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Wh Pha +1 ‘i , Dae i J j ; J Ay , ial A . As lt we’, a | LG) y Be KNOL Le RL HAL EY - 5 Rha Ger Shige ts Mee. , PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Vol. XVII. JUNE 1877 to JUNE 1878. PHILADELPHIA : BRINE ED FOR THE SOCIETY BY M’CALLA & STAVELY. ilevish ae # % | a Titer were i it Ch") see hs LYO" LT RTA EOS To 6 ASAD le in *) OTM pages Bee 5 ou PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Vou. XVII. JUNE to DECEMBER, 1877. No. 100. Stated Meeting, May 20th, 1877. Present, 12 members. Vice-President, Mr. Pricz, in the Chair. Prof. Geo. Stuart and Dr. Rothrock, newly-elected mem- bezs, were introduced to the presiding officer and took their seats. A letter accepting membership was received from Mr. J. ° Douglass, dated Pheenixville, Pa., May 8, 1877. Letters of envoy were received from the R. Academy at Amsterdam, December 1, 1876, and from the U.S. De- partment of the Interior at Washington. Letters of acknowledgment were received from the R. A. Amsterdam, January 6, 1877 (95, 97); B.S. N. H., May 10, 1877 (96, 98); Dr. Green, Lib. Rensselaer Pol. Inst., May 11, 1877 (Cat. I-IL.). Donations were received from the R. A., Amsterdam; Ger. Geol. Soc., Berlin; Zool. Gart. Frankfort; N. H. 8. Leip- sig; R. A.d. L., Rome; Vaudois Soc. Lausanne; Geog. Soc. and Rev. Pol. Paris, and Nov. Met.; B. H. N. S.; Mr. Hubert Howe Bancroft, of New York; Mr. W. E. Dubois; Penn Monthly; Med. News and Lib. Philadelphia; Coms. 2d Geol. Sur. Pa.; Howard University, Washington, D. C.; PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 100. A. PRINTED JAN. 8, 1878, 2 U.S. Dep. Interior; Botanical Gazette, Logansport, Ind. ; Kansas State Hist. Soc.; Mr. H. 8S. Scudder and Mr. Archi- bald Liversidge, Sydney, Australia. Prof. Cope presented a communication for the Proceedings entitled, “On the Reptilian Bone Bed in East Illinois. By E. D. Cope;” illustrated the interesting points of the paper, and the doubtful character of the horizon of the formation from which the remains were obtained; but leaned to the view that it was of Permian age. The vertebre of these — reptiles are perforated, showing the existence of a chorda dorsalis, a character unknown in living animals except. in one New Zealand genus. Prot. Cope communicated also a paper ‘‘ On some new and little known reptiles and fishes, from the Austro-riparian region of the United States ;” explaining the boundaries of the region, &e. Nominations 836, 837, 838, were read. And the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, June 15th, 1877. Present, 17 members. Vice-President, Mr. FRALEY, in the Chair. Dr. Morehead, a newly elected member, was introduced to the presiding officer and took his seat. Letters of envoy were received from the Observatory at Turin, dated May 17; the Obs. Harvard Coll., June 5; and the Department of the Interior, May 27, 1877. Letters of acknowledgment were received from the Asiatic Society of Japan (93 to 97); the R. Acad. Linc., Rome (XII, XIII, i, ii, XIV, XV, i, ii, and Proc. Vols. 8 to 14); Insti- tute of Luxembourg, May 5 (95, 97); R. Astron. Society, May 9 (96, 98); Soc. of Antiquaries, London, May 11 (96, 98); London Statistical Society, May 11 (96, 98); and the Victoria Institute, May 8 (96, 98). OE * 3 Donations for the Library were reported from the Mining Bureau at Melbourne; School of Mines at Ballarat; R. Danish Society; Imp. Academies at Berlin, Vienna and Bruxelles; the Scientific Club at Vienna; Art Union at Ulm; R. Observatory at Turin; M. Aless. Dorna; R. Acad. at Rome; M. F. De Saussure and Rev. Pol. Paris; R. So- ciety, R. Institution, R. Ast. Society, Meteor. Committee, and Nature, London; Lord Lindsay; Canadian Journal of Sciences, Toronto; B.S. N. History; Observatory at Har- vard College; Amer. Chemist; Franklin Institute, Acad. Nat. Sciences, Jour. Pharmacy, Med. News, Penn Monthly, and Zoological Society at Philadelphia; Prof. E. D. Cope ; Mr. Horace W. Smith; Mr. Joel A. Allen; the U.S. Fish Commission; U. 8. War Department; Mr. Edwin A. Bar- ber; Botanical Gazette of Logansport, Ind. ; Wisconsin State Historical Society ; M. Barcena, of Mexico; and Silliman’s Journal. A copy of the Proceedings, No. 99, just published, was laid upon the table. The death of Mr. Edmund Quincey, a member of the Society, was announced by the Secretary. Dr. Sadtler read a paper entitled, “* Dichlorsalicy lie Acid, by Dr. Edgar F. Smith, Ph.D.” Pending nominations Nos. 836, 837, 838, were read. The chairman of the Committee on the Wootten process, Dr. R. E. Rogers, read the following report : The Committee to whom was referred the examination of Mr. John E. Wootten’s method of utilizing coal dirt from the waste heaps in the anthra- cite mining regions by the Resolution of the Society of November 17, and December 1, 1876, respectfully report : Unanimously, that the method of Mr. Wootten as exhibited to them is meritorious and successful. But they disagree as to its originality ; and they therefore prefer to refer the question of the award of the premium to the Society. Signed by R. E. Rogers, Win. A. Ingham, J. Blodget Britton, Robert Briggs and Geo. F. Barker. After a full statement of their individual opinions had been made by the members of the Committee who were present, 4 Dr. Rogers moved the following Resolution : Resolved, That in view of the originality, merit and success of Mr. Wootten’s process for utilizing coal waste, Mr. Wootten be awarded the premium above referred to. After discussion on which resolution it was Resolved, That the Report be recommitted to the Committee, with in- structions that all competing methods be considered by the Committee which shall be presented tv its consideration within three months after ‘public advertisement by the Society in two city papers once a week for three weeks ; the function of the Committee being clearly understood to be to report on the success, the originality, and the merits* of the process. And the Society was adjourned at 11 o’clock, P. M. Stated Meeting, July 20th, 1877. Present, 16 members. Vice-President, Mr. Fray, in the Chair. Prof. H. Draper, a newly-elected member, was introduced to the presiding officer and took his seat. Visitor, Mr. Wallace, of Ansonia, Conn. A photograph of Mr. Sears C. Walker was received from the Smithsonian Institution, for the album. Letters of acknowledgment were received from the R. 8. of Tasmania, Dec. 27, 1876 (92, 93, 94); R. D. A. Copen- hagen, June 16, 1877 (96, 98); N. H. Union at Bremen, July 1, 1877 (96,* 98) (* asks for 97 not received); A. d. L. Rome (97); Triibner & Co, London, June 29, 1877 (96,* 98); N. Hampshire Hist. Soe. July 2, 1877 (99); and the Chicago Hist. Soc. June 14 and 29, 1877 (94, 95, 96, 97, 98). Letters from the R. Acad. Berlin, June 15, July 2, were received, requesting missing pages Proc., Vol. VII, pp. 121- 165, and Vol. LX, 1870, plates 6, 7, 8. A letter from the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., was received, requesting replies to inquiries respecting meetings and publications. * Mr. Briggs wished the attention of the Society to be drawn to a clerical error in the printed Proceedings of December 1, 1876, whereby the word “ merits” was omitted. 5 Letters of envoy were received from the R. Norw. Uni- versity; K. K. Z. B. G. Vienna; N. G. Bamburg; and the U.S. Depart. Interior, Washington. Donations for the Library were received from the R. S. Tasmania; Phys. C. Obs. St. Petersburg; R. Nor. Univ. Christiania; K. K. Geol. R. Vienna; Anthro. G.and K. K. Z.b. G. Vienna; D. Geol. G. Berlin;, K. L. C. A: D. N. Dresden (with a letter requesting a renewal of the old cor- respondence*) ; Ed. Haus und Landwirthschaft Kalendar, Munich’ V. f Ku. A. Ulm; N. H.G. Bamburg; A: d. L. Rome; Portuguese Commissioners to the Centennial Exhibition; 8S. de Geog., Ed. Annales des Mines, and Révue Politique, Paris; R. A. Brussels; Astronomical Society, Royal 8. of Antiquaries, Zoological Society, and Nature, London; R. Cornwall Pol. Society; N. H. 8.. Newcastle- upon-Tyne; Director of Geol. Survey, Canada; Ed. Cana- dian Journal of Science; Essex Institute; A. Acad. A. and S.; Boston N. H. S.; Mass. State Board of Health; 8S. H. Seudder, Cambridge; Ed. Science Observer, Boston; Am. Jour. Science and Arts; Yale College; Geol. Survey New York, Prof. Hall, Albany; Young Men’s Association, Buf- falo; Acad. N.S. Philadelphia; Franklin Institute ; Jour. of Pharmacy; Jour. of Med. Sciences; Med. News and hi- brary; Penn Monthly; E. D. Cope, Philadelphia; Peabody Institute, Baltimore; Dep. Int. Washington; Chicago Acad. Sciences; Ed. Botanical Gazette, Ind.; M. Barcena, Mexico. * On motion of Dr. LeConte, it was resoived that the Kais. Leopold. Carol. Academie at Dresden be restored to its place on the list of correspondents, and that it be sup- plied with all missing volumes of Transactions and num- bers of Proceedings as far as possible. (See Mar. 3, 1876.) Dr. Draper read and explained a paper, entitled “ Dis- covery of Oxygen in the Sun by Photography, and a new theory of the Solar Spectrum, by Prof. Henry Draper, M.D.” Prof. Barker expressed his pleasure at hearing this paper, which in his opinion was the most important contribution 6 to Solar Physics made in America in this century. Grant- ing the fact of the existence of bright lines in the solar spec- trum, and no one after seeing Prof. Draper’s photographs on collodion could doubt the fact, all the new views expressed in this paper follow as a matter of course. The bright lines are not only clearly apparent when looked for, but are nu- merous. Mr. Chase joined in the tribute of merited admiration for Dr. Draper’s brilliant discoveries, and suggested that a possible explanation for the dif- ferent action of different elements might be found in differences of density and elasticity. ; W. M. Hicks (L. E. and D. P. Mag, June1877), by special assumptions, and by a mistake in calculation (see his note in P. Mag, July 1877), ob- tains the ratio - = 1.423. He says: ‘‘Tf, then, the two atoms of a molecule have separated, there seem only two ways of accounting for it. Either their relative motion becomes so large as to overcome the force of attrac- tion, or some external force must act upon them, which can be nothing less than a reaction between them and some other molecule. The latter is the hypothesis I have adopted in the following investigation.’’ My own ratio, based on relative motions (Proc, Am. Phil. Soc., xiv., 651), is / [=a x =- (x? + 4) = 1.423. This coincidence is, of course, purely accidental, but it isnone the less curious. The reasoning upon which it was based seems to justify both my own views of the kinetic energies in perfect gases, and Hicks’s view of the importance of temperature relations in coercible gases. In a mass, like the Sun, which is presumably at or near the point of dis- sociation, gaseous permanence and gaseous density would both contribute to a change of elliptic into linear radial oscillations, which would have ac- quired their mean velocity at points ranging between about 180,000 miles, and 260,000 miles above the Sun’s surface. It is, therefore, quite possible, especially if hydrogen is metallic, that oxygen, carbon, and other non- metals, may have greater centrifugal tendencies than hydrogen and metallic vapors. Perhaps spectroscopic observations near the Sun’s poles may present some contrasts with equatorial observations, which will help towards a settlement of the question. Prof. Barker communicated a ‘* Note on the exactitude of the French normal fork; a reply to the paper of Mr. A, J- Ellis; by Rudolph Konig, Ph.D,” of Paris; and said that the matter was one of great importance; for if Mr. Ellis’ attack could be sustained no confidence could be placed in — en eee ee ee a _——— — a i 7 and therefore no use could be made by physicists of the large and valuable instruments in the physical laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania made by Dr. Konig, of Paris. He was happy, therefore, to be able to place on record so complete a refutation of the unwarranted assertions of Mr. Ellis by the aid of Prof. Helmholtz and Prof. Meyer of Hoboken. Prot. Lesley communicated a paper, entitled “ Note on the probable derivation of Mazapis trom the Egyptian formula Mayeru after proper names,’ and explained his views of the appearance of such sacerdotal terms in early times on the monuments of Egypt and in later times in the literature of Greece and Rome. He suggested the possible etymology of vi30s, oAF:vdarywv (—2vdarpwv) from the Egyptian alp, arp, vine, wine, in the sense of jucundus, joyous; while vazop corresponded to the Hebrew barak, beatus, blessed. In lke manner the fat of the monuments reappears in the Latin tutus, safe, secure, permanent, unshakeable, and possibly in totus, the cosmos, or established order, &ce. Prof. Chase suggested a mode of reaching the demonstra- tion of bright lines in the solar spectrum by mathematical relations between four elementary formule of the solar sys- tem based on the nebular hypothesis. Prof. Cope communicated two papers, entitled, “On anew species of Adocide from the Tertiary of Georgia;” and “Tenth Contribution to the Herpetology of Tropical Amer- iea; by E. D. Cope.” Upon a report trom Mr. E. K. Price, Chairman of the Committee on the Michaux Legacy, it was Resolved, That three copies of the Journal of Forestry be subscribed for, out of the Michaux Legacy; one for the Society ; one for the Professor of Botany, Lecturer in the Park; and one for the use of the Committee on the Michaux Legacy. On motion of Prof. Barker, a vote of thanks was passed to Prof. Draper for the gift of the excellent illustrations ac- companying his paper. Pending nominations Nos. 836, 837, 838, were read and 8 ballotted for, and on a scrutiny of the ballot boxes, the fol- lowing persons were declared duly elected members of the , Society : Mr. H. C. Humphreys, Chemist, of Philadelphia. Prof. 1. I. Sylvester, of Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. Mr. John Ericsson, of New York. And the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, August 17th, 1877. Present, 8 members. Secretary, Dr. LeConre, in the Chair. Letters acknowledging the receipt of Proceedings, 94 to 99, were received from the R. Observatory at Greenwich ; the Radcliffe Observatory; Philosophical Sceiety of Liver- pool; the East Tennessee University; Poughkeepsie N. H- Society; Wisconsin Hist. Society; Library of Congress ; Public Library of New Bedford; Library of Yale College : Northern Academy of Hanover, Ind.; U. 8. Coast Survey Office; American Journal at New Haven; Linnean Society at Laneaster; Buffalo N. H. Society; Prof. L. Riitimeyer, John L. Campbell, C. F. Brackett, C. E. Dutton, W. A. Hammond, E. Goodfellow, T. L. Kane, Thomas Hill, P. F. Rothermel, R. 8. Williamson, Jos. LeConte, John LeConte, Cleveland Abbe, J. F. Clarke, Joseph Henry, M. F. Long- streth, Jas. D. Dana, and C. A. Young, now of Princeton. Donations for the Library were received from the R. Academies at Berlin and Brussels ; the Antiquarian Society at Copenhagen; M. Chabas; M. L. Hugo; the Geographical Society and Révue Politique, Paris; the Observatories at Madrid, Mexico, Buenos Ayres and Cordoba; the R. Astro- nomical and Zoological Societies and London Nature; the Philosophical Society at Glasgow ; the Canadian Naturalist ; Government of Canada; Peabody Museum at Cambridge ; Appalachian Club; American Antiquarian Society ; Whelp- ley and Storer; Silliman’s Journal; Mercantile Library of OO Ayr May ie Sl New York; N. J. Hist. Society ; Franklin Institute; Jour. of Pharmacy; News and Library; Penn Monthly; Mr. T. Meehan; U.S. Weather Bureau; Botanical Gazette, Hano- ver, Ind.; B.S. Lyman, Tokei; a Prof. A. Jiversidge, ot Sydney, } N. S. W. The death of Prof. Dr. Frederick August Tholuck, at Halle an der Saale, June 10, aged 78 years, was announced, with remarks by the Secretaries. The death of W. Timothy Abbot Conrad, in ‘Trenton, N. J., August 8, aged 73 years, was announced, with remarks by Prot. Cope. Dr. Genth read his eleventh contribution from the Labora- tory of the University of Pennsylvania, entitled. ‘On Some Tellurium and Vanadium Minerals; by F. A. Genth.” Prot. Cope exhibited and described some recently discov- ered fossils, one of which was a cast of a gar-pike, of sup- posed late tertiary date, to which he assigned the provi- sional name, Clasles cuneatus—a possible link between the extinct and living genera of that family. He communicated also a paper, entitled “On some new or little known Reptiles and Fishes of the Cretaceous, No. 3, of Kansas, by E. D. Cope.” Mr. Briggs added some points to his previous paper on the Vena contracta, and made some remarks on the omis- sion from text-books of the elementary fact that, whereas an unsystematically balanced fly-wheel runs steadily and without injury to its housings so long as its rate of rotation suffers no change, the contrary is the case when its rate is retarded or accelerated. The minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Officers and Members in Council were read, and it was then, on mo- tion, Resolved, That the thirteen applications for the premium for a coal-dirt burning apparatus offered by the Society, thus far received, be referred to the Committee considering the award of the premium ; and that the Com- mittee be requested to prepare a proper form of advertisement in accord- ance with a recent resolution of the Society. On motion it was ordered that the name of the Daven- PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 100. B. PRINTED JAN. 8, 1878, 10 port Academy of Sciences be placed on the List of Corres- pondents to receive the Proceedings from the year 1870 onwards. And the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, September 21st, 1877. . Present, 12 members. Vice-President, Mr. Franny, in the Chair. Visitor, Mr. A. E. Carpenter, of Philadelphia. Letters accepting membership were received from Mr. John Ericsson, dated New York, July 1; from Mr. H. C. Humphrey, dated Seabrook, Conn., August 10; from Prof. J. J. Sylvester, dated St. John’s College, Cambria, August 11; from Prof. James Geikie, Perth, Scotland, August 14, 1877. A photograph for the Album was received from Mr. _ James Geikie. Letters of acknowledgment were received from Prof. Steenstrup, Copenhagen, August 31 (99); Royal Zoological Society, Amsterdam, July 14 (96, 98); M. Henri de Saus- sure, Geneva, August 15 (96, 98); Bureau des Longitudes, Paris, July 18 (96, 98); Royal Society, Edinburgh, August 8 (96, 98); Natural History Soeiety, Northumberland, &e., August 22 (96, 98). Letters of envoy were received from the Royal Society of New South Wales, July 11, 1877; 8S. de Geographie Com- merciale de Bordeaux, June 1; Meteor. Office, London, July, 1877; Mr. 1. 8. Eddy, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 28. A letter was received from Mr. Ludwig Mejer, Secretary of the Natural History Society of Hanover, informing the Society, that Nos. 96 and 98, sent to Prof. Stromeyer, had been given on the death of that member of the Society to the Society in Hanover, and requesting that the gift be confirmed, and the transmission of Proceedings be continued on the basis of exchanges. 11 On motion the title of the Nat. His. Society of Hanover was ordered to be placed on the list of Corresponding Socie- ties to receive the Proceedings. Donations for the Library were received from the Depart- ment of Mines, Victoria, N.S. W.; Imp. R. Academies at Berlin, Rome and Brussels; the Society at Augsburg ; Geo- graphical Society and Annales des Mines, and R. Politique at Paris ; Society of Antiquaries; Nature and Cobden Club, London; Boston 8S. N. H.; Silliman and Dana; College of Physicians, Penn Monthly, Franklin Institute, Amer. Jour. of Pharmacy, Medical News, and E. -D. Cope, of Philadelphia; Mr. John Ericsson of New York; Prof. H. D. Eddy of Cincinnati; and the Mexican Meteorologi- cal Observatory. The death of Prof. Louis Stromeyer, at Hanover, in August, 1876, was announced by the Secretary. The death of Mr. Robert Were Fox, at Falmouth, Eng- land, July 25, in the 88th year of his age, was announced by the Secretary. Prof. Sadtler communicated verbally his personal observa- tions of collections of so-called |’araffine from around the pipes and bore holes of the Oil region, and his laboratory demonstration that it was a mechanical emulsion of gas and water condensed upon the surfaces from which it is col- lected. Prof. Sadtler promised soon to give the finished results of his investigations in the Laboratory of the University into the nature of the natural gases emitted by the oil wells. He has already discovered that the higher hydro-carbons of the marsh gas series are really present in these gases almost uni- versally. A description of the Spouting Wilcox Well, No. 1.,in Mc- Kean county, by W. Charles A. Ashburner, of the Geolog- ical Survey of Pennsylvania, with a graphical representation of the time, order, and height of a series of jets from it, was read by the Secretary. Mr. Briggs explained why and how this phenomenon of 12 paroxysmal ejection from a bore hole can only occur in case the upper section of the hole has a larger diameter than the lower. The first of the series of colored geological county maps of Pennsylvania, in preparation by Mr. Julius Bien of New York, to illustrate the reports of progress of the Assistant Geologists of Pennsylvania, viz: a map of Fayette county, was exhibited by the Secretary, who said that its chief value consisted in its careful differentiation of the Coal Measures into four series, its exhibition of all the isolated patches left by erosion, and, in general terms, the completeness of its outcrop lines, carefully traced as they had been by its author, Prof. J. J. Stevenson, on foot, throughout the district. 56:6 orgie 889.4 + 118.90 = 1008.30 It seems safe therefore to accept 1008’ as the established elevation of this point. Our levels thus adjusted to Oil City, the next step was to connect the termini of the several Railroads centering there, with the Union Depot. When this was done the following rather discouraging results appeared : Union Depot accepted elevation.................6.. 1008/ 53 i schywlevelasaf OsGiimecAcR: Resie.:..: 995/ re Ptr adits fe ty A oat oWWs bRe sal gesg.L 1007/ - co ee Re OL, BadeeiierS) Boost lest 52 1011’ The 0. C. & A. R. levels appear to agree with the P. & E. and were sup- posed to be based on the P. R. R. datum at Philadelphia, which required an addition of 7’ to reduce it to ocean and make it conform to Lake Erie at 573/ above ocean. The A. & G. W. and L. S. & M. 8. levels came in direct from Lake Erie. There was evidently some error between Oil City and the Lakeif our accepted elevation of the Union Depot wascorrect. We endeavored to find it by connecting together the several Depots and bench- marks obtained from the railroad profiles, at Franklin, Irvineton, Corry, Union City and Erie, but did not succeed, and finally as a last resort, re- leveled the P. & E. R. R. from Union City to its junction with the L. 8. & M.S. at Erie, and to the Lake. To our surprise, the profile of the P. & E., which had been considered unreliable, was found to be remarkably correct, except as to ocean datum. The stations checked closely in every case, except in one or two instances where no doubt there had been an alteration of track, and the difference of elevation between Union City and the crossing at Erie as given by it and as ascertained by our levels varied only 0.08’. By connecting the P. & E. Depot at Union City with the A. & G. W. Depot at the same place it was found that these two roads gave precisely the same fall from Cory crossing to Union, so that it was not deemed neces- sary to re-level that part of the P. & E. Rail Road. From the Erie crossing above mentioned, connection was made with the L. 8. & M. 8. Depot at Erie, and, also, a line was run direct to the Lake. The line to the Lake confirmed the elevation given by the L. S. & M.S. R. R. for the Depot at Erie. It showed about six inches less elevation, but this is probably due to full water in the lake at this season of the year. The P. & E. levels may therefore be considered as well tested and checked from the lake to Corry crossing, and they establish the latter point as will be seen further on at 1427’ above ocean (at New York). When we inquire into the reason why 1416’ was given on the old P. & Carll.] h 20 [May 4, E. profile as the elevation of the old Corry depot, and A. & G. W. crossing, instead of 1427 as it should be ; we find that the levels of this end of the road, as far eastas Warren (how much farther we do not know) were run from the Lake. They were based on lake level at 565/, the accepted eleva- tion of the lake at the date of that Survey, and were consequently 8/ too low. In addition to this there seems to have been an error in placing the old P. & E. Lake Depot 8’ above the surface of the Lake. It should have been 11’ asthe levels now show. It appears quite probable that this 3’ error in starting at the lake was discovered and corrected in some of the engi- neers’ notes, for I have a copy of the levels from Irvineton, west, procured from the Smithsonian Institution in which the Stations are all raised 3/ above Burgin’s profile. This 3’ error added to the 8’ difference between former and present accepted lake level, makes the 11’ which we are obliged to add to raise the road to its proper height above the ocean and to place if in its true horizon to meet the levels brought up from Pittsburgh. The first elevation given on the P. & E. profile as published (crossing of the L. 5. & M.S, R. R.) shows very plainly that there is an error of 11/ between that point and the Lake thus : L. 8S. & M. S. crossing by P. & E. profile (VIII) = 676 es = s « L. 8S. & M.S. profile (XI) = 687 ee ‘ yf ** Carll’s levels to lake = 687 As the levels and checks above mentioned appear to establish the correct- ness of the P. & E. profile from the Erie crossing to Corry we see no rea- son to doubt its integrity as far as the same parties carried forward their line, which we are informed by one who assisted in the Survey, was as far as Warren. We therefore propose to raise all the stations between the Lake and Warren 11’. We now find that the Union and Titusville or O. C. & A. R. R. R. (a) must be raised 13’ at Union City above the published levels to lift it to the P.& E. at that place, and 13/ also at the other end at Irvineton to make it coincide there with the P. & E. This brings Oil City up also and makes it agree (995/ + 13’ = 1008’) with our accepted elevation, as will be shown further on. Another interesting fact is brought to light by this discussion. The lev- els of the O. C. & A. R. R. were run from a datum given in the field book as ‘‘ Elevation of track on bridge east of Irvineton Station on P. & E. R. R. above tide water at west end of Market Street bridge at Philadelphia = 1160.”’ This is, no doubt, the point given by Burgin as ‘‘Irvine 1162’’ and it explains why (having started 2’ too low) the O, C. & A. R. R. requires to be raised 13’, while the P. & E. is only raised 11’. It also shows that the O, C. & A. R. R. datum was not the P. R. R. datum as supposed, but ocean datum, based on Lake Erie at 565’, subject to the same error of 11’ as the P. & E. with the additional 2’ made in the starting point at the bridge. (a) The U. & T. is now a branch of the 0. C. & A. R. R. R. | : | Ri os 1877.] 21 (Carll. The two tables of the P. & E. levels (the Company’s and Burgin’s) given by Mr. Allen, in his R. R. levels of Pennsylvania, contain in themselves the evidences of inaccuracy. The Company’s profile datum is ‘‘ Mid tide Baltimore.’’ Burgin’s is P. R. R. datum on the east end and Jake Erie based on ocean on the west end (but now shown to be 11’ too low), yet both profiles give the same elevation at Corry crossing and I believe run exactly together from Corry to the lake, if they could be compared at precisely the same points. They seem both to have been made from one line of levels. Where the error in joining the line run from the east with the line run from the west may have occurred we do not know,* but certain it is that no ‘‘P. R. R. datum’’ or ‘‘mid tide Baltimore datum’’ levels have been correctly brought through to Irvineton. Mr. Gardner in his discussion of R. R. levels to establish the surface ele- vation of Lake Erie, says, Lake Erie is above Harrisburg by P. & E. levels 251’ ; this added to the height of Harrisburg, 319,75’ = Lake Erie 570.75/. If the levels of this road were run from Harrisburg west, and from the Lake east, it is perceived at once that the P. & E. levels had nothing whatever to do with the difference of elevation between Harrisburg and the Lake. It was only the difference between 314’, the starting point at Harrisburg as given by Burgin and 565/ the starting point at Erie. The Harrisburg end was raised 5.75’ to bring it up to correct ocean level, the Lake end 8’ to bring it up to accepted lake level, consequently the line showed an error of 2.25 making Lake Erie, 570.75/ instead of 573’. Of course it was supposed that the lev- els were corrected throughout, but they could not have been correctly con- nected in fact, for we shall show that while the western end requires to be lifted 11’ the centre needs to be raised from 19/ to 23’. We have met this same trouble in other roads in this district, where they have been run from one known, or supposed to be known, elevation to an- other. They agree ateach end with the points given, but our cross checks lead to the suspicion that it has required some adjustment and alteration of the levels actually obtained to make them do so. The re-leveling of the P. & E. R. R. and the corroborative circumstances above given should establish the correctness of our Union City adopted ele- vation of 1270’ and our Corry adopted elevation of 1427’ at the crossing of the P. & E. and A. & G. W. Railways almost beyond a question. They cannot vary more than the fraction of a foot from the figures here given. They also furnish the data from which to adjust the levels of the O. C. & A. R. and Union & Titusville Railways leading from the P. & E. to Oil City as will be seen below. Absolute accuracy is not of course to be expected in an adjustment of this kind, where the levels of different roads are to be tied together and com- *It seems quite probable, we think, that the error will be found between West Creek Summit near St, Mary’s and Clarion Summit near Kane. In that case West Creek Summit should be raised 19’ to correspond with Emporium, and all Stations between Kane and Warren ll’ to correspond with the Lake end of the line. Carll.] 22 | May 4, pared. Slight errors necessarily creep into every profile—by the change in engineers employed ; and consequent mistakes in benches and level points, which often are not plainly marked or described in the notes as they should be ; by local alterations of track or change in position of depots not always carefully noted ; by alterations at junctions and crossings made by one road and not recorded by the other ; and by clerical errors in copying and working up the notes and profiles. In making these adjustments considerable time has been spent in the field in ascertaining the relation levels of depots, crossings, benches &c. At Pittsburgh, Allegheny City, Freeport, Parker’s, Franklin, Oil City, Irvine- ton, Titusville, Corry, Union City, Erie City, Girard and other places, and in every case more or less variation has been found, relatively, in the points given—comparing them as they now are and as they were when originally established. These sources of error cannot now be eliminated without a care- ful re-leveling of the railway lines, which manifestly isan impossibility un- der the circumstances. It only ramains for us to make the best practical use we can of the materialsat command. As we have shown that they are some- what defective it would be folly to pretend to work out these hypsometric elevations to the decimal part of a foot. We shall not attempt it but aim only to establish the levels of some of the more important points in this dis- trict within a foot or two of the truth. which is near enough for all practical purposes. A The first line considered will be from Pittsburgh to Lake Erie by the Allegheny Valley, Bennett’s Branch, Philadelphia & Erie, and Buffalo, N. Y & Erie Railways. Above ocean Pittsburg U. Depot... .. .| ‘Accepted PLEOVAGLOM So.) .... hotels ie ete obs | ees Red Bank Junct. . ....]| 106 |Above Pittsburgh by A. V. profile (I)| 851 . pe » wall chante I See a ocean by. Bennett’ s Branch SE (IV), bs ~ 3 a) soln, Shy J19"| Poo low.on. as Driftwood June. ...... 37 Below Red bank Junct. by B. Branch pro-| rare e:| > THEO GLY ) 57% Sado bt cw ee ee ee % se Pe ie? 795 Aboveocean by P. & E. profile (Note tolV) Ad Rlalcia AL rons 19 |'Too low on P. & E. profile Emporium June.. .....| 208 | Above Driftwood June, by P. & E. profile! « avalke, 2 I (ATOM OCR YG is oc. mala oy ete etree ee | 1022 Ze 3 cise 7A nBLOOS |Above ocean Be P. & E. profile (do.) . la a wih) be | See BN... P.**S CR VIL) fi tg Safed direct Le Too Low on P. - a ss 4d es A ed Be ) B. Y,&P, Olean Crossing....... | 414 Above Emp. badee by B. N.Y. & P. pro-| | le (Cee Te ce ee | 1486 ES 4 - +» «« « «| 1488 |Above ocean by N. Y. & Erie profile (Jer- sey City datum) oF oe «2 » « ..| 1485 j/Aboveocean by B.N.Y.&P. * a ya rer ithe ich | 2 Too high on N, Y. & Erie Lt = f Sisa%). aati ] “low Togs @ HOR Oss 2 3 oe ile | 862 Below Olean Crossing by B. N. Y. & P. pro- file (XVIT) ae mei it Becta ..., 864 Below Olean Crossing by N. Y. & Erie pro-| file (X VIII) ma PRS CR et ....| 863 Below Olean—mean of the above levels...) 578 This line it will be noted lifts all the levels from Red Bank Junction to oo 1877.] 23 (Carl Emporium Junction 19 feet, and the B. N. Y. & Philadelphia levels 1/ as far as Olean. It crossesthe N. Y. & Erie Railway at Olean two feet below the Erie levels, which were run from tide at Jersey City and would reach the Lake one foot too high if carried down by the B. N. Y. & Philadelphia lev- els, which gives 862/ fall. But we find that the N. Y. & Erie levels give 864’ fall so that a mean between the two, 863’ subtracted from 1436/ — 573/ the precise elevation as accepted for Lake Erie. The B.N. Y. & Phil- adelphia levels are said to have been run from the water of Buffalo Creek some distance from the lake and may therefore be presumed to be based on a higher point than lake level. Variations of from one to three feet will be found between different lines at nearly every point we are attempting to compare. As we are only rising even feet in making this adjustment, a disagreement of one foot may some- times occur in this way between two roads where there would really be but a very slight difference if the decimals were accurately taken into ac- count. J B. Pittsburgh to Lake Erie by the Allegheny Valley, Oil Creek, and Alle- gheny River, Union and Titusville and Philadelphia and Erie Railways. | | Above | jocean Pittsburgh . | Accepted elevation. . 745 CiieCinynU.) Depot... . . .| 263 |Above Pittsburgh by A. ‘Valley pro-, faherr, (BL) remreitrthae | 896 Abov e Lake Erie by A. & G.W. profile (O.R. I, p.667).| 1169 ce Biriscey neem lias) CC. GC. Gea. hPa (bl 78 ¥ p.668)., 1168 1 |Disagreement. ba Urbana. aeheAe She R458 Above Lake Erie by he & GW. profile (0- R. 1, p.667). PG tod 3) S.D. & C. (O.R. I, p.671). 1031 4 |Disagreement, relative levels of depots unknown shoe oh tS 46 ve 179 Above Lake Erie by A.& GW. profile (O.R. I, p.667).| 752 siisiekoretred| LOU D. & M. ae 0-8 L Ba 753 1 |Disagreement. The Dayton & Michigan Railroad check is used by Mr. Gardner (page 644) and accepted as reliable. G. East end of the Philadelphia and Erie Railway, compared with the Northern Central. Above | ocean. a: | Pe eats eich ctikeliomolens i)e ede. .s* aera abet eeeee ee 6.913 Harrisburg. ...| 313 |Above P. R. R. datum by PE. profile Viet @ elt Kev oll OVO Pas Ge HAL Gere Pot SEy 5 320 Bridgeport Cros’g} 29 Above Harrisburg by Be R.R. profile (Allen me 349 me a 30.25) by N. C. profile’ (Gardner, PD. 680) tied goes os ewg Sl ware oye yer ee 350 Sunbury.....|....j{Above Ocean by N. C. profile (Allen CC.) . 4H Org RP aEe ety, Soe | 428 ss rt Legersgel Cid 1 aire C ICXV). Patarien ds a | 430 se ag Burgin’s * Al 16 Too low on P. & E. profile. S Sone oe Sa Deca id SSS UREA tee ps W’msport Junet...... Above Ocean by N.C. profile (Allen CC XVit). “a 516 P. & E. rea CCXKV)- #4 Pie 24. + |Too low on P. & E. profile.. om Depot 5.59 eee: Junction by P. & EL profile (Allen | CC Ni gsrle” Teltctire tylko Med, O¥ine aunre sok « sees On Northern Central bases (540-6)... 2. 2! 534 At <5) ]5 ‘BIO Above ocean by P.& K. profile (Allen C CXV) : * ~ %l plo * by Burgin’s * sa ae alr eee) Too low on P, & E. profile. ie Rete Sade, 2 ie per Lee. BUT RIRIS ORS, s 20. fae ates sieciee Elmira. w gue epee | to toy et ES Ne a OLLEO (GAC ern) Cr ee re =e |e ree |... | By N. Y¥. & E. profile (Alien CLXII)....... | 863 This last check makes the Northern Central levels appear good. The levels of the N. Y. and Erie Railway have been brought up from Jersey City, about 273 miles, and those of the Northern Central from Baltimore, 256 miles showing a disagreement of only two feet at Elmira. It seems quite safe, therefore to assume that the P. & E. elevations of Sunbury and Williamsport are altogether too low, as they have likewise been shown to he at Driftwood, Emporium, Irvineton, Corry, Union City-and Erie. May 4, 1877.] 29 Smith. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No.- IX. Upon some new Chlorine Derivatives from Toluol. By Epaear F. Smita, Ph.D., ASSISTANT IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, May 4, 1877.) The first of these derivatives which it is my intention to describe in the following lines was obtained by me some time ago, and also a description of it published (Inaugural Dissertation, Géttingen, 1876), but as it is in- timately connected with the subsequent work a brief description of its production and properties may probably not be amiss. PRODUCTION OF TOLUOLTRICHLORIDE OR BENZYLTRICHLORIDE. This was obtained in the usual manner, viz.: By the introduction of a calculated amount of dry chlorine into boiling Toluol. The liquid boiling at 218° C. was collected and treated as follows : FORMATION oF C,, Cl,,. The pure Benzyltrichloride was placed in a large flask and dried chlorine gas conducted into the liquid until it was no longer absorbed and the vacant space also filled with it, when the flask was tightly corked and exposed to the action of the sun-light. After standing a few days the green color of the chlorine had disappeared. The flask was again filled with the gas and this operation repeated, until the chlorine was apparently no longer ab- sorbed. The flask was now set in a rather cool] place and allowed to re- main there forsome time. After standing several months I noticed that crystals had separated from the liquid. These were immediately brought upon a filter, washed thoroughly with water and then pressed between filter paper to remove any Benzyltrichloride that may have adhered to the crystal mass. After drying the compound by exposure to the air, it was pulverized and dissolved in chloroform, from which solution it crystallized in fine, colorless crystals, which after repeated re-crystallization fused at 1529-153° C. Properties.—The compound possesses an odor very similar to that of cam- phor, is insoluble in water and alcohol, but readily soluble in chloroform. It is volatile without decomposition. My attempts to affect the introduction of the NO, group were unsuccessful. Even with the aid of heat nitric acid is without any action. If the compound is allowed to crystallize slowly from a chloroform solu- tion, crystals may be obtained half an inch long and one-fourth of an inch broad. These have prism and dome faces. I never succeeded in obtaining the compound during summer, very probably because the Benzyltrichloride held it in solution. Numerous analyses made of the compound lead to the following formu- H=9O,,° Ch = Ep Cl, ‘CCl,);:|' (C, Cly C. Cl,). (Cg Cl, C Cl,). Smith.} 30 [May 4, We have here, then, a compound in which three benzol groups have very probably combined, containing only carbon and chlorine. ANALYSES. Chlorine Determinations. I. The compound was dried over sulphuric acid and burned with ox- ide of lime, and the calcium chloride which was produced dissolved in nitric acid and the chlorine precipitated with silver nitrate. — 0.2181 Grm. substance gave .6928 Grm. silver chloride, corresponding to 78.53% chlorine. II. .1085 Grm. substance gave .329Grm. silver chloride = 78,58% chlorine. III. 0.0868 Grm. substance gave .2765 Grm. AgCl = 78.57 % chlorine. IV. Finally, I fused a portion of the compound on a watch glass and then heated it with oxide of lime. .0893 Grm. sub, gave .2843 Grm. silver chloride = 78.75% chlorine. Carbon Determinations. I. .5629 Grm., substance dried at 75°C. and then burned with coarse lead chromate, yielded .0780 Grm. CO, = 21.41% carbon. Not any water was noticed in the calcium chloride tube and its weight had not increased. II. .2515 Grm. dried substance, burnt with lead chromate gave .0536 Grm, CO, = 21.33% carbon. III. .1677 Grm. well dried substance gave .0361 Grm. CO, = 21.51% carbon. Several more combustions were made with about the same result. In no instance did the found percentage of water exceed 0.40%. This amount of moisture could have readily collected during the filling of the combus- tion tube. RESULTs. Caleulated. Founda. Oy, == 252 = 21.44% 21.41 — 21,838 — 21.51 Cli, = 928 = 78.56% 78.57 — 78.58 — 78.58 — 78.75. ACTION OF ZINC AND SuLPHURIC ACID UPON C,, Cli. About five grammes of the preceding compound were pulverized and dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and chloroform, and zine and sulphuric acid added to this solution. The liberation of hydrogen gas was rather slow and to hasten it the flask containing the mixture was placed on a sand-bath, where a constant temperature of 60°C. was maintained for ten weeks, during which period there was a constant and brisk disengagement of hydrogen gas. The flask was now placed upon a water-bath and the alcohol and chloroform removed by distillation. An impure oil remained as a residue and upon cooling solidified and was then taken from the flask and dissolved in a mixture of chloroform and alcohol. After removing the impurities by filtration, the solution was strongly evaporated and when cool the compound separated partly as an oil and partly in colorless tablets. o 1877.) 31 [Smith. After pouring off the supernatant liquid the crystalline mass was pressed well between filter paper and then dissolved in alcohol. From this solu- tion the compound crystallized in beautiful, colorless, quadratic plates, which after several recrystallizations fused at 1029 C. Properties. Ifa crystal is fused upon a piece of glass it will remain in a plastic condition for hours and stirring it with the point of a knife blade will not cause solidification. One crystal which I fused required twelve hours before becoming solid. The fusing point of this solidified mass was the same as that of the crystals, 102° C. The compound may be volatilized without suffering decomposition. When pure it possesses a very peculiar, aromatic odor, somewhat like that of the preceding compound, being only more piercing. The compound is perfectly insoluble in water, but very readily soluble in chloroform. The best solvent I found to be alcohol, in which, when warm, it is exceedingly soluble. The following analyses were made : Chlorine Determination. 0.4180 Grm. substance dried over calcium chloride and burned with oxide of lime gave 1.3146 Grm. silver chloride = .8252 Grm. chlorine = 77.79% chlorine. Carbon Determination. .3812 Grm. air dried substance burned with lead chromate, gave 21.69 % carbon and 1.00% hydrogen. If we suppose that only one hydrogen atom has replaced chlorine, the following numbers would be required : Calculated. Found, C,, = 22.09% 21.69 % Cl,, = 77.81% 17.79 % H = 0.09% 1.0% The formula would, therefore, be C,, Cl,, H. That the replacement would be so very limited, one would naturally suppose if he considered the pres- ence of such a large number of negative chlorine atoms. AcTION oF SopiumM AMALGAM UPON C.,, Cl,, H. The substance was finally divided and dissolved in an excess of alcohol, and sodium amalgam added to the solution. The liberation of hydrogen gas was at first very violent, finally, however, the application of heat upon a sand bath was necessary to render the disengagement continuous. After allowing the action to continue three or four days, I interrupted it and proceeded to examine the contents of the flask. The alcohol was distilled off, and as the liquid gradually diminished in volume, drops of oil separated from it. Only a small quantity of the oil could be obtained, and after being purified, was too small to employ in an analysis, expected to afford some clue to the composition of the com- pound. Intense cold would not render this oil solid. ‘ Smith.] 32 | May 4, 1877. Action oF Sopium AMALGAM UPON C,, Cl.,. Ten grammes of the substance were reduced to a powder, placed in a small flask, and alcohol then poured in, and the whole heated upon a sand bath for four weeks. At the expiration of this time the alcoholic solution was poured off from the metallic mercury that had collected upon the bot- tom of the flask, and water and hydrochloric acid added to the solution to dilute it and neutralize any sodium carbonate that may have formed. Upon adding the water I noticed the appearance of oil globules, which swam upon the surface of the liquid. The solution was placed in a suitable vessel and subjected to distillation upon a water bath. In the receiver a rather large quantity of oil collected. Tn the flask, upon examination, I found merely sodium chloride. The further addition of water to the liquid in the receiver rendered it cloudy, and it was again distilled, but this time over a free flame. The alcohol, of course, first passed over, and the addition of water to it pro- duced no cloudiness. The oil was carried over with the steam and collected to one large globule on the bottom of the receiver. Soon after all the oil had passed over, I noticed the liquid carried over small shining needles. The receiver was immediately changed and the distillation continued. Only asmall quantity of this crystallized compound was caught. It was exceedingly soluble. It was extracted from its aqueous solution with ether and the latter allowed to evaporate. The residue con- sisted of fine colorless needles, possessing a rather sharp odor. The com- pound fused at about 127° C. With barium carbonate it gave a salt crys- tallizing in white needles. Scarcity of material prevented its analysis. To extract the oil from the aqueous solution ether was added, and the two liquids separated with a separatory funnel. After the evaporation of the ether, the oil was treated with calcium chloride, to remove any adherent moisture and afterwards dried over sulphuric acid. Properties. The oil is perfectly clear. Insoluble in water, but soluble in ether. It is with difficulty volatilized., The following analyses were made : Carbon Determination. .1132 Grm. of the oil were placed in a small bulb tube and burned with lead chromate, yielding .1603 Grm. CO, = .048% Carbon = 38.60% ; further, .0500 water = .0056 H = 4.94% H. Upon examining the bulb tube after the combustion, a small quantity of undecomposed carbon was noticed. Chlorine Determination. .0463 Grm. oil ignited with oxide of lime gave .0980 Grm. silver chloride — 52.33 % chlorine. RESULT, = 38.60 % Cl = 52.33% H = 4.94% is eae May 4, 1877.] 33 (Cope. Synopsis of the Cold Blooded Vertebrata, procured by Prof. James Orton ' during his Exploration of Peru in 1876-77. By E. D. Cope. (Read before the American Philosophical Society May 4, 1877. ) REPTILIA. OPHIDIA. 1. Borurors picrus Tsch. Jan. Elenco Sistematico, p. 126. Lachesis pictus, Tschudi Fauna Peruana, p. 61, Tab. X. Nos. 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, from Chimbote Valley, Lat. 9° S., altitude from 0 to 2000 feet. A very distinct species, well figured by Tschudi. In five specimens the fossa is bounded in front by the second superior labial plate, as described by Jan ; in one other the fossa is surrounded by small scutella. 2. ELAPS CIRCINALIS Dum. Bibr. VII, p. 1210. Cope,, Journal Academy Nat. Sciences, 1865, p. 182. No. 45, Pacasmayo. 3. ELAPS TSCHUDII Jan. Revue et Magazine de Zodlogie, 1859, Prodrome d’une Iconographie, etc., p. 13. No. 18, Chimbote Valley. 4. OXYRRHOPUS FITZINGERII Tschudi, Fauna Peruana Reptilia p. 56. Tab. No. 21, Chimbote Valley. 5. OXYRRHOPUS CLELIA Dandin. Dum. Bibron VII p. 1007. 6. SIBON ANNULATUM Linn. Dipsas Dum. Bibr. VII, p. 1141. Leptodira Giinther. Nos. 23-25, Chimbote Valley. 7. TACHYMENIS PERUVIANA Wiegmann ‘‘1834”’ (fide Peters); Archiy. fiir Naturgesch. 1845, 165. No 72, from Cuzco ; elevation 11000 feet. This species is probably distinct from the 7’. chilensis Schleg. This conclusion is derived from an examination of Wiegmann’s type in the Mu- seum of the University of Berlin, and it is sustained by the present speci- men from Cuzco. Its characters are : one preocular, eight superior labials, loreal higher than long, superior surfaces of the body and tail with four series of dark spots. The characters of the 7. chilensis are : two or three preoculars, seven superior labials, length of the loreal equaling or exceed- ing the height, superior surfaces with four longitudinal brown bands. 8. DRYOPHYLAX VITELLINUS sp. nov. Form moderately slender, head oval, narrowed to the rather depressed muzzle. Scales smooth, in nineteen longitudinal rows, with single apical fosse. Eight superior labials, fourth and fifth entering the orbit. Ros- PROC. AMER. PHILOS. Soc. xvilI. 100. E Cope. ] 3d4 - [May 4, ral small, as high as wide, just visible from above. Nasals depressed, loreal a little longer than high ; oculars 1-2, the anterior impressed, nearly reaching the frontal. Temporals 1-1-2. Internasals longer than wide ; pre- frontals subquadrate. Frontal long and narrow, not angulate posteriorly ; parietals notched behind, short, their common suture a little more than half the length of the frontal. Ten inferior labials, six of which are in contact with the geneials, of which the posterior pair is a little longer than the anterior. Gastrosteges 202 ; anal double ; urosteges 93. Color yellow, strongly tinged with brown above, and with orange on the labial plates and lower surfaces. No. 3, from Pacasmayo. This beautiful species presents a new type of color for the genus. 9. DRYOPHYLAX ELEGANS Tsch. Lygophis elegans Tsch., Fauna Peruana, p. 538, Pl. VI. Lygophis pecilostomus Cope, Journ. Acad. Phila. 1875, 180. This species was described from a young individual. Examination of several adult specimens from Prof. Orton’s collection shows that the last maxillary tooth is grooved, though not deeply, and that the scales have a single apical fossa. The coloration is more striking in the adult than in the young, and is quite elegant. The ground is a light yellowish gray, and there are two rows of bright rufous darker edged spots on the back. These spots are either confluent transversely, forming a single row of broad spots, or alternating, so as to form a zigzag band. The latter condition prevails on the posterior part of the body, and the band becomes regular on the entire middle line of the tail. There are three longitudinal dark gray lines on each side, one on the middles of each of the first two rows of scales, and one on the ends of the gastrosteges. These become more or less fused on the tail, forming a single lateral band. A broad brown band from the muzzle through the eye to the first dorsal spot. Lips, gular region, and anterior gastrosteges, brown speckled ; a longitudinal median nuchal band. Frontal plate dusky, with a median longitudinal light band. Length of the longest specimem M. .901 ; tail .280. Nos. 12, 16, 26, 27, Chimbote Valley. This species is the type of the genus Lygophis Fitz. where first charac- terized ; ¢. e. in the Fauna Peruana. It must therefore be regarded as a synonyme of Dryophylax Wagl. The genus to which I have given the name Lygophis (Proceed. Acad. Phila. 1862, p. 75, type L. lineatus) may then be called Aporophis. 10. DryIopHIS ACUMINATA Wied.; Dryinus eneus, Wag]. Dum. Bibr. VII, 819. No. 10. Chimbote Valley. 11. DrymMonrus HEATHTI Cope. Journ, Acad. Philada. 1875. p. 179. This species is nearly allied to the D. reticulatus (Herpetodyas), Peters, Monatsberichte, Berlin, 1863, 285. I add to my previous description that in a large specimen, the interocular space is only .001 wider than the length a ° 1877.] 7 35 (Cope. of the muzzle ; and that the brown band through the eye becomes obso- lete. Length M. 1.150; tail .346. The American species of Drymobius (Cope, Proc. Acad. Phila., 1860. 560) are the following: D. margaritiferus, Schi.; D. reticulatus, Pet.; D. heathii, Cope ; D. rappii, Gthr.; D. occipitalis, Gthr.; D. pulchriceps, Cope ; D. dichrous, Pet.; D. boddaertii, Seetz; D. melanolomus, Cope ; D. biserialis, Gthr.; D. bilineatus, Jan.; D. puleherrimus, Cope. 12. Boa ortonu, Cope, sp. nov. This species is intermediate in character between the Boa constrictor and the B. imperator. It has the stout proportions of both species, while the squamation of the head is like that of the former, and that of the body resembles that of the latter. There are no large scuta on the loreal or orbital regions, and the scales of the head generally are characterized by their small size. The characters of the species are best brought out ina comparative table, which I give: Sect. I. 89-95 rows of scales on the body. Orbital ring not in contact with labials , gastrosteges» 234 =a arosteres 29-565) es EI 205, VRAD ot OS & B. constrictor. Sect. II. 55-69 rows of scales. @ Orbital series separated from labials by a row of scales; No large loral plate ; form stout ; g. 252, u. 53 ; labials 19 ; orbital ring composed of 19 scales; 64 rows on body.......B. ortonii. aa Orbital ring reaching labials. No large loral plate ; stout ; u. 56; 57-62 rows on body ; Oy SLUG Ss hy i a PUT act uae ne B. imperator. A loral plate as large as the orbit ; proportions as in the Pom Me eee in ek Me cae x Fd a Rie ond AS Libs Ol Malone or aN .B. eques. No large loral plate; form elongate; g. 272; u. 69..... B. diviniloqua. With the typical specimen I associate one from Greytown, Nicaragua, which agrees with it in the generally smaller size of the scales of the head and body than is found in the B. imperator, the usual Mexican species. It has 69 rows of scales ; 21 labials and 17 scales in the orbital ring ; gas- trosteges 242. No. 1 from Chilete, near Pacasmayo, 3000 feet above the sea. This spe- cies is dedicated to Professor James Orton, whose explorations of the western regions of South America have yielded such abundant results. 13. STENOSTOMA ALBIFRONS Wagler ; var. ftessellatuwm, Tsch. Fauna Pe- ruana, p. 46. As Jan remarks, this forms appears to be but a color variety of the S. al- bifrons. No. 28, Chimbote Valley. LACERTILIA. 14. PROCTOTRETUS MULTIFORMIS Cope, Journ. Acad. Phila. 1875. p. 173. No. 98 ; from La Raia or the divide which separates the waters of the Ucayali and those of Lake Titicaca ; altitude 14,000 feet. Cope.] 36 * [May 4, 15. ProcroTRETUS FITZINGERII Dum. Bibr. IV, p. 286. No, 138, from Juliaca, Peru; altitude 12,550 feet. In this lizard the lateral scales are relatively smaller and smoother than in the P. multt- formis. 16. MicROLOPHUS INGUINALIS Cope, Journ. Acad, Phila. 1875. p. 172. Nos. 33-34, Chimbote Valley. 2000 feet. 17. MricROLOPHUS PERUVIANUS Sess. M. lessonii, Dum. Bibr. LV, p. 336. Nos. 31-36, Chimbote Valley. 2000 feet. 18. PHYLLODACTYLUS NIGROFASCIATUS sp. nov. The existence of a fourth species of this genus in Western Peru points to this region as its centre of distribution. The present one belongs to the group in which the large dermal tubercles are not prominent nor angulate, nor arranged in regular longitudinal rows. They are round, and very dis- tinct from the small round scales between them, and not almost assimi- lated to them as in the P. tnequalis Cope. There are eight superior labials to below the pupil of the eye. The mental scutum is very large, and ur- ceolate ; it has two lateral, and a short posterior median facet, each one corresponding to a scutum. The anterior of these is the first labial, which is about twice as large as the scutum that follows it. Behind these is a transverse row of five subround scales, of which the median is in contact with the mental. The next row embraces eight, arranged in an undulat- ing manner. ‘The scales diminish but slowly to the size of the gulars. The toes are slender as in the 7. microphyllus Cope, but the expansions are large, asin the 7. inequualis. When the limbs are appressed to the side, the elbow reaches the base of the toes in this species, but only to their tips in the 7. inequalis ; the length of the toes in JT. mierophyllus is in- termediate. The ground color is very light, brilliantly white on the inferior surfaces. Between the axilla and groin the back is crossed above by six narrow black cross-bands. These bifurcate or break up on the sides ; the axillar band breaks up on the back, and two anterior to it are represented by spots. A broad dark band passes from the nostril through the eye and breaks up on the sides of the neck. Limbs indistinctly cross-barred. M. Length to’ meatus auditoriuss .6 oo. fee de ee been iaeles 018 cs 66° BRUID, «wis vies ssc'bes oc wTMVEUME ates mt oe aca . .020 “i CPS BTOM « cie,s nls solv 8'alolv ava tome mneetereiea eae 039 st “er ventreescted cS bs eens ME PEP Oe ae AtE .048 Width at meatusanditoriis.; 9535 FATS OF A ae 007 Length of fore limb. .......scsensese tis a Oiear senna O14 a OS M8 ~ FOO: 6.2.55:d 5 14 A RE eee ean . .004 sie Ae. in TMS 8. Hass sts shee een we MEN «sock a PN Ome 021 a ee to LOOKS Soares hates CERT Bats c ate oes 0065 The very different arrangement of the infralabial scales and the small 1877.) 37 : [Cope. digital expansions with other characters of the P. microphyllus* render comparisons with it unnecessary. From the nearer P. inequalist it differs primarily in three features: (1) the greater relative size of the tubercles ; (2) the differently arranged infralabials, and (3) in the longer digits. No. 35, Chimbote Valley. 2000 feet. 19. PHYLLODACTYLUS REISSII Peters Monateber. Berl. Academy, 1862, 626. No. 140, from Pacasmayo. BATRACHIA. ANURA. 20. NoroTREMA MARSUPIATUM Dum. Bibr. VIII, 598, pl. 98, (Ayla). Nototrema Gthr. Nos. 28, Chimbote Valley ; 127-8, Pisac : altitude 10,500 feet. 21. CHOROPHILUS CUZCANUS sp. nov. A species of medium size in a genus where the species are never large. Form rather robust, head wide, flat; canthus rostrales well marked but contracted. Nostrils near the end of the muzzle, which is obtusely rounded. Tympanum distinct, its diameter half that of the eye slit, which is nearly as long as the muzzle in front of it. The limbs are rather elongate, and the digital dilatations are quite small. The wrist of the extended fore limb reaches the end of the muzzle, and the elbow is slightly overlapped by the knee when both are appressed. When the hind limb is extended forwards, the heel reaches to the line of the front of the orbit. There are no tubercles on the sole, and the skin of the superior surfaces of the body is smooth, while that of the thorax and abdomen is closely areolate. The vomerine teeth are in two full and closely approximated fasicles between the internal nares, their posterior borders projecting a little behind the posterior margins of the latter. The nareal openings are small, and about equal to the ostiapharyngea ; the tongue is discoid, and is openly notched on the posterior free border, which constitutes about one-third the length of the organ. . Color of the upper surfaces dark olive; of the limbs paler; the femur uniform light olive, posteriorly. Inferior surfaces dirty white, except those of the thighs, which are pale yellow. Sides of the head to the tym- panum dark, bordered above by a blackish line along the canthus rostralis, and below by a light labial border. M. Heneth of the head and body, .. <2. 24.2 2-0+ semen ois 0230 Length of head to posterior line of tympanum........ 0075 Width ‘ at i ae $e dmikaiet oy .0093 ie teneth of fore TMD. 2. . sca ss so 4e's 2 stypsp -b% 2 oe .0165 af Oo SOT A ee ie ee .0375 LE TSS iP 20a Rec eS Se Coos OOOO IIE ft ait eee .0170 Pe OREO De ee ES ase yaya Sake oua.c) wa aysia aie o)s s)0.e «'n/si0ie =isi° -0065 * Cope, Journal Academy, Phila. 1875, p. 175. + Loc. cit., p. 174. Cope.) 38 {May 4, This species is one of those forms which is near the boundaries of the fami- lies of Hylide and Cystignathide, It agrees with the other species of the genus to which I have referred it in essential respects ; 7. ¢., in the free toes, the fronto-parietal fontanelle, and the small and separated prefrontals. The last two characters distinguish it from Hylodes to which it bears a super- ficial resemblance, as also the terminal phalanges, which lack the trans- verse limb of that genus. The sacral diapophyses are but little dilated. It is noteworthy that this frog is the first one which presents these charac- ters, known from South America, all the species of Chorophilus, five in number, being North American. 22, CyCLORHAMPHUS ANGUSTIPES, Sp. Nov. A species of medium size, remarkable for the small extent of the palma- tion of the toes. The muzzle is short and rounded, its profile retreating backwards to the superior, rather elevated plane. Canthus rostraies obso- lete ; nares one-third nearer to the border of the orbit than to that of the upper lip. The orbits look somewhat upwards and forwards, the tympanic membrane is not visible in the derm, but exists as a small vertically oval membrane whose long diameter is one-third the vertical diameter of the eye. The skin is everywhere perfectly smooth. The thumb and second finger are of equal lengths. The web of the hinder foot is deeply notched, the edge marking the middle of the first phalange of the fourth toe; that between the first, second and third toes joining the adjacent longer toe at a still lower point. The wrist of the extended fore limb exceeds the end of the muzzle, while the heel reaches to the nostril; the tibia equals the foot without the tarsus. The choane are larger, and the ostiapharyngea very small. The vomerine fascicles are small and close together ; they fill the narrow space between the inner borders of the choane. The tongue is nearly round, entire, and has the posterior fourth free. — M. Tengib or head sind DOO Vien <. vyrinis wai aes chien nee 038 Length of head to posterior line of tympana. .........- O11 Width of head at ms % LG pele EAS Arche, .019 Tien eth: Of fore LM sic 5 o/s. «cose se te sere siete = a ei ee 025 x Ee FGOU (CS LCAUESL) Serer contest Miata ciols tatener eee .010 Jt ays qlbD ate MelbGN SU RASA RE OREITC ACSI DON OLOnT De Sccs 061 cs of hind foot..... siotuace aiteimaidiitests so ve meverasees .029 be GL ELVA...’ ve oe eb ope > = elaine Tate ele eee 017 Color above, dark plumbeous ; below, a light lead color. No. 136, from Juliaca ; altitude 12,550 feet. The characters which distinguish this species from the C. @maricus, are, the greater length of the limbs, the closer approximation of the choane ; the absence of dermal margins to the toes, the absence of cuneiform tuber- cle, and the close union of the metatarsal bones in the sole. This arrange- ment gives the sole a narrow form, without the expansiveness seen in (Q. emaricus, where the grooves between the metatarsals are distinct. ==" - = * 1877. | 39 [Cope. 23. CycLORHAMPHUS AMARICUS Cope. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1874, p. 125. Nos. 48, 49, 50, from Yura, near Arequipa ; altitude 8000 feet ; Nos. 81 -4, from Cuzco ; altitude 11,000 feet. Specimens from Cuzco are darker _colored than those from Yura. They are dark plumbeous with large round black spots above ; the latter are lighter plumbeous with or without dark gray smaller spots. In males from the latter locality the thorax is covered with corneous asperities and there is a large shield of horn on the inner aspect of the thumb, which is covered with acute projections. 24. CycCLORHAMPHUS PUSTULOSUS, sp. nov. The largest species of the genus, distinguished by its large head, and the prominent tubercles of the sides and coccygeal region. The head is wide and flat, with the loreal region and the muzzle oblique. The canthus rostrales are obsolete, and the nares, although at the end of the superior plane of the muzzle, are equidistant between the orbit and the labial border. The membranum tympani is concealed by the skin and is a vertical oval, whose long diameter is less than half that of the eye slit. The fingers and toes are elongate, especially the last or ungual phalange , the wrist reaches considerably beyond the muzzle, and the heel to the front of the orbit. The hind foot is only half webbed, and is considera- bly longer than the tibia. The skin is smooth, excepting on the sides be- tween the ilia round the vent, the superior face of the tibia, and the sole of the foot. These localities are all tubercular ; the limbs with small acute warts, the side with small, obtuse, and very prominent warts, and the iliac region with larger obtuse warts. The choane are not very much approximated, and the vomerine patches between them are very small. The ostia pharyngea are very minute and situated well within the external borders of the mouth. The tongue is wider than long, and entire. Color, dark lead color everywhere excepting the gular region and the tips of the lateral warts, which are dirty white. Upper regions indefinitely shaded with brown and gray. M. Eeneth of Head and DOGY «ou 60 sss nant sinem sleieZ Gana aU «« «to posterior line of tympana........... .018 Width of head at cs 7 SEE Pres fot HOt SAGTAIL: OXPANSCs tors: .'s wisis «is ere% eee, © Wabateralevsiaie.e .012 ** of interorbital space..... Stays aietohei a See SOCIO HS Er .005 Length of fore limb......... SIRO CSRS AROS Gees . .038 «« — of fore foot...... mbatolal oietelateieiai sl ayetotete siataTel sis) o15/ ees OLG Semen TYCA CO” LLnl creme ae seen cote chetete vin ste teenie eee UST popemetO ea TG TOO Aster. ose erers Soe oho ie tebae eee as .» 2042 Seem MMIII SCMUES US ot Aecae ssc cris eco er osiete ere CoS OHLOOOEL .010 Bon NGL ance eer ete eee tees heat SOA ACR SOIR IOR IG 025 No. 111, from Tinta ; altitude 11,400 feet. Cope.] 40 {May 4, 25. PLEURODEMA CINEREUM, Sp. Nov. Muzzle oval, vertically truncate at the end and elevated ; canthus ros- trales obtuse, loreal region little oblique ; nares terminal. Membranum tympani distinct, round, its diameter one-third that of the eye-slit. Wrist extending to muzzle, and the heel to the middle of the orbit. Two large palmar tubercles. Cuneiform tubercles of sole prominent, not sheathed with horn, the outer solar tubercle not prominent; no proximal tarsal tubercle. Tarsus short; remainder of foot longer than tibia. Skin with low warts on all the upper surfaces of the head and body ; inguinal gland moderate, oval. Posterior inferior femoral region areolate. The vomerine teeth are in small fasiculi extending backwards from the line of the anterior margins of the choane. The latter are twice as large as the small ostiapharyngea. The tongue is a wide oval, has a slit-like notch behind and is one-half free. Color above gray leaden, with indistinct darker plumbeous spots, of which the largest is between the orbits. There are three wide vertical dark gray bands at the upper lip, the last one on the tympanum, and two paler similar bands between them. Numerous black spots on the groin ; a black crescent on the inguinal gland. Limbs dark cross-banded above ; posterior face of femur darkly gray spotted. Lower surfaces dirty white; gular region gray dusted. M. Total length of head and body............ aise a/etadateaiae 027 Length of head to posterior line of tympana.......... .008 fs reat * “ 8) wis as aeleieats .010 Width of sicrakiexpansean., ss... athe. stacl> si nreca wiser .0055 Iheneth of fore-limb oo. 26 cscs ear GION OCDE OOS .0170 ae HET OOD a oeztevere aimareieierereitecetel se orstete aiaeriaietes .0070 cs of Hind Wimb.n 2. cae crepe c 2rceeRs see ete ee fora’s, OSD v4 EO TOOL ica aot wale sate hie steieitra 8 ating ove eat aie .0180 3 OL WALES Suelo iscie ctse eit siete ao e's aise te geist ana -0050 os Oe O: retin aremacishidide acronyms a cham Ory oor .0110 No. 137, from Juiiaca at 12,550 feet. 26. Buro cHILENsIS Tschudi, Batr. 88. Dum. Bibr. VIII, 678. B. spinu- losus Weigm. Nos. 2 and 4, Pacasmayo on the coast; 47, Arequipa, 7,500 feet ; 52, Chimbote Valley ; 54-56 and 124-126, Urubamba, Eastern Peru, 10,000 feet ; 73-9, Cuzco, 11,000 feet ; 87-8, Yaurisque, East of Cuzco, on the Apurimac, 10,500 feet ; 102-110, Tinta, 11,000 feet; 129-135, Juliaca, 12,550 feet. Having arranged the above thirty-six specimens of this toad in the order of the elevation above the sea at which they were found, beginning at the coast, and rising to 12,550 feet, I have discovered no characters of surface, of color, or of any other kind which are related to the habitats. Two of the three specimens from Pacasmayo, $ and 9, are twice the average size of the others ; the third one is as large as the largest of the others. Several specimens have spinulose warts. 1877.} ; 41 [Cope. PISCES. HYOPOMATA. It has sometimes appeared to the writer that a modification might with advantage be introduced into the system of Fishes, as left in his synopsis of the osteology of the subject, published in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 1870, p. 449, and the Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Science, 1871, p. 326. The sub-classes of fishes there recognized were five ; viz. the Holocephali, the Selachii, the Dipnoi, the Crossopterygia, and the Actinop- ter?7. As it appears that the structural differences existing between the last two divisions are not so great as those which distinguish the others, it is proposed to combine them into a single sub-class, to be called the Oper- culata. The definitions of the four sub-classes will then be as follows : I. Suspensorium continuous with the cartilaginous cran- ium, with no hyomandibular nor rudimental opercular bone ; no maxillary arch; pelvic bones present; axial series of fore limb shortened, the derivative radii sessile on the basal pieces ; axial series of hinder limb prolonged in ¢j......... Holocephali. II. Suspensorium articulated with the cranium; no maxillary arch; no opercular nor pelvic bones; bones of limb as in the last ......:.... * Sa ERDAS ERE Gane See annoS Selachii. III. Suspensorium rudimental, articulated with cranium, supporting one or more opercular bones ; cranium with su- perior membrane bones; no maxillary arch ; a median pel- vic element ; the limbs supported by segmented unmodified ISB 2s uc don deieserd OSU eddSS GhSu et ASG t Pare asec heoeooes- Dipnoi. IVY. Hyomandibular and palatoquadrate bones articulating with cranium, supporting opercular bones ; a maxillary arch ; no pelvic element ; axes of the limbs shortened, the derivative faoeeeaile on the basal Pieces, ..... asm sisse Soe 6p ome pix .. Hyopomata. The primary divisions of the Hyopomata are indicated by the structure of the fins, of which there are three principal modifications, as follows : A. Derivative radii present in both limbs ; in the anterior supported by an axial segment with one or more basal or derivative radii, forming a peduncle; in the hind limbs the derivative radii sessile on axial segment only... ... eseeeee Crossopterygia. B. Derivative radii few in the fore limb, sessile on scapu- la ; present in hind limb, and sessile on axial segment.... Chrondostet. C. Derivative radii few in the fore limb, sessile on the scapula ; wanting or very few and rudimental on the hind limb so that the dermal radii rest on the axial element... . Actinopteri. The classification of the Actinopteri then continues as in the memoirs above quoted. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 100. F Cope.] 42 [May 4, 27. CORVINA AGASsIzII Steindachner Sitzungsber, K. K. Acad. Wiss. 1875 (April), p. 26. Nos. 5 and 48, from Pacasmayo and Chimbote Bays. These specimens have an indistinct longitudinal stripe extending along each row of scales above the middle of the body ; cross-bands are not apparent. D XII-1-21; A 2-10. 28. BLENNIUS TETRANEMUS, Sp. nov. Radii; D. XIX-18; P. 138; V.I-2; A. IL-18;; first dorsal fin com- mencing above the preopercular border, with many of the rays of sub- equal length, which does not exceed the distance from their bases to the pectoral fin. An open notch between the first and the more elevated sec- ond dorsal fin. In only one out of seven specimens there is a pair of curved teeth behind the premaxillaries ; none in the lower jaw. Interor- bital space narrow, deeply grooved ; behind the orbits a transverse groove behind which the vertex is swollen. A slender postnareal tentacle, a long tentacle above the posterior part of the orbit deeply split into four sub- equal portions ; no fringes at its base nor behind the orbit. Orbit a little more than one-fourth the length of the head ; the head three and a-half times in the length without the caudal fin ; depth four times in the same. Color light brown, the sides marbled with darker brown ; seven quad- rate brown spots on each side of the base of the dorsal fin. Sides of head speckled with dark brown ; a large brown spot behind the eye which sepa- rates two wide light bars, one of which extends downwards and backwards from the eye, and one backwards. Anal fin dusky with a light margin ; dorsal with obscure brown shades. M. Total lenrthis ssc. atolelelsvcineeieh itt erat eieiete Srae cist Sesigsst. Lic. Length to base of pectoral............ slojejeftersl etc eae hates 20MM oe Ze VEDLAl asides el stletteiets Ba Gates OG . 4 BMA eyetese MONOUs. II. Dorsal fin partly over anal fin. a. Dorsal fin partly over ventrak. Head 4.5 to 5.5 in total length; D. 9; A. 6; gray, uni- form omblack speckled)..<5 cts. saan de sa olibte bee eGleethLs Crapo. aa. Dorsal fin behind base of ventrals. Head 5 times in total; D. 7; A. 5; closely marbled with dark brown above and below... ..02: SUUO This is the first species of this carboniferous genus found at this locality. It differs from the @. serratus Newberry in its narrow form, small number of ridges, and the very slight prolongation of their extremities. CTENODUS GURLEYANUS Cope, sp. nov. This species is indicated by a portion of a tooth, which leaves the number of the ridges a matter of uncertainty. On this account its description might have been postponed, but that the distinctness of its characters, render it clear that it cannot be placed with any of the other species. The crown, as in Ceratodus paucicristatus, is narrow and rather thick ; but three crests are present, all radiating in the same general direction, the longer close to the inner border. There was not more than ene additional crest, or one and a rudiment, and these have probably the same direction as those which are preserved. The crests are sharp, elevated, and coarsely dentate ; they are not decurved at the extremity, but cease abruptly with a projecting denticle, beneath which the basis is excavated by a shallow fossa. The inferior face is slightly concave, the internal wall vertical. © Greatest width...... eieieqounraaee si(Scm: ata ya'e) Sy 6]s seek ais ieee Depthyat inner. border vw...) wate .016 Lenin Of Giapophynia. .. 2. o.0p0ss0s07 scacecss sep een Men Width af neural canal........ Saatiebs ee Pr Wer o 1877.) 63 [Cope. CRICOTUS HETEROCLITUS Cope, Proceed. Acad, Phila. 1876, p. 405. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. After an examination of the first fossils from this fauna which came under my observation, I left the question undecided as to whether its characters pointed to the Triassic or to Permian age. The Reptilia and a Ceratodus pointed tothe former ; the Diplodus pointed even to the coal measures. The additional evidence adduced in this paper, adds weight to both sides of the question. Of the fishes added, Ctenodus is a genus of the coal measures, and while Strigilina is new, its affinities are to the Petalodont genera of that formation. On the other hand the reptilian character of Clepsydrops © is established, and the number of its species increased. Now the coal meas- ures have nowhere disclosed reptilian remains, so faras we have determina- tions of a reliable character ; Batrachia were the only type of air breathing vertebrata known to that epoch. The present fauna must then be placed above the coal measures, and the horizon will correspond more nearly with the Permian than with any other embraced in the system. From its most characteristic fossil, the bed might be called the Clepsy- drops shale. Its position, according to Dr. J. C. Winslow, is near the top of the Coal Measures, and it is marked No. 15, in Prof. F. H. Bradley’s section of the Coal Measures of Vermillion Co., in the Report of the Geo- logical Survey of Illinois by A. H. Worthen, Vol. IV, p. 245. It is about one hundred and eleven feet, averaging different localities, from the sum- mit of the series, and 2099} feet from the base. Two insignificant beds of coal occur above it, and the following genera of invertebrate fossils : Productus, Spirifer, Athyris, Terebratula, Hemipronites, Retzia, Zeacri- nus, Cyathaxonia, Discina, Lingula, Cardiomorpha, Orthoceras and Nautilus. Several of these genera are found in the Zechstein, while others belong to the Coal Measures and below them. On some new and little known Reptiles and Fishes from the Austroriparian Region. By E. D. Core. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, May 20, 1877.) A number of interesting points in the distribution of our reptiles and fishes come to light from time to time, which serve to define with more precision the districts into which the Nearctic Realm is naturally di- vided.* The result of several of these, is to extend over the entire Austro- riparian Region the range of several species heretofore supposed to be con- fined to portions of that district only. A collection formed at Kinston in Eastern North Carolina, in the North-eastern portion of the region in ques- *See Bulletin No. 1 of the National Museum; Check List of North American Batrachia and Reptilia. Cope’} 64 [May 20, tion, by my friend, J. W. Milner, of the United States Fish Commission, is of considerable interest on this account. He found at that point the following species, which had not been previously known to occur east of Georgia or South Carolina :—Batrachia: Manculus quadridigitatus, Bufo quereicus, Engystoma carolinense. Reptilia: Oligosoma laterale, Abastor erythro- grammus. To this it may be added that Stephen G. Worth recently obtained near Fayetteville, North Carolina, the Bascanium flagelliforme, and the true Hyla delitescens of Holbrook. I here mention also that several years ago Dr. J. E. Holbrook sent me just before his death a colored drawing of a Hyla from 8. E. Georgia, made by his friend Dr. Harden, which is probably the H. carolinensis, but which differs from the typical form of that species in having a white triangle on top of the muzzle, covering the space between its apex and a line connecting the anterior parts of the orbits, as in the Z. leucophyllata. A specimen representing a variety of Humeces anthracinus Baird, was sent me from Mobile by Dr. Jos. Corson. The researches of the distinguished ornithologist, Robert Ridgeway, into the natural history of South-eastern Illinois, have been followed by the same results as those of Mr. Milner in North Carolina. Mr. Ridgway has found in the Wabash valley as far North as Mount Carmel, Illinois, the following ‘species: Ancistrodon piscivorus, Carphophiops vermis, Haldea striatula, Abastor erythyogrammus, Farancia abacura, Coluber obsoletus confints and Tropidonotus sipedon woodhousei. In a considerable collection from Volusia, Florida, several rare species occur. I give the entire list. BATRACHIA. Siren lacertina, L. Hyla gratiosa, Lec. Pseudobranchus striatus, Lec. ** carolinensis, Daud. Amphiuma means, Gard. “ femoralis, Daud., Engystoma carolinense, Daud. very common. Acris gryllus, Lec. Rana halecina Kaln. REPTILIA. Crotalus adamanteus, Beauv. Caudisona miliaria, L. Ancistrodon piscivorus, Latr. Heterodon platyrhinus, Latr, Tropidonotus fasciatus, L. ELutenia sackenii, Kenn., very common. zs sirtalis, L. Storeria occipitomaculata, Holbr. Coluber quadrivittatus, Say. Spilotes corais erebennus, Cope. Bascanium constrictor, L. . flagelliforme, Catesb. Cyclophis estivus, L., abundant. Pityophis melanoleucus, Holbr. —— ‘hae 1877.] 65 [Cope. Dromicus flavilatus, Cope. The second specimen of this very rare species, comes from Volusia. The first was found by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, near Fort Macon, North Carolina. Osceola elapsoidea, Holby. Contia pygea, Cope. So far as yet known, found only near Volusia. Cemophora coccinea, Blum., common. Tantilla coronata, B. & G. Rhineura floridana, Baird, abundant. Oligosoma laterale, Say. Eumeces striatus, L. Cnemidophorus serlineatus, Say. Sceloporus undulatus, Harl. Anolis principalis, L. Alligator mississippiensis. A collection of fishes from the same locality includes a number of inter- esting species, as follows : Notemigonus ischanus, Jordan, Check List Fishes Fresh W., N. A. p. 155. A specimen eight inches in length with bright red dorsal, caudal and anal fins. Arius ?equestris, Baird and Girard, U. 8. and Mexican Boundary Surv. IT p. 32. Fine specimens of a species distinct from those of any other country from near Bayport, West Florida, agree in most of the characters cited by the above named authors. Their type was a young fish I suppose, in which the helmet had no such development as in my specimens; its beards are also rather longer. Chirostoma beryllinum Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1866, p. 408. Prof. Jordan states that he has this fish from the St. John’s R., Florida. Haplochilus melanops Cope, Proe. Am. Philos. Soc. 1870, p. 457. Chenobryttus gulosus C. V. Centrarchus C. V. Radii; D. X-10; A. III-9. Depth of body entering total length 2.'75 times. Enneacanthus fasciatus Holbr. Bryttus fasciatus Holbr. Journ. Acad. Phila. 1855, p. 51, Pl. 5, fig. 3. Char. specif. General form elongate, as in some of the Chenobrytti. The depth enters the total length with caudal fin, 3.2 times, and the length of the head enters the same 3.4 times. The diameter of the eye is twice as long as the muzzle, and enters the head 3.2 times, and excecds the in- terorbital width. The extremity of the maxillary bone marks the line of the anterior fourth of the orbit. The profile is a gentle convexity from the base of the first dorsal ray. Scales 6-34-13; four rows below the eye on the preoperculum ; opercle scaled. Color a rich brown, with numerous vertical darker bars descending from the base of the dorsal fin. Scales below the middle of the sides each with a brown dot ; fins dusky, the dorsal and caudal with pellucid dots. Superior PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 100. I Cope. | 66 (May 20, angle of the operculum with a black spot without border, no radii on the cheek ; nose black. Totalilengthy aye. . 6 see .082 “s enue .S S'S e EERE Cee Se nsteae ste aemeieeate 140 The external series of teeth are relatively larger in this species than in the Z. auritus and L. mystacalis. No teeth on the tongue. Lepomis mystacalis, sp. nov. In this species the gill rakers are of the character indicated by Prof. Jordan as characteristic of the genus Lepomis, that is, slender and acute. This species also differs from the Z. apiatus in the greater compression, and the shorter muzzle. The greatest depth enters the total length (including caudal fin) 2.5 times, and the length of the head enters the same 4.4 times. The orbit is large, exceeding the length of the muzzle, equaling the interorbital space, and entering the length of the head 3.3 times. Radial formula; D. X-12; A, I[I-12; P. 12. The dorsal spines are robust, but a little shorter than 1877.] 67 [Cope. the soft rays; the ventral fin reaches the first spine, and the pectoral the first soft ray of the anal fin. Caudal well notched. Themaxillary extends a little beyond the anterior border of the orbit. Scale formula 7-51-15 ; four preopercular rows below orbit. Color above dusky, sides silvery, with numerous short undulate vertical brown bars irregularly disposed. Opercular black spot short, without border ; the dusky of the face is abruptly arrested by a pale band which extends backwards from the mouth to the preoperculum. A dark line from the chin bounds this below, and defines another silvery band which passes along the mandible, the interopercle and subopercle; cheeks, thorax, and posterior parts of the dorsal, caudal and anal fins yellow. Xystroplites longimanus, gen. et. sp. nov. Char. Gen. Inferior pharyngeal bones wide and robust, and paved with truncate grinding teeth. The gill rakers of the anterior half of the first branchial arch elongate ; those of the posterior half and of the remaining gill arches, very short and obtuse. No supernumerary maxillary bone ; operculum with a produced, entire superior posterior angle. No teeth on the tongue. Spines X. ITI. This genus which has been just published by Prof. D. §. Jordan,* com- bines the grinding type of pharnygeal teeth characteristic of Pomotis, with the slender gill rakers recently shown by Prof. Jordan{ to be charac- teristic of the genus Lepomis. Char Specif. Body elevated, but the head rather produced, so that the profile is oblique and nearly straight from the base of the dorsal fin. The depth of the body enters the total length 2.5 times, and the length of the head enters the same 3.6 times. The orbit is large, equaling the length of the muzzle, and entering the length of the head four times. The inter- orbital space is 1.5 times the diameter of the orbit. The muzzle is sub- conic, and the end of the maxillary bone reaches the line of the anterior margin of the orbit. The dorsal fin is elevated, the spines equalling the soft rays and not separated from them by a notch. Caudal fin openly notched ; ventral not reaching anal; the pectoral very long, reaching the line of the fifth anal soft ray. Formula; D. X-12; A. IIJ-11;P.138. Scale formula 7-44-15 ; five rows on the preoperculum below the orbit. The color above is dusky, below silvery, the gular and thoracic region light yellow. The opercular black spot is short, and has a crimson border. Fins black, the caudal, anal and pectoral fins with yellow rays. Rotablenpths et) seas Jasiae oft Qockieitatiesad .170 Hensthstoidorsalifini @xialjen .c% - dcl2jkitle eeideclse Galt 6 OAT ee VIGIN GTN es TOCA SIS cele wierc vend EMS FOO .053 § anal Sigetel tetat. oft. ataine .dteed. ts). .081 “ Giadabiios $i? ewiire. basket 7 fs Nek Bele 131 * Prof. Jordan defined this genus in a paper written some time before this one, and which is probably already printed. 7Proceedings Academy, Philadelphia 1877, p. 7é. Smith. ] 68 [June 15, This fish has a superficial resemblance to the Lepomis mystacalis. The ends of the long gill-rakers are obtuse, as in the LZ. wpiatus. There are no palatine teeth. It resembles also in form and coloration the Pomotis microlophus, Gthr. (P. speciosus, Holbr.) from the St. John’s River, Florida, a species which I have not seen. According to Dr. Holbrook’s figures and descriptions, there is a material difference in the radial formula which is, D, X .10; A. III .9. The form of the dorsal fin is also very different, the second being the higher, and separated from the first by a deep notch, which leaves one spine with the soft rays. I have this species from near Volusia, and also from near Bayport on the West Coast. Achirus mollis, De Kay. Radii, D. 48; A. 35. Length without caudal fin .078; depth of body 042, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LABORATORY OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. X. Dichlorsalicylic Acid. By Epear F. Smiru, Pu. D., Assistant in Analytical Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, June 15, 1877.) As early as 1845, Cahours (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie—52. pp. 340 and 341) described a di-chlor acid which he obtained about the same time he was investigating the di-bromine substitution products of salicylic acid. The course he pursued to produce the compound was to treat an aqueous solution of salicylic acid with an excess of chlorine. According to his de- scription the acid thus obtained possesses great stability and can very readi- ly be obtained pure. And again by allowing a slow current of chlorine gas to stream through a dilute solution of potassium salicylate potassium dichlorsalicylate was formed. This salt after repeated recrystallization was obtained in almost colorless needles. The acid corresponding to this salt was precipitated in white masses upon the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid to a solution of the latter. The acid is soluble in boiling alcohol, from which upon cooling, it sepa- rates in needles. Well formed octahedral crystals were secured by allowing a rather dilute solution to evaporate slowly in the air. Boiling water dis- solves but small quantities of this acid, which separate out again in very fine needles when the solution becomes cool. Boiling concentrated nitric acid dissolves the compound, and when the liquid cools, beautiful yellow <= = eee e 4 1877.] 69 {|Smith, plates separate out. By distilling the acid with barium oxide dichlorphenol (Acide Chlorophénésique) was produced, with liberation of carbon di- oxide. Recently, Rogers (Inaugural Dissertation, G6ttingen, 1875) published the results of an investigation upon a similar acid. By conducting a calculated amount of chlorine gas into a solution of salicylic acid in glacial acetic acid, and applying heat, he produced dichlorsalicylic acid, which crystal- lized from the above solution in small white needles. The acid was purified by converting it into its barium salt, and this then recrystallized. The acid from the purified salt fused at 224°C. It was entirely insoluble in cold, soluble in an excess of hot water and very soluble in hot alcohol. The following salts were made and analyzed : Dichlorsalicylate of Barium.—(C, H, Cl, OH COO), Ba+ 5 H,0O. Long needles, colored slightly brown. Dichlorsaticylate of Potassium.—C, H, Cl, OH. COOK. Showed a tendency to crystallize in small white needles, which lost, by exposure to the air, any water of crystallization they may have possessed. Dichlorsalicylate of Copper.—(C, H, Cl, OH C O O), Cu. Green, in- soluble precipitate. Some time ago I had occasion to make dichlorsalicylic acid, but as I ob- tained a compound not corresponding to any known analogous derivative, I submit to the Society the following results of my investigation upon the new dichlorine product. FORMATION OF DICHLORSALICYLIC ACID. About 40 Grm. of pure salicylic acid (fusing point 156°C) were placed in a flask and upon this was poured a rather large quantity of concentrated acetic acid. While applying a gentle heat to effect solution, a calculated amount of dried chlorine gas was introduced into the liquid, which grad- ually assumed a deep yellow color. Without waiting for the new acid to crys- tallize out I added to the yet warm solution a large quantity of water, where- upon the dichlorsalicylic acid fell out in large white flocks. The liquid was filtered off and the acid washed with cold water and then boiled with an excess of barium carbonate. The salt thus obtained was redissolved and recrystallized until it was obtained in almost colorless needles, which crystallize in aggregated masses from an aqueous solution. Upon several occasions monochlorsalicylate of barium was produced, but as this salt is much more soluble than the corresponding compound of the dichlor acid it was easily removed. Properties —The dichlor acid separates in large flocculent masses upon the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid to a solution of the barium salt. Cold water does not dissolve the acid, an excess of boiling water being neces- sary to effect its solution. After many recrystallizations the acid fused at 2129-2149C. It separates from an aqueous solution in white arborescent masses. In cold alcohol it is very soluble. By the slow evaporation of such a sojution stellated masses consisting of large colorless needles were obtained. The fusing point of these was the same as that of the white Smith. ] 70 [June 15, crystals. The acid is sublimable with partial decomposition. A drop of ferric chloride added to its aqueous solution imparts to the latter a beautiful violet coloration. The acid is very probably Parachlormetachlor-ortho-oxyhenzoic acid and may be graphically represented as follows : COOH OH ¢ cL A combustion was made of the barium salt. Carbon and Hydrogen Determination. 0.2092 Grm. barium salt dried at 180°C for several hours were burned with coarse and fine lead chromate, and gave 0.241 Grm. CO,=—.065 Grm. carbon=30.9%C. Farther .012 Grm. H,0=—0.57% H. SALTS. DICHLORSALICYLATE OF BARIUM. (C, H, Cl, OH COO), Ba+33 H,O. This salt was produced by boiling the free acid with an excess of barium carbonate. Boiling water dissolves it very readily. In cold water it is insoluble. From an aqueous solution it crystallizes in large, almost color- less needles, which are usually combined to aggregated masses. Water Estimation. 0.6026 Grm. air-dried salt lost upon being heated for three hours at 180° C .0623 Grm. H, O=—10.34% H, O. The calculated percentage of water for 3} molecules equals 10.29%. Calculated. Found. (C, H, Cl, OH COO), Ba=551—=89.71 %. +33 H, O = 638=10.29%. 10.34 614—=100.00 %. Barium Estimation. I. 0.5403 Grm. anhydrous salt were placed in a platinum crucible, a few drops of sulphuric acid then added, and this then evaporated to dryness. 0.2227 Grm. barium sulphate were obtained, corresponding to 0.1309 Grm. barium=24.16% Ba. II. 0.6075 Grm. anhydrous salt gave 0.2550 Grm. barium sulphate, equaling 0.1499 Grm. barium—24.67 % Ba. Calculated %. Found %. C, ,=168=30.60 30.90 Hi /06=— 1.09 57 = 96—18. 60 C1,=142—=25.86 Ba—187—24.95 24.16 and 24.67 > 1877.) 71 {Smith. DICHLORSALICYLATE OF POTASSIUM. C, H,Cl,OH COOK. This salt was obtained by boiling the preceding compound with a calcu- lated amount of potassium carbonate. From a concentrated aqueous solution it crystallized in white needles, very much like the salt of Rogers described above. After recrystallizing the compound several times and then allowing it to separate from a dilute solution I obtained it in almost colorless needles, that united to form clusters. Analysis proved it to be anhydrous. Potassium Estimation. I. 0. 2020 Grm. well dried salt gave 0.0710 Grm. potassium sulphate= .03181 K=15.75 % K. TI. .2651 Grm. dried salt gave .0930 Grm. potassium sulphate—0.04117 Grm. K=15.5% K. Calculated %. Found % C, H, Cl, OH COO=206=84.05 % ~ Koy se 1b ee 15.75 % and 15.5 % 245. 1—100.00 DICHLORSALICYLATE OF SODIUM. C, H, Cl, OH COO Na. Obtained by boiling an aqueous solution of the barium salt with sodium carbonate and concentrating the filtered liquid. The salt crystallizes in broad needles, possessing a slight yellow tinge. It is easily soluble in water. Sodium Estimation. 0.1601 Grm. dried salt gave 0.0550 Grm. sodium sulphate=.0171 Grm. sodium—10.68 % Na. Calculated %. Found %. C, H, Cl, OH COO=207—89.95 % — Na = 23=10.05% 10.68 % 22910000 % DICHLORSALICYLATE OF MAGNESIUM. (C, H, Cl, OH COO), Mg. An aqueous solution of the free acid was boiled with magnesium carbon- ate and the liquid evaporated to a small bulk. After standing some time, small, white crystals appeared; these were very readily dissolved by water. Magnesium Estimation. -1140 Grm. dried salt gave .0304 Mg, P, 0,—.0064 Grm. Mg—5.61% Mg. Calculated %. Found %. (C, H, Cl, OH COO)2=—412—94.50 % _ Mg = 24— 5.50% 5 61% 436—100.00 — Smith.] | 72 {June 15, DICHLORSALICYLATE OF LEAD. Cy HAG, OPy Coo; Lead acetate was added to a solution of the ammonium salt and the lead salt obtained as a white insoluble precipitate, which after being well washed and dried was analyzed. Lead Estimation. 0.1075 grm. dried salt gave .0548 grm. lead = 50. 9 % Pb. Calulated %. - Found % C,H, Cl, 0: COO=—205—49.76 % + Pb = 207 = 50.24 % 50. 9 % 412 = 100.00 % Copper Salt.—Small brown crystals soluble in water. Silver Salt.—White insoluble powder. Decomposed when boiled with water. Action or Nirric Acrp upon DICHLORSALICYLIC ACID. Dilute nitric acid has no effect upon the acid. When treated with fum- ing nitric acid no change is produced until heat has been applied. After dissolving the dichlor acid in this solvent I permitted the solution to stand several days, hoping to find the nitro compound separated out by that time—this, however, did not occur. Upon evaporating the solution to dry- ness, nothing remained, the substance, whatever it may have been, having been completely volatilized. A second portion of the acid after treatment with fuming, nitric was mixed with a large quantity of water and then distilled. The distillate possessed a yellow color, and after neutralization with potassium carbonate, was strongly evaporated, then placed in a dessi- cator over sulphuric acid. After standing some time minute globular crys- tals appeared, but the quantity being so small I was not able to examine them, preferring to defer the investigation of this nitro compound, if such, until larger quantities of the substance can be obtained. CaLciIuM OxIDE AND DICHLORSALICYLIC ACID. The acid distilled with calcium oxide yielded an almost colorless oil, having a rather pungent odor. The compound was not further examined. ErHyL DICHLORSALICYLATE, C, H, CL OH C.0.0.. OC, H.. The introduction of the ethyl radical was first attempted by heating upon a water bath a small flask containing the silver dichlorsalicylate and ethyl iodide. This, however, failed to produce the desired result. Inasecond trial the perfectly dry and pulverized silver salt was placed in a tube of Bohemian glass, an excess of ethyl iodide then added, the tube sealed and heated in an air bath for twelve hours, the temperature not ex- ceeding 135°C. Upon examination a rather large quantity of silver iodide was noticed, and the liquid which before heating was colorless was now of a reddish-brown hue. The tube was opened and its liquid contents poured . 1877.] 73 (Smith. through a small filter and after washing the silver iodide with alcohol, the filtrate was evaporated upon a water bath. When the liquid had almost approached dryness I observed minute oil globules of a dark color. The evaporating dish containing these was immediately removed from the water bath and stood in a cool place. In course of a few hours the oil solidified to a dark crystalline mass, which after pressing well between sheets of filter paper, I dissolved in alcohol and after concentration allowed to cool. Beautiful colorless needles separated from the solution. The fusing point was found to be 47°C. Again dissolved and allowed to crystallize the same form of crystals was obtained. The fusing point remained the same. Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. 0.2072 Grm. well dried substance, burned with lead chromate gave .3418 Grm. CO, 45.51 % carbon. And .0808 Grm. H,O = 4.30 % hydrogen. Calculated % Found % C, = 108 = 45.96 % 45.51 % Mo, .8== 3:40 % 4.30 % Cl,= %78 = 30.21 % O, = 48 = 20.42 % Cahours* obtained a similar compound by the action of chlorine upon ethyl-salicylate. Broad colorless, shining needles. Fusing point not given. Potassium ethyl-dichlorsalicylate. CG, H, Cl, OK C0 0C,H,. This salt was produced by boiling an alcoholic solution of the ether with potassium carbonate. It crystallizes in fine colorless needles, which fre- quently are united to bundles. Very soluble in alcohol. The points of difference between the compounds of Cahours, Rogers and myself are in brief these : The acid of Cahours is but slightly soluble in boiling water. Soluble in boiling alcohol, crystallizing from this in needles and octahedral crystals, and it forms also an insoluble nitro-derivative. The acid gotten by me is perfectly soluble in boiling water, and in cold alcohol—crystallizing from the former in arborescent masses and from the latter it separates in large coloriess needles. The nitro-derivative, if any, is exceedingly soluble. The acid of Rogers fuses at 224°C, is soluble in boiling water and boil. ing alcohol. The barium salt has five molecules of water and the copper “salt is a green insoluble precipitate. The acid obtained by me fuses at 212°-214°C, its barium salt has but three and half molecules of water and the copper salt forms dark brown warty crystals, soluble in boiling water. * Annalen d. Chemie u. Phar. 73. 313. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 100. 3 Draper. | 74 [July 20, Discovery of Oxygen in the Sun by Photography, and a new Theory of the Solar Spectrum. By Prorressor Henry Draper, M. D. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, July 20, 1877). I propose in this preliminary paper to indicate the means by which I have discovered Oxygen and probably Nitrogen in the Sun, and also to present a new view of the constitution of the Solar Spectrum. Oxygen discloses itself by bright lines or bands in the Solar Spectrum and does not give dark absorption lines like the metals. We must there- fore change our theory of the Solar Spectrum and no longer regard it merely as a continuous spectrum with certain rays absorbed by a layer of ignited metallic vapors, but as having also bright lines and bands super- posed on the background of continuous spectrum. Such a conception not only opens the way to the discovery of others of the non-metals, sulphur, phosphorus, selenium, chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine, carbon, &c., but also may account for some of the so-called dark lines, by regarding them as intervals between bright lines. It must be distinctly understood that in speaking of the Solar Spectrum here, I do not mean the spectrum of any limited area upon the dise or margin of the Sun, but the spectrum of light from the whole disc. I have not used an image of the Sun upon the slit of the spectroscope, but have employed the beam reflected from the flat mirror of the heliostat without any condenser. In support of the above assertions the accompanying photograph of the Solar spectrum with a comparison spectrum of Air, and also with some of the lines of Iron and Aluminium is introduced. The photograph itself is absolutely free from handwork or retouching. It is difficult to bring out in asingle photograph the best points of these various substances, and I have therefore selected from the collection of original negatives that one which shows the Oxygen coincidences most plainly. There areso many variables among the conditions which conspire for the production of a spectrum that many photographs must be taken to exhaust the best combinations. The pressure of the gas, the strength of the original current, the number of Leyden jars, the separation and nature of the terminals, the number of sparks per minute, and the duration of the interruption in each spark, are examples of these variables. In the photograph the upper spectrum is that of the Sun, and above it are the wave-lengths of some of the lines to serve as reference numbers. The wave-lengths used in this paper have been taken partly from Angstrém and partly from my photograph of the diffraction spectrum published in 1872. The lower spectrum is that of the open air Leyden spark, the ter- minals being one of Iron and the other of Aluminium. I have photo- graphed Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Carbonic Acid as well as other Se ae ee | ¢ i ‘ : ‘ 1877.] 75 [ Draper. gases in Pliicker’s tubes and also in an apparatus in which the pressure could be varied,but for the present illustration, the open air spark was, all things considered, best. By other arrangements the Nitrogen lines can readily be made as sharp as the Oxygen are here, and the Iron lines may be increased in number and distinctness. For the metals the electric arc gives the best photographic results, as Lockyer has so well shown, but as my object was only to prove by the Iron lines that the spectra had not shifted laterally past one another, those that are here shown at 4325. 4307. 4271. 4063. 4045. suffice. In the original collodion negative many more can beseen. Below the lowerspectrum are the symbols for Oxygen, Nitrogen, Tron and Aluminium. No close observation is needed to demonstrate to even the most casual observer that the Oxygen lines are found in the Sun as bright lines, while the Iron lines have dark representatives. The bright Iron line at G (4307), on account of the intentional overlapping of the two spectra, can be seen passing up into the dark absorption line in theSun. Atthe same time the quadruple Oxygen line between 4345 and 4350 coincides exactly with the bright group in the Sslar Spectrum above. This Oxygen group alone is almost sufficient to prove the presence of Oxygen in the Sun, for not only does each of the four components have a representative in the Solar spec- trum, but the relative strength and the general aspect of the lines in each case is similar. I do not think that in comparisons of the spectra of the elements and Sun, enough stress has been laid on the general appearance of lines apart from their mere position ; in photographic representations this point is very prominent. The fine double line at 4319. 4317. is plainly represented in the Sun. Again there is a remarkable coincidence in the double line at 4190. 4184. The line at 4133 is very distinctly marked. The strongest Oxygen line is the triple one at 4076. 4072. 4069., and here again a fine coincidence is seen though the air spectrum seems proportion- ately stronger than the solar. But it must be remembered that the Solar spectrum has suffered from the transmission through our atmosphere, and this effect is plainest in the absorption at the ultra-violet and violet regions of the spectrum. From some experiments I made in the Summer of 1873, it appeared that this local absorption is so great, when a maximum thick- ness of air intervenes, that the exposure necessary to obtain the ultra-violet spectrum at sunset was two hundred times as long as at mid-day. I was at that time seeking for atmospheric lines above H like those at the red end of the spectrum, but it turned out that the absorptive action at the more refrangible end is a progressive enfeebling as if a wedge of neutral tinted glass were being drawn lengthwise along the spectrum towards the less refrangible end. I shall not attempt at this time to give a complete list of the Oxygen lines with their wave lengths accurately determined, and it will be noticed that some lines in the air spectrum which have bright analogues in the sun are not marked with the symbol of Oxygen. This is because there has not yet been an opportunity to make the necessary detailed com- Draper. } 76 . (July 20, parisons. In order to be certain that a line belongs to Oxygen, I have com- pared, under various pressures, the spectra of Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Car- bonic Acid, Carburetted Hydrogen, Hydrogen and Cyanogen. Where these gases were in Pliicker’s tubes a double series of photographs has been needed, one set taken with, and the other without Leyden jars. As to the spectrum of Nitrogen and the existence of this element in the sun there is not yet certainty. Nevertheless, even by comparing the dif- fused Nitrogen lines of this particular photograph, in which Nitrogen has been sacrificed to get the best effect for Oxygen, the character of the evi- dence appears. The triple band between 4240. 4227. if traced upward into the Sun has approximate representatives. Again at 4041. the same thing is seen, the solar bright line being especially marked. In another photo- graph the heavy line at 3995. which in this picture is opposite an insuffi- ciently exposed part ofthe Solar Spectrum shows a comparison band in the Sun. The reason I did not use air in an exhausted Plicker’s tube for the pro- duction of a photograph to illustrate this paper, and thus get both Oxygen and Nitrogen lines well defined at the same time, was partly because a brighter light can be obtained with the open air spark on account of the stronger current that can be used. This permits the slit to be more closed and of course gives a sharper picture. Besides the open air spark enabled me to employ an iron terminal, and thus avoid any error arising from acci- dental displacement of the reference spectrum. In Pliicker’s tubes with a Leyden spark the Nitrogen lines are as plain as those of Oxygen here, As far as I have seen Oxygen does not exhibit the change in the character of its lines that is so remarkable in Hydrogen under the influence of pressure as shown by Frankland and Lockyer. The bright lines of Oxygen in the spectrum of the solar disc have not been hitherto perceived probably from the fact that in eye observation bright lines on a less bright background do not make the impression on the mind that dark lines do. When attention is called to their presence they are readily enough seen, even without the aid of a reference spectrum, The photograph, however, brings them into a greater prominence. From purely theoretical considerations derived from terrestrial chemistry, and the nebular hypothesis, the presence of Oxygen inthesun might have been strongly suspected, for this element is currently stated to form eight-ninths of the water of the globe, one-third of the crust of the earth, and one-fifth of the air, and should therefore probably be a large constituent of every member of the solar system. On the other hand the discovery of Oxygen and probably other non-metals in the Sun gives increased strength to the nebular hypothesis, because to many persons the absence of this import- ant group has presented a considerable difficulty. At first sight it seems rather difficult to believe that an ignited gas in the solar envelope should not be indicated by dark lines in the solar spectrum, and should appear not to act under the law ‘‘a gas when ignited absorbs rays of the same refrangibility as those it emits.’’ But in fact the sub- ‘ t . | wa es PPP Re Sx 1 PTS z - 7 - 1877.) arg {[Draper. stances hitherto investigated in the sun are really metallic vapors, Hydrogen probably coming under that rule. The non-metals obviously may behave differently. It is easy to speculate on the causes of such behavior, and it may be suggested that the reason of the non-appearance of a dark line may be that the intensity of the light from a great thickness of ignited Oxygen overpowers the effect of the photosphere just as if a person were to look at a candle flame through a yard thickness of ignited sodium vapor he would only see bright sodium lines, and no dark absorption lines. Of course, such an explanation would necessitate the hypothesis that ignited gases such as Oxygen give forth a relatively large proportion of the solar light. In the outburst of JT Corone Huggins showed that Hydrogen could give bright lines on a background of spectrum analogous to that of the Sun. However all that may be, I have no doubt of the existence of substances other than Oxygen in the Sun which are only indicated by bright lines. Attention may be called to the bright bands near G, from wave lengths 4307 to 4337, which are only partly accounted for by Oxygen. Farther in- vestigation in the direction I have thus far pursued will lead to the dis- covery of other elements in the Sun, but it is not proper to conceal the principle on which such researches are to be conducted for the sake of per- sonal advantage. It is also probable that this research may furnish the key to the enigmaof the D, or Helium line, and the 1474 K or Corona line. The case of the D, line strengthens the argument in favor of the apparent exemption of certain substances from the common law of the relation of emission and absorption, for while there can be no doubt of the existence of an ignited gas in the chromosphere giving this line, there is no corres- ponding dark line in the spectrum of the solar disc. In thus extending the number of elements found in the Sun we also in- crease the field of inquiry as to the phenomena of dissociation and recom- position. Oxygen especially from its relation to the metals may readily form compounds in the upper regions of the solar atmosphere which can give banded or channeled spectra. This subject requires careful investi- gation. The diffused and reflected light of the outer corona could be caused by such bodies cooled below the self luminous point. This research has proved to be more tedious and difficult than would be supposed because so many conditions must conspire to produce a good pho- tograph. There must be a uniform prime moving engine of two horse power, a dynamo-electric machine thoroughly adjusted, a large Ruhmkorff coil with its Foucault break in the best order, a battery of Leyden jars carefully proportioned to the Pliicker’s tube in use, a heliostat which of course involves clear sunshine, an optical train of slit, prisms, lenses and camera well focussed, and in addition to all this a photographic laboratory in such complete condition that wet sensitive plates can be prepared which will bear an exposure of fifteen minutes and a prolonged development. It has been difficult to keep the Pliicker’s tubes in order; often before the first exposure of a tube was over the tube was ruined by the strong Leyden sparks. Moreover, to procure tubes of known contents is troublesome. For lr Draper.] ‘ 8 { Jaly 20, example, my hydrogen tubes gave a spectrum photograph of fifteen lines of which only three belonged to hydrogen. In order to be sure that none of these were new hydrogen lines it was necessary to try tubes of various makers, to prepare pure hydrogen and employ that, to examine the spec- trum of water, and finally to resort to comparison with the Sun. The object in view in 1873, at the commencement of this research was to secure the means of interpreting the photographs of the spectra of stars and other heavenly bodies obtained with my 28 inch reflector. It soon ap- peared that the spectra of Nitrogen and other gases in Plticker’s tubes could be photographed and at first some pictures of Hydrogen, Carbonic Acid and Nitrogen were made because these gases seemed to be of greatest as- tronomical importance on account of their relation to stars, nebule and comets. Before the subject of comparison spectra of the Sun was carefully examined there was some confusion in the results, but by using Hydrogen the source of these errors was found out. But in attempting to make a prolonged research in this direction, it soon appeared that it was essential to be able to control the electrical current with precision both as to quantity and intensity, and moreover, to have currents which when once adjusted would remain constant for hours to- gether. These conditions are almost impossible to attain with any form of battery, but on the contrary are readily satisfied by dynamo-electric ma- chines. Accordingly, I sought for a suitable dynamo-electric machine and motor to drive it, and after many delays procured a combination which is entirely satisfactory. I must here acknowledge my obligations for the successful issue of this search to Professor George F. Barker, who was the first person in America to procure 2 Gramme machine. He was also the first to use a Brayton engine to drive a Gramme. The dynamo-electric machine selected is one of Gramme’s patent, made in Paris, and is a double light machine, that is it has two sets of brushes, and is wound with wire of such a size as to give a current of sufficient in- tensity for my purposes. It is nominally a 350 candle light machine, but the current varies in proportion to the rate of rotation, and I have also modified it by changing the interior connections. The machine can pro- duce as a maximum a light equal to 500 standard candles, or by slowing the rotation of the bobbin the current may be made as feeble as that of the weakest battery. In practical use it is sometimes doing the work of more than 50 large Grove nitric acid cells, and sometimes the work of a single Smee. The Gramme machine could not be used to work an induction coil when it first reached me, because when the whole current was sent through the Foucault interruptor of the Ruhmkorff coil, making 1000 breaks per minute, the electro-magnets of the Gramme did not become sufficiently magnetized to give an appreciable current. But by dividing the current so that one pair of the metallic brushes, which collect from the revolving bobbin, sup- plied the electro-magnets, the other pair could be used for exterior work, no matter whether interrupted or constant. The current obtained in this 7C 1877.) (te) [Draper. way from one pair of brushes when the Gramme bobbin is making 1200 revolutions per minute is equal to 100 candles, and is greater in quantity and intensity than one would like to send through a valuable induction coil. I usually run the bobbin at 622 revolutions per minute, and this rate will readily give 1000 ten-inch sparks per minute with the 18 inch coil. Of course a Pliicker’s tube lights up very vividly and generally, in order to get the maximum effect I arrange the current so that the aluminium terminals are on the point of melting. The glass, particularly in the capil- lary part often gets so hot as to char paper. The general appearance of the machine is shown in Fig. 1. Fie. 1.—THE GRAMME MACHINE. ‘ As long as the Gramme bobbin is driven at a steady rate the current seems to be perfectly constant, but variations of speed make marked differ- ences in the current and this is especially to be avoided when one is so near the limit of endurance of Pliicker’s tubes. A reliable and constant motor is therefore of prime importance for these purposes. ry DISCOVERY OF OXYGEN IN THE SUN BY PHHOTOGR PITY, DY PROFISSOR IITNRY DRAPER. M. D. 1876. ek r. The upper part of the photograph is the speetrum of the Sun, the lower part ist margin are printed with type on tie ne he spectrum of tle Oxygen and Nitrogen of Air. The letters and figuresiGn tie gative; with this exception the photos ah vbsolutely free from hand work or retouching. O. indicates Oxygen, Iv. a Nitrogen, Fe. Trén, Al. Altiminiun. The fizures above the Sun’s spectrum are wave-lengths; G. h. H., are prominent Solar lines at the violet end of tlre 7 snectrum The principal point to examine bright lines in the Solar spectrum. The picture is printed from Draper’s original negative by Bierstadt’s Albertype process. ° 1877.] 81 [Konig, accord with the French La,, does not hesitate to affirm that all these forks, including those even of my large tonometer, which he has probably never examined, are necessarily inexact. Not having at my disposal the instru- ment used by Mr. Ellis, I confess that I find myself under some embarass- ment in stating at once by what error of construction this instrument, in the hands of Mr. Ellis, has given results so extraordinary. Fortunately, I can refer to a letter from M. Helmholtz addressed to Mr. Appunn and published by the latter himself in a paper on the acoustic theories of M. Helmholtz. This letter speaks of an instrument of exactly the same char- acter, and made by the same maker, and sufficiently explains the surpris- ing discoveries of Mr. Ellis. ‘‘I have examined your tonometer several times,’’ writes M. Helmholtz to Mr. Appunn, ‘‘and I am astonished at the constancy of its indications. I would not have believed that reeds could give sounds so constant as those given by your apparatus, thanks to your method of regulating the current of air. The instrument, it is true, varies a little with the temperature, as do also forks; and hence it can be used for determining the absolute number of vibrations, only when one can work in a room heated by a stove. By the aid of an astronomical chronometer, I have counted the beats, and believe that your seconds pen- dulum must have been slightly inexact, because, though the number of beats agree very well among themselves, the absolute number obtained is not 240 but 237 to the minute. The temperature, which was rather -low during my experiments, may count for something ; but even this influence may be eliminated by counting the beats to the end of a major-third, which took me a quarter of an hour. In this way I have found for my Paris fork 435.01 vibrations, which agrees to the ;5355 nearly with the official num- ber, 435 vibrations.”’ This letter proves that the entire number of beats in the octave of the tonometer tested by M. Helmholtz was 237 « 64 = 252.8, and that its fun- damental note was 505.6 single vibrations instead of 512. On comparing this note of 505.6 single vibrations with a fork giving actually 512 single vibrations, Mr. Ellis would find the latter to be 6.4 single vibrations more acute and, without doubt, would consider it as giving 518.4 single vibra- tions. Now for my forks giving 512 single vibrations, he has found 516.7 only, with the tonometer which he used. Whence it would seem that the fundamental note of this latter instrument had become more nearly exact than that of the tonometer examined by M. Helmholtz, since the number of its vibrations is 507.3. This note, however, still remains quite distant from its true value. The fact that M. Helmholtz succeeded, with an instrument of this sort (and one too, even less perfect than that used by Mr. Ellis) in finding the number of vibrations of the official French fork to be exact, by first deter- . mining the correction needed for his instrument, is evidence that Mr. Ellis has neglected to determine a similar correction required for his tonometer. He has too hastily declared that these small tonometers with harmonium reeds are the most perfect and the most exact in existence. It would cer- PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 100. K Cope.] 82 (July. 20, tainly have been much better if he had first given himself a little practice in the manipulation of acoustic instruments, before having treated so slightingly the results obtained by Lissajous, by Despretz, by Helmholtz, by Mayer, etc., etc., and before seeking to throw discredit upon the labors of a constructewr who had no reason to expect so unjustifiable an attack, In addition to Helmholtz’s evidence, Professor A. M. Mayer has furn- ished the following statement concerning the absolute number of vibra- tions of Kénig’s forks. ‘‘ During the months of March, April and May of 1876, I made many determinations of the number of vibrations of Konig’s UT, fork and found that it gave 255.96 complete vibrations in one second at a temperature of 60° Fahr. The following are the separate determina- tions of that series of which the above number is the mean: (1) 255.95, (2) 255.97, (3) 255.90, (4) 255.92, (5) 256.02, (6) 256.02. The forks vibra- tory period is accelerated or diminished ;;355 part by a difference of tem- perature of 1° Fahr.”’ 26 Rue de Pontoise, Paris, June 5th, 1877. On a New Species of Adocide from the Tertiary of Georgia. By E. D. Corr. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, July 20, 1877.) Professor George Little, State Geologist of Georgia, placed in my hands for determination a Chelonite from a Tertiary formation in Macon Co. of that State. The matrix is a rather soft limestone of a light drab color. When the specimen was first obtained it was nearly perfect, lacking only the posterior part of one side, and the posterior border of the carapace. Having been mutilated by destructive curiosity hunters, there remain now the plastron and the anterior half of the carapace, with a considerable por- tion of the posterior part of the left margin. The surface has been exposed to the weather so as to obscure, and in some places to obliterate the dermal sutures, while the skeletal sutures are distinct. The form has been slightly distorted by lateral pressure, but not much. The obscurity of the dermal sutures renders the determination of the ge- neric affinities somewhat difficult. The skeleton preserves the Emydoid type, not exhibiting intersternal bones, and having a well developed me- sosternum. The vertebral bones extend to between the sixth pair of cos- tals, beyond which the specimen is imperfect in that region. The costal capitula are well developed, but whether they reach the vertebral centra, the specimen does not permit me to discover. The plastron is of peculiar form, the lobes being short and contracted. The anterior is rounded from a base of usual width, while the posterior, from a similar base, narrows rapidly to a point, as in the genus Aromochelys. An important point is observed in the direction of the abdomino-pectora] i « 1877.] 83 [Cope. dermal suture. At its iateral extremities instead of continuing to the mar- ginal scuta as in Emydoid genera, it turns forward and terminates at the inguinal notch, as in genera with intermarginal plates, as Adocus and Der matemys. But the sutures of the intermarginals in the specimen are, if they ever existed, very obscure, owing to exposure to the weather. Never- theless there is sufficient indication of them on one side, to render it toler- ably safe to infer their existence. Anterior to the abdomino-pectoral suture, the border of the plastron is crossed by emarginations representing three scutal sutures, defining the humeral, gular, and intergular scuta. The courses of these sutures across the plastren are obscure. The humero- pectoral suture commences on the margin just in front of the axilla and ex- tends forwards parallel with the border, becoming a deep open groove, whichis apparent on both sides of the plastron. It then turns backwards, and appears to cross the plastron behind the mesosternum, presenting a concav- ity forwards. The next suture in front appears to cross near the middle of the mesosternal bone, presenting a strong concavity forwards. The rela- tion between the intergulars and the gulars is difficult to discover. The suture between them at the free margin is distinct, but after proceeding in- wards a short distance it appears to divide and take two directions. One depressed line extends backwards to the humero-gular suture, cutting off triangular gulars and extending the intergulars back to the humerals as in Adocus. The other depression extends directly across the anterior lobe, cutting off small intergulars as in Baéna. In either case the arrangement represents a genus distinct from either of those named. If the intergulars extend to the humerals they are double, the mesosternal region being di- vided by a distinct longitudinal dermal suture. If the intergulars are short, with the gulars in contact behind them, the arrangement is equally distinct from Adocus. From Baéna the absence of intersternal bones, and the Emydoid mesosternum distinguish it. It approaches also Polythoraz,* and may indeed belong to that genus. But it does not appear that the hu- merals and interhumerals are distinct in the Georgia turtle, and no inter- marginals are observed in Polythoraz. It is therefore necessary to give the present genus a name to be used until its relations to the latter are posi- tively ascertained. I propose Ampuriemys for the genus, and A. OXYSTERN- UM as the specific name. Specific characters. The plastron is nearly plane in the transverse direc- tion ; longitudinally the posterior lobe is a little raised above the plane, and the anterior lobe rather more so. The general form is elevated, the vertical diameter being large when compared with the longitudinal and transverse, which preserve usual pro- portions. The border of the carapace is not flared at the sides, and rises anteriorly to the nuchal bone. The free anterior margin is somewhat un- dulate. The anterior half of the carapace does not display any median or lateral keels. The nuchal bone is considerably wider than long, and the costal and * Cope, Proceed. Acad. Philada. 1876. Novy. Cope. ] 84. [July 20, marginal sutures are of about equal length. The vertebrals are all longer than wide, and of the usual form, with truncate antero-lateral angles, ex- cepting the first. This one has both the sides and extremities convex, the latter being of subequal width. The costals are thick, and have parallel borders. The marginals are all higher than long, especially those of the bridge. The sutures of the plastron are fine and straight. The portion of the mesosternum enclosed by the episternal or clavicular bones has greater longitudinal extent than the part embraced by the hyosternals. The su- tures with the clavicular bone are nearly straight, and are parallel with the free border. The common suture of the hyosternals is a little longer than that of the hyposternals, and is a little shorter than that of the post- abdominals. The anterior suture of the latter has a slight posterior ob- liquity, and is abruptly turned backwards at the free borders of the lobe. The dermal sutures of the carapace are mostly obliterated. Enough re- mains to show that the second vertebral was wider than long, while the nuchal shield is considerably narrower than the nuchal bone. The mar- ginal scuta are much narrower than the marginal bones, and become nar- rower forwards. The region of the nuchal marginal is obscure. Measurements. M. Length of carapace to the posterior border of seventh COSTA Ma Winatae besten s saareocne ore Sra ener tateneate nine rotera te ecto 250 Depth atthird vertebral bone. / 07169 WCs.2eu. a) a .150 Length of second vertebral bone................ vent toe Width ‘‘ Es os fe Oy ROE TD os Pre 032 Thickness es ae Ces ocala whelece mackie tecine -013 Length of first marginal Niet anes treystes eteice a elena eae 035 Wadthi rs: ae SONTEIS SOR OUIEE. So tae ae 033 Lengthof first do. of the: bridge!) 24 32... Afien dealt 2 «= 028 Width << i ne coer ert Nae eects en Se .060 Width, of second: costal sss srve 1877. 91 [Cope. possesses the same produced, flattened muzzle, with distinct eye, and the coloration is similar, but the position of the tentacular fossa is quite differ- ent, and the general form is more elongate and slender. The diameter is about the same. Length, .425; diameter, .017. Coast of Eastern Costa Rica ; W. M. Gabb. SIPHONOPS siImus Cope. Tentacular fossa close to eye ; annuli complete ; muzzle wide, truncate, nostrils terminal ; annuli 228 ; anterior 8 undivided ; 22 posterior fully di- vided by intermediate plic:e. The form of the head of this species is different from that of any other Siphonops of Mexico or Central America, and its annuli are more numer- ous. They continue to the anus, and those of the principal series are no- where divided on the middle line. The form is not slender, but is more so than in the S. mericanus, resembling in this respect the S. prowimus. Length, .308 ; diameter at middle, .011. Color dark brown ; below a little paler. This species was found in Costa Rica, the exact locality being uncertain. From Dr. von Franzius. SIPHONOPS OLIGOZONUS Cope. Tentacular fossa close to eye ; many annuli incomplete ; muzzle narrow, projecting ; eye invisible ; nostrils lateral ; annuli of principal series 119, of which 14 anterior and 42 posterior are complete ; of second series (none in anterior 72 annuli), 34 incomplete and 13 complete. This Batrachian resembles at first sight the Caecilia ochrocephala, as it possesses the same yellowish head and brown plumbeous body. It is abundantly distinct from the other species of the genus in various respects, combining the interrupted annuli of some of the Brazilian species, with a narrower, projecting muzzle, and invisible eye. The annuli continue to the vent, and those of the secondary series commence much posterior to the point of beginning in the other species. Length, 0.263 ; diameter, .005. The precise habitat of this species is uncertain. CAECILIA ISTHMICA Cope. General form robust. Muzzle flat, rather wide, and projecting far be- yond the mouth. Tentacular fossa near the edge of the lip a little behind and below the line of the nostri]. Eye distinct. Annuli one hundred and forty-two, of which only the last sixteen surround the body, the anterior one hundred and twenty-six being interrupted both on the dorsal and ab- dominal lines. Between the last seven rings are additional plice, which cross the dorsal line and extend on the side, but are not continued across the abdominal line. Length, .570 mm.; diameter (which is about uniform), .020 ; length to rictus oris, .017. The general color in alcohol is dark brown ; the inferior surface is a little paler. This species was included in the collection made by Commander Selfridge Cope.] 92 {July 20, on the East side of the Isthmus of Darien. The species obtained are the following : Dipsas cenchoa L. Ophibolus micropholis Cope. Ozyrrhopus clelia L. Nothopsis rugosus Cope. Leptophis occidentalis Gthr. Ninia atrata Hallow. Herpetodryas carinatus L. Diploglossus monotropis Kuhl. Rhadinewa ignita Cope. Anolis laticeps Berth. Pliocercus euryzonus Cope. Caecilia isthmicu Cope. HELICOPS TRIVITTATUS Cope. Scales in seventeen longitudinal rows, all keeled excepting the inferior two. The keels are moderately and equally developed throughout the en- tire length. The last maxillary tooth is not much longer than the others, and it is separated from the penultimate by a space which a little exceeds those between the anterior teeth. The internasal plate is nearly triangular, the rostral is wider than high, and the nasal is as long as wide, and is di- vided downwards from the uplooking nostril. Loreal twice as high as long; oculars 1-2, the anterior narrow, and well separated from the frontal. Two long large temporals on the external side of each parietal, the anterior occupying the space behind the postoculars. Superior labials eight, the eye resting on the fourth only; the fifth and sixth subequal, the seventh a little larger. Gastrosteges 121; urosteges 78; anal divided. Color above dark brown, with an indistinct pale vitta on the fifth row of scales, and a yellow vitta on the adjacent halves of the first and second rows. Belly yellow with three longitudinal dark brown bands ; the me- dian only preserved on the tail. Total length, .540; length of head to rictus, .015 ; of tail, .180. Habitat unknown, but supposed to be the Argentine Confederation. OXxYRRHOPUS RUSTICUS Cope. Head but little distinct from the body, front convex, muzzle slightly protuberant. Grooved tooth not much longer than those preceding it. Rostral plate as high as wide, convex and produced backwards above ; in- ternasals and prefrontals broader than long. Frontal with longer anterior than lateral borders, superciliaries narrow, parietals short. Nasals large, loreal longer than high, produced backwards to the orbit below the very small preocular, which is widely separated from the frontal. Postoculars two, in contact with one temporal. Temporals 2-3. Superior labials seven, eye resting on third and fourth ; fifth higher than long. Eye rather small. Inferior labials nine, the fifth the longest, and in contact with the postgeneial. Geneials equal. Scales equal, rather wide, with double fos- se, and in nineteen rows. Tail short. Gastrosteges 223; urosteges 54; anal entire. Dark yellowish brown above, the scales indistinetly blackish bordered ; below uniform yellow ; upper lip yellow. This Oxyrrhopus is distinguished by a robust and obtuse form ina higher | | 1877. ] 93 [Cope. degree than its nearest ally the O. plumbeus. The form of the rostral plate, peculiar relations of the loreal and preoculars, with the single temporal in contact with the postoculars, short tail, and color serve to distinguish it from that species. From the same locality as the last. With them were collected the fol- lowing species. Hyla vauterii Bibr. Dryophylax olfersii Licht. Aporophis anomalus Gthr. (L. ruti- Opheomorphus merremti Neuw. lus Cope). Thamnodynastes nattererti Mik. Dryophylax schottit Fitz. Herpetodryas carinatus L. CNEMIDOPHORUS MICROLEPIDOPUS Cope. A species distinguished by the small size of the scales on the brachium and thigh. A few rows of large scales on the collar; the edge with much smaller scales ; two preoculars and a frenoécular ; three supraorbitals ; larger gu- lar scales few and in the centre of the throat ; postbrachials numerous, small ; brachials in 8, femorals in 14 rows; olive, with eight indistinct pale bands, black between the two inferior. There are several flat small scuta behind the parietals and interparietals. There are a few points of coloration to be observed in describing this lizard. There are four yellow spots at the corners of an imaginary square which encloses the tympanic disc. There is another between the antero- superior of these and the orbit, and another below the posterior part of the eye. The inferior yellow line is continued on the tail. About the size of (. sexlineatus ; as the median dorsal lines are faint in the single specimen is not probably young. West Tehuantepec, Sumichrast. CNEMIDOPHORUS UNICOLOR Cope. A small species distinguished by the absence of coloration marks. A few rows of large scales on the collar ; the edge with much smaller scales ; two preoculars and a frenoécular ; three supraorbitals ; larger gu- lar scales few and in the centre of the throat ; postbrachials larger, above point joining brachials which are in 5 rows; femorals in 10; olive brown with one pale lateral line ; four pale spots below and behind eye. There are four yellow spots round the tympanic membrane, one below the eye, and one between the latter and the nearest one of the former, as in @. microlepidopus. The dorsal scales are minutely roughened. It is in general characters allied to the C. inornatus Baird from Northern Mexico. The latter differs in the presence of four supraorbital plates, smaller collar scales, and coarser and rougher dorsal scales. West Tehuantepec, Sumichrast. CNEMIDOPHORUS IMMUTABILIS Cope. This species attains to the largest size known in the genus, without losing its striped coloration, as do the other large forms. es Cope.] 94 [July 20, Several rows of large scales on the collar, the border row not larger nor much smaller; two preoculars and a frenodcular; larger gulars median, three supraorbitals ; postbrachials small; brachials in 38, femorals in ten rows; adult with eight longitudinal bands ; femora pale spotted. The small size of the postbrachial and femoral scales, relate this species to the C. guttatus, but it lacks the small scales of the border of the fold seen in that lizard. The interparietal in an adult is narrow. The temporal re- gion is covered with minute scales. There are numerous small scuta be- hind the parietals. There are two rows of antebrachial scuta well defined at the borders. Two rows between the inferior and infralabials. The in- ferior lateral brown band extends to the orbit. Throat pale ; breast plum- beous. West Tehuantepec, Sumichrast. CNEMIDOPHORUS LINEATTISSIMUS Cope This swift lizard is of medium size in the genus, and maintains the lined coloration intact. Several rows of large scales on the collar, the border row not larger nor much smaller ; two preoculars ; no frenodcular ; three supraorbitals ; larger gulars extending across throat ; superior preocular not descending to la- bials ; postbrachials large, continuous with brachiais ; femorals in eight rows ; black, with ten or eleven pale bands ; sides and femora pale spotted ; throat black. The muzzle is rather acute but not elongate, aud the fronto-nasals have considerable mutual contact. The larger and smaller gulars are abruptly distinguished from each other, and the former are smaller than the scales of the collar. The frenal plates form a circle surrounding a large median scute, of which the two posterior plates are the largest. There is a space between the two submedian lines, which is often divided by a median line. Below the lowest line the sides are black with large light spots, open below. Colima, Xantus ; Guadalaxara, Major. CNEMIDOPHORUS LATIVITTIS Cope. Several rows of large scales on the collar, the border row not larger nor much smaller ; two preoculars, the superior not descending ; no frenodér- bital ; supraorbitals 3; larger gulars extending across the throat; post brachials large, continuous; femorals 8 rows; olive, with eight wide bands, ground black between second and third The nostril is in front of the nasofrenal suture. Parietals and interparie- tals of normal proportions, surrounded by a series of moderate scales, in a semicircle. One row between the inferior labials and infralabials. Brach- ials large, in five continuous rows, distinct, no postbrachials. Two rows of antebrachials. Scales of collar equal those of gular region, larger than postgulars, and smaller than abdominals. Femoral pores seventeen. Color below bluish ; pectoral region blackish ; there are small yellow 1877.] 95 | Cope. spots on the external abdominal scuta and on the femora. A longitudinal yellow line on the posterior face of the femora. Total length, M. 0.255; length to tympanic drum posteriorly, .020 ; to vent, .076 ; length of hind limb, .051 ; of hind foot, .026. Tuchitan, Tehuantepec, Sumichrast. This handsome species is, in the number of its longitudinal stripes, simi- lar to the (. octolineaius of Baird. That lizard differs in having four supra- orbital plates, and smaller collar scales; the stripes are also much nar- rower. CNEMIDOPHORUS COMMUNIS Cope. This species is near to the C. sezlineatus in its characters, but constantly differs in the presence of the frenodrbital plate. It is also much larger, the males equaling the large Amivas. A few rows of large scales on the collar, of which the marginal is the largest ; two preoculars and a frenodcular ; four supraorbitals ; large gu- lars extending across throat ; postbrachials and brachials large, continuous ; three large preanals ; femorals in 8-9 rows ; olive, with six light bands with light spots in the intervals, the former breaking into spots in the adult male. There are two varieties of this lizard. In the first, there are rows of light spots in the spaces between the stripes in the females ; while in the males the stripes are broken up into round spots so as to give a coloration like that of the C. guttatus. In the second variety there are no spots and the bands are unbroken. The specimens resemble the young of var. 1. Var. I. Colima, Xantus ; Coban, Guatemala, Hague. Var. II. Guadalaxara, Major; Cordova, Sumichrast; Guatemala, Hague ; San Antonio, Texas. CNEMIDOPHORUS ANGUSTICEPS Cope. This species is in general characters similar to the last, but it differs in the coloration, and in the very narrow form of the parietal and interparie- tal plates. A few rows of large scales on the collar, of which the marginal is the largest ; two preoculars and a frenodcular ; four supraorbitals ; similar but interparietal and parietal scuta half as wide ; ground color black and bands much wider and not broken up in male. The color stripes of this species if assumed to be those of the paler color, are much wider than the ground, and instead of becoming broken up as in C. communis, send off lateral processes, which give the dark ground color a very broken character. The color of the bands is an olive green. The adult male is of about the size of those of C. communis and C. guttatus. Yucatan, Schott. CNEMIDOPHORUS COSTATUS Cope. In general characters this lizard resembles the last two, but it differs in the shorter head, and strikingly in the coloration. Cope. | 96 [July 20, A few rows of large scales on the collar, of which the marginal is the largest ; two preoculars and a freno6écular; four supraorbitals ; similar to C. communis, but head shorter and scuta wider; brown with black cross- bands on sides, which join across the middle line on the lumbar region ; sacral region and femora white spotted. The short head of this species is accompanied by an abbreviation of the sutures of mutual contact of the fronto nasal and internasal pairs of scuta, which is not seen in the other allied species. The unique specimen is smaller than the females of the two species last described, yet it presents no trace of stripes. From its coloration I should suppose it to be an adult male. The locality of this specimen is only stated to be ‘“‘ Mexico.”’ GERRHONOTID A. The important variations in the scutellation of the head of the species of this family lead to the view that several genera are indicated. The definitions of these are as clear as those of many genera of the system, and as it appears to me, may be profitably associated with names as elsewhere. There is a tendency to subdivision of the head-shields in some species, it is true, but a little patience in studying the homologies of the portions separated in excess, will refer them to their proper positions and reduce them to the types herein mentioned. Dr. Gray, in 1845, attempted to distinguish four genera among the species of the original genus Gerrhono- tus of Wiegmann, but the characters he seized upon do not, with one ex- ception, possess the importance he attached to them. The exception is that of Barissta, which has maintained its distinctive feature, the absence of the interfrontonasal scutum. Two species recently described by Bocourt exhibit, according to that herpetologist, the equally important feature of the absence of the frontonasai plates. The great subdivision of the plates of the internasal region distinguishes a number of species, one of which was named long since Ptcrogasterus by Messrs. Peale and Green. PTEROGASTERUS Peale and Green. Three pairs of internasal scuta; interfrontonasals and frontonasals present. Species: P. ventralis P. & G.; P. tessellatus Wiegm.; P. ophiurus Cope; P. infernalis B. & G.; P. lemniscatus Boc.; P. modestus Cope, sp. nov. GERRHONOTUS Wiegmann. Two pairs of internasals ; interfrontonasals and frontonasals present. Species: G. multicarinatus Blv.; G. grandis B. & G.; G. scineicaudus Skilt.; G. principis B. & G.; G. kingii Gray; G. gramineus Cope; G. auritus Cope; G. teniatus Wiegm.; G. deppei Wiegm.; G. formosus Bd.; G. vasconcelosti Boc.; G. rhombifer Pet.; G. monticolus Cope, sp. nov. Mesaspis Cope, gen. nov. Two pairs of internasals ; interfrontonasal present; frontonasals want- ing. Species: M. moreletii Boc.; M. fulous Boe. 1877.] 97 (Cope. BaRissia Gray. Two pairs of internasals; interfrontonasals wanting; frontonasals present. Species: B. antauges Cope; B. bocourtii Pet.; B. lichenigera Wiegm.; B. imbricata Wiegm.; B. rudicollis Wiegm. An extinct genus of the family has been found in the Miocene beds of the White River group of Colorado, which I have called Peltosaurus.* The scales in that genus were conjoined by sutural borders and not imbri- cate, as in the recent genera. PTEROGASTERUS MODESTUS, sp. Noy. Scales +9 slightly convex above, but not keeled, excepting those of the tail, which are strongly and obtusely carinate or ribbed; an azygos scute between the two anterior pairs of internasals. Internasals of first pair reaching first labials. Internasals of third pair elongate, in contact with frontonasals behind, apparently including the small lateral inter- frontonasals. Two postnasals; a large plate, the anterior canthal, de- scends to the labials, from the inferior part of which a loreal may be sepa- rated. Preoculars two or one. Two pairs of large infralabials in contact, following the symphyseal, without a postmental; two pairs follow, of which the anterior are separated by one scute. Lateral fold extending from ear to vent ; the granular area extending above the humerus. Ap- pressed limbs separated by six cross-rows of abdominal scales, or the length of the fore arm. Rows of scales from nape to origin of tail, forty- seven ; do. from front of humerus to vent, thirty-eight. The tail is not very long and is grooved below as well as above. Total length, .150 ; length to meatus auditorius, .012; to vent, .072; length of hind leg, .019. Color above, brown; below, olivaceous. The sides are a reddish-brown or maroon, bordered above by a blackish line which separates it from the dorsal color. This species differs from all others of the genus in the extinction of the small plate which truncates the lateral angle of the interfrontonasal. As a consequence of this, the latter has a diamond shape, as it does not reach the frontal plate behind nor the azygos plate in front. The smooth scales also separate it from all others of the genus. The precise locality from which the specimens of this lizard were sent to the Smithsonian Institution is uncertain, but is probably Guatemala. GERRHONOTUS MONTICOLUS, sp. nov. “*Gerrhonotus fulous Boc,’’ Cope, Journ. Ac. Phila., 1865, p. 118, nec Bocourtii. Scales keeled on the middle line of the back, to the number of three or four rows ; other dorsal and lateral series smooth; those of the superior surface of the tail keeled strongly. Lateral fold extending from ear to vent ; granular scales extending above the humerus. Scales above and * Annual Report U.S. Geol. Surv. Terrs., 1873, p. 512. PROC, AMER. PHILOS. Soc. XVII. 100. Mm Chase. | 98 [July 20, below +3; forty-five transverse rows between nape and origin of tail, and thirty-six rows between front of humerus and vent. The interfrontonasal is transversely diamond-shaped, and has no exter- nal plates at its lateral margins. The frontonasals have considerable mutual contact. There are two postnasals; the anterior (and only) canthal descends to the labials, taking the place of the loreal, and there is one large preocular. A postmental follows the symphyseal, and then one pair of infralabials in contact. Two pairs follow, the anterior interrupted by one, the second by two, scales. The auricular opening is nearly as long as the fissure of the eye. The appressed limbs are separated by the space of four ventral cross-rows, or the length of the longest digit of the manus. The tail is of moderate length. Color of upper surface and sides, brown, the latter a little darker, and bounded above by a narrow black line. A somewhat irregular row of small black spots down the median dorsal line. Below yellowish olive, the scales of the abdomen with black borders, those of the gular and thoracic regions with black centres. Total length, M. .148; length to auricular meatus, .012; to axilla, .0238 ; to vent, .061. From the summit of the Pico Blanco (elevation 11,500 feet) in the Hast- ern Cordillera of Costa Rica; W. M. Gabb. This species I provisionally identified with the G. fulous of Bocourt, which has been found in Guatemala. The two species are probably nearly allied, but present a difference in the cephalic scutellation, which is of generic value. Further Illustrations of Central Force. By Piiny EARLE CHAsE, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN HAVERFORD COLLEGE. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, July 20th, 1877.) The establishment of centres of oscillation and harmonic nodes, in an elastic medium, is a necessary consequence of the principle that ‘‘a sys- tem of bodies in motion must be regarded mechanically as a system of forces or powers which is a perfect representation of all the single powers of which the system is compounded, and this, too, at whatever time or times the component powers may have been introduced into the system.’’ * But since it is often more difficult to grasp truths which are presented under new aspects, than those which are clothed in familiar garbs, it may be well to glance at some of the most obvious tendencies to nodal action, which result from simple gravitating fall towards a centre. The exami- * Peirce, Proc. A. A.S., ii, 111. : zz a » 1877.] 99 | Chase. nation will be the more interesting and suggestive, because like ten- dencies must exist in all central forces which vary inversely as the square of the distance. Ennis* has called attention to the fact, that the difference between the velocity of infinite radial fall (7 2 yr) and circular-orbital velocity (;/ gr), must be accounted for in some way, and he thinks that it may be sufficient to explain all the phenomena of planetary rotation and revolution. r , : ae In nebular condensation from 7 to ‘as the increase of radial velocity is =—= YI —— (y(n —1) ° 2 97; the circular-orbital velocity at wir V ngr; therefore the increase of radial velocity would be sufficient to produce orbital velocity in the periphery of a stationary nebula, when 7/7 = 7/2 (;/n — 1), and b= = 11.656854. If 7 be made to represent, successively, all 3—2/2 points between secular aphelion and secular perihelion, in the hypotheti- cal nebulous belts which were condensed into Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, this fall of condensation from Neptune would give orbital velocities in the asteroidal belt ; from Uranus, in the Mars belt ; from Saturn, in the Venus belt ; and from Jupiter, in the Mercury belt. Earth, as I have already shown, is at the centre of the primitive inter-asteroidal belt, which appears to have been then broken up by the action of Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. Neptune, > nm = 2.577 Astrea, EO til, Uranus, 's: pf — 2 = 1.517 Mars, == 1.524 Saturn, s.p., + n =~ .749 Venus, 2., == J749 Jupiter, s:32., — 2 = 473 Mercury, s:., == 4/7 This would leave the orbital velocities of the four outer planets to be accounted for by like condensation from an earlier nebulous condition, of which we have no visible evidence, but if the main hypothesis is correct, Wwe may reasonably look for confirmation of a different kind, within the present limits of the solar system. If we consider the ozs viva of orbital and radial velocity for unit of mass, the v. v. added by radial fall from 7 to r a is (m — 1) gr, while the v. v. added by equivalent orbital contraction is only 3 (m — 1) gr, or one-half of the radial addition. A simple nebular 9 condensation from 7 to > would, therefore, add gr to the v. v., which is r equivalent to the 2. v. of circular-orbital revolution at->. There is, there- Pea yp va fore, a tendency to repeated nebular ruptures at >, ye ee Starting from the present outer limit of our system, Neptune’s secular ***Origin ofthe Stars.” ya., aphelion; p., perihelion ; s., secular. Chase. ] 100 [July 20, aphelion (30.46955), these rupturing nodes would occur at 15.23478 ; 7.61739 ; 3.80870; 1.90485 ; .95217; .47608 ; .23804. The first belt would include Neptune and Uranus; the second, Saturn; the third, Jupiter; the fourth, the asteroids ; the fifth, Mars and Earth ; the sixth, Venus (grazing also the Earth and Mercury belts); the seventh, Mercury. After the nebula had assumed a globular form, these rupturing nodes would occasion constant tendencies from opposite extremities of every diameter, to the formation of confocal elliptic orbits, with major axes of Br 3 and minor axes of ;/87. Those ellipses would mutually intersect at 27 $ >, thus tending, through collision of particles, to form a belt at that dis- 3 ’ tance from the centre. The v. ». communicated by simple fall from 7 to 27 a 3gr, which is equivalent to ». v. of circular-orbital revolution at 7, and also to the orbital ». ». r gained by contraction from 7 to 3° The internal motions and collisions of the particles of the belt would form a condensation of the densest and comparatively inelastic materi- als, until the whole acquired the gr + egr q = mean orbital v. »v., 3 gr Sane . air which is the normal orbital 9 o. v. at the nodes of aggregating collision, - hibits the double tendency, to nebular rupture and to nebular aggregation, starting from the point which would account for the orbital velocity of Neptune. The approximation of ‘‘B”’ to the planetary distance whieh would satisfy Bode’s law, and the indications of Neptunian aggregation during direct fall towards the centre, lend new confirmation to the views which I have already expressed, in regard to the rationale of Bode’s law, and the relative masses of the two outer planets. The following table ex- Rupturing Secondary Nodes. Nodes. Planets. 2x W a*® 60.93910 40.62606 sae oye == 38.8 WV a 30.46955 20.313803 6 a == 20.68 $ Wa 15.23478 10.15652 h a — 10.34 2 We 7.61739 5.07826 Ypt = 4.89 *asecular aphelion; p secular perihelion, 1877. ] 101 (Chase. The following tables exhibit the modifying influences of other simple nodes : zo 1.0158 ®_ 1.0000 4 .7618 9a .1744 2Q@ ~~ .6667 2 p .6722 Xe .6772 2 p .6722 22 .4822 % a AT68 4 @p .4661 8 a .4768 28a .3178 ¥ p .2974 1@p.3iil ¥ p .2974 In the inter-asteroidal belt and ellipse, bounded by G' wand 8 p: Middle of belt, 1.0169 aa) 1.0000 Middle of ellipse, 7194 fe) -7233 Jupiter is similarly situated in reference to the Neptune-Uranian, and the Uranus-Saturnian ellipses : Middle of V a § a 4.8952 Middleof 8 bh 4.8224 Y p 4.8863 “ Wyss 5.2073 £6 (bep 5.2246 Y% 5.2028 “ Was _ 5.6430 “ 6@h ~~ 5.5701 Y @ 5.5193 Saturn is similarly situated in reference to the Neptune-Saturnian and Sun-Uranian ellipses : Mid.© 6 p_ 8.8440 h p 8.7345 CG 9.5918 Mid. haWp 9.627% bh 9.5389 “ © Ba 10.3396 “bh pW p10.4319 hb a 10.3438 There are, doubtless, many other results of early inter-orbital action, especially in connection with collisions in confocal ellipses, which would furnish interesting subjects of investigation. For example, when the Jupiter belt was completely severed (2/ s. p.), and the Earth and Venus belts were beginning to form (s. a.), the orbital collisions were near the limits of the Mars belt. Elliptic collision 7 s. p. @s. a. 1.753 GQ saa. 1.736 es es p) ao Ovg;, as 1.337 a Se iesulil If we take the radius of nebular rupturing fall for the surface of Sun’s homogeneous luminiferous atmosphere (2 x light-modulus), and reduce * 2 it in the ratio of mean radially-varying to uniform-circular velocity a : rupturing nodes (4) and falls of condensation (1 + 11.656854) give the following table : Ist Cond. Fall. 2d Cond. Fall. Rad, Vee. 4M—~—7z 2807.4 240.84 20.67 6 a 20.68 Paes <¢ 1403.7 120.42 10.33 h a@ 10.34 6 Re = 100-9 60.21 5.17 Yy 5.20 Ze ee 350.9 30.10 atv tw 30.038 3 * ; secular perihelion, mean perihelion, mean, mean aphelion and secular aphelion respectively, by sub- script 1,2,3,45, We find the following primary accordances : a) Ge eas 60.939 2a 40.626 La 30.470 W, 30.470 1 hess rae 17.575 8, 17.688 1 aa 5.228 Y, 5.208 The inner limit of the Neptune-Uranian belt, the controlling centre of planetary mass, and, as we shall presently see, the nebular surfaces which were to determine subsequent planetary aggregations, were thus marked out, within less than one per cent., ‘‘in the beginning.” The order of time in which these dissociating influences would be com- 1 1 : * PPE AC pleted, would be =, 3, % >,- ‘Second and third dissociations present the following agreements : ais, a NG ¢ ta 20.313 O4 20.044 1 . nae @ 8.788 be 8.734 iL 1 mice © 5.069 DF 4.978 1 ny @ 2.614 Ast. l ia ge Oe Ga 1.743 3's 1.736 1 H iis & 1.508 of 1.524 Sakae | " —14tal mn 2 1.005 ®; 1.000 1 1 Te ae 754 OFF 749 inex ( ae a ike 448 3, 455 Second dissociations, therefore, approximately fixed cardinal positions of t 1877.] 105 [Chase, 6, h, 4, the asteroidal belt, ¢', and & ; third dissociations, of 4, ® and Q. Numerous other interesting relations, of a similar nature, may be traced at successive stages of nebular condensation, of which some examples are given in the following table : 1 a olive 8.749 hy 8.734 a OB 5.538 v, 5.519 ey 44 ¥, 477 1 pee ee .298 oa 297 oa Se 1.524 o's 1.524 1 lod wi. 4 726 Qs 728 1 mm 2t6 459 Bis 455 1 ete .720 on 7128 - QV, 5.205 Ys 5.208 1 nm Os 1.646 Oy 1.644 1 nm 2s 749 Q, 749 = Ys AB B, ATT ¢ Os 667 o1 672 Gos 12 oe 114 )” Bs ATS y ATT Gy G1 .299 By £297 Gy Ww; 9.028 ho 9.078 (3)°2. U; 9.558 be 9.539 (5 iho 5.428 a 5.427 GG)? Ys 1.635 Cre 1.644 () are fa .388 Bs .387 G)? @s .296 om .297 2) hy 1.725 a's 1.736 )* ly 1.075 @; 1.068 @* Wh -965 ®, 966 Gy kg 1.317 ev 1.311 (> 327 Q; £7123 (ea 5.197 oe 5.203 yee Dh, AT6 Bs ATT @)" 6:2 1.072 @; 1.068 Ge Os 749 Q, 749 GP ne .390 2h .387 PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. Xvir. 100. N Chase.] 106 G@? WY, a7 @ 3, AT @ 8, B18 3 Bs 10.340 oe 10.022 4 bh, 5.000 a} ols - 702 3 Os 5.170 re 2 1,301 2 sie il 381 Basu sala 678 im wale 311 augue 1 929 sz Rs 298 ch 476 The list might be indefinitely extended by admitting a wider range of differences, as well as by various combinations of the four primitive disso- ciating factors. After rotation was set up, the centre of rotating inertia. to which Alexander first called attention,* asserted its influence, as may be seen by the following comparisons : 1 me U, 19.184 1 Gals ler 5.524 1 ae a 1.040 1 fp 3's 964 1 4 oa @; 675 1 7) Qy 474 1 Fr 2. 457 1 Baie S's 695 1 a 6s 5.231 1 7 83 4.853 i wal ky 1.397 1 is Ys 1.316 * Smithsonian Contributions, 280, l / t>7=V«A oF Us [July 20, ATT 519 10.343 10.000 4,978 698 5.203 1.311 387 672 .319 932 207 ATT . 174 . | ) 19.184 5.519 1.034 966 in 1877.} 107 [Chase, 1 at. Os 385 By 387 1 pee Yo 9.914 hs 9.539 1 finn 2s 1.655 ey 1.644 1 pk a Rs 1,526 3s 1.524 1 Qac, 21 1.398 of 1.403 1 we. Ot 782 Q. 774 1 sft R's 965 ®, 966 1 ai, Os 1.323 ei 1.311 1 pleee 319 ¥, 319 M Gig O8 776 oF 174 1 ai Or 2s 386 %, 307 1 ea ws ‘TTT oF 174 1 ! = ~ 7 61 453 Siz .459 1 7 We 973 @, .966 1 wp. Ga 297 y, 297 If we take geometrical, instead of arithmetical means, and place 4a at Neptune’s mean aphelion instead of his secular aphelion, the influence of orbital collisions on positions of intra-asteroidal planets becomes still more striking. For we find, as theoretical (T) and observed (O) values : O. T: (T-O). + T. Y, 5.208 = 5.228 +..004 Siusdinit 624 (> = 1.548 +.016 @, 1.038 Gt .— 1.082 —.001 aT er @> .— — .688 —014 Bi) ABD @* = .459 4.015 Mean 1.209 1.213 +.004 Chase. ] 108 (July 20, Comparing the positions of inter-Uranian planets which are most cor- rectly represented in the foregoing tables, and taking the geometrical means for the five positions of each planet, we find : Oo; iT (T-O) + T. h 9.521 9.512 —.0009 ee 1 B17 5.196 —.0002 «1.516 1.517 +.0014 @ 999 1.001 +.0021 Q 7122 721 —.0012 y 380 .380 -+.0004 Mean 3.567 3.567 +4..0002 A similar closeness of accordanee is shown by comparing the positions of the intra-Nepturian planets which appear to be most typical : O. 1: (T-O) + T. 1 33 19.184 Fasten ink uEe -+.0001 h, 10.348 PLGA worss9 —.0004 alls 5.427 (3)* 62 5.429 -+-.0008 1 Bs 1.524 Faso does -+.0002 1 Od, .966 aie 965 —.0009 2, 749 (3)? 6s 749 —.0005 ¥ ATT ()? 4, ATT —.0003 Mean 2.473 2.478 —.0002 The variation of the nucleal radius as the 3 power of the atmospheric radius,* may furnish an explanation of results which seem to have been ob- tained nearly simultaneously, by Silas W. Holman (A. A. A. 8S. June 14, 1876 ; P. Mag, Feb., 1877; p. 81), and E. Warburg (Pogg. Ann. clix, 415 ; communicated 9th July, 1876). Holman concludes, from the results of a number of careful experiments, that the ‘‘ viscosity of air increases propor- tionally to the 0.77 power nearly, of the absolute temperature, between 0° and 100° C.’’ The extreme range of his results is .738 to.799. Warburg, from experiments both with hydrogen and with air, deduces the exponents between 20° and 100°, .76 for air (the extremes being .74 and .76), and ‘about ’’ for hydrogen (the extremes being .57 and.65). The closeness, the narrow range, and the mutual confirmation of these independent re- sults, as well as the new analogy between molar and molecular forces, which seems to be indicated by the atmospheric exponents, are ail interest- ing. The viscous particles, so far as they are affected by the same move- ments, may be compared to the rotating particles of a solid nucleus ; the thermal undulations, in a supposed ethereal medium, present a like analogy to the motions of an elastic atmosphere. The well known anomalies in the elasticity of hydrogen are in accordance with its viscosity. War- * Ante, xiv, 305 et. al. ee ee aoe 1877.] 109 [Chase, burg’s extremes (hydrogen .57, air .76) seem to point towards secondary nucleal and atmospheric relations between air and hydrogen. In my identification of the velocity of solar dissociation with the velocity of light, * although the conception of successive wave impulses seems most natural, itis by no means essential. If the pressure of the ultimate force is constant, the result is the same. The ratio of the velocity of dissocia- tion to the velocity of perfect fluidity,+ is approximately illustrated by Draper’s estimate of the ratio between the temperature of glow (977° F., or 1436° from absolute 0°) and the temperature of fluidity (32° F., or 491° from absolute 0°; 1436 + 491 = 2.9). Here complete fluidity is compared with incipient glow. The ratio=: 1 would require an addi- tional allowance of 107°, or about 7.5 per cent., for the difference between the temperature of complete and incipient glow. Ifthe comparison were made at 0° F., we should have 1436 —~ 459 — 3.13. The vis viva of terrestrial dissociation being equivalent to + the v. v. of incipient planetary dissociation at the Sun,{ the temperature ratio of water vaporization to dissociation furnishes another illustration of a simi- lar character. Deville (C. Rendus, Ixxxiv, 1259) quotes the estimates made by himself and Debray (2500°), and by Bunsen (2800°), of the temperature at which nearly half of the vapor of water is reduced to its elements, hydro- gen and oxygen. The ratio 2800°: 100° isa very probable estimate of the ratio between solar and terrestrial superficial gravitation. Note.—August 23, 1877. In consequence of a remark near the opening of the foregoing paper, Dr. Draper recently proposed that I should test some of my views by an examination of the solar spectrum. I accord- ingly undertook a preliminary investigation, which has already yielded the following results : In the harmonic progression, ., _°_, nm n+a n+22a length of Fraunhofer line A — 761.20 millionths of a millimetre i 1.0153 ; a = .0918; and we find the following accordances: » etc., let e = wave- Numerator, Denominators. Quotients. Observed values. 761.20 n+a 687.75 687.49 = B n+ 3a 589.89 589.74 = D1 n+ 6a 486.14 486.52 — F n+ 104 393.79 393.59 = H! The ‘‘observed values’’ are the wave-lengths, as determined by Dr. Wolcott Gibbs (Amer. Jour. Sci. [2] xliii, 4). The lines between A and B have not been studied sufficiently to fix their wave-lengths ; it seems likely that A + 2may bea bright line, and thus belong to the field of investigation which Professor Draper has so brilliantly opened. The greatest difference between the above theoretical and observed values, is * Ante, xvi, 307, et al. + Ib. p. 305. ¢ Ib. p. 307-8. Chase.] 110 (July 20, less than four ten-millionths of a millimetre, and, therefore, very far within the limit of probable errors of observation. My papers on planetary harmonies have shown that alternate planetary positions manifest the greatest simplicity of law, intermediate positions being modified by requirements of mutual equilibrium, which help to give stability to the system. The same thing seems to be true of the Fraun- hofer lines. The ‘‘figurate’’ symmetry of the above divisor differences (1 a, 3a, 6a, 10) is especially noticeable, and suggestive of my equation between the principal planetary masses : (Neptune) 'x (Uranus) *x (Jupiter) °x (Saturn) —'°=1. After finding this relation among the most important lines, I sought for traces of the ‘‘morning-star’’ music among the subordinate lines, with the following result: I have introduced Kirchhoff’s scale-measurements, in order that the lines may be identified without the necessity of reference to Dr. Gibbs’s papers. Divisors. Quotients. Observed values. Scale measurem’ts. n+ 2a 635.07 634.05 783.8 n+4a 550.72 550.70 1306.7 n+da@ 516.42 517.15 1655.6 nt Ta 459.22 458.66 2436.5 n+ 8a 435.12 455.67 2775.7 n+9a 413.43 (413.76) (2) There is no single line corresponding to the harmonic denominator n+9a. The bracketed number is the arithmetical mean between Kirch- hoff line 2869.7 = 430.37, and H = 397.16. This again, may either indi- cate a bright line, or it may await future discovery for a true inter- pretation. The equality, which I had previously pointed out, between the average limiting velocities of solar centrifugal and tangential dissociation, and the velocity of light, induced me to apply the same harmonic series to the solar system. In some of the papers on cosmical and molecular force, which I have had the honor of communicating to the society (Proc. Soc. Phil. Amer. vol. xiii.), I had taken steps in this direction, but they were com- paratively feeble, for want of sufficient definite guidance. They had, how- ever, shown very clearly, that, in ultimate physical generalizations, the study of elastic reaction is quite as needful as the}study of centripetal action, and vice versa. One of the most important facts, in connection with such comparative study, is the variation of elastic density in geomet- rical ratio, when distance varies in arithmetical ratio. In making an operative application of the spectral harmonic series, the several terms should therefore be taken exponentially, and the greatest activity should be looked for at inter-nodes, and presumably nearly midway between suc- cessive nodes. The Sun’s radius was naturally suggested as a fundamental unit. ; The process of calculation is nearly as simple as Columbus's egg, but, on | | | 1877. | 111 {Chase. account of its novel application, it may be well to give it in full. The common astronomical unit is Earth’s mean radius vector; its value, in units of solar radius, is 214.86. The harmonic exponential numerator, is Nep- tune’s mean radius vector, which is 30.03386 astronomical units, or 30.03386 x 214.86 = 6453.06 solar radii. The logarithm of 6453.06 is 3.809766 ; log. log. 6453.06 = log. 3.809766 = .580897. By the same method we find log. log. Uranus = .558210 ; .580897 — .558210 = .022687 = log. 1.0536. Uranus’s mean radius vector represents, therefore, the 1.0536th root of Neptune’s mean radius vector, and 1.0536 is the denomina- tor of the first planetary fractional exponent. The first mid-nodal denom- inator, in the foregoing spectral-line series, between A — 1 and A = (n + a) is (1 + 1.1068) + 2 = 1.0584 ; the second mid-nodal denominator is (nm + a+ n+ 2a) + 2 = 1.1527; and so on, until we reach the sixth denominator, when, perhaps on account of great nebular condensation, the harmonic denominator-differences become % of .0918, instead of .0918, bringing a second exact correspondence between the spectral and planetary denominators in the orbit of Venus. The following table contains all the figures that are required for the whole calculation : ea Dak, «MOB. 108. og. 7.1, Log. r. II. Theoretical. Observed. 1.0534 .022593 058304 3.61689 1.28473 19.263 19.184 1.1527 .0614716 .519181 3.90976 .97360 9.410 9.539 1.2445 .094994 .4859038 3.06128 72912 5.359 5.427 1.3368 .126066 .454831 2.84991 L775 3.294 ? 1.4281 .154758 .426139 2.66771 .83555 2.165 2 1.5199 .181815 .399082 2.50658 17442 1.494 1.524 1.6346 .213412 .867485 2.38070 T. 99854 997 1.000 1.7494 .242889 .398008 2.17775 7.84559 701 .698 1.8641 . 270469 .810428 2.04375 7.71159 .O15 .510 1.9789 296424 .284478 1.92519 7.59303 .392 387 The log. logs., in the third column, are obtained by subtracting the logs. of the exponential denominators (column 2) from the log. log. of the ex- ponential numerator (.580897). Column 4 contains the antilogs. of column 3; column 5 is column 4 reduced to logs. of Earth’s mean radius-vector, by substracting log. 214.86 = 2.332155 ; column 6 contains the antilogs. of column 5. Column 7 gives the mean distances of Uranus, Saturn, Mars, Earth, and Mercury ; the mean aphelion of Jupiter ; the mean peri- helion of Venus; and the arithmetical mean between Mercury’s secular perihelion, and Venus’s mean distance. We are now prepared to find the significance of the remaining Fraun- hofer lines, which is shown in the following table : Line. Wave Length. Denominator. Planetary Den’rs. Theoretical Den’rs. C 656.67 1.1590 biG Sat... E 527.38 1.4434 Asteroidal. b 517.70 1.4704 1.4746 = n + 5a G 431.08 1.7660 1.7640 = Ven. s.p. H 397.16 1.9166 1.9139 = Mer. a. * p., mean perihelion; s. p., secular perihelion; a., mean aphelion. Chase.] 112 [July 20, 1877. The following table gives a comparative view of the spectral and plane- tary series: Spectral Differences. Planetary Diff. g, 1.0000 la 1.0000 2 a 1.0150 ” s(at 7) 1.0534 13 1.1068 3 ae y i. - 47+ Oo) 1.1527 ; Ay meni : + (0 + e) 1.2445 < e 1.2904 A +(e + €) 1.3363 * 9 91.568 | b(0+0) +40 1.6387 * . 1.6576 § a 4 z 1.7494 x 1.7494 5 a Zs A 1.8412 py 1.98800 aCe ee ee cae » 2.0248 : Biquder vy ATOM Soe - 2.1166 " 3 (y + 0) a + a 2.0936 ‘ ee = 2.2084 In the fundamental harmonic denominators, it will be seen that @ = 6 n, and 6 is the figurate exponent of Jupiter in the equation of planetary masses. The value of mis the quotient of (Jupiter x perihelion radius- vector) by (Sun x solar radius). The significance of this quotient is ob- vious, on account of the preponderating influence of the two controlling members of our system. It becomes still more interesting upon examin- ing the portion of the spectrum which represents Jupiter’s most powerful reaction against solar action. As the harmonic basis is Jupiter’s present perihelion, it seems likely that there may be some changes in the relative positions of the spectral lines, with Jupiter's changing eccentricity. As this change is less than ;+5 of one per cent. per annum, its influence cannot be detected by direct obser- vation. But it may be worth while to institute careful comparisons be- tween solar spectra taken at our perihelion, aphelion, perijove and apojove, in order to find whether the lines are modified in any way by Earth’s posi- tion relatively to Sun and Jupiter. Aug. 17, 1877.] ; 115 [Genth, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. XI. On some Tellurium and Vanadium Minerals. By F. A. GENTH. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, August 17th, 1877.) Since the publication of my papers: ‘‘On American Tellurium and Bis- muth Minerals,’’ read before the American Philosophical Society, August 21, 1874, and ‘‘On Some American Vanadium Minerals,’’ published in the American Journal of Science and Arts, July, 1876, I have made several observations which I believe to be worthy of being placed upon record. 1. NatrvE TELLURIUM. Its occurrence at the Red Cloud Mine, where it is a comparatively rare mineral, has previously been mentioned. Recent developments in Colo- rado have furnished a number of new localities, in some of which it is found in considerable quantities and in peculiar varieties, associated with other very interesting minerals. 1. In Magnolia District, Boulder County, at the Keystone Mine and Mountain Lion Mine (which are working the same vein), also at the Dun Raven Mine, it occurs in crystals and crystalline masses. The crys- tals are usually small and very indistinct, much distorted, cavernous, and the prismatic planes longitudinally, deeply striated; often surrounding quartz crystals ; occasionally, besides the planes of the hexagonal prism, rhombohedral and basal planes can be observed ; it is also found in colum- nar masses and, disseminated in grains, through other minerals. Sometimes it forms sheets and thin plates between the ores, which con- sist of quartz, mixed with a peculiar greenish vanadiferous mineral (? ros- coelite), coloradoite, calaverite, pyrite, &c. This variety has often the appearance of ‘‘slickensides,’’ and is sometimes in masses as thin as paper, occasionally, however 4 of an inch in thickness; it is dark grey, on a fresh fracture greyish white ; it is finely granular and of very little lustre. The specific gravity of the pure mineral (making allowance for the admixed quartz) was found to be 6.275. The analysis gave, after deducting 8.90% of quartz, as follows : Au — 0.60 Ag —- 0.07 Te — 96.91 V,05 = 0.49 FeO = 0.78 He, Al,0,, MgO K,0, &. oS 1.15 100.00 PROC. AMER. PHILOS. Soc. xvit. 100. 0 Genth.] y. 114 {Aug, 17, 2. A very peculiar variety of native tellurium occurs at the Mountain Lion Mine, where it is associated with quartz and imbedded in a greenish, clayey mineral. It has been discovered by Mr. Theodore Berdell, of Boulder, Colorado, who very kindly furnished me with this and most of the other specimens from this mine. He distinguished it as “lionite.’’ It occurs in flat, plate-like masses of + to =; of an inch in thickness; it has a dark grey color, very little lustre, and a somewhat columnar structure at right angles with the plates ; brittle. He 3:5/Sp; Gr. == 4.005. Examined with a strong magnifying glass it shows numerous air-holes, but otherwise seems to be quite uniform. It looks very much as if it had been melted and not unlike a ‘‘matte.’’ The analyses showed an admix- ture of a very large quantity of silicic acid and silicates, and it is impossi- ble to conceive, how such heterogeneous substances could have formed such a uniform material. It can, of course, not be considered as a species, but only as a variety of native tellurium. The analyses gave: L. IL. Au = 1.38 1.58 Ag = 0.25 0.25 Te ss: 55.86 55.54 gio, ee 34.72 35.91 Al,0, ¥c,0, i _ 6.15 6.14 MeO st As 0.17 0.19 CaO ie 0.48 0.26 99.01 99.82 3. Very minute, but brilliant, crystals of native tellurium, in combina- tions of an hexagonal prism and pyramid have been found in cavities of quartz at the Smuggler Mine, Ballerat District, Boulder County, Colorado. They are mostly distorted and have the appearance of rhombic prisms, from the enlargement of two opposite hexagonal planes at the expense of the four others. The hexagonal planes are deeply striated, and the pyram- idal ones rarely well developed. The ore from the deeper part of the vein consists largely of native tellurium in a granular variety, associated with sylvanite, coloradoite, &c. The analyses of it, after deducting in the first 28.04% of quartz, and in the second 65.21% of quartz, gave: 1 LE: Au = 3.40 2.18 Ag = 1.69 1.15 Hg = 1.07 1.34 Cu == 0.51 0.48 Pb — 0.74 1.02 Fe = 0.12 0.18 MgO = 0.12 0.06 Te — 92.29 [98.64] by diff. 99.94 100.00 1877.] 115 [Genth. 4. The largest quantities of native tellurium have been observed at the John Jay Mine, in Central District, Boulder County, Colorado. I was informed that masses of 25 pounds in weight had been found there. I am indebted to the owner, Mr. A. J. Van Deren, for very fine specimens, which were taken from his mine at a depth of 30 to 35 feet. The tellurium is more or less mixed with quartz, it is granular to colum- nar in structure and of a color between tin-white and lead-grey. In the cavities and on the surface are rarely found tellurous oxide or tellurite, in minute crystals. A very pure specimen, after the deduction of 14.08% of quartz, con- tained : Au = 1.04 Ag — 0.20 Zn == 0.32 Fe — 0.89 Te = 97.94 100.39 2. HESSITE. My friend, Mr. August Raht, wrote me from Utah on the 20th February, 1877, that, in testing an ore from the Kearsage Mine, Dry Cafiyon, Utah, he found it to contain large quantities of tellurium, and afterwards, in an- alyzing a pure piece before the blow-pipe, obtained : = 58.790 = 0.103 = 09 It is evidently hessite, almost free from gold, similar to that which I described from the Red Cloud Mine, Colorado, where it has been once found as a very great rarity. 3. COLORADOITE, A NEW MINERAL. I have mentioned the occurrence of telluride of mercury, which I have called ‘‘coloradoite’’ already at the meeting of the American Philosophical Society of October 20th, 1876. I observed it amongst ores from the Key- stone Mine, Magnolia District, received for examination by the late Dr. W. H. Wenrich, of Denver. It also occurs at the Mountain Lion Mine; a specimen of ore, for which I am indebted to Commodore Stephen De- catur, Centennial Commissioner of Colorado, and which was found at the depth of 8 or 10 feet at the Smuggler Mine, Ballerat District, proved also to be this interesting species. Not crystallized, without cleavage ; massive, somewhat granular; that from the Smuggler inclining to an imperfectly columnar structure. Fracture uneven to subconchoidal. Hardness about 3 ; Sp. Gr. = 8.627— (pure mineral, after making allowance for the admixture of native tel- lurium and quartz). Lustre metallic ; color iron-black, inclining to grey, Genth.| 116 (Aug. 17, with a very faint purplish hue; frequently tarnished with purplish, blue and green colors. B. B. in a tube slightly decrepitates, fuses and yields an abundant sublimate of metallic mercury, also drops of tellurous oxide and, next to the assay, metallic tellurium. On charcoal it gives a greenish flame and white sublimate. Solubleinnitricacid. Veryrare. At the Keystone and Mountain Lion Mines, associated with native tellurium and quartz ; at the Smuggler Mine it is often mixed with native gold, resulting from syl- vanite, more or less completely decomposed, native tellurium and tellu- rite. Itis probable that the admixture of sylvanite produces its colum- nar structure. I have endeavored by mechanical means to separate, as much as pos- sible, the pure coloradoite from the associated minerals, but was not successful. The best selected fragments from the Smuggler were first digested for some time with ammonic hydrate to remove the tellurite ; the remain- ing impurities are gold, sylvanite and quartz. The analyses of the heaviest portions from the Keystone Mine, which have been obtained by levigation, show a higher percentage of mercury, the lighter a larger admixture of tellurium. The results leave no doubt that the pure coloradoite has the composition: Hg Te, corresponding with that of Cinnabar and Tiemannite, and containing : Hg = 60.98 Te = 89.02 The specimens from the Keystone Mine, after deducting quartz and gold, gave the following results : I, TY. ih a IV. a Quartz and Gold = [28.50] — [46.83] — [25.18] — [8.46] — [20.72] Hg = 56.33 — 52.28 — 51.48 — 49.80 — 45.63 Te = 43.81 — 42.95 — 44.25 — 46.74 — 50.05 Al,0,, Fe,0; = 2.44 ] WnO. OSG MgO ==) ERACON.- == isa gd | not determined. CaO = 0,84 K,0, Na,O 100.14 99.32 SMUGGLER MINE. wae VEL: Quartz = [2.90] —— [8.05 Au = 3.46 —. 7.67 Ag = 2.42 — 7.18 Hg — 55.80 — 48.74 Cu = trace — 0,16 s & 1877.] 117 (Genth. SMUGGLER MINE— Continued. VI. VII. Zn == trace — 0.50 Fe = ike) —— 0.92 Te = 36.24 ——— eA 99.27 99.66 I. Contains 92.388 % coloradoite and 7.76% native tellurium. [Te ie 7 I a “ Tato SOAR Ey 1 es Bethpage, <4, 4% : ine BASS SLR a pAdIOTO iy bs “ AA Ale SWABS yo) 8 £5 BDBiy ties, * “ Sees ea WEL: rf 19.93" << re When I first received the mineral from the Smuggler, the preliminary examination of it made me think that gold and silver might be essen- tial constituents of the same ; the subsequent analyses showed them to be admixtures. The specimen which furnished the material for investi- gation, having come from near the surface, contained such a quantity of tellurite, that I was anxious to analyze the ore from the undecomposed part of the vein, and, for this reason, delayed the publication of my results for over six months. After a great deal of trouble, I secured a specimen, but unfortunately, it proved to be almost pure native tellurium (of which I gave the analyses above), I. containing an admixture of only 1.75%, and IL. of 2.20% of coloradoite. 4. CALAVERITE. I established this species nine years ago, on very minute quantities found, associated with petzite, at the Stanislaus Mine, Calaveras County, California ; then I observed it again as a great rarity at the Red Cloud, and published an analysis made with only 0.1654 grammes. From Mr. — Berdell I received a short time ago a specimen, which furnished me with more than five grammes of calaverite, mixed only with a small quantity of quartz and coated with ? roscoelite. A reéxamination of this rare spe- cies was therefore highly desirable. In very minute, imperfect crystals, resembling rhombic or monoclinic forms, but too indistinct fora more exact determination ; cleavage indis- tinct ; massive granular; fracture uneven. H = 2.5; Sp. Gr. (of the pure mineral, less quartz), = 9.043. Pale bronze yellow; brittle. In thin seams and disseminated in quartz and gangue-rock at the Keystone and Mountain Lion Mines. Genth.] 118 (Aug. 17, The analyses gave, after deducting in I. 4.96% of quartz, and in II. 4.00% of quartz : i& Re Calculated. Au. = 38.75 — 38.91 — 39.01 Ag a 3.03 — 3.08 — 3.06 Te = Dioe — = 57.93 VEO; = 0.05 —. FeO == 0.30 — Al,O,, MgO, &e., be 0.55 not det’d. 100.00 100.00 These analyses give the ratios of (AuAg): Te—=1: 2; Au: Ag =7: 1. The composition of calaverite, corresponding with the above analyses, is therefore : (; Au 3 Ag) Te,. ; ' In ‘‘Nature,’’ of March 8th, 1877, it is stated that at the February meeting of the Hungarian Geological Society, Professor Krenner an- nounced the discovery at Nagy-Ag, in Transylvania, of a pure Telluride of gold, in a crystalline state, which he calls ‘‘bunsenite’’ (a name al- ready given by Prof. J. D. Dana, in 1868, to the niccolous oxide from Johanngeorgenstadt, described by Bergemann). As I have no access to the original publication, I am unable to decide whether it is different from calaverite ; perhaps it is a variety even more free from silver than those of this country. 5. TELLURITE. Already in 1842, Petz observed tellurous oxide, associated with native tellurium at Facebay and Zalathna in Transylvania. It has never been observed from any other locality, until I have lately noticed it with tellu- rium at the Keystone and Smuggler Mines, but especially in cavities and fissures of the native tellurium of the John Jay Mine, where it is found in minute white, yellowish-white and yellow crystals, mostly prismatic, often longitudinally striated, isolated or aggregated into bundles ; a few of the white crystals are acute rhombic pyramids. Cleavage eminent in one di- rection. Lustre vitreous inclining to resinous, on the cleavage plane adamantine, Readily soluble in ammonic hydrate ; the solution contains only tellurite of ammonium ; the composition of tellurite is therefore, as Petz had al- ready suggested, tellurous oxide = TeO,,. 6. MAGNOLITE, A NEw MINERAL. This highly interesting mineral is the product of the oxydation of colo- radoite. It occurs very rarely with native mercury in the upper, decom- posed part of the Keystone Mine, associated with quartz, limonite and psilomelane. . 1877. ] 119 [Genth. In exceedingly fine needles, which under the microscope appear in bun- dles or tufts, sometimes radiating ; some of the groups seem to have crys- tallized around a globule of mercury, which latter, in breaking the speci- men, has fallen out, leaving a round empty space in the centre of the crystals. Color white ; lustre silky. Readily soluble in very dilute nitric acid, the solution yielding a precipi- tate of Hg Cl by hydrochloric acid ; the mineral is also soluble in hydro- chloric acid, the solution contains Hg Cl, and Te Cl,, which proves that its composition is ‘‘ mercurous tellurate’’ = Hg, Te O,. — Hg,Te O, + 8H Cl = 2 Hg Cl, + Te Cl, + 4H,O The mineral is also blackened by ammonic hydrate. Name after ‘‘ Magnolia’’ District. 7. FERROTELLURITE, A NEW MINERAL. A crystalline coating upon quartz, associated with native tellurium. Under the microscope it appears in very delicate tufts, sometimes radiating or, when in cavities, as very minute prismatic crystals of.a color between straw and lemon-yellow inclining to greenish-yellow. Insoluble in ammonic hydrate; some of the mineral, which had been treated with ammonic hydrate for the purpose of removing the tellurous oxide present, was dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The solution contained tellurous oxide, ferric oxide, and a trace of niccolous oxide ; the mineral is therefore probably a ferrous tellurate = FeTeO,, hence the name. The quantity at hand is too small for a fuller investigation. It occurs at the Keystone Mine, Magnolia District, Colorado, associated with native tellurium, tellurite, and a peculiar iron sulphide, in which a part of the sulphur is replaced by tellurium. A preliminary examination of it gave Fe = 41.01, Ni= 0.72, Te = 4.06 and S — 41.73 — 87.52. The material for analysis was slightly oxidized, but the difference of 12.48 % is too great to be covered by this. I shall repeat the analysis, if ever I should succeed to get this mineral again. 8. ROscoELITE. It will be remembered, that almost simultaneously, Prof. H. E. Roscoe and I investigated the mineral, which now bears his name, his paper hav- ing been received by Royal Society on May 10th, 1876, (Proc. Royal Soc. XXY, 109.) whilst mine was written and sent to the editors of the Ameri- can Journal of Science on May 16th, 1876. I regret to say that in some of the essential points our results do not agree. From the nature of the material and the information received from Dr. James Blake of San Francisco, no doubt can exist that, that, which he had sent to me, was as good and pure as it could be obtained. In my examina- tion (Am. Journ. of Sc. [3] XII, 32) I showed that even the apparently purest scales, selected with the greatest pains, were not altogether free from admixtures. With the greatest difficulty I obtained enough of almost Genth. | 120 [Aug. 17, pure scales (containing only 0.85 % of quartz, gold, &c.) to make one ana- lysis, which, as it was made with the greatest care, must be a very close approximation of the truth. The material of the other analyses was far more contaminated, and the results were given merely for comparison and to show the influence of the admixtures upon the analyses. From Prof. Roscoe’s analyses it does not appear that he attempted to separate the impurities by chemical means, and thus he gives the compo- sition of the whole mixture. He assumes the vanadium to be present as pentoxide, the iron as ferric oxide, the manganese as manganic oxide, the two latter as replacing alu- mina ; and magnesia, lime and soda as replacing potassium oxide. As I have made a direct determination of the state of oxydation of the vanadium, I can say positively that, if any. only the smaller portion of the vanadium is pentoxide. I found the composition of the vanadium oxide — to be V,O,, = 2 V,O;, V,O;; but as it was obtained after allowing for the oxydation of ferrous into ferric oxide, and as the quantities of ferrous ox- ide have been found to vary from 1.67 to 3.80 %, it is not impossible that an insufficient quantity of oxygen has been deducted, and that the whole of the vanadium is present as V,Os. Pure roscoelite contains no manganese ; in Prof. Roscoe’s analyses 0.85 — 1.45 % of manganic oxide have been found, which confirms my opinion that his material was not pure; but what is most astonishing to me is the very low per centage of silica which he finds. From his analyses he calculates a formula, and from this the per centage composition, which, however, is far from corresponding with his analyses, as for instance : Silica found = 41.25, calculated = 41.18 Potassium oxide found — 8.56, be = 14:24 { had not calculated any formula from my analyses, being in hope that I may yet be able to procure this interesting mineral in a still purer state for further investigation. For comparison I will insert my analysis (a) which certainly closely represents the true composition of Roscoelite, and will add the formula corresponding with the same, with this alteration however, that I consider all the vanadium as V,O,. It contains, after deducting 0.85 % of quartz, gold, &c. : i Found. Calculated. SiO, = 47.69 _ 49.33 Al,O, = 14.10 —_— 14.09 V,0O, os 20.56 cao 20.62 FeO — 1.67 — 1.64 MgO = 2.00 = 1.83 Li,O = trace. — —— Na,O == 0.19 — KO = 7.59 — 7.55 Ignition == 4.96 — 4,94 98.76 100.00 121 1877. | [Genth, The analysis agrees with the formula : I II vi Rn EB Si, One (ao ee) I = A I Ded ths elke 2 = ae Le | » (MgFe) G4 ¥), Si, O, + 4 H,O as will be seen from the calculated per centage. o 5 ted Pech ees Q or, GREEN MINERAL FROM COLORADO, ? ROSCOELITE. A mineral which is closely allied to, and which may be only a variety. of roscoelite, occurs in Magnolia District, Boulder County, Colorado, es- pecially at the Keystone and Mountain Lion Mines. It has not yet been found in a pure state, but only as the coloring matter of quartz which, at some parts of these mines, forms the gangue rock of the veins. The purest, which I have seen, was in the form of a thin, earthy coating of a greyish-green to olive-green color upon calaverite. Mr. Theodore Berdell, to whom I am indebted for specimens has re- peatedly called my attention to this green quartz, and mentioned that it is always very rich in precious metals. For the examination of the green mineral, which colors the quartz, about 150 grammes cf the latter were powdered and separated from the metallic particles by levigation, as near as possible. The metallic particles were found to be and calaverite, containing : a mixture of native tellurium Native tellurium Calaverite The green quartz, which was left, periments to contain : 55.4 % 88.5 «« was found on an average of four ex- Quartz = 79.38 % Tellurium = TO bm Gold = 0.03 6“ 80.46 % This leaves for the ‘‘ green mineral’ about 19.5 % which was adopted as the basis for calculation of the results of the analyses. In two experiments, made for the purpose of ascertaining the state of oxydation of the vanadium, it was found that after making due allowance for the oxydation of ferrous into ferric oxide by potassium permanganate, the oxygen in the vanadium pentoxide to that of the vanadium oxide in the mineral was: 5 : 83and 5 : 2.88, which leaves no doubt that the vana- dium was present as V,O,. The water, which was present in small quantity, could not be deter- mined with accuracy, because, on ignition, a portion of the tellurium went PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. XviI. 100. P os Genth.] 122 [Aug. 17, off as hydrogen telluride. In one experiment with the mixture of quartz and green mineral 1.24% was found, ia a second 0.75—both are too high. The following are the results of the analyses of the green mineral, after deducting quartz, &c.: A: ia; ETT. VE Mi Av’ ge. SiO, = 57.15 — 55.77 — — — 57.31 — -— — 56.74 Al,O, = 19.94 — — — — 19.46 — 19.46 — 19.62 V,0, = 844 — — — 7.37 — 7.79 — 7.51 — 7.78 MnO = _ trace — — — — — — — —— — trace FeO = 3.51 -- — — 452 — — 3.51 — 3.84 MgO — 2.87 — — — 2.49 — 2.52 — —— — ) 2.68 lio = trae — — — —— — = (7 trace Na,O = 0.94 — — — — — — — — — _ 0.94 KO = 811 — — — — — — — — — 8.11 H,O = notdet.— — — — — — — —— —not det 100.96 99.66 The formula which corresponds nearest to the average analysis is : I ay OV ; R, R; R; Si, Og + xH,O 1 DEN ees Gea ty = Mee re pty RoA: ¥ =4:1 | ; or, (Nak), (Mg Fe), (At ¥), Si,, O,. + xH,O Doubling, for the sake of comparison, the formula of roscoelite we have: K, (Mg Fe), Gt ¥), Si Og + 8 HO ; this seems to prove that the green mineral accompanying the tellurium ores of the Keystone and Mountain Lion Mines is, although it may be a new species, is more probably a variety of roscoelite, in which @ great portion of the vanadium is replaced by aluminium. 9. VOLBORTHITE. The Siberian volborthite has never been analyzed. Having observed in an experiment which I made with a few frag- ments from Woskressenskoi, in the Government Perm, in Ural, received from my friend, Prof. Geo. J. Brush, the presence of barium, I communi- cated this result to him, when he immediately, with his usual great lib- erality and kindness, placed at my disposal for a fuller investigation, all he had. I give the results, imperfect as they may be, because they may induce others, who have better material for investigation, to repeat the analyses. The mineral occurred as a ecrysialline coating on the grains and pebbles of quartz, and in the cavities of an argillaceous conglomerate ; it appeared to be very pure, of a siskingreen to a greenish yellow color, and of a pearly lustre. . ws) . Boe iS ae > z = | Oo - go | 23 I wel ee |= 23 nt 5 En 3 = a Ba [ase 0 coll = a Ws ea = gt q s 8p re g Fe si FS as q Ee Flee 2 es =k = oe = g is 57 r= 5 g > P=] | is o.| 24 o| Bo |o/ 3 o | | € | o $e is S| I =| i ‘bh 5 aI NA a ies i ee esas es Sos =| ) e | hee Bolte a |e Be ORe |g, = |e Ra Ge Ge 5 bel | as 5 de esis 1.24.30 | .15 | 1.24.45 | 1. | 101 1.35 -/ 1.27.20 | .45| 1.28.05 | .10 1.9815) 30 | 8 | 1.98.45 11.15 6.30 7.15 7.10 7.35 7.35 7.80) -09/ 1.30.55 | 05 | 1.81, 1, | 1.32 1, | 99 | 4 1,30 | 1.34.30 | 1.10 1.35.40 oO) (15385150) | 95 21% | 1.86.15 we We df 6.35 6.40 6.55 SP 1.38, 1. | 1:89; .50 | 87 | 3 1.40 1.41 45 1.42.15 -15 | 1.42.80 | .40 216 | 1.48.10 | .55 14.05 alo Mie 5 6.45 6.05 6.30 6.20, 55| 1.45. 15 | 1.45.15 | .45 | 1.46 45 | 87 | 7 1.30 1.48.15 |. 05 1.48.20 40 | 1,49. 19) 5 1.49.80 | 1.20 if 6.55 6.40 is Tie 7.20 6.25 7.15 1.10} 1.52. 10 | 1.52.10 | .80 | 1.52.40 |1.05} 88 | 6 1.53.45 1.30 | 1.55.15 30 1.55.45 LO) |} b5:fbi le 50 8 1.56.45 | 1. 6.50 6.35 iyi i 7.20 7.25 7.15 1.05) 1.58.50 1.59.15 | 1.25) 99 | 6 | 2.00.40 | 1.35 | 2.09/15 50 2.03.05 | .15 | 2.03.20] .40 21% | 2.04. ; 13.85 Te 6.40 | 6.45 6,35 6.30 6.45 t 2.05.45 | .380 | 2.06.15 |1.05] 86 | 4 2.07.20 | 1.40} 2.09 40 2.09.40 10 | 2.09.50 | .55 21% | 2.10.45 | .50 | 12.45 ie iis 6.95 6. 6.50 6.55 ie I, | 2.12.85 | 10 | 2.12.45 | .80| 2.13.15 | 1. | 91 5 | 2.14.15 } 1.80] 2.15, 5 2.16.30 | .15 | 2.16.45 | 1. 4 2.17.45 | .85 6.40 1.35 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.40 6.35 6.45 -05| 2.19.15 | 05 | 2.19.20 | .40 | 2.20. ILS! LES ae Ope eed 1.30 | 2.22.80 40 2.2000 gi LO) POOR ON RI TON os 2.24.30. | .85 7.05 7.05 Me es 1.15] 2.26.20 | 05 | 2.26.52 | .35 | 2:27. DS Ges Bia 22282 : * The gas did not cease to flow, but rose continuously between the smaller and larger columns, + The water did not flow in from the pool surrounding the top of the conductor, ; 4+ Ashburner] 130 [Sept. 21, offered to the flow of the gas was so great that after a few hours the gas ceased to flow entirely from both wells, Nos. 1 and 2. After 36 hours of inactivity it commenced flowing again with greater energy. In the early part of January, 1877, the pressure of the gas seemed to increase suddenly; but not finding a free passage from Well No. 1, on account of the wooden plug which had been inserted into the casing and which the gas was un- able to blow out, the casing was broken at a depth of 175 feet, and the up- per portion lifted bodily out of the well. As soon as this occurred the conditions which had existed during the process of drilling were restored, and a column of water was thrown out of the hole every eight minutes toa height of from 80 to 90 feet, and lasting from three to five minutes (M. M. Schultz). This continued until about the middle of May, when the gas from both wells ceased to flow without any obstruction having been knowingly placed in its way. On the 14th of July, at 1 A. M., the gas made its appearance again and began to throw the water with great energy to a height ranging from 85 to 115 feet; also with a smaller column from three to eight feet high in the intervals between the larger ones ; the phenomenon recurring every seven minutes. During the time that the water columns are thrown out of the well the gas is thoroughly mixed up with the water and is readily ignited. The sight during the flow of the larger column is grand, particularly at night. The water and fire are so promiscuously blended that the two elements seem to be fighting for the mastery. On July 19th, I closely watched the well-for two hours, from 1.19 to 3.22 Pp. M., and carefully recorded the time of each change in the condition of the water and gas as they spouted from it, noting the number of pulsa- tions in the larger column, and determining its maximum height by trian- gulation. On page 129 is a tabulated scheme of the observations from 24 minutes and 30 seconds past one to 28 minutes past two o’clock.* By an inspection of the intervals between the recurring phenomena, it will be at once seen that there is a marked regularity in the action of the well; in fact, the slight irregularities observed may in a measure be attributed to the personal equation of the observer. In the time included *NoTes.—l. The time in the table is recorded in hours, minutes and seconds, and the height of the columns in feet. 2. The intervals in the vertical columns show the time in minutes and seconds or seconds alone, during which each phenomenon lasted. The inter- vals in the horizontal columns show the time in minutes and seconds between the recurrences of the phenomenon, 3. In columns Nos, 4and 14, where it is stated ‘‘ the water ceased to run in,” it is meant that no water flowed into the hole from the pool surrounding the top of the conductor. It is probable that the water from the water vein at 60 feet depth flows into the well incessantly. ° 1877.] 131 [Ashburner. from 10.39 a. M. to 3.153 p. M., there were counted 39 of the larger water columns, making the average time between the commencement of each column 6 minutes and 55 seconds. The accompanying graphical\representation will present the action more vividly to theeye. It will be noticed that prior to the water columns No. 3 and 7 no water flowed into the hole from the pool surrounding the conduc- tor. Directly after the larger columns vanish, the water flows into the hole, indicating that all the water is blown out of the well. Occupying every consecutive 7 + minutes we have the following se- quence of events (See observation No. 9 of the table) : The water from the ‘‘ water vein’’ at the depth of 60 feet, and from the pool surrounding the top of the conductor flows into the well for 55 sec- onds, during which time no gas is detected issuing from the hole. At the end of this time the water from the pool ceases to run in, and the gas rises bubble by bubble for 5 seconds. A column of water and gas now com- mences rising, makes 6 pulsations, attains a maximum height of 115 feet in 40 seconds, and vanishes in 1 minute. The water from the pool and water vein immediately flows into the well for the second time, continuing for 1 minute and 30 seconds, during which time no gas flows out. At the end of this time the gas rises bubble by bubble for 40 seconds, when the smaller column of water and gas rises, attaining a maximum height of 5 feet in 10 seconds, and vanishes in 1 minute and 10 seconds. The gas still continues to rise but no water flows into the well from the pool for 35 sec- onds, when the same series of phenomena repeat themselves. Such are the facts. The explanation of the action may be readily imagined. The pressure of the gas having relieved itself in throwing out of the well the larger column, the water flows into the hole until the pressure of the gas becomes so great again that instead of rising up in small bubbles through the water it rushes out of the well, throwing the water at the same time to a height of from 3 to 8 feet. After the column has vanished the gas con- tinues to rise in great quantities, keeping the water from flowing in from the pool, until the pressure is exhausted. The water now flows into the well till the pressure of the gas in its reservoir has increased to such an extent that it thrusts out of the hole the larger column of water to a height of from 85 to 115 feet. The smaller column of water is probably produced by the gas coming from the smaller vein at 1200 feet depth, while the larger column is thrown up by the gas coming from the greater vein at a depth of 1600 feet. But, of course, neither the one nor the other column is produced by either of the gas veins exclusively, for the gas must be flowing from both horizons more or less all the time. It will be noticed that more water flows into the hole directly after the larger column has been thrown up, and that the smaller column throws up less water, and vice versa. It was not possible to obtain the pressure or amount of gas coming from the well. The estimated pressure at the time that 175 feet of casing was blown Ashburner. } 132 [Sept.. 21, from the well was about 250 lbs. to the square inch. It is possible that the accumulated pressure at the time that the larger water columns are thrown up may be as high as 250 lbs.; but the constant pressure of the gas if unob- structed by the water would probably not be more than 50 Ibs. The action of the Wilcox well is nothing novel, but the observations are interesting and valuable from the fact that a complete record and history of the well have been preserved, and the accompanying facts add much to what has been recorded of similar wells. As early as 1833*, Dr. S. P. Hildreth, ina paper on the ‘‘Saliferous Rock Formation in the Valley of the Ohio”’ says: ‘‘In many wells, salt water and inflammable gas rise in company with a steady uniform flow. In others, the gas rises at intervals of ten or twelve hours, or perhaps as many days, in vast quantity, and with overwhelming force, throwing the water from the well to the height of fifty to one hundred feet in the air, and again retiring within the bowels of the earth to acquire fresh power for a new effort. This phenomenon is called ‘blowing,’ and is very trou- blesome and vexatious to the manufacturer.” A well drilled by Peter Neff, Esq., near Kenyon College, in Knox Co., Ohio, presented similar features to the Wilcox well. Ata depth of 600 feet gas was struck which threw out of the well at intervals of one minute, a col- umn of water to a height of 120 feet. ‘‘The derrick set over this well has a height of 60 feet. In winter it becomes encased in ice, and forms a huge translucent chimney, through which, at regular intervals of one min- ute, a mingled current of gas and water rushes to twice its height. By cut- ting through this chimney at the base and igniting the gas in a paroxysm, it affords a magnificent spectacle—a fountain of water and fire which brilliantly illuminates the ice chimney.” Many of the persons who have visited the Wilcox well during the sum- mer have made a comparison of he'ghts with geysers of the Geyser Basin, and I have been repeatedly referred to for information in regard to the latter.. The following table, compiled from Dr. Hayden’s report of the U. 5. Geological Survey, 1871, gives some figures of the geysers along the Fire Hole River, in Wyoming Territory. Name. Height. | Diameter. Time. Observer. Grand....., 200 feet. | 6 feet. 20 minutes. Dr. Hayden. Gaantis,:. . 140 “« | Diss 3 hours. N. P. Langford. LE eee 90 to 200 ft. | _3 hrs. 30 min. | Lieut. Doane (1870) ae 140 feet. | ——— |1 “ 20 “ | Dr. Hayden. Giantess...| 250 ‘‘ 6to15in. 20 minutes. cs ub Beehive ..| 219 ‘ Pen ates 18 7 | ce ce *See American Journal of Science, July, 1833, quoted in Early and Latter History of Petroleum, by J. T. Henry. > 1877. | 133 (Briggs. Nore.—Since writing the above it has been reported to me that the gas in well No. 2 has been partly confined, and the increased pressure in welk No. 1 has somewhat altered the action of the water and gas. The large column is thrown to a greater height. Discussion. Mr. Briggs remarked that the conditions which produce the phenomena of Spouting Wells and of Geysers are sufficiently simple but perhaps not generally comprehended. One of the essentials for the peculiar eruption and periodic discharge which they exhibit, is the enlargement or funnel shape of the upper portion of the cavity; so that at or near the final effort of each pulsation, the confined gas or steam shall be suddenly relieved of a part of the pressure of column or head, and the gas or vapor beneath the liquid, in so large a bubble as to form a chamber or reservoir of gas or steam, be allowed to expand against a less pressure than that under which it had generated or been supplied when lifting the column from the bottom of the well to the place where the well enlarged. By tracing the phenomenon ofa single pulsation, as it may be assumed from the foregoing description to have occurred, it will be seen that, com- Mencing with that period when the gas has exhausted its pressure by a nearly free discharge, after the complete expulsion of the water and relief from any resistance except that proceeding from the depth of water in the shallow pool formed about the mouth of the well (presumed to be from 1 to 2 feet in depth at most), after the pressure of gas falls below this presumed depth, the steps in operation are as follows: A portion of the water in the pool at the top flows back upon the well, quickly forming a column within it and compressing the gas beneath, which is in much too large volume to rise through the water in small bubbles, although some bubbles may force their way up when the return of water first beginsand discharge eruptively as they approach the surface, lifting a spatter of water at such discharge, but finally the water column will have acquired such height as to flow quickly down the well and receive such augmentation of quantity as the water bearing strata may supply, filling the well nearly to the bottom, some considerable portion of solid water passing below the level of the upper gas bearing strata and compressing the lower gas by the momentum of the water to the point where its gas supply may be stopped from flowing. Possibly a bubble of gas from the upper gas bearing strata will be formed in the column and be carried downwards, as there is 400 feet of depth of well between these two strata and we can scarcely conceive of 400 feet of solid water, or even 300, to reach between the two levels; but at all events a column of water of some height exists between the upper and lower gas strata when the ultimate recession of water into the well has occurred. The gradual supply of gas from both sources of supply now overcomes and slowly elevates the mass of water, however broken by gas bubbles, giving a nearly uniform pressure of column during such time as it is elevated in Briggs. ] 134 (Sept. 21, the tube (or well) of uniform section, that is until the column reaches the point where the casing was blown out ; there being a great bubble of con- fined upper as well as a volume of confined lower gas in the bore of the well. Ultimately, before the column reaches the point of enlargement, the volumes of gas become much more considerable than those of the water. It may be assumed, as it is essential to do for the resulting expulsion, that of the 1400 feet (about) of total depth below the top of the casing not over 300 or 400 feet of water column (if so much) ever exists in the well. The water which up to this stage has ascended slowly, now rises into the enlarged mouth caused by theabsence of casing, and relieved from pressure of column, as the height reduces, the expanding gas of the upper bubble, becomes eruptive, and the first discharge of 3 or 4 feet height of water is effected. The relief of pressure attendant upon the removal of a portion of the water above into the pool, lifts the lower column of water to above the upper gas bearing strata; but before it reaches the enlargement at the casing the force of expulsion of the upper bubble will have been expended, and the water thus discharged will have returned wholly or in part to the well again, and will have restored the original column and its pressure upon a larger volume of gas with the supply of both gas bearing strata. The regular supply of gas continuing, the column again reaches the point of enlargement, and now, with a great reservoir of gas to expand, the final effort of a pulsation is consummated, with a discharge of gas and water of 85 to 115 feet in height. Allowing for the mixture of gas and water in reducing the gravity of the column, it is possible that the greatest pulsation of emergence at the mouth of the well cannot be more than the equivalent to a height of 60 to 90 feet or 30 to 45 pounds per square inch. In the case of the Geyser the same necessity of conformation of the pit or hole, so far as regards the funnel-shaped mouth to relieve the pressure of water column at or near the top, exists. The heated water is then the reservoir of energy for producing an eruption ; a large volume of steam being formed at once when relief of pressure occurs. The phenomena of periodic discharge following a course similar to that described as coming from emission of gas from a strata when the cooled return water comes in contact with the volcanic heated rocks at the bottom of the hole, producing asteam pressure more rapidly than the water circulation will permit the heat to be transferred to the surface of the water quietly and thus lifting the column to the point of enlargement where its pressure is reduced. {| Ashburner. 135 1877. ] Piatell Proceedings Amer. Philosoph. Society, Philadelphia. Vol. JUW_page l27 Graphical Representation of the Wilcox. Spouting Water-Well, Mekean (ofa. The unbroken line on and above the base is the profile of the Water issuing from the Conductor; the Gas rising from the Well at the same time. TI he broken linehelow the base indicates the time that no gas is issuing from the Well, and the time that the Water froin the Pool around the Conductor is Howmg In, The height of the majar pulsation in each column was alone determined. See See a Serta ate pee cree ena NEES [1 wre enna s v0 | SO FEET - 1877. ] 185 {Cope. SUCHOPRION CYPHODON, gen. et sp. NOV Char. gen. As no portion of the animals referred to this genus is known, other than teeth, the characters are derived from these only. Their crowns are elongate, conical and curved, and are furnished with denticu- late cutting edges. In the teeth preserved these are separated by very un- equal extents of surface, as they form the anterior and posterior borders of the inner face. The crown is penetrated by a very minute pulp cavity, and it consists of a number of distinct concentric cones. It is probable that teeth have been discovered in Europe which belong to saurians of this genus, but I cannot find that they have ever received a distinctive name. They resemble those of Crocodilia rather than Déino- Sauria. Char. specif. The only species of Suchoprion as yet known to me is represented by four teeth found in the same beds and formation as those above described. One of these is of large size, indicating that it reached the adult dimensions of the Gangetic gharrial. They display some differ- ence in the degree of convexity of the external surface, which is some- times opposite the imaginary plane of the inner face, sometimes oblique to it. The degree of convexity is always greatest at the base of the crown. The inner face is also convex. The curvature in the long direction is not great, and is directed to the inner side. The surface presents a minute silky sculpture ; one tooth presents a very few shallow sulci. Measurements. M : (antero-posterior........... C21 ee tee On Tare st ockks (transverse AE a POC ee -020 ihene thy of ‘crownof tooth iINiOs 22y)- a: 0s, Thickness of the same in front ........... Wd i ivi as Found by Superintendent Lucas with the foregoing species. ——— 1877.] 197 [Pr‘ce. Sylviculiure. By Ex K. Price. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, November 16 and Decem- ber 7, 1877.) By the will of André Francois Michaux, the American Philosophical So- ciety is, to the extent of the means afforded by his legacy, charged with the trust, to contribute in this country ‘‘ to the extension and progress of ag- riculture, and more especially in Sylviculture in the United States.’’ This Society, also, by its Charter is under the obligation of diffusing useful knowledge ; and few subjects can be more useful than the cultivation of trees. It becomes us; therefore, to consider how we can promote the cultivation of trees in this country ; how make that cultivation subserve the interests of agriculture ; and in what manner, and how widely we may fulfill these duties, and diffuse useful knowledge upon these subjects. Mr. Michaux, as well as his father, spent his life in acquiring knowl- edge of trees, und wrote his volumes to describe them, not only to promote science, but to teach their uses and value as timber. He has intended that we should do more. He intended that we should promote the growth of trees, and also extend the growth of agriculture ; by the influence of tree- culture upon climate, soil and the water supply, whereby to increase the food of man and beast, and thereby to multiply the population of-the world. In a revoked will he had suggested the purchase of land, and the plant- ing of it with trees. In this he no doubt intended the exhibition of many varieties of kinds to give a scientific knowledge of them, and also intended that the groves there planted should be a centre of distribution of trees and their fruits. This idea has been held in view by this Society when it placed half the income of the legacy at the disposal of the Fairmount Park Commissioners, for the purchase, planting and distribution of trees and tree seeds, With half the income applied in this manner a more extensive good can be effected than by a separate application of the whole by the Socicty, which would of necessity have been at a more distant place, to be seen by a few only in the time that a thousand will see the trees in the Fair- mount Park, and obtain their seeds. In that Park the name of the Testa- tor has been honored by the plantings commenced in the ‘‘ Michaux Graye,’’ while thousands of trees procured by his provision are in the Nursery, waiting to be transplanted over the Park, of nearly three thou- sand acres, and elsewhere. These add to the variety of our plantings, and to the self sown trees of the native woods, thus adding increased attrac- tions for botanists and lovers of the landscapes. When Mr. Michaux extended his views to agriculture in connection with tree-culture, we must believe that he had in mind the influences of trees - Price.] 198 (Nov. 16 & Dee. 7, upon climate, the supply of rain and retention of water as means of growth of grass, the cereals and other crops. Let us consider then what are those infftiences, and how far, as beneficent, they are within the control of man ; not that the means placed at our disposal by Mr. Michaux, can, in the trees they will plant, soon greatly influence climate, soil and rains; yet by af- fording a perpetual source of supply of trees, a perpetual example and dif- fusion of knowledge to others, no one can prescribe limits, in space or time, to the good these limited means my effect. The Society will, therefore, I think, pardon me for taking a wide survey, for it and all others to fill in its outlined work, according to the measure of their ability, and in the aggregate, all may do a great good, that would not be attempted if the sphere of operation were not widely opened, and the necessity of co-operative action, and the ways and means of success, were not explained, to be kept in view at present, and in a long future. With our duty mapped out, we and our successors will see the surveyed field of operations, and will be stimulated by the grandeur and beneficence of the prospect opened for good to our fellow beings. It cannot be doubted that Nature will ever willingly do her part of the work if not thwarted by man; nay, will do it exuberantly. The great need is to regulate and restrain his excess of destruction. Before man came upon the earth it had been densely covered by vegetation ; hence its pervading coal measures, lignites, and stores of oil that have been pre- served under the rocks to await the age of human intelligence necessary to develop them. In that age happily we live. We may well believe that the earliest of our race found our world covered with forests ; except in those places unfitted for their growth. These were the polar regions, where ice cuts off the growth of trees; the mountain crests where both cold and want of soil prevent all growth of trees, and arid deserts. Whether we may give trees to the deserts is only a question of procuring water and soil. Yet the seemingly barren lands cast up by the sea can be made to bear forests, and to flourish in vegetation. Before man’s appearance, the great enemies of forest life did not exist. He alone could invent the axe and light the fire. Forests were then in ex- cess of man’s needs, and were utilized in fossil coal. What evil he has done with the axe and fire, and how such evil may be repaired, we have to con- sider. True, the woods grow for legitimate uses ; for timber, for habita- tions, the mechanic arts and fuel; but not for wasteful destruction. They must also be felled for needful space and soil to grow the food that man and beast may live ; but not destroyed to an extent to put the supply of the food of life in peril ; or to so lessen it as to lessen population. In regions covered with timber capable of tillage, in excess of that point which will support the largest population in prosperity, clearing, without waste of what can be utilized, becomes a duty ; but to exceed that point is a wrong to humanity. In this we have the practical test that the wise and good will observe. Life to the greatest number of happy people is the moral and scientific problem and test of duty, as we must believe that such purpose was the intent of the Creator. 1877.] 199 [Price. Taking in hand the light of History, let us pass over historic grounds to see what man has done to destroy the forests, and how and where he may prevent and remedy such devastations. Beginning at the supposed cradle of our race, we find in the books of the Bible and contemporary histories frequent mention of the presence of forests, the coverts of wild beasts, and accessible woods to answer instant requisitions for timber for building houses, bridges, towers and rams; of trees for shade and fruit, and fuel ; and branches of trees upon which to hang malefactors. There were the cedars, firs, shittim wood, terebinth, sycamores, and oaks, upon moun- tains and plains, and the sacred groves upon the hills where the heathen worshiped, in a measure protected as sacred by religion and superstition ; but in after time these were unavailing to save them. The fig, the date, the palm and the olive were better preserved, as necessities for food, and willows sprang spontaneous along the edges of the water. Hesiod lived about a thousand years before Christ. Speaking of Peace, Justice and Prosperity, he says : “No days of famine to the righteous fall, But all is plenty, and delightful all; Nature induigent o’er their land is seen, With oaks high towering are their mountains green; With heavy mast their arms diffusive bow While from their trunks rich streams of honey flow.” Thus described were they as seen, as he watched his flock and courted the Muses on Helicon. And again Hesiod describes a wooded country when he speaks of the north wind; says of, it : * Bellowing through Thrace, tears up the lofty woods, Hardens the earth, and binds the rapid floods! The mountain oak, high towering to the skies, Torn from his roots across the valley lies; Wide spreading ruin threatens all the shore, Loud groans the earth, and all the forests roar.” The beasts ; “Through Woods, and through the shady vale they run To various haunts, the pinching cold to shun: Some to the thicket of the forest flock, And some, for shelter, seek the hollow rock.” Evelyn cites with satisfaction that when Xerxes passed conqueror through Achaia, he would not suffer his army to violate a tree; ‘‘it being observed by the Ancients that the gods never permitted him to escape un- punished who injured groves.’’ Near five hundred years before Christ, Eschylus makes the Chorus sing to Prometheus Bound, ““Thy woes, beneath the sacred shade Of Asia’s pastured forests laid, The chaste inhabitant bewails, Thy groans re-echoing through his plaintive vales.” And nearly five hundred years after the Christian Era, Basil the Great ) Price. ] 200 [Noy. 16 & Dec. 7, writing to Gregory the Great, from the Isis that empties into the south side of the Black Sea, thus describes his home in that part of Asia Minor : “A high mountain clothed with thick woods, is watered to the north by fresh and ever flowing streams. At the foot lies an extended plain, ren- dered fruitful by the vapors with which it is moistened. The surrounding forest, crowded with trees of different kinds, encloses me as in a strong fortress.’’ Humbolt’s Cosmos, 393. Herodotus had thus nine hundred years before described the country further to the East. ‘*This part of Media, towards Saspires, is high and mountainous, and abounding with forests; the rest of the country is a spacious plain.” Of the north of Africa Herodotus says, ‘* All the more western parts of Libya, are much more woody, and more infested with wild beasts, than that where the Libyan Nomades reside ; for the abode of these latter advanc- ing eastward, is low and sandy. From hence westward, where those in- habit who till the ground, it is mountainous, full of wood, &e.” (Ch. 99; Sec. 191.) Libya, or the region called Tripoli, extending from Egypt to Tunis, in the early Christian centuries while under Roman rule, was productive and populus, and when overrun by the followers of Mahomet, towards the end of the eighth century, was reputed to contain six millions of souls, and eighty-five Christian Bishops (Dr. F. L. Oswald), and now probably not a million inhabit the same space. Elesée Recluse says that ‘‘the examina- tion of the soil and the remains which are contained in it, proves that at a recent geological epoch, the Sahara was much less sterile than it now is. The Tribes of the Algerian Sahara say, that at the time of the Romans the Ouad-Souf was a great river, but some one threw a speli upon it, and it disappeared. (The Earth, 95.) That spell was an evil one, the destruc- tion of the forests. Dr. Oswald says, ‘‘On the plateau of Sidi-Belbez, in the very centre of the Sahara, Champollion traced the course of former rivers and creeks by the depressions in the soil and the shape of the smooth-washed pebbles. He also found tree stumps almost petrified, and covered by a six foot stratum of burning sand.’’ He quotes Champollion as saying, ‘‘ And so the astounding truth dawns upon us that this desert may once have been w region of groves and fountains, and the abode of, happy millions. Is there any crime against Nature which draws down a more terrible curse than that of stripping Mother Earth of her sylvan covering? The hand of Man has produced this desert, and I verily believe every other desert on the surface of this earth. Earth was Eden once, and our misery is the punish- ment of our sins against the world of plants. The burning sun of the desert is the angel with the flaming sword who stands between us and Paradise.’’ How certain, how sad, is this great truth! How awful then to think of the millions more who might have lived but for man’s ignor- ance, and folly and wickedness ; and to reflect upon the incalculable loss of happiness to those who did live, and have struggled with a deteriorated Nature for a miserable existence ! ey 1877.) 201 [Price. According to Cesar and Tacitus, middle Europe was found by the Ro- mans heavily covered with forests, and in Gaul and Britain were the deeply shaded woods where the Druids had practiced their gloomy religious rites, and offered in sacrifice the victims of their terrible superstition. Now pass from eastward of Persia westward, and take a survey of both sides of the Mediterranean as far as the Atlantic ocean, and we behold countries on every hand stripped of their forests, with decrease of rains, with fallen rivers, extended deserts, and depleted populations. This change from plenty to poverty is justly ascribed mainly to the destruction of the forests, which exposed the lands to a burning sun. The waters were dried up, and the soil was wasged away by floods, or driven off by the winds, or covered over by ever drifting sands. The following are the percentages of woodlands left in the once densely timbered countries of Europe where forests have not been adequately pro- tected : Naples, 9.43; Sardinia, 12.29 ; Italy, 20.7; Spain, 5.52; Portugal, 4.40; France, 16.79; Belgium, 18.52; Holland, 7.10; Denmark, 5.50 ; Great Britain, 5; Switzerland, 15; while Germany yet has 26.3; Russia in Europe, 40; Sweden, 60 ; and Norway 66 per cent. of their surface in forests. The lessons taught us by the other continents of the Eastern Hemis- phere, are both to avoid the cause of aridity, and to repair in time the mischiefs caused by man’s improvidence. We have in the west our ‘‘bad lands,’’ our natural deserts, grassless and treeless, for want of water, and our grass covered prairies, also treeless, which can only be made productive of trees by the presence of water, and the absence of fires. Waters must be had by rains, or be drawn from the earth, or saved in reservoirs or tanks, to be spent in irrigation. We also have our exhausted lands on the Atlantic seaboard, which only need rest from tillage, and to be sown with the seeds and planted with forest trees. What we can do for these may be seen by observing what has been be- gun to be done in other countries, not more favorably situated, where men have yet life and energy sufficing to repair ancestral delinquency. France has taken alarm and has begun the work of reparation. John Croumbie Brown has published a book of 351 pages entitled, ‘*Reboisement in France,’’ in which he describes the evils suffered, and the remedies of prevention and restoration. He shows the effect of stripping the mountains in east France of their trees has been to increase snow and land slides, which destroying that set in motion, also destroys that swept over in the descent, and that covered by the deposit. When the rains come, or the snows melt, the torrents come quick, are rapid and resistless. They undermine the banks, and carry destruction with them. Nature here again begins the work of restoration by scattering the seeds of the forest, and men have learned the wisdom of co-operating with Nature, and of letting her more alone. They now protect the forests, and the forests promote “‘infiltration, retention, and percolation of water through the soil and subsoil, on which they grow.’’ p. 38,50. In other Departments the like PROC. AMER. PHILOs. soc. xvit. 100. z. PRINTED JAN. 9, 1878. fo Price. | 202 {[Nov. 16 & Dee. 7, success has been attained as in the High Alps. Where the trees grow, the springs flow; where cut down the springs dry up, and the streams grow less in their channels. There is less rain fall, and the soil retains jess of what falls. On the west side of France from the Gironde to Bayone, are the Landes, or Sand-dunes, which are sands carried inland from the seashore by the winds, until they cover 2,500,000 acres, and threatened to engulf the de- partments of Landes and Gironde. These, however, have been planted with the pine and other trees, and the forests now protect the country be- hind them, and the sands have been considerably subdued by cultivation, and arrested in their inward progres®. In Algerian Africa the French Engineers, from 1856 to 1864, had dug eighty three wells, which together yielded nearly twelve millions of gal- lons of water per minute, sufficient to nourish 125,000 palm trees. (The Earth, by Elisée Reclus, 95) ; so that even the desert may be made to yield fountains of water, and can be clothed with arborial fruit and verdure ; and it may be in this way that our treeless regions of the Far West can be attacked by American enterprise. Our warm south and south-west would, with supply of rain and irrigation, yield greatly increased quantities of semi-tropical fruit and forest trees of most valuable kinds. It is the work of reparation of the wrong that man has done to Nature, and the prevention of the repetition of such wrong, that must now be the subject of our consideration, practical action, and admonition to others. Let us first be sure that we are acting upon atrue theory. There are those who think that forests have but little or no influence in producing or attracting rains; men whose opinions are entitled to great consideration and respect. Yet we well know that whenever the currents of air, laden with the moisture of evaporation, strike the cooler mountains, rain is pre- cipitated. So woods, we may believe, may be so elevated and cool as to produce showers from clouds charged near to the point of precipitation, as the dew falls by a slight difference of temperature between day and night. Men in the valley or plain often do see clouds pass over them to fall as rain on hills and woods more elevated. We know too that countries have less rain-fall by reason of the deprivation of their forests. Travelers so report of Malta, the Cape Verde Islands, St. Helena, and in Aragua, Venezuela, ac- cording to Humbolt ; and in Egypt, where the date palm and the olive have of recent time been plentifully planted, the rains have become more fre- quent : (Dr. Franklin B. Hough’s Report to Congress in 1874, p. 21). Dr. Oswald reports that a rise has taken place in Egypt in the annual rain-fall, from 9 to 16 inches, since the increased planting of trees. It is quite certain that trees preserve the waters in the ground, and maintain the flow of the springs and streams. If trees be felled, and the sun be let in, the ground is dried, and its moisture is carried away by evaporation instead of percolating into the earth to reach the channels of the springs, and these also dry up. If the springs fail, the rivulets must fail, and rivers must full. 1377.| 203 fPrice. Reclus says, ‘‘ Trees, after they have received the water upon their foli- age, let it trickle down drop by drop on the gradually softened eaith, and thus facilitate the gentle permeation of the moisture into the substratum ; another part of the water running down the trunk, and along the roots, at once finds its way to the lower strata.’’ (The Earth, 223). The facts are abundant in proof that to part with the trees is to lose the springs they protect, the running streams the springs supply, and the vol- ume of the broad river. These lost, all the charm of the landscape has fled, and then this source of man’s refinement and civilization has also left the world. With loss of rains and springs the fruitfulness of the earth also passes away. Grass fails for flock and herd, and the bread of life for man is no longer sure, and only because man has betrayed his trust. Australia affords corroborative testimony. In the Tribune of December 1st, I find this statement: ‘‘ Mr. Landsborough, an explorer of note, says, ‘Keeping sheep is no longer so profitable there as it used to be, but on the other hand, large tracts of land that were worthless before, have Jatterly become fit for agriculture. There is a decided increase of forests and of moisture in parts of Australia, giving hope that eventually the whole in- terior desert may be reclaimed. The direct effect of sheep-raising has been to keep down the tall grass which formerly afforded material for destruc- tive fires. The trees, young and old, had been periodically burnt by these fires, until the country becoming almost treeless, its climate had been ren- dered arid and its soil sterile. If the facts in Australia can be established, they will afford the most remarkable instance yet recorded of climate being modified by the labors and surroundings of civilized man.’ ”’ Trees, better than all else, protect the slopes from washing into gullies, and the loss of the soil by rains. A carpet of grass will do much to protect the earth from washing ; but is not impervious to the beatings of storms, and the small beginnings of erosions ever enlarge their channels by under- mining the roots of grass. The sides of our hills and the sodded slopes of railroads show this. The force of the unintercepted drops of the driving rains dees the work of excoriation. The leaves of the sheltering forest break the force of the rain, and the arrested waters trickle in slow drops to the ground, and gradually soak into it without washing the soil. The cov- ering of the falien leaves also prevents disturbance of the soil, and the leaves growing above, and those dead below as well, intercept the rays of the sun, and check eveporation. The retained waters must find their exit by the springs. The forests in due proportion are also shelter and protection of the grow- ing crops of the farmer from the force of driving storms. They are a shel- ter for grazing cattle, and shelter for house and barn, and man and beast thus kept warmer thrive better. Trees also shelter trees, and northwardly planted belts largely increase the growths of nurseries and orchards. Now what is the due proportion of woodlands? A Duke of Burgundy’s rule, as quoted by Dr. Oswald, is, ‘‘One-third to the hunter, two thirds to the husbandman.’’ William Penn’s direction to his colonists was, that ; DO Price. ] 204 [Nov. 16 & Dee. 7, ‘cin clearing the ground care be taken to leave one acre of trees for every _ five acres cleared ; especially to preserve oak and mulberry trees for silk and shipping.’’ His father, Admiral Penn, would have included in it ‘«shipping,’’ for the purpose of maintaining a navy ; still an object of our statesmen so far as iron has not superceded wood. * Thus William Penn’s rule was to leave one for five acres cleared, or 163 per cent. of wood appendaut to each farm ; of course, so much besides the wooded hills, sand-dunes and mountain tracts. For the entire country, and for the general good of forestry and agriculture his proportion of woodland is probably something too small. The proportion of woodlands in the entire area of these States, taking into consideration water surface, cities, highways, &c., is 29 per cent.; including Territories, is 25 per cent. ; showing a disproportion of our Territories to be woodless, Dr. Hough gives the rule of proportion of wood with reference to the true test. He says ‘‘ There can be no doubt but that injuries may result, as well to agricultural interests as to the public, from an excess of forest growth. It is the highest aim of forestry to attain the golden mean be- tween too much and too little, and on this due balance of field and grove depends that equilibrium of health and weaith that promises the greatest amount of human happiness to the greatest number, and through the longest period of time.’’ Report, p. 32. It is impracticable to bring the different States or sections of the United States to approximate any uniform standard as to the proper proportion of woodlands. It would generally be unprofitable to attempt to make arable, steep, stony and rough mountain Jands, or poor sandy tracts, or deep swamps and ever-glades. But it is the interest of all to keep these wooded, and to reforest the lands worn out by cropping, that they may not become dry deserts. But every vast continuity of forest should be broken for ag- riculture, intercourse and security of health, property and life, and regions of prairie and deserts be made to bear a due proportion of forests. And farm lands should be interspersed with trees to preserve them in the best agricultural condition. To do this, few farmers, though they draw their fucl from the mines, are inclined, by planting areas of cultivated or pastured fields. This they would not consider economical. But they could with little loss of useful space, plant the most sunny side of every road passing through their farms, arid thus the farming soil would be little shaded, and the roots of the trees draw the greater part of their nourishment from the soil under the highway. The public would be gainers in grateful shade, and the farmers would have the protection of the roadside trees and their shade ; and finally, their use as timber as they come to maturity, and are replaced by renewed plantings. To do so much, an enlightened self-interest should impel them. In addition let every farmer keep open and flowing all his springs for drink for his herds and flocks; plant around them groves of trees, both to pre- serve the flow of the water, and to afford shade to man and beast. Every railroad company should plant trees on the sunny side of their line a 1877.1 205 (Price. of tracks for shade, and for cross-ties and car timber, against the time when lumber will surely become more scarce ; and should, for its best self-inter- est, use every device to avoid firing the forests, and use cross-ties that have been barked, creosoted, kyanized, or saturated with boiling tar. The in- terest they have at stake to economize is incalculable. Legislation is not here suggested, except it be to authorize the roadside planting ; and, perhaps, counties to offer rewards for such planting. The functions of our Society in regard to tree planting are two : to diffuse use- ful knowledge, and to execute the trusts of the Michaux legacy, yet this is to co-operate in a sphere of action that is boundless and endless. True, our fund is small, but held by a perpetual trustee, its munificence should be perpetual ; its beneficent effects never cease to spread, and the knowledge we impart and incentive we give, may bring sympathetic and enduring aid by many others, by the States, and the United States. When we consider that trees require the growth of many years ; that large tracts of country are denuded, which can be more profitably used by reforesting than otherwise, and that to make the reforesting useful and profitable, there must be choice of trees, and skill in the manner of their management and care, we must see that no time should be lost. This gen- eration should begin the work effectively, and enjoin the duty upon those to follow. The kinds of trees to be preferred by considerations of durability and their multifarious uses, are the American White Oak; the American White Pine ; the American White Ash ; the American Elm; the Chest- nut, Walnut, Hickory and Larch. To this list of trees is to be added the Eucalyptus, or Blue Gum, of Australia, for its anti-malarial properties, and for its rapid growth, yet excellent timber. Its wood is white, about as hard, but a little stronger than the best Eastern Ash. (J. T. Stratton, Agl. Reps. of ’75, p. 345). The planting and management must be left to professional skill. The Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, who received two-fifths of the Michaux Estate, have offered prizes for the cultivation of plantations of not less than five acres, to be planted with the European Larch, Scotch and Corsican Pine, and American White Ash. The compe- tition will be likely to exact the use of farm lands, while agricultural economy requires the chief sowing and planting of trees to be on the stony places, and profitless sandy spots, such as are often savingly allotted to bury the dead. These too may be planted with economy and pleasing ef- fect. Annexed to their circular is a very valuable Essay by Professor C. S. Sargent, Director of the Botanic Garden and Arboretum of Harvard Uni- versity. This I have read since writing the preceding pages, and the facts and opinions by him expressed, sustain the foregoing views. He shows by sufficient testimony that woods do produce rainfalls ; do preserve springs and rivers; do protect the soil and crops, nurseries and orchards ; that sandy lands though exposed to the fierce winds of the seashore, have pro- Price.] 206 (Nov. 16 & Dee. 7, duced largely in Massachusetts, the Larch and Scotch Pine, besides Oaks, Ashes, Maples, Norway Spruce and Austrian and Corsican Pines. He recommends a protecting belt of trees to be planted og the northern side of every farm. The proper proportion of forest for Massachusetts he con- siders to be 25 per cent. Besides the woodlands in the State, there are nearly two millions of acres of unimproved lands, 1,200,000 acres of which is admirably suited for forest growth, the value of the timber on which, in fifty years, could only be reckoned by hundreds of millions. True, this would devote half the State to Sylviculture ; yet, he thinks it would be its most profitable use, and be a benefit to that and other States. Professor Sargent expresses his concern at the rapid destruction of timber in the United States, as sure to enhance its price, and produce many agricultural evils. He says, ‘‘ Every year the destruction of the American forests threaten us with new dangers. Every year renders it more impera- tive to provide some measures to check the evils which our predecessors in their ignorance have left us as a legacy, with whigh to begin the second century of our Republic.” The Professor calculates so largea timber profit to his State, besides other advantages as to make it a moral duty, and patriotic achievement, to engage in tree planting, and insists that railroad corporations must plant in their own interest. If farmers would generally plant one side the highways, and a row or belt of sheltering trees on the north side of their farms, and they and the Governments should see that all untillable grounds should be kept in the growth of timber as fur as practicable, exempt from plunder and fires, we should attain that proportion of trees over the whole country which is re- quired by the best interests of agriculture and the general good of the people. This should be the aim of all. In Pennsylvania we have begun no considerable tree planting, except it be that in Fairmount Park. There, besides previous plantings, the Com- missioners have planted within eighteen months, 12,082 trees, of the value of $14,490 ; and have yet in the Nursery 33,304 trees. From the reserved moiety of the Michaux income, the American Philo- sophical Society has established in the Park the course of Lectures de- livered by Dr. Rothrock on Arboriculture and Botany, who dwells em- phatically upon the importance of woods for the preservation of water and soil and in protection of agriculture. Citizens of Pennsylvania have, however, commenced an important Syl- viculture in Eastern Virginia. Landreth & Co., of Philadelphia, have for six years and a half been planting 300 acres of black walnuts, and in a few years will complete some thousand acres in hard wood nut bearing trees. Mr. Burnet Landreth, a member of the firm, without fear of inciting ri- valry, and without any apprehension that the growing market for timber can be overstocked, has published their doings in the Journal of Forestry, published in London. He seems actuated by the spirit of patriotism more than the love of profit. He laments that the White Pines of our State have —— 1877.] 207 (Price. gone, and those further north-west are rapidly going, leaving no succession in kind, and the Oaks and Hemlocks are fast departing, which are some- times cut down to get the bark for the tanner, with but the contingent chance of selling the wood for cross ties and lumber. When felled both objects should certainly be secured. Landreth & Co., buy worn-out lands cheaply ; buy them near navigable waters, for cheap transportation by water, sow or plant nuts of chestnut, walnut and hickory, or sow the seeds of the white pine, which they find to grow in the South, and leave the yeliow pine seeds to sow themselves. They see a boundless area of timber growth before them and others ; trees of slow return ; but know that the market will await its maturity, and will be ever a rising one, as the country shall become more shorn of timber, denser in population, and more demand the consumption of timber. The profit awaited will be surely compensatory for capital, labor and interest thus invested ; and though for many years unproductive of annual income, the timber crop when it matures will be found to cover all the investment, with no interest of capital expended, but there self-invested by ligneous increment. It is an inheritance laid up for heirs ; a good to them ; a good to the nation. Yet the harvest is not all postponed, and to be but once, at distant period ; for the process may be one of successive thinnings of small trees thickly planted, and of old trees of different kinds maturing at dif- ferent times, thus bringing repetitions of profits. The sowings of nature and the plantings of man may also be in every successive year, and difft rent tracts thus yield annual returns as trees are fit to cut. The plant- ings should be annually repeated as the woods shall be thinned. It should be a rule, except in needed thinnings, never to cut down thrifty trees that are yet rapidly making wood. An economical instinct will teach all this to the provident forest proprietor. As certainly as the axe and portable saw mills cut up the best timber of the forest, as they surely are rapidly do- ing, the plantings of man, and the protected growths of nature, should fol- low with equal pace, with selections of kinds most profitable, except where cleared ljand is fit and required fer agriculture. The whole country has but its 25 per cent., while there are excessive quantities in large tracts in some sections, and no forests in other vast areas. This shows another dis- tribution of trees must be a work of the future. Philadelphia should not overlook the interest she has in keeping well wooded the sources of the Schuylkill, the river that gives her chief supply of water. The Schuylkill Navigation Company began this beneficent work of supply of water and wooded protection by building their mag- nificent mountain reservoirs, and buying wooded tracts, by the shade of trees to protect the springs that supply them. It will also be to the interest of the city to build, in the future, more mountain reservoirs, and protect their supply of trees, that she may have adequate stores of waters, there to meet the exigency of summer drouths, when her population shall have increased. The secured wooded water sheds, and the plantings in progress in Fairmount Park subserve the same Price. } 208 [Nov. 16 & Dee. 7, purpose ; but with the city’s growth her needs will increase of conserving her water supply at a distance, that our second beautiful river may con- tinue adequate to the wants of a metropolis of millions. Here should be specially brought to notice, the necessity of a vast amount of tree planting in the prairies and plains that extend over the central length and breadth of our northern continent. With great depths of alluvial soil, protected by the heavy prairie grasses, which through the centuries have annually added their decaying richness to the vegetable” mould, the rolling or flat prairie regions have but occasional groups of trees. The cause of the absence of trees seems to have been the frequent fires that swept over the prairies, for wherever protected by the settlers from fire a thick and flourishing growth of trees springs up, and the plant- ings also thrive. The prairies need trees the more, to induce precipitation of rain, and to protect the soil, springs and streams from evaporation, by reason of the immense extent of wheat and corn crops now grown in continuous fields of 1 thousand or more acres, each spring sown or planted, thus exposing the bare ground for more than half the year, in the intervals of the crops, to the drying sun, to be swept away alike by winds and rains. And heavy belts of growing timber are wanted for more than the attraction and reten- tion of rain and water; are wanted to make it something more possible to arrest the vreat prairie fires ; and also, to break the force of the storms and tornadoes that so destructively sweep the central parts of our continent ; where no sheltering mountains or hills exist to arrest the force, and dis- perse the winds. Some such benefit has already been perceived and ac- knowledged. In the prairie and treeless regions of the central West, where settled, the settlers have perceived it to be their interest to plant, and to save the spon- taneous growths of trees, and beyond the incentive of interest, the pleas- urable occupation has kindled an enthusiasm for Arboriculture. The fires are fought, and jess frequently lighted ; coal, when at hand, is preferably used for fuel, and the spontaneous second growth is generally better than the original forests where these had been. In the State of Minnesota, Martin County, ‘thousands of acres of young timber trees are growing, some spontaneous, others planted ;”’ in Redwood, “The cultivation of forests on the prairies will amount to from 1 to 20 acres per quarter sec- tion ;’’ in Steele County, *‘Some attention has been given to planting forest trees, and the interest is on the increase, as the experiments have been quite successful; many small groves of quick growing varieties being planted near dwellings ;’’ in Watonwan, 1,000 acres are under cultivation, in groves of from one to 12 acres ; in Nobles County, ‘‘ An association has been organized, and the children in each school are being organized into Centennial bands of little foresters, with promises of badges and more valuable prizes for planting trees.’’ In the State of Iowa, Crawford County, ‘‘ Large numbers of the more thrifty farmers have planted groves of maples, cotton wood, black walnut and box elder, which have grown yes wt? 1877.] 209 (Price. with great rapidity, and the vast expanse of treeless prairies, which a few years ago stretched in every direction as far as the eye could see, is now dotted over with beautiful groves, which greatly add to the wealth of the eounty,’’ and in Cherokee County it is reported, ‘‘ A great many are plant- ing timber, which grows fast.’’ For Missouri it is reported that, ‘‘ In the portions of the State that were originally prairie land or openings, sponta- neous and thrifty forests have sprung up and increased, as increasing set- tlements have prevented annual prairie fires ;’’ for the County of Greene it is stated, ‘‘ Nearly all the old timber is inferior, for the reason that the woodlands produce abundant grass, which is burned over every season, and injures the trunks of the trees. Forests, from which the fires are kept are very thrifty, many of the trees adding one inch to their diameter an- nually.’’ See Agl. Rep. for 1875. For Kansas and Nebraska, the Report of 1875, says, ‘‘On original prairies, forest growth is increasing rapidly from two causes: The first is, the arrest of prairie fires by cultivation, which has resulted extensively in the spontaneous springing up on uncultivated portions of a thick growth of young trees, which grow with wonderful thrift ; the second cause being the planting of forests, now doubly stimulated by legislative encourage- ment, and by assured success in respect to both growth and profit. In ad- dition to personal advantages to the planter, in the increased comfort, beauty, and money value of his premises, it is claimed that a public bene- fit is already perceptible in a modification of the climate, particularly in the way of assuaging the severity of the once unimpeded winds.’’ Of Jef- ferson County, Kansas, it is said, ‘‘ The forest area is rapidly increasing in consequence of stopping the prairie fires, and the planting of new groves ;”’ while of Barton County, it is said, ‘‘ Flattering results have been obtained from planting tree seeds and cuttings.”’ Tree planting in California is receiving much attention. Before the 1st January, 1876, James T. Stratton had planted in Alameda County, 195 acres with 130,000 Eucalyptus trees, that is the Blue Gum of Australia, eight feet apart each way. The company owning the railroad between Los Angelos and Anahelm, in Southern California, had planted 140 acres, with about 80,000 Eucalyptus trees. In the spring of this year it was an- nounced that, ‘‘ The Central Pacific Railroad Company has lately arranged to have 40,000 Hucalyptus Globulus trees set along the 500 miles of the right of way of the company. This is only the first installment, as it will require about 800,000 of the trees for the 500 miles of valley where they are to be cultivated. The immediate object of the plan is to increase the humidity of the region, and lesson the liability to droughts.”’ The United States Government has begun to take a deep interest in the subject of the preservation of American Forests. This appears to have had inception in a Memorial to Congress of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, upon the cultivation of timber and the pre- servation of forests, in August 1873, signed by Franklin B. Hough and George B. Emerson their Committee, which being referred to the Com- PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvi. 100. 24. PRINTED JAN. 12, 1878. Price. ] 210 (Nov. 16 & Dec. 7, mittee of the House on Public Lands, Dr. Hough, on March 10th, 1874, submitted to Washington Townsend, Chairman of that Committee, his views at length on the subject of the Memorial. These were printed by order of the House, in a Report of 118 pages. It is a full, yet compact statement of many facts and statistics, which abundantly sustain the con- clusions herein expressed, There followed in October 1875, the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for that year, a division under the head “Statistics of Forestry,’ from p. 244 to 358, giving the forest area of every county in every State in the Union, in number of acres, and the percentage of the whole number in the County and State, with other valu- able information. It is very important in its promise of future reports, and also from the fact that will be the basis of contrast, to show the progress of reforesting the country. An Act of Congress of August 15th, 1876, gives earnest that Congress will guard this great national interest, especially as it made an appropriation for the conipensation of a competent commis- sioner to investigate and report upon the preservation of the forests, and the exportation of timber and other products of the forests. I have an an- swer to my inquiry, from Dr. Hough, the Commissioner, saying that he is at Washington to print his report in that of the Commissioner of Agricul- ture ; that he has tried to do justice to Michaux and others ; thinks the facts he has collected opportune, and that the interest in forestry is grow- ing. The President’s Message to Congress of this month earnestly recom- mends legislation to protect the timber belonging to the Government, and the preservation of the forests of our country. The proposition before us invokes physical causes for physical effects. Yet are these very interesting to our mind and feelings. They concern deeply human life and happiness. The mind must plan and execute the work ; must appreciate the beneficent results, and not without gratified emotions in view of the good to come. The purposed means will seek to influence the elements ; in a measure to rule the powers of the air; to draw rains from the clouds ; to detain the waters in the earth to flush the springs and swell the streams; will both drain the marshes, and cause wells and fountains to flow in the desert ; cause the grasses and cereals to cover the fields, and the forests and woods and trees to grow on mountains, hills and plains. Yet all this, is not to speak or act presumptuously, for it is but to use the powers placed at man’s disposal. It is to do more extensively what has been done; what is therefore practicable. Man is to engineer, to plow and plant, and sow and water, but God must give the increase. Man is to obey the first command, ‘‘ Replenish the earth and subdue it.”’ Obedient to this we have the promise, ‘‘I will give you rain in due sea- son, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.’’ That the evils reviewed have been terribly aggravated during many centuries, should not discourage us. The full remedy may require as many centuries as the cause has been operative ; but every step of repair is bene- ficent progress. The world is now fuller of resources than ever before. Man's enginery is gigantic; his machinery is imbued with intelligence. 1877.] 211 [Price. He can destroy faster ; but knows how to repair his injuries sooner. But to cease to do evilis to begin to do good; for Nature only asks man’s leave to renew her beneficent growths. Stop the fires on the prairies, lighted by the hunter for unknown centuries, and Nature will clothe them with forests. Plant with trees, and protect the self sown seeds of the forests along the waste lands of the seaboard, and they are born who may see them all reforested ; see them also renew a virgin forest soil. We have just begun many beginnings. Let them be followed up by many zealous co-operators, and our country will exhibit a prosperity, salubrity, and beauty never before seen, and in due time will become the dwelling-place of millions more human souls, else not to be born; souls to be happy on earth, and to people heaven. If this world was worth the making it must be man’s duty to make it teem with happy life. ADDENDA.—Since reading the above paper, Prof. Lesley has kindly sent me, two quotations which strongly support the views and purposes of the essay read. Ei; Ks BP: I. ‘The country from the head of St. Croix river [in Wisconsin] to Bayfield is covered with drift. . . . not an outcrop for fifty miles. Most of the district is destitute of living springs and streams. Numerous depressions in the drift are partly filled with water .... . The soil is sandy and barren, supporting only a stunted growth of ‘jack’ pines and ‘serub oaks.’ Fire has killed the timber over wide areas, on which grass was growing, exhibiting before our eyes nature’s simple method of con- verting woodland into prairie. The reverse process is just as simple. When prairies are no longer swept over by fire, timber springs up, re-con- verting prairie into woodland. Grass, with fire as anally, can beat timber, Timber can beat grass when it has no fire to fight.’’-—Report of O. W Wight in Geology of Wisconsin, p. 76, 1877. II. ‘‘In the whole Kingdom of King Devanampriya Priyadarsin, as also in the adjacent countries; .. . . the Kingdom of Antiochus, the Grecian King and his neighbor Kings, the system of caring for the sick, both men and cattle, followed by King D. P. has been everywhere brought into practice. Wherever useful healing herbs for man and beast failed, these he introduced and cultivated. Wherever roots and fruits were wanting, these he introduced and cultivated. He caused also wells to be dug and trees to be planted on the roads for the benefit of cattle.’’— Dr. Kern’s translation of the Girnar rock inscription in India, second section of the tablet. See p. 193 and Plate 1. Jour. R. Asiat.S. Vol. [X. part 2. July, 1877. What Christian nation has provided so humanely for traveling man and beast? The purpose of trees and shade as above advocated is immediately practicable and beneficent. Let us also open the roadside springs and wells, and furnish the cup for cold water; and maintain the supply of medicinal herbs, roots and barks. This we will begin in the Park as soon as the Pharmaceutists will lend their efficient co-operation. Except in the hospitals of our large cities, and county poorhouses, the sick wayfarer must depend upon humane tavern landlords and benevolent citizens, who seldom fail in Christian charity. But may God and man save us from 7’ramps. O16 Blasius, | 212 [Dec. 7, Causes of the Huron Disaster. By Pror. Wm. Bmasius. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, December 7, 1877.) The whole country mourns for the appalling and terrible disaster that befel the United States war-vessel ‘‘Huron’’ with her hundred brave mariners in the recent storm on our coast. It is not the rareness of such terrible calamities that causes this surprising and deeply felt sympathy with the brave and gallant men who found here so unexpectedly and untimely their watery grave. The Public Ledger of Philadelphia, only a short time ago enumerated 44 vessels belonging to, or bound to, or from American . ports only that shared during the short period of one single month a simi- lar fate. Unfortunately such calamities are not seldom on our shore, and they indeed follow each other so rapidly in succession that the last one only obliterates the still vivid traces of the preceding one. Thus they are forgotten one by one, and their stories are only revived for moments, when commerce and pleasure seekers apply to the Government for the removal of the wrecks that are in the way of their pursuits. What makes, however, this case so particularly impressive in the minds of all men is, that the Huron was a war-vessel, recently built, supposed to be well fitted and found, staunch and speedy, that it was commanded by naval. officers who are looked upon as particularly skilled navigators, and under- stand how to fight the storm as well as the foe, and to whom the nature of the depth in these friendly waters ought to have been as familiar as their state- rooms. We cannot wonder then that the public anxiously inquires into this dreadful and mysterious disaster, and tries to unravel its cause. Neither is it strange in these corrupt conditions of society that some find it in the defective construction of the vessel ; some lay the blame on the commander for having started at sea when the warning signals were flying, and for hugging the coast too closely in order to gain time. Some wise old captains of merchantmen lament the loss of good old practical seamanship; they hint ‘‘that the naval officer proper need now be but an indifferent kind of a sailor, so long as he is a good mathematician, chemist or drill- master, appears well, dresses tastefully in well-fitting uniform according to the latest edicts of the naval Turveydrops, and has possessed himself of a diploma issued by the United States Naval Academy.’’ There may be some truth in these suggestions, but it is not likely. From the meagre facts hitherto published, it will of course be useless to argue any of these surmises; but as the Government doubtless will probe this matter to the bottom for the sake of preventing fature simi- lar accidents, I would respectfully draw its attention to a third potent agent which seems to have been completely overlooked by these wise erit- ics, and which probably had more to do with this fearful disaster than the strength of the vessel or the lack of so called seamanship, and this third Base ast 1877.1 213 (Blasius. J agent is the general and lamentable want of a knowledge of the true nature of a storm. The statements made to the reporter of the New York Herald by Rear Admiral Trenchard, commanding the North Atlantic Station, on board the flagship Powhatan, lying off Fortress Monroe, seems to throw the first two supposed causes almost out of the question. He says: ‘That on Thurs- day the vessel was thoroughly inspected by him and his staff, and found to be in first-class order,’’ as only would be expected from a first-class lately built war-vessel. ‘‘Captain Ryan,’’ he says, ‘‘ was a careful and experi- enced seaman, had strveyed the coast along which he was to pass, and was considered one of the best navigators in the service ;’’ this settles, it seems to me, these two points above all suspicion. As to the third agent, the storm, which by the general critic has been overlooked, but which the Admiral takes also into consideration, he says : ‘He sailed at eleven o’clock in the morning, at which time the barometer was not indicating bad weather; was rather above, as shown by the official log.” And the surviving officer, Master W. P. Conway, gives us the fol- lowing information : ‘‘At 8 Pp. M. there was a strong gale blowing, and the sea was running very hight The barometer stood at 30.04 for three hours. The jib-stay was carried away soon after 6 P. M.”’ The last statements of Admiral Trenchard and Master Conway have ref- erence to the storm and the theories about it, and furnish the key to un- ravel the cause of this mysterious and sad tragedy. The barometer, the only guide science hitherto has furnished the navigator for his safety was conscientiously consulted ; it stood ‘‘rather above’’ the mean, and there- fore ‘‘ did not indicate bad weather.’’ Captain Ryan, who unfortunately cannot speak any more for his own justification, but who was considered ‘‘one of the best navigators in the service, and a careful and experienced seaman,” had undoubtedly looked also to this same guide for advice before he started, and finding of course the same answer, was certainly justified in view of the present state of science and good seamanship to start on his voyage in spite of the warning signals flying, the more so as according to the papers these signals had been flying for weeks uselessly and had become, therefore, disregarded generally byseamen. From his high position and reputation, and the testimony Ad- miral Trenchard bears him, we can neither doubt for one moment that he was fully acquainted with the science of storms and the rules of navigation based on it, and that he had studied the writings of Capper, Thom, Pid- dington, Reid, Redfield, Dove and others whose views are adopted official- ly in all navies. The accusation of bad seamanship seems, therefore, un- founded, unjust and cruel, because all these celebrated men of science up to the present time teach, that the storm consists in an area of low pres- sure, 7. €., an area where the barometer stands below 30 inches, and that the navigator, therefore, has to expect a storm or a so called cyclone only when the barometer falls below this mean, but when the barometer stands above he may look for fine and clear weather from the approach of an area Blasius. | 214 | Dec. 7, 1877. of high barometer or an anti-cyclone. Captain Ryan was, therefore, jus- tified in starting to sea in accordance with the present navigation rules de- duced from the generally accepted theory. In my work, ‘‘Storms, their Nature, Classification and Laws’’ (pub- lished two years ago), I think I have demonstrated that this old theory is wrong and worse than useless, that it is illusive and mischievous, and leads often into danger instead of out of it. I showed that the area of low pres- sure or low barometer is not the storm, but only the effect of the storm, and that the progressive storms (the equatorial and polar storms) of the temperate zone, with which we have principally to deal, consist of two areas of high barometer or rather of two erial currents of different direc- tion and temperature, which, so to speak, create the area of low barometer between them, by the obliquely upward flowing of the warmer current over the face of the colder. Whether the storm, 7. ¢., this system of two opposing currents of different temperature which displace each other, comes over us with falling or rising barometer depends entirely upon the kind of storm, the state of its development and the position we are in to- wards these three parts of the storm, facts about which the clouds and the direction of the wind give trustworthy information. The barometer is, therefore, unreliable. To illustrate this important matter I showed that the heaviest rains and most destructive storms had passed for two days during their earlier devel- opment in the form of high pressure through the jurisdiction of the Sig- nal Service Bureau without being recognized as storms, until arriving at the coast—as for instance, the Nova Scotia storm, 1873—they destroyed over a thousand vessels and six hundred lives in almost a single night. The fact that the barometer stood above the mean height is, therefore, an explanation of why the Huron sailed notwithstanding the Signal Service warnings, but why should she hug the coast? In the absence of the commander the most that can be offered is a plausible conjecture, but it seems probable that his action in this respect was in the belief that this was the safest course for him to take, a belief founded on the rules issued by the Navy Department for maneuvering in such cases. These ‘‘ Nautical Rules’’ instruct the navigator that in storms or cyclones the ‘‘manageable semicircle’’ is on the left side of the path of the centre, z. é., in storms traveling up the Atlantic coast the ‘‘manageable semicircle” is on the coast side of the storm, and the ‘‘ dangerous semicircle ’’ out at sea. And therefore, according to these rules issued for his instruction and guidance, Commander Ryan did perfectly right to keep to the coast so as to be in the ‘‘manageable semicircle ’’ of the cyclone. He had to select between two evils—the ‘‘dangerous semicircle’’ and the coast. Had he gone out to sea he would have come in the ‘‘dangerous semicirele’’ and dis- obeyed these published rules of his department, although as the sequel shows he would have saved himself, crew and ship. These ‘‘ Nautical Rules’”’ are founded on the dicta of the most eminent meteorological au- thorities, and strictly in accordance with the science as it now stands, but ‘ Oct. 19, 1877.) 215 (Cresson. when several years ago I asked the accomplished Chief of the Hydro- graphic Office, Bureau of Navigation, how many vessels he supposed they had saved, he responded: ‘‘ Not many, I think.’ It gives me pleasure to state that the same gentleman has lately recommended my work for use in the Navy, saying, ‘‘ that his experience bears it out.”’ The fate of the Huron is but another of the many victims to the Moloch of erroneous meteorological theory ; it is too much to hope that it will be the last one, but let us trust that such terrible events will grow less and less frequent until the time comes when there may be none fairly charge- able to a lack of a knowledge of the true nature of storms. Bituminous Material from Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S. By Dr. CHARLES M. CRESSON. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, October 19, 1877. The locality from which the sample was taken, is four and a half miles north of the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad property of W. T. Hart, said to be from a vein averaging 32 feet in thickness. Dip variable from 30° to 50° ; is covered by 2 feet of fire clay. Footwall, soft gray slate. Sample from 45 feet below water level. Results of laboratory examination as follows : WOlOR as Acer Gh. We Reis ne out steele by. chperesh Black Sikeaks GyaswBsals tose eis oore a eve adhl. sinstistatases Brown Simmehurebe nw. so tadintic ated. bas iaesra Lamellar and Friable Specific Cranitys aos, Sit).2veda-boelk aisinceanh ate dant 1.566. Moisture and Volatile Matter.................. 7.50 per cent. » Huimedl@arhonyd..0t2se0 «eats Bod « aes. fleur 65.52 kc Aslrsheas sidsstigley.s a - eRe Al Rees aes 26.98 gs There was no clinker got in the laboratory experiments, although the ash was subjected to a high degree of heat. el phir. SOseee AIR el eS OME BSE IAS 0.165 per cent. One pound of material burned in Oxygen evaporated 10.12 pounds of water from 212° Fahrenheit. After deducting the average losses, by heat absorbed by ash, products of combustion and radiation, there remains as the result of the combustion of one pound of fuel, 7.59 pounds of water evaporated, or about the same amount as is evaporated by burning one pound of the best coke from bitu- minous coals. Experimental trials made in locomotive and stationary tubular boilers, with samples supposed to represent an average of the vein, produced some- what different results from those obtained from the selected samples sent to the Laboratory for analysis. Upon the large scale, this fuel gave at first an exceeding hot and lively fire, but as soon as the bituminous matter was burned off, the fire became dull and required stirring. When the draft was insufficient to carry oft the ash, there was gradually formed a spongy, lava- Smith.] 216 | Dec. 21, like cinder, which it was necessary to remove in order to obtain sufficient draft. It therefore appears, that although samples of this fuel can be selec- ted which will give favorable results upon the small scale, the mass of the vein can hardly be used for the general purposes to which anthracite is applicable, and that it requires some especial device for the removal of the voluminous ash, to enable the successful and coutinuous use of the fuel for ordinary purposes. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LABORATORY OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No:) XII: A new method for the Decomposition of Chronic Iron. By Edgar F. Smith, Ph, D., Assistant in Analytical Chemistry, University of Pennsyloania. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, December 21, 1877.) Recently I was led to try the action of bromine and sodium hydrate upon pulverized chromic iron, and as the amount of chromium extracted in this manner was rather surprising, the following experiments were made, to ascertain what effect bromine alone in presence of water would have upon the same substance. : I. Moderately fine chromic iron (.1500 Grm.) was placed in a tube of hard glass, and after adding dilute bromine water and sealing the tube, the latter was placed in an air-bath and heated for twelve hours at a tempera- ture of about 130° C.; when cool the tube was opened and its contents poured upon a filter. The insoluble residue was thoroughly washed by decantation, and upon the filter, with hot water. The filtrate after con- centration was treated with a slight excess of ammonium hydrate, causing the precipitation of aluminum hydrate, &c. The latter was filtered off and the yellow colored filtrate, then warmed with hydrogen sulphide to re- duce the chromic acid to oxide. The precipitate formed, after protracted digestion, was allowed to settle and the clear liquid filtered. After wash- ing the precipitate it was dissolved in a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid and re-precipitated. This operation was repeated and the precipitate finally transferred to a filter washed, dried andignited. The amount of chro- mium oxide found corresponded to 15.50 per cent, of the substance taken. The amount of chromium remaining in the material not attacked by the bromine was not estimated. II. .2000 grms, substance, as finely pulverized as could be obtained by grinding the material in an agate mortar, were heated ina sealed tube with water saturated with bromine and a few drops of bromine. The tube was allowed to remain in the oven for four days, the temperature ranging from 175° - 190° C. Upon opening the tube its contents were poured into a — a oe 1877.) 217 (Smith. beaker and evaporated ; water then added and the solution filtered. The residual, unattacked mineral powder after washing, drying and igniting, weighed .0820 grms. The filtrate from thjs was treated precisely as in (I) and the chromium oxide obtained from it amounted to 28.05 per cent. Ill. In this experiment only .1500 grms. substance were employed. The material was of the same fineness as in (II). Instead of using dilute bro- mine water as heretofore, an excess of bromine was poured over the sub- stance and but a very small quantity of water added. For three days the tube was exposed to a temperature varying from 150° - 175° C. At the ex- piration of this time the tube was examined, and as the substance appeared to be perfectly decomposed, the solution was removed from the tube and evaporated in a beaker glass to expel the large excess of bromine, upon the gradually disappearance of which a dark powder showed itself. The solu- tion was strongly diluted with water and filtered. The insoluble residue was thoroughly washed with hot water. Dried and ignited, this weighed .0140 grms. The filtrate was mixed with an excess of ammonium hydrate and evapo- rated almost to dryness in a casserole. The solution was then diluted with water and filtered from the aluminum hydrate, &c., and treated as in (I). The percentage of chromium oxide extracted equaled 49.60 per cent. IV. From the preceding experiments it appeared very evident, that all that was lacking to render the decomposition complete was to have the chromic iron in an exceedingly fine condition. To this end the material that had been ground to an impalpable powder in an agate mortar was elutri- ated, then dried, and two separate portions of .1500 grms. each placed in good, hard glass tubes. To each portion was added a rather large quantity of bromine water and from 10-12 drops of bromine. Both tubes were heated for one day at 130° C. For two successive days the temperature was maintained at 170° C. At the expiration of the third day, one of the tubes was removed from the oven and opened. Red oxide of iron had separated and undecomposed material was no longer visible. The whole was _ poured into a beaker and evaporated ; water added and filtered. The resi- due was thoroughly washed, dried and ignited, then transferred toa beaker glass and heated with dilute hydrochloric acid. The entire mass dissolved readily and without a residue. The decomposition was, therefore, com- plete. The filtrate from the ferric oxide was evaporated almost to dryness after the addition of an excess of ammonium hydrate, then diluted and filtered. The solution was reduced with hydrogen sulphide and the precipitate, after filtering and washing, dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and re-precipi- tated with ammonium hydrate. This operation was repeated and the chro- mium oxide obtained was 62.66%. The second tube which was removed not long after the first, contained a large amount of separated ferric oxide. This, after filtering off the chro mium solution, also dissolved very readily in warm, dilute hydrochloric acid, leaving not the least trace of residue. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOc. xviI. 100. 2B. PRINTED JAN. 12, 1878. 5 os Smith.] 218 (Dee. 21, The filtrate from this, after being similarly treated as above, yielded 62.83 per cent. chromium oxide. These results accord with those of Garrett, who analyzed the same ore from Texas, Pa., and obtained about 63. per cent. of chromium oxide. The ferric oxide that separates out in the tube during the decomposition will not contain any chromium whatever, if it is thoroughly washed with boiling water. In no instance was iron found in the solution containing the chromic acid. Several tubes containing the pulverized substance, potassium hydrate and bromine water, were heated at 125° C., but invariably exploded before the decomposition was completed, and therefore no further attempts were made to use the alkali to aid in the decomposition. All that is necessary to effect the complete decomposition of chromiciron by this method is that the substance be exceedingly fine, and that the same be exposed with bromine water to a temperature of 180° C., from two to three days. The addition of 10-12 drops of bromine hastens the decomposition very decidedly. In connection with the above, it may be well to mention that the in- soluble chromium oxide obtained by the ignition of the corresponding hy- drate, may be brought into solution again by digesting it together with bromine and sodium hydrate in a beaker. Precipitation of Copper with Sodium Carbonate. The precipitation of copper from its solutions by sodium hydrate, gives a precipitate that is worked with difficulty. Sodium carbonate, on the other hand, added to similar solutions, and these boiled, affords a dark brown, granular precipitate, that may be readily and completely washed with hot water. ; Mr. Harry G. McCarter, student in the Laboratory of the University, made the following analyses, which show that the method yields as accu- rate results as could be desired. I. .2000 grms. CuSO, ++ 5H,O —dissolved in water and precipitated with sodium carbonate, gave .0630 grm., CuO = 25.15 per cent Cu. : II. .2000 grms. CuSO, + 5H,0—treated as above, gave .0634 grm. CuO = 25.30 per cent Cu. The theoretical percentage of copper in the salt is 25.25 per cent. After the addition of sodium carbonate in slight excess to the copper salt solution, the latter was boiled for an hour, until all the carbon dioxide was expelled. The filtrates from the precipitates in every instance were evaporated, but not the slightest trace of copper discovered. An excess of acid in the solution from which it is desired to precipitate copper by an alkaline carbonate, should be avoided. The presence of rather large quantities of alkaline nitrates or sulphates’ will cause the solution of the precipitates first produced by the carbonates. Continued boiling will not remedy the matter. From such solutions, how- ever, the alkaline hydrates will not fail to precipitate the copper. ila 1877.] 219 [Cope. Descriptions of New Vertebratu from the Upper Tertiary Formutions of th® West. By E. D. Cope. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, December 21, 1877.) PITHECISTES BREVIFACIES gen. et spec. nov. Char. gen. These are chiefly known from a mandible which supports the dentition of one side and part of the other. The dental formula is I. 1 ; C.1;Pm.3;M.3. The single incisor of each side is weak and easily lost, and there is on one side only, a small alveolus for a minute second incisor. It is therefore probable that in some individuals the incisive formula is 2. The canine is not large, and closes in front of the superior canine in the usual manner. The first and second premolars are one-rooted, and their crowns are wider than long. That of the third premolar is robust, but longer. The molars increase rapidly in size, and are not prismatic, but are well rooted. They are worn in the specimen, but their structure is probably shallow selenodont. The last molar has a long heel or fifth lobe. Char. specif. The mandibular ramus is very deep posteriorly, and the incisive border is not prominent. The canine tooth is quite small, its trans- verse diameter being less than that of the first premolar, and equaling it antero-posteriorly. The exterior incisor is weak, and the crown expanded transversely, and obtuse. The crown of the first premolar is worn deeply by the superior canine. The transverse diameter at the base of the crown exceeds the antero-posterior. The crown of the second is wider than long, and of the third longer than wide. The molars increase rapidly in size posteriorly, so that the length of the third equals that of the three premolars plus the canine. The heel is long, and is connected with the remainder of the crown by a narrow plate, or in section, an isthmus. There are no cingula, but an accumulation at the bases of some of the teeth resembles the deposit of ‘‘tartar.’’ The symplysis is very robust, and its upper sur- face is marked on each side by a low longitudinal swelling. The opposite premolar series are slightly convergent. - The form of the mandible of this animal, as well as the number and pro- portions of the teeth, curiously resemble that of the corresponding part of a monkey. The species was about the size of a red fox. Measurements. M. Length of ramus from heel of molar III..... So eae es - 057 “¢ PHOUEE AEMIUH Er Se x vatuak on aetha ath tae entcraee .048 ee promolareertes 222.5. 7228 S92 Bas OTL P98 .015 cs second: true: molars OY Atos 30 AED JPL 010 Width oe SONI BRL BOLO? Ail 2s Ojo ae O0T Lensth of last molarier& 29, DOIONS, SJKP OO Aes, 2G wU SZ 018 Width of 2 attrontes He Bah Fat EEO COT Length of symphysis in front..............0. cece eee eee 920 Depth of ramus at first premolar...... SCO Sepia ne .017 as sf second true molar......... Datta oon ee . Cope. | 220 [Dee. 21, »& BRACHYMERYX FELICEPS gen. et sp. nov. Char. gen. These are derived from the superior dental series. These are [.°; C.!; Pm.°; M.*. The true molars have the bases of the crowns little swollen, and the last two of the superior series are but shortly rooted ; the anterior ones have longer roots. The true molars are simply seleno- dont, with the anterior extremities of the external crescents forming promi- nent ribs. The last superior premolar consists of two columns posteriorly and a single trenchant one anteriorly, and the second (first of the series, ) is simple and trenchant. The worn posterior face of the canine shows that the first inferior premolar is the functional canine as in Oreodon. There is a very slight diastema in front of or behind the canine, the series being continuous, as in Oveodon. This genus differs from Pithecistes in its canine like first inferior premo- lar, and in the trenchant character of the anterior premolars. With Cyclo- pidius it enters the family group of the Oreodontide, but approaches the suilline types still more nearly in its probably codssified symphysis man- dibuli. ‘ Char. specif. This ungulate was a little smaller than the species last described, and is represented in my collections by two nearly complete crania without mandibles. The head is depressed and the zygomata widely expanded ; the palate is wide, and the muzzle short. The infraorbital fora- men is double and issues above the adjacent parts of the second and third (last) premolars. Inmediately in front of it the side of the face is concave. The projecting anterior angles of the external crescents of the molars ale very prominent, forming strong vertical ribs. The external border of the last premolar is only interrupted by a little convexity. The anterior narrow portion of the second premolar is incurved. This tooth is two- rooted ; the first is one-rooted. The canine is small and strongly recurved. It is cylindric at the base, but beyond this is narrowed antero-posteriorly partially from the friction of the first inferior premolar. The anterior face is regularly convex. The gfirst premolar has a very slight internal basal cingulum ; its cutting edge is directed obliquely to the long axis of the cranium. There are no cingula on the other teeth. The enamel of the true molars is smooth on the external side of the crown. There is no enamel] on the inner walls of the central lakes. Measurements. M. Length of dental series to anterior border of canine..... 050 o) PLEMIYOLAISCNICN «crs eteyeieteae sYeorss eye svete ce ate ei eterate O17 “last true molar ...... Steet SOCORRO S,. .012 Widthof “ COD eae ea ie tt nnd a9 soe 006 SNe TOOT NYS Ure NOVA v0 srecsielealars a's a) o,e 0 o/e's = ale eTareenn 007 Width of ef RY SES SIA EIR eee 5c .006 Den eiOn Mate DGMOlAl is cc 5's ak pends Caen bo 0 150 ae -006 Width of ae iin. ik ven Was wes inh “6 Slee’ We Ra 006 Len Bti.OF GAnIne TOON, cain «sam 5d 2 5s hae’ as ae ee 009 ib ea 1877.] 221 {Cope. Measurements. M. Diameter of, canine tooth (transverse).............-.-- -004 Width of cranium between first premolars.............. .016 fc “g pe Tastomotars yi. teil iss once af .030 The cranium of this species is about the size of that of a large domestic cat. CYCLOPIDIUS SIMUS. Gen. et. sp. NOV. Char. gen. Dental formula I. 2; C.+; Pm. +; M. 3. The superior canine is small and is separated from the first premolar by a very short diastema. First premolar simple, trenchant ; second premolar two rooted, with one principal cutting edge; third with an external crescent and a rudimental internal one, not united in front. Fourth premolar with the inner and outer crescents only, and these well developed. Last true molar without heel. Inferior canine with much wider crown than the incisors with which it is in close association. First premolar canine-like, but not very large ; second premolar simple. Third and fourth premolar with the anterior portions trenchant, the posterior with wide or double columns. Last true molar with large fifth crescent or column. True molars of both jaws prismatic. Symphysis mandibuli codéssified. Frontal bones much abbreviated in front by a large upwards-looking fossa on each side, which are separated by the very narrow and short nasal bones. There are lachrymal fosse and a huge foramen in front of them, which communicate with the maxillary sinus. There is a prominent trans- verse supraoccipital crest, and the otic bulle are greatly inflated. This genus is related to Leptauchenia, Leidy, but differs in having but two lower incisors below. That genus belongs to a lower horizon, the mi- ocene of White River, while the present form is its successor in the upper Miocene or Loup Fork beds. The remarkable character of the vacuities in the superior region of the front part of the cranium, reminds one of the existing genus Sega. Dr. Leidy partially described a similar structure in Leptauchenia. In this genus what are clearly nasal bones in Cyeclopidius, he terms frontals, probably by error. Char. Specif. This animal is rather larger than either of those above described, and is represented in my collection by one nearly complete cra- nium, one entire left maxillary bone, and the under jaws of five, and prob- ably of several other individuals. The skull is wide and abbreviated in front. The maxillary bones are everted on each side of the external nares. The malar bone is very wide or deep, and sends upwards a strong postorbital process, which is broken off in part, but which probably completed the orbit. The superior facial fossee reach backwards nearly as far as the middle of the orbit. They are longitudinal narrow ovals, open in front. The projecting supraorbital por- tions of the frontal bone with the nasals have a tripodal form. The lach- rymal fossa looks outwards, upwards and forwards, and the large maxillary foramen outwards. The infraorbital foramen is double, and issues above the contiguous portions of the third and fourth premolars. | Aww tse eet RP ee eS ae eS ae eS a ee eee Se = we orton Wate © Cope. ] : 222 [Dee. 21, The external crescents of the true molars present prominent anterior an- gles, which form strong vertical ribs. The first superior premolar has a weak, and the second premolar a very strong internal basal cingulum ; there are no other cingula. The diastema is as wide as the diameter of the canine. The first inferior premolar is one-rooted, and the second two-rooted, and both are longer than wide in horizontal diameter. The middle pairs of in- cisors are very small; the external one on each side is much larger, the diameter equaling half that of the canines. The first and second true mo- lars are subequal, and are together longer than the third, which does not quite equal in length the three premolars. The heel of the last molar is not so long anteroposteriorly as each of the other columns. The symphysis is steep, but is everted at the incisive region. Measurements. M. enfth- of ramus trom bee) Of i 0 EW 7.5 wine = = = - ~— ans: ane ed Cope. | 228 [Dec. 21, @ PSEUDEMYS BISORNATUS sp. Nov. This fresh water tortoise is represented by portions of three individuals. These exhibit a rather flattened convex carapace, with marginal bones united (behind the bridge at least), without gomphosis, by fine suture. There are no median or lateral keels. The vertebral bones are nearly as wide as long, and thick ; the costals are thickest proximally and thinnest medially. The marginals are quite stout. The dermal scutal sutures are deeply impressed, especially those defining the marginal scuta. The sculpture of the superior surface of the carapace is strongly marked and peculiar. The vertebral scutal arez are smooth, or display only a few obscure ridges directed backwards and inwards, on the proximal portions of the costal bones; the vertebral bones being smooth. The costal scuta present two forms of sculpture ; posterior to the intercostal bony suture each is reticulated with inosculating sharp ridges whose general direction is longitudinal proximally and transverse distally. The sculpture is Trionyx- like, and rather coarse. The surface anterior to the osseous suture, is orna- mented with raised, parallel ridges, which are separated more widely than those of the posterior half of the scutum, and which do not inosculate. They continue uninterruptedly to the succeeding osseous suture, to be followed again by the reticulate pattern. Thus each costal bone is divided into three areas; a proximal smooth one, and an anterior reticulate, and posterior ridges arew, separated by a deep sutural groove. A postero-lateral marginal bone unites subequally with two costals. Its superior surface rises in abrupt convexity beyond the costo-marginal der- mal suture, and from the transverse intermarginal dermal suture. It is then concave to the recurved margin. Its sculpture consists of transverse ridges, separated by grooves of equal width. Measurements. M. Length of a vertebral bone. .. - ose ae case ses 035 Anterior width of same............ aretevolarei teks leuanereapaetetate .032 Thickness) OL Same ANCELIONLY semis ccicieiesleine neue isieie ets 009 i ; ANUCTO-POSUETION: oreo oc asm wea 035 Extent of median costal { UREDSVICLSE) si csn virelale ath tool siete Ba i hg Median thickhess Of 000. <\2.".04 i Saat es sacs yeh nee eee 006 Distal a des nrctt: ES CRS EEE SST TS 007 Length of a posterior marginal..............ee-seeeees -030 Width rs $e Se SES Se ee nee 042 Thickness oy see tact Arty QE ERIITR ACID er oF 017 This tortoise is at first sight apparently singular in its marks of ornamen- tation. On comparison with existing species, however, it is seen to present an exaggerated condition of the sculpture characteristic of some of the exist- ing Pseudemydes of our Southern rivers; e. g. the P. elegans. It is more robust in all its proportions than any of these. The fossil remains were discovered by my friend, G. W. Marnock, in the pliocene of South-western Texas. » € 1877.] 229 (Cope. j CISTUDO MARNOCHII. Represented by the posterior lobe of the plastron of an individual of twice the bulk of the existing North American Cistudos. It is broadly rounded posteriorly, and there is an emargination at the femoro-anal der- mal suture. The anterior suture is straight, as is also the lateral, which measures more than a third the length of the entire lobe. On the upper side of the angle included by these sutures is the fossa for fixed attachment with the carapace. The beveled face of the fore edge of the lobe is quite wide. The dermal sutures are well marked. The anal scuta are large, their median length being half that of the lobe. The common femoral suture is only half as long as the ventral. The inferior surface is nearly flat in every direction; and the surface is smooth. The posterior border of the specimen is broken away. This species was obtained from the same formation as the last, by Gabriel W. Marnock, to whom I dedicate it. ANCHYBOPSIS BREVIARCUS Sp. Nov. The genus to which the above name was given, was established by the writer in 1870, for a species Cyprinoid fish, from the pliocene formation of Idaho. Its affinities were then stated to be to Alburnops (Hybopsis), and related existing genera. The present paper describes two additional spe- cies of the genus, both of whichare represented by pharyngeal bones and teeth of both sides. The teeth are shown to be 5-5, in contradistinction to the genera Hemitremia and Allmrnops, where they are 5-4 and 4-4 respec- tively In this fish the common base of the pharyngeal teeth rises upwards, so as to project well in front of the general plane of the bone. The superior teeth are more compressed than the inferior, and the first and second count- ing from below, have convex grinding faces. The pharyngeal bone has a short inferior and a long superior limb. The alate portion is regularly and strongly convex, without abrupt expansion. The nutritive foramina of the anterior face are two large inferior and several small superior ones. Measurements. M. Vertical extent of bone in a straight line............... .020 BVadiheat-second? FOOth: i: x fo sids oe oo.s eek Sac eedeleris.c .008 a) at fret SEs Bretals atFid ate agelale NA SGee Nero waa 004 Here hor tOOuM in@ sc iacn sical See eine Stes be we etait O11 s¢ Cie tI COOU ears cieles save se aie ree Eielelotatereace-erclerwvee .005 Ae Ombasalclimb towirst tooth ss. secre cic ches «fe seekers .009 This species is of smaller dimensions than the A. /Jatus. ANCHYBOPSIS ALTARCUS sp. nov. The pharyngeal bones of this cyprinoid are larger and of more slender proportions than those of the A. breviarcus. Specimens from both sides are preserved. The inferior and superior limbs are both elongate, the former slender, the latter flat. The alais abruptly expanded at right angles to the long axis; the external border is thence nearly straight to, and the angle of iy Cope.] 230 {Dee. 21, the superior border situated interiorly to, the line continuing the inner bor- der upwards. The tooth line is elevated at the upper extremity. The basal teeth are more robust than the others, and do not present grinding faces. “The nutritive foramina are more numerous and smaller than in the A. breviarcus. Measurements. M. Vertical extent of right pharyngeal............-..s,e05 .023 Width at SECON TOOthe a aec. costo eiere stones seinen ote-ole(t oieterets .009 vi at first CEN? ERIE RGAE tata Starnes gina eis Bie A 004 When e ThvotetOothwlime te .jrydeetstetelaretote saredeotes vsiahew bere .012 ° Of third! 4LOOt stays oe tele eo i stat atelesetersieiotetetete 006 “s Of Haga SMO WOMANS HOO E lereterecte este lsteraletslatatetats .011 Found with the last species by Chas. H. Sternberg, in the Pliocene de- posit of Oregon. ALBURNOPS ANGUSTARCUS Sp. Nov. Represented by the pharyngeal bones of both sides, of a species of about the size of the one last described. The characteristic marks of these are seen in the long extremities, both inferior and superior, and in the very slight convexity of the ala, which is less prominent than in any of the Cy- prinid@ here described. The superior end of the tooth basis is elevated and prominent. In one of the jaws all the teeth display a masticating sur- face. Inthe other the second tooth, the enly one preserved, is partially worn. The length of the proximal limb distinguishes this pharyngeal bone from that of the Anchybopsis breviareus, if the generic characters be disregarded. From ail the other species the slight prominence of the ala separates it. Measurements. M. Vertical extent of right pharyngeal..............20.ee- .023 : Length of proximal limp, yess eae ese chen sce wie sls .010 QRS) Bi OGTR IAE Co OUR Aes, ORR ee eee .010 ae ONGC EH lallivanl] Obyeatice rh Gicmles neuen car curse inlS OIL acl Ai .012 Widthratriinst stOO tM tase es suieisiee cttinets ciereisie atts Beaten eratele 005 us of second tooth.......... Rae aE eee wists 007 Length of third tooth.co e029. 9s SFP a see ere ere ee eens .005 Found by Mr. Sternberg, with the last species. ALBURNOPS GIBBARCUS sp. Noy. One left and two right pharyngeal bones furnish the characters of this species. Their form is angulate, as in the Anchybopsis altarcus, but shorter in the vertical direction. The proximal limb is rather short, and the dis- tal one not as long as in the species last described. The ala widens ab- ruptly at the inferior margin, and the thin superior edge of the superior limb is obtusely angulate. The nutritive foramina are rather numerous. The first and second teeth display little or no grinding surface. : b ‘ Ps —— o 1877. | 231 [Cope. / Measurements. M. Vertical extent of right pharyngeal...............2206. -020 Lenpthiof proximal limb. 622. .eeuies elt va teh oe -009 ‘i Of teGbhMin en As aie IN se; SISO .009 pon) MOLIdIstal limb. \s2a%0.> cietesele Biatehatalstepistctelela)staretoeels .009 AM HEE LOOTING sts 3c’ tachaind le A ARS wos 6 ole ea iaee brs ers . .004 ca AUSCCONGLtOOUN: 04.0.3 «cs wale a's wire m ROSS Anyone .. .008 MGM SWOT OWLOOUNE, «ci = \0: Cope.] 236 (Dee. 21, the glenoid and the coracoid, are well distinguished, and their surfaces are like the corresponding faces of other bones, pitted coarsely. The coracoid bone is of proportionately small size. It is of an irregu- larly quadrate form, with the proximal extremity the shortest. The ar- ticular face is large, and is presented obliquely away from the long axis of the plate. There are no emarginations nor intermediate processes, and the perforating foramen is well removed from the border. Pelvic bones of two forms are present. Neither of them resembles pel- vic bones of Dinoswuria, and are least of all similar to the forms of ilium which are known in that order. One of them is a robust L-shaped bone, one limb of which is expanded into a wide fan-shaped plate ; and the other is stouter and of sub-equal width, terminating in a stout sub-triangular ar- ticular extremity. The face of this limb of the bone which looks away from the fan-shaped plate is concave throughout its entire length, forming a large part of the acetabulum. Both edges of this cavity are free and rounded. The absence of articular faces above the acetabulum renders the identification of the bone with either pubis or ischium difficult. The second pelvic bone is larger than the first, and unlike it, is in one plane. Its form is that of a low triangle with a long base, at each extremity of which the angles are truncated. The ‘‘basal’’ border is gently concave in the long direction and thick and convex in the cross-section, The two ‘*sides’’ of the triangle are rather thin margins, but one of them is thicker than the other. One extremity of the bone is more robust than the other, and is divided into two planes. The one is transverse and sub-triangular, and applies to the extremity of the stout or acetabulum limb of the other pelvic bone. The other is smaller, is oblique and concave, and when the two bones are placed in relation, forms a continuation of the acetabular surface already described. Within this and the proximal portion is a large foramen which resembles the pectineal perforation of the pubis. The femur is long and without prominent third trochanter, this process being represented by a low ridge. The condyles have an extensive poste- rior sweep, and are separated by a shallow trochlear groove in front. A tibia which was found with the other bones, is much shorter than the for- mer, and has a much expanded head. It is very robust, especially at the distal extremity. The astragalus was evidently distinct from it. A meta- podial bone is very robust. Its extremities are much expanded, and the shaft contracted, and it is furnished with a prominent median keel on one half of its posterior aspect. Several genera have been described, which possess some of the features presented by those to which the present animal belongs. The following are characterized by the presence of the lateral sinuses of the vertebral centra: Megadactylus Hitch., Cetiosaurus Owen, Ornithopsis Seeley, Bothrospondylus Ow., and Pneumatarthrus Cope. The first of these may be dismissed with the remark that its caudal vertebrae possess the sinuses as well as the dorsals, which we have seen is not the case with the Colo- rado animal, The centra of Cetéosvwrus according to Owen, and those of — a ee 1877.] 237 [Cope. Pneumatarthrus, do not exhibit the cavernous structure above described, but are uniformly spongy interiorly. Ovnithopsis of Seeley, which Owen refers to his subsequently described Bothrospondylus, possesses a cavernous cellu- lar structure, which I have not found in the reptile from Canyon City, Colorado, but which occurs in the huge saurian discovered by Prof. Lakes, near Golden, Colorado, in the same stratigraphical horizon. Another name (Chondrosteosaurus) has been introduced by Prof. Owen, but he gives no characters, nor points out how it differs from Ornithopsis, which it resembles in its cellular structure. A short time prior to my publication of the description of the genus Camarasaurus, Prof. O. C. Marsh of New Haven issued a description of a portion of a sacrum of a saurian found in the Dakota beds near Morrison, Colorado, a point one hundred miles north of Canyon City. Tothe animal to which the sacrum belonged, Professor Marsh gave the name of 7ituno- saurus montanus. As the name of the genus was not accompanied by any generic diagnosis or specific reference to its characters, it has no claim to adoption according to the rules of nomenclature, nor is the genus distinguished from some of those above enumerated. Especially is there nothing to indicate that it differs from Ornithopsis or Bothrospondylus. The name given has also been already employed by Dr. Lydekker of the Geological Survey of India. CAMARASAURUS SUPREMUS Cope. Paleontological Bulletin, No. 25, p. 7; Aug. 1877. The bones of this species so far discovered by Mr. Lucas are:—a cervical and twenty dorsal and lumbar vertebre, with twenty caudals. Both scapule and coracoids were recovered, with one-half of the sacrum, and two pairs of pelvic bones. Of the hind limb I have the femur, with a tibia less certainly belonging to the same animal, although found among the other bones. There is one metapodial. There are many other bones which I have not yet reconstructed or determined. The dimensions of this animal may be inferred from the fact that the cervical vertebra is twenty inches in length and twelve in transverse diame- ter; and that one of the dorsals measures three and a half feet in the spread of its diapophyses, two anda half feet in elevation and the centrum thirteen inches in transverse diameter. Another dorsal is two feet ten inches in ele- vation. The scapula is five and a half feet in length and the femur six feet. The centra of these vertebre bear a ball and socket articulation of the opisthocoelian type, the cups and balls being well pronounced ; just be- neath the diapophysis is situated a huge foramen. A broken centrum from which Mr. Lucas removed the matrix, shows that this foramen com- municates with a huge internal sinus, which occupies almost the entire half of the body of the vertebra. Those of opposite sides are separated by a septum which is thin medially. Thus the centra of the dorsals are hollow. The neural arches are remarkable for their great elevation, and the great expanse of the zygapohpyses. They are more remarkable for the Sa ll se aed ——Seele 2 a ee Poet ances Cope.] 238 (Dee. 21, form of the neural spines, which are transverse to the long axis of the cen- trum. That of one of the vertebre is strongly emarginate so as to be bi- furcate. The widely extended diaphophyses support the rib articulations, and there are no capitular articular facets on the centra. The cervical vertebra is depressed, the anterior or convex extremity of the centrum the most so. It is remarkable for its elongate form, exceeding the proportions found in known Dinosauria and Crocodilia, and resembling that seen in some fluviatile tortoises. Near the anterior extremity a short, robust parapophysis has its origin, from which it extends outwards and downwards, and soon terminates in a truncate extremity which presents downwards. «sje = «1-11 feleiei= .095 ! : UPANGVIEESC.1s:- sre oyeles sieletere svete bieieiesers O75 erate cara, { UNUETOPOSLCLIOL ss erels eletelelelel-lalelieieie 120 Diameter distally ' transverse.. st eeeeeccesace weiitecteisaie P10 AMUETO-POSECLLOL Ts eteiaismie late) olsletatele oy oraistsale 105 Length. .2.%%% te hehe ctaieiateteve chs bhsioke wd fela ws, svaLeretetonenvenlele is .270 That this species was capable of and accustomed to progression on land is certain from the characters of the bones of the limbs and their supports above described. The extraordinary provision for lightening the weight of a portion of the skeleton has more than one significance. It must be borne in mind that the caudal vertebre retain the solid character seen in those genera which stood habitually on their hind limbs. That the pres- ent species was herbivorous is suggested simply by its huge dimensions, and the natural difficulty of supplying it with animal food. AMPHICCELIAS Cope. Paleontological Bulletin No. 27, p. 2 (Published December 10, 1877). The genus to which: the above name is now given, is allied to Camara- saurus, of which, and the gigantic species C. swpremus, I have given an account in my Paleontological Bulletin, No. 25. Both genera differ from their nearest ally Ornithopsis Seeley, in the excavation of the vertebral centra, so as to include large chambers separated by a septum, which com- municate with the external medium by a lateral foramen. In the Ornithop- sis it is stated that the vertebral centra are occupied by a number of coarse cells. In the more remotely allied Cetiosaurus, Owen has observed that the tissue of the centra is coarsely spongy. The vertebra from all parts of the column of Camarasaurus are known, and those of the dorsal and lumbar regions present the extraordinary char- acter, of which a trace is seen in Cetiosaurus, of neural spines expanded transversely to the axis of the column. Numerous vetebree of Amphica- lias are known, and in the dorsals in which the neural spine is preserved, 7 - 1877.] 243 [Cope. the latter displays the usual form, that is, it is compressed in the direction of the axis of the column. The centra differ from those of Camarasaurus in the form of their articular extremities, resembling more nearly in this respect the genus Tichostews Cope (Paleontological Bulletin, No. 26, p. 194), They are unequally amphicelous, the posterior extremity being more concave, and with prominent margins; while the opposite ope is less expanded and is but slightly concave. The neural arch is codssified to the centrum, and there is no capitular costal articulation on the latter. The manner of the mutual articulation of the neural arches in this genus is peculiar, and is only paralleled in the genus Camarasaurus, so far as I can ascertain. The anterior zygapophyses are separated by a deep fissure, while the posterior zygapophyses are united on the middle line. From the latter from the point of junction, there descends a vertical plate which rapidly expands laterally, forming a wedge whose base looks downward. The supero-lateral faces are flat, and articulate with corresponding facets on the inferior side of the anterior zygapophyses, which look downward and inward, on each side of the fissure above described. When in relation, the anterior zygapophyses occupy a position between the posterior zy gapophy- ses above, and the hyposphen, as I have termed the inferior reversed wedge, below. This arrangement accomplishes the purpose effected by the zygosphenal articulation, that is the strengthening of the articulation be- tween the neural arches, but in a different way. The additional articula- tion is placed at the opposite extremity of the vertebra, and it is the anterior zy gapophysis instead of the posterior one which is embraced. This struc- ture entitles the genera which possess it to family rank, and as the two genera mentioned above belong to different families in consequence of the different types of vertebral centra, the one opisthoccelous, the other amphi- celous, they may be called Camarasauride and Amphiceliide respec- tively. The pubis is a stout bone with one slightly concave, thicker border, and an opposite strongly convex; thinner margin. One extremity is truncate ; the other presents one transversely truncate and one oblique face. The femur is elongate, and presents a strong postero-external ridge or third tro- chanter near the middle of the shaft. The head is not separated by a well marked neck, and the great trochanter does not project beyond it. Thus while there is a striking resemblance to Cumarasaurus in what may be regarded as adaptive characters, in some important essentials the two genera are very different. AMPHICCELIAS ALTUS Cope. Paleontological Bulletin, No. 27, p. 3. The centrum of the dorsal vertebra of this reptile is contracted both lat- erally and inferiorly, so that the margins of the articular extremities flare outwards. The sides are flat, and the inferior surface but little convex in the transverse direction. ‘The pneumatic foramen issituated at the bottom of a latge lateral fossa which extends nearly the entire length of the superior Cope. | 244 [Dec. 21, portion of the centrum. Its inferior border is sunken abruptly, while the superior gradually shallows on the external surface of the base of the neu- ralarch. The foramen is longer than high, in contradistinction to that of the Camarasaurus supremus, where it is round or higher than long. The neural arch is very much elevated to the zygapophyses. It is strengthened by a prominent rib, which extends from the posterior base upwards and forwards to the base of the anterior zygapophysis. The sur- face above and behind this is occupied by an extensive excavation whose superior border is the line connecting the zygapophyses. The anterior zy gapophyses are separated medially by a deep notch which extends to the base of the neural spine. The articular surfaces incline towards each other. Just behind the anterior zygapophysis, a process extends outwards and forwards whose extremity is lost in my specimen. Its posterior face is excavated by the lateral fossa above described. This process is probably the diapophysis which supports the rib. The diapophysis springs from the line connecting the zygapophyses, and extends upwards and outwards. Its inferior surface is deeply excavated. Its anterior border sends a lamina upwards, which probably reached the side of the neural spine, but is broken off in my specimen. The neural spine is thin, but its anterior and posterior borders are thick- ened and double, the lateral rib-like edges being separated by grooves which expand at the base. The posterior groove continues to a more ele- vated point than the posterior. Each side of the spine is divided into two shallow wide grooves by a median keel. The apex of the spine is much thickened transversely, its obtuse extremity having the fore and aft and transverse diameters equal. The pubic bone resembles that of the Camarasaurus supremus, but is less robust in all its parts. It is also less extended in antero-posterior width near the proximal extremity. The femur is remarkable for its slender form. It is a few inches longer than that of the Camarasaurus supremus, but is not so robust. The shaft is nearly round and somewhat contracted at the middle, where it is slightly convex backwards. It is slightly curved inwards at the great trochanter. Here the shaft is moderately grooved on the posterior face. This trochan- ter is only a prominent ledge below the head. The third trochanter is sit- uated a little above the middle of the shaft; it is a prominent obtuse ridge directed backwards. The condyles are extended well posteriorly, and are separated by a deep popliteal groove, which originates on the inferior por- tion of the shaft. They are also separated anteriorly by a shallow open groove. The external condyle is rather more robust than the internal. The length of the femur is six feet four inches; the elevation of the dorsal vertebra three feet three inches. Measurements. M. (' foreandaft,.ais = [Ox, Aq. limestone. ] molecule of H,O ) Peete ; d. By oxidation in air (twice) _ (CaSO,), + H,Fe,0, + (CO,), the previous) J [Ox, Aq. limestone. } It now appears however, that the intermediate stage of iron bicarbonate is not necessary, but that the oxide may be directly produced after the hy- *The same experiment was tried, aiter the beakers had been connected by a column of water for over a week, with he same result. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. XVII. 100. 2F. PRINTED FEB. 2, 1878. Frazer.] 258 (Jan. 4, droxidation of the pyrite by reaction with limestone in presence of air thus : (H,O), + O + (FeSO,), + (CaCO;), = (CaSO,), + HgFe,0, + (CO,)». In the region which I have studied, it seems to be as difficult to define any horizon or horizons of hydromica slate as to define an horizon of moisture, or of hard and soft rock. Hydromica slate in the counties before named occurs at any horizon, and in all possible relative positions to the limestone. So far as I have been able to judge the relations of these strata to the limonite, they are twofold: 1st, as a carrier of the pyrites, and perhaps other iron bearing minerals, which by their separation from the other con- stituents have been washed down and collected in the impervious strata actually beneath them. 2d, as the material out of which the impervious clays themselves have been produced. As to the age of these hydromicas, they appear to be represented in the rocks of several ages. There are some which seem to be intercalated with, and therefore of the same age as the limestone itself. Some are found geologically beneath the limestone and intercalated among the chlorites, quartzites, and orthofelsites of the South Mountain group. Crystallography in Sculpture. By PERSIFOR FRAZER, JR. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, January 4, 1878.) Mr. Spring an artist and a modeler in clay has conceived the ingenious idea of making the human head out of a number of plane surfaces of dif- ferent area, and he designs these models, iess to aid in teaching anatomy than to aid in teaching sculpture. There are some fifty planes more or less represented on the small models such as this here shown, and of course it is of value to be able to designate each of them by some succinct and comprehensive notation. It was suggested to Mr. Spring to apply to crystallography for this purpose. The head here represented is of a high Caucasian type, unless I am de- ceived, and the symmetry of the features is as striking as their representa- tion by planes is novel. Of course since a plane represents a certain portion of such variable parts as the flesh, lips, ear, &c., no crystallographic formula would repre- sent the same feature on each of two twins, nor would it represent the same individual in different frames of mind, and states of physical con- dition, viz.: angry ; sentimental ; after dinner ; after sleep, &c.; neverthe- less, a sort of rough approximation to his mean condition will enable if ‘ 1878.] 259 {[Frazer. not every man to get his own crystallographic formula, at least that of his race to be expressed. It must be borne in mind too that the planes here shown are not abso- lutely correct, but simply an arbitrary series laid on by that most difficult of all persons to calculate exactitudes from — a skillful artist. In spite of this (and to give the names rather of the things each indi- vidual most nearly resembles than what it actually is, and thus aid the student in deriving and placing them), the following attempt was made : Even with the most symmetrical human face a slight consideration will convince one that the Triclinic System or the System of Pinacoids is the only one which will serve to represent all the planes; nevertheless the zone of macrodemes require a monoclinic habit : and even this fails in many cases owing to a lack of parallel pairs: so that one is obliged to introduce the somewhat crystallographically confusing notion of a single plane. Yet the general parameter relations of such a plane and the position which it occupies above, below; in front, in rear ; right, or left ; being indi- cated by P-, P., -P, .P for the front (when necessary, adding for the rear P’, P,, ’P, ,P) its actual position on the model may be sufficiently well known. Not that this is not found in nature for some calamine and tourmalines have the peculiarity of being asymmetrical or hemimorphic; and instances of a lower termination of one basal plane and an upper one of a pyramid are not rare. Assuming the upper trapezoid on the model to be the basal plane or 0P of some triclinic prototype, the following represent some of the principal forms represented : PYYNINEY = COP aise e stene a (seis steraes upper forehead. ) FRE O eerete se ates a tere aie middle frontal. si hall Si? 2 a eae gi Ae bridge of nose. Zone EP eiae seas .....middle of upper lip. } of SOP PGW oe onea soe s caamentas upper chin. | Macrodomes. Gtlpie Gora ste isin as estas’ a) aiciamrae middle chin. WAP Cue cfae site s/s = 2 ance roe ees under chin. | 0 P Top of head and plane of nostrils.... Basal Pinacoid. o Po Front and back of neck............ Macropinacoid. co P o Side planes of neck................Brachypinacoid. TN BO Ea Rene eae eee upper skull (4 planes). INFIE Sbe sea Gus ooeeegordor upper skull (4 planes). q’P: ..side frontals and lower occiput (4 planes). r’P: ..side occiput and middle cheeks (4 planes). t'P: ..side skull front and above ears (2 planes). Ue Wika Aen aeieeet ert cheeks beside nose (2 planes). Pyramids. * Represented also in two occipital planes, 3 in all. + Represented also in one occipital plane, 2 in all. Lesley.] 260 [Dec. 21, ( Maur Of MECK Planes sagan lc etelelelelsialelete eta teverare ita @*P’ ~ also cheek by back jaw and posterior skull by } Prism. CAT cise orree bs Seema tieceaieee Se od Bie Hic eee Of course it is understood that m, n, t, r, &c., are simply coefficients by means of which to derive all the forms to which they refer in parameter values from some typical P whose parameter values must be assumed as normal, The whole object is merely to enable the sculptor to give each plane a name and not entirely an arbitrary one. On w Series of Chemical Analysis of Siluro-Cambrian Limestone Beds in Cumberland County, Pennsyloania. Beebe LonSIsHy. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, December 21, 1877.) The mixture of magnesia with lime in dolomite rocks has always stimu- lated and baffled geological speculation, and given birth to opposite hy- potheses ; some of them, such as that of the issue of magnesium vapors from the interior of the earth, absurd enough ; others, such as that re- cently propounded by Mr. W. L. Green, British Minister at Honolulu, who derives the magnesia from olivine in lava, very suggestive of truth. I have long felt that no sound basis for speculation had been secured so long as the collection of facts consists merely of analyses of sporadic speci- mens of limestone and dolomite rocks. I therefore directed Mr. R. H. Sanders, of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, to make a careful section of the Siluro-Cambrian strata exposed for a quarter of a mile along the west bank of the Susquehanna River, opposite Harrisburg, both by the deep cuttings of the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and by quarries. This was done in connection with his field work in Cumberland County. Mr. Joseph Hartshorne was also directed to take duplicate samples from every stratum, thick or thin, in this section ; one at railway grade, and the other at the top of the exposure (sometimes 30’ high) ; to analyse them in the laboratory of the Survey at Harrisburg. This he has done, and is still doing, devoting his entire time and attention to the selection of the samples in situ, and their determination in the laboratory. In all cases of doubt the analyses have been duplicated and sometimes triplicated ; and a report of all analyses as fast as made is forwarded to headquarters. Of the whole conformable series of beds numbered from the topmost (dipping about 30° to the south) No. 1 down to No 98, Mr. Hartshorne has as yet only analysed from No. 1 to No, 46. But the generalization which 1877.] 261 {Lesley. the series foreshadows is so interesting and novel that I venture to present it to the notice of the Society, and its correspondents. Mr. Sanders’ report of the beds is as follows: Salvi dic = aes o| 83s Lithological character. Z| os” u 5, ne Limestone, = gray. 3} 3! 6 Ke dark blue. i A! 6! ~~ Fig. 4. Fig. 3—Dorsal vertebra represented in Fig. 1, the right sight side. Fig. —A caudal vertebra viewed from behind. eS 2 ee oe) a CU 4 , ar tS Ny ’ ‘ Fig. 5—A median dorsal vertebra seen from behind, showing the hyposphen. Fig. 6—Centrum of a dorsal vertebra without anterior wall. Fig. 7—Caudal vertebra shown in fig. 4, from the right side. Fig. 8—A more posterior caudal, end view of the centrum. (3) q : Fig. 9——View of the right side of the dorsal vertebra of Cama raSAUTUS Supremus, rep- resented in Fig. 5. (4) Fig. 1o—The right scapula of Camarasaurus supremus, external view, ;/5 natural size. @) Figs. 11, 12—Pelvic bones of Camarasaurus supremus. (6) a aa) = ® ee w > = esse ‘: <= A f - a 7 = 4 bo a > u mt = ty) aan ‘ : s ad Z A af ame - F, od a _a st 5 sa J sabe’ - da? ‘ ‘ F if © 4 ' i : ‘<: _ = -_ t J : = 7 : = » ' Py = oF _ Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 13—Dorsal vertebra of Amphicelias altus seen from behind, exhibiting the hyposphen. Fig. 14—The vertebra represented in Fig. 13 seen from the right side, dis- playing the excavations of the neural arch and spine, and the pneumatic fora- men of the centrum. —« @ < Fig. 16—A caudal vertebra of 4m- Fig. 17—Left femur of Amphicelias phicelias latus ; a from before, 4 from fatus, from behind. the left side. (9) 281 Stated Meeting, Jan. 4, 1878. Present, 10 members. Vice-President, Mr. E. K. Pricer, in the Chair. A letter of acknowledgment was received from Prof. Os- wald Heer, dated Zurich, Dec. 13, 1877 (99). A letter of envoy was received from the Botanical Gar- den at St. Petersburg, Nov. 10, 1877. Donations for the Library were received from the Asiatic Society of Japan, Yokohama; the Academies at St. Peters- burg, Munich, and Madrid; the Art Union at Ulm; the Geographical Society ; Bureau of Longitudes ; Annales des Mines, and Revue Politique ; the Royal Astronomical So-, ciety and London Nature ; American Academy, and Natural History Society at Boston; Silliman’s Journal; New York State Library ; College of Pharmacy; Leo Lesquer- eux of Columbus, O. ; Commissioner of Agriculture at Wash- ington ; Botanical Gazette, Ind.; and M. Michel Chevalier of Paris. The report of the judges of the annual election was read, by which it appeared that the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: President. George B. Wood. Vice-Presidents. Frederick Fraley, Eli K. Price, E. Otis Kendall. Secretaries. John L. LeConte, Pliny E. Chase, George F. Barker, J. Peter Lesley. Curators. Hector Tyndale, Charles M. Cresson, Daniel G. Brinton. Treasurer. ’ J. Sergeant Price. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xviI. 101. 21. PRINTED MARCH 26, 1878. 282 [Jan. 4, Councillors for three years. Daniel R. Goodwin, W.S. W. Ruschenberger, Henry Winsor, William A. Ingham. A letter was received from Mr. Moncure Robinson, stating that he had received from M. Chevalier, a copy of the last report of the Permanent French Committee to the Associa- tion for the construction of a submarine railroad between Calais and Dover (M. Chevalier being President of the French, and Sir John Hawkshaw, President of the English Association) for transmission to the American Philosophical Society, as a donation to the Library. Mr. Robinson ex- presses his high appreciation of the report, and appends to his letter a translation of it into English, made at his re- quest by Mr. J. Percy Keating, for the gratification of mem- bers of the Society. ‘“ PHILADELPHIA, Dxrc. 28, 1877. “J. P. Lesley, Esq., Secretury of the American Philosophical Society. “«Srr:—I received early in November, from Mr. Michel Chevalier, the dis- tinguished political economist and statesman, now President of the French Association, for the construction of a submarine railroad between Calais and Dover (Sir John Hawkshaw being President of the English), two copies of the last reports of the Permanent French Committee to the Association. These copies were transmitted me by Mr. Chevalier, accompanied by the request, that I would present one of them in his name, to the American Philosophical Society, of which he was elected a member in 1852, and of which honor he desired to present this evidence of his recollection. On reading the copy sent for myself, I was struck with the beautiful lucidity of the remarks of Mr. Chevalier, on the ‘present condition of the undertaking.’ They are in fact so clear, as to enable the general reader, if only moder- ately familiar with the French language, to appreciate correctly, even with- out the advantage of the accompanying maps and reports, the favorable fea- tures, as well as the difficulties and dangers of the enterprise. It seemed to me, under the circumstances, desirable to transmit with the reports of Mr. Chevalier and his distinguished co-laborers, a translation in English of the address of Mr. Chevalier, in presenting them to the Association, and I should have made myself a translation of this address, but for the kindness of a highly accomplished young friend, Mr. J. Percy Keating, of this city, who volunteered to make one for me, and who I was satisfied would exe- cute the task much better than I could. The translation has been sent me within a few days past, and IT now transmit it with the reports, for the r= 1878.] 283 [Chevalier. gratification of members of the Society, who may desire to know the views of Mr. Chevalier, in regard to the submarine railroad, but find it less irk- some to read or listen to them in their mother tongue than in the French. Tavail myself of this opportunity to express my regret that though I have been for a much longer period than my friend Mr. Chevalier, a mem- ber of the Society, [have so far written nothing that seemed to me worthy of presentation and of preservation in their records. I am not, however, the less sensible on that account, of the compliment paid me in 1833, when I was elected one of its members. : Respectfully yours, Moncure Robinson.’’ Railway under the English Channel. Address of the President, M. Michael Chevalier. Translated by Mr. J. P. Keating, of Philadelphia. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, Jan. 4, 1878.) GENTLEMEN: We have deferred until to-day calling you to a general meeting from our desire to render ourseives competent to furnish you with information requisite for the solution of a problem traced out for us in our laws themselves, and which may be this way stated. Is a submarine railway between France and England practicable with- out encountering extraordinary difficulties involving immense expenditure ? We desired that the studies to which we have applied ourselves ever since the passage of the act allotting the work to us, should be pushed so far as to enable us in this meeting to give you an idea of the nature and character of the material to be traversed in order to effect the subterranean passage from one shore of the Channel to the other. It was our duty, moreover, to examine if its stratification was continu- ous, without presenting fissures or crevices in any appreciable number, or in any menacing proportions, whereby the sea water could penetrate into the works. It was no less interesting to know whether the bed of the in- tended tunnel was in its composition sufficiently impermeable to guarantee us from any irruption of the great masses of water which are alike our greatest obstacle and our greatest danger. The work of the year 1876 has been devoted, like that of 1875, to the most minute explorations, both of the surrounding region of country, and of the bed of the Channel itself. These explorations, carried on conform- ably to the most approved methods, and with every care which science could suggest, have afforded a mass of results which it was necessary, in order to render them available, to group together, and mark out distinctly in sundry plans and charts. These plans, containing all that is essential to the subject matter, have been distributed among you. You have also re- ceived reports, to the number of four, in which are set forth the different methods of exploration that have been pursued. In these reports the con- clusions derived from the studies are strictly deduced, and you are thus enabled to judge whether the conclusions are satisfactory. Chevalier] 284. [Jan. 4, The work of exploration during the year 1876 was much more extensive than that of 1875, and consisted as follows : First, In the study of the coasts bordering the sea, both in France and in England, and upon which each stratum of the material which consti- tutes them is easily distinguishable. This study of the coast naturally in- volved the geological examination of a zone more or less extended of the shore itself. Secondly, In astudy of the bottom of the Channel so thorough as to enable us to draw a geological chart almost as exact as if the water had re- tired and its bed were left perfectly dry. This study was pursued by means of multiplied soundings in the sea, each one of which is marked upon the large map annexed to the reports which you have before you. It was proposed to conduct these operations in such a manner that the instru- ment at each sounding, beside indicating the depth of the water, should bring to the surface a sample of the rock forming the bottom of the sea. All these depths obtained, varying with the tide, have been modified by calcu- lation so as to be reckoned with reference to a uniform level. Finally, We have constructed on the shore at Sangatte, a shaft which has been sunk to the depth of 130 metres; that is to say about twenty metres below the well-known clay subsoil which plays an important part in the geology of this region. Upon this clay lies the whole of the stratum compos- ing what geologists call the cretaceous formation, and which interests us particularly. Being impermeable, this bed of clay secures the lower layers of chalk from any uprising of the waters which are to be found on a still lower level. It is designated in the reports by the English name Gault. Of the three operations just enumerated, which have all been brought to a successful termination, the second, to wit, the study of the Channel with the design not only of making a hydrographical examination, but of draw- ing a geological chart of the bed of the sea, was the most delicate and the most complex. We do not hesitate to assure you, gentlemen, that this portion of the work of 1876 has been accomplished in a very superior manner. We do not believe that a work of hydrography and geology combined has ever been executed, carrying with it such certainty of result. These are merits which the authors of the reports, who were also the authors of the sttfdies pur- sued, have not in any way sought to bring to notice, but to which we re- gard it our duty to call your attention. These divers explorations were organized and directed by the delegated member, Mr. Lavalley, who was enabled upon this occasion to show to what extent he is familiar with all the problems, however great or small, which may present themselves in public works. It is to him particularly that we owe the definite shape of the instruments designed for the deep sea sound- ings, which have proved so efficacious. To him also are we indebted for the ingenious arrangements that enabled us in the season of 1876 to accom- plish with perfect exactness and great rapidity the extraordinary number of soundings which we deemed indispensible in order to render ourselves | an all ee tte ae ee * (878. ] 285 [Chevalier, sufficiently acquainted with the geology and hydrography of the Channel. The co-laborers of Mr. Lavalley, in 1876, were Mr. Larousse, late hydro- graphical engineer of the National Marine Corps, and Messrs. Potier and DeLapparent, engineers in the National Corps of Mines. All three by their zeal, their intelligence, and their devotion to a difficult task the national importance of which they fully appreciated, have entitled themselves to the consideration of the learned world, and to your gratitude. We propose to give you in some detail the principal results of the three classes of operations above mentioned, and to this end it is only necessary to sum up the reports which have been addressed to you. These reports, let me add, are eminently worthy of your attention, and if you will read them in extenso you cannot but approve of them. I. The study of the two coasts. The study of the shores of the Channel proves that the geological formation is very much the same throughout that part which particularly concerns us, comprising the chalk formation. The same layers are found on the two coasts, of the same character, and what is remarkable, having the same thickness. Hence, the presumption, corroborated by other circumstances, that formerly in a prehistoric age, in- stead of an arm of the sea separating the two shores, there existed a con- tinuous surface of ground, more or less undulated, between the points where since have arisen the towns of Calais and Boulogne on the one side, and Folkestone and Dover on the other. The Channel, in such a hy- pothesis, would be due to the continual erosion of a soil of little consis- tency, as is usually the case with the chalk formation, this soil having yielded by degrees to the shocks of the waves of the Northern Ocean ever violently agitated during the stormy season. From this circumstance we derive the hope that the strata to be met with beneath the sea, and through which the tunnel would pass would be as a general thing continuous, and present, if any thing, deflections merely, to which the track of the subter- ranean railway might conform without much inconvenience. This hope is substantiated by the fact that on both sides of the Channel the layers of clay forced from the horizontal position in which they must originally have lain, have not been very much displaced. Throughout the greater extent of the Channel on the French side it is a seventh merely, a fact which would appear to indicate that the subterranean com- motions which caused the deviations in the layers from the horizontal plane were not of much moment. Il. Geological chart of the bed of the Channel. This portion of the studies pursued is worthy of increased attention. At first sight it seemed an insoluble problem, for in almost every region of the earth the bottom of the sea consists of sand and gravel, covering to a great or even remarkable depth the massive rocks that cling to the solid body of the planet. In the Channel of the Straits of Calais, however, runs a current at the rate of about two or three knots an hour, which sweeps away the sand and gravel as it is deposited, and does it the more effectually, from the circumstance of its being quite narrow, and of a depth of not more than 30, 40, or 50 (53 Chevalier. } 286 ‘ [Jan. 4, at most) meters. The rock being thus laid bare throughout a large portion of the Channel, it is easy by multiplying the soundings to reach it fre- quently with the lead. Then by attaching to the lead a steel tube, sharp- ened at its end, we have the means of bringing to light every time the lead falls, a small cylinder of the material cut out of it. Success is the more as- sured if the bottom from which the cylinder is to be extracted, be of a comparatively soft substance, as is in fact the case with the different layers of the cretaceous formation. This state of things and these circumstances, so favorable to our enter- prise, had been already revealed by the experiments of 1875, when, not- withstanding the rudely constructed apparatus, and the small and incon- venient steamboat, 1523 soundings had been made, 753 of which had brought to the surface samples of the material beneath. In 1876, sufficient time having elapsed to enable the mode of operation, and the preparations incident thereto, to be brought to the greatest possible perfection, and when a steamboat was provided, offering all the desirable conveniences, 6,148 soundings were made, 2,500 of which furnished little cylinders cut from the bottom. This makes in all, for the two years, 7,671 soundings, and 3,267 samples, of which some however had no scientific value. In the same lapse of time the operations * were twice as many in 1876 as in 1875. The little cylinders thus extracted from the bottom of the Channel, the character of which was perfectly determined by means of a geodesical examination made at the time by Mr. Larousse, were each la- beled and enclosed in a vial. They were afterwards examined by the prac- tised eye of our geological engineers, Messrs. Potier and DeLapparent, who, not content with the mere evidence of the senses, frequently had re- course to the precise indications of chemical analysis. They were thus enabled in the majority of instances to ascertain to what special layer of the cretaceous formation the samples belonged, and in this way the geo- logical chart was traced out step by step. From the very outset we had felt convinced that the success of a sub- marine railway depended absolutely upon the tunnels’ being placed in the chalk formation. In this particular we were in full accord with the English engineers, who, like ourselves, were occupied with the idea of a junction of France and England by means of a submarine railway, and who had even preceded us in their explorations, carried on upon the same system as ours on both sides of the Channel. Outside the cretaceous formation we would find a species of rock either very permeable to water, such as the green free stone, or of great relative hardness. Chalk has the advantage of being easily perforated ; but this eretaceous formation is in this respect by no means equally satisfactory throughout. There isa marked difference between the upper and lower layers. The upper layers, consisting chiefly of a white chalk similar to that worked at Meudon, near Paris, contain more or less water. The lower layers present qualities much more satisfactory to the engineer, whether he have to cross or to remain in them. We have had occasion to note this difference fre- tie ‘ wid 1878. ] 287 [Chevalier. quently in France, where the working of the most productive mines of the North and of the Straits of Calais has obliged us to sink numerous shafts through the cretaceous formation. The result of a long experience acquired by the coal miners is that the upper layers contain what are called the niveaux, subterranean sheets of water, the draining of which is very ex- pensive. The miners, in sinking the shafts, consider their difficulty at an end when once they have reached the lower layers known among them as diéves, elsewhere called Rowen chalk. In the greater number of instances, these layers have been found to contain very little water, and may there- fore be considered practically impermeable. It happens at times that among these same layers some that are on a higher level are crossed by fissures through which part of the water con- tained in the upper beds finds its way. These waters, as they descend, meeting the lower and more compact layers of Rouen Chalk, can penetrate no further, and accordingly gush forth into the open air wherever they find an issue. This it is which gives rise on the French coast to the sources of the Cheu d’Escalles, and in England to those of the Lydden Spouts. But the volume of water of this description, which would be found in ex- cavating the tunnel, would be such as could easily be drained by pumps, thanks to the great power which our modern exhausting machines have acquired ; and no alarm need be felt on that account. It being, therefore, evidently to our interest to place the submarine rail- Way as much as possible in the diéves or Rouen Chalk, our engineers then applied themselves to the task of computing the space which these layers occupy in that part of the submarine rock which is accessible to us; as also the degree of regularity which they present. The result of their labors affords good ground for the belief that through- out the whole width of the channel, except in the neighborhood of the two shores, the Rouen Chalk, or lower stratum of the cretaceous formation, is of remarkable regularity, so much so, indeed, that it would be possible to lay the submarine railway almost in a straight line through it, and at a very ordinary depth. At ashort distance from the French coast, where the Quenoc rocks are to be seen, and also in proximity to the English shore, on the reef of Varne, the upheavals of the earth are found by our engineers to have caused a deflection in the layers, but without severing then. It does not appear that there exists elsewhere throughout the whole width of the channel, at least in the part which concerns us, a single break which might be considered an essential obstacle. Indeed, the study of the layers comprising the Rouen Chalk even suggests the practicability of so constructing the tunnel as to enable us to enter this particular formation in France, and to reach the open air in England without having ever quitted it. The only objections which might be brought to bear against this idea with regard to the whole length of the line, comprising the approaches from the mainland to the sea, would be such as might be drawn, for ex- Chevalier.] 288 [Jan. 4, ample, from the position of certain spots considered more available fora connection with the railways coming tke one from Paris and the other from London. Reasons such as these might, indeed, have some weight. But apart from considerations of this character, it would be to our ad- vantage, if only on principles of economy, to retain the roadbed wholly within the Rouen Chalk from the place where it descends into the earth in France, to where it emerges into the open air in England. One circumstance of great importance to us is that the total thickness of the Rouen Chalk is in the neighborhood of sixty metres. As our tunnel would not require more than ten metres for its construction, this would give us ample room to conform to any of those deviations from a straight line in the course of the strata which are more or less common in the in- terior of the earth, especially since in the present instance, as we have seen, these deviations are of no great consequence. If perchance in order to preserve the previously determined level, we were forced to abandon the shelter of this formation, it would only be for short intervals, and the difficulty would be by no means insurmountable. Ill. The Shaft at Sangatte. This shaft had for its object to prove the water bearing character, on the one hand, and the relative dryness, on the other, of the different layers of this cretaceous formation. A very simple means was made use of in measuring the quantity of water which the different layers furnished. You will find the account of it in the special report upon this subject. The result was that as soon as the Rouen Chalk was reached the quantity found was exceedingly ‘small. The present advanced stage of our studies enables us to fix the position of the shaft designed for the removal of the material extracted during the work of excavation, and to mark out the direction of the gallery which will conduct the leakage waters to the shaft. The first thing, then, to be attended to would be the sinking of the shaft, followed by the excavation of the gallery. This latter would be placed in the same stratum with the tunnel, and excavated to the distance of about two kilometers, would serve the purpose of a supplementary reconnaissance of the route to be taken by our enterprise. You are aware that on the part of England explorations have been made even prior to our own, having the same object in view. They were under the supervision of Sir John Hawkshaw, a distingnished engineer, with whom we have entered into relations. From the very be- ginning he most obligingly made known to us not only the results of his operations, but the mode, as well, by which he had effected them, and gave us, at the same time, models of the instruments he made use of. Our intercourse with him has been of great service to us. We have just trans- mitted to him the results of our labors during the year 1876, and Mr. Lavalley, the delegate, has repaired to London to confer with him with regard to the definite direction of the tunnel. These conferences which have brought to light much valuable informa tion from both sides, and have evinced, likewise, that perfect spirit of ac cord so much to be desired in similar undertakings, will shortly re-open * 1878. ] 289 [Chevalier, With the well-known character of Sir John Hawkshaw and the good will which we shall bring to every discussion, well knowing that in this man- ner we can best fulfill your wishes, the coming conferences cannot fail of excellent results. We have also to confer with the Railroad Company ofthe North with regard to the point where our line should join theirs, the decision, of course, to be subject to the approval of the general g6vernment. We continue to have nothing but praise from the administration. They have never ceased to encourage our enterprise. We have just received from them a despatch intimating the Minister’s desire to see our works in active operation as soon as possible. Mr. Fernand Raoul-Duval, the member of the sub-committee who has special charge of the accounts, will make our financial condition known to you. Itis very satisfactory. He will also submit for your inspection and approbation a statement of the expenses incurred during 1876. Since our last meeting, Mr. Cézanne, engineer of bridges and highways, who was a member of the subcommittee, has been removed by premature death from his family, his friends and our Association, so greatly indebted to him for his very many services. Mr. Talabot having determined from the necessity of increased care of his health to send in his resignation as member of ‘the permanent committee, we have expressed to him our deep regret on being deprived of the co- operation of one so eminent. On motion of Mr. 8. W. Roberts, the thanks of the So- ciety were tendered to Mr. Chevalier, and the MSS. as trans- lated referred to the Secretaries. The death of Dr. Jared P. Kirtland, Dec. 10, 1877, aged $4, was announced by the Secretary. ; Prof. Frazer presented a communication on the cranial planes in a model bust, prepared by Mr. Edward A. Spring, of Perth Amboy, based on a study of the Venus of Milo. The planes belong to the triclinic system. Prof. Frazer reported the results of an experiment intend- ed to illustrate his views of the formation of limonites. Mr. Lesley was nominated for Librarian. Mr. J. 8. Price offered the following resolution which was seconded and adopted : ResolWwed, That the Treasurer, J. Sergeant Price, be authorized to receive from and receipt to the City of Philadelphia, for the sum of one thousand PROC. AMER. PHILOS. Soc. XVII. 101. 27. PRINTED MARCH 26, 1878. 290 dollars ($1000), being the amount of City Loan belonging to the Society, falling due January 1, 1878. Resolwed, That the Treasurer be authorized to invest the proceeds of said loan under the direction of the Committee on Finance. And the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, Jan. 18, 1878. Present, 15 members. Vice-President, Mr. E. K. Prics, in the Chair. Dr. T. B. Reid, a lately elected member, was introduced to the presiding officer and took his seat. A letter of envoy was received from the Royal Observa- tory, Greenwich, London, 8. E., Dee. 27, 1877. A letter requesting the continuance of exchanges and the completion of a set of Transactions A. P. 8S. was received from the Linnean Society of Bordeaux, dated Dee. 30, 1877. Donations for the Library were received from the Kd. Revue Politique; M. Melsens; the R. Belgian Academy ; Ed. Nature; Leeds Phil. and Lit. Society; Canadian Nat- uralist; Cornell University; Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences; Pharmaceutical Association; Franklin Institute ; Penn Monthly; Medical News; American Jour- nal Medical Sciences; Prof. E. D. Cope; Mr. Henry Philips, Jr.; Mr. Lorin Blodget ; Ed. Robinson’s Epitome of Litera- ture; Bureau of Education and Engineer Department, Washington; Ed. Western Inventor, Cincinnati; and Min- isterio de Fomento, Mexico. The death of Benjamin Hallowell, of Sandy Springs, Md., and also The death of Thos. F. Betton, of Germantown, was re- ported on the occasion of the stated annual reading of the list of the surviving members of the Society. oe ete 291 The death of Marcus Bull, formerly ot Philadelphia, and of Theodore Mommson, of Berlin, was also reported. Mr. Lesley read a letter from G. 8. Blake, an officer on the U.S. Frigate, Java, in 1830, dated Nov. 12. 1877 (?), to Dr. Hedge of Harvard College, containing two extracts from his Journal, July 15, 1830, Port Mahon, and July 30, 1830, Al- giers, respecting Dr. Timison, Surgeon U.S. N., on board the Java, the grandson of Red Jacket, and a pure Seneca In- dian, who was graduated at Schenectady, N. Y., and died when the Java touched at Algiers. At Port Mahon Dr. Jimison encountered a Kabyle chief, a prisoner, addressed him in the Seneca language, and reported to Mr. Blake that the Kabyle evidently comprehended him. The death of Jimison prevented further experiments with Kabyles on their arrival at Algiers. ‘LONGWOOD, Saturday, 12th November. “My Dear Srr:—A few days since, you expressed a wish that I would give you, in writing, the particulars of the incident which I related at the dinner at Mr. G. B. B’s, and which we both regard as one of consid- erable interest. I cannot do better, perhaps, than to give you an extract from my journal : *“««Prigate ‘‘Java,’’ Port Mahon, Island of Minorca, 15th July, 1830. “ 344.15 ; p, = 1069.62 ; p= 1; the equation reduces to pe py 1.0029 pep (=) e068 6 ee , Py Py radial velocity of complete solar dissociation = Bessel’s estimate is 1048.88 ; the difference between the theoretical and the observed value being only 5, of 1 per cent. The velocity of light also appears as an important factor in the follow- ing equations, thus furnishing further evidence, both of the significance of Earth’s position, at the centre of the belt of greatest condensation, and of Jupiter’s influence : (nz)? ./ fp : ei JP (2) [ZL Zz 5 3 « pe G) x O } » ————— — x Q3 (4) P Ay A , terrain Se x 1.061 days. (5) A, t t, Ar >A (6) In these equations nz 1/ fr = terrestrial dissociative velocity: 1, = 1878.] 295 (Chase, foo mass of Earth; /\ = density of Earth in units of Sun’s density ; Q2 — time of revolution at 27; 23 = radius of revolution for 2¢; § — Earth’s mean distance from Sun ; t= time of oscillation through major-axis equiva- ent to Sun’s possible atmosphere, or to + of Earth’s radius vector ; ¢, = time of Jupiter’s revolution ; ¢, = time of Earth’s revolution ; 1.061 = Jupiter’s secular aphelion mean radius vector, E ‘ é ; i Uppeact : It is evident, from equation (6), that 4 might be substituted for a “Ee in the exponent of equation (1). In the undulations which are generated by the two controlling masses, and ,, we may naturally look for harmonic interferences, not only in the light spectrum, but also in cosmical aggregations and in elementary molecu- lar groupings. If we compare » and », at Jupiter’s present perihelion, we find that the product of Jupiter’s radius vector by its mass is 1.0153 times the product of Sun’s radius by its mass. Representing 1.0153 by nm, and 1 1 m+a?n+2@ taking a = 6 .0153 = .0918, the harmonic progression, ie etc., gives us the following nodal divisors and approximations, in millionths of a millimetre, to wave-lengths of Fraunhofer lines : Denominators. Nodal Divisors, Quotients, Observed. 1 1.0000 761.20 A 761.20 ata (f) 1.1071 687.56 B_ 687.49 [1.1530 660.19] C 656.67 nt2a 1.1989 634.92 n+3a (f) 1.2907 589.76 D 589 74 n+4a 1.3825 550.60 [1.4437 527.26] E 527.38 a+5ua 1.4743 516.31 b 517.70 n-+6a (f) 1.5661 486.05 F 486.52 n+iTa 1.6579 459.18 n+8a 1.7497 435.05 G 431.03 [1.7650 431.27] n+%9a 1.8415 413.37 [1.9180 396.87] H 397.16 n+10a (f) 1.9333 393.73 H! 393.59 The harmonic interferences indicated by the series marked (jf) are the most interesting, both on account of the closeness between the theoretical quotients and the corresponding observed values, and because the succes- sive denominator increments, are figurate. Of the remaining six lines, three (A, }, G,) approximate so closely to the Chase.] 296 [Jan. 18, corresponding harmonic quotients, the greatest deviation being less then one per cent., that they may be properly regarded as illustrations of second- ary interferences ; introducing two harmonic triplets, with a uniform de- nominator difference of 2a, (n+ 2a,4a,6a;n+ 6a, 8a, 10a). The bracketed divisors indicate tertiary harmonics, based on denominator differences of a’ = .0153: 1.1530 = 1-+ 10a’; 1.4437 = 1 + 29a ; 1.7650 =1+4 50a’; 1.9180 —1+4 60 a’. The greatest difference between the theoretical and observed values is less than 3 of one per cent.; the other differences range between 2; and {/; of one per cent. Among the subordinate spectral lines there are some as I have shown elsewhere, * which are closely represented by the denominators » + 2 a, rm+4an+5a,n+7a, n+8a, n+9a. But, on account of the great number of faint lines, such accordances are less satisfactory than those which can be found in the lines which are more widely separated and more prominent. In planetary aggregation the interference waves have manifested their influence most strikingly at luminous internodes. The denominators are exponential, indicating roots which are to be extracted, instead of divisions which are to be made. It will be noticed that the first six expo- nential denominators in the following table, are arithmetical means between the adjacent numbers in the primitive series of nodal divisors in the fore- going table, and that the others are formed by successive denominator in- crements of 3 a. Exponential Denominators. Roots. Observed. 1.0000 6453 6453 Neptune. 1.0536 4130 4122 Uranus. 1.1530 2015 2050 Saturn. 1.2448 1150 1118 Jupiter. 1.3366 708 728 Freia. 1.4284 465 473 Flora. 1.5202 321 327% Mars, - 1.6350 214 215 Earth. 1.'7497 150 155 Venus. 1,8644 111 110 Ven.-Mer. 1.9792 84 83 Mercury. 2.0939 66 64 Mercury, s. p. 2.2089 53 53 Mercury, c. 0. The ‘‘observed’’’ values are the mean planetary vector-radii, in units of Sun’s radius. ‘‘ Ven.-Mer.’’ is the arithmetical mean between Venus’s mean distance (155) and Mercury’s secular perihelion (64). ‘‘ Mercury, ce. 0.’ is the centre of spherical oscillation (Vv 4) ofa nebula extending to Mercury’s mean distance. The harmonic interferences in the spectra of chemical elements may probably be best studied, by beginning with those which contain few * Ante, p. 110. + om tamenigatlanetm 1878. ] 297 (Chase, prominent lines. The wave-measurements, in all of the following com- parisons, are taken from the paper of Professor Wolcott Gibbs, in the Ameri- can Journal of Science, second series, vol. xlvii, pp. 198, seq. Kirchhoff’s lines are indicated by K ; Huggins’s by H; Gibbs’s groupings of corres- ponding lines, in the observations of both Kirchhoff and Huggins, by K H ; the left-hand columns containing Kirchhoff’s estimates, and the right-hand columns those of Huggins : Mercory, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 568.47 568.55 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 546.33 546.13 1.0407 1.0411 1.0406 1+6a4 542,80 542.80 1.0473 1.0484 1.0474 1+74 LEAD, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 561.29 561.46 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 537.71 537.85 1.0489 1.04389 1.0440 1+3¢a 439.07 438.93 1.2784 1.2792 1.2784 14194 Litxtium, H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 610.75 1.0000 1.0000 1 479.48 1.2277 1.2214 1+2a4 459.93 1.3279 1.3321 1+3a RUTHENIUM AND IRrIDIuMm, K. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical 635.45 1.0000 1.0000 1 545.44 1.1650 1.1646 1+5a 530.52 1.1973 1.1975 1+ 64 CHROMIUM, K. Wavye-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 541.35 1.0000 1,0000 1 521.20 1.0387 1.0387 1+ lla 520.98 1.0391 1.0391 1+ 1124 520.83 1.0394 1.0394 1+ 113 4 CorpPEr, K. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 578.67 1.0000 1.0000 1 529.30 1.0933 1.0914 1+6a 522.24 1.1070 1.1066 1+ 74 465.64 1.2428 1.2437 1+ 164 PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvii. 101. 2K. PRINTED MARCH 27, 1878. Chase.] 298 (Jan. 18, ARSENIC, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical, 617.54 617.67 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 il 611.69 611.67 1.0096 1.0098 1.0093 1+ a 578.95 578.78 1.0667 1.0678 1.0650 1+i7a 5383.55 533.41 1.1566 1,1580 1.1579 1+ 17a Maenesium, K. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 518.73 1.0000 1.0000 1 517.64 1.0021 — 1.0020 1l+2a 517.17 1.0030 1.0030 1+3a 459.62 1.1286 1.1285 1+9)b 448.57 1.1564 : 448.39 1.1569 1.1570 1+ 116 Tin, KOH. Wave-lengths. quotients. Theoretical. 645.83 645.27 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 615.59 1.0491 1.0530 lta 556.83 1.1598 1.1590 1+ 34 556.59 1.1604 1.1620 1+ 20 510.55 510.40 1.2650 1.2642 1.2650 1+54a 459.47 1.4056 1.4050 1+ 55 453.41 1.4244 1.4240 1+ 84a Porassium, H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 630.85 1.0000 1.0000 -l 624,81 1.0097 1.0097 1l+ia 613.25 1.0287 1.0291 t+a 583.78 1.0806 1.0802 1+e 581.79 1.0845 1.0848 1+) 580.80 1.0862 1.0872 14+ 34 551.96 1.1430 1.1454 1+ 5a 483.18 1.3360 1.3871 1+4d 438.96 1.4372 1.4862 1+ 15a 431.16 1.4652 1.4653 1+ 16a 426.00 1.4809 1.4810 1+ 6¢ 418.77 1.5064 1.5057 1+ 66 Srrver, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 547.55 547.44 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 546.96 546.63 1.0011 1.0015 1.0013 1+a §21.382 521.34 1.0503 1.0501 1.0502 1+ 38a This cannot be regarded as a satisfactory accordance. 299 1878. } [Chase, Zinc, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 636.99 6387.37 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 610.64 610.89 1.0432 1.0442 1.0390 1+ua 589.90 589.90 1.0798 1.0805 1.0781 1+24 472.25 471.98 1.8488 1.3504 1.3513 14+ 94 Capmium, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients, Theoretical. 647.22 647.08 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 644,59 1.0041 1.0041 1+ a+ 28 531.27 531.01 1.2182 1.2186 1.2300 1+2a 509.00 508.83 2s 1.2717 1.2727 1+534 480.56 480.27 1.3468 1.3473 1.3450 1+ 3a 468.10 1.3826 1.3818 1+7%8 441.94 441.81 1.4645 1.4646 1.4600 1+ 4a The quotient of Kirchhoff’s sixth wave-length by the seventh (468.10 + 441.94), is equal to the quotient of the fourth by the fifth (509 ~ 480.56 = 1.0592). The harmonic denominators, 1+ 7¢,1+4+ 11¢,1+4 15 c—if ¢ = 311.6—give 1.2181, 1.3428, 1.4674 ; but this is not so satisfactory a representation, on the whole, as the one I have adopted. (2+ 34+ 4) a = (5+ 2x7) 0b. LANTHANUM, K. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 538.56 1.0000 1.0000 1 538.43 1.0003 1.0003 1+ia 538.00 1.0011 1.0011 hae 534.48 1.0077 1.0077 1+7a 520.80 1.0341 1.0340 1+ 31a 519.20 1.0373 1.03873 14+ 344 518.69 1.0383 1.0384 1+ 35a 481.59 1.1183 1.1183 14+ 108¢@ Sopium, H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 616.74 1.0000 1.0000 1 616.56 1.0002 590.04 1.0452 1.0455 1+6a (=14+45) 589.43 1.0462 569.46 1.0830 1.0835 i+ iia (@1l=—1+42 x5) 568.90 1.0840 515.90 1.1954 515.37 1.1966 1.1978 1+ 26a (26=145 x5) 498.87 1.2362 1.2362 1+ 814(31=1+6 x5) 300 Chase. | (Jan. 18, Antimony, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients, Theoretical. 630.84 630.49 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 613.50 613.73 1.0288 1.0273 1.0270 1+2a 598.41 598.72 1.0542 1.0581 1.9540 1+4a 591.61 591.45 1.0663 1.0660 589.76 589.76 1.0697 1.0691 1.0675 1+5a 564.54 564.41 Grae ate alr 1.1165 1+ 36 597.19 557.18 1.13822 1.1316 1.1850 14+ 10a 546.61 546.33 1.1554 1.1540 1.1553 1+4+4) 471.10 471.03 1.3391 1.3385 1.3375 1+ 2a ARSENIC, K. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 617.54 1.0000 1.0000 1 611.69 1.0096 1.0093 lta 603.38 1.0235 1.0244 1+2d 578.95 1.0666 1.0653 1+7a4a 558.29 1.1063 1.1096 14+ 906 550.42 1.1219 1.1217 1+ 10d om 538.75 1.1462 1.1461 14 125 533.55 1.1574 1.1585 14 1%a §21.32 1.1846 1.1826 14 150 d The sixth quotient is also very nearly 1.1212 —14 13 4@;o0rl83a= 105. Barium, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 650.24 650.44 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 611.75 612.15 1.0629 1.0625 1.0634 1+4a 603.08 602.70 1.0782 1.0792 1.0792 1+5a 597.05 597.58 1.0891 1.0885 1.0890 1+ 15¢ 585.51 585.67 1.1106 1.1106 1.1109 1+7a 582.88 582.77 1.1156 1.1161 1.1159 1+ 2b 578.51 578.00 1.1240 1.1253 1.1246 1+ 21¢ 553.95 554.06 1.17388 1.1740 1.1739 1+ 30d 552.40 552.06 1.1771 1.1782 1.1780 1+ 30¢ 493.78 493.57 1.3168 1.3178 1.3168 1+ 20a 490.20 490.238 1.3265 1.3268 1.3264 1+ 556¢ The eighth quotient is also very nearly 1 + 11 @a=1.1742; or 113 = 80. Srrontium, K H. Theoretical. Wave-lengths, Quotients. 641.88 641.39 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 553.90 553.74 1.1579 1.1583 1.1592 1+d 552.57 552.38 1.1607 1.1614 1.1610 1+e 550.83 550.61 1.1645 1.1649 1.1647 1 + aa 1878. } 301 \ [Chase, Strontium, K. H.—Continued. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 549.11 549.78 1.1680 1.1666 1.1675 1+ 306 548.68 548.75 1.1689 1.1686 1.1691 1+3¢ 525.98 525.95 1.2194 1.2195 1.2195 1+4a 524.18 524.26 1.2286 1.22384 1.2234 1+ 46 523.24 5238.23 1.2258 1.2258 1.2255 1+46¢ 522.97 522.83 1.2264 1.2268 1.2266 1+pa 522.71 522.60 1.2270 1.2273 1.2272 1+, “Qe The ratio between the first and the ninth harmonic increment, » = 1.4282, is my theoretical value for the ratio between heat of constant pressure and heat of constant volume ;* the ratio between the second and the tenth har- monic increment, ;/ 2, is the ratio between dissociative- or wave-velocity, and stable- or circular-velocity. The geometric mean of 1.1645, 1.1680, 1.1689, is 1.1671 =1-+ 30’; (1.2194 x 1.2236 x 1.2258)3 — 1.2229 — 1 +406’. Huggins’s means are not so theoretically exact, but their devia- tion is far within the limits of probable error, for (1.1649 x 1.1666 x 1.1686)3 = 1.1668; (1.2195 x 1.2234 x 1.2258)3 = 1.2299; 1 4 3B” = 1.1670; 1 + 4 6/ = 1.2227. Kirchhoff gives the following additional lines : (2) Strontium, K. Wave-lengths, Quotients. Theoretical. 650.68 9857 554.52 1.1566 461.69 1.3892 1.3893 1+ 4a’ 461.62 1.38894 1.3898 1+ 45’ 431.38 1.4868 1.4867 1+5a/ 431.18 1.4875 1.4872 1+5)5' Puatinum, K H. Wave-lengths. Quotients. Theoretical. 598.22 598.14 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 596.86 596.59 1.0023 1.0026 1.0026 1+34 595.62 595.47 1.0044 1.0045 1.0044 1+54 548.07 547.95 1.0915 1.0916 1.0910 Wis 5rd 530.70 530.76 1.1272 1.1270 1.1275 1+75 523.10 523.08 1.14386 1.1435 1.1419 1+ Te 506.43 506.32 1.1812 1.1813 1.1825 1+ 96 456.19 454.92 1.8113 1.3148 1.3129 1+ 20d 450.77 449.72 1.3271 1.3300 1.3285 1+ 21d 445.65 444.45 1.3424 1.3455 1.3442 1+ 22d This is not given among the comparisons in Gibbs’s Table XI, but it embraces all the lines in which Huggins’s measurements (Table TV) and # Proc. Soc. Phil. Amer., xiv, 65]. ¢ Chase. ] 302 (Jan. 18, Kirchhoft’s (Table IX) differ by less than a unit. The groups may be con- nected by the equations, 21a=6,;10b=9c;66=‘d. The foregoing investigations were undertaken in consequence of a sug- gestion by Professor Henry Draper, that I should test my theory of har- monic undulatory influence by an examination of spectral lines. Professor Asaph Hall led me to the discovery of further corroborative tests, by the query, ‘‘ Will the inner moon of Mars fall into harmony, or will it make a discord ?’’ * If we start from a point near the theoretical beginning of nebular con- densation for the outer satellite,+ and take 2 x 3 — 1 harmonic divisors, of the form div.n + 1 —3 div.n — div.1 =div.n + 32—1, we find the follow- ing accordances : Numerator. Divisors. Quotients. Observed. 13.7 Cal 13.700 13.692 = Nebular radius. d, = 84,—da,= 2 6.850 6.846 = Deimus. t ad, —3d,—d,— 5 2.740 2.730 = Phobus.t d,=3d,—d,=14 979 1.000 = ¥ semi-diam. d, = 38d,—d,= 41 a4 .833 = \c. of rad. ose. In a letter to the editors of the American Journal of Science and Aris (Oct., 1877, p. 827), Professor Kirkwood calls attention to the rapid motion of the inner satellite, and asks: ‘‘ How is this remarkable fact to be recon- ciled with the cosmogony of Laplace?’’ He suggests a partial explanation, based upon the motions of Saturn’s ring, and concludes with the remark : ‘‘ Unless some such explanation as this can be given, the short period of the inner satellite will doubtless be regarded as a conclusive argument against the nebular hypothesis. ’’ This is undoubtedly true, if we accept the nebular hypothesis in the form in which it is popularly taught, and in which Laplace is commonly sup- posed to have held it. But there are probably very few among the students who have given the subject much careful attention, who have supposed that all the planet-building has taken place at the ‘‘ limit of possible atmos- phere,’’ or the point of equal centripetal and centrifugal force. It may well be doubted whether the illustrious French Astromomer ever held such an opinion, and it is certain that Sir William Herschel never did, for he speculated on the ‘gradual subsidence and condensation’’ of nebulous matter ‘‘by the effect of its own gravity, into more or less regular spherical or spheroidal forms, denser (as they must in that case be) towards the centre.’’ § As necessary consequences of such subsidence, there would be an accelera- tion of velocity in all the nebular particles, the acceleration being more rapid in the nucleus, than near the outer surface of the nebula. Many in- *See Journal of the Franklin Institute, Noy., 1877. + Phil. Mag. Oct., 1877, p. 292. tThese are the names proposed for the satellites by their discoverer, Prof, Asaph Hall. 2 Herschel’s “Outlines of Astronomy,” ? 871. ——— Oe 1878. ] 303 (Chase, dications point to the simultaneous, or nearly simultaneous, initiation of numerous planetary centres, and it is very doubtful if either of the two- planet belts, except, perhaps, that of Neptune and Uranus, will be long re- garded as having been ‘‘thrown off’’ by the mere increase of centrifugal velocity. At the very outset of my own investigations,* I was careful to limit my acceptance of the nebuar hypothesis to the qualified exposition of its origi- nator, as stated by Sir John Herschel: ‘‘ Neither is there any variety of aspect which nebule offer, which stands at allin contradiction to this view. Even though we should feel ourselves compelled to reject the idea of a gase- ous or vaporous ‘nebulous matter,’ it loses little or none of its force. Sub- sidence, and the central aggregation consequent on subsidence, may go on quite as well among a multitude of discrete bodies, under the influence of mutual attraction, and feeble or partially opposing projectile motions, as among the particles of a gaseous fluid.” + It matters not whether there is such a thing as a luminiferous ether, or whether the hypothesis of such an entity is merely a convenient assump- tion for the co-ordination of results which are due to the action of forces such as would exist in such a medium. The proper study of the forces, and of their mathematical consequences, is the great thing to be sought, and the numerous accordances which I have already found, show how prolific such studies may become. Those accordances, as it seems to me, are already sufficient to establish the Herschelian hypothesis as a true theory, beyond the reach of all possible controversy. That the elastic, or quasi- elastic, forces, which are continually operating throughout the solar system, should extend the harmonic laws to the satellites, as well as to the planets and to the spectral lines, is a necessary consequence of the simplicity and unity of design which underlie the manifold phenomena of the universe. In the case of our own moon, as we have only two terms, Earth’s semi- diameter and Moon’s orbital major-axis, the harmonic equation is indeter- minate ; its direct solution is, therefore, impossible. I have elsewhere, however, called attention to the fact that Earth is central, in the belt which is bounded by the secular perihelion of Mercury and the secular aphelion of Mars, and this fact, together with the nearly synchronous rotation of all the planets in the belt, may be regarded as indications of common forces, such as would be likely to lead to common harmonies. The sixth and seventh divisors of the Mars series represent, respectively, the ratio of Earth’s semi-diameter to Moon’s major-axis, and the ratio of Earth’s axial rotation to its orbital revolution, viz.: d, = 3d;,— d, = 122. 120.5331 = Moon’s major-axis. d, = 3d,— d, = 365. 365.2564 = Earth’s year. The harmonic series, of which Mars and its satellites form a part, seems to have been established before the ring of greatest nebular condensation— the ring of which Earth was the centre—was broken up. In the solar * Phil. Mag., April, 1876. + Loe. cit. ee Chase. ] 304 (Jan, 18, system, as well as in the group of densest planets, the number 3, which represents the uneven harmonics of an organ-pipe, as well as the oscilla- tory divisions of a linear pendulum, holdsa prominent place. For we find, at the outset, the following approximations to important nebular centres : 5° = 041 — 6561 6518 = Neptune’s secular aphelion. 3 2187 2222 Saturn’s secular aphelion. S003 729 735 Cybele. 3° 243 229 Earth’s secular aphelion. Sansao? 81 83 Mercury. 3° 27 See 9 31 3 4 SW) 1 1 Sun’s semi-diameter. This accordance is the more significant, because Saturn’s secular aphelion is at the centre of the ring of secondary condensation, which extends from Sun’s surface to Uranus’s secular aphelion. ‘“«Bode’s Law,’’ was based on successive differences of 2° x 3, 2! x 3, 2? x 38, etc. If we substract 1 from each of the theoretical Bode numbers, and divide the remainders by 3, the quotients are 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, ete., each of the quotients, except those for Venus and Neptune, being of the form dn +1= 2 dn —1; the dense-belt series being of the form dn +1 = 3 dn — 1. In the infinite series, } 4+ 3-—% + 3—e%4+14...3—-1+43°94 3143? +..., successive sums, in the neighborhood of unity, give the following accordances : Harmonic Sums, Divisors. Quotients. Observed. 4 = 4 27.38 27.00 = 3%. +3—@ - : ; jae oe ; ; + 3—4 44 26.40 26.20 Extreme major-axis. + 3—83 3 24.64 24.39 Mean major-axis. + 3-2 z 20.53 20.68 Extreme secondary radius. + 3-1 1 13.69 13.69 Nebular radius. + 3° 2 6.85 6.85 Deimus. + 3} 5 2.74 2.73 Phobus. +. 3? 14 .98 1.00 Semi-diameter of Mars, ~ + 3 41 83 .38 Oscillatory centre. + 34 122 120.56 Moon’s major-axis. + 3 365 365.26 Terrestrial acceleration. + 3° 1094 1096.20 Jupiter’s semi-major-axis. The ‘‘ Extreme major-axis’’ is the major-axis of an ellipse, connecting the inner planets of the two outer two-planet belts at the secular aphelia of Uranus and Jupiter ; the ‘‘ Mean major-axis’”’ is the sum of the mean dis- 1878. | 305 | Chase. tances of Uranus and Jupiter ; the ‘‘Extreme secondary radius ”’ is Uranus’s aphelion radius, or the semi-diameter of the ring of secondary condensa- tion ; the ‘‘ Nebular radius”’ not only represents the theoretical incipience of Mars’s nebular condensation, but it also corresponds, almost precisely, with the sum of the secular perihelia of Jupiter (4.886) and Saturn (8.784), in units of Earth’s semi-major-axis—the secular perihelion being the time of greatest orbital o/s viva; ‘‘Moon’s major-axis’’ is also Earth’s ‘“‘ Nebular radius ;’’ the ‘‘ Terrestrial acceleration’’ represents the theoretical in crease in the angular velocity of Earth’s rotation, since its rupture from the central nucleus, or the ratio of its day to its year ; ‘‘Jupiter’s semi-major- axis’’ is measured in units of Sun’s mean perihelion distance from the centre of gravity of Sun and Jupiter. The sum of the infinite series, to and including 3—®*, is 3, which repre- sents the ratio of vis viva between undulatory velocity and the velocity of the particles of a medium constituted according to the Kinetic theory.* Alexander has shown the importance of that ratio in planeto-taxis,+ and I have shown that it represents ‘‘ centres of explosive oscillation,’’ or the centre of secondary oscillation between the primary centre of oscillation and the centre of gravity, in a homogeneous line of particles (§ — 3 of } = 5). Adding the next term of the series, we get $, which represents the centre of linear oscillation. Neptune’s major-axis (60.06) is, within 5 of 1 per cent., (3! — 3% + 3? — 3! = 60) times Earth’s mean radius vector. These harmonies embrace orbital radii of the largest five planets of the solar system, of the inner planets, and of the asteroidal belt, together with nebular-, satellite-, and planetary-radii, for the outer and the middle planets in the theoretically primitive central belt, or the belt of greatest condensa- tion. Can any interpretation be rightly put upon such a chain of har- monies, which does not recognize the fundamental laws of harmonic oscil- lation and harmonic design ? Neither of Mars’s moons is of sufficient magnitude to cause any great per- turbations. To this fact, perhaps, as much as to the proximity of the den- sity-centre, we may attribute the regularity of the Mavortian system. In the solar system, as we have seen, t the preponderating mass of Jupiter sets up a new order of differences in the harmonic denominators ; and we may find probable indications of similar influence in some of the satellite systems, and in the elementary spectra. In the satellite system of Uranus, if we take the semi-major-axis of the outer satellite as the common numerator (22.75), we find the following harmony : Satellites. Distances. Denominators. Theoretical. Oberon, 29.75 1.0006 1.000 Titania, 17.01 1.337 1.348 =—11+24 Umbriel, 10.37 2.194 2.199 =1+ 7a Ariel, 7.44 3.058 3.055 =1-+4 124 Semi-diameter, 1.00 22.750 22.750 == 1+ 127 a * Maxwell and Preston, Phil. Mag., June, 1877. +Smithsonian Contributions, 280. { Ante, xii, 4U3sqq. ; xiii, 237-9; ete. : PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 2n. PRINTED MARCH 27, 1878. Chase. ] 306 (Jan. 18, In the Saturnian system there is a slight uncertainty in the satellite ele- ments, except in the case of Titan, whose orbit was well determined by Bessel. It will be seen that Titan’s great mass introduces a secondary harmony. The following harmonic denominators are based upon relative mean distances which would represent the orbital times, as furnished by Professor Hall : Satellites. Times. Denominators. Theoretical. Japetus, 79.32920 1.000 1.000 Hyperion, 21.3113 2,402 2.3897 =1+ 4 Titan, 15.9454 2.914 2.920 1-+06 Rhea, 4.5175 6.756 6.760 1+ 3) Dione, 2.7369 9.436 9.384 14+64 Tethys, 1.8878 12.087 12.179 14 8a Enceladus, 1.3702 14.966 14.974 1-4 10a Mimas. .9425 19.206 19.166 1+ 13a Semi-diameter, 64.359 64.360 1+ 336 It is well to notice that 4 (1.920) is very nearly the square of a (1.597). In the column of times, Japetus, divided by Titan, is nearly 5 ; Hyperion, by Rhea, 5; Dione, by Enceladus, 2; Tethys, by Mimas, 2; Titan, by Rhea, 3; Rhea, by Dione, 3 ; Hyperion, by Titan, 4; Hyperion, by Dione, 8; Hyperion, by Mimas, 4°; Titan, by Mimas, 17. The satellite system of. Jupiter, our Sun’s ‘‘companion star,’’ exhibits harmonies of distance, time and mass. The mean distance of the outer satellite, Callisto, is 3° semi-diameters of its primary (26.9984). Using this as a common numerator, we find that the other satellites are phyllotacti- cally, as well as harmonically, arranged : Satellites. Distances. Denominators. Theoretical. Callisto, 26.9984 1.000 Ganymede, 15.3502 1.759 1 TEA ie Europa, 9.6235 2.807 2.769 8 a. lo, 6.0485 4.464 4.500 18a. Semi-diameter, 1.0000 26.998 26.998 78 a. The harmonies of time and mass are as follows : Satellites. Times. Theoretical. Mass. Theoretical. Callisto, 16.6892 16.684 = 28¢ 4266 4403 = $m. Ganymede, 7.155 TAO! dee 8850 8806 1m. Europa, 3.551 3.975 6 ¢ 2324 2202 im. Io, 1.769 1.788 3t 1733 1761 im. The interesting and valuable communications of Professor Alexander, to the last semi-annual meeting of the National Academy, exhibit various har- monies in the several satellite systems, some of which are closer than my own, others are the same, and others are not so close. He recognizes the important influences of linear centres (4), centres of linear oscillation (3, 4), centres of atmospheric dissociation ( mean or extreme apsidal n ) n+ 1/? distances, mean eccentricities, and a resisting medium, to all of which I 1878. ] 307 [Chase. called attention five or six yearsago.* Hethus obtainsa planetary series of great symmetry and beauty, but it is neither so close in its general approxi- mations, so broad in its indications, norso simple in its law, as my series of harmonic nodes, determined by the overshadowing influence of Jupiter.t+ His figures, however, in connection with my own, show that the law of simple harmonic interferences is universally operative, between adjacent planets and satellites, as well as in the systematic subordination of whole groups to more widely controlling masses. I quite agree with Professor Alexander, in thinking that the relations of the mean distances, detailed in his ‘‘ Harmonies,’ + belong to a very “ancient and probably formative state of the system ; while those of the ex- treme distances, as also Stockwell’s curious relations between the perihelia and nodes of the outer planets, § have been brought about by subsequent perturbations. According to the nebular hypothesis, we might naturally look, when rotation was first established, for arrangements determined by centres of spherical] gravity, inertia and oscillation. But as soon as nucleal points appeared, corresponding linear centres began to be operative, and their influence must have become more and more prevalent as conden- sation went on, leading to the many consequences which I have already pointed out, as well as to many others, the discovery of which will doubt- less reward the labors of future investigators. Evidences of perturbative action originating since the establishment of the terrestrial nucleus, seem to be given by the following equations : SS Gees 7 Riana (7) 0.\3 1 (-) (fir)? =A (8) 0, In these equations n, = the special coefficient of Jupiter’s dissociative velocity (m, = y/ f,7;) : 9; = Jupiter’s secular perihelion distance from the Sun ; 6, = Uranus’s mean distance from Sun; ( fir)? = limit of satellite- velocity at Jupiter. In view of the many pointings which we thus find towards the limiting velocity of light, it seems probable that the solar-dis- sociative velocity is still continually efficient, through the combined in- fluences of virtual fall and elasticity, in maintaining the gaseous structure of the Sun. Alexander’s relations between Saturn’s moons and belts indi- cate a similar gaseous structure in the belted planet; but even in the Saturnian system my harmonic series gives closer approximations to actual lunar distances, except in the cases of Titan and Tethys, than Alexander’s series, which represents centres of atmospheric dissociation, thus doubly con - firming the hypothesis that centres of spheroidal activity are first operative, and that afterwards, linear centres modify and extend the primitive har- monies. Titan is Saturn’s giant moon. The ratio of distance to planetary radius, for Tethys, is the same as the ratio between the limiting satellite- velocities of Jupiter and Earth. * Ante, vols. xii, 403-7, 412, 520; xiii, 146, 196 (11); xiv, 655, etc. +Ante, xiii, 196 (11); 237-9. pee cenicn Contributions, 280. »Smithsonian Contributions, 232, p. xiv. 308 Stated Meeting, Feb. 1, 1878. Present, 11 members. Vice-President, Mr. E. K. Prics, in the Chair. Letters accepting membership were received from Mr. Asaph Hall, dated U. 8. N. Obs., Washington, Jan. 22; Mr. John Price Wetherill, 430 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Jan. 23; Prof. I. C. White, Morgantown, W. Va., University, Jan. 24; and Mr. J. F. Mansfield, Cannelton, Beaver Co., Pa., Jan. 25, 1878. A letter of envoy was received from Dr. Lloyd, of Dublin, Treland. ‘Donations to the Library were received from the Imp. Academy of Prussia; the Belgian Entomological Society ; the Revue Politique; London Nature; Harvard College Ob- servatory ; Silliman’s Journal ; the Coast Survey; Min. de Fomento, Mexico; and Dr. B. F. Gould, of Cordova. Applications and inquiries respecting the Coal Slack Premium were received and referred. A letter was received from Mr, Alex. Wilcocks, dated Donaldsonville, Louisiana, Jan. 24, 1878, giving an account of the shadows without penumbra cast by the planet Venus. A letter relating to a bust of John Vaughn was received from Jos. Fry Mogridge, dated Philadelphia, Jan. 26, 1878. On motion the use of the Hall was granted to the Ameri- can Institute of Mining Engineers, at 8 p. M., Feb. 26. Prof. Cope offered for publication in the Transactions a de- scription of fossil remains found in caves in the Island of Anguilla, and read the concluding pages. He proposed for it several lithographic plates, and said that this concluded and completed his previously published memoir on the sub- ject. On motion, the paper was referred to Dr. Horn, Mr. B. V. Marsh, of Philadelphia, and Dr. Daniel G. Brinton, as a committee to report. Dr. LeConte presented for publication in the Proceedings, as the first of a series, a paper entitled ‘“ On the Coleoptera of Florida, by Mr. E. A. Schwarz, of Detroit,” which went © 1878. | 309 (Briggs. by regular reference to the board of Secretaries, to be re- served until other papers of the series were received and pre- sented for publication at the convenience of the Society. Dr. Le Conte read a summary of the places where the col- lections were made. Mr. Briggs communicated his results in discussing the question where and how the heat generated by a gas burner disperses itself. In a recent investigation of the chemical and physical properties of ordi- nary coal gas and its products of combustion, which was made in preparing a statement exhibiting the various relations of chemical changes and heat effects, attendant upon gas lighting, the results of which were intended to be applicable to the heating and ventilation of habitable rooms, has given a value for the heat evolved by burning of coal gas, of so large amount, that it is difficult to account for the dispersal of this heat, at allin accordance with the common observation of the result of gas burning. No facts in physics are so positively established as the heat effects upon bodies, and the determi- nations of Favre and Silbermann and Regnault have been corroborated by numerous examiners, and are accepted by all physicists. The combustion of coal gas, as it is consumed in lighting, is so nearly a perfect one, with the products of H,O and CO, completely effected, that it must be asserted that the full equivalent of heat due to the chemical combination of the en- tire Hydrogen and Carbon or Carbonic oxide is produced by the burning. The coal gasitself may be taken as having a specific gravity of 0.426, which gives at 70° a weight of 0.0319 Ibs. per cubic foot. Careful computation gives about 19,450 units of heat as the effect of burning one pound, or 622 units as the effect of one cubic foot, and it follows that a four foot gas bur- ner, that is such a burner as will burn four cubic feet in one hour, will produce 2488 units of heat. Taking an extreme case of lighting, a small bed-room which may be assumed to have a floor area of about 100 square feet (that-is 8’12/ or 10’x10/ on the floor) and to be 8 feet in height of walls, thus having a cubic capacity of 800 feet ; this room would be ap- propriately lighted by a single gas burner, consuming four cubic feet per hour. If it could be imagined that the room was closed against the ad- mission of any fresh air whatever, and that the air at the commencement of the experiment was at 70° Fah. with 60 per cent. of humidity, and be- sides these conditions, that no loss of heat occurred from the enclosiny sur- faces, floor, walls, ceiling, doors or windows, then at the end of an hour’s time the following changes in the air would have occurred : 2.42 cubic feet of carbonic acid, and 0.253 pound, = 5.42 cubic feet of aqueous vapor would have been generated, while 4.91 cubic feet of oxygen would have been taken up ; and 2488 heat units would have been produced. The changes are as follows: 310 . {Feb. 1, Briggs. | Airat commence- Change during Air at end ofone ment, cu. ft. hour, cu. ft. hour, cu. ft. O 157.53 — 4,91 152.62 N 630.13 Eas 630.18 - CO, @ 4 to 10,000 0.32 + 2.42 2.74 H,O Ibs. 0.56 12.02 + 5.42 (0.253 Ibs.) 17.44 800. Gas 4, . 804. 803.038 Temperature 70° = 174.2° (2488 units) 244.2° !1! The figures for reduction of the 2488 units are as follows : 800 cubic feet of air at 0.075 lbs. per foot (weight at 70°) = 60 lbs. multipled by specific heat of air, 0.2388 = 14.28 and #74§$ = 174.2.° This result might be amended by computation of the relation of the pressure and temperature for the supposed constant volume of air in the room, but it is too preposterous to need further estimate. _ It might be argued that the condition of a closed, perfect heat-retaining room is not asupposable one, and I will proceed to compare the effect of this quantity of heat in similar room where the loss of heat is an ascertainable quantity, taking the same room of 800 cubic feet capacity. Such a room, with an outer wall exposure of not over one-sixth its enclosing surface (the one side of a cube), which outer wall has the usual proportion of window surface and presents a mean aspect to the points of the compass (W. or E. about), will be heated by currents of air coming from steam heated surfaces when one foot of surface is provided for each 80 cubic feet of contents. *A temp- erature of 70° will be maintained within the room against an out-door temperature of zero with this ratio of surface. 1 In performance of this warming the steam surface of ten square feet may derive its air from out of doors at zero, and there will be furnished in the room three cubic feet of air at the temperature of 100° (heated from zero) each minute for each square foot of steam surface, or 30 cubic feet of air in all, heated at 100,° will supply heat for this room. The room is taken at 70°, and consequently 30° of the heated air will have been expended each minute in heating it, or 900 air feet units—900 x 0.238 x 0.075 = 16 units of heat per minute x 60 = 960 units per hour. These figures are gross approximations of actual heat effects of steam heated surfaces, or of capacity to heat a room against losses from the walls, etc., but they are practical in representing what is sure to be accomplished in house warming and ven- tilation, and they exhibit conclusively that, unless some other laws of heat from gas lights exist than those which radiate or communicate to the air by convection, we must look for a considerable reduction in the heat-pro- ducing effect from what is deduced from rigorous application of the estah- lished laws of heat of combustion. It is certain that a four foot burner does not give out nearly three times as much heat as will heat a small room on the coldest day of winter. ~ge 1878. | 31 1 Prof. Cope exhibited a roughly mounted fossil under jaw of a large extinct mammal obtained by himself in Colorado, in 1873, and described its peculiarities and classical value, as well as the difficult circumstances in which it was secured. Pending nominations Nos. 852 and 853 were read, and the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, Feb. 15, 1878. Present, 14 members. Vice-President, Mr. Fratry, in the Chair. Letters of acknowledgment were received from the R. So- ciety at Upsal, Oct. 15 (96, 98); Phys. Society, Berlin, June 3, “77 (92 to 95, and XV, ii); R. I. Academy, Vienna, Feb. 22, “T7 (92 to 95 and 97); Nat. Hist. Society at Emden, Nov. T, “717 (92, 92, 96 to 99); Royal Society, London (99). Letters of envoy were received from the Central Observa- tory at St. Petersburg, Jan., 1878; Royal Society at Upsal, Oct. 15, 1877; Physical Society, Berlin, June 3, 77; Royal Academy, Vienna, Aug. 7, 77; Swiss Society at Berne, Sept., "17; Meteorological Office, London, Jan., 1878; and the Office of the Chief of U.S. Engineers, Washington, D. C., Feb. 11, 1878. | Donations for the library were received from the Academies at Vienna, Berlin and Brussels; the Royal Society of New South Wales; Physical Observatory, at St. Petersburg; Royal Societies at Upsal, Copenhagen and London; M. Joachim Barrande of Prag; Dr. Giebel of Halle; Physical Society at Berlin; Societies at Emden, Gorlitz, Ulm, St. Gall, and Basel ; M. Henri de Saussure ; the Geographical Society and Revue Politique, at Paris; the Commercial Geographical Society of Bordeaux; the Linnean and Astronomical Socie- ties, Victoria Institute, Society of Arts, and London Na- ture; the Royal Observatory at Greenwich ; the Lords of Admiralty ; Dr. Humphrey Lloyd ; Nova Scotia Institute, at Halifax; Franklin Institute, Penn Monthly, College of Pharmacy, Medical News; Smithsonian Institution ; Chief 312 [Feb. 15, of U.S. Engineers ; Signal Service Office; Librarian of Con- gress, and Dr. Geo. Engelmann, of St. Louis. Mr. Lesley communicated part of a letter from Mr. Leo. Lesquereux, of Columbus, Paleeobotanist of the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, relating a discovery by Mr. Mans- field, in his coal mines near Darlington, Beaver Co. Pa. of the flowers and leaves attached to the stems of Cordaites. ‘Sternberg in 1835 first found a stem with leaves attached ; on which specimen, Corda in 1845 made his celebrated analysis of Mabelaria borassifolia. One other specimen was found by Lesquereux, near Potts- ville, in 1858. Recently Grand’ Eury’s discoveries have enabled him to publish last fall his splendid monograph of the Cordaites in his Carbonifer- ous Flora. Mr. Mansfield has now obtained a splendid series of branches with leaves, and even with leaves and flowers, representing in well defined characters numerous species, and a new section of this family unknown to Grand’ Eury ; so that we now have not only the types of tlie French au- thor, but other and some new ones far more clearly illustrating the relation of this remarkable group.”’ Mr. Lesley proposed to read Mr. Lesquereux’s descriptions of his new forms (represented on nine plates, now being drawn on stone) at the next meeting. Mr. Lesley exhibited what appears to be an Orthoceras cast in a matrix of schist, lent for examination by Dr. Chas. H. Stubbs to Prof. Frazer, Assistant in charge of the Survey of Lancaster County, said to have been found at Frazer’s Point, on the Susquehanna one mile south of the Maryland State line. Dr Cresson exhibited specimens of large moths: 1. Samia . Cecropia, native, feeding on oak leaves; 2. Samia cynthia, male and female, from China, feeding on Ailanthus leaves; 3. Actia luna, green moth, feeding on the cucumber tree— with their cocoons—prepared by Dr. Samuel Chamberlain, who proposes to introduce the general culture of these moths for the purpose of establishing a home manufacture of silk. The minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Officers were read. Pending nominations 852 and 853 were read. Mr. Fraley reported the receipt of the last interest on the Michaux Legacy, due Jan. 1, 1878. And the Society was adjourned, 315 Stated Meeting, March 1, 1878. Present, 11 members. Secretary, Dr. LeContx, in the Chair. Letters accepting membership were received from Mr. C. H. F. Peters, dated Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., Jan. 28; Mr. F. A. March, dated Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., Feb. 4; Mr. Simon Newcomb, Washington, D. C., Feb. 5; and Mr. Elisha Gray, office of the Western Electric Manu- “facturing Co., Chicago, Ill., Feb. 6, 1878. A circular letter was received from the Bataviaash (enootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, dated Batavia, Dec. 16, 1877, announcing the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the foundation of the Society on the 24th of April, 1878, and’extending an invitation to this Society to participate in the occasion. A letter of acknowledgment was received from the Royal Academy of Lisbon, dated Dec. 26, 1877 (97). A letter of envoy was received from the Department of the Interior, dated Washington, D. C., Feb. 16,1878. Donations for the Library were received trom the Ed. Revue Politique, the Meteorological Office, London; Lord Lindsay, Aberdeen ; Ed. Canadian Journal, Toronto; Ed. Boston Nat. Hist. Society; Managers of the Germantown Dispensary ; House of Refuge; Social Science Association ; Ed. Journal of Prison Discipline, Philadelphia ; Department of State and Interior, and U. 8. Naval Observatory ; Acade- my of Sciences, St. Louis; and Min. de Fomento and C. Meteorological Observatory, Mexico. A medal of Mr. Peabody was received for the Cabinet from the officers of the U. 8. Mint, ordered by the Peabody Education Fund, and given to the Society by Mr. Robert C. Wiuthrop, No. 90 Marlborough street, Boston, bearing the effigy of George Peabody, with the inscription, “ George Peabody, born the 18th of February, 1795, died 4th Novem- ber, 1869,” and on the reverse, ‘“ Education, a debt due from PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. XVII. 101. 2M. PRINTED MARCH 27, 1878. 314 [Mareh 1, present to future generations.” The trustees of the Peabody Edueation Fund.” The death of Henri Victor Regnault of Paris, Jan. 21, 1878, aged 68 years, was announced by the Secretary. The death of Paolo Angelo Secchi, at Rome, Feb. 26, 1878, was announced by the Secretary. Letters respecting inventions for utilizing coal slack were received from Mr. Frank Peppard, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, and from Mr. L. Rees, with specimens, Feb. 26, 1878. Referred to committee. A communication, entitled “On the Aerolitic Epoch of Nov. 12-18,” was read from Daniel Kirkwood. (Page 339.) The Secretary announced the reception of Prof. Les- quereux’s MSS. communication, mentioned at the last meeting. (See page 315.) The Secretary laid upon the table copies of No. 100, of the Proceedings just published, with accompanying list of sur- viving members. Prof. Chase made a communication “ On Criteria of the Nebular Hypothesis.” Prof. Cope communicated a paper “ On the Columella and Stapes in North American Turtles,” by Miss Sarah P. Monks, with two 8° plates. (See page 335.) Prof. Cope communicated a * Notice of the discovery of the position of the crural processes in the genus Atrypa,” by Mr. Wm. Ginley. (See page 338.) Dr. McQuillen described a case of the extirpation of near- ly all of the cerebrum of a pigeon by himself, and desired to place on record the fact that the subject not only survived the operation 24 days, but gradually regained its usual powers and habits of flight and was able to feed itself and drink. Only one such ease is on record. He advocated the propriety and usefulness of such operations from the acknowl- edged existing uncertainties of the science. Pending nominations 852, 853 were read. And the meeting was adjourned. ——- "ee 1878. ] 315 {Lesquereux, On the Cordaites and their related generic divisions, in the Carboniferous formation of the United States. By L. LEsQUEREUX. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 1, 1878.) N@GGERATHL. This family of plants was established by Brongniart on a species of Sternberg, Neggerathia foliosa, described in Flora der Vorwelt, II, p. 28, Pl. XX, already in 1852. The species is represented by a slender stem or rachis, bearing obovate, alternate pinnules, attached to the rachis by a narrowed base, with simple, straight, dichotomous nerves, slightly pro- jecting at the borders. This plant whose relation was not recognized by Sternberg has not been found since. Gceppert, who received specimens from Sternberg, described and figured it again in his Gattungen, and con- sidered it as a fern related to Cyclopteris. Brongniart, however, com- paring it to species of Zamia, he placed it between the Cicade and the Conifers, a place which seems legitimate. The large number of species de- scribed since as Veggerathia are all of uncertain affinity, and apparently referable to the following generic division, that of the Cordaites ; at least, I admit them into it. The leaves of Neggerathia are two sided, those of the Cordattes are in spiral order ; we have none of the first. Brongniart in his Tableau des Genres, 1849, established, under the name Pychnophyllum, a second genus of the same family from another of Sternberg’s species, Hlabellaria borassifolia; while about at the same time Unger described it as Cordaites borassifolius, 1850. Sternberg had referred his plant to the Palms, but Corda, who in 1845, admirably defined its characters by microscopical analysis of its structure in his Beitrige, p. 44, Pl. XXIV and XXV, separated it from the Palms, and found its affinity to Lomatofloios and Sigillaria, comparing it to species of Dracena of our time. The preservation of the name of Cordaites, in deference to the ad- mirable work of Corda, is indeed legitimate, and has been until now gen- erally preserved. GRouP OF CORDAITES. Perhaps no remains are more generally and abundantly found in the coal measures, from the Devonian to the Permian, than those of Cordattes. They are generally fragments of ribbon-like long leaves, most rarely found in connection with the stems ; for since Sternberg whose specimens were used by Corda for his illustration of stems and leaves, I do not know that until recently any specimens of Cordaites have been found anywhere with leaves connected to a stem, except one figured here which I discovered years ago in the upper anthracite Salem vein, near Pottsville, Pennsyl- vania. Even single leaves of Cordaites are rarely found entire, or in their whole length. In some coal beds of [Illinois layers of shale one foot thick, or more, are composed, so to say, of those leaves heaped and pressed one Lesquereux. | 316 (March 1, upon another without any other kind of vegetable remains. There, also, I could never obtain a fragment of stem nor any kind of fruits which could be used for completing in some way the description of the characters of | the genus. Now from the specimens recently published in the splendid Coal Flora of Grand’ Eury, and from those which are described and figured here, and which give, perhaps, still more evidence in regard to the relation of the Cordaites, the genus may be characterized as follows : CorRDAITES Ung. Stems or branches with a large medular canal, marked outside by trans- verse narrow close ribs, sometimes joined by divisions, covered with double or triple layers of bark, recognized in the fossil state by two or more thin layers of coal, that of the surface being more or less distinctly marked by semi-lunar inflated scar of leaves, and bearing also, as seen from our speci- mens, oblique divisions or branchlets. The naked stems have been gen- erally described under the name of Artista or Sternbergia, when found de. prived of the bark. Leaves in spiral order, more or less distant, sometimes imbricated, ribbon-like, of various lengths and width, mostly linear or gradually enlarging upwards, generally obtuse, sometimes undulate, and more or less deeply split at the top, curving to and somewhat inflated at the sessile or semi-embracing base, marked lengthwise with parallel pri- mary and secondary nerves or lines more or less distinct, generally more distant in the middle of the leaves, and somewhat inflated toward the base. According to the enlarging progress of the leaves towards the point, the nerves divide by splitting, a division which is rarely observable. The stems bear racemes of flowers, rarely found, however, going out of the axils of the leaves. Two kinds are figured here, seemingly bear- ing, one male, the other fertile flowers. They evidently represent, in part at least, the so-called Antholites, which until now have been separately considered without positive reference. The fruits of Cordaites are described by Grand’ Eury under He names of Cordaicarpus, Diplotesta, Carpolithes Grand Hurianus, C. avellanus, and (. Gutbieri ; none of which, except the two last species have been found in connection with the specimens published here; or in the same clayed cannel coal wherefrom they are derived. The more common species of fruits of this locality are figured here as future points of comparison. No silicified remains of these plants have as yet been found in the American coal measures, and therefore, anatomical and microscopical re- searches in regard to their internal structure are here impossible, The only analysis made from a silicified stem, is that by Corda, loc. cit. European authors, especially Gceppert, Weiss and Grand’Eury, have discussed at length the characters of the Cordaites and their relation, This con- sideration, pursued from different points of view, though very instructive and interesting, cannot find place here. We owe to the systematic researches of Mr. I. F. Mansfield, of Cannel- ton, the discovery of a large number of specimens of this genus which have 1873.] 317 [Lesquereux. been mostly used for the figures and descriptions of the carboniferous flora. They supply a considerable amount of evidence on the relation of various forms which had been from fragments referred to different generic divis- ions or even to different families, and also on the peculiar mode of vege- tation of these plants. Certainly the vegetable paleontology of our coal is greatly indebted to this ardent, careful and very experienced collector. The American species of Cordaiies, as far as we know them up to the present time; are referable to different divisions which I have merely named in the margin. [CRASSIFOLI&.] CORDAITES VALIDUS, sp. nov. Pl. XLVI, fig. 1, 2.* Leaves thick, very long, linear, as far as shown by the fragments, thirty- five centimeters long, half embracing the stem at the base, five to eight centimeters broad, slightly enlarged in turning to the inflated point of at- tachment whose scar is subcordate, narrowly, nearly equally and obscurely striate on the upper surface, where the veins, seven or eight per millimeier, are immersed into the epidermis; more distinctly marked on the lower surface where they are obtuse or keeled, irregular in distance, three to five per millimeter, sometimes with an intermediate secondary vein, more generally with an obtuse furrow between them. The fragment of stem figured is more coarsely and irregularly striate than the leaves, the strise being here and there inflated, thus irregular in size, so that at first sight or without glass, the neryes do not appear continuous. They are so, however, two, sometimes three in one millimeter, even one millimeter apart. The coaly layer of the bark is about one millimeter thick, sometimes more. The same thickness of coal takes the place of the leaves upon the lower somewhat concave surface, under a coating which seems intermediate between the upper and lower faces of the leaves, and thus represents its thickness diminished by compression. The figure of the specimen seems to show the base of the leaf as decur- rent on one side. But the branch is broken, and presents the face oppo- site to the point of attachment, the apparent decurring base being merely the turning of the leaf to the point of attachment behind, and its lacera- tion from the broken stem. Fig. 2, represents the base of the leaves when detached from the stem, and flattened by compression. It is irregularly, deeply undulate-laciniate, with the base of the lacinize inflated, and the in- tervals corresponding with thick fascicles of nerves, dilated above. Fig. 2, shows the scar of a leaf upon a larger stem ; its form and width has no correspondent in any of those figured by Grand’ Eury in his Flore Carboni- fere for stems of Cordaites. This author, however, seems to have seen *The numbers of the plates are not definitive. They are indicated merely for reference to a few copies of the plates furnished, before lettering, to the Pro- ceedings of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia out of the edi- tion in preparation for publication in the yolume entitled ‘ Report of Progress of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania; Fossil Flora, &c.”’ Lesquereux. j 318 (March 1, leaves like the one described, for he says in a note on a sub-species of C. borassifolius, under the sub-specific name of crassifolius, loc. cit., p. 216. “‘T do not know as yet if Ican refer to the same type some more consistent thicker leaves of which one of the faces is anguloso-striate by stronger and alternate thinner veins, but of which the other is finely and equally stri- ate.”’ This remark describes the nervation of our species. I should, there- fore, have preserved Grand’ Eury’s name, if the characters of these leaves, especially the mode of attachment, had not been so far different from that of the following section, and especially if the French author had given a description instead of a remark. Habitat. Cannelton, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, I. F. Mansfield. CORDAITES CRASSUS, sp. NOY. Neggerathia crassa? Goepp. Foss. fl. der Ueberganzsgebirges, p. 220, Pl. XL. The specimens appear rather to represent a large stem of the Naggerathia or of Cordiates than leaves. Fragments of the same character are found in the coal measures of Pennsylvania. Years ago I sent to Prof. Brongniart, among other specimens, a leaf or stem similar to that described by Geeppert, but with narrower strize. Its reference was not mentioned by that cele- brated author. These fragments vary in thickness, from two to five milli- meters, are coarsely but equally striate, resembling flattened stems of Cala- mites, without articulation, and with thinner striz-like fascicles of nerves inflated at some places, or buried into a thick epidermis. [GRANDIFOLL&. ] CORDAITES GRANDIFOLIUS, sp. Nov. Pl. XLVI, fig. 1, 2, 2a. Leaves large, of a thick texture, gradually and rapidly enlarging up- wards and fan-like, from a narrow, semi-lunar base, thirty centimeters long or more, round-truncate or rounded and undulately lobed and split at the top ; nervation double ; primary nerves obtuse, three to four in one mil- limeter, dichotomous or splitting, inflated toward the base, with one often indistinct intermediate vein, becoming more marked near the base. Of this species I have not seen any stems, and all the leaves which I had for examination have the same truncate narrow base, one of them being cut at the point of attachment in the semi-lunar form of the leaves of Cor- daites. Among the fine specimens sent by Mr. R. D. Lacoe, of Pittston, most of which are too large for illustration in our plates, the outspreading upwards is marked in different degrees. One of the leaves, for example, is thirty-eight centimeters long, gradually enlarging to the rounded top, where it is sixteen centimeters wide, undulate and split in short lacinie, like fig. 1. Another leaf with the base six millimeters broad, truncate, but con- cave as to a point of attachment, is thirty-two centimeters long, and fifteen centimeters broad at the top or there nearly half as broad as long. The only relation I find to this species is with Naggerathia obliqua and 1878. | 319 { Lesquereux, N. Beinertiana Geepp., Gatt. liv. 5-6, p. 108, Pl. XII, fig. 2 and 3, repre- senting much smaller leaves whose description is insufficient. Of the first, comparing it to V. foliosa, the author says that the nerves are dichotomous, and more distinct ; of the other that they are very close (creberrimi), and dichotomous. The first is from the Devonian (grauwacken), the other from the Carboniferous. As far as seen from the figure and the descrip- tions, the characters of both do not agree with those of this species. Of the first, Schimper supposes that it may be a leaflet of a Macropterigium, of the second he says nothing. N. Beinertiana, described also by Geinitz, is said to have veins of equal thickness, wrinkled across, two characters at va- riance with the nervation of these leaves, where besides the unequality of the nerves, the cross wrinkles are less marked than in any other species of this genus, indeed undistinguishable even with a strong glass. Habitat. Pittston ; intra-conglomerate measures, R. D. Lacoe. [ COMMUNES. ] This section might be subdivided into two, one for the species with large leaves, more generally found in the middle coal measures ; the other for the narrow leaved species, which appear related to those described by Grand’ Eury, under the name of Poa-cordaites. I cannot, however, find, either in the nervations, or in the basilar form of the point of attachment of the leaves, any persistent characters which could enable me to dis- tinctly separate them. CoRDAITES BoRAssIFOLIUS Ung. Pl. XL VU, fig. 3, 3a, 30. Leaves generally large from five to eight millimeters broad in the middle, where they appear the widest, gradually and slightly narrowing upward and downward, sublinear, obtuse or truncate, and generally more or less deeply split at the top, slightly contracted at the semi-lunar somewhat in- flated base. Nervation indistinct to the naked eyes, close, five to seven primary nerves in one millimeter, and generally one intermediate thin veinlet, surface marked by cross wrinkles, more distinct than in the former species. As figured by Corda, who has exactly marked the characters of nerva- tion, and of the areolation, the leaves are all obtuse and shorter than I have generally found them. The branch which the German author has figured, however, is a young one ; the leaves are merely those of the tops of the branches. I have seen in Kentucky, near Amanda furnace, a bed of clay composed mostly of remains of this species, where amongst an immense number of fragments, I found also some large top leaves five to six centi- meters broad, some very obtuse, half round, some also split into lacinic in the middle, others narrowed at the top, like that of our figure. The one figured here is cut in two, the middle part being left out for want of space. It measures in its whole, forty-five centimeters in length, and six centimeters width, in the middle; the lines 3° and 32 mark the diameter of the leaf. Lesquereux.] 520 [March I, These leaves are found in most of the beds of our Carboniferous measures from the Millstone Grit to the Pittsburgh coal, where they are abundant. Not rare at Cannelton. CORDAITES COMMUNIS, sp. nov. Leaves of various size, generally smaller than those of the former species, more evidently and generally attenuated to the base; the largest leaf seen of this species is twenty-two centimeters long, and thirty-seven millimeters wide at or near the top where it is broken ; fifteen millimeters broad just above the point of attachment, with border generally recurved, The upper surface is covered with a thick epidermis with distinct cross wrinkles. Primary nerves about three in two millimeters, obtuse and more obscure at the upper surface, distinct in the lower, with two to four intermediate veins. The nervation of these leaves is sufficient to separate them from the former species. One of the specimens represents a branch with leaves attached to it, and semilunar scars of those which have been destroyed. It bears also an un- folding branch, about in the same position as the one figured Pl. XLIX, fig. 2, but with shorter leaves, two centimeters long, more closely imbri- cated and more enlarged at the base, where they measure five to six milli- meters, and small cones (one only is distinct) with imbricated scales exactly like Cordianthus gemmifer, of Grand’ Eury, as figured Pl. XXV, for his illustration of the Cordaites. It is not possible to see the mode of attachment of the cone. Besides the character of the leaves the species differs from the former and from any of those described here by the thick bark covering its stem. It is nearly one millimeter thick, though the stems are flattened by compression. Habitat, Clinton, Missouri; found and communicated by Dr. J. H. Britts. CORDAITES DIVERSIFOLIUS, Sp. nov. Pl. XL VILL, fig. 3, 3a. Leaves narrow, linear, half embracing the stem at the point of attach- ment, twelve to fifieen millimeters broad, curved backward, except those of the top, which are closely imbricated, and in tuft. Surface distinctly marked by the nervation so that the primary nerves may be counted with- out glass. These are generally equal, obtuse, three to four in one milli- meter, with very thin scarcely perceptible intermediate vinelets, The specimen figured and mentioned above as the first found in this coun- try with leaves attached tothe stems, is from the Salem Vein, near Pottsville. The point of attachment is figured too large, the base being obscured orsome- what covered by fragments of imbricated leaves. I have from this species separate leaves from Clinton, Missouri, oneof which measures at the point of attachment seven millimeters, and is enlarged above it to eleven millimeters. C. angustifotius, Lsqx. Ills, Rept., II, p. 413 (1866). Name preoceupied by Dawson in Canadian Naturalist, 1861, p. 10. 1878. ] 321 {Lesquereux. It farther and gradually increases in width to seventeen millimeters at the broken end, eleven centimeters from the base. Other leaves from the same locality are exactly linear, seventeen millimeters in diameter, while others still, fifteen miliimeters above the point of attachment, gradually diminish in width upwards to fifteen millimeters. I remark their dimen- sions to show the variety of size of leaves of this genus, not merely in com- parison with each other but in different parts of their length. I refer to this species leaves found in large numbers at the same locality as the specimen figured, some of which are flat and linear, others with borders curved inside or half cylindrical, others still true cylinders, not larger than a goose-quill, seemingly coming out of a pedicel or stem, as they are often found in bundles and enlarging upwards in proportion as the borders become more and more open and flattened. The nervation is of the same type, the epidermis thick ; they represent in their cross sec- tions an oval line, like figure 3 of Grand’ Eury, Pl. XVIII. Habitat. Upper coal measures of Pennsylvania, Lower coal measures of Missouri ; middle and lower coal of Illinois, where it abounds, at Col- chester especially, St. John and Du Quoin. CORDAITES MANSFIELDI, sp. nov. Pl. XLIX, fig. 1, 1b,2. Pl. XLVIL fig. 4, 40. Stem covered with a thin bark of polished coal, marked by numerous scars of the convex base of leaves, either imbrivated or more or less distant, disposed in spiral. Leaves long, erect, nearly exactly linear, gradually diminishing toward the top to an obtuse point, averaging fifteen millime- ters in diameter, distinctly and distantly nerved ; primary nerves fifteen to eighteen in one centimeter, with two to four intermediate veins; surface rugose across as in the former species ; branches:oblique with imbricated leaves of proportionate size. Flowers composed of four sepaloid involu- cres, borne upon simple flexuous pedicels, to which they are attached by short peduncles. As seen from the splendid specimen figured here and from a number of others quite as remarkably well preserved, the species is characterized by its long, erect, linear leaves, whose surface is marked by a strong nerva- tion (1* enlarged double, 1° enlarged four times) rounded and narrowed to the point of attachment, reduced to half the diameter of the leaves, per- fectly entire and obtusely pointed. The stems are covered with a thin coating of coaly, shining bark, where the scars are distinctly marked, but no more so than upon the subcortical surface. The branches apparently form the axils of the leaves, one of which is seen, fig. 2, bears leaves pro- portionate to their length and their age, imbricated, Jinear-lanceolate, ob- tusely pointed, with a nervation of the same character, reduced, of course, to proportionate dimensions by the size of the leaves. Another specimen bears a branch two to three centimeters thick, diverging in the same degree as that of the figure, twelve centimeters long, with leaves propor- tionate in size, the largest already fifteen centimeters long, all imbricated., PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xviI. 101. 2N. PRINTED MARCH 27, 1878. ‘ Lesquereux.] 322 {Mareh 1, linear-lanceolate, with the borders incurved, especially towards the top, which thus appear acuminate. The nervation has equally the character of the large leaves, the primary veins being one half to three-fourths of a millimeter distant, with two or three intermediate distinct vinelets. Under the name of Cordianthus simplex, I refer the stem bearing flow- ers, Pl. XLVIUL, fig. 4, 4%, to this species especially because the specimens were found in the same shale and in proximity to those bearing leaves, though not in connection with them. Of these stems one is entirely naked, without leaves or flowers; the other figured here shows some difference in its slightly thicker coaly surface and in the absence of distinct leaf scars. These, however, may have been obliterated by longer process of decom- position ; for the racemes of flowers are flattened by compression and irregularly flexuous, with their vascular filaments distinct, as if the branches had been in an advanced state of maceration. The flowers, which ap- pear to be male flowers and borne upon a short peduncle, are mostly turned downward and are composed, as seen fig. 1°, of three or four in- volucral, thick, lanceolate, abruptly pointed sepals. The point of attach- ment of the elongated narrow racemes is round, inflated in the lower part, as seen fig. 4°. Their position in regard to the leaves is not possibly seen. Comparing these fructifications to those which have been figured by Grand’Eury, there is a marked difference in this, that all the flowers figured by this author either sterile or fertile are sessile upon the branch- lets. It is the same with those figured by Dawson under the name of Trigonocarpum racemosum in his Devonian Plants, Quat. Jour. Geol. Soe. vol. XVIII, Pl. XVI, fig. 47, which are referable to Cordianthus baccifer of Grand’Eury; those also of Weiss, Foss. flora, p. 195, fig. 1, repre- senting Cordianthus gemmifer. A point of likeness only is found for the form of the flowers attached to a short pedicel and the thick raceme in Sternb. Fl. der Vorw., Pl. XXVI, fig. 2. This figure, though described without reference as plantula debilis, p. 33, evidently represents flowering branches of Cordaites. Habitat. Cannelton. I. F. Mansfield. CORDAITES GRACILIS, sp. DOV. Pl. XL VIII, fig. 4-4. Stem slender, with a rugose somewhat thick bark ; leaves sessile by a narrowed base, open or curved backward, distant, gradually enlarged from the base upwards, sublinear, obtusely truncate at the top; nervation indistinct in the upper corticated surface, which is somewhat rough, primary nerves variable in distance from one millimeter apart to three or four in two millimeters, with one or two, even four, intermediate, very thin veins. Closely allied to the former by its distinct and distant nervation, it is, however, far distant by the form, the size, the position of its leaves, and its thick, rough bark. The part of stem preserved is seventeen centimeters long, seven millimeters wide at its base, four millimeters at its top, flat- = CAs 1878. | 323 [Lesquereux,. tened by compression. The leaves are either at right angles to the stem or curved backwards from their point of attachment, nine centimeters long, gradually enlarging from the base, five millimeters, tothe top one centi- meter wide, where they are rounded and obliquely truncate, the point slightly curved inside or concave as marked in the figure. Fig. 4° shows the point of attachment of the leaves observed upon another specimen. Habitat. Morris, Illinois, lowest bed of coal above the Millstone Grit ; found by Mr. 8. 8. Strong. One specimen with broken leaves, but distinct scars, is from Cannelton, by Mr. I. F. Mansfield. [COSTAT 2. ] Stems or branches irregularly costate by the prolongation of the base of the protuberant leaf scars, whose upper surface is covered by a smooth shining coating of coaly bark. CORDAITES COSTATUS, sp. nov. Pl. LI, figs. 1-4. Stem irregularly costate, leaves narrow, nearly linear, five millimeters broad above the point of attachment, gradually enlarged to nearly one centimeter at the point where they are broken ten centimeters from the base ; nervation distinct ; primary nerves unequal in distance, three to five in two millimeters, with three or four intermediate vinelets especially distinct on the under surface of the leaves ; surface cross wrinkled ; flowers narrowly ovate, composed of appressed, imbricated, narrow, linear-lanceo- late, acuminate scales, sessile, upon long decurring cylindrical racemes. The branch, one and a half centimeters broad, bears as basilar support of the leaves, tumescent, reniform scars, fig. 2, narrowed at the base into a linear inflated support, which, after the disruption of the leaves, form, when persistent, narrow, carinate, alternate ridges, becoming sharply keeled and distinct in the old stem, as seen in fig. 3; or when destroyed by maceration, leave a cavity of the same size with elevated borders. The leaves are in an acute angle of divergence from the stem, somewhat loosely imbricated in spiral. Sometimes as seen in @, they appear decurrent by a casual flexion of the lower part to the stem. The flower bearing peduncles are cylindrical, apparently of hard tex- ture, slightly inflated, or like articulate at the point of attachment of the flowers which are sessile or with a very short pedicel. The form of the flowers is very different from that of the ones described from specimens of C. Mansfieldi and of C. communis. Habitat. We have three specimens of this fine species found by Mr. I. F. Mansfield, at Cannelton. [SERPENTES. ] Stems narrow, flexuous or serpentine, abruptly terminating into a large, flat leaf. é Lesquereux.] 324 |March lI, CORDAITES SERPENS, sp. Dov. Pl fat od Stems narrow, fifteen to twenty-five centimeters thick when compressed, covered with a thin coaly opaque layer of bark, marked by somewhat dis- tant semi-lunar scars of leaves. Leaves at right angles to the stem, sub- linear or slightly enlarging upwards, eight to ten millimeters broad, rounded in narrowing to the point of attachment, distinctly veined. Pri- mary nerves nearly at equal distance, effaced towards the borders, three or four in three millimeters, with three to five, more generally three, very thin intermediate secondary veins. Top of stems abruptly terminating int? a broad, flat leaf, as broad as the stem, covered with double coating of couly matter, the upper one somewhat thick, destroyed near the point of conjunction with the stem, but distinctly nerved like the lower one, thick also, whose nervation is of the same character as that of the leaves, the primary veins only a little closer, showing in relief on the under surface, thin, obtusely keeled careens. The specimens figured elucidate the species as far as it has been possible to see it. In fig. 1, representing the only specimen with leaves, those coming out of the stem, near its point of disruption, are narrower and di- vided in flexuous, linear-lanceolate, pointed lacinix, deeply marked by fas- ciles of veins. In fig. 2, the abrupt termination of the stem is clearly marked in conjunction with the terminal leaf. Fig. 3 has the upper part, the bark, destroyed by maceration. The stem is preserved in its cylindrical state, not compressed, and shows the transverse ribs of Artista perfectly distinct, obtuse. The depression in fig 3, which seems upon the figure as a corrodation or a destruction of the stem by maceration, is an abrupt ter- mination as in fig. 2; for the coating of coaly matter, nerved like that upon the terminal leaf, covers the declivity to the border of the cylinder. Professor Dawson has a branch of Sternbergia or Artisia* pith, which he says is probably of a Dadoxylon, which represents this abrupt termina- tion in a most remarkable manner, the pith being one and a half centimeter thick, terminating in acone of six or seven gradually smaller rings, the last one only half a centimeter in diameter. (Geol. Survey of Canada, 1871, Pl. III, fig. 28). He supposes also referable to Dadoxylon another fragment of the same character, bearing on one side a piece of thick bark as we see it bordering the stem of fig. 3. It is represented in Canadian Naturalist, May 1861, as Dadoxylon Ouangondianum, and considered by the author as a conifer. Fig. 4, of our plate, reduced in size, represents a long stem of this species, flexuous, narrower per places, especially in the middle, somewhat inflated at both extremities ; it is fifty centimeters long, varying in width from twelve to twenty-four millimeters. covered with close, tumescent scars of leaves, which are obtusely rhomboidal, six millimeters in hori- *The names are synonymous, referring to those cross ribbed branches which Corda considered as stems of Lomatophloios. SE ———————— 1878. | 325 [Lesquereux, zontal direction, four millimeters in the vertical one, also covered with a thin layer of opaque coaly bark. This species seems to represent a floating rather than a creeping plant, for no traces of appendages like radicles or their scars can be observed upon any of the specimens. The prolongation of the stem into a broad, flat, thick leaf, seems to indicate that kind of growth in water, as it appears to serve as a support to the plants on the surface of the water. The cylindrical part of fig. 3, deprived of its thick bark, which is left on both borders, evidently shows, not merely the relation, but the identifica- tion of Cordaites with Artisia, an identification which is still more closely seen upon a number of other larger stems of Cordaites, one of them figured -Pl. LI, fig. 2. It shows a double layer of bark which, whenever it is de- stroyed, distinctly exposes the horizontal ribs of Artista. This fragment appears articulate, and marked on one side of the articulation by a large, protuberant scar of a branch, while on the other side it shows the semi-lunar scar of a leaf. No trace of articulation has been until now remarked upon stems of this kind, at least none is mentioned in the work of Grand’ Eury, who has so remarkably illustrated this genus. The specimen bears, just near the branch-scar, a bundle of narrow leaves of Teniophyllunm con- textum. Pl. LIII, fig. 2,—but the bundle does not touch by its base the scar of the branch, nor does it appear to be in connection with it, and as the specimen, a large piece of shale, is covered with bundles of the same leaves, I do not consider them as related to this stem. Another specimen, a branch twenty-two centimeters long, three and a half centi- meters broad, convex or half flattened, whose surface is partly covered with the coaly layer and the distinct semi-lunar scars of leaves, six milli- meters broad, shows, where deprived of its bark, or upon more than the two- thirds of its surface, the distinctly marked cross ribs of Artista. These ribs are variable in width from one to two millimeters, parallel, sometimes slightly undulating in their borders, but traversing right across the tumes- cent obtuse scars of the leaves, without any deviations in their direction, nor any kind of branching which could indicate the passage of vessels of leaves into the subcortical cylinder. On one of the borders of the branch, the bark either flattened, or cut lengthwise like that of Pl. L, fig. 3, is half a centimeter thick. The surface coal layer, however, is not more than one-fourth or scarcely half a millimeter thick. That therefore the Artisia, or at least most of the stems described under this name, are the woody cyl- inder of Cordaites is established beyond a doubt by these specimens. I cannot assert from the examination of my specimens that species of Ar- tisia May not be referable to Dadoxylon representing Conifers. But I have not seen as yet any branches of Artista which might be separated from the Cordaites ; andif Artista species are found with the characters of the Conifers, the Artisia of Cordaites, or those described by the authors and referred to plants of different genera, should have the same characters. This has not been positively established. Grand’ Eury refers Dadorylom and its Artisia stem to Vordaites. Corda vy Lesquereux.] 326 (Mareh 1, has, the first and most carefully, analyzed and described Artista as the pith cylinder of Lepidophloios, a genus generally considered in intimate relation to Lepidodendron or Lycopodiacee by Grand’ Eury, Goldenberg, Shimper and others; therefore, the reference of Artista to any kind of Conifers is as yet, it seems, unauthorized. I have treated the subject with some more de- tails in considering the general characters of the Carboniferous flora. [FLOWERS AND FRUITS OF CORDAITES. ] Under the name of Cordianthus, Grand’Eury has considered as evi- dently referable to Cordaites, the flowering branches known formerly under the name of Antholithes. The racemes. of flowers described here with Cordaites mansfieldi, C. communis, and C. costatus, evidently prove this relation. For, if they are more slender and less developed than those which have been found separated from the stem, as the Antholithes, the characters of these organs are evidently identical. They represent either male flowers, buds covered with imbricated scales, containing merely a powder which may be the pollen; or fertile flowers in small oval or round ovules. Of these we have only the following species referable to male flowers : CoRDIANTHUS GEMMIFER, Gr. d’H. Pl. XLVI, figs. 5 and 6. Buds sessile, upon a thick, simple raceme, broadly oval ; scales imbri- cated, oval, obtusely pointed. This species, represented by fig. 5, corresponds to that of fig. 4, Pl. XXVI, of Grand’Eury. The second with longer oval lanceolate, more acute scales of a narrower cone, as represented by fig. 6, corresponds to fig. 6 of the same plate of Grand’ Eury. Of the fertile flowers, Cordianthus baccifer, I have not found any. A branch described and figured in the Geological Report of Mlinois, TV, p. 427, Pl. XI, fig. 6, under the name of Schutztia bracteatu, Lesqx., bears on one side of the raceme cones identical by their characters to Cordianthus gem- mifer, while it has on the other a closed bud or a round tubercle, borne upon a short, inflated pedicel, which appears to represent the round tuber- cles of Oordianthus baccifer. This, therefore, would imply the monoicity of these flowers, while all the specimens published by Grand’ Eury and other authors, represent only racemes with either gemmifer or baccifer flowers, and therefore indicate the inflorescence as dicecious. My specimens are not good and distinct enough to authorize a definite conclusion, as the bacci- form bud may represent merely the top of a gemmiform one,* whose basi- lar scales have been destroyed and detached by maceration. The remain- ing top, however, is exactly globular. By detaching the scales of the gem- mifer cones, I found under them a transparent, yellowish membrane, formed of elongated, equilateral, small meshes or areolx, inclosing or sup- *Grand ’Eury remarks with reason, that these flowers are generally so much altered by decomposition, that it is rarely possible to fix the sex which they represent. —=. - - Ss. ai | ee he 1878.) 527 {Lesquereux. porting small granules of opaque brown matter. These granules, scarcely the hundreth part of a millimeter in diameter, are of a roundish, irregular polygonal form, agglomerated and separating with difficulty. Their size and irregularity of form prevent us from considering them as spores ; they look rather like grains of pollen. Most of the authors of works on vegetable paleontology have figured and described as Antholithes, under different specific names, some of these organs. Already in 1854, Professor Newberry has a representation in the Annals of Science of Cleveland, of three branches, reproduced in the first volume of the Paleontology of the Geological Survey of Ohio. The one Pl. XLI, fig. 1, of this last work, Antholithes Pitcairnie, Lld. and Hutt, is like our fig. 6; the spikelets, however, being naked, or without the linear bracts generally found supporting the flowers of Cordaites. As my specimens show part of the flowers without these bracts, this difference is probably due to the degree of maceration to which the plants have been subjected. Fig. 2 is baccifer, the ovules being not only sustained by a leafy bractlet, but half inclosed at their base into an involucre. Nutlets of the same kind and form, but much larger, are represented attached to thick branches in fig. 4, as Cardiocarpon, while fig. 3, under the name of Antho- lithes priscus, Newby, represents a Cardianthus gemmifer, whose upper scales are mixed with leaves apparently originating from under the scales. All the forms described by the European authors are represented in the splendid plates of Grand’Eury, who has separated, as flowers of Poa Cor- daites the slender, flower bearing racemes which I have described with Cordaites mansfieldi and C. costatus. Of the fruits and nuts referable hypothectically to Cordaites the number is considerable. But except the nutlets figured by Newberry, Dawson and Grand’ Eury, no larger fruit has been found positively attached to stems or branches of Cordaites, nor indeed of any other coal plants. I have figured, Pl. LIV, the fruits most commonly found at Cannelton in shale bearing Cordaites remains. They are described with the other kinds of fruits of the coal. These may be compared only to two species of Grand’ Eury as remarked above. Of all the others referred as Cordaicarpus, Cardiocarpus, Carpolithes, to Cordaites or Neggerathia, there are scarcely any at Cannelton. Geinitz refers Rhabdocarpus species to Naggerathia. To Cordaites principalis he refers Carpolithes Cordai, as yet unknown in our coal measures, while the common fruits of Cannelton, figs. 8 to 11, are most like if not identical to Cardiocarpon Gutbier?, which Geinitz does not refer to Cordaites ; while Grand’Eury names the same species Cordaicarpus Gutbieri among the fruits of Cordaites. It has a distant likeness to our fig. 8, and therefore all these fruits, fig. 6 to 11, might be hypothetically considered fruits of Cor- daites, as by transition they seem to represent, either the same, or two closely allied species. It is the only trace of light we have on the subject. The two fruits, fig. 7, are of different type. They are attached to a broken pedi- cel, and were found also with the Cordaztes of Cannelton. They are, like the others, described with the fruits of the Carboniferous measures. Lesquereux. ] 328 {Mareh 1], ‘ CorDAISTROBUS, Lesqx. Strobile conical, tapering to a point, covered by transversely rhomboidal scars, placed in spiral, bearing narrow linear leaves, with the characters, form and nervation of leaves of Cordaites. The plant from which this genus is established might have been de- scribed perhaps as Cycadoidea or Mantellia, a genus established for the description of stems of Cycas, mostly globular, or conical obtuse, or nest form, all referable to a more recent formation, the Permian. As the leaves are of a different character, as also the reference of this cone to Cycad@ is merely indicated and not positively ascertained, I think advisable and more rational to describe it under this new genus, which indicates its relation. CoRDAISTROBUS GRAND’ EuRYI, sp. nov. Pl. GI, fig. 3. Cone cylindrical from the base to the middle, narrowed npwards and acuminate, borne upon a somewhat thick pedicel or axis equally striate in the length; scars transversely rhomboidal, inflated in the lower part, bear- ing at the top another smaller rhomboidal scar point of attachment of linear leaves, marked by parallel distinct nerves. The leaves are short, mostly broken near the point, one only preserved in its whole on one side; of the other, four are left, close to each other, all evidently attached to the rhomboidal scars of the cone. The scars show the spiral disposition of the leaves. The nervation of the leaves seen in 3a, is exactly of the Cordaites character. The primary nerves are close, especially toward the borders, and separated by one or two intermediate veins. The axis of the cone, as far as it isseen upon the specimen, is covered by a comparatively thick coaly bark more than half a millimeter thick. It is deeply and regularly striate, the striae being also obscurely seen along the middle of the cone, even to its point, by compression of the scars, as represented upon the figure. I consider this cone as proving more than any other of the organs de- scribed, the relation of Cordaites to Cycada. By the leaves it is a true Cordaites ; by the scars and their disposition it represents a small stem of Cycas. It is, however, difficult to explain its true nature. It does not look like a fruiting cone, and all that is known until now of the stems of Cordaites is without relation to this branch. Dr. Newberry has repre- sented, loc. cit., as Antholithes priscus, a branch of Cordianthus, bearing small recurved gemmifer cones, to which are appended short leaves which seem as originating from under the scales. This is the only organism which might perhaps explain the nature of this strobile by supposing a kind of viviparous vegetation produced directly from the flowering cones of Cordaites. Though it may be, that its relation, as remarked above, is clearly marked as a point of connection between Oordaites and Cycade. Habitat. Cannelton. Mr. I. F. Mansfield. | DiIcRANOPHYLLUM,? Grand’ Eury. The author has described under this name linear narrow leaves of vari- ous length, twice forking at the top, coriaceous, marked with a few thick eee —— ee 1878.] 329 [Lesquereux, nerves and intermediate nervilles more or less immersed into the epidermis. These leaves are inserted around small branches upon tumescent small bolsters, whose disposition is in regular spiral, with a rhomboidal section recalling those of the Lepidodendron, but formed by the fleshy base of laterally decurring leaves like those of some Conifers. He adds that the leaves of one of his species, D. Gallicum, do not seem to have been caducous, some remains of them are generally seen even upon the oldest branches, where they have not left any distinct scars. The coaly envelope of the branches is thick, the foliaceous bolsters are soon effaced upon it, as if the bark had increased in thickness in contact with a ligneous increas- ing body, as in the dicotyledonous. The description of the stems and of the rhomboidal scars placed in spiral and left upon the branches, and also the fig. 3, of a branch, in P]. XIV of his flora, corresponds in part with the characters of the cone or branch described above. But the leaves of Dicranophyllum are of a different character from that of the Cordaites, and, therefore, the author has sepa- rated this genus fromthe order of the Cordaites. The organism, which from its leaves I consider as a Dicranophyllum, differs in many points of the above description, but some of its characters are so clearly corresponding that I do not find reason to separate them. It will be seen, however, that from our specimens, the relation of the species is truly to the Cordaites, and that the genus cannot be separated from this order. DICRANOPHYLLUM DIMORPHUM, Sp. NOV. Pl. LIV, fig. 1-2. Stems or branches small, the largest seen not quite two centimeters wide, when flattened ; apparently articulated at the point of divergence of the branches and there abruptly narrowed, covered with a coaly bark about half a millimeter thick; stem leaves in oblique or right angle to the branches, narrow, three millimeters broad near the inflated smooth base at the point of attachment, linear or slightly diminishing toward the upper part, where they are forking once or twice, covered with a thick epidermis wherein the veins are buried and obtuse ; nerves distinct under the epider- mis, four or five primary ones near the base, unequally distant, inter- mediate ones indistinct or not perceivable with the glass. The stem, fig. 2, is marked upon the bark by round, small, inflated bolsters, correspond- ing under it to small cavities of the same form and size, very irregular in their distribution, sometimes three placed directly in line, sometimes scattered. I do not consider them as scars of leaves ; they are probably the re- mains of small mollusks like those which so profusely inhabit the substance of the leaves of Cordaites. The top of the same fig. 2 which is not fig- ured, bears a reniform scar like those of Cordaites costatus, but it is.proba- bly that from a top leaf like those of fig. 1. The stem, fig. 1, seems like articulate by a depression across its whole diameter at the point of attachment of the branch ia. The top of this PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xviI. 101. 20. PRINTED MARCH 27, 1878. Lesquereux. | 330 | March 1, branch terminates abruptly in an obtuse point, to which is attached a somewhat thick leaf of Cordaites character, or with parallel nervation. The top of the main stem bears a tuft of three leaves of the same character as that of a, flat, linear, one centimeter broad. The two on the left side are somewhat thick and the nervation immersed in the epidermis ; that on the right side in d is decorticated or represented by the impression of its lower surface, with primary nerves distinct to the eye, three in one millimeter, with two or three distinct intermediate ones. The other leaves attached along the stem are those of Dicranophyllum, with nervation more or less obsolete by the thick epidermis, and are of the same character as those of fig. 2. We have here, therefore, in the abrupt termination of the branch a, and the large leaves at the top of the main branch, the evident characters of Cordaites, while the stem leaves are as evidently of Dierano- phylum. One of our specimens, fig. 3, represents a small fruit, oval and similar in form to the bulbilles, which Grand’ Eury has seen in the axils of the leaves of Dicranophyllum, Pl. XXX, fig. 3, of his flora, but somewhat larger, with flattened borders, and of a thick texture ; at least its surface is covered by a pellicle of coal as thick as that upon leaves of Dicranophylium. From under it, or as in its axil, comes a Dicranophyllum leaf four milli- meters broad, soon splitting twice, and separating in three narrow branches, hamulose in their curve, and dividing again in filiform lacinice at their extremities. The character of nervation, four primary distinct nerves in one of the lacinise, as seen in a, where the thick epidermis is destroyed, are exactly the same as in the leaves of fig. 2. Hence I believe that we have here positive evidence of the relation of these organs to the genus established as Dicranophyllum by the celebrated French author and of that of this genus to the order or family of the Cordaites. ['T.#NIOPHYLLES. | T 2NIOPHYLLUM, Lesqx. Stems large, leaves crowded, flat, thick, exactly linear, decurring at the base, surface smooth, opaque or shining. The plants referred to this division resemble those of the narrow-leaved Cordaites by the size of their leaves only. These are still narrower, more exactly linear, and their surface is not striate or marked by nerves, neither when corticated nor when deprived of their coaly epidermis. Seen with a strong glass, their surface appears lined lengthwise and crosswise by a very thin areolation composed of appressed square meshes resembling those of the finest tissue. The leaves are, as far as can be seen, very long. I have not been able to find one in its entire length in any of the specimens ex- amined. Their point of attachment still more than their smooth surface separates them from Cordaites, this point being marked by a linear nar- row scar, rounded and slightly inflated at its lower end, generally pointed or acuminate upwards. The species referred to this group represents evi- dently a different generic division if not a separate family. € 1878.) 3D 1 { Lesquereux. T 2NIOPHYLLUM DEFLEXUM, sp. nov. Pl. LIV, fig. 4. Stem or branch narrow, leaves closely imbricated, apparently decurrent, their base being covered by fragments of broken leaves decurving to and expanding in right angle from the stem, surface smooth. The part of a branch figured here is entirely covered with broken frag- ments of detached leaves and its surface is nowhere exposed. The leaves defiexed along the borders in right angle to the stem, seemingly from above the decurrent base, all flattened and parallel, their border generally contiguous, measure one centimeter in width and thirty-seven centimeters in length to the point where the specimen is broken. The coaly epider- mis is on the surface very thin and fragmentary, or spread here and there like powder by decomposition ; but the leaves taken altogether appear of a somewhat thick consistence. I have of this species only one specimen, a large piece of shale, of which a fragment only is figured. Seen with a very strong glass, the veins of the surface may be approximately counted at twenty in one millimeter space ; the cross wrinkles are also of the same size. From the flat position of the leaves, all parallel and in the same direction, they appear as expanded originally upon the surface of the water. The narrowness of the stem also compared with the numerous and long leaves seem to indicate a floating plant. The cross section of the leaves show both surfaces separated by a thin layer of shale or clay, as if the leaves had been in their original state, somewhat inflated or tubulose. Habitat. Cannelton. Mr. I. F. Mansfield. T ®NIOPHYLLUM DECURRENS, Sp. nov. Pl. LI, fig. 4. Pl. LIU, fig. 1. Stem large ; leaves decurring, narrower than in the former species, ob- tuse, sublinear or very slightly enlarged from the base upwafds, long and thick ; surface same as the former, more opaque. Both the figures represent the leaves decurring upon the stem by an elongated base, but in Pl. LI, the leaves preserve in their length, as far at least as it can be seen, the same diameter all along their decurring base, while Pl. LII, they are gradually narrowed downward from their point of attachment, forming, as appressed upon another or against each other, narrow basilar prominent ridges. The leaves also of fig. LI, are slightly broader and more distinctly enlarged upwards. As the trunk of this specimen is not decorticated, I could not compare the point of attach- ment ; and the characters of texture, facies and size of the leaves being the same, I consider them a variable form of a same species, perhaps even the variation is caused by a difference of compression and maceration of frag- ments of asame tree. The leaves average five to seven millimeters in width, crowded, forming by their imbricating and decurring long base a thick coating of coaly bark, which, when destroyed, leaves the surface smooth Lesquereux.] 332 {Mareh ], or irregularly lined and wrinkled, marked by numerous leaf scars, some of them distinctly seen, some others destroyed or obscure, so that their relative position is not definitively recognizable. They are placed in spiral, but their place is not always indicated by the scars. These scars generally obtuse and inflated at the base, where they measure one miilli- meter in diameter only, are gradually effaced and narrowed upwards, and therefore their character is far different from that of the Cordattes scars of leaves. The bark of the stem also is much thicker, not merely a thin smooth pellicle of coal, but a coating of shaly carbonaceous matter one milli- meter thick or more. The divergence of the leaves from the stem is at a far less degree than in the former species ; the thickness of the leaves and their surface tissue are the same. Same Habitat as the former. Mr. I. F. Mansfield. TZNIOPHYLLUM CONTEXTUM, sp. nov. Pl. LIL, fig. 2, 2a. Leaves narrow, linear, two millimeters broad, apparently very long, ob- tuse, twisted or interlaced together in tufts, and erect, diverging and curved in the upper part, surface opaque. The tissue of the epidermis is of the same character as in the former species, from which this one differs merely by the narrower leaves more compactly bound together in the lower part. They appear to have been originally fistulose and flattened by compression. Their substance is thick, the epidermis a coaly layer irregularly disrupted in minute elongated granules, as marked in fig. 2a. I have not seen any of these leaves in con- nection with a stem. Though I do not consider this species as the same as the former, the characters are very similar. By compression and fatten- ing an inflated border is here and there formed along some of the leaves, and by their superposition, it gives to the upper ones the appearance of a middle nerve. Ina few cases when the heavy coating of coaly matter is removed, th® veins appear in fasciles similar to those of the leaves of Dicranophyllum. These leaves are of the same kind as those mentioned onp. , a bundle of which seems connected toan Artis¢a in the description of Cordaites specimens. - Habitat. Same asthe former. Mr. I. F. Mansfield. . DersmropHyLuium, Lesqx. Leaves narrow, sublinear, gradually enlarged from the base, where they are joined three or four together and coming out from a common point of the stem. Surface irregularly ribbed Jengthwise by prominent large bundles of nerves, buried under the epidermis, which is thick, irregularly granulose, by splitting of the coaly surface as in the species of Tanio- phylium. From this coincidence of characters in the surface of the leaves, I was inclined to consider this peculiar branch as referable to the same genus. It, however, greatly differs by the agglomeration at their base of some of ——— ; ea 1878.] D0 {Lesquereux. the leaves coming out in bundles from a common point of the stems, which appears irregularly articulate. Some of these leaves seem separate and joined single by a semi-lunar base to the stem. But I have to remark that the points of attachment of the inferior leaves in @ are not perfectly dis- tinct, and appear rather truncate than semi-lunar and embracing.. The point of attachment of the leaves in bundles is, however, distinct. There- fore I am in doubt if the lower leaves may not have been separated from a common point and scattered along the stem, where by compression they have merely the appearance of being joined to it. The round points showing scars of bundles of leaves, are seen all along the stem and at equal distance from each other, even to the very base, and, therefore, the sepa- rate distribution of the others along the stem seems anomalous. If the position of those scattered leaves and the point of attachment is right, as it can be seen upon the stone and as figured, this genus would partake of some of the characters of the leaves of Cordaites, by their semi- embracing base and the nervation buried into the substance of the leaves but recognized by the striv of the surface. The degree of relation to the former genus is marked as seen above by the character of the epidermis. The connection of a number of leaves from one and the same point and from an apparent articulation is peculiar and gives to the branch an ap- pearance comparable to that of the rhizomas of some Equisetacew ; the characters of the leaves are, however, totally different from those of rootlets. DESMIOPHYLLUM GRACILE, sp. nov. Pl. LI, fig: 1. The specific characters are the same as those of the genus. The figure is an exact representation of the specimen as far as it can be observed. The stem, a little more than one centimeter thick and flattened, seems to have been, if not fistulose, at least, soft and flexible. Its surface has the same appearance as that of the leaves, the epidermis having the same texture, and the bundles of nerves being also indistinctly discernible by the irregular ridges, or vertical, more or less obscure, and always ob- tuse wrinkles. The leaves appear long; none of them are preserved en- tire. They are sessile, two or three millimeters broad, only at their point of attachment, two to four together, to a circular scar, and gradually and equally enlarging upwards to about one centimeter at the point where they are broken. To the naked eye the leaves and stems appear smooth, rather shining, but with the glass the surface is seen minutely rugulose. I do not know of any plant of the coal measures to which this fossil or- ganism could be compared. The disposition of all the leaves of Cordattes is in spiral order, this species, therefore, can not be placed in the same division. Habitat. Same asthe former. Mr. I. F. Mansfield. LEPIDOXYLON, Lesqx. Stems, or branches of large size. The fragment figured is six centi- meters broad, rapidly diminishing in its upper part to a conical point ; Lesquereux. } do4 | March 1, bark thin, covered with leafy scales; leaves of various size, sub-linear, narrowed or enlarged to the point of attachment, forking or dividing upwards in two or more laciniz ; nervation distinct with the glass only ; primary nerves parallel, about three in two millimeters, buried in the epi- dermis, more distinct upon the decorticated face, generally inflated or half round, intermediate veinlets very thin. LEPIDOXYLON ANOMALUM, Lesqx. PlLIY,. fig..5. Pl. LV, fig. 1-14: Schizopteris anomula, Bret. Veget. Foss. p. 334, Pl. CXXXY. The character of the species is that of the genus. The bark is a thin coating of coaly matter covered with sparse, distinct, foliaceous, oblong, lanceolate-pointed or acuminate scales, marked near the base by a short inflation like a midrib. The lower surface of the stem where this thin bark is destroyed, shows round scars of various sizes from one to two millimeters in diameter, which represent either the base of the scale or that of small leaves. Short, small leaves narrowed to the base are attached upon the stem mixed with the scales. On the borders, the leaves are more enlarged at the base, some of them, however, narrowed ; others seemingly broken and compressed upon the stem ; others still, enlarged as a mere diverging part of the stem. They vary in diameter from three to ten millimeters, dividing by an anomalous forking with an acute sinus, either from near the base or from above, marked in the length by parallel, equal and equally distant primary nerves, and very thin intermediate veins. I consider the species as identical with that of Brongniart, described in great detail, loc. cit., especially from the figures of Geinitz, Versteine- rungen der Steinkohlen Formation in Sachsen, Pl. XXVI, fig. 2, which shows the divisions of the leaves of this species somewhat broader than those of Brongniart. In our specimens, as figured, the leaves are still broader. I must say, however, that in another specimen in my posses- sion, which is like the top of Pl. LV, the stem, whose scars of scales are marked upon the bark in elevated round points, bears, mixed with these scales, linear leaves as narrow as those figured by Brongniart. Though there might be some doubt of this identity of species between the Ameri- can and the European plants, they evidently belong to the same group, and are referable to the same genus. Specimens of Schizopteris are very rare. After Brongniart none have been found, or at least described, but that of Geinitz. Brongniart in con- sidering his species admits it as probably referable to Ferns. Geinitz jofns it to Aphlebia, Presl., Rocophyllum, Schp., a genus which as seen from the species described in this flora, is a compound of mixed types, whose affinity is unascertained, and which Schimper considers as representing primary fronds of ferns. From this genus this species is positively removed, not only by its peculiar stem, but by character of its ribbon equally nerved leaves. On the true relation of the plant to any of the present time, I can pe * Proc. Amer, Philos. Soc., Phila. Vol. XVII. No. 101, p. 336, 1878. Plate 16. Fig. 1. CH. mypAs. (Post-frontal, jugal, and quadrato-jugal removed.) P.—Parietal. Pt.—Pterygoid. F.0.—Foramen Ovale. C.—Columella, Q.—Quadrate. S.—Opening for Stapes. (Letters alike for all figures.) Fia. 2. CH. MYDAS. (Young.) Fig. 3. A. SPINIFER. Fre. 4. CH. SERPENTINA. Proc. Amer, Philos. Soc., Phila. Vol. XVI, No. 10), p. 335. 1878. Plate 17. Fig. 5. M. LACERTINA. (After Gray.) Fie. 9. C. cLAUSA. (No zygomatic arch.) Fic. 6. A. ODORATUS. Fie. 10. T. CAROLINA. Fig. 7. M. PALUSTRIS, Fig. 11. T. CAROLINA. (Young.) Fig. 8. CH. INSCULPTUS. ¥ eh het & cae t! FO 68) ese” ont ct yaclanh ulin ities ae €. " : ft eed Neate Sue rie (pele dy OEY iy ey AES Peper i 7 = * q . it j = piri 299 wut i! {ar by eh egehe” AG hee, Ay 1 thy rae BS} a rida az 6) an! aye ets a ; . be eG aiyrals aE ie aa ae en ts as & yt ? = icel in Late trite ea, ur pied) jib al a + 1 jt BF ' ae on « nS a ' it r ALS stfik i a. Of ova b e A on i ie a ; 7" + { y> peasy Aine - i # t + - ¥ 3 - F ae 2 1,¥ ie \ 2 t r :: ‘ y , + ~ ? . uA J . ij tisha 4 Te a s . 7 a » . i : / . . a “ ‘ ry é ' = | " : * . - . . ‘ { - rd . ‘ x A ‘ of ' +k Wh . « 1878. ] 335 {Monks, say nothing. Like Cordaites it has some analogy to the Cycade, the Coni- fers and the Monocotyledonous, the Glumacee. But it is evident from the character of its leaves, some of which are narrowed to the point of attach- ment, that this species is in relation to the groups of the Tenophyllum, as also by its nervation to the Cordaites. There is in the stem a peculiar character, which should be remarked. It rather appears to have been soft than of hard texture. The bark is so thin that by erosion some of the scales and young leaves are left attached to the lower surface of the stem as seen in the upper part of Pl. LY, fig. 1. On another side large leaves, especially seen upon my specimens, are decur- ring at the base along the stem, and seen to join it by a division of its borders, or come to it ina more or less open angle of divergence without any diminution of their width, and without apparent division in their point of union, just as if they were part of the stem. The epidermis of the leaves is also thin, its surface reflects the largest nervation buried in the texture, which then appears obtuse, distant as in figure 2 of Brongniart, but under the epidermis, these primary veins are less discernible, sometimes totally unobservable, the intermediate very thin vinelets covering the whole surface. Habitat. These remarkable specimens, which if they do not throw light upon the relation of this plant to those of our time, give at least indication of their reference to the family of the Cordaites, have been found and communicated by Dr. J. H. Britts, from the Clinton coal of Missouri. The Columella and Stapes in some North American Turtles. By Saraug P. Monks. (Read before the American Philosophical Society March 1, 1878.) The columella is a small bone found in most reptiles which extends from the parietal to the pterygoid, and helps to complete the lateral wall of the cranium.* In Lacertilia it is a distinct, slender rod ‘‘in close contact with the other cranial bones at its extremities only. In Testudinata on the other hand it is broad, short and scale-like, and closely articulated with other bones.+ It varies considerably in the different species and families, and in some seems to be wanting. In nearly all turtles there is a strongly marked ridge extending forward from the quadrate to the top of the skull, and another not so distinet from the pterygoid backward to the same point on the top of the skull. * See Professor Cope ‘‘On the Homologies of some of the Cranial Bones of the Reptilia, and on the Systematic Arrangement of the Class.” + Proceedings of Association for the Advancement of Science, 1870, Vol. XIX, pp. 223, 224, and Professor Huxley’s Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals, 1872, p. 189, Monks.] 336 [March 1, The columella forms part of these ridges and occupies a space between them. Its primitive shape, as indicated by young specimens, and nearly adult sea forms, is an open triangle, or, perhaps, two rods of bone touching at one end, but wide apart at the base. (From young 7. carolina.) In some species the triangular form is lost, and in most it becomes very much flattened in adult age. It articulates above with the parietal, below with the pterygoids, in front with the parietal and sometimes the jugal, behind with the parietal and quadrate, and often forms part of the anterior margin of the foramen ovale. From the quadrate there extends a small osseous style to meet it, and in most cases there is a groove in the pterygoids anteriorly for its cartilagin- ous extension to reach the jugal. The descending plate of the parietal generally articulates directly with the pterygoid in front, but the columella is between them at other points.* The columella in Chelonia mydas is triangular, with the front portion scale-like, but the back a flattened rod where it joins the quadrate. In young specimens it is small and slender, and is placed on the base of the parietal near the centre, in a deep groove. It does not touch the jugal nor extend to the foramen ovale in the young. In Aspidonictes spinifer it is thin, flat and scale-like, and either a con- tinuation of it or a separate bone, extends forward, and is interposed be- tween the parietal and pterygoid. It forms the margin of the foramen ovale, which, like all openings in the Trionyx skull is very large. Aromochelys odoratus makes a second exception to the general rule in specimens I have examined of the parietal reaching the pterygoids in front. In this case and in A. spinifer there are two bones to complete the lateral wall. Instead of curving upward, as in other species, they curve down- ward, and the anterior portion, or bone, if it proves to be separate, is firmly attached to the palate bone in adults. In one specimen this front part forms a complete column, whose hinder margin blends with the flat bone. The columella is flat even where it joins the quadrate and bounds the greater part of the front of the foramen ovale. re In Chelydra serpentina it forms a flattened, concave triangle, and is joined to the quadrate, and often the jugal by two flattened rods. It is large, well marked, and bounds the foramen ovale. In Malacoclemmys palustris it is a narrow band, deeply concave, extend- ing from the inward process of the jugal to the quadrate, and forms part of the ridge in front of the foramen ovale. In Pseudemys scabra and Ps. concinna, it is much as in M. palustris, but in Chrysemys picta, Chelopus guttatus, Chelopus muhlenbergii, and in- sculptus, and Cistudo clausa it is much smaller, and does not extend to the jugal. In all these emydes the posterior descending portion of the parietal forms the most of the ridge in front of the foramen ovale. *See Fig. 9. Ch. serpentina of Professor Cope’s articles on ‘“* Homologies of Cranial Bones of Reptilia.”’ Sac v Le. A : > tt rad S960 @ 2hjikne boa 298 dit sehili to hi Hsin) sliscaiiloe os ; : . ZitRso Hine gab) snod to abin ovwd ceyéiiesa AO usixani) - +. ad = e 7 E (aniearas JS quire ached aft te Mpa abise tod fyi = Neamuge! 2r tapes us? Hue Jac nrict isitansiy a: i = ee ~ 5 ee Es gahiityoyasliy aul? dil t heeesh Mane EtaKy BH! aiJive i aay tu s St $5: ; } ateE0 Bi fat VT isd SOLA i] + 1 Reweidioda silty we “ Waseor ou) cr Giina OIL GAC ; Len StU) ay bscal li) [ Bhecs dhuot Jon zach 1] In “S obi =f ~ DMs BSAIPSz L * Baa Jf Yee = i toi ? 0 z j foxd } Sid Tait re a! Yea i j: t 1 $5008 3 7 . i > 3° okD * 148 Sieg) inmw Pe aU 31) : is > Pati . wrTot ; : at ae , r r4 ag ‘ ioe bie Saxby: 2% i sels Deira Peder iSvet ei 7 anion eo Dies Brae. xu ROA GARCAS Sr saelsaD spina, MSRM) inte syaiss ij Bit G2 Brsizs jon Eisie) im ite ts Sue Oil ah ie Peis eates) Bas sistas IE vais 36 ohio Balhae S54 of dvopt —- ee (iz B7 : creek seer t ju Asiivomie 3” “aa ie : = 7 : 5) pitti Lo sa 55 Gis S23 iG Proc. Amer. Philos, Soc., Phila. Vol. XVII. No. 101, p. 337, 1878 Plate 14, 1 FROM ABOVE. ae oe * ; See POSTERIOR. SSS CRURAL PROCESSES OF ATRYPA. * 1878.] SOT [Ginley. In Testudo carolina it is seale-like with the posterior a flattened rod, and the anterior portion far from the jugal. There is nothing peculiar in the adult, but in the young the columella is small and slender, and in position and shape resembles that of a half-grown Chelonia mydas. The stapes (sometimes called columella auris) in most birds, reptiles and amphibians, is a very slender rod with a disc at one end. The disc end is attached to the fenestra ovalis, while the external end is attached to the tympanic membrane.* The bone inclines forward at a decided angle. To reach the membrane it passes through a canal, or foramen, made by the folding in of the posterior part of the quadrate bone. The folding in is more complete in adult specimens, and the foramen near the front of the tympanic cavity. In Chelonia mydas the canal is unusually open, and the stapes on one side only protected by muscles. In A. spinifer, Ch. serpentina and Macrochelys lacertina, the stapes is completely surrounded by bone, the edges of the quadrate being sutured together, soas to formaforamen. _ The edges touch in H. odoratus, but do not form a suture. In W. palustris the space is open, but the edges of the quadrate approach quite near each other. This is a common form in the emydes. The excep- tions are Ch. insculptus, where there is a suture, and Chrysemys picta and Chelopus guttata where the edges lap. The suture is strongly marked in 7. carolina. Notice of the Discovery of the position of the Crural Processes in the Genus Aitrypa. By WritiiaM GINLEY. ~ (Read before the American Philosophical Society March 1, 1878.) It is already well known that, in 1867, Professor R. P. Whitfield, paleon- logist of Albany, New York, announced the discovery of ‘‘a loop connect- ing the spiral cones’”’ in the genus Atrypa. In the Twentieth Regent’s Report he describes in detail this loop with its position and affinities; accompanying his article is a plate showing various examples from different localities representing a wide geological distribution. * Cuvier Ossemens Fossiles IX, p. 355. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 2P. PRINTED APRIL 29, 1878. Ginley.] 338 {March 1, From his article I will quote only those parts expressive of his investi- gations and views upon the crural processes or loop : “By carefully cutting and preparing favorable specimens, I have found that in place of the short crural processes so often figured, there is an entire and continuous loop connecting the spiral cones.”’ “‘From its origin in the posterior portion of the first volutions of the spires, the loop curves gently forward and upward ; the central or elevated portion lying between and behind the cones, and forming a more or less abrupt curve or prolonged into a point directed toward the dorsal valve.”’ In paleontological studies, it is of rare occurrence that the student ob- tains a specimen of the Brachiopoda in which the internal appendages are not coated with silica, calcite, or some other mineral, and not unfrequently it happens that we notice two or more parts connected by a deposit of this kind. After having examined Professor Whitefield’s Plate, and also many specimens from the localities cited by him, I am inclined to believe that his examples were, toa slight extent, coated as above described. In October 1877, I obtained, from the Devonian of Clarke County, Indiana, specimens of Atrypa* whose internal appendages were replaced by silica, and ap- peared to be free from the usual coating. It is hardly necessary to remark that these appendages are very fragile, and would hardly admit of the slightest touch, yet by careful cutting I was able to expose the posterior portion of the visceral cavity so as to permit of a close examination of the ‘‘loop connecting the spiral cones.’’ Several specimens were examined, each one of which shows the ‘‘ loop’”’ to be com- posed of two long crural processes arising from the bifurcating of the pos- terior portion of the first volution of the cones. Following the convexity of the cones, they gently curve forward and upward, attaining a height of about one-third that of the cones. The extremities are separated by a space of about one sixty-fourth of an inch. The crural processes gradually twist until the lower surfaces present themselves successively to the anterior and top, abruptly expanding and curving posteriorly, the extremities pointing downward, the ends opposing each other with a rounded, semi-circular edge, the convexity being up- ward, the lower anterior edge being slightly developed beyond the upper edge so that, upon looking from above, the space between the edges ap- pears much wider in the middle. The specimens examined show the crural characters to be constant, and as above described. When we consider the slight space existing between the crural extremi- ties, and the frequency of their being coated, it is not to be wondered at that they should appear to be ‘‘joined and continuous,” *A variety of A. reticularis L. — i a le 9 1878: | 339 |Kirkwood. On the Aerolitic Epoch of November 12th-13th. By Danret Krrewoop. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 1, 1878). It is now well-known that clusters of small meteors—the so-called shoot- ing stars—move in elliptic orbits about the sun. Catalogues of fire-balls and meteoric stones indicate, moreover, that groups of lurger bodies, some- what widely dispersed, revolve in like manner about the centre of our system ; their orbits in certain cases intersecting that of the earth. The 12th and 13th of November is one of these aerolitic epochs ; the date being nearly coincident with that of the great November shower of falling stars. The writer until recently supposed the meteorites of this epoch to revolve in the same orbit with the nebulous swarm which furnished the showers of 1833, 1866 and 1867.* Later study of the facts, however, has rendered the theory of this intimate relation extremely improbable. The principal phenomena of this epoch (not including star showers) are the following : (a.) 1582, meteoric phenomena at Zurich. (.) 1765, an extraordinary meteor at Frankfort. (c.) ¢ 1820, a detonating meteor seen in Russia. (d.) ' 1822, fall of aerolites at Potsdam and Leipsig. (e.) 1828, a great meteor seen in full sunshine in France. (f.) 1855, a fall of aerolites in France. (g-) { 1849, a fall of aerolites at Tripoli. (h.) ©1849, a large meteor seen in Mecklenberg. (z7.) 1856, a meteoric stone fell in Italy. (j.) 1877, a brilliant meteor seen in Arkansas and another in Wisconsin. REMARKS. (a.) This so-called ‘fall of fire from heaven’’ occurred on the 28th of October, O. 8., or November 7th, N. 8. Making allowance for the preces- sion of the equinoxes, the date corresponds at present to the morning of November 12th. (b.) This bolide was observed November 11th, and is the only one in our list which occurred very near the epoch of the great star shower in No- vember. (c.) See Greg’s catalogue of fire-balls and meteoric stones; also Quete- let’s catalogue of shooting stars. (d.) Several aerolites fell at this date near Potsdam, and also at Taucha, near Leipsig, about 75 miles distant. (e.) See Quetelet’s catalogue. (f.) This fall of aerolites occurred on the evening of November 13th, in the department de 1’Ain, France. The meteor was unconformable to the * A list of stone-falls, detonating meteors and large fire-balls which have ap- peared about this epoch is given in Meteoric Astronomy, pp. 58-60. Kirkwood. ] 340 {March 1, radiant of the Leonids ; its motion being from south-west to north-east. A fragment is in the collection of Prof. Shepard, of Amherst, Massachusetts. (g.) The meteoric phenomena of this date are thus described in the cata- logue of Mr. Greg: ‘‘Seen in the southern sky. Varied in color; a bright cloud visible one and a half hours after; according to some a detonation heard fifteen minutes after bursting. Seen also like a stream of fire between Tunis and Tripoli, where a shower of stones fell; some of them in the town of Tripoli itself.’’ (A.) This fire-ball appeared on the same evening or night.—Greg’s cata- logue. (¢.) This aerolite fell at Trezano. A fragment is in the collection of Pro- fessor Shepard. / (j.) A large meteor was seen by Professor Robert C. Hindley, of Racine, Wisconsin, on Sunday evening, November 11th, at three minutes past six o'clock (Chicago time?). This meteor is thus described by Professor H. in the Scientific American for December 1, 1877: ‘‘ Direction N. N. E.; alti- tude at commencement of course about 30° ; length of course from 10° to 12°; time of falling about 8 seconds. It fell towards the west, making an angle in falling to the earth of about 65° with the vertical passing through the body. During the latter three-fourths of its course, its length, inclu- ding the luminous trail, was about one-half of a degree. The nucleus was very brilliant ; its color at first a yellowish-white, then a light green, and lastly, a greenish-yellow. Could its color have been due to boron, thal- lium, &c.? I find no record in any of the numerous analyses of meteoric stones of the presence of elements likely to give the green color.”’ On the following evening, November 12th, at 6h. 36m. (Memphis time), Frank L. James, Ph. D., M. D., of Osceola, Arkansas, saw another meteor in the same part of the heavens, and in some respects so strikingly resem- bling that observed in Wisconsin, that he was disposed, on reading Prof. Hindley’s description, to think they had observed the same phenomenon, and that one or the other had mistaken the date. I have, however, corres- ponded with both the gentlemen, and have found that the meteors were seen on different evenings. ‘‘The date is fixed,’’ says Dr.James,’’ not only by my own ‘case-record’ but by that of a friend and brother physician who assisted me in an amputation on the previous day.’’ The following account of the Arkansas meteor is extracted from Dr. J’s communication in the Scientific American for December 29th, 1877: ‘‘I was startled by a sudden glare of light which seemed to come from right in front of me. Throwing up my eyes I saw a large and very brilliant meteor in the north- east, falling apparently nearly straight downward, with a slight deviation to the east. When I first saw the meteor it was about 30° in height, and judging from the length of time it took to travel the remainder of its course, it must already have fallen 3° or 4°. It fell through an are of about 12° or 15° in all, and was about ten seconds in falling. When I first saw it it had a golden hue which suddenly changed to green, of that peculiar shade produced by burning chlorate of potash with nitrate of barium and —— ae 1878.] 341 [Chase. sulphur. The light shed by it was pulsating and sufficiently powerful to light up the Tennessee shore and the sand bars, so as to show every log and stump.”’ PROBABLE INFERENCES. 1. The number of stone-falls and detonating meteors observed on the 1ith, 12th, and 13th of November is more than double the average daily fall. Hence the periodic return of a cluster whose orbit intersects that of the earth is rendered highly probable. 2. None of the aerolites or meteors of the preceding list are known to have been conformable to the radiant in Leo, while those of November 13th, 1835 and November 12th, 1877, were certainly wn-conformable ; their heliocentric motion having been direct. This aerolitic group cannot there- fore be connected with the shooting stars of November 14th. 3. These facts, it must be confessed, are unfavorable to the hypothesis, formerly advocated by the writer, that ‘‘ meteoric stones are but the largest masses in the nebulous rings from which showers of shooting stars are de- rived.’’* It is true that in the great star showers of 1799, 1833 and 1866 a number of large fire-balls were seen which belonged undoubtedly to the cluster of Leonids ; but it is remarkable that among all this number no de- tonation was ever heard, and that no meteoric stones have ever fallen during these extraordinary star showers. 4. The dates of the phenomena given above indicate a period of seven years. Several sporadic fire-balls, however, have appeared at this epoch, and no definite conclusion in regard to the period is possible without addi- tional data. Criteria of the Nebular Hypothesis. By Priny Earue Cuase, LL.D., Proressor oF ParLosopHy IN HAVERFORD COLLEGE. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 1, 1878.) The views of astronomers, respecting the mode of action in world-build- ing, have been various and vague. No one appears to have put upon te- cord any numerical calculations, undertaken with a view crucially to test the nebular hypothesis, or any suggestions as to the proper way to make such calculations. Statements have been made, at different times, by investigators who thought that observed velocities might be explained by the results of nebu- lar condensation, but no one, except Ennis,+ has given us any means of judging on what grounds the belief rested. It seems probable that they all regarded the formation of planetary rings as confined to the superficial * Meteoric Astronomy, p. 64. + “Origin of the Stars;” L., E. & D. Phil. Mag. April, 1877. Chase. | 342 {March I, nebular layers ; that their studies were limited to the direct action of living forces; that they used no adequate criteria for distinguishing between nebular and meteoric influences ; and that their methods often, if not al- ways, virtually assumed the very principles which they sought to prove. Herschel,* somewhat obscurely, intimated the possibility that nuclei might be simultaneously formed, at different points within the body of the nebula, by the action of particles of different densities. Peirce, Alexander, Hill, Wright, Kirkwood, and myself, discovered various planetary har- monies which point, unmistakably, to such synchronous internal and ex- ternal activities. Yet no one seems to have thought of the likelihood that interior portions could acquire a greater angular velocity than the nebular surface, so that a planet might revolve in less time than its Sun rotated, or a satellite in less time than its primary, until I called attention to the fact that the time of nucleal rotation must vary as the 4 power of the time of superficial nebular revolution. The significance of this relation does not seem, even now, to be gene- rally understood. For, when Professor Hall found that the inner satellite of Mars actually revolved with such unprecedented rapidity, Kirkwood asked, in the American Journal of Science and Art, ‘‘ How is this remark- able fact to be reconciled with the cosmogony of Laplace?’ The same question has been asked by others, and variously answered. It may, therefore, be a fitting time to state, more explicitly, some obvious evi- dences of present nebular activity, such as are shown in the following comparative synopsis : bei! | 2 3— “A — M-= n | n | m= dt» = 39, oe dF aoa SAS Shae See a 7 zn = 2, nn? = Y= 20) m mn—= G3=2hs | r= eS | zn = 2, zn? =© po | = i Bs = m= 95 = 28, | M = modulus of light at Sun’s surface = 2204.95 x Earth’s mean radius- vector, a quantity of which I have already shown the importance ; (1) by identifying the velocity of light with the limiting velocity toward which the mean solar centrifugal and centripetal forces both tend ; (2) by show- ing that the same harmonic progression is manifested in the Fraunhofer lines and in planetary distances ; (3) by tracing numerous harmonic ar- * Outlines of Astronomy, 2 871-2. | —s—CtC~S — 1878.] 343 [Chase, rangements among spectral lines of chemical elements. M is the common dividend ; the combinations of various powers of z and 7 are divisors. x= ratio of circumference to diameter, and, as I have also shown, ratio between incipient and complete centrifugal dissociative force. nm = Gummere’s criterion = 11.6569 = I give it this designa- 2 —— * 3—2y 2 tion, because I obtained it from a calculation which was suggested by a criti- cism of Samuel J. Gummere, late President of Haverford College, on En- nis’s theory. The criticism, together with Ennis’s rejoinder, may be found in Appendix II, to ‘‘ Origin of the Stars.’? _Gummere says, of the relation 1: //2; ‘This relation being essential to stability, must exist, whatever be the origin of the velocity. Hence it proves nothing as to the source of the orbital velocity, except that it is entirely compatible with the assump- tion that it is due to gravity.’’ This cautiousness of statement is like that which has enabled Herschel’s presentation of the nebular hypothesis to adapt itself to all the astronomical discoveries which have hitherto been made. Po = Sun’s present nebular radius, or the distance at which planetary r- olution and solar rotation would be synchronous. The subscript figures denote apsidal positions: 1, secular perihelion ;— 2, mean perihelion ; 3, mean ; 4, mean aphelion ; 5, secular aphelion. The multiple, 2, denotes the primitive nebular radius which would give the vis viva of circular-orbital revolution, by simple condensation to the present planetary radius- vector. It should be noted that critical positions of all the planets, together with some asteroidal positions, are represented in the table; that all the sym- metrical combinations of z and n, which are embraced in the table, have planetary representatives ; that both rupturing factors seem to have been simultaneously operative ; that, after the first conversion of linear into cir cular motion, the exponential increments of =z are figurate ; and that * -e relations have all been found, not by happy guessing, but by following indi- cations which are mathematically deducible from the necessary action of central forces. The following table shows the character of the accordances : Theoretical, Observed. bee eae eee M= zn 60.210 aU, 60.068 4.149 4. 142 i ; 19.184 — .019 — .019 Mn 19.16 { Os 3 : 2h, 19.078 + 087 . 4+. .087 : 5.203 — .038 — .038 Bg At PSA Gis { Ys 2 = ‘i 25 5.168 — .008 — .003 Msn? 1.644 ei 1.644 000 + 120 Mn 1.942 20, 1.932 + .010 — .058 ; 1.408 — 011 — 132 Maen? 1.392 { S 2 - 20, 1.396 — .004 — 054 723 + 007 +..097 5 ae 730 { 2s 28, TIA * gad ans) eae 167 @p 167 000 .000 *See ante, p. 99. Chase.] 344 . {Maren 1, Gummere’s criterion gives the following results of internal rupture, starting from the theoretical origin of Neptune’s present orbital v/s viva. In each instance, the theoretical angular velocity of revolution, for the 3 dense inner planet, must have been (11.6569)? times as great as the angular velocity of the undisturbed portions of the gasiform rotating nebula : Theoretical. Observed. 2U0,—- 7 5.204 Ys, 5.208 i ee 2.576 2.577 64 > ” 1.760 3, 1.786 63 — 1 ae : i ae oD 1.637 J 1a 2y, + 1 .931 @, -982 h,+” dO OP he h,; + 7 749 ?, «749 5 a 473 Olen Gea Ys —- 2 446 %, .455 The great density of Jupiter, as compared with Neptune; the great density of the intra-asteroidal, as compared with the extra-asteroida! planets; the position of Earth, in the centre of the belt of greatest planet- ary condensation ; the connection (7) between the positions of Jupiter’s in- cipient and Earth’s complete condensation ; the fact that Jupiter is the largest extra-asteroidal, while Earth is the largest intra-asteroidal planet ; the further evidence of an intimate connection between Jupiter and Earth, which is furnished by the equivalence of their dissociative velocities ; the probability, so far as we can judge from Sun’s present nebular radius (p,), that all the planets were formed when their orbital revolution was accom- plished in less time than the rotation of the solar nucleus ; all point to the increments of wave velocity and of centripetal velocity as a source of in- terior nebular rupture, giving a new meaning to Herschel’s doctrine of ‘«subsidence,’’ and making the inner moon of Mars a confirmation, rather than a formidable objection, to the nebular hypothesis. The tendency to synchronous oscillations under the action of central forces, which LaPlace, Peirce, and Kirkwood: have so happily adduced in explanation of some of their planetary harmonies, is shown (1) in the synchronism of solar rotation with the time of passage of a light-wave through the major-axis of the Modulus-atmosphere ; (2) in the synchron- ism of planetary revolution at Sun with the time of passage of a light-wave through the major-axis of the Uranus-Earth ellipse ; Earth being the cen- tre of the belt of greatest condensation, and Uranus having a radius-vector which is a mean proportional between M and p,, as well as between M and 2 @.. n For readers who are inclined to test numerical coincidences by the cal- culus of probabilities, I have marked the errors, in the general table, both by their deviations from the nearest apsis and by the deviations from the a — * 18738. | 345 (Chase, semi-axis major. The importance of my introduction of various apsides into the study of planetary harmonies, has been fully recognized by Alex- ander, the Nestor of harmonic astronomy ; but in order to avoid all possi- ble cavil, I assume the probability that each quotient of M by z%,/ is of 2r+1 the form p = (r or less) = ; 7 being the maximum tabular error, and the unit of comparison being .001 of Earth’s semi-axis major. This gives a probability of more than 26(10)!° to 1 in favor of the assumed laws of planetary formation, a probability which is immeasurably increased by a consideration cf the various phyllotactic, teleologic, oscillatory, elastic, centrifugal, and centripetal influences, which have been pointed out. The three cardinal planetary centres, viz.: the centre of greatest annular condensation, (@); the centre of planetary inertia, (bh ); and the centre of incipient solar specialization, (WY); lend interest to the following table : rT pa p CF E. | 2.667 = 8@ 000 2.637 — 93 O11 ae = ae | 2.614 = aid n 020 | 2.780—= hi+a 043 33 at 13.5007, 13.490 = 2? h, 001 43 4s 42.6679, 42.474 = 27 YW, 005 214.867, 214.867 46083.4r, 46164.7 — 214.867 002 2049.51 2049.513 9322627, 947511 —= 2M 016 6453.06 6453.06 43022187, 4263801 —9M—[x*]-—n .009 This table represents theoretical stages of nebular condensation, based upon forces which are now operating within the solar syStem. 7, = pre- sent solar nucleal radius ; 7 = past nucleal radius ; 7, = Earth’s semi-axis major ; p) = present nebular radius; » = past nebular radius ; O = ob- served positions ; E — ratio of error, found by dividing the difference be- tween O and p», by p; [*] = stellar distance, with parallax 0./’89, which is of the same order as the distance of g Centauri; the last three numbers in the left hand column represent, respectively, the semi-axes major of Earth, Saturn, and Neptune. It is further worthy of note, that Earth’s position is a mean proportional between the nebular radius when Sun’s nucleus reached the Earth, and Sun’s present surface; that the nebular radius of the Jupiter-nucleal Sun was nearly M, (.89 M) ; that the nebular radius of the Uranus-nucleal Sun was nearly 5 M, (4.996 M) ; and that M, when Sun was expanded to the outer portions of the asteroidal belt, was coincident with [>], the origin of the incipient condensation of the nebular radius of the Neptune-nucleal Sun. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvir. 101. 29. PRINTED APRIL 29, 1878. Sherwood. | 346 {March 15, Section of Devonian rocks made in the Catskill Mountain at Palenville; Kauterskill Creek, New York, by Mr. ANDREW SHERWOOD, for PRo- FESSOR JAMES Hau, IN 1874. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 15, 1878.) Feet. ROUND TOP OF THE CATSKILL MOUNTAIN. 440 | SS. coarse, gray sandstone. (Specimen No. 152.) 48 | Concealed. (151.) 16 SS. coarse, gray. (150.) 130 Concealed. (149.) 32 SS. coarse, gray. (148.) 53 Concealed. (147.) 200 SS. coarse, gray, with many pebbles scattered through it. (146.) a7 Shaly rock, Red. (145.) 37 Concealed. (144.) 23 SS. coarse, gray ; scattered pebbles. (143.) 340 Concealed. (142.) 19 SS. coarse, gray. (141.) 20 | Concealed, (140.) 50 | Shaly rock, Red. (139.) 15 Concealed. (138. ) 33 SS. coarse, gray. (137.) 14 Shaly rock, Red. (136.) 35 SS. coarse, gray. (135.) 2 | Shaly rock, Red (134.) 5 | SS. coarse, gray. (133.) 50 Concealed. (132.) 16 Conglomerate, coarse. (131.) 10 SS. reddish. (130.) 11 Shaly rock, Red. (129.) 63 SS. coarse, gray. (128., 152 Conglomerate, coarse. (127.) 47 Shaly rock, Red. (126.) 88 SS. coarse, gray; pebbles. (125.) 37 Shaly rock, Red. (124.) 38 SS. coarse, gray ; scattered pebbles. (123.) 480 Concealed. (122.) 29 | SS. coarse, gray. (121.) 219 Concealed. (120.) 15 SS. coarse, dark gray. (119.) 22 Shaly rock, Red. (118.) 60 Concealed. (117.) 12 | SS. coarse, dark gray. (116.) 140 Concealed. (115.) 40 SS. gray (Reddish towards the top). (114.) 103. | SS. red and gray; beds of Red shaly rock. (113.) 103 | Shaly rock, Red. (112.) 8 SS. gray. Fisu-pone bed 1 ft. near the bottom of the 103 ft.(111.) 4 | Shale greenish and dark blue. (some Fish-bones.) (110. ) 20 8S. gray. (109.) 68 | Shaly rock, Red. (108.) 4 | FisH-BoneE bed, 6 to 8 in. (107.) 14. Shaly rock, Red, mottled with green. (106.) {| FisH-Bone bed, 6 to 12 in. (105.) 2 Shaly rock, greenish. (104.) 6 SS. bluish-gray. (103. ) eee 1878.] ia 347 [Sherwood. Oat aes AOak wo Shaly rock, Red, somewhat mottled green. (102.) Shaly rock, greenish. (101.) SS. bluish-gray. (100. ) Shale, greenish-gray. (99.) Shaly rock, 1ubbly, variegated, considerable per centage of per- oxide of Iron. (98. ) SS. bluish-gray. (97.) Shales, Red and green. (96.) Shaly rock, gray and greenish. (95.) Shaly rock, Red and green. (94.) SS. bluish and gray ; of great thickness at ‘the village of Palen- ville.—Continued downwards in the following Section along Schoharie Creek in Schoharie County, N. Y., between Gil- boa and Middleburg, from the Catskill down to the Upper Helderberg, by Andrew and Clark Sharswood. Report to James Hall in the year 1873. 12 Red shaly rock. (This is supposed to be the same bed No. 94 which bottoms the Catskill Section of 1874.) Top of Manor- kill Cataracts at Sawmill. (94.) Bluish-gray SS. (93.) Gray shaly rock. (92.) Gray SS. (91 ) Gray shale. (90.) Gray shale SS. (89.) Red shaly rock, with green bands. (88.) Thick bedded gray SS. (87.) Thin bedded gray SS. (86.) Thin bedded gray SS., with plants. (85.) Hard (false bedded some of it) gray SS. (84.) Gray SS. (83.) Unknown to foot of Cataracts. (82.) ~Gray SS. (81.) Dark sandy shale. (80.) Gray SS. (at Gilboa) stumps, leaves, stems. (79.) Dark shale. (78.) Gray SS. (77.) Gray and bluish shale and shaly rock. (76.) Red and green mottled shale. (75.) Redish hard SS. (74 Gray 8S. (the top makes the Gilboa falls. ) oe ) Gray SS. (72.) Unknown. (71.) Hard gray SS. (with sharp 8. W. dip.) (70:) Unknown. (69.) Gray SS. (68.) Unknown. (67.) Coarse flaky gray SS. (makes top of Little Manorkill fall.) (66.) Unknown. (65.) Gray SS. (64.) Gray shaly rock, fossils in upper part. (63.) Gray shaly SS.; top is Cong., some fossils. (621) Unknown. (61.) Gray flaky SS., fossil piants. (60.) Gray slate and SS. (59.) Gray SS. (58.) Unknown. (57.) Sherwood.] 348 {March 15, Hard gray SS. (56.) Gray and bluish shale, a few fossils. (55.) Gray SS. (54.) Dark shale. (53.) - Unknown. (52.) Gray SS. (51.) Unknown. (50.) Gray, greenish shale, shaly rock, few fossils. (49. ) Gray SS. (48.) Greenish shale. (47.) Gray SS. (some false bedded.) (46.) Gray SS. and shaly rock. (45.) Greenish rubbly rock. (44.) Gray SS., false bedded (makes Pitchen Hollow rapids). (438.) Unknown. (42.) Massive gray SS., marked horizon. (41.) Dark shaly rock. (40.) Thin bed gray SS. (89.) Unknown. (38.) Coarse gray SS. (37°) Unknown. (36.) Gray SS. (part Concretionary.) (35.) Unknown. (34.) Dark, and gray shaly rock. (fossils, spirals towards top.) (33.) Unknown. (82. Gray SS., dark shale in the upper part of if (makes top of the Wanhaila), some fossils.. (31.) Dark shaly rock. (80.) Gray SS. (29.), Dark shaly SS., fez fossils. (28.) Gray SS. (27.) Dark shale. (26.) Bluish-gray 8S. (25.) Gray and dark sandy shaly rock. (24.) Unknown. (23.) Thin bed gray SS.; a little of it false bedded; some Concre- tionary. (22.) Gray sandy shaly rock. (21.) Thin bed gray SS. (20.) Gray concretionary rock. (19.) Gray shaly SS. (base of Wanhalla Mtn.) (18.) Bluish-gray SS. (17.) Gray and dark bluish-black Shale. (‘‘ Tow-path’’ road.) (16.) Bluish-black and gray shaly rock. (15.) Unknown. (14.) Dark gray and blackish shaly rock, fossils lower part. (18.) Gray and dark-blue shaly SS. (lower end of Tow-path road). Probably part of bed at top of Vooman’s nose.) (12.) Gray shaly SS.; top of Vooman’s nose, passes under water at lower end of Tow-path road. [Inclination 581 feet in 2 miles, making no allowance for fall of Schoharie Creek.] (11.) Blackish shale. (10.) Gray shale and shaly SS. (9.) Dark gray shale (Vooman’s nose), fossils most abundant in up- per part. (8.) Unknown up to ledge on Vooman’s nose. Surface covered with dark gray shale. 10 ft. of black shale is exposed by road cut half a mile west of Vooman’s nose; and supposed to come in this interval of 205 feet. (7.) 1878.] . 349 | Platt. 100 Unknown in Middleburg Village. (6.) 2 | Black shale. (d.) 21 (Black shale ? ) judging by the surface. (4.) 2 | Black slate. (3.) 15 Unknown. (2.) Helderburg Limestone. Half a mile below Middleburg, at grist mill. (Makes falls in the Schoharie.) (1.) Section of the Palezoie Rocks in Blair County, by Mr. Franklin Platt and Mr. R. H. Sanders, of the Second Geol. Surv. of Penna., in 1877. (Communicated to the American Philosophical Society, April 19, 1878.) The following section of the Palezoic rocks, exposed in Blair County, was made by compiling the sections taken from the following points: From the summit of the Allegheny Mountains at Bennington along the Pennsylvania Railroad to Altoona for XII, XI, X, [X, and V IIL. At Franks- town for VII. At Hollidaysburg for VI. At McKee’s Gap for V. At Tyrone and Spruce Creek Gaps for IV, III. From Spruce Creek to Tyrone Forges for II. The measurements are based on the railroad lines and from the topographical survey of Blair County. From the Mahoning Sandstone to coal A is taken from report H H. XII to VIII was measured by plotting on the railroad map the various cuts and measuring the rocks in each cut, and then projecting them over onto a section line. The projection of the various cuts onto the section line was most likely accompanied by a few errors but they would not make any material difference in the thickness. The entire thickness of VII could not be measured at Frankstown, where the best exposure could be seen. A good measurement of VI was obtained at the ‘‘Chimney Rocks” at Hollidaysburg. The measurement of V taken along the railroad cut at McKee’s Gap gives a good measurement except the lower part which is concealed, and which should have the horizon of the ‘‘ Frankstown”’ ore in it. The Medina Sandstone shows best on the Pennsylvania Railroad, east of Spruce Beech Tunnel. The remainder of IV shows best in Tyrone Gap, but the rocks are crushed and the measurement is not reliable. III a complete section of these slates do not show anywhere in the county. II the thickness of these limestones and dolomites is taken from a care- fully measured section along the Little Juniata from Spruce Creek to Tyrone Forges. R. H. Sanders. 345’ 4/’ XIII Lower Productive Coal Measures. 223’ 1’ XII Pottsville Conglomerate. 283/ XI Mauch Chunk Red Shale. 1,274’ 4/’ X Pocono Sandstone. 2,560/ IX Catskill Sandstone and Shale. 6,519’ 2/7 VIII Chemung, Portage, Hamilton, Upper Helderburg 50/ VII Oriskany Sandstone. 900/ VI Lower Helderburg Limestones. 1,328’ 3/V Clinton Red Shale. 2,365’ 10/7 TV Medina and Oneida Sandstone. 960/ III Hudson-River and Utica Slates. 6, 600/ Il and I (?) Trenton, Calciferous and perhaps Pottsdam 23,348’ Paleezoic rocks exposed in Blair County. Platt. ] Mahoning Sandstone. 8’’ Coal bed. Drab slates. Olive shales. Massive slates. Olive slates and shales. 6/’ Coal bed E. Impure fire clay. Sandstone and black slate. Limestone. Ferruginous slates and shales. Sandstone and sandy shales. Coal bed D!. Fire-clay. Sandstone, drab. Black slate. 10/’ Coal bed D. Drab slates holding ore balls. 7/’ Sandstone. Blue slates. Sandstone, massive, drab. 6/’ Slate. 6/’ Coal ’ 6// Slate + Bed C. 8/’ Coal § Fire-clay. Sandstone. 3’/ Slate. 4" Coal. Sandstone. 10’ Black slate, with calamites. 6// Coal bed B. Fire-clay. Shales. Black slate. 8/’ Coal bed A?. Slates. Sandstone, gray. Coal bed A. Fire-clay. Notaletaeec 345! 4// S3., coarse grained iron stained. 1”’ Coal. Fire-clay. Slaty sandstone. Fine grained grayish white SS. Massive white sandstone. Concealed. Total) SMe ere cer 223! 1// Red shale. Gray slate. Red shale. Gray slate. Red slate. Fine grained sandstone. Red slate. Greenish gray slate. Red shale. Gray slate. [April 19, White and grayish-white coarse grained sandstone. Gray slate. Red slate. Gray sandstone. Red shale. Potal ita. 283/ Gray shale. Gray sandstone. Red shale. Massive gray sandstone. Dark gray slates. Massive gray sandstone, Olive-gray sandstone. Red shale. Gray sandstone. Gray slate. Gray sandstone. Greenish-gray slate. Gray sandstone. Gray slate. Massive gray sandstone. Brown shale. Red shale and slate. Brown sandstone. Gray slate. Red shale and slate. Massive gray sandstone. Red shale. Gray sandstone. Gray slaty sandstone. Brown slaty sandstone. Red shale. \ Gray micaceous sandstone. Iron ore, greenish-gray. 1}/’ Gray micaceous sandstone. 9/’ Tron ore, greenish-gray. Massive gray sandstone. Red slate. 6/’ Iron ore, greenish-gray. Gray micaceous thin bedded SS. Ferruginous sandstone. Gray sandstone, Gray slate. Red slate. Brown sandstone. Red slate. Gray slate. Gray sandstone. Red shale. Red slate. Gray sandstone. Motel! 2X x hs et 1,274! 4” Red shale. Gray shale. Red shale. Brown sandstone. Red shale. Gray sandstone. Red shale. Concealed. Red sandstone. Concealed. Brown shale. Brown sandstone. Red shaie with three small layers of olive shale. Brownish-gray sandstone. Gray slaty sandstone. Reddish-brown sandstone. 3’ Red shale. + Yellowish-gray sandstone. Concealed and reddish sand- stone and slate. 6’ Gray shale. 50’ Red shale and sandstone. 10’ Gray slaty sandstone. 265’ Red shale and sandstone... 20’ Red sandstone, 10’ Red shale. 15’ Red sandstone. 15’ Red shale and sandstone. 15’ Red sandstone. 80’ Red shale. 305’ Concealed. 15’ Gray shale. 14’ Red SS. with some gray shale. 10’ Red shale. Red and gray shale. 2’ Gray shale. 4’ Red sandstone. Red slate with some gray SS. Gray shale. Red shale. 5’ Gray sandstone. Red shale. Reddish-brown sandstone. Red shale with layers of gray sandstone. 25’ Gray sandstone with red shale ; small layers of gray shale. Gray sandstone and slate. 480’ Concealed. Motal: uXeee cs: 2560/ Red slate with gray sandstone, mostly sandstone. Gray slates. Gray sandstone. 3/ Gray slate. Gray sandstone. Gray slate. Gray sandstone and slate, with a slight reddish tinge. Gray sandstone and slate. Concealed. Gray slate. 8’ Gray sandstone. Light gray slate. 351 [Platt. 1’ Gray sandstone. 8’ Dark gray slates. 10’ Gray sandstone. 86’ Dark gray slates and concealed. 15’ Dark gray slates. 1’ Gray sandstone. 50/ Gray slates. 2’ Gray sandstone. 4’ Gray slate. 10’ Gray sandstone. 0’ 2’ gray slate. 1’ Gray sandstone. 70’ Gray slate. 300’ Concealed. 20’ Gray slate. 260’ Slaty sandstone. 20’ Gray shale. 30’ Gray sandstone and slates, thin bedded. 505’ Concealed. 50’ Gray sandstone thin bedded with slate. 460’ Gray slate with thin layers of gray sandstone. 50’ Gray slate. 50’ Concealed. 30’ Gray slate with a few layers of gray sandstone. 50’ Gray slate, cleavage planes iron stained. 780’ Concealed, mostly gray slates. , 185’ Olive and gray slates with 10/ red slates. 5’ Red slates. 418’ Gray slate and sandstone. 75’ Slaty sandstone and gray slate. 10’ Gray sandstone. 100’ Gray slates, some of the slates have ripple marks. 600’ Gray slaty sandstone, thin. 1365’ Gray and black slates, the black slates are the lowest thickness not known. otal, (Welds. 6519/ 2” 50’ + Sandstone, coarse grained, some conglomerate. The thickness cannot be measured at any place in the county. Wotal eV: sis... .50". 900’ Limestone, not all exposed, mostly a dark blue massive limestone. Mota Wal £657: 900/. 120’ Gray slaty limestone. 30’ Concealed. 60’ Gray slate with some limestone. 5’ Dark gray slate. 14’ Slaty limestone. 1’ Limestone. Platt.] 3’ Gray slate. 26’ Red shale. 1’ Gray slate. 0’ 10/’ Limestone. 5/ Gray slate. 0’ 6/’ Green shale. 1’ Red shale. 1’ Gray shale. 14’ Red shale. 5’ Gray slate. 1’ Impure limestone. 5’ Dark brown slate. 2’ Olive gray slate. 7’ Red slate. 45' Gray slate with some small layers of limestone. 1’ 9’ Fossiliferous dark blue lime. 1’ 6” Gray slate. 0’ 6/’ Limestone. 4! Gray slate. 0/ 2// Limestone. 30/ Olive slate. 3’ Limestone. 3/ Gray slate. 2! Limestone. 6’ Gray slate. 2’ Red shale. 3/ Olive shale. 6’ Red shale. 2’ Green shale. 3/ Red shale. 2’ Olive shale. 6’ Red shale. 5/ Gray shale. 30’ Gray slate and concealed. 50/ Concealed. Fossil ore. 302 [April 19, 1878. 20’ Gray sandstone. 1’ Red shale. 10’ Gray sandstone. 0’ 6’ Red shale. 10’ Red sandstone. 15’ Grayish-red sandstone. 1’ Red slate. 1’ 6’ Green slate. 15’ Gray sandstone. 1’ Gray slate. 20’ Brown sandstone. 1’ Gray slate. 8’ Brown sandstone.’ 0’ 6’ Red shale. 75’ Reddish-brown sandstone. 1’ Red slate. 200’ Red and gray sandstone. 9’ Red sandstone. 4’ Red shale. 2’ Red sandstone. 3/ Red slate. 1’ Green slate. 4’ Red slate. 2’ Green slate. 6’ Red sandstone. 15’ Red sandstone (some gray). 10’ Red sandstone. 2’ Gray slate. 18’ Red sandstone. 0/ 5’ gray slate. 12’ Grayish-brown sandstone. 0’ 3’’ Red shale. 20’ Brown sandstone. 0’ 2/’ Green shale. 4’ Brown sandstone. 1’ Red shale. 50’ Brown and gray sandstone and —_——_- ~~ ~~ = 20’ Gray slate. 30/ Concealed. concealed. 30/ Brown slate. 409’ Concealed and gray sandstone. 640’ Concealed. Frankstown fossil 320/ Gray sandstone. ore in this interval. 440’ Gray sandstone and slaty SS. Total V, 1328/ 3/’. Totaly IN v8.5 2365/ 10’ 100 -- White sandstone. 900’ Slates, gray and black, they do 255’ Red sandstone with layers of not show in any place in the red slate from 6/’ to 5/ thick. county. 84’ Massive red sandstone. Total, TLDs. sai% 900/ 5400’ Limestone, dark blue, blue, and gray. 40’ + White sandstone, some of it iron-stained. 1160’ Limestone, towards the bot- tom comes in slates and SS. Total, II & I(2)......6600/ 1’ 8’' Green slaty sandstone. 87’ Red sandstone with a few layers of red shale. 0’ 6/’ Green slate. 10’ Red sandstone. 5’ Red shale. 5/ Green slate. 5’ Red sandstone. o 1878.] 303 (Schwarz. The Coleoptera of Florida. By E. A. ScHwarz.* (Read before the American Philosophical Society, Feb. 1, 1878.) The following list is founded upon matcrial collected during two expe- ditions to Florida. In the spring of 1875 collections were made at Haul- over near the northern end of Indian River from February 23d to March 20th, at Ft. Capron, on the same lagoon about a hundred miles south of Haulover, from March 26th to April 28th, at Enterprise on the upper St. Johns River from May 7th to 28th, at Cedar Keys, on the gulf coast, from June 2d to 9th. In the following year collections were made at Tampa from March 24th to April 30th, and again at Enterprise from May 15th to June 27th. On both trips smaller collections were made at various points : Fernan- dina April 16th, Palatka February 13th, Sand Point on the Indian River February 19th to 22d, Lake Harney on the upper St. Johns River in the beginning of May, at Baldwin on the Jacksonville and Mobile R. R. on June 1st and June 10th, Lake Ashby in Volusia County and New Smyrna in the beginning of June. A number of interesting species were also ob- tained on the journey across the peninsula from Tampa to Enterprise dur- ing the first half of May. As the localities where the most extensive collections were made differ greatly in character, and as no points in north-western Florida, nor at the southern extremity of the peninsula were visited, I must abstain from drawing any conclusions concerning the local distribution of Coleoptera in Florida. The sandy plains at Haulover, covered with scrub-oak and saw- palmetto, were not found elsewhere ; the ocean and lagoon beaches of the eastern shore, especially at Capron, are rich in peculiar forms, and as the Gulf Stream here flows only six or eight miles off the coast, it is quite possible that many of these species are direct importations brought in the West Indian seeds and drift-wood constantly being thrown upon this low and sandy coast. The Coleoptera from Enterprise represent the fauna of the ‘‘ hammocks, ’’ a term applied in Florida to the dense hard-wood and palmetto forests, as distinguished from the open and sandy pine lands or cypress swamps. At Tampa special attention was paid to the fauna of the pine forests. In all districts covered with pine woods occur depressions, which in the dry sea- son become swampy meadows, with a fauna remarkably rich in species and in specimens, and nearly identical in character throughout the State. Notwithstanding the very uniform temperature during the entire year, the dry season, which corresponds with the winter months, causes a disappear- ance of insects in Florida almost as complete as in the north:; in the beginning of March they appear suddenly with the first leaves of the oak, * Withvadditional descriptions of new species by JOHN L. LECONTE, M.D. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xviI. 101. 2R. PRINTED APRIL 17, 1878. Schwarz. } 304 [Feb. 1, but there is no spring flight of Coleoptera. The beginning of the rainy season about the end of May brings out the full summer fauna. Though far from complete, the following enumeration of species is judged sufficiently extensive to give a tolerably clear idea of the character of the Floridian fauna. I desire to express my indebtedness to Dr. LeConte, without whose aid in the determination of species, this list could not have been prepared. The following abbreviations for localities are used in the List of Species. A.—Lake Ashby. K.—Cedar Keys. B.—Baldwin. L.—Lake Harney. C.—Ft. Capron. N. §8.—New Smyrna. E.—Enterprise. P.—Palatka. F.—Fernandina. §.—Sand Point. H.—Haulover. T.—Tampa. *—Species recorded from Florida not collected by myself. Descriptions of New Species. By E. A. Scowarz. 1. Lebia rhodopus, n. sp.—Head and thorax greenish or bluish black, subopaque ; the former large, wider than the thorax, finely aluta- ceous, sparsely and obsoletely punctulate; antennse more than half the length of the body, outer joints stout, joint 3 and base of joint 4 testaceous ; palpi black. Thorax small, transverse, on the sides very little rounded and subsinuate before the hind angles, which are rectangular ; side margin less broadly reflexed than in ZL. viridis ; finely alutaceous, indistinctly trans- versely rugose or obsoletely punctulate. Elytra blue or greenish blue, shining, very finely alutaceous, strive finer and more obsolete than in Z. viridis, interstices subconvex. Beneath bluish black, legs, including the coxe, bright rufo-testaceous, tarsi blackish, claws pectinate. Length 4.5 mm. ; .17-.18 inch. ; Allied to L. viridis and pumila; from the former distin- guished by its larger head, which as well as the thorax, is hardly shining, and by the color of antenne and legs ; from the latter by its larger size and the coloration of the upper side and of the legs; from either species by the long and stout antenne. Two specimens from Tampa, found in April on the blos- soms of Chamzerops serrulata. 2. Apenes angustata, n. sp.—Shining, head and thorax metallic green, elytra dark coppery ; beneath black, antennie, palpi and legs testa- ceous, Head a little narrower than the thorax, longitudinally strigose, 1878. } 300 (Schwarz, with some scattered punctures, clypeus alutaceous, minutely and sparsely punctulate. Thorax in front but little wider than long, at the sides less rounded and less narrowed behind than in A. lucidula ; hind angles indi- cated by an interruption of the reflexed margin, transversely rugulose and sparsely punctulate, near the front margin more evidently punctate, punc- tures sometimes confluent in longitudinal rugosities. Elytra of a dark coppery color with an oblong yellow spot at the base of the 6th interval, finely but deeply striate, strive distinctly punctulate, interstices flat, aluta- ceous, sparsely and obsoletely punctured. Length 9.25 mm.; .87 inch. Of the same size as A. lucidula, but narrower and with a different form of the thorax; the sculpture of head and thorax is finer, the elytra are darker colored with the scat- tered punctures on the interstices less evident. Enterprise; three specimens, apparently females. CYCLONOTUM. The four North American species before me may be dis- tinguished by the following table: I. Antenne with more or less solid club; prosternum carinated in front, prolonged behind between the cox and almost reaching the meso- sternum ; first ventral segment carinate; elytra with distinctly im- pressed sutural striz at apex : Antennal club solid, prosternum very short in front of the coxe : metasternum in the middle slightly but abruptly raised in an ob- long shining plate, which is narrowed in front. Size small, rows of punctures on the elytra very obsolete............... palmarum. Antennal club less solid, prosternum moderately long in front of the cox, metasternum with an oblong, not elevated, not pubes- cent, opaque spot. Size large, elytra with regular rows of punc- II. Antenne with a loosely jointed club of three joints, prosternum feebly prolonged between the cox; metasternum strongly longitudinally carinated, carinashining, more or less punctulate, but not sharply limited laterally ; first ventral segment not carinated ; elytra without sutural stria. Larger, rounded-oval, elytra moderately densely punctulate, legs pice- ous black, tibize distinctly punctulate..... ithe Bales aiace ...estriatum. Smaller, rounded, almost hemispherical, elytra less densely punctu- late, legs stouter, piceous red, tibiz smooth......... semiglobosum. 3. Cyclonotum palmarum, 2. sp.—Rounded-oval, convex, above black, shining, anterior part of head, sides of thorax and tip of ely - tra sometimes red, beneath red, metasternum darker in the middle, anten- ne, mouth and legs bright rufo-testaceous. Head very finely aciculate and Schwarz. ] 356 [Feb. 1, obsoletely remotely punctulate, antennee with the first joint elongated, but much less so than in C. cact?, 2d joint as thick as the first, longer than wide, 8d much narrower but also longer than wide, 4th very small sub- transverse, 5thand 6th very small strongly transverse ; the three last joints are absorbed in a large, elongate-oval, solid annulated club, which is al- most as long as the first joint and less compressed than in C. cactt. Mentum transverse, flat, subopaque, testaceous, not visibly punctured, broadly emar- ginate in front. Prothorax sculptured as the head, broadly emarginate in front, sides feebly rounded, base straight, anterior angles distinct, not rounded, hind angles obtuse. Scutellum shining, very finely sparsely punctulate. Elytra shining, not densely, finely punctured, with traces of rows of stronger punctures at the apex near the side margin ; sutural stria finely impressed and reaching almost to the middle. Prosternum in front of the coxe very short, linear, carina more prominent in front, intercoxal process long, almost reaching the mesosternum. Carina of mesosternum with the free angle almost rectangular, not mucronate. Metasternum on each side opaque, not visibly punctured, in the middle slightly but abruptly elevated in an oblong, shining plate, which is somewhat narrowed in front and finely remotely punctulate. Abdomen opaque, first segment carinated in the middle. Legs stout, femora punctulate, tibia smooth. Length 1.75 mm. ; .07 inch. Enterprise; five specimens, found in May and June, on cut down palmetto trees feeding on the fermenting juice. C. semiglobosum Zimm. (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 250), is in my opinion well distinguished from C. estriatum. It is always smaller, shorter and more convex, the front margin of thorax distinctly produced in the middle, the punctation of head and thorax is much finer, that of the elytra less dense, fine in the scutellar region, stronger at apex and at the sides; the legs are stouter and less dark colored, the tibize smooth. 4. Sacium mollinum, n.sp.—Elongate-oval, shining, above pice- ous, thorax semicircular with the apex and sides pale, diaphanous anteri- orly, finely and moderately densely punctulate. Elytra minutely sparsely punctulate, pubescent, a humeral spot, a curved fascia at the apical third, and the side margin yellowish-testaceous. Beneath piceo-testaceous, ab- domen and legs pale, metasternum densely punctulate. The yellow side margin is connected with the humeral spot and with the fascia; the latter is sometimes abbreviated at the sides or reduced to a spot on the disc. Length 1 mm, ; .04-.05 inch. Tampa and Enterprise, many specimens ; abundant on Pinus palustris in April and June. Shorter and more regularly oval than the other species and of different coloration. > ‘ 1878.} 357 (Schwarz. 5. Sacium splendens, nu. sp.—Elongate-elliptical, very shining, thorax semicircular, reddish with an indefinite dark spot in front of mid- dle, apex and sides pale, very finely sparsely punctulate. Elytra piceous- black with an indistinct reddish basal spot inside of the humerus and a common, broad, testaceous fascia behind the middle, exceedingly finely re- motely punctulate, pubescence only visible under a very high power. Un- derside reddish-brown, shining, hardly visibly punctulate, abdomen paler at apex, legs yellowish-testaceous. Length 7 mm. ; .03-.04 inch Tampa; many specimens beaten from dead leaves of Pinus palustris in April. Varies with the’ fascia interrupted by the suture, or not reaching the side margin. The apparently unpubescent and very shining elytra with the very fine punc- tuation will easily distinguish this species. 6. Seydmezenus divisus, n. sp.—Fusiform, shining ; head and tho- rax brown, impunctate, with coarse, erect, moderately long, brownish pubescence. Head not immersed in the thorax, with a thick brush of hairs each side behind the eyes ; antenne red, stout, longer than head and thorax, intermediate joints as long as wide, club 4-jointed, 8th joint globu- lar twice as large as the preceding, joints 9 and 10 subtransverse, each very little larger than the 8th, terminal joint oval, shorter than the two preceding together ; maxillary palpi with the penultimate joint slender, clavate, last joint not visible. Thorax trapezoid, very little longer than wide at base, smooth, transverse basal impression feeble, interrupted at the middle. Elytra not forming an angle with the thorax, with sparse, long, erect, grayish pubesence, red, evidently punctate anteriorly and smooth behind the middle ; punctate part divided in an inner and outer portion by a broad smooth humeral band, inner portion more finely and sparsely, outer por- tion more coarsely and densely punctured; humeral callus moderately elevated ; two distinct basal fovez each side of almost equal size; suture not elevated. Beneath piceous, abdomen pale at tip, Jegs red, femora mode- rately clavate. Length 1.15 mm. ; 4.5 inch. Enterprise; two specimens. Belongs in the group of 8S. capillosulus and is easily distinguished by the peculiar sculp- ture of the elytra. . 7. Languria marginipennis, n. sp.—Red; head, and small rounded discoidal spot on the thorax, scutellum, outer half of femora, the larger part of the tibiz and the tarsi blackish-green; antennz, metasternum, with the exception of the front margin, and the last ventral segment black; elytra greenish-blue or blue, margin and epipleure red. Head alutaceous, distinctly not densely punctured, antennz with joints 3-6 slender, 7-11 forming an abrupt club, joints 7-10 produced within. Thorax longer than wide, finely aciculate and distinctly not densely punctured, on the sides very little rounded and slightly sinuate before the hind angles ; the peas Schwarz.) 308 [Feb. 1, more or less rounded spot in the centre and occupies usually the fourth part of the length of the thorax, but is in some specimens reduced in size. Elytra shining, strongly striate-punctate, punctures finer towards the apex, interstices flat, finely alutaceous, obsoletely remotely punctulate ; the red color is usually confined to the thickened margin and to the epipleure, but " in two specimens the last interstice also is indistinctly red in the middle. J Prosternum sparsely punctured, almost smooth in front, mesosternum j coarsely punctured, metasternum almost smooth, abdomen finely, remotely punctulate. The red and green colors on the tibie are not sharply sepa- rated ; the base and the upper edge, however, are always dark and the largest part of the lower edge always red. Length 7-9 mm. ; .28-.35 inch. Ft. Capron, Tampa, and Enterprise; six specimens. This species resembles in form L. tedata, it is, however, a little more elongate with the thorax longer. 8. Tomarus hirtellus, n. sp.—Oblong-oval, convex, shining, fus- co-testaceous. Head and thorax finely, sparsely punctulate, sparsely pubes- cent ; antenne less slender than in 7. pulehellus. Thorax twice as wide as long, on the sides subsinuate before and slightly undulate behind the middle, base sinuated each side, basal impressions deep. Elytra with sparse, suberect, grayish pubescence, and with some scattered long erect hairs, strongly irregularly punctate in front, punctures becoming finer and obsolete towards the apex ; an indefinite, often abbreviated, fascia at the middle and another on the apical third black. Beneath finely, sparsely pubescent, pro- and metasternum evidently punctulate ; legs pale. Length 1.25-1.5 mm; .05-.06 inch. Smaller and shorter than 7 pulchellus and easily distin- guished by its more evident pubescence and stronger punc-- tuation on the elytra. The pubescence of 7. hirtellus and the form of the thorax, whose side margin has the tendency to become serrulate, bring the genus Zomarus still nearer to Paramecosoma. 9. Lathropus pictus, n. sp.—Opaque, head and thorax ferrugineo- testaceous, the former densely rugosely punctulate, emarginate in front, antenn ferrugineous, second joint and the club blackish, joints 8—8 very small, together hardly as long as the club. Thorax transverse, side mar- gins undulate, apical margin and base straight, anterior angles almost rectangular, hind angles prominent; finely and densely rugosely punctu- late, without any trace of impressions, lateral lines feeble. Scutellum small, transverse. Elytra much less elongate than in ZL. vernalis, fusco- testaceous, finely punctate-striate, with numerous rows of exceedingly short, rigid, whitish hairs; a circumscutellar cloud and a common fascia, concave and dentate anteriorly, blackish. This fascia is formed of three indefinite spots on each elytron, the first at the suture a little behind the 1878.] 309 (Schwarz. middle, the second, oblong, in front and outside of the first, the third at the side margin. Metasternum and abdomen piceous, finely sparsely punctulate ; legs pale. Length .05 inch ; 1.25 mm. Smaller and especially shorter than J. vernalis and dis- tinct by the dise of the thorax without impressions, by the sculpture and pubescence of the elytra and by the color. Haulover Canal, Volusia County; four specimens found under bark of a dead Quercus virens. 10. Lemophieus Chamerepis, n. sp.—Less elongate, de- pressed, glabrous, shining, bright rufo-testaceous, elytra pale ochreous. Head large, transverse, flat, not impressed on the disc and without median line, finely and sparsely punctulate, marginal line close to the margin in front and at the sides, base not margined ; antenne with distinct 3-jointed club ; labrum large, transverse, truncate in front. Thorax finely, sparsely punctulate, with a single lateral line joining the basal marginal line and with an impressed puncture of moderate size each side in the middle out- side of the lateral line ; anterior angles not prominent in either sex. Scutel- lum transverse, triangular. Elytra at base very little wider than the tho- rax, slightly dilated behind the humeri, which are obtuse but not rounded ; each elytron with six fine strie : the humeral stria more distinct and im- punctate, 5th stria also more distinct, obsoletely punctulate, the inner strize less distinct and feebly punctulate, sutural striee at apex more impressed than in front. Interstices flat impunctate. Head beneath, pro- and meso- sternum impunctate, metasternum and abdomen finely sparsely, last ven- tral segment more densely punctulate. Length 1.5-2 mm. ; .06-.08 inch. 3S Head wider than the thorax, front produced, emargi- nate at middle, distinctly sinuate each side, with the teeth long and acuminate; antennee slender, more than half the length of the body, with all the joints longer than wide. Thorax strongly transverse, sides oblique, convergent towards the base and subsinuate before the hind angles, which are obtuse; lateral line oblique; elytra as long as head and thorax together. ?° Head as wide as the thorax, front produced, emarginate in middle, hardly sinuate at the sides, teeth much less prom- inent ; antenne less slender, outer joints as long as wide. Thorax less transverse, sides sub-parallel, slightly arcuate and sinuate before the hind angles, which are rectangular, lateral line straight; elytra a little longer than head and thorax together. Schwarz.) 360 [Feb.1, 11. Nemicelus marginipennis Lec.—The two sexes differ from each other most remarkably and might be easily mistaken for two distinct species. The form described by LeConte (Proc. Ac. Nat. Se. 1854, p.79), I take to be the ¢'. The female differs chiefly by the following characters : Less elongate, opaque above, color of upper and underside darker.» Head densely rugosely punctulate with an obtuse tooth behind the eyes, eyes smaller, less elongate and less oblique, more convex ; antenne with the first joint only one-half longer than wide, shorter than the two following to- gether. Thorax hardly longer than wide anteriorly, more dilated in front, not emarginate at apex, apical edge thickened, base much less lobed in the middle, surface densely rugosely punctulate. Elytra almost entirely covering the abdomen, less truncate at apex, distinctly pubescent, densely punctulate, strive less evident. Prosternum shining, punctate, process be- tween the front cox hardly visible, propleurze opaque, sculptured as the thorax; mesosternum much smaller, less broadly rounded in front, dilated behind, shining punctate ; metasternum and abdomen opaque, the latter less elongate, last segment not longer than the preceding with a large shal- low impression. Hind tarsi 4-jointed as in the male. The genus Nemicelus was first described by Dr. LeConte, and is certainly distinct from Hemipeplus. 12. Nemicelus microphthalmus, 9 n.sp.—Linear, pale, yellow- testaceous. Head quadrate, subconvex, behind the eyes straight, then suddenly narrowed and forming a short neck, somewhat shining, sparsely and obsoletely rugose ; eyes small, round, convex, very coarsely granula- ted, mandibles deeply emarginate and black at tip ; antenne a little longer than head and thorax, first joint stout one-half Jonger than wide, shorter than the two following together, joint 2 globular, the following 4 joints as long as wide, equal, 7 and 8 a little larger than the preceding, the three last joints abruptly larger, 9 and 10 hardly transverse, terminal joint oval acuminate. Thorax but little longer than wide anteriorly, feebly and broadly emarginate in front, sides oblique, convergent towards the base, subsinuate anteriorly and broadly sinuate before the hind angles ; base al- most straight, not lobed, apical edge thickened, anterior angles obtuse; rounded at tip, posterior angles obtuse ; surface somewhat shining, indis- tinctly, rugosely punctulate with a faint trace of an impressed median line, basal impressions large and deep. Scutellum opaque, subquadrate and a little broader behind, apical side rounded, Elytra almost covering the abdomen, subopaque, paler than the head and thorax, darker at the sides and with a short dark line on each elytron near the suture at the apical fourth, deusely and equally rugosely punctulate with hardly any trace of striw. Pro- and mesosternum shining, sparsely punctulate, propleurre opaque, sculptured as the thorax, front coxse very narrowly separated, metasternum and abdo- men subopaque densely and finely punctulate, last ventral segment hardly longer than the preceding with a round impression, occupying nearly the whole surface. Length 3.25 mm. ; .13 inch. ~ Unknown to me. 1878.] 361 (Schwarz. A single specimen from Enterprise, found in May, attracted by the light, is before me, another specimen from Tampa is in the cabinet of Dr. LeConte. Smaller and narrower than the smallest females of NV. marginipennis and very distinct, especially by the form of the head and by the small, round eyes. 13. Philothermus puberulus, n. sp.—Elongate-elliptical, trans- versely convex, dark chestnut-colored, shining, above with distinct, fine, erect pubescence and with some longer hairs at the sides. Head sparsely punctured, antenne shorter than in Ph. glabriculus, apparently 10-jointed, joints 2 and 38 slender, the following six joints small, 7-9 strongly trans- verse, joints 10 and 11 forming a solid club asin Cerylon. Thorax less transverse and less strongly margined than in Ph. glabrieulus, rounded on the sides, moderately sparsely punctured. Scutellum transverse, shining, with a few punctures. LElytra strongly striate-punctate, interstices finely, sparsely punctulate. Prosternum and propleure distinctly, not densely, metasternum and first ventral segment in the middle finely and sparsely, at the sides very coarsely punctured, segment 2-4 each with two trans- verse rows of strong punctures, last segment more finely punctulate ; legs testaceous. Length 2 mm. ; .075 inch. Abundant in Florida under old bark of Pinus palustris. Smaller, narrower and more convex transversely than Ph. glabriculus, with the sculpture above and beneath stronger and at once distinguished by the much more evident pubescence and by the form of the antennal club. By this last charac- ter Ph. puberulus forms a passage to Cerylon. Sexual charac- ters are not evident ; some specimens have the sides of thorax less rounded ; these are probably the males. 14. Olibrus princeps, n.sp—.Rounded-oval, pale rufo-testaceous, thorax with a large brownish discoidal spot. Elytra black each with a large, oval, bright orange-colored spot at the suture before the middle, outer half of the basal margin and the lateral margin narrowly, apex broader yellow ; very finely striate, striz minutely and remotely punctu- late, interstices obsoletely sparsely punctulate, punctures more distinct near the lateral margin. The sutural stria alone is deeper impressed ; mes- osternum not protuberant. Length 2.56 mm.; .10 inch. One specimen in the collection of Mr. H. G. Hubbard from New Smyrna; another specimen found by me at En- terprise in May is in the cabinet of Dr. LeConte. A very striking species by its color, belonging in the group of O. apicalis. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 2s. PRINTED APRIL 17, 1878. Schwarz. ] 362 | | Feb. 1, 15. Brachyacantha querceti, n. sp—Rounded, convex, shining, black ; head and thorax finely not densely, elytra somewhat more strongly punctured. Each elytron with a large, transverse humeral spot, which is obliquely truncate inside and leaves a very narrow basal margin black and with a smaller, rounded-oval spot at the outer apical angle not touching the margin, orange-red. Side pieces of metasternum and sides of abdo- men densely punctured, propleure and legs yellow, femora infuscate at base. Length 2-2.75 min. ; .08-.11 inch. Co Head, front margin of thorax narrowly, anterior angles and side margins more broadly, epimera of mesosternum entirely whitish-yellow. © Head black, or piceous in front, thorax black or with the front mar- gin and front angles narrowly piceous-testaceous, epimera black or piceous. var. g¢ Humeral spot small and narrow. var. Humeral spot interrupted at middle. Widely distributed in Florida ; abundant on oak shrubs. 16. Hyperaspis paludicola, n. sp.—Oblong-oval, less convex, black ; head subopaque, finely alutaceous, obsoletely sparsely punctulate: thorax opaque, sides yellow, sculptured as the head. Elytra shining, dis- tinctly moderately densely punctate, an oval discoidal spot, the side mar- gin and the apex yellow. The yellow side margin is throughout of equal width, following the undulation of the side margin of the elytra ; at the apex it turns inwards and becomes broader, but does not reach the suture. Mouth, antennz, epipleure, legs, sides and apex of abdomen, yellow. Length 1.35-2.25 mm. ; .07-.09 inch. 3 Head and front margin of thorax yellow. Very common in Florida on swampy meadows in the Pine lands. Resembles in coloration certain varieties of H. undulata, but it is longer, less convex and also a little smaller, with the thorax opaque and less distinctly punctu- late; the yellow side margin is always of equal width and never broken into spots. 17. Strigoderma exigua, n. sp.—Oblong-oval, convex, shining, above glabrous and only at the sides fringed with a row of longer hairs. Head piceous with greenish reflection, transversely convex behind, flat- tened in front, moderately sparsely punctate and not rugose, vertex more remotely punctulate; clypeus parabolical, not separated from the front, broadly rounded at apex and strongly reflexed ; antennze piceous. Thorax transversely convex, emarginate at apex, at the sides strongly rounded and narrowed in front of middle, not angulated in the middle, slightly nar- rowed towards the hase, which is straight and not produced in the middle; hind angles obtuse, rounded; surface piceous with greenish reflexion, apex and sides pale ochreous, sparsely punctured without impressions. Elytra fusco-testaceous, punctate-striate, alternate intervals more elevated, con- . 1878.] 363 (Schwarz. vex, smooth, pale ochreous-yellow. Beneath piceous, with sparse long pubescence, legs testaceous, femora infuscate ; front tibiz not dentate, the apical tooth being a mere prolongation of the outer apical angle in the axis of the tibiew, upper edge therefore almost straight, only very slightly sinu- ate at the base of the apical process, outer side neither carinate nor sulcate, smooth with exception of a row of punctures along the upper edge ; first four tarsal joints short, claws strongly incurved at base Length 4-4.5 mm.; .16-.18 inch. Three specimens are before me which I found on oak shrubs on the sand hills east of Lake Altapopka in May. Easily distinguished from our two other species by its smaller size, more.regularly oval, convex form, by the glab- rous upper surface, by the sculpture of head, thorax and elytra and by the formation of the front tibie. 18. Taphrocerus puncticollis, n. sp.—Elongate, above black- ish-blue, or black with faint seneous tinge, shining. Head less strongly excavate, very finely alutaceous, distinctly, moderately sparsely punctate, punctures deeper than in 7. gracilis. Thorax transverse, narrowed in front when viewed from above, sides sinuate before the hind angles, which are rectangular, base strongly lobed in the middle, lobe broadly emarginate; surface uneven with a distinct carina in front of the hind angles, very finely alutaceous, coarsely unequally punctured, each puncture bearing a very short scale-like hair. Scutellum transverse, shining. Elytra im- pressed at base, impressions on the dise not obvious, serrate at the outer apical angle; anteriorly moderately strongly striate-punctate, punctures obsolete towards the apex, each with a very fine, short hair, interstices on the disc unequal ; the strive therefore appear subgeminate ; humeral carina broadly interrupted at middle. Beneath bluish-black or black, metasternum coarsely punctured ; abdomen with sparse shallow punctures, last segment with a deep, semicircular marginal sulcus. Length 5 mm.; .20 inch. Enterprise and Cedar Keys; two specimens. More elon- gate than T. gracilis and distinguished by the deeper punc- tuation of head, thorax and metasternum and by the elytra less even, without patches of pubescence; from 7! agriloides it differs chiefly by the form of the thorax, which in the lat- ter species is not narrowed in front when viewed from above. 19. Brachys fascifera, n. sp.—Similar to B. ovata, but shorter, broader in front and more attenuate behind, and easily distinguished by the broad white fascia on the elytra and by the formation of the prosternum. Head and thorax as in B. ovata, the former less strongly excavated. Ely- tra striate-punctate, punctures finer and obsolete towards the apex, ante- riorly with irregular lines and patches of fulvous and whitish pubescence. Schwarz.) 364 [Feb. 1, behind the middle with a broad fascia of dense whitish pubescence, with only a few fulvous hairs intermixed; behind this with two other undulated fascize composed of fulvous hairs bordered anteriorly with white ; humeral and marginal carina as in B. ovata. Fissure of prosternum not reaching the hind margin, but leaving a comparatively broad margin intact, apex of metasternum in the middle suddenly and deeply emarginate. Last ventral segment with the usual marginal sulcus, not emarginate in the male; broadly rounded in the 2, less broadly in the °{'; anus very finely pectinate. Length 4.5-5 mm.; .18-.20 inch. Widely distributed in Florida and not rare; lives on Quereus virens. In B. ovata and tesselata the undivided por- tion of the prosternum is very narrow and the metasternum is broadly triangularly emarginate in front. 20. Pachyscelus cz#ruleus, n. sp.—Short ovate, black, head and thorax bluish-black or black with eeneous tinge, scutellum and elytra bright blue, shining. Head deeply channeled, alutaceous, obsoletely punctulate, thorax without lateral depression and with sparse shallow punctures almost obliterated on the disc, more obvious at the sides, finely alutaceous at the sides. Elytra with a deep impression at the sides before the middle, and with ané@ther obsolete one near the suture behind the middle, plainly punc- tured, with traces of regular rows on the disc. Length 2-3 mm.; .08-.12 inch. 3 Last ventral segment with an oblong impression at apex, apical mar- gin produced in the middle into two prominent processes each of which terminates in four small teeth. 2 Last ventral segment not impressed, apical margin produced in the middle in an acute point. Very abundant everywhere in Florida. In form and size this species resembles P. /aevigatus; the elytra are however less triangular and more rounded at the sides; it differs also by its color and by the thorax not being impressed at the sides. Very probably there will also be a difference in the sexual characters of the males but I have not seen the & of P. levigatus. In P. purpureus the last ventral segment of the S has a similar impression but the two processes are more separated from each other and each terminates in three teeth. 21. Temnopsophus impressus n. sp.—Black, shining ; head pic- eous or piceous-red, finely alutaceous and sparsely punetulate with a fine median line on the vertex, antennie two-thirds as long the body, piceous- red at base. Thorax almost longer than wide in front, strongly convex, * 1878.] 365 [Schwarz. transversely depressed before the base, strongly rounded at apex and pro- duced in the middle, at the sides rounded anteriorly, towards the base narrowed and subsinuate; base distinctly emarginate and finely margined; surface piceous or piceous-red, smooth in the middle, finely alutaceous and obsoletely punctulate towards the sides. Scutellum semicircular, opaque. Elytra elongate-oval, widened behind, basal third strongly depressed and transversely impressed, apical two-thirds ventricose, convex, sides sinuate in front of middle ; color black with a large yellow marginal spot behind the humerus, base frequently piceous-red ; depressed part coarsely, densely, ventricose part sparsely punctured, each puncture bearing a short whitish hair. Legs piceous-black or piceous-red, hind tibiz slender, slightly curved. Length 2-2.5 mm. ; .08-.10 inch. 3 Sides of head in front of eyes straight, convergent anteriorly, anten- ne with the first joint formed as in the ¢ of TZ. bimaculatus, elytra more elongate, less ventricose behind. © Sides of head rounded anteriorly, first joint of antenne not dilated, a little longer than the two following together, elytra strongly convex and ventricose behind. Hight specimens are before me, found on the meadows north of Lake Ashby, Volusia county, in June. The yellow humeral spot extends sometimes so as to nearly reach the suture. Easily known from 7: bimaculatus by the form of. the elytra. 22. Eupactus viticola, n. sp.—Piceous or piceous-red, glabrous, shining. Head distinctly punctulate, frontal lines before the eyes, and transverse suture evident ; clypeus opaque, rugosely punctulate ; eyes not prominent, moderately coarsely granulated. Antenne piceous-red ; first joint large, shining, punctulate, strongly curved, narrowed towards the extremity ; second joint as wide as the first, as long as wide, not curved in- wards ; joint 3 as large as joint 2, triangular ; joints 4, 6 and 8 very small, strongly transverse ; joints 5 and 7 a little larger, strongly transverse, and produced inwards ; last three joints strongly compressed, the 9th twice as long as wide, as long as 2-8 together, and as long as 10 and 11 together, outer margin straight, inner margin convex, inner front angle somewhat produced, inner basal angle rounded ; joint 10 longer than wide, truncate at tip, outer margin straight, inner margin strongly sinuate at the basal half; joint 11 closely applied to the 10th, as long as wide, rounded at tip ; maxillary palpi with the last joint large, triangular. Thorax anteriorly a little wider than long in the middle, very convex transversely, apical margin slightly produced at middle, and feebly sinuate each side, sides straight, strongly convergent in front, base lobed at middle, feebly sinuate each side; front angles strongly deflexed, acute, but not prominent, hind angles obtuse, rounded; finely, sparsely punctulate, more densely towards the anterior angles, and with an impressed marginal line at the sides. Scu- Schwarz. | 366 [Feb. 1, tellum acuminate at apex, sides rounded with a few fine punctures. Elytra with an indefinite longitudinal impression at the sides behind the middle, suture very feebly elevated behind the scutellum, very finely and sparsely punctulate, punctures on the disc hardly visible, and with a single, some- times obsolete, row of fine punctures not far from the suture on the basal half. Metasternum shining, very finely; remotely punctulate, coxa] plates hardly widened externally, evidently punctate. First ventral segment finely and sparsely punctulate, excavated parts opaque, rugose, second seg- ment longer than the first, very finely and remotely punctulate ; third and fourth segments of equal length, each shorter than the second, and similarly punctulate, punctures denser and stronger at the sides; last segment as long as the second, moderately sparsely punctulate. Length 2-3 mm.; .08- .12 inch. : Enterprise, many specimens beaten in June, from dead vines of a species of Vitis. 23. Metachroma maculipenne n. sp.—Oblong, convex, shining. Head testaceous with the ocular sulci strongly marked, meeting in the middle, and with a distinct median line; clypeus coarsely punctured, broadly emarginate anteriorly, front less coarsely and less densely punc- tured ; labrum trilobed, middle lobe triangular, lateral lobes broad, trun- cate. Thorax transverse, convex, at apex a little produced, at the sides strongly rounded and margined; anterior angles auriculate, posterior angles dentiform, prominent ; brownish-red with three indefinite spots often con- fluent in an M-like mark; coarsely, not densely punctured, on the disc finely, at the sides more distinctly alutaceous. Scutellum piceous, smooth, or with a few punctures. Elytra parallel at the sides, broadly rounded at apex, strongly, regularly striate-punctate, punctures fine at apex ; inter- stices very finely, remotely punctulate, eighth insterstice broad, including two strive; fusco-testaceous, suture infuscate, each elytron with three black spots: one at the margin behind the humerus, the second on the fifth in- terstice before the middle, the third between the sixth and eighth stria a little behind the middle. Epipleurz of thorax black, smooth; metasternum piceous, shining, sparsely rugose; abdomen reddish-testaceous, sub-opaque, alutaceous and obsoletely punctate ; legs pale. Length 3.5-4.25 mm.; .14 -.17 inch, Enterprise, many specimens found in June, mostly on Quereus virens. This species resembles very much certain varieties of Paria sexnotata. 24. Chrysomela Cephalanthi, n.sp.—Oval convex; head opaque; brown, almost smooth, maxillary palpi with the last joint a little longer than in O.similis, but not dilated. Thorax short, emarginate at apex, straight at the sides, uniformly brown, opaque, with a few scattered punctures on the disc, side margin not. thickened, coarsely punctured. Elytra yellow, shining, witlr three regular brown vitte not joining each other: one on 1878. ] 367 [Schwarz. the suture not abbreviated, but very little narrower at apex than in front and including two regular strie of moderately coarse punctures; the second and third abbreviated at base and apex, the former limited each side by a regular stria of punctures and including two short irregular striz be- hind the middle with a few punctures in front; the outer vitta is margined interiorly with a stria of punctures and includes two long almost regular striz ; the outer marginal stria is broadly interrupted at middle ; the yellow parts are impunctate with the exception of a humeral line of very fine punctures. Underside, including the epipleure, brown with scattered moderately fine punctures ; legs very coarsely punctured, claw joint not dentate, claws stout, distant. Length 6-7.25 mm.; .24-.29 inch. Ft. Capron and Lake Harney, two specimens; also found at Tampa; lives on the Button Bush. Belongs to Calli- grapha Er. and is to be placed near C. similis, from which it differs by its more elongate form, by the straight side margin and less punctured disc of the thorax, by the regular vitte and sculpture of the.elytra and by the coarsely punc- tured legs. 25. Systema pallipes, n. sp.—-Elongate-elliptical, convex, shining, black; head and thorax often reddish-brown, base of antenne and legs pale testaceous. Head carinate in front, impressed median line fine, smooth anteriorly ; sculpture of posterior part variable, either finely, remotely punctulate or more coarsely punctate with indistinct transverse ruge. An- tenn pale, the last four or five joints black, second joint slender, twice as long as wide. Thorax as in S. frontalis, but much more convex trans- versely, sculpture variable, either shining, finely, sparsely punctate, or less shining, alutaceous, with the punctures coarser and less sparse. Scutellum smooth, shining. Elytra elongate, very little broader at base than the thorax, humeri rounded, shining, evidently not densely punctate, with traces of an impressed sutural line. Length 3-4 mm.; .12-.16 inch. Many specimens from different parts of Florida, abundant on the swampy meadows in May and June. More elongate, narrower and more convex than S. frontalis, with the elytra narrower at base, and easily distinguished by its pale legs. 26. Epitrix brevis, n. sp.—Short-ovate, black, shining, antenne, mouth and legs red, posterior femora infuscate. Head impunctate ; thorax shining, more finely punctulate than in #. ewewmeris, basal impression very feeble. Elytra with the striz on the disc hardly impressed, punctures finer than in EZ. cucumeris, interstices on the disc flat, at the sides narrower and convex. Length 1-1.25 mm.; .04-.05 inch. Ft. Capron and Enterprise, seven specimens; occurs also in Ohio. Allied to #. cucumeris, and of the same color and . Schwarz. ] 3638 [Feb.1, | with the thorax also shining, but smaller, much shorter, and with the basal impression of the thorax much less evident. 27. Cheetocnema crenulata, n. sp.—Broadly-oval, very convex, but little narrowed in front, elytra strongly and suddenly declivous behind, broadly rounded at apex ; head and thorax sub-opaque, dark brassy, elytra shining, dark eeneous ; beneath black, antennz and tibise testaceous, femora black. Head very little prominent, almost vertical, flat in front, very wide between the eyes, ocular sulci connected by a strongly curved line ; not pu- bescent in front, finely alutaceous, impunctate; eyes large, moderately convex, touching the thorax ; antenne slender, last joint infuscate at tip, labrum shining, impunctate, denticulate in front. Thorax twice as wide as long in the middle, at apex produced in the middle and slightly sinuate be- hind the eyes, at the sides almost straight, strongly margined, base broadly rounded, finely margined ; front angles rectangular, hind angles obtuse, -rounded at tip; surface alutaceous, strongly, sparsely and unequally punc- tured. Scutellum shining, impunctate. Elytra regularly, coarsely punc- tate-striate, striz hardly impressed on the disc, scutellar stria not reaching the middle, interstices sub-convex on the disc, convex at the sides, finely and obsoletely punctulate. Pleure of thorax and prosternum smooth, shining, the latter not margined between the coxe; mesoternum not visible, metasternum short, smooth, shining, strongly narrowed each side and emarginated by the middle and hind cox, anteriorly margined by a row of coarse punctures, posteriorly each side with an impressed, feebly punc- tured line, lateral marginal line impunctate, medial line very fine, side pieces opaque, impunctate. First and second ventral segment shining, sparsely punctate, the remaining segments less shining, alutaceous, punctu- late. Posterior femora strongly incrassate. Crotch, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1878, 74. Sumter County, four specimens. Distinct by the form of the body, and by the characters of the underside mentioned above. 28. Chaetocnema quadricollis, n. sp.— Ovate, less convex, shining, above «neous, head and thorax often brassy ; antennee and legs bright testaceous-red, hind femora more or less infuscate. Head prominent oblique, deeply transversely impressed in front, not very wide between the eyes, ocular sulci connected by a transverse impression, which is fovei- form in the middle ; very finely alutaceous with a few scattered punctures ; eyes smaller, convex, labrum with a transverse row of punctures in front ; antenn slender, last joint infuscate at tip. Thorax large, less convex, twice as wide as long, a little wider in front than at base, on the sides slightly rounded and distinctly margined, base rounded, finely margined ; front angles moderately deflexed, thickened, hind angles distinct, obtuse ; surface more or less distinctly alutaceous, sparsely punctulate. Seutellum small, shining, impunctate. Elytra at base evidently wider than the thorax, not acuminate at apex, regularly, moderately coarsely punctate- - 1878. } 369 [Schwayrz. striate, scutellar stria not reaching the middle, interstices smooth, sub- convex. Beneath, black; epipleure of thorax shining, impunctate, pros- ternum coarsely punctate, sometimes with a smooth space in the middle, margined between the front cox, mesosternum visible, declivous, meta- sternum moderately long, smooth, shining, hind margin almost straight and not emarginated by the hind cox, marginal line feebly punctulate in front, simple behind and at the sides, side pieces opaque, abdomen often aluta- ceous, first and second segment shining, sparsely punctate, the remaining segments less shining, punctulate. Hind femora moderately incrassate, more or less infuscate, sometimes entirely testaceous. Length 1.50-1.75 mm.; .06—.075 inch. Enterprise and New Smyrna, many specimens, in May and June. This species has exactly the aspect of a small Crepi- dodera and is distinguished by its less convex form, by the quadrate thorax, which is much narrower at the base than the elytra, and by the form of the nfetasternum. The sculp- ture of head and thorax is subject to variations as in the other species; but the form and sculpture of the sterna ap- pear to offer more reliable characters. 29. Microrhopala floridama, n. sp.—Elongate, parallel at the sides, moderately shining, uniformly blackish-blue. Head sculptured as in MW. cyanea, second joint of antenne as long as wide, third joint a little longer. Thorax at base but little wider than long, narrowed in front, transversely convex, at the sides almost straight, base lobed in the middle and strongly sinuate each side, anterior angles acute, prominent, posterior angles obtuse ; very coarsely punctured and in some specimens with a fine, impressed median line. Elytra with eight regular rows of very coarse punctures, alternate interstices evidently carinate. Prosternum with coarse punctures, metasternum punctate at the sides, abdomen sub-opaque, indis- tinctly punctulate. Length 3.75-4.5 mm.; .15-.18 inch. Differs from M. cyanea by its narrower and more elongate form, less transverse thorax, and by-the costate elytra. One specimen is almost pure black above. Sumter county, many specimens, also found in Tampa and Enterprise. 30. Strongylium anthrax, n. sp.—Sub-opaque, deep black, and only the last joint of antennz yellowish. Head formed as in 8S. tenuicolle, anteriorly sparsely and finely, posteriorly more strongly and densely punctu- late ; antennz slender. Thorax at base a little wider than long, at the sides slightly rounded anteriorly, parallel posteriorly, base feebly sinuate each side, front angles rounded, hind angles rectangular, not densely punctulate, and not grooved, basal margin less thickened than in S. tenuzcolle. Elytra PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvir. 101. 27. PRINTED APRIL 19, 1878. Schwarz. | 370 [Feb. 1, with eight rows of coarse punctures, the inner two strive sub-impressed, interstices hardly convex, impunctate. Length 13.50 mm.; .54 inch. One specimen from Enterprise; another from the same locality is in the cabinet of Dr. LeConte; lives on dead oak twigs. Of the size of S. tenuicolle, but less convex and easily distinguished by the sculpture of the elytra. 31. Hymenorus dorsalis Zimm., MS.--Elongate-oval, sub-im- pressed, above sub-opaque, with sparse, long, sub-erect pubescence, beneath shining, piceous-red, antenne and legs red, elytra black, broadly red at base. Head strongly and sparsely punctate, angulated each side in front of eyes, which are larger and more approximate than in any other species be- fore me, antenne stout, two-thirds as long as the body, outer joints more than twice as long as wide, last joint of maxillary palpi with the apical side decidedly longer than the external. Thorax at base almost twice as wide as long, semicircular, finely margined, base feebly lobed in the middle, hind angles rectangular, moderately strongly not densely punctured. Elytra punctate striate, strize hardly impressed with the punc- tures finer than those of the thorax and not closely placed, interstices flat, finely and sparsely punctulate ; the red color occupies not quite one- third of the length of the elytra. ’ Tampa and Enterprise, two specimens, beaten from old palmetto leaves. Distinguished from the other sub-opaque species by the larger eyes, by the not dense punctuation of the thorax, by the sculpture of the elytra and by its color. 32. Isomira valida, n. sp.—Elongate-oval, convex, piceous, less shining, with moderately dense sericeous pubescence; antenne, palpi, tibie and tarsi dark red. Head densely punctured, eyes very large, coarsely granulated, much less widely separated from each other than in J. 4-striata, antennee slender, more than half the length of the body, second joint not quite half as long as the third, the latter as long as each of the following joints, last joint of maxillary palpi less broadly triangular than in J. 4- striata, apical side shorter than the external, inner side straight. Thorax twice as wide as long, on the sides strongly rounded, and strongly narrowed from base to apex, base slightly sinuate each side, finely margined, hind angles rectangular ; densely punctate, in front of the scutellum with a short smooth, impressed median line, basal impressions feeble. Elytra at base twice as wide as the thorax, and three and a half times as long, densely, less finely punctulate, punctures forming transverse rugosities, obsoletely striate-punctate, the two inner striz impressed behind. Epipleure of thorax, pro- and mesosternum densely rugosely punctulate, metasternum strongly punctured, posteriorly smooth, shining ; abdomen densely, finely punctulate. Length 6.75-7.50 mm.; .27-.30 inch Enterprise, four specimens, found in May, under old leaves. . ms ‘ 1878.] 3 ‘ 5 | [Schwarz. Larger and broader than J. quadristriata, with the eyes much larger, the thorax wider, more arcuate on the sides, elytra denser and stronger punctate with the striz on the dise more evident, underside less shining, more densely punctate. The elytra are in fact regularly striate-punctate, but the strize are not impressed and the fine lines of punctures are confused by the equally strong punctuation of the inter- stices. 30. Kylophilus quercicola, n. sp.—More elongate than any other species before me, having the appearance of a small Anthicws. Head, with the eyes, a little wider than the thorax, convex behind, piceous, finely, not denseiy pubescent, minutely and sparsely punctulate, eyes widely sepa- rated, not oblique, antennz red, longer than head and thorax, with moder- ately long, soft pubescence, intermediate joints longer than wide, outer joints as long as wide, penultimate joints subtransverse, terminal joint black, larger than the preceding, ovate, acuminate. Thorax as long as wide, at the sides rounded anteriorly, a little narrowed behind, base straight, hind angles obtuse, disc moderately convex with an obsolete im- pression each side in the middle, without basal impression ; sub-opaque, finely pubescent, minutely, sparsely punctulate ; color variable, testaceous at base, more or less black in front, or entirely testaceous. Elytra at base almost twice as wide as the thorax, elongate, parallel on the sides ; on the dise anteriorly depressed, sub-opaque, alutaceous, moderately strongly, not densely punctate, smooth at apex ; whitish pubescent, testaceous, an in- definite circum-scutellar spot, a large spot each side behind the middle, the apex and sometimes the side margins black, the black color of the apex ascends along the suture. The pubescence is sparse on. the black and dense on the testaceous parts. Beneath rufous, pubescent, sub-opaque, punctate, abdomen often blackish, impunctate; legs testaceous. Length 1.75 mm.; -O7 inch. Tampa, seven specimens, on oak shrubs, in April. I do not perceive any sexual characters. u 34. Xylophilus ptinoides, n. sp.—Piceous, sub-opaque, sparsely pubescent. Head, with the eyes, wider than the thorax, immersed in the thorax almost as far as the eyes. neck and hind margin of head, therefore, not visible ; front but little convex transversely ; finely and densely punc- tulate, eyes large, oblique; antennz slender, two-thirds as long as the body, with long, stiff pubescence, pale yellow, third and fourth joint more than twice as long as wide, the outer joints still longer ; last joint as long, and a little wider than the preceding, obtusely rounded at tip, infuscate. Thorax as long as wide, quadrate, very convex transversely, not rounded on the sides, front margin straight, base rounded, opaque, densely and finely punctured ; sparsely whitish pubescent, the margins and lateral vitta each side more densely pubescent, upper surface uneven with some shallow Schwarz. ] 372, [Feb. 1, jndefinite impressions, with no distinct basal impression ; color piceous, base and apex reddish. Elytra oblong, at base twice as wide as the thorax, parallel at the sides, somewhat shining, coarser and less densely punctured than the thorax ; near the base with a reddish, angulated, whitish, pubes- cent fascia, near the apex with several other whitish pubescent spots, which form two interrupted fasciz. Beneath piceous ; sterna opaque, finely pubes- cent, densely punctulate ; abdomen glabrous, shining, at base coarsely, at tip finely punctulate. Front legs and all the tibiz pale, intermediate femora infuscate at base, hind femora piceous. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. Enterprise and New Smyrna, two specimens, in which I do not see sexual characters. This species has the appear- ance of a small Ptinus, and is distinguished at once from all species, except the X. ventricosus Lec., by the form of the head. The latter species has the head still more immersed in the thorax, the eyes touching the front margin of the thorax, but is otherwise quite distinct from X. ptinoides. 25. Glipa hieroglyphica, n. sp.—Elongate, cuneiform, black, head anteriorly densely covered with yellowish cinereous pubescence, posteriorly more sparsely pubescent, hind margin fringed with cinereous pubescence ; antenne from the fourth joint broadly serrate ; maxillary palpi testaceous, upper edge black, last joint very broadly securiform, flat, apical edge not hollowed out. Thorax transverse, at apex produced in the middle, basal lobe rounded ; densely punctulate, cinereo-pubescent, with the usual black spots. Scutellum rounded triangular, densely whitish pubescent. Elytra opaque, densely punctured, grayish pubescent ; each with a narrowed angulated line, which begins at the scutellum and ends at the side margin a little before the middle, resembling rudely the figure 5 on the left, and on the right elytron the sam@ figure reversed, and with a narrow oblique fascia at the apical third, cinero-pubescent. Beneath densely cinereo-pubescent ; anterior femora pale testaceous, black at tip, anal style long, carinate above, at the tip emarginate, and densely cinereo- pubescent, fifth ventral segment longitudinally excavated. Length 10.5- 11.25 mm.; .42-.45 inch. Enterprise, four specimens in May. In one specimen the penultimate joint of the maxillary palpi is fringed intern- ally with dense whitish pubescence; this is probably the &. I have not been able to compare this species with G. hilaris, which, according to the description given by Dr. LeConte (Proce. Ac. Nat. Se., Phil., 1862, p. 46), has the last joint of the maxillary palpi hollowed out, and which has different markings on the elytra.* *In four specimens of G. hilaris examined the 5th ventral segment is not lon. gitudinally impressed. Lec. very 1878.)} BY is) { LeConte. Additional Descriptions of New Species. By Joun L. LeConts, M. D. 1. Dyschirius falciger, n. sp.—Rather slender, black, very shining, with a slight brown-metallic tinge ; palpi, antenne and legs ferruginous. Head smooth, convex, with the frontal and tranverse impressiéns deep ; front truncate, with small, acute lateral angles. Eyes convex, prom- inent, as usual. Prothorax about as wide as long, rounded on the sides, narrowed in front, lateral impressed line not continued to the base. Elytra with striz coarsely punctured at base, gradually becoming finer, obliter- ated at about three-fourths of the length ; tip with faint traces of strie, and a rather large, oblique impression, representing the end of the 7th stria. Front tibiz with a small, acute tooth above the apical prolongation, which is straight and slender ; apical spur very long and strongly curved. Length 3mm.; .12 inch. Tampa and Lake Harney; received also from Dr. Emil Brendel. This species is not as slender as D. terminatus, but is proportioned like D. analis, from which the characters given above easily distinguish it. D. curvispinus Putz., is described as having the apical spur of the front tibize curved, but it is otherwise quite distinct by the ferruginous: color, and by the striz of the elytra not obliterated towards the tip. The preescutellar puncture in this species is large, and the dorsal punctures usually seen on the 3d interspace are not apparent. 2. Onota trivittata, n. sp.—Elongate, depressed ; bright rufo-tes- taceous, shining. Head narrowed and rounded behind the eyes, flat, with- out impressions ; edges larger and more prominent than usual. Prothorax not as wide as the head with the eyes, longer than wide, narrowed behind, sides rounded in front, then sinuate to the basal angles which are not rounded, and slightly divergent ; side margin reflexed, not very narrow, dorsal line fine, basal impressions small. Elytra wider than the prothorax, obleng, truncate at base, somewhat obliquely, broadly truncate at tip, flat, side margin reflexed, striz composed of very fine punctures ; ornamented ‘with a common sutural black stripe, and a sub-marginal one, which ex- tends along the apical truncature to meet the sutural one ; the latter ex- tends to the 2d stria, and behind the middle is slightly dilated for one- fourth the length to reach the 4th stria. Beneath uniform rufo-testaceous. Length 5 mm.; .20 inch. Florida, collected by Mr. A. Bolter, of Chicago, to whom LeConte. } 374 [Feb. 1, IT am indebted for two specimens. This beautiful species is easily recognized by the peculiar coloration. I have referred it to Onota Chaud.. because the 4th joint of the tarsi is broad, and deeply bilobed, and the claws are pectinate. The teeth of the claws are only four in number, and are much larger than in the other species. The tarsi are glabrous on the upper surface. The last joint of the maxillary palpi is eylin- drical, slightly oval, and more than twice as long as the pe- nultimate joint; the last joint of the labial palpi is oval, pointed and somewhat flattened. Mentum not toothed. It is by this last character that it mainly differs from Callida, with which it agrees in having two bristles near the tip of the ligula. 3. Platynus floridanus, n. sp.—Dark-green, shining, siightly bronzed, antenn, legs and under surface piceous-black. Prothorax scarcely longer than wide, sides broadly rounded, and finely margined ; apex emarginate, front angles slightly rounded; base broadly sub-trun- cate, oblique towards the side angles, which are obtuse and almost rounded ; basal impressions rather long, not punctured ; dorsal line ex- tending to the posterior transverse impression, which is faint. Elytra one- third wider than the prothorax, emarginate at base, obsoletely sinuate at tip; strize fine, but well impressed, not punctured ; interspaces flat, 3d with usually 6 small dorsal punctures, the 1st and 2d adjacent to the 3d stria, 3d and 5th upon the interspace, 4th and 6th adjacent to the 2d stria. Hind tarsi with the 1st, 2d, and 3d joints broadly grooved on the outeryside. Length 9.6 mm.; .35 inch. Capron and Lake Harney, abundant. This species is closely related to P. californicus, and differs only by the hind angles of the prothorax being much less distinctly de- fined; in fact, almost rounded. The size is usually larger, so that the smallest individuals of P. floridanus are equal to the largest of californicus, but this is a character of small im- portance. Closely allied to these two is the following: 4, Platynus texanus, n. sp.—Less shining, with a green-metallic reflection. Antenne black; under part of 1st joint, palpi and legs testa- ceous ; knees, tarsi and tips of tibize blackish-piceous. Prothorax, as in P. floridanus, except that it fs a little wider than long. Elytra simi- larly striate and punctured, but with the stris a little deeper; epipleure testaceous, under surface black. Groove of the outer side of the hind tarsi on the joints 1-8 deep Length 9-10 mm.; .35-.40 inch. ee - 1878.] 375 [LeConte. Abundant in Texas. For a good set I am indebted to Mr. G. W. Belfrage, of Clifton, Bosque county. Several new species of Lozandrus were collected in Florida by Messrs. Schwarz and Hubbard, and full sets of previously known, but rare species were obtained. Under these cir- cumstances, though I cannot, without reference to types con- tained in Baron Chaudoir’s cabinet, prepare an exhaustive synopsis of the genus, the following table of the differences between the species I have examined may be found useful: Table of Species of LOXANDRUS. A. Side margin of prothorax explanate and reflexed towards the hind angles, which are entirely rounded into the base and sides; antenne and palpi rufo-piceous, Jegs dark : (species large and middle sized). B. Side margin of prothorax not explanate towards the hind angles, which are not rectangular : (species large and small). C. Side margin of prothorax not explanate towards the hind angles, which are rectangular : (species small). A. Large species (length 13.3-10 mm. AMIN GH) si Neicterseiels siatctevens os 5 2 Smaller species, with hind rales ‘ pune less broadly rounded Reet te =f er Tiel.) 5) Ac PSHEH)- bo =< n= Ss tue wis ov. e wislce asain ache © 3. 2. Side margin of ene broader and more distinctly reflexed towards the base ; elytra with more finely punctulate strie, iridescent reflec- RIOTS ESE AD TULA Gis ioehs.cicier sn eetarein tose SRSA CMOS oor 1. reflexus, 0. sp. Side margin of prothorax less definitely limited towards the base ; elytra with less finely punctured striz ; iridescent reflections very eprint eet) Sees Seti ee eecwire Mae ete Li Pen lee Bey den boa dasha ae 2. saphyrinus. 3. Prothorax regularly narrowed from base to tip, sides feebly explanate ROW ARGS KUNE DASE. « Scie, ccee< blocs we oeisie eee 3. calathinus, n. sp. Prothorax but slightly narrowed in front; sides more distinctly ex- Planate towards the base. ......2...c0-ccsecece es 4. floridanus, n. sp. B. Larger species (length 13-9.3 mm.; .50-.37 inch)............ yooceeees 2: Small species (length 7.7-5.8 mm. ; .82—.225 inch)..........eeseeeeee's 4. REEF ash a1G Si8 wi Sn 5 0). 25,4 sin e'o aid ae CREEPER Atte eal oia Slats Sie 3. Legs ferruginous, prothorax wider than long, hind angies obtuse, blunt OTE OULTTC E e ub tilf9 s, 'oalarscix'<| 2 2's) &, win. Sepa eeeetetae aes Aoncemeae 5. rectus. 3. Prothorax wider than long, hind angles slightly obtuse, not at all MEUALOUL So ite ala 505", 2/002 saree eae os 6. brevicollis. Prothorax very slightly wider than long, hind angles rounded at the EMURETING UMP) eye's Wie «ds Spin Chars Featatct aes SEP Ne EROS ho eneisis aie, hai 7. minor. Proth. not wider than long, hind angles not rounded...... 8. erraticus. LeConte. } 376 [Feb. 1, 4. Legs dark, hind angles of prothorax not rounded ; elytra with a round sutural red spot behind the middle...........--s.eseeeeeee Siceler. Legs dark, hind angles of prothorax rounded at tip; varies with the legs brown-ferruginous, seems to pass insensibly to L. velow. .10. agilis. Legs yellow, hind angles of prothorax rounded at tip........ 11. velox. g. Prothorax rounded on the sides ; not conspiculously wider than long ; velox. f. Prothorax rounded on the sides, conspicuously wider than long ; pusillus. y- Prothorax nearly square, less rounded on the sides; twniatus, pici- ventris. C. Legs dark, elytral strise feebly punctured.,......12. rectangulus, n. sp. Legs yellow, elytral striz coarsely punctured............- 13. crenatus, 5. Loxandrus reflexus, n. sp.—Black, very shining, with irides- cent reflection. Prothorax wider than long, feebly emarginate at apex, equally feebly rounded at base, sides and hind angles rounded ; side margin reflexed, narrow in front, becoming much wider behind, so as to extend at the base to the basal impressions, which are linear and deep ; dorsal line very fine, transverse impressions obsolete. Elytra not wider than the pro- thorax, strie finely punctured in front, deeper and not punctured behind, antennee, palpiand tarsi piceous-brown. Length 10-13 mm.; .40-.50 inch. Tampa, not rare. This fine species has much resemblance to L. saphyrinus, which oceurs in Louisiana; but on com- parison, the iridescent reflection is less vivid, the prothorax is less rounded on the sides, the broad part of the reflexed side margin towards the base is much better defined, and finally the elytral strize are much more finely punctured from the base to the middle. 6. Loxandrus calathinus, n. sp.—Elongate-oval, black, very shining, slightly iridescent; tarsi and antenne piceous, the latter with joints 1-3d, and palpi dark ferruginous. Prothorax wider than long, much narrower in front than behind, broadly rounded on the sides, which are broadly but not strongly explanate towards the base; hind angles dis- tinctly rounded at tip, basal impressions linear, as usual deep. Elytra with the strie finely but distinctly punctured. Length 8.8-10 mm. ; .85-.40 inch. Tampa, Florida; not common. 7. Loxandrus floridanus, n. sp.—Black, very shining, irides- cent ; antennse and legs piccous or blackish, base of the former, palpi and tarsi ferruginous. Prothorax wider than long, scarcely narrower in front than at base, sides rounded, broadly but slightly explanate towards the base ; hind angles obtuse and more rounded at the tip than in LZ. calathinus, EEE . 1878.) 377 jLeConte. basal impressions linear, not very deep. Elytra with the strive feebly ana finely punctulate. Length 7.4-8.5 mm.; .29-.33 inch. Capron and Enterprise; abundant. Varies in color accord- ing to maturity, so that the tibiz and sides of the thigns also become yellow-brown. In some specimens the sides of the prothorax are less distinctly explanate, and such, except by their larger size, are difficult to distinguish from L. agilis. 8. Loxandrus rectangulus, n. sp.—Black, very shining; slightly iridescent ; antennze and legs piceous, or blackish. Prothorax wider than long, slightly narrower at tip than at base, sides rounded, not sinuate behind, hind angles rectangular, not at all rounded; side margin more broadly reflexed towards the base, sides not explanate ; base with a few scattered punctures, impressions linear, deep. Elytra distinctly wider than the prothorax, striz not punctured. Length 6.5 mm.; .25 inch. Enterprise, May; rare.” This species and crenatus, by hav- the elytra wider than the prothorax resemble in form certain Platyni and Bembidia. There are but two specimens before me; in the * the elytral strize are much deeper than in the &. 9. Selenophorus excisus, n. sp.—Oblong, neous, sub-depressed; legs and antennz piceous, first joint of antenne ferruginous. Prothorax nearly twice as wide as long, rounded on the sides, which are finely mar- gined, a little narrower at base than at tip ; hind angles rounded, basal im- pressions shallow, not punctured. Elytra deeply sinuate at tip; humeri rounded, striz fine, interspaces flat ; punctures of the three series rather large and conspicuous. Hind tarsi long and slender, Length 5.5 mm.; .22 inch, Southern Florida, Dr. Palmer, 3 specimens. Of the same size, form and characters as S. fatuus, from which it differs by the punctures of the three elytral series being much larger, and by the hind angles of the prothorax more obtuse and more rounded. The outer interspaces of the elytra are not all punctulate. 10. Hydroporus seminulum, n. sp.—Broadly ovate, obliquely attenuate behind, rounded in front, not very convex ; rufo-testaceous, shining. Prothorax scarcely perceptibly punctulate, with a fine short basal stria each side, which does not extend upon the elytra; the latter very finely, though distinctly punctulate. Beneath sparsely but strongly punctured. Length 1.3 mm.; .05 inch. Enterprise, one specimen. Of the same size as H. granum, but very different by the body being strongly narrowed PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. XVII. 101. 2U. PRINTED APRIL 19, 1878. LeConte.] 378 [Feb. 1, behind the middle, and pointed at the posteriorend. Differs also from all previously known small species of the United - States, by the thorax having a very short basal stria not con- tinued on the elytra. 11. Dimeutes angustus, n. sp— Narrower, smaller and more con- vex than D. discolor, elongate-oval, slightly narrowed in front, bluish- black, with slight metallic gloss. Prothorax very little wider than the head, sides straight, slightly oblique, transversely very convex. Elytra sparsely, finely punctured, striz obliterated ; sides feebly and narrowly ex- planate, scarcely undulated near the apex, which is (2) obtusely pro- longed. Under surface and legs rufo-testaceous. Length 9.5 mm.; .875 inch; breadth 4.5 mm.; .175 inch. oe Three females, collected by Dr. Palmer. The marginal line of the front margin of the prothorax is less interrupted in these specimens than in D. discolor, but I do not think this a character of any value. | Table of Species of OCHTHEBIUS. The number of species of Ochthebius in our fauna has increased to such an extent, that the recognition of the three new species collected by Mr. Schwarz would be facilitated by the description of those from other parts of the country. The following table contains those which I have been able to examine : Prothorax much wider than long, strongly rounded on the sides, dise strongly punctured and deeply channeled............2..+.ssee-ees 2. Prothorax much wider than long, disc lobed at the sides, discoidal im- pressions foveate, dorsal channel deep. ..........-.-0-0sececerecs 3 Prothorax sub-quadrate, less rounded on the sides.......... Poi temiee 8. 2. Prothorax with deep discoidal impressions each side of dorsal channel ; pellucid margin suddenly dilated inwards at the base.............. 3. Prothorax with discoidal impressions faint or wanting ; pellucid margin slightly wider towards:the basez.. sinc scence fame gels as eae 4. 3. Discoidal impressions united, forming a groove each side of the dorsal channel, sides of disc of prothorax curved............ 1. puncticollis. Discoidal impressions separate, sides of disc of prothorax curved....... 2. discretus, n. sp. Discoidal impressions separate, sides of disc of prothorax straight...... 3. rectus, n. sp. 4. Lateral inipressions large and broad, discoidal ones wanting..... = bie nine 4. cribricollis. Lateral impressions smaller, discoidal small, faint....5. attritus, n. sp. Lateral impressions small, discoidal wanting......... 6. simplex, n. sp. “rr, . 1878. ] 379 [LeConte. 5. Prothorax shining, elytral strisze usually composed of distant punctures. 6. Prothorax less shining, elytral strive of small, less distant punctures. .7. 6. Elytra with striz of small, close-set punctures, not effaced behind...... 7. tuberculatus, n. sp. Elytra with striz of large, distant punctures, effaced behind.8. nitidus. Elytra more convex and more oval, striz effaced. .9, leevipennis, n. sp. 7. Dise of prothorax lobed behind the front angles. ..10. foveicollis, n. sp. Disc of prothorax not lobed behind the front angles.................. 11. benefossus, n. sp. 8. Prothorax with dorsal channel fine, interrupted, or obsolete......... 9. Erothorax with dorsal channelideep; entire. . +... 2... . sce saecaee 10. 9. Discoidal impressions of prothorax forming sinuate lines; dorsal line in- TEIN he Ole rmetees ocreta n= ci sic cakci star eqeistave pole oi Stajeye-atele a3. 12. sculptus, n. sp. Discoidal impressions vague, connected transversely ; dorsal line obso- Ge weed 2obe or. coe ap POnogde fale celaveNepets ab repeve aushsnatae 13. Holmbergi. Discoidal impressions forming fine, sinuate lines ; dorsal line fine, ab- breviated at each end..... saterasieyetecte eters Siotechea) srarerersretene 14. lineatus. 10. Discoidal impressions deep, not confluent, prothorax more transverse, and feebly punctured (reverts towards No. 4)........15. interruptus. 12. Ochthebius discretus, n. sp.—Dull brownish-bronze, elong- ate-oval, moderately convex ; head with strongly impressed frontal suture ; front sparsely, hind part coarsely punctured, with two large fovez, and a small posterior impression. Prothorax twice as wide as long, much rounded on the sides, pellucid margin very narrow, dilated inwards at base ; disc greenish-bronze, strongly punctured, deeply channeled, with two deep, oblong impressions each side, and another half way to the lat- eral margin. Elytra but slightly wider than the prothorax, strie deep, closely punctured, fainter and nearly obliterated at tip. Legs and under surface dull testaceous. Length 2 mm.; .075 inch. California, San Mateo, Gilroy and San Diego; Mr. G. R. Crotch; Dr. Horn has received a smaller specimen from Canada. Resembles O. puncticollis, but is smaller and less ro- bust, and the outer dorsal lines are interrupted so as to form two deep impressions. ° 13. Ochthebius rectus, n. sp.—Oval, convex, dark bronzed, not very shining. Prothorax twice as wide as long, pellucid margin rather broad, rounded on the sides, suddenly dilated inwards near the base ; disc with the outline straight from the front angles to the posterior deep emar- gination ; convex, deeply and coarsely punctured ; dorsal line deep, dis- coidal impressions deep, nearly united, lateral impressions large, deep. Elytra with striz of large and deep quadrate punctures. Legs dark-testa- ceous. Length 14 mm.; .06 inch. Fort Tejon, Cal.; Mr. Crotch, one specimen. Related to LeConte.] 380 [Feb. 1, O. discretus, but very different by the sides of the dise of the prothorax being quite straight for nearly two-thirds the length. 14. Ochthebius attritus, n. sp.—Elongate-oval, bronzed. Head sparsely but strongly punctured, with two occipital fove, and deep frontal © suture. Prothorax wider than long, narrowed behind, pellucid margin very narrow, visible only behind the middle; dise strongly punctured, not lobed at the sides, dorsal channel deep, discoidal impressions small, sepa- rate, lateral impression broad, shallow. Elytra less shining, strize com- posed of nearly square, close-set punctures, not obliterated at the tip. Be- neath blackish, legs testaceous. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. Haulover, March, one specimen. Related to O. cribricol- lis, but much narrower and smaller, and with distinct, though not deep, discoidal impressions. 15. Ochthebius simplex, n. sp.—Oval, more convex, bronzed, less shining. Head sparsely, strongly punctured, with two occipital fovee, and deep frontal suture. Prothorax wider than long, slightly narrowed behind, pellucid margin very narrow, visible behind the middle; disc strongly punctured, not lobed at the sides, dorsal channel deep, discoidal impressions scarcely visible ; lateral impressions nearly obsolete ; a small, shallow fovea is seen near the hind angle. Elytra with rows of close-set, not very fine punctures, not obliterated behind. Legs testaceous. Length 1.2 mm.; .048 inch. Haulover, March, one specimen. Very much smaller and more convex than O. cribricollis, with the lateral impressions small and indistinct. 16. Ochthebius tuberculatus, n. sp.—Longer and less convex than A. nitidus, piceous-bronze, shining. Head with two large fover, and deep, transverse suture. Prothorax wider than long, sides moderately rounded, pellucid margin represented only by a small lateral spot, and one at the hind angles; disc not punctured, dorsal channel very deep, dis- coidal impressions very deep; each side a small, round fovea in front of the middle, a longer slightly oblique one behind the middle, and another one near the side, which is strongly lobed ; the prolongations of the disc to the anterior angles are very convex, forming a large tubercle. Elytra with strie composed of small, close-set punctures. Beneath piceo-testaceous. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. Mogui villages, New Mexico, Dr. Horn. Ochthebius nitidus Lec., Agassiz, Lake Superior, 217; 0. fos- satus Lec. Proc. Acad. Nat. Se. Phila. 1855, 362. Lake Superior; Fort Yuma, Cal. The synonym belongs Ps , 1878.] dsl [LeConte. to a specimen which differs only by the punctures of the elytral striz being less distant. Allied to this, but appa- rently distinct is: 17. Ochthebius Lzvipennis, n. sp.—Dark piceous-bronze, very convex, shining, of the same form as 0. nitidus. Head with two large deep fovezx, and a deep transverse suture. Prothorax with deep dorsal line, two small foveze each side in tront of the middle, a deep impression near the apical margin, towards the anterior angle ; sides deeply lobed as in O. nitidus, pellucid margin broad, with an undulated outline. Elytra with deep, humeral foss:e ; striz obsolete, traced only by a few fine, dis- tant punctures near the base. Under surface piceous, legs testaceous. Length 1.3 mm.; .05 inch. Tejon, California; one specimen, Dr. Horn. It is possible that this is an extreme variety of O. nitidus, but until the intermediate forms are collected, it should properly be known under a different name. 18. Ochthebius foveicollis, n. sp.—Closely resembles 0. nitidus, but the elytra are longer, more obliquely narrowed behind, and the striz are composed of rather large, close-set punctures, not Jess distinct towards the tip. From 0. tuberculatus, it differs by broader prothorax, with larger lateral pellucid spot, and broader anterior lobes of the disc. Length 1.2 mm.; .048 inch. Enterprise and Lake Harney, Florida, May; not rare. 19. Ochthebius benefossus, bn. sp.—Oval, moderately convex, bronzed, shining. Head sparsely punctured, with two very large foveze connected behind ; transverse suture deep. Prothorax wider than long (pellucid margin?) disc with the sides straight from the anterior angles to the middle, then strongly narrowed to the base (making a concave outline which must be filled with membrane in well preserved specimens) ; sparsely punctured, dorsal channel very deep, discoidal impressions deep, the posterior ones connected in a horse-shoe form. Elytra with striz com- posed of punctures distant from each other about their own diameters, basal fossze small. Beneath piceous, legs testaceous. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. New Jersey, Dr. Horn. Nearly of the same form as 0. nitidus, but different by the dise of the prothorax not being lobed at the side behind the front angles, as well as by the style of sculpture, which is more simple, and tends towards O. Holmbergi and allies. 20. Ochthebius sculptus, n. sp.—Elongate-oval, greenish-piceous, slightly bronzed, shining. Head sparsely punctured with deep frontal su- LeConte. ] J82 [Feb. 1, — ture, and three occipital foveze of equal size. Prothorax broader than long, distinctly narrowed behind; pellucid margin rounded, dilated inwards towards the base ; dise feebly lobed at the sides ; feebly punctulate at the middle, more distinctly towards the sides; with two vague transverse im- pressions, one before, the other behind the middle ; dorsal line interrupted, sometimes obsolete, discoidal lines sinuate, well marked; lateral im- pression large. Elytra with rows of fine, close-set punctures, not effaced towards the tip. Legs dark testaceous. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. Gilroy, California, Mr. Crotch; Arizona, Dr. Horn. A nearly similar specimen from Canada is also in his collec- tion; it is rather stouter in form, and the prothorax is more narrowed behind, but I am unwilling without a larger series of specimens to consider it distinct. RHINOSCEPSIS n. g. (PSELAPHID.) Head sub-pentagonal, a little longer than wide, sides parallel behind the eyes, base truncate, hind angles rectangular, rounded at tip. Antenne inserted under a narrow frontal protuberance (which projects over the mouth, somewhat like the prothoracic horn of Notorus), 1st and 2d joints thick, the former nearly twice as long; 3d—8th small, rounded; 9th rounded, a little larger ; 10th slightly wider ; 11th ovate, acute at tip, longer than the three preceding united. Maxillary palpi as long as the head, slender, last joint ovate acute, similar in form to the last joint of the antenne. Prothorax pentagonal, not convex, with a deep sub-interrupted dorsal channel, and a transverse impression behind the middle. Elytra not convex, with a deep sutural stria, a fine dorsal one near the sutural, a sub-apical fovea near the sides, and a marginal stria nearly as deep as the sutural. Dorsal surface of abdomen broadly margined, segments 1-3d equal in length. Tarsi with a single claw. 3’. Penultimate ventral segment strongly and broadly emarginate, last segment longitudinally impressed ; front tibize much thicker at the middle. gradually attenuated at base and tip. @. Last ventral segment large, semi-circularly impressed in front, with a few long hairs intermixed. 21. R. bistriatus, n. sp.—Brown, sub-depressed, not shining, finely pubescent. Head with two occipital fovee and an elongate, but not deep frontal impression ; eyes very small, rounded ; prothorax scarcely wider than long, dorsal channel deepest at the intersection with the transverse impression. Elytra with sutural, and marginal strie very deep, a fine dorsal stria near the sutural, and sub-apical fovea near the marginal stria ; surface finely punctulate ; wider than the prothorax, gradually broader from the base almost to the apical truncature. Abdomena little longer than the elytra, finely punctulate. Length 1 mm.; .041 inch. » ~ 1878.] 383 [LeConte. Enterprise and Tampa. This genus exhibits an odd mixture of characters. It resembles in form and sculpture the new species of Rhexius described below, and has also the appearaneé of Trichonyx, but it differs from those genera by the insertion of the antenne, which are approximate, and situate under the frontal protuberance, which is longer than in any other genus yet known as belonging to our fauna. It resembles, so far as I can judge by the figure and description, the Grecian genus Panaphantus Kiesenw. Beryl. Ent. Zeitschr. 1, 49, pl. 3, fi iv. 22. Rhexius substriatus, n. sp.—Larger, darker and less convex than R. insculptus. Head with two fovez and a frontal impression ; occiput very finely carinate ; eyes small. Prothorax finely channeled, with three large impressions near the base. Elytra with basal margin elevated, | ost- basal fovez deep, each with four faint strize, of which the sub-sutural one is longer and more distinct, the others extending only to about the middle. Antenne with the 9th and 10th joint less suddenly larger than in R&R. in- seulptus. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. Tampa, April, one specimen, under old leaves. 23. Trimium convexulum, n. sp.—Pale rufo-testaceous, shining, slightly pubescent. Head with a large deep angulated impression, front concave, occiput convex, smooth. Prothorax longer than wide, convex, subcordate, rounded on the sides in front, then narrower and broadly sinuate; disc smooth, with a transverse impression near the base ; this impression is slightly angulated at the middle, and extends on the sides, but does not terminate in a lateral fovea, as is the case in 7. paroulum. Elytra convex, deeply bifoveate at base, sutural stria faint, dorsal one short. Length 7 mm.; .028 inch. Tampa, May, one specimen. I have one quite similar from Illinois. Mr. Ulke has received specimens from Ten- nessee. 34. Trimium californicum, n. sp.—Allied to 7. globiferum, but larger and stouter, bright red-brown. Head with an angulated im- pression ending behind in two large fovee ; occiput convex, smooth. Pro- thorax rather wider than long, not very convex, narrower behind ; fovez large, connected by a deep transverse line. Elytra nearly twice as wide as the prothorax, sparsely punctulate ; basal foveze small, sutural stria deep, dorsal fine, extending for two-thirds the length of the elytra. Antenne with the last joint ovate, acute at tip, not so large as in 7. globiferum. Length 1.3 mm.; .05 inch. California, a specimen kindly given me by Dr. Horn. LeConte.} 384. [Feb. 1, The largest of our species and easily recognized. T. clavi- corne Miiklin, may possibly be this, but the description is not sufficiently definite to permit its identification. 25>. Trimium puncticolle, n. sp.—Elongate, red-brown; head with an angulated line, ending behind ; in small fovezx ; occiput broadly convex, not impressed. Prothorax convex, longer than wide, rounded on the sides in front, narrower behind; fovee large, connecting line deep, disc finely and distinctly punctured. Elytra oblong-ovate, wider behind ; basal fover large, sutural stria deep, dorsal stria short. Length .9 mm. .035 inch. 7 Arizona; many specimens were found in an ant’s nest by Dr. Horn. 26. Trimium simplex, n. sp.—Very small, pale, rufo-testaceous, less shining, finely pubescent. Head with a deep, angulated impression, ending each side behind in a large fovea. Prothorax convex, jonger than wide, with a large basal fovea on the declivity of the side, connecting trans- verse line obsolete. Elytra not very convex, bifoveate at base, sutural stria distinct, dorsal stria very short: Length .5 mm.; .02 inch. Tampa, one specimen. This is the smallest Pselaphide known to me, being smaller even than 7. americanum. Four other species of Trimium in my collection, though not belonging to this zodlogical district may here be conve- niently described. 27. Trimium discolor, n. sp.—Elongate, chestnut-brown, slightly pubescent, abdomen darker. Head with two small foyer, and an arcuated frontal impression ; vertex slightly punctulate, convex, faintly channeled or foveate behind. Prothorax longer than wide, convex, with a deep, an- gulated impression near the base, which terminates in a small, lateral fovea upon the deflexed part of the sides. Elytra bifoveate at base, outer fovea deeper than in the other species, sutural stria fine, dorsal one short. An- tenn and legs ferruginous. Palpi short, a little longer than the Ist and 2d joints of the antennx: the 9th and 10th joints of the latter are trans- verse. Length .9 mm.; .035 inch. One specimen, Louisiana, I have adopted the name pro- posed by Dr. Zimmermann. 28. Trimium foveicolle, n. sp.—Elongate, bright rufo-testaceous, very slightly pubescent. Head convex, smooth, with a fovea each side above the eyes, and a transverse angulated frontal impressed line. Pro- thorax longer than wide, convex, with three sub-basal fovez, connected by a transverse impressed line ; the lateral fovew are larger, and situated on the declivity of the sides. Elytra bifoveate at base, sutural stria deep, dorsal one short. Antenne with 9th and 10th joints transverse. Length .9 mm.; .035 inch. 1878.] 385 [LeConte. Cambridge, Massachusetts; Mus. of Comp. Zodlogy; one specimen, collected in December, by Mr. H. G. Hubbard. The palpi are rather short, with the last joint ovate-pointed as in the preceding, but it differs from that, as from all the others in our fauna, by the fovez of the head being much nearer the eyes. The eyes are more lateral and prominent, and have not a shallow groove and elevated margin above them. This margin, though not strongly marked, is seen in the other species, and separates the upper surface of the cranium from the sides. Table of species of TRIMIUM. Eyes far down on the sides of the head, with a shallow groove, and slightly elevated margin above them ; fovez on upper surface distant UP RE(UMN (eno Cece Rs an eae Ae eg Bt rae eee ed 2. Eyes lateral, more prominent, fovezr not distant from them ; thoracic fovez deep, connected as usual by a transverse line.............. ‘ 1. foveicolle, n. sp. =e eroverax less convex, wider than long. 02620) v2 seat oe eek 3. Prothorax more convex, longer ‘than wide:. 2.02000. 060 io 4. 3. Head with deep arcuated impressions ending behind in large fovez, front suddenly declivous ; elytra deeply foveate at base, dorsal stria SLIOHI Raa 9G SAE TOL OO CASED PE COn ncaa a ean meE iG boc 2. globiferum. Head with the anterior part of impression effaced or less deep, front ob- liquely declivous ; elytra with small basal fovez, dorsal stria fine, half the lenethvof therelytra 3:2)... SAGE ARBRE RS isi 3. impunctatum. Head with an angulated impression ending behind in large fovee ; elytra with small basal fovez, dorsal stria fine, two-thirds the length UE {SIE HES teeo G8 Senn ODE ebapo Cro Deer ace 4. californicum, n. sp. 4, Lateral fovee of prothorax large, connecting transverse line deep....5. Hisitenaly foyiess, Sime: Se % aie syei'staia ohn, ars suctiavatatne) oh vepens ueeohes Totes Se oes Shee 6. 5. Prothorax finely and distinctly punctured ; head with a large angulated impression, occiput convex, smooth ; elytra deeply foveate at base, sutural stria deep, dorsal stria very short........ 5. puncticolle, n. sp. Prothorax not punctulate, head scarcely punctulate, with an arcuate impression, and two small fovec ; occiput convex, slightly channeled ; eolon@arkachespmiul yar .:2e%; 4 6% sfoucletayatomaeene epee 6. discolor, n. sp. 6. Elytra oblong-ovate, as usual, moderately widened from the base..... ihe Elytra strongly ovate, narrow at the base, gradually much wider | OCS THO A Rees attr ot: Oa eM SMS 5 cous Gch Be rt CaS RCO Ee nes 10. (ea Uransverse: line Of prothorax, Very GEEMs «cri saitajorte siete ¢ ;<1 ees 'ers © cis 8. PPTPASVELsee lin exOf prot MOA Xe Teimatyeryaptamtaroe pare okeue spay -o- aps) «ie! = 90 0 Slerwrene 9. 8. Head scarcely punctulate, fovez large, frontal impression a fine trans- PROC. AMER. PHILOS. Soc. xviI. 101. 2v. PRINTED APRIL 20, 1878. LeConte. | 386 (Feb. 1, verse line ; occiput less convex, slightly impressed at the middle ; pro- thorax less elongate, more rounded on the sides......... 7. parvulum. Head smooth, with an angulated impression ending behind in fovee ; occiput convex, finely carinate...............- 8. convexulum, i. sp. 9. Head smooth, with a deep angulated impression, ending behind in fover ; occiput convex not impressed. Size very small..........- 9. simplex, n. sp. 10. Head very distinctly punctulate, fovese and impression broad not deep ; occiput not channeled ; (color pale rufo-testaceous)...... 10. dubium, Head smooth, with a deepangulated impression ending behind in fovee ; occiput with a shallow fovea ; transverse line of prothorax very deep ; elytra very convex, sutural stria faint........ ..... 11. americanum. Nore.—In 7. foveicolle, globiferum, inpunctatum and californicum there are two fine short impressed lines at the base of the dorsal surface of the abdomen, as in many species of Bryazis. 29. Euplectus debilis, n. sp.—Elongate, somewhat depressed, brown ; antenne, palpi and legs paler. Head with a deep, acutely angulate impression ending behind in two fove ; occiput elevated, not impressed. Prothorax with large lateral basal fovez, an angulated posterior impres- sion, and a deep, interrupted dorsal channel ; the basal part extending to the transverse impression, the discoidal part attaining neither the impres- sion nor the apicalmargin. Elytra with deep sutural stria, and short dorsal one ; basal foveze not large. Length .6 mm.; .026 inch. Tampa, May, one specimen. Not larger than &. pumilus, but quite distinct by the more elongate and depressed form, and by the dorsal channel of the prothorax less deep, and more completely interrupted. 30. Euplectus tenuis, n. sp.—Elongate, less depressed, brown ; elytra darker, antenne, palpi, and legs paler. Head with a deep, arcuated impression ending behind in fovee ; occiput convex, very feebly impressed. Prothorax with large, lateral fovez, and an angulated posterior impression, dorsal channel very fine, not extending to the apical margin, sub-inter- rupted near the transverse impression. Elytra with deep sutural stria ; dorsal stria fine, extending to the middle. Length .7 mm.; .028 inch. Capron, May, one specimen, Nearly related to EH. debilis, but more pubescent, with the front more convex, the impres- sion curved rather than angulated, and the dorsal line of the prothorax finer. The following species, though not be- longing to the same district, is closely allied: 36. Euplectus integer, n. sp.—Elongate, dark brown, slightly pu- bescent, antennx, palpi, and legs paler. Head with two large fovex, not connected by an impression ; front convex, but not prominent. Prothorax = 1878.] 387 [LeConte. with deep lateral fovex ; posterior angulated impression deep, dorsal line wanting. Elytra with deep sutural stria, dorsal stria wanting, represented only by the small basal fovea. Length .7 mm.; .028 inch. Detroit, Michigan, one specimen; Messrs. Hubbard and Schwarz. This species resembles in specific characters cer- tain Trimium (e. g. parvulum, convexulum), but is easily recognized by the less convex body, the more broadly mar- gined abdomen, and smaller antennal club. 32. Euplectus cavicollis, p. sp.—Elongate, red-brown, finely pubescent. Head with a deep curved impression, ending behind in fovee ; front prominent, occiput moderately convex, not very shining. Prothorax more dilated on the sides than usual, with three very large posterior fovez, not connected by a transverse line ; dorsal line very fine, abbreviated in front. Elytra with sutural stria deep, basal foveze small, dorsal striee want- ing. Length 1.2 mm.; .05 inch. Tampa, May ; one specimen. Very distinct from the other species in my collection by the large, separate fover of the prothorax. 33. Acylophorus densus, n. sp.—Black, shining; head and pro- thorax glabrous, of the same form and sculpture as in the other species. Elytra densely, not very finely punctured, sub-opaque, clothed with fine, dark pubescence. Abdomen slightly iridescent, pubescent, punctures be- coming more sparse behind ; ventral segments strongly iridescent. Legs (in- cluding front coxe) reddish-brown. Antenne piceous, black at base, joints 3-7 longer than wide, though not entirely equal either in length or breadth ; 3d joint a little shorter than the 2d. Length 5.5 mm.; .21 inch. Enterprise, May ; one specimen. Larger than what I con- sider as A. pronus, equal to A. pratensis, but easily known by the punctures of the elytra more dense than in either. 34. Acylophorus flavipes, n. sp.—Shining black above, piceous beneath ; head and prothorax as usual. Elytra coarsely and not densely punctured, sparsely pubescent. Abdomen hairy, strongly, not densely punctured. Legs (including front coxze) testaceous. Antenne not longer than the head and prothorax, piceous-black, base of 1st joint nearly testa- ceous ; joints 3-10 equal in length, gradually increasing in thickness, and closely approximated, outer ones transverse ; 2d joint fully as long as the 3d and 4th united. Length 4.5 mm.; .18 inch. Capron, May; one specimen. Smaller and more slender than A. pronus, with which it agrees in sculpture, but differs in the antenne and color of the legs. The species of this genus resemble each other very closely, LeConte.] 388 [Feb. 1, and except A. flavicollis, which has the prothorax yellow, are to be separated only by slight differences in the proportion of the joints of the antennee, and the punctuation of the elytra. Table of Species of AcCYLOPHORUS. Antenne with 2d joint distinctly longer than 3d, nearly equal to 3d and 4th united ; prothorax more strongly narrowed in front.......... "as Antenne with 2d joint nearly or quite as long as 3d...... ... Sotsores 3. 2. Prothorax yellow, elytra densely, strongly punctured....1. flavicollis. Prothorax black, elytra less densely, but strongly punctured.2. pronus. 3. Antenne with joints 3-6 longer and more slender...........-...---- 4. Antennz with joints 8-10 equal in length ; elytra strongly, not densely DUN GOURE Divsrrts, Maisteeiavs Skerslatetelo cise cites spares latte! vetere ite se 5. flavipes, n. sp. 4. Elytra finely, not densely punctured....................- 3. pratensis. Elytra strongly and densely punctured............... 4, densus, nD. sp. A, gilensis Lee. does not seem sufficiently distinct from A. pronus Er. Mr. Fauvel (Faun. Gallo-Rhen. iii, 542) states that A. pra- tensis Lec. is the same with A. glabricollis of Europe. I have not compared specimens, but think that the finer punctua- tion of pratensis entitles it to distinct recognition, and that Mr. Fauvel’s remark will apply better to some of the black- legged varieties of what we consider A. pronus. 35. Quedius ferox, n. sp.—Elongate, linear, black, very sbining, antennee and legs blackish or piceous. Head oval, strongly narrowed be- hind, and constricted at the neck, which is not slender; sides before and behind the eyes sparsely punctured ; a series of five setigerous punctures each side above the eyes; nearer the middle, opposite the 5th one is a 6th. Eyes not prominent, occupying the middle third of the length of the head. Prothorax longer than wide, not narrowed in front, sides straight, parallel nearly to the apex, where they are moderately rounded, slightly sinuate near the base; apex emarginate, base rounded ; there are 3 punc- tures each side on the apical margin, one near the margin, and one on the dise, about one-third the length ; there is also a large, lateral puncture near the margin, in front of the middle ; three small marginal ones behind the middle, and a few on the basal margin. Elytra smooth, with obsolete su- tural stria, and 3 small sub-sutural punctures; there is also a dorsal series of 4 very small punctures. Dorsal segments slightly iridescent, rather densely punctured and pubescent, with long, lateral and apical sete. Beneath blackish-piceous, strongly punctured, slightly iridescent. Length 8.5 mm.; .34 inch, Enterprise, May ; also found in Louisiana, Canada and » 1878. } 389 {LeConte. Massachusetts. The last ventral segment in the & is broadly and feebly emarginated, and the front tarsi dilated. Another species of the same group of the genus, which has not been thus far represented in our fauna is: 36. Quedius vernix, n. sp.—Less elongate, narrower in front and behind ; black, very shining, antenne, palpi, and legs also black. Head oval, moderately constricted at base, neck rather thick, punctulate each side ; space behind the eyes, and extending beneath to the lateral line finely punctured ; sub-ocular punctures two, supra-oculars also two ; each side near the anterior one is one small puncture, and behind the posterior one, on the occipital declivity is another large one. Prothorax scarcely as longas the basal width, narrowed in front, sides rounded, apex emarginate, base strongly rounded ; apical punctures three on each side ; discoidal but one ; lateral one, large, situated near the margin, and one-fourth the length from the front angle; there are but two small basal punctures, in the margin itself, the outer one at the much rounded hind angle. Scutellum large, smooth. Elytra smooth, sutural stria deep, with a puncture in front of the middle ; dorsal series of 4 or 5 large punctures. Dorsal segments very sparsely punctured and pubescent, sides and apex with long sete ; ventral segments equally, sparsely punctured.. Length 12 mm.; .48 inch. Massachusetts, Michigan, Canada, rare. The front tarsi are dilated in both sexes; the last ventral segment is longer, and scarcely perceptibly emarginate in the &. 37. [5]. Cryptobium floridanum, n. sp.—Shining, hairy, with erect pubescence, black, becoming brown towards the tip of the abdomen, antennz brown, legs paler. Head as long as the prothorax, and wider than it, oblong, somewhat narrower in front of the eyes, which are convex and moderately prominent ; base and hind angles rounded, surface strongly punctured, frout nearly smooth. Prothorax one-half longer than wide, smooth dorsal stripe broad, sides strongly punctured, the punctures form- ing in places short irregular series. Elytra longer than the prothorax, strongly rather denscly punctured. Abdomen, dorsal surface finely and sparsely punctured; ventral surface similarly punctured. Length 10.4 mm.; .41 inch. ' 2 Second and third ventral segments with a short transverse groove, bearing stiff sete. Enterprise, May; one specimen. ‘This species is similar in form and sculpture to C. badium, but the color is different, and the 3d apparent ventral segment (2) has a transverse fold similar to that of the 2d. In C. carolinum the second ventral segment has () a transverse fold, with a row of stitt LeConte. | 390 [Feb. 1, bristles, but the 3d segment is foveate as in the o of the species of that group. The species of this genus have become so numerous in our fauna, that the following table will be found useful for their recognition : Table of Species of CRYPTOBIUM. Sides of head parallel, hind angles strongly rounded..... eeiriciee sil elaieuae Head gradually narrowed behind the eyes....................> Sons Head short and semicircularly rounded behind the eyes..... afeyevereiet atten Last joint of maxillary palpi conical, half as long as the 3d joint....A. ‘Last joint of maxillary palpi small, acicular, one-third as long as the 3d joint, which is more thickened at the tip...... Sonigdbt sedon of.t 4.0 BD; Last joint of maxillary palpi very small, not conical, one-fourth as long as the 3d joint, which is tumid, much thickened at the tip. ........ E. . §' 3d ventral segment foveate near the base and with a long and broad apical process, extending over the next segment, and furnished with long stiff black sete ; 2d segment with a short transverse fold at the middle ; 2 with 2d, or 2d and 3d ventral segments each with a trans- WETSCMOlOFOR LOWCA ratte cieletuasiasatas lke mieteter esata) =n tag eee ae 6th ventral segment deeply and acutely emarginate, sometimes al- most to the base ; 9 ventral segments not impressed nor foveate...6. Uniform chestnut brown, feet testaceous yellow............... Jah sees Rufo-testaceous, head and abdomen, except last two segments black, or ATG AS RT Es Die Sie tears SCS chaliens eve vhece set le et ee tese eh eterna 4. Black, last ventral segments brownish, antennie brown, legs testaceous.5. © 2d ventral segment with a transverse fold at the middle...1. badium, © 2d ventral segment not impressed ; head less convex and more paral- el than tn OM Oa 1757s omete aie) teiofe shoei syisgete terete ste) eyeintets 2. pimerianum. © 2d ventral segment not impressed ; head with sides more gradually rounded behind ; last two abdominal segments paler.3. texanum, n.sp. 2 with 2d ventral segment foveate ; head and abdomen black, last two sepmenie pale, ...cc0x2 aeepern ese tn i bpearee tees ....4, bicolor. 2 asabove, head only black (immature)........- ga, melanocephalum, @ 2d and 3d ventral segments each with a short transverse fold at the DUOGIS 5 «0/05 2. ce'n vino sjnime, vuoi tik alata ie leit aaah ieee 5. floridanum. 2 2d ventral segment with a transverse fold, 3d foveate....6. carolinum. Black, shining, antennze dark brown, legs testaceous...........++ tate Black, shining, legs and elytra bright rufous; the latter with a broad black stripe extending from the base to the middle....... 7. sellatum. . Antenne brown ; punctures of prothorax fimer..............+++s- .o- Prothorax strongly punctured ; antenne brown.8. californicum, 0.sp. Prothorax strongly punctured ; antenne yellow..9. flavicorne, n. sp. . Sides of head parallel behind the eyes...... Peron arenes ka 9. Head wider behind the eyes.............. ives 12. tumidum, n. sp. 1878.] 391 [LeConte. 9. Elytra not longer than prothorax...........e..+e+0.-++-O, pallipes. Elytra longer than thorax...... ctaiafa thatalatoe se etaae ek eles -11. latebricola. B. °$' 6th ventral segment triangularly emarginate ; 9 2d and 3d ventral segments not impressed. Prothorax with dorsal series of punctures ; sides very sparsely punctured. Elytra very coarsely punctured. Last joint of maxillary palpi conical, half as long as the 3d in serpentinum, smaller in cribratum. Shining, black, antennz brown, legs and elytra bright rufous ; protho- rax of usual form, neck stout........... ay sahelete) #) ances ota 13. cribratum. Fhining, bright rufous, front of head, ppeihonas and last two segments of abdomen black; prothorax narrowed in front; head with sides more obliquely rounded behind, neck small.*..... . 14. serpentinum. C. Head short behind the eyes and semicircularly rounded ; eyes large, prominent, looking forwards, in consequence of the front being suddenly contracted into a broad muzzle ; antennz more distant from the eyes than usual ; maxillary palpi long and slender, last joint conical, one-third the length of the preceding ; hind trochanters very acute at tip. fj‘ with the 4th ventral segment prolonged behind into an acute triangular process ex- tending to the hind margin of the 5th segment; slightly foveate at the middle ; 2d and 3d segments tumid, withan acute edge near the hind mar- gin; 7th ventral acutely emarginate except in lugubre; Q 3d ventral with a round flat tubercle. Brown, sparsely setose, head sub-opaque, sparsely and finely punctured; prothorax sparsely and finely punctured, with a broad, smooth, dorsal stripe ; elytra finely and densely punctured and pubescent ; legs rufo- LERVACEOUS TE. «ental creins FO ROO CEM AR OD eto cor 15. prospiciens, n. sp. D. Head prolonged behind the eyes, as usual ; maxillary palpi with 3d joint more thickened at the tip, 4th small, acicular, conical, less than one- third as long as the 3d joint; -¢{' with 3d ventral segment lobed behind. Black species, antenne and legs pale rufous. Head shining, coarsely and sparsely punctured, elytra coarsely punc- tured, almost:in TOWS......-......- aie atere see ae eo ate neers ote at rsteisens Head opaque, finely and densely ebeecd front sparsely punctured ; 2 od and 4th ventral segments deeply transversely impressed, setigerous at the middle; elytra densely punctured............ .16. despectum. 2. Head long, sides nearly parallel behind the eyes ; in both sexes the 2d ventral segment has a small fovea bearing two black spines, in one sex the 3d segment has also a small fovea............. 17. lugubre, n. sp. Head somewhat obliquely narrowed behind the eyes: 92 2d and 3d ven- tral segments with small impressions..... ...-...18. obliquum, n. sp. Head obliquely narrowed behind the eyes, which are larger: Q 2d and JO SeoMeNnts nOb Impressed... asceate ceescese cs LO. PArCum) nN. sp, * This species seems allied to C. Traili Sharp, Staphyl. Amazon Valley, Trans. Lond. Ent. Soc. 1876, 224; these two species show an approach to the genus Ophites. +Cryptobium angustum and cylindricum Sharp, op. cit. supra, 220, seem allied by the form of the head to this remarkable species. LeConte.] 392 {Feb. 1, E. Head prolonged behind the eyes as usual; maxillary palpi with 3d joint tumid, 4th very small, acicular not conical, less than one-fourth the length of the 3d joint ; ~ with 3d ventral segment lobed behind. / Cylindrical, coarsely punctured, shining, black, antennz and legs testa- Geouss (Gi not known) Wattrascisee = siete efoaiectete rae 20. pusillum, Slender, brown, more finely punctured, size much smaller, legs pale; (Gf mot mown) ee eer eather Aaa wees ah eb 21. lepidum, n. sp. 38. [3.] Cryptobium texanuma, n. sp.—Castaneous, sparsely pu- bescent, form and sculpture exactly as in C. badiuwm, except that the seg- ments 1-4 of the abdomen are black, and the 5th and 6th rufous, just as in C. bicolor. Length 8-11.2 mm.; .32-.44 inch. . '. 3d ventral segment with a long, obtusely rounded process, setose at the sides and tip, and a deep round fovea near the anterior margin ; 2d segment with two small approximate setigerous fovez at the middle. ©. 2d and 3d ventral segments not impressed. Bosque Co., Texas, Mr. G. W. Belfrage. Differs from C. badium only by the color of the abdomen, and by the im- pression of the 2d ventral segment, which in that species is a transverse fold in both sexes. 39. [8.] Cryptobium californicum, n. sp.—Shining, black, pu- bescence fine. Head elongate, parallel behind the eyes, hind angles and base rounded, strongly punctured ; front smooth, with 4 or 6 distant punce- tures ; eyes rather convex, as long as the space from their front margin to the insertion of the antenns. Prothorax narrower than the head, smooth dorsal stripe wide, sides sparsely punctured, punctures rather irregularly placed. Elytra strongly and densely punctured, not longer than the pro- thorax, abdomen finely and rather densely punctured. Antenne brown, legs piceo-testaceous. Length 8 mm.; .382 inch. 3. 6th ventral segment narrowly emarginate for one-half its length ; base of emargination rounded. California and Vancouver Island. Differs from C. pallipes by the much stronger punctuation, and much narrower and less triangular emargination of the 6th ventral segment of the male. 40. [9.] Cryptobium flavicorne, n. sp.—Black, shining, pubes- cence fine ; head oblong-oval, less strongly punctured than in (. californi- cum, front smooth with a few scattered punctures. Prothorax scarcely narrower than the head, very slightly wider behind, smooth dorsal stripe wide, sides sparsely and strongly punctured, punctures not irregularly placed. Elytra densely less strongly punctured, less shining, not longer than the prothorax. Abdomen finely and densely punctured. Antenne and legs yellow testaceous. Eyes of the same size as in C. californicum, but less convex. Length 8 mm.; .82 inch. = . 1878.] 393 [LeConte. Massachusetts and Lake Superior, two females. Differs from C. pallipes by the head being longer and more parallel, and the antenne yellow instead of brown. The elytra are more finely punctured, while those of the prothorax are quite perceptibly coarser. 41. [12.] Cryptobium tumidum, n. sp.—Slender, blackish- brown, pubescence fine. Head sub-ovate, gradually a little wider behind the eyes, which are rather smaller than in the two preceding species ; densely punctured, front less shining, nearlysmooth. Prothorax elongate- oblong, slightly but perceptibly narrower behind, smooth dorsal stripe broad, ill-defined, sides sparsely and finely punctured. Elytra not longer than the prothorax, densely rather finely punctured. Abdomen finely punctured. Antenne, palpi and legs dull ferruginous. Length 9.5 mm.; .d70 inch. 3 6th ventral segment deeply emarginate for one-half of its length. San Jose, California; found by me in March, 1850. 42. [15.] Cryptobium prospiciens, n. sp.—Brown, less shining ; pubescence fine. Head finely not densely punctured, semi-circularly rounded behind the eyes, which are large and prominent; front produced into a broad muzzle with high antennal ridges, so as to make a broad frontal concavity, which is nearly smooth, marked only by a few large punctures. Prothorax elongate, slightly rounded on the sides, narrower than the head ; smooth dorsal stripe wide, not distinctly defined ; sides very sparsely and finely punctured. Elytra not longer than prothorax, finely punctured. Abdomen not shining, scarcely perceptibly punctulate. Antenne, palpi and legs paler brown. Length 8 mm.; .32 inch. ¢ 3d ventral segment with a long triangular lobe nearly acute at tip, setose at the sides and end; there is a small transverse fovea at the middle ; 6th ventral segment triangularly emarginate for nearly half its length. Q 3d ventral with a round flat sligltly elevated tubercle. Bosque Co., Texas, Mr. G. W. Belfrage; Arizona, Dr. Horn. This species is an excellent example of what is not unfrequently seen in other families ; the union of characters which define two or more separate groups of species, with some peculiar character. In this instance the sexual charac- ters of the o'oS of the two groups of § A are united, but the form of head is quite different from that seen in either of them. 43. [17.] C. lugubre, n. sp.—Slender cylindrical, shining black ; legs, palpi and antenne yellow, the latter darker at the base. Head as long as the prothorax and very little wider, sparsely strongly punctured, punctures PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvir. 101. 2w. PRINTED APRIL 20, 1878. LeConte.] 394. [Feb. 1, smaller and indistinct upon the front. Prothorax with smooth dorsal stripe broad, sides strongly sparsely punctured. Elytra with rather large punc- tures arranged somewhat in rows. Abdomen sparsely finely punctured, tip and posterior border of segments brown; ventral segments brown. Length 6 mm.; .24 inch. 3S and & 2d ventral segment with a small tubercle bearing two small stout black sete resembling spines; ¢'? 38d ventral segment marked with a small fovea. The last joint of the maxillary palpi is about one-third the length of the 3d joint. The elytra area little shorter than the prothorax. Tampa and Enterprise; three 9. On examining seven specimens, I find no difference in the ventral segments, ex- cept that in all of them the 2d (apparent) segment has a small transverse impression and fold, bearing spines; while in two of them the 3d segment has also a small round fovea at the middle,a little nearer the front than the hind margin. , There is no difference in the size of the head. 44. [18.] Cryptobium obliquum, n. sp.—Slender, cylindrical, shining, black ; antenne, palpi, and legs yellow. Head as long as the pro- thorax, distinctly wider, sides oblique behind the eyes, and broadly round- ed ; eyes rather large, convex ; sparsely punctured, front smooth, with only a few scattered punctures, the smooth space prolonged behind to between the eyes. Prothorax with smooth, dorsal stripe wide, not well defined ; sides sparsely, strongly punctured, punctures arranged almost in rows. Elytra coarsely punctured, here and there almost in rows. Abdomen sparsely punctured, nearly smooth towards the tip, which is brown. Length 6 mm.; 24inch. — ¢\ 3d ventral segment with a long, triangular setose process, rounded at tip; 2d and 38d segments not distinctly impressed. Q 2d and 3d ventral segments, each with a very small bisetose fovea. Tampa; April, one pair. Quite different from C. lugubre by the form of the head. 45. (19.] Cryptobium parcum, 0. sp.—Cylindrical. shining, black, antenne, palpi, and legs yellow. Head as long as the prothorax, distinctly wider, sides oblique behind the eyes and broadly rounded ; eyes rather large, convex; punctured as in C. obliquum. Prothorax with smooth dorsal stripe, sides sparsely coarsely punctured in rows. Elytra as Jong as the prothorax, coarsely punctured, here and there in rows. Abdo- men sparsely Jess finely punctured, tip brown. Length 6 mm.; .24 inch. rc 2 2d and 3d ventral segments not impressed Cedar Keys; June, one °. Differs from C. obliquum chiefly by the less slender form, coarser punctures of the prothorax, and absence of ventral impressions. - 1878.] 395 [LeConte. 46. [21.] Cryptobium lepidum, n. sp.—Slender, less convex, ferruginous, shining, pubescence fine. Head oval, nearly as long as the prothorax, and wider than it, sides much rounded behind the eyes, which are rather large and convex ; sparsely, equably punctured, front not less so than the rest of the surface ; there are two long, but not deep frontal im- pressions. Prothorax with smooth dorsal stripe narrower than usual, lim- ited each side by a row of points, which becomes a slightly impressed stria towards the base ; sides rather sparsely punctured, almost in rows. Elytra distinctly longer than the prothorax densely, rather finely punctured. Ab- domen sparsely punctured. Legs paler. Length 3.8 mm.; .15 inch. Bosque County, Texas, Mr. G. W. Belfrage, two 2. The ventral segments are not impressed. A very small and pretty species, less convex than the others in our fauna. 47. Pederus obliteratus, n. sp.—Elongate, slender, reddish-yel- low, shining ; head and last two abdominal segments black ; above yellow ; elytra blue-black ; antennz brownish at the middle. Head sparsely punc- tured, slightly wider than the prothorax ; the latter elongate-oval, feebly sparsely punctured, elytra not longer than the prothorax. sparsely but not coarsely punctured at the base, nearly smooth behind the middle. Dorsal segments very sparsely and finely punctured. Length 5 mm.; .20 inch. oO Sixth ventral cleft nearly to the base ; cleft wide, rounded at the an- terior extremity. Southern part of Florida, Dr. Palmer; Mr. E. P. Austin gave me a similar specimen as found at Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. This species is easily distinguished by the finer punctures of the elytra becoming gradually obliterated be- hind. Larger series of specimens have indicated to me the neces- sity of some modifications in the table of species of this genus published by Mr. Austin, (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xix, 47); and I would propose to substitute for it the fol- lowing synopsis : Table of Species of P2sDERUS. Head wet hatened inifiont. (122. /2u) te sees Shh et Sats et nooner Lea GA At hen eds Mme rOnite -) fv fip scl =, OS Mea ieee ede ee ON eat as: 1878. ] 433 (LeConte. Prothorax quadrate, scarcely longer than wide, broadly rounded at apex, anterior one-fourth covered with obtuse granules, not arranged in concen- tric lines, gradually changing behind into fine, rugose, sparse punctua- tion. Elytra finely punctured, punctures arranged in approximate rows, which in places are indistinct ; apical declivity flattened, feebly concave each side of the sutural stria, which is not very distinct ; there are also traces at the apex of two other strie. Front and middle tibiz not toothed ; hind tibiz with a marginal row of 7 or 8 small acute spines, and a fringe of stiff long hairs. Length 2 mm.; .08 inch. Enterprise; June, one specimen. This species may be placed after P. digestus Lec. (vide Rhyitch. 352), but the flat- tened declivity of the elytra, only slightly concave near the suture, easily distinguishes it from all thus far described in our fauna. The punctures of the hinder part of the elytra are less fine than towards the base. The eyes are emargi- nate; the club of the antenne is nearly circular, and traus- versely annulated. 146. Pityophthorus seriatus, n. sp.— Elongate, cylindrical, brown, shining, nearly glabrous, with only a few scattered, erect hairs on the head, front of prothorax, and hind part of elytra Antenne and legs testaceous. Head flat, opaque, indistinctly punctulate, front feebly im- pressed, and indistinctly carinate. Prothorax quadrate, not longer than wide, rounded in front, anterior half with irregular, transverse, subconcen- tric rows of granules; sides and base sparsely but distinctly punctured. Elytra with striz composed of small punctures, interspaces wider than the strie, the alternate ones each with 4 or 5 distinct punctures of equal size with those of the strive ; declivity not flattened nor retuse, sutural stria slightly impressed. Length 1.5 mm.; .06 inch. Tampa; April, one specimen. This species is quite dis- tinct by the sculpture of the elytra, and may be placed be- fore P. comatus, in the arrangement already cited. The front and middle tibiz are not serrate, and the hind tibiz have only 3 or 4 very indistinct traces of teeth, and no range of spines, or fringe of stiff hairs as in P. obliquus. This Species has a deceptive resemblance to Xyleborus pubescens, but the generic characters of the antennal club are’ quite different, and the specific characters abundantly distinct. 147. Cryphalus miles, n. sp.—Very small, slender cylindrical, blackish, shining, clothed with short stout erect bristles. Prothorax a lit- tle longer than wide, apex produced into an acute spine; disc with a few acute reclinate granules in front, sparsely punctured behind. Elytra PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvi. 191. 38. PRINTED MAy 4, 1878. Schwarz. ] 434 {Feb. 1, strongly but not densely punctured, strive hardly to be traced. Legs and antenne piceous. Length .8 mm.; .035 inch. Tampa; two specimens. Smaller and more slender than C. rigidus Lec. (Rhynch. 862), with much shorter bristles. The apical spine of the prothorax is a prolongation of the margin itself, and-not a horn arising from the dise. 148. Euxenus piceus, n. sp.—Oval, rather elongate, convex, piceous, shining. Prothorax sparsely punctulate. Elytra punctured, the punctures forming indistinct strise towards the sides; two outer striz distinct, the outermost extending from the base for one-third the length; the inner one entire ; marginal stria entire. Length .6 mm.; .025 inch. Tampa, April 11th; one specimen. Differs from Hu. punctatus Lee. (Rhynch. 409), by the much smaller size, less distinctly punctured prothorax, and by the legs being not testaceous but dark, with only the tarsi yellowish. This in- sect has the appearance of a very minute Crytocephalus. List of Species by E. A. ScHWARzZ. CICINDELID&®. Tetracha carolina Linn. E. K. common in May and June, also attracted by the light. virginica Linn. E. K. rare, with the preceding. Cicindela scutellaris Say, race unicolor Dej.* hirticollis Say, sea shore, as far as Key West. dorsalis Say, NS. C. common on the sea beach; first speci- men seen on April 4th; race Saulcyi; Key West, var. with elytra entirely white, hamata Br. K. common in June on the ocean beach. marginata Fabr. NS. C. K. common on the lagoon and ocean beach of the eastern coast ; rare in April, common in June. tortuosa Dej. common, first specimen seen on February 27th. punctulata Fabr. common, appears about the beginning of May. abdominalis Fabr. NS. E. K. common in the pine woods, ap- pears in June; race with strongly punctured elytra. striga Lec. L. E. very rare in May, nocturnal in its habits. hirtilabris Lec. E, K. rare, ia company with C. abdominalis. gratiosa Guér,* 1878.] 435 [Schwarz. CARABIDZE. Omophron labiatum Fabr. common. Pasimachus strenuus Lec. H. E. T. very rare. subleevis Dej. rare. marginatus Fabr. not rare. subsulcatus Say, not rare. Scarites substriatus Hald. T. rare. subterraneus Fabr. common. californicus Lec. K. very rare on the sea beach. Dyschirius globulosus Say, C. H. T. not rare. erythrocerus Lec. C. H. E. not rare. filiformis Lec. C. H. rare. falciger Lec. n. sp. p. 373, T. rare on the banks of the Hills- boro River. Ardistomis obliquata Putz. not rare. Schaumii Lec. common. viridis Say, common. puncticollis Putz. very rare. Aspidoglossa subangulata Chd. not rare. Clivina dentipes Dej. not rare. rubicunda Lec. E. one specimen. rufa Lec. E. rare. americana Dej. not rare. picea Putz. E. T. two specimens. picipes Putz. E. L. K. very rare. Schizogenius ferrugineus Putz. F. two specimens on the sea beach. Sallei Putz. var. Lake Altapopka very rare. Brachynus fumans Fabr. quadripennis Dej. cordicollis Dej. lateralis Dej. common. Panageeus crucigerus Say, H. L. very rare. Morio monilicornis Latr. T. not rare, under old pine bark. Helluomorpha preeusta Dej. S. T. very rare, under old pine bark. Galerita Janus Fabr. F. one specimen. Lecontei Dej. C. 5. E. not rare, found also on sugared trees. Diaphorus Lecontei Dej. E. T. very rare, also attracted by the light. Thalpius pygmzeus Dej. very rare. Casnonia ludoviciana Sallé, C. 8. L. K. not rare. Leptotrachelus dorsalis Fabr. C. very rare. Ega Sallei Chevr. E. K. T. common. Lachnophorus pubescens Dej. common. Bucerus varicornis Lec. C. T. very rare. Plochionus amandus Newman.* timidus Hald. E. one specimen. Bonfilsii Dej. va7. NS. one specimen. Schwarz. | 436 Loxopeza tricolor Say. T. rare. Lebia pulchella Dej. C. T. rare. marginicollis Dej. not rare. viridis Say, E. L. NS. not rare. rhodopus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 354, T. rare. viridipennis Dej. C. E. K. not rare. lobulata Lec. E. rare. collaris Dej. T. E. rare. fuscata Dej.* Dianchomena abdominalis Chd. E. one specimen. scapularis Dej. E. one specimen. Aphelogenja furcata Lec. T. rare. Nemotarsus elegans Lec.* Tetragonoderus intersectus Germ. C. E. K. not rare. Perigona nigriceps Dej. E. rare. Apenes angustata Schwarz, n. sp. p. 354, E. rare. opaca Lec. T. in the pine woods under sticks, rare. sinuata Say. E. rare. Pinacodera platicollis Say, var. fuscata Dej. H. E. rare. Callida viridipennis Say, H. E. rare. fulgida Dej. C. H. E. rare. decora Fabr. E. very rare. Onota trivittata Lec.* n. sp. p. 373, middle Florida. Coptodera signata Dej. E. T. rare. Platynus decorus Say, T. common. floridanus Lec. p. 874. Common. -unctiformis Say, H. E. rare. octopunctatus Fab. T. one specimen. Loxandrus reflexus Lec. n. sp., p. 376, C. E. K. T. common. calathinus Lec. n. sp., p. 376, T. not rare. floridanus Lec. n. sp., p. 376, C. T. E. common. erraticus Dej. E. very rare. celer Dej. C. E. rare. agilis Dej. common. velox Dej. not rare. rectangulus Lec. n. sp., p. 377, E. two specimens. crenatus Lec. not rare. Evarthrus seximpressus Lec. BE. K. rare. americanus Dej. one specimen, Polk county. obsoletus Say, T. in the pine woods under sticks rare, morio Dej. E. rare. faber Germ. T. very rare. Pterostichus acutangulus Chd. C. T. very rare. Lophoglossus tartaricus Say,* Northern Florida. Badister flavipes Lec. C. E. T. rare. micans Lec. C. L. T. not rare. [Feb. 1, 1878. ] 437 (Schwarz. Diplochila major Lec. common. Diczelus quadratus Lec. K. very rare. carinatus Dej. L. one specimen. alternans Dej. L. E. T. very rare. elongatus Dej. var.? E. very rare. Chizenius herbaceus Chevr. C. S. L. T. rare. erythropus Germ. not rare. fuscicornis Dej. S. T. rare. laticollis Say, common. eestivus Say, E. rare. augustus Newman~, prasinus Dej. E. common. nemoralis Say, rare. tricolor Dej. common. foridanus Horn, rare. pensylvanicus Say, T. E. rare. circumcinctus Say, C. E. T. rare. maxillosus Horn, C. L. two specimens. niger Rand. C. two specimens. Anomoglossus emarginatus Say, T. one specimen. Lachnocrepis parallelus Say, C. H. rare. Anatrichis minuta Dej. C. K. T. rare. Oodes americanus Dej. 8. C. very rare. amaroides Dej. C. E. T. not rare. 14-striatus Chd. rare. Lecontei Chd. C. E. T. common. cupreeus Chd. C. two specimens. Agonoderus infuscatus Dej. not rare. testaceus Dej. common. Anisodactylus merula Germ. not rare. Anisotarsus agilis Dej. H. rare. nitidipennis Lec. H. E. K. not rare. Gynandropus hylacis var. elongatus Lec. C. T. very rare. Selenophorus stigmosus E. not rare, frequently attracted by the light. subtinctus Lec. C. 8. very rare. fossulatus Dej. C. Polk county, rare. opa_inus Lec. E. rare. excisus Lec. n. sp. 377. ovalis Dej. T. very rare. Harpalus pensylvanicus DeG. not rare. nitidulus Chd. H. E. rare. Stenolophus spretus Dej. C. E. T. not rare. plebejus Dej. T. one specimen. ochropezus Say, E. rare. Bembidium versicolor Lec. T. not rare. contractum Say, common, especially on the sea beach. affine Say.* Schwarz. ] 438 Tachys albipes Lec. C. 8. E. T. rare. ventricosus Lec. common. leevis Say, common. pallidus Chd. H. T. very rare. columbiensis |} Zimm. ms. common. nanus Gyll. common. flavicauda Say, common. zenescens Motsch. E. very rare. xanthopus Dej. common. incurvus Say, common. granarius Dej. C. very rare. carolinus| Zimm. ms. common. n. sp. HE. very rare. HALIPLID &. Haliplus punctatus Aubé, L. K. not rare. Cnemidotus 12-punctatus Say, not rare. . DYTISCIDE. Celina angustata Aubé, C. E. very rare. grossula Lec. E. very rare. Hydroporus exiguus Aubé, L. E. T. rare. granum Lec. T. rare. seminulum Lec. n. sp., p. 377, E. two specimens. granarius Aubé,* Northern Florida. affinis Say, var.? H. E. very rare. fuscatus Cr. common. inconspicuus Lec. not rare. undulatus Say, common. Hydrocanthus iricolor Say, L. T. not rare. Suphis bicolor Say, L. T. not rare. puncticollis Cr. E. two specimens. n. sp. E. one specimen. Colpius inflatus Lec. T. rare. Cybister Olivieri Cr. NS. T. K. very rare. Laccophilus proximus Say, common. Thermonectes basilaris Harr. C. A. T. not rare. Hydaticus bimarginatus Say, C. T. very rare. Coptotomus interrogatus Fab. common. Matus bicarinatus Say.* Copelatus glyphicus Say, common. Chevrolatii Aubé, C. T. rare. GYRINID XE. Dineutes carolinus Lec. ©. 8. not rare. serrulatus Lec. S. E. A angustus Lec.* n. sp. p 378. (Feb. I, 1878.] 439 [Schwarz. Gyrinus elevatus Lec. common. Rockinghamensis Lec.* HYDROPHILIDE. Hydrochus rugosus Muls. E. T. rare. callosus Lec.* ineequalis Lec. common. three unnamed species. Ochthebius attritus Lec. n. sp., p. 380, H. one specimen on the lagoon beach. simplex Lec. n. sp., p. 380, H. one specimen with the pre- ceding. foveicollis Lec. n. sp., p. 381, H. E. not rare. Hydrzena marginicollis Kiesenw. rare. Tropisternus lateralis Fabr. common. striolatus Lec. E. not rare. glaber Hbst. common. Hydrocharis castus Say, C. very rare. Berosus pugnax Lec. E. one specimen. aculeatus Lec. L. not rare. peregerinus Hbst.* exiguus Say, E. A. K. not rare. infuscatus Lec. L. E. not rare. striatus Say, C. T. rare. Cheetarthria pallida Lec. C. 8. E. not rare. Philhydrus nebulosus Say, common. bifidus Lec. E. Orange County, rare. ochraceus Melsh. common. consors Lec. C. P. T. rare. diffusus Lec. C. common. perplexus Lec. common. Hydrobius subcupreus Say, common. suturalis Lec. E. K. T. very rare. despectus Lec. H. rare. Cyclonotum palmarum Schwarz, n. sp. p. 355, E. rare. estriatum Say, common. semiglobosum Zimm. common. Cercyon pretextatum Say, common. ocellatum Say, C. E. not rare. sp. C. E. not rare. TRICHOPTERYGID EZ. Nossidium americanum Mots. T. under old leaves, rare. Ptenidium atomaroides Mots. common in salt marsh on the eastern coast. Ptilium three unnamed species. Nephanes leeviusculus Matth. E. under old leaves rare. ? Smicrus two species. ‘ 440 [Feb. 1, Schwarz.} Trichopteryx five unnamed species. Limulodes paradoxus Matth.* Ptinellodes Lecontei Matth. T. under pine bark, rare. Ptinella pini Lec. T. under pine bark, rare. nigrovittis Lec. T. under pine bark, very rare. STAPHYLINID®. f Falagria cingulata Lec. E. rare. partita Lec.* venustula Er. 8. two specimens. 4 other species apparently undescribed. Hoplandria pulchra Kraatz, shores of Indian Riv. common. two other species. Homalota plana Gyllh. T. under pine bark, not rare. about 30 other species. ? Stenusa two species under pine bark. Placusa despecta Er. T. beaten from dead pine leaves, rare. Philotermes n. sp. E. one specimen under old leaves. Aleochara brachyptera Fourc. E. not rare. nitida Gravy. common. Oxypoda three or four species. Oligota four species. Gyropheena six unnamed species. Myllena four unnamed species. Dinopsis myllzenoides Kraatz, C. T. very rare. n. sp. P. E. DD. very rare: A number of other Aleocharini. Anacyptus testaceus Lec. $8. NS. under old pine bark, very rare. Tachinus fumipennis Say.* Erchomus ventriculus Say, common, under bark. leevis Lec. common in wet places under old leaves. Conosoma crassum Grav. T. rare. basale Er. E. not rare. pubescens Payk. C. opicum Say, common. scriptum Horn, T. one specimen. Bryoporus rufescens Lec. common. var. testaceus Lec. common. Mycetoporus lepidus Er. T. rare. flavicollis Lec. common. Acylophorus pronus Er. E. T. not rare. densus Lec. n. sp. p. 387, E. two specimens. flavipes Lec. n. sp. p. 387, UC. very rare ; (occurs also in Ohio). Tanygnathus collaris Er. S$. P. E. rare in very wet places. Quedius ferox Lec. n. sp. p. 388, E. one specimen ; (occurs also at Cam- bridge, Mass). 1878. ] 44} [Schwarz. Creophilus villosus Grav. common. Staphylinus comes Lec. T. one specimen. tomentosus Grav. C. H. E. rare. cicatricosus Lec. one unnamed species T. Belonuchus formosus Grav. common. Philonthus hepaticus Er. E. common. micans Grav. E. T. rare. peederoides Lec. common. bistriatus Er. NS. C. on the sea beach, very rare, and four unnamed species. Xantholinus emmesus Gray. §. T. under bark, not rare. cephalus Say, T. under pine bark, rare. two unnamed species. Leptacinus flavipes Lec E. rare. n. sp. T. E. rare. nigripennis Lec. E. New Simyrna, rare. Diochus Schaumii Kraatz, var. common. Lathrobium puctulatum Lec. C. E. rare. dimidiatum Say, not rare. four unnamed species. Cryptobium bicolor Grav. common. floridanum Lec. n. sp. p. 389, E. one specimen. latebricola Nordm. K. T. rare. lugubre Lec. n. sp. p. 393, T. E. rare. obliquum Lec. n. sp. p. 394, T. not rare. parcum Lec. n. sp. p. 394, K. very rare. Stilicus angularis Er. E. not rare. Scopzeus opacus Lec. common. exiguus Er. N. S. E. rare. two unnamed species. Echiaster Sallei} Fv. E. Lithocharis corticina Grav. not rare. four unnamed species. Dacnochilus angularis Er. E. K. two specimens. Sunius monstrosus Lec. T. E. very rare. linearis Er. not rare. prolixus Er. common. binotatus Say, common. Stilicopsis paradoxa Sachse, H. E. very rare. Peederus littoreus Zimm. T. very rare. floridanus Austin, common. obliteratus Lec.* n. sp. p. 395, Southern Florida. Pinophilus picipes Er. H. very rare. latipes Er. T. two specimens. parcus Lec. S. E. rare. opacus Lec. not rare. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvir. 101. 8c. PRINTED May 4, 1878. Schwarz. | 442; [Feb. 1, Palaminus flavipennis Lec. n. sp. p. 396, common. contortus Lec. n. sp. p. 397, T. E. S. common (occurs also in Michigan). cribratus Lec. n. sp. p. 397, very rare. pumilus Lec. n. sp. p. 398, T. E. rare. larvalis Lec. very rare. Stenus colonus Er. not rare. arculus Er. E. C. T. rare. callosus Er. S. E. rare. and five undescribed species. Eueesthetus two undescribed species. Megalops czlatus Grav. E. T. two specimens, lives on fungus which grows on the underside of old logs. Osorius politus Lec. Hilsboro Co. very rare in May and June. latipes Grav. C. E. T. not rare, frequently beaten from trees and shrubs. n. sp.? T. rare. Holotrochus minor Fauvel, E. K. very rare in June on flowers. Bledius mandibularis Er. S. one specimen. politus Er. T. one specimen. fumatus Lec. C. 8. two specimens. cognatus Lec. E. not rare, attracted by the light. semiferrugineus Lec. C. rare. basalis Lec. E. K. common. dimidiatus Lec. E. Lake Altapopka, rare. cordatus Say, abundant on sea shore. Oxytelus incolumis Er. 8. T. very rare. sculptus Grav.* convergens Lec. Sand Point, two specimens. insignitus Grav. common. exiguus Er. T. E. rare. Apocellus spheericollis Say, common. stilicoides Lec. F. E. very rare. Trogophloeus memnonius Er. (fide Fauvel) Sand point, C. common on the lagoon beach. fulvipes Er. common. six unnamed species. Glyptoma costale Er. E. rare. Anczeus rufescens Lec. F. E. very rare, lives in the galleries of Mallodon dasystomus. i Lispinus tenuis Lec. T. under pine bark, rare. PSELAPHID ©. Tmesiphorus costalis Lec. P. one specimen. carinatus Say, T. under old pine bark, not rare. Ctenistes piceus Lec. not rare. Zimmermanni Lec. T. E. rare. 1878. ] 445 [Schwarz. Rhinoscepsis bistriata Lec. n. g. and sp. p. 382, T. E. under old leaves, rare. Tychus longipalpus Lec. T. E. rare. Bryaxis dentata Say, C. H. E. rare. floridana Brend. H. S. rare. puncticollis Lec. common. n. sp. C. H. E. rare. rubicunda Aub.? T. E. not rare. Decarthron abnorme Lec. E. one specimen. exsectum Brend. C. §. T. rare. formiceti Lec. rare. n. sp. T. rare. Eupsenius glaber Lec. E. T. rare. rufus Lec. T. one specimen. Arthmius globicollis Lec. common. Rhexius insculptus Lec. E. T. very rare. substriatus Lec. n. sp. p. 383. T. one specimen under old leaves. Trimium convexulum Lec. n. sp. p. 383, T. rare. simplex Lec. n. sp. p. 384, T. one specimen. Euplectus linearis Lec. F. two specimens. interruptus Lec. F. E. C. rare. debilis Lec.n. sp. p. 386, T. rare, on swampy meadows at sunset. tenuis Lec. n. sp. p. 386, C. one specimen. ruficeps Lec. T. rare. cavicollis Lec. n. sp. p. 387, T. rare. SILPHID &. Necrophorus carolinus Linn. E. rare. orbicollis Say, common. Silpha inzequalis Fabr. common. americana Linn. common. Ptomaphagus oblitus Lec. E. very rare. consobrinus Lec. var. Lecontei Murray, 8. E. very rare. Anogdus capitatus Lec.* Middle Florida. Cyrtusa blandissima Zimm. T. one specimen. Colenis impunctata Lec. E. T. not rare. Clambus gibbulus Lec. E. rare. SCYDMENIDE. Microstemma grossa Lec, H. E. T. rare. Motschulskii Lec. common. Scydmeenus magister Lec. common. fossiger Lec. C. rare. capillosulus Lec. common. basalis Lec. C. H. E. rare. divisus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 357, E. rare. Schwarz.] A44 [Feb. 1, Scydmeenus analis Lec. E. very rare. brevicornis Say, 8. EK. very rare. pyramidalis Lec. H. E. two specimens. clavipes Say, C. H. E. not rare. fatuus Lec. E. rare. five undescribed species. Chevrolatia amcena Lec. T. one specimen under old leaves. CORYLOPHID®. Rhypobius marinus Lec. common under old leaves. Orthoperus glaber Lec. common on grasses and shrubs. Corylophus marginicollis Lec. common. Sericoderus subtilis Lec. common. Sacium lunatum Lec. E. very rare. mollinum Schwarz, n. sp. p. 856, T. E. common, lives on the yel- low pine. splendens Schwarz, n. sp. p. 358, not rare, lives on dead leaves of the yellow pine. SCAPHIDIID®. Cyparium flavipes Lec. E. T. two specimens. Scaphisoma convexum Say, E. T. very rare. punctulatum Lec. E. not rare. terminatum Mel]sh. E. common. pusillum Lec. E. T. not rare. n. sp. E. rare. Toxidium gammaroides Lec. E. rare. compressum Zimim.* LATHRIDIID &. Corticaria deleta Mann. common. pumila Mels. common. picta Lec. common. simplex Lec. T. very rare. three undescribed species. DERMESTID ©. Dermestes nubilus Say, common. elongatus Lee. H. one specimen. cadaverinus F'abr.* Southern Florida. maculatus DeG. E. T. rare. Cryptorhopalum ruficorne Lec. NS. E. rare. heemorrhoidale Lec.* Northern Florida. Orphilus glabratus Er. race ater Er. T. one specimen. ENDOMYCHID ®.. Epipocus punctatus Lec. T. E. rare, lives under old pine bark. Stenotarsus hispidus Hbst. E. one specimen. 1878. ] 445 . (Schwarz. Rhymbus Ulkei Cr. E. rare, liveson fungus, which grows on dead branches. Anamorphus pusillus} Zimm. ms. E. rare with the preceding.* MYCETOPHAGID ©. Litargus tetraspilotus Lec. NS. rare, beaten from pine trees. sexpunctatus Say, E. not rare. infulatus Lec. E. rare. nebulosus Lec. va7.? common under old leaves. Typha fumata Linn. common. SPHINDID ©. Sphindus americanus Lec. F. H. E. not rare. CIOID ©. Cis creberrinus Mell. E. rare. eight unnamed species. Ennearthron two unnamed species. EROTYLID ©. Languria discoidea Lec. not rare, lives on a species of Carduus. marginipennis Schwarz, n. sp. p. 357, C. T. E. very rare. Megalodacne fasciata Fab. E. rare. heros Say, E. rare. Ischyrus 4-punctatus Oliv. E. not rare. nigrans Cr.* Cyrtotriplax angulata Say, B. E. not rare. unicolor Say, B. rare. affinis Lec. B. E. not rare. Triplax thoracica Say, E. common. CRYPTOPHAGID. Loberus impressus Lec. C. H. E. rare. Cryptophagus sp. T. one specimen. Tomarus hirtellus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 358, common under old leaves. Marginus rudis Lec. H. E. T. not rare under oak bark. Silvanus advena Waltl, common. surinamensis Linn. E. rare. bidentatus Fabr. common. rectus Lec. common under old leaves. quadricollis Guér. rare under oak bark. Nausibius dentatus Mels. L. rare under old oak bark. repandus Lec. T. very rare under oak bark. a I] have not described this genus, as its affinities are not yet clearly made out. It isasmall rounded testaceous hairy insect, having somewhat the aspect of Rhymbus, but without prothoracic lines; the tarsi are not dilated. The speci- mensat my disposal are not sufficient fora thorough investigation. Lxe. Schwarz. ] 446 [Feb. 1, CUCUJIDE. Catogenus rufus Fabr. not rare. Lathropus pictus Schwarz, n. sp. p, 358, H. very rare, under old bark of Quercus virens. Lzmophlceus biguttatus Say, H. E. T. rare. fasciatus Mels. E. T. not rare. chameeropis Schwarz, n. sp. p. 359, E. very rare. modestus Say, common. two unnamed species. Nemicelus marginipennis Lec. common on Chamerops palmetto, also at- tracted by the light. microphthalmus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 360, T. E. two specimens. COLYDIID £. Ditoma carinata Lec. T. E. two specimens. , 4-guttata Say, common. Synchita granulata Say, common. nigripennis Lec. E. T. rare. Cicones lineaticollis Horn, n. sp. C. E. two specimens ; (will be described in a subsequent paper). Lasconotus pusillus Lec. P. T. common, under pine bark in the galleries of Scolytida. referendarius Zimm. T. not rare with the preceding. Aulonium ferrugineum Lec. T. rare under pine bark. Colydium lineola Say, C. H. E. rare under oak and hickory bark. Eulachus carinatus Lec. E. very rare in cut down palmetto trees. Nematidium mustela Pascoe, C. E. very rare under hickory bark. Sosylus costatus Lec. C. E. very rare with the preceding. Endectus heematodes Fab. common under old pine bark. reflexus Say, T. very rare with the preceding. Philothermus puberulus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 361, common under old pine bark. MONOTOMID ©. Bactridium striolatum Reitter, E. T. very rare. Europs pallipennis Lec. E. T. very rare in rotten oranges. Monotoma producta Lec. K. very rare under pine bark. Monotoma americanum Aubé, E. rare under old leaves. Smicrips palmicola Lec. n.g. and sp. p. 399, common in fermenting juice of palmetto trees, in rotten oranges, &c.; found also at Savannah, Ga. TROGOSITID ©. Nemosoma cylindricum Lec. T. rare, beaten from dead pine leaves. Trogosita virescens Fabr. E. T. not rare with the preceding. Alindria cylindrica Serv. 8. T. very rare under pine bark. Tenebrioides cucujiformis Horn C. rare. castanea Mels. E. T. not rare. semicylindrica Horn PF. rare. 1878.) 447 [Schwarz. NITIDULID#. Colastus maculatus Er. E. one specimen. morio Er. E. rare in the fermenting juice of palmetto trees. semitectus Say, E. one specimen. unicolor Say, T. not rare on pine trees. truncatus Rand. common. Conotelus obscurus Er. C. not rare in the blossoms of Convoloulus. Brachypeplus glaber Lec. n. sp. p. 398, E. two specimens. Carpophilus ferrugineus Murr. H. E. rare. pallipennis Say, common in the blossoms of Cactus. ferrugineus Murr. common. melanopterus Er.* on Yucca gloriosa. luridus Murr. E. T. not rare. Epurea labilis Er.? C. E. not rare. luteola Er. common. Prometopia 6-maculata Say, E. rare. Lobiopa undulata Say, L. rare. Omosita colon Linn. common. Stelidota geminata Say, C. E. rare. 8-maculata Say, E. very rare. strigosa Schcenh. not rare. Amphicrossus ciliatus Ol. E. not rare. Pallodes silaceus Er. E. common in fungi. Cybocephalus nigritulus Lec. T. one specimen. Ips sanguinolentus O1.* PHALACRID &. Phalacrus politus Melsh. NS. E. T. rare. pumilio Lec.? E. one specimen. n. sp. common. Olibrus bicolor Gyllh. E. K. T. rare. rubens Lec. H. E. very rare. princeps Schwarz, n. sp. p. 361, NS. E. two specimens. consimilis Melsh. common. nitidus Melsh. common. pusillus Lec. common. several unnamed and undescribed species. Litochrus pulchellus Lec. rare on oak shrubs. COCCINELLID ©. Megilla maculata DeG. var common. Coccinella affinis Rand var. T. very rare on willows. Cycloneda sanguinea Linn. common. Psyllobora nana Muls. common on oak shrubs. Chilocorus bivulnerus Muls. E. C. rare. Exochomus tripustulatus DeG. NS. E. rare. marginipennis Lec. E. common, lives on the cypress. contristatus Muls. common on oak shrubs. 448 [Feb. 1, Schwarz. | Brachyacantha dentipes Fab. T. rare. querceti Schwarz, n. sp. p. 862, common on oak shrubs. Hyperaspis fimbriolata Melsh. C. one specimen. proba Say, very rare. 5 bigeminata Rand. H. E. not rare. paludicola Schwarz, n. sp. p. 362, common on swampy meadows. two undescribed species. Hyperaspidius militaris Lec. rare on oak shrubs. Scymnus balteatus Lec. n. sp. p. 399, 5. two specimens. quadritzeniatus Lec. n. sp. p. 400, E. C. rare on oak shrubs. bioculatus Muls. H. NS. very rare. xanthaspis Muls. NS. T. rare. terminatus Say, common. ochroderus Muls. not rare. cervicalis Muls. common. several undescribed species. Cephaloscymnus Zimmermanni Cr. E. very rare Pentilia misella Lec. n. sp. p. 400, T. rare. ovalis Lec. n. sp. p. 400, E. H. rare. Gineis pallida Lec. n. sp. p. 400, Sand Point, rare. pusilla Lec. 8. very rare. BYRRHIDE. Limnichus obscurus Lec. E. common. ater Lec. E. common. nitidulus Lec. E. very rare. ovatus Lec. common. PARNIDE. Pelonomus obscurus Lec. E. common. Stenelmis bicarinatus Lec. T. one specimen. HETEROCERID E. Heterocerus collaris Kw. E. not rare. two unnamed species. HISTERID ©. Hololepta quadridentata Fab. common, lives in Chamarops palmetto. Hister leevipes Germ. C. H. rare. ccenosus Er. Northern Florida, common. abbreviatus Fab. common. depurator Say, common. incertus Mars. E. T. very rare. indistinctus Say, H. one specimen. americanus Payk. E. T. common. subrotundus Say, K. one specimen. 1878.] 449 [Schwarz, (Platysoma) carolinus Payk. common. parallelus Say, T. not rare. cylindricus Payk. T. under pine bark, not rare. attenuatus Lec. T. one specimen. Epierus regularis Beauv. P. E. 8. common under old leaves. pulicarius Er. common under bark. brunnipennis Mars. H. E. T. common under old leaves, Paromalus seminulum P. E. rare under pine bark. Tribalus americanus Lec. T. rare under old pine bark. Saprinus Floride Horn, E. one specimen. petsylvanicus Payk. common. assimilis Payk. C. H. E. common. cubeecola Mars.* conformis Lec. E. one specimen. placidus Er. E. T. rare. neglectus Mars. H. K. one specimen. spheroides Lec. E. one specimen. ferrugineus Mars. common. dentipes Mars.* vide p. 401, Southern Florida. brasiliensis Payk.* vide p. 401, Southern Florida. permixtus Lec. n. sp. p. 401, K. not rare on the sea beach. Plegaderus Barbelini Mars. P. T. rare. transversus Say, P. T. rare. Bacanius misellus Lec. P. E. rare. punctiformis Lec. common. Acritus exiguus Er. P. very rare. Floridz Mars.* salinus Lec. n. sp. p. 402, K. not rare on the sea beach. 4Bletes simplex Lec. E. rare in Chamerops palmetto. LUCANIDE. Passalus cornutus Fabr. common. SCARABEIDE. Canthon nigricornis Say, not rare. probus Germ. E. one specimen. depressipennis Lec. T. rare. viridis Beauy. E. rare. hudsonias Forst. common. Deltachilum gibbosum Fabr. C. S. E. rare. Cheeridium Lecontei Harold, C. E. not rare. Copris anaglypticus Say, common. minutus Drury, common. Phanzus carnifex Linn. common. nigrocyaneus McL. common. Onthophagus Hecate Panz. common. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xviI. 101. 83D. PRINTED MAY 13, 1878. Schwarz, | 450 {Feb.1, Onthophagus Janus va. Orpheus Panz. E. one specimen. tuberculifrons Harold, common. pensylvanicus Harold, T. rare. Aphodius crassulus Horn.* ruricola Melsh. C. not rare. lividus Oliv. C. very rare. vestiarius Horn, common. rubeolus Beauv. common. one new species.* Atzenius imbricatus Melsh. common. sculptilis Harold, E. one specimen. alternatus Melsh. common. gracilis Melsh. common. ovatulus Horn, E. very rare. stercorator Fah. common. abditus Hald. C. H. E. not rare. cylindrus Horn, common. Huparia castanea Serv. F. one specimen among ants. Psammodius bidens Horn, C. NS. K. T. rare on the sea beach. Ochodzeus frontalis Lec. E. one specimen. : Bradycinetus ferrugineus Beauv. E. two specimens. Bolboceras Lazarus Fabr. H. E. K. not rare, attracted by the light. Odontzus filicornis Say, E. one specimen. Geotrupes splendidus Fabr. var.? E. only a fragment of one elytron found. chalybeeus Lec. n. sp. p. 402, T. one fragmentary specimen. Acanthocerus zeneus McLeay, E. rare, beaten from dead vines. Cloeeotus aphodioides [1]. E. rare. globosus Say, E. rare. Trox scabrosus Beauv. not rare. suberosus Fabr. common. terrestris Say, not rare. Hoplia mucorea Germ. 8. one specimen in February. Serica vespertina Schh. H. T. rare in February and April. Hypotrichia spissipes Lec.* Diplotaxis subcostata Blanch. K. one specimen in June. bidentata Lec. E. K. T. common in March and April. languida Lec. n. sp. p. 408, T. common in April, on oak trees, at night. Lachnosterna latifrons Lec. E. K. not rare in May and June. cerasina Lec. C. one specimen in April. glaberrima Lec. C. rare in April. micans Kn. T. common in April. fraterna Harr. E. very rare in May. tristis abr. H. very rare in March. four undescribed species. Polyphylla occidentalis Linn. T. rare on young pine trees in April. 1878.] 451 [Schwarz. Anomala varians Fabr. common. 5; minuta Burm. C. 8. E. rare. marginata Fabr. C. E. T. not rare in May and June. semilivida Lec. n. sp. p. 403, C. T. common in March and April in the pine woods; flies shortly before sunset. Strigoderma pygmea Fabr. T. common in April. exigua Schwarz, n. sp. p. 362, Sumter Co. very rare in May. Pelidnota punctata Linn. E. common in May. Cyclocephala immaculata Burm. common. puberula Lec. T. very rare. Chalepus trachypygus Burm. common. Ligyrus gibbosus DeG. C. common. Aphonus castaneus Melsh. C. E. rare. Polymecechus brevipes Lec. E. rare. Strategus Antzeus Fabr. not rare. splendens Beauv. T. very rare. Dynastes Tityus Linn. E. rare. Phileurus truncatus Beauy. E. one specimen in June. valgus Fabr. T. E. rare. Euryomia melancholica Grav. common. inda Linn. rare. fulgida Fabr. var. E. common. Cremastochilus Harrisii Kby. C. L. T. rare. squamulosus Lec.* Gnorimus maculosus Kn. K. one specimen. Trichius piger Fabr. common. texanus Horn.* viridulus Fab. E. rare. delta Forst. E. NS. common. BUPRESTID &. Chalcophora virginiensis Drury, 8. T. rare. georgiana Lec.* Dicerca obscura F'ab. common. Buprestis rufipes O]. E. not rare in oak trees. lineata Fab. C. T. rare. Anthaxia viridicornis Say, var.? T. two specimens. quercata Fabr. T. one specimen. flavimana Gory, T. one specimen. Chrysobothris femorata Lec. common. floricola Gory, T. rare. dentipes Germ. common. chrysoela Ill. H. E. A. very rare. one unnamed species (femorata var.?) Actenodes auronotata Lap. C. one specimen in April. calcarata Chevr. E. very rare in June. Schwarz.] 452 [Feb. 1, Acmeeodera pulchella Hbst. not rare. culta Web. T. rare. Rheboscelis tenuis Lec. E. K. very rare. Agrilus ruficollis Fabr. C. T. not rare. vittaticollis Rand. E. one specimen. floridanus Cr. T. rare. imbellis Cr. T. NS. not rare. Taphrocerus puncticollis Schwarz, n. sp. p. 363, C. K. T. very rare. gracilis Say, common. agriloides Cr. H. very rare. leevicollis Lec. n. sp. p. 403, E. one specimen. Brachys ovata Web. common. fascifera Schwarz, n. sp. p. 363, not rare on Quercus virens. tesselata Fabr. T. very rare. Pachyscelus ceruleus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 364, common. THROSCID &. Throscus constrictor Say, T. one specimen. punctatus Bony. T. rare. two undescribed species. Drapetes geminatus Say, E. very rare. 4-pustulatus Bonv. T. very rare under old pine bark. rubricollis Lec. E. NS. T. rare on blossoms of Chamerops pal- metto. ELATERID &. Deltametopus amcenicornis Say, E. Fornax badius Mels. E. one specimen. bicolor Mels. E. one specimen. molestus Bouv. E. one specimen. Dromeolus striatus Lec. K. one specimen. Microrhagus mucidus Bonv. E. very rare. Nematodes punctatus Lec. n. sp. E. p. 404, E. one specimen. Anelastes Drurii Kby. common in the pine woods. Agrypnus Sallei Lec. L. T. rare. Adelocera marmorata Say, E. very rare. avita Say, E. very rare in decaying oak trees. Lacon rectangularis Say, common. Alaus oculatus Linn. common. myops Fabr. not rare. Hemirhipus fascicularis Fab. E. one specimen. Cardiophorus cardisce Say’? NS. H. very rare on the sea beach. Dejeanii Lec. F. K. very rare. gagates Er. H, 8. not rare. Floridze Cand. NS. E. very rare. one undescribed species. 1878.] 453 (Schwarz, Horistonotus Uhlerii Horn, NS. rare. Esthesopus bicolor Horn, E. very rare, lives in decaying oak logs. Elater fuscatus Melsh. E. T. very rare under pine bark. one unnamed species. Drasterius elegans Fabr. H. E. very rare. Megapenthes Sturmii Germ. E. one specimen. : Anchastus longulus Lec. n. sp. p. 404, C. E. not rare. binus Say, E. very rare. fuscus Lec. n. sp. p. 404, E. very rare. asper Lec. n. sp. p. 404, E. not rare. Monocrepidius lividus DeG. common. suturalis Lec. E. T. very rare. lepidus Lec. C. T. rare. vespertinus Fabr. C. NS. E. not rare. auritus Hbst. C. rare. bellus Say, common. blandulus Lec. C. S. T. rare. Dicrepidius ramicormis Beauv. T. one specimen under old pine bark. Orthostethus infuscatus Germ. E. rare. Crigmus hepaticus Germ. K. E. not rare on sugared trees and attracted by the light. Glyphony< recticollis Say, common. testaceus Melsh. common. Melanotus clandestinus Er. common. communis Gyll. common. parumpunctatus Mels. not rare. dubius Lec. H. common. tenellus Er. H. T. rare. three unnamed species. Pityobius anguinus Lec. S. E. two specimens. Athous debilis Lec. n. sp. p. 405, L. one specimen. cucullatus Say, common. Sericosomus silaceus Say, H. rare. Pyrophorus physoderus Germ. NS. E. K. not rare in June. Anachilus mandibularis Lec.* Middle Florida. Cebrio bicolor 8. E. Orange County, rare. RHIPICERIDZ. Zenoa picea Beauv. E. very rare. Sandalus petrophya Kn. C. T. rare. DASCYLLID &. Cyphon punctatus Lec. A. rare. modestes Lec. common. impressus Lec. n. sp. p. 405, T. E. rare, on swampy meadows. Ptilodactyla serricollis Say, common. elaterina Guér. common. 454 [Feb. 1, Schwarz. | LAMPYRID®. Lycus lateralis Mels. C. E. rare. Calopterum typicum Newm. E. T. rare. Ceenia basalis Lec. E. rare. Eros trilineatus Mels. not rare. modestus Say, common. canaliculatus Say, common. two undetermined species. Lucidota atra Fabr. E. one specimen. : luteicollis Lec. n. sp. p. 405, T. Sumter and Orange Cos., rare. ' Photinus minutus Lec. common. | angulatus Say, C. T. rare. t ecostatus Lec.* n. sp. 406, Key West. lucifer Melsh. H. C. rare. t nitidiventris Lec. n. sp. p. 406, E. C. very rare. consanguineus Lec. common. 4 lineellus Lec. common. collustrans Lec. n. sp. p. 407, T. E. one specimen. umbratus Lec. n. sp. p. 407, B. C. T. H. rare. Photuris pensylvanica DeG. common. frontalis Lec. H. not rare. Phengodes plumosa Oliv. H. very rare. tr TELEPHORID &. Chauliognathus marginatus Fabr. common. . Podabrus rugosulus Lec. T. rare. Telephorus imbecillis Lec. var.? T. very rare. n. sp. E. rare. , (Polemius) incisus Lec. C. E. not rare. two undescribed species. Lobetus abdominalis Lec. common on swampy meadows in June. Malthinus difficilis Lec. T. one specimen. MALACHIID &. Collops nigriceps Say, common. Temnopsophus bimaculatus Horn, common. impressus Schwarz, n. sp. p. 364, A. rare in June. Pseudebeeus apicalis Say, E. T. very rare. Attalus morulus Lec. Baldwin, rare. circumscriptus Say, common. scincetus Say, rare. CLERID &. Priocera castanea Newm. C. T. rare under pine bark. Trichodes apivorus Germ. E. T. rare. 1878. ] 455 (Schwarz. Clerus rosmarus Say, T. very rare. lunatus Spin. C. H. T. rare. ichneumoneus Fabr. H. very rare. thoracicus Oliv. H. T. rare. Hydnocera rufipes Newm. T. two specimens on oak shrubs. suturalis Klug. E. one specimen. zegra Newm. rare on swampy meadows. Chariessa pilosa Forst. C. E. T. rare. Cregya vetusta Spin. E. very rare. oculata Say, T. one specimen. Orthopleura damicornis Fabr. C. H. E. rare. Corynetes rufipes.Fabr. H. E. rare. PTINID ZX. Mezium americanum Lap. T. one specimen. Emobius granulatus Lec. T. not rare on pine trees. Ozognathus floridanus Lec. n. sp. p. 408, T. two specimens. Nicobium hirtum Il. A. one specimen. Trypopitys sericeus Say, E. one specimen. Petalium bistriatum Say, common. Eupactus viticola Schwarz, n. sp. p. 335, E. rare in June. Catorama punctulata Lec. n. sp. p. 409, T. very rare. holosericea Lec. n. sp. p. 409, E. rare, beaten from dead vines. minuta Lec. n. sp. p. 409, E. rare, beaten from dead vines. Hemiptychus gravis C. E. T. rare, on oak shrubs. debilis Lec. n. sp. p. 408, E. very rare on oak shrubs. similis Lec. n. sp. p. 408, T. rare on oak shrubs. puberulus Lec. n. sp. C. rare on oak shrubs. abbreviatus Lec. n. sp. p. 408, C. rare on oak shrubs. auctus Lec. n. sp. p. 409, C. rare on oak shrubs. nigritulus Lec. H. T. rare on oak shrubs. Dorcatoma granum Lec. n. sp. p. 411, E. very rare on old twigs. Czenocara oculata Say, common. lateralis Lec. n. sp. p. 411, E. two specimens. Byrrhodes setosus Lec. n. g. and sp. p. 413. C. one specimen. Tetrapriocera Schwarzi Horn, n. g. and sp. C. very rare, two specimens. Sinoxylon basilare Say, E. rare. Bostrychus bicornis Web. E. rare. Amphicerus bicaudatus Say, H. rare. Dinoderus porcatus Lec. T. rare on pine trees. SPONDYLID®. Scaphinus sphericollis Lec. Lake Altapopka, one specimen. CERAMBYCID#. . Mallodon dasystomus Say, E. not rare. melanopus Linn. E. K. not rare in June, lives in the roots of oak shrubs. Schwarz. | 456 [Feb. 1, Sternodontes damicornis Linn.* Southern Florida. Derobrachus brevicollis Hald. Polk County, one specimen. Orthosoma brunneum Forst. E. one specimen. Prionus pocularis Dalm. common. imbricornis Linn. not rare. Elateropsis fuliginosus Fabr.* Southern Florida. Criocephalus nubilus Lec. T. very rare. Smodicum cucujiforme Say, E. under oak bark. Gime rigida Say, H. rare, attracted by the light. Chion cinctus Drury, H. C. not rare. Eburia 4-geminata Say, E. not rare in June on sugared trees. stigma Ol. C. one specimen. Elaphidion simplicicolle Hald. E. very rare. atomarium Dr. C. E. not rare. irroratum Fab.* St. Augustine. mucronatum Fab. E. C. not rare. incertum Newm. E. C. rare. tectum Lec. n. sp. p. 413, NS.; K. two j' specimens beaten from dead palmetto leaves. inerme Newm. not rare. parallelum Newm. H. §. rare. pumilum Newm. H. one specimen. subpubescens Lec. T. one specimen. unicolor Rand. E. very rare. meestum Lec. E. very rare. Plectromerus dentipes Oliv. T. one specimen. Curius dentatus Newm. E. very rare. Phyton pallidum Say, E. very rare. Ancylocera bicolor Oliv.* Pteroplatus floridanus Lec. H. one specimen on oak shrubs. Callichroma melancholicum Chevr.* Southern Florida. Stenosphenus notatus Oliv. E. one specimen. Xylotrechus colonus Fab. E. not rare. Neoclytus scutellaris Oliv. E. very rare. luscus Fab. E. rare. Zagymnus clerinus Lec. H. E. T. very rare, lives in the stems of dry pal- metto leaves. Distenia undata Oliv. E. one specimen. Strangalia luteicornis Fabr. E. not rare. strigosa Newm. rare. Typocerus badius Newm.* velutinus O1]. var. E. rare. zebratus Fabr. C. S, rare. sinuatus Newm. H. T. rare. Euryptera lateralis Oliv. T. E. very rare. Monohammus titillator Oliv. E. T. rare. 1878.] 457 (Schwarz. Dorcaschema alternatum Say, E. one specimen. Goes tigrina DeG. E. rare. Acanthoderes 4-gibbus Say, E. common. decipiens Hald. E. common. Leptostylus aculifer Say, E. rare. transversatus Chevr. C. E. not rare on dead branches. arcuatus Lec. n. sp. p. 414, T. rare. biustus Lec. E. rare. planidorsus Lec. E. rare. perplexus Hald. C. two specimens. collaris Hald. E. not rare. Sternidius cinereus Lec. K. one specimen. Liopus signatus Lec. E. rare. Lepturges symmetricus Hald. E. rare. Graphisurus fasciatus DeG. E. rare. Acanthocinus obsoletus Oliv. T. rare. nodosus Fabr. T. one specimen. Eupogonius tomentosus Hald. T. not rare on dead pine leaves. Zaplous Hubbardi Lec. n. g. and sp. p. 415. E. not rare on old vines. Lypsimena fuscata Lec. H. C. very rare. Ataxia crypta Say, C. rare. Hippopsis lemniscata Fabr. not rare. Spalacopsis stolata Newm. E. B. two specimens. suffusa Newm. A. not rare on swampy meadows in June. Mecas femoralis Haid. C. Sumpter County, rare. Oberea ocellata Hald. var. discoidea Lec. E. rare. gracilis Hald. T. one specimen. Tetraopes canteriator Drap. E. T. rare. Amphionycha ardens Lec. B. one specimen. Thia pusilla Newm. C. one specimen. BRUCHID &. Caryoborus arthriticus Fabr. not rare, lives on dead palmetto leaves; the larva in the seeds of the same tree. Bruchus scutellaris Fab. E. rare. 4-maculatus Fab. E. rare. cruentatus Horn, T. rare. Floridze Horn, E. not rare, lives in the pods of a vicia. alboscutellatus Horn, E. rare. distinguendus Horn, T. rare. musculus Say, Orange County, rare. seminulum Horn, common. one unnamed species. CHRYSOMELID £. Donacia lucida Lac. E. one specimen. piscatrix Lac. common. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. Soc. XVII. 101. 3E. PRINTED MAY 13, 1878. Schwayrz.] ‘ 458 Donacia rugosa Lec. n. sp. p. 415. E. rare. Lema cornuta Fabr. C. NS. rare. brunnicollis Lac. F. on a species of Carduus. maculicollis Lac. A. not rare. Solani Fabr. E. not rare on a species of Solanum. conjuncta Lac. E. rare. trilineata Oliv. C. E. A. rare. Anomeea laticlavia Forst. C. E. K. not rare on oak shrubs. Coscinoptera dominicana Fabr. H. T. very rare. Chlamys plicata Fabr. common. foveolata Kn. T. rare. Exema gibber Oliv. common. Monachus saponatus Fab. common. auritus Hald. C. H. E. rare. thoracicus Cr. K. T. very rare. Cryptocephalus formosus var. luteipennis Mels. H. T. rare. lituratus Fabr. common. var. lativittis Germ. common. venustus Fabr. common. ornatus Fabr. common. guttulatus Oliv. C. very rare. badius Suffr. E. not rare. incertus Oliv. C. 8. A. T. rare. bivius Newm. E. T. very rare on oak shrubs. notatus var. fulvipennis Hald. C. T. rare. distinctus Hald. H. C. T. rare. auratus Fabr. var.? H. C., not rare. atomus Suffr. common. pumilus Hald. not rare on willows. three undescribed species. Griburius larvatus Newm. not rare. Pachybrachys carbonarius Hald. NS. T. rare. trinotatus Melsh. not rare. atomarius Melsh. var.? C. H. E. not rare. tridens Mels. E. A. T. not rare. sobrinus Hald. E. rare. limbatus Newm. rare. litigiosus Suffr. B. one specimen. pallidipennis Suffr. T. common. hepaticus Mels. NS. K. T. rare. Heteraspis marcassita Germ. va.? H. NS. T. not rare. curtipennis Melsh. common. Myochrous denticollis Say, common. Paria sexnotata Say, and var. common. aterrima Oliv. common, Metachroma maculipenne Schwarz, n. sp. p. 366, C, E. not rare. [Feb. 1, 1878.] 459 (Schwarz. Metachroma quercatum Fabr. common. marginale Cr. common. floridanum Cr. C. NS. E. K. not rare. pallidum Say, E. L. rare. leevicolle Cr. E. A. two specimens. pellucidum Cr. common. Colaspis favosa Say, common. brunnea Fabr. common. var. costipennis Dej. not rare. preetexta Say, not rare. Chrysomela similis Rog. var. C. E. A. not rare. Cephalanthi Schwarz, n. sp. p. 366, C. L. T. very rare, lives on the button bush. multiguttis Stal. E. T. rare. Lina scripta Fabr. E. T. common on willows. viridis Mels. var.? E. T. rare. Cerotoma caminea Fabr. K. one specimen. Diabrotica 12-punctata Oliv. not rare. vittata Fabr. E. rare. vincta Lec. n. sp. p. 416, C. T. Orange County, very rare. Galeruca americana Fabr. T. very rare. notulata Fabr. NS. T. not rare. notata Fabr. E. T. rare. integra Lec. common. Trirhabda tomentosa Linn. C. NS. T. common. brevicollis Lec. E. common. Hypolampsis pilosa Il]. T. very rare. Hamletia dimidiaticormis Cr. A. one specimen in June. CGadionychis gibbitarsis Say, E. K. common. vians I]. common. var. concinna Fabr. rare. thoracica Fabr. H. one specimen. fimbriata var. circumcincta Cr. K. T. rare. petaurista Fabr. T. very rare. miniata Fabr. common. 6-maculata Il. E. rare. quercata Fabr. var. B. E. common. var. suturalis Fabr. H. E. T. rare. scalaris Melsh. E. not rare. indigoptera Lec. n. sp. p. 416, T. two specimens. Disonycha punctigera Lec. not rare. pensylvanica I]. common. abbreviata Melsh. C. A. E. rare. collaris Fabr. common. Graptodera chalybea Ill. E. T. rare. exapta Say, common. Schwarz.] 460 [Feb. 1, Graptodera rufa Linn. common. two unnamed species. Longitarsus numerous unnamed species. Batophila spuria Lec. E. rare. cerina Lec. T. very rare. Aphthona picta Say, H. E. T. rare. Systena frontalis Fabr. E. L. K. not rare. pallipes Schwarz, n. sp. p. 367, common on swampy meadows in May and June. elongata Fabr. E. not rare. Haltica Burgessi Cr.* Key West. Crepidodera Helxines Linn. T. rare. atriventris Melsh. E. T. rare. Bpitrix brevis Schwarz, n. sp. p. 367, C. E. rare. lobata Cr. NS. rare. hirtipennis Melsh. C. H. E. not rare. Mantura floridana Cr.* Cerataltica insolita Melsh. C. very rare. Chzetocnemis crenulata Crotch, (vide p. 368), Sumter County, very rare. pinguis Lec. n. sp. p. 417, NS. E. rare. denticulata Ill. E. K. rare. alutacea Cr. common on swampy meadows. parcepunctata Cr. common. confinis Cr. E. L. T. not rare. pulicaria Cr. E. A. not rare. quadricollis Schwarz, n. sp. 368, E. NS. common. obesula Lec. n. sp. p. 418, A. B. rare. Psylliodes lacustris Lec. H. E. K. rare. Argopistes scyrtoides Lec. n. sp. p. 416.* Blepharida rhois Forst. common. Stenispa metallica Fabr. E. T. not rare. Odontota scapularis Oliv. T. one specimen. notata Oliv. E. C. L. rare. bicolor Oliv. E. A. T. rare. rubra Web. H. E. T. rare. rosea Web. L. E. rare. Charistena nigrita Oliv.* Ariadne Newm. A. K. rare. Microrhopala floridana Schwarz, n. sp. p. 369, T. NS. E. Sumter Co. rare. Erebus Newm. common on Solidago. porcata Melsh. E. T. very rare. Porphyraspis cyanea Say, common on the leaves of Chamerops serrulata. Chelymorpha cassidea Fabr. H. K. T. rare. Coptocycla aurichalcea Fabr. not rare. guttata Oliv. K. rare. one undescribed? species. 1878.] 461 (Schwarz. TENEBRIONIDZ. Epitragus acutus Lec.* Southern Florida. tomentosus Lec. common on oak and pine trees. Schcenicus puberulus Lec. T. rare on oak trees at night time. Branchus floridanus Lec. Middle Florida on Atlantic seashore, very rare. Polypleurus perforatus Germ. E. Orange County, very rare. nitidus Lec. not rare west of the St. John River, in the pine woods. Nyctobates pensylvanica DeG. common. barbata Knoch. common. Haplandrus ater Lec. T. rare in decaying pine logs. Glyptotus cribratus Lec. H. K. E. rare under old bark. Xylopinus saperdioides Oliv. common. rufipes Say, L. very rare. Tenebrio tenebrioides Beauv. common. Sitophagus pallidus Say, T. one specimen under oak bark. Opatrinus notus Say, common. Blapstinus metallicus Fabr. common. fortis Lec. n. sp. p. 420,* Southern Florida. opacus Lec, n. sp. p. 420,* Southern Florida. ? estriatus Lec. n. sp. p. 420, H. C. not rare on the sea beach. Zophobas morio Fabr.* (Occurrence very doubtful, mentioned by Dr. Horn on specimens from the Bahamas. ) Crypticus obsoletus Say, common. Tribolium ferrugineum Fabr. rare. Dioedus punctatus Lec. P. T. not rare. Echocerus maxillosus Fabr. not rare. Evoplus ferrugineus Lec. E. rare in company with Bolitotherus bifurcus. Alphitobius piceus Oliv. E. rare. Tharsus seditiosus Lec. T. not rare under old pine bark. Uloma mentalis Horn, E. H. rare. punctulata Lec. common under pine bark. Anzedus brunneus Ziegl. C. E. T. not rare under old leaves. Paratenetus punctatus Sol. rare. Pratzeus fusculus Lec. T. one specimen under old leaves. Dignamptus stenochinus Lec. n. g. and sp. p. 421, E. very rare, beaten from dead vines, one specimen. langurinus [Lec. n. sp. p. 421, E. very rare. Phaleria punctipes Lec. n. sp. p. 421, H. rare on the ocean beach. longula Lec. H. C. K. common on the sea beach. picipes Say, C. common on the sea beach. Diaperis Hydni Fabr. rare. Hoplocephala viridipennis Fabr. common. Platydema excavatum Say, C. E. T. rare. cyaniescens Lap. H. E. very rare. erythrocerum Lap. common. Schwarz. ]} 462 [Feb. 1, Platydema ruficorne Sturm. common. flavipes Fab. common. janus Fab. not rare. ellipticum Fabr. common. leevipes Hald. F. E. very rare. micans Zimm. C. H. E. rare, lives under sticks, etc., and not on fungi as the other species. subcostatum Lap. E. not rare. crenatum Lec. n. sp. p. 422, H. two specimens. Hypophlceus glaber Lec. n. sp. p. 422. T. rare. thoracicus Mels. T. very rare on dead pine leaves. piliger Lec. n. sp. p. 422.* Bolitotherus bifurcus Fabr. T. common. Rhipidandrus paradoxus Beauv. E. rare on fungi. Pyanisia opaca Solier, Southern Florida ; also in Texas and Mexico. Helops viridimicans Horn,* T. Strongylium anthrax Schwarz, n. sp. p. 369, E. very rare on dead oak branches. crenatum Maeklin, E. not rare on dead branches in May and June. simplicicolle Lec. n. sp. p. 424, E. one dead specimen. CISTELID HX. Allecula punctuiata Melsh. E. rare. nigrans Melsh. E. T. rare. n. sp. common. Hymenorus obscurus Say, common. communis Lec. E. T. not rare. dorsalis Schwarz, nov. sp. p. 370, E. T. very rare beaten from dead palmetto leaves. densus Lec. K. NS. common on the blossoms of Yucca in June. one unnamed species. Jsomira valida Schwarz. n. sp. p. 370, E. rare under old leaves. Cteniopus Murrayi Lec. H. T. rare. LAGRIID ZX. Statira croceicollis Macklin, E, T. very rare. gagatina Melsh. H. E. very rare. MONOMMID ©. Hyporhagus punctulatus Thoms. H. E. T. rare, beaten from dead pine leaves. ANTHICID®. Notoxus Pilatei Laf. not rare. ? n. sp. C. Sumter County, rare. 1878.] 463 [Schwarz. Mecynotarsus candidus Lec. NS., one specimen on the ocean beach in June. elegans Lec. NS. C. common on the ocean beach in April and June. Tomoderus interruptus Laf. common. Formicomus scitulus Lec. C. 8. T. common near salt water. Anthicus vicinus Laf. common. difficilis Lec. C. L. rare. fulvipes Laf. common. pallens Lec. NS. very rare on the sea beach. ictericus Laf. not rare. two undescribed species. Xylophilus Melsheimeri Lec. E. one specimen. fasciatus Melsh. E. one specimen. piceus Lec. E. one specimen. basalis Lec. E. very rare. ater Lec. H. S. E. very rare. nubifer Lec. n. sp. p. 425. E. very rare. impressus Lec. K. T. rare, lives on dead pine leaves. subfasciatus Lec. E. T. very rare. quercicola Schwarz, n. sp. p. 371. E. T. not rare. ptinoides Schwarz, n. sp. p. 371. E. NS. very rare. ventricosus Lec. not rare. two undescribed species. MELANDRYID£E. Scraptia sericea Mels. T. one specimen. Allopoda lutea Hald. C. H. T. rare on oak shrubs. Synchroa punctata Newm. H. one specimen. Dirczea prona Lec. n. sp. p. 426. E. very rare, lives in dead oaks. Symphora rugosa Hald. E. not rare. Eustrophus confinis Lec. E. not rare. bicolor Say, common. MORDELLID &. Anaspis rufa Say, K. one specimen. Tomoxia inclusa Lec. E. one specimen. Glipa hieroglyphica Schwarz, n. sp. p. 372. E. rare. Mordella melzena Germ. K. T. rare. scutellaris Fabr. common. irrorata Lec. not rare. inflammata Lec. T. E. NS. not rare, especially on palmetto blos- soms ; larva in decaying wood. marginata Melsh. not rare. lineata Melsh. T. rare. fascifera Lec. n. sp. p. 427. K. one specimen. Schwarz.] 464 [Feb. 1, Mordella triloba Say, var.? p. 427. E. very rare. undulata Melsh. E. very rare. angulata Lec. n. sp. p. 427 A. one specimen. Glipodes helva Lec. E. T. rare, attracted by the light. Mordellistena bicinctella Lec. E. rare. lutea Melsh. C. E. T. not rare. trifasciata Say, E. rare. vapida Lec. E. one specimen. amica Lec. E. rare. grammica Lec. E. rare. ustulata Lec. C. one specimen. nigricans Melsh. common. pustulata Melsh. common. ambusta Lec. E. A. not rare. fuscata Melsh. E. rare. two unnamed species. Rhipiphorus dimidiatus Fab.* 3-maculatus Gerst. T. Polk County, rare. pectinatus Fabr. and var. ventralis Fabr. H. T. rare. limbatus Fabr. K. Polk and Sumter Counties, rare. Myodites Walshii Lec. E. T. very rare. MELOID ©. Macrobasis unicolor Kby. not rare. Epicauta strigosa Schh. common. Batesii Horn, common on swampy meadows in May and June. lemniscata Fabr. E: common in May. sanguinicollis Lec. Sumter County, not rare on Schrankia un- cinata. Zonitis longicornis Horn, T. very rare. Nemognatha piezata Fabr. E. K. not rare. nemorensis Hentz, T. very rare. DEMERID &. Xanthochroa lateralis var. signaticollis Hald. E. very rare. Oxacis thoracica Fabr. common on palmetto blossoms. notoxoides Fabr. not rare. dorsalis Melsh. NS. C. not rare on the sea beach. several unnamed species. Probosca pleuralis Lec. B. K. rare. RHYNCHITID®. Auletes Cassandre Lec. C. one specimen, Eugnamptus striatus Lec. C. H. T. rare on oak shrubs in March and April. Rhynchites hirtus Oliv. H. E. T. not rare. zeratus Say, rare. Pterocolus ovatus Gyllh. H. T. rare. 1878.) 465 (Schwarz, ATTELABID EE. Attelabus analis I]]. common. OTIORHYNCHIDE. Epiceerus formidolosus Boh. T. rare. Agraphus bellicus Say, T. K. rare. Neoptochus adspersus Boh. common on oak shrubs. Pachnzus opalus Oliv.* Northern and Middle Florida, not rare. distans Horn, E. K. T. not rare on pine and oak trees. Tanymecus laczena Hbst. rare. Pandeletejus hilaris Hbst. E. common. Artipus floridanus Horn, C. H. NS. not rare. Lachnopus floridanus Horn,* Southern Florida. Eudiagogus pulcher Fahrieus. CURCULIONID®. Listronotus nebulosus Lec. T. E. common. setosus Lec. T. E. not rare. Macrops numerous unnamed species. Pachylobius picivorus Germ. T. on pines, common. Hylobius pales Boh. P. rare. Hilipus squamosus Lec.* Lixus sylvius Boh.? T. two specimens. fossus Lec. E. not rare. two undescribed species. Smicrony~x sp. Bb. E. very rare. Phyllotrox ferrugineus Lec.* Endalus ovalis Lec. common. Brachybamus electus Germ. common. Onychylis nigrirostris Boh. common. Stenopelmus rufinasus Gyl]. E. one specimen. Bagous mammillatus Say, B. E. K. rare. americanus Lec.* obliquus Lec. E. not rare. cavifrons Lec. E. T. rare. pusillus Lec. C. one specimen. bituberosus Lec. C. E. T. very rare. two undescribed species. Otidocephalus dichrous Lec. C. L. E. rare on dead paimetto leaves. myrmex Hbst. H. C. T. rare on oak shrubs. Anthonomus signatus Say, 5. rare. musculus Say, K. T. rare. sulcifrons Lec. B. one specimen. flavicornis Boh. T. E. common. pusillus Lec. NS. rare. elegans Lec. H. very rare on oak shrubs. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 8F. PRINTED MAY 18, 1878 Schwarz. | 466 [Feb. 1, Anthonomus Cratzegi Walsh, common. subfasciatus Lec. common. Piazorhinus pictus Lec. E. one specimen. Plocetes Ulmi Lec. E. one specimen. Miarus hispidulus Lec. B. very rare. Notolomus bicolor Lec. common on palmetto blossoms. basalis Lec. common with the preceding, but also on other plants. Myrice Lec. E. NS. very rare on a species of myrtle in June. Lezmosaccus plagiatus Fabr. T. rare. Conotrachelus retentus Say, H. one specimen. seniculus Lec. E. rare. affinis Boh. E. rare. elegans Boh. C. very rare. ventralis Lec. n. sp. p. 428, E. one specimen. posticatus Boh. 8. E. not rare. cognatus Lec. n. sp. p. 429, NS. very rare. pusillus Lec. n. sp. p. 429, E. one specimen. geminatus Lec. T. one specimen. infector Boh. C. T. very rare. coronatus Lec. n. sp. p. 480, E. two specimens. anaglypticus Fahrs. H. one specimen. Micralcinus cribratus Lec. C. very rare. Rhyssematus palmacollis Say, E. rare. Chalcodermus spinifer Boh. Sumter County, one specimen. zeneus Boh. NS. E. T. not rare. inzequicollis Horn, var .? C. one specimen. collaris Horn, E. K. T. not rare. Acamptus rigidus Lec. E. very rare. Acalles granosus Lec. H. 8. E. very rare. subhispidus Lec. p. 431. n. sp. Sumter County, one specimen. clavatus Say, common. crassulus Lec. common. longulus Lec. H. one specimen. nuchalis Lec, C.S. E. rare. ventrosus Lec. n. sp. p. 480. E. T. two specimens. Pseudomus sedentarius Say, E. very rare on dead vines. Tyloderma foveolatum Say, not rare. longum Lec. H. E. two specimens. zreum Say, common. Cryptorhynchus bisignatus Say, H. E. rare. pumilus Boh. H. E. rare. obtentus Hbst. E. rare. helvus Lec. n. sp. p. 431. E. very rare on dead vines, fallax Lec. EB. not rare. minutissimus Lec. E. not rare. 18781] 467 Cryptorhynchus apiculatus Gyl!. H. E. very rare. oblongus Lec. E. rare. ferratus Say, C. H. E. common. Piazurus oculatus Say, E. rare. Copturus nanulus Lec. E. one specimen. Craponius inzequalis Say, E. T. very rare. Cceliodes asper Lec. A. one specimen. nebulosus Lec. C. E. T. not rare. Pelenomus squamosus Lec. T. very rare. Ccelogaster obscurus Lec. not rare. Rhinoncus longulus Lec.* Aulobaris Ibis Lec. E. B. rare. Baris strenua Lec. K. T. very rare. nitida Lec. C. H. E. K. not rare. (Schwarz. interstitialis Say, H. T. not rare on a white flowering thistle. zrea Boh. common. Pseudobaris pectoralis Lec. NS. one specimen. nigrina Say. NS. not rare. anthracina Lec. A. K, not rare on swampy meadows. albilatus Lec. E. A. T. common on swampy meadows. T-signum Boh. common with the preceding. Madarus undulatus Boh. E. very rare. Pachybaris porosa Lec. NS. E. not rare, exclusively on palmetto blossoms. Stethobaris corpulenta Lec. A. T. rare. Microcholus striatus Lec. L. H. one specimen. puncticollis Lec. A. E. B. not rare on swampy meadows. leevicollis Lec.* Centrinus scutellum-album Say, not rare. penicellus Hbst.* picumnus Hbst. NS. E. T. not rare on palmetto blossoms. decipiens Lec. K. two specimens. calvus Lec. E. one specimen. canus Lec. E. one specimen. concinnus Lec. common on swampy meadows. confusus Boh. not rare with the preceding. Zygobaris nitens Lec.* Key West. conspersa Lec. E. (Found also in Illinois.) ? convexa Lec. T. E. two specimens. Barilepton bivittatum Lec. n. sp. p. 431,* Northern Florida. lineare Lec. A. Sumter County, very rare. cribricolle Lec. E. one specimen. Hormops abducens Lec. C. one specimen. BRENTHID #&. Eupsalis minuta Drury, E. very rare. Schwarz. | ; 468 ? [Feb. 1, CALANDRID &. Rhynchophorus cruentatus Fabr. common, lives on Chumerops palmetto. Sphenophorus ineequalis Say, T. very rare. cariosus Oliv. C. A. E. rare. sculptilis Uhler, E. T. rare. placidus Say, not rare. apicalis Lec. n. sp. p. 432, T. one spec. on the sea beach. parvulus Gyll. F. T. rare on the the sea beach. retusus Gyll. S. one specimen. Germari Horn, T. rare. velutinus Lec.* Rhodobeenus 13-punctatus Il]. E. not rare. var. 5-punctatus Say, F’. not rare on a species of thistle. Calandra Oryze Fabr. common in corn. Dryophthorus corticalis.* Northern Florida. Dryotribus mimeticus Horn, NS. rare under boards on the lagoon beach. Gononotus lutosus Lec. H. one specimen. Homaloxenus dentipes Woll.* Middle Florida. Cossonus corticola Say, common under pine bark. impressifrons Boh.* : Macrancylus linearis Lec. C. not rare under boards on the ocean beach. Caulophilus latinasus Say, E. rare beaten from dead twigs. Mesites rufipennis Lec. n. sp. p. 482, NS. one specimen on the beach. Wollastonia quercicola Boh. NS. E. very rare. Amaurorhinus nitens Horn, E. not rare on dead twigs. Stenoscelis brevis Boh.* SCOLYTID®. Platypus flavicornis F. P. E. under pine bark, also attracted by the light. quadridentatus Oliv. E. one specimen. compositus Say, E. not rare. Monarthrum fasciatum Say, E: one specimen. mali Fitch, S. E. rare. Pityophthorus materiarius Fitch. T. rare. pulicarius Zimm. K. T. not rare on pine trees. obliquus Lec. n. sp. p. 432, E. one specimen. seriatus Lec. n. sp. p. 433, T. one specimen on pine trees. Hypothenemus hispidulus Lec. H. E. rare. dissimilis Zimm. E. T. rare. Xyleborus fuscatus Eichh. E. T. common. biographus Lec. E. K. not rare. xylographus Zim, E. one specimen, pubescens Zimm. common. ceelatus Zimm. K. T. common under pine bark. Cryphalus miles Lec. n. sp. p. 488, T. rare on dead pine leaves. 1878.] 469 [Sechwarz. Tomicus calligraphus Germ. P. T. common. cacographus Lec. T. common. avulsus Hichh. E. kK. T. not rare. Micracis nanula Lec. H. very rare. Cnesinus strigicollis Lec. E. one specimen. Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv. T. rare. Hylastes porculus Er. E. rare. tenuis Zimm. C. one specimen. exilis Chap. E. B. T. rare. ANTHRIBID®. Ischnocerus infuscatus Fahrs. E. rare on dead branches. Tropideres rectus Lec. 8S. E. rare with the preceding. Toxotropis pusillus Lec. T. one specimen. Phoenicobius Chameropis Lec. C. H. E. common on fresh cut palmetto leaves. Piezocorynus mixtus Lec. E. T. rare. meestus Lec. E. rare on dead branches. Anthribus cornutus Say, H. E. not rare. lividus Lec. L. one specimen. Toxonotus fasciculatus Schh. E. one specimen. Cratoparis lunatus Fabr. H. E. cé6mmon lugubris Oliv. E. rare. Brachytarsus limbatus Say, A. K. rare on swampy meadows. tomentosus Say, C. K. rare. variegatus Say, C. H. E. not rare. Authribulus rotundatus Lec. common on swampy meadows. Areocerus fasciculatus DeG. F. T. not rare, raised from the pods of a large yellow flowering shrub belonging to the Mimosace. Euxenus piceus Lec. n. sp. p. 433. T. one specimen. APIONID ©. Apion metallicum Gerst.* nodirostre Gerst.* segnipes Say, T. common. several unnamed species. ERRATA. P. 488 in Hydroporus for fuscatus read n. sp. P. 438 for Suphis n. sp. read Laccophilus n. sp. P. 447 in Carpophilus for ferrugineus read tempestivus Er. P. 456, line 1, for Sternodontes read Stenodontes. LeConte.] 470 [Feb. 1, Remarks on Geographical Distribution. By Joun L. LeConts, M.D. In now concluding this, the most complete faunal list of insects which has been prepared in the United States, it may be proper to make a few remarks on the subject of geographical distribution as exhibited by the Coleoptera above enumerated. Any observations now offered, must be very imperfect, and subject to large corrections when the faunal lists of the Cole- optera of other parts of the country have been prepared with equal care and industry. The total number of species contained in the He (exclusive of Aleocha- rini, not yet studied) is 1457. Of these the following are also found in the Antilles: .........(182), 17. Cicindela tortuosa (Mex., 8. Am., Dicrepidius ramicornis (8S. Am.) - Cala.). Tetrapriocera Schwarzi. Dermestes cadaverinus (S. Am., Si- Stenodontes damicornis. beria). Elateropsis fuliginosa. Nemicelus marginipennis. Elaphidion irroratum. Carpophilus tempestivus. Curius dentatus. Epurea luteola. Leptostylus transversatus. Bothrideres geminatus. Thia pusilla. Actenodes auronotata. Homaloxenus dentipes. Megapenthes Sturmii. Zophobas morio (doubtful). Common to Florida and Mexico and partly found in Texas are: ..... 8. Cicindela hamata. Actenodes calcarata. Epierus brunnipennis. Callichroma melancholicum. Saprinus dentipes. Pyanisia opaca. Common to Texas, Arizona and Southern California: .............. 4. Scarites californicus (C). Spalacopsis stolata (T.) Platynus floridanus [compare tex- Epitragus acutus. anus (T.) and californicus (C.) ] I have excluded from this category those which are known to occur north of Florida, and are thus found continuously around the Gulf, in Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Common to Florida and South America:....... NP sores erence cy tl: Cybister Olivieri. Saprinus braziliensis. Tanygnathus collaris. Ateenius sculptilis. Nematidium mustela. Ifemirhipus fascicularis. Chalcodermus spinifer. Besides these, the anomalies in distribution worthy of being noticed in neighboring regions are Sosylus dentiger Zorn, Lower California and San Domingo, Dacoderus, one species in Arizona ; another in San Domingo. 1878. | 471 {LeConte. And also these relations with more distant regions : Argopistes ; Fiorida and North Eastern Asia. Onota ; Florida and South America. Brachypeplus (section); Florida and Africa. Mesites ; Florida, Delaware and Europe. Stenoscelis ; Southern States and Cape of Good Hope. A remarkable feature in the geographical distribution, as exhibited by this list of Coleoptera is the comparatively small number of species common to Florida and the Antilles. A little reflection on the geological develop- ment of Florida, and its relation to the Gulf Stream will show the reason for this apparent anomaly. The Peninsula of Florida has extended southward during comparatively | modern times by the gradual growth of coral reefs and their subsequent conversion into land surface ; this surface would naturally be occupied by the insects and plants living in the conterminous northern regions, as faras they were able to endure the approach to a tropical climate. On the other hand the Gulf Stream, more and more compressed by the narrowing of the strait between Florida and Cuba, would have a tendency to interrupt all transfer of living beings from the Island to the Continent; while the passage of species from the coast of Mexico and Northern South America to either Florida or the Antilles would be slightly facilitated. The occurrence of Sosylus and Dacoderus, in the deserts near the Pacific coast and in San Domingo must be referred to a much older condition of things, when the connections of land surface were quite different from that of the present time ; and in fact the characters of the genera indicate that they are old forms. Sosylus is a Colydiide related somewhat to the Aus- tralian and North American Derataphrus; while Dacoderus differs from every Other Tenebrionide by the front coxe being contiguous. 472 [Feb. 1, 1878. Index of Extra-Limital Species. LeConte.]} Platynus texanus, Texas....... 374 Ochthebius discretus, Cal...... 379 TECbUSi OAs seer 379 tuberculatus, N. M. 380 nitidus, Mich...... 380 levipennis, Cal.... 381 benefossus, N. J..:. 381 SCulpitis; Calo. ca. 381 Trimium californicum, Cal..... 383 puncticolle, Ariz..... 384 Cisco lon laa. e oe eee 384 foveicolle, Mass...... 384 Euplectus integer, Mich........ 386 Quedius vernix, Mass., &c..... 389 Cryptobium texanum, Tex..... 392 californicum, Cal.. 392 flavicorne, Mass.... 392 tumidum, Cal..... 393 prospiciens, Tex... 393 lepidum, Tex. .... 395 Palaminus normalis, Ga........ 397 Palaminus testaceus, IllL....... 397 Pentilia marginata, Mich...... 400 Photinus punctiventris, Tex... 407 Catorama frontalis, Cal........ 410 SCCUANS,, VEX. = J.ishuses 410 obsoleta, Cal........ 410 Dorcatoma tristriatum, Tex.... 411 Cenocara intermedia, N. C.... 411 californica, Cal....-. 412 Spheroderma opima, Mich..... 417 Cheetoenema protensa, Mich... 417 cylindrica, Mich.. 417 opacula, Cal...... 418 flavicornis, Mich.. 418 decipiens, Ks..... 418 cribrata, Mass.... 419 Hy pophlceus substriatus, Or.... 428 _ opaculus, Cally... 423 tenuis, Mass...... 424 Mordella jovialis, Tex......... 428 obliqua, Mich........ 428 April 5, 1872. ] 473 [Sadtler. On the Calculation of Results in Gas-Analyses. By SamMueL P. SADTLER, PH.D. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, April 5th, 1878.) At the last meeting of the Society I promised to present a full discussion of the formulas involved in calculating analyses of gaseous mixtures such as are found exhaling from the earth in the oil-regions of Western Penn- sylvania and elsewhere. I am led to do this at present, chiefly because of some remarks made upon this subjeet by Prof. Henry Morton, in an article in the ‘“‘American Gas-Light Journal” of Feb. 16th, 1878. Otherwise I should have deferred a discussion of the subject until I should have com- pleted some absorption-tests upon the gases and analyses of portions of the gaseous mixtures withdrawn by such absorptions. This complete discus- sion of the subject I promised in a verbal communication made to the So- ciety at its meeting on Sept. 2ist last, mention of which is made on page 11 of No. 100 of the Proceedings. In the article of Prof. Morton alluded to, he shows that the eudiometric combustion of a mixture of hydrocarbons of the Paraffin series cannot give results capable of being reckoned into percentage composition, and refer- ring to my article published in the Proceedings, Vol. XVI, pp. 206 and 585, shows that an error in my formulas enabled me to get a ‘‘solution in appearance where no solution was possible.”’ This error in the formulas I had discovered myself in the Spring of 1877, and I had the absorption tests which I had described at the meeting of Sept. 21st last made purposely to enable me to solve the question of the composition of the gases independently of the use of formulas. In a pri- vate letter to Prof. Morton, dated Dec. 318t last, in answer to one re- ceived from him a day or two before, calling my attention to the error, I acknowledged the error of the formula used by me in my printed paper, and mentioned that I was proposing to rectify the results as first published by the aid of other tests. With reference to the matter of the impossibility of determining the com- position of a mixture of gases belonging to the Paraffin or marsh-gas series, Prof. Morton shows very clearly in his paper that this impossibility does exist when we take three or more paraffins or a mixture of hydrogen and two or more paraffins. In this latter case the hydrogen molecule simply acts like a member of the series lower than marsh-gas or CH,. When we ask the question with reference to two members of this series, however, we find that a solution is not impossible. In reckoning the re- sults of analyses of ordinary illuminating gas, it is always necessary to cal- culate the relative amounts of hydrogen and marsh-gas from the results of the eudiometric combustion, and what is true of marsh-gas and hydrogen (which latter we have just said must in such cases be considered as a lower member of the marsh-gas series) is true of marsh-gas and ethyl-hydride or marsh-gas and propyl-hydride. So we may, in dealing with the mixture of gases which has been submitted to a eudiometric combustion, and which we know by previous tests and absorptions cannot contain anything else PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. XVII. 101. 3G. PRINTED May 18, 1878. Sadtler. | 474 [April 5, than hydrogen and the members of the Paraffin series, assume as the basis of our reckoning hydrogen and any member of the Paraffin series or marsh- gas and any single higher member of the same series. Several of these possible assumptions are alluded to in my paper read February 18th, 1876, found in No. 97 Proceedings, p. 210, and reasons given why they were then rejected as not applicable. The reason why I was led into adopting the formulas used at that time are also given in the same connection. J made an error in the equation chosen to represent the contraction ensuing from the endiometric combus- tion, taking 8x + 2y + 3z = A, imstead of 3x +- 2y + §z = A., where x = hydrogen, y = marsh-gas, z = ethyl-hydride and A = the observed contraction in volume of the gaseous mixture after the passage of the spark. I had used in reckoning the contraction of hydrogen the atom H instead of the free molecule H,. As stated (loc. cit.) I found in Fougué’s memoirs a confirmation of my results. The same error had evidently ex- isted in his mind, although it did not show as plainly, as he published no percentage results. After giving equations to be used on the supposition of a mixture of marsh-gas, ethyl-hydride, and propyl-hydride, he says: ‘Tout mélange de carbures d’hydrogéne de la formule c= H®" +? doit remplir la condition exprimée par cette derniere equation, c'est a-dire que le volume de l’acide carbonique formé dans Veudiométre par combustion doit étre éqal 4 deux fois ’absorption produite moins trois fois le volume du gaz. Le mélange de ces carbures avec Vhydrogene libre ou avec d’au- tres carbures d’hydrogéne empéche cette condition d’étre realisée. TI est done facile des reconnaitre si un mélange de carbures d*hydrogene gazeux contient exclusivement des carbures de formule c’" H?" + ?..’—Coimpt. Rend. Yo). 87, p. 1048. Finding in the combustion results of all the analyses reported upon in my first paper an excess of contraction over that required by Fougué’s law just stated above, I ascribed it (as he did in theory) to the presence of hy- drogen. I felt sure that I had sufficient knowledge of the details of the manipulation and of the errors to be avoided there, to put out of the ques- tion the idea that this excess of contraction might be owing to having passed the spark with an insufficient supply of diluting air present with the explo- sive mixture in the eudiometer. The contraction was proportionally great too in parallel analyses of the same gas. I recognized, as before stated, shortly after the publication of the second paper, the error in the formula expressing the contraction, and saw that while the qualitative tests described in my first paper showed the presence of ethyl and propyl-hydrides, the quantitative resuits based upon a wrong formula would have to be revised. Before publishing my final revision of them, I desired to verify in the fullest way my qualitative absorption results before published, and to ob- tain, by the aid of these absorptions, material better adapted to give satis- factory quantitative results. This work, though unavoidably interrupted and delayed, I have now in hand. Without giving at present any final re- vision to my published analyses, I feel obliged to notice a criticism made Ss 1878.] 475 |Sadtler. upon them in Prof. Morton’s article above referred to. After stating that no solution of the problem of analysing a mixture of three members of the Paraffin series, or of hydrogen and two members of the same series was possible, Prof. Morton concludes by saying, with reference to my analyses, ‘and his determinations have therefore no value whatever.”’ In reply to this, I would say that, while, in view of the demonstration made by Prof. Morton in his paper, which was by the way fully accepted by me before I saw it in his article, Iam unable to accomplish all that I first thought I could, my figures are still of some account. They pessess just the same value and can be used in just the same way as the figures ob- tained by any analyist in making an analysis of ordinary illuminating gas. As shown in the first part of this paper, we are able to determine from the combustion results, the proportions in a mixture considered as made up of two members of the Paraffin series or of hydrogen and one member of the series. That this can be done with a gas known to contain the higher Paraffins along with marsh-gas, is shown in Prof. Morton’s own analysis of a water-gas in which he had proved these Paraffins to be present (loc. cit. ). It is shown in the analysis of Prof. Morley of the natura! gas from the Neff. Well, Ohio, quoted in my second paper (loc. cit.). My results then can be reckoned in this way, and the gaseous mixture which is submitted to the eudiometric combustion can be figured as made up of hydrogen and marsh-gas, or of marsh-gas and ethyl-hydride, as is more reasonable in all these cases. Here, however, hydrogen is not neces- sarily excluded, for part of what is reckoned as marsh-gas may be a mixture of equal parts of hydrogen and ethyl-hydride, and what is reckoned as this latter may be only that amount which is in excess of the hydrogen present. Thus, in my first paper, I gave as present in the gas of the Burns Well 6.10% hydrogen, 75.44% marsh-gas, and 18.12% ethyl-hydride. If TI cal- culate the combustion results (using the carbonic acid formed) given on p. 211 Proceedings No. 97, for marsh-gas and ethyl-hydride, I get as the aver- age of the two analyses 87.66% marsh-gas and 12.00% ethyl-hydride. Now if this latter number 12.00% be taken from the 18.12% reckoned be- fore, we have 6.12%, which combining with the 6.10 % of supposed hydro- gen would increase the 75.44% of marsh-gas to 87.66% of marsh-gas. In the Erie gas, where only a trace of hydrogen was assumed before to be present, I can reckon the combustion results, using both the carbonic acid formed and the contraction ensuing on the combustion, and get results which do not differ greatly from those already published. Thus I gave before .48% hydrogen, 40.33% marsh-gas, and 58.26 ethyl-hydride. Cal- culated for the two latter constituents only, I get 40.53% marsh-gas and 58.49 % ethyl-hydride. I do not propose, however, to give these or any results as final until I have finished the examination of the gases which I had absorbed with dif- ferent reagents and of various decomposition products obtained from them. I hope then to be able to establish with some certainty the exact character of the natural gases which I have made the subject of study. UNIVERSITY OF PENNA., April 5th, 1878. Marshall. } 476 [April 5, ‘ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LABORATORY OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. XIII. A Study of some of the Derivatives of Mono- and Dichlor-Salicylice Acids. By Dr. JoHN MARSHALL. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, April 5th, 1878.) This work was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. Edgar F. Smith, to whom, for his many kindnesses shown during the progress of the investi- gation, I would express my best thanks. Of late years the monohydroxyl] substitution products of benzoic acid— salicylic acid and its isomers—have been completely investigated, and many interesting facts regarding the nature of these acids revealed. Of the unin- vestigated derivatives of salicylic, metaoxybenzoic and paraoxybvenzoic acids remain yet the mono and dichlorinated compounds. In the follow- ing pages will be described my results obtained from the study of simply the mono and dichlor acids derived from salicylic acid. These new compounds that I have obtained show in several instances the stability imparted to compounds into which one or more chlorine atoms have been introduced. MonocHLorsaLicyLic ACID. Cy. Hi, C10 FO, O OE. Fusing point 172°. This acid was first obtained by Httbner and Brenken (Berichte der deut- schen Chem. Gesellschaft, 1875, p. 174). Their manner of producing it consisted in mixing ordinary salicylic acid with an excess of carbon bi- sulphide and conducting chlorine into the mixture, which was continually shaken. When the calculated amount of chlorine had been introduced, the contents of the flask were emptied into a large basin and evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The dry residue was taken up in water and crystallized from this in needles which fused at 172° C. The lead, silver, opper and barium salts were simply described, further investigation being neglected, Hiibner and Weiss produced metachlorbenzoic acid, and by nitration, amiding and forming the Diazo-compound, and subsequently treating the latter with water they obtained metachlororthoxybenzoic acid, fusing at i 1878.] 477 [Marshall. 171° C. and perfectly identical with the monochlorsalicylic acid. The graphic formula of the latter would be represented by the following : COOH. OH. LM COOH. COOH. OH. Benzoic Acid. COGH. Orthoxybenzoic Acid (Salicylic Acid. ) OH. a Metachlororthoxybenzoic Acid. Cahours in 1845 described a similar acid, ‘‘Acide monochlorosalicylique’’ (Ann. Chim. Phys. 18, 106), but never obtained it in a pure condition. The method I pursued to secure the acid for my investigations was the following: A weighed amount of the purest salicylic acid that could be obtained (melting at 155° C.) was brought into a capacious flask, and a rather large quantity of concentrated acetic acid added. Into this mixture a calculated amount of dry chlorine gas was conducted. . The heat gen- erated by the reaction soon caused the solution of the salicylic acid. The liquid gradually acquired a yellowish-brown color. When the calculated amount of chlorine had been introduced, water was added in large excess and the solution allowed to stand several hours before filtering off the acid that had separated out in large white flocculent masses. After thoroughly washing the acid with cold water, it was boiled with a large quantity of barium carbonate and water. The liquid was filtered from the excess of the latter salt, evaporated and allowed to stand over night. Upon exami- nation crystals of barium dichlorsalicylate were usually discovered. The mother liquid poured off from these and further concentrated yielded the barium salt of the monochlor acid. This salt I invariably recrystallized several times, and then added dilute hydrochloric acid to its aqueous solu- tion which precipitated the acid in perfectly white flocculent masses. The acid was recrystallized several times from water separating out from this menstruum in long colorless needles which fused at 172° C. In warm water the acid is readily soluble. Marshall.] 478 [April 5, Inasmuch as this acid differs from salicylic in having one atom of chlor- ine, its antiseptic properties might be enhanced, and owing to its ready solubility would therefore render it preferable to salicylic acid. An aqueous solution of the acid mixed with ferric chloride gives a beau- tiful violet coloration. An analysis of the material thus prepared gave the final proof that the compound formed was the desired monochlorsalicylic acid. 1417 erms. dried acid burned with coarse and fine lead chromate gave 48.13 % carbon, and 3.00 % hydrogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, = 84 = 48.69% 48.13 % ipa = eS = Sd, 3.00 % Cly=335-5 — 20%581% — O,°== 48. 27.84% — 171.5 100.00 SALTS. For a more complete recognition of the acid the following salts were made and analyzed : BaRtuM MonocHLORsALICYLATE. (C, H, Cl OH COO), Ba + 3 H, O. Obtained by boiling the aqueous solution of the acid with an excess of barium carbonate and filtering. The filtrate upon concentration and stand- ing for some time, yielded white, bright, shining crystals of this salt. In cold water it is soluble, and when the liquid is warmed the compound dis- solves very readily. Water Estimation. 0.2000 Grms. air-dried salt lost upon heating for four hours at 170° C., .0200 Grms. H,O = 10.00% H,O. The calculated per centage of water for 3 molecules H,O = 10,11 %. Calculated. Found. (C, H, Cl OH COO), Ba = 480 = 89.89 % + 3H,0= 54=10,11% 10.00 % 534 100.00 Barium Estimation. 0.121 Grm. anhydrous salt was placed in a platinum crucible, a few drops of sulphuric acid was then added and this evaporated to dryness. .0594 trm. barium sulphate were obtained, corresponding to .0349 Grm. barium = 28.83% Ba. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. +- Ba = 1387 =.28.55 % 28.83 % 480 100.00 a 1578.] 479 {Marshall. PorasstuM MONOCHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, CLOH C OO K. Formed by boiling a solution of the Barium salt with a calculated amount of potassium sulphate and evaporating the filtrate ; or by boiling the free acid with a slight excess of potassium carbonate. The salt crystallizes from its aqueous solution in long colorless needles, very soluble in cold and hot water. Analysis showed it to be anhydrous. Potassium Estimation. .1168 Grm. dried salt evaporated in a platinum crucible with sulphuric acid, gave .6491 Grm. potassium sulphate, which corresponds to .0220 Grm. potassium = 18.83% K. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, H, Cl OH COO = 171.5 = 81.48% — +K= 39.1= 18.52% 18.83 % 210.6 100.00 SopiumM MoNOcCHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl OH COO Na. I prepared this salt in a manner similar to the preceding potassium com- pound. From concentrated aqueous solution it crystallizes in short, straw- colored needles, easily soluble in cold or warm water. It is anhydrous. Sodium Estimation. 0.2986 Grm. dried salt treated just as in the preceding analysis, gave -1081 Grm. sodium sulphate, which corresponds to .0350 Grm. sodium — 11.72% Na. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, H; Cl OH COO = 171.5 = 88.18% — + Na= 23. = 11.82% 11.72% 194.5 100.00 LitHtuM MoONOCHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl OH COO Li + 2 H,O. I made this salt by boiling the free acid with a slight excess of Lithium carbonate. The filtered solution was then strongly evaporated and placed over sulphuric acid to crystallize. After long standing the salt appeared in large, broad, colorless plates—very hard—which were united to aggre- gated masses. After several recrystallizations the salt was analyzed. Water Estimation. .1876 Grm. air-dried salt heated for three hours at 130° GC. lost .0030 Grm. HO = 1.59% HO. 2 molecules H,O require 1.67%. Marshall. ] 480 [April 5, Lithium Estimation. .1846 Grm. of the perfectly dried salt were treated with a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid and evaporated to dryness in a platinum crucible. .0566 Grm. lithium sulphate were obtained = .0072 Li = 3.90 % Li. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, H, C1 OH COO = 171.5 = 96.08% — Ui s= 9 1 == *3.92 Yo 3.90 % 178.5 100.00 ETHERS. The introduction of various hydro-carbon residues yielded me in most instances well crystallized and stable derivatives. The method pursued in all cases for the production of these compounds was to treat the silver salt of the acid with a monohalogen derivative of the hydro-carbon to be intro- duced sere 'C, H, ClOH COO Ag + C, H, I= Ag! + ©, H, C1 OH COO C, Hy. Methyl Iodide.--C H,1. This I prepared as follows: 50 Grms. iodine were mixed in a flask with 20 Grms. methyl alcohol and 5 Grms. amor- phous phosphorus gradually added. As heat is generated in this reaction, the flask was kept in a basin of cold water. The mixture was first sub- jected to distillation after having stood twelve hours. The first distillate was in all cases treated with sodium hydrate and calcium chloride, and then redistilled. Ethyl Iodide.—C, H,1. Made this compound according to the direc- tions given for its production: 1 part amorphous phosphorus, 5 parts ethyl alcohol, and 10 parts iodine were treated as above. Boils at 72°C. Tsobutyl Iodide. —CH, I CH (CH,),. 50 Grms. iodine, 50 Grms. isobutyl] alcohol, and 8 Grms. amorphous phosphorus were distilled together. A heavy, oily liquid boiling at 119°C. Acetyl Chloride.—CH, CO CL. Prepared this by distilling equal parts of anhydrous acetic acid and phosphorus penta chloride. Description of Ethers. MeruyL MONOCHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl OH COO CH,. Fusing point, 48°C. Silver monochiorsalicylate was heated together with an excess of methyl iodide in a sealed tube at 140°C for twelve hours, and upon opening the tube and expelling the excess of methyl iodide, a residual oil was left. Even when kept in a cold place solidification was not effected. As I 1873.] 481 | Marshall. thought that this very probably was nothing more than a decomposition product—the result of too intense heating—I treated a second portion of the silver salt in a similar manner, taking care, however, not to let the temperature become too great. The thermometer indicated 103°C for three hours. The color of the liquid in the tube was dark red. The tube was opened and the liquid filtered off from the silver iodide which was washed with alcohol, and the solution then evaporated almost to dryness. Upon allowing the solution to stand over night, I observed the next morn- ing that the liquid had solidified perfectly. The mass was removed from the beaker glass, reduced to a fine powder, and after being exposed to the air for several days, it was dissolved in alcohol. Upon warming the solution the mass dissolved readily, and upon cool- ing the compound separated out in long, colorless needles. These fused at 48°C, upon recrystallization I discovered that the fusing point remained constant, and the substance was then subjected to an analysis. Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. .2235 Grm. well dried substance burned with lead chromate, gave .4228 Grm. CO, = .1150 Grm. carbon, corresponding to 51.45% carbon. And further, .0851 Grm. H,O = .0095 Grm. hydrogen, equaling 4.25% hy- drogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. Cy 96 =" 547% 51.45 % Hs TS Bee 4.25 % O40 48" =) 20 TEY Cl 33353 — 11904 % — 186.5 100.00 Cahours (Ann. Chim. Phys. 10. 343) mentions a methyl ether of chlor- salicylic acid produced by the action of chlorine upon methy] salicylic acid. It was difficult to obtain it pure. I believe this to be entirely different from my compound above described. ETHYL MONOCHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, ClOH C OOC, H: I have succeeded in forming this compound, but as I have never had it in pure enough condition to make an analysis, I give merely my experience in its formation. Time and again I heated the pure silver salt with per- fectly pure ethyl] iodide, but when I searched for the resulting ether, I ob- tained nothing more than a dark heavy liquid that remained in this condi- tion under all circumstances. That this was nothing else than a decompo- sition product I learned afterwards. High heat is not required for the formation of this compound, it is produced just as soon as the silver salt and ethyl iodide are shaken well with each other, the reaction is indicated by the increase of temperature that may be noticed by placing the hand on the vessel containing the mixture. A portion of the silver salt with ethyl PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 8u. PRINTED MAY 14, 1878. Marshall.] 482 [April 5, iodide was heated in a sealed tube in a water bath for three hours, the tube was then opened, contents thrown upon a filter and the silver iodide washed with alcohol, and the filtrate evaporated on a water bath almost to dryness. The compound crystallized in stellated masses fusing at 110° C. IsoputTyL MONOCHLORSALICYLATE. My attempts to obtain this ether were futile. With the greatest care I never succeeded in obtaining the compound, that I may have destroyed it by too intense heating, if it was formed, I do not consider possible, as I not only heated a mixture above 100° C., but also in luke-warm water, the latter temperature is necessary to effect the formation of silver iodide. I think that very likely simple exposure to the air in process of drying eee the decomposition of the ether into the acid. ACETYL MONOCHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl OH COO) O'U'CU'H,. Fusing point 149° C. I obtained this compound by heating the silver salt a number of hours with acetyl chloride at a temperature not over 130° C. The contents of the tube were placed on a filter, the silver chloride washed with alcohol and the filtrate evaporated upon a water bath and then allowed to crystallize, the ether separated in dark acicular masses, these were pressed well between paper and fused at 147° C. The compound was recrystallized four times from alcohol, in which it is readily scluble. The pure ether fuses at 149° C. A combustion gave the above composition. Water de- composes the ether. Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. -0763 Grm. dried substance gave 50.00% carbon and 3.93 % hydrogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C,=108 = 50.34% 50.00 % H, = “72 == eee 3.93 % == 1640 729-500 C= 30.0 —— itn lo Action of Alcoholic Ammonia upon Methylmonochlorsalicylate. By treating this ether with ammonia the object was to displace the OH group in the carboxy] with the group WZ, according to the following equation : C,H, C1IOHCOO CH, + NH HH=O,H,ClOHCONH,+CH, O08. This change I effected and obtained. 1878. } 483 {Marshall. MoNOCHLORSALICYLAMIDE ©, H, Gl O8 CO N H,. Fusing point 222°-223° C. Produced by heating Methylmonochlorsalicylate with an excess of alco- holic ammonia in a sealed tube. The tube was kept in the oven for twelve hours, it was then removed, and the alcoholic solution strongly concen- trated upon a water bath. When the liquid cooled a mass of needle-like crystals separated out. When pure the compound fuses at 222°-223° C. Very soluble in warm alcohol. When the alcoholic ammonia was poured upon the ether the liquid as- sumed a beautiful pale blue fluorescence. Upon heating this entirely dis- appeared. Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. I. .0510 Grm. substance dried at 100° C. for one hour, gave .0930 Grm. CO, = .0253 carbon = 49.5% carbon. Water estimation a failure. II. 0.1713 Grm. substance dried at 125° C. gave .3041 Grm. CO, = -08293 carbon. = 48.41% carbon. And .0554 H,O = .0061 hydrogen = 3.56 % hydrogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. Ts II. C, =84 = 48.97% 49 5 — 48.41% H, == G6 =, 3.49%, 3.56 % O7 ==)32 s==) 18667 Cl = 35.5 = 20.74% —— N 14 = 147, —- 171.5 106.00 MONOCHLORNITROSALICYLAMIDE. C; H, NO; CLO: H CON H,. Fusing point 192° C. This compound shows to what extent the presence of the WH, group in- fluences the introduction of new radicals. The ordinary monochlorsali- cylic acid when treated with fuming nitric acid does not yield nitrochlor- salicylic acid as would be expected, but the carboxyl group breaks up and chlordinitrophenols result. To obtain monochlornitrosalicylic acid the chlorsalicylic acid must be treated with nitric acid very strongly diluted with acetic acid. When chlorsalicylamide, however, is dissolved in fuming nitric acid but one product is obtained—the above mentioned—Monochlor- nitrosalicylamide. The stability imparted to the compound by the amide group allows the reaction to occur without any decomposition. . Marshall. | 484 [April 5, After the amide has been dissolved in nitric acid, water is added to the solution, which causes the precipitation of the nitro compound in yellow flocculent masses. These I brought upon a filter, washed well with cold distilled water and then boiled up with potassium carbonate. By strongly evaporating the solution the potassium salt crystallized out. After purifi- cation the acid was set free with dilute hydrochloric acid. The acid re- crystallized from water showed the constant fusing point 192° C. In cold water it is only slightly soluble and dissolves readily in large quantities of warm water. It crystallizes from aqueous solutions in long, slightly yellow-colored crystals—needles. The following salts were made and analyzed : SALTS. Porasstum MoONOCHLORNITROSALICYLAMIDE. ¢, He NOP Cl OK COIN EL: I obtained this by boiling the free acid with a slight excess of potassium carbonate. From the concentrated filtrate the salt depositsin long yellowish- red needles. Easily soluble in water. Potassium Estimation. .0460 Grm. air-dried salt were evaporated in a platinum crucible with sulphuric acid. There resulted .0146 Grms. K, SO, = 14.93% potassium. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, H, C1 NO, O CON H, = 215.5 = 84.70% — +K= 39. = 15.30% 14.93 % 304.5 100.00 BARIUM MONOCHLORNITROSALICYLAMIDE. (C, H, C1LNO,O CON H,), Ba. I obtained this salt by boiling the free acid with barium carbonate and evaporating the filtrate. The salt crystallizes in short, thick needles, of a deep blood-red color. It is only soluble in a rather large quantity of boil- ing water. Barium Estimation. -2006 Grm. well dried salt were dissolved in water and the barium pre- cipitated as sulphate. Obtained .0805 Grms. Ba SO, = 23.66% Ba. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, H, NO, CLOCONH, 7 C,H, NO, C1OCONH,} =481= 7.89% oy +Ba =187= 24.11% 23.66 % 568 100.00 485 1878.] é {Marshall. DICHLORSALICYLIC ACID. C, H, Cl, OH COOH. Fusing point 214. This acid I made according to the method described by Smith, E. F. (American Philosophical Society, Proceedings June 15, 1877.) It formed in rather large quantities along with the monochlor derivative of salicylic acid. The acid was obtained from its barium salt. In cold water it is in- soluble, an excess of the boiling liquid being necessary to effect its solution. It fuses at 214° C., and crystallizes from water in arborescent masses. Very soluble in alcoho]. The acid is Parachlormetachlororthoxybenzotc acid and is graphically represented thus ¢ COOH OH ch That this compound is different from that of Cahours (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie—52, 340, 341 pp.), is not only proven by the salts as Smith has done, but also from the fact that the ethers derived from it are not analogous to those published by Cahours. The ethers I have made were produced in a similar manner to those of monochlorsalicylic acid. MetHyt DICHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl, OH CO OC H,. Fusing point 142° C. I obtained this compound by heating a quantity of silver dichlorsalicyl- ate with an excess of methyl iodide in a sealed tube, the temperature being about 135°C. Upon adding methyl iodide to the salt some action was observed, attended by a decided increase of temperature, the heating in a closed tube, therefore, continued but a few hours. The tube was then allowed to cool, opened and the contents washed with alcohol upon a small filter. In the filtrate needles separated out and were dissolved by adding more alcohol and applying heat. The solution was then evaporated to a small volume and allowed to crystallize, this it did almost immediately. The crude material fused at 135° C., after pressing the substance well between filter paper, it was again dissolved in an excess of alcohol, from which it afterwards separated in large colorless needles that reflect light strongly. Marshall. | 486 [April 5, The fusing point after repeated recrystallizations was discovered to be constant at 142° C. In alcohol the ether is difficuitly soluble. Water decomposes it. Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. 0.1974 Grm. dried substance burned with coarse and fine lead chromate, gave 0.3196 Grm. CO, = .0830 Grm. carbon = 43.56% carbon; and further, .0551 Grm. H,O = .0060 Grm. hydrogen = 2.71% hydrogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C= 96 — 43Are, 43.56 % BH = 6.221% 2.71% Cl,= 71 = 32.12% — O, = 48 = 21.70% = 221 100.00 In the Ann. Chem. Phys. 10, 343, Cahours mentions a methyl dichlor- ether he obtained by allowing chlorine to act upon methy] salicylic acid. From boiling alcohol needles of the ether were secured which fused at about 100° C., very considerably lower than the above described compound. EtuHyt DICHLORSALICYLATE. CH, Gl, OF C:0'0,C, Ee. Fusing point 47° C. Obtained in the usual manner. From the first alcoholic solution it sepa- rated as a dark colored oil, which, after being pressed between filter paper, dissolved in warm alcohol, and upon cooling, the compound separated in beautiful colorless needles. The fusing point was found to be 47° C. Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. 0.2072 Grm. well dried substance burned with lead chromate, gave .3418 Grm. CO, = 45.51% carbon ; and .0808 Grm. H,O = 4.30% hydrogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. C, =108=— 45.96% 45.51% B= ‘S=" aie 4.30% Ola. Vi Pana — O, = 48= 20.42% — 235 =: 100.00 Smith first described this compound (Proceedings Am. Phil. Society, June 15, 1877). Cahours obtained a similar derivative by the action of chlorine upon ethyl salicylate. Broad colorless needles. Fusing point not given. 1878. ] 487 : [Marshall. IsopuTYL DICHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl, OH C O O C H,-C H (C H,),. Fusing point 188°-190° C. In the case of the monochlor acid the production of this derivative was not attended with success. With the dichlor acid the formation of the isobutyl compound followed without any difficulty, the usual method being employed, viz.: heating the silver salt and isobutyl iodide in a sealed tube at 150° C. The contents of the tube were treated with alcohol, thus dis- solving the new compound. ‘The alcoholic filtrate was evaporated almost to dryness and put away in a cool place. In the lapse of a couple of hours the liquid in the beaker had solidified. The mass was removed from the vessel, thoroughly dried between filter paper, removing in this manner the greater portion of adherent isobutyl iodide, then dissolved in alcohol and allowed to crystallize. Warty-like masses appeared of fine, minute, almost colorless needles. In alcohol the compound is exceedingly soluble. In pure water, even when boiling, it was discovered to be almost insoluble, decomposing after a time. To extract the compound, cold water was added to a concentrated alco- holic solution. This was done several times and the compound then crys- tallized from a mixture of alcohol and water. It crystallizes in needles, fusing at 188°-190° C. An analysis yielded the following results : Carbon and Hydrogen Estimation. 0.1190 Grm. dried substance burned with lead chromate, gave 0.2200 Grm. CO, = 0.06 Grm. carbon = .5042% carbon. Further .0525 Grm. H,O = .0058 Grm. hydrogen = 4.87% hydrogen. Calculated per cent. Found per cent. Cy, = 132: = 50: 19% 50.42 % H, = 12= 456% 4.87 % Ch" Wh 27.00:% -— O, = 48= 18.25% — 263 100.00 ACETYL DICHLORSALICYLATE. C, H, Cl, OH COO COC H,. With the monochlorsalicylic acid I had no special trouble to obtain this derivative, but with this acid the most careful work apparently failed to yield it. The material employed to effect its formation was perfectly pure. IT invariably obtained a product, but this when purified and analyzed, gave results that indicated the compound was nothing more or less than the original dichlorsalicylic acid. Marshall.] 488 [April 5, Unless the alcohol which I employed as a solvent for the compound caused the decomposition of the latter, I am at a loss to know to what my failure to obtain it should be ascribed. Both the mono and dichlor acids were acted upon by benzoyl] chloride, but as I have not yet ascertained anything positive in regard to the result- ing compounds, statements of their properties, &c., are withheld for the present. DiIcHLORSALICYLAMIDE. @, H, Cl, OH © ON H;. Fusing point 209° C. The same course was pursued here for the obtainment of this compound, as has already been described under the heading of Action of Ammonia upon methylmonochlorsalicylate. The heating in a sealed tube was con- tinued through twelve hours. The temperature never extending above 100° C. The contents of the tube removed and evaporated, deposited small nodular crystals. These upon recrystallization became perfectly white in color, but retained the form of the nodules, which appeared to be composed of densely united needles. The compound dissolves readily in alcohol. The pure compound fused at 209° C. It was not subjected to a combustion. The fluorescence that was exhibited when alcoholic ammonia was poured upon the methylmonochlorsalicylate, was not near as beautiful as that ob- served in this case. Heat caused its disappearance. By comparing the results of this investigation with similar derivatives of ordinary salicylic acid, the evident stability shown by most of the ethers of mono and dichlor salicylic acids, will not fail to be observed, and the cause for this seems to be due to the presence of negative chlorine, since this apparent stability shows itself from the moment of its introduction. Of the four ethers obtained from the monochlor acid, two, the ethyl and isobutyl derivatives appear to lack the decided crystalline character ex- hibited by the rest. With the dichlorine compounds the acetyl is the only one that has indicated any signs of non-stability. A comparison, too, of the salts of the different acids, shows the influence exerted by the presence of chlorine. All are fine crystalline compounds. {Marshall, 489 1878. ] Cyeysaey) UT OL GU[OS S[eysAd9 ABpMpOoU OILY MA *D 0603 SOSU A a art ~ “HNOODHO*!0 *H °D CHeusae nn) 3 HMHOODO00H OD *H%) “(C1peysue yl) "DO offiT-o88T 1 suTsny SoTpaaN 4 or 0) HO—"*HO O00 H O40 2A 8 UL OTqn[OS *104VM UT OTQNIOS AT] poy “10109 UL poy C[[BYsSaeyy) *109BM Sutplog Jo Ay1yuendb o5avy] ‘sofpoou YOY} Joys ‘ed HN OO O10 °ON ®H %)) CL[VUScey) ‘So[POOU pod-YSTMOT[AR ry NOM 10 10°O N HO CTIVYSABTT) "1OJVM UL OTQn[OS ‘so[poou partoloo MOT[AA ATL YSIS ‘OD 0661 7B SOS r . 4 *H NOOHO10°O\N *H%) (CTTBYysaey) *{/OYLOO|V ULIVM UT dL[GN]OsS seT~pIdN "DO 086670666 SOSN WT *y NOOHOI0®H) ‘gaTpooU PalO[Oo*MBIS JLOYS|-90U Crpeqsavy) *1OTBM UL O|QnjOs oy Veyy "soqyutd pRoaq ‘sso[loloo a5Lu'T ‘OHETITOOOH OW *H% CT[VYysIe yy) *19JBM CTPeysaB yy) plod puew joy ut ‘1OVM UT oTQuios A[[Sva jelqnjos A19A solp SSo[LO[O9 SuorTy ‘BeNOO0HO10°H Or's000HO 10° % CTPeysieyy) ‘OD oLF 1B Sulsny ‘solpoou ssolLolop (ay Turg) “SOTpPooU Ssoploloy ue) olf SOS ay zs MMS 000 0°10 *H (11 BVUysivyA) "10IVM UL eTqnypos Ay [sug i ‘soynyd SULUTYS SSOTAOTO\) ‘O'H 8+ va O00 HON *H®)) (C[eysavy) *Toyoo -[8 ut eTqnyos A{y[NOW IC *se[paoU Ssa[tO[Oo “‘suOTT ‘DO oZFI SOSNAT "TO000H OD *H C][BYysiey) "joyoo[e at eTqn[os soessvul «BlnolDy ‘D of PI SOSN OT *17000000 HO 10 *H "D ([eysreyA) 6H) OOOH ODMH CT eysiey) | "SOSSVUL PopBl[OIS _ 0 of IT SASU HT “W000 H010*H % C[[VUSwe fT) *[OTOO|B ULATQN]OS Loy IBA Se[poou ssoprofoo suoy ‘O SF SOSNT 80000 H O10 *H ‘ “10UUM UT OIqn OS ATIpvoea ‘sojpoed sseTto[oo suo'yT ob IG Cuyyarg) ‘HOOO HOO *H "0 "ploy OTTAOTTVS.LO[ YOU (‘Uo yudIg 2» LoUqny;T) ‘HOOOHOIWD'H' ‘PPV OT[AOT[VSLO[TOOUO TT ‘SHAILVAINGG WAHL GNV SCIOV OIIAOITVSUOTHOIC GNV -ONOW JO MUTA UVTOPV.E PRINTED MAY 14, 1878. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 31. Gatschet.] 490 [April 5, THE TIMUCUA LANGUAGE. By ALBERT S. GATSCHET. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, April 5th, 1878, as a sequel to the article read April 6th, 1877.) Ancient writers on Floridian history have left us a multitude of inter- esting details of the civil life and warfare of the Timucua. But these new- comers often judged these and other natives and their peculiarities with the bias and prejudice inseparable from their European origin, and many of their views may, after a comprehensive study of the Southern tribes, finally prove untenable. Nothing conveys so deep an insight into the mode of thinking and the mental capacities of a people than its idiom, and though it will not enable us to correct inaccurate or erroneous historical statements, it will depict to us an important side of the interior life of the nation, disclose its social and intertribal position, give a glance at its ideas on religion, demonology, or natural phenomena, and perhaps furnish indi- cations of former migrations. The volumes of F. Pareja consulted by me are the property of the New York Historical Society, and to the courtesy of its librarian, Mr. J. A. Stevens, I am indebted for the opportunity of perusing also some passages, which contain the titles of other books published in Timucua by the Padre. They mainly refer to ascetic subjects, and in the ‘‘ Historical Magazine of New York,’’ 1858, No. 1, page first, the second edition of a Timucua Cate- chism is mentioned, which was printed by Juan Ruyz in the City of Mexico in 1627. A copy of it exists in the Library of the British Museum. The title of one of Gregorio dé Mouilla’s books is given below. To a further selection of Timucua texts I premise here a few notes of historical and linguistic import. Various Novres. 1. Although the people and language of which we treat is generally called Timuquana, I have preferred the simple form of Timucua, by which term the tribe seems to be characterized as the ruling or most powerful portion of the entire oligarchic commonwealth. Timuquana is only the Spanish ad- jective of the noun wtimoqua or atimoge, and occurs in ‘lengua timucuana, provincia timuquana,’’ while Pareja and the historians always give Timo- qua, Timuca or Timucua, as the real name of the district and tribe. The French formed their ‘‘Thimagona’’ from the Spanish adjective. 2. Mr. Buckingham Smith, in a manuscript note, gives the following about the area of the Timucua lauguage: “The limits within which the language of the Atimuqua was spoken can be stated only in general outline. On the north the boundary was not distant from the river Saint Mary’s, on the west the river Ausile and the 1878.] 491 (Gatschet. Gulf of Mexico limited it, and with some irregularity it extended nearly to Tampa Bay ; on the east the boundary was the ocean, whence it fol- lowed the shore line to the northward above the nearest limit of Georgia. The exception to this circumference was the territory lying east of the St. John’s river, beginning about eighty miles from its mouth and approach- ing near the river Mayaimi; this section was occupied by a separate peo- ple, the Aisa.”’ To this description of the area, which is perhaps not far from the truth, I would add the fact, that the name Ibitachuco, given in my first article as the name of an Apalache place, is taken from the Timucua language and means ‘‘ Black Lake.”’ 3. The system and terminology of Timucua consanguinity are coinciding with the system in use with the Pawnees, as delineated by Mr. Lewis H. Morgan (Consanguinity, pages 196, 245). Among the texts given below, those on Timucua lineages and their terms of kinship will be of the high- est interest. In the selection of linguistic specimens I was careful to pick out such as contained none or few abstract ideas, for concrete terms are of greater help in the elementary study of a tongue than abstractions. The status of the texts requires a critical, sifting treatment, and to this circum- stance is attributable the paucity of the specimens here offered. 4. The principal difficulty in acquiring the Timucua idiom is the same which we bave to overcome in the Maskoke dialects and in other South- eastern languages. It is the multiplicity of the suffixed pronouns and ad- verbial particles, their combinations and various uses. These pronouns and particles, which Rey. Cyrus Byington has in the Cha’hta called article- pronouns, are not, as they are there, parceled up into simple vowels and consonants, but according to the phonetic rules of Timucua generally form a whole syllable. But the vowels in them constantly change and, less fre- quently, the consonants. This renders them and their combinations of diffi- cult identification ; but to disentangleand clearly understand the texts, this obstacle has to be surmounted. PEDIGREES AND TOTEMIC DESCENDENCIES OF THE TIMUCUA. In reading Pareja’s catalogues of the families and totems of this Floridian people, the exclusiveness and aristocratic character of the European chiv- alry with its picturesque heraldry, spontaneously suggests itself for eom- parison. The prohibition of intermarriage between certain lineages finds many analogies among the customs of North American and foreign tribes. We cannot always conclude from similar facts, that the subjection of vari- ous tribes, which were incorporated into the nation, was the cause of this prohibition; here it is certainly more admissible to imagine, that endo- gamic marriage had prevailed in the nation from pre-historic epochs down to Pareja’s time. In Father Pareja’s writings the interesting catalogue of tribal lineages follows the enumeration of relationships given in my former article, page 9, and then he continues : Gatschet. ] 492 [April 5, (First Catechism ; sheet I.) There are many other terms for degrees of kinship, too prolix to be given here, and I therefore mention only the most important. In the fol- lowing lines I will mention some of the principal lineages found in every part and province of the country, though sometimes occurring in a differ- ent shape, and I begin with the pedigrees of the upper chiefs and their progeny. The upper chiefs (caciques), to whom other chiefs are subject, are called ano parucust holata ico (or: olato aco, or: utinama). From this class comes a councillor, who leads the chief by the hand, and whose title is inihama. From him comes another class, that of the unacotima; the eacique seeks the advice of these second councillors, when he does not re- quire that of the inihama. Another caste descends from the anacotima; it is that of the second anacotima, and from these the afetama derive them- selves. Another class (of councillors) usually accompanies the iniha, who forms the first degree after the head-chief; this class is the 7bitano class. From the 7+¢tano a line proceeds, that affords councillors ; this line is called toponole, and from them spring the ibichura. From the last named proceed the amalachini, and the last lineage that traces its origin to the head chief, is ctorimitono, to which little respect is paid. But all the other classes, mentioned before this last, are held in high consideration ; they do not intermarry among themselves, and although they are now Christians, they remain observers of these caste-distinctions and family pedigrees. Of a further line derived from the upper chief all members call and con- sider each other as ‘‘cousins.’’ This is the line of the White Deer, honoso nayo. In the provinces of the ‘‘ Fresh Water’’ and Potano, all these line- ages emanating from the chief are termed people of the Great Deer, qui- diro ano. Families sprung from former chiefs are : oyorano fiyo chuluquita ocont, (or simply) oyelano. The lower pedigrees of the common people are: the ‘‘ Dirt (or Earth) pedigree,’’ utihasomi enatigi; the Fish pedigree, cuyuhasomi, and its pro- geny, called cuyuhasomi aroqui, cuyuhasomiele, while its progenitors are termed tucunubala, trihtbauno, apichi. Another strange lineage is that of the Buzzard, apohola; from it descend those of the nuculaha, nuculahaquo, nucula-haruqut, chorofa, usinaca, ayahanisino, napeya, amacahurt, ha-uenayo, amusaya. These lineages all derive themselves from the apohola and do not intermarry. Still another pedigree is that of the chulufichi; from it is derived the arahasomi or Bear pedigree, the habachaca and others, proceeding from this last. From the acheha derives itself the Lion family or hiyaraba, the Par- tridge line or cayahasomi, and others, as the efaca, hobatine quasi, chehelu. In some districts these lineages are of low degree, while in others they rank among the first, and since it would be mere loss of time to give more, 1878.] , 493 [Gatschet. the above may suffice. These latter castes already prize much higher the names and pedigrees of Christianity, for the divine glory descends on them, when they receive their names at the baptismal font. TERMS OF RELATIONSHIP USED INDIFFERENTLY BY MALES AND FEMALES. (First Catechism, from page G, iii verso, to page G, V recto.) Father and mother in speaking to their son say chirico viro, ahono viro and to their daughter, chirico nia, ahono nia. Uncle and aunt address their nephews and nieces by the same terms, as if they were their own children. The true terms for nephew and niece I have given above. The one who procreated me, ni sigisama ; my father, itina. After his death they do not call my father itina, but they say: the one who pro- created me, or from whom I came, which is siginona. A father deprived of his children by their death, naribua-pacano. Thy father ztaye, his father oge itimima, our father, itinica, itinicale, iti- nicano, itimile; your father itayaque, their father ogecare itimitilama ; itimilemala. My stepfather ttorana or itorina, thy stepfather ctoraye, his stepfather itorimima ; our stepfather, or: he is our stepfather itorinica, itorinicale, itorinicano ; your stepfather, or: he is your stepfather itorayaque ; their stepfather, or: he is their stepfather ctorimitilama, itoramilemala. The second stepfather (padrasto de los dedos que en latin se llama redubia) hue siptre, or: hue asire. Mother in general isa; mother of children living ano-wlemama; mother without children or kindred yache pacano. My mother dsona; after her death, not to revive the painful memory of it, they do not use this term, but say: she that gave me milk, or she that was my breast, iguinena ; she that was thy breast, 7guineye. She being present, or at seeing her approach, they say: is she thy mother? ‘saya? or: isayente? Did thy mother do this or that? 7sayesa (for: ‘‘isaye isa’’)? Does thy mother say this or that? tsayeste? Thy mother does not wish, dsaye iste. His mother ¢somima; she that gave him milk zquinemima. Our mother heca isomile, or: heca isonica,; she that gave us milk zquinemile. Your mother isayage,; she that gave you milk iqguineyage. Their mother ‘somi- tilama,; she that gave them milk ¢quinemitilama. Grandfather, stepfather, godfather, itora, itort eleat, or: paman. My grandfather, my stepfather, my godfather is rendered by terms similar to those given above, through all the persons, f. i: my grandfather ¢torina, thy grandfather ctoraye. etc. Great grandfather itera naribua, or: coesa ttora; great-great grandfather ttoramulu. Grandmother, stepmother, godmother, nzbira,; great grandmother nibira- yache, isayache; great-great grandmother nibirayachemulu. Uncle on father’s side dele; thy uncle, or mother’s: nebaye. After his demise, the niece or nephew refer to him only by the term naribuana, Gatschet.] 494 7 [April 5, “my old man,’’ and so do others in speaking to them. Uncle of my uncle nebua naribama, nebua nebemima. Aunt on the father’s side, nibe; on the mother’s, 7sale; my aunt nibina, and when on the mothers’ side ¢ésalena. After the mother’s death her child calls the uncle no longer nebena, but by the term grandfather, ¢fora, which is then also bestowed on the father. After the father’s death the child calls the aunt, on father’s and on mo- ther’s side, n/bira, the name of the grandmother. In this manner, a per- son ignoring the death of either parent, often understands that the grand- parent is spoken of instead of the person that is meant. Father-in-law, or mother-in-law : ano nasimita,; together they are called ano nasimitachique. Son-in-law nasi; my son-in-law nasina, thy son-in- law nasiye, his son-in-law nasimima ; our son-in-law nasinica, our sons- in-law nasimile carema, your son-in-law nasaye, your sons-in-law nasiyage, their son-in-law nasimitilama ; daughter-in-law nubo; father-in-law or mother-in-law ano nasimitam«a. Should the father die, the child ceases to call the mother by her proper name of ¢sona, but calls her grandmother nibira, and if the mother die, the child calls the father no longer ¢téna, but grandfather, dtora, and the uncle on the father’s side it also calls tora. On the death of the husband, wife, or of a relative, the parent calls the children piliqgua, and they among themselves cease to call each other as formerly, but say piliqgua or hiosa. The sons of brother and of sister call the children of their uncle quiena, and his children call those of his sister wma, egeta or aruqui, the term for second cousins, who are also called cousins, gisotimé. TERMS oF RELATIONSHIP USED By MALES ONLY. (First Catechism, first pages of sheet H.) My child (son or daughter) giena; my elder child giena miso, inter- mediate child pacanoqua; my younger child guyunima; last child yubua- coli, my last-born child guiani cocoma; the very last child (el hijo, la hija que sale a las hezes) dstcora, isinahoma. For all this another mode of expression exists, that is more used in the interior, as follows: My son, whono vireo; my daughter, ahono nia; my elder son, ahono viro misoma; my elder daughter, akono nia misoma; my intermediate son, ahono viro pacanoqua,; my intermediate daughter, ahono nia pacanoqua ; my younger daughter, ahono niu quianimu,; my last son, ahono viro tubua- coli, or: ahono viro quiani cocoma; my last daughter, ahono nia tubua- coli, or: uhono nia quiani cocoma; my very last son, ahono viro isicora, ahono chirico, ahono chirico isinahoma. Daughter-in-law (this is used by both sexes) nubuo; my daughter-in- law nubuona,; she calls her father and mother-in-law nuwbuomitana, or : ninubemitama. Brother-in-law yame, in the Timuqua province they say : eee 1878. | 495 {Gatschet. yamanchu, or: yamenchu. The husband says to his sister-in-law yame- mitama, she says to him tafimitama, my brother-in-law. Elder brother niha or: hiosa. When chiefs are brothers or equal in power, to equalize their consideration they are called or call each other by this term Aiosa. The elder brother calls the younger brother and the younger sister amita, amitina, or: yacha quianima, and his elder sister he calls yacha miso. Should the younger brother die, the elder never says that he is dead, and never ‘calls him, as formerly, amita or amitina, but speaks of him as yubuaribana “he that was born after my younger broth- er; and when the elder brother is dead, the younger names him no longer hiosa nor niha, but only ano ecoyana. Of twins, boy and girl, the male is called caru amitimale, ‘brother born at a time with a sister ;’’ the female is called caru yachimale, ‘‘she that was born with a brother.’’ My male or female cousin (speaking to males) conina, thy cousin conaye, his cousin conimima, our cousin coninica, conimile, your cousin conayage, their cousin conimitilama. My male or female cousin (speaking to females) ebona, ebuona; thy cousin eboya, ebuoia, her cousin ebuomima. The cousin calls the wife of his uncle nebapatami, torapatami, itorapa- tami, entena or: entenada qgisotimi. Of the sons of two brothers, those of the younger call the uncle the same as if he were their father, ¢te miso, those of the elder call the uncle, who is the younger of the brothers, ite quiani,; otherwise the uncle of either is called by them 7tele. The sons of these brothers, although they be second cousins, call each other ‘‘ brothers, ”’ observing the foregoing nomenclature, and the daughters of these brothers call the elder cousins yacha, the younger amita, amitina, and also by the terms given above. The common people call these children of brothers, when male: ‘‘brothers,” ‘‘born together:’ vireo amitimale sige, or ‘reared together,”’ vireo amitimale pocha; and when male and female, they are called yachimale. When two brothers marry two sisters, they each call the other ¢afi, the term for brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and should the men not be of kin they are called yame, ‘‘married to my sister,’’ or iquilnona, ‘‘married to the sister of my wife.’’ The children of different fathers by the same mother are called ano nemoquarege sige; if male, viro nemoquurege sige, if female nia nemoquarege ulemt. TERMS OF RELATIONSHIP USED BY FEMALES ONLY. (First Catechism, sheet H.) My child (son or daughter) wlena. Is it thy child? wlaya? It is her child, wlemila. Is it her child? wlemima? The child of Maria, Maria ulemima; the son of Maria, Maria ulemila. It is our child wlenica or ule- mile; your child wleyage; their child wlemitilama. The children of Anna, Ana ulemicare; my elder child ulena miso ; my second child ulena paca - Gatschet.] 496 [April 5, noquana,; my younger child ulena quianima, the fourth child quiand co- coma, my very last child yubucoli or tsicora. The niece calls the husband of her aunt étora, ‘‘grandfather.’’ My brother’s wife ni quisa; she calls the sister of her husband ni quisimitana, and the brother tafimitana, ni tafimitama. My elder brother poyna misoma, my younger brother poyna quianima; my elder sister néhona, my younger sister umitina, amita oroco; in Potano and Icafi chiriéma is used instead : amita chirtma, amita chirico.. In Timo- qua the women say to their sisters, and the men to their brothers anta, antina; and when the younger speak of the older brothers they employ the terms used here by the coast people: héosa, niha. My last sister ywbwacolima, my aunt, sister of my mother isale; the sis- ter of my father nébinw,; my nephew on brother’s side ebona, on sister’s side ulena, the same as ‘‘my own child.’’ Is it thy nephew or niece? eboya? When a nephew on the brother’s side dies, he is called anetana, ano etana, and not ebona,; but if the deceased be of the sister’s side, he is called ano nihanibama or: aymantanica; and if any child of his die the deceased is called ano nihanema or: aymantana. The males likewise apply this term aymantana, same as the females, to a deceased near rela- tive whom they dearly loved ; and if he should be a chief, he is called by everybody aymanino neletema. My daughter-in-law nubuona; a daughter-in-law calls her husband’s father and mother nubuomituna or: ni nubuomitama. Son-in-law or daughter-in-law guisotina; the stepmother calls him or her wlena, ‘‘my child.’? The husband of a woman’s cousin is called by her nas?, ‘‘son-in- law ,”’ the wife is called equally by both sexes nubuo, ‘‘ daughter-in-law.”’ The children of sisters are called brothers and sisters, in observance of the nomenclature above given. Children of the younger sisters Call their aunt tsa miso, ‘elder mother,’’ and children of the elder sisters call their aunt “younger mother,’’ ¢sa quianima. The woman calls all the children of her sister alike, evona, and the brother calls them conina. If they are sisters, they call the children of their uncle evona, and his children cal] her nothing less than ‘‘ mother ;”’ but if the children of the sister be male they call the children of their uncle quiena, viz.: ‘‘my children,’’ although they are cousins. The children of the brother call the children of their aunt ama or equeta, although they are first cousins. The aunt or uncle, the father or mother of the nephew or niece being dead, these are called piliqua only, which term is used by others towards those who are without any re- lative, or have neither father nor mother. And the son of the brother calls his aunt nibina; the nephew on the mother’s side calls his uncle ‘sale, isalena, ‘‘my new mother, or aunt.’’ Those who are of the same house, lineage, or parent by the female side are called ano quelana or anona, ‘‘ my relative. ”’ When the wife dies, the surviving husband says: ‘‘ my fire is out’’ taca ni timutema; ‘he is dead who sat near me,’’ uquale hibuano nirocosema. Ifa woman’s brother die, she says: ano viro nirocosema, ‘that man that * - 1878.] 49% [Gatschet. I lost ;’’ and if a sister die, she says: ano niami nirocosema, ‘“‘she, my personal friend, that died.’’ COMPREHENSIVE TERMS OF RELATIONSHIP, USED BY BOTH SEXES. (First Catechism ; sheet H ; page V verso.) The great-grandfather and the great-grandson, itora naribua muulmale; the great-grandson and the great-grandfather gisitomale. The grandfather and the grandson itorimale, the grandson and the grandfather guisitomale. Husband and wife or wife and husband, or male and female of any de- scription inihimale,tacamale,; this latter is not applied to beasts, however. Father and son étimale, son and father gimale, siginomale. Mother and daughter zsomale, daughter and mother ulemale. Uncle and nephew itelemale, nephew and uncle giemale, same as ‘‘son and father ;’’ uncle and nephew dtemisomale, when the uncle is the elder brother of the nephew's father. Sister and brother yachimale; brother and sister poy- male. (Follows the series given in first article, page 7.) INTERROGATORY BEFORE BAPTIZING A NATIVE. (First Catechism, sheet A, page iiii.) My son, are you a Christian? No, I am not a Christian, my Padre ! My son, what is it then you want and require? I want to be a Christian. Do you come with the real desire of becoming a Christian? Yea, I come here truly desiring (to be such). How do you wish to be called? I want to be called Peter. I want to be called Mary. What do you request of the Church? I request (of it) the belief in Jesus Christ, (that is) to believe truly in God. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvir. 101. 37. Quiena, chi Christiano? Ya, ni Christianotila, itina ! Quiena, hachibonoco chi mante, hachibueno lapuste cho? Christianolesiro ni mantela. Nocomicoco Christianoleqi manta pona cho? O, nocomicoco manda ni ponola. Visamano hachamuenolesiro chi mante? Pedro muenolesiro ni mantela. Maria muenolesiro ni mantela. Iglesiama hachibonoco lapueste cho? Femonoma Jesu Christo, Dios nocomi bohono acoma, lapustala. PRINTED MAY 16, 1878. Gatschet.] To give me the everlasting life. This belief, to believe truly in God, it wiil give you! 498 {April 5, Balunu nanemima nohohauela. Caqi Femono, Diosi bohono aco- ma, achibueno cho hohaue ! INTERROGATORY BEFORE BAPTIZING INFANTS. (First Catechism, page before sheet F.) I. One Infant only to be Baptized. What do you bring into this House of God, into Church, a male or a female infant? I bring a male infant ! I bring a female infant ! What does it require to be? It wants to be a Christian. By what name is it to be called ? What does it request of the Holy Church? It requests the belief in God. Which belief in God will (the Church) give to it? It has to give to it everlasting life. Caqi Diosi pahama, Iglesiatema, hachaqueneco uquata pona chica? viroma? niama? Viroleqe uquata puenonicala ! Nialeqe uquata puentanicala ! Hachaquene siro mante? Christianolesiro mantela. Visamano hachamuenolehaue ? Sancta Iglesiama hachibono la- puste? Fémono Dios bohonoma lapustela. Feémono Diosi bohonoma hachi- bonoco ohohaue ? Balunu nanemima ohohauela. ~~ Il. Several Infunts, Male and Female, to he Baptized. Do you bring into this house of God, into Church, male or female infants ? I bring male and female infants. What do they require to be? They want to be Christians. By what name are they to be called ? What do they request of the Holy Church? They request the belief in God. Which belief in God will Church) give them? It has to give them everlasting life. (the Caqi Diosi pahama, Iglesiatema, hachaquene careco uquata puena chica, viro carema, nia carema ? Viro niaquene care uquata pueno- nicala. Hachaquene siro mantama ? Christianolesiro mantamala. Visama hachamueno mohaue? Sancta Iglesiama hachibono lapus- tama? Fémueno Diosi bohonoma lapusta- mala. Fémano Diosi bohonoma hachi buenoco ohobohaue ? Balu nanemima ohohauela. 1878.] 499 [Gatschet. CONFESSIONAL INTERROGATORIES. (Confessionario, pages 198 r., 208 v., 209 r.) Did you cease fasting on the regu- lar fasting days? Did you eat meat on days when it is prohibited ? How many times a day? For eating or drinking to excess did you get unwell ? Did you inebriate yourself by drinking to excess? Without feeling hunger (or thirst) did you eat or drink to excess? Have you murdered anybody? Did you desire anybody’s death ? Have you beaten anybody with a stick? Have you loathed anybody ? Did you counteract anybody’s in- terests ? Had youa grudge against any one, or did you persecute him? How often did you do this? Did you scoff anybody by making him the object of derision? Did you insult anybody by call- ing him a sodomite ? On last Lent did you confess ? Have you not loved God? When somebody was crazed, did you believe what he said? (Confessionario, Do you believe firmly in the Lord, in all the articles of God’s faith, and in the supreme law? Do you love God more than any- thing else? Against the law of God did you proffer curses or evil words ? Have you father and mother? Itorino-lehaue equelacoma itori- noma hanibicho ? Soba heno-lehaueti equelaco so- baebi cho? Equela yahaheno chuqua? Hono heta nacuta na inibitisote chiqua iqilabosobi? Hachibueno lehemosico heta ucuta na inibitisota mosotabocobi cho? Maninoticote heta ucuta ebele- casota mosobi cho? Anoco iquenibi cho? Anoco nihihero manibi cho ? Anoco abotobi cho? Anoco putuobobi cho? Anoco namoyo cosinibi cho? Anoco naenamiro mosota alihota mosobi cho? Chuqua lehaue chuquosa cho? Anoco una nantereqe matita istico hiobobi cho? Anoco iquitimosota matita pora- nacu yubanala mueno-leheco mo- nobi cho? Cuaresma yoquana pirama orobi- nibi cho? Diosi hubuasotanatila ? Isucu echa hebuatema nocomile manda bohobi cho? pages 205-207.) Nocomicoco atichicoloye atimoqua, cumenabacata Diosima bohacocoleta, naqua mine hebuano cumelenima bohote cho? Hachibueno inemi ofuenoma Dio- simaqua hubasote cho? Diosi hebuano nemoquamima emoqua ecata istico hebuata, mane manemati, hebuabi cho? Itimi isomiquene chi nahe? Gatschet. | Did you wrangle with your father? ’ Did you beat your mother with a stick ? Have you abused them by evil words? 500 {April 5, Iteye icasinibi cho? Isaye abotobobi cho? Iquitimoni hemosi na hebuasibota na istico hiobota mosobi cho? QUESTIONS TO SORCERERS AND HERB-DOCTORS. (Confessionario, pages 131 and 210.) Have you prayed over the new maize ? Did you see through the sorcerer’s tricks if war is to come on ? In which way, and by means of which herb do you do this? Did you search any object lost by the Demon’s artifice ? What you are doing to make re- appear what is lost and that you say: “it is here, or it is in such a spot, or he stole it?’ all this the Demon tells you in order to get hold of your soul; do not believe in him, let it go, for this is a great sin. Did you produce rain ? If God will not, it will not rain, whatever you may do. Stop doing this, for it is a great sin. Are you a herb-doctor? Did you cure anybody imperfectly in order te make him come back to you, that he may reward you better? Did you cure anybody with the prayer and incantations of the Devil? Did you bewitch anybody ? Holabaca qibema ituhubi cho? Iri imetaheco manta yalacota ene- mibi cho? Naqaostanaye, nie isotana hiabote cho? Hachibueno chebeqe hiti isonoma isota yalacobi cho? Hachibueno chebuamano hochie nacu china hiaboheleqete hitima chajo stage qebeta fateno motaqe chistela, qebeta uquateno ; motaqe chistela mine hitimano, naquostequa atichicoloye uquasiro manda isotela, bohosetiquani hache, naquosatiqua inti acola. Uquisa hibuabi cho ? Uquisono manta itufa cocolenocote chaqueneco - Diosima manetileqe uquiheleqete. Haniha chenaqua inti acoleqe, chisisotanano. Chi isucu ? Ano orobonoma hachipacha nahu- mequana anoco orobobi cho? Aribua orobotanaye iquilabono eyo-leheco ituhuta polesibi cho? Anoco orobasobi cho? CHIEFS AND OTHERS ADMONISHED AGAINST WITCHCRAFT. (Confessionario, page 130 v., ete ) Do not believe or trust in any manner, that you have to hunt with the aid of Demon’s prayer, unless he prays the prayers of God ; and when God is served according to his will, you shall hunt the game; you can Caqi ituhunuma hiti hebuano- mano hanta, acu caqi inino istico carema hanta chale caqua quoso hache caqi anopira cumeleta na ine toomama iquimileqe iquentahale manda bohatiqua ni hache Diosima- 1878.] hunt after having relinquished the ceremony of the Demon, commit- ting (the chase) to God. After being cured by the doctor and having become reconvalescent, did you prepare food of a sort of cakes or fritters (‘‘de tortas 6 gacha’’) or of other things and did you halloo to the doctor ‘‘that he cured you,’’ supposing that if you did not do so, the disease would reappear? Did you order that the bones of the game must not be thrown away, unless the game would no longer enter into the snare or trap, but that they must be hung up or placed upon the roof of the house (en las palmas- de la casa) ? Before hunting some antelope did you take the antlers of another ante- lope and pray over them the Demon’s prayers ? You must abandon with the force of your will all (pagan) ceremonies, superstitions, auguriums, dreams, sortileges, cursings, maledictions, visions and lies, for all these things have been taught by the Devil, who is the father and root of the lie, to your ancestors and to your priests ; and after you have rejected all these things by the force of your will, you must embrace the law of God and take up all its precepts. All of it must be believed and observed. 501 [Gatschet. rigena chi iquenta-hauela Dios itu- hunuma ituhunulebila. Iquilabo chique isucuma chorobo- tequa chibalege, chi isuqustanimano hono inonta pesolo-leheco, hola- qitino-leheco, nachiqisi chiqe mine usucumano anobe-lehaue yanacu iqilabonoma acuna hacu niqilabo- hauele manda mota bohobi cho ? Hachipile uquestanaye yabima ichuquinetiqua nimaca, uquesinoma ubua-hauetila mota bohota mosobi cho? Nimota uquata ituhuta honosoma enesota onaquosta, ituhuta iqueni- hale manda bohobi cho? Naquenele andaqua hebuano hiti hebuata ano iquiyaqge ohotaui mi- chunu hanta hachibueno ineco, na- hiheco iseco, nahiheco mosileque, hachi ninasisala manta, yabisacatala manda, bohonoma bohatiqua, nihi- qui-nolehecote hachibono caresino nayelebinaqeco bohatiqua nuraboqui manetiquanta naquenema nurabono mulu siqisostema hitima nantage nu- rabono itimila hitimano, naquenege nurabotemano hitima hebuutage isinola. Acu caqi bohono-letahaue, yaleno- letahaue, QUERIES AT THE NUPTIAL CEREMONY. (First Catechism, sheet F, page v.) (Priest.) Maria ! do you want this Pedro for your legitimate husband by actual declaration, as our mother, the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church, requires it, and will you declare it by saying so? (Reply.) Yes, I say so. Maria, cagi Pedro iribotema na- quenihaue cocomano heca isomile Sancta Catholica Apostolica Iglesia Romanoma mantage hebuano, cagqita isinoletema betalege hibuastala mote cho? O, motala. Gatschet.] (Priest.) Do you consent to have her for your spouse and wife? (Reply.) Yes, I consent. (Priest.) Do you accept him as your promised husband? (Reply-) Yes, I accept him. 502 [April 5, Minete ni nia mitota nihibuasala mote cho? O, motala. Hotosinta inifinano manta habo- sote cho? O, habosotala. ExsRONIvus PUNISHED FOR His CRUELTIES. (Confessionario, page 81 recto and verso.) In the sea of Lyons, on the island of Barbaria, a monk, after having said the morning missa, perceived a vessel which seemed to fly rather than to move on the waters. He heard in it great shouting of people; when the monk inquired with loud voice, ‘‘who they were?’ a voice replied: ‘‘We are demons, and we hold on board of this vessel Ebro- nius, the powerful mayordomo of the royal house’ of France, and we will disembark him, and throw him into Vulean’s furnace (olla), and torture him there forever for the wrongs which he inflicted to thee and to others, while he went on without being sorry for it and show- ing no mental distress nor contrition about his detestable deeds.’’ The monk noticed the hour (of this oc- currence) and afterwards discovered with entire accuracy (verdad) that at the same moment Ebronius would die at the royal court. Ebronius banished the monk upon that island and ordered one of his eyes to be cut out. And to another monk he or- dered both eyes to be removed, im- prisoned him and let him perish in prison. For similar misdeeds he finally met in hell the reward which he had deserved. Leon mocama, paqi Barbaria mo- nonco, itimilenota hibatequa may- tines ofonoma iniqe enenincono ticopaha iquo ivibitileta osobononco maha iribite acoleta ibine ofonoma mitetichu mota mitaqe ano chocolo hebanconoso omotaqe ita-itaqe itimi- leno michunu: ‘‘iquasibota chita cocarente chica?’ masibota yechi- boque isimonimano: ‘‘ caqi ticopa- hamano Ebronio, Francia hachi-ena anocoma echesota hotanicala hachi- naramino pahama echesota, nanemi isticosota hachinaramisota habeleta- nicala caqi calubonimano hochie echisonimaqui acuyoquama isonima- teqene eyoma isotanimate-quenema betaleqe, inela naquenema_nahia- bonta cumeleta chaca niquintele manta na anolatile nimabetaleque inela mopuenoge ocotota caquete- leqe.’’? Isenela manta na hiabotequa inta haninco mantequa iniqe eneni michu cocoma nihiqge naquene chu- letoma ninimano. Caqi Ebronio- mano itimileno caqi paqima hiba- tequa enetemaqua hochie chisoni- michumasta monimano mucuyaha, iposta hica narutuquata paqima hiba- somibiletequa nastama. Acu itimile noyoquamano mucu yuchaqua iposta caqui nochige naiquentequa inino- mimaqua na maha habechule. Na- quenige hiti pahama tahachinara mitela naquentemano norobista na- quenta calubotele honiquenihabeti maninoleta habema nanela. . 1878.] 503 (Gatschet. THE LorpD’s PRAYER. In one of Pareja’s volumes I found a loose sheet of paper, on which a Mexican had, on February 7, 1864, carefully transcribed the Lord’s Prayer from the following volume : ‘‘Explicacion de la ‘ Doctrina’ que compus6 el Cardenal Belarmino por mandado del Sefior Papa Clemente VIII. Traduida en lengua Floridana por el Padre Fr. Gregorio de Muoilla, etc., etc., Mexico, 1635.”’ Heca itimile, numa hibantema ; visamilenema aboquano-letahauema ; valunu nanemima nohobonihaue ; mine manintage numama isota monimaqui caqua utimate ; naquimohaue equela-rege hono henonica equelete nohobonihaue ; nina ehebotema natequenige nimani sibonihaue hecate naquimosima nina ehesibotema natequenige manista nicala cume hioninomate ; nini boha manta nihaui, batiqua ninihaue, acu nate isticolete inemiqua nibalubo nihaue. Amen Jesus. WoRDs AND SENTENCES. acuhiba moon, month. ahono young ; ahono nia girl, daughter. amita younger brother, younger sister, younger cousin, (used by males only). apahola buzzard, crow. chale new, fresh, recent ; pure. chu black ; taca chu charcoal (lit. black fire) ; ano chuca a negro. -co is the suffixed particle of the objective case. Sometimes it is suffixed to several words of the same sentence. It is variously written ca, co, cu. eyo other, another. ano eyo somebody else ; some other person ; a neighbor. ene, ine to see, to look at; ena cho did you see? na eneno a sight. hebuata law, precept, dogma; Diosi hebuata the law of God. hibua to stay, remain ; to be. numa hebuantema (for: numama hebuante) dwelling in heaven ; yaqua hibuabila aquita she remained a virgin. hio to mock, scoff; to curse, utter maledictions ; istico hiote cho? didst thou say evil? hiti 1) demon; 2) Devil of the Christian religion ; hiti-paba, or, hiti-hica- taca hell, lit.: ‘‘ Devil’s house’’ ; ‘‘ Devil’s land’s-fire.’’ holaqiti, span. gacha: a sort of fritters, or hasty-pudding ; probably made of Indian corn (holaba). hubua, hubasote, hubuasota to love, worship, reverence. Gatschet.] 504 [April 4, 1878. ichali weir (in the coast dialect ; puyu, jufere in the dialects of the interior districts). ilage night ; ilaqema at night. inti is the negative particle ‘‘not’”’ (-ti) before imperatives. igila sick, diseased. | iqilabo sickness, disease, malady. iqilabosobi cho? did you become sick ? iquini breast, udder ; milk. iquinena my deceased mother. iquiti to insult, abuse. isti bad, wrong ; ni hiotala istico I say evil (of somebody). yame brother-in-law. yamemitama sister-in-law (used by men only). yaqua she. yuru to tremble ; to fear, to be afraid ; to be angry. moca sea, ocean; moca mine great sea; maca pira Red Sea; mocamelo salt sea. mucu eye; mucubine tears (for: mucu-ibine, eye-water) ; mucu yucha two eyes; mucu yuchaqua both eyes. nahe, nae to possess, to have; itimi chi nahe hast thou a father? nohoba, nohobua, nohohaue to give, to bestow, to present with. Often ohohaue, hohaue (by apheresis). naquen, nakoso thus, so, in this manner ; naquenela it is so. nanacu because. niye, nie herb. numa heaven, sky; numama in heaven. oyo inside, within ; Iglesia oyoma within the church ; oqtio oyo intestines (lit. ‘‘inside the body’’). paha house ; pahama into the house. hiti-paha hell. ticopaha ship (lit. ‘‘canoe-house’’). piro, pira red; ano pira Indian ; maca pira Red Sea. putuo to detest, loathe, hate ; anoco putuobobi cho? did you loathe any- body ? -reqe, distributive particle; viroreque each man ; chuquareqe? how many times each? equelarege daily, day for day. paqi island ; caqi pahima upon that island. - -ti, -ti-, -te, the negative particle not, suffixed to or inserted into words: f. i.: ni Christianotila I am not a Christian. tinibo 1) to pierce, perforate, transfix. 2) woodpecker. ufueta pimp. uquo, oquo 1) flesh, meat ; 2) to eat, to feed on (said of maize, meat, f. i.); 3) body, person ; oqtio oyo entrails, bowels; 4) infant ; uquo viro a male infant. April 5, 1878.] 505 [Cope. Descriptions of Extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian forma- tion of Texas. By E. D. Core. (Reud before the American Philosophical Society, April5, 1878.) REPTILIA. DIADECTES SIDEROPELICUS. Gen. et. sp. nov. Char. Gen. Teeth with shortand much compressed crowns, whose long axis is transverse to that of the jaws. Edges of the crowns obtuse, with tuberosities on some of them, distinct from the principal apex. The latter is worn off very obliquely by attrition in all of the specimens. The crowns covered with an enamel-like substance which has no especial sculp- ture. Alveoli not separated. The external alveolar border in each jaw is more elevated than the internal, and in the superior series at least, diverges from the tooth-line backwards and outwards. The surface of attrition de- scends outwards in the maxillary series, and rises inwards in the dentary series. A large fossa pierces the inner alveolar border just behind the inner extremity of each tooth. The affinities of this very singular form cannot yet be determined. The mandibular ramus rises directly from the posterior extremity of the dental series, showing that there is a coronoid elevation of the dentary bone as in Dinosauria. The teeth are received into deep alveoli. It is probable that the vertebre are amphiceelous. The animals belonging to this genus were, in all probability, herbivorous. Char. Specif. The jaws, and probably other bones of three individuals of this species, represent it in my collection. The lateral tuberosity of the teeth already described is on the most elevated, hence opposite, borders of the crowns in the two jaws. It differs in its degree of prominence in different teeth, but is subject to attrition in one of the jaws at least. The form of the principal worn surface is an elongate oval. The investing layer of the crown is perfectly smooth, excepting between the lesser and greater cusps, where the obtuse edge is slightly longitudinally grooved. The surface of the jaws is not sculptured. Measurements. M. Greatest elevation of a tooth (No. 1)......... atauiaietare.s .O11 : GLANS MESE = -yyecciecaete ers eteyarsyate ae oe .006 - Diameters of crown ' : ANTELO-POStETION: 050 ss SPs MOT ieee dein ate cteles sere ntetset aim stare 015 Monerdiameteroforbiter. aacma. ceres otee sini create er olole .018 Width of Gaterorbitalirepian(:. 20 sis. ek aes eld .009 SrRHOCt THe csi Nets esa ete cietena's sae eae ohne Md alate wel ames 010 BOLOSAURUS RAPIDENS. Sp. noy. Established primarily on a tooth from the posterior or middle portion of the series, with which is associated another, probably from an anterior position in the jaw. The size is many times greater than that of the spe- cies of this genus already described, and it is uncertain whether the poste- rior tooth possesses the internal ledge characteristic of them. The anterior tooth does not possess it. The transverse diameter of the crown is consid- erably greater than the antero-posterior, and the convexity of the outer side is without facets. One side of the curve is flatter than the other- The enamel is perfectly smooth. The inner face is occupied by the surface of attrition of the corresponding tooth of the opposite jaw. The supposed anterior tooth is from another locality. Its section is similar to that of the present tooth, and the enamel is similarly smooth. The cutting edges are both smooth, and bounded by a little groove next the plane inner face. The Cope. ] 508 {April 5, crown is much more elevated than that of the tooth first described, and is in general shaped like a claw. It may be from the pterygoid bone of another genus. Measurements. M. Elevation of crown (axial).......... esis saeeals delice LOMO : ANterO=spOStCTIOL Wes Helse ees alleen OUG Diameter of crown fnanis Verse ast. he eile sas -008 PARIOTICHUS BRACHYOPS. Gen. et. sp. nov. Char. Gen. This form is represented by a cranium which has lost its superficial osseous stratum ‘at some points, and the entire occipital region. The temporal fossze were covered by a roof continuous with the postorbital region ; the zygomatie arch extends low down, producing a resemblance to certain tortoises. The orbits are small and lateral, and the muzzle is ~ short, with terminal nares. Their exact character cannot be agcertained. The teeth are rooted, and have compressed obtuse crowns, with cutting edge; they diminish in length posteriorly, and do not display any elongate canine. The cranial bones do not exhibit any sculpture. This genus is quite distinct from the others here described from corres- ponding parts of the skeleton. In the constitution of the skull it resem- bles Prof. Owen’s genus Aisticephalus from supposed Triassic beds of South Africa, but differs totaily in dentition. Char. Specif. The interorbital width is twice the diameter of an orbit, and is nearly flat. The cheeks behind the orbits are swollen ; the canthus rostralis is obtuse. The muzzle is obtuse, broadly rounded, and somewhat depressed ; the nostrils were not large. The orbits are subround, and meas- ure one half of the length of the muzzle measured axially above. The mandibular rami are not deep. The longest teeth are below and in front of the anterior border of the orbit; posterior to this point they diminish rapidly, and are reduced to a very small size. The crowns of the greater number of the teeth are short and much compressed, and the enamel is coarsely longitudinally grooved. An anterior mandibular tooth has a sub- conic crown. Measurements. M. Width of skull parte tale Sm ew ec eae ee ete toe oe UA) Length ‘* from RE erate ater ereouraekers alenettenet oreisie .022 Interorbital width.......... ate toate Bokese saree iets pe bce SOLO 1 We 7b Gus WeXcin) Oly hr SiS Merck ne eerste oka ratttetereve aie nim sere fas FOU: Length of root and crown Of a tooth.................. .002 From the locality of the last species. EcrocyNODON ORDINATUS, Gen. et sp. nov. Ohar. Gen. Cranium short and wide, with large post-frontal bones and a large orbit. Cranial bones sculptured, but no lyra. Teeth rhizodont, with elongate compressed crowns with anterior and posterior cutting edges. One of these between the orbit and nostril larger and longer than the others, and lying outside of the closed dentary bone. Mandibular SS 1878.] 509 [Cope. symphysis not sutural, but ligamentous. Terminal mandibular tooth not small. Teeth not faceted, simple. This genus, which I suppose to be reptilian, is represented by a speci- men which lacks the posterior portion of the skull ; hence its near affinities cannot be determined. In the character of the cranial sculpture it re- sembles crocodiles, and the Labyrinthodont genera cotemporary with it, and differs from Lacertilia with cranial sculpture known to me. Char. Specif. Parietal and frontal regions flat, the latter joined to the maxillary by a rectangular canthus. Interorbital region wide, equal to the diameter of the orbit. Sculpture of vertex in longitudinal series of pits of considerable irregularity. There are ten or twelve such rows be- tween the orbits. The crowns of the teeth are obtuse, and their surface smooth. Measurements. M. Interorbitall widthvof skull. i2).)..2ee6 Sah. ke isk eles .009 Width between prefrontal borders...............02- sen O14: Depthvoriacialiplate of masxillany;. <\7-).- ike oct ce slawe's 007 as ramus mandibuli at orbit............. a Sag cn .006 s¢ ‘s es Neat end Hi sasas dela tarsal .003 Lencthor shortmaxillary tooth... .1c25 21420056 vess sas -0015 es long #§ BS ein ar Ce Pere Orie .0030 Width se es Co ge Jolaoe Hotiesio stots alo aains .0015 The skull of this species is about as large as that of the Heloderma sus- pectum. CLEPSYDROPS NATALIS. Sp. nov. This reptile is represented by numerous portions of the skeleton, includ- ing a cranium, and thus offers the best basis of information as to the char- acter of the genus Clepsydrops which has yet come into our hands. This furnishes numerous interesting characters, which as found in a single in- dividual furnish a basis of estimation for the entire group. Char. Gen., et cetera. There is no quadratojugal arch, but the zygo- matic and postorbital arches are present. The squamosal extremity of the zygomatic arch descends low on the quadrate as in turtles, preventing mobility of the latter. The quadrate is not prominent in the specimen, and appears to have been a thin bone, as in Ectocynodon. The nostril is large and latero-anterior. The symphysis of the mandible is short, and the premaxillary bones appear to be distinct; they are separated in the specimen by displacement, with the indication that the junction was sutural. The .teeth were of different sizes, and the premaxillaries and canines are distinguished from the others by their proportions. All are sub-round in section, with more or less defined anterior and posterior cut- ting edges. The premaxillary teeth are larger anteriorly, diminish pos- teriorly, and are separated by a notched diastema from the large canine. The succeeding teeth are of medium proportions. The roots are sunk in deep alveoli. There is no surface sculpture of the cranial bones, which is the character distinguishing the genus Hetocynodon from Clepsydrops. Cope.] 510 {April 5, The vertebre have been described elsewhere, but important additions ‘to our knowledge can now be made. There are mostly small intercentra throughout the dorsal and caudal series, in the latter prolonged into two processes below, constituting chevron bones. The transverse processes on the dorsal and lumbar vertebree are undivided, and on some of the dorsals, the ribs articulate with the centrum as well. They are present on the anterior but wanting on the posterior caudal vertebrae. In adults the neu- ral arch is codssified with the centrum, and on the lumbar and sacral re- gion the neural spines are greatly elevated, indicating the presence of a fin like that of Basiliscus. In one of the allied species the diapophyses of three vertebre are vertically expanded for the attachment of the ilium, but the centra are not codssified. The humerus in this genus is of remarkable character. Its proximal ex- tremity is expanded and regularly convex, with the articular surface at right angles to the sides of the bone, and not developing a head. There is a strong deltoid ridge or tuberosity, not extending far from the head. The shaft is much contracted, and the distal end is more expanded than the proximal. It is flattened, and supports no condyle. Its outline is trans- verse at the middle and truncate at each lateral extremity. A large supra- condylar foramen pierces the basal part of the distal expansion near the in- ner border. The opposite edge is strongly grooved longitudinally, the groove being bounded in front by a prominent crest, which sinks just proximad of the distal border. The ilium is a flat bone which contracts downwards and forwards to the pubis. The latter is something like the ilium in form, widening in the op- posite direction, ¢. e. downwards and forwards. Its form is something like that of the Crocodilia, and it is uncertain whether those of opposite sides unite below. The ischium is a remarkable bone. It is greatly produced anteriorly and posteriorly to the acetabulum, in forming with that of the opposite side, a keeled boat-shaped body, which at its superior middle por- tion includes the inferior part of the acetabulum. In @. natalis, the anterior apex is below the middle line of the pubes near their anterior border. In the same species there is an additional small element between the ilium and pubis on the superior side at their junction. The acetabulum is formed by the interrupted junction of the three elements. The femur possesses no third trochanter, and the head and great tro- chanter are not separated by a neck. The little trochanter is large, and the condyles are well defined. The head of the tibia is expanded, and the fibula is well developed at both extremities. The phalanges are mode- rately elongate, and are depressed. The claws are curved and compressed below. The various remains of this genus now in my possession, and especially the skeleton of U. natalis, show that the determinations of various parts of the skeleton made from isolated fragments from Illinois, were correct. Of the general affinities of this genus it is only necessary now to state that my reference of it to the Rhynchocephalia is confirmed. It differs yi 1878.] 511 {Cope. from the recent species of the order in the absence of quadrato-jugal arch, and the remarkably developed ischia. On this account I refer to Clepsy- drops and its allies as a distinct suborder under the name of Pelycosauria. Char. Specif. The muzzle of this species is compressed and descends ob- tusely at the end as in Bolosaurus striatus. The nostril and orbit are quite large. The first premaxillary tooth is the largest and has a silky striation of the enamel; its crown is much less than that of the canine. The canine originates below a point a short distance posterior to the nostril. Measurements. M. Length of skull to posterior base of quadrate......... . 0.124 re HeTAOIMTIOS IIe cece aise oe sive mis ainielsisis nia nlalelem ale 084 ‘ VET UGA] sreiatsr ie derarseichalaies win athe wnadeaiele 026 Expanse of posterior zygapophyses.......-0..es+ss--e .030 engi, of baseiof neuralispime,. a: sretayarsininictn samp eieislviie ys 025 From the same region as the other species here described. 515 1878. | vlo [Cope. DIMETRODON GiIGAs. Sp. nov. Clepsydrops gigas. American Naturalist, May, 1878, p. 327. This animal is only represented in my collection so far by a large part of the pelvis. This is of the same character as that of the C. natalis, but differs in several details of form and is three times as large in linear meas- urements. The portion anterior to the acetabulum is shorter than in the C. natalis, and relatively deeper. The raised borders of the acetabulum unite, and form a thick obtuse horizontal crest, which continues to the apex, which consists of a broadly expanded shovel-like projection. This symphyseal portion is quite elongate, and carries on its supero-anterior face an obtuse median keel. The opposed elements diverge above the anterior part of the acetabulum. The latter is shallow but entire ; its most prominent borders are the anterior and postero-inferior. Measurements. M. Length from posterior border of acetabulum forwards... .200 Kong diameter of acetabulum 9.5.0. ccc elses ec >see .100 Total vertical diameter tu superior border of acetabulum .155 en eThVOi Anterior Sy IMPMySLs, erslecsia1 -.eciciece = so o)1sy-/21=/0.01 175 EPICORDYLUS ERYTHROLITICUS. Gen. et sp. nov. Char. Gen. Epicordylus is known from a large part of the vertebral column, including all the regions excepting the cervical, so far as at present appears. In general the vertebre resemble those of Clepsydrops, having well-developed intercentra. The diapophyses are at the base of the neural arch, and are prominent, and with large undivided articular extremity ; they are not present on the caudal vertebre. 'The neural spines are com- pressed below and enlarged transversely above, so as to be claviform. They are not elongated over the lumbar or sacral regions, but are similar to those of the dorsal vertebra at those points. The ossa iii resemble those of Clepsydrops. The zygapophyses are as usual oblique upwards and out- wards, and the centra are not shortened. Char. Specif. The centra area little compressed, and higher than wide. In the anterior caudal region they are a good deal more compressed. The intercentra in a part of the dorsai series are larger than in any known species of Clepsydrops. The neural spines are bilobed at the apex on the sacral region, and become shortly bifurcate on the caudal series. Measurments. M. Length of a series of seventeen dorsal vertebre......... .610 a an anterior Neural Spines «...<<0. aceon aeons. .050 * POSCOTIONS see,0 iain a oreme tele toeeatee tae eieateioiee wie is .070 Ss tubercular costal face of anterior dorsal..... .020 f ne $e on seventh vertebre of the series fromthe laste cies sie «10 «.< .035 ef five caudal vertebre of probably the same SUTTER ee ces a rete esi oeisiclstos sloyeisks ere .180 Elevation of fourth caudal neural spine.............+.- .057 516 [April 5, Cope. } Width of neural spine at summit.............. os he ies Length of ilium......... aig Be hiv Sas bas {cece This species appears to have been about the size of the Mississippi alli- gator. Unfortunately the cranium is unknown, but probably some of the jaws and teeth in my possession belong to it. From the region above already mentioned. METARMOSARUUS FOSSATUS. Gen. et sp. NOV. Char. Gen. There are numerous vertebre in the collection, from the median and anterior dorsal parts of the column, which differ from those of Clepsydrops and Hpicordylus in their small antero posterior diameter. That these all belong to one species, or even one genus, is not probable, in view of the many differences which they present. I select one of them whose characters are most strongly marked, and designate it as above, with- out deciding, as yet, how many of the others which agree with it in some respects, may hereafter be associated with it as to species or genus. The centrum is a good deal shorter than wide, and like those of all the other genera here described, is deeply biconcave. I have not yet ascer- tained whether it is notochordal, owing to the state of the specimens. The diapophyses project just below the base of the neural arch, and are short and with small tubercular facet. There is no capitular facet. The facet for the intercentrum is excavated at the anterior extremity of the base of the centrum and is quite small. The neural canal is rather large. The anterior zygapophyses have a peculiar form, their articular faces being directed downwards and outwards. This character, together with the form of the centrum and intercentrum, distinguishes this genus at once from those previously described. Char. Specif. The posterior articular face is a little deeper than wide, and has rather thick recurved margins. The sides are concave, and the middle line below protuberant (in section), but not keeled. The intercen- tral fossa is a transversely oval pit well defined all round, and not inter- rupting the contour of the inferior margins of the articular faces. Measurements. M. [“antero-posterior......:2sesenssa Oat Tinmeion omecuininl transverse Dehn. -.-et -s BP citer 3165 vertical hs, Comte devine DC) [ es Lun ida) Uisee aac ae awe erly! Width of intercentraltossa. ie. c= ee are sors sea LO Expanse of posterior zygapophyses............. aisiniee sO About the size of the Dimetrodon rectiformis. EMPEDOCLES ALATUS. Gen. et sp. nov. Char. Gen. This genus is of the same type as those already described as allied to Clepsydrops. I know of it from numerous vertebrae, but few of which belong to any one individual, four consecutive centra being the largest number I have obtained in association. The various specimens a 1878. ] 517 [Cope. described, belong to the cervical and dorsal regions, and it is not unlikely that one series which is not yet extricated from the matrix, includes also lumbars, sacrals and caudals. But of the latter I am not at present able to give any account. Both dorsal and cervical vertebr possess centra of the general character of those of Clepsydrops, with small intercentra. The neural arches present important differences. There is on the posterior aspect, below the zyga- pophyses a well developed hyposphen, and on the anterior face a corres- pondingly strong hypantrum. The structure is identical with thet which I have described as present in the genera Camarasaurus and Amphica- tius, but is rather better developed. It disappears at some posterior point of the dorsal series. The zygapophyses are much elevated and spread apart in Hmpedocles, and are connected together back to back. From this junction the diapophysis depends, forming a vertical septum whose in-. ferior extent is greatest on the cervical, and least on the dorsal vertebra. It is undivided, and as there is no capitular facet on the centrum, the rib had but a single head. The expansion of the diapophyses with that of the posterior zygapophyses gives to the posterior side of the vertebra a re- markable appearance, and forms an oblique roof above the centrum. The neural spine is not elevated, and is very robust, being in some cases greater in the transverse than the antero-posterior diameter, again approximating remotely Camerasaurus. Of the dentition nothing is known, but.some jaws with teeth of animals allied to Clepsydrops may belong here. Proba- bly other portions of the skeleton are in my possession, but I am unable as yet to correlate them. Char. Specif. The diapophyses are not long, and their articular surfaces are quite elongate downwards and forwards, especially on the cervical cen- tra. On more posterior dorsals the diapophysis arises exclusively from the neural arch, but maintains its very narrow obligue articular face. On all the vertebre the centrum is about as long as wide, with regular marginal angles without bevel for intercentrum. The sides are concave, and the in- ferior median line horizontal, and thickened. The neural spine is short in the dorsals, and with a subquadrate section, with the angles lateral and antero- posterior. The apex is excavated at the extremity. The space between the planes of the opposite zygapophyses is strongly convex. The latter have horizontal faces. Iu other vertebre the neural spine is more transverse, and the zygapophyses are separated on the median line by a smaller fossa on the anterior face of the arch, and a larger one on the posterior face. In a specimen in which the hyposphen has disappeared, it is represented by a ridge connecting the pos‘erior zygapophyses, which is decurved over the neural canal. Measurements. M. No. 1, dorsal vertebra of smaller individual. Total elevation of vertebra ........... Be ee SR ae -105 Blevation of centrum: ..:.. ......00 See ees cee 029 ao “« zygapophyses......-. Bente Prey eta e Wate cre ere .060 Cope.] 518 [April 5, Measurements. M. Elevation of base of neural spine............... Sedo -083 Widthofapex ‘“ es Sad cre Tob Toles Ans als Bree oe ee ORD Vertical extent of extremity of diapophysis........ s5ion, alBie Dinnicirat eee sooo pas ano sae* 026 transverse...... ASoB ent Seger .027 Width between inferior extremities of tubercular facets of diapophyses......... Sec nesthaonauande Ve etsdaletofa .066 Width between extremities of zygapophyses ........... .082 Length ‘‘ ef 3 a ae eas crises, ES No. 2, a larger individual. AML GinLS Saba ssa dinbbodccdomdooussoode se ssess, vLOO antero-posterior..............- -029 Diameter of centrum ~ tramsverse ..........++-------- -043 VETULCA Le icve ois leilers a usjoreis isietteistetete -- -039 Mxtent Of zy PapophySesee <\-cc aio: = lelels «1556 <|elaiminla[5= = 102 DIG EAA Our wRPN WKS oS So6a5esoons6 Bbecounde-o5- 026 The portions of the vertebral columns referred to this species cannot be reconciled with those of any of the species of Hpicordylus or Clepsydreps. In both of these, large parts of the dorsal series are known, and even if those genera should possess dorsal vertebrae with hyposphen, which is very im- probable, the peculiar forms of the zygapophyses and neural spine will still distinguish them widely. EMBOLOPHORUS FRITILLUS. Gen. et sp. nov. This form reposes on some dorsal vertebrae with intercentra and ribs in place, which display some interesting characters. The neural arch is co- éssified, and the zygapophyses and diapophyses are well developed ; the latter not elongate, and standing on the base of the neural arch. The cen- tra are notochordal. The intercentra are narrowed and transversely ex- tended. The ribs are two-headed ; the capitulum is received into a fossa of the posterior border of the intercentrum in advance of the vertebra which supports the diapophysis, to which the tuberculum is attached. The curious mode of articulation of the ribs I have not observed in the species of the genera heretofore described, unless the forms of some of the intercentra of the Clepsydrops limbatus indicate it. If so, that species must be removed to Hmbolophorus. Char. Specif. Centra with a circular section at all points, and contract- ed at the middle. No carin or grooves. The intercentra project beyond the edges of the centra, giving the column the appearance of supporting annular ridges. Their lateral angles extend upwards nearly to the base of the neural arch. The diapophyses are short and are directed upwards and forwards ; their extremities are concave. The zygapophyses are large und their articular faces nearly horizontal. The size of this species is small, little exceeding that of the Bolosaurus striatus. 1878.); 519 [Cope. Measurements. M. Length of a centrum with an intercentrum attached.... .0056 henetle nf contrum, Lo bvew so. oe Sek eee .0040 5 a ivueter ot conta vertical hea sioerele te trbarebereoctay ers -0035 (horizoutals.c se. Pia see tees .0035 Eexpanse of dis pop hysess.ilan <7 .014 Six maxillary teeth F Senet nea) OLE: Diameter of an anterior maxillary tooth................ -002 $s sf tusk of inner row...... pein accean 2. ANA: Length of ramus mandibuli to anterior border of inter- nal pterygoid fossa..... DEC RC oiO COC ORS een - .058 Depth of do. at do....... sie oiclahe ome ee Merci cterseseys .023 * American Naturalist, May, 1878, p.328 + This term is used as preferable in this case to that of occipital condyle. Cope. | 526 [April 5, Measurements. M. Length of ramus mandibuli to posterior border of inter- nal pterygoid fossa........... Pewee SELES Se OTS Depth of ramus: mandibuli.at do... s.iv6.. eves. cee OL6 s if a 110:-fromanglec’ :ti.ci8 0s 016 Six posterior mandibular deeth img: scct< ccc cmeeres bom OLE Transverse extent of glenoid cavity.............-.0.--- -012 4 diameter of condyloid fossa of occiput...... .019 Vertical diameter of do....... Bisa ice. Pie Ses Greatest width of parasphenoid... ........-..-.5.2222- -084 Thickness of do. at sphenoid portion......... .......-. .0035 Three vertebrae (measured below) in...........e+-eee- -042 Chord of intercentrum........... re OO ieee ts MOTs Length of intercentrum below...... stinieecisbhice sano Thickness ss OG Wisse sete wiiphatotehets Wie is pteideete Ware PROUD ‘Toial lerethsof neuralpareh 2h teat sca iets sige ieee are an Elevation of do. above posterior zygapophyses......... .008 Expanse of anterior zygapophyses...........>. Brice cul Long diameter of lateral diapophysis..... Bie Sas sine Sue ate pram ties Short : se os SRoeaOCOdasU an evo oe .005 Teneth' ofa mibye a... ea atte oles S/he setters archoneta erate tstele see UL Width of head of do..... PA SAAS Sntbom leks tie wie stele eee This species was abundant during the Permian period in Texas, judging from the number of individuals included in my collection. RHACHITOMUS VALENS. Gen, et sp. nov. Ganocephalorum. Char. Gen. These are derived exclusively from vertebree, which appear to belong to only one species. Four is the largest number which has been found consecutively in any one individual, isolated portions of the vertebre being more abundant. From these, characters of an interesting genus allied to Trimerorhachis may be derived. Each vertebra consists of two segments, —an intercentrum and a neural arch. The true centrum is wanting in the specimens at my disposal, and the intercentrum supports portions of two adjacent neural arches. With these it shares the intervertebral articular face usually borne by the cen- trum. Each articular face is thus divided into three portions, one third belonging to each neurapophysis, and one third to the intercentrum. Be- tween these the course of the chorda dorsalis is unobstructed. Neural spine present, codssified. Diapophysis large, with a subvertical tubercu- lar costal face. Zygapophyses well developed. The absence of centrum aud presence of neural spine and articular faces on the neurapophyses, with the well-developed diapophyses, distinguish this genus from TVrimerorhachis. The large intercentra and articular faces of the neural arch distinguish it from Archegosaurus. Char. Specif. The Rhachitomus valens is a much larger species than the Trimerorhachis insignis, equaling or exceeding the Hmpedocles alatus. The intercentra are very robust; the posterior face is nearly straight, while the inferior border of the anterior face curves backward to meet the FOr 1878. ] 52 ‘ {Cope. former at an angle. The inferior face is convex transversely, and slightly concave antero-posteriorly. The tubercular rib facets are oval, and are narrowed downwards and forwards. The side of the neurapophysis de- scribes a curve which rises a little to the superior part of the extremity of the diapophysis. The zygapophysial surfaces are as wide as long, anda little oblique. The neural spine is not very elevated, and is very robust ; its section is a longitudinal oval. Its summit is truncated and thickened laterally. Measurements. M. : p pPiTansviersese J. 25:23 Seer joer 20Sb Diameter of intercentrum i SieRG: : POSiETION Anes mease eee .023 Pxpanseiol dinpophysesnd as 2x ask selvaticnts 22. es. caaase die .073 Length of tubercular surface of do... 0... ...0.0cseesess 022 Blevahiomot neural arehi.- 2.2 -uisis.se dea aelnokles imei O71 ss cae SUITED cies cle tsct Salata eisuaretvenele’s steed Antero-posterior diameter of summit of do............. .044 PISCEs. CTENODUS PERIPRION. Sp. nov. This large species is indicated by a fine palatal tooth of the left side. Its outline approaches that of a right-angled triangle, but the hypothenuse is deeply incised by the interradial notches. The plate is rather thin, and is moderately concave on the inferior face. The ridges number seven, all of which are directed outwards and forwards. They are separated by strong grooves, and have a perfectly smooth and uniform crest, and be- come more elevated at the distal extremities. The latter are steeply de- curved and serrate, both faces being invested with a polished enamel-like layer. This substance is only visible in an edge view, and covers one-half the depth of the margin, being excavated by the extremities of the radia- ting grooves. The superior face is flat. The absence of serration from the radiating ridges of this species is a striking feature, allying it to the genus Ptyonodus,* where the teeth are wanting. Measurements. M. Length of dental plate............ ea sian see ares .037 Widtin ** Oi aifevetaidia aiciee: aiSrepswreveiatanete elas recone sie .018 Thickness at inner DOrder:.%..2+-2.< 20s « Stemetster cchete See hoe .005 + *« external border of penultimate crest....... .007 From the same locality as the species above described. CTENODUS PORRECTUS. Sp. nov. Two teeth of the left palate indicate this species. The tooth is char- acterized by the smail number of its crests (six), of which only one, the very small first, is directed backwards, and the last four are di- rected forwards. The crests are separated by deep grooves, which ter- minate in deep emarginations. The anterior crest is produced much beyond the extremity of the penultimate, and the latter as much be- * Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1877, p. 192. Cope. | 528 [April 5, yond the fourth. The extremities of the crests extend obliquely to their bases, and support four or five dentiform processes. The dense shining layer extends inwards as far as the bases of the serrate portions. The inner face of the anterior crest is oblique, and the posterior inner border curves outwards to behind the first crest, leaving a shelf-like continuation of the palatal surface of the tooth. Measurements. M. Lene thot fOOtb erento a SESS EE Ser Cee 038 Width atithird crests.) as-eciaacaeeie suecilcxaertele Sate: -015 Depth opposite third crest........... PaenOs ss Gomsee 004 This species must be compared with C. fossatus Cope, and C. serratus Newb. The latter is a wide tooth with less oblique, and fully serrate crests. The former is a narrow species, but the anterior crests are not nearly so extended ; it is deeper, and the inner side is vertical, and with- out the posterior palatal lamina seen in the two species named. CTENODUS DIALOPHUS. Sp. nov. Represented by a single left tooth in excellent preservation. Its charac- ters are very marked. It is of narrow form, and has more numerous crests than any other known American species. They number ten, and there are two or three other rudimental ones at the posterior extremity. They are all more transverse than usual, five being directed forwards, and five slightly backwards. The crests are acute, but the grooves and emarginations are not very deep. The crests are entire, except at the obliquely truncate dis- tal extremities, where there are from two to four dentations. The shining layer does not extend within these. The inner border of the tooth is ver- tical, excepting posteriorly, where the inner border of the crest-bearing portion turns outwards, leaving a narrow ledge of the palatal face. The latter is concave in cross section. Measurements. M. Length (.004 atone end. inferential)........... ...-.0 033 Witdithvat iittiae Cresta. ccs ccrinsiteis a6 ee crstereete eleven 010 Depthrop posite titty Crests cre cieve chey-ke ti oteincee eestor avert eae 004 It is not necessary to compare this species with any other. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PELYCOSAURIA. In addition to the type of humerus described under the head of the genus Clepsydrops, several other remarkable forms occur in the collection, which are probably referrable to the various genera of Pelycosauria. I give the following tabular analysis of them : A, No condyle ; a supracondylar foramen. No special proximal articu- lar surfaces. INO: Te GOAN a OO DEY' «-« «oteie ce ccc merase Sea 5, cantin: fetes Si ekeiaen Specimens, 5. AA, Condyles and supracondylar foramen. a, The shaft uninterrupted. No. 2. Condyles longer ; smaller..........e0s..00s war lats Bins . Sp. 6. No. 8 -Condyles; wider; larger «::. S20) OfsCOUplenyetarete eerdtete« 6.916 (Mean of three (arge end on right).... measurements. ) “<> Mistohicoupless Seren. 1.2078 ni (Small end on right).... <6 AGL Of, (COMER rere ictsialetacte (Small end on left). ... 1.2078 << Brea dtc hstscleyelas teste ger cine 0.266 to 0.798 — Distance apart of small ends.... 0.798 Mean of three measurements. ‘i of large. end) ,.%.:<16.,. 0.2881 Mean of six measurements. if, Millimeters. Length of depression ‘ease of three eS MOCK). 1s owe. 2.4738 © observations. sie Body 6.916 de Greatest breadth... 0.0030... 3.38416 e Distatice tapartes eves. ee 1.862 Mean of three measurements. 1878] Length ist of couple........... orn ec OL COUPler atic. - ESE COUNEERS esters nacre Distanice apart: «5.22... between twoofa couple ee TT aed fered gias at a8 int Greatest breadth. ........ Bhistanee partes don & 055257 Distance Apart...» soe. on Distance “apart vests bias Length of long dent...... . “* 1st short dent ce 92d ce ce 1st long depression....... 1st short SOMaEY ONE Set 9d “ec “e 2d long o Valanatet ale Distance apart; :422...... 535 O. Millimeters. 4.123 ( Mean of four tote 4,721 ' observations. See 3.99 Mean of three eran 1.4896 ie ac 0.532 U. Millimeters. wees 8.0598 5 Mean of three t measurements. ars ake 2.66 wee 3.199 ( Mean of three measurements. OT. Millimeters. eA Seiie 0.864 (Mean of four determinations. ) OW. Millimeters. ete 1.596 (Mean of seven observations. ) a. Millimeters. Pra 1.596 ( Mean of four yore 0.532 - : measurements, Las 0.539 (me é. Millimeters. saree k 2.926 ( = ae pet Mean of five naa 1.064 | measurements. OE 2.926 | 1. Millimeter. Mean of five Ar 2.075 observations. [Frazer. Frazer.] 536 [April 5, Millimeter. Mean of eight Distance apart...... Pispete wcie eib.e 1.011 observations. Mean of eight Distance 'spartecadeet. <-> sa 1.5561 measurements. It would be well if a material could be discovered soft enough to offer the minimum resistance to the excavating action of the stylus, yet which could be hardened without distorting the shape of the depression. Some Tables for the Interconversion of Metric and English Units. By PERsIFOR FRAZER, JR., A. M. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, April 5, 1878.) Capt. Kater, in 1821, as a member of the Royal Standard’s Commission, appointed in 1818, made the determination of the meter to be 39.37079 inches. This was adopted by the Commission and was embodied into the statute of the British Parliament enacted in 1824, establishing the platinum standard meter in Paris as in length equal to 39.3708 inches of brass at the temperature of 62° Fahrenheit, the platinum standard being at 0° Centigrade, or 32° Fahrenheit, the temperature of melting ice. Capt. Kater’s value was again sanctioned by Jaw in 1864.* In 1866, the Royal Ordinance Survey, adopted 1 meter = 39.370432 inches, on the authority of Col. (then Capt.) A. R. Clarke, Superintendent of the Office of the Survey at Southhampton. In 1869, the more recent Royal Standard’s Commission, under the Presi- dency of Astronomer Royal Airey, reported comparative tables, founded on Kater’s value, which were published in a Parliamentary Blue Book, and may be found at the end of the second Report of the Royal Standard’s Com- mission, published in that year.+ The subjoined work was undertaken to supply a want which every physi- cist and chemist, and, indeed, very many artisans and manufacturers have felt, for a set of convenient and consistent tables for converting various values of measure and weight from one into the other of the two systems between which at present the calculations of the greater part of the civil- ized world, both in science and trade, are divided. Every one knows that a multitude of tables for this object are already in *When the use of the metric sytem was rendered permissive in Great Britain so far as related to contracts. } Extracts from a private letter from President F, A. P. Barnard, of Columbia College, New York, _ 1878.] dot [Frazer. existence, yet it must be apparent to any one who has compared them to- gether that there are generally discrepancies between them. For instance, three authorities which should command the confidence of scientific men give the following values : | Rankine, Crookes. Eliot & Stover. Grains in a Gram......... 15.43235 15.438395 15.4346 Cubic metersin 1 cubic foot —0.0288153 0.028314 Sethi bysb arte = TONNES 80;2,tOD. ss. .-.<5)- 5)-40] 1.01605 aU UN baci f! Pare ce eee eer Kilos. per sq. centimeter in one pound per sq. inch. . -0703095 PO DUS a fertaas cca s eaaeee Only three authorities are here quoted, but the number might be almost indefinitely increased. It is true that for most purposes these differences being less than one thousandth of one per cent., would not seriously affect the results ; but there are problems continually occurring where some rec- ognized equivalent is most desirable, and still a greater number where it is desirable that all the diverse terms employed should have been obtained from the same original unit and by the same methods. -It would be far better that all the English speaking world should accept a wrong determination as the only Jegal one than that each person who employs such reciprocal values should take a different standard, even if one of the number could be absolutely right. In all questions relating to the value of lineal, superficial and cubical equivalents of the English and Metric units, including those defined by law as a certain whole number and fraction of cubic inches or feet (e. g. the bushel, barrel, stone-perch, &c.), the determination of Kater has been taken, and squared, cubed, multiplied and divided until the expression for the desired derivative of the meter was obtained in terms of some deriva- tive of the inch, no decimals having been omitted until the final number was reached ; when the shorter approximative expression has been sub- stituted by an application of the well-known rules governing such cases. The number of decimal places given has been in proportion to the im- portance of the unit asa base from which to calculate other values. Thus the number of places in the Grain—Gram equivalents is eleven (as in the report of Mr. Upton, from which it was taken), whilst the Rood—Are being less frequently used and especially being of less importance as a base from which to derive other values, is given in five and six places respectively. This method of separate calculation from the fundamental Inch-Meter value has been employed tor each of the above-mentioned kinds of dimen- sions, and the value of the metric unit in the Inch derivative has been con- verted into the reciprocal or Inch derivative unit by simply dividing the whole decimal into one and shortening as before. This is obviously to be preferred to taking the reciprocal of the legal value of the meter in inches, as the base of the calculation. Crookes’ (Select Method of Chemical Analysis) was drawn on for the PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvir. 101. 30. PRINTED MAy 18, 1878. Frazer. } 538 [April 5, 1878. form of expressing the Fahrenheit in the Centigrade degree. Rankine is responsible for the statement of the relation between English Heat Units and French Calories, but both have been verified. In weight the fundamental units (the value of the Gram. in Grains) is taken from the report of Mr. Upton (Chief Clerk of the Treasury) to Hon. John Sherman, Secretary, March 26, 1878, and from this value all the others were calculated. In fine, all the values here appended have been as carefully as possible revised by the author, and, in addition, have had the benefit of the very valuable criticism and corrections of Professor Chase, of Haverford Col- lege, and of President Barnard, of Columbia College, the latter of whom has conferred greater security in verifying them by the calculating machine. In the case of lineal units, four of those most constantly recurring were selected, and the values of one up to nine times each unit are given in terms of the other. This method, which is employed in Crookes’ ‘‘ Select Methods of Chemical Analysis ’’ (London, 1871,) permits any decimal mul- tiple or fraction of one unit to be obtained with great accuracy in terms of the other, by a change of the decimal point and a simple addition. Thus, if it be required to find the number of inches in 348,4 centimeters, the fraction would first be written decimally, 348.16. The value in inches of three centimeters is 1.181124. INCHES. 300” centimeters) would equal. 7 ~ 2Gscte ee. einen, -- 118.1124 40 a af Pipl. Ss cee ie oan 15.74832 8 iG oS Seite cS ia etees ation 3.149663 0.1 Zs

Lyd 1878.] 5AT |Horn. genera. Here there is no frontal margin at all, and the antenné are ex- posed at base. Our species, with one exception, occur from the regions west of the Rocky Mountains, while the reverse is the case in Bostrichus. They are distin- guished in the following manner : AORIX WiLn distine: Hind aNIER, «<6... << 56... « - ces cadolge athaeieek fortis. Thorax with hind angles not prominent. Declivity of elytra distinctly margined at tip............. punctipennis. Declivity not margined. Surface with sparse recumbent pubescence.............-- bicaudatus. Surface with moderately long hairs. Form more slender....... teres. A. fortis Lec. New Species, 1866. p. 101. Cylindrical, robust, piceous black, shining. Thorax a little broader than long, apex with two hook-like processes pubescent at tip, in front roughly granulate, toward the anterior angles serrate, posteriorly densely granu- late, smoother near the hind angles which are prominent. Elytra coarsely substriately punctured, declivity gradually convex, not margined nor cal- lous. Body beneath sparsely punctulate, scarcely at all pubescent. Length .88-.68 inch ; 9.5-17 mm. This species is abundantly distinct from punetipennis by the prominent hind angles of the thorax, the form of the declivity and the almost entire absence of pubescence beneath. Crotch appears to have considered it the female of the next species, and for that reason omitted it from the Check List. I cannot convince myself that so many differences are sexual only. Occurs from St. George, Utah to Arizona and Peninsula of California. A. punctipennis Lec. (Apate) Proc. Acad., 1858, p. 73. Cylindrica!, robust, piceous black, shining. Thorax as long as wide an- teriorly with two hook-like processes (not pubescent at tip), anterior face of thorax roughly granulate, at the sides serrate, posteriorly smoother granulations flattened, not prominent, hind angles not distinct. Elytra subseriately coarsely punctured, declivity slightly flattened, on each side two elongate callosities; at tip for a short distance acutely margined. Body beneath moderately densely punctate and clothed with fulvous pubes- cence. Abdomen densely punctulate with a few very large punctures in- termixed, surface densely fulvo-pubescent. Length .46-.54 inch; 11.5- 13.5 mm. Occurs from Texas and Utah to New Mexico, Arizona, California, Peninsula California and Mexico. A. bicaudatus Say, (Apate) Journ. Acad. III, p. 320; aspericollis Germ. Ins. Spec. nov., p. 258 ; Aamatus Fab. forte, Ent. Syst. i, 2, p. 360; Syst. El. IT, p. 380. Cylindrical, moderately elongate, piceous brown, sparsely clothed with recumbent pubescence. Thorax as in punctipennis but with the hook-like processes smaller. Elytra moderately coarsely irregularly punctured, de- clivity eblique coarsely cribrate. Body beneath moderately densely punc- Horn.] 548 ; [April 19, tulate. Abdomen densely punctulate with coarse punctures intermixed, surface moderately pubescent. Length ,26-.40 inch ; 6.5-10 mm. The male has a moderately long process on each side of the declivity, in the female reduced to a small tuberosity. Occurs everywhere east of the Rocky Mountains. A. teres, n. sp. Brownish piceous, cylindrical elongate, sparsely clothed with moderate- ly long semi-erect pubescence. Front with moderately long erect yellow- ish hair. Thorax as broad as long, apex truncate without processes, an- teriorly roughly punctate, toward the sides serrate, posteriorly substrigose, hind angles not evident. Elytra coarsely seriately punctured, declivity regularly convex, not margined nor tuberculate. Body beneath sparsely punctate and pubescent. Length .18-.22 inch ; 4.5-5.5 mm. In the two specimens before me I detect no sexual differences. Occurs at Fort Yuma, California. DINODERUS Steph. The species of this genus are of cylindrical form, sometimes very slight- ly depressed. The thorax is covered with asperities in front in the man- ner usual to the genera of this tribe. Here again we have a species (brevis) in which the antenne vary from the normal number of joints, there being in the one species six and in the others five small joints between the second and the club. The second joint of the antenne is usually nearly as stout as the first and short, in one species, however, (punctatus) this joint is much more elongate than usual as are also the third and fourth, this makes the antenne longer and more slender; here also the antenne are fimbriate anteriorly. The length of the three-jointed club as compared with the funicle ex- hibits an amount of variation which indicates the propriety of suppressing the name of one or other of the generic names Dinoderus or Rhizopertha. The former is retained as it has the greater number of species in our fauna. The surface of the body is sparsely clothed with short erect hairs, in punctatus alone the pubescence is not erect. The declivity of the elytra is normally convex, two species have it flat- tened and limited to a varying extent by a ridge (punctatus, truncatus). The other variations of structure are more strictly specific. In accordance with the relative importance of the characters above given, our species may be arranged in the following manner : A. Antenne 10-jointed, form elongate cylindrical. Declivity of elytra convex, not acutely margined. Margin of thorax coarsely serrate. Head opaque, rather roughly granulate, ........ Be Aes porcatus. Head shining, smooth, granules small, flat............substriatus. Margin of thorax feebly serrate. Elytral punctures irregularly disposed. Color piceous. 2 1878. ] 549 [Horn. Declivity of elytra with simple punctures.............. cribratus. Declivity granulate or muricate..... Ba lNalateis retinas Uisiels densus. Elytral punctures in regular strie. Color ferruginous....pusillus. Declivity more or less flattened and acutely margined. Second joint of antennz as slender as the third, joints 3-8 hairy in front. Marginal ridge of declivity short. 07822 0e ees punctatus. Second joint of antenn stout, joints 3-8 not hairy. Declivity flat and very abrupt, the marginal ridge long............. truncatus. B. Antenne 11-jointed, form short. Margin of thorax not serrate, declivity convex. ............00- brevis. D. porcatus Lec. New Species, 1866, p. 101. Brownish opaque, sparsely clothed with short erect hair. Front opaque, roughly granulate. Thorax as long as wide, slightly narrowed in front, margin conspicuously serrate ; disc in front with spiniform tubereles, pos- teriorly moderately densely tuberculate and with a fine smooth median line. Elytra striately tuberculate. Body beneath sparsely punctate. Length .14 inch; 3.5 mm. Occurs from Pennsylvania southward and westward. D. substriatus Payk. (Apate) Faun. Suec. III, p. 142; Mann. Bull. Mosc., 1853, III, p. 233. Piceous, moderately shining, sparsely clothed with short erect hair. Front shining, sparsely granulate. Thorax as wide as long, a little nar- rowed in front ; disc anteriorly with spiniform tubercles, posteriorly densely granulate, median line not evident ; margin conspicuously serrate. Ely- tra with rows of coarse, deep, closely placed punctures, intervals sub- muricate. Body beneath shining, sparsely punctate. Length .16-.18 inch ; 44.5 mm. This and the preceding species are closely allied and differ only in sculpture. In the former the intervals are broken up into closely placed tubercles, in the latter the punctures of the intervals are more evident and the intervals are continuous, their summits being submuricate. Occurs particularly in the Northern States and Canada. D. cribratus Lec. New Species, 1866, p. 102. Piceous, shining, sparsely hairy. Head shining, sparsely granulate. Thorax as wide as long, scarcely narrowed in front, margin very feebly serrate ; disc in front with coarser tubercles, posteriorly, densely granulate, median line not distinct. Elytra with coarse, deep punctures, moderately, densely placed, feebly arranged in rows on the disc, confused at the sides, intervals not elevated. Body beneath sparsely punctate. Length .16 inch: 4mm. Occurs in the Middle States. D. densus Lec. loc. cit. Piceous, moderately shining, sparsely hairy. Front shining, sparsely granulate. Thorax as wide as long, margin very feebly serrate; disc in front roughly tuberculate, posteriorly densely granulate. Elytra densely Re Horn.]| 900 {April 19, and rather irregularly punctured, intervals sub muricate, declivity granu- late. Body beneath sparsely punctate. Length .14-.16 inch; 3.5-4 mm. This species differs from the preceding in its rougher sculpture, and denser punctuation, the declivity in the former species being punctured, in this granulate. Occurs in the Southern States ; also, in Michigan. D. pusillus Fab. (Sinodendron) Ent. Syst. Suppl., p. 156; Stephens Tllust. Brit. Ent. III, p. 354; Duval Gen. Col. Eur. III, pl. 57, fig. 281. Cylindrical, brownish or castaneous, shining. Head very sparsely punc- tate. Thorax as broad as long, margin scarcely serrate, surface asperato- granulate in front, less roughly granulate posteriorly. Elytra with rows of coarse, deeply impressed, closely placed punctures. Body beneath moder- ately coarsely but sparsely punctate. Length .12 inch; 3 mm. This insect appears to be cosmopolite, having probably been distributed in articles of commerce. Numerous specimens were observed in the wheat at the Centennial Exposition. It probably occurs over our entire country, as I have specimens from Arizona. D. punctatus Say, (Apate) Journ. Acad. V, p. 258. Piceous, sparsely pubescent. Front sparsely punctured. Antenne with moderately long hairs in front, the second joint as slender as the third and moderately long. Thorax a little longer than wide, narrowed in front, margin very feebly serrate, disc in front with spiniform tubercles, poste- riorly indistinctly granulate, and more shining. -Elytra densely and irregu- larly coarsely punctate, intervals not elevated, declivity feebly convex, suture slightly elevated, on each side a more prominent but small denti- form tubercle, at sides of apex acutely margined. Body beneath moder- ately densely punctate. Length .18 inch; 4.5 mm. This species is abundantly distinct in the structure of the antenne. Occurs from Pennsylvania westward. D. truncatus, n. sp. Rufo-piceous, moderately shining, surface sparsely clothed with very short hair. Front moderately, densely punctate. Thorax as wide as long, gradually arcuately narrowed from base to apex, margin very finely serrate, dise anteriorly, roughly granulate, posteriorly, feebly but densely muricate. Elytra with coarse, deep, closely placed punctures, arranged in moder- ately regular striz, except near the scutellum, intervals not elevated, de- clivity abrupt, flat, densely punctate, acutely margined. Body beneath opaque, obsoletely punctate. Length .14 inch; 3.5 mm. The marginal ridge of the declivity encloses an exact semi-circle, while the face of the declivity is nearly vertical to the axis of the body. Two mutilated specimens from California. D. brevis, 0. sp. Cylindrical, robust, brownish, shining, sparsely hairy. Thorax as broad as long, slightly narrowed to the apex, base truncate, margin not serrate, disc anteriorly with short dentiform asperities arranged in four or five _— 1878.] 551 [Horn. transverse series; behind these the thorax is densely and coarsely punc- tured, disc sub-carinate at middle posteriorly, and on each side of this a feeble depression. Elytra cylindrical, obtusely declivous posteriorly, sur- face coarsely and deeply and moderately densely punctured. Body be- neath piceous, legs paler. Length .12 inch; 3 mm. This species differs from all the others by its eleven-jointed antenne, the additional joint occurring among the small ones between the second and the club. Its form is also shorter, and more robust, resembling in this re- spect some of the species of Xyleborus. In this species we have the third instance in our fauna of the variation of the number of antennal joints within what must be considered generic limits. Several specimens sent me by Dr. Summers from New Orleans. Tribe PSOINE. Head entirely free, eyes at least moderately prominent. Antenne nine or ten-jointed, terminated by three-jointed club, which is a little shorter than the preceding portion. Thorax oval, sides not margined, surface not muricate. Tarsi slender, elongate, four-jointed in Psoa, five-jointed in Polycaon, the first joint being very small. Two genera occur in our fauna. materor coxr separated, tibiz\serrulate... 226 « «sian. sie s cen e's Polycaon. Anterior cox contiguous, tibie slender, simple...............-+-+- Psoa. With Polycaon I have united Hxopioides, the ten-jointed antenne being the only differential character. There are species belonging to the latter genus with the declivity margined, but not exactly as in the normal series of Polycaon. Acrepis does not differ essentially from Psoa, and another instance is thus presented of the analogy of the fauna of the west- ern side of our own continent, with that of the western side of the eastern continent. POLYCAON Lap. This genus contains species of moderate size, the first black and slightly depressed, the others piceous or brownish and cylindrical. The antenne exhibit important differences. In Sfouwtii the fourth joint is rather elongate, and 4-8 slightly compressed, these taken together longer than the club. In the other species the third and fourth joints are of nearly equal size, and sub-moniliform, and taken together not longer, rarely as long as the club. Exopioides (which is here suppressed) differs only in having one joint less in the funiculus. The prosternum separates moderately widely the coxe, and is slightly dilated behind in Stowtz7, or not dilated in the others. The elytral declivity presents two forms, that in which the tip is gradu- ally declivous, or that in which the declivity is more or less flattened, and limited by an acute edge, thus far an equal number of species occurs in each. Horn.] 552 [April 19, The epistoma is rather deeply emarginate in Stowtii, in the other species truncate or broadly emarginate. By an arrangement of the above characters our species may be tabu- lated in the following manner : Antenne eleven-jointed. Third joint of antennz much smaller than the fourth, joints 38-8 to- gether longer than the club. Prosternum behind dilated (Allwocnemis). Thorax punctured on the disc and shiny...............- Stoutii <. Thorax:eranular and opaque. 2. f2).vane -G4 5. mache eee ovicollis 2. Third joint of antenne equal to the fourth, joints 8-8 together shorter than the club. Prosternum not broader behind. Declivity of elytra not acutely margined. Thorax punctate at middle.......... EO S6 Se aerOs punctatus‘. "PROTA CAMUALE. wceasie cites cottage sink «cake “ay. caaleueusie see aie pubescens®. Declivity of elytra acutely margined. Elytra coarsely, densely and roughly punctured. Marginal ridge ofsdeclivaty, ShOrtss:.02%,«- = =eciNa nears «x exesus. Marginal ridge: of, declivity-long...<...2..:.s00.semet ans obliquus. Elytra sparsely and coarsely punctured, transversely plicate at the SIGe@Ster. «jeje isl 5. nebulosus. _Form depressed, elytra rather finely and densely punctate. Thorax with basal impressions. Thorax densely punctulate, pubescence of elytra partly serrate, partly recumbent ; last joint of antenne nearly as long as the two MECCCCUMP MEO CEUMEI er als ellac cleralalc) sls clalelelole sieintete)= sie 2. balteatus. (1.) L. sexpunctatus Say, (Vycetoph.) Journ. Acad. V, 261; Lec. Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 14. Piceous, depressed, moderately shining, each elytron with three yellow spots. Thorax sub-opaque, moderately densely punctate. Elytra densely punctate, shining, sparsely.pubescent and with semi-erect hairs in rows. Length 2.75 mm.; .11 inch. Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Illinois. This species and the next are the only ones with distinct basal thoracic im- pression and with a depressed form of body. (2.) L. balteatus Lec.; transversus Lec.; infulutus Lec. Proce. Acad. 1856, p. 14. The form, color and sculpture resemble the preceding species. The pu- bescence of the elytra is rather more evident while the seriated hairs are rather less distinct. The color of the elytra is piceous with yellow spots, as follows : one humeral, another post-scutellar, often united, a transverse band behind the middle angulated in front at the middle of each elytra. Length 2—2.75 mm.; .08—.11 inch. The terminal joint of the antenne is broader than the preceding, trun- cate at tip, and nearly as long as the ninth and tenth together. Occurs from Missouri to Colorado, Arizona and California. (3.) L. tetraspilotus Lec. loc. cit. Oval, moderately convex, piceous, shining, sparsely pubescent. Anten- ne with club rather loose, three-jointed, the last joint a little longer and broader than the preceding, and truncate at tip. Thorax less coarsely punctured than the elytra, intervals between the panctures alutaceous, basal impressions absent, basal margin rather suddenly sinuate on each side of the middle. Elytra rather coarsely and sparsely punctate, punctures “vaguely arranged in rows, surface shining, color piceous, with two yellow spots on each side, one slightly in front of middle, the other larger, one- third from apex, hairs all semi-erect and in distinct rows. Length 2 mm.; -08 inch. LeConte. | 608 [April 18, This species and nebulosus are the only ones in which a distinct sinua- tion occurs on.each side of the middle of the base of the thorax. Occurs from Pennsylvania to Georgia and Missouri. (4.) L. didesmus Lec. loc. cit. p. 15. Similar in form, color and sculpture to the preceding, and differing as follows : Club of antennée rather compact, three-jointed, the eighth joint, however, slightly wider than the seventh, terminal joint oval, not as wide as the preceding. Thorax rather coarsely punctate, not alutaceous, basal im- pressions wanting, basal margin squarely truncate. Elytra coarsely and moderately truncate, punctures not in strie, pubescence partly erect not striate, color piceous, shining, each elytra with an oblique humeral yellow spot, another slightly behind the middle and also oblique, extending from the margin to the suture. Length 2.25 mm.; .09 inch. The yellow markings vary somewhat in extent. Occurs from Pennsylvania to Florida. (5.) L. mebulosus Lec. loc. cit. Resembles didesmus in form and sculpture. The antenne are as in fef- raspilotus. The thorax is as coarsely punctured as the elytra, and not alutaceous, basal impressions wanting, basal margin sinuate on each side of middle. Elytra coarsely punctate, pubescence partly semi-erect but not striate, the color is usually testaceous, with a piceous dentate band behind the middle, another one-third from apex. Length 1.5-2 mm. ; .06-.08 inch. This is our smallest species. It is usually of much paler color than the others, and the elytral markings are sometimes reduced to scattered piceous spots. Oecurs in the Middle States. Table of species of TRIPHYLLUS. Elongate, not convex ; prothorax strongly margined at the sides....... elongatus. Elongate-oval, convex ; prothorax finely margined at the sides. .ruficornis. 33. Rhizophagus brunneus J/Jorn, n. sp. Uniformly brownish, moderately shining. Head sparsely punctate. Thorax a little larger than wide, apex and base truncate, sides sub-parallel at middle, slightly arcuate at apex and base, disc convex, coarsely and sparsely punctured. Elytra slightly wider at base than the thorax, and feebly emarginate, disc with rows of moderately coarse punctures which become somewhat finer to- ward the tip. Prosternum coarsely punctured, side pieces nearly smooth. Metasternum smooth at middle. Abdomen coarsely and sparsely punc- tured, the first segment smooth at middle. Pygidium sparsely punctate. Length 5 mm.; .12 inch. 1878.] 609 [LeConte, Marquette, Lake Superior. The punctures of the entire surface are coarser than in any other of our species. It must be considered the intermediate form between those with the long and those with the broad thorax. 34. Pedilophorus subcanus. Longer-oval, convex, rounded be- hind, obliquely narrowed in front of the elytra, black, irregularly mot- tled with very short gray pubescence like hoar frost, and thinly clothed with short erect black bristles. Beneath finely, densely punctured, finely pubescent, legs piceous; tarsi paler, fourth joint with a long lobe. Length 4.4 mm ; .17 inch. Escanaba, Lake Superior. In form and pubescence this species resemembles Byrrhus, but the tarsal lobe requires its reference to the present genus, with which it also agrees in having the mandibles not covered by the prosternum in re- pose. 3). Paromatlus teres. Cylindrical, but not slender, shining black ; head and prothorax punctulate, elytra finely not densely punctured, each with faint traces of two oblique striz near the base; sutural stria want- ing. Pygidium very finely punctulate, under surface finely and sparsely punctured ; mesosternum emarginate in front, marked with a fine lateral line; prosternum flattened without strie. Length 2mm ; .08 inch. Sault St. Marie ; one specimen. This species only differs from P. seminulum by the cylindrical form, in which it de- ceptively resembles Teretrius americanus; by having the ely- tra more finely punctured, and by the entire absence of the sutural stria. The following species may be conveniently described on the present occasion. 36. Hetzrius Blanchardi. Oval-quadrate, brown, shining, of the same form as H. brunneipennis, sparsely pilose with long slender sub-erect yellowish hairs. Head opaque, finely punctulate, broadly concave. Pro- thorax with the sides slightly nicked at the middle, lateral lobes of the ‘dise obsoletely punctulate, divided behind the middle by a transverse groove, hinder part deeply margined on both sides ; the impressed groove separating the lateral lobe from the disc is much deeper and broader at the base. Elytra with three very fine strive, the inner one effaced behind the middle. Pygidium opaque, very finely and densely punctulate. Pros- ternum narrow, flat, densely punctulate, lateral edges well defined. Length 2mm; .08 inch, Tyngsborough, Mass. Collected by Mr. Frederick Blan- chard, to whom I dedicate it with much pleasure, asa mark PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. XVII. 101. 3x. PRINTED JUNE 11, 1878. LeConte. | 610 [April 18, of appreciation of his success in recovering many local species, which would otherwise have remained undeter- mined. 37. ADgialia rufa. Elongate, cylindrical, not very convex, rufous. Head finely scabrous, with an obsolete transverse impressed line ; epistoma very finely margined, sub-truncate. Prothorax scarcely wider than long, sub-quadrate, sides very slightly rounded, fringed with stiff hairs, serrate towards the base, which is broadly rounded and distinctly margined ; front angles prominent, hind angles rounded, dise coarsely sparsely punc- tured with some fine punctures intermixed. - Elytral strive deep, distinctly punctured, interspaces smooth. Scutellum small, smooth. Front tibiz with three large teeth, middle and hind tibive gradually but moderately di- lated, transverse ridges short; spurs of hind tibiee long, hind tarsi two- thirds as long as the tibie. Length 4.5 mm ; .175 inch. Marquette, Lake Superior, two specimens; California, ( precise locality unknown, probably from the Sierra Nevada), one example. The humeri in one Lake Superior specimen are/prominent and tubereulate, in the other two rounded ; in the former the spurs of the hind tibiz, though not longer, are more slender than in the two with simple humeri. These differences are probably sexual, but cannot be fully investi- gated without more specimens. For the easy recognition of our species of this genus | have enlarged the table given by Dr. Horn (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., 1871, 293), as follows: Table of species of ALGIALIA. Spurs ‘of hind ‘tibie long and slender)... <.0. cee + - os ieee tee eee see's: Spurs of hind tibize flattened and broad ; hind tibize gradually and mod- erately thickened, with two transverse ridges..... Ser 2 oaks Sites Spurs of hind tibize long, thick, obliquely truncate ; hind tibiw grad- ually and very strongly thickened................. SERA (yOCr or oc 4. Spurs of hind tibiee very short, cylindrical, hind tibie very strongly PNCISENCA,,. x: ' sine 9:0 osieisinia midyeleidVeisieitiels siv’e einiejeleieinsieerge ta ste 5. 2. Cylindrical, rufous, hind tibize with two transverse ridges..1. rufa. n. sp. Sub cylindrical, black, hind tibis serrate; elytral interspaces punc- PUR Cii ievi decals: Siete wipe eiade obeadte seats tayo: ie ee 2. cylindrica. Sub-cylindrical, black, hind tibia serrate ; elytral interspaces smooth. . 3. lacustris. 3. Prothorax finely punctured ; black, sub-ovate.............. 4. conferta. 4. Robust, slightly ovate, black ; prothorax coarsely punctured.......... 5. latispina, n. sp. Robust-ovate, black ; prothorax coarsely punctured..........6. crassa. 1878. ] ; 611 [LeConte. 5. Elongate-ovate, rufous, hiud tibie with very short, thick cylindrical APUTS. .iosceloios. 1878. | 625 {LeConte. and the preceding are undistinguishable, except by the char- acters given above; the do are however easily recognized. 68. Pityophthorus hirticeps. Yellow brown, shining, cylindri- cal, less slender than the two preceding species, sparsely retose with fine, erect yellow hairs. Prothorax a little longer than wide, roughened con- centrically for one-third its length ; sides and posterior part strongly, rather densely punctured, with a narrow smooth median space. Elytra with ap- proximate rows of punctures, interspaces irregularly transversely rugose ; apical declivity retuse and crenate, deeply concave near the suture, which is elevated and also crenate. Length 1.6 mm.; .06 inch. o'. Head broadly concave and opaque, fringed with long yellow hair. 2. Head slightly convex, strongly punctured. Marquette, Lake Superior. Related to the two preceding, agreeing with P. annectens in sexual characters, but with the erenations of the apical declivity of the elytra stronger than in P. consimilis, while the form is a little more robust than in either. 69. Pityophthorus pusio. Cylindrical, shining, piceous, witha few erect yellow hairs behind the middle of the elytra. Prothorax not longer than wide, roughened in front almost to the middle, strongly and densely punc- tured at the sides and behind, with a large, smooth, well-defined dorsal space. Elytra with small punctures, arranged in tolerably regular rows, apical declivity broadly concave, slightly retuse each side, with about three very small teeth; suture elevated, also with three or four slight inequalities. Front tibize with two very faint small teeth. Length 1.6 mm.; .06 inch. Marquette, Lake Superior ; one specimen. The head is re- tracted so that the front cannot be seen. This species is of the size and form of P. pulicarius, but the elytral sculpture and the apical declivity are quite different ; it is more nearly related to the Californian P. puncticollis, but ditters by the more robust form, and by the sparse crenations of the apical declivity, which are wanting in that species. 70. Pityophthorus opaculus. Cylindrical, slender, testaceous. head and disc of prothorax darker ; anterior half rather strongly asperate, sides and posterior half sub-rugosely punctulate, dorsal line smooth, narrow. Elytra finely alutaceous, nearly opaque, marked with scarcely perceptible distant strize of very fine punctures ; apical declivity neither retuse nor con- cave, suture elevated, limited by a distinct striz. Length 1.3 mm.; .05 inch. Marquette ; one specimen. This species must be placed after P. comatus in my table (Rhynch. 352). The head is pune- tured, and slightly convex, the legs and antenne are yellow. 71. Pityophthorus plagiatus; Xyleborus plagiatus Lec., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 1868, 161 ; Rhynch 361. LeConte.] 624 [April 18, Marquette; not rare. The club is transversely annulated, and it therefore belongs to Pityophthorus; the sexual differ- ences indicate that Xyleborus hamatus Lec., Am. Ent. Soe. 1874, 72, isthe © of carinulatus Lee. ibid. (Pityophthorus car. Lec., Rhynch. 352). 72. Pityophthorus sparsus. Xyleborus sparsus Lec., Tr. Am. Ent. Soe. 1868, 160. Marquette, Lake Superior; rare. This species, as is shown by the examination of well preserved specimens, has the club transversely annulated,and therefore belongs to Pityophthorus. There seems to be no sexual differences in the declivity of the elytra, but the @ has the head fringed with very long hair. . 73. Xyleborus punctipennis. Slender, cylindrical, piceous, shining, thinly clothed with long erect yellow hair, granulato-asperate for more than one-half the length, sides and behind densely and coarsely punc- tured; smooth median line rather wide, very distinct. Elytra coarsely punctured, though not in altogether regular rows, suture elevated, and su- tural stria deep for the whole length; declivity oblique, retuse, concave part coarsely punctured ; there are two acute discoidal cusps, and several small indistinct marginal ones, the most anterior of which is near the su- ture and more prominent. Front tibie moderately dilated, bidentate. Length 2.5 mm.; .10 inch. Marquette, Lake Superior; one ¢ specimen. This species might be easily confounded with Pityophthorus sparsus, but on comparison the difference in the antennal club is quite obvious; in the present case it is thicker, and obliquely truncate at tip, so that the proximal half at least is smooth and shining, and limited by a curved line. The punctures of the prothorax and elytra are coarser and more numerous, and the apical declivity is also punctured. 74. Xylocleptes decipiens. Slender, cylindrical, brown, shining, sparsely clothed with erect yellow hairs ; antenne and Jegs yellow. Pro- thorax longer than wide, slightly asperate in front with transverse rugosi- ties ; sides and behind coarsely but not densely punctured ; median line and a smooth space each side well defined. Elytra \ coarsely punctured, punctures not arranged in rows; declivity nearly perpendicular, scarcely retuse, slightly impressed along the suture, which is feebly elevated. Head convex, finely punctured ; front tibiz moderately dilated, serrate with four or five very small] teeth. Length 1.3 mm.; .05 inch. Detroit ; one specimen. This species greatly resembles in sculpture Pityophthorus pulicarius, but is more slender, and the 1878.] 625 {LeConte. antennal club is very different ; the sutures are long curves, concentric with the apical margin, and the first joint is gla- brous, shining and elliptical in form. To this genus should be referred the Alaskan Bostrichus concinnus Mannh. Bull. Mose. 1852, 358; Tomicus conc. Lec., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 1868, 164; Rhynch. 367. Only 22 have thus far been collected. 75. Tomicus balsameus,. Blackish piceous, or brown, cylindrical, shining, clothed with long erect yellow hairs. Prothorax longer than wide, asperate for about one-half the length, then strongly but not very densely punctured at the sides and behind ; median space smooth, narrow, badly defined. Elytra with strie composed of large rather distant punc- tures, interspaces with equally large but very distant punctures ; declivity concave, sparsely not deeply punctured, margin with several small teeth and two large ones ; the apical part of the margin is not a continuous ridge. Front tibiz dilated, with fourdistinct teeth. Length 2.3 mm. ; .09 inch. oO Head flat, shining, hairy with very long yellow hairs ; the four larger teeth of the apical declivity less prominent. 2 Head finely punctured ; carinate with an acute elevated line ; four larger teeth of apical declivity very prominent. Central New York, where it has seriously injured the forests of Abies balsamea. For an account of the ravages of this insect see the Report of the Botanist in the 28th An- nual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1874, p. 32-38. I am indebted to Mr. J. A. Lintner, of the State Museum, at Albany, for a series of speci- mens. Some care will be necessary to distinguish this in- sect from Xyleborus punctipennis, but apart from the differ- ences of theanntenal club, the prothorax of T. balsameusis less densely punctured, the strive are more distinctly formed, and the apical declivity is less punctured, with the teeth (2) more prominent, and not distinctly separated from the ele- vation of the margin of the declivity. The front tibiz are more distinctly toothed. The sutures of the club are straight and transverse, so that it belongs to the division Orthotomicus Ferrari, and may be placed in the table (Rhynch. 363), after latidens, to which it has no resemblance. 76. Micracis opaciollis. Slender, cylindrical, dirty testaceous. Prothorax darker, opaque, finely asperate in front, indistinctly punctulate, thinly sprinkled with very small ochreos scales. Elytra shining, punc- PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 3z. PRINTED JUNE 13, 1878. ? LeConte. | 626 [April 18, tured in rows, interspaces with rows of very short stout bristles. Eyes extending to the under surface of the head, not widely but distinctly sep- arated beneath. Club of antennz with broadly curved sutures. Length f/m 07 neh. - 3’. Scape of antennee fringed with very long hair; (front not visible, the head being retracted). Detroit ; onespecimen. To be placed in the table, (Rhynch. 368), before AZ. rudis. 77. Micracis asperulus. Slender, cylindrical, black, entirely opaque. Head not concave, scarcely punctured. Prothorax more strongly asperate in front than in the preceding, scarcely punctured behind, sprin- kled with small yellowish scale-like hairs. Elytra obsoletely striate, densely rugosely punctured, interspaces with rows of very short stout bristles as in M. opacicollis. Eyes very narrowly separated beneath. An- tenne ferruginous, club with broadly curved sutures. Legs ferruginous. Length 1.7 mm. ; .07 inch. 3’. Scape of antenne fringed with very long hair. Detroit ; in dead oak twigs. Of the same size and form as the preceding, but quite different in sculpture. 78. Scolytus unispinosus Lec. Rhynch. 372. Marquette, Lake Superior; one specimen. This differs from the two specimens from Oregon upon which the species was established, by the punctures of the elytra being not so small, and by the spine of the first ventral segment being much less developed, becoming in fact a small tubercle ; the elytra are fringed with brown. I consider none of these as specific characters. 79. Scolytus rugulosus Ratzcburg, Ins. i, 230; pl. x. f. 10. This isa suitable opportunity to notice the introduction of this European species into the United States. I have re- ceived specimens from Elmira, N. Y., where it attacks peach trees. According to Ratzeburg it is rare in Germany, but is found upon plum and apple trees. 80. Choragus Harrisii. Elongate-oval, sub-cylindrical, blackish- brown, shining, finely pubescent. Prothorax finely less densely punc- tured, not opaque ; elytra with deep coarsely punctured strive, interspaces not wider than the strie, scarcely punctulate. Length 1.2 mm.; .05 inch. Detroit ; August ; one specimen. Differs from our other two species by being more distinctly (though very finely) pubescent and by neither the prothorax nor elytra being opaque. April 18, 1878.] 627 [Hubbard and Schwarz, 2. List of COLEOPTERA found in the Lake Superior Region. By H. G. HupBarp AnD E. A. SCHWARZ. Abbreviations of Localities : B. Bachewauung Bay. E. Escanaba. EH. Eagle Harbor. I. Isle Royale. LP. La Pointe. M. Marquette. i. Michipicoton Island. r. Michipicoton River. P. Pointe aux pins. S. Sault de Ste Marie. *, Species found by Dr. LeConte, mostly catalogued in Agassiz’ Lake Superior, p. 203—239, which have not since occurred. CICINDELIDZ.. Cicindela longilabris Say. E.S.M.T. patruela Dej. M. purpurea Ol. E. M. tranquebarica Hbst. 12-guttata Dej. Mi. repanda Dej. E. M. hirticollis Say. E. H. M. punctulata Fabr. CARABIDZ. Omophron americanum Dej. M. tesselatum Dej. M. Elaphrus olivaceus Lec. E. Clairvillei Kby. E. M. fuliginosus Say. E, riparius Linn. M. ruscarius Say.* Blethisa multipunctata Linn. E. quadricollis Hald. E. M. Loricera czerulescens Linn. M. Notiophilus zeneus Hbst. M. sibiricus Mots. M. Nebria Sahlbergi Fisch. T. Mi. Mr. suturalis Lec.* Black Bay. pallipes Say.* M. Calosoma scrutator Fabr. E. frigidum Kby. M. calidum Fabr. T. Carabus serratus Say.* sylvosus Say.* teedatus Fabr. var.* Cychrus Lecontei Dej. Mr. B. (frag- ments.) Nomaretus bilobus Say. M. Mi. Clivina americana Dej.* Dyschirius nigripes Lec.* zeneolus Lec. M. T. longulus Lec.* globulosus Say. E.M.Mr. spheericollis Say. M. brevispinus Lec.n.sp.M. Casnonia pensylvanica Linn. M. Loxopeza tricolor Say. E. Aphelogenia furcata Lec.* EH. Lebia pulchella Dej.* M. pleuritica Lec.* EH. viridis Say. E. M. var. moesta Lec.* Mr. pumila Dej. S. ornata Say. M. fuscata Dej.* Eagle Harbor. Dianchomena scapularis Dej. M. Dictya divisa Lec.* (Lebia): EH. Aphelogenia furcata Lec. M. ~ Hubbard and Schwavrz. | Dromius piceus Dej. M. I. Apristus subsulcatus Dej.* Metabletus americanus Dej. Blechrus linearis Lec.* Cymindis cribricollis Dej. E. 8. B. Callida smaragdina Dej. E. M. Rhombodera pallipes Lec. B. Calathus ingratus Dej. gregarius Say.* mollis Mots. G. Mr. Mi. I. impunctatus Say. P. Mi. M. Platynus tenebricosus Gemm. M. Mi decens Say. E. Mi. M. sinuatus Dej. 8. M. marginatus Lec.* ternuicollis Lec.* anchomenoides Rand. M. extensicollis Say.* decorus Say.* molestus Lec. 8. M. melanarius Dej. M. Mr. metallescens Lec. M. tenuis Lec. M. carbo Lec. E. M. mutatus Gemm. E. M. cupripennis Say. 8. M. zruginosus Dej. E. I. subcordatus Lec. E. cupreus Dej. 8. ruficornis Lec. M. lutulentus Leconte M. ; black var. picicornis Lec. §.M.B. sordens Kby. picipennis Kby.* lutulentus Lec. E. M. nigriceps Lec. M. obsoletus Say. bembidioides Kirby.* octocolus Mannh. Olisthopus parmatus Say.* P.M. Pterostichus adoxus Say.* honestus Say.* coracinus Newm. B. Mi. stygicus Say.* punctatissimus Rand. I. Mi. 628 [April 18, Pterostichus Sayi Brullé.* corvinus Dej.* caudicalis Say. lucublandus Say. 5. M. convexicollis Say.* 5. luctuosus Dej. E. M. mutus Say E. M. Luczotii Dej. erythropus Dej. §. patruelis Dej.* EH. mandibularis Kby. var. M. Mr. I. Myas foveatus Lec.* EH. Amara arenaria Lec. M. avida Say. 8. elongata Lec. M. latior Kby. E. Mr. I. septentrionalis Lec. E. M. angustata Say. M. pallipes Kby. 8. impuncticollis Say. M. I. fallax Lec. M. polita Lec. E. M. erratica St. E. M. Mi. Mr. interstitialis Dej. M. obesa Say. E. 8. M. gibba Lec. E. M. B. subeenea Lec. E. M. B. musculus Say. M. Badister micans Lec. E. obtusus Lec. n. sp. M. Diplochila laticollis Lec. E. var. major Lec. E. Chizenius sericeus Forst. E. M. nemoralis Dej.* pensylvanicus Say. E. Mr. cordicollis Kirby.* impunctifrons Say. E. niger Rand. E. M. tomentosus Say. E. Brachylobus lithophilus Say. M. Anomoglossus emarginatus Say. E pusillus Say. E. Lachnocrepis parallela Say. E. Miscodera americana Mann. G. Nomius pygmzeus Dej. M. - 1878.) 629 Psydrus piceus Lec.* EH. Geopinus incrassatus Dej. E. M. Mr. Agonoderus comma Fabr. pallipes Fabr. Mr. partiarius Say. M. Anisodactylus agricola Say. E. M. Harrisii Lec. M. discoideus Dej. M. baltimorensis Say. E. Mr. sericans Harr. E. Spongopus verticalis Lec. E. Anisotarsus terminatus Say. Mr. Bradycellus badiipennis Hald* EH. nigrinus Dej. M. Mi. cognatus Gyll. M. Mi.S. cordicollis Lec. M. I. rupestris Say. M. Selenophorus opalinus Lec. E. M. Harpalus compar Lec. Mr. megacephalus Lec. M. I. fulvilabris Mannh. M. Mr. I. pleuriticus Kby. E.S. M. herbivagus Say. E. M. opacipennis Hald. M. innocuus Lec. M. rufimanus Lec. E. M. I. Lewisii Lec. E. M. laticeps Lec. E. M. I. basilaris Kby. M. Stenolophus carbonarius Dej.* fuliginosus Dej M. ochropezus Say.* conjunctus Say. E. M. carus Lec. E. 8. Mr. Patrobus longicornis Say. E. I. tenuis Lec. Mr. M. E. Trechus micans Lec. Amerizus oblongulus Mannh. M. Bembidium impressum Fabr. M. Mr. paludosum Sturm. M. Mr. coxendix Say.* antiquum Dej. Mr. chalceum Dej. M. Mr. salebratum Lec.* L. P. nitidum Kirby.* concolor Kby. Mr. I. [Hubbard and Schwarz. Bembidium longulum Lec. Mr. nigrum Dej.* planatum Lec. I. tetraglyptum Mannh. M. simplex Lec. M. Mr. fugax Lec.* North shore. transversale Dej. M. Mr. I. lucidum Lec. S. M. Mr. rupestre Dej.* scopulinum Kby. picipes Kby.* nitens Lec. Mr. arcuatum Lec. n.sp. M. versutum Lec. n.sp. M. patruele Dej. M. Mr. I. versicolor Lec. sulcatum Lec. S. affine Say. Mr. anguliferum Lec. M. cautum Lec. var. M. mutatum Gemm. M. axillare Lec.* S. Tachys nanus Gyllh. B. incurvus Say. E. M. HALIPLIDZ. Haliplus borealis Lec. E. cribrarius Lec. M. ruficollis Degeer.* longulus Lec.* Cnemidotus edentulus Lec. E DYTISCIDZA. Hydrovatus cuspidaths Germ .* Hydroporus ineequalis Fab. M. B. picatus Kby.* impressopunctatus Sch. E. B. dissimilis Harris.* suturalis Lec.* lacustris Say. B. affinis Say. B. fuscatus Crotch.* scitulus Lec. Mr. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Hydroporus consimilis Lec.* sericeus Lec.* egriseostriatus Degeer.* rotundatus Lec. B. alpinus Payk.* North Shore. subpubescens Lec. M. B. Mr. puberulus Mannh. B. tenebrosus Lec. M. B. tartaricus Lec.* caliginosus Lec. M. vilis Lec. M. tristis Payk. notabilis Lec.* North Shore. collaris Lec. B. persimilis Cr. P. Mr. oblitus Aubé. P. Mr. conoideus Lec. M. E. Laccophilus maculosus Germ. B. proximus Say.* atristernalis? Cr. M. Graphoderes cinereus Linn. M. liberus Say.* Hydaticus piceus Lec. E. stagnalis Fab. E. M. Scutopterus angustus Lec. M. Colymbetes sculptilis Harr. E. B. Dytiscus Harrisii Kby.* confluens Say. M. Cordieri Aubé.* Nth Sh. fasciventris Say. M. verticalis Say.* Nth Sh. Rhantus binotatus Harr. E. B. flavogriseus Cr. M. bistriatus Bergstr.* sinuatus Lec. M. Ilybius confusus Aubé. M. picipes Kby. E. M. biguttulus Germ. M. fraterculus Lec. M. ignarus Lec. E. M. Coptotomus interrogatus Fabr. E. Copelatus Cherrolatii Aubé.* EH. Ilybiosoma bifaria Kirby.* EH. Gaurodytes erythropterus Aubé,* Gaurodytes ovoideus Cr. E. Mr. semipunctatus Kirby.* 630 [April 18, Gaurodytes lutosus Cr. M. leptapsis Lec. n.sp. M. parallelus Lec. M. infuscatus Aubé.*N,. Sh. scapularis Mannh. M.B longulus Lec. n.sp. M. obtusatus Say.* punctulatus Aubé.* fimbriatus Lec. M. gagates Aubé.* GYRINIDZA. Dineutes assimilis Aub. M. Gyrinus confinis Lec. M. B. fraternus Coup. S. B. limbatus Say. M. B. zencolus Lec. 8. B. dichrous Lec. M. B. ventralis Kby. B. aquiris Lec. E. B. maculiventris Lec. S. B. affinis Aub. S. B. picipes Aub. M. B. lugens Zimm. M. analis Say. 8. pectoralis Lec. 5. HYDROPHILIDZ. Helophorus oblongus Lec.* EH. locustris Lec. M. nitidulus Lec.* EH. lineatus Say. M. inqvinatus Mannh. 8. M. tuberculatus Gyll. 8. M. one unnamed species. Hydrochus scabratus Muls.* squamifer Lec. M. rufipes Mels.* Ochthebius cribricollis Lec.* EH. nitidus Lec.* EH. Hydrzena pensylvanica Ksw. 8. M. Hydrophilus triangularis Say. E. Tropisternus nimbatus Say. B. glaber I{bst. E. 1878.] 631 Tropisternus mixtus Lec. E. Hydrocharis obtusatus Say. E. Laccobius agilis Rand. M. Cheetarthria pallida Lec.* EH. Philhydrus bifidus Lec. M. ochraceus Melsh. B. M. consors Lec. E. cinctus Lec. E. perplexus Lec. M. B. fimbriatus Melsh. E.S. B. Hydrobius fuscipes Linn. E. M. B. tesselatus Ziegl. M. digestus Lec. M. I. subcupreus Say. Cercyon flavipes Er. M. centromaculatum St. M. ocellatum Say. B. anale Er. M. one unnamed species. M. Cryptopleurum vagans Lec. M. 8. TRICHOPTERYGIDZ. Ptenidium sp. M. G. B. Mi. Ptilium canadense Lec. M. B. Mr. Trichopteryx several unnamed sp. Pteryx brunnea Lec. S. M. testacea Lec. M. Ptinella quercus Lec. B. STAPHYLINIDZ. (Aleocharini not determined. ) Gymunusa brevicollis Grav. M. variegata Kiesenw. M. one new species. M. Dinopsis americana Kr. M. Tachinus memnonius Grav. B. Mr. tachyporoides Horn. M.B. repandus Horn. M. addendus Horn. M. B. luridus Er. 8. B. picipes Er. M. B. furnipennis Say. M. I. frigidus Er. B. G. Mi. circumcinctus Mkl. M. Mi. [Hubbard and Schwarz, Tachinus nitiduloides Horn.* Leucoparyphus silphoides Linn.* Tachyporus jocosus Say. chrysomelinus Linn. nanus Er. M. brunneus Fab. Erchomus ventriculus Say. M. B. Conosoma littoreum Linn. M. Knoxii Lec. B. crassum Grav. M. basale Er. M. Bolitobius dimidiatus Er. M. intrusus Horn. M. cingulatus Mannh. I. cincticollis Say. 5. B. I. anticus Horn, B. Mi. pygmaeus Fab. 8S. Mi. trinotatus Er.* obsoletus Say. M. B. Mi. cinctus Grav. Mi. longiceps Lec. Mi. Bryoporus rufescens Lec. M. Mycetoporus lepidus Grav.S.G.Mr. tenuis Horn. B. Mr. consors Lec. M.B.Mi. americanus Er. pictus Horn. M. Habrocerus magnus Lec. n.sp. M.I. Acylophorus pronus Er. E. M. Euryporus puncticollis Er. M. Heterothops n.sp. M. B. Quedius levigatus Gyllh. M. G. I. capucinus Grav. M. sublimbatus Mots. Mr. zenescens Mkl. Mr. molochinus Grav. B.G.Mr.M. 4 undetermined species. Staphylinus vulpinus Nordm. E. Lecontei} Fauv. M. Philonthus cyanipennis Fab. B. blandus Gray. M. debilis Grav. lomatus Er. E. 8. M. aterrimus Grav. sobrinus Er. M. peederoides Lec. M. several unnamed species. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Xantholinus cephalus Say. 8. obsidianus Melsh. M. emmesus Grav. var.? P. Baptolinus macrocephalus Nordm. Mi. Lathrobium grande Lec.* punctulatum Lec. E. M. I. simile Lec. B. nigrum Lec. concolor Lec.* N. Sh. longiusculum Grav.* collare Er. E. Scopeeus sp. E. Lithocharis confluens Say. M. Peederus littorarius Grav. M. S. Dianous chalybeus Lec. M. Stenus semicolon Lec. E.M.B.Mr. I. Juno Fabr. E. M. stygicus Say. M. Mr. egenus Er. E. M. flavicornis Er. E. M. annularis Er. E. punctatus Er. M. Mr. several undescribed species. Eueesthetus americanus Er. E. M. Oxyporus rufipennis Lec. M. stygicus Say. M. vittatus Grav. M. B. Bledius fumatus Lec. E. annularis Lec. M. confusus Lec. M. ruficornis Lec. M. divisus Lec. Mr. tau Lec. M. Platystethus americanus Er. M. Oxytelus sculptus Grav. M. fuscipennis Mannh. M. Mr. nanus Er. M. Apocellus spheericollis Say. E. M. Trogophloeus quadripunctatus Say. M. Mr. several unnamed species. Thinobius fimbriatus Lec. E. Ancyrophorus planus Lec. I. Syntomium confragosum Mk. M. Anthophagus verticalis Say. M. I. 632 [April 18, Lesteva biguttula Lec. M.P.Mr Mi. Acidota seriata Lec. M. Mr. I. subcarinata Er. M. patruelis Lec. Mr. tenuis Lec.* n.sp. Mi. Arpediu» sp. M. [. sp. S. Mr. Olophrum marginatum MkI.S.P.M. convexicolle Lec. M. Mr. n. sp. 8. P. Mr. Porrhodytes brevicollis Mkl. Mr. Omalium (Phiceostiba) Argus Lec. G. M. 5 unnamed species. Pycnoglypta lurida Gyll. B. Mr. Anthobium several sp. Protinus parvulus Lec. B. Mr. basalis Mkl. B. Mr. Megarthrus excisus Lec. B. Olistheerus megacephalus Zett. Mi.I. nitidus Lec. I. Siagonium americanum Melsh. M. Pseudopsis sulcata Newm. M. P. Br G: Micropeplus tesserula Curt. M. laticollis Mkl. Mr. PSELAPHID #. Tyrus humeralis Aubé.* Pselaphus Erichsonii Lec. §. P. Tychus longipalpus Lec. M. I. Bryaxis conjuncta Lec. M. propinqua Lec. M.P.Mi.I. Decarthron longulum Lec.* Batrisus globosus Lec. M. B. SILPHID &. Necrophorus obscurus Kby. M. orbicollis Say.* vespilloides Hbst. E. Mi. I. Silpha surinamensis Fabr. G. lapponica Hbst. E. M. ineequalis Fabr.* 1878.] 633 {Hubbard and Schwarz, Silpha americana Linn. G. Sacium fasciatum Say. Mr. Catops opacus Say.* brunneipennis Mannh. S. I. , SCAPHIDIIDZ. terminans Lec. B. Mi. I. Colon dentatum Lec. Mr. Scaphidium 4-guttatum Say. M. magnicolle Mk]. ? M. Mr. Scaphium castanipes Kby. B. G. three unnamed species. Mr. I. Hydnobius substriatus Lec. Mr. Scaphisoma convexum Say. M. B. Anisotoma assimilis Lec. M. Mr. I. suturale Lec. M. punctostriata Kby. M. Mi. terminatum Lec. M. collaris Lec. Mr. strigata Lec. M. LATHRIDIIDZ. Cyrtusa picipennis Lec. M. Liodes globosa Lec. M. I. Latkridius liratus Lec. I. polita Lec. M. minutus Linn. I. discolor Melsh. M. cordicollis Mannh. ? M. basalis Lec. M. Corticaria grossa Lec. M. Agathidium globatile Lec. n.sp. M. serricollis Lec. Mr. I. exiguum Melsh. M.B. dentigera Lec. M. Mi. revolvens Lec. I. deleta Mannh. politum Lec. B. Mr. rugulosa Lec. M. difforme Lec. M. americana Mannh. 8. M. G. parvulum Lec. n.sp.M. cavicollis Mannh. S. M. Mr. Clambus gibbulus Lec. M. I. pumila Melsh. M. three unnamed species. BRATHINID Z. ENDOMYCHIDZ. Brathinus nitidus Lec. M. varicornis Lec. M.B.Mr. lLycoperdina ferruginea Lec. B. I. Mycetina perpulchra Newm. M. SCYDMA:NIDZ. vittata Fabr. M. Endomychus biguttatus Say. 5. Scydmzenus subpunctatus Lec. Mr. n. sp. near subpuntatus., Mr. MYCETOPHAGID 2. sp. near analis. 8. analis Lec. ? M. Mycetophagus flexuosus Say. E. clavipes Say. S. obsoletus Lec. var.? M. fulvus Lec. M. tenuifasciatus Horn, n.sp. M. Euthia scitula Mkl. M. pluripunctatus Lec. M. Diploccelus angusticollis Horn, CORYLOPHIDZ. n. sp. M. Litargus tetraspilotus Lec. M. Orthoperus scutellaris Lec. n. sp. 6-punctatus Say. M. S. Mr. Sacium lugubre Lec. M. SPHINDIDZ, obscurum Lec. M. Sphindus americanus Lec. M. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 44. PRINTED JUNE 13, 1878. Hubbard and Schwarz. ] CIOID &. Cis creberrimus Mell. M. I. Cis brevisetosus Cr.} M. fuscipes Mell. M. three unnamed species. Ennearthron sp. M. EROTYLID Z. Triplax macra Lec. M. thoracica Say M. CRY PTOPHAGIDZ. Cryptophagus, 7 unnamed species. Paramecosoma serratum Gyllh. n.sp. E. Atomaria ephippiata Zimm. P. 13 unnamed species. CUCUJIDZ. Pediacus fuscus E. depressus Hbst. S. M. Lathropus vernalis Lec. M. Lemophlceus biguttatus Say M. adustus Lec. M. Dendrophagus glaber Lec. M. Brontes dubius Fabr. M. COLYDIID 2. Ditoma quadriguttata Say. M. Synchita nigripennis Lec. M. Lasconotus borealis Horn M. Philothermus glabriculus Lec. M. Cerylon castaneum Say E. M. B. RHIZOPHAGID &. Rhizophagus dimidiatus Mannh. B. brunneus Horn, n. sp. M. TROGOSITIDZ. Tenebroides collaris St. M. 634 [April 18, Tenebroides castanea Melsh. M. Peltis ferruginea Linn. M. Grynocharis 4-lineata Melsh. M. Calitys scabra Thunb. E. M. Thymalus fulgidus Er. M. B. Mr. NITIDULIDZ. Byturus n. sp. ? M. Colastus truncatus Rand M. Carpophilus brachypterus Say E.G. discoideus Lec. Epurea helvola Er. M. rufa Say. M. Erichsonii Reitter.* immunda Sturm. M. truncatella Mann. M. planulata Er. M. zestiva Linn. M. labilis Ev. Nitidula ziczac Say. M. Soronia grisea Linn. M. Omosita discoidea Fab. I. Stelidota sp. M. Meligethes seminulum Lec. Cyllodes biplagiatus Lec. M. Thalycra concolor Lec.* Nt’h Sh. Ips 4-guttatus Fabr. M. sanguinolentus Oliv. M. confluens Say.* PHALACRIDZ. Phalacrus politus Melsh. M. I. n. sp. ? M. B. Olibrus striatulus Lec. B. consimilis Melsh. M. Mr. nitidus Melsh. 8. COCCINELLID 4. Hippodamia 5-signata Kby. E. glacialis Fabr.* 15-maculata Muls. B. 13-punctata Linn. M. Mr. parenthesis Say. M. Mr. ~ - 1878.] 63 Anisosticta strigata Thunb. M. Coccinella affinis Rand. E. M. trifasciata Linn. M. I. 9-notata Hbst. M. transversalis Muls. B. I. 5-notata Kirby.* Cycloneda sanguinea Linn. Mr. I. Harmonia picta Rand E. M. I. Anisocalvia 14-guttata Linn. M. 12-maculata Gebl. M. Anatis 15-punctata Ol. Mysia pullata Say. E. M. Chilocorus bivulnerus Muls. M. Exochomus marginipennis Lec. M. Pentilia marginata Lec. n. sp. M. Brachiacantha ursina Fabr. small var.* Hyperaspis dissoluta Crotch.* signata Oliv. M. fimbriolata Mels.* Nt’h Sh. disconotata Lec.* N’th Sh. bigeminata Rand. M. undulata Say. E. M. meerens Lec.* North Shore. Scymnus ornatus Lec. M. americanus Muls. 8. M. fraternus Lec. M. consobrinus Lec. M. lacustris Lec. E. M. I. abbreviatus Lec. M. nanus Lec. M. punctum Lec. E. M. n. sp. M. BYRRHIDZ. Simplocaria metallica Sturm. N S. Pedilophorus subcanus Lec. n.sp. E. M. Cytilus trivittatus Melsh. Byrrhus americanus Lec. E. M. cyclophorus Kby. E. M. geminatus Lec. I. Pettitii Horn E. M. eximius Lec. Nt’h Sh. murinus Fabr. M. Syncalypta echinata Lec. M. v [Hubbard and Schwarz. PSEPHENIDZ. Psephenus Lecontei Lec. E. PARNIDZ. Helichus striatus Lee. M. ELMIDZ. Elmis 4-notatus Say. M. fastiditus Lec* North Shore. HETEROCERIDZ. Heterocerus substriatus Kw. M. sp. M. HISTERIDSA. Hister merdarius Hoffm. E. M. interruptus Beauy. E. immunis Er. E. abbreviatus Fab. M. curtatus Lec. 8. depurator Say.* americanus Payk. E. subrotundus Say.* Lecontei Mars. M. parallelus Say. M. basalis Lec. M. I. cylindricus Payk. M. Paromalus teres Lec. n.sp. S. bistriatus Er.* Saprinus oregonensis Lec.* pensylvanicus Payk.* assimilis Payk.* spheroides Lec. fraternus Say. M.G. Mr. mancus Say. E. M. B. Plegaderus Sayi Mars. S. M. I. LUCANIDZ. Platycerus depressus Lec. M. quercus Weber. Ceruchus piceus Web. M. > Hubbard and Schwarz.] 636 SCARABASID ZA. Aphodius pinguis Hald. M. hyperboreus Lec. E. ruricola Melsh. M. granarius Linn. M. vittatus Say. M. consentaneus Lec.* N’th Sh. Dialytes striatulus Say. M. Atzenius stercorator Fab. M. #®egialia lacustris Lec. M. Mr. conferta Horn. Duluth. rufa Lec. n. sp. M. spissipes Lec. n.sp. .M. Odontzeus cornigerus Melsh Mr. Geotrupes Egeriei Germ. Mr. Trox unistriatus Beauv. M. Hoplia trifasciata Say.* Dichelonycha elongata Fab. E. M. subvittata Lec. M. testacea Kirby.* Backii Kirby.* North Shore. albicollis Burm. M. Serica vespertina Schh. M. Mr. tristis Lec. B. M. sericea Ill. G. M. Diplotaxis sordida Say. M. liberta Germ. E. M. Lachnosterna fusca Freehl.* futilis Lec. Cotalpa lanigera Linn.* M. Ligyrus relictus Say. E. Trichius affinis Gory. E. M. §. I. BUPRESTIDZ. Chalcophora virginiensis Dr. M. Dicercea prolongata Lec. BE. M. divaricata Say. M. tenebrosa Kby. M. Mr. I. manca Lec. M. lugubris Lec. M. Buprestis lineata Fubr. E. M. consularis Gory. E. M. Nuttalli Kirby.* maculiventris Say. Buprestis fasciata Fabr. E. M. I. var. Langii Mannh. I. sulcicollis Lec. M. striata Fabr. M. Melanophila longipes Say. 8. M. fulvoguttata Harr. E. M. I. zeneola Melsh. M. Chrysobothris femorata Lec. M. floricola Gory. E.M. dentipes Germ. trinervia Kby. M. B. I scabripennis Lap. M. B. Harrisii llentz. M. Agrilus torquatus Lec. M. bilineatus Web. M. vittaticollis Rand. E. torpidus Lec. M. plumbeus Lec.* politus Say. M. egenus Gory. M. lacustris Lec.* THROSCIDZ. Throscus alienus Bony. 8. B. punctatus Bony. M. Chevrolati Bony. M. ELATERID 2. Tharops obliqua Say. M. Deltometopus amcenicornis Say. M Fornax calceatus Say.* E. H. Microrhagus triangularis Say. M. Hypoccelus terminalis Lec. M. Adelocera aurorata Say. M. brevicornis Lec. E. M. Alaus oculatus Linn. M. myops Fab. M. Cardiophorus amictus Melsh. HK. convexulus Lec. E. M. Cryptohypnus abbreviatus Say. M. bicolor Esch. M. 8. I. tumescens Lec. 8. I. striatulus Lec.* pectoralis Say. M. Mr. [April 18, 1878, 63 Cryptohypnus futilis Lec. Mr. Elater semicinctus Rand. M. linteus Say.* vitiosus Lec. M. apicatus Say. M. luctuosus Lec.* socer Lec. E. M. molestus Lec.* fuscatus Melsh. M. pedalis Cand. E. M. nigrinus Payk. var. ? E. M. I. lacustris Lec. M. fusculus Lec.* deletus Lec.* pullus Cand. E. M. mixtus Hbst. M. Mi. I. rubricus Say. E. M. protervus Lec.* Drasterius dorsalis Say. M. Megapenthes stigmosus Lec. E. M. Monocrepidius auritus Herbst.* Agriotes mancus Say.* pubescens Melsh. M. fucosus Lec. M. stabilis Lec. M. limosus Lec. E.M.Mr.I. oblongicollis Mels.* E. H. Dolopius lateralis Esch. Betarmon bigeminatus Rand. M. I. Melanotus Leonardi Lec. M. I. scrobicollis Lec. E. M. I. castanipes Payk. M. communis Gyllh. E. Limonius aurifer Lec. M. confusus Lec.* E. H. zeger Lec. M. I. pectoralis Lec. M. Campylus productus Rand M. denticornis Kby. M. I. Athous acanthus Say. E. scapularis Say. M. reflexus Lec. M. Mr. Paranomus costalis Payk. I.G. estriatus Lec. M. Nothodes dubitans Lec. M. Sericosomus fusiformis Lec. E. M ‘andl é {Hubbard and Schwarz. Sericosomus incongruus Lec. M. I. Corymbites virens Schh. M. resplendens Esch. M. Mi. I. cylindriformis Herbst. * caricinus Esch. M. spinosus Lec. E. M. I. mendax Lec. EH. I. insidiosus Lec. M. I. falsificus Lec. M. I. appressus Lec.* EH. fallax Say.* North Shore. medianus Germ. E.M.I. triundulatus Rand. M.I. hamatus Say. propoia Lec. M.Mr.I. nigricollis Bland. M.1. hieroglyphicus Say. E. M. zripennis Kby. M. I. splendens Ziegl. M. aratus Lec. E.M. I. metallicus Payk. M. I. DASCYLLIDZ. Macropogon piceus Lec. I. Eurypogon niger Melsh. Mr. I. Cyphon fusciceps Kby. M. Mr. piceus Lec. E. M. nebulosus Lec. 8. M. modestus Lec. 8. pusillus Lec. B. Mr. Prionocyphon discoideus Say M. Scirtes tibialis Guér. E. Eucinetus oviformis Lec. M. terminalis Lec. E. M. I. LAMPYRIDZ. Dictyoptera perfaceta Say. M. Calopterum typicum Newm. M. reticulatum Fabr. E. M. Ceenia dimidiata Fabr. basalis Newm. E. M. Eros coccinatus Say. M. crenatus Germ. M. thoracicus Randall M. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Eros humeralis Fabr. M. trilineatus Melsh. M. modestus Say. M. I. Lucidota atra Fabr. E. Photinus corruscus Linn. I. Mr. var. lacustris Lec. B. decipiens Harr. M. borealis Rand. M. lucifer Melsh. M. ardens Lec. M. Phausis inaccensa Lec. n. sp. M. Photuris pensylvanica DeG. E. THELEPHORIDA. Podabrus modestus Say. E.M.I. diadema Fabr. E. M. rugosulus Lec * piniphilus Eschsch. M. punctatus Lec. M. puncticollis Kby.* leevicollis Kby. M. Mr. I. puberulus Lec.* three undescribed species. Telephorus carolinus Fabr, M. rectus Melsh. M. lineola Fabr. flavipes Lec. var. dichrous Lec. fraxini Say. M. ni. sp.? rotundicollis Fabr. M. Curtisii Kby. M. Mr. I. tuberculatus Lec. M. Silis percomis Say. M. difficilis Lec. M. Malthodes concavus Lec. M. I. transversus Lec. I. fragilis Lec. I. niger Lec. M. I. MALACHIIDZ. Collops vittatus Say. E. tricolor Say.* Anthocomus Erichsoni Lec. M. Attalus nigrellus Lec. M. ’ 38 [April 18, CLERIDZ. Clerus nigripes Say. M. nigrifrons Say. M. dubius Fab. M. E. undatulus Say. E. M. I.. Hydnocera difficilis Lec. M. pallipennis Say. E. verticalis Say. M. Corynetes violaceus Linn. M. LYMEXYLIDA. Hyleccetus lugubris Say. M. PTINIDZ. Ernobius mollis Linn. M. granulatus Lec. M. Xestobium squalidum Lec. M. Oligomerus sericans Melsh. E. Hadrobregmus errans Melsh. M. carinatus Say. E. foveatus Kby. M. Anobium notatum Say. E. M. Petalium bistriatum Say. M. Theca profunda Lec. M. Xyletinus fucatus Lec. M. Dorcatoma pallicorne Lec. M. Czenocara oculata Say. M. Ptilinus ruficornis Say. M. Hendecatomus rugosus Rand. M. Bostrichus armiger Lec. M. Amphicerus bicaudatus Say. M. Dinoderus substriatus Payk. E. M. Bu hi cribratus Lec. M. densus Lec. M. SPONDYLIDZ. Parandra brunnea Fab. E. Spondylis upiformis Mann.* E. H. + CERAMBYCIDZ. Tragosoma Harrisii Lec. BE. M. ee ~~ = 1878.] 639 Asemum meestum Hald. M. Criocephalus agrestis Kby. Tetropium cinnamopterum KbyMI. Phymatodes dimidiatus Kby. M. maculicollis Lec. n. sp. I. Merium Proteus Kby. M. Gonocallus collaris Kby. M. Elaphidium villosum Fab. M. | parallelum Newm. M. Glycobius speciosus Say.* Calloides nobilis Harris. E. M. Arhopalus fulminans Fab. E. Xylotrechus colonus Fab. M. undulatus Say. M. B. I. annosus Say. M. Neoclytus muricatulus Kby. M. Clytanthus ruricola Ol. Cyrtophorus gibbulus Lec. I. Atimia confusa Say. M. Encyclops ceruleus Say. M. Rhagium lineatum Oliv. Centrodera decolorata Harris. Pachyta monticola Rand M. I. liturata Kirby .* Anthophilax viridis Lec M. malachiticus Hald. M. attenuatus Hald. M. Acmzops discoidea Hald. M. Proteus Kby. M. I. pratensis Laich. M. Gaurotes cyanipennis Say. M. Bellamira scalaris Say. E. M. Typocerus sparsus Lec. n. sp. E. Leptura plebeja Rand. E. M. subhamata Rand. E. capitata Newm. M. subargentata Kby. M. I. similis Kby. M. cordifera Ol.* sexmaculata Linn. M. nigrella Say. M. n. sp. ? M. (nigrella ?) canadensis Fab. E. M. rubrica Say. M. vagans Ol]. E. M. sanguinea Lec. M. {Hubbard and Schwarz. Leptura chrysocoma Kby. §. M. I. proxima Say. M. rufula Hald. I. tibialis Lec. M. pedalis Lec. M. vittata Germ. E. M. pubera Say. M. spheericollis Say. M. vibex Newm. M. mutabilis Newm. M. I. aspera Lec. §. M. Monohammus maculosus Hald. M. scutellatus Say. confusor Kby. marmoratus Rand. M. Acanthoderes decipiens Hald. M. Leptostylus commizxtus Hald. M. macula Say.* Sternidius alpha Say. E. Liopus quercus Fitch. M. Lepturges symmetricus Hald. M. Hyperplatys maculatus Hald. M. Graphisurus fasciatus DeG. M. pusillus Kby.* Acanthocinus obsoletus Oliv. M. Pogonocherus pennicollatus Lec. M mixtus Hald. M. Mr. I. parvulus Lec. M. Saperda calcarata Say. M. meesta Lec. E. concolor Lec. M. CHRYSOMELIDZ. Donacia piscatrix Lac. M. porosicollis Lac. M. hirticollis Kby. E. proxima Kby.* magnifica Lec. M. distincta Lec. E. subtilis Kunze. E. M. confusa Lec.* emarginata Kby. M. flavipes Kby.* cuprea Kby. M. jucunda Lec. M. Hubbard and Schwarz. |] Macroplea Melsheimeri Lac. E. Orsodachna Childreni Kby. I. Zengophora varians Cr. I. abnormis Lec.* Syneta ferruginea Germ. M, I. Lema trilineata Oliv. M. Cryptocephalus sellatus Suffr. E. Mevi. venustus Fabr. E. 4-maculatus Say. E. catarius Suffr. $8. P. Mr. auratus Fabr. 8. Pachybrachys carbonarius Hald.? M. M-nigrum Melsh? §. sp. S. M. I. abdominalis Say.* hepaticus Melsh. M. Adozxus vitis Linn. Xanthonia 10-notata Say.* Heteraspis pubescens Melsh. M. Paria 6-notata Say. M. Fidia longipes Mels.* Chrysomela 10-lineata Say. E. M. multiguttis Stal.* philadelphica Linn.* elegans Ol. M. Bigsbyana Kby. 8. P. G. B. Prasocuris varipes Cr. 8. Gonioctena pallida Linn. M. B. I. Phyllodecta vulgatissima Linn. I. Plagiodera lapponica Linn. M. G. tremule Fab. E. M. scripta Fabr. M. Phyllobrotica decorata Say. E. M. Diabrotica 12-punctata Ol. M. B.Mr. Galeruca' rufosanguinea Say. M. Galleruceila sagittarie Gyllh. M. decora Say. Trirhabda canadensis Kby. E. flavolimbata Mannh. Mr. Hypolampsis pilosa Il. M. GSdionychis vians [I]. M. Disonycha pallipes Cr. M. alternata Il]. M. T 1 I cannot adoptthe changes proposed by Mr the next genus.—LEc., 640 [April 18, Disonycha punctigera Lec. M. B. Graptodera bimarginata Say. M. ignita []].* exapta Say. M. Mr Longitarsus sp. M. Mr. Phyllotreta vittata Fab. M. Systena frontalis Fabr. B. Crepidodera Helxines Linn. 8. Modeeri Linn. M. Chzetocnema confinis Cr. M. rudis Lec. n. sp. M. Psylliodes punctulata Melsh M. Odontota rubra Web. M. rosea Web. M. Cassida nigripes Oliv. M. Coptocycla guttulata Oliv. M. purpurata Boh. M. TENEBRIONIDZ.. Phellopsis obcordata Lec. 8. M. Iphthimus opacus Lec. M. Upis ceramboides Linn. Haplandrus concolor Lec. E. M. Bius estriatus Lec. M. Blapstinus interruptus Say. E.S.M. Tribolium madens Charp. M. Paratenetus punctatus Sol. M. fuscus Lec. M. §. Platydema americanum Lap. M. Scaphidema acneolum Lec. M. Mr. Hypophlceus parallelus Melsh. Bolitotherus bifurcus Fabr. M. Bolitophagus corticola Say. E. M. depressus Rand. M. CISTELIDZ. Hymenorus pilosus Melsh E. punctulatus Lec. niger Melsh. E. M. I. Isomira 4-striata Coup. Mycetochares Haldemani Lec. M. bicolor Coup. M. binotata Say. M. gracilis Lec. n. sp. M. . Crotch in the names of this and 1878. ] PYROCHROIDZ. Ischalia costata Lec. M. B. Schizotus cervicalis Newm. M. Dendroides canadensis Latr. E. M. concolor Newm. M. ANTHICIDZ. Nematoplus collaris Lec. M. Corphyra lugubris Say.* Notoxus anchora Hentz. E. M. Anthicus formicarius Laf. E. M. floralis Payk. M. scabriceps Lec. cervinus Laf. Mr. spretus Lec. M. coracinus Lec. M. pallens Lec. E. M. granularis Lec. M. Mr. Xylophilus piceus Lec. E. M. n. sp. M. MELANDRYIDZ. Canifa pallipes Melsh. pallipennis Lec. n. sp. M. Tetratoma tesselata Melsh M. Mi. Stenotrachelus arctatus Say.* EH. Penthe obliquata Fab. M. S. Synchroa punctata Newm. M. Phryganophilus collaris Lec. M. Emmesa connectens Newm. M. I. Melandrya striata Say. M. Prothalpia undata Lec. M. Xylita levigata Hellen. Mi. decolorata Rand. M. Scotochroa atra Lec. M. basalis Lec. E. M. I. Carebara longula Lec. E. Spilotus 4-pustulosus Melsh. E. M. Zilora hispida Lec. M. Serropalpus striatus Hellen. Enchodes sericea Hald. M. Dircza liturata Lec. E. M. fusca Lec. n. sp. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 4n. 641 [Hubbard and Schwarz. Symphora flavicollis Hald. E. M. Hallomenus obscurus Lec.n. sp. M. punctulatus Lec. Mi. debilis Lec. E. M. Eustrophus confinis Lec. E. M. bicolor Say. M. tomentosus Say. M. Orchesia gracilis Melsh. M. MORDELLIDZ. Anaspis nigra Hald. M. T. flavipennis Hald. M. Mi. rufa Say. Mordella borealis Lec. 8. M. scutellaris Fabr. S. M. Mr. lineata Melsh. E. M. serval Say. M. Glipodes helva Lec. M. Mordellistena scapularis Say. E.M. tosta Lec. M. pectoralis Lec. * North Shore. nigricans Melsh. E. M morula Lec.* guttulata Hellm. M. pityptera Lec. M. Pelecotoma flavipes Melsh. M. Myodites stylopides Newm. P. MELOIDZ. Macrobasis unicolor Kirby.* N. 8. Epicauta convolvuli Melsh. M. fissilabris Lec-* North Shore. CEPHALOIDZ. Cephaloon lepturides Newm. M. ungulare Lec. M. CaDEMERIDZ. Calopus angustus Lec. Mi. Ditylus coeruleus Rand. M. Asclera ruficollis Say. M. puncticollis Say. M. PRINTED JUNE 25, 1878. Hubbard and Schwarz. ] MYCTERIDZ. Mycterus scaber Hald. M. PYTHIDZ. Pytho americanus Kby. M. Crymodes discicollis Lec. M. I. Priognathus monilicornis Rundall.* Boros unicolor Say. M. I. Salpingus virescens Lec. sp. M. Rhinosimus nitens Lec. M. I. RHINOMACERID 2. Rhinomacer pilosus Lec. M. elongatus Lec. M. RHYNCHITID A. Rhynchites cyanellus Lec. M. ATTELABIDZ. Attelabus bipustulatus Fabr. M. rhois Boh. M. OTIORHYNCHIDZ. Hormorus undulatus Ubler P. Geoderces melanothrix Kby. B. Mi. CURCULIONIDZ. Sitones flavescens All. M. Trichalophus alternatus Say. Mr. I. Ithycerus noveboracensis Forst. E. Lepyrus geminatus Say. FE. Listronotus latiusculus Boh. M. Macrops sp. M. Hypomolyx pinicola Coup. M. Mi. Hylobius confusus Kby. Pissodes strobi Peck. affinis Rand. 642 [April 18, Pissodes dubius Rand. M. I. Procas picipes Steph. M. Mr. Erycus puncticollis Lec. P. B. Dorytomus laticollis Lec. M. Mr. brevicollis Lec. M. I. sp. M. luridus Mannh. M. Tanysphyrus Lemnz Gyllh. M. Bagous mammillatus Say. M. Magdalis hispoides Lec. M. I. perforata Horn E. M. pallida Say. M. gentilis Lec. M. I. olyra Herbst.* Acalyptus Carpini Herbst. M. Elleschus bipunctatus Gyllh. M Anthonomus scutellatus Gyl. EM. signatus Say. M. rufipennis Lec. M. corvulus Lec. M. I. Cratzegi Walsh. M. I. two undescribed species. ? Anthonomus n. sp. M. Orchestes canus Horn. n. sp. M. I. pallicornis Say. E. M. I. subhirtus Horn, n. sp. M. Piazorhinus scutellaris Gyll. M. Proctorus armatus Lec. M. decipens Lec. M. Tyloderma ereum Say. E. Cnemogonus Epilobii Payk. M. L Cceliodes cruralis Lec. M. nebulosus Lec. M. Ceuthorhynchus decipiens Lec. M. Pelenomus sulcicollis Fahr. M. Balaninus uniformis Lec. M. BRENTHIDZ. Eupsalis minuta Dr. M. CALANDRIDZ. Sphenophorus ochreus Lec. E. pertinax Ol. E. costipennis Horn. E. 1878.] 643 {Hubbard and Schwarz. Sphenophorus sculptilis Uhler. E. Tomicus pini Say. Dryopthorus corticalis Say. M. P. hudsonicus Lec. M. Nov. genus ? near Himatium. 8. interruptus Lec. M. | Cossonus subareatus Boh. E. M. balsameus Lec. M. » Phlceophagus apionides Horn. M. Scolytus unispinosus Lec. M. Rhyncolus brunneus Mannh.§8. M. Polygraphus rufipennis Lec. t Mi. Phicosinus dentatus Say. M. punctatus Lec.* SCOLYTIDZ. Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv. M. similis Lec. M. Monarthrum mali Fitch. M. rufipennis Kby. M. I. Pityophthorus materiarius Fitch. M. frontalis Fabr.* sparsus Lec. M. Hylastes porculus Er. M. plagiatus Lec. M. cavernosus Zimm. M. pwlus Zimm. M. Hylurgops pinifex Fitch. consimilis Lec. n. sp. M. hirticeps Lec. n. sp. M. ANTHRIBIDZ. puberulus Lec. M. pusio Lec. n. sp. M. Gonotropis gibbosa Lec. M. opaculus Lec. n. sp. M. Eurymycter fasciatus Lec. M. 2 Xyloterus bivittatus Kby. M. Allandrus bifasciatus Lec. M. | Xyleborus celatus Zimm. M. Cratoparis lunatus Fabr. M. Dryoccetes septentrionis Mannh. Brachytarsus variegatus Say. M. | S. M. Mr. Mi. affaber Mannh. M. APIONID Z&. granicollis Lec. M. Tomicus calligraphus Germ. M. Apion sp. M. I. cacographus Lec. M. sp. M. 3. Contribution to a List of the COLEOPTERA of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. By H. G. HUBBARD AND E. A. SCHWARz. Localities : A. Ann Arbor. M. Monroe. H. Port Huron. Where no locality is given, Detroit is to be understood. CICINDELIDZ. Cicindela generosa Dej. H. tranquebarica Hbst. Cicindela scutellaris va7. Lecontei 12-guttata Dej. Hald. repanda Dej. sex-guttata Fabr. hirticollis Say. purpurea Oliv. Hubbard and Schwarz. | CARABIDZ. Omophron robustum Horn. M. americanum Dej. Hlaphrus Clairvillei Kby. H. riparius Linn. ruscarius Say. Notiophilus zeneus [Hbst. semistriatus Say. sibiricus Mots. Hardyi Putz. Nebria pallipes Say. Calosoma scrutator Fab. frigidum Kby. calidum Fabr. Carabus palustris Fisch. vinctus Web. Cychrus Lecontei Dej. Scarites subterraneus Fab. Dyschirius Dejeanii Putz. nigripes Lec. zeneolus Lee. longulus Lec. edentulus Putz. setosus Lec. brevispinus Lec. n. sp. p. Clivina impressifrons Lec. americana Dej. rufa Lec.? bipustulata Fab. Schizogenius ferrugineus Putz. M. Brachinus janthinipennis Dej. medius Harr. conformis Dej. fumans Fabr stygicornis Say. Galerita Janus Fab. Casnonia pensylvanica Linn. Plochionus timidus Hald. H. Loxopeza grandis Hentz. atriventris Say. tricolor Say. Lebia pulchella Dej. viridis Say. var. moesta Lec. pumila Dej. 644. Lebia viridipennis Dej. ornata Say. fuscata Dej. Dianchomena scapularis Dej. Tetragonoderus fasciatus Haid. Perigona nigriceps Dej. A. Dromius piceus Dej. Metabletus americanus Dej. Blechrus linearis Lec. A. Azxinopalpus biplagiatus Dej. Apenes lucidula Dej. Cymindis cribricollis Dej. pilosa Say. americana Dej. A. neglecta Hald. Pinacodera limbata Dej. platicollis Say. Callida punctata Lec. Calathus gregarius Say. impunctatus Say. Platynus hypolithus Say. pusillus Lec. tenebricosus Gemm. decens Say. sinuatus Dej. extensicollis Say. decorus Say. molestus Lec. melanarius Dej. affinis Kby. cupripennis Say. crenistriatus Lec. zeruginosus De}. excavatus Dej. ferreus Hald. subcordatus Lec. nutans Say. sordens Khby. ruficornis Lec. picipennis Kby. lutulentus Lec. id. var. black. 8-punctatus Fabr. placidus Say. obsoletus Say. octocolus Mannh. [April 18, 1878.] 645 Olisthopus parmatus Say. micans Lec. A. Pterostichus adoxus Say. honestus Say. coracinus Newm. stygicus Say. Sayi Brullé. ’ lucublandus Say. caudicalis Say. luctuosus Dej. corvinus Dej. mutus Say. Luczotii Dej. erythropus Dej. patruelis Dej. femoralis Kby. Lophoglossus scrutator Lec. Myas cyanescens Dej. Grand Haven. Amara avida Say. arenaria Lec. H. latior Kby. A. angustata Say. impuncticollis Say. interstitialis Dej. obesa Say. H. gibba Lec. H. musculus Say. H. Badister notatus Hald. pulchellus Lec. micans Lec. Diplochila laticollis Lec. var. major Lec. Dicelus purpuratus Bon. sculptilis Say. A. teter Bon. Lansing. politus Dej. Chlznius erythropus Germ. Grand Haven. sericeus Forst. cordicollis Kirby. tricolor Dej. pensylvanicus Say. impunctifrons Say. Grand Haven. niger Rand. Chlzenius tomentosus Say. Lansing (Cooke). Anomoglossus emarginatus Say. H. pusillus Say. H. Atranus pubescens Dej. H. Lachnocrepis parallelus Say. Oodes fluvialis Lec. Geopinus incrassatus Dej. Agonoderus lineola Fab. comma Fabr. pallipes Fabr. partiarius Say. pauperculus Dej. testaceus Dej. n. sp.? Anisodactylus rusticus Dej. carbonarius Say. nigerrimus Dej.* Harrisii Lec. nigrita Dej. Lecontei Chd. agricola Harr. discoideus Dej. baltimorensis Say. sericeus Harr. Xestonotus lugubris De}. Spongopus verticalis Lec. H. Amphasia instertitialis Say. Anisotarsus piceus Lec. terminatus Say. Gynandropus hylacis Say. Bradycellus dichrous Dej. autumnalis Say. badiipennis Hald. atrimedius Say. axillaris Mannh. rupestris Say. Harpalus caliginosus Fabr. faunus Say. vagans Lec. pensylvanicus DeG. compar Lec. erythropus Dej. spadiceus Dej. pleuriticus Kby. {Hubbard and Schwarz. Hubbard and Schwarz. | 646 [April 18, Harpalus herbivagus Say. Hydroporus granarius Aub. laticeps Lec. Lake Huron lacustris Say. basilaris Kby. A. H. fuscatus Cr. Stenolophus fuliginosus Dej. flavicollis Lec. plebejus Dej. rotundatus Lec. conjunctus Say. griseostriatus DeG. A. ochropezus Say. undulatus Say. hydropicus Lec. mixtus Lec. carus Lec. modestus Aub. Trechus micans Lec. dichrous Melsh. Bembidium americanum Dej. Hydroporus americanus Aub. chalceum Dej. tartaricus Lec. striola Lec. tristis Payk. lucidum Lee. oblitus Aub. patruele Dej. conoideus Lec. H. variegatum Say. laccophilinus Lec. n. sp. versicolor Lec. Suphis semipunctatus Lec. n. sp. sulcatum Lec. Laccophilus maculosus Germ. anguliferum Lec. fasciatus Aub. cautum Lec. Acilius semisulcatus Aub, assimile Gyllh. Thermonectes basilaris Harr. A. 4-maculatum Linn. Graphoderes cinereus Linn. H. pedicellatum Lec. Hydaticus stagnalis Fab, H. Tachys proximus Say. piceus Lec. leevis Say. Colymbetes sculptilis Harr. nanus Gyllh. Dytiscus Harrisii Kby. flavicauda Say. fasciventris Say. vivax Lec. Rhantus binotatus Harr. xanthopus Lec. tostus Lec. incurvus Say. Ilybius picipes Kby. biguttulus Germ. HALIPLIDZ. fraterculus Lec. ignarus Lec. H. Haliplus fasciatus Aub. Matus bicarinatus Say. punctatus Aub.* Coptotomus interrogatus Fab. triopsis Say. Copelatus glyphicus Say. borealis Lec, M. Ilybiosoma bifarium Kby. H. cribrarius Lec. Gaurodytes disintegratus Cr. A. Cnemidotus edentulus Lec. semipunctatus Kby. ovoideus Lec. H. DYTISCIDZ. punctulatus Aub. gagates Aub. Hydrovatus cuspidatus Germ. Hydroporus inzequalis Fabr. GYRINIDZ. convexus Aub. turbidus Lec. Dineutes emarginatus Say. nubilus Lec. discolor Aub, * > 1878.] Dineutes assimilis Aub. Gyrinus fraternus Coup. zeneolus Lec. limbatus Say. ventralis Kby. maculiventris Lec. picipes Aub. analis Say. minutus Fab. H. HYDROPHILIDZ. Helophorus lineatus Say. tuberculatus Gyllh. sp. near lacustris. two new species. Hydrochus squamifer Lec. two new sp. Hydreena pensylvanica Kw. Hydrophilus ovatus Har. triangularis Say. Tropisternus nimbatus Say. glaber Hbst. mixtus Lec. Hydrocharis obtusatus Say. Berosus striatus Say. Cheetarthria pallida Lec. Philhydrus nebulosus Say. bifidus Lec. ochraceus Mels. consors Lec. cinctus Say. perplexus Lec. fimbriatus Melsh. Hydrobius fuscipes Linn. digestus Lec. subcupreus Say. despectus Lec. feminalis Lec. n. sp. Cyclonotum estriatum Say. Cercyon flavipes Er. naviculare Zimm. centromaculatum St. preetextatum Say. ocellatum Say. unipunctatum Linn. ‘ {Hubbard and Schwarz. Cercyon anale Er. two unnamed species. Cryptopleurum vagans Lec. TRICHOPTERYGIDZ. Nossidium americanum Mots. n. sp. Ptenidium evanescens Marsham. lineatum Lec.? sp. Ptilium Collani Mkl. Smicrus filicornis Fairm. Trichopteryx aspera Hald. parallela Mots. Dohrnii Matth. Haldemani Lec. several unnamed species. Pteryx balteata Lec. n. sp. Ptinella quercus Lec. nl. sp. STAPHYLINIDZ. FPalagria cingulata Lec. bilobata Say. dissecta Er. venustula Er. Hoplandria lateralis Melsh. Homalota trimaculata Er. analis Grav. lividipennis Mannh. numerous unnamed species. Placusa sp. Calodera several species. Bolitochara sp. Myrmedonia sp. A. Atemeles cavus Lec. A. Aleochara lata Gray. brachyptera Fourc. nitida Grav. several unnamed species. Oxypoda several species. Phiceopora sp. Oligota pedalis Lec. two unnamed species. Hubbard and Schwarz. | 648 Gyropheena vinula Er. dissimilis Er. flavicornis Melsh.* corruscula Er. socia Er. several unnamed species. Mylizena fuscipennis Kr. dubia Er. one unnamed species. Dinopsis americanus Kr. myllenoides Kr. (Numerous undetermined genera of Aleocharini). Tachinus memnonius Grav. repandus Horn. luridus Er. canadensis Horn. fimbriatus Grav. Schwarzii Horn. Paw Paw. frigidus Er. circumcinctus Mk. nitiduloides Horn. Tachyporus maculipennis Lec. elegans Horn. jocosus Say. chrysomelinus Linn. nanus Er. brunneus Fab. Cilea silphoides Linn. Erchomus ventriculus Say. Conosoma littoreum Linn. Knoxii Lec. crassum Grav. pubescens Payk. basale Er. opicum Say. scriptum Horn. Bolitobius niger Grav. dimidiatus Er. var.? cingulatus Mannh. cincticollis Say. anticus Horn. pygmeeus Fab. trinotatus Er. obsoletus Say,* cinctus Grav. Bryoporus rufescens Lec. var. testaceus Lec. Mycetoporus lepidus Er. lucidulus Lec. consors Lec. americanus Er. pictus Horn. Habrocerus Schwarzii Horn. Acylophorus flavicollis Sachse. pronus Er. Heterothops fumigatus Lec. pusio Lec. Quedius fulgidus Fab. leevigatus Gyllh. vernix Lec. capucinus Grav. molochinus Grav. five unnamed species. Creophilus villosus Grav. Leistotrophus cingulatus Grav. Staphylinus maculosus Grav. vulpinus Nordm. fossator Grav. tomentosus Grav. cinnamopterus Grav. violaceus Grav. varipes Sachse. ceesareus Cederh. Ocypus ater Grav. Belonuchus formosus Grav. Philonthus cyanipennis Fabr. zeneus Rossi. umbratilis Grav. - hepaticus Er. blandus Grav. leetulus Say. niger Melsh. scybalarius Nordm. debilis Grav. lomatus Er. fulvipes Fabr. brunneus Gray. aterrimus Grav. baltimorensis Grav. Kalama- ZOO. apicalis Say. [April 18, 1878.] Philonthus sobrinus Er. peederoides Lec. cinerascens Grav. several unnamed species. Xantholinus cephalus Say. emmesus Gray. obsidianus Melsh. obscurus Er. Leptacinus two n. sp. Leptolinus longicollis Lec. sp. Baptolinus pilicornis Payk. Plymouth. Diochus Schaumii Kr. Lathrobium grande Lec. punctulatum Lec. angulare Lec. puncticolle Kby. simile Lec. armatum Say. nigrum Lec. tenue Lec. longiusculum Gray. collare Er. several unnamed species. Cryptobium badium Grav. bicolor Grav. pallipes Grav. latebricola Nordm. flavicorne Lec. cribratum Lec. Stilicus rudis Lec. angularis Er. dentatus Say. Scopzus exiguus Er. four or five unnamed species. Lithocharis corticina Grav. confluens Say. ochracea Grav. one unnamed species. Sunius prolixus Er. linearis Er. binotatus Say. longiusculus Mannh. brevipennis Aust. Peederus littorarius Grav. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 4c. 649 {Hubbard and Schwarz. Peederus palustris Aust. Palaminus testaceus Er. normalis Lec. Stenus Juno Fab. erythropus Melsh. femoratus Say. egenus Er. flavicornis Er. annularis Er. punctatus Er. numerous undescribed species. Eueesthetus americanus Er. Edaphus nitidus Lec. Oxyporus femoralis Gray. vittatus Grav. lateralis Grav. Bledius semiferrugineus Lec. fumatus Lec. analis Lec. assimilis | Fauvel. annularis Lec. emarginatus Say. Oxytelus sculptus Grav. rugosus Er. insignitus Grav. pensylvanicus Er. nitidulus Grav. exiguus Er. Thinobius brachypterus Lec. fimbriatus Lec. Trogophlceus laticollis Lec. arcifer Lec. 4-punctatus Say. numerous undescribed species. Apocellus spheericollis Say. Anthophagus verticalis Say. Acidota subcarinata Er. seriata Lec. Olophrum rotundicolle Say. two uanamed species. Coryphium notatum Lec. Omalium several unnamed species. Phiceonomus convexus | Zimm. Protinus parvulus Lec. PRINTED JUNE 20, 1878. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Megarthrus excisus Lec. Siagonium americanum Melsh. Bleusis pallidus Lec. picipennis Lec. Glyptoma costale Er. Pseudopsis sulcata Newm. Micropeplus tesserula Curtis. PSELAPHIDZ. Ceophyllus monilis Lec. Plymouth. Cedius spinosus Lec. Tmesiphorus carinatus Say. Ctenistes piceus Lec. Zimmermanni Lec. consobrinus Lec. Tyrus humeralis Aub. Pselaphus Erichsoni Lec. Tychus minor Lec. Bythinus zonatus Br. Bryaxis conjuncta Lec. Brendelii Horn. dentata Say. puncticollis Lec. scabra Brend. rubicunda Aub. two doubtful species. Decarthron abnorme Lec. longulum Br. formiceti Lec. Batrisus simplex Lec. n. sp. Schaumii Aubé. globosus Lec. spretus Lec. lineaticollis Aub. Rhexius insculptus Lec. Trimium dubium Lec. americanum Lec. Euplectus interruptus Lec. arcuatus Lec. canaliculatus Lec. integer Lec. n. sp. crinitus Brendel. SILPHID Z&. Necrophorus marginatus Fabr. _ 650 [April 18, Necrophorus Sayi Lap. pustulatus Hersch. americanus Oliv. orbicollis Say. tomentosus Web. vespilloides Hbst. Silpha surinamensis Fab. lapponica Hhbst. noveboracensis Forst. inzequalis Fabr. americana Linn. Choleva opaca Say. Ptomaphagus brunneipennis Mannh. consobrinus Lec. oblitus Lec. Catopomorphus brachyderus Lec. Colon dentatum Lec. three unnamed species. Hydnobius substriatus Lec. Anisotoma alternata Melsh. punctostriata Kby. collaris Lec. obsoleta Lec. Cyrtusa egena Lec. picipennis Lec. sp. Colenis impunctata Lec. Aglyptus leevis Lec. | Liodes discolor Melsh. dichroa Lec. Agathidium oniscoides Beauv. globatile Lec. n. sp. exiguum Melsh. politum Lec. Clambus puberulus Lec. gibbulus Lec. SCYDM:NID 4. Eumicrus Zimmermanni Sch. A. Scydmeenus perforatus Schaum. magister Lec. flavitarsis Lec. fossiger Lec. capillosulus Lec. rasus Lec. 1878.] Scydmezenus clavipes Say. consobrinus Lec. bicolor Lec. salinator Lec. fatuus Lec. several unnamed species. CORYLOPHIDZ. Orthoperus glaber Lec. scutellaris Lec. n. sp. Corylophus marginicollis Lec. truncatus Lec. Sericoderus flavidus Lec. obscurus Lec. Sacium fasciatum Say. lunatum Lec. misellum Lec. SCAPHIDIIDZ. Scaphidium 4-guttatum Say. var. 4-pustulatum Say. var. piceum Melsh. var. obliteratum Lec. Beocera concolor Fab.* apicalis Lec. Scaphisoma convexum Say. suturale Lec. terminatum Melsh. pusillum Lec. n. sp. Toxidium gammaroides Lec. compressum Zimm. LATHRIDIIDZ. Stephostethus (n. g.) liratus Lec. Lathridius carinatus Gyllh. minutus Linn. maculatus Lec. n. sp. opaculus Lec. n. sp. laticollis Lec. n. sp. duplicatus Lec. n. sp. filiformis Aub. Corticaria serricollis Lec. 6 ov 1 {Hubbard and Schwarz. Corticaria deleta Mannh. rugulosa Lec. serrata Payk. elongata Gyllh. americana Mannh. angularis Lec. cavicollis Lec. pumila Melsh. picta Lec. three unnamed species. DERMESTIDZ. Dermestes nubilus Say. mucoreus Lec.* lardarius Linn. talpinus Mann. (introduced). Attagenus pellio Linn. megatoma Fabr. longulus Lec. Trogoderma tarsale Melsh. Cryptorhopalum ruficorne Lec. heemorhoidale Lec. Anthrenus thoracicus Melsh. varius Fabr. museorum Linn. Orphilus ater Er. ENDOMYCHIDZ. Lycoperdina ferruginea Lec. Mycetina perpulchra Newm. testacea Lec. vittata Fabr. Endomychus biguttatus Fab. Rhanis unicolor Ziegl. Phymaphora pulchella Newm. A. Mycetza hirta Melsh. Rhymbus minor Cr. MYCETOPHAGIDZ. Mycetophagus punctatus Say. flexuosus Say. obsoletus Melsh. bipustulatus Melsh. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Mycetophagus pluripunctatus Lec. Triphyllus humeralis Kby. Litargus tetraspilotus Lec. 6-punctatus Say. infulatus Lec. didesmus Say. Typhea fumata Linn. Diploccelus brunneus Lec. SPHINDIDZ, Odontosphindus denticollis Lec. n. g. and sp. Sphindus americanus Lec. Eurysphindus hirtus Lec. n. g. and sp. CIOIDZ. Cis creberrimus Mell. brevisetosus Cr. fuscipes Mell. three other species. Ennearthron Mellyi Mell.? several other species. EROTYLIDZ. Languria Mozardi Latr. gracilis Newm. Dacne 4-maculata Say. Hypodacne punctata Lec. A. Megalodacne fasciata Fab. heros Say. Ischyrus 4-punctatus Oliv. Mycotretus sanguinipennis Say. pulchra Say. Cyrtotriplax humeralis Fab. angulata Say. unicolor Say. Triplax festiva Lec. macra Lec. thoracica Say. flavicollis Lac. CRYPTOPHAGIDZ. Antherophagus ochraceus Melsh. Cryptophagus cellaris Scop. croceus Zimm. crinitus Zimm. nodangulus Zimm. several unnamed species. Paramecosoma serratum Gyllh. n. sp. Tomarus pulchellus Lec. Atomaria ephippiata Zimm. numerous unnamed species. Ephistemus apicalis Lec. Telmatophilus americanus Lec. Loberus impressus Lec. Silvanus advena Waltl. surinamensis Linn. bidentatus Fab. planatus Germ. var. cognatus Lec. rectus Lec. Nausibius dentatus Melsh, Telephanus velox Hald. CUCUJIDZ. Catogenus rufus Fab. Cucujus clavipes Fab. Pediacus depressus Hbst. H. Lathropus vernalis Lec. Lzemophlceus biguttatus Say. fasciatus Melsh. testaceus Fab. adustus Lec. convexulus Lec. n. sp. H. Narthecius grandiceps Lec. Brontes dubius Fab. LYCTIDZ. Lyctus planicollis Lec. H. opaculus Lec. COLYDIIDZ. Coxelus guttulatus Lec. Ditoma 4-guttata Say. Synchita nigripennis Lec. parvula Guér. A. Aulonium parallelopipedum Say. {April 18, 1878.] Colydium lineola Say. Bothrideres geminatus Say. Philothermus glabriculus Lec. Cerylon castanum Say. var. unicolor Zieg]. RHYSSODIDZ&. Rhyssodes exaratus III. RHIZOPHAGIDZ. Rhizophagus bipunctatus Say. MONOTOMIDZ. Bactridium ephippigerum Germ. nanum Er. striolatum Reitter. Monotoma fulvipes Melsh. picipes Hbst. americana Aub. parallela Lec. TROGOSITIDZ. Nemosoma parallelum Mels. Tenebrioides corticalis Melsh. castanea Melsh. nana Melsh. bimaculata Melsh. Calitys scabra Thunb. Thymalus fulgidus Er. NITIDULIDZ. Byturus unicolor Say. Cercus abdominalis Er. Brachypterus urticee Fabr. Colastus semitectus Say. unicolor Say, truncatus Rand. Carpophilus niger Say. brachypterus Say. discoideus Lec. Epurea helvola Er. 653 Epurea rufa Say. Erichsonii Reitter. immunda Sturm. avara Rand. truncatella Mann. ovata Horn. n, sp. peltoides Horn, n. sp. labilis Er. Nitidula bipustulata Linn. ziczac Say. var. humeralis Lec. Prometopia 6-maculata Say. Lobiopa undulata Say. Omosita colon Linn. Phenolia grossa Fab. Stelidota 8-maculata Say. Thalycra concolor Lec. Cyllodes biplagiatus Lec. Cychramus adustus Er. Amphicrossus ciliatus Ol. Pallodes silaceus Er. Cybocephalus nigritulus Lec. Cryptarcha ampla Er. strigata Fabr. liturata Lec. Ips 4-guttatus Fab. obtusus Say. sanguinolentus Oliv. confluens Say. PHALACRIDZ. Phalacrus politus Melsh. n. sp. Olibrus ergoti Walsh. consimilis Melsh. nitidus Mels. Litochrus immaculatus Zimm. COCCINELLIDZ. Megilla maculata DeG. Hippodamia 13-punctata Linn. parenthesis Say. Anisosticta strigata Thunb. Cocinella affinis Rand. H. {Hubbard and Schwarz. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Cocinella trifasciata Linn. 9-notata Hbst. monticola Muls. Cycloneda sanguinea Linn. Adalia bipunctata Linn. Anatis 15-punctata Oliv. Psyllobora 20-maculata Say. Chilocorus bivulnerus Muls. CGineis pusilla Lec. Brachyacantha ursina Fab. indubitabilis Cr. Hyperaspis signata Oliv. proba Say. bigeminata Rand. undulata Say. Scymnus punctatus Melsh. terminatus Say. americanus Muls. fraternus Lec ochroderus Muls. cervicalis Muls. nanus Lec. punctum Lec. n. sp. Pentilia misella Lec. Coccidula lepida Lec. BYRRHIDZ. Nosodendron unicolor Say. Cytilus sericeus Forst. trivittatus Melsh. H. Byrrhus americanus Lec. cyclophorus Kby. Pettiti Horn. Limnichus punctatus Lec. obscurus Lec. PSEPHENIDZ. Psephenus Lecontei Lec. ELMIDZ. Elmis bicarinatus Lec. Ancyronyx variegatus Germ. 654 HISTERIDZ. Hololepta fossularis Say. Hister merdarius Hoffm. interruptus Beauv. immunis Er. cognatus Lec. foedatus Lec. abbreviatus Fab. civilis Lec.* depurator Say. furtivus Lec. curtatus Lec. bimaculatus Linn. 16-striatus Say. americanus Payk. perplexus Lec. subrotundus Say. carolinus Payk. Lecontei Mars. coarctatus Lec. Epierus ellipticus Lec. Tribalus americanus Lec. Onthophilus alternatus Say. Paromalus equalis Say. bistriatus Er. seminulum Er. A. Saprinus rotundatus Kug. distinguendus Mars. assimilis Payk. conformis Lec. A. spheeroides Lec. H. fraternus Say. H. mancus Say HEI. patruelis Lec. Teretrius americanus Lec. Plegaderus transversus Say. H. Bacanius punctiformis Lec. Acritus exiguus Er. strigosus Lec. #Bletes politus Lec. simplex Lec. LUCANIDZ. Lucanus dama Thunb. {April 18, ia 2. 1878.] Lucanus placidus Say. Dorcus parallelus Say. Platycerus quercus Web. depressus Lec. Ceruchus piceus Web. Passalus cornutus Fab. SCARABAIDZ. Canthon vigilans Lec. Cheeridium histeroides Web. Copris anaglypticus Say. minutus Dr. Onthophilus Hecate Panz. Janus var. striatus Beauv. pensylvanicus Har. Aphodius fossor Linn. pinguis Hald. H. fimetarius Linn. ruricola Mels. n. sp.? granarius Linn. vittatus Say. inquinatus Hbst. lentus Horn. stercorosus Melsh.* bicolor Say. oblongus Say. humeralis Lec. Dialytes striatulus Say. Ateenius imbricatus Melsh. gracilis Melsh. stercorator Fab. abditus Hald. Zégialia lacustris Lec. conferta Horn. M. Bolboceras farctus Fab. Odontzeus filicornis Say. cornigerus Melsh. Geotrupes splendidus Fabr. semiopacus Jek. Eegeriei Germ. Blackburnii Fabr. Balyi Jek. Nicagus obscurus Lec. H. Clceotus aphodioides III. 655 [Hubbard and Schwarz. Trox unistriatus Beauv. sordidus Lec. * zqualis Say. scaber Linn. Hoplia trifasciata Say. Dichelonycha elongata Fabr. fuscula Lec. albicollis Burm. H. Serica vespertina Schh. tristis Lec. ? sericea II]. Macrodactylus subspinosns Fabr. Diplotaxis sordida Say. frondicola Say. A. Endrosa quercus Kn. Lachnosterna futilis Lec. fusca Frohl. fraterna Harr. ciliata Lec. hirticula Kn. hirsuta Kn. crenulata Frohl. tristis Fabr. Strigoderma arboricola Fabr. Pelidnota punctata Linn. Cotalpa lanigera Linn. Ligyrus relictus Say. Xyloryctes satyrus Fabr. Euryomia inda Linn. fulgida Fabr. Osmoderma scabra Beauy. Gnorimus maculosus Kn. H. Trichius piger Fabr. affinis Gory. viridulus Fabr. BUPRESTIDZ. Chalcophora virginiensis Dr. H. campestris Say. Dicerca divaricata Say. obscura Fabr. asperata Lap. Poecilonota cyanipes Say. Buprestis consularis Gory H. maculiventris Say. H. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Buprestis fasciata Fabr. H. striata Fabr. Melanophila longipes Say H. fulvoguttata Harr. H. Anthaxia cyanella Gory. viridicornis Say. viridifrons Gory. quercata Fabr. Chrysobothris femorata Lec. dentipes Germ. H. 6-signata Say H. scitula Gory. Actenodes acornis Say. Acmezodera pulchella Hbst. culta Web. Agrilus ruficollis Fab. torquatus Lec. defectus Lec. difficilis Gor. H. bilineatus Web. . acutipennis Mannh. H. plumbeus Lec. politus Say. egenus Gory H. putillus Say. Taphrocerus gracilis Say. Brachys ovata Web. zerosa Melsh. Pachyscelus purpureus Say. levigatus Say. THROSCIDZ. Throscus alienus Bono. punctatus Bono. Chevrolati Bono. constrictor Say. Drapetes geminatus Say. ELATERIDZ, Tharops obliqua Say. Deltametopus amcenicornis Say. Dromeolus cylindricollis Say. * Fornax bicolor Melsh. A. calceatus Say. 656 [April 18, Microrhagus humeralis Say. triangularis Say. Nematodes penetrans Lec. Adelocera impressicollis Say. discoidea Web. aurorata Say. obtecta Say. Alaus oculatus Linn. myops Fabr. Cardiophorus amictus Melsh. fenestratus Lec.? H. convexulus Lec. H. Cryptohypnus abbreviatus Say. choris Say. pectoralis Say. A. obliquatulus Melsh. Elater nigricollis Hbst. linteus Say. discoideus Fab. semicinctus Rand. vitiosus Lec. A. apicatus Say. socer Lec. fuscatus Melsh. pedalis Cand. nigrinus Payk. sanguinipennis Say. rubricus Say. obliquus Say. Drasterius dorsalis Say. Monocrepidius auritus Say. Ludius abruptus Say. attenuatus Say. Agriotes mancus Say. pubescens Melsh. fucosus Lec. Lake Huron. stabilis Lec. oblongicollis Melsh. Dolopius lateralis Eschsch. Glyphonyx recticollis Say. ? A. testaceus Melsh. ? Melanotus depressus Melsh. Leonardi Lec. scrobicollis Lec. H. castanipes Payk. fissilis Say. i) —_— 1878. ] 657 Melanotus communis Gyllh. parumpunctatus Melsh. americanus Hbst. ? Limonius auripilis Say. aurifer Lec. griseus Beauy. plebejus Lec. basillaris Lec. agonus Say. ’ Campylus denticornis Kby. H. Pityobius anguinus Lec. Lansing Athous Brightwelli Kby. maculicollis Lec. cucullatus Say. fossularis Lec. scapularis Say. reflexus Lec. A. H. Sericosomus viridanus Say. A. Oxygonus obesus Say. A. Corymbites virens Sch. H. vernalis Hentz. Lansing. tesselatus Linn. cylindriformis Hbst. pyithos Hbst. sulcicollis Say. hieroglyphicus Say. metallicus Germ. Asaphes baridius Say. memnonius Hbst. bilobatus Say. DASCILLIDZ. Dicranopselaphus thoracicus Zeig]. Cyphon pallipes Lec. fusciceps Kby. H. piceus Lec. nebulosus Lec. modestus Lec. pusillus Lec. ruficollis Say. Prionocyphon discoideus Say. Helodes pulchella Guér. thoracica Guér. explanata Lec. Scirtes tibialis Guér. [Hubbard and Schwarz. Eucinetus terminalis Lec. morio Lec. strigosus Lec. testaceus Lec. punctulatus Lec. Ptilodactyla serricollis Say. LAMPYRIDZ. Calopteron typicum Newm. var. apicale Lec. Eros coccinatus Say. thoracicus Rand. sculptilis Say. humeralis Fab. H. modestus Say. Lucidota atra Fabr. Photinus corruscus Linn. nigricans Say. angulatus Say. borealis Rand. lucifer Mels. angustatus Lec. H. ardens Lec. consanguineus Lec. nl. sp. Photuris pensylvanica De G. Phausis inaccensa Lec. n. sp. M. TELEPHORIDZ. Chauliognathus marginatus Fab. Podabrus tricostatus Say. flavicollis Lec. modestus Say. diadema Fabr. rugosulus Lec. Telephorus excavatus Lec. carolinus Fab. angulatus Say. lineola Fab. rectus Melsh. cruralis Lec. dichrous Lec.? luteicollis Germ. scitulus Say. vilis Lec. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 4D. PRINTED JULY 1, 1878. Hubbard and Schwarz.] Telephorus fraxini Say. rotundicollis Say. tuberculatus Lec. bilineatus Say. limbatus Lec. Silis percomis Say. Malthodes concavus Lec. transversus Lec. exilis Melsh. fragilis Lec. parvulus Lec. MALACHIIDZ. Collops 4-maculatus Fabr. vittatus Say. H. Anthocomus Erichsonii Lec. Pseudebzus bicolor Lec. oblitus Lec. Attalus terminalis Er. pallifrons Mots. Pettiti Horn. morulus Lec. CLERIDZ. Cymatcdera inornata Say. Priocera castanea Newm. Trichodes Nuttalli Kby. Clerus nigripes Say. nigrifrons Say. thoracicus Oliv. dubius Fab. sanguineus Say. Hydnocera humeralis Say. var. difficilis Lec. var. cyanescens Lec. pallipennis Say. verticalis Say. tabida Lec. longicollis Zieg]. Phyllobeenus dislocatus Say. Orthopleura damicornis Fabr. Laricobius rubidus Lec. Corynetes violaceus Linn. 658 | Aprils, LYMBEXYLIDA. Hyleccetus lugubris Say. Micromalthus debilis Lec. n. g. and sp. CUPESID&. Cupes capitata Fab. Kalamazoo. concolor Westw. PTINIDZ. Ptinus fur Linn. bimaculatus Melsh. Eucrada humeralis Melsh. Ernobius mollis Linn. Oligomerus sericans Melsh. Sitodrepa panicea Linn. Trichodesma gibbosa Say. Hadrobregmus errans Mels. carinatus Say. linearis Lec. — Anobium notatum Say. Trypopitys sericeus Say. Petalium bistriatum Say. Xyletinus mucoreus Lec.? fucatus Lec. lugubris Lec. n. sp. Lasioderma serricorne Fab. Hemiptychus gravis Lec. ventralis Lec. Protheca puberula Lec. Dorcatoma pallicorne Lec. setulosum Lec. incomptum Lec. Czenocara oculata Say. scymnoides Lec. intermedia Lec. Ptilinus ruficornis Say. Hendecatomus rugosus Rand. Sinoxylon bidentatum Horn. p.544. Bostrichus armiger Lec. truncaticollis Lec. > 1878. | SPONDYLIDZA. Parandra brunnea Fabr. CERAMBYCIDZ. Orthosoma brunneum Forst. Tragosoma Harrisii Lec. Asemum meestum Hald. Criocephalus obsoletus Rand. Smodicum cucujiforme Say. Dularius brevilineus Say. Phymatodes variabilis Fabr. varius Fab. maculicollis Lec. n. sp. I. Chion cinctus Dr. Elaphidion incertum Newm villosum Fab. parallelum Newm. unicolor Rand. Callimoxys fuscipennis Lec. Molorchus bimaculatus Say. Batyle ruber Lec. Cyllene pictus Drury. Robinie Forst. Calloides nobilis Say. H. Arhopalus fulminans Fab. Xylotrechus colonus Fab. sagittatus Germ. undulatus Say. Neoclytus caprea Say. erythrocephalus Fab. Clytanthus ruricola Oliv. Microclytus gazellula Hald. Cyrtophorus verrucosus Oliv. Euderces picipes Fab. Distenia undata Oliv. Desmocerus palliatus Forst. Encyclops czruleus Say. Centrodera decolorata Harr. H. Acmeeops bivittata Say. Gaurotes cyanipennis Say. Bellamira scalaris Say. H. Typocerus velutinus Oliv. sparsus Lec. n. sp. E. Leptura capitata Newm. zebra Oliv. 659 Leptura rubrica Say. proxima Say. vittata Germ. spheericollis Say. vibex Newm. aspera Lec. Psenocerus supernotatus Say. Monohammus scutellatus Say. confusor Kby. Dorcaschema nigrum Say. Goes oculatus Lec. Plectrodera scalator Fab. Lake Huron. Acanthoderes decipiens Hald. Leptostylus planidorsus Lec. commixtus Hald. H. macula Say. Sternidius variegatus Hald. alpha Say cinereus Lec. Xanthoxyli Shimer. Liopus signatus Lec. quercus Fitch. facetus Say. Lepturgus symmetricus Hald. Hyperplatys maculatus Hald. Graphisurus fasciatus DeG. pusillus Kby. Acanthocinus obsoletus Oliv. Hoplosia nubila Lec. Pogonocherus mixtus Hald. H. Ecyrus dasycerus Say. Eupogonius tomentosus Hald. H. vestitus Say. subarmatus Lec. Saperda obliqua Say. cretata Newm. vestita Say. discoidea Fabr. tridentata Oliv. lateralis Fab. meoesta Lec. H. concolor Lec. Oberea ocellata Hald. bimaculata Oliv. Tetraopes tetraophthalmus Forst. {Hubbard and Schwarz. Hubbard and Schwarz. | -BRUCHIDZ. Bruchus pisi Linn. alboscutellatus Horn. distinguendus Horn. calvus Horn. var. Hibisci Oliv. musculus Say. several unnamed or new species. CHRYSOMELIDA. Donacia piscatrix Lac. tuberculata Lac. hirticollis Kby. proxima Kby. subtilis Kunze. pubescens Lec. confusa Lec. femoralis Kby. jucunda Lec. Kirbyi Lec. Macroplea Melsheimeri Lac. Orsodachna atra Ahr. A. Zeugophora scutellaris Suflr. puberulaCr. var. ? varians Cr. consanguinea Cr. * Lema brunnicollis Lac. trilineata Oliv. Chlamys plicata Fab. cribripennis Lec. n. sp. p. Exema conspersa Mannh. Monachus saponatus Fab. Cryptocephalus congestus Fab. var. sulphuripennis Melsh. formosus Mels. sellatus Suffr. lituratus Fab. venustus Fab. Schreibersii Suffr. dispersus Hald. 4-maculatus Say. quadruplex Newm. catarius Suffr. 660 [April 18, Cryptocephalus auratus Fabr. atomus Sufir. n. sp. Pachybrachys trinotatus Melsh. M-nigrum Melsh. subfasciatus Hald. atomarius Melsh. — femoratus Oliv. infaustus Hald. tridens Melsh. abdominalis Say. hepaticus Melsh. Adoxus vitis Linn. H. Xanthonia 10-notata Say. villosula Melsh. Heteraspis pubescens Melsh. Chrysochus auratus Fab. Paria 6-notata Say. Colaspis brunnea Fab. preetexta Say. tristis Oliv. Chrysomela clivicollis Kby. 10-lineata Say. suturalis Fabr. similis Rog. elegans Ol. multiguttis Stal. philadelphica Linn. Bigsbyana Kby. Gastrophysa Polygoni Linn. Prasocuris Phellandrii [ll]. H. varipes Cr. obliquata Cr. Phyllodecta vulgatissima Linn. Plagiodera scripta Fab. Cerotoma caminea Fabr. Phyllobrotica decorata Say. discoidea Fabr. Luperus meraca Fabr. Diabrotica 12-punctata Oliv. vittata Fabr. Galeruca americana Fab. Sagittarice Gyllh. decora Say. notata Fab. Trirhabda canadensis Kby. 1878. | Hypolampsis Clarkii Cr. H. Cidionychis gibbitarsis Say. vians II]. var. scripticollis Say. thyamoides Cr. 6-maculata I]1. quercata Fabr. scalaris Melsh. Disonycha limbicollis Lec. var. pallipes Cr. alternata [1]. triangularis Say. collata Fabr. Graptodera bimarginata Say. carinata Germ. exapta Say. rufa Linn. one unnamed species. Longitarsus melanurus Melsh. testaceus Lec. several unnamed species. Batophila spuria Lec. Phyllotreta Zimmermanni Cr. vittata Fab. bipustulata Fabr. robusta Lec. n. sp. Dibolia zrea Melsh. Systena frontalis Fabr. marginalis III. Crepidodera’ Helxines Linn. atriventris Melsh. Modeeri Linn. Epitrix cucumeris Harr. hirtipennis Melsh. Mantura floridana Cr. Chzeetocnema denticulata III. parcepunctata Cr. confinis Cr. rudis Lec. n. sp. M. protensa Lec. flavicornis Lec. Psylliodes punctulata Melsh. Blepharida rhois Forst. Stenispa metallica Fabr. collaris Baly. Odontota scapularis Oliv. 661 | Hubbard and Schwarz, Odontota rubra Web. rosea Web. Microrhopala poreata Melsh. Physonota unipunctata Say. Cassida nigripes Oliv. Coptocycla aurichalcea Fab. guttata Oliv. purpurata Boh. clavata Fabr. TENEBRIONID ZA, Nyctobates pensylvanica De G. barbata Kn. H. Merinus levis Oliv. Upis ceramboides Linn. Haplandrus femoratus Fabr. Kala- mazoo. concolor Lec. H. Scotobates calcaratus Fab. Xylopinus saperdioides Oliv. Tenebrio obscurus Fab. molitor Linn. castaneus Kn. tenebrioides Beauv. Blapstinus mcestus Mels. interruptus Say. Dicedus punctatus Lec. Echocerus maxillosus Fab. Uloma impressa Melsh. mentalis Horn. Paratenetus punctatus Sol. gibbipennis Mots. Diaperis Hydni Fab. Hoplocephala bicornis Oliv. Platydema excavatum Say. ruficorne St. americanum Lap. picilabrum Mels. subcostatum Lap. Scaphidema zneolum Lec. Hypophlceus parallelus Fab. H. Pentaphyllus pallidus Lec. Bolitotherus bifurcus Fab. Bolitophagus corticola Say. H. Rhipidandrus paradoxus Beauv. Hubbard and Schwarz. j Meracantha contracta Beauv. Strongylium tenuicolle Say. CISTELIDZ. Hymenorus pilosus Mels. var. obscurus Say. var.? punctulatus Lec. niger Mels. rufipes Lec. H. Cistela brevis Say. sericea Say. Isomira 4-striata Coup. Mycetochares Haldemani Lec. foveata Lec. tenuis Lec. binotata Say. H. longula Lee. n. sp. lugubris Lec. n. sp. analis Lec. n. sp. marginata Lec. n. sp. M. gracilis Lec. n. sp. M. Capnochroa fuliginosa Melsh. Androchirus luteipes Lec. LAGRIIDZA. Arthromacra zenea Say. PYROCHROIDZ. Pyrochroa flabellata Fab. femoralis Lec. Schizotus cervicalis Newm. Dendroides canadensis Latr. concolor Newm. ANTHICID &. Corphyra Newmani Lec. lugubris Say. labiata Say. terminalis Say. elegans Hentz. Notoxus anchora Hentz. monodon Fab. Tomoderus interruptus Laf. - 662 [April 18, Anthicus formicarius Laf. Anthicus floralis Payk. difficilis Lec. scabriceps Lec. cervinus Laf. spretus Lec. fulvipes Laf. coracinus Lec. pallens Lec. H. granularis Lec. n. sp. Xylophilus piceus Lec. fasciatus Mels. signatus Hald. basalis Lec. n. sp.? MELANDRYIDZ. Canifa plagiata Mels. pallipes Mels. pallipennis Lec. n. sp. M. Penthe obliquata Fabr. pimelia Fabr. Synchroa punctata Newm. Emmesa labiata Say. Melandrya striata Say. Spilotus 4-pustulosus Melsh. Mystaxis simulator Newm. Serropalpus striatus Hellen. H. Dircza liturata Lec. fusca Lec. n. sp. M. Symphora flavicollis Hald. Hallomenus scapularis Mels. debilis Lec. serricornis Lec. n. sp. M. Eustrophus confinis Lec. bicolor Say. bifasciatus Say. tomentosus Say. Orchesia castanea Melsh. gracilis Melsh. MORDELLIDZ, Pentaria trifasciata Melsh. Anaspis flavipennis Hald. Sore 1878.] Anaspis rufa Say. n. sp.? Mordella melena Grav. scutellaris Fab. irrorata Lec. baltimorensis | Zimm. marginata Mels. lineata Mels. undulata Mels. Glipodes helva Lec. Mordellistena trifasciata Say. lutea Mels ornata Mels. scapularis Say. tosta Lec. picicornis Lec. cervicalis Lec. fulvicollis Mels. impatiens Lec. nigricans Mels. guttulata Hellm. pustulata Mels. convicta Lec. ambusta Lec. marginalis Say. fuscata Mels. discolor Mels. n. sp. Myodites Walshii Lec. MELOIDZ. Meloe rugipennis Lec. Macrobasis unicolor Kby. Epicauta Convoluli Mels H. vittata Fabr. cinerea Forst. pensylvanica De G. CSDEMERIDZ. Ditylus cceruleus Rand. Lake Huron Asclera ruficollis Say. puncticollis Say. 663 [Hubbard and Schwarz. MYCTERIDZ. Lacconotus punctatus Lec. PYTHIDZ. Salpingus virescens Lec. two other species. ? Rhinosimus nitens Lec. RHYNCHITIDZA. Auletes ater Lec. H. Cassandre Lec. Eugnamptus angustatus Gyllh. var. collaris Gyllh. Rhynchites zeneus Boh. cyanellus Lec. Pterocolus ovatus Gyllh. ATTELABIDZ. Attelabus analis III. Rhois Boh. OTIORHYNCHIDZ. Hormorus undulatus Uhler. Lake Huron. Panscopus erinaceus Say. Anametis grisea Horn. Phyxelis rigidus Say. Otiorhynchus ligneus Oliv. Cercopeus chrysorrhceus Say. Pandeleteius hilaris Hbst. Cyphomimus dorsalis Horn. CURCULIONIDZ. Sitones flavescens Marsh. tibialis Germ. Ithycerus noveboracensis Forst. Phytonomus comptus Say. nigrirostris Gyllh. Lepyrus geminatus Say. Hubbard and Schwarz. | Listronotus tuberosus Lec. callosus Lec. inzequalipennis Boh. caudatus Say. appendiculatus Boh. frontalis Lec. latinsculus Boh. H. Macrops solutus Boh. several unnamed species. Hypomoly x pinicola Coup. H. Hylobius pales Boh. H. confusus Kby. Pissodes Strobi Peck. H. Lixus rubellus Rand. rectus Lec. mucidus Lec. concavus Say. Grypidius Equiseti GylIh. Erycus puncticollis Lec. Dorytomus laticollis Lec. brevicollis Lec. luridus Mannh. Acalyptus Carpini Linn. Desmoris constrictus Sav. Pachytychius discoideus Lec. Smicronyx ovipennis Lec. tychioides Lec. vestitus Lec. squamulatus Lec. Endalus limatulus Lap. ovalis Lec. Tanysphyrus Lemne Gyllh. Onychylis nigrirostris Boh. longulus Lec. Anchodemus angustus Lec. Hubbardi Lec. Schwarzi Lec. Lissorhoptrus simplex Say. apiculatus Gyllh. Bagous mamillatus Say. obliquus Lec. americanus Lec. magister Lec. nebulosus Lec. bituberosus Lec. transversus Lec. 664 [April 15, Otidocephalus Chevrolati Horn. | perforatus Horn. Magdalis hispoides Lec. H. barbita Say. olyra Hbst. salicis Horn. inconspicua Horn. pandura Say. armicollis Say. pallida Say. Anthonomus 4-gibbus Say nebulosus Lec. scutellatus Gyllh. signatus Say. rubidus Lec. sycophanta Walsh. rufipennis Lec. suturalis Lec. n. sp. near flavicornis. corvulus Lec. disjunctus Lec. cratzegi Walsh. n. sp. near crategi. decipiens Lec. Orchestes pallicornis Say. niger Horn. subhirtus Horn. ephipiatus Say. Elleschus ephipiatus Say. Prionomerus calceatus Say. Piazorhinus scutellaris Gyllh. Proctorus decipiens Lec. Plocetes Ulmi Lec. Gymnetron teter Schh. Conotrachelus albicinctus Lec. nenuphar Harr. seniculus Lec. elegans Boh. Cratzgi Walsh. posticatus Boh. anaglypticus Fahr. Rhyssematus lineaticollis Say. Zaglyptus striatus Lec. Acamptus rigidus Lec. Acalles sordidus Lec. A. Tyloderma foveolatum Say. H. ida. er 1878.] Tyloderma variegatum Horn. zereum Say. Cryptorhynchus parochus Say. bisignatus Say. fuscatus Lec. fallax Lec. ferratus Say. Piazurus oculatus Say. Copturus quercus Gyllh. Acoptus suturalis Lec. Mononychus vulpeculus Boh. Craponius inzequalis Say. Cceliodes acephalus Germ. asper Lec. cruralis Lec. nebulosus Lec. Acallodes ventricosus Lec. Ceuthorhynchus Rape Gy]. sulcipennis Lec. decipiens Lec. pusio Mannh. semirufus Lec. puberulus Lec. Erysimi Fab. ? n. sp. Phytobius velatus Gyllh. Pelonomus sulcicollis Fahr. squamosus Lec. Ccelogaster Zimmermanni Lec. cretura Hbst. Rhinoncus pericarpius Gyllh. pytrhopus Boh. longulus Lec. Trichobaris trinotata Say. Baris striata Say. tumescens Lec. Pseudobaris nigrina Say. T-signum Boh. Ampeloglypter Sesostris Lec. ater Lec. ' Madarus undulatus Boh. Stethobaris corpulenta Lec. Centrinus scutellum-album Say. rectirostris Lec. prolixus Lec. confinis Lec. YY 665 {Hubbard and Schwarz. Zygobaris conspersa Lec. subcalva Lec. n. sp. Barilepton cribricolle Lec. quadricolle Lec. filiforme Lec. Balaninus uniformis Lec. nasicus Lec. BRENTHIDZ. Eupsalis minuta Drury. CALANDRIDZ. Sphenophorus ochreus Lec. Lake Michigan. pertinax Oliv. South Haven. robustus Horn. South Haven. costipennis Horn. cariosus Oliv. sculptilis Uhler. melanocephalus Fab. placidus Say. Rhodobzenus 13-punctatus III. Calandra Oryze Fabr. Dryophthorus corticalis Say. Cossonus concinnus Boh. n. sp. Allomimus dubius Horn. A. Phlceophagus apionides Horn. minor Horn. Rhyncolus oregonensis Horn. Stenoscelis brevis Boh. SCOLYTIDZ. Monarthrum fasciatum Say. mali Fitch. Pityophthorus materiarius Fitch. minutissimus Harr. cariniceps Lec. puberulus Lec. H. consimilis Lec. n. sp. hirticeps Lec. n. sp. M. pusio Lec. n. sp. M. opaculus Lec. n. sp. M. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvilI. 101. 4&. PRINTED JuLY 1, 1878. Hubbard and Schwarz. | 666 [April 18, Xyloterus politus Say. Hylesinus opaculus Say. Xyleborus celsus Hichh. Dendroctonus similis Lec. H. fuscatus Eichh. Hylurgops pinifex Fitch. H. biographus Lec ; xylographus Zimm. Lansing. ANTHRIBIDZ. celatus Zimm. punctipennis Lec. n. sp. M. Eurymycter fasciatus Oliv. Dryoccetes septentrionis Mannh. Hormiscus saltator Lec. affaber Mannh. Eusphyrus Walshii Lec. Xylocleptes decipiens Lec. n. sp. Cratoparis lunatus Fab. Cryphalus rigidus Lec. Brachytarsus tomentosus Say. Tomicus pini Say. H. variegatus Say. Micracis suturalis Lec. Choragus Harrisii Lec. n. sp. rudis Lec. Euxenus punctatus Lec. opacicollis Lec. n. sp. asperulus Lec. n. sp. APIONIDA. Chramesus Icoriz Lec. Phiceotribus liminaris Harr. Lan- Apion rostrum Say. sing. several unnamed species. Hylesinus aculeatus Say. 4. Description of the Larva of MICROMALTHUS DEBILIS Lec. By H. G. HuBBARD. Color transparent white, mandibles and anal appendage castaneous. Form cylindrical, very slightly flattened beneath, hardly narrowed lat- erally in front and behind. Body glabrous, except a few hardly visible hairs upon the sides, without legs. Length 0.10-.12 inch.; width about 0.03 inches. Head not quite as broad as the segments of the abdomen, convex, trans- verse, enlarged posteriorly; sides rounded, convex ; anterior border nearly straight, posterior border emarginate ; above and below a few long bristles. No ocelli. Antenne short, inserted in depressions on the anterior angles of the head, of four joints increasing in length, the first very short, transverse, the second smaller, about as long as broad, the third longer than the pre- ceding, with a short oval lobe below, before the tip, the fourth twice as long as the third, slender, blade-shaped, tipped with a minute spine. Labrum trausverse, somewhat enlarged anteriorly, borders nearly straight, anterior angles rounded, with long stout spines above and below. Mandibles as long as the antenne, stout, curved, three-toothed with a large hatchet-shaped basal lobe, obliquely ridged upon the under surface. Maxille, very large and prominent, longer than the mandibles ; with palpi of three joints, the first and second short, cylindrical, the third as long as the first and second united, more slender, flat, and divided nearly to the base into two superimposed lobes bearing papille ; maxillary lobe rrr tem tw e 1878.] 667 (Hubbard. divided anteriorly by a deep notch into two portions, the apical, smaller and narrower than the basal, blade-shaped, tipped with a long slender spine, and bearing four long and stout teeth projecting at right angles to the lobe, like the blades of a half-opened penknife ; the basal portion with two rows of teeth on the border, and a slender tooth and bristle at the apex. Labium consisting firstly, of an elongated, triangular mentum, with the apex thickened in aconical protuberance, bearing a pair of bristles near the middle, and another pair upon the thickened tip ; secondly, of a transverse palpiger, bearing small fleshy palpi of two subequal joints, and its anterior border prolonged between them in a conical projection; thirdly, of an elongated, convex, corneous ligula, enlarged anteriorly, with straight borders and a pair of bristles near the tip. Behind and above the mentum and plainly seen through the transparent tissues, is a broadly triangular, horny piece, the base of which extends between the hinges of the mandi- bles, and the apex reaches as far as the middle of the ligula; upon the upper surface oblique grooves on each side correspond with the ridges upon the basal lobes of the mandibles, into which they lock when the man- dibles are closed.* Thoracic segments slightly thicker than the abdomen, the first longer, the two following subequal in length. Abdomen cylindrical or slightly depressed, of nine segments, the first , eight subequal, transverse, each with a few long bristles, the ninth conical, scatteringly covered with long bristles, terminating abruptly in two minute toothed appendages, one proceeding from the dorsal surface, and arching downwards, the other from the ventral surface, curving upwards, and re- sembling two hands with partly extended fingers, having the palms turned towards each other. The upper and longer appendage appears to be tubular for one-third of its length from the base, the remainder is con- cave beneath, and terminates in two terminal and six lateral teeth, directed downwards, their bases forming longitudinal ridges on the concave under surface. The lower appendage is shorter, more strongly curved, and in the opposite direction, concave above, expanded into a palm at the end, with eight teeth as in the preceding; the concave upper surface is distinctly denticulate. The larva lives in damp situations, in the soft, crumbling wood of old oak logs, which have become entirely disintegrated and colored dark red, probably by a microscopic fungus. A number of larve, pupx, and imagos were found together in a small portion of such a log on August 17th, 1874, at Detroit, Michigan. As Dr. LeConte has placed this insect in the family Lymexylide, it will be interesting to compare its larva with that of Hylecwtus lugubris Say, specimens of which are before me. The larve of Hylecwtus were taken from cylindrical burrows in the solid wood of the American linden, It * This piece and the mandibles, the forms and relative positions of which are shown in fig. 9 of the plate, though very conspicuous in dissections under the microscope. are omitted in fig. 5 in order to avoid obscuring overlying parts. Hubbard. } 668 [April 18, has a cylindrical body of twelve segments; a globular head, with two large ocelli, which are, however, covered by the epidermis ; the first tho- racic segment is enlarged, and partly covers the head, like a hood ; the three thoracic segments bear well-developed legs ; and the abdomen termi- nates in a long tapering style, toothed and concave on the upper surface, and turning upwards at the end ; the stigmata are large and in their normal positions, one pair beneath, on the thorax, and eight pairs on the sides of the abdominal segments. The antenne are four-jointed, exceedingly minute and stout, and, as in Micromalthus, have the third joint lobed beneath, an apical spine, and oc- cupy similar positions on the anterior angles of the head; the maxill also have the lobe divided into an upper and lower portion, although the sepa- ration is not very distinct, and appears under the lens as a corneous line, the spines upon the lobe are slender and not markedly different upon the two portions. The labrum and labium are stout and thick, but do not pre- sent important structural differences from the same parts in Micromalthus. The mandibles are simple or slightly notched, the basal lobes not promi- nent, but finely ridged, and closing upon a triangular corneous piece which lies above the mentum. All the parts of the mouth in Hylecwtus are smaller, stouter, and simpler in their structural details than the correspond- ing organs in Micromalthus, differences which perhaps have some relation to the harder material in which the former lives. Notwithstanding the striking difference in their external forms, the important structural analo- gies between the antenne and mouth parts, seem to indicate a relationship between these two larval forms. 4 Explanation of Plate 15. Micromalthus debilis Lec., Imago, central figure. 1 4g " «© Larva, enlarged twelve times. 2.—Head and thoracic segments, lateral view ; much enlarged. 3.—Terminal segments, showing the anal appendages, lateral view. 4.—Head from above, very much enlarged. 5.—Head from below, with mandibles omitted. 6.—Right maxilla, seen from below. 7.—Right antenna, from below. 8.—Anal appendages, seen from below, very much enlarged. 9.—Corneous triangular piece lying above the mentum, with the left mandible thrown back, seen from above; the ridges upon the under sur- face of the mandible are indicated by dotted lines. Nore—For the sake of distinctness, the appendages in fig. 3 are drawn too large in proportion to the segments. The proportions are more cor- rectly given in figs 1 and 8. 669 1878. ] {LeConte. Index of Species Described. Dyschirius brevispinus........ 593 Hadrobregmus linearis Lec..... 612 Badister obtusus............ 594 Xyletinus lugubris............ 612 Bembidium arcuatum.......... 594 pubescens, Texas..... 613 WGI SUP TAs te a ste:ia 594 Micromalthus debilis.......... 613 Hydroporus fuscatus, Crotch... 595 Phymatodes maculicollis....... 614 laccophilinus...... 59Ds Ly POCGeLUS SPALSUS. ac - amare ets a elavalchol site naa ieee 15/ Rai.) COMPS OLAIMEM si o',010,> /cele'a.c,ciciavepeltye ainte/e lalepeiateeerere th eniits eee 26/ Concealed ire « <2irca:sjoiese.3 ye /aueabseiaubte,siage: suede bompcahsts (e sualeia te eats ieaatt tee eee 4’ Coal (8)..» 22 stan Saresidpisiess <> + ow sin'a span latent eens 4! Concealed. . .... 5 acee-pielers sss, wisi bscua ce meigaaaiels aiateh renee arene ate 26/ 4) GAA ScD ANA O cee cr aac erin mca Gmodo oc 10/ Ooal (2) (8 feet'2 inches mensured) so tes. sce a's cie eae cietale/sm amie 3/ 1878.] 671 (Chance. S. S., gray, hard, ‘“‘upper part S. S., lower part shale.’’............ 33/ BOAE (1) ea wh kcdhea algae Vela bares bore sb eos by ove eRe f. aits 1/ Pein plaerate: Moe ets ice Oe ce ccc ela vis is cs Ca Babee: Boot 25/ Concealed. Mr. Ashburner states that some red shale has been FOUN MOLE Sesh poe dei ety aepwa «caine dy oe soaweawaa daewe ole er 41! Some are A eTay, COSISC SUSIE... ordre in e's caw's bo o'0e'e 08 ve SURE ame 25/ S. S. white and gray, thin bedded, with some shale................ 40/ Praeuril, Very OAL STAY a6 ca can5 oa eos eM ples cee © yates 20/ PATRI tea ores cor gris ash asaieyasciaia namin vuisleajeln'ce C0455 0 CSE 35/ 245/ Wancenled—trave OF LOO: sce. taasd ss ciaese fv vs dooptiomanad obeee 65/ S. 8. hard, thin bedded, grayish steel color...............ssecee00% 25/ 8. S. brownish, fine grained ; micaceous, with shale and traces of Mee SOOOT UY OMPONCI Ts ciaacu Toe dane fesse: caos/cs ced ae co eee 50/ Pe ee PT AINE PTCCHISN-OTAY < « ciaa'e -0)c coiie.e Seicoe deus Us seedegeen 20/ S. S. very fine grained and thin bedded, gray.................000. 20/ Shales, with shaly micaceous brownish sands—poorly exposed— PYRG UNECE re Seisreluieg cas efeia au sie sale esitsia ld SR uae 4 Cineipbe's skies 45/ 8. S. mottled, browish, micaceous and flaggy, in two members eRe MaWy SUMAP TA laae ss acc)'a8 oois x a cele oavs = 2 and Shales bles: ons acess wees eect ae ee 22 eee 30/ S:. 8. brown and white, ot] and gas................-- A PeoeS Scere 5/ S.'S: dark blue; “with shale its cm .cic...4 ocra cia bree slels ie o/b oohehe ats arene 165/ S..8; dark blue, with swiitte samc sells ayaa ce cteltesisem cteletteet eter ststetens 10’ Sand “shale: soft-amd blue A second species of this genus is the UV. semiscutatus (Corydoras Cope, 1872). The species and genera of this group are the following : Brocuis Cope, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1871. Coracoid shields cover- ing the breast ; dorsal soft rays 9-11. The Callichthys taiosh Cast. prob- ably belongs to this genus. B. ceruleus Cope, loc. cit. 1872, p. 277. B. dipterus Cope, loc. cit. 1872, p. 278. CH&NOTHORAX Cope, supra. Coracoid shield not enclosing the breast and belly ; dorsal soft rays 9-11. C.. bicarinatus Cope, supra. C. semiscutatus Cope, Proceed. Acad. Phila. 1872, p. 280. This species differs from the @. bicwrinatus in the horizontally extended coracoid shields, the greater development of the facial ossification, the shorter muzzle, larger eye, and greater relative thickness of the head. . Coryporas Lacep. Bleeker ; Hoplisoma Sws. Coracoid shields enclos- ing ventral region ; dorsal soft rays 6-7. O. punctatus Lac. Giinther, Catal. v. 229. C. eneus Gill. Giinther, 1. c. (. eques Steind. Sitzungsberichte Wien Akademie, 1876 (July), p. 92, Pl. XII, fig. 3. a h 1873.] 6381 [Cope. GASTRODERMus Cope. Coracoids not enclosing the ventral region, which is covered with soft skin ; dorsal soft rays 6-7. . ambiacus Cope, Proceed. Acad. Phila. 1872, 280. . trilineatus Cope, 1. c. 281, Pl. VI, fig. 2. . acutus Cope, 1. c. 281. . amphibelus Cope, |. c. 282. . armatus Giinth. Proceed. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, 230, cut. . agassizii Steind. loc cit. sup. 90, Pl. XII, f. 2. . elegans Steind. 1. c. 93. . nattereri Steind. J. c. 95, Pl. XI, f. 1. RPARRARAQN 28. GASTRODERMUS ARMATUS Gthr. Coll. 1873. 29. GASTRODERMUS AMBIACUS Cope. Coll. 1878. Nauta. 30. CALLICHTHYS ASPER Quoy. Gainn. Coll. 1873. Nauta. 31. HoPpLOSTERNUM LONGIFILIS Cuy. Val. Coll. 1873. Nauta. 32. LoRICARIA CATAPHRACTA L. Coll. 1873. The Marajfion. 33. LORICARIA ROSTRATA Spix. Coll. 1873. 34. LIPOSARCUS JEANESIANUS Cope, Proceed. Acad. Phila., 1874, p. 135. Coll. 1873. Nauta. 3). LIPOSARCUS SCROPHUS Cope, l. c. p. 136. Coll. 1873. Nauta. 36. PLECOSTOMUS VIRESCENS Cope, 1. c. 137. Coll. 1873. 37. ARGES SABALO Cuv. Val. Rio Urubamba ; altitude 10,090 feet. 38. TRICHOMYCTERUS DISPAR Tsch. Cope, Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1877, p, 30. Sources of the Ucayale at Urubamba, 10,000 feet, and Tinta, 11,400 feet. 39. TRICHOMYCTERUS GRACILIS (7) Cuv. Val., Cope, loc. cit. p. 30. Tinta, 11,400 feet. ASPREDINID&. 40. BUNOCEPHALUS MELAS Cope, loc. cit. 1872, p. 132. Coll. 1873. Nauta. 41. DysICHTHYS CORACOIDEUS Cope, I. c. p. 133. Coll. 1873. Nauta. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 44. PRINTED JUNE 27, 1878. Cope. | 682 [May 17, PLECTOSPONDYLI. STERNOPYGIDA. 42. CARAPUS FASCIATUS Pallas. Coll. 1873-1877. 43. STERNARCHUS BONAPARTII Castelnau. Coll. 1877. 44. STERNARCHUS ALBIFRONS Linn. Coll. 1877. 45. STERNARCHUS SCHOTTI Steindachner. Coll. 1877. 46. STERNARCHUS BALANOPS, sp. nov. Profile oblique, with a depression between the orbits; snout short, ne much narrowed. Lower jaw large, projecting beyond the upper both an- teriorly and laterally, enclosing the latter somewhat as in a whalebone whale. The fissure of the mouth is short, only reaching the vertical line from the anterior nostril. Eyes small, without free border, much nearer the snout than the gill opening, one-twelfth the length of the head, which latter enters the length without caudal fin, 8.5 times. The depth at the base of the dorsal thong is equal to the length of the head. Anal radii 171. Scales very large, in only nine longitudinal rows at the base of the dorsal thong. Color olivaceous, with a pale dorsal band which reaches the dorsal thong, and a pale narrow band on each side near the dorsal band. Length M. .165; length to origin of anal .020; length to base of dorsal thong .096. This species resembles remotely the S. schottii of Steindachner, but differs from it and from all the other species in the much enlarged mandible and the large scales. Coll. 1877. 47. RHAMPHOSTERNARCHUS MACROSTOMA Gthr., Catal. Brit. Mus. VIII, p. 4. Coll. 1877. 48. RHAMPHICHTHYS PANTHERINUS Castelnau, Coll. 1877. 49. STERNOPYGUS VIRESCENS Valenc. Coll. 1873-1877. 50. STERNOPYGUS TROSCHELIL Kaup. Coll. 1877. 51. STERNOPYGUS MACRURUS BI. Schn. Coll. 1877. CHARACINID AS. 52. ANODUS MELANOPOGON, sp. nov. Char. Gen. Jaws edentulous ; abdomen not serrate. Branchial fissures ‘very extensive. Branchial arches furnished with long rakers, which are present on the fifth arch as well as the others. — | 633 [Cope. 187 9) This genus is Curimatus with a clupeiform branchial apparatus. In both the species the rakers on the anterior four arches are bristle-like, while those on the fifth resemble somewhat the pharyngeal teeth of Catos- tomide, although flexible. This genus has never been distinguished from Curimatus until the present time. It is not unlikely that the second species included by Spix in Anodus (An. latior) is a Curimatus, but the A. elongaius must be regarded as the type of the genus. Cuvigr established Curimatus on the C. cypri- notdes (Salmo edentulus Bl. fide Gthr.) but included in it erroneously the Anodus elongatus, in which he is followed by Gunther. Since the above was written I learn that Professor Gill has described this genus under the name of Hlopomorphus, in a recent number of a popular journal. Char. Specif. General form slender, head elongate, and with acuminate muzzle, with the mandible projecting, beyond the premaxillary border. Length of head entering total without caudal fin, three and two-thirds times ; depth of body at dorsal fin, less than one-sixth of the same. Eye large, one sixth of length of head entering one and one-fourth times into leneth of muzzle and interorbital space, which are thus equal. Opercular bone as long as deep; interoperculum large; extremity of maxillary ex- tending a little beyond vertical line from anterior rim of orbit. Radii; D. 110; A. 1,10; V. 11; P.19. Base of first dorsal ray 3 mm. nearer end of muzzle than base of dorsal fin, pectoral fin reaching half way to ventrals, and ventrals half way to anal. The scales are small, in about 128 transverse rows, and at the origin of the anal fin in 23 longitudinal rows. The origin of the ventrals is below the middle of the dorsal fin. Total length M. .075. Color blackish above and one-third way down the side ; sides and abdo- men, with sides of head silvery.. Dorsal and caudal fins dusky and with- out spots. End of mandible black. Coll. of 1873 ; numerous specimens. 53. ANODUS STEATOPS, sp. nov. While the preceding species has rather clupeiform character, the present one looks like a Hemiodus, and particularly the H. microlepis, with which it was found associated in the collection. It differs much from the H. me- lunopogon in the even lips, and the extensive adipose membrane which closes the eye to an even greater degree than is found in the H. mécrolepis, reducing it to a vertical fissure. Radial formula D. I. 10; C.3+ 19+ 3; A. I. 11; V. 12; P. 19, reaching half way to ventrals; ventrals reaching half way to vent. The ventrals originate below the middle of the dorsal fin, which originates exactly half way between the end of the muzzle, and 13-14 the base of the superior caudal fulcra. Scales small, %% . The general 10 form is slender, the depth entering the length less the caudal fin 5.5 times ; and the length of the head entering the same 3.6 times. The diame - Cope.] 634 [May 17, ter of the eye as seen through its adipose covering is a little less than one-fifth the length of the head; and is one-half the interorbital width measured over the strong convexity of the frontal bone. The maxillary bone makes an angle with the premaxillary, and extends as far as the line of the anterior border of the orbit ; the greater part of its length passes be- neath the edge of the preorbital bone. The opercalar apparatus is elon- gate, but the operculum is deeper than long. Total length M. .205 ; length of head .047; length to origin of dorsal fin (axial) .082; do. of ventral .090; do. of anal fin .134. - Color in spirits steel blue, paler below ; base of the caudal fin extensively black ; other fins unspotted. Sides of head golden; chin and top of head black ; a golden speculum above the orbit. Coll. of 1877. 54. CURIMATUS ALTAMAZONICUS, Sp. nov. This is a robust species with small scales. The form is elongate-oval, and the head wide. The pectoral region is not flattened nor covered with roughened scales, while the ventral line from the ventral fins to the vent is keeled, but not serrate. The dorsal fin is elevated, its anterior rays being four-fifths as long as the head. Radii; D. I. 10; A. 1.12; V.9; P.13. The pectorals do not reach the ventrals, nor the latter the vent. The ventrals originate below the fifth dorsal spine. First dorsal ray much nearer the end of the muzzle than the base of the caudal fin. Scales 25-94-22. Depth at first dorsal ray entering length minus caudal fin 2.7 times. Length of head in the same three and two-fifth times. The eye enters the length of the head four and four-fifth times, and twice in the moderately convex interorbital width. Lips equal, the inferior closing within the superior. Maxillary bone short, not extend- ing behind the line of the nares. Color silvery without spots on the body or fins. Total length M. .200; length of head .049 ; do. to origin of dorsal fin (axial) .070; do. to origin of ventrals .O80 ; to origin of anal fin . 124. This species appears to be nearest the C. latéor Spix. judging from de- scriptions. In that fish the anal rays are said to be 14-15, and the dorsals 12. Coll. 1878. 55. CURIMATUS SPILURUS, Glnth. Steind. Coll. 1873. 56. CURIMATUS TRACHYSTETHUS, sp. nov. This is a moderately elongate species with the preventral region flat- tened, and covered with large, thick striate and dentate scales ; and with the postventral region also flattened, and without distinct median keel. Radial formula D. I. 10; C.2+4+19+ 2; A. I. 8; V.9; P. 16. The pec- torals nearly reach the ventrals, which originate below the middle of the dorsal fin, and reach to the vent. The anal fin has a short basis which is equal to its distance from the vent ; folded backwards it reaches the base of the caudal fin. The elevation of the dorsal fin exceeds the length of the head. The depth at the front of the dorsal fin is one-third the length of the caudal; the length of the head is one-fourth the same. ae: 1878.] 685 [Cope. The eye is large, entering the length of the head 3.25 times and the flat interorbital space 1.5 times. The muzzle is flat and projects a little beyond the lower lip. The mouth does not extend to the line of the orbit. The inferior suborbital hone is much longer than the others. Total length M. .128; length of head .026; to base of dorsal .040; of ventral .047 ; of anal 080. Scales 8-48-6. Color silver, with bluish reflections above ; a bright line along the middle of each row of scales. Fins immaculate except a round spot on the dorsal fin below its middle. This species is allied to the C. asper of Giinther, but that fish has smaller scales, more anal rays and other characters. (See Proceed. Zool. Soc. Lon., 1868.) Coll, of 1877. 57. POTAMORHINA PRISTIGASTER: Curimatus pristigaster Steindachner, Sitzungsberichte Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1876, July (separata p. 25), Pl. VI. This species, well described and figured by my friend Dr. Steindachner, is too distinct from the species of Curimatus-to remain in that genus, in my opinion. It presents between the ventral and anal fins not only a keel, as in many species of the genus named, but the keel is surmounted by a series of acute recurved spiniform scales, quite unlike the normally formed ones which bound it in the keeled species of Curimatus. I therefore pro- pose for it the generic name above written. The spinous processes are stronger in my specimens than in the figure given by Dr. Steindachner. Coll. 1873. 58. PROCHILODUS ORTONIANUS, Sp. NOV. Radial formula D. I. 10; C. 3-19-2; A. IIL. 8; V.9; P. 14. Scales 9-44-7. Depth of body at dorsal fin entering the length less the caudal fin 3; times; Length of head entering the same 3.7 times. Diameter of eye entering head 4.5 times, or one and a half times in the muzzle and two and a half times in the interorbital width. From these figures it is evident that this isa moderately elongate species, with rather elongate and wide head. The frontal region is convex, and the upper lip does not project beyond the lower as in P. harttii Steind. The pectoral fins reach the ventrals, but the latter fall far short of the anus. The belly between the latter and the base of the ventral is keeled, but not serrate. The dorsal fin is situated a little in advance of the ventrals, and is quite elevated, equaling the length of the head. Caudal fin rather short and robust. Total length M. .200; length of head .046 ; do. to base of dorsal (axial) .072 ; do. to ventral (axial) .083 ; to base of anal .134; depth of caudal peduncle .020. Color silvery, above shaded with blackish ; the scales at the base of the anal fin inserted in a blackish skin. Dorsal fin with six or seven cross- rows of blackish dots, which only mark the rays. Caudal fin with four eross-bands of rather obscure character, which follow the posterior contour of the fin, except the posterior, which cross the apices. , a 1878. ] 691 [Cope. 82. TETRAGONOPTERUS HAUXWELLIANUS Cope, Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1870, p. 560. Coll. 1873. 83. TETRAGONOPTERUS CHALCEUS Agass. Coll. 1877, from the Marafion. 84. TETRAGONOPTERUS ORTONII Gill. Proceed. Acad, Phila. 1870, p. 92. Coll. 1873. 85. TETRAGONOPTERUS AGASSIZII Steindachner, Sitzungsber., K. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1876 (July) 41, Pl. VIII, fig. 2. Two specimens from near Pebas resemble the species above named in all points excepting in the more elongate body, so that I suspect them to repre- sent a local race. There are 1.24 anal radii, and the longitudinal rows of scales are 5—1+43-4. The total length without caudal fin is M. .034; depth .013 ; length of head .0105. The caudal spot is very large, covering the basal half of the fin, while the humeral spot is obsolete. 86. TETRAGONOPTERUS LONGIOR, sp. nov. One of the more elongate forms of the genus. Radii D. I. 10; A. I. 24. Longitudinal series of scales twelve. The greatest depth enters the length less the caudal fin 4.7 times, and the length of the head the same 4.2 times. The diameter of the orbit enters the length of the head 3.5 times, and the interorbital width 1.33 times. The maxillary bone is toothless, and rather wide, and extends little beyond the line of the anterior border of the orbit. The origin of the dorsal fin is behind the line of that of the ventrals, and is nearer the origin of the caudal fin than the end of the muzzle by the length of the latter. There is a broad silvery lateral stripe, on which is a strong black hume- ral spot. There is no distinct basal caudal spot. Total length .095. Coll. of 1874, from Moyabamba. 87. TETRAGONOPTERUS, sp. indet. Coll. of 1873. 88. TETRAGONOPTERUS, sp. indet. Coll. of 1878. 89. TETRAGONOPTERUS DIAPHANUS, Sp. nov. An elongate species distinguished by the small number of its anal rays. D.1I.9; A. I. 18; V. 7, originating a little anterior to line of dorsal, and not reaching anal: P. 15, not reaching ventrals. Dorsal fin nearly equi-dis- tant between end of muzzle and base of caudal fin. Anterior rays of dorsal and anal fins markedly longer than the posterior. Depth entering length less caudal fin three and one-seventh times ; length of head into the same, four and two-fifth times. Scales 4-35-3.5 ; lateral line complete. Maxillary bone toothless, extending near to the line of the anterior border of the orbit. The latter enters the length of the head 2 and 3-4th times, equal- ing the interorbital space. Total length M. .052 ; of head .011 ; to line of ventral fin .020 ; to line of “cy Cope. | 692 [May 17, anal .028. Color silvery, with a broad bright silver lateral band, and no bright spots. Coll. 1874. 90. TETRAGONOPTERUS IPANQUIANUS Cope, Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soe. 1877, p. 28. Urubamba River ; elevation 11,500 feet. Coll. of 1877. 91. STETHAPRION CHRYSEUM Cope, Proceed. Academy, Phila. 1872, p. 261. Coll. 1877. 92. CHALCINUS CULTER Cope, l. c. 265. Coil. 1873. 93. TRIPORTHEUS NEMATURUS Kner. Colle Asis: 94. SERRASALIMO IMMACULATUS sp. Nov. This species belongs to the restricted genus Serrusuvlinv. There are six pre- maxillary teeth, of which the third is much smaller than the others. Each tooth has a denticle at its posterior base, which in the case of the external tooth is longer horizontally than the principal cusp, and is not apiculate. There are seven in the lower jaw, of sub-equal size, each with a posterior basal denticle, except the anterior, which has two basal denticles. The form is discoid, the depth entering the length less the caudal fin 1.8 times, and the length of the head entering the same three times. The dorsal and ventral outlines are equally convex, but the steeper slopes are opposite the anterior above, and the posterior below. Scales small 34-100- 33. Radii; D. 17; A. I. 32; V. 7, not reaching vent ; P. 15, reaching base of ventrals. Spines 33-4. Gill rakers of first arch short, and with short apices. Diameter of eye entering length of head (ineluding chin) five times ; and nearly twice in the interorbital space measured over its con- vexity. The origin of the dorsal fin is above the ventral, and equi-distant between the base of the superior marginal ray of the caudal fin and the pos- terior border of the orbit. The superior caudal rays are not so long as the inferior. Second sub-orbital bone as high as long. Muzzle a little longer than diameter of orbit. The color is silvery without distinct spots ; in cer- tain lights numerous small lead-colored spots may be detected on the dorsal region, extending half way down to the lateral line. Caudal and anal fin broadly black bordered; no yellow band. Total length M. .190; of head 059; to line of dorsal fin .090 ; to line of anal .116 ; to basis of marginal caudal rays .161. This species is near the 8. wsopus Cope, but is readily distinguished by the much more numerous scales, and the longer muzzle. Coll. of 1877. 95. METYNNIS LUNA, gen. et. sp. nov. Char. Gen. This is Myletes with an external horizontal cultriform spine at the base of the dorsal fin as in Servasulmo and Stethuprion. The premaxillary teeth are in two series, and have an oblique, more or less in Pere Cer aa 1878.] 693 [Cope. conspicuous cutting edge, as in Myletes. Two conical teeth behind the man - dibular series. The belly is armed with spiniferous ? interheemal bones. This form is related to Myletes precisely as Stethaprion is to Tetragonop- terus. But one species is known to me. Char. Specif. Form orbicular, the dorsal region very convex ; the ab- dominal outline still more so. The depth is eleven-twelfths of the length less the caudal fin, and the length of the head enters the latter three and two- tenth times. The depth of the head from the superior border of the post- temporal bone equals the length. The eye is large, entering the length of the head three and one-sixth times, and the convex interorbital space one and one-half times. The chin projects a little beyond the premaxillary border, and the end of the toothless maxillary bone is immediately below the proximal extremity and below the nostrils. Radii; D. I. 17; A. 39; V. 7; P. 14. The ventral fins are very small, and their base is contracted, so that the spines are arranged nearly in a circle, the inner and outer being of equal length. The pectorals are small, marking only the third of the distance to the line of the ventrals. The base of the anal makes an angle of only 25° with the vertical ; its anterior rays are little prolonged. The base of the dorsal is oblique downwards and back- wards, and the first ray marks a point at .4, the distance between the bases of the pectoral and ventral fins. The length of the base of the adipose dorsal is two thirds that of the rayed dorsal. Ventral spines 25, the anterior re- curved and simple, the posterior more or less bifurcate. The head of the predorsal spine is anvil-shaped. The suborbital bones are narrow ; the an- terior is the widest, and is triangular with the long apex superior. Scales between the lateral line and the ventral fins, 39-40, those of the lateral line (in front) larger than the others. Total length, M. .075; of head, .020 ; to line of ventral fin, .033 ; of anal, .046 ; of caudal fin, 060. First dorsal ray equidistant between base of caudal marginal ray and end of muzzle, measured in straight lines. Color golden, excepting the su- perior half of the region above the lateral line, which is dove-color in spirits. No spots of any kind. Coll. of 1877. 95. MyLETES HERNIARIOUS Cope, Proceed. Acad. Phila. 1872, p. 268. Coll. of 1873. The specimen here recorded differs slightly from the type in some de- tails. Dorsal radii in both, 17; anal in type, 32; in new specimen, 35; spines in type 46; in new specimen 51. There is a faint eye-like spot on the side in the new specimen, not seen in the type, and some indistinct ver- tical shades. Coll. of 1873. 97. MYLETES NIGRIPINNIS, sp. nov. Premaxillary teeth in two series, which are in close contact. The an- terior series is curved, and consists of ten teeth with a space as wide as a tooth in the centre; the posterior series is uninterrupted, and consists of Cope.] 694 {May 17, four teeth. The mandibular series is uninterrupted, and consists of seven teeth on each side, the posterior four being much smaller than the others. The two posterior mandibulars are incontact with the median pair of the anterior series, and are separated by a narrow interspace from each other. The general form is broadly rhombic. The depth is one-half the length with the caudal fin, and the length of the head enters the same three and one-half times. Radii; D. I. 15; A. 23; V.8; P. 16. The inferior paired fins are very short; the others are well developed. The adipose fin is furnished in its superior part with jointed rays, the inferior portion is scaly. The base of the anal fin is covered with minute scales. The origin of the first dorsal ray is a little behind that of the ventral fin, and the anal begins under the last third of the former. Ventral spines 46, all simple and recurved. Scales 26—65+6—21 ; the lateral line con- siderably decurved behind the head. The head is wide and depressed above the orbits. The latter enter the length of the head 4.5 times; the inter-orbital space 2.5 times, and the muzzle once, axially measured. The frontal region is moderately convex in cross section. The mandibu- lar teeth close within the premaxillaries, and the upper jaw projects be- yond the mandible. The lips are equal, however, in consequence of the thickness of the lower, which fills the space. Its superior surface is pap- pillose, and at the points where it comes in contact with the maxillaries it is continued as a free beard on each side, reaching to below the centre of the nares when extended. The maxillary is folded under the preorbital, but its posterior border cannot reach the line of the anterior border of the orbit. Total length. M. .130; of head, .040 ; to line of dorsal fin, .055 ; to line of anal, .079; to base of caudal fin, .1038. Color silvery, plumbeous above ; the sides marked with rather large round plumbeous spots. A silver band on each side of the ventral spines. Anal fin, caudal, except superior and in- ferior border, and terminal halves of paired fins, black. Dorsal dusky. In alarger specimen, probably from Nauta (230 mm.), the scales are finely ctenoid, those at the bases of the median fins coarsely so. The head is fur- nished with minute rugosities, and there are no labial beards nor color spots. Coll. 1873-1877. 98. MYLETES BIDENS Spix. Coll. 1873. 99. MACRODON TRAHIRA Spix. Coll. 1873-77. 100. ERyTHRINUS SALMONEUS Gron. Coll. 1873-77. 101. ERYTHRINUS BREVICAUDA Gthr. Coll. 1873. 102. PyrRHULINA ARGYROPS, sp. NOV. Radii; D. 1.9; A. I. 9. Seales in seven longitudinal, and about twenty- . 1878.] 695 [Cope. five transverse series. The scales are lost from the anterior part of the body in two specimens, so that the number given is not absolutely certain, but very probable. Origin of dorsal fin immediately above that of ventral, and exactly half way between the base of the superior marginal ray of the caudal fin and the anterior border of the orbit. Pectoralsnot reaching the rather large ventrals, which fall considerably short of the anal. Head in total length less caudal fin, four and one-sixth times, and equal depth of body at dorsal fin. Eye large, its diameter entering length of head three times, exceeding muzzle by nearly half, and entering interorbital space 1-5 times. Suborbital bones reaching pre- and interoperculum. ‘The mandi- ble projects, and the maxillaries are very short and subdiscoid, closing into an external concavity at the base of eachramus. Color olivaceous, except a silver spot at the center of each scale. Fins unspotted, except the dor- sal, which has a large black spot over its middle portion, no black band on head, which is silvery on the sides. Coll. 1877. ° ISOSPONDYLI. OSTEOGLOSSID &. 103. OsTEOGLOSSUM BICIRRHOSUM Vand. Coll. 1873. 104. ARAPAMA GIGAS Cuv. Probably Nauta, 1873. HAPLOMI. CYPRINODONTID© 105. RrvuLus MICROPUS Stein., Gthr. Coll. 1873. SYNENTOGNATHI. BELONID 2. The genus Belone must be placed in a family group distinct from that which includes the genus Hxocetus and its allies. I have already pointed out the fact that it possesses a distinct coronoid bone ; in addition to this, the vertebre display zygapophyses, a character unusual among fishes. On these two characters I propose the family Belonide. Professor Gill has already created this name, but he did not define the group to which he ap- plied it. 106. BELONE T#NIATA Giinther. Coll. 1873-77. PLECTOGNATHI. TETRODONTID&. 107. TETRODON pPsiTTacus Bl. Schn. Coll. 1873. PERCOMORPHI. CHROMIDID&. 108. Heros AUTOCHTHON Gthr. This species is stated by Dr. Steindachner to be confined to the coast Cope. } 696 [May 17, rivers of Brazil, and not to occur in the valley of the Amazon. I cannot distinguish my Peruvian specimens from the descriptions furnished by him and by Dr. Ginther. Coll. 1877. 109. Hpros Brmacunatus Linn. Cope; Acara Gthr. Coll. 1873-77. 110. ACARA FLAVILABRIS Cope, Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soc, 1870, p. 570. Proceed. Acad. Phila. 1872, Pl. XI, fig. 4. Dr. Steindachner in the Sitzungsberichte of the Vienna Academy for 1875, p. 6 (separata), expresses the opinion that this species is the A. fetra- merus Heck., basing it on a presumed error on my part in the counting of the scales on the cheek. He finds my figure above cited to disagree with my last description, in possession of three rows of cheek scales while I have stated that only two exist. An examination of numerous specimens addi- tional to those already in my possession, shows that they only exhibit two rows of cheek scales as I have described. Dr. Steindachner has evidently misunderstood my figure, for there are but two rows of cheek scales repre- sented on it as described. The third row belongs to the inferior limb of the peroperculum. The figure only is defective in the dark shading of the in- ferior lip, which is yellow in life. Coll. 1873. 111. ACARA sysPILus Cope, Proceed. Ac. Phila. 1872, p. 255, Pl. XJ, fig. 3. In a larger specimen of this species than the type, the body is relatively deeper, and the eye a little smaller, and the vertical bands are less decided. Coll. 1877. 112. ACARA SUBOCULARIS, sp. nov. t Radii D. XIII, 11; A. ITI, 8; V. I. 5, nearly reaching vent, and origi- nating below the fourth dorsal spine. Scales 3—30-2—8-9; on cheek five rows. Form rather elongate; head not robust, its length entering the total less the caudal fin 3.4 times. The depth at the ventral fin enters the same 2.75 times. The preorbital bone is as wide antero-posteriorly as the orbit, and exceed the interorbital space by 1 mm. The orbit is thus behind the middle of the head, into whose length it enters 3.6 times. Its superior rim is in the frontal plane. The fourth and longest dorsal spine is as long as the cranium from the superior extremity of the branchial fissure to the anterior border of the orbit. The profile descends from the supra-occipital crest in a nearly straight line, with a slight concavity at the front of the orbit. Color light brown, with a narrow vertical black spot just below the lat- eral line opposite the middle of the ventral fin. A black spot on the upper anterior portion of the spinous dorsal fin. A vertical black band from the eye to the inferior edge of the preoperculum. Total length M. .075; of head .017; to basis of ventrals (axial) .022; to basis of anal .039 ; of caudal .058 ; depth .021. This species resembles the Geophagus cupido. Coll, of 1877 ; j ‘ : eee. ve ers Fe SS a a ee ST a eps. . 187.] 697 [Cope. 113. ACARA HYPOSTICTA, sp. nov. Radii; D. XIII 19; A III 153. Scales 6—30-3—17-8 ; six rows on cheek. The ventral fins commence under the third dorsal spine. The longest (fourth) dorsal spine is equal to the diameter of the bony orbit, which nearly equals the flat interorbital space. The preorbital bone is as long antero-posteriorly as one-third the diameter of the orbit, which is one-third the length of the head, exceeding a little the length of the muzzle. The extremity of the maxillary bone extends a little beyond the line of the an- terior border of the orbit. The form is a moderately wide oval, with the profile from the base of the dorsal fin a perfectly straight line to the end of the muzzle. The depth at the ventral fins enters the length less the caudal 2.1 times, and the length of the head enters the same 2.6times. Total length M. .095 ; of head, .027 ; to origin ventrals, .031 ; of anal, .049 ; of caudal, .070. The single specimen in my possession is in rather bad condition. It is of a light brown color, the dorsal, caudal and anal fins with brown spots. The ventrals are cross-banded with deep brown; and anterior to them, five similar bands, separated by silvery interspaces, cross the inferior sur- face, the anterior three of which rise to the superior border of the inferior ramus of the preoperculum. A brown horizontal line extends posteriorly from the mouth. The soft radii of the median fins are more numerous in this than in any of the described species. This character, with the peculiar coloration, will distinguish it from all of them. Coll. of 1873. 114. AcARA OCELLATA Agass. (Steind.) Hygrogonus Gthr. Coll. 1877. 115. GEoPHAGUS cUPIDO Heck. 116. GEOPHAGUS T2NIATUS Gthr. Two specimens; one of which exhibits a deep brown band along the middle line of the abdomen, which is wanting in the other. A third species from Pebas, the Geophagus badiipinnis Cope, is thought by Dr. Steindachner to be a Chetobranchus. It has, however, the branch- ial structure of the genus to which I referred it. 117. CrcHiLa OCELLARIS Bi. Probably Nauta 1873. 118. CRENICICHLA PROTEUS Cope, Proceed. Acad., Phila. 1872, p. 252. Coll. 1877. 119. CRENICICHLA LuCIUs Cope, Proceed. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1870, p. 570. Coll. 1873. From the Cachyiacu, an affluent of the Huallaga, near Moyabamba. 120. CRENICICHLA JOANNA Heck. Coll. 1877. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvil. 101. 41. PRINTED JuLY 1, 1878. Cope.] 698 [May 17, GENERAL OBSERVATION. The 121 species enumerated in the preceding pages are distributed among the following natural families. Sy mMbranchrdwe 12H S LI, Hee delete aol Noite O.fhS FPR R Eby pophthalmidees 2:00 54 OAT ONS ee es hie TOLER cathe A SPNE CIMA fedissiaictalen Ie. tapered ete locales elec al tavellel = “ah ete a Steel sche Ue eNO ae DLELNOPY, Gude. «renee merase e erate ran tee « sbis@iele ais DANES AE San REO ee Characinide:.A: same. h vaitsbavss bayciipl scteQeh= wi othe belle atey tala tb tet oye dete phe fol pene Rg eka QOsteoplossides-.f-,<(1seisr-ce Zwhdhefe esta eS utes ic 9 S/S tEb are chetaee. She a eee ee Cyprincdontidess cist ceawti¢ ageMita obadeni de deaics ab aq ethos Joo deae Belonides. .mictenech .assen aetehe eee w ehefouw Tiantde ifort otanet Seton an Tetrod ontidwey4. 2) 1-270 ah Sashes Sich ole cemsbe Seager oles apts PA tf). Chromididaa gece eee ce bleteakeb beth vatait reaper vero) dtapeh rake Ses epee 121 The preceding families have all been known heretofore as occurring in the fresh waters of South America, so that an analysis of the contents of this catalogue must relate chiefly to the genera and species. In so doing I first point out two genera which are characteristically marine, which have been shown by Giinther and Steindachner to inhabit the Brazilian Amazon. I have proven that their distribution extends even to the Pe- ruvian Amazon, 2500 miles from the sea. They are : I. Belone L. Tetrodon L., represented by one species each. I next enumerate four species which are confined to the Alpine waters of the Amazon, having been brought by Prof. Orton from the elevations of from 10,000 to 11,400 feet. These are : II. Arges sabalo, C. V. Trichomycterus dispar Tsch. Trichomycterus gracilis C. V. Tetragonopterus tpanquianus Cope. These represent the two families of Silurida and Characinida, which are distributed everywhere in the neotropical realm. Of the Charaeci- nide, Tetragonopterus is universally distributed. Of the Siluride, Arges is Alpine, but whether found in the waters of the Pacific Slope as well as the Atlantic, I am not informed. The other genus, Zrichomycterus, is Alpine and West Coast, occurring from Equador to Southern Chili. The two species enumerated above are the only ones from Atlantic waters yet known. This is one of the few cases where a West Coast form crosses the great watershed. It is well known that many genera are common to the waters of both coasts, and even, according to Giinther, the species Mucrodon trahira. [ next note the genera which have so far not been found on the lower or middle Amazon, and which may be regarded as characteristic of the Peru- WE 1878.] 699 {[Cope. vian portion of its course. This list is obviously only provisional, as explo- ration of the Amazonian basin has not progressed sufficiently to enable us to assert the restricted distribution of any type. Thus the genus Otocin- clus Cope, first obtained from the Peruvian Amazon, has been ascertained by Steindachner to occur near Rio Janeiro. Zathorax and Triportheus first determined from western species, occur on the Lower Amazon.+-The genera remaining are : Ill. Siluride ; Brochis Cope; Chenothorax Cope; Physopyxis Cope ; Agamyzxis Cope ; Pariolius Cope. Characinide ; Aphyocharawe Gthr.; Iguanodectes Cope; Stethaprion Cope. Finally, the species which have not yet been found below the Peruvian boundaries are as follows. I include species previously described by myself from Pebas, in the essay on The Fishes of the Ambyiacu River,* also those described by Gill from Orton’s first collection, and by Ginther from those of Bartlett, LEN SUL Re RRO Io: ere AANPAN AGH TELUS GUlits o.. e-. actteerereists 3 Pseudorhamdia Blk........... i jexaphorhamiphiis Mies. oe aa 2 Pimelowus Lae 2 Pt. Ca. 4; Hydrolycus M. T.............. 1 Bemus Mie ee. s 1) Xiphostoma Spix...........-.. 1 Pipapterus*COpern ss sso. eee 1 | Characidium Reinhd.......... 2 Anchenipterus CAV oss. 2. 3 | Aphyocharax Gthr............ 2 Centromochlus Kner........ Leu er| Schizedon Apasy. 09.027 See! 1 1 (0g BLOC Ce te Alea As ef Se na a 1 Iguanodectes Cope ............ jh Aatwovaxe COPS... sceteaitetsnts ate 2) Odontostilbe Cope............ 1 BPI VRAIS COCs od seiaiay ne ca wr He 1 | QUE DOLINUS) SPUR es i ckatataters 3 PA HmBOpYy X18 SCOPE. vis .'.,+,a2ic0 ws oy A.) Hemigrammurs. Gills, .< ewe tersjare 1 Dianema Cope..... bite e re tetests fh Bayicon Nfl, ji trn 4 yee etes erie = EROCMNISH COME. wreverc: scl tiexsierensror erat 2| Tetragonopterus Cuv.......... 6 Cheenothorax Cope............ 2| Triportheus Cope........:.. | Stetiaprion Copernic -aaeeiect 2 Hypoptopoma Gthr......... se 3) Chalceus (GUVs «ose se es cistercte is 1 Otocinclus Cope..... De eae Ronen 1| Serrasalmo Lacep...........,. 2 Liposarcus Gthr............... 3 | Metynnis Cope........ a Vent, 1 Plecostomus Art)... 2.5 sie ce. “8 PMGyletés (Guiv ents. 20 soe, aaa DB C@heetostomus Heck............ § | Pirrholinal@.y Vi. -paitieie tee 1 Baniolnis Wopesstas let. -.0 welts 1Holotamis Cope. tiie ssa ay. SOS Pwiehomiyetertisns:) .ake Joes: Qtit Ohramtdidas 292 «diss arabes 10 ASMTedinid@. Amazon 25.0% ode calla. ca/aeh- 120 * Proceed. Philada. Academy, 1872. Cope.) 700 ; [May 17, ADDENDUM PERCESOCES. MucGinip#. GASTROPTERUS ARCH AUS, Gen. et. sp. nov. Char. Gen. A broad band of teeth on the premaxillary and dentary bones, anda patch on the vomer. Dorsal spinous fin with four rays. Ventral fins abdominal. Second dorsal opposite to anal. Dermal fold not crossing superior portion of premaxillary region, hence the jaws are only partially protractile. This genus is an interesting form, probably of Mugilide, related to Pro- tistius Cope, and Myaus Giinther. The wide bands of teeth, consisting of numerous series, are not found in the last named genus, but belong to the first. Here, however, the spinous dorsal fin is rudimental, and there are no teeth on the vomer. The pectoral fin has the elevated position usual in the Percesoces, but the ventral fin is more posterior than in Mvgil, having the position usual in Physostomous fishes. The spinous dorsal fin is very small, and the cau- dal fin is forked, A lateral line of pores extends along the lower part of the side. The characters of this genus render it probable that Protistius* should be referred to the Percesoces. These forms add to the number of existing relationships between the cold blooded vertebrate faunse of Australia and the West Coast of South America. Char. Spectf. Radii.-D. IV. 1.11; A. I. 15; V. 1.5 ; P..15. The dorsal spines are very small, the first about as long as the diameter of the orbit, and originating above a point half way between the bases of the ventral and anal fins. The pectoral fin is wide, and extends three quarters way to the base of the ventral. The latter extends three-fifths the distance to the analfin. The anterior rays of the anal are much longer than the pos- terior, and the margin is concave. Caudal lobes sub-equal and acute. Seales, counting from spinous dorsal to ventral fin ; 20-93-3. Anterior to the ventral fin the scales become smaller and rather irregular along the lateral line. Between the occiput and first dorsal spine there are 50 rows. The top of the head is scaled to the line of the anterior borders of the orbits. The muzzle is prominent and parabolic in outline, projecting very little beyond the mandible. The outline of the latter is similar to that of the muzzle, and the mouth is horizontal to a point a half the eye’s diameter in front of the orbit, where it is cut off by the decuryature of the premaxil- lary bones. Orbit one-fifth the length of the head, and 15 times in length of muzzle, which is one mm. less than the slightly convex interobital space. The length of the head enters the total minus the caudal fin, four times ; the greatest depth of the body enters the same, six times. Total Proceed. Academy Phila., 1874, p. 66. aes 1878. ] 701 (Chase, length M. .166; of the head, .035; to origin of ventral fin, .063 ; of anal fin .090 ; of second dorsal fin, .096 ; of caudal fin, .141. Besides the generic characters mentioned, this species differs from the Protistius semotilus of the same region, in the larger number of soft rays, the smaller eye, narrower interorbital space, etc. The lateral line is better de- fined in this species, but is not continued beyond the anal fin; a few iso- lated tubes occur on scales on other parts of the sides. The color of the Gastropterus urcheus is silvery, darker shaded on the upper surfaces, and without spots on the body or fins. Two specimens ; coll. of 1874; obtained by Prof. Orton, at Arequipa on the Pacific slope at an elevation of 7500 feet. Radiation and Rotation. By PLiny EARLE CHassz, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN HAVERFORD COLLEGE. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, June 21, 1878.) Among the most interesting of the unsolved astronomical problems, are the questions as to the origin of solar radiation and of cosmical rotation. These two problems, as I have already shown, are intimately connected, at the centre of our system, by the ultimate equality which exists between the velocity of light, the limiting centrifugal velocity of solar rotation, and the velocity of complete solar dissociation. It has been commonly assumed that physical forces tend to ultimate equi- librium and consequent complete stagnation. The imperfections of any plan which looks to such a final result, have led some writers to suppose that there may be some compensating provisions, hitherto undiscovered, for a renewal of activity. In the search for such provisions, the equality of action and reaction and the possibility that the compensation is continually furnished, by Him who is ever ‘‘upholding all things by the word of His power,’’ seem to have been wholly overlooked. If we assume the existeace of a luminiferous ether, whether as a reality, or as a convenient representative of co-ordinated central forces, its undulations, when obstructed by inert centres, would necessarily lead tosuch phenomena as those of gravitation, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, etc. Confining ourselves for the present to the action of gravitation, it is well known that the limiting velocity of possible gravitating action and consequent cen- trifugal reaction, at any given point, isy2 gr, the velocity varying as ; 7 If, according to the hypothesis of Mossotti, each particle is provided with a ‘Chase. ] 702 [June 21, definite «ethereal atmosphere, the density of that atmosphere in a condens- ing nucleus, should vary as But according to Graham’s law, » « , Vv . Therefore, in order to satisfy the conditions of gravity, the sthe- real elasticity, within any nucleus which is either wholly or almost wholly gaseous, OC —_- Since such is the supposed character of the solar nucleus, it seems not unlikely that the centrifugal radiations of any heavenly body being at all times equivalent to the centripetal radiations which it intercepts, solar and stellar light and heat are only the reactionary consequences, of such per- petual internal oscillations as the ether has first transmitted to the luminous orbs and then resumed. The fact that the reaction, which is shown in the centrifugal force of solar rotation, and the action which is shown in para- bolic orbital velocities, find a common limit in the velocity of light, may perhaps be regarded as a crucial test of this hypothesis, which is pares strengthened by the following considerations. In the huge comet-like nebulosity which is indicated by the solar-stellar paraboloid, the interesting relation which has been pointed out by Stockwell, * between the perihelia of Jupiter and Uranus, and the many indications of normal ‘‘subsidence,’’ which I have shown in previous papers, suggest the probability of an early ellipsoidal nucleus, witb subordinate nucleoli ; the major axis of the. nucleus being bounded by 2 VY; (60.939) and 2 6, (41.- 358), and the Sun being in the focus. The vis vivu of condensation. would sive velocities of incipient orbital separation at UV; (30.470) and 6, (20.679), and 2/, would then be in the centre of the entire system (30,470—20.679 + 2= 4.885; 2/4, = 4. se even as Q, is nearly in the centre of the sec- ondary system (¢', + $, +-2=1. jek 4 If we apply Gummere’s criterion (7 = 11.656854), we find that three prominent centres of ‘‘ subsidence ’’ were determined by this early ellipsoid- al nucleus. For 2 UW, + = 5.228, 2/, being 5.203; 2 6, > n= 3.548, which is near the outer limit of the asteroidal belt, (0); being 3.560 ; (WY, — 4,) + m= 1.022, the centre of the secondary system being, as above stated, 1.017. The Earth is still in the centre of a ‘‘subsidence”’ ellipsoid, of which the sun is in one focus, while the outer asteroidal region (3.2028) and 2/, (5.2028) are at opposite apsidal extremities of the major axis. Moreover, 3.2035 is the extremity of an atmospherical radius which would move with the velocity of light, provided the sun’s surface were moving with orbital velocity, or the velocity of incipient dissociation (V gr). It seems probable that in consequence of subsidence, Jupiter, which, as we have already seen, was the centre of nucleal volume, may have been also the centre of nucleal mass, at the time of its complete orbital separation and that it was, therefore, the primitive Sun of the extra-asteroidal planets, before it became our Sun's ‘‘companion-star.’’ For with the present mass of Smithsonian Contributions, 282, xiv. ) 5 :. i] a ae wore y~Cre } . 1878.] 703 |Chase, the system, and with a mean radius vector = WV, + 2/, (34.4845), the orbital period of Neptune would be 73966 days. Two successive subsi- . dences (34.4845 = n*) would bring the solar nucleal surface to about 3 of %., or 54.53 solar radii. The angular acceleration of rotation, due to sub- sequent nucleal contraction, would « Therefore, when the Sun had 72 contracted to its present limits, its rotation period would be 73966 —— 54.53? = 24.88 days.* If this were the only coincidence of its kind we might, perhaps, have some good grounds for looking upon it as merely curious and accidental, But the bond of connection, which we have already found between rota- tion and revolution, in the limiting formative undulations which are prop- agated with the velocity of light, may prepare us for accepting evidences of a similar bond in the phenomena of nebular subsidence. There are three other known systems of cosmical rotation, which may help us to judge as to the rightfulness of such an acceptance, viz.: that of the extra-asteroidal planets, with an estimated average period of about 10 hours ; that of the intra-asteroidal planets, with an estimated period of about 24 hours, and that of the moon, with a synodic period of 29.5306 days. If these periods are dependent upon the same subsidence which led to the early belt formations, we may reasonably look for evidence of that dependence of a character similar to that which we have found in the case of the sun. We have seen that the first subsidences from 2 UV and 2 2/, account for the orbital ruptures of Jupiter and the Earth ; secondary subsidences from points within the orbital belts, account for these three rotation periods. For 2/, = 2 = 101.73 solar radiiand Jupiter’s orbital revolution (4332.585 dy.) = 101. 73? = 10h.05 ; ©, + m = 19.66 solar radii and Earth’s orbital revolution (366.256 dy.) -- 19.66? = 24h.205; ),+ m= 5.442 Earth’s radii and Earth’s rotation K 5.4427 = 29.619 dy. In these accordances we have additional evidence of the equality of action and reaction. The normal character of rotation is still further traceable, even after the formation of the subordinate planets if the two principal planetary belts. If we seek the point of incipient condensation, which would lead to such rotation periods as have been generally assigned by astronomers to the different planets, we readily find that Gummere’s criterion, Newton’s third a eg law, and the law of equal areas, lead to the formula 7 (.)'= in “These relations may have an important bearing on Croll’s hypothesis of the origin of solar radiation. In the stellar-solar paraboloid, of which traces still exist between Sun and «@ Centauri, there must have been frequent collisions. Some of Croll’s critics have shown strange misapprehensions as to the possible velocity of collision. The limit of possible relative velocity, from the simple gravitation of two equal meeting masses, is 2 ;/ 2gr. This would be equivalent, taking the values of g andr at Sun’s apparent surface, to .017747, or more than 750 miles per second. If projection were added to gravitation, or if the two masses had small solid nuclei of great density, while the greater part of their volume was gaseous, or if there were a large number of equal masses, the limit of possible velocity might be largely increased. 704 [June 21, 1878. Chase. } T dey. which 7 = Gummere’s criterion ; — = number of planetary rotations in t one orbital revolution ; R = radius of nebular contraction ; p= Sun’s present radius. Taking Herschel’s values for T and t we have nf : y’ : (1) . (2) t p pv sx «110.4 %, 102.4 1®, re ak: DO.” TEE Q, 166.4 iy, 176.6 a ga3a @, 222.2 3 =: 01.8 Sy 01.5 3) 445.4 3). 427.1to 719.4 2@, 444.4 a 11925 YU, 1185.9 bh 1829.5 ba. LBT6c7 a) 9857 LW, 3258.9 It thus appears that : 1. All the points of incipient condensation, (1), are within Kirk- ‘ wood’s *‘spheres of attraction.’ 2. In the pair of extra-asteroidal planets which are nearest the asteroidal belt, the incipient points are near the secular aphelion of the inner, and the secular perihelion of the outer planet. 3. In the pair of intra-asteroidal planets which are nearest the asteroida] belt, the incipient points are near the mean aphelion of the inner and the mcan perihelion of the outer planet. 4. The sum of the radii of nebular contraction, for the two_ principal planets of the solar system (1192.5 + 1829.5 — 3022), is almost precisely equivalent to the sum of the mean perihelion radii of the same planets Y, 1069.6 + hb, 1950.4 = 3020). R 5. Thesecondary points of incipient condensation, — (2,, are all refera- ‘ ie ble, through the simple accumulation of v/s oie, to primary mean aphelia. 6. The significance of the fourth accordance is increased by Stockwell’s discovery,* that ‘‘ the mean motion of Jupiter’s node on the invariable plane is exactly equal to that of Saturn, and the mean longitudes of these nodes differ by exactly 180°.” 7. Gummefe’s criterion confirms the theory of Democritus, that the evo- lution of worlds was due to a vortical movement, which was generated by the descent of the heavier atoms through the lighter. * Loc. cit. T05 Letter of Dr. Alexander Wilcocks on Shadows Without Penumbra, read February 1, 1878. EVAN HALL, NEAR DONALDSONVILLE, LOUISIANA, ) 26th January, 1878. To the Secretaries oft the American Philosophical Society. I have within the last few days witnessed a phenomenon which I[ had diligently looked for in vain for more than forty years, viz.: The Produc- tion of a Shadow by the light of a Planet. The body which occasioned the shadow was the planet Venus, and the circumstances under which it was seen were exceptionally favorable. The Sun having been below the horizon an hour and a half; the Moon not haying risen ; the atmosphere being very clear, and the planet shining brightly in the south-west, I was passing along a white wall which faced in that direction, and saw distinctly my shadow moving upon the wall. There are some particulars in which a shadow produced by a planet should differ from the shadows caused by the other celestial luminaries. To our unassisted vision the planets practically occupy mere points in the heavens (their apparent diameters being only an optical illusion). The Sun and Moon having each of them a diameter which occupies about half a degree of space in the celestial hemisphere, the shadows thrown by these luminaries can never be sharp and well defined. Every such shadow must have a penumbra. Now in the shadows produced by Venus there is no penumbra. The shadow of a hand distant twelve feet from the wall I found perfectly sharp and well defined ; and more striking still, the shadows of the twigs of a Pecan tree distant fifty yards were also sharp. These last shadows were faint from the effect of the diffused light from the sky, which illumined the wall. When in sunlight two objects are made to approach each other, there appears between their shadows a dark process which connects the two before the bodies actually come together. In the shadows produced by Venus nothing of the kind takes place. In sunlight a man’s finger held twelve feet from a screen has a shadow consisting entirely of penumbra. The umbra has vanished. The shadows produced by Venus are exclusively umbra. The above observations and reflections may have been made by others ; if s0,they have not fallen under my notice. P. §.—A few daws after the above remarks were penned, when the new moon was beginning to throw visible shadows, I had an opportunity to compare the strength of these with those produced by Venus. The shadows caused by the primary planet were sharper and stronger than those thrown by our satellite. Very Respectfully yours, ALEXANDER WILCOCKS. PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xvit. 101. 43. PRINTED JuLy 1, 1878. smith.] 706 [June 21, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LABORATORY OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. XIV. I. A new Monochlordinitrophenol and an Aniline derivative of a-Mono- chlordinitrophenol. II. Beryllium Borate. By Epear F. Smrra. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, June 21, 1878.) When fuming nitric acid is allowed to act upon pure monochlorsalicylic acid, there is produced not only the corresponding monochlornitrosalicylic acid (in small quantities), but the nitration usually extends so far as to cause the carboxyl group to disappear, and two nitro-groups enter, leav- ing us a monochlordinitrophenol. The formation of this latter compound was first effected in this manner by Rogers (Inaugural Dissertation, Got- tingen, 1875). The phenol showed a constant fusing point of 79°-80°C., was rather insoluble in cold water, more readily soluble in warm, and crys- tallized from its aqueous solutions in long yellow needles. The salts of this acid are very beautiful, but it will suffice for our pur- pose to mention only the potassium derivative, which separates from its solutions in long, beautiful silky-red needles, without any water of crys- tallization. The above phenol and its potassium salt I also produced, but, after work- ing with the latter for some time, I suspected the presence of another com- pound, and by repeated re-crystallization from aqueous solutions I finally obtained not only the red potassium salt, but a similar compound which sepa- rated in large bundles consisting of orange-colored needles. These, after being completely separated from the red salt, were subjected to an analy- sis to ascertain their constitution. Analysis of the red colored salt. .1691 grms. salt, dried at 130° C., were placed in a platinum crucible, a few drops of conc. sulphuric acid added, and a gentle heat applied. The K,SO, that remained = .0264 grms., which corresponded to 15,60% potassium. The salt is anhydrous. The calculated percentage of K in C,H,Cl (NO,),OK is 15.28%. There was, therefore, no doubt as to the constitution of this salt. MONOCHLORDINITROPHENOL. Fusing point 80° C. The free acid crystallized from aqueous solutions in long yellow needles, which fused at 80°C and solidified again at 69°C. It is also identical with the phenol of Rogers (see above) and the a-Chlordinitrophenol of Faust and Saame (Annalen der Chemie u. Pharmacie, 1870. 7 Supplement- band. 2 Heft 8. 174). +e > | ae _— a ae Pa ee EE Te & . 1878.] TOT (Smith. Analysis of the yellow colored salt. Water Determination.—.1617 grms. air dried salt lost upon heating at 140° for four hours .0168 grms. H,O = 10.39%. 14 mols H,O require 9.53%. Potassium Determination.—.1449 grms. substance gave, upon evapora- tion with sulphuric acid, .0480 grms. K,SO, = 14.86% potassium. From this we see that this salt is also a derivative of a monochlordinitrophenol. The formula is C, H, Cl(NO,), OK + 13 H,0. This salt is much more soluble than the red compound. The color of the latter is so intense as to entirely obscure the yellow, which conse- quently is overlooked unless great care is exercised in re-crystallizing the red compound, MoNOCHLORDINITROPHENOL. Fusing point 79°-80°C, Upon mixing a cold solution of the yellow salt with dilute nitric acid the corresponding phenol separated in yellowish colored masses, which upon being washed and re-crystallized several times from aqueous solutions, separated in rather long lemon-yellow colored needles. The fusing point of this compound remained constant at 79°-80°C. The point of solidifica- tion was 25°C., considerably lower than that of the acid corresponding to the red needles. In cold water the acid is rather insoluble, readily dis- solved on heating. ; Another difference noticed between the free acid from the red silky needles, and that just above described is. in the silver salts. The former yields a soluble salt crystallizing in long bright red colored needles, the latter one separates out in bronze colored needles which possess a marked metallic lustre. This new Chlordinitrophenol is usually formed in very small quantities, therefore I have not beenable to subject it to as thorough an investigation as I desired. The material with which I worked was, however, perfectly pure, and as I have obtained the compound at various times, and the analytical results being the same on all occasions, I do not hesitate to announce the above acid as another of the many possible compounds hav- ing this composition. In regard to the position of the (NO,) groups I can- not as yet give any definite information. a- MONOCHLORDINITROPHENOL-ANILINE. A small quantity of a-Chlordinitrophenol was mixed with sufficient aniline to dissolve the former in the cold. As soon as the two compounds were brought in contact the solution assumed a beautiful red color, which imparts to the skin a rather difficultly removable yellow stain. The solu- tion was gently warmed on a water bath for ten minutes, and the liquid then poured from the flask containing it into a rather large watch glass and allowed to cool. Upon cooling there separated hard nodular crystals, which were pressed well between paper and dried by exposure to the air, Smith.] 708 [June 21, 1878. then dissolved in warm water, from which, on cooling, long curled light- yellow needles separated. The fusing point of this compound after repeated re-crystallizations remained constant at 187°C. When solutions of the compound in water are boiled hard aniline separates out. An analy- sis of the substance indicated it to be a union of one mol. chlordinitro- phenol with a like amount of aniline—C, H, Cl (NO,), CH. C, H; NH,. Analysis. —.1221 grms dried substance burned with lead chromate gave .0188 grms. Carbon = 46.19% C. The hydrogen determination was lost. The theoretical percentage of carbon demanded by the above compound is 46.22 %C. With the ammonia-cobalt bases of Genth and Gibbs, a-Monochiordinitro- phenol yields exceedingly beautiful compounds. My results in this direc- tion will be given later. = BERYLLIUM BORATE. Some time ago I was working with beryllium and added to a solution of its chloride an excess of a rather concentrated borax solution. An imme- diate precipitation was the result. The precipitate was thrown upon a fil- ter and washed with hot water, until a drop of the washings evaporated upon platinum foil left no residue. The precipitate was dried and tested for boracic acid, but this was not found present. Another portion of the same precipitate subjected to an analysis proved it to be nothing more than beryllium hydrate, consequently if the borate had been at first produced, the subsequent boiling with hot water had decomposed it. Another portion of the beryllium chloride was treated in a similar man- ner. The precipitate was brought on the filter to allow the liquid to drain oft, and then rinsed with cold water into a small flask, water added, and allowed to stand for some time—being occasionally shaken. The precipi- tate was then brought on to a filter and dried by exposure to the air. Boracic acid was found present when the tests were made. Analysis gave me the following percentages of beryllium oxide: 6.98 BeO and 6.89 %BeO. The boracic acid was not estimated. May 23, 1878, ey i aia TO9 Stated Meeting, March 15th, 1878. Present, 14 members. Vice-President, Mr. FRALEY, in the chair. Photographs for the album were received from Mr. ©. H. F. Peters, Director of the Litchfield Observatory, and Pro- fessor of Astronomy at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Also from Prof. John Wm. Dawson, LL.D., F. R. 8. & F. G.S., Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the MeGill Uni- versity, Montreal, Canada, and from Mr. Sam’! F. Haven, Worcester, Mass. Letters of acknowledgment were received from the New Hampshire Historical Society, dated Concord, March 9th, 1878 (100), and the Franklin Institute, March 12th, 1878 (100), and postal cards from many other correspondents. A letter of thanks for the use of the Hall on the evening of February 26th, was received from Dr. Thomas M. Drown, Secretary, dated Easton, May 9th, 1878. A letter from the State Historical Society of Kansas, dated Topeka, February 27th, and signed F. G. Adams, Sec- retary, giving alist of State publications at the command of that Society, and proposing exchanges. On motion the name of the Society was ordered to be placed upon the list of correspondents to receive the Proceedings. A letter (P. C.) was received from Prof. Henry 8. Osborn, State University, Oxford, Ohio, offering a donation of fossils to the Cabinet. Donations for the Library were received from the Mining Bureau at Melbourne; the Academies at Berlin, Brussels, Rome, Minneapolis, and Chicago ; the Geographical Societies at Paris and Bordeaux; Revue Politique; London Nature; Essex Institute; Boston N. H. Society ; Silliman and Dana; Long Island Historical Society; Mr. J. C. Bancroft Davis of New York; the Geological Survey of New Jersey; the Frank- lin Institute, Penn Monthly, Medical News, Medical Jour- 710 nal of Pharmacy, Mr. Henry Philips, Jr., and Mr. Persifor Frazer, Jr., of Philadelphia, the Light House Board and Department of State at Washington; Wisconsin State His- torical Society ; Minnesota Historical Society, and ae de Fomento, Mexico. The death of Gen. Joseph G. Swift, on July 23d, 1865, at Geneva, New York, aged 82, was announced by letter from Prof. Henry Coppee. The death of Prof. Theodore Strong in 1871 or 1872, was reported by Prof. Thomas Hill, of gueheace The death of Lord Mahon, Earl Stanhope, in 1875 (?) was reported by Mr. H. Armitt Brown, and others. The death of Prof. Charles E. Anthon, at New York, and the death of Mr. Wm. H. Sabana also reported. Prof. Sadtler made an explanation in reply to certain pub- lished criticisms by Prof. Morton, of Hoboken, N. J., rela- tive to Prof. Sadtler’s gas analysis of 1877. Mr. Lesley placed on record Mr. Sherwood’s Devonian Section, made at Catskill and along Scoharie Creek some years ago under the orders of Prof. James Hall, who has per- mitted its publication. Pending nominations Nos. 852 and 853 were read. Mr. Price presented a report from the Committee on the Michaux Legacy, with recommendations, which, on mo- tion, was approved, and the appropriations passed. The Committee on the Michaux Legacy respectfully report : That at a meeting held the 15th of March, 1878, (present Tilghman, Smith, Townsend, Price), the syllabus of Dr. Rothrock’s lectures was ap- proved, and recommended to the Society, for approval and publication with 500 extra copies for circulation, and that the lecturer be advertised by handbills and in not over five newspapers. Also that appropriations be made as follows: For Dr. Rothrock, two hundred and eighty ($280) dollars. Advertising, fifty ($50) dollars. And for planting sixty ($60) trees from Michaux importations, within the University grounds sixty ($60) dollars. Signed, ELI K. PRICE, Chairman. 711 Stated Meeting, April 5th, 1878. | Present, 16 members. Vice-President, Mr. E. K. Prics, in the chair. Letters of acknowledgment were received from U. 8S, Naval Observatory, March 20 (100 and list); Leo Lesquer- eux, March 16 (100 and list); and the Chicago Historical Society, March 15 (100 and list). A letter acknowledging the receipt of boxes (4) of trans- missions for foreign distribution was received from the Smithsonian Institution. Letters of envoy were received from the Royal Institute, London, March 12; Mr. C. A. Kesselmeyer, March 17; Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, March 20; Mr. I. B. Pearce (Geol. Sur., Pa.), March 18; and Mr. W. B. Taylor, Washington, D. C., March 28, 1878. A letter applying for the Coal Slack prize was received from Mr. Benj. F. Bee, dated Harwich, Mass., March 23. A circular letter was received from the University of Pavia. Donations for the Library were received from the R, Acad., Turin ; Geographical Society, and Annales des Mines, Revue Politique ; and Commercial Geographical Society, Bordeaux ; the editors of the Revista Euskara at Pamplona; R. Astro- nomical Society and London Nature; Dr. Fred. Bateman, Nor- wich, England; Mr. C. A. Kesselmeyer, Leipsic; Museum of Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass.; Mr. Samuel H. Scudder, Boston; D. T. 8S. Hunt, of Boston; Free Pub. Lib. New Bedford; Am. J. S. and A.; Prof. W. A. Norton, New Haven; Franklin Institute, College of Pharmacy, Penn Monthly, Medical News, American Journal of Medical Sciences; Board of Com. of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania ; Chief of U. 8. Engineers ; Mr. W. B. Taylor, Washington ; Dr. Robt. Peter, Lexington, Ky., and Minis- terio de Fomento, Mexico. An offer to sell to the Society a complete set of the Phil. 712 Trans., R. S., London, 164 Vols. in calf, for $1500,* was made by Mr. P. Munzinger, 1908 Rittenhouse Square. Mr. Cope made some remarks upon North American species of extinct Rhinoceroid mammals, and exhibited specimens to illustrate their different characters. . Mr. Cope then spoke of the extinct vertebrata of the Per- mian System of the United States. A second communication was received from Dr. Gatschet of Geneva, “ On the Timucua Language. Prof. Frazer communicated to the Society a set of care- fully calculated tables for common use, converting the weights and measurements of the metric system into those common- ly employed in the United States, and vice versa. Prof. Frazer promised to give at a future meeting the fall details of a microscopic examination of the marks made by the phonograph on tin foil. Prof. Sadtler communicated his remarks on gas analyses alluded to at the last meeting. Prof. Sadtler communicated a paper by Dr. John Mar- shall, entitled “ A study of some of the derivations of Mono- and Dichlor-Salieylic Acid,” as a “Contribution from the Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, No. XIII.” Mr. Britton called attentien tothe forms in which Carbon existed in iron and steel. He referred to the two well-known, the combined and graphitic, and also to a third form or semi-graphitic. The latter he had found in poorly puddled metal, and also in Siemens-Martin steel, and more recently in Bes- semer steel rails that had not given satisfaction, and in some pig iron pro- duced when the furnace was working abnormally. The semi-graphitic form could be separated and collected by treating the metal containing it with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid without the application of much heat until all the iron became dissolved, and then filtering the solution ; it would be on the filter, but in appearance not so black as the graphitic ; would have a reddish tinge, that, upon ignition would leave the ash of the paper white. By boiling from ten to thirty minutes all of it appears to dis- solve. Mr. Britton illustrated the behavior of this third form of carbon by producing several glass tubes, in some of which it was not dissolved in the acids mentioned, and in others scarcely any of it was observable after being boiled for twenty minutes. The existence of more than two forms of carbon *Mr. M. paid $2000 for this set. 715 in iron and steel was observed by him several years ago, but he believed that it was not generally credited. It was a source of error in determining carbon by the colorimetric method. He proposed to make further investi- gation by analyses, and to communicate his results. The Committee on the Michaux Legacy reported that they had purchased and presented to the Fairmount Park Com- mission, for Horticultural Library, the North American Sylva, by Michaux and Nuttall. Prof. Cope moved the appointment of a committee to ex- amine and report on the merits of his paper, reported on ad- versely to its publication at a previous meeting. After dis- cussion of the motion by Messrs. Cope, Frazer, Briggs and LeConte, the consideration of the subject further was, on motion of Dr. LeConte, postponed to the next meeting. Pending nominations Nos. 852 to 856 were read and the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, April 19th, 1878. Present, 15 members. Vice-President, Mr. E. K. Prics, in the chair. A letter acknowledging the receipt of Nos. 96, 97, 98, was received from the Royal Academy at Amsterdam, dated Wot ZOl 1877. Letters of envoy. were received from the same, Nov. 13, | 1877; the Royal Zoological Society, Amsterdam, Feb. 1, 1878; the Society at Marburg, Jan. 1; and the Royal Ob- servatory at Bruxelles, Oct. 1, 1877. A letter was received from the Fairmount Park Commis- sioners acknowledging the gift of the Michaux and Nuttall Flora Americana, for the Park Library, dated April 15,1878. Donations for the Library were received from the Acade- mies at St. Petersburg, Berlin, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Rome and Philadelphia; the Zoological Society at Amsterdam ; the German Geological and Horticultural Societies in Berlin ; PROC. AMER. PHILOS. Soc. XviI. 101. 4K. PRINTED JULY 1, 1878. 714 the Societies in Ulm, Cassel and Marburg; M. Henri de Saussure ; the Royal Institute at Luxembourg ; the Obser- vatories at Oxford, Bruxelles and Cincinnati; the Geological Commercial Society at Bordeaux; the Geographical and Meteorological Societies, Victoria Institute and London Na- ture; the Royal Society at Edinburgh; the Royal Geologi- cal Society at Dublin; the Boston Natural History Society ; American Antiquarian Society ; Prof. James Hall; Penn- sylvania Magazine of History and Biography ; Mr. M. Russell Thayer of Philadelphia; Mr. E. A. Barber and Prof. J. J. Sylvester of Baltimore. Mr. Lesley read extracts from a letter from Prof. E. Desor, of Neufchiitel, respecting the discovery of “pierres a écuilles,” or rocks with cup sculptures, in the vicinity of Lyons, in Dauphiné, Thuringen, the Altmarck, Pomera- nia, Mecklenburg, Hanover, Bohemia, and Lower Aus- tria. “Tn Sweden where they go by the name of Hlfenstenar people at this day carry to them all sorts of offerings and anoint them with lard against diseases (smorja sten for sjukdom) (Siegthum). “ But what is particularly interesting is the discovery re- cently made of similar cups on the walls of the old churches of Northern Germany, even when the walls are built of bricks, as is the case on three of the old churches of Greifs- wald.” {Sketches were shown of several brick courses with groups of cups.*] ‘It is another instance of that habit of the Christian apostles to borrow all sorts of practices from heathendom and apply them to their own cultus.” Mr. Franklin Platt communicated a section of the Pale- ozoic rocks of Blair Co., Pa., measured and compiled during the last season’s work of the Geological Survey, by Mr. Sanders. Prof. Frazer described pot holes and Indian cup sculpture on the shore and island rocks of the Susquehanna River ; and Dr. LeConte described the pot holes produced by wave movements on the north shore of Lake Superior. Nipfchen and Rillen on the Churches of Griefswald, by Dr. Fiedel. a ee a 715 Dr. LeConte communicated two more lists: 1. List of Coleoptera found in the Lake Superior region, by H. G. Hubbard and E. A. Schwarz. 2. Contribution to a list of the Coleoptera of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, by the same. Dr. Horn communicated two papers: 1. Synopsis of the Colydiide of the U.S. 2. Revision of the species of the sub-family Bostrichide of the U.S. Prof. Frazer threw upon a screen, by means of Mr. Hol- man’s calcium light with microscope, magnified reflections of the pits in tin foil produced by the stylus of a phonograph, and showed by a discussion of their shapes that different vowels and vowels of different time lengths had different and constant characteristic marks visible to the eye, that these marks were single, double and triple, always connected in the same manner and order. Even the resolution of diph- thongs appeared possible. His experiments were made with the assistance of Mr. Plush of Philadelphia, and on his phonograph. Prof. Frazer also recorded a new use of the “ Edison trans- mitter” for measuring amounts of pressure by means of the galvanometer. Pending nominations, Nos. 852 to 856 were read, and.on motion the regular election of members was postponed to the next meeting. And the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, May 3d, 1878. Present 13 members. Vice-President, Mr. FRALEY, in the chair. Photographs for the Album. were received from Prof. F. A. March, of Easton, Pa; Prof. T. M. Drown, of Easton, Pa : Prof. W. C. Cattell, President of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. ; Prof. Thomas Conrad Porter, of Easton, Pa. ; and Presi- dent F. A. P. Barnard, of Columbia College, New York City, with a letter from the same. 716 A letter of acknowledgment was received from the Royal Academy of Sciences in Lisbon, dated March 12, 1878 (96, 98). A letter was received from the Count de Toronas, dated Madrid, April 16th, 1878, announcing the transmission of a donation for the Library, as a mark of friendly sympathy with the objects of the Society. Donations for the Library were received from the Society at Ulm; Revue Politique; Commercial Geographical So- ciety at Bordeaux; Flora Batava; Astronomical and Anti- quarian Societies of London; Editors of Financial Reform Almanac and Nature; Boston Natural History Society ; Museum of Comparative Zoology; Editors of Plum- ber and Sanitary Engineer, New York; Mr. W. E. Dubois of Philadelphia; Dr. Henry Hartshorne; U.S. Geographi- eal and Geological Survey of the Territories, and Ministerio de Fomento, Mexico. The following communication was made by the Secretary, “A detailed section of the rocks included between the lower productive coal measures and the dark shales of the De- vonian, in the vicinity of Renova, Clinton Co., Pa., by H. M. Chance, of the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania.” The Secretary read portions of a letter from Mr. W. D. H. Mason, Williamstown, Pa., describing the circumstances of his recent discovery of reptilian footprints on a slab of slate rock from the shaft of the Ellengowan Colliery, over- lying the mammoth anthracite coal bed, in the Mahanoy Valley, Schuylkill Co., Pa., the original being in the posses- sion of Mr. Lorenz of the Reading R. R., to be deposited in the museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Letler of Mr. Wm. D. H. Mason, C. E., of Williamstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on the Batrachian Foot-trucks from the Ellengowan Shaft in Schuylkill County, Dated April 5, 1878. As an additional link added to knowledge in the mystery attending the process of creation going on during the coal formation, in which geologists have heretofore been almost unanimous in doubting the existence of higher animal life, the finding of the singularly clear fossil Batrachian foot-marks imprinted on the gray slaty sandstone overlying the mammoth seam of CLT coal, which have for some time past been exhibited in the office of W. Lorenz, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, were placed in his care for critical examination by those inter- ested in such discoveries, previeus to being presented by Mr. Lorenz, on my behalf, to the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. These foot-marks might easily be mistaken by people in general for those made by a small bird, on account of the three toes on the front and one at the back part of the foot with the joints and curved nails or claws, which are distinctly shown by their deeper indentations on the stone. The cushion-like ball of the foot aids the deception ; but the regular alternation of frontand hind, right and left feet, each on their own line, as made by four-footed animals of the kind, dispels the idea of a biped. These foot-prints were found on the 15th of June, 1876, at Ellangowan colliery, owned and operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Tron Company, situated in E. Mahanoy Township, Schuylkill Co., Pa., about midway between Mahanoy City and Shenandoah, in a small valley diverging from the Mahanoy valley proper. In tiis valley a split of the mammoth seam occurs which can best be explained by the mining en- gineers of the C. & I. Co., who have access to the maps and mines with all their secrets, splittings and ramifications, together with all the pecu- liarities, depth and thickness of rock and coal seams at that point. Inquiry, at the time, of the bosses of the colliery, elicited the bare in- formation that the rocks amongst which the specimen was found, had been taken from the shaft while it was being sunk and overlaid the mammoth ; but they could give nothing definite as to depth below the surface, or posi- tion. My own impression is, that it was taken from the upper and most shelly or shale-like portion of this stratum of slate ; this opinion being based upon the fact that the most noticeable peculiarities exist mainly in its upper portion. Of these peculiarities, the frequent occurrence of nodules of hematitic iron and occasional ripple marks are the most, prominent. In fact, it was by the observation of these characteristics that I was led to search among the rocks lying around, that the footmarks were found, and, if not destroyed by the burning of the breaker last fall, the other portions of the same rock still remain there. The piece bearing the marks was much larger than it now is and was trimmed down, for convenience in car- riage, though the foot-marks were all preserved and all I cared for. It had been lying under the eaves of a shed, subjected to the dripping of water therefrom for several years, and close to the path leading around the shed, and by which path the mules were driven when used at the breaker. Only a portion of one foot was first visible, but by carefully removing thin films or scales of slate, the others were brought out. So cautiously did I work, that the impressions on the upper scales were destroyed, because too thin, and the danger of injuring those on the body of the stone. The fear of injury was so strong, that I only felt sure of my prize when it was safely deposited in my room at the hotel. Habitual search for fossils when about a rock bank of a coal mine, or where slates and shales present any in- 718 dication of fossil remains, led me to search around on the occasion of this find which solves so knotty a problem. The frequent occurrence of nodules of iron in different rocks, shales, or argillaceous deposits, I have never seen ascribed by any writer I have had access to, to any cause other than the accidental collection of ferruginous matter by molecular attraction; but in the center of such nodules, some definite shape is often found ; sometimes a leaf, an insect or only a grain of sand ; or, the interior cavity may be filled with ocherous or argillaceous matter. In the old red sandstone, fossilized fish and plants most frequently show a casing or thin cover of a strongly ferruginous nature, which decreases in strength with increased distance from the center of the cast in the same ratio as one color is blended into another by the artist. In the slates and fine sandstones where nodules appear, they either have a cavity of loose, ocherous matter—a pyritous speck ora mass of small, strongly sulphurous pyrites in crystals—sometimes only a grain of sand; and in the coarser sandstones between the coal seams, the plants exposed on their surface present a dark brown appearance, which shows a red streak when the film is thick enough to bear scratching. Balls found in the slates and fine sandstones vary in shape as they do in size, from a perfect sphere, to irregular oblongs of every imaginable form. Now, taking the abundance of fossil fish and other organic remains found in some portions of the old red sandstone, may we not reasonably suppose that the gray, slaty sandstone, overlying the mammoth coal seam, lying low down in our anthracite coal measure, has, in like manner been a re- ceptacle for the remains of animal life ; although these remains present to the eye more of the appearance and form of potatoes than animal. remains ? Is it not possible that by partial decomposition and chemical action upon their tissues and bones, they were converted into a pulpy or gelatinous sub- stance which, by the action of the water in which they were floated or by the joint attrition of water and fine mud into which their bodies were borne, these jelly-like remains were rolled out of all semblance to their original organic shape, and then, by the strange chemistry of the period, became each a nucleus to which were attracted the minute particles of iron converting their remains into the substances and shapes they now bear? These thoughts suggested themselves at various times before the finding of the tracks in the same bed by the singularly animal-like shape of some of the nodules previously met with. ‘‘ Accidental’ shapes they may have been, as I could find no trace of tooth, claw, or bone of any kind, yet this does not discourage me from holding to the firm belief, amounting almost to conviction, that such discoveries will be made, and by the calling of attention to this point by men of acknowledged scientific character, others may be led to examine more closely these singularly sown nodules and yet more conclusively than these few tracks, establish beyond dispute the existence of animal life in abundance during the period of the formation of coal. —_— ll . 719 The tunnel driven through Big Lick Mountain, at the Summit Branch Colliery at this place (Williamstown), furnished me at one time with a specimen of more interest, if possible, than the saurian foot-marks from the Mahanoy Valley, being no less than a sandstone cast of the head of the thigh bone of some animal that had evidently been of large size, the cast having been over four inches in diameter, and nearly ten pounds in weight. It was presented to me by Mr. Daniel James, the foreman of the gangs of men driving the tunnel from the south side. He could not find a trace of the other portion, as it had been thrown out by a blast, although he searched carefully. In appearance the cast had a striking similarity to the head of the femur in a human skeleton and was almost perfect, owing to its great hardness and the hard character of the surrounding rock, some of which clung to it most tenaciously and could not safely be removed by hammer and chisel. Unfortunately it went astray by getting into the hands of some unprincipled individual during transmission to the Society of Natural Sciences at Reading, to which my design was to present it, and only the memory remains. This most interesting cast was from a ‘‘slip,’* in excessively hard rock lying north of what is here known as the ‘‘ Whites’’ vein or seam of coal, hundreds of feet beneath the mammoth, but overlying the Lykens Valley seam. As I preserved no record or drawing of this find, it is only by a draft upon memory to give an indistinct idea of it in a rude drawing as this eee Xx The cast was a fine-grained, very compact sandstone, wholly different in texture and color from the surrounding rock of the ‘‘slip,’’ which was over a hundred feet beneath the surface of the mountain and several hun- dred yards from the southern opening of the tunnel, so that, without an opening to the surface, which there was not, it could not reasonably be suspected to have been the remains of an animal dropped in from the sur- face. This was in the summer of 1872, but the impression it then created was very strong and its appearance still remains vivid in memory. Respectfully, &c., WM. D. H. MASON. WILLIAMSTOWN, Daupuin Co., April 4, 1878. Prof. Prime exhibited photograph pictures of limestone (Siluro-cambrian) outcrops along the west bank of the Le- high River above Allentown, which evidently verify Prof. Rogers’ hypothesis of the cause of the general south-east dips which prevail through the Great Valley. In these pic- - tures a number of local sharp overthrown anticlinal rolls or saddles are beautifully exhibited. Prof. Frazer remarked that he had just completed his Susquehanna river section in Lancaster County, through 720 the same limestone formation, and was surprised to find evi- dence in its construction, of very broad and regular anticlinals with opposite dips; the whole limestone series measuring more than 3000 feet; a measurement corresponding very well with that of the limestones in York Co. Pref. Prime said that he could not obtain more than 2000 feet of limestones in the Lehigh region. Prof. Houston described some improvements which he and Prof. Thomson had been making in the form of the tele- phone. Pending nominations Nos. 852 to 856 were read and balloted for, and No. 857, and new nominations Nos. 858 to 863 were read. On motion of Dr. LeConte, the consideration of Prof. Cope’s resolution was again postponed, on account of his ab- sence. The ballot boxes being scrutinized by the presiding officer, the following persons were declared to be duly elected mem- bers of the Society : 852. C. Newlin Peirce, D.D.S., Philadelphia. 853. Rob’t H. Alison, M. D., of Philadelphia. 854. Wm. D. Marks, Prof. Mech. Eng., Univ., Pa. 855. Lewis M. Haupt, Prof. Civ. Eng., Univ., Pa. 856. Burt G. Wilder, Prof. Anatomy and Zoology, Cor- nell University at Ithaca, N. Y. And the meeting was adjourned. Stated Meeting, May 17th, 1878. Present, 17 members. Vice-President, Mr. Fraey, in the chair. Dr. Wormly, Prof. Marks and Dr. Alison, newly-elected members, were introduced to the presiding officer and took their seats. Letters accepting embership were received from Mr. An- 721 drew Sherwood, dated Mansfield, Pa., May 4, 1878; Prof. Wm. D. Marks, dated Univ. Pa., May 7,1878; Prof. Lewis M. Haupt, dated Uniy. Pa., May 7, 1878; Dr. Robt. H. Alison, dated 250 8. 17th street, Philadelphia, May 8; Dr. C. Newlin Peirce, dated Philadelphia, May 8, 1878; and Prof. Burt G. Wilder, dated Ithaca, N. Y., May 9, 1878. Acknowledgments of the receipt of diplomas of member- ship were received from the Hon. Craig Biddle, Mr. Edward Penington, Mr. H. Armitt Brown, Prof. Thos. M. Drown, Mr. John F. Carll, Prof. J. L. Campbell, Hon. M. Russell Thayer, Mr. C. V. Riley, Mr. Samuel R. Langiey, Mr. Gideon E. Moore, Mr. I. H. MeQuillen, Prof C. F. Brackett, Dr. Wm. Goodell, Mr. Chas. E. Hall, Mr. A. R. Grote, Prof. T. F. Crane, Prof. H. T. Eddy, Mr. Andrew Sherwood, Mr. J. M. Hart and Mr. John McArthur. Acknowledgments of the receipt of numbers of the Proceedings were received from Prof. L. Riitimeyer, dated Basel, February 5, 1878 (99); the Lit. and Phil. Society of Liverpool, Jan. 31 (99) ; the Smithsonian Institution, April 3 (100); the McGill University, May 6 (100); and the New Bedford Library, May 11 (100). Envoys were received from the Societies at Nuremberg, Gottingen and Liverpool; the Academies at Vienna and Rome, and the Department of the Interior at Washington. A letter of thanks to the Society for the planting of trees on the University grounds, was received from Mr. Cadwalla- der Biddle, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, dated May 8, 1878. Donations for the Library were received from the Horticul- tural Society at St. Petersburg (Acta Horti); the Academies at Vienna, Berlin, and Rome; the Societies at Gottingen, Nu- remberg and Liverpool; the Revue Politique and London Nature; the editors of the Revista Euskara at Pamplona ; Victoria Institute and John J. Bigsby of London; Geological Seciety at Glasgow; Edinburgh Observatory ; Boston Natural History Society ; Dr. J. 8S. Newberry ; New Jersey Histori- eal Society; Penn Monthly, Medical News, Journal of PROC. AMER. PHILOS. soc. xyul. 101. 44. PRINTED JULY 3, 1878, 722 Pharmacy, Franklin Institute, Zoological Society, and Prof. E. D. Cope, of Philadelphia; U.S. Department of the In- terior ; University of Virginia ; Botanical Gazette; Daven- port Academy of Natural Science, and the Commissioners of the Argentine Republic at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. The death of Prof. Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, at Washington, May 13th, 1878, aged 81 years, was announced with appropriate remarks by Mr. Fraley. Mr. Roberts added his reminiscences of Mr. Henry at the meeting of the British Association at Liverpool, in 1887, and described a characteristic scene between him and Dr. Dio. Lardner, and the cordial reception of Mr. Henry, by the distinguished members of the Association then present; the commencement of many warm and lasting and honor- able friendships. On motion Mr. Fairman Rogers was appointed to prepare an obituary notice of the deceased. The death of Mr. Robert Frazer, at Philadelphia, May 4th, 1878, aged years, was announced by the Secretary. On motion Mr. Persifor Frazer, Jr., was appointed to read an obituary notice of the deceased. A letter to the Secretary respecting an extract from a pa- per on Gas Analysis, by Prof. Sadtler, published in the Pro- ceedings under date of April 6th, 1878, was received from Prof. Henry Morton, dated Hoboken, N. J. May 15, 1878. To the Secretary American Philosophical Society. Dear Srr :—In a printed copy of a paper ‘‘ On the calculation of Results in Gas-Analyses,’’ read betore the American Philosophical Society, April 5, 1878, by Professor Samuel P. Sadtler, which I have just received, I find the following statement : ‘‘In a private letter to Professor Morton, dated December 81st last, in answer to one received from him a day or two before, calling my attention to the error, [ acknowledged the error of the formula used by me in my printed paper, and mentioned that I was proposing to rectify the result as first published by the aid of other tests.’’ 723 Professor Sadtler is here no doubt quoting from memory, and does not intend to state what is not true, but as the statement is not only incorrect, but by reason of its inaccuracy casts a reflection upon me, I feel bound to call for a correction. Professor Sadtler’s letter of December 31st is now before me, and the only passage having any reference to the matter reads as follows : *“About the formule, I am sorry that my first mistake still stands on record uncorrected. I had copied the formule I first used from Foucou’s article on analyses of ‘Pennsylvania Natural Gases’ in Comptes Rendus, and in my second lot of analyses made for the Survey, I corrected it, and corrected the first lot at the same time.’’ This includes every word which this letter contains on the matter referred to, and while it may be that Pro- fessor Sadtler at the time of writing knew all about the matter, there was certainly nothing whatever to imply that such was the case in what he here states. On the contrary, when it is known that Foucou’s article, in the Comptes Rendus referred to, contains no formule whatever, and that no correction of analyses was possible for the simple reason that the correction of the error showed any analysis to be impossible except by discovering a new method, it will appear that I had good cause to believe that Professor Sadtler was entirely in the dark upon the subject. As to the assertion that he said in this letter ‘‘that (he) I was proposing to rectify the results as first published by the aid of other tests,’’ it is simply a lapse of memory on his part, as nothing of the sort exists in the letter. In a memoir by Fouqué (not Foucou), immediately following that of Foucou in the Comptes Rendus, we do find formule in some sort resembling those used by Professor Sadtler, but mot containing his error. Fouqué’s formule are in fact perfectly correct, and so are his results, his only fault lay in failing to perceive, that hydrogen might be regarded as a lower member of the marsh-gas series,* and thus find a place in his general equation. Yours respectfully, HENRY MORTON. Prof. Sadtler, to whom the letter had been shown previous to the meeting, read a written reply to Prof. Morton’s state- ments. In the letter from Professor Morton just read before the Society, he quotes from my paper read here on April 5th, the paragraph relating to the correspondence which passed between us about December 31st last, and supposes that I was quoting from memory. This is certainly true. I had not copied the letter, as it was regarded by me so entirely one of friendly correspondence, that I deemed such a step unnecessary. My reco‘lec.ioa of * As was first pointed cut by Mr. Wm. E. Geyerand myself in our paper in the Gas-Light Journal, February 16th. 724 my words must therefore have been an incorrect one when I supposed that with my acknowledgment of the error I mentioned the test proposed by me in September last here before the Society. I certainly have been under the impression that I alluded to them in writing to him at that time. In this point then, I have done Professor Morton an injustice. I must still rely on my recollection of what I wrote in that letter, but I do not think I alluded to Foucou’s article at all in writing to him. I think, if Professor Morton would look at my letter again, he will see that I alluded to Fouqué’s article. It would have been absurd for me to have appealed to Foucou’s article as that was a geological one, and dealt only with the matter of the occurrence of these natural gases. The article of Fouqué, which follows it in the Comptes Rendus, on the other hand speaks of the . analysis of these gases, and gives equations for such analysis. So what Pro- fessor Morton says in italics, viz.: that the article of Foucou referred to ‘‘contained no formule whatever,’’ is true, but has no bearing upon the question at issue. I have alluded in every paper which I have published on this matter, including those in Professor Morton’s hands at the time of his first writing, to Fouqué’s formulas and his article, found in Comptes Rendus, Vol. 87, p. 1048, and not to Foucou’s article, found just before it on page 1041. In my last paper, read here on April 5th, I quote Fouqué’s lauguage on the subject just as it appears in the original French, and 1 think the words are capable of but one interpretation, viz.: that which I gave them. That Fouqué was in error, and that I fell originally into the same error, does not make me guilty of a willful prevarication in this matter of quoting Fouqué. ’ Professor Morton says that ‘‘ Fouqué’s formule are in fact perfectly cor- rect, and so are his results, his only fault lay in failing to perceive that hydrogen might be regarded as a lower member of the marsh-gas series, and thus find a place in his general equation.”’ Professor Morton, in calling attention to my “errors, seems to me to be willing to let Fouqué off much too easily. His fault is greater than that here indicated. Fouqué literally translated says, ‘‘a mixture of these car- bides with free hydrogen prevents this condition from being realized. It is therefore easy to recognize if a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons consist ex- clusively of carbides of the formula Cn H2n + 2,”? He therefore not only ‘‘ fails to perceive that hydrogen might be regarded as a lower member of the marsh-gas series,’’ to use Professor Morton’s words, but says distinctly that its presence interferes with the realization of an equation character- istic of the marsh-gas hydrocarbons as a series. I have no desire to shield myself behind Fouqué’s faults, but I wish to be given credit for a faithful interpretation of his language, and for a wil- lingness to acknowledge my errors wlren they are pointed out. The Secretary exhibited by permission of Mr. Lorenz, Chief Engineer of the Reading R. R., the stone slab from the Ellengowan Colliery shaft, bearing the Batrachian foot- 725 prints mentioned at the last meeting, and referred again to the letter of Mr. Mason, its discoverer. Mr. Lesley stated that he understood Mr. Lorenz to wish to propose for it the name Anthracopes Masoni, provisionally, until the dis- covery of other foot-prints or remains of the animal, should give occasion for a better determination of genus or species. Mr. Frazer exhibited what is perhaps the first perfectly successful electrotype of a piece of a phonograph ribbon, made by Mr. Edison. Mr. Frazer described ripple-marks on a slab of limestone from the Siluro-Cambrian region of Lancaster county, and Prof. Prim added that such ripple-marks entirely cover the exposed surfaces in the Euhlersville Quarry, in Northampton County ; these beds being also of Calciferus sandstone age. Mr. Frazer then drew attention to the great significance and geological importance of his recent discovery of an im- mense anticlinal, crossing Lancaster county, and probably traversing York county into Maryland. He called it the “Martic” anticlinal, and showed how it exposed fundamental gneiss and granitoid beds in the new railroad cuttings along the left bank of the Susquehanna river ; how it sheds off to the north and to the south at least 16,000 feet of primal (Cambrian?) slates ; and how its eastern prolongation, would cross Lancaster country into Chester county, where the uplift seems to be represented by the fundamental gneiss series of the Welsh Mountain. The minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Officers and Council were read. Pending nominations Nos. 857 to 863, and new nomina- tions Nos. 864 to 869 were read. Prof. Cope called up his motion of April 5th, which after discussion, was, on motion of Mr. Lesley, indefinitely post- poned. And the meeting was adjourned. 726 Stated Meeting, June 21st, 1878. Present, 16 members. Vice-President, Mr. Pricu, in the chair. Dr. Pierce, a newly elected member was introduced and took his seat. The resignation of Mr. J. Imbrie Miller was received and accepted. Photographs were received from Mr. I. Louthian Bell, dated Rounton Grange, Northallerton, England, May 17th, and of M. M. Chevalier, and Mr. Moncure Robinson, from the latter. Letters of acknowledgment were received from R. I. Kin- derdine, Furman Sheppard, R. W. Raymond, H. 8. Hagert, W. P. Tatham, W. A. Ingham, W. M. Roberts, W. B. McKean, F. Prime, Jr., C. W. Shields, R. Thayer, and Elihu Thomson (Diplomas). Also from the Nassau Association (90 to 99); Luxembourg Institute (96, 98, 99), and the Daven- port Academy (81 to 100). Letters of envoy were received from the Royal Academy, Stockholm, and Royal Academy, Lisbon. A circular letter of invitation to the funeral of Isaiah Thomas, was received from the Mayor of Worcester, Mass. Chairman of a Committee of Invitation ; the funeral to take place June 24th. A donation of $500 to the American Phil- osophical Society is mentioned among the bequests in the will of the deceased. On motion the Secretaries were re- quested to respectfully reply. Donations for the Library were received from the Acade- mies and Societies at St. Petersburg, Moscow, Copenhagen, Berlin, Leipsic, Frankfort, Wiesbaden, Luxembourg, Lau- sanne, Rome, Lyons, Cherbourg, Dijon, Lille, Bruxelles, and Salem, Mass. ; also from the Observatories at St. Petersburg, San Fernando, Oxford University, and Mexico; also from the Statistical Bureau at Stockholm; German Geological Society ; Magazine of General Science, Berlin ; Prof. Riiti- ——s T27 meyer ; the Geographical, Anthropological, Antiquarian and Medical Societies of Paris; Annales des Mines and Revue Politique ; the Geographical, Physical and Linnean Societies at Bordeaux ; the Royal Institution, Zoological, Geographi- cal and Astronomical Societies in London; Journal of For- estry and Nature; the Canadian Naturalist; Cambridge M. C. Z.; Boston N. H.S: Appalachian Club; Massachu- setts Board of Health ; Silliman’s Journal; Franklin Insti- tute, Journal of Pharmacy, Medical News, Penn Monthly; Historical Society, Pa.; Geological Survey, Pa.; Judge Kelly ; 8. H. Scudder ; U. S. Fish Commissioners ; Wiscon- sin N. H. Association ; Botanical Gazette ; Min. de Fomento of Mexico; and the Cincinnati N. H. Society. The Librarian displayed a set of 21 colored plaster casts, or imitations of original Archzlogical American specimens, in Prof. Guyot’s Museum at Princeton College, N. J., made by Prof. Matile, and presented to the Cabinet of the Ameri- ean Philosophical Society, by Prof. Guyot, as a return for the permitted copy of many of the antiquities in the Cabi- net, for the use of the Museum at Princeton. On motion it was resolved that the thanks of the Society be tendered to Prof. Guyot and Prof. Matile for this beautiful addition to the Society’s collections. The Librarian reported that Part III of the Catalogue was printed and ready for distribution; including Class VI, Sociology, Manufactures, Commerce, Warand Law ; making a volume of 300 pages, bringing the running folio up to page 942. On motion the distribution was ordered. The decease of Mr. Wm. M. Gabb, at Philadelphia, May 30th, aged 39, was announced with appropriate remarks by Dr. Horn, who, on motion, was appointed to prepare an obituary notice of the deceased. Prof. Chase communicated a paper, entitled “On rotation and radiation.” Dr. Weir Mitchell, communicated a paper, entitled “‘ The effect of Irrelation of a polarized nerve, Pfliiger’s Electri- 128 onus; by B. F. Lautenbach, M. D., Ph. D.” (165 Mss. pp. of text and tables.) Referred to the Secretaries. Mr. Blodgett exhibited and described a number of speci- mens of copper-silver ores from the mines of Huantajaya in Peru, on the borders of Bolivia, 8 miles back from the coast at Iquique, and 1° west of Potosi; 2560 feet above tide ; col- lected by, or under the direction of Governor Prado of Peru, and sent to Philadelphia, in pursuance of a plan for closer commercial intercourse between Peru and the United States. Mr. Blodget exhibited charts, showing the situation of the mines; and also the positions in the interior where newly discovered valuable deposits of guano were now exploited for commerce. Prof. Halderman read a paper for the Transactions, on aboriginal relics of great age found in 30 inches of earth, in the small cave near his house, at the base of Chicques rock, on the east bank of the Susquehanna river, above Co- lumbia, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania; and exhibited a selection of them arranged classically on 14 ecards, to be drawn and printed in illustration of his memoir. On mo- tion it was referred to a committee consisting of Dr. Daniel G. Brinton. Prof. Jos. Leidy and Prof. Lesley. Prof. Houston exhibited a microphone relay made by him- self and Prof. K. Thomson of the Philadelphia High School, to be applied to Bell’s articulating telephone. Prof. Barker exhibited a suite of Mr. Edison’s instru- ments invented and made by him during the last year or two, and showed that there was nothing original in any of the inventions of Mr. Hughes (‘ Prof. Hughes ”) of London. Dr. Sadtler communicated a paper entitled “ Contribution No. XIV, from the Laboratory of the University of Pennsy]l- vania, A new monochlordinitrophenol and an aniline deri- vative of the same. No. 2, On Beryllium borate,” by Edgar F. Smith. Pending nominations Nos. 857 to 869 and new nomination No. 870 were read. And the meeting was adjourned. INDEX TO VOLUME XVII. Stated Meetings Held. Page May abn tor Ocvaber 19H elarn es Tore Oa ee wee eS cen oe 1 to 16 November, 2d, 1877. . Seine OWeeebsiiee ee okers caw rem ed net t” 7th a 268 November 16th, 1877, to ‘anae Ae SU MUNG eek of at Sears i Te tet a ara 272 to 281 atluary. Jobs LO Maren Ist; 1878.45 fo. 1. SO 0). ae A COTE 290 to 313 MIAUCH MH DO AIC OLSt. ISOS «5 ce ave: abet opsbaca ude danke totum ene 709 to 726 New Members Elected. * Members who have accepted by letter. +}Members who have taken their seats, PeAise@m- SLODerG EL soc cs oes TF 7*Peirece, ©) Newlin. ....0 6 2a eee PERPI CAROL SORT ce sy t>) oa os cscs sb a 8 *Peters; ©. Hoon. «ute evens 293 Rerrey MIS bs cee ee ce - 298 Fangall, Wey Ayo. «ay oy aloud bo setae 293 ETA ARA DD) sis cs tol «ss 8s 293 SS VEVESUCE, be Via tare ns) 51.9 ect 8 *Haupt,ewistM sc). . 86. 6h. 6720 FrSylor Win. B.. Sofie, sn Ss 268 MEMrEM PATO ELC, i. arsye 0ye 8 Watson JasiC so. he aan ee 293 Bandreth, Burnett ........ 293 *Wetherill, John Price .... >. 293 pols Sona 2) 0F:) 00 Ag) Fe ee 23 "| *WihitesTiGs ah . fey. Sree. (eee epee *March, Francis Andrew..... 293 * Wilder BurhG). -. sw. +) cea 720 PmbeecReaVV EEE. Pee oN oe ae nos 720 | }Wormiley, Theo.G... . .. 293 *Newcomb, Simon. ......+ .. 298 “VOIGT Sie B10) ee ee eS ne re ae eel ees anal ee pe kee Members Deceased. BRS GLOTS HOR EY ore he aos a ce 290, |. Kirtland, Jared, Ps ..5 sus 08% -aeus 239 PESTON RIVA EMLNC EES ep oe.c ra mne He w rete) eyioi(alh's ZL ||, Manon; Ord). ..<. 5 +16 «see <2 See Conrad, W. Timothy Abbott... 9 | Mommson, Theodore....... 291 INO VESODETE WiCLE... 6) 3, 3 wos) wigs ape Quincy. Hdmuna's; +, cs 3 eu 3 SHON. EWODCL bs cote! sole = & ee 722 | Regnault, Elenri Victor...... 314 Erle OF 0 eerie oe ee oy eee 727 | Secchi, Paolo Angelo... ... .. 314 BEtUIeeLOUL WV TIS EL «i016! = 3 cie te us vemia 710 | Stromeyer, Louis’, 3) ost eee il Mealowell, Benj sos. wes ee. 290 Strong} Ph eos.s i). Ales) sey paetier 710 PELCOLY, JOSEPHS. 5) cusps: onerey che 722 Swit, JOs..G. Jd etiam aerate 710 Pre MGErler UJ. Dai. re: 66) fou Topisl ane 13 | Tholuck, Frederick August... . . Obituary Notice Read of John C. Cresson, by Frederick Fraley...... Sate Se ee ee 149 Photographs of Members Received from Barcena, Mariano; ...-. 5... 16 Gelcies James ecua ciao pon eee 10 En aragneAse!.

15 (2) DC GR) OSes S OE erage eg ERI, Rt itt le Bt Su ota ratasty ce Sicrwsncnaac Aaa ce Hanelyy SR esos Bates ta ee ee ee eee ae See 5. eet eh eres te ae MeaArthur, Ja: MeQuillen, J-, Hes Moore Got asia eine eee oe PENINEtOD,. We oycs, G xis ck SPSgie ore so eek oe Ve ace ae amen shinies. to ASHBURNER, C. A. Wilcox Spouting Well...;.; :< 2025-26 Git Astdheel aarti ake . Il, 127 Barker, G. F. BOnies WOMmiel fork «3. iis ales eet GAB Ley sorBidiey Jetandielainehiieaeen 6 On the Pretended Inventions of Mr, Hughes, of London. .... ai, moe BARRETT, O., JR. Pipe Line Levels in Indiana Coumtys+;....s «cls sc se ure eee 14, 145 BLAKE, G. 8. Kabyle Chiefs Language sw. ).%.-. oD 23) Ph Ota ae Jo) Fw 2 Buastius, W. Causes of the Huron Disaster. .......... i905 wdaet ae os « «212, 375 Modern Meteorological Methods... ,...... 2 ~oersecllaAiipyane ee BuLopeGett, L. Page. Oni Silver Ores from: Peru <.0s),< Te) ec) 2 ithe oe Lees Wa lenis ot > 728 Briaees, R. Deviating Morces of a Fly-wheel..........:-c.c..-. Sey ae, 126 low ofowWater throurh-anvOpening. 9... <<). os eis 6 «atte 9, 124 DIScuSsionion: Tue-WiILCOSAWell..-<.. . Sscsceuc vs abte, Sh uudasheb eo. aieas 11, 133 Diffusion of Heat Generated by a Gas-burner..............-. 309 Britton, B. Forms in which Carbon Exists in Iron and Steel............. 712 Canin, J. F. Results.of Oil Well Surveys: «=... so «1 «oe Pace. scope heh a ee 17 Cuance, H. M. HechontrOnl LOCK HAVER DO RCUOV Ges os « «iss « + 6 0 ol sueiter ch eine 716 Hyner’s'Station Oil WeliSeetione sees Woe se nis te feller tte ie le 670 Cuass, P. E. Biugstrationsiof Central MOrce: .. <: .hci\s is) tel opieuie soe reer S ome . . 9, 118 GINLEYy, W. ©rura] Processes ini'Genus Azrypa.. =a. ces 2) le chee eee 314, 337 Hau, C. E. Fossils;in Westmoreland 'County;,) Pa... 2.1) rccust sae) ec siesie kanes 270 Haver, H. Seaboard Pipe TinesNOtes. 20 «kis = els) tsiten > oe tle ites eee 13, 186 Horn, G. H. ‘Bostrichiae of the United/States:.. 52. 2% os. = «+ = + «ene sie se OTD TLS Colydiide of the United States. . 5 <4 2 cus ee ene eee . . . 990, 715 Houston, Epwin J. Impreyed Melephonie's'./c3i9ens) oc ksaspaw sled citegcs > acd ee 720 Microphone ReOlAY a) 5) <:2cver uso) © Modis dma ah cs caste) seen a "728 LeConteE, J. L. Schwarz’s Coleoptera of Florida. ......... oi. fo a ee . 308, 470 New Species of Coleoptera of Michigan... .......s.6.-+ce..0- 593, 715 WESLEY, cece. Note on the Btymology ‘of /Jax0000G. ~ oe 0. we we me ene oie 7 Magnesium Limestone, Analyses at Harrisburg. ........... 260,279 Pierres.a @cuilles: os 5 ie < ows: o cee 40 iiuls io) uln eu Sana 714 Geological Colored County Maps of Pennsylvania.......... ep eae Sea-board Oil Pipe Line across Pennsylvania... ..... Oe fe l4 List of Fossilsin Westmoreland County............-+c-cc..e- 270 Crystals of Calcite enclosed in Limonite...........,.s.<.«._6, am 349, 714 ScHWARZ, BH. A. Ree ete ANG CODE, AVOVEes -o oie bal shell a ele) (oy inte = o eie 353, 373, 4384 SHERWOOD, A. Section of Rocks in Catskill Mountain. .............. ape ete - O20 Smita, E. F. Mew Chiorme Derivatives from ToOlUol oo ise, 5) 2) es sewsies © ise el ee 29 PMeGHIGEN ACY LIC AGI cos nope eume ee EA a LPS ee 68 Pecomposition OF Chromic ron... s.0i6 oo 216 +, = Ras = 216, 279 Precipitation of Copper with Sodium Carbonate.............. 218 A New Monochlordinitrophenol, &.... . 2. 6. «2236208 s ai ekaneat UNE WHEATLEY, C. M. ‘Rriassic SAuUrlans, See’ OOP «5 «.-..-6 «1s > «00 cls 8.07 6) sks Leora Witcocks, A. Shadows Ob V.chus withOUl ECD UIN Diane 1< Jen aus wae a/nie, ous cere 308, 705 734 Occasional Business. ¢ a Page. Deposit of the Peale Collection with the Academy of Natural BCIONGES: eis) oto re ell Saegnceke a sy sebastien POC hr re EYE ROTA 278 Rigster Models; by Prof Matilev, 255. «teeter ge re a Mal Nempeddeusel bekten cit eee mee 727 Medal of Mr. Peabody presented.............-. Pecacteoeoy it 3 J wes BUStiOL TON VAUS DM. 3 vs ye * Ae 0 sos CAAT pe Hr ‘ : ’ an ets 9 vite te ‘ / ee, 4 abla theses . em a iy 7 } La ra oe \ 3 : a aie apy is Ss ' a + ‘ = F A by yay beth ’ + at - . + oy pe ’ k a h ie ia : E DRapeardne: ikke of het fet ‘ : * jes turns AS pints hd wee ; ; Lh fee ce 4 sia at H ni ' ba Fae she ao TASK stated BRatite sieeve tpsetiees i 4 beat on ets, ie AAT RS Ie STAY, “apie Has ais 4 ie if f a ~ “en Sinn owe Fe . ea Be TP DY Aish fie eT Midiehts ? ay gilaa Supessrie + a Botte erat Naar ‘sls Haan Tse fad ted sees ay ieee ey pres * re fay East bdlheat oe is Se Rew: MQ ovigtete a! ane ahaa oa aaa sa Bier cS cesar) * ee ERAS Petey Nt af See ae wie {ws ey * “ SN ayy oH meee nryfbrg ae Pease: 4) th ey tate me 9 WPS my rea tet: & ety Ls $3 Bes ery. wet 4! ral wales Ai te es works Sa KANE ALS ar AGT TI Aba? fea te Pea cpa! habe ane £4 a es Re ys peyton, oely re uré AYR Ge rene 8 ad Hine we Sedan aN 4 te Mlb ce ves ; M4 foe re eine » Seana eee T eS as tah ea) Seas oe eae <7 re at Teh Sete xs etaborehoteers west! ss rete HyhS4 ar ite reat Ashe Ly, et atone th be coin rtana te etek seret ore sian nh eee rarerarurs ser yn hs : b babe tt 1 bY , oa) “rapa ser es seh wan pura vetengc — : eee pratt mt * ea Lae ace Penn ie Ache Clete be Ee VY ph, « sstoteten pata At Reakeaes ie wt re ragreme fale ots we aN artes Hi! fit aha. « . ‘ H * : re Test PV eels i a yey oo xh, ¥ A dow 4 = tle yh Bi. Faleeatetebatorel oye ore @uyasare Pre Porte Mad, eet v% 4g98 ye Unt ery eee toe' Be fo a bacon tiy hes pach te tard te ewe eienie “ SNAG i nba tals Dy ideo: stessetetan UM peve Stet) “a vil g { Ua