Mr. Rang, in INDEX. relation to the torpidity of the Ana- donta Chaiziana, 8. description of nineteen new species of colimacea, 173. on electricity from a common grate, 324. memoir on fresh water and land shells, 23, 282, 285. describes a new shell, Melania Cin- cinnatiensis, 66. notice of the Oolitic formation in America, &c., 214, 225. on the Patella Amena, 181, 187. exhibits specimens of photographic representations of plants and shells, 171, 177. remarks on the tornado at Phila. _ delphia, July 13, 1840, 255. supplementary note to his paper on the Uniones, 11. Le Comte, M., death of, announced, 60. Lennape language, words in the, 271. Linah, Col., report on the coins and me- dals presented by, 70. Lloyd, Prof., of Dublin, convenient mode of determining magnetic dip and in- tensity, 77. Locke, Dr. John, on magnetie observa- tions, 19, 24. magnetic observations in the N. W. of the United States, 181. on certain magnetic observations at Cincinnati and Louisville, 214,271. Longitude, determination of, from cor- responding observations of meteors, —— of various places in the United. States, deduced from the solar eclipse, 141. of several stations near the south- ern boundary of Michigan, by Capt. Talcott, 7. Loomis, Prof., on Galle’s second comet, 201, 215. report on his observations to deter- mine the magnetic dip, at various places in Ohio and Michigan, 116. astronomical observations made at Hudson observatory by, 129. additional observations of the mag- netic dip in the United States, 144. observations to determine the mag- netic intensity in the United States, &c., 293, 299. on the storm in the United States about the 20th of Dec. 1836, 187, 195. Lorich, Chev., obituary notice of, 61. Lunar occultations, observations of, 71, 227, Maclure, Mr. Wm., death of, announced, 209. i Madison, Mr., obituary notice of, by Mr. C. J. Ingersoll, 61. INDEX. Madison, Mrs., presents certain meteoro- logical observations by une late Presi- dent Madison, 117. vote of thanks to, an the same, 117, Magnetic fecha ioa extraordinary va- riations of, at Cambridge, 293. declination at Toronto, on the Feb. magnetic term day, 293. diagram, exhibiting changes of, at Cambridge and the Girard College, 311. dip and intensity, convenient mode of determining, 77. dip, report on Prof. Loomis’s paper on the, 116. dip in the United States, additional observations on the, by Prof. Loomis, 144. dip, experiments by Prof. Bache on the, 294 dip, observations on the, 293, 299. dip, observations of Prof. Loomis on the, compared with those of Pro- fessors Bache and Courtenay, 146. distribution, Prof. Henry on, 233. —— intensity at twenty-one stations in Europe, Prof. Bache on the, 181, 185. intensity at Géttingen and Miinich, simultaneous changes of, 200. intensity at several places in the United States, 293, 299. observations, Dr. Locke’s paper on, 19, 42. observations, letter from Major Sa- bine respecting, 313. observations, letter from the foreign Secretary of the Royal Society on, ayy y, observations in different quarters of the globe, measures of the British government for obtaining, 117. observations, combined, recom- mended by the Royal Society, 242, observations, combined, resolutions respecting, 148. observations at several places in the north-west of the United States, by Prof. Locke, 181. observations, Feb. 20, 1840, chart of the, by Prof. Bache, 200. observations at Cincinnati and Louisville, &c. &c. 214. observations, memorial to Secretary of War on resolutions respecting, 320. observations, report to House of Representatives respecting, 320. variation on the terms of the Ger- man Magnetic Association, Aug. 30 and Nov. 30, 1839, 151. and meteorological observations, memorial to the Secretary of War re- garding, 151. and meteorological observations, Major Sabine on, 169. ee ee 333 Magnetism, Dr. Sherwood’s claims to discoveries in, reviewed by Dr. Pat- terson, 25, 27. terrestrial, vertical components of the force of, instrument for measuring, aulile Markoe, Mr. F., Jun., Secretary of the National Institution of Washington, letter from, 299. Mason, Mr. KE. P. See Smith, Mr. H. L. Mastodon and other bones at St. Louis, Mo., 271, 279. ——— bones, committee to describe, 166— report, 279. dental system of the, 293. Maximilian, Prince, of Neuwied, resolu- tion respecting, 217. Medals, copied by galvanism, specimens exhibited, 171, 181. Medals. Sli Coins: Medhurst, Mr., his vocabularies referred to, 41. Members elected, 3,11, 73, 95, 108, 136, 169, 201, 256, 290, surviving, of the Society, number of, 169. Mendenhall, Mr. B. F., deposits an il- pieinaied MS. in the’ Pali language, 0. Meteorological observations, report. of committee on, 104. report to House of Representatives respecting, 320. Meteors, corresponding observations of, mode of determining longitudes from, 161. or shooting stars, Prof. Bache on the, 69. of November, 1838, Prof. Bache on the, 60. of November, observed in the ex ploring expedition, 77. of August, 1840, Mr. Walker on the, 261. of August and November, 1840, Mr. Walker on the, 310. —— of August, 1840, Prof. Forshey on ‘the, 261, 292. of November, 1840, Prof. Bache on the, 299. of November, 1840, Mr. Gillies on the, 301. Mirage, lateral and vertical, two ap- pearances of, by Prof. S. Alexander, 188. Mitchell, Dr., describes Jeffrey’s respi- rator, 47. solidifies carbonic acid, 15. Morgan, Benjamin R., death of, announ- ced, 301. Morris, Miss Margaretta H., on the Hes- sian fly, and the Ceraphron destructor, its parasite, 282. Robert, correspondence of, 209. dod Mound, Indian, near Washington, Adams County, Miss., 271, 305. Multiplier, rotary, by Dr. Hare, 65. Museum, Geographical, about to be formed by the Geographical Society of Paris, 138. National, in connexion with the Smithsonian legacy, proposed, 111. Musignano, Prince of, letter to Dr. Chap- man in relation to the scientific meet- ing at Pisa in October, 1839, 108. Naphthaline, obtained from coal tar, 299. Naval construction of the United States, early history of the, 4. Nebule, observations on, with a four- teen feet reflector, 199. Newman, Dr. John, of North Carolina, death of, announced, 108. Nichols, Mr.F., death of, announced, 108. Nicklin, Mr., on a presumed earthquake, Nov. 14, 1840, 301. reads the dedication to the Society by Dr. Daubeny, of a Memoir on the Geology of North Ameritea, 251. Nicollet, M., on the language of the Sioux, 289. Nulty, Mr., New Formule, relative to Comets, 38. report on his paper on New For- mule, 43. on some points connected with his Magic Cyclovolute, 289, 293. Nuttal, Mr., Description of New Species and Genera of Plants, collected ona Tour to the Pacific, in Oregon, the Sandwich Islands, and Upper Cali- fornia, 282, 284. Obituary notices directed,—of Dr. Bow- ditch, 10. of Mr. Carey, 117. of Mr. W. H. Keating, 235. of Mr. Sullivan, 136. Observatories to be established in the United States, recommended by the Royal Society, 242. : Prof. Encke’s letter on, 92. magnetic, Memorial to the Secre- tary of War respecting, 151. Observatory at Harvard, 294. at the Central High School, peti- tion to the Legislature in relation to a director of the, 80. designs for a, 290. in Rittenhouse Square, resolutions of Society regarding, 295. ; resolutions of Councils regarding, 310. committee, report of, on the Obser- vatory fund, &c., 295. committee, report an ordinance of Councils, in relation to an observa- tory, 299. INDEX. Observatory committee, instructed to carry into effect the object of the or- dinance of Councils, 310. committee, Messrs. Bache and Walker added to the, 70—Mr. Jus- tice added, 325. Occultations, Lunar, of the fixed stars, at different places, 227. observed in April, May, June, and August, 1840, by Prof. Riimker, 301. Officers, election of, 1, 67, 165. Oolitic formation in America, by Mr. Lea, 214, 225. Ord, Mr., animadverts on a statement by Mr. Audubon, in relation to Wilson, the ornithologist, 272. thanks of the Society given to, for ‘ purchasing books whilst abroad, 105. Oxygen from nitre, mode of obtaining, 139. Pali language, illuminated MS. in the, 80 Parallax of the star 61 Cygni, recently in- vestigated, by M. Bessel, Mr. Walker on the, 78. Parrish, Dr. Joseph, death of, announced, 188. Patella Amena, Mr. Lea on the, 181, 187. Patterson, Dr., announces the death of Mr. Bonnycastle, 295. announces the death of Dr. Bow- ditch, 10. announces the death of Mr. Fran- cis Nichols, 108. on an amendment of the by-laws, 95. presents specimens of the Daguer- reotype, by Mr. Robert Cornelius, 155, 181. experiments on the electricity ofa jet of steam, 320. submits the log-book of the steam- ship Savannah, the first that crossed the Atlantic, 14. review of Dr. Sherwood’s claims to discoveries in magnetism, 25. exhibits designs for an observatory &c., 290. on the use of the Roman wax tablet and iron stylus at the Institution for the blind, 94. on a mode of using thin sheets of lead by the blind in writing &c., in- vented by Mr. Saxton, 98. Peale, Mr., electricity of a jet of steam, 311, 321. exhibits medals obtained by gal- vanic action, with remarks thereon, 187. : Peale, Mr. T. R., on meteors observed on the 12th-13th Nov. in the explor- ing expedition, 77. Pearson, D.A., death of, announced, 62. INDEX. Peltier, M., his description of a tornado animadverted on by Dr. Hare, 122. Penn, Wm., original decument of, 181. fac simile of original grants and deeds to, 261. 4 Percival, Dr. Robert, death of, announ- ced, 117. Photographic representations of plants and shells, 171, 177. ‘ Physick, Dr., necrological notice of, 13. Pisa, scientific meeting at, Oct. 1839, 108. Plants, new genera and species of, by Mr. Nuttall, 282, 284. Platinum, chloride of, nitric oxide and hydrochloric acid, new compound of, fused, mass of, exhibited by Dr. Hare, 14.- fused, large mass of, 42. new compound of, discovered, 94. pure, freed from iridium, exhibited by Dr. Hare, 14. Prisons, Reports of, printed by order of the House of Commons, directed to be purchased, 167. Pollok, Mr., death of, announced, 98. Potash and soda, change effected in, by the limited application of heat, &c., 251, 270. Potassium, improved process for obtain- ing, by Dr. Hare, 65. z in the globular form, specimen of, 166. Pressures, accumulative and instanta- neous, the distinction between, 191. Prinsep, Mr., of Calcutta, death of, an- nounced, 267. Proceedings of the Society, publication of an abstract of the, recommended, 18. resolutions in regard to the distri- bution of the, 69. rules regarding the distribution of the, 207. Publication committee report the pub- lication of part 2, vol. 4, of the Trans- actions, 192. report the completion of the 6th vol. of the Transactions, 151. announce a new part of the Transactions, 267. report the publication of the first part of the 7th vol. of the Trans- actions, 273. ; —_—— Maret, Mr., announces the death of on Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Sil- va, 61. reads an obituary notice of Cheva- lier Lorick, 61. Rain-gauge, Osler’s, Mr. Walker on, 3. Rask, Prof., of Copenhagen, obituary notice of, 104. Respirator, Jeffreys, described by Dr. Mitchell, 4. 390 Riddle, Lieut., on the magnetic declina- tion, &c., at Toronto, on the February magnetic term day, 293. Rock-blasting, by the aid of galvanic ig- nition, 199. Rogers, Professors W. B. and Henry D., contributions to the geology of the ter- tiary formations of Virginia, 69, 80, 88. Prof. H. D., on the development of electricity under combustion, 324. —— on perchloric ether, 311. and Mr. Boyé, discover a new com- pound of platinum, 94, 145. Rimker, Mr,, astronomical observations in reference to Galle’s comets, 235, 247, 275. results of observations of Galle’s first comet, and occultations observed in April, May, June, and August, 1840, 301. Sabine, Major, on contemporaneous mag- netic and meteorological observations, 169, 242. Tei of magnetic observations, 1 Saxton, Mr., electricity of a jet of steam, 321. exhibits copies of medals by gal- vanism, 171,181. .- invents a mode of using thin sheets of lead by the blind in writing, &c. 98. Sea, depth of the, determination of the, by the echo, 39. Seybert, Mr. H., presents a specimen of the Daguerreotype, 166. Shell, new, Melania Cincinnatiensis, de- seribed by Mr. Lea, 66. Shells, fresh water and land, Mr. Lea on, 2, 3, 282, 285. Shooting stars. See meteors. Silicon, new mode of procuring, 175. Silk culture in India, 214. Sioux, language of the, 289. Smith, Mr. H. L.,and Mr. E. P. Mason, observations on nebule, with a four- teen feet reflector, 199—reported on, 206. Smithsonian legacy, proposed National Museum connected with the, 111. Societies, list of, to receive the proceed- ings, 218, 234. Society, American Philosophical, history of the, 233, 234. Geographical of Paris, announces the intention of forming a Museum, and solicits contributions, 138. Pathological, formation of, announ- eed, 139. Royal, letter from the secretary of the, in relation to magnetic observa- tions, 111. Royal, circular relating to the Term observations, 169. 336 Society, Royal, recommend combined magnetic observations and the esta- blishment of observatories in the United States, 242. Stainsby, Mr., death of, announced, 48. State records, early proposed publication of the, 5. Steam-ship Savannah, the first that crossed the Atlantic, 14.—log-book of the, 193. Storm of the 20th of Dec., 1836, Prof. Loomis on the, 187, 195. Storms, electricity the principal instru- ment in the production of, 187. Prof. Loomis’s views of, comment- ed on by Dr. Hare, 193. Strabismus, operation recently devised for, 273. Strickland, Mr., presents a specimen of asphaltic rock from Seyssel, and mo- saic work made therefrom, &c., 47. Strontium, extrication of, 130. —— portion of, laid before the Society, by Dr. Hare, 104. Stuttgart, Society for the publication of historical and antiquarian works, 312. Sullivan, Mr., death of, announced, 136. Talcott, Capt., paper on the longitude of several stations near the southern boundary of Michigan, 7. Talleyrand, M., death of, announced, 29. Telescope, new, at the High School, re- sults of observations with, 312. Tornado at Natchez, Prof. Forshey on the, 243. at New Haven, on the 31st of July, 1839, Dr. Dunglison on a, 111. near Philadelphia, Mr. Justice on a, 111, 118. of limited extent at Philadelphia, July 13, 1840, 255. —— at Providence, paper on, by Dr. Hare, and Mr. Allen, 48, 58. at Somerset, Mass. Dr. Hare on a, 42. description of a, by M. Peltier, ani- madverted on by Dr. Hare, 122. Tornadoes, and the electrical theory of their formation, 122. Townsend, Mr. J. K., announces by let- ter the transmission of certain dona- tions, 4. vocabularies in MS. of the lan- guages of the Indians of the North- west coast of America, 46. Dr., report on the letter from, 104. Trade winds, Dr. Hare on the, 187. Tyson, Mr., letter on the early records of the State, 5. INDEX. Uniones, Mr. Lea’s paper on the, sup- plementary note to, 11. Vaccine virus, new, 68, 90. Van Marum, Dr. M., death of, announ- ced, 46. Vaughan, Mr., announces the death of Benjamin Allen, LL.D. 217—of Count Balbo, of Turin, 74—of Lucien Bo- naparte, Prince of Canino, 276—of Dr. Thomas Cooper, 104—of Mr. Dearborn, 7—of J.P. F. Deleuze, 325— of Mr. Humphreys, 3—of Mr. Keating, 234—of Mr. William Maclure, 209— of Mr. Prinsep, of Calcutta, 267. announces the receipt of the Co- chin Chinese Dictionary ordered by the Society, 273. presents a transfer of a printed page according to a process invented by Mr. Joseph Dixon, of Taunton, 206. Vision, effect on, by the operation for strabismus, 273. Walker, Mr., on Mr. Osler’s anemome- ter and rain-gauge, 3. on Galle’s second comet, 201, 215. refers to the discovery, by Galle, of a third comet, 215. on determining longitudes from corresponding observations of meteors, 161. on the August meteors, 261. on the meteors of August and No- vember, 1840, 310. on the observations at Harvard, 294. on the parallax of the star 61 Cyg- ni, recently investigated by Mr. Bes- sell, 78. remarks on Dr. Sherwood’s al- leged discoveries in magnetism, 27. on a tornado of limited extent, at Philadelphia, on July 13, 1840, 255. Warren, Dr., of Boston, resolution in re- gard to his letter on the subject of the formation of an American association for the promotion of science, 77. Water, decomposition of, by galvanism, apparatus for the, 6. rapid congelation of, engraving of an apparatus and process for, 198, 213. White, Bishop, obituary notice of, by Bishop De Lancey, 117. Wickham, Mr. of Virginia, death of, an- nounced, 74. Williams, Mr. Eleazer, grammar of the Iroquois language, 46, 251. Worm in the eye of a horse, 200, 208, . 209. Wily Ya ents i ee Saar saliehen ne tha Si athace Philos Proceedings of the American Philo 1838- 40 NOV.15 1941 JAN 2 6 ee MAR 4 AMNH LIB LO 168146 . 4 aN