PROCEEDINGS OF THB AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AETS AND SCIENCES. NEW SERIES. Vol. II. WHOLE SERIES. Vol. X. FROM MAY, 1874, TO MAY, 1875. SELECTED FROM THE RECORDS. BOSTON: PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1875. .0 ^^^d X^^'i-'j CONTENTS. PAGE I. Researches on the Hexntomic Compounds of Cobalt. By WOLCOTT GiBBS, M.D 1 TI. Contributions to the Botany of North America. By Asa Gray : — 1. Synopsis of North American Thistles 39 2. Notes on Borrac/inacece 48 3. Synopsis of North American Species of Phy salts . 62 4. Characters of various Neiv Species 68 III. Graphical Integration. By Edward C. Pickering . . 79 IV. On the Solar Motion in Space. By Truman Henry Safford 82 V. Historical Sketch of the Generic Names proposed for Butter- flies: A Contribution to Systematic Nomenclature. By Samuel H. Scudder 91 VI. On the Wide Diffusion of Vanadium and its Association tcith Phosphorus in many Rocks. By A. A. Hayes, M.D. . 291 Vn. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Teclmology: — 1. Foci of Lenses placed Obliquely. By Prof. E. C. Pickering and Dr. Chas. H. Williams . . 300 VIII. Brief Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Har- vard College : — 1. On the Effect of Heat upon the Magnetic Suscepti- bility of Soft Iron. By H. Amory and F. Minot 308 IX. A Conspectus of the North American Ilydrophyllacece. By Asa Gray 312 X. Revision of the Genus Ceanothus, and Descriptions of New Plants, with a Synopsis of the Western Species of Silene. By ,Sereno Watson 333 XI. List of the Marine Algce of the United States, with Notes of New and Imperfectly Known Species. By W. G. Farlow 351 iv CONTENTS. Xn. Brief Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Har- vard College : — 2. On a New Induction Coil. By John Trowbridge o81 3. On the Effect of Armatures on the Magnetic State of Electro-Magnets. By B. O. Peirce and E. B. Lefavour 385 4. On the Time of Demagnetization of Soft Iron. By AV. C. HoDGKiNS AND J. H. Jennings . . . 387 XIII. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of the Mas- sachusetts Listitute of Technology : — 2. Light transmitted hy one or more Plates of Glass. i3Y W. W. Jacques 389 XIV. On the Application of Logical Analysis to Multiple Algebra. By C. S. Peirce 392 XV. On the Uses and Transformations of Linear Algebra. By Benjamin Peirce 395 XVI. Optical Notices. By Wolcott Gibbs, M.D. : — 1. On a Neio Optical Constant 401 2. On a Method of Measuring Refractive Indices with- out the Use of Divided Instruments 417 XVII. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology : — 3. Intensity of Twilight. By Charles H. "Williams 421 4. Light of the Sky. By W. O. Crosby .... 425 5. Light absorbed by the Atmosphere of the Sun. By E. C. Pickering and D. P. Strange ... 428 6. Tests of a Magneto-Electric Machine. By E. C. Pickering and D. P. Strange 432 7. Ansicer to M. Jamin's Objections to Ampere'' s Theory. By William W. Jacques 445 XVIII. Melanosiderite : A Neio Mineral Species., from Mineral Hill, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. By Josiah P. Cooke, Jr 451 XIX. On Two Neio Varieties of Vermiculites, tcith a Revision of the other Members of this Group. By Josiah P. Cooke, Jr., and F. a. Goocii 453 Proceedings ' 4G3 Index 525 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. VOL. X. PAPERS READ BEFORE THE ACADEMY. I. RESEARCHES ON THE HEXATOIVHC COMPOUNDS OF COBALT.* By Wolcott Gibbs, M.D. Presented, Oct. 13, 1874. In the joint memoir of Genth and myself on the ammonia-cobalt bases it was stated that xanthocobalt is not the only product of the action of nitrous acid gas upon ammoniacal solutions of cobalt. A further inves- tigation of this and other related subjects was then promised. I propose now to resume the study of this class of compounds from the standpoint of the chemistry of the present day. The progress of science has ren- dered necessary the abandonment of my former theoretical views, as well as the adoption of the new notation. It has also, as I shall en- deavor to show, lent a peculiar interest to the study of the ammonia- metallic bases. In studying the action of the alkaline nitrites upon salts of cobalt, or upon those of the different series of ammonia-cobalt compounds, a prin- cipal difficulty arises from the varying nature and relative proportions of the products obtained under various conditions of temperature, concentration of solutions employed, and duration of action. I have endeavored to cover the whole ground as completely as possible. 1. Action of A?nmoma and Amvionic Nitrite upon a Solution of Cobaltic Chloride and Amfnonic Nitrate. — When a warm solution of * Being Part II. of Researches on the Ammonia-cobalt Bases, by Wolcott Gibbs and F. A. Genth. VOL. X. (n. 8. ii.J 1 2 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY cobaltic chloride, CoClg, is mixed with ammonic nitrate, and then with a solution of ammonic nitrite, containing much free ammonia, the solu- tion soon becomes deep orange, and after twenty-four hours deposits orange-brown crystals in large quantity. The mother liquor of these crystals is olive-green. By re-solution in hot water containing a few drops of acetic acid, and filtration, beautiful orange-yellow needles may be obtained as this filtrate cools. The crystals are perfectly free from chlorine, and represent the nitrate of a new series of ammonia-cobalt salts, the formula of the salts being Co,(NH3)3(NO,),(N03V The formation of this salt is accompanied by an absorption of oxygen from the air, and may be expi-essed by the equation : — 2CoCl, + 2NH, . NO3 -f 8NH3 -f 4NH, . NO^ + 0 = Co,(NH3)3(NO,),(N03), + 4NH,C1 + 2(NHJ,0. 2. Action of a Mixtiure of Ammonia and Potassic Nitrite upon Cohaltic Sulphate. — When cobaltic sulphate is dissolved in water and a mixture of ammonia and potassic nitrite is added, the liquid speedily becomes brown upon the surface, and after a few hours orange-yellow crystals form upon the bottom and sides of the containing vessel, while a green flocky matter is at the same time deposited. When large quantities of material are operated upon, the complete oxidation requires sevei'al days. On filtering, a bright green mass mixed with orange-yellow crystals remains upon the filter: the filtrate is olive-green, and after standing often deposits small, brilliant orange-yellow scales. If the mass on the filter is treated with hot very dilute sulphuric acid, it instantly becomes bright orange, and by boiling dissolves. The filtered solution then deposits, on cooling, a splendid salt, which has the formula Co,(NH3)3(NO,),SO„ and which is the sulphate corresponding to the nitrate already mentioned. 3. Action of a Mixture of Ammonia and Potassic Nitrite upon Cohaltic Nitrate. — When cobaltic nitrate is dissolved in water and a mixture of ammonia and potassic nitrite is added, the liquid speedily becomes brownish-orange, and after an hour begins to deposit bright orange- yellow crystals, mixed with a green flocky mattei-, precisely as in the case of the sulphate. By dissolving the orange-yellow crystals in boil- ing water, a few drops of acetic acid being added to prevent decompo- sition, a fine sherry-wiue-colored solution is obtained, which, on cooling, deposits crystals of two different forms, the larger portion being in octahedrons, the smaller in prismatic forms. By careful mechanical Of' ARTS AND SCIENCES. 3 separation and recn'stallization, these crystals may be separated and the two salts obtained pure for analysis. In this manner I found the octa- hedral salt to be nitrate of xanthocobalt, while the prismatic crystals are the nitrate of the octamin series above mentioned. In one experi- ment, of the octahedral salt, 0-3833 gr. gave 0-1890 gr. CoSO^ = 18-77 per cent cobalt. The formula of nitrate of xanthocobalt, Co2(NH3)jq(N02)2(N03)^, re- quires 18-73 per cent. Of the prismatic salt, 0-7369 gr. gave 0-4050 gr. €080^= 20-92 per cent cobalt The formula of the nitrate of the new series, Co2(NH8)^(NO,),(N03)2, requires 20-99 per cent. For greater certainty I made also a nitrogen determination in this nitrate : — 0-5668 gr. gave 168-5 c.c. nitrogen at 13-5° C. and 756-1"" = 34-79 per cent nitrogen. The formula cited requires 34-88 per cent. The two salts were further readily recognized by their characteristic reactions. In my experi- ments the proportion of xanthocobalt salt formed was much the greater. The formation of the new nitrate may in this case be represented by the equation : — 2Co(N03)., + 8NH8 + 4KN0., + OH. + 0= Co2(NH3)s(N02),(N03)2 + 2KN03+20KH; and the formation of the nitrate of xanthocobalt by the equation: — 2Co(N03)o + IONH3 + 2KN0., + OH. + O = CJ,(NH3),„(N02),(N03);+ 20KH. The green flocky matter which accompanies the formation of the above-mentioned nitrates and sulphate is cobaltic hydrate, Co(OH)., -(- 20H.„ and is of course due to the action of the potassic hydrate uj)on the solution of cobalt in excess. I varied the above process by adding ammonia first to the solution of cobaltic nitrate, and afterward the solution of potassic nitrite, but the results were the same. 4. Action of Ammonia and Potassic Nitrite upon a Mixture of Cobal- tic and Ammonic Sulphates. — In this case as in the others the solution becomes brown and deposits an orange crystalline mass. If the mass is dissolved in water and a solution of potassic bromide is added, after standing, fine crystals are formed, which, after a single recrystallization, are pure bromide of xanthocobalt. In one experiment : — 0-5634 gr. gave 0-2496 gr. CoSO^ = 16-87 per cent cobalt. 0-7294 gr. gave 0-4496 gr. silver = 45-65 per cent bromine. 4 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The formula, Coo(NH3)jQ(N02)2Br^, requires cobalt 16-86, bromine 45-71. I did not succeed in finding the sulphate of the octamin series among the products in the single experiment which I made with the above-mentioned mixture. If present at all, its relative quantity must have been small. Tlie formation of sulphate of xanthocobalt is easily explained by the equation : — 2CoSO,4-10NH.,4-2KNO2 + OH.,4-O = Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(SO,), + 20KH; but it is not easy to see why the presence of amraonic sulphate should determine the jDroduction of sulphate of xanthocobalt in place of the sulphate of the octamin series. With these preliminaries I pass to the description of the salts of the new octamin series. These salts as a class greatly resemble those of xanthocobalt, but are rather more stable. They have a fine sherry- wine color, are usually comparatively insoluble in cold, and are dis- solved with difficulty even by boiling water. The solutions when neutral are decomposed by boiling, ammonia being evolved and a black powder precipitated. The addition of a small quantity of acetic acid serves to prevent the decomposition in hot solutions. Mineral acids, even in small quantity, usually produce more or less decomposition on heating. The salts crj^stallize with remarkable facility, resembling in this respect the salts of luteocobalt, which are, however, much more soluble. As the octamin salts are easily prej^ared in quantity, they may hereafter be found to possess some value as means of investigation from their remarkable power of crystallization. Sulphate. — Of all the salts of this series the sulphate is that which is most easily prepared in quantity and free from other products. The general method of preparation has been already pointed out. The mixture of cobaltic hydi-ate and crude sulphate is to be boiled with very dilute sulphuric acid, filtered, and the solution allowed to stand for a few hours, when the sulphate sei3arates almost completely, in conse- quence of its insolubility in cold water. The mother liquor contains a Lirge quantity of cobaltic sulphate, and traces of the new salt together with potassic and ammonic sulphates. A second crystallization gives a perfectly pure salt. In large crystals the salt has a dark wine-red color, like the salts of xanthocobalt. It usually separates from hot concentrated solutions in small, very brilliant yellow scales, which, under the microscope, appear to belong to the quadratic system. The sul- phate is remarkable for its insolubility. Cold water dissolves a very small quantity, the solution taking a golden-yellow color. Even in OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. boiling water the salt is but slightly soluble ; but dilute sulphuric acid dissolves it more readily and without decomposition, if the boiling be not continued too long. Stronger acid readily decomposes the sulphate by boiling. When boiled for some time with dilute chlorhydric acid, the solution gradually becomes violet-red, and oh cooling deposits crys- tals of chloride of purpureocobalt. Of these crystals, 0-2825 gr. gave 0-1749 gr. CoSO, = 23-56 per cent cobalt. The formula Co2(NH3),„Clg requires 23-55 per cent. The decomposition is accompanied by effervescence from the escape of gas, apparently nitrogen mixed with a smaller quantity of nitrous acid vapors, and may perhaps be expressed by the equation : — 2Co,(NH3)8(NO,),SO, + 6HC1 = Co,(NH3),,Cl, + 2CoSO, -{- 12OH2 + 2NO2 + 12N. In this reaction we pass from a lower to a higher ammonia-base, and Geuth and I have shown that we may also pass from purpureocobalt to luteocobalt, or from the decamin to the dodecamin series, the higher term being in each case the product of the decomposition of the lower The formula of the sulphate in the new series is, as stated, Co^(NHo)8 (^0^)480,. The following ai'e the direct results of analysis : — 0-6142 gr. gave 0-3596 gr. CoSO^^r 22-28 per cent cobalt. 0-4207 gr. gave 0-2454 gr. „ r= 22-21 „ „ 1-5547 gr. gave 0-6785 gr. BaSo4 = 17-98 „ SO, 0-6960 gr. gave 0*2903 gr. water = 4-63 „ hydrogen. 0-4693 gr. gave 123*5 c.c. nitrogen at 9-5° C. and 754-5'"™ = 31-33 per cent. Calculated. Found. Cobalt 2 118 22-09 22-28 22-21 SO, 1 96 17-97 17-98 Hydrogen 24 24 4-49 4-63 Nitrogen 12 168 31-46 31-33 Oxygen 8 128 23-99 534 100-00 On Blomstrand's view of the constitution of the ammonia-metallic bases, the formula of the sulphate may be written : — Co, NH3-NO2 NH,-NO., NH,-NH; gQ NH.-NO^ NIL -NO., I shall discuss this view more fully at the close of this paper. d PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Chloride. — The chloride of this series cannot be readily obtained by the action of a mixture of ammonia and potassic nitrite upon cobaltic chloride, since, as I shall show hereafter, other products are formed under these circumstances in much the larger quantities, salts of xan- thocobalt predominating. It may, however, be easily prepared in quan- tity by boiling the crude sulphate with baric chloride and a very small quantity of chlorhydric acid. To avoid loss, the baric sulphate must be repeatedly and carefully washed with boiling water and a trace of free acid. The chloride then crystallizes fx-om the filtrate in beautiful iridescent crystals. The forms of these crystals, together with those of other salts of this series, I hope hereafter to be able to give in detail. The chloride has the characteristic sherry-wine color of the salts of this series, and the small crystals are very brilliant and exhibit a remarka- ble iridescence. The chloride is more soluble than the sulphate, but still belongs to the class of slightly soluble salts, and crystallizes almost completely from hot solutions as these become cold. The salt possesses in a high degree the sharply defined crystalline character of the members of this series, and forms a large number of compounds with metallic chlorides, many of which are of great beauty. The constitution of the chloride is represented by the formula Co,(NH3),(NO,),Cl„ as the following analyses show : — 0-5164 gr. gave 0.3152 gr. 0080^ = 23-24 per cent cobalt. 0-6048 gr. gave 0-3683 gr. CoSO^ = 23-18 „ „ 0-7188 gr. gave 0-3027 gr. silver =13-84 „ chlorine. 0-4846 gr. gave 0-2152 gr. water = 4-92 „ hydrogen. 0-6160 gr. gave 172-5 c.c. nitrogen at 16° C. and 768-2""" = 32-91 per cent. Calculated. Found. Cobalt 2 118 23-18 23-18 23.24 Chlorine 2 71 13-94 13-84 Hydrogen 24 24 4-71 4-90 Nitrogen 12 168 33-00 32-91 Oxygen 8 128 25-17 509 100-00 The corresponding bromide, Coo(NH„)g(N02)4Br2, resembles the chlo- ride so closel)' that no special description is necessary. \ In this salt, 0-3944 gr. gave 0-2059 gr. CoS04= 19-87. The formula requires 19-73 per cent. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 7 Hiiperiodlde. — "When a solution of iodine in potassic iodide is added to one of the nitrate of this series, a magnificent crystalline cinnabar- red compound is precipitated, which may be washed with cold water, and afterward with a little alcohol, without decomposition. For anal- ysis, the salt was dried in pleno over sulphuric acid. The crystals are small scales of unusual beauty and richness of color. They are slightly soluble in cold water, and are partially decomposed by boiling water with evolution of iodine vajDors. Even long boiling, however, does not ajipear to decompose them completely. When heated with a solution of sodic sulphite, tlie salt instantly becomes yellow and is converted into the normal iodide. No similar compound is formed when a solu- tion of potassic hyperiodide is added to one of nitrate of xanthocobalt. The formation of the hyperiodide may be represented by the equation : Co,(NH3),(NO,),(NO,), + 2KI3 = Co,(NH,),(NO,) J, -f 2KNO3. In this salt, 0-5748 gr. gave 0-1494 gr. CoSO^ = 9-87 per cent cobalt. 0-4705 gr. gave 0-2550 gr. silver = 63-70 „ iodine. 0-3942 gr. gave 49 c.c. nitrogen at 14-5° C. and 736-8"""= 14-10 per cent nitrogen. Calculated. Found. Cobalt 2 118 9-83 9-87 Iodine 6 762 63-50 63-70 Nitrogen 12 168 14-00 14-10 Hydrogen 24 24 2-00 Oxygen 8 128 10-67 1-200 100-00 If we consider NO^ as in part triatomic in this salt, the constitutional formula may be most simply represented by the expression : — NH, - NO2 NH3-NO, =1, P J NH^-NIlj-r ^^2 ^ NH, - NH„ - I I NH. - NOr = I2 [ nh; - no; Nitrate. — I have already stated that the nitrate of this series may be formed by the action of a mixture of ammonia and ammonic nitrate upon a solution of cobaltic chloride and ammonic nitrate. It is much more convenient, however, to prepare it from the crude sulphate by double decomposition with baric nitrate. The sulphate is to be boiled with a small excess of baric nitrate and a little acetic acid, and the baric 8 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY sulphate carefully washed to avoid loss of nitrate. From the filtered solution the new salt crystallizes almost completely, on cooling, in beautiful orange-yellow needles, and sometimes in distinct prismatic forms. It is much more soluble than the sulphate, though cold water takes up but little. Boiling water and dilute acid solutions dissolve it more readily. The reactions of the base may be studied most con- veniently with this salt. The formula of the nitrate is Co,(NH3),(NO,X(N03)„ as the following analyses show : — 0-2405 gr. gave 0-1333 gr. CoSO4 = 2M0 per cent cobalt. 0*6564 gr. gave 0-2484 gr. water = 4-21 per cent hydrogen. 0-6148 gr. gave 173-5 c.c. nitrogen at 4-5° C, and 762-2°"" = 34-83 per cent. Calculated. Found. Cobalt 2 118 20-99 21-10 Hydrogen 24 24 4-27 4-21 Nitrogen 14 .196 34-88 34-83 Oxygen 14 224 39-86 . 662 100.00 The nitrate explodes, though not very violently, on being heated. Its solution gives with potassic ferrocyanide no precipitate at first, but after some hours beautiful garnet-red acicular crystals are formed. It is most easily distinguished from the nitrate of xanthocobalt by its crystalline form and by the extremely characteristic precipitates which its solution yields with potassic hyperiodide and with potassic chromate. Ghromate. — When a solution of potassic chromate is added to one of the nitrate of the octamin series, a most beautiful lemon-yellow salt is formed, which separates almost immediately in very brilliant scales which appear to belong to the quadratic system, and to be isomorjjhous with the sulphate. The salt is but slightly soluble in water. Its marked crystalline form renders it valuable in di-tinguishing the salts of this series from those of xanthocobalt. In this salt, 0-4660 gr. gave 0-2128 gr. BaCr04= 20-95 per cent CrO^. 0-4659 gr. gave 119-5 c.c. nitrogen at 9-75° C. and 753-5°"" = 30-42 per cent. The formula, Co,XNHo),(NO,)4CrO^, requires 20-97 per cent CrO^ and 30-42 per cent of nitrogen. Dichromate. — This salt is easily formed by adding a solution of potassic dichromate to one of the octamin nitrate. It separates after a few minutes in beautiful orange-yellow needles, which may be redis- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 9 solved and again crystallized without decomposition. In appearance and solubility it can hardly be distinguished from the corresponding salt of xauthocobalt, Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(CrA)2- The formula of this salt is : — Co,(NH3)3(NO,),Cr,0,. 0-5604 gr. gave 0-4315 gr. BaCrO^ = o2-91 per cent Cr^O^. The formula requires 33-06 per cent. The determination of CrO^ and Cr20j., in this and similar compounds containing NO^, can be effected more accurately by means of a baric salt than by mercurous nitrate, since the nitrous compound always reduces a little chromic acid to chromic sesquioxide. Platino-chloride. — A solution of sodic platino-chloride, PtCl^Na^, produces in one of the new nitrate after a time fine orange-brown prismatic crystals, which, however, cannot easily be recrystallized without decomposition. The crystals were washed with cold water, dried by pressure, and then over sulphuric acid. The analysis was made by boiling the salt with zinc and dilute sulphui-ic acid, filtering off and weighing the reduced platinum and determining the chlorine in the filtrate by silver. In another portion of the salt the platinum and cobalt were determined together by gentle ignition in a current of hydi'ogen gas. In this manner, 0-3959 gr. gave 0-0921 gr. platinum and 0-3016 gr. silver = 23*26 per cent platinum and 25-04 per cent chlorine. 0-4459 gr. gave 0-1652 gr. platinum and cobalt = 37-04 per cent. Subtracting 23-26 per cent platinum from this, we have 13-78 per cent cobalt. Calculated. Found. Cobalt 2 13-91 13-78 Chlorine 6 25-12 25-04 Platinum 1 23-23 23-26 The formula of this salt is therefore: — ■ Co,(NH3),(NO,),Cl, + PtCl,. Auro-chloride. — A solution of auro-chloride of sodium, AuCl^Na, produces immediately in one of the octamin nitrate a beautiful crystalline precipitate, with a fine canary-yellow color and silky lustre. Small quantities of this salt may be dissolved in boiling water without decomposition, but it is very difficult to recrystallize it without great loss from the reduction of the gold. When boiled for a short time the 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY salt is almost completely decomposed. It is remarkably insoluble in cold water. For analysis the salt was dried on bibulous paper, and afterward in pleno over sulphuric acid. The analysis was effected by boiling the salt with zinc as in the case of the jjlatinum salt, and determining the chlorine in the filtrate by silver, but the gold precipi- tated was found to contain much metallic cobalt. Another analysis was made by simply heating with sulphuric acid, precisely as in the process which Genth and myself introduced for the determiuatioji of cobalt in these salts, and then washing and weighing the gold. This method was found to give excellent results. In this manner, 0-4791 gr. gave 0*3697 gr. silver= 25*36 per cent chlorine. 0*3942 gr. gave 0*2483 gr. Au-|- CoSO^ and 0*1391 gr. gold, and by difference 0*1092 gr. CoSO^= 10*54 per cent cobalt and 35*30 per cent gold. , Calculated. Found. Cobalt 2 10*57 10*54 Gold 2 35*30 35*30 Chlorine S 25*44 25-36 The formula of the salt is therefore : — Co.(NH3)8(NO,),Cl2 + 2AUCI3. Erdmami's Salt. — O. L. Erdmann,* in 1866, described a remark- able salt which is formed when a solution of potassic nitrite is added to a solution of cobaltic chloride containing an excess of ammonic chloride. The liquid quickly assumes a dark orange color, becomes strongly acid and evolves red vapors. Alter a time very beautiful oblique rhombic crystals are deposited, which, according to Erdmann, have the formula (old style) C02O32NH3, 3NO3 -f KCNOg. In modern notation the formula of Erdmann's salt may be written : — Co,(NH3),(NO,)3K,. Erdmann states that the potassium in this salt may be replaced by other metals, and describes the corresponding ammonium and silver salts. These compounds are especially interesting because they hold an. intermediate position between the two series represented respec- tively by the terms Co2(NH3)i2C]s and Co^CNOJiJ^e- * Journal fur prakt. Cliemie, xcvii. 385. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 11 I propose therefore to speak of them more in detail hereafter, and to contiue myself at present to their relations to the salts of the octamin series. "When a solution of Erdmann's salt, Co2(NH3)^(]Sr02)8K2, is added to one of the octamin nitrate, a beautiful crystalline precipitate is formed, which after washing with cold water may be redissolved in hot water and then separates in fine orange-yellow granular crystals. The equation representing the reaction is here Co,(NH3),(NO.0,(NO3),+ Co.,(NH3),(NO.,),sK., = 2KNO3 + The new salt gives with reagents the reactions of the salts of the octamin series. The relation between the two complex atoms which form a molecule of the new salt is worthy of notice, the number of atoms of ammonia and nitroxyl in the one corresponding to the num- ber of atoms of nitroxyl, NOj, and of ammonia in the other ; one complex atom being, to use Graham's convenient expression, chlorous and the other zincous. We have furthei'more the relation expressed by the equation : — Now I shall show, farther on, that there exist several other salts, the empirical constitutions of which may be represented also by multiples of the formula C02(NH3)3(N02)e, so that we have here, for the first time, I believe, in inorganic chemistry, a series of strictly metameric bodies. In the salt of the octamin series, 0-2600 gr. gave 0-1622 gr. CoSO^ = 23-74 per cent cobalt. The formula requires 23-79 per cent. The salts which I have described are not the only ones which con- tain 8 atoms of ammonia with 2 atoms of cobalt. In our memoir Genth and I made mention of a leek-green crystalline body which we obtained in more than one reaction in quantities too small for analysis, and which we termed, provisionally, Praseocobalt. Braun subsequently denied the existence of any such substance ; but, in an excellent paper on the ammonia-cobalt compounds, F. Rose has not merely described and analyzed the body in question, but has given a method of pre- paring it in quantity. Rose gives for the formula of this salt CogClg N^H^2 (old style). I should write this Co2(NH3),Cle. and give it the atomistic formula 12 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Co, fNHg-Cl NHg-Cl NH^-NHg-Cl NH3-NH3-CI NH3-CI NH3-CI It thus forms the type of a special octamin series, the relations of which to the salts which I have described are easily seen by comparing the formulas which I have given. Rose has not described any other salts of this series. It seems possible that my series may be derived from this by acting upon the chloride with argentic nitrite : we may have Co,(NH3)3Cls + 4AgN0,= Co,(NH3),(NO,),Cl, + 4AgCl, but I have as yet made no experiments in this direction. Finally Kiinzel * described, many years since, a hyposulphate, to which he gave the formula CoA + ^NHg-l- 2S2O5 (old style). This formula be- comes, in my view, Co2(NH3)sSPi3, and the salt then belongs to the octamin series ; but it is possible that its empirical constitution has not yet been correctly given. In treating of the salts of my new series, it appeared to me more in accordance with the theoretical views which I have adopted to abstain from trivial names. All the members of this series may however be regarded as containing the complex atom Co2(NH3)g-(N02)4, which alone is constant and which from one point of view may be regarded as a diatomic radical or residue, and those who justify the use of trivial names by their convenience may find the name " Croceocobalt " expressive and appropriate. 5. The salts described by Fremy f under the names of chloride, nitrate, and sulphate of Fuscocobalt contain also eight atoms of am- monia, and may be regarded as belonging to the octamin series. These salts have, according to Fremy, respectively the formulas : — Co2(NH3)3.0.Cl, + 30H2, Co.,(NH3)3.0.(N03),+30H2, Co2(NH3)3.0.(SOj2 + 40H2, in modern notation. They are brown resinous masses, are difficult to obtain m a state of purity, and have as yet been but little studied. If * Journal fiir prakt. Cliemie, Ixxii. 218. t Ann. de Chimie et de Physique [3], tome xxxv. p. 257. OP AETS AND SCIENCES. 13 we admit that the formiihis are accurate, we may write them, in accord- ance with the theoretic views which I have adopted, as follows : * — Co, NH3-CI NH3— CI NH„-N03 NH3-NO3 .Mi3-NH3 Q ^ 1 NH3-NH3 Q ^ NH3-NH,, NH3-CI NH,-C1 NH„— Ntl3 NH'-N03 nhI-no, NH3^ ^^* NH3-NH3 Q NH, [nh; >so, J(5rgensen f suggests that these salts may contain hydroxyl in place of oxygen. There is at present no method of deciding the Question, and I have adopted the view which seems to me the most probable. Kiinzel's hyposulphate above mentioned may be regarded as belonging to this series, and as having the structural formula : — ^^^^nh;-nh3>o NH3-^ o^Ug but, according to Geuther, the formula given by Kiinzel must be tripled, and the salt then belongs to the dodecamin or luteocobalt series. In the absence of direct proof of the existence of luteocobalt in this salt, Kiinzel's formula appears the more probable of the two. The compounds above mentioned, with those which I have myself described, form the only known members of the octamin group, a further study of which will doubtless yield an ample return. 6. Action of Ammonic Nitrite on Salts of Gohalt. — To obtain a clear view of the nature and mode of formation of the salts of xauthocobalt, I have carefully studied the relations of ammonic nitrite to salts of cobalt under different conditions. This subject has already been examined by Erdmann,| and in my laboratory by Sadtler. § Erdmann found that when a neutral solution of cobaltic chloride is mixed with a neutral solution of ammonic nitrite no tui'bidity ensues ; but after spontaneous evaporation in the air a salt crystallizes, with the formula, as Erdmann writes it (old style): — Co.O^NHg, 3NO2 + NH,0, NO2. * Blomstrand has given the same formulas with trifling variations. Chemie der Jetztzeit, p. 355. t Gmeiin-Krauts' Handbuch, vol. iii. p. 468. t Journal fiir prakt. Chemie, xcvii. 385. § Am. Journal of Science and Arts [2], ix. 189. 11 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY This salt is isomorphous with the corresponding potassium saU, the ciystals belonging to the rhombic system. Erdmann does not explain the reaction which takes place in the formation of this or the corre- sponding potassium salt, and regards the compounds in question as double salts. When slightly acid solutions were employed, Erdmann obtained, in addition to the above-mentioned salt, an ammonic salt corresponding to Fischer's salt, Co2(N'02)i2(NHJg-|-20H2, as we should now write it. The existence of this salt was first remarked by Genth and myself.* Sadtler studied the action of ammonic nitrite on acid sortitions of cobaltic chloride, and obtained two salts having respectively the formulas : — Co2(N02),o(NH,),+ 20H2, Co,(N02),2(NH,)3+20H2, but did not observe the formation of Erdmann's ammonium salt. In repeating these experiments, I always obtained Erdmann's ammonium salt, Co2(NH3)^(N02)8(NH^)2, in largest quantity. The crystals are uncommonly beautiful and well defined. Of these crystals, 0-3390 gr. gave 0-1783 gr. SO^Co = 20-02 per cent. The formula requires 20-00 per cent. In one experiment, in which a little free acetic acid was present, I obtained lai-ge, dark sherry-wine colored prismatic crystals, which after solution and recrystallization gave only very thin lozenge-shaped tabular crystals, the form and appearance of which are highly characteristic. These crystals gave no reactions with salts of luteocobalt, purpureocobalt, and roseocobalt, and none with potassic chromate and dichromate, ammonic oxalate or arsentic nitrate. The absence of the first-mentioned reactions shows that they do not contain Co2(NH3)4(N02)8 or Co2(N02)i2, while the fact that they give no reactions with alkaline chromates and oxalates shows that they do not contain any known cobaltamin. Of these crystals, 0-1554 gr. gave 0-0974 gr. 80^00= 23-86 per cent cobalt. 0-3081 gr. gave 0-0635 gr. NH3= 20-61 per cent ammonia. The formula Co2(NH3)g(N02)e requires : — Cobalt, 23-79 23-86 Ammonia, 20*56 20-61 These analyses are sufficient to identify the salt in question with one which Erdmann has described in the paper referred to as formed by the action of ammonia and potassic nitrite upon cobaltic chloride, * This Journal, 2d Series, vol. xxiv. p. 86. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 15 unfortunately with but very scanty details. I attribute to this salt the formula f NH3-NO2 I NH,-N02 Co, } ?;&-?s^ -"2 NH,-N02 NH3-NO2 and consider it to be the nitrous representative of the hexamin Cog (NH.,)g. I have not succeeded in obtaining from it other members of the same series ; but it is, to say the least, probable that the dichro- cobalt-chloride of Fr. Rose,* Co2(NH3)6Clg-|-20H2, represents the corresponding chloride. Kiiuzel f has described a sulphite to which he attributes the formula Co2(NH3),(S03)3+OH„ but according to Geuther J this formula must be doubled, the salt belonofinof to the dodecamin or luteocobalt series, with the formula Co2(NH3),2(S03), + €02(803)3 + 2OH2. Erdmann's hexamin salt is of special interest, because, as I shall show, it forms the first term in a remarkable series of metameric bodies : its formation under the circumstances may with great proba bility be expressed by the equation 2C0CI., + lONH, . NO2 + 30 = Co2(NH3),(N02)6 + 4NH,C1 + 30H2-f4N02, as the salt is not formed immediately, but only after absorption of oxygen from the air. The formation of Erdmann's ammonium salt may in like manner be represented by the equation 2C0CI2+ lONH,. NO2+ 20 = Co,(NH3),(N02)8(NH,)2+ 4NH,C1 + 2OH2, the presence of oxygen being necessary in this case also. In another experiment I obtained no hexamin nitrite, but only Erd- mann's ammonium salt and the two salts described by Sadtler, and to which he gave respectively the formulas: — Co2(N02)io(NHJ, + 20H2, Co2(N02)i2(NHJe + 20H2. These last salts were formed in considerable quantity mixed together as a yellow sparingly soluble crystalline powder, when a strong solution * Untersuchungen iiber ammoniakalische Kobalt-Verbindungen. Heidelberg, 1871. t Journal fiir prakt. Chemie, 72, p. 209. J Ann. de Pharmacie, 128, p. 127. 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of ammonic nitrite was poured upon finely pulverized cobaltic chloride, and acetic acid was added in small excess, I consider the formation of these two salts to be represented by the equations: — 2C0CI2 + 1 ONH, . NO2 + 30 = Co,(NO.Oio(NH,), + 6NH3 + 30H„ 2Coa-i- 12NH, • N02 + 30= Co,(NO,)i,(NH,),-f8NH3-|- 3OH2. Professor Sadtler has shown that in these cases also an absorption of oxygen from the air takes place. When a solution of ammonic nitrite is added to a strong alcoholic solution of cobaltic chloride, Erdmann's ammonium salt, Co^(NH3)^(N02)8(NHJ2, is chiefly formed, and only a small quantity of the four and six atom salts. The compound formed crystallizes from the alcoholic solution in very beautiful and well defined prismatic forms. From the above it will be seen that at least four distinct compounds are formed by the action of ammonic nitrite upon solutions of cobaltic chloride in presence of a weak acid and of the oxygen of the air. It is at least probable that all four are formed at the same time, though in varying proportions. I have already shown that, in the presence of free ammonia and of ammonic nitrate, cobaltic chloride and ammonic nitrite yield the nitrate of the octamin series. Of the action of ammo- nic nitrite upon cobaltic salts in the presence of free ammonia, I shall speak in treating of the formation of the salts of xanthocobalt. 7. I have stated above that P^rdmann obtained the hexamin nitrite, Co2(NH3)q(N02)65 by the joint action of potassic nitrite and ammonia upon cobaltic chloride. On repeating his experiments, I found that small quantities of this salt were formed, but that the chief products of the action were salts of xanthocobalt, the formation of which Erdmann does not appear to have noticed. Small quantities of salts of the octa- min series are also formed. The filtered solution obtained in this reac- tion was precijjitated by potassic dichromate, and the orange-red needles obtained recrystallized for analysis. Of these crystals, 0-6145 gr. gave 6-7393 gr. CrO,Ba = 51-40 per cent Cr^O^. 0-7712 gr. gave 0-9277 gr. CrO,Ba = 51-40 per cent Cr^ol 0-5615 gr. gave 96*5 c.c. nitrogen (moist) at 15° C. and 763-1°"" = 20-12 per cent nitrogen. 0-5028 gr. gave 86 c.c. nitrogen (moist) at 15° C. and 763-1""" = 20*05 per cent nitrogen. The formula Co2(NH3)j„(NO,,)oCr207 re'quires 53-22 per cent Cr,©^ and 20-67 per cent nitrogen, while the formula of the octamin salt, Co2(NH3),(NO,),Cr20., requires 32-91 per cent Cr20^ and 19-30 per cent nitrogen, so that the analyses leave no reasonable doubt that the OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 17 salt was a mixture of a salt of xanthocobalt with a smaller proportion of the corresponding salt of the octamin series. The above results clearly show that the action of alkaline nitrites upon salts of cobalt in presence of free acid is extremely complex, not less than six classes of salts being formed, of which two belong cer- tainly to basic series, while three may be regarded as salts of ammo- nium. The sixth, Co2(NH3)g(N02)g, is probably also one term in a hexamin series. 8. The ammonia-nitrites discovered by Erdmann are of especial in- terest. They present the first and at present the only known instance in which cobalt, by uniting with ammonia and nitroxyl, NO.,, forms an electro-negative or chlorous radical. The compound Co2(NH,5)^(NO.,)3 may be regarded as existing in combination with two atoms of a mon- atomic radical, exactly as the compound Co2(NH3)g(N02)4 combines with two atoms of chlorine. The structural formulas may be written respectively : — Co, 'NH3-NO, NHj-NO^ NH3-NHI-CI ] NH3-NH3-CI I NH3-NO2 [NH3-NO2 Co, i NH3-NO, NH3-NO2 N<^>N-0-OK NN-0-OK NH„-NO, NH3-NO; "With these formulas we may advantageously compare those of chlo- ride of luteocobalt, of Fischer's salt considered as anhydrous, and of chloride of xanthocobalt : — ,0, rNH3-NH3-Cl Co, < NH3 NH3-NH3 NH3-NH3 NH,-C1 CI CI Co, NN-0-OK NH, -NH3-CI NH3-NH3-CI N<^>N-0 NN-0-OK >N-0-OK OK N<0 ,0 N< O >N-0-OK >N-0-OK Co, < NH3-NO, nh3-nh;-ci NHg-NH^-Cl NH3-NH,'-C1 NH1-NH,,'-C1 nhI-no,' VOL. X. (N. S. II.) 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The manner in which these compounds may be derived from each other by replacement is sufficiently obvious, and is best seen by assum- ing chloride of luteocobalt and Fischer's salt as the two extreme terms of the series in which the other three are intermediate. Erdmann's analyses leave no reasonable doubt as to the constitution of the ammonia-nitrites. I have thought it worth while, however, to make a few additional analyses in support of his view. In the potas- sium salt, 0-4497 gr. gave 0-3397 gr. SO, Co and 80,1^2 = 75-54 per cent. 0-7338 gr. gave 0-oGlo gr. „ „ =76-52 per cent. 0-5937 gr. gave 127 c.c. nitrogen at 65° C, and 773-4""" = 26-45 per cent nitrogen. The formula Co2(NH3),(N02)8K2 requires 76-58 per cent (280,00 + SO^Kj) and 26-58 per cent nitrogen. In the silver salt, 0-3580 gr. gave 0-2902 gr. SO,Co and 80,Ag,„ 0-5937 gr. gave 0-1675 gr. silver = 28-21 per cent. The cobalt by difference amounts to 15-33 per cent. The formula Co.,(NH3),(N02)8Ag2 requires 28-05 per cent silver and 15-32 per cent cobalt. Thallium Salt. — When a solution of the potassium salt is added to one of thallous nitrate, a beautiful sherry-wine-colored crystalline pre- cipitate is thrown down, which on recrystallization gives very well- defined prismatic crystals, having apparently the same form as the corresponding potassium and ammonium salts. Mercurous Salt. — A solution of potassic ammonia-cobalt-nitrite gives immediately in solutions of mercurous nitrate a beautiful orange-colored crystalline precipitate, which may be dissolved in boiling water, but not without partial decomposition. The salt does not crystallize well from the solution. Of this salt, 0-7785 gr. gave 0-1775 gr. SO,Co = 8-68 per cent cobalt. The formula Co2(NH3),(N02)s(Hg,)2 requires 8-71 per cent. A solution of the potassic salt gives no precipitate with salts of cobalt, nickel, barium, and copper, and none at first with plumbic acetate. After standing, however, a lead salt separates in fine aciiular leafy crystals of a brown-orange color, soluble in hot water, but with partial decomposition. The same is true of the silver salt, but small quantities of this may usually be dissolved and recrystallized without change. The silver salt is extremely well characterized ; its moderate degree of OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 19 solubility and the facility with which it crystallizes in tabular lustrous crystals have made it of great service in my investigations, especially in distinguishing salts containing Co2(NH3)^(N02)sfrom those which con- tain Co.,(N02)i2. Compounds of ammonia-cobalt-nitrite with barium, strontium, &c., are easily formed by double decomposition, the metallic chlorides being digested with a solution of the argentic salt. They are pale orange-yellow, soluble salts which I have not further examined. A solution of the potassic salt gives beautiful crystalline precipitates with salts of various organic alkaloids, especially with those of brucin. and strychnin. These are soluble in hot water without sensible decom- position, and may be recrystallized. Salts of anilin give a bi-ight yel- low precipitate with potassic ammonia-cobalt-nitrite, which is, however, immediately decomposed, phenol being set free. The potassic salt gives also splendid crystalline precipitates with salts of croceocobalt, xanthocobalt, luteocobalt, &c. I have already noticed the salt of croceocobalt, and will describe the salts of the other bases in due course. Erdmann has not attempted to explain the formation of this class of salts. He remarks that a yellow insoluble compound is formed at the same time with the potassic salt Co2(NH3)^(N02)8K2' which appears to be a mixture which cannot be obtained pure for analysis. I have also obtained this body, and also regard it as consisting mainly of Fischer's salt, Co.,(N02)i2Kg, though, as Erdmann states, it contains a small per- centage of ammonia. The formation of the salt Co2(NH3)^(N02)jjK2 may be expressed by the equation 2C0CI2 + 4NH,C1 -f 8KNO2 + O = Co2(NH3),(N02)sK2 + 6KCI + 2HCI + OH2, if we suppose oxygen to be absorbed from the air. In consequence, however, of the formation of free chlorhydric acid, NgOg is set free, and it is much more probable that this is reduced by the nascent- hydrogen ; so that we have N203 + 2H = 2XO-fOH2. The potassium salt is also formed, as I shall show, in various other cases : the similarity of some of its reactions to those of a solution of Co.,(NO.,)]oNag in sodic nitrite for a long time misled me; but its relations to salts of silver, mercury, and thallium enable us to recognize its presence with absolute certainty. The salt does not enter into com- bination with iodine. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY XANTHO COBALT. 9. Gentli and I have shown in our memoir that the salts of xantho- cobalt may be formed either directly by the action of nitrous acid vapors upon salts of cobalt, or by the action of the same acid upon salts of purpureocobalt and roseocobalt, in each case in the presence of free ammonia. I propose now to give the results of a more detailed study of the subject. With respect to the constitution of this class of salts, I may remark, in the first place, that Genth and I left it undecided whether the salts in question contain NO or NO^, pointing out the fact that the analyses do not decide in favor of either view, and adopting the former pro- visionally. Braun first proved conclusively that the salts of xantho- cobalt contain NOg, and this view has since been generally adopted. I have already shown (§1) that when cobal tic chloride, CoClj, is mixed with ammonia and amnionic nitrite and nitrate, the solution absorbs oxygen from the air, while the nitrate of the octamin series, Co2(NH3)g (NO.,)^(NO.j).„ is formed. I have not observed in this reaction the formation of a salt of xanthocobalt. If present at all, such salts must be formed in very small relative quantity. Genth and I have shown, on the other hand, that when the red gases resulting from the action of nitric acid upon starch, sawdust, or arsenous oxide are passed into solutions of cobaltic salts in presence of an excess of ammonia, salts of xanthocobalt are formed in a very short time, and in large quantity. If we consider the red gas to consist of hyponitric oxide, N^O^, we may have 2Co(N03), + 10NH, + NA = Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(N03),. In preparing sulphate and nitrate of xanthocobalt by this process, 1 have on several occasions been able to detect only salts of this base among the products of the reaction. In one case, however, in which I employed cobaltic sulphate and added so large a quantity of ammonic sulphate that the solution gave no precipitate with ammonia, I obtained a very large relative quantity of Erdmann's salt Co2(NH3)y(N02)i;. In other cases in which cobaltic chloride was present I detected crystals of the chloro-nitrate Co2(XH3),(,(N02)2(N03)2Cl2. The solutions after the action of the red gases also contain small quantities of the am- monia-cobalt-nitrite of ammoni^^m, Co2(NH3)^(N02)8(NH^)2, as well as ammonic nitrite and nitrate. On the other hand, however, I have already shown (§ 3) that salts of this radical are fonned in large quantity, together with a smaller OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 21 pro})ortion of the octamin nitrate, by the action of a mixture of potas- sic nitrite and ammonia upon cobaltic nitrate in presence of air; but that xautliocobalt is exckisively formed by the action of the same mixture upon a solution of ammonie and cobaltic sulphates. I am unable to offer any plausible explanation for the difference of the products in the two cases. When cobaltic nitrate, amnionic nitrite, and ammonia are mixed and placed in a tightly corked bottle, no action whatever appears to take place, even after the mixture has stood some days. But if plumbic hyperoxide, PbO^, is added, the mixture soon becomes yellow, and after a few hours large crystals of nitrate of xanthocobalt are formed, with distinct reduction of the plumbic hyperoxide. The reaction in this case may be represented by the equation : — 2Co(N03), + IONH3 + 2NH, . NO., -f PbO. = Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(N03), + PbO -f (NHJ.O. Potassic hypermanganate may also be employed as an oxidizing agent, but is less convenient. The experiment just detailed appears to me to render it most probable that in the action of the red gases upon salts of cobalt in presence of ammonia, the resulting salts of xanthocobalt are not formed by the direct union of the cobaltic salt with ammonia and nitroxyl, but that amnionic nitrite is first formed, and that the oxygen necessary for the completion of the reaction is derived from tlie decomposition of some element of the complex mixture of NO, NO2, NjOg, and NO3H, which make up the red vapors. The formation of salts of xanthocobalt by the action of the red gas upon salts of purpureocobalt and roseocobalt in the presence of free ammonia is easily explained. We have here simple cases of double decomposition, a particular instance of which, covering in substance the whole ground, may be expressed by the equation : — Co,(NH3),„(N03)e + 2NH, . NO, = Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(N03), + 2NH, . NO3. Salts of xanthocobalt are always formed when salts of purpureocobalt and roseocobalt are heated or even digested in the cold with alkaline nitrites. I have made a si^ecial study of the action of potassic and sodic nitrites upon chloride of purpureocobalt, the details of which are as follows : 10. Action of Sodic and Potassic Nitrites wpon CMoride of Purpu- reocobalt. — A quantity of chloride of purpureocobalt was dissolved in boiling water, with a little free acetic acid to prevent decomposition, 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY and added to a hot solution of potassic nitrite in excess. The dark brown-red solution was evaporated at a gentle heat to half its volume. On cooling, a small quantity of Fischer's salt, Co2(N02)j2Kc~l~^^'^2' separated ; afterward sherry-wine-colored prismatic crystals were formed in abundance. After recrystallization, these were analyzed. 0-2824 gr. gave 0-1519 gr. CoSO^= 20-47 per cent cobalt. 0.5557 gr. gave 0-2092 gr. silver= 12-37 per cent chlorine. The same experiment was made wdth sodic nitrite, and with similar results. After two recrystallizations the salt formed was analyzed. 0-4163 gr. gave 0-2235 gr. CoSO^= 20-43 per cent cobalt. 0-2332 gr. gave 0-0876 gr. silver= 12-38 per cent chlorine. 0-6625 gr. gave 192-12 c.c. nitrogen (moist) at 14° C. and 764-l"'" = 34-29 per cent. 1-2310 gr. gave 0-5825 gr. water = 5-24 per cent hydrogen. 1-6542 gr. gave 0-7996 gr. water = 5-37 per cent hydrogen. The salt being found to lose no water on heating, the analyses agree with the formula : — Co2(NH3),„(N02),(N03)2Cl2, which requires : — Cobalt, Chlorine, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and which is fully sustained by other considerations, as I shall show- As the solutions of the alkaline nitrites employed also contained nitrates, the formation of the new salt may be represented by the equation : — Co2(NH3)ioCl6 + 2KN0„ + 2KNO3 = 4KC1 + Co2(NH3),„(Nd)2(N03)2Cl2. The salt itself is then a nitroso-chloro-nitrate, and belongs probably to the a-decamin or purpureocobalt series ; but it may be more con- veniently regarded as the chloro-nitrate of xanthocobalt. It has the wine color of the salts of the so-called xanthocobalt series, and crystal- lizes usually in prismatic forms, which are moderately soluble in hot water, and separate readily from the solution. With neutral potassic chromate the salt gives the beautiful yellow crystalline chromate of xanthocobalt : — Co,(NH3),„(N02),(CrO,)2+ 2OH2. Found. 20-52 20-47 20-43 12-34 12-37 12-38 5-26 5-24 5-37 34-09 34-20 OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 23 With potassic ferrocyanide it gives the characteristic red prismatic crystals of Co2(NIL),„(N02)oFeCys + 6OH2 ; and with amnionic oxahite, oxalate of xanthocobalt, Co,(NH3)i„(N02)2(CA)2, the reactions being too obvious to require explanation by equations. As it is difficult to prevent the action of the alkaline nitrites upon chloride of purpureocobalt from going too far and decomposing the new salt first formed, I had recourse to a different mode of prepara- tion, by which the salt can be prepared in any quantity and with the greatest facility. A hot solution containing one molecule of chloride of xanthocobalt was mixed with a solution containing one molecule of nitrate of xanthocobalt. On cooling, the chloro-nitrate crystallized in beautiful prismatic forms. In this case we have Co,(NH3),„(NO,).Cl, + Co,(NH3), „(N0,),(N03),= 2Co,(NH3),,(N02)2(N03),Cl2. Of the crystals so formed, 0-6203 gr. gave 0-3310 gr. €080^ = 20-31 per cent cobalt. 0-9268 gr. gave 0-3450 gr. silver = 12-24 per cent chlorine. The formula requires 20-51 per cent cobalt and 12-34 per cent chlorine. A portion of the crystallized salt was dissolved and precipitated by argentic nitrate. The filtrate from AgCl gave on evaporation crystals of nitrate of xanthocobalt, in which 0-2972 gr. gave 0-1469 gr. CoSO^ = 18-81 per cent cobalt. The formula of the nitrate requires 18-73 per cent. These results leave no doubt as to the constitution and true relations of the chloro- nitrate. Gold Salt. — When the chloro-nitrate is dissolved and a solution of aurochloride of sodium, AuCl^Na, is added in excess, long prismatic wine-yellow crystals are formed. Of these crystals, 0-8564 gr. decomposed by zinc and sulphuric acid gave 0-6300 gr. silver = 24-16 per cent chlorine and 0-2858 gr. gold = 33-36 per cent. 0-4084 gr. gave 0*1770 gr. Au -|- Co = 43-34 per cent and by difference 9-98 per cent cobalt. The formula, Co2(NH3),o(N02)2(N03)2Cl2+ 2AUCI3, requires : — Found. Cobalt 9-98 9-98 Gold 33-33 33-36 Chlorine 24-03 24.16 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The salt is readily decomposed by boiling with reduction of metallic gold. Platinum Salt. — Platinic chloride in solution precipitates the chloro- nitrate almost immediately in the form of wine-yellow needles. After recrystallization the salt was analyzed with the following results : — 0-6405 gr. fused with potassio-sodic carbonate gave O-ooGl gr. silvers 28-00 per cent chlorine, 0-1986 gr. platinum = 31-00 per cent and 0-0597 gr. cobalt = 9-33 per cent. The platinum and cobalt were weighed together as metals after re- duction by hydrogen, and the cobalt was then dissolved by long boiling with nitric acid. The formula, Co2(NH3),o(N02)2(N03)2Cl2 + 2PtCl„ requires: — ' Found. Cobalt 9-40 9-33 Platinum 31-55 31-00 Chlorine 28-28 28-55 The salt lost no water on heating to 140° C. Bromo-nitrate of Xanthocohalt. — One molecule of bromide of xanthocobalt was mixed with one of the nitrate of the same base, both salts being in solution in hot water. A dark, sherry-wine col- ored salt separated, after some hours, in well-defined crystals. In tliis salt 0-8925 gr. gave 0-4190 gr. SO^Co^ 17-86 per cent cobalt. 0-7116 gr. gave 0-1244 gr. silver = 12-94 per cent bromine. The formula Qo.,{^^,),,{1^0.;),,{^O.^^^r^ requires 17-77 per cent cobidt, and 24-09 per cent bromine. The salt was re-dissolved, and allowed to crystallize a second time. In the salt thus obtained 0-8538 gr. gave 0-3984 gr. SO^Co = 17-76 per cent cobalt. 0-8474 gr. gave 0-2672 gr. silver =23-62 per cent bromine. These results leave no doubt that a definite bromo-nitrate, analogous to the chloro-nitrate, is found by direct union of the nitrate and bromide. The salt appears to be, however, much less stable than the corresponding chlorine salt. A portion of it was crystallized a third time, and then gave 23-04 per cent of bromine, indicating the com- mencement of a separation into bi'omide and nitrate. The facility with which the chloro-nitrate is formed by the direct union of its constitu- ents, led me to attempt the formation of other new salts by a similar OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 25 process. I mixed one molecule of chloride of purpureocobalt, and one of nitrate of xanthocobalt, in the hope of obtaining a salt with the formula Co2(NH3)io(NO,)(N03)2Cl3, since Co,(NH3),oCle+ Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(N03),= 2Co,(NH3),,(NO,)(x\03),C]3. After boiling the mixture with a little free acetic acid, the solution deposited, on cooling, deep orange-red — apparentljt homogeneous — • crystals. Of these 0-314O gr. gave 0-1746 gr. SO^ Co = 21-1.3 per cent cobalt. 0-9203 gr. gave 0-5080 gr. silver = 17-99 per cent chlorine. The formula Co^{::iUs)io(^0^){:^0,).,C\s requires 20.90 cobalt, and 18-86 per cent chlorine. The analyses seem to show that a salt having the composition given may exist. On recrystallization, the salt was more or less completely decomposed, as the following analyses show : — gave 0-1161 gr. SO^Co = 20-80 per cent cobalt. 0-5933 gr. gave 0-2470 gr. silver = 13-70 per cent chlorine. 0-7888 gr. gave 0*3308 gr. silver = 13-78 per cent chlorine. These numbers approximate to those required by the formula, Co2(NHg)io(N02)2(N03)2Cl„. I attempted in like manner to form salts synthetically by mixing other salts in the proportions indicated by the equations : — Co2(NH3),„(N02)e + Co2(NH3),,Cls = Co2(NH,),„(N02)3Cl3. Co2(NH3),o(NO,,)« + Co2(NH3)„(N02)2(N03),= Co2(NH3),„(xN02)(N03),. The experiments led, however, to no definite results. The chloro-nitrate above described is the salt to which I, at one time, attributed the formula Co,(NH3),o(N02),Cl2 + 20H2, and which I regarded as the chloride of a special radical, " flavo-cobalt," Co2(NH3),„(NO.,)^. The mere analyses can hardly distinguish with certainty between the two formulas, and I w^as for some time misled by an erroneous interpretation of my results. The compounds of cobalt containing ammonia and nitroxyl, NO^, have in general the same color, and differ but little in solubility, so that it is extremely difficult to separate them ; and in my analyses of what I believed to be the sulphate and nitrate of the same base, I had undoubtedly to deal 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY witli impure salts of xanthocobalt. Krok* has described a salt with the formula Co2(NH3)ioCl(N02)5 + 3OH2. There is no theoretical reason why such a compound should not exist, but Krok's analyses do not appear to me sufficient, as the cobalt, chlorine, and ammonia only were determined, and not the whole quantity of nitrogen in the salt. Moreover, it is not proved that the salt can be recrystallized without decomposition, or that it forms deliuite compounds with metallic chlorides. ' » As the chloride and nitrate of xanthocobalt are capable of uniting directly to form the chloro-nitrate above described, it might be supposed that the two salts are isomorphous, and, therefore, crystallize together m all proportions. According to Professor Dana's measurements, cited in the first part of this memoir, nitrate of xanthocobalt crystallizes in forms belonging to the dimetric or square prismatic system. Professor Cooke has kindly determined the form of the corresponding chloride, and finds that the crystals are either trimetric or monoclinic. The chloro-nitrate cannot, therefore, be regarded as a mixture of two iso- morphous salts. 11. Finally, salts of xanthocobalt are formed by the action of Fischer's salt, Co., (N 02)12 Kg, upon salts of purpureocobalt and roseo- cobalt. When, for instance, chloride of purpureocobalt is dissolved in boiling water, with a little free acetic or chlorhydric acid, and Co2(NO.,)j2Kg is added, in small portions at a time, the violet color of the salt gradually disappears as the boiling continues, and the solution finally assumes a fine orange-brown tint. The filtered solution gives on cooling fine crystals of chloride of xanthocobalt, the reaction being probably expressed by the equation Co2(N02)i2Kg + 3Co2(NH3),,Cl, = 3Co2(NH3),„(N02)2Cl,+ 6KC1 + 2Co(N02)2 + 2NO2. During tliC boiling red vapors are given otF. In one experiment the chloride of xanthocobalt formed was analyzed, with the following results: — 0-5027 gr. gave 0-2987 gr. SO^Co=: 22-62 per cent cobalt. 0-7616 gr. gave 0-63ol gr. silver =27-35 per cent chlorine. The formula Co2(NH,)i„(N02)2Cl4 requires 22-52 per cent cobalt, and 27*09 per cent chlorine. The salt gave ail the reactions of the chloride. * Acta Univers. Lund, 1870. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 27 On the other hand, Fischer's salt is an almost constant product of the action of the alkaline nitrites upon salts of the decamin series. I have already mentioned its occurrence among the products of the action of potassic and sodic nitrite upon chloride of purpureocobalt. When nitrate of xanthocobalt is boiled with potassic nitrite and a little acetic acid, Fischer's salt is formed in abundance, and the nitrate is gradually decomposed, without formation of any other product which I could detect. Chromate. — When neutral potassic chromate is added to a solution of nitrate of xanthocobalt, a beautiful yellow crystalline precipitate is thrown down, which may be washed with cold water, in which it is but slightly soluble. Hot water also dissolves this salt in very small quan- tity. The chromate has the formula Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(CrOJ,+ 20H^ as the following analyses show : — ■ 0-4340 gr. gave 0-3652 gr. CrO,Ba= 35-96 per cent CrO^. 0-3472 gr. gave 0-2900 gr. CrO^Ba^ 35-70 per cent CrO^. 0-6954 gr. gave 0-3370 gr. water = 5-38 per cent hydrogen. The salt lost only 0-68 per cent water on drying up to 145° C. The formula requires 35-84 per cent CrO^, and 5-24 per cent hydrogen. It is remarkable that the salt should retain its water of crystallization at so high a temperature. The neutral chromate of xanthocobalt furnishes the most convenient method of obtaining the chloride and sulphate of xanthocobalt in a state of purity. For this purpose the chromate is to be boiled with water and a little acetic acid, and a solution of baric chloride added until baric chromate is no longer formed. From the filtrate the chloride of xanthocobalt crystallizes readily, and a second crystallization gives the salt perfectly pure. The sulphate may then be prepared from the chloride by double decomposi- tion with argentic sulphate. In the preparation of the chloride by the above process, it is not necessary to operate with pure nitrate, but the crude salt and solutions obtained directly by the action of the red gases upon cobaltic nitrate and ammonia may be employed. I am even dis- posed to consider double decomposition of the chromate with baric nitrate the easiest method of obtaining a perfectly pure nitrate of xanthocobalt. Dichromate. — Potassic dichromate produces in strong solutions of nitrate of xanthocobalt a beautiful orange-yellow precipitate of crys- talline needles, easily purified by recrystallization, a few drops of 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY acetic acid being added to prevent decomposition. The salt is easily soluble in hot water, and crystallizes readily, though not in well-defined crystals, from the solution. Like the neutral chromate, it is available as a means of recognizing salts of xanthocobalt, and of obtaining them in a state of purity. Of this salt 0-6o70gr. gave 0-8200 gr. CrO,Ba= 53-33 per cent Cr.O.. 0-3974 gr. gave 0-4950 gr. CrO.Ba = 53-23 percent Cr^O^. 0-4868 gr. gave 0-1830 gr. CrgOj =53-40 per cent Crp^. The formula Co2(NH3)^Q(N02)2(Cr20^)2 requires 53-22 per cent. lodosulphates. — A solution of potassic iodide gives no precipitate at first with one of nitrate of xanthocobalt, but, after standing some time, pale brown yellow acicular crystals of the iodide Co2(NH3)^|3(N02).2l4 are formed. When a solution of iodine in potassic iodide is added to one of nitrate of xanthocobalt, iodine is precipitated in crystals, but no hyperiodide is formed, as in the case of the iodide of the octamin series already described. Potassic iodide gives, with a solution of sulphate of xanthocobalt, brown-yellow needles, which, after re-solution, give larger prismatic crystals. Of these 0-5396 gr. gave 02207 gr. SO^Co = 15-57 per cent cobalt. 0-8856 gr. gave 0-2689 gr. SO^Ba^ 12-51 per cent SO^. 0-4541 gr. gave 0-1288 gr. silver = 33-37 per cent iodine. The formula Co. .{^U.^) ^^{^0.^)^0,1., -\- 20l\ requires Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 2 15-40 15-57 Iodine, 2 33-16 33-37 SO^ 1 12-53 12-51 "When a sohxtion of iodine in potassic iodide is added to one of sulphate of xanthocobalt, very beautiful, deep ruby red, well-defined crystals are formed, which are readily decomposed by hot water, with evolution of iodine vapoi", and cannot be recrystallized for analysis. Of these crystals 0-6094 gr. gave 86-5 c.c. nitrogen at 13° C. and 758-6"'" (h = 2-08""') = 1663 per cent nitrogen. 0-2142 gr. gave 0-0687 gr. SO^Co= 12-21 per cent cobalt. 0-6104 gr. gave 0-1870 gr. SO^Co= 11-64 per cent cobalt. 0-3940 gr. gave 0-1672 gr. silver = 49-90 per cent iodine. 0-5437 gr. gave 0-2310 gr. silver = 49-96 per cent iodine. 0-3020 gr. gave 0-0724 gr. SO,Ba= 9-87 per cent SO,. 1-0627 gr. gave 0-2787 gr. SO^Ba = 1080 per cent SO,. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 29 The formula CoaCNHa)!^ (NO.,)^S.OJ, requires Calculated. Found. 1 2 Cobalt, 2 11-99 12-21 11-64 Iodine, 4 51-60 49-90 49-96 SO, 1 9-75 9-77 10-80 Nitrogen, 12 17-07 16-63 Salts 1 and 2 were from different preparations. The analyses do not correspond as closely to the formula as might be wished, but it must be remembered that the salt cannot be recrys- tallized without decomposition, and is probably not quite free from the first described, or normal iodo-sulphate. The salt gives off iodine on heating. The structural formulas of the two salts may be written as follows : — Co„ fNH, — NO, fNHg — NO2 NH, — NH, — I NH3 — NHI — 0.<.,0 — I NH„— nh;! — O^^^O— I NH3 — NH3 — I Nil, — NH„^^^ p^ NH3— nh;^^^^ ^""^ NH3— NH3— I NH3 — NO., NH3 — NH3 — o- NH., — NH3 NH., — NO 2 This mode of writing the formulas, however, involves certain theoret- ical, conclusions, which I shall examine in detail hereafter. I added PtClgNaj to a solution of sulphate of xanthocobalt, hoping to obtain a salt with the formula Co2(NH3)i„(N02)2(SO,)Clo(PtCg, analogous to a platinum salt of roseocobalt, which 1 shall hereafter describe, and which has the formula Co^ (NH3)io(SO,),PtCle. The beautiful crys- talline precipitate formed proved to be only the salt Co2(NPI3)jq(NO^)2 ClaPtClfl + OH2, described in the first part of this memoir. 0-3882 gr. gaveO-1612 gr. Co -|-Pt = 41-52. The formula requires 41-39 per cent. Nitrite of Xanthocobalt. — When argentic nitrite is boiled with a solution of chloride of purpureocobalt, the liquid soon loses its fine violet color, and assumes the wine yellow tint of the salts of xanthoco- balt. The filtrate from the argentic chloride gave, on careful evapora- tion, two distinct salts, — a salt in beautiful scaly crystals, and one in octahedral crystals. The two salts were separated by crystallization. Of the scaly salt 0-2854 gr. gave 0-2286 gr. SO.Co -}- SO.Agj = 79-97 per cent. The formula of the ammonia-cobalt-nitrite, Co2(NH3),(N02)8Ag2 re- quires 80-75 per cent, and the salt was easily identified by its appear- ance and properties, with the silver salt of Erdmann's series. As the so PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY octahedral salt was rather difficult to obtain perfectly pure by this method, I had recourse to the decomposition of sulphate of roseoco- balt by baric nitrite. A solution of the last-named salt is to be added to one of the sulphate as long as a precipitate is formed. The sherry- wine-colored filtrate is then to be cautiously evaporated, when fine dark wine-colored octahedral crystals form. Of these crystals 0-4750 gr. gave 0-230.3 gr. SO^Co= 18-46 per cent cobalt. 0-1220 gr. gave 0-0594 gr. SO^Co= 18-54 per cent cobalt. 0-3129 gr. gave 0-0403 gr. water, when heated to 140° C. = 12-87 per cent. 0-4289 gr. gave 0-1141 gr. ammonia = 26-60 per cent. The formula Co2(NH3)jo(N02)6 -f 40 Hg requires Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 2 18-55 18-46 18-54 Ammonia, 10 26-72 26-60 Water, 4 11-32 12-87 The percentage of water in the analysis is too high, and would seem to show that a slight decomposition of the salt had taken place. I at- tempted to determine the percentage of NO^ in this salt by titrition with potassic hypermanganate, but though the analyses were made with the greatest care, I obtained as a mean of three determinations, agree- ing well together, only 11-24 per cent, which would correspond to less than two atoms. In other cases also I found that the method could not be employed. So far as the empirical formula is concerned, the salt may be regarded as a nitrite of purpureocobalt or roseocobalt, Co2(NH3)jq(N02)5 -|- 4OH2. Its solution gives, however, the reactions of salts of xanthocobalt with the greatest distinctness, and I regard it, therefore, as the normal nitrite of this series, with the formula Co2(NH3)jo(N02)2(N02)4-f- 4OH2. Its formation from sulphate of roseocobalt and baric nitrite is expressed by the equation : — Co2(NH3),„(SO,)3 + 3Ba(N02)2 = Co2(NH3),„(N02)s + 3S0,Ba, and from chloride of purpureocobalt and argentic nitrite, by the equation, Co2(NH3),oCl«-f 6AgN02= Co2(NH3)j„(N02)«+ 6AgCl. The formation of the silver salt of Erdmann's series, Co2(NH3)4(N02)g Ag.-,, is probably due to a secondary action, and may, perhaps, be expressed by the equation Co2(NH3),o(N02)„+ 2AgN02 = Co2(NH3),(N02)3Ag2 + 6NH,. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 31 Ammoma-cohalt-nitrate of Xanthocohalt. — When a solution of po- tassic ammonia-cobalt nitrite is added to one of nitrate of xanthocohalt, a beautiful crystalline precipitate is formed, of a deep orange-red color, which requires a rather large quantity of boiling water for solution, and which may be recrystallized without decomposition. The solution gives the reactions of salts of xanthocohalt, and gives also, with argentic nitrate, the characteristic silver salt Co2(NH3)^(N02)3Ag2. Of this salt 0-5074 gr. gave 0-3172 gr. SO^Co = 23-77 per cent cobalt. 0-4731 gr. gave 135 c.c. nitrogen (moist) at 12°Cand 757-8™" = 33-69 jaer cent nitrogen. The formula |Co2(NH3)jo(N02)2^ lCo2(NH3),(N02)j2 requires 23-79 per cent cobalt, and 33-87 per cent nitrogen. This salt is metameric with the corresponding salt of the octamin series already described, and with Erdmann's salt, Co2(NH3)g(N02)6) since we have lCo2(NH3),„(N02)2nCo2(NH3),(N02),i2 = 3Co2(NH3),(N02)e. In endeavoring to obtain measurable crystals by allowing a solution of this salt to stand for some time, and evaporate at ordinary tempera- tures, I found that the salt was partially decomposed, a considerable quantity of cobaltic nitrate being formed. Oxalate of Xanthocohalt. — In the first part of this memoir, in con- sequence of an oversight, the formula given for the oxalate of xantho- cohalt contains (old style) five atoms of water of crystallization. Tlie salt is really anhydrous, and the analyses given agree with the formula Co2(NH3),||(N02) 2(020^2' The salt is obtained from hot solutions iu granular crystals. Its solution in hot dilute nitric acid deposits abun- dant crystals of the nitrate, the oxalate being almost completely decom- posed. Sulphate and nitrate of xanthocohalt may be readily prepared from the oxalate by boiling with a small excess of mercurous sulphate or nitrate, adding, in the first case, a little dilute sulphuric, in the last, a little nitric, acid. As the oxalate can be precipitated by ammonic oxalate from the crude nitrate, this furnishes a cheap and expeditious method of obtaining the pure sulphate. The formulas of the salts of xanthocohalt at present known become in the new notation : — Chloride, Co2(NH3),o(NO.,)2Cl, Bromide, Co2(NH3),o(N02).,Br, Iodide, Co,(NH3),,(.N02)2l, 32 PROCEEDINCxS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Nitrate, Co,(Nll,),,(NO,),(NO,}^ Nitrite, Co2(NH,)io(N02)2(N02), + 4OH2 Sulphate, Co,{lSili,)J^O,),{80^), lodo-sulphate, Co2(NH3)io(N02)2(SOjl2 + 2OH2 Hyperiodo-sulphate, Co2(NH3)j(,(N02)2(SO,)I, Auro-chloride, Co,(NU,),,{NO^,C\ -f 2 AuClg + OHg Platino-chloride, Co2(NH3)io(No52Cl, -f PtCl, + OH^ Hydrargo-chloride, Co,(NH3)io(NO,)2CI, + 4HgCl2 + OHj Oxalate, Co,(NU,)^,(NOl),{^)2 Chromate, Co2(NH3)io(N02)2(CrOj2 + 20H2 Dichromate, Co^(Nll.^\^{N0.^.2{Cr.p.)^ Ammonia-cobalt nitrite, ^ Co2(NH3)io(N02).^ ^Co2(NH3)^(N02)j2 Ferrocyanide, Co2(NH3)io(N02)'2(FeCy6) + GOH^.' I have collected them for the purpose of convenience of reference and comparison. purpureocobalt: 12. In the first part of this memoir Genth and I have endeavored to show that purpureocobalt and roseocobalt form two distinct series of salts ; that chloride of roseocobalt, for instance, Co2(NH3)jpClg -|- 2OH2, cannot be regarded as differing from chloride of purpureocobalt only by water of crystallization. This view has been adopted by some chemists, rejected and even ridiculed by others. I shall endeavor to show, by a more extended study and comparison of the two series of salts, that they are essentially different, and, furthermore, that, as the theory of these compounds proposed by Blomstrand suggests, there are more than two series containing the group Co2(NH8)jq. Reserving the discussion for the present, I proceed to the description of the salts which serve to throw light upon the question. Auro-chloride of Purpureocobalt. — When a solution of chloro-aurate of sodium is added to a hot solution of chloride of purpureocobalt, con- taining a little free chlorhydric acid, no precipitate is formed at first, but after standing a few hours crystals of a new salt are deposited. The crystals in question present flat prismatic forms. They have a dark ruby-red color. Math a dull violet lustre, and after standing exhibit a distinct superficial reduction of gold. Of these crystals 0-9028 gr. gave 0-3206 gr. gold, and 1-0560 gr. silver = 35-50 per cent gold, and 38-45 per cent chlorine. 0-6840 gr. gave 0-1896 gr. SO^Co and 0*2425 gr. gold =10*55 per cent cobalt, and 35-45 per cent gold. Calculated. Foiuiil. 10-64 10-05 30-55 35-50 35-45 38-44 38-45 Co, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 33 Cobalt, 2 Gold, 2 Chlorine, 12 In the first analysis the salt was reduced by zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, the gold weighed directly, and the chlorine determined in the filtrate. In the second, the salt was heated with sulphuric acid, and the reduced gold separated from the cobaltic sulphate by dissolving the latter in boiling water. The formula of the salt is Co,(NH3),,Cl«+2AuCl3, or rationally NH3 — CI NH3 — NH,, — CI NH3 — NH3 — CI = AuClg NH,, — NH3 — CI = AUCI3 NHg — NH3— CI NH3 — CI From the formula it appears that the salt is unsaturated, similar salts containing four or six molecules of auric chloride being also possible. Chloro-hydrargyrates of Purpureocobalt. — When mercuric chloride is added in excess to a solution of chloride of purpureocobalt, a rather dull red salt separates in small needles, slightly soluble in cold water, but much more easily soluble in hot water, especially in the presence of free chlorhydric acid, and readily crystallizing from the hot solution. This salt has the formula Co,(NH3),oCl,+ 6HgCl, as the following analyses show : — 0-5884 gr. gave 0-3922 gr. Hg^CU^ 56-60 per cent mercury. 0-4409 gr. gave 0-4025 gr. silver = 30-00 per cent chlorine Calculated. Found. Mercury, 6 56-47 56-60 Chlorine, 18 30-04 30-ii0 When the chloride of purpureocobalt is in excess, or when the two chlorides are mixed in the proper atomic proportions, another double salt separates in very beautiful violet-colored prismatic crystals, which, like the last-mentioned salt, are but slightly soluble in cold water, but are much more soluble in boiling water, and crystallize from the solu- tion on coolinor. This salt has the formula Co,(NH3),,Cl, + 4HgCl, as the following analyses show : — VOL. X. (X. S. II.) 3 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 0-7938 gr. gave 0-4735 gr. Hg2Cl2 = 50*65 per cent mercury. 0-3970 gr. gave 0-3771 gr. silver =31-23 per cent chlorine. 0-9752 gr. gave 0-9356 gr. silver =31-42 per cent chlorine. 1-3600 gr. gave 0-1024 gr. cobalt = 7*52 per cent cobalt. Calculated. Found. Mercury, 4 50-47 50-65 Chlorine, 14 31-35 31-23 31-42 Cobalt, 2 7-44 7-52 On Blomstrand's view the formulas of the two mercui-y salts may be written 2 NH3— a=HgCi NH3 — NH3— Cl = HgCl2 NH3-NH3-Cl = HgCl, ^ \ NH3 — NH3— Cl = HgC]2 '"''•' ^ NH3 — NH3 — CI = HgCla NH3— Cl = HgCl2 NHg— CI NH3 — NH3 — CI = HgClj NH3 — NH3 — CI = FlgCla NH3 — NHg — CI = HgClj NH3 — NH3 — CI = HgClj NH3— CI It is possible that the salt containing six atoms of mercury belongs to the roseocobalt series, as I find that it is formed when a solution of HgClgNa is added to one of the soluble sulphate of roseocobalt, Co2(NH8)io(S04)3 4-5Aq, which I shall describe farther on. I may also remark that if the progress of science should make us acquainted with a method of determining cobalt in these salts with precision, they would enable us to determine the atomic weight of that metal with great accuracy, the first salt containing 5-54, and the second 7-44 per cent of cobalt, so that a relatively large error in the weight of (NH3)ioHggClj8, or of (NH3)joHg^Cli4, would exert an inappreciable influence on the result. If we regard the salt Co2(NH8)ioCle -{- 4HgCl2 as unsaturated, it ought to combine with other electro-negative chlorides to form salts with three metallic elements. I have not, however, found this to be the case, so far, at least, as the chlorides of gold and platinum are concerned. In analyzing these salts, I found it most advantageous to determine the mei-cury in the form of calomel, by dissolving the salt in water, adding a little chlorhydric acid, and then reducing the mercuric to mercurous chloride by a solution of sodic hypophosphite, the solution of mercuric salt having the temperature of 40° C. The mercurous chloride was then weighed on a porous earthenware cone at 100° C. In determining chlorine it is best to dissolve the salt in hot water, with a little free sulphuric acid. The mercury may then be separated as OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 35 HffS, and the chlorine determined in the filtrate after removing the excess of SHj by a solution of ferric alum. Antimonio-chloride of Purpureocobalt. — A solution of antimonious chloride added to one of chloride of purpureocobalt gives a precipitate of small, granular, dull violet-red crystals. These may be washed with strong chlorhydric acid and dried by pressure between folds of porous paper, and afterward at 100° C. Water decomposes it readily, with precipitation of SbOCl. The formula of this salt is Co,(NH3),oCl, + SbCl3, as appears from the following analyses : — 0-8100 gr. gave 0-3402 gr. SO^Co = 15-99 per cent cobalt. 0-6500 gr. gave 0-1370 gr. SbOa = 16-64 per cent antimony. The formula requires 16-22 per cent cobalt, and 16-49 per cent antimony. Bismuthous chloride gives a lilac red precipitate in solutions of chloride of purpureocobalt, insoluble in strong chlorhydric acid, and readily decomposed by water with precipitation of BiOCl. Neutral Chromate. — When a solution of nitrate of purpureocobalt is added to one of neutral potassic chromate, a red crystalline precipi- tate is formed, which, after washing with cold water, may be dissolved in boiling water, with addition of a few drops of acetic acid. After some hours the neutral chromate separates in crystals, which have a peculiar red color with bronze-yellow reflections. The crystals are thin, acicular leaves. . The salt dissolves rather easily in hot water, but the solution is soon more or less decomposed, unless free acid is present. The dilute solution is orange-yellow ; concentrated solutions are red. The dried salt somewhat resembles litharge. Different preparations of this salt gave, on analysis, results which differed somewhat from each other, but only in the amount of water of crystallization. In one preparation 0-2637 gr. gave 0-2480 gr. CrO^Ba = 43-17 per cent CrO^ 0-3651 gr. gave 0-0811 gr. cobalt = 22-21 per cent. 0-3598 gr. gave 0-0058 gr. water up to 170° C. = 1-61 per cent. 1 consider the loss of weight on heating to arise partly from hygroscopic moisture, and partly from slight decomposition, and believe that the salt is really anhydrous. The formula Co,(NH3),,.0.(CrOJ, 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY requires cobalt, 21'99 per cent, and CrO^, 43'32 per cent. The forma- tion of the neutral chromate is expressed by the equation : — Co,(NH3),,(N03), + 2CrO,K, + OH, = Co,(NH,),„.0.(CrOJ, + 4KNO8 + 2NO3H. The nitric acid set free dissolves a portion of the chromate forming the dichromate, which remains in solution. When a solution of neutral potassic tungstate, WO^K,, is digested with dry neutral nitrate of pur- pureocobalt, a pink tungstate of purpureocobalt is formed, and the liquid then gives a strong acid reaction with litmus. The reaction is probably the same as that given above for the chromate. Potassic iodide gives a dull red crystalline precipitate with neutral chromate of purpureocobalt in solution. The analyses of this salt led to no definite formida, and the precipitate appeared to be a mix- ture of the chromate described, Co2(NH3)^o.O.(Cr04)2, and the iodo- chromate, Co2(NH3)^J,(CrOj2. By digesting powdered chloride of purpureocobalt with neutral potassic chromate, Braun obtained a dark brown-red powder, to which he gives the formula Co2(NH.;)j^(Cr04)3. According to the same writer, when powdered chloride of purpureo- cobalt is added, in small portions at a time, to a concentrated solution of potassic dichromate, a beautiful crystalline powder is formed, which has also the formula Co2(NH3)jy(CrOj3. In this case chromic acid, CrO^Hg, must be set free. When a solution of potassic chromate is added to one of chloride of purpureocobalt, the crystalline precipitate formed, according to my observations, always contains chlorine. My analyses led, however, in this case also, to no definite formula, but pointed to a mixture of the clu-omate Co2(NH3)jo.O.(CrO^)2, and the chloro-chromate, Co2(NH3)jQC]2(CrOj2- Braun has also described a salt to which he gives the formula 2NH3.Co203.3Cr03+ 2NH,C1, which I should write Co2(NH3)2(CrOj3-|- 2NH^C1, but the analyses are incomplete without a determination either of ammonia or of nitrogen. Dichromate. — A solution of potassic dichromate gives, with one of nitrate of purpureocobalt, a granular red precipitate, which may be recrystallized by solution in boiling water, to which a little acetic acid has been added. The salt then separates in small, indistinct crystals of a dark brick-red color, with bronze reflections. It is somewhat soluble in cold, and dissolves readily in boiling, water. Of this salt OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 37 0-6031 gr. gave 0'0747 gr. cobalt = 12-38 per cent. 0-7101 gr. gave 1-1252 gr. CrO^Ba= 67-71 per cent. (Chromium = 52-2) 0-6295 gr. lost, at 105° C, 0-0077 gr. water=l-22 per cent; at 120° C, 0-0118 gr.=:l-87 per cent; and at 133° C, 0.0166 gr.= 2-64 per cent. At 133° C. the salt was slightly decomposed. Between 133° and 145° C. it lost 4-46 per cent with partial decomposition. These anal yses con-espoud to the formula Co^,(NH3)jQ(Cr20-)3-|-On2. Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 2 12-35 12-38 Cr,0„ 3 67-97 67-71 Water, 1 1-88 1-87 The salt was dried for two weeks in pleno over sulphuric acid- In pi'eparing nitrate of purpureocobalt by Mr. Mills's process, in which an ammoniacal solution of cobaltic nitrate is oxidized by potassic dichro- mate, I obtained, besides the nitrate, a large quantity of beautiful orange-red crystalline scales, with gold reflections. The crystals were easily purified by recrystallization. They are readily soluble in hot water, and crystallize from the solution almost completely on cooling. The formula of this salt is Co2(NH3)jo(Cr20-)3-{-50H2, as the follow- ing analyses show : — 0-6366 gr. gave 0-0735 gr. cobalt= 11-54 per cent. 0-6447 gr. gave 0-2888 gr. Cr03= 63-31 per cent Cr^O-. 0-1740 gr. gave, up to 139° C, 0-0125 gr. wafer = 7-19 per cent. 0-0800 gr. gave, up to 145° C, 0-0082 gr. water = 10-25 per cent. Mean, 8*72 per cent. In the last water determination the salt was slightly decomposed. The formula requires Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 2 11-48 11-54 Cvfij 3 63-20 63-31 Water 5 8.76 8-72 (mean.) The difference in appearance and in the number of atoms of water in the dichromate of purpureocobalt may possibly arise from the fact that, in one case, a solution of the nitrate of purpureocobalt was poured into one of potassic dichromate in excess ; in the other, the nitrate was pre- sented to the dichromate as fast as formed, — in some sense in the nascent state. But it is singular that the two hydrates are not the 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY same after reci'ystallization. A solution of potassic dichromate gives, with one of chloride of purpureocobalt, a dark red crystalline precipi- tate, the analyses of which pointed to a mixture of Co2(NH3)jQ(Cr20-)3 and Co2(NH3)jQ.CI,(Cr20.)2. I did not succeed in obtaining the basic dichromate Co^(NH„)ju.O.(Cr20-)2. In all the chromates of the cobaltamines which I have studied, the direct determination of the water of crystallization has been effected with peculiar difficulty, in consequence of the tenacity with which these salts retain water up to temperatures very near to those at which mcipient decomposition occurs. {To be continued.) OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 39 II. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BOTANY OF NORTH AMERICA. {Continued from Vol. IX., ji- 218.) By Asa Gray. Presented, May 12 aud Oct. 13, 1874. I. A Synopsis of the North American Thistles. CNICUS Linn., Schreber, Benth. & Hook. (CiRSiuM Toiirn., DC.) 1. Species IiiquilincB. C. LANCEOLATUS Iloffm. Folia decurrentia, superne setoso-aspera. C. ARVENSis Hoffm. Capitula subdioica, parva. 2. Species Indigence. § 1. Involucrum gradatim imbricatum ; squamis adpressis, exterioribus sensim brevioribus, omnibus nee herbaceo- nee scarioso-appendie- ulatis, intimis in paucis appendice parva seariosa superatis. * Folia viridia seu araneoso-lanata (nunquam tomento denso albo- lanufinosa) : caules stepius abbreviati vel simplices : involucri squamoe laxiusculas, plante, subchartacea3, exteriores mucrone vel spinula nee valido nee patente superataj : antherarum appendices acuminata} vel cuspidatte. -J— Atlantic! ; eapitulis mediocribus angustioribus ; peduneulis nudis. C. iiEPAXDUS Ell. Cirsium repandum Miehx. Humilis, involuero campanulato. C. Lecoxtei. Cirsium Lecontei Torr. «& Gray, Fl. 2, p. 459. Elatior, involuero oblongo vel cylindraceo. H— +- Atlantic! ; eapitulis majoribus latis bracteis spinosis nunc sti- patis. 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY C. PUJiiLUS Torr. Cirsium pumilum Spreng., Torr. & Gray, 1. c. cum syn. Capitulo maximo ssepe niulo ; involucri squamis exterioribus latiusculis spinula brevi armatis, intimis appendice parva scariosa erosa quandoque superatis. C. HORRiDULUS Pursh. Cirsium horrididum Miehx., Torr. «fc Gray, 1. c. cum syn. Capitulis singulis involucro exterior! bractearum spiuosissimarum cinctis ; squamis involucri proprii attenuati's innocuis. -)- +- -I— Boreali-occiden tales ; involucri squamis intimis nonnullis apice jjl. m. scarioso-appeudiculatis modo C humilis. C. FOLiosus. Carduus foliosus Hook. Fl. Cirsium foUosum DC. Araneoso-lanatus et longe villosus, demum glabrescens ; caule valido subpedali crebre folioso ; capitulis sessilibus majusculis inter folia glo- meratis bracteisque spinosissimis stipatis ; involucro et corollis fere O. Drummondii ; foliis elongatis suberectis spinoso-dentatis vel pinnati- fidis. — Prairies of the northern Rocky Mountains, Drummond (a less prickly form), Burke (in herb. Hook.) : high pine country in the interior of Oregon, Spalding. Intermediate in appearance and char- acter between G. Drummondii and C. eriocephalus, but near the former. Involucre broad, an inch liigh, glabrate, at first with some fine cobwebby wool, but no jointed hairs ; the outer scales broadish, successively shorter, appressed, rather abruptly tipped with a short and weak prickle. C. Drummondii. Cirsium Drummondii Torr. & Gray, FI. cum syn. Planta typica tripollicaris ad tripedalem ! Capitulis solitariis vel subplurimis magnis ; involucri squamis exterioribus oblongo-lance- olatis sensim in cuspidem vel spinulam fere innocuam acuminatis, intimis fere linearibus siBpissime appendicula scariosa superatis ; corol- lis sesquipollicai-ibus (tubo proprio tenui pollicari), lobis fauce brevi- oribus ; foliis subpinnatifidis. — From Mackenzie River near the arctic circle to the Colorado Rocky Mountains and Oregon. In British Columbia Dr. Lyall collected specimens fully four feet high. Var. ACAULESCENS, capitulis inter folia radicalia sessilibus aut paullo aut dimidio minoribus, corollis nunc parum pollicaribus. Cir- sium acaule var. Americamim Gray in Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. G8. C. Drummondii var. Eaton in Bot. King, p. 195. — Rocky Mountains, and sparingly in the Sierra Nevada of California. C. QUERCETORUJi. Lcviter araneosus, glabrescens ; caule subpedali ramoso oligocephalo ; foliis sub-bipinnatifidis vel pinnatipartitis lobis grgpe 2-5-fidis ; involucri squamis crasso-coriaceis, exterioribus ovali- oblougis ad lanceolatas mucrone vel spinula rigida apiculatis, intimis OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 41 parum soarioso-appendiciilatis ; corollaj hinc profundius fissoe lobis fauci a^quilongis unico longiore. — Hills at Oakland and elsewhere near Saa Francisco, California, Bolauder, Kellogg. Variable as C. Drurn- mondii is, I am unwilling to include in it the plant here described. * * Folia laxe araneosa demum denudata : appendices antherarum acutatae : caules elati saepius ultra-orgyales, ramis laxis gracilibus : capitula pedunculata nuda : involucri subglobosi squamas arete inibri- catoe, muticse vel mucronatae, plerceque dorso versus apieem carinato- incrassato viscidae. ••— Folia nunquam decurrentia, matura prteter tomentum tenue mox deciduum \A. m. pilosa. C. MUTicus Pursh. Cirsium mutlcum Michx. ; Torr. & Gray, FI. cum syn. Involucrum primum arachnoideum, squamis muticis vel mucrouulatis. — Xewfoundland and Saskatchawau to Florida and Louisiana. C. NuTTALLir. Cnicus glaber Ell., vix Carduus (Cnicus) glaher Nutt. Gen. Cirsium Nuttallii DC. Prodr. G, p. 651 ; Chapm. FL p. 247. Gracilis ; capitulis quam praecedentis minoribus ; involucre haud araclinoideo, squamis angustioribus, exterioribus spiuula parva setacea demum patente superatis. — South Carolina to Florida. Nut- tail's New Jersey plant is without much doubt C. muticus, and he was probably unacquainted with the present species, — for which, however, it is not worth while to coin a new specific name. H — I— Folia in caulem pi. m. decurrentia, praeter tomeutum araneosum laxum tardius deciduum glabra. C. Wrightii. Cirsium Wrightii Gray, PI. Wright. 2, p. 101. — Western Texas and New Mexico, C. Wright. * * * Folia subtus vel utrinque tomento denso albo-lanata : appen- dices antherarum acutatae vel cuspidatte : involucri subglobosi squama} crebrae arete imbricatte, rigid;e, pleraeque spinula saepius tenui demum patente superatte, dorso versus apieem nervo sen lin- eola carinali incrassata saepe viscidula notatse. -t- Discolores (nempe foliis supra viridibus), orien tales, floribus roseo- purpureis (raro albis). ++ Pedalis ad tripedalem ; capitulis parvulis ; spinulis involucri brevis- simis debilibus. C. ViRGiNiANUS Pursh. Carduus Virginianus Linn. — Yiro-inia and Kentucky to Texas. VOL. X. (2d S. II.) 42 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ++ ++ Orgyales et ultra; capitulis mediocribus ; spinulis involucri aris- tiformibus debilibus. C. ALTissiMUS Wilkl. Carduus altissimus Linn. Cirsium diver- si folium DC. Folia caulina subintegra vel subjDinnatifida. — Penn- sylvania and Wisconsin to Louisiana. C. DISCOLOR Muhl. in Willd. Folia profunde pinnatifida segmentis angustis. — Canada to Illinois and southward along the upper country. -)— -i— Suhconcolores horeales ; foliis fere pinnatisectis, segmentis line- aribus elongatis. C. PiTCHERl Torr. in Eaton, Man. Bot. Cirsium Pitcheri Torr. «& Gray. G. Hooherianum var. Gray in Stevens, Rep. Pac. R. R. 12, J). 45. — Sandy shore of Lake Superior and (recently) of Lake Michi- gan. Also Montana Territory, Dr. Suckley. ■I— H— -t— Suhconcolores occidentales ; foliis subintegris vel pinnatifidis, junioribus saltern pagina superiore arachuoideo-dealbatis, maturis quandoque glabratis. ++ Antherarura appendices cuspidato-acuminatae : caulis pedalis, raro 2-3-pedalis. C. UNDULATus. Carduus (Cmcus) undulatus Nutt. Gen. C. dis- color Hook. Fl. Bor.-Am. pro parte. Cirsium undidatum Spreng. ; Torr. & Gray, Fl. C. Dourjlasii DC. Prodr. 6, p. 643 ; Nutt. 1. c. C. Hookerianum, Hook. Lond. Jour. Bot. 6, p. 253, non Nutt. — An exceedingly variable species, widely diffused from the Upper Missis- sippi ai>d Saskatchawan region to the Pacific in Oregon, and south to Texas and New Mexico, usually with reddish-purple or occasionally pale flesh-colored or white flowei-s, differing much in the size of the heads, also in the foliage and in the prickles of the involucre. Var. CANESCENS {Cirsium canescens Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1. c. & C. undulatum ^. Torr. & Gray) — capitulis vix ultrapolli- caribus — is the more depauperate form of the northern and western plains. Cirsium brevifulium Nutt. 1. c. is the form with less pinnatifid or almost entire leaves. Var. MEGACEPHALUS : capitulis 2-2^-pollicaribus ; involucri squamis latioribus dorso planis spinula brevi vel brevissima cuspidatis. — This large-headed form prevails in Texas, &c., but we have it from Minne- sota (Geyer), and from the waters of the Columbia River (Spalding, Lyall) ; and between these two forms most of the specimens are inter- mediate. They also pass into the OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 43 Var. ocnROCENTRUS (Cirsiiwi ochrocentrum Gray, PI. Fendl.) : foliis profuiide piimatifidis, lobis squamisque involucri si^inis ochraoeis lougioribus armatis. — W. Texas and New Mexico to the Sierra Kevada, California. A most marked variety, which may reclaim a specific rank. Var. Grahami : format megacephalce accedens, elatior ; foliis siib- membranaceis superne mox ijlabratis ; involucri s(|uamis exterioribus spinula brevissima cuspidatis, interioi ibus extus minute scaberulis mar- gins scabro-ciliolatis ; lloribus sanguineo-purpureis. Girsiiim Grahami Gray, PL Wright. 2, p. 102; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 5885. — Arizona, C. Wright, Thurber, «&;c., in low grounds, to which its greater height, softer and greener less prickly leaves, «&;c., may be attributed. •H- -H- Antherarum appendices apice deltoideo parum acuto. C. Breweri. Orgyalis ad 10-pedalem; foliis elongatis pinnatifidis cauleque lana adpressa undique iucauis, lobis brevibus angustis spinosis; capitulis parvulis paniculatis brevissime pedunculatis ; involucri globosi primum araneosi squamis arete irabricatis, exterioribus oblongis lance- olatisque coriaceis, apice viridi-notato viscidulo spinula gracile patente abrupte superato ; corollis purpureis mine ochroleucis, lobis fauce brevioribus ; styli nodo sub parte stigmatifera filiformi manifesto. — California, mostly in wet ground, Strawberry Valley near Mt. Shasta, Brewer ; Humboldt and Mendocino Counties, Bolander, Kellogg, and Harford (coU. no. 557, 562, 563) ; borders of Nevada near Carson, Anderson ; also, a somewhat less woolly form, in a caiion of the San Juan Mountains, Monterey County, Brewer. Heads several or numer- ous in a branching panicle, an inch or less in height. Corolla with one lobe more or less shorter than the throat, the other four much more united. — This, being a Californian species, might be taken for Cirsium Douglasii DC, but it is not found in Douglas's collections. The specimen on which De CandoUe established his species was doubtless from Columbia River near the coast ; it is the plant referred by Hooker to Carduus discolor, and is the same as Nuttall's Cirsium Hookerianum, i.e. the Cnicus undidatus. The present species appears to have been first collected by Professor Brewer, whose name it may bear. * * * * Folia subtus saltem albo-lanata : appendices antherarum apice deltoideo parum acuto : involucri oblongi nunc cylindraceo- campanulati ; squamaj minus crebras, laxiuscule imbricatae, tenuiores minus intequales, in spinulam rectam vel cuspidem attenuatce : corolla? sanguiueae. Capitula speciosa, sesqui-bipollicaria. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY C. Arizonicus. Albo-lanatus ; caule 2-4-pedaH ramoso folioso ; foliis pectinato-pirmatifidis deiitatisve spinosis ; capitulis brevi-pedun- culatis vel subsessilibus ; involucri squamis extimis ovato-oblongis, scquentibusque lanceolatis iu acumen spina breviuscula superatum angustatis ; corollas loI)is fauce duplo longioi'ibus ; antherarum appen- dicibus fere obtusis ; styli appeudice stigmatiea supra nodum proinin- ulum brevi ! Cirsiuin undidatum var. Gray, PL Wright. 2, p. 101. — Arizona and S. Utah, C. Wright, Thurber, Palmer, Loew, Mrs. Thomp- son, Parry. By the involucre, &c., related on the one hand to the C. undulatus var. ochrocentruSy on the other to the following species. Remarkable as being the oidy indigenous species of the United States with a short stigmatic tip to the style, this being barely 4 to 6 times longer than thick, and the node at its base manifest.* C. AxDERSONii. Minus lanatus ; caule bi-tripedali gracili parcius foliato ; cajiitulis longius pedunculatis ; involucri squamis laxioribus angustioribus plerisque e basi lanceolata sensim subidato-attenuatis spinula brevissima cuspidatis, intimis tenuibus ; corollce lobis fouci subaiquilong-is ; styli appendice filiformi longiuscula, nodo evanido. — Sierra Nevada, California, and adjacent part of Nevada, Anderson, Torrey, Bolander, &c. Head broader and rather larger than that of the foregoing species. Tips of the anther-appendages deltoid and acute, or in one specimen about as blunt as in G. Arizonicus. Addi- tional specimens will show if this be a subsexual difference. § 2. Involucrum laxius imbricatum ; squamis subsequalibus (extimisve paullo brevioribus) superne subherbaceo-attenuatis vel in acumen s£ei)ius spiuescentem patulum sensim productis. * MoUissime denseque albo-lanati, megacephali : involucri globosi S(;[uama3 multiseriales rigida3, e basi coriacea appressa longe sj^ines- * The grefit-headed Mexican species, with outer reflexed or spreading scales to the involucre sphiulose along tlie margins near the base, have abbreviated tips to tlie style, and obtuse or merely acute anther-tips. Cnicus cernuus ( Cirsinm cernuum Lag. ; at least Linden's no. 1280 and Lieb- mann's no. 689), which is probably also C. nimlis IIBK., has very obtuse antlier- tips. Cirsiuin subcoriaceuvi Schult. Bip. (Seemann's no. 2040) seems to differ only in its smaller head and less spreading involucral scales, and may be only a variety. Cnicus heterolepis {Cirsium hcfcrolcpis Benth. PI. Hartw., or at least Coul- ter's no. 4G7, and apparently Barclay's plant from Tepic, in Beechey's voyage) is very like C. cernuus, but has acute anther-tips. Perhaps there is some dimor- phism. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 45 centi-attenuatiB, patentes : corolla} lobi fauce sesqui vel duplo longi- ores. Capitula nuda, subsolitaria, saepius bipollicaria. C. occiDENTALis. Caule scepius valido 2-5-pe<:lali ; foliis subpin- natifidis sinuatisve spinulis parvulis armatis superne nunc deniidatis ; involucri primum lanosissimi squamis in appeiidicem spiuescentem longe sensim atteniiatis ; corollis sanguineo-puriDureis Eequaliter 5-fidis; autherarum appendicibus acuminatis ; stylo baud nodoso nudo, appen- dice breviusculo. Carduus occidentalis Nutt. in Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7, p. 418, cum char. pass. Cirsiiim Coulteri Gray, PL Fendl. p. 110. — Rather common throughout California, especiall}^ in the western part of the State, but extending into the borders of Nevada. Apparently only seeds were collected by Douglas, from which it was raised in the London Horticultural Society's garden in 1837. It was sparingly collected by Coulter and Nuttall, and since by most recent collectors. The heads vary in size, in some specimens being little over an inch in length. C. Neo-Mexicanus. Magis spinosus ; involucri squamis e basi saepius latiore in appendicem lanceolato-subulatam spina validiore superatam productis, exterioribus plerumque reflexis ; corollis pallidis subintequaliter 5-fidis ; autherarum appendicibus tenuiter cuspidatis ; styli appendice stigmatica elongata filiformi nodo stepius manifesto sti^Data. Cirsium Neo-Mexicanum Gray, PI. Wright. 2, p. 101. — New Mexico, Fendler, Wright, Thurber, &c. * * Lana laxiore vel tenuiore araneosa canescentes, nunc glabriores vel denudaii wides. Capitula stepius paniculata, subracemosa, vel conglomerata, pollicaria ad sesquipollicarem. •i- Involucri squamae rigidiores spinula aciculari pungentes : flores albi vel flavescentes. ++ Corolla} limbo ajqualiter alte 5-fido, Jobis fauce duplo longioribus. C. Andkewsii. Ut videtur elatus, ramosus, lana laxa decidua glabrescens ; capitulis ultrapoUicaribus ramos foliatos terminantibus ; involucro primum arachnoideo-lanosissimo ; squamis e basi coriacea oblonga vel lanceolata plerisque in appendicem subulato-acerosam pro- ductis ; autherarum appendicibus deltoideo-acutatis. — California, Dr. Andrews. I have seeu only a single specimen, collected probably not very far from San Francisco or Sacramento : so that the species needs confirmation. The corolla is hardly an inch long; its lobes 3 or 4 lines long, but the throat of only half their length, in which respect it is unlike any other species of this division. , 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ++ ■!■+ Corolla limbo infequaliter vel subasqnaliter 5-fi(lo, lobis fauce pi. m. brevioribus : folia subtus laua araiieosa ssepissime dealbata, supra glabrescentia. C. Californicus. Suborgyalis ; capitulis solitariis vel paucis nudis ; involucro tenuiter lanato mox glabrato, squamis in appendiceal subulatam patulam ssepius validam productis ; floribus albis vel ochro- leucis. Cirsium Californicum Gray in Bot. Whipp. p. 56. — Califor- nia,'.from Stanislaus River (Bigelow) and Santa Clara Co. (Brewer) to near San Diego (Cooi^er) ; and some forms of it apparently on the frontiers of Nevada. Cirsium fuliosuin Eaton in Bot. King, as to Watson's specimens, is probably a form of this species ; but the corollas are said to be purplish. C. HooKERiANUS. Caule 1-3-pedali ad apicem folioso; capitulis subsolitariis vel glomeratis majusculis sfepius folioso-bracteatis ; invo- lucr'O valde arachnoideo-lanoso subviscoso (rarius glabrato) ; squamis aceroso-attenuatis ; floribus albis. Carduus discolor, var. ^. floribus albis. Hook. Fl. Bor.-Am. 1, p. 302. Cirsitim Hookerianum Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. I.e. p. 418. — Rocky Mountains, chiefly north of lat. 48°, and in the upper wooded and alpine regions, Drummond, Burke, Bourgeau (herb. Hook.). Nuttall founded Cirsium Hookeri- anum wholly upon a Drummondian specimen (communicated by Sir Wm. Hooker to Schweinitz) of the Carduus discolor var. (3. of the Flora Boreali- Americana. All the other north-western specimens referretl to C. discolor belong to C. undulatus, from which the present species is wholly distinct. Besides the long and cobwebby wool, the long tips of the scales of the involucre generally have some viscid pubescence, and occasionally some coarser many-jointed hairs, ap- proaching those of the following species. C. ERiocEPHALUS. Caule 1-2-pedali simplici creberrime folioso ; foliis linearibus multilobatis plerumque longe decurrentibus sjDinosissi- mis ; capitulis j^arvulis in glomerulum foliosum j)rimum nutans arete congestis ; involucro pilis longis multi-articulatis fuscis lanosissimo, squamis arrectis acerosis (basi parva dilatata excepta) ; floribus "luteis" vel luteolis. Cirsium eriocephalum Gray in Proc. Acad. Philad. 1803, p. 69 ; Eaton in Bot. King, p. 196. — High alpine region of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, Parry, Hall and Harbour, Vasey, Greene, &c. Varies with herbage and involucre glabrate, perhaps passing into var. leiocephalus Eaton, 1. c. ; but "Watson's specimens, from the Uinta Mountains, are insufficiently developed and still very doubtful. The sjaecies is nearly related to the foregoing. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 47 ■•— -1— Involucri squamjE tenuiores laxiores, fere innocuse : caiiles 3-8- pedales : capitula nuda. C. EDULis. Laxe tenuiter araneosus, mox glabrescens viridis ; caule folioso ; foliis saepius sinuato-pinnatifidis membranaceis ; capitulis subpaniculatis vel subglomeratis ; involucro arachnoideo ; corollis pur- pureis (quandoque pallidis ? ) gracilibus subincequaliter 5-fidis, lobis demum filiformibiis iiicrassato-apiculatis. Cirsium edide Nutt. 1. c. — From British Columbia southward along the coast of California to the Bay of San Francisco. Filaments sometimes hairy, as described by Kuttall, very commonly glabrous : perhaps a subsexual difference. Dwarf specimens collected by Lyall in the northern Cascade Moun- tains have the leaves pinnately parted into narrow divisions. C. REiiOTiFOLius. Caule sa3pius parce foliato ; capitulis subpani- culatis ; foliis subtus arancoso-dealbatis raro denudatis pinnatipartitis, lobis angustis ; involucro tenuiter arachnoideo glabrescente, squamis lineari-attenuatis ; corollis ochroleucis inoequaliter 5-fidis, lobis 3 vel 4 altius coalitis. Carduns remotifolius Hook. 1. c. Cirsium remotifolium DC. C. stenolepidum Nutt. 1. c. — Oregon near the coast to Humboldt Co., California. § 3. Involucrum subglobosum gradatim imbricatum, squamis plerisque scarioso- vel fimbriato-appendiculatis : flores albidi vel flaviduli. {^Echenais Cass., DC.) C. Parryi. Yiridis, vix araneosus ; capitulis subracemosis parum nutantibus ; foliis lanceolatis sinuato-dentatis ; involucro laxius imbri- cato ; squamis subchartaceis, exterioribus pauUo brevioribus linearibus seu lanceolatis, marginibus superne tenuiter scariosis pectinato-fimbri- atis ciliatisque, intimis appendice scariosa lacera parva superatis ; corollis flavidis, lobis fauce longioribus. — Rocky Mountains of Colo- rado Territory, at the elevation of 8-9,000 feet, coll. Parry (no. 34), and Hall and Harbour (no. 340), which I had doubtfully referred to Cirsium edule in the account of their collections : also Vasey, no. 350, referred to Echenais carlinoides, and Wolf and Rothrock, no. 4G0. Hall and Harbour's no. 341 is probably a hybrid of this with C. erio- cephalus. In foliage this resembles C. (Echenais) Sieversii. In the involucre, &c., this species and some forms of the next offer a comjilete transition between Echenais and the foregoing section, and they seem to be further connected by hybrids or by variations. The delicate fringe of the outer involucral scales is usually pectinately dissected into almost setiform divisions, often passing into or mixed with long and soft jointed 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY hairs ; the terminal prickle weak. Subtending bracts spiny-ciliate, the inner pas^sing into the involucral scales. C. CARLiNOiDES Schrank, var. Ajiericanus. — Rocky Mountains of Colorado Territory, Hall and Harbour (no. 342), E. L. Greene; Western jiart of California, Samuels, Bolander : forms with short and broad scarious and lacerate appendages to most of the scales of the involucre, tipped with an extremely short prickle, and few or no prickly-fringed subtending bracts. Also, Mendocino Co., California, Kellogg, a form with exterior involucral scales hardly at all appep- daged, and the inner with rather small acuminate appendage, — possibly a hybrid with C remotifoUus. This, or a form like it, appears to be Cirsium scariosutn Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1. c. p. 420, frona the plains of the Rocky Mountains, — which was accidentally omitted from the Flora of North America. II. Notes on BorraginacecB. Coldenia Linn. Upon a revision of the plants of this gi'oup, I am the more convinced that the genus Coldenia should have the extension which I proposed in Proc. Am. Acad. 5, p. 340, and should include PlUocahjx Torr. also. And it is pleasant to note that a genus which was dedicated to one of our worthies of the colonial period, has proved to be mainly American, although founded on an Indian plant. The section which I proposed, under the name of Tiqiiiliopsis, if strength- ened on the one hand by a second species ( C Palmeri Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8, p. 13G) as respects the corolline appendages, is invali- dated on the other by the discovery that its embryo does not accord with that of T. Nuttallii ; but it is still unlike that of Tiquilia. Mr. Watson, in redescriliing the T. Palmeri (in Bot. King, p. 247), states that the tube of the corolla is "• witliout scales at the base." There are not, indeed, such free scales as those of T. Nuttallii, but in their stead are much longer and salient plica?, reaching up to the insertion of the slender filaments. The fruit, which Mr. Watson first made known, he describes as of " a single obovate-globose smooth nutlet, attached at the base, and without ventral sulcus." There are often two such nutlets matured ; but the rounded scar is ventral, not basal, yet very different from that of T. Nuttallii. Of albumen there is barely a trace. The character •' cotyledons rounded, flat, entire, incumbent upon the shorter radicle," is correct, except that they are rather hemispherical than flat. This turning up of the rather long ra>dicle upon the back OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 49 of one of the thick cotyledons is most peculiar and remarkable, and is strikingly in contrast with the deeply liippocrepiform cotyledons of T. Nuitallii, surrounding the radicle, as represented in Dr. Torrey's plate. I am disposed to keep up the section Tiquiliopsis for these two species with anomalous embryos and appendaged corolla-tube. HELiOTROPiEiE Fresenius. The proper stigma in Heliutrophini and Tournefortia, occupying the margin of an annular or peltate disk, and surmounted by an appendage which has generally been taken for stigma, recalls the similar structure in Apocynacece. Heliotropium Tourn.* If three genera are to be admitted in the * The North American species as now known are : — § 1. EuPLOCA. Vide supra. H. CONVOLVULACEUM Gray, 1. c. § 2. EuHELiOTKOPiUM. Heliotropium & Schleidenia (Endl.) Fresenius. * Orthostachys R. Br. (Preslcea Mart.). Schleidenia Endl., Fresenius. ' +- Appendix stigmatis elongata, subulata. Folia angusto-linearia. H. Greggii Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 137. Corolla limbo amplo : stylus brevissimus. H. ANGtiSTiFOLiUM Tofr. 1. c. Cofolla lobis ovato-lanceolatis : stylus gracilis. H. TENELLUM Torr. 1. c. Calyx inaequalis : stylus perbrevis. •*- f- Appendix stigmatis brevis conica. H. LiMBATUM Benth., var. confertifolicm Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. Hart- weg's plant, on which H. limbatnm was founded, has the aspect rather of H. his- pidiim than of Torrey's plant of our Mexican border, collected by Berlandier, Gregg, Wright, &c. But Coulter's no. 1051, and corresponding specimens by Dr. Edwards, &c., are intermediate. This var. conferti folium Torr. is very like H. microphijUum Swartz., as represented by Wright's Cuban no. 3139. This, however, has a much smaller corolla and a shorter style; and H . imhricatum Griseb. would seem to be a form of it. H. POLYPHYLLOM Lehm. Asper. & Ic. t. 8. H. glomeratuvi A. DC ? H. bitr- siferum C. Wright in Griseb. Cat. Cab. p. 211. Florida, Buckley, &c. Var. Leavenworthii {H. Leavenworthii Torr. herb.) is a strict and slender- leaved form ; but specimens recently collected by Dr. Edward Palmer, in the same part of Florida where Dr. Leavenworth collected it, seem to have golden- yellow flowers ! H. PHYLLOSTACHYUM Torr. 1. c. 1859. H. myosotoides Chapra. Fl. p. 330, 1860. Berlandier's numbers 1538, 3038, referred to this species by Dr. Torrey, are more probably depauperate states of 11. hispidum HBK. » * Flores ebracteati in spicis scorpioideis saepius conjugatis vel 1-2-furcatis : antherae liberae. H. Europium Linn. Stigma appendice tenuiter subulata superatum. Nat- uralized southward. VOL. X. (n. s. II.) 4 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY manner and upon the characters proposed by Fresenius in the Flora Brasiliensis, Nuttall's name of Euploca would by right of priority take the place of Schleidenia. But, iu retaining the comprehensive Helio- tropiiun of Linna3us {Piptoclaina of Don perhaps separated), I prefer to inckide Schleidenia, and also Bentham's section Platygyne, in Eaheli- otropiuin, and to make of Euploca a primary section. It is character- ized by the long filiform style, strongly penicillate appendage to the stigma, and clidymous fruit, which separates promptly into four almost hemispherical half-carpels. The corolla is unusually large for the genus. ]Many years ago we had the plant in cultivation, and thought it very ornamental. It is desii'able, and it ought not to be very diffi- cult, to obtain it again. The pure white blossoms are open not merely at sunset, but also (according to my memorandum) for nearly the whole day. The name of H. convolvulaceum was applied to it in the Mem- Am. Acad. 6, p. 403, 1859. There is an equally slender style in Grisebach's H. serpylloides of the West Indies, and the cone surmount- ing the stigma is occasionally bearded in other species. H. parcijlorum of Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub., and mentioned in the Flora of British West Indies, cannot be the Preslcea parcijiora of Martins (^Schleidenia Fresen.), for it has a strongly beaked fruit. It is perhaps merely a form of H. humistratuni Cham. H. fruticosum Linn., described by Grisebach as having " stigma as long as the style," has (even in a specimen named by and re- ceived from him) a style several times longer than the stigma and its tip. HeUophytmn molle Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 138, with globose, not at all didymous, and when fresh probably more or less drupaceous fruit, I refer to Tournefortia = T. mollis. LiTHOSPERMUii Tourn. Characters from the insertion of the sta- mens and length of the style should be suspected ; for the tendency to H. iNUNDATUM Swartz. Stigma cono obtuso capitatum. H. CuKASSAVicuM Liiin. Stigma umbraculiforme, cono obsoleto. § 3. TiARiDiDM (Lehm. Heliophytum DC.) * Fructus didymus, nuculis parallelis. H. PARViFLORtiM Linn. Keys of Florida and along the southern borders of Texas. H. GLABRiuscuLUM. HeUophytum glahriusculum Torr. I.e. South-western borders of Texas. * » Fructus mitragformis. — Tiaridium Lehm. H. Indiccm Linn. Naturalized in Southern Atlantic States. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 51 dimorphism, which is obvious in the Batscliia section (altliough not demonstrated in all of the species), may pervade the genus.* INIkrtensia Roth. A new study of this genus enables me to make a few corrections to my paper on the American species, pub- * Our North American Lithosperma of the Batschia section may be eViaracter- ized thus. 1. Corolla ut videtur pallide flava : folia floralia minora, calyces fructifei'os haud superantia. L. MULTiFLORUM Toff. ill herb.; S. Wats. Bot. King (adnot), p. 238. L. pilosam Gray in Sill. Jour. 34, p. 2.56, & in Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, non Nutt. — Colorado in the lower mountains toNaw Mexico and Te.xas. The throat of the corolla is nearly naked. Nuttall's L. pilosum is the same as L. riiderale Dougl. & Hooker. I was misled into taking this species for it through Nuttall's reference of his to Batschia, and his idea that the corolla was yellow, whereas in that species it is only yellowish in the manner of L. officinale. 2. Corolla aurea Yel aurantiaca : folia floraUa pleraque conf ormia, calyces superantia, •»- Oblonga vel ovata : corolla nee tubo prselongo, nee plicis faucialibus fornicato- inflexis. L. Califorxicdm. Ptibe molli hirsutum; foliis lanceolatis ; corolla flava, tubo calyce sesquilongiore, fauce ampliata 5-loba, lobis brevibus, plicis fauciali- bus obsoletis, annulo ad basira tubi nudo. — L. canescens var. Torr. Bot. Whipp. p. (68) 124. — Grass Valley, California, Dr. Bigelow. The anthers are high and the style short ; but this is probably only one form. L. CANESCENS Lchm. Pube molli primum canescens : corolla laete aurea, plicis faucialibus pubescentibus prominulis, annulo basilari nudo. — L. sericeum Lehm. nuist belong to this, but the synonym Anchusa Virginica Linn, is to be excluded. I do not know what the glabrous plant in the Linnaean herbarium is ; but the Gronovian plant is an Onosmodium, Morison's is probably Litltospermum hirtiun, which is the Puccoon of the Southern States, and Plukenet's may be either species. L. HiRTUM Lehm. Pube hispida demum asperum; floribus majoribus ; corolla Isete aurantiaca, plicis faucialibus prominulis, annulo basilari dentibus 10 hirsutissimis instructo. — L. Bejariejise DC. is of this species. t- 1- Folia omnia linearia angusta : corollae bene evolutae tubo praelongo, plicis faucialibus fere fornicatis, lobis inciso- vel undulato-crenulatis. L. ANGUSTiFOLiUM Michx. L. linearifolium Goldie? Pentalophus loncjiJlorKS & P. Mandanensis A. DC, cum syn. cit. etc. L. hrevijlorum Engelm. & Gray, PI. Lindh. 1, p. 44. — It is to Mr. Bebb (see Amer. Naturalist, 7, p. 691) that we owe the demonstration that the long-flowered species (L. incisum Lehm. &c.) is the perfect form, as we may say, which, later in the season and especially upon lateral shoots, goes on to produce depauperate flowers, with corolla and style hardly equalling the calyx, and without doubt of cleistogenous fertilization. In this state it is L. anrjustifolium Michx. — the earliest and an appropriate name. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY lished in Silliman's Journal in the year 1862. They mainly relate to the various plants which I had referred to M. alpiiia, of which I had formed a hetei'ogeneous assemblaije. Mr. Watson discerned this, and, in the Botany of King's Exploration, distinguished M. hrevistyla, but without noticing that he had under that name the original M. alpina, founded on James's plant of Long's Expedition. 31. alpina differs, I find, from all the rest, in having extremely short and not broad fila- ments, and also an included style. In James's plant, as in Mr. Wat- son's, the stamens are inserted on the middle of the tube of the corolla, and the style hardly surpasses the base of the included anthers. There is another form, as I must regard it, differing only in the insertion of the anthers on the throat, and a correspondingly longer style, which brings the stigma up to the level of the orifice of the tube, — a dimor- phism the reason and operation of which I do not understand ; but something similar occurs in other Borraginacece, such as Amsinckia. The specimens with enlarged filaments, as long as the anthers or longer, and with long capillary exserted style, which I had confounded with M. alpina, prove to be the Pulmonaria lanceolata of Pursh and P. marginata Nutt. ; and to it I refer M. Fendleri, in which all degrees between a deeply o-parted and a barely o-cleft calyx occur, varying even in the same individual. As to M. Drummondii, which I had referi-ed to M. alpina, and Hooker to M. Vlrginica, I now regard it as an arctic form of M. Sibirica. The little folds in the throat of the corolla, which I formerly tailed to see, are evident in original speci- mens in Dr. Torrey's herbarium. The species may be rearranged as subjoined.* * MERTENSIiE Boreali-Americanae. § 1. Stenhammaria. (Sleenhammera'ReKhenh.) Nuciilae magis carnosae demum utriculatae, laevissimjfi, aciitse : corolla brevis. 1. M. MARiTiMA Don. Araphigaea. § 2. EuMERTENSiA. Nuculse opaeae, plus minus rugosae vel scabridee, obtusae. * Corolla tubaeforrnis, priplonga, limbo subintegro, plicis faucialibus obsoletis : filamenta gracilia elongata : discus hypogynus in lobos 2 lis ovarii adaequantes productus. — Meitensiu Roth. 2. M. ViRGiNiCA DC. M. pidmonarioides'Roth. America boreali-orientalis. « * Corolla limbo snbcampanulato 5-lobo, plicis faucialibus manifestis. +- Filamenta anthera aequilata et breviora vel parum longiora, fauci semper in- serta : stylus capiliaris e fauce nunc ultra limbum exsertus. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 53 Amsinckia Lehm. Dr. Torrey, in Bot. Mex. Boundary and in Bot. Whipple's Expedition, has justly remarked that the insertion of the stamens and the length of the style differs reciprocally in different individuals of the species. But, as in Lithosperinum, the tendency is not completely carried out. It is here most marked in A. spectahilis. But in one specimen of it, and also in one of A. lycopsoides, along with very low stamens the style was still shorter. In these, and in the low- stamened and long-styled form of A. spectahilis, only have I found minute hairy tufts in the throat, in the place of the crests of the allied genera ; and their place is marked externally by a slight intrusion, showing that tliey answer to pliciB. No trace of them is discerned when the stamens are borne in the throat or high up in the tube. The "plicis intrusis" by which the glabrous throat of the corolla of A. spectahilis is " semiclausa," according to Fischer and Meyer's origi- nal character, are the longitudinally plicate sinuses, wliich are consider- ably infolded, at least in the bud. While reducing three of the species ++ Corolla tubo calyce limboque suo 2-3-plo longiore. 3. M. OBLONG iFOLi A Don. Pidmonaria oUongifolia Nutt. *+ -^ Corolla tubo limbo suo parum vel sesquilongiore. 4. M. SiBiRiCA Don ; Gray in Sill. Jour. 34, p. 341. Van Drommondii : forma alpina, spithamaja; foliis oblongis sessilibus vix wltrapoUicaribus fere aveniis margiiie obsolete denticulato-ciliolatis ; corollas (Im. 5 longae) tubo quam limbus vix parumve longiore calycis lobis ovato-oblongis subduplo longiore. — Lithospermum Drummondii Lebm. Mcrtensia Dfummondii Don. Arctic sea-coast, Richardson, ex Hook. (Vide supra.) 5. M. PANiccLATA Don ; Gray, 1. c. 6. M. L.\xCEOLATA DC. cum syn. cit. M. aJpina pro parte, Gray, 1. c. Tbat this plant is Pursh's P. lavceolata and Nuttall's P. marginata, I learn from the original specimens of both, whicli have somehow foimd their wi\y (I believe through Prof. Tuckerman's purcliase) from Lambert's herbarium to that of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Var. Fendleri, forma calyce tantum 5-fldo. — M. Fendlcri Gray, L c. t- -t- Filamenta brevissima, baud dilatata, aut fauci aut tubo inserta : stylus inclusus. 7. M. ALPiXA Don, Gray, I.e. pro parte. [Pulmonarin alpina Torr.) M. bre- ristyla Watson, Bot. King, p. 339, t. 23, fig. 112, forma antheris tubo medio insertis inclusis, stylo brevi. — As I noticed in the Revision of the genus, this species is dimorphous in an unusual way, the flowers with the higher stamens inserted at the throat having the lonr/er style, which brings the stigma up to the throat ; and those with low and included stamens have a still shorter style, with the stigma only a little higher than the base of the anthers ! 54 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of the Prodroinus, I am compelled to add two others. The known species may be discriminated as follows :* — Antiphytuji DC. I do not know the Brazilian species, but the srenus orisfinates with A. Mexicanum DC, founded on one of Mo^ino and Sesse's drawings, probably a congener of A. heUotro- pioides A. DC. A. limfolium and A. Walpersii are Eritrichia. A character of A. heliotropioides, and of another species which I venture to associate with it, is probably alluded to in De Candolle's generic character, i.e. a small perforation in the large scar of the nutlets ; and * AMSINCKIA, Lehm., Fisch. & Meyer. § 1. Nuculas (Eritricliium § Plagiohothrys referentes) opacEe, asperataa vel rugosae, ovato-trigonse, subincurvae, intus ab apicem usque ad cicatricem sat latam carijiatse, * Dorso convexo carinatae. — Corolla tubo calyce 2-3-plo longiore : plantae sjepius strictas, angustifoliae. 1. A. 8PECTABILIS Flsch. & Meyer. Corolla aurantiaca, saepius semipollicaris, fauce ampliata: antherae lineari-oblongse, aut fauciales exsertae aut infra medium tubi: calyx rufo-hirsutus : nuculje granulato-rugulosae vel submuricatje. 2. A. ECUiNATA. Corolla ut videtur flava, tenuis, lin. 3-4 loiiga, fauce vix ampliata: antherEe brevi-oblongae fauce inclusa: calyx fulvo-hispidus : nueulae dorso magis convexae undique molliter echinatas. — Sandy plains in the Mohave district, south-eastern part of California, Dr. J. G Cooper, Feb. 1861. Nutlets only a line long, beset with slender and narrow but rather soft prickly processes, and between them sharp granulate points. -»-+- Corolla tubo calycem flavido-hispidum rix superante. 8. A. LTCOPSOiDES Lehm. Ramosa : antherae aut sub fauce aut supra me- dium tubi insertfe, oblongae : nuculaj dorso valde convexae, muriculato-rugosae. — A li/copsoides (Lehm.) & A. intermedia Fisch. & Meyer. A. Domjlasiana A. DC. * * Nueulae dorso lato planiusculo minime carinato. 4. A. TESSELLATA. Validior, setoso-hispida : folia lineari-lanceolata vel ob- longa : corolla aurantiaca, hypocraterimorpha, tubo (lin. 3 longo) calyce rutidulo- liispido paullo longiore: nueulae lato-ovatas, verrucis truncatis crebris (aut inor- dinatis aut in lineas transversas coordinatis) instruetas demum quasi tesselatse. — California and Nevada. Contra-Costa Mountains near Monte Diablo, Brewer. Fort Tejon, Xantus. Near Carson City, Anderson. Sierra County, Lemmon. Humboldt Mountains, &c., Watson (.4. h/copsoides, pro parte, Bot. King), and Pahranagat Mountains, Miss Searls. Nutlets pretty large. § 2. Nuculaj triquetrae, rectae, laevissimae, saepius eburneae, dorso fere piano, angulo ventrali acuto infra medium cicatrice angusta. 5. A. vERNicosA Hook. & Arn. — Little known; thus far collected only by Douglas and by Coulter. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 55 this decides me to exclude them from Eritrichium, with which Dr. Torrej combined them. This small perforation is occupied by a lili- form funiculus-like process, which remains attached to the receptacle Avhen the nutlet is detached. The gynobase is flat, merely umbonate at the origin of the short style. AxTiPHYTUM HELiOTROPioiDES A. DC. Prodr. 10, p. 122. In Mexico, on the boi'ders of (but not known within) the United States, Berlaudier, coll. no. 2217, 3108. Also Coulter's Mexican collection, no. 1055. No. 75 coll. Xantus, Lower California, referred to this species by me, has neither flowers nor fruit, and is very uncertain. All the plants referred to this species by Torrey, in Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 140, Berlandier's excepted, are very different, namely, Entrichiiim hispidum of Buckley. Alphonse De CandoUe's character is a good one, excejjt that man}^ of the leaves are alternate. The slender pedicels are characteristic. The turgid nutlets have a very large scar, occupying the breadth and almost the lower half of the length of the inner face, flat, bordered by a sharp and thin entire margin, the perforation in its upper part. Stigma somewhat capitate, entire. Crests in throat of corolla conspicuous. Antiphytum floribundum. Herbaceum e radice "perenni" vel bienni, erectum, 1-3-pedale, cinereo-hispidum ; foliis fere omnibus alter- nis linearibus ; racemis brevibus paniculatis ; pedicellis calyce 2-o-plo brevioribus, inferioribus bracteatis ; corolla rotato-cam[)anulata calycis 5-partiti scgmeuta lineari-lanceolata vix superaute, fiuice prorsus nuda, lobis brevibus rotundatis ; filamentis anthera longioribus ; stiginate bilobo ; nuculis creberrime verrucoso-scabris ventre carinatis, cicatrice parvula circulari immarginata centro perforata. — Eritrichium Jlori- hinidum Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 140. — Borders of Texas, moun- tains of Puerte de Paysauo and Rock Creek, near the Rio Grande, Bigelow. This accords well in structure with the preceding, except in the total absence of the crests at the throat of the corolla. EuiTKiCHiuJi Schrader. The central and western regions of North America abound in species of this genus, and a revision of them was greatly needed. The result of a recent study of them is here ap- pended.* With the exception of the Myosotideous Eueritrichia, the » ERITRICHIUM Schrad. et Auct. Eritrichium, Plagiobothrys & Krynitzlda (Fisch. & Meyer), DC. Prodr. — Piptocahjx Torr. § 1. EuERiTKiCHiUM. (&i'im, fovma alis fructus pectinato-multifidis. — Dry interior region, Washington Territory to Arizona and the borders of Texas. The var. S. Utah, Parry. 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY less Echinospermum Redowskii. All the species of Pectocarya in the Pro'clromus appear to be forms of P. lateriflora^ except P. penicillata, and even that may pass into forms of the other species. III. Synopsis of North American Species of Physalis. The North American flora hardly contains a more difficult genus for its size than Physalis. A painstaking study of all the materials at my command leads to the results which are expressed in the followmg synopsis. PHYSALIS Linn. § 1. Cham^ PHYSALIS. ChamcEsarachcE* sat similis : folia nonnulla * SAKACHA Ruiz & Pav. § Cham^saracha. Calyx fructifer fere lierba- ceus, vix venosus, bacca3 apice tantum nudae arete conformis : semina rugoso- favosa vel puncticulata. Herbae parvulse liurailes e radice perenni ; foliis angustioribus basi in petiolum marginatum cuiieato-attenuatis aut subinteger- rimis aut inciso-pinnatifidis ; pedicellis solitariis rarius geminis filiformibus post anthesin refractis. * A basi ramosae, diffusa vel decumbentes : semiiia favosa. S. SORDIDA. Withania? sordida Dun. in DC. Prodr. 13, p. 450. Solarium coniodes Moricand ex Dun. 1. c. p. 64. — Tbe two species of tbe Prodromus are founded upon the same (less villous, but more pubescent) form of a common Texano-Mexican species. S. CoROXOPUS. Solauum Coronopus Dun. 1. c. p. G4. Withmval Coronopus Torr. Mex. Bound, p. 15-5. A related but more widely diffused species. It ex- tends westward to Arizona (Dr. Palmer, &c.) and Soutiiern Utah, Capt. Bishop. S. ACUTiFOLiA Miers in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1849, & 111. S. Am. PI. 2, p. 19, described from a fragment in herb. Ilouk. of no. 593 of Coulter's Cali- fornian collection, I have not seen, nor any Californian plant of the kind. Not improbably it was collected in what is now Arizona, and perhaps it is the S. Coronopus; but the description does not well accord ; for the leaves are said to be very acuminate, tlie peduncle somewhat 2-flowered, this and the pedicel together only half an inch long, and anthers as long as the filament. * Caules brevissimi conferti, subsimplices : semina laeviuscula, plana. S. NANA. Ilaud viscosa, pube brevi adpressa subcinerea, subcaespitoso- depressa ; foliis in caulibus 1-3 uncialibus confertis ovato-lanceolatis seu ob- longo-ovatis acutiusculis subintegerrimis basi rotundata vel cuneata in petiolum longum marginatum decurrentibus ; pedicellis filiformibus petiolis brevioribus ; corolla ut videtur alba cterulescente ultra semipollicem diametro. — California, in the Sierra Nevada, Nevada Co. ? Kellogg (distrib. Kellogg and Harford, no. 719), Sierra Co., J. G. Lemmon. The fruit, recently communicated by the latter, is a rather dry globose berry, a quarter of an inch in diameter, girt and almost enclosed by the hemispherical thin calyx. The affinity to Physalia grandijiora is not remote. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 63 sinuato-pinuatifida, omnia basi cuneato-attenuata : corolla plano- rotata, violacea : antheriE luteoe ovali-oblongae : semina parum numerosa majuscula, dorso crassiore subtuberculato-rugosa. Planta juvenilis atomis papillisve albidis quasi furfuraceis conspersa, casterum glabra. 1. P. LOBATA ToiT. in Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2, p. 226, & Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 152. Solanum luteijloruin Dun. in DC. Prodr. 13, p. GJ^, at least as to var. subintegrifolium. I have not the Eerlandierian numbers cited under the typical form, but there is no reason to doubt the species. The corolla probably is never yellow in the living plant. The seeds are not very ^Qvf, as Torrey at first supposed, but are pretty large. The aspect of this small and low species is peculiar and much like that of Chamcesaracha ; but the fruiting calyx is that of a true Physalis. The papillose scurf, in place of pubescence, is peculiar, but very sparse or evanescent. § 2. EifPHYSALis. Semina plano-compressa margine angusto Itevi. Nunquam furfuraceo-atomifera^. * Corolla laete alba vel cserulescens, concolor, late rotata, fauce to- mentosa : antheroe lutesB vel cajrulescentes : calyx fructifer bacca repletus, subglobosus : pubes simplex. Annua?. 2. P. GRANDiFLORA Ilook. ; Gray, Man. ed. 5, p. 381. — Michigan to Saskatchawan. Corolla an inch to fully an inch and a half in diam- eter. Pubescence of young parts villous and viscid. Pedicels often in threes. Orifice of fruiting calyx open at maturity. 3. P. Wkightii. Humilis, diffuse ramosa, subglabra, pube minima perbrevi parca ; foliis oblongis plerumque sinuato-dentatis repandisve basi acutis (pollicaribus) ; pedicellis filiformibus floi^e calyceque fructus (semipollicai'i) longioribus ; corolla ut videtur alba diametro ultra- semipoUicari ; antheris aut caaruleo tinctis aut luteis (in sicco). — Prairies along the San Pedro River, Southwestern Texas, C. Wright, no. 1 G02. Apparently the same at Fort Yuma on the Rio Colorado, Schott, Thomas, in herb. Torr. ; but the specimens are insufficient. * * Corolla flavida, luridi-ochroleuca, seu viridula, fundo fere semper fusco vel brunueo-purpureo. H— AnnuiE, fere glabrse, nee stellate- nee viscido-i:)ubescentes : antherse violacea3. +♦ Parviflorae : calyx fructifer amplus vesicarius, primum carinato- angulatus basi umbilicatus, maturitate subrepletus, dentibus conni- ventibus clausus : caules ramique insigniter angulati : petioli elongati. 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 4. P. OBSCURA Miclix. (exel. ^). Divaricato-ramosissima ; foliis late deltoideo-ovatis nunc subcordatis breviter acumiuatis inaequaliter dentatis ; corolla flavida maculis fusco-purpureis ; calyce alte 5-tido, lobis lanceolato-subulatis, fructifero ovate- pyramidato iajvigato 5-cari- nato. — I have this only from Key West, Blodgett, and E. Texas, E. Hall, no. 503 ; also from Cuba, C Wright, no. 3635, referred in his ''Fl. Cubana" to P. pubescens. I suspect it may be P. Brasiliensis of Sendtner, Fl. Bi-as. ; if so, his " corolla unciali " has a fraction left out. This in our sjjecies is smaller, or at least shortei', than in P. angulata. 5. P. ANGULATA Linn. P^'oliis sajpius ovato-oblongis e basi late cuneata pi. m. laciniato-dentatis ; pedicellis tililbrmibus ; corolla viri- dula immaculata ; calyce lobis triangulatis tubo brevioribus, fructifero 10-angulato angulis 5 primariis carinatis ovato-pyramidato demum fructu fere repleto globoso-ovato. Var. LiNKiANA. Foliis dentibus lanceolato-subulatis elongatis ma- gis laciniatis; calycis profundius fissi lobis angustioribus. — P. Linkiana Nees in Linntea, 6, p. 471. 6. P. ^QUATA Jacq. f. Eel. 2, t. 137. Ramosissima, erecta, hinc inde pilosula ; foliis plerisque parvulis ovatis oblongisve repandis vel sinuato-dentatis ; pedicellis calyce etiam florifero brevioribus ; corolla lutea fauce maculata ; calyce lobis latis brevibus ovato-triangularibus, fructifero demum globoso-ovato lO-nervio pollicari vel minora. — P. PhiladeJplnca var. minor Dun. in DC. 1. c. ex char. & hab. — Along the southern borders of the United States, from Texas, to California: also W. Indian. ++ ■*-+ MediocrifloriE : corolla lin. 7-12 diametro : calyx fructifer ulti'a- pollicaris bacca rubella vel pui'purea distentus, ore aperto. 7. P. Philadelphfca Lam. P. chenopodi folia Willd., non Lam. P. atriplicifolia Jacq. Fragm. t. 85, ex Nees. •f— •!— Annufe vel perennes, graveolentes, pilis viscidis vel glandulosis omnino simplicibus patentissimis villoste vel pubescentes: calyx fructus ovato-pyramidatus carinato-angulatus, baccam viridem vel lutescentem laxe vestiens : folia ovata vel cordata. •1-1- Annuoe : antherae ssepissime violacese : pedicelli plerumque breves. 8. P. PUBESCENS Linn. — P. pruinosa Linn.? (Flowering speci- men in herb. Linn, with long pedicels, and anthers said to be yellow, but corolla only half an inch in diameter; so probably not no. 10, but same as Dill. Elth. t. 9, referred here in Liun. Syst., and seemingly not from N. America.) P. Barhadensis Jacq. Misc. & Ic. Rar. t. 39. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 65 P. obscura var. viscido-puhescens Michx. 1. c. P. hirsuta & P. pubes- cens Dun. 1. c. — Corolla small. P. FtETENS Poir., or at least of Nees and of Dunal, comes here, and in the size of the corolla, &c., resembles the next; but it is more glan- dular, has shorter i^edicels and blue or bluish anthers, and, it is said, an annual root. -t-i- Perennes : antheras sajjiissime luteal. 9. P. ViRGiNiCA Mill. Graveolens, viscido-villosa, 1-2-pedalis e surculis filiformibus repentibus ; foliis ovatis seu ovato-oblongis subcor- datisve sajpius acutis ; pedicellis sa?pe pollicaribus calycem fructus raro a?quantibus ; corolla expansa fere pollicem diametro. — jMill. Diet. & Fig. t. 206. P. heterophylla Nees. P. heterophylla, nyctaginea, & viscido-puhescens (excl. syn.) Dun. in DC. I.e. P. viscosa Gray, Man., non Linn. Upper Canada to Florida and Texas. Var. AMBiGUA : forma major, eximie hirto-villosa; antheris viola- ceis. — Wisconsin, Lapham, to Upper iNIissouri River, Suckley, and Lake Winnipeg, Bourgeau (no. 1). Two or three other perennial species have anthers varying to bluish or violet. 10. P. HKDEUiEFOLiA. Odore baud ingrato redolens, spithamcea ad pedalem e caudice stepius crasso, crebre viscido-pubescens, scepe in novellis villosa ; foliis rotundato-cordatis nunc subrenifoi-mibus nunc fere ovatis grosse parceque angulato-dentatis (semi- ad sesquipollicem diametro) ; pedicellis (lin. 2-4 longis) flore fructuque brevioribus ; corolla semipollicem diametro. — P. Alkekengi? var. digitalifoUa (vix Dun.) & P. mollis, pro parte, Torr. 1. c. Rocky hills, &c., New Mex- ico, 8. W. Texas, Arizona, and adjacent parts of Mexico. This is Wright's no. 528 in j^art, 1597, and 1600, the latter numbers referred by Dr. Torrey to P. mollis Nutt., which is a stellate-downy species. Var. rL'DEiiuLA, differt pube brevi densiore subglaudulifera vix viscida, caulibus mox decumbentibus. — Western borders of Texas, Wright, no 528, in part. -I- -)- -I- Perennes, sajpius humiles, baud viscidce : antherae luteas, in paucis quandoque violaceo sufFuste. •M- Aut glaberrimoB aut cinereo-puberulenta?, pube nunquam stellulata : folia crassiuscula basi lata vel cordata : pedicelli elongati filiformes : corolla luteola concolor. 11. P. GLABRA Bcnth. Bot. Sulph. p. 39. Known only from Lower California : distinguished by being glabrous even to the calyx, and the leaves inclined to hastate-lanceolate. VOL. X. (X. S. II.) 5 C6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 12. P. CRASSiFOLiA Bentli. 1. c. Pube miniraa simplici quasi prui- nosa; foliis (semi-sesquipoll.) ovatis cordatisve; corolla semi poUicari. — P. cardiophylla Ton*. 1. c. (forma foliis plerumque majoribus cordatis) &, in Ives, Colorad. Exped. Arizona to Lower California. ++ ++ Pube molli stellata vel ramosa cinerascentes vel canescentes : folia pleraque cordata vel ovata basi abrupta : corolla discolor: calyx fructus globoso-ovatus. 13. P. Fendleri. Pube brevissima partim simplici partim ramosa pruinoso-subcinerea, quandoque subglandulosa ; caulibus e caudice crasso ramosis : foliis vix pollicaribus deltoideo-ovatis seu ovato-lance- olatis vix cordatis scepius acutis margiue nunc uuduluto nunc sinuato- dentato; pedicellis flore brevioribus ; corolla seinipoUicem diametro. — P. mollis Torr, 1. c. pro parte. ' Rocks and plains of New Mexico, Fendler (083), Wright (1599), Tliurber, Bigelow, and north to Ilue- fano Mountains, Parry. 14. P. MOLLIS Nutt. Pube molli multiramosa vel stellata saepius implexa cinereo- vel canescenti-tomentosa ; foliis (1—2^ pollicaribus) ovatis seu rotundato-cordatis obtusis (imis nunc obovatis) angulato-den- tatis repandisve ; pedicellis filiformibus saspius elongatis; calyce fructus plerumque ultrapollicari ; corolla lin. 8-10 diametro. — Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. ser. 2, 5, p. 194:; Torr. 1. c. pro parte. P. tomentosa Dun. I.e. ? non Walt. Thickets and along streams, Arkansas River (Nuttall) to Texas and adjacent part of Mexico. This is no. 241 of Drummond's Texan collection, also 205, in a less canescent form, while E. Hall's 500 is a very soft and densely tomentose form. Var. ciNERASCENs. Pube parciori saipius breviore minus ramosa sordescenti-cinerea ; foliis rotundatis vix unquam cordatis ; pedicellis nunc hliformibus fructiferis ultrapollicaribus, nunc petiolo breviori- bus.— P. Pennsylvanica, var. cinerascens Dun. iu DC. 1. c. p. 435. Texas to Mexico. To this belongs Drummond's no. 175, E. Hall's no. 502, &c. Also Coulter's Mexican no. 1222 iu part, the other por- tion representing P. gracilis of Miers iu Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. & 111. S. Amer. 2, p. 28, t. 39.* * Two species were received by us under tliis number, similar in aspect, but abundantly distinct : one, the plant above described ; the other, P. (jracilis Miers (apparently the same as Ervendberg's no. 215), hirsute with simple-jointed hairs, and in other respects also agreeing with the published character and figure. It may be noted, however, that the character "filamentis brevissimis " is contradicted both by the detailed description, "filaments are 3 lines long and the anthers nearly 2 lines long," and by the plate. Keither the one nor tlie other well accords with the specimen. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 67 +-(. ++ ++ Pube nunc stellulata, nunc simplici rigidula, nunc vix ulla : folia (rarissime subcordatu) saepissime in petiolum angustata : stylus apice vulgo clavatus : bacca flavida vel rubella. a. Plantae ammophilaj plerumqiie maritimiE, caulibus e surculis fili- formibus repentibus : calyce fructus ovato-globosus. 15. P. viscosA Linn. Pube brevi stellulata molli undique sub- cinerea, primum tomentulosa ; foliis vulgo ovalibus seu ovatis rare subcordatis subintegerrimis. — Dill. Elth. t. 10; Jacq. Vind. t. 136. P. Pennsyhanica Linn. P. tomentosa Walt. Car. P. Jacquini Link. P. Walteri Nutt. in Jour. Acad. Pliilad. 7, p. 112. P. marltima M. A. Curtis in Sill. Jour, ser, 2, 7, p. 407. P. viscosa, Jacquini, decumbens, &, fusco-maculata (Rouville) Dun. in DC. — Shore of Virginia? and N. Carolina to Florida. The species was no doubt founded on the Buenos- Ayrean plant, and it is not clear that Linnteus ever had it from '• Virginia." The plant of our coast, if I mistake not, was what Lin- nseus, in appendix to the second edition of Species Plantarum, named P. Pennsylvanica, although he does not pretend to have it from Penn- sylvania, and it is not found there. His herb, specimen is " Hort. Ups." 'I find nothing to distinguish the broader-leaved North American plant from the South American ; and the range is not very uncommon for a sub-maritime species. The name alludes to the viscous berry : the herbage is not viscid. In the Manual I inadvertently applied the name of P. viscosa to a viscid-leaved species, P. heterophylla of Nees. Var. SPATHUL^FOLIA : forma foliis spathulato- seu oblongo-lanceo- latis in petiolum longius attenuatis. — P. puhescens Gray & Engelm. PI. Lindh. 1, p. 19. P. lanceolata, var. spatliulafa Torr. Mex. Bound. — Sea-beaches of Florida (Palmer) and Texas, Drummoud, Wright, Lindheimer, Schott. Glabrate forms approacli and may pass into, 16. P. ANGUSTIFOLIA Nutt. 1. c. Viridis, primum tenuiter stellulato- pubescens mox glabrata, vel praeter margines calycis loborum glaber- rima ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis vel oblanceolatis ad linearia (2-3- pollicaribus) in petiolum brevem attenuatis : corolla calyceque majus- culis. — Sandy coast of AY. Florida and the Keys. b. Caules e caudice crassiore duriore erecto orti : pube hirsutula simplici vel pilis panels nunc 2-3-furcatis, saipe vix ulla : calyx fructus ovato-pyramidatus basi intrusiis, sesquipollicaris : folia ab oblongo-ovatis ad angusto-lanceolata. 17. P. LANCEOLATA Michx. Glabella vel hirsuta ; calyce sa;pius longius hirsuta. — P. pumila Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soe. 1. c. P. Pcnnsylcanica Gray, Man. ed. 5, p. 382, pro parte, non Linn..-' 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY P. Elliotti Kunze in Linnoea, 20, p. 33. — Lake Winnipeg to Florida, Texas, and Colorado. Var. L^viGATA. Fere glaberrima, laevis prteter pilos conicos per- breves ad margines foliorum et calycis ; petiolis sat longis ; foliis nunc ovatis nunc tVre linearibus. — P. loncjifolia Nutt. 1. c. P. pumila ? var. Sonorce Torr. 1. c. — Nebraska to Texas and Arizona. Var. HiRTA. Forma hirsutior, pilis nonnullis 2-3-furcatis ; foliis ovatis vel oblongis. — Texas, E. Hall, no. 501, Kansas, J. A. Carruth. IV. Characters of various New Species. Ranunctjlus oxtnotus. Glaber, perennis; rhizomate brevi fibroso multicipiti caules laxos 4-5-pollicares 1-2-foliatos 1-2-floros profer- ente : foliis radicalibus confertis subreniformibus nunc cuneato-rotun- datis, crenato-5-9-lobatis longius petiolatis, caulinis subsessilibus late cuneatis 3-5-fidis, lobis oblongo-lanceolatis ; petalis sajpe 6 obovatis basicuneatis aureis sepalis pilosis multo majoribus; receptaculo primum ovato demum cylindraceo crasso ; carpellis perplurimis laevibus semi- orbiculatis compressis dorso acutissime carinatis stylo brevi subulate subrecurvo acuminatis. — California, near summit of Castle Peak, Sierra County, at 9,000 feet, J. G. Lemmon. Radical leaves much crowded : petioles about 2 inches in length ; the blade less than an inch in diameter. Peduncles 2 or 3 inches long. Sepals and petals deciduous •, the latter 3 or 4 lines long, 2 lines broad, deep yellow; scale at base of the claw conspicuous. Head of carpels 3 lines long in flower^; in fruit half an inch long, the apparently fleshy cylindraceous receptacle smooth and hardly areolate. Ripe carpels a line long, much compressed, glabrous or occasionally with a very few scattered deciduous hairs, acute-edged both dorsally and ventrally, the dorsal margin conspicu- ou>ly carinate, twice the length of the subulate flattened style. A strongly marked species, allied to it. Eschscholtzii and R. nivalis. Ranunculus Lemmoni. R. alismcefolio proximus, subacaulis, inferne villoso-pilosus ; foliis lanceolatis linearibusve integerrimis ; pedunculis scapiformibus pra;longis (spithamajis) simplicissimis ; petalis spathulato- oblongis parvulis; carpellis pubescentibus turgidis submembranaceis rostro brevissimo subulato inflexo apiculatis in capitulum depresso- globosum digestis. — Sierra Valley, California, alt. 5000 feet, J. G. Lemmon. Petals 3 or 4 lines long, narrow, deep yellow. Sepals tar- dily deciduous. Mature head of fruit 3 lines high, but 4 lines broad ; the turgid and somewhat vesicular carpels 1 ^ to 2 lines in length. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. C9 CouYDALis Caseaxa. Procera (2-3-pedalis) e radice perenni, ramosa ; foliis bi-tripinnatis subglaucis ; foliolis obovatis oblongisve mucronatis plerisque integerrimis imis subpetiolulatis, ultimis decur- renti-conflneutibus ; racemis erectis densifloris nunc paniculatis ; brac- teis plenimque linearibus pedicellum breveni vix superaiitibus ; corolla alba apice ca^rulescente, calcare crasso recto obtusissimo horizontali vel adscendente ; capsula ovali-oblonga turgida laevi stylo gracili suboequi- longo superata ; seminibus laevibus turgidis. — Sierra Nevada. California, first detected at the " Big Soring " in Big Meadows, Plumas Co.. by J. G. Lemmon and Prof. E. L. Case, named in honor of the latter at Mr. Lemmon's suggestion. [It appears that it was several years ago detected by the indefatigable Bolander on Truckee River, near Truckee.] This remarkable species is related to C. Scouleri of Oregon. It has a similar capsule, abruptly tipped with a long style and a large stigma. The sjiur is nearly as long (about half an inch, and double the length of the rest of the flower), but not at all tapering. The corolla is said to be " creamy-white, with pale blue tips." The leaflets are only half an inch in length and ai'e raucronately pointed. Staphtlea Bolaxderi. Foliolis 3 late ovalibus vel orbiculatis parum acuminatis ; petalis ex ungue latissimo modice spathulato- dilatatis ; genitalibus exsertis. — ■ Banks of St. Cloud River, Shasta Co., California, Bolander, April, 1874. Besides the points men- tioned in the character, which clearly distinguish this from our S. trifoliata, the more filiform filaments are quite glabrous ; these and the long styles project conspicuously, being almost twice the length of the petals. Fruit not seen. We have now five species, rather equa- bly dispersed round the world in the northern temperate zone, one eastern and one in Western North America, one in Japan, one in the Himalayas, and one in Europe. Dr. Bolander's name is already asso- ciated with many a Californian plant discovered by him. I am glad to have it commemorated by this interesting shrub. Astragalus Pulsiferi. Phaca, Tnjiatl: multicaulis e radice perenni, villosus ; caulibus decumbentibus subj)edalibus perplarimis ; stipulis liberis suljulatis : foliis 5—1 1 obovato-cuneatis sa^pius emargi- natis subconfertis ; pedunculis 3-o-floris folio plerumque brevioribus ; pedicellis tenuibus bractere subulatie aequilongis ; calycis longe laxe villosi dentibus lineari-filiformibus tubo campanulatoduplo longioribus ; corolla alba purpureo tincta, vexillo apice bilobo ; legumine baud stipi- tato ovato acuto pubescente membranaceo vesicario o-8-ovuIato 3-5- spermo suturis baud introflexis prorsus uniloculari. — Sierra and Plumas Counties, California, Mrs. Pulsifer-Ames aud Mr. J. G. Lem- 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY mon. Leaflets about 3 lines, flowers 3 or 4 lines, and legume about half an inch in length. The legume refers this well-marked species, to the Injiati section, but it has no particular resemblance to any other species. I wish it to bear the name of one of the two valued corre- spondents who discovered and communicated it, namely, Mis. Pulsifer- Ames, to whom and to Mr. Lemmon we are mainly indebted for our knowledge of the botany of Sierra and Plumas Counties in the north- ern part of the Sierra Nevada. Prunus (Emplectocladus) fasciculata. EmplectocJadus fasci- culatus Torr. PI. Frem. in Smiths. Contr. p. 10, t. 5. To this (not- withstanding the more marked presence of a style and the ovules not really suspended from the summit of the cell) I venture to refer a flowering sjjecimen collected in the northei-n j^art of Arizona by Dr. Newberry, fruiting ones collected in the southern part of Utah (at St. George) by Dr. Palmer, in 1S71, and both flowering and fruiting ones from the latter district, no. 56 of Dr. Parry's collection in 1874. A thin disk lines the tube of the short-campanulate calyx up to the origin of the calyx teeth, the edge of which is slightly free or salient. The flowers in the specimens at hand appear to have a sterile ovary, but in most cases surmounted by a rather slender style longer than it. Dr. Torrey's figure appears to represent a fertile ovary ; but our fruit shows a style a line and a half in length. Otherwise Dr. Torrey's Emplectocladns seems to be identical with the plant before us, and it came from the same district. The fruit is globular, 5 or 6 lines long, hirsute-tomentose ; sarcocarp very thin, in the dry state coria- ceous: putamen globular, smooth, and even, neither sutui-e prominent. Leaves involute-conduplicate in vernation. — Having recently been favored with a fragment and flower from Dr. Torrey's original speci- men of Emplectocladus, the suspected identity is verified. This name may now be appropriated to the group of American species of which I had referred, one to Amygd(dus, and others to Microcerasus of Webb, but which form a well-marked section by themselves.* * PRUNUS § EMrLECTOCLADUs. Flores foliis coaetanei, e gemmis monanthis nunc dianthis squamosis. Calyx brevi-campanulatus. Drupa velutina carne temii, putamine scepias Ia;vi luiutl foraminuloso. Folia parva, pleruiiique fasci- culata, venialione coiiduplicata. § 1. Flores sat mnjores : petala rubentia et putamen sub-rugulosum hinc acute carinatum Persicie. P. Andersonii Gray Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 857 ; "Watson, Bot. King, p. 79. §2. Flores parvi, petalis parvulis albis, stamiiiibus 10-15, stylo sat brevi: putamen subgiobosum, lajve, immarginatum. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 71 IvESiA Webberi. Ilumilis, laxe villosa ; foliis plerisque radicali- bus, lamina circurascriptioue oblonga pedolo filiformi breviore, foliolis approxiinatis quasi-verticilhitis iierape sessilibus 2-5-partitis, segmentis liiiearibus integerrimis rarove bifidis ; scapo decumbente spitliamoeo versus medium foliis 2 o[)positis paucifoliolatis instructo ; cyma confertiflora folioso-bracteata ; pedicellis demum calyce longioribus ; calycis segmentis accessoriis linearihus (rai*o bipartitis) vera baud aequantibus ; petalis flavis oblongis demum lanceolatis basi attenuatis vix iinguiculatis calycem adtequantibus ; staminibus 5 oppositisepalis (nunc 2-3 oppositipetalis additis) ; filamentis demum petala subiE- quantibus subulato-filiformibus ; carpellis 3-4; stylis parum latevalibus. — In ravines, &c.. Sienna and Indian Valleys, California, at elevation of about 5,000 feet, Dr. "Webber, J, G. Lemmon. A neat and very distinct little species, most resembling /. unguiculata in the leaflets ; but these are crowded on an inch or less of the rachis, and the vil- losity is less dense and silky ; also the petals smaller and bright yellow. It was first found near the residence of Dr. Webber, the owner of Webber Lake, a gentleman much interested in natural his- tory, and who has efficiently furthered botanical research in the very interesting district in which he is almost the oldest settler. Wherefore this new species may most appropriately bear his name. Mentzelia (Eucnide) urens Parry in herb. Suberecta, ramosa, setis urentibus simplicibus e basi papilliformi cum glochidiatis multi- barbellatis hispidissima ; foliis rotundatis iniB(iualiter subdentatis penni- nerviis, inferioribus petiolatis, summis basi semiamplexicauli sessili- bus ; pedunculis pedicellisque brevibus subcorymbosis ; floribus amplis ; petalis albis obovatis mucrone saepius hispido-peuicillato apiculatis calycis lobos lanceolatos subduplo (stamina innumera longe) superan- tibus ; filamentis basi coalitis. — Eucnide lobata Torr. Bot. Whipp. p. 33, non Gray, PL Lindh. Arizona and Utah : rocky ravines of * Folia integerrima, obtusa vel retusa, eglandulosa. P. FASCIOULATA. (Em})lectocJadus fasciculatus Torr. Fl. Frem. p. 10, t. 5.) Folia lineari-spathulata, fere sessiJia, obsolete triplinervia. P. BiiNUTiFLORA Engelm. in PI. Lindh. Folia oblonga seu elliptica, petio- lata, penninervia, venulosa.: flores minimi. * * Folia glanduloso-denticulata, petiolata : flores minimi. P. MiCROPHYLLA. (Anujgclalus microphijlla HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6, p. 245, t. 504.) Mexico. § 3. ? Flores m.njtisculi, petalis sat amplis albis, stylo longo : folia cum calyeis lobis CTfberrime glanduloso-denticulata, vernationo convolutiva'? P. GLANDULOSA Hook. Ic. PI. t. 288. 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the Colorado near the confluence of Williams River, Dr. J. M. Bigelow, 1854, and in the same district by Dr. Parry in 18G7, winter vestiges only ; near St. George, Southern Utah, Dr. Parry, in blossom. A showy species, well worth cultivating ; the white petals an inch and a half in length. Peduncles rather short, mostly 3-flowered and with pedicels not longer than the turbinate calyx-tube. Capsule half an inch long, broad and short, somewhat turbinate. Seeds very numerous and minute, narrrow-oblong, ribbed. Mentzelia (TiiACHYPHYTUM) ToRREYi. Hispidulo-scabcrrima, humilis, confertim raraosisslma ; ramis demum candidis ; foliis anoaistis marginibus revolutis, caulinis tri- (-5-?) fidis, lobis lanceolatis, rarae- alibus integerrimis linearibus sursum sensim subulato-attenuatis ; flori- bus subsessilibus ; calycis tubo cum capsula brevissime oblongo utrinque truncato, limbo 5-partito, lobis lineari-subulatis petalis totidem confor- mibus (albis?) spathulato-lanceolatis staminibusque circ. 25 subdimidio brevioribus; filamentis omnibus filiformibus ; stylo 3-partito ; ovulis7; seminibus (lineam longis) turgidis pyriformi-oblougis parum tetragonis subrugosis nigris. — Sterile saline plains of Humboldt County, Nevada, collected only by the late Dr. Torrey in 1865. Petalonyx Parryi. Frutescens ; ramis usque ad flores capitato- spicatos foliosis ; foliis inferioribus oblongis spathulatisve integerrimis subsessilibus, superioribus majoribus rhombeo-obovatis ovatisve crenatis basi acutis brevi-petiolatis ; calycis lobis linearibus ovario bis longiori- bus unguibus petalorum flavescentium paullo brevioribus. — St. George, Southern Utah, Parry. Much resembles P. nitidus of Watson, of Southern Nevada ; but the leaves of that are very obtuse or rounded at base, the flowers smMller (in ours the petals are fully 5 lines long and decidedly yellowish), and the calyx-lobes shorter than the ovary, and only one-third the length of the claws of the petals. In all three species, instead of " didymous," the anthers should rather be described as four-celled, their two short cells deeply divided or didymous. P. Parryi has a woody base; and a specimen of P. TImrberi, collected by Dr. Cooper on the eastern borders of California, is saidlo be "a shrub two feet high." Thelesperma subnudttm:. Nanum; cauh'bus e caudice multicipiti perenni brevissimis foliosis ; foliis crassiusculis rigidulis 1-2-ternatipar- titis, segmentis brevibus lineari-lanceolatis vel oltlanceolatis ; pedunculis simplicissiiiiis scapiformibus spithamieis ; ligulis uuUis ; acheniis Itevibus coronula obtuse 4:-5-dentata nuda sui^eratls. — St. George, Southern Utali, Dr. Parry. Resembles T. subsimplicifolium var. scaposum, which was also collected by Dr. Parry. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 73 Gaillardia acaulis. Naua, perennis, puberula ; foliis in caudice subcrasso multicipiti confertis crassiusculis obovatis petiolatis margine uudulatis vel subdentatis ; scapo prorsus nudo subspithaumeo mono- cephalo ; iavoliuTO disco breviore, squamis extiniis ova!o-oblongis, intimis lanceolatis tenuiter acuminatis ; floribus radii discique flavis ; fiuibrillis receptaculi ovato-subulatis brevibus ; corollarum disci lobis triangulari-ovatis obtusiusculis ; pappi paleis 9 ovali-oblongis omnibus aristatis. — Southern Utah, Dr. Parry. A very remarkable dwarf 2")erennial species. Disk half an inch in diameter : ligules rather numerous, hardly .half an inch long. Ch^exactis attenuata. Annua, glamluloso-subpuberula ; caule spithamaBo corymboso-ramoso ; ramulis pedunculisve filiformibus ; fo- liis paucipartitis filiformibus; involucro oblongo-cylindraceo 12-18- floro, squamis angusto-linearibus apice filiformi-attenuatis ; recejitaculo epaleato ; corollis albis, marginalibus vix ampliatis ; j:)appo conformi e paleis 4 late obovato-cuneatis truncatis achenio coroliaque quadruplo brevioribus. — Ehrenberg, Ai'izona, collected by A. E. Janvier, com- municated by William M. Canby. Heads narrow, only 5 lines long. This neat little species is closely related to G. carphocUnia Gray, with which it agrees in having attenuated tips to the involucral scales, in this more prolonged ; but the receptacle is naked, the heads narrow and fewer-flowered, and the pappus throughout of very short and broad pale£E. The now numerous species of Chcenactis may be discriminated as follows : * — * CH^NACTIS DC. § 1. EucH^XACTis. Pappus paleaceus. * Corollte flavae, extimae superne ampliatEe limbo pi. m. irregular!; involucri squamffi obtusas vel obtusiusculse. t- Pappus simplex, e paleis 4 raro 5. 1. C. LANOSA DC. Floccoso lanata, nunc denudata ; capitulo vix seraipoUi- cari in pedunculo scapiformi 3-6-poIlicari. 2. C. GLADRiuscuLA DC. Minus lanata, ramosa, magis foliosa ; capitulis nunc subcorymbosis ■J-f-poUicaribus ; pedunculis validioribus 2-7-pollicaribus. — Var. macrocephala Gray, in Bot. Whipp., forma mera validiori, = C. denudata Nutt. Pi. Gamb. 3. C. TENUiFOLiA Nutt. Pafum lanulosa, mox glabrata; caule ramoso folioso ; capitulis circiter ^-poUicaribus subcorymbosis brevi-pedunculatis ; in- volucri hemispliseiici squamis numerosis angustis ; acheniis breviusculis. — C.JillJhUa Gray, PI. Fendl. p. 98? •*-■*- Pappus duplex (saltern fl. disci), e paleis 1-4 exterioribus cum 4 majoribus alternantibus. 4. C. HETEROCARPHA Gra7, PI. Fendl. p. 98. — Var. tanacetifolia. Nana; 74 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Antennaria microcephala. Argenteo-sericea, baud stolonifera ; caulibus e caudice ccespitoso spithamaeis gracilibus strictis foliosis ; foliis bipinnatipartitis plerisque rosulatis, lobis brevibus crebris ; radice bienni. — C. tanacetijolia Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 6, p. 545. * * Corollae albae vel cameae, 1- Extimae limbo pi. m. ampliato obliquo, discum baud superantes : involucri squamaj numerosEe angusto-lineares, obtusas : pappus simplex, e paleis 4-5 aequalibus. Herbae lana tenui mox evaniila. 5. C. BRACHYPAPPA Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8, p. 390. Pedalis ; foliis bipin- natipartitis, lobis brevibus rigidulis divaricatis ; pappi paleis quadratis acbenio quadruple brevioribus. 6. C. STEVioiuES Hook. & Am. Spitbamaea; foliis 1-2-pinnatipartitis, lobis parcioribus angusto-linearibus summisve integris : pappi paleis lanceolatis oblon- gisve acutis achenib vix brevioribus. •1- -t- Corollae exteriores vix vel parum ampliatae, limbo fere regulari. *+ Involucri squamae in acumen filiforme vel subulatum productae : pappus sim- plex e paleis 4 raro 5: capitula parva. Pubes minuta subglandulosa, nee lanulosa. 7. C. CARPiiocLiNiA Gray in Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 94. SpithamEea, rigidula; involucro campanulato multifloro, squamis subulato-acuminatis ; receptaculo paleis 5-10 aristiformibus persistentibus instructo ; pappi paleis ovato-lanceolatis acuniinatis achenio sub^equilongis, in fl. extimis nunc abbreviatis truncatis. 8. C. ATTENUATA Gray, supra. ++ ++ Involucri squamae obtusae vel obtusiusculae muticae. a. Pappus duplex biformis, e squamis 4 exterioribus brevissimis et 4 interiori- bus majoribus : folia raro 2-pinnatifida, lana tenui mox decidua ; capitula majuscula. 9. C. Xantiana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 5, p. 545. Subpedalis, valida; capi- tulo fere pollicari in peduncnlo fistuloso ; foliis in segmenta 3-7 angusto-linearia partitis ; antberis demum exsertis (modo prjecedentium) ; pappi paleis interiori- bus lanceolatis corollam subsquantibus, exterioribus obovatis vel obcordatis multo brevioribus. — Var. integrifolia Gray, I.e., forma mera graciliori steno- cepliala, foliis saepe integris. 10. C. macrantha D. C. Eaton in Bot. King, p. 171, t. 18. Spitbamaea; capitulo ^f-pollicari irt pedunculo gracili ; foliis l-'2-pinnatipartitis, segmentis oblongis vel lato-linearibus ; antheris inchtsis ; p^pi paleis interioribus lineari- oblongis corolla carnea dimidio brevioribus, exterioribus cuneato-oblongis multo minoribus. b. Pappus e paleis 8-12 consimilibus : folia saepissime bipinnatifida, lobis brevibus crebris : lierba albo-tomentosa, rarius denudata. 11. C. DouGLASii Hook. & Arn. C. achillecefolia Hook. & Am. Hymeno- pappus Nevadensis Kellogg. § 2. AcARPriiEA Gray. Pappus nullus : folia 1-3-pinnatisecta. 12. C. ARTEMisi^FOLiA. Acarphcea ademisicefolia Gray, PI. Fendl. p. 98, & Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 95, t. 32. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. id foliis oblanceolatis imisve spatlmlatis, superioribus in bracfeas subu- latas paiiiculce laxa3 nudfe decrescentibus ; capitulis parvis numerosis (lin. lh-2 longis) ; involucro mox glabro pallide fiisco nunc roseo tincto, masciilo obovato, foemineo cylintb-aceo, squamis oblongis omni- bus tenuibus obtusis ; acheniis crt-bre glaudulosis ; pappo fl. fuem. corol- 1am baud superante, fl. masc. e setis maxime clavellato-dilatatis. — Washoe Valley, Nevada, Mr. Stretch, the male plant ; Sierra County, California, J. G. Lemmon, male and female. Remarkable for its small, narrow, and loosely paniculate heads : the silvery pubescence finer and closer even than in A. luzuhides. Senecio Grkenei. Primum araneoso-subtomentosa, mox glabrata; caule simplici e radice perenni subpedali 1-3-cepbalo; foliis plerisque radicalibus ovali-subrotundis crenato-dentatis basi subcuneatis longius petiolatis, caulinis parvis subspathulatis superioribus in bracteas subu- latas decrescentibus ; involucro campanulato 20-phyllo ecalyculato ; lio-ulis 9-1 4 lato-linearibus flammeis vel croceis : styli ramis cono ob- tusissimo annulo setularum cincto centro cuspidate superatis ! — Cali- fornia, in woods near the Geysers, E. L. Greene, who, although new to California, has found this distinct species in a district often visited by botanists and amateurs. Blade of the radical leaves barely an inch or two long. Involucre fully half an inch high, and the flame-colored rays half an inch long: tips of the disk-corollas also orange. The fringe around the style-tips and the setulose cusp are found in no other genuine North American species. Akenes glabrous. CoLLixsiA Gkeenei. Tenuis, glauduloso-puberula ; foliis subline- aribus, mediis inciso-dentatis ; pedicellis solitariis ternisve calyce vix lono-ioribus ; calycis 5-partiti lobis lanceolatis obtusiusculis glandulosis ; corolla violacea, fauce oblonga, limbo brevi, labio superiore sub lobis fornicato-cristatis, inferiore subduplo Ipngiore lobis lateralibus angustis. — California, in crevices of rocks in the mountains of Lake County, E. L. Greene, June 19. — Leaves about an inch long. Corolla about 5 lines long ; the short upper lip above the gorge furnished with a peculiar palatine crest of two conspicuous obtuse callous teeth on each side, connected by a less elevated ridge ; lateral lobes of the lower lip unusually small. Filaments and the inside of the oblong saccate throat (which is longer than the limb) beardless. A peculiar species, one of the early fruits of Mr. Greene's close observation in the region in which he has recently taken up his residence. GiLiA FiLiFORJiis Parry. Liter G. micromeriam et G. campanu- latain collocanda, spithamtea e radice annua exili, effuso-ramosissima ; ramis et pedicellis cum, foliis integerrimis (imis solum oppositis) filifor- 76 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY mibus ; corolla luteola campanulata calycis lobis lanceolato-subulatis stamiuibusque paullo lon-giore, lobis truucatis obsolete eroso-dentic- ulatis ; stylo capsula vix breviore ; seminibus in lociilis circa 6-8. — Southern Utah, on the detritus of volcanic rocks, Dr. Parry. Leaves an inch or less in length, all perfectly simple, only the small early ones opposite, all the upper ones shorter than the slender internodes. Earlier pedicels half an inch long, seldom deflexed, the latest only a line long. Calyx-lobes a line long, very acute or cuspidate, the mar- gins slightly scarious-margined. Corolla barely 2 lines long, deeply 5-clef't, " cream-color." Anthers globular. Seeds mucilaginous, but not sjiirilliferous. GoMPHOCARPUS PURPURASCENS. G. cordifoUo Benth. {Acerat. cordifoUa Benth. PI. Ilartw. & A. atropurpurece Kellogg) affinis, multo minor, cinereo-puberula ; foliis crassis subcordatis obtusis sesqui- pollicaribus brevi-jDCtiolatis ; pedunculis umbella densa parum longiori- bus ; pedicellis albo-pubescentibus flore duplo longioribus ; corollte rubro-purpureae lobis oblongis ; cucullis albidis saccatis toto gynostegio adnatis dependentibus subclausis, lobulis alternantibus coronse mani.- festis ; anthcris viridescentibus. — California, on the bare summit of a mountain in Lake County, not far from the Geysers, Mr. Towle, com- municated by E..L. Greene. AuDiBERTiA Clevelandii. Fruticosa, orgyalis, cinereo-tomen- tulosa ; foliis oblongo-oblanceolatis obtusis ci'enulatis rugulosis basi attenuatis subpetiolatis, floralibus parvulis ovatis ; verticillastris laxius- cule capitatis in axillis breviter vel longius pedunculatis raro proliferis; bracteis ovalibus calyce soepius dimidio brevioribus subglanduloso- pul)escentibus ; calyce spathaceo, labio sujjeriore amplo apice cuspidato, denticulis lateralibus nunc manifestis : coroUce coeruleo tinctae (lin. 7-8 longaj) tubo gracili exserto, labiis angustis ; genitalibus modice exser- tis; filamento ad articulationera breviter dentato. — Mountains behind San Diego, California, at the elevation of about 2,200 feet, D. Cleve- land,— to whom, as the discoverer, this distinct new species of an inter- esting ijenus is dedicated. The Audihertice are said to be invaluable bee-plants. Eriogonuji spathulatum. Capitata : lana adpressa subfloccosa incanum, multicipiti-caespitosum ; caulibus floridis ima basi tantum foli- aceis cajterum nudis scapiformibus ultras23ithama3is simplicibus mono- cephalis vel saspius umbellato-tricephalis ; foliis anguste spathulatis (1-2-pollicaribus lin. 3-4 latis) in petiolum sensim attenuatis; capi- tulo et umbella longe suba?qualiter triradiata breviter subulato-brac- teatis; involucris 7-12 oblongo-turbinatis G-dentalis lanulosis plurifloris; OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 77 pprigonio albo glaberrimo basi subcrassa 6-angulata ; segmentis spath- ulato-oblongis retusis, interioribus jiarum angustioiibus ; tilamentis basi liirsutulis ; achenio eloiigato, angulis scabris. — Southern Utah, Dr, Parry, uo. 245. Plant with much the aspect of E. multiceps, on a larger scale, with mostly triradiate scapes. Eriogoxum Pakryi. {Pedunculata, inter subdiv. * et * * in- serendum.) Annuum ; foliis omnibus radicalibus reniformi-rotundatis firmis (subpollicaribus) undique cum petiolo elongato albo-lanatis ; scapo paniculaque effuso-ramosissima ultraspithama^a glandulis viscosis parvulis crebris obsitis ; pedicellis involucro angusto-turbinato (lineam longo) 4-5-lobato 7— 9-floro aut pauUo aut inferioribus 2-4-plo longi- oribus, fructifei'is s^epius dellexis ; bracteolis filiformibus subglanduloso- ciliatis ; perigonii basi brevi obtusissimo, segmentis albis linea media viridula, exterioribus subcordato-ovatis obtusissimis, interioribus multo minoribus oblongo-ovatis acuminatis. — Southern Utah, Dr. Parry, no. 239 (1874). A well-marked species of this group, with the foliage of £. dejlexum, tlie involucres rather of E. Watsoni, but the stems from the base of the scape up to the involucres beset with small stipitate glands, of a character between those on the pedicels of E. nutans and those on the whole panicle of E. glandulosum ; and in the structure of the perigonium different from all of them. To be reached by the key in the Rev. Eriog., a line should be inserted on p. 151, before line 20, thus : Ilerbte annute, prajter folia tenuiter viscoso-glandulosae. Sciiipus (Eleocharis) Wolfii. Rhizomatibus tenerrimis rejDen- tibus perennans, ca^spitibus .parvis sparsis ; culmo pedali gracili glau- cescenti-pallido ancipiti hinc piano illinc convexo undique tenuiter striato, vagina ore oblique truncate hyalino ; spica ovato-oblonga acuta ; squamis oblongo-ovatis obtusis scariosis pallidis jiurpureo tinctis ; stylo tripartito ; achenio pyriformi nitidulo suba^qualiter obtuse circiter 9-costato inter costas transverse lineato-ruguloso, tuberculo parvo depresso truncato centro pi. m, apiculato ; setis perigynii (an semper ?) nuUis. — Margin of ponds, in very wet soil, Fulton County, Illinois, John Wolf. Probably it will jirove to be not uncommon. I have specimens collected in the same region, doubtless at Athens, Illinois, in the year 18G1, by Elihu Hall. Professor Wolf in a letter alludes to six set* of the perigynium ; but I detect none whatever in the speci- mens. The spike as to form and imbrication of the scales is much as in S. tenuis and S. compressus, &c. ; but the achenium, with its several longitudinal ribs and delicate transverse lineation, is upon the plan of that of S. acicularis. This renders the species a very peculiar and distinct one. 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY SciRPUS (FiiiBRiSTYLis) APUS. Annuus, cajsp'taus, pygmasus ; spicis numerosis in caulibus brevissiniis inter folia radicalia et subradi- calia longe superantia capitato-congestis, singulis oblongo-cylindiaceis ; squamis lanceolato-ovatis acutis scariosis costa valida fusca j^ercursis ; floribus monandris ; achenio stipitulato obovato-lenticulari marginato fere lajvi apice nudo ; stylo glabro apice bifido basi breviter bulboso secedente. — Wet shores of Clear Lake, Lake County, California, Bolander. This little plant was discovered many years ago by Dr. Bolander, but has been left undescribed. It forms depressed tufts on the ground ; the leaves an inch or two long, pale green, filiform- subulate, flat, roughish ; their sheathing bases dilated, whitish, striate, involucrate around the clusters of spikes. The spikes themselves are two or three lines long. OF AETS AND SCIENCES. 79 III. GRAPHICAL INTEGRATION. Bt Edatakd C. Piceebing. Presented, Oct. 13, 1874. When determining the relation between two physical quantities, we sometimes are able to measure only the relative rates at which they alter, instead of the alteration* themselves. Or, to speak mathemati- cally, if i/=f(x), instead of measuring various corresponding values of X and y, we can obtain only the values of x and J^ =f' (x). Of course, if the form off (x) is known, the ordinary methods of integra- tion give/(a;) and y. But in general this is not given, and the usual methods of approximation are liable to introduce large errors, since by the summation the error adds, and the deviation continually becomes greater and greater. The problem is perhaps better understood by some familiar examples. Thus, given the velocity of the wind at certain times, to determine its total distance travelled per hour; given the velocity of a river, at various points of its cross-section, to find its total discharge ; given the strength of an electric current, to find the total quantity transmitted. The case which actually suggested this problem was in calibrating a thermometer tube, having given the length of a mercury column at various points in the tube, to determine the correction to be applied for unequal diameters of the tube at vari- ous points. Here the various lengths of the column give the values of -j^, and the distance of its centre from one end gives the corresponding values of x. Construct a curve with these two quantities as co- ordinates, and the area included between this curve and the axis of X serves to measure the true values of y. To determine this area, draw a number of equidistant ordinates, and read from the curve the length of each. Then compute by Simpson's formula, A = §a [(yo+ 4 1/i-i-y-i) + (2^2+ 45^3 +2/4) + &c.], the area included between 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ench second ordinate, the curve, and the axes. It gives the ordinate of points of the required curve, y =f (x), the abscissa being of course that of the limitinsr ordinate. To test these principles by an actual example, the following method was emplo}'ed. A sraooih curve was drawn by a pencil on a sheet of I)aper divided into squares, and the co-ordinates of six points on it noted as follows: a:- = 0,7, c: = .84; x= 2.3, 2:= 1.14 ; a;=4.4, 2 = 1.65; a: = 5.8, 2=2.05; x=7.6, 2=2.09; a; =9.6, 2=3.54. It was then assumed that by some measurement these observations had been obtained, and that while x represented one of the variables 2 gave the relative rate of change, or -~. These points were then laid off on a fresh piece of paper, and a smooth curve drawn through them. Of course this should agree with the oiiginal curve, were there no errors ; and the deviation serves to show the amount of error to be expected. To obtain two independent results, a third curve was constructed, like the second, on another piece of pajier. The values of z for r = 1, 2, 3, &c., v/ere then determined on curves two and three, with results given in Table I., columns two and three. Applying Simpson's formula gives the numbers in columns four and five, which it will be seen agree very nearly, the difference being but little more than the errors of observation. Of course, if necessary, still closer results could be obtained, by residual curves and other methods ; but in general the accidental errors present in the original observations render this refinement unnecessary. TABLE I. X z' z" y' y" A 0 .73 .72 0.000 0.000 .000 1 .87 .87 2 1.08 1.06 .882 .877 —.005 3 1.30 1.30 4 1.51 1.54 2.185 2.177 —.008 5 1.82 1.82 6 2.12 2 11 4.075 • 4.065 —.010 7 2.46 2.47 8 2.84 2.82 6.542 G.533 — 009 9 3.26 3.26 10 377 3.77 9.816 9.805 —.009 As another example, suppose the following measurements made in calibrating a thermometer tube: a? = 5°, 2=10°.0; a; =28°, 2 = 10°.4 ; X = 54°, 2 = 10°.7 ; x = 83°, z = 10°.9, in which 2 gives the length of the mercury column, and x the position of its middle point. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 81 The problem is to determine the correction to be applied to the ob- served temperatures, assuming the 0° and 100° points to be correct. Constructing a curve with the co-ordinates given above, we deduce the points given in columns one or two of Table II. Now, calling m the volume of the mercury drop, we have z:m=^dx: dv, or -r- = ^, Hence, we must use for ordinates in our summation the reciprocal of z as given in column three. Treating these as before, we obtain by the formula column four, and dividing by the total sum 283.8 gives in column five the true temperature, and subtracting the observed readings from these gives the correction in column six. TABLE II. dv t° L di V t'° A 0 9.9 10.10 0.0 0°.00 Oo.OO 10 10.1 9.90 '20 10.3 9.71 59.4 200.93 00.93 30 10.4 9.62 40 10.5 9.52 117.1 41°.26 10.26 50 10.6 9.43 60 10 7 9.35 173.3 610.06 10.06 70 10.8 9.26 80 10.9 9.17 228.9 800.65 00.65 i|0 10.9 9 17 100 11.0 9.09 283.8 100°. 00 OO.OO To determine how rapidly the errors diminish, increasing the number of ordinates, the area included between the axis and the curve y = — sin X was computed for 2, 4, 6, 12, and 18 divisions ; the errors in these cases were .030047, .001454, .000276, .000019, .000003, so that a high degree of accuracy is readily obtained. M. Chevilliet has re- cently shown (^Comptes Rendus, Ixxviii. p. 1841) that the error in h* d^ u Simpson's formula depends on j^ -j4^, while the method of summing by trapeziums gave r^ -f-. In an example he finds that the area of the curve x log x, between a;= 10 and x=. 20, is given correctly by Simpson's formula, taking ten intervals, within .000005, while by the method of trapezoids the error is .001809. Evidently, then, it is easy to obtain by the first of these formulas as great an accuracy in the result as is needed in almost any physical research. VOL. X. (n. S. IT.) 82 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY IV. ON THE SOLAR MOTION IN SPACE. By Tkuman Henrt Safford. Presented, Nov. 11, 1874. I. It was first suggested by Sir W. Herschel that the sun with its phxnets is moving towards the constellation Hercules. That the sun moves seems to be a necessary consequence of the law of universal gravitation ; but in what direction was not noticed until Herschel pointed it out, upon rather imperfect evidence. Bessel doubted that the evidence proved any thing certain with refer- ence to this motion of the sun, but began the collection of more facts. This was continued by Argelander, who first fairly solved the problem, by Pond, the Struves, and others ; and discussions by Lundahl, O. Struve, Galloway, and Miidler agreed in method with Argelander, and their results were substantially in accordance with his and with Herschel's. The following are the various right ascensions and declinations of the points towards which the solar motion is directed, according to these various authorities : — Herschel .... ^ = 257° i) = + 25° ) = 245 52'.5 4- 49 38' ) Argelander ... = 259 51. 8 + 32 29.1 Lundahl .... =25224.4 4-1426.1 O. Struve .... = 261 28. 1 +37 35.7 Galloway .... = 257 4. 4 +34 18.1 Of the four latest determinations, that of Argelander is based upon the most stars. It is true that he finally employed but 390 ; but these are selected from a larger list of 560, and these again from the 3,222 of the Fundamenta Astronomias, as giving certain evidence of proper motion: while .0. Struve employed 392 in all. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 83 Argelander's 390 were observed by himself for the modern determi- nation, and with very great accuracy. Lundahl's investigation is based upon the 147 stars which Pond had observed, and Argelander not, and whicli exliibited proper motions exceeding 0".09 yearly. Galloway used 81 stars from the southern hemisphere ; this investi- gation alone employs an old authority (Lacaille) independent of BesseFs Bradley. A later investigation by Miidler takes account of the motions of all the stars (3,222 in number) found in the Fundamenta Astronomiae of Bessel, as observed by Bradley near the epoch 1755. Miidler employs the same method of deducing the apex of solar motion as Argelander and the others ; and his proper motions of the stars were obtained by himself from a discussion of all available observations. The task seems to have been too vast for his strength, as his proper motions are often erroneous ; nor does he appear to have subjected the observa- tions, to the careful criticism which Argelander has always emploved. Hence the errors of observation are often treated as proper motion by him, as happens more unifoi'mly in the thoroughly worthless values contained in the British Association Catalogue ; a work which has served a good purpose as a working-list, but in other respects has re- tarded rather than advanced our knowledge df star-places. Miidler's results are: ^ = 261° 38'.5, I> = -{-3d° 53'. 6. All these discussions of the solar motion are based upon the appar- ent proper motions of the stars : these are caused by the real motions of both sun and stars ; the latter element is considered to follow the law of casual error, and takes the place of error of observation in the discussion. The special method consists in assuming the pole of solar motion, determining from that in what direction each star should move if its own motion were zero, and comparing this direction with the observed ; then, by the application of conditional equations and the method of least squares, corrections are found to the assumed pole. II. To this process Sir George Airy objects : — 1. That we are not sure of even the rude accuracy of the first assumption. 2. Therefore our differential equations will not hold good. 3. And, if they did, the resulting error might change per saltum from -|-179° to — 179° by a small change in the assumption; ren- dering it far from clear whether the method of least squares could properly be thus applied. 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMEEICAN ACADEMY He suggests the employment of rectangular co-ordinates of the various stars, assuming their relative distances according to magnitude, as estimated by W. Struve. In this way he obtained the following positions of the point towards which the motion is directed : — ' Z) = 39° 29' ) ^^ , - r 5 ^'i*^h different modes of treatment: , =:26 44 ) J=:25G°54',Z) = 39°29' = 261 29 and his assistant Dunkin, from more stars, the following : — ^=:261°14'.0, ^ = 32°55'.0> •,..,, \ .. . y , with Airy s two modes oi treatment. = 263 43.9, =25 0.5) The proper motions here employed are the Rev. R. Main's, derived from a direct comparison of the positions of the 12 and 6 year Green- wich Catalogues with Bessel's Bradley, and are consequently (upon the whole) more accurate than Miidler's, though not including so many stars. A good many of them are substantially equal to the similar values used by Argelander or Lundahl, Airy employed 113 and Dunkin 1,167 stars: the former set are those whose proper motions are the largest. Kovalski has used a similar method, employing Miidler's proper motions, and assuming all the stars to be equidistant from the sun. His results were in general similar to tliose of previous investi- gators. III. But unfortunately both Airy an-d Dunkin express still some doubt about the reality of the result ; for the sum of squares of the observed motions is diminished by only one twenty-fifth part on the introduction of the solar motion ; so that, although the accordance of the various positions of the pole of motion is gratifying, the suggestion is made by Dunkin that some improvement in our knowledge both of stellar proper motions and stellar distances is yet necessary. IV. INIeauvvhile Argelander has within a few years cqllected the materials for discussing the proper motions of several hundred stars, mostly of the smaller magnitudes, which on this account had. been previously overlooked. As the matter now stands, there are between fifty and sixty known stars whose annual proper motion is greater than 1'': not much more than half of these are visible to the naked eye. So that, it seems, magnitude is a very uncertain criterion of proper motion ; and all the evidence shows that it is als>o an uncertain test of distance from us. V. Some years ago I made the attempt to determine the solar motion from the 250 stars investigated by Argelander in the first part OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 85 of the 8th volume of the Bonn observations. Of all these, or nearly all, the proper motion was certain ; of many it was large ; six or seven of them only had been previously used in the problem. In studying their motions, I grouped them by tens, assuming those to be equally distant whose proper motions in arc were nearest equal. My result for the apex was not very ditierent from those which pre- ceded ; but there appeared indications that for each such group the average proper motion was inversely proportional to the average dis- tance, or, in other words, that our assumptions of star-distances ought to depend upon proper motion. VI. The method I used was substantially Airy's ; but in working out the problem I employed a little device like one I have used to simplify the study of planetary orbits. I selected the point whose right ascension was 259° 50'.8, and whose declination was 32° 29'.1, as a point in the positive direction of the axis of Z ; that of X I located in the equator, in right ascension 349° oO'.S, and that of Y in right ascension 79° oO'.S and declination 57° 30'.9. Thus, so far as Arge- lander's apex is correct, the average stellar motion will be negative, along the axis of Z ; all other motions will, upon the whole, counteract each other. VII. So I found it, at least approximately ; and, in addition, that the mean Z''^ for each group of ten were as nearly equal as their prob- able errors would lead us to expect, taking, as before stated, the proper motion of each star as the measure of the reciprocal of its distance. VIII. The jjresent paper is for the purpose of showing this relation with respect to the stars earlier investigated by Argelander, Lundahl, and Galloway. The details of 0. Struve's paper are not published, and his stars are largely identical with those of the others ; Miidler's investigations have suflFered, as before mentioned, from the many errors in his proper motions, which I have detected over large areas of the heavens, but which it will be impossible to get rid of without an investigation cost- ing enormous labor. I propose to continue these investigations from time to time, as material for them accumulates : the great difficulty in the whole matter arises from the extremely unsystematic way in which it has been the fashion to observe star -places, and work up their results. So soon as the great co-operative zones now in progress are completed, much more will be known regarding proper motions ; so that for the present what I give here may suffice. I should have added my pre- vious results, but have not been able to get the papers from Chicago, owing to the illness of my assistant, who has had charge of them. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY IX. Assuming for the moment that the apex of solar motion is known, and employing Argelauder's notation ; if now we compute cos ;f = — sin Z) sin d -|- cos D cos 8 cos (« — A), cos D sin (a — A) sm w' = : — -, ^ sin X A g sin \fj=. zl a cos 8, A g cos wz= A 8; (where a, 8, are the star's right ascension and declination, A, D, the like co-ordinates of the apex, ;r the star's distance from the apex, \p' the angle of position at the star of the great circle passing through star and npex, A a, A 8, the star's annual proper motion in right ascension and declination, A g the same in arc of a great circle, \p the angle of position in which the star appears to move) : then will each star give an equation ^ sin 'j^ = r A g cos {ip'-ip). Here ^ is the annual solar motion, and r the star's distance from the sun. X. We shall now proceed as follows : — Grouping together stars whose proper motions are nearly equal, and making within such a group rAg= 1, we shall find from each C group a value of ^ expressed in terms of r A g, or — — . If these values of — r— for 'widely different values of A g are nearly equal, — as they proved to be in the preliminary investigation, — we may conclude that rAgis nearly constant over a wide range of values oi A g ; or, in other words, that star-distances are on the whole inversely proportional to proper motions. As the values of sin ;f vary greatly, it is proj^er to find — - from each group by least squares ; and I have done so. m, n ^ 1 C S [sin ;t cos ((/'' — V')] The formula used was -r^r- = — ^ „ . ., OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 87 GALLOWAY'S SOUTHERN STARS. Value of Group. No. Stars. Greatest and least As rAs I. 10 3"581 — 0"540 0.532 IL 10 0. 479 — 0. 1'4() 0.856 IIL 10 0. -244 — 0. l'J4 0.723 IV. 10 0. 190 — 0. 150 0.723 V. 10 0.149 — 0. 127 0.765 VL 15 0. 125 — 0. 085 0.851 Galloway has 81 stars: I have omitted 12 of the 16 whose ancient places he derives from Bradley, as these are either in Argelander's or Lundahl's investigations, and not uniform with the rest as to the old position. The 4 of these which are not contained in Argelander's or Lnndahl's lists have proper motions {'d g) varying from 0".122 to 0",101, and C give r A £• = 0.992. ARGELANDER'S STARS. Class L Value of Group. No. Stars. A s rAs I. 10 6'a3 1''33 0.G66 II. 11 1.32 1.01 0.848 Class II. I. 10 0"98 0"79 0.447 n. 10 0.77 0.69 0.718 in. 10 0.68 0.57 0.389 IV. 10 0.57 0.53 0.611 V. 10 0.58 0.48 0.886 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY AEGELANDER'S STARS {continued). Class ID [. Value of Group. No. stars. ^ s I. 9 0.49 0.46 0.909 II. 10 0.46 0.42 0.762 III. 10 0.42 0.40 0.962 IV. 10 0.40 0.38 0.907 V. 10 0.38 0.36 0.757 VI. 10 0.36 0.35 0.429 VII. 10 0.35 0.33 0.533 VIII. 10 0.33 0.32 0.684 IX. 10 0.32 0.30 0.647 X. 10 0.30 0.29 0.478 XI. 10 0.29 0.28 1.006 XII. 10 0.28 0.27 0.547 XIII. 10 0.27 0.26 0.455 XIV. 10 0.25 0.25 0.816 XV. 10 0.25 0.24 0.753 XVI. 10 0.24 0.23 0.719 XVII. 10 0.23 0.22 0.277 XVIII. 10 0.22 0.21 0.146 XIX. 10 0.21 0.21 0.312 XX. 10 0.21 0.20 0.613 XXI. 10 0.20 0.19 0.897 XXII. 10 0.10 0.18 0.637 XXIII. 10 0.18 0.17 0.257 XXIV. 10 0.17 0.17 0.530 XXV. 10 0.17 0.16 0.524 XXVI. 10 0.16 0.15 0.669 XXVII. 10 0.15 0.14 0.956 XXVIII. 10 0.14 0.13 0.589 XXIX. 10 0.13 0.12 0.309 XXX. 10 0.12 0.11 +0.735 XXXI. 10 0.11 0.10 —0.067 XXXII. 9 0.10 0.09 +0.869 Note. — I omitted from Class III., Group I.," tlie star C. A., No. 167, which r properly belongs in Class II., Group II., and would there change —~— to 0.762. The values of this quantity were computed with two decimals in sin- x '^^^ sin x as {f — ^), and are not always sure to the third. The stare investigated by Lundalil show less accordance. There are more of the stars with small proper motions (0".12 — 0".09), which appear to move not in accordance with the hyi^othesis of solar motion : I attribute this, in part at least, to the errors in Pond's and Bradley's observations, which, for this series, are less perfectly eliminated thaa for Argelander's. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 89 LUNDAHL'S STARS. Value of Group. As No. Stars. I. 1"21 _ 0''25 7 1.045 II. 0.23 — 0.19 10 0.474 III. 0. 19 — 0. 18 10 0.448 IV. 0. 18 — 0. 16 10 0.683 V. 0. 16 — 0. 15 10 0.839 VI. 0. 15 — 0. 14 10 0.740 VII. 0.14 — 0.13 10 0 622 VIII. 0.13 — 0.13 10 0.721 IX. 0. 13 — 0. 12 10 0.280 X. 0.12 — 0.11 10 0.371 XI. 0.11 — 0.11 10 0.072 XII. 0.11 — 0.11 10 0.315 XIII. 0.11 — 0.10 10 0.042 XIV. 0. 10 — 0. 09 10 0.514 XV. 0. 09 — 0. 09 10 0.695 For values of proper motion between 5".13 and 0".13 annually there is no constant deviation of the value ^-^ from 0.G6G, or nearly g ; but from 0".13 to 0".09, — that is, the smallest proj^er motions thought safe to use in the original investigations, — its value is about 0.46, with un- usual fluctuations. The last value of each set is by some chance larger than 0.666. The proper motion of each star being taken as unity, it will be di- minished in every case by the amount cos (xp' — 'ip) — -^j . The first term, cos- {ip' — \p), denotes the square of the observed proper motion of each star in the direction of the great circle passing through the star and the. apex of solar motion. This is the dii'ection in which alone the proper motion is affected by the solar motion. The tt sin T~i '' cos (xp' — \p) — ~Tif~ is the square of this component r after the solar motion —r- has been subtracted, projected upon the line passing through the star, in the plane passing through the star, apex, and the eye, perpendicular to the line of sight. The difference of these two squares is the proportionate part of the square of the proper mo- tion thus allowed for ; and for each star, making — r— = ■/., a. constant is equal to 2 X sin ;r cos (xp' — xp) — y.^ sin^ ;{. 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY For all the stars we shall need to take the sum 2 -aZ (siu % cos {}p' — \p)) — x-^sin^ ■^. But, 2 (sin X cos (V*' — V')) S sin- X ■■ •/., or Z (sill ;f cos (xjj' — ip)) =>! 2^ sin';f ; hence, for ?^ stars the sum of squares n of proper motions, each taken equal to unity, will be diminished by jj^^sin^/, or about 0.24 n: as ■/.- = 0.38, and the average sin'"/ is about 0.G4. The conclusions I would draw from the investigations so far are these : — 1. In studying the solar motion, the distances must be assumed with reference to the amount of proper motion, and (approximately) in inverse projwrtion to it. 2. The smaller proper motions (0".13 or less annually) need careful study at this time. 3. There is some hope of using the solar motion as a sort of base to advance our knowledge of stellar distances. 4. The parallaxes of all stars whose parallax exceeds 1" annually (about 60 in number) should be systematically determined by a co- operative arrangement. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 91 V. HISTOraCAL SKETCH OF THE GENERIC NAMES PROPOSED FOR BUTTERFLIES: A CONTRIBUTION TO SYSTEMATIC NOMENCLATURE. By Samuel H. Scodder. Presented, Nov. 11, 1S74. Botaniciis mihi hie dicitur is, qui genera naturalia observare intelligit Botanici (nee minus Zoulogici) autem nomine indignum judico Curiosiim, qiii de generibus soUicitus non est. — Linne, Pliiios. hotan. Nomina si pereunt. perit et cognitio rerum. — Fabricios, Plulos. entom. Three years ago, in preparing my Systematic Revision of North American Butterflies, I first became fully aware of the extraordinary diversity of use of certain generic names iu tliis group of insects ; and I endeavored, by an historical study of the subject, to satisfy my own mind of the proper manner in which they ought to be used. The results of this study were published in the paper alluded to ; but in only a few cases, and then iu the briefest manner, was the process stated by which a conclusion was reached. A month or so before the issue of that paper, the late Mr. G. R. Crotcli published in the Cistula Enlomologica the results of an exactly similar study, based upon the same priucii)les, but confined to an examination of those genera of butterilies whicli had been proposed previous to the publication of Iliibners Yerzeichniss bekannter Schmettlinge. The process was in this case given, but, as it seems to me, by an unsatisfactory method, and one in which the individual opinion of the author often affected the result without the reader's cognizance. jNIy own paper was prepared under very unfavorable circumstances ; and I therefore determined to revise its conclusions de novo, and to extend the study to the entire group of butterflies, as the only way in which accuracy and precision could be attained. The result is given in the present pajier. The historical method is chosen as the most satisfactory one, the use of each generic name being traced from its first proposal down to the year 1874. The entire body of entomological 92 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY literature has been searched with great care, and it is believed that very little of importance has escaped examination: at the same time, so much only is published as seems necessary to an elucidation of the subject. The 2)lan pursued with each generic name in this essay is to give, in tiie first place, its date, author, and place of publication, and a list of the species first included in it. For the sake of uniformity and readier comparison, these specific names (as well as all subsequent specific names) are reduced to the nomenclature of the last general catalogue of butterflies,* without wliich it would have been nearly impossible to have undertaken this study witli the hope of any satisfactory result. Where the specific name used by the author quoted differs from the one employed for the species by Kirby, it is placed in a parenthe3is, after Kirby's name ; thus, in quoting the species placed by Iliibner under the generic name Brangas, we have: Caranus (Pelops, Caranus), Didymaon (Dydimaon), Syncellus, Bitias. The names, as given by Iliibner, stand : Pelops, Caranus, Dydimaon, Syncellus, Bitias. As reduced to Kirby's nomenclature, they are : Caranus, Didymaon, Syn- cellus, Bitias, Hiibner's first two species being considered as one. If one or more species are indicated as types by any author, tiiese are stated. In a similar way, the treatment of the group by the next author is given, wliose action in any manner affects its boundaries ; lint, in this and in subsequent cases, complete lists of the included species are not quoted, but only such a statement given as is necessary for the case in point. Other references follow, as far as they are needed, in chrono- logical order, the dates placed at the extreme left. The action of the different authors quoted is then criticised, conclusions drawn, and attention directed to the species, which, wliether from the original author's action, or by the treatment of the name by subsequent writers, should be considered as typical. For readier consultation, they are also distinguished from others given in the primary list by the use of bold-faced type in those cases where the generic name stands, or of italics where it falls ; often this is th^ only indication of my own judgment. Generic names which cannot be used for butterflies are followed by an asterisk. Where the name of an author occurs in brackets, it indicates that * W. F. Kirby, A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera, London, 1871, pp. CDO. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 9-3 the fact of anthorsliip is not distinctly stated, but is feathered from the context, or from subsequent works. Names of genera which contain no i)utterflies are introduced wherever their ini'nil)ers were originally considered as butterflies by the founder. "With regard to the principles u])on which this work has been under- taken, I adopt, in genei-al, those regarding genera enunciated by Agassiz in the prefice to his Nomenclatoi- Zoologicus, and more re- cently by Thorell, in his work on European Spiders, with such excep- tions or modifications as are indicated in my canons of systematic nomenclature.* There are, however, a few points which need special mention. Only those names are introduced which are connected with the binomial nomenclature founded by Linne ; for this reason, the tri- nomials of Iliibner and the terms applied by Linne himself to the groups into which he divided Pa[)ilio, as well as the similar terms used by other earlier writers, such as some of those of Fabricius, Herbst, etc., have been totally disregarded. All, or nearly all, the trinomials of Iliibner (used principally in the first volume of his Sanimlung Exotischer Schmetterlinge, and in his Systematisch-Alphabetisches Verzeichniss) are actually used by him in some work or other (as in the Tentamen or Franck's Catalogue) with a binomial application ; and in those cases they are here introduced, but only dating from the time at which and for the species for which thej' were employed binomially. With regard to the so-called subgeneric appellations of Linne and others, such as Plebeius, Nymphalis. etc., there are but two views which, it seems to me, can consistently be taken of them : one, that these authors always nsed them in a trinomial or quadrinomial nomenclature, exactly similar to that of Iliibner, such as Papilio Danaus candidus rapas, — in which case they ought not to be adopted, or else candidus should demand the same right as Danaus ; the other, that they should be retained as names of groups exactly as they were first used, at the head of divisions, in a plural form, — Plebeii, Nymphales, etc. Plural nouns as titles of groups, and singular nouns with a generic signification, cannot be derived from one and the same source. " Nomina generica cum classium et ordinum naturalium nomeuclaturis communia, omitienda sunt." Now the early authors, in referrinf to the true "genera" of Linne, always used them, as Linne did, in a singular form ; but when referring to the groups into which Papilio was divided, as groups, they always used them, as Linne did, in a * Amer. Journ. Sc. Arts [3], iil. 348. 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY plural form. The heading of the butterflies was Papilio, not Papilio- iies ; of the swallow-tails, Equites. not Eques. That, if used at all, they should be retained in other than a generic sense, is abundantly shown by tracing the mode in which these groups of Linne, suboi-dinate to the genus Papilio, became the divisions sub- sequently termed families, and more comprehensive than the j^enera of modern times. Even in the last century the term " families " was applied to them; for when Cramer, in 1779, in the introduction to the first volume of his great iconographic work, alluded to the classification of Linne, it was introduced in these term-*: " Je donnerai ici les divisions de M. Linne, Papillons — cinq families." Fabricius, when he first attem.pted in 1807 to subdivide the butterflies into numerous genera, retained the terms Papilio and Ilesperia formerly used by him, greatly restricting them of course ; but did not employ, in any form whatsoever, the group-names previously in use, whether those given by Linne or those established by himself, — with a single exception, where he divides Papilio into Trojaner and Achiver, just as the Equites (to which be restricts Papilio) had before been divided into Trojani and Achivi. But it is to French writers that we must look for the greatest lijjht upon this subject. Li Cuvier's Tableau Elementaire (1798) we find these groups of Linne, somewhat remodelled and placed under the two genera then in use, Papilio and Hesperia : the groups, as here modified, represent in the main the families of modern times. It was during the activity of Latreille that the old genera began to be more and more restricted and new genera to multiply, until, before his death and through his writings, the interrelationship of genera and families among butterflies was entirely reversed; "families " having formerly been considered divisions of " genera," while " genera " were now looked upon as divisions of " families." In the first edition of Cuvier's Regne Animal (1817), Latreille placed all the butterflies under one "genus," Papilio, subdivided into groups termed " subgenera," which, though differing greatly from the divisions of Linne, must really be considered modifications of them, brought gradually about by the progress of science ; a few, too, of Linne's names are retained. Li 1825, in his Families Naturelles, the butterflies are divided into many " genera," corresponding very closely to his previous subgeneric divi- sions, and ranged under one "family," Diurna, exactly corresponding to Linne's Papilio. In this connection, a study of the numerous changes in classification introduced by Latreille iu his different works is very instructive. I have entered into these particulars, because Messrs. Kirby and Crotch have recently endeavored to carry back OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, 95 some of the Latreillean genera to Linne's time, and even to insist, for the fii'st time, upon the necessity of employing Plebeius and similar words in a generic sense and of accrediting them to Linne. It may be added that some of these suljordinate names of Linne are used in what I deem to be their true signification, as names of groups, in my Syste- matic Revision. Other subsidiary principles, which are employed in this essay, should be stated. A generic name founded upon that of any species intended to be included therein, or of any synonyme of such species, must fall ; and if any name falls, from this or from any other cause, it should be dropped altogether in zoology. I have here adopted the views of biologists who allow the repetition of names in its two departments of zoology and botany, but no further. And no attempt has been made to discover whether the older name (under which another may fall) is in actual use or not, since in the ever-changing sentiment among naturalists, of the generic limitation of groups, this is practically impossible, and would lead to the instability of nomenclature. The author, department, and date of publication of the older name before which any generic appellation falls, has been given, whenever possible, in order that any person may, if he choose, follow out any reference for himself, here as elsewhere. If a species is designated as type of a genus whose name cannot stand, it retains that significance when a new generic name is proposed to supplant it! By thus calling the attention of naturalists to historical facts (which they may interpret in any way they judge best), I hope to have done something toward introducing some degree of fixity, logic, and precision in the generic nomenclature of the group under consider- , ation. More perhaps than any other class of animals, unless we except Mollusca, butterflies have suffered from the writings of un- educated naturalists : and it is impossible, such has become the multi- plicity of names, to reduce to order the chaotic mass of facts, excepting through their patient collation and chronological exposition. If other facts are discovered by which the result is affected, they can at once be brought into proper collocation ; if a wrong interpretation is given, it is the more readily seen and pointed out. The method is clear and precise, although tedious and painful in the extreme; and such is the interrelation of usage among certain names, and the heterogeneous nature of others, as often to render the study very perplexing. The result reached in some cases will surprise many entomologists, as it has myself, and in not a few instances I would gladly see a logical way out of the necessity of change among names which have had long 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY usage ; but the law of priority is, and would best be, inexorable, and the action of those who decry it would relegate our nomenclature to an increasingly chaotic condition. I therefore hold to it as of the utmost importance in nomenclature, as the very foundation of its stability. The changes now required by its strict application are solely due to its neglect in the past. No thought of objection would arise, if it were not so. Entomologists more than others have neglected this law, have frequently acted in defiance of it, and upon them its application falls, as we should expect, most severely. A strict surveil- lance of systematic work hereafter will render the future, it may be hoped, less fruitful in blunders than the past. As the work is based upon a chronological order of facts, some remarks are necessary upon two points : the dates of Ilubner's different works, and that of Doubleduy and Westwood's Genera. The date of Hubner's Sammlung Exotisclier Schmetterlinge has generally been given as 1806-37, the years during which it is supposed to have been issued. But a careful study of the internal and external evidence shows that the dates may be much more closely approximated in all cases. The first volume contains only and all those plates to which a trinomial nomenclature is appended, and with which, as such, we have here nothing to do. The third volume, or continuation of Hubner's work, must be attributed to Geyer, and dated after Hubner's death in 1826, Hubner's Index of 244 plates (including about one hundred and seventy-five species of butterflies), in which he applies a binomial nomenclature to all the species of his first volume, is dated December, 1821, and must have been published shortly after the commencement of his second volume ; for he includes in the Index twenty-one species of this volume. Supposing the plates recorded in the Index, and there- fore published from 1806 to 1821 inclusive, to have been issued at regular intervals, the first volume must have been completed at about the close of 1819. We may therefore, in default of more precise data, fix upon 1806-19 as the date of the first volume, 1820-21 as that of the plates of the second recorded in the Index, and 1822-26 of those not so recorded. This work, however, is not the only one of Hiibner's which requires close examination. The Verzeichniss is dated 1816, and has always been referred to under that date. But internal evidence positively disproves this, and on that account Ochsenheimer's and Dalman's works of 1816 ante-date it. The title-page and preface to Hubner's work, the latter bearing the date 21 Sept., 1816, were printed, as the paging and signature-mark show, at the same time as the first OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, 97 ten pages of the catalogue itself; that is, they form a part of the first signature. But the prefece to the first century of the Zutriige, which bears date 22 Dec, 1818, directly refers to a work of this nature as an unpublished desideratum. Further than this, not only are all the butterflies of the first century of the Zutriige referred to by number in the Verzeichniss,* but a species figured in the second century (Lycus Niphon (Nos. 203-4) is referred to both by name and number in the Verzeichniss, page 74. Now the preface to the second century bears the date 23 Dec, 1822. If we consider this the date when the plates of that part were completed, as is probable, then we must make the same supposition of the first century, viz., — the very end of 1818 ; and hence page 74 of the Verzeichniss, or, in other words, its fifth signature, and all following it, could not have been printed before two years after the Verzeichniss is dated. On page 312 of the Verzeich- niss are references by number to the Zutrage, Nos. 395-6 and 429-30 the former on the last page of the second century, and the latter on the twelfth page of the third century, which dates from 27 Aug., 1825. Supposing, as before, that the preface of each part was not printed until the engraving of its plates was completed (which makes the least discrepancy), we cannot put an earlier date to page 312, or the twen- tieth signature, than 1823. It is questionable whether we can be so lenient as this ; for it is stated by Geyer in Thon's Archiv (I. 29-30) that Hiibner prepared Franck's Catalogue late in 1825. In this sale catalogue (p. 100) a list of the works of Hiibner and other entomologists is given with prices aitnexed ; and among them appear eighteen sig- natures (Bogen) of the Verzeichniss, probably all published at that time. We may therefore fairly conclude that, while this work was com- menced in 1816, it was issued in signatures; that by the end of 1818 only the first five signatures were printed, and by the end of 1822 only the first twenty. More probably, however, only the first eighteen sig- natures were printed before the autumn of 1825. The work was com- pleted by Hiibner and wholly published by 1827, judging from Geyer's list of Hiibner's works given in Thon's Archiv f (1. c). Doubtless a * Excepting only Nos. 193-4, which are not referred to at all ; and a few of the later ones, which are referred to by name only, — viz., Nos. 163-4 on page 9 of the Verzeichniss, 187-8 on page 11, 188-90 on page 80, and 197-8 on page 47. t The price of the work is given there as 44 kreutzers only, while that of the Syst.-alph. Verzeichniss, not one-fifth its size, as 54 kreutzers. Tliis may probably be accounted for by the greater rarity of the latter, rather than by an incomplete condition of the former. VOL. X. (n. s. h.) 7 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY nearer approach could be made toward the dates of the different parts of the book by a comparison of the moths with those of the Zutrage. These facts are given to show that the whole work could not have been published in 1816. Still, for mere convenience and uniformity, I have used 181 G as the date; for the only case where the dates conflict with those of another writer in the use of the same generic name is that of Eurybia, whicli should unquestionably be referred to lUiger. The preceding statement also shows that the dates of the different parts of the Zutrage are probably correct. The Tentamen* is undated. It is twice referred to by Hiibner him- self: once in the preface to his Verzeichniss, written in 1816; and again, in 1818, in the preface to the first century of his Zutrage. In the latter case it is not specified by name, but the substance of it is reprinted, and there is no other work of Hiibner's to which his words can refer ; it is stated to have been published in 1806. It is also referred to by Ochsenheimer in 1816, in the preface to the fourth volume of his Schmetterlinge Europas, as having been unknown to him at the time of the publication of the first volume of the same work, in 1807 ; it is also included by Geyer in his list of Hiibner's works, and by Hagen in his Bibliotheca Entomoloigea. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 123: employs it for a large number, including Ligea. 1850. "\Yestn'., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 376: makes similar use of it. 1868. Butl., Ent. IMonthl. Mag. iv. 194; and Cat. Sat. 72: specifies Ligea as type. See Gorgo, Marica, Syngea, Phorcis, Epigea, Oreina, and Maniola. 392. Eresia. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 7 B. : Eunice (Eunica). Sole species, and therefore type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 64: uses it in this sense. 1848. lb.. Gen. Diurn. Lep. 182: the same extended. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 10 and App. : refers to it Nycteis, Ismeria, and others. The name is very near to Eresus (Walck. Arachn. 1805). 166 proceedings of the american academy 393. Ergolis. 183G. Boisd., Spec, g6n. pi. 4 A: Ariadne (larva and pupa only fig- ured). Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Doubleday, Westwood, and Kirby. See Ariadne. 394. Eribcea. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 46: Brutus (Bruta), Jason (Unedonis), Pelias (Pelopia), Lucretia, Castor (Castoris), Pollux (Pollussa), ^clus (Aile), Tiridates (Tiridatis), Athamas (Athamis), Etheocles (Etheoclessa), Xipliares (Thyestessa, Xy- pharis), Pyrrlius (Pyrrichia), Euryalus (Euriale). Is this name too near Erebia (Dalm., Lep. 181G) to be used ? If not, Etheocles may be considered the type. 395. Erina.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 134 : Xanthospilos (pulcliella), Eriuus, ignita. Erinus specified as typical. The generic name, being based upon it, must drop. See Ilolochila and Polycyma. 396. Erites. 1851. Boisd. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 392: Medura (.Aladura). Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 397. Eroessa. 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 56 : chilensis. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 398. Eroxia. 1822-26. Ilubn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Cleodora. Sole species, and therefore type, as specified by Butler. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 604: the same. Tlie genus has been used in the same sense by authors. 399. Erora. 1872. Scudd,, Syst. Rev. 32 : Iseta. Sole species and designated type. 400. Erotion.* 1820. Dulm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 80. Cupido. Sole species, and therefore type. The name foils before Ilelicopis. See also Ilexuopteris. 401. Erycides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 110: Pygmalion (Pigmalion), Gnetus (Mega- lesius). OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 167 1852. Westw., Gen. Dim-n. Lep. 509 : uses it for seven species, includ- ing Pygmalion. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 266 : employs it for Palemon only, not specified by Hiibner. 1869. Ilerr.-SchaefF., Prodr. iii. 59 : refers a great many species to it, including Pygmalion and Palemon. 1870. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 92: employs it not only for Palemon, but for many others, including Pigmalion. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 587 : places Pygmalion in it, with nearly thirty others. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 46: specifies Pygmalion (Pigmalion) as the type. 402. Erycina.* 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 286 : Meliboeus, Lysippus, Orsilochus. 1809. Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 205: extends the group, includ- ing in it all of the above. 1810. lb., Consid. 440 : Lamis, Fatima, Melander, Lysippus, and Melibceus are specified as types. One of the last two of these must therefore be chosen. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 722 : gives it as a section of Emesis, referring to it the Fabrician species. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 22: restricts it to Thisbe (perdita),and Lysippus (Lysippe). The latter, therefore, is type, as stated by Crotch (Cist. Ent. 1872). Most authors have considered Melibceus as typical, as would have been the case but for Hiibner, HoflTman (Wied. Zool. Mag. I. ii. 97) specify- ing only Melibceus of the species given by Fabricius. But the genus is preoccupied in Mollusks (Lam. 1805). See Riodina and Ancyluris. 403. Erynnis. IHOl. Schrank, Faun. Boica, ii. i. 157: alceos (malvoe), raalvae (Fri- tillum), Tages, comma, Thaumas (linea), Morpheus (Speculum). 1820. Oken, Naturg. f. Schulen, 788 : alceoe (Malvarum). 1858. Ranib., Cat. Lep. Andal. 83:* Tages (Cervantes), Marloyi. * Rambur also in another work (Faune Ent. Andal.) restricts Erynnis to Tages (Cervantes). The portion of tiie work containing this (p. 310) may have been printed as early as 1840, but does not appear to have been issued before 1l)70, judging from the memoranda attached to the copy in the Library of the En- tomological Society of France. See also Staudinger's Catalogue, 1871, p. xxx. , 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1861. Staud., Cat. Lep. Eur. 15 : uses it for several species, includ- ing Taa:es. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. GIO: employs it for alceae and others not of Schrank's list. See also Journ. Linn. 8oc. Zool. x. 498. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 50: specifies Tages as type. Neither iilcete nor Tages can, however, be taken as type, for both were previously ehminated (see Urbanus and Tlumaos); malvas was already type of Hesperia in 171)8, Thaumas of Adopa;a in 182C, and Morpheus of Iletei'opterus in 1832; there is nothing left but comma, which virtually became the type of the genus in 1832. Tliis necessi- tates further changes in Pamphila and Cyclopides. See Augiades. 404. Eryphanis. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 57 : Automedon. Sole species, and there- fore type. Also spelled by Boisduval Euryphauis and Eryphane. Used by Kirby in same sense. 405. Ertthia. 1818. IlUbn., Verz. 24: Labdacus (Labdaca), Gelanor (Gelanoria), Melaphtea, Teleclus (Cataleuce). Labdacus may be taken as the type. 406. ESOPTRIA.* 1816. Hubn., Verz. 45: Bolina (Alcithoe, Bolina). Sole species, and therefore type. But this name falls before Apatura, through Hiibner's own writings. See also Diadema. 407. ESTHEMOPSIS. 1865. Feld., Reise Novara, 306 : Clonia. Sole species, and therefore type. See Pseudopheles. 408. Eteona.* 1848. [Boisd. in] Doubl. List Br. Mus. App. 21 : Tisiphone. Sole species, and therefore type. 1848. [lb. in] Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 42: the same. 1850. lb. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 254 : the same. The name is preoccupied by Eteone (Sav., Worms, 1817). 409. EUBAGIS. 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 70: Athemon (Arthemon). Sole species, and therefore type. Used in the same sense by Doubleday and Felder. OF ARTS AND SCIENCE^. 169 410. EUCHARIA.* 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 14: Ganymedes, imperialis, regalis. The name is preoccupied in Lepidoptera (Hiibn., 1816) and in Arach- nids (Koch, 1835). See also Evenus, Areas, and Endymion. 411. EUCUEIRA.* 1834. Westw., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i. 44 : ^cialis. Sole species, and therefore type, as indicated by Butler. The name is preoccupied by Eucheirus (Dej., Col. 1833). 412. EUCHLOE. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 94: Ausonia (Bella, Ausonia), Tagis, Genutia (Midea), cardamines, Eupheuo, Eucharis (Coeneos). 1841. Westw., Brit. Butt. 30: employs it for cardamines only, and therefore this must be taken as the type. Stephens (1850) and Kirby (1858) make the same use of it. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 42 : specifies Genutia (Midea) as the type, but erroneously. See also Kirby, Zool. Rec. 1872, 339. See Anthocharis. 413. EuDiEMON.* 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 76 : Midamus (Midamus, Claudius, Mulciber), similis, Panope, Clytia (dissimilis), assimilis, Plexippus (Plexippus, Hegesippus), Erippus, Chrysippus (Chrysippus, Alcippus). The name is preoccupied by Eudsemonia (Hiibn., Lep. 1816). 414. EUDAMUS. 1832-33. Swains., 111. ii. 48 : Chalco (Agesilaus), Brachius (Dorys- sus), Proteus. Proteus designated as type. 1833-34. Boisd.-LeC, Lep. Am. Sept., pi. 69 : use it for Proteus and many others. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 260: uses it, but places Proteus else- where. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 56: employs it for others than Proteus, and places Proteus elsewhere. See Goniurus. 415. EUEIDES. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 1 1 : Dianasa, Halia, Pasinuntia, Eucoma, Mneme, Kumata (Pione), Harraonia. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 57 : uses it for Dianasa and an unnamed species. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1848. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 145: divides the group into two sec- tions, the second containing Dianasa. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 6 : makes a similar division and reference. 1862. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 562: uses it for eight species, none of them the originals of Hiibner. Dianasa must be considered as the type. 416. EUERTCINA. 1849. Saund., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. [2] v. 97 : Calphurnia. Sole species, and therefore type. Tlius used by Bates and Kirby. See Rodinia. 417. EUGLYPHDS.* 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 80: Chiron. The name is preoccupied by Euglyphis (Hiibn., Lep. 1816). See Marius and Megalura. 418. EUGONIA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 36: c. aureum (Angelica), Polynice, vau. album (v. album), Polychloros (Polychloros, Pyrrhomelaena), urticae, Charonia, Antiopa. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 12: uses it for Antiopa, Polychloros, and urticas. 1873. Grote, Can. Ent. v. 144: says that c, aureum (Angelica) is the type ; but, owing to the limitation of Stephens, that is impossible. Polychloros may be taken as the type. / 419. EUGR APHIS.* 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 75: Polyxena (Hypsipyle). Sole species, and therefore type. Preoccupied through Eugraphe (Hiibn., Lep. 181G). See Thais and Zerynthia. 420. EULACEURA. 1871. Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 726 : Osteria. Sole species and designated type. 421. EuLEPis. 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 80 : Athamas. Sole species, and therefore type. 422. EuM^us. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 67 : Minyas. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsec[uenily used by various authors in the same sense. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 171 1837-47. Gey. in Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. [Eumaea] iii. : uses it for Debora. See also Eumenia. 423. Eumenia.* 1823. God., Eucycl. meth. 826: 3Iinyas (Toxea). Sole species, and therefore type. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 5 C. : the same species. But the name must fall before Eumaeus (q. v.). Godart must have borrowed from Hiibner in this case, as Eumieus must have been pub- lished by 1818, and two such similar names could not have been pro- posed independently for the same insect. 424. EuMENis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 58 : Antonoe, Aello, Semele, Celimene (Tarpeja). 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 7 : uses it for Semele, which therefore becomes the type. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Ehop. : employs it for Semele and Briseis. 425. Eumesia.* 1867. Feld., Reise No vara, 504: semiargentea. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. But the name is preoccupied, through Eumesius (Westw., Hym. 1840). 426. EuNiCA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 61 : Anna, Monima. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 222 : employs it for a number of sijecies, including both of Hiibner's. Used in a similar sense by Felder, Butler, and Kirby. Monima may be taken as the type. 427. EUNOGYRA. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 463: Satyrus. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Bates and Kirby. 428. EuoMMA.* 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 425: angustatum. Sole species men- tioned. The name is proposed, however, to take the place of Jaera (q. v.) preoccupied, with two species of which, Opis and Crithea, angustatum is congeneric ; and therefore one of tliese two must be taken as the type. But Euomma is itself preoccupied, as Mr. liirby has pointed out to me, in Coleoptera (Boh. 1858). See Catuna. 172 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 429. EUPALAMIDES.* 1816. Huhn.jYerz. 101: Dcedalus. Sole species, aud therefore type. It is not a butterfly. " 430. EUFH^DRA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 39: Themis, Cyparissa, Ceres. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 247 : uses it for the same and many others. Cyparissa may be taken as the type. 431. EUPHCEADES. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 83: Glaucus, Troilus, Palamedes (Chalcas), Polyxenes ( Asterius) . 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 44 : specifies Glaucus as type. Glaucus, however, cannot be taken as type, being the necessary type of Jasoniades. Troilus may tlierefore be cliosen. See Pterourus. 432. EUPHYDRTAS. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 27 : Phaeton. Sole species and designated type. 433. EuPHYES. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 69 : Metacomet, vestris, singularis, Osyka, verna. Metacomet specified as type. 434. EuPLCEA. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 280 : Plexippus, similis, Core (Corns). 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. iv. 15 : uses it for Chrysippus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 15 : employs it for a number of forms, including only Plexippus of the Fabrician species. But Plexippus is the type of Danaida, so that this cannot stand. Core would have to be taken as the type (for it is in this sense that it lias been used by subsequent authors, such as Boisduval, who invari- ably spells it Euplffia, Doubleday, Herrich-Schaeifer, and Kirby), were it not that previous to these writers Hiibner, in 1816, had taken Core and a close ally to form his Crastia (q. v.) ; hence similis, which is gen- erically distinct from Plexippus, must be taken as the type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66 : says that Leucostictos (Eunice) is the type, through Boisduval in 1832 ; but it is not one of the species mentioned by Fabricius. 435. EUPTOIETA. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 168: Ilegesia, Claudia. Used in same sense by Felder and Kirby. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 22 : specifies Claudia as the type. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 173 4"G. EUPTYCHIA. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 54 : Herse, Penelope (Clarissa), Ilesione (Ocjr- rhoe), Ocypete, Cephus (Lisidice), Hermes (llermessa), Mollina (Molina), Lydia, Junia, Libya, Tolumnia, Chloris (Chlorimene), Arnaea (Ebusa), JMyncea, and a MS. species. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mas. 122: uses it for four species, of which three are IlUbiier's ; viz., Hesione (Cissia), Arnaea (Ebusa), and Tolumnia. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 372 : employs it for the same and others, including Herse. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194 : specifies Herse as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 47 : uses it for all of Ilubner's species and others. As Herse appears to be strictly congeneric with Tolumnia, it can be accepted as the type. 437. EURALIA. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 281 : dubius (dubia), Anthedon. i 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 25 [Eucalia] : the same. Dubius may be considered the type. 438. EUREMA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 9G: Delia (Demoditas), P^lathea, Sylvia (Eu- doxia), Agave (Jodutta, Phiale), albula (Nise), Ilecabe. 1844. [Boisd. in] Doubl., List Br. Mus. 83: uses it for Lethe and I Zabulina, which have nothing to do with Hiibner's genus. See Ilypauartia. 1848. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 176 : makes the same general use of it. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 252 : employs it for Philodice and Pa- laeno (Palceno, Europome), which is nearer the Hiibuer- ian mark, but still erroneous. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 12 : uses it in Doubleday's sense. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 39 : does the same. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 35 : designates the type as Delia. 1872. Scudtl., Syst. Rev. 39 : the same. Should it be written Heurema"? 439. EuHiiiNiA. 1867. Feld., Ileise Novara, 405: Polynice (Elpinice, Megalonice, Stratonice). Sole species; the name Eurhinia, however, 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY is evidently given to supplant Rhinopalpa (q. v.) preoccu- pied, of which fulva was the type. Fulva, therefore, and not Polynice, must be taken as the type of Eurhinia. Tliis name, however, is certainly very close to Eurhina (Fitz., Rep. 1843) and Eurhinus (Kirb., Col. 1817). 440. EURIPHENE. 1847. Boisd., Voy. Deleg. ii. 592 : eaerulea. Sole species, and there- fore type. Used in same sense (but spelled Euryphene) by Westwood, Felder, and Kirby. 441. EuRiPUS. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 41 : Halitherses. Sole species, and therefore type. 1850. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 293 : Halitherses, consimilis (Halli- rothrius). 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 26: uses it in the same sense. The name is rather near to Eurrhypis (Hiibn., Lep. 1816). 442. EURTADES. 1864. Feld., Spec. Ins. 39 : Duponchelii, Corethrus. Used with exactly the same limitation by Herrich-Schaeffer and Kirby. Inasmuch as the Felders remark that they had not seen the first species, Corethrus may be taken as the type. 443. EURYBIA. j 1816. Hubn., Verz. 17 : Nicaeus (Nicasa), Halimede, Dardus (Upis). (1818. 111., Wied. Zool. Mag. i. ii. 100: Nicseus, Halimede, Lamia. With the exception of the last species in each case, the usage of Hiibner and Illiger is identical. Recalling the statements made in the introduction to this essay, there can be no question that this name should be credited to Illiger. 1819. God., Encycl. meth. 459: uses it for Carolina, Nicseus, and Dardus. 1832. Gudr., Iconogr., pi. 80, fig. 4 [Erybia] : Carolina. Whether Illiger or Hiibner have priority, Nicseus, by Godart's usage, must become the type. 444. EuRTCUs. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 391 : Cressida (Cressida, Harmonia). Sole species, and therefore type. In this sense it has been used by all subsequent authors. See Cressida. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 175 445. EURYGONA. 183G. Boiscl., Spec, gen., pi. 3, 5 C. : Crotopus (Midas) [larva and pupa only], Phsedica. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 5 : employs it for several species, but for neither of the above. 1851. AVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 437: employs it for many species, including both of Boisduval's and some of Doubleday's. 18 G7. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 420 : employs it for more than sixty species, including both of Boisduval's. Phoedica may be taken as the type. 44G. EuRYMus. 1829. Swains, in Horsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Lid. Mus. 129, 134: Hyale. Sole species given, and designated type. Said by Horsfield to have been so given hiiu by Swainson about eight years previously. 1832-33. Svvains., Zoi3l. 111. ii/ci), 70: Philodice (Pliilodice, Euro- pome). See Colias. 447. EURYTELA. 1833. Boisd., Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 202: Horsfieldii (Ilorsfieldii, Stephensii), Dryope. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 145 : uses it for Dryope and two others. Dryope is therefore the type. 448. EURYTIDES. 1822-20. Hiibn., Exot. Schnaett. ii. : Dolicaon, Iphitas. Dolicaon may be taken as the type. 449. EUSCHKMON.* 1846. Doubl. in Stoke's Austr. i. App. 513 : Raffiesia. Sofe species, and therefore type. Preoccupied, through Euschema (Hiibn., Lep. 1816). 450. EUSELASIA. 181G. Hiibn., Verz. 24: Crotopus (Crotope), Hygenius (Hygenia), Orfita (Orsita), Arbas (Arbassa), Sabinus (Tenage), Euriteus (Cynira*), Gelon (Gela^na), Teleclus (Telecta). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 294: uses it for all the above, and many more. Ge-lon may be selected as type. * This name is an accidental error of Hiibner's in copying from Cramer. 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 451. Euterpe.* 1832-33. Swains., III. ii. 74: Tereas (Terea). Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. Used in same sense by Boisduval, Doubleday, and Herrich-SchaefEer. According to Kirby (Syn. Cat.), this name is preoccupied (but not in zoology) : it falls, however, before Arciionias (q. v.). 452. EUTHALIA. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 41 : Lubentina, Adonia 1871. Kirb , Syn. Cat. 252 : uses it for the above and others. Lubentina may be taken as the type. 453. EUTHYMUS.* 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 56 : Phylceus. Sole species and designated type. The name falls before Hylephila. 454. EuTREsis. 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. Ill: Hypereia. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 19: the same. 455. EUXANTHE. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 39: Eurinome. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 228: the same and another. See Anthora and Godartia. 456. EvENus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 78 : reg^alis (Endymion), Ganyraedes. Regalis may be taken as the type. See Eucharia, Endymion, and Areas. 457. EvEUES. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 69 : Argiades (Amyntas, Polysperchon). Sole species, and therefore type, as indicated by Scudder (Syst. Rev.). 458. EVONTME. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 61 : Amelia, Sophonisba. This peneric name has never since been employed. Amelia may be taken as the type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 177 459. Fabius.* 1837. Dune, For. Butt. 1G7: Hippona. Sole species, and therefore type. But as Fabius is one of the synonymes of Hippona, the name falls. See Consul, Helicodes, and Protogonius. 460. Faunia.* 1847. Poey, Mem. Soc. Econ. Ilabana, [2]iii. 178: Orphise {Or- phisa). Sole species, and therefore type. Tlie details of Hcrrich-Scliaeffer's reference (Sohmett. Cuba, 5) are erroneous. 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 406 : Olympias, Persephone, Tithonia, Yemesia, Pomona, Araucana. The name is preoccupied in Diptera (Rob.-Desv., 1830), and very near to Faunis (Hiibn., Lep. 1810) and Faunus (Montf., Moll. 1810). 461. Faunis.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 55: Eumeus (Eiimea), Echo. Preoccupied tlirougli Faunus (Montf., Moll. 1810). See Clerome. 462. Faundla. 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 488: Leucoglene. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 463. Feniseca. 1869. Grote, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. ii. 308 : Tarquinius, Porsenna. Tarquinius specified as type, as stated by Scudder. 464. Festivus.* 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 62 : refers this name to Fabricius, and says that Latreille (1805) fixed the type as Plexippiis ; but see our introductory remarks. 465. Ganoris.* 1816. Dalm., Vetensk. Acad. Ilandl. xxxvii. 61, 86: I. crattp^l, b}-assicce, rapte, napi, Daplidice, cardamines, sinapis ; II. Hyale, Palteno, rhamni. Brassiese is specified as the type. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 41 : designates rapre as type, but erro- neously. See Pieris. BrassicEe having previously been made the type of Mancipium, this name falls, and cannot be employed again. See also Pontia. VOL. X. (s. s. n.) 12 178 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 466. Gantra. 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Etium. Ins. 76 : Leucippe, Croceus (Edusa), Hyale, Palaeno (Paleno), Hecabe, Nise, Proterpia, Ela- thea, albula, Monuste, Pyranthe (Gnoma, Minna), Amaryllis, Crocale (Alcmeone), Scylla, Argante (Her- silia), Eubule, Trite, and a number of MS. species. Amaryllis may be taken as the type. 467. Gegenes. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 107: Pygmseus and two MS. species. Pyg- ma3us must therefore be considered the type. 1870. Butl., Ent. Montlil. Mag. vii. 93 : specifies Pygma^us (Pyg- msea) as type. 468. Geitoneura.* 1867. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xix. 164: Klagii, Achanta. 1868. lb., Eut. Monthl. Mag. iv. 196; and Cat. Sat. 166: specifies Khigii as type. The name falls before Xenica (q. v.). 469. Gerydus. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 7 C. : Symethus. Sole species, and therefore tyjie. Used for the same species by Doubleday (List). See Symetha and Miletus. 470. Glaucopsyche. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 33 : Lygdamus, Pembina. Lygdamus specified as type. 471. Globiceps.* 1869. Feld., Pet. Nouv. Ent. i. viii. : paradoxa. Sole species, and therefore type. The generic name is preoccupied in Hemiptera (Lep.-Serv. 1825). See Pseudopontia and Gonophlebia. 472. Glycestha. 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 76: cratsegi, Hyparete (Hyparite), Pasithoe, Java (Coronea). Java may be taken as the type. 473. Gnathotriche. 1862. Feld., "Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 420, note: exclamationis. Sole species, and therefore type. of arts and sciences. 179 474. Gnesia. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Dium. Lep. 141 : Medea, Zetes (Menippe, Zetes), Persephone, Egina, Perenna, Circeis. Circeis may be taken as the type. 475. Gnophodes. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. Gl : Parm.ea.0. Sole species, and therefore type. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., 363: Parraeno, Chelys (Morpena). 1868. Bull,, Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194: designates Parmeuo as type. 476. GODAKTIA.* 1842. Luc, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xi. 297: madagascariensis. Sole species, and. therefore type. 1850. TVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 282 ; Eurinome, madagascariensis. The name is very close to Goedartia (Boie., Hym. 1841), though named after another person. It is, however, synonymous with Eu- xanthe, and must fall before it. See also AntJiora. 477. GoDYRIS.* 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 33 : DuilUa. Sole species, and therefore type. It falls before Hymenitis. 478. GONEPTERTX.* 1815. Leach, Edinb. Encycl. 716: rhamni. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1827. Curtis, Brit. Ent. pi. 173 : designates rhamni as the type. 1 827. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Haust. 8 : uses it for rhamni only. 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 87 [Goniapteryx] : rhamni given as type. 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 69 : uses it for many species with rhamni. 1853. Wallengr., Rhop. Scand. 145 [Goniopteryx] : rhamni. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 35, 45 : specifies rhamni as type. The generic name falls, however, before Colias (q. v.). See also Gonoptera and Earina. 479. GONTLOBA. 1852. "Westw, Gen. Diurn. Lep. 512: Creteus, Celaenus, Yespasius (Cassander), Parmenides, Bixoe, Apastus, Aulestes, Hy- lasj)es, Pervivax, Scipio, Mercatus (fulgerator). Talus, 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Corytas (Pyramus), Amyntas (Savignyi), Phidon* (Phedou), Comete.<, Schonherri, Idas (Mercurins), Tity- rus, Yuccae,* Olynthus,* Esadeiis, Epitus,* Evadnes * (Evadne), Pomus (Comus), Brino,* dubius, Anaphus, Orcharaus,* Pompeius (Archalaus), Ericus, Chromus, Alexis, P^uribates, Salatis, Sluretus, Ramusis, Midas (Rhetus), Ethlius* (Chemnis, Ethlius), Hesus, Corydon (Coridon), Lucasii (Lucas), Antoninus,* Salius,* Nyc- telius, Dalmanni,* Basochesii, Fischeri,* Lesueuri, Bon- filius, Dan, Sergestiis, Feisthamelli, Sabadius, Japetus (Nepos), Phineus, Lucretius, Minos, Xanthaphes * (Xan- thoptes), Aristoteles, Justinianus, Lafrenayii, Fantasos, Helops, Phocus, Avitus, Criiiisus, Ebusus, Psecas, Alc- mon, Artemides, Zestos, Bathyllus (Bethyllus), Astylos,* Broteas,* Corytas, Vulpinus, Olenus,* Nicias, Godartii. 18G9. Ilerr.-SchaefF., Prodr. iii. G9 : gives a large number of species, including those of the above list which are followed by an asterisk. 1870. But!., Ent; Monthl. Mag. vii. 56 : uses it for Tityrus, Exadeus, and others not mentioned by Westwood. None of Butler's species being congeneric with those employed in this group by Herrich-Schaeffer, Butler's action has no effect whatever upon the determination of a type. Of Westwood's species mentioned by Herrich-Schaeffer, Phidon, Ethlius, and Olenus are types of other genera. This group may be confined to Xanthaplies and allies. See Niconiades. 480. GOXIURUS. 1816. ITiibn., Yerz. 104: Simplicius, Dorantes, Brachius (Brachyus), CceIus, Catillus, Proteus, Tarchon, Eudoxus, Orion. 18")2. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 510 [Goniuris] : employs it for a dozen species, including all of the above. 1869. Butl, Cat. Fabr. Lep. 259 [Goniuris]: employs it for Proteus only. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 56: specifies Simplicius as type. But neither Proteus nor Simplicius can be taken as the type, since they are congeneric, and Proteus has been taken ss the type of Euda- mus, carrying with it most of Hubner's Goniuri. Ccelus may be taken as the type. * See the succeeding entry. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 181 481. GONOPHLEBIA. 1870 (Aug.). Feld., Pet. Nouv. Eut. 95: paradoxa. Sole species, and therefore type. Proposed to supplant Globiceps, preoccupied. Is it a butterfly? See also Pseudopontia. 482. GOXOPTERA.* 1820. Dalm. in Cillb., Euum. Ins. 7G [Gourptera] : rhamni (ihemni), Cleopatra. Falls before Colias (q. v.). See also Gonepteryx and Earina. 483. GONOPTERIS.* 1832. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. iv. 34: Pergcea. Sole species, and therefore type. Tiie name is preoccupied through Gonoptera (Dalm., Lep. 1820, and Latr., Lep. 1825). 484. GoRGO.* 1816. Ilubn., Yerz, G4: Ceto, Medusa, CEme (Psodea, Q^rae). The name foils before Erebia. See also Marica, Syngea, Phorcis, Epigea, and Oreina. 485. Graphidm.* 1777. Scop., Introd. 433 : Medon and an immense number of wholly disconnected species, arranged in eight divisions. None of these divisions (when they contain more than a single species) are homogeneous. Take, for example, the second, whicli among others contains Sarpedon fPapilionides], Mneme [Tribuni], populi [ Arcliontes], and Clio [Ilamadryades] ; or the fourth with these : Euterpe [Stalach- tis], Charithonia [a Heliconian], and Venilia [Athyma]. Every one of the families are represented. The genus must thereibrc be dropped as thoroughly discreditable to the author, even at the early time it was established. 486. Grapta.* 1837. Kirb., Faun. Bor. Amer. 292 : Procjne (c. argenteum). Sole species, and therefore type. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 195: employs it for a number of species, including the above, lie gives Polygonia as a synonyme, but evidently at one time intended to use it in preference to Grapta, since he elsewhere in the text (p. 199) refers to this genus as Polygonia. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 12: uses it in the same sense. It has been elsewhere very generally adopted, btit is synonymous with Polygonia, and must fall before it. See also Comma. 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 487. Gyncecia.* 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 88 : Dirce. Sole species, and therefore type. It has been used in the same sense by Westwood, Kirby, and Felder, the last of whom spells it Gynaecia ; but it falls before Colobura (qv.) 488. Gyrocheilus. 1867. But!., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xx. 2G7 : Patrobas. Sole species and designated type. 489. Hades. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 435 : Noctula. Sole species, and therefore type. Used for the same species by Bates and Kirby. See Moritzia. 490. Hadothera.* 1820. Billb,, Enum. Ins. 80: proposed, without reason, to supplant Danis. No species are referred to it. 491. H^MATERA. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 30 : Thysbe. Sole species, and therefore type. 1849. lb., ib. 231 : Pyramus, Thysbe. Subsequently used in the same sense by Felder and Kirby. 492. II^MONIDES. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 101 : Cronis.* Sole species, and therefore type. 493. H^TERA. 1807. Fabr., III. Mag. vi. 284: Piera, diaphanus. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 77 : without ajipareut reason, but much according to his wont, changes the name to Pselna. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 9 B. : Piera is figured, and therefore this must be taken as type. It has been used by subsequent authors in the same sense. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 195: designates Piera as type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66 : says that Piera is type through Doubleday in 1846, overlooking Boisduval's action. 494. Hamadryas. 1806. Hiibn., Tent. 1 : lo. Sole species, and therefore type. 1832. Boisd., Astrol. 91 : employs it fur Zoilus and Assarica (Assa- ricus), which have no connection with Hiibner's group. Since used by many authors in the later sense. See also Inacliis IS. « See note, p. 293. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 183 495. Hamanumida. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 18: Veronica, Daedalus (Meleagris), Flegyas (Allica), Actoris (Actoria), Thasus (Thase), Ceneus (Lusia). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 249: employs it for Daedalus only, which therefore becomes type. See Jilso Canopus. 496. Hameaeis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 19 : Abaris (Abarissa), Epulus (Epule), Lucina. 1830. Curtis, Brit. Ent., pi. 316: designates Lucina as the type; but Stephens's action in the previous year, in founding the genus Nemeobius, renders this nugatory. 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 88 : specifies Lucina as type. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 447: employs it for several species, including Epulus only of Hiibner's species, and this therefore becomes the type. 497. Hames.* 1851. Boisd. MS. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 366: mentioned by Westwood as synonymous with Cairois, but not other- wise referred to by any writer. Boisduval himself has never mentioned it, and no species have been referred to it. 498. Harma.* 1848. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 40 : Theohene. Sole species, and therefore type. 1850. " Doubl." [but erroneously] in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 287 : Theobene and others. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 33 : divides the group into three sections, the first comprising Theobene. The name is preociupied by Arma (Hahn, Hemipt. 1833). 499. Hebomoia. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 96: Glaucippe, Leucippe. 1847. Doubl., Gen, Diurn. Lep. 62 : the same. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 37, 48 : specifies Glaucippe as type. See Iphias. 500. Hecaerge.* 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. iv. 32 : celtis. Sole species, and there- fore type. 184 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1816. liiibn., Verz. 100: Carinenta, celtis. Besides the reasons given in the introduction for believing that Hiib- ner's Verzeichniss did not appear until after 1816, which alone would be enough to give Ochsenheimer the preference in this case, Ochsen- heimer's preface is dated in March and Hiibner's in September. One must have borrowed from the other. It is beyond credence that both should have coined the same generic word for the same insects, unless there were some special significance in the name, as there is not. Hiibner's genus was defined (briefly), while Ochsenheimer's was not; but the latter author gives a reason (an insufficient one) for changing the name of the earlier Libythea, just as he does ki the case of Cliar- axes; and there can therefore be little doubt that the genus is to be credited to Ochsenheimer. In that case, the genus cannot stand, for celtis (which is generically distinct from Carinenta) had already been taken as the type of Libythea. See also Hypatus. 501. Hecalene.* 1844. [Boisd. in] Dgubl., List Br. Mus. 112: Glytenmestra. Sole species, aud therefore type. But this name must fall before Hypna (q-v.), as pointed out by Westwood, in the Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, where Hecalene is credited to Boisduval. 502. Hectorides. 1822. Hiibn., Index: Agavus, Brunichus. 1822-26. lb., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Lysitbous, Ascanius. 1825. lb., Zutr. iii. 25 : Proneus. The choice of type must, of course, lie between Agavus and Bru- nichus, and Agavus may be selected. 503. Hedone.* 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 58: Brettus, Praeceps, Coscinia, Orouo, -^tna. Brettus specified as type. It falls before Thymelicus (q. v.). 504. Helcyra. 1860. Feld., Sitzungsb. Acad. Wien, xl. 450 : Chionippe. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1861. lb., Neues Lep. 37, 44: the same. 505. Helias.* 1807. Fabr., III. Mag. vi. 287 : no insects cited, excepting an unnamed MS. species. The description is also entirely insufficient to give any clew to what Fabricius may have had in mind, and hence the name must be dropped. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 185 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 80 : proposes, for no reason, to change the name to Achna ; he also mentions no species. 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 531 : uses it for seven new species, allied to Busiris and others. 1870. Bail., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 98 : specifies phalnenoides as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. G34: follows Butler, but questions whether it is used in the Fabrician sense. See Achlyodes. 506. IIelicodes.* 1844:. [Boisd. in] DoubL, List Br. INIus. 112 : Hipjiona. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1850. Boisd. MS. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 313 : Westwood gives it as a synonyme of Protogonius. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 49 : claims it as his own, placing the same species in it. It falls, however, through Consul. See also Fabius and Protogonius. 507. Heliconius. 1805. Latr., Sonn. Buff. xiv. 108 : Antiochus (Anthioca). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1809. lb., Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 200 : divides the group in two sec- tions, but does not specify Antiochus in either. 1810. lb., Consid. 440: specifies Polymnia and Ilorta as types (!), these being the first species of each section in his previous woi'k. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 725: treats it as Latreille in his later works. 1817. Latr., Cuv. Regne Anim. iii. 549 : employs it for a number of species, but Antiochus is not mentioned. 1823. Hiibn., Zutr. ii. 31 [lleliconia]: employs it for Lansdorfii (Langsdorfii), which has nothing to do with the Fabrician genus. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 7 B. [lleliconia] : figures Doeta. It is subsequently used for species allied to Anthioca by Doubleday, Bates, and others. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 60 : refers the genus back to Linne [Ileli- conii], but erroneously, and says the type was fixed by Lamarck in 1801 as Psidii. But Lamarck at this time only divided the genus Papilio into sec- tions, giving them the Linnean names in the plvu-al form, and specified Psidii as an example of Ileliconii. 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 508. Helicopis. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 285: Cupido, Acis (Gnidus). 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 722 : uses it as a section of Emesis, referring to it the same species, together with Endymion. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 22 : employs it for Cecilia (Cicilia), which is only distantly related to the Fabrician types. 1818. Hoffm. in "VVied., Zool. Mag. i. ii. 98 : refers the Fabrician species to it. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 3 A. : gives an illustration of Cupido, which therefore becomes type. It has been used in same sense by later authors. See also Erotion and Hexuopteris. 509. Heliochl^na.* 1822. Hiibn., Index : Leucosia. Sole species, and therefore type. The name falls before Peplia. See Desmozona and Nymphidium. 510. Heliochroma. 1869. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 15 : idiotica. Sole species, and therefore type, as subsequently indicated by Butler. See p. 293. 511. Heliopetes. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 81 : Arsalte (niveus) and a MS. species. Arsalte therefore is the type. See also Leucoscirtes. 512. Heliophorus. 1832. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. iv. 40 : Epicles (Belenus). Sole species, and thei'efore type. See also Ilerda. 513. Heliornis.* 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 79 : Laertes (Ejjistrophus), Mene- laus (JMenelaus, Nestor), Achilles (Helenor, Achilles). This name is preoccupied in Birds (Bonn. 1790). 514. Hemerocharis.* 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 412 : given only as a MS. synonyme of Lejjtalis by the author himself. It therefore cannot be used in this (or any other) sense. 515. Hemiargus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 69 : Bubastus, Parsimon (Celteus), Lysimon (Ubaldus), Hanno, Isis (Isarchus), Larydas, and a MS. species. . Hanno may be selected as tlie type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 187 516. Heodes. 181G. Dalm., Vetensk, Acad. Handl. xxxvii. 63, 91 : Hippothoe (Hip- pothoe, Cliiyseis), Virgaureoe, Phlaeas, Helle, Dorilas (Garbas), rubi. 1820. Billb., Euum. Ins. 80: the same, excepting rubi, and others. 1835. Vill.-Guen., Lep. Eur. 32: lielle, Phlsas, and other coppers. Plilaeaa may be taken as the type. See Lycaena. 517. Heraclides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 83: Thoas (Oxilus, Thoas), Menestheus, Pelaus, Demoliou (Cresphoutes), Phorcas. Thoas may be taken as the type. See also Thoas. 518. Herona. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. pi. 41 : Marathus. Sole species, and therefore type. 1850. TVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 293 : the same. 519. HERPiENIA.* 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 38, 52 : Eriphia (Tritogenia). Sole spe- cies and designated type. The name must fall before Picanopteryx. 520. Hesperia. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst. iii. i. 258 : established upon all the Rurales and Urbicola3 known to him, three hundred and forty- nine names (231 Rurales, 118 Urbicolse), the two groups commencing respectively with Cupido and exclamationis among the latter malvaa. 1798. Cuv., Tabl. Elem. 592 : cites malvas as an example and the only one. This, therefore, becomes the type, being one of those used by Fabricius. 1807. Fabr., III. Mag. vi. 285 : employs it for Amor, Helius, Faunus, Vulcanus, Marsyas, Bcetica, Acmon (J^mon), Thysbe, Thetys (yEsopus), and Pretus, all Rurales, to which group, but for Cuvier's action, Hesperia would have to be restricted ; as it is, Fabricius's action has no effect. 1810. Latr., Consid. 440 : specifies Proteus, malvae, and Morpheus (Steropes) as types. 1815. Oken., Lehrb. i. 720 : employs it for Helle and allies ! 1816. Dalm., Vetensk. Acad. Handl. xxxvii. 300 : specifies comma as type, but erroneously. 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1816. Lam., Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert. iv. 20 : employs it for malvse and others. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 25 : uses it for various Vestales, following Fabri- cius' own tardy limitation, althougli not in precisely the same sense. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 81 : some Urbicolre, among them malvte. 1820. Oken, Naturg. f Schulen, 788 : employs it for some Epliori. 1820-21. Swains., ZooJ. 111. i. i. 28: specifies comma as the type, but erroneously. 1833. Curtis, Brit. Ent., pi. 442: also designates comma as the type. 1837. Sodoffsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 82 : proposes to supplant this name by wSymmachia (q. v.). 1840. Ilamb., Faun. Ent. Andal. 312 [probably unpublished] : uses it for a number of species, including malviB (Alveolus). 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 525 : employs it for a heterogeneous group of Urbicolae, not including malvge. 1858. Ramb., Cat. Lep. Andal. 88: limits it wrongly to Nostro- damus (Nostradamus). 1858. Kirb., Cat. Brit. Rhop. : limits it to comma. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 269 : employs it for exclamationis and others, but iVot for malvas. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 58 : specifies exclamationis as the type, erroneously.* 1870. Kirb., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. x. 500 : says that Proteus seems to be Latreille's type, and Alcides that of Fabricius. * Butler (Lep. Exot. 1G6, note) says of Hesperia: "Fabricius described tlie genus in bis Entoniologia Systematica, vol. iii., Gloss. 1, p. 325 (1793), and gave no ti/pe, but used tbe following words in his description — ' Antennas clava elongata, saepius uncinata.' These words at once fix the type as somewhere amongst the Uesperice urbicolm (notwithstanding the fact that, in his Systema Glossatorum, Fabricius refers it to the rurales). The Hes/xria of Cuvier has for its type //. Malvce (as Mr. Crotch has pointed out. Cist. Ent. p. 62) ; but Pi/njus Malvce (of all the Hesperice urbicolce) is about the worst to have chosen as the type, for it does not Jit the Fabrician description. Therefore it is clear that P. Malvce could not have crossed the mind of Fabricius when he penned his descrip- tion, and cannot be his type : later authors have referred the dark-coloured species of Paniphila and Caiystus to Hesperia, evidently taking //. Exclamationis as the type, it being the first species which he describes under his urbicolce; but as H. Exclamationis turns out to be an Ismene, and not, as formerly supposed, a Pam- phila, I have taken /. Exclamationis as the type. The first lof the Hesperice Rurales is a species of the family Erycinidae." OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 189 1871. lb., Syn. Cat. Gil : places a large number of species in the group, including malvtc, but excluding comma, excla- mationis, and Proteus, showing that he doubtless considers malvaj as the type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 62 : says that malvaj is the type, through Cuvier, 1799. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 52 : specifies malvaj as the type. All of the species indicated above under this lie.-iding, excepting some of those not specified by name, wore placed by Fabricius under Hes- peria at its establislnnent. See Pyrgus, Scclothrix, and Syrichtus. 521. Hespeuilla. 1868. Hewits., Hundr. Ilesp. 37 : ornata, Halyzia, Doubledayi (Dir- phia), Donnysa, Peronii (Doclea). Ornata specified as type. 1871. Kirb., Syu. Cat. 622: uses it in the same sense. See Telesto. 522. Hesperocharis. 1862. Feld., Yerh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, xii. 493 : I. Erota, Marchalii, Ilelvia, Nera, Anguitia ; II. Gayi. See p. 293. 1867. Herr.-SchaefT., Prodr. ii. 17 : uses it in the same sense. 1870. Butl., Cist Ent. i. 34, 42 : designates Erota as type. 523. Hestia. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 15 : similis, assimilis, Idea, Lynceus (Lyncea), Ismare, Menelaus (Ephyre), Juventa, Plexippus (Thoe). 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 52 : uses it for Idea, Lynceus, and two others not of Hiibner's list. 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 94 : uses it in the same sense. 1871. Kirby, ?yn. Cat. 1 : follows Doubleday. Since Lynceus is generically distinct from Idea, it may be taken as the type. See Idea and Nectaria. . 524. Hestina. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 281 : I. assimilis, persimilis, con- similis, Nama ; II. Nyctelius, Pimplea ? 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 25 : limits it to the first section, which he again divides into two, using assimilis and Nama as the types of the two divisions. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 227 : uses it in the Felderian sense. Assimilis may be considered as the tj-pe. 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 525. Hetekochroa. 1836. Boisd., Spec, g^n., pi. 4 B. : Serpa. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 106 : employs it for a great number of species, including Serpa. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 276 : uses it in the same sense. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 28 : divides it into two sections. According to Kirby (Syn. Cat.), the name is preoccupied; but only in botany, as he informs me by letter. 526. Heteronympha. 1858. Wallengr., K. Vet. Akad. Forhaudl. xv. 78: Merope, Abeona. 18G8. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 195 ; and Cat. Sat. 99 : specifies Merope as type. See also Tisiphone, Hipparchioides, and Xenica. 527. Heteropsis. 1850. Boisd. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 323 : Drepana. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 96 (referred to Westwood, not Boisduval) : the same. 528. Heteropterus. 1806. Dura., Zool. Anal. 271 : no species mentioned ; he refers to it all Urbicolse with wings croisees, the rest being grouped under Plesperia. 1823. lb., Consid. 222, pi. 41 : Morpheus given as an example. It is therefore the type. 1832. Dup., Pap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 413 : employs it for Morpheus (Aracinthus), Palcemon (Paniscus), and sylvius. 1840. Ramb., Faun. Ent. Andal. 305 [unpublished ? ] : refers to it lineola and four other species no more nearly allied to Morpheus than it is. So also in his Faun. Andal. 1853. Wallengr., Scand. Rhop.'250: limits it to sylvius. 1858. lb., Rhop. CafFr. 46: uses it, more correctly, for Metis and Willenii. 1870. Kirb., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. x. 500: says that Morpheus (Speculum) is the type. See also Cyclopides. 529. Heurema.* 1867. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. ii. 8 : impura. Sole species, and there- fore type. Preoccupied by Eurema (Hiibn., Lep. 1&16). OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 191 530. Hewitsonia. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 426: Boisduvalii. Sole species, and there- fore type. Proposed to replace Corydon, preoccupied. 531. Hexuopteris.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 22: Endymion (Endymiasna), Cupido (Cupidina). This name falls before Helicopis. See also Erotion. 532. Hipio. 1816. HUbn., Verz. 56: Constantia (Cunstantina), Leda. 1865. lierr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 61 : employs it for other butterflies, Crishna and a MS. species. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194: designates Constantia as the type. 533. HiPOscRiTiA. 1832. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. iv. 16: Pandione. Sole species, and therefore type. 534. HiPPARCHIA. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 281 : Hermione, Statilimus (Fauna), Maera, Ligea, Epiphron, Galathea, Tithonus (Filosellae), Hyperanthus, Rumina. 1815. Leach, lulinb. Encycl. 717 : uses it for Galathea, Hyperanthus, Tithonus (Pilosellte), and others not of Fabricius' list. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. iv. 19: divides the group into seven " families," and places in it all the European Satyrids. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 57: uses it for Statilimus (Arachne) and others not used by Fabricius. 1828. Curtis, Brit. Ent., pi. 205: designates Jurtina (Janira) as type, but it was not one of the Fabrician species. 1837. SodofFsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 81 : proposes to replace the name by .Melania (q-v.). 1840. "Westw., Gen. Syn. 88: specifies Megasra as type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 129 : uses it for a large number, includ- ing Statilimus (Fauna) and others, but not Hyperanthus. 1858. Ramb., Cat. Lep. Andal. 22 : uses it for five species, including only Tithonus of those mentioned by Fabricius. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. IMag. iv. 194; Cat. Sat. 50: specifies Her- mione (fugi) as type, but incorrectly. 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 80: upes it for Hermione, Statilimus, Hy- peranthus, and others. The Fabrician species belong to as many genera. These were at once restricted by Leach's action in 1815 to three. Iliibner tl.crefore misapphed it in 1816, as did Curtis in 1828. and Butler in 1808. Of the species mentioned by Leiich, Galathea belongs to Agapetes (1820) and Tithonus to Pyronia (1816), so that Ilyperanthus virtually became the type in 1820 ; consequently the name is also misapplied by Double- day in 1844 ami Kambur in 1858. See Aphantopus and Enodia. 535. IIlPPAUCHIOIDES.* 1867. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xix. 125 : 3ferope, Philerope, Banksii (Banksia), mirifica. 18G8. lb., Cat. Sat. 99, note: specifies Merope as type. Falls before Ileteronympha (q. v.). See also Tisiphone. 53G. IIiSTORis. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 35 : Odius (Odia), Marthesia. If Marthesia is congeneric with Ide, which was made type of Side- rone in 1822-26, then Odius must be type of Historis, and Aganisthos must ftiU. If generically separable, Marthesia must be taken as type of Historis and Odius of Aganisthos. The writer has not the means of determining this point. 537. HoLOciiiLA.* 1862. Feld., Verli. zobl.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, xii. 490: absimilis, Erinns. 1865. lb., Reise Novara, 261 : absimilis. The name is proposed for Erina (q. v.), improperly formed ; but it is preoccupied in Mammals (Brandt, 18135). See also Polycyma. 538. IIOMCEONYMrnA. 1867. Feld., Keise Novai-a, 487 : pusilla. Sole species, and there- fore type, as stated by Butler (Cat. Sat. etc.). 539. IIyades. 1832. BoisfL, Voy. Astrol. 157 : Urania (Jairtis), bioculatus (ludra). 1836. lb., Spec, gen., pi. 9 B. : Horsficldii. Bioculatus may be taken as the type. 540. IIyai.iris. 1870. Boisd., Lop. Guat. 33 : Coeno. Sole species, and therefore type. Does this fall before Hypothyria ? OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 193 541. Hyalites. 1848. Dou1)l., Gen. Diurn. Lep. i. 140: I. Horta, Quirina (Dice), Ranavalona, Ignati, Hova, Mahela (Neobule, Mahela), Camcena, Andromache, and two MS. species ; II. Lycia. Lycia, as the species of the second section which is illustrated by Doubleday, may be taken as the type. 542. Hyantis. 1863. Hewits., Exot. Butt. iii. 68 : Hodeva. Sole species, and there- fore type. Used in same way by Herrich-SchaefEer and Kirby. 543. Hydr^nomia. 1870. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 99 : to supplant Udranomia as more orthographic. Hence Orciniis is the type, as des- ignated by Butler for Udranomia. 544. Hylephila. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 81 : comma, Phylaeus, sylvanus, and two MS. species. Comma became the type of Erynnis in 1832, sylvanus that of Au- giades in 1850, so that Phyl?eus must be taken as the type of this. See Euthymus. 545. Hymenitis. 1816. Hubn.j Yerz. 8: diaphanus (diaphane), Sao. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 59 : uses it for diaphanus (diaphana) and some unnamed species. Ic has been used in the same sense by Doubleday (Genera), Bates, and Herrich-Schaeffer (Prodr.). See Godyris. 546. Hypanartia. 1821-25. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Paullus (Tecmesia), Delius (Demonica), Hijipomene. 1827-37. Gey. in Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. iii. : Hyppoclus (Hijjpocla). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 180 : uses it for all of Hubner's species and others. Paullus may be taken as the type. See Eurema. 547. Hypanis.* 1833. Boisd., Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 203: lUthyia (Anvatara).'' Sole species, and therefore type. 1836. lb., Spec, gen., pi. 5 B.: Ilithyia (Polinice). Since used in same sense by Doubleday, Westwood, Kirby, and others ; but the name must fall before Byblia (q. v.). VOL. X. (x. s. II.) 13 194 proceedings op the american academy 548. Htpatus. 1825. Hiibn., Catal. Franck, 85 : Celtis, Carinenta. Celtis being already type of Libythea, Carinenta must be taken as the type of this. See Heeaerge and Libythea. 549. Htpermnestra. 1851. Heyd., Lep. Eur. Cat. 3d ed. 16: Helios. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 530: the same. Subsequently used similarly by Felder, Kirby, etc. See Ismene. 550. Hyphilaria. 1816. Hiibn., Verz, 26: Nicias (Nicia). Sole species, and therefore type. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 420 : employs it for the same and others, in which he is followed by Kirby (Syn. Cat.). 551. Hypna. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 56: Clytemnestra. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in the same sense by Westwood, Felder, Butler, and Kirby. See Hecalene. 552. Hypochrysops. 1865. Fold., Reise No vara, 251 : Doleschalii, Theon, Anacletus, Eucletus, Pythias, Protogenes, Chrysanthis. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 378 : employs it for the sam,e and others. Anacletus may be taken as the type. 553. Hypocysta. 1850-51. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 67: Euphemia. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1851 (June). lb., ib. 397: Irius, Euphemia. 1865. Herr.-SchaefF., Prodr. i. 60 : employs it for this and others, including Irius (Adiante). 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 196 ; and Cat. Sat. 167: wrongly specifies Irius as type, for the context shows that the plate was printed before the text. 554. Hypolimnas. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 45 (spelled both Hypolimnas and Hipolimnas) : Antilope, Alimena (Velleda, Alimena, Porphyria), Bo- lina (Eriphile, Perimcle, Manilla, Antigone, Alcmene, Iphigenia), Pandarus (Pipleis). OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 195 1822-25. lb., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Paudarus (Pipleis). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 224: employs it for the same and others. Most of the species fall into the earlier Apatura, but the name may be retained for Pandarus and its allies, in accordance with Hiibner's later use of it. 555. Hypoltc^na. 1 802. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 293 : Tmolus, Sipylus (Thar- rytas), Astyla. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 40G: employs it for the same and others. Sipylus may be taken as the type. 556. Hypophtlla. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 4 C : Zeurippe (Zeurippa). 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 9 : employs it for this and others. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 446: uses it similarly. 557. Hypothyris. 1822. Hiibn., Index, 5 : Ninonia. Sole species, and therefore type. See Hyaliris. 558. Hyreus.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 70: Lingeus, Palemon, Misenes. The name is preoccupied in Birds. (Steph. 1815). 559. Idaides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 85: Codrus, Nireus. Codrus may be taken as the type. 560. Idea.* 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 283 : Idea. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently used by Gotlart and others, but the name cannot stand, from having been borrowed from the species on which it is founded. See Nectaria and Hestia. 561. Ideopsis. 1858. Horsf., Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. i. 133 : Gaura, Daos. 1871. Kirby, Syn. Cat. 2 : employs it for the same and others. Gaura may be taken as the type. 562. Idiomorphus.* 1861. Doum., Rev. Mag. Zool. [2] xii. 174: JTewitsomi. Sole species, and therefore type, as subsequently specified by- Butler. Mr. Kirby informs me that the name is preoccupied in Coleoptera (Chaud. 1846). See Bicyclus. 196 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 563. Idioneura. 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 474: Erebioides. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler and used by Kirby. 564. Idmais. 1836. Boisd., Spec. g(?n. 584: I. Chrysonome, Fausta; II. Phi- sadia, Amata (Calais), Dynamene. Subsequently used in same sense by Doubleday, Kirby, and others. Tlie generic name Colotis being applicable to the second section of Boisduval's group, Idraais may be restricted to the first, with Chryso- nome for its type. 565. Ilerda.* 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 25 : Epicles and some MS. species. Epicles is therefore the type. Used in same sense by Ilevvitson, Herrich-Schaeffer, and Kirby ; but the name falls before Heliophorus (q. v.). 566. Iliades. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 88: Polymnestor, Memnon (Ancaeus, Lao- medon, Memnon), Agenor [placed also by Hiibner, in same work, in Achillides] (Agenor, Mestor), Protenor. Memnon may be taken as the type. See Papilio. 567. Imelda. 1870. Hewits., Equat. Lep. iv. 56: Glaucosmia. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Kirby. 568. Inachis.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 37 : lo. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently used by Stephens in the same sense. The name, how- ever, falls before Ilamadryas (q. v.), and is .also preoccupied through Inaclms (Fabr., Crust. 1708). 569. Incisalta. 1872. Minot in Scudd., Rev. 31 : Aiigustiuus (Augustus), Niphon, Irus (Irus), Llenrici (Irus). Type specified by Sciidder as Niphon. 570. lOLAUS. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 81 : Helius (Eurisus). Sole species, and there- fore type, as stated by Hewitson (111. Diurn. Lep. 1865, 40). OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 197 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 26: employs it for Hymen (Liger) and others, not includinij Helius. It is used in Hubner's sense by several authors. 571. Iphias.* 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 595 : Glaucippe, Leucippe. Used by Doubleday (1844), but falls before Hebomoia, and the name is preoccupied through Iphius (Dej., Col. 1833). 572. Iphiclides. 1816. HUbn., Verz. 82: Dolicaon, Antipliates, Nomius (Meges), Protesilaus, Podalirius, Ajax, Aristeus, Sinon, Auti- phates (Pompilius), Antheus, Agamemnon. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 251 : employs it, as does Kirby in 1858, for Podalirius (Podalirius, Feisthamelii), so that this becomes the type, as stated by Scudder (1872). See Podalirius and Papilio. 573. IsAPis. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 18 : Agyrtus. Sole species, and there- fore type. Used for same species by Westwood, Bates, and liirby. 574. ISMENE. 1820-21. Swains., Zool. HI. i. 16: Oedipodia. Sole species, and therefore type. 1846. Nickerl, Stett. Eut. Zeit. vii. 207 : employs it for Helios, a totally different insect. See Hypermuestra. 1848. Menetr., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. [6] Sc. Nat. vi. 274: the same. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 514: employs it in the Swainsonian sense for a dozen species. 1856. Gray, Pap. Bi'it. Mus. 77 ; and List Pap. 92 : uses it again for Helios. 1869. Ilerr.-Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 54: without indicating any species, nses it as Swainson does. 1871. Stand., Catal. 2: again reverts to Nickerl's use. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 581 : uses it correctly. 575. ISODEMA. 1863. Feld., TVien. Ent. Monatschr. vii. 109, note: proposes the name for Paraplesia (preoccupied), without indication of species. Adelma, being the type of Paraplesia (q. v.), becomes the type of this. 198 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 576. ISOTEINON. 18G2. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 30: lamprospilus (lamprosi- lus). Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Ivirb., Syn. Cat. 625 : the same and another species. 577. IssoRiA. 1816. Hiibn , Verz. 31 : Egista, lole (Anticlia), Lathonia, 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 14: uses it for Lathonia only. In this he is followed by Ku-by (1858), and this therefore becomes the type. 578. Itanus. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 34: Acouthea, Garuda, Phemius, Salia, Anosia. Anosia may be taken as the type. The name is too close to Itanius (Schinidt-Goebel, Col. 1816). 579. Ithobalus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 88: Polydamas, Crassus, Belus, Lycidas (Lyci- das, Erymanthus), Numitor. Polydamas may be taken as the type. 580. Ithojieis. 1862 (Sept.). Bates, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxiii. 541 : Aurantiaca, Stalachtina, Ileliconina, mimica, Satellites. Aurantiaca may be taken as the type. See Ithomiopsis. 581. Ithomia. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 9 : Drymo, Euritea, Doto, Cymo. 1821. lb., Lidex: Cymo, Doto. 1822? lb., Saniinl. Exot. Schmett. text: Doto only, which thereby becomes type. [See Note, p. 293.] 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 57 : Drymo, Euritea, and others. 1847. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 125 : uses it in the same sense. 1862. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 537 : Doto, Cymo, and others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 26: all of Iliibner's and others. 1872. Butl.-Druce, Cist. Eut. i. 95 : specify Drymo as type. 582. Ithomiola. 1865. Feld., Reise Novara, 311: floralis. Sole species, and there- fore type. Used for same species only, by Bates and Kirby. See Compsoteria. 583. Ithomiopsis.* 1862 (Dec). Feld., Wien, Ent. Monatschr. vi. 411: Corena, Astraea. Stated by Bates to be synonymous with Ithomeis (q. v.). OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 199 584. Ituna. 1847 (Aug.) Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 17: Phenerate. Sole species, and therefore type. 1847 (Oct.) lb., ib. i. 113: Lamirus ? (Lamyra), Phenerete, Ilione. Subsequently used in the same sense. 585. IxiAS. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 95: Pyrene (Pyrene, Anexibia, -lEnippe), Marianne (Bebryce, Mariane). 1870. Bull., Cist. Ent. i. 37, 48: suggests Pyrene as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 497 : employs it for both of Hiibner's and others. See Thestias. 586. J^RA.* 1816. Hubn., Verz. 38: Opis, Afer (Afra), Crithea. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 2G9 [lera] : employs it for Crithea and Ccenobita. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 30: using the genus in "Westwood's sense, separates the two species into two sections. 1869. But!., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 102 [lera] : uses it for the same species. Tlie name, however, is preoccupied through Gaera [Scr. Jaera, Agass. Nomencl.] (Leach, Crust. 1815). See Catunaand Euomma. 587. Jalmenus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 75 : Evagoras, Yenulius. ]847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 28 [lalmenus] : employs it for Evagoras and others, excluding Venulius. In this sense it lias also been used by Herrich-S<;haeffer, Hewitson f lalmenus], and Kirby [lalmenus], Evagoras therefore is the type. See Austromyrlna. 588. Jamides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 71 : roboris (Evippus), Ethemon, Boclms. Bochus may be taken as the type. 589. Jasia.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 90: Jason (Jasius). Sole species, and therefore type. The name, being derived from the species on which the genus is grounded, falls. See Charaxes and Faphia. 590. Jasoniades. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 83: Alexanor, Glaucus, [placed also by Hiibner in Euphceades in the same work I] (Turnus), Machaon, Xuthus. 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1850. Steph., Cat.- Brit. Lep. 2 [Jasonides] : Machaon. So also Kirby (1858). Machaon, however, had already been made the type of Princeps : the other species, excepting Glaucus, are congeneric, and hence this must be talien as the type. See Euphoeades. 591, JUNONIA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 34: Aonis, Lavinia, Orithya (Orithya, Ocyale, Isocratia), Clelia, Erymanthis (Lotis), CEuone. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 206 : places in his typical section all the species of Hiibner excepting Erymanthis, besides others not mentioned by him. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 13 : divides the group into two sections, in the second of which he places two species, referred by Doubleday to his typical section. None of Ilubner's species are specially designated. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 186: follows Doubleday. 1872.- Scudd., Syst. Rev. 22 : designates Lavinia as the type. ISee Alyconeis. 592. Kallima. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 52 : Rumia, Paralekta. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 324: nine species are given, in- cluding the above. The question of type is a somewhat peculiar one. The "Paralekta" of Doubleday is considered by Westwood to be distinct from " Para- lekta " of Horsfield, and the same as " Horsfieldii " of KoUar. Kirby (Syn. Cat. 193), on the other hand, makes "Paralekta" of Doubleday the same as the " Paralekta " of Horsfield; and the " Paralekta " of Westwood (together with the " Horsfieldii " of KoUar), the same as the " Inachis " of Boisduval, placed as a possible synonyme of " Paralekta." Now Westwood regards his " Paralekta " as type. If, however. West- wood's "Paralekta" is not the "Paralekta" of Doubleday, it could not beconie the type of the genus, because not mentioned in the first instance. If the same, it would have to be taken as type ; consequently it would best be considered the type. The question, however, is still further complicated by the following : — 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 14: refers to it only Inachis and Rumia. If Inachis (which includes the " Paralekta " of Westwood) is distinct from the Paralekta of Doubleday, and Westwood's decision of a type is thereby ruled out of place, then Rumia becomes the type. The question is, in reality, of little importance, since all the species men- tioned are congeneric in the strictest sense, and variety of opinion as to specific alliances does not affect the generic nomenclature. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 193: employs it for all these and another. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 201 593. Kricogonia. 18G3. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 355 : Lyside, IMenippe (Leach- ianu). Lyside specified as type. 1870. Butl., Cist. Eat. i. 36, 46 : Lyside specified as type. 594 Lachnoptera. 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 22 : lole. Sole species, and therefore type. 1848. lb., ib. 161 : the same. 595. L^osopis. 1858. Ramb., Cat. Lep. Andal. i. 33 : roboris. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 377 : the same, and another. 596. Laertias. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 84: Ulysses (Ulysses, Diomedes), Philenor, Menestheus (Cresus), Palinurus (Regulus), Polytes (Pamnon, Cyrus), Merope (Brutus). 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 43 : specifies Philenor as the type. 597. Lampides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 70: Numereus, JElianus (Zethus), Helius, Bal- liston (Baaliston), Boeticus, Plato, Archias (Archius), Celeno (Celerio), Aratus. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 163: employs it for nineteen species, including Minereus, ^liaiius, Bceticus, Plato, and Celeno. 1870. Newm., Brit. Butt. 117 : employs it for Boeticus only. It cannot be employed for Boeticus, as this became in 1810 the type of Polyommatus. ^lianus may be taken as the type. 598. Lamproptera.* 1832. Gray, in Griff. An. Kingd., pi. 102, fig. 4 : Curius. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. The same species is the type of Leptocircus (q. v.) published at about the same time : perhaps it is impossible to discover which is ear- lier, but this name is too close, in any case, to Lampropteryx (Steph., Lep. 1829) to stand. Leptocircus is also preferred to this by Gray himself in 1856 (Pap. Brit. Mus.). 599. Lamprospilus. 1832. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. iv. 30: Genius. Sole species, and there- fore type. Subsequently used in same sense by Herrich-Schaeffer and Kirby 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 600. Laogona* 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 6 B. : Hypselis. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently used in same sense by Doubleday and Felder, but the name falls before Symbrenthia (q. v.). 601. Laparus.* 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 77 : Rhea (Sara), Erato (Doris), Phyllis, Melpomene. The name falls before Sicyonia, Migonitis, and Sunias. 602. Larinopoda. 1871. Butl., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 172 : lycsenoides. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 603. Lasaia.* 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 397 : Meris, Cleades (Cleadas). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 321 : the same. But tins name cannot stand, because preoccupied through Lasaea (Brown, Moll. 1827) and Lasia (Wied., Dipt. 1824, and Hope, Col. 1840). 604. Lasiommata. 1840. Westw. in Westw.-Humphr., British Butterfi. 65 : ^geria, Megsera. 1844. Doub!., List Br. Mus. 134: employs it for ^geria, Megrera, and other insects not specitied by Westwood. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Ent. 6, 254: employs it for ^geria, Megajra, and Maira only. 1851. TVestw., Gen. Dlurn. Lep. 385: employs it for the same and others. As jEgeria is the type of Pararge, Megaera must be taken as the type of this genus. Butler, in his Catalogue of Satyridce and else- where, has sunk this name inider Pararge, apparently on the false principle tiiat tiie first species must be taken as the type ; and he founded on the second species of this list, and on others, a genus Amecera (q. v.), which must certainly fall, unless some of its other species are generically distinct from Megaera. 605. Lasiophila. 1859. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. iii. 325 : Cirta, Circe. Felder remarks that the species resemble, in habitus and coloring, the species of Pronophila of the group of Zapatoza. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 203 18G7. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xx. 268; also (1868) Ent. Mouthl. Mag. iv. 196, and Cat. Sat. 181 : specifies Zapa- toza as type, of course erroneously. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 107: employs the name for all the species mentioned above, and others. Cirta may be consitlered the type. 606. Lebadea. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 28: Ismene, Alankara, Martha. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 230: the above and Paduka. Ismene may be taken as the type. 607. Lemonias. 1806. Hiibn., Tent. 1 : Maturna. Sole species, and therefore type. 1818. 111., Wied. Zool. Mag. i. ii. 99: Lamis and others, wholly un- related to the above. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 16: uses it in the Uligerian sense for Epulus and others. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 457 : uses it in a similar way for Chia and six others. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 446: extends it greatly, also using it for the Vestales. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 322 : uses it in the "Westwoodian sense, and refers the genus to him ! See also Polystichtis, Calospila, Melitasa and Mellida. 608. Leodonta. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 34, 40 : Dysoni, Tagaste, Tellane. Dysoni specified as type. 609. Leonte.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 52: Menelaus (Nestira), Achilles (Deidamia), Menelaus (Menelae), Achdles (Achilleja), Hecuba, Tele- machus (Telemache). •One of the synonymes of Achilles is Leonte Hiibn. The generic name being therefore drawn from, or at least the same as, one of the names previously in use for one of the species upon which it is founded, it must be dropped. 610. Lepricornis. 1865. Feld., Reise Novara, 307 : melanchroia. Sole species, and therefore type. Used for this species only, by Bates and Kurby. 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 611. Leptalis. 1823. Dalm., Anal. Ent. 40 : Astynome, Amphione. Astjnome spe- cified as type. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 412 : uses it for the above and many others. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 22 : makes a similar use of it. 1847. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 35 : uses it similarly. See Hemerocharis. 612. Leptidia. 1820. Billb., Euum. Ins. 76: sinapis. Sole species, and therefore type. Never since used, but should certainly be restored. See Leptoria and Leucopliasia. 613. Leptocircus. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 106 : Curius. Sole species, and there- fore type. Frequently used since in the same sense. See Lamproptera. 614. Leptoneura.* 1857. "Wallengr., Rhop. Caffr. 31 : Clytus. Sole species, and there- fore type, as stated by Butler. It should fall, however, before Dira (q.v.). 615. Leptopiiobia. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 35, 45 : Eleone, Penthica (Pentica), Ba- lidia, Aripa (Arapa), Pylotis. Eleone specified as type. 616. Leptoptera.* 1842. Boisd. in Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. [1] xi. 298 : decora. Sole species and designated type. The species was at that time inedited, and before it was published Boisduval had changed the name to Amnosia (q.v.). 617. Leptoria.* 1841. "Westw., Brit. Butt. 31 : sinapis (candida). Sole species, and therefore type. Falls before Leptidia. See also Leucophasia and Leptosia, for the latter of which it was probably a misprint. 618. Leptosia. 1816. Hlibn., Verz. 95: sinapis (lathyri), Alcesta, Xiphia (cliloro- grai)ha), Brephos. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : employs it for sinapis (candida, erysimi). OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 205 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 39, 54 : specifies sinapis (lathyri) as type, but wrongly, as this was already the type of three differ- ent genera ! See Leptidia. Sinapis was taken as type of Leptidia in 1820, Brephos has belonged to Leucidia since 1847, Alcesta and Xipliia are congeneric, and Xipiiia may be talien as the type. See Nina and Nycliitona. 619. Lerema. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 61 : Accius, Hianna, Pattenii. Accius specified as type. 620. Lerodea. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 59 : Eufala, fusca, Inca. Eufala specified as type. 621. Lethe. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 56 : Europa. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. See Debis. 622. Lethites (fossil). See Satyrites. 623. Leucidia. 1847. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 77 : Elvina, Brephos. 1867. Herr.-SchaefF., Prodr. ii. 8: Brephos, Leucoma (Elphos). 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. 35, 43 : specifies Leucoma (Elphos) as type, but of course erroneously. Elvina may be taken as tlie type. 624. Lkucochitonea. 1857. Wallengr., Rhop. Caffr. 52 : Levubu. Sole species, and there- fore type, as stated by Butler. Since used by authors in too extended a sense. 625. Leuconea.* 1837. Donz., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. vi. 80 : cratcegi. Sole species, and therefore type. 1858. Ramb., Catal. Lep. Andal. 54 : uses it in the same way. The name falls before Aporia. ' ■ 026. Leucophasia.* 1827. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Ilaust. i. 24 : sinapis. Sole species, and therefore type, as specified by Westwood (Gen. Syn. 87). Used in same sense by many subsequent authors. Falls before Lep- tidia. See also Leptoria. 206 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 627. Leucoscirtes.* 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 52 : ericetorum, Arsalte (nivea), Oceanus. Ericetorum specified as type. The name falls before Heliopetes. 628. Leucothyris.* 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 32 : Ilerdina. Sole species, and therefore type. This name is too close to Leucothyreus (MacL., Col. 1819) to be used. 629. Lexias. 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 125: /Eropus. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 36: places this species in a first section, Dirtea (Dirtea, Boisduvalii) in a second. 630. LiBYTHEA. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 284: celtis, Carinenta. 1810. Latr., Consid. 440: specifies celtis as the type. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 79 : changes the name, for no reason, to Chilea. 1828. Boit., Man. Ent. ii. 299 [Libythgeus] : celtis. It has been used constantly by all authors in much the same sense. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66: states that celtis is the type, through Latreille, 1810. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 28 : specifies Carinenta as type, erroneously. See Hypatus and Hecaerge. 631. LiBYTHINA. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 49 : Cuvieri. Sole species, and therefore type. 632. LiciNiA.* 1820-21. Swains., Zool. 111. i. i. 15 : Melite. Sole species and desig- nated type. Subsequently, in the same series (i. ii. 91 ; i. iii. 124), Amphione and Critomedia (Crisia) are given. An allied species is Licinia of Cramer, doubtless intended by Swainson to be included in the group, and from which the name was drawn ; on which account the name should be dropped. It is also preoccupied in Mollusks (Brown, 1756). See Enantia. 633. LiMENITIS. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 281 : populi, Niavius, Camilla. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 207 1815. Leach, Edinb. Encycl. 718: employs it for Camilla only, so that this becomes the type. [See Note, p. 293.] 181G. Dalm., Vetensk. Acad. Ilandl. xxxvii. .06 [Limonitis] : speci- fies populi as the type. See Najas. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 44: employs it for Camilla, populi, and two others. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 78 [Limonetes] : uses it for popuii and others. 1832. Dup., Pap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 400: uses it for Sibylla, Camilla, Lucilla, and aceris. 1832. Renn., Consp. 11 [Leminitis] : populi, etc. 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 87: specifies Camilla as type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 93 : employs it for Camilla and others, while populi is placed under Nymphalis. 1850. "VVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 274: regards populi as the type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. G6 : regards populi as the type, through Dalman, 181 G, overlooking Leach's previous action. 634. LiJiNiECiA.* 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 26: Harrisii. Sole species and designated type. This falls before Cinclidla (qv-)* 635. LiMNAS. 1806. Hiibn., Tent. i. : Chrysippus. Sole species, and therefore type. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 4 C. : Pixe, a totally different insect from that of Hiibner. See Melanis. " 1840. Blanch., An. Art, iii. 464 [Lynmas] : Jarbus (Electron). Closely allied to Boisduval's species. Doubleday, Westwood, Bates, Herrich-Schaeffer, Felder, and Kirby, have all since used it in tlie Boisduvalian sense. But as Chrysippus is < generically distinct from Plexippus, Limnas will stand for the former. 636. LlNCOTA. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat., App. 649: Pharsalia, Felderi. 1873. lb., Zool. Rec. for 1871, 360: specifies Pharsalia as type. Correctly, as this was the type of Antigonis (q.v.), which Lincoya was intended to supplant. 637. LiMOCHORES. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 59: Mystic, bimacula, Manataaqua, Tau- mas, Arpa, Pilalka (Palatka), and a MS. species. Man- ataaqua is specified as type. 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 638. LiPHTRA. *1864. "Westw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond. xxxi. : Brassolis. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. See Sterosis. 639. LiPTENA.* 1852? Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 77: Abraxas, Acrsea. 1852. lb., ib. 503 : used as a synonyme of Pentila. 1865. Hewits., Exot. Butt. iii. 119 : employs it for Acraea and others, so that AcrsEa becomes the type. 1868. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 13: follows Hewitson. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 335 : follows Hewitson. The name falls before Pentila and Tingra. 640. LoxuRA.* 1829. Horsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 119: Atymnus, Pita. Atymnus specified as type. Since used in same sense by Boisduval, Duncan, and Westwood, but the name must fall before Myrina (q.v.). 641. Lucia. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 135: Aurifer (Limbaria). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. Since used by authors in the same sense. 642. LuciLLA. 1870. Hewits., Equat. Lep. iv. 55 : Camissa. Sole species, and therefore type. 643. LuciNiA. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Sida. Sole species, and there- fore type. Since used by AVestwood, Fekler, and Kirby, in same sense. See Autodea. 644. Ltc^ides.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 69: Argijrognomon (Argus), Argus (^gon), Optilete (Optilete, Cyparissus). 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 20, 261 : employs it for Argus and other species not in Hiibner's list. Argus therefore be- comes the type. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 33 : specifies Argus as the type. The name falls before Rusticus, See also Scolitantides. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 209 645. Lyc^na. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 285 : I, Acis (Mars), Echion ; 11. Argiades, (Amyutas), rubi ; III. Endymion "(Meleager), Arion, Corydon, Thetis (Adonis), Leda (Ledi), virgaureas, Phhuas. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 717: restricts it mainly to the blues, referring to it all of tlie species indicated by Fabricius, excepting rubi and the coppers, virgaiirete and Phlceas, and adding others. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 23: emjjloys it for Echerius (Xenodice), which has nothing to do with Fabricius's species. 1824. Curtis, Brit. Ent., pi. 12: designates Phljeas as type, but that is ruled out by Oken's action. 1828. Horsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 68 : restricts it also to the coppers, but, for the same reason, erroneously. 1828. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Haust. i. 79 : does the same. 1832. Renn., Consp. 16: the same. 1832. Dup., Pap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 300: uses it for Bceticus and Telicainis, which belong elsewhere. See Polyommatus. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. 132: also designates Phlagas as the type. 1833. Boisd., Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. ii. 171 : uses it for Boeti- cus, Telicanus, and others. 1836. lb., Spec, gen., pi. 3 B. : gives a figure of Bcetica. 1837. SodoiFsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 81, 96: proposes to change the name to Lycia or Migonitis, preferably the latter. 1839. Ramb., Fauna Ent. Andal. 262 : restricts it again to the coppers, erroneously. 1840. Westw., Geu. Syn. 88: specifies Phheas as type. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 40 : employs it for a great number of species, including, of Fabricius's list, Argiades (Amyntas), Endymion (Meleager), Arion, Corydon, Thetis (Adonis). 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 488: makes a similar but more extended use of it, in which he has been followed by most recent writers. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 340: restricts it again to the coppers. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 36 : again specifies PhLeas as type. No restriction of this group within the blues having been effected, the genus may be confined to Endymion and Corydon of the species mentioned by Fabricius, with Endymion for type. See Heodes. 646. Lyc^nesthes. 1865. Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 773 : bengalensis Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. VOL. X. (n. S. II.) 14 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 617. Lyc-enopsis. 1865. Feld., Eeise Novara, 257: Ananga. Sole species, and there- fore type. 648. Ltciinucus. 1825. Hiibu., Zutr. iii. 24: Olenus. Sole species, and therefore type. 649. Ltcia.* 1837. SodofFsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 81 : proposes this name to supplant Lycijena, for etymological reasons. But these are insufficient, and Lycia is preoccupied in Lepidoptera (Hubn. 1816). 650. Lycorea. 1847 (July). Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 16: Cleobaea (Atergatis). Sole species, and therefore type. 1847 (Aug.). lb., ib. 105 : Pasinuntia, Ceres, Halia, Cleoboea (Atergatis, Cleobaja). Tliis name is very close to Lycoris (Sav., Worms, 1817). 651. Lycus.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 74: Niphon, rubi, Damon (Gryneus). 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 17: emjiloys it for rubi only, which thereby becomes the type. But the name is preoccupied in Coleoptera (Fabr. 1787). 652. Lymanopoda. 1851 (Jan.?) Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 67: Samius. 1851 (July). Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 401: Samius, lonius, obso- leta. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 56: employs it for Samius and others not mentioned by West wood. 1868. Bull., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 196; and Cat. Sat. 168: desig- nates Samius as the type. See Sarromia. 653. Lyropteryx. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 433 : ApoUonia, Terpsichore. Apollonia may be taken as the type. 654. Mancipium. 1806. Iliibn., Tent. 1 : brassicae. Sole species, and therefore type. 1827. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Haust. i. 22 : employs it for Daplidice and cardamines, belonging to the same subfamily as Hiibner's species. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 211 1829. Ilorsf., Descr, Cat. Lep. E. lud. Co. 141 : uses it as a subdi- vision of Pontia, assigning to it tliree species which have intimate connection with the above: 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 87: specifies cardamines as type. 1852. Renn., Consp. 4: follows Stephens. 1800. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 5 : restricts it still further to Daplidice. See also Ganoris, Pontia, and Pieris. 655. Maniola. 1801. Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii. i. 152, 170: I. Galathea (Galataea), ^geria, Megcera, INIfEra, Dejanira, Medea, Ligea, Me- dusa, Jurtina (Lemur), Epiphron (Egea), Manto (Baucis), Hyperanthus, Arcania (Arcanius), Hero, Typhon (Ti- phon), Pamphilus, Iphis (Manto), Semele, Phsdra^ Briseis (Briseis, Janthe), Hermione, Circe (Proserpina); II. Iris (Iris, Jole), Ilia (Julia, Ilia, Clytie). 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 732 : employs it for Iris and Ilia. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 64: uses it for Afer (Phegea) and Phryne, both Satyrids, but neither of them specified by Schrank. The former, however, is congeneric with those of Schrank's species, for wliieh the name Erebia must be used by the earlier action of Dal- man. Hence Hiibner's action has no effect upon Schrank's genus. 1829. Meig,, Eur. Schmett. i. 104: employs it for Briseis and very many others. All his Satyrids are included, excepting those placed by him in Jlelanargia ( Agape tes) : comprising, among others, Jurtina, which may be taken as the type. Excluding the second section of Schrank's genus, which belongs to Potamis, there are no less than ten genera represented by the species enumerated in his list. Of these genera, one (Agapetes) was taken out by Billberg, in 1820 ; one (Erebia) by Dal- man, in 1816; and one (Hipparchia), through the action of various writers, in 1820. Most of the others are taken up by Hiibner's generic names, so that the choice finally lies between the present group repre- sented by Jurtina, and that for which we liave restricted Nytha (q. v.). 1859. Hein., Schmett. Deutschl. u. Schweiz, i. 26 : Dejanira. But this has belonged to Pararge from its foundation. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 57 : considers it the same as Erebia. 656. Marica.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 63: Stygne [also given by Hiibner in the same work, in his genus Phorcis], Nelo. The name falls before Erebia. See also Gorgo, Syngea, Phorcis, Epigea, and Oreina. 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 657. Marius.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 45 : Chiron (Ciima). Sole species, and therefore type. 1832-33. lb., ib. ii. 59 : Peleus (Thetys). As the work was published in parts, Chiron was pubHshed before Peleus. Marius is one of the synonymes of Chiron ; tlie generic name being based upon it falls. See also Euglyphus and Megalura. 658. Marjmessus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 81 : Silenus (Alcides, Corax), Atymnus, Lisias. Silenus and Atymnus belonging to the earlier Myrina, Lisias must be taken as the type of Marmessus. 659. Marpesia. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 47: Thyonneus (Thyonnea), Eleucha (Eleu- chea), lole (Zosteria), Chiron (Chironias), Orsilochus (Cinna). 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 86: employs it for Eleucha and Peleus (Thetis). Eleucha thereby becomes the type. 1850. Westvv., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 263 : uses it in the same way. 660. Mechanitis. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 284: Calliope, Polymnia, Erato (Doris), Psidii, Phyllis. 1866. Hiibn., Verz. 1 1 : uses it for Eucrate and Polymnia (Lysim- iiia, Polymnia). Polymnia therefore becomes the type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 55: employs it for Polymnia (Lysimnia), and others. 1847. Ib., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 128: divides the eighteen species which he refers to this genus into two sections, placing Polymnia in the first. 1862. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 528 : restricts the group to Double- day's first section, dividing that again into two sections, of which Mechanitis proper is made to include " Polymnia and its allies." See also Nereis. 661. Megalura.* 1840. Blanch., Hist. Ins. iii. 446 : Coresia. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1871. Kirb., Cat. 220 : Coresia and many others. The name is preoccupied throuijh Megalurus (Vig.-Horsf., Birds, 1820; Agass., Fishes, 1833). See also Euglyphus and Marius. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 213 662. Megamede. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 50: Rhetenor (Rheteuoris, Chalciope). Sole species, and therefore type. 663. Megastes.* 1851. Boisd. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 346: given as a MS. synonyme of Dynastor (q. v.) by Westwood. The species of Dynastor were Napoleon and Darius. Megastes, however, was only applied to Napoleon (Napoleo), and hence the name must fall before Dynastor. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 53 : Macrosiris, Darius. 664. Megathymus.* 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 62 : yuccce. Sole species and designated type. It is not a butterfly. 665. Megistanis. 1844. [Boisd. in] Doubl., List Br. Mus. 109 : Acheronta (Cadmus), Bseotus (Beotus). 1849. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 48: Boeotus (Beotus). 1850. lb. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 311: Bseotus (Beotus), Acheronta (Cadmus), and another. By the publication of the plates of Doubleday and Westwood's Gen- era, Bceotus became the type, and in this sense it has been employed by Felder and Kirby. But Boisduval in 1870 (Le'p. Guat.) refers Acheronta again to it. Kirby in his Syuonyniical Catalogue refers the genus to Westwood. 666. Megisto. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 54: Euritus (Cymelia), Argante, Canthus (Euridice), Acmenis. 1868. Butl., Cat. Sat. 14: specifies Eurytus as the type. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 6 : does the same. But Eurytus is strictly congeneric with Penelope, the type of Cissia, and there- fore Acmenis may be taken as the type of Megisto. 667. Megonostoma.* 1863. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 356: Cesonia (Coesonia), Eurydice, Philippa, Helena. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 36, 46 : specifies Cesonia as the type. 1872. Ivirb., Syn. Cat. 489 [Meganostoma] : Cesonia and allies. The name must fall before Zerene, which, by the foundation of Eurymus, became restricted to this group. 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 668. Melampias. 1816. Ilubn., Verz. 63: Hyperbius (Hyperbia), Mnestra, Epiphron (Rhodia, Janthe), Pliarte, Arete. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 9, 255: uses it for Epiphron (Cassiope), Melampus, and Mnestra. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : does the same. But it cannot be used for tliese and their allies, as they are already taken up by Erebia, and consequently Hyperbius must be taken as the type. See Pseudonympha. 669. Melanargia.* 1829. Meig., Eur. Schmett. i. 97 : Galathea (Leucomelas, Galathea, Procida, Electra, Galena), Lachesis, Russiae (Clotho, Japygia), Arge (Simula), Thetis, Occitanica (Syllius). 1861. Stand., Cat. Lep. Eur. 9 [Melauagria] : refers the same and others to it. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 58 [Melanagria] : the same. A strictly homogeneous group, so that the name must fall before the earlier Agapetes. See also Arge. 670. Melania.* 1837. Sodoffsk., Bull. Mosc, x. 81 : proposes to supplant Hipparchia by this word, but without sufficient reason; moreover, it is preoccui^ied in Mollusks (Sow. 1819). 671. Melanis. 181 6. Hiibn., Verz. 25 : Melander (Melandra), Phereclus (Pherecla), Agyrtus (Agyrte). Melander may be taken as the type. See Limnas. 672. Melanitis. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 282 : Leda, undularis. 1809. Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 197: Ariadne (Ariadne, Merione), undularis. The latter therefore is the type. 1828. Ilorsf., Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co., expl. pi. 8 : undularis only. 1833. Boisd., Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. ii. 205 : uses it for undularis and others. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 143 : makes a similar use of it. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 403 : uses it in the same manner. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194; Cat. Sat. 1 : specifies Leda as the type, doubtless for the single reason that it is the first species mentioned by Fabricius, yet, as seen by the foregoing, erroneously. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 215 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 43 : follows Butler. 1872. lb., Trans. Eat. 8oc. Lond. 1872, 115: specifies undularis as type. 673. Melanocyma. 1857. Westw., Trans. Eut. Soc. Lond. [n. s.] iv. 186 : Faunula. Sole species, and therefore type. 674. Melete. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. 79 : Lycimnia (Limnobia). Sole spe- cies and designated type. See Daptonoura. 675. Melin^a. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 11 : Egina, Clara, Equicola, Euniae, Irene. 1837. Sodoffsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 80 : ignorant of Hiibner's use of it, propo.-es this name to supplant Melitaea. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 56: employs it for Egina and Clara of Hiibner's species, besides others. It lias since been used in the same sense, and Egina may be taken as the type. 676. Melit^a.* 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 284 : Lucina, Didyma (Cinxia), Cynthia, Ma turn a. 1816. Dalm., Vetensk. Acad. Handl. xxxvii. 57: specifies Leucippe (Athalia) as type, but of course erroneously. 1832. Curt., Brit. Ent. pi. 386: designates Euphrosyue as type. 1837. Sodoffsk., Bidl. Mosc. x. 80 : jii'oposes to change the name to Melincea (q. v.). 1840. AVest\v., Gen. Syn. 88: specifies Cinxia as type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66: says that Leucippe (Athalia) is type, through Dal man. The name, liowever, falls, because preoccupied through Melitea (Per.-Les., Acal. 1809). See Lemonias. 677. Mellicta.* 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 77: Maturna, Aurinia (Artemis), Cinxia, Didyma, Dictynna, Athalia, Parthenie, Lucina, and some MS. species. This name falls before the earlier Lemonias, Schoenis, and Cinclidia. 678. Memphis. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 48 : Polycarmes (Odilia), Basilia. Polycarmes may be taken as type. 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 679. Menelaides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 84: Hector. Polytes (Romulus), Demetrius, Theseus, Aristolochiae (Polydorus), Polytes, Alphenor, Ascanius, Agavus. Polytes may be takeu as the type. 680. Meneris. 1844. [Boisd. in] Doubl., List Br. Mus. 106: Tulbaghia. Sole species, and therefore type. 1849. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 46: the same. 1850. Boisd. in AVestvv., ib. 296: the same. It has since been used in the same sense. See ^ropetes. 681. Mesapia. 1856. Gray, List Lep. Brit. Mus. 92 : Peloria. Sole species, and therefore type. 1872. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 510: the same. The name is very near to Mesapus (Raf., Crust. 1814). 682. Mesene. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 7 : Phareus, Thelephus (Telephus), and MS. species. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 441 : Phareus (Pharea), Thelephus (Telephus), and others. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 439 : employs it for Double- day's species and many others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 315: Doubleday's species and others. Phareus may be taken as the type. See Hiibner's use of Emesis. 683. Mesophthalma. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 455 : Idotea (Idotiea). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 684. Mesosemia. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 21 : Philemon (Icare), Hyphaea (Hiphia), Philo- cles (Philoclessa), Ccea, Ulrica (Ultio), Osinia, Eumene, Croesus (Capanea), Ephyne, Thymetus (Thymete), Eo- sina. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 12 : employs it for Philemon, Philocles, Croesus (Capanea), and a number of unpublished species. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 453 : uses it for Philocles, and other species not given by both Hiibner and Doubleday. This, therefore, becomes the type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 217 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn, Soc. Lond. ix. 416: employs it for many species, including Philocles. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 288: follows Bates. 685. Mesot^nia. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 209 : Doris. Sole species, and therefore type. Employed in pLice of Callitsenia, preoccupied ; but it is itself very close to Mesotena (Eschsch., Col. 1831). 686. Messaras.* 1848. Doubl., Gren. Diurn. Lep. 163: ErymantJds, Alcippe. Subsequently used by Felder and Kirbj-, the latter for Erymanthia only and its allies. But this name must fall, whichever species is chosen as type. See Atella and Cupha. 687. Mestra. 1822-26. Hubn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Hypenrmestra (Hypermestra). Sole species, and therefore type. See also Cystineura. 688. Metacharis. 1867. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iii. 174: Ptolomaeus, Agrius, Cad- meis, regalis, Lucius (Batesii). The first three specified as types. 1868. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 444 : places nine species here, including Ptolomaeus and Agrius and other of Bates's species, but excluding Cadmeis, which is placed under Charis. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 320 : uses it in the same way as Bates. Ptolomaeus may be taken as the type. 689. Metamorpha. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 43: Sulpitia (Elissa), Steneles (Sthenele), Dido. Dido belongs to Colaenis, and Sulpitia may be taken as the type of this group, since it is generically distinct from Steneles, the type of Victorina. 690. Metapheles. 1866. Bates, Ent. Monthl. Mag. iii. 155 : Einora. Sole species, and therefore type. Used for same species by Bates and Kirby. 691. Metaporia. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 38, 51 : Agathon. Sole species and designated type. 218 proceedings of the american academy 692. Methona* 1847 (Oct.). Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 115: Tliemisto. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently used by Bates and Herrich-Sehaeffer in same sense ; but the name must fall before Thyridia, limited at the same time to same group by Doubleday himself. Doubleday also, in the same year, established a genus Methone for an entirely different insect. 693. Methone.* 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 4: Cecilia (Cascilia). Sole species, and therefore type. 1851. Westvv., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 422 : the same. See also Table vi. and 533. Westwood changes tliis name to Metlionella (q.v.) because preoccu- pied by Methona, q. v. (Doubl., Lep. 1847), but both bear the same date. If Methona was first publislied, of course this falls, and Bates and Kirby assume tliis. 694. Methonella. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. Table vi. and 533 : Cecilia. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently used in same way by Bates and Kirby. See Methone. 695. Metura. 1873. Butl., Lep. Exot. 155 : Rurina, irrigata, intermedia, Virgo, Cipris (bracheolata, Neocypris). Cipris may be taken as the type. Is the name too near Mitoura ? 696. Microtia. 1864-65. Bates, Ent. Monthl. Mag. i. 83: Elva. Sole species, and therefore type. This name is very close to Microtus (Schrank, Mara. 1789). 697. Midea.* 1867. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. ii. 16 : Genutia. Sole species, and therefore type. Used also by Kirby ; but the name is founded on one of tlie syno- nymes of Genutia, and therefore falls. See Anthocharis. 698. MiGONiTis. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 12: Thales, Accde, Erato (Erato, Crenis), Burneyi, Thelxiope, Melpomene (Andremoue, Ulrica, Erythrasa), Egeria (Isaja). OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 219 1837. SodofFsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 82 : probably ignorant of Hiibner's use of this word, proposes to substitute it for Lycaena. Erato may be taken as the type. See also Crenis and Laparus. 699. Miletus. 1816. IIubn.,Verz. 71 : Polycletus (Epopus, Polycletus), Symethus. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diura. Lep. 502 : employs it for Symethus and three others. 1857. Horsf. -Moore, Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. : make a similar use of it. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 337 : the same. Symethus would therefore be type ; but Boisduval had already selected this as type of Gerydus (q. v.), and therefore Polycletus must be type. See also Symetha. 700. MlMACR^A. 1872. Butl., Lep. Exot. i. 104 : Darwinia. Sole species, and there- fore type. 701. MlMONIADES. 1823. Hiibn., Zutr. ii. 27 : Iphinous (Ocyalus). Sole species, and therefore type. 702. MiNETRA.* 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 126 : Nodrica, sylvia. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 86 : uses it for sylvia, Gambrisius. Sylvia therefore becomes type. Since used for all these species by Westwood and Felder. Tlie name falls before Parthenos (q. v.). 703. MiNOis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 57: Phaedra, Alcyone, Hermione, Circe (Pro- serpina), Persephone (Anthe), Briseis, Merope (CEno- mais.) 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 254 : employs it for Briseis, Phaidra, and Hermione. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : uses it for Phfedra only, which therefore becomes type. 1867. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iii. 279: employs it for Phtedra (Dryas) and others. ' 1868. lb., ib. iv. 194; and Cat. Sat. 61 : designates Phaedra (Dryas) as type. 1872. Scudd.j Syst. Rev. 5 : does the same. 220 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 704. Mithras. 181G. Hubii., Verz. 79: Nautes (Nautus), Elis, Metoa (Metus), Apidanus (Apidanus, Dorimuud). 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 19o : employs it for Pholeus and others, none of which are mentioned by Hiibner, although allied to all but the last. In accordance with Butler's usage, Nautes may be taken as the type. See Molus. 705. MiTOCERUS.* 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 79 : Phidlppus. Sole species, and therefore type. The name falls before Amathusia. 706. MiTOURA. 1872. Scudd. Syst. Rev. 31 : Damon (smilacis). Sole species, and therefore type. 1874. Rye, Zool. Rec. for 1872, 350 : suggests spelling it Mitura. It is derived from (iiro^ and ovpd. 707. M(ERA.* 1816. IlUbn., Verz. 51 : Aurelius (Aurelia), Phidippus (Phidippe), Adonis (Adonidis) Tullia, Celinde, Automedon (Auto- medaina). The name is preoccupied in Crustacea (Leach, 1815). 708. MOLUS. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 78: Phalanthus (Phalantus), Ismarus. Philanthus may be taken as the type. AVill it fall before Mithras ? 709. MONETHE. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 461 : Alphonsus. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Bates and Kirby. 710. MORITZIA.* 1861. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. v. 100 : noctula (paradoxa). Sole species, and therefore type. The name falls before Hades. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 221 711. MORPHEIS.* 1827-37. Gey. in Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. iii : Ehreiibergii. Sole species, aud therefore type. Used for same species only, by Doubleday, Westwood, and Felder ; but the name is preoccupied in Lepidoptera (Hiibn. 1816). See Ane- meca. 712. MORPHO. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 280 : Achilles, Menelaus, Hecuba. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 733 : employs it for Sibylla, Camilla, and populi ! 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 49 : employs it for species of Prepona only. 1820. Olveii, Lehrb. f Sehulen, 791 : the Fabrician species and others. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 8 B. : employs it for Cytheris, a species allied to the Fabrician. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mas. 115: uses it for all the species of Fabricius and others. 1851. TVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 337: tlie same. On p. 341 Achilles is specified as the type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 65 : specifies Achilles as the type. 713. MOSCHONEURA. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 39, 54 : Methymna, Pinthreus (Pinthoeus), Nehemia (Cydno). Methymna specified as type. 714. MURTIA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 98: Pyranthe (Minna). Sole species, and therefore type. 715. Mycalesis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 55: Evadne, Mineus (Minea, Justina), Mamerta (Hamerta), Medus (Ilesione), Ostrea (Otrea). 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 139 : employs it for Medus (Hesione), Mineus, Ostrea (Otrea), and some MS. species. 1851. TVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 392 : the same and others. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 62 : the same. 1868. Butl., Cat. Sat. 128 : specifies Evadne as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 87 : Evadne, Medus, Mineus, Ostrea, and others. Evadne may be accepted as the type, one at least of the species placed in this group by Doubleday being strictly congeneric therewith. See Orsotrisena. 222 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 716. Mtlothris. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 90: Rhodope (Arsalte), Ilaire (Margarita), Argia, Lyncida (IMonuste, Hippo), Hedyle, Drusilla, Lycimnia (Agrippina), Demophile, Monuste (Hippo- monuste). 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 254 [Milothris] : employs it for Mo- nuste only. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 34, 42: employs it for Rhodope (Poppea, Rhodope), Agathina, and Trimenia, and specifies Rho- dope (Poppea) as type. It cannot be used for Monuste in accordance with Stephens's usage, Bince that must be the type of Ascia (q. v.). 717. Mtnes. 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 129: Australis (Leucis), Geoffroyi. 1848. Doubl., List Br. Mus. App. 22 : employs it for Geoffroyi and others, and therefore this becomes type. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 267 : follows Boisduval. 1869. Wall., Trans Ent. Soc. Lond. 77 : considers Geoffroyi as the type and describes two others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 274: follows Wallace. 718. Myrina. 1807. Fabr., El. Mag. vi. 286: Silenus (Alcides), Ilelius (Helens). 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 722 : uses it for eight species, specifying only Silenus (Alcides) and Halesus. 1823. God., Encyl. meth, 592: divides the group into two sections, omitting Helius and placing Silenus (Alcides) in the second. 1829. Horsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 116: employs it for Ravindra and Freja (Jafra), and specifies the latter as the type, erroneously. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 3 B, 6 C. : uses it for the Horsfieldian species and another. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 21 : the same and others. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 475 : employs it for eighteen spe- cies, including Freja and Silenus (AJcides). 1870. Kirb., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. x. 500: specifies Silenus (Al- cides) as type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 223 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66: says Silenus (Alcides) is type, through "West wood, 1852. But it was determined long before that; for Helius was taken in 1816 as t3pe of lolaus, and nothing but Silenus then remained. See also Loxura. 719. Myscelia.* 1844. [Boisd. ill] Doubh, List Br. Mus. 88 : Orsis, Numilia (My- calia), Acontius (Medea). 1849, Boisd. in ib., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 220 : employs it for Orsis, Cyaniris, Ethusa, and Antholia. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 16: L Orsis; II. Ethusa, Cyaniris. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 40 : claims it as his own, and says it was founded on the females of Epicalia, and so should be dropped. The name, too, is unfortunately near Miselia (Ochs., Lep. 1816), and is actually preoccupied through Myscelus (Iliibn., Lep. 1816; Heyd., Arachn., 1823). See Sagaritis. 720. Myscelus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 110: nobilis, Sebaldus, Erythus. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 526: the same and others. 1869. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 58 : u?es it for a large number of species, including nobilis and Assaricus. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 264: employs it for nobilis and Assaricus. 1870. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 92 : specifies nobilis as the type. . 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 587 : uses it in the same sense. 721. Nahida. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. App. 651 : ccenoides. Sole species, and therefore type. Employed to replace Threnodes preoccupied. 722. Nais.» 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 136: Thyshe (splendens). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. Subsequently used by Felder. But one of the synonymes of Thysbe is Nais, and the name therefore falls ; it is also preoccupied in Worms (Mull. 1771). 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 723. Najas. 1806. Iliibn., Tent. 1 : populi. Sole species, and therefore type. See N^mphalis and Limenitis. See also Nynipha, p. 293. 724. Nap^a. 1825. Iliibn., Catal. Franck, 76: Nicneus (Nicasa), Halimede, Eu- charila (Actoria), Thersander, Lucinda, Mandana (Man- daiie), Lucina, Ceiieus (Lusca), Athemon (Athemoena), Lamis, Caricfe, Mantus (Mante), Bomilcar (Bombilcar), Phareus (Pharea),Thisbe (Perdita), Pais, Dorilas (Nyx), Lisias (Lisiassa), Sagaris. Lisias may be taken as the type. 725. Napeocles. 1864. Bates, Journ. Ent. ii. 194:: jucunda. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1872. Kirb., Syu. Cat. 193: the same. 726. Napeogenes. 1862. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 533 : I. Cyrianassa (Cyrianassa, Tunantina, Adelphe), Inachia (Inachia, Pyrois, Pharo, Ercilla, sulpliurina), Ithra, Corena; II. Pheranthes, Crocodes, Duressa. Besides these, not classed in either group, are Tolosa, Larina, Apulia, and Xanthare. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 24: uses it in the same sense. Cyrianassa may be taken as the type. 727. Narope. 1849. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 50 : Cyllastros. Sole species, and therefore type. 1851. Boisd. in Westvv., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 348: Cyllastros and two others. Used in same sense by Ilerrieh-SchaefFer and Kirby. 728. Nathalis. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 589 : lole. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. Since used in same sense. 729. Nectaria. 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 76 : given by Billberg as the equivalent of Fabricius's Idea, which fell, from being founded on the single species Idea, which therefore be- comes the type of this genus. See Idea and Ilestia. OP ARTS. AND SCIENCES. 225 730. Necyria. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 432 : Bellona, Duellona. 1867. Bates, Journ. Liun. Soc. Loud. ix. 428 : the same and others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 302 : follows Bates. Bellona, being the species figured, may be taken as the type. 731. Nelone.* 1870. Boisd,, Lep. Guat, 23 : Mandana (Mandana, Ops), Fatima (Fatima, Ovidius), Lucinda, Praxithea, Aurimna. This name falls before Aphacitis and Emesis. 732. Nemeobius. 1827. Steph., HI. Brit. Ent. Haust. i. 28: Lucina. Sole species, and therefore type. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 2 : the same and another. 1851. TVestw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 419: Lucina. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 284: the same. 733. Neojl^nas. 1858, "Wallengr., K. Vet. Akad. Forh. xv. 78 : Servilea. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. But the species was inedited at this time, being first published, under the same generic name, two years later. 734. Neontmpha. 1816. HUbn., Verz. G5 : Phocion (Helicta), Cornelius (Gemma), Clorimena (Clerimene), Dorothea. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 137 : employs it for Phocion (areolatus), Cornelius (Gemma), and two others. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 374: uses it for twenty-five species, among them tlie two of Hiibner's mentioned by Doubleday. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 59 : makes a similar use of it. 1868. Butl., Cat. Sat. 35 : specifies Phocion (Helicta) as type. 735. Neope.* 1807. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xix. 166: Bhadra, Pulaha, Goschkevitschii (Moorei, japonica). 1868. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 195 ; Cat. Sat. 112 : specifies Bhadra as type. The name was proposed to supplant Enope preoccupied ; but it is itself preoccupied through Neopus (Hodgs., Birds, 1844). Probably some English entomologist (the passion for the formation of generic terms by transposition seems to be strong in England) will propose Nopca, Epone, Opene, or Onepe, to take its place ! VOL. X. (N.S. II.) 15 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 736. Neophasia. 1869. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ii. 303 : Menapia, Terlooii. Menapia may be taken as tlie type. 737. Neorina. 1850. "Westw., Geu. Diurn. Lep., jdI. 65: Hilda. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 1851. lb., ib. 369 : the same. 738. Neorinopis (fossil). 1873. But!., Lep. Exot. i. 127: sepulta. Sole species and desig- nated type. 739. Neosattrus. 1858. Wallengr., K. Vet. Akad. Forh. xv. 79 : ambiorix. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 740. NEPnERONIA. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 38, 53 : Poppea (Idotea), Thalessina, Argia, Buquetii, Pharis (Pilaris, Chione), Valeria (Hippia, Bcebera), lobsea (Joba^a). Poppea designated as type. 741. Neptis. 1807. Fabr., III. Mag. vi. 282 : Melicerta, aceris. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 42 : Nauplia, Emilia. These have nothing to do with the Fabrician group. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 78 : changes the name, for no reason, to Philonoma (q. v.). 1828. Ilorsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co., expl. pi. 5, 7: Vikasi? populi, and aceris.* 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 270 : divides the group into two sections, and places both Fabricius's species in the second. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 30 : divides the group into seven sections, placing aceris in the first, with others, and Melicerta alone in the (burth. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66 : says aceris is type, through Horsfield and Westwood ; but Westwood's action certainly has no effect upon it. Aceris, however, has belonged to Nymphalis (q. v.) since 1823; and hence Melicerta must be taken as the type of this group. * He bas also referred aceris, in tlie same work, to a new (unnamed] genus. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 227 742. Nereis.* 1806. Iliibn., Tent. 1 : Polymnia. Sole species, and therefore type. The name is preoccupied in AYorms (Linn. 1731). See Meclianitis. 743. Nerias. 183G. P.oiscl., Spec, gen., pi. 4 A., 7 B. : Calliope, Euterpe, Susanna. The larva and pupa only of the first two are figured. 184 1. Doubl., List Br. Mus. G4: employs it for Phlegia and Susanna only. Susanna, tlierefore, becomes the type. The name is very near to Neria (Rob.-Desv., Dipt. 1830). 744. Ness^a.* 181G. Illibn., Vei'z. 41: Obrinus (Ancoea), Harpalyoe, Galanthis. Tliis name is preoccupied through Nesrea (Lamx., Pol. 1812). 745. Nestorides. ' 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 86 : Gambrisius (Drusius, Gambrisius, Amphi- trion). Sole species, and therefore type. 746. Netrocoryne. 1867. Feld., "Reise Novara, 507 : repanda. Sole species, and there- fore type, as stated by Butler. 1867. Hewits., Hundr. Ilesp. 22: beata, Denitza. 1869. Ilerr.-SchaelF., Prodr. iii. 69: repanda, ccecutiens. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 621 : all the above. 747. Neurosigma. 1868. Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 615. Siva specified as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 249: the same. • See Acontia. 748. NiCA.* 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : jlavilla. Sole species, and therefore type. Since used in the same sense by Doubleday, Felder, and Kirby ; but tlie name is preoccupied through Nika (Risso, Crust. 1816). 749. NlCOXIADES. 1816-21. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Xanthaphes (Xanthaptes). Sole species, and therefore type. 1821. lb.. Index, 7 : the same. This name is too close to Nisoniades of the same family, proposed by the same author (Vcrz. 181G), to stand. It cannot, however, have been a simple typographical error. See Goniloba. 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY' 750. Nina* 1829. Hor?f., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 140: XipMa (Nina). Sole species, and therefore type. The name is one of tlie synonymes of Xiphia, and therefore falU. See Leptosia and Nychitona. 751. NmoDiA. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 430: Belphegor. Sole species, and therefore type. 752. NiSONIADES. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 108: Bromius, Mimas, Zephodes, Juvenalis (Juvenis), Tages, Flesus (Ophion), and a MS. species. 1850.- Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 22: restricts the name to Tages, but this had'already (1832) been taken to form Thanaos. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 579 : employs it for all of lliibner's species excepting Zephodes and Flesus, and for many others. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 286: employs it for Tages, Juvenalis, Mimas, and others. 1871. Staud., Cat. Eur. Lep 34: uses it for Tages and others. Other authors have used it similarly. Bromius may be taken as the type. See Thanaos. 753. NOMIADES. 1816. IlUbn., Verz. 67 : Semiargus (Acis), Atys (Pheretes), Damon, Cyllarus (Diynoetas), Areas (Erebus), Alsus, Alcon, Diomedes (Euphemus), Arion, Lysimon. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 19, 261 : employs the name for Alsus, Semiargus (Acis), Arion, and Alcon. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : uses it for the same, excepting Alsus, and for others. The query attached to many of them only indicates that they are doubtful as British species. Semiargus may be taken as the type. 754. NOTHEME. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 462: Eumeus (Ouranus). Sole species, and therefore type. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 425: the same and another. See Amblygonia. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 229 755. Nychitona.* 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 34, 41 : Alcesta (Dorothea), Xiphia (Niobe). The former specified as type. The uame falls before Leptosia. See also Nina. 756. Nymphalis. 1805. Latr., Sonn. BufF. xiv. 82: (nymphales) Jason (Jagius), Antiopa, Polychloros, van. album (v. album), urticae, c. album, Egea (triangulum), Levana (Prorsa, Levana), Atalanta, lo, cardui, celtis, populi, Sappho (Lucilla), Sibylla (Sibilla), Iris (Iris, Beroe) ; (perlati) Paphia (Paphia, Valesiana), Adippe, Aglaia, Daphne, Dia, Pales, Euphrosyne (Euphrosine), Lathonia, Lucina, Cynthia, Aurinia (Ar- temis), Cinxia; {satyri), Circe, Hermione, Briseis, Fidia, Statilimus (Fauna), Actcea, Semele, Phaedra, Ligea, Melampus, Manto (Pollux), Medea (iEthiops), Dejanira, ^geria, Masra (Satyrus), Ilyperanthus, Tithonus (pilo- sellse), Jurtiua (Janira), Pamphilus, Arcania (Arcanius), Galathea. As Latreille indicates the first of these groups as typical by giving it the distinctive name nymphales, any further restriction of the genus must be confined to this group. 1810. lb., Consid. 440: Dido, aceris, populi, and Achilles are specified as types. Populi is the only one given in the previous list, none of the others being even congeneric with any of the species then referred to the genus. This, therefore, would become the type, had it not been pre- viously taken as the type of Najas (q. v.). Latreille's treatment of the group in his Genera (1809), and in Cuvier's Eegne Animal (1817), is essentially the same as in Sonnini's Buffon. 1816. Lam., Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert. iv. 24: employs it for the Satyrids only, but of course erroneously. 1823. God., Tab. Meth. 43 : uses it for Jason (Jasius), Iris, Ilia, populi, Sibylla, Camilla, Sappho (Lucilla). Jason had already been taken as the type of Charaxes, as Felder has pointed out; Iris, and consequently Ilia, were removed to Potamis in 1806. Camilla became the type of Limenitis in 1815, taking with it Sibylla ; so that Sappho must be considered the type of this genus. 1828. Boit., Man. Ent. ii. [Nymphalus]. 1829. Boisd., Index, 16: restricts it to populi. 1832. Dup., Pap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 401 : the same. 1833. BruUe, Exp. Moree, 283 : uses it for Jason (Jasius) only. 230 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 96: employs it for populi, Artemis, etc. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diuin. Lep. 306: considers Jason as type. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 41: divides the group into four sections, including the genera Cymatogramma and Paphia of Doubleday's Genera, but mentions no species referred to the group by Latreille. See remarks in his note. 1871. Kirb.,^Syn. Cat. 267; uses it for Jason and allies; but on p. 648 makes it supplant Vanessa, and refers the genus to Linne. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 60: also wrongly refers the genus to Linne [Nymphales], and says that Lamarck in 1801 (where only the plural form is used) fixed the type a^ Atulanta. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Ilev. 10 : specifies Polychloros as type, erro- neously. See also Neptis and Limenitis. 757. Nymphidium. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 286: CariccB, Thelephus (Telephus), Athemon. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 722: the same and others. 1832. Boisd.-LeC, Lep. Am. Sept. 130 [Nymphidia] : Coeneus (Pumila). 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 2 B. : Jessa. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 10: employs it for a large number, including, of Fabricius's species, only Caricaj. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diuru. Lep. 447 : emi^loys it for twenty species, including Caricoe and Lamis, which are specified as " rep- resentative." 1868. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 450: uses it for nearly fifty species, including Caricce. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66 : says that Caricai is tyj^e, through Westwood in 1850 [1851]. Caricffi, however, belongs to Peplia, 1816, and Athemon to another family. Hence Thelephus should be taken as the type. See Peplia, Desmozona, and Helioclilaena. 758. Nymula. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 4 C. : Gnosis. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1840. Blanch., Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 465 [Nimula]. 1 868. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 450 : employs it for Gnosis and allies. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 231 759. NrxiiA. 1820. Billb., Enura. Ins. 77: Ilyperbius, MecTea, Clytus, Mcera, Agave (Alcyone, Ilippolyte), Semele, Hermione, Briseis, Statilimus (Faunus), Fiilia, and several MS. Sjjecies. All these species, excepting Hermione and Rriseis, fall into tlie genera Erebia, Eumenis, Fararge, Melanipias, and Dira ; all of which are of earlier date. The name may therefore be retained for these two species and their allies, with Hermione for type. See also Maniola and Oreas. 7 GO. Oarisma. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 54: Poweshiek. Sole species and desig- nated type. 761. OCALIS.* 1851. Boisd. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 371 : Westwood gives it as a MS. synonyme of Oressinoma (q>v.). 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 63 : Typhla. Sole species, and therefore type. This name falls before Oressinoma; and is besides too close to Ocalea (Erichs., Col. 1837). 762. OCHLODES. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 57 : nemorum, agricola, Sonora. Nemo- rum specified as type. 763. OCTTES. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. bb : Metea, Seminole. Metea specified as type. 764. (Eneis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 58: Noma (Noma, Celasno), Polixenes (Bore), Jutta, Arethusa. 1868. But!., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 196; Cat. Sat. 160: specifies Noma as the type. 1871. Stand., Cat. 27 : uses it in the same sense. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 68: the same. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 4: specifies Noma as type. See also Chionobas. 765. CEnomaus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 76: Marsyas, Ortygnus, Eumolphus, Rustan, Palegon. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 196 : employs it for Marsyas. But this is already the type of Pseudolycsena. Ortygnus may bo chosen as the type. 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 766. Ogtris. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 20: Idrao, Abrota, Damo (all inedited). 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 472: Abrota, Idmo : the former is figured. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 425: Abrota, Idmo, and others. Since Doubleday's genus was undescribed, and at the time when it was proposed all the species were inedited, the genus can only date from 1852, though it should bear Doubleday's name : at this time the only published species was Abrota, and this therefore must be the type. Idmo was not published until 1862, and Damo is still a MS. name. 7G7. OiLEIDES. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Vulpinus, Zephodes. Zephodes may be taken as the type. 768. Oleria. 1816. Hiibn., Verz, 9 : Astrea, Flora, Aegle (Clio). 1862. Bates, Liun. Trans, xxiii. 529 : Phyllodoce, Theaphia: these species are allied to Hiibner's, but have no immediate connection with them. See Scada. 1864. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 47 : follows Bates. Astraea may be taken as the type. 769. Oligorfa. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 61 : maculata. Sole species and desig- nated type. Is this name too close to Oligorus (Dej., Col. 1833) 1 770. Olina.* 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 31: Azeca. Sole species, and therefore type. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 407 : Azeca, Emilia. The name is preoccupied in Diptera (Rob.-Desv. 1830). See Vila. 771. Oltnthus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 80 : Inachus, Narbal. Narbal may be taken as the type. 772. Oltras.* 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 107: Grathis. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Herrich-Sehaeffer and Kirby, but the name is preoccupied through Olyra (McClell., Fishes, 1812), and perhaps through Oluris (Heyd., Arachn. 1826). OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 233 773. Opsiphanes. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 57 : Boisduvalii, Sallei, Reeve- sii. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 344: Syme and eleven others, in- cluding Boisduvalii, Sallei, Xanthus, and Berecynthus, but not Reevesii. Xanthus and Berecynthus are specified as types, but they cannot be, because they were not of the original species. 38G4. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 54: Berecynthus and others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 125: all the above but Reevesii. Sallei may be taken as the type. 774. Oreas.* 1806. Hiibn., Tent. 1 : Circe (Proserpina). Sole species, and there- fore type. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 740: the same and others. 18G5. Feld., Reise Novara, 305 : Marathon, Ctesiphon : wholly unrelated to the above. See Rusalkia. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 431 : follows Felder. The name is preoccupied in Mammals (Desra. 1804). See Nytha. 775. Oreina.* 1840. "Westw., Brit. Butt. 76 : Ligea, Medea (Blandina), Epiphron (Cassiope). 1867. Butl., Ent. iii. 277 : Epiphron and others not in preceding list. 1868. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194 : specifies Epiphron (Cassiope) as type. The name is preoccupied in Coleoptera (Chevr. 1834). See Erebia, (rorgo, Marica, Syngea, Phorcis, and Epigea. 776. Oressinoma. 1850. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 62: Typhla. ' Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 1851. lb., ib. 371 : the same. See Ocalis. 777. Orestias.* 1862. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 73 : Vitula. Sole species, and therefore type. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 432 [Orestia] : the same and another. 234 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 18G8. Ilerr.-Scluieff., Prodr. iii. 7 [Orestia] : follows Bates. The name is preoccupied in Fislies (Val. 1839) and also through Orestia la Coleoptera (Chevr. 18&4). See Cartea. 778. Orimba. 1856. Boisd. in Hen'.-SchaefF., Exot. Sclimeit. 55 : Cepha (Cata- leuca), Pasiphae (Areas). ■ Pasiphae was taken in 1847 as the type of Pandemos, so that Cepha must be taken as the type of this genus. See Aricoris, in founding wliich Boisduval also made use of Cepha ! 779. Orinoma. 184:6. Doubl., in Gray's Nepaul, 14: Damaris. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. Used for this species only by Westwood, Herrich-Schaeffer, Butler, and Kirby. 780. Ornithoptera. 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 33 : Priamus, Helena (Amphimedon, Helena). 1836. lb., Si^ec. gen. 173: Priamus, Helena, and others. Used in same sense by Doubleday and Westwood. Priamus may be taken as the type. 781. Orpheides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 86: Demoleus, Erithonius (Epius). Demoleus may be taken as the type. 782. Orsotrijena.* 1858. Wallengr., K. Vet. Akad. Forh. xv. 79 : Bfedus (Hesione). Sole species, and therefore type. The name probably falls before Mycalesis. 783. OXEOSCHISTUS. 1867. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xx. 268: Puerta, Hilara, Protogenia, Pi-onax, Propylea, Prochyta, Irmina, Tauro- polis. Puerta specified as type. 1868. Tb., Cat. Sat. 180 : the same. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 106: follows Butler. 784. OXTLIDES. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 77: Celmus, Faunus. Faunus may be taken as the type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 235 785. OXYNETRA. 1862. Fold., WicQ. Eut. Monatschr. vi. 179: semihyalina. Sole species, aud therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 583 : the same. 786. Pachlioptera. 1864. Reak., Proc. Eut. See. Phil. iii. 503 : Darsius, Ponipeus, Rhad- amanthus, Priamus, Hector, Aristolochice (Diphilus), Philenor? Polydamus? Clytia (dissimilis). Aristolochiae may be taken as the type. See also Polydorus. 787. Pachyuiiopala.* 1858. Walleagr., K. Vet. Akad. Foih. xv. 81 : Phidias. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. The name falls before Tamyris. 788. Pachythone. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 389 : Erebia, Lateritia, distigma, Xanthe, mimula. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 316: the same. Erebia may be taken as the type. 789. Pagyuis.* 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 34 : Ulla. Sole species, and therefore type. Preoccupied through Pagurus (Fabr., Crust. 1798). 790. Pal^oxtixa* (fossil). 1873. Butl., Lep. Exot. i. 126: ooUtica. Sole species, and therefore type. It is not a butterfly, as I shall show in my memoir on Fossil Butter- flies, shortly to be pubhshed by the Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science. 791. Palla. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 47: Decius (Decia). Sole species, and therefore type. Used by Kirby (Syn. Cat.) in same sense. See also Pliyllophasis and Philognoma. 792. Pallene.* 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 41 : Eapithes. Sole species, and therefore type. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 289 : the same. The name is preoccupied in Coleoptera (Meg 1823; Lap. 1836), m Crustacea (Johnst. 1837), and in Birds (Less. 1837). 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 793. Pamphila. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 287 : comma, Palaemon (Paniscus), mal- V03 (Fritillum, lavaterae). 1828. Steph., 111. Brit. Eiit. Haust. i. 99 : employs it for Palaemon (Paniscus), comma, and others, placing malvae else- where. 1837. Curtis, Guide, 2d Ed. 174: makes similar use of it. 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 88: specifies comma as type. 1840 [ined. ?] Ramb., Faune Ent. Andal. 321 : malvae, Proto, etc. 18;)8. lb., Cat. Lep. Andal. 78 : uses it for Proto and others. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : employs it for sylvanus only, a spe- cies not mentioned by Fabricius. 18G9. Biitl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 276: uses it for several species, includ- ing only comma of Fabricius. 1870. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 93 : specifies comma as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 596 : employs it in a very wide sense, includ- ing comma. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 67 : says that comma is type, through Dalman's action in 1816. But Dalman did not use the name Pamphila even as a synonyme ! 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 56 : specfies comma as type. Comma, however, cannot be taken as the type, for in 1832 it vir- tually became tlie type of Erynnis (q. v.) ; malvae already belonged to Hesporia in 1708 ; and therefore Palaemon must be taken as the type. See Carterocephalus and Steropes. 794. Panara. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 8 : Sagaris (Satnius), Thisbe (larbas). 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 442 : employs it for Thisbe (lar- bas), Phereclus (Barsacus), and Sagaris (Satnius), the last with a query. Thisbe sliould tlierefore be considered the type ; and in this sense it is used by Bates and Kirby. 795. Pandemos. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 25: Placidia, Liberia, Pasiphae (Arcassa), Lagus (Lagis). 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 7: employs it for Pasiphae (Areas) and others. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 440 : does the same, and specifies Pasiphae (Areas) as type. k. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES/ 237 18G7. Bates, Journ. Linn Soc. Lond. is. 456: uses it for Pasiphae (Areas) only. 1871. Kirb., Syu. Cat. 332: follows Bates. 796. Pandita. 1858. Moore, Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. i. 181: Sinope. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same way by Felder and Kirby. 797. Pandora.* 1848. Boisd. in Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 43 : Prola. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1850. Boisd. in Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 300 : the same. The name is subsequently used by Felder; but it is preoccupied in Mollusks (Grug. 1791; Meg. 1811), in Acalephs (Esclisch. 1829), and in Diptera (Halid. 1833). See Batesla. 798. Panopea.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 39: Semire, Lucretia. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 281 : employs it for the same and another. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 27 [Pauopiiea] : description only. 1865. Herr.-SchaefF., Prodr. i. 65 [Panopsea] : uses it for Hiibner's species and others. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 95: the same. But the name is preoccupied througli Panopjea (Me'n., Moll. 1807). See Pseudacraea. 799. Panopluia,* 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 503 : no species mentioned. Indeed, it is established as an hypothetical genus, for a form of Papilionides, with an anopluriform larva, yet to be discovered ! ! Credat Judaeus Apella! 800. Pansydia. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 60 : Cunaxa (Cunaxa, Mesogramma). Type specified as Cunaxa (Mesogramma). 801. Pantiiiades. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 79: Pelion (Thallus, Pelion). Sole species, and therefore type. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 197: employs it for Pelion and five others. 2C8 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 802. Pantoporia. 1816. Hiibu., Yerz. 44: Phierusa, Nefte, Hordonia, Dorcas (Mar- dania) . Hordonia may be taken as the type. 803. Paphia.* 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 282 : I. Jason (Jasius), Pollux ; II. Va- ranes, Morvus (Laertes), Chonnceus; III. Medon, As- tyanax (Ursula) ; IV. Odius (Orion), Isidora (Itys), Aeon ti us (Antioclius). 1829. Meig., Eur. Schmett. i. 95 : uses it for Jason (Jasius) only, which therefore becomes type, as stated by Crotch (Cist. Ent. i. 66). It has subsequently been used in same sense by many naturalists, but is preoccupied in MoIIusks (Lam. 1801). See Charaxes and Jasia. 804. Papilio. [1735. Linn., Syst. Nat. ed. i. (Fee's Reprint, p. 76): no species mentioned; intended to include all Lepidoptera, divided into three groups, of which butterflies form the first. 1736. lb.. Acta Upsal. iv. 117 : species mentioned (without names) are, as given by Hagen :* rhamni, brassicae, rapse, napi, cratsegi, Apollo, Antiopa, polychloros, urticae, c. album, lo. 1740. lb., Syst. Nat. ed. ii. 60 : no species mentioned ; divided into several groups by the structure of the antennae and mouth parts, those " pedibus 4," i.e. Nymphales, placed first. Essentially the same arrangement occurs in the third, fourth, and fifth editions. 1746. lb.. Faun. Suec. ed. i. 232 : the butterflies are divided into two groups, according as they have four (serviceable) or six legs. Species occur again without names, but numbered from 772 to 807 inclusive ; 772 was afterwards named Antiopa. 1748. lb., Syst. Nat. ed. vi. 63 : species are introduced for the first time in a general work, but still unnamed. Sixteen butterflies only are men- tioned, all of them before treated of in the Fauna Suecica. Antiopa heads the list. Tiie arrangement of the seventh and ninth edition is identical ; the eighth edition contains no anim.als. I have introduced the foregoing only for its historic interest. The reader will find fuller details in papers by Dr. Hagen and myself in the Canadian Entomologist, vol. vi. pp. 143-145, 1G3-1G6. In this matter I hold to the views of Agassiz, who lays down as a maxim for genera: Cum. binominalis nomenclatiirce Linnceus sit auctor, ilia de prioriiatu lex ad anteriorum auctorum opera non est retorquenda.i I do not therefore deem even Linne's action (previous to 1758, when binomial nomenclature was founded) to have had any binding force; yet, in view of the opinions I expressed in my Systematic Revision (p. 16), without examination of * Can. Ent. vi. 165. t Nomencl. Zoiil. Introd. xx. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 239 Linne's action previous to 1758, it is interesting to discover that, in the first mention of species under Papilio, Antiopa is introduced, and Machaon (or any otlier swallow-tail) is not ; further, that Antiopa is mentioned in everj' subsequent use of the generic name by Linne', and that, in every instance, excepting in 1736, when species are first referred to, tlie group to wliicii Antiopa belongs, or, if species are directly mentioned, this species itself, stands first upon the list, as if that insect, at least, were always in his thought when Papilio was recorded. I repeat, however, that this consideration has no binding force whatsoever.] 1758. lb., Syst. Nat. ed. x. i. 458 : employs it for all butterflies then known, which are now described in full, and supplied with binomial nomenclature for the first time. They are divided as fallows : Equites (Trqjani, Acliivi), Heliconii, Danai candidi, Danai festivi, Nymphales (gemmati, phalerati), Plebeii (rurales, urbicolte), Barbari. Among the butterflies occur Antiopa, Machaon, Podalirius, and Memnon.* 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst. iii. i. 1, 258: removes from this great group all the Rurales and Urbicolge, under the name of Hes- peria, thus confining Papilio to the Nymphales and Papilionides. 1801. Schrank, Faun. Boica, ii. i. 152, 188: restricts the name still further to the Nymphales, and divides the group, thus limited, into sections, as follows : f !• populi (Semiramis, populi), Sibylla (Sibilla), Camilla, aceris (Lucilla) ; II. Atalunta, cardui, lo (Jo), Antiopa, Polychloros, urticse, c. album, Levana (Prorsa, Levana) ; III. Papliia, Adippe (Syrinx, Adippe), Niobe, Aglaia (Agluja), Lathonia, Dia, Selene (Thalia) ; IV. Athalia (Phoebe), Maturna, Cyn- thia (Cinthia), Hecate, Ino (Dictjnna), Aurinia (Arte- mis), Didyma (Cinxia), Cinxia (Trivia), Lucina. 1805. Latr., Sonn. Buff", xiv. 108: first restricts the name to the " swallow-tails," but erroneously, as these had already been excluded by Schrank's limitation. In this action he has been followed by all authors for nearly seventy years, until now it has become the all but universal custom to apply it to an immense group of over three hundred species, really composed of a vast number of genera, as any one may judge by a comparison of their earlier stages, which show greater differences than can be found in any otlier generally accepted genus of butterflies. Compare also Fekler's study of this great group. * I specify these, on account of what follows. t All the names are used by Linne. 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1810 Latr., Consid. 440 : specifies Machaon as the type, but, of course, erroneously. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 722 : makes this one of his groups of Emesis, and refers to it Melander (one of the Vestales). See also Pieris. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. : makes no use of it whatever. 1832-33. Swains. Zool. 111. ii. 95: considers Memnon a "pre- eminently typical" species. 1836. Curtis, Brit. Ent. pi. 578: specifies Podalirius as the type. 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 87: specifies Machaon as the type. 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 60, 62: separates the swallow- tails into several genera, retaining Papilio for one of the groups, including Memnon, Machaon, Thoas, Glaucus (Turnus), etc. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. GO: says that Cuvier, in 1799, marked Machaon as the type. But nothing can be found in the Tableau Ele'mentaire to warrant such a statement. Cuvier places all the butterflies under Papilio, dividing it into sections, to which the names Nj'mphales, Danai, Par- nassii, Ileliconii, Equites, and Plebeii are given ; and under Equites he gives "P. Machaon" as an example or type. Certainly, from the con- tents of Cuvier's work, there is no more reason for selecting this as type than "P. Antiopa," which is the first example given under the Nymphales. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 13 : specifies Antiopa as the ty|3e. See Scudderia, Amaryssus, Princeps, Iphiclides, and Iliades. 805. Paramacera. 1868 (Feb.). Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194 : Conhiera (a MS. spe- cies) given as type. No species whatever are described. 1868. lb., Cat. Sat. 98: Xicaque. Sole species, and therefore type. Probably Butler found his Conhiera to be sj'nonymous with Reakirt's Xicaque, and therefore simply suppressed his own name ; but it would have been well to have simply stated the fact, if it were so. 806. Paramimus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 1 1 5 : Scurra, Talaus, Eumelus. 1869. Herr. Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 52: without mention of species. 1870. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 97: specifies Scurra as type. 807. Paraplesia.* 1862. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 26 : Adehna. Sole species, and therefore type. According to Felder, this name is preoccupied. See Isodema. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 241 808. Pararge. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 59: Aegeria (Egeria, Xypbia). Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler, and as used by Stephens, Eambur, Heydenreich [Pararga], Stauduiger [Pararga, 18G1 ; Pararge, 1871], and Herrich-SchaetFer [ Pararga] . 809. Pardaleodes. 1870. But!., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 9G : Edipus, Laronia. Edipus specified as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. G25 : uses it in the same way. 810. Pareba. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 142 : vesta. Sole species, and therefore type. 811. Parides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 87: Eohelus, iEneas, -^neides (Gargasus), An- chises (Ly Sander), Vertumnus, Sessostris. Echelus may be taken as tlie type. 812. Parnassius. 1805. Latr., Sonn. Buff. xiv. 110: Apollo, Mnemosyne, Polyxena (Hypsipyle), Rumina. 1810. lb., Consid. 440: Apollo specified as type. 1815. Oken, Lelirb. i. 725 : uses it for Apollo and others. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 90: [Parnassis], Apollo, Phoebus (Delius), Mnemosyne. 1816. Lam., Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert. iv. 32 : Apollo, Mnemosyne. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 21 : Apollo and others. 1847. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 26: the same. 1864. Feld., Spec. Lep. 39 : divides the species, twenty-seven in num- ber, into two sections, placing Mnemosyne in the first and Apollo in the second. See Doritis and Therius. 813. Parnes.* 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 18 : Nycteis, Philotes (both unpublished species). 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 464: the same. Both are de- scribed, and Nycteis figured. 1867. Bates, .Tourn. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 436: the same. VOL. X. (N. S. II.) 16 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. Ill: the same. If the name could be retained, it slioiild be witli Doubleday's name, and the date 1851 ; and Nycteis could most appropriately be taken as type ; but it is preoccupied through Parnus (Fabr., Col. 1792). 814. Paromia.* 1861. Hewits., Exot. Butt. ii. : pulchra. Sole species, and therefore type. The name is preoccupied in Coleoptera ("Westw. 1850J. 815. Parrhasius. 1816. HUbn., Verz. 79 : Timoleon, Arogenus, Hemon (Acmon, He- mon), Polibetes (Polybetes), Lisus. Polibetes may be taken as the type. 816. Parthengs. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 38 : Sylvia. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 230: the same and others. See Minetra. 817. Pathtsa. 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. iii. 503 : Sarpedon, Agamemnon, Eurypylus, Antiphates, Ajax (Marcellus, Ajax), Poda- lirius ? Sinon. Antiphates may be taken as the type. ^ 818. Pavermia.* 1864. Peak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. iii. 503. This is another of Reakirt's astonishing hypothetical genera, estab- lished upon supposititious forms of swallow-tails, with " vermiform" larvas, yet to be discovered 1 819. Pavonia.* 1823. God., Encycl. meth. Suppl. 807 : Actorion, Aorsa, Autome- don, Etu-ylochus, Ilioueus, Teucer, Idomeneus, Demos- thenes (Inachis), Martia, Taramela, Batea (Saronia), Syme (Acadina), Rusina, Creusa (Anaxandra), Darius (Anaxerete), Hercyna (Anosia), Darius, Qilthon, Bere- cynthus, Xanthus, Cassiope (Caryatis), cassias. The name has since been used by several authors, but is preoccupied in Polyps (Lam. 1816), as well as in Lepidoptera (HUbn. 1816). 820. Pedaliodes. 1867. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xx. 267 : Poesia, Proerna, Pisonia (Pisonia, dejecta), Perperna, Phauias, Panels, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 243 Polusca, Pausia, Piletlia, Prjtanis, Plioenlssa, Physcoa, Poriua, Peucestas, Pallantis, Pylas, Plotina, Parepa Phila, Phaja, Peruda, Panyasis, Nape of Boisduval's Pieris [it was simply liis first species] ; Apollo, that of Schrank's ; Leucippe, that of Latreille and Godart; he adopts Demo- phile, because " we ought to have a genus Pieris in the Pierince." But it was not mentioned by Schrank. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 41 : specifies brassicjB as type, erroneously. See Mancipium, Ganoris, and Catophaga. 872. PlERlTES* (fossil). 1849. Herr, Insektenf. Oening. ii. 182 : Freyeri. Sole species, and therefore type. Falls before Synchloe, with which it is synonymous. In 1840 a group of butterflies was named Pierites by Blancliard and BruUc; but it would hardly affect this, for the name is not Latin, but a Gallicized form of Latin. 873. PiNDis. 1869. Feld., Yerhandl. Zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien. xix. 475 : squa- mistriga. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn.' Cat. 108: the same. 874. PisoLA. 1865. Moore, Proc. Zool. See. Lond. 785 : Zennara. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 583 : the same. 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 87o. PlTHECOPS. 1828. Ilorsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. G6 : Hylax. Sole spe- cies, aud therefore type. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. f»7 : the same. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 18: employs it for Argiolus. 876. Planema. 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 140: L Lycoa, Gea (Jodutta, Car- mentis) ; 11. Gea, Euryta (Em'yta, Umbra). Lycoa may be taken as the type. 877. Plastingia. 1870. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 95 : flavescens, tessellata, Calli- neura, extrusa. Flavescens specified as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. G19 : the same and others. 878. Plebeius.* 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. App. 653: proposes to use this in the place of Cupido (in which he places most of the blues), as hav- ing been founded by Linne. Three hundred and twenty- nine species are included in it. 1872. Ci'otch, Cist. Ent. i. 60: says, wrongly, that Linne used this name in a generic sense, and that Cuvier, in 1799, fixed its tyi^e as Argus. See Litroductory Eemarks. 879. Plesioneura.* 1862. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 29 : curvifuscia. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 620: employs it for this and others. The name is preoccupied in Diptera {Macq. 1855). See Celfenor- rhinus. 880. POANES. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 55 : Massasoit. Sole species and desig- nated type. 881. PODA-LIRIUS.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 105: Antiphates (Pompilius), Poda- lirius (EiiropjEus). Podalirius specified as type. The name being founded upon that of one of its species, it falls. It is also preoccupied in Hymcnoptera (Latr. 1802). See Iphiclides. 882. POLITES. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 57 : Peckius, Sabuleti. Peckius specified as type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 253 883. POLYCHROA. 1820. Billb., Euum. Ins. 78 : Obrinus, Ancoeus. Obrinus may be taken as the type. 884 POLYCTMA.* 1862. Scott in Feld., Vt-rh. Zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien. xii. 490: Felder says that Scott [in litt. ?J proposes this for the species, which Felder there places in Holochila. Felder does not adopt the name, because it is not appropriate for most of the species. See also Erina. 885. POLTDORUS.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 101 : Aristolochine (Thoas), Poly- dorus, Polytes (Polystes, Romulus). The last two speci- fied as types. As the name is founded upon that of one of the species inchided in it, it ialls. Moreover, it is preoccupied through Polydora (Bosc, Worms, 1802). See Pachlioptera. 886. POLYGONIA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 36: Egea (triangulum, i. album), c. aureum, Progne, c. album. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : employs it for c. album only, which therefoi'e becomes type. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 9 : specifies c. aureum as type, but incorrectly. See Grapta and Comma. 887. POLTGONUS.* 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Ami/ntas (lividus). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. The name is preoccupied through Polygona (Schum., Moll. 1817), and is very close to Hubner's own Polygonia. See Acolastus. 888. POLYOMJIATUS. 1805. Latr., Sonn. Buff. xiv. 116: betulas, quercus, pruni, Boeticus, rubi, Argus, Thetis (Adonis), Endymion (Meleager), Corydon, Arion, Areas (Erebus), Cyllarus, Semiargus (Acis), Argiolus, Alsus, Dorilas (Myopa), Phlseas, vir- gaurece. Corydon alone is figured. 1807. lb.. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 206 : divides the group into sec- tions, specifying a few, as follows : I. «, betulte, quercus, and others not in previous list ; b, Boeticus, Endymion (Meleager), rubi, Phlseas, virgaureae ; II. Argus, Cory- don, Alsus. 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1810. lb., Consid. 440 : specifies betulce, quercus, Boeticus, and Argus as types. 1817. lb. in Cuv., Regne An. iii. 553: sijecifies only Alexis (not given in the original list), as a species found in the environs of Paris, but refers to previous works for the species. 1823. God., Encyci. meth. 595 : employs it for all Ephori, including all the above species. 1823. lb.. Tab. Meth. 4G : does the same. 1828. Horsf, Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 67: restricts the name to the blues, but only uses it for new species. 1828. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Ilaust. 83: uses it for Argiolus and many others, all blues, including Argus. 1829. Boiad., Index, 10: follows Godart. 1830. Meig., Eur. Schmett. ii. 1 : employs it for the same, excluding the hair-streaks. 1832. Renn., Consp. 17: uses it for the blues only, specifying, of those given by Latreille in the first instance, Argus, Thetis (Adonis), Corydon, Arion, Semiargus (Acis), Argiolus, Alsus, and Doi-ylas. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. El. ii. 133: uses it for Cassius, one of the blues. 1832-33. Boisd., Icones, 43: employs it for the coppers only. 1832. Dup., i^ap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 391 : the same. 1833-34. Boisd.-LeC, Lep. Amcr. Si'pt. 122: the same. 1839. Ramb., Faune Ent. Andal. 264: places the blues here again. 1840. Westw., Gen. Syn. 88 : specifies Arion as type. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 53 : follows Boisduval, as do most subsequent authors. 1870. Kirb., Journ. Linn. Soc. Land. x. 500 : thinks that Corydon should be taken as the type, because figured in the first instance by Latreille. Latrcille's own action necessitates its restriction to the blues ; but Corydon cannot be taken as ftlie type, since it belongs to IJusticus, established in 1810. Kor can Argus tor the same reason. The only other type of blues mentioned by him in 1810 is Boeticus, for which Polyommatus must be retained. See also Lycseua. 889. POLYSTICIITIS. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 18: Fatima (Cerea), Zeanger (Zeangira), Man- dana (Maudane), Lucinda. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 255 1872. Sciuld., Sj'st. Rev. 28 : specifies Cjeneus as type. Erroneously, tlirough Hiibner's confounding of that species with the Fatima of Cramer. Hiibner's first species (No. 103) must bo referred primurily to CrAmer's Fatima, because he appends a niarli of excla- mation or approval, after the reference to his figs. A.B.,and of interro- gation or doubt to his C. D., showing that Cramer's A. C. (Fatima) was in Hiibner's mind, unquestionably, the species referred to by his No. lOd. 1873. Grote, Can. Eut. v. 144: corrects the identification of Scudder, and su;jrgests that Fatima sliould be taken as tlie type. This, however, became in 1818 the type of Emesis ; so, too, Lucinda was placed, by another name, under Aphacitis, and must be taken as the type of that genus. Mandana belongs to Emesis, and consequently Zeanger must be taken as the type, and Polystichtis may replace Lemonias auct. nee Hiibn. (Tent.). See Calospila. 890. POLTURA. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 79 : Jason (.Jasius), Pyrrhus. Pyrrhus may be taken as the type. 891. PONTIA. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 283: crataegi, rapae, Daplidice, Elathea, bella. 1815. Leach, Edinb. Encycl. 716: cratcegi, brassicae, rapas, napi, car- damines, Daplidice, sinapis. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eiir. iv. 30 : employs it for cratcegi, rapes, Daplidice, and others. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 92 : uses it for Hyparete, Eucharia, and Hierte of the same family. 1824. Curtis, Brit. Ent. pi. 48 : designates Daplidice as type, which must stand, although seldom used since in this manner. 1827. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Haust. i. 14: uses it for rapte and others not in Fabricius's list, placing crattegi and Daplidice elsewhere ; thus indicating rapte as the type. 1829. Horsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 138, 142: divides it into several named groups, and places in Pontia proper a number of species distantly allied to those of Fabricius. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 430 : restricts it to several species of whites not mentioned by Fabricius. 1840. "Westw., Gen. Syn. 87 : specifies brassiere as the type. 1844. Doubl, List Br. Mus. 24 : follows Boisduval. 1847. lb., Gen, Diurn. Lep. 40 : does the same. 256 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1867. Herr.-Schfeff., Prodr. ii. 8: the same. 1870. Butl., Cist. Eut. i. o8, 50: designates orataegi as the type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 439 : follows Boisduval. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66 : designates Xiphia (Nina) as type, through Boisduval in 1836. See Ganoris, Mancipium, and Synchloe. 892. PouiTlA.* 1865. Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 775: Hewitsoni. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 409 : the same. The name is, correctly speaking, preoccupied, through Porites (Lam., Pol. 1816). 893. POTAMIS. 1806. Hiibn., Tent. 1 : Iris. Sole species, and therefore type. This name, never since used, must be restored. See Apatura. 894. POTANTHITS. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 54: Omaha, Californica. Omaha specified as type. 895. Precis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 33: Octavia, Dryope. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 209 : employs it for Octavia and others, to the exclusion of Dryope ; and the former there- fore becomes the type. It has since been used in the same sense by Felder, Butler, and Kirby. 896. Prenes. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 60: Panoquin, Ocola, Ilecebolus, sylvi- cola. Panoquin specified as type. 897. Prepona. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 3 B. : Laertes (Demodice). Sole species, and therefore type. Since used in same sense by Doubleday, Westwood, Felder, and Kirby. 898. Priamides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 87: Torquatus (Caudius), Pompeius (Hippo- nous, Capys), Echelus (Echemon), Euristeus, ^neas (Marcius), Sesostris (TuUus), Anchises (Anchises, Bris- sonius, Pompejus), Hippason (Amosis, Hippason). Pompeius may be taken as the type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 257 899. Princeps. 1806. Hiibu., Tent. 1 : Machaon. Sole species, and therefore type. See Amaryssus, Papilio. 900. Prioneris. 1867. Wall., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. [3] iv. 383 : Thestylis (Thes- tylis, Seta), Sita, Clemanthe (Clemanthe, Berenice), Vollenhovii, Cornelia, Philonome, Autothisbe. 1870. But]., Cist. Ent. i. 33 : specifies Thestylis as the type. 1871. Kirb., Syu. Cat. 477 : employs it for all of Wallace's species and others. 901. Procris. 1864. Herr.-SchaefF., Pi'cdr. i. 23 :* no species mentioned. In his list, p. G6, this name is supplanted by Acca Hiibn. and Procris and Urdaneta referred to it. These cannot be placed in Acca (q.v.) ; but the name of the genus, being the same as that of one of the species upon which it is founded, falls. It is also preoccupied in Lepi- doptera (Fabr, 1807). 902. Prometheus.* 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Casmilus. Sole species, and therefore type. It is not a butterfly. 903. Pronophila. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 60: Thelebe, Irmina, Phoronea. 1850. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 66 : Tauropolis. 1851. W6stw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 357: the same with others. 1867. Butl., Ann. JNIag. Nat. Hist. [3] xx. 266 ; Cat. Sat. 184 : speci- fies Thelebe as the type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 108: uses it in Butler's sense. 904. Proteides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 105: Idas (Mercurius), Zestos, Exadeus, Ly- cidas (Lyciades), Clonius, Renaldus, Assaricus, Amphion. 1869. Bull., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 264: employs it for seven species, in- cluding Idas and Clonius (Clonias). 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 93 : specifies Idas (Mercurius) as type. 905. Protesilaus.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 9-3, 104: P/-oi'esz7mi sidered the type. 928. Pyrrhogyra. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 43 : Tipha, Neairea. 1844. DoubL, List Br. Mus. 88 [Pyrrhagyra] : employs it for Tipha only, which thereby becomes type. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 252: employs it for both of Hiib- ner's species and others. See also Corybas. Subsequently employed similarly by Felder and Kirby. 929. Pyrrhopyge. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 103: Phidias (Bixte), hyperici, Acastus (Phi- dias), Amyclas, Arinas. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 508 [Pyrrhopyga] : employs it for fourteen species, including all but the last of Hiibner's, and adding others. 1869. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 56 [Pyrrhopyga] : uses it for a still greater number of species, including all of Hiibner's. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 267 [Pyrrhopyga] : refers to it all of Hiibner's species excepting hyperici, and adds others. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 58 [Pyrrhoj^yga] : places here all of Hiibner's species excepting Arinas, and adds several others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 584: employs it for all of Hiibner's species and others. 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 46 [Pyrrhopyga] : specifies Pliidias (Bixai) as type. Phidias, however, was taken in 1852 as type of Pachyrhopala. Hyperici may be selected as the typo of this genus. 930. Pyrrhosticta. 1872. But]., Cist. Ent. i. 86: Lsetitia "and allies." Loetitia is then the type. 931. Pythonides. 1816. Hiibn., Yerz. Ill; Joviauus, Cerialis (Cerberus), Lagia (Ilerennius). 1827-37. Gey. in Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. iii. [Pithonides] : employs it for Cerialis (Orcus) and Lagia (Herennius). 1869. But!., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 285: uses it for Jovianus, Cerialis (Cerealis), and another. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 97 : specifies Jovianus as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 626: uses it for all these species and others. Jovianus, wliich is genericaily distinct from Cerialis, cannot be taken as the type, because left out of the group by Geyer. Cerealis may be taken as the only one used by all authors. 932. Ragadia. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 376: Crisia. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated and employed by Butler. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 56: Crisia, Crisilda. 933. Rhaphicera. 1867. Butl., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [3] xix. 164: Satricus, Moorei. 1868. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 196 ; Cat. Sat. 158 : specifies Sa- tricus as type. 934. Rhetus.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 33 : Butes (Crameri), Rhetus, Peri- ander. The last two are specified as types. Afterward enii)loyed by Westwood (Gen. Diurn. Lep.), but the name must fall because based on that of one of the species upon which it was estabUshed. It is also preoccupied through Rhetia (Leach, Crust. 1818). See Diorina. 935. Rhinopalpa.* 1860. Feld., Wien. Ent. IMonatschr. iv. 399 : falva. Sole species, and therefore type. 1861. lb., Neues Lep. 49 : Polynice, fulva. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 263 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 191 : the same and others. Mr. Kirby suggests to me that tliis name is probably hybrid {()ia, palpus), and on that account changed by Felder himself to Eurhinia (q.v.), just as he changed Teinopalpus to Teinoprosopus. 936. Rhodocera. « 1829. Boisd.-LeC, 70: Maerula, rhamui, Clorinde, Menippe (Leach- iana). 1832. Dup., Pap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 386: uses it for rhamui and Cleopatra. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 597: employs it for the same species as Boisduval and LeConte, and for others. 1840. Ramb., Fauue Eut. Andal. ii. 256: employs it for Cleopatra only. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 37 : follows Boisduval's practice in 1836. 1847. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 70: suggests that it be used for the American species placed in that work under Gonepteiyx, namely, Menippe (Leachiana), Clorinde, and Maerula of Boisduval and LeConte's list, and a few others. See also Amynthia. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 35 : specifies Menippe (Leachiana) as type. It cannot be taken for rhamni and allies, as Duponchel's action would require, because they were reserved for Colias as early as 1810. We may therefore follow Doubleday (1847), through Butler, in con- sidering Menippe as the type. 937. Rhopalocampta. 1857. Wallengr., Rhop. Caffr. 47 : Forestall (Florestan), Valmaran, Keith! oa. 1858. lb., K. Vet. Akad. Forh. xv. 81 : employs it for Forestall (Florestan) only, which thereby becomes the type. 938. RiODiNA. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 430: Lysippus. Sole species, and therefore type. Thus used, for this species only, by Bates and Kirby. See Erycina. 939. RiPHEus.* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 131 : Dasycephalus. Sole species, and therefore type. The name will fall because derived from a species of Drury's (Ripheus), with which this is directly compared. Moreover, it is prob- ably a fictitious insect, having the appearance of a Uranian to which clubbed antennae have been artificially attached. 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 940. RODINIA.* 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 430 : Jurgensenii (Jurgensenii, Montezuma), Calphurnia (Calpharuia), Periander, Au- lestes (Aulestes, Glaphyra), Pandama, Tedea, JNIeliboeus, (Meliboeus, Julia), Inca. The name must fall, because the species mentioned belong to the earlier genera Ancyluris, Diorina, Zeonia, and Euerycina. 941. ROMALEOSOMA. 1840. Blanch., Hist. Ins. iii. 448 : Eleus. Sole species, and therefore type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 99 : Eleus and others. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 283 [Romal^osoma] : the same in three sections. 942. RUSALKIA. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 306: Marathon, Ctesiphon. 1873. lb., Zool. Rec. for 1871,304: Marathongivenastype. SeeOreas. 943. RusTicus. 1806. Hiibn., Tent. 1 : Argyrognomon (Argus). Sole species, and therefore tj'pe. See Lycaeides, Scolitantides, and Polyommatus. 944. Sagakitis. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii : Orsis (Orseis). Sole species, and therefore tyj^e. See Myscelia. 945. Sais. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 10: Rosalia, Pyrrha (Pamela). 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 57 : employs it for Rosalia and some unnamed species. 1848. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 131 : uses it for Rosalia and Cyrianassa. 1862. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 527: specifies Rosalia as the type. 946. Salacia.* 1823. Hiibn., Zutr. ii. 25 : Phyllodoce. Sole sjiecies, and therefore type. The name, however, is preoccupied in Polyps (Lamx. 181G). See Scada. 947. Salamis. 1833. Boi^d., Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 194: Augustina. Sole species, and therefore type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 84: employs it for a large number of species, not including Augustina. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 265 18-49. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 211 : restricts it to half a dozen species, including Augustina. 1861. Feld., Fam. Nymph, 13 : divides it into two sections, but does not specify Augustina in either. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 192": follows Doubleday (1849). See Protogoniomorpha. 948. Salpinx. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 17: leucostictos (Nemertes) . Sole species, and therefore type. 949. Sarota. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 424: Dematria, Chrysus. Chrjsus may be taken as the type. 950. Sarrojiia.* 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 67 : obsolete. Sole species, and therefore type. This name ftills before Lymanopoda, proposed at the same time, but subsequently united by their author under the latter name (q. v.). 951. Satarupa. 1865. Moore, Proc. Zocil. Soc. Lond. 780 : Gopala, Sambara, Bhagava. Gopala may be taken as tlie type. 952. Sattrites* (fossil). 1872. Scudd., Rev. Mag. Zool. 66 : Eeynesii. Sole species, and therefore type. There is a name Satyrites, used for a subfamily group of butterflies by Blanchard and Brulle, in 1840 ; and therefore, in a memoir on fossil butterflies now in press, I liave changed this name to Letliites. 953. Sattrus.* 1810. Latr., Consid. 440: Teucer, Phidippus, Sophorge, Piera, Gala- thea^ Ma;ra. These are all given as tj'pes only by Latreille ; and it will be seen by comparison of the context that he intended to embrace within it all tlie Oreades. In a previous work (Sonnini's Buffon), he has placed all of tliese under his division Satyri of Nymphalis (q. v.) ; and in the list of names occurs Maera (given here as one of tlie types of Satyrus), but it bears tliere the name of Satyrus (le Satyre of old authors). The name, then, is based upon a synonyme of one of the species included in the group (one of the specified types, indeed), and must tiierefore be dropped. Moreover, the name is preoccupied in Mammals (Tulp. 1G92), and, through Satyra, in Diptera (Meig. 1803). 266 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The subsequent history of the name is as follows : — 1819. God., Encycl. raeth. 4G0 : uses it for all the Satyrids. 1822-23. Swaius., Zool. 111. i. 159: specifies " Hyperanthus, Galathea, Semele, etc.," as types. If the name could stand, Galathea would then be type. See Agapetes. 1832. Boisduval (loc. var.) : most of the European Satyrids. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 388: specifies Semele and Fidia as representative. 1858. Ramb.. Cat. Lep. Andal. 25: employs it for Arethusa and other species not given by Latreille. 1867. Butl., Entom. iii. 279 : says that the " Satyrus of Godart cannot be used, as the type of that genus was Constantia of Cramer, — a species previously used by Hiibner as the type of his genus Hipio." Here are three errors, two of tliem based on the untenable theory that an author's first species must be taken as his type, which would be an ex post facto rule of great undesirability, and having no proper authority. 1868. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194; Cat. Sat. 59 : specifies Actaea as type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 91 : erroneously refers the name back to Fabricius [Satyri], and says that Latreille (1805) fixed Megtera as the type. 954. SCADA. 1871. Earb., Syn. Cat. 23: Phyllodoce, Leptalina, Reckia, Phile- mon, Ethica, Theaphia, Xanthina, Zibia. As this name is proposed to supplant Salacia (q. v.), Phyllodoce must be taken as the type, i^ee Oleria. 955. SCALIDONEURA. 1871. Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 250 : Hermina. Sole species and designated type. 956. SCELOTHRIX.* 1858. Ramb., Cat. Lep. Andal. i. 63 : carthami, Alveus, serratulje, onopordi, Fritillum, malva; (Alveolus, melotis), Galactites, cynaraj, carlinag, cirsii, cacalise, centaureae. The name falls before Hesperia. See also Pyrgus and Syrichtus. 957. SCHCENIS. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 28 : Cinxia (Delia, Cinxia). Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same manner by Stephens U850) and Kirby (1858). See also Mellicta. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 267 958. SCOLITANTIDES.* 1816. Hubn., Verz. 68: Battus, Hjlas. 1869. Bull., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 167 : the same. The name falls before Rusticus. See also Lycaeides. 959. ScoPTES.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. Ill: Alphajus (Alpheus), Protumnus [also given ia same work under Thestor!), Cx'otopus [also given in same work under Eusalasia!]. 1866. But!., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 176 : employs it for Alphaeus (Alpheus) ouly. Tins, however, cannot be taken as type, as it had been previously selected as tlie type of Capys. Protumnus has been chosen as the type of Thestor, and Crotopus belongs to a distinct subfamily. Owing to the somewhat heterogeneous nature of the group, and the fact that two out of the three species were also placed elsewhere by Hiibner, the name may as well be dropped. See Capys. 960. SCUDDEKIA.* 1873 (Aug.). Grote, Can. Ent. v. 144: Antiopa. Sole species and designated type. Tlie name falls before Papilio, previously restricted to this species, and is preoccupied in Ortlioptera (Stal, April, 1873). 961. Semelia. 1844. [Boisd. in] Doubl., List Br. Mus. 64 : Vibilia, Aliphera. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Gnat. 35 : claims the name, mentioning only Vibilia, which therefore becomes the type. The name is very close to Semele (Schum., Moll. 1817). 962. Semicaudati.* 1860. Koch, Stett. Ent. Zeit. xxi. 231 : Nireus, and a number of other swallow-tails, having no sort of distinctive character but the comparative length of their tails. The formation of tlie name is itself objectionable, and the appearance of such divisions as the semicaudati, caudati, and ecaudati of this author, less than half a generation ago, is an extraordinary case of the " survival" of the spirit of medieval science. The group is mentioned here only to make this historical sketch complete. 963. Semomesia. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 455: Croesus, geminus. Croesus may be taken as the type. 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 9G4. Sericinus. 1851. Westw., Trans. Ent. .Soc. Lond. [n. s.] i. 173 : Telamon. Sole species and designated type. 1852. lb., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 530 : the same. 1856. Gray, Pap. Brit. Mus. 78 ; Cat. Pap. 93 : Telamon and others. 9 Go. Sktabis. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 19: Myitis, Ma^onis [both species in- edited]. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 450: Myrtis, Serica. Both are described, and the latter figured. It. would be better, how- ever, to designate Myrtis as the t3-pe, as one of those specified by Doul)leday. Majonis, however, may be the same as Serica, as it ap- pears to be hitherto only a MS. name. 966. Setodocis. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 78 : Philomela (Lisandra), Dejanira, Mineus, Peribaea (Periboja), Phedra, Hesioue (Ocirrhoe). Peribaea may be taken as the type. 967. SiCYOXIA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 13: Rhea (Sara, Thamar), Apseudes, Erato (Doris). Rhea may be taken as the type. See Laparus. 968. SiDERONE. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Ide. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 4 B. : the same. Subsequently used in the same sense by Doubleday, Westwood, Felder, Kirby, etc. See also Phyllopliasis. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 51 : employs it for Mars and Isidora, pre- viously placed iu the same group by other authors, and quotes the genus as his own! yet, in 1836, he uses it for the sole species placed in it by HUbner ! 969. SlPROETA. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Trayja. Sole species, and therefore type. See Amphirene. 970. SiRONIA. 1823. Hiibn., Zutr. ii. 31 : Tithia. Sole sf)ecies, and therefore type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 269 971. SiSEME. 1851. Westvv., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 4G2: Aristoteles, Electryo. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Load. ix. 433 : the same and others. 1871. Kii-b., Syn. Cat. 309 : the same. Electryo, having been figured by Westwood, may be taken as the type. 972. SiTiiON. 1816. Iliibn., Yerz. 77: Nedymond, Melampus. 1866. Tiim., Rhop. Afr. Austr. 232: employs it for Anta (Batikeli), allied to Melampus. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 411 : employs it for Nedymond and its allies, excluding Melampus. Jlehimpns was taken in 1863 by Hevvitson to form his Deudorix, and tlierefore we may follow Kirby in considering Nedymond as the type. 973. Smyrna. 1822-26. Hubn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Blomfildia (Blomfildii). Sole species, and therefore type. 1827-37. Gey. in Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. iii. : uses it for Karwinskii. Westwood, Felder, aiul Kirby use it for botli these species. 974. SospiTA. 1861. Ilewits., Exot. Butt. ii. 91: Tantalus, Savitri (Susa), Neophron, Segecia, Fylla, Echerius, Tepahi. 1861. Ilerr.-SchaefF., Exot. Schmett. pt. 37 : employs it for the first four of the above. Fylla, being generically distinct from Echerius the type of Abisara, may be selected to represent this genus. 975. Spathilepia. 1870. Butl., Ent. INIonthl. Mag. vii. 57: Tamyroides, Clonius, Cellus. Clonius specified as type. Used by Kirby in the same sense. 976. Speteria. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 23 : Idalia. Sole species and designated type. 977. Sph^nogoxa. 1870. But]., Cist. Ent. ii. 35, 44: Eotriva, bogotana. Ectriva is specified as type ; it was undescribed until later, but belbre further use of the generic name. 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 978. Spilothyrus.* 1832. Dup., Pap. France, Diurn. Suppl. 415: alcene (malvae), altheae (altliea), lavateras. 1858. Ramb., Cat. Lep. Andal. 79 : employs it for the same. 1861. Staud., Cat. 14: the same. Tlie name falls before Urbanus. See also Carcliarodus. 979. Spindasis. 1857. Wallengr., Rhop. CafFr. 45: natalensis (Masilikazi). Sole species, and therefore type. 980. Spioniades. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 114: Artemides, Alcmon (Almon), Psecas. Artemides may be taken as the type. 981. Stalachtis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 27: Phlegia, Euterpe, Phnsdusa, Calliope. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 19 : the same and others. 1848. lb.. Gen. Diurn. Lep. 133 : uses it for Calliope, Euterpe, Susanna, and Phlegia. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 466 : employs it for eight species, includinsr all of Hiibner's. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 457 : extends it still fur- ther, employing also the Hiibnerian species. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 333 : uses it in the same sense. Phlegia may be selected as the type of this genus, which is distinct from Nerias. 982. Steroma. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 400 : Bega. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 983. Steropes.* 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 167 : picta, ornata, lacchus (Jacchus). 1836. lb.. Spec, gen., pi. 9 B. : uses it for Paliemon (Paniscus) only. As the name is derived from that of one of the species intended, and afterwards employed, by Boisduval as one of this group, it must fall. It is also preoccupied in Coleoptera (Stev. 1803). See Carterocephalus and Pamphila. 984. Sterosis.* 1865. Boisd. in Feld., Reise Novara, 219 : Brassolis (robusta). Sole species, and therefore type. The name falls before Liphyra (q. v.). OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. • 271 985. Stibochiona. 1868. Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 614: Nicea, Coresia. Coresia specified as type. 986. Stichophthalma. 1862. Feld., Wien. Ent. Mouatschr. vi. 27 : Howqua. Sole species, and tlierefore type. 987. Stomtles. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 55 : textor. Sole species and designated type. 988. Stryjion. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 74: Titus (Mopsus), pruni, betuloe, w. album, ilicis (esculi, ilicis), acaciae, Melinus, spini (Lynceus, spini), Beon, Pan, Acis (Mars). 1850. Stepli., Cat. Brit. Lep. 16,200: places here betul«, pruni, w. album, Titus, spini, and ilicis. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop.: uses it for only pruni, w. album, spini, and ilicis ; but Thecla was restricted much earlier. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 190: employs it (sensu stricto) for eiglit species, including, of HUbner's, Titus, pruni, w. album, ilicis, and spini. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 32 : specifies Titus as type, which follows from the action of Stephens and Butler. 989. Sttgnus.* 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 489 : kumilis. Sole species, and therefore type, as specified by Butler. But the name is preoccupied in Arachnids (Perty, 1830). 990. SUNIAS. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 12: Phyllis, Melpomene (Lucia, Melpomene, Callicopis). Melpomene may be taken as the type. See also Phlogris and Laparus. 991. Stmbrenthia. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 43: Hyppoclus (Hippocle). Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 180: the same and others. See Laogona. 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 992. SlTHETHA* 1828. Horsf , Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 59, expl. pi. 2: Symethus (Pandu). Sole species, and therefore type. 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 72 [Simoethus] : Rex, Pandu. The name, being derived from that of the species upon which it is grounded, falls. It is also preoccupied in Crustacea (Uafin. 1814). See Gerydus and Miletus. 993. Symmachia. 1816. Hubn.,Verz. 26: Helius (Ochima), Probetor (Probetrix). 1837. Sodoffrik., Bull. Mosc. x. 82 : not knowing that this name was already in use, proposes to employ it in place of Hesperia. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 8 : employs it for Probetor and others. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 444: makes a similar but more extended use of it. 1867. l^ates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 437 : extends it still further in the same sense. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 313: the same. Probetor is therefore the type. 994. Symmachlas. 1820-21. IlUbn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : nigrina. wSole species, and therefore type. 1821. lb.. Index, 5: nigrina. 995. SympHvEdra. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 40 : ^ropus (^rope), Thyelia (Alcandra), Evelina, Lysandra. 1844. Doubh, List Br. Mus. 105: [Symphedra]. Employs it for Thyelia and unnamed species only. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 294: Tliyelia, iEropus. Used in same sense by subsequent authors. Thyelia becomes the type, tlirough Doubleday's action. 996. Synalpe.* 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 36: Thirza (Euryale). Sole species, and therefore type. Falls before Anelia. See also Clothilda. 997. Syn APT a.* 1865. Feld., Reise Novara, 294: Arion. Sole species, and therefore type. The name is preoccupied in Echinoderms (Eschsch. 1829). OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 273 998. Synargis. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 18: Phyleus (Phyllea), Orestes (Orestessa), Soranus (Sorane), Tytia, Odites (Oditis). Tytia may be taken as tho type. 999. Synchloe. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 94: Callidice, Autodice, Hellica, Chloridice, Daplidice, Belemia (Belemia, Glauce). 1844. [Boisd. in] Doubl., List Br. Mus. 76: employs this name for Erodyle, Janais, Narva (Bonplandi), and some MS. species, all of which have nothing whatever to do with Hiibner's group. See Chlosyne. 1848. Boisd. in ib., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 185: follows the same course. 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. : first restores the HUbnerian sense by employing it for Daplidice, which would therefore become the type, but that it had already been taken as the type of Pontia. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 10: follows Doubleday. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 38, 51 : specifies Callidice as type, but wrongly. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 42 : does the same, with equal error. All the species but Belemia having been taken either for Pontia or Tatoclieila (q-v.), this becomes the type. 1000. Syngea.* 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 62: Arachne (Pronoe, Pitho), Alecto. The name falls before Erebia. See also Gorgo, Marica, Phorcis, Epigea, and Oreina. 1001. Synpalamides.* 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Mimon. Sole species, and therefore type. It is not a butterfly. 1002. Syrichtus.* 1832-33. Boisd., Icones, 230: Proto, Sao (Therapne), Orbifera (Orbifer), cacalice (alveus), Fritillum, Tessellum, malvce (malvoe, Alveolus), alceaj (alcese, mal varum), lavaterae, sidoe, carthami, althefe. The name of the group is derived from that of one of the species "which Eoisduval must have intended to include in it, and therefore falls. The first four only are described in the Icones : tlie otliers are only alluded to in his remarks on tlie genus. See Hesperia, Pyrgus, and Scelothrix. VOL. X. (n. S. II.) 18 274 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1003. Syrmatia. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 23: Borilas (Nyx), Rhetus (Rhete), Aulestes (Aulestis), Choriueus (Chorinea). 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 4: employs the name for Dorilas only, which therefore becomes the type. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 426: the same. Bates and Kirby use it similarly. See Dorila. 1004. Tachtris. 1867. Wall., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. [3] iv. 361 : I. Hombronii, Cardena, Nerissa, Lyncida (Lynceola, Lyncida, formosana, Andrea, Hippo), Enarete, Scyllara (Scyllaria), Ada (Ada, Clavis), abnormis, Panda (Panda, Nathalis), Paulina, Albina (Rouxii), Psyche, Galathea, Ega, Urania, Agave (Jacquinotii), Alope, Amarella, Acrisa, Leptis ; II. Ce- lestina, Clementina, Athama, Cynisca, Eumelis, Panthea, Cycinna, Corinna, Liberia, Eliada, Placidia, Fatime (Fatima) ; III. Nero (Nero, Domitia), Galba, Zarinda, bournensis, Zamboanga, Asterope, Ithome, Nephele ; IV. Pandione, Lucasii, Indra, Phoebe, Nephele (Zamora), Lalage (Lalago) ; V. Polisina, JEgis (Illana). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 463 : uses it in the same sense. Nero may be taken as the type. See Trigonia. 1005. T^NARIS. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 53: Urania (Jaira, Nysa). Sole species, and therefore type. 1865. Herr.-SchaefF., Prodr. 71 : employs it for the same and many others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 117 [Tenaris*]: follows Herrich-Schaeffer. See also Drusilla. 1006. Tagiades. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 108: Japetus, Paulinus. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 283: employs it for four species, in- cluding none of Hiibner's. * The word is given in four different ways in Hiibner's Verzeichniss : Tse- nares and its German equivalent Tiinaren at the head of the group, where the names are always given in the plural form ; Tenaris, in connection with the species ; and Ttenaris, in the index. This, as well as the derivation of the word, &hows that Tenaris was simply a misprint. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 275 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 99 : specifies Japetus as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 634: employs it for both Hubuer's species and many others. 1007. Talides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 106 : Athenion, Corbulo (obscurus), Sergestus (Sinois), Broteas, Astylos, Celaenus, Ramusis. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 266: employs it for Nicias, Phocus, Sergestus (Sinon), and Sebaldus, the third of them only one of riiibner's, and therefore type. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 93 : specifies Athenion as type, but wrongly ; his own previous action having determined that Sergestus must be the type, the two species not being strictly congeneric. 1008. Tamyris. 1820-21. Swains., Zool. 111. i. i. 33 : Zeleuens. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently, in the same work, he added other species. See Pachyrhopala. 1009. Tanaecia. 1868. But!., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 610 : Calliphorns, Valmikis, Apsarasa, Varuna (supercilia), Varuna, Aruna, Lutala, Trigerta, Pelea, Pulasara (Pulasara, Vikrama), Violaria. Pulasara is specified as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 257 : uses it similarly. 1010. Tanaoptera.* 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 79 : Amalthea (Amathea), Europa, Leda (Leda, Banksii). This name may be allowed to drop, from the heterogeneous nature of the contents of the genus. 1011. Tapina.* 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 81: proposes this name, for no reason, to supplant Emesis. He gives no species. 1012. Taractrocera. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 279 : Maevius. Sole species, and there- fore type, as specified later by Butler, and as used by Kirby. 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1013. Tatocheila. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 38, 51 : Autodice (Autodyce). Sole species and designated type. Is this genus distinct from Pontia 1 See also Synchloe. 1014. Taxila. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 2 : Haquinus (Drupadi), Orphna, Eclierius, and some MS. species. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 421 : employs it for all the above and others. 1861. Ilewits., Exot. Butt. ii. 91 : uses it for the first two of Double- day's species and a number of others. 1867. Bates, Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 414 : employs it for Orphna, Haquinus (Drupadi), and others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 285: follows Bates. J Haquinus may be taken as the type. 1015. Taygetis. 1816. Hiibn.,Yerz. 55 : Virgilia, Andromeda (Thamyra, Andromeda), Mermeria, Celia. 1851. Westw., Gen. DIurn. Lep. 355: IMermeria is mentioned as "a good type of the genus," and all of Iliibner's other species are included in it, besides others. 1865. Plerr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 58: the same. 1867. liutl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 11)4: specifies Virgilia as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 108: uses it for all of Iliibner's species and others. On account of Westwood's statement, Mermeria should be con- sidered the type. 1016. Teinopalpus.* 1843. Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xix. 131 : {mperialis. Sole species, and therefore type. Since used for same species by Doubleday, Gray, and Kirby, but properly objected to by Felder as of nmngrel origin. See Teinopro- sopus. 1017. TEiNOPROsoprs. 1864. Feld., Spec. Lep. 1 : imperialis. Sole species, and therefore type. 1867. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. ii. 19 : the same. Proposed by Felder to replace Teinopalpus (q. v.). " Pristinum nomen vox liybrida." OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 277 1018. Tel CHIN.* 1825. HUbn., Cat. Franck, 85 : Licus aud three MS. species. Licus is therefore type. It is given with the authority Cramer, and is doubtless meant for Castnia Lycas of Verlorens's Catalogue of Cramer. As it is not a butterfly, we have nothing to do with it in this place. 1019, Telchinia. 1816. Hiibn, Verz. 27: violoe (Cephea), Medea (Saronis), Csecilia (Bendis), Zetes (Mycenaea, Zetis), Horta, Serena, vesta (Issoria). 1848. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 141 : employs it for a number of spe- cies, including, of Iliibner's, violte, CaBcilia, and Serena. 1857. Horsf -Moore, Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. i. 135 : adopt Doubleday's restriction, and employ it for violte only. This would therefore become tlie type, were it not probable tliat it is strictly congeneric with Horta, the type of Acraea. Serena may be chosen. 1020. Telegonus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 104: Talus, Phocus (Phocus, Morpheus), Ana- phus, Midas, 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 261 : employs it for all of the above, excepting Phocus, and for others. 1870. lb., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii. 56: specifies Talus as the type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 572 : uses it in this sense. Talus, however, cannot be taken as the type, as it belongs to Thy- mele, whose type was earlier established. Anaphus may be taken as the type. 1021. Telemiades. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 106: Avitus, Epicalus, Salatis. 1869. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 68 : employs it for Avitus and others. Avitus therefore becomes the type. 1022. Telesto.* 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol, 164: Peronii (Perronii), Sole species, and therefore type. 1862, Feld., Verb. Zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien. xii, 491: describes three new species, recognizing Peronii as the type, 3 869, Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr, iii. 53: without indication of species. 1870 Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. vii, 96: specifies Dirpha as type, of course erroneously. The name is preoccupied in Polyps (Lamx. 1812) and Crustacea (Rafin. 1814). See Hesperilla. ' 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1023. Temenis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 34: Minerva (Arcadia), Laothoe (Merione), Erigone, Hedonia, Laomedia. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 204: employs it for Sylphis, pulchra, and Laothoe. Laothoe should therefore be considered as the type. 3024. Teracolus. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. 115 : subfasciatus. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. Used in same sense by Kirby. See also Ptychopteryx and Thespia. 1025. Terias. 1820-21. Swains., Zool. 111. i. 22 : Elvina, Hecabe. Hecabe desig- nated as type. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 651 : employs it for the two above-mentioned and more than fifty others. It is similarly used by Doubleday and others. 1870. Bull., Cist. Ent. i. 35, 44: specifies Hecabe as the type. 1026. Terinos.* 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 5 B. : Clarissa. Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Doubleday, Felder, and Kirby, but tlie name is preoccupied through Terina (Hiibn., Lep. 1816). 1027. Tetragonus.* 1832. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. iv. 17: Catamitus. Sole species, and therefore type. According toWestwood (Gen. Diurn. Lep. 504), it is not a butterfly. The name is in any case preoccupied through Tetragonum (Quoy et Gaim. 1824) and Tetragona (lb. 1827). 1028. Tetraphlebia. 1867. Feld., Reise Novara, 487: Germainii. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 1029. Thais. 1807. Fabr., III. Mag. vi. 283 : Polyxena (Hypsipyle). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1810. Latr., Consid. 440 : specifies Rumina as type, but wrongly. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 279 1815. Oken, Lelirb. i. 726: employs it for Polyxena. 1616. Hiibii., Verz. 89 : employs it for both of the above. It is subsequently used in the same sense by all authors, but is pre- occupied ia Mollusca (Bolt. 1798). See Zerynthia and Eugraphis. 1030. Thaleropis. 1871. Stand., Cat. Eur. Lep. 17. Ionia. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. App. 649 : the same. 1031. Thanaos. 1832-33 (either late in 1832 or early in 1833). Boisd., Icon. 240 : Marloyi, Tages. 1833-34 (probably 1834 or late in 1833). Boisd.-LeC, Lep. Amdr. Sept., pi. 65, 66 : Juvenalis, Brizo. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 9 B. : Tages. 1870. Butl., Ent. Mouthl. Mag. vii. 97 : specifies Juvenalis as type, but wrongly. Tages should be taken as the type. See Nisoniades and Erynnis. 1032. Tharops. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 109: Menander, Thersander. [Placed by Hiibner among the Urbicolas !] 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 14: employs it for Menander only, which thereby becomes the type. Used in this same sense by subsequent authors. 1033. Thaumantis. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Odana (Oda). Sole species, and therefore type. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 8 B. : the same. Subsequently used by Doubleday, Westwood, and Kirby in the same sense. 1034. Thecla. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 286 : betulae, spini, quercus. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 721 : employs it for the same and others. 1815. Leach, Edinb. Encycl. 718 : uses it for betulae, pruni (generi- cally identical with spini), and quercus. 1821-22. Swains., Zool. 111. i. ii. 69: specifies betulse as type. Subsequent authors have employed it for the whole body of Euro- pean hair-streaks. 280 ■ PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1829. Curtis, Brit. Ent. pi. 264: designates betulie as the type. 1840. Westw., Geu. Sjn. 88: does the same. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Eiit. i. 66 : says that betulie is type, through Dulman in 1816; but Dalman specifies betulce as type of Zephyrus, of which Aurotis was a section. 1870. IQrb., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. x. 499 : says " it would be far more convenient and quite justifiable" to take spini as type. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 29 : specifies spini as type. Betulae cannot be taken as the type on account of the foundation in 1816 of Dalman's Zephyrus, and consequently spini must be chosen. 1035. Themone. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 461 : Pais. Sole species in the typical section and designated type of the genus. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 425 : employs it for Pais and two others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 299 : uses it in a similar manner. 1036. Theope. 1847. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 6: Lagus, Terambus, and some MS. species. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 439 : employs it for several species, including only Terambus ( \jytse.a, Terambus) of Double- day's, which thereby becomes the type. 1858. Moore, Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. i. 234 : uses it (as new) for Himachala, an entirely different insect. See Anadebis. 1868. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 453 : uses it for Terambus and very many others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 330: uses it for many species, including Terambus. See also Psalidopteris. 1037. Theorema. 1865. Hewits., 111. Diurn. Lep. 69 : Eumenia. Sole species, and therefore type. Used for same species by Ivirby. 1038. Thkreus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 79 : Lausus. Sole species, and therefore type. 1039. Thekitas. 1816. Hubn., Verz. 80 : imperialis (Venus), Mavors. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. ' 281 1869. ButL, Cat. Fabr. Lep. 194: employs it for Actceon, with which he places imperialis (Venus). This, therefore, would become the type, but imperialis became ia 1832 the type of Areas, leaving Mavors for the type of this group. 1040. TUERIUS.* 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 75 : Apollo, Mnesonyme. The name is preoccupied tiirougli Theria (Hiibn., Lep. 1816) and Thereus (lb.). See Parnassius and Doritis. 1041. TnESPlA.* 1858. Wallengr., K. Vet. Akad. Forh. xv. 77 : Bohemanni. Sole species, and therefore type. Doubtless intended by 'Wallengren to supplant his Ptychopteryx (preoccupied), but it falls before Teracolus. 1042. Thestias.* 1836. Boisd., Spec. gen. 590 : Pyrene (^nippe, Pirene), Marianne, Vollenhovii (Bailee), Venilia. Subsequently used by Doubleday and others, but the name is pre- occupied through Thestius (Hiibn., Lep. 1816). See Ixias. 1043. Thestius. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 78: Gabriela (Gabrielis), Pholeus (Pholeus, Archytes), Hyacinthus, Ematheon, Lycabas (Lycabus). Pholeus may be taken as the type. 1044. Thestor. 1816, Hiibn., Verz. 73: Protumnus (Petalus), Ballus. 1857. Led., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. i. 32: employs it for Ballus and. others, not including Protumnus. 1861. Staud., Cat. Lep. Eur. 3: follows Lederer. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 174: uses it for Protumnus and others. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 345: follows Lederer. Ballus, however, cannot be taken as the type, since previously to Lederer's action it had been selected as the type of Tomares (q. v.) ; we must therefore follow Butler in considering Protumnus as the type. 1045. Thisbe. 1816. HUbn., Verz. 24 : Irensea (Belise). Sole species, and there- fore type. Since used similarly by Bates and Kirby. 282 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1046. Thoas* 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. 121 : Hectorides (Lysithous), Thoas, Agavus (Agavius), Pompeius (Paris), Andi-ogeos (An- drogeus). Thoas and Agavus are specified as typical. Since the name is founded on one of the typical species, it must drop. See Heraclides. 1047. Thorybes. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 50: Bathyllus, Py lades, Nevada. Bathyl- lus specified as type. 1048. Thracides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 105: Phidon, Salius. 1869. Herr.-SchaefF., Prodr. iii. 44: employs the name, but without specification. Kirby (Syn. Cat. 624) credits him with placing here some of the species of Butleria Kirby, none of which are older than 1852. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 578 : uses it for both of Iliibner's species and for others. Phidon may be taken as the type. 1049. Threnodes.* 1870. Hewits., Equat. Lep. iv. 58 : Ccenoides. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 306: the same. The name is preoccupied in Lepidoptera (Duponch. 18i4.). See Nahida. 1050. TiiTCA. 1858. Wallengr., K. Vet. Akad. Forh. xv. 76 : I. Hyparete, Egialea ; II. Aganippe. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 205 : employs it for the species in Wal- lengren's first section, and for others. But these must be placed in Delias, and consequently Aganippe must be taken as the type. 1051. Ththele. 1807. Fabr., El. Mag. vi. 287: I. Proteus, Mercatus, Apastus (Acastus) ; II. Tlirax, Gnetus, Bixoe ; III. Morjiheus (Aracinthus), malvje, Tages. .1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 758 : employs it for Proteus, Mercatus, Apas- tus (Acastus), and others not mentioned by Fabricius. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 283 1828. Step])., 111. Brit. Ent. Haust. i. 97 : restricts it to malvoe, Tages, aud others not mentioned by Fabric! us. 1840. "Westvv., Gen. Syu. 88: specities Tages as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 569: Proteus and its immediate allies. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 47 : specifies Proteus as type. Proteus, however, cannot be taken as type ; for in 1832 it became the type of Eudamus. By Oken's action the genus must be restricted to Fabricius's first section after the removal of Proteus, and Mercatus may be taken as the type. 1052. Thymelicus. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 113 : Actaeon, Pustula, Vibez, Thaumas (Venula, linea), llneola (Virgula), Vitellius, Numitor (Puer). 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 22: employs it for Actaeon and Thau- mas (linea). 1858. Kirb., List Brit. Rhop. [Thyraelinus] : uses it for Actaeon only. 1869. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. iii. 44: uses it without specification of members. 1870. Butl., Eat, Monthl. 'Ma.g. vii. 94: specifies Actaeon as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 609 : uses it in this sense. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 54: specifies Actason as type. Thaumas, however, is the type of Adopaea, and Actaeon and lineola belong to the same genus. Vitellius belongs to Atrytone (1872), and Numitor is the type of Ancyloxypha (1862). Pustula and Vibex remain: these belong to Hedone (1872), which may fall before this name. Vibex may be taken as the type. 1053. Thtridia. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 9 : Theraisto, Psidii, Ilione. i844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 59 : employs it for the same and others. 1847. lb., Gen. Dimm. Lep. 117: uses it for Psidii and ^desia. 1862. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 519: employs it for Pytho (Ino) only. 1864. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 47: employs it for several, including only Psidii of Hiibner's list. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 30 : employs it for Eupompe, etc. See his Xanthocleis for this group. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 19 : uses it for Themisto, Psidii, and others not of Hiibner's list. Psidii becomes the type by Doubleday'a action in 1847. 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1054. Thysonotis. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 20: Danis, Atbemon (Athemaena). 1860. Feld., Wieu. Ent. Monatschr. iv. 224: employs it (as new?) for Iiiops and others related to Danis. Athemon is the type of Eubagis, and Danis may be taken as the type. See Damis and Danis. 1055. TiGKIDIA. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 40 : Aceste, Dirce, Zingha. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 93 : employs it for Aceste only, which therefore becomes the type. See Callizona. 1056. TniETES. ? 1836. Boisd. in Cuv., Regne An. Ed. Disc, ii., pi. 139 [Tymetes] : Merops. Sole species, aod therefore type. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. i. 87 : Coresia, Themistocles, Chiron, Orsilochus, Corinna, and some unpublished species. 1850. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 262: employs it for all the above and for others. 1870. Boisd., Lep. Guat. 44: uses it for Corinna and others. 1057. TiNGRA. 1847. Boisd., Yoy. Deleg. ii. 589: tropicalis. Sole species, and therefore type. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 504: refers to it as probably allied to Pentila. 1857. Wallengr., Rliop. Caflfr. 46: the same. See Pentila and Liptena. 1058. TrsiPHONE. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 60: Abeona (Zelinde), Pasiphae (Pasyphae), Tulbaghia (Tulbachii), 1822-26. lb., p:xot. Schmett. ii. : Hercyna. 1844. Doubl., List Rr. Mus. 150: Hercyna. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep, 370: the same. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. 61 : Hercyna and another. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194: specifies Hercyna as type. 1868. lb., Cat. Sat. 71: the same; but refers the genus to Westwood, and adds in a note that Abeona is the type of Hiibner's Tisiphone. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 285 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 46 : Hercyna. He queries which of Hub- ner's references is the older, but there can be little doubt upon the point, thanks to Hiibner's Index. Hercyna cannot be taken as the type, as it is not congeneric with any of tlie species upon whicli tlie genus was founded, nor is it one of the original list. Tulbaghia became type of Meneris in 1844. Pasi- phae belongs to Pyronia (1816), so that Abeona must be taken as the type. See also Heteronymplia and Ilipparchioides. 1059. TlTIIOREA. 1847 (June). Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pi. 14: Bonplandi, Harmo- nia (Megara). 1847 (Aug.). lb., ib. 09: I. Humboldtii, Bonplandi, Pavonii; IT. Irene, Ilarmoiiia (Megara), Tyro. 18G2. Bates, Linn. Trans, xxiii. 5.52 : employs it for Ilarmonia and a new species. 1864. Ilerr.-SchaefF., Prodr. i. 50: uses it much aS Doubleday did. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 35 : the same. Harmonia is the tj'pe through Bates. lOGO. Tmetoglene. . 1862. Feld., Wien. Ent. Monatschr. vi. 235. Esthema. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. Used in same way by Bates, Herrich-SchaefEer, and Kirby. See Brachyglenis. lOGl. Tmolus. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 76: Megacles, Sylvanus (Syllidus), Crolus, Eoliion, Eurytulus. 1869. Butl., Cat. Fabr. Lep. 187 : employs it for Echion and several others not specified by Iliibner. Echion therefore becomes the type. 10G2. Tomares. 1839. Ramb., Faune Ent. Andal. ii. 261: Ballus. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 345 [Thomares] : given as a synonyme of Thestor (q. v.). 1063. Trapezites. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 112: Symmomus. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 1869. Ilerr.-SchaefT., Prodr. iii. 49 : used without mention of species. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 621 : used in same sense. 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1064. Trepsichuois. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 16: Midamus (Basilissa, Mulcibra, Midarais), Alca, Eleusina. Midamus may be taken as the type. 1065. Trichonis. 1865. Hewits., 111. Diurn. Lep. G8 : Theanns. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 427 : the same. 1066. Trigonia.* 1837. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. v. 21 : Nero. Sole species, and therefore type. The name is preoccupied in Mollusks (Brug. 1791). See Tachyris. 1067. Triopades. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 73: Orus, Eupalemon. Eupalemon may be taken as the type. Tills species is wrongly placed by Kirby among the Urbicolae. 1068. Triphtsa. 1850. Zell., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 308 : Dohrnii, Phryne (Tircis). 1861. Stand., Cat. 14: employs it for Phryne and Sunbecca. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Prodr. i. GO : the same. 1867. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 194: designates Phryne as the type. Is this name too close to Triphassa (Hiibn., Lep. 1816) to be used? See Phryne. 1069. Tritonia.* 1832. Gey. in Hiibn., Zutr. iv. 25 : Eupompe. Sole species, and therefore type. This name is preoccupied in Mollusks (Cuv. 1798). 1070. Troides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 88: Priamus, Helena (Amphimedon, Helena), Pompeus (Astenous, Minos), Amphrysus, Hippolytus (Remus). Helena may be taken as the type. See Amphrisius. 1071. Troilidf.s. 1822-26. Hiibn., Esot. Schraett. ii: Torquatus (Tros). Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 287 1072. Ttanitis.* • 1847. Doubl,, List Br. Mus. 19: Tenes. Sole species, but unde- scribed. The genus also being undescribed, the name falls. 1073. Udranomia.* 1870. Butl., Eat. Monthl. Mag. vii. 58 : Orcinus. Sole species, and designated type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 579 : the same. See Hydrffinomia, which supplants it on orthographic grounds. 1074. Uraneis. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 411 : hyalina. Sole spe- cies, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 333 : the same. Is this name too close to Urania (Fabr., Lep. 1807). 1075. Urbands. 1806. HUbn., Tent. 1 : alcesB (malvae).* Sole species, and there- fore type. See Carclmrodus, Erynnis, and Spilothyrus. 1076. Utica. 1865. Hewits., 111. Dlurn. Lep. b(^: Onycha. Sole species, and therefore type. Thus used by Kirby. Preoccupied in Crustacea (White-Ad. 1847). 1077. Valeria.* 1829. Horsf., Descr. Cat. Lep. E. Ind. Co. 139 : Valeria. Sole species, and therefore type. The name, being founded on that of the sole species, falls. 1078. Vanessa. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 281 : lo, Atalanta, urticse, Levana. 1810. Latr., Consid. 440 : specifies Atalanta as type. 1815. Oken, Lehrb. i. 729 : employs it for Arsinoe and others. 1816. Iliibn., Verz. 33: uses it for Huntera (Hunteri), Carye, and cardui. 1825. Curtis, Brit. Ent., pi. 96: designates Atalanta as type. * Kirby (Syn. Cat. 612) strangely gives Hiibner's malvae (Eur. Schmett. 450-1) as a synonyme of sidse, and not of alceae. 288 * PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1837. SodofFsk., Bull. Mosc. x. 80 : proposes to change the spelling of the name to Phanessa. 1840. "Westw., Gen. Syn. 87: specifies lo as type. 1848. Douhl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 98: lo, urticae, and others. 1861. Feld., Neues Lep. 12: divides the group into five sections, , placing urticte in the third and lo in the fifth. 1871. Kirh., Syn. Cat. 181 : employs it in Douhleday's sense, but subsequently (p. 648) treats it as a synonyme of Nym- phalis. 1872. Scudd., Syst. Rev. 21 : specifies Atalanta as type. 1872. Crotch, Cist. Ent. i. 66 : would drop the name as synonymous with Nymphalis. See Ammiralis, Bassaris, Pyrameis, and Cynthia. 1079. ViCTORINA. 1840. Blanch., Hist. Ins. iii. 447 : Steneles. Sole species, and therefore type. Subsequently used in same sense by Doubleday, Westwood, Felder, and Kirby. 1080. Vila. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 217: Azeca, Mariana, Emilia, Stalachtoides. 1873. lb., Zoo). Rec. for 1871, 360: specifies Azeca as type, that having been the type of Olina, which this name is in- tended to supplant. 1081. Xanthidia. 1829-30. Boisd.-LeC, Lep. Am. Sept. 48 : Delia, jucnnda, Lisa, Nieippe. 1832. Boisd., Voy. Astrol. 59: Smilax, puella. 1833. lb., Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. ii. 168; Brigitta (pulchella) and others. Delia, with which jncunda and Lisa are strictly congeneric, was ' taken in 1870 as tj'pe of Eurema (181G), so that Nieippe must be taken as the type of Xanthidia. feee also Aboeis. 1082. Xanthocleis. 1870. Boisd., L'ip. Guat. 30 : Psidii, Themisto, .ffidesia (Odessa), and a MS. species. Psiilii and Themisto are congeneric but distinct from iEdesia ; and Psiilii is already the type of Thyi-idia; so that iEdesia must be taken as the type. See Aprotopos. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 289 1083. Xanthot^nia. 1857. Westw., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. [n. s.] iv. 187: Busiris. Sole species, and therefore type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 238: the same. 1084. Xenandra. 1865. Feld., Roise Novara, 304: Heliodes. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 427 : Helius, Heliodes (Helioides). 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 301 : the same. 1085. Xenica. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. ii. 387 : Achanta, Klugii (Singa), Abeona, Lathoniella. 1858. Horsf-Moore, Cat. Lep. E. Lid. Co. i. 228 : emj^loy it for Achanta only, which thereby becomes the type. 1867. Butl., Eiit. Monthl. Mag. iii. 279 : Abeona and Joanna. 1868. lb., Cat. Sat. 70: specifies Abeona as type. See Hetero- nympha. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 76: uses it for some of Westwood's species and others, not including either of Butlex-'s. See Geitoneura. 1086. Xois. 1865. Hewits., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. [3] ii. 282 : Sesara. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler and used by Kirby. 1087. Yphthima. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 63: Cassus (Casse), Hippia, Manto, Tyndarus (Cleo), Philomela. 1844. Doubl., List Br. Mus. 138 : employs it for Philomela and others. 1851. "Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 394: makes a similar use of it, so that Philomela becomes the type. 1868. Butl., Ent. Monthl. Mag. iv. 196: designates Lisandra (Philo- mela) as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cut. 94: makes a similar use of it. 1088. Zaeetis. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 49: Isidora, Bisaltide (Polybete). Isidora may be taken as the type. VOL. X. (n. S. II.) 19 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1089. Zegris. 1836. Ramb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. v. 581 : Eupheme. Sole species, and therefore type. 1836. Boisd., Spec. gin. 552 : employs it for the same and others. 1847. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 52 : the same. 1870. Butl., Cist. Ent. i. 39, 54: specifies Eupheme as the type. 1090. Zelima. 1807. Fabr., 111. Mag. vi. 279 : Pylades. Sole species, and therefore type. 1820. Billb., Enum. Tns. 81 : proposes, without i-eason, to supplant this name by Aikis (q. v.). 1091. Zelot^a. 1867. Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 381 : Fhasma, dubia, Achroa. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 310: the same. Phasma may be taken as the type. 1092. Zemeros. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 5 C. : Flegyas (Allica). Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by subsequent authors. 1093. Zeonia. 1832-33. Swains., Zool. 111. ii. Ill: Faunus (Heliconides). Sole species, and therefore type. Used in same sense by Boisduval, Doubleday, Westwood, Bates, and Kirby. See Cborinea and Rodinia. 1094. Zephyrus. 1816. Dalm., Vetensk. Acad. Handl. xxxvii. 62, 90: all the species quoted under Aurotis, Heodes, and Cyaniris (q-v.), these being the three sections into which he divides this group. Betulse is specified as the type. 1820. Dalm. in Billb., Enum. Ins. 80 [Zephyrius] : employs it for betuloB and others. 1832. Gray, Griff. An. Kingd., pi. 58 [Zephyrius] : uses it for Amor. 1842-44. Guer., Iconogr. Regne An. 490, pi. 81 [Zephyrius] : 'the same. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 291 1853. TVallcngr., Rliop. Scaiid. 178: employs it for quercus and betulie. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 402: uses it for the same and others. See Aurotis. 1095. Zerene. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 97: Croceus (Ilyale), Erate, Hyale (Palceno), Phicomene, Cesonia. 1850. Steph., Cat. Brit. Lep. 3 [Xerene] : employs it for Hyale alone ; but this cannot be taken as the type, since it had previously been made the type of Eurymus. See also Colotis. 1862. Scudd., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. ix. 103: employs it for Cesonia (Ccesonia) and Eurydice, wherefore Cesonia is type. 1872. lb., Syst. Rev. 38 : specifies Cesonia (Csesonia) as the type. 1872. Grote, Can. Ent. iv. 215: says that this group, being synony- mous with Colias, cannot be used, and that Megonostoma (q. V.) should be employed ; but it is not strictly synony- mous with what Grote means by Colias. 1096. "Zeritis. 1836. Boisd., Spec, gen., pi. 6 C. : Neriene. Sole species, and there- fore type. 1847. Doiibl., List Br. Mus. 56: employs it for the allied species Thero, and for others, but not for Neriene. 1849. Luc, Expl. Alg. Zool. iii., pi. 1 : Siphax, a wholly different insect. See Cigaritis. 1852. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 500 : uses it for fourteen species, among them Neriene and Thero. 1857. "Wallengr., Rhop. Caffr. 46 [Zerythis] : uses it for Protumnus (Basuta). The name is very close to Zaretis (Hiibn., Lep. 181G). 1097. Zerynthia. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. iv. 29: Polyxena, Rumina (Medesicaste, Rumina). 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : uses it for Ogina, an entirely different insect. 1835, Herr.-Schaeff., Nomencl. Ent. i. 4: employs it in Ochsen- heimer's sense. 292 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1837. Sodofftik., Bull. Mosc, x. 82: suggests that it should be spelled Zerinthia. Polyxena may be taken as type. See also Eugraphis and Thais. 1098. Zesius. 1816. liiibn,, Verz. 77 : Phasomallus, Clirysomallus. Chrysomallus may be taken as the type. 1099. Zethera. 1861. Boisd. in Feld., Neues Lep. 26 : Pimplea. Sole species, and therefore type, as stated by Butler. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 45 : employs it in the same sense. See Amechania. 1100. Zetides. 1816. Hiibn., Verz. 85 : Sarpedon, Eurypylus, ^gistus. Sarpedon may be taken as the type. See Chlorisses. 1101. Zeuxidia. 1822-26. Hiibn., Exot. Schmett. ii. : Luxerii. Sole species, and therefore type. 1844. Dou])l., List Br. Mas. 114: the same. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 327: the same and others. "West- wood gives Aglaura Boisd. MS. as a generic synonyme. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 115 : uses it in the same sense. 1102. ZiPiETIS. 1863. lie wits., Exot. Butt. iii. 100: Saitis, Scylax. 1865. Herr.-Schaeff., Piodr. i. 63: the same. 1868. But]., Ent. MonthL Mag. iv. 194 ; Cat. Sat. 98 : specifies Saitis as type. 1103. ZONAGA. 1820. Billb., Enum. Ins. 78 : Biblis. Sole species, and therefore type. See Didonis and Biblis. 1104. ZOPHOESSA. 1849. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep. pi. 61 : Sura. Sole species, and therefore type. 1851. Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 362: the same. 1868. Butl., Ent. MonthL Mag. iv. 195; Cat. Sat. 108: specifies Sura as type. 1871. Kirb., Syn. Cat. 40: employs it in the same sense. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 293 Tlie following species of butterflies, mentioned as types of genera, were nn- publislied at the time of the issue of Kirby's Catalogue : — Tbaidina, of Armandi a (Blanch.). 1871. tractipennis, Arteurotia(Butl.-Druce), 1872. Liilderdali, Bliutanitis (Atkins.), 1873. Juventus, Callimormus (Scudd)., 1872. Leonata, Drucina (Biitl.), 1872. Darwinia, Mimacrsea (Bull.), 1872. Poweshiek, of Oarisma (Scudd.), 1872 [oolitica, PalsEontiiia (Butl.), 187.3.] Leda, Periplysia (Gerst.), 1871. Aetta, Pteronymia(Butl.-Druce), 1872. Keynesii, Satyrites (Scudd.), 1872. Hermina, Scalidoneura (Butl ), 1871. ADDENDA. — (March, 1875.) 46. Alcidis. — This name was introduced by an accidental error. Liris is not a buttertiy, and was not given as one by Felder. 152. AunoTis. — Add: 1835. Vill.-Guen., Lcp. Eur. 36: employs it for roboris (Evippus). — 1862. Kirb., Man. Eur. Butt. 87 : roboris. 256 Ws. Chortobids.* List Brit. Lep. Ed. 2 : Typhon (Davus), Pamphilus. 1859. [Gue'n. in] Doubl , Fide Kirbv in litt. Falls before Coenonympha. 302. CtiPiDO. — Add: 1870. Kirb., Journ. Linn. ^oc. Zoul. x. 499 : says, "The true type apj)ears to be Alsus;" because, he writes me in explanation, " Schrank confounds Alsus and Argiades as sexes under his Puer," the name Puer being presumed to have suggested Cupido; but tliis seems to me rather strained. 305. Cyaxiris. — Add: 1835. Vill.-Gue'n., Lep. Eur. 19: employ it for Cory- don, Argiolus, and others. 492. HiEMOxiDds. — Mr. Kirliy writes me: "Cramer figures two species as Cronis, one a Castnian, the otiier a Pierid. Boisduval and I take this to be a case of mimicry ; but Butler considers both figures to represent the Castnian." 510. Heliochhoma. — 1870. Butl., Lep. Exot. 70: says, "The genus Helio- chroma will, I think, have to sink into a section of Hesperocharis. I can find no constant structural characters by whicli to separate it." 581. Ithomia. — With regard to the text of Hiibner's Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge, it may be remarked that the twelve species described in it are all figured in the first volume, and all referred to in the Index of 244 plates. And inasmuch as in every case of alteration of the specific name, the Index is followed, W3 may conclude the text of the Sammlung to be posterior to, or most probably nearly synchronous witli, the Inde.x, namely, 1822. The genus in which Dianasa is placed is spelled Eieides, as in tiie Index, and not Eueides as in the Verzeichniss ; and further proof that ir is later than the Verzeichniss is found in the entire absence of one of the species (and its generic name) from the latter, — llelio- chlaena Leucosia. 633. LiMENiTi.'?. — Mr. Kirby writes me that the Camilla of early British authors is not that of Fabricius, and cannot therefore be taken as type. But inas- mucli as it was a strictly congeneric insect (Sibylla), the question is not affected by this fact. 7qo his. Ntmpha.* 1838-9. Krause, Faun. Thur., wrapper parts 4, 5: proposes it to include all the European Nymphales. IMr. Kirby, from wjiom this information is de- rived, appears sometimes to write it Nympha, sometimes Nymphte. The latter form would be inadmissible in a generic name, and is also given earlier by Borkhausen (Eur. Schmett., Einl. xvii.) as a name for the whole family. Mr. Kirby adds : " On p. 85, popvli is clearly, as I think, indi- cated as type." In that case the name would fall before Xajas. 861. Phrissur.v'. — Add: 1871. Butl., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 171: says the insect upon which he intended to found this genus was .ffigis (lUana), which at the time he wrongly identified as Cynis. 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY VI. ON THE WIDE DIFFUSION OF VANADIUM AND ITS ASSO- CIATION WITH PHOSPHORUS IN MANY ROCKS. By A. A. Hates, M. D. Presented, Jan. 12, 1875. Christian Keferstein, as early as 1834, had boldly stated the prop- osition that " all crystalline non-stratified rocks, from granite to lava, are products of the transformation of sedimentary strata," and later researches aid in confirming the trutlifulness of this view. Simply considered, all rocks consist of a basis material, generally simple minerals, such as compound silicates, aluminates, or even quartz, in various states of division, united by a compound which acts the jjart of a cement, which through its composition is more easily acted on by ordinary agents than the particles of the mineral it unites. Tliis part of every rock engages attention, also, from its acting as a positive compound does in a simple mineral. It is complex in composi- tion, usually it consists of silicates of protoxide bases. At one moment of time it binds the particles with great force ; at another, under altered conditions, it relaxes its bonds, itself losing cohesion, crumbling and becoming an earth containing the elements necessary to vegetation, while the bonded materials drop to their condition before union. AccejJting Keferstein's expression in its fullest sense, I have applied the resources of analysis to a large number of rock aggregates, and the results of my experiments have shown the interest and extent of this field of inquiry. To do this, I have departed from tlie ordinary course of analysis, and applied a principle which, many years since, enabled me accurately to separate alkalies from mineral compounds. This principle is the adaptation of a definite mixture of agents, so that while one part of the mixture is searching for and dissolving the substance to be studied, the other part is holding in a semi-fluid etate the larger part of the substance and allowing any reactions or OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 295 adjustments of composition to take place. The subsequent solution and boiling determines the precipitation of compounds not soluble in the medium. This medium is subsequently decomposed and products divided. MODE OF ANALYSIS. The rock perfectly cleansed by washing and brushing, reduced to fine l^owder, is either dried for its combined water or taken in its natural state. A flux is prepared by melting 202 parts of potassic nitrate with 63 parts of sodic carbonate, both pure. The cooled mass, reduced to powder, absorbs about 0.004 parts when exposed to the air, and must be kept in a closed bottle. This basis flux can be adapted to meet all cases of varied comj)Osition in minerals. 1 grm. of the rock or mineral is mixed intimately with 1.28 grm. or 2 grms. of this flux in a tall, narrow crucible of platinum, on which no action is exerted. The ciu- cible, covered, is heated o\'er an ordinary Bunsen table lamp, gently while intumescence continues: the heat increased, hissing ceases, a slow sintering follows, and in 12 to 20 minutes the action is over, about one-half the whole power of the lamp being used. The fused mass, mostly removed fi om the crucible by a looped platinum wire, with the crucible and cover are boiled in water. The basic silicates, more or less altered, remain ; the soluble compounds dis- solve, and the filtered solutions and washings, making 40 to 50 CC, . are evaporated in a platinum basin to about 6 CC. To the hot solution, amnionic chloride, a little in excess of the equivalent of sodic carbonate used, is added, from a titrated pure solution, the basin put on a water- bath, the contents evaporated, and carefully di'ied at temperature not exceeding 100° C. After the addition of the ammonic chloride, the silicic acid gelatinizes, and, in drying, passes out of combination with the alkalies. By subsequent boiling in water and filtration, the pre- cipitated silicic comjjounds are obtained. The filtrate and washings contain other combinations, which can be treated either in the normal state of acid ammonic salts, or after the addition of a drop of ammonic hydrate renders the solution neutral to test-jxiper. Numerous cases occur, rendering modifications necessary. Chlorine, bromine, iodine, sulphur, compel a choice of ammonic salts. Many of the acid-forming metals are separated by their characteristic reactions, from the residue of fusion. In general, if the solution of the result of fusion does not deposit silicic acid on the addition of an ammonic salt, 0.25 grm. of silicic acid, with or without its equivalent of sodic carbonate, is added ; because the displacement of other acids 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY depends on the presence of an excess of silicic acid. The solution containing nitrites is delicately balanced, but it is always adapted to the statical determination of phosphoric acid by the magnesia mixture, or its estimation volumetrically, in using uranic nitrate. The quantity of phosi^horic acid pi-esent in mineral or artificial forms of compounds can thus be accurately obtained, and the most compact aggregates do not resist solution. WIDE DISTRIBUTION OF PHOSPHORUS. In applying this mode of analysis to a great variety of rocks, it soon became evident that phosphoric acid is widely distributed. In some cases, the basis, as well as the cementing part, of a rock contained it, so that adherence to the j^lan of seeking it in classified rocks was not possible. Associated with silicates of the moi-e basic earths and the protoxides of metals, it is found in all the clays, the new and old lavas, trachytes, slates, — from the most fissile to the most compact, — shales, ashes of coals ; in the rocks formed of quartz, feldspar, and mica ; in aggregates where feldspar is replaced by quartzite, and in those con- taining chlorite. The well-known conglomerates of Roxbury, and a silicious slate reposing near it, contain phosphates. In the opaque feldspars, the ancient porphyries of Rome and Carthage, phosi)hates occur ; but the glassy and rose-colored varieties have not af- forded it. The lepidolite of Paris, Me., contains it ; furnace products, slags from copper and zinc, afford it. This list might be extended, without indicating any law relating to the affinities, which may perhaps be dis- covered as the observations are multiplied. We have iu phosphatic salts in rocks another consolidating material, and an element of change. VANADIUM ASSOCIATED WITH PHOSPHORUS. In many of the analyses made after tlie method described, another acid was found associated with phosphoric acid, and this was easily proved to be a compound of vanadium. The frequency of its occur- rence as acid or oxide, its well-marked characters as a changeful body, the colors of its compounds and mixtures, give great interest to this discovery. Owing to its association with proto salts of manganese and iron in rocks, it proves to be active, first as a binding, and secondly as a disintegrating, agent. It is a matter of surprise that the dissemina- tion of vanadium has not before been noted, especially since its later classification with phosphorus leads to such a conclusion. When the rocks treated by the above method for phosphoric acid contain manganic compounds, if the second filtrate, balanced by am- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 297 monic salts, has any yellow tint, vanadic acid salts are almost surely present. It occurs with phosphoric acid in most of the mineral bodies named above. The physical character of color of the rock is the only indication I now know. The green and plum colors of slates and por- phyries ; the greenish epidote color of many aggregates ; the changed colors, seen in sandstones, and esjjecially in rooting slates, from world- wide localities, are guiding marks merely. My observations have been quite numerous, and as yet no proper ore of vanadium has been found, but sources of economical separation have been suggested. As vanadium occurs in many well-trodden paths, I deemed it im- portant to devise a direct way of obtaining it, in which no metal and the fewest reagents are employed. PROCESS. Crush in the diamond mortar 1 to li grms. of greenish slate to a fine and coarse powder ; place in a watch crystal, and wet thoroughly with a solution of one-fourth sulphuric hydrate, leaving a little excess. Expose freely to dry, warm air, — sunshine, if possible; and, if the slate is acted on, after 2 to 4 days, when the mass is nearly dry, the salts formed crystallize. Under a lens, a number of green or bluish-black spherical crystalline aggregates, unlike any other matter present, will be seen. These are a double salt, in which blue oxide of vanadium exists ; and from such a small weight, often, enough crystals can be picked out for showing the characters of vanadium compounds. It is best to use several differing specimens, which by their colors indicate proto-silicates, and to be sure that they have been carefully washed, as granites are often invested with a lichen of a hemispherical form. One is often surprised to see the number of these crystals extruded from the mass of salt, and formed under constraint. The oxidized rocks do not afford these crystals, but we see bands of yellow vanadium compounds, denoting the condition of the substance. The ordinary tests of vanadium are best applied to the vanadates, and among them the gall test is delicate and discriminating. If the greenish-black precipitate it forms in acid solutions be burned, the insoluble oxide obtained (when the precipitate is entirely free from any chloride) has characteristic reactions with acids, and in the blow- pipe flame with fluxes. The salts of vanadium in mixture with man- ganous salts, precipitated by excess of ammonic hydrate, afford a blue solution above the oxides, rivalling that of cupric oxide. By oxidizing the blackish-blue salt obtained by sulphuric hydrate, the yellow compounds form, and may be tested under both modifications. 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The vanadate of ammonia present in the balanced solution from tlie silicates, by the mode of analysis described above, may be separated by over-saturating the solution with ammonic chloride, when amnionic vanadate separates ; although pl;iosphoric acid is present. From the vanadate other combinations of vanadium may be formed. The solu- tion does not then respond to the gall test ; and the ammonic vanadate separated, when heated, leaves vanadic acid. The deposit caused by tinct. galls may be calcined for VO'. In testing for i^hosphoric acid, in this mixed solution, the magnesia mixture does not respond at once, unless the device of Wollaston be used ; and, in strong .solutions, plu- mose vanadates form. If heat is applied to the salts in mixture with clilorides, much of the vanadium will be lost. In most of the rocks containing phosphorus, vanadium has been found associated. Manga- nese is also a congener ; and, without repeating here the list of rocks, I can promise in a future paper to give a tabulated series. In Utah, in the Tintic District, there is a chalcedonic rock, with brown ferric and cupric ore. In the brown part of this ore both phos- phorus and vanadium are abundant. The presence of vanadium, in crusts on copper rock of Lake Superior, announced some years since, by my late fi-iend, J. E. Teschemacher, has been lately confirmed. It is jjresent in light grayish earth-like substance of the datholite beds in the Calumet and Hecla mines. At present it appears that vanadium is as common a constituent of rocks as manganese. VANADIC COMPOUNUS IN "WATER. The beautiful suburb of Boston, Brookline, owes its varied surface and scenic effect largely to water action in forming the gravel drift into elevations and depressions, having clirved and graceful lines. This drift pi-esents us with a magazine of rock aggregates, which not only supply the laboratory, but, in various cuttings, allow us to watch the influence of air, frost, and water on the rocks ; which, stable in their beds, become changed, even rapidly, on exposure to these agen- cies. This gravel, permeated by air, changing under every variation of pressure, is jjowerfully oxidizing ; and the rain water, even if colored on entering it, becomes colorless and sparkling at eight yards below the surface. The gravel contains strata and inclined dykes of ex- tremely finely divided micaceous earth, or "quicksand," in which the water circulates and passes to the ocean at different levels. An average result of partial analyses is : 1 litre affords by evaporation and drying at 100° 0.350 grm., of this amount 0.182 grm. is nearly insoluble matter; 0.1 G8 grm. again dissolves in water, and contains, besides the OF ARTS AND SCIE.NXES. 299 ordinary salts, soluble silicates, not altered by boiling, drying, or heat of 100° C. These waters attack crystal glass, leaving an incrustation, which resists weak acids ; and they seem to be free to act in re-con- solidating strata. Indeed, in the deep parts of the gravel deposits, we meet with masses of rock in which solution of the silicates in water is hourly going on ; and we may follow tliese solutions to the wells, and observe that sometimes depositions are formed on the surfaces of the rocks, over which they pass. Vanadium exists in the water, which supplies the wells of the dis- trict of the drift, as a transparent, colorless solution of magnesian calcic, manganous, and ferrous silioatea, phosphates, carbonates, and vanadates. The deposit which fonns in the boiling water resembles in composi- tion the matter as taken from rocks by weak solvents, although some of these compounds remain dissolved in the water after it has been boiled. Detection of vanadium as oxide is easily and at once effected, by dissolving the deposit formed from boiling water, by means of diluted nitric or sulphuric hydrate. In this solution, the addition of a slight excess of ammonic hydrate, and a moment after a considerable excess of ammonic carbonate, insures the reduction of any vanadic compouiul, by the manganous and ferrous oxides, and separation of other com- pounds than magnesic oxide and the blue vanadous oxide, which ap- pears in solution of a rich blue color. In a nearly closed vessel, a bright stiip of zinc will withdraw vanadous oxide from the blue solu- tion, at first as a thin bronze coating, then after a black crust. I believe this is the first discovery of vanadic compounds in water. Before announcing it, every source of error has been scanned ; and the labor of connecting the compounds with the rocks where they originate has been performed, as necessary to completeness, in the evidence. Manganous salts have been observed in waters where humic acid has acted on rocks containing manganous carbonate, and the existence of a water of this kind is known to me ; but it must be considered quite apart in composition from a water in which soluble silicates include manganous silicate as part of a compound possessing novel characters. In concluding this brief account of results proving the existence of phosphates and vanadic compounds in the cementing material of the most common rocks, I wish it to be considered as only introductory to a wide field of interesting research. 300 PEOCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY VII. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. No. I. FOCI OF LENSES PLACED OBLIQUELY. By Prof. E. C. Pickering and Dr. Chas. H. Williams. Presented, Feb. 9, 1875. The following experiments were suggested by noticing that the spot of light of a reflecting galvanometer was thrown out of focus when the mirror turned slightly. The image in this case was formed by a lens near the mirror ; and, to obtain a distinct image, it was found that the ends of the scale must be brought much nearer the mirror, owing to the obliquity of the rays ujwn the lens. It was further noticed that the focus was greatly altered when the slit used was placed horizon^ tally instead of vertically. To study the matter more carefully, the following apparatus was constructed. To one end of a board about five feet long was fitted a small telescope; ten inches from this was placed a graduated circle, which rested hori- zontally on the board ; and at its axis was fixed a screen of sheet iron, which stood vertically and had a hole in the centre, on a level with the telescope. On one side of the screen, and covering the hole, was fixed a bi- convex lens of 25.5 inches focus, so placed that, when the graduated circle \a as moved, the lens turned about a vertical axis which coincided with that of the circle. At the farther end of the board was placed a small gas flame, and between the lens and gas was a screen which moved over a scale giving the distance in inches fi-om the axis of the lens. At the centre of this screen, on a level with the lens, telescope, and gas flame, and in the same straight line, two fine slits wtire cut, one vertical the other horizontal, intersecting each other in the middle ; and in these slits filaments of silk were stretched lengthwise, to aid in focussing. To use the instrument, the gas was lighted, then the screen with the cross-hairs was placed at the principal focus of the lens : that is, 25.5 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 801 inches from it. The graduated circle, carrying tlie lens, was now brought to zero, so that the rays from the cross should fall normally on the centre of the lens. Lastly, the telescope was focussed on the cross-hairs. The zero point of the graduated circle was obtained with great accuracy, by lighting the gas, then, placing the eye at some dis- tance behind the gas flame, the graduated circle was moved till the reflections from the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens exactly coincided with the flame ; in this way the true vertical as well as hori- zontal position was obtained. The instrument being thus adjusted, the graduated circle and lens were turned five degrees. The screen having the cross slits was now moved, by means of a rod attached to it, until the rays from the vertical slit were properly focussed by the observing telescojje, the distance of the screen from the lens was read from the scale, the reading repeated three times, and the mean recorded. The same was afterward done for the rays from the horizontal slit. The graduated circle was then moved on, and the same readings re- peated every five degrees. It was impossible to take readings from the vertical slit beyond Qo^ ; for, after that, the screen could not be brought near enough to the lens to focus the rays properly, and the image be- came quite indistinct; but with the horizontal slit the readings were continued to 85^. After com[)leting this set of readings, the screen was placed at one and a half times its focal length from the lens, the graduated circle brought to zero, and the telescope focussed as before ; then the same readings were repeated every five degrees, also when the screen was at one half and at twice the focal distance. Having obtained these readings, curves were constructed by the Graphical Method, the vertical distances being equal to the distance from screen to lens, and the horizontal to the angle through which the graduated circle was moved. As a test for the accuracy of the readings when the telescope was focussed for ditferent points, all the readings were reduced, so as to be compared with those taken when the distance from lens to screen was equal to the focal length of the lens. This was done by means of tiie formula — | — = —, in which u and v are the conjugate foci, and / the principal focus of the lens. In these exper- iments, — is a constant, for, when the telescope has been once focussed, u it remains fixed through that set of readings, and the reciprocal is easily found by — = -t ; that is, subtracting the reciprocal of the distance from screen to lens, when the angle is equal to zero, from the reciprocal of the principal focus of the lens. This reciprocal is to be 802 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY added to of the readings, and thus the readings of any set are rendered equivalent to those taken when the screen is at a distance from the lens equal to its principal focus. This being done, the greatest variation of any of the readings from the standard was found to be a little over one per cent. The result of these measurements of the vertical slit are given in Table L, and of the horizontal slit in Table II. Column 1 gives the TABLE I. i. .5/ /• 1.5/ 2/ 1 / .5/. 1.5/ 2/ Mean. 0° 12.7 25.5 38.2 51.0 255 25.5 25 5 25.5 25..50 5° 12.6 25.3 37.6 49.8 25.3 2-5.1 252 25 1 25.17 10° 12 3 24.3 35.6 46.5 24.3 23.9 24.3 24.3 24.20 15° 12.0 23.0 33.0 41.0 23.0 22.8 23.1 22.8 2292 20° 11.5 219 30.1 37.5 21.9 21.1 216 21.6 21.55 25° 11.0 19.8 26.3 326 19.8 19.5 19.6 19.9 19.70 30° 10.2 17.7 23.0 27.0 17.7 17.1 17.7 17.7 17.55 35° 9.2 15.1 19.1 22.0 15.1 14.5 15.3 15.4 15.07 40° 8.1 12.8 15.5 17.0 12.8 11.9 12.9 128 12.60 45° 7.0 10.3 12.1 13.0 10.3 9.6 10.5 10.4 10.20 50° 5.7 8.1 9.2 9.5 8.1 7.3 8.2 8.0 7.90 55° 4.7 6.1 6.5 7.0 6.1 5.7 59 6.1 5.95 60° 3.7 4.3 4.4 4.7 43 4.3 4.1 4.3 4.25 65° 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.97 70° ( 75° 80° 85° TABLE IL {. .5/ /• 1.5/ 2/ /• .5/ 1.5/ 2/ Mean. 0° 127 25.5 38.2 51.0 25.5 25 5 25.5 25.5 25.50 5° 12.8 25.4 38.1 50.5 25.4 25.9 25.5 25.4 25.55 10° 12.7 25.4 37.9 49.7 25.4 25.5 25.4 25.2 25.37 15° 12.7 25.0 87.1 48.9 25.0 25.5 25.0 25.0 25.12 20° 12.5 24.6 36.2 47.0 24.6 24.7 24.6 24.5 24.60 25° 12.4 24.0 3.5.1 44.7 24.0 24.3 24.1 23.8 24.05 30° 12.2 23.3 84.0 43.4 23.3 23.6 23.6 23.4 23.47 35° 12.0 22.5 82.2 41.4 22.5 22.8 22 7 22.8 22.70 40° 11.8 21.9 80.5 37.9 21.9 22.1 21.8 21.7 21.87 45° 11.5 20.9 28.9 34.7 20.9 21.1 21.0 20.7 20.92 50° 11.2 19.7 26.7 82.4 19.7 20.1 19.8 19.8 19.85 55° 10.9 18.4 25.2 30.0 18.4 19.1 19 0 18.9 18.85 60° 10.5 17.5 23.5 27.6 17.5 17.9 18.0 17.9 17.82 65° 10.1 16.6 21.5 24.7 16.6 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.72 70° 98 15.7 20.0 22.7 15.7 16.0 15.9 15.7 15.82 75° 9.5 14.8 18.2 20.5 14.8 15.2 14.7 14.6 14.82 80° 9.0 13.7 16.8 18.7 13.7 14.0 13.8 13.7 13.80 85° 8.6 12,8 15.3 17.0 12.8 13.0 12.8 12.8 12.85 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 803 angle of incidence, the next four columns the observed conjugate focus, u. or position of the slit when the telescope was focussed on a point seen tlirough the lens at a distance of .5/,/, 1.5/, and 2/, in turn. The next four columns give the computed value of f, assuming that a lens placed obliciuely conforms to the law 1 — = -:;, as well ^ ^ •' U V f as when in the ordinary position. The result justifies this assumption ; for the four values oi f are nearly coincident, and agree well with the mean given in the last column. The phenomena are thus greatly sim- plified, since we have now only to consider the case of the principal focal distances, or that the incident ray forms a parallel beam. To represent these results theoretically, let us suppose the slits and lens so small, compared with their distance apart, that we may neglect all aberration except that due to the obliquity of the incidence. Con- sidering first the case of the vertical slit, let Fig. 1 represent the sec- tion of a horizontal plane passing through the centre of the lens. Then let D represent the position of the slit when the emergent rays are parallel ; that is, when AB is parallel to A' G. Now CD=.f' is the new focal length which is to be determined. Caliy the principal focal distance, n the index of refraction, i and r the angles of incidence and refraction of the light on entering the lens, and r' and i' the corre- sponding angles on its emergence. Call also A the angle between the two surfaces of the lens at its edge, or of the two surfaces where pierced by the ray. Then, by the law of re- fraction, sin i ■=. n sin r, and sin i' = n sin r' = n sin (r -|- A) = n sin r -\- n A cos r = sin i -\- n A cos r, since r' = A -\- r and sin A being very small may be regarded as equal to A. Again, sin ^' — sin ^ = cos i {i' — ^) ^^ n A cos r, and hence, V — i — n cos r A cos i Now, in the triangle BCD we have BDC=i — i' — A, BCD=i 90 — i, and BD sensibly equal to/'. Again, BC=.fA (n — I), for by the formula for lenses — =(«— 1) (— -^-p^, or f= _ , but 2BC r BC A ■=: „ - •■• /"= -i-, TT' or BC := fA (n — 1). Since the sides R /=T(7=n)'-^^=/^4(«-l) are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles ^Z) : J? (7= sin BCD : sin BDC, or/ i/A (?i — l) = sin (90—0 = i-i'-^ or/' =/. — "~ ^"^ ' ; dividing by A, and substituting the value of —r- given above, we have j' =j ■ =/• / , — . -,'. : = J' ' -^ •' n cos r — cos i •' y /j- — sin- i — cos i 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY — c- I — (>""" — ^"^^ * ~r ^°^ */ ^/ w^^ W'*' — '''^^" * ~r '^^'^ ')• By means of this formula, the value of f was computed for every 5° for n = 1.5; and the results, callingy:=: 100, are given in column 2 of Table III. Column 1 of the same table gives the corresponding angle of incidence, and column 3 the rate of change of y for small changes of n, or -^. This is only serviceable if we wish to compute the foci of lenses of various indices, but it is applicable only for value of n near 1.5 or 1.6. As an example, suppose we wish the focus of a lens having an index of refraction = 1.57, and inclined 45°. Then /' = 40.6 -f- .07 X •(> = 41.0. The values in column 4 are computed in this way, and give the foci for the lens actually employed, whose index was assumed to be equal to 1.55. To compare these results with observation, the last column of Table I. was reduced by dividing by 25.5, the principal focal distance. The differences or errors are given in column 6, which show the close agreement with theory. From these it appears that the deviations are probably mainly due to accidental errors, the pre- ponderance of negative values rendering it probable that the focal dis- tance 25.5 was taken as too small. TABLE III. i. 1.5. (If dn 1.55. Oljs. £. e° 100 0 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 5^ 989 0.0 98.9 98.7 —0.2 10° 90.1 0.1 96.1 94.9 —1.2 15° 91 2 0.2 913 89,8 —1.5 '20° 84 8 0.2 84.9 84.5 —0.4 25° 77.0 0.3 77.1 77.2 +0.1 80° 68.4 0.4 G8.6 68.8 +0.2 35° 59.2 0.5 59.4 59.1 —0.3 40° 49.8 0.6 50.1 50.3 +0.2 .45° 40.6 0.6 40.9 40.0 —0.9 50° 32.0 0.6 32.3 31.0 —1.3 55° 21.1 0.6 24.4 23 3 —1.1 60° 17.1 0.5 17.3 1G7 —0.6 65° 11.3 0.4 11.5 11.6 +0.1 70° 7.0 0.3 7.1 75° 3.8 0.2 4.0 80° 1.6 0.1 1.6 85° 0.4 00 .4 90° 00 0.0 0.0 The case of the horizontal slit is more comjjlicated, since the rays no longer remain in one plane. Considering only those rays in the vertical plane passing through the axis around which the lens turns, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 305 and one point of the slit, we see that they will strike the lens at au angle of incidence about equal to i, will traverse it in a plane which we will call the plane of refraction inclined to the first plane i — r, and finally emerge in a plane parallel to the first. The plane of re- fraction will intersect the lens along two circles whose distance apart at the centre will be greater than the thickness of the lens in the ratio of cos r to 1 ; hence their radii R' will be less than the radius of curvature R of the surfaces of the glass in the same ratio, or R' = R cos r. Again, the apparent index of refraction n' will be difFcient, and 1 " 2(/i — 1) T 1 2(n' — 1) , ., ^n — lR' since j=-^-j^ and - = ^^. , we have /' =f~^^ - jr z=zf cos r - — -. It therefore only remains to determine n', the apparent index of refraction. As the problem is one in spherical trigonometry, suppose a sphere described around the centre of the lens and projected in Fig. 2, the eye lying in the axis of the lens prolonged. Let CA = i, the angle through which the lens has been turned, and CE = r, the corresponding anjile of refraction. Then if the surface of the glass is vertical, as at the centre of the lens, the incident ray will he AC and the re- fracted ray CB. Next suppose the surface slightly inclined by the amount CD=: RC^v, as is the case for the upper and lower parts of the lens. AB=.i' will now be the angle of incidence; and, to construct the refracted ray, we have first the condition that sin ^' = n sin 7-', and secondly that the incident and refracted ray shall lie in the same plane with the normal BCD. To construct it, pass a plane through the normal ^(7 and the incident ray AC, which will intersect the sphere along the great circle AB and FD ; on this, lay oflf BE' = r' such that n sin r'=:sin i\ but, as v is infinitesimal, i' will be sen- sibly equal to ^, and r' to r. Now in the right-angled spherical triangle FGB, sin CD = sin DF sin CFD, or sin v = v = sin i X F, or F=z -i-. ; and in the triangle FEE', sin EE' = sin FE' sin FEE', or sin i ' = ' ' EE =2 siu (i — r) F, or, substituting the value of i^ just found, EE' — V ^—^ — r-^. Calling i" and r" the angles of incidence and re- fraction of the ray with regard to the section of the lens made by the plane of i-efraction, then i" will not equal BC, but will be the an- gle which, when projected on the plane of the section of the lens, will be BG or i" cos r=.BC .' . i" =z . Again EE' is the angle cos r = ° VOL. X. (n. 8. II.) 20 306 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY through which the ray is bent, or i" — r" =^v — ^\„ . , or subtract- sin I ing, ■.v\^ sin (/ — r) sin I F^] sin i — sin (i — r) cos r _ |_cos r which, with the above values, gives n' BUI I COS r sin I i" ; but ?»'=-, Sub- ■r)' sin I — COS/- sin (i- stitutiug this value in the equation /'=:/ cos r 2,_ gives /'=/ (n' — \) sin/-sin(/-7-)cosr^ ^j^.^ ^^^^j^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^^ distance if ^ ' sin (i — r) the rays on emerging remained in the plane of the section of the lens. But they pass into a plane inclined to this i — r, hence the observed focus^y"'' will be such that when projected on the plane of the section it will equal/', or /" cos (t — r) =/'. Hence finally /" = / / -, , sin J — sin (j — r) cos r rri • i i. , i 4.^ „..,%: (n — 1) — — -. ^ ~ -. This last step may be open to cnti- ^ '' sni {i — /•) cos (« — r) i J 1 cism, but the close agreement with observation seems to justify it. In Table IV., this formula is compared with observation, as the law for the vertical slit is compared in Table III. The columns in the two tables correspond, and it will be noticed that the agreement is very close. TABLE IV. i. 1.5. (In 1.55. Obs. £. 0° 100.0 00 100.0 100.0 0.0 6° 99.9 0.0 99 9 100.2 +;).3 10° 99.2 0.2 99.3 99.5 --').2 15° 97.7 0.3 97.8 98.5 --0.7 20° 96.1 0.5 96,3 96.4 -pO.l 2.5° 93.7 0.6 94.2 94.3 --0.1 80° 91.1 0.8 91.5 92.0 --0.5 35° 88.3 1.0 88.8 89.0 • --0.2 40° 84.7 1.2 85.3 85.7 --0.4 45° 81.1 1.5 81.8 820 -0 2 60° 77.2 1.7 78.0 77.8 —0.2 55° 73.2 1.9 74.1 73 9 —0.2 60° 09.0 2.1 70.0 69 8 —0.2 (55° 64.7 2.4 65.9 65.5 —0.4 70° 60,4 2.6 61.7 62.0 --0.3 75° 56.3 2.8 57.7 58.1 —04 80° 52.1 3.0 53.6 54.1 —0.5 85° 48.3 3.2 49.9 50.4 —05 90° 44.8 3.4 46.5 The principal practical application of these results is to photographic lenses. It will be seen that a single lens, even if perfectly corrected for spherical and chromatic aberration, is still subject to this defect. Con- OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 307 structing the curves with polar co-ordinates, taking the radius vector equal to the focal length and its angle equal to the angle of incidence, we obtain a line every point of which would be in focus at tlie same time. This shows that in a photographic camera for lines passing through the axis, corresponding to the vertical slit, the surface instead of being a plane should have a radius of curvature of only .3 the focus. For lines perpendicular to these, or circles concentric with the centre, corresponding to the horizontal slit, the curvature should be .7 the focus. We also see the importance of having telescope lenses care- fully centred, and why the images of stars, if this adjustment is not exact, are elliptical instead of circular. Since writing the above, a further application of these formulas has been suggested in the case of the eye, that the imperfect vision at a distance from the centre of vision may be due to the rays passing obliquely through the lens. It will also be noticed that the curvature of the retina corresponds nearly with that which would give the best vision. As stated above, for radial lines the radius of curvature should be about .3, and for concentric circles .7, its distance from the lens. The actual curvature in the normal eye is about .5, or the mean of these values. 808 riiOCEEDIiNGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY VIII. BRIEF CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. No. I. ON THE EFFECT OF HEAT UPON THE MAGNETIC SUS- CEPTIBILITY OF SOFT IRON. Br H. Amort and F. Minot. Presented, Jan. 12, 1875. The determination of the question whether heat influences the capa- bilities of soft iron to be magnetized appears to us to be an interesting question, since, in the later forms of magneto-electric engines, the armatures necessarily become heated by their movement in a magnetic field. The question is also of interest from a molecular point of view. We have confined ourselves to the determination of the effect of such heating upon the induced currents produced by suddenly passing an electric current about the bar of soft iron, which is heated to diflerent temperatures. Great dithculty was anticipated at first in determining the tempera- tures of the bar at different times. Preliminary experiments show, however, that the question resolved itself into observing the decided changes at the temperature of dull red heat and at white heat. The first method of experimenting was as follows : bars of soft iron, 1 cm. in diameter, were placed so as to form the armatures of the electro- magnets ; a coil of fine wire, the induction coil, was slipped upon these bars, forming the armatures, and the curve was drawn, whicli i^howed the distribution of magnetism over the armature when the electro- magnets were excited ; then the bar was heated, and the change in the curve noted. The induction coil was so placed that its plane was at right angles to that of the coils of the exciting electro-magnets. This apparatus showed a sligiit increase of magnetic susceptibility in the bars of soft iron as they were heated. The magnetic state increased up to the point when the bar began to change slightly in color from the effect of the heat ; it then remained constant. Owing to the difii- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 309 culty of heating bars of comparatively large diameter to a point beyond that of dull red heat, this method was abandoned, and the following was adopted. The testing apparatus consisted of an electro-magnet, horseshoe in form, but the wire of which was placed at the bend of the horseshoe, so that the electro-magnet was practically a straight one, with a horseshoe-shaped core. Upon one of the limbs of the horseshoe the induction coil was slipped, so as to still remain at right angles with the electro-magnet. The soft iron bar or wire was then made the armature of the electro-magnet. It was found that this arrangement was a very sensitive one ; for any change iu the condition of the wire forming the armature was immediately shown when the electro-magnet was excited, and an induced current passed through the fine induction coil. This method allowed us to experiment with wires, or bars of any suitable diameter. For, as it will be shown later, the size of the armature had very little effect upon the strength of the induced currents produced at makins and breaking the current in the electro-magnet. We shall speak of the horseshoe-shaped core and the armature as a magnetic circuit, which of course is a mere convenient term. When the arma- ture is applied to the poles of the horseshoe, and the electro-magnet is excited, then such a circuit may be said to be closed. The bars or wires were tested at a dull red heat, and also at white heat. The first bar used was 2 mm. in diameter, and the following table shows the results obtained. Six observations were taken, at intervals of one minute apart. TABLE I. Time. Deflection of Galv. Needle before beating. Deflection of Galv. Needle on rise of temperature. Min. 1 2 3 4 5 6 58 57 57 56 56 56 Dull lied. 59 58 59 59 59 58 "Wliite Heat. 52 53 52 62 52 52 When the magnetic circuit was closed by the armature, the first induced current which was produced by making the circuit of the electro-magnet was greater than the succeeding ones. This was doubt- less due to residual magnetism. We do not speak of the induced current which resulted from breaking the circuit of the electro-magnet; for this was equal to that produced by making the circuit. The mean of the two renderings gave the correct result. 810 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The following show the results obtained by varying the size of the bars or wires forming the armatures ; TABLE II. — Diameter of Bar, 2.5 mm. Time. Deflection of G;tlv. Needle before lieatiug. Deflection of Gal v. Needle on rise of temperature. Mill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 59 58 67 67 67 66 Dull Red. 60 59 60 58 69 60 White Heat. 52 53 60 52 52 62 TABLE in. — Diameter of Bar, 3 mm. Time. Deflection of Galv. Needle before heating. Deflection of Galv. Needle on rise of temperature. Mill. Dull Red. White Heat, 1 58 61 52 2 56 59 50 3 57 60 51 4 66 69 63 5 57 69 62 6 56 60 50 Bars of various small diameters were used with results correspond- ing to those given in the above tables. It was evident that the size of the armature had very little effect upon the induced magnetism, or upon our testing induced currents. To determine this point, we made a series of determinations of the strength of the induced currents which resulted from the employment of armatures of various sizes. The results are contained in the following table : — Weight of Armature in grammes. Deflection of Galva- nometer Needle. 470 340 200 100 150 151 148 150 This fact has an important bearing upon the practical construction of magneto-electric engines ; for it seems that we can vary the size of magnetic revolving armatures, within large limits, to suit considerations of speed, &c., without affecting materially the induced currents, through OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. oil coils upon the limbs of horseshoe mngnets, near the poles of which the armature revolves. The above tables show that there is a slijiht in- crease of magnetism as the bar heats. Preliminary tests showed that the increase was slow, but gradual, up to the temperature of dull red heat ; then, as the bar was heated to the temperature of white heat, its magnetic susceptibility fell, and apparently became less as the temper- ature increased beyond that of white heat. On cooling, the bar quickly regained its normal magnetic state of susceptibility. Thus, the curve which represents such a change would rise nearly as a straight line, inclined to the axis of X at a slight angle, up to the point of dull red heat ; then it would fall quickly, in nearly a straight line, to the point of white heat ; rising quickly again to the point of dull red heat, forming a V-shaped inflection in the curve, and then fiiUing again, in nearly a straight line, towards the axis of X. One of Thomson's reflecting galvanometers was used in the above experiments. The results of the above show that the heating of the armatures of a magneto-electric engine increases rather than diminishes its magnetic susceptibility. 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY IX. A CONSPECTUS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN HYDROPIlYLLACEiE. By Asa Gray. Presented, March 9, 1875. Tribus I. HYDROPIIYLLEiE. Ovarium uniloculare : placentje dilatat£e primum succuleutae loculum fere iiiiplentes, demum membranaceas capsulam totam intus vestientes et liberaa, facie interiore seminiferae. Corolla aestiva- tione saepius convolutiva. Stylus bifidus. Seminis albumen corneura. * Genitalia exserta. Ferennes, nunc biennes, foliis alternis. 1. Hydhophyllum Tourn. * * Stamina corolla breviora : calyx post anthesin accrescens. Annuse, foliis aut inflmis aut omnibus oppositis. 2. Nemophila Nutt. Calycis sinus dentibus reflexis appendiculati. Corolla calyce longior. Semina saepius quasi carunculata. 3. Ellisia Linn. Calyx exappcndiculatus, corollam superans vel subaequans Semina nuda, pauca (quandoque 1-2 inter plaeentam et valvam abscondita !). TribusII. PHACELIEiE Benth. Ovarium 1-2-loculare. Capsula loculicida: valvae medio (aut stricte aut mediante semlseptorum) placentiferse. Placentaa angustae. Stylus bifidus, rarissime indivisus. Corolla aestivatione imbri- cata. * Folia omnia opposita, integerrima : cymae scorpioideae : stylus apice bifidus : placentae breves, 2-spermac, tenues, a semiseptis plerumque secedentes ! 4. Draperia. ♦ * Folia praeter infima alterna : stylus pi. m. bifidus. Caulescentes. -i- Sepala vel calycis segmenta conformia. 5. PiiACELiA. Corolla decidua (P. sfincea excepta), nee flava. Stamina asqual- iter basi corollae inserta. Cymae vel quasi-racemi spicfeve plus minus scor- pioideae. 6. Emmenanthe. Corolla (flava vel ochroleuca, campanulata) subscarioso- vel marcescenti-persistens. Cact. Phacclicc. 7. CoNANTHUS. Stamina inaequalia tubo corollae longe infundibuliformis in- aequaliter inserta. Flores terminales et alares, sessiles. ■*-■*- Sepala dimorpha; 8 exteriora maxima, cordata, reticulata; 2 interiora parva linearia. Caet. Phacelke. 8. Tricardia. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 313 * * * Folia alterna, reniformi-rotundata, palmatiloba : stylus indivisus : ova- rium glabrum. Inflorescentia racemiformis subscaposa. 9. ROMANZOFFIA. * * * * Folia (alterna, integerrima) omnia radicalia, scapos unifloros fulcrantia : st\lus apice bitidus. 10. IIesperochiron. Trihus III. NAME.E Benth. Ovarium pi. m. biloculare. Capsula loculicida : placentse divisfe per semisepta valvis integiis raro bi-sectis adnatae. Styli 2. Corolla ^stivatione imbrieata. — A priecedeute stylis discretis corolla plicis semper destituta aegre distincta. 11. Nama. Corolla infundibuliformis vel fere hyprocraterimorpha Genitalia inclusa. Capsula nienibranacea, valvis integris, semiseptis placentas pluri- polj'spermas auferentibus. Ilerbae vel sutfruticuli, foliis integerrimis. 12. Eriodictyon. Corolla infundibuliformis vel subcanipanulata. Genitalia subinolusa. Capsula Crustacea, lociilicide dein septicide in semi-valvas seu cocca 4 uno latere aperta oligosperma fissa. — Frutices vel suflfrutices, foliis rigidis dentatis. Tribds IV. IIYDROLE^ Benth. Ovarium biloculare : placentae magnae fungosae, multiovulatae. Capsula marginicide septifraga, pi. m. bivalvis, nunc irregulariter rupta ; valvis nudis placentis crassis prorsus In unicam septo tenui bimarginatam connatis axi relinquentibus. Corolla fere rotata, a»tiva- tione imbrieata. Styli 2. Serainis albumen carnosura. 13. Hydrolea. 1. HYDROPIIYLLUM Tourn. § 1. EUIIYDROPIIYLLUM. Rhizomatibus horizontalibus peren- nans : calyx immutatus, sinubus (no. 5 subexcepta) nudis. * Folia pinnatificla vel pinnatisecta : calyx hispidus. •*- Pedunculus j)etiolo sa^pissime glomerulo brevior : antherae brevi- oblongiB. 1. II. CAPiTATUM Dougl. — Var. alpinum Watson, Bot. King, p. 249. Caj?pitoso-subacanle ; cymis magis evolutis quasi radicalibus. -1- -I— Pedunculus petiolo sa^pius folio longior: antherae oblongo-lineares. ++ p^olia caulina circumscriptione elongato-oblonga, 7-15-partita: cymje densJE. 2. H. MACROPHYLLtnii Nutt. Hispidum, validum ; calyce albo- hispido profunda 5-fido, lobis e ba?i lata subulatis ; corolla albida semi- pollicari. — Atlantic United States, chiefly west of the Alleghany Mountains. 814 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 3. H. OCCIDENTALE. Piibescens, nunc parce liispitlum, 1-2-pecIale; segmentis foliorum oblongis incisis vel paucilobatis obtusis ; pedunculis gracilioribus ; caljce o-partito, lobis lanceolatis obtusiusculis ; corolla ^-pollicari. — H. capitaium Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beech, p. 371; Torr. Bot. Wliipp. p. 69, non Doiigl. — Pacific States. Var. Watsoni. Ilumile, pube molliore nunc cinerea ; calyce parce liispiclo ; cyma minus densa. — H. macrophyllum var. occidentale Wats. 1. c. pro parte. — Utah, California. Var. Fendleri. Pube magis hirsuta vel hispida nee cinerea; segmentis foliorum ovato-lanceolatis acutis vel acuminatis inciso-ser- ratis; pedunculo breviore ; cyma laxiuscula. — Colorado, New Mexico. ++ ++ Folia caulina circumscriptione ovata, 3-5-partita vel secta. 4. H. ViRGiNicuM Linn. — Atlantic United States to Alaska. * * Folia palmati- (5-7-) lobata : calycis sinus dentibus inconspicuis erectis quandoque appendiculati. 5. H. Canadense Linn. — Atlantic United States and Canada. § 2. DECEMTUM Raf. Bienne: calycis post anthesin modice ac- crescentis sinus dentibus reflexis appendiculati : stamina ultra corol- 1am rotato-campanulatam minus exserta. 6. H. appendiculatum Michx. 2. NEMOPIIILA Nutt. • Ovula 8-24: semina 5-15: folia pleraque opposita, pedunculo elongato superata. Californic^e. •J— Semina subglobosa, Itevia, caruncula papilliformi : corolla alba vio- laceo maculata. 1. N. MACULATA Beuth. -f- -I— Semina oblongo-ovalla, demum corrugata vel tuberculato-mgosa, caruncula decidua. 2. N. iNSiGNis Dougl. Foliis 7-9-partitis : corollae lajte coeruleae pliois internis brevibus rotundatis apice liberis breviter hirsutis. 3. N. Menziesii Hook. & Arn. Minor ; foliis 3-9-fidis ; corollte dilute c£erule« seu albce fundo stepius punctatse vel maculatae plicis angustis adnatis hirsuto-ciliatis. — N. Menziesii Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beech, p. 152 & 372, forma a. iVi liniflora Fisch. &, Meyer, Sert. Petrop. t. 8, forma majora flora casruleo. N. pedunculata Benth. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 315 Hydroph., forma parviflora. N. atomaria Fisch. & IMeyer; Bot. Eeg. t. 1940 : forma corolla pallida brumieo-punctata. N. discoichdis Hortul. ; Fl. Serres, 2, t. 75, forma corolla aut fuudo aut fere tota bruuneo-purpurea. * * Ovula 4, i. e. placentJB biovulatre. 4- Alternifolioa, plerumque grandifloras : plicas corollte ad basim fila- mentorum latissimce : semina globosa fere ecaruaculata. 4. N. PHACELioiDES Nutt. Semina vix punctata. — Arkansas and Texas. 5. N. AURTTA Lindl. Semina reticulata subfavosa. Caules setis retrorsis aculeolato-liispidi. Folia basi vel petiole alato auriculato- amplexicaulia. — California. 6. N. RACEMOSA Nutt. in herb. PrtEcedenti affinis, minor, debilis ; foliis brevioribus circumscriptione ovatis vel oblongis 5-7-fldis, petiolo nudo ; iloribus plerisque racemosis parvulis; corolla calyce panllo longiore lin. 4-5 diametro. — California ; San Diego, Nuttall. Island of Catalina, Dall and Baker. •»— -!— Parviflorfp, tenellse : corolla campanulata calyce longior, plicis exiguis vel evanidis : folia inferiora opposita, superiora saepius alterna, pedunculo longiora. 7. N. PARVIFLORA Dougl. N. heterophylla Fisch. & Meyer, 1. c. — California to British Columbia. 8. N. MiCROCALYX Fisch. & Meyer, 1. c. N'. evanpscois Darby, S. Bot. N. parvijlora A. DC, quoad pi. Lnuisianse. ElUsia microcalyx & E. raniinculacea Nutt. — Virginia to Texas. •t— H— -I— Breviflorae, alternifoliae, corolliB plicis manifestis. 9. N. BREViFLORA. Spithamtea, diffusa, debilis ; foliis fere omnibus" alternis pinnatipartitis, segmentis 3-5 approximatis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis integerrimis ; peduuculis petiolum vix jequantibus ; calycis hir- suto-ciliati appendicibus segmentis dimidio brevioribus ; corolla late campanulata calyce bx'eviore, plicis cuneatis apice lato libero fimbriato- inciso ; stylo apice tantum bifido ; semine unico globoso. — N. parvi- Jlora Wats. Bot. King, p. 249, excl. char., non Dougl. — Mountains of Utah, S. Watson. A young plant of the same is in Tolmie's Snake Countiy collection from the same district. 3. ELLISIA Linn. § 1. EUELLISIA. Ovula tribus, i.e. omnia ventralia, gemina.: sem- ina globosa, testa alveolato-reticulata : folia pinnatipartita. 816 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1. E. Nyctelea L. E. ambi'ffua 'Nutt, forma tenella. — Eastern N. America. 2. E. MEMBRANACEA Bentli. — California. Corolla with one lobe external in lestivation. Ovary not wholly "glabrous." The ape:s bears a few very stout bristles. § 2. EUCRYPTA. Placentas utrinque ovuliferte, heterospermas, nempe facie ventrali biovulata, dorsali 1-2-ovulata monosperma : semina ovalia ; normalia rugoso-tuberculata, teretia ; posticum menis- coideum lajve inter valvam et placentam persistentem absconditum ! Folia 2-3-piunatipartita : flores quasi-racemosi. — Eacrypta Nutt. PI. Gamb. p. 159. 3. E. ciiRYSANTHEMiFOLiA Benth. Eucrypta paniculata & E. foliosa Nutt. I.e. Phacelia micrantha'^ var. -pinnatijida Torr. in Ives, Colorad. Exp. Bot. p. 21. — California. 4. DRAPERIA Torr. 1. D. SYSTYLA Torr. in Gray Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 401. Nama systyla Gray, I.e. 6, y>- 37. — I have nothing of importance to ndd to what is known of this interesting Califoruian plant, except that the dehiscence is somewhat peculiar. The thin dissepiment is complete ; the semisepta meeting in the centre, but without any placental enlarge- ment ; the ovules, two in each cell, are pendulous from near its sum- mit : in dehiscence a thin central portion, or placenta, usually separates neatly from the semisepta and remains between the four seeds, falling with them, so that when the capsule is closed again a central foramen is leit. 5. PHACELIA Juss. This comprehensive genus is certainly polymorphous, but no more so than Eutoca R. Br. would be, if the two genera were retained as pro- posed by Brown. Most of the true quadriovulate Phacelias are nearly represented by species of Eutoca, — as P. circinata, Brewer i, humilis, and hrachijantlia by P. {Eutoca) ciro'natiformis, divaricata, and curvipes, and P. malco'foUa by P. {Eutoca) Bolanderi and loascefolia ; while the set of which P. tanacetifoUa and congesta are the type is imitated in foli- age and inflorescence by P. infundihuliformis ; and P. hipinnatijida and the section Cosmanihus are related to P. {Cosmanthoides) parvijiora^ glabra, patulijlora, &c. Indeed Brown's Eutoca parvijlora and the closely allied species, generally with 3-4-ovulate placentae, occasionally show a reduction to a single pair. It is still less practicable to keep OF AKTS AND SCIENCES. 317 tip Cosmanthus and Microgenetes as genera. That the internal j^hcfe or ajipendages of the corolla are not available for generic distinctions Was early seen bj Bentham. If absent in the Chilian Microgenetes, they are conspicuous in nearly related North American species, the group being well marked by the transversely corrugated seeds. I have arranged the about fifty species known to me under seven subgenera, characterized by the ovules, seeds, and in part by the presence or absence of the corolline plicae. § 1. EUPIIACELIA. Placentce 2-ovulatfe: semina verticalia, testa areolata vel alveolata : corollas lobi baud fimbriati, tubo plicis lamelli- formibus per paria juxta basim staminum. * Folia inferiora ramique opposita : spicae laxse, parum secundoe vel circinataj : pubes nunquam hispida. 1. P. NA3IAT0TDES. Annua, subspithamaja, tenuis, inferne glaberrima, superne glanduloso-pubescens ; ramis brachiatis; foliis lineari-lanceolatis iutegerrimis subpetiolatis spicas cymasve primum superantibus ; sepalis spathulato-linearibus corolla anguste campanulata brevioribus capsulam globosam minime hirsutam sui^erantibus ; staminibus styloque demum bipartito inclusis ; plicis basi staminum subadnatis brevibus ; semini- bus alveolato-reticulatis. — Nama racemosa Kellogg in Proc. Acad. Calif. 5, p. 51. — In the higher Sierra Nevada, California, Bolander, Kellogg. It is not surprising that this anomalous little plant was described as a Nama. Its aspect is very unlike any other Enphacella^ but is somewhat like Emmenanthe glaberrima. The geminate ovules and seeds are those of Euphacelia. * * Folia (generis) alterna: flores scorjiioideo-spicati : jiuljes pi. ra. hispida vel hirsuta : plicae corollas latfe, Sfejiissime basi staminum utrinque adnatas. +" Folia aut integerriraa aut piunati-S-o-jDartita segmentis integer- rimis : capsula ovata, acuta. ++ Perennes vel biennes : genitalia longe exserta. 2. P. CIRCIXATA Jacq. f. ; A. DC, cum syn. P. leucophylla Torr. in Frem. Rep. 1, p. 93. P. canescens Nutt. PI. Gamb. — Var. calycosa: forma calycis lobis demum ampliatis oblongis vel obovato-spathulatis. ++ ++ AnnuEe, minores. 3. P. Breweri. Formte depauperatas prjecedentis similis, gra- cilior; radice exili ; corolla violacea lato-campanulata calycis lobis line- aribus duplo longiore filamenta glabra parum superante. — On Monte o 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Diablo, California, Brewer. A span high. Corolla barely 3 lines long. (3'.) P. BRACHTANTHA Benth. Chilensis, foliis latioribus subin- tegris, pube molliori, calyce longiore, corolla angusto-campanulata, staminibus longe inclusis a praecedente diversa. 4. P. nuJiiLiS Torr. & Gray, Pac. R. R. Exp. 2, p. 22, t. 7. Pubescens ; foliis spathulato-oblongis vel oblanceolatis obtu: lobis serratis : herba setis urentibus hispida : genitalia longe exserta. 5. P. MALViEFOLiA Cham, in Linna^a, 4, p. 494. H- -1— -!- Folia circumscriptione oblonga vel angustiora/pinnato-dentata ad pinnatisecta segmentis dentatis incisisve : capsida globosa vel ovoidea, obtusa : semiua facie ventrali excavata medio carinato : spiciB scorpioideoB soepius cymoso-congestse. ++ Calyces baud setoso-hispidi, capsulam parum superantes : seminum testa reticulata. = Folia hand pinnatisecta, plerumque inciso-crenata : genitalia longe exserta : biennes ? 6. P. INTEGRIFOLIA Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2, p. 222, t. 8. Spitha- mcea ad bipedalem, stricta, viscido-pubescens ; foliis crebris ovato- obloiigis sen lanceolatis sessilibus vel inferioribus brevi-petiolatis basi subcordatis crenato-dentatis nunc iucisis ; inflorescentia primum thyr- soidea ; corolla angusto-campanulata (albida vel subcterulea); stylo semi- bifido; capsula brevi-ovoidea. — Var. Palmeri : forma hirsutior, thyrso primum virgato; foliis nunc acute dentatis. — P. Pahneri Torr. in Wats. Bot. King, p. 251. 7. P. CRENULATA Torr. in Wats. Bot. King, I.e. Spithaniiea ad pedulem, a basi stepe ramosa, viscido-pubescens vel liirsuta ; foliis jjle- risque petiolatis spathulato-oblongis crenato-dentatis vel pinuatifidis raro lyratis, lobis crenulatis ; spicis mox evolutis patentibus ; corolla rotato- campanulata la3te violacea, plicis internis latissimis ; stylo ultra medium partito ; capsula globosa. = == Folia 1-2-pinnatisecta vel partita, segmentis pinnatifidis vel incisis : genitalia pi. m. exserta : annute. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 319 8. P. GLANDULOSA Nutt. PL Gamb. Viscido-pubescens, glaiidu- losa, vix liirsuta; foliis bipinnatipartitis, lobis crebris parvis ; calycis lobis oblongis spathulatisve ; reti seminura laevi. — P. Popei Torr. & Gray, Pac. R. R. Exp. 2, p. 122, t. 10 : forma minus pubescens, corollae lobis integerrimis. " Eutoca glandulosa Nutt.," Hook. Kew Jour. 3, p. 293. Var. Neo-Mf.xicana: coroUtE lobis aut tenuiter aut iusigniter eroso-denticulatis. — P. Neo-Mexicana, Tliurber iu Bot. Mex. Bouud. p. 143. 9. P. CONGESTA Hook. Pubescens, sgepius ciiierea, fere eglandu- losa ; foliis 3-7-sectis partitisve, segmentis paucis parvis inter majora oblonga seu ovalia inciso-lobata positis, infimis petiolatis, summis con- fluentibus ; calycis lobis fere liuearibus ; stylo semibifido ; seraiuibus reticulato-scabris. — P. tanacetifolia A. DC, quoad pi. Tex. Berland. — This species inhabits Texas; the following, California. ++ ++ Calyces setoso-hispidi vel ciliati, capsulam longius superantes, lobis sajpe inajqualibus : stylus bipartitus: seminum testa aiveolata, reti incrassato demum subrugosa. = Genitalia exserta : folia pleraque 1-2-pinnatisecta. 10. P. TANACETIFOLIA Beuth. Erccta, hispida vel hirsuta, haud vel superne parum glandidosa ; foliis 9-1 7-sectis, segmentis 1-2-pin- natipartitis sessilibus, lobis sajpius lineari-oblougis ; spicis elongandis ; calycis lobis linearibus seu lineari-spathulatis capsula ellipsoidea vix duplo longioribus ; genitalibus maxime exsertis. — California, chiefly towards the coast. 11. P. KAMOSissiMA Dougl. Divergenti-ramosa, superne glandu- losa et viscida ; foliis 5-9-sectis vel partitis. segmentis saepius oblongis pinnatifido-incisis ; spicis glomeratis vix elongandis, pedicellis demum horizontalibus ; genitalibus modice exsertis ; calycis lobis linearibus spathulatisve capsula globosa vel subovata 3-4-plo longioribus. — California, and through the dry interior region from Arizona to "Washington Territory. Passing apparently into the preceding and the following. Var. HISPIDA. Setis longis albis barbata, saltern in calycis lobis elongatis (fructif. lin. 4-6 longis) ; spicis fructiferis apertis racemifor- mibus ; foliis minus sectis. — Santa Barbara to San Diego, California. = = Genitalia corolla rotato-campaaulata haud longiora : spicie laxi- uscula3. 11. P. CILIATA Benth. This resembles depauperate forms of the two preceding ; but the spikes are simple or merely geminate, and at 820 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY length loosely flowered, and the stamens do not surpass the corolla. As to the calyx-lobes, although ovate-oblong at maturity in the original specimens of Douglas, they are sometimes much narrower, even linear- lanceolate. They are about equally accrescent in all these species, and also variable. The seeds have broader pits and less thickened separating walls than the preceding species. More specimens are much wanted. * * * Folia alterna, membranacea : flores laxe racemosi : corollas rotato-campanulatae plicae clongatiB villoso-ciliatie per paria approxi- mataj a staminibus remoti^ : testa seminum subcarnosa parum areo- lata : biennes, glanduloso-viscid«, Alleghanienses. 13. P. BiPiNNATiiiDA Michx., & var. buevistylis Gray, Man. P. hrevistylis Buckley. § 2. COSMANTHUS. Corolla subrotata, lobis fimbriatis, plicis nullis. Ctetera JEuphacelice subdiv. ultimas. IlerboB annuoe, parvulce, Am. Bor. Orientalis. — Cosmanthus Nolte. Cosmanthus § Eucosmanthus A. DC. pro parte. 14. P. PuRSHii Buckley; Gray, Man. ed. 1, p. 342. P. fimhriata Auct. 15. P. FiMBRiATA Michx. ; Gray, Man. ed. 2, p. 328. Perhaps only a smaller and mountain form of the other. Var. ? BoYKiNi. Suberecta, ramosa ; racemis plurifloris demum strictis, pedicellis fructiferis erectis calyce hand longioribus ; corollas lobis multo minus fimbriatis. — Upper part of Georgia, Boykin. Probably a state of P. fimhriata inhabiting a lower and drier region, perhaps a distinct species. § 3. COSMANTHOIDES. Placenta 3-8-ovulat£e, rarissime 2-ovu- latse : semina verticalia, testa reticulata : corolla rotato-campanulata, plicis nullis vel inconspicuis (pcrangustis) jier paria approximatis a staminibus remotis : capsula subglobosa obtusissima. Herbae humiles vel tenellae Am. Bor. Or. et Mex., hirsuto-pubescentes, foliis pinnatifidis, floribus racemosis. * Herbae annuse, tenues, parce hirsutulie vel glabellte, foliis caulinis pinnatifidis sessilibus : ovula in placentis nunc 3-4, nunc 2 ! 16. P. GLABRA Nutt. Fl. Arkans. in Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 5, p. 192. A subsequente peraffini glabritie. exiguitate, calycis lobis ovalibus oblongisve capsulam vix superantibus uimis difFert. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 321 17. P. PARVIFLORA Pursh ; Gray, Man. ed. 5, p. oG9. Polemo- nium diibium Linn. Eutoca pannjlora R. Br. Cosmanthus parvi- Jlorus A. DC. Phacelia piisilla Buckley, ex char. Yar. HiRSUTA. Forma vegetior, hirsutior. — P. hirsnta Nutt. iu Ti-ans. Am. Phil. Soc. 1. c. * * Herba Mexicana diffusa, "radice perenni," foliis plerisqiie pin- natisectis, omnibus petiolatis. (17".) P. PIMPINELLOIDES. — Eutoca pimpinelloides & hrevifoUa Spreng. Syst. 1, p. oG9. E. Mexicana, Benth. Hydrophyll. 1. c. E. Andrieuxii & Cosmanthus Mexicaniis A. DC. 1. c. (Coll. Max. Bour- geau, no. 493.) * * * Ilerbae Texanas, annuas, foliis caulinis incisis vix pinnatifidis, floribus majoribus (G-12 lin. latis) : j^lacentiB 7-9-ovulatjB. 18. P. PATULiFLORA. — Eutoca patulijiora Engelm. «fe Gray, PI. Lindh. 1, p. 45. 19. P. STRicTiFLORA. — Eutoca strictijlora Engelm. & Gray, I.e. The seeds of this species, besides the minute reticulation or jiit- ting, are coarsely and obscurely rugose at maturity, in this respect approaching the Microgenetes section. §4. GYMNOBYTIIUS. Placentce dilatatcT3 multiovulatfe : semina parum descendentia, testa foveolata : corolla rotato-campanulata, intus cum filamentis subtequilongis i^rorsus inappendiculata : sty- lus bipartitus : capsula ovata, apice cuspidato-acuminata. Herbce ' annufc, Californica}, glandiiloso-viscidissimie, foliis ovatis dentatis, racemis solitariis vel geminis laxifloris. — Cosmanthus § Gymnoby- thus A. DC. 20. P. visciDA Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 143. — Eutoca viscida Benth. Cosmanthus viscidus A. DC. — Var. albiflora. Eutoca albijlora Nutt. PL Gamb. p. 158. 21. P. GRANDiFLORA. — Eutoca ffrandijiora Benth. \. c. E. speciosa Nutt. 1. c. Cosmanthus grandljlorus A. DC. § 5. WHITLAVIA. Placentae multiovulatae, raro pauciovulatfe : sem- ina praecedentium : corolla plicis destituta : sed filamenta (capillaria exserta) ima basi intus squamula parva truncata vel emarginata adnata appendiculata ! Herbae annute, Californicae, facie prgeceden- tium, at minus glandulosse, jjedicellis petiolisque longioribus, stylo parum semibifldo. * Corolla cylindraceo-campanulata, speciosa : ovula numerosissima placentaeque Gymnobythi. — Whitlavia Harvey. VOL. X. (x. S. II.) 21 322 PliOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 22. P. "Whitlavia. — Whitlavia grandijiora «& W. minor Har- vey in Lond. Jour. Bot. 5, p. 312, t. 11. * * Corolla aperte brevi-campanulata, alte 5-fida : placentje angustse. 23. P. Parryi Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 144. Placentje 20-30- ovulatte, 15-20-sperma. Corolla speciosa, filamenta subfcquans. 24. P. LONGiPES Torr. in herb. Gracilis, dillusa, glandulosa, parum hispida ; foliis caulinis ovalibus vel subcordatis grosse obtuseque o-8-dentatis (semipolliearibus) petiolo filiCurmi brevioribus ; racemo perlaxo, pedicellis filiformibus ; stamiuibus styloque (ad medium fisso) corolla vix semipollicari (alba?) sat longioribus; jilacentis 8-10-ovu- latis. — Santa Barbara Co., California, Torrey. § 6. EUTOCA. Placentae 6-multiovulato3 : semina pendula vel de- scendentia, testa reticulata vel foveolata, nee rugosa : coroUae plicas 10 verticales, lamelliformes : capsula ovata sen oblouga. Plerbai plerumque occidentales, paucEe boreales. — Euloca R. Br. excl. sp. Eutoca § Ortheutoca A. DC. * Perennes {P. loascefolia et Bolanderi'? excepta), Californicas : geni- talia exserta : corolla brevi-campanulata, plicis latissimis obliquis basi filamentis adnatis : flores cymoso congest!: folia ovata, petiolata, inciso-pinnatifida. -1— Placentae dilatatee 40-50-ovulatae : genitalia minus exserta. 25. P. BoLANDERi. Setis gracilibus hispida, superne viscido-pubes- cens ; caule valido e radice ut videtur perenni erecto bipedali ramoso ; foliis radicalibus cauliiiisque infimis lyratis, segmentis lateralibus 1—2- jugis parvis incisis, termiiiali foliisque superioribus ovatis ovalibusve inciso-lobatis, basi truncata vel subcordata ; cymis 1-3-chotomis mox apertis ; corolla subrotata alba (fere pollicem diametro), plicis seiiii- obovatis basi inter se connatis ; filamentis jiarce barbatis styloque semibiiido corollam paullo superantibus ; antheris oblongis ; capsula late ovata acuta polysperma. — Cottonaby Creek, twenty miles north of Noyo, Mendocino Co., California. Appendages of corolla con- nected in front of the base of the filament, forming a shallow sac behind it. •t— -H- Placentce angustne G-O-ovulatse : genitalia insigniter exserta. ++ Radix annua : folia (subpinnatifida, summa sessilia) rami caly- cesque setoso-hispidissimi more P. malvcefollce : corolla3 plicae semi- subcordatai, basi auriculato-infiexae, apice parum libero cuspidatag ! OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 323 2G. P. LOAS^FOLiA Torr. — Still a little known species, collected near Monterey only by Douglas and Dr. Parry. ++ ++ Eadix perennis, crassa : pubes mollis : fulia ctiam snprema peti- olata : spicse in pedunculo cymoso-glomeratae : coroUte plicag obtu- sissimjc. 27. P. HTDROPHYLLOiDES Torr. in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 7, P; 400. Spitliamtea vel subpedalis, superne vix hispida, glandtdosa ; foliis subsericeo-pubescentibus ovatis sou rhoraboideis (l-2-pollicari- bus) obtusis paucilobatis iucisisve longe petiolatis, imis nunc lyra- tis ; cyma brevi glomerata ; corollge violacea? vel albidiB plicis Bemi-ovalibus ; filaiuentis glabris ; antheris brevi-linearibus ; stylo fere bipartite ; capsula calycem aequante 6— 8-sperma. — Not rare in the high Sierra Nevada. 28. P. PROCERA. Suborgyalis, tenuiter pubescens, superne sub- glandulosa, pilis hisjaidis etiam calycis nullis ; foliis viridibus (2-5- pollicaribus) ovato-lanceolatis ovatiscpie acutis laciniato-pinnatifidis, lobis 2-4-jugis acutis ; spicis fructiferis cyma3 elongandis ; corolla alba vel pallida, plicis semi-obcordatis ; filamentis parce barbatis ; antheris oblongis; stylo supra medium bifido ; capsula globoso-ovata vix mucro- nata 10-1 8-sperma; seminibus immaturis alato-angulatis. — Mountain meadows of the Sierra Nevada, in Nevada and Sierra counties, Do- lander, Lemmon, &c. * * Perennis : genitalia longe exserta : corolla campanulata circa basim capsulae marcescenti-jDersistens (!), plicis majusculis oblongis a filamentis liberis : placentie pluriovulata^ : semina longitndinaliter costata et reticulata : flores thyrsoideo-congesti. Species boreali- alpina. 29. P. SERTCEA Gray in Sill. Jour. (1862) 34, p. 254. Eufoca sericen Graham, Bot. Mag. t. 3003. — Folia l-o-|)innatipartita. — Yar. Lyalli: forma nana, minus seiicea; foliis subviridibus lobis latioriinis; floribus thyrsoideo-capitMtis. Rocky Mountains, lat. 49, at G-7000 feet, Lyall. Oregon forms approach it. — The persistence of the coi'oUa is peculiar to this species. It was first noticed by Watson, in Bot. King, p. 252. * * * Annuoe : genitalia corollas rotato-cam,]xinulat;e adtequantia : pli- cae corollaj angustJB a filamentis liberte : calycis lobi lineares : stylus apice bifidus: capsula ovata, acuminata vel acuta: sj^icte densillora? thyrsoideo-cymos^ vel paniculatai. •I— Folia 1-2-pinnatisecta : placentae 20-30-ovulatce : semina ovalia, lineatim subalveolatae. 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 30. P. Franklinii Gray, Man. Bot. ed. 2, p. 329, & 3, p. 370. i.utoca Franklinii R. Br. H — I— Folia linearia seu lanceolata integerrima, vel 2-5-ficla lobis lineari-lanceolatis : placentae G-S-ovulatse : semina oblonga, grosse foveolata. 31. P. MENziESiiTorr. in Wats. Bot. King, Hydrophyllum lineare Pursh. Eiitoca Menziesii R. Br. E. multijlora Dougl. E. hetero- phylla Torr. in Stansb. Rep. * * * * Annuae : stamina corolla breviora (in P. divaricata nunc fere aequilonga) : flores spicati vel racemosi. •t^ Folia piiinatisecta, segmentis inciso-pinnatifidis : semina ventre ex- cavato medio cariiiato modo Phacelice congesta, etc. 32. P. iNFUNDiBULiFORMis Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 144. Foliis inflorescentia, etc., P. glcmdulosce similis ; corolla infundibuliforml (purpurascente vel alba), lobis parum erosis tube phis dimidio brevior- ibus, plicis angusto-oblongis a Ulatneutis liberis ; placeutis sat dilatatis 8-12-ovulatis ; stylo apice bifido ; capsula oblonga obtusissima mem- branacea pleiosperma sepalis angusto-spathulatis ada^quante. — New Mexico. -)— -1— Folia tantum pinnatifida, lobis brevibus obtusis. ++ Spicas elongandce : corolla parva : placentae 6-ovulat£E : capsula obtusissima. 33. P. BRACHYLOBA. Eutoca braclii/loba 'Renth. I.e. — Monterey and Santa Barbara, California. •H- ++ Racemi laxiflori, pedicellis elongatis : corolla late campanulata, calyce duplo longior, plicis elongatis a filamentis parce barbatis fere liberis : plantie humiles, diffusoe, Californicoe. 34. P. DouGLASii Torr. 1. c. Eutoca Douglasii Benth. 1. c. Pilis patulis liirsuto-pubescens. Folia plurlpartita vel lobata. Sepala spathu- lata. Corolla ampla, semipollicai-is. Stylus supra medium bifidus. Placentas 12-14-ovulatiE. 35. P. Davidsonii. Depressa, pube striguloso-hirsuta canescens; foliis spathulato-lanceolatis parce pinnatifidis, lobis 1-2-jugis triangu- latis integerrimis cum terminali multo majore oblongo vel lanceolate venis fere parallelis percurso, folio summo saepius integro; racemis paucifloris ; calycis lobis linearibus sen oblanceolatis ; corolla violacea lin. 3 longa, plicis semi-ovalibus conspicuis ; stylo ad medium usque bifido; plaientis 8-10-ovulatis. — Kern Co., California, Davidson. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 825 •»-+-+- Folia integerrima, ia nounullis 1— 2-dentata vel lobata, petio- lata, nee erassiuseula nee eordata, venis subparallelis vel convergenti- bus, pube baud glandulosa : flores spicato-raeemosi : calyx pilis longis patentibus bispidus vel hirsutus : corolla plicis basi latiore iilanientis aduatis : capsula ovata, acuta vel mucrouata, 6-16-sperraa, sepalis multo brevier : semina foveolata. ++ Corolla sat angusta (alba vel pallida), calyce parum staminibus longius superaus. 36. P. ciRCiNATiFORMis. Eutoca pJiacelioides Benth. be. — Known only in the California collection of Douglas, probably from the vicinity of Monterey. Resembling small and entire-leaved specimens of P. clrcinata in foliage, &;c. Corolla 2|- to 3 lines long ; fruiting calyx 5 lines long. Ovules 4 or rarely more to each placenta. ++ ++ Corolla lato-campanulata, violacea, genitalia parum aut vix superans. 37. P. CL'RViPES Torr. in Wats. Bot. King, p. 252. Diffusa, 2-4- pollicaris, hirsuta et pubernla, subcinerea ; foliis ovalibus lanceolatisque raro 1-2-lobatis petiolo i^lerumque brevioribus ; racemis simplioibus; pedicellis infimis calyce sa^,pe longioribus ; stylo semibifido ; placentis 8-10-ovulatis. — Nevada and adjacent borders of California, TVatson, Dr. Horn. Plabit of P. humilis. Lower pedicels not always curved ; so that the specific name is by no means appropriate. 38. P. DiVARiCATA. Eutoca dlvaricata Benth. 1. c. ; Bot. Reg. t. 1784; Bot. Mag. t. 3706. E. Wrangeliana Fisch. & Meyer; Dou, Brit. Fl. Gard. ser. 2, t. 362. — Common through the western part of California. Flowers rather large, the expanded corolla from two- thirds to three-quarters of an inch broad. •)— -i — I— H— Folia integerrima vel crenata, longe-petiolata, venis obso- letis vel divergentibus, pube viscida vel glandulosa : corolla angusto- campanulata fere infuudibuliformis, plicis linearibus oblongisve a filamentis intequalibus fere discretis instructa: stylus apice bifidus. Species eremophilse, nanoe vel pusillae. - •H- Flores spicccque capituliformes sessilia : folia sat crassa fere avenia. 39. P. CEPHALOTES. A basi divaricato-ramosa, dcmum fere pros- trata, viscido-pubescens ; internodiis primariis ramorum 2-4-pollicari- bus ; foliis oblongis spathulatisve integerrimis circ. semipoUicaribus in petiolum saape longiorem angustatis plerisque radicalibus et ad bifur- cationes congestis spicis capitulisve densis longioribus ; sepalis spathu- lato-liuearibus pi. m. hii-sutis coroUte angustae fere infundibuliformi 826 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY adoequantibus capsula ovali obtusa 8-10-sperma duplo longioribus ; seminibus pellicula reticulata laxa. — P. curvipes Parry in Am. Nat. 9, p. 16, non Torr. — S. Utah, Bishop, Mrs. Thompson, Parry. Corolla 2 lines long, white or yellowish, with the short lobes purplish or blue. ++ -H- Flores laxiores pi. m. racemosi : calyx corolla ajierto-infundibu- liformi vel carapanulata brevior, capsula obtusa paullo longior : folia sat crassa, rotundata seu ovalia, venis obscuris. 40. P. DEMissA. Subspitham;ca, a basi raraosa, viscido-piiberula, noc hirsuta ; foliis obsolete reuiformibus cordatisve integerrimis vel repandis (semipollicaribiis) ; lloribus in spicis brevi-peduuculatis | petiolis brevioribus pauciusculis ; pedicellis brevibus erectis ; corolla ut videtur alba (lin. 2 louga) sepalis linearlbus duplo longiore ; capsula brevi-ovali obtusissima 10-sperma. — New Mexico, Dr. Palmer. 41. P. puLCiiELLA. 8pitliam£ea, aperte ramoga, viscido-puberula ; foliis rotundo-ovalibus obovatisve integei'rimis seu crenato-dentatis (parum semipoUicaribus), basi obtusa vel acutiuscula; racemis flori- buudis elongandis paniculatis ; pedicellis calyce brevioribus ; corolla la^te purpurea (tubo flavida) majuscula (lin. 4-5-longa) sepalis spathu- latis triplo longiore ; capsula elongato-oblonga obtusissima circ. 30— sperma. — P. crassifolia Parry in Am. Nat. 1. c, non Torr. — S. Utah, Parry. A showy vernal species, abounding on gypseous clay knolls ; the limb of the corolla ampler than in the related species. 42. P. PUSiLLA Torr. Exigua, digitalis, demum laxe parce ramosa, glanduloso-iiubescens ; foliis ovalibus oblougisve integerrimis (lin. 3-6 lougis) ; floribus in racenio laxo puucis ; pedicellis liliformibus ; corolla alba (vix lin. 2 longa) calyce subduplo longiore; capsula elongato- oblonga obtusa et mucronulata 18-24-sperma. — Wats. Bot. King, p. 253. — W. Nevada to the borders of California, Watson. Seeds somewhat pyriform. Pedicels from 1 to 5 lines long. -H- -H- ++ Flores laxe racemosi : calyx corolla campanulata (alba) brevior, capsula ovali-oblonga subito acutata 60— 100-sperma parum longior: folia membranacea, cordato-rotunda, crenato-dentata seu lobiita, pi. m. palmativenia, petiolo lougo breviora : stylus apice vix bifidus. 43. P. KOTUNDiFOLiA Torr. in Wats. Bot. King, I.e. — S. E. Cali- fornia to S. Utah, Cooper, Palmer, Parry. § 7. MICROGENETES. Semina oblonga t:-ansversim corrugata, vermiculiformia : Cfet. Eiitocce. Annufe, Immiles, foliis plei-isque piu- natitidis : stamina inosqualia inclusa : stylus apice tantum bifidus. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 327 * Helmintuospermum Torr. in herb. Corolla subrotata, plicis 10 faucialibus transversis subcallosis a staniinibus longe remotis in- structa ! 44. P. MiCRANTHA ToiT. Bot. Mex. Bound, p, 144. Tenera, laxe ramosa, liirsutula, glandulosa ; fbliorum segmentis ;3-9 oljovatis oblongisve obtusissimis, imis petiolo marginato, superioribus basi dilatata nunc auriculato-subamplexicaulibus ; racemis pauiculatis geminatisve perlaxitloris ; corolla (saepius cairulen) sepala acciescentia obovato- spathulata parum superante ; capsula globosa 20-24-sperma. — New Mexico, from the Rio Grande, to Arizona and the eastern frontier of California, and S. Utah. The ordinary vertical jjlicoe rising from the base of the tube of the corolla wholly wanting ; but a pair of trans- verse obtuse folds, high up on the broad tube, stretch from each side of the midvein of the lobes nearly to the lateral vein sent off from its base. Seeds cylindraceous, incurved, very deeply corrugated and tuberculate. * * MiCROGENETES VERA. Corolla infundibuliformis vel cyliudracea, sagpius plicis verticalibus angustis basi filamentorum pi. m. adnatis instructa : stylus in nostris inferne pilosulus : semina j^ra^ter corru- gationem minute reticulata. S[)ec. omnes Am.-Occidentales, una Chilensis. — Microgenetes A. DC. Phacelia § Euglypta Watson, 1. c. •»— Corolla (alba sen pallida) calyce parum longior: folia vix bipinna- tifida: capsula oblonga 12-24-sperma. (44".) P. CuMiNGii. Eutoca Cumingii Benth. I.e.; Gay, Fl. Chil. t. 53. Microgenetes Cumingii A. DC. 1. c. p. 292. — Stylus glaber. Corolla plicis destituta. — Chili. 45. P. IvESiANA Torr. in Ives, 1. c. ; "Wats. Bot. King, p. 254. — Corolla plicis a filamento fere liberis instructa. — Utah to Arizona and the border of California. ^— -i— Corolla calyce 2-3-plo longior, tubo cum fauce albidavel flavida, limbo saepissime cteruleo seu violaceo. •H- Folia tantum pinnatifida: racemi spiciformi elongandi : plicjE corollas filamento longius adnatae : capsula 20-30-sperma. 4G. P. Fremontii Torr. I.e. — S. Utah and Arizona to California. *-> ++ Folia bipinnatipartita : semina pauciora, breviora, minus corru- gata : {)licifi corollie elongatce angustte filamento lougissime tubulatim adnatae. 471 P. BICOLOR Torr. in Wats. 1. c. — Nevada and adjacent border of California. Corolla unusually long for the subgenus (from 5 to 7 lines) : 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the narrow adnate plicae produce a very slender tube behind each fila- ment. -H- ++ -H- Folia den tata vel integerrima: capsula breviora. 48. P. GYMNOCLADA Torr. 1. c. Subviscido-pubescens ; ramis radi- calibus decumbentibus, internodiis elongatis ; foliis obovatis oblongisve obtuse dentatis petiolo ssepius brevioribus ; spicis plurifloris ; corolla breviter infundibuliformi sepalis linearibus hirsutis vix duplo longiore, plicis basi filamenti tubuloso-adnatis ; capsula globoso-ovata 8-1 G- sperma. — W. Nevada, Watson. 49. P. CRASSiFOLiA Torr. I.e. Parvula, a basi diifusa, viscido- pubescens ; foliis carnosulis scabridis (lin. 3-6 longis) oblougo-ovatis in petiolum breviusculum angustatis, iufimis pauci-dentatis, cajteris integerrimis ; racemis laxiusculis paucifloris ; corolla infundibuliformi sepalis linearibus duplo longiore, plicis brevibus parvis a filamento fere liberis ; capsula ovoidea 6-8-sperma. — Reese-River Valley, Nevada, Watson. 6. EMMENANTHE Benth. § 1. MILTITZIA Gray. Annuoe, parvulae, parviflorte : sepala sursum latiora : stylus persistens : semina minute reticulata et pi. m. trans- versim rugosa modo Microgenetis (a quo corolla flava marcescenti- persistente facile distincta). — Pac. R. R. Exp. 6, p. 85. Miltitzia A. DC. * Pubesoens, ssepissinoe viscida et glandulosa : corolla breviter 5-loba, plicis 10 angustis inconspicuis per paria filamentis adproximatis basi eorum parum adnatis (in E. glandaUfera fere evanidis) instructa. 1. E. PARViFLORA Gray, 1. c. t. 15. Depressa, densius pubescens, viscida ; foliis j^rofunde pinnatifidis ; floribus confertis brevissime ^^edi- cellatis ; corolla sepalis fere linearibus hand longiore ; stylo ovario 20-40-ovulato vix longiore. — Shores of Klamath Lake, Newberry. So far as yet known, this is fairly distinguishable from the next ; but the specimens are poor. 2. E. LUTEA Gray, I.e. Diffusa vel decumbens, pube minuta vix glandulosa ; foliis oblongis seu obovatis inciso-pinnatilidis dentatisve ; floribus conferte racemosis ; corolla sepala spathulato-linearia super- ante ; stylo filiformi ovario circ. 12-ovulato multo longiore. — Eutoca'? lutea Hook. «fe Arn. Bot. Beech. &, Ic. PI. t. 354. Miltitzia liitea A. DC. 1. c. Emmenanthe parvijlora Wats. Bot. King, p. 257. — S. E. borders of Oregon to the eastern borders of California. Hypogynous disk conspicuous, much larger and apparently more free than in the preceding. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 329 3. E. GLANDULiFERA Torr. in "Wats. Bot. King, I.e. Tenella, gracilis, pube minuta glandulosa et viscida ; foliis parvis oblongis vel spathulatis parum incisis dentatisve, summis integerrimis ; floribus in spicis racemisve elongandis numerosis ; pedicellis plerumque brevis- simis ; corolla angusto-campanulata (lin. 2 longa) sepalis linearibus longiore ; stylo filiformi; ovulis 6-12. — W. borders of Nevada, Anderson, Watson. * * Glaberrima, eglandulosa : corolla profunda 5-fida, sepalis oblongo- snathulatis crassiusculis baud longior, plicis nuUis : folia succulenta plerumque integerrima: capsula 8-10-sperma, styli basi indurata subulata. 4. E. GLABERRIMA Tori'. in Wats. 1. c. — W. Nevada and N. Arizona. § 2. EMMENANTHE vera. Major, racemis paniculatis laxis : corolla ampla, latissime campanulata, ochroleuca, plicis nullis : sepala ovato-lanceolata : stylus deciduus : placentiE circiter 8-ovulat£e dilatatce : semiua areolis grossis alveolato-reticulata. 5. E. PENDDLiFLORA Benth. — California and S. Utah. 7. CONANTHUS S. Watson (Eutoca? § Conanthus A. DC.) 1. C. ARETioiDES Wats. 1. c. Eufoca aretioides Hook. & Arn. 1. c. ; Hook. Ic. t. 355. — Interior of Oregon to Arizona and eastern bor- ders of California. This little plant is intermediate between Phacelia {^Eutoca) and Nama, but nearer to the latter, from which it is excluded mainly by its united styles. The inequality in the insertion of the fila- ments is not rare in Nama, and N. deniissa is readily mistaken for Conanthus. To the latter belongs part of the specimens (those of Anderson) from which I first described Nama demissa. Conanthus is the only plant of the order in which I have found manifest indications of dimorphism in the genitalia, being of two and perhaps three lengths ; the style and stamens, however, not reciprocally long and short, but correspondent, as I have found them in certain Polemoniacece and JBorraginacece. 8. TRICARDIA Torr. 1. T. Watsoxi Torr. in Wats. Bot. King, p. 258, t. 24 — W. Ne- vada, Watson. I have nothing to add to the characters of this genus, which is strikingly marked by its three cordate enlarged sepals, and of which the specimens extant are scanty. 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 9. ROMANZOFFIA Cham. 1. R. Unalaschkensis Cham. Hand tuberifera? laxe pubescens vel glabrata ; scapo firmiore erecto ; jjeclicellis suberectis flore breviori- bus ; sepalis herbaceis corolla breviter-infuudibuliformi parum breviori- bus capsulam subsuperantibus ; stylo brevi. — Unalaschka and adjacent islands, Chamisso, Nelson, Harrington, Dall. 2. R. SiTCHENSis Bongard. Parum pubescens, glabrata; rhizoma- tibus filiformibus granulato-tuberiferis ; scapo debili ; pedicellis patenti- bus flore longioribus ; sepalis glabris corolla longiuscule infundibuliformi multum cajisula satis brevioribus ; stylo filiformi longo. — Sitka to the Coast Range of California, as far south as the Redwoods grow. 10. IIESPEROCHIRON S. Watson. The suggestion that this genus belongs to the Hydrophyllacece origi- nated with Mr. Bentham. It falls into the Phacelice, where, however, it finds no near associates, and the inflorescence is anomalous. 1. II. Californicus "Wats. Bot. King, p. 281, t. 30. Foliis rosu- latis e caudice subcrasso ; corolla oblongo-campanulata, lobis tubo brevi- oribus. — Oiirisia Calif ornica Benth. PL Ilartw. Hesperochiron latifoUus Kellogg in Proc. Calif. Acad. : forma vegetior. — Sierra Nevada, California, to Utah, and Washington Territory. 2. H. PUMiLUS Porter in Hayden, Rep. 1872, p. 768. Foliis pau- cioribus ex apice rhizomatis gracilioris ; corolla fere rotata, lobis tubo intus crebre barbato longioribus. — Villarsia puniila Griseb. in Hook. Fl. Bor.-Am. 2, p. 70, t. 157. — Idaho, Northern Utah, and westward. The two species occupy in part the same tract of country, and it re- mains to be seen if the characters assigned will hold good. 11. NAMA Linn. The generic name, both in Latin and Greek, is of the neuter gender. A few corrections of my recent synopsis of the species in Proc. Am. Acad. 8, p. 282, need to be made : otherwise there is nothing to add here. Only seven species are known within the limits of the United States. In distinguishing into two s[)ecies the Berlandieran specimens which Choisy had referred to N. undulatum, I took the wrong species for the true N. undulatum HBK. The nomenclature and chai'acters have to be rectified thus : — N. UNDULATUM HBK. Subcrectum, mox decumbcns ; capsula ob- longa sepalis pi. m. breviore; seminibus ovalibus, testa tenui diaphana obsoletius striata et scrobiculata. — Var. macuanthum Chois. Ilvdrol. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 331 p. 18, t. 2, f. 1 (jV. Berkmdieri Gray, I.e.) : forma laxa ; floribiis ni;nc brevissime nuuc longiuscule pcdunculalis ; sepalis corolla subdimidio brevioribus ca[)sula stepius duplo longioribus. — To the true N. undu- latnm belongs no. 131 of Bourgeau's Mexican collection: it has not been met. with in the United States; but the variety, found at Mata- moras and Keynnsa, probably occurs also on the other side of the Rio Grande. N. STENOCARPDM. PrfGcedeuti simile; ovario angustiore ; cai>sula fere lineari sepala subaequante ; semiuibus angulatis nunc fere cubicis, testa crassiore opaca brunnea eximie alveolato-reticulat.t. — N. undu- latum Gray, Proc. 1. c, quoad pi. Tex.-X. Mex., non HBK. N. un- dulatum Chois. I.e. pro parte. — Texas to Arizona and contiguous parts of Mexico. To this belongs Berlandier's no. 1095, 1435 and 175, 2111 and G94, 2195 and 775, 2328 and 898, and 2o2o. The seeds are nearly a quarter of a line long, considerably larger than those of N. undulatum, and very ditFerent in appearance ; they are usually angled by mutual pressure, while those of the latter are regularly oval. The styles'uot rarely coJiere to the middle or more, but are separable without rupture. 12. ERIODICTYON Benth. 1. E. TOMENTOSU3I Benth. Bot. Sulph. p. 35. — The corollas when well developed are nearly salverform, and twice the length of the calyx. M. crasslfolium Benth. 1. c. was doubtless rightly united with this by Dr. Torrey (in Bot. Mex. Bound, p. 48, &c.), and this name should have been preferred ; but the other is good and of the same date. 2. E. GLUTiNOSCM Benth. I.e. — Wigundia Californica Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beech, p. 364, t. 88. — The filaments are often irregularly and variably adnate to the corolla, sometimes for almost their whole length. 3. E. ANGUSTIFOLIUJI Nutt. PI. Gamb. p. 181. E. ghitinosum var. angustifolium Torr. 1. c. — Arizona and S. Nevada to New Mexico. Besides the very narrow and soon revolute leaves, this species has a short-funuelform corolla, only 2 or 3 lines long, sometimes almost cam- panulate. 13. HYDROLEA Linn. 1. H. CORYJIBOSA Ell. luermis, raro subspinosa, gracilis ; foliis lanceolatis brevibus glabris ; floribus in cyma terminali corymbiformi ; sepalis lineari-lanceolatis villoso-hisjiidis corolla longioribus ; genitali- bus longis filiformibus. — S. Carolina to Florida. 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 2. H. AFFiNis Gray, Man. ed. 5, p. 370. Spinosa, glabra; foliis lanceolatis elongatis subpetiolatis ; floribus ia gloinerulis axillaribus ; sepaHs ovatis coroIla3 adaequautibus ; stylis capsula brevioribus. — H. leptocaulis Feathermau in Louisiana Univ. Hep. 1871. — S. Illinois to Texas. . 3. H. Caroliniana Michx. Subspinosa, parce villoso-hispida ; foliis fere glabris lanceolatis brevi-petiolatis ; floribus in axillis inferi- oribus glomerulatis vel in summis solitariis ; sepalis linearil)us vel sub- lanceolatis corollam subjEquautibus ; stylis capsula brevioribus. — H. quadrivalvis Walt. Car. p.' 110, nomen falsum decipiens. — N. Carolina to Florida. 4. H. OVATA Nutt. in Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5, p. 196 ; Chois. Hydrol. t. 1. Spinosa, superne ramosissima, pube undique molli brevi cum pilis longioribus nonnuUis ; foliis ovatis nunc ovato-lanceolatis brevissime petiolatis ; floi'ibus apice ramorum corymboso-congestis ; sepalis lanceolatis villoso-liirsutis corolla brevioribus; filamentis stylisque praisertim longis filifbrmibus. — H. Ludoviciana Featherman, 1. c. — Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Said to be also South American. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 333 X. REVTSTON OF THE GENUS CEANOTHUS, AND DE- SCRIPTIONS OF NEW PLANTS, WITH A SYNOPSIS OF THE WESTERN SPECIES OF SILENE. By Serexo Watson. Kead, March 9, 1875. 1. Revision of the Genus Ceanothus. Some of the species of this exclusively American genus are well marked and readily distinguished, but the larger number are defined with difficulty, and the value of the specific distinctions must still be considered in some cases as uncertain. It would be easy to increase the number of nominal sjiecies, as, on the other hand, with aj^parent reason, to considerably reduce them. But while endeavoring to give a nearly uniform value to the several characters, taking at the same time into consideration our impei'fect knowledge of some of the forms, it has seemed best to retain as probably distinct some which seemingly run together, and at the same time to avoid as far as possible proposing new species. The following arrangement is as satisfactory as it could be made with present material and information. § 1. EUCEANOTHUS. Leaves all alternate, 3-nerved or j^innately veined, glandular-toothed or entire ; fruit not crested. * Leaves 3-nerved from the base. •1— Erect shrubs, the branches not rigidly divaricate nor spiny ; inflo- rescence thyrsoid ; leaves usually large, serrate except in (5). a. Low (1-3 feet high) ; flowers white, or sometimes light blue in (5). 1. C.Americana, Linn. More or less villous-pubescent ; leaves thin, ovate or oblong-ovate, 1 i— 2 J inches long, on short petioles 2-6 lines long ; peduncles elongated. — From the Atlantic to Winnipeg Valley, Iowa and Texas. S34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 2. C. OVATUS, Bigel. Neai-ly glabrous or somewhat pubescent; leaves narrowly oval or elliptic-lanceolate, 1-2 inches long ; peduncles usually short; otherwise like the last, into which it seems to pass. — Range the same. 3. C. SANGUINEUS, Pursh. (C. Oreganus, Nutt.) Becoming gla- brous or nearly so ; leaves thin, ovate, 1-4 inches long, on slender peti- oles 6-15 lines long; peduncles very short; older branches reddish. — From North-western Montana to Washington Territory. The speci- mens of Nuttall referred here in Torrey and Gray's Flora belong to the preceding species. 4. C. VELUTiNUS, Dougl. Stout, usually glabrous ; leaves coria- ceous, broadly ovate or elliptical, 1.^3 inches long, resinous and sinn- ing above, sometimes velvety beneath, glandular-serrulate ; petioles stout, 6 lines long ; peduncles usually short. — Abundant in the moun- tains from Colorado to the Columbia and Northern California. 5. C. INTEGERRIMUS, Ilook. & Arn. Glabrous or soon becominnf so, rarely pubescent; branches terete, usually warty ; leaves thin, bright green, ovate to ovate-oblong, 1-3 inches long, entire or very rarely slightly glandular-serrulate, on slender petioles 2-G lines long ; thyrse often large and open, terminating the slender branches, or axillary and rather shortly peduncled, mostly white-flowered. — Frequent in the mountains from Central California to the Columbia Iliver. This will include C. Californicus and Nevadensis of Kellogg. Var. ? PAUVIFLORUS. Of very slender habit, wholly glabrous ; leaves much smaller, about half an inch long, short-petioled ; flowers light blue, in rather short simple racemes. — In the Sierra Nevada from the Yosemite Valley northward. Possibly distinct, but inter- mediate forms occur. It is 51 Bridges, 1628 Brewer, 3880 and 4870 Bolander, 68 and 68 a Torrey, and was also collected by Bigelow and by Dr. Gray. h. Tall shrubs or small trees, 6-15 feet high ; flowers bright blue; leaves oblong to oblong-ovate, rather thick. 6. C. TnYusiFLORUS, Esch. Sui)glabrous ; branches strongly angled ; leaves usually smooth and shining above, canescent beneath, glandular- serrulate, 1-1^ inches long; flowers in dense subcorapound racemes, terminating the usually elongated and somewhat leafy peduncles. — In the Coast Range, California, from Monterey to Humboldt County, and |)opularly known as the " California Lilac." Var.? MACROTHYRsus, Torrey in Bot. Wilkes' Explor. Ex|)ed. 263. This is described as having terete branches ; leaves 1-2 1- inches long, OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 335 grayish tomentose underneath and somewhat silky-villous on the prominent veins, entire, on petioles 3—5 lines long ; flowers in elongated, interrupted, somewhat leafy panicles. It was found on the banks of the Umpqua, Oregon, and is probably distinct. 7. C. AZURi:us, Desf. Pubescent; leaves densely rusty-tomentose beneath, smoothish above, 1-2^ inches long; thyrse more open. — jMoun tains of Mexico from Tepic to Guatemala. H— -1— Low, the branches not rigidly divaricate nor spiny ; flowers in short simple racemes or pedunculate clusters ; leaves small. a. Eastern species ; flowers white. 8. C. MiCROPnTLLUS, Michx. Erect, nearly glabrous ; branches numerous, slender, leafy, yellowish ; leaves thick, very small, 1-2 lines long, fascicled, oblong-elliptic to obovate, entire or sparingly toothed, on very short petioles; flowers in small terminal clusters. — Pine for- ests of Georgia and Florida. 9. C. SERPYLLiFOLius, Nutt. Decumbent, glabrate; branches slender, brownish ; leaves less rigid and not fascicled, 3-G lines long, oblong, serrulate, somewhat hairy beneath ; flowers in small clusters on slender axillary peduncles. — Southern Georgia. b. Western species ; flowers blue. 10. C. DENTATUS, Nutt. Erect, hirsutely pubescent, rarely nearly glabrous ; leaves :^-l inch long, usually small and fascicled, obovate to oblong-elliptic or lanceolate, acute at both ends or obtuse at the apex, glandLdar-serrate, the margin becoming strongly undulate or revolute ; flowers in small roundish clusters, on naked terminal peduncles about an inch long; fruit resinously coated and somewhat triangular, the valves being obscurely costate. — On dry hills in the Coast Range, from Monterey to Mendocino; Douglas, Bigelow, and Brewer (n. 643, 984, and 2374). The larger-leaved form (2392 Bolander) is C. Lohbianus, Hook., and will also bo the G. diversifolius of Kellogg, if an}^ opinion can be formed from his description. The smaller leaves are apparently feather-veined, and often more or less resinous. 11. C. DECUMBENS. Slender, trailing, hirsutely pubescent with spreading hairs; leaves rather thin, flat, ^-1 J- inches long, elliptic- oblong, somewhat cuueate at base, obtuse or acutish, glandular-serrate, the greenish glands usually stipitate ; flowers in short dense shortly pedunculate racemes, about \ inch long or less. — Frequent in the mountains of Central California, from the Mariposa Grove northward ; collected by Fremont (n. obi), Bigelow {^S. sorediatus of Whipple's 336 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Report), Stillman, Brewer (n. 1G24), Bolander (n. 6331), and Torrey (n. 69). •1— -1— -)— Erect shrubs, the branches usually rigid, divaricate, or spi- nose; flowers in simple racemes or clusters; leaves rather small. a. Rarely or never spinose ; leaves glandularly serrulate ; flowers mostly blue, racemose. 12. C. HiRSUTUS, Nutt. (C. oliganthus, Nutt.) Silky -pubescent with soft subappressed or spreading hairs, or sometimes hirsute, the branches rather rigid and said to be sometimes spinose ; leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, usually subcordate or rounded at base and acute at apex, 2— li^ inches long, not smooth above ; flowers blue, in simple axil- lary and terminal racemes 1-3 inches long, or rarely thyrsoid ; fruit unknown. — Dry hills about Santa Barbara and in the Santa Susanna mountains; Nuttall, Wallace, Brewer (n. 214, 289, 297, 298). Var. ? GLABER. ( 0. sorediaths, var. glaber, Watson in King's Rep. 5.51.) Glabrous throughout or nearly so ; leaves sometimes entire; flowers white. — East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada; Watson (n. 212). 13. C. SOREDIATUS, Hook. Nearly glabrous, the inflorescence pubes- cent ; leaves smooth above, more or less tomeutose beneath or rarely nearly glabrous, silky on the veins, oblong-ovate, ^li inches long, subcordate or rounded or often acutish at base, acute or obtuse at the apex; flowers blue, in shortly peduncled simple racemes, \-2 inches long ; fruit unknown. — From San Diego to the Sacramento ; Douglas, Bigelow (*S'. incanus of Whipple's Report), Bridges (n. 52), Brewer (n. 286, 1 105), and Bolander (n. 4558), — the latter a form with small leaves densely white-tomentose beneath. h. Branches mostly spinose, grayish ; leaves subcoriaceous, usually entire ; flowers mostly white, racemose. 14. C. DiVARiCATCS, Nutt. Nearly glabrous ; leaves oblong-ovate to ovate, 3— 1^ inches long, rounded at base, acute or obtuse above, not tomentose beneath ; flowers light blue or white, in subsimple often elongated racemes 1-4 inches long. — California, from San Diego northward ; Douglas, Nuttall, Coulter (n. 122), Wallace, Bigelow (var. eglcmdulosus and (7. integerrimus in part, of Whipple's Report), Parry, Cleveland. Also from the " Snake Country," collected by Tolmie. 15. C. INCANUS, Hook. Leaves hoaty beneath with a very minute tomentum, broadly ovate to elliptic, |-2 inches long, cuneate to cordate at base, acutish or obtuse at apex ; flowers in short racemes ; fruit over OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 337 2 lines in diameter, resinously warty. — Santa Cruz to Lake County, California ; " a large straggling shrub on tlie banks of creeks." Col- lected by Douglas, Brewer (n. 2663), Bolander (m.), Kellogg & liar- ford (n. 126), and Dr. Gray. 16. C. CORDULATUS, Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 2. 124, f. 39. Hirsutely pubescent with short erect or spreading hairs ; leaves oval- elliptic, ^,-1 1 inches long, cuneate to subcordate at base, usually rounded and sometimes serrate at the apex, the serratures scarcely glandular ; flowers in short simple racemes, an inch long or less ; fruit smaller, not resinously dotted. — In the Sierra Nevada, from the Yosemite Valley northward ; " low, flat-topped and much spreading, known as ' snow- bush.'" Collected by Brewer (n. 1630, 1926), Bolander (n. 4892), Bridges (n. 46), Gray and Lemmon. 17. C. Fendleri, Gray. Silky pubescent; leaves narrowly oblong to elliptic, 4—12 lines long, usually small, somewhat narrowed and cuneate at base, obtuse or acute above ; flowers in short terminal racemes. — In the Rocky Mountains from Colorado to New Mexico. c. Spinose ; leaves serrate ; flowers in small sessile clusters. Mexican. 18. C. BUXiFOLius, Willd. Nearly glabrous, branches slender ; leaves rather thin, elliptic, ^ inch long or less, hairy on the veins beneath, sharply serrate ; flowers in axillary clusters, the color uncer- tain.— Mountains of Central and North-western Mexico. 19. C. DEPRESSUS, Benth. Stout and very rigid, tomentose ; leaves thick, dtinsely tomentose beneath, elliptical, |-| inch long, mostly rounded at each end, glandular-serrulate ; flowers in mostly terminal clusters, color uncertain. — Central Mexico. * * Leaves pinnately veined. (Forms of C. dentatus might be re- ferred to this group.) 20. C. SPiNOSUS, Nutt. Becoming a small tree, 20-30 feet high, branchlets rigid and somewhat spiny, glabrous or nearly so ; leaves subcoi'iaceous, entire, oblong, 9-15 lines long, obtuse or retuse, sub- cuneate at base, on slender petioles 2-4 lines long ; flowers deep blue, in a thyrse or in simple racemes, very fragrant ; fruit 2 J— 3 lines in diameter, resinously coated. — From Santa Barbara to Los Angeles, commonly known as "Redwood;" Nuttall, Parry, Brewer (n. 56, 74, 255, 287). 21. C. PAPILL0SU3, Torr. & Gray. More or less subhispidly vil- lous or tomentose, 4—6 feet high ; leaves glandularly serrulate, the upper surface glandular-papillose, narrowly oblong, obtuse at each end, 1-2 VOL. X. (x.s. II.) 22 338 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY inches long, on slender petioles ; flowers blue, in close clusters or short racemes terminating slender naked peduncles ; fruit 1^ lines broad, not resinous. — Coast Range, from Monterey to San Francisco ; Douglas, Bolander («.), Dr. Gray. 22. C. FLORiBUNDUS, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4806. Pilose-scabrous ; leaves small, 3-4 lines long, oblong, acute, glandularly denticulate and undulate, shortly petioled ; flowers blue, in dense globose clusters sessile at the ends of the short branchlets. — Known only fi'om the figure and description in the Botanical Magazine ; raised from Cali- fornian seeds, and closely related to Q. dentatus. 23. C. Veatchianus, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 5127. Glabrous nearly throughout ; leaves thick, obovate-cuneate, rounded at the apex ; glan- dular-serrate, smooth and shining above, minutely tomentose beneath between the veinlets, 6-9 lines long, on short stout petioles ; flowers bright blue, in dense crowded clusters at the ends of the leafy branches. — Likewise known only from figures and descrijDtions of specimens cultivated in foreign gardens. § 2. CERASTES. Leaves mostly opposite, 1 -ribbed, with numerous straight parallel veins, very thick and coriaceous, spinosely toothed or entire ; flowers in sessile or shortly pedunculate axillary clusters; fruit larger, with three hornlike or warty prominences below the summit. Rigidly branched or I'arely spiny shrubs, with small leaves; stipules mostly swollen and warty. 24. C. cuASSiFOLius, Torr. Erect, 4-12 feet high, the young branchlets white with a villous tomentum; leaves ovate-oblong, -^-1 inch long, obtuse or refuse, more or less tomentose beneath, rarely entire and revolutely margined, the petioles very thick ; flowers light blue or white, in dense very shortly peduncled clusters. — In the Coast Range from Mendocino County to San Diego ; Bigelow, Parry, Wal- lace, Brewer (n. 295), Bolander (n. 4713), and Kellogg. 25. C. CUNEATUS, Nutt. Erect, 3-12 feet high, less tomentose or nearly smooth ; leaves cuneate-obovate or -oblong, rounded or retuse above, on rather slender petioles, entire or very rarely few-toothed ; flowers white or occasionally light blue, in rather loose clusters. — From the Columbia River to Santa Barbara, by numerous collectors. 26. C. Greggu, Gray. Closely resembling the last, but more tomentose, and the leaves not cuneate at base ; 5 feet high. — From Northern Arizona to New Mexico and Northern Mexico ; Gregg, Wright, Bigelow (C. cuneatus of Ives's Report), and Bishop. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 339 27. C. RiGiDUS, Nutt. Erect, 5 feet high, the branchlets tomentose ; leaves 2-5 lines long, cuneate-oblong or usually very broadly obovate, often emarginate, few-toothed above, very shortly petioled ; flowers bright blue, in sessile clusters. — Abont Monterey and Oakland (?), California; Nutiall, Douglas, Coulter (n. 125), and Ilartweg (n. 1G80). 28. C. PKOSTRATUS, Bentli. Prostrate, nearly glabrous ; leaves 3-12 lines long, obovate or usually oblong-cuneate, spinose usually only at the apex, on short slender petioles ; flowers bright blue, the clusters on stout peduncles. — Frequent in the mountains from Hum- boldt County and the Upper Sacramento to Mariposa County ; found on both slopes of the Sierra Nevada. 2. Descriptions of New Plants of Various Orders, from the Pacific States and Western Territories, with a Synopsis of the Western Species of Silene. Cle5iatis Fremontii. Stems stout, erect, clustered, 6-12 inches high, leafy and usually branched, more or less villous- tomentose, espe- cially at the nodes ; leaves simple, 3-4 pairs, coriaceous and with the veinlets conspicuously reticulated, sparingly villous, sessile, broadly ovate, entire or few-toothed, acutish, 2-4 inches long; flowers ter- minal, nodding, the thick purple sepals an inch long, narrowly lanceo- late, tomentose upon the margin, recurved at the tip, the peduncles becoming erect in fruit; akenes silky, 3-4 lines long, the tails less than an inch long, naked above, silky at base. — Tliis well-marked species, the western representative of C. ochroleuca, was flrst collected by Fremont (n. 194) on his second expedition, but without note of the locality. It was rediscovered during the past season by Louis Wat- son, M.D., in the neighborhood of Ellis, Kansas. Cardamine Breaveri. Perennial, glabrous or slightly pubescent at base; stems weak and ascending, usually simj^le, a foot high; leaves wilh 1-2 pairs of rounded or oblong leaflets, the terminal one much larger, \-\ inch or more in diameter, entire or coarsely sinuate-toothed or lobed, obtuse, often somewhat cordate at base, the radical leaves mostly simple and cordate-reniform ; petals 2 lines long, white ; pods 8-15 lines long, ascending on pedicels 3-4 lines long, obtuse or scarcely beaked with a short style. — This species is allied to the Cal- iforuian C. paucisecta, which has larger flowers and acutely beaked pods on elongated pedicels. C. kirsuta and oligosperma have more 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY numerous leaflets, smaller flowers, and more slender acute pods. C. angiihda from Oregon is well characterized by its 3-foliolate leaves with nearly equal and similar leaflets, its short pods on slender pedi- cels, and by its slender loose-flowered habit. Found in the mountains from the northern Sierra Nevada (1890 Brewer, near Sonora Pass at 8-10,000 feet altitude; 235 Anderson, near Carson City, = G. paiicisecta, var. angidata of Anderson's Cata- logue of Nevada plants) to Oregon (31 Ilall = C. oligosperma, Gray in Proc. Am. Acad. 8. 37G) and eastward to Wyoming (Ilayden, east slope of the Teton Range, Idaho, and on Henry's Fork of the Green IXiver, = C. paucisecta of Hayden's Reports for 1870 and 1872). SiLENK MONANTiiA. Glubrous ; Stems very weak, elongated, as- cending, branched ; leaves narrowly oblanceolate, 1 ^-3 inches long, acnminate, shortly ciliate at base ; flowers terminal on elongated peduncles, not reflexed ; calyx inflated, thin and submembranous, G lines long, slightly jiuberulent, the triangular acutish teeth only net- veined, the scarious edge subciliate ; jietals 9 lines long, apparently pinkish or white, the naked claw ve?'y narrowly auricled, limb bifid with broad rounded lobes, coronal appendages lanceolate, entire, half as long as the limb ; filaments naked ; styles short ; ovary oblong, rather long-stipitate. — Collected by Kellogg & Harford (n. 78), grow- ing on the debris at base of Castle Rock, CasL-ades, Washington Ter- ritory. This and the two next following species are the only known western Silenes of the group with inflated calyces.* * Our western species of Silene may be arranged and partially differentiated as follows : — § Annuals. 1. S. ANTiRRuiNA, Linn. Erect, glabrous ; flowers small, in an open naked dicliotomous panicle. — Tlirougliout the United States. §§ Perennials. * Dwarf, matted ; flowers terminal and solitary. 2. S. ACAULis, Linn. Alpine and arctic. * * Calyx campanulate, inflated. 3. S. jHONANTnA. Stems weak, elongated; flowers terminal and solitary, long-pedunculate; limb bifid. — Washington Territory. See above. 4. S. CAMPANULATA. Stcms crect, dichotomous at the summit ; flowers few, pendent; claws and filaments pubescent; limb 4-parted with bifid segments. — North-western California. See p. o4L 5. S. Lyallii. Stems erect, slender ; flowers more numerous, in a loose pnni- cle, erect; limb bifid, brownish purple. — Washington Territory. See p. 342 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 341 SiLENE CAMPAKULATA. Glanclular-puberuleiit ; stems clustered, from a thick rootstock, erect, G-10 inches high, simple or dichotomously * * » Calyx oblong-cylindric or clavate, expanded by the enlarging capsule. a. Low and spreading or decumbent ; inflorescence leafy ; flowers white. 6. S. Menziesii, Hook. Flowers very small, petals bifid, witliout corona. — Eocky Mountains to the Pacific. 7. S. Wrightii, Gray. Flowers large, subsolitary ; petals 4-cleft. — New Mexico. 8. S. HooKERi, Nutt.. (5. Bolanderi, Gray.) Flowers very large; petals 4-parted. — CaUfornia. b. Erect ; panicle naked, usually spreading ; petals 4-parted or -cleft. 9. S. LACiNiATA, Cav. Flowers very large, bright scarlet; petals deeply 4-cleft, the lateral lobes spreading and shorter; leaves narrowly lanceolate. — Southern California and Mexico. Var. Greggh. {S. Greggii, Gray.) Leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate. — Kew Mexico. Var. Californica, Gray. [S. Califomica, Dur.) Stem lax, often low and leafy throughout ; leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate ; lobes of the petals some- times cleft. — California. 10. S. Lemmoni. Slender, subglabrous ; calyx short, with acute teeth ; petals equally 4-parted; capsule nearly sessile. — Northern Sierras. See p. 342. 11. S. occiDENTALis. Stout and tall, glandular; calyx long, with obtuse teeth ; petals deeply 4-cleft, the villous claw not auricled ; capsule long-stipitate — Northern Sierras. See p. 343. 12. S. Oregana. Glandular; petals 2-parted, with filiform bifid lobes; claw very narrow, the auricles produced upwards; capsule long-stipitate. — Oregon. See p. 343. 13. S. MONTANA. Slender, puberulent, the panicle narrower ; petals equally 4-cleft, the corona and auricles lacerate; capsule long-stipitate. — Northern Sierras. See p. 343. 14. S. TnuRUERi. Tall, erect, glandular-pubescent ; inflorescence elongated ; flowers small; petals narrow, inconspicuous, the short limb cleft to the middle, with smaller lateral lobes, the auricles produced upwards. — New Mexico. See p. 343. c. Inflorescence similar ; petals bifid. 15. S. PECTiNATA. Stout and tall, glandular ; calyx-teeth long and lanceo- late ; claw narrow and not auricled. — Northern Sierras. See p. 344. 16. S. iNCOMi^TA, Gray. Tall, lax, puberulent ; leaves broadly lanceolate ; calyx-teeth oblong, acute ; lobes of the petals often toothed. — Yosemite Valley. 17. S. VERECUNDA. Low, crcct, glandular above ; leaves narrow ; calyx-teeth ovate; claw broad. — Near San Francisco. See p. 344. d. Flowers usually few, in a naked narrow subracemose panicle ; petals bifid, with entire lobes ; leaves linear-lanceolate. 18. S. DouGLASii, Hook. Petals pink, with auricled claws and broad obtuse lobes. — From the Wahsatch to the Sierra Nevada and northward. 342 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY branched at the summit; leaves lanceolate, 1-1 5^ inches long, acute or acuminate ; flowers solitary or few, on short defiexed pedicels ; calyx campanulate, 5-6 lines long, the teeth broad, obtuse or acutish, and finely net-veined ; petals pale flesh-color, 9 lines long, with pubescent scarcely auriculate claws, the limb 4-parted nearly to the base, the lobes bifid to the middle, or the lateral ones entire or notched ; appen- dages oblong, fleshy, entire ; filaments pubescent, exserted ; ovary suborbicular, shortly stipitate. — Collected on Red Mountain, Men- docino County, California, by Bolander (n. G517) and Kellogg. 81LENE Lyallii. Glabrous excepting the inflorescence, which is subglanduhir-puberulent; stems slender, ascending; leaves linear-oblan- ceolate, 1-2 inches long, the lower attenuate to a slender petiole ; flowers in dichotomous few-flowered cymes, the slender pedicels 3-4 lines long, not deflexed ; calyx 4 lines long, campanulate, net-veined above, the teeth obtuse, broadly triangular ; petals 7 lines long, brownish jiurple, with an oblong shortly bifid limb, oblong entire appendages, and naked scarcely auricled claw ; anthers purple, in- cluded ; styles very short ; ovary small, narrowly oblong. — Collected by Lyall in the Cascade Mts. in 1859, and by Lemmou (n. IG) in Sierra County, California. Sil.ENE Lemmoni. Glabrous or puberulent, the inflorescence glan- dular-puberulent ; stems erect from a decumbent perennial base, slen- der, 8-12 inches high, branched; leaves mostly on young shoots, spatulate to oblong-lanceolate, an inch long, acute ; flowers in an open dichotomous panicle, erect or at length deflexed, on slender pedicels 4-9 lines long ; calyx ovate-cylindric, 4 lines long, net-veined along the main nerves, the teeth acutely triangular ; petals rose-color, Q-8 lines long, the broad limb 4-parted nearly to the base, with linear entire or notched lobes, the lanceolate appendages entire, and the villous claw narrowly auricled ; ovary oblong, shortly stipitate. — 19. S. Bridgesii, Rohrb. Petals white, very narrow, the claw scarcely auricled, and lobes narrowly linear; styles very long exserted. — Yosemite Valley. c. Inflorescence similar, but flowers more numerous and usually somewhat crowded ; stout, erect, and glandular. 20. S. ScouLERi, Hook. Glandular above ; leaves narrow ; calyx teeth net- veined ; petals conspicuous, the broad bifid limb with notched lobes and appen- dages; capsule long-stipitate. — Colorado to Oregon. 21. S. Spaldingh. Viscidly pubescent; leaves numerous, lanceolate ; calyx wholly net-veined ; petals with a broad claw, a sliort obtuse notched limb, and 4 short distinct appendages; capsule short-stipitate. — Central Idaho. See p. 344. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 343 Collected by Mr. J. G. Lemmon (n. 17, 18) in Sierra County, Califoruia. SiLiiNE occiDENTALis. Gliindiilar-puberulent, or somewhat tomen- tose below ; stems stout, erect from a vertical rootstock, 2 feet high, branching ; leaves 'oblanceolate, 2-4 inches long, acute, the lower ciliate at base ; flowers in an open dichotomous panicle, erect or some- times nodding, on pedicels 6-15 lines long ; calyx cylindrical, 6-8 lines long, net-veined along the main nervt-s, the teeth ovate, obtuse ; petals 9-12 lines long, apparently deep purple, deeply 4-cleft with nearly equal lobes or the lateral smaller, appendages lanceolate and entire, the claw naked and without auricles ; filaments slightly ex- serted ; ovary oblong, equalling the stipe. — Collected by Lemmon in Sierra County, California. SiLENE Oregana. Viscidly pubescent; stems ascending, simple, a foot high or more; leaves oblanceolate, acute, 1-2 inches long; flowers in an open dichotomous panicle, somewhat nodding upon slender pedicels 3-6 lines long ; calyx oblong-cylindrical, 6 lines long, somewhat membranous, with oblong acutish teeth; petals white, 10 lines long, the narrow limb parted to the base and the lobes deeply bilid with filiform segments, the linear ajjpendages entire, and the very narrow naked claw with the auricles produced upward into lanceolate teeth ; filaments and styles somewhat exserted ; ovary oblong, long- stipitate. — Collected in the Blue Mountains, Oregon, by Rev. R. D. JS'evius, 1873. SiLENE MONTANA. Puberulent ; stems erect from a decumbent perennial base, mostly simple, a foot high ; leaves narrowly oblanceo- late, 1^-2 inches long, acuminate; flowers in a narrow subdichotomous panicle, erect upon usually short pedicels; calyx cylindrical, 7-9 lines long, the oblong teeth acutish; petals 7-10 lines long, apparently rose- color, the broad limb deeply 4-cleft with equal entire linear segments, claws naked, the auricles and broad ovate appendages somewhat lacerate ; filaments scarcely exserted ; ovary oblong, the stipe becom- ing 2 lines long. — Near Carson City, Anderson (n. 107), and also collected by Lemmon at the Big Meadows, Sierra County, California. A similar but probably distinct form has been collected by Rev. R. D. jS'evius in the Blue Mountains, Oregon, having the short quad- rate limb barely notched, the coronal appendages and the auricles entii-e or nearly so, and the carpophore much shorter. SiLEXE Thukberi. Glandular-tomentose ; stems tall, erect ; leaves lanceolate, acuminate ; flowers small, in a narrow elongated panicle, erect on rather slender pedicels ; calyx cylindrical, 6 lines long, with 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY narrow acute teeth, strongly 1 0-nerved, net-veined above ; petals white, scarcfly exserted, the limb bifid with a shorter lobe on each side, the narrow naked claw having the auricles produced upwards as far as the short oblong appendages and somewhat hooded ; filaments exserted ; styles included ; ovary naiTowly oblong, shortly stipitate. — Collected only by Dr. Thurber (n. 726) in August, 1852, in arroyos near Janos, near the boundary line of South-western New Mexico. SiLENE PECTiNATA. Viscidly pubescent; stems erect, stout, 1^ feet high, simple or branched; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, ] 2-2^ inches long, the radical attenuate to a long slender petiole equalling the blade ; flowers in a narrow strict or dichotomously branched panicle, erect on pedicels |-1 inch long ; calyx oljlong, 6-9 lines long, cleft nearly to the middle, the teeth narrow, acute ; petals dark rose or purple, nearly an inch long, the naked claw narrow and without auri- cles, the broadly oblong limb deeply bifid with obtuse segments, the lanceolate appendages entire ; ovary oblong, the capsule nearly sessile — Collected near Carson City by Dr. Anderson (n. 18) ; in "Walker's Meadows by Brewer (n. 1857) ; and in Plumas County, California, by Mrs. M. P. Ames, and also by Lemmon. SiLENE VERECUNDA. Glandular-pubcscent ; stems low, clustered, erect, 8-10 inches high, simple ; leaves oblanceolate, acute, lA— 2 inches long ; flowers few, in a loose panicle, erect ujxin mostly elongated pedicels ^1 inch long; calyx obloug-cylindric, 6 lines long, with acutish triangular teeth, net-veined above ; petals 9 lines long, rose- colored, the oblong limb cleft to the middle with linear entire lobes, the appendages notched at the apex, and the naked claw narrowly auricled; filaments included; ovary oblong, shortly stipitate. — Near S. incompta. Collected only by Bolander (n. 352), on rocky hills near Mission Dolores. SiLENE Spaldingii. Viscidly tomentose; stems erect, stout, a foot high or more, simple or branched, very leafy ; leaves lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate 1 .^-2 inches long, acutish ; flowers in a short strict racemose panicle, nodding or erect ; calyx oblong-cylindric, 7-8 lines long, with large triangular-ovate acutish teeth, net-veined to the base ; petals scarcely exserted, the broad auricled claw naked, the limb ver) short and triangular, notched at the apex, and with four small lanceo- late appendages at base ; filaments and styles included ; ovary oblong, shortly stipitate. — Collected only by Spalding on the Clear Water in Central Idaho. Sagina occiDENTALis. Annual, glabrous, very slender and deli- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 345 cate, 2-4 inches high, spreading or decumbent at base ; leaves not ftiscicled, pungent; liowers on elongated .pedicels, truncate at base, pentamerous; petals nearly equalling the sepals; stamens 10. — This is the western equivalent of S. decumbens of the Eastern States (S. siibulata of authors, but apparently not of Wimmer), found in the valleys and borders of salt marshes from Oregon to San Francisco. It has been collected by Bolauder (n. 3891), Brewer (n. 2522), and by Bigelow and Greene in California ; it is in Hall's Oregon collection (n. 58) as S. Linncei, and was also found by Lyall. It differs espe- cially from decumbens in its laxer and slenderer habit, more elongated pedicels, and in the somewhat less conical base of the calyx. Claytonia triphylla. Root tuberous, small ; stem slender, 2-3 inches high, bearing a whorl of three or rarely but a pair of narrowly linear leaves, 1—2 inches long ; flowers small, in a sessile or peduncu- late spreading panicle; bracts minute; petals oblong, 2 lines long, a half longer than the rounded sepals. — First collected by myself in July, 1867, above Cisco, California, and since by Dr. Kellogg in the same locality, as well as by Dr. Asa Gray in Yosemite Valley, and by J. G. Lemmon in Sierra County. Probably not rare in the high •Sierra Nevada. LuPiNUS (Platycarpos) Sileri. Erect and slender, branching above, loosely and softly villous, 4-8 inches high ; leaflets 5, oblan- ceolate, acutish, smooth above, 5-12 lines long, shorter than the petioles ; racemes short and dense, long-peduncled, the pedicels very short, not verticillate ; bractlets linear; calyx -lobes herbaceous, 3 lines long, toothed, the upper slightly shorter; petals light i^urple, narrow, equal, little exceediisg the calyx. — Southern Utah and on the Rio Grande in Southern Colorado; A. L. Siler, Wolf (n. 195) and Parry (n. 43). Readily distinguished fronti L. pusillus by its slender habit, softer pubescence, and capitate long-peduncled racemes. Astragalus Thompson^e. AWmdi to A. mcdacus ; shortly caules- cent, densely villous-tomentose throughout ; leaves elongated, with ten to fifteen pairs of leaflets, which are oblong to obovate, obtuse or emarginate, 2-4 lines long; racemes long-peduncled, about equallmg the leaves, rather densely flowered ; calyx cylindrical, with short triangular and acuminate teeth ; flowers purple, 6 lines long, the keel equalling the banner, obtuse and scarcely beaked ; pod densely silky, coriaceous, 2-celled, ovate, arcuate, acuminate, G-8 lines long, somewhat sulcate on both sides. — With much of the habit of members of the Eriocarpus section, but distinguished by the 2-celIed legume. 846 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Collected in Southern Utah on Col. Powell's expedition by Mrs. E. P. Thompson and Capt. F. M. Bishop. Astragalus (Homalobi) sesquiflorus. Near A. paucijlorus of Oregon and British America, but differing in the 1-2-flowered raceme equalling the leaves, the keel terminating in a long straight beak, and in the gibbous slightly compressed pod. Casspitose ; pubes- cence appressed silky-canescent ; stems very slender, 2-4 inches long ; leaflets 2-5 pairs, linear-lanceolate and acute at each end, 3-4 lines long ; calyx campauulate, with linear-setaceous teeth longer than the tube ; flowers purple, 3-4 lines long, a little exceeding the calyx ; pod membranous, 4 lines long, attenuate to the base. — Southern Utah, collected by Capt. F. M. Bishop, 1873. Astragalus (Homalobi) episcopus. Somewhat canescent with short appressed hairs, glabrous below ; stems slender, erect or ascend- ing, l-|-2 feet long, branched; leaflets distant on the slender rachis, 1-3 j^iiii's or sometimes none, narrowly linear, acute, 4 lines long; flowers scattered in a short raceme, purple or yellowish ; calyx short, cylindric, 2 lines long, with acute triangular teeth ; banner 6 lines long, exceeding the wings and the sti-aight scarcely beaked keel ; pod narrowly oblanceolate, compressed, 1^ inches long, 2| lines broad,- acute at each end, very shortly stipitate, reflexed. — Resembling A. junceus from which it is separated by its larger straighter flowers, longer calyx with more acute teeth, and by its much broader pod. Southern Utah ; Capt. F. M. Bishop. Cercocarpus intricatus. (O. hrevijlorus, "Watson in King's Rep. 5. 83, not of Gray.) Distinguished from C. ledifollus, to which it is perhaps most neai'ly allied, by its low shrubby rigid and intri- cately branched growth, by its short closely revolute leaves, and by its much smaller flowers and fruit. The little known C. brevijlorus of New Mexico, with a somewhat similar habit, has still smaller flowers, and the cuneate oblong leaves less coriaceous, strongly nerved, and more or less silky puberulent; its fruit is unknown. The present spe- cies was frequent on rocky mountain sides near the mouth of American Fork Canon in the Wahsatch (314 Watson), and has been recently collected by Parry (n. 59) near Saint George in Southern Utah. AsARUM Hartwegi. {A. Hooheri, var. majus^ Duchaitre in DC. Prodr. vol. 15, part 1, p. 424.) A stouter species than A. caudatum, Liudl., {^A. Hookeri, Fielding), growing in thick tufts with shorter root- stocks and peduncles, and usually more pubescent especially at the base and upon the calyx ; leaves mottled ; flowers half an inch broad, the calyx-lobes leathery, ovate and attenuate to a flliform apex, 1-1 1 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 347 inches long ; filaments rather stout, scarcely attached to the base of the style, the anthers nearly a line long, and the setaceous appendage of the connective 1-2 lines long; styles short, nearly distinct, scarcely equalling the anthers ; ovary inferior ; seeds ovate, smooth, 2 lines long. — In the mountains of middle California, at an altitude of 4-7,000 feet. A. caudatum, which ranges much farther northward, is not tufted and has smaller flowers upon slender pedicels, the calyx- lobes narrower and more attenuate, filaments slender, anthers shorter but much exceeding the acute apex of the connective, the styles united and equalling the stamens, and the seeds somewhat smaller. Amaranths leucocarpus. Stout, 4-5 feet high, glabrous, green, with spreading branches ; leaves lai-ge, ovate-oblong, subacuminate, 3-6 inches long, cuneate at base and decurrent upon the petiole, which is as long or longer ; flowers in thick compact nodding spikes, 2-6 inches long, the lateral spikes divaricate ; seed large, over ^ line broad, smooth, dull white or light brown, the central albumen promi- nent. — Cultivated from seeds obtained by Col. Powell in Arizona, and well marked by its dense nodding spikes, its large leaves and by the characters of its seeds, which are collected by the Indians for food. Amarantus Powellii. Slender, 4-5 feet high, glabrous, the stem becoming bright red, branches erect ; leaves small, oblong- lanceolate, 2 inches long, cuneate at base, the slender petiole shorter ; flowers in close narrow compound spikes, the lateral ones erect ; seed nearly black, shining, less than half a line broad, lenticular, very minutely and slightly tuberculate. — Likewise cultivated from seeds brought from Arizona by Col. Powell, and apparently a very distinct species. A. albus and retrojiexus were also raised from the same collection of Arizona seeds, used as food by the Indians. The only other species known from our western territory and apparently in- digenous are A. chlorostachys and BUtum. Eriogonum (Alata) triste. Sparingly villous or glabrate ; scape tall and erect, the inflorescence an elongated alternately branched panicle, with the branches dichotomous ; bracts small, herbaceous, linear ; involucres glabrous, acutely 5-toothed, on rather slender smooth peduncles ; flowers a line long, glabrous, brownish red, the lobes ob- long, obtuse ; achenium narrow, 2 lines long or more, membranously winged its whole length. — Kane County, Southern Utah, collected by Mr. A. L. Siler. Radical leaves probably narrowly oblanceolate as in the other species of the group. With the habit of E. alatum, but nearly glabrous above and the flowers dark red. Eriogonum (Umbellata) ursinuji. Densely tomentose, the 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY peduncles and inflorescence subvillous ; leaves ovate, 4—6 lines broad, acute, cordate to cuueate at base, upon a rather short petiole ; pedun- cles stout, naked, 8 inches high, from a diffusely branched wootly base, bearing a compound umbel of about 6 rays ; bracts large and folia- ceous ; involucres large and turbinate, with erect acute teeth ; flowers pale yellow, glabrous, 1^ lines long, the filaments very villous — Dis- tinguished from the rare form of J^. umbellatum with a comjiound umbel by the short erect teeth of the involucre and by the villous pubescence. Collected in Plumas County, California, by Mrs. M. E. P. Ames and J. G. Lemnion, in Long and Bear Valleys, apparently abundant. Eriogonum (Virgata) Baileyi. Annual, slender, diflTusely much branched, a foot high, glaucous and wholly glabrous excepting the whorl of leaves at the base, which are densely whitc-toraeutose on both sides, orbicular to broadly ovate, 3-G lines in diametei* ; bracts small ; involucres narrow, a line long or usually less, open at the throat, with obtuse teeth ; flowers pinkish white, J-| of a line long. — Referred to E. gracile, van ejfusum, by Dr. Gray in the Revision of the genus, but more nearly allied to £J. vimineum, which however is more tomentose above the base, the involucres longer and contracted at the mouth, and the flowers somewhat larger. E. gracile is of stricter habit, with oblanceolate or oblong leaves, the turbinate involucres with rigid acute teeth. Eastward of the Sierra Nevada, in the valleys and on the foothills ; collected in North-western Nevada by Dr. Torrey (n. 439), by W. W. Bailey and Watson on King's Survey (n. 1029- 1031), in Owen's Valley by Horn (n. 2851, California State Survey), and in Arizona or Southern Utah by Dr. E. Palmer. Uktica Lyallii. Perennial, tall and rather slender, more or less spinulose and hispid or becoming nearly glabrous ; leaves thin, cordate- ovate, 3-6 inches long, on petioles 2-4 inches long, acute, coarsely serrate, the teeth sometimes sparingly serrulate, the young leaves densely hispid beneath ; stipules large, broadly oblong, obtuse ; flowers in loose spreading or deflexed slender panicles, equalling or rather shorter than the petioles ; perianth broadly ovate or nearly orbicular, rounded at the apex, shorter than the broadly ovate achenium, which is f of a line long — A very large leaved species collected by Dr. Lyall in the Cascade Mts. in lat. 49 , and in Marin County, Cali- forriia, by Bolander and Kellogg, the latter specimens more densely hispid. A slenderly branched and nearly smooth plant collected by Dr. Lyall at Vancouver's Island is probably the same. Urtica Breweri. Perennial, stout, tall and branching, grayish OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 849 liispul and quite spinulose ; stipules oblong-lanceolate ; leaves thin, ovate or the upper oblong-lanceolate, 2-4 inches long, acute, subcor- date or rounded at base, coarsely serrate, finely hispid beneath, tuber- culately roughened above ; petioles |—1 1- inches long ; flowers in short loose open panicles, scarcely exceeding the petioles ; perianth obovate, obtuse, minutely hispid, nearly a line long, twice longer than the broadly ovate acheniura. — Los Angeles, California, frequent in waste places (Brewer, n. 9.3) ; collected also by Bigelovv on the banks of the Limpio in Western Texas ( U. dloica, Torrey in Bot. jMex. Boundary, in part), and also by Wolf on Lieut. Wheeler's Survey in Southern Colorado. The only other Californian species of the genus is U. holosericea of Nuttall's PI. GamhelUance (the same probably as U. trachycarpa of Weddell), which is found near Monterey. It is densely hoary-tomen- tose, especially on the lower side of the leaves ; the oblong stipules acuminate ; leaves thick, oblong-lanceolate and acuminate, on short petioles ; male flowers in loose slender panicles nearly equalling the leaves, the female more numerous in dense and shorter panicles ; peri- anth ovate, densely hisjiid, about equalling the small broadly ovate acheniura. Eastward of the Sierra Nevada, in Nevada and South- ern Utah, the western finely tomentose or velvety form of U. gracilis occurs, referred to U. dioica in King's Reports, vol. 5, p. 32L Platanus Wrightii. Leaves subtomentose beneath, very acutely and deeply .o-7-lobed, the lower lobes projected backwards and form- ing a deep sinus ; j^etioles ^-^ inches long ; racemes not exceeding the leaves; fertile heads three, 8-10 lines in diameter; nutlets gla- brous, villous at base, truncate above and tubercled with the short base only of the style ; receptacle densely hairy and fruit-bearing over nearly the entire surface. — Collected by Wright (n. 1880) in south- eastern Arizona near the San Pedro, and described as a large tree. It is very distinct from the Mexican and Californian species, in regard to which there is still some confusion. Jdglans Californica. More or less floccose-tomentose or some- times nearly glabrous ; leaflets 5-8 pairs, oblong-lanceolate, acute, narrowing upwards from near the base, 2-2^- inches long; male aments 4-8 inches long, often in pairs ; sepals acute or obtuse, veined, 1 i- lines long; stamens 30-40, the anthers a line long, with the apex of the connective very short and bifid ; fruit globose, slightly com- pressed, |-1 inch in diameter ; nut shallowly sulcate, the walls rather thin and with two broad cavities upon each side. {J. 7-upestris, var. major, Torrey in Sitgreave's Report, p. 171, t. 16.) — A large shrub 350 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY or tree, in the vicinity of San Francisco growing 40-60 feet high and 2-4 feet in diameter, and ranging southward to Santa Barbara, South- ern Arizona and Sonora. The more eastern J. rupestris, Engelm., is but G-20 feet high, with more numerous and usually more acuminate leaflets, the ameuts only two inches long with smaller flowers, 20-30 stamens, shorter anthers and a more prominent connective, the globose nut 6-7 lines in diameter with very thick and nearly solid walls. Myrica Hartwegi. Dioecious ; leaves deciduous, oblanceolate, acute, attenuate to a short petiole, 2 inches long, serrate above, pubes- cent, especially on the margin, as also the branchlets: staminate spikes solitary, cylindrical, 5-8 lines long, many-flowered; bracts glabrous, brown, imbricated, broadly ovate, acute ; stamens 3-4, shorter than the bracts, the filaments united at base; female flowers and fruit unknown. {M. Gale, Benth. in PL -Hartweg.) — Collected by Hartweg (n. 1958) on the Sacramento, by Fremont, and on the south fork of the Merced near Clark's Station by Mr. Muir, who describes it as a small bush six feet high. It difl^ers from M. Gale (which is not known from south of Alaska on the Pacific Coast) in its larger, thinner, acute and more coarsely toothed leaves, the male aments rather longer and less crowded. POPULUS Freiiontii. Leaves puberulent, especially upon the margin, subreniform, abruptly acute, rather deeply sinuate-dentate, the many incurved teeth scarcely glandular-tipped ; petioles slender, equal- ling the blade, somewhat flattened above; male aments stout, 4—5 inches long, loose, with slender pedicels 8-10 lines long, and naked laciniately fringed bracts, the toi-us thick and conspicuous, 3-4 lines broad ; stamens 60 or more ; fruiting aments 4 inches long, with pedi- cels 2 lines long, the three stigmas broadly dilated and irregularly lobed ; fruit ovate, 3-4 lines long, as broad as the torus, with three very thick finely tuberculate valves, the sutures not prominent. — Col- lected by Fremont (n. 243, 244 of 1846) on Deer Creek at "Lassens" in the Upper Sacramento Valley. The young branches are light gray, slightly pubescent, not angled. Distinguished especially by the remarkably developed torus. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 351 XI. LIST OF THE MARINE ALG^ OF THE UNITED STATES. WITH NOTES OF NEW AND IMPERFECTLY KNOWN SPECIES. By W. G. Farlow. Presented, March 9, 1875. Since the publication, in 1857, of the third part of the Nereis Am.- Bor., by Prof. W. II. Harvey, the contributions to our knowledge of North American algne have not been numerous. Prof. J. G. Agardh, of Lund, and Dr. F. J. Puprecht, of St. Petersburg, are almost the only persons who have described new species found on our shores. That so few novelties have been described by American botanists, is to be attributed to the fact that the eastern coast, where the greater num- ber of our botanists reside, has a very limited flora. From Eastport, Me., to Boston, the flora is arctic in character ; an^ as usual in such cases, the number of species is small in comparison with the number of individuals. Of the habits of the winter and spring species of this portion of the coast we know very little, since the severity of the cli- mate renders frequent visits to the shore at those seasons difficult, if not dangerous. The marine vegetation from Nantucket to New York has been better studied than that of any other portion of our coast. By the opportunities for dredging offered by the United States Fish Com- mission, under Prof. Baird, it has been found that some of the plants, as Euthora cristata, Ag., which were supposed to be peculiar to northern New England, occur in the deeper and cooler water south of Cape Cod. Although some localities, as Wood's Hole, are comparatively rich in species, it must be confessed that north of Key West there are no places to be compared, as far as the richness of the marine flora is concerned, with the coast of Devonshire in England, or that of France from Calvados to Finisterre. On the coast from New York northward we are not to expect many additions, except of the smaller species of Ectocarpus, Lyngbya, «S:c. The reprehensible practice of our algolo- gists, of collecting and drying large numbers of specimens, rather than 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of making careful microscopic investigations on the shore, is not con- ducive to a scientific knowledge of our algre. Of the coast from New York to Charleston we know very little ; but, owing to its sandy char- acter, we are not to expect much. Botanists visiting the Delaware Breakwater, Norfolk, or Wilmington, N.C., would do good service by giving lists of the algie found there, that the southern limit of several common species might be fixed. Whatever may be said of the poverty of our eastern coast, Key West outranks even the famous Biarritz for number of species. It is curious to notice the very large per cent of the species in the following list which occur there. The flora of that region is peculiarly West Indian, and has little in common with that of the rest of the United States. We are in almost complete ignorance of the algte on the coast of the States bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. The Pacific coast far ex- ceeds the eastern in the richness of its flora, and future additions to our algiB will come from this region. Fortunately, the number of botanists in the Pacific States is now tolerably large, and the work of deciding the limits of doubtful species must be accomplished by observers on that shore rather than in eastern herbaria. The classification followed in the accompanying list is that adopted by Harvey in the Nereis Am.-Bor. Since his day, discoveries have been made with regard to the development of the different groups, which demand a qapplete revision of Harvey's classification ; but this is not the place for instituting such a change. Species not mentioned in the Nereis are denoted by a stai'. The attention of persons living on the seashore is directed to the italicized questions. The list is intended to include all the species growing on the shores of the United States proper, not including Alaska. Those of Van- couver's Island are only in jiart enumerated, and some of the following named species mentioned by Harvey, in his article on the Algas from the North-west Coast, may occur also in our Pacific States : Ci/sto- plii/Uum Lepidium, Rupr. ; Carpomitra Cahrerce, Kiitz. ; Agarum Jimhriatnm , Harv. ; Laminaria apoda, Ilarv. ; Ectocarpus ovlger, Ilarv. ; Polysiphonia senticulosa, Harv. ; Cijstocloniuin gracilarioides, Harv. ; CaUuphylUs Jlabelkdcita, Harv. ; Kalhjmenia reniformis, A^, ; Jridcea cordata, Ag. ; Halymenia ligulata, Ag. ; Prionitis LyalU'i, Harv.; Schizymenia'? coccinea, Harv.; Ccdlitliamnion tliuyoideum^ Ag. ; and C. suhidatum, Harv. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 353 MELANOSPERM.E. FUCACE^. 1. Sakgassdji vulgake, Ag. Wood's Hole, INIass., and south- wanl. — Under this species must be included >S^. Montagnei, Bailey, wliich is certainly nothing more than a variety. 2. Sargassum affine, Ag. Florida? — S. platycarpum, Mont., recognized by the large size of the glands on the leaves, was incor- rectly distributed by me as .'S'. affiiie witli C. AVright's Cuban Algie. 3. Sargassum bacciferum, Ag. Gulf Stream, coast of Florida. 4. Sargassuji hystrix, Ag. — This species, according to Agardh, ranges from Mexico to Newlbundland. I have specimens from Cuba, collected by Mr. Charles Wright ; but it must be regarded as extremely doubtful if the species occurs on the New England coast, particularly north of Cape Cod. 5. Sargassum filipendula, Ag. Key West, fide Prof. D. C. Eaton. *6. Sargassum dentifolium, Ag. Key West, Dr. E. Palmer. — It is not stated whether this plant was floating or attached. The speci- mens collected by Dr. Palmer are more luxuriant than those from the Red Sea, but the serrated midrib seems sufficiently characteristic to warrant us in supposing that the species is the same. In a genus containing so many variable species as Sargassum, it hardly seems as thoush the lenjith of the fructifying ramuli and the size of the air-blad- ders could constitute specific differences. 7. Turbinaria vulgaris, Ag. Key West. 8. Phyllospora Menziesii, Ag. San Diego, Cal., and north- ward. — Some forms received from San Diego are quite smooth, and the leaflets are serrated, so that this species approaches nearer to P. comosa of Australia than has generally been supposed. The smooth lower leaflets easily fall off, and make excellent specimens of Lami- naria. Most of the specimens of Laminaria from Southern Cali- fornia are of this nature. — How and when does this plant fruit ? Halidrys siliquosa, Lyngb. — Said to have been found at New- foundland. As yet no collector, so far as I know, has seen it on the New England coast. 9. Halidrys osmundacea, Harv. San Diego, Cal., and north- ward.— Extremely variable. It was stated by Kuprecht, and is now generalh' admitted, that the Cgsfoseira expansa of Agardh is nothing but the lips of this plant. The fruit, in one specimen sent by Mr. vol.. X. (N.9. II.) 23 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Cleveland from San Diego, entirely covers one of the lower leaves, something like the normal state in Landsburgia quercifoUa. Cystoseira myrica, Ag. Nassau, Dr. E. Palmer. — Will probably be found at Key West. 10. Fucus (Fucodidm) fastigiatus, Ag. Pacific coast. 11. Fucus (OzoTHALLiA, Thurct) NODOSUS, L. P2ast coast. — Southern limit ? 12. Fucus DiSTiCHUS, L. (F. fliformis, Gm.) Marblehead, Mass. — Common in the fall. No other locality on our coast yet known, although, probably, not rare. 13. Fucus FURCATUS, Ag. — Common on the Maine and Massa- chusetts coast, growing in deeper water than F. vesiculosus. This species has the antheridia and spores in the same conceptacles, as is the case with F. platycarpus, Thuret, a species not as yet recognized on our coast, although it will probably be found. California, fide Lenormand. 14. Fucus CERANOiDES, L. East coast. 15. Fucus Harveyanus, Dene. Monterey, Cal. 16. Fucus vesiculosus, L. East and west coasts ; North Caro- lina, Rev. E. M. Forbes. — Southern limit ? 17. Fucus serratus, L. Newburyport, Mass.; Pictou, N.S. Only two stations in America. ' 18. HiMANTHALiA LOREA, Lyngb. " Coast of N. America," Ag. SPOROCIINACE^. This and the remaining orders classed by Harvey in the Melano- spermtB are, with the exception of the Dictyotacece, placed by Thuret in his division Phceosporce (vid. Ann. des Sciences Nat. 3 serie, t. 14, 1850). 19. Arthrocladia villosa, Duby. Wilmington, N.C. 20. Desmarestia aculeata, Lmx. New York northward. — West coast ? Fruit ? 21. Desmarestia viridis, Lmx. New York and northward. — West coast ? 22. Desmarestia ligulata, Lmx. Monterey northward. LAMINAKIACE^. 23. Macrocystis ftrifera, Ag. West coast. 24. Nereocystis Lutkeana, Post, and Rupr. Monterey north- ward. — Fruit ? OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 355 Lessonia. — Species of this genus certainly exist on the Pacific coast, but of their specific cliaracters we are still as ignorant as in the time of Harvey. Specimens which find their way to the east are too imperfect for determination. Some of the supposed specimens of Les- ■ sonia are nothing but the bladderless leaves of Macrocystis. Others are the young fronds of Pliyllospora. I have specimens from Oregon, collected by Mr. E. Hall, which may belong to L. fuscescens, but they are too imperfect to warrant giving a decided opinion. *25. Pterygophoha Californica, Ruprecht. " Pflanzen aus dem nordl. Theile des Stell- Oceans," p. 17, Plate V. Santa Cruz, Cal., and northward. — May not this prove to be a Lessonia? Fruit? *2G. PosTELSiA PALMiEFORMis, Ruprecht, 1. c. p. 19, Plate VI. Santa Cruz, Cal., northward. — Fruit'? 27. Alaria esculenta, Grev. (inc. A. Pylaii, Grev.) Cape Cod northward ; north-west coast. 28. Alaria fistulosa. Post, and Rupr. North-west coast. 29. Alaria margixata, Post, and Rupr. North-west coast. 30. CoSTARiA TuRNicRi, Grev. (inc. C. Mertensii, Ag.) North- west coast. 31. DiCTYONEURON Californicuii, Ruprecht, I.e. p. 24, Plate VII. — I have never seen specimens of this plant, but from Ruprecht's figure one might infer that it is a species of Costaria. North-west coast. 32. Laminaria fascia, Ag. New York northward. — This be- longs to the genus Pfiyllitis, of Le Jolis's " Liste des Algues marines de Cherbourg." 33. Laminaria dermatodea, De la Pyl. Peak's Island, Portland harbor, Me., common just below low-water mark, W. G. F. ; East- port, Me., Prof. D. G. Eaton. — Recognized by the very short root fibres and flat stipe, gradually expanding into a thick coriaceous frond of lanceolate outline ; often, when exposed, splitting to the base of the stipe. Time and mode of fruiting ? 34. Lamixaria saccarhina, Lmx. New York northward. — Southern limit? West coast? 35. Laminaria longicruris, De la Pyl. Common from Boston northward. Old Lyme, Conn., Prof D. C. Eaton. — Not always readily distinguished from the last. The hollow stipe is not always diiiguostic, since it is only when the plant has attained a certain age that the stipe is hollow. On the other hand, old stipes of L. sacca- rhina are sometimes hollow for a short distance. The stipe of this plant is infested by a species of Sphceria. The Laminaria trilaminata, 856 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OIney, is a monstrous form of L. saccarhina, with abnormal develop- ment of the midrib. I have seen a similar monstrosity in Agaruin Turneri. 36. Lamlnaria digitata, Lam. of Harvey's Nereis Am.-Bor. — Under this head are included two, and possibly three, ditferent species of our coast. One seems to be the L. JlexicauUs., Le Jolis, of Europe. It is possible that some of the plants belong to L. Chustoni, Edm. What is the southern limit of the digitate species on our eastern coast'} 37. Agarum Turneri, Post, and Rupr. Nahant, Mass., and northward ; north-west coast. — WJiat is the fruit of this plant ? The plate No. V. of the Ner. Am.-Bor. represents this plant as having tetraspores. If such is the case, which is very doubtful, the plant is far removed from Laminaria, the fructification of which has been thoroughly studied by Thuret. Agarum pertusutn, Mert., and A. Gmelini, judging from the plates in Postels and Ruprecht, are varieties of A. Turneri. 38. Tiialassiopiiyllum Clathrus, Post, and Rupr. North-west coast. — Fruit ? 39. Chorda filum. Stack. New York northward. 40. Chorda (Scytosiphon) lomentarius, Lyngb. Whole east- ern coast. — California ? DICTYOTACE^. Haliseris. — I have no specimens from the United States, but no doubt some of the AVest Indian species, as H. Justii, plagiogramma, delicutula, &c., occur on our coast. 41. Padina pavonia, Lmx. North Carolina, fide Rev. M. A. Curtis; and southward. — Northern limit'? P. Durvillcei, Bory. — Possibly only a form of the last. May be expected in Southern California, as it occurs in Magdalena Bay, where it was collected by the Ilassler Expedition. 42. ZoNARiA FLAVA, Ag. San Diego, Cal., 3fr. D. Cleveland. *43. ZoNARiA INTERRDPTA, Ag. California, Australia, C. B. S. 44. ZoNARiA LOBATA, Ag. Key West. 45. Taonia? Schrgederi, Ag. Florida, Br. JE. Palmer. 46. DiCTYOTA FA SCI OLA, Lam. Florida. 47. DiCTYOTA DicnoTOMA, Lam. Charleston, S.C., and southward. 48. DiCTYOTA ciLiATA, Ag. Key West. Bictgota crenulata, Ag. Was collected in Cuba by Mr. C' Wright. It probably will be found at Key West. Bictyota Brongniartii, Ag. Nassau, Br. E. Palmer. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 357 49. Stilophora uhizodes, Ag. Long Island Sound; Wood's Hole, Mass. 50. Stilophora papillosa, Ag. Chesapeake Bay. 51. DiCTYOSiPHON FCENicuLACEus, Grev. L. I. Sound northward. 52. Striaria attenuata, Grev. Flushing, L. I. 53. PuNCTARiA LATiFOLiA, Grev. New York northward. Var. Zosterce, Le Jolis. (P. tenuissima, Harv. Ner.) Same limits. 54. PuxCTARiA PLANTAGiNEA, Grev. Orient Pt., L.I., jr. G.F.; Boston, 3Ir. G. B. Emerson. *55. AsPEROCOCCUs coMPRESSus, Griff. Gloucester, Mass. Col- lected by Mrs. J. T. Lusk. Europe. 5(i. AsPEROCOCCUS siNDOSus, Bory. Key West; San Diego, Cal., Hassler Exp. 57. AsPEROCOCCUS echinatus, Grev. Fisher s Island, N. Y., W. G. F. ; Boston, Mr. G. B. Emerson. 58. Hydroclathrus cancellatus, Bory. Florida. CHORDARIACE^. 59. Chordaria flagelliformis, Ag. New York northward. *G0. CiiORDARiA ABiETiNA, Eiipp. mscr. Not hitlierto published. — Fi-onds gregarious or solitary, 3-G inches long ; root scutate ; main axis slightly compressed, and surrounded on all sides by radiating ramuli, 1-2 ir.ches long, tapering at both ends, narrowly linear in outline, solid when young, tubular when old. Related to C. flagelliformis, but easily distinguished by the greater width and compression of the axis, and shortness of the ramuli, which are of nearly uniform length, by the substance, which is much softer than in C flacjdliformis, and the lighter color. It adheres to paper. Oregon, Mr. E. Hall; California. 61. Chordaria divaricata, Ag. New York to Cape Cod; Cape Aim, Mass. Mesogloia. — Three species are mentioned by Harvey as occurrino- on our east coast. Of these, — (32 & 63. Mesogloia vermicularis, Ag., is a true Mesogloia, and is occasionally found on Cape Ann, Mass. 31. virescens and M. Zosterce, of the Nereis, belong to the genus Castagnea, Derb. and Sol., and their occurrence on our northern shores needs confirmation. M. virescens occurs at Key West. The species of this genus, as well as of the EctocarpacecE, can be well determined only when fresh or in alcohol, or some of the ordinary preservative fluids. Sterile specimens are almost worthless. 858 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 64. LiEBMANNiA Leveillei, Ag. West coast. — This is to be expected at Key "West. 65. Leathesia tuberiformis, Gray. New York northwanl. *GG. Ralfsia verrucosa, Aresch. Portland harbor, Me. ; INIar- blehead and Nahant, Mass., W. G. F. Not mentioned by Harvey, but probably common on the New England coast. Europe. 67. Elachista fucicola, Fr. New England coast. Common. 68. INIyrioxema strangulans, Grev. On Ulva. Fisher's Island, N.Y., W. G. F. ECTOCARPACE^. 69. Cladostephus verticillatus, Ag. New England coast. 70. Cladostephus spongiosus, Ag. With the last. 71. Sphacelaria cirriiosa, Ag. New York northward. 72. Sphacelaria radicans, Dillw. Peak's Island, Portland, Me. ; Nahant, Mass. ; Noank, Conn., W. G. F. 73. Myriotrichia filiformis, Harv. Penobscot Bay ; Rhode Island, Mr. S. T. Ohiey. Ectocarpns. — Specimens of this genus are worthless unless in fruit. They should be kept in fluid. Of the two kinds of fruit, trichospo- rangia, or multilocular sporangia, and oosporaiigia, or unilocular spo- rangia, only the former have been observed in this country, unless E. oviger, Harv., from California, be the oosporangial state of some species, as one might infer from Harvey's drawing in the Herbarium of Trinity College, Dublin. 74. EcTOCARPUS BRACHiATUS, Harv. Boston northward. 75. EcTOCARPUS FiRMUS, Ag. {E. liltoralis, Harv. in Nereis Am.- Bor.) New England coast. 76. EcTOCARPUS LONGiFRUCTUS, Harv. Penobscot Bay. 77. EcTOCARPUS SILICULOSUS, Lyngb. Charleston, S.C, north- Avard. 78. EcTOCARPUS AMPHiBius, Harv. New York. 79. EcTOCARPUS viRiDis, Ilarv. Charleston, S.C, and northward. 80. EcTOCARPUS LUTOSUS, Harv. Greenport, L.I. 81. EcTOCAUPUS TOMENTOSUS, Lyngb. Boston northward. — Some forms of E. sih'culosus resemble this. 82. EcTOCARPUS FASCicuLATUS, Harv. Rhode Island. 83. EcTOCARPUS GRANULOSUS, Ag. Boston. 84. EcTOCARPUS MiTCHELL.E, Harv. Nantucket. 85. EcTOCARPUS DuRKEEi, Ilarv. Portsmouth, N.H. 86. EcTOCARPUS Landsburgii, Harv. (?) Halifax, N.S. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 359 87. EcTOCARPUS HooPERi, Harv. (?) Greenport, L.I. 88. EcTOCAUPUS DiETZi.E, Harv (?) Greenport. L.I. The last four species seem to have been founded by Harvey on single or infertile specimens, a mode of proceeding against which he carefully warned others. An examination of the authentic specimens in the Herbarium of Trinity College, Dublin, convinced me that it would be next to impossible to recognize the two last-named species. Specimens distributed by American collectors under any of the names in question should be regarded with great suspicion. RHODOSPERM^. The older name Floridece of Agardh should be restored to this very natural group, which, since the discovery by MM. Thuret and Bornet of their mode of fertilization (vid. Ann. des Sciences Nat. 5 serie, t. 7), must be considered the most highly organized of the algas. RHODOMELACE^. 89. Amansia multifida, Lmx. Key West. Odonthalia dentata, Lyngb. Halifax, N.S. — Probably occurs on the coast of Maine. *90. Odonthalia aleutica, Ag. Oregon. *91. Odonthalia Lyallii, Harv. Vancouver's Island. 92. Alsidium Blodgettii, Harv. North Carolina, 3Ir. Forbes ; and southward. 93. Alsidiuji (Bryothamnion, Ag. Spec.) triangulare, Ag. Key West. *94:. Bryothamnion Seaforthii, Ag. Florida, Dr. E. Palmer ; West Indies. 95. Acanthophora Thierii, Lmx. Florida. 96. Acanthophora Delilei, Lmx. Florida. *97. Acanthophora muscoides, Ag. Florida, Dr. E. Palmer. 98. Chondria (Chondriopsis, Ag. Spec. Alg ) dasyphylla, Ag. Cape Cod southward. 99. Chondria striolata, Ag. (inc. C. Baileyana, Mont.) Cape Cod southward. 100. Chondria TENUissiMA, Ag. Long Island Sound; Boston? 101. Chondria LiTTORALis, Haiv. Wood's Hole, Mass., IK G'. i^. / Florida. 102. Chondria atropurpurea, Harv. Charleston, S.C, south- ward ; California ! 360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 103. Chondria nidifica, Harv. Pacific coast. 104. Rhodomkla Lauix, Ag. Oregon, M. E. Hall. 105. Rhodomela floccosa, Ag. (iuc. R. plluUfera, Grev.) Oregon. 106. Rhodomela sdbfusca, Ag. New York nortliward. Var. GRACILIS {R. gracilis, Ner. Am.-Bor.) more common north of Cape Cod. Var. RocHEii {^R. Rochei, Ner. Am.-Bor.), spring, more common in Long Island Sound. 107. DiGENiA SIMPLEX, Ag. Key West. 108. PoLYSiPHONiA URCEOLATA, Grev. New York northward; California. Var. FORMOSA. Same limits. 109. PoLYSiPHONiA Havanensis, Mont. Agardh includes under this species P. Binneyi, Harv. Florida. 110. PoLYSiPHONiA ferulacea, Ag. (inc. P. breviarticulata, Harv.) Key West. 111. PoLTSiPHONiA subtilissima, Mont. Jackson's Ferry, West Point, N.Y. ; Providence, R. I. ; Newburyport, Mass. 112. POLYSIPHONIA SECUNDA, Ag. Key West. 113. POLYSIPHONIA FRACTA, Harv. Key West. 114. POLYSIPHONIA ECiiiNATA, Harv. Key West. 115. POLYSIPHONIA HAPALACANTHA, Harv. Key West. 116. POLYSIPHONIA GoRGONi^, Harv. Key West. 117. PoLYSiPHONiA Olneyi, Harv. New York northward. 118. POLYSIPHONIA Harveyi, Bail. New York northward. Var. ARIETINA. Nahant, Mass., W. G. F. — Northern limit '^ It is probable that Nos. 117 and 118 should be united with P. spinulosa, Grev., found in the north of Scotland, and on the shores of the Adriatic and Mediterranean. The only opportunity I have had for examining the last-named plant living was at Antibes, France. There can have been no mistake in the species, as it was determined by M. Thuret, the highest authority. I must confess that I could see no difference between P. spinulosa and our own P. Harvvyi. It is to be regretted that P. spinulosa is not more common, so as to afford more ample means for comparison. As to the two forms, P. Olneyi and P. Har- veyi, I feel obliged to regard them as varieties of one species, since, although I have had excellent chances for observing both forms grow- ing, I have found so manv intermediate states that I am quite unable to draw the line. My friend, Prof. D. C. Eaton, with excellent oppor- tunities for observing both forms, has had a similar experience. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 861 Furthermore, the variety ai-ietlna, considered by Bailey a good species, differs more from the typical form of P. Harveyi than does P. Olneyi ; aud, if we are to regard P. Ohieyi as a species, we must also separate P. arietlna, as well as several other varieties, — a divi-ion by all means to be avoided. The description of P. subcontorta, Peck, answers perfectly to P. Harmyi. 119. PoLYSiPHONiA HIRTA, Ag. (P. ramentacea, Harv.) Key West. 120. PoLYSiPHONiA ELONGATA, Grev. Lynn, Mass.; Vineyard aud Long Island Sounds. Common. 121. POLYSIPHONIA viOLACEA, Grev. New York northward. 122. PoLirsiPHONiA FiBRiLLOSA, Grev. Noank, Conn.; Orient Point, L.I. *123. POLYSIPHONIA PENNATA, Ag. ou Gelidium cartilagineum. San Diego, Cal., Mr. D. Cleveland ; Southern Europe. 124. POLYSIPHONIA PARASITICA, Grev. Rhode Island. *125. POLYSIPHONIA DENDROiDEA, Mont. Considered by Agardh a variety of the above, is common in California. Originally from Peru and west coast of South America. The Californian specimens are very luxuriant, aud I had formerly erroneously supposed them to be the liytiphlcea ? Baileyi of Harvey. 12G. POLYSIPHONIA. Baileyi, Ag. {Rytiphloea'^ Harv.) Pacific coast. To the naked eye not very unlike some states of Rhodoinela Jloccosa. 127. POLYSIPHONIA Pecten Veneris, Harv. Florida. 128. POLYSIPHONIA EXiLis, Harv. Key West. 129. POLYSIPHONIA ATRORUBESCKNS, Grev. New York to Cape Cod. 130. POLYSIPHONIA BiPiNNATA, Post, and Rupr. "West coast. — Under this name, Agardh, in his Spec. Alg. p. 1010, includes P. Gali- fornica, Harv., and Polyostea gemmifera, Rupr. Alg. Ochot. Harvey was not of the opinion that P. CaUfornica and P. gemmifera should be united, inasmuch as he distributed specimens of both species in the algaj of the North Pacific Expl. Exp. under Capt. John Rodgers. Under P. CaUfornica, Harvey includes, however, two sets of specimens, — those originally from California, to which he gave the manuscript name of P. plumigera, and those collected by the Rodgers Expedition. The former are much coarser than the latter, and do not adhere well to paper. A cross-section of the larger branches sliows distinctly fourteen periph- eral cells, agreeing with the figure of P. gemmifera, Rupr. Alg. Ochot. Plate 11, ag. The specimens collected by Mr. E. Hall in Oregon, 362 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY which I formerly distributed under the name of P. Californica, agree perfectly with tlie type specimens of Harvey in aspect, and also sliow fourteen peripheral cells in a cross-section. The specimens of the Rodgers Expedition adhere well to paper, and bear some external resemblance to certain forms of P. urceolata. A cross-section of the stem shows eleven and twelve peripheral cells, and agrees well with a specimen from California presented to me by Prof. Eaton, where a cross- section of the lower jjart of the frond shows eleven cells. Both the latter show on lateral view six or seven cells ; and, as is also the case with Harvey's type specimens, they are often spirally twisted, as in P. atro- rubescens. The length of the articulations — a specific character, as it seems to me, of very little value in Polysiphonia — is vaiiable. The shape and position of the conceptacles in the specimen given me by Prof. Eaton are very much the same as in the figure of P. gemmifera above quoted. Harvey's specimens of P. gemmifera, as far as I can see, do not differ from those of P. CullJ'ornica of the Rodgers Expedition, except in being shorter, and in the fact that the ultimate divisions of the frond are incurved. 1 think almost any one would agree with Agardh in thinking that the P. gemmifera of Ruprecht is not specifically distinct from his P. hipinnata, which is the older of the two and must take pre- cedence. Under P. bipianala are therefore clearly included the Rodgers Exjj. specimens of P. Califoniica and P. gemmifera, and the specimen of Prof. Eaton. As to the type specimens of P. Oulifornica and Hall's Oregon specimens, although coarser, and differing in aspect from the others, I can find no definite character by which to separate them, since the number of peripheric cells is hardly ever constant when they exceed ten. In this case, Harvey says they are about ten in number, and Agardh twelve, whereas I certainly found fourteen in a specimen of Harvey's. The plan of ramification is the same in each. At any rate, they do not differ from one anotlier more than the forms correctly in- cluded under P. violacea of the east coast. Without a long experience on the Pacific coast, it seems to me unsafe to consider that P. Califor- nica is any thing more than a variety of P. hipinnata, Rupr. I might here remark that the difference in aspect between an alga mounted in fresh and one of the same species mounted in sea water is very great ; e.g., P. violacea. With regard to the specimens in question, I have no means of knowing how they were prepared. 131. Polysiphonia WooDii, Harv. West coast. — Very distinct. Compressed, showing usually 18-20 perij^heral cells in cross-sections, decidedly more than in P. hipinnata. On a lateral view, the cells are not parallel, but converge towards the base, somewhat as in P. para- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 863 silica, from which it is easily distinguished by its ramification, which is more like a Microcladia. 132. PoLYSiPHONiA. NiGRESCKNS, Grev. East and west coasts. 133. PoLYsiPHONiA VEUTiciLLATA, Harv. California. 134. PoLYsiPHONiA FASTiGiATA, Grev. New York northward. 135. BosTUYCHiA MoNTAGNEi, Harv. Key West. 136. BosTRYCHiA CALAMIST15ATA, Mout. Key West. 137. BosTRYCHiA RivuLARis, Harv. Isle of Shoals, N.H., to Florida. 138. BosTRYCHiA TuOMEYi, Harv. Florida. *139. BosTRYcniA Moritziana, Mout. Florida, Dr. E. Palmer ; Guiana and AVest Indies. 140. Dasya Gibbesii, Harv. Key West. 141. Dasya elegans, Ag. Key West. 142. Dasya ramosissijia, Harv. Key "West. 143. Dasya Harveyi, Ash mead. Key "West. 144. Dasya mollis, Harv. Key West. 145. Dasya mucronata, Harv. Key W^est. 146. Dasya Wurdemanni, Bailey. Key West. *147. Dasya callithamxion, Harv. San Diego, Cal., Mr. D. Cleveland. — Differs from D, Wurdemanni, in showing on cross-sections only four cells surrounding a central cell. 148. Dasya Tumaxowiczi, Gatty. Key West. 149. Dasya lopiioclados, Mont. Key West. 150. Dasya plumosa, Bail. & Harv. West coast. Dasya coccinea, Ag., a common European species, is said to have been found on the coast of Maine. LAURENCIACE^. 151. Laurencia pinnatifida, Lmx. California. 152. Laurencia virgata, Ag. California. 153. Laurencia obtusa, Lmx. Florida, California. 154. Laurencia implicata, Ag. Key West. 155. Laurencia cervicornis, Harv. Key West. Not referred to by Agardh in his Spec. Alg. 156. Laurencia gemmifera, Harv. Florida. 157. Laurencia papillosa, *Grev. Florida. *158. Laurencia paniculata, Ag. Key West, Dr. E. Palmer. 159. Champia parvula, Harv. Long Island Sound. Common. — Northern limit f 364 PROCEEDINGS OP TUB AMERICAN ACADEMY C. salicornoides, Harv., is only a variety of G. parvula, found occa- sionally in Long Island Sound as well as at Key West. 160. LoMENTARiA ovALis, Elndl. California. Have not some of the smaller forms of Prionitis lanceolata, Harv., been distributed as L. Coulterif 161. LoiiENTARiA? SACCATA, J. Ag. California. CORALLINACE^. As yet we have no good definite characters by which to distinguish the genera and species of this order. The following so-called s^^ecies include the forms known to exist on our coast. 162. CoRALLiNA OFFICINALIS, L. Very common from New York northward ; California and Oregon. *163. CoRALLiNA SQUAMATA, ElHs and Sol. California. 164. Jania RUBENS, Lmx. Key West. 165. Jania Cubensis, Mont. Key West. 166. Jania capillacea, Harv. Key West. • 167. Amphiroa fragilissima, Lmx. Florida. 168. AiiPHiROA debilis, Kiitz. Florida. 169. Arthrocardia FRONDESCKNS, Aresch. {Corallhut, Vost. and Rupr.) Judging from Ruprecht's figure, this seems to be a common Californian species, and that described in the Nereis Am.-Bor. as Am- phiroa Californica, Dene. *170. Melobesia mkmbranacea, Lmx. East coast. *171. Melobesia farinosa, Lmx, With the last, *172. Melobesia pustulata, Lmx. With the last. *173. LiTHOTH amnion polymorphdm, Aresch, Coast of Maine, Mr. Burgess, Prof. D. C. Eaton. SPH^ROCOCCOIDE^. 174. Grinnellia Americana, Harv. Long Island Sound. — ■ Northern and southern limits? 175. Delesseria sinuosa, Lmx. Long. Island Sound northward. *176. Delesseria quercifolia, Bory. California. *177. Delesseria angustissuia, GritF. Gloucester, Mass. 178, Delesseria alata, Lmx. Boston northward. *179. Delesseria Woodii, Ag., Bidrag, Vancouver's Island. 180. Delesseria hypoglossum, Lmx. Charleston, S.C., and southward. 181. Delesseria tenuifolia, Harv. Key West. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 865 182. Delesseria involvens, Harv. Key West. 183. Delesseria Leprieurii, Mont. West Point, .Jackson's Ferry, N.Y. ; and in brackish water southward. *184. Delesseria decipikns, Ag., Bidrag. {D. hypoglossum, var. arborescens, Harv.) Vancouver's Island. *18.5. Delesseria intermedia, Ag., Bidrag. Vancouver's Island. 18G. NiTOPilYLLUM PUNCTATUM, var. ocdlatum, Grev. Smith- ville, N.C.; Key West. 187. NiTOPiiYLLUJi LACERATUir, Grev. California. *188. NiTOPUYLLUii LATissiMUM, Ag., Bidrag. {Hymenena, Harv.) Vancouver's Island. 189. NiTOPiiYLLUM Fryeanum, Iliirv. California. . *190. NiTOPiiYLLUM (Neuroglossum) Andersonii, Ag. mscr. California. 191. NiTOPnYLLU.M RuPRECHTiANUJf, Ag., Bidrag. {Hymenena fimhriata, Post, and Rupr.) West coast. — ■ Southern It mill 19i2 ? NiTOPiiYLLUM FissuM, Ag., Bidrag. {Hijmenena fissa, Harv.) — The Dotryoglossum platycarpum of the Nereis Am.-Bor. is, with- out doubt, the same plant as Hymenena jimhriata. Post, and Rupr., which sometimes has an expanse of two feet. I have received speci- mens from Oregon, where the tetraspores are arranged in a network over the frond, as in Hymenena Jissa. Harvey says, however, in some specimens of Botryoghssum, he has seen on the same individual tetra- spores forming a network, and also in marginal leaflets. Applying these remarks to Hymenena jimhriata, which was in reality the jjlant of which Harvey was speaking, we must 'infer that there is a very strong probability that the American specimens of Hymenena Jrssa are noth- in>■ » j» 5 » » >' 10 9 10 13 13 9 5 >• >» » » >> »» )» >» >» » » » 6 4 8 9 7 7 j> j> » » II » » j» »> >> >> »» >> 99 99 j> )> >> >» » » j> >j >> 54 81 This method of observation, however, was far from satisfactory ; the passage of the sparks was very capricious, and it often seemed as if the armature was of no advantage ; although, if the trials were extended over a sufficiently large interval, a gain was shown in using the arma- ture. I speedily resolved to make use of one of Sir William Thomson's new quadrant electrometers, and to measure the difference of potential of the terminals of the secondary coil directly. The coils were arranged as previously, and by means of a peculiarly constructed key the elec- trometer terminals were connected with those of the secondary coil. A small grove cell of the Elliott pattern was used. This cell, how- ever, was very much weakened by a shunt. The following tables show the results which were obtained ; the deflections are expressed in the divisions of the electrometer scale. WITHOUT THE ARMATURE. Deflections produced by making the Primary Circuit. Deflections produced by break- ing the Primary Circuit. 30 85 27 33 31 84 23 30 Mean, 27 Mean, 33 WITH THE ARINIATURE. Deflections produced by making the Primary Circuit. Deflections produced by break- ing the Primary Circuit. 75 83 70 77 74 83 75 83 Mean, 73 Mean, 81 384 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY It will be seen by the above tables that the difference of potential is more than doubled by the application of the armature. These experi- ments were conducted with solid cores, on account of the ditficulty, with the means at my immediate command, of making the ends of bundles of iron wire sufficiently plane. Experiments were next made to determine the influence of the size of the armature. The following table shows the results : — TABLE II. Weight of Armature. Deflections. Grammes. 480 130 300 131 240 130 100 129 150 130 The mass of the armature, therefore, appeared to make no difference. Experiments speedily showed, however, that the induced currents were affected by the amount of bearing surflice of the armature and the dis- position of its mass between the two poles of the electro-magnet of the horseshoe on which the primary coil was placed. There is no doubt that the core of the electro-magnet should consist of small iron wires, as in the ordinary Ruhmkorf coil. The iron core, with the armature, would then be in the form of a hollow square, one side of which is made up of a bundle of fine iron wires, and the remaining three equal sides constitute the armature. It appears from the above inv-estigation that we can reduce the expense of the present form of induction coil, for a much less number of winding of fine wire will be needed when an armature is employed, to produce the same strength of induced currents that are produced in straight electro-magnets with- out armatures. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 385 No. III. — ON THE EFFECT OF ARMATURES ON THE MAGNETIC STATE OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS. Bt B. O. Peirce and E. B. Lefavopk. M. Jamix has lately shown that the effect in providing a steel magnet with an armature consists merely in a redistribution of magnetism, but not in an increase. The following experiments were instituted, to determine what was the effect of armatures of electro-magnets on their magnetic state. The method of experimenting was to slip a coil of fine wire over the electro-magnet, which was provided with a scale, and to measure by the swing of the needle of a reflecting galvanometer the induction currents which arise on making and breaking the circuit of the electro-magnet. The first experiments were made with a straight electro-magnet, 19 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide. The core consisted of a bundle of fine iron wires, the. ends of which were filed in one plane, upon which the armature, which consisted of a piece of iron 6 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide, rested. It was found that the mass of this armature made no difference, as long as the end of the core of the electro-magnet was completely covered, and in close contact with the armature. The fol- lowing table gives the results obtained. Only the currents produced by breaking the primary circuit are given. TABLE L Distance along the Deflections with- Deflections with Electro-Magnet. out Armature. Armature. 1 130 130 2 118 132 8 123 140 4 135 148 5 U2 166 6 150 178 7 157 178 8 156 178 9 157 460 10 157 160 11 153 178 12 148 176 13 140 171 14 125 166 15 112 156 16 100 145 "When these results are represented by curves, they show that the magnetic state, in a straight electro-magnet without an armature, VOL. X. (n. s. II.) 25 886 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY increases from both ends towards the middle (which was shown to be the case by Jacobi and Lenz in 1844) ; and when the armature is applied, the curves diverge greatly near the pole upon which the armature is placed. Our next experiments were tried with a solid horseshoe-shaped electro-magnet, the limbs of which were 12 cm. long, 2.5 cm. in diam- eter ; the resistance of the electro-magnet was about .01 of an ohm and that of the induction coil 1 ohm. TABLE II. Distance on limb Deflections with- Deflections with of Magnet. out Armature. Armature. 1 102 211 2 103 220 3 105 220 4 105 228 5 105 228 6 103 225 7 96 224 8 89 222 9 81 220 10 75 219 11 Co 21o 12 61 1;07 The scale runs, increasing, from the bend of the electro-magnet to the pole of the limb on which the induction coil was slipped. Here there is a marked increase, resulting from the use of the armature, which is shown in a striking manner by expressing the above results as curves. The results of our experiments show : — 1st. The application of an armature to one pole of a straight electro- magnet results in an increase of the magnetic condition of the magnet. 2d. The application of an armature to both poles of a horseshoe- shaped magnet results in a remarkable increase of its magnetic state, which increase is much the greatest near the armature. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 387 No. IV. — ON THE TIME OF DEMAGNETIZATION OF SOFT IRON. Bv W. C. HODGKINS AND J. II. JeNNINGS, Tns following experiments were undertaken to determine the length of time that the core of an electro-mairnet remained mai^netic after tiie cessation of tlie magnetizing current. A chronograph, provided with two pens, was used to measure the intervals of time. The method adopted to obtain these results on paj^er was as follows: The lower pen of the chronograph, which was movable by a lever, worked by hand, was connected with the electro-magnet and with the battery which served to excite the electro-magnet. By pressing the lever down, tlie circuit of the electro-magnet was broken, and at the same instant the lower pen was moved upwards. The upper pen formed the armature of a small electro-magnet, and moved downward upon the passage of a current through the coils of this magnet. One end of the wire of this small electro-magnet was connected with the posi- tive pole of a Bunsen cell, the negative pole of which was joined to a brass plate, which was placed immediately beneath the large electro- masfnet which was to be tested. The second wire from the small electi'o-magnet, which worked the upper pen of the chronograph, was connected with a small piece of soft iron which formed the armature of the large electro-magnet. It will be seen that when no current was passing through the large electro-magnet, its armature would rest upon the brass plate imme- diatelv beneath it, and the circuit of the upper pen of the chronograph would be completed. On the other hand, upon the passage of a cur- rent, the armature would be raised, thus breaking the circuit of the upper pen. The method adopted was to pass the current through the coil of the larn^e electro-magnet, start the chronograph, and then, by means of the lever on the lower pen, repeatedly break and make the circuit; thus making and breaking the circuit of the upper pen, and moving both pens at intervals, which represented the required time of demagnetiz- ation. The interval required to demagnetize the small electro-magnet, ia the circuit of the upper pen, did not enter into the results, since this pen was used merely to denote the instant when its circuit was made. The time of demagnetization was determined in this manner, with a coil 220 mm. in diameter, and with cores successively 54 mm., 41 mm., and 29 mm. in diameter. The battery power varied from four cells 888 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY to ten cells of grove. Tlie armature was a piece of soft iron, weighing 22 grammes. The thickness of the coil, which was equal to the lengths of the iron cores, was 65 mm. The wire of which it was composed was 3 mm. in diameter. The results of these experiments are given in the following table : — No. of Cflls. Diameter of Interval No. of Core. in seconds. Measurements. 4 53.5 mm. .091 115 4 41.0 .090 174 4 29.0 .085 148 10 53.5 .107 147 10 41.0 .088 207 10 29.0 .084 170 Experiments were then made with horseshoe electro-magnets ; but it was speedily found that the phenomenon of the adherence of the armature, after the breaking of the galvanic circuit entered, and the time of release of the armature, was practically infinite. With straight electro-magnets, the above experiments show that the magnetic strength sufficient to maintain an armature of constant weight at the respective poles, had a duration of .091 of a second, and appeared to be not sensibly affected by increase or diminution of the magnetic state of the core, beyond that requisite to barely sustain tho weight of the armature. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 389 XIII. COXTRIBUTIOXS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. E. C. PICKERING, Peofessok of Physics. No. II. — LIGHT TRANSMITTED BY ONE OR MORE PLATES OF GLASS. By W. W. Jacques. Kead, April 13, 1875. The following experiments were made for the purpose of determining the jDercentage of light transmitted through I, 2, ..., 10 plates of glass, normal to the direction of the light, and of one, four, and ten plates when i was 0°, 5°, ..., 05°. The apparatus used consisted of a triangular frame, isosceles and right angled, having a periphery of 100 inches. A gas jet was placed at the right angle, and two mirrors were so placed at the other angles as to reflect the light from the jet along the hypothenuse, thus giving the effect of two equal sources of light 100 inches apart. The plates of glass were mounted on a graduated circle placed between the jet and one of the mirrors, and the light cut off was measured by a Bunsen disc, movable along the hypothenuse of the triangle. (See " Physical Manipulation," Expt. G7. Pickering.) The plates used were of common 12 X 18 window glass, and were carefully cleaned with rotten-stone, and then dried by rubbing with chamois skin immediately before each experiment. The experiments were made in a dark room, whose walls were painted black, and it was found that the reflection from a sheet of paper, or even from the clothes of the observer, was sufficient to pre- vent the accurate setting of the disc. The following tables give the results of the experiments ; each number being the mean of four obser- vations, and the probable error of a single observation being 0.42 of one per cent. Table I. gives the percentage of light transmitted by I, 2, ..., 10 plates when i= 90°. The first column gives the number of plates, the 390 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE L Plates. Observation. Theory. DilTerence. 0 100 100 .0 1 83.5 89.5 .0 2 81.3 81.1 .2 3 74.7 74.1 .6 4 G9.3 68.2 1.1 5 61.0 63.2 .8 6 00.0 58.9 .1 7 55.0 55.1 —.1 8 52.0 51.8 .2 9 48.3 48.8 —.5 10 45.3 46.2 —.9 second gives the observed amount of light transmitted, the third gives the amount transmitted as calculated by the formula t = t— r— --, •' ! + ('« — i)^i in which A is the amount reflected from one surface, and m the num- ber of surfaces. The quantity A was determined by solving the equa- tion t = ■ . ^., in which t was carefully determined by a considerable number of observations. The fourth column gives the differences between the observed and computed values, which are within the limits of errors of observation. It will thus be seen that these obser- vations give a very accurate proof of the above formula. TABLE II. i. One Plate. Four Plates. Ten Plates. Obs. Theor. Obs. Theor. Obs. Theor. 0° 89.5 912 69.3 71.7 45.3 50.6 5° 89.7 91.2 69.3 71.7 45.0 50.6 lOo 89.5 91.1 69.3 71.7 44.5 50.7 15° 89.3 91.1 69.3 71.7 44.5 50.8 20° 89.0 91.1 69.0 71.8 44.7 50 9 25° 89.0 91.1 69 3 71.8 44.7 51.0 30° 88.5 90.9 68.7 71.9 45.0 51.6 35° 87.7 90.6 68.7 72.0 46.7 52.4 40° S7.5 90.0 68.5 72.1 48.3 53.8 45° 86.3 89.4 68.3 72.1 50.0 56.6 50° 85.0 886 66.5 71.7 53.0 587 55° 83.5 86.0 62.0 70.0 52.5 60.3 58° 48.5 60° 79.5 83.7 54.5 66.0 44.5 56.4 65° 71.7 79.6 45.7 60.0 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 391, Table II. gives the percentage of light transmitted by 1,4, and 10 plates for different values of i. The first column gives the values of i; the second, fourth, and sixth columns give the observed amounts of light transmitted ; and the third, fifth, and seventh columns give the theoretical amounts. These last were calculated from the formula t = 1. ( — , ', — 7 4- , , ~ ,. ,. ) , in which A was determined ■^ \\-\-[ia — \)A^^\-\-{m — \) Lij' from the equation A = ^!"" ,~^, and B from the equation B =■■ ■ ^^^^., ,~^l, by substitutino: the proper values for the angles of inci- tang- (j-j-r)' •' o k- f & dence and refraction, assuming the index of refraction to be 1.55. Constructing the points, with abscissas equal to the angles of incidence and ordinates to the observed amounts of light transmitted, it will be found that they form very smooth curves. But it will be noticed that while they agree in general with the theoretical results, assuming tliat the light is lost by simple specular reflection, the differences are con- siderable, showing that we ought not in our calculation to neglect the opacity of the glass, imperfection of the surface, and other sources of error. From the numbers in this table, we conclude that, while the amount of light transmitted by one plate decreases considerably as ^ increases, the amount transmitted by four plates is more nearly constant for small angles, and the amount transmitted by ten plates actually increases until i becomes 55°; which facts agree with the conclusions arrived at theoretically by Prof. Pickering. (Proc. Amer. Acad. Vol. IX. p. 6.) It was impossible to carry these experiments beyond i = 65° with the apparatus employed, because the disc came so near the mirror as to cast a shadow upon itself. 892 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY XIV. ON THE APPLICATION OF LOGICAL ANALYSIS TO MULTIPLE ALGEBRA. By C. S. Peiece. Presented, May 11, 1875. The letters of an algebra express the relation of the product to the multiplicand. Thus, iA expresses the quantity which is related to A in the manner denoted by i. This being the conception of these alge- bras, for each of them we may imagine another "absolute" algebra, as we may call it, which shall contain letters which can only be products and multiplicands, not multipliers. Let the general expression of the absolute algebra be al -\- bJ-\- cK -j- dL -\- etc. Multiply this by any letter i of the relative algebra, and denote the product by ( Jjffl -|- A.p -[- ^-f + etc.) 1. -f {Ba 4- m 4- B^c 4- etc.) /. -)- etc. Now we may obviously enlarge the given relative algebra, so that i = A^ ^^^ -|- A., ^^„ -\- A.. i\„ -\- etc. + A ^2. + ^2 hz + -^J '23 + t;tC. -\- etc. where i^^ i^^ etc. are such, that the product of either of them into any letter of the absolute algebra shall equal some letter of that algebra. That there is no self-contradiction involved in this supposition seems axiomatic. In this way each letter of the given algebra is resolved into a sum of ternas of the form a A : B, a being a scalar, and A : B such that (A:B) {B:G)= A:G. (A:B) (C:B)=:0. The actual resolution is usually performed with ease, but in some cases a good deal of ingenuity is required. I iiave not found tlie pro- cess facilitated by any general rules. I have actually resolved all the Double, Triple, and Quadruple algebras, and all the Quintuple ones, that appeared to present any difficulty. I give a few examples. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 393 in bL. k m J 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J+^'l 0 0 0 hj + cl 0 0 0 0 0 a'j-i-b'l 0 c'J + d'l 0 I J = 1= tn: cd'A'.B-\-h'B:0^h'D:E. b'cd' A:G. cd' A:B-\- acd' D : 7?+ VcH' D : F -^ cd' E: C'+ Wed' A : F. b'cd' I): C. a'cd' A : B-\- b'c' A : ^+ b'cd' D:B-{- b'd' D:E-\- b'cd' D.F -\-F:0. m bd.. J 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j + rl 0 { -f- m 0 -J-rl 0 0 J 0 0 ('-2-i)y 0 — I 0 -ry k = 1 = m A:D-\- D:F-{- B:E-{- C:F. A:F. rA: B -{- rB:C -\- B: E— I B: F -\- E: F. A:E—^A:F-\-B:F. r"-A:C — A: B — B: E — C: F. yy4: PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY %. i J h I m n i i J k I m J J k k k I I ak k m k n n i — A A-\-B:D-\-C •r7-f B D J — A B-\-B:a k — A- a I — oA :B-{-A:D-\-D'.G. m ~ A: E. n ~ E.C. K • t j k I m i j 3 k I m I VI J k I m A:B-\-B:a A-.a B:B-^B:B-\-B:F. B-.a B:F. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 895 XV. ox THE USES AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF LINEAR ALGEBRA. By Benjamin Peirce. Presented, May 11, 1875. Some definite interpretation of a linear algebra would, at first sight, appear indispensable to its successful application. Whereas it is a singular fact, and one quite consonant with the principles of sound logic, that its first and general use is mostly to be expected from its want of significance. The interpretation is a trammel to the use. Symbols are essential to comprehensive argument. The familiar proposition that all A is B, and all B is C, and therefore all A is C, is contracted in its domain by the substitution of significant words for the symbolic letters. The A, B, and C, are subject to no limitation for the purposes and validity of the proposition ; they may represent not merely the actual, but also the ideal, the impossible as well as the pos- sible. In Algebra, likewise, the letters are symbols which, passed through a machinery of argument in accordance with given laws, are developed into symbolic results under the name of formulas. When the formulas admit of intelligible interpretation, they are accessions to knowledge ; but independently of their interpretation they are invalu- able as symbolical expressions of thought. But the most noted instance is the symbol, called ,the impossible or imaginary, known also as the square root of minus "one, and which, from a shadow of meanino- attached to it, may be more definitely distinguished as the symbol of semi-inversion. This symbol is restricted to a precise signification as the representative of perpendicularity in quaternions, and this wonderful algebra of space is intimately dependent upon the special use of the symbol for its symmetry, elegance, and power. The immortal author of quaternions has shown that there are other significations which may attach to the svmbol in other cases. But the stronfft^st use of the symbol is to be found in its magical power of doubling the actual 896 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY universe, and placing by its side an ideal universe, its exact counter- part, with which it can be compared and contrasted, and, by means of curiously connecting fibres, form with it an organic whole, from which modern analysis has developed her surpassing geometry. The letters or units of the linear algebras, or to use the better term proposed by Mr. Charles S. Peirce, the vids of these algebras, are fitted to perform a similar function each in its peculiar way. This is their primitive and perhaps will always be their principal use. It does not exclude the possibility of some special modes of interpretation, but, on the contrary, a higher philosophy', which believes in the capacity of the material universe for all expressions of human thought, will find, in the utility of the vids, an indication of their probable reality of interpretation. Doctor Hermann Hankel's alternate numbers, with Professor Clifford's applications to determinants, are a curious and interesting example of the possible advantage to be obtained from the new algebras. Doctor Spottiswoode in his fine, generous, and complete analysis of my own treatise before the London Mathematical Society in November of 1872, has regarded these numbers as quite different from the algebras discussed in my treatise, because they are neither linear nor limited. But there is no difficulty in reducing them to a linear form, and, indeed, my algebra (e,) is the simplest case of Hankel's alternate numbers, and in any other case in which n is the number of the Hankel elements employed, the complete number of vids of the corresponding linear algebra is 2"— 1. The limited character of the algebras which I have investigated may be regarded as an accident of the mode of discussion. There is, however, a large number of unlimited algebras suggested by the investiiiations, and Hankel's numbers themselves would have been a natural generalization from the proposition of § 65 of my algebra.* Another class of unlimited algebras, which would readily occur from the inspection of those which are given, is that in which all the powers of a vid are adopted as independent vids, and the highest power may either be zero, or unity, or the vid itself, and the zero power of the fundamental vid, i. e., unity itself may also be retained as a vid. But I desire to draw especial attention to that class, which is also unlimited, and for which, when it was laid before the mathematical society of London in January of 1870, Professor Clifford proj^osed the appropriate name of quadrates. * This remark is not intended as a foundation for a claim upon tlie Hankel numbers, which were published in 1867, three years prior to tlie publication of my own treatise. — B. P. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 397 • QUADRATES. The best definition of quadrates is that proposed by Mr. Charles S. Peirce. If the letters A, B, G, &,c., represent absolute quantities, differing in quality, the vids may represent the relations of these quaa- tities, and may be written in the form {A: A) {A:B){A:C)... {B:A) {B:B) . . . {C:A),&c. subject to the equations (A:B) (B:C)=z(A:C) {A:B) (C:B)=0. i. e. every product vanishes, in which the second letter of the multiplier differs from the first letter of the multiplicand, and, Avhen these two letters are identical, both are omitted, and the product is the vid which is compounded of the remaining letters which retain their relative position. Mr. Peirce has shown by a simple logical argument that the quadrate is the legitimate form of a complete linear algebra, and that all the forms of the algebras given by me must be imperfect quadrates, and has confirmed this conclusion by actual investigation and reduction. His investigations do not however dispense with the analysis, by which the independent forms have been deduced in my treatise, but they seem to throw much light upon their probable use. UNITY. The sum of the vids (A: A), {B:B), (C:C), &c., extended so as to include all the letters which represent absolute quantities in a given algebra, whether it be a complete or an incomplete quadrate, has tlie peculiar character of being idempotent, and of leaving any factor unchanged with which it is combined as multiplier or multiplicand. Tins is the distinguishing property of unity, so that this combination of the vids can be regarded as unity, and may be introduced as such, and called the vid of unity. There is no other combination which possesses this property. But either of the vids {A: A), (B:B), &c., or the sum of any of these vids is idempotent. There are many other idempotent combina- tions, such as ^ {A:A)-{- ^ (A: B) -{- ^ {B: A) -^ ^ (B:B), which may deserve consideration in making transformations of an alge- bra preparatory to its application. 398 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY INVERSION. • A vid, which differs from unity, but of which the square is equal to unity, may be called a vid of inversion. For such a vid when applied to some other combination transforms it ; but, whatever the transforma- tion, a repetition of the application restores the combination to its primitive form. A very general form of a vid of inversion is {A: A) ± {B:B)± (C:C) ± Sec, in which each doubtful sign corresponds to two cases, except that at least one of the signs must be negative. The negative of unity might also be regarded as a symbol of inversion, but cannot take the place of an independent vid. Besides the above vids of inversion, others may be formed by adding to either of them a vid consisting of two different letters, which correspond to two of the one-lettered vids of different signs; and this additional vid may have any numei'ical coefficient whatever. Thus {A:A) + {B:B)-(C:C)-^x(A:C)Jry(^--C) is a vid of inversion. The new vid which Professor Clifford has introduced into his biquaternions is a vid of inversion. SEMI-INVERSION. A vid of which the square is a vid of inversion, is a vid of semi- inversion. A very general form of a vid of semi-inversion is {A:A)±{B:B)±sJ-l{C:C)±&c. in which one or more of the terms {A: A), (B: B),Scc., have \J — 1 for a coefficient. The combination {A:A) ±^-l(B:B) + l{>n±^/-\) (A : B) is also a vid of semi-inversion. "With the exception of unity, all the vids of Hamilton's quaternions are vids of semi-inversion. THE USE OF COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRAS. Cornmutative algebras are espeaially applicable to the integration of differential equations of the first degree with constant coefficients. If i, j, k, &c., are the vids of such an algebra, while x, y, z, &c., are independent variables, it is easy to show that a solution may have the form F {xi -\- yj -\- "^■^ -\- &c.), in which F is an arbitrary OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 399 function, and {,j, I; &,c., are connected by some simple equation. This solution can be developed into the form F {xi -\-ui-\- zh -f- &c.) = Mi -\- Nj 4- Pk + &c. in which M, N, P, &c., will be functions of ar, y, c, &c., and each of them is a solution of the given equation. Thus in the case of Laplace's equation for the potential of attracting masses, the vids must satisfy the equation The algebra (a') of which the multiplication table is i J k i i J k 3 J k 0 Jc k 0 0 may be used for this case. Combinations t\,j\, k^ of these vids can be found which satisfy the equation and if the functional solution -^(^^*i+.vyi+~^-i) is developed into the form of the original vids 3n-\-Nj-\-Ph. M, N, and P will be independent solutions, of such a kind that the sur- faces for which N and P are constant will be perpendicular to that for which Jf is constant, which is of great importance in the problems of electricity. THE USE OF MIXED ALGEBRAS. It is quite important to know the various kinds of pure algebra in making a selection for special use, but mixed algebras can also be used with advantage in certain cases. Thus in Professor Clifford's biqua- temions of which he has demonstrated the great value, other vids can be substituted for unity, and his new vid, namely their half sum and half difference, and each of the original vids of the quaternions, can be multiplied by these, giving us two sets of vids, each of which will con- 400 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY stitutc an independent quadruple algebra of the same form with qua- ternions. Thus if i, j, k, are the primitive quaternion vids and w the new vid. Let tCt - ■■- Cit A/« #Vrt ■■■ - cc,2 fO* . Then since a^ = Kj. a\ = «2. • 2 • 2 /, 2 • 2 * 2 /, 2 *i — 7i — "-1 — — '^i* ^2" — J2~ — "2 — — ''^l* J I "'1 = i'i= —^i Jl- J.2 k.^ = ?2 = —k, j^. kit,i^=-Ji = 1 1 k^. k.j, «2 =J2 = *2 ^V «j «2 = 0 = ^^2 "l* in which J^ denotes any combination of the vids of the first algebra, and iV^ any combination of those of the second algebra. It may perhaps be claimed that these algebras are not independent, because the sum of the vids «^ and a^ is absolute unity. This, however, should be regarded as a fact of interpretation which is not apparent in the defining equa- tions of the algebras. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 401 XVI. OPTICAL NOTICES. By Wolcott Gibbs, M.D. Presented, April 13, 1875. I. — ON A NEW OPTICAL CONSTANT. When a plate of glass with plane and parallel surfaces is placed in the field of the spectroscope in such a manner that one half of the bundle of rays incident uj^on the first surface of the prism passes through the sflass, a series of interference bands will be seen in the spectrum, known from their discoverer as Talbot's bands. When the mean index of refraction of the glass plate is less than the mean index of the prism, the plate must be so placed as to receive the rays which fall upon the prism nearest its refracting edge ; in the opposite case, so as to receive the rays which fall ujDon the prism nearest its base. A plate of any transparent medium not doubly refracting may be made to exhibit similar bands in the spectrum. Doubly refracting plates produce two sets of bauds, corresponding respectively to the ordinary and extraordinary rays. In any isotropic substance, the number of bands, t, between any two lines in the si^ectrum the indices of which are ti.^ and n^, may be found from the expression. = ^{("-^)l,-('^-^)^} in which d represents the thickness of the plate, and X.^ and 1^ the wave lengths in air of the two rays corresponding to n^ and n^. The formula which I have given is familiar to all who have paid attention to the beautiful and fertile theory of interferences. It forms the starting-point of my investigation. If we take d as unity, the formula will give the number of dark bands for a plate having the unit of thick- ness, which, if l.^ and ^ be expressed in fractions of a millimeter, will VOL. X. (n. s. II.) 26 402 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY be one millimeter. If now we divide the expression given by the den- sity of the substance of which the plate is composed, d, we shall have The quantity I, as thus defined, I call the "interferential constant." It expresses the number of bands in the spectrum between two rays the indices of which for the given plate are n^ and nj, for a thickness of the plate equal to a unit of density. I shall endeavor to show, by the discussion of a number of observations, that the quantity / is for each substance a characteristic optical function which, for all the cases which the present state of science enables us to discuss, is independent of the temperature, and which may therefore be regarded as a new physical constant. For the purpose of testing the character and value of the new con- stant, I have selected the extensive series of observations made by « — 1 Wullner* in his examination of the function - — t— , a function which a Landolt and Dale and Gladstone in their extended investigations have assumed to be constant for the same ray and the same substance. Wiillner determined with great care the indices of refraction of a series of liquids for the three hydrogen lines O, F, and G at different temperatures, together with the corresponding densities. He found that, for very considerable ranges of temperature, the three indices and the corresponding densities could be represented very closely by linear functions of the form n = rio — Id and d =^ do — bf. AViill- ner's general results are given in Table I., in which JVa and My rep- resent the indices of refraction at 0° C for the rays C and G, d and T the corresponding densities and temperatures. "With the data here reproduced, "W^iillner computed for each liquid A —1 the value of the function — - — , in which A represents the term in Cauchy's formula which is independent of the wave length, and D the density. The general result of his investigation is that the functions — j- — or , cannot be regarded as perfectly constant, either when the densities are made to vary by heating or cooling or by mixing one liquid with another. * Pogg. Ann., T. 133, p. 1. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 403 ^&if~(f-HE~(f>(B>if-Hf-^P~(f>(E^E~(E^f>iB>(E~(E«>i I o o r^ •^ >-0 o ^. O o o Ci^ C-l !M CO o CO ■^ CO o CO lO •^ C3 CO CO (M l.-O o o o Cf) CT5 o t^ a l^ m to o ■^ CO fO ■-) r^ rf> I-H rs (Y) r^ o CO 1 CO 1 o 1 CD 1 C5 1 1 CO 1 1 CO 1 CO CO .•M o o ;^ -r 1^ o -tl .— ( 1—) o CI CO T-H CO CO CO ■^ lo iro o C-. i-H -^ t^ 1^ rt) o ■^ (~> CO n o LO T-H CO C/) r- o 'ti t^ 32 CO CO r/) Ol CO m ~>* * r— < T— < O ■M rH o Oi Oi C5 CO o c^o (M j—t o o o I— 1 r-t !— < i-i r-i 1—1 I-H o o I-H r-l T-( I-H I-H T-H T— 1 o I 00 C^ •-; I-H O ■>) i-< I O I— 5 I— 1 t-H I-H r-i I— 5 E-sE-i^F>if>(^5^f-H&~iE-HB>i^B-HE^E>iB>ic~iEN^ ^ ^ ;^ C5 " o o o o o 00 !N o o CO t^ CO CO CO o •M •- I-H o o o o o o o '^ o (?a CO o o o o o o O CO I-H CO CO CO 00 1-H o a CO "M o o c o o o o o to O lO CI CO t^ ~ O ' o o o o o o o oooooooooooooo o o CO >o o o o o d d I I I I I I I I I I I I I O CO -* C5 O CO C^ r-l O ■M CO L-0 Htl l~ O CO CO -rjl O ' CO o CI LO CO CO O -If O CO CO — < i-i CI O CI CO c^ CO C5 -it< o CO ^ X) 00 ^+1 ■^ ^^ tJ^ I-H O o o O CI C3i E>lfNB«^E»^E*^fNf>^B>l^f-^^E-H&-^^hc>HE~^E>^EN ^ o (T5 O ,—1 o Tt< o CI uc o CO CO o CO o o 00 o o (T> orj CO CO 00 o 1^ o o C'T >o Cf.l o >o o ri) t^ CI to O CO CJ Cl 1-H C) CI CO CO CO C4 CI C) CI t^ CO o UO o o o o o o ^1 o o o o c— . o o o c^ o (3 o o o o ^ o o <-l o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 O 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o I o 1 o 1 o 1 1 CO 1 1-H 1 1 Cl 1 o 1 1 1 CO 1 o 1 no 1 1 1 1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 1 1 00 CO t^ 1^ o o o i-C CI CO CO uc r^ o o CO t^ t^ 03 1-H ■^ 1-H t-H t^ CO o M^ o lO c-> CJ CO o o o CI Htl CO CO rt) CO o a Oi oo CI r.') I-H Cf.) iS'j o CO •^ -ri 1-H CI LC 05 CO lO CI a.) CO CD -H 1-H o o CO CO o CO o CO CO I-H CO I-H 1-5 I-H CO i-i CO 1-H 1— H 1-H 1-H 1-H CO 1-H 1—4 I-H 1-H CO I-H LC 1-H o 1-H o Eh n u c3 t-i e o >1 00 1-5 d o 1^ 00 C5 J •* !M O O -^ ^ ^ O :-< o ^ ^ o " N ^ CJ < o f-1 m "a CO CO 1—1 2 t- r-5 (^ 3 o 00 1-H r^ o o .-5 lO c< 07, o :-i ,-5 I-H O ^ CO 1-H f-> I-H CO o 1—1 O i) CO s • n .J . o ^ ^ o •* -4 •* ^ - " c T, o eS O o 404 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Taking the data of Table I., I have computed the vakies of the inter- ferential constant /for at least three dilFerent temperatuiies in the case of each liquid. Five determinations are given in the case of water, and four in the case of cai'bonic disulphide. As the density of water, even for a limited range of temperature, cannot be expressed by a linear function, I have computed it from the volumes as given by Pierre. My general results are given in Table II. TABLE II. 53313 1.332148 1.331158 1330168 1.329178 JVy. 1.342290 1.341300 1.340310 1.339320 1.338330 WATER. T. 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° d. 1.00000 0.99988 0.99839 0.99588 0.99250 /. 287.1 286.3 285.9- 285.8 285.8 T. 287.0 286.3 285.5 284.7 282.9 Mean 286.2 T = 287.0- - 0.0775 T. CARBONIC DISULPHIDE. 1.634066 1.692149 0° 1.29366, 495.2 640.7 1.622-366 1.679399 15° 1.27107 494.8 628.9 1.610666 1.666649 30° 1.24848 494.3 617.1 1.5966:16 1.651349 48° 1.22137 Mean, 493.6 603.0 494.77 T = 640.7 - - 0.7853 T. ALCOHOL. 1.368431 1.3781-58 0° 0.81281 389.4 316.5 1.362596 1.372233 15° 0.80003 389.5 311.6 1.356761 1.366308 30° 0.78731 Mean, 389.6 306.7 389.5 T = = 316.5- -0.3266 T. CHLORIDE 01 ' ZINC. Saturated solution of ZnCl2- 1 509257 1.528169 0° 1.96816 228.7 450.2 1.503497 1.522349 20° 1.94-310 228.9 445.4 1.497737 1.516-529 40° 1.92204 Mean, 229.2 440.7 228.9 T-- = 450.2 - - 0.2375 T. Water, 1. Sat. solution of Zi CI2, 3.997. 1.460379 1.476405 0° 1.68519 239.0 404.3 1.455059 1.471045 20° 1 66535 240.3 400.2 1.449739 1.465685 40° 1.64551 240 5 395.8 Mean, 240.2 7=404.3 — 0.2125 T. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 405 TABLE II. (continued). Chloride of Zinc. Tater, 1. Sat. solution of ZnCla, 1.9996. A'a. Xy. T. d. /. T. 1.433093 1.447-3(37 Qo 1.52457 248.6 379.1 1.427933 1.442347 20° 1.50693 248.7 374.8 1.422773 1.437127 40° 1.48929 Mean, 248.8 370.6 248.7 T: = 379.1- -0.2125 : 'ater, 1. Sat. solution of ZnCLj, 0.9998. 1.404593 1.417494 0° 1.36623 258.2 352.7 1.399593 1.412454 20° 1.35037 258.2 348.7 1.394593 1.407414 40O 1.33451 2.38.2 344.6 Mean, 258.2 r = 352.7 — 0.2025 r. Glycerine a. 1.4.53177 1.449202 1.446552 1.442577 Glycerixe a AST) Water. 1.435064 1.401059 1.458389 1.454384 Water, 1. Glycerine, 3.7. 1.426172 1.422456 1.420397 1.416932 1.437604 1.434109 1.431779 1.428284 Water, 1. Glycerine, 1. 1.389760 1.386985 1.385135 1.382360 1.400239 1.397434 1.39-3564 1.392759 Water, 1. Glycerine, i. 1.369609 1.379567 1.367299 1.377227 1.365759 1.375667 1.363449 1.373327 0° 15° 2-5° 40° 0° 15° 25° 40° 0° 15° 25° 40° 0° 15° 25° 40° 1.23454 1.22-309 1.21879 1.20934 815.2 314.9 314.8 314.6 389.1 385.9 383.7 380.5 Mean, 314.9 r = 389.1— 0.2150 T. 1.18598 1.17763 1.17206 1.16370 309.1 309.2 308.8 308.5 366.6 364.1 361.8 359.0 Mean, 309.0 T =366.6 — 0.1900 r. 1.11500 1.10834 1.10390 1.09724 300.7 300.4 300.2 299.9 3-35.3 333.0 331.4 329.1 Mean, 300.4 7 = 335.3 — 0.1550 T. 1.07549 1.07002 1.06637 1.06089 295.6 295 3 295.2 294.9 317.9 316.0 314.8 312.9 Mean, 295.2 r = 317.9 — 0.1250 r. 406 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE II. {coiUimied). Glycekine b AND Alcohol. Glycerine b Na. iVy. T. d. /. T. 1.463651 1.475732 0° 1.25073 318.2 398.0 1.459601 1.471652 15° 1.24120 317.9 394.6 1.455551 1.467572 30° 1.231G0 M( 317.7 391.3 ?an, 317.9 7 = 398.0- -0.2233 T. Alcohol, 1. Glycerine b, 4. 1.442453 1.454235 0° 1.14155 833.0 380.2 1.438073 1.449795 15° 1.13165 332.8 376.6 1.433693 1.445355 30° 1.12175 M< 332.5 373.0 jan, 332.7 T = 380.2 - -0.2400 T. Alcohol, 1. Glycerine, 2. 1.428029 1.439160 0° 1.07420 342.0 367.4 1.423454 1.434510 15° 1.06333 341.9 363.5 1.418879 1.429860 30° 1.05245 Me 341.7 359.6 ;an, 341.9 7=367.4- -0.2600 r. Alcohol, 1. Glycerine, 0 998. 1.411538 1.422213 0° 0.99750 353.9 353.1 1.406588 1.417173 15° 0.98623 353.8 348.9 1.401638 1.412133 30° 0.97498 Me 353.5 344.6 lan, 353.7 7=353.1- -0.2833 T. Alcohol, 1. Glycerine, 0.4997. 1.398365 1.408848 0° 0.93710 364.4 341.5 1.393025 1.403403 15° 0.92503 364.9 337.5 1.387685 1.397958 30° 0.91295 Me 364.8 333.0 lan, 364.7 7 = 341.5- - 0.2853 T. Alcohol AND CS2. Alcohol, 1. CS.2, 3.955. 1.551274 1.594015 0° 1.149130 468.9 538.9 1.541104 1.582765 15° 1.128540 468.1 528.3 1.530934 1.571515 30° 1.107940 Me 467.7 517.7 an, 468 2 T = 538.9 - -0.7066 T. Alcohol, 1. CS2, 2.12836. 1.512477 1.547691 0° 1.080130 454.2 490.6 1.503087 1.537491 15° 1.0G0720 453.7 481.2 1.493697 1.527291 30° 1.041310 Me 453.1 471.9 lan, 453.7 7 = 490.6- - 0.6233 T. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 407 TABLE II Alcouol Alcohol, 1. A'a. 1.405095 1.4572;)5 1.448895 CS., 1.03111. .Vy. 1.492206 1.483356 1.474506 T. 0° 15°. 30° , (continued). AND CSj. d. 0.995330 0.977600 0.959990 I. 435.0 435.0 434 9 433.0 425 3 417.5 Mean, 435.0 r = 433 — 0.5166 T. In this table, xVa and Ny represent the indices of refraction of the substances named at tlie temperature T, d the corresponding densities, and / the interferential constants. The indices and densities are com- puted from Wiillner's formulas given in Table I. Each of these linear formulas was deduced from a larsre number of direct observations made at different accurately observed temperatures. The values of the in- dices and densities calculated from them are therefoi'e more reliable than those obtained by single direct observations. In the cases of all the substances examined, Table II. shows clearly that the interferential constants are, for very considerable ranges of temperature, independent of the temperature itself. Wiillner's formulas cited in Table I. show that in all cases the co-efficients k and k' are very nearly equal, so that Na and Ny decrease very nearly in the same ratio as the temper- ature rises. The formula defining the interferential constant, 1 ( ^=n( 1)t-(«i-1) A, I ^iT then shows that the densities must deci-ease very nearly in the same ratio with the differences of the indices, since / is constant for each substance. A careful examination of the values of the interferential constants given in Table II. shows that in some cases the values dimin- ish very slowly as the temperature increases, suggesting that in these the quantity / is a linear function of the temperature. It will, how- ever, be remarked that the diminution noticed is in the first place extremely small, aud secondly that it is not uniformly present. I con- sider myself, therefore, fully justified in considering / as constant for each substance. In the particular case of carbonic disulphide, I have computed its value for 48° C, which is the boiling-point of the Ii(|uid. It will be remarked that, in the case of this substance, the diminution of / with the temperature is quite uniform, but that the total diminu- tion for 48° is only 0.32 % of the value at 0°. It must, furthermore, be remembered that it is scarcely probable that the density of the disul- 408 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY phide can bo represented for so great a range of temperature by a linear function. The same remark of course applies to the other liquids ex- amined, thougli in a less degree. With respect to the determination of / by observation, I may here remark that, although the interference bands between any two spectral lines may be directly counted, so that the spectroscope alone is available, it will still be better, whenever possible, to measure the two indices directly, and then compute Xwith the assistance of an observed density. It will be seen that t is for each substance a linear function of the temperature. For laboratory purposes, the interferential constant will, I hope, like the density, boiling-point, specific volume, &c., serve as a means of recognizing the purity of a given compound. I shall now endeavor to show that it may also find application in quantitative analysis. The values of / given above are suiBcient to prove that the inter- ferential constant of a mixture is the sum of the interferential con- stants of the component parts. If P be the weight of any mixture, jOj and jOj the relative weiglits of its components, / the constant for the mixture, I^ and I.^ the constants for the components, we shall have Table III. contains the values of P I as obtained directly from the observed valuer of P and /, and also as computed by adding tlie values of Pj^ I^ and jOj I.2 in the cases of all the mixtures cited in Tables I. and II. TABLE III. Water. ZnCla- PI. pi h +P2 12 f% Cal'd. PercentapTCS. Found. Cal'd. Found. 1.0000 3.9970 1201.0 1201.8 +0.06 19.95 19.72 80.05 80.28 1.0000 1.999G 746.1 744.0 —0.27 33.32 34.55 66.68 05.45 1.0000 0.9998 516.4 615.1 —0.27 50.01 51.13 49.99 48.87 Water. Glycerine a Water. Glycerine. 1.0000 3.7000 1452.3 1451.3 —0.07 21.28 20.56 78.72 79.44 1.0000 1.0000 GOO.B eoi.i -1-0,05 50.00 50.52 50.00 49.48 1.0000 0.5000 442.8 443.7 +0.20 66,67 68.04 o3.o3 31.36 Alcohol. Glycerine 6. Alcohol. Glycerine. 1.0000 4.0000 1663.5 1661.1 —0.15 20.00 20.67 30.00 79.33 1.0000 2.0000 1025.7 1025.3 —0.04 00 r»Q 00. oO 33.52 66.67 66.48 1.0000 0.9980 706.7 706.7 0.00 49.95 50.00 50.05 50.00 1.0000 0.4997 547.5 548.4 +0.16 66.68 65.36 33.32 34.04 Alcohol. CS3. Alcohol. CS 2' 1.0000 3 95500 2319.9 2346.4 +1.14 20.18 25.26 79.82 74.74 1.0000 2.12836 1419.3 1442.6 +1.64 31.65 39.03 68.35 66.97 1.0000 1.03111 8S3.5 899.7 +1.83 49.24 43.21 50.76 56.79 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 409 Column 5 gives the differences between the vahies of P/ and (Pi. ^\.~\~2h ^i) i^ percentages of PL Columns G, 7, 8, and 9 give the percentages of the constituents of each mixture, as deduced from the proportions taken by "WUlIner and given in Table II., and the per- centages as calculated by the formula 1 00 /= a /j + (100 — a) l^. In examining Table III., it will be seen that in the cases of mixtures of water and chloride of zinc, of water and glycerine, and of alcohol and glycerine, the differences between the values of P /and (/>j I-^-\- p.^ Z) in no case exceed 0.2,1 (fo^ 3,nd that the signs of the differences are about as often plus as minus. The comparison of the observed and calculated percentages is less satisfactory, but is still sufficient to show that the method is available in analyses of mixtures of liquids in which extreme precision is not required and for which purely chemical methods are wan tint;. But with mixtures of alcohol and carbonic disulphide the case is otherwise. The differences between the value of P/and {p^ I^ -{-Pi ^>) amount as a minimum to 1.14^ and as a maximum to 1.83%. I con- sider it, to say the least, as probable that the mixture of alcohol and the disulphide is accompanied by chemical action resulting in the for- mation of new compounds. Wullner found that these mixtures, after standing overnight in well stoppei"ed bottles, gave indices of refraction differing materially from those of the freshly prepared solutions, the differences being too large to be accounted for by a loss of carbonic disulphide. It is difficult to explain this fact in any other way than by supposing that a chemical change begins as soon as the liquids are mixed, though no such change has been observed by chemists. In any event, my results, I think, render it probable that the method of analysis based upon them will find useful applications. A much larger and more varied series of observations of the indices and densi- ties of different liquids and mixtures of tliese in various proportions is extremely desirable. For saline solutions, we possess measurements by Sauber, Hoffmann, and others, but unfortunately the densities and indices of refraction have not, except in a very limited number of cases, been determined for the same temperatures. In the particular case of solutions of sugar, Obermayer * has given the following values for the indices of refraction and densities, at 22.26 C : — * Wien. Acad. Ber. 61 (2 Abth.) p. 797. 20% sol. 30% sol. 1.3G085 1.37800 1.371G7 1.38923 1.0803i 1.12639 288 2 289.7 29G.2 300.0 410 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Line. 10% sol. C .' 1.34568 G 1.35541 Densities .... 1.03812 / 287.4 1' 295.4 lu this table, / gives the interferential constants for the three solu- tions, F the constant for the liquid sugar in each, the mean value beinof 297.2. As the interferential constant for water is 28G.2, it is easy to see that nothing is to be hoped for from the employment of the interferential constant as a means of determining the quantity cf sugar in a solution, since it is clear that the degree of accuracy to be attained by the method above given, will, in general terms, be in proportion to the difference between the interferential constants of the constituents of the given mixture. In its application to quantitative determinations, the new 02)tical method is analogous to the well-known process of indirect analysis, the success of which depends upon the difference between the atomic weights of the bodies sought. Landolt has shown n 1 that tlie function — -^ — is so nearly constant for a given ray and given substance, that for chemical purposes no very sensible error is made in considering it as absolutely constant. He has further shown that in the case of a mixture of two substances we have very nearly This expression may be employed for the analysis of mixtures, and in many cases leads to valuable results, as Landolt has sufficiently shown. I am disposed to think that the method which I have pro- posed above will enable us to obtain a still greater degree of accuracy in cases in which the values of the interferential constants have been determined with the requisite precision. The valuable data furnished by Wullner are not the only ones which I have discussed. * Landolt and Ilaagen have also given a series of measurements of the densities and indices of refraction of a number of liquids. Their results are contained in Table IV. ; I have arranged them for convenience in six groups, the sixth group containing the data furnished by Haagen.f * Pogg. Annalen, T. 122, p. 545. t Pogg. Annalen, T. 131, p. 117. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 411 lO-^OOr-lCCOC^ ^ d ■^i o T^i d o r4 1-1 ■— 1 T^ M CC -^ O 05 t~ 35 OO I-l i>i r-^ -N d 00 1— ' t^ -^ -H i~ 1-1 1-1 0^ 00 CO 3^1 -H -^ 00 d d d CO -* 00 O O 1— 1 t^ Tji -ri -T * •N o (M?<00 00'^') ??" ">! •^ -N 00 -rji OO -J O Ot O t^ 00 ^ css^eocoojcococo t~- CO o -^ t-- c^j d -^ d d i-O 3D :S — OJ CO CO -V Tj< tH O t- LO r^l O 00 -H p O p •-•doo'-i'^'i't-^o^ico— < T)> 00 CO I~- 00 00 00 t^ O ■— 1 CO CO 00 CO CO CO CO CO "* •«j< CO t CO o t-^ d O ^- 35 CO ■* CO K t- Tl* C 00 c: p (N c> o d d — ^ -- 1-^ •-•; .-< 00 -M — 01 'ti -* o o IMCOC3COCO03COCO O O t^ t~ o d d o 00 d 00 O ri 00 "* C^ CO CO CO CO (>i -^ 35 ri 00 p CO r- p o d 00 cc OO 00 00 -- "N d OO O O '- OO OO CO -f OJ -fl i-O COOOCOCOCOCOCOOOCOCO 00 35 O o CO d X CO O C^ CO CO ^ % CO-Ht^oOC5C:ooo CO -t< — ^ -r -r ri o C O O O IS 00 to T-t '^ 00 30 C^ 3 ^ -M 00 00 00 00 OO -^ T rp ■<*l 1-1 t~ O-J t~ 35 !M 35 OO -* » 00 :C X O r-l CO 00 00 -^ -^ 00 0.1t^~1OO3500^-* 35 X -^ -r l^ •-; X X 1 - -M X I- C: i^ 00 -f -^ o M -H cr -O X 35 C: O =: = — ri CO 00 00 00 •* -*i TT Tji -* rf t^35 O 00 -N X C5 1- t- CO 35 :0 00 00 OO ;2; -- t^ O O •* O •* 00 — 0^1 00 --D o :m -o •>! ^- ~j ~ -r O 'M ^^ 35 GO O iO M :ri O ^ T— 00 00 00 00 CO -^ rr -^ C5 -^ 00 uO CO 00 O 00 35 t^ t^ O 35 CO O C^J O r- 35 O CO OO 00 'CO "*l O O X 00 -M Tf •>! O X 00 ^ O O 3. r^ O 35 S -O t- 35 X O O -M -P O O — 1 35 O O r- X 35 35 35 35 O O 00 CO CO CO CO OO OO CO ^ ■* Oi ^O t- 0 cc — — -o — ' — o t^ C: 01 L-O — --0 00 O'l -I cr. 01 c: r-. r: r^ r^ 35 Or-lr-iddddd 'ti — 0^1 -^ uO O -J ■^ t- CO t^ 3o » » 30 00 X -- O 35 O --O ■* -r** ^ o t^ n t^ o o — t- t^ X O O O r-. X 35 X O O u-5 P3535XXXXXXX 1—1 35 CO 00 35 35 r^ r^ i^ odd ^ oi *M « « ei "M occooooo tr- Ti ^ 11 ■?»-*« -^ 30 r-l ^ ^ (?? CO -* »o o t- ooooooo oooco O -M "^ '-D 00 <-t r-t h-« ^ "— ' *- « 1-^ (— t HH 1— 1 *^ l-M e» ec ^ lO ooooo ooooo ooooo o -^ X S 2 2 3 * 3 ?, o o o o o o o o o o COO •i* ^ -JD (N 13 CO ooo 6 % Metliylic Acetate Etliylic Formate Etliylic Acetate . Metliylic Hutyrate Metliylic Valerate Etliylic Hutyrate . Amylic Formate Etliylic Valerate Am3'lic Acetate Amylic Valerate lis Water . . . Formic Acid . Acetic „ . Propionic „ . Butyric „ . Valeric „ . Caj)ronic „ . CEiianthic „ . 2 "O 5 5 5 0 «i:s c; 3 a 412 ruOCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY s pa ►J O •* 10 ■>! •* rH O 7^ i-H O -^ (M ■^t-35^MCOC0COIO0 -f< -^ ■>! O 035'MC5'M7^C5CO-^cD35t^C035-^ 1— 1 r-H O O ^ t~- ■^00005 i.o ooQ'Mt^cO'— iot-->coaoocoo'>)co oocoi^q'MTf-^cooococo-'ticjrjii-ii-H CO WN ■* 'T^ IN) ■^ lO O O O «D O CO O >-0 O -^ -* C5 "N 00 -"^ lO <35'M'MTXTtlC0035i-iB5-H35COCOCO -^ r^ ra -N O -ti IM O O O O J5 O 35 i-O M 35 31 O O O O 00 -D O ^ CO 'r] o "M — •M o i~ r^ rs 00 00 CO COO-MOi— Ir-H.— l-9<35C0C3O'+'>l-H Ttl 00 CO CO 00 oo ^^n ^^n ^^^ ^^^ ^5^ '^J' (Nri:^:Ncoi^;NiMi^3^7^i- -.O CO -^ r-i CO CO --I (M^OC0C0t^OC035^TtlOCDC0c0 r-l O uO n CO » o — J ri CO oD ^ Ot^c0 30TtiXcOcO'+ioocO(Nt--r^i-l O OO ■£! \D O t-- c^ ^^ i"~ o t^" ''"^ OCO(COCOCOl~COCDCOTti'!ti('^'*-<*lTj(CiTtlCO-*' CO >) t^ O CO CO CO CO CO CO O O-l 0-1 CO C^J CD O CO 00 -t; -^ -^ -^ CO CO CD CD CO CO •^ -^ T)i -g; Tjl CO C3 CO CO CO CD CO -^ CO C3 ooooooooooooooo (M -M O "M CO lO t^ ■* t— 31 CO ■>*< 05CO-^'MCD35-tiCM-^^OOCOf- T-i CO CO CO CD — < ■^ .— 1 CO — < CO o COOOCOCOOOCOr-i.— iC000 3C-t<(M a r-l CO lO CJ5 O OS ■* 33 -P O ^^ r-l [^■^-M— icoco-tioot^co^t^^Or~ % CO CO C<1 --I t-^ CO •-l t^OC-IOCSt^CDO-^-^COOOCOCOO O CO CT 00 i-H 1^1 (M r- o oi CO 35 •* CO CD O 'Ti !M CO C5 CO t^ CD ■>! t~ ■* CO ■«o .-1 CO o o o -^ !■- -fl CD CO GO -H 35 35 CO CD O CO CO CO t^ t^ CD CO CO CO 35 S (M r~ c ^ i-H ^ -M O O i-i '-I O O C0-<*<'M'Ti'?^>-^O^S5TtlC0i— i7^-:)-l rH rH ?-li— IrHi-li— lTq(Ni-(i-ti— ((NtNi-H^i-l CO C-1 rj* CO CO Ol CO Ol -N «>_?'t. u -^ C3 oocooo ooc ooo o o p: s C3 ^^ M h-i 3 a r-H :3 -O -( OC O eo to CO 00 CO 2 _* -^o^^cous::!""-* *__ W -i- hR hiH *^ Hi K S r.^ ^ K p^ OSffi33=;3KSOOOOUO S -* ■* i •" >-. >> CJ « c o y — — >^ o c -n = - •? ^--c = CI. 5 ■= « u sg ^co>>>>c: — >>-^2Sa/co~ cs £S£^i-i S .^ — o o 5 K^^t: c £ii~ =^- 'rSS oo piKWi^OH^ Ph eq X :5 S p=3 o:-)OW<;wSW<;pH*sa2c/;x2H OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 413 In this Table, the seventli column gives the values of the interferential constant I. The eighth is obtained by multiplying the numbers in column six. by the molecular weights of the corresponding substances, divided by 100, so as to avoid many figures. The product 31 1 gives, tlierefore, the number of interference bands between G and G for a tliickness of each liquid proportioned to its molecular weight. I have employed the measurements of Landolt and. Haagen in dis- cussing the question whether the interferential constant of a definite chemical compound is the sum of the interferential constants of its constituent atoms. Table V. exhibits the methods and results of this discussion. TABLE V. Acids. MI Ai C A, A% C H^ O2 . . . 120.6 119.7 — 0.9 — 0.74 61.4 C, H, 0, . . . 182.0 64.0 184.8 + 2.8 + 1.53 C3 Ho Oo . . . 246.0 249.9 + 3.9 + 1.22 66.1 C4 Hs O2 . . . 312.1 67.9 315.1 + 3.0 + 0.96 C5 H,, 0., . . . 330.0 65.3 380.2 + 0.2 + 0.05 ^6 H12 O2 . . . 445.3 445.4 + 0.1 + 0.02 67.4 C, H,, 0, . . . 512.7 Mean 510.5 — 2.2 Mean — 0.42 65.3 0.70 Alcohols. H2 0 ... 51.4 61.5 50.9 — 0.5 — 0.97 C H, 0 ... 112.9 04.8 110.2 + 3.3 + 2.92 C.,1%0 ... 177.7 65.2 181.2 + 3.5 + 1.97 C3 Hg 0 ... 242.9 246.3 + 3.4 + 1.40 67.4 C4 IIio 0 . . . 310.3 67.8 311.5 + 1.2 + 0.38 C5 Hi., 0 . . . 378.1 Jlean 376.6 — 1.5 Mean — 0.39 05.3 1.34 Ethers. C3 H, 0., . . . 251.7 59.4 250.0 — 1.7 — 0.07 C4 Hg Oo . . . 311.1 313.1 + 2.0 + 004 67.5 C.5 H,jOo . . . 378.6 380.2 + 1.6 + 0.42 68.6 ^6 H^., Oo . . . 447.2 445.4 — 1.8 — 0.40 4 X 65.3 *-'10 "2J ^2 • 708.4 Jlean 705.9 — 2.5 Mean — 0.35 05.2 0 50 414 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY In this table, column second gives the interferential equivalent of the liquid, the formula of which is given in column first. Column Aj gives the differences of the interferential equivalents for the constant chemical difference G H^ ; the liquids of each grouja being homologous. It will be at once seen that Ai is not constant in any one group, but increases with the molecular weight of the liquid. From this it follows that the interferential equivalents of either carbon or hydrogen, or of both, are variable. The last case is most probable. The mean of the differences Ai is the same for all these groups. From the above it is easy to see that in the strict sense neither carbon nor hydrogen can be said to possess a constant interferential equivalent. As it seemed, however, practicable in this case, as in the case of the refractive equiva- lents, to deduce, at least, an available rule for computing approximately the interferential equivalent of a compound from the equivalents of its constituent atoms, I determined the equivalents of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen by means of the data given in Table V. and obtained the following values : — Carbon 41.46 Hydrogen 11.84 Oxygen 27.28 With these values I computed the numbers of column G in Table V. and of the fourth column in Table VI. TABLE VL Name. Formula. Found. Calc'd. A2 A% Aldehyd . . Valeral . . . Acetone . . Ethyl-ether . Acedc Anhyd. Ethylen Ale. . Biacet. ethylene Glycerine . . Lactic Acid . C2H4 0 C5 Hjo 0 C3 Hg 0 0, Hi, 0 C^Hg O3 C2Hg O2 160.7 359.0 226.4 311.5 316.4 204.3 456.2 294.4 274.1 157.6 353.0 222.7 311.5 318.7 208.5 476.2 300.9 277.3 — 3.1 — 6.0 — 3.7 0.0 + 2 3 + 4.2 + 20.0 + 5.5 + 3.2 Mean — 1.92 — 1.69 — 1.63 0.00 + 0.72 + 2.05 + 4.39 + 1.86 + 1.17 1.58 In these tables, column Ao gives the differences between the observed and computed values in the case of each liquid, and column A'}^, the same differences in percentages of the observed values. The means of these last are also given without reference to sign. With the aid of the equivalents of carbon and hydrogen, I determined those of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, given in Table VIII. Finally, the equivalents of OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 415 carbon and cliloi'ine gave those of the other elements in the same table. Columns fourth, fifth, and sixth, in Table VII., have the same signification as the corresponding columns of Tables V. and VI. TABLE VII. Name. Formula. Found. Calc'd. A2 A% Carbonic tetrachloride c cu 386.4 3S4.8 — 1.6 — 0.41 Chloroform .... C II CI, 309.7 310.8 + 1.1 H hO.35 Ethyiic bromide . . C0II5 Br 275.1 281.7 + 6.6 -\ h 2.39 Arnyiic bromide . . C3 "11 Br 482.3 477.1 — 5.2 — 1.08 Eihyleiie brotnide . . C2 H4 Br., 412.3 40:). 5 — 28 — 0.67 iMcthvlc iodide. . . C H3 I S05 3 313.3 + 8.0 + 2.62 Ethvlic iodide . . . C2H5 I 375.8 378.4 + 2.6 + 0.69 Anivlic iodide . . . ^5 ^hl I 584.3 573.8 — 10 5 -1.79 Carbon disulphide c' s.," 375.7 Phospliorons chloride p C13 386.2 Menn 1.25 Arscnous chloride . . As CI3 459.4 Stannic chloride . . Sn Cb 537.9 Silicic chloride . . . Si CI4 408.5 Sodic chloride . . . NaCl 129.8 Potassic chloride . . KCl 161.1 TABLE VIII. Carbon . . . Hydrogen . . Oxygen . . . Chlorine . . . Bromine . . . Iodine .... Sulphur . . . i 41.46 11.84 27.23 85.85 139.60 236.30 167.12 Phosphorus . . . Arsenic .... Tin Silicon .... Potassium . . . Sodium .... 128.70 201 90 194.50 65.10 75.29 44.00 The results tabulated in V., VI., and VII., are suificient to show that the interferential equivalents of compounds may, in many cases, be computed with a tolerably close approximation from those of the con- stituent atoms. The approximation is, however, much less close than in the cases of mixtures. On the other hand, the rule fails entirely with certain compounds. Thus, the six liquids of the aromatic series forming group fifth of Table IV., present very marked exceptions. In these cases, no values of the interferential equivalents of carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen, can be found which will enable us to compute the molecular equivalents. Mr. Gladstone * has met with similar excep- tions in the refractive equivalents of the benzol series, and suggests, * Journal of the Chemical Society [2] Vol. 8, p. 101. 416 PnOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY in substance, that these are probably clue to the fact that, optically, each molecule may be regarded as composed of groups of atoms, each group possessing a specific optical character. So far as the interferen- tial equivalents are concerned, further data are necessary to enable us to test this explanation. Landolt has given the densities and indices of refraction of a number of mixtures. 1 have not discussed these results fi-om my own point of view, because since the publication of his work the progress of organic chemistry has shown that many of the substances with which Landolt dealt could not have been absolutely pure, though prepared with great care for the special purpose of his investigation.* I think I have shown that the so-called interferential constants possess a real value as numerical characterisiics easily determined by measurements of two indices of refraction and a single observation of density at the same temperature. But the value of the new constants in quantitative analyses can only be foirly estimated when we possess determinations of indices and densities for a series of mixtures for which the propor- tions, densities, and indices of the constituents are accurately known. The time has also arrived when a much greater degree of accuracy in the determination of indices of refraction is necessary. Even five decimal places do not answer the present requirements of science. Six are attainable with spectrometers reading to two seconds of arc. It is easy to see that the numerical value of an interferential con- stant depends in part upon the angular distance of the spectral lines between which the bands are counted. The lines Cand G are partic- ularly well adapted for standard limits, as they are hydrogen lines always obtainable by a small Ruhmkorfi^ coil and hydrogen tube. The interferential constant may be taken as a measure of the dispersive power of a body; and it is readily shown that with this measure, also, the total dispersive power from A to // is the sum of the partial disper- sions from A to B, B to C . . . G to H. The theory and construc- tion of achromatic lenses might also be based upon this measure of dispersive power, but it would probably possess no practical advan- tages over the ordinaiy method. * I refer to tlie improvements in separating liquids of different boiling-points introduced by Linnemann, — improvements wliich have shown tliat up to the period of iiis work we liad no really accurate linowledge of the boiling-points of a number of liquids long known to science, but never before obtained in a state of perfect purity. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 417 II. — ON A METHOD OF MEASURING REFRACTIVE INDICES AVITHOUT THE USE OF DIVIDED INSTRUMENTS. The importance of an accurate determination of all the physical con- stants which characterize any substance having a definite chemical constitution becomes daily more and more evident. The researches of Gladstone, Landolt, and others have shown that indices of refraction possess a peculiar value and interest. As the instruments necessary for their determination are expensive, and often beyond the reach of working chemists, a simple and sufficiently accurate method of meas- uring them by means of the spectroscope alone will doubtless be wel- comed. The method which I propose is one of comparison, and applies with convenience only to the case of liquids. A hollow prism is to be filled with the liquid to be examined, placed upon the stage of the spectro- scope, and turned until a given ray — the line D, for instance — is seen by the observing telescope to be in the position of minimum deviation. The eye-piece of the telescope should have two parallel spider-lines placed very near each other in the plane of the diaphragm. When the dispersion is sufficiently great to separate the line D into its two com- ponents, either component may be made to bisect the interval between the two spider-lines, or the two components may be made to occupy such positions that their middle line shall bisect the interval. The observing telescope is then to be firmly clamped. The prism is now to be removed, the liquid poured out, and the prism cleaned and dried carefully. It is then to be filled with any liquid the indices of refrac- tion of which are known, and which the observer judges to have a mean index not greatly differing from that of the liquid to be meas- ured. The prism is to placed upon the stage of the spectroscope, and turned until the observer ascertains that the two spectra would be in the field of view if both could be seen at the same time ; or, what is the same thing, that they would be more or less completely super- posed. Should this not be the case, another comparison-liquid must be chosen ; and so on until one is found which fulfils the requisite condi- tions. Supposing that this is successfully accomplished, the prism is to be turned until, for the position of minimum deviation, a known line in the spectrum exactly bisects the interval between the two spider- lines. The index of refraction of the given liquid for the line D is VOL. X. (x. s. II.) 27 418 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY then the same as that of the known line in the spectrum of the liquid used for comparison; for we have for each case sin ^{P + D) , sin i (P + D') n = ^--^—p '- n' = ^-—p •' sin — sin — and, since P is constant, and D' = D, it follows that n' = n. By this method, the index of refraction of a given liquid may be determined for a single line ; as, for instance, for D. This is sufficient for the optical analysis in the form in which it has been developed by Landolt. Two objections to this method present themselves at once. The first is the necessity of finding by tentative processes a comparison- liquid which shall have about the same mean index of refraction as the liquid an index of which is to be determined. I admit the force of the objection, but it must not be estimated too highly. Whole classes of liquids agree pretty nearly in their optical characters ; as, for instance, the oils of the C^g H^^ series, the ethers of the fatty acids, hydrocarbons and saline solutions. The second objection is that, with liquids of low dispersive powers, it is not easy to distinguish the spec- tral lines with absolute certainty. This difficulty is easily avoided by using a second prism, with a high dispersive power, placed next to the collimator so as to form a long spectrum, which shall fall upon the trial-prism. The final dispersion is then the sum of the dispersions of the two prisms, and no difficulty will be found in distinguishing the spectral lines. It is, of course, necessary that the subsidiary prism shall have the same position in both cases. Two or more subsidiary prisms either of flint-glass or of carbonic disulphide may be used with great advantage, but one will usually be found sufficient. The indices of refraction of the comparison-liquids being known for at least three lines, the values of the constants rt, h, and c in Cauchy's formula « = ^ + p + r4 may be determined. It then only remains to compute the index of refraction of the line which has been found to have the same index as the line /), for instance, of the liquid examined. This is easily done when the line in question has been identified by means of KirehhofT's chart so that its wave-length is known. It will, of course, often hap- pen that no line in the comparison-liquid exactly corresponds with the line D selected for the liquid examined. In this case the index of the nearest line may be employed instead, when great accuracy is not required and when subsidiary prisms are used, or we may use a filar OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 419 micrometer, and intei-polate so as to obtain the index of a coincident line by measuring the distance of the rekitive hne D from one or more visible lines in the comparison-spectrum. The eye-piece micrometer suggested by Professor Rood * would also give all necessary precision, and would have the advantage of being very much cheaper than a filar micrometer. The method above aiven enables us to determine the index of re- fraction of a single line only, unless the prism is emptied, cleaned, dried, and the operation then repeated with a second selected line. To obviate this ditficulty, I have employed the following modification of the prism with entire success. The prism is divided into two by a septum perpendicular to its refracting edge. Each prism thus formed has an opening in its base by which liquid may be introduced or removed, and which can be closed with a cork. "When the two glass plates are carefully cemented to the brass frame, the two prisms will have the same refracting angle. One of them is then to be tilled with the comparison-liquid, the other with the liquid the indices of which are to be determined. The double prism being now placed upon the stage of the spectroscope, one face of the prism containing the com- parison-liquid is to be covered with a slip of metal. The spectrum of the li(|uid to be examined will then be seen by means of the observing telescope. Any line — as, for instance, G — may then be selected, brought into the position of minimum deviation, and the telescope adjusted until this line bisects the space between the parallel wires in the plane of the diaphragm of the eye-piece. The telescope is then to be clamped as before without disturbing the adjustment. If now one face of the prism containing the liquid examined be covered with the slip of metal removed from the face of the other prism, the spectrum of the comparison-liquid will be seen, and it will be easy to determine what line in this spectrum most nearly corresponds in ^jositioa to the line G of the other spectrum. By alternately covering the faces of the two prisms with the metal slip, coincidences or near coincidences may be observed for D, E, F, &c. ; and in this manner the data obtained for the constants in Cauchy's dispei'sion-formula for the liquid examined, in a short time and with great facility. It must be borne in mind that the two specti"a in this process cannot be seen simultaneously, their images being combined by the observing telescope into one.f * Am. Journal, 3d series, vol. vi. p. 44. t Mr. S. P. Sharpies has suggested to me that if a cylindrical lens were em- ployed as the object-glass of the observing telescope, the two spectra could be seen in the field at the same time. 420 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY In applying the above methods, I have used prisms with brass frames, and have cemented the glass-plates either with common or with marine glue, the latter being employed for aqueous solutions. Good workmanship would doubtless make it possible to fit the plates to the sides of the prisms so that they could be held in their places by springs, the prisms being perfectly tight; but I have not found this to be the case with prisms from German workshops which I have examined. The process which I have given above furnishes, of course, a new application of the spectroscope to quantitative chemical analysis, — all the results obtained by Landolt with the spectrometer being obtained with the spectroscope alone ; but it is hardly necessary to say that a good spectrometer is an instrument greatly to be preferred, since it may be used also as a spectroscope, and since direct methods are always better than those of comparison. OF AETS AND SCIENCES. 421 XVII. CONTRIBUTIONS FRO:sr THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. E. C. PICKERING, Pkofessor of Physics. IIL — INTENSITY OF TWILIGHT. Br Charles H. Williams. Read, Blay 11, 1875. During the fall and winter of 1874 an attempt was made to measure the amount of light given by the sun when at different distances below the horizon. Days were chosen when the sky was perfectly clear at sunset, though a few observations were made when it was snowy or cloudy. The instrument used was the photometer first described in the report of the Total Eclipse Expedition for 1870. It consisted of a box about five feet long, eighteen inches high, and twelve inches wide ; over the top and sides, which were of light framework, black cloth was stretched ; a circular hole, about five inches in diameter, was cut in one end and covered by a Bunsen disk, and a standard candle, in a spring candle- stick, was moved along the centre of the box by means of a rod attached to it ; the distance from candle to disk being varied at pleas- ure, and measured by a mms. scale attached to the rod. It was found inconvenient in practice to be obliged to read the scale at every observation, and the disappearance of the spot could be better watched if the eyes were kept fixed on the disk. An arrange- ment for automatic registering was therefore added. A piece of sheet-iron connected the candlestick with a rod moving outside the box along its whole length, the iron clasped the rod and was held in place by friction ; to the iron was fixed a movable point, which could be pressed into a fillet of paper by means of a string passing from the iron round a pulley at each end of the box. The position of the candle was varied by moving the rod ; the point where the observation was taken was marked on the paper, and the distance of the candle from the disk in rams, was read off afterward from a scale. 422 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY To use the instrument, a suitable day being taken, the disk was ex- posed to the horizon a few minutes before sunset, the candle lighted, and placed at about fifty rams, from it. The disk was then watched, until it became dark-centred ; the distance of the candle from the disk was now adjusted, so that the centre of the disk should nearly dis- appear, when the time was noted, and observations were then taken every minute till the light became very feeble. It was found im- possible to get a perfect disaj^pearance of the spot, owing principally to the difference in color of the two lights, the candle being mush more yellow than the sun ; a certain neutral shade between the dark and light centre was therefore taken as the point for making the ob- servations. Various attempts were made to get rid of this difference of color, but without success. A cell filled with a solution of sulphate of copper of different strengths was placed on the candle side of the disk, also indigo and other blue solutions ; the only effect of these was to give the whole surface of the paper a greenish tint when the candle was brought near, without making the disappearance of the spot more perfect. Disks made of pajjer of different colors, and sheets of plaster of Paris, made extremely thin by pressing the fluid plaster between sheets of plate glass, were tried with the same results. The best material seemed to be fine white paper painted with s]3ermaceti, ex- cept at the centre. It seemed to make no difference in the relative diminution of the light, whether the observations were taken with a clear horizon or with part cut off by some adjoining building ; the readings from the upper part of the building looking over the roofs agreeing very well with those taken below. Having made a number of observations on different days, the instrument was tested to get the probable error of any reading. The photometer was placed in a dark room and a fixed amount of daylight admitted, the candle was moved till the disk TABLE I. Distance. Prob. E. Percentage. 130 mm. 2. mm. 3 175 „ 2.9 „ 3 240 „ 25 „ 2 440 „ 9.6 ,.■ 4 455 „ 4.1 „ 2 520 „ 10. 4 635 „ 8.2 „ 3 950 „ 8.9 „ 2 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 423 assumed the neutral tint, and the mean of ten readings taken. The amount of liglit admitted to the room was then increased, and eight sets of readings thus taken. The preceding table gives, in tlie first column, the mean distance of the candle from the disk for each series of ten settings ; in the second, the probable error for each reading ; and in the third, the percentage of error. It will be seen that the i:)robable error is not large enough to seriously invalidate the results of the observations, as the readings taken by the photometer denoted the distance at which a standard candle should be held from the disk to give a light equal to that from the sun at a given time ; it was thought best to reduce those readings to some standard, and compare them with the light given by a standard candle burning at a distance of one metre from the disk. Suppose we wish to reduce a reading of 200 mms. to this standard, G, or 1,000 rams. Let /= actual intensity : — (7:7=200-1000—^:^-1,; whence 1= C (^) 2 = 25 C. In this way Table II. was constructed, giving the actual amount of light, the readings being taken every minute. Ou the days represented in the first six columns, the observations were all taken with an unobstructed horizon. On Nov. G and 7, part of the sky was shut off by surrounding buildings. Jan. 15, there were a few clouds ; and Jan. 3, the whole sky was overcast. Nov. 13, a cell with sulphate of copper solution was placed behind the disk ; and on Dec. 31, a cell with solution of indigo was used. To see whether the light decreased according to any function of the time, curves were constructed, taking for vertical distances the loga- rithm of the observed reading, and for horizontal distances the minutes after sunset at which the observations were made. The result gave a series of nearly straight lines all running in the same direction. In some of the lines, there was a decided bend in the middle, and traces of this were found in almost all. To make this bending more apparent, a residual curve was constructed ; this was obtained by comparing each of the curves with a straight line drawn in their mean direction, and makinir the ordinates of the desired curve the mean of their dif- ferences from this straight line. In this way the deviation of the original curves from the straight line was made quite apparent, though the difference was not originally very great. To find the curve which should represent the diminution of the light for each minute after sun- 424 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE II. Min'tes after Sunset. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. 12. 13. 31. 1. 15. 21. 6. 7. 15. 3. 1 237 177 27 7 2 204 149 25 6 3 204 135 21 6 4 188 114 19 5 5 177 108 16 4 6 149 98 13 4 7 139 91 12 3 8 164 132 81 10 8 9 144 156 121 74 9 2 10 174 125 141 114 64 7 2 11 161 121 134 100 54 6 1 12 144 106 125 89 43 5 1 13 141 104 118 81 87 4 14 130 94 102 74 81 3 15 102 77 83 63 26 3 16 139 84 76 72 59 24 2 17 132 76 63 59 48 20 18 108 119 66 52 52 44 18 19 98 96 7 41 46 45 84 15 20 77 96 45 35 45 41 27 11 21 69 69 85 32 39 85 23 10 22 51 49 80 26 30 29 18 8 23 46 7 26 23 26 25 15 6 24 38 38 20 18 23 23 12 5 25 31 30 17 15 19 20 10 4 26 22 24 14 14 15 18 7 3 27 16 20 11 10 11 14 4 3 28 1 15 8 9 9 11 3 2 • 29 13 12 2 7 8 10 3 2 30 11 9 6 7 6 7 2 2 31 9 7 5 5 7 2 1 32 8 6 4 4 6 1 1 33 6 5 4 7 5 1 .9 34 4 4 3 3 4 1 .8 35 7 3 2 3 .9 .6 36 3 2 2 3 .7 37 3 2 .7 38 3 2 set, the ordinates of the straight line were obtained, to these were added the ordinates of the residual curve for the same times after sun- set, both readings being in logarithms of the original observations ; this logarithmic sum was now doubled, the sign changed, and the figures so obtained were used as ordinates for a new curve, the ab- scissas being the times. From this last curve we obtain directly the logarithm of the number which would represent the proportion of light at any minute as compared with that at sunset, which we call unity. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 425 In the following table the minutes after sunset, or abscissas, and the percentage of light as compared with sunset, or ordinates, are given, from which the last curve was constructed : — TABLE III. Jlinutes after Sunset. Per cent of Light compared with Sunset. Minutes after Sunset. Per cent of Light. 0 1.000 18 .094 1 .950 19 .079 2 .817 20 .064 3 .752 21 .055 4 .655 22 .044 5 .597 23 .038 6 .516 24 .031 7 .466 25 .026 8 .407 26 .021 9 .337 27 .015 10 .290 28 .012 11 .261 29 .010 12 .228 80 .009 13 .200 31 .007 14 .177 32 .006 15 .143 33 .005 IG .128 34 .004 17 .101 IV.— LIGHT OF THE SKY. By W. O. Crosby. The light of the sky is reflected light, of which the sun is the source. It is well known that the light of the sky diminishes as the angular distance from the sun increases. And the following observations were made with a view, first, to determine the absolute amount of light received from the sky at different distances from the sun ; secondly, to ascertain the law of the diminution of the light with increasing angular distance from the sun. The apparatus employed consisted of a com- mon mirror, so arranged as to reflect the light horizontally into a darkened room, a condensing lens having an aperture of 9 cm. and a focal distance of 225 cm., and a photometer similar to that employed by Dr. "Williams in his observations on twilight. The method pursued was to so adjust the mirror and lens that an image of the sun would fall upon the disk of the photometer, and then 426 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY to measure the intensity of the light at regular intervals of time as the sun receded from the portion of sky from which the light was received. By allowing the mirror to remain fixed during an entire series of observations, absolute uniformity in the angle of incidence of the light on the mirror was obtained, and thus the percentage of the light re- flected by the miror rendered constant, and exact measurements of the angular distance from the sun could be easily made by simply noting tlie lajise of time. One result of this method is that all the observations are made east of the sun ; the part of the sky from which the light is received being necessarily on the sun's path. A reverse series can be readily ob- tained on the west side of the sun, by adjusting the mirror so as to receive light from a point at a convenient distance west of the sun, on the path of the same, and then making observations at regular inter- vals as the sun approaches the point. The light was received from a circular sky area, 2° 20' in diameter, or 4.25 square degrees ; and the proportion of the light lost by reflec- tion from the mirror, and transmission through the lens, was about .40 of the whole. The following table embraces the results of four series of observations. Column one gives the angiilar distance from the sun. The second, third, fourth, and fifth columns give the intensity of the light received from one square degree of sky ; the unit of intensity beinsc the liiiht of a standard candle at a distance of one metre. Series I. was made Jan. 20, 1875, between the hours of 2.45 and 3.47 p.m.^ bemnnins 15° 45' west of the sun. 1 he declination of the sun at this time was 20° ; and, since the angles given in the table for this series were not measured on a great circle, they should be reduced in the proportion of the radius to the cosine of the declination. Series II., III., and IV. were made east of the sua between 12 M. and 1 p.m. ; the II. on March 23, the III. and IV. on March 27. On Jan. 20, the sky was hazy, had a whitish -gray aspect, and reflected much light ; on the 23d of March it was clear and blue ; and on the 27th very clear, reflecting but little liglit. The great difference in the intensity of the light on these different days is well shown by comparing columns two, three, four, and five of the table. The meteorological importance of such observations as these is suggested by the fact that it is commonly believed that a deep blue sky, reflecting little light, indicates the presence of a large amount of the vapor of water in the atmosphere, and the probable approach of rain, and that a very clear night frequently precedes a rainy day. If OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 427 it can be proved that such a relation exists between the relative moist- ure of the ujjper atmosphere and the light of the sky, it is evident that we have here a hydrometer with a widely extended range. Sun's Dist. I. II. III. IV. 1. ■2. 3. 4. Mean. 0°.50' 28.70 12.61 9.41 — 3.8 + 5.5 —19.0 — 0.1 0 45 75.80 17.41 6.75 7.28 —15.2 + 3.0 — 5.2 + 6.4 + 1.4 1 13.71 5.15 4.61 +22.0 + 6.7 — 5.2 + 7.8 1 15 01.16 7.88 3.83 3.53 — 4.8 — 4.3 + 4.7 — 6.4 — 2.0 1 80 5.63 3.00 —12.5 — 0.0 — 6.2 1 45 47.33 4.70 2.53 2.37 — 1.8 — 8.2 + 9 0 — 4.5 — 1.2 2 4.28 1.87 1.78 + 1.9 - 4.0 —25.3 — 9 1 2 15 40.00 3.45 1.58 1.51 — 3.3 — 3.3 — 5.5 —21.7 — 8.4 2 SO 2.87 1.37 — 64 —16.5 —11.4 2 45 34.20 2.41 1.15 1.23 +11.2 —10.2 —10.4 —15.0 — 6.1 3 15 27.16 2.05 1.01 1.07 +10.5 — 1.7 — 1.9 — 9.6 — 0.6 3 45 20 00 1.61 .83 .98 — 1.0 — 5.7 — 2.1 + 0.0 — 2.2 A 15 17.06 1.50 .75 .88 — 2.4 + 6.0 + 4.3 + 4.7 + 3.1 4 45 14.75 1.33 .65 .83 + 1.0 + 9.7 + 4.3 + 12.3 + 6.8 5 15 13.50 1.17 .60 + 6.4 +11.5 + 9.7 + 9.2 5 45 1133 1.10 .55 .72 + 1.9 + 18.6 +13.3 +23.1 +14.2 6 15 9.50 — 4.7 — 4.7 6 45 8 48 .60 — 5 2 +24.5 — 1.4 7 15 6.80 .56 —19.4 +26.8 + 37 7 45 6.58 .52 —12.3 +2>J.O + 8.4. 8 15 6.21 — 90 — 9.0 8 45 5.45 —13 8 —13.8 9 15 5.13 —12.3 —12.3 9 45 4.93 — 8.0 — 8.0 10 15 4.70 — 62 — 0.2 10 45 4.93 + 5.7 + 5.7 11 15 4.60 + 4.7 + 4.7 11 45 4.30 + 1.6 + 1.6 12 15 4.15 + 64 + 6.4 12 45 3 90 + 6.5 + 05 13 15 3.71 + 6.7 + 6.7 13 45 3.47 + 4.5 + 4.5 14 15 3.10 — 1.4 — 1.4 14 45 2.90 — 4 0 — 4.0 15 15 2.80 — 3.0 — 3.0 15 45 2.71 — 1.4 — 1.4 A curve has been constructed for each series of observations, having intensities as ordinates and natural sines of the sun's angular distances as abscissas ; and an inspection of these curves shows a close agree- ment in their forms, which indicates that, notwithstanding the great differences in the intensity of the light, its variations followed the same, or nearly the same law, in each case. Other curves were constructed, with co-ordinates equal to the logarithms of the co-ordinates of the curves just mentioned, which show by their approximation to straight lines that the law of the variation of the light may be expressed by 428 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the equation y=imx^, the light being proportional to some power of the sun's angular distance. The most noticeable deviation from a straight lyie is in the curve for series I. where it approaches the axis of y ; here the intensities are less than required by a straiglit line, which is explained by the fact that this series was made late in the afternoon of a winter day when the light of the sun itself was rapidly diminishing, and, as before stated, the observations nearest the sun were made last. Neglecting, for the reason just given, the first three observations of series I., we obtain tlie following as the most probable values of n in each case: series I. — 1.4; II. — 1.4; III. — 1.32; IV. — 1.21. Com- puting now the numerical value of m for each series, and substituting in the equation y = ???x", we have for series : \. y=. 359x~^* ; II. y = 33.1X-1* ; III. y = IS.Ta--^-^^ ; IV. y = 12.6x-i-2i, Columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 give the deviations from the formulae of the observations of series I., II., III., and IV. respectively ; the devia- tions being expressed in pei'centages of the intensities. The last column gives the mean of the deviations ; neglecting, as before, the first three observations of series I. Although some of the deviations are quite large, yet the sums of the positive and negative deviations are approximately equal ; and it will be observed that they frequently change their sign, which shows a close agreement with theory. It is probable that the larger deviations are attributable in part, at least, to sudden changes in the reflecting power of the sky, such as would be produced by air currents or by the precipitation or dissipation of atmos- pheric moisture. That these deviations are greater than those due to errors of obser- vation, is clearly shown by the experiments in the preceding article. v. — LIGHT ABSOEBED BY THE ATMOSPHEEE OF THE SUN. By E. C. Pickering and D. P. Strange. « The following series of experiments were made for the purpose of determining the relative amount of light received from portions of the sun's surface at varying distances from the centre of its disk. For this purpose, the sun's rays were reflected into a darkened room by means of the black glass mirror of a porte-lumiere, and an image of the sun, 40 cms. in diameter, was, by means of a small telescope, thrown upon a screen placed at a distance of 230 cms. from the aperture. In the OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 429 centre of this screen was cut a circular hole 2 cms. in diameter, and the light passing through this aperture was received upon a Bunsen's photometer disk, placed at a distance of 25 cms. behind it. The porte-lumiere was then moved until the desired portion of the image coincided with the centre of the aperture in the screen, and the image kept at rest by a slight movement of the telescope whilst the pho- tometer reading was taken. The light used for comparison was a standard candle, which was placed in the photometer described above (page 421). Much difficulty was experienced on account of the difference in color of the light from the sun and candle, in obtaining a satisfactory disappearance of the spot of the photometer disk. Various attempts were made to remedy this trouble, by using colored paper, disks of colored plaster, &c., none of which succeeded very well, and the ordinary white disk was finally adopted. A large number of pre- liminary series of observations were made, and rejected as not being sufficiently accurate. The results of the last three days' observations are given in Table I. ; the first column giving the percentage distance from the centre TABLE I. IstD. 2dD. 3(1 D. E. P. M. P.Er. Theor. Diff. 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 00 100.0 0.0 12.5 98.5 98.9 99.1 99 0 98.9 98.9 0.1 99.4 — 0.5 25. 9i.3 97.5 94.4 97.2 97.0 96.7 0.4 97.9 — 1.2 37.5 93.9 94.7 91.0 93.7 93.1 94.2 0.3 95.0 — 0.8 50. 90.9 91.7 88.6 90.8 89.5 91.3 0.3 91.0 + 0.3 62.5 84.4 86.9 79.7 87.3 83.8 86 2 0.7 85.0 + 1.2 75. 80.5 78.9 76.0 8!).5 76.0 78.8 0.7 77.2 + 1.6 85. 09. 1 69.5 66.5 71.4 06.3 69.2 0.8 68.4 + 0.8 95. G2.9 53.6 57.9 56.1 52.8 55 4 1.6 54.8 + 0.6 100. 37.4 37.4 0.9 37.4 0.0 towards the edge, and the succeeding ones the intensity of the light compared with that of the centre taken as unity. The second column gives the mean of the first day's, the third of the second day's, and the fourth of the third day's observations. Upon the second day, there were several times as many observations taken as upon either of the others, and its mean is correspondingly more reliable. A portion of the observations were taken upon or near the polar, and others upon or near tlie equatorial, diameter of the sun. Column 5 gives the mean of the measurements taken upon the equatorial, and number 6 the mean upon the polar, diameter. As these are the results of but a 430 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY comparatively small number of observations, it seems difficult to decide whether the apparently greater brilliancy towards the edge along the equatorial diameter is real, or is due to errors of observation. Column 7 gives the mean of all the measurements taken, and column 8 the probable error of this mean. If the sun had no atmosphere, its disk as seen from a distance would appear uniformly bright, since the light emitted by one square metre in any given direction is inversely as the cosine of the angle of emis- sion, while, owing to foreshortening, its apparent area is proportional to the cosine of the same angle. Let us next suppose it surrounded by a homogeneous atmosphere not perfectly transparent. Evidently the absorption will dejiend on the distance which the light has to j^ass through it, and will be greatest at the edges, and least at the centre ; or the disk will appear brightest at the centre and darkest at the ex- terior, as is actually the case. To determine the law of this variation, let the radius of the disk equal unity, x the apparent distance of any point from the centre, /* the height of the atmosphere, h the brightness of any portion of the disk were there no atmosphere, a the proportion of light which would traverse a thickness of the atmosphere e(jual to unity, or to the sun's radius. Call v also the distance the light from the point x must traverse before emerging from tlie solar atmosphere, and y the apparent brightness of the same point. It is readily proved that V = V (1 -j- liY — aj""^ — V 1 — ic^, and that y = hcC ; therefore, y ^l„sja+hr-x^—sji- is the equation which gives the brightness of any point of the sun's disk, assuming that its atmosphere is homogeneous. From any three corresponding values of x and y we can compute a, b, and h. Assum- ing from the above observations y = I for x ==: 0, y= .782 for a; =.75, and y = .374 for x= 1, and taking logarithms, we deduce the three equations of conditions : — / 0 = log i -|- A log a ; — .10G8 = log i + (v/(l-f /O' — .5625 — .GG14) log a ; — .4271 = log b + (^2A + /r) log a. Subtracting these equations, we eliminate b ; and dividing one of the resultant equations by the other, eliminates a. "\Ve thus deduce the equation : — V/.4375 + 2h + h^ — .25 v/2A -\- /r — .7 oh — .6614 = 0. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 431 To solve this equation, its first member was placed equal to ?h, and various values of h substituted ; a curve was then constructed with m and h as coordinates, and a few trials readily gave the value of h cor- responding to m =z 0. This affords an easy means of solving many equations not readily treated by the usual methods. The value of h thus found was a little less than unity. Substituting h = 1 gives log a = — .5835, a = .2 GOO, log b = .5835, and b = 3.833. Or, if the effect of the solar atmosphere resembles that of a homogeneous atmos- phere, its height must equal the radius of the sun, and its opacity be such that the light in the centre is only .26 of what it would be were the atmosphere removed ; or the sun's brightness in the latter case would be throughout 3.8 times its present brightness at the centre. Substituting these values of a, b, and h in our first equation, gives log y = .5835 — .5835 (^4: — x' — \/l — x-), in which, by substituting various values of (c, we deduce the corre- sponding values of y, the light at various points of the sun's disk. In Table I., the column headed Theor. gives the amount of light computed by this formula, and the last column the differences from the mean ob- servations, M. Three other theoretical values were computed for these points, but those given in the table were retained as agreeing most nearly with observation. From these it appeared that a considerable variation in h did not alter the amount of light very materially, that a diminutive change of A of one-tenth increased the light between x = .G and x = .d only half a per cent, and for other values of x altered y still less. Moreover, the differences in the last column of the table are evidently too regular to be due to accidental error, but rather show a real variation from theory, due to the fact that the atmosphere is not really homogeneous. We might assume that the law of the density is the same as that of the earth's atmosphere, or that, the height being taken in arithmetical progression, the densities will vary geometrically. But this leads to an equation which cannot be integrated, and, more- over, cannot be correct in fact, since it assumes that the temperature is uniform throughout. The great heat near the surface, by expand- ing the atmosphere in contact with it, diminishes its density, thus rendering it more nearly homogeneous than the above law would re- quire ; this effect is, however, counteracted by the tendency of the heavier ijases to descend. It is a matter of interest to know not merely how much light is cut off by the atmosphere at the centre of the sun's disk, but also how much the whole light of the sun will be reduced by the same cause. 432 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Suppose the curve constructed with coordinates equal to x and y of the preceding table, and that a solid of revolution is generated by re- volving it around the axis of T: evidently, the volume of this solid will represent the total amount of light received by the observer from the whole of the sun's disk, and the volume of the circumscribing cylinder will equal that which would be received if the disk throughout had the same brightness as at the centre. The ratio of these two quantities is, however, obtainable by Simpson's formula, and gives the* result 82.6, or the light is about five-sixths of what it would be if the disk had the same brightness at the edges as at the centre. Now, as shown above, the light at the centre is reduced by the atmosphere to 26.1 per cent. Hence the total reduction of the whole surface is .261 X .826 = .2 1 6. And, since the light is reduced in every direc- tion by the same amount, we may say that the sun would give out 4.64 times as much light if its atmosphere were removed. The results of this paper may therefore be summed up as follows. The light of the various parts of the sun's disk is measured by the modification of the Bunsen photometer here employed, and given in the accompanying table, with a probable error not exceeding one per cent except close to the edge. The light at the edge is about .4 of that at the centre. The variations in brightness are nearly those which would be produced by a homogeneous atmosphere of height equal to the sun's radius, and opacity such that only 26 per cent of the light is trans- mitted. There appears to be a slightly different distribution of the light along the polar, from that along the equatorial, diameter. If the atmosphere were removed, the brightness of the sun's disk would be uniform, and 3.83 times that of the centre of the disk at present. Moreover, the total amount of light would be increased 4.64 times. VI. — TESTS OF A MxVGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINE. By E. C. Pickering and D. V. Strange. The rapidly increasing use of magneto-electric machines as a source of electricity renders accurate tests of the comparative advantages of the vaiious forms and exact measurements of the currents generated under varying conditions very desirable. The machine employed in the following experiments was made by Mr. M. G. Farmer, and con- sists of ii large electro-magnet wound with four coils soldered together OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 433 at the ends, like four battery cells connected for quantity. Between the poles of this magnet a Siemens' armature is revolved, and both magnet and armature are included in the main circuit. The instru- ment is therefore extremely simple, and, when the circuit is broken, requires no power to run it except to overcome the friction of the bearings. The total weight is about 700 lbs., and the dimensions 33.5 by 21.5 inches (85 X 55 cms.), with a height of 14 inches (37 cms.). To avoid heating, a water space is left close to the armature, but this is required only when the resistance of the circuit is small. The quantities to be measured were as follows: 1st, velocity of rotation of armature ; 2d, power required ; 3d, strength of current with various speeds and resistances ; 4th, electro-motive force under the same conditions ; 5th, when the current is used to produce a light, a measure of the latter is candle-power. Power. The boilers and engine of the Institute were used as a source of power. The nominal capacity of the boilers was sixty-six, and of the engine fifteen horse-power; but, owing to various difficul- ties beyond the control of the writers, only a small portion of this was available, and that only for limited periods of time. A belt passed from the fly-wheel of the engine over a countershaft in the Physical Laboratory, giving it a velocity of about 500 turns per minute. A set of five cone pulleys were attached, by which a speed of 333, 410, 500, 610, and 750 turns could, by shifting a belt, be given to a second shaft. The latter carried a wheel 20 inches in diameter, and drove the machine by a belt passing over a pulley 8 inches in diameter attached to the armatui'e. As the speed of the engine varied somewhat, a speed of from 800 to 2100 turns per minute was thus obtained. Various plans were tried to measure the power emjiloyed. For the earlier experiments a Batchelder dynamometer was used, in which the motion was transmitted through four bevel-gears, and the moment of tension measured by a spring-balance and weights. The instrument was not however intended to be run at such high speeds, and the gears were very noisy. Speed. The number of revolutions per minute is so important a factor in these measurements that it must be constantly determined. At first, a common shaft speeder was employed ; but, apart from its want of accuracy, its constant use was laborious, and it showed only the total number of turns during a minute, and not the speed at any interme- diate instant. A device was accordingly employed, constructed by Mr. J. B. Ilenck, Jr., by which these difficulties are completely avoided. The plan is not new, having been published in a modified VOL. X. (x.s. II.) 28 434 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY form many years ago in Nicholson's Mechanics and elsewhere. Three vertical gas-pipes are placed side by side, and connected together below ; then half filled with mercury, and so mounted that they may revolve around the axis of the central pipe ; a glass tube filled with water is attached to the latter, and serves to show the position of the mercury. Motion was transmitted to the whole from the horizontal shaft of the machine by a spiral spring, as in a dental lathe, but afterwards this was replaced by a pair of bevel-geai's. If now the machine is set in motion, the mercury is by centrifugal force thrown from the central to the outer tubes, and the water in the glass tube falls. A graduated scale shows the position of the water, wdaich remains very constant as long as the velocity is uniform, and by its motion shows the slightest variation in speed. The reduction is effected by noting the water level with various velocities as measured by a shaft-speeder, and constructing a curve with coordinates equal to these two quantities. If the tubes are exactly parallel and of uniform diameter, this curve will be a parabola, with axis vertical and parameter determined by the equation 3/= 473 X 10~^n^d', in which d is the distance of the outer tubes from the centre in inches, and n the number of turns per second. Evidently an inch would correspond to a much greater change in velocity at high than at low speeds, and accordingly the open ends of the outer tubes were bent in towards the centre. This had the additional advantage of preventing the mercury from being thrown out, and of greatly in- creasing the range of the instrument. As actually constructed, the speed in turns per minute very nearly equalled the square of the depression of the water level in tenths of an inch. Resistances. A difficulty at once j^resented itself in varying the resistance of the circuit, since resistance coils of the ordinary form would be at once injured or even melted by the immense quantity of electricity transmitted. Accordingly a set of resistances were prepared by stretching some uncovered German silver wire along the wall of the laboratory, so as to form nine loops, of eighty feet each, of No. 28 wire. As the diameter is .017 inches, the surface exposed to radia- tion is about 460 square inches; and, as the air circulates freely around them, there is no diificulty from their heating, even when the machine is connected directly with their terminals. Each of these loops has a resistance of 3G.9 ohms, and one or more may be thrown into circuit by a switch. For smaller resistances, a similar device was employed. A frame, 3 feet wide and 6 feet high, was covered on both sides with horizontal wires, passing around screws so as to form 30 loops of No. 22 wire (diameter .029") and 55 loops of No. 16 wire OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 435 ((llamcter .065"). The former had a total resistance of 29. G8 ohms, the latter of 9.18 ohms, or the single loops .99 and .1G7 ohms. To allow for accidental variations in the wire or in the connection, each loop was measured separately, and a table of resistances thus formed. To the end of each loop was attached a short piece of stout copper wire, wound in a helix and sunk in a hole, so that any two could be connected by a w'ire terminating in copper plugs. By this system, any resistance from .17 ohms to 370 ohms was easily thrown into the circuit, and the connections were few in number and of very small resistance. This plan also had the advantage of extreme cheapness. The heating of the wire was independent of its length, except so far as the current altered. Practically, the three sizes of wire employed woidd convey 1.5, 5, and 10 vebers, without undue heating. A change of temperature of 100° C. increases the resistance of German silver wire about 4 per cent ; and, to allow for this, a so-called thermometer-board was employed, on which pieces of the three wires wound in a helix were stretched. To determine the heating of either size of wire, the proper helix was inserted in the circuit, and a thermometer placed in it. On trial, it was found that the readings were much too high, the radiation prevented by the adjacent spires of the helix much more than compensating for the imperfect connection with the thermometer. This difficulty might be avoided by stretching the helix until these two errors should compensate, which might be tested by covering the helix and a straight wire with iodide of mercury and copper, and altering the form until the color of the iodide changed with the same current in both. As, however, the correction is small at ordinary temperatures, it was deemed best to neglect it, taking care to touch them occasionally when very powerful currents were passing, to make sure that the wires did not become very hot. Current. A special device is also needed for the determination of the current produced in absolute measure. If an ordinary tangent galvanometer with a single coil of thick wire was employed, the stronger currents could be well comjiared ; but it would be difficult to reduce them to vebers, since a feeble current suitable for depositing copper would not appreciably deflect the needle. Accordinglv, a cosine gal- vanometer shunted was employed, or rather, as here used, a tangent galvanometer, since the coils were kept vertical. The coils consisted of about 50 turns of No. IG copper wire, G inches in diameter, and 3 inches apart. The needle had a length of but | ', and was made of a piece of watch-spring. An index, 3 inches long, was attached ; and the magnet, being suspended by a filament of silk, swung over a gradu- 436 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ated circle divided into degrees, and the fractions estimated to tenths by the eye. To eliminate parallax, the bottom of the compass-bos was formed of looking-glass, and the eye so placed, when the reading was taken, that the index and its reflection coincided. To determine the constant of the galvanometer, a constant current from a thermal battery was passed through it and through a beaker containing snlphate of cojaper, and the weight of copper deposited measured. Two determina- tions were made, and gave the result .052. To make sui-e that the galvanometer followed the law of the tangents, a series of resistances were interposed in the circuit, and the deflection measured. The results showed that the error was extremely small, even for angles as lai'ge as HC^' to 8')°. The resistance of the galvanometer was .22 ohms, and by it, currents from .02 to .3 vebers could be well meas- ured. For stronger currents a set of shunts were prepared. The wires from the galvanometer were carried parallel to each other and near together for some distance to avoid their disturbina^ action on the needle, and the resistance thus increased to exactly .25 ohms. Three shunts. A, B, and G, were then prepared, which should reduce the current to .2, .04, and .014, consisting of s-hort stout pieces of German silver wire. The first and second of these were easily made by com- puting their required i-esistance, and sliding them in or out of the screw cups in which they were held. They were then tested by I")a-sing the same current first through the galvanometer with and with- out the shunt, and comparing the tangents of the deflections in the two cases. To correct for the change in resistance, an additional resistance Avas inserted when the galvanometer was shunted. The third shunt could not be made directly, as its resistance was only .0034 ohms, and we could measure directly, only to thousandths of an ohm. The method of comparison alone was therefore used, reading the deflec- tion when the whole current of the machine was passing, and again using the o^ shunt. The correct values of the three shunts were thus found to be .I'JSO, .0392, and .0107. The latter consisted of a bar of German silver, .13" in diameter and 3" long. To pass from one shunt to another, a simple switch or plug could not be employed, since the resistance of the shunts B and C was so small that the variable re- sistance thus introduced would become quite perceptible, being multi- jilied many times ; and, moreover, with the stronger currents, the points of contact might become heated or burnt. Accordingly, a switch was inserted in the wire connected with one terminal of the galvanometer, by which it could be connected with either of the three shunts, au'i a second connection made with each, and with the main circuit. The OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 437 Other terminals of the muchine and galvanometer were permanently connected with the other ends of the three shunts. Another and better method, both as requiring no very small resist- ances and as employing but a single switch connection, is the following. Call G the resistance of the galvanometer, connect a resistance r' to one of its terminals, and shunt bv a second resistance s'. Attach to one end of this a coil r", and shunt again by the coil s". If necessai'y, shunt again until a sufficient reduction is attained. Now connect one terminal of the machine with one end of G, s', and s", and bring the other in contact with the other end of either of them by a simple switch, and we shall have tlie elFect of three shunts of three different sensibilities. The total resistance and the relative con- stants may be computed in each case, or they may be measured directly. Calling the total resistances Ji^, 7?^, and i?g, and the shunts to which they are equivalent S^, S.^, S^, we may deduce proper values by the usual formulas for divided currents. As, however, the case is a little complex, it is best to reduce it to the following symmetrical form : Let / (x, y,z) =z xy -^ xz -\- t/z ; tlien we have : — p _r f{r\s',s"-\-r") ^ _ f{r',s',s"-\-r") ^ ~ / ( ^' + '■', s', ," + r") '^1 ~ /( G + '■', s', s" + r") -/( G + r', s', s" + r") ^2 — /( (; + r', s', s" + r") p _ y .f{G + r',s',r") c _ s' s" ■^3 '^f(G-\-r', s', s" + r") ^ f{G-]- r', s', s" -}-r")' In these equations, G would generally be given ; and we may, theo- retically at least, assume any five other quantities, and then deduce the remainder. As, however, these equations are too comjilex to be used with any convenience, let us see how they may be simplified. Suppose that s' = s" = G, and that r' = r" = n G, then our six equations become: — P_^l + 3n + n2 „_ lJ-^3nJ-_«2 1 ~~ 3 + i/i + >fl ^h — ^ 3 + 4« + «2 Ji,- l + 2« + ni ^3 + 4/. -f«2 M, l + 3« + «2 ^ 3 + 4« -\-ni Oo 3 + 4n + «2 1 8 1 + 3« + «2' If now ?i= 1, or all the resistances equal C, the three values of R become .625, .5, and .025 ; while those of AS'are .625, .25, and .2. If n = 2,R becomes .733 G, .6 G, and, .733 G, S^ .733, .2, and .091 ; ?i = 5 438 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY gives i?i .853 G, .75 G, and .853 G, and *^.853, .125, and .0244. Finally »i = 10 gives ^^.916 6', .846 G, and .916 G; and G^ .916, .076, .0073. It will be more convenient in general to give r, r", s', s", approxi- mately the proper values, and then measure B^, R^, and ^g, by the Wheatstone's bridge. Next interpose resistances in the wires attached to the switch, so as to make the total resistance of the galvanometer the same for all positions of the switch. Thus, in the above example, when «= 10, if resistances of .084, .154, and ,084 ohms are inter- posed, the galvanometer resistance will be an ohm in each case. The values of Sj, *S„ and S^ are now found directly by comparing the de- flections when the switch is moved. By this device, the range of a tangent galvanometer may be increased indefinitely, and the strongest as well as weak currents measured by it. Moreover, the resistance is not altered, so that readuigs with different shunts are directly com- parable. The first experiments made with the machine were for the purpose of determining whether the current was constant under the same cir- cumstances or not. It was feared that, as the magnetism was induced by the current itself, variations would appear, dependent on the time during which the circuit had been closed; but, on trial, it was found that the magnet attained its full polarity sooner than the needle of the galvanometer came to rest, and that, on making and breaking the circuit, the successive deflections were almost precisely equal. The next problem was to determine the effect upon the current of changing the position of the commutator. This is so made as to be capable of being revolved round the shaft of the Siemens' armature through an angle of about 45^, thus taking off the current when the coil of the armature is in different positions relatively to the electro-magnet. Observations were taken with the commutator in the following eight different positions : No. 1 is with the commutator turned farthest down, or with its plane as nearly parallel with the plane of the electro- magnets as possible. It is then turned up through an angle of about 6.5'* with each succeeding number. In No. 8, it is very nearly per- pendicular to the i)laiie of the magnets. The results of several ex- periments are given in Table I., in the 2d, 3d, 4th, and oth columns, of which the current obtained in the various positions is given in vebers per second. In the last four columns, the currents are given in percentages of the maximum obtained. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 439 TABLE I. 1. O 3. 4. 5. 6. T. 8. 9. 1 .0620 .0962 .0436 .1066 96.6 93.8 93.2- 92.5 2 .0o25 .0986 97 3 96.1 8 .OOSl .0999 .0150 .1115 98.3 97.4 96.2 96 8 4 .0038 .1010 .0455 .1115 99.4 98.3 97.2 96.8 5 .OGU .1021 .0467 .1146 99.8 99.7 99.8 99.5 6 .01)42 .0468 .1152 100.0 100.0 100.0 7 .0640 99.7 8 .0635 .0466 .1152 98.9 99.6 100.0 It thus appears that the position of the commutator has but little influence upon the strength of the current ; but, as the maximum was obtained in each case from position No. G, it was kept in that place in all further experiments. Kext, to determine the relation between the four variables, speed of revolution, resistance in circuit, current, and electro-motive force. An attempt was also made to measure the work required to run the machine, and the coefficient of efficiency ; but, from lack of proper dynamometric facilities, the attempt was necessarily abandoned after the first series of experiments. The results of these experiments are given in the following tables, in which R is the resistance of the circuit, expressed in ohms ; S is the speed, or number of revolutions of the armature per minute ; O is the current in vebers per second ; E is the electro-motive force in volts ; E^ is the coin[)ute(l electro-motive force in volts, which would have been obtained with a speed of 1,000 revolutions per minute; IF is the work expended, in foot-pounds, including friction. IF. C'is the work the current is capable of doing, in foot-pounds ; and C E is the coeffi- cient of efficiency of the machine, obtained by subtracting the work required to drive the machine on an open circuit from the actual work JF, and dividing the computed work W. G by the remainder. From an examination of these tables, several important conclusions may be drawn. For large resistances, over 38 ohms for instance, the electro-motive force is nearly proportional to the speed, and is given by the equation ^'=:.007*S'. The advantage of placing the magnet in the main circuit is here in a great measure lost, since the large outside resistance so far reduces the current that its effiict on the magnet is slight. The constant .007 affords a good means of comparing various machines of this form, since its magnitude depends directly on the arrangement of the magnet and armature. For resistances less than 440 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE II. R. S. C. E. El. W.C. W. C.E. 264.6 750 .023 6.10 8.13 .104 306 227.4 .027 6.09 8.11 .121 306 190.3 .032 6.08 8.11 .143 153.2 .040 6.08 8.11 .178 116.0 .052 6.10 8.13 .238 78.9 .078 6.16 822 .335 52.6 .131 6.88 9.04 .664 41.7 760 .159 6.67 8.76 .788 41.5 .162 6.72 9.02 .816 809 27.6 745 .336 9.28 1245 2.34 328 21.8 745 .587 12.79 16.9 5.64 15.44 740 1.42 21.14 28.5 22.5 550 .096 11.44 730 2.20 25.16 34.5 41.5 697 .105 7.50 725 4.17 81.29 43.1 97.9 955 .146 5.15 725 5.29 27.24 37.5 108.1 4.44 720 6.32 27.43 38 1 124.9 1274 .122 4.44 580 6.96 30.91 53.3 161.4 984 .228 2.97 425 11.26 83.39 78.5 282.1 952 .362 2.78 590 8.62 23.96 406 154.9 1403 .133 2.30 9.71 22.32 89.8 162.4 1.956 530 10.05 19.66 37.1 •148.2 1.786 810 11.58 20.68 66.7 179.6 735 .284 1.656 520 11.30 18.68 35.9 158.3 TABLE III. R. S. C. E. El. 3.33.6 .020 6.62 6.96 296.5 950 .022 6.58 6.91 259.3 .026 6.64 7.00 222.5 .030 6.62 7.02 185.7 940 .036 6.67 7 09 148 8 .045 6.73 7.13 111.6 945 .061 6.85 725 74.5 .092 6 87 7.29 37.95 940 .206 7 80 8.29 30.48 925 .476 1451 15.7 26.57 925 .594 15.78 17.0 21.65 .899 19.47 21.1 16.70 920 1.96 32.73 35 6 13.76 2.72 87.42 41.1 11.77 905 3 41 40.11 44.3 9.81 900 4.39 43.07 47.9 8.94 890 5.06 45.25 50.9 7.80 870 5.86 45.70 52.6 6.92 840 4.90 33.9 40.4 5.91 670 6.17 22.3 33.3 8.93 500 6.76 26.6 48.4 2.95 510 9.40 27.7 54.4 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 441 TABLE IV. R. S. C. E. El 333.6 1170 .025 8.31 7.11 2J6 5 .028 8.31 7.11 259.3 .032 8.33 7.14 222.5 .037 8 34 7.19 183.7 IIGO .045 8.36 7.21 148.8 1140 .057 8.41 7.38 111.6 1120 .076 8.44 7.54 74.5 1110 .115 8.54 7.70 37.95 1100 .230 8.73 7.98 74.5 1140 .127 9.44 8.29 37.95 1140 .252 9.58 8.61 TABLE V. K. S. C. E. El. 333.6 1330 .030 9.93 7.47 296.5 .033 9.80 7.42 259.3 1320 .038 9.80 7.42 222.5 1320 .044 9.88 7.49 185.7 1325 .053 9.86 7,46 148.8 1325 .066 9.83 7 45 111.6 1320 .090 10.05 7.62 74.5 .137 10.20 7.73 37.95 1325 .293 11.14 8.56 21.2 1380 1.37 29.01 20.86 16.3 1305 1.99 32.26 23.2 12.3 1350 3.15 38.7 28.7 8.6 1300 4.98 42.8 32.9 7.6 1280 5.78 43.9 34.3 6.6 1230 6.96 46.0 37.4 5.6 960 7.17 40.2 41.8 4.8 880 7.75 36.5 41.4 4.1 850 8.11 33.2 39.1 TABLE VL R. S. C. E. El- 333.6 1620 .036 12.01 7.41 296.5 1615 .040 11.92 7.38 259.3 .047 12.27 7.56 222.5 .054 12.02 7.42 185.7 1630 .065 12.05 7.39 148.8 .082 12.19 7.48 111.6 1625 .109 12.22 7.57 74.5 .165 12.29 7.61 37.95 1625 .332 12.60 7.80 26.2 1675 1.31 84.31 20.5 2L2 1075 1.82 88.59 23 1 16.3 1675 2.45 40.01 24.0 12.3 1635 3 42 47.06 28.8 8.6 1260 4.82 41.47 54.4 442 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE VII. K. S. C. E. El. 333.6 2010 .041 13.7 6.81 29G.5 .046 13.6 6.78 259.3 .053 13.7 6.93 22i!.5 .063 13.9 6.81 185.7 2010 .074 13.7 6.77 148 8 .092 13.G 6 02 111.6 2015 .120 13.4 6.65 74.5 .174 13.0 6.39 37.9 2015 .317 12.0 5.96 38 ohms, the electro-motive force rapidly increases by an amount which is approximately given by the formula, E-= S (.042 — .0009 R), from which we see that the electro-motive force continually increases as we diminish the resistance, and, if the resistance could be reduced to zero, would attain the value J5^ = .042 S. The column E^ is computed by assuming the electro-motive force proportional to the velocity. This column can be used more con- veniently than that marked E, since with small resistances the power required was so great as to make the belts slip, and greatly diminish the speed. In Table II. some measurements of the power are given, as also the ratio of the theoretical power to that actually employed. The latter was measured by the dynamometer, the former computed by the very con- venient theoretical formula, IF= f CE. From the results, it will be seen that, for large resistances, the power employed, beyond that required to drive the machine, is insignificant, but rapidly increases as the resistance diminishes ; the efficiency also at the same time increasing and attaining its greatest value with the smallest resistances. Of course, the absolute efficiency, or ratio of electricity generated to power expended, would be still less than this, being very small for large resistances, and attain- ing a maximum of about 30 per cent. AVhen we consider, however, how large an amount of work is consumed by even a small amount of heat, the coefficient in the above cases must be regarded as large. A series of experiments was next made to determine the strength of the current generated in different positions of the armatiu-e. The apparatus was constructed by Mr. S. J. Mixter, and consisted of a wooden wheel attached to the armature, and revolving with it. On this rested a brass wire ; and a strip of copper was inserted in the wheel, so that it established contact between the axle and the wire, through an angle of about lO**. The latter was supported by a second larger OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 443 wooden wheel, which conkl be turned and held in any desired position by inserting a pin in one of a series of holes in its circumference, at intervals of 10"^. The experiment was performed by connecting the brass wire and axis of the machine with the galvanometer, so that durincr each revolution of the armature the current would be for an instant diverted through the galvanometer, these currents following each other so rapidly when the machine was running as to produce a sensibly constant deflection. The larger wheel was then turned 10*, and the observation repeated. The 0'^ and ISO'* of this wheel corre- sj^oud to the points where the circuit is reversed by the commutator. TABLE VIII. P. C. C. 0 .0498 .1015 10 .0503 .0912 20 .0378 .0786 30 .0338 .0693 40 .0284 .0620 50 .0257 .0514 60 .0211 .0399 70 .01.59 .0392 80 .0136 .0130 . .0385 90 .0392 100 .0141 .0446 110 .0152 .0588 120 .0188 .1000 130 .0343 .1329 140 .0633 .1406 150 .0715 .1367 160 .0678 .1260 170 .0629 .1162 180 .0498 .1015 Table VIII. gives the result of two series of experiments of this kind, the wheel beinjr turned through 360° and the mean of the two read- iugs at intervals of 180'' taken. Column 1 gives the angle through which the wheel has been moved, and column 2 the current, the main circuit having a resistance of 16.7 ohms, and the galvanometer circuit a resistance of 1.3 ohms. Column 3 in like manner gives the current when the resistance of the main circuit is reduced to 10 ohms. An examination of this table shows that the current at no point becomes zero, but varies from a maximum at about 145° to a minimum at 90"^. If the distance of the poles of the magnet was large compared with the motion of the armature, the current would vary as the sine of the angle, supposing that there was no induction or 444 proceedinctS of the American academy other disturbing cause. Accordingly, the current would become zero at two points midway between its two maxima, and this would be the point where the commutator should be placed. In that case, no S[)ark would be seen at the commutator, since the circuit would be broken only when the current was zero. In practice, it was found that there was no portion of the commutator where the spark could be entirely avoided when the I'esistance was small, evidently owing to the fact shown by these observations, that the current at no point is zero. Moreover, on constructing tlie curves with coordinates equal to the angles and currents, it will be seen that the inclination is much gi-eater before than after the maximum ; so that the latter, as stated above, is distant only about 55'^ from the minimum, instead of 90''. The cause of the deviation from the curves of sines is probably the current in- duced by the magnet, which adds or subtracts its elFect according as the current is increasing or dimiuishinor. In trying experiments upon the light produced by the current, seve- ral difficulties were encountered. One of the most serious of these was from the slipping of the driving belts, when the machine was run- ning at high rates of speed and the circuit was made through so small a resistance as the regulator and light. From this cause, we were unable to obtain a steady speed pf more than, 1,300 revolutions per minute, which was not sufficient to give the best results. A further difficulty was experienced from the great difference in power required to run the machine when the current was passing, and when the car- bons became so far separated that the current was unable to pass. A change of probably 4 or 5 horse-power was thus almost instantly made, whenever the current was made or broken, and the consequent shock upon the machinery was very great. It also appeared that the form of regulator used (Duboscq's) was not capable of controlling the cur- rent so that the light should be steady. When the carbons were brought in contact, the current was so great that the magnet acted strongly, starting the reversing clock-work and separating them half an inch or more. This broke the circuit, and the machine began to re- volve very rapidly ; soon the carbons were brought together, throwing a great strain on the engine, and thus they oscillated, producing a very bright light for an instant and then extinguishing it. Better results would i^robably be attained without the reversing arrangement, by a change in the magnet of the regulator, or by increasing the electro- motive force of the current. Some results were however obtained by a very careful adjustment of the spring holding the armature. AVith a velocity of 1,130 revolutions, a tolerably constant light was obtained. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 445 Current, 3.65 vebers. Resistance in circuit, about 10 ohms. Resist- ance of light, 3.3 ohms. With a speed of 1,325, total resistance 9 ohms, and current 5.71 vebers, a light varying from GOO to 900 candle- powers was obtained. With a speed of 1,280, resistance 7 ohms, and current 5.20 vebers, the light varied from 650 to 900 candle-powers. Doubtless a much greater light could be obtained with a ditFerent regulator and means of obtaining a high speed. The effects of the current were very fine, and have been frequently described in connection with the Wilde, Gramme, and other machines. Thick wires were melted, heavy weights sustained in the air in the interior of large coils, and excellent diamagnetio effects shown. The induced current on breaking the circuit was very severe when taken through the body, and the spark very long and bright. The advantages of- this machine are its simplicity, compactness, and small weight, compared with other machines of equal power ; and little or no trouble was experienced from heating with the currents here employed. In conclusion, we wish to express our hearty thanks to I\Ir. Farmer for lending us the machine, and hope that we may be enabled to continue these experiments with this and other machines next year, if we can secure an adequate motor and proper means of measuring power. VII. — ANSWEU TO M. JAMIN'S OBJECTIONS TO AMPERE'S THEORY. Br WiLLiAsi W. Jacques. It is the purjiose of this paper to answer some objections which ]\I. Jamin has made to Ampere's theory of magnetism. In the Comptes Rendus for Jan. 12, 1874, M. .Jamin published the results of some experiments, in which he obtained the laws of the dis- tribution of magnetism in a soft iron bar which formed the core of two coils by measuring the force necessary to detach an armature when placed at different points along the bar. He gives the etjuations to the curves obtained by sending an electric current through one of the coils, through both coils in the same direction, and through both coils in opposite directions ; and finds that the force necessary to detach the armature at any given point is less when the currents are parallel than when opposed ; from which he draws essentially the following conclu- sions : — 44G PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 1°. If we admit the theory of solenoids, the action of parallel cur- rents ought to be added, and the amount of magnetic intensity to be increased. The reverse takes place. 2°. When the currents of the coils are sent in opposite directions, they ought to act inversely on the particular currents of the iron, and the results should diminish each other. On the contrary, they are added. 3°. The action of the bobbins should, in this case, be nothing at the middle point of the bar. It is not so. We cannot say that there is, at this point, a resultant pole, for it would manifest itself by a point of repulsion. IVI. Jamin then states that these results seem to him to require a modification in the theory of solenoids. Mr. D. Sears has (American Journal, July, 1874) measured the dis- tribution of magnetism in an iron bar which formed the armature of the cores of two coils, by sliding a coil of fine wire, whose terminals were connected with a galvanometer, along this armatui-e, and meas- urino- the instantaneous current induced in this secondary coil when the armature was magnetized by sending a current through the pri- mary coils. His results are opposed to those of Jamin. The case, however, is not exactly that of Jamin, and I have therefore, after repeating Mr. Sears's experiments with similar results, applied this method of measuring the distribution of magnetism, by means of a coil of fine wire, to Jamin's apparatus, as follows : — ' I made a bar of soft iron, 50 cm. long, the core of two coils, as in Jamin's experiment, and so connected the coils with a battery that a current could be sent through a single coil, or through both^ coils in the same or in opposite directions. ( )ne of Farmer's thermo-batteries was used as a source of electricity, because of the very great constancy of its current. A small coil of fine wire, like that used by INIr. Sears, was arrauiied to slide along the bar, and its terminals were connected with a Thomson's galvanometer. When a current was sent through the primary coils, magnetism was induced in the bar, and this, in its turn, induced an instantaneous current in the coil of fine wire, and so caused a deflection of the galvanometer. Although the secondary coil was parallel to the primaries, I found, by substituting a glass rod for the iron bar, that the direct action of the inducing coils on the secondary coil was exceedingly small, excepting when these were brought very near together, which it was not necessary to do in this experiment. The method used in these experiments is more delicate than Jamin's, as may be shown by constructing curves from the observations in Table I., or by the smallness of the differences in the last column of that table ; OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 447 and, since we know the positions of the poles of a magnet relatively to a surrounding coil, we may determine the kind of magnetism, or, in other words, the direction of the Amperian currents in either half of llie bai*, which Jamiu's method fails to do. The results of this experiment, which are directly opposed to those of Jamin, and, therefore, tend to confirm the theory of Ampere, are given in the following table : — TABLE I. x= Currents Currents Calculated Single Differences. Parallel. Opposed. Mean. Bobbin. 15 55 46 50.5 50.0 + -5 18 33 24 28.5 30.0 —1.5 20 2(j 16 21.0 21.0 .0 21 23 12 17.5 22 21 9 15.0 23 20 6 13.0 13.0 .0 24 19 3 11.0 25 19 0 9.5 8.5 +1.0 26 19 — 3 8.0 27 20 — 6 7.0 6.5 + .5 28 21 — 9 0.0 29 23 —12 5.5 30 26 —16 5.0 4.5 + -5 32 33 —24 6.5 35 55 —45 5.0 3.0 +2.0 The first column gives the distances from the left end of the bar ; column two gives the deflections of the galvanometer for parallel cur- rents ; column three for opposed currents ; column four the calculated means of column.s two and three ; column five the deflections due to a sin which is the same as the equation obtained by Jamin for the same case. From the above table it may be seen that, when currents are par- allel, the deflection of the galvanometer is greater than when they are opposed ; and, when the current is sent through a single bobbin, the deflections are very nearly the means of the other two, as should be the case if Ampere's theory were true. The conclusions which I have drawn are : — 1°. Parallel currents add to each other. 2°. Opposed currents diminish each other. 3°. The action in the latter case oivAit to be nothing at the middle o O of the bar. Experiment shows this to be the case. 448 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Having thus shown the different results of these two methods, I purpose now to show that Jarain's results, instead of requiring a modi- fication of Ampere's theory, are a direct consequence of that theory. Let us, in approaching this subject, first see what would be the con- dition of the Amperian currents in a bar placed at right angles across the core of an electro-magnet. Suppose the electro-magnet to be placed vertically, and the bar horizontally on top of it. Suppose fur- ther that the current passes, in the part of the inducing coil nearest the observer, from right to left. Then, since the Amperian currents, in the core of the magnet, would tend, at the angles made by the core and the cross-bar, to induce currents in the cross-bar parallel to those in the core, we should have the Amperian currents, in the face of the bar towards the observer, flowing from below upwards in the part of the bar to the right of the core, and from above downwards in the other half; i.e., a current in one direction about the core induces cur- rents in opposite directions in the two halves of the cross-bar. I have proved this experimentall}' by placing the coil of fine wire connected with the galvanometer, before spoken of as the secondary coil, at different points on this cross-bar. When the coil was placed to the right of the inducing coil, the deflection of the galvanometer was in one direction ; when the coil was placed on the other side, the deflection was in the opposite direction : showing that, in the two halves of the cross-bar, opposite Amperian currents do actually exist. That this effect was not due to the direct action of the principal coil on the secondary, was shown by substituting a glass rod for the cross-bar. Let us now, keeping the two bars in the same relative position, make the cross-bar the core of two coils, and let the bar which we have just used as a core represent the armature used in Jamin's experiments. When opposite currents are sent through the primary coils, opposite Amperian currents will be induced in the two halves of the bar; and, as the converse of the preceding experiment, parallel currents will be induced in the armature, and these, strengthening each other, will increase the attraction between the bar and the armature. If, on the contrary, parallel currents be sent through the coils, parallel Amperian currents will be induced in the bar, and opposite currents in the arma- ture ; and, if the armature be placed at the middle of the bar, these currents should neutralize each other and the attraction oujiht to be nothinfj. To prove these conditions of the Amperian currents experimentally, I have fixed tlie secondary coil on the armature at some considerable distance from the bar, and so investigated the conditions of the currents OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 449 in the armature, when currents were sent through the primary coils in the same and in opposite directions, with the following results. The armature being placed at the middle of the bar, and parallel currents being sent through the primary coils, there was no deflection of the galvanometer. When opposite currents were sent througli the primary coils, the deflection was about GO mm. A current through a single coil gave a deflection of 32 mm., or very nearly the mean of the other two. A very slight correction was made, due to the direct action of the primary on the secondary coil. These experiments then gave the same results as those at which we had arrived- theoretically, showing most conclusively that this is the correct explanation of Jamin's results. As a further proof of the illegitimacy of Jamin's conclusions, and a proof which is independent of the secondary coil and galvanom- eter previously used, I have, using Jamin's apparatus, with the single modification of making the armature quite long in proportion to its diameter, and approaching it to the bar always in such a position that its longer axis shall be parallel to the axis of the bar, succeeded in obtaining results directly opposed to those of Jamin, and in harmony with the result of my previous experiments. In order to make the experiment plain, let us see what ought to be the condition of the Amperian currents in such an armature. Since it is quite long in proportion to its diameter, the Amperian currents would tend to arrange themselves at right angles to its axis ; and, approaching the armature in the manner described, the currents in the armature would be parallel to those in the bar. With such an armature, therefore, we ought to have a greater attraction when the currents through the primary coils are parallel than when opposed. That this is the case 1 have proved by the following experiment : A small armature of chemically pure iron was made, with a length of 6.5 mm. and diameter of only .8 mm. This was approached, with its axis parallel to the bar, always to the middle of the bar, since it is at this point that the difference in effect of parallel and opposed currents ought to be most marked. The actual strength of the magnetism of the bar at this point could be varied by moving the inducing coils to or from the middle point, and in this way the intensity was made such that when parallel cur- rents were sent through the coils the armature was supported by the bar. Upon reversing the current in one of the coils and again ap- proaching the armature, the attraction of the bar was insufhcient to support it in this position, although it would assume a position at right VOL. X. (n.s. n.) 23 450 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY angles to the bar, when, as should be the case, it was supported. The?e results show, as we had expected, tliat parallel currents increase each other, while opposite currents diminish each other. The experiment was repeated, approaching the armature with its axis at right angles to the axis of the bar, when results similar to those of Jamin were obtained. The delicacy of these experiments required a great number of repetitions. This was done, and care was also taken to carefully clean the armature each time lest any moisture from the hands, or other foreign matter, should make it adhere to the bar. Chemically pure iron was used to prevent the armatures acquiring a permanent magnetism. I have thus attempted to show that the results of M. Jamin's experi- ments, altliough undoubtedly correct, do not warrant the conclusions respecting Ampere's theory which he has drawn, but, on the contrary^ are a direct consequence of that theory : first, by investigating the con- dition of the currents in the armature ; and, secondly, by showing that contrary results are obtained by making the armature very long in proportion to its diameter, and approaching it always with its longer axis parallel to that of the bar. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 451 XVIII. MELANOSIDERITE: A NEW MINERAL SPECIES, FROM MINERAL HILL, DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. By Josiaii P. Cooke, Jr. Read, May 11, 1875. For the specimens of this mineral I am indebted to Mr. W. "W. Jefferis, of West Chester, Pa., who informs me that the locaUty is not over 500 yards from the Ilallite locality (see these Proceedings, Vol. IX., page 59), lying a little off from the serpentine range in a bed of clay. The mineral is compact and amorphous. It is very brittle, and its fracture is conchoidal. Hardness about 4i-. Sp. Gr., in two determina- tions (made with alcohol, but referred to water), was 3.390 and 3.392. Lustre, vitreous inclining to resinous. Color, black, with a tinge of red. Streak, brownish red to brick red. Subtranslucent ; and, in thin plates, cherry red l)y transmitted light. Heated before the blowpipe in a closed tube, it decrepitates and gives off water. In the forceps it fuses at about 4^ to an iron-gray mass, which is strongly attracted by the magnet. On platinum wire with soda, it dissolves with efferves- cence. With borax glass it gives the reactions for iron. The powder dissolves very readily in muriatic acid ; but, as soon as the amount added exceeds a certain limit, the solution gelatinizes. In the following analysis, the water was determined by ignition ; the iron and alumina were weighed together, and the amount of iron in the ignited precipitate determined by titration. The silica was separated and weighed in the usual way. 1 2 3 Average. Atomic Ilatio. Theory Eequires. SiO, 7.39 7.45 7.42 49 7.42 Fe,03 Al,03 75.13 4.34 75.13 1 4.34 j 3.07 79.21 H,6 at 100° H^O above 100° G.17> 7.08) 13.85 13.79 13.83 1.54 13.37 100.72 100.00 452 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The last column gives the percentage corresponding to the symbol Fe^ Si H^; and it is obvious that the composition of the mineral is remarkably definite, and the agreement of the analyses with theory very close. Melanosiderite is closely related to the sesqui-hydrates of iron. If the silica could be regarded as an impurity, the ratio between the sesquioxide and the water would be precisely that of Liraonite ; and, on the other hand, if we regard the basic radical as neutralized both by the silicon and the hydrogen, then the ratio would be that of Gothite. Melanosiderite differs, however, most markedly from both of these minerals in its specific gravity. Sp tir. Gothite 4. — 4.4 Dana's Mineralogy. Limomte 3.G — 4. ,, „ Melanosiderite 3.391 As above. INIoreover its vitreous lustre, its fusibility, its definite composition, and, above all, its reaction with acids (gelatinizing), indicate tliat it is a true silicate. The mineral which it most closely resembles, both in external appearance and specific characters, is Hisingerite, but this contains thirty-six per cent of silica. Melanosiderite, however, is evi- dently a highly basic compound of the same class ; and the new species has a special interest, arising from the circumstance that it is a definite natural example of a class of compounds which are so characteristic of the ferric radical. Its amorphous colloidal structure is wholly in accordance with this view of its constitution. The name Melanoside- rite is derived from Greek [is)M>i and ob8ijQog, and refers to the very striking black color of the mineral. The analytical work in this investigation has been done by Mr. "W. H. Melville, of the Senior Ckiss in Harvard College. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 453 XIX. ON TWO NEW VARIETIES OF VERMICULITES, WITH A REVISION OF THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THIS GROUP. By Josiah p. Cooke, Jr., Erving Professor of Cliemisiry und Mineralogy at Harvard College, AND F. A. GOOCH, Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory. Presented, May 11, 1875. Since the publication of the writer's first monograph on the vermi- culites,* two new varieties of this group of minerals have been brought to his notice by Mr. W. W. Jefferis, of West Chester, Pa., wlio has most kindly furnished the materials for the following investigation. The first of these varieties — which occurs at Lerni, Delaware Co., Pa. — has the following characters : The unaltered mineral is of a dull sea-green color, has a highly developed micaceous structure, is an aggregate of rough hexagonal plates, and of very imperfect external form. It is transparent in moderately thin laminae, and is free from enclo5ed foreign matter. The optical characters of the mineral closely resemble those of the Culsagee variety of vermiculite, the angle be- tween the optical axes varying iu different parts of the same laminae from 18° to 0°. Its hardness is about 1.5, and three determinations of its specific gravity (taken in alcohol at 23° C.) gave 2.409, -2.308, and 2.373. Heated in a closed tube, it gives off water acid in reaction, chaniies color, and doubles its volume. Heated before the blowpipe, it fuses to a dirty enamel. The mineral was prepared for atialysis by drying at 100° until its weight was constant, and in this condition was easily dacomposed by hydrochloric acid. The bases, after the separation of silica, were con- * Tlie Vermiculites, their Crystallographic and Chemical Relations to tlie Micas, by Josiah P. Cooke, Jr. These Proceedings, vol. ix. p. 35. The analyt- ical work in tliis second paper has been done by Mr. Gooch. 454 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY verted into nitrates, and separated by Deville's process. The iron and alumina were weighed together as oxides, and the magnesia as the pyrophosphate. The amount and condition of the iron were deter- mined by decomposing the mineral by the process described by the writer in Am. Jour., vol. xliv. page 347, estimating by a standard solution of potassic permanganate the ferrous iron at once, and the total amount of iron after reduction to the ferrous state. Small amounts of lithium and potassium were found by the spectroscope in the residue obtained in Smith's process for the determination of alkalies, but the total amount of alkali probably did not exceed one- tenth of one per cent of the mineral. The mineral, dried at 100°, lost upon ignition, (!•) (2.) (3.) (Mean.) 11.65 11.67 11.71 11.68 per cent of its weight. The details of these determinations will be referred to hereafter. Taking, then, 11.68 as the percentage of water in the mineral, the results of analysis are as follows : — (1-) (2.) (3.) (Mean.) Ratio. Si 38.17 37.93 38.00 38.03 .... 2.54 M 12.84 13.07 12.87 12.93 75 ^e 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.02 26 i'e .50 .50 .50 .50 01 ^% _ 29.72 29.57 29.64 .... 1.48 ii, E .... trace H 11.68 11.68 11.68 .... 1.30 99.92 99.64 99.80 VI. II. VI. II. Si : R+ R H R : R 2.54 : 2.50 : 1.30 1.01 : 1.49 2 : 2 : 1 2 : 3 The second of these two varieties of vermiculite occurs at Pelham, Mass. It has a greenish-yellow tint, resembling closely in color the Culsagee variety. In the specimen examined, however, the scales were very much smaller than those of the Culsagee variety, and exhib- ited no regular outline. Examined with the microscope, they ap- peared equally free from interpenetrating material. The plates do not show the striation observed both in Culsageeite and Jefferisite. No evidence of macling could be found. The plates were optically biaxial, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 455 with a small optical angle and strong negative double refraction like the other vcrmiculites and magnesian micas. The hardness of the mineral is about 1.5 ; two determinations of its specific gravity (taken in alcohol at 22° C.) gave 2.160 and 2.161. Heated in a closed tube, it gives off water acid in reaction, changes color, and doubles its vol- ume, and in the forceps before the blowpipe fuses to a dirty enamel. The mineral, dried at 100°, lost upon ignition (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (Mean.) 11.21 11.50 11.13 11.43 11.32 per cent of its weight. The details of these determinations will be referred to hereafter. In (1), (2), (3), and (4) of the following analyses, the ignited min- eral was decomposed by fusion with sodic carbonate ; in (5) and (6), the mineral, dried at 100°, was decomposed by hydrochloric acid. In all, the ferric and aluminic oxides were weighed together, and the for- mer subsequently determined by reduction and titration with a solution of potassic bichromate. In (4), the iron and alumina were together separated from magnesia by precipitation by ammonia, with the usual precautions. In (5), the bases were converted into nitrates, and alu- mina and iron separated from magnesia by Deville's process. In both (4) and (5), the magnesia was weighed as the pyrophosphate. A trace only of ferrous iron was found. The spectroscope indicated small amounts of lithium and potassium.* (1) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) Si 41.14 41.28 41.04 40.78 41.27 41.23 Fe 4.35 4.26 4.49 4.14 Mg 1 43.25 43.52 15.05 28.82 15.19 28.25 ^~;i -f? friPP H 11.32 11.32 11.32 11.32 11.32 100.20 100.14 100.46 100.17 Analysis (5), which probably represents the amount of magnesia contained in the mineral more correctly than (4), affords the ratio, * In Hallite and Jefferisite, as well as in the Lerni and Pelham varieties, small amounts of lithium were detected. In none of the vermiculites have we been able to detect fluorine. 456 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Si 2.75 • • .88 1. : Fe : : .17 : 1.41 1.41 : H : 1.26 2.75 Y 1.05 : : 1.26 or 2.75 approximately 9 Y 2.46 8 : 1.26 : 4 The writer has described (loc. cit.) the remarkable hygroscopic pro- perties of the vermiculites, and the difficulty of separating the consti- tutional from the hygroscopic water which they may contain. The varieties from Lerni and Pelham offer the same difficulty in the determination of their water, thirty to forty hours being required to brintj one or two ijrammes of either of them to a constant weight at 100* c. In obtaining a constant temperature of 100° C, an electric regidator was used which diffisrs from other similar forms of apparatus in simplic- ity of construction. The current is made or broken by a very slight rise or fall of mercury in a U tube connected with a glass bulb within the air-bath. By means of a pressure tap which closes an open L of the connecting tube, the air within the bulb may be confined as soon as the bath reaches the required temperature. After this a very slight increase of temperature raises the mercury column sufficiently to close the electric circuit, and then the current shuts the cock which regu- lates the sup[)ly of gas to the burner under the bath. The chief ad- vantage and tiie novelty of the apparatus is to be found in the simplicity of this stop-cock, which was suggested by Professor H. B. Hill. It consists of an ordinary chloride of calcium tube placed hori- zontally, and closed at the larger end by a rubber stopper which allows a considerable freedom of motion to a smaller glass tube passing through it ; by this the illuminating gas enters the chloride of calcium tube, from which it passes to the burner. When the current is closed, an electro-mairnet acting on an armature attached to the outer end of the small tube plunges the curved inner end beneath the surface of some mercury in the bulb of the chloride of calcium tube, and thus shuts off the main supply of gas ; although a small orifice in the side of the inner tube allows a sufficient flow to keep the flame under the air- bath alive. The variation of the temperature of the air-bath does not ordinarily exceed one or two degrees during periods of fifteen to twenty hours, even under great variations of pressure in the gas mains. Table I. shows the percentages of water found in air-dried specimens OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 457 of the Lerni vermiculite, and Table II. shows the percentages of water found in the same specimens dried at 100° C. (1.) (2.) Loss at 100° C. 5.75 |8.12 „ about 300° C.) 10.97 „ red heat . . . ) .... . . 8.60 16.72 16.72 II. is at about 300°. „ red heat . . (1.) •| 11.65 (2.) (3.) (Mean.) 11.71 (2.54) j 9.13 I 11.65 11.67 11.71 11.68 Table III. gives the percentages of water found in air-dried specimens of the Pelham vermiculite, and Table IV. gives the percentages of water found in the same specimens dried at 100° C. III. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) Loss at 100° C. 10.83 10.72 10.80 „ about 300° C. 4.35 > red heat 5.65) 10.27 10.14 20.83 20.99 20.94 IV. (Mean.) 11.21 11.50 11.13 11.43 11.32 (1) (2.) (3) (4-) Loss at about 300° . . , . 4.90) . . 6.31 [ 11.50 11.13 11.43 „ red heat . , The marked hygroscopic character of the Culsagee, Lerni, and Pel- bam vermiculites led to the idea that the discrepancies between the published analyses of Jefferisite and Hallite might be due to the hygro- scopic nature of these minerals. The water contained in each of them was therefore carefully again determined. Table V. gives the percentages of water found in air-dried specimens of Jefferisite ; anal- yses (1), (2) and (4) of Table VI. give the percentages of water found in the same specimens dried at 100° ; (3 a) gives the percentages of 458 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY water found in the mineral dried for three months over sulphuric acid, and (3 b) the percentages found in the same specimen subsequently dried at 100° C. V. a.) (2.) (3.) (4.) Loss at 100° C. 10.28 9.66 10.17 „ about 300 C. ) „ red heat ) 9.58 (4.24) (5.43) 9.36 19.86 19.33 19.53 VI. (1) (2.) (3 a.) (3 5.) (4.) Loss at aboxit 300° C. \ „ red heat ) 10.47 ( 4.70 4.46 ( 6.01 6.20 «n 10.42 0.14 j 10.47 10.71 10.66 10.45 10.42 The mean of (1), (2), (3 b), and (4) of Table VI. is 10.51. It would appear from analy.sis (3) that the amounts of water lost at 100° C. and over sulphuric acid, during a period of three months, are very nearly identical. Assuming that 10.51 (the mean of the four determinations above) represents the percentage of water in the min- eral, dried at 100°, the following scheme contains the published an- alyses of JefFerisite reduced to this basis. Analyses (1), (2), and (3) are those of Prof. Brush, Dr. Koenig, and Mr. Thomas M. Clwtard respectively : — (1.) Ratio ^ Si Al ¥e Fe Mg Ca K H Total. 38.47 18.24 10.92 1.31 20.38 .56 .45 10.51 100.89 ■ 2.56 1.06 .34 I J Y 1.40 .04 1.02 .02 Y 1.09 .01 1.17 2.56 2.49 1.17 (2.) 37.25 19.87 8.17 2.36 21.51 2.48 1.16 .31 .06 1.07 Ratio ' 2.48 y 1.47 1.13 J 2.60 10.51 1.17 1.17 99.67 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 459 (3.) Ratio 38.04 18.39 2.56 107 8.84 2.33 21.34 .33 .06 1.07 1.40 1.13 2.56 2.53 10.51 99.45 1.17 1.17 Table VII. gives the percentages of water found in air-dried speci- mens of the green variety of Hallite, and Table VIII. gives the percentages of water found in the same specimens dried at 100°. In analysis (4) the mineral was dried for three months over sulphuric acid, and when subsequently heated to 100° for twelve hours met with no appreciable loss. (Mean.) VII. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) Loss at 100° 3.48 3.19 2.86 2.85 » about 300°) ^2.38 12.86 1 ^-^^ „ red heat > ( 10.77 2.28 10.55 15.86 16.05 15.66 15.68 15.81 Loss at about 300° „ red heat VIII. 12.82 13.29-1 ^-^^ ^-^"^ (11.09 10.77 12.83 13.29 13.18 13.21 The mean of (2), (3), and (4), which agree closely, is 13.23. Re- ducing therefore Mr. C. E. Munroe's analysis of this same variety to this basis, the following scheme represents the constitution of the mineral dried at 100°. 99.45 Ratio Si 36.34 ' 2.42 2.42 ^1 Fe 7.54 8.89 .44 .33 Y ■ .77 Fe 1.14 .03 1- Mg 31.84 1.59 E .47 .01 H 13.23 1.47 V 1.63 • Y 2.40 • 1.47 It will be noticed, however, that in the case of Hallite there appears to be a constant condition of hydration at about 300°, and that in two experiments the air-dried mineral lost above this temperature 10.77 and 460 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 10.55 per cent of its weight. The mean of these values is 10.66; and regarding this as the water of crystallization of the mineral, and reduc- ing Mr. Munroe's analyses accordingly, we obtain the following results : — Si il Fe Fe Mg fe H 37.17 7.72 9.06 1.18 32.57 .48 11.24 2.48 .45 .34 1 .03 1.62 .01 1.25 .79 Y 1.66 2.48 : 2.45 : 1.25 It would appear, then, that Ilallite at 300° is in the same condition of hydration which the other vermiculites examined assume at or about 100°. Now, corresponding to this, there is a very marked fact, indicated by the tables given above, which is worthy of special notice. Air-dried Jefferisite loses, at 100°, about ten per cent of its weight, while air- dried Hallite loses only about three per cent, showing tliat it hohls its water much more firmly than the first. In order to institute a just comparison between the different vermiculites, it is obviously impor- tant to seek for each variety the point at which the mineral assumes a constant condition, and maintains it through a considerable variation of temperature. Save only some practical couvenience, there is no peculiar virtue in 100°, as the temperature at which a mineral should be dried for analysis. As in the case of crystalline salts we should ex- pect to find for e;ich hydrous mineral a certain point or points of tem- perature at which it loses the whole, or a part, of its water of crystallization, and certain limits between whi;;h it maintains a con- stant composition. Moreover we slwuld expect that these tempera- tures would be the more definite in proportion as what we may call the hygroscopic power is the more marked; that, while in some cases the miueral would lose its water at a nearly constant temperature, and the intervals of definite hydration would be well marked, in others the loss would extend over a considerable range of temperature, and it would be more dilficult to secure the states of definite composition. That such differences as these are conspicuous among the vermiculites the tables given above abundantly show ; but, in addition to this evi- dence, the difference in the behavior of the several varieties, wlien heated, impressed upon us more strongly the principle we have stated than the figures would indicate. Nevertheless, as the following table shows, we have been able to bring all the vermiculites to essentially the same OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 461 conciltion. The table is merely a summing up of the results already given, and exhibits a comparison of the atomic ratios * of the several varieties. IV. vr. II. II. VI. n. Si. R-f-R. H. R. R. Hallite, at about 300=* C. 2.49 : 2.47 1.25 .77 1.63 2 : 2 : 1 1 2 Pelham Vermiculite, at 100" 2.75 : 2.4G 1.23 1.05 1.43 2 : 2 1 2 : 3 Lerni jj J5 5> 2.54 : 2.50 : ].30 1.01 : 1.49 2 : 2 1 2 3 Culsagee J5 5> J5 2.50 : 2.G6 1.23 1.37 1.27 2 : 2 : 1 1 1 Millbury 5? (Crossley) 2.38 : 2.74 1.14 1.37 1.37 2 : 2 : 1 1 : 1 JefFerisite 5> at 100° 2.56 : 2.53 . 1.17 1.40 1.13 2 : 2 1 3 2 In the next table we bring together some farther noteworthy re- sults, of which the details have already been given, indicating that in the case of three, at least, of the vermiculites we have evidence of different degrees of hj-dration corresponding to different tempera- tures : — IV. VI. II. II Si. fi + R. H. Atomic Ratio of Hallite Air-dried 2.35 : 2.34 : 1.76 or 8 8 : 6 at 100° 2.42 : 2.41 : 1.47 or 8 : 8 : 5 at 300° 2.48 : 2.45 : 1.25 or 8 8 : 4 Atomic Ratio of Pelhamite Air-dried 2.45 : 2.19 : 2.32 or 4 4 : 4 at 100" 2.75 : 2.46 : 1.26 or 4 4 : 2 „ „ „ at 300° 2.90 : 2 59 : .74 or 4 4 : 1 Atomic Ratio of Jefferisite Air-dried 2.30 : 2.28 : 2.17 or 4 : 4 : 4 „, „ „ at 100° 2.56 : 2.53 : 1.17 or 4 4 : 2 at 300° 2.G8 : 2.65 : .70 or 4 4 : 1 * The atomic ratio is the same ratio wliich in most works on Mineralogy is still called the oxygen ratio. The numbers given in this paper are found by dividing the per cent of each oxide by a divisor, which is the quotient of the molecular weight of the oxide divided by the quantivalence of the radical. See writer's Chemical Philosophy, page 450, or Paper on Atomic Ratios, Am. Jour., vol. xlvii.. May, 1869. 462 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. , In the last two varieties (he ratios correspond to the symbols : — - VIII. VIII. VIIL Si^ O3 (R, R) . mfi do. . 2H.,0 do. . H^O. Here again it will be noticed that the differences in the definiteness of these ratios correspond to the differences of hygroscopic power de- scribed above. In the case of Hallite, the ratios are almost precisely those of even molecules, while in the case of Jefferisite the aORGE Derby, M.D., at the time of his death, was one of the highest, if not the acknowledged chief, in sanitary science in this country. lie was therefore most ap|)ropriately a member of th^ Academy, although he made few, if any, communications to it. He was born at Salem, Mass., Feb. 13, 1819. His father was John Derby, an eminent East India merchant. Dr. Derby was educated at Salem, and graduated at Harvard College in 1838. After leaving college, he studied medicine, and was known in this community as a well-instructed physician and a most honorable man. The late war brought out all his sterling qualities. Tl^e fall of Sumter sounded like a bugle note to him; and, after reviewing his knowledge of surgery by taking lessons from the most eminent sur- geons of the day, he received from Governor Andrew the commission of surgeon in the 23d Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. He assumed the duties of that position in November, 1861. He served most faithfully in the armies of the Union for four years, and held many important positions, — as Surgeon of his own regiment and of United States Volunteers ; as Medical Inspector of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina; Surgeon-in-chief .of Divisions; and finally he attained the rank of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel of United States Volunteers. During the entire war he was constantly, and at the risk of life and health, at his post, and it is probable that the disease of which he died originated while thus occupied. At the termination of the struggle he was appointed to the command of the Soldiers' Home at Augusta, Maine. This place gave him some rest from the unintermitting toil of the preceding years. He quitted that place Dec. 30, 1865. During the war Doctor Derby married Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Parsons, Esq. They iiad four children. Two of the GEORGE DERBY. " 479 boys died some months since. The other two boys with their mother are still livinsr. The fame he had gained during these four years, passed in the service of his country, prepared for him a cordial reception when he settled again in Boston, as a civil practitioner of medicine and surgery. During the war, the subject of hygiene, as applied to large bodies of men in the field, had attracted his attention. Preventive medicine became very attractive to him. Soon after his return to lioston he was appointed one of the surgeons at the Boston City Hospital. In 1866 he was chosen by the Secretary of the State of Massachu- setts as Editor of the State Registration of births, deaths, and mar- riages. This position he held until his death. In 1868 he published a small but admirable treatise entitled "An- thracite and Health." It was the first indication he had civeu of a power to grapple practically with great hygienic problems most impof- tant for the future welfare of our people. In April, 1869, the Massachusetts State Board of Health was estab- lished by an act of the Legislature. By the community at large Doctor Derby was " naturally selected " as its secretary and executive officer. He had an immense influence upon the doings and publica- tions of that board. Many of its most important papers were written by him. All passed under his clear, critical eye. Bringing to the task a ripe judgment, he announced his views in a most clear and simple style. His judgment on matters of detail was excellent. His war discipline was invaluable to the board during its earlier strussfles. Especially to him is due the revolution made in our society in reference to slau2fhter-houses. In the contest with the nuisances at Brighton his calm but decided and gentlemanly deportment, his truth- fulness, his appreciation of the iidierent ditliculties in which the butchers themselves were placed, his indefatigable zeal in season and out of season, were above all praise. Though originally his most bitter opponents, none will now mourn his loss more than the occu- pants of the splendid abattoir which has risen under his influence on the margin of Charles River. His papers given to the Board of Health brouffht him to the notice of sanitarians at home and abroad, and at his death his opinion on sanitary matters was becoming daily more valuable not only to America, but to Europe. In 1872 he was appointed to fill the ofllce of the new Professorship of Hygiene at Harvard College. He died June 20, 1874, after a few weeks of sudden and most pain- 480 FRANCIS CABOT LOWELL. ful illness, connected Avith a chronic inflammation of the stomach, and parts adjacent thereto. , As the Academy honored itself when he was chosen a member, so the Academy may well mourn his loss; for there is no one, at present, who can worthily fill his place. FRANCIS CABOT LOWELL. " Francis Cabot Lowell was born in Boston in 1802. He was the son of Francis C. Lowell, whose name is associated with the cotton manufacture as first successfully pursued in New England, and brother of John Lowell, Jr., the founder of the Lowell Institute. He was a member, with Ralph Waldo Emerson and other eminent men, of the class that was graduated at Harvard College in 1821. After some years of foreign travel Mr. Lowell became a merchant, devoting himself to the study of the principles that regulate commerce. These he mastered so thoroughly that he was appealed to, through life, as an authority on all questions of political economy and finance. That with these endowments, added to his calm judgment and ex- quisite courtesy, he would have attained, had such been his ambition, a high rank in any sphere of public activity does not admit of a doubt. But neither his health nor his inclination permitted such aspirations. He was of too lofty and serene a temperament to descend into the struggles of the arena. He could not flatter a constituency or submit his fortunes to the caprices " popularis aurte." He preferred the inde- pendence of a private station. He was successively Treasurer of the Amoskeag and of the Merrimac Manufacturing Companies, and Actuary of the Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company, — trusts of high responsibility and requiring very varied powers. Few men, perhaps, could have so satisfactorily discharged the duties of all three ; fewer still would have had the phil- osophy to retire voluntarily from each, in the meridian of their powers and with the halo of success. Equanimity, dignity, and decision marked his character. Fearless by nature, he had the courage of his opinions. Yet such was the sweetness of his manners, that, though outspoken, he never gave oifence. To those who had claims on his sympathy he was the most steadfast friend, the wisest counsellor. These qualities, so rare in their union, could not foil to impress themselves on his demeanor. A distinguished British professor writes of him : " His look and presence Avere noble in the extreme, and bespoke the gentleman of the old school. I never saw dignity DR. CHARLES G. PUTNAM. 481 more clearly expressed on any face, — the dignity of a deep-seated self-respect. His courtesy had an old-world elegance in it. His kindnes.-J, that could net be surpassed, was all the more valuable as being accompanied by an outward manner suggestive of self-repres- sion and wholly antithetic to emotional display. In fact he was so noble and grand and good a man that pity seems a feeling incon- gruous with any circumstance connected with him, incongruous even with his death. I feel a sincere sorrow ; but it is a sorrow inter- mingled and softened by a supreme admiration. He will abide in my memory as the heau ideal of the gentleman in the lighter respects of manner and appearance and in the weighter respects of feeling and character." DR. CHARLES G. PUTNAM. Dr. Charles G. Putnam was born in Salem on the 7th of Novem- ber, 180.5. His father was the Honorable Samuel Putnam, Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, his mother a niece of Timothy Pickering, the Secretary of State during "\Yashington's and Adams's administration. He was fitted for colleije under the direction of Mr. John Brazer Davis, and graduated at Harvard in 1824. He studied medicine with the late Dr. A. L. Peirson of Salem, and took his medi- cal degree in 1827. During six years of residence in Salem he was Physician of the Dispensary, Secretary of the School Committee, Physician to the Almshouse, Cabinet Keeper of the Essex Historical Society, and Physician to the Board of Health. In 1833 he removed to Boston, and in 1835 married the eldest daughter of the late Dr. James Jackson, with whom he entered into professional partnership, which continued until the death of Dr. Jackson. He remained in practice in Boston during the rest of his life, con- stantly and quietly busy, with few interruptions, the most important of which was a visit to Europe of only four months in 1851. His unas- suming excellence as a practitioner and as a man was recognized in the various honors which sought him in his little conspicuous path of daily duties. He was made Physician to the Lying-in Hospital President of the Suffolk District Society, President of the Boston Obstetrical Society, Consulting Physician of the Carney Hospital and of St. Joseph's Hospital, and in 1868 President of the Massachusetts Medical Society. In 1857 he was chosen a member of this Academy. His special pursuits hardly furnished materials for papers to go upon its record, VOL. X. (N. S. II.) 31 482 NATHANIEL BRADSTREET SHURTLEFF. but he found great pleasure in attending the meetings and listening to the various communications from the distingnisfied men of science who gave these meetings their chief interest. The few publications Dr. Putnam has left relate chiefly to the dis- eases of women and the practice of obstetrics, to which brandies he was more particularly devoted. His translation of Louis on Blood- letting introduced to the practitioners of this community a work which has done much towards forming the professional creed of the present generation. He died very suddenly after some threatening cerebral symptoms, which however had left him capable of work and of enjoyment, on the 5th of February, 1875. His best record, because the amplest and the one that tries all a man's qualities, is the memory of a life that was mainly spent in going about doing good, without show, without noisy claim of acknowledgment, without envy or jealousy. Single-hearted in the service to which he had given himself, diligent, patient, skilful, he lived serenely and died peacefully, leaving many mourners and not one enemy. NATHANIEL BRADSTREET SHURTLEFF. Na-THANiel Bradstreet Shurtleff, M. D., F. S. a., died in Dorchester, on the 17th of October, 1874. He was in his sixty-fifth year, having been born in Boston on the 20th of June, 1810. His father, Dr. Benjamin Shurtleff, a native of Carver, in the County of Plymouth, and a graduate of Brown University of 179G, removed about the beginning of this century to Boston, where he was for many years a practitioner of emmence. He came of the purest of the Pilgrim stock, no less than six of his ancestors having been of the company of the Mayflower. It is doubtless to this descent, and the interest in the early history of New England which it excited, that we owe the numer- ous antiquarian and historical works by which Dr. Nathaniel Shurtleff is best known and will be chiefly remembered. His earlier education was had at the public schools of this city, but his preparation for col- leo'e was finished at the Round Hill School at Northampton, then at; the height of its success, under Messrs. John G. Cogswell and George Bancroft. He graduated at Cambridge in 1831, and at once entered on his professional studies, taking his degree in medicine regularly in 1834. He was f.iirly successful in the practice of his profession, but his taste lay rather in other directions, and latterly they much diverted bis attention from his hereditary vocation. NATHANIEL bhadstreet shurtleff. 483 The first publication of Dr. Shurtleff, about the time of his receiving his medical degree, was a small treatise on Phrenology, a subject in which the visit of Dr. Spurzheim to this country in 1832 had excited a certain degree of interest at that period. It was entitled " An Epitome of Phrenology," and consisted of an abstract of the theo- ries of the school of Gall, Spurzheim, and Combe, written in the spirit of a believer, but without endeavoring to re-enforce those 'doc- trines by fresh examples or arguments. It was fourteen or fifteen years after this publication before Dr. Shurtleff again appeared as an author, when he began in 1849 the series of works relating to our early history by which his later life was distinguished with a little tract entitled "The Passengers in the Mayflower," which compressed the results of great research and industry within a narrow compass. This was followed by brief Genealogical Memoirs of William Shurtleff and of Polder Thomas Leverett, and by a monograph, privately printed, on the " Deaths at Marshfield in 1658 and IGGG by Lightning." A little later Dr. Shurtleff was intrusted by the General Court of Massachu- setts with the editorship of " The Records of the Governor and Com- pany of the Massachusetts Bay in New England," the first two volumes of which appeared in 1853. The next year he published three more volumes bringing the Records down to the Presidency of Joseph Dud- ley. In 1855, Dr. Shurtleff was appointed by a legislative resolve to edit the " Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England," the first four volumes of which appeared in that year, followed by the fifth and sixth in 1856, and the seventh and eighth in 1857, In the year 1858, the political complexion of the State government having changed, that great cardinal doctrine of our modern politics. Rotation in Office, devisetl to secure the Survival of the Unfittest, was applied to him, and he was relieved from tlie task he was so eminently fitted to perform. He discharged this laborious duty in the most thorough and conscientious manner. In his own words, he " closely collated ike. proof-sheets with the original record, and consequently, with consid- erable labor, compared every word of the printed copy with th^ original manuscript, and also revised all doubtful words and passages with the same." Among his smaller publications may be mentioned " A Per- petual Calendar for Old and New Style," designed to relieve the student of history from the embarrassments sometimes occasioned by the difference of the two styles. Also a ''Decimal System for. the Arrano-ement and Administration of Libraries," which described the plan he had himself invented for the management of the Boston Public Library, when he was one of the original trustees of that institution, 484 NATHANIEL BRADSTREET SHURTLEFF. and which is still employed witli considerable modifications in its ad- ministration. In 1862, Dr. Shurtk'ff edited "A Literal Eej^rint of the Bay Psalm Book " with his usnal conscientious accuracy, and enriched it with a short bibliographical notice of much value to the curious student. Unfortunately there were but fifty-six copies printed, so that the reprint is almost as hard to come by as that rarest of bibliomaniacal curiosities. Dr. Shurtleff was a Bostonian of the Bostonians, and had a passion- ate affection for his native city, which led to an immense collection of materials for the illustration of her history and antiquities. A portion of these he employed in the preparation of the most important of his works, — "A Historical and Topographical Description of Boston," which was published in 1871. This volume contains more information on the subjects of which it treats than can be found elsewhere, and yet but a quarter part of the material he had been collecting, for more than forty years, was employed in its preparation. It is to be hoped that the remainder of these important collections may have been left in a shape to be made useful hereafter. So devoted was he to his native city that it is said that he had slept but two nights out of its limits since he left college, and those were most characteristically given to Plymouth. In 18G7, Dr. Shurtleff reached the position which prob- ably was the highest object of his ambition, being elected Mayor of Boston as the candidate of the Democratic party. The next year he was airain elected on the nomination of the Democrats, and in 1871, havin"- lost the nomination of that party, he was triumphantly chosen as an independent candidate by a pkirality of nearly 8,000 votes. After having received this most honorable testimony to his adminis- trative merits, he declined a re-election. During the Rebellion, he was active in promoting the cause of the Union, and gave both his sons to the military service of the country, of whom the eldest, bearing his name (11. C. 1859), fell at Cedar Mountain in August, 1862, at the a^e of twenty-four. Dr. Shurtleff was elected a Fellow of this Acad- emy In 1|8'')3, and was also a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia, of the American Antiquarian Society, of the Royal Society of Anti- quaries of London, and of many other learned bodies. His life was marked by a constant activity in useful directions, and it was crowned with the testimony of a good conscience, with the friendship of many eminent men, and with the respect of the general public. JAMES WALKER. 485 JAMI<:S WALKER. James Walker was born in Burlington (at tliat time a part of Woburn), Mass.. on the IGtIi of August, 1794. He fitted for college at the Groton Academ\% which was then under the charge of Mr. Caleb Butler. This preparation extended (with several interruptions) from the autumn of 18;)7 to that of 1810. lie entered Harvard Col- lege in 1810 and graduated in 1814. Though he held no prominent rank in his class during the freshman year, on account of his imper- fect and irregular course of preparatory studies, he steadily gained ground, and, at the close of the senior year, the second English oration was assigned to him. He was not, however, so engrossed in liis studies as to have no leisure for the society of his classmates, whose respect and love he early won and always retained. Their apprec-ia- tion of his abilities and character was manifested by electing him to be their class orator. The intimacies which he formed in college v,'ere judiciously chosen, were darkened by no cloud, and terminated only with life. On the last Commencement, the seven other surviving mem- bers of his class were invited to dine with him ; and all but one were able to be present, to celebrate the cixtieth anniversary of their gradu- ation. Mr. AYalker spent the first year after leaving college at Phillips' Exeter Academy as an assistant teacher. He then returned to Cambridge, and began his theological studies as a resident graduate on the 15th of October, 1815. His class is entered in the Triennial Catalogue as the first in the Divinity School, graduating from it in 1817. But the school can hardly be said to have been organized at that time. It had no teachers exclusively devoted to it. Most of the instruction was given by Dr. Henry Ware, the Hollis Professor in Divinity, assisted by President Kirkland, Professor Sydney AVillard, and Mr. Andrews Norton. At a meeting of the Boston Ministerial Association, held at tlie house of Dr. William E. Channing on May 5th, 1817, Mr. Walker received the usual aj^probation or license to preach; and he preached for the first time, on the Sunday following (May 11th), for the Rev. Samuel Sewall in his native town. On the 22d of September, 1817, he had a call to settle in Lexington, Mass., which he declined. On the 11th of February, 1818, he was invited to the Harvard Chr.rch in Charlestown, Mass., and was ordained on the loth of April. The history of this society virtually begins with his ministry, as his only predecessor, the Rev. Thomas Prentiss, died in aboui six months after his settlement. Other young ministers of that day created at first a 486 JAMES WALKER. greater sensation than was produced by Mr. Walker. But he knew wliat was in him. Soon after he was settled, he said to a friend and classmate that it was not wise for a young minister to put eveiy thing into his first sermon, otherwise he would soon find himself a'n'ound. The reputation of Mr. Walker as a vigorous, eloquent, and convincing preacher rapidly increased and extended. In 1822 he was urged to take charge of a society in Washington, D.C. In 1823 the strongest appeals were made to him to settle in Baltimore. No one else was thought to be so well qualified by abilities and courage to defend these outposts of the denomination. It was not the exposure of these new positions which led Mr. Walker to dechne them ; but loyalty to the 23eo])le and church which had chosen him for their minister, and which, as he modestly said, had manifested for him a " degree of affection and attachment which has left me nothing to regret*but that it was not better deserved and better rewarded." In his reply to the Baltimore invita- tion occurs the following characteristic remark : " I am not unapprised of the difficulties to be encountered by him who shall be your succes- sor ; his arduous duties, his great and undivided responsibility, widely separated from the main body of his theological friends, and in frequent collision with his opponents, numerous, active, and implacable. But, formidable as these obstacles may appear to some, they have no terror tor me : nay, so far from shrinking from them, I would go forward to meet them." Dr. Walker preached his farewell sermon to his people on July 14, 1839, after a devoted ministry of twenty-one years ; during wliicli his society had grown from ninety-five families to about two hundred and twenty-five. He resigned his pastoral charge in order to accept an appointment to the Alford Professoi-ship of Natural Theology, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity in Harvard College. Every possible effort was made, independently, by the church, the congregation, the Sunday school teachers, and the young men of his society, to induce him to withdraw his request for a dismissal. But he was not a man to have come to a decision on an important step in life before he had looked at it from all sides. His people trusted implicitly in his honor and the purity of his motives, and, though disappointed, they acquiesced in his conclusion with Christian grace. If the separa- tion was painful on both sides, not a friendship was broken, nor a confidence impaired ; and when on the 16th of August, 1874, some of Dr. Walker's friends desired to commemorate his eightieth birthday by a substantial expression of their love and veneration, none more eagerly embraced the opportunity than the survivors among his old parish- JAMES WALKER. 487 loners, from whom he had been separated for thirty-five years ; for his memory was still green in their own hearts, and had been instilled into the hearts of their children and grandchildren. There were those among his clerical brethren who advised Dr. Walker against accepting his appointment to a professorship, fearing that he would be lost to a ministry which could ill afford to spare him. liut others, and among them Dr. W. E. Channing, urged him to go t'» Cambridge. He said: ''To guide the young to just principles of moral and intellectual philosophy is to contribute more to their education than any other teaching can do." The event has proved that what was gained to the college was not so much lost to the churclies. Dur- ing the period of more than twenty years while Dr. Walker was Professor or President, and afterwards, as long as his health permitted, he preached frequently in the college or otlier pulpits, and with ever- increasing power and attractiveness. After he had retired from the Presidency of the college to private life, in the sixty -sixth year of his age, with some bodily infirmities, but in the full possession of all his grand thoughts, and the fire of his old eloquence to utter them, he was invited to the pulpit of King's Chapel in Boston. There can be no doubt that, whatever else Dr. Walker was or might have been, he was born to be a preacher, and possessed all the qualities of mind and heart, and all the physical gifts, which fit a man to be a great preacher ; reverence, sympathy, a searching logic, a deep insight into character, a simple and terse style, and an inspiring look and voice which made the man- ner an exact counterpart of the matter. AVhat he had to preach is best stated in his own words, taken from an installation sermon printed in 1823. " Mere moral lectures, which a heathen philosopher might have preached as well, will not answer ; nor ingenious and subtle dis- quisitions respecting the foundation of morals, or the fitness of things, or the beauty of virtue, or the counsels of mere worldly prudence. All this may be very well in its place, and it need not be entirely excluded from the pulpit : but it is not preaching Christ ; and that minister will find himself to have sadly erred, who depends upon it mainly for success. We find none of it in the discourses of the Saviour; none of it in the pi'eaching of the Apostles. It was not by such means that Christianity was established, or the Reformation begun : nor is it by such means, even at the present day, and notwith- standing all the changes that have taken place, that interest and popu- larity can be given to any system of doctrines, or the bulk of any conofregation be kept awake, or their souls saved from death." Though Dr. Walker habitually held himself to a strict account to 488 JAMES WALKER. be spiritual and practical in his sermons, no one could excel him on occasion, in speculative, doctrinal, or controversial preaching. Wit- ness his sermon on the philosophy of man's spiritual nature jirinted in the "Unitarian Tracts;" or his sermon on the nature of God, preached at the ordination of Rev. Ephraim Peabody ; or his sermon on faith, regeneration, and atonement, prepai'ed for a dedication in Leicester ; and then turn for an example of his spiritual and practical preaching to his sermon on the law of the spiritual life, or the life of the soul. It can be said of few preachers as truly as of Dr. Walker that he interested and instructed all classes, the most intellectual and the most simple-minded, the youngest and the oldest among his hearers. Per- haps there is no harder ordeal by which a preacher can be tried than when he addresses a body of college students. It is not that such an audience is more intellectual, or more sceptical, or more frivolous than other congregations. But, instead of a mixed assembly of men, women, and children, this is mostly of one kind, surrounded by all the associa- tions of college life, and sometimes affecting to be less serious than it really is. Whatever of conceit or of fallacy was contained in the stu- dent's judgment of the utility of the Sunday services for him. Dr. Walker was able to probe to the core and expose, as in his sermon on the Student's Sabbath. By a happy selection of topics (as in the sermon on St. Paul or the Scholar among the Apostles), by a jsrofound analysis of his subject, by an inexorable logic which riveted the atten- tion, he took possession of the minds of his hearers, but only that he might bring home to their consciences, their hearts, and their lives, the application of the truths which he had slowly evolved. Moreover, the solemnity and earnestness of his manner assured them that he felt himself that he was not dealing with abstractions, but with realities. He believed that this was the deep secret of pulpit influence. These are his own words : " Surely he who can preach otherwise than seriously and earnestly must be without an adequate conception of man's need of religion, or of the divine compassion in providing it, or of the strength and inveteracy of that corruption against which he is to contend, or of the character and extent of that misery for which he is to indicate a remedy or a consolation. And let him not think to inspire a feeling which he does not himself possess. However learned or ingenious or eloquent, let him not think to kindle in others a zeal for God and a devotion to his cause, unless he speak from that same zeal and devotion burning in his own bosom. However rich and costly may be the offering which he brings, let him bring fire with it, and not think to kindle the saci'ifice by blowing upon the cold hearth JAMES WALKER. 4S9 of the altar." No other recognition of his services, during his lor.g and honored life, gave Dr. Walker so much satisfaction as the assur- ances which he continued to receive from the young men that his preaching had done them permanent good. His sermons were not of the kind which can be once heard and then forgotten. In every one of them there are characteristic expressions which are remembered and repeated by his hearers after an interval of a quarter of a century. The influence which Dr. Walker exerted from the pulpit did not come exclusively from his sermons. His devotional exercises were brief, without vain repetitions, but deeply impressive. His manner of read- ing the Scriptures was majestic. It may be doubted whether human lips ever gave them greater force and meaning since they have been read in the churches. His commanding presence in the pulpit, the wonderful selections which he made from the Bible, and the strength and feeling with which they were uttered, always made the greatest occasions appear still greater. Dr. Walker was admirably qualified by his intellectual preferences, his even temper, and his interest in young men, to teach in the depart- ment to which he had been chosen at Cambridge. His own mind was wedded to no jjarticular school of philosophy, but was essentially eclectic, and ever open to new light from whatever quarter of the intellectual firmament it miirht come. The students soon learned to find in him a friend as well as a teacher, and sought his advice, not only in their studies and their troubles, but in the choice of their career in life. After having discharged the duties of professor, in the most acceptable manner, for nearly fourteen years, he was made Presi- dent of the University in February, 1853, and was welcomed to this oflBce by the unanimous voice of the community. He had already been a Fellow of the Corporation since 1834, and had been Acting President during the interval between the administrations of Mr. Quincy and Mr. Everett. No one understood better than he did the labors and responsibilities of president, or the condition, wants, and prospects of the University; and no one of his illustrious predecessors administered its affairs with greater assiduity and impartiality, or was rewarded by more decided marks of public confidence. The personal attachment which the students had formed for him while he was their teacher made it comparatively easy for him to govern them as president. He had also the hearty and undivided support of all his associates in the various offices of instruction and government. When youthful indis- cretions or grave offences were committed by any of the students, the offenders suffered as much in the consciousness of his dis[)leasure as 4:?j0 JAMES WALKER. from the college punishment, which was inflicted. Dr. Walker did not make too much account of college misdeeds, and never despaired of a young man, even if vicious, hoping every thing from the reflections of his better moments and the experiences of life. Though he was sometimes doomed to disappointment, his hopes were oftener realized, and the college delinquent became an honored member of society and sometimes an ornament of the University. There are many men in the community, now in the prime of life, who will gladly confess that their character and prospects were determined for them by the judi- cious counsels of a president, who was severe to uncover their faults and follies, but who was always gentle to forgive and ready to encour- age. The annual reports which he made to the Overseers indicate a rapid increase in the number of students and in the facilities foi- in- struction during his administration. During this period the Appleton Chapel, Boylston Hall, and the Gymnasium were built, and the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology was founded. Education in all its grades, and religious as well as secular, had always enlisted the sympathy and support of Dr. Walker. Before the estab- lishment of Sunday schools he himself gave religious instruction to the children of his own parish. He was an active member of the school com- mittee of Charlestown, a constant attendant at the College with one of the examining committees of the Overseers, and a friend to the Divinity School in Cambridge. He prompted young men to seek the highest education and gratuitously fitted more than one for it. On two occa- sions, viz., in 1831 and again in 1856, he delivered the introductory lect- ure before the American Institute of Instruction. After quoting the remark of an old English divine who said that " schoolmasters have a negative on the welfare of the kingdom," he added : " They may be said to create a republic, and the time has come when, under institu- tions like ours, we could no more dispense Avith the profession as a distinct profession than we could with that of the ministers of justice or religion." Dr. Walker believed in common education ; but the education which he wished to make common was the best education. Wlierever the highest intellectual gifts were found, he would have them put in the way of the highest intellectual culture. In that anar- chy of thought which was formerly repressed by " authoi-ity in church and state, by the fetters on men's hands or the fetters in their souls," but which now stalked madly through the land, he saw no hope unless some could be found "in every department of human knowledge, so incontestably superior, as to become, in that particular department, the legitimate and accepted lights and guides of the age." To this end JAMES WALKER. 4?! they should he taught something ahout a good many things, hut every thing about at least one thing. But before all systems of iustructiou he placed character ; as character alone would enable the young to profit by the many accidental circumstances which schools and colleges do not create and cannot prevent. Dr. Walker had been a member of the Board of Overseers of Har- vard Colleire from 1825 to 183G : after resiouins; the office of President in 18G0, he was again elected into that body, at the first opportunity, and remained in it to the day of his death. His services in that board are well expressed in the words of one of his associates in it. " With this long experience, his comprehensive and trained intellect, sound moral nature, his devotion to the college, his clear and forcible state- ment, his modesty and courtesy, gave to his judgment at this board an authority which no other could command." With this exception, when Dr. Walker left the office of Pre.-ident, he relinquished all official responsibility. The fifteen years of comparative leisure and retirement which he then enjoyjcd made the happiest pei'iod of his life. And yet, perhaps, no other period could show greater intellectual activity, or overflowed in richer blessings to others. The mere presence of such a man in any community, — so strong in thought, so abundant in learn- ing, and yet so accessible to young and old ; so severe in his principles, rtnd yet so lenient in his judgments ; so firm in his own convictions, so liberal to others ; ever ready to give good counsel Avhen it was asked, but with no desire to force his opinions upon unwilling minds ; often a peacemaker between those who were alienated, but without any quar- rels of his own, — the presence of such a man in the community is a benediction. But more than this. Dr. Walker was ever prompt to respond, to the full measure of liis physical strength, to the many public calls which were made upon him, in the name of patriotism, good learning, and religion. The sermon which he preached in King's Chapel, on the 12th of May, 18G1, on the "Spirit proper to the Times," though it does not contain a harsh word, was nevertheless a trumpet-call to arms. AVhere can be found a more masterly analysis of the causes, remote and proximate, of the troubled state of the country durino- the war of the great rebellion, than in Dr. Walker's sermon, preached before the Government of Massachusetts, at the annual elec- tion, on Jan. 7, 1803? And who can forget his thoughtful and in- spiriting address, on the " Duties of Educated men to the Country," delivered before the alumni of Harvard College, on July 16, 1863, in which he closed with a most eloquent appeal to the living alumni to erect a monument to their dead heroes ? " Do not," he said, " cover it 492 JAMES -WALKER, over with a glorification of our institutions, or of our people, or even with a studied eulogy of the dead ; thus to have offered up their lives is glory enough. Write on it these few simple words : In memory of the sons of Harvard, who died for their country." At the recpaest of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Dr. Walker prepared two memoirs : one of Daniel Appleton White, which was printed in 1863; and the other of Josiah Quincy, which was printed in 1867. Dr. Walker was no less fortunate in the subjects of these me- moirs than they were in the just and discriminating treatment which they received at his hands. Born at nearly the same time, and, after living to a very advanced age, dying within a few years of each other, these two distinguished men cover with their lives " the whole of our jaroper unchallenged national existence." Trusting and honoring one another, and trusted and honored by the public, they were conspicuous actors, each in his own way, in the scenes which passed before them ; and many of the great movements in church and state, and many of the great questions relating to government, education, morals, or reli- gion, which agitated their times, received an impression ffom their minds and characters. To write the memoirs of such men, learning, research, wisdom, independence, delicacy, were required ; and all these qualifications Dr. Walker brought to the work in large measure. An intimate friend of Judge White for many years, and closely associated with President Quincy during his administration, he could speak, as one having authority, of their noble characters and their honorable and useful lives. In 1840, Dr. Walker was invited to deliver courses of lectures on Natural Religion, before the Lowell Institute in Boston ; which he gave in three successive years. The first course treated of the psycho- logical grounds of Natural Religion. Scientific Theology, or the logical grounds of Natural Religion, was the subject of the second course. In the last the analogy or harmony between Natural and Revealed Religion was discussed. These carefully prepared lectures produced a deep impression on the large and intelligent audiences which heard them. Had they been printed at the time, according to the wishes of the administrator of the Lowell Fund, they would have instructed a still wider public. But their publication was postponed by Dr. Walker, in the hope of gaining leisure for a careful revision of them ; a leisure which, in his crowded life, he never found. After an interval of twenty years, he was asked to repeat them before the Lowell Institute. He excused himself from a literal compliance with this invitation for these reasons : " Several of the topics considered by JAMES WALKER. . 493 me have since then been earnestly discussed by writers of great ability. Accordingly, any treatment of them which should omit all notice of these works would be justly regarded as behind the age. 1 should also be sorry to think that my own mind, during so long an intei-val, had made no progress in correcting and clearing up its conceptions on points, many of which, to say t!ie least, are still fiir from being defi- nitely settled. I love consistency; but I love truth still more. Old as I am, I am not ashampd to learn. Under these circumstances, so far as I make use of the old materials, I shall feel it to be due to myself, as well as my audience, to rewrite 'and restate every thing. And this is not all. Instead of taking up and following out the same line of argu- ment as before, I shall limit myself, for the most part, to what may be called, so fixr as the public take concern in these matters, the problems of the day, and so be able to discuss them at much greater length." The subject of this new course of lectures was the Philosophy of Religion. "What Dr. Walker said of himself at this time remained true of him to the end. He was never ashamed to learn. Though his mind was unusually mature at thirty years of age, the ripe fruit continued to hang upon the tree, growing larger and more perfect with every sum- mer sun for half a centuiy longer. He read largely, and digested what he read ; keeping himself familiar with the latest thought on science, pliilosophy, education, and religion. Amid the revolutions and dis- tractions in human thought and society, he never lost his faith in man or God. Dark problems, which troubled many spirits, he discussed dispassionately and hopefully. He continued to think and write on such subjects to the latest moment, and the ink was scarcely dry upon the last sheets when the summons to prepare for the great change came to him. Besides fifty unprinted sermons, he has left a large amount of manuscript, but no wholly completed work. In his final illness, he expressed regret that he had not had time to finish one work which he thought might do some good. Formerly, he said, religion was every thing and science nothing ; now, in the opinion of some, science is every thing and religion nothing. The subject which he undertook to dis- cuss, and upon which he has written at great length, is this : "'Are me-n outgrowing Religion?" He has also left a long and elaborate analysis of the lives and opinions of atheists and alleged atheists. **Is God Know^able?" is another of his subjects. He projected an exposition of the New Testament, which he began, and carried into the seventh chapter of Matthew. He prepared, probably while he was professor, portions of a manual on Comparative Psychology. 494 JAMES WALKER. Dr. Walker often studied and wrote under great physical disabilities. For many years his eyes were weak, and he was forced to employ a reader. At another time he suffered from cramp in the fingers, so that he was obliged to hold his pen in one hand and guide it with the other. He was never a fluent or rapid writer. He generally spent so much time in thinking over his subject that he wrote at last under pressure. The remark occurs once in his diary, that he would not again allow himself so much time to write a sermon. After he had once welded a sentence in his heated brain, it was strong as iron, and incapable of improvement. Hence, he seldom corrected his own manu- script, and the material which he has left might be sent to the press without the change of a single word. He never shrank from a homely expression, if it conveyed his meaning; and whenever he indulged in the graces of rhetoric, the effect was heightened by contrast with the massive columns below. Of all which Dr. Walker had written, but little was published during his lifetime. A volume containing twenty- five of his sermons appeared in 1861, and at other times single sermons and addresses. He contributed more than fifty articles, besides short notices, to the " Christian Examiner," and he was the sole or associate editor of it from January, 1831, to March, 1839. While he was pro- fessor, he edited " Reid's Essay on the Intellectual Powers, abridged, with Notes from Sir William Hamilton;" also, " Dugald Stewart's Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man." All the honors which a life so long, so laborious, so useful, had richly merited, were freely bestowed and meekly worn. Harvard Col- lege gave him the degi-ee of D.D. in 1835, and that of LL.D. in 1860. Yale College had given him the degree of LL.D. in 1853. In 1842 he was chosen a Fellow of this Academy, and in 1857 he was elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Li 1854 he was made an honorary member of the Historical Society of Wisconsin, and, in 1859, an honorary member of the New F2ngland Historic- Genealogical Society. In 1860 the Senior Class in Harvard Col- lege requested him to sit for his portrait; and, in 1863, some friends had the privilege of seeing his grand head perpetuated in marble. The portrait by Hunt and the bust by Dexter are among the worthies which adorn the walls of the dining-room of IMemorial Hall at Cam- bridge. The munificent gift of $12,000, presented to Dr. Walker by unknown friends in 1860, though not necessary to a man of simple tastes, and who had managed his affairs with a wise forecast, was, nevertheless, received by him with gratitude, as relieving him from all anxiety, and furnishing the means of increasing his facilities of study, JAMES WxVLKER. 495 and, as he hoped, his usefuhiess. "With great delicacy of feeling he preferred to interpret the gift as not wholly personal to himself, but as a recognition of the claims of the highest education upon the wealth which it helps to create ; and, accordingly, by his own bequest to the library of Harvard College, he has given permanent significance to the generosity of his friends, and secured for them, as well as for himself, the gralJtude of future generations of scholars. It is a beautiful spectacle to contemplate a man, at the age of sixty- six, looking forward to freedom from anxiety it is true, but not to his ease and comfort; I'ather to continued study and usefulness. No official station could have added to the influence which he continued to exert over others, younger and more active than himself, and through them upon the community. Time added but slowly to his bodily infirmities, while it mellowed the fruits of his rich character, and left untouched his noble intellect. Though he had made few journeys, he knew what was in man, from history and his own reflection, better than others who had traversed continents ; and, therefore, he was the most saga- cious of counsellors. Surrounded by friends and neighbors who loved him, trusted by the wise, and in full sympathy with the young, his old age was as happy as it was serene and beneficent. No other words can more fitly express the beauty and the completeness of such a life than those inscribed upon the cup and salver which were presented to him on his eightieth birthday. " Thine age shall be clearer than the noonday. Thou shalt be as the morning." Not many weeks had passed after this commemoration when organic complaints, which had long threatened", assumed an alarming magnitude. His frequent visits to the college library were discontinued. He felt from the first that he should never recover the ground which he had suddenly lost. Possibly he might linger into the spring, and be able to walk or sit in his garden. For many years it had been a great pleasure for him to watch the never-failing miracle of the opening flowers. He made especial provi- sion for the coming season, thinking that, if he lived, this recreation at least might remain to him. But the bulbs which he caused to be planted will blossom over his grave. His disease rapidly reduced his strength ; but he continued, with great courage, to dress himself and pass the day in his study, until within a week of his death. When he was assured that the final summons had come he met it, as he had helped so many others to meet it, with the peace and hope of a Chris- tian. He died on the 2od of December, 1874. 496 JEFFRIES WYMAN. JEFFRIES WYMAN. Jeffries "Wyman was elected a Fellow of the Academy in 1843. In 18;3o he was made a Councillor in Class TI., and continued to serve the Academy in this capacity until the Annual Meeting previous to the sudden close of his useful life on the 4th of September last. At the time of his birth, Aug. 11, 1814, his parents were residing in Chelmsford, Mass., where his father was a practising physician. The latter. Dr. Riifus Wyman, was born in Woburn, Mass., and was a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1799. His mother was Ann Morrill, of Boston. Jeffries, who was the third son, was named for his father's friend, Dr. John Jeffries, of Boston. When he was but four years old, his parents moved to Charlestown, as his father had received the appointment of physician to the McLean Asjdum for the Insane. Jeffries obtained the rudiments of his education at a jjrivate school in Charlestown, but soon 'entered the academy in Chelmsfoi'd where he remained until 182G, when he was sent to Phillips Academy in Exeter and was there fitted for college. Entering Harvard in 1829, he graduated in 1833 in a class of fifty-six, of which number Jeffries "Wyman and five others were afterwards called to professorships in the University. During his senior year in college he had a severe attack of pneu- monia, which, probably, was the beginning of the pulmonary trouble that in after life became so serious an obstacle. His life was finally terminated by a sudden hemorrhage while he was at Bethlehem, New Hampshire, where he had gone to escape the autumnal catari-h with which he was affected when he remained in Cambridse during that period of the year. Owing to his poor health he was often compelled to make distant journeys, in order to avoid the harshness of the New England climate. The first of these was to the Southern States, in the winter of 1833-34. Returning from this trip, he began the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. John C. Dalton, of Chelmsford, and his father at the McLean Asylum. Entering the Medical College in Boston, he was soon elected house-student in the Medical Department at tlie IMassa- chusetts General Hospital. He received his degree of Doctor of Medi- cine in 1837, presenting as his thesis a treatise upon the eye, which, probably, was the basis of his first publication in the Boston INIedical and Surgical Journal of September, of the same year, imder the title of " Indistinctness of Images formed by Oblique Rays of Light." Not finding a suitable opening for the practice of his profession, he JEFFRIES WYMAN. 497 accepted the positioa of Demonstrator of Anatomy under Dr, John C. ^Varren, the Ilersey Professor. During this period, when his very limited income made it necessary for him to secure in various ways the means of living, he became a member of the Boston Fire Department, under an appointment of Mayor Eliot, dated Sept. 1, 1838. Tlie foundation of the Lowell Institute, which was about this time put in active operation, and has since done so much in enabliug scien- tists to follow their chosen paths, probably caused JeiFries Wyman, fortunately for science, to leave the ranks of the practising physicians, and devote his clear mind, sharp eye, and steady hand to original research. Accepting the position of Curator of the Institute, at the request of ]\Ir. John A. Lowell, in the winter of 1840-41 he delivered a course of twelve lectures on Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. In January, 1841, his first anatomical paper^"On the Cranium of a Seal," was communicated to the Boston Society of Natiu*al History. Of this society he became a member about the time he took his medical degree, holding the office of Recording Secretary from 1839 to 1841, when, with the money earned by his course of lectures at the Lowell Institute, he started for Europe to continue his studies. He entered the Medical School in Paris in May, 1841, and attended the lectures at the Garden of Plants. When the lectures were completed, he made several pedestrian tours, and finally visited London, where he was engaged in studying the preparations in the Huuterian Collection at the Royal College of Surgeons when he was called home by the ill- ness and death of his father. Resuming his residence in Boston and his active membership in the Boston Society of Natural History, he was soon elected a Fellow of the Academy, and in the same year, 1843, he accepted the chair of Anatomy and Physiology in the Hamp- den-Sidney College in Virginia, where he passed the following five winters, returning to Boston each summer. His first communication to the Academy was presented the same year of his election, and was on the anatomy of the electrical organs of tlie torpedo. During this year, which was one of the most fruitful of his life, he published about a dozen papers, principally communicated to the Natural History Society, besides delivering the annual address before that society. Amon" these papers was the first of an important series which, from time to time, appeared on the special anatomy of the apes, and also the first of his resuUs upon minute anatomy, in which, with the assist- ance of his microscope, he afterwards did so much delicate and im- portant work. In 1847, he was appointed to succeed Dr. Warren as the Her ey VOL. X. (n.s. n.) 32 498 JEFFRIES "WYMAN. Professor of Anatomy at Harvard, which position he filled at the time of his death, though on account of his feeble health the college had relieved him from the duties of instruction for several years precedino-, and, thanks to the thoughtfulness of the late Thomas Lee and the late Dr. W. J. Walker, his life from 1856 was made free from pecuniary difficulties, and his mind was relieved from the anxieties which narrow means had caused ; but throughout all his trials he worked on with a cheerful, uncomplaining spirit, and, though not ambitious in the general acceptance of the term, he was always full of hope and faith. On accepting the chair at Harvard, he at once began the formation of the perfect little IMuscum of Anatomy and Physiology, to which ho added the results of all his anatomical work. Only once, durincc the several years of very fi-equent and coi-dial intercourse which the writer was so fortunate as to have with Professor Wyman, both in the laboratory and by the camp fire, was any thiug heard from his lijDS that was contrary to his usual hopefulness ; and this occurred after a protracted absence from his museum, when, going to a case to look up a special preparation he had made many years before, in order to illusti-ate a subject which had been brought to his notice, he pointed to a few preparations that had been misplaced during his ab- sence and to the dust that had collected in the cases, and asked, in a grieved tone of voice, if there was any use in making anatomical col- lections, and if, after all, it was not work thrown away. He then instanced a once famous European Anatomical Museum, and said that during his last trip abroad he had hunted in vain for preparations which he had seen in their perfection duriug his first visit. "Then," he said, " the man who made them was alive, but on my last visit he had been dead several years." Let us trust that the gems, which he has left as examples of his delicate manii)ulation for the instruction of others, will receive the care in their new depository which he would have given had a similar collection been placed in his charge, when he was an active curator of the society which has assumed the trust. pjver ready, in his quiet and faithful manner, to do his part towards advancing the interests of science, we find that Dr. Wymcn was an active curator of the Boston Society of jN'atural- History for many yeai's after his return from his first European trip, and that he was continued as Curator of Comparative Anatomy during the time, and for several years after, he was President of the Society, which last office he held from 1856 to 1870, when the condition of his health was such that he could no longer take a constant part in the meetings, and he resigned his position. JEFFRIES WYMAN. 499 lie was, also, one of the original members of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, and its first Treasurer, having already acted as an officer of the older Association of Geologists and Naturalists. In 1857 he was elected President of the Association for the meeting to be held in Baltimore the following year, but he was not able to be present at that meeting. On the establishment of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, he was appointed one of the fliculty and continued iu the position until the close of his life, which occurred soon after the death of the founder of the great museum, for whose unrivalled talents and enthusiastic nature, so directly the opposite of his own retiring dis- position, Wyman always expressed the highest esteem. That his appreciation of Agassiz was thorough and free from all envy, which, perhaps, many another less noble and generous nature would have fflt on seeing aid lavished by liberal hands on a sister museum when his own was retarded for the total want of means, is well exemplilied by a remark he made soon after the death of the lamented Agassiz. After speaking in relation to the position which Agassiz had taken on the all-absorbing questions of natural selection and evolution, he uttered the following sentence in his usual simple, but earnest manner: " Well, say what we will as to his views, right or wrong, there is no mistake about it, Airassiz was head and shoulders above us all." While attending to bis duties in the college, and teaching the several private students who were so fortunate as to gain admission to his laboratory, he continued his researches, and, from time to time, com- municated the results of his labors to the Natural History Society and to the Academy. Several of his papers were printed in the American Journal of Science and Art, and one of his most extended, that on the nervous system of Rana fipiens, was published in 1852 by the Smithsonian Institution in its quarto memoirs. The Journal and Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History contain many valuable papers communicated by him, among the most im- portant of which is that on the Gorilla, printed in 1847, and followed by several papers in which the resemblances and differences between man and the ape are discussed with that care which is so apparent in all that he wrote. Another of his series of observations was first made known by his paper on the anatomy of the blind fish, published in 18-43 ; and to this subject, as to that of the anatomy of the apes, he returned as opportunities offered. The most important of the communications made to the Academy are those on the '• Develop- ment of the Skate," in 1804, and published in the Memoirs; and that 500 JEFFRIES WYMAN. printed in the Proceedings for 18G6, entitled "Notes on the Cells of the Bee." In 1849 he gave a second course of lectures at the Lowell Institute, and with the means thus acquired he made a voyage to the coast of Labrador. Professor "\Yyman married Adeline Wheelwright in December, 1850. The winter of 1852 he passed in Florida. In 1854, he trav- elled extensively in Europe, accompanied by his wife, from whom he was parted, by her death, in the following June. The spring of 1856 found him with two students in Surinam, where he was prostrated by the fever of the country. Being still forced to make pilgrimages for his health, in 1858-59 he accepted the invita- tion of Captain J. M. Forbes and made a voyage to La Plata ; and, after ascending the rivers Uruguay and Parana, he crossed the con- tinent with his friend, Mr. G. A. Peabody, and returned home by the way of Peru and the Isthmus. In August, 1861, he married Ann "\Y. Whitney, whom he had the misfortune to lose in 1864. By his first wife he had two daughters, and by his second a son, all of whom still survive. On the foundation, by Mr. George Peabody, of the Museum of American Ethnology and Archosology at Cambridge, Professor Wymaii, who was named as one of the seven trustees, was at once requested by his fellow-members of tiie board to take charge of the Museum as its Curator. These new duties drew him, in part, away from general anatomical and physiological researches into a special field, upon the margin of which he had often trod in his earlier in- vestigations, and we find him devoting his time, from this period, principally to anthropological studies. His immense knowledge of comparative anatomy proved of very great advantage in these new studies, while his predilection for human anatomy found sufficient opportunities for its indulgence. Being obliged to spend his winters in Florida, he had opportunities to investigate the ancient shell-heaps which are so extensive there ; and to a person of Wyman's peculiar powers and careful research these prehistoric remains could but prove most instructive. From the study of these, and from the examinations of many shell- heaps of a similar character along the Atlantic coast, especially of Maine and Massachusetts, he was able to draw many interesting con- clusions. The early results of his labors in this field are given in two papers in the American Naturalist for 1867-68. A more extended memoir on the shell-heaps of Florida was completed but a short time JEFFRIES WYMAN. 501 before his death, and embodied the results of his work during the preceding winter, among the most important of which was the deter- mination of the fact of cannibalism among the early race who formed the heaps in Florida. Proof's of the first pages of this memoir had passed through his hands in revision ; and, thanks to his usual care in the preparation of his papers, the memoir was fully written, and will in time, be given to the world as his latest work. The seven Annual Reports on the condition and accessions to the New Museum are evidences of what he did in connection with the Museum. Pie also communicated to the Natural History Society several important papers, the results of anthropological studies, one of which, entitled '• Observations on Crania " and printed in the Pro- ceedings of the Society for 1868, is a most instructive review of the characters exhibited by a large number of crania, and is interesting in showing how carefully he made his deductions. During the winter of 1869-70, he visited Europe for the third time, partly in the in- terests of the ArchjEological Museum, combined with the hope that his health would be benefited by the change. The following winters he passed, as before, in Florida, and every spring returned to his labors with his strength temporarily renewed. In this short and imperfect outline of the life of our late associate, no attempt has been made to portray his noble character or to dwell upon his many virtues. Neither has justice been done to his numer- ous papers and memoirs. To do this as it should be done would far exceed the limits which custom has established for these notices. Loving hearts and able minds have justly recorded his many con- tributions to science, and have made known to the world his manly and upright traits, his strength of miud, and his noble character.* * The following extended notices of tlie life and works of Jeffries Wyman have come under our observation, in addition to a number of notices in the daily press and in several magazines at the time of Jiis decease, besides resolu- tions passed by various bodies, generally accompanied by short notices. By Prof. Asa Gray. A sketch of the Life of Jeffries Wyman, read at the Memorial Meeting of tiie Boston Society of Natural History, Oct. 7, 1874, and published in the Proceedings of the Society. By Prof Oliver AVexdell Holmes. A Memorial Outline. Atlantic Monthly, November, 1874. By Prof. Bdrt G. Wilder. A Notice of Dr. Jeffries Wyman. Old and New, November, 1874. By Prof. Burt G. Wilder. Sketch of Dr. Jeffries Wyman, with a portrait. Popular Science Montlilij, January, 1875. 502 JEFFRIES WYMAN. By Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. The Scientific Life. Lippincott's Magazine, March, 1875. By Prof. Asa Gray. A Notice of Jeffries Wyman. Annual Report of the Trustees of the Peahodij Museum of American Archceology and Ethnoloijij for 1874. April, 1875. A List of Communications of Prof. Wijmnn to the Boston Society of Natural Ulstori/. 1. Jan. 20, 1841, On the Cranium of a Seal. 2. Jan. 4, 1843, Echinorynchus nodosus. 3. Feb. 1, 1843, Rotifer and Tardigrade Animalcules. 4. Mar. 1, 1843, Linguatula from a Boa. 5. Mar. 1, 1843, Ascarides from Cyclopterus. 6. April 5, 1843, Anal Pouch of Mephitis. 7. July 5, 1843, Analogies of tlie Teeth of Lepidostei and Labyrinthodonts. 8. (With Dr. T. S. Savage) , 1843, Organization of Troglodytes niger. 9. Nov. 15, 1843, Anatomy of Tebennophorus Carolinensis. 10. Nov. 15, 1843, Anatomy of Glandina truncata of Say. 11. Sept. 4, 1844, Spongia fluviatilis. 12. Nov. 15, 1843, Description of a New Species of Torpedo. — American Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences, April 25, 1843. 13. May 17, 1843, Annual Address. 14. Sept. 17, 1845, On Two Species of Linguatula. 15. Nov. 5, 1845, On the Fossil Skeleton of Ilydrarchos Sillimani. 16. (With Prof. Jas. Hall), May 20, 1846, On Castoroides Ohioensis. 17. Juno 20, 1846, Anatomical Description of Cranium of Castoroides Ohioensis. 18. Aug. 18, 1847, On Troglodytes Gorilla. 19. (With Dr. T. S. Savage) Dec. 18, 1847, Osteology of Troglodytes gorilla. 20. Nov. 7, 1849, On the Arrangement of Fibres in the Cancellated Structure of some of the Bones of the Human Body. 21. Au^. 20, 1851, On the Brain and Spinal Cord of the Lophius Araericanus. 22. Nov. 5, 1851, Anatomy of Carcharias obscurus. 23. Sept. 20, 1854, On the Development of Anableps Gronovii. 24. April 18, 1855, Measurements of the Internal Capacities of four East Indian Crania. 25. Oct. 17, 1855, On the Footprints discovered by Prof. Henry D. Rogers in tlie Carboniferous Strata of Pennsylvania. 26. Nov. 21, 1855, Account of the Dissection of a Black Chimpanzee. 27. Sept. 3, 1856, Electric Apparatus in the Tail of the Raia laevis. 28. Oct. 1, 1856, Account of Fossil Bones collected in Texas. 29. Sept. 3, 1856, On the Poisoning Powers of a Living Rattlesnake upon a Mouse. 30. Oct. 15, 1856, On the Morphology of the Urinary Bladder of Batrachians. 31. Dec. 3, 1856, Anatomy of the Blind Fish of the Mammoth Cave. •32. Jan. 21, 1857, On the Dissection of the Eye of a Sperm Whale. 83. Sept. 16, 1857, Species of Fishes from the Surinam River. 34. Nov. 18, 1857, On the Development of Anableps Gronovii, as compared with that of the Embiotocas of California. JEFFRIES WYMAN. 503 35. Dec. 16, 1857, Examination of the Bagre. 36. Dec. 17, 1856, Memoir of the late President, Dr. John C. Warren. 87. Feb. 3, 1858, Account of tlie Dissection of a Unman Foetus. 38. April 7, 1858, Results of some Examinations of a Large Number of Foetal Pigs. 39. May 19, 1858, On the Formation of the Egg case of Skates. 40. June 2, 1858, A Cyclopean Pig. 41. Sept. 1, 1853, On several Parasites found in the American Deer. 4:2. Sept. 15, 1858, Kemarks on the Death of Dr. Francis \V. Cragin, a Corre- sponding Member of the Society. 43. Oct. 19, 1859, Account of some Observations on the Shedding of the Antlers of the American lied Deer. 44. Jan. 4, 18G0, Account of the Gorilla Collection of Mr. Du Chaillu, in New York. 45. April 18, 1860, On Two Parasites. 45. May 16, 1860, On the Poison Apparatus of the Rattlesnake. 47. Sept. 19, 18tK), On a Fossil from the South-west Frontier of the United States. 48. Feb. 20, 1861, A partially double Pig. 49. Mar. 6, 1861, On the IMode of Formation of the Rattle of the Rattlesnake. 50. August, 1861, On the Presentation to the Society by Dr. William J. Walker, the Estate recently occupied by him. 51. Oct. 2, 1861, On Bones of a Gorilla recently obtained in Western Equa- torial Africa. 52. Nov. 20, 1861, A Preparation of the Bones of a Supernumerary Leg from a Goose. 53. April 2, 1862, Dissection of a Hottentot. 54. May 22, 1862, Experiments on Minute Living Organisms. 55. Sept. 17, 1862, On Larvae of Dactylethra Capensis. 56. Sept. 17, 1862, On Reproduction of Lost Parts in Planaria. 57. Oct. 15, 1862, On Eggs of Salamanders. 58. Oct. 15, 1852, On a Remarkable Case of Poisoning. 59. Nov. 19, 1862, Recent Observations on Pentastoma. 60. Dec. 3, 1862, On Development of Human Embryo. 61. Jan. 21, 1863, On Two Cases of Monstrosity in Serpents. 62. Feb. 18, 1863, Observations on the Cranium of a Young Gorilla. 63. Mar. 18, 1863, On a Cyclopean Pig. 64. April 1, 1863, On the Mechanism of the Tibiotarsal Joint in tiie Ostrich. 65. April 15, 1863, On the Structure of Beluga. 66. April 15, & May 20, 1803, Description of a " White Fish" or "White Whale." 67. May 20, 1863, On Localization of Species. 68. June 3, 1863, On the Sea-serpent. 69. June 17, 1863, On Mode of Impregnation of the Ova in Pomotis. 70. Sept. 16, 1863, Observations on Amoeba. 71. Nov. 18, 1863, On the Development of Raia batis. 72. Dec. 2, 1863, On Amphioxus. 73. Dec. 16, 1863, On the Skeleton of a Hottentot. 74. May 18, 1864, & Feb. 1, 1865, Development of Mould in the Interior of Eggs. 504 JEFFRIES WYMAN. 75. June 1, 186i, On Reptilian Bones from New Red Sandstone at Middlebury. Conn. 76. Oct. 19, 18G4, On Malformations. 77. Nov. 2, 18o4, On Indian Mounds of Atlantic Coast. 78. Feb. 1, 1365, On Accommodation of the Eye. 79. Feb. 1, 1865, On the Power of Vibrio, &.C., to resist Action of Boiling Water. 80. Mar. 15, 1865, On Fossil Mammalia from the Andes of Peru. 81. Sept. 20, 186.5, On the Formation of Ripple Marks. 82. Nov. 15, 1865, On the Irregularities noticeable in Cells of the Ilive-bee. 83. Nov. 15, 1865, On the Human Arterial System. 84. Jan. 17, 1866, On the Reproduction of Lost Parts in Animals. 85. Jan. 17, 1866, On the Hexagonal Cells of Bees. 86. June 20, 1866, Dissection of a Young Pigeon. 87. Oct. 17, 1866, On the Distorted Skull of a Child from the Hawaiian Islands. 88. Nov. 14, 1886, On the Morphology of the Leaves of Sarracenia. 89. April 17, 1867, Account of the Shell Mounds of Florida. ' 90. May 1, 1867, Account of the Life and Scientific Career of Dr. A. A. Gould. 91. May 15, 1867, Description of the Shell Heaps at Salisbury. 92. June 5, 1867, On Symmetry and Homology in Limbs. 93. Sept. 18, 1867, Destruction of a Male Spider by the Female. 94. Sept. 18, 1867, Account of a Visit to an Indian Shell Heap near Mount Desert, Me. 95. Oct. 2, 1867, On Flint Implements from Northern Europe 96. Oct. 2 & 16, 1867, Shell Heaps on Goose Island. 97. Nov. 20, 1867, Measurements of some Human Crania. 98. Dec. 4, 1867, E.xamination of the Animals of the New England Shell- Heaps. 99. Jan. 15, 1868, On the Occurrence of Eels in the Abdominal Cavity of the Cod. 100. April 15, 1868, Observations on Crania. 101. Oct. 7, 1888, On a Thread Worm infesting the Brain of the Snake Bird. 102. Dec. 2, 186S, On the Inscription of the Dighton Rock. 103. Dec. 16, 1888, On Nautilus pompilius. 104. May 19, 1869, On the Head of a Crocodile, C. Acutus, obtained in the Miami River. 105. May 20, 1874, Remarks on Cannibalism among the American Aborigines. Papers contributed to various Journals. 106. On the Indistinctness of Images formed by Oblique Vision. — Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, September, 1837. 107. Review of Embryologie des Salmones ; par C. Vogt. 108. Description of a New Torpedo. — American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 109. Notice of Remains of Vertebrated Animals found at Richmond, Va. 110. Twelve Lectures on Comparative Anatomy. — Lowell Institute, January and February, 1849. 111. Cranium of Manatee. — American Journal of Sciences and Arts, Second Series, Vol. II. FEIEDRICPI WILHELM AUGUST ARGELANDER. 505 112. Fossil Bones from the Neighborhood of Memphis, Tennessee. 113. Effect of the Absence of Light on the Development of Tadpoles. — April, 1853. 114. Critical Notice of tlie Zoology of New York. 115. Critical Notice of Echinodermes Vivans et Fossiles, par L. Agassiz. llo. Description of the Post-mortem Appearances in the Case of Daniel AVebster. — American Journal of Medical Science, January, 1853. 117. On tlie Eye and Organ of Hearing in the Blind Fishes of Mammoth Cave. — American Journal of Scieni.-e and Arts, March, 1851. 118. Cranium of Mastodon Giganteus and the Form of the Brain. 119. Observations on the Development of the Surinam Toad, 1854. 120. Description of a Carboniferous Reptile. — Dendrerpeton Acadianum, Nova Scotia. 121. On some Unusual Modes of Gestation. 122. Remains of Batrachian Reptiles found in the Coal Formation of Ohio. 123. Observations on a Species of Hornet (Vespa) which builds its Nest in the Ground. 124. Description of some Instances of Nerves passing across the Middle Line of the Body. 125. Description of an Anencephalous Foetus with Unusual Malformation. — Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, June, 1866. 126. Notice of Observations on the Respiration in the Chelonia, by S. Weir Mitchell, M.D., and George N. Morehouse, M.D. 127. Notice of Richard Owen's Monograph of Aye-Aye, with Remarks on the Origin of Species. 123. Description of a Double Foetus, with Remarks on the Resemblance of Polar Forces to those governing the Distribution of Matter in tlie ICmbryo. 129. Account of some of the Kjoekkenmoeddings or Shell Heaps of Massa- chusetts. 130. Rana Pipiens (nervous system). — Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl- edge. 131. Raia Batis, (skate) Embryology. 132. Seven Successive Reports of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeo- logy and Etlmology, 18G7 to 1873. 133. Description of the Shell Heaps of St. Johns River, East Florida. 134. Observations and Experiments on Living Organisms in Heated Water. — American Journal of Science and Arts, September, 18G7. FRIEDRICH WILHELM AUGUST ARGELANDER. Friedrich WiLHELii AuGUST Argelander was born at Memel, in Prussia, March 22, 1799, and died at Bonn, Feb. 17, 1875, nearly seventy-six years old. He began his professional career as Privat- Docent in the University of Kouigsberg, and assistant (to Bessel) in the famous observatory of that place; while there he made many cal- cvdations of value, and assisted Bessel in his zones. He was especially noted even then for his skill in handling instruments " like a glove," Bessel says, in his letters to others. In 1825 he became director of 606 FRIEDRICH WILHELM AUGUST ARGELANDER. the observatory of Abo, in Finland ; after the great fire there the Uni- versity was removed to Helsingfors, and Argelander, with the instru- ments of the observatory, went too. His work at Abo was chiefly devoted to his famous catalogue of 5G0 stars ; a model catalogue, which is yet unsurpassed for convenience and accuracy. The work was com- pletely reduced, and published at Helsingfors. Tliis same material enabled him to fix, with accuracy, the direction in which the sun is moving, as surmised by Sir William Herschel and others. In 1837 he removed to Bonn. The four years succeeding, as he had no observatory, were given to his Uranometria Nova, the first attempt at a delineation of an exact star-map for naked-eye observers ; and a most admirable work it has proved to be. He laid down upon the map about forty stars not previously observed even with the tele- scope. In 1841 a temporary shed was fitted up for a transit-instrument and clock. By adding a divided arc to the transit he was able to get ac- curate delineations, as well as right ascensions, of about 2G,000 stars, continuinir Bessel's zones to 80° of north declination. When the observatory was finished and provided with instruments, he continued the same zones from 15° to 31° of south declination; it is this work which our colleague. Dr. Gould, is now continuing still farther south. After this work was completed, the great survey of the northern heavens, on a still more minute scale, followed. The maps and rough plans of all stars to the magnitude 9.5 north of 2° of south declination came out some ten years ago ; siuce that time he has published many thousands of accurate observations, partly to solve doubts in the other work, partly for the study of proper motions. There is yet a volume of these investigations unpublished. The seven published volumes of Bonn observations contain these zones, the calculations of proper motion for four or five hundred stars, his observations on variable stars, and a very valuable series of ei-rata to the principal star- catalogues. ' He was remarkable for his skill in detecting errors in the older observations ; and his account of the curious mistakes into which his rapid and impatient master Bessel occasionally fell, when the slower Busch was a little tardy in reading microscopes, is quite amusing. And in another place his detections of the peculiar errors committed by Lalande and his friends, in reading off their numbers aloud in French, is also entertaining. Argelander was the promoter of the scheme now in progress for a l^LIE DE BEAUMONT. 607 Still more accurate catalogue of the stars to be made, by a combined effort of astronomers in the principal countries of the civilized world ; and his directions for making these observations are a masterpiece of practical astronomy. Argelander's position as an astronomer is a most elevated one ; he was not a deep mathematician, but in his specialty, ste;lar astronomy, surpassed all save Bessel and Wilhelm Struve. His works must be thoroughly studied by any one who wishes to attain to any eminence in the same studies. They are almost absolutely faultless ; and the keenness of his criticism of others is everywhere made doubly effective by the gentleness and kindness of his tone, and his care never to omit giving due commendation to the same works. The founders of the modern German school of practical a>tronomy — Bessel, Gauss, W. Struve, Argelander, Encke, Schumacher, Hansen — ax'e now gone from us ; it remains for their disciples, of all countries, to worthily per- petuate their memory. :ErJE DE BEAUJIOXT. Elie DE Beaumoxt, who died on the 24th September, 1874, was born on the 2oth of the same month, 171)8, and entered the Ecole Polytechnique of Paris in 1817, from which he passed to the Ecole des Mines, which was to be his field of labor for a long lifetime, and with the reputation of which his name will always be associated. "While yet a student, he gave proof of a rare intelligence and a great devotion to geolosy, which led to his early selection for what proved the chief work of his life, the preparation, in conjunction with Dufrenoy, of a geological map of France, for which that of England by Greenough, published about this time, was to serve as model. Having completed his studies in 1822 and joined the corps of mining engineers, he was with Dufrenoy sent to England to get suggestions as to the work, and also to collect statistics of the mining industry of the United Kingdom. It was not till 1825 that the task cjf the map was commenced, a work which required eighteen years for its completion. This map, with its accompanying volumes of text, remains a great monument to its authors and a work of national importance, not only by reason of the services which it has rendered to the science of geology, but for the aid given to the development of the country in every industry con- nected with the earth's crust, from mining to civil engineering and a