PROCEEDINGS AMERICAN ACADEMY OK ARTS AND SCIENCES. NEAV SERIES. Vol. III. WHOLE SERIES. Vol. XI. FROM MAY, 1875, TO MAY, 1876. SELECTED FROM THE RECORDS. BOSTON: PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1876. \\ It- i'O CONTENTS. PAOB I. Researches on the Hcxatomic Compounds of Cobalt. By WOIXOTT GiBBS, M.D 1 II. On the Solar Motion in Space and the Stellar Distances. By Tkuman Henry Safford 52 III. On the Veiled Solar Spots. By L. Trouvelot .... 62 IV. On Photographs of the Solar Spectrum. By Robert Amory, M.D 70 V. Miscellaneous Botanical Contributions. By Asa Gray . 71 VI. Botanical Contributions. By Sereno Watson : — 1. On the Flora of Guadalupe Island 105 2. List of a Collection of Plants from Guadalupe Island, made by Dr. Edivard Palmer, with his Notes upon them 112 3. Descriptions of New Species of Plants, chiefly Cali- fornian, with Revisions of certain Genera . . . 121 VII. Specimens of Milk from the Vicinity of Boston. By S. P. Siiarples, S.B 119 Vm. On Portable Astronomical Instruments and their Use. By Truman Henry Safford 157 IX. On some Physical Observations of the Planet Saturn By L. Trouvelot 174 X. The Companions of Procyon.. By Rear-Admiral C. H. Davis 185 XI. Notes on Magnetic Distribution. By Henry A. Rowland. 191 XII. On the Method of Least Squares. By Truman Henry Safford 193 XIII. Brief Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Har- vard College. By John Trowbridge : — 4. On the Effect of Thin Plates of Iron used as Arma- tures to Electro-Magnets 202 5. On the so-called Etheric Force 206 6. On a New Form of Mirror Galvanometer .... 208 XIV. On the Solar Motion and the Stellar Distances. By Tru- man Henry Safford 210 IV • CONTENTS. PAGE XV. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Harvard • College : — 8. On the Induction Spark produced in Breaking a Galvanic Circuit betioeen the Poles of a Magnet. By B. O. Peirce, Jr 218 XVI. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Harvard College : — 9. Condensers and Geissler''s Tubes. By William P, Wilson 228 XVII. On Viviparous Echini from the Kerguelen Islands. By Alexander Agassiz 231 XVIII. On a Possible Explanation of the Method employed by Nobert in Ruling his Test Plates. By William A. Rogers 237 XIX. Mountain Surveying. By Prof. E. C. Pickering. . . 256 XX. Height and Velocity of Clouds. By Prof. E. C. Pick- ering 263 XXI. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology : — 8. An ExperimeJital Proof of the Law of Inverse Squares for Sound. By William W. Jacques 265 9. Diffraction of Sound. By William W. Jacques 269 10. ComparUton of Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra. By Prof. E. C. Pickering 273 XXII. On Photographs of the Solar Spectrum. By Robert Amory, M.D 279 XXIII. A New Form of Induction Apparatus. ■ By Henry P. BOWDITCH 281 XXIV. Hydrographic Sketch of Lake Tilicaca. By Alexander Agassiz 283 XXV. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Harvard College : — 10. Distribution of Magnetism on Armatures. By Har- old AViiiTiNG 293 XXVI. Contributions from the Physical Laboratory of Harvard College : — 11. Change of Electrical Resistance in Wires by Stretching. By George S. Pine 303 Proceedings 313 List of the Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members 375 Statutes and Standing Votes . . . . 383 Index 395 PROCEEDINGS A M E 11 1 C A N ACADEMY ARTS AND SCIENCES. VOL. XI. PAPERS READ BEFORE THE ACADEMY. RESEARCHES ON THE HEXATOMIC COMPOUNDS OF COBALT. By Wolcott Gibbs, M.D. Presented, June 8th, 1875. {Continued from Vol. X. p. 38.) Nitrates of Piirpureocohalt. — In our joint memoir, Genth and I assigned the anhydrous nitrate, Co2(NH3)jQ(NO,)g, to the roseocobalt series, upon the ground that with certain reagents it forms sahs iden- tical with those which the hydrous nitrate, Co^(NH3)jy(N03)a-f--(^H^, yields under the same circumstances. I am now satisfied that this salt belongs in reality to the purpureocobalt series, partly because it exhibits toward the hydrous nitrate relations precisely analogous to those which exist between Co2(NH3)j„Clg and Co2(NH3)jQCIg-(-20Il2, and partly because, while a few of its reactions correspond with those of the hydrous salt, the greater number agree with those of the jinhj'drous chloride. By dissolving the normal nitrate of purpureo- cobalt in water containing amraonic nitrate in large quantity, with a little free ammonia, Genth and I obtained a new salt in beautiful violet-red talcose scales, readily decomposed by solution in water. The formula of this salt is most probably Co,(NH3),,.0.(N03),+60H„ as the following analyses appear to show : — 0-0675 gr. gave 0-0303 gr. SO^Co = 17-08% cobalt. 0-0729 gr. gave 0-0333 gr. SO.Co = 17-18% cobalt. 0-0769 gr. gave 0-0343 gr. SO,Co= 17-10% cobalt. VOL. XI. (N. S. II.) 1 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 0-5480 gr. gave 161-75 c.c. nitrogen (moist) at IC^-S C and 755-4""" (Ii = 118-8"^) = 29-82%. 0-5171 gr. gave 0-2955 gr. waters 6-36% hydrogen. 0-4590 gr. gave 0-2G99 gr. water = C-54f;^ hydrogen. Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 2 17-87 17-08 17-18 17-16 Nitrogen, 14 29-69 29-82 Hydrogen, 42 636 6-36 6-54 Oxygen, 19 46-06 — — The analyses are those made with tlie salt originally prepared by Genth and myself, as I have not succeeded in obtaining it a second time. Tlie deficiency in the cobalt is pei'haps to be attributed to the small quantity of salt at my disposal for analysis. Admitting the cor- rectness of the formula, the scaly nitrate belongs to the basic series of purpureo-salts, of which the chruraate already described, Coo(NH3),q.O. (CrO^).,, furnishes an example. Its structural formula will then be, as compared with that of the normal nitrate : — Co, f NH,— NO, NRJ— NH,— NO NH„— NIL NH.;— Nil' Nil,— NO. NH.,— NH,— NO, ^ P, n NH.,— NH,— NO, >o c«2 ^ nh;-nh!-no3 NH,— Nil,— NO3 NH,— NH.,— NO3 N H,— NO,, [ N H,— NO3 The formation of the basic nitra'e may be expressed by the equation : — Co,(NH3),„(N03)„+2NH,+OH, = Co,(NH3),„.0.(N03),+ 2NH,.N03. The readiness with which it is decomposed by water renders it impossi- ble to determine the reactions of the salt ; but, as I find that chloi'ide of purpureocobalt is formed with evolution of chlorine when it is boiled with clilorhydric acid, we have at least some positive evidence in favor of tlie view which I have taken. The marked effervescence which oc- curs on boiling the nitrate with clilorhydric acid is precisely similar in chanicter to tliat which takes ])lace when ainmonic nitrate is heated with the same acid. Tlie normal nitrate of iuir|)urc()coI)alt i'uriiishes by far the most convenient method of passing from the pur|)ureo-serie3 to the ro-eo-series. It is only necessary to dissolve the salt in a solu- tion of ammonia, and then to allow this solution to flow slowl}' into moderately strong nitric acid, surrounded with ice or snow so as to prt-vent any sensible rise of temperature. The nitrate of roseocobalt separates iininrdiately as a red crystalline precipitate, nearly insoluble OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 3 in tlic excess of nitric acid. From tliis salt many otliei: salts of tiie roseo-series may be prepared with facility. Chloro-mtrate of Purpnreocobalt. — Acid sulphate of roseocobalt not free from chloride of jiurpureocobalt was treated in the cold with a solution of potassic nitrite and nitrate. After standing some days a red mother licpior was formed, together with a mixture of a red crystal- line salt, and a bright yellow powder. On filtering and washing with hot water, a fine violet liquid was obtained, which, on standing, gav« very well-defined large* octahedral crystals of a deep cherry-red color. The crystals were easily soluble in hot water, and contained only a trace of sulfihuric acid. Qualitative analysis showed the presence of chlorine, nitric teroxide, cobalt, and ammonia. The salt gave the reactions of nitrate or chloride of purpureocobalt with more or less distinctness. Of this salt, 0*4olo gr. gave 0-1516 gr. silver = 8-30 (y^ chlorine. 0-4000 gr. gave 0-1332 gr. silver = 8-23% chlorine. 0-4809 gr. gave 0-2397 gr. SO,Co= 18-98% cobalt. 0-4448 gr. gave 0-2228 gr. SO.Co — 19-07% cobalt. 1-0770 gr. gave 0-4GoO gr. water = 4-79% hydrogen. The formula Co,(NIL),oCl3(N03)3+Co2(NH3)ij,(N03)« requires Cobalt, 4 Chlorine, 3 Hydrogen, GO I can assign no plausible explanation of the formation of the chloro- nitrate under the circumstances, and did not succeed in obtaining the salt by mixing the chloride and nitrate of purpureocobalt in the proper proportions, and allowing the mixed solutions to stand. The crystals formed always consisted principally of the chloride, I was not more successful in the attempt to form a chloro-nitrate with the formula, Co2(NH3)j(,(N03)3Cl3, by mixing solutions of the chloi'ide and nitrate, the chloride crystallizing from the mixtui'e unchanged. I remark, however, that as the acid sulphate employed contained chlorine, prob- ably as undecomposed chloride of purpureocobalt, and as the potassic nitrite contained also nitrate, the reaction must have been between the chloride and nitrate. Two chloro-nitrates of roseocobalt have been observed by Krok, in combinatioD with mercuric and platinic chlorides, the salts having respectively the formulas Co2(NIIg)jy(N03)3Cl3-|- 3IIgCl, and Co,(Nll3),,(N03),Cl,+2PtCl,. Calculated. Found. 19-28 18-98 19-07 8-55 8-30 8-23 4-80 4-79 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Timgstate.. — When chloride of purpureocobalt is boiled with sodic tunc^tate, WO^Na.,, it is quickly converted into a violet granular crystalline mass, which, after washing with cold water, is perfectly free from chlorine. When dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid, the crystals have a fine deep violet color. The salt is but slightly soluble in either cold or boiling water, even in presence of free nitric acid. It dissolves readily in a solution of sodic or ammonic carbonate; the solutions have a iine violet color. Of this salt, 1-0294 gr. gave 0-o418 gr. WO3 (by mercurous nitrate) = 5G'26% WO,. 2-3912 gr. gave 1-71G3 gr. WO.Co (by careful ignition) = 75-9G%. The formula Co,(NIl3)i„.0.(WOJ2 requires 55-ll%^VO, and 7G-7o% WO.Co. The salt cannot be recrystallized, and was therefore probably not absolutely pure. Oxalo-chloride. — W^hen a solution of ammonic oxalate is added to one of chloride of purpureocobalt, violet needles are soon deposited, which Genth and I considered as the normal oxalate of this series, and to which we gave the formula, as we should now write it : — Co,(NH3),o.O.(CA).2+30II,. Two determinations of cobalt and one of oxalic acid agreed very closely with this formula. Krok * subsequently discovered that this salt contains chlorine, and he assigns to it the formula : — Co,(NiL),,a(CA).. On carefully re-examining this salt, I find that the percentage of chlorine varies considerably in different preparations. Thus : — J 0-7108 gr. gave 0-2512 gr. silver = 11-G1% chlorine. (0-3G27 gr. gave 0-218G gr. SO, Co = 22-95% cobalt. ( 0-5093 gr. gave 0-2930 gr. SO, Co = 21-9(1% cobalt. I 0-57G8 gr. gave 0-22-41 gr. silver == 12-78% chlorine. It is therefore probable that the chloro-oxalate contains as an admix- ture a greater or less percentage of another oxalate, possibly COjj(NII.j)jp. 0.(C^,0,)2. I did nut succeed in obtaining this salt from nitrate of purpureocobalt and ammonic oxalate, the reaction residting only in * Acta Univ. Lund. 1840. I believe that this is the only error which has boon detected in the first part of this paper. OF AUTS; AND SCIENCES. 5 the formation of oxalate of roseocobalt, — a result possibly solves rather easily in hot water, forming a beautiful violet solution. Auro-chloride of sodium gives a beautiful crystalline orange-red pre- cipitate with a solution of the sulphate, differing apparently from the corresponding salt of roseocobalt. In this salt, 0-2698 gr. gave 0-0924 gr. gold = 34-24%. This percentage of gold corresponds very closely to that required by the formula, Co,(NH3),o(SO,),Cl.,+2AuCl,, which is 34-02. The sulphato-chloro-aurate of roseocobalt has, as I shall show, the formula Co,(NH3),o(SO,)2Cl,+2AuCl34-40R„ the purpureo-salt showing, as usual, a less disposition to unite with water of crystallization. The above results were obtained with only three grammes of material ; but they are sufficient, I think, to make it at least probable that the violet salt in question is the true sulphate of purpureocobalt. Pyrophosphate. — Sodic pyrophosphate gives a lilac or rose colored precipitate with a solution of chloride or nitrate of purpureocobalt, readily soluble in an excess of the precipitant, and crystallizing froni the solution in beautiful rose-red efflorescent crysfcdline scales. The salt is readily soluble in ammonia, and the solution yields beautifid garnet-red measurable crystals, which are free from sodium. The jiyro- phosphate was first carefully stuvlied and analyzed by C. D. Braun, whose analyses agree closely with a formula which he writes, 5NIl3.Co,03-2PO,+21 HO (old style). This formula must now be written Co,(NIl3).„(PA3)4-2lOII, in the inw notation, P^O^g, being hexatomic. In' the t^alt crystallized from aiimionia : — OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 7 1-2456 gr. gave 0-5387 gr. Coj',0|^, by ignition = IS^l^ and 5G'7G(fo water, ammonia, and oxygen. 1 4484 gr. gave 0-9415 gr. water (burnt with CuO) = 7.2-2% liy'gen. 1'09G4 gr. gave 0-3'.)ll gr. water = 35-67% water of crystallization. The formuhi Co,(NII,),oP,0,,+-2lOII, reiiuires 43-48 %Co,P,0,2, and 56-529^ water, ammonia, and oxygen ; also 7*21% hydrogen, and 37'87<^ water of crystallization. These analyses fully confirm Braun's results. The formation of the salt from sodic pyrophosphate and chloride of purpureocobalt may be represented by the equation: — Co,(NII,),,Cl,+2PA-Na,+0ir, = Co,(NIl3),„PA3+6NaCl+ 20NaII. The mother liquor from which the pyrophosphate has crystallized has a strong alkaline reaction. The decomposition of the salt by heat may be expressed by the equation : — Co,(NIl3),„.P,0,3 = Co,P,O,,+O-[-10NH3, though it is of course most probable that a part of the ammonia is oxidized to water and nitrogen. The pyi'ophosphate of purpureocobalt furnishes, if the formula given be adopted, an instance of a true di-pyrophosphate bearing the same relation to the ordinary salts of the acid which the disulphates, dichro- mates, &c., bear to the normal sulphates and chromates. In other words, two molecules of PgO-H^, or P20g.(01I)4 are fused together, so as to form a single molecule of P^Oj.^H^, or P^O.(OH)g, an atom of water being given off. Thus'we have in symbols : — 2.PA.(0H), = PA-(OH),+OH,. The structure of dipyrophosphoric acid m-ay be briefly represented by the expression : — 3(0H) ~ (PA)_0-(P,0,) Z (Oil),. The corresponding salt of luteocobalt presents a similar instance. According to Braun, the whole of the water of cryst;dlization is given off at 100°C. ; but I found that one atom was retained at that tempera- ture, the loss in my analysis being 35.67°, while the formula for 20 atoms requires 36.07%. Ammonia-cobalt-nitrite. — A solution of the potassium salt of Erd- mann's series, Co2(NH3)^(NO^,)gK^, gives with nitrate of purpureo- cobalt a beautiful very dark orange-red precipitate in crystals, which are sometimes acicular, and sometimes granular. The crystals are not 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY very soluble in cold, but dissolve quite easily in hot water. The solu- tion gives the characteristic reaction with argentic nitrate. Of this salt : — 0-4583 gr. gave 0-2466 gr. SO^Co = 24-11 <;^ cobalt. The formula ^Co2(XH8),„^ |Co2(NH3),(N02)8}3 requires 24-20%. The solution of this salt does not give the reactions of xanthocobalt at first, but after some days ammonic oxalate throws down the character- istic wine-yellow oxalate. The solution is decomposed by long standing, large crystals of cobaltic nitrate, Co(NO.,)o, being formed together with crystalline scales of the corresponding salt of xantho- cobalt already described. Cohalto-nitrite. — The sodium salt of Fischer's series, Co,(X'0,),,Na„ is soluble at the instant of formation in an excess of sodic nitrite. Alcohol precipitates, after a time, some of the yellow insoluble sodic salt, and gives a very deep orange-red sokition, from which the alcohol may be expelled by evaporation. Tliis solution gives with one of nitrate of purpureocobalt, after a short time, fine deep orange- red to ruby-red octahedral crystals, which are very slightly soluble in water even on boiling. This salt gave by digestion with a solu- tion of thallous nitrate the characteristic scarlet crystalline salt, Co^(N02)i2Tly, which I shall describe further on. On analysis : — 0-5598 gr. gave 0-3290 gr. SO.Co = 22.38% cobalt. 0-7324 gr. gave 188.5 c.c. nitrogen (moist) at 6°C and 773-4'"'" = 31-87% nitrogen. The ratio is here exactly that of one atom of cobalt to six atoms of nitrogen ; and the analyses lead to the formula : — |Co,(NH,),,(NO,),f3 \ CX(NO,),, l,+90H,, which requires 22-33% cobalt, and 31-79% nitrogen. The constitu- tion of the salt is fully established by these analyses, and by the reac- tion with the thallium salt given above, since we have : — lCo,(NH3),„(NO,),^ 3 |Co,(NO,)„j,+12TlN03 = 3.Co,(NH3),, (NO,),(NO,),-i-2.Co,(NO,),2Tl,. The compound therefore belongs in reality to the xanthocobalt series ; it gives the reactions of the ordinary salts of that series distinctly. The formation of this remarkable salt may very pVobably be expressed by the equation : — OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 9 3.Co,(NH3),o(NO,)«+3Co,(NO,)„Na„=|Co,(NIl3)„.(NO,).j3 |Co,(NO,)i.J,+18NaN08+2Co(NO,)2+2NO,. I .shall allude to its composition again, when speaking of the metameric compoiiiuls of the cohaltaniines. The salt described is not the only one which is formed by the action of a solution of Co^(NO^),2Nag on nitrate of purpureocobalt. In sev- eral experiments I obtained an orange-red gi'anular salt readily soluble in cold water. The solution of this salt gave with nitrate of luteo- cobalt a beautiful crystalline precipitate of |Co,(NH3X,nCo,(NO,),J. With thallous nitrate it gave the characteristic scarlet salt Co.,(NO^)|2 Tly. On the other hand, it gave all the reactions of the salts of xanthocobalt with great distinctness, including the highly characteris- tic crystalline ferrocyanide. This salt could in no way be distinguished from one obtained by the action of Co2(NO^),2Nay upon sulphate of roseocobalt which, as I shall show, has the formula • — lCo2(NH3),„nC02(N02),J or Co,{^R,),,(^0,),-{-Co,(m,),. In acting upon solutions of purpureocobalt with solutions of cobalto- nitrite of sodium in excess of sodic nitrite, it often happens that neither of the salts above described is obtained in appreciable quantity, but only nitrate of xanthocobalt and cobaltic salts formed by a total reduction of the cobaltamines. It is therefore important to avoid an excess of sodic nitrite as much as possible. Chloro-JlaosiUcate. — When a hot solution of chloride of purpureo- cobalt containing a few drops of free chlorhydric acid is poured into a hot solution of fluosilicate of zinc, no precipitate is produced at first, but after a time a beautiful violet-red crystalline salt separates. This salt is very slightly soluble in cold water, but dissolves with a violet tint in a large quantity of boiling water ; it is readily soluble in a hot solution of sodic carbonate. It is decomposed very quietly by heat, giving off white condensible vapors, and leaving a dull violet residue. Of this salt : — 0-6379 gr. gave 0-2861 gr. SO.Co = \l-\0% cobalt. 0-8221 gr. gave 0-2479 gr. silver =z 9-91% chlorine. The formula Co2(NH3)io(SiF6),Cl,,4-30H2 requires 16-93% cobalt, and 10-18% chlorine. The determination of the chlorine was made by dissolving the salt in sodic carbonate, adding an excess of argentic nitrate, and afterwaid a 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY small excess of nitric acid. The cbloro-fluosilicate appears to combine with auric and platinic chlorides to form crystalline salts containing silicic fluoride, titrate of purpureocobalt gives with a solution of fluosilicic acid, SiF^Hj, a beautiful violet-red granular crystalline pre- cipitate, but slightly soluble in cold w^ater. I have not examined this salt; it is probably the normal fluosilicate Co2(NH3)j^,(SiP',;)..,. It occurred to rae that the fluorine compounds of the cobaltamines mi"ht offer means of separating certain metallic elements which have hitherto proved intractable by ordinary methods. The numerous ex- periments made with this end in view have not, however, led to really valuable results. I shall therefore content myself by briefly describ- ing in this place a few reactions which will serve as starting-points to those who may be disposed to enter upon this field of investigation. Nitrate of croceocobalt gives a fine granular crystalline f-alt with fluosilicic acid, and a beautiful salt in large granular crystals with potassic fluo-titanate, TiF,.K,. Both salts are soluble in much hot water, the solutions yielding large and perhajis measurable crystals. Nitrate of xanthocobalt gives very fine granular crystalline salts with fluosilicic acid and potassic fluotitanate. Both salts may be dissolved in a large quantity of hot water, and recrystallized without deC'imposition. Sulphate of roseocobalt gave no precipitate with fluosilicic acid or potassic fluosilicate even after long standing ; but a solution of the iodo-sulphate of roseocobalt, Co^(NH3)]„(SO^)^l2, gave with fluosilicic acid a dull violet-red crystalline precipitate very slightly soluble in water. Nitrate of luteocobalt gives beautiful granular orange-yellow crys- talline precipitates with fluosilicic acid and solution of potassic fluo- titanate. The fluotitanate is somewhat lighter in coloi- than tiie fluosilicate. Both salts are almost insoluble even in boiling water. Krok * observed that iodo-sulphate of luteocobalt gives a very in- soluble crystalline precipitate with fluosilicic acid. I Had tiiat this salt contains iodine, and it will probably pi-ove to have the formula Co2(NII,,),2(SiF^)2T2. Iodide of luteocobalt gives a beautiful orange crystalline precipitate with potassic fluozirconate, which rt'ijuires a large quantity of boiling water for solution, and may be reci-ystallized without dcconqxisition. Iodide of luteocobalt gives also crystalbne very slightly soluble precipitates with potassic fluotantalate, fluo- niobate, and oxyfluoniobate, not differing from each other, so fiir as I * Acta Universit. Lund. 1870. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. U have been able to detorniine, sufficiently to be made available in analy- sis, and probably isoiubrplious. Nitrate of luteocobalt gives line orange crystalline, sliglitly soluble precipitates with potassic oxyfluotungstate, oxylluoniolybdate, and tluoborate. For convenience of reference I give here a list of the salts which, iu my judgment, belong to the purpureocobalt series, and which have been more or less completely described. ChloVide, Bromide (Claudet), Iodide (Claudet), Sulphate, Nitrate, Chloro-nitrate, Chloro-oxalate, Pyrophosphate (Braun), Chromate (Braun), Dichromate, Amraonia-cobalt-nitrite, Cobalto-nitrite, Chloro-fluosilicate, Platino-chloride, Auro-chloride, Antimonio-chloride, Hydrargo-chloride «, Hydrargo-chloride p', NORMAL SKRIES. Co,(NIl3)„Cle Co,(NII,),„Br„ c<>,(Nn3),or,; Co,(XIl3)„(SO;;,+OII, Co,(NII,),,(NO,)« Co,(NII,)„Cl,(NO,),+Co,(NIT3)j„ (N03)« Co.,(NI-I,),oPp,,+2lOH2 Co,(NH,),„(CrOj3 Co,(NH3),,(Cr,0,)3+OH, lCo,(NH,),,nCo,(NH,).(NO,)j3 ^Co,(NH3),„(NO,),UlCo,(NO,),J, H-90H., Co,(NH3),„(8iF,),a Co,(NH3),,Cl,+2PtCl, Co,(NII,),,Cl,+2AuCl3 Co.,(NIl3)ioCl„+SbCl3 Co;(NH3),„Cl„4-4HgCl, Co,(NH3),,Cl,+6HgCI, BASIC SERIES. Chromate, Co,(NH3),„.0.(CrO,),+60H2 Hyposulphate (Rammelsberg), Co,(NH3)j,j.O.(S,Oj2 Nitrate, Co2(NH,) ,,.0. ( Nb8)^+60 H^ Chloride? (Schiff), Co2(NH,)io-O.Cl, Sulphate? (Schiff), Co,"(NH,)„.0.(SO,)2 Tungstate, Co,(NH3)i,.0.(WOJ2 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ROSEOCOBALT. Sulphates of Roseocohalt. — In our joint memoir Genth and I have stated that when a mixture of cobaltic sulphate and ammonia is ex- posed to the air for some time three different salts are sometimes formed, one of which is readily soluble in water, giving characteristic reactions different from those of the normal sul})hate, while a second salt dissolves in warm water, and gives orange-red crystals. 1 propose now to give the results of my further study of these salts. Soluble Sulphate of Roseocohalt. — Since the jjublication of the memoir above mentioned, this salt has been studied by Braun, who appears not to have been aware of its previous discovery by Genth and myself. Braun prepared it by adding sulphuric acid to an oxi- dized solution of ammonia and cobaltic sulphate and precipitating the solution with alcohol. In this manner he obtained a rose-red crystal- line powder, which on analysis gave the formula of the ordinary sul- phate, first correctly analyzed by Genth and myself, Co2(NH3),p (S0J.j-}-<''0H2, but which was readily soluble in water, with a cherry- red color. My more recent investigations fully confirm Braun's results as regai-ds the solubilitj' of this salt, which I have, however, obtained by simply washing the oxidized dry mass of sulphates with cold water in repeated small quantities. To fully estiiblish the differ- ence between this salt and the ordinary sulphate, I determined the solubility of the last-named quantitatively. Of the ordinary sulphate, 11-6205 gr. of a neutral solution saturated at 27*^0 gave on evapora- tion 0-1967 gr. of the crystalline sulphate = 1-699^. The soluble sulphate recpiires between one and two parts of cold water for solution, as nearly as I could judge, my salt containing small portions of animonic and cobaltic sulphates. The reactions of the solu- ble sulphate differ so slightly from those of the ordinary sulphate, that I do not regard the statement made by Genth and myself as fully confirmed by further experience, and believe that the sail with whirh our experiments were made contained small portions of the yellow sulphate presently to be described. On the other hand, the derivatives of the soluble sulphate appeared in many cases to be more soluble than the corresponding salts prepared from the ordinary sulphate. Want of material and of proper fiicilities for work have prevented me from examining the subject with the requisite care and tliorough- ness. In what follows, however, I have in each Case specified which of the two red sulphates was employed. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 13 Iodo-siilj>/i(ite of Baseocobalt. — Wlien a solution of pottissic iodide is added to one of the soluble sulphate of roseocobalt a beautiful cin- nabar-red crystalline salt is thrown down, which may be dissolved without much ditliculty in hot water, and crystallizes from the solution in granular crystals of an intense orange-red color. This salt has essentially the formula Co.^(NH8)i„(SOJJ._,-|-20IL, which is that of the iodo-suli)hate described by Krok, and obtained by the action of iodine upon a boiling solution of ammonia and cobaltic sulphate. Krok's analyses agree fairly well with the requirements of the formula. I found, however, that the salt precipitated as above varied in different preparations not inconsiderabl}'. I prepared the salt also from the onliuary sulj)hate of roseocobalt for the sake of comparison, but could detect no really essential difference between the two. The following are the results of my analyses : — Of the iodo-sulphate from the ordinary red sulphate of roseocobalt : — • I. 0-6300 gr. gave 0-2073 gr. SO.Co = lG-15% cobalt. 0-4284 gr. gave 0-1170 gr. silver = 32-12% iodine. 0-5689 gr. gave 0-3516 gr. SO,Ba= 25-46% So,. Of the iodo-sulphate from the soluble sulphate : — JI. 0-4045 gr. gave 0-1776 gr. SO,Co = 16-72% cobalt. 0-4045 gr. gave 0-1763 gr. SO,Co = 16-60% cobalt. 0-4647 gr. gave 0-1096 gr. silver =: 27-76% iodine. 0-4935 gr. gave 0-3027 gr. SO,Ba:= 25-27% SO,. III. 0-3579 gr. gave 0-1442 gr. SO, Co = 15-33% cobalt. 0-7586 gr. gave 0-3816 gr. silver = 27-18% iodine. 0-7099 gr. gave 0-4308 gr. So,Ba = 25-32% SO,. The formula Co,(NH,),o(SO,),l,+20H, reqmres: — Calculated. i. ii. ui. Cobalt, 15-33 16-15 10-66 (mean) 15-33 Iodine, 32-99 32-12 27-76 27-18 SO,, 24-93 25-46 25-27 25-32 These analyses show at least that the reaction between potassic iodide and the soluble sulphate is less definite than in the case of the iodide and the ordinary sulphate. Krok states that he did not obtain sul- phate of xautliocobalt by the action of argentic nitrite u])on iodo- sulphate of roseocobalt, but only a rose-red solution, giving off nitrous acid with the stronger acids. I found, however, that the iodo-sul|)hate obtained from the soluble sulphate of roseocobalt, when digested with 1-4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY argentic nitrite and a little free acetic acid, gave argentic iodide and a clear sherry-wine-colored filtrate giving with amnionic oxalate a salt which 1 cuuld not distinguish from the ordinary oxalate of xantho- cobalt. Treated with nitric acid this oxalate gave an octahedral nitrate showing all the reactions of nitrate of xanthocobalU The rose- red solution which Krok obtained as above, may prove to contain a red moditifation of xanthocobalt, and deserves further study. Acid Sulphate. — The acid sulphate described by Genth and my- self, and to which we gave the formula (old style) oNH3.C02O3.4SO3 -|-5H0, may be formulated in various ways. We may regard it as a basic disulphate with the formula, Co,(NtL),,.0.(S,0,),+50H2- It is difficult to see how such a basic salt could be formed in a solution, and in presence of an excess of free sulphuric acid. The fact that the salt does not exhibit a strong acid taste and reaction does not in itself furnish a very strong argument. Schultz-Sellack has shown that disulphates of the type SgO-R, are formed by dissolving normal sul- phates in warm fuming sulphuric acid; but it has not been sh^wn in any case that a normal sulphate by digestion with sulphuric acid can form a pyrosulphate, — an atom of water being given off. It seems, therefore, more probable that the acid sulphate has the formula, Co,(NH3),,(SO,)3+SO,H,+40H, ; but it is worthy of notice that the salt is not formed when normal sul- phate of roseocobalt is boiled with dilute sulphuric acid. In this case the normal sulphate crystallizes without change. The type of the acid sulphate of roseocobalt is the same as that of the acid carbonate of luteocobalt described by Genth and myself: — and with that of the acid oxalo-bisulphate, which in my view has the formula, Co,(NIl3),o(CA)(SO,),+C,HA+20H,. On the other hand, the acid oxalate of roseocobalt, which I shall de- scribe, has the formula, Co,(NH3).,(aO,)3+4CJi,0„ the type not being that of the ordinary double oxalates containing a hexatomic metallic element. Yellow Sulphate of Roseorohalt. — A small quantity of crude sul- ])hate of roseocol)alt, which had stood for some j'ears in my laboratory. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. lO presented orange-red crusts of indistinct octuliedraJ crystals. These were rubbed to powder, washed with a little cold water, and dissolved in hot water with a little free sulphuric acid. Fine yellow crystals separated, which could not be distinguished in appearance from sid- phate of luteocobalt, but appeared to be less soluble in water. Of these crystals, — 0-5018 gr. gave 0-2341 gr. SO.Co = 17-76^ cobalt. 0-7GU gr. gave 0-7992 gr. SO, Ba = 43-25% So,. 1-1G18 gr. gave 213 c.c. nitrogen at 13'^C and 7G()-47""" =21-G2%. The formula Co,(NH.,),„(SO,),,4-50II,, which is also that of the ordinary and of the soluble modification of sulphate of roseocobalt, requires : — Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 17-71 17-76 SO,, 43-24 43-25 Nitrogen, 21-02 21-G2 The formula Co,(NII,)„(S0,),-|-50IT, — sulphate of luteocobalt — requires IG.85% cobalt, 41-14%SO,, and 24-00% nitrogen. The analyses show clearly that the salt was not sulphate of luteoco- balt. The solution of the new sulphate gave beautiful yellow or orange-yellow crystalline precipitates with various I'eagents closely resembling in color the corresponding salts of luteocobalt. Thus with potassic bromide it gave a buff yellow, and with potassic iodide a fine orange-yellow crystalline precipitate. With the platino-chloride and auro-chloride of sodium it gave beautiful yellow salts, the analyses of which will be given in connection with those of the ordinary salts of roseocobalt. By double decomposition with baric nitrate the yellow sulphate gave a fine yellow solution, which on standing yielded crystals of the nitrate of this series readily soluble in hot water. In these crystals, — 0 2517 gr. gave 0-1092 gr. SO,Co = 16-50% cobalt. This percentage of cobalt would indicate the formula Co2(NH,),q (NOg)j-|-30H2, which requires 16-52%. Nitrate of luteocobalt con- tains 17-00% cobalt. The sulphate gave also with baric chloride a fine yellow solution and baric sulphate. The solution of the chloride gave beautiful yellow salts, with the chlorides of gold and of platinum. Unlike the ordinary and soluble modifications of chloride of roseocobalt, it did not give chloride of purpureocobalt by boiling with chlorhydric acid. The yel- 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY low nitrate gave a beautiful orange-yellow crystalline precipitate with excess of potassic iodide. Of the yellow chloride, — 0-4187 gr. gave 0-2430 gr. 80^ Co = 22-09% cobalt. The formula Co2(NH3)joCl6+20H2, which is that of the oudinary red modification, requires 2\-^l ^fo cobalt. The results above mentioned, together with the analyses of the gold and platinum salts to be described, are confessedly incomplete, but are all which I could obtain with the very small amount of material — less than five grammes of the sulphate — at my disposal. I regard them as rendering it extremely probable that there is an extensive series of yellow salts isomeric with the ordinary salts of roseocobalt, but differ- ing from them in color, solubility, and perhaps other particulars. It seems not impossible that the so-called xanthocobalt salts belong to this series, as I find that when the beautiful scarlet crystalline iodo- sulphate of roseocobalt is treated with argentic nitrite, a cherry-red solution is obtained, which must contain a salt having the formula, Co.,(NHo)jq(N02)2(SO^)2, since we have the reaction expressed by the equation Co,(NH3),„(SOJ J,-h2AgN0, = Co,(NH3),„(NO,),(SO,),+2AgI, and since the red solution on boiling with a few drops of acetic acid readily passes into the ordinary sulphate of xanthocobalt. The salts of the yellow modification of roseocobalt at present more or less perfectly analyzed and described are as follows : — Chloride, Co2(NH,),oCl,+20H2 Nitrate, Co,(NH,)„(NO,),+3bH2 Sulphate, Co2(NII,),„(!^0,),4-50H2' Sulphato-chlorplatinate, Co.(NH3),„(SO^),Cl,-f-PtCl^ Suljihato-chloro-aurate, Co,^(NH„),„(SO,)XC-|-2AuCl3-|-40H,. I may remark in this connection, that rhodium forms two series of salts, one of which is red, and the other yellow, and that the chloride of Claus's base, Rh.,(Nri„)„|Cl,;, which is yellow, unlike the well-de- fined double chlorides containing Rh^Cl,;, may be the true analogue of the yellow modification of Co,(NH3),oClg+20H,,. CItlorphitinate. — When the soluble suli)hate of roseocobalt is con- verted into nitrate by double decomposition with baric nitrate, and chlorplatinate of sodium is added, a salt separates in dark-red mamil- lary crystalline crusts, which may be regarded as the normal platinum salt of this series. The salt, like most of its congeners, is much moi-e OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 17 soluhle in hot than in cold water, and crystallizes as the solution cools, though not in well-defined forms. Its formula is — Co,(NH3),„C]„+2PtCl,+50H.„ as the following analyses show : — 0 9ai8 gr. gave 0-281)'.) gr. platinnm, and 0-08G8 gr. cobalt (by diff.T- ence) =31-12'^ platinum, and 'J-3'.)«^ cobalt := 40-51 -^Pt-}- Co. 0-3040 gr. gave 0-1241 gr. platinum and cobalt = 40-79%. Heated to 140°C the salt lost 5-41 <^ water, and was then decomposed with a slight explosion, so that the whole of the water is not given off below the temperature of decomposition. The formula requires : — Calculated. Found. Platinum, 31-15 31-12 Col.alt, 9-28 9-39 Water, 7-08 5-41 When platinic chloride is added to a solution of chloride of roseoco- balt, a dull-red crystalline salt in fine needles is formed, readily soluble in hot water, and crystallizing from the solution unchanged. Of this salt, — 0-37GG gr. (reduced by zinc and SOJI^) gave 0-1087 gr. platinum and 0-3981 gr. silver = 28-86 f^ platinum and 35-55<^ chlorine. Tliese results correspond to the formula Co2(NH3)joClg-[-2PtCl^-|- 1201X2, which requires 28-72% platinum, and 3G-04% chlorine. Braun states that by adding platinic clilocide to a solution of a salt of roseocobalt and free chlorhydric acid, he obtained a dark orange-red crystalline precipitate, having the formula, as we should now write it, 3.Co2(NH„)jQCl^-|-4.PtCl^. I have never obtained any such salt; and as Braun's formula is based upon a determination of the sum of the percentages of platinum and cobalt only, it cannot be regarded as even probable. Genth and I have stated in the first part of this paper, that chloride of roseocobalt forms with platinic chloride a salt which we had not completely examined, but which apj^eared to have the formula Co2(NH3)ioCl,.-l-3PtCl^-|-80H2. I have not obtained this salt again ; but the following analyses will serve to show that we had some reason for believing in its existence : — 0-7593 gr. gave 0-3256 gr. platinum and cobalt = 42-88%. 0'6155 gr. gave 0-3326 gr. platinum and SO^Co = 0-2 182 gr. platinum and 0-1144 gr. SO^Co = 35-45% platinum and 7-07% cobalt. 0-4809 gr. gave 0-7491 gr. AgCl = 38-50% chlorine. VOL. XI. (n. s. ii.) 2 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The formula Co^CNHJioClg+SrtCl.+SOH^ requires : — Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 7-08 7-07 Platinum, 35-56 35-45 Chlorine, 38-36 38-50 These analyses were not published in the first part of this paper, be- cause Genth and I did not succeed in pre^^aring the salt a second time. ] do not myself consider them — in spite of their close agreement with the formula given — sufficient to establish the existence of the salt in question. Further researches may be more successful in this respect. Sidphato-chlorplatlnate. — When chlorplatinate of sodium is added to a solution of the soluble sulphate of roseocobalt, a beautiful bright- red crystrdline salt is precipitated, which is but slightly soluble in cold water, but which may be dissolved in a very large excess of boiling water with a few drops of free acid, and crystallizes from the solu- ticm without decomposition. This salt has the formula, — Co,(NH3),,(SOJX],+PtCl„ as the following analyses show : — 0-4806 gr. gave 0-3476 gr. silver = 23-78^^ chlorine. 0-4-2-21 gr. gave 0-1505 gr. platinum and cobalt :^ 35-65^. 0-1428 gr. of the mixed metals gave 0-0898 gr. platinum = 22-43% (of the salt), and 13-22^ cobalt (by difference). 0-5219 gr. gave 0-2618 gr. SO.Ba = 20-669/^80,. Salt fused with COgKNa. The salt lost no water on being heated to loO^C. The formula re- quires : — Calculated. Found. Cobalt, 13-24 13-22 Platinum, 22-21 22-43 Chlorine, 23-90 23-78 SO,, 21-55 20-66 A solution of the yellow modification of the sulphate of roseocobalt already described, gave with chlorplatinate of sodium a beautiful vel- low crystalline precipitate remarkably insoluble even in hot water. Tliis salt, after washing and drying in pleno over sulphuric acid, was analyzed : — 0'4202 gr. ga^^e 01488 gr. platinum and cobalt = 3541 r^. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 19 The formula Co,(NII,),„(SO,),,Cl2+PtCl, re N NII3— NIL— O— N <[]> N Co, NIL— ML— O- 1 NII3— NIL— O— N < J^> N NH, Co, -NH3— 0— N<^>N NH3— NH3— 0— N < Q > N In this case, as in formulating Fischer's salts (p. 17), I have as- sumed that six units of alfinity of the hexatomic complex, Co^, on the right, are saturated by six units of affinity of nitrogen, which is of course equivalent to supposing that a nitrite may be R — N< a, and not, according to the usual view, 0:^N — OR. It seems to ine that the first view exhibits more clearly the mutual relations of the am- monia and nitroxyl compounds of cobalt, and the existence of such intermediate compounds as the salts of Erdmann's series. But it is also possible that, while the alkaline nitrites have the structural for- mula, 0 = N — OM, very stable compounds, like Co.^(NO^)j2K,., have the ditTerent structure which I have above assumed. It will be seen that the difterence corresponds to that between ethylic nitrite, 0 = N — O C.,H., and the far more stable nitro-ethan a>N — C„H.. ^ o (J ^ o When the luteocobalt salt just described, and which we may more briefiy express by the formula Co^(NO._,),oLc, is digested with a solu- tion of thallous nitrate, TINO3, containing a little free nitric acid, the yellow salt soon becomes red, and finally assumes a fine scarlet tint, while the supernatant liquid becomes yellow, and contains nitrate ( f luteocobalt. After washing with hot water and drying, a fine crystal- line scarlet salt of thallium is obtained, which has the formuhi, Co,(NO,),;n,+20H„ as the following analyses show : — 0'3964 gr. gave 0*3724 gr. sulphates of cobalt and thallium = 93-94%. 0-9879 gr. gave 0-0034 gr. water at 102° C.=zO-34%, 0-010 gr. at 130^-135'' C.= 1-02%, and 0-0318 gr. at 150* C.=: 3-229^. VOL. XI. (x. S. II.) 3 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The formula requires 94-39% of the mixed sulphates 2SO^Co-)- 3S0^Tl„ and 1'8G% water. The salt is partially decomposed above 140^ C. The thallium salt is very slightly soluble even in boiling water. Its formation is expressed by the equation, — Co,(NO,),,Lc-h6TlN03 = Co,(NO,)j,Tl,+Le(N03)«. It may also be prepared directly by adding a solution of a salt of cobaltic nitrate or sulphate to a hot solution of thallous nitrate containing a slight excess of free acid, and then adding a solution of sodic nitrite? Tlie salt prepared in this manner, however, is apt to contain a little of the corresponding sodium salt. The thallium salt is a valuable re- agent in investigations on the cobalt compounds which contain nitroxyl. IS'Oj. since, taken in connection with the characteristic silver salt of Erdmann's series, it enables us to recognize and distinguish compounds which contain Co.,(N02),2 from those which contain Cn2(XH„)^(N02)s, which is otherwise by no means easy. The relationship of the luteocobalt salt above described to tlie otlier metameric salts of the series may be expressed as follows : — \ Co,(NH,),J \ Co,(NO,),,^ = •2.Co,(NH,),(XO,)«, the salt having the same atomic weight as the octamin salt already described represented by the formula, — |Co,(NH3)3(NO,),nCo,(NH3),(NO,)J. Ammonia-cohalt-nitrite of Luteocobalt. — A solution of nitrate of luteocobalt gives with one of Erdmann's salt of potassium, Co2(NH.5)^ (NO.,)jjK„ a fine granular orange-yellow precipitate, whiclr is slightly soluble in cold water, but dissolves in much boiling water, and crystal- lizes from the solution without change. Its much greater solubility distinguishes it from the metameric salts containing Coo(NO.^),2. The constitution of this salt is expressed by the formula, ^Co.,(NIL),j1Co.,(XIL),(XO.,);J3 or C<.,(NIL)„(NO,)„H- (Co,(XH,),(NO,)j3, as tlie following analyses show : — 0-3311 gr. gave 0-2077 gr. SO, Co = 23-88 9/^ cobalt. 0-5073 gr. gave 141-5 c.c. nitrogen at 9'^C. and 7(30""" = 33-86^^ nitrogen. The formula requires 23-79'% cobalt, and 33-879^ nitrogen. A solulidii of this salt ffives with argentic nitrate the cliaiacteristic OF ARTS AN- 1) SCIENCES. 35 salt, Co2(XII.,)^(NO^,)^A<.f._, ; it also gives, though soincwli it slii-iizi-hly, the characteristic reactions of salts #f luteocobalt. Tiir analyst's and reactions leave no iloubt as to the true constitution of the salt. Its relations to the other bodies metauieric with it may be s-een fioni the expression, — lCo,(\II,),, nCo,(NH3),(NO,),V, = 4 Co,(NII,)„(NO,)«. It has the same molecular weight as the octamin salt : — In the metameric series to which I have directed attention, at least two other members are theoretically possible. Thus we shoulil cer- tainly expect the reactions and products indicated ijy the eipia- tions : — 3.Co,(NH3),o(NO,),Cl,+2.Co,(NO,)„Na, = \ Co.^{^ll,),,U |Co,(NO,),J,+12NaCl. 3.Co,(NH3)3(NO,),Cl,+Co,(NO,)„Na„ = \ Co,{^U,),(NO,\U |Co2(N02)„f+6NaCI. The first or xanthocobalt salt would be empirically, 5.Co2(X.Il,)g (XOo)^, v.'hile the second or croceocobalt salt would be 4.Co.,(NH3)g (N02)g. I have more than once been fully confident that I had ob- tained both these salts ; but in the final revision of my work I did not succeed in obtaining either for analysis, and their existence must therefore, for the present, remain doubtful. The difficulty in pi-epar- ing the salts of the Co2(N02)]2 series depends mainly upon the fact that it is iiidispensable to avoid an excess of sodic nitrite in preparing the solution of Co2(N02),2Nag in that salt, as the sodic nitrite acts readily on the new salts formed. The jwssible existence of the aidiy- drous xanthocobalt salt of the Co2(N02),2 series is, however, shown by the existence of the compound lCo2(NIL)„(NO2)2|3lCo2(NO2),2^,+0OIl2, which I have described with the salts of purpureocobalt, but which, as already stated, belongs, as its reactions show, to the xanthocobalt sei-ies. The metameric compounds, the existence of which may be con>id- ered as fully established, are as follows, denoting ammonia by A, and NOg by X, for brevity : — 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Octamin salt, ^CooAj,Xj ICojA^X^^ = 2. Co.^A^Xg Xanthocobalt salt, ^Co^,A,„X^| ^ Co^A^Xg^.^ = 3. Cc\,A,.Xg Luteo salt «, j^'o^Aj.J ^Co^XjJ = 2. Co^AijXg Luteosaltp, iCojAj^nCoaA^XJg = 4. CojA^Xq Erdmann's salt, 1. CogAyXg The salts of luteocobalt, the formulas of which may be considered as well established, are as follows : — Cldoride, Iodide, Bromide, Nitrate, Sulphate, Chromate, Dichromate, Oxalate, Carbonate, Acid carbonate, Phosphate (Braun), Pyrophosphate, Cobalto-uitrite (Sadtler, Gibbs), Amnionia-cobalt-nitrite, Sul|)hato-chloride (Krok), Sulphato-iodide (Krok), Chromo-chloride (Braun), Cobalticyanide,* Ferrieyanide,* Chroniicyanide (Braun), Platino-chloride, Auro-chloride, StiUinoso-cldoride (Braun), IIvlrary Fi'cniy, or at least of regarding the cobalt as hexatoniic in this salt. The above results appear to me to render it probable that the brown solution formed by the oxidation of au ammouiacal solution of cobaltio chloride contains chiefly Co,(NII,)„,0,.Cl,. According to Rose, the brown solution gives off oxygen by long contact with the air, forming the well-known red licpxid whidi yields, by boiling with sal ammoniac or chlorhydric acid, chloride of purpureo- cobalt. If we suppose that six atoms of oxygen are given otl" from two molecules of the oxychloride, the salt, — Co,(NH3),oOCl„ will remain in solution, and it is easy to see that this, by boiling with chlorhydric acid or ammonic chloride, will yield chloride of purpureo cobalt, since we have — Co,(NH3)j„OCl,+2IICl = Co,(NII,)j,Cl,+OH,. This is precisely the view taken by Gentli and myself as regards the nature of the red solution, though we did not trace its origin to the brown oxychloride. Genth and 1 stated in our paper that tlie yives- ence of ammonic chloride was not necessary for the formation of chloride of roseocobalt by the oxidation of an ammoniacal solution of cobaltic chloride. We did not state, as Rose * appears to have under- stood us, that it is a matter of indifference whether amnionic cldoride is present or not. Rose has shown that in the presence of this salt a much larger relative amount of chloride of purpureocobalt is fornu;d. Thus, as a mean of eight experiments, he obtained from one hundred grams cobaltic chloride, oxidized in presence of sal ammoniac, 134" 6 grams chloride of purpureocobalt, and 1 2* 12 grams chloride of luteo- cobalt. When no sal ammoniac was present, he obtained, as a mean of eight experiments, 90-66% chloride of purpureocobalt, and 1G"82 grams chloride of luteocobalt. Rose's results in no way disprove the existence in the oxidized solution, after giving off oxygen to the air, of the oxychloride Co2(NH.,),|,.O.Cl^ ; and this view, which is perfectly consistent with the facts, still gives the simplest explanation of them. Genth and I always obtained the largest relative quantity of luteo- cobalt when the solution exposed to the air contained cobaltic chloride * Loc. cit. p. 76. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY and sulphate, ammonia and coarsely powdered amraonic chloride in large excess. I have obtained the same results in frequent repetitions of the process. According to Rose, this result is due not to the foima- tion of a greater amount of luteocobalt salts in consequence of the presence of sal ammoniac, but to the fact that the precipitation of the sulphato-chloride, Co^(NIl3)j„_,(SO^).,Cl2, as fast as it is formed, prevents its further decomposition. Rose's own experiments, cited above, show that the larger quantity of chloride of luteocobalt was formed, when no sal ammoniac was present, when only cobaltic chloride was employed. He sugi^ests that the quantity of luteocobalt formed depends upon the longer action of a concentrated solution of ammonia upon the oxidized solution. If this be the case, the luteocobalt must be formed by the direct oxidation of the solution, and not by the decomposition of the brown salt, whatever that may prove to be. Yet Rose assumes that all the other cobaltamines are formed by the decomposition of this brown salt. The results of Fremy, in connection with those of Rose, appear to show that in the oxidation of an ammoniacal solution of cobaltic chloi'ide at least two browu salts are formed. These are the chloride of oxy-cobaltia, Co.,(NII.;)j||O^Cl^, and the chloride of fuscocobalt (octamin oxy-chloride), Co^(NH3)gOCl^, the last named being in rela- tively small quantity. By the action of chlorhydric acid upon each of these salts the chlorides of luteocobalt and i)urpureocobalt are formed. This appears in the case of the octamin salt from the experiments of Fremy,* SchiiF, f and Braun t ; in the case of the salt of oxy-cohaltia (tetroxy-decamin), from those of F. Rose. In Rose's ex[)eriments relatively small quantities of the hexamin and octamin chlorides, Co2(NH.,)yCl|;, and Co2(NH3),^Cl,;, were always found in the mother liquor after the precipitation of the chlorides of purpureo- and luteo- cobalt by chlorhydric acid. It seems at least probable that the octa- min chloride is formed from the brown oxy-chloride or fuscocobalt salt of Fremy, since we may with great probability expect the reac- tion expressed by the equation, — Co,(NH3),OCl,+2HCl = Co,)NH3),Cl„+OH,. Rose also obtained in his experiments a nearly black crystalline salt, the analyses of which, however, did not lead to any rational formida. lie * Ann. (le Chiinie et de Physique |3] T. xxxv. 280. t Ann. der Chemie und Pliarniaeie, cxxf. 124, cxxiii. 1. t Ann. der Chemie und Pharmacie, cxl. ii., p. 60. OF ARTS AND SCIKNCR^^. 48 compares liis results witli the two t'onuiilas (old style), Co,,Cl|,ON'|,.II|j., and Co,,Cl,,OoN,^II^^.. I liiid tliat his analyses agree fairly well willi the t'orniida, — Co,(xiy,,+Nii,ci. Thus we have, — Calculated. FouikI (mean). C'ibalt, 2 27-34 2.S-46 Chlorine, 5 40oo 41-r,4 Nitrogen, 7 22-71 23-43 Hydrogen, 22 5-00 5-33 If we suppose that the blaek salt consists at least essentially of Co^(NII.,),..O.Cl4 the formation of Rose's dark green chloride of dichro- cobalt is readily explained by the ecpiation. — Co,(NIL),.O.Cl,4-211Cl = Co.(NII,),ri„+OIL, The existence of such a double chloride as Co„(NII.,)|..O.Cl4-[- NH^Cl is in itself not very probable, nor is it easy to see how such a salt could be dissolved in concentrated sul{)luiric acid, and precipitated by cldorhydric acid without change. Farther investigations are re- quired to determine the constitution of the salt definitively. Terrell * appears to have first shown that salts of the cobaltamines are formed when powerful oxidizing agents are added to ammoniacal solutions of cobaltic salts. Terrell employed hypermaiiganates and hypochlorites ; Brauii.f the hyperoxides of lead and manganese ; Mills, + iodine, bromine, and potassic dichromate ; Blomstrand, § iodine and cobaltic sulphate. On repealing these processes, I find that that of Mills with potassic dichromate is by far the best for preparing nitrates of roseocobalt and purpureocobalt. Blomstrand's method is inconvenient upon the large scale in consequence of the insolubility of the sulphato-iodide of luteocobalt, but answers well on the small scale, and gives a fine lecture-table experiment. A good method of prepar- ing the salts of luteocobalt in quantity is still wanting, as the chloride and nitrate form valuable reagents in various aTialytieal opei-ations. * Zeitschrift fur Anal Chemie, v. p. 114. t Comptes Rendus, Ixii. p. 139. X Phil. Mag. (4) xxxv. p. 245. § Cliemio tier Jetztzeit, p. 295. 44 PROCEEDLNGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY THEORETICAL VIEWS. Since the appearance of the first j)art of this paper many chemists have given expression to theoretical views of the constitution of tlie ammonia-cohalt salts. Of these 1 think it will be necessary to notice only those in which the atomicity of cobalt is taken into account, the older theories having passed away with the chemistry of which they formed a part. So far as I can determine, Frankhuid* first endeav- ored to reduce the formulas of the cobaltamines to atomistic expres- sions. In the first edition of his lecture notes he gives for the chlorides of purpureocobalt and luteocobalt respectively the formulas, — Co, NH„(NHja nh:(nhjci nh:ci NH..C1 NH'(NHJC1 nh:,(nh,)ci Co., ^ ' NH.,(NH,)C1 NR,(NHJC1 NH.',(NH,)C1 Nir,(Nri,)Cl NII"(XIIJC1 [ NIi;(NIljCl It is easy to see that tlie other series of salts may be formulated in a similar manner. Franklaud's view was an important step in ad- vance. It may fairly be objected to it, however, that it involves the replacement of hydrogen in ammonium by ammonium and by chlorine, a view which was not new, and which is certainly defensible, but which has never been generally received by chemists. If we replace in ammonium, NI[^, one atom of hydrogen by one atom of chlorine, and another atom of hydrogen by an atom of ammonium, it is difiicult to see how the new ammonium, NH2(NH^)C1, can possess a suffi- ciently well-marked chlurous power to unite with the highly zincous cobalt so as to form an extremely stable compound. In a paper on the theory of atomicities, f I have given another view of the constitution of the cobaltamines and of the analogous platin- amines. If nitrogen be regarded as pentatomic, ammonia will be diatomic, and any number of atoms of ammonia may be regarded as constituting a single diatomic whole. Taking the atomicity of cobalt (Co :^ 59) as 6, two atoms of tlie metal may be supposed to unite to vi vl form a complex with eiglit units of affinity, since we have =Co = Co= ; of these eight units two will be saturated by the diatomic anmionia, * Lecture Notes, 1st edition, p. 1%. t Am. Journal, Vol. xl^v. Nov. 1807. OF ARTS AND SCIRNCRS. 45 tho Other six by clilorine, &.c. Upon this view cliloi-idi^ of i)iir|)iirco- col);ilt becomes (IONII3) = Coj 1 Cl^, and diloiidc <»f hilcoi-olcilt (12XIIjj)= Co^, I Cl,j. In this manner the old theory of coii|tlft.s or (•onjiialts of pnri)ureocobalt ? Blomstraiul gets over tlic dilliciilly in part hy the slioi-t and easy method of declaring that chloride of roseocobalt is only the hy- drate of chloride of pnrpnreocohalt. I think I have shown ccn- cliisivi'ly that this view is wholly untenahle. lint, even if we admit its correctness, to which of the four structural formulas shall we assign chloride of ])urpureoct)balt alone, since all four explain its relations to other chlorides, and its products of replacement equally well ? The case is the same with tlie other cobaltamines, though in these we have no isomerisms to explain, in the present state of our knowledge at least. The dodecamin and octarain series exhibit the two types LcX^, OcX^, and LcX^Yj, OcX^Yj, with perfect distinctness ; but in additiou we have in the case of the dodecamin series the type, LcX.Y.., as, for instance, in the phosphate described by Brauu, Co2(NHg),^,(P20^)-f-80H2, and perhaps also in the pyrophosphate Co.,(NH..),2P^Oj.,-{-*jC)H2, though this salt may be referred to the type, LcX,., if we consider (PjOj.,) as a hexatomic complex. Luteocobait may therefore be saturated, if I may so speak, by ones as in LcCl,., by twos as in Lc(S0^)^l2, and by threes as in Lc(PO^)„. It would seem as if we in this manner arrive most naturally at the structural formulas for the dodecamin series, — Co., i f a— a— CI a— a— CI a— a— CI a— a— CI a— a— CI a— a— CI Co., a — a — O a—a— O a — a — 1 a— a— I a— a— O a — a- -O >S0., >S0., Co., a— a— O ) a— a— O y PO a—a— O ) f a— a— () ) I a— a— O PO [ a— a— 0 ) in which the six ammonia groups have equal weights or qualitative values, so that the six units of affinity of Coj must also be of the same kind and the same iuten ity. But, if we examine the list of salts of roseocobalt which I have given, we find that Krok has described a salt with the f .rn.ula, — Co,(Nn3),,(N03)3Cl3+3HgCl, ; 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY and among the salts of purpureocobalt we find the formula, — Co,(NH3),„(N03)3CL+Co,(NH,),,(N03)«. Roseocobalt and purpureocobalt may therefore also form compounds in which the six units of affinity are saturated by threes. Now since tliese saks contain only ten atoms of ammonia; and since these can only be distributed in pairs of different structure, as in formulas I., II.. 111., and IV., it follows that we cannot fairly draw the inference that in the dodecamin series the atoms of ammonia are arranged in six perfectly equivalent pairs. Blorastrand gives to chloride of xanthocobalt the structural for- mula, — f 0— NO a —a— CI a —a— a —CI a —a— a —CI a —a— CI O— NO Co., upon the ground that cobalt unites with O.NO in Fischer's salt Co.,(N02)i2lVg with peculiar energy. We seem in this way to gain a Ttov Gt(6 for this series ; and, if we admit the force of the argument, we must write the formula of chloride of roseocobalt, — CI a— -a- -Cl a — -a- -a— -CI a — -a- -a — -CI a — -a- -CI CI C02 < On the other hand it is a question whether the remarkable stability of Co.,(NO.,),.,Kg can fiiirly he attributed to any special allinity nf cobalt for NO.,. We have a complex whole, which we find remark- ably stable ; but is not this stability the resultant — so to speak — of the whole structure, just as the strength of an arch resides in the whole arrangement of its elements, and not in any single one ? The otlur c )l)alto-nitrites, as, for instance, Sadtler's salts, Co(NO^,)o-|-NaNO^,. and Co(NO.,)2-|-2NaNO.„ are not remarkably stable, but ratlicr tlie re- verse. The salts of xanthocobalt are easily decomposed, both by acids and alkalies. For these reasons it does not seem to me tliat Blom- s'rand's arrangement of the atoms in these salts deserves any special preference at present. Blomstrand's views as to the constitution of the metal-jinunouias OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 49 form part of a complete system to the exposition of wliieh lie has devoted a large work.* I must refer to this work for the arguments which ho adduces in support of his theory, since no ahstract can do them full justice. But I may be permitted here to notice one or two points of fundamental importance. Blomstrnnd begins with a discussion of the platinamines, our knowl- edge of which has been so greatly increased by the sph-ndid researches of Cl^ve. He assigns arbitrarily to the chloride of Keiset's iirst base the formula, — u fa-a-Cl ^t la— a-Cl AVhen chlorine is passed into a solution of this salt, the chloride of Gros's base is formed, and Blomstrand attributes to it again arbitrarily the formula, — CI a — a — CI a— a— CI CI Pt^ He employs the same mode of formulation in the case of the chlorides of jReiset's second and Gerhardt's first base ; namely, — Pt-}'^~S and Pt< ( a — Li rci a— Cl a— CI Cl I admit that it seems most natural to attribute to the formula of the chloride of Reiset's first base the symmetrical fonnula, Pt < ' ^,' ( a — a — K^i c j^ a a Cl instead of the unsymmetrical formula, Pt < ' p, ' ; but even if ( f^\ we start from Pt ■< z^,' as from a fixed point, how is it possible to (a — a — Cl ^ ^ say with certainty that under the action of chlorine there may not be a re-arrangement of the atoms of ammonia, so that we have for the chloride of Gros's base the structural formula, — fa— Cl '^,. Ja-Cl a— Cl which has a higher degree of symmetry, or is, in other words, more homogeneous than Blomstrand's formula, — * Chemie der Jetztzeit. Heidelberg, 1869. VOL. XI. (n. 8. id 4 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Pt ^ rci a— a— Cl a—a— CI Cl and which explains the formation of the different salts at least equally- well ? In this case, as in the cases of the platiuainines generall}', we have precisely the same difficulties which meet us in applying the theory to the cobaltamines. We reason throughout from perfectly ar- bitrary fundamental assumptions. Our only fixed points are the atomi- cities of platinum and cobalt. All else is purely speculative. In the present state of our knowledge we are not able tq say whether a chain of atoms of ammonia, like — NH, — NHg — NHg — , has more or less powerful affinities than the single divalent atom, — NH., — , or even whether, — NHg — Cl, is more or less chlorous than a single chlorine atom. But these points are of fundamental importance in the applica- tion of the theory of atomicities to the metal-ammonias. Certai.nly the great majority of chemists maintain that there is a perfect equiva- lence of value in the units of affinity of the different elements, while admitting that in complex molecules, as in the benzol ring, positional differences may result from peculiarities of structure. Blomstrand, on the other hand, maintains not merely that the four units of affinity in tetratomic platinum are qualitatively different two by two, but even that it is possible to determine in the case of which pair the most powerful affinities are exerted. Thus he asserts that if we write for platinum, — ^c Pt<^ the two " points of attack," a and b, act differently from c and d. With logical consistency he extends this view to nitrogen, cobalt, and carbon, standing, so far at least as carbon is concerned, wholly alone, I believe, in opinion, the question of a difference between the four units of affinity in carbon having been long since discussed, and by connuon consent decided in favor of their perfect equivalence. While then I write the structural formulas of the chlorides of pur- pureocobalt and of roseocobalt respectively : — Co., ■{ a— Cl a— a— Cl a— a— Cl a— a— Cl a— a— Cl a— Cl Co, < Cl a— a— Cl a — a — a — Cl Chloride of purpureocobalt. a^a — a — Cl ' ^ a — a — Cl Cl Chloride of roseocobalt. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. ,01 I expressly admit that the mode of formuhition is iii each case per- fectly arbitrary. The more carefully I have studied the siihject, the more full has become my conviction that in the present state of our knowledge we cannot assign absolutely definite structural formulas to the platina- minesand eobaltamines u[)on Blomstrand's theory. While, therefore,! a(loi)t this theory, I do so because I think tliat with all its defects it is by far the simplest and most comprehensive yet proposed. But I regard the particular structural formulas whicii 1 have employed sim- ply as convenient illustrations, — provisional formulas which the pro- gress of science may at any time modify. In my forthcoming work on the metals of the platinum group, I shall describe a few other salts of the eobaltamines, which are chieiiy of interest in connection with those metals ; and I hope also to show that some of the eobaltamines are valuable analytical reagents. In closing my labors, I wish again to direct the attention of chemists to the advantages offered by this class of salts in investigations. We have in croceocobalt, xanthocobalt, and luteocobalt, respectively, dia- tomic, tetratomic, and hexatomie bases, possessing the important prop- erty of forming extremely well-defined and highly crystalline salts. I suggest the employment of these bases as means of detern)ining the atomicities of relatively chlorous molecules, as, for instance, of the poly- meric modifications of phosphoric acid, and in other cases in which our knowledge is still imperfect. The eobaltamines themselves still form an extensive and most attractive field of labor. W^ith all that has been done, there is no part of this field which will not yield au abundant harvest of interesting and theoretically valuable results. My grateful acknowledgments are due to my assistant, Mr. W. E. Cutter, who has aided me in the analytical part of my work with most paiieut and conscientious labor. Cambbidge, June 8, 1875. 02 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY II. OX THE SOLAR MOTION IN SPACE AND THE STELLAR DISTANCES. (Second Paper.) By Truman. Hexry Safford. Ix a previous paper, I have examined some of the older known proper motions, and shown that they are favorable to the assumption that the distances of the stars are, upon the average, inversely profjor- tional to their projjcr motions. We cannot expect that this will be equally true in all regions of the heavens. It will be necessary, as mate- rials accumulate for the study of this problem, and other collateral ones, to pursue the investigation more into detail ; including more stars, and examining their motions as related to their position on the celestial sphere, and especially to the apex of solar motion. The present paper contains such a detailed investigation for an important class of stars. Those here investigated are the two hundred and fifty whose proper motions Argelander has discussed in the seventh volume of the Jionn Observations, l*art L ; I am myself pre^jaring for another purpose a similar discussion of about one hundred and fifty more, and other ma- terial of the same kind is soon to be published in great quantities. So that the present paper is also of use in fixing the form of the discussion. From the formulte, — cos / = sin Z> sin d -\- cos D cos 8 cos (« — A) ; sin ;j cos \p' = — sin D cos d -\- cos D sin d cos {a — ^4) ; sin y^ sin yj' = • cos D sin (a — A) ; /J a cos d = /t g sin \p ; /] 8 =:^ J g cos t/> ; where «, 8, the star's right ascension and declination, /] a, /] 8, its annual proper motion in these co-ordinates, A, D, the right ascension and declination of the apex of solar mo- tion assumed known, y, the star's angular distance from the apex, xp', the angle of position at the star of the arc of a great circle directed away fri)m the apex, %f<, the angle of position of the star's apparent motion, are calculated the values of the following table. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. I have assumed as before, — ^ = 259''50'8 Z)= 32^29'!. I noticed, too late for use in this series, that if we put sin m sin M= sin D ; sin m cos J/= cos D cos (« — A), we can more readily use the formula}, which then become cos X = sin m cos {8 — M); sin ;{ cos xp' = sin 7/1 sin (d — M) ; sin X sin xp' = cos D sin (a — A) ^=. cos mi, 53 tan xp' = cot m sm X sm (S — J/)' cos m sin <|/' by tabulating m, iJi^ and log. cot m, log. cos w, or like functionsfwith the argument a. In the following table, the stars are indicated by Argelander's num- bers, and arranged in the order of their annual proper motions, the largest (Groombridge, 1830) first. The columns contain in their order the star's number, Argelander's values of z/ ? and \p (Bonner Beobachtungen, Bd. VII. S. 109-11.')), and those of xp', xp' — xp, and log. sin /, which I have computed by the preceding forraulaj. In order to get an approximate idea of what these stars indicate, with reference to the relation between distance and annual motion, I have taken the means of the cosines of xp' — xp in groujis of twenty- five stars each ; the meanfe of the natural sines of )r are not syste- matically variable to any great extent throughout the table. Group. Value of A s. Mean (cos (\p' — \p) ) I. 7"053 — 1"171 0.586 II. 1. 103 — 0. 707 0.615 III. 0. 697 — 0. 583 0.468 IV. 0. 582 — 0. 489 0.390 V. 0. 485 — 0. 438 0.587 VI. 0. 435 — 0. 350 0.588 VII. 0. 348 — 0. 201 0.403 VIII. 0. 200 — 0. 249 0.582 IX. 0. 247 — 0. I80 0.502 X. 0. 184 — 0. 079 0.747 General mean . . . 0.55G 54 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The mean sine of f^ is about equal to the integral /! sin2 X 5 X divided by the integral or unity ; hence equal to i ;r =: 0.7854. r The value of — ^ will then, from the present series, be roughly r A s equal to 0.556 -~ 0.785 = 0.708, with a probable error of about ± 0.023. But it will be noticed that in the present group of stars the values of COS. {\p' — Mj) increase as the proper motions become smaller ; in the former paper they appeared to decrease; making it still more probable that the variations in both series arise from the errors of observation, and the very various regions in which the stars are situated, and not from any general deviation from constancy in the ratio r A s The value of this ratio, from the previous series, was found equal to 0.666 for forty-three groups of the largest proper motions, and to 0.46 for eleven groups of smaller, or in the mean about 0.622 ; the best of the two values agreeing nearly with the present determination. This is sufficiently noteworthy, as the stars of the former series were, on the wliole, those visible to the naked eye, or of the magni- tudes one to six inclusive ; of the present ones, very few are brighter than the sixth, and many are of the eighbh and ninth ; so that so far the phenomena indicate hurdly any dependence upon magnitude. In a future paper, I shall discuss a considerable number of other notable proper motions, which I myself have been lately employed in deter- mining for a catalogue of latitude stars ; and I intend to gradually accumulate materials for a more minute investigation of the whole subject, separating the stars according to their magnitudes and the region of the heavens in which they are situated. The delicacy of the investigation is very great, owing to the danger of taking that for stellar motion which is simply the result of the errors of observation. Of course the old observers had indifferent instruments ; but as a rule they used them well, if their work had phin and coherency enougli to be preserved. Bradley's observations (1755) are still very accurate and indispensable ; Piazzi and Groom- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 55 bridge (1800, 1810) are now old enoui;li to detcrmino many proper motions; the early work of Struve, liessol, and Argelander (1811- 1830), makes up in accuracy what it lacks in antiquity. But too many of the modern observers are careless in their compu- tations, and unsystematic in their plan of work ; so that for many important stars there are no very late observations, while for many others a good many indifferent observations can be found and reduced with considerable trouble. The subject is becoming more and more chaotic, and will continue to do so, unless observers bind themselves by more rigid rules not to make observations save with the utmost pre- cision, the most thorough system, and the most intelligent plan, directed towards a definite object. Of this fortunately there is good hope, as is shown in the interest in the great zones planned by Argelander, and now in progress under the auspices of the international " Astrono- mische Gesellschaft." The next step in the discussion will be to include the more numer- ous proper motions soon to be determined. Of those which have already been computed, Argelander's older values, Lundahl's, have already been taken account of in my previous paper. These, with O. Struve's (which are nearly identical with a portion of Argelander's and Lundahl's and Main's), will shortly be redetermined in a more perfect manner, under Struve's and Auwers's direction, by a combi- nation of Bradley's observations re-reduced with the Pulcova and Greenwich modern observations. Galloway's southern proper motions have been re-determined by the Melbourne observations, and those made at the Cape of Good Hope ; but a careful study of these will be necessary, as good ancient observations in that region are scarce. Tlie great northern zones will in a few years furnish many more. Miidler's proper motions are, as I have befoie stated, rather precari- ous for some stars ; he has critiiused the ancient observations too hastily. We are now justified in grouping any certain proper motions into normal places, taking in each case the total amount of proper motion as the luiit ; or at least in so classifying stars which are apparently near each other in the heavens, and not excessively far apart in amount of A C We may regard it as settled that the star's distances are inversely proportional upon the whole to their proper motions. 56 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE OF INDIVIDUAL STARS. Argelan- (ier's number. A s ^ i' i'-^ lo? cos log. sin X 112 7"053 144°59' 246°43' 101°44' 9..3082 n 9.9604 104 4.748 186 34 240 6 53 32 9.7741 9.9857 105 4.403 282 22 242 24 — 39 58 9.8845 9.9767 2 2.813 82 31 122 11 39 40 9.8864 9.9879 31 2. 3o9 51 54 136 20 84 26 8.9868 9.9193 140 2. 325 128 6 240 49 112 43 9.5868 n 9.8999 49 2.236 126 1 160 51 34 50 9.9142 9.9739 240 2. 093 82 35 • 106 59 24 24 9.9594 9.9448 15(3 2.015 151 14 214 52 63 38 9.6475 9.9546 70 • 1. 968 156 35 211 34 64 59 9.7588 9.9786 81 1.688 247 30 225 11 — 22 19 9.9662 9.99.50 181 1.606 206 2 193 6 —•12 56 9.9888 9.7380 204 1. 537 221 41 114 8 —107 33 9.4793 n 9.7700 7 1.436 90. 19 114 58 24 39 9.9585 9.9479 177 1.433 197 47 203 30 5 43 9.9978 9.7100 89 1.426 249 25 235 0 - 14 25 9.9861 9.9878 78 1.401 254 21 223 47 — 30 34 9.9350 9.9737 247 1. 383 135 58 122 42 — 13 16 9.9882 9.9991 43 1.375 153 49 158 32 4 43 9.9985 9.9980 206 1.333 101 15 143 47 42 32 9.8674 9.9779 161 1.306 247 24 220 12 — 27 12 9.9491 9.8548 192 1.269 197 8 6 23 169 15 9.9923 n 9.7700 76 1.261 302 0 255 10 — 46 50 9.8351 9.8046 187 1. 207 208 54 180 23' — 28 31 9.9438 9.7013 71 1.171 187 33 213 9 25 36 9.9551 9.9777 157 1.103 296 IB 294 32 — 1 44 9.95598 9.7477 74 • 1.013 164 15 235 31 71 16 9.5067 9.8440 37 0. 997 133 37 149 18 15 41 9.9836 9.9954 120 0.991 174 10 235 54 61 44 9.6754 9.9984 73 0. 969 201 2 216 4 15 2 9.9848 9.9853 133 0.963 1.58 43 254 54 98 11 9.1534 n 9.8860 150 0. 944 294 13 221 11 — 73 2 9.4651 9.9376 203 0. 906 127 39 105 18 — 22 21 9.9660 9.7457 94 0. 891 172 21 237 39 65 18 9.6210 9.9841 137 0.880 285 58 232 44 — 53 14 9.7771 9.9574 211 0.870 86 50 128 2 41 12 9.8765 9.9021 126 0. 868 160 47 232 20 71 33 9.5004 9.9962 127 0. 86 1 281 0 233 7 — 47 53 9.8265 9.9870 218 0. 859 186 42 118 7 — 68 35 9.5625 9.9014 185 0.848 7 49 343 3 — 24 46 9.9581 9.4214 22S 0. 843 86 5 120 22 34 17 9.9171 9.9700 H 0. 816 69 27 124 18 54 51 9.7602 9.9872 85 (1 IHS 178 25 229 27 51 2 9.7986 9.9979 17;^ 0.741 162 42 212 28 49 46" 9.8102 9.7166 52 0.733 125 14 169 31 44 17 • 9.8549 9.9ir53 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 57 TABLE OF INDIVIDUAL STARS {continued). Argelan- (ler's number. As ^ ^' ^'-^ log. cos log. sin X 20 0"730 110<=37' 131053' 21°16' 9.9694 9.9786 129 0. 719 173 34 236 55 63 21 9.0518 9 9584 01 0.719 135 49 183 44 47 55 9.8202 9.9725 1 9.8730 r>o 0. 184 157 13 133 67 — 23 16 9 9032 9.5844 232 0. 182 79 45 124 5 44 20 9.8545 9.99W 11(5 0.182 286 59 237 44 — 49 15 9.8148 9.9933 32 0. 179 95 27 142 24 46 67 9.8342 9.9720 5-1 0. 175 323 40 175 18 —148 22 9.9301 n 9.9685 17 0.174 124 43 132 5 7 22 9.9964 9.9847 1 0. 174 223 10 122 11 —100 59 9.2799 n 9.9895 22 0. 163 111 15 133 27 22 12 9.966G 9.9654 83 0.161 219 2 227 57 8 55 9.9947 9.9896 138 0.154 270 0 226 22 — 43 38 9.8596 9.9934 79 0. 154 234 20 223 18 — 11 2 9.9919 9.9974 40 0.150 115 16 151 7 35 51 9.9088 9.9411 214 0.149 112 33 134 34 22 1 9.9671 9.9627 102 0.149 263 26 255 21 — 85 9.9957 9.9365 188 0.143 327 39 359 38 31 59 9.9285 9.4335 227 0. 137 104 55 127 2 22 7 9.9668 9.9993 42 0. 136 156 21 151 10 — 5 11 9.9982 9.8923 146 0.133 286 38 289 3 2 25 9.9996 9.8452 230 0.123 58 3 91 17 33 14 9.9224 9.9156 3 0.108 76 30 123 16 46 46 9.8357 9.9931 143 0.100 306 15 298 51 — 7 24 9.9964 9.8935 92 0.096 288 14 249 30 — 38 44 9.8921 9.9357 41 0.079 139 30 155 7 15 37 9.9837 9.9980 G2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY III. ON THE VEILED SOLAR SPOTS. By L. Trouvelot. Read by William A. Rogers, Oct. 12, 1375. It is now pretty well established that the visible surface of the sun is a gaseous envelope called " the chromosphere ; " mainly composed of incandescent hydrogen gas, with which are occasionally associated some metallic vapors usually occupying the lower strata. To all appearances, the granulations called " rice grains," the faculai and the protuberances, are phenomena belonging to the chromosphere ; in fact, they are the chromosphere itself seen under the particular forms and aspects peculiar to it. Ordinarily this envelope has a thickness of 10" or lo". This thickness, however, is by no means constant, varying from day to day within certain narrow limits. At no time since I have observed the sun, have I seen the chro- mosphere so tliin and shallow as during the present year, and especially between June 10 and August 18. I had before quite often observed local depressions and upheavals of the chromosphere, sometimes ex- tending over large surfaces, but I had never before observed such a general subsidence. So thin was the chromosphere during this period, that it was some- times very dillicult to obtain its spectrum by placing the slit of the spectroscope tangent to the limb of the sun. This was especially the case on the afternoon of August 9. This unusual thinness of the chromosphere could be easily recognized without the assistance of the spectroscope. Indeed, the i)henomenon was even more interesting seen through the telescope, as, with it, the structure of the photosphere, lying as it does under the envelope of the chronios])hcre, could be better seen through the thin veil formed by the greatly attenuated chromospheric gases. That the gases forming the chromosphere are sometimes thin enough to become transparent is a phenomenon which I have observed hun- dreds of times ; as is abundantly proved by the numerous drawings of OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. C3 protuberances wliirli I liiive inade at tlu- Harvard C'oll(j.'(; ( )l)sirvatory, in wliidi the limb ut" tlie sun is seen tlirouji;b the base of the protuber- ances in front of it. In plate X, lijriire 3, there occurs a very striking instance, where two small prominences are seen through a larger pro- tuberance nearer the observer. During this period of general subsidence, the granulations appeared to be smaller and farther apart than usual, and conseipiently the light- gray colored background upon which they are seen projected was more distinct, as it occupied more space than formerly. During this period, tlie light-giving element would appear to have been less than usual. I am not aware that the phenomena of which I shall speak in this comnumicatiou have been before observed ; but I cannot speak posi- tively on this point, owing perhaps to the somewhat confused nomen- clature of solar physics. Ever since I have observed the sun with instruments of a large aperture, I have noticed that the light-gray colored baekground seen between the. granulations is by no means uniform, as it is generally stated to be. On the contrary, it is greatly and strikingly diversified. Aside from the very small black dots called " pores," patches of a darker gray are ii-regularly distributed all over the surface of the sun. But partly owing to the effect of perspective, and partly on account of the thicker strata of the chromospheric gases through which they are necessarily seen near the limb, they disapj^ear gradually as they approach the border. These dark spots have been so remarkable during the present year, and so conspicuous during the period of the greatest subsidence of the chromosphere, that I have availed m^^self of ev'ery favorable opportu- nity to study them. So strongly were they marked, that when one had passed the fiekl of view, it could be easily found again among many others, even after the lapse of several hours. Of the most striking and complicated, I have made sketches. In order to be able to coiuit how many of these gray spots could be seen in different heliographic latitudes, and also to estimate their area with respect to the whole surface of the sun, Mr. W. A. Rogers, Assistant at tlie Harvard College Observatory, kindly ruled for me on glass a reticule of small squares. Though the problem is apparently a simple one, it nevertheless presented many difficulties ; partly owing to the minuteness and delicacy of these objects, partly on account of the unsteadiness of the atmosphere, and partly to the many defects caused by the great amount of heat concentrated at the focus of the objective. However, the observations show clearly that, 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY though the number of gray spots varies but little in different latitudes, in general the spots become larger and more com})licated as they approach the equatorial zones. The most marked characteristic of the gray spots is their vagueness of outline. They are never sharply defined like ordinary spots, but they appear blurred and diffused like an object seen through a mist. As I shall endeavor to show presently, these objects are really seen through the chromospheric gases which are spread as a veil over them, causing this vagueness of outlines. For this reason, I jiropose for them the name of Veiled Solar Spots. The veiled solar spots, especially in the lower latitudes, have a remarkable tendency to assemble into small groups after the manner of ordinary spots. Sometimes three or four are seen in contact, while there are comparatively large intervals where none are to be seen. I have in several instances seen the actual formation into groups of distinct veiled spots. The granulations of the chromosphere are seen projected upon the veiled spots, just as anywhere else, but they are not there so regularly distributed ; some being closely crowded together, while others are widely scattered. Small facula^ are often formed in this manner by the aggregation of several granules into one mass. Once in a while, the granulations appear as if they were under the power of a propelling force by which they arrange themselves in files, and sometimes in capricious figures which are very remarkable. • In many cases I have observed that the granulations projected upon the veiled spots have an extraordinary mobility, to be seen nowhere else, except perhaps in the immediate vicinity of ordinary spots in full activity. Often their form and position are totally changed within a few minutes, and sometimes even within a few sec- onds. This was especially the case June 21. At 8h. 30m. on that day, I was observing a group of veiled spots not far from the centre of the sun, when my attention was drawn to the extraordinary mo- bility of the granulations covering this group. In an instant they changed their form and position, some crowding together as though briskly attracting each other, while others would fly apart as if repelled by an invisible force. Under this tumultuous conflict of forces, new veiled spots would appear and disappear in an instant, faculaj would form and vanish ; in. fact, all was in motion and con- fusion on that particular part of the sun. It was evident that im- mense forces were in conflict under the chromosphere. At 2h, Om. P.M., on the same day, several small black spots had OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. G") opened tlirongli the chromosplicn' upon the i^ronp of v('ilcNiiii;i, Bubciuereo-pubescens, spiiiis gnicililms uniiata ; (oliis liiic.iii-spniliiilati.s rigidulis (I'm. o— 4 loujiis) ; lloribus subaxillariltiis sparsis alljitlis liii. 2 loiigis pedicello basi bibractrato parum birviuribiis ; aU.s obovatis sepalis ciBteris dupio majoribus corollaiu adivquantibus ; carina biir- viter cvmbiformi iiiida dorso uinbunata. — Sides of bkiffs, on the Sail Juan River, iu the south-easteiu border of Utah, T. S. lirandc-^ce, in Ilaydeu's Exploration. Resembles P. subspinosa of ANalsoii, l)iit woody ; the flowers scattered, pale, and less than half the size ; tiiu free portion of the corolla of Ave short and obtuse lobes nearly equal in leu>,'th and little longer than the united portion, emarginate ; the keel not much larger, a conical boss on the upper part of the back ; no crest. Spines of the brauchlets often compound. No fruit seen. Glossopetalon Nevadense. Cinereo-puberulum ; foliis ovalibus e basi squamacea dilatata manifeste stipulifera ; floribus tetrarneris, — Northern part of Washoe County, Nevada, J. G. Lemmon and E. L. Case. An interesting addition to an anomalous genus, upon the affinity of which more liglit may now be thrown. I had noticed the likeness of the fruit and seed to that of the Staphyleaceous genus Enscaphis, and I can now bring to view other points, which alto- gether must exclude it from CelastracecB, and in my opinion refer it to tlie Sapindacece, suborder Staphyleinece,* notwithstanding the alternate entire leaves. Mr. Wright's original specimens of G. spinescens show no clear trace of stipules ; but in fresh ones from Parry's Southern Utah collection (No. 27), they are evident on vigorous shoots, in the form of a setaceous-subulate cusp on each side and near the apex of the deltoid squamaceous base of the leaf. As in analogous cases, they are wanting to the fascicled leaves. As in the original specimens of G. spinescens, so in these, altiiough seeds seem to be full-grown and well- formed, I find not a single developed embryo. If this should prove to be straight and the albumen wanting, I should refer the genus to Rosacece near to Purshia ; but I expect it will turn out otherwise. Petalostemon tenuifolius. Multicaulis e radice pereuni, pubes- cens, nunc glabratus ; foliis 3-5-foliolatis ; foliolis mox involutis fdi- formi-linearibus petiolo brevioribus parce glandnlosis ; spicis longius pedunculatis ex ovata denium cylindricis densitioris ; bracteis ovatis caudato-aristatis cum calyce sericeo-villosis eglandulosis ; corolla roseo- * " Staphi/lecE " Benth. & Hook, is only the plural oi Staphylea, and SlajJij/leece is overchaiged with vowels. 74 TROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY purpurea, vexillo rotundato-cordato cucullato. — Arkansas, at the cross- ing of Red River, Dr. Newberry ; New Mexico, Mr. Dieffendorfer (ex T. C. Porter), J. T. Rothrock. Much branched, apparently a foot or less in height, bearing numerous spikes on slender peduncles : leaflets about half an inch long : spikes at first white with the silky down, in age fulvous. Galium angulosuai. Fniticosum, patenti-ramosissimum, hispi- dum ; ramis insiguiter costato-5-7-angulatis ; foliis crebris sublineari- oblongis fere- eveniis, costa subtus prominula, caulinis 5-7-nis (lin. 3-4 longis), ramulorum 4-6-nis paullo minoribus, ultimis florem brevi- pedunculatum fulcrantibus conformibus ; corolla flavescente ; fructu ut videtur carnosulo vel baccato fere lievi. — Guadalupe Island, on rocky precipices in the middle of the island. Dr. E. Palmer. This species seemingly belongs to the Relhuninm section ; but only forming fruit was collected ; its surface is obscurely granulate. The leaves on the crowded and divaricate branches are as long as the intcrnodes or longer ; and the ultimate whorl and its internode are just like the 2)receding ones, in which respect it differs much from G. Relbun and its near allies. The numerous ribs to the stem are remarkable, and they are visible even on portions that have become woody. Brickkllia microphylla Gray, var. scabra. Foliis parvulis rigidioribus papilloso- vel hirtello-scabris ; pappo tautum 16-20-chiBto. — Rocks, Southern Colorado, Dr. Parry, T. S. Brandegee in llay- den's Exploration, 1875. Aplopappus (Ericameria) Palmeri. Fruticosus, 4-pedalis, pauiculato-raraosissimus ; ramis floridis nuuc virgatis sursum floriferis nunc in paniculam effusam ramulosam solutis ; foliis filiformibus (pol- licaribus, fasciculorum brevioribus) parum punctatis ; involucro tnr- binato, squamis lato-linearibus chartaceis granuloso-subglandulosis apicem obtusissimum versus fimbriolato-ciliatis ; ligulis 3-4 fiores disci 11-15 hand superantibus ; acheniis breviter linearibus villosulis. — Tecate Mountains, in Lower California, twenty or thiity miles below the State boundary. Dr. E. Palmer. Allied to A. laricifolius, «S;c. Heads only four lines long. BiGELOViA (Aplodiscus) spathulata. Ramosissima, panci- pedalis, glabra, parum glutinosa ; ramulis floridis brevibiis foliosis ; foliis (semiuncialibus) cuneato- seu obovato-spathulatis retusis iiiteger- rimis coriaceis vix punctatis eveniis, costa obscura ; ca{)itulis corymbosis (lin. 4-5-longis) 16-floris; involucri turbinati' squamis coriaceis, inti- mis latiuscule linearibus pallidis, exterioribus seusim brevioribus eras- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 75 siorihus viridiilisciuo, in l)r;icto()las pcilicolli Krevis traiisciuililiiis ; .styli aitpeiidiciltiis tenui-subulatis parti stiginatifonc latiori a'liuiloiijris ; acliciiiis soiiceo-villosis subturhinatis, — Near the entrance; of the TantiUas Groat Canon, in Lower ("alifornia, near the borders of the State, Dr. E. Pahner. Tliis sin^idarly i'eseiid)les our Aji/opti/t/ms cuneatus ; but it has no trace of rays ; the leaves arc (U'stituto of ghitiuous exudation and are obscurely when at all punctate ; tiie scales of the involucre are not carinate ; the akenes shorter and silky ; and tlie bristles of the pappus not (as in that plant) clavellate-thickened. It must stand near to 7i. jVeiuiesii ; but the style-appendages are as in the Chrysothamnus section. BiGKLoviA (Chuysotiia^inoi'Sis, post No. 15 revisionis) Engkl- MANNi. Spithaiua^a et ultra e basi truticosa, fere glabra et viridis ; foliis crebris angustissime linearibus rigidulis nuicronato-acutatis paten- tibus (poll. 1-2 longis seiiiilin. ad lineam latis), costa valida; capitulis sessilibus fastigiatim coryniboso-glonieratis ; involucro oblongo-tur- bipato lo-20-floro, squamis oblongo-lanceolatis cuspidato-acuminatis, exterioribus sensim brevioribus baud folioso-appendiculatis ; corollis 5-dentatis ; appendicibus styli breviter crassiuscute subulatis ; acheniis lineari-oblongis glaberrimis. — Plains of the eastern part of Colorado, at Hugo Station on the Arkansas Pacific Railroad, Dr. p]ngelmann and Dr. Parry, 1874 ; H. N. Patterson, 1875. Pjigelovia Greenei. (Chrysothamnus, * * h- ante No. 19 revisionis.) Pedalis, glaberrima ; foliis angustissinie linearibus mucronatis minutim remotiuscule hirtello-ciliolatis ; capitulis corym- boso-fasciculatis angusto-oblongis ; invohicri squamis oblongis niargine tenuiter scariosis apice subito caudato-acuniinatis ; pappo rigidulo. — ■ Huerfano Plains, southern part of Colorado, Rev. E. L. Greene, 1872. DiPLOSTEPHiUM CANUM. (ApLOSTEPHiUM, ligulis paucis parvis stylo suo brevioribus, pappo simplici.) Frutex ramosus, validus, to- mento implexo dealbatus ; foliis spathulatis vel angusto-oblongis basi attenuatis subpetiolatis integerrimis plauis e costa valida subreticulato- venosis ; capitulis laxe cymosis vel subpaniculatis, primariis in dicho- tomiis sessilibus ; involucro brevi-oblongo crebre tomentoso, squamis obtusis ; floribus purpurascentibus, radii 4—6, ligula inconsjncua disco breviore 2-3-dentata; disci 12-20, corollis 5-dentatis, appendicibus styli brevibus acutiusculis ; acheniis linearibus subcompressis 4-5- nerviis sericeo-hirtellis ; pappo e setis rigidulis plerunique a^quali- bus, vel perpaucis exterioribus minimis. — Guadahijje Island, off 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Lower California, Dr. E. Palmer ; who mentions it as " a large shrub, about four feet high, of rather loose habit, found only ia the crevices of high rocky cliffs, March 28. Flowers yellow." A purple hue in the small rays is evident, and the disk-corollas seem to have turned purplish also, as they are apt to do in the heterochro- mous Asterinece. The plant agrees so well in habit, and so nearly in. character, with Diplostephlum of South America that it may fairly be referred to that genus, some species of which are equall}- destitute of an outer abbreviated pappus, while some are said to want the ray altogether. The general aspect is also much that of the Inuleee, an Old World group ; but the anthers are completely tailless, and the appendages of the style-branches are manifest, although not strongly marked internally, the stigmatic lines not ending abruptly. Still more does it recall some of the South American Vcrnonice in appear- ance and especially in inflorescence. It seems best not to constitute genera upon single species with no more salient characters than these, but a subgeneric distinction may mark its peculiarities. The heads are barely half an inch long. Aster Coloradoensis. Mach.eranthera sed pereunis, nanus, tomentuloso-canescens ; caulibus in caudice lignescente confertis pluri- mis monoceplialis ; foliis imis spathulatis, summis fere linearibus, omnibus argute dentatis, dentibus spinuloso-setiferis ; involucri hemi- sphairici squamis pluriserialibus subulatis laxiusculis ; ligulis 3.')-4:0 linearibus purpureis elongatis ; acheniis brevibus turbinatis creberrime cauo-villosis. — Colorado Rocky Mountains ; in South Park, on banks, gravel-bars, or open hills, Canby, Porter, Wolf and Hoth- rock, Greene ; and San Juan Pass in the soulh-western jtart of the State, at 12,000 feet, Brandegee. A species several times collected and passed over as a very dwarf form of A. cauescens, from which it is wholly distinct. The tufted stems are only 2 or 3 inches high. Dicokia Brandeoei. Diffusa, pube substrigulosa cinerea ; foliis lanceolatis obtusis subintegerrimis ; ca[)itulis laxc racemoso-panicnlatis parvis ; involucri squama interna florem fccniincum fulcrante nnica cu'tcris hand lonjjiore achenio oblon<;o tur or two aiiioiii; tho male flowers. Filaiiu'iits iiKiiiadriiiJums to tlu; top, as in J), cdtii-s- ce/is, antl anthers pointless ; (he style ai)ortivt! ami functioiilcss as a pt)llen-(listributor. Fij.vxsKiJiA ILICIFOI.IA. Fruticosa, hirsntula; foliis ri^ido-coriaeeis ohloiijiis vel ovatis basi aurieulata sulianiplexicaulibns pcnnivcniis (.-t retiiiilato-venulosis grosse ilentatis, dentibns apieeque sa-pius aciiini- iiato-spinescentibus ; capitulis masculis hand visis, fcemiueis fruciiicris globosis biloeularibns disptMinis aculeis crebris longis hainatis arniatis, rostris 2 aenk'is hand lougioribus parum crassioribus. — Great Cafion of the Tantillas Mountains, noar the northern border of Jjower Cali- fornia, Dr. P^. Palmer. Flowering branehes very leafy to the sum- mit, hirsute or his[)id : leaves an inch or two in length, tipped with a very sharp rigid spine ; fruiting iuvolucre half an inch in diame- ter, including the slender prickles, which are 2 lines long. Wykthia coriacea. Pedalis, villoso-pubescens, paucifoliata ; foliis longe petiolatis coriaceis eximie reticulatis aut lato-ovatis basi nunc truneata nunc obliqua vel acuta, aut oblongis in petiolum angus- tatis ; capitulis paucis breviter pedunculatis ; involucro oblongo e squamis 5-6 oblongis lanceolatisve ligulas aequantibus vel superan- tibus cum interioribus perpaucis parvulis .sul)paleaceis ; aclieniis glabris, radii oblongis obcompressis, disci angustioribus prisma- ticis 4-o-angulatis, omnibus exaristatis. — On the Mesa Grande, 70 miles north-east of San Diego, California, Dr. E. Palmer. A remarkable dwarf species, with leaves varying from 3. to o inches long, and sometimes nearly as broad, on petioles 2 to 4 inches long ; the broader ones with some of the lower and stronger primary veins or ribs converging to the apex, or running into false veins by anastomosis. Heads an inch or so in length. Rays 5 to 8 ; ligules only half an inch long. Pappus of 4 to 6 short ovate or triangular scales, a little united at base, rather unequal, one or two occasionally lanceolate or subulate and longer, but awnless. HixiANTHUS GRACILENTUS. Perenni.s, tripedalis ; caule ramisque gracilibus fere glabris kevibus ; foliis breviusculis lanceolatis integerri- mis utrinque hirtello-scabris subcinereis, inferioribus oppositis breviter petiolatis ; pedunculis paucis gracilibus nudis ; capitulis parvulis ; in- volucro disco breviore, squamis inappendiculatis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis gradatim imbricatis hirtello-puberulis ; ligulis 1 2-1 6 elongatis , disco fuico-flavescente ; paleis apice deltoideis; achenio glaberrimo com- planato pappi paleis 2 subulato-aristiformibus (corolla paullo brevi- 78 TROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY oribus) dimidio breviore. — California, in the mountains 4o miles north-east of San Diego, Dr. Palmer. Larger leaves 3 inches long, somewhat triple-nerved ; the upper successively smaller. Disk little over half an inch iu diameter ; rays from two-thirds to a full inch in length. IvA Hayesiana. Frutescens, sti'iguloso-iiuberula ; caule (ad bipe- dalem et ultra, basi baud viso) erecto denium paniculato-ramoso; foliis integerrimis obtusis, caulinis oppositis spathulato-oblongis vel sub- lanceolatis in petiolum attenuatis, ramealibus bractealibusque alternis ad linearia ; capitulis longe laxiuscule quasi spicatis vel racemosis ; involucro e squaniis circiter 5 rotundatis discretis imbricatis. — San Diego County, California; AYarner's Pass, Sutton Hayes (1858); and Jamuel Valley, south-east of San Diego, Dr. E. Palmer. A well- marked species, resembling I. clieiranthi folia rather than /. axillaris. Heads numerous in elongated leaf'y-bracted spikes or racemes, and these in an ample paniclq ; the ultimate floral leaves or bracts hardly exceeding the nodding heads. In memory of the estimable discov- erer, the late Mr. Sutton Hayes, whose specimens, however, were indeterminable, the heads having all fallen from their short peduncles. Encklia (Ger^a) viscida. Herbacea, viscido-glaiidulosa ; caule forte bipedali (basi igiioto) ramis costaque foliorum pilis longis patulis multi-aiticiilatis barbatis ; foliis ovatis oblongisve plerumque basi auri- culata vel cordata semiaraj^lexicaulibus subserratis ; capitulis ramulos breves foliates terminantibus ; involucro extus viscido, sqiiamis extcri- oribus herbaceo-membranaceis lato-linearibus obtusis parum ina^qua- libus, intimis scariosis paleis receptaculi similibus ; ligulis nullis ; coroUisTadii pallide»flavis ; acheniis angusto-cuneatis calloso-marginatis biaristatis priesertim ad margines albo-villosissimis. — Near Larkens' Station, on the southern borders of California, 80 miles east of San Diego, Dr. Palmer. Head nearly three-fourths of an inch long: akenes 4 or 5 lines long, and their subulate awns 2 or 3 lines. The habit is that of a Ilalsea, rather than of any of its congeners. Perityle incana. Suffiutescens, procera, tomento apphuiato incana: foliis (etiam inferioribus ?) alternis crassiusculis fere trisectis, segmentis cuueatis 2-3-fidis, lobis pauci-incisis ; capitulis compluribus in cymam compositam corymbosam nudam conge-tis ; involucro viri- dulo; ligulis nullis ; appendicibus styli breviusculis acutiusculis ; acheniis oblongis subturgidis undique villosis ; pappo exaristato e squamollis plurimis angustissimis basi coroniformi-concretis. — Guadalupe Island, oil" Lower California, Dr. ¥.. Palmer. On precipices inaccessible to OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 79 goats in the interior of the ishuul, couspiciious by its very white fohage and abuiulaiit golden-yellow blossoms. A remarkable and anomalous species, but certainly of tills genus, having all the characters. One of the genuine species already published is rayless. In size (probably 2 or 3 feet high), in the dense touientum, and in the naked dense corymbs or cymes, this is peculiar. The squamelhe of the pappus are as long as the breadth of the akene. IIkmizoxia (Hartmanxia) fkctkscexs. Fruticosa, erecta, ultra bipedalis, hirsutula, subviscida ; ramis floridis virgatis fastigiatis folio- sissimis ; foliis liliformibus (poliicaribus, fasciculorum brevioribus) integerrimis raro 1— 3-lobatis ; capitulis thyrsoideo-racemosis (lin. 3 altis) ; ligulis 8-9 aureis obovato-oblongis 2-3-dentatis iuvolucro glabri- usculo a?quilongis; disci floribus 10-12 receptaculi convexi paleis totitlem liuearibus fere discretis circumdatis ; pappo e paleis 5 lineari- bus vel subulatis finibriato-deiiticulatis. — Rocky precipices in the interior of Guadalupe Island, off Lower California, Dr. E. Palmer. Disk-akeues well-formed, but apparently sterile. This and the fol- lowing are striking additions to the Hurlmannia section of the genus. Hemizoxia (Hart-MAXXIa) floribcnda. Erecta, glanduloso- pubescens, forte tripedalis (basi ignota) ; ramis crebris foliosissimis ; foliis liuearibus obtusis integerrimis (^-^-poliicaribus) ; capitulis ramu- los terminantibus paniculatis (lin. 3-4 altis) ; involucro creberrime glanduloso disco breviore ; ligulis plus 20 majusculis biseriatis cuneatis apice o-lobatis aurautiacis ; H. disci totidem ; receptaculo parum con- vexo inter disoum et radium paleis linearibus discretis onusto ; acheniis disci plerumque fertilibus pappo e paleis 5-8 late ovatis obtusissimis integerrimis dorso margineque hirsutulis coronatis. — California, near the southern boundary, on the Fort Yuma Road, 80 miles east of San Diego. Dr. E. Palmer. Belongs to the subdivision which includes J{. anguslifoUa and H. cui-ymbosa. Artemisia Palmeri. (^Serlphidium, licet recei)taculum paleis onustum.) Ut videtur elata et herbacea, cinereo-puberula ; foliis 3-5- partitis, ramealibus integerrimis lobisque angusto-linearibus elongatis subtus tomentoso-incanis margine revolutis ; panicula amplissima flori- buiida ; involucri squamis ovatis subscarioso-membranaceis ; acheniis immaturis disco epigyno majusculo. — San Diego County, California, in Jamuel Valley, 20 miles below San Diego, Dr. E. Palmer. Habit nearly of A. Gcdifornica, but apparently herbaceous througliout. and with the leaves or lobes broader and flat, a line or more in diameter. HO PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Heads a line and a half in diameter : flowers all perfect ; most of them subtended by palea?, the outer ones similar to the involucral scales, the inner shorter and smaller. Senecio Palmeui. Suffruticosus, tomento implexo candidissimiis, ramosissimus ; foliis in ramis floridis confertis oblougo-spathulatis sub- integerrimis in petiolum sat gracile attenuatis ; pedunculo elongato undo corymboso-7— 14-cephalo; involucro ecalyculato incano, squamis 20-30 linearibus; ligulis 12-18 ovalibus aureis; acheniis sericeo-inca- nis. — Abundant through the northern half of the Guadalupe Island, Lower California. One of the most conspicuous plants, about a yard high ; the foliage strikingly white, and the flowers bright yellow. Heads fully half an inch high, many-flowered ; rays 4 lines long. Pyrrhopappus RoTHROCKri. Gracilis ; caule ultrapedali e radice fusiformi perenni? simplici vel inferne ramoso folioso mono-oligo- ceplialo ; foliis linearibus integerrimis vel basim versus parce pinnati- fido-laciniatis dentatisve ; pedunculo gracili fere nudo ; capitulo angusto circiter 20-floro ; involucri squamis ex terioribuspaucis sububitis adpressis ; acheniis rugulosis sursuni scabris ; pap{)0 maturo sordide albo ! — Fisch's Ranch in Southern Arizona, at 5000 feet altitude, J. T. Rothrock, in Wheeler's Exploration, 1874. PALMERELLA, Nov. Gen. Lohellacearum. Calycis tubus turbinatus, ovario biloculari multiovulato adnatus ; limbns 5-partitus, lobis angustis Kqualibns. Corollaj tubus liiicari- elongatus (intiis pubentissimus), omnino saltern superne integer; fauce nun(iiiam dilatata ; limbo patente valde inivquali, lobis 2 minoiihus spathulato-linearibus, 3 majoribus oblongis basi connatis. Filamenta corolla} tubo longissime adnata, dein monadelpha et uno latere saepius alterius adnata : anthenc oblong;e, 2 setis paucis rigidis ino?qualibus vertice penicillata?, 3 paullo majores nudie. Cajt. Lobellce. Fructus maturus liaud visus. P. DF.r.iLis. Herba glaberrima, gracilis, ultrapedalis, ramosa ; foliis alteruis tenuibus lineari-lanceolatis integerrimis eglandulosis sessilibus 2-3-pollicaribus, floralibus sensim diniinutis bracteis racemi laxi pauci-])hniflori referentibus ; corolhe tubo albido J-pollicari. lobis l;ete cyaneis, 2 niinoribus, majoribus lineas 3-4 longis. — Great Caiion of the Tantillas Mountains, near the northern borders of Lower California, Dr. Edward Palmer, to whom this genus is dedicated in OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 81 acknowledgment of his in(lef:itij;:i1)le and fruitful explorations of tlio botany of the south-western frontiers of the United States, from Ari- zona to the islands off Lower California, in whiili region he has ac- complished more than all his predeeessors. The genus differs from Lobelia in the remarkalde adnation of the stamens, as well as in the integrity of the corolla tube, at least its upper portion. It soon splits from the base upwards for a good distance, and, indeed, before withering the lower part of the corolla i? much disposed to separate into five claws (liberating also the lower part of the filaments) ; but this occurs in many species of Lobelia. From Rhizocephalum, of Weddell, this is distinguished by the habit, the very dissimilar lobes of the corolla and its narrower throat, and the com- pletely 2-celled ovary, which probably matui'es numerous miimte seeds. SPECULARIA Heister. Although the two sections made by Alph. De Candolle are untenable, since species of the Old World {S. falc(ita,{oT instance) have lenticular seeds, and an American one, much confounded with S. perfoliata^has the valvular openings of the capsule near the summit, yet the American species may be well distinguished from the Kuropean, and into two sections, by taking account of the cleistogamous flowers. These are regulaily pi'oduced in our species, and not in those of the Old "World. (They have recently been said to occur sometimes in aS". ttybrida and S. falcata, but 1 have not found any trace of them.) They were noticed by Linnfcus in the species known to him, but were wrongly thought to be incomplete and imper- fect, as Dr. Torrey remarked, when he accurately described them over half a century ago. They were what we termed precociously fertilized flowers, of necessity close-fertilized, — a term to which Mr. Darwin took objection in the instance of Impatiens and Viola, and with reason if the name stands in the way of recognition of their special adaptation to close fertilization; and the proper name of "cleistogamous" is now established. But one of our species of Specularia, as well as the genus Lespedeza, lends support to our original view, by showing close fertilized blossoms as if in various stages of arrest of development. There is a mistake in Dr. Torrey's remark (in Flora of the State of jS'evv York, 1, p. 429), that Ruiz and Pavon's plate of Campanula bijiora represents the two kinds of blossoms. It is curious that this species should have been confounded with our common northern one, as by Alph. De Candolle in the Prodroraus, and by Mr. Bentham in his recent notes upon that order in Jour. Linn, Soc. 15, p. 13. The VOL. XI. (n. 8. II.) ^ 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY views wliich we here take may be best exhibited in a conspectus of the American species.* * SPECULARIiE Americans. § 1. CAMPYLOCERA. Flores dimorplii, prjBcoeiores cleistofjami. Capsnla elongata, valvulis infra-apicalibus deliiseens, sero saltern in i)raecocioribus ab apice longitudinaliter subdissiliens. Ovarium in floribus cleistogamis quandoque abortu uniloculare, i)lacenta lateral!. — Cumpylocera Nutt. in Trans. Ainer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 8, p. 257 (1843). 1. S. LEPTOC.4KPA. Caule virgato; foiiis lanceolatis; floribus in axillis arete sessilibus; stiginatibus 2-3 ; ovario in fl. cleistogamis nonnullis abortu unllocu- lari calycls lobis 3-4 superato ; eapsulis fere cylindricis gracilibus valvulis sub- apiealibus adscendentibus 1-3 pertusis, praecocioribus saapius decurvatis raro tortis ; seminibus oblongis. — Campanula leptocar/xi Engelm. in herbariis. Cam- pylocera leptocarpa & var. glabella Nutt. 1. c. Specnlaria Liiisecoiin'a Buckley in Proc. Acad. Philad. 1861, p. 460. — Arkansas, Nuttall, Engelniann ; Texas, Wright, Buckley ; Colorado to tiie Rocky Mountains, Parry, Vasey. As to the twisting of the capsule on its axis, in the manner of DowniiKjia, mentioned by Nuttall, it is hardly if at all to be seen in our specimens. 2. S. LiNDHEiMERi Vatke in Linnwa, 38, p. 713. Procerior; caule erectovel reclinato (1-3-pedali) superne nunc paniculate; foiiis oblongo-lanceolatis imisve ovalibus ; floribus brevi-pedunculatis vel subsessilibus magis paniculatis ; stig- matibus loculisque ovarii semper 3-4; calycis lobis etiam in cleistogamis 5 ; eapsulis angulatis basi angustatis baud curvatis tortisve valvulis 2-3 pauUo infra apicem pertusis ; seminibus fere orbiculatis. — W. Texas, Lindheimer, Wright, Buckley. I take this to be the "Camjuinula Coloradoi-nse" Buckley, 1. c, from his character of " stigmas 4-5"- (I have seen only 4), and therefore have adopted the specific name. The seeds are described as " ellipsoid," of the preceding species " elliptical." The expanded corollas are an inch in diameter, about twice the size of those of S. leptocarpa. The capsules appar- ently are never one-celled, although the partitions separate readily from the axis, one carrying away the placenta, and there is a tendency to be septicidal. The perforations, moreover, are by valves that open from above downward, or by mere ruptures. In many of the cleistogamous flowers, the corolla has attained considerable development, so as to suggest a gradation between the two kinds. § 2. DYSMICODON Endl. Flores dimorphi, praecociores cleistogami calyco 3-4-lobo, normales serotini, calyce 5-lobo. CapsuJa brevior. aut sub apice aut infra medium pertusa. Semina lenticularia. — Difsmirodon Nutt. 1. c. Triodallus Raf., ubi 1 Specnlaria § Triodallus Torr. Fl. N. Y. 3. S. mi'LouA. Caule gracili ad angulos retrorsum serrulato-hirtello vel subljevi ; foiiis ovatis oblongisve rariter crenulatis, superioribus lanceolatis flore fulcrato brevioribus ; floribus in axillis solitariis binisve sessilibus ; calycis lobis in cleistogauiis brevibus ovatis vel subulatis, in normalibus lanccolato- subulatis elongatis corollam vix adaiquantibus ; eapsulis cylindraceis subfusi- formibus vix costatis, valvulis infra-apicalibus. — Campanula hiJJora, Ruiz & Pav. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 83 AuCTOSTAiniYLOS AxuKUSoxir. A. tomentoscE alRiiis ; raiuia gracilioribus setis longis albis hispidis ; I'oliis tiiimitcr coriuoois fere sessilibus glabris (costa subtiis sctosa exccpta) viriii inferioris trisecti lobis 3 fere conformibus obovatis iis labii superioris bifidi minoribus ; ovarii loculis 3— 4-ovulatis. — Collin- sia grandiflora Hook. Kew. Jour. Bot. 3, p. 298, non Lindl. Willow thickets of the Valley of the Kooskooskee, in the western part of Idaho, Spalding, Geyer. The sessile gland representing the fifth stamen is at the very base of the corolla ; in the preceding species it is higher up on the tube and smaller. Pentstemon barbatds Nutt., var. trichaxder. Ilumilior e caudice lignescente ; antheris longe parceque laiioso-barbatis ! — S. AV. Colorado, T. S. Brandegee, in Hayden's Exploration, 1875. Mr. Brandegee was struck with this as different from P. harbatus in its growth and aspect ; but I see no character to distingu'sh it from the var. Torreyi of that variable species, except the long hairs on the an- thers, and sometimes a few on the filaments. This has not been else- where met with in the Elmigera section. But it occurs witli such variability and apparent inconstancy in P. glaher and some allied species, that it may not be relied on here. Pentstemon Clevelandi. P. spectabiU quoad folia et inflorescen- tiam baud dissimilis ; foliis superioribus arete sessilibus nee connatis, floralibus minimis ; thyrso racemiformi nudo floribundo ; pedicellis breviter filiformibus ; calycis parvi lobis ovatis capsulam 3-4-plo bi'evi- oribus ; corolla sanguinea tuhuloso-infundibuliformi (fere pollicari), fauce paullo ampliata, lobis brevibus rotundatis patentibus ; filameuto sterili apice dilatato hinc barbato. — Cailon Tantillas iu Lower Cali- fornia, received from D. Cleveland in flower, and later from Dr. Palmer in fruit. MIMULUS Linn. Having had occasion to elaborate tlie species belonging to the Califoniiau flora, I have thought it best to give a synoptical view of all the known North American Mifpuli. Some are difllicult to limit, and the extent of the genus was also uncertain. There are three or four groups of species, which would necessarily rank as genera distinct from true Minuihis, if they were not connected by transitions. Perhaps the most markeil of these is represented by two dwarf Californian annuals with long filiform tube to the corolla, and a cartilaginous capsule, the valves of which bear the half-septa and placentae. One of them was probably the type of the genus Jiunaiius Benth. in DC. But the tube shortens and broadens in a long series of species, which at length pass into true Mimidiis, in which the placenta sometimes partially and rarely completely divides. Equally peculiar iu habit are the shrubl)y species or forms on which OF AIMS AND SCIKNCES. 9!) the uenus DlpJacus Nutt. w:is t'ouiitlod. Jlt-ru the two jihicfiita; are hardly at all united in the axis, even in the blossom ; which is olher- wise that of a true Mimiilns. Then there is a low annual species with short corolla and thin-walleil capsule, but the placenta' dividinj; with the valves, which is so peculiar in wanting the angles or kcds which are so conspicuous in Jlinndus that it was referred to a jjcculiar sec- tion of Herpestis. Altogether it seems necessary to regard the whole as one polymorphous genus, and to arrange our species as in the subjoined conspectus.* * MIMULUS Linn. § 1. EUNANUS. (^«nam/s Benth. in DC.) Ilerbae annuiB, plerumquc nanac : calyx 5-clentatus, 5 angulatus, angulis dentibusque pi. m. plicato-earinatis : corolla in typicis tiibo gracili elonjiato : stylus superne fjlandiilosus vol piibes- cens : stigma aut bilnniellatum, aut labiis latis petaloideo-dilatatis connatis peltatum vel infuiulibulifornie : cajisiila valvis medio septiferis placentas divisas auferentibus. — Species 11, Californicae, habitu variiu, pube pi. m. viscida vel glandidosa. * Capsula cartilaginea, 2-4-sulcata, sero deliiscens, basi obliqua vel gibbosa : calyx basi gibbosus, ore valde obliquo : corolla purpurea, fauce variegata vel maculosa, H- Tubo filiformi longe exserto : flores primarii caule multo longiores. [CEnoe Gray in PI. Ilartw., & sect, in Bot. Calif.) 1. M. TRicor.OR Lindl. Jour. Hort. Soc. 4, p. 222, "Junio, 1849." Foliis oblougis vel subliriearibus basi attenuatis sessilibus ; calyce sursum ampliore (deutibus longioribus) basi paruin gibbo; corollae labiis ajquilongis, lobis con- similibus ; capsula brevi-ovali seu ovata subcompressa, marginibus anticis et posticis acutis ; semiuibus obovatis obliquis iis subsequentium multo majoribus. — Eunanus Cuii/teri Gray ex Bentli. Tl. Ilartw, p. 321), " Augusto, 1849." — It is well tbat Lindley's name takes precedence, as tliere was a mistake in supposing that tins species was in Coulter's collection. Var. ANGDSTATCS. FoUis linearibus parvulis, tubo corollas bipollicari tener- rimo. — Eunanus Coulteri var. angustatus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 381. 2. RI. DocGLASii. Poliis ovatis oblongisve in petiolem contractis ; calyce basi mox valde gibboso ; coroliic labio inferiore abbreviato, superiore amplo erecto ; capsula lineari seu lineari-oblonga tereti 4-sulcata ; seminibus ovalibus modo Einiani utrinque apiculatis. — .1/. vnnns var. fi. mihtinijlitriix Hook. & Arn. Bot. Bcecb. p. 378. Eunanus iJoiifildsii Bcntli. in DC. Prodr. 10, p. 374. The stigma is sometimes of two very unequal lobes, as described by Bentbani, some- times of two broad and rounded unequal lobes, sometimes peltate and nearly circular, as in most of the following. -- 4- Tubo corollae e calyce parum exserto : flores folia vix superantes. 3. M. LATIFOI.IU8. Spitbamaeus, viscosus ; foliis radicalibus exiguis ovani- dis, caulinis amplis late ovatis membranaceis basi angustatis subi)etiolatis ; 96 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Hedeoma hyssopifolia. (Euhedeoma, ante IT. pi'peritam.) Gla- bella; canlibus e caudice perenni ramoso erectis gracilibus subpedali- calyce basi mox valde gibboso ; corollae labio inferiore superiore erecto dimidio breviore ; capsula lineari-oblonga subcurvata lateribus sulcata ; seniinibus prajcedentis. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California, Dr. E. Palmer, 1875. A near relative of the preceding, but caulescent from the first, flowering only from about tlie fourth node. Leaves about an inch long ; corolla two-thirds of an inch long, the narrow tube little if at all exceeding tlie longer tooth of the calyx ; stamens not very unequal ; stigma of two ample ovate-oblong lips, sometimes united into a funnelform body ; capsule 5 lines long, somewhat lat- erally compressed, the posterior edge acute, and the anterior not sulcate. * * Capsula eoriacea vel membranacea, symmetrica : calyx basi aequalis, cam- panulatus vel breviter oblongus : stigma sajpissime peltatum. +- Corolla parvula, tubo tenui exserto : calycis dentes subaequales. 4. M. LEPTALECS. Caulc ramoso 1-3-pollicari ; foliis e spathulato oblongis ad lanceolata vel linearia (parum semipoUicaribus) ; calycis campanulati denti- bus ovatis seu triangularibus tubo suo multo capsula oblongo ovata obtusa paullo brevioribus; corolla rubra, tubo filiforrai sursum parum ampliato (lin. 3-5 longo), limbo obliquo (lin. 1^-3 lato). — Gravelly soil, in the Sierra Ne- vada, California, at 5000 feet and upwards, south of the Yosemite, Miss Dix, A. Gray, and in Sierra County, Lemmon. A tin}' species. Capsule 2 line.<« long. 1- M- Corolla majuscula, infundibuliformis, lin. 7-11 longa, tubo proprio e calyce subfequali vix parumve exserto. Species nimis affines; caule uiuiali ad spithamaeum. 5. M. BiGELOVii. Foliis oblongis, superioribus ovatis acutis vel acuminatis; calycis dentibus e basi lata subulatis acutissimis (lin 2 longis) tubo lato-cam- panulato dimidio brevioribus, anticis minoribus ; corolla fauce cylindracea limbo amplo rotato-patente ; capsula membranacea. — Eunaniis BigdovH Gray in Pacif. R. Kep. 4, p. 121. — Southern part of California, and adjacent parts of Xevaiia to Southern Utah. G. M. NANUS Hook. & Arn. (var. a. plurlflorua). Foliis obova'tis ovatis ob- longisve nunc lanceolatis; calj'cis dentibus lato-lanceolatis vel triangularibus acutis (liiioam longis) tubo quadruplo brevioribus; corolla inmc rubro-purpurea nunc flava, tubo e calyce parum exserto sensim in fauccm amplam diiatato; capsula chartacea. — Eunanns Tnlmnvi Benth. I.e. E. Firmoiifi Watson, Rut. King, p. 22G, non Benth. — California, especially its eastern borders, Nevada, and through the interior to the eastern borders of Oregon and the western part of Wyoming. Hooker and Arnott's specific name is retained ; but most of their characters relate to M. Douglasii. Var.? BicoLOR (Eunanns bicolor Gray, 1. c. 7, p. 381), fauce corollre subito obconica intus atro-purpurea, limbo luteo. 7. M. Fri.monti. Foliis angusto-oblongis imisve spathulatis obtusis : calycis dentibus ovatis obtusis vel acutiusculis fere a'qualibus (vix liiream longis); OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 07 bus; foliis intogerrimis norvosis jmrtor iufima ovalia sou ohlouga parva liiienri-lanceolatis, iloralihus vorticillastris laxe 3-')-ll()ri,s l)n'vii)ril)U3 ; corolla; riibro-purpurea} tiiho iiicluso sensim in fauccm infiinililmliforinem ain- pliato. — Etiiianiis Fnmoiili Bc'iitli. 1. c. — Soutliorn part of (.'alifornia. •»-■*- -1- Corolla mnjuscula, tiibo j)roprio oalyce inn?iiuali obliquo incluso. •M- Genuini, corolla iiifiindibuliforini. 8. M. Parryi. Glabriusculus, 2-4-pollicaris ; foliis oblongis oblanceolatisve Liitoiicrrimis (somipoUicaribus) ; caljcis ore valde obliquo, dontibus aculis, supremo ovato tubo trijjlo breviore, cieteris minoribiis e basi lata subulatis ; corolla infumlibuliformi (lin. 8 longa) aut flava aut rubro-ptirpurea ; ea])sula cal yce fere inclusa. — Gravelly hills, near St. George, S. Utah, Parry (coll. 1874, No. 147). 9. M. ToRRETi. Viscido-pubescens, spithamseus ad pedalem ; foliis oblonpis vel sublanceolatis integerrimis (semi-ultra-pollicaribus) ; calycis ore sat obliquo, dentibus brevibus latis obtusissimis, supremo majore ; corolla infundibuliformi (A-J-poUicari) rubro-purpurea ; capsula chartacea. — Eunanus Fremonti Gray in Pacif. \\. Kep. 6, p. 83, non Benth. — Common in moist grounds along tlie Sierra Nevada, California, from the northern part of Plumas County (where it was first collected by Dr. Newberry, in Williamson's Expedition) to Mariposa County, as also at Donner Lake, &c., by Dr. Torrey, to whose memory it is deilicated. ++ ++ Ambigui, elatiores, corolla subito ampliata e tubo perbrevi: folia nunc exserte denticulata, inferiora flores superantia. 10. M. BoLANDERi Gray in Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 380. Subpedalis, viscido- pubescens ; foliis oblongis ; calycis ore valde obliquo, dentibus lanceolatis, supre- mo (lin. 3 longo) tubo oblongo dimidio breviore; corolla purpurea pollicari ; capsula fusiformi-subulata subcoriacea. — M. brevipes Gray in Pacif R. Rep. 4, p. 120, non Benth. — Foot-hills and the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada, Bigelow, Bridges, Bolander. Stigma sometimes bilamellate or oblique. 11. M. BREVIPES Benth. Ultrapedalis, viscido-pubescens ; foliis lanceolatis linearibus imisve oblongis ; calycis dentibus valde inaequalibus e basi lata acuminatis, supremo tubo late campanulato subdimidio breviore ; corolla latis- sima flava ; capsula ovata acuminata coriacea. — Only in the south-western part of California, from San Diego to Santa Barbara. §2. DIPLACUS Gray. ( Diplacus 'Nutt.) Corolla, calyx (angusto-prismaticus), stigma, etc., Eumiinnli : placentae axi vix coadunataj : capsida (crasso-co- riacea) et dehiscentia Eimani. Frutex glutinosus, Californicus, foliis sub- coriaceis. 12. M. GLUTTNOSDS Wcndl. : — Var. puniceus, var. linearis, & var. br\- CHYPDS {Diplacus lunjijlorun Nutt.), cum syn. DC. Prodr. § 3. EUMIMULUS. {.Vlmulus Linn., Benth. in DC.) Corolla tubo brcvi vel breviusculo : calyx 5-dentatus, angulis dentibusque plicato-carinatis : stigma aequaliter bilamellatum : cajisula vix sulcata, valvis ooriaccis vel membraua- VOL. XI. (X. 8. II.) 7 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY calyce angiisto-tubuloso vix hirtello, dentibus setaceis subincurvis, inferioribus superiora sat superantibus tubo pubero corollee elongatae cois medio septiferis columnara centralem placentiferam integram vel bifidain nudantibiis. Herbaj annuse vel surculoso-perennes. • Orientali-Americani ; foliis peniiinerviis ; corolla violacea, tube subincluso iauce palato fere clausa. 13. M. RJNGENS Linn. — Canada to Texas. 14. M. ALATUS Solander. — S. New England to Illinois and southward. * * Occidentales ; corolla nee violacea nee caerulea, •(- Sesqui-bipollicaris, flamniea vel rosea, ringens : calycis dentes suba;quales : herbaj perennes : testa serainum opaca laxa. (Erythranthe Spacli.) 15. M. CAHDiNALis Dougl. Corolla coccinea, tubo parum exserto, limbo obliquo, labio superiori erecto lateribus reflexis, iuferiori lobis reflexis ; stamini- bus exsertis. 16. M. Lewisii Pursh. Corolla saturate rosea, tubo exserto, lobis patenti- bus ; staminibus inclusis. ■»- H- Corolla aut poUicnris, aut minor, nunc parva : testa seminum prajter M. luleuiii tenuis et polita. •M- Foliosi, glabri vel pubentes, baud villosi. = Calyx saltern fructifer ore obliquo, dente supremo majore : folia sajpius dila- tata, aut subito aut insigniter petiolata. 17. M. LUTEUS Linn., cum varietatibus insignioribus, i. e., ai.pixus Gray, in Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, p. 71 IM. Tllituiii Kegel, M. cupreus Veitch, etc.), & var. DEPAUFERATUS (M. iiiicrophi/Hiis Bentli., M. tenellus Nutt. herb.). 18. M. DENTATUS Nutt. in DC. Species sylvestris, Oregana, vix cognita, inter M. luteum et moschaUnn quasi mecha. 19. M. Jamesii Torr. & Gray, ex Benth. in DC. M. (jlahrato proximus sed distinctus videtur. 20. M. ALSiNOiDES Dougl., ct var. minimus Benth. 21. M. LACiNiATUs. Annuus.tener, glaber ; caulibus diffusis ; foliis oblongis vel spathulatis hiciniatopauci-dentatis lobatisve nunc liastatis uninerviis, pe- tiolo longo filiforini ; floribus minimis ; calyce brevi, fructifero ovato, dente supremo maximo ; corolla brevi (lin. 2 longa) flava. — California, on the South Fork of tlie Merced at Clark's Kancli, A. (ir;iy. = = Calyx ore fere a'quali, dentibus subsiinilibus : Californici, annul, parvuli, caulibus erectis. a. Folia onmia petiolnta. 22. M. PuLsiFKR/E. Glanduloso-puberulus, viscidus ; foliis ovato-oblongis seu ovato-lanceolatis imisve rotimdatis parce dcnticuhiti.s vel intcgerrimis basi acuta vel cuneata trinervatis pcilunc^ulo a^quilongis ; calycis tubo fructifero oblongo, dentibus brevissimis ovato-triaugulatis coroliaj luteje dimidio ad- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. W brevioribus. — Arizona, on Mount Grabam at 9000 feet, Aumist, J. T. llotlirock, in Wheeler's Ex[)l()i-iiti()n. Corolla renmrkuMy lon^ and exserted for the genus, 7 or 8 lines long, twice the lengtii of tlie calyx ; upper lip 2-lobed. Leaves crowded, the main ones from !i;ilf to three- fourths of an inch long, and a line wide ; the parallel veins nmning towards the apex ; the upper gradually reduced until at length shorter than the calyx ; the lowest leaves much shorter, broader, and beneath with strong more or less diverging nerves. a^quantibus. — California, in the Sierra and Indian Vaile.vs of tiie Sierra Nevada, Bulander, Mrs. Pulsifer-Ames. Tube of the calyx in fruit 3 or 4 lines long ; corolla 5 lines long. h. Folia pra^ter infinm sessilia. 23. M. iNCONSPicuus Gray in Pacif. H. Rep. 4, p. 120. Glaber ; foliis ovatis integerriniis ; calycis quasi truncati dentibus minimis ; corolla aut lutea aut rosea. 24. M. BicoLOR Benth. Viscido-pubescens ; foliis lineari-oblongis lanceo- latisve basi atteuuatis denticulalis vel parce dentatis ; dentibus calycis con- spicuis triangularibus ; corolla sat loiiga lutea, labio inferiore albo. — M. Prut- teiiii Durand in Jour. Acad. I'liilad. n. ser. 2, p. 98 (1855). Calyx sa-pius pur- pureo guttatus. 25. M. RUBKLLUS Gray. Viscido-puberulus vel glabellus ; foliis a spatliulato- oblongis ad linearia plerumque integerrirnis, iniis latioribus ; calycis oblongi den- tibus brevibus rotundatis ; corolla calyce aut pauUo aut duplo longiore lutea rubra vel purpurea. — M. viontioides Gray Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 880, pro parte. Var. LATiFLORUS S. Watson, Bot. King. (M.montioides Gra,y,l. c. pro parte.) Forma saepius pygmaea, corolla multo majore (nunc semipollicari), tubo longius exserto, limbo amplo aureo, fauce purpureo guttata. *+ ++ Foliosi, villosi, visciduli ; foliis omnibus petiolatis membranaceis sat latis dentatis pi. m. penniveniis ; calyce sequali vel vix obliquo; corolla lutea. 26. M. FLORiBUNDUs Dougl. in Bot. Reg. 27. M. MOSCHATCS Dougl. in Bot. Reg., cum forma longiflora. ++++++ Scaposi vel subscaposi, stolonibus perennantes. 28. M. PRiMULOiDES Benth. Herbula Iteta ; floribus longissime peduncu- latis aureis. §4. MIMULOIDES. {Flerpesfls % Mimuloides Benth.) Corolla, stigma, etc., Euiitimuli : calyx 5-fidus, campanulatus, nee prismaticus nee carinato-angula- tus, lobis planis : capsula 1-Amani. Ilerba annua, humilis, pilis longis mollibus villosa. 29. M. PiLOSus S. Watson, Bot. King Exp. p. 225. Herpestis (}/imnl<>l(l(s) pilosa Benth. in Comp. Bot. Mag. 2, p. 57, & DC. 1. c. p. 394. — The anilier cells are barely oblong, not " linear." The stigma is bilamellar, not " entire." And the plant is surely a Mimulus, although the calyx is peculiar in wanting the plicate angles. 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Calamixtha Palmeri. Sect. Act'nos : odore et facie Hedeotnce, an- nua, a basi ramosa, spithamaea, pube molli ; foliis obovatis vel spathulato- oblongis in petiolum attenuatis integerrimis, floralibus decresceutibus conformibus ; bracteis minimis subulatis ; verticillastris G-9-floi'is, supe- rioribus folia floralia ajquantibus ; calyce parce hirsute basi vix gibboso, fauce villosissima, labiis tubo brevioribus, superiore latiore fructifero recurvo pateute ; corolla purpurea calyce vix duplo longiore, tubo in- cluso ; antherae loculis jjarallelis, connectivo baud incrassato. — Guada- lupe Island, Lower California. " Common in the intex'ior of the island, not cropped by the goats," Dr. Palmer. Flower only 3 lines long ; pedicels a line or so in length. Calyx shorter than in C Acinos, in fruit less declined or ascending. Except for the four fertile stamens this plant would be referred to Hedeoma. The stamens are too straight and distant for a Calamintha, but apparently it may be referred to that polymorphous genus. PoGOGYNE TENUiFLORA. Glabriuscula, 2-4-ponicaris ; rarais (dura adsunt) corymbosis ; foliis spathulatis vel obovatis basi petioloque ciliis setiformibus perpaucis instructis ; bracteis nudis ; calycis puberuli lobis inajqualibus lineari-lanceolatis corolla? tubo filiformi dimidio brevioribus ; filameutis sterilibus parvulis glandula cajjitellatis. — Guadalupe Island, off Lower California, Dr. E. Palmer. Corolla nearly half an inch long. Scutellaria nana. Stolonibus filiformibusmoniliformi-tuberiferis perennans, depressa, cinereo-puberula, foliosa ; foliis obovatis ovatisve obtusissimis (semipollicaribus) integerrimis brevi-petiolatis flores brevissime pedicellatos sequantibus ; corolla alba (semipollicari sat lata), labiis brevibus cequilongis. — N. W. Nevada, in Winnemucca Valley, near Pyramid Lake, J. G. Lemmon. Monardella Benth. A study of some new materials, and a revi- sion of the species for the Botany of California (to which they all belong), bring to view eleven species, which may be disposed as here subjoined.* * MONARDELLA Bentli. § 1. Ufacranthce laxljlora, neinpefloribus in capltulo laxiusculo sat niasnis minus nunicrosis : corolla e calyce lonye exserta : antheraj loculis ovali-oblongis divaricatis : perennes. 1. M. MACUANTHA. Rhizoniatibtis ropcntibus cJKspitosa, (leprcssa vcl procuui- bcns, pul)criila vel pubescens ; foliis crassiiisculis ovatis obtiisis (liaml pollicem longis) glabratis, petioli gracili ; capitulo 10-20-floro ; bracteis iavoluorantibus OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 101 EUIOGONUM CIIUYSOOl IMIALUM. {E. KIlKjii \-M\ lil.n'jo/iin/t (hay, Proc. Am. Acad. 8, p. 1 G I.) J'J. pduci flora aHiiiiiis, diUcrl pi riijoiiiis aiuvis basi aniuilo ma^is piotiiiiiL'iite articulatis, iuvolucri (k-iilihus iiiiiuis latis ; foliis paiiUo latioiibiis iucauis E. multicipUis. — Utali, ill the Wahsatch Mountains, AVatson, and above Spring Lake, Vixvry ; by the hitter, iu full flower. GuAYlA BuAXnEGKi. Iiieriuis, sesquipedalis, leviter i"m t'liiaceu- cinerea ; fuliis spathulalo-liiiearibus ; thecis niiiHiiil)iis llaviduli,, olilato- orbiculatis quandoipie trialatis basi latissiiiie retusis, alis sulnindidalis ; ovaiio basilari papuloso. — IlilLsitles, among fragments of cretaceous sandstone, on the San Juan River, near tiie boundary between Col- orado and Utah, T. S. Brandegee in Hayden's Exploration, August, 1875. — While pleased with au accession to this genus, and with the opportunity of associating it with the name of an excellent correspond- ent who discovered it, I must add that ic does not much strengthen the ovatis oblongisveobtusis tcnui-nicmljranaceis subscariosis cum calycibus villoso- pubescentibus ; corolla sesquipoUicari aurnntiacopunicea, tubo calyce duplo longiore, lobis lanceolatis. — Southern part of California, on tlie Cuiamaca Mountains and near Julian City, I). Cleveland, E. Palmer. The calyx is three- fourths or in fruit a full inch long ; the corolla sometimes two inches long. This would be very ornamental in cultivation. 2. M. NANA. Prsecedenti sat similis, magis hirsuta ; floribus minoribus ; corolla pallida, tubo pubescente ultra calycem pauUo exserta; bracteis albidis roseisve. — S. California, in the mountains behind San Diego, 1). Cleveland. Calj'x barely two-thirds of an inch long; the corolla-tube only a line or two longer. § 2. DensiflorcB et midlijloroe. : calyce i-J-poUicari : antheraj loculis brevioribus minis divaricatis. * Perennes, basi nunc lignescentes : corolla incarnata vel purpurea nunc pal- lidiore tubo calycem parum superante. ••- Pubescens seu villosa, foliis ovatis nunc oblongis. 3. M. VILLOSA Benth., cum varietatibus. ^- -t- Pube minuta canescens vel fere glabra ; foliis angustioribus, venis in- con spicu is. 4. M. ODORATissiMA Benth. Humilis ; foliis oblongo-lanccolatis brevipoti- olatis ; bracteis villosis vel ciliatis ; calycis dentibus brevibus triangulari-laii- ceolatis intus extusque hirsutis. — Also in Oregon. 5. M. LiNOiDES. Pedalis, gracilis, pube iraperceptibili cinerea ; foliis lan- ceolatis seu linearibus sessilibus imisve oblongo-spatlmlatis; bracteis panira ciliatis; calycis dentibus angusto-lanceolatis tantum pubesceutibus. — S. Cali- fornia, in the mountains east of San Diego, Dr. Palmer. 102 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY genus. The small thecae, as far as seen only 3 lines broad, and with some furfuraceous puberuleuce (but they are far from mature, and mainly unfertilized), and the papulose cellular ovary too much remind us of Atriplex (incl. Obione). A. Endolepis of Watson, Rev. Cheuop., p. Ill (of which I should like to form a distinct section), has as thin and complete a sac; but there are two minute teeth at its apex, and their position, along with the venation, shows that the sac is compressed laterally, i.e., formed of two flat bracts. I agree with Mr. Watson's view, that the sac of Grayia is obcompressed, or formed of a pair of conduplicate bracts, completely united to the very tip ; and on this character (along with the inferior radicle) the genus actually rests.- But tiiis view demands the separation from Atriplex of a species which has always appeared like a stranger in the genus, and which I proj)ose * * Annuae, minus foliosas ; foliis integerrimis raro undulatis. t- Corolla (carnea, rosea, vel purpurea) tubo e calyce sat parumve exserto, lobia linearibus vel lineari-oblongis. H-t- Brateae muticae, venis plerisque a basi parallelis ; calycis dentibus latius- culis muticis. 6. M, UNDULATA Beiitb. Glabella ; foliis oblongo-spatliulatis vel fere lineari- bus obtusis margine undulatis in petiolum attenuatis ; bracteis ovatis obtusis tenui-niembranaceis vel scariosis nervis simplicibus percursis (nee venulosis) caljcibusque viilosis ; corolla rosea. 7. M. LANCEOLATA. Vifidis, fere glabra, bracliiato-ramosa ; foliis lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis baud undulatis in i)etiolum gracileni attenuatis ; bracteis fere foliaceis ovatis oblongisve plerunique aeutis inter costas reticulato-venosis j calycis parum nervosi dentibus intus crebre extus vix liirsutis ; corolla roseo- l)iirpiirea saipius maoulata. — California, from Plumas to San Diego Co.; not unoonuuon ; has been confounded both with the jirecediiig and the sncceeding. 8. M. CANDiCANS Benth. PI. Ilartw. p. .330. Pube breyi moUi canescens vel oinerea, nunc laxe ramosa ; foliis oblongis vel lanceolatis obtusis subito in petiolum contractis ; bracteis fere scariosis ovatis obtusis, venulis parcis inter costas reticulatis ; calycis nervosi dentibus intus extusque villosissimis ; corolla semper brevi pallida. ++ -^ Bractcte cuspidatae, prceter costas validas tenui-scariosas vel hyalinae. 9. M. BuEWEKi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 386. Habit of Monarda Jistn- losa. 10. M. DouGLASii Benth. ■t- H- Corolla (alba? ) parva, tubo incluso, lobis brevibus latis : bractese teuui- scariosae, candidissimaj, 7-9-nerves. 11. M. LEUc ocEPUALA Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 7, p. 385. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 103 to establish 1)}' itself, between Alrlplex and Groi/ia, iiiidcr tlic name of its discoverer, Dr. George Suckley, U. S. A., one of tiie luiturulists of the exploration across the Continent under Governor Stevens.* APPENDIX. CHAPMANNIA Torn & Gray. This genus was described from imperfect materials in the Flora of North America (1, p. 3">r)), taken up by Mr. Hentham in his paper upon Arachls, and then the character added to in Fl. N. Amer. 1, p. 692, — all this upon a wrong view as to two kinds of blossoms, which Mr. Bentham subsequently corrected. Good specimens, with well developed flowers, are iu Rugel's collection ; and I have just received others fi'om an esteemed correspondent, Dr. Feay of Savannah, collected on Pease River, Florida. A few par- ticulars are added to complete or slightly correct the character as given in Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, 1, p. 517, and to bring out more prominently the differences between it and Stylo- santhes. The broadly obovate vexillum and aloe are only slightly unguiculate, not at all auriculate at base, but the latter nearly as equal-sided as the former. In anthesis they are widely spreading, and distant from the carina. The latter is shorter and straight (only in Rugel's specimens is there an obliquity giving the appearance as of a slight curvature) ; its two petals are united almost completely into an oval or somewhat obovate piece, which is not auriculate at base, very obtuse and emar- ginate at the apex, convolute as if into a tube, one edge slightly over lapping, or slightly open in full anthesis. The andrcecium is only halt the length of the carina, which encloses it or, when it opens down the upper side, allows the anthers to project from towards its base. The * Subtribus EUROTIE^. Theca, e bracteis pi. m. coiiduplicatis coalitis con stans, obcompressa, rarissime triptera. 1. Gratia. Theca nuda, intcgerrima, scariosa, orbiculata, plana, sama- roidea, alato-marginata. Radicula infera. Flores dioici. 2. SccKLEYA. Theca nuda, subhastata, complanata, marginibus herbacco- cristatis, apice bidentato. Radicula supera. Flores monoici. — S. petiolaris. Obione Sticklr-yana Torr. Atriplex SufkJcijana Watson, I. c. 3. EuROTiA. Theca villosissima, turgida, nee marginata nee aristata, apice bifida. Radicula infera. Flores dioici. 4. Ceratocarpus. Theca cuneata, obcompresso-plana, biaristata. Radi- cula infera. Flores monoici. 104 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY very slender filiform style, however, is longer tlian the carina and pro- trudes beyond it more or less, even before the flower opens, and con- tinues exserted. It is evidently a case of proterojiyny. Ahhough the ten anthers are nearly alike in size ami shape, the alternate ones are shorter as well as somewhat differently affixed. The ovary is not " pluri-ovulatum." That is probably a misprint of " 2-3-ovulatam." At least I find only three ovules ; and, answering to this, the loment is at most three-jointed. Instead of " subreniform," the seed is obovate and the radicle is projecting and straight, as described by Mr. Benthani himself in Linn. Trans. 18, p. 162. There may be a slight inflection, but it seems to be in the incumbent direction. The stipules, unlike those of Stylosanthes, are nearly or quite free from the petiole. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. IQ- VI. BOTANICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. By Sekeno Watson. Presented, Oct. 12, 1875. / On the Flora of Guadalupe Island, Lower California. The Island of Guadalupe is in lat. 29" nortli, about one hundred miles from the coast of Lower California, and two hundred and thirty west of south from the town of San Diego, which is near the southern line of California. It is twenty-six miles in length in a north and south direction, w^ith an average breadth of ten miles, and is traversed by a mountain ridge, the central peak (Mount Augusta) haviii"- an elevation of 3900 feet above the level of the sea. From this point the nearest mainland is visible. The sides of the ridge are exceed- ingly rough and broken, cut up by numerous deep and rocky canons, and even the more level surfaces are described as usually covered by rocks of every size and form. The rocks are volcanic, and several extinct craters still exist. The island lies within the great ocean current which flows from the peninsula of Alaska down our western coast, the continuation of what is known as the Japanese Gulf-stream, and in the zone of the north- west trade-winds. Fogs are very prevalent, especially in the winter months (from November to February), when they are driven by tlie winds over the crest of the island, covering all the northern end and filling the upper portions of the canons, while the lower cailons and the southern extremity of the island remain clear and warm. These winter winds from the north-west are described as strong and cold, sometimes extremely so, an instance of which occurred during Decem- ber, 1874, when ice an inch in thickness was formed in the middle of the island, accompanied by two inches of snow, which was followed by hail and five days of cold rain. In summer these winds have less force, though still brisk and chilly for much of the time ; and the fogs, instead of being carried over the central ridge, are driven around the northern end, and by eddy-winds are borne into the lower canons of 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the eastern side, which are thus made cooler than the region above them. Otherwise the summer months are intensely hot, especially in the southern portion of the island, and the soil becomes soon every- where so dry that the effect of the temporary summer fogs upon the vegetation is slisht. The difference in the seasons, however, at the two extremities of the island is remarkable, as vegetation at the south- ern end and in the eastern caiions is at least two months earlier than in the northern and western portions, and has for the most part reached its maturity by the close of May, under the then established heats of summer. The annual amount of actual rainfall is very vari- able, there being an abundance in some years, in others little or none. Guadalupe was early known to the navigators of these seas, but it was never permanently occujjied. Tliere are evidences of its temporary occupation by shipwrecked sailors, and it was also long ago stocked with goats * for the purpose of supplying fresh meat to vessels short of provisions or suffering from scurvy, and though out of the general course of travel it has been occasionally visited on tliis account. Twelve years ago an expelled governor of Lower California took refuge here with his family, and remained for two years. Soon after- ward a i^arty of men from the same State lived for some months upon the island engaged in killing the goats, and during the last ten years it has been occupied by a California company, by whom it was purchased for the purpose of raising the Angora goat, and the island is now over- run by these animals. Several men are kept in continual charge of them, and regular visits. are made by the vessels of the company. With this much of preliminary remark upon those conditions wliich must affect the vegetation of the island, we may pass to the flora itself. As respects the probable sources from which this flora may have been derived, it is evident that there has been abundant opportunity for the introduction of some species by human agency. These should be especially expected near the usual landing-place upon the eastern side, excepting such as would be probably distributed through the island by means of the goats. Those of most recent introduction in this way would doubtless be Californian ; the older might be from the nearer peninsula or from other localities. Of other recognized agencies for the distribution of i)lants, — the winds, ocean cur- * It is said that tliis was done by Captain Cook, who, however, was never upon tliis part of the coast. Vancouver passed Hear the island in 1793, but witliout stopping. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 107 rents, and birds, — iht; jirevaU'iit diii-ctioii of the (irst from (ho north-wost is iidversc to tin; siiii|i()>iiioii iliat any species of plia-iKj- ganums plants, at least, would be so introduced. The ocean cur- rents might be considered as more favorable, and as likely to bring accessions from the Californian mainland, contributed from the inte- rior by the Sacramento and other smaller streams. Hut the winds here again would prove an interposing agency, and by creating a sur- face drift toward the coast would prevent floating seeds from attaining any great distance from it. Such as did succeed in reaciiing the island, and in obtaining and maintaining a foothold upon it, would probably be wholly Californian. Less certain conclusions might be expected in regard to the agency of birds, but it appears, from the collection of the birds of the island made by Dr. Palmer, that they are all in some measure peculiar to the island itself, ''consisting almost entirely of familiar forms of the birds of the Western United States, but showing marked peculiarities, entitling them to recognition as geographical varieties. Nothing Mexican about them in the slightest degree."* So that, though they demonstrate a connection between the island and California, yet they also indicate that that conuection has only been at a remote period, and that their })articipation in the introduction of plants must have been slight. It might therefore be conjectured, if the island were of comparatively recent formation and always disconnected from the mainland, that its flora would show a meagre list of species almost wholly Californian. Or if, on the other hand, it had at some time been connected with the continent, that then its vegetation would be similar to that of the adjacent peninsula, unless some counteracting influence should have been at work, as would seem to be true of the birds. To show to what extent the flora of Lower California differs from that of California proper, reference may be made to the list of plants collected by Xantus at the lower extremity of the peninsula, f as given by Dr. Gray in the 6th volume of the Proceedings of this Academy. Of the 1 18 phanerogamic species there enumerated, only six are probably found even in extreme Southern California, while thirty others raiiTe northward only as far as Sonora, or eastward through Mexico to New * Prof. Spencer F. Baird, in letter. t The Island of Guadahipe is equally distant from San Francisco and Cape San Lucas, but three degrees of latitude nearer to the latter point; and tiie dif- ference of latitude between the cape and San Diego is little greater than that between Guadalupe and San Francisco. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Mexico or Texas, the remainder being peculiar to the peninsula or ex- clusively Mexican. The peninsula shares in this difference with Mexico itself, the type of whose whole flora accords rather with that of the eastern portion of the continent northward, except so far as it would necessarily be affected by the more tropical character of the climate. Of this a good and sufficient illustration is seen in the fact that of the PhaseoJe;a, Kellogg. Only two plants found, in the crevices of high rocks. Five feet high, branching near the top, and the branches terminated with bright green leaves and masses of showy yellow bloom ; May 10. 42. Hemizonia frutescexs, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xi. 79 ; new 116 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY S23ecie?. In the middle of the i>land, only a few small plants among bushes in the crevices of high rocks. It grows in compact bunches with abundant yellow bloom ; May 1. 43. Perityle incana, Gray, 1. c. 78 ; new species. Very common in the middle of the island, in the crevices of high rocks, hanging in massive bunches of yellow bloom; April, and through the summer. 44. Perityle Emoryi, Torr. Scattered through some of the canons on the east side; flowers white, showy, blooming abundantly for three months, commencing in February. Much eaten by goats. 45. B.ERiA Palmeri, Gray, Fl. Calif, ined. ; new species. Abun- dant in warm low spots in the middle and at the south end ; flowers showy, gamboge-yellow; February 27. — . Bahia I.ANATA, Nutt., var. A single plant had escaped the goats, on a rocky open spot in the middle of the island ; flowers light orange ; May 10. 46. Amblyopappus pusillus, Hook. & Arn. In low ground at the southern end. 47. Matricaria discoidea, DC. Around springs in the middle of the island. 48. Artemisia Californica, Less. In considerable abundance at the south end, in rocky spots, giving character to the vegetation ; about a foot and a half high, of rather loose habit. Also in the mid- dle of the island in crevices of the highest cliffs. 49. Senecio Palmeri, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xi. 80 ; a new species. " White sage;" very abundant on many warm slopes, from the middle to the north end. About three feet high, of diffuse habit, a very free and showy bloomer ; beginning to flower early in Febru- ary and maturing in May, when the air is fllled with its downy seeds. — . Gnaphalium Sprengelii, Hook. & Arn. With the next. 50. MiCROSERis lineartfolia. Gray. Only in the middle of the island, on stony ridges; eaten close by goats. 51. Malacotiirix Clkvelandii, Gray. Abundant among rocks and trees in the middle of the island ; flowers deep yellow. 52. SoNCiius OLERACEUS, Liuu. Very rare, on warm slopes in the middle of the island. — . Specularia biflora. Gray. Rare, in the shade of rocks and sage-brush on hillsides in the middle of the island. 53. GiTiiOPSis specularioides, Nutt. Abundant at the niidHTUsiFLOHL'.M. Stoutcr, often glandular: leaflets usually broader and heads large : teeth entire. — T. olitusijlorum, llook. Central California. Var. MELANANTiiiiM. Smootli, often low: flowers smaller, dark-purple: teeth entire or toothed. — T. indananthum, Ilook. & Am. T. varkyatum, fi., Torr. & Gray. S. California to Arizona. 31. T. PAfciFi,OKUM, Nutt. Smooth, very slender : involucre small: flowers little exceeding the calyx, rather few : teetli rigid, setosely acuminate, entire. — OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 131 lescent, glabrous, tlie inflorescence slightly villous ; stij)ules scarious ; leaflets ellij)tic-ol)long, thin, acutish, entire, a half to an inch long : peduncles about equalling the leaves : flowers spicate in a loose naked head, pur[)lish, seven lines long : calyx-teeth lanceolate, acuminate, a little longer than the canipanuhite tube : ovary stipitate, T-ovuled. — On the uorth-western border of New Mexico; collected by T. S. Brandegee, on Hayden's Survey. A strongly marked and peculiar species. Tkifolium Brewkki. Annual, very slender and diffuse, some- what pubescent throughout, a span high or more : stipules lanceolate, short ; leaflets obcordate 'or obovate, rarely oblong, toothed or serru- T. variegatum, Nutt. T. oUganthum, Steud. Washington Territory to S. Cali- fornia and Utah. 32. T. MONANTHUM, Gray. Often villous, small, very slender : involucre very small : flowers 1 to 4, much exceeding the short calyx : teeth thin, shortly acuminate. — Proc. Am. Acad. G. 528. Sierra Nevada. t- t- Involucre membranaceous, at least at base, less deeply lobcd ; lobes entire or serrate. 33. T. MiCROCEPHALUM, Pursh. Villous : heads small : lobes of involucre acuminate, 3-nerved, entire: calyx-teeth long-subulate, with broad scarious mar- gin. — Washington Territory to S. California, and N. Nevada. 84. T. MiCRODON, H. & A. Villous: involucre broader; lobes 3toothed : calyx smooth, angled ; teeth rigid, triangular, acute, with a narrow serrulate scarious margin. — Washington Territory to San Francisco; Chili. 35. T. CYATHiFERtTM, Lindl. Smooth : heads larger : involucre very broad ; lobes sliort, toothed, many-nerved : calyx-teeth setosely many-branched. — From the Columbia River to N. California and N. Nevada. * * * Slender annuals : standard becoming conspicuously inflated. — Cali- fornia. •*- Heads mostly large : involucre conspicuous. 36. T. BARBiGERCM, Torr. Somewhat villous : involucre shortly lobed, setaceously many-toothed : calyx-teeth filiform, plumose, sometimes 2-3-parted. — Pacif. R. Rep. 4. 79. Monterey to Mendocino County. 37. T. FtrCATUM, Lindl. Smooth, stout : stipules large and scarious : heads large : involucre deeply lobed or parted ; lobes entire, acuminate : teeth nar- rowly subulate, entire or 2-3-cIeft. — T. Gamhellii, Nutt. PI. Ganib. 151. H- -I- Heads small, few-flowered : involucre small or none : calyx-teeth narrowly subulate : small. 38. T. DEPADPERATUM, Desvaux. Involucre a very small toothed or trun- cate often scarious ring. — T. stenophijllum, Nutt. 1. c. Also Chilian. 39. T. AMPLECTEKS, Torr. & Gray. Involucre 4-5-parted or cleft, the seg- ments oblong, usually obtuse, entire or nearly so, equalling the calyx. — T. diver sifoUum, Nutt. 1. c. 152. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY late, three to nine lines long : flowers few, in axillary naked very loose heads, nearly white, two to four lines long, on slender pedicels often half as long, at length reflexed : calyx very narrow, the slender teetli much shorter than the corolla. — In the Sierra Nevada, from the Yosemite Valley, at Clark's, to Sierra County, from several coliec- lors. Of the T. gracilentum group, which is otherwise confined chiefly to the Coast Ranges. Trifoliu:m Palmeri. A glabrous and diffuse annual, the stems ascending, about a foot high or less : stipules elongated, narrowly acuminate ; leaflets oblong to narrowly lanceolate, acute or acutish at each end, serrulate, a half to an inch long : peduncles axillary : heads naked, 10-20-flowered; flowers sessile, at length reHexed : calyx three lines long, deeply cleft into narrow acuminate entire lobes : petals purplish, scarcely exceeding the calyx : i)od 2-seeded. — Guadalupe Island ; Dr. E. Palmer. Dalea Californica. Shrubby, with the leaves and younger branches canescent with a fine appressed pubescence : glands mostly obscure, but upon the peduncles sometimes prominent and prickle- like : leaflets one or two pairs, linear-oblong, not two lines long, decur- rent upon the short rhachis : flowers on short pedicels in a loose raceme, purple, four lines long : calyx half as long, finely pubescent, the ovate acute teeth shorter than the tube : ovules two. — Known as yet only from scanty specimens recently collected by Dr. Parry in the San Bernardino Mountains, California. It adds another to a group of more or less woody or shrubby species, which may be separated as a section Xylodalea, characterized by having the claws of the petals adnate to the stamineal tube only at the very base, the flowers spread- ing or reflexed, mostly in loose spikes or racemes, and the ovules in a favf of the species four or six. It includes a dozen species, some with calyx very pubescent and teeth mostly slender (Z). scopana Gray ; D. frutescens, Gray ; D. Emoryi^ Gray ; D. arborescens, Torr. ; D. pnhjadenia, Torr. ; D. amoena, Watson), others with the calyx spar- ingly pubescent and broadly toothed (Z). Fremontii, Torr. ; D. Gali- foritica, Watson ; D. Jolinsoni, Watson ; D. Kingii, Watson ; D. Sc/iOttii, Torr.; and D. spinosa, Gray). The species D. arffi/reea, D. Parryi, and D. leucostachys are intermediate between this section and the true Daleas. The genus Asngrcea of Baillon, founded on J), spinosa and characterized by the several ovules and sim[)le leaves, can hardly be maintained, as D. Schottii likewise has simple leaves but only two ovules, while in D. scoparia at least the ovules are four. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 133 Latiiyuus Nevadensis.* Sk'iulci', usually a spau lii^^li, liuily pubesceut or nearly glabrous : stipules semi -sagittate, the lobes nar- rowly acuminate ; leaflets tliiu, two to four pairs, ovate to ovate- * Tlie North American species of tiiis genus ruay be arrangeil as follows : — § 1. Rhachis of the leaves tendril-bearing: peduncles mostly equalling or ex- ceeding the leaves : pod sessile. * Annual : racemes 1-2-flowered. 1. L. pusiLLCS, Ell. Glabrous ; stems winged : leaflets 2, narrow : flowers small, purple : pod linear: seeds minutely tuberculate. — S. Carolina to Texas. The L. Enfjelmanni, Bischof in Linntea, 14. 182 (Litt.-Bericlit), from near Fort Gibson, Arkansas, may be distinct. It is described as with oblong leaves, ciliate stipules, and seeds " rugulosoexsculptis." * * Perennials : racemes several-flowered. t- Stipules large, ovate or somewhat semi-hastate with broad lobes : stout and glabrous, e.xoepting forms of L. marilimus. 2. L. MARiTiMus, Bigel. Stipules broadly ovate, acute: leaflets 6 to 10, thick, ovate-oblong, obtuse or acutish, 1 or 2 inches long, nearly sessile : flowers large (9 lines long), purple: calyx-teeth sparingly ciliate. — Seashore, from New Jersey and Oregon northward, and on the Great Lakes. The high northern and arctic form is low and more slender, and more or less densely pubescent. 3. L. POLYPHYLLUS, Nutt. Stipules smaller, triangular, scarcely longer than broad, acute or acuminate ; leaflets 12 to 20, thin, oblong, distinctly petio- lulate : otherwise Uke the last. — N. California and Oregon, near the coast. 4. L. ocHROLEUCDS, Hook. Stipules semi-cordate ; leaflets 6 to 8, thin, ovate, obtuse or acutish : flowers smaller, ochroleucous. — Northern United States from New England to Washington Territory, and north to Lake Win- nipeg. 5. L. suLPHUREus, Brewer. Glaucous : stipules semi-cordate or semi-sagit- tate ; leaflets 6 to 20, oblong-ovate to linear-lanceolate, about an inch long, acute : flowers sulphur-yellow, 6 lines long. — In the Sierra Nevada. -t- ■*- Stipules narrower, semi-sagittate, the lobes usually lanceolate, acuminate : flowers purple or purplish. ++ Leaflets 8 to 12 : peduncles rather many-flowered. 6. L. VENOSus, Muhl. Stout, climbing, usually somewhat downv : stipules mostly narrow and short ; leaflets oblong-ovate, mostly obtuse, about 2 inches long : flowers 6 to 8 lines long : calyx densely pubescent to nearly glabrous : ovary smooth. — Through the Atlantic States to the Saskatchawan, and thence to Washington Territory. Var. Californicus. Stems very stout, often strongly winged : stipules broader ; leaflets acute and narrower : flowers larger. — Sonoma County to Monterey, California, and in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada ; near water. Intermediate forms occur. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY oblong, can inch or two long, obtuse or acute ; rhachis rarely developing a short tendril at the extremity : flowers ochroleucous or sometimes purplish (?), large (7 to 12 lines long) : calyx-teeth shorter than the 7. L. vESTiTtrs, Nutt. Slender, often tall, usually more or less downj : stipules narrow, often small ; leaflets ovate-oblong to linear, J to 1 inch long, acute : flowers pale, 7 to 10 lines long : ovary appressed-pubescent. — L. strictus, Nutt. Coast Eanges of California, from Sonoma County to San Diego ; very variable. •w- ++ Leaflets 4 to 8 : peduncles 2-6-flowered. 8. L. PALtrsTER, Linn. Slender, glabrous Or somewhat pubescent : stem often winged : stipules mostly narrow, often small ; leaflets narrowly oblong to linear, acute, an inch or two long : flowers smaller, 6 lines long. — L. Lanszwertii, Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 2. 105, fig. 44. Var. MTRTiFOLius, Gray. Stipules usually broader and larger ; leaflets ovate to oblong, an inch long or less. — L. venosus, var. S., Torr. & Gray, Fl. 1. 274. L. polyphijlhis, Watson, Bot. King's Rep. 78. — Very variable : found throughout the northern part of the continent, ranging southward in the moun- tains to New Mexico, Arizona, and S. California. What appears to be merely a low form with the tendrils undeveloped is found in the Rocky Mountains and westward. § 2. Rhachis not tendril-bearing or rarely so : pod shortly stipitate. * Peduncles long, 2-6-flowered. 9. L. LiTTORALis, Eudl. Densely silky-villous : stipules ovate-oblong, acute, entire ; leaflets 2 to 6, with a small terminal one, cuneate-oblong, 4 to 6 lines long : flowers purple, 6 to 8 lines long : pod oblong, villous. — On the coast, from Washington Territory to San Francisco. 10. L. Nkvadensis, Wat«on. See above. 11. L. POLYMORPHUS, Nutt. Usually low, finely pubescent or glabrous, glaucous: stipules narrowly acuminate; leaflets 6 to 12, thi(;k and strongly nerved, narrowly oblong, acute, 1 or 2 inches long : flowers very large, purple : pod 3 or 4 lines broad: funiculus remarkably narrow and hilum short. — New Mexico and Colorado to Central Arizona. 12. L. OKNATUS, Nutt. Leaves narrower and shorter:' pod somewhat broader : funiculus broader : otherwise resembling the last. — Mountains of ColoPiido and Utah. * * Peduncles very short, 1-flowered. 13. L. ToRREYi, Gray. Very slender, low, sparingly villous : stipules nar- row ; leaflets thin, 8 to 12, with occasionally a similar terminal one, ovate to oblong, acute, i inch long: flowers rather small, purplish : pod pubescent. — Washington Territory to N. California, near the coast. Species excluded. L. LINEARIS, Nutt. and others, including L. dissitifotiiis, Nutt., is only a western form of Vicia Americana, with narrow leaflets, = V. Americana, var. linearis. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 135 tube: fruit not seen. — L. I'enosiis, var. obovatus, Turrey in racif. 11. Rep. 4. 77. In the Sierra Nevada, in Calaveras County, where it lias been collected by Bi^'elow, Brewer (n. 1G02, 1G12), Dr. G. L. Good- ale, and II. Mann. Other specimens flora the Blue INlouniains, Ore- gon (-Rev. R. D. Nevius), and from Northern Idaho (Geyer, n. .'512; L. po/i/morp/iiis, Hook. Jour. Bot. G. 207), are probably the same, with rather narrower and acuter leaflets. SornouA Auizonica. An evergreen shrub, somewhat canescent with short appressed silky hairs : leaflets two or three paii's, nar- rowly oblong, acutish, about an inch long ; stipules small, subulate : racemes very short (half an inch long), and few-flowered; bracts de- ciduous : pedicels bracteolate, about three lines long : calyx narrowed at base : pods smooth, coriaceous, compressed, reticulated and with nerve-like margins, three or four inches long, more or less contracted between the thick oblong (half inch long) seeds ; stipe exceeding the calyx. — S. speciosa, Torrey in Pacif. R. Rep*. 4. 82. At Cactus Pass and on White Cliff Creek in W. Arizona, by Dr. Bigelow ; only fruiting specimens found, January. The pod is thinner and more compressed than is usual in the genus and the seed less globose. The more eastern S. speciosa, Benth., has very thick and terete silky pods, with ovate seeds, and larger obtuse or emarginate cuneate- obovate or broadly spatulate leaves. Parkinsonia Torreyana. a small tree, twenty or thirty feet high, with smooth light green bark ; younger branches and leaves sparingly pubescent : leaflets two or three pairs in each pinna, oblong, obtuse, narrower toward the somewhat oblique base, Iwo or three lines long, glaucous : flowers on long pedicels in racemes terminating the branches ; pedicels jointed near the middle, the joint not evident until in fruit : petals appai'ently bright yellow, four lines long ; claw of the upper petal with a thick prominent gland : ovary glabrous : pod with a double groove along the broad ventral suture, usually two inches long or more, 2— 8-seeded, straight or somewhat contracted between the seeds : seeds very thick. — Cercidium jioridam, Torrey in Pacif. R. Rep. 5. 360, t. 3. Abundant on the Lower Colorado River and in the valleys of Western and Southern Arizona, and known as Palo Verde or Green-barked Acacia. It has been always mistaken for P. forida (^Cercidium Jloriduin, Benth.), of the Rio Grande Valley, which has sessile axillary racemes, pods with a narrow acute margin on the ventral side, thinner'seeds, and somewhat smaller leaflets. The characters which have been relied upon to sepaiate Cercidium, Tulasne, from Parkinsonia, do not hold good in regard to our western 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY species, and it becomes necessary to unite the two genera. The P. microphylla of Torrey, from W. Arizona (republished by Benthara under the same name in Martins' Flora Brazil.), is certainly rightly referred, the pod being in every respect that of ParAv'nson/a, though the habit and characters of the flowers are those of Cercidium. Both genera are alike in the jointed pedicels of the flowers, in the more or less thickened glandular and pubescent claw of the upper petal, in the strongly gibbous filament of the corresponding upper stamen, in the indoubliiig of the style in the bud, and in the more or less oblique longitudinal veining of the pod. The valvate or slightly imbricate asstivation of the calyx, the straight or torulose and more or less coria- ceous pods, and the differences in foliage, cannot be relied upon to dis- tinguish the genera. In addition to the three species already mentioned and the eastern P. Texana {^Cercidium Texanum, Gray), there is perhaps another undescribed species from near Camp Grant in Ari- zona, and Botteri's n. 994 from Orizaba, Mexico, appears 'also to be distinct, but the material in both cases is insufficient for a satisfac- tory description. Cassia (Chamjesenna) armata. Herbaceous, about three feet high, minutely puberulent, light green : leaflets two or three pairs, thick, round-ovate, acutish, a line or two in diameter, the margin slightly revolute, distant upon an elongated (two inches long) rigid flattened spinulose rhachis; sti{)ules and glands wanting: flowers in a short terminal raceme, yellow, on slender pedicels and with rigid aculeate-tipped bracts : petals two or three lines long : ovary slightly pubescent; the numerous ovules obliquely transverse: young pod glabrate, stipitate, linear, acuminate, compressed, the sutures thick and nerve-like. — A remarkable species, found by Dr. J. G. Cooper in the mountains of S. California, between Fort Mohave and Cajon Pass, and also by Lieut. Wheeler in W. Arizona. Nkillia Torreyi. a small shrub, differing from N. opidifoUa in its smaller leaves, which are an inch long or often less, its finer pubes- cence and the leaves sometimes densely white-tomentose beneath, its fewer and smaller flowers (only half as large) on shorter pedicels, the fewer (15 or 20) stamens, and especially the densely tomentose ovaries, which are fewer (usually 1 or 2) and become less inflated. — Spira-a mono(/yna, Ton-ey, Ann. N. Y. Lye. 2. 194. ^. opii/ifn/id, var. pauciflorn, Torr. & Gray. In the mountains of Colorado and westward to Nevada. Very distinct froifi N. opulifob'a. though by no means always monogynous as originally described, and of interest as being a strictly American species of this chiefly Asiatic genus. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 137 Sedu.m variegatum. Glabrous, slender; stems simple, from un- derground rootstocks (?), erect, an inch or two high: radical leaves none ; cauline lanceolate with a broad base, two lines long or less : flowers few (three to six) in a close cyme : sepals broadly ovate, acute, short and purplish : petals twice as long (about two lines), ovate-lan- ceolate, yellowish with puiple niidvein : stamens 10, included. — A diminutive species, sent by D. Clevelaiul, from San Diego, Qi^NOTHKKA (Sphjerostigma) GuADALUPENsis. A low erect annual (three inches high), branching, finely pubescent: leaves oblan- ceolate, sessile or the lowest attenuate to a petiole, obtuse or acutish, obscurely sinuate-toothed, an inch long: fiovvers few, axillary, yellow, very small : calyx-tube obconical, a line long ; the lobes as long, close in the bud : capsule oblong-pyramidal, nearly straight, strongly angled, half an inch long : seeds brown, smooth. — Found by Dr. E. Palmer on Guadalupe Island ; a peculiar species in the section as respects its capsule, in which it most resembles (E. andina. Mkntzklia dispersa. a slender annual, usually about a foot high ; leaves narrowly lanceolate, sinuate-toothed or sometimes entire, rarely pinnatifid, the uppermost often ovate: flowers small, mostly ap- proximate near the ends of the branches; calyx-lobes a line long, little siiorter than the five spatulate or obovate petals : filaments not dilated : capsule narrowly linear-clavate, six to nine lines long : seeds very often in a single row, angular and somewhat rhombohedral, more or less grooved upon the angles, very nearly smooth, half a line long. — M. albicaulis, var. integrifolia, Watson, Bot. King's Rep. 114. F'rom "Washington Territory to Colorado and southward, frequent ; Yose- mite Valley, Bolander ; Guadalupe Island, Palmer. Much resembling M. albicaulis, Dough, with which it has been confounded almost from the first, but wdiich is distinguished by its more pinnatifid leaves and slightly larger flowers, and especially by its rather strongly tubercu- late seeds, irregularly angled with obtuse margins. The rarer allied species M. micrantha differs in its more leafy habit and small ovate leaves, and in its shorter, broader and few-seeded capsules, the seeds a line long. CuouRBiTA PALMATA. Cauesceut with a short rough pubes- cence, which is appressed upon the leaves ; stems leafy : leaves thick, cordate, two or thi-ee inches broad, usually exceeding the petioles, pal- mately o-cleft to the middle with lanceolate acuminate lobes, which are often obtusely toothed near the base : flowers three inches long, on stout pedicels : calyx-tul)e an inch long, the lanceolate teeth three lines long or more : fruit globose ; seeds five lines long, rather smaller 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY than in C. digitata. — San Diego County : collected in Cajon Valley by D. Cleveland, and at Larken's Station near the Jacumba Mountains by Dr. E. Palmer. CucuRBiTA Californica, Torrey MS. in herb. Imperfect speci- mens of tills species were collected by Dr. E. Pickering on the Wilkes Exploring Expedition, at some locality in the Sacramento Valley. Tiie foliage is much like that of the last, but the flowers are smaller, scarcely more than an inch long, exceeding the slender pedi- cels ; calyx-teeth short and linear. Megaurhiza Guadalupensis.* Nearly glabrous, the inflores- cence somewhat pubescent : leaves thin, 3-5-lobed to the middle ; * MEGARRHIZA, Torrey. The species of this genus have been imperfectly studied, owintj to want of material, and the only one at all well known has been the original M. Californica, tlie Echinocijatis fubacm of Xaudin. As already pointed out by Dr. Gray and Dr. Torrey, the genus is separated from the east- ern Echinociistis by its thick perennial roots, its large turgid inimarginate seeds, and its thickened fleshy cotyledons, which remain subterranean in germination, — characters which hold good in all the species, and may be considered as suf- ficiently distinctive. The following are the species at present known, the characters subject to modification as fuller material may require. Considerable diversity is shown in the internal structure of the fruit, which may perhaps be found to vary to some extent even in the same species. 1. M. CALiFonN-iCA, Torrey. Nearly glabrous; stems very long: leaves 5-7-lobed, rarely to the middle ; lobes broadly triangular, abrupth' acute : fer- tile flowers without abortive stamens : ovary globose, densely echinate, 2 celled (rarely 3-4-celled), the cells 1-2-ovuled; ovules attached to the outer side, the lower ascending, the upper horizontal : fruit globose or ovoid, two inches long, beset with stout almost pungent spines (a half to an inch long), 1-4-seeded : seed obovoid, ten lines long, surrounded lengthwise by a shallow groove or darker line, the hilum at the end. — Pacif. K. Kep. 6. 74. Echinoci/stis fahacea, Naudin, Ann. Sci. Nat. 4. 12. 154, t. 9, and IG. 188. Near the coast from Punta de los Reyes to San Diego. 2. M. Marah. Scabrous or nearly smooth ; stems very long : leaves nearly as in the last: fertile flowers with abortive stamens : ovary oblojig-ovate, more or less covered with soft spines, 2-3-celled : ovules 1 to 4 or more in each cell, ascending or horizontal, attached to the outer side of the cell : fruit ovate-ob- long, four inches long, somewhat attenuate at each end, more or less beset with weak spines : seeds horizontally imposed, flattish, suborbicular or irregu- larly elliptical, an inch in diameter, about half as thick, with an obscure mar- ginal furrow and prominent lateral hilum. — Marah miiriaitux, Kellogg, Proc. Cahf. Acad. 1. 38. Near San Francisco Bay, at Bolinas, Saucelito, Alameda, Redwood, Corte Madera, &c. 3. M. Oregona, Torrey. Much like the last: fertile flowers without abor- tive stamens : young fruit similar in shape, sparingly muricate with soft spines, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 139 lower lobes quadnuiguhir, tlie upper aciuuiimte, with a few short teeth : flowers in subsimple racemes, six to eight lines broad ; calyx- teeth iiliforiu : ovary ovoid, densely covered with short soft spines, on a slender pedicel an inch long, 2-celled ; ovules one or two in each cell : fruit ovoid, about two inches long, acute above, somewliat pnljes- cent, and with scattered short stiff spines, usually 2-seeded : seeds sub- globose, an inch in diameter, attached to tlie inner side of the cell, smooth upon the margin. — From Guadalupe Island, by Dr. K. Pal- mer ; growing on high rocks. Saniol'la Nkvauexsis. Low, the peduncles mostly from the base of the stem : leaves ternate with decurrent oblong-ovate 3-5- lobed divisions, the segments lobed or toothed : involucre pinnatifid and toothed : rays about o, sometimes branched, about an iuch long in fruit ; involucels somewhat unilateral, of several oblong acute more or less united bracts : flowers yellow : fruit sessile, covered with stout prickles. — lu Plumas County, California ; collected by Mrs. M. E. P. Ames, and by Lemmon. CiCUTA BoLANDKRi. Leaves bipinnate ; leaflets narrowly lanceo- late, narrowly and sharply acuminate, two inches long, very acutely serrate, the veinlets passing to the sinuses ; lower leaflets petiolulate, often deeply lobed : involucre of several linear leaflets : fruit two lines long, nearly orbicular, strongly ribbed and with broad vitta?, wliit-h are sunk in the channelled seed. — At Suisun, California, in salt-marshes ; Bolander. (ExANTHE Californica. Stems succulent: leaves ternate and bipinnate, the pinnaB nearly sessile ; leaflets approximate, ovate, about an inch long, acute or acutish, toothed, often lobed at base : involucre 3-4-celled : cells imbricated above each other, 1-seeded : seeds obovoid, ascend- ing, attached to the outer side of the cell. — Pacif. R. Kep. 6. 74. Common in Washington Territory and Oregon. The ripe fruit has not been collected. 4. M. MORiCATA. Nearly glabrous and often glaucous ; stems six to eight feet long : leaves usually smaller, deeply olobed, the divisions broader above and sliarply toothed or lobed : fertile flowers without abortive stamens, on slen- der pedicels : ovary oblong, acute at each end, smooth or sparingly nmricate : fruit nearly globose, an inch in diameter, naked or with a few short weak spines near the base, 2-celled (or perhaps sometimes 3- or 4-celled), 2-seeded : seed nearly globose, half an inch in diameter, ascending, attached to the outer side of the cell near the base, the margin smooth. — Echinocystis muricutn, Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 1. 57. On the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada, in Cala- veras and Placer Counties. 6. M. GxjADALUPENSis, Watson. See above. 140 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of one or two linear bracts or none : fruit crowded, oblong, obtuse at each end ; ribs and commissure very corky : seed somewhat dorsally compressed, usually angled ; vittai at the angles. — Found in marshes at Point Lobos and Merced Lake, and southward to San Diego County. — (E. sannentosa, Xutt., of Washington Territory, differs esjiecially in its more diffuse leaves, the leaflets acuminate and smaller. LiGUSTicuM FiLiciNUM. Rather slender, erect, a foot and a half high : leaves broadly triangular in outline, ternate, the divisions bipin- nate, and the segments deeply pinnatifid with linear acute lobes : rays 10 to 15, an inch or two long; involucre none ; involucels of one or few small linear bracts ; pedicels slender : fruit oblong, three lines long, with dilated crenate disk but obscure stylophore, strongly ribbed on the back, the lateral ribs narrow; vittte obscure: seed flattened, concave on the face, obscurely ridged on the back. — L. apiij'olium, Watson, Bot. King's Rep. 125. X. scopidorum, Parry in Am. Natu- ralist, 9. 271. In the Wahsatch and Uintah Mountains (u. 454 Wat- son ; n. 82 Parry, S. Utah collection), and northward to Wyoming (n. 121 Parry, N. W. Wyoming collection). Both L. apiifolium, of Oregon and California, and L. scopidorum, of Colorado, have much less dissected foliage, and different fruit, which is shorter and more oval, with conical stylophore, less flattened carpels, and a medial longitudinal ridge upon the face of the seed. These two species are very similar, but the latter has the more broadly winged ovate fruit, and the more depressed seed. There are indications of one or two other species, but fruit is needed for their confirmation. Selinum Pacificum. Leaves ternate and bi[)innate, the ovate acutish segments an inch long, laciniately toothed and lobed : umbels on stout peduncles, about 15-rayed, with a conspicuous involucre of two or three lobed and toothed leaflets, an inch long and eipialling the rays ; involucels of several narrowly linear entire or ^-toothed bracts, equalling the flowers; pedicels slender: fruit smooth, oblong, three or four lines long; wings thin, rather narrow ; stylopodium slightly prom- inent above the disk : vittas conspicuous, very rarely in pairs, the dorsal ones sunk in the body of the seed. — On the Saucelito hills, near San Francisco ; Kellogg & Harford, n. 315. This closely resembles a })lant of Unalaschka, one of the two northwestern and arctic species which have been referred to the Siberian ConioseUnum Fischeri, but which are rightly separated from it by Benth. & Hook, in Gen. PL 1. 915. The Alaskan species differs in having narrower and acute leaflets, the fruit shorter and more ovate (only two lines long), with OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 141 often a single prominent calyx-tootli ; stylopodiuni soniewliiit more prominent, and (in the still immatnre fruit) the vittae obscure and seed not grooved beneath the dorsal ones. AxGKLiCA TOMKXTOSA. Very stout, hoary-tomentose throughout or the stem glabrous : leaves (piiuate and ])ipiMiiate, the leaflets tiiick, ovate, acute, very ol)li(jue at base, unequally serrate with acntish teeth, the lower sometimes lobed, two to four inches long : umbels naked, often dense ; rays one to three inches long : fruit broad-elliptical (three lines long by two or more broad), the lateral wings thin and the dorsal acutish : seed thin, flat on the face, channelled on the back under the solitary vittaj. — In the Coast Ranges from San Fi-ancisco to Men- docino County ; the only species near the coast. Cymopteuus GLOiiOSUS. Nearly acaulescent : leaves clustered upon the very short stem, smooth and glaucous, pinnate or bipinnate with broadly oblong pinnatifid segments, the ultimate divisions oblong, obtuse, entire or toothed : involucre and involucels apparently none, and the rays and pedicels obsolete, the flowers and fruit being in dense globose heads a half to an inch in diameter: flowers white : fruit three to four lines long, the thin flat wings a line broad, narrower at base : vittoe solitary in the intervals, two on the commissure ; seed slightly concave on the face. — Northern Nevada, collected in the valleys near Carson City by Stretch and Watson, and in the Goshoot Mountains by Beckwith. Referred to by Dr. Torrey in Whipple's Report under C. montanus as an abnormal form, and made a variety of the same species in Bot. King's Rep. 124, the fruit of the two having been confounded and the real fruit not examined. Peuckdanuh IIallii. * Glabrous, shortly caulescent, the elongated * Tlie western Xorth American species of this confused and rather difficult genus form a group usually readily recognizable. They are foinid frequenting hillsides or dry valleys, low-siemmed or acaulescent, with thick fleshy roots, the stems rarely solitary, involucres wanting; stylophore nearly obsolete, and disk not dilated. The following characters may serve to distinguish them. § 1. Leaves not finely dissected (rarely bipinnate), tlie segments large or broad or elongated : flowers yellow : calyx-teeth mostly obsolete : fruit glabrous. * Acaulescent, glabrous : fruit oblong to ovate. •*- Leaves biternate or ternate-quinate ; leaflets orbicular to lanceolate : involu- cels none. 1. P. LEiocARPDM, Nutt. Often stout and tall: leaflets thickish, narrowly lanceolate to ovate, acute, 1 or 2 inches long, entire or often few-toothed at the apex : rays usually few, elongated : fruit oblong, narrower below, 4 or 5 lines 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY peduncles six to fifteen inches high : leaves pinnate, oblong in outline, the ovate segments half an inch long, deeply toothed or pinnatifid or pinnate with narrow divisions : involucels small : flowers yellow : calyx- long, narrowly winged : vittae distinct, solitary, 4 on the commissure. — Wash- ington Territory and Idaho to the Sacramento. 2. P. NcTTALLii, Watson. Very similar: leaflets orbicular or ovate, ob- tuse : fruit sliorter and more ovate, very narrowly winged ; vittaj obscure, 3 or 4 in the intervals and 4 to 6 on the commissure. — Bot. Iving's Kep. 128. P. lati- folium, Nutt. Oregon and N. Nevada. -*- t- Leaves pinnate or bipinnate; leaflets narrowly linear : involucels present. 3. P. GRAVEOLENS, Watsou, 1. c. Scapc 6 to 18 inches high, a little exceed- ing the leaves : fruit oblong, 4 or 5 lines long, narrowly margined ; calyx-teeth evident; vittae about 2 in tlie intervals, 4 on the commissure. — Musetunm teitui- foliiun. Hook, in Lond. Jour. Bot. 6. 237, not Nutt. Mountains of Utah and Colorado ; subalpine. * * Caulescent (often acaulescent in n. 4) : involucels mostly present : vittae solitary, except in n. 8. •*- Leaflets linear, entire. 4. P. TRITEKXAT0M, Nutt. Finely puberulent, often tall : leaves blternate or ternate quinate ; segments acute : fruit oblong, narrower below, 3 or 4 lines long, very narrowly winged, distinctly ribbed, rarely pubescent ; vittie distinct, 2 on the commissure. — P. leptocarpiun, Nutt., the acaulescent form. Washing- ton Territory and Idaho to Northern California. 5. P. SIMPLEX, Nutt. Similar : leaves ternate or biternate : fruit orbicular, 3 to 6 lines long, emarginate at each end ; wings broader than the body ; ribs prominent. — Watson, 1. c. 129. P. tn'lernatam, var. plati/carpum, Torr. in Stansb. Rep. 389. Montana to N. Arizona. 6. P. AMBiGUUM, Nutt. Glabrous, often low: petioles much dilated at base; leaves 1-2-pinnate with long linear leaflets, the upper often more dissected : involucels very small or none : fruit narrowly oblong, 4 lines long, narrowly winged; 2 vittae on the commissure, broad and thin. — P. Utviijcilitin and P. abrotaiii/oUum of Nutt. ; P.farinomin and P. tenuissimum of Geyer. Washington Territory and Oregon to W. Montana; the root much used by the Indians. There is one other imperfectly known allied acaulescent species in the same region, and probably more. •*- +- Leaflets ovate, toothed or sometimes pinnatifid : fruit orbicular or ellipti- cal : glabrous. 7. P. EuRYPTERA, Gray. Low : leaves ternate ; leaflets broadly cordate, coarsely toothed, an inch long or less: fruit 5 lines in diameter, emarginate at each end, broadly winged ; 2 vittje on the commissure. — Proc. Am. Acad. 7. 848. Euri/plcra htcida, Nutt. ; Torrey, Bot. Mex. Bound, t. 27. 8. P. PARViKOLiUM, Torr. & Gray. Low, slender: leaves deltoid in outline, biternate, 2 inches long ; leaflets ovate, laciniatcly lobeil and toothed or i)innati- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 143 teeth obsolete: fruit "ilahrous, broadly ellii)tical, three liiuis long, the wing half as broad as the body ; vittie three in the intervals, four or six on the commissure. — P. nudicdulc. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8. JiHij. Collected in Northern Oregon by Hall (n. 211). Peucedanum Parryi. Acaulescent, glabrous : leaves lanceolate in outline, bi|)innate, the short segments laciniately pinnatilid : [)eduncles six inches high : involucels small: flowers yellow ; ealyx-ti^cth evident: fruit oblong, glabrous, four lines long, narrowly winged; ribs liliform ; vittie undetermined. — P. macrocarpum, Parry, Am. Naturalist, 9. 271. In Southern Utah, by Parry (u. 85). Peucedancai Ni:vadensic. Glaucous, puberulent, shortly caules- cent, the peduncles three to fifteen inches high : leaves compoundly dissected with small oblong segments : rays often uncciual, an inch or two long : involucels small, of several linear-lanceolate bractlets, usually fid : calyx-teeth somewhat prominent : fruit about 3 lines long, broadly winged, scarcely emarginate ; 4 vittaj on the commissure. — Coast Ranges south of San Francisco. 9. P. Hallit, Watson. See above. § 2. Leaves decompound ; segments narrowly linear ; petioles very brondly dilated: involucels conspicuous, of usually scariously margined bractlets: flowers yellow : calyx-teeth obsolete : fruit broadly elliptical, glabrous : caules- cent, puberulent. 10. P. CARTTiFOLiuu, Torr. & Gray. Shortly caulescent: leaf-segments 4 to 2 inches long : bractlets often lanceolate : fruit 8 or 4 lines long ; ribs obsolete ; vittffi indistinct, 2 or 3 in the intervals, none on the commissure. — P. muryina- tum, Benth. PI. Hartw. 312. Central California. 11. P. DTRicuLATUM, Nutt. Morc caulesccnt : leaves more finely divided ; segments half an inch long or less : bractlets usually much dilated : fruit dis- tinctly ribbed ; vittje broad, solitary in the intervals, 4 to 6 on the commissure. — Washington Territory and Idaho to S. California. § 3. Leaves ample, very finely dissected with short filiform segments : flowers yellow : involucels present : calyx-teeth obsolete : fruit glabrous. * Fruit orbicular or broadly elliptical : acaulescent. 12. P. FCENicuLACEUM, Nutt. Tomcutose, sometimes glabrous : involucels gamophyllous, 5-7-cIeft : fruit 2 or 3 lines in diameter, winged ; ribs prominent ; vittfe 1 to 3 in the intervals, 2 to 4 on the commissure. — From the Saskatcha- wan to Nebraska and the Indian Territory. 13. P. MILLEFOLIUM, Watson. Glabrous, taller : involucels of distinct linear bractlets : fruit 4 or 5 lines long, 3 or 4 broad, broadly winged : vittae solitary, 2 on the commissure. — Bot. King's Rep. 129. Northern Utali to Washington Territory. 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY dist'nct : flowers white : calyx-teeth obsolete : fruit somewhat pubes- cent, rounded to ovate,. three to five lines long, two to four wide; ribs prominent ; vittae two or three in the intervals (sometimes four in the lateral ones, perhaps sometimes solitary), four to six on the commis- sure. — 7"*. nudicaule, AVatson, Bot. King's Rep. 130, and others ; not Nutt. Eastward of the Sierra Nevada froni N. E. California to Souora and New Mexico. Aralia Californica. Herbaceous, unarmed and nearly glabrous, eight to ten feet high, from a deep thickened root : leaves bipinnate, or the upper pinnate with one or two pairs of leaflets ; leaflets cordate- ovate, four to eight inches long, shortly acuminate, simply or doubly serrate with short acute teeth ; terminal leaflets ovate-lanceolate : umbels in loose terminal and axillary compound or simple racemose panicles, wdiicli are more or less glandular-tomentose ; rays numerous, four to * * Fruit oblong : caulescent, glabrous. 14. P. BicoLOR, Watson, 1. c. Stem short ; peduncle elongated : rays few, very unequal : involucel of a few linear bractlefs : fruit on short pedicels, 5 to 6 lines long, narrowing from near the base, narrowly winged ; ribs filiform ; vittae obscure. — Wahsatch Mountains. § 4. Leaves smaller, much or finely dissected with small segments : flowers yellow : involucels present : low, acaulescent. 15. P. viLLOScjr, Nutt. More or less densely pubescent : leaves of very numerous crowded narrow segments : umbels dense in flcjwer : involucels small : fruit oval, pubescent, 3 or 4 lines long ; vittse several in the intervals. — W. Nevada to Nebraska and S. Utah. 16. P. Parkti, Watson. See above. § 5. Leaves much dissected with small segments : flowers white ; involucels present : usually low, somewhat caulescent or scarcely so, more or less pubes- cent. * Fruit glabrous, oblong or broadly elliptical ; vittiB usually solitary. 17. P. siACROCARPDM, Nutt. Morc or less pubescent : involucels conspicu- ous, somewhat foliaceous : fruit 4 to 10 lines long, 2 or 3 wide ; calyx-teeth evident ; ribs filiform ; vitta3 rarely 2 or 3 in the intervals, 2 to 4 on the commis- sure. — Var. EURYCAuruM, Gray. Fruit broader : leaves rather more coarsely divided. — Washington Territory to N. California and east to the Saskatciia- wan ; the variety from Oregon to the Sacramento. 18. P. NcniCAULE, Nutt. Nearlj' glabrous : involucels small : fruit elliptical, 2 or 3 lines long ; calyx-teeth obsolete ; ribs prominent ; vltfa? always solitary, 2 to 4 on the commissure. — Nebraska and N. Colorado to Idaho. * * Fruit tomentose or puberulent, oval-orbicular j vittae usually several in the intervals. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 14") six lines long; involucres of several linear bractlets : flowers a line and a half to two lines long ; disk and stylopodiuni obsolete ; styles united to the middle : fruit (still innnature) a line and a half long. — Nortii- eru California, in shaded mountain ravines and moist places. Much resembling A. racemosa, but with larger flowers and involucres, and fewer umbels, larger and with more numerous rays. CORNUS ToituEYi. A shrub : leaves obovate or oblanceolate, abruptly acute or shortly acuminate, on rather long slender petioles, ligliter colored and somewhat pubescent beneath with loose silky haiis : cyme loose and spreading : fruit white ; stone obovoid, somewhat com- pressed, acute at base, ridged on the edges, tubercled at the summit, two and a half to three and a half lines long, — Collected by Dr, Tor- rey in Central Calitbrnia, but locality not noted. It is very peculiar in the characters of the fruit. 10. P. DASYCARPUM, Torr. & Gray. Villoiis-tomentose : leaves finely dis- sected : invohicels of several linear to oval bractlets : fruit often acutisii, tonien- tose, 4 to 7 lines long; ribs prominent; vittaj usually 3 (rarely solitary) in the intervals, 4 on the commissure. — P. tomeiUosuin, Benth. PI. ilartvv. 312. Cali- fornia. 20. P. Nevadense, Watson. See above. Excluded Species. P. Newberrti, Watson, Am. Naturalist, 7. 801. Fine fruiting specimens of this were collected in Southern Utah by Dr. C. C. Parry. Tiie "wing of the fruit is found to have a thick corky margin, which requires the reference of the species to Ferula {LejitoUenia, Nutt.), a genus separated by only this character from Peucedanum. The habit of the plant is very unlike that of our other species of Ferula. TiFOEMANNiA TERETiFOLiA, DC, referred to Peucedanum by Benth. & Hook. As compared with our own species of Peucedanum, and without reference to foreign forms which may be included in it, tiiis genus appears sufhciently well marked, differing in the distinct marginal nerve of the wings, in the prominent conical stylopodium, in the presence of an involucre, and in the very remarkable habit. Archemora, DC, another small genus of the Atlantic States reduced to Peucedanum by the same authorities, though less distinctly marked than the last, may still conveniently be retained. It differs from the western species in its tall-stemmed erect aquatic habit, thick and short conical stylopodia with short spreading styles, the commissural vitta; in part often shorter than tiie seed, and the iiabit of foliage and inflorescence somewhat peculiar. A. Fendleri, Gray, of New Mexico and Colorado, is less clearly marked than the two more eastern species. VOL. XI. (N. S. III.) 10 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Atriplex Palmert. Stout, shrubby at base, diffusely branched, a foot or two high, white appressed-scurfy : leaves obovate or oblanceolate, rounded or acutish at the apex, attenuate to a short petiole, alternate, entire, a half to one and a half inches long: flowers dioecious, in close naked panicled spikes : calyx 5-cleft : bracts compressed, cuneate- orbicnlar, free, the margin above the middle herbaceous and irregularly laciuiately toothed, in fruit somewhat indurated and convex, a line and a half broad, the sides rarely sparingly muricate. — Collected by Dr. E. Palmer on Guadalupe Island. Very nearly allied to A. Nuttallii, Watson, of Colorado and northward. Brahka edulis, H. Wendlaiid, in letter. Stem sometimes thirty feet high and fifteen inches in diameter : leaves flabelliform, to- mentose on the folded edges when young, three feet long, deeply parted into numerous (70 to 80) bifid segments which are lacerately fibrous at the apex ; petiole very stout (an inch broad at the top), unarmed, somewhat fibrous-pubescent on the upper side, and terminated by a densely silky-tomentose ligule two inches long: tubular spathes and mucli-branched sjiadix densely tomentose : flowers sessile, in clusters of three or more, a line and a half long: calyx 3-parted, shorter than the thick valvate 3-cleft corolla : filaments broad, adnate below to the corolla-tube : ovaries oblong, nearly free ; the short styles united : berry solitary, globose, an inch in diameter when dry, the flesh some- what fibrous : seed globular, 7 or 8 lines in diameter, smooth : albumen horny, not ruminate, with a broad and deep ventral cavity filled by the intruded testa; embryo near the base. — On Guadalupe Island, col- lected by Dr. E, Palmer ; fruiting clusters four feet long and weighing 40 or 50 pounds. The characters above given differ from those of Brahea, as described and figured by Martins, especially in the peri- gynous instead of hypogynous stamens, in the less coherent ovaries and stigmas, and in the form of the albumen, which in Brahea has a narrow longitudinal cavity, filled by the testa, extending from the apex nearly to the base ; the embryo is also doi'sal. In most of these respects it accords more nearly with Livistona, but with some discrepancies in other directions. Bkaiika (?) ARMATA. A sccoud specics very similar in its fruit to the last, and evidently of the same genus, was recently collected by Dr. E. Palmer in the Big Cafion of the Tantillas Mountains, about eighty miles southeastward from San Diego. It is dcsciibed as a tree forty feet high : the leaves are glaucous, nearly g^labrous even when young, two and a half feet long, similarly cleft into fewer (30 to 40) entire segments ; the large ligule glabrous ; petiole a foot and a half long, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 147 somewluvt brown-haiiy on tlie upper side, margined with a continuous Avliite thickened border which is irreguUirly toothed ; teeth approxi- mate, broad and thick, three or four lines long, i)()inting upward or often cleft and pointing both ways: fruit rather smaller. AVith tliis was found growing a tliird species, which from the foliage appears to be the same as the palm fouud in San Diego county, and recently introduced into cultivation under the name oi ''' Jirahea Jila- metitosa." Its fruit, however, is very diiferent from that of the preced- ing, much smaller, black and pulpy with a somewhat cruslaceous integument, the seed very small (three lines long), and the albumen scarcely at all excavated. It is also peculiar in other respects. The tree is spoken of as taller and much more handsome than the last. CvpuirEDiuM OCCIDENTALK. More or less roughly and glan- dular-pubescent, a foot and a half high, leafy, usually 2-flowered : leaves ovate, the uppermost broadly lanceolate, acuminate : the brownish narrowly lanceolate sepals and linear-lanceolate petals acuminate, nearly two inches long ; lip oblong, an inch long, dull Avhite, veined with purple : sterile stamen oblong-lanceolate, acute, yellow dotted with purple. — C. parcijlorum, Hook. Fl. Bor.-Am. 2. 205, in part, and Kevv Jour. Bot. 7. 376. C. passerinum, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8. 403. In the mountains of California from Santa Cruz and INIariposa counties northward to the Columbia River. Frequently collected (Tolmie, Burke, Spalding, n. 334 Geyer, n. 513 Torrey, n. 513 Hall, Bolander, n. 970 Kellogg & Harford, Gray, Nevius), and very similar in habit to C. parvijiurum. Cakdamine Gambellii. Perennial, glabrous throughout, erect, a foot and a half high : leaflets four to six pairs, ovate-oblong to linear, sessile, entire or sparingly toothed, acute, three to twelve lines long : flowers white on slender pedicels : petals four lines long, twice longer than the calyx : pods narrowly linear, ascending, an inch long, equal- ling the strongly reflexed pedicel ; beak a line long, slender. — Col- lected by Gambell near Santa Barbara, and recently by Dr. J, T. Rothrock, of Lieut. G. M. Wheeler's Exploring Expedition, in the same locality. Resembling G. pratensis. A very similar form, but somewhat pubescent, has been found by Bourgeau near the city of Mexico. Vauquelinia Torreyi. Shrub or small tree: leaves coriaceous, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, acute at base and shortly petioled, acutely serrate, white-tomentose beneath, smooth above, pinnately nerved with reticulated veinlets, about an inch and a half long: flowers in small terminal tomentose panicles : petals wliite, oblong : stamens 2o, 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY on the margin of the hairy disk ; filaments slender : fruit tomentose, two lines long ; cells 2-seeded : seeds oblong, terminated above by a wing as long as the seed. — Spircea Calif o mica, Torr. in Emory's Rep. 140. V. corpnbosa, Torr. in Bot. Mex. Bound. 64. On the Sierra Verde, near the southern boundary of Arizona, by Schott on the Mexican Boundary Survey, and probably the same as that collected previously by Emory on high mountains near the Gila. The original species, V. corymbosa, Cor- rea in Humb. & Bonpl. PI. G^quin. 1. 140, t. 40, from Central Mexico, differs according to the description and figure in its larger and more deeply serrate nearly glabrous leaves, which are on petioles as long as the blade and with numerous fine parallel nerves, in its calyx naked within, and its 15 to 20 stamens. The embryo in the present species is without albumen, the cotyledons flat, radicle straight and inferior. PoTENTiLLA Wheeleri. Small and subalpine, decumbent, silky- villous : stems short, branched and flowering from near the base, leafy : leaves digitate, 3-5-foliolate ; leaflets cuneate, 3-5-toothed at the rounded summit, half an inch long or less ; stipules entire or nearly so : lower flowers axillary : calyx with obtusish bractlets a little smaller than the lobes : petals obcordate, nearly two lines long, slightly exceeding the calyx : stamens 20 : carpels 20 : styles filiform. — Collected by Dr. J. T. Rothrock, in the southern Sierra Nevada, about the head-waters of Kern River, at 8,200 feet altitude. HoRKELiA PUUPURASCENS. Pubescent and somewhat villous, six inches high : leaflets numerous, approximate, 2-4-parted ; segments oblong to obovate, two or three lines long or less ; flowers few, rather large, in an open cyme : calyx purplish, about four lines long ; bractlets small and narrow : petals rose-colored, broadly cuneate-oblong, nearly equalling the calyx-lobes : stamens 20, in two rows ; the filaments opposite to the calyx-lobes and bractlets subulate, the alternate ones filiform : carpels 25, on a nearly naked receptacle. — Collected by Dr. J. T. Rothrock, on the head-waters of Kern River, at 9,000 feet alti- tude. An unmistakable Horkelia, but like H. tridentata intermediate between the typical species and those of Ivesia, leaving it almost im- possible to preserve the latter genus distinct. Specimens of H. triden- tata have been recently found with decidedly deltoid filaments, showing that this character may fail even to be specific. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 149 VII. SPECIMENS OF MILK FROM THE VICINITY OF BOSTON. By S. p. Siiakples, S.B. Presented, Dec. 14, 1875. In 1873, Dr. Arthur H. Nichols of this city made a report to the State Board of Health in regard to adulteration of milk. In this report, certain analyses of milk made by Prof. J. F. Babcock were quoted : these specimens were seven in number, and of the following average composition : — Specific gravity 1.033 Cream volume, per cent 8 to 9 Total solids, weight per cent 14.55 Sugar, weight per cent 5.08 Ash 86 Water 85.45 These samples were not selected, but were bought from regular deal- ers who were known to be honest. In view of the fact that the 14.55 is much above the average amount of solids as given by most European chemists, it becomes a matter of interest to ascertain if the milk pro- duced in this vicinity is better than the average, or whether this was a mere accidental occurrence. During the last summer I had an opportunity of procuring from Stoneham some twenty specimens of milk. These were brought to me by my assistant, Arthur Steele, who was present during the milk- ing of the cows, and who asserts they were not tampered with in any manner. The milk was produced by cows belonging to ditFerent owners, the owner's name in each case being given in connection with the description of the cow. The method of analysis was as follows : — For specific gravity one hundred cubic centimetres of the milk were poured into a flask that held this amount of water at 15 ®5 C, the temperature was observed by the thermometer, and the milk was cooled or warmed until it stood at 15 ^b ; it was then weighed. This same portion of milk was placed in a graduated cylinder, and allowed 1.50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY to stand in a cool place until next morning, when the amount of cream was read off. A pipette was then introduced into the cylinder in such a manner that it reached to the bottom of the vessel, and fifty centimetres were drawn otf ; this was weighed, and gave the specific gravity of the skim milk. After weighing, the milk was poured into a beaker, one or two drops of acetic acid added, the milk gently wanned until it coagulated, and then allowed to cool again. It was then thrown on a filter, and the first fifty centimeti'es that ran through were weiglied as before : this gave the specific gravity of the whey. These two last determinations were made because many authors assert that the specific gravity of skim milk and whey are much more constant than the specific gravity of whole milk. Von Baumhauer asserts in his monograph on Dutch cow's milk that he has been unable to obtain clear filtrates when the eurd was precipitated with acetic acid. I have rarely found any dilficulty on this score, when the precaution of heating the milk only a little hotter than from 40° to 50° C. was taken, provided the milk was allowed to become cold before it was filtered. If the milk is allowed to cool completely after coagulation, before it is filtered, it generally filters without any trouble ; but, if poured on the filter before it becomes cold, the fat fills the pores of the filter, and it is almost impossible to do any thing with it. Ihtul Sulids. Five cubic centimetres were poured into a tared platinum dish and weighed : this latter precaution is necessarj'^, for a pipette cannot be relied upon to alvva3'^s deliver the same quantity of milk, as it will deliver more than enough of a poor milk and not enough of a rich one. This was evaporated to dryness on a water bath, and then dried for an hour in an oven at the temperature of 105° C. I found that treated in this way the weight became constant at the end of two and a half to three hours from the time the milk was placed on the bath. The dishes used have a considerable influence over this result. The size I found to work best were about 65 mm. in diameter and 15 mm. in depth, with the bottom almost perfectly fiat, the sides being nearly perpendicular, the angle between the sides and the bottom being rounded. Five centimetres form a layer over the bottom of this dish but little more than'2mm. thick. "When dry, it does not greatly exceed one-eighth of this amount, and thus forms a film that is very readily dried. Fat. After weighing, the dried film is treated with either benzine or ether, which in the course of an hour or two completely removes OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. l.")! all the fat; the benzine is deeaiited, a fresh portion pound on and allowed to stand half an hour; this is poured oil", the disli rinsed with a little fresh benzine, alh)wed to stand a few minutes until it has all evaj)orated, again dried in tlie air bath at 10.j°, and weighed ; the loss gives tilt; fat. The rcjsitlue remaining on the di.^h is of eourse the solids not flit. Ash. The dish is then ignited over a Bunsen burner, and again weighed, the residue in this case being the ash. With a dish of the size spoken of, all the carbon burns off quickly aud readily, and leaves the ash perfectly white. The above determinations are all that are essential to determine the purity of a sample of milk, and, as will be seen, consume but little over 100 cc. of milk : 150 cc. are ample for the full analysis as followed. In order to determine the cheese and sugar, 25 cc. of milk were taken and diluted with about 50 cc. of water, the mixture was gently warmed, and a drop or two of acetic acid added with gentle stirring ; it was allowed to cool and then filtered on a weighed filter, and washed with about 200 cc. of cold water. The filtrate was made up to 500 cc, and this solution was titrated with a normal solution of eupric suljjhate made by dissolving 34.65 grannnes of crystallized eupric suli)hate in 200 cc. of water, adding to this solution a solution made by dissolving 173 grammes of sodio-potassic tartrate in 480 cc. of caustic soda solution of 1.14 specific gravity. The whole is then made up to a litre; 10 cc. of this solution were then placed in a flask diluted with 40 cc. of water, and brought to the boiling point ; the diluted whey was then allowed to flow into the solution until it no longer gave a brow^n color, when filtered, acidified with acetic acid and tested with potassic ferrocyanide. The following table gives the per cent of milk sugar, when 25 cc. of the milk are taken, and the whey diluted to 500 cc. 10 cc. of the cop- per solution, which equals .067 grammes of milk sugar, are employed. PER CENT OF SUGAR. cc. of vlioy 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 used. 10 13 40 12 17 1117 10.30 9 57 8.92 8.38 7.91 7.44 7.05 20 6 70 6.39 6.09 5 83 5 58 5 36 5.15 4 96 4.78 4.62 . 30 4.46 4 32 4.19 4.06 3.94 3.83 3 72 3.62 3 53 3.44 40 3.;55 3.27 3.19 3.11 3 04 2.98 2.91 2 85 2.79 2 74 50 2.68 2.63 258 2.Ki 2 48 2.44 2.39 2.35 2 31 2.27 60 2.23 2.19 2.16 2. 13 2.09 2.06 2.03 2.00 1.97 1.94 7> 1!)1 188 1.86 1.84 1.81 1.79 1.76 1.74 1.72 1.69 80 1.67 1.65 163 1.61 1.59 1..57 1.56 154 1.52 1.51 90 1.49 147 146 1.44 1.43 1.41 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.35 100 \.U 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.29 1.28 126 1.25 1.24 1.23 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The curd remaining on the filter is removed from the funnel and placed on a watch glass, dried at 105", and weighed ; it is then treated with benzine in a funnel Avhich has a stopper in it, and is covered with a tiglit fitting watch glass ; one or two soakings serve to completely remove the fat. It is again dried and weighed. I have not as a rule found this determination of fat very satisfactory ; it is apt to be too high, from the great difficulty of drying the greasy curd and filter ; after the fat is removed, the ca>eine is very easily dried. The object in tliis set of analysis being rather to endeavor to find a series of con- stants which might be relied upon for determining the question of adulteration, no further examination of the caseine was made for ash, but the portion remaining on the filter after the removal of the fat was regarded as pure caseine. In all my determinations, I found that there was invariably a discrepancy between the sums of the caseine, fat, sugar, and ash, and the total solids as determined by evapora- tion. This varied from .43 per cent to 1.92 per cent, with an average of .87 ; this is owing most likely to the albumen of the milk in part, which is not precipitated by the acetic acid at 4o°— 50° C., and in part to the solubility of the caseine in acetic acid. As will be seen from the table annexed, the sugar seems to be the most constant constitu- ent. The fat varies very much ; the specific gravity is not to be relied upon. Wanklin's test of solids not fat is departed from in a number of instances, and the total solids full as low as 11. G4, while according to the English authorities they should never in pure milk be below 9 per cent for the solids not fat, and 12 per cent for total solids. In summing up, I must call attention to the remarkably high aver- age of this milk, 14.49 per cent of total solids, but .06 short of Pro- fessor Babcock's result, with three times the number of specimens which he examined. For purposes of comparison, I annex two other tables, one giving all the average results I have been able to collect up to the present time, and the other giving the extreme variations that have been observed. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. A. Milk supplied me by a resident of Cambridge, said to be pure Al- deiney. B. Milk from an Alderney cow kept by Dr. James R. Kichols for the supply of his family. C. Grade cow, Ilerford and Ayrshire. Four years old, hatl hvvn milking twelve weeks and gave sixteen quarts per day. Feed, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 153 two quarts corn meal and four quarts shorts, with all the upland hay she would eat. D. Native cow, eight years old, had been milking three weeks, and gave eigliteen quarts per day. Feed, three quarts of corn meal and three quarts of shorts, with hay ; same as C. E. Native cow, four years old, had been milking fourteen weeks, and gave eight quarts milk per day. Feed, one quart meal, seven quarts shorts per day, with hay. F. Native cow, six years old, had been milking one week, gave six- teen quarts milk per day. Feed, six quarts shorts per day, and hay. Cows C, D, E, and F, were owned by John Steele of Stone- ham, and the milk was sold. G. Native cow, ten years old, had been milking six months, gave seven quarts per day. Feed, four quarts corn meal and meadow hay. H. Grade cow, half native, quarter Ayrshire, quarter Jersey, had been milking fifteen months, gave eight quarts milk per day. Feed, four quarts of corn meal and four quarts of shorts per day, with meadow hay. I. Native cow, four years old, had been milking twelve weeks, gave thirteen quarts of milk per day. Feed, four quarts of corn meal and eight quarts of shorts per day, and meadow hay. J. Native cow, nine years old, had been milking seven and a half months, gave eleven quarts of milk per day. Feed, six quarts of meal and eight quarts of shorts and meadow hay. K. Native cow, nine years old, had been milking four months, gave fourteen quarts of milk per day. Feed, four quarts of meal and eight quarts of shorts and meadow hay. L. Native cow, five years old, had been milking five and one half months, gave eleven quarts of milk per day. Feed, four quarts of corn meal and eight quarts of shorts per day, and meadow hay. M. Native cow, seven years old, had been milking four months, gave fourteen quarts of milk per day. P'^eed, five quarts of corn meal and eight quarts of shorts per day, and meadow hay. N. Grade cow, half native, half Dutch, three years old, had been milking two weeks, gave fourteen quarts of milk per day. Feed, two quarts meal, four quarts of shorts, and grass. Cows G to N were owned by Frank Steele of Stoneham, and the milk was sold. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY O. Native cow, five years old, had been milking ten weeks, gave five quarts of milk per day. Feed, one and a half quarts of meal per day and hay. The first sample of this cow's milk procured was of such an extraordinary character that two other samples were afterwards obtained: these did not equal the first, but were rather better than the average. The cow had been turned out to grass before the second was obtained. Slie was owned by William Buckraan of Stoneham, and the milk was used at home. P. Native cow, eight years old, gave twelve quarts of milk per day. Feed, one quart of meal, grass and hay. Owned by C. S. Wiley. Q. Grade cow, native and Devon, nine j'ears old, had been milking seven weeks, gave nine quarts of milk per day. Feed, grass and ha}'. Owned by C. Wiley. A second sample of this milk was obtained a few days afterwards : it had improved somewhat. The cow had been kept in poor condition all winter, and had not had grass long enough at the time of the first trial to feel its beneficial effects. The milk was used at home. R. Native cow, eight years old, milking one week, gave sixteen quarts of milk per day. Feed, two quarts of shorts and gi-ass. S. Jersey cow, five years old, milking six months, gave eight quarts of milk per day. Feed, one quart of meal and four quarts of shorts. li and S were owned by E. Thorpe of Stoneham, and the milk was sold. Sp. Oit. LTeain Total .SollHs Cow- WTiole ml]k. Skim milk. Whey. vttl. per cent. A»h. Caseinr ■Sugar. Fnt. solids. not fat. Water. A i.n:',o 16 .63 13.66 86.34 B l.(t3I 18 .65 3.40 5.29 6.62 15.96 9 34 84.04 C l.o:j3 1.0,31 Co .63 2.98 5.40 4.07 14.13 10.06 85.87 D 1 0.i3 1034 1.0.30 11 .72 3.01 5.19 4.10 13 87 9.77 86 13 E 1.031 1 030 1.029 9 .65 3.50 4 81 4.41 13.98 9 57 86.02 F 1027 1.035 1.028 12 .67 3.38 4 47 6.01' 14.99 8.98 85.01 G 1 0.S3 9 .71 4 00 4 99 3,95 15.37 11.42 84.63 H 1.031 1.0.35 1031 11 .79 5.23 4.80 4.36 1,5.61 11.25 84..39 I 1.031 1.031 1.0.30 7 .64 3.46 4.64 4 23 14.18 9.85 85 82 J 1.032 1.0.34 1 02!) 12 74 4.4» 4.63 5.95 16.26 10.31 83.74 K 1.029 1.0.30 1.028 9 .59 3.21 4.82 5.71 14.95 9 24 85.05 L 1.0.33 1.033 1.030 10 .64 3 00 4.80 4.04 14.05 10 01 85.95 M 1.030 1.029 1.028 4 .60 3 59 4.81 3 07 12.63 9.56 87.37 N 1.028 1.0.32 1.029 9.5 .64 4.38 13.81 0.43 86.19 ( 1.018 1.0:!0 1.024 54 61 2.35 5.06 1146 19.34 7.88 80 66 o 1.030 1.031 1.020 18 .65 2.91 5.(»9 15 11 10 02 84.89 ( 1.028 1 029 1.02f; 12 .tiO 2..34 5.02 6.,32 14.91 859 85.09 P 1 02X 1.031 1028 10 .66 2.57 5.21 4.11 13.43 9..32 86 57 ^ 1 1.02S 1 .028 1.02,-) 5 .,57 2.25 4.82 2.71 11.64 8.93 88.36 1 (120 1.031 1.024 5 61 2.67 5.11 4 08 1.3.03 8.94 86.97 R 1.033 1.0.34 1.02(> 5.5 .71 .3.66 4.73 l.Cl 11 91 10.33 S 1.030 1.033 1.02G 11 .74 3.58 5.11 5.69 15.88 10 19 84.12 Av'rages. 1.030 1.032 1.027 ( 12.0 \ 10.0 .66 3.27 4.94 \4.86 ■l4,.'v!» 14.49 9.66 85.51 Highest. 1.0.33 1.0.35 1.031 54 .79 5.23 5.40* 11.46 19 31 11.42 80.66 Lowest. 1.018 1.028 1020 5 .57 2^25 4.47 161 1164 7.88 88.36 * OniittiiJS tlic loth. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 156 SPECIMENS OF MILK SUSl'EOTED TO BE ADULTERATED. Wlioli' (■r,.a,n lliilk. VILI. IMT ci'nt. A^l,. Cnnciuo. .Sugiir. Fut. •oll(l». not flit. Wiitir. l.OL'8 7 :51 3.33 11.42 8.09 88.68 ].(ii;:t 7 .45 2.94 3..'?6 2 46 9 21 6.7.5 90.79 I.IV.'O 6 .45 :i.n 3.37 2. 20 9.19 6 93 90. Kl 1.021 7 .40 2.77 300 2.00 8.17 6.17 91.83 The last four specimens were all retailed by milk dealers in the vicinity of Boston, and well serve to indicate the danger of relying ou any single determination for deciding whether a milk is adulterated or not. Taking all the determinations as they stand, they leave no douljt as to the fact that the milk has been watered, yet any one determina- tion taken separately might be successfully disputed. The following table, recently compiled by myself from various sources, is of considerable interest in this connection, as showing the great variation in this most important product. It will be observed that the specimens from this vicinity head the list, while those re- ported by INIr. Vaughan of Providence, R. I., are not far 'behind. I think that tliis in part may be owing to the use of corn meal as feed, since this substance is well known as a butter or fat producer. J. F. Babcock . . Boston S P Sharpies . . . Boston Vernnis & Becquerel France Goppelstoder . . . Switzerland H. W. Vaughan . . Rliode Island Lebert France Letheby Enjifland Playfajr Scothmd PhiiKSon England Chevalier .... France Waiiklin England Cameron Ireland Chevalier & Henry . France A. Muller .... Sweden Boussingalt .... France Haiden Chandler New York MacAdam .... England Voelcker England Von Baumhauer . . Holland No. of Solick. Not fat. Caseine. Ash. specimens. 8 14.55 .88 22 14.49 961 4.13 .66 46 14.24 9.73 4.86 .65 60 14.13 58 14.08 10.07 4.99 .75 14.00 9.75 5.50 .75 14 00 10.10 4 10 .80 9 13.49 8.61 4.17 .55 13..33 8.46 3.76 2 13.23 10.31 3.98 .78 3 13.12 9.36 4.56 .72 40 13.00 9.00 4.10 12.98 9.75 448 .60 12.85 9.43 3.42 .72 9 12.71 8.80 3.47 .25 12.70 9.70 i.m .49 1700 qts 12.55 8 72 3.88 .76 66 12.27 9.69 .71 22 12.10 9.15 2.93 .83 162 11.30 8.45 .72 156 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The limits of variation as observed by some of tlie above observers were as follows : — Total Solids. Solids not Fat. Dr. Voelcker . . Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. 14.00 9,30 9.88 751 Dr. iSIacAdam KM V^.r>1 1123 8.74 Von B.inmhauer . 13.23 10.18 8.93 8 08 Veriiois& Becquerel 19.08 11.70 10.56 7.73 Vautrlirmless. The level requires constant watching, but ought not to be changed during a group of stars, lest the azimuth be disturbed too. To climi- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 159 nate changes in the hitter, the groups of four or five stars must take but little time. All these thnigs considered, it is best to use the ephemcrides of :')2'.) stars yearly published at Berlin, originally intended for the reduction of the great zones now in progress. 1 think it altogi'thcr iikily that this will be eventually the standard time-list for astronomers gener- ally in this hemisphere : at any rate, these places will be kept accurate by continual observation for a good many years to come. They include all stars north of 10° of south declination down to the fourth magnitude, and a selected list of fainter ones to fill gaps. iNIany of these same stars are also given in the Connaissance des Temps, the Nautical Almanac, and the American Ephemeris ; but these latter have not quite enough of them for rapid work. To illustrate how azimuth and colliraation are to be determined and eliminated, I give a scheme of observations actually used at Pueblo, C. T., May 11, 1873, by Lieut. E. H. Ruffner of the United- States Elngineers. The scheme was, in general, agreed upon between him and myself. Star. Position of instrument. A. R. Deal. y Vrsm majoris . li 47 10 -4-54°24' 0 Virginis . . . 68 45 9 26 4 H. Dracoiiis . . 12 6 19 78 20 7) Vii-CTinis . . . 13 26 0 2 (3 Canura . . . 19 37 39 43 20 Co 111 03 . . . 23 22 21 36 K Draconis . . . 28 7 -^-70 29 y Virginis . . . 35 15 — 0 45 e Ursas majoris . 48 29 +56 id On comparing this with other similar schemes, it will be noticed that here are no stars observed below the pole, and but one south of the equator; in other words, all are as near the zenith as jiracticable. INIoreover, every pair of consecutive stars include the zenith between them (this is not absolutely essential, but yet very well), and hence give a definite value of the clock correction if the collimation be known. My own scheme corresponding to the above was as follows : — 160 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Denver, May 11. p.. . Star's name. Position of instrument. A.R. Decl. h. m. 8. 1 Ursae majoris . . I. 11 11 25 32°15' t Leonis .... I. 17 19 11 U A Draconis . . . I. 23 53 70 2 V Leonis . ... I. 30 28 — 0 7 3 Draconis . , . I. 35 25 67 27 X Ursffi majoris I. 39 22 48 29 y Ursa; majoris 11, 47 10 54 24 0 Virjrinis . . . 11. 58 45 9 26 4 H. Draconis . . II. 12 6 19 78 20 2 Canum . . . II. 9 47 41 22 7] Virginis . . . II. 13 26 0 2 In determining latitude with an instrument of small size, Talcott's method is subject to some inconveniences, which may sometimes be better avoided by using Bessel's method ; that is, by establishing the transit in the prime vertical. But here the same principle (immediate elimination of azimuth error) ought to be carried out; that is, the same stars should not, in general, be used east and \ve.*t of the meridian. Tliis process is Bes- sel's own, as distinguished from Struve's. I annex a scheme of observation (from the Report for 1873-74 Star's name. p rierculis . 6 Lacertas . 0 Andromedae 9 Herculis . C Andromeda; 1 Andromedie C I-yra; . . ij Lyra; . . fi Andromeda; 6 Lyra; . . 7 CvLrni . T vVMdronic'da; V Androineihe V Cvgni . . 75 C:ygni . y Andromcdre 16 I'ersei ff Cygni E. or W. transit. Position of instru- ment. W. I. E. I. E. I. W. I. E. II. E. 11. W. 11. W. II. E. 11. W. H. W. 11. E. II. E. II. W. II. W. I. E. I. E. I. W. I. Time of transit. 20 17 22 43 50 21 19 30 36 56 4 51 1 6 17 85 44 50 56 23 A.R. 17 19 10 22 25 3 22 66 7 17 51 54 0 10 30 23 31 57 18 40 25 19 9 27 0 49 45 19 II 59 20 17 42 1 33 9 1 29 24 29 52 2S 21 35 14 1 56 10 2 42 38 21 12 47 Decl. 37°16' 42 29 41 39 37 li) 37 59 42 34 37 2'J 38 56 37 49 37 55 39 51 39 56 40 46 40 41 42 42 41 43 37 48 S8 52 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 161 of the Chief Enfrineer of General Sheridan's staff) which I used for this purpose at Bismarck, D. T., Oct. 9, 1873. It was my lirst fair trial of the method. The stars were selected from my catalogue of 981 stars, published in that year by the "War Department, and are all thoroughly well determined, — an advantage wiiich Bessel's method has had over Talcott's. This scheme requires four hours observing. If I recollect rightly, it was somewhat interfered with by clouds, and would otherwise have been sooner finished. I was anxious to succeed that evening, as time pressed ; and I therefore did not attempt to accumulate as many ob- servations as possible, but preferred to make sure of a few. The result was sufficiently accurate for geographical purposes, having a probable error of ± 0"31. The instrument was quite indifferent in its optical portion. The Land Office at that time required a proba- ble error of less than 3" ; and does still, so far as I know. There are Land Office determinations extant which are far more than this in error. In more precise latitude and longitude work, the instruments used have generally 3 inches aperture, and 30 to 36 inches focal length. Such an instrument should be very solidly built and set up. The one with which I am most familiar is Brigham Young's, in the Temple yard at Salt Lake City : it is by Wurdemann, and was originally placed there at the time of the Coast Survey determination of longitude at that place. I found it very firm and strong : its level, collimation, and azimuth errors were constant, though not very small, as the Mormon astronomers seem not quite expert in adjusting. But I did not for this reason neglect to make the full number of observations, nor to dis- tribute them precisely as if I were observing with a smaller and worse instrument, partly from habit, and partly because the instrument at Evanston, "W. T., with which I was comparing time, was the instru- ment by J. H. Temple, mentioned above ; and the observers were ex- changed in the middle of the series. There are two essentially different patterns of large portable tran- sits. The one, the German or Russian, has a prism between the object- glass and the eye-piece ; and the eye-piece itself is at one end of the horizontal axis. I have used such instruments only for trials of per- sonal equation. There is one such at the Harvard College Observatory, and others were made for the American Transit of Venus expedi- tions. These transits are very convenient. The level is always upon the axis. The observer sits in one position between reversals, and has not the troublesome necessity of bending his body into inconvenient VOL. XI. (n. S. 111.) 11 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY postures. His setting circle is directly before him, his working list at one side, and liis chronometer or telegraph-key at the other. But he is liable to a troublesome personal equation ; and I am told that the collimation cannot easily be made steady, owing to the great prism between objective and ocular. The instruments are also very costly ; so that, in this country, a construction is preferred which is nearer like the ordinary observatory transit. Here the prismatic or diagonal eye-piece takes the pla,ce of the " broken telescope," as the other con- struction is technically called in German. The observer has to change position, and is liable to a variety of petty annoyances thence arising. Upon the whole, I think one construction is as good as the other for practical purposes. The distribution of stars to be observed for time may often be im- proved by employing one star within 10° of the pole to every group of four or five time-stars. The latter will then be predominately south of the zenith, but not exclusively so. Where the instrument is known to be very firm and solidly mounted, and has a reversing apparatus, the collimation may be determined by the pole-stars alone. The double-group for Denver, as previously given, would be modified by introducing the polars 39 Cephei Hevelii and 6 Ursae minoris Bode, as follows : — Star's name. A.R. Decl. 68 UrsJB majoris .... 39 Cephei II. sub-polo . . X Urste majoris b. m. s. 11 23 38 23 27 47 11 39 22 +43052' 86 37 48 29 INSTRUMENT REVERSED. Star's name. A.R. Decl. P Virginis 7 Ursae majoris ) 0 Virginis > as before 2 Canum ) 6 Ursae minoris B 11 44 6 12 14 23 2 29 88 24 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 1G3 The single polar iu the first position (39 Cephei IT.) is proUalily quite sutlicient to give equal accuracy in azimuth witli the two (P. and 3 Draconis) in the former list, especially as 4 Draconis II. is now replaced by a close polar. The intervals are now a little closer in some cases than before, as the instrument is expected to be easier reversed by a machine, and the lines in the focus to be nearer to- gether. Additional tirae-stars may also be inserted, namely : — Star's name. A. R. Decl. T Leonis u Virginis TT Virginis 4 Comae Ber h. m. B. 11 21 23 11 31 53 11 54 33 12 5 24 3°33' 8 50 7 19 26 35 But this would involve (as indeed the close polars do) much extra computation. The fashion in Germany has been, lately, to select a list of stars to be observed regularly, night after night, at both stations ; thus freeing the results more exactly from errors in the star-places, and, indeed, supplying observed right ascensions of great accuracy. This plan would be excellently well adapted for such observations as those be- tween Denver and Pueblo, which are not far apart in longitude ; but in much American work the distances are too great, and the use of the telegraph-lines too precarious. Good star-places are common enough, if we have them all collected in a convenient place ; and this is done in the German catalogue mentioned, and, when that has not enough, in my own catalogue of 981 stars, which is soon to be doubled in extent, 60 as to include the zone between 10° and 70° of declination, instead of 30° to 60° only. The young observer should by no means fail to accustom himself to the eye-and-ear method of observing. It is, as Leverrier has remarked, a better discipline than the chronographic. It is somewhat less accu- rate : but one who can use it skilfully can always adapt himself to a chronograph with ease ; and, on the other hand, if the chronograph breaks down, or any trouble with it occurs where help cannot be got, the eye-and-ear observer is more independent than the mere chronog- raphist. For this reason, I have never allowed a pupil to use a chronograph till he had mastered the elementary practice of the other 164 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY method. In my own experience at Chicago upon the great zones I had uo chronograph, but did not find that a serious drawback. Arge- lander was on this point ultra-conservative ; but I do not think there are many observers by the new method whose work I would take in exchange for his by the older. The temptation with mechanical methods of observing is to undertake more work than can be reduced ;> which is a bad practice. In determination of time, Dollen has suggested using the transit in the vertical of Polaris. I have often used this method on a first night's work, but, when the chronometer error is roughly known, can never resist the temptation to bring the instrument at once pretty close to the meridian. The pupil should be thoroughly practised in the minutiae of this process ; for I have seen even a good observer badly vexed with it, when an instrument new to him, especially a poor one, was employed. In the determination of latitude by Talcott's method, I think a de- vice of Mr. Rogers is likely to be useful. He replaces the micrometer by a system of parallel lines oblique to the meridian, so that each star must pass two sets of three each in its transit. The lines are very beautifully and exactly ruled by his process, and they save the time required to turn the micrometer screw. If this has to be moved largely, a star might often be lost ; which is the more troublesome, as in doubtful weather, when there are flying clouds, the pairs are often spoilt by losing one of the stars. It is quite probable that Mr. Rog- ers's improvement will enable us to go farther from the centre of the field, and thus help the choice of star-places. The stars should always be so chosen that the positive and negative distances from the centre of the field [^ (tJ-|-5') — (jr] may pretty nearly balance, so as to give the means of determining the micrometer- values from the latitude observations themselves ; otherwise the resulting latitudes could not be as accurate as the star-places and observations would permit. The foreign astronomers use Talcott's method very little. Their objection to it is, that the star-places must necessarily be worse than for Bessel's or Struve's, or for the employment of a vertical circle or portable meridian circle. These latter instruments, however, are not used in America, principally because our methods were formed independently of the modern Germans, partly because we have no very good dividing-engines, and because they are too delicate to stand transportation over our frightful ^Yestern roads. On the other hand, Talcott's method has greatly helped our astronomers by furnishing a OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 105 definite aim for their meridian observations and compilations of star- catalogues, and will thus contribute largely to the knowledge of stellar proper motions, as I shall show elsewhere. I may here say, that the probable error of a star's declination, as compiled from the best authori- ties, can be so estimated, classified according to the quantity and good- ness of the materials, and allowing enough to cover all defects. Class of Star. Probable Error of Declination. A A. A. B. C. 0"18 0 28 0 43 0 70 Within 30° of the zenith, there are now stars enough of the classes AA, A, and B, for any American latitude, using Talcott's method ; and the probable error of declination of a single pair of stars will vary from 0". 13 to 0".31. Allowing, then, a p. e. of 0". 43 to each observation, we have the final probable error of latitude from a pair of stars, observed thrice, — = \J 0^. 0.432 132 + -— or y'J + 0.432; that is, from ± 0".28 to ± 0".40 ; which only requires from eight to sixteen (say twelve) pairs to give a probable error of 0".l. Moreover, observations now in progress, both general and special, will in a year or two raise all the stars of the British Association's cata- logue now classed as C (within our latitude-limits) to the class B, and will doubtless transfer many of this class to a higher. On the other hand, the portable meridian circle, or the prime vertical transit, needs only stars of the two highest classes, and, if other practical difficulties do not intervene, can probably secure this same degree of accuracy with fewer observations ; not necessarily, however, with a less amount of time and trouble. I am inclined to think that the extravagant praises of Talcott's method to which our officials give utterance are about balanced by the steady adherence of the French and Germans to the other way, and that the practical difference between them is one rather of habit than essential. It is quite certain that both give excellent results. 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The reduction of the observations for time and latitude is simple enough, and the methods are given in the ordinary books. Some discre- tion, however, is desirable in applying them. The application of least squares to time reductions is considered by Struve often unnecessary ; nor is it generally practised in Germany and Russia. Where it is applied, weights should be given to the ob- servations depending upon the star's declinations. I am inclined, in case the observations are fairly complete, and depend on about the same number of wires, to consider the expression as a fair representation of the probable error in different declinations. Hence the weight will be expressed by 2 " ~ 1 + sec 52, that at the equator being taken as unity. If azimuth, collimation, and clock-error, or rather small corrections of their adopted values, are the unknown quantities, their co-efficients, multiplied by y/ co, will be ^ V^ = sin (cp-d) sec 8 t/ZZHZ =sin (cf-8) J '^ Y 1 4" sec 0^ » 1 + cos 0 ^ CsT^ = J ! ^ Vl-fcosfi2 -j- sec d and their required squares and products A^ (0 = sin 2 (g) — 5) C^(o AC oi = sin ( qp — d) C- a 1 -j- cos 0- Aco = sin (qp — d) Ceo 2 C(o = sec S -f- C08 8 2 ^ — 1 + sec 82. I have tabulated the values of C'-w, Cw, and «, together with their logarithms, according to these formuliB, and give them in Table I. For any station, the preparation of A'-m, A Coo, AXo, is at once very simple. Tlie best results are not obtained from poor observations by cooking OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 1G7 them, but by letting them pass for what they are worth. Of course, au observation must now and then be rejected. Argelander's method was to scrutinize doubtful cases with much care, adopting or rejecting them, and giving the results of both methods. His experience in his own line was so great, that he rarely missed assigning the probable cause for any large discrepancy, whether it arose from errors in reading off mistakes in wires, miscounting time, or imperfect hearing by the recorder, where one was employed, as in the Ilistoire Celeste ; and, if he was at fault, he would suspend judgment on the case, and note it down for further observation. In geographical work, where the observer must finish each problem in a given time, and is compara- tively thrown upon his own resources for little repairs to his instru- ments, and the means of avoiding their occasional great defects, natural or acquired, he must proceed with double caution in making his obser- vations, checking them in every way, and making enough to get his re- sult in spite of any abnormal discrepancies. This is the great advantage of simplicity in the field-work, and reliance upon the star-catalogues (which can always be improved afterwards), for what they will give. The reduction of latitude observations by the zenith telescope needs but little remark. The process is a simple one : the usual form (see United-States Coast Survey Report for 1866) unnecessarily compli- cated. The half-sum of declinations of the two stars can be at once com- puted ; first, the mean value for the beginning of the year, ^ (^j-f- ^2)' and then the half-sum of apparent declinations for the date : thus from 8'^ = 8^-\- Aa\ + Bb'., -f Cc'a -\- Dd'^ \- xii\ it follows that H5', + 5g = H5: + 5,) «'i + "^2 2 That a'p a'2, and the rest, are oidy given by their logarithms, is no objection to the use of this formula. The computer has simply to employ 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the Gaussian logarithms. The best four-place table I know (J. H. Traugott Muller's, 2d edition, Halle, 1860) has them in excellent shape for this purpose. The micrometrical and refraction corrections should be placed in one column, and computed together by a small table of the value of one division or its logarithm, as affected by refraction at various altitudes. A very trifling correction from the usual table is necessary in Rocky Mountain work, as the barometer may stand at 23 or 24 inches instead of 30. The form of reduction which I suggest will be found in Lieut. Wheeler's report on the geographical positions of Cheyenne and Colorado Springs. In my catalogue of 981 stars, the logarithms of a' b' c' cV are given for 1875, and will serve for some years to come. The trifle of error introduced by their use after the lapse of a few years can best be corrected by selecting some few stars, and computing their reductions to mean place, say for 1975, thus getting the correction for 100 years ; or by differential formulae. These will be da' Secular variation H 100 dh' da ,15 . -77 :^ — cos « -r- ^ — aa'— sm 1" dt dt n -r- = |_ — tan CO sm 0 — sm a cos oj -^ — cos a sm 0 -— = — [^\b ad' -\- a c' ivixi 8 -\- \b a' df] sin 1" dd' . . ^ da , ^ d5 r. - ,■ . c. -77:= — sm a sm 0 -^ -f- cos a cos 0 -r- = [lo ao' sm 0 a'- -j- — cos 5] sin 1" In computing the probable error of the latitude determinations, I should proceed as follows : — The stars should be classified, and the probable error of the cata- logue declination of each class estimated, as suggested above. The comparison of observations of the same pair will give the probable error of observation. The mean reciprocal of the number of observa- tions on each pair should be taken : its reciprocal will give the average weight of a pair as depending on this circumstance only. The pairs should now be classified by computing the probable error to be expected, owing to both causes : those pairs which are once or twice observed, or whose stars are both doubtful (Class C), will give a large a priori probable error. These probable errors should now be compared with the actual ones, to ascertain if any error constant to OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 1G9 each pair exists ; which ouglit uot to be, hut is often. The weights to each pair being now roughly assigned, the observations should be treated by least scjuares (if they can be improved in this way), con- sidering the latitude and the value of one micrometer revolution as the unknown quantities. A weak point in the zenith telescope is the connection of the level readings with the actual position of the vertical axis ; arising from the fact that the level has to be much handled, and to be tilted in observing. It might be well, therefore, to employ the delicate level only for the reading off, and have a separate rougher one for the setting circle ; placing the former in direct connection with the vertical axis. The instrument ought to be so constructed, that the two delicate levels used for time and latitude respectively could replace one another ; saving one spare level, or else diminishing the chance of loss from their breakage. Some of the earliest as well as of the latest meridian and equal altitude instruments are reversed by a machine, instead of being turned around a vertical axis. I think this is an improvement in solidity, if not in rapidity of observing. I will give, as an example of a method of discussing latitude obser- vations, the latitude of Colorado Spi'ings as observed by Dr. Kampf. (See Lieut. Wheeler's Report on Cheyenne and Colorado Springs, pp. 70ff.) The stars are taken either from my catalogue of 981 stars, or computed by myself on similar principles : the quantities z/(p are here added from a completer discussion of the declinations than given in the Report. PAIRS ONCE OBSERVED. Pairs A ^ Class of Probable error. Probable error. No. stars. (1) (2) 1 +0"76 38°49'4.S"21 BA -t:0"49 4 41.22 AB —0.49 8 H-0. 90 40.59 AB ±0. 49 9 —0.20 41.22 BA --0.49 10 —0.20 40.84 AB --0.49 11 +0.25 40.05 AA J-0.46 12 40.08 CA —0. 57 13 —1.68 41. 23 AB ±0. 49 m i0"60 ±0"60 lean 41. 06 All these observations except those of pair 4 were taken on one day, August 2d, on which a constant difference of about — 0".7 from the final 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY result is exhibited, save for the first pair. The probable errors (1) are derived from the estimated values as derived from the separate stars, and the probable error of one observation ±0"428 as given by Dr. Kampf. PAIRS TWICE OBSERVED. Pairs A (j) Class of Probable error. Probable error. No.

C« a> 0° 0.0000 0.0000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2 0.0003 0.0000 1.001 l.(M)0 0.9'J9 4 0.0010 0.0(X)0 1.002 1.000 0.998 6 0.0024 0.0000 1.005 1.000 0.995 8 0.0042 0.0000 1.010 1.000 0.9'JO 10 0.0066 9.9y99 1.015 1.000 0.985 12 0.0095 9.9999 1.022 1.000 0.978 14 0.0129 9.9998 1.030 1.000 0.970 16 0.0168 9.9997 1.040 0.999 0.961 18 0.0212 9.9995 1.050 0.999 0.950 20 0.0262 9.9992 1.062 0.998 0.938 22 0.0316 9.9988 1.075 0.997 0.925 24 0.0375 9.9982 1.090 0.996 0.910 26 0.0439 9.9975 1.106 0.994 0.894 28 0.0507 9.9966 1.124 0.992 0.876 30 0.0580 9.9955 1.143 0.990 0.857 32 0.0657 9.9941 1.163 0.987 0.837 84 0.0738 9.9924 1.185 0.983 0.815 36 0.0824 9.9903 1.209 0.978 0.791 38 0.0912 9.9878 1.234 0.972 0.766 40 0.1005 9.9848 1.260 0.965 0.740 42 0.1101 9.9811 1.288 0.958 0.712 44 0.1199 9.9769 1.318 0.948 0.682 46 0.1300 9.9718 1.349 0.937 0.651 48 0.1403 9.9658 1.381 0.924 0.619 50 0.1508 9.9589 1.415 0.910 0.585 62 0.1614 9.9508 1-450 0.893 0.550 54 0.1722 9.9414 1.486 0.874 0.514 56 0.1829 9.9304 1.524 0.852 0.476 58 0.1936 9.9178 1.562 0.827 0.439 60 0.2041 9.9031 1.600 0.800 0.400 62 0.2145 9.8861 1.639 0.769 0.361 64 0.2247 9.8665 1.678 0.734 0.322 66 0.2346 9.8439 1.716 0.698 0.284 68 0.2440 9.8176 1.754 0.657 0246 70 0.2530 9.7870 1.791 0.612 0.209 72 0.2614 9.7514 1.826 0.564 0.174 74 0.2692 9.7096 1.859 0.512 0.141 76 0.2763 9.6600 1.889 0.457 0.111 78 0.2826 9.6005 1.917 0.399 0.083 80 0.2881 9.5278 1.941 0.337 0.0.59 82 0.2927 9.4363 1.962 0.273 0.038 84 0.2963 9.3155 1.978 0.207 0.022 86 0.2989 9.1425 1.990 0.139 0.010 88 0.3005 8.8433 1.998 0.070 0.002 90 0.3010 2.000 0.000 0.000 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY IX. ON SOME PHYSICAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE PLANET SATURN. By L. Tkouvelot. Read by 'Williaii A. Rogers, Dec. 14, 1875. During the last four years I have had many occasions to observe the planet Saturn, and to study its physical constitution under very favorable circumstances. My series of observations extends over more than a hundred nights, many of which were as good as could possibly be desired, both for the steadiness of the image, and for the amount of light. The observations on which this communication is based were made : 1°. With the fifteen-inch refractor of the Harvard College Observatory, while I was employed by Professor Winlock in making the sketches for the series of the astronomical engravings published by him. By bis kind permission I have availed myself of considerable of the data thus obtained. 2°. With the twenty-six-inch refractor of the Wash- ington Observatory while it was still in the hands of Messrs. Alvan Clark & Sons. 3°. With the six-and-one-quarter-inch refractor of my own Physical Observatory at Cambridge. During the past summer, I was honored with an invitation from Admiral C. H. Davis, Superin- tendent of the Naval Observatory, to visit Washington and make some sketches with the magnificent instrument of this establishment. I thus had an excellent opportunity to confirm all my j^revious observations. The powers used ranged, according to the amount of light and the steadiness of the atmosphere, from 140 to 700. On good nights, however, higher powers have been tried, but never with advantage, as the light lost by the use of high powers is generally of more impor- tance for good vision than a superior enlargement with a reduced amount of light. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 175 NiinKM'ons obscrvors, amoii^ whom ixre such einiiioiit astroiiomors as Sir AVilliaiu and Sir .Toliii Ihrsclu'l, Otto Struvi', Daws, lioiid, &,c., have made careful studies of this phinct; and it is not, therefore, to he expected that ver^' important (hscovcries remain to he made hy hiter observers. As I have had the op[)ortunity of observing with the same instrument many of the celestial objects previously studied with so much success by Professor George P. Bond, it gives me the greatest pleasure to express my admiration for the accuracy and fidelity of his observations. The following diagram, representing the outlines of Saturn and its rings, will facilitate my explanations, and give clearness to the sub- ject : — Fig. 1. By looking at the rings, attention is at once attracted to a con- spicuous dark line, apparently concentric with the outer margin of the rings, and boldly surrounding the planet, and adorning it by its sharp contrast. This dark line is known as " the principal division of the rings," and is shown at a, Fig. 1. Owing to the effect of perspective, it always appears widest at the two extremities of its major axis, on that portion called " the ansae," as there only, it is seen without fore- shortening. I have carefully compared the intensity of this dark line with the sky outside of the rings, and inside of the ansje ; and I have always found it to be slightly lighter. All my observations also agree in showing this line as appearing a little narrower on the side farther from the observer, at c, Fig. 1, than it appears on the opposite side, at d. This phenomenon could readily be explained by supposing that the outside margin of the ring (7 is on a plane higher than the ring B, 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY and may, consequently, conceal a narrow portion of the dark line. The assumption of such an hypothesis seems to be fully supported by the observations, as will be shown hereafter. It is furthermore to bo remarked, that the outside margin of the ring C has always appeared to me to be more sharply defined on that part of the ellipse fiirther from the observer than on the side nearest. The case is the same for the outer border of the ring A^ which appears sharper on its northern than on its southern side. In both cases, the northern portion of the ellipse is limited by the matter composing the surfiice of the rings on their flat and illuminated side; while for the southern portion it is seen a little edgeways, and this may account for the vagueness of its outlines on this side. Soon after the beginning of my observations, in October, 1872, my attention was called to a singular appearance not heretofore noticed, as far as I am aware. Two small, dark, angular forms, r, Fig. 1, were seen near the summit of the principal division of the rings on the fol- lowing side, and apparently projected upon the ring B. After an interval of three hours, no sensible change could be detected in the position of these forms ; and on the following day they were seen Fig. 2. occupying about the same position. This phenomenon could easily be explained by supposing there were some sort .of protuberances on the external edge of the ring C, casting their shadow under the oblique rays of the sun, which occupied then a proper position to answer to this OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 177 hypothesis. But, some days later, unothcr of these .>.iii;^iilar foiiiis was observed 180° from the first, on the preceding side, ats. This at once overthrew the supposition that they were shadows cast by protuber- ances existing on the ring C ; since in this case the shadows wduM have been projected opposite the sun on tlie ring C, and not on the ring B. Since that time, 1 have rarely observed the planet without seeing some of these singular appearances, either on one sidt^ or the other, but generally on both sides. The number of these dark forms is variable. One, two, three, four, and even five, have been seen at the same moment, and on the same side. Though these forms are variable, and appear and disappear, I have never been able to detect in one night any change of position which could be ascribed to the rotation of the rings. The most plausible explanation of the phenomenon which I can con- ceive is, that the inner margin of the ring B, which forms the outer limit of the principal division, is irregular, jagged, and deeply indented, as shown at A, Fig. 2, which represents Saturn as it would appear to an observer placed above one of its poles. As Bond speaks of the principal division of the rings as " not being perfectly elliptical," and as in one instance he has suspected that it " was narrower in some places," it is to be inferred that he had some faint glimpses of the phenomenon which I have observed, and which possibly may be more conspicuous now than twenty years ago. But the fiact that this phenomenon has not been observed earlier does not necessarily prove that it had no existence before ; as it is well known, by those who have had experience with the telescope, that one may look for a long while at a celestial object, and miss perceiving what he will readily see when once he is told where to look, and what to look for. Seeing what is new and unsuspected is quite different from seeing what has been observed before. Thougli no noticeable changes in the position of the dark angular forms cuuld be observed in the course of two or three hours, it does not follow that the system of rings does not rotate upon an axis, as theory indicates ; since the supposed indentations seen on the atisa3 would bo placed in the most unfavorable position for showing their motion, if they have any, because it would be accomplished almost in a line with the visual ray, either approaching or receding from the observer. Next to this division, but much less conspicuous, and to be seen oidy on very good nights, is a narrow, grayish, and somewhat diffused line, called " the pencil line," shown at h. Fig. 1. I have never been able to trace this line all around the planet, as it diminishes very rapidly VOL. XI. (N. S. III.) 12 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY with the foreshortening, and is soon lost. Probably I have never traced it more than 30° or 40° on each side of the major axis of the rings. The pencil line has never appeared to me black and well defined, but rather grayish and diffused. Sometimes I have had the impression that it was irregular in width and in depth of tint. These two lines are the only ones I have observed, which could, with a certain amount of probability, be said to be a separation of the rings ; though they might just as well be depressions, or dark belts, es{>ecially the outer one. But the fact tiiat they have been observed on both sur- faces north and south, apparently corresponding in position, is in favor of their being real separations of the rings. Though I have repeatedly endeavored to see the planet through the principal division between d and e, Fig. 1, I have never seen the faintest traces of it; and I am not aware that others have been more successful. If the principal division of the rings is, in fact, what it is said to be, — viz., a space free from matter, and entirely disconnecting the rings B and (7, — I do not see why the planet has never been seen through it. If the planet could be seen through that space, the dark line forming the principal division would be invisible from d to e, as the bright light of the planet would shine through in its place, and be undistiiiguishable from that of the rings. It may be objected that the invisibility of the planet through the principal division is due to the thickness of the ring G ; but, in this case, why should the black sky be seen, if the planet is invisible ? Besides the two dark gaps or divisions of which I have just spoken, the rings are subdivided by concentric zones or belts, which reflect light of different hues and intensity. Though only three of these belts are conspicuous, I have found by careful examination that there are six which I can always recognize whenever tlie illumination is good, and the image steady. These zones are represented on the diagram. Fig. 1, at A, B, C, D, E, F. On several occasions, I have had a pretty dis- tinct impression of seeing the whole surface, from C to E inclusive, grooved, as it were, by numerous narrow concentric belts. These im- pressioHo may have been illusory, as they were almost instantaneous ; but I have since learned by experience, that, after all, rapid impressions are not so much to be discarded, as, quite often, even nidre fugitive impressions have proved in the end to be real. A striking instance in my own experience may be worth recording. This Summer I made a study of the Ilorse-shoe Nebula in Sagittarius with my 6|-inch refractor. During the course of my observations, I was much annoyed by what appeared to me as faint ghost-like reticulated OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 179 shadows projected upon the iiebuhi. I at iirst thought I Imd h;ft the reticule of squares ruled on glass in the eye-piece ; but having convinced myself that this was not so, and the same appearance again presenting itself, I wiped my eye, but with no better result. As I experienced the same thing on other nights, I paid no more attention to it, thinking the trouble was in my sight. Some time afterwards, wliile in Washington, I had an opportunity of studying the same nebula with tin; great twenty-six-inch refractor of the Naval Observatory. I was not a little surprised* to see that the ghost-like reticule which I wanted so much to rub out of my eye while at home, was caused by dark channels in the nebula itself, which is divided on the preceding side by bright luminous patches, separated by dark intervals. In order of brightness, the zones or belts composing the system of rings run as follows : C, Z), B, E, A, F; C being by far the brightest, and F by fiir the darkest. The zones A and B have a bluish cast, or light slate-color; Cis of a bright luminous white; D is shghtly gray- ish ; ^ is at little darker ; while F, which is very dark, is tinged with bluish purple. A is separated from B by the pencil line ; B from C by the principal division ; while the others do not show any separation whatever, and are only limited by the contrast of their different colors and shades, and seem to be in immediate contact. However, the different zones do not terminate abruptly where they come in contact, but seem somewhat blended into each other. This is especially the case between E and F. Though at that point the contrast between the two internal rings is verj' great, yet it is impossible to see any line of division, so much do they mingle at their point of contact. On good nights, I have often observed on that part of the rings A, B, and C, seen on the ansse, an unmistakable mottled or cloudy appearance such as is represented on Plate 1. This appearance was always more characteristic and better seen on the ring G, especially near its outer margin, close to the principal division. It would seem, as has been already remarked, that the ring (7 is on a higher level than that of the rest of tlie rings, and that the cloudy appearances observed there form by their accumulation some kind of protuberances of different heights and breadths. The bright spots resembling satellites, so often observed by Bond in 1848, when the plane of the rings was parallel with that of the ecliptic, were probably caused by the crests of some protuber- ances similar to those now seen on the ansae. The form of the shadow thrown by the planet on tlie rings on Nov. 30, 1874, as shown at x. Fig. 1, seems also to agree with this hypothesis. The curious and deep 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY indentation of the shadow at x, in that part where it is projected on the outer border of the ring C, is perfectly exphiined on the supposition that this part of the ring is on a higher leveL The same shadow, as it appeared projected on the rings B and A, also clearly indicates that the plane of these zones is on a lower level. In order to find tlie shape of tlie surface of the rings from the obser- vation of the form of the shadow thrown by the planet, I have experi- mented on a miniature representation of Saturn, illuminated by a lamp occupying the position of the sun, while my eye occupied the position of the earth. By successive trials in altering the shape of the minia- ture rings, I have soon found what must be the form of the rings in order to give to the shadow tlie same appearance which liad been observed on the planet ; and the result agrees with the explanation already given. From the form of the shadow as it has appeared at different times during the last four years, and from the experiment just mentioned, it seems pretty clear to me, that, from the inner margin of the dusky ring I*", the thickness gradually increases until it reaches the extreme border of the ring C, where it gently decreases, as indicated by the rounding of the shadow at this point ; after which it sinks perpendicularly down, until it comes even with the general level of the rings B and A. The slightly curved appearance of the shadow of the planet during the present year, with its concavity turned towards its globe, also supports this hypothesis. Though, in general, the level of the ring C is always higher than that of tlie rest of the system, it does not seem, however, to be uni- form and permanent, but varies, either by the rotation of the rings upon an axis, or by some local changes in the cloud-forms themselves; as in several instances I have observed quite rapid and striking changes taking place during the course of one evening in the indentation of the shadow shown at x, Fig. 1. Sometimes the indentation appeared to increase, indicating a higher level ; and sometimes to decrease, indicat- ing a lower level. That the thickness of thfe rings is increasing from the interior margin of the dusky ring to the outer border of tlie bright ring (7, seems to be corroborated by the phenomena which I have observed on the dusky ring, and of which I shall speak presently. On all favorable occasions, I have made careful searches on the dusky ring for the divisions suspected by Bond ; but I never had the faintest glimpses of them. The dusky ring appears 'to me to be continuous, though it is certainly not of the same thickness throughout. Whatever OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 181 may be tlie material of wliich this ring is composed, it is quite rarefied ; and it becomes more and more so as it ap|)roa('hes its inner margin. There, it seems to be composed of discrete particles, each of which reriects the light separately; aud, by applying high powers to telescopes of large aperture, I have had the impression that the supposed par- ticles were more widely separated by the increase of magnifying jiower. I do not pretend to have seen distinct and isolated particles in the dusky ring; but by instants my impressions have been so decided, that it seemed as if oidy a little more favorable conditions were retpiired to enable me to see separate corpuscles of matter. Tiie appearance was somewhat like fine particles of dust floating in a ray of light traversing a dark chamber. The inner border of the dusky ring, notwithstanding its dark ap- pearance, is sharply defined on the dark sky within the ansai ; but it loses this sharpness of outline in that part which is seen projected upon the disk of the planet. There it appears very diffused aud ill defined. The inner border of the dusky ring, as seen within the ansae, forms a part of a perfect ellipse concentric with the other rings ; but these graceful curves are remarkably and quite abruptly distorted where they enter upon the disk of the planet at m and jo, Fig. 1. At these points, they are seen turning up rapidly, describing a short curve ; after which they continue parallel with the curves of the other rings until tliey meet at h. If the ellipse described within the ansie should cross the planet without any deflection, it would be seen along the dotted line. Fig. 1, and pass through n ; while, on the contrary, it is seen above at h. I was quite surprised, at first, by this singular phenomenon ; but I at last satisfied myself with the following explanation : If we conceive the dusky ring to be made up either of vapors or of numerous small inde- pendent solid bodies, and, moreover, if we conceive the thickness of this ring as increasing from its interior margin to its outer limit, we shall have an easy explanation of tiie observed phenomena. Wiien the matter composing this ring, whether solid or gaseous, is seen pro- jected upon the disk of the planet brilliantly illuminated, it will be lost, and will individually disappear, absorbed by the irradiation of the bright light surrounding it, and it will remain visible only at that part where it forms a stratum thick enough to overpower the eflTect of irradiation. The fact that the distortion of the inner margin of the duskv riiio- is not abrupt at m and p, where it enters upon the disk, but i.« gradual, 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY seems to prove that the planet is less luminous on its border than else- where, providing the above explanation holds good ; and this may be owing to the absorption caused by an atmosphere surrounding the planet. Bond has represented the limb of the globe of Saturn as seen through the whole width of the dusky ring. In this he agrees with all pre- vious observers. All the drawings of Saturn represent the limb of tliis jilanet as plainly and equally visible throughout tlie dusky ring, becom- ing invisible only where it enters under tlie internal margin of the ring E. In Bond's memoir, it is positively stated that Mr. Tuttle saw the limb of the planet through the whole width of the dusky ring. If these observations are correct, — as without doubt they are, — the solid particles, vapors or gases, composing this ring, must have luidergone some changes of position since Bond's time ; as by using tlie same instrument, and even one of almost double the aperture, I have not been able to confirm these observations. During the last four years, I have never been able to see the limb of the planet Saturn under the dusky ring, beyond the middle of its width. As it enters under it at m and p, it remains quite distinct for a short distance : but, as it advances farther in, it diminishes gradually ; and it entirely vanishes at about the middle, at u and v ; as if the matter composing the dusky ring was more dense or thicker towards its outer border. This observation has been so carefully made, and so many times repeated, the phenomenon has been so distinctly seen, that there is not the least doubt in my mind as to its reality. Therefore it seems pretty certain that changes have lately taken place in the distribution of the matter composing the dusky ring. As already shown, the substance composing the dusky ring does not seem to be uniformly distributed ; but seems moreover to be agglome- rated here and there into denser masses, which I have often recognized upon that part of the dusky ring crossing the planet between u and V. These supposed agglomerations appeared as dark masses, inter- cepting the light of the planet. This phenomenon could not be attrib- uted to dark markings on the planet, seen through the dusky ring ; since there are no markings so dark and so small on Saturn. Neither could they be produced by the dark bands sometimes surrounding the globe of Saturn, as some traces would have been detected on the edge of the dusky ring, since these bands are usually wider than the trans- parent part of the dusky ring. Of the planet itself I have little to say. It has certainly a mottled or cloudy appearance, like Jupiter. The clouds of Saturn are more OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 183 finely divided, like certiiin forms of the cirri clouds of our own atmos- phere. The cloudy appearance of Siituni, of course, is not so easily seen as that of Jupiter. It always rc(]uires a good steady iiiglit to see it. I have never seen the planet striped vk-ith a large number of parallel bands, such as some ob-ervers have described. Three or four form the extreme limit. Nor have I seen the bauds so conspicuously marked, so regular, so distinct in outline, and so dark ; the equatorial band being always by far the most conspicuous, while the others were barely perceptible. The equatorial belt has always appeared to me to be sliglitly liiigi'd wMth a delicate carmine red, very much like the equa- torial belt of Jupiter ; only the pink color of the former is much fainter. In no instance could I compare the color of this band to " brick red," as it is commonly described. Like the equatorial belt of Jupiter, that of Saturn is variable in width, and changes its form as well as its position. It is usually com- posed of two grayish irregular bands, forming its limits north and south, between which are seen flocculent pinkish cloud-forms. The general color of the planet differs from that of the rings, in being of a slight warm brown in which there is a yellowish tinge. The contrast of color with the rings is better seen by the use of very high powers. To conclude: my observations show, — I. That the inner margin of the ring B, limiting the outer border of the principal division, has shown on the ansie some singular dark angular forms ; which may be attributed to an irregular and jagged conformation of the inner boi'der of the ring B, either permanent or temporary. II. That the surface of the rings A, B and (7, has shown a mottled or cloudy appearance on the ansae during the last four years. III. That the thickness of the system of rings is increasing from the inner margin of the dusky ring to the outer border of the ring C, as proved by the form of the shadow of the planet thrown upon the rings. IV. That the cloud-forms seen near the outer border of the ring G attain different heights, and change their relative position, either by the rotation of the rings upon an axis, or by some local cause ; as indicated by the rapid changes in the inden- tation of the shadow of the planet. 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY V. That the inner portion of the dusky ring disappears in the light of the planet at that part which is projected upon its disk. VI. Tliat the planet is less luminous near its limb than in the more central parts, the light diminishing gradually in approaching the border. VII. That the dusky ring is not transparent throughout, contrary to all the observations made hitherto ; and that it grows more dense as it recedes from the planet ; so that, at about the middle of its width, the limb of the planet ceases entirely to be seen through it. VIII. And, finally, that the matter composing the dusky ring is agglomerated here and there into small masses, which almost totally prevent the light of the planet from reaching the eye of the observer. Cambridge, Dec. 1, 1875. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 185 X. THE COMPANIONS OF PROCYON. [Communicated bi/ Rear-Admiral C. 11. Davis, Superintendent of the Naval Obser- valorij, Waskinyton.] Kead, Feb. 9, 187G. The discovery in 18G2, by Mr. Alvan G. Clark, of a companion of Siriiis very near the place indicated by the tlieory proposed b>' Bessel to account for the variable proper motion of this star, naturally leil astronomers to an examination of Procyon, a star which also has a variable proper motion. On March 19, 1873, a companion of Procyon was discovered by Mr. Otto Struve, Director of the Pulkowa Observa- tory, near the place indicated by the theory of Professor Anwers. As soon as the 26-inch refractor of the Naval Observatory was ready for use, Professors Newcomb and Holden began an examina- tion of Procyon, which has been continued, on convenient occasions, to the present time. Struve's companion has not been seen by either of these astrono- mers ; nor, indeed, by any one who has examined the star through our instrument. Another companion, however, was soon suspected ; and the existence of this and other companions has now been so well established that an account of the examination of this star will be interesting. EXAMINATION OF PROCYON FOR THE DETECTION OF STRUVE'S COMPANION. {Extracts from Observing Bools.) (1) 1873. Nor. 29. Procyon carefully examinecl, and all sinall stars within 2' mapped down. Str0ve's companion not seen. Seeing very good, except possibly a slight haze. Observer: Newcomb. (2) 1873. Dec. 30. Examined Procyon. Struve's companion not seen. New- comb. (3) 1874. Jan. 2. Procyon's distant companion measured. Struve's com- panion not seen. Newcomb. 18G PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY (4) 1874. Jan. 8. 13 h. 30 m. Procyon: examined carefully for about 20 min- utes, — distant companion plain. Seeing good, and rays round star quiet : no small companion. Holden. (5) 1874. Jan. 14. 10 h. Very good seeing at times: ... no near companion to Procyon. Holden. (6) „ Jan. 25. Seeing very excellent : ... no near companion to Proc^/on. Holden. (7) „ Feb. 5. Procyon. Good seeing. Struve's companion not seen. Newcomb and Holden. Suspected a companion fol/oicing more distant tban com- panion to Sirius. Position angle 76° or 77°, by rough ■ sketcli. (See observations of Nov. 12, 25, and 20.) Holden. (8) „ Feb. 14. Procyon : poor image. Holden. (9) „ Feb. 21. Gh. 15m. to7h. Procyon: distant companion plain. Procyon unsteady, and poor seeing : no suspicion of near com- panion. Holden. (10) „ Mar. 11. Procyon; no near companion. Holden. (11) „ Mar. 20. 7 h. 30 m. Procyon: image good. Struve's companion not seen. G. W. Hough, Newcomb, and Holden. (12) „ Mar. 21. 7 h. 30 m. Procyon : no near companion. Holden. (13) „ May 18. About 8h. Procyon ; no near companion. C. H. F. Peters. (14) „ May 26. Procyon: aperture reduced to 15 inches. Image poor: no near companion. Newcomb. (15) „ Oct. 15. 17 ii. Siriiis : companion better seen with afuTture reduced to 22 inches. — Procyon : aperture 22 inches. Struve's companion not found. Definition fine. 17 h. 44 m. Distant companion can still be bisected with ease in -the increasing daylight. 17 h. 47 m. Bisection difficult, but companion plainly seen away from wire. 17 h. 51 m. Companion cannot be certainly seen at all. I am surprised at its sudden disappearance in the daylight. Newcomb. [The sun was about 6° below the horizon at 17 h. 50 m.] (16) „ Nov. 7. Cambridgeport, Massachusetts. Using the McCormick telescope; aperture, 26^- inches. Seeing rcry good. Pro- cyon ; no trace of Struve's companion. Alvan Cl.vrk, G. Clark, and A. G. Clark. (17) „ Nov. 12. Procyon: seeing about the same as at Cambridgeport (Nov. 7]. No sign of Struve's companion. Observation doubtful of a small companion 10" off, marked in drawing position angle = 68° from sketch. Alvan G. Clark, Avith 26-inch refractor at Washington. (18) „ Nov. 25. 14 h. 30 m. to 15 h. 10 m. Pror^/on ; seeing not jwy good. Struve's comi)anion not seen. Small companion sus- pected, [p = 47° from sketch.] OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 187 15 h. 20 m. Reduced aperture to 22 inches ; no better see- ing. HOLDEN. (19) 1874. Nov. 2G. 15 h. Procyon : full aperture. I see distincti}' tlie same companion that I saw last night. Position about 'J0° more tlian old companion, [p = ■42" from this estimate.] Seeing ;((;;/t(■^ Planetary disc to Proci/oii. 15 h. '60 m. to 45 m. : reduced aperture to 22 inches. Sudden scud of cloud and haze : saw the small companion but ouce. HOLDEN. Besides the above recorded observations, the companion has been looked for and not found on various occasions at the Naval Observa- tory by Professors Hall, Eastman, and Peters ; and by Professor Peters at the Melbourne Observatory with the four-foot reflector under very good conditions. On Jan. 12, 1876, Procyon was examined under exceptionally fine circumstances by Professor J. C. Watson and Professor Hoideu. No trace of Struve's companion was seen ; but both observers inde- pendently discovered others of which they at once, and without con- sultation, made sketches which agreed in showing certainly three small companions quite within 10" of distance, and between 0° and 90° of position angle ; and one was suspected by Professor tlolden some- where between the old companion and Procyon. Designating these in the order of position angle by 1, 2, 3, and 4, the sketches agreed in making 2 the brightest of the three, and also the most distant, while 1 and 3 were nearly of equal brightness and of equal distance (less than the distance of 2). The following is a transcript from the Ob- serving Book : — (20) Procyon and neighboring stars : coincidence of wires 64 r. 14 approxi- mately. Telescope west of pier ; eye-piece, 400 A. Reading for Position. Reading for Distance. 231.6 63.488 p = IQo s = 6" 63.592 J. C. "Watson. 200 63.31 208 63.40 p = 34° s = T'.Q E. S. HoLDEN. Telescope east of pier. Eye-piece 400. 209.6 65.12 p = 32° 8 = 9'/.7 J. C. Watsov. 208 65.02 eye-piece 400. p = 340 S = 8.8 _ E. S. IIOLDEN. 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY No signs of 2's companion: image fine. At about 11 Ii. Procyon examined by Professor J. C. Watson, and Holden. Where Ah'an G. Clark found a companion (see Observing Book, Nor. 12, 1874), wliich was verified by llolden (1874, Nov. 25 and Nov. 20), Professors Watson and Holden found tlirce. One of tliese is somewiiat brigliter than tlie other two (see sketclies I. and II.), an(i tiiis was first seen by Professor Watson (i.e., on Jan. 12), while Holdex saw tiie precedliKj one; and, finally, all tliree were well seen, and tlie first seen was measured in botli positions of the instrument east and west of the pier, by both observers. The seeing was extremely fine, and these images were well and steadily seen for about two hours (till Vd h.). In the sketches, a is the old companion, p = 312° [s = 42"]. SUMMARY. ( p = 10° s = 6." : J. C. W. Telescope W. ^ p = 38 s = 7. 9 : E. S. H. ( p = 34 ... : J. C. W. „ , -^ ( p = 32° s = 9."7 : J. C. W. Telescope E. j J _ 34 s = 8. 8 : E. S. H. Holden suspects a 4th comjianion somewhere about p = 320° — 330°. It should be noted further that 400 and 400 A are different eye-pieces, and that these satellites were seen in all parts of the field of view, and in all positions of the eye-piece. (21) New companions to Procyon : 1876, Jan. 20. The seeing is not good. Reading for position angle : 214° Holden p = 28° 224 Peters p = 18 212 Watson p = 30 189° Peters p = 53° 188 Watson- p = 54 242° Peters p = 0° Saw the brightest of the throe companions without difficulty and quite steadily, and caught occasional glimpses of one of the others. 1). P. Toud. Neither Peters, Watson, nor Holden see 0.2's companion. (22) Companions of Procyon : 1870, Jan. 21. 10 h. 11 m. Examined Procyon witli power 400. Imnges generally blurred and flaring. Irregular whiffs of wind. During occasional moments caught quite distant glinipses of one or two comi)anions about p 45° greater than old companion, but too unsteady to meitsure. [p = 357°j Nkw- CO.MU. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 189 About 11 P.M. saw, by slii'M'-'^cs only, two of tlie close companions of Pro- cyon ; viz.. that neiirest in angle of jHJsition to tlie old coini)anion anil tlie mid- dle one. Prooyon too much blurred to attempt any measurements. C. II. F. PliTERS. At 11 h. cannot be certain of seeing any thing in the place of the new com- panions, although there is at times something which looks like a companion. Images not good. Hall. 1876, Jan. 25. 10 h. '2 m. Procyon examined with powers 400 A, 400, 600 A, and single lens 500. I cannot see the new companions or Struve's. Distant companion seen steadily with all powers, but best with 400 A and 500. IIall. (23) Procyon, 1876, Jan. 25. 10 h. 30 m. The nev/ companion, i.e., the brightest of the three, suspected strongly, and a reading for position taken. Image of Procyon very poor, p = 37.° 0. IIoldkn. RECAPITULATION. It seems to be established by the preceding observations that there is no companion to be seen in the position indicated by Struve. Collecting all estimates and measures of other suspected companions in a table, and adding a supposed identification of them with one of the four satellites suspected by Watson and Holden on January 12, we have the following : — Date of the Observation. Position of the Distance of the Supposed identi- Observer. Companion. Companion. fication. 1874. Feb. 5 7fi=:: s>10" 1 Holdev. Nov. 12 68 10 est ? A. G. Clark. » 25 47 about 10 3 Holden. ,. 26 42 „ 10 3 HOLDEX. 1876. Jan. 12 10 6 1 J. C. Watson. » 38 7.9 2 HOLDKN. 84 2 J. C. Watson. ,1 9, ,, 32 9.7 2 J. C. Watson. 34 8.8 2 Holden. yy t> )y 320°-330° ? about 10 4 IIOLDEN. „ 20 28° „ 10 2 Holden. 18 „ 10 1? Peters. 30 „ 10 2 Watson. 53 „ 10 3 Peters. 54 „ 10 8 Watson. 0 „ 10 1 Petehs. !,' ',', 21 357 (est) „ 10 1 Newcomb. ,, 25 37 „ 10 2 Holden. 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The three companions about which no doubt is entertained are,^ 1. p = about 10° s = 6" 2. p = 36o s = 8"8 3. p = about 50° s < 10" It is quite possible that there may be one or two more. It is easy to understand why these have not been seen before, as the early ex- aminations were principally for the purpose of detecting the existence of Struve's companion, and as the very finest atmospheric conditions are required for their certain detection. It is believed, however, that even in ordinarily good seeing two can be seen. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 191 XT. NOTES ON MAGNETIC DISTRIBUTION. By Henry A. Rowland. Presented, Juno 9, 1875. In two papers which have recently appeared on this snbject, by Mr. Sears (Amer. Jour, of Science, July, 1874), and Mr. Jaccjues (Pres. Amer. Acad, of Sciences, 1875, n. 445), a method is used for deter- mining magnetic distribution, founded on induced currents, in which results contrary to those published by M. Jamin have been found. It does not seem to have been noticed that the method then used does not give what we ordinarily mean by magnetic distribution. In mathe- matical language, they have measured the surftice integral of magnetic induction across the section of the bar instead of along a given length of its surface* M. Jamin's method gives a result depending on the so-called surface density of the magnetism, which is nearly proportional to the surface integral of the magnetic induction along a given leuo'th of the bar. Hence the discrepancy between the different I'esults. Had the experiments of Mr. Sears and Mr. Jacques been made by sliding the helix inch by inch along the bars, their results would have confirmed those of M. Jamin. Four or five years ago, I made a large number of experiments in this way, which I am now rewi'iting for pub- lication, and where the whole matter will be made clear. At present, I will give the following method of converting one into the other. Let Q be the surface integral of magnetic induction across the section of the rod, and let Qe be that along one inch of the rod : then Qe cc -j- X being the distance along the road. Hence, M. Jamin's results depend on the rate of variation of the magnetization of the rod, while those of Mr. Sears and Mr. Jacques depend on the magnetization. In conclusion, let me heartily agree with Mr. Jacques's remarks about M. Jamin's conclusions from his experiments. Such experi- * Meavill's Electricity and Magnetism. Art. 402. 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ments as these give no data whatever for a physical theory of magnet- ism, and can all he deduced from the ordinary mathematical theory, which is independent of phj^sical hypothesis, combined with what is known with regard to the magnetizing function of iron. This will be shown in the paper I am rewriting. It seems to me that M. Jamin's method is very defective ; and I know of no method of experimenting, which is theoretically without objection except that of induced currents, and this I have used in all my experiments on magnetic distribution for the last four or five years, and have developed into a system capable of giving results in absolute measure. Mr. Jacques is to be congratulated on pointing out these errors in M. Jamin's conclusions. Teot, June 7, 1875. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 193 XII. ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. Bt Truman Henry Safford. Presented, Oct. 12, 1875. The method of least squares with the theory of errors of observa- tion upon which it depends forms the foundation of modern practical astronomy, and is largely used in subjects akin to astronomy, as geodesy and physics : the object of the present note is to assist in their practical application, both in planning and reducing series of observations. Legendre first seems to have published the method of least squares, mainly as a convenient and pretty method of computation. Gauss soon after showed that it was the same in principle as the ordinary method of taking the arithmetical means, in the simpler cases to which that is applicable ; and that either method presupposes a distri- bution of the errors of observation', such that the probability of larger errors is less than that of smaller ; and proportional to the function where A is an error of observation, and h a factor which reduces all systems of such errors to be comparable with each other. Of course the probability of an error of observation exactly equal to a given amount, no hair more nor less, is infinitesimal ; and the definite integral denotes the probability that there will be errors between the limits A and Aj; while the total probability of all the errors of observation denoted by unity will be equal to VOL. xr. (n. 8. III.) 13 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Shortly after this investigation of Gauss, Bessel examined long series of observations, to see whether the Jaw of distribution of errors thus indicated was a true one : he found that it was approximately so. His tables and some results are m the Fundamenta Astronomia^ : from these it appears that the definite integral above mentioned does rep- resent the actual distribution of errors with striking exactness ; but that there is generally a surplus of perhaps 1 to 3 per cent of the larger errors. I may here mention that the least favorable series quoted by Bessel — Bradley's declinations — are now in process of re-reduction by Prof. Auwers, of Berlin, and that his results in part are in my hands for another purpose. The larger discrepancies which Bessel's own reduc- tion left in them will probably be found to disappear in the newer calculations, and seem to arise from variations in the zero point of the quadrant. A few years after Bessel's results were published. Gauss wrote his Theoria Conibinationis Observatiouum. In this he takes the ground, from the beginning, that e ^ does represent the probability of error, and mentions casually that it is only an approximation. About 1838, Bessel published his last paper upon this subject. It seems to be little known in this country, but is extremely im- portant. He shows that the law of error will be that mentioned with greater approximation, the nearer the following conditions are complied with. First, that the sources of error are very numerous. Second, that they give rise to errors of equal average magnitude. He then points out that the first condition always holds good, by an enumeration of the known sources of error ; and that in good observa- tions the second condition has always a tendency to maintain itself, because if any one source of error is sensibly 'more intluential than the rest, it will be detected and put away, or at least its etfeot diminished by a proper arrangement of tlie work. The main object of this paper is to give the rules for good observing derived from tiiis theory : I have tested thom in two long series of observations, one made at Cambridge from 1862 to 18G6, the other at Chicago from 1868 to 1871. The first series is of right-ascensions of the principal stars, about 500 in number, each observed at least eight OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 195 times, and many from thirty to forty times. The second series is a portion of the great zone observations now going on under tiie charge of the Astronomische Gesellschaft of Leipzig. The rules for tliis series were formulated by Argelander. The sources of error (not mistakes) in astronomical observations are partly psychological (deficiency of attention), partly psycho-i)liysic:iI (dul- ness of the senses, time expended in communications through the nerves), partly instrumental, or depending on temperature, partly optical, depend- ing on the condition of the atmosphere. Tlie first rule then is that the observer must keep himself in uniform condition, and therefore be tem- perate and regular in his life. He must keep his senses constantly under control. He must have good instruments, well and firmly mounted : all the parts of the instruments must be solid. The differ- ent instruments must correspond with each other in their degree of perfection, and must always be in good repair. Observations must not be made when the air is uncommonly disturbed, or when the observer cannot keep himself warm enough to be comfortable, — of course when it is practicable to make the observations at all under better circumstances. The single observations should be uniform ; i. e., on nearly the same number of wires, with nearly the same number of settings and micro- scope readings. Too great fatigue should be avoided by timely pauses, so that, for instance, the first observations of a night may not be very good, and the last very bad. Long series of observations have been greatly damaged by the fol- lowing causes, among others : — Large errors of division, much exceeding the errors of setting upon a star. The wearing at the centre of a quadrant; and a gradual flexure of the whole instrument. Placing a transit instrument in a high tower, which expanded and contracted by the sun's heat. Too great trust in the fixity of an instrument. Closely counterpoising a meridian circle, so that, when observing zones in a hurry, the axis was lifted out of its bearings. "Weakness of the telescope tube, and an attempt to improve it by levers of flexure. 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The wearing of the piv'ots of a transit instrument. Employing a per- son to note time for the observer proper. Negligence in determining the zero-points ; too great trust in the Nau- tical Almanac in comparison with immediate observation. The employment of two observers of very unequal skill upon the same work. The employment of a careless or ignorant person to direct good observers. In all these cases, some one cause of larger error than is unavoidable is brought into the work, and manifests itself by larger discrepancies than the theory of probabilities indicates. In some old series, several such causes are visible : the effect of tliese is to produce much larger errors. Now-a-days an observer may be called upon to use an old and poor instrument upon distant service, and runs the risk of unusual dis- crepancies thereby. So far with regard to the errors of single observations : I come now to the smaller errors of series of observations. If a star's place is determined hy four observations of equal value, it will be affected with but one-fourth the sum of all the individual errors ; and its probable error, the so-called internal probable error, will be but one-half that of each observation. But there will be new errors intro- duced, tending to slightly increase this. The skill of the astronomer is shown in making these as small as possible : first, by giving all the parts of his instrument as many reversals as he can, without affecting the stability, reversing his axis end for end, interchanging objective and ocular ; or else by making his observations more strictly differential. The former is best, when fewer objects are to be observed ; the latter, where the mass of work done is more important than its strict inde- pendence. Now I wish to notice that the errors of uniform star places will be more exactly distributed according to the law of probabilities than those of the single observations from which they are formed. For, in the first case, the sources of error are more mmierous, and more exactly uniform in their action ; while the resulting errors are more^ infinitesimal ; provided, that is, due care is taken witli the elimination of constant error. On the other hand, if one star be observed twice, and its neighbor, of just the same importance, twenty times, it will be difficult to bring the piobable errors of the results under any general rule. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 197 The average rule ia first-class observatories is about this : — Stars observed en masse, or by zones, should be twice observed, three times if the two observations disagree much. Stars observed for ordinary catalogues of objects, interesting as bright or having proper motions, should ha four times observed, twice in each of two opposite positions of the instrument. Stars requiring special accuracy, not of the very first order, should be observed eight or ten times. For fundamental determinations, it is not so much the number of single observations that is important, as the number of separate determinations (in different years) of eight or ten observations apiece ; and also the number of variations in the position of the instrument and its parts. For some months I have been bringing together all available material for a catalogue of latitude stars for the United States Enjiineers. Tal- cott's method puts a heavy strain on the catalogue, as it is very simple, and easily made accurate with a good instrument, but employs quite small and ill-known stars, for want of well-proportioned pairs enough at any given time and place. Hence the British Association Catalogue, which contains stars enough, was found almost from the day of its publication to be far from precise. It could hardly be used with a two-inch zenith telescope in indifferent condition, on the boundary between this country and Mexico. In supplying star-places for this purpose from time to time, the gradual increase of material has been greatly encouraging. But, on the other hand, there is a troublesome want of uniformity in modern star-catalogues. To say nothing of unreduced observations, it often happens that there is much carelessness in settling the zero-points of the instrument, and the clock- and other corrections ; so that the errors in these are often larger than those of observations. Moreover, the star- places used as fundamental are often less accurate than those obtained by their help ; and the various flexures and errors of division, and the variations, in clock-rate, are neglected or ill-determined. As a result, it becomes very difficult to assign the proper weights to the separate determinations, and to settle upon those w^hich are to be excluded. The simplest rule would be to exclude certain doubtful catalogues altogether ; but unfortunately they are sometimes indispen- sable, where the star is wanted, and no other authority of the same epoch is at hand. 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Great assistance has been obtained by noting all the doubtful cases, and requesting their re-observation at the United States Naval Obser- vatory, or re-observing them myself, when other duties would permit ; but this is a matter which requires time. I might here mention that the future progress of sidereal astronomy proper will be greatly fur- thered by continually watching stars of doubtful proper motion until their motions are decided ; and that the next few years will very greatly increase the necessity of so doing. It is, therefore, very necessary that the system of co-operation among the astronomers of different countries, which has lately begun, should extend much wider than it has, or at least that every observer should strive to regulate his work by the uniform principles which guide the best ones, and also to do that which is most necessary for the general good. Fortunately, the making good observations, and reducing them well, requires chiefly industry, system, and order, and is not very dependent upon the capacity to appreciate the highest flights of mathe- matical genins. The one thing needful for good observations is, in a word, disci- pline. In computing probable errors, I generally use the sums of the dis- crepancies, not the sums of their squares. The formula is. — £ = 0.840 ./— 7 X ^ m{m — n) where ^e denotes the sum of the errors, £ the probable error of a single one, jn their number, ?^ the number of unknown quantities. The little table annexed contains V'w (m — n) 31 = 0.845 so that with the arguments m and n. I have extended it only so far as I habitually use it ; beyond these limits, it is better to calculate by loga- rithms. In the cah'ulations above-mentioned, I have used two little devices for shortening the solution by least squares, which are best illustrated by the same example. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 199 The star Piazzi xv. 17G, has the following determinations of its declination, reduced to the movable planes of 1875, by Bessel's pre- cession and proper systematic corrections : — Authority. Declination. Ep. \Vt. Piazzi & Lalande . Taylor Armagh .... Quetelet .... 14oi0'51"l 47.7 46.9 44.2 1798 1H35 1842 1865 H 1 1 f The equations to be solved by least squares will be : — x—0.77y = d".l Wt=:H x — 0A0y = 5.7 1 X — 0.33 ij = A.2 1 a;_0.10y = 2.2 f Taking the mean by weights, we have x — 0.461 y = G".09, which is the final determination of a; — 0.46 1 y. Hence, 0.3093/==: — 3".01 0.061?/ = — 0.39 0.131y = — 1.19 0.361 y = — 3.89 with the same weights as before. Solving these equations by least squares (a very easy process), that is, multiplying each by its coeffi- cient of y and its weight, we get — 0.142 ,y=—l ".39 0.0045/ = — 0.02 0.017 2/ = — 0.16 0.097y = — 1.05 0.260 2/ = — 2. 62 hence x = 6".09 -f 0.461 X — 10.08= 1".44 Adding y = —10"M since the declination for 1875 was 14°10'42'' -|- x, and the proper motions in one hundred years y; I took for y in round numbers — 10" and brought up the declinations with its help as follows : — 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Wt. Pi. & Lai. . T Arm. . . . Q 14°10'43"4 43.7 43.6 43.2 H 1 1 1 > strictly 43"44, see above. Means 43. 48 Adopted 43. 5 The other process combines Taylor and Armagh into one place ; thus, — Authority. Epoch. Declination. AVt. (1) (3) Pi. & Lai. T. & Arm. Q- 1798 1838.5 1805 14°10'51'a 47.3 44.2 2 i A theorem of Jacobi's tells us to multiply the result of any com- bination of the two unknown quantities by the square of its deter- minaut, and add all together, and divide by the sum of the squares of the multipliers ; thus, — Combination. p. M. Result for one. Square of Det. X product of wts. (1) (3) (2) (3) — 0"103 —0. 0'J4 —0. 117 672 X H X 1 40.52 X H X 2 26.5^X2 Xi =5051 =4920 =1053 520.3 462.5 123.2 11024 IIOO.O final mean— 0".1003. Using — C'.IO as before, and bringing up we get Pi. & Lai. T. & Arm. Q. . . 43"4 43. 65 43.2 ■ 14oi0'43. 48 as before. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. V «( {ill — n) 201 Table of J/= 0.«164 H=l n = 2 m =3 2 90 2.05 4 4.10 3.35 6 6.29 4.58 6 6.48 5.79 7 7.67 7.00 8 8.85 8.19 y 10.04 9.39 10 11.22 10.58 11 12.41 11.77 12 13.59 12.96 13 14.77 14.14 14 15.96 1533 15 17.14 16.52 16 18.83 17.70 17 19.51 18.89 18 20.69 20.07 19 21.87 21.26 20 23.05 22.44 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY XIII. BRIEF CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABO- RATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. BY JOHN TROWBRIDGE. No. IV. — ON THE EFFECT OF THIN PLATES OF IRON USED AS ARMATURES TO ELECTRO-MAGNETS. Preseuted, Feb. 9, 1876. In a paper presented to the Academy, April 13, 1875, 1 showed that the application of armatures to two strait electro-magnets, which formed the primary circuit of a Ruhmkorf coil, more than doubled the strength of the induction current produced by breaking the primary circuit. When, however, the circuit of the secondary coil was not closed, and a spark was allowed to jump across the interval between its poles, the striking distance of the spark, and its power to charge a condenser, did not seem to be notably increased by the applications of armatures to the electro-magnets of the primary circuit. My experi- ments, at that time, were made with solid iron cores ; and I now resume these experiments with bundles of fine iron wires in place of the solid iron cores. The mechanical difficulty of making the ends of the bundles of fine wires constituting the cores plane surfaces was overcome by dipping them in melted solder, and then filing the surfaces. In this way, I had no difficulty in applying the armatures so that they should lie upon a plane surface. The resistance of each of the two induction coils covering the two strait electro-magnets was 6000 ohms, and that of each of the strait electro-magnets .34 of an ohm. The diameter of the bundles of tine iron wires constituting the cores was 5 cm., and the length of the electro-magnets was 28 cm. Condensers of various sizes were placed in the primary circuit: the results given in this paper were obtained by the use of a condenser of about one Farad. The method of experi- menting was to charge a condenser of ^ of a Farad by means of a spark one millimetre in length, and then to' discharge this condenser through a galvanometer. If we express the quantity of electricity OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 203 received by the condenser by Q, the electro-motive force and the Civpacity of the condenser by E and C, we have Q = EG. We also have Q^z"^ sin .V qp, where n is tlie reduction factor of the galva- noraeter, t the time of vibration of tiie magnet, and (p the arc through which it swings under tlie effect of tlie charge. Knowing the re(bic- tion factor of my galvanometer, I had thus the means of reducing my re. —t ) — 0".0115 {V -\- t) — 0".000056 f^ — 0".000210<2 e'—V = 23".0144 {f — 0 + 0".011") {t' + 0 + 0".000210 t"^ -\- o".o()oo56 e d — 20".0652 {f — 0 — 0'-.000048 <'^ -\~ 0".000048 f a =r « -j- z -j- ^ COS 8' sin a' = cos 8 sin a cos 8' cos a' = cos 8 cos « cos d — sin 8 sin d sin 5' = cos 8 cos a sin ^ -|- sin 5 cos d a' = a' -\-z' — V Using Struve's constants, the values become : — z -\-l=L 23".0311 {f — 0 — 0".0001922 e — 0".0000497 f' z' — V= 23 .0311 {f — <)-}- 0 .0000497 ^^ _^ 0 .0001922 f^ e =20 .0611 {f — t)-\-0 .0000432 t- — 0 .0000432 ^^ . According to Bessel II., the formulae for the computation of these quantities are, — I = 0".17926 t — 0".0002G60394 f 0) = 23°28'18".0 + 0".00000984233 f 1/; = 50".37572 < — 0 .0001217945 <-; 1', (o', and \p', are the same functions of t'. J (z' — z)= 0".1011804 (<' + 0 + 0".0000002446 {f -f ty tan h (z '+ z) = ^^i ('•'' + ") tan ^ (xp' — xp) tan 1 ^ = ^h\(?L±ll tan i («>' + (A ^ cos ^ (zi — z) ^ ^ ' ^ The time is counted from 1750. According to Struve and Peters, the time is counted from 1800, and I = 0".15119 t — 0".00024186 f^ w = 23°27'54".45 + 0 .00000735 e t/j = 50 .3798 t — 0 .0001084 f \{z' — z) =0 -.075573 {f + t) + 0 .0000001626 (<' + /)' OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 215 The last formula is quoted from Carrington. LeVerrier counts his time from 1850, and finds (1 employ here Bessel's notation), — J (a,/ -f ly parallel. The poles of the iiidiiction coil were connected with a condenser ; one directly, and the other by means of the spark passing between the two discs. The condenser was then discharged through a galvanometer. The micrometer screw of the catlietometer reads easily to the yo\)IT '^^ ^ millimetre, and observations were taken with its aid at intervals of .0<3U mm. The plates were considered to be in contact, whenever making the primary circuit gave any deflection in the galvanometer. The zero thus obtained was quite constant, where- as it was almost impossible to tell by the eye just at what point the spark ceased to pass when the circuit was broken. The poles of the battery were kept apart when not actually in use, and it was supposed that the electro-motive force remained constant during the time of ob- servation. In laying out a curve, it must be remembered that there was a resistance of GOOO ohms already in the circuit. Each of the following results i? the mean of a series of closely agreeing observations : — Separation of plates in mms. Deflections. .050 183 .100 176 .150 164 .200 145 .250 130 .300 136 .350 123 .400 127 .450 120 .500 106 .550 102 .600 97 .650 92 .700 88 .750 90 .800 91 .850 95 .900 96 .950 88 1. 93 1.050 79 1.100 85 1.150 84 1.200 70 1.250 75 1.500 63 1.750 51 2.000 50 2.250 45 2.500 42 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY When the sparks passed between the ends of two copper wires, § mm. in diameter, carefully filed so as to be parallel, the curves ob- tained were very regular, but of the same general shape. As an example, I give the following : — Dist. over which the spark leaped Deflections. in lunis. 1 90 ii 70 3 55 4 44 5 35.6 6 27 7 20 8 13 9 7 10 2.5 11 1.4 12 .8 Sir "William Thomson has shown, in his paper on the " Electro-motive Force necessary to produce a Spark," that a greater force per unit of length is needed for short distances than for long distances. He does not state in his paper whetl>er he experimented upon the Ruhmkorff coil or the Holtz Machine. In using the Quadrant Electrometer in measuring the electro-motive force of the sparks from an induction coil, it is, of course, necessary to use a small leaping distance from tho sparks to avoid the return current. At times, I have found that a greater actual deflection was obtained when the leaping distance was as great as | mm. than when it was much smaller. May not Sir William Thomson's results be partly accounted for by induction iu the same manner ? Another method of experimenting upon the extra spark obtained by breaking the circuit between the poles of an electro-magnet gave excellent results. One of the poles of the induction coil was connected with the outer coating of a very small Leyden jar; while the other pole connected with the inside coating through a small interval of air, to avoid the return current. The inside coating of the jai; was con- nected by a very fine wire to a thin copper disc, 261 mms. in diameter. Opposed to the copper disc, at a per[)endicular distance of IGO nims., was the end of a short rod, 1 mm. in diameter. Attached to the other end of the rod was a very fine wire connecting with one pole of the OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 225 Quadrant Electrometer. The other pole of the electrometer was con- nected with the ground. The very One wire leading from the oppos- lug section of the rod was so arranged that experiment showed no ludnctive effect from the disc upon it. When the primary circuit was broken, a spark passed charging the Leyden jar, and consequently the circular plate. The insulated i.late was consequently charged to some constant potential F^. According to Maxwell's Electricity, Vol. I. § 177, and Thomson's I' Papers," 233, the surface density at any point on a thin circular msulated plate is — 6 = ; — ^ — , 2 TT- \/ a- — nil where a^ is the radius of the plate, and m the distance of the point from the centre. If the plate is in the co-ordinate plane x y, we have, — G = 27r-v/«2 — j^t — ^2 The potential at any point (x, y,z)m space due to this distribution is J J '^' '"'^^ ^^'^ P^^^^ ^« *^^"- The limits must be so chosen as to comprehend the whole surface of the disc, and to avoid errors the pomt {x,y,z) must be opposed to the disc. V ~ C C~° • I ^^ dy yi' At any fixed point {x^,y^, z^), therefore, the potential is proportional to Fq. It was supposed necessary that the potential of the quadrants attached to the short rod, which was at a great distance from the elec- trometer,^ would be proportional to V^. The opposite quadrants were at potential zero, being connected with the earth ; and since, when the deflections are small they are proportional to the difference of poten- tial of the two poles of the instrument, it was supposed that the deflection of the electrometer needle would be a relative measure of the potential of the plate. A great many observations were taken with this apparatus, and the results agreed with the former ones, not only qualitatively, but very nearly quantitatively. I select the following series of observations to VOL. XI. (n. S. III.) 15 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY show this. The difference is in this case not so widely apparent, owino' to the extreme weakness of the current used ; it being at this time, in order to get small deflections, the weakest used in the whole of my work. Primary broken Primary broken outside. inside. 7.5 9.5 10. 9. 7.3 9.4 7. 9.5 8.2 8.5 8.2 9.2 10.6 9.5 9.5 . 8.6 5.2 8.4 10. 9.7 8.8 8.5 8. 9.4 6.5 10.5 9.4 10.9 7. 8.1 9.2 10. 5.3 8.7 10.5 12. 8.3 7.8 8.5 8.4 9.8 10.6 9.9 8.6 Mean 8.4 Mean 9.3 These were taken in sets of ten, with wonderfully close means, not- withstanding the apparently great probable error. Another series, with a stronger current, gave as the ratio of the results 1.364. The results of the investigation are as follows : — 1. By breaking the primary circuit of an induction coil in a magnetic field, the length of spark produced by the secondary coil is more- than doubled in length. An application of this fact to the induc- tion coil is suggested. 2. The results by the different methods used all show an increase of electro-motive force when the circuit is broken in a magnetic field ; and that the effect cannot be purely a nicchanic^al phenome- non, as M. liecquerel affirms. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 227 3. By bre:ikiiig tlie circuit between mercury and copper in the mag- netic liolil, a remarkable change of polarity was observed witli the electrometer. 4. An explanation is offered of the fact noticed by Sir William Thom- son, that a greater electro-motive force per unit of length is needed to produce a spark at a short distance than at a long^one. The subject of this paper was suggested to me by Professor Trow- bridge, and throughout all my work he has kindly given me his advice and help. 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY XVI. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. No. IX. — CONDENSERS AND GEISSLER'S TUBES. Br William P. Wilson. In the secondary circuit of a RulimkorfF's coil of 6000 ohms resist- ance was joined a galvanometer, and successively Geissler's tubes con- taining GO, H, and 0. The galvanometer was constructed from a Rdhmkorff's coil equal in resistance to the one used in the secondary circuit. Upon sending a spark through a Geissler's tube of GO, a deflection of 8 centimetres was given by the galvanometer. The light was strongest in the centre of the tube ; near the positive and negative poles of the platinum electrodes it was very feeble. The color in the middle of the tube shaded into red ; at the ex- tremities it was a pale bluish-white. The light in the enlarged part of the tube, approaching the positive pole, was beautifully stratified with alternate light and dark bands. A condenser, consisting of a Leyden jar of 60.5 sq. cm. surface, was connected with the opposite poles of the coil, and a spark again passed through the Geissler's tube. The galvanometer gave the same deflection of 8 cm. as before, but the difference in light was very marked. This increase in light did not show itself in the centre of the tube, but towards the extremities ; both poles, and especially the positive, becoming much more brilliant. The dark and light bands seen near the positive pole, before the introduc- tion of the condenser, now entix-ely disappeared. The Geissler's tube was removed, and an equal air resistance substituted. This was done by placing near together, and in line, the broken ends of the wire. By a micrometer adjustment, these wire points could be made to recede from or approach eacii other, until the galvanometer gave a deflection of 8 cm. with the condenser in the circuit. Upon sending a spark through this air resistance, having previously disconnected the con- denser, the deflection of the galvanometer was at once increased from 8 to 20 cm. The light did not vary as much as in the Geissler's tube, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 229 but could easily be seen to be brigbter ubeu the comlcnser was in the circuit. The following is the record of observations upon three gases, and the equal air resistance, with and without a condenser: — 1. Current passing through Geissler's tube of CO. With condenser, deflection = 8 cm. Witliout „ „ =8 era. With „ light increased. Witliout ,, „ decreased. 2. Current passing through Geissler's tube of //. With condenser, deflection = 8 cm. Without ,, „ =8 cm. With „ light increased. Without „ „ decreased. 3. Current passing through Geissler's tube of 0. With condenser, deflection = 8 cni. Without „ „ = 8 era. With „ light increased. Without „ ,, decreased. 4. Current passmg through air resistance equal to the resistance of Geissler's tube. With condenser, deflection = 8 era. Without „ „ = 26 era. With „ light increased. Without „ „ decreased. Let (7, be the condenser ; S, the entire energy of current which would produce magnetic effect ; L, that part of the energy expended in light ; and m, the deflection of the galvanometer. We shall then have in air : — Without C, S — L ={m) With C,S — L^ = (nil) frt = 3.25 times m^ L " 30400 1 100300 1 9900 12 21700 1 50700 1 19500 13 19000 1 60800 1 47000 14 25300 1 38000 ' 380000 15 10000 1 30400 ' 60700 16 ' 8000 1 7C000 "T" 15800 17 ' ItiOOO 1 60800 4- ' ~ 18500 18 1 50700 ~ 19500 I'J 1 152000 1 ~~ 100300 ' 44700 20 0 0 0 OF AllTS AND SCIENCES. 243 It is quite evident that in the throe cases under consideration, there are numerous acriduntal errors amounting to ^^^inu ^^ '^'^ "'*^'' '^"'^ more, while in the hist case the evidence of periodicity is very decided ; its value at the maximum point being 75^50 of an inch. An exam- ination of the values in Tables I. and 11., column III., will show how easy it is to be misled by a seeming accuracy when only consecutive spaces are measured. It is only when the errors become maguitied by successive increments that they attract attention. The following will be fuuixl a very convenient and accurate method for measuring directly the magnitude of the periodic errors. First, a series of equidistant lines is ruled on thick glass, care being taken to use glass having a plane surface. It is better also to have the spaces corresjiond to equal parts of a revolution of the screw. On one side a heavy finding line is ruled. This band is then reproduced on microscopic cover glass, having a thickness of about y^^ of an inch. Of course care is taken to use the same part of the screw, and the same divisions of a revolution as before. By cementing the glasses together with balsam, face to face, but with the finding lines coinci- dent and on opposite sides, the periodic errors, if they exist, will appear under the microscope with twice their real magnitude. In this way it is easy to measure not only the maximum value, but the values corresponding to every division of the screw-head. If an objective of high power is employed, care is necessary to have the surfaces of both pieces of glass as nearly plane as possible. Much better results are obtained by using a piece of cover-glass not larger than jig^ of a square inch. Mr. John M. Blake, of New Haven, did me the kindness to photo- graph on cover-glass, the plate whose measures are given in column III. By reversing the plates, in the way indicated above, he found almost precisely the same value for the maximum periodic error deduced above ; viz., ^-^qq of an inch. In passing, it may be interesting to note that though the lines of the Rutherford plate are more distinct than those of the Nobert plate, and though the errors of spacing are considerably less, yet the former was rejected from the start as an imperfect one, while the latter gives excellent results, yet both plates will show with about equal distinct- ness four lines between the components of the magnesium line b. This is hardly in accordance with the theory that the optical test of paral- lelism of lines, and of equality of spacing, is far more perfect than the test of actual measurement. It is evident that the theoretical limit of accuracy required, in order to produce the solar lines in the greatest 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY perfection, has rarely if ever been reached in actual practice. All the evidence seems to point to the conclusion that the brilliancy of the spectrum depends as much on the character of the lines, and especially on the character of the edges, as on the equality of the spacing. It is obvious, then, that the errors which are to be the most feared, both on account of their magnitude and the likelihood of their escap- ing detection, are those which are periodic in their character. To tlio investigation of the sources of these errors, in my own machine, sev- eral months of careful study have been given. Without entering into a detailed account of fruitless experiments, I will give only the conclu- sion at which I have arrived ; viz., that the periodicity resides, not in the screw itself, but in the mounting of the screiv. The evidence on this point seems to be conclusive. In a large number of separate measurements extending over several weeks, substantially the same system of values as those given in column III. were found. These values were also constant for different parts of the screw. Conjectur- ing that the trouble might arise from unecjual friction between the screw and the nut at different parts of the revolution, owing to the want of parallelism, between the screw and the fixed way on the bed of the machine, a slight movement was given to the adjusting screws, which clamped the split nut. At once the system of corrections was wholly changed, not only in value but in sign, and the values now found, remained constant under every variety of tests applied. After a few weeks, a slight movement was given to the screws holding the plate against which the precision screw works as a shoulder. The sign of the errors was again changed, but their magnitude was very much reduced, amounting at the maximum to about ^jg^J^jy of an inch. This system of errors also remained, as long as no further changes were made. Having definitely found by these and several other similar experi- ments that the periodicity was not due to the precision screw itself, but to the constrained motion caused by unecjual friction between the nut, the screw, and the ways on which the gravity slide, which carries the plate to be ruled, is moved, I addressed myself to the task of removing as far as possible this source of error. Wliile I have not succeeded with entire satisfaction, the errors of a periodic character have been so much reduced that those which still remain give no seri- ous trouble, liy a device to be presently described, these residuals are overcome by an automatic movement connected with the screw itself. Omitting an account of many fruitless trials, I describe the following permanent changes whicli were finally made. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 245 (o) The ways over wliit-li the f:;r:ivity sli Sons, the evidence of grain is so marked and of such constant recurrence that all the large plates have been cut into slides 3X1 inches, in the direction indicated by the observations. In general, the direction of the grain can be detected at once by the appearance of lines as fine as 30,000 to the inch, while coarse lines may retain their initial character for several days. The present indications are that the grain is only surface deep, and 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY that it is the result of polisliing in one direction. Common window glass seems to be wholly free from it. Nobert's lines are ruled on microscopic cover-glass about ooo ^^ ^^ ^'^*^'^ i" thickness. The evi- dence of grain in this kind of glass is strong; but it is hardly decisive. In some specimens it is very marked, while in others it seems to be entirely wanting. Indeed, any conclusions on this subject must be regarded as only provisional, owing to the extreme ditficulty of sep- arating the action of the cutting crystal upon the glass from the effect due to the character of the glass itself. It is, however, safe to say tiiat in certain kinds of glass the best results can only be obtained by ruling in a given direction. In order to rule bauds with lines separated by intervals, e.g. of ^uo 0^ an inch, it is of course necessary to rule single lines whose W'idth is less than this. Great precaution is requisite here, in order to avoid optical delusion. Every microscopist is familiar with the phenom- enon of false lines. To avoid errors from this source, a few single lines are ruled between two heavy finding lines. They are then filled with graphite. This precaution is necessary in order to give both visibility and distinctness to the edges. If the lines are not filled, they may appear much finer than they really are ; tliat is, the objective being in focus for the bottom of the furrow may fail to reveal abrasions of the surface on either side. The graphite of the New York Graphite Company will easily fill the finest line that can be ruled with a diamond. In order to measure the width of the lines, the following plan is adopted as presenting some advantages over the usual method of esti- mating it by comparison with the known value of a given division in the eye-piece micrometer. First, a single line is ruled, which in the eye-piece apparently ex- actly covers the line to be measured under the objective. A few trials will suffice for this purpose. Having found what weight must be applied to the diamond to produce such a line, the next step is to ascertain how many lines, exactly like this one, can be ruled within the space of ^^^ of an inch witli a minimum space between each line. This will also reciuire a few trials. F'or example, if with a yV objec- tive and a B ocular, the space jtJ^tj of an inch in the eye-piece corre- sponds to Tji^o of an inch under the objective, and if it is found that fifteen lines can be ruled within this space, then the width of the line under examination is -j-Tjiij^ X tV ^^ v^^nTS^ ^^ ^" '"^'^ » ^ result which is obviously within the truth, especially if the line in the eye-piece is made a shade larger than the line under the objective. Tested in OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 251 this way, the linos of Nobert's 19th baml are about tko^jju "^ ^" '"*^^^ in width. The photographs made by Dr. Woodward seem to give a little greater value. The linest lines I have suceeeded in rnling are about jTr^VoTj ^^ '"* '"'^■'' ^" width. These values are substantially the same as those given by Dr. Roystou Pigott, as representing the ulti- mate limit of visibility under the microscope. The smallest angle at which an object can be distinctly seen is stated by him to be G", while other writers place it as high as GO", or even 120". Even the smallest value named is much too large. I will at any time undertake to rule a single line, ^^J^yi) ^^ ^^ i"^^^ '" breadth, which can be seen at the distance of seven inches from the eye. This corresponds to an angle of about 1''. In this case the line is filled with plumbago, but, if it is reflected from a silvered surface, it can be easily seen at the distance of eleven inches from the eye. Comparing minute particles of matter which can be seen under a Tolles -^^ objective with those which can be measured, in the way indicated above, there is every reason to sup- pose that the limit of visibility falls beyond ^-^tyVcTiT f^ a" inch. It is quite possible that the conclusion reached by Sorby, that the microscope has already reached the limit of its power in separating lines whose distance apart is equal to one half of a wave length, may be found to be justified by future observations. It is certain that no lines beyond Nobert's 19th band have ever been resolved. The great difficulty in distinguishing true from spurious lines has caused more than one skil- ful microscopist to doubt whether the resolution has been certainly carried a. far as that point. But that light is " of too coarse a nature " to enable us to see particles of matter as small as ^tj^^x7(J ^^ ^"^ inch, is a conclusion which can be refuted without the slightest difficulty. How are Nobert's Finest Lines produced'^ In trying to answer this question, I shall give the results of four distinct lines of investigation. Neither of these furnish conclusive evidence, but they are all suggestive of possibilities. I. I have already stated that there is strong evidence that they are ruled with a diamond having a knife-edge. To this is added a fact derived from my own experience, and confirmed by a trial of several months; viz., that ivhen a diamond, having a polished knife-edge, is set slightly inclined to the direction of the lines ruled, its ruling qualities improve with use. The diamond with which bands of 50,000 lines to the inch were first successfully ruled would at first barely rule 10,000. It 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY was only after a service of several weeks, its position in the holder mean- while remaiiiiog unchanged, that the highest limit named was reached. Four new diamonds have since been mounted with precisely the same result. It is not to be understood that this remark holds entirely true for heavy lines, such as are requisite for good diffraction plates. It is the experience of Rutherford and others, that one of the chief difficul- ties in producing such plates is the inability to find a diamond which will do its work equally well throughout the entire process of ruling. But when only very fine lines are desired, the longer the diamond is used, the greater the pressure which can be applied without increas- ing the size of the line. In this way the lines can be made much more uniform throughout their entire length, than when the diamond barely touches the surface. One can hardly say that the diamond sharpens itself by use, but there is some evidence that the wear is greater on the two faces than on the knife-edge. When the diamond does its work perfectly, the cut, even of the finest line, produces a sharp singing sound. My ear has become so accustomed to this peculiar tone, that I can judge of the quality of the lines ruled almost as well by sound as by sight. In ruling the highest bands, this sound can be heard throughout the entire length of every line. It does not always have exactly the same character, however, being sometimes much sharper in tone than others. II. From Mr. Herman, a successful diamond worker of New York, I learned a fact which was thought to be of sufficient importance to justify a somewhat difficult experiment. He stated to me that his experience had shown him that the only really hard points of a dia- mond are those where the line formed by the intersection of two faces terminate. His directions, therefore, were to grind the faces to a knife- edge, exercising great care to leave the natural line of ititersection untouched as far as possible, and then to grind and poli^^h a ftice nearly at right angles to this line, stopping just at its extremity. He assured me that the success of the experiment would depend entirely upon neither falling short or going beyond this point. Only one dia- mond has been successfully prepared in this way, and even in this case it is not quite certain that this requirement has been met. Its perform- ance is sufficiently good to warrant further experiments. IH. I am indebted to Mr. D. C. Chapman, of New York, for a third method of preparing a ruling diamond. It is allowed by all familiar with the subject, that the natural face of a crystal is harder than any surface formed by breaking the stone into chance fragments. By splitting a stone in the direction of a cleavage-plane, forming an OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 253 angle of about 40" with this natural face, an exceedingly sharp knife- edge may be formed, possessing excellent ruling (jualities. Moreover, in ruling lieavy lines for dittraction i)lates, the cutting-edge retains its form for a long time. In setting the diamond for ruling, tlie natural face should be slightly inclined to the surface to be ruled. The Bia- zilian " bort " seems to give the best and most durable cntting-t'dge. AVith a diamond prepared in this way, the line formed by the inter- secting faces being about j\ of au inch in length, I find little trouble in ruling from 60,000 to 80,000 lines to the inch. IV. A few months since INIr. R. C. Greenleaf, of Boston, placed in my hands a Nobert plate which had been entirely spoiled by the introduction of some kind of fluid between the ruled glass and the slide on which it was mounted. INIr. Greenleaf requested me to under- take the restoration of this plate, kindly offering to assume all the risk of failure. The cover, which had been imperfectly cemented to the slide with something like opal cement, resisted every attempt at loosening. As a last resort, two pieces, about -^ of an inch square, were cut with a diamond from the centre of the cover glass. After several trials, one of these pieces was cleaned and remounted without material injury to any of the bands. The 19th is quite as easily re- volved as in other Nobert plates. The other piece, being less perfect, was made the subject of a some- what careful study. Among other experiments, an attempt was made to fill the lines with graphite ; but it was found impossible to do so. Even the coarsest lines would not receive and hold it. As I had never before found any difficulty in filling lines either coarse or fine, this result, so entirely unexpected, was noted down as one of which no explanation could be given at that time. A few weeks afterwards, I succeeded in reducing a black carbon to a knife-edge. Upon an examination of the first lines ruled with it, two facts at once engaged my attention. First, the lines were finer and smoother than any I had ever before ruled. They possessed that quality of glossy blackness which characterizes nearly all of Nobert's lines. Moreover, they seemed to stand out more boldly in perspec- tive than lines ruled with the ordinary diamond. Every one who has made a study of Nobert's diffraction lines will at once recognize this boldness of perspective as a characteristic feature. Secondly, I was equally surprised to find that the lines would not receive and hold graphite. As these results were confirmed by further observations, it did not seem too much to say that possibly the secret of Nobert's success might 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY consist in his use of a prepared carbon. The natural stone is entirely unfit for ruling purposes. But it appeared subsequently that this conclusion was quite too hastily formed, as far as the capability of receiving graphite is con- cerned. During all these observations, the position of the diamond in its holder remained unchanged ; but it was afterwards found that, by giving it a certain inclination with respect to the surface of the ruled plate, it was possible to rule lines, both coarse and fine, which would receive the graphite in the most perfect manner. In general, however, lines ruled with a carbon will take the plumbago perfectly but once. If they are filled and the surface of the glass is afterwards cleaned by rubbing, it is not possible to fill them equally well again. As the fill- ing is not disturbed by mounting in balsam, the better way is to clean the glass thoroughly before ruling, and then mount permanently after the first filling. Though the carbon is reduced so perfectly to a true knife-edge that the intersection of the two faces appear as a line when examined with an eye-piece of high magnifying power, it is apparent, nevertheless, that the cutting-edge is composed of distinct and separate crystals; for in many cases two lines have been ruled at the same time. Gen- erally one is much coarser than the other. Indeed, by regulating the pressure, companion lines can be ruled so fine that it is impossible to see them until they are filled. The setting of th^ diamond to rule lines of a given kind and quality is simply a question of time and patience. In one hundred trials, perhaps two or three may give lines which will receive plumbago, four or five may give double lines, and one or two may give lines of great delicacy. Great care is neces- sary in the preservation of the minute cutting crystal when once found. Notwithstanding the most careful manipulation, it often gives way without visible cause. In several instances, I have been able to locate the exact point where it was destroyed. In general, the best results have been obtained with the prepared carbon. It is, however, somewhat capricious in its action. The labor of preparation is also much greater than with tlie African or the lirazilian diamond. The process of grinding occupies from five to ten days. That it is much harder than any other kind of diamond is conclusively shown by the fact that one specimen in my possession has been used in shaping a jewel weighing 180 carats, with only a trifling abrasion of its surface. In conclusion I ought to say, in explanation of the somewhat incom- plete and fragmentary character of this investigation, that it has been OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 255 the gradual outgrowth of experimeuts undertaken for a different pur- pose. Indeed, whatever has been accomplished thu3 far may be said to be the result of an unsuccessful search after a spi tang A -\- m Z)-, in which D is the horizontal distance, and m a quantity dependent on the condition of the air. If, therefore, the height of any distant object visible is 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY known, it is better to deduce m from its observed altitude, and from this compute the other elevations. Were it not for the uncertain error of refraction, this instrument would give results of extreme precision. Thus an error of 6" in the altitude of a mountain one hundred kilo- metres distant would only correspond to a difference in height of about three metres. The uncertainty of refraction is much greater than this, and far exceeds the instrumental errors, except in a small telescope. Since, however, this cause of error is present when the theodolite is used, we see that altitudes can be obtained by this instrument with all the precision of the best theodolite ; in fact, with all the accuracy of which the method is capable. Apart from its lightness and cheapness, it has this great advantage over a theodolite, — that, since the level is firmly attached to the telescope, there is little liability to error ; while, as the theodolite measures the angle between the telescope and the horizontal limb of the instrument, any injury is liable to throw it out of adjustment. With the instrument as described above, no angles could be measured gi'eater than the diameter of the field of view. This ditiiculty may be remedied by attaching another level, slightly inclined to the first, so that the two fields of view corresponding to a horizontal position of the two levels shall be nearly tangent to each other. A third level serves still further to extend the range of the instrument. Thus, if the field of view is about 2°, angles between 1° and — 1° may be measured by the first level, between 1° and 3° with the second, and between — 1° and — S^ with the third. The instru- ment, in this form, may be called a micrometer-level. One of its greatest advantages is the rapidity with which elevations may be measured. There is no difficulty in measuring thirty or forty moun- tains in this way per hour, without the labor of ascending them ; while by the barometer it rarely happens that more than one can be measured in a day, and with the ordinary level the altitude of a high mountain would be the labor of days or weeks. The rapidity is also much greater than that of a theodolite ; since no accurate mount- ing is needed, and a micrometer-scale can be read at least as quickly as the telescope can be set, so that the entire time of reading the circle by the vernier is saved. One of the principal advantages of both the instruments here pro- posed is, that either may be made out of a telescope such as any explorer would be likely to carry. By simply adding a mirror in front, a photographed scale, and three levels,- distances and elevations may be measured with all the accuracy ordinarily required. This method may be applied with especial advantage on a mountain-top ; OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 261 since the elevations of all other mountains in sight, except those in the immediate vicinity, may be determined. The fact is worth notini^, that, even if the error from refraction could be eliminated, the method of zenith-distances would not equal in accuracy that of ordinary levelling. For suppose that the sights are taken at disUmces d, and that the probable error of each is e. If n sights are taken, or the ilistance travelled is nd, the probable error will be only ey/yj, since the positive and negative errors will probably in part neutralize. The error in the method of zenith-distances will, however, be proportional to the distance, or will be ne. Thus, if sights are taken every hundred metres with a probable error of 1 mm., the probable error of the level in ten kilometres will be 10 mms., since w = 100; while with zenith-distances the error would be 100 mms. Evidently, therefore, within reasonable limits, to attain the greatest accuracy with the level, the sights should be as short as possible, — a fact in accordance with general experience. Evidently the telescope of a theodolite may be converted into a micrometer level by inserting in its eye-piece a scale, and attaching three levels. Small vertical angles, which are those most used in surveying, can then be measured more accurately than by a vertical circle. In the same way, a similar attachment may be made to the telescope of a plane-table ; and the advantage is especially marked in this case, since an accurate mounting is not needed. A further appli- cation may then be made ; namely, to determine the distance when the height is known. Suppose that a distant pond is observed from the top of a hill. The telescope is directed to various portions of its shore, and the apparent depression observed. Since every portion must be at an equal distance below the observer, it is easily shown that the distance is always inversely proportional to the depression. Accordingly, if the direction of each part of the shore is marked on the plane-table sheet by a line, and a distance is laid off on this inversely as the observed depression, a map of the pond is quickly made. This may be reduced to its true scale if we know the position of any one point, or the height of the observer above the water. If the shore is abrupt or wooded, only the farther edge of the shore can be thus surveyed, or rather the portion where the actual shore-line is visible. This method is in fact a form of stadia, in which the measuring-pole is replaced by the constant vertical distance between the eye and the plane of the water. The same method may be used for determining the form of an island, of a coast-line, or of a river winding through a nearly level meadow. The form of a pond or island may also be obtained in the same way 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY from a drawing made by a camera obscura or camera lucida, or from a photograph ; and has the advantage that it begins to be accurate for depressions greater than 2° or 3° just where they pass out of the range of the micrometer-level as described above. Valuable observations on the changes in the dip and in the refrac- tion might be made with a large telescope of this form. It is much to be desired that such observations might be conducted for a period of years from two such stations as Mount "Washington and Portland. As the pressure, temperature, and moisture of these points is already determined by the Signal-Service Department, a small additional expense would furnish a valuable addition to our knowledge of the atmospheric refraction. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 203 XX. HEIGHT AND VELOCITY OF CLOUDS. By Professor E. C. Pickering. Presouted, Jan. 11, 187G. The velocity of the wind at different altitudes is an important element in Meteorology, and the ordinary methods of measuring it are far from satisfactory. By the following method, it is believed that the velocity of the wind at considerable heights may be measured with an accuracy at least equal, and probably greater, than that of similar measurements near the surface of the earth. The apparatus consists simply of two similar camera obscuras formed of tripods covered with black cloth, and with cosmorama lenses above, which form an image of objects near the zenith on a sheet of paper placed beneath. A day is selected when cumuli clouds are crossing the sky, and the two cameras are placed at any convenient interval, as a hundred metres, in a direc- tion nearly perpendicular to the direction of the wind. An observer with a watch is stationed at each camera, and when a cloud enters the field a signal is given, and each draws a line tangent to the edge of the cloud and parallel to the direction of the wind every half minute. At the intermediate quarter minutes, other lines are drawn perpendicular to these, and also tangent to the cloud. The first series of lines will be nearly coincident, the second at intervals marking the cloud's motion. The zenith is now marked on each drawing by suspending a plumb-line from the centre of each lens, or in some other way, and a line drawn through it parallel to the direction of the cloud's motion. It will now be found that the distance of this line from those parallel to it and tangent to the cloud is different in the two sheets by an amount equal to the parallax of the cloud, or the angle between the two cameras as seen from the cloud. The height of the cloud may then be easily determined, if we know the focal distances of the lenses and the interval between the cameras, by the jiroportion : Difference of distances of the two lines : focal length of lenses = interval between the cameras : required height of cloud. To determine the accuracy of this method, suppose the interval between the cameras one hundred 264 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY metres, the focal lengths one metre, and the height of the cloud one kilometre ; then the difference between the distances of the two lines will be a decimetre. K this distance is measured with an error no greater than a millimetre, the height will be given wdthin ten metres, or within one per cent. The velocity per minute is then readily deduced from the lines perpendicular to the direction of the wind, and the velocity of the latter may thus be determined within one or two per cent, a degree of accuracy at least equal to that of the best deter- minations of tlie velocity of the wind at the earth's surface and much greater than the degree of uniformity of any ordinary wind. Each cloud will furnish a measurement at a different height, and a compari- son with observations at the surface of the earth will readily give the relative velocities at these various altitudes. Various other applications of this principle will suggest themselves. For instance, if the paper is replaced by a sensitive photographic 2:)late, and the cameras directed towards a distant tliunder cloud at night, an image of each flash may be taken. A great many flashes may be recorded on each plate, and the corresponding images recog- nized by their forms. The distances and true dimensions may then be determined with considerable accuracy. If observations are made at the same time, of the interval between the flash and the thunder, the velocity of the sound may be measured, and it may be proved whether, as has been claimed, the velocity of such an intense sound is far greater than that of any ordinary noise. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 265 XXI. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. VIII. — AN EXPERIMENTAL PROOF OF THE LAW OF INVERSE SQUARES FOR SOUND. By William W. Jacqdes. Presented, May 10, 1876. Tpiere is every dynamical reason for believing that the intensities of light, heat, and sound, diminish as the reciprocals of the squares of the distances from their origins. That this is true of light and heat has been demonstrated experi- mentally. The case of sound, however, has only been put to the test in experiments so crude as not at all to warrant the assumption of the law on experimental grounds. The following method (which was suggested by the reading of Pro- fessor Mayer's paper in the ''American Journal" for January, 1873) ranks in its degree of accuracy with those which have been applied to the verification of this law in the cases of light and heat. It depends, ' primarily, on the principle, that, when a particle of air is solicited by two equal and opposite forces, it will remain at rest. If two resonators, adjusted so as to resound with equal intensity, be placed equally distant from an organ-pipe, and connected by tubes with the two prongs of a fork-shaped tube in such a way that the sound-wave from one resonator shall arrive at the fork in opposite phase to that from the other, we shall have this condition ; and, if the stem of the fork be placed in the ear, no sound will be heard. If, in place of one of these resonators, we put two, each of the same inten- sity as the first, both connected with the same prong of the fork, we may, by moving them farther from the source of sound than was the single resonator, at the same time altering the length of the tubing so that the wave from the single one shall arrive at the fork in opposite phase to that from the pair, produce the same effect of complete inter- ference. If the law of inverse squares holds true, the distances of the sinsle resonator from the source of sound should be to the cor- 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY responding distance of the pair as 1 : s/^. If three resonators be opposed to one, the distances should be 1 : V 3 ; if four resonators, 1:V4 or 1:2, &c. It will be seen that the accuracy of the above method depends ujjon the following conditions : — 1st, That the resultant wave from the combination of two resonators has twice the intensity of that coming from one. 2d, That the decrease in intensity of a sound, in passing through a tube, is inconsiderable. 3d, That the intensity of resonance is proportional to the intensity of vibration at the mouth of the resonator. Let us first see the arrangement of the apparatus used, and then determine how nearly these three conditions are satisfied. As a source of sound, a Co closed organ-pipe was used, blown by a stream of air from a large gas-holder having an arrangement for keep- ing the pressure constant. The pipe was mounted on a small standard, raised some four feet above the floor, so that the sound-waves pro- duced might have opjjortunity to diverge equally in all directions. At a measured distance from the embouchure of the pipe were placed two resonators, each cylindrical in shape, and capped with a hemi- sphere at one end, through which ran a tube ^-in. in internal diameter, and at the other end with a flat plate, in which was a circular aper- ture of 1.5-inch diameter. The resonators were telescoped, so as to be readily adjusted for pitch and intensity. From the small tubes of the pair of resonators pieces of rubber tubing led to the two prongs of a forked brass tube, in which the waves from the two resonators came together, and augmented each other. From the stem of the fork another tube led to one arm of the trombone interference apparatus of Herschel. The third resonator was placed at an appropriate distance from the embouchure of the pipe, and so arranged that it could be moved to or from the iii])e, and, at the same time, one arm of tlie interference apparatus could be moved to compensate for the change in phase due to such motion. From the small opening of this resonator a rabl>er tube extended to the other arm of the interference apparatus ; and in this tube was insei'ted a bi'ass fork precisely like that used for the pair of resonators, excepting that one of its arms was stopped, so that the conditions of reflection for this wave might be as similar as possible to those from the jiair of resonators. If all these conditions of reflection be the same, it follows that two resonators give twice as great an intensity as one placed at the same distance from the source of sound. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 2G7 The second condition, that the decrease in intensity in passing through a tube is inconsiderable, is abundantly proved by the experi- ments of liiot and Regnault in water-pipes. The third condition, that the intensity of resonance varies directly with the intensity of vibration of the air just outside of the resonator, seems not to be sus- ceptible of experimental proof, excepting on the assumption of the law of inverse squares. There seems, however, to be no cause for any considerable varia- tion from this ratio : and if, upon trial, we find that the law does hold, it is reasonable for us to conclude that the valuation of resonance is proportional to the intensity ; for it is extremely improbable that there would be two errors which would exactly counterbalance each other. The resonators having been adjusted so as to resound with equal intensity by comparing them two at a time on the interference appa- ratus, it was only necessary to connect three resonators as described above, so that the resultant wave should act on the air contained in the tube which enters the ear. Keej^ing now the pair of resonators in a constant position, and moving the single resonator and one arm of the interference apparatus until the resultant sound is at its minimum intensity, the relative distances should be W2ll. Below are given several series of readings of the distance of the single resonator from the source of sound. The first three columns are the results of experiments made in front of the pipe, the pair of reso- nators being placed at a distance of 142 cms. from the embouchure. The resonators were lettered, for convenience, A, B, and C ; and the three series of readings are the results of opposing successively A to B and C, B to A and C, and C to A and B. In the last three columns are given the results of similar measurements behind the pipe, the embouchure being still taken as the source of sound, and the pair of resonators being distant 177.5 cms. At the bottom of the table the means are compared with the calcu- lated positions of the single resonator. The mean of the means of the first three columns is 100.3 cm; which differs from the theoretical by only 0.3 cm. The mean of the last three is 128.2, giving a difference from theory of 3.2 cm. An inspection of the following table shows us, that, assuming the embouchure of the pipe as the source of sound, in front of the pipe the law of inverse squares holds almost exactly true : behind the pipe there is a slight difference. Theoretical considerations of the way in which the sound-waves are given off* fi-om a closed pipe would lead us to expect an error of this kind. The error due to the experiments 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY being conducted in a hall was i^robably inconsiderable, as the hall was 92 feet long and 65 feet wide; and, moreover, the windows were partially open. It should be remarked, that bringing the resonators too near the pipe introduced an error of a nature and magnitude which indicated that for a sound of considerable intensity the resonance was not proportional to the intensity of sound at the mouth of the resonator ; but this exception only serves to prove the rule for the case of moderate intensity. A opp. B opp. C opp. A opp. B opp. C opp. to B & C. to A & C. to A & B. to B & C. to A & C. to A & B. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. V9 102 100 128 128 128 100 100 99 120 127 131 100 100 103 129 128 133 101 100 99 129 128 131 99 102 101 125 127 132 99 99 99 127 129 127 100 100 104 125 129 128 101 103 100 127 129 129 100 104 100 126 129 126 98 108 100 129 128 126 101 100 101 128 129 127 99 100 100 128 127 127 99 101 100 128 129 128 100 101 99 128 128 129 98 100 101 128 126 124 100 102 100 132 124 129 Mean = Mean = Mean = Mean = Mean = Mean = 99.6 101.0 100.4 128.4 128.5 127.8 Theor. = Theor. = Theor. = Tlieor. = Theor. = Theor. = lOJ.O 100.0 100.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 It is true that these experiments do not furnish an exact proof of the law of inverse squares for sound ; but we have not an exact proof of the same law in the cases of light and heat. All that we can say of any of them, on experimental grounds, is, that they are very approximately true. The above experiments show that we may make this assertion for sound on as valid experimental grounds as for light or heat. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 269 IX. — DIFFRACTION OF SOUND. By William W. Jacques. Prcsoiitea, INIay 10, 187C. The following experiments were made in order to test the po.ssibility of applying to our atmosphere the principles of Fresnel and Huyghens, which, in their application to the ether, have been attended with such fruitful results. There seems to be no a priori reason why the particles of air, form- ing, as they do, a medium which, so far as the transmission of wave motion is concerned, is essentially similar to the ether, should not be 80 acted upon as to produce the interferences known in optical science as diffraction fringes. The following experiments bear upon this point. The apparatus was so arranged, in the first course of experiments, as to give the best conditions for the study of external fringes, or those produced outside of the geometric shadow of a sharp edge, on which sound waves, diverging from a centre, were allowed to fall. In the second course, similar waves were made to impinge upon an isolated narrow obstacle, and so to give rise to a system of interior fringes. All other phenomena of diffraction may be classed as particular cases of one or the other of these two kinds. First series. A board one hundred and fifty centimetres wide was placed at right angles to, and in contact with, the side of the hall. One hundred and fifty centimetres from the edge, in a line at right angles to the plane of the board, was placed a B^ stopped lead organ pipe. On the other side of the board, a system of co-ordinates was established by means of light wooden rods, running parallel and perpendicular to the board ; these rods being divided into centimetres, it became very easy to locate the points of interference by referring them to these co-ordinates, and so to trace out the bands of interference. In order to distinguish these bands, I first tried applying my ear to different points along one of the rods ; but they were not sufficiently well marked to make them apparent to the unaided ear. I then arranged a resonator, of proper size to resound to the pipe, to slide along the rod ; connecting this, by a piece of firm rubber tubing, with the canal of my ear. The other ear I filled first with cotton, and then with putty ; so that it was entirely deaf to all sounds. I was thus en- 270 PROCEEDINGS OP TEE AMERICAN ACADEMY abled to annul the effect of every sound but that which was re-enforced by the resonator. Moving now the resonator along the rod, I was able distinctly to mark points of maximum and of minimum intensity, wliich, in general, coincided with the positions which these bands should occupy as calculated by formulte essentially similar to those applied in the diffraction of light. In the first experiments, a number of quite serious difficulties were encountered. Perhaps the most important was that due to the fatigue of the sense of hearing, in conseipience of which a maximum was estimated before it actually occurred. By alternately opening and closing the mouth of the resonator with the finger many times in quick succession, however, and by taking a reading by first moving the resonator in one direction, and another by moving it in the other, it became possible to set it with considerable accuracy, the differences being, generally, only a few centimetres. Another difficulty was met with in the shape of a distinct band of interference, seeming to have no connection whatever with the other bands, and following quite a different law. Upon tracing it out, however, it was found to be due to an interference of the direct wave with the wave reflected from the gas- holder used to blow the pipe. Upon covering the holder with a cloth, this was very much diminished: and, upon removing the holder, the interference band disappeared altogether. There seemed to be slight evidences of nodes and loops formed in the hall, as in an organ pipe ; these, however, were very indistinct indeed, and were probably not a source of error. An attempt was made to use the manometric flame and revolving mirror to determine the points of most comi)lete inter- ference, but the difference in effect upon the flame was so slight as to render this method entirely impracticable. In fact, the phenomena of diffraction can be studied only by the closest attention with the ear, and the ear is certainly far more delicate than any instrument of this kind that has ever been constructed. A very pure note, and one of constant intensity was necessary for the best results, and these were obtained by blowing the pipe with a stream of air from a gas-holder, having an arrangement for keeping the pressure constant. Second series. The same board was set up near the middle of the hall. Two hundred centimetres from its middle point, on one side, was placed the pipe used in the preceding experiments. On the other side was arranged a system of co-ordinates within the sound shadow. Tiio method of determining the points of interference was the same as in the first series ; excepting tliat only the bands of minimum intensity OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 271 were noted. The whole iihonomeiiou was less distinctly niarkcfl than iu the case of a single edge ; and the bands of maxinmni intensity were not definitely recognizable. It was only with careful attention that even the bands of mininnun intensity could be discovered. Below are given tjxbles showing the observeil and theoretical co- ordinates of the points of interference noted. Table I. is the case of diffraction from a single edge, and Table II. from a narrow obstacle. In Table I., the first column gives the distances from the edge of the board measured perpendicularly to its plane : the second and third columns give the observed and calculated abscissas corresponding to these ordinates, for the points of maximum intensity noted ; and the fourth and fifth columns the corresponding values for the points of minimum intensity. In Table II., the first column gives the distances from the middle of the board ; the second and third, the observed and theoretical ordi- nates of the first curve of minimum intensity ; and the fourth and fifth columns, the ordinates of the second curve, — all to the right of the middle line ; the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth give corresponding values for the two curves to the left of the middle line. TABLE I. Distances. Curve of ^lax. Intens. Curve of jNIin. Intens. Obs. Tlieor. Obs. Theor. cm. 100 150 200 cm. 94 120 142 cm. 88 115 144 cm. 129 196 235 cm. 148 200 250 TABLE IL Dis- tances. Ol)s. Theor. Obs. Theor. Obs. Theor. Obs. Tlieor. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. 100 18 19 52 59 17 19 49 59 150 22 25 68 74 21 24 69 74 200 24 30 80 87 24 28 75 89 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The theoretical values in the above tables were obtained by a grajJiical solution, as the formula?, after undergoing the changes necessarily made, because of the sound waves being of considerable magnitude, became quite cumbersome, and extreme accuracy was not required. The value of 1 was carefully determined and properly corrected for temperature. It should be remarked that all of the above experiments were made in the large hall of the Institute, a room 92' by (So'. The phenomena of the diffraction of sound are not so distinctly marked as those of the diffraction of light. An examination of the tables, which are the results of a most careful series of observations, show that we are not warranted in accepting them as a basis for such excellent further work as has been done in the case of light. It is quite possible, of course, to calculate, from the positions of the fringes, the values of X and therefore of V ; to determine the temperature of the room in which the experiments are carried on ; or, given these quan- tities, to deduce the values of physical quantities which are intimately connected with the propagation of sound, and to determine acoustic quantities analogous to those similarly deduced in physical optics : but the method is difficult, uncertain, requires the use of a large hall, physical annoyance to the observer, and, above all, is not susceptible of the desired degree of accuracy. Their chief value seems to lie in their reactive effect on physical optics. In acoustics we are sensibly aware that we are dealing with waves propagated in an . elastic medium. These waves may be felt and even seen.* Finding similar effects in optics to those here observed, we immediately refer these similar effects to similar causes, and so place our explanations of the diffraction of light and of the various cases of ethereal interference on a much firmer basis. The experiments show, too, that the principles of Fresnel and Huyghens, announced for the ether, are also applicable to our atmosphere. ♦ Expts. of Topfer. Pogg. Ann. 1867. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 273 X. — COMPARISON OF PRISMATIC AND DIFFRACTION SPECTRA. By Professoii E. C. Pickering. Presented, June 0, 1S75. The object of tlie present communication is to affonl a means of comparing the advantages of the two methods commoidv employed for producing spectra, by diffraction gratings and by prisms. Two ques- tions at once present themselves, the comparative length or dispersion, and the comparative brightness of the spectra. In adopting a standard of comparison, it is evidently necessary to select an absolute unit, which shall be wholly independent of the instrument employed, and defined entirely by the ordinary units of distance and direction. In comparing the two kinds of spectra, since an observing telescope and collimator are employed in both, it will be best first to compare the effect of the prisms and gratings alone, and tlien see how far both are affected by the telescopes. In the case of a diffraction grating, if i is the angle of incidence, r the angle of reflection, D the distance between the lines, ). the wave length, and n the order of the spectrum, these four quantities must be connected by the relation nl. = D (sin i -f- sin r). The dispersion or angular deviation of two rays whose wave length differs by dl is found by differentiating r with regard to I, recollecting that ^ being constant, its differential equals zero. We thus obtain 7idX =: D cos rdr, or - = If now the grating; is ' dX D cos r * ° placed at right angles to the observing telescope, as in.Meyerstein's spectrometer, the dispersion takes the very simple form -, or is inde- pendent of the angle of incidence and of the wave length, and hence is uniform throughout, and is simply proportional to the order of the spectrum, and inversely as the distance between the lines. This position has the further advantage that it gives a minimum of disper- sion, and that consequently a slight error in setting is unimportant. If N is the number of lines per millimetre, or equals — , the dispersion assumes the still simpler form nN. This, then, forms the proper term of comparison for diffraction gratings, or the length of any minute portion of the spectrum will be proportional to its order, and to the number of lines per millimetre. VOL. XI. (N. S. III.) 18 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY As an example, the grating that Angstrom employed in most of his measurements contained about 133 lines to the millimetre; and, as he commonly observed the fifth or sixth spectrum, his dispersion equalled G65 or 798. The admirable gratings of Mr. Rutherford contain 6480, 8640, 12,960, and 17,280 lines to an inch, or 255, 340, 510, and 680 lines to a millimetre. Accordingly the fifth spectrum of the 8640 grating would have a dispersion of 1700. The case of refraction is a little more complex. As shown else- where (Proc. Am. Ai-ad. vii. 478), when a beam of light, having an index of refraction n, passes through a prism having an angle a, we shall have the relation —^= — , in which i\ and ,7-2 ai'e the dn cos i\ cos ?2 angles of refraction after passing the first and second surfaces. For the position of minimum of deviation, r^ = r^ = ^ a, and in this case di\, 2 sin i a 2 • tc • i *.i nr\o — - =z — = - tang ^. It, as is commonly the case, a = 00 , dn COS I n dr^ . -r, , . . dr '^^' , , • 1 ^=secz. rJut this gives y' whue we want ,^ wlucn may be ob- tained by multiplying by -^. The latter may be deduced from Cau- dA Ti C fl chy's formula, ?^ = ^ -[- _ -j- -. Differentiating this equation, ~^=. — A- \* dk __ _ — ,and multiplying by ^, gives -^ = ^ tang x \B^ -^j, or for a 60° prism — :L^ iB ■\- x-) sec ^. The substances most commonly used for spectroscope prisms are flint glass and bisulphide of carbon. The indices of refraction of the first of these varies very greatly with the composition, and that of the second with the temperature. The lines B, E^ and G are selected as sliowing the effects of the ends and central portion of the spectrum. The indices for flint glass are those given by Fraunhofer for the specimen No. 23, and equal 1.62775, 1.64202, and 1.66028. For the bisulphide of carbon the temperature of 11°5 C. is employed, and the indices 1.6207, 1.6465, and 1.6886. These values give for the flint glass, 7i= .00789 and (7= .000307. The corresponding values for the bisulphide are, i? = .00614 and C= ,001972, the wave lengths being expressed in thousandths of a millimetre. F'rom these we may compute the three values of — for flint crlass to be .0568, .1381, and .2804; and for bisulphide of carbon, .0818, 12293, and .6073. And finally multiplying tiiese values by 1000 to change the unit from thou- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 275 sandths of a niilliniotre to inilliinetivs, and l.y ^ gives the followin.r an '^ values for tlio dispersion of a GO'' flint jjlass prism. For B, 98 ; for E, 242 ; and for G, i>0'^. The correspondii)ecies which is most remarkable, and this is also accompanied by a comparative jioverty in the number of sjiecimens, except in certain localities. The scarcity of fishes can, however, be readily explained when we examine the physical condition of the water, which is cer- tainly not well adapted to them. In the first place, the whole bottom of the lake, as I have mentioned before, is covered with silt, thus ren- dering unfit a large part of the area of the lake for the fishes and rep- tiles, leaving only the shallower bays, a more or less wide belt along the shore according to the nature of the adjoining country, and the lower lake, which appears to be the favorite fishing post of the Indians. This, however, may be due to the greater energy of the Bolivian In- dians, who are a finer set of men, more willing to work, and in every way superior to the lazy natives found near Puno and the northern end of the lake. In the second place, the temperature of the water of the lake is so high that none of the fishes which abound in the lakes of our temperate zone are to be found. There are in all only six species of fishes, Cyprinoids and Siluroids, — a remarkably small number for a sheet of water as large as Lake Erie. They were all known before. In the way of reptiles, the most interesting species was a huge frog, which remained often for hours perfectly quiet on the bottom, sus- pended on fronds of myriophyllum, apparently too lazy to come up to the surface to breathe. The effect of the vertical sun upon the temperature of the water is very marked, extending to its deepest point, and heating the whole body of water to such an extent that the greatest difference we ob- served was in one case, it is true, as high as 6J degrees at a depth of 103 fathoms; but the usual difference between the surface and * See Bull M. C. L. Vol. III. No. 11. 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the bottom, even at the greatest depth (154 fathoms), was not more than from 3 to 4 degrees. The lowest temperature of the bottom was only 51°, the general temperature varying from 54 to 55^; while the surface temperature ranged from 53 to 59°, the greater part of the time 56 to 57° Falir. We used the ordinary deep-sea thermometer of Miller Casella, kindly loaned to me by Captain Patterson of the United-States Coast Survey. As is well known, deep-sea observations show that the effect of the sun does not extend in the ocean much bej'ond 50 fathoms; but, in a closed basin like this, at so great an altitude, the effect of the direct rays of the sun passing through so little atmosphere is very great. It must be remembered, that, even in the winter months of that re- gion (the dry season), the sun never goes farther north than 52°, and that only for a short time ; and that, in the summer months (the rainy season), it is nearly vertical the greater jiart of the time. The water, of course, retauis its heat readily, and, even in summer, is but little cooler than the surrounding air, which becomes ver}' rapidly chilled by the least cloud interposing between it and the sun. It is a very com- mon thing for the thermometer to rise or fall eight or nine degrees in as many minutes from the effect of the sudden appearance or disap- pearance oi the sun. Ice is said to form only in small quantities along the shores or shallow places : this is easily imagined when we take into account the immense body of water which must be cooled, 120 miles long by 30 wide, and an average depth of about 100 fath- oms ; the surface of the lake, even in winter, receiving a large amount of heat by absorption, although the air itself is uncomfortably cold. We find here, as is the case in many other sheets of water com- paratively isolated, but few S})ecies, and these peculiar to the lake. We find at this great elevation a condition of things reminding us of the marine life of arctic regions, — a great abundance of specimens, with a comparatively small number of species ; the shoals of Orestias and Siluroids, which are seen in certain localities, agree with the ac- counts we have of the swarms of fishes and other animals haunting the arctic realms. Still there are peculiar physical conditions of the bot- tom of the lake, the immense deposits of mud formed by the settling of the silt brought down annually by the mountain-streams, the great elevation of the lake, the high temperature of the water ; all of which causes should tend to specialize to a remarkable degree the genera found to thrive in such a condition of things. We find, how- ever, no such specialization brought about among* the fishes : on the contrary, their isolation, even while living under such peculiar physical I OF ARTS AND SCIKNCRS. 287 ooiiditions, appears to have deprived some of them, at any rate, of any eapacity for development in the direction of tlieir congeners. The genus Orestias is closely allied to Fundnlus, one of the most Avidely distributed of fresh-water genera. The species of the genus Orestias resemble in a remarkable degree the young of some species of Fundnlus, and might be considered, without exaggeration, its em- bryonic type, at a time when the young Fundnlus is remarkable for its large head, prominent opercula, its large scales resembling plates along the anterior part of the back and sides. The other genera of lish found in the lakes are eminently fresh-water, having a great geographical distribution. The great number of water-birds recalls to us vividly also the more northern marshy regions, where thousands of ducks and water-hens abound. The mollusca are all species of eminently fresh-water genera, showing nothing very special. The Crustacea, on the other hand, belong mainly to the Orchestiadre, forms which thus far have not been found in fresh water at all : their near- est allies are nearly all marine (see Bull M. C. L., vol. iii. No. 16). Although we have from the researches of several geologists, but of Darwin mainly, a pretty good general idea of the immense extent of territory which has been subject to a greater or less elevation along the whole west coast of South America, from tlie south coast of Ecua- dor to the eastern coast of Patagonia, this elevation appears to have culminated in Central Peru. Yet there has been nothing shown which would lead us to assume such an immense elevation of the land as 12,000 feet. It is very true that Darwin showed the most positive proof of elevation to a height of about 600 feet ; while terraces, shingle-beaches, and other more or less distinct traces of the former level of the sea, he traced to a height of from 1,300-1,500 feet. I have been able to follow up these traces of elevation somewhat higher, having found at Tilibiche, at a height of 2,900 feet above the level of the sea, corals of genera closely allied to those now found living in the West Indies (see Bull M. C. L., vol. iii. No. 13). These corals were attached to rocks, in crevasses formed between them, much as we would find them attached at the present day in the cracks of rocks. This being near the northern extremity of the nitrate-fields of Peru, throws considerable light on the probability of these deposits having been of marine origin. In fact, the geography of the whole of the west coast of the Andes to the north of Chili seems to point to a former condition of things such as we now find on the west coast of Chili. The plains to the southward of Santiago, bounded by the coast range to the westward, and the Andes to the east, gradually pass to 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the condition of the coast now prevailing at Conception Bay, and south of it, — the coast range forming the archipelago, the Andes forming the coast range, and the plains of the more northern regions becoming changed to bays ; the immense basins succeeding each other towards the nortli which form the so-called Desert of Atacama, the nitrate-beds, the llanos of the coast, the jjampas of Peru, through which the rivers flowing to the west have cut deep valleys with more or less marked terraces, showing the different periods of ascent in the elevation of the continent. These plains are everywhere found, either between a coast range and the base of the eastern talus of the Andes, or ex- tending fx'om the summit of the shore terrace, if we may so call it, generally at a height of from 1,200 or 3,000 feet, sloping to the second terrace, with its base at an average height of from G.OOO— 7,000 feet, and then followed by a second and third more or less indistinct terrace until we reach the main elevated plateau or basin which lies between the eastern and western slope of the Andes. All these basins show more or less distinctly the trace of their former marine origin ; so that, if we are to judge from the presence of strictly marine forms, the successive terraces developed on a magnificent scale on the west coast of the Andes, with the interlying basins, we have a fair presumption that the elevation of the Andes to their present height has taken place at a comparatively recent date, and during their upheaval the present nitrate district and saline deposits were left as large lagoons during a considerable period, to judge from the great thickness of the deposits found within their basins, all denoting the presence of a comparatively quiet inland sea. Lake Titicaca itself must have, within a comparatively very recent geological period, formed quite an inland sea. The terraces of its former shores are everywhere most distinctly to be traced, showing that its water-level must have had an elevation of 300 or 400 feet at least higher than its present level. This alone would send its shores far to the north in the direction of Pucara, forming a narrow arm reaching up to S. Rosa. Lake Arapa is probably only an outlier of the ancient lake, as well as several of the small lakes, now at a considerable distance from the west shore. The immense plain of Cabanillas, extending north beyond Lampa to Juliaca, onlj'^ 100 or 1 20 feet above the lake at its highest point, was one sheet of water. The terraces of the former shores are still very distinctly seen. The eastern shores did not probably differ greatly from the present out- line, though the peninsula of Achacache was jirobably an island. The Bay of Puno must have been connected with the plains of Llave, OF Aims AND SCIKNCKS. 289 and those back of Juli; wiiile i'roiu the lower lake, back of Aygache, the hUve formed huge inlets or deep bays, now represented only by till' ncarlv dry river-beds flowinir into the lake at Ayijache. Gorilla, and CJuajui. The sluggish Desaguadero must have been a strait of considerable width, with large islands ; and this long lake, connecting Lake Titicaca with Lake Aullagas, must have equalled in extent the up{)er lake ; the upper lake, at tliat time, extending across the Isth- mus of Yunguyu, leaving the Peninsula of Copacabana as a large island, connected with the lower lake by a broad jiass between the hills to the west of Copacabana, and those to the west of Yunguyu. The plains, now laid bare at the northern and western shores of Lake Titicaca, give us an excellent idea the appearance the whole basin of the lake would present if entirely dry. The number of lakes and basins, great and small, which formerly covered the elevated plateau of the Andes, must have been very great ; but we now find only here and there a small sheet of water. The former lakes are only represented by the more or less extensive pampas, forming basins at great altitudes, showing plainly that the whole of this district is re- ceiving a much smaller waterfall than in former times, but probably not Avithin historic times, if we take into considei'ation the position of some of the most ancient ruins of Bolivia (at Tiahuanaco), which are only about 75 feet above the present level of the lake. These ancient basins are thickly covered bj^ huge bunches of rank grass, from which the llamas, alpacas, and vicunas obtain their only suste- nance at the immense heights where they seem best to prosper. It would be an interesting inquiry to ascertain the causes of the differ- ence in the habitat between the other species of camels and the llamas, which do not thrive near the sea-coast. In the lower lake, which is shallow, the temperature of the surface and that of the bottom varied extremely. From the number of obser- vations taken, I can only state that it is very local, depending upon the prevailing wind and the condition of the sky. The following soundings, taken from those of the upper lake, show the great uniformity of the temperature of the surface and bottom: — VOL. XI. (N. S. III.) 19 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Depth. Fath. Surface. Bottom. Air. Time. 5 55° F. 550 F. 7.40 A.M. 8 55 53 56° 10.15 A.M. 28 58 53 12.30 A..M. 18 59 64.5 55 4.30 P.M. 12 55 54.9 42 7.10 a.m. 24 56.5 56 53 9 a.m. 33 54.7 64.5 47 12.20 a.m., cloudy. 30 57.5 56.2 58.5 4 p.m., clear. 43 56.7 55 58 10.20 a.m. 47 55.9 54.9 67 11.05 p.m., sun very brig ht. 66 56.1 54.3 55 11.10 P.M., sunny. 74 57 54.5 60 2.25 P.M., sunny. 82 55.5 51 8 a.m. 85 56 54 43 6 a.m., rainy. 90 56 54 55 1 p.m. 100 5.5.3 54.3 44 7.10 A.M., raining hard. 103 56 51.5 6.15 p.m. 111 57.5 54.9 63 12.20 p.m., clear. 106 57 54.5 112 54.9 54.5 44 7.10 P.M., raining hard. 113 57. 5 55 61 10 A.M., clear. 114 55 116 55 54.6 45 11.14 A.M., raining hard. 124 56.3 56 60 1.09 P.M., sunny. 125 55 54.9 45 8.05 P.M., sunny. 180 56 55 9.10 P.M. 136 57 54 55 10.30 A.M. 132 53 52 149 55.3 54.5 47 11.40 A.M., cloudy. 150 55 54.5 48 10.25 a.m., cloudy. 151 65.4 55 49 12.25 P.M. 154 54 52 8.45 A.M. The elevation of the lake above the Pacific has been taken from the surveys of the railroad engineers, obtained while laying the line from Ai'Ofjuipa to Puno. Professor James Orton inclines to the oi)inic)n that the wliole basin of Lake Titicaca, with the high plateau to the westward, is gradually sinking, because the successive observations made from early times give a gradually diminishing height. Thus far, the few measurements taken can hardly be more than a chance coincidence, when we remember the uncertainty and great divergence attending all measurements of heights taken to within a comparatively very recent period. The experience of the topographers of the late geological surveys in the Rocky ^Mountains has been very similar ; and yet we are hardly prepared for such a sweeping generalization as the sinking of the greater part of the Rocky Mountains from much OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 291 more abundant data tlian those accessible from Lake Titicaca and its vicinity. Along the eastern coast of Lake Titicaca, the mountains forming its former shores nowhere rise to any considerable height. The greatest elevations arc found along the general line forming the western edge of the high plateau, to the south of which the lake is situated, from the Nevados of Tacorara to those east of Moquega, the Pichupichu, Chachani, Coropuno. A lower nearly parallel range extends about half-way between the line of the former and the axis of Lake Titi- caca. This range, however, does not rise to more than 10,000 or 17,000 feet, and, sweeping to the northward at a distance of about one hundred miles to the north-east of the lake, forms the water-shed between the rivers leading to the headwaters of the Amazonas and those flowing into Lake Titicaca, the eastern sides of this great basin being formed by the northern extension of the huge range which culminates near the south-eastern shores of Lake Titicaca in the snowy giants of Guaina Potosi, Mamini, and Mampu. The range runs nearly north- ward from the head of the Bay of Achacache, forming the southern boundary of Caravaya on the north, and uniting with the northern water-shed of the great Titicaca basin. This eastern range of snowy mountains retreats from the shore of the lake about as far as the western intermediate range, and forms at the same time the line between the waters flowing to the Pacific and those belonging to the basin of the lake. The hills of the peninsula of Copacabana do not rise more than 800 to 1,000 feet above the level of the lake ; and, to the south of the lake, low ridges form the dividing-lines of the tor- rents flowing from the heights between La Paz and Corocoro into the lower lake. The view from the crest of one of these ridges im- mediatel)^ to the eastward of Tiahuanaco is truly magnificent ; and the panorama of snowy heights rising from 8,000 to 10,000 feet above the level of the lake is one of the most beautiful stretches of mountain- scenery it has been my fortune to see. Rising as these mountains do behind the islands of the lower lake as a foreground, with the low hills beyond Huarina on the opposite shore of the lake at the base of the snow-line coming down to within a couple of thousand feet of the shore, we have within a radius of thirty-five miles no less than six or seven peaks varying from 20,000 to 22,000 feet above the level of the sea. Looking over the peninsula of Copacabana extends the upper lake, with its sacred islands hardly visible on the horizon ; while to the westward extend, as far as the eye can reach, the huge flat-topped hills, the dividing-ridges between the torrents flowing into the lake, 292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY which comprise the immense elevated plateau reaching a height of some 1G,000 feet above the level of the sea, with an endless number of somewhat higher peaks rising slightly above this general elevation ; while to the westward of Tialiuanaco the sharjily-cnt outline of the mountain-chain \vhich formj the div.>ij.^-bou;.dai_) between Bolivia and Peru shuts out the view in that direction. But while the outline of many of these chains is most graceful, and the grandeur of the Nevada de Sorata is not to be forgotten, the barrenness and utter desolation of the whole scene deprives it of much of its beauty. There is absolutely nothing green to rest the eye ; the whole country is dry, arid, stony ; here and there a patch of rank grass, upon which the vicuiias manage to eke out their existence ; an occasional shrub, with a stem as large as one's little finger, only left because it has thus far escaped the eye of the Indian gathering the few shrubs remaining as the only firewood, which, with characteristic imprudence, he does not cut down to give it a chance to grow again, but jiulls up roots and all, to get as much fuel for the present needs as possible. The accompanying map illustrates the general hydrograj^hy of the basin of Lake Titicaca. »77>v»'(to OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 293 XXV. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. No. X. — DISTRIBUTION OF MAGNETISM ON ARMATURES. By Harold Whiting. Presented, May 10, 1876. The subject of the distribution of magnetism on armatures has not yet been carefully investigated ; although the change of form of the curve due to the addition of an armature has been roughly determined. It appears, that, when an armature is added to one end of a magnet, some of the magnetism spreads over the nearest part of the armature. To prove this, and at the same time to get a general idea of the best way to investigate the subject further, I performed the following pre- liminary experiment. My ajiparatus consisted of a steel rod, half a metre long and about a quarter of an inch in diameter, and an iron rod of the same dimensions ; also a small wooden bobbin wound with about a hundred and fifty coils of fine insulated wire, and having a hole in its axis just large enough to allow it to slide freely over the rods. A paper scale, graduated into centimetres and millimetres, was attached to each rod. The two ends of the coil of wire were connected with a very delicate galvanometer. The steel rod was magnetized. The coil was now slijiped in different parts of the rod, over a dis- tance of two centimetres each time, and the deflections were noted. This deflection was made the ordinate of a curve, and the abscissa was taken equal to the distance of the centre of the coils at the central point of their motion. Table I. gives the figures, which are, of course, only relative. The distances are given in centimetres. 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY TABLE I. SIMPLE MAGNET. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENT. Distances (Cm.). Deflections. Distances (Cm). Deflections. 0.5 + 9.6 29.5 — 0.6 2.5 7.8 81.5 1.4 4.5 6 2 37.5 2.45 6.5 5. 1 40.5 4.2 8.5 4.1 42.5 4.9 10.5 '6.7 44.5 6.7 1-2.5 3.0 46.5 8.6 15.5 2.0 48.5 9.0 195 1.1 49.5 10.0 23.5 0.35 1. 25.5 0.23 27.5 0- 1 "Wlien the armature was added, the distribution on the magnet was as in Table II. a. Here, too, the numbers represent only relative values. Table II. b gives, in the first column, the distances ; in the second, the permanent magnetism of the armature (nearly constant after once touching the magnet) ; in the third column, its magnetism when the magnet was attached ; in the fourth, the difference of the second and third ; in the fifth, the value corrected as afterward to be explained. TABLE n. MAGNET AND ARMATURE. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENT. a. The Magnet. Distance. Deflections. Distance. Deflections. Distance. Deflections. 0.5 -f-0.1 19.5 + 1.25 34.5 —1.4 2.5 8.3 22.5 0.6 36.5 2.0 4.5 6.5 24 5 0.4 38.5 2.9 65 6.3 26.5 0.2 40.5 3.2 8.5 4.4 27.5 0. 42.5 4. 10.5 8.7 28.5 —0.2 446 4.5 12.5 2.9 80.5 0.5 46.5 5. 15.5 2.1 32.5 1.0 48.5 5.7 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 295 h. The Ahmature. Distances from Defltiction tUie Detlootlon wlion DirtVrenco of Corr('(!tele one to determine the shape which the curve would assume were the armature and magnet of one piece of metal ; i.e., if the juncture was absolutely perfect. Moreover, the same method enables us to draw the limiting values for different lengths of armature : for we have only to increase each abscissa of the curve of the magnet as the total length of magnet and armature is to tliat of the magnet alone, and to take the half-sum and half-difference as before, to find the curves on the magnet ; then, draw- ing a curve in the same manner to represent another magnet of length of armature joined by a similar pole, the curves on the armature can thus be determined. We shall see, then, that a soft-iron armature acts like a steel armature of about double the length. Whetlier this is due to contra-distribution, or to a superior magnetic ca})acity, I leave to be determined. The following experiments were devised to show the change in magnetic moment due to armatures. The experiments are rough ; but they give far the best idea of the changes that take place in magnetic distribution. A magnet was placed ujion the floor at a fixed distance from the galvanometer-needle, to the east of it, and pointing east and west. Then an armature was added, and the position of the centre of the magnet was marked upon the floor. Then the whole combination was removed to a distance, and the deflection was noted. Then the combination was brought back, with poles reversed, and was moved toward the galvanometer till the deflection was equal to the previous one. This at once showed the increase of distance between the poles ; for it must have been equal to tlie distance of the centre of the magnet from its former position, and the central point must have advanced half this distance. Having determined the position of the central point, the magnet alone was now turned ujion it; and tlie ratio of the deflection of the magnet and armature to that of the magnet alone showed the chaufie of mairnetic moment. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 301 The centre of the longest armature (150 cm.) advanced 18.25 cm., and the moment became lialf as much again. The centre of the metre armature advanced 14.5 cm., and its moment became a little over quarter as much again. The moment of the short (50 cm.) armature was increased one-sixth. From this the distance of the poles of the magnet from the ends can be calculated; and it is about 12 cm. AVhen calculated by the vibra- tions of a comi)ass in two jiositions very near the end, it appeared to be 5 cm. : the latter method is probably, therefore, inexact, and will always give the distance too small. It is only at large distances that the magnetism of one end of a bar can be considered as acting at a point. When the magnet was joined to the armature by a short piece of iron shaped like a U, so that it was parallel to the armature, the pole ap2iarently retreated about 7 cm., and the moment decreased about one-tenth. When, however, a second U armature was added to com- plete the circle, the reduction of magnetic moment was scarcely per- ceptible, being less than ^ of the total value. This may possibly be due to poor contact ; but I was unable to obtain any different result, though I measured the distribution in various Avays. Perhaps, when the ai'mature is bent round so near the magnet, the resistance of the air to the line of force is so slight, that the adding of the second arma- ture affects it but little. This, I think, would be the necessary con- sequence of the analogy of magnetic force and electric currents. We see, then, that shunting, so to speak, the poles of a magnet with a soft-iron bar, diminishes the magnetic moment about one-sixth. It follows, that, if a stronger magnet be shunted by a weaker one, the magnetic moment will be dhuinished in some way ^iroportional to the difference of magnetization. This accounts for the fact that thick magnets are weaker than an equal weight of thin ones : 1st, because it is impossible, owing to the difficulty of temjDering evenly, to obtain the maximum capacity for magnetism in all parts of the bar, and those parts which are weaker diminish the average magnetism per weight, and also diminish the strength of the stronger parts, acting like a shunt ; 2d, because, in the common process of magnetizing a bar by rubbing the surface, the interior is less magnetized than the out- side, and the core acts more or less like a shunt of soft iron. If, however, a solid body is magnetized by a force acting on all parts alike, it will not act differently from a bundle of wires of equal length and weight, provided the material be the same. Therefore the bundle B02 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of iron wires alluded to above ought to act, as they did, like the solid bar. Fact and theory agree. T am now prepared to answer a ques- tion, from which, curiously enough, the whole of the present investi- gation sprang. I can answer decidedly that there will be no advantage in substituting a bundle of iron wires or plates for the solid core of the helix of a magnetic engine; but, as the helix will be farther off from the core, the induced current will not be increased, but diminished. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 303 XXVI. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. XL — CHANGE OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE IN WIRES BY STRETCHING. By George S. Pink. Presented, May 10, 1876. The electrical resistance of a wire of constant section and material is directly proportional to the length, and inversely proportional to the area of the When the wire is stretched, its thickness or cross-section, as well as its length, undergoes a change. This investiga- tion was undertaken to see whether the change in resistance is directly as the length, and inversely as the cross-section of the wire ; or whether the copper or the iron, whichever the substance may be, is a better or a worse conductor. Let I = original lengtli of the wire. /j = length at the end of tlie experiment. r = original radius. rj = final radius. R = original resistance of the wire. i?j = final resistance. V = volume of wire, — supposed constant. A = resistance of wire whose length equals its cross-section. Suppose that X does not alter. On this supposition, let us find the resultant resistance. We must compare this with the observed resist- ance to see whether our supposition is right; to see whether I does or does not alter. Supposing I does not vary ^ = 4 K = ^. 22 (1) 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The volume being unchanged by the stretching V ^= -irrH also v = T^r-y^l^ Substitute this value in equation (1), — From this we mny conclude, tluit, if the original resistance is to the final resistance in a greater or less ratio than the square of the original length is to the square of the final lengtli, the stress of the paiticles does alter the speciKc resistance of the wire. If the ratio of the re- sistances is greater than the ratio of the squares of the lengths, then the conductivity of the wire is improved. In the following experiments I used a Thomson's mirror galva- nometer with the arrangement of Wheatstone's bridge. I used a wooden bracket attached to a partition of the wall, about 2.5 metres from the floor. I put the wire through a hole in this bracket, and kept it from slipping by driving in a wooden peg. To guard further against slipping, the wire was wound tightly around a screw near the hole. Altogether there was from four to ten centimetres of wire that was not stretched, but whose resistance was taken account of. In the later experiments, this length was taken account of in calculating the re- sistances. To the lower end of the wire I bound a ring, and on this ring were hung the weights. I connerted the ends of the wire with the box of resistance coils by means of thick wires. The resistance of these thick wires was found to be .036 ohms. Experiment 1. — This experiment was made with copper wire .G28 millimetres in diameter. It being tlie first experiment I made, all the phenomena were not observed. The original and final resistances, and the original and final lengths, I got pretty carefully ; but I failed to note the intermediate lengths. Original length was 1.647 metres. Final lengtli before breaking 1.857 „ Stretched 21 centimetres. Ohms. Original resistance with connections . • 144 Resistance of connecting wires 036 Original resistance 108 Final resistance without connecting wires 134 OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 305 ^ __ 2.71S _ Jl 108 R P /,- — ";5.45 — -'^6 7^ — 134 — -^^^^ IT^ > V AVe .sliduKl expect R^ to have been .137. Tlic wire broke under the weight of 16.3 lbs. The weights I used were in lbs., not grannnes. But we liave not considered the whole length in considering the change in length ; but we have considered the whole length in consider- ing the change in resistance. If we add the same constant to / and /j, say a, and /j is greater ihan /, then plainly /2 (/ + «)2 But more th;in a may have been added to /[. Then, too. if the whole length had been under the stretching process, 7i*, might have been greater than it was observed to be. So that the ditfei-ence of .003 ohms might have been made up, had the whole length been under the stretching process. In this experiment I measured the final diameter of the wire with the dividing engine, and found that it varied perceptibly in different parts ; in one part the mean reading being .593 millimetres, and in another part .50 millimetres. From the deduction given above, it can be seen that we need only consider the lengths and the squares of the lengths. In the following experiments I did not consider the change in diameters. Exppi-iment 2: — In this experiment I used thin iron wire. 4, 6, 8, and 10 lbs. produced no change in the resistance of the wire, tliough the length increased slightly. Original resistance was 1.053G ohms. At first, i? was only 1.0584. 10 mm. 7? = 1.068 ohms. 15 „ li = 1.0704 „ 20 „ li = 1.1256 „ 25 „ A' = 1.1304 „ 28 „ 7^ = 1.1404 „ 30 „ A' =1.1472 „ T did not observe the changes in length carefully. At tliis time, 2 lbs. was the smallest weight I had. On applying fourteen pounds, the wire stretched some; but, when I allowed the whole foi'ce to come on, the wire snapped near a place where it was wound. I applied the weight again, and the wire snapped near the middle. VOL. XI. (n. s. hi.) 20 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Length of wire before applying 1-1 lbs 1.633 metres. Original length 1.58 „ /2 2.496 R 1.0530 7^ — 2.667 — -^^^ Ri — L1472 — ''^^^ R P . Here — < ,— ; and it would seem that finally iron has been made a poorer conductor by stretching. As to the intermediate states of the wire, nothing can be inferred. Later I performed another experiment with better results. It was with the same kind of wire. It would seem to show that the conductivity of iron is improved by stretching. I will call it Expei iment 2a. — These are the results : — / /2 1.696 2.876 1.716 2.944 1.736 3.014 1.766 3.119 r- -p, = .922 'r R R, = -93 R 1.104 1.1064 1.1448 1.178 R /2 "We .should expect i?^ to have been 1,197. Experiment 3. — In this experiment I used thin copper wire |^ millimetre in diameter. 2 lbs. produced no change in the resistance, though the length inci'eased 2 centimetres. These are the results: — / p R 1.476 2.1786 .3816 1.5 2.25 .3816 1.566 2.452 .3912 1.576 2.484 .4032 It broke under weight 4, o .o lbs. , and I did not get the tin: .936 R = .946 R ere — ^'1 It seems that the conductivity of the wire is improved. I used the same kind of wire in another experiment, which T will call Experiment 3a. — The wire stretched in all 31 centimetres, and broke under the full force of 4.3 lbs. The .3 lbs. is the weight of the iron rin;'. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 307 lo = I P R 1.81 8.276 .4776 1.905 8.629 .5040 1.945 8.788 .5280 1.965 8.822 .5520 1.985 8.94 .5592 = 2.055 /o^ 4.223 .6216 2.09 4.368 .624 2.12 4.474 .6264 /2 R = .769 See the curve representing the resistance in this exjieriment. There is a great and rapid change in the resistance vvlien the wire has been stretched 20 centimetres. n L81_ _ „ ^ R _ 4776 lo' ~ 2.055 — -'"^ To — 6"2r6 "'^^ ,.. R I' Here at this point -p- < tt. Experiment 4. — In tliis experiment I used thicker copper wire, with the following results : — I i2 R 1.70 2.89 .0636 .1.72 2.958 .0636 1.75 8.07 .0648 1.757 3.086 .0648 1.825 8.327 .0684 1.85 3.48 .0768 1.875 3.515 .078 289 8.5i5 — .822 R 636 .828 R n R,> W I I tried the same kind of wire again. It stretclied considerably before there was any change in the resistance. The original length was 1.65 metres. The final length was 1.82 metres. 23 lbs. broke the wire before I had time to ob.serve the resistance; but, before api)lying the last pound, the resistance was .076 ohms. Tlie original resi.stance was .072. /2 2.622 R R ^ P l{' 3.312 •' A'l A\ -^ /j^ Experiment 4b was with the same kind of wire, with these re- sults : — 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY I 1.595 2.544 R .0648 1.635 .0648 1.6G5 .0648 1.715 .0648 1.765 8.116 .0648 1.855 3.44 .0820 1.945 3.783 .090 2. 4. .1008 fj := .636 R = .0.642 R /I R, > l^ 2G lbs. broke the wire. In all experiments, it is easy to see that the change iu resist- ance at first is not at all proportional to the increase iu length. At the close of some of the experiments, the resistance is almost as much as it ought to be ; and perhaps, if there were no error in ob-servation or calculation, the resistance at the breaking-point would be as much a-? the law would make it. Experiment 5. — Tliis experiment was mmle with copper wire not so thick as that used in the previous experiment. I measured the total leno:tli,and tlie changes in Icnijth ; so tliat, although not the whole length is under th(i stretching process, the resistances given correspond more exactly to the lengths given. I r- R 1.71 2.924 .109 1.725 2.965 .1092 1.755 3.08 .1104 1.815 3.294 .1128 1.84 3.385 .1128 1.875 3.516 .114 1.9 3.61 .114 1.91 3.648 .114 1.95 3.8 .1356 1.99 3.98 ass P R R r^ J- = .738 jr = .791 'F> ri V ^'1 ^'1 'i K) lbs. broke the wire. I performed a second experiment with the .same kind of wire, and with es.sentially the same rc.^^ults. Experiment G. — I next took German-silver wire. Tiie curve of observations here will be found to almost coincide with the straight line representing the law. This experiment is (piite curious when con- trasted with the others. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 309 / P R 1.53 2.84 4.33 1.535 2 856 4.84 1.546 2.387 4.40 1.57 2.465 • 4.577 1.595 2.544 4.728 1.615 2608 4.824 1.C4 2.69 4.987 1.665 2.772 6.112 1.69 2.856 6.22 1.735 3.01 6.609 I'i .777 R li,— .77 Experiment 6a. — Germau-silver wire again. Original total lengtli 1.70 metres. Length to be stretched 1.60 ,, Original total resistance 4.848 Resistance of connecting wires 036 Resistance of 1.70 metres 4.812 Subtract -^^^ of this 283 Resistance of 1.60 metres 4.529 I 1.60 r- 2.56 R 4.529 1.61 2.692 4.641 1.64 2.689 4.733 1.67 2.789 4.9226 1.70 2.89 6.1386 1.77 3.133 5.5226 1.815 3.294 6.813 1.85 3.42 6.0506 1.885 2.591 6.2858 1.99 3.96 6.9626 /2 /7= .646 R = .650 R /2 R, > 7^ By examining the curve, it will be seen that it very nearly follows the law, and that the conductivity of the metal is but little altered. Experiment 7. — This experiment was made with copper wire No. 18. Original total length 1.62 metres. Length to be stretched 1.67 310 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Ohm. Original resistance with connecting wires 3000 Resistance of connecting wires 036 Resistance of total length 2G4 Resistance of length not stretched 008 Original resistance of length to be stretched . . . .256 / /2 R 1.57 2.465 .256 1.58 .256 1.595 .256 1.6 2.56 .256 1.615 2.608 .2608 1.64 2.69 .2728 1.66 2.7556 .2776 1.69 2.856 .2776 1.725 2.9756 .2992 1.76 3.0976 .3016 P 2465 ^ R 256 R_ P l^ ~ 3097 ~ ■''^^ S^ — 30l6 ~ -^^^ ^1 ^ "^ i?j should have been .322 if the conductivity of the metal had not been altered. Experiment 8. — Copper wire No. 22. Original total length 1.57 metres. Length to be stretched 1.53 „ Resistance with connecting wires 3048 Resistance of connecting wires 036 Resistance of total length 2G88 Resistance of length not stretched 0068 Resistance of wire to be stretched 2620 1.53 2.341 .262 1.55 2. — .262 1.59 .262 1.62 2.624 .262 1.G55 2.739 .30(>4 1.68 2.822 .3124 li R R ^ P pf = .829 jr = -841 7T > ,T, The wire broke under weight of .3.2 lbs. H^ should have been .3161 if there was no chaiige. Experiment 8a. — With copper wire of same size. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 311 I Oriiiinal length \M metres. LiMifTth to bo stivtc'lied 1.52 „ Ke^istance of whole lengtli 2070 „ liesistaiice of leiijj;!!! not stretclieil 0008 ,, Resistance of wire to be stretched 2008 „ / /-' R 1.52 2.3104 .2008 1.54 2.3716 .2008 1.56 2.434 .2020 1.58 2.496 .2020 1.6 2.56 .2836 1.0^ 2.65 .2'J56 1.655 2.706 .298 1.67 2.789 .310 1.69 2.856 .816 1.705 2.i}07 .3256 /2 R ^=.794 ^=.8 Wive broke under 5.2 lbs. Experiment 9. — Copper loire, the finest yet. Original total length 1.56 Length to be stretciied 1.52 Original total resistance 780 Resistance of connecting wires, &c 055 / /•^ n 1.52 2.3104 .725 1.5S5 .725 1.55 2.4025 .725 1.565 2.444 .7298 1.59 2.528 .7538 1.01 2.592 .7766 1.64 2.0896 .8018 1.67 2.789 .8318 1.70 2.89 .8618 1.73 2.993 .8918 1.77 3.133 .9314 1.81 3.276 .971 1.855 3.441 1.000 V- R r-= .671 7r= -7206 If tbere were no change, i?j should have been 1.08 ohms. The wire broke under pressure of 2.6 lbs. From the foregoing experiments, I conclude that the conductivity of German-silver wire remains unaltered by stretching ; that the con- 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Hiictivitv of iron wire is perhaps improved, and that the conductivity of copper wire is improved, that up to a certain point the wire can be stretched without increasing the resistance, or only increasing the re- sistance very little; tiiat beyond that point the resistance increases very rapidlv for a while, and then increases less rapidly. In most cases, after the wire has been stretched to the point wliere the resistance ceases to increase rapidly, the resistance appears to increase in such a IJ ' . wav, that the ratio -,7 remains almost constant. It appears, then, that copper wire can be stretched to some advantage; that, if it is stretched too much, some of tlie advantage gained is lost again. Experiments 3a and 8a are the only instances where the copper wire appears to have lost at any time the full amount of the advantage gained by stretching ; but, even in these instances, the wire seems to gain advantage in regard to its conductivity as the stretching goes on. Thin copper wire being in the process of manufacture, stretched to a great extent, the advantage gained by further stretching is less marked than with thicker wire. It is noteworthy that the wire becomes very brittle before it breaks, and assumes a definite structure like steel wire. PROCEEDINGS. Six hundred and eighty-first Meeting. i\Iay 25, 1875. — Annual Meeting. The President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read a letter from Mr. R. C. Winthrop, accepting his appointment as a delegate to the International Congress of Geographical Sciences ; and, at his suggestion, Mr. J. I. Bowditch was appointed a second delegate to this Congress. The Treasnrer presented his report, wliich was accepted, and on his motion it was Voted, To appropriate for the general expenses of the Academy, during the coming year, twenty-one hundred dol- lars ($2100). The Chairman of the Rumford Committee presented his report, which was accepted ; and, in accordance with its sug- gestion, it was Voted, That an appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars (81500) be made from the income of the Rumford Fund for the coming year, to finish the publication of Count Rumford's works. Voted, That the Librarian and Treasurer of the Academy be authorized to sell to each Resident Fellow one, and one only, complete set of Rumford's Works, including the Life, for five dollars, and to settle on this basis the account 314 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of those Fellows who have already purchased the earlier volumes. Voted, That ten complete sets of Rumford's Works, includ- ing the Life, be presented to Professor W. R. Nichols, as an acknowledgment of his services to the Academy. Voted, That the sum of two hundred and ninety-one dol- lars (8291) be appjopriated from the income of the Rumford Fund to cover the cost of publishing the papers on Light and Heat in Volume X. of the Academy's Proceedings. Voted, That the sum of five hundred dollars (8500) be appropriated from the income of the Rumford Fund, as the said income will permit, to aid Professor John Trowbridge, of Cambridge, in conthiuing his researches on the improve- ment of the Magneto-electric jNIachine and Induction Coil. Voted, That the Rumford ]\Iedal, for the present year, be awarded to Dr. John William Draper, of New York, for his Researches on Radiant Energy. On the motion of the Corresponding Secretary, it was Voted, That an appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars (11500) from the general fund be made to defray the ex- penses of publication during the year. Voted, To appoint a committee of five to revise the Statutes of the Academy. The President appointed ^Messrs. Cooke, Thomas, Washburn, Deane, and Norton, members of this committee. Voted, To adjourn this meeting to the second Tuesday in June. The annual election resulted in the choice of the following officers : — Charles Francis Adams, President. Joseph Lovering, Vice-President. JosiAH P, Cooke, Jr., Corresponding Secretary, Edward C. Pickering, Ilecording Secretary, Edmund Quincy, Treasurer and Librarian. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 315 CoU)lciL John B. IIenck, WoLCOTT Gibus, \ of Class I Chaules VV. Eliot, ) Alexandkr Aoassiz, \ John A. Lowkll, ( of Class 11. Ben J. E. Cottino, ) Geoiige E. Ellis, \ Andrew P. Peabody, > of Class III. Francis Parkman, ) Rumford Committee. MouuiLL Wyman. James B. Francis. AVOLCOTT GiBBS. JOHN M. OrDWAY. JosiAH p. CooKE, Jr. Stephen P. Ruggles. Edward C. Pickering. Committee on Finance. Charles Francis Adams, ) ^ . ' \ ex officio. Edmund Quincy, ) Thomas T. Bouve. The following Committees were aj)poiiited on the nomina- tion of the President : — Committee on Publication. Alexander Agassiz, W. W. Goodwin. John Trowbridge. Committee on Library. Charles Deane. Henry P, Bowditch. AViLLiAM R. Nichols. Auditing Committee. Henry G. Denny. Robert W. Hooper. 316 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Six hundred and eighty-second Meeting. June 8, 1875. — Adjourned Annual Meeting. The President in the chair. The President announced the death of M. Charles de Remusat, Foreign Honorary Member. The Corresponding Secretary read, a letter from M. Bar- rande, acknowledging his election into the Academy. Voted, To adjourn the meeting in August to the second Tuesday in October. The following papers were presented : — " On the Hexatomic Compounds of Cobalt." By Dr. Wolcctt Gibbs. " On the Supposed. Perchloride of Manganese." By Pro- fessor J. P. Cooke, Jr. " On the Use of Field. Instruments in Astronomy." By Professor T. H. Safford. " On Photographing Sjiectrum Lines." B}^ Dr. Robert Amory. " On a Comparison of Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra." By Professor E. C. Pickering. " On a New Method of Calibration." By Professor E. C. Pickering. " On a New Instrument for Projecting Lissajou's Curves." By Professor E. C. Pickering. On the " Theory of Discount in the Game of Billiards." By Professor Benjamin Peirce. Professor William Watson presented a set of models illus- trating his " Descriptive Geometry." Six hundred and eiglity-tliird Meeting. October 12, 1875. — Adjourned Stated Meeting. ' The Vicr-Ppj:sidrnt in the chair. The Vice-President announced the d"eatli of Professor Joseph Winlock, and Mr. Chauncey Wright. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 317 The following papers were presented : — " On a New Pi-operty of Conic Sections." By Professor Benjamin Peirce. '' On the Method of Least Squares." By Professor T. II. Safford. ]Mr. W. A. Rogers described some farther investigations he had made on the lines of Nol)ert, and presented a paper by j\l. Ti'ouvelot, " On Veiled Sun-Spots." The following papers were presented l»y title : — " On the Flora of Guadalupe Island." By Sereno Watson. " Remarks on Magnetic Distribution." By Professor H. A. Rowland. Six hundred and eighty-fourth Meeting. November 10, 1875. — Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. Mr. W. A. Rogers Avas appointed Secretary /)ro tempore. Upon the recommendation of the Council, the following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Andrew Crombie Ramsay, of London, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 1, in place of the late Sir Charles Lyell. Alfred M. Mayer, of Hoboken, to be an Associate Fellow in Class I., Section 3. Frederick A. Genth, of Philadelphia, to be an Associate Fellow in Class II., Section 1. Joseph LeConte, of San Francisco, to be an Associate Fel- low in Class II., Section 1. Othniel Charles Marsh, of New Haven, to be an Associate "Fellow in Class 11. , Section 2. Daniel C. Oilman, of Baltimore, to be an Associate Fellow in CljTiss HI., Section 2, "William Sellers, of Philadelphia, to be an Associate Fellow in Class I., Section 4. Albert Nicholas Arnold, of Hamilton, N. Y., to be an Asso- ciate Fellow in Class III., Section 2. 318 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Ira Remsen, of Williamstown, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 3. Hiram F. ]\Iills, of Lawrence, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 4. Robert Tiiaxter Edes, of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class II., Section 4. Henrj Adams, of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class III., Section 3. Professor Cooke announced that the fourth and last vol- ume of Count Rumford's Works had been issued from the press. Mr. R. C. Winthrop made the following Report : — It has seemed to me proper, Mr. President, that I should make some brief report of what I did, and of what I left undone, under the commission with which the Academy honored me, some months ago, to represent them at the International Congress of Geogi'aphy in Paris. Agreeably to a suggestion wliich I ventured to make to the Secre- tary, on receiving my own appointment, Mr. Ingersoll Bowditch, then abroad, was afterwards associated with me in the delegation. But I am sorry to say that neither of us found it practicahle to be in Paris during the week in whicli the sessions were held. For myself, I reached there only on the evening of the day on which they were formally closed. It was ah occasion of public ceremonial, which I was sincerely sorry to have missed. I regretted much less that I was unahle to attend the opening ceremonies, as they took place on Sunday ; and, though I do not care to associate myself with too sancti- monious a Sabbatarianism, I have always been offended, when abroad, by the habitual selection of Sunday, particularly in Paris, for spec- tacles and shows of all sorts. Such a course seems almost like an insult to Protestantism, and might well be the subject of remonstrance where the occasion is not of a local character. I had reported myself, as a delegate from the Academy, previously to my arrival, and my name had been duly entered on the roll of the Congress. Nothing remained, however, for the members to do, except to make a visit to the Sewers of Paris, — a geographical exploration from which I was willing to excuse myself during the heats of August, — and to pay their respects to the Prcfet of the Seine, at a formal reception arranged for that purpose. O?' ARTS AND SCIENCES. -^19 This latter service I porfonncd, and found a large and l)rilliaiit assembly at the palace of the Luxembourg, (piite in Imperial style^ notwithstanding the Repnl)li<;ni clcincMt which has recently entered into the institutions of France. Tiie staircase was lined with (/ens d' urines in uniform, a mounted police guarded the gateways, and one of tiie regimental bauds played national airs witliin the palace. Noth- ing could have been more cordial and gracious than the welcome given me as a representative of the American Academy by the Prefet, M. Ferdinand Duval ; and I had an op[)ortunity of meeting not a few of the literary and scientitic celebrities of France, as well as the dele- gates from other countries. The next day I proceeded, with my card of membership, and under the escort of my accomplished friend, Colonel Perraud, to visit the Exposition Geogra'phique^ which had been arranged in those parts of the palace of the Tuileries which had escaped the torches of the Com- mune. A niai'vellous and most multitudinous exposition it was, and one which reflected the highest credit on the Geograpliical Society of France, under whose auspices it was prepared. I could not have believed it possible that any thing so dry, and so little a\sthetic, as geography, could furnish the materials for so really interesting and brilliant a show. It was, indeed, an exhibition of many other things besides such as might be supposed to belong to geograi)hy proper. Geology, archaeology, ethnology, antiquities of every sort, historic and pre-historic, were gathered there, side by side with maps and memorials of the most recent researches of modern travellers and geographers. My eye lighted, for instance, on a photographic facsimile of the "Mappamondo di Fra, Mauro " of 1459, and on copies or originals of not a few other maps, on which there was no America. It was a relief to turn from these and see, as I did, the beautiful chart, pub- lished by our Coast Survey, of Boston Harbor, hanging at the very entrance of the little American department. I remember seeing, too, the War Map used by the heroic Charles XII. of Sweden, and not far off the manuscript notes and maps of the not less heroic Livingston and Speke and other recent explorers of Africa. A cast of the wonderful Meteorite of Greenland, weighing (the original) twenty thousand kilos, if I remember right, occu])ied a whole corner of one apartment. Facsimiles of Domesday liook and of the black-letter Prayer Book of 1G3G attracted my eye in the English division. 820 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY This will give a sufficient indication of the somewhat heterogeneous things which were gathered together from all quarters under the banners of geography, recalling that comprehensive, all-embracing description of Cicero : " Omnes etenim artes (ju;ii ad bumanitatem pertinent, babent quoddam commune vinculum, et quasi cognatione quadam inter se contincntur." The archives of all countries, and the museums of all learned societies, had indeed been made tributary, without reserve, to this exposition ; and things old and new had been brought forth from pri- vate cabinets and public collections to enrich and adorn it. But I must not leave the impression that Geography proper, so to speak, was without its full representation. Such an array of globes and maps and photographic illustrations of earth and sea and sky could never have been congregated anywhere before. The Russian department was exceedingly rich, and surpassed all others in the number and perfection of the geographical works with which it was crowded. The Prussian or German department W'as hardly less striking ; while the Austrian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian, and Swiss departments contained many most interesting and valuable contributions. England was hardly there in full force, and the American department was small and poorly supplied. When I alluded to this, however, as I did with regret, the Prefet of the Seine, with true French politeness, replied, " Yes, but we know you are fitly and fully engrossed with your grand Centennial Exposi- tion at Philadelpliia next year, which is well worthy of all your atten- tion ; and we sliall all be interested in its success." I lay upon the table a printed Catalogue of this remarkable Exhi- bition, with a few other pamphlets relating to it. which may give the Academy a better idea of its character than I have been able to convey in these cursory remarks. Before resuming my seat, however, I may be pardoned for alluding to the monument of Count Rumfjrd, wiiicli I visited in company with the American Minister, Mr. Wasiiburne. It received some not very considerable damage from a shell which struck it, or exjdoded neai" it, during the siege of Paris. It was understood, before I left Paris, that this Academy had passed a resolution for its repair, and such a meas- ure would be a graceful act to be performed by this or some other American instrumentality. Our Minister was ^nxious to superintend such a repair, if authority should be given him to do so; and I prom- OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 321 isetl- to bring the subject to the renewed consideration of the friends and guardians of Count Kuniford's memory. Professor Cooke presented the report of the committee appointed to revise the Statutes of the Academy, and it was l\>ted, To hiy this report on the table, and make it the special subject of an adjourned meeting ; it was also Voted, That the Corresponding Secretary be requested to print the report, and distribute it among the Resident Fel- lows. Voted, To adjourn this meeting, at its close, to the second Tuesday in December. The following papers were presented : — " On the Flora of Guadalupe Island." By Sereno Wat- son. " On the Proper Motion of »/ Dracouis." By W. A. Rogers. I Six hundred and eiglity-flfth Meeting. December 14, 1875. — Adjourned Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Messrs. Arnold, Genth, Mayer, and Mills, accepting their elec- tion as Fellows of the Academy ; also, a letter from Mr. Parkman, declining his election as a member of the Council. Mr. R. C. Winthrop was elected a member of the Council in place of Mr. Parkman. The Corresponding Secretary read a petition from the Trustees of the Boston Pul)lic Libi-ary to the General Gov- ernment, asking aid toward the publication of a Topical Index of the United States Documents ; and it was Voted, To authorize the President to sign this document in behalf of the Academ3^ Dr. Gibbs presented a memorial j)etitioning Congress to remove the dut}- on foreign scientific books not in English, Latin, or Greek ; and it was Voted, to authorize the President to sign this memorial. VOL. XI. (n.s. hi.) 21 822 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The report of the committee on the Revision of the Statutes was taken from the table, and its recommendations discussed. But, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes, action was deferred until the next stated meeting. The following papers were then presented : — " On the Periodic Changes in Right Ascension." B}- Mr. W. A. Rogers. " On the Tempel Nebula in the Pleiades." By Mr. Tronvelot. " On the Planet Saturn." By Mr. Trouvelot. " On a New Form of Bunsen Battery." By Dr. Wolcott Gibbs. " On the INIilk Supply of Boston." By Mr. S. P. Sharpies. " On a New Genus of Harpagonella." By Dr. Asa Gray. Six hundred and eighty-sixth Meeting. January 11, 1876. — Monthly Meeting. The President in the chair. The following papers were presented : — " Improvements in Inland Navigation Resulting from the Introduction of a New System of Movable Dams." By Pro- fessor AVilliam Watson. " Description of an Apparatus to Measure Directly the Strain to which the Different Bars of an Iron Lattice Girder are exposed." By Professor "William Watson. " On the so-called Etheric Current." By Professor John Trowbridge. " On some New Methods of Topographical Surveying." By Professor E. C. Pickering. Six hundred and eighty-seventh Meeting. January 26, 1876. — Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from IMessrs. I OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 323 LeConte, Remsen, Edes, and Oilman, accepting tlic:r elec- tion as Fellows of the Acadeni}'. On the motion of Professor Washburn, it was Voted, To discharge the committee on Expert Evidence. Tlie following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Charles Edward Hamlin, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class II., Section 3. Edwin Lawrence Godkin, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class III., Section 3. Thomas Dwight, Jr., of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class II., Section 3. Conte Federigo Sclopis di Salerano, of Turin, to be a For- eign Honorary INIember in Class III., Section 1, in place of the late Charles de Remusat. The proposed amendments to the Statutes and Standing Votes of the Academy, by rule laid over from the last stated meeting, were acted on seriatim. With some amendments they were all adopted, and are incorporated in the new draft of the Statutes and Standing Votes printed at the end of this volume in connection with the Report of the Council. Professor Watson presented the following pajjers : — " A Description of the New Machinery and Processes em- ployed to Obtain a Supply of Water for the Inland Naviga- tion of the Champagne District of France." " Improvements in the Construction of River Locks, and the Saving made in the Prism of Lift by the Use of Oscil- lating Liquid Columns." The following papers were presented by title : — "• On the Effect of Thin Plates of Iron as Armatures to Induction Coils." By Professor John Trowbridge. " On the Action of Methyl Iodide on Plumbic Urate." By Professor H. B. Hill. A communication from the Boston Society of Civil Engi- neers on the introduction of the metric system of Aveights and measures, was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Pickering and Watson. 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Six hundred and eighty-eighth. Meeting. February 9, 1876. — Monthly Meeting. Professor Peirce in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary announced that the Rumford Medal would be ready for presentation to Dr. Draper at the next meeting. He also called attention to the Statutes as revised, copies of which he presented in print. The following papers were presented : — " On the Effect of Thin Plates of Iron as Armatures to Induction Coils." By Professor John Trowbridge. " On a New Form of Mirror Galvanometer." By B. O. Peirce. " On the Solar Motion and Stellar Distances." By Pro- fessor T. H. Safford. " On some New Forms of Iron Viaducts." By Professor William Watson. " On two New Machines used in the Construction of Tidal, Coast, and Harbor Works." By Professor Watson. " On the Occurrence of Odoriferous Glands in the Walk- ing-stick." By Professor S. H. Scudder. " On the Equal Roots of the Principal Equations of the Circular Perturbations of the Planets as not affecting the Sta- bility of the System." By Professor Benjamin Peirce. Six hundred and eighty-ninth 3Ieetlng. March 8, 1876. — Stated Meeting. The Academy met at the house of Mr. John A. Lowell. The President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Messrs. Ramsay, Sclopis, Godkin, and Adams, accepting their elec- tion as members of the Academy. Voted, To adjourn this meeting at its close to the second Wednesday of April, and to postpone the stated business of the meeting until then. The Chairman of the Rumford Committee then introduced OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 325 the special business of tiic evening, and luuuled to tlie Presi- dent the Rumford jNIechils (in gold and silver), on each of which had been engraved the following inscri[)tion : " Awarded by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to John W. Draper, for his Researches on Radiant Energy. May 25th, 1875." In presenting the medals, the President said : — Gentlemkn of the Academy, — The foundation of this Society, you all kuow, dates back but four years less than a century. It fol- lowed close upon the adoption of the form of government of the State itself. Further than this privilege of a corporation, I am not aware that the State has since bestowed any aid to it whatever. During the long period that has intervened, the individual members have steadily and honestly contributed their labors and their money to the advance- ment of science and of the arts, the evidence of which is to be found as well in the collections of the library as in the long series of their published transactions. We have not been so lucky as to earn the favor of the generous and wealthy at all in the proportion given to some other institutions of the same general character. In point of fact, we have to ascribe our success more to our own energies than to the assistance of patrons. This is no bad sign for the future. The Academy was never in more healthy and vigorous condition than at this moment. The meetings are constantly attended by numbers who ap- pear to give or to receive with interest the many valuable contributions to knowledge which ultimately take their place in the formidable vol- umes open to the insj^ection of the world. Yet it is not to be understood from what I have said that the insti- tution has been altogether without liberal assistance from several sources. The most remarkable instance of a benefaction was })erha))s the earliest, that of Benjamin Thompson, better known under the name of Count Rumford, who, eighty years ago, presented to the Academy the sum of five thousand dollars, to be devoted to the stimulation of the study of the various phenomena connected with light and heat, by the presentation of medals of value as honorary rewards to successful re- search. It is to the credit of the Academy, in these degenerate days, to find that its administration of this property has fully justified the confidence of tJie donor, the original sum having increased more than fourfold over and above the cost of the medals which have from time to time been awarded to successful investigation of the great subjects proposed for study and examination. 32<3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY It now becomes my agi'eeable duty to announce the fact tliat, after a careful review of the meritorious services of Pi'ofessor Draper iu this great field of inquiry, the committee having the subject iu their charge have, for reasons given by them, recommended through their Chair- man, that the medals prescribed in the deed of trust should be presented to him as having fully deserved them. It falls to my lot only to re- capitulate in brief some of these reasons. In 1840 Dr. Draper inde[)endently discovered the peculiar pheno- mena commonly known as Moser's images, which are formed when a medal or coin is placed upon a polished surface of glass or metal. These images remain, as it were, latent, until a vapor is allowed to condense upon the surface, when the image is developed and becomes visible. At a later period he devised the method of measuring the intensity of the chemical action of light, afterwards perfected and employed by Bunsen and Roscoe in their elaborate investigations. This method consists in exposing to the source of liglit a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen gases. Combination takes place more or less rapidly, and the intensity of the chemical action of the light is measured by the diminution in volume. No other known method comjiares with this in accuracy, and most valuable results have beea obtained by its use. In an elaborate investigation, published in 1847, Dr. Draper estab- lished experimentally the following important facts : — 1. All solid substances, and probably liquids, become incandescent at the same temperature. 2. The thermometric point at which substances become red-hot is about 977 Fahrenheit degrees. 3. The spectrum of an incandescent solid is continuous ; it contains neither bright nor dark fixed lines. 4. From common temperatures nearly up to 977° Fahrenheit, the rays emitted by a solid are invisible. At that temperature they are red, and the heat of the incandescing body being made continuously to increase, other rays are added, increasing in refrangibility as the tem- perature rises. 5. While the addition of rays, so much the more refrangible as the temperature is higher, is taking place, there is an increase iu the inten- sity of those already existing. Thirteen years afterward, Kirchhofi" published his celebrated memoir on the relations between the coefficients of emission and absorption of OF ARTS AND SCIEN'CES. 327 bodies for liglit aiul ln-at. in wliicli he o.stabli.slied mathematically tho saiue facts, and announced them as new. Dr. Draper claims, and we believe with justice, to have been the first to apply the daguerreotype process to taking portraits. Dr. Draper applied ruled glasses and specula to produce spectra for the study of the chemical action of light. The employment of ruled metallic specula for this [)urpose enabled him to avoid the ab- sorbent action of glass and other transparent media, as well as to establish the points of maximum and minimum intensity with reference to portions of the spectrum defined by their wave lengths. He ob- tained also the advantage of employing a normal spectrum in place of one which is abnormally condensed at one end and expanded at the other. We owe to him valuable and original researches on the nature of the rays absorbed in the growth of plants in suidight. These re- searches prove that the maximum action is produced by the yellow rays, and they have been fully confirmed by more recent investiga- tions. We owe to him, further, an elaborate discussion of the chemical action of light, supported in a great measure by his own experiments, and proving conclusively, and, as we believe, for the first time, that rays of all wave lengths are capable of producing chemical changes, and that too little account has hitherto been taken of the nature of the substance in which the decomposition is produced. Finally, Dr. Draper has recently published researches on the dis- tribution of heat in the spectrum, which are of the highest interest, and which have largely contributed to the advancement of our knowledge of the subject of radiant energy. And now, in the absence of Dr. Drajier, unable at this inclement season to execute a fatiguing journey, it gives me pleasure to recognize you, Mr. Quincy, as his worthy and competent representative. 1 pray you, in receiving these two medals on his behalf, in accord- ance with the terms of the original trust, to assure him, on the part of the Academy, of the high satisfaction taken by all its Fellows in doing honor to those Avho, like him, take a prominent rank in the advance of science throughout the world. Mr. Qiiincy, on receiving the medals, said : — Mr. Puesident, — In the name and on the behalf of Dr. Draper I have the honor to receive the Rumford Medals in gold and silver, 828 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ■which the Academy has been pleased to award to him, and I will have them safely conveyed to him to-morrow, together with the assur- ances of the satisfaction of the Academy in this action which you wish me to communicate to him. In common with yourself, Sir, and all the Fellows present, 1 regret that that eminent peison is unable to attend this meeting and receive the medals himself. And, personally, I re- gret the absence of Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, who had promised to perform this grateful service for his friend, and who would have been able to make a more suitable reply to the able discourse with which you have accompanied the presentation of the medals, and to have done more justice to the claims of Dr. Draper to this distinction than I can pre- tend to do. Dr. Gibbs having also been unavoidably prevented from being present this evening, I have now the honor to read a communi- cation from Dr. Draper to the Academy, in acknowledgment of this testimony to his services to science. Mr. Qiiincy then read the following letter: — To the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Your favorable appreciation of my Researches on Radiations, ex- pressed to-day by the award of the Rumford Medal, the highest testi- monial of approbation that American science has to bestow on those who have devoted themselves to the enlargement of knowledge, is to me a most acceptable return for the attention I have given to that subject through a period of more than forty years, and I deeply regret that through ill-health 1 am unable to receive it in person. Sir David Brewster, to whom science is undei' so many obligations for the discoveries he made, once said to me that the solar spectrum is a world in itself, and that the study of it will never be com2)leted. His remark is perfectly just. But the spectrum is only a single manifestation of that infinite ether which makes known to us the presence of the universe, and in which whatever exists — if I may be permitted to say so — lives and moves and has its being. What object, then, can be offered to us more worthy of contemplation than the attributes of this intermedium between ourselves and the outer world ? Its existence, the modes of motion through it. its transverse vibra- tions, their creation of the ideas of light and colors in tiie mind, the interferences of its waves, polarization, the conception of radiations and tlieir physical and chemical elTects, — these have occupii'd tlie thoughts OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 329 of mei of till' liigliost order. The observiitioiial powers of science have been , the telescope, the microscope, the spectrometer. Throu. The day before that of his death, he was at his usual work, with no warning of his impending fate except fi'oni a sense of increasing lassitude which he had felt for several weeks. His grandfather, a Virginian by birth, was General Josei)h Win- lock, who joined the American army, at the outbreak of the Revo- lution, when he was only eighteen years of age. He served at first as a private, and was afterwards promoted to the rank of ensign, lieutenant, and captain. He was engaged in the battles of German- town, Brandywine, Monmouth, &c., and was with Washington at Val- ley Forge. In 1787, he married Miss Stephenson of Virginia, and settled in Kentucky, where he was employed in surveying and entering land. He was sent to the Convention which framed the Constitution of Kentucky, and, afterwards, for some years to the State Senate. He commanded the troops of the State which were ordered out to intercept the expedition of Aaron Burr in 1806. In the War of 1812, he held the rank of Brigadier-General, and went with three regiments to Vincennes. His son. Fielding Winlock, the father of Professor Winlock, was born in Kentucky on May 4, 1787. He studied law, at first in the office of Felix Grundy, and, after Mr. Grundy's removal to Nashville, in the office of Henry Clay. During the preparations for the War of 1812, he was clerk of the committee of the State Senate on military affiiirs, performing also many of the duties of Adjutant-General. He left this position to serve in the army as aid to his father, and, in the campaign which ended with the defeat of Proctor and Tecumseh, on General Shelby's staff. After the war he held, at different times, various places of honor and trust, and died at the advanced age of eighty-five. Professor Winlock was educated at Shelby College, Kentucky, where he graduated in 1845. At this early age his tastes and acquirements were conspicuous ; and he received immediately the appointment of Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in that institution. He devoted his first savings to the purchase of a set of the Astronomische Nuchrichten ; and, in order to be able to read it, he rose early in the morning to talk German with a rude laborer upon his father's farm, 340 JOSEPH WIXLOCK. before the clay's work began. Fortunately for himself and for science, he attended the fifth meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which was held at Cincinnati in the spring of IHol. It is not among the least of the advantages of this associa- tion that it brings into notice young men of promise who might other- wise live and die in obscurity, revealing to themselves as well as to others, by comparison, their rare intellectual endowments. In this case, the chief of American mathematicians recognized, in the Ken- tucky professor, one who had mastered and enjoyed his own highly condensed treatises, however distasteful they may have been to com- monplace students and teachers. This happy conjunction of kindred minds resulted in bringinor Mr. Winlock to CambricJore in 1852. Cam- bridge was, at that time, the headquarters of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac ; a great work, ordered by Congress in the Act of March 3, 1819, and placed under the superintendence of Lieutenant (now Admiral) C. H. Davis. Mr. Winlock joined the able corps of computers, on whose ability and fidelity the life of the Almanac depended, and remained in this service until 1857, when he was ap- pointed Professor of Mathematics in the United States Naval Obser- vatory at Washington. He had been in this new position for only a short time when he was made Superintendent of the Ephemeris and Almanac, and returned to Cambridge. He vacated this post in 1859, and removed to Annapolis, where he had charge of the mathematical department in the United States Naval Academy. Soon after the removal of the Academy to Newport, in consequence of the war of secession, he was again made Superintend- ent of the Ephemeris and Almanac, and lived in Cambridge. During his long though interrupted connection with this national work, which has contributed lai-gely to the cultivation as well as to the credit of mathematics and astronomy in this country, he made many valuable contribittions to it, among which his carefully prepared Tables of Mer- cury was the most important. In 1866, with no effort on his part, he received the ajipointment of Phillips Professor of Astronomy in Harvard College, and Director of the Observatory. To his titles was afterwards added that of Professor of Geodesy in the Lawrence and Mining Schools of the College. While he was Professor at Shelby College, he had made himself familiar with tin; construction and manipulation of the etpiatorial tele- scope. An excellent Merz instrument of this desciiption, having a focal length of 9.\ feet and an aperture of 7\ inches, was the property of that institution, and was afterwards borrowdl by Mr. Winlock, and i JOSEPH WINLOCK. 341 mounted at Cambridge, tor a time, for his private use. Willi tlii.s exception, liis scientific labors had been exclusively in the way of the hi^er catalogue of time-stars had beeu evidenci'd in the operations for the dt'termiiiation of longitude conducted by the Uiiiied States Coast Sur- vey, of which Mr. ^Vinloek was consulting astronomer. These obser- vations, wliich assigned exact places to stars only two minutes apart in right-ascension, but differing widely in declination, wen; finished in December, 18 G8, and have been reduced and printed. In 1871-72, the same stars were reobserved with the new circle, and again for the third and fourth times in 1874 and 187o. An additional set of stars is required for the instrumental constants, expressing errors in azi- muth, collimation, level, «&;c. For this purpose 5,000 observations were made with the new circle in 1873 and 1874, intended to serve as the basis of an improved catalogue of polar stars, and they are now ready for publication. Therefore, no time has been wasted in reaping the full benefits of the new instrument, although the 30,000 observa- tions already made with it are only the first-fruits of the liappy de- vices of Mr. Winlock. These materials, to which must be aiUIetl a catalogue of new double-stars, dissected by the great refractor, and a most laborious and exhaustive work upon stellar photometry, will magnify the forthcoming volume of the Annals of the Observatory, and be a worthy moniunent to the skill and ^perseverance of the Direc- tor and his gifted and faithful coadjutors. In 1869, Mr. Winlock was instructed by Professor Benjamin Peirce, then Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, to proceed to Kentucky at the head of a party destined to co-operate with officers of the survey in observing the total eclipse of the sun, on the 7th of August. Mr. Winlock gave his attention, particularly, to the physical aspects of the eclipse, examining the photosphere and the chromo- sjihere with the spectroscope, and taking eighty photographs of the eclipse, in all its phases, seven of them during totality. It was his habit to think out every subject which engaged him for himself; and, when he acted, he seldom followed in the wake of other men. lie found good reasons for rejecting tlie method of photographing which had been tried in Spain on occasion of the total eclipse of 18(50, and which other American astronomers were preparing to imitate in 18G9. As he wished, most of all, to secure a good picture of the corona, he placed the sensitive plates at the focus of the object-glass, thereby economizing the light, and avoiding the distortion by the eye-piece. His success was highly satisfactory. In the best of the pictures, he 344 JOSEPH WINLOCK. immetliately recoguized the fact that the corona was broader in the direction of the sun's equator than along the axis. He had arranged for obtaining numerous views of the partial phases of the eclipse, in the hope of extracting from them valuable information as to the use of photography in observing the transits of Venus. To this end, he was afterwards authorized by the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to engage Messrs. Alvan Clark and Sons to construct a micrometer, adapted to the nice measurement of distances and positions on the photographic plates. The Annals of the Observatory will contain a description and engraving of this micrometer, and an account of the measures made with it, with various representations of the eclipse copied from the photographs. At this time, no one except IMr. AVinlock had succeeded in obtain- ing a photograph of the corona during any solar eclipse. Although his photographs were only | of an inch in diameter, tliey seemed to promise measurements, made under a microscope, which would compare favorably with the best that could be furnished by meridian instruments. A larger image would be still better; but this required a telescope of formidable length, and difficult to manipulate. To surmount this obstacle, Mr. Winlock conceived the idea of a horizontal telescope, to be fed by tlie light from a heliostat. He was convinced that a ti'ans- parent reflector would be better than a silvered mirror, as it would weaken the light, and su[)ersede the necessity of making the time of exposure inconveniently short. Moreover, as the instantaneous action of the light was often sufficient, the heliostat was unnecessary. Soon after his return from Kentucky he gave an order to the Messrs. Clark and Sons for a lens of four inches in aperture and forty feet in focal length, which, after some preliminary trials at their shop, was ready for use at the Observatory in July, 1870 ; and, since then, has been in constant employment for procuring photographs of the sun. The lens is mounted upon one pier, the reflector upon another, and the camera upon a third jiier. The tube used for excluding the daylight is dis- connected from the essential jjarts, so as not to disturb their stability. At the request of the Superintendent of the United States Coast Sur- vey, Mr. Winlock organized and directed one of the parties sent to the south of Europe to observe the total eclipse of the sun on December 22, 1870. He selected Jerez de la Frontera, near Cadiz, as a favor- able station, and was assi?ted by one experienced officer of the survey, by several eminent astronomers and physicists, and by one of his own staff at the Observatory. Among the physical and astronomical instru- ments which he prepared for this expedition was a lens of o'2i^ feet in JOSEPH WINLOCIv. 345 focal Ifiigth, to be used in the manner just desciibed for instantano- eiis photographs. At this time, Mr. Winlock's method was widely known and higlily appreciated, and every party which went into the field to observe this eclipse had decided to dispense with an eye-piece, and j)h()tograph in thi' focus of the object-glass. Unfortunately all the parties, European and American, failed, by reason of bad weather, in obtaining a picture of tlie corona, except the party in Spain ; and there, also, the sky was not favorable for the best results. All the observers who went to India to photograph the total eclipse of 1871 preferred the same method, and were successful. Lord Lindsay a[)plied it at the Mauritius in connection with the horizontal telescope. A telescope of long focus is not a new thing; a telescope placed upon the ground is not a new thing ; there is no novelty about the heliostat; more than one person may have discovered the advantage in photo- graphing which belongs to telescopes of great focal length. Neverthe- less, the adaptation to photographic purposes of a telescope of long focus, fixed horizontally, and used without an eye-piece or a heliostat, is original, and whatever merit there is in it belongs to Mr. Winlock. In a former generation, *an eclipse of the sun excited the interest of astronomers, as furnishing the means of verifying or correcting the dynamical theory, or giving ditFerences of geographical longitude. It is the consolation of science, that as fast as old fields are exhausted new ones call loudly for cultivation. As soon as one question is set- tled and curiosity flags, another problem springs into life and a fresh interest is born. The old ambition to fit out a comet with its orbit has yielded to the passion for knowing more about its physical changes and constitution. Now that the law of gravitation asserts an un- challenged supremacy in tiie solar system, the complex structure of the sun and the origin of the solar radiations claim a share of the astronomer's attention. In this way physical astronomy has acquired a new meaning ; and a physical as distinguished from an astronomical observatory, either under the same or an independent superintendence, is one of the necessities of to-day's astronomy. It has been largely in the interest of physical astronomy, in this new sense, that observers luive traversed continents, crossed oceans, and taken up their quarters in desolate islands, wherever a total eclipse of the sun or tiie transit of Venus has invited them. Where special physical observatories have not been started, the old observatories must assume their work, but not to the prejudice of the preferred duties of an astronomical observatory. Mr. Winlock gave a liberal portion of his time to celes- tial spectroscopy, and stocked the Observatory with the requisite 346 JOSEPH WINXOCK. instruments, and of the best class. These little instruments cliA'ided with the larger ones the benefits of his inventive spirit. In his two eclipse expeditions, he provided abundantly for the spectroscopic exam- ination of the sun's surroundings, catching the sun itself in the reversal of the lines, and witnessing other interesting transformations. The secret of his success lies in the direction of his rule of having a definite idea of what he wished to do, and the best way of doing it, before going into the field. He went to Spain with the purpose of studying especially that fainter portion of the sun's corona which is outside the limits of the best photography. His experience in the Kentucky expedition had taught him that much valuable lime is lost in the brief duration of totality, when the position of the dark or briglit lines is registered by means of a scale which must be read and recorded at the time. To meet this difficulty, he invented the simple expedient of graving corresjjonding lines upon a silver plate, previously graduated by a few standard spectral lines. The differences could be leisurely measured at some future time. This improvement was promptly adopted by the English astronomers, and applied by them to the eclipse of 1870. Mr. Winlock was of opihion that his contrivance would be useful in observing the spectra of comets and nebuliB, and wherever the lines were faint. It might also be convenient for finding declination with meridian instruments. Another device was the use of a mirror to reflect the slit, and enable the observer to place it upon any |)art of the sun's image without the help of an assistant. In January, 1854:, the Hon. R. C. Winthrop, Chairman of the Com- mittee of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, appointed to visit the Observatory, reported that the Observatory time was sent to Boston for the i-egulation of marine chronometers, for the arrange- ment of railroads, and for the general convenience of the people through a large part of New England. He adds : " The impor- tance of such a system to the business operations of the community can hardly be over-estimated." At this time the signals were sent to Boston by way of Watertown, Brighton, and Roxbury, a circuitous line of twelve miles in length, and the wires were often broken. In 185G, a loop connected the Observatory with the Fitchburg line, and was owned by it until 1862. This has, of course, been available for the occasional transmission of time ; but it was designed for the deter- mination of differences of geographical longitude, in connection with the United States Coast Survey; a service which began under t])e administration of the first Director, and has been continually expand- ing, until it has taken into its embrace the Pacific coast and the JOSEPH wmLOCK. 347 western shore of Europe. In 1800, the necessities of tlie Coast Siirvev (h-iuaiidiMl that the h)op should be reueweil l)et\v«'('u tli(! Observatory and the main lines of the country ; and this was done at tlie expense of the survey. From its foundation, the Observatory, in one way or another, had furnished exact time to the community gratuitously ; for which, elsewhere, observatories receive a liberal com- pensation. In 1872, JMr. Winlock introduced improvements which have made this service more widely and constantly useful, and at the same time remunerative. A contract was made for a special wire between Cambridge and Boston, which shoukl not be diverted to any other business. An attachment to the mean-time clock of the Obser- vatory interi-upts the voltaic current once in each two seconds, omitting the last break of every minute, aud the last thirteen breaks of every five minutes, so that there can be no mistake as to the identity of any second or minute. Branch wires unite the City Hall of Boston, the telegraph offices aud railroad depots, and the principal clock and watch factories and warehouses with the first wire. In some places, an electro-magnetic clock is used, controlled by the Observatory clock ; but a cheap vibrating armature is all which is necessary, and is generally employed. The superiority of the new system is here : clocks, watches, and chronometers can be compared with the best standard time, not merely once a day, but at any moment ; and the public have appreciated and rewarded it. In one sense, it may be always said that time is money. In this instance, the Observatory time has opened so good a market that it has yielded a yearly income of $2,000. In 1872, Mr. Winlock began to prepare a series of astronomical engravings, which should represent, with sufficient accuracy, the most interesting objects in the heavens, as they appear in the powerful instruments of the Observatory. This work was intended for the benefit, not of astronomers, to w^hom the *' Annals " are accessible, and precise measurements are indispensable, but of a larger class of readers, who, without pursuing asti'onomy as a specialty, are interested in following its progress and achievements. Thirty-five large plates, beautifully executed from the most carefully prepared drawings and photographs, were completed at the time of Mr. Winlock's death, and wait only for a i'ew pages of letter-press to be ready for publication. They will gratify the scientific public with admirable representations of the planets, Mars, Jupiter, and the ring-encompassed Saturn ; of the sun's spots, protuberances, and corona ; of the moon's craters and geography ; of seven of the most famous clusters and nebula) ; of 348 JOSEPH TTIKLOCK. Donati's comet of 1858, and Coggia's comet of 1874, in some of their wonderful transformations. In August, 1874, Mr. Wiulock was appointed by Secretary Bristow chairman of the commission established by Act of Congress for making inquiries into the causes of steam-boiler explosions. He entered into this investigation with remarkable energy; carefully analyzed the various theories which had been suggested to explain this class of accidents ; and ended with devising a number of ingenious experi- ments calculated either to confirm or refute them in detail. The arrangements were nearly completed for making these experiments at Sandy Hook and at Pittsburgh, when death put an end to his labors. In the early part of his active career, Mr. Winlock was known and trusted as an accomplished teacher and an excellent mathematician ; well versed in theoretical astronomy, and capable of applying it in laborious and responsible calculations. These qualifications pointed him out as a proper person to be made director of an observatory. With his new opportunity, he developed other talents, which, if not indispensable, were none the less valuable in his changed condition. It might have been expected that his clear mathematical mind would easily comprehend the ph3^sics and the geometry' of the instruments whose usefulness he was to guide, and seize upon any defects which might exist in their construction. In devising remedies for these defects, as simple as they were sufficient, he displayed an originality in his mechanical ideas, and a spirit of invention, which left nothing wanting to fill out the measure of a consummate director. Without any passion for innovation, or any conceit of his own methods, he was not afraid to leave an easy and well-worn path, or disturb the most time-hallowed routine, if he could give good reasons for the change. The life of an assistant at an observatory, obliged to work while other men sleep, exposed to the caprices of the clouds, made nervous by the irregularity of his hours, the nice handling of his instruments, and the delicacy of the work expeoi^ed of him ; disappointed at the critical moment in realizing the fruits of anxious days of preparation, — such a life is dependent, in no small degree, not only for its happiness, but its endurance even, upon innumerable and indescribable little facilities for observation, which individually are not worth the mention, but which in the aggregate tell distinctly upon the success and the comfort of the profession. In his many innovations, of which every room and each instrument in the Observatcny is a witness, ]\h'. Winlock was not misled by any theoretical abstractions, but moved always within the limits of practical good sense. JOSEPH WINLOCK. 349 In his adiniiii.-tmtivc cainicity, whicli was tested in the Xantical Ahnanac, at the Observatory, and on two eclipse expeditions, Mr Win- lock evinced a disinterestedness, a strengtli, and a trancpiillity of mind, which connnanded the respect and won the all'ection of his associates. His leadersliip was nowhere asserted, but everywhere acknowledi^^cd. A man of few words, but of much thought ; of no pretensions, but of great performance, — he did his own part patiently and well, and by his example inspired others to do theirs. The magnitude and the variety of work embraced in his programme, none of which suffered by default, certify to the prudence and the vigor with which his forces w^ere selected and mai-shalled. In his private life, Mr. Winlock was exceptionally quiet and retir- ing. But little inclined to general society, he was full of hospitality. His happiness was not complete without a few very intimate friends ; and he had no enemies. He was remarkably silent before strangers ; but no one talked more or better in the circles which he loved. Indis- posed as he was to take up his pen, when he wrote his words were as trans])arent as his thoughts. Modest and without self-assertion, he had as much as any other man the courage of his own opinions. Slow to put himself forward, he was genial and accessible ; giving his time and his instruction freely to all who asked ; never hoarding up a dis- covery for his own exclusive benefit, but sharing with all his last thought and his newest invention. He was keenly alive to the ridicu- lous ; but there was no ill-nature in his criticisms. Pretence and charlatanism in science amused him ; but they did not destroy his equanimity. AVithout any selfish aims, he took no security for his own discoveries and inventions ; so that others, less scrupulous than he was, too often entered into his labors. His friends sometimes wished that his ambition had been more aggressive ; but perhaps he was wiser, in the simplicity of his character and the purity of his motives, than the men of this generation. The discoveries and inventions which he did not claim for himself will be vindicated for him. In an age of bribery and corruption, every example of honor and fidelity in the execution of a public trust is to be cherished. In an age, when superficiality is preferred to depth, when the asjiirants for scientific distinction sometimes forget to be just, and even the stars of heaven are obscured by the dust of earth, every life consecrated to honest study, not deflected from its high jiath by the love of popular applause, silent in its own strength, as the planets whose courses it follows, is a blessing and a legacy to mankind. In an age, when priority of discovery often counts for more than the advancement of 350 CHAUNCEY WEIGHT. human knowledge, and the vahie of inventions is read only on the patent-rolls, the seeds which are scattered broadcast by the roadside and not selfishly garnered in some private granary, though the sower may have no sense of his own merits, will make the harvest of future science. The deep impression which a quiet, unobtrusive, self-poised career, like that of Mr, Winlock, makes upon the community, can never be known until it is finished. And then we see the beautiful spectacle of all — friends and strangers, those who knew him best, and those who seemed to know him but little — spontaneously offering the tributes of gratitude and affection which they would have refused to the noisy claimant. This is the best hope and the highest reward of science. CHAUNCEY WRIGHT. Chauncey Wright, who died suddenly at Cambridge on the 12th of September, 1875, was born at Northampton, September 20, 1830, and was graduated at Harvard College in 1852. He was an accomplished and able mathematician, and was a member of the Academy in the mathematical section ; but it was in the direction of philosophy that his original, profound, and accurate thought had its most congenial exercise, and found frequent public expression through various journals and reviews. After the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, his attention was chiefly devoted to the discussion which then received so powerful an impulse ; and he is, probably, most widely known as a participant in that discussion. Oue of his articles, which appeared in tlie " North American Review," was con- sidered so important a contribution to the literature of this school, tliat it was ref)ublished in pamphlet form in England, — a compliment the more noteworthy, because it was paid to one who was not a professed naturalist. Mr. Wright took much interest in this Academy, and was for several years its Secretary. He exerted an important and peculiar influence in scientific and literary circles, and one which, there is every reason to believe, would have become wide and commanding, if his life had been spared. We cannot hesitate to say that liis loss is one of the most serious that the Academy and tlie wliole educated eom- iinuiity liave this year to deplore ; and we are ghid to li'aiii that his friends are preparing a republication of his writings, now scatteied through the volumes of periodicals, and will join to it an account of his life and mental characteristics. HORACE BINNEY. 351 HORACE BINNEY. Horace Binney was born in Pliiladditliia, on the Itli of January, " 17S0, and diinl in tliat city on the Tilh of August, 187"), liavini; more than half coniplott'd his ninety-sixtli year. Thoujih Pliilaih'l|ihia saw his birth and deatli, and witnessed liis honored pnbUe and piivate life for tlu-ee ([uarters of a century, Massachusetts furnished the sound stock from which his paternal ancestry sprung. The first liinney of his race emigrated to New England in 1()8<). He came from Hull, in England, and was one of the founders of the worthy little town of the same name on our coast, looking towards Nantasket Roads, distin- guished for many years as the seat of the smallest constituency entitled to representation in the country, vying in that particular with Old Sarum itself, until the ruthless hand of reform swept away its Lillipu- tian franchise. The sea offered an obvious career to the inhabitants of the miniature township ; and, accordingly, early in the last century we find the grandfather of Mr. Binney sailing out of Boston, as master of a vessel, and afterwards established there in trade. His son, Barnabas Binney, made a step forward in life, being one of the first thirty graduates of Brown University, taking his degree in 1774. He received whatever medical education the country then afforded at Philadel|»hia, and, on the breaking out of the war, he took service as a surgeon in the ^Massachusetts line, from which he was afterwards transferred to that of Pennsylvania. Dr. Binney settled in Phila- delphia, and married Mary Woodrow, of a good Scotch-Ti-ish family, in 1777. He is described as having been a man of unusual intellectual power, uncommonly well-read, of great strength of principle and force of character. His wife strongly resembled her husband in all the material qualities of his mind and character, and was in every respect a helpmeet for him. Whatever qualities of mind and tendencies of disposition Mr. Binney may have derived from his father, they came to him by inheritance only, as Dr. Binney died in 1787, when his son was but seven years old. His mother, however, was equal to the charge of his education, the beginnings of which were had at schools in Philadelphia and its neighborhood. In the year 1791, when her son was eleven years of age, Mrs. Binney entered into a second marriage with Dr. Marshall Spring, of Watertown, in this State, a connection which was in every way favorable to the happiness and improvement of the young boy. His mother survived her second marriage only two years, dying in 352 HORACE BIXXEY. 1793, just after his admission to college. Left thus on the very thresh- old of life, at thirteen, without father or mother to advise and direct him, he gave the best possible proof of his reverence for their memory, by his devotion to the opportunities of improvement which lay before him. In 1797, he took his degree at the head of his class, though but seventeen years old. Among his classmates were that eminent scholar, the Rev. Dr. William Jenks ; Dr. John Collins Warren ; Judge Daniel Appleton White ; Professor Asahel Stearns, the imme- diate predecessor of Judge Story in the Law School of the University, all of them Fellows of the Academy ; and Chief Justice William Merchant Ilichardson, of New Hampshire. IMr. Biiiney bore this testimony, long afterwards, to the advantages he had derived from his academic education : "■ The unfading art which I acquired at col- lege was that of stud}^ ; and, if the acquisitions I then made are faded or fallen from the surface, the art or faculty of study ha-? never left me." A just recognition of the truth that the function of a Univer- sity is to train, even more than to store, the young mind. When young Biuney first began to consider what should be the serious business of his life, it is not surprising that he should have first inclined towards the profession of medicine. His liither and his step-father having been both of them in that line of life, his thoughts naturally turned themselves in that direction. Dr. Spring, however, discouraged this inclination ; and he applied for admission to the counting-house of an eminent firm of merchants in Philadelphia, with the idea of devoting himself to trade. Fortunately for his future, there was no room for him there ; and, as a last resort, he turned to the law, and entered the office of Jared Ingersoll, an eminent lawyer of that day. Having once made his choice of the law as the business of his life, he applied the whole force of his mind, with all the power of application his previous discipline had given it. to mastering the science and learning the methods of its reduction to the business of life. His devotion to that jealous mistress was absolute ; and lie allowed himself to be diverted from it by none of the seductions of pl(!asure or of society. In 1800, when but a little past his twentieth year, he was admitte[ i:i»M(»ND LOGAN". 359 linu'stones," which were said to be disliiictly iiiterlietldtMl. Kesiing upon tliese on Lake Tomiscaining, Loi^au described in the same report a newer series, cliieHy of eldorifie shites holdinjf pebbk^s of the underlying gneiss; and in his report of his examination of Lake Supe- rior in 1(S45 (also published in 1847), these two seiies were distinctly indicated as a lower formation of granitic gneiss, often syenitic, and an ui)per one of micaceous, chloritic. and talcose slates, freijnently with epidote, associated with hornblendic rocks and greenstones, (piartzites, and conglomerates including pebbles of the older rocks ; this up[)er series being probably several thonsand feet in thickness. Li their report for 1851 on the geology of Lake Superior, Messrs. Foster and Whitney also described these crystalline rocks, including the two divisions, as the Azoic system, which they recognized as of sedimentary origin. The fiirther studies of the Canadian survey established the importance of the two divisions, and the necessity of separate designations for them; and in Logan's report for 1853 (pub- lished in 1854) the name of the Laurentian series was given to the lower formation, which forms the chief part of the elevated region to the north-west of the St. Lawrence to which the title of the Laurentide Mountains had been previously assigned. The name of Laurentian has since been adopted for the similar rocks of Continental Europe and of the British Isles. In 1855, the designation of Huronian was given by the Canadian survey to the upper division, including the series characterized by greenstones and talcose and chloritic schists which is largely developed on the sliores of Lakes Huron and Superior (where it had been carefully studied and mapped by Mr. Alexander Mui-ray), and constitutes tlie Huron Mountains to the south of the latter lake. The subsequent labors of Logan on the Ottawa established clearly the regularly stratified character of the Laurentian series, of which he measured about 20,000 feet, consisting of four gneiss formations sepa- rated by three limestones, each of the latter having a thickness of from 1,000 to 1,500 feet, and associated with quartzites ; the whole con- stituting a series comparable in value to the entire lower Paleozoic. These strata, greatly affected by undulations and penetrated by eruptive rocks, were by Logan traced with infinite labor over an area of 2,000 square miles ; and a geological map of this region, published by him in the Atlas to the Geology of Canada in 1863. is the first attempt to un- ravel the stratigraphy of this most ancient and disturbed series of rocks. At the summit of this series. was found a mass of about 10,000 feet of stratified crystalline rocks, which, unlike those below, consisted chiefly of labradorite and hypersthene rocks, with some little included 360 Sm WILLIA3I EDMOXD LOGAX. gneiss and quartzite and a band of crystalline limestone. This series Logan subsequently showed to be unconformable to the older gneisses, and gave it the name of Upper Laurentian, subsequently exchanged fur that of Labradovian or Norian. Indirect evidence that these lowest rocks were not really Azoic was soon pointed out, and in 1858 obscure forms resembling those of Stromatopora were detected in the Laurentian limestones, and were exhibited by Logan to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1859, as probably organic; but it was not till 18C4 that Daw'son announced that these and other similar forms were the remains of a gigantic rhizopod, to which he gave the name of Eozoon Cana- dense. The history of this curious form is well known, and its organic nature, though at one time much contested, is now disputed by few. To Logan we owe a large part in the investigations of the Canadian Survey which have established the following great facts in the geology of the Azoic or, as they may henceforth be called, the Eozoic rocks : — I. The relations of the Laurentian as a great stratified series of crystalline rocks of aqueous origin, occupying a position at the base of the known geological column and containing evidences of organic life. II. The fact of the unconformable superposition to the Laurentian of tlie Upper Laurentian or Norian series. II L The firt^t recognition that unconformably overlying the Lauren- tian was still another series of crystalline stratified rocks, the Iluro- nian. (The relative ages of the Norian and Huronian still remain undetermined, for the reason that they have never yet certainly been found in juxtaposition.) IV. The fact that the Laurentian, Norian, and Huronian, are all of them unconformably overlaid by the lower members of the New York Paleozoic series. His labors on the Laurentian rocks w-ere continued at intervals up to 18G7, and were performed with an amount of fatigue and sacrifice of personal comfort which can only be understood by those who have had to traverse these rugged forest regions. He often wandered for days through a wilderness, with a prismatic conijiass in hand, counting his paces, and gathering rock-specimens as he went. His notes, made in pencil, were always written out each night in ink, and the journey- ings of the day protracted, often by the light of the camp-fire. In the iutervals of these investigations, Logan was devoting his attention to another region of crystalline rocks, the extension of the Green Mountains of Vermont through eastern Canada to a point a little south-east of Quebec, the study of which he began in 1847. SIR WILLIAM EDMOND LOGAN. 3G1 The j)revious attemi)ts to estiihlisli a })anilluli.sui between the geoh>gi- cal succession in eastern New York and western New England had led most American geologists to supposi^ that the crystalline schists of the latter region were the stratigraphical ecjiiivalents of the lower members of the New York Paleozoic series in an altered coiiditi(jn ; thongh there were not wanting those who, with Ennnons, regarded these crystalline strata as a part of the primary or so-called Azoic series. Logan, who began, as was his custom, to work out the stratigraphy of these rocks in minute detail, accejtted the views of the majority on this disputed question, and endeavored to establish a parallelism be- tween the subdivisions of these crystalline strata of the Green Moun- tains and their prolongation into Canada, and the uncrystalline fossili- ferous sti-ata which are found everywhere along their north-western base from the valley of Lake Champlain. These, the so-called Upper Taconic of Emmons, he at first looked upon as newer than the Tren- ton limestone, but, yielding to the evidence of organic remains, assigned them at length to their true position immediately below the horizon of this limestone, and named them the Quebec group. That these un- crystalline strata were really newer rocks than the adjacent crystal- lines (of which they include fragments), Logan was unwilling to admit, and spent many years in an unsuccessful attempt to establish a corre- spondence between the two series. That these latter rocks, called by him the *' altered Quebec group," belong to the same Huroniau series which he was the first to distinguish farther to the westward as of pre- jjaleozoic age, will now be questioned by none who have compared the two regions. The record of Logan's later life is little else than that of his patient and unwearying devotion to the work of the geological survey of Canada, of which he remained the director for twenty-five years. In 1863, he prepared and published, with the aid of Professor James Hall, a geological map of northeastern America, including the region north to James's Bay, south to Virginia, and west to Nebraska. This map, on a scale of twenty-five miles to the inch, remains the most complete attempt to delineate the geology of the region. Ilis other published works are confined to the reports of the geological survey, and a few papers to scientific societies on kindred subjects. He- had little aptitude for literary labor, and found the work of composition difficult. He rendered good sei'vice to science and to his native country at the inter- national exhibitions of 1851 and 1855, being a juror at the first, and a commissioner at the second. On the latter occasion he was knighted by the Queen, and by the Emperor Napoleon made a chevalier ot the 362 WILLIA3I SWEETSEE,. Legion of Honor, in which order he was subsequently raised to the rank of officer. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, of the Imperial Leojjoldo-Carolinian Academy of Germany, and of many other scientific societies. In the year 1857, he was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1869, his advancing years and failing health, together with the necessity of devoting more time to his large estate, led him to resign his position as director of the geological survey, though he still con- tinued to spend a portion of his summer in geological exploration, much of which was in the western parts of Vermont and Massachu- setts. The incompleted results of these last few years, however, remain unpublished. He left his home in Montreal in August, 1874, to spend the autumn and winter in Great Britain, intending to re- turn to his geological labors in the spring ; but, his bodily ailments increasing, he died and was buried at the home of his sister in AVales. Sir AVilliam Logan was unmarried, and, though genial and kindly in his social relations, led a solitary and very retired life. His work in science was neither that of a paleontologist, a lithologist, or a miner- alogist ; in all of which departments he was, throughout his career, ably seconded by the labors of James Hall, Sterry Hunt, Dawson, and Bilhngs. His great merit was the jiossession of a rare skill in strati- graphy, and an amount of patience, industry, and devotion to his work, which lias rarely been equalled, and has enabled him to connect his name imperisliably with the geology of the older rocks. WILLIAM SWEETSEE. William Sweetser, son of William and Elizabeth (Bennison) Sweetser, was born in Boston, September 8, 1797. He was fitted for college under the tuition of Rev. Mr. Frothingham, then of Saugus, afterward of Belfast, Me. He entered Harvard College in 1811, was graduated in 1815, and received his medical degree in 1818. He then settled at Sherburne, Mass., where he came at once into an extensive country practice, and won the entire confidence and high regard of the community. He received the Boylston prize in 1820, for a dissertation on " Cynanche Trachealis, or Croup;" and again, in 1823, for one on "The Functions of the Extreme Capillary Vessels in Health and Disease." He subsequently, in 1829, received a premium offered by the Massachusetts Medical Society, for the best dissertation on " In- temperance." GABRIEL ANDRAL. 303 In 1S2 I, he returned to liis native city, and remained there till his removal to New York, about tliirty years ago. His serviees as a teac^lier were so early and so fully retjuiri'd, that, on leaving Sherburne, he virtually relin(iuished the regular praelieo of his profession. On the strength of his reputation in the Medical School, as a student of rare merit and promise, he was, in 181'J, chosen l*rofessor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, in the Uiuversity of \'ermont. In 1845, he was elected to a similar Professorsliip in Bowdoin College. He subsequently held professorships in Geneva College, and in the Medical School at Castleton, Vt., and for two years was a lecturer at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. During the prime of life, he arranged his courses of lectures at these different institutions, so as to hold several professorships at the same time ; but with increasing years he resigned them successively, and closed his public career by a last course of lectures at Bowdoin Col- lege in 18G1. The remainder of his life was passed in retirement with a devotion to his private studies and to general literature, which yielded only and late to growing bodily infirmity. He died on the 14th of October, 1875. Dr. Sweetser's professional and scientific reputation was high, and it was thoroughly genuine. He had no extraneous attractions of per- son, address, or elocution ; and his modesty never suffered him to push his own claims, or to seek recognition for his own merits. Whatever fame he had was won by native ability, deep thought, hard study, and faithful service. In private life, he was a man of amiable disposition, pure and high principle, and blameless character, most respected and loved by those who knew him best. His published works, besides the dissertations already referred to, and numerous addresses, and other occasional pamphlets, are as fol- lows : — Treatise on Consumption, 1833 ; Treatise on Digestion and its Disorders, 1837 ; Mental Hygiene, 1843 ; Human Life, 18G7. GABRIEL ANDRAL. Gabriel Axdral, the son of a prominent physician, was born in Paris, November G, 1797, and died in that city, February 13, 187G, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. Audral studied medic-ine at the college of Louis le Grand, and took his medical degree in 1821. He gained a sub-professorship, by com- 364 GABRIEL AXDEAL. petition, in 1823. He was chosen Professor of Hygiene in 1828, and the same year was appointed one of the physicians of the Hos- pital La Pitie. He was promoted to the chair of Internal Pathol- ogy in 1836, and to that of General Pathology and Therapeutics, the highest in rank, in 1839. He was elected to the Academy of Medicine in 1823, and to the Academy of Sciences in 1843. Thus, early taking prominent positions, he rose progressively to the highest eminence as practitioner, author, and teachei", and became a ruling influence in the exciting movements and bustling progress of medical science in his day. As a practitioner he was abundantly successful, numbering among his clients the highest and noblest in the land. He was courteous in manner, and considerate in manipulation. His prudence in experi- mentation, and his little reliance upon drugs as remedies, less supersti- tious certainly than that of some of his associates, led occasionally to the ungracious remark that he was more interested in pathological verifications than in therapeutic success. Nevertheless, he was noted for great accuracy in diagnosis, and for eminently judicious treatment of the sick. The most considerable of his publications, the first volume of which was published in 1823, only two years after his graduation, was his Clinique Medicale, which reached its third edition in five volumes in 1834. This work of years, still much consulted, is distinguished for good faith in researches, ardent regard for truth, opposition to hypo- thesis, and a philosophic spirit. In 1829, he began his Precis d'Ana- tomie Pathologique, which, in its three parts, ultimately formed two volumes. This was an attempt to trace out more thoroughly the laws connecting morbid appearances found after death with the symptoms manifested by disease during life. With more comprehensive views than his contemporaries, then leaning too much to solidisin, he showed this to be one, but only one, of the important methods for establishing in full the science of the sick man. In the same spirit, in connection with Gavarret and Delaford, he instituted observations on the blood, in health and disease, and published the results in 1843, in a treatise entitled Essai d Hematoloijie Palliulocjiqiie. As a teacher he was unrivalled. By his originality, good judgment, Bound learning, and brilliant s|ieech, he compelled the interested atten- tion of the most indifferent student, as that of the ablest scientists who crowded his amphitheatre. Honest and earnest, he gained the con- fidence of all by the remarkably clear statements of what he himself implicitly believed. Some idea, however inadequate, of the substance I MARCHESE GINO CAPPOXI. SG') and spirit of these leetures, may l»e ohtaiucd from ;i very faithful aiul appreciative report of a portion of them published by Latoiir in threo vohnnes in 1836, under the title of Cunrs de Putholoffie Interne. At the height of his fame, Andral was without question the grandest professor in the Faculty at Paris, then the most renowned in the workl. Andral married the daughter of the celebrated Royer-Collard, by whom he had one son, Charles Guillaume Paul Andral, born June 13, 1828, now Vice-President of the Council of State, and an eminent member of the French bar. In ISGG, his wife becoming ill of a pain- ful and incurable disease, Andral gave up his extensive practice, his professorship, and high scientitic positions, and retired while in the full possession of his physical and mental powers to Chateauvieux, her family country-seat, there to devote himself entirely to her necessities and comfort, — a self-sacrifice worthy and characteristic of his affec- tionate nature, and well-known goodness of heart. A few months after the death of his wife, Andral came up to Paris, temporarily, to revisit the scenes of his former labors and triumphs. In the chilly court of the Institute, he was seized with bronchitis, which in a few days terminated his life. Thus he died, as he had always wished, in his native city. His obsequies were attended by distinguished statesmen, deputations from the Institute, the Medical Faculty, and the Academies, a military body-guard from the Legion of Honor (in which he was a Commander), and a host of eminent associates and friends, who, to the number of more than a thousand, in spite of a furious storm, overcrowded the church of St. Pierre-de-Chaillot, in their earnest desire to pay him the last tributes of affection and respect. THE MAECHESE GINO CAPPONI. On the 5th of February, of the present year, Florence put on mourning for her illustrious son, Gino Cap])oni. Clothed in the simple dress of a " Brother of Mercy," his body lay for several hours of that day exposed to public view in a hall on the ground floor of the palace of his family, and was thence followed to its last resting-place by min- isters, magistrates, senators, deputies, and persons specially deputed to represent the most eminent literary and artistic bodies of the States. The telegraph brought messages of condolence to the Syndic 366 MABCHESE GINO CAPPONI. of Florence from his brother syndics of other Italian cities, and the King at Rome wrote to the Marchese Farinola : — " I feel the most lively grief at the very bitter loss which Italy has suffered this day in the death of Gino Capponi. I share fully in the mourning of his family and of the country. " Victor Emmanuel." The honors then paid by men of all ranks and parties to '* I'ottimo nostro Gino Capponi," as the Florentines loved to call hiui, were his due. Last scion of an illustrious house, he was himself illustrious for his virtues and his unselfish patriotism. Like his ancestors, many of whom had taken part in public affairs, he always stood on the side of liberty and progress, feeling that nobility of race is only respectable and respected in its possessor, when he recognizes that it obliges him to make use of the prerogatives which belong to it for the common advancement of all good and noble ol)jects. Eminent as a wise and far-sighted patriot, who knew how to act and speak at the right mo- ment, as well as to stand firm and be silent when deeds and words would have retarded rather than advanced the cause which he had at heart, being in short a wide-minded conservative and a genuine Re- publican, but in no sense a radical or an agitator, Gino Capponi passed hopefully through the dark days which were Italy's portion from 1815 to 1848, kept a firm hand on the helm during the crisis which fol- lowed, and lived to see the increasing brightness of the new day which has now fully dawned upon his beloved country. But not only was he a true patriot, and as such beloved by all who had the good of Italy at heart, he was also the friend and protector of such eminently patri- otic writers as Nicolini, Giusti, Gioberti, Balbo, and Leopardi, whose pens were as sharp swords ever directed against the breasts of those who sought to make the world believe that Italy was a land of the dead ; a land having a glorious Past, whose echoes they would fain have silenced, but which now contained nought but "spectres and mum- mies." Li " La Terra dei Morti," a poem which Giuseppe Giusti, the Tuscan satirist, dedicated to his friend Gino Capponi, he thus bitterly designates his fellow-countrymen, crushed under Austrian rule, and with words which sting cries out to them : " "What do a dead people care for history? to you skeletons, what importeth to talk of liberty and glory?" That the heart of Gino Capponi fully sympatliized in the poet's emotion is proved by the dedication of this burning page to him ; and that the poet counted on his affection is shown in a poem, MARCHESE GINO CAIM'OXT. 807 written years afterwards, wlieii the dark cloud liad passed awav and bettor days had eonie to Italy. '' Since the (hivs of I'ctrarcii," lie, writes in the letter pretixed to it, " tlie poetic law has been recognized that the public is the proper conddaiit of the rhymer's affections. No one who knows that you are the only one to whom 1 have recourse in all which [)asses between myself and me (• tru me e me '), will wonder at this public confession which I send you ; and to those who do not know it, I have wished to say in verse what bonds unite us." Tlu^se bonds, be it said, were never severed until the 31st of IMarch, 1H50, when Giusti, who had for months been the guest of his illustrious friend, ex- pired at the Palazzo Capponi, and was thence carried to his grave in the church of San Miniato. Himself an author of no mean repute, the sympathies of men of letters centred round Gino Capponi. They had none of that jealousy of him, which too often divides the craft, but for half a century were in the habit of looking up to him as "a perma- nent minister of literature." In him they found a wise adviser and an influential friend, sympathetic, kind, hospitable, and generous. A short abstract of the chief events of his life founded on Count Passerini's biographical notice in Litta's Famiglie Celebri, as published in " La Nazione," will ^uifice to show how nobly he filled the triple role of patriot, patron, and friend. Son of the Marchese Pier Roberto and the Marchesa Maria INIad- daleua Frescobaldi, Gino Alessandro Giuseppe Gasparo Capponi was born at Florence, on the 14th of September, 1792. At the age of seven, when the Grand Duke Ferdinand HI. was driven out of Tus- cany by the invading French, he left his native city with his parents ; and during four years of exile, as also after his returA home, pursued his studies under the best masters until 1813, when he was sent to France as one of a deputation charged to offer aid and assistance from the City of Florence to the Emperor Napoleon, whose power and prestige had received a rude shock in the Russian cam|)aign and by the disastrous battle of Leipsic. In recognition of his services on this important mission, he was appointed Chamberlain to the Grand Duke, an otfice which did not prevent him from visiting France, Germany, and Eng- land, for the purpose of completing his education, and of gaining that valuable experience of men and things, which he was to turn to good account in after life. On his return to Italy, he immediately assumed the position to which his birth, his talents, and his virtues entitled him. Every good enterprise found in him a ready helper ; and through the interest which he took in the opening of schools, savings banks, and infant asylums, he did much to advance the cause of morality and 368 IMAKCHESE GIXO CAPPOXI. civilization among his countrymen. Regarding the press as a most vahiable agency to this end, his pen was never idle. He was one of the founders of the " Antologia," a paper which he enriched with many valuable articles ; as also of the " Archivio Storico Italiano," a periodical filled with Italian chronicles and documents of tlie greatest historical interest. Ilif^tory had great attractions for him, and his private library contained many valuable manuscripts and rare books, of which he himself compiled and published a catalogue. The volume of historical documents, which he published in 1838, and " Le Istorie di Giovanni Cavalcanti," which followed it two years later, together with many numerous and important newspaper articles, gave him a litei'ary reputation which was acknowledged, not only by the four learned societies of Florence, the Crusca, the Georgofili, the Ateneo, and the Colombaria, but also by the most celebrated Transalpine Academies, all of which desired to enroll him among their members. To one not cognizant of the condition of Italy, during the years wliich began at Campo Formio and ended at Novara, it is difficult to realize the tact, prudence, and discretion required of a man who, like the Marchese Gino Capponi, had the best interests of Italy at heart, and desired to serve them. To be a liberal, and the friend of liberals, was to be an object of suspicion ; and although the position of Tuscany was then far better than that of Lombardy, the Roman States, or the Kingdom of Naples, it was a task of no small difficulty to aid in steer- ing the ship of reform through the nundierless shoals and quii-ksands which beset her path, without running her aground and aggravating the dangers of her position. The great object in view was to form a national resolve that liberty should be achieved, and to strengthen the national character, so that, when that result was brought about, it should not degenerate into license. Like Napoleon III., who was always on the eve of " crowning the edifice," to use his favorite ex- pression, the Grand Duke was wont to dangle projects of reform before the eyes of his subjects. His government professed to be lib- eral, and proposed to institute advanced reforms in the State ; but it wished to take its own time, and did not care to have the task taken out of its hand by spirits impatient of a long delayed result. Thus it happened that, when Gino Capponi and his friends asked to be allowed to print a journal which was intended to direct public opinion in the right direction, permission was refused by the Minister, on the ground that the government desired to be itself the initiator of even greater reforms than those which they projected. The pressure of outside events at last became so great, that, late in the year 1847, Capponi I MARCHESE C.INO CAPrONI. 369 was imitotl by tlio (Jniiid Duke to I'oiin one of a coinniith'f* erlain of the first Napoleon, who married a niece of the Count de Vergeniies, an intimate friend of the Empress Jose- phine. Some of his early years were thus passed at St. Cloud, where his father was Prcfet of the Palace. He was educated at the Lycee Napoleon, and was there distinguished for his scholarship. He began early to write in the journals and periodicals, and always on the liberal side. In 1830, he took bold ground, with 31. 'J'liiers, against the ordinances of M. Poliguac, which cost Charles X. his throne. I CHAIILES-FRAN9OIS-MAIUI:, COMTE DE r6mUSAT. 371 lie luul just before luiinied, for his second wife (llie lirst having survived her marriage only two years), Mile, de Lasteyrie, the graiid(hiui,diter of the cele])rated Manpiis (hi Lafayette. He was an aide-de-eani[) of l-,afayette at this period, when the marquis was com- mander-in-chief of the National Guard. He soon entered the Ciiara- ber of Deputies, was in the conlidential cabinet service of M. Casimir Perier, and afterwards Minister of the Interior. As writer, deputy, and minister, he uuiforiuly espoused and advocated liberal opinions and measures. He protested against the coup d'etat of Napoleon III. in 1801, and was imprisoned and afterwards exiled. He had been made a member of the Academy of Moral and Politi- cal Sciences in 1842, and one of the forty members of the French Academy in 1846. His exemption from political service during the Second Empire gave him the desired opportunity to pursue his philo- sophical and literary studies. Pie had published two volumes of Philo- sophical Essays, in 1842; two volumes on Abelard, in 184"); and, in the same year, an elaborate Report to the Academy on German Philosophy. In 1854, he published a work on the spiritual power of the eleventh century, under the title of " Saint Anselm of Canter- bury ; " in 1856, he published "Studies and Portraits of England in the Eighteenth Century," a work which he enlarged to two volumes in 1865 ; in 1858, he published his " Life, Time, and Philosophy of Bacon ; " and, in 1864, a volume on Religious Philosophy. A volume entitled " Chanuing, sa Vie et ses Qi^uvres," of which a second edition was printed in 1861, has been sometimes included in the works of Remusat; but he wrote only the prefaces to the succes- sive editions, while the volume itself was written by an accomplished English lady, Mrs. Robert Hollond. In 1871, after the downfall of the empire and the conclusion of the war with Germany, M. de Remusat was made Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was prominently associated with M. Thiers in achieving the territorial liberation of France from German occupation. When M. Thiers resigned the Presidency of the French Republic in 187.'3, M. de Remusat also retired from ministerial service. He remained, however, a member of the Chamber of Deputies to the end of his life. A few months only before his death, he laid before the French Academy his " History of Philosophy in England from Bacon to Locke," in two volumes. He was buried in the old Ciraitiere de Picpus in Paris, where the tomb of Lafayette is well known to American travellers. F^ulogies were jDronounced at his grave by representatives of the French Acad- 372 Sm CHAPtLES WHEATSTOlSrE. emy and of tlie Chamber of Deputies; and an elaborate INIemolr of his life and Avritings was communicated to tlie Revue des Deux Mondes (November, 1875) by his life-long friend, M. Duvergier de Hauranue, iu which ample justice was done to him as an eminent writer, a religious pliilosopher, and a constant and able supporter of liberal principles. The United States Minister to France (Mr. Washburne), in a pub- lished despatch to the State Department at Washington (18 June, 1875), after alluding to the friendship which M. de Remusat had always manifested for our country and its institutions, speaks of him as follows: "To quick intelligence and rare culture he united the simplest manners and most unaffected modesty. His genial disposi- tion, the graces of his spirit, and the charm of his conversation, left upon all the impression of his purity and worth as a citizen, his accomplishments as a statesman, and his fidelity, honesty, and patriot- ism as a public servant. The love of France was the hope and inspiration of his life. . . . Though always holding liberal opinions, his inclinations were monarchical ; but, yielding to the logic of events and the demands of circumstances, it was his judgment that the Republic was the oidy form of Government that could give peace and safety to France." He was elected a member of this Academy on the 12th of Novem- ber, 1873. SIR CHARLES WHEATSTONE. Charles Wiieatstone was born at Gloucester, in the year 1802. His early education appears to have been very limited ; but he dis- played, as a boy, a strong taste for mechanics, and especially for the construction or modification of musical instruments. He began his scientific career with the study of acoustics, and made numerous original experiments and researches, his first paper appearing in the " Annals of Philosophy," in 1823. For some years he was a dealer in musical instruments ; but he soon began to direct his attention to other sub- jects, and in 1834: published the results of a series of experiments on the velocity of electricity, made with apjtaratus constructed for him by the late Mr. Joseph Saxton, of Washington. The progress of science has shown that Wheatstone's experiments led him to conclusions wliich were in some respects untenable; but his paper was received with acclamation, and certainly gave a decided im2)ulse to the science of SIK CHARLES WHEATSTONE. 373 electricity. The application of the irvolviug mirror to the nieasiire- inent of very small intervals of time was the germ of the later deter- mination of th(^ velocity of li^ht l)y Kizeaii and Foucanlt. In 1837, "VVheatstone associated himself with Cooke in a new attempt to solve the often mooted problem of an electric telegraph. The history of "NVheatstone's share in the invention has often been written. He was not the tirst inventor of an electric telegraph, lie was not even the first who atteni[)ted to carry into execution a clearly delined scien- tific conception. But he brought to the practical solution of tiie problem great mechanical resources, with extraordinary energy and perseverance, and in the end he triumphed in England exactly as Morse triumphed iu this country, — triumphed by the tenacity of his intellectual grasp of the subject, by unflagging perseverance and unwavering faith. In estimating Wheatstone's merit in connection with the develoi^meut of the electric telegraph, the eminent services rendered by his partner, Cooke, must not be forgotten. The two together did for England what Morse alone did for this country; but the special methods of Cooke and Wheatstone are already neai-ly for- gotten, while those of Morse are in almost universal use. The list of AVheatstoue's papers iu the catalogue of the Royal Society includes only thirty titles. Iu 1838, he published his first paper on binocular vision, and during the same year he gave to the world the eai'liest form of tlie stereoscope. lie seems to have considered the subject from a purely scieutific point of view, and the form which lie gave to the instrument was not adapted to popular use. The invention of the lenticular stereosco^De by Sir David Brewster was the next step; but the full beauty and usefulness of the invention did not appear until after the discovery of the art of photography. With the somewhat bitter controversy which followed Brewster's improvemeut, we have nothing to do. To Wheatstone belongs the creation, not merely of a scientific instrument which almost takes rank with the microscope and telescope, not merely of a -toy which has found its way to the house- holds of all civilized races of men, and which is an unfailing source of cultivated and refined pleasure, but of a whole branch of physiological optics, the science of binocular vision, applicable to color as well as to form, and full of fruits of usefulness and beauty. In 1843, Wheatstone rendered another great service to science by the publication of a memoir on new instruments and processes for the determination of the con- stants of a voltaic circuit. In this paper he made known to Eng- land, and we believe we may also say to America, the theory of the galvanic circuit first proposed by Ohm. He gave to the ai)plicatious 374 SIR CHARLES WHKATSTONE. of the theory a simple and clear mathematical form, devised a new and advantageous terminology, and introduced most ingenious special forms of apparatus, in particular that now universally known as Wheatstone's bridge. His prismatic analysis of the light of the elec- tric spark taken between electrodes of mercury belongs with the early history of the spectroscope, and deserves to be cited in connection with that instrument. Wheatstone's eminent services to science re- ceived the fullest recognition during his lifetime, in both wealth and honor. It is, perhaps, too soon to measure his intellectual stature with perfect fairness, and materials for the story of his life are still wanting; l)ut his name will always be associated with two of the most beautiful and useful of human inventions. On the 19th of October last, he closed a life which may well be called memorable. Since the last Annual Meeting, the Academy has received an accession of nineteen new members : eight Fellows, — Henry Adams, Thomas D wight, R. T. Edes, E. L. God- kin, Charles E. Hamlin, Hiram F. Mills, Ira Remsen, John L. Sibley; eight Associate Fellows, — A. N. Arnold, Joseph Le Conte, F. A. Genth, D. C. Gilman, O. C. Marsh, Alfred M. Mayer, H. A. Rowdand, W. Sellers ; and three Foreign Honorary Members, — Balfour Stewart, A. C. Ramsay, Count Sclopis di Salerano. On the other hand, by removal from the State, or by resignation, the following ten Fellows have abandoned their membership : S. P. Andrews, A. N. Arnold, J. B. Greenough, R. S. Greenough, Thomas Hill, Nathaniel Holmes, Edw^ard Pearce, W. H. Pettee, G. M. Searle, W. H. Swift. The list of the Academy corrected to May 10, 1876, is hereto added. It includes 191 Fellows, 9-1 Associate Fel- lows, and 66 Foreign Honorary ]\Iembers. LIST OF THE FELLOWS AND FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. May 10, 1876. FELLOWS. — 101. (Number liniitud to two hundrod.) Class L — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 01. Section I. — 8. Mathematics. Ezekiel B. Elliott, William Ferrel, Benjamin A. Gould, Gustavus Hay, Benjamin Peirce, James M. Peirce, John D. Runkle, Edwin P. Seaver, Washington. Washington. Cordoba. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Section II. — 7. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. J. Ingersoll Bowditch, Boston. Alvan Clark, Cambridgeport. Henry iMitchell, Robert Treat Paine, William A. Rogers, George M. Searle, Henry L. Whiting, Roxbiiry. Boston. Cambridge. New York. Boston. Section III. — 27. Physics and Chemistry. John Bacon, Boston. John H. Blake, Boston. Thos. Edwards Clark, Williamstown. W. J. Clark, Amherst. Josiah P. Cooke, Jr., Cambridge. James M. Crafts, Boston. William P. Dexter, Roxbury. Charles W. Eliot, Cambridge. Moses G. Farmer, Newport. Wolcott Gibbs, Boston. Augustus A. Hayes, Brookline. Henry B. Ilill, Cambridge. Ebeu N. Ilorsford, Cambridge. T. Sterry Hunt, Boston. Chark'S L. Jackson, Cambridge. Joseph Lovering, Cambridge. John M. Merrick, Boston. William R. Nichols, Boston. John M. Ordway, Boston. Edward C. Pickering, Boston. Ira Remsen, Williamstown. Edward S. Ritchie, Boston. S. P. Sharpies, Cambridge. Frank H. Storer, Jamaica Plain. John Trowbridge, Cambridge. Cyrus M. Warren, Brookline. Charles H. Wing, Boston. Section IV. — 19. Technology and Enyineerinr/. H. L. Abbot, G. R. Baldwin, John M. Batchelder, C. O. Boutelle, Edward C. Cabot, Henry L. Eustis, James B. Francis, John B. Henck, John C. Lee, William R. Lee, Hiram F. Mills, Alfred P. Rockwell, John Rodgers, Stephen P. Ruggles, Charles S. Storrow, John H. Temple, William R. Ware, William Watson, Morrill Wyman, New York. Quebec. Cambridge. Washington. Boston. Cambridge. Lowell. Boston. Salem. Roxbury. Lawrence. Boston. ^Vashington. Boston. Boston. W. Roxbury. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. FELLOWS. Class II. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — G6. Section I. — 11. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe. Thomas T. Bouve, Williaiu T. Brigham, Algernon Coolidge, John L. Hayes, Charles T. Jackson, Jules Marcou. Raphael Punipelly, AVilliaui B. Rogers, Nathaniel S. Shaler, Charles U. Shepard, Josiah D. Whitney, Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Amherst. Cambridge. Section II. — 10. Botany. Jacob Bigelow, George B. Emerson, William G. Farlow, George L. Goodale, Asa Gray, II. H. Hunnewell, John A. Lowell, Chas. J. Sprague, Edward Tuckerman, Serene Watson, Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Wellesley. Boston. Boston. Amherst. Cambridge. Section III. — 2G. Zoology and Physiology. Alex. E. R. Agassiz, Cambridge. J. A. Allen, Cambridge. Robert Amory, Brookline. Nath. E. Atwood, Provincetown. James M. Barnard, Boston. Henry P. Bowditch, Boston. Thomas M. Brewer, Boston. Sanmel Cabot, Boston. John Dean, Waltham. Silas Darkee, Boston. Herrmann A. Hagen, Cambridge. C. E. Hamlin, Cambridge. Alpheus Hyatt, Cambridge. Wm. James, Cambridge. Samuel Kneeland, Boston. Theodore Lyman, Boston. John McCrady, Cambridge- Edward S. jNIorse, Salem. Alpheus S. Packard, Jr., Salem. Charles Pickering, Boston. L. Francis Pourtales, Cambridge. Frederic W. Putnam, Salem. Samuel H. Scudder, Cambridge. D. Humphreys Storcr, Boston. Henry Wheatland, Salem. James C. White, Boston. Section IV. Medicine and Samuel L. Abbot, Henry J. Bigelow, Henry I. Bowditch, Edward H. Clarke, Benjamin E. Cotting Thomas Dwight, Robert T. Edes, Calvin Ellis, Richard M. Hodges, Oliver W. Holmes, R. W. Hooper, John B. S. Jackson, Edward Jarvis, Edward Reynolds, Horatio R. Storer, John E. Tyler, J. Baxter Upham. Charles E. Ware, Henry W. ^yilliams, . — 19. Surgery. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. , Roxbury. Boston. Roxbury. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Dorchester. Boston. Boston. Boston. Bo.ston. Boston. Boston. FELLOWS. 377 Class III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 01. Section I. — 19. Philosophy and Jurisprudence. George Heini.«, Boston. George T Bigelow, Boston. Francis Bowon, Cambridge, llichanl 11. Dana, Jr., Boston. C. C. Everett, Cambridge. Horace Gray, Boston. Kich. St. John Green, Cambridge. Frederic H. Hedge, Cambridge. L. P. Ilickok, Nortlianipton. Ebenezcr R. Hoar, Concord. Mark Hopkins, Williamstown. C. C. Langdell, Cambridge. Henry W. Paine, Cambridge. Theophilus Parsons, Cambridge. Charles S. Peirce, Washington. "William A. Stearns, Amherst. Benjamin F. Thomas, Boston. Emory Washburn, Cambridge. Francis Wharton, Cambridge. Section H. — 11. Philology and Archceology. Ezra Abbot, William P. Atkinson, H. G. Denny, Epes S. Diswell, William Everett, William W. Goodwin, Ephraim W. Guruey, Chandler Robbins, John L. Sibley, E. A. Sophocles, Edward J. Young, Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Sectio.v hi. — IS. Political Econninij ami llislory. Clias. F. Adams, Jr., (iniiicy. Henry Adams, Boston. Erastus B. Bigelow, Boston. Caleb Cashing, Newburyport. Charles Deane, Cambridge. Charles F. Dunbar, Cambridge. Samuel Eliot, Boston. George E. Ellis, Boston. E. L. Godkin, Caml)ridge. William Gray, Boston. Edward Everett Hale, Boston. J. L. Motley, Boston. Francis Parkman, Brookline. A. P. Peabody, Cambridge. Edmund Quincy, Dedliam. Nathaniel Thayer, Boston. Henry W. Torrey, Cambriria Palmeri, 110. Bahia lanata, 110. Barbala atrovirens, 121. rigida, 121. ruralis, 121. vinealis, 121. Bigelovia Engelmanni, 75. Greenei, 75. spathulata, 74. Biographical Notices : — Gabriel Audral, 3()3. Horace Binncy, 351. ]\Iarchese (iino Capponi, 365. John Henry Clifford, 333. Horatio Balcli Ilackett, 334. Sir William Edmond Logan, 357. Joel Parker, 836. Charles- Francois-Marie, Comte de Kejnusat, 370. William Sweetser, 302. Sir Charles Wlieatstone, 372. Joseph Winlock, 339. Chauncey Wright, 350. Botanical Contributions, 71, 105. Brahea armata, 140. edulis, 120, 140. filauientosa, 147. Brassica nigra, 113. Brickellia microphylla, 74. Bromus sterilis, 120. c. Calamintha Palmeri, 100, 117. Calandrinia Brewori, 124. JSIenziesii, 113, 124. Calystegia subacaulis, 90. villosa, 90. I 396 INDEX. Campanula biflora, 82. Coloradoeiisis, 82. flagellaris, 83. intermedia, 83. leptocarpa, 82. Ludoviciana, 83. Montevidensis, 83. Campylocera leptocarpa, 82. Cardamine Gambelii, 147. Cassia armata, 136. Castilleia foliolosa, 117. CeanotliLis crassifolius, 114. cuneatus, 114. Ceratocarpus, 103. Ceratodon purpureus, 121. Cercidium floridiim, 135. Texanum, 136. Cham?esaraclia, 90. Coronopus, 90. nana, 90. sordida, 90. Chapmannia, 103. Chenopodiuni album, 119. Cicuta Bolanderi, 139. Claytonia perfoliata, 113. Cleomella oocarpa, 72. plocasperma, 72. Clouds, Height and Velocity of, 263. Cobalt, Hexatomic Compounds of, 1. Cobaltamines, Formation and Prep- aration of, 37. Theoretical Views, 44. Collinsia, 91. barbata, 92. bartsiajfolia, 92. bicolor, 92. corymbosa, 92. grandiflora, 93, 94. Greenei, 92. heterophylla, 92. hirsuta, 92. minima, 93. parviflora, 93. septemnervia, 92. solitaria, 93. siiarsiflora, 93. tenella, 93. tinctoria, 92. Torreyi, 93. verna, 93. violacea, 93. Collomia gilioides, 118. Committees, 314, 315, 323. Communications from Messrs. A. Agassiz, 231. R. Amory, 70, 279, 310, 332. Communications from Messrs. A. G. Bell, 331. H. P. Bowditch. 281, 331. C. H. Davis, 185. J. P. Cooke, Jr., 316, 329. W. Everett, 329. W. Gibbs, 1, 316, 322. A. Gray. 71, 322. H. B. Hill, 323. C. L. .Jackson, 331. W. W. Jacques, 265, 269, 331. B. Peirce, 316, 317. 324, 331. B. O. Peirce, Jr., 218, 324. E. C. Pickering, 256, 263, 273, 316, 322. G. S. Pine, 303, 332. W. A. Rogers, 237, 317, 321, 322, 331. H. A. Rowland, 191, 317. T. H. Safford, 52, 157, 193, 210, 316, 317, 324, 331. S. H. Scudder, 324. S. P. Sharpies, 149, 322. L. Trouvelot, 62, 174, 317, 322. J. Trowbridge, 202, 322, 323, 324. S. Watson, 105, 317, 321. W. AVatson, 316, 322, 323, 324, 329. H. Whiting, 293, 332. W. P. Wilson, 228, 283. Condensers and Geissler's Tubes, 228. Conioselinum Fischeri, 140. Convolvulus Californicus, 90. luteolus, 90. occidentalis, 89, 118. villosus, 90. Cornus Torreyi, 145. Cucurbita Californica, 138. palmata, 137. Cupressus macrocarpa. 119. Cuscuta Californica, 90. salina, 90. subinclusa, 90. Cymopterus glcbosus, 141. montanus, 141. Cypripedium occidentale, 147. parviflorum, 147. passerinum, 147. D. Dalea, 132. * Californica, 132. Daucus pusillus, 115. INDEX. 397 Diamoqiha pusilla, 71. Dii'oria Braiidt'jfei, 7ti. Diffraction of Souml, "JGO. Diplacus oliitiiiosus, 1)7. loiiniriorus, !)7. Diplostfpliiuin oanuin, 75, 115. DistaiKH's, Mt'asun'iiient of, 'J57. lK)(l.>ca(lii"on M.'adia, 117. Draper, ,Iolm W., Award of Iliiiu- ford Medal to, ;ni, ;L'.5. Dysmioodoii I'aliforuicum, 83. ovatum, 83. perfoliatum, 83. E. Ecliidiocarya, 89. Arizoiiica, 89. Echini, Viviparous, from Kerguelen Island, 2:31. Echinocystis fabacea, 138. muricata, 139. Electrical Resistance in Wires, C'iiange of, bv Stretching, 303. Electro-Magnets, on Thin Plates of Iron used as Armatures, 202. Ellisia chrysanthemifolia, 118. Emmenanthe peuduliflora, 118. pusilla, 87. Encelia viscida, 78. Epilobium miuvituni, 115. Eriogonum chrysocephalum, 101. Kingii, 101. Eritrichium angustifoliuni, 118. muriculatum, 118. Erodium cicutarium, 108, 113. moschatum, 109, 111. Eschscholtzia Californica, 112, 122. minutiflora, 122. Etheric Force, on the so-called, 206. Eunanus bicolor, 90. Bigelovii, 9G. Coulteri, 95. Douglasii, 95. Fremonti, 96, 97. Tolmiaei, 96. Eurotia, 103. , Eurj-j^itera lucida, 142. Expert Evidence, Committee on, 323. F. Fellows, Associate, List of, 378. Fellows deceasi'd: — .John Henry ("lifford. 333. Horatio M.'llackett, 333. Joel I'arker, 333. •Joseph Winloek, 310. I'iiauncey Wright, 310. Fellows elected: — Henry Adams, 318, 321. Albert Nicholius .\rMold, 317, 321. Thomas Dwight, Jr., 323. Robert Thaxter Edes, 318, 323. Frederick A. Ceiith, 317, 321. Daniel C. Gilman, 317, 323. Edwin Lawrence (Jodkin, 323, 32L Charles Edward Ilandiii, 323, 330. Joseph LeConte, 317, 323. Othniel Charles Marsh, 317, 330. Alfred M. IMayer, 317, 321. Hiram F. :Miris. 318, 321. Ira Remsen, 318, 323. llenrv A. Rowlan.l, 330. William Sellers, 317. John Langdon Sibley, 330, 331. Fellows, List of, 375. Ferula Newberryi, 1-15. Festuca microstachys, 120. Filago Arizonica, 115. Flora of Guadalupe Lsland, 105, 112. Foreign Honorary Members de- ceased : — Gabriel Audral, 333. Gino Capponi, 333. De Macedo, 333. Eyries, 333. Charles de Remusat, 316. Duke di Serradii'alco, 333. Sir Charles Wheatstone, 333. Foreign Honorary Members elect- ed:— Andrew Crombie Ramsay, 317, 324. Conte Federigo Sclopis di Sa- lerano, 323, 324. Balfour Stewart, 330. Foreign Honorary Members, List of, 380. Fossombronia Californica, 121. longiseta, 121. Fossomiironia Palmeri, 121. Frankenia Falmeri, 124. 398 INDEX. Franseria bipinnatifida, 115. ilicifolia, 77. G. Galium angiilosum, 7i, 115. Aparine, 115. Galvanometer, Mirror, New Form of, 208. Geissler's Tubes, Condensers and, 228. Gentiana calycosa, 81. Newberryi, 81. setijjera, 81. Geographical Congress, Interna- tional, 313, 318. Gilia Brandegei, 85. Haydeni, 85. Larseni, 81. multicaulis, 118. pusilla, 118. Githopsis specularioides, 116. Glossopetalon Nevadense, 73. spinescens, 73. Gnaphalium Sprengelii, 116. Grayia, 103. Brandegei, 101. Grimmia pulvinata, 121. trichophylla, 121 . Guadalupe Island, Flora of, 105, 112. Gymnogramine triangularis, 120. Halenia Rothrockii, 84. Harpagonella, 88. Palmeri, 88, 118. Hedeoma hyssopifolia, 96. Height of Clouds, 263. Heights, Determination of, 258. Ilelianthus gracilentus, 77. Ilemizonia floribunda, 79. frutescens, 79, 115. Ilerpestis pilosa, 99. Ilesperetea, 83. Palmeri, 83, 118. Ilesperocnide tenella, 119. Ilexatomic Compounds of Cobalt, 1. Ilorkelia purpurascens, 118. tridentata, 118. Ilosackia :irgo])hylla, 114. grandiilora, HI. Ilydrograpliic Sketch of Lake Titi- caca, 283. Hypnum myosuroides, 121. I. Inductive Apparatus, New Fonn of, 281. Ipomfea sagittajfolia, 90. Iva Hayesiana. 78. J. Juncus bufonius, 120. Juniperus Californica, 119. K. Kerguelen Island, on Yiviparous Echini from, 221. L. Laclmostoma hastulatum, 87. Lake Titicaca, Ilydi'ographic Sketch of, 283. Lathyrus, Revision of, 133. Engelmanni, 133. Lanszwertii, 134. linearis, 134. littoralis, 134. maritimus, 133. Nevadensis, 133, 134. ochroleuctis, 133. paluster, 134. polymorpluis, 134, 135. polyjiliYUiis, 133, 134. pusillus, 133. sul}>hureus, 133. Torreyi, 134. venosus, 133, 134, 135. vestitus, 134. Latitudes, on Determination of, 160. Latitude Observations, on Reduc- tion of, 167. Lavatera occidentalis, 113, 125. Least Squares, on the ^Method of, 193. Lei^idium lasiocarpum, 113. IMenziesii, 113. Leptosyne gigautea. 115. Ligusticum apiifoliiim, 140. tilicinuui, 1 lO. soopulonim. 1 10. Linaria Canadensis, 117. Loeselia, 86. INDEX. 399 Loeselia offusa, 8G. ti'iuiit'dlia, 86. Lupimis tJiavi, 126. niveus, lli, 1l*6. onustiis, 127. Luteocobalt, '27. List of Salts of, 36. Ammouio-c'obalt-iiitrite, 3t. Cliloro-platiuo-oliromate, 26. Diohromatc, 30. llypt'rhroinides, 37. IIvpL-riodidi's, 37. ]\lVtamoric Salts, 31. Oxalo-auro-ehloride, 28. rvrophos])hate, 2!). Sidphatc of Thalliuia and, 30. Lyrocarpa raliuei-i, 123. Lyciiim Californicum, 117. M. IMadntheca navicularis, 121. Magnetic Distribution, Notes on, 191. Magnetism, Distribution of, on Ar- matures, 293. Malacotlirix Clevelandii, 116. Malva borcalis, 113. iMalvastrum Coulteri, 125. Marah muricatus, 138. Matricaria discoidea, 116. Megarrhiza, Revision of, 138. Californica, 138. Guadalupensis, 115, 138. Marah, 138. muricata, 139. Oregona, 138. Melica imperfecta, 120. Members, Foreign Honorary. See Foreign Ilonorary Members. Mentzelia albicaulis, 137. dispersa, 115, 137. micrantha, 137. Metric System, Action upon, 323, 331. Microcala quadrangular is, 84. ^licrometer-Level, 260. Micropus Californicus, 115. ]Microseris linearifolia, 116. Milk, on Specimens of, 149. Mimulus, Revision of, 91. alatus, 98. alsinoides, 98. bicolor, 99. Bigelovii, 96. Mimulus Holaudi'ri, 97. bri'vipi's, 97. canliualis, 98. cuiireus, 98. dentatus, 98. Douglasii, 95. ijuriliundus, !)9. Frcmonti, 96. glutiuosus, 97. iuconspicuus, 99. Jamcsii, 98. laciniatus, 98. latifolius, 95, 117. leptali'us, 96. Lcwisii, 98. lut.'us, 98. microiiliyllus, 98. montioides, 99. moschatus, 99. nanus, 96. Tarryi, 97. pilosus, 99. Prattenii, 99. primuloides, 99. I'ulsiferiB, 98. ringens, 98. ruliellus, 99. tenellus, 98. Tilingii, 98. Torreyi, 97. tricolor, 95. Mirabilis Californica, 118. Mirror Galvanometer, New Form of, 208. Monardella, Revision of, 100. Breweri, 102. candicans, 102. Douglasii, 102. lanceolata, 102. leucocepliala, 102. linoides, 102. macrantlia, 100. nana, 10 1. odoratissima, 101. undulata, 102. villosa, 101. ^Mountain Surveying, 256. Muhlenbergia debilis, 120. N. Neillia Torreyi, 136. Nemopliila aurita, 118. Nicotiana Bigelovii, 117. Nobert's Test Plates, Explanation of Method of Ruling, 237. Notholajna Newberryi, 121. 400 INDEX. O. Obione Suckleyana, 103. ffiuanthe Californica, 139. sarmentosa, 140. CEuothera Guadalupensis, 115, 137. Officers elected, 314, 321. Oligomeris subulata, 109, 113. Orthotrichuiu Lyellii, 121. P. Palmer, Edward, Collection of Plants, 112. Palmerella, 80. debilis, 80. Parietaria debilis, 119. Parkinsonia, 135. florida, 135. microphylla, 136. Texana, 13(J. Torreyana, 135. Pectocarya penicillata, 118. Pellsea ornithopus, 120. Pentstemon barbatus, 94. Clevelandi, 94. Perityle Emoryi, 116. incana, 78, 116. Petalostemon tennifolius, 73. Peucedanum, Revision of, 141. abrotanifolium, 142. ambiguuni, 142. bicolor, 144. carnifolium, 143. dasycarpum, 145. Euryjitera, 142. farinosum, 142. foenicnlaceuin, 143. graveolens, 142. Hallii, 141, 143. Ijevio^atum, 142. latifolium, 142. leiocarpuni, 141. leptocarpnin, 112. niacrocai'puni, 143, 144. mari^inatnni, 143. niillel'oliuni, 143. Nevadense, 143. Newberry i, 145. nudicaule, 143, 144. Nuttallii, 142. Parryi, 143, 144. parvifoliuin, 142. simplex, 142. tenuissimuni, 142. tomentosum, 145. Peucedanum triternatum, 142. utricLilatum. 143. villosum, 144. Phacelia phyllomanica, 87, 118. Phoradendron Bolleanum, 119. Photographs of the Solar Spectrum, 70, 279. Pinus insignis, 119. Plantago Patagonica, 116. Pogogyne tenuiflora, lOO, 117. Polygala acanthoclada, 73. Polypodium Californicmn, 120. Scouleri, 120. Potentilla Wheeleri, 148. Procyon, Companions of, 185. Proper Motion of the Stars, 52, 210. Pterostegia drymarioides, 119. Purpureocobalt, List of Salts of, 11. Ammonio-cobalt-nitrite, 7. Chloro-fluosilicate, 9. Chloro-nitrate, 3. Cobalto-nitrite, 8. Neutral Sulphate, 5. Nitrates, 1. Oxalo-chloride, 4. Pyrophosphate, 6. Tungstate, 4. Pyrrliopappus Rothrockii, 80. Quercus chrysolepis, 119. R. Ranunculus hebecarpus, 112. Reports, 313, 318, 321, 322, 331. Rliamnus crocea, 114. Rluis laurina, 114. Ribes sanguineum, 114. Roseocobalt, List of Salts of, 24. Acid Oxalo-sulphate, 21. Acid Sulphate, 14. Basic Oxalo-sul]iIiate, 21 Chloro-aurate, 19. Cliloro-hydrargyrate, 20. Chl()r])latinate, 16. lodo-sulphate, 13. Sulpliat.'s, 12. Sulphato-cliloro-aurate, 19. Sulphato-chlorplatinate, 18. Yellow Sulphate, 14. Ruling Test Plates, Explanation of Nobert's Method, 237. 1NM)KX. 101 Ruinfonl Coiumittoo, Apprupria- tions, ;U;3, 3U. JMedul, Award of, 314, 325. ^loimiiuMit at Paris, 3'JO. Rumlord's Works, 313, 314, 318, 330. S. Sanicula Menziesii, 115. Nevadensis, 139. Saracha aciitifolia, 90. Saturn, on Some Physical Observa- tions of, 174. Scutellaria nana, 100. Seduni pusillum, 71. varie^atuin, 137. Selinum Pacificum, 140. Senecio Palineri, 80, 110. Silene antirrhina, 113. Gallica, 113. Sisymbrium canescens, 113. deflexum, 113. reflexum, 113. Smelowskia Fremontii, 123. Solan um Californicum, 91. nigrum, 117. umbelliferum, 91. Xanti, 90, 117. Solar IMotion in Space and the Stellar Distances, 52, 210. Spectrmn, Photographs of, 70, 279. Spots,' Veiled, 62. Sonchus oleraceus, 116. Sophora Arizonica, 135. speciosa, 135. Sound, Diffraction of, 269. Proof of Law of Inverse Squares, 265. Sparks, Induction, from breaking the Circuit between the Poles of a Magnet, 218. Spectra, Comparison of Prismatic and Diffraction, 273. Spectrum, Solar, Photographs of, 70, 279. Specularia, Revision of, 81. biflora, 82, 116. leptocarpa, 82. Lindheimeri, 82. Linsecomia, 82. ovata, 83. perfoliata, 83. Sphseralcea incana, 125. sulphurea, 113, 125. VOL. XI. (n. s. iu.) SjiiniM Calit'ornica, 1 IS. nionogyna, 136. opulil'tilia, 136. Statutes and Standing Vntes, 382. AmeiidMicnls to, 321, 322, 323. Stellar Distances. 52, 210. Stellaria niteus, 113. Stenochloe Calit'ornica, 120. Suckleya, 103. I>i'ti()hiris, 103. Surveying, Mountain, 256. T. Test Plates, Nobert's Method of Ruling, 237. Theniiopsis Californica, 126. fabacea, 126. macrophylla, 126. montana, 126. Thysanocarpus erectus, 113, 124. Tiedemannia teretifolia, 145. Tilla>a cymosa, 71. minima, 115. Tonella, 92. collinsioides, 93. floribunda, 93. Tribulus Californicus, 125. Trifolium, Revision of, 127. aciculare, 130. altissimum, 128. amabile, 129. amphianthum, 129. amplectens, 114, 131. Andersonii, 127. Andinum, 130. barbigerum , 131. Beckwit-hii, 128. Bejariense, 130. bifidum, 129. Bolanderi, 128. Brandegei, 128, 130. Breweri, 129, 131. Carolinianum, 129. ciluitum, 129. ciliolatuni, 129. cyathiferum, 131. dasjqihyllum, 130. denudatum, 129. depauperatum, 131. dichotomum, 129. diversifolium, 131. eriocephalum, 128. fiml)riatum, 130. fucatum, 131. 26 402 INDEX. Trifolium Gambelii, 131. gracilentum, 129. gymnocarpon, 129. Haydeni, 128. heterodon, 130. involucratura, 130. Kingii, 128. Lemmoni, 127. longipes, 128. Macraji, 129. macrocalj^s, 130. megacephalum, 127. melananthum, 130. microcephalum, 114, 131. microdoii, 131. monanthura, 131. nanum, 128. obtusiflorum, 130. oliganthum, 131. Palmeri, 114, 129, 132. Parryi, 130. pauciflorum, 130. platycephalum, 127. plumosuni, 128. polyjihyllum, 130. reflexum, 127. spinulosum, 130. Trifolium stenophylhim, 131. stoloniferum, 127. subcaulescens, 129. tridentatum, 130. variegatuni, 130, 131. Wormskioldii, 130. Triodalliis rupestris, 83. V. Vauquelinia corymbosa, 148. Torreyi, 147. Velocity of Clouds, Determination of, 263. Yicia Americana, 134. exigua, 114. Viviparous Echini from Kerguelen Island, 231. W. Weissia viridula, 121. Wires, Change of Electrical Resist- ance in, by Stretching, 303. AVyethia coriacea, 77. Cambridge: Press of John WilHon & Son. MHI. WMOI I.IHKAKY liJH 1A7T A ") '^ '^ O