PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. NEW SERIES. Vol. XXII. WHOLE SERIES. Vol. XXX. FROM MAY, 1894, TO MAY, 1895. SELECTED FROM THE RECORDS. BOSTON: UNIVERSITY PRESS; JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1895. xfio i CONTENTS. Page I. On the Determination of Sulphur in Volatile Organic Com- 2)ounds. By Charles F. Mabeey 1 II. Double Haloid Salts of Antimony, Calcium, and Magnesium, with Observations on the Remarkable Dissociation of these Compounds. By Francis Gang Benedict, A.M. . . 9 III. The North American Ceuthophili. By Samuel H. Scudder 17 IV. Neio Plants collected by Messrs. C. V. Hartman and C. E. Lloyd upon an Archceological Expedition to Northwestern Mexico under the Direction of Dr. Carl Lumholtz. By B. L. Robinson and M. L. Fernald 114 V. On the Constitution of the Nitroparaffine Salts. By J. U. Nef 124 VI. On Bivalent Carbon. Second Paper. By J. U. Nef . . 151 VII. On the Properties of Batteries formed of Cells joined up in Multiple Arc. By B. O. Peirce 194 VIII. On the Cell Lineage of the Ascidian Egg. A Preliminary Notice. By W. E. Castle 200 IX. Wave Lengths of Electricity on Iron Wires. By Charles E. St. John, A.M 218 X. A Heat Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Self-induc- tion. By p. G. Spalding and H. B. Shaw . . . 247 XI. Researches on the Complex Inorganic Acids. By Wolcott GiBBS, M.D 251 VI CONTENTS. Page XII. On the Blastodermic Vesicle of Sus Scrofa Domesticus. By A. W. Weysse 283 XIII. On Ternary Mixtures. First Paper. By "Wilder D. Bancroft 324 XIV. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Strontium. First Paper: The Analysis of Strontic Bromide. By Theo- dore William Richards 369 XV. On the Electrical Resistances of certain Poor Conductoi's. By B. O. Peirce 390 XVI. Variability in the Spores of Uredo Polypodii {Pers.) DC. By B. M. Duggar 396 XVII. Trinitrophenylmalonic Ester. By C. Loring Jackson AND C. A. SocH 401 XVIII. Action of Sodic Alcoholates on Chloranil. Acetals derived from Substituted Quinones. By C. Loring Jackson AND H. S. Grindley 409 XIX. On the Cupriammonium Double Salts. Second Paper. By Theodore William Richards and Andrew Hen- derson Whitridge 458 XX. Notes on Laboulbeniacece, ivith Descriptions of Neio Species. By Roland Thaxter 467 XXI. Experiments and Observations on the Summer Ventilation and Cooling of Hospitals. By Morrill Wyman . . . . 482 XXII. Experiments on the Relation of Hysteresis to Temperature. By Frank A. Laws and Henry E. Warren . . 490 Proceedings 503 Biographical Notices : — Josiah Parsons Cooke 513 Oliver Wendell Holmes 555 Edward Jackson Lowell 562 CONTENTS. Vll Page Biographical Notices (continued) : — Robert Charles Winthrop 566 William Holmes Chambers Bartlett 570 Ezekiel Gilman Robinson 572 William Dwight Whitney 579 Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard 589 Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz 592 Gaston, Marquis de Saporta 598 List op the Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members . . 601 Statutes and Standing Votes 609 Index 621 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. VOL. XXX. PAPERS READ BEFORE THE ACADEMY. Aid in the work described in this Paper was given by the Academy from the C. M. Warren Fcnd for Chemical Research. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF THE CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE. XIX. — ON THE DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR IN VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS.* By Charles F. Mabery. Presented April 11, 1894 The great quantity of products introduced into the petroleum industry from the fields in Ohio and Canada yielding the sulplmr oils has involved many sulphur determinations, and the necessity of a rapid method capable of affording results of extreme accuracy, especially in oils containing a small fraction of one per cent of sulphur. Several of tlie older methods leave nothing to be desired in point of accuracy, but they are not sufficiently expeditious for ser- vice in manufacturing operations, or in investigations which depend upon immediate information concerning the percentage of sulphur. The first attempt to determine sulphur in organic compounds by combustion in oxygen was made by C. M. Warren, f the sulphuric acid formed being absorbed within the combustion tube in plumbic peroxide. * This paper is one of the series on the composition of tlie sulpliur petroleums. t These Proceedings, VL 472. VOL. XXX. (n. 8. XXII.) 1 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The oxides and acids formed by combustion were first distilled and collected in bromiue water as an oxidizing agent by Sauer * and this method was still further improved by Mixter, f who avoided the use of a rubber cork in the forward end of the combustion tube, carried for- ward the volatilized substance by a current of carbonic dioxide, and suggested more efficient means for oxidation by bromiue and absorp- tion. All these methods depend upon the formation of sulphuric acid and precipitation as baric sulphate, which involves considerable labor when a large number of determinations are necessary in a limited time. To overcome this difficulty Burton j suggested a modification of the method of Sauer, which consists in absorbing the oxidized sulphur in a standard solution of potassic hydrate and titrating the excess of alkali with standard sulphuric acid. Besides these methods the only other suitable means for the deter- mination of sulphur in oils with large percentages of sulphur is the well known method of Carius, in which the substance is oxidized in a closed tube by means of fuming nitric acid. In its applicability to all classes of compounds, and in the accuracy of results of which it is capable, this method leaves little to be desired except perhaps in the analysis of oils containing less than one hundredth of one per cent of sulphur. On account of the limited weight of substance that can be oxidized in a Carius tube another method must be selected for substances containing less sulphur. Our experience has shown that the Carius method may be relied upon in sulphur determinations to yield concordant results within a few hundredths of one per cent. Oxidation of the less vola- tile oils containing a small percentage of sulphur, without doubt, may be accurately accomplished in an open vessel, but with larger amounts of sulphur the action of nitric acid is so violent that it must entail loss by volatilization, unless indeed the sulphur oil is considerably diluted by a sulphur-free oil, in which case the solvent must be com- pletely oxidized. The great number of sulphur determinations in crude oils and products obtained from them, connected with the extended examina- tions which have occupied my attention during several years past, has demanded a careful comparison of the various methods as to their efficiency and economy of time. Particular attention has been given to details of the Carius method, with the precautions necessary in its successful application to the analysis of sulphur oils. The first requi- * Fres. Zeit. Anal. Chem., XII. 32. t Amer. Cliem. Journ., II. 396. J Ibid., XI. 72. MABERY. — DETERMINATION OP SULPHUR. 3 site is a furnace of suitable construction to maintain an equal tempera- ture, easily controlled in all the tubes within the furnace, without a great loss of heat by radiation. For this purpose and for Carius analyses in general I have recently had a furnace constructed which differs in certain features from any other 1 have seen, and it shows such a high degree of efficiency that a brief description may not be entirely devoid of interest. The body is of tlie ordinary cylindrical form, 75 cm. long and 25 cm. in diameter, of heavy sheet iron, and it is surrounded by two outer jackets of sheet iron each enclosing a half-inch space, and extending beneath on either side to within 6 cm. of the heating tube ; it is supported upon legs of strap iron three sixteenths of an inch thick and two inches wide, each entirely encircling the body at either end for rigidity. These two air spaces retain the heat so effectu- ally that the hand may be borne on the outside of the furnace when the thermometer within indicates a temperature of 200°. The iron tubes are as usual of gas pipe, with threads at either end with caps easily movable by the fingers. With a small hole in each cap for the escape of gas, these tubes retain all glass in the most violent explosions. When several tubes are in the furnace at the same time a record of them may conveniently be kept by suspending metal tags numbered consecutively from the holes in the caps by means of bent wire. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of the outer air spaces with the position of the heating tube. The furnace is heated by means of a gas stove heater 45 cm. in length, with thirty-two gas jets that will burn continuously with a flame 2 mm. high, giving a temperature within the fur- nace of less than 60° ; by interposing an asbestos or an iron plate a considerably lower tempera- ture may be maintained. The heating tube is supported on two iron straps bolted to the legs, one at either end of the furnace ; by means of it the heat is very equally distributed with little ' ^^^ l waste, and the glass tubes being thus evenly heated there is less danger of loss by explosion. A temperature of 200° may be obtained within twenty-five minutes after lighting the jets, and it may be maintained with jets fifteen millimeters in height, requiring a small consumption of gas ; the hand may be held without discomfort for some time directly beneath the heater. The variation in temperature at different heights within the furnace is small ; with the thermometer at 275° at the level of the upper tubes, the tempera- 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ture at the level of the lower tubes is about 9° higher. For tem- peratures higher than 275° a second heating tube is necessary. It is frequently convenient to be able to regulate within close limits the flow of gas for the required temperature without further attention after lighting tlie jets. The device shown in Figure 2, which sug- gested itself for tliis purpose, consists in attaching to the end of the gas valve by means of a screw thread a brass cap with an index of stout copper wire moving in front of a graduated circle with a radius of about six inches. With glass tubes of large size, — those we use are l.o mm. inside diameter, — well sealed and with strict adherence to certain conditions which have elsewhere been described by A. W. Smith and me,* there is little danger of an explosion. The quantity of nitric acid should not be in excess of twenty times the weight of the substance taken, and after heat- ing to 175° for fifteen hours the tubes are opened, — best without remov- ^ ing from the furnace, — resealed and Fig. 2. . ' . heated aofain to 250 during five to ten hours. The serious objection to the Carius method for sulphur is the slow process of oxidation, and it seems hardly possible to hasten the operation by raising the temperature, since glass tubes will not stand the great pressure. In studying various methods depending upon the oxidation of sul- phur by combustion I have found that nothing less than complete oxidation gives reliable results. Many experiments on fractional combustion have shown clearly that compounds with high percentages of sulphur do not yield concordant results, even when the sulphur compound is diluted with a sulphur-free oil. I have found Burton's adaptation of the Sauer method reliable and expeditious, and with certain modifications presently to be described it is perfectly satisfac- tory for the analysis of oils of high as well as low percentages of sulphur. In Figure 3 the inlet tube for oxygen or air is shown as enter- ing through the rear stopper, as proposed by Mixter, and extending just to the centre of the constriction. In the combustion of some of the oils which we have under examination, the temperature must be maintained as high as the most infusible Bohemian glass will stand, and at such temperatures the smaller tube within is distorted if it is * Amer. Chem. Journ., XVI. 83 MABERY. — DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR. 5 placed in the forward portion of tlie combustion tiibe in the zone of greatest heat ; if it terminates at the narrowest point of tlie constric- tion, eontmuous combustion is insured by thorough admixture of the volatilized substance with oxygen. Complete oxidation is still more certain in rapid combustion if that portion of the tube in front of the narrower part is left somewhat longer than is preferred by Sauer, Mixter, or Burton. The tubing we have in use is somewhat thicker in the wall than that in ordinary use, and larger, with an inside diame- ter of 18 mm. It is important that the oxidation proceed as rapidly as is consistent with complete absorption, and we find that this is best accomplished in a large U tube partly filled with broken glass. Our U tube is 34 cm. in height, 25 mm. inside diameter, and with 50 c, c. of the absorbent solution a rapid gaseous stream may be passed through without danger of loss. For low sulphur oils we use a solution of sodic hydrate of such a strength that 1 c. c. equals 0.0010 gram of ill r Fig. 3. sulphur, and for higher percentages a solution in which 1 c. c. equals 0.0050 gram. Methyl orange has been used as an indicator in all our determinations ; the change in color in titrating an alkaline solu- tion with this indicator is well defined and exceedingly delicate. The titrations may be made in the U tube without transferring the solution after washing in the acid from the combustion tube. To carry for- ward the volatilized substance it is advantageous to introduce a slow current of carbonic dioxide, as proposed by Mixter, and we have some- times used a combustion tube closed with a rubber cork in front and sometimes a bent tube. With substances containing a high percentage of sulphur it is doubtless safer, as Mixter suggests, to avoid the use of a cork in front. 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. On account of the large consumption of oxygen in burning rap- idly a considerable weight of oil, — at least three times the quantity theoretically required for oxidation, — and finding that the combus- tion proceeds with equal facility in air, nearly all our determina- tions have been made in a current of air supplied under pressure, with the same means for exhaustion that Burton found advanta- geous. The operation requires close attention and 0.5 to 1 gram of oil may easily be burned in forty-five minutes to one hour, de- pending upon the nature of the substance, the heavier oils especially if containing much sulphur being the most difficult to burn. The higher sulphides will not support a continuous flame, and dependence must be placed upon a very hot tube ; with the naore volatile oils it is sometimes difficult to maintain a continuous flame even in oxygen, the combustion proceeding in long intermittent non-luminous flashes. If the flame becomes luminous the rapidity of volatilization must be instantly checked, and the flow of air increased. The appearance of white fumes in the forward part of the combustion tube or the absorption tube, indicating improper adjustment as to the temperature, flow of gas, or rate of volatilization, is invariably attended with low results. The completeness of the absorption in the U tube was tested by placing a second tube beyond it containing a similar solution, but no trace of acid was found in the second tube when the excess of alkaline hydrate in the first at the end of the analysis was not less than 15-20 c. c. With a smaller excess in rapid combustions there is danger of loss. The oil for analysis is weighed in a bulb or tube of hard glass, and it is sometimes convenient to transfer most of it to a platinum or a porcelain boat, which may easily be accomplished with- out loss within the combustion tube provided there is a gentle current of air inward and the combustion tube in front has previously been heated to the required temperature. In the examination of Ohio and Canadian sulphur petroleums for identification of the paraffine, aromatic, and unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulphur compounds, and other constituents, with which I am at present engaged, numerous determinations of sulphur have been necessary, and the extreme convenience of combustion in air has greatly facilitated the separation of the various products. As an evidence of the reli- ability of this method, the following results are selected with parallel determinations by the Carius method : — MABEllY. — DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR. Distillate from crude Canada oil collected at 89°-Ul^ after one distillation under 50 mm. and seven under atmospheric pressure Distillate from crude Ohio oil collected at 127°- 120° after one distillation under 50 mm. and seven under atmospheric pres- sure Distillate from crude Canada oil collected at I15°-117° after one distillation under 50 mm. and seven under atmospheric pres- sure Distillate from crude Canada oil collected at 120°-1.30° after one distillation under 50 mm. and five under atmospheric pres- sure The same after shaking five times with alco- holic mercuric chloride The same after shaking once with alcoholic mercuric chloride with the addition of solid mercuric chloride Sulphur oil from Canada sludge acid . . . Sulphur oil from Canada sludge acid . . . Sulplmr oil from Canada sludge acid . , . Canada sulphur oil Canada sulphur oil Crude sulphide separated by mercuric chlo- ride from fraction 110°-115° of sulphur oil after the fifth distillation under 50 mm, A fraction of the same corresponding to pen- tyl sulphide, percentage of sulphur, 18.39 Percentage of Sulphur. Combustion in Air. Carius. 0.044 0 043 0.0343 0.173 0.505 0.07 0.086 18.85 0.036 0.0108 1. II. 6.3 6.3 6.47 17.36 17.31 I. 11. 16.67 16.76 6.15 6.01 13.67 13.70 I. II. 111. 18.53 18.55 18,67 These results were obtained by six persons working independently of one another. The oxidation of nitrogen to any considerable extent by the use of air in the combustion of sulphur compounds is evidently excluded by the close agreement of the results it yields with corresponding determinations by the Carius method. In accordance with the sug- gestion of a friend, from the fact that nitrous and nitric acids are formed to a greater or less extent depending upon conditions in tlie ordinary forms of combustion, it seemed of interest to ascertain whether these acids were present at all in the alkaline absorbent. In testing for the formation of nitrous acid, the exceedingly delicate color reaction was applied which is produced in an acid solution of a nitrite by the addition of sulphanilic acid and naphthylamine chloride. An 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. examination of our reagents showed tiiat the purest commercial sodic or potassic hydrate gives an intense color, and even hydrates prepared from the metals are not free from color. Pure sulphuric acid gave no reaction, and pure sodic carbonate only a faint color. We finally obtained a solution that gave not a trace of color by dissolving metallic sodium and boiling the solution for some time with metallic aluminum. With this solution as the absorbent in a combustion of a suljjhur oil, after the analysis the solution was as free from color as before when it had stood half an hour after the addition of the reagents. Since a pink color is distinctly visible in this reaction with one part of nitrogen in the form of nitrous acid in one thousand million parts of solution, it is safe to conclude that nitrous acid is not one of the products in this form of combustion. To determine whether nitric acid is formed, after the combustion a portion of the sodic hydrate solution was neutralized, mixed with ferrous sulphate, and concentrated sulphuric acid poured beneath the solution. No color was visible at the junction of the two liquids. In a second test another portion of the alkaline solution was nearly neutralized with sulphuric acid, evaporated to dryness, and a few drops of phenolsulphuric acid added. Ujion diluting to a definite volume, no difference could be perceived between the color of this solution and that given by phenolsulphuric acid alone in a blank experiment. In the combustion of sulphur oils in air, therefore, the atmospheric nitrogen is not affected. For efficient aid in studying the details of these methods of analysis, I should acknowledge my obligations to Mr. W. O. Quayle, and to my assistants, Messrs D. B. Cleveland and G. M. Little. BENEDICT. — DOUBLE SALTS OF ANTIMONY. 9 11. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PROFESSOR JOSIAH P. COOKE. DOUBLE HALOID SALTS OF ANTIMONY, CALCIUM, AND MAGNESIUM, WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE REMARKABLE DISSOCIATION OF THESE COMPOUNDS. By Francis Gano Benedict, A. M- Presented by J. P. Cooke, May 9, 1894. In a recent paper,* we described the results of our study of the double haloids of antimony and the alkaline metals. Since then we have extended the investigation to the corrrespouding compounds with calcium and magnesium, and, although the work is still in an unfinished state, it must necessarily be interrupted for the present ; and we therefore give here the results thus far obtained, the most important of which is the complete dissociation of a definite crystalline salt at the ordinary temperature of the air. In the paper referred to,t a salt was mentioned having the composi- tion SbCls . 2 KCl . 2 HoO, and the difficulties encountered in its prep- aration, analysis, and crystallographic study were discussed. Chief among these difficulties was the circumstance that the water of crystal- lization was lost wholly or in part at temperatures above — 5° Cent., requiring the salt to be handled in a room below that temperature. In dealing with these new compounds the necessity for cold weather is even greater than in the case just mentioned. Hence the advancing of the season has prevented further work on this line. The research will be continued at the earliest opportunity. Poggiale,t in 1845, was the first investigator to obtain double haloids of antimony and the earthy alkaline metals : " Le chlorure de barium, uni au chlorure d'antimoine, presente una particularite qui * These Proceedings, XXIX. 212. % Comptes Rendus, XX. 1180. t Loc. cit. 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. merite d'etre mentionee. Si la solution de chlorure de barium n'est pas concentree les deux sels separent par le refroidissement ; le chlorure de barium cristallise en tables, tandis que le protochlorure d'antimoine decompose I'eau. II faut done pour obtenir cette com- binaison, coucentrer la solution de chlorure de barium, avant d'y ajouter le protochlorure d'antimoine. La liqueur donne alors des aiguilles fines disposees en groupes ^toiles. Ce sel double est compose de SbCls . 2 BaCl + 5 HO. Le protochlorure d'antimoine se combine egalement avec les chlo- rures de stroutium, de calcium et de magnesium." SchiifFer, * in 1860, working on the double iodides of antimony and the alkaline metals, described the double iodide of antimony and barium as a yellow salt with a formula, 2 Ba I . Sbis + 18 HO. Storer f gives a list of salts, viz. : — 2 BaCl : SbClg + 5 Aq. 2 CaCl : SbCla + 5 Aq. 2 MgCl : SbCls + 5 Aq. 2 SrCl : SbClg + 5 Aq. Watts's Dictionary t gives the formula alone of a salt of this class, i.e. 2 (BaClo.SbCla) 3 H2O. Graham-Otto § makes the simple statement that antimouious chloride forms crystalline compounds with the chlorides of the alkaline and earthy alkaline metals. Poggiale and Schiiffer, therefore, appear to be the only investiga- tors wlio succeeded in obtaining compounds with the earthy alkaline metals. Although we have obtained a great many beautifully crystalline compounds from various mixtures of the haloids of antimony with the haloids of calcium, magnesium, barium, and strontium, only three of these have as yet been investigated. As has been before stated, cold weather is an absolute essential in the formation of the compounds, and the season is so far advanced that no more work can be done on them this year. * Pogg. Ann., CIX. 611. J Edition of 1888, Vol. I. p. 287. t Dictionary of Solubilities, p. 149. § Michaelis edition, Vol. II. p. 555. BENEDICT. — DOUBLE SALTS OF ANTIMONY. 11 The following salts have been prepared and analyzed, and the formula) deduced for them are : — I. SbClg . CaCla . 8 H2O II. SbBrg . CaBr. . 8 II„0. III. SbBrg . MgBro .Slip. The materials used in the preparation of these salts were obtained as follows. The antimonious chloride and calcic chloride were the '* chemically pure " products of the market. The antimonious bromide was made by the direct union of finely powdered metallic antimony and bromine in carbon bisulphide, after the manner described by Pro- fessor Cooke.* The calcic bromide and magnesic bromide were made by the action of pure hydrobromic acid upon pure calcic carbonate and magnesic carbonate respectively. No difficulty was experienced in obtaining the three salts just named by mixing their components in approximately molecular proportions, adding just enough free acid to effect the complete solution of the antimony salt and evaporating the mixture in a crystallizing dish in a vacuum over sulphuric acid. Fortunately there was a room in the laboratory in which the temperature could be regulated quite easily so as to keep it at about 0° Cent, and not let it fall low enough to solidify the mixtures, thus offering the most favorable conditions to crystalli- zation. The large isolated crystals were removed in the cold room, crushed in a mortar, hastily rubbed between filter papers and placed in glass-stoppered weighing bottles. Of necessity this operation re- quired considerable dexterity to prevent any change in weight, but experience has shown that the whole operation can be performed in 45 to 50 seconds, with no appreciable change in the composition of the salt. With but one exception the analysis of thesre salts presented no great difficulty. Antimony was determined in the usual manner, by weighing as antimonious sulphide. All the precautions of this determination, as advi.sed by Professor Cooke in his fundamental work on the atomic weight of antimouy,t were closely observed. Bromine and chlorine were determined as their respective silvei salts. The presence of tartaric acid necessary for the solution of the antimony salt interferes to some extent in this determination by pre- * These Proceedings, XIII. 52. t Ibid., XIII. 1-114. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. cipitating that crystalline salt " silver emetic," discovered by Wall- quist * and further studied by Professor Cooke.f However, if care is taken to have only a slight excess of silver nitrate over the calculated amount, and to precipitate from dilute solu- tions, the probable error is reduced to a minimum. Calcium was determined by igniting calcic oxalate precipitated in the usual way, and weighing as calcic oxide. This method was very satisfactory. Magnesium was weighed as magnesic pyrophosphate (MgoPoO;) formed by the ignition of the ammonic magnesic phos- phate {NH4MgP04) precipitated in the usual manner. The presence of tartaric acid evidently interferes to some extent with the perfect working of this determination ; but as the per cent of magnesium in the salt was so small the error was not prominent. The determination of the water of crystallization presented the first serious difficulty, for, drying the salt in an air bath at 98°-100° showed rapid decomposition. In fact, no temperature was found at which the water would all go off and the salt remain undecomposed. On placing the salt in a vacuum desiccator the loss was considerably greater than theory would require, till finally the residue amounted to but about 24% of the whole amount of salt used. Even in an ordi- nary desiccator there was a gradual loss in weight, and constancy was only reached when the residue was about 24% of the total mass, as before. At the suggestion of Professor Cooke the salt was intimately mixed with a quantity of ignited oxide of magnesia (heavy) in a crucible and heated to constant weight. In this operation it was necessary to get the upper layer of magnesic oxide hot before heating the lower part of the crucible containing the compound. Should any antimony haloid be volatilized, it would be decomposed upon reaching the hot layer of oxide of magnesium. This method served excellently for the first salt, i. e. SbClg . CaClo . 8 HoO . The oxide of magnesia seemed to retain the antimonious chloride readily, but when the same process was applied to the analysis of the bromides it was found that the magnesic oxide would not retain all of the bromide of antimony. The escape of this salt was clearly observed by the color of the flame held over the mouth of the crucible. After several trials, a modification of the ajiparatus described by Jannasch and Locke t was decided upon as giving the most satisfac- * Gmelin, Handbook, Cavendish ed., X. 326. t These Proceednigs, XVII. 5. J Zeitschrift fiir Anorgan. Chemie, VI. 174. BENEDICT. — DOUBLE SALTS OP ANTIMONY. 13 tory results. For this purpose some litharge was heated to constant weifht, thereby expelling all the carbonic acid gas and moisture. The weighed salt from a weighing bottle was mixed with several grams of the ignited lead oxide in a porcelain boat large enough to fit a com- bustion tube of two centimeteis internal diameter. This was placed in a kerosene oven and dry air drawn through it. Upon heating, the water expelled was absorbed in two weighed U tubes containing sul- phuric acid and phosphoric pentoxide respectively. The apparatus for drawing dry air through the combustion tube was devised, and described at length by Professor Cooke in his paper on " A New Method of Determining Gas Densities." * This process for determining water is an ideal one, every trace of the antimony haloid being retained, and tlie water passing off freely at a moderate temperature, 250°. The results were surprisingly constant. Although these several analyses are not as concordant with theory as one would wish, yet, when the instability of the compound, the necessarily hasty drying of the salt (freeing from mother liquor), and the difficulties of purification, are taken into consideration, the results are not at all beyond a reasonable limit of error. In all three cases we could deal with large isolated crystals. There was no case of a complex crystalline precipitate, for all three com- pounds are most perfectly crystalline, and the only sources of contam- ination are occlusions of mother liquor and imperfect drying due to the haste required in transferring the salt to the weighing bottle. All three salts are decomposed by water, and are soluble in tartaric, hydrochloric, and hydrobromic acids. The last two solvents must be somewhat concentrated, as an excess of water decomposes the antimony salt. I. SbCls . CaCla . 8 H„0. This is a beautifully crystalline salt, individual crystals often occur- ring over one inch in length. They are large, colorless plates, appar- ently belonging to the triclinic system. Their tendency to effloresce and decompose prevented any very satisfactory crystallographic exam- ination, although traces of biaxial structure were observed with a polariscope. The salt loses all the water of crystallization and all the antimonious chloride in a desiccator over sulphuric acid, leaving a residue of nearly anhydrous calcic chloride. * These Proceedings, XXIV. 213, and American Chera. Journal, XI. 521. 14 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. a. 0.3607 gram of salt gave 0.1259 gram of autimouious sulphide. h. 0.4342 gram of salt gave 0.052G yram of calcic oxide, c. 0.2322 gram of salt gave 0.3499 gram of argentic oxide. d. 1.0737 grams of salt gave 0.3154 gram of water. Calculated* for SbClg . CaCU . 8 HjO. Found. Antimony 24.95 24.93 Calcium 8.31 8.65 Chlorine 36.82 37.26 Water 29.92 29.37 100.00 100.21 II. SbBrg . CaBro . 8 H2O. This salt crystallizes well iu large tabular crystals, often exceeding half an inch in length. Aside from the fact that the polariscope showed no interference figure, no crystallographic study of the salt could be made owing to its unstable nature. This salt, precisely as its analogue above, loses all its water of crystallization and "also the antimonious bromide in a desiccator, till finally a nearly anhydrous residue of calcic bromide is left. Analysis gave the following results : — a. 0.3742 gram of salt gave 0.0896 gram of antimonious sulphide. b. 1.1896 grams of salt gave 0.0909 gram of calcic oxide. c. 0.3090 gram of salt gave 0.4191 gram of argentic bromide. d. 0.8415 gram of salt gave 0.1720 gram of water. Calculated for SbBrg . CaBr, . 8 H,0. Found. Antimony 17.07 17.10 Calcium 5.68 5.46 Bromine 56.79 t57.72 Water 20.47 100.00 20.44 100.72 III. SbBr, . MgBr„ . 8 HoO. This salt crystallizes very well in large well defined tabular crystals, apparently isomorphous with the preceding salt. Large well shaped * Atomic weights used: Sb = 120; CI - 35.456 ; Ca = 40; H= 1.0075; 0 = 16; Br = 79.955; Mg = 24.36. t This excess of 1 % of Br is probably due to the fact that the substance was not perfectly freed from mother liquor rich in hydrobromic acid ; approaching warm weather would not permit of purification by recrystallization. BENEDICT. — DOUBLE SALTS OF ANTIMONY. 15 crystals gave uo interference figure with the polariscope. This salt, as the others, loses all its water of crystallization and antimonious bromide in a desiccator over sulphuric acid, leaving a residue of mag- nesic bromide. Analysis gave the following results : — a. 0.9131 gram of salt gave 0.2193 gram of antimonious sulphide. b. 1.1178 grams of salt gave 0.2128 gram of magnesic pyrophosphate. c. 0.5160 gram of salt gave 0.7044 gram of argentic bromide. d. 0.7013 gram of salt gave 0.1469 gram of water. Calculated for SbBr3 . MgBr, . 8 HjO. Found. Antimony 17.40 17.15 Magnesium 3.54 4.06 Bromine 58.07 58.09 Water 20.99 20.95 100.00 100.25 These three salts possess two important relations : — 1. Entire uniformity of structure, i. e. one molecule of the alkaline haloid combining with one molecule of the antimony haloid, and the resulting compound crystallizing in each case with eight molecules of water. 2. Each salt completely dissociates at the ordinary temperatures in a desiccator. The most strikins; feature of this research is the above mentioned phenomenon. On attempting to estimate the water of crystallization by desiccation, an irritating odor first indicated a decomposition which was conclusively proven by the continual loss in weight. When con- stancy in weight was obtained, the residue on treating with water gave a hissing sound, and dissolved to a perfectly clear solution. This solution, on acidifying with hydrochloric acid and adding a solution of hydrogen sulphide, gave no precipitate, indicating an absence of antimony. In the case of the salt SbCls . CaCl2 . 8 HgO, the per cent of residue was 24.64, while the theoretical per cent of calcic cliloride in the salt is 23.04. The excess would naturally be attributed to water which the calcic chloride would not readily yield to the sulphuric acid in the desiccator. The strong smell (volatilized antimony haloid) in the desiccator was observed long before the theoretical amount of loss cal- culated as water, i. e. 29.92^, had taken place. This showed that the antimony haloid had escaped before all the water had left the mass. 16 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In the case of the double bromides, a singularly beautiful phe- nomenon took place. The antimouious bromide would sublime and cr^-stallize all over the edge of the powdered mass of salt in those characteristic fine colorless needles measured and described by Pro- fessor Cooke.* These crystals were for the most part of microscopic size, but some attained a length of two or three millimeters. On fur- ther desiccation they soon disappeared. As would be expected, a direct experiment showed that the salt SbCls . CaCL . 8 HoO decom- posed much more rapidly than the salt SbBrg . CaBrj . 8 HgO, under precisely similar conditions. Richards, t in 1890, described a tetra ammon-cupriammonium bro- mide with a formula CuBro . 6 NH3, which loses four molecules of ammonia in a desiccator, forming CuBra . 2 NH3. Although the escape of ammonia from its compounds is not uncommon, yet we believe this is the nearest case to the one in point, inasmuch as the loss here is perfectly definite. The escape of antimony haloids from these compounds at a low temperature has a very important bearing 011 the question of molecu- lar combination. It is almost universally admitted that the relation of the water of crystallization to a salt is different from that of its other components. A study of these compounds, however, shows that there is apparently no greater affinity between the two haloids than between the compound and the water of crystallization. Hence, in whatever manner the latter is combined, it is reasonable to suppose a similar union of the two haloids. If, therefore, the crystal water of a salt is held in molecular combination, the evidence as set forth in this research would be interpreted as signifying a molecular union of the two haloids. * Tliese Proceedings, XIII. 76. t Berichte der deutsch. Cliem. Gesell., XXIII. 3790. SCUDDEK. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 17 III. THE NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. By Samuel H. Scudder. Presented May 9, 1894 The Ceuthophili are wingless Locustarians in which the tarsi are distinctly compressed rather than depressed, with no pulvilli,* the hind tibicB furnished on the outer margins above with spines of two distinct grades,t the fore femora without foramina or genicular spines, the hind fiemora with the angle of their insertion on the inner and not on the outer side beneath, and the antennas strongly approximated at base. They are all apterous. With the exception of the genus Troglophilus Krauss, with two species from European caverns, and the genus Talitropis Bol., with a single species from New Zealand, placed respectively at one and the other end of the series, they are known only from America ; and with the further exception of Heteromallus Brunner, with two species from Chili, they are all peculiar to the United States and Northern Mexico. Here they include six genera and sixty-seven species, the genus Ceuthophilus alone containing above fifty species. The larger proportion of them, if not all (excepting Udeopsylla nigra), frequent dark places, such as burrows, pits, caverns, wells, hollow trees, and especially the crevices beneath fallen logs. They were first made known in this country by the descriptions of Haldeman, Girard, and Harris, and before their time only a single species from this counliy had been described, by Burmeister. Not a species of the group, even the European, was known to Serville. My first systematic paper, in 1861, was a study of " Rhaphidophora " (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII.) where seven of our species were * Brunner states that Gammarotettix has a single pulvillus on the first tarsal joint; but although the treading surface of tliis joint (as of the succeeding) is broad, I can find no indication of a true pulvillus. » t This feature is obscure in Gammarotettix, where there are alternating longer and shorter spines of such slight inequality as easily to be overlooked, and which in the Table of Genera given below is ignored. VOL. XXX. (n. 8. XXII ) 2 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. described or catalogued ; but their diversity was hardly fully recog- nized when in the following year I published my Materials for a Monograph of the North American Orthoptera (Bost. Journ, Nat. Hist., VII.), where eighteen species and five genera were characterized or indicated ; since then a few more species have been described, by Thomas, Brunner, Bruner, Packard, Walker, Blatchley, and myself, until now the number of nominal species is twenty-eight, which must, however, be reduced by synonymy and by reference to other genera to twenty. In 1888, Brunner, in his Monographic der Stenopelmatiden und Gyllacriden (Verb. Zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien), subjected all the spe- cies known to him to systematic treatment ; but as the larger part of our species and some of our genera were unknown to him, and the number of separately described species has multiplied so greatly while still not including, at least in Ceuthophilus, the half of our species, it has seemed desirable to undertake a revision of the group, so far as our native species are concerned, and in the genus Ceuthophilus to redescribe all the older forms, as well as to publish the novelties. Accordingly in the present paper thirty-eight additional species of the group are characterized, together with a new genus, while I shall further show the validity of Daihinia of Haldeman, which has been called in question by Brunner, and shall point out first that one of the genera thought to belong here should be separated as a member of a distinct group. The total number of genera from North America is therefore six, and of the species sixty-seven, while a number of other species are known to me imperfectly by a single sex or poor examples. TROPIDISCHIA ScuDDER. TropidiscMa Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 440-441 (1862). In his Monograph of the Stenopelmatidse, Brunner von Wattenwyl, from the insufficient data given in my two statements regarding the structure of this creature, incorrectly surmised that this genus should be placed in the Ceuthophili, and was perhaps congeneric with Hetero- mallus, a Chilian genus. Since, however, the hind tibiae are supplied above with spines of one grade only, it is plainly more nearly related to the Dolichopodae, from which it may be distinguished by the simi- larly spined margins of the under surface. It seems to form a group apart, between the Dolichopoda3 and Ceuthophili, and of equivalent value. It appears to come nearer Hadenoecus and Dolichopoda than to any other described genera. SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 19 In addition to the characters mentioned above and those given in previous descriptions, I may add tliat all the legs are tetraquetrous, with all the margins spined, the spines similar in character and uni- formly crowded, excepting on the lower margins of the fore femora, the inner carina of which is sparsely spined, the outer carina unarmed ; also the lower margins of the middle femora, both carinae of which are sparsely spined on the apical half , and the hind femora, the four carinse of which, even on the swollen portion, are armed excepting at the extreme base, though both the mferior caringe are rather sparsely spined. There are no spines on the genicular lobes of the femora, excepting a very slight one on the posterior side of the middle femora. There are but two pair of calcaria on the hind tibiae, the upper the longer and less than half as long as the first tarsal joint. The hind tarsi are very strongly compressed, carinate beneath without pulvilli, about two fifths as long as the hind tibia?, the first joint nearly as long as the remaining joints together, the second and fourth joints of the same length and either of them three times as long as the third. Finally, the subgenital lamina of the male is ample, the hind margin entire, with minute styles, consisting of a single bluntly conical joint ; and the ovipositor is slender, gently arcuate, tapering and acuminate, unarmed at tip. Tropidischia xanthostoma. Rhaphidophora xanthostoma Scudd.!, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., viii. 12 (1861). Tropidischia xanthostoma Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 441 (1862). Originally described from Crescent City, Cal. (A. Agassiz). I have since received both sexes from Mendocino, Cal., through the favor of Mr. J. Behrens. 20 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Table of the Genera of Ceuthophili. a}. Last palpal joint cleft apically on the under side. Descending lobes of the nit-sonotum but little longer than those of the pronotum ; sides of fore and middle coxae externally laminate, the lamination elevated to a denticle or compressed spine either mesially or (on middle legs) apically, occasionally (Hadenoecus) wanting on middle legs. Fore tibiEe not sulcate above ; hind tibi;\3 with spines of two grades on both outer and inner margins of upper surface. Outer valves of ovipositor unarmed above before the apex. b'^. Palpi long. Hind tibia3 usually considerably longer than the hind femora. Third hind tarsal joint only half or less than half as long as the second. c^. Vertex obscurely bituberculate at apex. Last palpal joint DO longer or scarcely longer than the third, and cleft beneath only apically. Middle coxa? unarmed. Middle femora with a feeble genicular spine on posterior margin. Hind tibiie with more than four pairs of spurs. First hind tarsal joint almost as long as the others together. Subgenital plate of male triangular and rather deeply and narrowly emarginate .... Hadenoecus. (p-. Vertex not tuberculate. Last palpal joint distinctly longer than the third, cleft beneath for almost its entire length. Middle coxfE spined mesially. Middle femora with a distinct genicular spine on posterior margin. Hind tibia? with only four pairs of spurs. First hind tarsal joint generally a third shorter than the rest combined. Subgenital plate of male ample and broadly emarginate , Ceutliophilus. IP'. Palpi short. Hind tibiae shorter or at most but little longer than the hind femora. Third hind tarsal joint hardly shorter than the second, or (in Daihinia) wanting. (Lamination of middle coxae produced inferiorly to the semblance of a spine.) c^ Third palpal joint as long as fifth, the inferior cleft of the latter extending over only the apical half Middle femora un- armed at tip or with a very feeble spine. Hind tibia? shorter or at least no longer than the hind femora, with few spines of the second grade on the upper surface, those of the first grade rela- tively numerous, at least in the 9 , more or less irregularly placed and of unequal length ; the calcaria three in number on each side, the uppermost generally a little the longest and unusually distant from the extreme apex, so as to appear rather as an addi- SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTIIOPHILI. 21 tional pair of spurs. Subgenital plate of male greatly produced and apically deeply fissured. d^. Descending lobes of niesonotum slightly longer than those of prouotuiu. Last larbal joint very much shorter tlian the remaining joints together, the third joint normal, though but little shorter than the second. Subgenital plate of male ample, rather deeply and broadly emarginate, the sides extend- ing backwards as slender threads . . . ■ . Phrixocnemis. d-. Descending lobes of mesonotum no longer than those of pronotum. Last tarsal joint about as long as the rest together ; third tarsal joint wanting (as also on fore legs). Subgenital plate of male immensely produced and so deeply fissured as to form two tapering ribbons Daihinia. &. Third palpal joint shorter than the fifth, the inferior cleft of the latter extending its whole length. Middle femora with a genicular spine on posterior side. Hind tibiae slightly longer than the hind femora, with nuuierous spines of the second grade uniform in length and pretty regularly separated ; calcaria three in number on each side, the middle one much longer than the others. (First hind tarsal joint a third shorter than the rest combined.) Subgenital plate of male ample, apically bitu- berculate Udeopsylla. a^. (Vertex bituberculate. Palpi short), the last joint apically with no inferior cleft. Descending lobes of mesonotum considerably longer than those of pronotum ; sides of fore and middle coxa3 neither cari- date nor spined. (Fore and middle femora unarmed.) Fore tibiae sulcate above ; hind tibiae (of the same length as the hind femora) with only one grade * of spines above on the lateral margins ; (calcaria two in number on each side, subequal and not long. Third hind tar- sal joint half as long as the second. Subgenital plate of male ample, apically broadly and not deeply emarginate) ; outer valves of oviposi- tor serrate above before the apex Gammarotettix. * See introductory remarks. 22 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. HADENCECUS Scudder. Hadencecus Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 439-440 (1862) ; Brunn., Monogr. Steuop., 66 (1888). Table of the Species of Hadencecus. Body pale testaceous. Ovipositor nearly or quite as long as the body. Subgenital plate of $ broadly emarginate at apex. cavernarum. Body dark brown. Ovipositor only half as long as the body. Sub- genital plate of Z narrovv^ly emarginate at apex . . puteanus. Haden(ecus cavernarum. Phalangopsis sp. Thomj^s., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xiii. 113 (1844). Rhapidophora cavernarum Sauss., Ann. Soc. Entom. France (4), i. 492 (1860). Hadencecus cavernarum Scudd.!, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xii. 409 (1869); xix. 38 (1877) ; Boliv. , Ann. Soc. Ent. France (5), x. 72 (1880) ; Riley, Stand. Nat. Hist., ii. 184, fig. 260 (1884) ; Comst., Intr. Ent., 114 (1888); Blatchl., Proc. Ind. Acad. Sc, 1892, 153. Rhapidophora subterranea Scudd.!, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., viii. 8 (1861); Pack., Amer. Nat., v. 745, fig. 126 (1871) ; Cope, Ibid., vi. 409 (1872); Hubb., Amer. Ent., iii. 37 (1880). Hadencecus subterraneus Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 441 (1862) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 201 (1869) ; Pack., Guide Ins., 565 (1869) ; Glover, 111. N. A. Ent., Orth., pi. 8, fig. 6 (1872) ; Cope-Pack., Amer. Nat., xv. 882 (1881) ; Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 66, fig. 34 (1888); Pack., Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc. iv. 67-70, 83,116, fig. 16, pi. 17, fig. 3 (1888) ; Id., Psyche, v. 198-199 (1889); Garm., Ibid., vi. 105, fig. (1891). Early notices of this insect by Telkampf will be found in Muller's Arch. Anat. Phys., 1844, 318, and Wiedemann's Arch. Naturg., 1844, 384 ; also by Schiodte in K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. 1849, 5 ; by Agassiz in Silliman's Amer. Journ. Sc, 1851, 127; and by Lesque- reux in the Actes Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., 40 Sess., 52-53 (1855). I have studied specimens only from the Mammoth Cave, Ky. It is also reported by Packard from many other caves in the Mammoth Cave region, as Dixon's, White's, Salt, Ice, Diamond, Grand Avenue, Poynter's, Wetzel's, Haunted, and Emerson Spring Branch caves; besides Mail Robbers', One Hundred Dome, Walnut Hill Spring, SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 23 Short, Proctor's, Little Lithographic, and Sugar Bowl caves, and a cave under Gardiner's Knob, — all near Glasgow Junction ; also a cave near Baker's Furnace, and John and Fred's Cave on the east bank of Dismal Creek ; further in Carter County caves, viz. Gray Tom's, Zwingle's, Bat, Van Meter's, Grayson Springs, and Burcliell's caves ; and finally in Nickajack Cave, Tenn. Blatchley also reports it from Wyandotte Cave, Ind., on the authority of Cope, but it is not so given by Cope in the references quoted ; and Walker, of course in error, from the " west coast of America" ! I have also seen specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, from Turner's Caves, Pennington Gap, Lee County, Va. (H. G. Hubbard), and Ely Cave, Lee County, Va. (N. S. Shaler). Hadencecus puteanus. Hudencecus puteanus Scudd.!, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xix. 37 (1877). On sides and under covering of wells in North Carolina ; also in Mississippi. CEUTHOPHILUS Scudder. Ceuthophilus Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 433-434 (1862) ; Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 61 (1888). This is one of the dominant American genera of Locustarise, con- fined to North America and almost entirely to the United States, embracing a large number of species in every section of the country, of which fifty-five are here characterized. Several others are known to me by single specimens or mutilated examples. The following table is based principally upon the males. It has been impossible to construct it so as to bring together the allied species^ whose relation- ship is better shown by the order in which they are described, though even here the arrangement is far from satisfactory, nearly allied species being sometimes separated at considerable distances in order to bring them in closer relation with other allies. Although I have had six hundred and fifty examples to study at this time, besides others in alcohol, the material is still insufficient to make a satisfactory disposi- tion of our species, and I am confident that very many more yet remain to be discovered. 24 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Table of the Species of Ceuthophilus. a}. Second joint of hind tarsi at least half as long again, usually twice or more than twice as long, as the third. b^. Fore femora one third or more than one third longer than the pronotum, at least in the $ ; hind tibiae of J almost always straight, never greatly bowed. c^. Hind tibise of J at least a tenth longer than the hind femora. d^. Ovipositor much shorter than the fore femora. e^. Hind femora stout, not three times as long as broad, at least m the ^ 1. variegatus. e^. Hind femora slender, four times as long as broad in the 9 .2. ensifer. d}. Ovipositor much longer than the fore femora. e^. Hind tibial spurs less than twice as long as the tibial depth ; outer carina of hind femora of ^ generally with some spines at least half as long as the tibial sjDurs. f^. Fore femora of $ three fourths as long again as the pronotum . 3. stygius. f^. Fore femora of $ from one half to two thirds as long again as the pronotum. g^. Hind femora of $ much less than four times as long as broad ; hind tibiae of $ very long and more or less sinuous at base in old individuals. h^. Largest spines of outer carina of hind femora of $ simple and similar to the others. 4. gracilipes. h^. Largest spines as above greatly tumid at base. 5. latebricola, g^. Hind femora of $ much more than four times as long as broad ; hind tibiee of $ scarcely more than one tenth longer than the hind femora, straight. 6. grandis. e^. Hind tibial spurs fully twice, generally much more than twice, as long as tibial depth ; outer carina of hind femora of $ with no spines a third as long as the tibial spurs. f^. Armature of outer carina of hind femora of J developed as distinct spines rather than as serrations; ovipositor arcuate 7. secretus. SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 25 f^. Armature of outer carina of hind femora of $ developed only as recumbent serrations ; ovipositor almost or (juite straight. g^. Hind femora of $ slender, almost or quite four times as long as broad ; hind tibiae exceptionally long, nearly or quite one sixth longer than the femora. It)-. Hind femora of $ more than tveice as long as the fore femora ; ovipositor very feebly arcuate, only two thirds as long as the hind femora. 8. palmeri, K~. Hind femora of $ less than twice as long as the fore femora ; ovipositor straight, three fourths as long as the hind femora ... 9. corticicola. g^. Hind femora of $ less slender, being less than three and three quarters times as long as broad ; hind tibias but little more than one tenth longer than the femora 10. varicator. c^. Hind tibige of $ distinctly less than a tenth longer than the hind femora ; ovipositor always longer than the fore femora. d^. Hind tibiiB of $ straight ; outer carina of hind femora of ^ never conspicuously spined. e^. Hind tibial spurs nearly three times as long as the tibial depth 11. latibuli. e^. Hind tibial spurs at most less than twice as long as the tibial depth, rarely half as long again. f^. Prevailing colors blackish fuscous above, the lighter colors being distinctly less extensive than the dark (which is generally nearly black) and appearing as dots or roundish spots, and sometimes also as a broad medio- dorsal stripe. g^. Fore femora of ^ at most scarcely more than a third longer than the pronotum ; outer carina of hind femora of ^ serrulate, not spined. h}. Hind femora relatively long and slender, three and three quarters times as long as broad. 12. sechisus. h?. Hind femora relatively stout, not over three and a half times longer than broad. i^. Hind tibife but little longer than the femora, the spurs not longer than the tibial depth, the hind femora considerably more than twice aS long as the fore femora. 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. p. Hind femora less than three times as long as broad 13. terrestris. j'^. Hind femora three and a half times as long as broad 14. celatus. i^. Hind tibiae considerably longer than tlie femora, the spurs half as long again as the tibial depth, the hind femora only about twice as long as the fore femora 15. brevipes. g^. Fore femora of ^ nearly one half longer than the pronotum ; outer carina of hind femora of male spined, not serrulate 16. lapidicola. f^. The lighter colors which are more massive prevail above, the darker appearing principally as posterior bands to the segments and rarely darker than fusco- castaneous, rarely vfith a light mediodorsal line. g^. Outer carina of hind femora of ^ armed with only a few raised points. Ji^. Hind femora slender, nearly three and a half times longer than broad . . . 17. arizoiiensis. h"^. Hind femora stout, about two and a half times longer than broad 18. uniformis. d'^. Hind tibi£8 of $ arcuate or sinuous; outer carina of hind femora of ^ always conspicuously spined. e^. Hind femora very long, four times as long as broad, the fore femora fully three fourths as long again as the pronotum 19. heros. e^. Hind femora relatively short, not more than three and a half times longer than broad, the fore femora consider- ably less than half as long again as the pronotum. f^. Inferior sulcus of hind femora of $ broadening proximally 20. uhleri. f^. Inferior sulcus of hind femora of ^ of uniform width 21. hlatddeyi. h^. Fore femora but little if any longer than the pronotum even in the male ; hind tibiaj of male usually straight, but often bowed or sinuate. c^. Dorsal surface of abdomen of $ smooth and even. d^. Hind tibiae of $ arcuate or sinuate in basal half. e^. Hind tibiae of $ considerably longer than the femora; hind tibial spurs usually at least half as long again as the tibial depth. SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 27 /^ Hind femora of S relatively long, three and a half times as long as broad ; no large spines on outer carina. 30. macvlntus. f^. Hind femora of $ relatively stout, rarely exceeding three, never three and a quarter, times as long as broad j some spines on outer carina as long as the tibial spurs. g^. Hind tibiai of $ at least a tenth longer than the femora. h^. Hind femora of $ two and a half times longer than the fore femora ; hind tibial spurs only slightly longer than the tibial depth. 28. meridionalis. h"^. Hind femora of $ but little more than twice as long as the fore femora ; hind tibial spurs nearly twice as long as the tibial depth . 45. inquinatus. g". Hind tibiae of $ less than one tenth longer than the femora 22. spinosus. e^. Hind tibire of $ at most scarcely longer than the femora ; hind tibial spurs rarely longer than the tibial depth. f^. Hind femora of $ three or more than three times as long as broad ; fore femora nearly or quite a fifth longer than the pronotum. g^. Hind tibiiB of $ at most feebly sinuate at base. 39. agassizii. g"^. Hind tibiae of $ very strongly bowed. 34. valgus, f'^. Hind femora of $ less than three times as long as broad ; fore femora only an eighth longer than the pro- notum. g^. Hind tibise of ^ strongly bowed, armed below with a row of spines mounted on nodules. 33. nodulosus. g"^. Hind tibiae of $ faintly sinuate at base, normally armed beneath 51. latipes. cP. Hind tibiae of $ straight throughout. e^. Outer carina of hind femora of ^ armed with prom- inent conical spines, generally well separated. f^. Hind tibitB of ^ less than one tenth longer than the femora. g^. Dorsal surface of body almost uniformly very dark, almost black, the lighter markings themselves 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. not very light nor extensive, and therefore incon<= .. spicuous. h}. Hind tibial spurs generally excessively diver- gent, extending ia nearly opposite directions on the two sides and set at a high angle with the tibia. 35. diver gens. Jr. Hind tibial spurs rarely exceeding 120° in divergence, and set at an angle with the tibia not exceeding 50°. ^\ Smaller species, with pallid sides, luteous legs, and narrow dorsal stripe, the hind tibise of the $ a twelfth as long again as the femora. 23. ccecus. i^. Larger species, with castaneous sides and legs and broad dorsal stripe, the hind tibite of ^ not a thirtieth longer than the femora . 26. sallei. g^. Dorsal surface of body with conspicuously con- trasted dark and light markings, neither prevailing over the other 47. pallidm. f^. Hind tibisE of (^ a tenth longer than the femora. 32. hicolor. e^. Outer carina of hind femora of $ more or less deli- cately serrate or armed with recumbent spines. j"^. Body of male very compact, short subfusiform, not or hardly more than two and a quarter times as long as broad. g^. Hind femora of $ relatively stout, considerably less than three times as long as broad, the hind tibiae longer than the femora, and the spurs only as long as the tibial depth 24. nigricans. g"^. Hind femora of $ relatively slender, three times as long as broad, the hind tibise shorter than the femora and the spurs nearly half as long again as the tibial depth 25. fusiformis. f^. Body of $ much more elongated, rarely distinctly fusiform, over three and generally at least four times as long as broad. g^. Hind tibiee of $ at least a tenth longer than the femora. h^. Body without conspicuously contrasted colors ; hind femora of ^ relatively slender, four times as long as broad 36. occultus. 8CUDDER. NORTH AMEFJCAN CEUTHOPHILT. 29 h^. Body with conspicuously contrasted colors; hind femora of ^ relatively slender, less than three and a quarter times as long as broad . 46. discolor. g^. Hind tibiae of $ less than one tenth longer than the femora. h}. Hind femora of $ with no raised points on the upper distal half. i^. Outer carina of hind femora of $ almost unarmed ; markings of the body more or less marmorate or maculate. j^. A broad continuous light dorsal stripe on pronotum, usually extending over the whole thorax. k^. Hind tibial spurs distinctly marked with black at base ; ovipositor twice as long as fore femora 27. latens. P. Hind tibial spurs at most indistinctly infuscated at base ; ovipositor shorter than fore femora 31. tenehrarum. j^. A narrow and very unequal light dorsal stripe on pronotum, interrupted^ if present, on rest of thorax 38. bruneri. i-. Outer carina of hind femora of $ finely and closely serrate ; dark markings of body confined to transverse borderings of the segments. 48. vinculatus. h'-. Hind femora of $ with a greater or less num- ber of raised points on upper distal half. ^^ Hind femora of $ with only a few distant recumbent spines on outer carina. j^. Hind tibiae of c? a tenth longer than the femora; spurs fully twice as long as tibial depth 44. vinguis. j'^. Hind tibife of $ less than a tenth longer than the femora ; spurs much less than twice as long as tibial depth . . 40. mexicanus. p. Hind femora of ^ with numerous denticula- tions on the outer carina, forming a more or less close serration. J^. Ovipositor relatively short, at most but little more than half as long as hind femora. 30 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. P. Hind femora of $ less than twice as long as fore femora, l^. Hind tibiffi of $ no longer than femora ; spurs only a little longer than tibial depth, and divaricating about 60° ; inner carina of fore femora minutely ser- ratulate .... 50. californianus. P. Hind tibia; of c? a little longer than femora ; spurs fully twice as long as tibial depth, and divaricating about 90° ; inner carina of fore femora simply spined. 49. testaceus. ¥■. Hind femora of $ two and a fourth times as long as fore femora . . 29. neglectus. j^. Ovipositor relatively long, two thirds as long as hind femora or more. F. Hind femora of $ relatively slender, at least three times as long as broad. l^. Hind tibiae of $ of same length as femora ; colors moderately dark. 37. alpinus. P. Hind tibia? of ^ considerably longer than femora ; colors rather pallid. 41. pallescens. P. Hind femora of ^ relatively stout, hardly more than two and a half times as long as broad 43. crassus. c^. Dorsal surface of abdomen of ^ closely tuberculate ; hind tibia? strongly arcuate. d^. Both outer and inner caringe of hind femora of ^ armed with a large compressed spine as long as the depth of the genicular lobes 52. pacijicus. d'^. Outer carina of hind femora of ^ elevated to a high lamina, suddenly terminating acutely before the genicular lobes 53. henshawi. a^. Second joint of hind tarsi but little longer than the third. v. Large species ; outer carina of hind femora considerably and uniformly elevated throughout 54. devius. 6^. Small species ; outer carina of hind femora elevated distally much more than proximally 55. neomexicanus. The male being unknown to me, C, sylvestris does not appear in the above table. It will be foun the intervening sulcus of moderate breadth and V-shaped. Hind tibiae considerably longer than the femora, unusually slender, straight in both sexes, armed beneath with two preapical spines besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, the basal at the end of the proximal fourth of the tibia, nearly half as long agani as the tibial depth, set at an angle of 40-45° with the tibia and divaricating about 135°, their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria considerably longer than the outer, nearly twice VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 4 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. as loug as the others or as the spurs, but much shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about two fifths the length of the tibia, the first joint shorter than the others together, the second twice as long as the third and with it as long as the fourth. Cerci rather slender, regularly tapering, slightly longer than the femoral breadth. Oviposi- tor gently tapering on proximal, equal on distal half, rather slender, very slightly arcuate, two thirds the length of the hind femoi'a, the tip acute but not produced, the armature of the inner valves a dull and nearly obsolete serration. Length of body, J" 14 mm., 9 15.5 mm. ; pronotum, ^ 3.9 mm., 9 4.5 mm.; fore femora, ^ 5.5 mm.. 9 6 mm.; hind femora, ^ 11 mm., 9 13 mm.; hind tibice, ^ 12 mm., 9 13.5 mm. ; ovipositor, 8.4 mm. 3 ^,3 9. Grand Menan Isl., Me., A. E. Verrill ; Vigo Co., Ind., October, Blatchley. Specimens are in the Museum of Comparative Zoology from St. Johns, N. B. Provancher gives it from Canada with a query, and it appears, but wrongly, in Bruner's list of the Orthoptera of Nebraska (Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 32, 1893). 16. Ceuthophilus lapidicola. Phalangopsis lapidicola Burm., Handb. d. Ent., ii. 723 (1838). Locusto. {Rhaphidophorus) lapidicola De Haan, Bijdr. Kenn. Orth., 178 (1842). Body glabrous, blackish above and on upper part of sides, with a very broad dark rufous mediodorsal stripe, narrowing on the abdomen and disappearing in the middle of the same, the black portions sprinkled, especially on the abdomen where it covers all the sides, with rufo-lute- ous dots or small roundish spots, the lower portion of the sides of the thorax and especially of the pronotum luteous, flecked and clouded to a greater or less degree with fuscous ; antennse fuscous, very distantly and narrowly annulated with luteous ; legs luteous, infuscated more or less — and in this very variable — especially at the distal extremity of the femora, the hind femora almost wholly blackish fuscous externally, flecked, streaked, or stained, especially below, with sordid luteous. The antennee are very slender and at least three and a half times as long as the body, and the legs slender and pretty long. Fore femora barely stouter in the basal half than the middle femora, somewhat less than half as long as the hind femora, nearly a half ((?) or almost a third (9) longer than the pronotum, the inner carina with two rather short spines. Middle femoi'a with 2-3 rather short spines on the front SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 51 carina and on the hind carina two very feeble spines besides a moder- ately long genicular spine. Hind femora about as long as the body, somewhat more than twice as long as the fore femora, rather slender, being fully three and a half times as long as broad, the distal third to fourth subequal, the inner surface above and beyond the middle with three or four distant raised points, both carina? feebly spinulate in the distal half, the outer more strongly than the inner in the male, the reverse in the female which as a whole is a little more feebly armed, the intervening sulcus rather narrow. Hind tibiae straight in both sexes, of the same length as the femora, armed beneath with 1-2 sub- apical spines besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, the basal before the end of the proximal third of the tibia, with sometimes a supplementary spur still farther toward the base, fully half as long again as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 70° with the tibia, and divaricating about 160°, the apical third incurved; inner middle calcaria considerably longer than the outer, fully twice as long as the others or as the spurs and scarcely shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi two fifths as long as the tibia?, the first joint some- what shorter than the rest combined, the second more than twice as long as the third and with it about as long as the fourth. Cerci rather slender, scarcely shorter than the femoral breadth. Ovipositor a little less than two thirds as long as the hind femora, straight, feebly tapering on the basal third, equal and moderately broad beyond, the tip a little upturned and acuminate (about 35°), the teeth not long, aculeate. Length of body, (^9 21 mm. ; antennae (est.), ^ 75+ mm., 9 68+ mm. ; pronotum, ^ 6.5 mm., 9 7 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 9.5 mm., 9 8.9 mm. ; hind femora and tibiae, ^ 20.25 mm., 9 20.4 mm. ; ovipositor, 12.75 mm. 1 c?9 2 9j and 3 immature specimens, N. Carolina, Morrison (Coll. Henshaw, Bruner). A 9 fi'om Pennsylvania is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and a 9 without locality in the U. S. National Museum. Burmeister's Phal. lapidicola came from Virginia and South Caro- lina. The present species is the only one known to me from the Southern Atlantic States which completely or approximately agrees with his description, the species formerly referred by me and others to this being a Northern form to which the description poorly fits, and that described by Brunner under this name is a very different insect. 62 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 17. Ceuthophilus arizonexsis, sp. nov. Pallid luteous, so heavily infuscated that behind the pronotum there is only left a single series of luteous spots on each side, which on the meso- and metanotum are transverse oval and rather large, and on the abdomen are transverse anterior stripes, sometimes confluent with those of the opposite side ; the pronotum is mostly fuscous, deepest around the margin, more or less dotted and vermiculate with luteous elsewhere, there being commonly a transverse row of dots bordering the anterior fuscous margin, and the disk on either side more or less heavily blotched with the same ; the legs are fuscous, varying in depth in different individuals, the hind femora generally with sufficiently conspicuous scalariform markings. The antennae are very slender and fully three times as long as the body, and the legs are slender but not very long. Fore femora slightly stouter than the middle femora, a third longer than the pronotum and half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with one or two spines. Middle femora with 1-3 spines on the front carina, and the hind carina generally unarmed except for a slight genicular spine, but sometimes with as many as three other minute spines. Hind femora nearly as long as the body, twice the length of the fore femora, moderately slender, being a little less than three and a half times longer than broad, gradually diminish- ing in size and yet with the distal fourth subequal, the surface with no raised points, the outer carina with only a few raised points, mostly on the distal half, the inner carina with most minute but sharp distant spinules, the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibiag scarcely longer than the femora, straight in both sexes, very slender, armed beneath with a single preapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs nearly opposite, the basal beyond the end of the proximal third of the tibia, about as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of from 35-40° with the tibia and generally divaricating about 70-80° (one example about 100°), their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria a little longer than the outer, fully twice as long as the others or as the spurs, but much shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi less than half as long as the tibijE, the first joint fully as long as the rest combined, the second twice as long as the third and with it as long as the fourth. Cerci stout on the proximal, slender on the distal half, nearly as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor four fifths the length of the hind femora, slender, nearly straight, tapering slightly, the tip finely pointed at an angle of about 30° and barely upturned, the armature of the inner valves aculeate, only the terminal arcuate. SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 53 Length of body, c? 8 mmv 9 11-5 mm.; pronotum, (^ 2.7 mm., 9 3.7o mm. ; fore femora, ^ 3.75 mm., 9 5 mm. ; hind femora, ^ 7.5 mm., 9 10 mm.; hind tibia?, ^ 8 mm., ? 10.2 nun. ; ovipositor, tS mm. 3 c?, 99. St. George, Utah, April 1-12, E. Palmer; Prescott Mt. district, Central Arizona, E. Palmer. One specimen was collected by XantuS; locality not mentioned but not improbably Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. In the U. S. National Museum are 3 ,^, 1 9, from Ft. Wingate, N. Mex. (Shufeldt), in the Riley collection. 18. Ceuthophilus uniformis, sp. nov. Ceuthophilus pallidus Scudd. !, Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., ii. 261 (1876) ; Id. !, Ann. Rep. Geogr. Surv. West 100th Mer., 1876, 279; Brum?, Bull. Washb. Coll.. i. 126 (1885), i. 194-195 (1886); Id.?, Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 32 (1893). Smoky luteo-testaceous with a slight olivaceous tinge, glabrous, marked more or less deeply with fuscous along the posterior margins of the segments and generally along the anterior margin of the pronotum ; in this posterior infuscation are indistinct dots of luteous in a trans- verse series ; generally there is also a mediodorsal luteous line over all the segments but deepest and broadest on the pronotum, which is also laterally irregularly streaked, clouded, or blotched with luteous ; beyond the lighter more luteous bases of the femora, the legs are of the body color, but the hind femora are considerably inf'uscated in a scalariform pattern, apically confluent. The antenna? are slender and nearly or quite three times the length of the body and the legs are moderately short. Fore femora no stouter than the middle femora, more than a third (cj) or less than a fourth (9) longer than the pronotum and somewhat less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina armed only with a subapical spine. Middle femora with two spines on the front carina, and on the hind carina 2-3 (?) or 3-4 ((^) spines besides a not very long genicular spine. Hind femora nearly as long as (^$) or much shorter than (9) the body, a little more than twice as long as the fore femora especially in the 9 , pretty stout, in the $ being but a little more than two and a half times longer than broad, though in the 9 fully three and a quarter times as long as broad, with no raised points on the surface, or at most four or five scattered insignificant ones on the inner surface in the $, the outer carina with a few spinous points on the distal half, the inner carina similarly armed but in the $ weaker, the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibite scarcely or no longer than the femora, straight 54 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. in both sexes, slender, armed beneath with a single subapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs almost opposite, the basal rather beyond the end of the proximal third of the tibia, scarcely longer ((^) or a little longer (?) than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with the tibia and divaricating 70-90°, their tips incurved; inner middle calcaria distinctly longer than the outer, twice as long as the others or as the spurs, but distinctly shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi nearly half as long as the tibite, the first joint fully ( or with about six slight and distant recumbent spines (9), the inner carina rather bluntly denticulate, distantly in the outer half (^) or like the outer carina but more closely denticulate (9)' the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibi;e barely arcuate at base ( (?) or straight ( 9 ), a very little longer than the femora, armed beneath with 1-2 sub- apical spines besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, the basal at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, a little longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 60° with the tibia and divaricating about 130° (($) or 150-170° (9), incurved at tip; inner middle cal- caria a little longer than the outer, twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi two fifths as long as the tibite, the first joint much shorter than the rest together, the second nearly three times as long as the third and with it fully as long as the fourth. Cerci slender, nearly half as long again as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor three fifths as long as the hind femora, straight, tapering and not very stout in the basal, slender and equal in the apical half, the apex obliquely truncate, upturned, and acuminate but not much produced, the teeth of the inner valves rather short and aculeate. Length of body, $ 23.5 mm., 9 21 mm. ; antenna?, ^ 85 mm., 9 92 mm.; pronotum, ^ 6.25mm., 9 7.2 mm.; fore femora, S 11-5 mm., 9 12 mm.; hind femora, ^ 24 mm., 9 25 mm.; hind tibiae, ^ 25.5 mm., 9 26 mm. ; ovipositor, 15 mm. 3 $,2 9- North Carolina, H. K. Morrison; over two hundred were found in one old hollow tree when it was felled. 2 J and 2 9 •> 5Q PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. of what is apparently the same species, but smaller, are in the U. S. National Museum from Washington, D. C. 20. Ceuthophilus uhleri. Ceuthophilus uhleri Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 435 (18G2) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 201 (1869) ; Glov., 111. N. A. Ent., Orth., pi. 8, fig. 8 (1872) ; Riley, Stand. Nat. Hist., ii. 184 (1884) ; Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 64-65, fiig. 33b (1888) ; Smith, Catal. Ins. N. J., 409 (1890). Ceuthophilus latisulcus Blachl.!, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sc, 1892, 146 (1894). Dull luteo- or rufo-testaceous, very heavily flecked with dark fuscous so as to produce a tolerably uniform mottled appearance, ordinaril}' a little more open than elsewhere in a narrow mediodorsal streak on the pronotum, and in the tolerably clear luteous or pallid luteous of the inferior margin of the descending thoracic lobes ; the flecking is made up of small more or less confluent dots, which assume a certain longi- tudinal regularity on the abdomen only ; legs varying from luteous to testaceous, more or less infuscated, especially on the apical portions of the femora and in the distinct and heavy scalariform markings of the hind femora. The antennae are moderately stout in the basal, but in the apical half very slender, apparently only a little more than twice the length of the body, the legs moderately long. Fore femora no stouter than the hind femora, much less than half as long as the hind femora, but considerably more than a third longer than the pronotum in the $ though only a fourth longer in the 9 , the inner carina with 2-3 spines, the subapical not much longer than the others. Middle femora with the front carina as in the fore femora, the hind carina armed with 1-3 spines besides a moderately long genicular spine. Hind femora longer (^$) or shorter (9 ) than the body, considerably more than twice as long as the fore femora (at least a third more in the male), stout, the apical third or fourth subequal, about three and a third times as long as broad in the male, the darker portions of the surface of the apical half of the femora and the upper portion of the inner side rather heavily {$) or very sparsely (9) scabrous with raised points, the outer carina armed with 7-8 unetjual inequidistant coarse irregular ar- cuate spines, the largest (just beyond the middle) as long as but much stouter than the tibial spurs ( the intervening sulcus narrow and deep. Hind tibiae slender and straight in both sexes, scarcely longer than the femora, armed beneath with a single preapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs generally opposite, the basal at about the end of the proximal third of the tibia, fully half as long again as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 50° with the tibia and divaricating about 140° with each other, their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria very much longer than the outer, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs and fully as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi almost half as long as the tibiaB, the first joint nearly as long as the rest together, the second more than twice the length of the third and with it not so long as the fourth. Cerci tapering throughout equally, a little shorter than the femoral breadth, the tip not very pointed. Ovipositor tapering gently in proximal, equal in distal half, the tip upcurved and produced to a fine point, as long as the fore femora, the teeth and apical hook of inner valves slender, long, and arcuate. Length of body, ^ 16 mm., 9 14.5 mm.; pronotum, ^ 5.7 mm., 9 5.5 mm.; fore femora, $ 6.9 mm., 9 6 mm.; hind femora, ^ 17.5 mm., 9 14.8 mm.; hind tibise, (? 18 mm., 9 15 mm.; ovipositor, 6 mm. 1 (J, 7 9. New Orleans, Auguste Salle. The species is noticeable for the length of all the spines. 27. Cedthophilus latens. Ceuthophiluslatens Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 437 (1862) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 202 (1869) ; Brun., Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 31 (1893) ; Blatchl.!, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sc, 1892, 143-144 (1894). Body glabrous, with a broad mediodorsal stripe of dark rufo-luteous "H the thoracic se2:meuts, bordered very broadly on either side with blackish or blackish fuscous, fading out inferiorly, the lower portion of the sides pallid luteous, more or less impure, the very margin luteo- testaceous ; the abdominal segments obscurely continue these longi- tudinal markings, but the black becomes brownish fuscous and is so dotted with dull luteous as to give a very different appearance, the segments being marked with alternate and frequent short longitudinal SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 65 or obliquely longitudinal bars of brovvnisli fuscous and dull luteous, the darker parts often also dotted with luteous ; legs luteous, more or less infuscated, especially the hind femora the outer surface of which excepting at base is increasingly fuscous distally and broadly annulate with blackish apically, the surface generally sprinkled with luteous dots, with faintly different depths of color marking a scalariform pattern. The hind tibial spines are distinctly blackish at the base. The antennae are about three times as long as the body, luteous, the joints at first feebly infuscated at the base, afterwards wholly, and then interrupted by luteous for a single joint every few joints irregularly, the legs moderately slender and not very long, the hind tibial spurs distinctly infuscated or blackish at base. Fore femora slightly stouter than the middle femora, considerably less than half as long as the hind femora, nearly a third longer than the pro- notum in the $, though but little longer in the 9, the inner carina armed with 2-3 spines. Middle femora with generally 2-3 spines on the front carina and on the hind carina 1-2 spines besides a moderate genicular spine. Hind femora about as long as the body, at least two and a quarter times longer than the fore femora, the swollen portion very gradually tapering and of unusual length, the whole about three and a quarter (^$) or three and three quarters (9) times as long as broad, the surface with no raised points, both outer and inner carina in both sexes almost unarmed, at most a few feeble spinules being seen near the apex, the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibife scarcely or no longer than the femora, straight in both sexes, slender, generally armed beneath with two median subapical spines besides the apical pair ; spurs irregularly opposite, the basal at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, slightly longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with the tibia and divaricating about 1 20°, slightly incurved especially at tip ; inner middle calcaria much longer than the outer, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about two fifths as long as the hind tibios, the first joint as long as the rest together, the second more than twice as long as the third and with it as long as the fourth. Cerci rather slender, tapering, pointed, about two thirds as long as the femora] breadth. Ovipositor twice as long as the fore femora, and about two thirds as long as the hind femora, straight, gently tapering in the proximal, rather slender and equal in the distal half, the tip upturned and acute but not aculeate, the armature of the inner valves consisting of deep denticulations. Length of body, $ 14.5 mm., 9 1^ mm. ; antennae, 9 (est.) 44 mm.; VOL. XXX. (n. s. xxii.) 5 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. pronotum, (J 4.6 mm., ? 5 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 6 mm., ? 5.5 mm. ; hiud femora, J" 9 14 mm,; hind tibiae, ^ 14.5 mm., ? 14 mm. ; ovi- positor, 9 mm. 7 c?, 6 9 . Ithaca and Endfield Falls, N. Y. (Cornell Univ., Morse) ; Vigo Co., lud. (Blatchley) ; Texas, Belfrage. Originally described from Illinois. Said by Bruner to be found in Eastern Nebraska, but I have seen no specimens from so far west. 28. Ceuthophilus meridionalis, sp. nov. Whole dorsal surface of body dark, being mostly almost piceous with dark mahogany brown markings consisting principally of a broad mesial stripe of irregular width on the thorax, fully as broad as the basal joint of the antenute and on the abdomen made up of numerous spots and short longitudinal or oblique bars, which toward the sides become tinged with luteous ; the sides dingy luteous, the femora fuseo- luteous, the hind pair externally striped with clearer luteous above and spotted below ; hind femoral geniculations blackish ; all the tibige and antenna? dark luteous. The antennae are moderately slender, the legs rather long. Fore femora scarcely stouter than the middle femora, fully one fourth longer than the pronotum but only two fifths the length of the hind femora, the inner carina with two spines, the outer of which is hardly subapical but pretty stout. Middle femora with three pretty stout spines on the front carina, and on the hind carina from 1-4 small spines besides a long genicular spine. Hiud femora of the length of the body, about two and a half times as long as the fore femora, very stout, the ajiical fourth subequal, about three and a quarter times as long as broad ; the upper half very faintly but closely scabrous in the darker portions, the outer carina elevated, with 5-6 unequal and inequidistant large or very large spines, the largest just beyond the middle, coarse, especially at base, and much longer than the tibial spurs, besides one or two spinules in the constricted portion of the femora, the inner carina rather dis- tantly and rather regularly spinulate throughout, the intervening sulcus very broad. Hind tibiae gently arcuate on basal third, much longer than the femora, not very slender, armed beneath apically with two or three spines besides the apical pair ; spurs subalternate, the basal at end of proximal third of the tibia, slightly longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of 45° with the tibia and divaricating about 100°, the apical half incurved r (calcaria and hind tarsi lost in the only specimen known). Cerci slender, gently tapering, about two thirds as long as the femoral breadth. SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 67 Length of body, 20 mm. ; antennae, 25 X mm. ; pronotum, 6.5 mm. ; fore femora, 8.25 mm. ; hind femora, 20.5 mm. ; hind tibias, 22.3 mm. 1 (J. Chihuahua, Mexico. 29. Ceuthophilus neglectds, sp. nov. Ceuthophilus maculatus (pars), Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 434 (1862). Glabrous, castaneous, more or less, often deeply, infuscated especially above, the infuscation often but not always terminatmg below the middle of the sides, which are there sordid luteous ; a broad more or less and often very obscure mediodorsal rufo-luteous stripe on the pronotum, sometimes extended farther back but then generally broken ; the sides of the pronotum and to a lesser extent the meso- and meta- notum are more or less blotched or vermiculate with luteous, and the abdomen is more or less but generally feebly maculate with luteous ; the markings and the coloring vary greatly, so that it is difficult to for- mulate any general statement ; the female is apt to be darker than the male, and specimens from New England are often almost uniformly dark, even almost black, while the contrasts between the dorsum and the lower portion of the sides are strongest in specimens from the Middle Atlantic States, where they grow to a large size ; the legs are generally luteo-castaneous, the tips of all the femora dark, sometimes almost black, the hind femora with scalariform fuscous markings. The antennae are not often infuscated and then generally more or less or feebly annulate with luteous, slender and generally 2-3 times as long as the body, the legs rather slender and moderately short. Fore femora scarcely stouter than the middle femora, considerably less than half as long as the hind femora and but very little longer than the pronotum, the inner carina with a subapical spine, rarely accompa- nied by another. Middle femora with 1-3 spines (largely depending upon age) on the front carina, and on the hind carina 0-3 spines besides a longer but short genicular spine. Hmd femora two and a quarter times longer than the fore femora, about as long as the body, stout and tumid, the upper and lower margms almost equally arcuate, scarcely more than the genicular portion subequal, almost three times as long as broad, the inner surface with a very few raised points next or at the upper margin beyond the middle, scarcely perceptible or absent from the female, the outer carina minutely, closely, and pretty uniformly serrulate through all but the basal third, sometimes almost imperceptible in the female, the inner carina a feebler repetition of the outer, the intervening sulcus moderate in width. Hind tibiae slender. 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Straight in both sexes, barely or no longer than the femora, armed beneath with 1-2 subapical spines besides the apical pair ; spurs sub- opposite, the basal at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, scarcely shorter than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with the tibia and divaricating about 100-110°, their tips incurved; inner middle calcaria considerably longer than the outer, about twice as long as the othei-s or as the spurs, but shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi almost two fifths as long as the tibite, the first joint not so long as the rest together, the second considerably more than twice as long as the third and with it fully as long as the fourth. Cerci moderately stout, tapering rather uniformly, about two thirds as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor half as long as the hind tibiffi, straight, tapering in basal half, equal and moderately slender, the tip slightly upcurved and acutely pointed (about 35°), the inner valves with aculeate, scarcely arcuate teeth. Length of body, ^ 9 12.5 mm. ; pronotum, ^ 4.4 mm., 9 4.6 mm. ; fore fiemora, c? 9 5 mm. ; hind femora, ,^12 mm., 9 11-7 mm. ; hind tibiae, ^ 9 12 mm. ; ovipositor, C) mm. 31 c^, 29 9- Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock (Cornell Univ., Morse) ; Jay, Vt. (A. P. Morse) ; Sudbury, Vt. (S. H. Scudder) ; side of Mt. Wash- ington, N. H. ( S. H. Scudder) ; Forest Hills, Mass. (S. Henshaw) ; Cambridge, Mass. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) ; Princeton, Mass. (S. H. Scudder) ; Pennsylvania (Mus. Comp. Zool.) ; Maryland (P. R. Uhler) ; Baltimore, Md. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) ; Washington, D. C. Cornell Univ., L. Bruner) ; Virginia (L. Bruner) ; West Virginia (Museum Comp. Zool.). In the U. S. National Museum, from C. V. Riley's collection, are 3^, 2 9, from Maryland, District of Columbia, and Virginia. 30. Ceuthophilus maculatus. Rhaphidophora maculata [Say, MS.], Harr., Treat. Ins. Inj. Veg., ed, 1841-42, 126 ; Fitch, Amer. Journ. Agric. Sc, vi. 146 (1847) ; Pack., Rep. Nat. Hist. Me., 1861, 375 ; Thorn., Trans. 111. St. Agric. Soc, V. 444 (1865). Phalango'psis maculata Harr., Treat. Ins. Inj. Veg., ed. 1852, 137 ; ed. 1862, fig. 73; Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 116 (1869). Ceuthophilus maculatus Scudd. ! (pars), Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 434 (1862); Pack., Rep. Nat. Hist. Me., 1862, 196; Smith, Proc. Portl. Soc. Nat. Hist., i. 145 (1868); Pack., Guide Ins., 565 (1869) ; Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 201 (1869) ; Id., Ibid., Suppl., V. 23 (1871) ; Smith, Rep. Conn. Bd. Agric, 1872, 359, 380; SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 69 Glov., Til. N. A. Ent., Orth., pi. 3, fig. 5 (1872) ; Scudd., Ilitchc, Rep. Geol. N. II., i. 366 (1874); Prov., Nat. Canad., viii. 75, fig. 5 (1876) ; Putu., Proc. Dav. Acad. Sc, ii. 11 (1876) ; Bol., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (o), x. 72 (1880) ; Ril., Stand. Nat. Hist., ii. 184, fig. '2o9 (1884); Bruu.?, Bull. Washb. Coll. i. 126 (1885); Caulf., Can. Ent., xviii. 212 (1886); Id., Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., xviii. 63, 69 (1888); Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 63 (1888) ; Pack., Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc, iv. 72, 116 (1888); Fern., Orth. New Engl., 19 (1888); Pack., Psyche, v. 198 (1889) ; Davis, Ent. Amer., v. 80 (1889) ; Smith, Cat. Ins. N. Jers., 409 (1890); Charlt. ?, Ent. News, i. 64 (1890); Cock.?, Can. Ent., xxii. 76 (1890); McNeill, Psyche, vi. 27 (1891); Osb., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc, i. ii. 119 (1892) ; Towns. ?, Ins. Life, vi. 58 (1893); Blatchl., Proc. Ind. Acad. Sc, 1892, 142-143 (1894); Cock.?, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xx. 336 (1894). Phalangopsis lapidicola Uhl, Harr. Treat. Ins. luj. Veg., 155 (1862). Ceuthophilus lapidicolus Brun. ! , Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 32 (1893). Color and markings abnost precisely the same as in C. terrestris, so that imperfect and immature specimens are exceedingly difficult to separate ; but the darker markings in this species are as a rule darker and cover the surface to a greater extent, and when the mediodorsal stripe is present it is often broader and extends upon the meso- and metanotum ; on the other hand, the maculation of the abdomen with luteous is usually more striking in the present species (partly from the darkness of the ground) and forms sometimes a tolerably regular pattern, consisting on each joint of an anterior mediodorsal triangular spot, a central subdorsal oblique dash, and posterior spots farther from the middle line. The antennas are from two to three times as long as the l)0(ly, and slender except at extreme base, and the legs are moderately long. Fore femora no stouter than the middle femora, a little more than a fourth longer than the pronotum and much less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a long subapical spine and occasionally an additional one. Middle femora with 0-2 spines besides a rather long subapical spine on the front carina, and on the hind carina an occasional small spine besides a long genicular spine. Hind femora of about the length of the body, three and a half times as long as broad, about two and a third times as long as the fore femora, moderately stout at base, the distal fifth subequal, with no raised points on the upper or inner surface, the outer carina with about thirteen unequal coarse spines, the longest hardly half as long as the tibial spurs {$)ov with minute distant inconspicuous spinules ( 9 )> 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the itiuer carina with similar but uniform spinulation, none so large as on the outer carina (J') or with a few minute spiuules on the apical half (9 ), the intervening sulcus not very broad. Hind tibiae feebly undulate in the basal half in the male, slender in both sexes, dis- tinctly but not greatly longer than the femora, armed beneath with a single preapical spine or occasionally with two minute unaligned spines besides the apical pair ; spurs rudely opposite, the basal at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, more than half as long again as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 40° with the tibia and divari- cating 90-100°, their tips incurved; inner and outer middle calcaria sube(|ual, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about two fifths as long as the tibiae, the first joint shorter than the rest together, the second twice as long as the third and with it longer than the fourth. Cerci stout in the proximal half, tapering beyond, about two thirds as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor nearly two thirds as long as the hind femora, shaped and armed as in G. terrestris. Length of body, ^ 14 mm., 9 16? mm.; pronotum, ^ 5 mm., 9 5.1 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 6.6 mm., 9 6.7 mm. ; hind femora, $ 15.25 mm., 9 16 mm.; hind tibia?, ^ 16.25 mm., 9 17 mm.; ovipositor, 10 mm. 18 ^,9 9. Montreal, Canada, Caulfield ; valleys of the White Mts., N. H.; Chateaugay Lake, Adirondacks, N. Y., 2,000', F. C. Bowditch ; Itliaca, N. Y., Pearce, Pettit (Corn. Univ.) ; Michigan, J. G. Jack ; Cape Elizabeth, Me., E. S. Morse ; Blue Hills, Milton, Mass., S. Henshaw; Mass., F. G. Sanborn; Conn., E. Norton; New York ; S. Orange, N. J. : Moline, 111., McNeill ? Vigo Co., Ind., W. S. Blatchley; Iowa City, Iowa, Shimek (Bruner). I have also seen specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology from Norway (Smith), Gorham, Cape Elizabeth (Morse), Maine, Vermont, Maiden (Higgins), House Island (Cooke), Feltonville (Jilson) and Nahant, Mass. In addition to the districts mentioned above it has been reported (but may often have been erroneously taken for another species) from Howe's Cave, N. Y. (Packard), Missouri (Brunner), IMcPherson Co., Kansas and Nebraska (Bruner), and Colorado (Charlton, Cockerell, Townsend). 31. Ceuthophilus tenebrarum, sp. nov. Ceuthophilus latens McNeill !, Psyche, vi. 27 (1891). Body glabrous, brownish or blackish fuscous, heavily marked with luteo-castaneous, often more or less pallid, sometimes with a rufous SCUDDER. —NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 71 tiuge ; the markings consist of a mediodorsal stripe of varying w»dth but usually rather broad on the pronotum, especially a little before either bonier, generally reduced to a line on the abdomen, a large lateral patch on either side of the pronotum. sometimes confined to the inferior margin, sometimes extending half way to the mediodorsal Hue, and a conspicuous and liberal sprinkling of roundish spots, generally more or less elongated longitudinally, especially on the abdomen ; the antennas are pale fuscous and the legs sordid luteous more or less infuscated, the hind femoia with heavy fuscous scalariform markings, leaving roundish dull luteous spots in the openings of the upper half. The antennie are slender and apparently only about twice the length of the body or a little more, and the legs short though slender, t'ore femora of the same slenderness as the middle femora, much less than half as long as the hind femora and a little more (cj) or a little less (9) than a fourth longer than the pronotum, the inner carina with 1-2 small spines. Middle femora with 1-3 spines on the front carina, the subapical the longest but not long, the hind carina with rarely more than the moderately short genicular spine. Hind femora some- what shorter than the body, about two and a half times longer than the fore femora, moderately slender, being about three and a third times as long as broad, fully the apical fourth subequal, the surface with no raised spines, the outer carina with a few distant serrations or recumbent spines on apical half ((?) or unarmed (9), the inner carina similar to the outer, the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibifB straight in both sexes, not a great deal longer than the femora, armed beneath with a single subapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subalternate, the basal at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, scarcely if any longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of 45° with the tibia and divaricating about 110°, their tips incurved; inner middle calcaria much longer than the outer, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and nearly as long as the first joint of the tarsus. Hind tarsi fully two fifths as long as the tibiae, the first joint almost as long as the rest together, the second twice as long as the third and with it fully as long as the fourth. Cerci slender, taper- ing regularly, three fourths as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor as long as the fore femora, straight, the apical three fifths equal and moderately slender, the apex a little upturned and subacute but not very much produced, the teeth of the inner valves consisting of blunt pointed crenations. Length of body, ^ 13.5 mm., 9 12.5 mm. ; pronotum, J 3.75 mm., 9 3.8 mm. , fore femora, ^ 4.8 mm., 9 4.25 mm. ; hind femora. 72 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMEEICAN ACADEMY. ^ LI. 75 mm., 9 10.25 mm. ; hiud tibife, S 12-5 mm., 9 10.6 mm.: ovipositor, 4.25 mm. 7 c?, 4 9 . Port Byon, III., July 7 (McNeill) ; S. Illinois (Keuui- cott) ; Lexington, Ky., May, June, August (S. Garman) ; Bee Spring, Ky., June, Sanborn (Mus. Comp. Zool.); Beaufort, N. C, Shute (Mus. Comp. Zool.). 2 S, 2 9, from Ohio are in the collection of Riley (U. S. Nat. Mus.). 32. Ceuthophilus bicolor, sp. nov. Body glabrous, luteo-testaceous, with a broad subdorsal blackish fuscous baud on either side, leaving between them a broad bright stripe the whole length of the body, next the stripe sharply delimited, later- ally more or less broken, ragged and fading away, uan*ow on the pro- notum where it is infringed upon by a large central luteous spot on the sides, broader and profusely spotted with luteous posteriorly, the lower portions of the sides almost wholly pallid luteous with cloudy iufuscations, the extreme margin testaceous ; legs luteo-testaceous, the hiud femora feebly marked with fuscous in a scalariform pattern and tipped with fuscous. The antennae are slender and at least three times as long as the body, and the legs slender and rather short. Fore femora no stouter than the middle pair, much less thau half as long as the hiud femora, a fifth as long again as the pronotum, the inner carina with two or three spines, the preapical much longer than the others. Middle femora with the front carina similarly armed and the hind carina with one or two spines mesially situated besides a long genicular spine. Hind femora as long as the body, two and a half times longer than the fore femora, stout, tapering with great regularity to the slightly enlarged genicular lobes, scarcely more than three times as long as broad, the inner surface above beyond the middle with a small cluster of raised points, the outer carina armed on the stouter part of the femora with an open series of serrula- tions, developing distally into spines, the last two much larger than the others and half as long as the tibial spurs, followed by 3-4 slight spines just before and on the genicular lobes, the inner carina equally but inequidistaiitly and rather sparsely spinulate, the inter- vening sulcus broad. Hind tibiae straight, slender, more than a tenth longer than the femora, armed beneath with a single subapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subalternate, the basal before the end of the proximal third of the tibia, nearly or quite twice as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 50° with the tibia and divaricat- ing about 1 10°, their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria greatly SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 73 loiiiier than the outer, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and fully as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi barely two fifths as long as the tibiiv;, the first joint as long as the rest together, the second three times as long as the third and with it as long as the fourth. Cerci not very slender, blunt tipped, about two thirds as lonn as the femoral breadth. Length of body, 11.5 mm.; antennae, (est.) 32+ mm.; pronotum, 3.75 mm.; fore femora, 4.5 mm.; hind femora, 11.5 mm.; hind tibise, 13 mm. 1 (J. Bee Spring, Ky., June 14, F. G. Sanborn (Mus. Comp. Zool.). 33. Cbuthophilus nodulosus. Ceuthophilus nodulosus Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 64, fig. 33a (1888). Luteo-castaneous, heavily marked with blackish fuscous especially along the posterior borders of all the segments and the anterior border of the pronotum, and the latter also flecked with it in an obscure fashion upon the whole disk ; legs luteous, the hind femora almost lacking the usual scalariform markings. The antennae are slender, but are apparently less than twice the length of the body, the legs short. Fore femora very slightly stouter than the middle femora, slightly ((J) or no (9) longer than the pronotum and distinctly less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a feeble subapical spine, at least in the male. Middle femora generally with 3-4 small spines on the front carina, and on the hind carina 0-1 ( 9 ) or 3-8 {$) short spines besides a short genicular spine. Hind femora pretty stout, a very brief apical portion equal, a little less than three times as long as broad, considerably more than twice as long as the fore femora, all the scalariform dark portions of the surface, especially in the male, scabrous with raised points, which are also clustered about the upper portion of the inner side just beyond the middle, the outer carina elevated, with three or four inequal and irregularly distant large and rather coarse more or less arcuate spines, the longest nearly or quite as long as the tibial depth, placed in the middle half, besides a few minor spines beyond them ( J*) or with 4-5 small distant spines, most of them in the constricted part of the femora (9), the inner carina with a series of closer but in no way crowded smaller and uni- form spinules, subobsolete in the female, the intervening sulcus moderate in breadth. Hind tibiae strongly bent or bowed near the middle and subsinuate, on the middle of the proximal half compressed to form a triangular denticle on the under surface, from which a regular curve 74 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. sweeps to an inferior slight spiniferous swelling just before the middle of the distal half ((?), shorter than the femora in both sexes, armed beneath on the distal half with a series of about three recumbent spines (in the ^ arising from slight elevations) besides the apical pair; spurs subopposite, the basal well beyond the end of the distal third of the tibia, hardly more than half as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with the tibia and divaricating about as much; inner middle calcaria somewhat longer than the outer, twice as long as the others or as the spurs but much shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi less than two fifths the length of the tibiae, the first joint nearly as long as the rest together, the second fully twice as long as the third and with it as long as the fourth. Cerci very short, not very slender, rapidly tapering, hardly more than half as long as the femoral breadth ( 9 ) or developed basally as a single stout sub- clavate apically upturned blunt joint, surmounted by a brief conical multiarticulate appendage, the only portion which surpasses the supra- anal plate (S)- Ovipositor brief and slight, no longer than the fore femora, tapering in proximal, equal in distal half, the apex and arma- ture as in G. inquinatus. Length of body, $ 13.5 mm., 9 12 mm.; pronotum, J 4 mm., 9 3.8 mm.; fore femora, ^ 4.5 mm., 9 3.6 mm.; hind femora, ^ 10.5 mm., 9 8.5 mm. ; hind tibiae, $ 9.6 mm., 9 8 mm. ; oviposi- tor, 3.5 mm. 2 ^,2 9' West Point, Nebr. ; McPherson Co., Kans., Run^strom, all from L. Bruner. Subsequently to the description of the above I received from the U. S. National Museum 3 (J, 1 9? from Dallas, Texas, of considerably larger size, like that described by Brunner, also from Texas. 34. Ceuthophilus valgus, sp. nov. Dark luteo-testaceous, more or less infuscated especially along the hind borders of all the segments and the front border of the pronotum ; occasionally a few indistinct luteous dots occur in a transverse series on the abdominal segments, but most of the varied markings are con- fined to the pronotum, where they are not pronounced and consist of a dull luteous mediodorsal stripe and vague and irregular streaks or clouds of luteous upon either side, more or less extensive ; the legs are generally lighter than the body, but are more or less infuscated beyond the base of the femora, the hind pair of which scarcely show any scalariform markings. The antennae are not very slender, two to three times as long as the body, and the legs are moderately long and SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTIIUPHILI. 75 slender. Fore tetnora no stouter than the middle femora, less than a quarter longer than the pronotum and somewhat less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a single minute spine, at least in the cT, besides a distinct preapical spine. Middle femora with a single spine (9) or 2-4 spines (J") on the front carina, and on the hind carina about four spines (generally fewer in the ?) besides a short genicular spine. Hind femora nearly as long as the body, distinctly more than twice as long as the fore femora, not very stout, being about three and a quarter times longer than broad, glabrous, the surface with no raised points, the outer carina elevated, armed with about ten unequal and inequally separated spines, the largest stouter than and about as long as the tibial spurs (J*) or scarcely elevated and unarmed (9), the inner carina with distant raised thick points, occa- sionally becoming minute spines (c^) or unarmed (9), the interven- ing sulcus narrow. Hind tibije as long as the femora, straight in the 9 , sti'ongly bowed on proximal half in the $ (unless immature), armed beneath with a single preapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, the basal at about the end of the proximal third of the tibia, scarcely if at all longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 50° with the tibia and divaricating about 100°, their tips in- curved ; inner middle calcaria about a third longer than the outer, twice as long as the others or as the spurs, but hardly more than half as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi less than half as long as the tibite, the first joint nearly as long as the rest together, the second more than twice as long as the third and with it fully as long as the fourth. Cerci stout, tapering, pointed, hardly more than half as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor almost as long as the hind tibiae, rather slender, equal from close to the base to near the tip, gently arcuate, the tip barely upturned and pointed at an angle of not less than 50°, the inner valves scarcely armed, the teeth being barely in- dicated by a slight crenulation. Length of body, J 13 mm., 9 10 mm, ; pronotum, $ 4.7 mm., 9 3.65 mm. ; fore femora, $ 5.5 mm., 9 4.5 mm. ; hind femora and tibife, each, $ 12.9 mm., 9 9.4 mm.; ovipositor, 8.5 mm. 6 c? , 3 9 . Colorado 7-8,000', H. K. Morrison ; South Park, Col- orado, 8-10,000', August 11-16, S. H. Scudder. I also place here an immature 9 taken by me at Pueblo, Colorado, 4.700', August 30-31. Since the description was written, Mr. L. Bruner has sent me \ $ , 2 9, from Brush Creek, Custer Co., Colorado, 10,000'. and Granite, Colorado. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 35. Ceuthophilus divergens. Ceuthophilus divergens Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 436 (1862) ; Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 201 (1869) ; Thorn. ?, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., 1870, 77 ; Id. r, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., ii. 265, 269 (1871) ; Id.?, Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., iv. 485 (1878) ; Ril., Stand. Nat. Hist., ii. 184 (1884); Blatchl., Proc. lud. Acad. Sc, 1892, 153 (1894). Body subglabrous, dark blackish fuscous above, passing on the sides into rufo-testaceous more or less tinged with luteous, and with blotches and irregular spots of the same above ; especially to be noted are a mediodorsal rufo-luteous interrupted stripe and on the sides of the pronotum a large spot of the same much vermiculate with fuscous ; the abdomen is also more or less spotted with the same ; the legs are dingy luteous, all the femora tipped with fuscous and the hind femora heavily marked with fuscous in a scalariform pattern. The antennae are moderately slender and three or four times as long as the body, and the legs are rather long and slender, with jjrominent spines. Fore femora no stouter, but in the male slightly shorter, than the middle femora, much less than half as long as the hind femora and but little longer than the pronotum, the inner carina with 2-3 spines, the sub- apical long. Middle femora with 2-3 spines on the front carina, the subapical longest, and on the hind carina two small spines besides a long genicular spine. Hind femora about as long as the body, about two and a half times longer than the fore femora, moderately stout particularly in the male, where they are less than three and a half times while in the female they are nearly four times as long as broad, the middle of the inner surface in the male with a considerable cluster of raised points on the upper half, the outer carina with about ten unequal stout teeth the largest shorter but stouter than the tibial spurs (J* ) or apically with a series of subdued serrulations (9 ), the inner carina in 9 armed like the outer carina but very inconspicuously, in the $ as in the 9 but more conspicuously, the intervening carina narrow. Hind tibia3 scarcely longer than the femora, straight in both sexes, slender, distinctly though feebly constricted at the base, faintly enlarging above toward the apex, armed beneath with a single subapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subalternate, the basal at the end of the proximal fourtli of the tibia, nearly or quite twice as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 70° with the tibia and divaricating from 130° to 180°, their tips incurved; inner middle calcaria much longer than the outer, fully twice as long as the othei's or as the spurs, and as long as SCUDDEll. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILT. 77 the first tarsal joint in the S, scarcely so long in the 9. Hind tarsi less than half as long as the hiiul tibi;e, the first joint almost equalling the rest together, the second much more than twice as long as the third and with it about as long as the fourth. Cerci rather stout and short, hardly exceeding in length half the femoral breadth. Ovipositor nearly straight and short, shorter than the fore femora, the basal half tapering, the apical half slender and equal, the tip more than usually upturned and produced to a very acuminate point, the teeth of the inner valves long, aculeate, arcuate. Length of body, (J 1"2 mm., 9 13 mm. ; antennse, (est.) ^ 40 mm., 9 48 mm. ; pronotum, ^f 4.5 mm., 9 5 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 5.4 mm., 9 5.25 mm.; hind femora, ^ 13.5 mm., 9 12.75 mm.; hind tibiae, (J 13.75 mm., 9 13 mm. ; ovipositor, 4.75 mm. 1 (J, 2 9. Nebraska, A. Agassiz (Mus. Comp. Zool.). Thomas reports it from several localities in Colorado, Wyoming, Dakota, and Montana, but it is quite as likely as not that some other species was mistaken for it. The one reported by Osborn and Bruner from Iowa and Nebraska is the one here described as C brunerl. 36. Ceuthophilus occdltus, sp. nov. Body castaneous, more or less and irregularly blotched above with feeble fuscous markings, most conspicuous on the pronotum and absent from a narrow irregular and sometimes broken median stripe of the ground color, which does not extend upon the abdomen ; abdomen obscured with fuscous on the posterior margins of the segments. Legs luteo-castaneous, the outside of the hind femora with the usual mark- ings nearly obsolete. Antennas very long and slender, the legs moderately long. Fore femora a little stouter than the middle femora, about a sixth longer than the pronotum, and half or less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina armed with a long preapical spine and sometimes with another short one. Middle femora with a long preapical spine on the front carina, sometimes accompanied in the 9 hy 1-2 others, the hind carina with a long genicular spine accompanied by 2-3 spines in the $. Hind femora of about the length of the body in the (J, about twice (9) or distinctly more than twice ((^) as long as the fore femora, rather slender, being nearly four times as long as broad, without conspicuous raised points on the surface, the outer carina elevated, with 5-6 distant spinules, the largest very small (^) or not elevated, vpith many minute serrulations on the apical half (9 )> the inner carina with numerous delicate spinules (1^) or similar to the other carina (9). Hind tibiiB straight, distinctly longer 78 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. than the femora, beneath with a single preapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, the basal before the end of the proximal fourth of the tibifs, long and delicate, being nearly twice as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with each other and divaricating about 110°, their tips incurved. Inner middle calcaria a little longer than the outer, twice as long as the others and nearly twice as long as the spurs, as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi two fifths as long as the tibite, the first joint as long as the others together, the fourth about equalling the second and third together. Cerci pretty stout at base, tapering throughout, pointed, longer than the femoral breadth. Ovipositor nearly two thirds as long as the hind femora, pretty stout at base, the distal two thirds equal and rather slender, the apex produced to a fine spinous point and the teeth of the inner valves prominent and sharp, the jjroximal subdenticulate, the others acicular and arcuate. Length of body, J* 11 mm., 9 12 mm.; antennae, (est.) ^ 30 mm., 9 25 mm. ; pronotum, ^ 4 ram., 9 3.75 mm. ; fore femora, J 4.7 mm., 9 4.5 mm.; hind femora, ^ 10.5 mm., 9 8.5 mm.; hind tibige, ^ 11.5 mm., 9 9 mm.; ovipositor, 5.25 mm. 1 from Laramie and Red ButtPS,Wyo., Custer, Colorado (Cockerell), Colorado, and New Mexico. Thomas reported it from S. E. Colorado, Empire, CoL, and Red Buttes, Wyo. ; Townsend from Colorado and New Mexico. 48, Ceuthopiiilus vinculatus, sp. nov. Pale testaceous, nearly uniform, the posterior margins of all the seg- ments infuscated, the apices of the hind femoral geniculations touched with fuscous, and the pronotum more or lei^s blotched with pale fus- cous, particularly with a pair of short submedian stripes on the anterior half. Antenna? slender and nearly three times as long as the body, the legs short but not stout. Fore femora distinctly stouter than the middle femora, but very little longer than the pronotum, less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a preapical spine. Middle femora with 1-4 spines on the inner carina, and on the 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. hind carina 1-2 spines besides the genicular spine. Hind femora moderately stout, tapering regularly to the very tip with no pre- genicular contraction, considerably more than twice as long as the fore femora, less than three times as long as broad, glabrous, with no raised points on any part, the outer carina pretty uniformly and finely serrate, especially in apical half, the inner carina similarly but more sparsely serrate, the intervening sulcus narrow except distally. Hind tibiae straight in both sexes, slender, no wider in the middle than at base, equal to or scarcely so long as the hind femora, armed beneath with one or two preapical spines besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, not so long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with the tibia and divaricating at even a less angle the extreme tips incurved; inner middle calcaria scarcely longer than the outer, nearly twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and much shorter than the first joint of the tarsi. Cerci rather stout, tapering, about two thirds as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor rather stout and uniformly ta2Dering on the basal half, uniform and slender on the distal half, somewhat longer than the fore femora, the extreme tip prolonged to a spine, the teeth of the inner valves aciculate, arcuate. Length of body, J" 12 mm., 9 13 mm.; antennae, $ (est.) 30 mm.; pronotum, ^ 3.75 mm., 9 3.6 mm. ; fore femora, $ 4.2 mm., 9 4 mm.; hind femora, $ 9 mm., 9 7.65 mm.; hind tibiae, $ 8.5 mm., 9 7.65 mm.; ovipositor, 5 mm. 4 $, \ 9. Nevada, H. Edwards; North Pacific R. R. Survey below Lake .Jessie at Fort Benton, Dr. Suckley. Since description I have received 2 <^, 5 9, from West Point, Lincoln, and Holt Co., Nebraska, from L. Bruner ; and have seen in the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Cambridge a $ and 9 from Santa Barbara, Cal. (Osten Sacken), which apparently belong here, although there are no indications of any transverse banding. There are also 2 ^ in the U. S. National Museum from California and Washington, both from the Riley collection. This species is closely allied to C. call foryii anus, but has slenderer hind tibiaB and a longer ovipositor ; its general appearance is very similar. 49. Ceuthophilus testaceus, sp. nov. Light fusco-testaceous, with a faint mediodorsal luteous stripe and obscurely dotted with luteous (sometimes obsolete), the lower sides of the body growing gradually pallid luteous, and the pronotum more or less mottled or clouded with fuscous ; legs testaceous, sometimes slightly SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 93 infuscated, the hind femora with feeblest possible fuscous scalariform markings. AntenuiE very slender, two or three times as long as the body, the legs short. Fore femora slightly broader than the middle femora, a very little longer than the pronotum (relatively longer in the 9 than in the c?), a little more than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a rather long subapical spine and sometimes an additional one. Middle femora with 2-4, usually three, subequal spines on the front carina, and on the hind carina generally four spines besides a moderately long genicular spine. Hind femora moderately slender, tapering with almost exact regularity to the tip, somewhat more than three times as long as broad, rather less than twice as long as the fore femora, the surface just beyond the middle with very scattered raised points on the whole upper half of the femora outside and inside, both carinte distantly and delicately serrulate in both sexes, the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibiae straight in both sexes, a very little longer than the femora, at least in the male, slightly enlarged apically as viewed from the side, armed beneath with a single subapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subalteruate, the basal set far before the end of the proximal fourth of the tibia, fully twice as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of 30-40° with the tibia and divaricating at not above 90°, their extreme tips scarcely incurved ; inner middle calcaria of about the same length as the outer, nearly twice as long as the others and half as long again as the spurs, but shorter than the first joint of the tarsi. Hind tarsi almost half as long as the tibite, the first joint as long as the rest together, the second more than twice as long as the third and with it equal to the fourth. Cerci moderately slender, at least as long as the pronotum. Ovipositor slender, straight, tapering at the base, equal from before the middle, longer than the fore femora, the tip produced to an aculeate spine projecting a little upward, the teeth of the inner valves pretty long, aculeate, arcuate. Length of body, c? 10 mm., 9 9 mm.; pronotum, $ 4 ram., 9 3.6 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 4.25 mm., 9 4.2 mm. ; hind femora, ^ 8 mm., 9 7.7 mm. ; hind tibiee, ^ 8.5 mm., 9 7.8 mm. ; ovipositor, 4.5 mm. 2 (?, 2 9. West Point, Nebr. ; Sheridan, Wyo., C. Y. Smith, all from L. Bruner ; St. Louis, Engelmann. 50. Ckuthophilus californianus. Ceuthophihts califorjiianus Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 438 (1862) ; Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 202 (1869). Ceuthophihts castaneus Thom.!, Rep. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. V. 435 (1872) ; Glov., 111. N. A. Ent., Orth., pi. 18, fig. 17 (1874> ; Fletch., Rep. Exp. Farms Can., 1888, 63 (1889). Geuthophilus denticulatiis Scudd.!, Aun. Rep. Geogr. Surv. West lOOth Mer., 1876, 279 (1877). Varying from light to dark castaneous with very feeble markiogs, excepting usually a greater or less degree of infuscation along the posterior margins of all the segments and the anterior margin of the pronotum ; the pronotum is also sometimes feebly enlivened with ver- miculate fuliginous markings and not infrequently a faint luteous line may be traced along the middle of the dorsum, often conspicuous on the pronotum and always slender ; the legs are concolorous with the body. The antenme are rather coarse, tapering throughout uniformly, the eyes small, distinctly smaller than the autennal scrobes, the legs short and stouter than usual. Fore femora distinctly stouter than the middle femora, arched superiorly, about a fifth longer than the prono- tum and slightly more than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a single subapical spine besides being minutely serrulate throughout. Middle femora having a variable number of spines but usually 3-4 on the front carina, and on the hind carina a variable but generally considerable number of minute spines or serrations besides a short genicular spine. Hind femora about two thirds as long as the body ((J) or a little less than that (9)? almost twice as long as the fore femora, moderately stout, regularly tapering to the very apex with no pregenicular constriction, about three times as long as broad, glabrous, with a few feeble distant raised points above just before the geniculation, the outer carina uniformly and lather delicately serrulate except at base, more feebly in the female than in the male, the inner carina similarly but more delicately serrulate, the intervening sulcus tolerably broad apically but not at base. Hind tibiiB of male straight, unusually stout, on the upper surface twice as broad in the middle as at base, of the same length as the femora, armed beneath with a single preapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subopposite, about equal to or a little longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° to the tibia and diverging at an angle of 60° or less with each other, their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria slightly longer than the outer, half as long again as the other calcaria, twice as long as the spurs and nearly as long as the first joint of the tarsus. Hind tarsi nearly half as long as the tibise, the first joint nearly as long as the others com- bined, the second twice as long as the third and with it not so long as the fourth. Cerci rather stout, tapering throughout, not much longer than half the femoral breadth. Ovipositor as long as the pronotum, SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 95 tapeiiiii; ill the basal half, beyond equal, not very slender and straight, the tip strongly upcurved, the armature of the inuei- valves formed of long, bluntly pointed, arcuate teeth. Length of body, $ 19 mm., 9 16.25 mm. ; antenufe, $ (est.) 40 mm.; pronotum, $ b.'Ib mm., 9 4.75 mm.; fore femora, $ 6.75 mm., 9 5.3 mm.; hind femora and tibias, each, $ 13 mm., 9 10.25 mui. ; ovipositor 4.75 mm. 19 (J, 4 9. California (Edwards, Behrens, Crotch, Osten Sacken, Palmer, Bruner), and in particular San Francisco, Pescadero, Gilroy, Sonoma and Marin Counties, Santa Barbara, June, and San Ber- nardino, Feb.; Beaver Dam, south of St. George, Utah, in the most desert region, April 20-28, E. Palmer ; Ehrenberg, Colorado River, Arizona, E. Palmer. It has also been reported from Vancouver Isl. by Walker and Fletcher, In the U. S. National Museum, from the Riley Collection, ai-e 4 ^ from California, Martinez, Cal. (Turner), Los Angeles Co., Cal., and no locality (A. E. Bi ush) ; also a single $ with extraordinarily broad hind tibia3 from Alameda Co., Cal. 51. Ceuthophilus latipes, sp. nov. Nearly uniform dull luteo-testaceous, with the usual fuscous slender scalariform markings on the hind femora and short longitudinal fuscous dashes on the posterior portions of the abdominal segments, repeated vaguely as cloudy markings on the meso- and metanotum ; pronotum slightly infuscated anteriorly and posteriorly. Antennse moderately slender, the legs exceptionally short. Fore femora distinctly though only sliglitly stouter than the middle femora, scarcely longer than the pronotum and much less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina unarmed. Middle femora with a single preapical spine on the front carina, and on the hind carina a single small spine or none besides a tolerably long genicular spine. Hind femora somewhat shorter than the body, exceptionally broad, aboitt two and a half times longer than broad, almost two and a half times longer than the fore femora, strongly arcuate beneath, strongly and sharply constricted be- fore the geniculation, with a very few raised point:* on the middle of the inner side above, the outer carina closely serrulate, the inner carina dis- tantly and finely denticulate, the intervening sulcus moderately broad and uniform. Hind tibire with the extreme base briefly arcuate, beyond straight, of the same length as the femora, slender, armed beneath with a single delicate subapical spine (sometimes two) besides the apical pair ; spurs opposite, the basal at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, scarcely longer than the tibial breadth, set at an 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. angle of about 60° with the tibia and divaricating about 80°, their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria considerably longer than the outer, fully half as long again as the others or as the spurs, but much shorter than the first joint of the tarsi. Hind tarsi considerably less than half as long as the tibiae, the first joint hardly so long as the rest together, the second fully twice as long as the third and with it as long as the fourth. Cerci rather stout, tapering rapidly, somewhat shorter than the breadth of the femora. Length of body, 11 mm. ; antennae, IS-f- mm. ; pronotum, 3.25 mm. ; fore femora, 3.65 mm. ; hind femora, 9 mm. ; hind tibiae, 9 mm. 1 ^ , Sierra de la Miguelito Mexico, E. Palmer. 52. Ceuthophilus pacificus. Ceuthophilus pacijicus Thorn.. Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., v. 436 (1872) ; Glov., 111. N. A. Ent., Orth., pi. 14, fig. 8 (1872). Ceuthophilus unispinosus Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 64 (1888). Luteous, heavily irrorate with more or less confluent fuscous dots, giving it, as Thomas well expresses it, a mossy appearance ; the amount of confluence and accordingly of infuscation varies somewhat in diflferent individuals, and is usually deepest on the pronotum, which also often shows on either side a larger or smaller rufo-luteous patch free from dots ; the hind femora retain the usual scalariform markings, which are narrower than common. Antennae moderately stout at base, very slender beyond, three or four times as long as the body. Legs rather short. Fore femora scarcely stouter than the middle femora, about a fourth longer than the pronotum and much less than half as long as the hind femora, the iimer carina with a long subapical spine. Middle femora with a long subapical spine on the front carina sometimes accompanied by 1-2 shorter ones, the hind carina with a single subapical spine besides the genicular spine. Hind femora almost as long as the body, considerably more than twice as long as the fore femora, very stout, apically tapering rapidly especially in the ^ , the distal fifth subequal, about two and a half times longer than broad {^), tlie darker portions heavily scabrous with raised points, besides a sparse sprinkling of the same on the apical half of the inner surface, the outer carina minutely and bluntly bi- or tri-serrulate, sometimes with a large preapical triangular dentiform spine serrulate on its proximal edge ( (^ ) or unarmed (9), the inner carina similar but in the distal half more coarsely uniserrulate, the serration stopping abruptly before the apex with a distinct denticle, sometimes produced to a stout triangular spine, serrulate on the proximal edge ((?) or with SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 97 a few feeble raised points or spinules on the apical half (9 ), the inter- vening sulcus broad and V-sliaped. Hind tibiae strongly and sharply bowecJ just before the middle, and on the proximal portion prominently and roundly laminate beneath, by reason of the bow no longer than the femora {^) or straight and simple, slightly longer than the fem- ora ( 9 ) , armed beneath with a single preapical spine and an apical pair ; spurs suboj)posite, the basal pair but little before the middle of the tibia, about as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 45° with the tibia and divaricating but little more than that, the tips feebly incurved ; inner middle calcaria slightly longer than the outer, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs, and as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about two fifths the length of the tibiae, the first joint fully as long as the rest together, the second nearly three times as long as the third and almost equal to the fourth. Cerci stout in the basal half, beyond tapering, not more than half as long as the femoral breadth, except in the female. Ovipositor gently tapering in the basal half, slender beyond and finely pointed, scarcely upturned at tip, about two thirds as long as the hind femora, the inner valves feebly and bluntly serrulate apically with no apical hook. Length of body, (^11.5 mm., 9 12-5 mm. ; pronotum, ^ 3.75 mm,, 9 4.1 mm. ; fore femora, S 4.4 mm., 9 5 mm.; hind femora, ^ 10 mm., 9 11'7 mm.; hind tibiae, ^ 10 mm., 9 12.25 mm.; ovipositor, 7.5 mm. 9 (?, 13 9. California, P. R. Uhler, J. Akhurst, H. Edwards, Behrens ; Nevada, H. Edwards ; Mountains about Lake Tahoe, Cal., Oct., H. W. Henshaw in Capt. Wheeler's ExpL, 1876. The U. S. National Museum also contains 5 (^,3 9, from Martinez, Cal., H. W. Turner, and Los Angeles Co., Coquillet and others, mostly through the collection of C. V. Riley. The dorsal surface of the abdomen of the male of this species somewhat resembles its next neighbor, C. hensliawi, in its sculpture, the several segments being somewhat uniformly and rather closely covered with blister-like elevations, largest and closest next the dorsal line. Neither Thomas nor Brunner has noticed this peculiarity. 53. Ceuthophilus henshawi, sp. nov. Mostly brownish fuscous above, but very minutely and abundantly irrorate with luteous, increasingly so in passing down the sides, so that the luteous prevails on the flanks ; the pronotum is also usually marked with a broad prevailingly luteous mesial band, and the meso- notum and raetanotum often but not always with a similar broad trans- VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 7 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. verse patch above ; occasionally in young individuals these thoracic markings are reduced to a narrow mesial luteous stripe ; the hind fem- ora are similarly speckled in place of the usual markings, though these sometimes prevail. AntenniE very slender, probably about twice the length of the body. Legs rather short and not stout. Fore femora no stouter than the middle femora, about a fourth longer than the pro- notum in the (^ , less than that in the 9 , and in both considerably less than half the length of the hind femora, the inner carina with an ex- ceedingly minute preapical spine. Middle femora with 2-3 minute spines (sometimes obsolete in the 9 ) an the front carina, and the hind carina similarly armed besides a small genicular spine. Hind femora stout and broad, the lower margin straight by the posterior elevation of the outer carina almost to the geniculation, when it terminates abruptly and subacutely, as long as the body and about three times as long as broad (^) or stout and broad, normal, about three fourths as long as the body, with a few raised points clustered above the depressed middle line of the femora ( 9 )? the outer carina closely serrulate through' out ( J ) or simple and unarmed (9)- Hind tibiae abruptly and con- siderably bent just beyond the base, but still nearly a tenth longer than the femora, beyond the bend nearly straight {S )■, or straight throughout and similarly longer than the femora (9), beneath with a series of raised points and 1-2 recumbent subapical spines besides a preapical and apical pair {^) or with a single subapical spine and an apical pair ( 9 ) ; spurs subopposite, the basal pair situated not far before the middle of the tibia, no longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of 45° with the tibia and divaricating about 90°, their tips incurved ; inner middle calcaria considerably longer than the outer, more than twice as long as the others or as the spurs, but shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about one half the length of the hind tibijB, very slender, the first joint not so long as the rest together, the second fully twice as long as the third, and with it longer than the fourth. Cerci greatly swollen in the basal half, beyond slight, the whole about half as long as the femoral breadth. Ovipositor consider- ably less than two thirds as long as the hind femora, tapering through- out, the tip pointed but hardly upturned, the inner blades obsoletely serrulate with 7-8 elevations. Length of body, ^ 9 12 mm.; antennae, J" 9 15+ mm.; pro- notum, (^ 4 mm., 9 3.5 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 5.2 mm., 9 4 ram. ; hind femora, ^ 11.5 mm., 9 8.9 mm. ; hind tibise, $ 12.25 mm., 9 9.4 mm. ; ovipositor, 5.25 mm. 6 (J, 2 9 . Sanzalito, Cal., California, Vancouver Isl., Washington, SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 99 II. K. Morrison, coll. S. Henshaw ; 1 (^,4 9, Oregon, and Placer, Kern, and Los Angeles Counties, Cal., mostly from the Kiley collec- tion (U. S. Nat. Mus.). The male of this species is remarkable for the surface sculpture of the dorsum of the abdomen, the first seven segments of which, but particularly the second to the sixth inclusive, are densely covered with minute strongly elevated tubercles, besides which on the anterior por- tion of the lirst to the fifth segments and almost crossing the segment is a mesial series of large slightly transverse tumid elevations, rounded anteriorly, truncate posteriorly. I have seen nothing resembling it in any other species, excepting to a less degree in its next neighbor, G. pacijicus ; this and the peculiar characteristics of the outer hind femoral carina make this a very striking species, which I take pleasure in dedicating to my colleague, Mr. Samuel Henshaw. 54. Ceuthophilus devius, sp. nov. Nearly uniform brownish testaceous, subglabrous, with very feeble infuscated obscure blotches especially upon the pronotum, and a fine mediodorsal luteous thread running the length of the body ; surface, especially in $ and particularly on the thorax, very finely sub- corrugate. The antennte are coarse at base (beyond broken), the joints more or less thickened apically. The legs are rather short. Fore femora much less than half the length of the body, hardly a fifth longer than the pronotum, a little stouter than the middle femora and a little less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a preapical spine and a few (9) or many (<^) spinous points; the fore tibiae with a single median spine on the inner side above, and beneath with 3 (9) or 4 {$) pairs of stout spines. Middle femora with 5-6 (9) or H-9 (cj) spines on the fropt carina, the preapical small, at least in the J", the hind carina similarly armed and with a small genicular spine. Hind femora considerably shorter than the body, distinctly more than twice the length of the fore femora, nearly straiglit above in the $ where they are of nearly equal breadtli on the proximal two thirds and are then somewhat abruptly emarginate beneath, less than three and a half times as Ion" as broad in both sexes, the surface glabrous with no raised points excepting sparsely scattered ones on the upper surface in the middle half, the outer carina of both sexes with equal slight denticulations on the constricted jaortion of the femora, the inner carina with larger denticulations throughout (except at base) much larger and more unequal in the ^, where the largest are as long as the tibial spurs, the inferior sulcus narrow. Pliud tibiae 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. straight, of the same length as the femora, stout, basally constricted, beneath with a row of distant spines besides the apical pair ; spurs sub- opposite, the basal pair at the end of the proximal third of the tibia, scarcely longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of 45° with the tibia and divaricatina; 70-80° ; inner middle calcaria but little lonsfer than the outer, about half as long again as the others or as the spurs, shorter than the first joint of the tarsus. Hind tarsi about one third as long as the tibiae, the first joint scarcely longer than the fourth and less than twice as long as the second and third together, the sec- ond but little longer than the third. Cerci rather slender, tapering throughout, pointed, much shorter than the femoral breadth. Ovi- positor nearly straight, scarcely longer than the fore femora, the basal half tapering, the apical slender and equal, the tip pretty strongly upcurved to a fine point, the teeth and especially the apical tooth very long, slender, and arcuate. Length of body, ^ 17 mm., 9 17 mm.; pronotum, $ 6.25 mm., 9 5.5 mm. ; fore femora, $ 7.65 mm., 9 6.5 mm. ; hind femora and hind tibiae, each, J' 16.25 mm., 9 13 mm. ; ovipositor, 7 ram. \ S, \ 9. Explorations of the Upper Missouri and Yellowstone under Lt. Warren, F. V. Hayden. I also find in the U. S. National Museum from the Riley collection 1 (?, 2 9 , from Nebraska, the Platte River, Nebr. (McCarthy), and Ft. Riley, Kans. By the brevity of the first and second hind tarsal joints and the slight enlargement of the fore tibiae in the male, this species approaches the genus Phrixocnemis, but the normal development of the armature of the hind tibiae forbids placing it there. 55. Ceuthophilus neomexicanus, sp. nov. Dark testaceous or castaneous, glabrous, broadly but gradually infuscated, especially above, on the posterior margins of all the seg- ments, and on the anterior portion of the pronotum, which is otherwise more or less slightly mottled, beneath and on the lower portions of the sides invariably lighter and generally more nearly unicolorous. Legs testaceous, the hind femora externally with a feeble median longi- tudinal infuscation sometimes visible only on the distal half, where it is often diffused and accompanied by feeble slender herring-bone infuscations on either side, the hind tibial spines feebly infuscated at apex. The antennae are not very slender and the legs short. Fore femora distinctly stouter than the middle femora, but little longer than the pronotum and less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with a subapical spine, sometimes accompanied at variable SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CliUTHOl'lULI. 101 distances by a smaller oue. Middle femora with 1-4 spines on the front carina, most numerous in the 9 and the subapical the largest, the hind carina similarly armed, but one spine genicular and the others as numerous in the $ as in the ^. Hind femora much shorter than the body, considerably more than twice as long as the fore femora, stout, being in the ^ less than three times as long as broad, with hardly any subapical constriction, that is, tajaering almost regularly to the apex, the surface with no raised points, the outer carina pretty regularly and rather minutely denticulate in the distal half or less, exclusive of the geniculation {$), or minutely denticulate throughout (9)) the inner carina similar to the outer, but in the $ more extensively denticulate than the outer, the intervening sulcus narrow. Hind tibiae straight in both sexes, distinctly shorter than the femora, the upper surface rather broad in the $ and basally constricted, beneath with a longer {$) or shorter (9) series of median spines, besides the apical pair; spurs subopposite, the basal pair at the end of the proximal third of the tibia (c^),"* about as long as the tibial depth {$), or two to three times as long as the tibial depth (9), set at an angle of about 50° (J) or 30° (9) with the tibia and divaricating as much, their tips scarcely incurved ; inner middle calcaria not greatly longer than the outer, less than half as long again as the others or as tlie {^) spurs, nearly as long as the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi much less than two fifths as long as the tibia, the first joint not so long as the rest together, the second but little longer than the third and with it a little shorter than the fourth. Cerci rather slender and regularly tapering, pointed, considerably shorter { ^) or considerably longer ( 9 ) than the liind femoral breadth. Ovipositor about two thirds as long as the hind femora, its upper margin feebly arcuate, the apical two thirds subequal, the apex slightly upturned and very acuminate, the teeth of the inner valves long, aciculate, the distal arcuate. Length of body, $ \2 mm., 9 H.o mm, ; pronotum, $ 3.5 mm., 9 3.25 mm.; fore femora, ^ 4 mm., 9 3.6 mm. ; hind femora, $ 8.75 mm., 9 7'.6 mm.; hind tibiae, $ 8.3 mm., 9 7.25 mm.; ovipositor, 5.2 mm. 4 ^, 1 9. Ft. Wingate, N. Mex. (Shufeldt), U. S. Nat. Mus. The species is most nearly allied to G. devius, from which it difi\;rs principally in its smaller size and the armature of the femora. * The single 9 I have seen has four pairs of spurs on one tibia, the basal pair at the end of the proximal fourtli of the tibia, while the other tibia has but a single non-opposite pair in the middle of the tibia. It is further anomalous in the excessive length of the spurs, in contrast to the $. 102 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The following species have not been seen by me. 56. Ceuthophilus scabripes. Phalangopsis scabripes Hald., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Philad., vi. 364 (1853) ; Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 116 (1869). Rhaphidophora scabripes Scudd., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., viii. 7 (1861). Ceuthophilus scabripes Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 436 (1862) ; Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 201 (1869). I cannot find any species which corresponds sufficiently with Halde- man's description to apply this name to it. When we are better acquainted with the forms occurring in the South, west of the Alleghanies, we may be able accurately to fix it. It was described from Selma, Alabama. 57. Ceuthophilus utahensis. Ceuthophilus utahensis Thom., Proc. Dav. Acad. Nat. Sc, i. 264, pi. 36, fig. 8 (1876). None of the species I have seen can be referred to this. It seems to resemble G. valgus. It comes from Mt. Nebo, Utah. (See Appendix.) Note. — Ceuthophilus cnhaensis Walk. {Locusta Rliaphidophora cuhensis De Haan), of Cuba, is a Plierterus, according to Bolivar and Brunner, belonging to the Anostostomata. PHRIXOCNEMIS (^bpt^d?, Kv-qiiij), Gen. nov. Closely allied to Ceuthophilus, and having its general aspect, though the legs are stouter than is commonly the case in that genus. Head rather large, the vertex well rounded and deflexed, barely interrupted from continuation into the frontal costa by the confluence of the antennal scrobes. Eyes small, subpyriform, as large as the antennal scrobes. Antennse as in Ceuthophilus. Palpi very small, the ante- penultimate joint but little shorter than those on either side of it. Pronotum sub-semicylindrical, the inferior margin of the descending lateral lobes arcuate, the anterior and posterior angles equally or almost equally rounded ; those of the meso- and metanotum similarly rounded without the posterior obli(jue truncation common in Ceutho- philus, or present in the slightest degree. Anterior coxjb compressed and elevated to form a median denticle. Less short and rather stout. Fore femora stout, or at least broad by compression. Middle femora unarmed apically, or, when armed, only by an inferior and brief spine SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CRUTHOPHILI. 103 on the posterior side, the genicular lobes very small. Hind femora very broad aud iucrassate, even the extremity stout, both inferior carinte feebly denticulate, rarely vj^ith any conspicuous spines. Fore tibite unarmed above, enlarged in the male ; middle tibiae armed above with several pairs of spines besides those beneath ; hind tibiae stout, no longer than hind femora, armed beneath with a single apical spine besides the apical pair and above with lateral spines of two classes : a larger series of generally long stout spines, longer than the calcaria, and, especially in the 9 ? becoming longer and more crowded apically, the 4-6 spines of one row not greatly divergent from those of the other ; and minute denticulations occupying the interspaces, at least on the proximal half of the tibia and the proximal free portion, but, at least in the 9 , commonly absent from the distal half of the tibia ; the three pairs of apical calcaria are not widely different in length. Hind tarsi short, much less than half as long as the tibias, the first and fourth joints, and the second and third joints, respectively subequal, the latter together much shorter than either of the others. Ovipositor equal in breadth throughout, when viewed laterally scarcely or not tapering in the basal halfc Table of the Species of Phrixocnemis. Hind tibiffi of male strongly bowed ; distal hind tibial spurs of male as widely separated as the proximal „ trv.culentus. Hind tibiie of male straight or almost straight ; distal hind tibial spurs of male much more closely approximated than the proximal. Nearly uniform in coloring; vertex at tip, between upper bases of antenna3, bituberculate ; four pairs of hind tibial spurs in the male validus. Distinctly particolored ; vertex at tip, between upper bases of antennae, not bituberculate ; five pairs of hind tibial spurs in the male , bellicosus. Phrixocnemis truculentus, sp. nov. Extreme apex of vertex with a slight depression. Body glabrous, pale luteous, becoming rufo-luteous on the dorsum, where it is heavily marked with blackish or blackish fuscous, particularly on the posterior margins of the segments, the abdominal segments almost wholly brownish fuscous with only an anterior luteous stripe, the meso- and metanotum more rufo-luteous than blackish fuscous, and the pronotum rufo-luteous above, luteous on the sides, with heavy fuscous markings, 104 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. particularly an anterior bordering not reaching the lower margins and thrusting back subdorsal stripes which are broadly separated by rufo- luteous, all of which is sometimes very obscure ; legs luteous, the hind femora externally tinged with rufo-fuliginous, in which fuscous scalari- form markings moi'e or less feebly appear. The antennae are moder- ately slender and the legs short. Fore femora considerably stouter than the middle femora, as long as ((J) or less than a fifth longer than ( 9 ) the pronotum, and considerably less than half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina with two or three feeble denticulations ; fore tibiae subuUate, considerably stouter than the middle tibiae. Middle femora with 1-3 short spines on the front carina, the hind carina with 4-0 very short but not very slight spines ($ ) or 1-2 feeble denticula- tions (9), besides a very short inferior depending genicular sjjine, at least in the ? . Hind femora much shorter than the body, but con- siderably more than twice as long as the fore femora, stout and heavy, being in the ^ about two and a half, in the 9 about two and three quarters time as long as broad, with a rather strong pregenicular con- striction beneath in the ^, the upper carinate margin of the inner surface with a series of distant denticulations, the outer carina almost angularly elevated in the middle, armed, mostly beyond the middle, with a strong serration and just before the genicular lobes with a short arcuate compressed rather blunt triangular spine, serrate on its proximal edge, as long as tlie tibial depth, followed by a nearly similar but smaller tooth upon the genicular lobe ( J" ) or with a post-median spine much shorter than the shortest tibial spurs, another pregenicular spine of smaller size, and between them 6-8 spinules (9), the inner carina with a uniform series of raised points ($), or with small den- ticulations throughout, similar to these of the outer carina but with no large spines (9); the intervening sulcus moderate. Hind tibiae strongly and pretty regularly bowed (i^) or faintly arcuate (9), tri- quetral, deeper than broad, only three fourths ( 9 ) or a little more than three fourths {^) the length of the hind femora, armed beneath with a single preapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs sub- opposite, in the ^ four pairs in number, the basal at about the end of the proximal third of the tibia, markedly increasing in length toward the tarsi, so that the proximal are only half as long as the distal, the middle ones slightly longer than the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 70° with the tibia and divaricating about 45° ; in the 9 six pairs in number, the basal placed before the end of the proximal fourth of the tibia and jnst beyond a slight but distinct constriction of the tibia, the distal series as long again as the proximal, the inner series a SCUDDER, — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 105 little longer than the outer, the shortest not exceeding in length the tibial depth, the proximal more recumbent than the distal and tlieie- fore set at an angle with the tibia varying from 40° to 75°, divaricat- ing 20°-30°, the whole faintly incurved ; inner middle calcaria of $ scarcely longer than the others or than the distal spurs and much shorter than the first tarsal joint; calcaria of 9 subequal but decreasing in length from above downward, those of opposite sides subec^ual, the longest no longer than the shortest tibial spurs and much shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about two fifths as long as the tibiaj, the first and fourth joints subequal, and either nearly twice as long as the second and third, which again are subequal, and all but the last apically produced beneath in the 9 to a spinous point. Cerci slender, tapering regularly, about three fourths as long as the femoi'al breadth. Ovipositor short, hardly as long as the fore femora, straight, broad even at apex, the extreme upper tip of which is feebly produced ; teeth of inner valves aculeate, arcuate. Length of body, ^ 15 mm., 9 16 mm. ; pronotum, ^ 5 mm., 9 4.5 mm. ; fore femora, ^ 5 mm., 9 5.25 mm. ; hind femora, ^ 12.5 mm., 9 11.25 mm.; hind tibia?, ^ 10.5 mm., 9 8.5 mm. ; ovipositor, 5 mm. 2 ^, I 9. Peru, Nebr., Professor Townsend ; Colorado, July, Snow, Coll. Univ. Kans., — all through L. Bruner. Phrixocnemis validus, sp. nov. Nearly uniform testaceous, glabrous, with feeble infuscation in clouds upon the sides of the pronotum, and to a scarcely perceptible degree upon the whole dorsum, made more evident by a fine medic- dorsal luteous thread down the whole body, the legs of the body color, but the apical half of the femora more or less though at most feebly infuscated and the hind femora tipped narrowly with fuscous ; the hind femora have also a faint rufous tinge. The antennae are moder- ately stout and probably at least three times as long as the body, and the legs short and stout, the vertex rudely bituberculate. Fore femora distinctly stouter than the middle femora, a sixth longer only than the pronotum and half as long as the hind femora, the inner carina fur- nished with a row of minutest denticles but with no subapical spine. Middle femora with three subequal spines on the front carina, the hind carina unarmed and apparently with no genicular spine. Hind femora very much shorter than the body, twice as long as the fore femora, very stout, being not over two and a half times longer than broad, with only two or three raised points on the inner edge of the upper surface beyond the middle, the outer and inner carinas similarly armed 106 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. with minute denticulations, the intervening sulcus not broad. Hind tibife considerably shorter than the femora, straight, stout, armed beneath with a single small preapical spine, besides the unusually long apical pair ; the four pairs of spurs are opposite or subopposite, the basal near the end of the proximal third of the tibia, regularly increas- ing in length distally, so that the last are as long as the nearest calcaria, while the proximal are but little more than half that length or than the tibial depth, set at an angle of 70-80° with the tibia and divaricat- ing only about 20°, the whole feebly incurved, the tips not more so ; the spurs are also more closely crowded on the distal half of the tibia than before it, and indeed so crowded as to have no intervening spines, which even between the others are few in number and irregular, the two distal spurs with the proximal calcaria being at uniform distances apart, a distance hardly one half that which separates the preceding spurs ; all the calcaria are subequal in length, those of opposite sides similar, but they decrease slightly from above downwards, and the longest is as long as the first to third tarsal joints combined. Hind tarsi hardly more than a third as long as the tibiae, the first and fourth joints subequal and either of them much longer than the subequal second and third joints combined. Cerci moderately stout, equal and single jointed in proximal half, tapering pointed and multiarticulate beyond, the whole about as long as the width of the hind femora. Length of body, 15 mm. ; antennae, 29+ mm. ; pronotum, 4.3 mm. ; fore femora, 5 mm. ; hind femora, 10 mm. ; hind tibiae, 9 mm. 1 c? California, H. Edwards. Phrixocnemis bellicosus, sp. uov. Vertex smooth. Rather bright luteo-testaceous, subglabrous, very broadly marked with blackish fuscous especially in a broad anterior bordering to the pronotum, and a broader or narrower posterior bor- dering to all the segments, relatively broader on the abdominal than on the thoracic segments, but on the latter sometimes reinforced by a stout mediodorsal stripe deeper in color posteriorly than anteriorly ; the interior edges of the anterior and posterior borderings of the pro- notum are very irregular, and particularly show subdorsal posterior thrusts of the anterior, and laterodorsal anterior thrusts of the posterior bordering ; the lower borders of the thoracic segments are broadly luteous and immaculate ; the legs are luteous, the femora infuscated more or less especially beyond the middle, the hind pair with more or less distinct scalariform markings. The antennae are slender and about three times as long as the body, and the legs short. Fore SCUDDER. NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 107 fetnora distinctly stouter than the middle femora, very little longer than the pronotum and uiucli less than half as long as the fore femora, the inner carina, at least in the male, with a couple of minute sub- apical spines ; fore tibiie much stouter in the (J than in the 9 • Middle femora with two ((J) or 0-1 (9) spines on the front carina, the hind carina quite unarmed, even wanting a genicular spine. Hind femora about two and a third times longer than the fore femora but much shorter than the body, very stout, being about two and three quarters times longer than broad (narrower in the 9 ), the upper surface with 3-4 raised points on its inner edge, the outer carina in the male elevated, arcuate, with about eleven subequal small triangular spines in the distal half, in the female hardly elevated with similar but very feeble spinules, the inner carina with a series of smaller denticulations, the intervening sulcus narrow, but in the male deep. Hind tihia3 very stout, much shorter than the femora, broadly and faintly arcuate, but in the female this is scarcely perceptible, armed beneath with a single subapical spine besides the apical pair; the five {^) or six (9) pairs of spurs are subalternate, the basal at about the end of the proximal fourth of the tibia, increasing in length from the first to the penulti- mate, the ultimate and the three calcaria then decreasing in reverse order, the proximal not much more than half as long as the distal and much shorter than the tibial depth, the distal spurs more closely crowded than the jjroximal, and lacking between them the few and irregular spines of the second order found between the proximal, all set at an angle of 60-70° with the tibia and divaricating 20-30° only, the whole feebly incurved, their tips perhaps slightly more ; calcaria of opposite sides subequal, the longest (uppermost) shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi much less than half as long as the tibiae, the first and fourth joints subequal and either of them more than twice as long as the subequal second and third joints together. Cerci slender and no longer than the width of the hind f<^mora. Ovipositor slender and of uniform width excepting a slight apical expansion, about as long as the hind tibias, the tip acutangulate, at an angle of about 40°, slightly upturned, the inner valves crenato-denticulate with four projections which face posteriorly. Length of body, ^ 11.5 mm., 9 9.5 mm.; antenna?, ^ 31+ ram., 9 (est.) 18+ mm. ; pronotum, ^ 4 mm., 9 3 mm. ; fore femora, S 4.3 mm., 9 3.35 mm.; hind femora, ^ 9.9 mm., 9 8 mm.; hind tibiae, $ S..') mm., 9 6 mm. ; ovipositor, 6 mm. 1 ^,1 9 . Colorado, li. K. Morrison, the S at an elevation of 7,000', the 9 at one of 5,000' (the ^ therefore probably in the Ute Pass, the 9 on the plains between Denver and Colorado Springs). 108 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. DAIHINIA Haldeman. Daihinia Hald., Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc, ii. 346 (1850) ; Girard, Marcy Expl. Red River, 257 (1853) ; Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 443 (1862). Not Daihinia Sauss., Orth. Nova Amer., i. 14-15 (1859), < Tliis genus is remarkable for lacking the third tarsal joint of the fore and hind legs. Brunuer (Monogr. Stenop., 60, foot-note) pre- sumed this to be an abnormal condition found in a single specimen seen by me ; but it was seen and specially remarked upon both by Haldeman and Girard before me, and I have examined fourteen speci- mens of both sexes, all of which agree in this particular except that in two or three of them the fore or hind tarsi, or both, are broken, so that it cannot be affirmed of them. There can be no question that it is normal as no specimen of the two species has been found in which the condition was different. Table of the Species of Daihinia. Hind femora of male about two and a half times longer than broad, armed with 3-4 very large spines on the apical half of the outer carina much larger than the others, the inner carina much more feebly armed ; hind tibife armed beneath with a single subapical spine brevipes. Hind femora of male fully three times as long as broad, the spines of the outer carina nearly uniform and much less prominent than those of the inner carina ; hind tibias armed beneath with a row of spines . gigantea. Daihinia brevipes. Phalangopsis {Daihinia) brevipes Hald. ! , Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc, ii. 346 (1850) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 116 (1869). Daihinia brevipes Girard, Marcy Expl. Red River, 257, pi. 15, figs. 9-13 (1853); Id., Ibid., 246, pi. 15, figs. 9-13 (1854); Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 443, fig. 3ab (1862) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 205 (1869) ; Glover, 111. N. A. Entom., Orth., pi. 7, figs. 14, 15 (1872) ; Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 60 (1888) ; Brun., Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 31 (1893). Upper waters of the Red River of Arkansas (Girard) , Platte River above Ft. Laramie, Wyo. (Haldeman, Scudder) ; Sand Hills, Western Nebraska, and other points in Nebraska, as Sugar Canon and Thed- SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 109 ford, Thomas Co. (Brunei-) ; Ft. Hays, Ellis Co., Kans., J. A. Allen (Mus. Comp. Zool.) ; Ellis, Kansas, Watson (Mus. Comp. Zool.) ; Kan- sas (Bi'uner) ; Black Hills, South Dakota (E. P. Austin) ; a" specimen was also obtained during the Pacific R. R. Surveys under Lt. E. G. Beckwith, U. S. A., near Lat. 38°, presumably in Southern Colorado, and it was taken by Snow in Colorado (Bruner). The species there- fore extends along the eastern margin of the Rocky Mts. from Lat. 34° to 44° N. Daihinia gigantea. Daihinia gigantea Brun.!, Bull. Washb. Coll., i. 127 (1885)^ i. 195 (1886). Udeopsylla gigantea Brun.!, Can. Ent., xxiii. 39 (1891) ; Id., Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 31 (1893). Labette and Berber Cos., Kans. (Bruner). Bruner also reports it to be found in Nebraska and the Indian Territory. Note. — Daihinia mexicana Sauss. is not a Daihinia, nor one of the Ceutho- phili, but has been placed by Brunner in the genus Glaphyrosoma among the Anostostomata UDEOPSYLLA Scudder. Udeopsylla Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 442 (1862) ; Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 59 (1888). Table of the Species of Udeopsylla. Body piceous, occasionally with faint rufous spots .... nigra. Body varying in color from dark testaceous to mahogany brown. robusta. Udeopsylla nigra. Udeopsylla nigra Scudd.!, Can. Nat., vii. 284-285 (1862) ; Id.!. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 443, fig. 2 (1862) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 205 (1869) ; Thom., Rep. Geol. Geogr. Expl. Surv. 100th Mer., v. 902 (1875) ; Broadh., Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sc, iii. 345 (1876) ; Caulf., Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., xviii. 63, 69 (1886) ; Brun., Bull. Washb. Coll., i. 195 (1886) ; Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 60 (1888) ; McNeill, Psyche, vi. 27 (1891) ; Osb., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc, i. ii. 119 (1892) ; Brun., Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 31 (1893); Blatchl., Proc Ind. Acad. Sc, 1892, 153 (1894). Ceuthophilus niger Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 437 (1862) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 202 (1869) ; McNeill, Psyche, vi. 27 (1S91) ; Blatchl., Proc Ind. Acad. Sc, 1892, 153 (1894). 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The specimens described by me as a Ceuthopbilus beloug to this species, though separately described at the same time. Specimens are recorded as having been taken, or have been seen by me, from Perry Co., 111., Dr. E. R. Boardman (Uhler) ; Illi- nois (Uhler, Comstock, McNeill) ; Southern Illinois and Rock Island, 111. (Uhler); Red River, Manitoba (Caulfield) ; Carbery, Manitoba, in the gizzard of a sparrowhawk (Fletcher) ; Northern Minnesota, leaping about in the grass at midday (Scudder) ; Denison, Crawford Co., Iowa, July 13, 15, 20 (J. A. Allen) ; Iowa (Osborn) ; Nebraska City and the Platte Valley, Nebr. (F. V, Hayden) ; Ne- braska City, West Point, and Pine Ridge, Nebr. (Bruner) ; Northeast Nebraska (Bruner) ; Berber Co., Kans., and Topeka, Kans., Cragin (Bruner); Missouri (Broadhead) ; Sedalia, Mo. (U. S. Nat. Mus.) ; Dakota (Bruner), and Colorado, 5,000' (Morrison) ; so that its general range appears to be between the Mississippi River or a little east of the main stream to the Rocky Mountains between Lat. 37° and 50° North. But I have two specimens in my collection, one from North Carolina (Shute), the other from El Dorado Co., Calif., 4,000' (Giss- ler), both of them far beyond the otherwise known limits of the species. Of the latter locality I entertain no doubt, especially as I have recently found in the Museum of Comparative Zoology a single specimen collected by Morrison in Arizona; but as to the former I am inclined to believe the label became accidentally attaclied to the wrong insect, particularly as Shute's collection was made on the seaboard. Udeopsylla robusta. Phalangopsis (Daihinia) robustus Hald. !, Proc Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc, ii. 346 (1850) ; Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 117 (1869). Daihinia robusta Girard, Marcy Expl. Red River, 1853, 257 1854, 246. Udeopsylla robusta Scudd.!, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii. 442 (1862) Walk., Catal. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., i. 205 (1869) ; Pack., Guide Ins., 565 (1869) ; Thorn., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., 1870, 77 Glov., Rep. [U. S.] Dep. Agric, 1871, 79 ; Thom., Ann. Eep. U. S Geol. Surv. Terr., ii. 265 (1871), v. 437 (1872); Scudd.!, Rep U. S. Geol. Surv. Nebr., 249 (1872); Glov., 111. N. A. Ent., Orth. pi. 8, fig. 9 (1872); Scudd.!, Ann. Rep. Geogr. Surv. West 100th Mer., 1876, 279 ; Thom., Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., iv. 485 (1878) ; Scudd.!, Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm., ii. App. 23 (1881) ; Brun., Bull. Washb. Coll. i. 127 (1885); Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 59-60, SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. Ill fig. 31 (1888) ; Osb., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc, i. ii. 119 (1892) ; Brun., Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 31 (1893). Udeopsylla compacla Brun.!, Cau. Ent., xxiii. 38-39 (1891); Id., Publ. Nebr. Acad. Sc, iii. 31 (1893). Specimens have been seen by me from Clifford, N. Dak. (Bruner), explorations in Dakota under Gen. Sully (Rotbhammer) ; Sheridan, Wyo. (Bruner) ; Ft. Fettermaun, Wyo. (U. S. Nat. Mus.) ; above Ft. Laramie, Wyo.; Denison, Crawford Co., Iowa, July 15 (J. A. Allen) ; Holt Co., Pine Hills, Lincoln, and Broken Bow, Nebr. (Bruner) ; Nebraska City and the banks of the Platte (Hayden) ; Nebraska (P. R. Uhler and Miss Walker) ; Republican River, Nebr. or Kans. (W. T. Wood) ; Syracuse, Kans. (U. S. Nat. Mus.) ; Pacific R. R. Surveys, Lat. 38° (Lt. Beckwith) ; Colorado (U. S. Nat. Mus.) ; Albuquen^ue, N. Mex., Wickham (Bruner) ; Texas (Uhler) ; Pasadena, Cal. (Bruner). From the same States or Territories it has also been reported as follows : Dakota and Wyoming (Thomas) ; Holt and Wheeler Cos., Nebr. (Bruner), New Mexico (Bruner, Scudder), and Texas (Brunner). It has also been credited to the following: Montana, Southern Idaho, and Bloomiugtun, 111., — the last probably in error (Thomas) ; Missouri (Bruner) ; Bourbon Co., Kans. (Bruner); Colorado (Scudder); and "open sections of the Rocky Mt. region " (Thomas) ; besides Utah (Glover, Thomas). GAMMAROTETTIX Brunner. Gammarotettix Bruun., Mouogr. Stenop., (50, Gl (1888). Gammarotettix bilobatus. Ceiithophilus bilobatus Thom. ! , Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., V. 437 (1872). Gammarotettix califomicus Brunn., Monogr. Stenop., 61, fig. 32 (1888). California (Brunner, Behrens) ; Marion and Sonoma Cos., Cal. (Osten Sacken) ; Lakeport, Lake Co., Gilroy, Santa Clara Co., Chrys- tal Springs, San Mateo Co.. and San Diego, Cal. (Crotch) ; Santa Cruz Mts., Santa Clara Co., Los Angeles Co., Cal. (U. S. Nat. Mus.). 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. APPENDIX. After this paper was in type, I received from the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, through the kind intervention of Prof. Herbeit Osborn, of Ames, Iowa, the single type of Ceuthophilus utuhensis Thorn, (see p. 102), and append a description of it to render this paper mi)re complete. It is not so closely related to C. valgus as I had sup- posed from the description and figure, but belongs rather in the near vicinity of C uhleri and C. blatchleyi^ though with the inferior sulcus of the hind femora not so exceptionally broad as in those species, and also with very different markings, in which respect it recalls rather C.pallidus. The measurement of the hind tibiie given by Thomas is too great. The specimen was collected in alcohol, but has since been pinned. Brownish fuscous with dull luteous markings ; on the pronotum the fuscous borders all the margins broadly, the anterior and lateral mar- gins very broadly, sending backward from in front a broad mediodorsal stripe nearly meeting the posterior bordering, and through it runs a faint median luteous thread ; the posterior bordering throws forward on either side a subdorsal tooth embracing the posterior end of the mediodorsal stripe and leaving between the two a U-shaped luteous mark which connects the luteous disks of either side, the latter of which are more or less mottled with fuscous lines ; the meso- and metanotum are heavily spotted anteriorly with partly confluent luteous spots, and the abdominal segments are more regularly margined an- teriorly with luteous ; legs warm luteous, the hind femora with the usual scalariform infuscations. The antennai are moderately slender and more than twice, probably thrice, as long as the body, and the legs moderately long. Fore femora no stouter than the middle femora, a little less than half as long as the hind femora, scarcely more than a third longer than the pronotum, the inner carina with a moderately long preapical spine preceded by a shorter one. Middle femora with a single moderately long spine on the front carina and on the hind carina 1-2 short spines besides a moderate genicular spine. Hind femora nearly as long as the body, somewhat more than twice as long as the fore femora, moderately stout, only the distal sixth subequal, about three and a quarter times as long as broad, the surface with a very few raised points along the upper edge of the inner side, the outer carina considerably and subequally elevated, with about fifteen coarse but rather small subequal and inequidistant spines, the longest SCUDDKU. — NORTH AMERICAN CEUTHOPHILI. 113 not a third as long as the tibial spurs, the inner carina with a series of rather distant short spinules partially biseriate, the intervening sulcus broad, equal, and deep. Hind tibia? rather feebly and broadly sinuate (this point is exaggerated in the original figure), a very little longer than the femora, armed beneath with a single long jjreapical spine besides the apical pair ; spurs subalternate, the basal beyond the end of the proximal third of the tibia, nearly twice as long as the tibial depth, set at an angle of about 35° with the tibia and divaricating about 80°, their apical third or fourth considerably incurved ; inner middle calcaria considerably longer than the outer, fully twice as long as the others or as the spurs, but somewhat shorter than the first tarsal joint. Hind tarsi about two fifths as long as the tibiae, the first joint as long as the rest together, the second and fourth suhequal, and each about twice as long as the third. Cerci rather stout, tapering regu- larly, about as long as the femoral breadth. Length of body, 14.5 mm. ; antennas, 31+ mm. ; pronotum, 4.4 mm. ; fore femora, 6 mm.; hind femora, 13 mm. ; hind tibiae, 13.5 ram. 1 J , Mt. Nebo, Utah, August, Putnam (Dav. Acad. Nat. Sc). July 20, 1894. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. IV. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE GRAY HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY, NEW SERIES, NO. VIII. NEW PLANTS COLLECTED BY MESSRS. C. V. HART- MAN AND C. E. LLOYD UPON AN ARCHiEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION TO NORTHWESTERN MEXICO UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DR. CARL LUMHOLTZ. By B. L. Robixson and M. L. Fernald. Presented May 9, 1894 Crossosoma parviflora. a shrub, 4-8 feet high: branches covered with gray bark ; brauchlets slender, elougated, and often flexuous, sometimes straight and a little rigid ; cortex yellow : leaves elliptic-oblong, obtuse and mucronulate at the apex, pale green upon both surfaces, thickish, l-nerved, 4-6 lines long, 1|^-2| lines broad : sepals 5, broadly oblong or suborbicular, 1|-2| lines long: petals 5, oblong, 3 lines in length: stamens 15-20: carpels 3-4; follicles glabrous, reticulated, only 3-3|^ lines long. — Collected in the Grand Canon of the Colorado, by Dr. Gray, February to May, 1885, but referred to Glossopetalon Nevadense, Gray ; and at La Tinaja, Sonora, at 3,700 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 19 November, 1890 (no. 245). Eriodendron acuminatum, Wats. (Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 418). Specimens apparently of this species, but representing other stages than those shown by the type, were collected in Western Chihuahua but without more exact locality. The older branches are armed with stout spreading spines 3-4 lines in length, while the younger ones, as Dr. Watson states, are unarmed ; the young shoots and leaves are densely tomentose : the calyx deeply campanulate, an inch long, slial- lowly 5-toothed, glabrous and glaucous upon the outer surface, densely sordid tomentose within ; teeth rounded, often split (perhaps in dry- ing) : petals linear, 5 inches long, 4 lines broad, very appressed silky upon one side of the outer surface, tomentose upon the s-'de covered in the bud; glabrate upon the inner surface : stamens included. — The Mexican name is " Pochate." The fleshy white roots are eaten, the ROBINSON AND FERNALD. — MEXICAN PLANTS. 115 fine cotton is used for making wicks for tapers of wild beeswax. Thi8 species is to be distinguished from E. tomentosum, Robinson, by its glabrous calyx and relatively broader leaflets. EsENBECKiA Haktmanii. A shrub, 6-10 feet high : twigs thick, woody, covered with gray bark, leafy chiefly near the end : leaves simple, alternate, oblong or somewhat obovate, entire, rounded or re- tuse at the apex, somewhat narrowed below to an obtuse or rounded base, thickish, green, nearly smooth and finely reticulated above, tomentulose and scarcely paler beneath; the largest ones 16-20 lines long, 8-11 lines broad; the others considerably smaller (8-9 lines in length) ; petioles short, soft pubescent, 1-1 J lines long: inflorescences short, terminal upon the branchlets ; fruiting pedicels 1-3 together, ^ inch or less in length : the capsule tuberculately roughened, 9-10 lines in diameter ; pericarp white, thin and chartaceous, rather irregularly ruptured upon dehiscence; seeds subglobose, smooth, black, 3^ lines in diameter ; scar white, narrow, linear, h line in breadth. — Collected in fruit at La Tinaja, Sonora, at 3,700 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 19 No- vember, 1890 (no. 240). This species much resembles the Lower Californian E. Jlava, Brandegee, but differs in its smaller greener shorter-petioled leaves, and its smaller fruit with chartaceous and not cartilaginous pericarp. The seeds of E. jiava also are larger and have a much broader scar. Ilex rubra, Wats. (Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 422). Flowering specimens of tliis species, which was originally described in fruit, have been collected in an arroyo near Coloradas, by Mr. Hartman, May, 1893 (no. 513), and add the following characters : flowers numerous, in small aggregated thyrses, greenish white, 4-parted: calyx lobes ovate, obtuse, % line long : corolla nearly 4 lines in diameter, about equalling the stamens ; the lobes rounded. Dalea Lumholtzii. Stems many, slender, puberulent, punctate with yellow glands, simple or sparingly branched, erect from a decum- bent much branched sufFrutescent base : upper leaves erect or ascend- ing, 1-1| inches long, leaflets 17-27, linear, 2-2^ lines long, nearly \ line in breadth, obtuse, slightly narrowed to very short petiolules, glabrous, glaucous and glandular-punctate upon both surfaces ; the basal leaves numerous, shorter, and with considerably smaller almost filiform leaflets, silky under a lens : spikes ovate, capitate, 3-7 lines in length, becoming oblong, very densely flowered, covered with closely imbricated persistent bracts ; the latter ovate or obovate, very ab- ruptly pointed, silky upon the margins and especially near the some- what narrowed base ; glabrate and glandular-punctate upon the back, 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 1 ^ lines long : calyx striate, sparingly silky, entirely obscured by the bracts : petals white or nearly so, oblong, obtuse, attenuate below to slender claws: stamens 10. — Collected at Las Pinitos, Sonora, at 6,100 feet, by Mr. Hartuian, 14 October, 1890 (no. 133). A species with the habit of a Petalostemon rather than a Dalea y the fresh leaves very aromatic when crushed. Sedum Lumholtzii. Hoary puberulent: roots fibrous: stems herbaceous, decumbent, 5-10 inches high, ancipital, simple below the spreading cymose inflorescences : leaves soft pubescent and ciliated ; the basal ones crowded, spatulate, 4-6 lines long ; the cauline spatu- late-oblong, obtuse, somewhat narrowed to a slightly extended base, about an inch in length, 2-3 lines broad : flowers numerous, pedicel- late, white: sepals lance-oblong, obtusisb, \\ lines long, not at all extended at the base: petals lanceolate, acute, 2^- lines long: carpels 5, pruinose, erect, attenuate ; styles persistent ; scales small, truncate, bright red ; seeds oblong, \ line in length. — Collected at Nacory, Sonora, at 3,700 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 4 December, 1890 (no. 287) ; and at Huchuerachi, Sonora, by Mr. Lloyd, 8 December, 1890 (no. 389). SiCYOS COLLINUS. Stem slender, glabrous, furrowed : tendrils 2-3-parted : leaves thin, 5-lobed, scarcely paler beneath, li-2i inches long, usually narrower, roughened upon both surfaces with minute whitish tubercular hairs ; lobes ovate to lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sharply dentate or denticulate; the terminal ones often elongated; petioles 4-12 lines long: $ peduncles 1^-3 inches in length, smooth or nearly so ; inflorescences slender, usually simple, slightly puberulent or quite smooth, ^-1^ inches long, 10-35-flowered ; pedicels very slender, spreading, smooth, equal, slightly thickened at the apex, l|-2 lines in length : calyx teeth very minute or obsolete : corolla rotate- campanulate, 2^3 lines in diameter, finely granular ; lobes broadly ovate, obtusish : staraineal column (including the anthers) | line long: 9 peduncles 2 lines long, smooth ; fruits 2-5 in a head, ovate, acumi- nate, compressed, nearly 3 lines long, sparingly setose, otherwise nearly glabrous; setae H lines long. — Collected on hills near Chihuahua, by Mr. C. G. Priugle, 23 October, 1S85 (no. 568) ; and in the Canon de San I^iego, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartman, 17 September, 1891 (no. 773). A species near S'. Deppei, Don, but with leaves smaller and somewhat more acutely lobed ; peduncles and inflorescences nearly or quite glabrous ; petioles and pedicels shorter ; and male flowers a little smaller. Galium Wrightii, Gray, var. latifolium. Pubescent below as ROBINSON AND FERNALD. — MEXICAN PLANTS. 117 in the type, but the branches nearly smooth ; leaves elliptic-oblong, ^ inch long, 2 lines broad ; fruit hisi)id, but the bristles fewer and shorter. — Collected on the Sierra de las Gronillas, Sonora, at 5, HOC ieet, by Mr. llartmun, 2 October, 1890 (no. 58) ; the same thing seems to have been collected by Prof. Lemmon near Fort Huachuca, S. Arizona? 1883. Some of Mr. Hartmau's specimens show a tendency to inter- grade with the type. Bellis orthopoda. Perennial; rootstock short, thick, erect, giving off several tough fibres : stems 1-5, decumbent or suberect, 4—5 inches high, simple, mouocephalous, appressed pubescent, very leafy to above the middle : leaves thick, entire, appressed pubescent ; the rad- ical ones numerous, spatulate, obtuse, 9 lines long, 11-2 lines broad, the cauliue linear-oblong, erect, ciliate, becoming gradually smaller and acutish: peduncles 1-1^ inches long, appressed cinereous pubescent: heads rather large for the genus, a little over an inch in breadtli ; in- volucral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, cinereous pubescent upon the membranaceous margin, 2^-3 lines long : rays about 30, light blue in a dried state, 6 lines long. — Collected at Guachachic, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartraan, 25 June, 1892 (no. 523). This species resembles closely the low and coarse forms of -S. integrifolia, Michx., but is to be distinguished by its vertical perennial caudex and few simple stems. Aster lepidopodus. Perennial : root a cluster of simple fibres : stems several, slender, a foot high, scaly upon their spreading distinctly decumbent bases, hirsute, simple or bearing several erect slender nearly naked monocephalous branches: reduced basal leaves narrowly deltoid, acute, entire, scarious, glabrate except upon the ciliated margins ; foliar leaves of the stem oblong-linear, acutish, entire, erect, nearly an inch in length, \\ lines broad, glabrous, except upon the strongly ciliated margin and occasionally upon the midrib : heads about an inch in diam- eter ; scales of the involucre 2(-3)-seriate, subequal, linear-lanceolate, acuminate ; the dark herbaceous middle portion hirsute : rays 20-25, narrow, pale rose-colored: achenes columnar, hirsute, 4-ribbe{l. — Col- lected in pine forests about Chuchuichupa, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hart- man. 14 June, 1891 (no. 697). A species apparently of the § Mega- lastriim as regards involucre and achene, but more slender and less rigid in habit than the other species of this group. Franseria nivea. Finely white tomentose or pale cinereous throughout, 1-4 feet high : pubescence persistent except upon the base of the stem: leaves alternate, 2 inches long, somewhat broader, 3-parted to the base; parts deeply pinnately lobed; segments acutish, toothed; 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. petioles 1^-1^ inches loug, often somewhat winged or lobed near the summit: terminal inflorescences about 2 inches long, rather closely flowered, staminate, except at the very base ; inflorescences springing from the upper axils several, very short, chiefly fertile ; $ pedicels flexuous, 2 lines long, white tomentose and not at all glandular ; invo- lucres cinereous, rotate, 2 lines in diameter, unequally 9-10-toothed, 20- flowered ; teeth obtuse ; 9 involucres at first ovoid, acute, 2-beaked, 2-celled ; spines (scales) about 24, appressed, imbricated ; achenes sol- itary in each cell ; fruit 2i lines long, puberulent and finely glandular, corrugated toward the narrowed base ; the spines spreading, | line long. — Collected on plains near Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hart- man, 10 October, 1891 (no. 813). Encelia oblonga. Fruticose, 2-3 feet high : branches grayish, nearly or quite smooth, finely striated ; branchlets glabrous or hirsute, resiniferous : leaves attenuate, subsessile, oblong or oblanceolate, puber- ulent, green upon both surfaces, scabrously ciliolate-denticulate, rounded or obtuse and mucronate at the apex, cuneate at the base, l:j-2^ inches long, 6-12 lines broad ; veinlets translucent : peduncles solitary, termi- nal, sparingly hirsute, 2-3 inches in length, with 2-3 reduced leafy bracts and a solitary head about an inch in diameter exclusive of the rays : involucral bracts in two series, subequal, lanceolate, caudate-attenuate, ciliolate, 5-6 lines long: rays 12-15, yellow, nearly half an inch in length : disk corollas with throat cylindrical, 2 lines long, much exceed- ing the short proper tube and still shorter glabrous limb : achenes 2\ lines long, appressed silky villous and crowned with two weak un- equal readily deciduous ciliolated awns ; the larger one, on the side opposite the enclosing palea, two thirds as long as the corolla. — Collected on plains near Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartman, 10 October, 1891 (no. 812). Leptosyne Arizonica, Gray, var. pubescens. Soft pubescent throughout : leaves tending to have somewhat broader segments : not otherwise differing from the glabrous type. — Collected at Granados, Sonora, at 2,950 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 15 November, 1890 (no. 222); near Huchuerachi, at 4,000 feet, by the same collector, 5 December, 1890 (no. 296) , and at Cardovas, Sonora, by Mr. Lloyd, 9 December, 1890 (no. 406). Perityle Lloydii. Suffruticose, branching from the base. 4-10 inches high, cinereous-pubescent, very glandular and aromatic : branches slender, terete, more or less decumbent : leaves opposite below, subalternate above, ovate-deltoid, acute, somewhat doubly dentate, 8-12 lines long, pubescent upon both surfaces; petioles ROBINSON AND FKRNALD. MEXICAN PLANTS. 119 sleuder, 5-9 lines in length : peduncles springing from the upper axils, about 2 inches long, slightly thickened upward : heads large, radiate, 5 lines high, including the rays 9 lines broad ; scales of the involucre narrowly linear, J- line wide, caudate-attenuate, 4 lines in length : ray flowers 18-20, pale yellow; ligules 3 lines long, 3-toothed at the apex ; disk flowers including acheaes 4h lines long : style branches of the lat- ter with attenuate hispid appendages, those of the former smooth ; achf nes oblong, black with thickened white margins, puberulent, scarcely ciliolate, li lines long. — Collected in niches of dry rocks at Bade- huache, Sonora, by Mr. Lloyd, 2 December, 1890 (no. 400). A species nearly related to P. leptoglossa, Gray, and P. Palmeri, Wats. ; distinguished from the former by its much more copious pubescence, more attenuate involucral scales, and larger flowers ; from the latter by its slender terete branches, and by its achenes which are scarcely ciliolate instead of having a copious ciliation. Cacalia globosa. Caudex short, horizontal, giving off numerous fibres : stem simple, flexuous, 8 inches in height, glabrate, except near the somewhat fuscous-tomentose summit : leaves thickish, nearly or quite glabrous, somewhat glaucous, cartilaginous upon the crenate- dentate margins, obtuse, pinnately veined ; the radical ones deltoid, 1^- inches long, nearly as broad, cordate with a broad shallow sinus; their petioles 1^ inches long, slender above, dilated below; the cauline leaves for the most part consisting of ovate clasping cartilaginous dentate phyllodia ; only the lower ones surmounted by an ovate or deltoid crenate blade : heads about 6-flowered, densely packed together in a globular inflorescence (9 lines in diameter) : involucral scales obovate-oblong, 3 lines in length, with ciliate margins and tip, thickened in the middle, especially near the summit : corollas 2:^ lines high ; the linear lobes little exceeding the tube : pappus sparing. — Collected in a moist meadow, Guachuchic, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartman, 25 June, 1892 (no. 522). Philibertia ctnanchoides, Decsne., var. subtruncata. Leaves narrow, attenuate, abrupt at the base or subcordate with a very shallow open sinus and spreading auricles. — Collected at Fronteras, Sonora, at 4,550 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 25 September, 1890 (no. 4), The type both by description and authenticated specimens has deeply cordate and usually broader leaves. No other differences have been noted. Phacelia rupicola. Perennial, hirsute, subacaulescent : leaves springing from an elongated thickish ascending caudex, deeply pinnatifid ; blade oblong in outline, 2-3 inches long, equalling the 120 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. petiole ; segments 15-19, broadly oblong, acutish, generally 1-2-toothed upon the lower margin, 5-7 lines long, 2.V-4 lines broad; the upper ones approximate ; the lower becoming smaller and more or less scattered : inflorescence exceeded by the leaves, loose below, the lowest jjedicels being 1^ inches long: calyx lobes oblong-lanceolate, acute, slightly unequal, 2-3i lines long : corolla pure white, i inch in diameter; lobes rounded, cleft half-way to the base ; appendages linear, folds free at the tip and forming pairs alternating with the stamens : filaments equalling the corolla, hirsute below : style 2-parted for two thirds of its length and easily divided to the base ; ovary hirsute ; ovules about 20. — Collected on cliffs in a pine forest of Strawberry Valley, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartman, 8 June, 1891 (no. 686). A species of the § Eutoca. Ltcium retdsum. Stems glabrous, smooth, dark brown or grayish, sometimes armed with short slender spines ; branchlets divaricate . pulvini white, pubescent ; leaves obovate, cuneate, usually retuse, pubescent upon both surfaces : pedicels filiform, glandular-pubescent, 3-5 lines long : calyx tubular, glandular-pubescent, ''Ih lines long ; teeth triangular-lanceolate, erect, acute, a third as long as the tube : corolla trumpet-shaped, about 4 lines in length; teeth short, retuse, a fourth as long as the tube : style and stamens exserted ; the latter unequal ; filaments bearded at the base : fruit not seen. — Collected at Opata, Sonora, at 3,450 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 1 November, 1890 (no. 212). Maurandia (?) GENicuLATA. Densely glandular pubescent and viscid : stems zigzag : leaves distichous, orbicular, cordate, coarsely crenate, 1-2 inches broad, green upon both sides, 5-nerved ; petioles spreading, 5-9 lines long : peduncles axillary, \-\ inch in length, ascending in anthesis, somewhat thickened and recurved in fruit : calyx narrowly campanulate, subequally 5-cleft to near the middle, 6 lines long; segments narrowly ovate, obtusish, 1-nerved, somewhat plaited at the sinuses: style simple, filiform, nearly or quite an inch in length ; ovary superior, 2-celled ; ovules numerous, upon axial placentEe : fruit capsular, about equalling the calyx ; seeds oblong, barely a line in length, two thirds as thick, black, irregularly roughened with relatively large tubercles but not at all winged : corolla and stamens not seen. — Collected on cliffs at Nacory, Sonora, at 3,750 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 1 December, 1890 (no. 272). Closely resembling in foliage and pubescence M. erecta, Hemsl., but with a very geniculate stem and wingless seeds. Until the corolla and stamens are discovered the generic position must remain somewhat doubtful. MiMULUs DENTiLOBDS. Very pubpscent Or glabrate : stems slender, ROBINSON AND FKRNALD. — MEXICAN PLANTS. 121 weak, loosely mattotl, decumbent, much branched, rooting at the johits, 3-6 inches in length : leaves small, suborbicular, broader than long, shallowly sinuate-dentate, cartilaginous margined ; the largest 3 lines in diameter, abruptly contracted into a short winged petiole : pedicels axillary, opposite, filiform, 9-12 lines long: calyx in authesis 2^ lines in length, slightly accrescent and loosely surrounding the fruit: corolla yellow, spotted with purple ; lobes fringe-toothed ; the median lobe of the lower lip somewhat retuse : anther cells not confluent: capsule compressed, obtusish, 1] lines in length. — Collected at Nacory, Sonora, at 3,750 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 4 December, 1890 (no. 288) ; and on the Bavispe River, Sonora, by Mr. Lloyd, 23 December, 1890 (no. 440). Habit of M. Madrensis, Seem., but with fringed corolla. Salvia rubropunctata. SufFrutescent : stems branched, gray- ish; branches brown, slightly scabrous, pulverulent: leaves ovate- oblong, obtuse or rounded at the apex, abruptly contracted to a cu- neate base, finely crenate-serrate, punctate with dark red dots, at first strongly rugose above and white-tomentose beneath, becoming nearly smooth and glabrous; the largest IJ inches long, half as broad; many smaller ones clustered in their axils : spikes subcapitate, terminal, soli- tary, or 2-3 together, short-peduncled ; floral leaves lanceolate, slightly exceeding the calyx ; verticels about 6-flowered, approximate : calyx 2^ lines long, covered with dense bluish wool, obscuring numerous bright scarlet glandular dots ; the upper lip shortly 3-toothed ; teeth acuminate : corolla blue, 6 lines in length, punctate with red glands ; the lower lip about equalling the tube ; the upper lanate on the outer surface. — Collected in the Canon Huehuerachi, Sonora, by Mr. Lloyd, 12 December, 1890 (no. 451). The species appears to belong to § Erianthoe. It is noteworthy for the bright red glands which cover all parts of the flower, but are nearly or quite hidden by the enveloping bluish wool. Arceuthobium sp. Staminate plant very robust, 6-7 inches long, profusely branched : stem terete at the base, 5-6 lines in diame- ter, sheaths short, campanulate, truncate ; branches more or less sharply quadrangular, bright yellow : spikes very numerous, short, few-flowered : flowers 3-4-parted ; segments obtuse, ovate-oblong, arched over the stamens ; the latter inserted near the middle of the segments. — Collected on pines at Pine Ridge Pass, Sonora, at 3,200 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 17 December, 1890 (no. 340). This interest- ing plant may be the staminate form of A. robustum^ Engelm., or of A. campylopodium, var. (?) /3, Engelm. From the specimens of both species at hand the present plant differs in its considerably greater 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. size. These species, however, are too poorly known, especially in the staminate forms, to permit satisfactory determination in this case. Ficus Jaliscana, Wats. (Proc. Am. Acad. xxvi. 150). Addi- tional material of this species, collected at Granados, Sonora, at 5,700 feet, by Mr. Hartmau, 15 November, 1890 (no. 217), shows that the plant has leaves often 6 inches long ; also fascicled aerial roots a foot and a half (or more) in length. Spikanthes velata. Roots clustered, tuber-like : leaves (at least at the time of flowering) none : stems 1-2, erect, 9-12 inches high, thickish and enveloped in loose white scarious brownish-veined ovate- oblong attenuate bracts ; the floral bracts similar, smaller but exceed- ing the flowers : spike dense, oblong, 2-3 inches in length : sepals subscarious ; the lateral ones oblong-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, 4 lines long ; the upper one free nearly half its length, attenuate : petals acutish, narrowly ovate, nearly as long as the upper sepal, also subscarious and brownish nerved ; lip rhombic, roHnded at the tip, crenulate throughout, thickish, about 6 lines long, finely granulated above and bearing two small oblong hoary-pubescent callosities at the base. — Collected in a caiion parallel with the Carion de los Alamos on Rio San Miguel, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartman, 28 June, 1891 (no. 710). Bravoa densiflora. Root of many spreading thickened fibres ; bulbs loose, oblong, becoming 2 inches long and an inch or more in thickness : radical leaves linear, attenuate, 3-4 inches long, a line wide ; the cauline reduced to bracts, 1-2 inches long, with broad scarious and attenuate tips ; the floral similar : spike short, dense ; flowers single in each bract, slender, tubular, spreading, curved, 17-22 lines long, dull yellow in a dried state, pulverulent-tomentulose upon the outer surface ; limb oblique; segments ovate, obtuse, only 1-1 i- lines long, erect, bearing a tuft of short white hairs at the tip : anthers inserted high up in the scarcely ampliate throat : fruit (immature) ovate, over 3 lines in diameter. — Collected on dry mesas near Varogachic, Chihuahua, by Mr. Hartman, 5 July, 1892 (no. 536). Finds Lumholtzii. A tree, 30-40 feet in height: branchlets elongated, ] inch in diameter : leaves in 3's, springing from the lower surface of the branchlets, pendulous, 10-13 inches long, | line in breadth, nearly flat and shining upon the dorsal surface, carinate upon the ventral ; margins scarcely involute : sheaths quite obsolete : bud scales lanceolate, attenuate, tawny, somewhat lacerate-ciliate, 3^ lines lono- : aments and cones unknown. — Collected near Coloradas, by Mr. Hartman, May, 1893 (no. 541). A beautiful species, striking ROBINSON AND FERNALD. — MEXICAN PLANTS. 123 in habit on account of its dense pendulous foliage, and figured in Scribner's Magazine, xvi. 38. Mausilia mollis. Closely tufted, densely villous and cinereous throujiliout ; hairs fine, silky, persistent or very tardily deciduous, finely warted under a compound microscope: internodes and stems in the numerous specimens at hand (terrestrial form) not at all developed • root a cluster of delicate fibres : petioles filiform, reddish brown, flexu- ous, 8-12 lines long, commonly nodding at the apex ; leaflets deltoid- obovate, entire, rounded at the apex, broadly cuneate at the base, 1| lines in length, equally broad : peduncles borne singly but in great numbers and closely crowded, 2^-3 lines long ; conceptacles horizon- tal, broadly oblong, compressed, 1| lines long, 1] lines broad, densely white-villous, dull brown on the removal of the pubescence, finely 8-9- wrinkled upon each surface, or smooth, often punctate ; rhaphe h line in length; basal teeth very obscure ; sori 16-18. — Collected at San Diego, Chihuahua, at 6,000 feet, by Mr. Hartman, 20 April, 1891 (no. 604). A very small and remarkably pubescent almost lanate species. 124 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. V. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE KENT CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. By J. U. Nef. Presented May 9, 1894. Victor Meter, who discovered the nitro fatty compounds, has, as is well known, shown that the primary and secondary nitroparafEnes differ from the corresponding tertiary derivatives, as well as from the aromatic nitro bodies, especially in the fact that they possess acid properties. He has explained this very noteworthy character by the assumption that the introduction of the nitro group exerts an " acid making " influence on the molecule, which, however, extends only to hydrogen atoms bound to the same carbon atom as the negative radi- cal. He therefore supposes * sodic nitroethane to possess the consti- tution represented by the formula CHg-CHNa I NO,, and, in an analogous manner, he represents the sodium salt of secon- dary nitropropane by the formula CHg^ CNa CHa-^ I NO2. The fact that these salts, when treated with bromine, are converted into bromnitroethane, CHgCHBr I NO2, * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXL 28, 48. NEF. NITROPARAFPINE SALTS. 125 a Stroll!; acid, and into bromuitropropane, CH3. .Br en/ ^NOa, a neutral body, seems at first to be an argument in favor of this hypothesis. I have, however, already pointed out * that one is not justified in drawing from this reaction such a conclusion with regard to the nature of the sodium salts, and have further demonstrated t that the hypothesis of the acid making influence of negative groups or radicals has absolutely no justification, and is entirely illogical. That this hypothesis is no longer tenable in many cases where it has hith- erto been accepted is clear. That the sodium salts of acetoacetic ether and of malonic ether possess a structure which must be repre- sented by the formulae CHg-CONa RO-CONa II and II HC-CO2R HC-COOR, and not, as previously supposed, by the formulae CH3-CO RO-CO I and I NaCHCOgR NaCHCO-.R, can now be regarded as settled experimentally beyond a doubt. J For these reasons it is almost self-evident that the metal in the nitroparafiine salts cannot be bound directly to carbon, and is in all probability bound to oxygen ; and the following experiments prove this in a most satisfactory manner. I. Decomposition of Primary and Secondary Nitro- PARAFFINE SaLTS BY MEANS OF ACIDS. Assuming that nitroethane possesses the constitution CH3~CH,N ; ^ , * Amer. Cliem. Journal, XIII. 427. t These Proceedings, XXVII. 157. t Ann. Cliem. (Liebig), CCLVIII. 261, CCLXVI. 52, CCLXXVI. 200, and CCLXXVII. 59. 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. it is very well possible * that on treating it with sodic hydrate or with sodium ethylate, an addition of these reagents to the nitro group takes place, forming thus the products, CH3-CH,-N^^^ and CHa-CH^-N^^^^a' O O which by loss of water or alcohol must give sodic nitroethane of the constitution CH3CH = NONa. II O This reaction is entirely analogous to the formation of sodic malonic ether from malonic ether and sodium ethylate,t the only difference being in the fact that sodic malonic ether is instantly decomposed by water, regenerating the ester and forming sodic hydrate,! whereas sodic nitroethane dissolves in water without decomposition. In favor of this interpretation of salt formation can be adduced the fact that many higher members of the nitroparaflSne series, which ought, like nitroethane, to possess acid properties, dissolve only with great difficulty and on prolonged treatment in very concentrated sodic hydrate ; § i. e. they possess very weak acid properties and were con- sequently long considered to be neutral substances, || — a fact which, as V. Meyer also observes,1[ is very noteworthy. If, however, the salt formation depends on the addition of sodic hydrate to the nitro group and subsequent loss of water, the peculiar and unexpected behavior observed in these cases is easily comprehensible ; the first members of the nitroparaffine series are soluble in water, and thus more easily attacked by sodic hydrate, whereas the higher members are insoluble in water. Since, according to this conception of the nitroparaffine salts, they do not possess a constitution analogous to that of the free nitro com- pounds, it does not of necessity follow, especially since the salts are soluble without decomposition in water, that these salts can be con- * These Proceedings, XXVII. 150-158. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXVI. 67, CCLXXVI. 244. t Ibid., CCLXVI. 113. § Ibid., CLXXV. 135, 144; Ziiblin,Ber. d. chem. Ges., X. 2083; Konowalow, Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXV. Ref. 108. II Ber. d. chem. Ges., V. 203; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXI. 44. 1[ Lehrbuch, p. 205. NEF. — NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. 127 verted back again completely into the free nitro bodies from which they were obtained. The first problem therefore was to determine this point by experiment, and it was found that under no condition is it possible to convert these salts back again completely into the cor- responding free nitro compounds. On adding an aqueous solution of a sodium salt of a nitroparalfine to cold dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, not a trace of the nitroalkyle is regenerated, but a more or less smooth decomposition into nitrous oxide and an aldehyde or ketone takes place, according to one of the following equations : I. 2 R-CH = NONa + 2 HCl O Sodium Salt of a Primary Nitroparafflne. N^ / NOHv = 2 R-CH : O + II O from II +2 NaCL N'^ V NO 11/ 11. 2 ^^C = NONa + 2 HCl R/ II O Sodium Salt of a Secondary NitroparaflSne. R\ N^ / NOHx = 2 ;C:0+ll O ( from II ) + 2 NaCl. R/ N^ \ NOH/ This new very noteworthy decomposition of nitroparaffine salts, which always takes place, no matter how the experiment is carried out, has been overlooked by V. Meyer and by all who have worked with these compounds. V. Meyer states repeatedly that it is possible to regenerate the free nitroparaffine from its sodium salt or from a caustic alkaline solution, — a fact which is only true to a limited ex- tent (see below). Decomposition always takes place according to one or the other of the above equations, and this fact alone proves that the nitroparaffine salts cannot possibly have a constitution analogous to that of the free nitroalkyles. If, for example, sodic nitroethane possessed the constitution CHgCHNa I NO,, it ought to be possible to convert it quantitatively into CH,— CHoNO.j by addition to dilute sulphuric acid, just as sodium acetate goes over 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. completely into acetic acid on similar treatment. As a matter of fact, not a trace of uitroethane is formed. Decomposition of Sodic Nitroelhane by Acids. — Sodic nitroethaiie can be obtained from nitroethane by treating it in absolute etheicd,! scjlution with sodium wire, or by means of alcoholic sodic hydrate, according to the method of V. Meyer.* It is, however, best formed by addition of au alcoholic solution of sodic ethylate to an alcoholic solution of nitroethane. The salt is filtered off, well washed with alcohol, and dried on clay plates and over sulphuric acid in a vacuum ; 30 grams nitroethane gave regularly 33 grams sodium salt. A com- plete analysis of the salt is not possible, because it explodes on hciuing with cupric oxide. 0.3035 gram substance gave 0.2225 gram NagSO^. Theory for CoIIiNOoNa. Found. 23.71 23.74 Na On adding quickly an aqueous solution of sodic nitroethane (1 part to 10 parts H2O) to cold dilute sulphuric acid (1 : 5), using for one gram salt about 15 to 20 of the acid, decomposition takes place into nitrous oxide and acetaldehyde ; the reaction takes place with much evolution of heat, the solution becomes colored green, and not a trace of nitroethane is regenerated. The experiment can be carried out quantitatively as follows : 15 to 20 of dilute sulphuric acid are brought into a small distilling flask which is provided with a separatory funnel, and is connected on the one hand with a carbonic acid generator, and on the other with a Schiff's nitrometer. Air is first expelled from the apparatus by means of carbon dioxide (passed over heated copper), and then the aqueous solution of sodic nitroethane is quickly added by means of the separatory funnel and well washed down with water. The distilling flask is then heated to boiling and the nitrous oxide driven over, by a current of carbonic acid, into the azotometer. The aldehyde which is formed is absorbed by the caus- tic potash solution (1:2) in the nitrometer, which was saturated previous to the experiment with nitrous oxide. 0.7 gram substance gave 77 NgO at 15° and 754 mm., corre- sponding to 89.4% of the theoretical amount. 1.0 gram substance gave 105 N2O at 16° and 748 mm., corre- sponding to 84.6% of the theoretical amount. * Ann. Chem (Liebi^), CLXXI. 29. NEF. NITROPAllAPFINE SALTS. 129 That nitrous oxide was present was shown by its characteristic reactions, and by passing a known volume of the gas over heated cop- per, whereby au equal volume of nitrogen was obtained. In order to determine the amount of acetaldehyde quantitativi ly, the same apparatus is used except that the distilling flask, instead of being connected with an azotometer, is connected with a condenser and a well cooled receiver containing water. About one half of the solution in the distilling flask is then boiled off, and the distillate in the receiver is treated with powdered calcic carbonate to remove traces of acetic acid, and then again distilled over. The second dis- tillate thus obtained is perfectly neutral to test paper, and is heated for four hours in a sealed tube at 100° with an excess of silver oxide.* The silver acetate formed is boiled out with water, and the amount determined by evaporating the aqueous solution. 1.5 grams sodic nitroethane gave 1.8 grams silver acetate, or G9.7% of the theoretical amount. A portion of the silver acetate, recrystallized from water and dried at 80-90°, gave the following result on analysis : 0.3552 gram substance gave 0.2297 gram silver. Theory for CIIaCO^Ag Found. Ag 64.67 64.67 Sodic nitroethane has thus been split pretty smoothly, on treatment with an acid, according to the following equation : 2 CH3CH = N-ONa + H2SO, = 2 CH3CHO + NsO-f HgO + NagSO,. II O The amount of acetaldehyde obtained (69.7% of the theory) is undoubtedly somewhat less than the actual amount formed in the reaction, since a slight loss of aldehyde can hardly be avoided in the above operations. It was shown qualitatively that nitrous acid, acetic acid, and hydroxylamine are side products in the above reaction. Entirely analogous results are obtained if hydrochloric acid, instead of sulphuric acid, is used in the reaction. * A preliminary experiment with pure acetaldehyde showed that this method is well adapted for the quantitative determination of aldehyde. 1 gram acetal- dehyde (bpt. 23°), 20 water, and 8.3 grams silver oxide, heated in a sealed tube at 100° for one hour, gave 3.1 grams silver acetate corresponding to 81.7 per cent of tlie theory. Traces of unchanged aldehyde were noticed on opening the sealed tube. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 9 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The followiug explanation of this noteworthy decomposition of sodic uitroethane is extremely probable, especially because of facts to be presented later in this paper. On the addition of sodic nitroethaue, CH3CH = NONa, II O to a dilute acid, there is first formed the product CH3CH = NOH, 11 O which must be a strong oxidizing agent, and which therefore splits, just as in analogous cases to be presented below, by intramolecular oxidation into NOH 2 CH3CHO and II NOH. V. Meyer states * that on addition of an acid to aqueous sodic nitro- ethane, or to a caustic alkaline solution of nitroethane, free nitroethane is formed. Later he mentions f that acids never regenerate the entire amount of nitroethane from a solution of this substance in caustic potash, and that ethylnitrolic acid is always formed in small quantity. He seems never to have noticed a decomposition into acet- aldehyde and nitrous oxide, which however always takes place, as is evident from the following experiments. 20 grams nitroethane are dissolved in a solution of 20 grams caustic potash (1^ molecules) in 300 of water: the smell of nitroethane is still distinctly noticeable. To this solution is added very slowly dilute sulphuric acid, taking care to cool well with water. As soon as the solution becomes acid, it is colored greenish, and a gas evolution (N2O) and strong smell of acetaldehyde are noticed. Since no nitro- ethane separates out, the sglution is extracted three times with ether. The ethereal solution, after drying with calcic chloride, is then care- fully fractionated; the lower boiling portions smell strongly of acetal- dehyde. 7.2 grams oil were obtained, boiling between 112° and 118°, which, redistilled, gave 5.2 grams, boiling between 112° and 116°. The oil, although it smells of aldehyde, undoubtedly consists chiefly * Ann. Chera. (Liebig), CLXXI. 27-30. Cf. also Ber. d. chera. Ges., V. 514-516. t Ann. Cliem. (Liebig), CLXXV. 88-90. NEF. — NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. 131 of nitroethane, since on treatment with sodic nitrite 5 grams of ethyl- nitrolic acid were obtained from it. An entirely analogous result is obtained on adding very slowly dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid to an aqueous solution of sodic nitroethane (made by means of sodium ethylate). It is also possible to obtain traces of nitroethane on adding very slowly an aqueous solution of the sodium salt to dilute sulphuric acid, cooled with pieces of ice. The chief reaction in this case is, however, decomposition into acetaldehyde and nitrous oxide. Decomposition of Nitroethane-mercuric-chloride by means of Acids. Nitroethane-mercuric-chloride was obtained by addition of corrosive sublimate (one molecule) to an aqueous solution of sodic nitroethane. Since V. Meyer determined only the percentage of chlorine and mer- cury in the salt,* the substance, after drying for 24 hours in a vacuum, was analyzed for carbon and hydrogen. 0.6849 gram substance gave 0 1949 gram CO2 and 0.0813 gram HgO. Theory for CaHiNOaHgCl. Found. C 7.75 7.76 H 1.30 1.34 The former statements concerning the properties of this salt could be confirmed except in one particular. V. Meyer mentions * that acids regenerate nitroethane. I found it impossible, under any condi- tion, to obtain from this salt even a trace of nitroethane. Dilate nitric acid and sulphuric acid act upon the salt very slowly in the cold, forming acetaldehyde and nitrous oxide : dilute hydro- chloric acid reacts with great violence upon it, decomposing it into nitrous oxide and acetaldehyde. A large amount of the mercury salt, suspended in water, was treated in the cold with hydrogen sulphide, and thereupon the solution was partially distilled off. The distillate contained an oil which is neutral and smells strongly of thioaldehyde, but in which not a trace of nitroethane could be detected by means of the very delicate ethylnitrolic acid reaction. As mentioned above, nitroethane-mercuric-chloride is decomposed by addition of dilute hydrochloric acid into nitrous oxide and acetalde- hyde ; the reaction is accompanied by a decided evolution of heat, and a greenish-colored solution is obtained. The quantitative determina- * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXI. 31. 132 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tions were carried out in the same apparatus as that used above in the case of the sodium salt. The mercury salt is placed in the distilling flask, and 10-15 c.cin. water added; after removing the air, dilute hydrochloric acid is added by means of the separatory funnel, and the solution is then heated to boiling. In the case of the aldehyde de- termination, the distillate is treated with powdered calcic carbonate, in order to remove the hydrochloric acid carried over, and then redistilled. 1 gram salt gave 39 NgO at 23° and 748 mm., corresponding to 98 per cent of the theory. 1 gram salt gave 38 NoO at 22° and 748 mm.^ corresponding to 95.6 per cent of the theory. 4.5 grams salt gave 1.77 grams silver acetate, i.e. 72.9 per cent of the theoretical amount. The analysis of the silver acetate, recrystallized from water, gave the following result. 0.3831 gram substance gave 0.2468 gram silver. Theory for CHgCOoAg. Found. Ag 64.G7 64.42 Nitroethane-mercuric-chloride has thus been split by the acid, chiefly according to the following equation : 2 CHs-CH = N-OHgCl + 2 HCl II O = 2 CH3CHO + N2O + HoO + 2 HgCV Nitrous acid and hydroxylaminehydrochloride (0.4 gram crude salt from 10 grams) are side products formed in this decomposition. Decomposition of Sodic Nitromethane by means of Acids. Sodic nitromethane can be obtained from nitromethane by treating it in absolute ethereal solution with sodium wire, or by means of alcoholic sodic hydrate according to the method of V. Meyer. It is, however, best formed by addition of an alcoholic solution of sodium ethylate to an alcoholic solution of nitromethane. 30 grams nitrome- thane yield thus regularly from 45 to 50 grams of the sodium salt, which at first contains, as V. Meyer has shown, one molecule of alcohol, CHgNOsNa + C.HgO ; NEF. — NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. 133 the salt slowly loses its alcohol ou standing over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, but never completely. An analysis of a salt, which had been kept 14 hours in a desiccator, gave the following figures 0.2500 gram gave 0.1791 gram NaaSOi. Theory for Theory for CIIoNOoNa. CHaNO^Na + CaHeO. Found. Na 27.71 17.83 ' 23.21 The constitution of this alkoholate is very probably /OC0H5 CH3-N II \ONa, O formed by the addition of the sodium ethylate to the nitro group. Sodic nitromethane, free from alcohol, O II CHo = NONa, which is best obtained by treating nitromethane in ethereal solution with sodium, is a very unstable and remarkable body, whicli seems to exist only under great tension. On adding a small amount of water to it, spontaneous decomposition, with tremendous evolution of heat and ofttiraes explosion, takes place.* On allowing an aqueous solu- tion of the salt to evaporate spontaneously, it is decomposed chiefly into sodic carbonate and sodic nitrite (besides other products). The alcoholate of sodic nitromethane is much more stable than the pure sodium salt, but behaves otherwise in an entirely analogous manner. On adding an aqueous solution of either of these salts to dilute sul- phuric acid or hydrochloric acid, decomposition into nitrous oxide, formaldehyde, nitrous acid, carbonic acid, and hydroxylamine takes place, and not a trace of nitrnmethane is regenerated. The amount of nitrous oxide formed is small, as is evident from the following determinations. 2 grams sodium salt, made by means of sodium ethylate and kept a long time in a vacuum, gave 20 N2O at 20° and 752 mm., corresponding to 7.44 per cent of the theory for CHgNOoNa, 3 grams sodium salt, made by means of sodium ethylate and used directly, gave 26 NoO at 22°, and 748 mm., correspond- ing to 7.48 per cent of the theory for CHgNOgNa -f ^ CoHcO. * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXI. 34. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In the decomposition of sodic nitromethane by acids, a splitting takes place, but in subordinate amount, according to the equation 2 CH2 = NONa + 2 HCl = 2 CH2O + N2O + HgO + 2 NaCl ; II O which is entirely analogous to the decomposition of nitroethane salts. The reason for this difference is also perfectly clear and will be ex- plained farther on. It is possible, but only under very special conditions and in subordi- nate amounts, to regenerate nitromethane from its sodium salt;* in all cases a very decided decomposition takes place, as will become evident from the following experiments, 10 grams sodic nitromethane, made by means of sodium ethylate and kept 10 hours in a vacuum over sulphuric acid, are dissolved in water containing pieces of ice, and then dilute sulphuric acid is added very slowly. As soon as the solution becomes acid, a smell of formaldehyde is noticed, as well as the pres- ence of nitrous acid and of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. 20 of the solution f is then distilled off (until no smell of nitromethane can be noticed in the flask) and the distillate extracted with ether. The ethereal solution, carefully fractionated, gave 1.9 grams nitrome- thane, boiling between 99° and 101°. An entirely analogous result is obtained from a solution of nitromethane in caustic soda or potash. Decomposition of Secondary Sodic Nitropropane by Acids. Secondary nitropropane was made according to the directions of V. Meyer.j The yield is very poor. The sodium salt was made by means of alcoholic sodium ethylate, and dried over sulphuric acid in a vacuum. On treatment of an aqueous solution of this salt with dilute acids, a fairly smooth decomposition into acetone and nitrous oxide, according to the equation CH CH 2 '^C=:N-ONa+2HCl = 2 '^CO-f N2O+ HgO -h2NaCl CH3/ II CH3/ O takes place, — a reaction which is perfectly analogous to the decompo- sition of salts of primary nitroparaffines. * No statements concerning this point could be found anywhere. t Preibisch, Journ. f. prakt. Chemie, [2.], VIII. 311. \ Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXT. 40 NEF. — NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. 135 0.7 gram sodium salt, dissolved in water and added in the above apparatus to 15 dilute sulphuric acid, gave (the solution becomes colored greenish) 51 NoO at 21° and 754 mm., corresponding to 66.52 per cent of the theory. The formation of acetone in this reaction was proved as follows. 1.9 grams secondary sodic nitropropane are dissolved in water and added to 15 dilute sulphuric acid. The bluish green solution is heated to boiling and partially distilled off. The distillate is filtered from a small amount of solid and treated with powdered calcic car- bonate and then redistilled. The solution thus obtained, which smells distinctly of acetone, is treated with a solution of 0.6 gram hydroxyl- amine hydrochloride and 0.34 gram caustic soda in 2.5 water. After standing for an hour, the solution is extracted three times with ether, and after getting rid of the dried ether 0.35 gram residue is obtained. This whs recrystallized from ligroine (bpt. 40°-60°) and found to melt at 62°-63°, and to consist of pure acetoxime, identical in every respect with a product made for comparison. II. Synthesis of Mercury Fulminate, C : NOhg, from Sodic C : N-ONa„ NiTROMETHANE, Hg II o With the exception of nitroethane-mercuric-chloride, no heavy metal salt of a simple nitroparaffine has been obtained and analyzed. Victor Meyer and Rilliet obtained from sodic nitromethane and mercuric chloride a yellow very explosive mercury salt, which they regarded as mercury nitromethane, /CH„N02 \CH2NO2, • but which, on account of its very dangerous properties,* was not further investigated or analyzed. Since such heavy metal salts might perhaps be especially well adapted for a determination of the constitution of the nitroparaffine salts, a study of this salt was therefore again taken up, and it soon became evident that it is not a salt of nitromethane at all because it contains no hydrogen. On adding quickly an aqueous solution of sodic nitromethane to a solution of corrosive sul)limate, or vice versa, a white precipitate is first * Ber. d. chem. Ges., V 1030. Cf. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXI. 36. 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. formed, which very soon becomes colored yellow, and which in all probability is the mercury salt of nitromethane, CH2 = N-Ohg* II O This white salt exists, however, only a few moments, since it is a very powerful oxidizing agent capable of intra-molecular oxidation. It therefor^ loses water almost instantly, C : N - Ohg = C : NOhg + H,0, H2 II O forming mercuric fulminate ; and since the constitution of fulminate of mercury is definitely proved in the following paper to be C : NOhg, it follows at the same time that the nitromethane salts must have the constitution represented by the general formula H.,C : NOM. II O An aqueous solution of sodic nitromethane (10 grams) is added rapidly to a cold mercuric chloride solution (containing 16 grams HgClo). After standing 15 minutes, the solution (300-500 is heated to boiling and quickly filtered from the yellow precipitate, which is then boiled out once with hot water. On cooling, a grayish white heavy crystalline precipitate separates out from the filtrate. In order to get rid of traces of adhering mercury, it is dissolved in dilute cya- nide of potash and reprecipitated with dilute nitric acid.f In this way perfectly pure fulminate of mercury is obtained, which is absolutely identical in every respect with the product made in the ordinary way. The yield is 1 gram to 1.6 grams pure salt from 10 grams sodic nitro- methane. 0.2221 gram substance, dried over H2'^04 in a vacuum, and dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, with addition of KCIO3, and precipi- tated with HoS, gave 0.1815 gram HgS. 0.4005 gram substance, mixed with cupric oxide, gave 0.1248 gram CO., and 0,0074 gram HoO. 0.1968 gram substance gave 17.5 Ng at 16° and 747 mm. * hg represents a half-atnm of bivalent mercury, t Steiner, Ber. d. cliem. Ges., IX. 787. NEF. — NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. 137 Theory for HgOoNoCj. Found. Hg 70.42 70.45 C 8.45 8.49 H 0.205 N 9.86 10.18 The following very simple reaction therefore takes place in the formation of mercuric fulminate from sodic nitromethane : C : NONa + hgCl = C : NOhg + NaCl = C : NOhg + HgO + NaCl. Ha II U, II o o It follows clearly, however, that the mercury salt of nitromethane, H^C : N-Ohg, ' II O formed as the intermediate product, must be a strong oxidizing agent, which at first, for want of anything else present, acts on itself, form- ing by intra-molecular oxidation fulminate of mercury, C : NOhg. Since, however, the fulminate of mercury thus formed, in consequence of its containing unsaturated or bivalent carbon, possesses an enor- mous reactivity (see following paper) and can therefore most readily take up oxygen, (this explains the reducing action of carbon monoxide, C : O, of cyanide of potash, KN : C, as well as of the fulminates, C : NOM,) It follows very clearly that the strong oxidizing agent present, mercury nitromethane, H2C : N-Ohg, II O can act also on the mercury fulminate formed (in the nascent state), converting it into mercuric carbondioxidoxirae, O : C : NOhg, whereby the mercuric nitromethane itself is reduced to mercuric formoxime, /H2C : NOhg \ CH2 : NOhg ( II = CH2 : NOhg + O j . This explanation suffices completely in clearing up the nature of all the products which are formed by the interaction of sodic nitro- methane and mercuric chloride. The yellow salt obtained by V. Meyer 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and Rilliet * is, in all probability, basic mercuric carbondioxidoxime, Hg; ;C:NOhg. A yellow compound insoluble in water is, in all cases, the chief pro- duct of the action between aqueous solutions of sodic nitromethane and mercuric chloride ; in fact only by the above mentioned method is it possible to obtain fulminate ot mercury in ajipreciable amounts. If the corrosive sublimate solution is heated, before adding the sodic nitromethane solution, or if the former solution is added to the latter solution, not a trace of mercuric fulminate can be isolated, and much yellow insoluble mercury salt is formed. The composition of this yel- low salt varies also according to whether the mercuric chloride solution is added to a solution of the sodium salt, or vice versa. In the latter case, the salt obtained contains much more carbon and nitrogen. Basic Mercuric Carbondioxidoxime, Hg C : NOhg. On the addition of a solution of mercuric chloride (containing 16 grams HgCl2) to a cold aqueous solution of sodic nitromethane (10 grams), a white precipitate is formed which, after an hour's stand- ing, has become perfectly yellow. The solution is decanted, and the residue is repeatedly treated with boiling water, and then dried on clay plates, and finally at 100°. The latter operation must be carried on with all possible precautions, since it happened several times that the salt exploded, demolishing the air bath and the windows of the hood. The yield from 10 grams sodium salt was regularly from 8 to 10 grams. The salt is, at ordinary temperatures, not quite so dangerous as mercuric fulminate, but it often explodes by friction. It is absolutely free from chlorine and contains no hydrogen : digestion with dilute sulphuric or with dilute nitric acid, in which it is insoluble, does not change the composition of the salt. 0.4698 gram, mixed with cupric oxide, gave 0.0612 gram COo and 0.0129 gram l\0. 0.1818 gram, mixed with cupric oxide, gave 6.5 ccm. Ng at 19° and 747 mm. 0.2195 gram, dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, with addition of little KCIO3 and precipitated with HgS, gave 0.2045 gram HgS. * Ber. d. cliem. Ges., V. 1030. Cf. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXI. 35. NEF. NITROPARAFPINE SALTS. 139 Theory for Hg(0)c : NOhg Found. c 3.21 3.34 H 0.305 N 3.74 4.04 Hg 80.20 80.31 The salt is instantly decomposed by dilute hydrochloric acid, form- ing calomel, carbonic acid, and a substance having a smell like prussic acid, but not a trace of nitrous oxide is formed. Concentrated hydro- chloric acid decomposes the salt into carbonic acid and hydroxyl- aminehydrochloride (proved by conversion into acetoxime). The salt is very soluble in dilute cyanide of potash, and on addition of dilute nitric acid no precipitate is formed. It was at first long suspected that the salt was basic fulminate of mercury, but it is not possible in any way to convert this salt into normal fulminic acid salts. Thus a large quantity of it was added to hydrochloric acid (one part cone, acid 1.18 to one part water), and the solution thereupon extracted with ether, but not a trace of formylchloridoxime (see following paper) was obtained. On treating the salt suspended in water with sodium amalgam, mercury is formed, and a solution obtained free from mercury, in which, however, not a trace of sodium fulminate could be detected. That the salt possesses the constitution, Hg; X^:NOhg, is very probable, but not yet proved with absolute certainty. It will therefore be further investigated, especially since its behavior towards alkyliodides and its conversion into carbondioxidoxime, O : C : NOH, may be of interest. As mentioned above, there is formed, on addition of aqueous sodic nitromethane to a mercuric chloride solution, besides fulminate of mercury, a yellow insoluble salt, which is richer in carbon and in nitrogen than the yellow salt just described. This yellow salt, precipitated from hot mercuric chloride solution, was repeatedly digested with boiling water and then dried, first on a clay plate, and then carefully at 100°. The substance is likewise free from chlorine and hydrogen and explodes very readily by friction. 140 PKOCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 0.6731 gram, mixed with cupric oxide, gave 0.1487 gram COg and 0.0236 gram H2O. 0.2776 gram gave 16 Ng at 15° and 749 mm. Theory for Theory for Hg(g)c : NOhg 0 : C : NOhg Found c 3.21 7.59 6.03 H 0.39 N 3.74 8.86 6.65 This salt behaves in every respect — towards dilute nitric, hydro- chloric, and sulphuric acid, towards concentrated hydrochloric acid, sodium amalgam, and cyanide of potash — in exactly the same man- ner as the mercury salt just described. It probably consists therefore of a mixture of much mercuric carbondioxidoxime, 0 : C : NOhg and of the basic salt, Hg ^ ^ C : NOhg. ^O^ It is natural that in this case much less basic salt should be formed than in the former case, where the corrosive sublimate solution was added to the sodic nitromethane solution. The above experiments have made it clear that the heavy metal salts of nitromethane, e. g. a mercury salt, H^C = N-Ohg, II O are not capable of existence, but are immediately decomposed by intra- molecular oxidation. An investigation of the precipitates formed by adding copper sulphate or lead acetate to an aqueous solution of sodic nitromethane showed that these consist in great part either of copper carbonate or of lead carbonate (the lead salt obtained is yellow and explodes, and probably contains some Pb C : NOpb). For these reasons it is obvious that sodic nitromethane itself, H2C = NONa, II O NBF. — NITROPARAPFINE SALTS. 141 which, as is known^, exists ouly under great tension, must be a strong oxidizing agent which can easily, by intra-molecular oxidation, go over into O : C : NONa and CH2 "• NONa,* which products in turn are readily split into carbonic acid, hydroxylamine nitrous acid, and other compounds. This explains therefore most clearly the intensely violent decomposition of this salt on addition of a small quantity of water, as well as its decomposition, in dilute aqueous solutions, into sodic carbonate, sodic nitrite, and other products. On adding sodic nitromethane to dilute acids, the product U,C = N-OH II O is in all probability first formed, which must readily go over, by intra-molecular oxidation, into 0:C;NOH and CH2 : NOH, or into their decomposition products. A slight decomposition, however, into 2 CH^O and N2O also takes place, — which in the case of the other primary and the secondary nitroparaifine salts is the chief reaction (see above) . The formation of the above mentioned remarkable decomposition products of nitroparaffiue salts, which, as is clearly seen, is due solely to intra-molecular oxidation, find further on their complete analogy in the decomposition products of esters of the formula, RCH : NOC2H5 and R-CH : NOCH3 . II II o o These substances also decompose (some spontaneously) by intra-mo- lecular oxidation mto RCH : NOH and CH3CH : O or CH2O. * The fulminate of soda, C : NONa, which is first formed as an intermediate product, H2C • NONa = C NONa + H2O, II O must naturally be converted immediately by the excess of sodic nitromethane present into O : C : NONa, and thus it in turn be reduced to CHo : NONa. It was not possible at any rate, under any condition, to convert sodic nitrome- thane by loss of water into sodium fulminate, — a fact which in view of the enormous tendency of this salt to take up oxygen is almost self-evident. 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. III. The Action of Alkyliodides on Silver Dinitroethane, CHg - C = NOAg. I II NOo O Preparation of Dinitroethane. — After many experiments, the fol- lowing method of preparing dinitroethane was found to give the best results.* 50 grams bromnitroethane (bpt. 140-145°, prepared accord- ing to the directions of Tscherniak f), 50 alcohol, and a solution of 56 grams potassic nitrite in 56 grams water, were kept shaken up very thoroughly in a shaking apparatus for 24 hours. The potassium salt of dinitroethane separates out slowly in yellow crystals, which, when filtered off and well washed with alcohol, are sufficiently pure. The yield is from 13 to 14 grams. The salt is dissolved in warm water and treated directly with silver nitrate (one molecule), and the silver salt obtained in glistening heavy yellow leaflets, which are filtered off and dried in a vacuum. Ter Meer J has already studied the behavior of this salt towards methyliodide and obtained thereby an oil, which, on treatment with alcoholic potash, is partially converted back again into potassic dini- troethane. Very recently Duden has studied the behavior of silver dinitromethane towards alkyliodides, § and shown that, for example, it is converted by means of methyliodide into dinitroethane. The reaction which takes place, however, on treating the silver salt of dinitromethane and of dinitroethane with alkyliodides, is far more complicated than either ter Meer or Duden have surmised ; the very remarkable and peculiar reaction is cleared up fully by the following experiments. 50 grams silver dinitroethane are added slowly to 100 grams methyl- iodide, taking care to cool well with water. Reaction quickly takes place, with formation of silveriodide, and, towards the end, a strong smell of formaldehyde is noticed. After standing one hour, ether is added and the excess of methyliodide as well as the ether is removed from the filtrate by heating in a distilling flask at 50 mm. pressure to a temperature of 50°. The residual oil is taken up with ether, and treated with cold dilute sodic hydrate and the deep red colored alkaline solu- * Ter Meer, Ann Chem. (Liebig), CLXXXI. 6; Chancel, Jahresber,, 1883, p. 1039. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXX. 126. t Ibid., CLXXXI. 16. § Ber. d. cliem. Ges., XXVL 3003. NEF. NITROPARAPPINE SALTS. 143 tion immediately acidified with dilute sulphuric acid and extracted with ether. After drying the ethereal solutious with calcic chloride, and getting rid of the ether at reduced pressure, 10.1 grams of neutral products and 9 grams of acid products are obtained. On allowing the oily acid portion to stand in the air, crystals of ethylnitrolic acid (1 gram) separated out, and the oil gave, on treat- ment with alcoholic potash, 5.3 grams of potassic dinitroethane, which was filtered off. The deep red colored filtrate gave, on acidifying and extracting with ether, 0.4 gram more of ethylnitrolic acid. The acid products formed in the above reaction are therefore dinitroethane and ethylnitrolic acid. The latter substance melted at 88°, and was iden- tical in every respect with a preparation made from nitroethane.* This substance gives on treating in alkaline solution with benzoyl- chloride f a characteristic insoluble benzoate. Ethylnitrolic Acid Benzoate, CHg — C = NOCOCeHs- I NO, 12.1 grams ethylnitrolic acid, dissolved in 46 sodic hydrate (1 : 10), and shaken with 16.4 grams benzoylchloride gave 21.6 grams crude benzoate (calculated 24.2 grams). Crystallized twice from benzene, and twice from alcohol, it is obtained in colorless flat needles, melting at 135° ; it is easily soluble in hot benzene and alcohol, and very slightly in ether. It is insoluble in water, and is decomposed slowly on standing with sodic hydrate into benzoic acid and ethyl- nitrolic acid. 0.1585 gram, dried at 70°. gave 0.3001 gram COg and 0.0604 gram HgO. 0.1995 gram, dried at 70°, gave 24 Ng at 16° and 750 mm. Theory for Cc,H8N„04 Found. c 51.92 51.64 H 3.85 4.23 N 13.46 13.84 The above mentioned portion (10.1 grams), insoluble in alkalies, is also a mixture of two substances. It was first distilled with steam, whereby all but a trace of yellow sticky material is easily carried over ; the first portions of the distillate contain oil drops, which do not solidify, and the latter portions contain a substance which solidifies in * Ann. Chem. (Liebi^), CLXXV 94, CLXXXI. 2. t Baumann and Udranzsky, Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXI. 2744. 144 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the condenser, so that it is possible ah-eady at this point to accomplish a partial separation of the two products. The distillate was, however, extracted with ether; and the ethereal solution was washed with dilute sodic hydrate, and, after drying with calcic chloride, the ether was dis- tilled off. 9.2 grams of oil were obtained, which was fractioned under reduced pressure. The first portions boiled between 78° and 85° at 30 mm. pressure and were oily ; as soon as the distillate begins to solidify, the operation was discontinued, and the residue in the distil- ling flask (4.25 grams) poured out. On cooling, this solidified com- pletely. It was transferred to a clay plate, and washed with a small amount of ligroine, and thus 2.8 grams perfectly pure fi dinitropropane, melting at 55°, were obtained, identical in every particular with the product obtained by V. Meyer and Locher.* 0.2185 gram, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.2141 gram COg and 0.0941 gram HoO. 0.2272 gram gave 43.5 N2 at 24° and 753 mm. Found. 26.72 4.79 21.27 The lower boiling oil, which is not volatile without decomposition at ordinary pressure, and which is more volatile with steam than jB dinitropropane, was not analyzed, as it still contained traces of /? dinitropropane. That it consists, however, of ethyluitrolic acid methylester, CH3-C=NOCH3, I NO2 is very probable, and a number of experiments were therefore carried out with the object of isolating this substance directly from the silver and lead salts of ethylnitrolic acid by means of methyliodide, which, however, failed on account of the great instability of the ethylnitrolic acid salts in the presence of water. f On adding 11 grams of silver dinitroethane to 50.5 grams ethylio- didi!. reaction sets in immediately, and at the end a very strong smell of acetaldehyde is noticed. Both neutral and acid products are formed : * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXX. 147. t V. Meyer, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXV. 103. c Theory for (CH3), :C(N02)2. 26.86 H 4.48 N 20.90 NEP. NITROPARAFFINE SALTS. 145 the presence of ethylnitrolic acid and of dinitroethane in the acid portion was proved as in the above case. The neutral portion was an oily mixture, boiling between 105° and 130° at 30 mm. pressure. The amount of material at hand was, however, insufficient lo admit of its further study, although a portion boiled at ordinary pressure at about 200°, and consists therefore probably of ^ diuitrobutane, CHsv C(N0,)2.* C2H5/ The results obtained above prove that the reaction which takes place on treating silver dinitroethane with alkyliodides is the following. I. Direct replacement of the metal (chief reaction) : CH3-C = NOAg + CH3I or C2H5I I II NO2 O = CH3C = NOCH3 or CHg-C = NOC2H5 + Agl. I II I II NO2 O NO2 o A B The esters A and B, which are first formed, are however very un- stable compounds, and just as the nitromethane salts, CH2 : NOM, II O are strong oxidizing agents. An intramolecular oxidation therefore takes place, and ethylnitrolic acid and either formaldehyde or acetal- dehyde is formed, according to the equation : CH3-C = N-CH2H or CH3-C = N-OCHHCH3 I II I II NO2 O NO2 o = CH3-C ; NOH or CH3-C : NOH I I + CH2 ; O or CH3CH • O. NO2 NO2 Ethylnitrolic Acid. The ethylnitrolic acid thus formed reacts upon silver dinitroethane, present in excess, setting free dinitroethane and forming the silver salt of ethylnitrolic acid, * V Meyer, Ber. d. chem. Ges., IX. 701. VOL. XXX. (N. 8. XXII. J 10 146 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. CH3-C : NOAg, I which then reacts with the iodide of methyl or ethyl, forming either the methyl ester or the ethyl ester of ethylnitrolic acid, CHg-C : NOCH3 or CH3C : NOC^Hg- That this explanation of the reaction is the correct one, is proved with certainty by the following fact : fulminuric acid is, as will be shown in the paper presented directly after this one, identical with nitrocyauacetamide, CN-CHNOo. I HOC : NH On treating the silver salt of this substance, CN-C == NOAg, I II HOC : NH O with'ethyliodide, there is formed, by direct replacement of the silver, the ester, CN-C = NOC2H5, I II HOC : NH O which, in this case, can be isolated. This compound is, however, very unstable, and shows, just as the above assumed intermediate products (A and B) and as the nitromethane salts, great tendency to intra- molecular oxidation. On boiling with water it is split quantitatively into acetaldehyde and cyanisonitrosoacetamide (see following paper). CN-C = NOCHHCHs = CN-C : NOH I II I + CH3CH : O. HOC . NH O HOC : NH Cyanisonitrosoacetamide. This decomposition is perfectly analogous to those above. Tlie formation of /? dinitropropane from silver dinitroethane and methyliodide is in all probability to be explained T)y an addition of methyliodide to tlie silver salt of dinitroethane ; II. NEP. — NITliOPAKAPFlNE 8ALTS. 147 CHa-C = NOAg + ICHs I II ^O^ o CHs I CH3. /NO2 = CH3-C-N0Ag= C + Agl. I II CH3/ ^NOa NO2O Addition Product. There are now so many cases known, where, by the interaction of silver salts with alkyliodides or acid chlorides, no direct or only par- tially a direct replacement of the silver takes place,* that this explana- tion is not at all improbable, — especially also when one considers the remarkable behavior of silver fulminate towards hydrogen sulphide and towards hydrochloric acid (see following paper). The formation of formic aldehyde, ethylnitrolic acid, dinitroethane, /:? dinitropropane and of a fifth compound, probably ethylnitrolic acid methylester, on treating silver dinitroethane with iodide of methyl, is therefore perfectly cleared up by the above considerations. IV. The Action of Acid Chlorides on Nitroparaffine Salts. The former experiments on the action of acetylchloride and of benzoylchloride on sodic nitromethane and on sodic nitroethane t have led to no positive results. Kissel has shown J that in these reactions some dibenzhydroxamic acid and diacethydroxamic acid is formed, but these can only have been formed, however, by a complete destruction of the nitroparaffine molecule. I have also carried out many fruitless experiments on these salts with acetylchloride and benzoylchloride, and also with chlorocarbonic ether; both neutral and acid products are formed, which cannot be so- lidified, and which do not distil under reduced pressure without decom- position. Entirely analogous results were obtained by the action of acetylchloride and benzoylchloride on nitroethane-mercuric-chloride, * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 329, 331 ; CCLXXVI. 232 ; (TLXXVII. 73 Tlie experiment with silver afet3'lacetone lias been carried out here by Dr. Curtis8 witli larger quantities of material, and both products have been analyzed. t V Meyer and Rilliet, Ber. d. chem. Ges., V. 1030; VI. 1168. t Ber. d. cliem. Ges., XV. Ref. 727 and 1574. 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. CH3CH ; NOHgCl ; II O both these reagents, and especially the former, act with explosive violence on this salt, so that it is necessary to dilute with ab- solute ether. The above results with silver dinitroethane, which have shown that neutral ethers of the constitution RCH : NOR II O must be strong oxidizing agents, encourage one to undertake a renewed study of the action of acid chlorides on nitroparaffine salts, and experi- ments will therefore very shortly be taken up again. Of especial interest is the behavior of chlorocarbonic ether towards sodic nitro- methane. It is to be expected that the ester HaC = NOCO2C2H5 II O will at first be formed, and this compound must, by intramolecular oxidation, lose water, and be converted into carbyloximecarbonic ester, H2C : NOCO2C2H5 = C : NOCO2C2H5 + H2O, II O which then will be further oxidized by the ester CH2 = N-OCOOC2H6 II 0 to carbon dioxydoximecarbonic ester, O: C: NOCOjCoHs, and at the same time thus formoximecarbonic ester, CH2 : NOCO2C2H5, will be formed. Concluding Remarks. The above experiments suffice to prove, witli absolute precision, that the metal in the nitroparaffine salts is bound to oxygen, and not, as has been previously supposed, to carbon ; and in consequence, the hypothesis that there are organic substances of an acid nature, in whose salts the metal is bound to carbon, is no longer tenable. Its NEF. NITROPARAPFINE SALTS. 149 conception has been shown to be illogical,* and th«j work that 1 have carried out during the last six years has proved, by incontrovertible experimental evidence, the erroueousness of this hypothesis in all cases where it has been applied. The only instances of organic compounds now known which con- tain a metal bound directly to carbon are the metallic carbides, the metallic alkyles, and the metallic derivatives of the true acetylene compounds. No one would however be willing to assert that these substances are salts of acids. Acetylene, for example, is not an acid, for it is not absorbed with salt formation by even concentrated caustic alkalies. The peculiar formation of the metallic acetylene deriva- tives, e. g. of acetylene silver or copper, depends, in all probability, upon an addition of metaUic hydroxide to the triple bond present in acetylene, and the subsequent splitting off of water. As regards the constitution of the free nitroparaffines, the presence of a true nitro group in these compounds can hardly be seriously ques- tioned, especially in view of the experiments of Victor Meyer t and the late syntheses carried out by Be wad. J The formuli^ suggested for nitroethane by Geuther,§ Kissel, || Alexejeff,1[ and Thomsen,** owe their existence chiefly to the very noteworthy decomposition of nitroethane into acetic acid and hydrox- ylamine, when treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid. ft This decomposition of nitroethane can now, because of the above experiments, be easily explained. An addition of hydrochloric arid to the nitro group, analogous to the addition of sodic hydrate or sodium ethylate, first takes place, forming CI CHs-CHo-Nq^, CI which then loses hydrochloric acid CH3C = Nqjj 5 * These Proceedings, XXVII. 157. t Ann. Cliem. (Liebig), CLXXI., etc. i Journ f prakt. Cliemie, [2.], XLVIII. 346. § Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCXLIII. 105. II Journ. russ. chem. Soc, XIV. 40. H Ber. d. chem. Ges., XIX. Ref. 874. ** Journ. f. prakt. Chemie, [2.], XLVIH. 348. tt V. xMeyer and Locher, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CLXXX. 163. 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and then again adds hydrochloric acid CI H CH3-C : NOH. OH This product can then easily split into acetic acid and hydroxylamine, CI H OH CH3-C : NOn + IIoO = CII3C : O + H2N0M,HC]. OH In the above experiments I have been most ably and zealously assisted by Dr. M. Ikuta, to whom I wish here also to express my warmest thanks. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 151 VI. CONTRIBUTIONS FROxM THE KENT CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ON BIVALENT CARBON. SECOND PAPER* By J. U. Nef. Presented May 9, 1894. The bivalent carbon atom in methyl- and in ethyl-isocyanide shows itself much more reactive, as was to be expected, than in the case of the aromatic isocyanides. The reactions, however, are otherwise entirely analogous to those obtained in the case of the aromatic com- pounds, as is evident from the following experiments. I. On Ethyl and Methyl Isocyanide. CeHsCO— COH Benzoylformic Methylamide^ II NCHg. The methylisocyanide used was made according to the method of Gautier,t by heating 100 grams silver cyanide and 100 grams methyl- iodide for two hours on a water bath (with reversed condenser and with a mercury valve). This substance unites with benzoylchloride slowly already at ordinary temperatures, as is recognized by the yellow color- ation which sets in. 10.2 methylisocyanide and 27 grams ben- zoylchloride (one molecule) are mixed and heated for half an hour at 100° in a sealed tube. No more isonitrile is left, and longer heating is harmful, since much formation of resin (polymerization) then takes place. The crude product is taken up with absolute ether, filtered off from brown resinous flakes, and the residual oil, after getting rid of the ether, treated with water, whereby on standing, or rubbing with * First Paper, tliese Proceerlings, XXVII. 102-162. t Annales de Chim. et de Phys., [4.], XVII. 216. 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. a glass rod, it becomes solid. The substance is recrystallized from a mixture of ether and ligroine (bpt. 40° to G0°), using animal charcoal, and obtained in pale yellow heavy many-sided crystals, melting at 74°. It is little soluble in cold, but readily soluble in hot water, and comes out on coolini;- in prisms. In organic solvents, except ligroine, it is easily soluble. 0.1970 gram dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum gave 0.4775 gram COo and 0.1044 gram U^O. 0.2034 gram gave 15.5 N2 at 4° and 735 mm. Theory for CgHgNGj. Found C 66.25 66.11 H 5.52 5.88 N 8.59 9.05 Benzoylformic-methylamide has thus been obtained from the addi- tion product CgHsCO— CCl II NCH3 first formed. The substance is easily soluble in cold dilute sodic hydrate, but on addition of dilute sulphuric acid it is not precipitated again. Ether extracts an oily substance soluble in water, which slowly, on standing over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, gets solid. The solid product is insoluble in water, and crystallizes from acetic ether in needles melting at 1 43° ; this is probably a polymer, whereas the oily substance is a hydrate, OH CgHs— C, I CH3N=C0H. The substance shows thus in its behavior great resemblance to ben- zoylformic-amide, which Claisen has shown* exists in two modifications (probably polymeric), and also forms a low melting hydrate. t Be7izoylformic-methylamide-phenylhydrazonhydrate, CH3N : COH On treating benzoylformic-methylamide in concentrated ethereal solu- tion at 0° with an ethereal solution of phenylhydrazine (one molecule), * Ber. d. chem. Ges . XII 6:18 t Ann Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 295, 300, 316. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 153 a white voluminous precipitate separates out in flukes, which, after being well washed with ether, dried on a clay plate and a short time over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, was directly analyzed. 0.20.56 gram substance gave 0.5037 gram CO., and 0.1202 gram II^O. 0.1551 gram substance gave 20.5 Ng at 6° and 745 mm. Theory for CijUnNsO, Found. C 66.42 66.77 H 6.27 649 N 15.50 15.78 Phenylhydrazine has thus simply added itself to the carbonyl group present in benzoylformicmethylamide, giving rise to a hydi'azonehy- drate. It is insoluble in water, and is not split into its components by cold sodic hydrate, but possesses a great tendency to lose water, becoming thereby yellow and sticky. In this connection I would like again to point out that the product which W. Wislicenus * has obtained from oxalacetic ether and phenyl- hydrazine cannot possibly be a hydrazonehydrate, ROsC-Cria. because it possesses entirely different properties from the hydrazone- hydrates obtained by myself,t which under no condition can be split into their components by means of alkalies. The substance obtained by W. Wislicenus shows a totally different behavior; it is, just as phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, a salt-like compound, and is therefore split immediately by alkalies into its components. Benzoylformic-'phenylhydrazone from henzoylforinic-methylamide. That the compounds just described are derivatives of phenyjglyoxy- lic acid is very probable. The pooof of this is furnished as follows • 3 grams benzoylformic-methylamide-phenylhydrazonehydrate are warmed on a water bath for half an hour with 80 dilute ten per cent sodic hydrate (the hydrazonehydrate dissolves readily on gentle warming). A strong smell of methylamine is noticed, and on adding dilute hydro- chloric acid a yellow flaky precipitate (1.4 grams) comes down, which is dissolved again in soda and reprecipitated by acids. The method of * Ber. d. chem Ges., XXIV. 3007 t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 292, 300, 319, 333. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. purification used by Elbers * does not yield an absolutely pure product; it is much better to recrystallize from benzene, wherein the substance is readily soluble on heating, but practically insoluble in the cold. Yellow needles melting at 163° (Elbers gives mpt. 153°) were thus obtained. 0.1661 gram substance, dried at 90°, gave 0.4259 gram COg and 0.0750 gram HgO. 0.1008 gram substance, dried at 90°, gave 11 Ng at 25° and 739 mm. Theory for CuHijNjOj- Found. C 70.00 69.93 H 5.00 5.02 N 11.66 11.82 Molecular Rearrangement of Etiiylisocyanide to Propionitrile. Ethylisocyanide was made according to the method of Gautier,t by heating 100 grams silvercyanide and 115 grams ethyliodide for one and one half hours on a water bath (with reversed condenser and with a mercury valve). The substance (bpt. 79°) can be kept for fifteen months without the slightest change. It can be heated without any essential change for many hours to 210° ; a slight yellow colora- tion only is noticed, t The first statements of Gautier § concerning this substance, which he does not mention in his later paper, || are therefore to be corrected. On heating ethylisocyanide, however, to a still higher temperature, molecular rearrangement to ethylcyanide takes place almost quantitatively. 7.5 ethylisocyanide are heated in a sealed tube for three hours between 230°-255°, and the contents of the tube, which are colored brown and smell slightly of ammonia and isocyanide, distilled off. Everything came over except a slight residue between 94° and 98°. In order to remove ammonia and traces of isonitrile, the oil was washed with a chloride of calcium solution containing hydrochloric acid, and then dried with solid calcic chloride. On distilling, a pleasant ethereal smelling oil, boiling con- stant at 97°, was obtained (4, which was identical in every respect with propionitrile. 0.1528 gram substance gave 0.3608 gram COg and 0.1278 gram HgO. 0.1530 gram substance gave 33.5 Ng at 9° and 741 mm. * Ann Chem. (Liebig), CCXXVII. 341. t Lor. r,i , [4.], XVII. 233. § Loc. at., [4.], XVII. 236. t Comptcs Rendus, LXV. 862. || Ibid., 203-260. NEP. BIVALENT CARBON, 155 Theory for CaUjN. Found. c 65.45 65.46 H 9.09 9.29 N 25.45 25. GG The Action of Sulphur on Ethylisocyaiiide. l.b ethylisocyauide, 3.1 grams crystallized sulphur, and 15 c.crn. carboiibisulpliide were heated in a sealed tube at 110°-120° for two hours. The reaction is complete, and the mustard oil formed is driven over with steam, extracted with ether, and, after drying with calcic; chloride, is fractionated. It boils constant at 131°, and is iden- tical with ethyl-mustard oil first isolated by Hofmann.* 0.2040 gram burnt with lead chromate gave 0.3063 gram COo and C.1016 gram H2O. 0.2544 gram substance gave 0.6771 gram BaSO^ (Carius). Theory for CoHsNCS. Found. c 41.38 40.95 H 5.75 5.50 S 36.78 36.55 The Action of Hydrogen Sulphide on Ethylisocyanide. Tliioformethylamide, CoHsNrCqrr- 10 ethylisocyanide were dissolved in 200 absolute alcohol, saturated at 0° with hydrogen sulphide, and then heated for 4 hours in a sealed tube at 100°. Tiie isonitrile smell was entirely gone, and, after distilling off the alcohol, the brown oily residue was fractionated under reduced pressure. The chief portion boiled at ]40°-150° at 40 mm. pressure, and, on the second distillation, a yellow oil, smelling of sulphur, and boiling at 125° at 14 mm. pressure was obtained. 0.1996 gram substance, burnt with lead chromate, gave 0.2980 gram CO., and 0.1468 gram H,0. 0.2034 gram substance, gave 29.5 No at 18° and 737 mm. 0.2885 gram substance gave 0.7529 gram BaSOi (Carius). Found. 40.71 8.17 16.23 35.84 * Ber. d chem. Ges., I. 26. Theory for C3H7NS c 40.45 H 7.87 N 15.73 S 35.95 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Ethylisocyanchloride or Ethylimidocarbonylchloride, CoH5N=CCl2. On passing dry chlorine over a solution of 10 ethylisocyanide in 40 chloroform, the gas is absorbed instantly, without the slightest trace of hydrochloric acid or of coloration being noticeable. As soon as the solution is colored yellow, or smells of chlorine, it is directly fractionated. It was possible to obtain a small amount of a colorless, very sharp-smelling oil, boiling at 99°-100°. Since, how- ever, the separation from the large amount of chloroform can only be accomplished with much loss of material, the ethylisocyanchloride is better prepared as follows : 5 ethylisocyanide, diluted with four times its volume of absolute ether, are cooled to — 15° and 5.5 sulphurylchloride are slowly added. An energetic reaction takes place, and the solution becomes colored yellow and smells strongly of sulphurdioxide. After ten minutes' standing, the solution is washed with dilute sodic hydrate, and then dried with calcic chloride. Ou fractionating, a colorless, intensely sharp-smelling oil, boiling at 102°, is obtained. 0.2994 gram substance gave 0.3183 gram CO2 and 0.1101 gram H^O. 0.2450 gram substance gave 0.5536 gram AgCl (Carius). 0.1575 gram substance gave 14.5 Ng at 8° and 745 mm. Theory for C3H5NCI2. Found. c 28.57 28.99 H 3.97 4.09 N 11.11 10.90 CI 56.35 55.90 Hie Action of Acefylchloride on Ethylisocyanide. CgHsNiCOH Pyruvic-ethylamide-phenylhydrazone, I CHsC.NNHCFTs. Ethylisocyanide (7.5 and acetylchloride (6.5 com., one molecule) react on each other when mixed together readily at 0°, and the solution becomes colored yellow. After standing for twelve hours at ordinary temperature, a dark brown liquid is obtained, which was divided into two portions, a and b. On fractionating a, it all dis- tilled over between 50° and 60° at 15 mm. pressure, as a yellow oil which, redistilled at ordinary pressure, boils at 100°-130°. In both cases the oil smells of isonitrile, so that a dissociation of the ethylimi- dopyruvylchloride, NEP. — BIVALENT CARBON. 157 CHfiN : CCl I CII3CO, into its components must take place on distillation, and an analysis of the substance would therefore be of no value. One encounters here, as has also been observed in the case of many other addition products of the isocyanides,* the remarkable property that these are easily split into their components, either at higher temperatures, or on stand- ing in the cold, or on treatment with sodic hydrate ; whereas, on the other hand, these components either at — 20° or at ordinary or higher temperatures often unite with explosive violence. Bivalent carbon therefore behaves exactly like trivalent nitrogen in ammonia and the amines, since also the last named compounds unite often with explosive violence with acids, e. g. hydrochloric acid, forming addition products containing quinquivalent nitrogen, which in turn, either by heating or by treating with alkalies, are split into their components. That the above distilled oil a , however, still contains much ethyl- iraidopyruvylchloride, is shown by decomposing it with water: it is converted thereby into pyruvic-ethylamide, C^HgN : COH I CH3CO, the presence of which in the aqueous solution, since it cannot be ex- tracted therefrom by ether, is best shown by adding phenylhydrazine- hydrochloride, which precipitates an insoluble hydrazone (3.5 grams). The above mentioned portion b was not distilled, but decomposed directly with ice water, and the reddish-colored solution treated with phenylhydrazinehydrochloride, and thus 7.7 grams insoluble hydrazone were obtained. The hydrazone is obtained, when recrystallized from alcohol, in colorless many-sided heavy crystals, melting at 165°. It is insoluble in alkalies and in water. 0.2002 gram substance, dried at 100°, gave 0.4731 gram CO2 and 0.1387 gram H^O. 0.1494 gram substance, dried at 100°, gave 27.5 Ng at 20° and 747 mm. Theory for C„H, ,5N30. Found. c 64.39 64.44 H 7.31 7.69 N 20.49 20.69 * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 297, 298, 322. 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The Action of Phosgene on Ethylisocyanide. On adding slowly 5 phosgene (cooled to — 15°) to 10 ethylisocyanide (cooled to —19°), reaction takes place always with explosive violence. Even when the isocyanide is diluted with an equal volume of absolute ether and the solution is cooled to — 19°, a very energetic union takes place on adding the phosgene, which makes it difficult to regulate the reaction. A yellow sharp-smelling liquid is formed, which does not boil without decomposition. On pouring it into water a brown solution containing much hydrochlo- ric acid is formed, from which ether extracts nothing, and which gives no precipitate with phenylhydrazine. The products, which are in all probability all derivatives of mesoxalic acid,* were not further investigated. The Action of Chlorocarbonic Ether on Ethylisocyanide. An addition of fhlorocarbonic ether, or of alkyliodides or chlorides, to aromatic derivatives of isocyauogen could not be accomplished, be- cause a reaction takes place only at high temperatures, and this must result in the formation of much resinous polymeric products, as well as in the decomposition of the addition products first formed. t An addition of chl(M'Ocarbonic ether to ethylisocyanide has, however, been accomplished, and with the following experiences. Chlorocarbonic ether reacts, already, at ordinary temperatures, on ethylisocyanide and the mixture becomes colored yellow. On heating at 100°, complete reaction takes place in a very short time, but the addition product first formed, C2H5N : CCl I OiCOCsHj, is completely split into carbondioxide, ethylchloride, and ethyliso- cyanide, C2H5N : C, which, generated in the nascent state, mostly polymerizes. Klinger has already observed an entirely analogous decomposition in the case of oxanilethane-imidechloride, CeHjN : CCl I O : COC0H5, on heating it to 120°. J * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 286-29.5 and 315 t Ibid., CCLXX. 280, et seq. Cf. also Wallach, Ibid., CLXXXIV. 8C, 108, CCXIV 283 J Ibid., CLXXXIV. 283 NEP. — BIVALENT CARBON. 159 That in the above case au iutermediate formation of the imide- chloride C2H5N : CCl I O : COCgHg takes place was proved as follows. 5 ethylisocyanide and 7.8 grams chlorocarbonic ether were heated for 6 hours at 6(>°-70°, whereby a c()[)ious evolution of carbondioxide and of ethylchloride takes place. The very dark residue was treated with absolute ether and much polymerized ethylisocyanide separated out in brown flakes The ethereal filtrate gave a small amount of an oil (free from chloro- carbonic ether), which was warmed gently with lime water. After getting rid of the excess of lime by means of carbonic acid, the filtrate gave, on concentration, crystals of calcic ethyloxaminate, which sepa- rated out in needles. The free ethyloxarainic acid obtained from this salt melted at 123°, and was found identical in its properties (as well as also the salt) with the previous statements of Wallach* The yield of calcic ethyloxaminate is very poor, — never over 0.2 gram ; its source can only be explained through the intermediate formation of the imidechloride C2H5N • CCl I O : COC2H5 in the above reaction this substance must necessarily, by saponifica- tion, yield ethyloxamiiiic acid, C2H5N COH I O : COH. A better yield of the imidechloride could, in all probability, be ex- pected on allowing molecular proportions of ethylisocyanide and chlorocarbonic ether to stand at ordinary temperature for a week or more. From the above experiments, it is clear that the aliphatic isocyano- gen derivatives behave in a manner entirely analogous to the corre- sponding aromatic derivatives, and differ from these only in the fact that they react more energetically. It was further shown that carbon tetrachloride reacts with ethylisocyanide at 180°, benzolsulphochloride at 85°, benzylchloride at 120° ; it was not possible, however, to iso- late any definite addition products. * Ann. Cliem (Liebig), CLXX-XIV. 68. 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. It is a noteworthy fact that ethylisocyanide can be heated in a sealed tube for one hour to a temperature of 130° -170° with sodium ethylate (free from alcohol) without the slightest change. For this reason, it seems to me that in the action of caustic potash or sodium ethylate * on the inert carbonic oxide,t an addition of these reagents to the carbouylgroup t must first take place, as follows : /OH /ONa C : 0 + HOK or NaOCgHs = C or C ^OK ^OC^Hs. The bivalent carbon atom present in these addition products must, according to the ideas heretofore developed in these Proceediugs,§ be far more reactive than the unsaturated carbon atom present in the isocyanides ; and, in consequence, a further addition of sodic ethylate or of caustic potash takes place, giving rise to the ortho derivatives, C2H5. .ONa H. OK C and C NaO^ ^OC^Hs KO^ OH, which naturally, on treatment with water, go over into propionic acid and formic acid salts, respectively. II. FuLMiNic Acid is identical with Carbyloxime, and CONTAINS Bivalent Carbon, C : NOH. TT Formylchloridoxime, HON : C,,, . The synthesis of fulminate of mercury from sodic nitromethane, described in the preceding paper, leads directly to the conclusion that this substance must be identical with mercuric carbyloxime, C : NOhg. The behavior of the salt towards concentrated hydroclilnric acid is also in favor of this conclu- sion ; there is formed, as Steiner,|| Carstanjen and Ehrenberg,1[ and especially also Divers and Kawakita,** have shown, not a trace of oxalic acid, but only formic acid, corrosive sublimate, and hydroxyl- amine hydrochloride. * Berthelot, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), XCVII. 125 , Geuther and Frohlich, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCII. 290. t Ann. Chera. (Liebig), CCLXX. 267. J Ibid., CCLXX. 322. § Vol. XXVII. pp. 102-104. II Ber. de. chem. Ges., XVI 1484, 2419 IT Journ. f. prakt. Chem., [2.], XXV. 232; XXX. 38. ** Journ. chem. Soc, XLV. 13-30, 75. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 161 Notwithstanding this, all the formula) yet proposed for fulminic acid, as, fur example, that of C : NOH HOC = N\ HC = N-0 Steiner,* II of Divers, f I O, of Scholl,| I ) C:NOH, HC = N/ HC = N-0, and many others, have originated from the assumption that this sub- stance contains two carbon atoms in the molecule, because it was regarded as proved by the experiments of Liebig and Gay-Lussac § that the fulminic acid molecule contains two hydrogen atoms possess- ing entirely different functions. The behavior of mercury fulmi- nate towards bromine || and towards iodine,1[ whereby products are formed which unquestionably contain two carbon atoms in the mole- cule, as well as the decomposition of this salt, by means of chlorine, into cyanogen chloride and chlorpicrine,** seem also to be in favor of this conclusion. Only very recently has Scholl ft thought of the possibility of the simple carbyloxime formula, C : NOH, but he still gives the polymerized formula of Steiner, C:NOH /C\ II , or HON II NOH, the preference. ^ C : NOH \ C / I have succeeded in proving experimentally, with absolute precision, that fulminic acid is identical with carbyloxime, C : NOH, and that the bivalent carbon atom present in this substance possesses a most surprising and enormous reactivity, so that in all reactions shown by fulminic acid salts the unsaturated carbon atom is the point of attack ; and, since we now possess some light on the nature of bivalent carbon, the entire chemistry of the fulminic acid derivatives is very simply and completely explained, as will become evident from the following experiments. It has for over seventy years been considered as settled that, on treating fulminic acid salts with dilute hydrochloric acid, a complete destruction of the fulminic acid molecule takes place, and that among * Ber. d. chem. Ges., XVI. 1484, 2419. t Journ. cliem. Soc, XLV. 21. t Ber. de chem. Ges., XXIII. 3497, 3507. § Annales de Chim. et de Phys., XXIV. 294-317, XXV. 285-310. II Kekule, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CV. 280. IT Sell and Biedermann, Ber. d. chem. Ges , V 89. ** Kekule', Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CI. 206 tt Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXIII. 350fi-3509. tt Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXIV. 581. VOL. XXX. (N. 8. XXII.) 11 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. other products prussic acid is set free : this observation has repeatedly been confirmed. Not a trace of prussic acid is formed, however, hut formylchloi'idoxime, HON : C^, , a substance which, in dilute aqueous solution, — probably because of a slight dissociation into hydrochloric acid and carbyloxim, C : NOH, — has an odor which cannot be dis- tinguished from that of prussic acid. This is the reason why, among others,* Liebig and Gay-Lussac, as well as Schischkoff, state that prussic acid is formed in this treatment although, as they themselves add, the presence of prussic acid could not be proved. Gay-Lussac and Liebig write : f " Dans I'intention d'obtenir quelques lumieres a cet egard, nous avons essaye d'evaluer la quantite d'acide hydrocyanique qui se degage lorsqu'on traite le fulmi- nate d'argent par I'acide hydrochlorique, etc. Nous esperions obtenir du cyanur d'argent ; mais, a notre grande surprise, il ne s'est fait aucune precipitation, quoique nous nous fussions assures que la meme dissolution d'argent donnait un abondant precipite lorsqu'on y versait de I'acide hydrocyanique." Schischkoff says : % " Fiir das Knallsilber war bereits beobachtet, dass es bei der Einwirkung von Chlorwasserstoffsaiire Cyanwasserstoff entwickelt ; ich versuchte dieselbe Reaktion mit Knallquecksilber, uud war zuerst sehr erstaiint, dass ich nicht ein analoges Resultat nachwei- sen konnte. Ich schrieb dieses abweichende Verhalten dem Umstande zu, dass sich, in letzterem Falle, ein Quecksilberverbindung von unbe- kaiinter Natur bilden moge, welche den Cyanwasserstoff zuriickhalten moge. Und, in der That, wenn man vorher etwas schwefelsaures Ei- senoxydul der Chlorwasserstoffsaure zusetzt, so lasst sich leicht eine reichliche Entwicklung von Cyanwasserstoff constatiren. Durch das zugesetzte Eisenoxydulsalz wird vermuthlich die den Cyanwasserstoff gebunden zuriickhaltende Verbindung zersetzt." Formation of Formylchloridoxime from Sodic Fulminate. — The ful- minate of mercury used in these experiments was made according to the method of Lobry de Bruyn ; § 32 grams of dry salt were regularly obtained from 25 grams of mercury used. Carstanjen and Ehrenberg were the first to show that this salt can be converted quantitatively * Cf. Ehrenberg, Journ. f. prakt. Cliem., [2.], XXV. 241 ; Scholvien, Ibid., XXXII. 46.3. t Annales de Chim. et de Phys., XXV 308. \ Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Vol., I. 108 § Ber. de chem. Ges., XIX. 1370. NEP. — BIVALENT CARBON. 163 into sodic fulminate by means of sodium amalgam.* It is possible to convert 32 grams of mercury fulminate in 20 minutes into an aqueous colorless solution of sodic fulminate (free from mercury) as follows. The salt is suspended in about 125 water and treated with 75 grams of 8 per cent sodium amalgam,! (5 grams more than the theory). The operation is first carried out in a flask, cooling well with water, and then in a flask, having a well fitting glass stopper, taking care to shake thoroughly until the solution contains no mercury. The sodium fulminate solution thus obtained (about 150 is cooled to 0°, and added slowly, taking care to cool well, to a solution of hydrochloric acid at 0° (114 parts concentrated acid 1.18, and 114 parts water) and thereupon extracting immediately three times with ether. The ethereal solution is placed in a distilling flask and concen- trated to one third its volume by distilling off the ether in a stream of dry air at a low temperature (40°), and the solution is then concen- trated further at reduced pressure. A very concentrated solution of formylchloridoxime in ether is thus obtained, from which the pure substance is isolated by pouring on a watch-glass and evaporating rap- idly in a vacuum desiccator. To insure success in these operations, a very cold winter temperature is essential, and the concentrated ethe- real solutions must be kept at 0°. On evaporation of the ether, per- fectly transparent veiy long colorless needles, clear as glass, separate out, which are first transferred to a clay plate (cooled at 0°) and quickly powdered with a platinum spatula, and then weighed as quickly as possible at a low temperature. 0.1235 gram substance, poured directly after weighing into water, and treated with silver nitrate and concentrated nitric acid, gave, after digesting on a water batli, 0.2128 gram AgCl. 0.6585 gram substance gave 1.1006 grams AgCl. Theory for CH.,N0C1. Found. CI 44.65 42.63 41.35 * Journ. f. prakt. Chem., [2], XXV. 241. Cf. also Scholvien, Ibid., XXXII. 462. t Sodium amalgam is best made by adding 80 grams sodium to 400 toluene in a two-litre flask, and then slowly adding 920 grams of mercury. The toluene heats up to its boiling point, and, after about one half of the mercury has been added, the mass gets solid. The toluene is poured off, the residue melted in a crucible, and then poured out on clay plates. In this way large quantities of sodium amalgam can be made without danger, and with the greatest ease. Cf. Chem. Zeit., 18G4, p. 720, and Gmelin, Kraut, III. 857. 16-4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Preparation of Formylchloridoxime from Silver Fulminate. — Fulmi- nate of silver is best obtained as follows. 5 grams of silver are dis- solved in 100 grams nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.34), and the warm solution is poured into 150 alcohol (90 per cent) and then heated for 5 to 10 miuutes on a water bath until a reaction sets in. The reac- tion then continues very energetically, of its own accord, and silver fulminate separates out in beautiful needles. The yield is regularly 6.5 grams or more, and the filtrate contains only traces of silver. The salt is much less soluble in boiling water than Liebig states.* In the dry state it is far more dangerous than the mercury salt : it explodes instantly, and with tremendous violence, on touching it very care- fully with a platinum spatula. It can, however, be dried without the slightest danger on filter paper, and collected therefrom by means of a camel's hair brush. A silver determination of the salt, dried over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, gave the following result. 0.2013 gram substance, digested with dilute hydrochloric and nitric acids, gave 0.1925 gram AgCl. Theory for AgONC. Found. Ag 72.00 71.92 In order to convert silver fulminate into formylchloridoxime, 12 grams salt are added to 80 hydrochloric acid (one part concen- trated acid to one part water) containing pieces of ice, and then, after decanting or filtering from the chloride of silver, proceeding as above in the case of the sodium salt. A small portion of the concentrated ethereal solution of formylchloridoxime was evaporated as above, and the substance immediately analyzed : the chief portion was treated directly with 12.5 grams of aniline (2 molecules) and thus converted smoothly into phenylisuretine (see below). 0.4478 gram substance gave 0.7758 gram AgCl. Theory for CH,N0C1. Found. CI 44.65' 42.68 Properties of Formylchloriiloxime. — The formylchloridoxime ob- tained in these two ways is a very reactive and remarkable substance. In the solid condition, or in concentrated ethereal solution, it can be kept at 0° for some time unchanged. It volatilizes very quickly and completely, in small portions, at ordinary temperature, and this serves as a good means of determining its purity. It often happens, when all possible precautions in its manufacture are not observed, that a pro- * Annales flc Chim. et de Phys., XXIV 297 NEF. — BIVALENT CAUBON. 165 duct is obtained which is only partially volatile, and leaves au amor- phous opaque residue. This can.^ however, be seen immediately by the ai)pfarauce of the lorn)ylchloridoxime itself when prepared ; if the crystals are clear as glass, the substance is pure ; if, on the other hand, the crystals are turbid or opaque, the product is impure. In larger amounts (a few decigrams) formylchloridoxime decomposes very soon at ordinary temperature ; it at first becomes colored green, and then puffs up with tremendous evolution of heat and a hissing noise. The same decomposition takes place instantly by the heat of the hand, or on heating the substance in a vacuum at 40°. Carbon monoxide is given off and the puffed up sticky residue consists chiefly of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. The substance thus possesses a tremendous tendency to decompose into hydrogen chloride and carbyloxime, C : NOH, and the latter com- pound is then split by the hydrochloric acid into carbonmonoxide and hydroxylamine. Formylchloridoxime possesses very poisonous prop- erties, has a very sharp pungent smell, and diluted with air or in dilute aqueous solution has an odor which cannot be distinguished from that of prussic acid ; this is probably due to a partial dissociation into hydrogen chloride and carbyloxime, C ■ NOH. Also the action of the substance on the human system, producing a flow of saliva, an irritation in the throat, and violent headaches, is entirely analogous to that of prussic acid. Formylchloridoxime possesses also a very sharp pungent smell, and acts violently on the eyes, the action is not at first very noticeable, but sets in after a time. Thus, for example, after being exposed to the influence of the vapor of the substance for about one hour on an afternoon, my eyes were only colored intensely red, but in the evening a most violent inflammation set in, so that I could hardly see for twenty -four hours. The consequences, however, are only temporary. Formylchloridoxime, when brought on the skin, causes white blis- ters and deep wounds, which heal only very slowly. The substance is not decomposed either by water or by alcohol, — a noteworthy prop- erty for a soluble acid chloride ; in this respect it resembles the acid chloride, benzenylethoximchloride, C6H5C = NOCoH5, CI obtained by Tiemann and Kriiger,* which is stable even towards caus- * Ber. d. chem. Ges., XVIII. 732. 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tic potash. The constitution of the substance as formylchloridoxime, HON : c;„ , 3 is proved by its behavior towards silver nitrate, ammonia, and espe- cially towards aniline. Behavior of Formylchloridoxime towards Silver Nitrate. Synthesis of Silver Fidminate, C : NOAg. — On treating an aqueous solution of formylchloridoxime with two molecules of silver nitrate, a quantitative interaction takes place, forming silver fulminate and chlo- ride of silver according to the equation : HON : C^j + 2 AgNOs = C : NOAg -j- AgCl + 2 HNO3. This shows what a great tendency exists in this formic acid derivative to split oiF hydrogen chloride and generate carbyloxime, C : NOH. Some analogous facts to show that this same tendency exists, have already been presented in the previous paper : * whereas the oxime of formylchloride, /H HON: C ^Cl, can be isolated, formylchloride itself, C: O, does not exist even at 0°, l)ut decomposes spontaneously into hydro- gen chloride and into carbon monoxide. The separation of the chloride of silver and silver fulminate formed in the above reaction can be accomplished very readily. The precipi- tate, after some standing, and addition of cold dilute nitric acid, is filtered off, well washed, and then boiled out three times with small quantities of aqueous potassic chloride. On cooling, or on concen- trating the filtrates, the double salt, AgONC, KONC, discovered by Liebig.t separates out in long glistening flat needles. This salt, after recrystallizing from water, is dissolved in warm water and poured into an excess of cold dilute nitric acid, whereby regenerated silver * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 307. -308, 822. \ Annales de Chim. et de Phys., XXIV. 315. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 167 fulminate comes down iu very fine colorless needles. Liebig and Gay-Lussac* have regarded this precipitate as " acide fulminique/' QliAgNaO^, which is incorrect. 0.2097 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.1988 gram AgCl. Theory for AgONC, Found. Ag 72.00 71.37 That silver fulminate, and not "acide fulminique," CgHAgNgOa, is always formed on treating the double salt AgONC, KONC, with nitric acid, was further proved by making the double salt from silver fulminate (made in the ordinary way from silver, nitric acid, and alco- hol), and treating it as above, with nitric acid. 0.2129 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.2031 gram AgCl. Theory for AgONC. Found. Ag 72.00 71.80 The conclusion of Liebig and Gay-Lussac that the fulminic acid molecule contains two hydrogen atoms, possessing entirely different functions, is therefore not justifiable. In exactly the same way as cyanide of potash gives with silver cyanide a soluble double salt, AgN : C, KN : C, the entirely analogously constituted silver ful- minate gives with potassic fulminate a corresponding double salt, AgOX : C, KON : C. The analogy between the salts of fulminic acid and those of prussic acid is altogether a surprisingly close one, — which can now hardly be considered strange, because both these acids are quite analogous derivatives of isocyanogen. It will be shown fur- ther on that a double salt, sodium ferrofulmiuate, Na4Fe (ON : C)(5, exists, corresponding thus in every respect to the yellow prussiate of soda, sodic ferrocyanide, NaiFe (N : C),-,. The physiological proper- ties of the soluble prussic acid salts, MN : C, and those of the soluble fulminic acid salts, MON : C, are so much alike that it is impossible, as far as we now know, to distinguish between them. Schischkoff is only one of the many observers who have worked with salts of fulminic acid who observed the poisonous properties of these salts (the enormous explosive properties are mentioned by all). He remarks:! " Die Knallsauresalze sind ganz so giftig wie die Cyanmetalle. Die Heftigkeit der Wirkung hangt von der Loslichkeit ab, aber * Annales de Chim. et fie Phys., XXIV. 302, XXV. 289. t Ann. Cliem. (Liebig), Suppl. Vol., I. 109. 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. die VergiftuDgssymptome sind ganz dieselben wie sie durch die Cyannietalle hervorgebracht werden. So ist das Kuullzink, welches eines der loslichsten unter den Knallsauresalzen ist, zugleich das gif- tigste. Ich bemerke noch dass die isocyanursauren Salze [die Fulmi- nurate] gar nicht giftig sind." E. Davy * first obtained zinc fulminate from mercury fulminate by means of zinc dust and water, and made therefrom, by double de- composition with the metallic hydroxides, many salts of the alkali and alkaline-earth metals. That the majority of these salts are not simple but double salts, e. g. that Davy's baric fulminate is a zinc barium fulminate, baON : C, znON : C, was first shown by Fehling t E^hrenberg is the first who obtained sodic fulminate pure and analyzed the product, t Other Syntheses of Silver Fulminate. — The behavior of silver ful- minate towards the calculated amount (one molecule) of dilute hydro- gen chloride and of hydrogen sulphide is very remarkable, and is fully cleared up by what follows. On adding one molecule of dilute hydrogen chloride to silver fulminate, suspended in water and kept cold by means of pieces of ice, an energetic reaction immediately takes place, and a strong smell of formylchloridoxime is noticed. The mixture is well stirred, and as soon as it can be filtered clear, this is done. The perfectly clear filtrate is found to contain two substances, formylchloridoxime, C:NOH, which can easily be extracted from the solution by means of ether, and silver formylchloridoxime, C : NOAg, which is soluble in water. The solution, therefore, contains much chlorine and silver, which for a long time seemed very enigmatic : on addition of hydrochloric acid, silver chloride is precipitated, and on addition of nitric acid a precipitate consisting of silver fulminate and silver chloride is formed. * Trans. Roy. Soc. Dublin, 1829; extract in Berzelius's Jahr., XII. 97, 120. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), XXVII. .30. t Journ. f. prakt. Chem., [2.], XXXII. 231. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 169 It follows from the above that on treating silver fulminate with dilute hydrochloric acid (one molecule) an addition of hydrogen chlo- ride to the unsaturated carbon atom in this salt takes place, AgON : C + HCl = AgON : C^j • The addition product, which is soluble in water, is then, in the second stage of the reaction, further acted upon by some of the hydrogen chloride present, aild converted partially into silver chloride and for- mylchloridoxime, AgON : C^j + HCl = HON : C^j + AgCl. This experiment demonstrates, therefore, in a very pretty manner, that an organic silver salt can react with hydrogen chloride, leaving the silver present in the molecule entirely intact. The bivalent carbon atom present in fulminate of silver is so reactive, that the metal is not affected at all. I have already repeatedly, in other cases, drawn attention to similar reactions ; the double bond present in sodium acetacetic ether, CHg - CONa II HCCO.R, is so reactive that, on treatment of this salt with alkyliodides and acid chlorides,* exclusively or chiefly an addition of these reagents to the double bond takes place, and the sodium atom remains entirely intact in the whole reaction. The same phenomenon has also already been proved to take place with many other silver salts, t The isolation of the intermediate product, C:NOAg, in the above instance therefore furnishes a further very important experimental confirmation of the processes which I have shown take place in the interaction of acetacetic salts with alkyliodides and acid chlorides. A further entirely analogous example of addition is furnished by the study of the action of hydrogen sulphide on silver fulminate. On adding to silver fulminate, suspended in water con- * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXVI. 52, CCLXX. 331, CCLXXVI. 200. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 329, CCLXXVI. 234, CCLXXVII. 73 Of. also page 147 of tlie preceding paper. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. taining pieces of ice, an aqueous solution of hydrogen sulphide (one molecule), reaction sets in immediately, and a strong odor resembling very closely that of prussic acid is noticed. The clear colorless fil- trate contains both silver and sulphur ; on addition of silver nitrate, a brown precipitate consisting of silver fulminate and silver sulphide is obtained ; hydrochloric acid precipitates chloride and sulphide of silver. On treating silver fulminate with hydrogen sulphide, an addi- tion must therefore take place as follows : AgON : C + H^S =r AgON : C^^ , forming silver thioformhydroxamate, which, like silver formylchlorid- oxime, is soluble in water; this salt is then further acted upon by hydrogen sulphide, and partially converted into silver sulphide and thioformhydroxamic acid, HON ; C^jj • The above facts suffice also to explain fully the former experiments of Ehrenberg* and of Scholvien.f Scholvien believed he had ob- tained free fulminic acid on adding aqueous sodic fulminate to cold dilute sulphuric acid and extracting immediately with ether, for he obtained by shaking the ethereal solution quickly with silver nitrate a precipitate of silver fulminate. t He describes the " free fulminic acid " as a volatile compound, which affects the eyes and mucous mem- brane of the nose in an intolerable manner. It is now clear that Scholvien's compound was nothing else than XT formylsulphate-oxime, HON: Cqo/-) qtt formed by an addition of sul- phuric acid to the unsaturated carbon atom present in sodic fulminate, as follows : NaON : C -f H^SO^ = NaON : C^gQ ^^ (I.) 2NaON : C^Q Qjj -H HaSO^^ SHONiC^g^ ^j^ + Na,S04. (H.) Formylsulphate-oxime is a substance which is far less stable than the analogous formylchloridoxime described above, which is not sur- prising. It possesses, just as formylchloridoxime, only to a far greater extent, a tendency to split into sulphuric acid and carbyl- oxime, C:NOH. This is the reason why Scholvien always noticed * Journ. f. prakt. Cliem., [2.], XXX, 43. \ Ibid., XXXIL, 463, 481. t Ibid., XXXII. 463, 480. NEF. BIVALENT CARBON. 171 in an ethereal solution of the substance after a few moments a rise in temperature, " which often is so great that the ether begins to boil." * The carbyloxime formed in the nascent state polymerizes to a great extent, just as has often been noticed in analogous cases with isocyanides. For this reason it seems to me highly probable that Scholvien's isocyanuric acid f consists simply of polymerized carbyl- oxime, and probably possesses the constitution OH C-N-C I I HON-C-NOH. All the properties of the substance can easily be explained by this formula, and a further study of it will be taken up very shortly ; especially also because Scholvien states that on treating the silver salt CgHNgOsAga with ethyliodide, " a filtrate was obtained smelling strongly of carbylamine." $ It is very likely that in this reaction no ethyl isocyanide, but ethylcarbyloxime, C2H5ON : C, is formed, — a substance which, as will be shown farther on, cannot be distinguished from ethyl isocyanide in respect to odor. Ehrenberg has already had an ethereal solution of formylchlorid- oxime (containing also mercuric chloride and hydrogen chloride) in his hands. He obtained it by passing dry hydrogen chloride over mercu- ric fulminate suspended in absolute ether; and he assumes that free fulminic acid may possibly be present in the solution. He describes the ethereal solution § as a "strong-smelling liquid, bringing teai's to the eyes, and affecting the mucous membrane, and causing an intensely bitter taste in the mouth. The smell reminds one^of prussic acid, but this could not be detected in the solution. On attempting to distil off the ether, the mass all at once decomposed with violence and with a hissing noise." Ehrenbeig was, in consequence, unable to isolate the product, and studied only the action of aqueous ammonia upon the ethereal solution of the substance. The nature of the compounds which he obtained in this way is cleared up by the experiments mentioned below. Fulminic acid salts can therefore be obtained synthetically in four different ways, as follows. 1. From sodic nitromethane : H2C : N-ONa + hgCl = C : NOhg + NaCl + n„0. II O * Journ. f. prakt. Chem., [2.], XXXII. 463. | Ibid., XXXII. 473. t Ibid., XXXII. 464. § Ibid., XXX. 44 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 2. From formylchloridoxime : g ) C : NOH + 2AgN03 = C : NOAg + AgCl + 2 HNO3. 3. From formylsulphate-oxime : HON : CQgQ Qjj + SAgNOg = C : NOAg + Ag2S04 + 3 HNO3. 4. From thioformhydroxamic acid : HON : Cgpj + SAgNOs = C : NOAg + AgsS + 0 HNO3. Behavior of Formylchloridoxime towards Aniline. The constitufion of formylchloridoxime is proved by the fact that aniline coverts it quantitatively into phenylisuretine, according to the reaction ; NHCeHs HON: C^j + 2C6H5NH2 = HONH-C-Cl + CeH^NHa H Addition Product. = ^^^J^)C:NC6H5 + C6H5NH3CI. Phenylisuretine On adding: an ethereal solution of aniline (2 molecules, 12.5 grams) to a concentrated ethereal solution of formylchloridoxime (obtained from 12 grams silver fulminate), a clear solution at first takes place, but very soon a white salt begins to separate out in large quantity. After standing for one hour, much ether is added, and the salt filtered off. The residue, 9.2 grams, consists of a mixture of aniline hydro- chloride and phenylisuretine, which, since the latter substance is insol- uble in cold water, can readily be separated. The ethereal filtrate gives, on evaporation, phenylisuretine and traces of aniline. Alto- gether 6.5 grams of phenylisuretine were obtained. It is purified by crystallizing from ether, and obtained in flat colorless needles, melting with decomposition at 138°. The substance crystallizes from water in long fibrous colorless needles, or, if the solution is dilute, in leaflets. A slight decomposition into phenylisocyanide and hydroxylamine, according to the equation, CeH.N : C^^LOR = ^«"=^ '' ^ + H.,NOH, NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 173 always takes place on recrystallizing the substance from water. Phe- nylisuretine shows altogether a great tendency to decompose in this manner. On melting the solid substance, a strong smell of phenyl- isocyanide is noticed ; also on warming with sodic hydrate, in which it first dissolves. The compound possesses strong basic properties, and dissolves immediately in cold dilute acids. It gives a deep purple red coloration with ferric chloride, and reduces silver solutions on warming. Because of its decomj)osition into phenylisocyanide, the substance burns with great difficulty.* 0.1435 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.3202 gram CO2 and 0.0799 gram HgO. 0.1549 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.3452 gram CO2 and 0.0848 gram HgO. 0.1526 gram substance, dried over HjSO^ in a vacuum, gave 0.3428 gram CO2 and 0.0843 gram H2O. 0.1544 gram substance gave 28.5 N, at 20° and 755 mm. Theory for C,Il8N„0. C 61.76 H 5.89 N 20.59 In order to prove absolutely that the substance was really phenyl- isuretine it was necessary to obtain it synthetically from a formic acid derivative. To effect this, two ways were open ; the substance could, in the first place, easily be formed from phenylisocyanide and hydroxylamine, by addition, C,H,N : C + H2NOH = C,H,N : C ^jjQjj In the second place, it could probably easily be obtained from isuretine by means of aniline hydrochloride. The second method was first chosen, and since this succeeded directly and quantitatively, the first way, which m all probability would also yield phenylisuretine, was not tried. Preparation of Isuretine, HN : C TVTTjfvTT • — Lossen and Schiffer- decker have obtained this compound from prussic acid and hydroxyl- amine.f The following slight modification of their method gives a very good yield of isuretine. A solution of 30 grams of cyanide of * Ann. Cliem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 276. t Ibid., CLXVI 295. Found 60.87 60.78 61.27 6.18 6.08 6.14 20.97 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. potash in 60 grams of water, is added to a solution of 31.5 grams hydroxylaminehydrochloride (one molecule) in 60 water ; great care must be taken that the temperature never rises above 5°. The solution is kept for 48 hours at 5°, and then allowed to evaporate spontaneously in flat dishes. The dry residue is boiled out with absolute alcohol, and on cooling and evaporating the filtrates, isuretine separates out in colorless needles, melting at 114°— 115°. The last portions separating out are best crystallized from acetic ether, from which the substance is obtained perfectly pure and beautifully crys- talized. With the exception of the melting point (Lossen and SchilFer- decker give mpt. 104°-10o°), the former statements concerning its properties could be confirmed. The yield is 84 grams pure isuretine from 142 grams cyanide of potash used. 0.2531 gram substance, dried over HoSO^ in a vacuum, gave 0.1872 gram COj and 0.1571 gram HjO. 0.1369 gram substance, dried over HgSO^ in a vacuum, gave 56.7 No at 21° and 753 mm. Theory for CNoHiO. Found. c 20.00 20.17 H 6.67 0.89 N 46.67 46.71 PhenyUsuretiiie from Isuretine. — On heating isuretine (1 gram) and aniline hydrochloride (one molecule) in alcoholic solution, an inter- action with formation of phenylisuretine and ammonium chloride very soon takes place. After distilling off the alcohol, and treating the residue with cold water to get rid of ammonium chloride, it is crystal- lized from ether; 1.7 grams of phenylisuretine were obtained, crystal- lizing in flat needles, melting at 138°, and in every respect identical with the compound obtained from formylchloridoxime. 0.0687 gram substance, dried over HoSO^ in a vacuum, gave 13 Ng at 24° and 755 mm. Theory for CiHgNjO. Found. N 20.59 21.07 Behavior of Formylchloridoxime towards Ammonia. CN-C : NOM Oyanisonitrosoacefhydroxamic Acid., \ — In view of HOC : NOH. the results with aniline, it was at first expected that, on treating for- NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 175 mylchloridoxime with ammouia, isuretine and ammonium chloride would be formed. The reaction takes place, however, in a different manner, no matter whether the ethereal solution of formylchloridoxime is treated with concentrated aqueous, or with dry gaseous ammonia. It is best to proceed as follows. The ethereal solution, obtained by extracting the acidified sodium fulminate solution, is treated directly, without concentrating it, in a separatory funnel with small quantities of concentrated aqueous ammonia (30 per cent), taking care to shake well and to cool thoroughly with water. A yellow powder separates out in large quantity, which settles on shaking in the lower portion of the funnel. A portion from 32 grams of mercuric fulminate was always worked up at a time, and about 40-50 concentrated ammonia used (until a strong smell of ammonia is apparent). The aqueous solution with the yellow powder suspended in it, is then drawn off and filtered, and the filtrate again brought into the sepa- ratory funnel, and the operation repeated until all the yellow powder is brought on the filter ; it is then dried on clay plates. The filtrate contains much ammonium chloride and also some of the yellow sub- stance, which is sparingly soluble in cold water. 25 grams of the yellow powder were regularly obtained from 96 grams of mercury fulminate: it consists of the secondary ammonium salt of cyaniso- nitrosoacethydroxamic acid ; it cannot be crystallized from hot water however without some decomposition. The yellow powder is there- fore converted directly into the free acid. 25 grams of the salt are suspended in 40 water, and 120 dilute hydrochloric acid (16.5 per cent) added, and thereupon the resulting solution is extracted 35 times with ether. After drying with chloride of calcium, the ethereal solution is distilled off and 15 grams of a colorless solid remains, which already consists of practically pure cyanisonitrosoacethydrox- amic acid. The substance is recrystallized from ether with addition of a small amount of ligroine (bpt. 70°-80°), and obtained in colorless cubes or in 4-sided prisms, clear as glass, and melting, with decompo- sition, at 117°-118°. 0.1555 gram substance, dried over HoSO^ in a vacuum, gave 0.1490 gram COg and 0.0438 gram HgO. 0.1125 gram substance, gave 30.5 Nj at 20° and 751 mm. Theory for C.5II3N3O3. JH2O. Found. c 26.09 26.13 H 2.90 3.13 N 30.43 30.64 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The substance is readily soluble in water, and in organic solvents with the exception of benzene and ligroine. It crystallizes from acetic acid in transparent quadratic pyramids with basal planes. The sub- stance has a strong acid smell, and gives both primary and secondary salts, which are colored yellow. An aqueous solution of the acid gives with ferric chloride an intense blood-red coloration. Primary Silver Salt, CsHgNaOsAg. — This salt separates out slowly in yellow flat prisms on addition of silver nitrate (one molecule) to a concentrated aqueous solution of the acid. The filtrate gives, on long standing, a brownish red precipitate. 0.1948 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.1172 gram AgCl. Theory for CsH^NjOgAg. Found. Ag 45.76 45.29 Secondary Potassium Salt, C3HN303K2> HaO. — This salt is obtained quantitatively on adding an alcoholic solution of the acid to an alco- holic solution of potassic hydrate (two molecules). It separates out as a yellow crystalline powder, which, after being well washed with alcohol and dried over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, was analyzed. 0.2038 gram substance gave 0.1596 gram K0SO4. Theory for C3HN3O3K2H2O. Found. K 34.98 ' ' 35.11 Behavior of the Acid towards Ammonia. — On adding concentrated ammonia solution to an aqueous solution of cyanisonitrosoacethydrox- amic acid, the secondary ammonium salt separates out as a yellow amorphous powder, identical with the salt obtained directly from formylchloridoxime and ammonia. If, however, much ammonia solu- tion is used, a yellow solution results, in which, after some standing, no longer the original substance, but its decomposition products are present. These are the products which Ehrenberg (see above) ob- tiiiued on treating his ethereal formylchloridoxime solution with a large quantity of aqueous ammonia. The primary product of the reaction, the ammonium salt of cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid, was obtained by him only in traces, and was not further investigated.* It simply remained dissolved in the aqueous ammonia solution, be- cause he used a very lai'ge amount of the solution. He obtained, on allowing this solution to stand in the air, three compounds. First, a substance,! C3H4N4O2, which separates out in yellow needles ; on * Journ. f. prakt. Chem., [2.], XXX. 47. t Ibid., XXX. 49. NEP. — BIVALENT CARBON. 177 acidifying and extracting with ether, two other compounds were obtained : one of these, which is far less soluble in cold ether, he calls isofulminuric acid,* and its composition as C3H3N3O3 was deter- mined by many analyses ; the other substance was a syrupy acid from which he obtained a small amount of a crystallized ammonium salt, CII.NsO^.t These three substances are all obtained by allowing an ammoniacal solution of pure cyanisonitroacethydroxamic acid to stand in the air, and proceeding according to the directions of Ehrenberg. It is to be noted that Ehrenberg's compound of the formula C3H4N4O2 possesses weak acid as well as also strong basic properties ; it dissolves there- fore instantly in cold dilute hydrogen chloride. It also gives with ferric chloride an intense blood-red coloration. Behavior of Cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic Acid totvm-ds Water. — Whereas a solution of the free acid in concentrated hydrochloric acid or in concentrated sulphuric acid can be kejit without essential change for twelve hours in the cold, an aqueous solution of the acid (2 grams) is completely decomposed after two hours heating on a water bath. The solution no longer gives a yellow but a white precipitate with silver nitrate. On extracting with ether, and drying the ethereal solution with calcic chloride, two substances are obtained which are identical with Ehrenberg's isofulminuric acid and his syrupy acid. The former can easily be separated from the latter by washing with a small amount of ether. It was crystallized (1 gram) from a small amount of water, and obtained as a white spongy powder identical in its properties and its behavior with Ehrenberg's isofulminuric acid. The fact that the substance gives with ferric chloride a deep blood-red coloration is worthy of mention. 0.1687 gram substance, dried at 100°, gave 0.1725 gram CO2 and 0.0386 gram H.O. 0.0780 gram substance, dried at 100°, gave 23 N2 at 22° and 750 mm. Theory for C3H3N3O3. Found. c 27.91 27.89 H 2.33 2.54 N 32.56 32.94 The syrupy acid which is formed at the same time is identical with the corresponding compound obtained by Ehrenberg, but for the pres- ent has not been further studied. * Journ. f. prakt. Chem., [2.], XXX. 55. t Ibid., XXX. 59. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 12 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Behavior of the Acid C3H3N3O3, ^ HgO, towards concentrated Caus- tic Potash. — Id the expectation that cyanisonitrosoacethydruxamic acid must, by treatment with caustic potash, yield potassic isonitroso- malonate, it was heated (1 gram) with concentrated potassic hydrate (6.9 grams KOli and 10 grams water) for three quarters of an hour on a water bath. Ammonia is given off copiously, and the solution is then treated further according to the method of Baeyer.* On addition of alcohol to the solution, acidulated with acetic acid, an oily precipitate is obtained, which, on rubbing with a glass rod, solidifies. Recrystal- lized once from water and alcohol, it is obtained (0.5 gram) in colorless leaflets, which give with ferric chloride a deep red coloration, and wliich resemble very closely potassic isonitrosomalonate. The analy- sis of the salt, dried over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, shewed, however, that another substance is at hand, and that the original acid has lost only one atom of nitrogen as ammonia in the above treatment. 0.2498 gram substance save 32.5 N, at 20° and 746 mm. 0.2024 gram substance gave 0.0988 gram K2SO4. Theory for CgHNjOiK.HsO. Found. N 15.04 14.61 K 21.04 21.89 Behavior of the Acid C3H3N3O3, ^ H2O, towards concentrated Hydro- gen Chloride. — 2 grams of the acid are heated in a sealed tube for five hours with concentrated hydrochloric acid (10 of sp. gr. 1.18). On opening the tube, the presence of carbon dioxide was noticed ; and on evaporating the contents on a water bath, 2.5 grams of residue are regularly obtained. On digesting this with ether, the oxalic acid formed in the reaction (proved by its tests and properties) was re- moved, and the residue (2 grams) consists of a mixture of much ammonic chloride and of little hydroxylamine hydrochloride. A quantitative determination, carried out by means of Fehling's solution, showed that the residue (2 grams) consists of 1.6 grams ammonium chloride and of 0.4 grams hydroxylamine hydrocliloride. It follows from these experiments that cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid is decomposed by hydrogen chloride into oxalic acid, carbon dioxide, ammonium chloride, and oxyaramonium chloride ; and that more than two thirds of its nitrogen is eliminated in the form of am- monic chloride. * Ann. Clieni. (Liebig), OXXXI. 292. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 179 Tlie Constitution of the Acid. — That the acid, C3H3N3O3, ^ IlgO, obtained from formylchloridoxime by means of ammonia, is identical with cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid cannot at present be deter- mined with certainty from its decomposition products. The consti- tution of the acid as given is however extremely probable because of its quantitative formation from sodic fulminate (two molecules) and formylchloridoxime. The action of formylchloridoxime on sodic fulminate can, because of the entirely analogous results obtained with phosgene on isocya- nides,* take place only in the following manner. TT HON : CH C^N HON : Cp, + C . NONa = I = | + HoO. (I.) ^^ Cl-C : NONa CIC : NONa Addition. C-=N I NaON:C-Cl-|-C:NONa CN I -t- H2O = CN-C : NONa = NaON:C I -1- HCl. (H.) I HOC : NONa CIC : NONa Addition . Sodic-cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamate The reaction which takes place on treating formylchloridoxime with ammonia is entirely analogous : a decomposition of the formylchlorid- oxime into ammonium chloride and ammonic fulminate first takes place as follows: ^j^ C : NOH + 2 NH3 = C • NONH, + NH4CI. The ammonic fulminate thus formed (two molecules) then reacts with unchanged formylchloridoxime (just as in the above equations does so- dic fulminate) and ammonic cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamate is formed. As can easily be seen, cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid, CN-C: NOH I HOC : NOH, can readily go over by loss of water into a furazane derivative, CN-C = N\ I o, HOC = N/ * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 286, 315. 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and this suffices to explain fully all the reactions and decomposition products of this acid. That the t'urazaue ring is a very stable one is clearly evident from the experiments of Wolff.* Ehrenberg's product, CaH^N^Og, is therefore very probably / N = C-C-NH2 O^ I ^N = C-OH; his isofulminuric acid is identical with oxyfurazaue-carbonicamide, ^N = COH, whereas the syrupy acid obtained by him is probably oxyfurazane- cyanide, , N = C-CN ^ N = COH. The product obtained by myself, by means of concentrated potassic hydrate, CgHNgO^K, H2O, is, on the other hand, probably identical with potassic oxyfurazanecarboxylate, / N = C-CO,K \N = C0H; it must therefore be obtained from all three of Ehrenberg's com- pounds by saponification. Further experiments, with a view of proving more sharply the constitution of these decomposition products of cyauisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid, will be taken up again shortly. III. Desoxtfdlmincric Acid is identical with Ctanisonitro- CN-C : NOH soacetamide, HOC:NH. Liebigt and SchischkofFJ have shown that on boiling mercuric ful- minate with ammonic chloride, or with potassic chloride and water, a monobasic acid, HCsHaN^Og, is formed which, at present, is known by the name of fulminuric acid. Ehrenberg § obtained the same acid * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLX. 101. Cf. Ber d. chem Ges., XXIV. 1167. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), XCV. 282. t Il'id.. XCVTI. 53, CI. 213. § Jourii. f. prakt. Chem., [2.], XXXII. 98. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 181 by boiling fulminate of mercury with water. Among the manj for- mula' which have been advanced as representing the constitution of this acid, the one proposed by Steiner,* CN-CHNO2 I HOC : NH, possesses the greatest probability. It explains very simply the forma- tion of nitroacetonitrile, CN— CH2NO2, from it by means of sulphuric acid,t as well as the formation of trinitroacetonitrile, CN— C (N02)3 5 by means of sulphuric acid and nitric acid, t It follows directly from the above experiments, that, on boiling mer- curic fulminate with water and either ammonic chloride or potassic chloride, an addition of water or of hydrogen chloride to the unsatu- rated carbon atom present in this salt must at first take place, and thus the products hgON : C ^ and hgON : C ^ must be formed. These can then act further, in the second stage, on unchanged mercuric fulminate in exactly the same way as formyl- chloridoxime acts on sodic fulminate (see above). It was therefore suspected for a long time that cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid must be an intermediate product in the formation of fulminuric acid (its isomer). After, however, many fruitless attempts were made to convert this substance into fulminuric acid, by oxidation, by boiling with mercuric oxide, or with ammonia and oxide of mercury, etc.. it seems to me impossible that this is formed as an intermediate product. If fulminic acid is identical with nitrocyanacetamide, CN-CHNOo I HOC : NH, and this is proved to be the case farther on, it must be formed from mercury fulminate in a manner entirely analogous, for instance, to the formation of mesoxanilide from phenylisocyanide, phosgene, and water, § or also to that of cyanisonitrosoacethydroxamic acid from formylchloridoxime and soluble fulminic acid salts. The fol- lowing explanation of the reaction which takes place in the formation * Ber. d. chem. Ges., IX. 784. t Steiner, Ber. d. chem. Ges., IX. 782. t Schisclikoff, Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., [3.], XLIX. 310. § Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 291. 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. of fulminuric acid seems to me at present to be the most plausible one. The product first formed by the action of ammonic chloride on mercury fulminate,* hgON:C^, reacts first on the unchanged salt, giving by addition hgON : CH I (I.) hgON : CCl. Mercury formylchlorid-oxime is, however, as is readily understood and has also been proved,! a strong oxidizing agent, which can easily go over, with loss of oxygen, into cyanide of mercury, hgON : C ^^ = hgN : C + HCl + O. The cyanide of mercury thus formed, can then react with the addi- tion product (I.) as follows : hgON : CH hgON : CH I I hgON : CCl + hgN : C = hgON : C (II.) I hgON : CCl ; and this product is then oxidized to hgON : CH I C = N-Ohg (III.) I II hgON ; CCl O from which, by means of ammonia, the ammonium salt of fulmmuric acid, O 11 CN-C : NONH4, I HOC : NH * The reaction with water is entirely analogous ; it is only necessary to substitute OH for CI. t An aqueous solution of formylchloridoxime oxidizes, for example, ferrous salts in acid solution immediately in the cold, and prussic acid is set free. Cf. also Schischkoff, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Vol., I. 108. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 183 can readily be formed. It is, however, also possible that the addition product 1., hgON : CH I hgON : CCl, first goes over, by oxidatioo, into hgON : C-H CI-C : NOhg, II O which then can add itself to cyanide o^ mercury, C : Nhg, present, giving directly the addition product III., which, with ammonia, gives mercuric oxide and ammonic fulminurate. CN-C : NOH Synthesis of Cyanisonitrosoacetamide, I HOC : NH. Seidel * has recently obtained, on treating silver fulminurate with ethyliodide, a substance, C3H2N303(C2H5), which, on boiling with water, decomposes into acetaldehyde, C2H4O, and a substance having the formula C3H3N3O2, which he therefore calls desoxyfulminuric acid. If fulminuric acid is identical with nitrocyanacetamide, CH-CHNO2 I HOC : NH, it follows, by reason of the experiments on nitro compounds presented in the preceding paper, that, on treating the silver salt of fulminuric acid, O II CN-C : NOAg, I HOCNH. with ethyliodide, an ester of the constitution O II CN-C : N-OC2H, I HOCNH must be formed. * Ber d. chem. Ges., XXV. 431 and 2756. 184 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. This ester must then, on boiling with water, be split by intra-molec- ular oxidation into cyanisonitrosoacetamide, CN-C : NOH I HOC : NH, and into acetaldehyde, CHgCH : O. These considerations lead to the conclusion that desoxyfulmiuuric acid must be identical with cyaniso- nitrosoacetamide, and the following experiments, which have led to a synthesis of this compound, prove that in fact both products are absolutely identical. Cyanisonitrosoacetic ether, as well as cyanisonitrosoacetic acid, have recently been obtained by Muller * from cyanacetic ether. I also have made both these compounds in this way, and can confirm the statements of Muller completely, except that the melting point of cyanisonitrosoacetic ethylester was found to be 133° instead of 128°- 129°, when the substance is crystallized from benzene. Both com- pounds were analyzed, and gave figures agreeing well with the theo- retical ones. It is somewhat noteworthy that the ester melts higher than the free cyanisonitrosoacetic acid. On heating cyanisonitrosoacetic ethylester (2 grams) in a sealed tube with 10 of alcoholic ammonia for four hours at 100°, a salt separates out, on cooling, in yellow heavy nodules. It is filtered ofP, well washed with alcohol, dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and extracted with ether. After drying the ethereal solution with calcic chloride, and concentrating, colorless heavy plates separate out. which, recrys- tallized once more from ether, melt at 184° and are perfectly pure. 0.1997 gram substance, dried over Hg'^Oi in a vacuum, gave 0.2325 gram CO^ and 0.0520 gram H^O. 0.15i5 gram substance, gave 50.2 Ng at 19° and 744 mra. Theory for C3H3N3O2. Found. C 31.86 31.75 H 2.66 2.89 N 37.17 37.27 The substance crystallizes either in needles, or in heavy many- sided flat crystals, and is identical in every respect with Seidel's desoxyfulmiuuric acid. In order to be absolutely certain, this sub- stance was made according to Seidel's directions, and compared in every detail with the synthetic product ; no difference could be de- * Annales de Cliim. et de Phys., [7.], I. 504. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 185 tected between them. Furthermore, desoxyfulminuric acid made from mercury fulminate is converted quantitatively into cyanisonitro- soacetic acid and into isonitrosomalouic acid, as is evident from the following experiments. 3 grams desoxyfulminuric acid were heated on a water bath for one hour with 2.2 grams sodic hydrate and 40 water, whereby a copious evolution of ammonia was noticed ; the solution was acidified with dilute sulphuric acid, and extracted with ether. After evaporat- ing the ether, the residual oil (1.6 grams) slowly solidifies. It was twice crystallized from a mixture of ether and benzene, and obtained in colorless needles, melting at 103°. The substance was identical with cyanisonitrosoacetic acid prepared from cyanacetic ether.* 0.2048 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.2190 gram CO2 and 0.0495 gram HgO. 0.1251 gram substance gave 25.2 N2 at 19° and 752 mm. Theory for C3H2N4O3, J HjO. Found. C 29.27 29.16 H 2.44 2.68 N 22.76 22.97 It is noteworthy that cyanisonitrosoacetic acid, which has now been obtained in four different ways.f always contains half a molecule of crystal water. 0.8 gram desoxyfulminuric acid, 2.5 grams caustic potash, and 5 water, were heated for 3 hours on a water bath, and then worked up according to the method of Baeyer t for potassic isonitro- somalonate. The salt was recrystallized twice, and 0.95 gram was obtained. The analysis agrees with theory for anhydrous salt. 0.2250 gram substance, dried over H2SO4 in a vacuum, gave 0.1844 gram K2SO4. 0.2520 gram substance gave 16 N, at 24° and 744 mm. 0.3030 gram substance gave 0.1906 gram CO2 and 0.0175 gram H2O. Theory for CsHOjKjN Found. C 17.22 17.15 H 0.48 0.64 N 6.70 6.96 K 37.32 36.74 * Annales de Chira. et de Phys., [7.1, I. 604. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CXXXI. 295. J Wolff and Gans, Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXIV. 1169; Soderbaum, Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXIV. 1231 and 1989 ; Muller, Annales de Chim. et de Phys., [7.], I. 504. 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Seidel obtained by heating silver fulminurate * with ethyliodide at 100°, instead of at 80°, a second compound of the formula, CsH^NgOaCQHs), melting point 155°. f This is in all probability formed from the normal and original ester, O II CN-C : NOQHg 1 HOC:NH, by a molecular rearrangement, especially since we now know that such esters are unstable compounds, capable of intramolecular oxida- tion. It is very probable that this second compound, C3H2N303(C2H5), possesses the constitution CN-C : NOC2H5 I HOC:NOH. It is a strong acid, — a fact which Seidel does not mention. IV. SODICFERROFULMINATE, Na4Fe(0N : C)6 + I8H2O, The remarkable resemblance of fulrainic acid, C : NOH, and its salts, C : NOM, to prussic acid, C : NH, and its salts, C : NM, has become very evident by reason of the facts presented above. This resemblance is so great, that many observers have been led astray in working with fulmiuic acid compounds. For this reason it seems to me that no longer the slightest doubt can exist concerning the nature of prussic acid and its salts. $ They are unquestionably all derivatives of isocyanogen, * It need hardly be mentioned that many fruitless experiments were carried out in the hope of synthesizing fulminuric acid, which, according to the above results, must be identical with nitrocyanacetamide, CN— CHNO2 I HOC:NH. Bromcyanacetamide, CN— CHBr HOC NH, mpt. 122°, can easily be made from cyanacetamide, bromine, and water, but all attempts to convert it, by means of potassic or silver nitrite, into nitrocyan- acetamide were attended with negative results. t Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXV. 2756. t Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCLXX. 329. NEP. — BIVALENT CARBON. 187 N:C I N:C, and not, as has so long been supposed, derivatives of cyanogen, I Tlie analogy between fulminic acid and prussic acid is further shown by the isolation of a double salt, sodic ferrofulminate, Na4Fe(ON.C)6 corresponding completely with sodic ferrocyanide, Na4Fe(N:C)6. Carstanjen and Ehrenberg have already drawn attention to the very peculiar behavior of sodic fulminate towards iron salts, and shown that solutions result in which the presence of iron can no longer be detected,* On adding to an aqueous solution of sodic fulminate containing some sodic hydrate, and obtained as stated above from mercuric fulminate (32 grams), a solution of ferrous sulphate (one molecule to six molecules sodic fulminate), a yellowish solution is obtained, in which the presence of iron cannot be detected either by means of sodic hydrate or of ammonium sulphide. The filtered solution is allowed to evaporate spontaneously ui flat dishes in the air, and after some time beautiful yellow needles, often over an inch in length, separate out. It is easily possible to obtaui 11 grams of this sub- stance in a perfectly pure state from the above amount of mercury fulminate taken. The crystals are filtered off, washed with a small amount of cold water, and then dried between filter paper ; they do not contain a trace of sodium sulphate. On further evaporation of the mother liquors, more of the salt sepa- rates out, but mixed with Glauber's salt. The sodic ferrofulminate thus obtained is freely soluble in cold water, and gives with ferric chloride an intense purple-red coloration, which is incredibly delicate. The pure substance is, however, unstable in aqueous solutions or in a moist condition,- and soon gets colored purplish red ; the presence of sodic hydrate increases its stability, and for this reason it is well to recrystallize in the presence of a small amount of sodic hydrate. The * Journ. f prakt. Chem., [2.], XXV. 246, 247. 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. salt contains 18 molecules of crystal water, a portion of which goes off quickly in the air or over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, and the substance changes its color first to white and then slowly to red. A concentrated aqueous solution of the salt is precipitated by alcohol, first in yellow needles, and on addition of more alcohol these are suddenly transformed into a colorless white powder with loss of a portion of the crystal water. Whereas, the double salt. AgON : C, KON : C, is far more stable than the corresponding prussic acid double salt, AgN : C, KN : C, in this case the ferrofulminate of soda is far less stable than the analo- gous sodic-ferrocyanide. It does not give an acid, ferrofulminic acid corresponding to ferrocyanic acid, and, even on losing its crystal water, the salt Na6Fe(0N : C)6 + 18 HgO dissociates completely into sodic fulminate, NaON : C, and into ferrous fulminate, Fe(ON : C)2. On treating the salt in the cold with dilute hydrochloric acid, it is converted into formylchloridoxime. Also on boiling it in aqueous solution with sodic hydrate or with ammonium sulphide, it is slowly decomposed, with separation of iron hydrate or iron sulphide. An aqueous solution of the salt gives with lead acetate, silver ni- trate, or mercuric chloride, white very explosive precipitates, which appear to consist exclusively of the corresponding fulminic acid salts. As mentioned above, the yellow salt easily loses a portion of its crystal water and becomes colored white ; on addition of water, it is again transformed completely into the original salt. After long standing over sulphuric acid in a vacuum, the white salt becomes tinged red, and finally is converted into a red powder, which no longer consists of ferrofulminate of soda, but of a mixture of sodic fulminate and ferrous fulminate ; it then dissolves only partly in water, leaving behind a red powder, and the solution does not contain a trace of sodic ferrofulminate. On adding sodic hydrate, however, union of the com- ponents again takes place, and the solution contains sodic ferrofulmi- nate, which can be obtained on allowing the solution to evaporate. The red dissociated salt just mentioned possesses very explosive properties. It is just as dangerous as sodic fulminate,* and on this account it was never possible to carry out a complete analysis of the salt ; even when mixed very carefully with oxide of copper, on heat- ing invariably a violent explosion took place. t The quantitative * Journ. f. prakt. Cliem., [2.], XXXII. 231. t The explosion is so sudden that not a gas bubble appears in the potash bulb (5 times noticed), and the combustion tube is shattered completely only where the substance was present. NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 189 determination of the iron and sodium offered at first some difficulty, because, on decomposing the salt with hydrochloric and nitric acids, always a small amount of substance crystallizing in green leaflets is formed, which is msoluble in aqua regia. The salt was finally decora- posed by treating first with a small amount of dilute sulphuric acid, and then evaporating to dryness and igniting. The residue was then dissolved in hydrochloric acid, with addition of a small amount of nitric acid, and the iron and sodium determined in the usual way. 4.754 grams yellow salt, dried between filter paper, lost on stand- ing over II2SO4 in a vacuum, after two days, 1.5806 grams HgO; after four days, 1.8167 grams U^O , after six days, 1.8996 grams HgO ; on further standing, no further loss of weight was noticed. Theory for Na^Fe (ONC)„ 2 HjO + 16 HjO. Found. I6H2O 39.80 39.96 The red powder remaining is very hygroscopic, and still contains two molecules of crystal water. 1.0073 grams substance gave 0.1760 gram FcoOs- 0.8154 gram substance gave 0.5380 gram Na2S04. 0.6999 gram substance gave 0.1282 gram FeaOg and 0.4609 gram NaaSOi. Theory for Na^Fe (ONC)o 2 H„0 Found. Na 21.10 21.36 21.33 Fe 12.84 12.12 12.73 An attempt was made to obtain, by oxidation of this salt with bro- mine and water, a fulminic acid double salt corresponding to sodic ferricyanide, but without success. V. On Fulminic Acid and its Esters. — The Carbyloxim- ESTERS, C : NOR. The experiments described above make it clear that it is not possible to obtain free fulminic acid from its salts by treatment with acids, because the acids always react first on the tremendously reactive biva- lent carbon atom present in these salts ; and for this reason oximes of formic acid derivatives are invariably obtained, which, although they can readily be converted back again into fulminic acid salts, never yield, when they decompose, the free fulminic acid. In this connec- tion an experiment carried out with isuretine is of interest. On heat- ing alcoholic solutions of isuretine and hydroxylamine hydrochloride (in molecular quantities) an interaction with formation of ammonium 190 PIIOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. chloride and of oxyisuretine very quickly takes place. Ou attempting to distil off the alcohol, white fumes are noticed, which decompose with some violence and the solution has an odor resembling very closely that of prussic acid. On evaporating the solution over sul- phuric acid in a vacuum, a yellow coloration is noticed (after most of the alcohol has disappeared), and after a short time the residue de- composes spontaneously with a hissing noise and tremendous evolution of heat. It follows from this experiment that oxyisuretine, HON : cHjjoH^ is a very unstable substance, and decomposes probably at first into carbyloxime, C : NOH, and into hydroxylamine. This decomposition is entirely analogous to that of phenylisuretine, CeHgN : Cj^jjQjj^ and also especially to that of formylsulphate-oxime, HON : C^gQ Qjj^ and of formylchloridoxime, HON : C^j The sum total of the results presented in this paper lead to the conclusion that the free fulminic acid is a very unstable compound, which possesses a smell that cannot be distinguished from that of prussic acid. It follows further, however, that a series of ethers of this acid must exist of the general formula C : NOR, which must in their properties and their odor show the greatest resemblance to the esters of prussic acid, the alkylisocyanides, RN : C. Although I have not yet succeeded in isolating and analyzing a carbyloximether, C : NOR, the following observations are sufficient to make it ex- tremely probable that such esters do exist. The Action of Ethyliodide on Silver Fulminate. — Calmels * states, that on treating silver fulminate with ethyliodide, a and /3 nitropropy- lene and ethylisocyanide are formed. I have repeated his experi- ments, and observed that, on heating silver fulminate with ethyliodide and absolute ether to 50°, or on allowing these substances to stand at * Comptes Rendus, XCIX. 794 NEF. — BIVALENT CARBON. 1 ^3 • • • respectively, and the electromotive forces be e,, €•>•, e„ . . . * Stepanoff, Journal Russ. Phys. Chetn. Soc, XII. 38. t Slouginoff, Journal Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc, XIV. 2. X I have not had access to the papers of Messrs. Stepanoff and Slouginoff quoted above. PEIRCE. — BATTERIES IN MULTIPLE ARC. 195 Let C be the current which flows through the outside resistance r, and let C^. be the current which flows, in the same cychc direction as C, through the /;th cell. Then, if \ — X^ r, k = I p = n p = i (1) (2) Let the determinant of the coefficients of the C's in the set of n linear equations of which (2) is an example, be denoted by A„ ; then A„ = /•« 1 + Ai 1 1 1 1 1 + Aa 1 1 1 1 1 + A, 1 1 1 1 1 + A4 1 + K or A = r" S It is evident that 8„ ^ , would be equal to the product of X„ + ^ and 8„ plus the product of all the X's from Xj 10 X„. Let 3f„ represent the product of all the b's. Let N„ represent the sum of the n products of the 5's taken n — 1 at a time. Let P„ J represent the sum of the n — 1 products formed of all the b's except b^ taken ?^ — 2 at a time. Let Q,^ represent the sum of the n products formed by multiplying every e by all the ^'s except its own. Let S„^^. represent the sum of the products obtained by multiplying every electromotive force except that of the kih cell by all the b's except its own and b^. Then A^ = M;, + r iV„. (3) The determinant formed from the determinant of the coefficients (A„) of the C's in the n linear equations of which (2) is a type, by sub- stituting the corresponding e's for the elements of the ^th column shall be called A„ j. 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Hence, The current in the Z,th cell may be positive, zero, or negative accord- ing to circumstances. If the electromotive forces and the internal resistances of all the cells are given, C^ will be positive if r be made less than -^ p — . *^/i, ft ^k -^ n. ft The currents in all the cells will be positive if r be made sufficiently small. If the electromotive forces of the cells are unequal, and if r is very large, the currents in the weakest cell or cells will be negative. If the outside conductor be removed so that the poles of the battery are not connected externally, the current in the i'th cell will be positive if gj is greater than S^ ^ -i- P„ ^. Thus, if the battery consists of three unlike cells numbered in order of descending electromotive force, Cj^ must be positive and C^ negative, but 0^ will be positive or not • • , ^1 ^1 H~ ^3 ^1 according as e., is or is not greater than -^,- — . The case of a number of cells of the same internal resistance but of different electromotive forces joined up in multiple arc is of some in- terest when one has to use a number of unequally charged storage cells to send a very heavy current through an outside circuit of extremely low resistance. When the b's are all equal, b (b + n r) b ^ — \- r n so that the equivalent cell has an electromotive force equal to the average of the electromotive forces of the given cells, and an internal resistance equal to ~th of that of each cell. This case also throws some light on the properties of a thermal junction of large area formed of two plates of metal soldered together flatwise when, as is sometimes the case in practice, it is impossible to keep the whole junction at exactly the same temperature. Equations (1) and (5) give the equation PEIRCE, — BATTERIES IN MULTIPLE ARC. 197 Ci. Q h I N which defines Stepanoff's equivalent cell * already mentioned. 'Ihe difference of potential between the poles of the battery is V= "^ (7) When r is made to increase indefinitely, F approaches as a limit the electromotive force Q I N^oi the equivalent cell, and (7^ approaches — — 2i^r= — , the current in the ^'th cell when the poles of the battery are not connected by any external conductor. If there is a battery of electromotive force E in the external circuit, r, the quantity JiJ must, according to the direction of this external elec- tromotive force, be added to or subtracted from the second member of ' each of the equations of which (2) is an example. If a battery of n cells joined up in multiple arc be itself connected up parallel with a cell of electromotive force £J and of internal resistance B, E -^ B must be added to the numerator of the fraction which forms the second mem- ber of (6), and r -i- B to the denominator. Upon an examination of these cases, it appears that, if a battery of cells joined up in multiple arc be itself connected up parallel or in series with another battery, or if it be used for compensation purposes, it will exert the same in- fluence upon the currents and diff'erences of potential in parts of the circuit external to itself as its equivalent cell would exert. The internal work done m the battery when its poles are connected by the external resistance, r, is W,Ji\c,H,). (8) k = 1 The internal work done in the equivalent cell would be 2(Q (9) Let v) be the difference between W^ and W(, and in the equation found by subtracting the members of (9) from the corresponding mem- * See also SlouginofE, Carl's Repertorium, XVI. 539. 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. bers of (8), let e^ — Gr be substituted for its equal Ck hk. It will tlien be found that all the terms which contain r disappear, since the co- efficients of Cr and of 0^ r^ vanish identically, and that ^^^....(^.^ 00) iV„ 4 = 1 b^ b^ where the si2,n of summation introduces once only every value of {eic — Cj)'^, in which k is ditfereut from^, and neither k nor / is greater than n. Since w does not involve r, it {w) is the work done inside the battery when its poles are not connected by any external resistance. Equation 10 shows that w cannot be negative, and that it is different from zero unless all the cells in the battery have equal electromotive forces. The expression for w may be written in a form due to Slouginoff, * = "'"" '/, (H) where Cq and h^ are the electromotive force and the internal resistance respectively of the equivalent cell. It is known that if the poles of a battery formed of n cells be con- nected by an outside resistance r, the current in the external circuit will be tlie same, whether the cells be joined up in series or in multiple arc, provided that iV„ 2 (e,) - Q^ (12) or, if the cells are all alike, provided that r =z b. It is worthy of notice, however, that the efficiencies of the battery are different in the two cases. If the cells are joined up in series, the efficiency of the battery is r but if they are joined u)) in multiple arc the efficiency is C- r so that F, C^r+C'^ib,) (15) PP:IRCE. — BATTERIES IN MULTIPLE ARC. 199 If the cells are all alike, and if r = b, this ratio has the value 1 -i- n, aud the arrangement in jiarallel is n times as efficient as the arrangement in series. In the case of unlike cells, if the currents in the cells are all positive, ^^ is always less than i^. It is easy, how- ever, to find cases where -^ is less than F^, for this is true when 2(C^.^,)<[2(C,)7.2(6,). Cambridge, July, 1894. 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. VIII. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE MUSEUxM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF E. L. MARK, XLII. ON THE CELL LINEAGE OF THE ASCIDIAN EGG. A PRELIMINARY NOTICE. By W. E. Castle. Communicated by E. L. Mark, June 14, 1894. The following paper is based on an uncompleted study of the early stages in the development of C'iona intest'malis, the material for which I was enabled to collect at the Newport Marine Laboratory in the summer of 1893, through the kindness of Mr. Alexander Agassiz. Tunicate embryology has been studied from the standpoint of cell lineage to a greater or less extent, by Van Beneden et Julin ('84), Seeliger ('85), and Chabry ('87). The first named authors have followed the segmentation of the egg of Clavelina Rissoana as far as the 32-cell stage in a manner that admits of no question as to its accuracy. Every cell division is evidenced by karyokinetic figures that prove beyond doubt the actual genetic relationship. The cell lineage of a single additional stage is given, one of forty- four cells. This stage must have been derived from the preceding by twelve cell divisions, six in each of the equivalent halves of the egg. Of these six, three are clearly indicated by spindles in the 32-cell stage. The other three were apparently determined by conjecture, and it is my purpose to show that by yielding themselves to conjec- ture in so small a matter as these three cell divisions, the eminent authors fell into an error which invalidates the most important con- clusions of their otherwise excellent work. For in correlating the 44- cell stage with the 32-cell stage they have changed the orientation, so that they have identified the dorsal side of one with the ventral side of the other, the endodermal half of one with the ectodermal half of the other. Their orientation of all the stages prior to the A^-cell stage CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OP THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 201 is accordingly ivrong. Their terms ectodermal and endodermal, ven- tral and dorsaly as employed up to this stage, must he interchanged. I shall iu the present paper reproduce the figures of the 32-cell and 44-cell stages given by Van Beueden et Juliu, with the proper orientation and tlie probable cell lineage as inferred from that actu- ally determined in Ciona. Chabry, iu a paper concerned chiefly with teratology, traces the cell lineage of Ascidiella aspersa to a stage with thirty-two cells, and finds it identical, cell for cell, with that of Clavelina as given by Van Beneden et Julin. He however adopts, apparently without question, the orientation given by them, and makes accordingly, in his early stages the same error, calling dorsal (endodermal) that side of the egg which is really ventral (ectodermal). He gives in pai't the cell lineage of the ectodermal side of a single older stage, in which five additional divisions are represented as hav- ing occurred in each of the equivalent halves of the egg. (See his Fig. 20.) These agree exactly with the divisions I have found occurring in Ciona subsequent to the 32-cell stage. Seeliger studied an undetermined species of Clavelina, the same genus on which Van Beneden et Julin worked. It has been more than once observed by writers on tunicate embryology, that, though engaged with the study of forms so nearly related, these authors diflfer widely in their conclusions. In discussing the 4-cell stage, for example, Van Beueden et Julin state that the two larger cells give rise to the anterior portion of the embryo, and in this I fully agree, whereas Seeliger contends that they produce the posterior portion. Seeliger however gives little evidence in support of his view, for his determination of the cell lin- eage IS in most cases so manifestly a matter of mere conjecture that it hardly merits a serious consideration. But it may be worth while to point out where he has made the mistake that led to his false conclu- sion. It is in passing from the 16-cell stage to the next succeeding stage, the number of cells in which he did not take the pains to determine. In doing this he has reversed the poles anterior and pos- terior.. For his 16-cell stage (his Figs. 14 and 15), if its anterior and posterior poles fe reversec?, corresponds unmistakably, both in the characteristic arrangement of its cells and in their relative size, with the 16-cell stage figured by Van Beneden et Julin (their Figs. 8 and 8a), and that figured by Chabry (his Figs. 17 and 24), and I can add from my own observations that it also corresponds with that of Ciona. 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Seeliger's next stage (his Fig. 16) is oriented correctly, the poste- rior end being clearly indicated by the smaller marginal cells (left unshaded in his figure). This criterion for the posterior end of the embryo had been previously pointed out by Van Beneden et Julin, has since been recognized by Chabry and by Davidoflf for the forms they studied, and holds good for Cioua also. Seeliger speaks of his Figure 16 as representing a stage with four- teen " eudoderm " cells (that is, cells which have been derived from the four dorsal cells of the 8-cell stage). It is highly probable that he should, have represented as *' endodermal " also a pair of lateral marginal cells left unshaded in his figure, thus bringing the number of descendants of the four dorsal cells of the 8-cell stage up to sixteen, the nixmber we should expect as the result of two successive divisions in that hemisphere. The two cells in question correspond in position with the cells c®"^ and d^-^ of Figure 4 of this paper, except that in the egg of Ciona figured the cells named do not reach the margin, but lie a little more central. Interpreted thus, Seeligex-'s Figure 16 corresponds closely with a similar view of the 32-cell stage of Van Beneden et Julin (reproduced in Figure 8 of this paper), and with Chabry's Figure 26, and with the same stage of Ciona (Figure 4 of this paper). From this stage on, all investigators are agreed as to which is the anterior and which the posterior end of the embryo. If then the ori- entation of Seeliger's later stages is correct (and this will be conceded by every one), that of his 16-cell stage is ?'??correct ; and unless he again reversed the poles m passing from the 4-cell to the 1 6-cell stage, his A:-cell stage is also wrongly oriented. This l)eing so, the two larger cells of the 4-cell stage are really anterior in the Clavelina studied by Seeliger, just as in the one studied by Van Beneden et Julin. Another point of difference between the authors mentioned, appears in their discussion of the 8-cell stage. Seeliger states that the larger cells belong to the ventral (ectodermal) half of the egg, whereas Van Beneden et Julin state that they constitute the dorsal (endodermal) half. I shall i)resently show that Van Beneden et Julin were mistaken in their determination of the dorsal and ventral faces of the 32-cell and earlier stages. It follows that the larger cells, which they called dorsal, were really ventral, as stated by Seeliger for the form studied by him. If this is so, another point of difference is removed, for in both the species of Clavelina that have been studied the larger cells of the 8-cell stage are ventral with reference to the axes of the future larva. CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OF THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 203 In any extended work on cell lineage it is desirable to have some system of naming the individual cells which will indicate readily the exact history of each, — from vvliat part of the matured ovum it has been derived, by how many divisions it is removed from the ovum, and from what other cells these divisions have separated it. Wliat system one adopts is a matter of choice, but not of indiffer- ence. Chabry has employed a fnirly good one in his work on Ascidi- ella. It is too cumbersome, however, for advanced stages, and limited in its applicability. Van Beneden et Juliu have simply employed numerals, which give no information whatever as to the derivation of cells. Seeliger has followed no system at all beyond the 16-cell stage, except that of arrows joining cells of the same parentage, which serves to mark the lineage for only one generation. So far as I know, only one system capable of general application to different types of cleavage has been proposed, that introduced by Kofoid ('94) in his recent work on Limax. As this seems to me to embody several distinct advantages over other systems, I shall follow its general features in this paper. 1. Each cell will be designated by a letter with two exponents. 2. The letter indicates the quadrant of the egg from which the cell in question has been derived, or, in other words, that cell of the 4-cell stage from which it is descended. Viewing the egg from the ventral or ectodermal side, the left anterior quadrant is A, the right anterior B, the right posterior C, and the left posterior D. In dorsal views, right and left are of course reversed. As the third cleavage plane is equatorial and separates a ventral from a dorsal hemisphere, I shall designate the cells of the former by capitals and those of the latter by small letters. 3. The first exponent indicates the generation to which a cell belongs ; that is. the number of cell divisions by which it is removed from the unsegmented ovum. The ovum is generation one, the 2-cell stage two, the 4-cell stage three, etc. 4. The second exponent indicates the niiviber of a cell in a genera- tion, the cells of each quadrant being numbered independently of the other quadrants from the centre of the ventral (ectodermal) toward the centre of the dorsal side.* If in any case two cells of common de- * In tliis I do not follow Kofoid, who numbers from the ventral (in his case endodermal) toward the dorsal (in liis case ectodermal) pole. His system of nomenclature I have treated throughout as being, for my purposes, not an index to homologies between blastomeres, but a convenient method of notation. 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. scent lie in an equatorial position, that one which is nearer the median plane will be given the lower numeral. It will be noted that I follow the accepted usage, orienting the egg with reference to the future axes of the embryo, and using the terms dorsal and ventral in this sense. I have regarded the egg as viewed from the ventral rather than the dorsal sitle, because, as is rightly held, the ventral side corresponds to the ectodermal pole. Below is a table, the first six columns of which show the complete cell lineage of the right half of the egg of Clavelina, Ascidiella, or Ciona through the sixth generation (32-cell stage). The terminology of Van Beneden et Julin for the 32-cell stage is given in the seventh column, for purposes of comparison. In the next column is given, in Cell Lineage of the egg of Clavelina, Ascidiella, or Ciona, right half only, through the 32-cell stage. First Gen. ABCD 1-celI stage. Second Gen Third Gen. Fourth Gen. Fifth Gen. [As-i ■A4-1 - A5-' A3 • C a5-3 , i&-^ aS-* f AD^ " 1)5.1 D^i D3 - D5-2 I Lbc^] /=leftx \ halfj d* -i rd5-3 (J5-4 2-cell 4-cell 8-cell 16-cell stage. stage. stage. stage. Sixth Gen. ( A6-1 \ A6-2 . A«-3 I A«-^ j a6-5 \ a6.6 I '■'■' D6.1 DO-' D«3 Y)M ,16.5 flG.6 (l>;-7 d6-« .32-cell stage. CLAVELINA. Termi- nology of V B. et J. Sixth Gen. XIV 1 XV 10 2 3 9 4 XVI XIII VIII 11 12 6 5 .32-cell stage. Interpretation of V. B. et J. Their Terminology. 6th, 7th, and 8th Gen. 20 14 1 21 15 10 17 11 12 6 5 44-cell stage. My Termi- nology 6th,7th. and 8th Gen. A"-l AT.2 AS-2 A7.5 A'-6 A6.4 q6-5 a6-7 I>8.1 1)8-2 D7-2 D7-3 D7-4 D63 D77 d«-5 d8-6 d6.7 ^6.8 My In terpre tation 6th & 7th Gen. a6.t> a'i.5 A'i-2 n.B-8 A7-2 A7.1 A7-7 A7-5 dti.8 (16.7 D«-3 d6-« DV4 D7-2 D"-8 D7-7 d6.5 A7.6 D"-3 44-cell 44-ceIl ;age [stage. CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OP THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 205 the terminology of Van Beneden et Julin, the cell liueage of the 44-cell stage as interpreted by tliem ; and in the succeeding column this interpretation is repeated in terms of the nomenclature adopted hv me. Finally, in the last column is given my own interpretation of the same stage. The cell lineage for the left half of the egg would be expressed by substituting, in the table, B, b, for A, a, and C, c, for D, d, where my terminology is used ; and where the terminology of Van Beneden et Julin is used, by adding a (') to each of the numerals. To ascertain the designation of the mother cell of any particular cell, its first exponent must be diminished by one ; and its second exponent, if an even number, must be divided by two, but if an odd number it must first be increased by one and then divided by two. In order to determine the daughter cells of a particular cell, simply reverse this process ; that is, increase the first exponent by one and double the second exponent. The result will be the name of the daughter cell having an even second exponent. To determine the other daughter cell, diminish this second exponent by one. Thus the daughter cells of a^* are a®'^ and a'^-^ This system I have applied to the 32-cell stage of Van Beneden et Julin in Figures 7 and 8, reproduced from their Figures 9 and 9a, the orientation being corrected to agree with my interpretation. Similar views of the same stage of Ciona are given in Figures 3 and 4. It will be seen that this stage of Ciona corresponds cell for cell with the one of Claveliua figured. In both, the posterior end is marked on one side (Figs. 3 and 7) by the superficially, if not actually, largest pair of cells in the Qgg at this stage, while underneath them, best seen from the other face of the egg, is the smallest pair of cells (Figs. 4 and 8). The only thing in the egg of Ciona figured which is not perfectly typical is the position of the cells a*'-^ and b*'-^, which in other specimens examined lie anterior quite as often as lateral to their sister cells, a^^ and b*'® respectively. A nearly median optical section parallel to the sagittal plane of the egg exhibited in Figures 7 and 8 is reproduced in Figure 13, and an actual transverse section of the same stage of Ciona is represented in Figure 15. It will be seen that in both cases the cells of one face, which are apparently very large when viewed from the surface, are really thin and superficial ; while the apparently small cell? of the other face are really high, columnar, and of considerable volume. 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. These figures leave no doubt that the view of the Ciona egg given in P^igure 3 corresponds with that of" the egg of Claveliua given in Figure 7, and that the view of the Ciona egg given in Figure 4 cor- responds with the view of the Clavelina egg given in Figure 8. If then it can be sliovvn by a detailed study of later stages that the orientation given for the egg of Ciona in Figures 3 and 4 is the correct one, it follows that the orientation given for the egg of Clavelina in Figures 7 and 8 is also correct, and that the orientation given to this stage by Van Beneden et Julin is consequently wrong; for they call Figure 7 a dorsal, and Figure 8 a ventral view. An examination of Figure 3 shows that the thin superficially large cells seen in this view of the egg are preparing for division. These, as the lettering indicates, are derived from the four veutrally situated cells of the 8-cell stage, and will be referred to collectively as the ventral or ectodermal half of the %gg. The latter term must not be understood, however, to imply that all the cells derived from this hemisphere become ectoderm, but merely that ectoderm is its prin- cipal derivative. The other half of the egg, composed of high, columnar cells, will be called the dorsal or endodermal half of the egg, with the same restric- tion on the term endodermal as has been made for ectodermal. Figure 4 shows the cells of the endodermal half to be quiescent, while those of the ectodermal half are preparing for division. A similar acceleration in division of the ectodermal over the endodermal half of the egg was to be observed at the 24-cell stage (Figs. 1 and 2). Here the cells of the ectodermal half are seen to have passed into the sixth generation, while the cells of the endodermal half are only in the spindle stage, preparatory to the division which will carry them into that generation. Figure 5 represents a ventral view of a stage of forty-six cells, and shows accomplished the divisions foreshadowed in Figure 3. All the cells of the ventral half of the egg, except the pair of small posterior cells, have divided either completely or partially, thus pass- ing into the seventh generation. I should add that no one of the divisions indicated is a matter of inference, but spindles have been observed in every instance ; where they were not to be seen in the specimen figured, they have been observed in other specimens not quite so advanced in development. Figure 6 gives a view of the opposite face of the same egg. The cells of the dorsal half are here seen to be in the sixth generation, and still quiescent. In a single cell, b®•^ a pair of astral radiations CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OF THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 207 it visible. This fact does uot, however, foreshadow an immediate di- vision of the cell, as these radiations often exist some time before the division actually occurs. It does indicate, however, as the sequel will show, that this cell with its mate, a^-^, will be among the earliest cells ot the eiidodermal half of the egg to divide. In Figures 9 and 10 are reproduced Van Beneden et Julin's fig- ures of the 44-cell stage of Clavelina (their Figs. 10 and 10a). The lettering on the left half of Figure 9 and the right half of Figure 10 indicates what I believe to be the correct interpretation of the cell lineage of this stage. The interpretation of Van Beneden et Julin is indicated (in terms of my own nomenclature) on the right half of Figure 9 and the left half of Figure 10.* It .will be seen that at this stage, according to my interpretation, exactly the same divisions, with one exception, have occurred in the egg of Clavelina as in the Ciona egg shown in Figures 5 and 6. The exception mentioned is m the case of the most anterior cell of the ectodermal half, on each side of the median plane (A'^'^ and its mate, Figs, 8 and 9). This cell has not yet divided, but has remained in the sixth generation, whereas in Ciona it has given rise to A^-^ and A^ ■*. Not only has division occurred in corresponding cells in the egg of Clavelina and that of Ciona, but this division has taken plate in the same direction in every instance. There is, however, in the two eggs, a slight difference in the ar- rangement of the cells resulting from this division, due perhaps to a difference in the order of division. In the egg of Clavelina (Fig. 9, left half), the cells A''^ and D'^"^ have been pushed toward the me- dian plane so that they are in contact with their mates in the other half of the egg, and separate A"-^ from D"'-^ ; but in the egg of Ciona (Fig. 5) A'^*^ and D'''' do not reach the median plane, so that A^-^ is left in contact with D'^*^. Van Beneden et Julin identify the face of the egg represented in Figure 9 with that seen in Figure 8, and that in Figure 10 with the one seen in Figure 7. In doing so they are forced into several very strange correlations. For example, the small posterior cell C®'^ of Figure 8 is identified with the rather large cell D'^-^ of Figure 9 ; while the real C^-^ (D^-^ of Fig. 10, left half) is derived from D^-^ (Fig. 7), and its sister cell is supposed to have divided again, so that * It will facilitate a comparison with the lettering of the original, if the reader will make use of the table on page 204. 208 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the other derivatives of D^-^ (D^-^ aud D»-"^ of Fig. 10, left half) are in the eighth generation. Finally, the nearly median optical section of this egg, reproduced in Figure 14, shows at a ijlance the absurdity of Van Beneden et Julin's interpretation. Here the relatively large columnar cells d®-'', d®-^, a®-®, and a®*^ of my interpretation,* are derived by them from the thin superficial cells D®*^ and A*^'^ of the preceding stage (Fig. 13), the first two together with D®-^ as a result of two successive divisions of the single cell D"--^. On the other hand the small cubical cells D''^ D'-^, A^*^, A'^"\ and A''*^ are taken by them to represent, undiminished hy division, the voluminous columnar cells d*^"'', d^-^, a^***, a^*^ and a^"^ respectively, of the preceding stage. It is thus seen from an examination of Van Beneden et Julin's own figures, that they have reversed the dorsal and ventral relations in passing from the 32-cell to the 44-cell stage, and have identified the endodermal half of one with the ectodermal half of the other. This fact has been overlooked by all subsequent writers on tunicate em- bryology, for all have accepted as correct the results obtained by Van Beneden et Julin. The question next arises, Is the orientation given by Van Beneden et Julin for the 32-cell stage, or that given for the 44-cell stage, the correct one ? A strong presumption that the latter is the case exists in the close correspondence in form and size between the endoderm cells of the gastrula figured by them (their Fig. lid) and the columnar dorsal cells of their 44-cell stage. This presumption becomes as strong as anything except direct observation of Clavelina can make it, when one follows the cell lineage of Ciona through to a stage which marks the beginning of gastrulation, such as I have represented in Figures 11 and 12. In order to avoid the extension of this paper to an undesirable length, I have not figured the stages intervening between the 46-cell stage and gastrulation. A detailed study of these stages, however, al- lows me to speak with confidence of the changes which have occurred. In the 32-cell stage (Figs. 3 and 4), all the cells of both hemi- spheres were seen to be in the sixth generation, though, as has been stated, the cells of the dorsal half had divided a little later than those of the ventral half. These dorsal cells now remained quiescent, while all the cells of the ventral or ectodermal half, except the small pos- terior cells C®^ and D®^, divided, and thus brought about the 46-cell * See Explanation of Plates, Figure 14. CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OP THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 209 stage. Before the division (Figs. 3 and 4), it will be noted, the cells of the ectodermal half were so arranged that twelve of them were marginal and in contact with cells of the eudodermal half, while four (A*'-^ B*'\ C'S and D'^'S Fig. 3) were entirely surrounded by cells of the ectodermal half. These four now divide along planes perpendicu- lar to the sagittal plane, so that both the daughter cells of each still abut on the median plane. All the marginal cells, however, except the small posterior pair, which remains quiescent, divide in such a way that only one of the daughter cells of each is still marginal and in contact with cells of the endodermal half (Fig. 5, A^-*, A^-^ A''-^, D'^\ D'''^, and the corresponding cells in the right half of the figure). The nest division again involves those cells of the ectodermal half of the egg which are marginal, including this time the small posterior cells C^-^ and D^*^, which have lagged one generation behind the other cells of the ectodermal hemisphere, but now give off toward the median plane each a peculiar flattened cell of minute dimensions, un- doubtedly the '' petites cellules cuneiforraes" of Van Beneden et Julin. This division also passes through two other cells of the ectodermal half, C"'' and D"-'', and six anterior and marginal cells of the endo- dermal half, namely, a®-^, a^*'', d®"^ and their mates b^*®, h^-'', and c®**. Concomitantly with this division of marginal cells, and to a greater or less extent in consequence of it, the endodermal face of the egg becomes flat, its cells being crowded together at their superficial ends and expanding club-shaped beneath the surface. The ectodermal face at the same time becomes more convex, its cells growing thinner and spreading out so as to cover a greater area. The marginal cells gradu- ally extend around on to the endodermal face, and thus gastrulation begins. At this stage (66-cell) the ectodermal half of the egg consists of forty-four cells, of which twenty-four, the more marginal ones, are in the eighth generation, and the remaining twenty, centrally or pos- teriorly situated, are in the seventh generation. The endodermal half of the egg, on account of its less rapid cleav- age, is composed of fewer cells, viz. twenty-two, just half the number in the ectodermal portion. Of these, twelve — lying anterior and marginal — are in the seventh generation, and ten — central or pos- terior — in the sixth generation. It will thus be seen (1) that the cells of the dorsal half have lagged just one generation behind those of the ventral half, and (2) that cell division has been more active in the anterior and lateral marginal portions of the egg. As a consequence of the first mentioned fact, a VOL. XXX. (n. 8. XXII.) 14 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. gastrula is formed with a dorsal blastopore by a process " intermediate between epibole and invagination " ; and because of the second, the blastopore closes from the sides and anterior end, so that it ultimately becomes pear-shaped and lies in the posterior half of the embryo. The part which particular cells take in forming the organs of the larva is reserved for discussion in a later paper, as that part of my work is still incomplete. One thing may, however, be stated posi- tively. The entire endoderm and mesoderm are not derived as stated by Van Beneden et Julin from the twelve cells of the 44-cell stage a«-5, a«-«, a'^-^ a*'-'*, d*'-^ d«-^ b«•^ b«•^ b«•^ b^-^, c«•^ and g^-\ Conclusions. 1. The conflicting statements of Van Beneden et Julin on the one hand, and Seeliger on the other, regarding the segmentation of the ascidian egg, are explained by the detection of a fundamental error in the work of each. Seeliger has determined the dorsal and ventral sides of the egg correctly, but reversed the anterior and posterior ends in all his figures of the early stages. Van Beneden et Julin have determined correctly the anterior and posterior ends, but have reversed dorsal and ventral in all stages previous to the 44-cell stage. These errors are clearly indicated by a critical examination of the authors' own figures, and a careful study of the cell lineage of Ciona leaves no doubt of their existence. 2. The correction of Van Beneden et Julin's unfortunate change of orientation necessitates fundamental changes in their conclusions. (a) It is stated by them that the four smaller cells of the 8-cell stage give rise to ectoderm only, while the four larger cells produce both endoderm and ectoderm. On the contrary, neither the four smaller cells nor the four larger ones produce ectoderm exclusively ; but it is the four larger, not the four smaller ones, which give rise to the greater portion, perhaps all, of the ectoderm. (b) I cannot at present assent to the statement of Van Beneden et Julin that the separation of the germ layers is complete at the 44-cell stao-e. 3. In Ciona, from the sixth to the eighth generations at least, cell multiplication is more rapid in the anterior and lateral portions of the egg, and this fact is an miportant element in determining the shape and position of the gastrula mouth. Cambridge, May 9, 1894. CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OF THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 211 Postscript. Since the foregoing was written I have had the opportunity of mak- ing further observations upon the Hviug egg of Ciona immediately after fertilization and during the early stages of segmentation. I have repeatedly seen the polar globules and observed continuously the cleavaee staares following their formation. These observations lead to the surprising but unavoidable conclusion, that the point on the sur- face of the egg at which the polar globules form becomes later the centre of the dorsal or endodermal half of the egg. The evidence for this conclusion will be presented and its significance discussed in a future paper. September 29. 1894. Postscript No. 2. After the preceding was already in print, Paul Samassa's recent paper was received (Zur Kenntniss der Furchung bei den Ascidien. Arch. f. mik. Anat., Bd. XLIV. Heft I. pp. 1-14, Taf. I. und II. Ausgegeben 15 Sept., 1894). Samassa's conclusions agree in a ^ratifying manner with my own, that Van Beneden et Julin on the one hand, and Seeliger on the other, were mistaken in their orientation of the Ascidian egg. Here, how- ever, the agreement ends, for my own interpretation of the cell lineage differs radically from that of Samassa. In the earlier part of this paper I have pointed out how fatal to the conclusions of Van Beneden et Julm was their conjecture as to the manner of division in only three pairs of cells in the egg of Clavelina. I cannot forbear .saying that a more apt illustration of the utter un- trustworthiness of this method of determining cell lineage could not have been offered than is found in Samassa's paper, where the method of conjecture seems to have been followed in a wholesale and entirely unjustifiable manner. In his account of the 32-cell stage Samassa makes D^-^ (his ell) the sister cell of D®^ (his c 12) both in Ciona and in Clavelina. In doing so he contradicts, though without giving a particle of evidence in sup- port of his views, the recorded observations of Van Beneden et Julin on Clavelina and of Chabry on Ascidiella, and this too in the face of the fact that Van Beneden et .Julin offer the absolutely incontroverti- ble evidence of karyokinetic figures in support of their interpretation. 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In the living egg of Ciona I have myself repeatedly seen the cell di- visions leading to the 32-cell stage take place, and my observations agree perfectly with those of Van Beneden et Julin on Clavelina, and of Chabry on Ascidiella, viz. that the cell D®-^ (Samassa's ell) is the sister cell of D''-^ (Samassa's c 21) and D^-^ (c 12) that of D«* (c 22). If Samassa expects his statement to stand against all these independent observations, he must present some evidence in its support. After discussing the 48-cell stage of Ciona, Samassa says : " Die vi^eiteren Theilungen habe ich nicht Zelle filr Zelle verfolgt, da dies fiir die Losung der mich interessirinder Frage nicht von Bedeutung ist." Yet, again without a particle of evidence and confessedly without detailed observations, he calmly proceeds to declare the ancestry and fate of the individual blastomeres of subsequent stages ! The history cell for cell of the cleavage subsequent to the 48-cell stage is precisely the critical point in deciding the question with which Samassa is con- cerned, viz. the origin of the endoderm, and in stopping where he did he has stopped short of solving his problem. Worse than this, by his guesses at the cell lineage he has fallen into positive error. For example, the cells 8 and 9 of his Figure 10, wh'ich he says are ectoderm, are not so at all, but are mesoderm. They with their mates in the left half of the egg ultimately form the greater part, perhaps all, of the lonoitudinal musculature of the tail, being derived from cells corresponding to D^-^'^ and d®*^ of my Figure 12. There is no mis- taking the identity of these cells , the large size of the nucleus, which Samassa has observed for his cell 8, and would have found to hold good at a slightly different stage for 9 also, is one of their distinguish ing characteristics; their peculiar stainability under proper treatment is another. Samassa assures us that these cells are derived from the ventral or ectodermal cells of the 8-cell stage, and represent, with a few cells posterior to them, " die erste Anlage der Medullarwiilste." With these statements I squarely take issue. Of those under con- sideration, only the cell 8 (my D^-^*') with its mate in the left half of the egg, is derived from the ventral cells of the 8cell stage, the other cell (9) is derived from the dorsal cells of the 8-cell stage ; and both 8 and 9 form, not ectoderm, but mesoderm, beincj invasinated with the endoderm cells at gastrulation. In view of these facts, and others which need not be presented at this time, I am forced to take issue with Samassa's main conclusion, "dass bei Ciona und Clavelina durch die dritte Furchung die Tren- nung der beiden primiiren Keimbljitter erfolgt." For Ciona at least this is not true, and the close correspondence which Samassa himself CASTLE. — CELL LINEAGE OF THE ASCIDIAN EGG. 213 has recognized between the early stages of Ciona and those of Clave- liua renders its occurrence in Claveliua exceedingly improbable. Davidoff's belief that the first equatorial cleavage separated the two primary germ layers can have no weight une way or the other in de- ciding the (juestion, for Davidoff did not profess to have traced cell by cell the history of the cleavage subsequent to the 8-cell stage. If my statements in this Postscript seem to the reader to be as dog- matic as Samassa's, I can only say that they rest, not on confessed inference or conjecture as to the cell lineage, but on repeated observa- tions made on dozens of embryos, only continuous observations of the living egg or the presence of karyokinetic figures in preserved speci- mens being admitted as sufficient evidence of the genetic relationships of cells. The evidence afforded by my figures will be presented, and a more exhaustive discussion of the subject made, in a subsequent paper. October 5, 1894. LITERATURE CITED. Chabry, L '87. Contribution k rembryogenie normale et teratologique des Ascidies simples. Journ. Anat. et Physiol., Tom. XXII. pp. 167- 319, PI. xvm.-xxii. Davidoff. M. v. '89-'91 Untersuchungen zur Entwickiungsgeschichte der Distaplia magnilarva, Delia Valle, einer zusammengesetzten Ascidie. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, Bd. IX. Theil I. pp. 115-178, Taf. V., VI., und Theil 11. pp. 533-651, Taf. XVIII.-XXIV. Kofoid, C A. '94. On some Laws of Cleavage in Limax. Proc. Amer. Acad., Vol. XXIX. pp. 180-200, 2 Pis. Seeliger, O '85. Die Entwickiungsgeschichte der socialen Ascidien. Jena. Zeit- schr , Bd. XVIII. pp 45-120, Taf. I.-VIII. Van Beneden, Ed., et Julin, Ch. '84. La segmentation chez les Ascidien et ses rapports avec I'or- ganisation de la larve. Arch, de Biol., Tom. V. pp 111-126, Pi. VII., VIII. '86. Recherches sur la morphologie des Tuniciers. Arch, de Biol., Tom. VI. pp. 237-476, PI. VII.-XVL 21-i PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADKMY. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Arrows joining cells indicate divisions tiiat have occurred since the last stage figured or described. A = Anterior. P — Posterior. R — Right. L = Left. D = Dorsal. V = Ventral. For the system of lettering employed to mdicate cell lineage, consult the text, pp. 203, 204. PLATE 1. Ciona intestindlis. All the figures of this plate are drawn to the same magnification, 400 diameters. Figure 1. Egg of Ciona, 24-cell stage, ventral view. The cells of the ventral half of the egg number sixteen, and are all in the sixth generation. The most recent division is seen to have been that resulting in the posterior cells D»-3, D"^-"*, and C«-3, C*>i. " 2. The same egg, dorsal view. The cells of the dorsal half of the egg are still in the fifth generation, and consequently number only eight. They are, however, about to divide, and the spindles indicate the directions in which divisions will occur. " 3. Egg of Ciona, 32-cell stage, ventral view. (Divisions which were already completed at the 24-cell stage are again indicated by arrows, for convenience in comparison.) " 4. The same egg, dorsal view. " 5. Ess of Ciona, 46-cell stage, ventral view. All the cells of the ventral half of the egg are seen to have divided more or less completely since the 32-cell stage, except the small posterior cells C6-3 and W'^. " 6. The same egg, dorsal view. All the cells of the dorsal half of the egg are still in the sixth generation, as in Figure 4. Castle -AsciDiAN Egg Pt t E Mfisel.iith.Boston 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ( PLATE II. Figures 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, and 14 are copied from Van Beneden et Julin's figures of Clavelina Rlssoana. The otliers are of Ciona ; magnification, 400 diameters. Figure 7. Egg of Clavelina, 32-celI stage, with corrected orientation, ventral view. (After Van Beneden et Julin's Fig. 9a). " 8. The same egg, dorsal view. (After Van Beneden et Julin's Fig. 9.) " 9. Egg of Clavelina, 44-cell stage, ventral view. (After Van Beneden et Julin's Fig. 10.) On the left side of the figure is given the corrected cell lineage, on the right side, the cell lineage according to Van Beneden et Julin. " 10. The same egg, dorsal view. (After Van Beneden et Julin's Fig. 10a.) On the right side of the figure is given the corrected cell lineage, on the left, the cell lineage according to Van Beneden et Julin. " 11 Egg of Ciona, 66-cell stage, ventral view. Only the marginal cells of the ventral half have divided since the stage shown in Figures 5 and 6. " 12. The same egg, dorsal view. By more rapid division in the ventral half of the egg certain of its marginal cells have been shoved around on to this face of the egg Six marginal and anterior cells of the dorsal half have also divided since tlie 46-cell stage. " 13. A nearly median optical section, parallel to the sagittal plane, of the egg of Clavelina shown in Figures 7 and 8, with corrected orientation. (After Van Beneden et Julin's Fig. 9c.) " 14. A nearly median optical section, parallel to the sagittal plane, of the egg of Clavelina shown in Figures 9 and 10. (After Van Benenen et Julin's Fig. lOc.) " 15. An actual transverse section of an egg of Ciona in the 32-cell stage. .f'Tu- - AscidianEgg PlII B '■Ifiacl.liihBosion 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. IX. WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY ON IRON WIRES. By Charles E. St. John, A. M. Presented by Professor John Trowbridge, May 9, 1894. Since the experimental demonstration of the existence of the oscil- lating electric discharge, it has been an interesting field of investiga- tion to ascertain whether the magnetization of iron and nickel can follow such rapidly alternating impulses as are obtained by the oscil- lating discharge of a condenser through a circuit of low self-induction, and, if magnetization does follow, in what way and to what extent can it affect the character of an electric wave propagated along wires of masfnetic material. The results of investigation have shown considerable disagreement, as will be seen from the following brief resume of the investigations bearing upon these points. The questions referred to did not dis- tinctly appear in all the investigations, as they have arisen since ; but results were obtained and published which directly relate to at least one of the points under consideration. M. Savary announced, as early as 1826, that, when a needle was placed in a spiral through which a Leyden jar was discharged, rever- sals of polarity were obtained by varying the quantity of discharge through the spiral ; and Faraday * adduces the magnetizing of needles and bars by common (static) electricity as evidence of its identity with Voltaic electricity, and in his ex[)eriment to show that common electricity can deflect the magnetic needle, when a Leyden battery is discharged through the galvanometer, he states the fact that the mag- netism of the needle may be removed or reversed by the discharge. Professor Henry f repeated the experiments of Savary with great skill and care. He obtained reversals of polarity by increasing the quantity of electricity discharged through the spiral in which the needlp was placed, while the direction of the discharge remained the same, and by varying the distance between the primary and secondary. * Experimental Researches on Electricity. 1833. t Writings of Joseph Henry, p. 201. 1842. ST. JOHN. WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 219 This anomalous result was referred by Professor Henry to an action of the discharge of a Leydeii jar never before recognized. He here first describes the oscillating character of such a discharge as follows : — " The discharge, whatever may be its nature, is not correctly rep- resented (employing for simplicity the theory of Franklin) by the single transfer of an imponderable fluid from one side of the jar to the other ; the phenomena require us to admit the existence of a principal discharge in one direction, and then several reflex actions backward and forward, each more feeble than the preceding, until equilibrium is obtained. All the facts are shown to be in accordance with this hypothesis, and a ready explanation is afforded by it of a number of phenomena which are found in the older works on elec- tricity, but which have until this time remained unexplained." The ap[)arent change in the direction of the induced currents with a change in distance between the primary and secondary circuit, as indicated by a change in the direction of the magnetization of the needle, was shown to be due to the fact that the discharge of the Leyden jar does not produce an induced current in a single direction, but several successive currents in opposite directions. There can be no doubt that these discharges were oscillatory in character, and that steel needles and bars were magnetized by them, sometimes by the direct discharge, sometimes by the current induced in a neighboring circuit, sometimes by the first impulse, sometimes by the second or return impulse. Feddersen * was of the opinion that iron might show some devia- tion from the behavior of copper and lead ; of the last two he says, that the time between two consecutive like-directed current maxima is independent of the cross section and the specific conducting power of the wires forming the circuit, and also of the density of the accu- mulated electricity. And in regard to iron he adds the following note : " Beim Eisen konnte in Folge der Magnetisirungen eine Abweichung hervortreten: indess zeigt der Versuch dass dieselbe keinenfalls be- deutend ist, librigens in dem Sinne erfolgen miisste, als wenn die Electricitat beim Eisen ein grosseres Hinderniss fande als bei den iihrigen Metallen." Tlie rate of oscillation obtained by Feddersen was one million per second. The late Professor Hertz f gives in his first paper some experi- ments that bear upon this subject. He was of the opinion that an * Poggenaorff, Annalen, CVIII. 499. 1859. t Ibid., XXXI. 429. 1887. 220 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. iron wire in an oscillating circuit might be eciuivaleiit to a copper wire of greater length, owing to the higher self-induction of iron. He based his opinion upon the known fact that for slowly oscillating cur- rents the self-induction of iron is eight or ten times greater than that of a copper wire of the same dimensions. He says : " I therefore expected that short iron wires would pro- duce equilibrium with longer copper wires. This expectation was not confirmed ; the branches remained in equilibrium when the copper wire was replaced by an iron wire of equal length. If the theory of the observations here given is correct, this can only mean that the magnetism of iron is quite unable to follow oscillations so rapid as those with which we are here concerned, and that it there- fore is without effect." * The rate of oscillation here used was approximately one hundred million per second, and the diameter of the wires was two millimeters. In the same paper, he gives another experiment of like tenor. He brought the primary and secondary into resonance, and then in one instance he surrounded one side of the rectangular secondary by an iron tube, and in a second instance he replaced this side by an iron Arire of the same diameter as the copper wire. In each case he found the secondary still in resonance with the primary, and was con- firmed in his former conclusion. The secondary employed was a rectangle 180 cm. long and 75 cm. wide, and only a length of 75 cm. out of the total length of 510 cm. was changed. The diameter of the wires was 2 mm., and the spark micrometer was used to test for resonance. In a later paper t on the " Finite Velocity of Electromagnetic Actions," he compares the rate of propagation along copper wires of various diameters, and also the rate of propagation along copper wires with that along iron wires. He says : " If we replace tlie copper wire previously used (diam. 1 mm.) by a thicker or a thinner copper wire, or by a wire of an- other metal, the nodal points are found to remain in the same posi- tions. Thus the rate of propagation in all such wires is the same, and we are justified in speaking of it as a definite velocity. Even iron wires are no exceptions to this general rule ; hence the magnetic properties of the iron are not called into play by such rapid disturb- ances." t (100,000,000 reversals per second.) * Electric Waves, p. 36. J Electric Waves, p. 113. t Poggendorff, Annalen, XXXIV. 551. 1888. ST. JOHN. — WAVE LENGTHS OP ELECTRICITY. 221 Professor Oliver J. Lodge remarks as follows in his " Modern Views of Electricity" (page 101, 1889) : "I might go on and say that iron makes an enormously worse conductor than copper for rapidly alter- natintr currents. So it does for currents that alternate with moderate rapidity — a few hundred or thousand a second — like those from a dynamo or telephone ; but, singularly enough, when the rapidity of oscillation is immensely high, as it is in the Leyden jar discharges and lio-htning, iron is every bit as good as copper, because the currents keep to the extreme outer layer of the conductor, and so practically do not find out what it is made of." And again in more detail on page 46 of his " Lightning Conductors and Lightning Guards" (1892) we find the following: "But every one will say — and I should have said before trying — surely iron has more self-induction than copper. A current going through iron has to magnetize it in concentric cylinders, and this takes time. But experi- ''' ment declares against this view j for the case of Leyden jar \. -o o- -o a- B discharges. Iron is experi- L Fig. 1. mentally better than copper. It would seem, then, that the flash is too quick to magnetize the iron ; or else the current con- fines itself so entirely to the outer skin that there is nothing to magnetize." The experiment given to substantiate this conclusion is that of the alternate path, as shown in Figure 1. The Leyden jars are charged by an electrical machine, and when a spark occurs at A the charges on the outer coatings may combine by sparking across B or flowing around L. For the path L was used a strip of tinfoil 21 feet long and 3 inches broad, in one case zigzagged backwards and forwards with paraffine paper insulation to abolish self-induction as far as possible, and in the other case wound upon a glass tube to produce as much self-induction as possible. When the path L was made by the tinfoil zigzag, the critical dis- tance at B, when sparks sometimes passed and sometimes failed for a 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. given spark distance at A, was 0.6. When the zigzag was replaced by the spiral, the critical spark length at B rose to 6.4. A bundle of finely divided iron was now inserted in the spiral, and the critical length continued still to be 6.4, He remarks on this result as follows : '* Here is magnetic time- lag raised to an extreme. ... It may be said that the iron fails to get magnetized because of the opposing action of the inverse ' Fou- cault ' current induced in it, just half a period behind the inducing currents. I thought this would be so, of course, with thick iron rods, but with a bundle of thin wires I felt doubtful. . . . Whatever the explanation, the fact of time-lag is patent. Yet there is something strange about it, for that a steel knitting-needle can be magnetized by discharging a Leyden jar round it is mentioned in every text-book, and it is certainly true. There are points here requiring further examination." * So far the investigations that had in view the effect of iron upon extremely rapid rates of oscillation have given but negative results, though both investigators quoted expected to find that the magnetic properties of the iron would be shown under such conditions. Some positive results showing that the magnetic properties of iron still have some effect upon rapid electric discharges have been obtained by the following observers. Professor John Trowbridge has proved f that the magnetic char- acter of a conductor is by no means unimportant with 1,000,000 double oscillations per second. In brief the experiment and the results were as follows. The oscillating circuit consisted of a Leyden jar and two parallel wires 30 cm. apart and 510 cm. long. These parallel wires could be replaced by others of different diameter and material. A spark micrometer with tin terminals was included in the circuit, and when the discharge occurred the spark w^as photo- graphed by means of a rapidly revolving mirror.f The following results bear upon the subject under investigation. When the parallel wires were of copper (diam. 0.087 cm.), the number of double oscillations on the negative averaged quite uniformly 9 or 9.5 ; but when an annealed iron wire (0.087 cm. diam.) was substi- tuted, only the first return oscillation was distinctly visible, with sometimes a trace of the first duplicate. * Lightning Conductors and Lightning Guards, p. 48. t Proceedinfrs of the American Academy, XXVL 115. t Ibid., XXV. 10':), ST. JOHN — WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 223 With copper wire (diam. 0.027 cm.) five complete oscillations were quite uniformly visible, but with irou wire (diam. 0.027 cm.) only the first return discharge after the pilot spark was faintly visible. The time of the double oscillation for the large-sized copper wire was 0.0000020 sec, and for the small copper wire 0.0000021 sec. The author concludes that the magnetic permeability of iron wires exercises an important influence upon the decay of electrical oscilla- tions of high frequency, and O O- D that currents of such frequency as occur in Leyden jar dis- charges magnetize the iron. The data were not sufl&cient to determine whether there was a change of period, but showed that it must be small if such an effect was produced. Professor J. J. Thompson has stated that the presence of iron can affect the rapidly oscillating electric discharges through a rarefied gas. His method of showing the phe- nomena is given in Figure 2. C and D are Leyden jars with a spark-gap in the circuit join- ing their inner coatings, and A and B are two loops in the circuit joining their outer coat- ings. In the loop A is placed a bulb exhausted to such a degree of sensitiveness that a small change in the electromotive intensity acting upon the bulb produced a considerable effect upon the appearance presented by the discharge. If, when the bulb at A is brilliantly illuminated by the discharge through it, an iron rod be placed in B, the discharge in A ceases ; but if a brass rod is placed in B, the discharge in A is unaffected. The author says : " A striking illustration of the difference be- tween iron and other metals is shown when we take an iron rod and place it in B, the discharge in A immediately stops ; if now we slip a brass tube over the iron rod, the discharge in A is at once Fig. 2. 224 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. restored. If, on the other hand, we use a brass rod and an iron tube, when the rod is put in without the tube the discharge is bright. If we slip the iron tube over the rod, the discharge stops." * In a paper upon the " Absorption Power of Metals for the Energy of Electric Waves," t Bjerknes has given some results which show the great damping power of magnetic metals upon electric oscillations of very high frequency (100,000,000 double oscillations per second) . The apparatus used was, in a slightly modified form, the Hertz vibra- tor and circular resonator, but in place of the spark micrometer in the resonating circuit he used a much more exact and sensitive arrange- ment, — a kind of quadrant electrometer with two quadrants to which the ends of the resonating circuit were directly joined. He employed among others resonators of copper, iron, and nickel identical in size and construction. The length of wire in each case was 123 cm. and the diameter 0.5 mm. The length of wire joining the plates of the Hertz vibrator could be varied at pleasure. By varying this, the length of wire necessary for best resonance was found in each case, and the electrometer throws were observed for five different lengths of the primary circuit, including the one for best resonance effects. The graphic representation of these results shows plainly that the metals differ greatly in their power of damping electric oscillation. The electrometer throws were much smaller for the iron and nickel than for the copper, and the curves for iron and nickel come less sharply to a maximum. He further conclusively shows that the damping power of the metals experimented upon increases with their resistance and magnetic susceptibility, and concludes that the magnetic properties of iron and nickel are called into play by their extremely rapid alternations of the magnetizing forces. He notes the fact that the maxima for iron and nickel seem somewhat displaced to one side, which may indicate a greater period, but says that such a displacement of the maxima enters iu case of greater damping, so that best resonance does not corre- spond to exactly equal periods of the two circuits, and adds that a quantitative investigation is necessary to determine to which of the two causes the effect may be referred. From this brief survey of the field, it is seen how, with more exact and refined means of measurement, some of the results expected, when magnetic metals replaced copper in circuits through which rapid electric discharges were taking place, have finally been observed. * Pliil. Mag. (5.), XXXTI. 456. July, 1891. t Poggendorff, Annalen, XL VII. 69. 1892. ST. JOHN. — WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 225 Thompson has shown that iron absorbs more energy than brass when subjected to rapidly alternating magnetizing forces, while Trowbridge and Bjerknes agree in showing that iron and nickle conductors damp out electric waves much more rapidly then copper, and all agree that the magnetic properties of iron are called into play under such conditions. It has seemed to the writer that it was still an interesting and profitable field to investigate whether the magnetic properties of iron were acted upon sufficiently, and in such a way as to produce a change in self-induction that would affect the rate of propagation of electric waves along iron wires. With this end in view, it was sought to simplify some of the apparatus hitherto employed, and to arrange it so that the effect, if observed, could not be due to any other cause than the magnetic properties of the metals experimented upon. Description of the Apparatus. For producing the oscillations, the ordinary Hertz vibrator (Fig. 3) was employed, consisting of two plates of zinc, each 40 cm. square, 61 cm. apart, and mounted upon insulated wooden supports. These supports had square wooden bases that could slide in a grooved plank, so that their distance apart could be easily varied, and by turning the supports through a quarter revolution the plates could be made to face each other or to stand m the same vertical plane. The plates were joined by a conductor of brass 0.5 cm. in diameter, which was connected to the plates by sliding with friction into* brass tubes 15 cm. long sol- dered to the plates. The conductinij wire was broken by a spark gap, provided with brass balls 3 cm. in diameter. Tin balls were tried, and had perhaps a little greater effect in exciting oscillations in the secon- dary ; but they required polishing fully as often as the brass balls. Finally brass balls with platinum faces were used, and were found to be much more constant in effect than either brass or tin. A circular piece of platinum 0.025 cm. thick and 2 cm. in diameter was wedged into a shape to fit the front of the ball and there countersunk so that the joint was smooth. At first a piece of platinum 1 cm. in diameter was tried, but this was too small, and frequently the sparks jumped from the edge of the platinum or brass. These were discarded, and the larger platinum faces employed. In a very few minutes after polishing they would often reach a state that would remain constant through a long series of observations, but frequently several trials would have to be made before such a satisfactory condition was obtained. All the VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 15 226 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. observations given below were made with the platinum-faced balls. For polishing the balls a chamois skin with a very small amount of rouge was used, and sometimes they were finally cleansed with alcohol, but this seemed to be no great advantage. On each side of the spark gap was a hard rubber vertical rod, through which the conducting wire was jjassed and clamped by a screw. These made a firm support, and held the balls rigorously at the fixed distance apart. The leading wires from the induction coil were soldered to closely fitting short brass tubes that were passed over the conducting wires and rested against the rubber supports. They always remained in the same position, and did not need to be disturbed when the balls were removed for polishing. A large induction coil (53 cm. long and 19 cm. in diameter) was used to charge the plates of the vibrator. To excite the coil five storage cells were employed, which woi'ked with uniformly good re- sults. The coil was capable of giving a spark 15 cm. long with this source of electromotive force. A sparking distance of 4-6 ram. was found most effective in producing oscillations in the secondary circuit. The particular feature of the apparatus that applied directly to the investigation was the secondary circuit. In the previous deter- minations of the wave length due to the Hertzian vibration, the arrangement originated by Hertz and modified by Lecher * and by Sarsiu and De la Rive f has been generally employed. In this arrangement secondary disks were placed face to face with the plates of the vibrator, and to each secondary disk a long wire was attached, and these wires then carried through the air parallel to each other, with sometimes an additional disk on the free ends. With such an arrangement no exact adjustment of the length of the secondary circuit was required in order to excite vigorous oscilla- tion in it, for the direct electrostatic induction between the plates of the primary and the disks on the ends of the secondary wires was so great that powerful oscillations were produced along the secondary wires, whatever their length might be, and several systems of waves could be detected which seemed to give experimental grounds for believing that the wave system sent out from the Hertzian vibrator was very complex. The capacity of the vibrator is increased by the presence of these * Poggendorff, Annalen, XLI. 850 t Archives des Sciences Physiques, XXIII. 113. 1890. ST. JOHN. WAVE LENGTHS OP ELECTRICITY. 227 secondary disks so near to the plates of the vibrator, so that the wave length found under these conditions is not due to the simple Hertzian vibrator, but to a very heavy complex oscillating system with some- what obscure internal reactions. Lecher calls attention to the change in the sound of the spark when the two parallel wires of the secondary circuit are bridged across by a conductor, and there is a very marked difference in the spark when the secondary circuit is removed entirely, the spark losing much in body and explosive character. The second- ary under these circumstances must exert a strong reaction upon the primary. It seemed desirable to devise some arrangement depending more directly upon the principle of electrical resonance, and one whose use would not increase the capacity of the vibrator and whose reaction upon the vibrator would be a minimum. This was accomplished by omitting the secondary disks and using simply one wire, as shown in Figure 3. O ^'59 cm p 0 R S Fig 3 The secondary circuit consisted of the long rectangle P Q R S, which was carefully adjusted to resonance by placing the exploring terminals of the bolometer (described later) at P S, and then cutting off the ends of the wire until the length was found that would give the maximum effect. Such a maximum was found when P Q was 859 cm. long. The maximum was sharp and unmistakable, the effect falling off rapidly when the wire was either lengthened or shortened. The result is shown graphically in Figure 4, where, as in all the curves given, distances from Q are used as abscissas and deflections of the galvanometer as ordiuates. 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADERIY. Of 60 w / \ \ 40 / \ / \ SO / \ 1 1 \ \ 20 / 1 \ 1 800 90 0 Fig. 4. To determine the character of the vibration along the wire, the lengths P Q and R S were fixed at 859 cm., the exploring terminals were moved along the rec- tangle, and the bolometer reading taken for each position of the exploring terminals. The graphic representation of the results is shown in Figure 1 of the Plate. The character of the curve indicates a simple form of vibration. The total length of the wire is equiv- alent to seven half wave lengths. The minimum points are very nearly the same dis- tance apart, and the distance from the minimum occurring at 748 cm. to the centre of the side Q R may be taken as three half wave lengths. This furnishes a ready means of calculating the half wave length ; — Q R =z 30 cm. 748 X 15 = 763 cm. 763 -f- 3 — 254.3 cm. = a half wave length. The distance from this minimum to the end of the wire at P should be one fourth wave length, or 127. 15fm. The actual distance is 859 — 748 =111 cm., so that the correction due to the free end of the wire is about 16 cm. To adjust the length of the wire under this arrangement was a work of considerable difficulty ; for in finding the points of maximum effect many trials had to be made, and the wire cut off a few centime- ters at a time and then renewed many times. To remove this source of inconvenience, the ends P and S were wound on wooden bobbins, so that shortening and lengthening could be produced without cutting the wire. This was a marked improvement, but the changing size of the coils, as the wire was shortened or lengthened, varied the capacity at the end slightly, and somewhat irregularly. This led to the adop- tion of the arrangement shown in Figure 5. The secondary circuit consisted of the rectangle K L M N. The side L N was open, and the lengths of the sides K L and M N could be varied between a few centimeters and ten meters. The ends of the wires K L and M N were in reality formed by the small copper ST. JOHN. — WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTKICITY. 229 230 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. boxes L and N. These were 10 cm. square and 4 cm. thick, and mounted upon the wooden bar E by insulating supports. Within the boxes were wooden bobbins fixed to a hard rubber axle, and each capable of holding 10 m. of the largest wire experimented upon. In the front of each box was a small opening for the passage of the wire, but, to assure a firmer contact between the wires and the boxes, a brass block was soldered on the inner side of the front and a bind- ing screw passed in from the outer side of the box. The bar E was fastened to a wooden support resting upon the car, which ran on a wooden track extending the entire length of the room. The car car- ried a brake, so that the wires could be drawn taut, and the wooden screw held the axle from turning. With this arrangement the length of the wires could be varied at will, while the end capacities would remain constant. The end capacities are not a feature desirable for their own sake, as they destroy the perfect simplicity of the plain rec- tangle and seem to detract somewhat from the sharpness of the maxi- mum ; but the gain in convenience, and the possibility of obtaining a large number of observations whose average values can be used, quite overbalance these considerations in most cases where the apparatus may be applied. In the early part of the investigation the " Foucault " mterruptor was used, but it was extremely irregular in its action, and caused endless annoyance. It ran at an ever varying rate, and required repeated adjustment and constant attention. To remedy at least some of these defects, an interrupter actuated by a small electric motor was devised.* The results obtained from this motor-interruptor were so satisfactory that a detailed description is added. A Porter's motor. No. 1 (Fig. 6, M), was used to produce the mo- tion. This was actuated by the current from two storage cells, and it ran at a fairly constant speed. The armature of the motor was wound in three sections, and was thus free from dead points, giving it the great advantage for the present purpose that it could be set in motion simply by closing the circuit, making it possible to control it from the observer's station. The motor was geared to the two-crank shaft K by means of a wheel and pinion. The wheel and pinion liad the ratio of 144 to 24 in the following investigation, but the motor could slide on the brass bed-plate so that pinions of other sizes were avail- able. The speed of the shaft K was about 750 revolutions per min- *This and the other apparatus especially prepared for this investigation, and requiring nmch technical skill in its construction, was made by the mechanician of the laboratory. ST. JOHN. WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 231 ute, and about 25 breaks were produced per second. The plunging rods were thinned down at 0 so tliat they were flexible and gave the required freedom of motion ; they ran through the bed-plate and the brass bar below, which served as guides. The plunging rods carried Fig. 6. lock-nuts by which the flexible coils leading the current from the brass post Q were attached. The lower ends of the plungers were of platinum wire, No. 18. The glass mercury cups had brass bottoms that screwed into the brass arm N, which was adjustable by means of the collar and binding screw L along the pillar P. At P was attnched one pole of the battery actuating the coil, and also one pole of tlie conden'ser in the base of the coil, and at Q was attached one pole of the coil and the other pole of the condenser. 232 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The cups were filled with mercury to a height of about 8 mm., and then filled with alcohol to withiu a few millimeters of the top. They usually required cleaning only after several hours' use, when the surface of the mercury consisted of very fine globules, and sharp breaks of the circuit were not made at each stroke of the plunger, as was indicated by the occasional failure of the spark. The length of the spark was kept constant during the observation, and the character of the spark depended much upon the exact adjustment of the height of the mercury cups of the interruptor. While it and the coil were both in action, the height of the cups was adjusted until the sparks came regularly with a peculiar crashing snap, and showed the bluish white thick body that Professor Hertz described. Both the ear and eye were soon so trained that they gave quick and sure information of the character of the spark, but the ear was better than the eye. The ex- act height of the mercury cups was of the utmost importance, a slight difference in height changing the character of the spark greatly. The exact point was best found by concentrating the attention upon the sound, and then slowly raising or lowering the cups, when suddenly there would seem to be a rhythm between the sound of the interruptor and the snap of the spark, which would disappear with further motion up or down. This rhythm would indicate that for every break of contact there was a corresponding pilot spark between the microm- eter balls. For measuring the effects produced in the secondary circuit, the bolometer as designed by Paalzon and Rubens * was used with most satisfactory results. The bolometer was constructed according to the description given by them in the paper referred to, and differed only in minor details arising from the circumstances and the materials obtainable. The accompanying diagram is theirs, but the following description applies in all its details only to the instrument constructed for this investigation. The bolometer is in reality a double Wheatstone bridge. The four arms of the bridge are the resistances W^, Wg, Wg, W4, of which Wi and W2 are quadrilateral circuits of equal resistance, and Wg and W4 are coils of equal resistance. The quadrilateral A B C D, or Wg, is really a small Wheatstone arrangement, used as one branch of the main bridge. For convenience in description, Wo will be called the " bolometer branch," and the term bridge limited to the Wheatstone * Anwendiing des bolometrischen Princips auf electrische Messungen. PoggendorfE, Annalen, XXXVII. 529. ST. JOHN. WAVE LENGTHS OP ELECTRICITY. 233 Fig. 7. net, of which Wo is a portion. If in the quadrilateral A B C D the sides are of equal resistance, and if then a current be led in at B and out at D, or vice versa, no difference of potential will be produced between A and C ; in the same way, a current can be led in at A and out at C without producing any potential difference be- tween B and D. The two currents can traverse the rec- tangle simultaneously and ex- ert no effect upon each other arising from difference of po- tential. If, after the bolom- eter branch and the bridge are both balanced, a current, alternating or direct, is sent through the bolometer branch W2 from B to D, none of the current will pass through the galvanometer ; but the resist- ance of the branch Wg will be increased by the evolution of heat, and the bridge thrown out of balance, as indicated by the deflection of the galvanometer. The resistances W3 and W4 were coils of fine German silver wire double wound on wooden spools, and of three ohms' resistance each. The quadrilaterals W^ and W^ were of iron wire, radius 0.035 mm., and each side had a resistance of three ohms. The arms of the bolometer branch Wg were balanced before use by means of the slid- ing mercury contact D, so that no deflection was produced in the gal- vanometer when a steady current was passed from B to D. The sliding mercury contact consisted of 20 cm. of No. 18 German silver wire, L M, and a sliding block of brass, D, which contained in its upper surface a small cup-shaped cavity filled rounding full with mercury. The German silver wire was amalgamated to insure a good contact. The contact G was of similar construction. The connections were of No. 18 copper wire, whose resistance was negligible in com- parison with the bridge arms. The adjustment of the bolometer branch, once made, remained constant through the series of observations, but the bridge adjustment by means of the sliding contact G had to be made frequently. To supply the bridge current a Daniell cell was used with a resistance of 5 to 30 ohms in circuit. 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The galvanometer was of the Thompson type and had a resistance of 56.9 ohms, and a figure of merit of 2.3 X 410~*, with a scale distance of 1 m. and scale divisions of 1 mm. The time of a half vibration of tlie needle was 7 seconds. The bolometer resistances were attached to the under side of the cover of a well made box of cherry (33 cm. long, 26 cm. wide, and 8 cm. deep). The resistances Wi and Wg were supported on slender posts, so that they came nearly in the middle of the box, and were equally exposed to the air on all sides. On the upper side of the cover were the binding posts and sliding contacts. This box was placed inside another one of similar construction (47 cm. long, 39 cm. wide, and 23 cm. deep), and the space between was packed with cotton wool. Cords from the sliding contacts were led through the sides of the outer box, so that adjustments of the arms could be made without exposing or touching the bolometer. Even with this pro- tection from thermal changes, much difficulty was experienced when the hot weather came, and the temperature of the room could not be kept constant. It was found, however, that early in the morning very little disturbance was experienced, and most of the observations whose results are reported were recorded before the heat of the morning was much felt in the room containing the bolometer. To use the bolometer for measuring the energy at all places on the wires forming the secondary circuit, the arrangement devised by Rubens* was used. Over the two wires KL and M N (Fig. 5), were slipped thick-walled capillary tubes of glass, about 5 cm. long, and these were held by a small wooden bar, so that they could be slipped along together. This arrangement is spoken of hereafter as the exploring terminals. The ends of the lead-wires to the bolometer were wound once around the tubes and fastened by sealing wax. These formed two Leyden jars of extremely small capacity, and the oscillations of charge on their inner coatings, which were formed by the wires KL and MN, produced rapidly oscillating currents through the bolometer resistance Wo. For leading wires to the bolom- eter silk covered copper wire No. 36 was used that had been drawn through hot paraffine. Larger wires were tried and wires with rubber insulation, but with these the apparatus was less sensitive. The following method was pursued in taking the observations. The interruptor was set in action, the circuit closed through the induction coil, and an observation taken of the first swing of the * Ueber stehendc electrische Wellen in Draliten und deren Messungen. Poggendorff, Annak'n, XLII. 154 ST. JOHN. — WAVE LENGTHS OP ELECTRICITY. 235 needle. The circuits were broken as soon as the needle reached the end of its first swing, and the extent of this excursion was the readino- recorded. In accordance with the experience of Paalzow and Rubens, it was found that a steady deflection could not be obtained, but this first swing was, under like conditions, quite constant, and a preliminary calibration of the instrument by passing currents of known strength through the bolometer branch W^ showed that the square root of the deflection was in a constant ratio to the current. The needle was quickly damped by making and breaking the circuit through the induction coil, with the interruptor in action. The rooms at disposal were very suitable for such an investigation. The main room was 18 ra. long, 6 m. wide, and 5.5 m. high, and it con- tained a very small amount of metal, and as it was in the non-magnetic part of the laboratory that small amount was of brass and bronze except the temporary addition of a small steam radiator in the corner back of the oscillator. The oscillator was placed at 4.5 m. from one end, and the parallel wires ran through the middle of the room at a distance of 1.6 m. from the floor. The leading wires carrying the currents from the batteries were of twisted cable and placed high up against the walls. The bolometer and galvanometer were in an adjoining room, where the observation table was equipped with the keys necessary for complete control of the interruptor and induction coil. By this means it was possible for one person to carry on the in- vestigation, though it was very trying. Not only were the observer's eyps in use, but it was necessary to listen intently to the sparking of the oscillator, as after some experience very slight changes could be detected and a close judgment formed of the steadiness of the spark ; besides, it was necessary to note the sound made by the interruptor, as small variations in its sjieed were easily noticed. The only time the interruptor was likely to sliovv much change in speed was when the battery was beginning to fail, or the brushes had become worn. The theory of the investigation was based upon the principle of electrical resonance. Bjerknes has shown, in the paper previously noted, that, if damped electromotive impulses obeying a sine law be assumed to act upon a secondary circuit, there will be produced in the secondary circuit oscil- lations of the period belonging to the primary impulses, and at the same time oscillations proper to the secondary circuit, and that these induced oscillations will reach their maximum amplitude when the two circuits have the same period. His investigations also show that the oscillations of the Hertz vibrator damp out much more rapidly than 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THK AMERICAN ACADEMY. the oscillations in the secondary, at least when there is no spark gap in the secondary circuit. The sides of the rectangle (Figure 5) were reduced to a few centi- meters in length, so that it could be safely assumed that its period was much shorter than that of the vibrator. The plates of the vibrator were fixed at 61 cm. apart, and the side KM of the rectangular secondary was placed at 6 cm. from the conductor joining the plates of the vibrator, with its centre 0 opposite the spark gap. The sides K L and M N lay in the horizontal plane through the axis of the vibrator, and were held by the end supports at 30 cm. apart. The ap- paratus was symmetrical about a vertical plane through its spark gap normal to the axis. The exploring terminals were kept at L N and bolometer readings taken for each small addition to the length of the sides K L and M N. When best resonance was obtained with the shortest length of the secondary circuit that gave a maximum, it was assumed that the secondary had the same period as the primary, and that its equivalent length was a half wave length, its actual length depending upon the effect due to the free ends. The occurrence of resonance is a very marked phenomenon, even with a vibrator that damps as rapidly as the Hertzian. The following table shows two series of readings for the first maximum when an iron wire was used : — Length of side of rectangle 15 Deflections ...... 107 Deflections 94 There can be no free motion of the electricity at the ends of the secondary circuit, but an accumulation alternately positive and negative and the resulting alternation of potential, the phase at L being always opposite to the phase at N. Elsewhere along the circuit the electri- city moves with more freedom and less accumulation. The point O may be called the electrical middle of the circuit, where the accumula- tion is least and the movement most restrained. The electromotive impulses from the vibrator act directly upon the side K M, so that O remains a point of free motion, or the central segment of the wave, while L and N are always places of no electric motion, or the nodal points. The nodes under this view are the places of greatest poten- tial difference, so that in the graphic representation of tlie results the maximum points of the curves correspond to the nodes, the bolometer throws being the largest when the exploring terminals are placed where the potential difference is greatest. The shortest circuit being 25 35 40.0 42.5 45.0 50 60 75 145 156 194.n 199.2 181.5 140 81 42 119 161 185.0 191.0 178.0 136 76 34 ST. JOHN. — WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 237 a half wave length long, a second resonating circuit ought to be fouud by increasing each side of the rectangle by a half wave length, making the circuit 3 half wave lengths long, and a third when the circuit is 5 half wave lengths long, and so on.* This is evident from a con- sideration of the accompanying diagram. O is the center of a central segment and the points marked 1, 3, 5, are always nodes. 0 O O Fig. 8. From the results that he obtained, Bjerknes concluded that the change of period, if there was such a change, by the use of iron in place of copper, could not exceed two per cent. The difference in length between a copper and an iron circuit of the same period would be very small with circuits a half wave length long, but this difference would be three times as great with circuits 3 half wave lengths long, and there might be a cumulative difference that would finally become measurable by the use of circuits of still greater length. This theory was tested in the following way. A copper wire (diameter 0.1201 cm.) was used as the secondary circuit in Figure 5. The sides were taken 15 cm. long, and then gradually lengthened to 875 cm., and bolometer readings observed for each addition. The results are shown graphically by the upper curve in Figure 4 of the Plate. The critical points in the curve are the re- sults of many separate determinations. The unsteadiness of the spark in the vibrator made the determinations somewhat laborious, though a single series of observations would locate a maximum very closely. After this had been done, a space of about a meter including the maximum point was worked over forward and back, changing its length 2.5 to 5 centimeters at a time in the region of the maximum. To assure the steadiness of the spark during such a series of observations, some convenient length of circuit was chosen as a point of reference, and observations taken before and after the series ; if these showed that the activity of the spark was practically the same, the rendings of the * J. J. Thompson, Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, § 297. 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ST. JOHN. WAVE LENGTHS OP ELECTRICITY. 239 series were retained. The results here given rest upon such readings. An examination of the curve shows four maxima, E, F, G, H, occurring when the sides of the rectangle were 45, 306, 562.5, and 818 cm. long. The additions of wire for the successive maxima after the first were 261, 256.5, and 255.5 cm. These additions should be a half wave length ; the last two are nearly the same, but the first differs by 5 cm. from the average of the last two, which is 256 cm. With the sides fixed 818 cm. long, the wave form along the circuit was determined by sliding the exploring terminals over the wires by short steps, and observing the bolometer throws for each position. The result is shown in Figure 3 of the Plate. The critical points were determined several times, and a method similar to that described above was used to assure the constant activity of the spark. The curve shows three minima, occurring at 240, 496, and 752 cm. Starting from the point O these give half wave lengths of 255, 256, and 256 cm., with an average of 255.6 cm. The third minimum at 752 was determined with care, as it was to be used as a basis for calculating the half wave length. A small error in determining the position of this miniumm would be divided by 3 in obtaining the result, since its distance from O was 3 half wave lengths. The total length of the circuit was 7 half wave lengths. From the third min- imum to the end it was one fourth of a wave length, the capacities bring each equivalent to 62 cm. of the wire. By fixing the length of the rectangle at 562.5 and 306, a similar investigation showed the circuits to be respectively 5 and 3 half wave lengths long. An explanation of the fact mentioned above, that the distance between the first and second maxima was anomalously large, may possibly be this : the sides of the rectangle for the first maximum were but 45 cm. long, so that the effect of the closed end in increas- ing the self-induction was relatively large, and the maximum appeared earlier than it otherwise would ; but when the rectangle was 300 cm. long, the influence of the closed end became relatively small, and the second and future maxima came in the normal positions. In the first case the capacity was mostly local, while in the second it was largely distributed, and the length of the circuit was greater than the wave length. This same effect appeared in every case, and seemed to be a constant phenomenon. The maximum I, omitted from the above discussion, was not con- stantly present, but appeared when the primary spark was particularly active, and seemed to belong to a circuit whose period was to the 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. period of the primary as 5 to 3. The side of the rectangle was 127.5 cm., and the end capacities equivalent to 62 cm. of wire. The half wave length was 30 + 127.5 X 2 + 62 X 2 =: 409. 409 -^ 255.6 = 1.6, nearly. This was the only indication observed of complexity in the vibra- tion of the oscillator. It appears that, when the oscillator is especially active, it can excite a circuit having this ratio to itself, or that the vibration is not a simple one. Time was not at disposal sufficient to decide this point, which is left for future investigation. A comparison of the curve (Fig. 1 of Plate) obtained from the plain wire circuit with the curve (Fig. 3 of Plate) obtained when capaci- ties were fixed on the free ends shows a quite satisfactory agreement in the results, which tends to create confidence in both methods. The half wave length by the first is 254.3 cm., by the second it is 255.6 cm., values which differ by about one half of one per cent. There is a marked difference, as was to be expected, in the form of the curve for the quarter wave length next the free ends. When end capaci- ties were used, the accumulation of charge seemed mainly confined to those out of reach of the exploring terminals, while with the plain wire it seemed distributed over a greater distance, and could be detected by the exploring terminals. In each case the effect of the ends was to make the curve depart from its normal form along the free wire. An annealed iron wire (diameter 0.1186 cm.) was put in place of the copper, and the same series of observations was made as with the copper. The results are shown graphically in the lower curve of the upper pair in Figure 4 of the Plate. The maxima E, F, G, H, appear at 42.5, 301, 553, and 805 cm. ; in each case before the corresponding maxima with the copper, and the difference increases with the length of the circuits, as is evident from an examination of the curves. The successive additions after the first maxima are 258.5, 252, and 252 cm. ; the last two agreeing, while tlie first, as with the copper, is larger. With the sides of the rectangle fixed at 805 cm., the form of the wave was found as shown in Figure 2 of the Plate, The third minimum occurs at 740 cm. Calculating its half wavelength as before, 740 + 15 = 755. 755 ^ 3 = 251.6 cm. This agrees well with the value 252 cm. given above by the last two additions, but differs by 4 cm. from the value found when the copper was used. The same series of observations was repeated with a second pair of finer wires (diameter of copper wire 0.07836 cm., diameter of iron ST. JOHN, — WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 241 0,07850 cm.). The results are shown in the lower pair of curves in Figure 4 of the Plate, the upper one, as before, being the copper. A comparison of the curves shows the same general result, which appears more distinctly from the following table. 1st Maximum. 2d Maximum. 3d Maximum. 4th Maximum, Cu Fe Differ- ence. 2.5 Cu Fe 301 Differ- ence Cu Fe Differ- ence. Cu Fe Differ- ence. Upper pair 45 40 42.5 306 5 562.5 553 9.5 12.0 818 805 13 Lower pair 57.5 2.5 300 294 6 552 540 799 784 15 The successive differences should be in the ratio of 1,3, 5, 7, if the theory of the investigation is correct. The differences for the first two maxima are very small, so that the experimental error in their deter- mination would be relatively large. In the case of the fourth maximum, the damping was so great that it was difficult to fix the point with certainty. The difference for the third maximum was relatively large, and the determination of the maximum point was sharp. Taking this difference as a point of ref- erence, the calculated and observed values are shown in the following table. 1st Maximum. 2d Maximum. 3d Maximum. 4th Maximum. Calcu- lated. Ob- served. Calcu- lated. Ob- served Calcu- lated Ob- served Calcu- lated. Ob- served Upper pair 1.9 2.5 5.7 5 9.5 9.5 13.3 13 Lower pair 2.4 2.5 7.2 6 12.0 12.0 16.8 15 The observed half wave lengths for the four wires were as follows: — ( Copper (diameter 0.1201 cm.), 255.6 cm. (Iron (diameter 0.1126 cm.), 251.6 cm. j Copper (diameter 0.07836 cm.), 251.6 cm. i Iron (diameter 0.07850 cm.), 246.8 cm. The wires in each pair were as near the same diameter as could be found, the iron of the larger pair having slightly the smaller diameter, VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 16 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. but the copper being the smaller one in the second case. In other respects the circuits compared were as nearly identical as possible. The capacity per unit length being the same for wires of the same diameter, the shortening of the wave length when iron displaced cop- per of the same diameter must be caused by an increase in self-induc- tion due to the magnetic properties of the iron. If this is true, it means that the magnetization of iron can be produced and reversed 115 million times per second. This reduces the " time-lag" of mag- netization to a very small (quantity, if magnetizing forces of such duration are capable of bringing the magnetic properties of the iron into play. In the case of extremely rapid oscillations, Prof. J. J. Thompson has shown (Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, § 295) that 2 v" approximately y^ — 77-7^? where — -g is the square of the frequency, and L' is the self-induction for any rapid oscillations, and G the capacity of the system. It is easy from this to calculate an approxi- mate value for the ratio between the self-induction per unit length of the iron and the copper. Let L = the self-induction of the copper per unit length. Let L' = the self-induction of the iron per unit length. Let C = the capacity of either per unit length. Usins: as a basis of calculation the data from the third maximum G of the curves of Figure 4 of the Plate, the total length of the copper circuit (diameter 0.1201 cm.) is: — The sides, 562.5 x 2 = 1125 cm. The closed end, = 30 cm. The equivalent of the end capacities. 02x2= 124 cm. 1279 cm. For the iron (diameter 0.1186 cm.) the length is : — The sides, 553 X 2 = 1106 cm. The closed end, = 30 cm. The equivalent of the end capacities, 61 X 2 = 122 cm. 1 258 cm. Since the two circuits have the same frequency, the products of the self-induction by the capacity are equal. 12532 Z' Q^ 1279' LO. ^ = 1.034. ST. JOHN. — WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 243 In the same way, for j Copper (diameter 0.0884 cm.) Z^ _ ^ ^^^ (Iron (diameter 0.08847 cm.) L~ ' \ Copper (diameter 0.07836 cm.) L' _ ( Iron (diameter 0.07850 cm.) L By the use of Lord Rayleigh's formula for induction under very rapid oscillations, it is easy to calculate the permeability of the iron, since the ratio between the self-induction of the iron and copper are given by the previous calculation. Lord Rayleigh's formula is Z' = / where / is the total length of the circuit ; A^ a constant depending only on the form of the circuit, or / ^ is the self-induction of a similar copper circuit; p., the permeability; i?, the resistance; /> = 2 7rre, where n is the number of complete oscillations per second. The value ol 'p ^ 1 irn = 360,000,000. R for iron wire diameter 0.1186 cm. = .1328 ohms per sec. " " " 0.08847 cm. = .227 " " " " " 0.0785 cm. = .301 " " For iron diameter 0.1186 cm. L! ^ \m\L = l {'-^O' L + M4L= L + ly^,, ^ 2pl V 2vl' - > Calculating the value of L for a copper circuit / units long, substi- tuting the value in the above equation, and solving, we find : — For the iron wire diameter 0.1186 cm. ft = 430 " « " 0.08847 cm. fx = 389 '^ « " 0.0785 cm. fx = 336 These values for the permeability all fall within a reasonable limit, and have for an average /* = 385. These are the values found for different specimens of wire made by the same company, but the speci- mens were wound and unwound and stretched many times during the series of observations. 244 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Besides the shortening of the wave length due to the increased self-induction of the iron, there is shown a decided increase in the damping, as has already been observed by Trowbridge and Bjerknes. In Fiirure 4 of the Plate the curves for iron fall below the corre- spondiug ones for copper, but owing to the change in the activity of the primary spark no exact measurement was made. It was only ob- served that the bolometer throws with the copper circuit were always greater than those with the iron circuit of same dimensions when the spark was constant as far as the eye and ear could judge. A value for the damping factor €~27. can be calculated for the iron and the copper. Lord Rayleigh's formula for the resistance under very rapid oscillations is; R = ^/^plfxR. For iron wire circuit (diameter 0.1186 cm.), I = 1258 ; fji = A30; R= 1.67 X 109 . p = Ux lO^; whence 72' = 403 X 109; Z' = 34 X 10^ The damping factor becomes e"*' ^ ^" '. The time required for the amplitude to fall to one half of its max- imum value is found from the equation | = e"^'^^" ': t = .000000115 sec. On the basis of 115,000,000 alternations per second, the number of complete oscillations in this time is 6.5. A similar calculation for the corresponding copper circuit gives nearly sixty times as many. It has been suggested that the greater damping of the iron might give an apparent change of wave length. If the iron circuit is chosen too short, and the maximum point is sought by adding to the length of the wire, the increase of length would increase the damping and tend to diminish the bolometer throws while the approach to the point of resonance would tend to increase the effect on the bolometer ; the two in fact would work against each other. If, on the other hand, the circuit be chosen too long, and resonance is sought by shortening the wire, the two would work together. If the damping plays an important part we might expect different results under these conditions. Iron wire (diam. 0.08847 cm.) was used, and the circuit shortened until the sides were 15 cm. long and the first ST. JOHN. WAVE LENGTHS OF ELECTRICITY. 245 maximum poiut was found by gradually lengthening the wire; It was then found by gradually shortening the wire from an initial length of 60 cm. for tlie sides of the rectangle. The results are shown in Figure 9 where the upper curve is based on the data found when short- ening the wire, and the lower on the data found when length- ening it. The two differ by less than a centimeter, which is as near as two determina- tions could be expected to agree. In all determinations of the crit- ical points of the curves shown, reading's were taken both for- ward and back, and the averages used as data for the curves. Another result of the investigation is apparent when copper circuits are compared in which wires of different diameters are used. 3d Max G Copper wire, diameter 0.12010 cm. " " " 0.08840 cm. « « " 0.07836 cm. '* " " 0.03915 cm. O 2ry o Fig. 9. 562.0 553 5 552.0 535.0 The half wave lengths calculated from this maximum are : — Copper (.01201 cm.) ' 255.8 cm. " (.08840 cm.) 252.2 cm. " (.07836 cm.) 251.6 cm. (.03915 cm.) 244.8 cm. These are found by taking the total length of the circuit, and dividing by 5. 535 X 2 = 1070 cm., length of wires. 30 cm., length of closed end. 62 X 2 — 124 cm., equivalent of end capacities. 1224 cm. 1224 -^ 5 244.8 cm. The results here presented differ from those hitherto given, and particularly from those of the late Professor Hertz ; but his investiga- 246 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tions were made with the spark micrometer as a measuring instru- ment, and the same is true of Dr. Lodge's work with the alternate path. The adaptation of the bolometer principle to this purpose furnishes a much more accurate means of determining wave lengths and the occurrence of resonance. It is not surprising that a change of wave length of less than two per cent escaped detection by the spaik micrometer method. The difference between copper and iron increases as the diameter of the wires diminishes ; with wires 2 mm. in diameter, the size mostly used by Hertz, the difference would be exceedingly small. The range of wires suitable for the study of the phenomena is rather limited. If the wires are larger than 1 mm. in diameter, the difference between iron and copper is slight ; while with wires less than 0.5 mm. in diameter the damping is so great that long wires can- not be used and advantage cannot be taken of the cumulative effect which is the basis of the present method. There is no disagreement between the results here given and those reported by Trowbridge and Bjerknes. The circuits Trowbridge used were so long that the iron damped the oscillation too rapidly, and the circuits used by Bjerknes were so short that the difference between the copper and iron could not be determined with certainty. I wish to express my great obligation to Professor John Trowbridge for the encouragement and suggestions that I have received from him, and for his kindness in placing the resources of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory so completely at my disposal. Conclusions. 1. The self-induction of iron circuits is greater than that of similar copper circuits under very rapid electric oscillations (115,000,000 reversals per second). This change in self-induction varies from 3.4 to 4.3 per cent in the present investigation, and increases with decreas- ing diameters. 2. The increase in self-induction produces greater damping, and a shortening of the wave lengtli of between 1.5 and 2 per cent. 3. The permeability /m of annealed iron wires under this rate of alternation is about 385. 4. For oscillations of the same period, the wave length along parallel copper wires varies directly with the diameter of the wires. Range of wires used 0.03915 cm. to 0.1201 cm. The maximum de- crease observed is 5 per cent. Jeffkrsox Physical Laboratory, July 24, 1894. SPALDING AND SHAW. — COEFFICIENT OF SELF-INDUCTION. 247 X. A HEAT METHOD FOR MEASURING THE COEFFI- CIENT OF SELF-INDUCTION. By p. G. Spalding and H. B. Shaw. Presented by Professor John Trowbridge, May 9, 1894. The coefficient of self-induction of a coil having an iron core and traversed by an alternating current depends upon the permeability of the iron, and therefore upon the current strength, in a manner which can be seen by examining the hysteresis curves of Ewing and others. If the coil has no iron core, its coefficient of self-induction is con- stant for all current strengths, and may be measured by some method where the current used is small, " Rayleigh's bridge method," for instance. If we try to calculate the coefficient of self-induction when a coil with an iron core is subjected to an alternating current, we have a practically impossible problem ; but if we regard the effects as a whole, we can measure the effective coefficient of self-induction for any given impressed electromotive force. The effective coefficient of self-induction of a coil having an iron core may be defined as the equal of the constant coefficient of that coil which would give the same integral current flow as the former under the given conditions. Let us first examine the case theoretically. Given a simple branched circuit and an impressed electromotive force which varies as the ordinate of a sine curve, we obtain the following for the values of the currents in the two branches : — (1) «i = sin (jo < -f ^i) ; (2) ^2 = , sin {p t -{■ B^)', 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. where, according to Figure 1, i?i and R^ are the resistances ; L^ and L^ the constant coefficients of self-induction, in the two branches ; /f. Ir Fig. 1. p ^= 2 IT n\ I, I\, and I^ are the maximum values of ^, ?'i , and ^2, or the square root of their mean square values multiplied by the square root of 2.* Formula? (1) and (2) may be written z\ — /i sin {j) t + ^i), i2 = I2 sin {p t -\- 6^; where (3) A= iVR^ + fW V(Ri + R,r+p'{L, + L,y (4) i,= iVB^+rL^ Dividing (3) by (4), we obtain (5) whence = 0, I, _^/R,^ + p^L,^ h VR^' + p'L^ and if Lg (6) ^' = l^RHr\ -'>-'■' so that by measuring p, Ri, Ro, and -y? , we can calculate the value of L,. " ^' Now, considering the practical case, we see that, though the current curve is distorted by the varying permeability of the iron core and * See Fleming, Alternate Current Transformer, I. 133. SPALDING AND SHAW. — COEFFICIENT OF SELF-INDUCTION. 249 the armature reactions of the alternator, yet a definite current passes through each of the two branches, so that equations (5) and (6) still hold, though Li is no longer constant throughout an alternation but is the effective coefficient of self-induction defined above. The practical proof of our conclusion is an easy one. A constant Zi is measured, first by Rayleigh Bridge and then by our heat method. The experiment was briefly this. An alternating current was divided between two circuits, both of which had known resistances ; one circuit contained a coil with no iron core whose coefficient of self-induction was to be measured ; the other branch, for simplicity, had no self-induction. The ratio of the currents was determined by the amounts of heat generated in known parts of the two circuits' The connections are shown in Figure 2. .4 is a suitable alternator, the one used had a frequency of 200 '^'. a and c are heat coils of German silver wire wound non-inductively ; the resistance of each was 1.288 ohms, and they were placed in oil in order to measure the heat generated, h is the coil whose coefficient of self-induction is to be measured ; it had no iron core. (^ is a resist- ance coil, proportioned to make the currents in the two branches about equal ; it was wound non-inductively and placed in oil to keep it cool. A known standard of variable self-induction might be used and would be less trouble to adjust. The heat developed in the two heat coils, was measured by a thermoelectric junction and a delicate galvanometer ; one end of the junction was kept in melting ice, and the other end measured the heat of each coil in turn. The quantities of oil in the two were equal, so that the ratio of the galvanometer readings gave the ratio of the heat generated in the two. We found it desirable to protect our lead-wires from air currents, and to pack the jars containing the heat coils. 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ^ The periodicity was measured by taking the speed of the alternator continuously during the test, it being necessary that the speed be constant, or nearly so. The value of the coefficient of self-induction as measured by a large number of trials with Rayleigh's Bridge and the heat method com- pared as follows : — Rayleigh's Bridge. Heat Method. .0157 henrys. .0159 - .0164 henrys. We then tested the effect of permeability and periodicity by putting an iron core into this same coil. The results were : — p = 629 Li = .066 henrys. p = 1332 Zi = .029 " These last results have to be considered with caution, as the im- pressed electromotive force is changed by changing the periodicity. This gives an easy practical method of determining the coefficient of self-induction under the ordinary conditions of use, which, so far as we know, none of the various methods attempt to do. The method was suggested by Professor Trowbridge. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, March 1, 1894. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 251 XI. RESEARCHES ON THE COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. By Wolcott Gibbs, M. D., Rumford Professor Emeritus in Harvard University. Presented August 1, 1894. (Continued from Vol. XXI., page 128.) Platino-Tdngstates. In a notice of these and corresponding compounds of molybdenum published some years since,* and intended to be only preliminary, I pointed out the analogy between them and the silico-tungstates of Marignac. The notice in question requires correction in several par- ticulars, and I shall here give the results of a more complete investiga- tion, conducted with better facilities for work and with a much wider acquaintance with the whole class of complex acids. Platiuic hydrate, like silicic hydrate, dissolves when boiled with solutions of alkaline tungstates belonging to the meta-tungstic series. Platiuo-tungstates are formed under these circumstances, but various conditions require to be considered. In general I have been accus- tomed to prepare the hydrate Pt(OH)^ by Fremy's method, that is, by boiling a solution of platinic chloride with a large excess of sodic hydrate for some time and then adding acetic acid in small excess, when the platinic hydrate separates as a pale buff-yellow slimy com- pound to be washed by repeated decantation with cold water. When the last portions of saline matter have been removed the wash-water becomes turbid and settles only after very long standing. The hydrate obtained in this way sometimes dissolves very readily in hot solutions of alkaline tnngstates, sometimes only after long boiling, and sometimes IS almost insoluble. The process is therefore an uncertain one at best. The platino-tungstates formed have a yellow or orange-yellow color and in many cases crystallize well. By the process which I have given it is usually difficult to obtain perfectly saturated compounds * Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellscliaft, X. 1384. 1877. 252 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. unless a rather large excess of platinic hydrate is employed. When this is the case a greater or less quantity of a deep orange-red solution is sometimes formed, which on standing deposits a dark tarry mass in case the sodic tungstate is employed. In place of sodic hydrate I have also used baric hydrate in prejjaring a soluble form of the platinum compound, but in this case also the platinic hydrate, according to varying conditions, varied very much in solubility. When platinic hydrate is boiled with a solution of 10:4 sodic tung- state the latter being in large excess, yellow solutions are sometimes formed which on evaporation and standing yield large crystalline masses with a fine yellow color and strong lustre. These crystals con- sist essentially of the 10 : 4 sodic salt, 10 WO3 . 4 NagO + 23 aq., but they contain a greater or less proportion of a platinic compound which — water of crystallization apart — has probably the formula 10 WO3. PtOa . 4 Na^O, and which appears to be isomorphous with the tungstate. A compound of this kind gave on analysis figures which corresponded very closely with the formula, 10 WO3 . PtOa . 4 Na.O + 2 {10 WO, . 4 NagO} + 72 aq. We may have here a combination of two isomorphous salts, hav- ing respectively the formulae, IOWO3. PtOg . 4 Na^O + 26 aq., and 10 WO3 . 4 NaoO + 23 aq. The analyses of two different preparations of the salts correspond very closely. The difficulty of obtaining definite compounds by direct solution of platinic hydrate led me to another method, which may be used with much advantage. Pure crystallized sodic tungstate is to be dissolved in water, a rather large excess of sodic hydrate added, and a neutral or nearly neutral solution of platinic chloride added to the boiling solution in small portions at a time. Platinic hydrate is formed and instantly dissolved. The chloride is to be added until a distinct excess of Pt(0H)4 is present. Acetic acid is then to be added in small excess. Alcohol then often throws down a dark tarry mass which contains one or more saturated platino-tungstates. When the projjortion of platinic chloride necessary happens to be exact, a beautiful orange-colored clear solution is formed which on cooling or evaporation deposits an abundance of beautiful yellow needles or prisms easily purified by recrystallization. By this process a definite salt may be prepared in a very short time and in large quantity. Different salts are, however, formed under different conditions, and further investigations must show whether it is possible by using definite quantities of platinic chloride and of sodic tungstate to obtain uniform results as regards the constitu- GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 253 tion of the salt formed. It is indispensable to employ pure platinic chloride or chlorplatinates. Even traces of iridium give a greenish tint to the platino-tungstates formed, a fact which misled me in my earlier experiments. Contrary to my preliminary statement, I now find, on more prolonged study, no isomeric platino-tungstates. 10:1:6 Sodic Platino-tung state. 12:5 sodic tungstate very readily dissolves platinic hydrate in its soluble form, and gives a fine deep orange-colored solution which on standing yields a mass of ill defined dull orange crystals. These may be redissolved, recrystallized, and dried on woollen paper. Of these crystals : 1.1460 grams gave 0.8430 gram Pt + WO3 — 73.56 per cent. 1.1806 grams gave 0.0686 gram Pt + WO3 = 73.57 " 1.1806 grams gave 0.0706 gram platinum = 5.98 " 1.1460 grams gave 0.8695 gram platinum ^= 6.06 " 1.8770 grams gave 0.7774 gram WO3 = 67.83 0.8770 gram lost on ignition 0.1397 gram oxygen and water, = 15.93 per cent. The analyses lead to the formula, 10 WO3 . PtOa. 6 NaaO + 28 aq., which requires : — Calculated. Mean. Found. 10 WO3 2320 67.79^ 67.65) 67.56 67.83 \ 74.40 } 74.65 PtOa 226.5 6.61 ) 7.00 j 6.96 6 Na.O 372 10.87 ) 10.51 V- 25.60 28 H2O 504 14.73 ) 14.94 3422.5 100.00 The soda being estimated by difference. It is remarkable that this salt contains six molecules of base instead of four, all known silico- tungstates being tetrabasic. The solution of this salt when shaken with a solution of potaSsic bromide gives an amorphous pasty mass with a deep orange-red color. In the analysis of this class of com- pounds it is best to determine the platinum by ignition with sodic carbonate. On treatment of the fused mass with water, the plati- num remains as metal, and the tungsten may then be determined in the filtrate in the usual manner. Nearly all the analyses were made in this way, sodic oxide being determined by difference. In some cases, however, tungstic and platinic oxides were precipitated together by mercurous nitrate and mercuric oxide. 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 20 : 1 : 9 Sodic Platino-tung state. In one experiment in which I boiled a portion of pure sodic tuugstate with a considerable excess of sodic hydrate, and added to the boiling solution chlorplatinic acid (PtClglia) in small portions at a time, a fine yellow solution was formed, after addition of an excess of acetic acid, which soon deposited a mass of topaz-yellow crystals. This could be redissolved and re- crystallized without decomposition. The mother liquor appeared to contain one or two other salts. Of this salt : (1) 1.4847 grams lost on ignition 0.2453 gram = 16.52% 0+ H2O. (4) 1.4154 grams lost on ignition 0.2349 gram = 16.61 % O + HgO. (2) 1.4847 grams gave 0.0466 gram platinum = 3.73% PtOg. (3) 1.0976 grams gave 0.0345 gram platinum := 3.65% Pt02. x-N ( 1.4154 grams gave 1.0467 grams platinum ^= 3.83%. \ 1.4154 grams gave 1.0129 grams WO3 = 71.57%. (6) 1.4847 grams gave 1.0619 grams WO3 = l\.bO%. The analyses lead to the formula, 20 WO3 . PtOa . 9 Na^O -\- 58 aq., which requires ; Calculated, Mean. Found. 20 WO3 4640 71.73 71.53 71.57 71.50 PtOa 226.5 3.50 3.74 3.73 3.65 3.83 9 Na^O 558 8.63 8.68 8.67 58 H.O 1044 16.14 16.05 16.00 16.09 6468.5 100.00 The solution of this salt has a strongly acid reaction with litmus. It gives with ammonic chloride beautiful colorless scaly crystals, slightly soluble in cold but soluble in boiling water, exactly resembling in appearance the sodio-ammonic tungstate, 12 WO3 . IS^a^O . 4 (NHJgO? and containing nd platinum. This reaction seems to support the view that the compound is a double salt, and we may perhaps assume that it is represented by the formula, 10 WO, . 4 NaaO + 10 WO3 . PtOg . 5 NagO + 58 aq. The principal reactions of this salt are as follows : — With AgN03 ^ white fine grained crystalline precipitate settling slowly. With TINO3 a similar precipitate in rather coarser grains. With SO^Cu a very pale blue or bluish white fine grained precipitate. With HgNOg a bright yellow amorphous precipitate. With Co(NH3)f,Cl3 a pale bull precipitate quickly becoming crystal- line in leaves. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 255 A quantity of this platino-tungstate was precipitated by a solution of mercurous nitrate. The fine yellow mercurous salt was well washed and then decomposed by dilute chlorhydric acid, the platino-tungstate being in very small excess. The clear yellow filtrate on spontaneous evaporation deposited a pale yellow substance which may prove to be the corresponding acid. 30:2:15 Sodic Platino-tungstate. This salt was obtained under the same conditions as the last, and formed granular efflorescent dull yellowish crystals readily soluble in water. Of this salt : 1.3231 grams gave 0.9787 gram WO3 + Pt == 73.97 per cent. 1.3231 grams gave 0.0510 gram platinum = 4.49 per cent PtOg. 1.0144 grams gave 0.0410 gram platinum = 4.70 per cent PtOg. 1.5776 grams lost on ignition with WO^Nag 0.2657 gram 0 + HgO = 16.71 per cent. 1.5776 grams gave 1.1059 grams WO3 = 70.06 per cent. 1.3231 grams gave 0.9271 gram WO3 = 70.03 per cent. The analyses lead to the formula, 30 WO3 . 2 PtOa . 15 NaoO + 89 aq., which requires : Calculated. Found. 30 WO3 6960 69.98 70.03 70.06 2 PtOa 453 4.56 4.49 4.70 15 Na^O 930 9.35 9.24 89 H2O 1602 16.11 16.18 9945 A solution of this salt also gives white scaly crystals with potassic and ammonic salts. It gives a white flocky precipitate with baric chloride, and a pale yellow flocky crystalline precipitate with mercurous nitrate. The compound is probably, like the last described, a double salt and may have the formula, 10 WO3 . 3 NaaO . H2O + 2 {10 WO3 . PtOg . 6 NaaO} + 88 aq. The solution of the salt is acid to litmus. Analysis by Dr. Morris Loeb. 30 : 1:12 Sodie Platino-tungstate. I obtained this salt by boiling platinic hydrate with 10:4 sodic tungstate for some time in a plati- num vessel. It formed very large masses of honey-yellow heavy crystals, very easily soluble in water. Of this salt ■ 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 1.1441 grams lost on gentle heating 0.1583 gram water = 13.84%. 0.9383 gram lost on gentle heating 0.1313 gram water ^ 13.99%. 1.8069 grams gave 1.4033 grams WO3 + Pt = 77.66%. 0.8809 gram gave 0.6847 gram WOg+Pt = 77.72%. * gram gave gram platinum == 2.46% Pt02. The analyses agree with the formula, 30 WO3 . PtO^ . 12 NaaO + 72 aq., which requires : Calculated. Found. 30 WO3 6960 75.44 75.53 75.43 PtOa 226.5 2.45 2.46 12 NaaO 744 8.06 8.15 72H2O 1296 14.05 13.84 13.99 9226.5 100.00 In the analyses the water was determined by heating in an air-bath, and not by ignition. No correction for oxygen of PtOg is therefore applied. The solution of the salt gives the characteristic white scaly crystals with NH4CI and KCl, and as in the last two cases we may safely assume that the compound is a double salt. The most probable formula considering the mode of formation is, 10 WO3 . PtOa . 4 NasO + 2 {10 WO3 . 4 NagO} + 72 aq. From the above it appears that, strictly speaking, none of the com- pounds described correspond to the silico-tungstates of Marignac, all of which appear to contain four molecules of basic oxide. Such plati- num compounds may, however, exist in combination, as seems to be shown in the salts last described. The other metals of the platinum group will probably be found to form similar compounds. Want of material has prevented a careful study of the subject, but a number of qualitative tests made with small quantities of salts of iridium, ruthenium, palladium, and osmium ap- peared to show clearly that these metals also form compounds with tungstic and raolybdic oxides analogous to those of platinum. 8:2:3 Platino-mohjbdate of Ammonium. When freshly prepared sodic platinate NaoO . 3 Pt02 is boiled with a solution of 14 : 6 am- monic molybdate, it readily dissolves to an orange-yellow liquid, which after a time deposits beautiful lemon-yellow crystals, which may be easily purified by recrystallization. The salt dissolves rather easily in * The data of this analysis were accidentally lost. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 257 cold, and very readily in hot water. The solution gives with argentic nitrate a pale yellow flocky precipitate which becomes crystalline on standing. With mercurous, mercuric, and thallous nitrates it gives pale yellow flocky precipitates not distinctly crystalline and settling quickly. With nitrate of croceo-cobalt the solution gives a beautiful bright yellow crystalline salt. The formula of the ammonium salt is, 8 M0O3 . 2 PtOo. 3(NH,)20 + 12 aq., as the following analyses show : 1.7831 grams gave 0.3554 gram Pt = 19.94% = 23.21% Pt02. 0.5425 gram gave 0.1075 gram Pt = 19.82% = 23.09% PtOg. 0.4354 gram gave 0.0868 gram Pt = 19.92% = 23.15% PtOg. 1.0407 grams gave 0.0535 gram NHg =z 5.14%. 0.5149 gram gave 0.0405 gram NH3 = 5.14%. 0.5878 gram gave 0.0459 gram NHg = 5.14%. 1.2015 grams lost on ignition with WO^ Nag 0.2663 gram 22.17% H^O + NH3 + O. 0.8368 gram lost on ignition with WO^ 0.1876 gram 22.42% HgO + NH3 + 0. Calculated. Mean. Found. 8 M0O3 1152 58.27 57.83 2 PtOs 453 22.91 23.15 ^23.21 23.09 23.15 6 NH3 102 5.16 5.14 5.14 5.14 5.14 15 H2O 270 1977 13.66 100.00 13.88 13.76 14.01 Other salts of this series may be prepared from the ammonium salt by precipitating its solution with mercurous nitrate and decomposing the well washed mercurous salt by solutions of the chlorides of other metals. 4:2:2 Platino-molyhdnte of Ammonium. The solution from which the yellow ammonium salt first described separated by crystalli- zation gave on evaporation a dark colored liquid over a heavy oily deep brown-red substance. This last was washed with a little ice-cold water and gradually dried to a transparent dark brown-red ma§s which broke up into clean sharp brilliant fragments. Of this salt : 0.4502 gram lost on careful heating 0.1297 gram = 28.81% HoO + NH3 -f O. 0.4502 gram gave 0.1226 gram platinum — 31.63% PtOo. 0.5398 gram gave 0.0402 gram (NH,).,0 = 4.91 % NHg. 0.4917 gram gave 0.0369 gram (NHJ2O = 4.87% NHg. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 17 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The analyses lead to the formula, 4 M0O3 • 2 Pt02 . 2 (NH4)20 + 19 aq., which requires : Calculated. Found. 4 M0O3 576 40.03 39.56 2 PtOa 453 31.48 31. G3 4NH3 68 4.72 4.91 4.87 19 H2O 342 23.77 23.97 1439 100.00 As in the last case the molybdic oxide is estimated by difference which in the present state of our knowledge of analysis is the most accurate method. The salt can hardly have been absolutely pure. Water decomposes it and gives an opaque buff-yellow compound which I have not examined. It will be seen from the above that the platino- molybdates described do not correspond in general composition with the only silico-molybdates known in which the ratio of molybdic to silicic oxide is as 12:1, Rammelsberg * has described a molybdate of the dioxide and ammo- nium which has the formula, 4 M0O3 . 2 MoO., . (NH,).,0 + 9 aq. lu endeavoring to prepare a class of stanno-tungstates I obtained a sodium salt the solution of which gave on evaporation a hard nearly colorless glassy mass. This gave on analysis results which did not correspond very well, but the mean of several led to the formula, 4 WO,, . 2 SnOs . NaoO + 7 aq. The compound deserves further study, and is not without interest in connection with the two salts noticed above. 60 : 1 : 1 0 Platino-molybdate of Potassium. This salt was obtained by boiling potassic molybdate with an excess of potassic hydrate, and adding a solution of PtCl,;H2 ""til platinic hydrate which at first dis- solves as fast as formed, was in small excess. Acetic acid was then added to an acid reaction. On standing fine granular yellow crystals were formed in quantity. These were dissolved in hot water and recry stall i zed. Of this salt : 0.5191 gram gave 0.0098 gram Pt = 2.20% PtOj. 0.5191 gram gave 0.5665 gram M0S3 = 81.85% M0O3. * Poggendoff, Annalen, CXXVII. 291. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 259 0.6459 gram lost on ignition with WO^Na^ 0.0447 gram = 6.92% O + H2O = 6.61 H2O. 1.2241 grams lost on ignition with WO^Na^ 0.0872 gram = 7.12% O + H2O = 6.81 H2O. The analyses lead to the formula, 60 M0O3 . Pt02 . 10 K2O + 40 aq., which may be written provisionally as 1 2 M0O3 . PtOs . 2 ICO . 4 HoO + 4 {1 2 M0O3 . 2 Kp . 3 H^O} + 24 aq. The formula requires : Calculated. Found. 60 M0O3 8640 82.04 81.85 Pto/ 226.5 2.16 2.20 10 KOo" 994 8.97 9.24 40 H26 720 6.83 6.61 6.81 10530.5 100.00 This salt is readily soluble in hot water without apparent decompo- sition. It gives a very pale yellow crystalline precipitate with argentic nitrate and a pale greenish blue precipitate with cupric sulphate, which is soluble in an excess of this last. Rosenheim has recently described * another platind-tungstate with the empirical formula, 7 WO3 . 2 PtO. . 5 NaoO + 35 aq., and regards it as a double salt, 7 AVO3 . 3 NaoO + 2 {PtO., . Na^O} + 35 aq. This salt was obtained by boiling normal sodic tungstate, WO^Naj, in concentrated solution with platinic hydrate, and presented small yellow needles which could not be recrystallized without decomposition. He did not succeed in obtaining platino-tungstates by boiling platinic hydrate with various meta-tungstates, and suggests that the three salts which I described in my preliminary notice were mixtures of meta- tungstates (para-tungstates) and platinic oxide. They were, on the contrary, perfectly well defined and crystallized, as were also the platino-tungstates and platino-molybdates described in this paper. Further investigation will probably show that a number of other salts can be obtained by the method which I have described in which the * Berichte der deutschen chera. Gesellschaft, XXIV. 2397. 260 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. platinic hydrate is brought in contact with acid tungstates or molyb- dates in the nascent state. Phospho-platino-tungstates and similar molybdenum compounds appear also to exist. A solution of 24 : 1 : 2 phospho-tungstate of sodium readily dissolves platinic hydrate on boil- ing, and gives an orange-colored solution which after filtration and evaporation deposits ill defined orange crystals. When a solution of ammonic chloride is mixed with the solution obtained as above, a beau- tiful orange crystalline salt is thrown down. In a preliminary notice published in 1877,* I have described the preparation and properties of platiuo-tungstates having respectively the formulas 10 WO3 . PtO, . 4 NaaO 4- 25 aq ; 10 WO3 . PtOa . 4 K2O + 9 aq. ; 10 WO3 . PtO. . 4 (NH,). O + 12 aq. ; and of a platino-molybdate with the formula 10 M0O3 . PtOa . 4 NagO + 29 aq. All of these tungstate compounds were obtained by boiling 10WO3.4Na2O + 23aq. •with the soluble form of platinic hydrate. The molybdenum compound was obtained in a similar manner, but I am not now able to state what acid molybdate of sodium was employed. I have not succeeded in obtaining these compounds a second time, and in the long interval of time which has elapsed since the publication of my preliminary notice the notes of description and analyses have been lost. I can only express my conviction that more extended investigations will show that no error has been made, and that the compounds unite as described. I will further remark, that, taking the analyses which I have given in this paper, it may be possible to give simpler formulas for some at least of the salts described. The formulas given represent I believe most accurately the results of the analyses, but as the per- centages of platinum are relatively small the quotients of these per- centages by the atomic mass of platinum are very small divisors. Ou the other hand, the quotients obtained by dividing the i)ercentages of tungstic or molybdic oxide by the molecular masses of tungstic or molybdic oxide are relatively very large, and the ratio between the two quotients in question becomes somewhat uncertain. The com- pounds which I have obtained by the method which I have given of bringing platinic oxide in statu nascenti into contact with the solutions * Rerichte rler deutschen chem. Gesellschaft, X. 1384. Am. Journ. of Sci- ence, [3.], XIV. 61. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 261 of acid tuugstates or molybdates gives such well defined and beautifully crystalline salts that the subject will doubtless attract the attention of other chemists. I will make the suggestion that possibly the salts which I described in my preliminary notice may be obtained by add- ing ammonic chloride to solutions of the double salts described in this paper, so as, in the case of the tungstic compounds at least, to pre- cipitate the tungstic oxide not combined with platinic oxide in the form of 10 WO3 . 4 Na^O + 4 {10 WO3 . 4 (NHJ.O} + ,50 aq., or an analogous salt. The solution should then contain only a platino- tungstate. The application to the platiuo-molybdates described is less probable. Second Series of Pyrophospho-Tungstates and Pyrophos- pho-molybdates. When sodic pyrophosphate is added in excess to a solution contain- ing a metallic salt, the precipitate which is at first found is in many caseg redissolved with formation of a double salt of sodium and the metal in question. In a certain number of cases, the heavier metal in the new compound is not replaceable under ordinary conditions, and does not exhibit its characteristic reactions with tests. These facts are of course familiar to all chemists. Persoz supposed that these salts might be represented, in the case of divalent metals, by the general formula, as we should now write it, PAR" + P20,Na„ and that the group P2O7R" was to be regarded as electro-negative to the group PoOjrNa^, so that the compound would be simply analogous to ClNa. If we write the double salt PsO-R'^Na,, we may regard the complex PoO-R" as playing the part of a relatively electro- negative group, as in the case of double cyanides, so called. Whether this view is to be considered as identical with that of Persoz, is a question about which opinions may differ, and wliich is not important for my present purpose. Admitting that the groups PgO-R" or P2O-R'" are transferable as such in their relatively simple alkaline salts, we may inquire whether they enter into the composition of com- plex acids, and if so, whether the compounds so formed differ from ordinary pyrophospho-tungstates and pyrophospho-molybdates. As the initial point in this investigation I have selected mangano-disodic pyrophosphate, PgO^MngNaa . 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Mangano-sodic Pyrophospho-Molybdate . In another part of this memoir I have described several salts be- longing to the group of pyrophospho-tuugstates. As these were peculiar in their constitution, it became a matter of interest to deter- mine whether the pyrophospho-molybdates had a similar constitution, or, in other words, whether they contained the pyrophosphoric group 22 RO3 . 9 P2O7 found in the salts of the tungstic series. Molybdic teroxide boiled with sodic pyrophosphate, care being taken to keep the oxide in excess, is dissolved with much facility and in large quantity. The colorless solution may be evaporated to a syrup with- out yielding crystals on standing, and gives no precipitates with salts of potassium or ammonium. The solution, however, gives precipitates with salts of most of the heavier metals. Of these I selected the mangauous compounds for special study, supposing that all the manga- nese would be present as base, and that a comparison could be made between salts of this type and those in which manganese exists in the pyrophosphoric molecule, and which I shall describe further on. When a solution of manganous chloride is mixed with one of sodic pyrophospho-molybdate prepared as above, a dull bufF-colored ajipar- ently amorphous precipitate is formed. On standing with an excess of the sodium salt, this was gradually converted into a mass of beauti- ful bright yellow crystals. These were well washed with cold water, and then dissolved in boiling water. The filtered solution gave on cooling a mass of sulphur-yellow crystals, which were again dissolved and recrystallized. The salt was then dried on woollen paper. It was analyzed by Mr. G. W. Patterson. 1.3289 grams gave 0.1065 gram PAMg, = 5.13% PgOg. 1.3289 grams gave 0.2486 gram PoO^Mna r= 9.36% MnO. 0.9538 gram gave 0.1819 gram P.OyMua = 9.53% MnO. 0.9538 gram gave 0.5934 gram P.O5 + M0O3 = 62.22%. 1.0960 grams lost with Wo4Na2 0.2037 gram = 18.56%. 0.9445 gram lost with WoiNaj 0.1743 gram = 18.45%. The analyses lead to the formula 22 M0O3 • 2 P2O5 . 7 MnO . 9 NaaO -t- 57 aq., which requires : Calculated. Found. ^ 62.29 19.20 18.45 5533 100.00 I 22 MoOg 2P2O5 3168 284 ^^•26162.39 5.13) 57.16) 5.13) 7 MnO 9 NaoO 497 558 ^•^n 19.07 10.08) 9.36) 9.84) 57 H2O 1026 18.54 18.58 GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 263 The salt is nearly insoluble in cold water. Boiling water dissolves it, but the salt is decomposed, giving a jjide yellow fiocky precipitate and a sherry wine colored solution. On standing a short time, the so- lution as it cools becomes pale yellow, and finally almost colorless, while the precipitate gradually becomes brighter yellow and crystal- line, and the original salt appears to be again formed by recombination. Both the precipitate formed in the decomposition by boiling water and the wine-yellow solution give reactions with argentic nitrate which differ from one another as well as from the yellow crystalline silver salt formed by digesting the pyrophospho-molybdate of manganese and sodium with argentic nitrate. In the analysis the solution of the salt was boiled with mercurous nitrate and mercuric oxide. The precipitate contained only molybdic and phosphoric oxides, and was free from manganese. There is therefoi-e reason for assuming, as I have done, that all the manga- nese is basic, and that none is present in the form of the molecule PaO^Mn. Mangano-ammonic Pyrophospho-Molybdates. When manganous pyrophosphate is digested for some time with a strong solution of 14:6 acid ammonic molybdate, a buff-yellow very slightly soluble compound is formed. This is to be well washed, dried on woollen paper, and afterward in pleno over sulphuric acid. Of this salt, analyzed by Mr. G. W. Patterson: 0.7830 gram lost on ignition with WO^Nag 0.0778 gram NHg -f H„0 = 9.94%. 0.6554 gram lost on ignition with WOiNao 0.0645 gram NHg -f H2O = 9.84%. 0.8590 gram gave 0.0338 gram NH3 = 3.92%. 0.7191 gram gave 0.0285 gram NH3 = 3.97%. 0.8725 gram gave 0.0881 gram PoOyMg, = 6.46% P0O5. 0.8725 gram gave 0.2841 gram PAMug = 12.62% MnO. The analyses lead to the formula, 20 M0O3 . 2 PA . 10 MnO . 5 (NH^)^© -\- 10 aq., which requires : 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Calculated. Found. 20 MoOs 2P2O5 2880 284 66.76) 6.58 [ 73.34 67.27 Ug 6.46 j 10 MnO 710 16.46 16.30 IONH3 170 3.94 3.92 3.97 15 H^O 270 6.26 5.94 3.73 4314 100.00 In the analyses the salt was digested for some time at a boiling heat with mercurous nitrate and mercuric oxide. The mercurous salt formed contained mangauous oxide. The precipitate was fused with a mixture of potassic and sodic carbonates to separate manganous oxide. The filtrate from this last gave the phosphoric pentoxide. Molybdic teroxide was determined by difference. As the salt could not be recrystallized, the defects in tbe analysis are doubtless chiefly due to traces of impurity. The formula of the salt should be written, according to my view : 20 M0O3 . 2 P^TMn . 2 (NH^)^© . 8 MnO . 3 (NH4)„0 + 12 aq. We may have here a double salt, as, for instance, 10 M0O3 . P,07Mn(NH4)2 . 4 MnO . (NH4)20 . H^O + 10 M0O3 . P20^Mn(NH4)2 . 4 MnO . 2 (NH4)20 + 12 aq., but of course other arrangements are possible. The manganese in the molecule containing P0O7 may be called, for convenience, the internal or fixed manganese, to distinguish it from the external or basic manganese. To determine if possible the ratio between the external and internal manganese, I digested a weighed portion of the salt in the cold for twelve hours with mercurous nitrate, and then boiled, adding a little mercuric oxide in the usual manner. In the filtrate, after separating the mercury, the manganese was determined as PoOtMuo. In this manner, 1.2306 grams gave 0.3520 gram PAMn = 11.08 %. From this it appears that about {h of the manganese was precipi- tated by mercurous nitrate, in place of 1%. If, therefore, we consider ^(f of the manganese to be present in the salt as PgOyMn, we must suppose that this molecule is broken up, to a certain extent at least, by boiling with mercurous nitrate, and it is very doubtful whether the manganous oxide exists in any other form than as a base. Certainly GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 265 there is no sufficient evidence that it forms here an integrant molecule Po07Mn, as in sodio-mauganous pyrophosphate, PgOyMn . Na^. I re- gard the question, however, as still an open one, since the molecule PoOjMn, assuming its existence, may be decomposed by mercu- rous nitrate and give a corresponding mercurous integrant molecule P207Hg2, and since the salt is decomposed by water like the other salts of this series. It appears also from the above that the pyro- phospho-molybdates do not correspond in composition to the pyro- phospho-tungstates. At least I have not found in them the molybdenum molecule corresponding to the tungstic molecule, 22 WO3 . 9 P2O7. It must, however, be remarked that, as I shall show, the pyrophospho- tuucrstates which contain manganese do not contain this molecule. Mangano-sodiG Py7-ophospho- Tungstates. These salt? are very easily formed by boiling manganous pyrophos- phate with acid tungstates. Dark sherry-wine colored solutions are formed, which in cooling deposit crystals in abundance. 14 : 1 : 3 : 6 Mangano-sodic Pyrophospho-7\ingstate. This salt is formed more conveniently by mixing a solution of 12 : 5 sodic tung- state with manganous pyrophosphate and digesting for some hours in a closed bottle heated in a water bath. The pyrophosphate must be in excess. It dissolves rather slowly to a fine deep orange-colored li(;[uid, which after evaporation deposits beautiful crystals, which may be redissolved and recrystallized. In spite of the employment of an excess of manganous pyrophosphate, it is rather difficult to obtain a solution of the salt which is perfectly saturated with the manganous salt. The crystals have a brownish orange color. They effloresce in dry air, though not rapidly, but in pleno over sulphuric acid they lose water in relatively large quantity. Of this salt, analyzed by IMr. G. "VV. Patterson: 1,4176 grams lost on ignition with WOiNao 0.2032 gram - 14.34^ water. 1.2375 grams gave 0.0611 gram PjO^Mgo = 3.16% PA . \ 1.0476 grams gave 0.1041 gram PAMn., = 4.97% MnO. ( 1.0476 grams gave 0.7650 gram WO, -F PA = 73.05%. The analyses lead to the formula, 14 WO3 . P0O5 . 3 MnO . 6 NagO -f- 36 aq., which requires: 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Calculated. Found. 14 WO3 3248 142 70.25 > ,332 3.07) ''■>'' I 73.05 3.16 J 3 MdO 6 Na,.0 213 372 ^•^•^ 1 12.66 8.04) 7.68) 36 H2O 648 14.02 14.34 4623 100.00 We may give this salt the formula 14 WO3 . 6 Na^O + PAMn3 + 36 aq., if we suppose that the pyrophosphate of manganese has become ortho- phosphate. Both constituents are then normal salts. The ammonium salt was prepared by double decomposition between the sodium salt and ammonic chloride, and repeated crystallization. It presented orange-colored prismatic crystals, very soluble in both hot and cold water. Of this salt : 0.7846 gram gave 0.01715 gram NH3 = 2.19%. 0.6556 gram gave 0.01394 gram NH3 = 2.13%. 0.4886 gram gave 0.0594 gram NH3 + HjO = 12.16%. 1.0895 grams gave 0.1162 gram PoOyMn^ = 5.83% MnO. The analyses correspond well with the formula, 28 WO3 . 2 PA • 6 MnO . 5 (NH,)oO . 2 NaoO + 48 aq., which requires : Calculated. Mean. 28 WO3 6496 77.67 77.76 Z7.84 77.69 2 PA 284 3.40 3.13 3.13 6 MnO 426 5.09 5.39 5.33 5.45 IONH3 170 2.03 2.16 2.13 2.19 2Na,0 124 1.48 1.56 1.56 (diff.) 48H26 864 10.33 10.00 10.00 8364 100.00 We may formulate this salt as {14 WO3 . 4 MnO . 2 NaoO + P20vMn2} + {14 WO3 . 5 (NH^y.b . HoO -f PAH4} + 45 aq., the type being 14 WO3 . 6 RO + P207R'4, so that so far as the em- pirical constitution is concerned the salt may be regarded as a double salt of two normal constituents. The analyses were made by Mr. G. W. Patterson. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 267 Auramin Pyrofliospliales, When a solution of double chloride of gold and sodium AuCl4Na is made as nearly neutral as possible and then boiled with sodic pyro- phosphate P207Na4 , a very pale yellow solution is formed, which con- tains the auro-sodic salt discovered by Persoz, the formula of which we should now write PaOyAu'^'Na. The solution of this salt gives with ammonia a white precipitate which quickly becomes yellow and crystalline. With argentic nitrate it gives a pale yellow flocky crys- talline precii^itate, which is very insoluble and does not blacken readily in the light. With mercurous nitrate it gives a greenish gray flocky crystalline precipitate. A nearly white curdy precipitate is formed with sulphate of luteo-cobalt ; none with sulphate of croceo-cobalt. With Pt (NH3)4Cl2 gold is reduced. The crystalline precipitate formed by ammonia in the auro-sodic pyrophosphate solution was well washed, dried at 150°, and analyzed. 0.9665 gram gave 0.6756 gram gold = 78.44% AugOs. 0.9031 gram gave 0.7003 gram gold = 78.34% AuoO,.- 0.9665 gram gave 0.1621 gram P-AMgo = 10.73% PA- 1.0031 grams gave 0.1703 gram PAMga = 10.86% PA- 0.7375 gram gave 0.02286 gram NII3 = 8.10%. 0.7691 gram lost, at 150° C, 0.0420 gram water = 5.46%. The analyses lead to the formula 14 AU.O3 . 6 PA • 14 NII3 . 3 Na^O -f 24 Aq., which requires 14 AuA 6 PA 14 NH3 3 NaoO 24 H.,6 Calculated. Found, 6178 78.34 78.44 78.34 852 10.80 10.73 10.86 238 3.02 3.10 186 2.36 2.26 (difif.) 432 5.48 5.46 7886 100.00 The analysis is due to Dr. Morris Loeb, who assisted me in this part of my work most efficiently. The salt does not explode at low temperatures, but on heating to a little above 170° C. a violent explosion takes place. This shows clearly that part at least of the gold is in the form of an auramin, or compound with ammonia. 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, The auramin pyrophosphate of sodium, on boiling with baric chlo- ride, gives a yellow crystalline salt; with mercuric chloride, a fine pale yellow crystalline salt which becomes very distinct on boiling. When the auramin salt is*boiled with mercurous nitrate, some mer- cury is reduced to metal, and at the same time very characteristic white prismatic crystals are formed. Chlorhydric acid does not sensi- bly dissolve the pyrophosphate, but changes it to a pale yellow flocky crystalline body. Chloride of luteo-cobalt gives on boiling an orange crystalline salt. When the crystalline yellow or dull orange baric salt is well washed with hot water and then filtered off, the colorless filtrate on evaporation gives with sodic hydrate a very distinct reaction for ammonia. Part of the ammonia in the salt must therefore have been in the form of ammonia, unless we admit that the auramin is decomposed under the circumstances. When treated with a cold solution of argentic ni- trate reaction sets in at once, and a fine yellow flocky crystalline salt is formed ; but no trace of ammonia is obtained from the filtrate after washing the salt with cold water and separating the excess of silver. Both the barium and silver salts were partially analyzed. The barium salt was analyzed by Mr. G. W. Patterson : 0.6472 gram gave 0.1015 gram BaS04 = 10.30% BaO. 0.6472 gram gave 0.1426 gram PoOyMg., = 14.09% PA • 0.6472 gram gave 0.3900 gram gold = 67.63%. Here the ratios are 9 AU2O3 : 6 P2O5 : 4 BaO. In the silver salt (Patterson) : 0.7718 gram 0.0915 gram AgCi = 9.58% AgA 0.7718 gram 0.4470 gram gold = 64.98%. 0.7718 gram 0.1584 gram PaO^Mga = 13.13% PA- The ratios are approximately 16 AuAs '■ 10 P2O5 '■ 5 AgoO. The analyses of the barium and silver salts are at least sufficient to show that no simple double decomposition takes place in either case. The formula which I have given for the gold salt is to be regarded as purely empirical, and does not explain the explosive character of the salt. No compounds falling under the general expression Au2(NH3)n03 are at present known. Dumas and Raschig give to fulminating gold the formula NIIo • Au'" . NH, which may be written N2II3AU'". This is equivalent to 2NHr; the corresponding ammo- nium must be NgHsAu^'Ha, and the oxide of this (N2H5Au'")0. If GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 269 we assume that this oxide is present in the auramin pyrophosphate which I have described, we may write the formula 8 AuA . 6 P^OTAu'^Na . 6 {(N^H^Au^OO} (NH4)20 . 2H2O + 24 aq., which is reducible to the type 8 R2O3 . 7 RO + 6 P207R'4 + 26 aq. As regards the deduction of the formula from the analyses, it may be worth while to give also the equations G P2O5 + 3 Au.Og + 3 NaoO = 6 PaO^Au'^N ; 3 AU2O3 + 12 NH3 = 6 {(N^HjAu^OO} + 3 HA In the determination of the ammonia by boiling with KHO or NaHO, we have 6 NJIsAu'" + 3 H2O = 12 NH3 + 3 AU2O3. Auro-pijrophospho-MoIyhdates. When a solution of chloro-aurate of sodium, AuCLNa, is mixed with one of pyrophospho-molybdate of sodium, a dull orange-colored fine-grained crystalline precipitate is thrown down, which is almost certainly an auro-pyrophospho-molybdate of sodium. When a solution of auro-pyrophos]ihate of sodium, PoOvAuNa, is boiled for some time with 14:6 molybdate of ammonium, a pale buff-colored crystalline precipitate is formed, which is sligiitly soluble in boiling water, giving however only a turbid liquid. After washing with cold water this precipitate was dried in pleno over sulphuric acid. Of this salt: 0.5581 gram lost by ignition with W04Na2 0.0841 gram = 15.07% H.,0 + Nil, + O. f 0.8123 gram gave 0.3489 gram gold = 42.94% = 48.18% AU2O3. 1 0.8123 gram gave 0.0837 gram P.O^Mgo = 6.59% P2O5. 0.6133 gram gave 0.2615 gram gold = 42.13% = 47.85%. 0.2746 gram gave 0.01558 gram NH3 = 5.65% NH3. 0.4774 gram lost by ignition with WO^Nag 0.0744 gram = 15.58%. In this last analysis the salt had probably absorbed a little water. The same is true for the next; 0.6133 gram gave 0.0624 gram PaO^Mga = 6.51%. If we calculate the analyses for an anhydrous salt, we find: 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Calculated. Found. 11 M003 1584 36.07 5 AU2O3 2206 50.25 50.29 50.27 2 PA 284 6.46 6.87 6.83 15 NH3 255 5.81 5.89 Na.O 62 1.41 4391 100.00 In the hydrated salt the ratios are nearly 1 1 M0O3 . 5 AU2O3 . 2 P2O5 . 15 NH3 . Na^O + 10 aq. The formula requires 3.93% of water. The mean of the water in the two analyses is 4.18. It is to be borne in mind that the salt could not be recrystallized, and was probably not absolutely pure. The salt does not explode on heating, but merely " puffs." Hot dilute chlorhydric acid readily dissolves it. Ammonia water does not sensibly dissolve it, but gives an orange-colored substance which may be the corresponding auramin compound. The formula may be writ- ten provisionally 22 MoO,, . 4 P^OvAu^'Na . 6 AU2O3 . 15 (NH^).,© + 5 aq. More extended investigations are necessary to fix the formulas of this and analogous compounds. Analysis by Mr. G. W. Patterson. Auramin-pyrophospho-Molyhdates. When the orange-colored flocky precipitate formed by adding am- monia to auro-pyrophosphate of sodium is boiled for some time with 14: 6 ammonic roolybdate, and the whole allowed to stand with the supernatant liquid, a pale yellowish crystalline salt is formed. After thorough washing with cold water, the salt was dried on bibulous paper and in plena over sulphuric acid. For analysis it was boiled for a short time with a mixture of chlorhydric and sulphurous acids. The phosphoric acid was determined in the filtrate from the gold by magnesia mixture, in the manner which I have pointed out in treat- ing of the analysis of the phospho-molybdates.* The filtrate from the ammonio-magnesic phosphate, after adding (NH^jaS, was evapo- rated, filtered to separate free sulphur, and then treated with cold dilute chlorhydric acid. The precipitated M0S3 was filtered on a Gooch filter, washed, dried at 106° C, tlien washed several times with carbon disulphide, dried, and weighed. Ammonia was deter- mined by boiling with sodic hydrate and titration. * Proceedings of tlie American Academy, XXIX. 64. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 271 (1) 0.3969 gram gave 0.0217 gram NH^ = 5.47%. (2) 0.5733 gram gave 0.3612 gram gold = 70.68%. (3) 0.5733 gram gave 0.1168 <,^ram PaO^Mg, = 13.03% P2O5. (4) 0.5733 gram gave 0.0426 gram M0S3 = 5.57% MoO,. (5) 0.3499 gram lost on ignition with WOiNao 0.0703 gram = 20.09%. The salt explodes on heating, but not violently. There appears to have been a slight loss on heating with sodic tungstate, and I have accordingly calculated the water by difference, all the other constitu- ents having been determined directly. The analyses correspond to the formula 12 Au.Os . 3 M0O3 . 7 P2O5 . 24 NH3 + 21 aq. Analysis by Mr. G. W. Patterson : Calculated. Found. 12 Au.O. 5297 70.54 70.68 3 M0O3' 432 5.75 5.57 7P2O5 994 13.23 13.03 24NH3 408 5.44 5.47 21 H2O 378 5.04 5.25 7509 100.00 Here, as in the cases of the other gold compounds, part of the am- monia is present as ammonic oxide and part is directly combined with gold ; but the proportions remain to be determined. The careful study of this class of compounds appears likely to lead to verj' inter- esting results. I have classed them only provisionally with complex acids. As it may not be possible for me to return to the subject,* I will here give the results of some preliminary work, which will at least serve as starting points for further investigation. Molyhdico- Tnngstates. When acid molybdate of ammonium is boiled with chlorhydric acid and potassic iodide, and the deep orange-colored liquid is precipitated with ammonia, a brown precipitate of Mo(OH)4 is thrown down, which after thorough washing is readily soluble in a solution of 12:5 sodic tungstate, forming a deep orange-red liquid. Potassic bromide gives a bufF-colored crystalline precipitate, which is soluble in boil- ing water, and ci-ystallizes on cooling in small pale brown scales. Ammonic chloride gives a similar salt, as do also the chlorides of barium, strontium, and calcium. All these salts are soluble in hot water, and separate from the solution in pale brown crystals. In * "A rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit." — Cicero, Cato Major. 272 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. preparing the potassium salt a large excess of potassic bromide should be used : the bromide in this, as in many other cases, appears to be preferable to the chloride and nitrate. In these salts the molybdic dioxide may be easily and accurately determined by titration with permanganate, after adding sulphuric acid. The solutions of the mo- lybdico-tungstates readily absorb oxygen from the air, forming molybdic teroxide, a fact which must be taken into account in analysis. Molybdic hydrate, Mo(OH)4, quickly reduces M0O3 "^ ^ solution of 14:6 ammonium salt, and gives a fine blue liquid, which probably contains M02O5 or M0O2 + M0O3. When a very cold solution of ammouic molybdate is employed, and molybdic hydrate is added in small portions at a time, the solution becomes yellow, then quickly green, and finally blue. It is possible that a molybdico-molybdate, OTM0O2 . nMoOg . joRoO, is formed at first. Molybdic hydrate reduces both molybdic and tungstic teroxides in phospho-molybdates and phosplio-tungstates. Analyses of the potassium, calcium, and barium molybdico-tungstates were made with salts which perhaps were not absolutely pure. Tiie formulas obtained appeared to be respectively 12 WO3 , M0O2 • 5 KoO + 16 aq. ; 12 WO3 . M0O2 . 5 CaO + 32 aq. ; and 12 WO.j . M0O2 . 6 BaO + 30 aq. ; but these are given with much reserve. In these the molybdenum was determined by titration with permanganate, and the sum of the molybdic and tungstic teroxides, after oxidation, by precipitation of the neutral solution with calcic or baric chloride. Tungstic teroxide could then be determined by difFierence. It seems at least probable that tungstico-molybdates corresponding to molybdico-tungstates, as, for example, 1 2 M0O3 . AVO2 . x RO, also exist. Uranoso- Tungstntes. When uranic oxide is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and the solution is treated with metallic zinc, a solution of sulphate of uranic dioxide is formed which after a time deposits a gray-green powder insoluble in cold water, and probably a basic sulphate. This body treated with a solution of 12:5 sodic tungstate gives at once an olive- green crystalline salt very insoluble in hot water. The supernatant liquid has a peculiar reddish tint. The dark olive-green salt is oxidized by boiling with nitric acid and gives a yellowish white mix- ture, or possibly compound, of uranic and tungstic teroxides, easily decomposed by boiling with caustic alkalies, with separation of uranic oxide and formation of sodic tungstate. A solution of 12:5 potassic GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 273 tungstate acts in the same manner upon the uranious salt, giving also an olive-green crystalline salt and a brown-red solution. Similar results were obtained with acid ammonic tungstate. After drying for some days upon paper, the sodium salt was analyzed by Dr. Loeb: 0.4436 gram lost with WO4NO0 0.0331 gram = 7.46%. ( 0.9861 gram gave 0.3954 gram WO. = 40.09%. \ 0.9861 gram gave 0.3360 gram UOo and KMnO^ = 34.08%. The analyses lead to this formula, 8WO3. . 6 UO2 . 12 Na,0 + 25 aq. Calculated. Found. 8 WO3 6UO2 1856 1626 39.69 I 74^g 34.77 ) 40.09 I ^^^^ 34.08 J 12 Na,0 744 15.92 16.46 (diff.) 25 11,0 450 9.62 9.47 4676 100.00 The water determination was made by heating with sodic tungstate and determining the loss of weight. In the fusion the UO, is com- pletely reoxidized to UO3. Hence a correction must be applied to the water, which in the above case amounts to 2.01% to be added. As the salt could not be recrystallized, it was doubtless not perfectly pure. The olive-green potassium salt is also insoluble in hot water and in chlorhydric acid. It reduces silver and mercury from their nitrates, and appears to undergo double decomposition with baric and calcic chlorides. This salt was also analyzed by Dr. Loeb: ( 1.3260 grams gave 0.4997 gram WO3 = 37.69%. 1 1.32G0 grams gave with KMn04 gram UO2 = 33.21%. 0.9275 gram lost on ignition with WO^Nag 0.0833 gram = 8.98%. The analyses lead to the formula, 8 WO3 . 6 UO2 . 9 K2O H- 34 aq. Calculated. Found, 37-^n 70.50 S^-^n 70.90 32.92) 33.21) 17.12 16.60 (diff.) 12.38 12.50 8W03 1856 6U02 1626 9 K2O 846 !4H20 612 4940 100.00 The potassic salt corresponds in constitution to the sodic salt if we write it : 8 WO3 . 6 UO2 . 9 K2O . 3 H2O + 31 aq. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 18 274: PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Silico-Molyhdates. The existence of definite silico-molybtlates appears to have been first observed by Parmentier,* who obtained potassium, sodium, and ammonium salts by the action of alkaline silicates upon alkaline mo- lybdates in presence of* nitric acid. The free acid has the formula 12 M0O3 • Si02 + 26 aq. I have devised another method of prejjar- ing this class of salts, which may perhaps be generalized in its appli- cation. When a solution of fluosilicic acid is poured into one of 14 : G molybdate of ammonium, no precipitate is formed, but the solution be- comes yellow. On evaporation a bright yellow crystalline body sepa-' rates in large quantity. When normal sodic molybdate, Mo04lS[a2, is strongly acidulated with chlorhydric acid, the addition of fluosilicic acid gives at once a bright yellow color. The solution obtained in this manner gives no precipitate in the cold with ammonic chloride, but on boiling and shaking for a few minutes a beautiful bright yellow crystal- line precipitate is thrown down in abundance. Tiiis is slightly soluble in hot water to a yellow liquid. A solution of fluosilicic acid mixed with one of an acid potassic molybdate forms no precipitate, but the mix- ture is yellow, and on evaporation to dryness upon a water bath yields a highly crystalline yellow powder. Much molybdic teroxide is at the same time reduced to blue oxide. The yellow solutions of the silico-molybdates of potassium and sodium give with nitrate of croceo- cobalt a beautiful orange crystalline precipitate, which is insoluble in cold water and readily washed and dried. The bright yellow silico- molybdate of ammonium after careful washing was analyzed : 0.7963 gram lost on ignition with WOiNaa 0.0750 gram NH3 and H.O = 9.42%. 0.5279 gram left on ignition 0.0158 gram S : O2 = 2.99%. 0.6504 gram gave 0.0339 gram (NH4)20 = 5.22%. 0.5817 gram gave 0.03045 gram (NH4)20 = 5.23%. The analyses correspond to the formula, 12 M0O3 • SiOa . , 2 (MH4)2C ► -f 5 aq. ; which requires : Calculated. Found. 12 M0O3 1728 87.18 87.58 (diff.) SiO. 60 3.03 3.00 2 {m\,),o 104 5.24 5.22 5.23 5 H2O 90 4.55 4.20 1982 100.00 * Comptes Rendus, XCII. 1234, and XCIV. 213. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 275 The silica was determiued by igniting the salt with free access of air until all the molybdic oxide was exjielled. The reactions of a so- lution of the sodium salt were as follows. No precipitate with baric and calcic chlorides. None at first with potassic bromide, but on standing bright yellow crystals formed. A sulphur yellow crystalline precipitate with mercuric nitrate and a beautiful bright orange-yellow highly crystalline precipitate with mercurous nitrate. A very pale yellow crystalline precipitate with argentic nitrate and a pale yellow line-graiued crystalline precipitate with thallous nitrate. Pechard * has obtained the same salt by precisely the same process as that which I have employed, and has priority in publication. I have also obtained a titanio-molybdate and a zirconio-molybdate by similar methods, but have not analyzed them. Pechard has described beau- tiful salts of the two series, and rendered further work on my part unnecessary. Selenoso-Molybdates. When 24 : 1 phospho-molybdate of potassium is boiled with a solu- tion of potassic selenite SO.Ka it readily dissolves to a perfectly clear and colorless liquid, which after an hour deposits beautiful large gran- ular colorless crystals in abundance. These are readily soluble in hot water, and crystallize from the solution without change, except that large transparent colorless crusts are obtained. Of this salt, analyzed by Mr. G. W. Patterson : 1.1360 grams gave 0.1503 gram of selenium = 13.23% = 18.09% SeOa- 1.1360 grams gave 0.7772 gram PtCleK, = 13.27% K,0. 0.9570 gram lost up to 175° C. 0.0058 gram HoO = 0.61%. Deducting the small percentage of water, the analyses correspond to the formula. 17 MoO, . 6 SeO, . 5 KoO. 1 Calculated. Found. 17 MoO, 2448 68.81 68.45 6 SeOa 648 18.16 18.20 5 K^O 472 13.23 13.35 3568 100.00 The formula may also be written, 6 {SeOa . 2 M0O3} -f 5 M0O4K0. * Comptes Rendus, CXVII. 691-694. Cited in Zeitschift fur anorg Chemie, VI. 200. 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The selenium was determined by reduction with sulphurous acid and the molybdic oxide by difference. In spite of the mode of prepara- tion, the salt did not contain phos^shoric pentoxide. On repeating the preparation of the salt I obtained different results, the pro- portions used being probably not the same. The solution deposited first groups of colorless crystals, and then gave after further evapora- tion a white granular crystalline salt. The grouped crystals seemed at first to be quite insoluble in water, but when boiled dissolved, and then crystallized out very readily. Perhaps more than one salt was formed in this operation. The solution of the salt analyzed gave pale yellow crystalline precipitate with argentic and mercurous nitrates. Selenoso- Tungstates. When ammonic tungstate is boiled with a solution of SeOgHo it readily dissolves to a pale yellow solution, which almost immediately gives beautiful shimmering scales in a pale yellow mother liquor. These pass at once through a filter and are difficult to separate and wash. Potassic tungstate also readily dissolves in a solution of sele- nious acid, forming a pale yellow solution which on heating suddenly becomes opaque, while a pale yellow precijiitate is thrown down. 'When washed by decantation with cold water, both the ammonic and potassic salts have a distinct pale yellow color. When a solution of selenious acid is mixed with one of 12:5 sodic tungstate and a solu- tion of potassic bromide is added, a white precij^itate m very minute granular crystals is formed, settling rather slowly, and very slightly soluble in hot water. A solution of argentic nitrate gave, with the well washed salt, large very pale yellow crystalline flakes. Mercu- rous nitrate gave a pale yellow crystalline precipitate. A solution of selenious acid mixed with one of 24 : 1 : 2 sodic phospho-tungstate gave a white granular precipitate very slightly soluble in hot water. After careful washing, this gave, on boiling with argentic nitrate, a perfectly white crystalline salt, a bright yellow crystalline precipitate with mercurous nitrate, and a white crystalline precipitate with baric chloride. It is possible that phospho-seleuoso-tungstates are formed in this manner. Pechard * has recently described salts of two series of molybdo- eelenites, as he terms them, having respectively formulas which would indicate that they are derivatives of the acids ; 4 ILO . 3 SeOg . 10 M0O3 , and 2 HoO . SeO,, . 5 M0O3. * Comptes Rendus, CXVI. 1441-1444; also, CXVII. 104-106. GICBS, — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 277 The same chemist has also described a very interesting series of salts, which he terms molybdo-sulphites, embraced under the general formula, 4H2O . 3SO2. IOM0O3. Telluroso-Mulyhdates and Tungstates. Klein * many years since also observed the existence of complex acids containing tellurous and telluric oxides and tungstic oxide. So far as I am aware, no analyses have been published. A preliminary notice of my own work was communicated to the Harvard Chemical Club, February 12, 1884.t When a solution of TeBrgKo is formed with a large excess of water, the salt is completely decomposed into bromhydric and tellu- rous acid TeO,H,. A solution of 14: 6 acid molvbdate of ammonium readily dissolves this last on boiling, and the clear filtered solution soon deposits beautiful granular colorless crystals in quantity. It is best to use an excess of tellurous acid. The telluroso-molybdate is much less soluble than the acid molybdate of ammonium, and may be redissolved and recry stall ized without apparent decomposition. When a solution of the TeBr6K2 is mixed with one of the acid molybdate, • a very pale yellow precipitate is formed. After standing, small bright yellow crystals also appear. The white precipitate is probably only tellurous acid. When freshly precipitated tellurous acid is boiled with a strong solution of an acid potassic tungstate, it does not dissolve, but changes character and becomes more distinctly crystalline. A solu- tion of TeBrcKa gives with one of 24 : 1 : 2 phospho-tungstate of sodium a very white granular precipitate, which is insoluble, and may be washed with boiling, but then settles slowly. The tellurium em- ployed was the best commercial product, and doubtless not absolutely pure. If, as has been supposed, two different metals are embraced under the name, it is possible that the compounds of the two oxides with molybdic and tungstic oxides may afford means of separation in consequence of differences in composition and properties. Should tellurium be hereafter found to possess a technical value or interest, an abundant supply can be furnished by the mines of Colorado. The very high cost of the metal at present has prevented further study on my part. * Bull, de la Societe Chimique, [2.], XLII. 169. t See also Berichte der deutschen chem. Gesellschaft, XVIII. 1089. August, 1884. 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Cerico-Molyhdates. When eerie fluoride, CeF4, is boiled in a platinum dish with 14 : 6 molybdate of ammonium, the solution quickly becomes yellow, and soon deposits a fine yellow crystalline salt, which may be washed with cold water, in which it is but slightly soluble. It contains molybdic teroxide, eerie oxide, and ammonia. Basic eerie nitrate treated with a solution of hydro-potassic fluoride, KFoH, changes character at once and becomes flocky-crystalline. After washing with cold water, boil- ing with 14:6 molybdate of ammonium dissolves but little, but the salt becomes bright sulphur-yellow and crystalline and is practically insoluble in water. The best method of preparing this salt consists in first preparing pure basic nitrate of cerium* free from lanthanum and didymium (neo-dymium and praseo-dymium). This is to be dis- solved in nitric acid and the solution diluted. Acid potassic fluoride then precipitates a nearly white flocky salt, which dissolves readily in a boiling solution of 14 : 6 molybdate of ammonium to a yellow solu- tion, and crystallizes from this. It will probably be better to boil with a solution of an acid sodic molybdate, as this yields a soluble sodic salt, the solution of which gives with ammonic chloride a yellow crystalline precipitate of an ammonium salt, which will make a good starting point for further investigations. When the eerie fluorine salt, prepared as above with KFoH, is boiled with 10:4 sodic tungstate, a fine bright yellow solution is formed which gives a beautiful orange crystalline precipitate with nitrate of croceo-cobalt. In preparing the fluorine compound it is best to add a cold filtered solution of KFgH to the basic eerie nitrate diffused in cold water, and not to heat at all. Ceric hydrate dissolves with difficulty in solutions of acid tungstates and molybdates, more easily when precipitated from cold solutions. Note on Certain Tungstates, and on a new Phospho-Tungstate. In other instalments of my work I have endeavored to show f that there exists a special class of metatungstates, of which the lowest term has the general formula 4 WO3 . RO, and the highest the general formula 24 WO, . 11 R^O. This view appeared to be supported both by my own work and by that of Marignac, but has not found favor * See my paper in American Journal of Science, XXXVII. 352. t Proceedings of tlie American Academy, XV. 15. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS. 279 with chemists, and has in fact, so far as I am aware, passed wholly unnoticed. The highest term actually obtained by me * appeared to have the formula : 16 WO3 . 3 Na^O . 4 (NH4)20 + 18 aq. The only complete analysis made agreed well with this formula, and differed very materially from that of the 12 : 5 ammonia-sodic tungstate. As it has been asserted, however, that the two are iden- tical, Mr. Charles D. Smith has made in my laboratory four analyses with portions of the salt which had been preserved. The analyses are as follows : 0.7226 gram gave 0.6038 gram = 83.55% WO3. 1.1598 grams gave 0.9687 gram = 83.54% WO3. 1.3281 grams gave 1.1091 grams = 83.51% WO3. 1.4740 grams gave 1.2309 grams == 83.50% WO3. 1.2726 grams gave 0.0604 gram (NH4)20 = 4.75%. 1.0901 grams gave 0.0508 gram (NH4)20 = 4.66%. 1.1360 grams gave 0.0532 gram (NH4)20 = 4.67%. 0.6756 gram gave 0.0318 gram (NH4)20 = 4.72%. 4.4687 grams lost on ignition 0.5292 gram = 11.84% NH3 and H2O. 3.0697 grams lost on ignition 0.3638 gram = 11.84% NHgandHgO. 4.6030 grams lost on ignition 0.5444 gram = 11.82% NHgand H2O. 3.3885 grams lost on ignition 0.4014 gram = 11.84% NH3 and HgO. The analyses correspond to the formula, 24 WO3 . 5 NaaO . 6 (NH4)20 + 27 aq., which requires : Calculated. Mean. I. II. III. IV. 24 WO3 5568 83.40 83.52 83.55 83.54 vS3.51 83.50 6 (NH4)20 310 4.68 4.70 4.75 4.66 4.67 4.72 5 Na20 312 4.65 4.65 27H2O 486 7.27 7.13 7.08 7.14 7.16 7.11 6676 100.00 The sodic oxide is determined by difference. The analyses agree rather more closely with the new formula than with that formerly given, which I will cite for the sake of comparison: 16 WO3 . 4 (NH4)20 . 3 Na20 + 18 aq., requires ; * Ibid., XVI. 76. 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Calculated. Found. 16 WO3 3712 83.77 83.94 4 (NHO2O 208 4.69 4.64 3 NaaO 186 4.20 4.21 I8H26 324 7.32 7.21 4430 100.00 It is certainly difficult to decide between these two formulas, only it must be observed that the higher formula is derived from the mean of four analyses, which agree well with each other, and has therefore the weight of analytical evidence in its favor until further research shall prove its inaccuracy. Still another formula has been proposed by Von Knorre,* who writes 12 WO3 . 3 (NH4)2 . 2 Na.O + 13 aq., which requires 84.41% WO3, 4.73% (NH4)A 3.76% NaA and 7.10% HgO. The correspondence between the results of the analyses and the data required by the formula is much less than with the formula which I first gave and which Von Knorre rejects, and of course still less than with the new formula. New Phospho- Tungstate. Pure normal sodic tungstate was mixed in solution with sodic ortho- phosphate, P04Na2H + 12 aq., in the proportion of twelve molecules of the first to one of the second salt, and chlorhydric acid added in small excess. A phospho-tungstate crystallized from the solution, and was redissolved and twice recrystallized. The new salt was in fine colorless crystals, less soluble than the now well known salt which has the formula, 24 WO3 . P0O5 . 2 NajO + 27 aq. The salt was dried on paper for analysis. It effloresced or became opaque in dry air. Mr. Charles D. Howard obtained the following results on analysis. 1.4941 grams lost on ignition with WOiNa. 0.1078 gram = 7.21% \\0. 1.4502 grams lost on ignition with WO^Nao 0.1046 gram = 7.21% HgO. 1.0950 grams gave 1.0019 grams WO3 + PA = 91.49%. 1.1950 grams gave 1.0975 grams WO, + PoOj = 91.58%. 1.6782 grams gave 0.0720 gram WO, + PA = 2.74% PA5. The analyses lead to the formula, 20 WO3 . PA • NasO . 2 II.O + 19 aq., which requires: * Berichte der deutschen chem. Gesellschaft, XIX, 823. GIBBS. — COMPLEX INORGANIC ACIDS, 281 Calculated. I II, 20 WO3 4640 88.85 88.75 88.84 P2O5 142 2.73 2.74 Na^O 62 1.18 1.25 21 II2O 378 7.24 7.21 7.21 5222 100.00 The only 20 : 1 phospho-tungstate which I have hitherto described * contained 6 molecules of base (BaO), and perhaps the new salt should be written 20 WO3 . P2O5 . Na^O . 5 H2O + 16 aq. With re- spect to its formation with the propoitions given, I may remark that 1 have in repeated trials failed to obtain the salt 24 WO3 . P2O5 . 2 NaoO + 27 aq. by mixing sodic tungstate and phosphate in the exact theoretical pro- portions and adding chlorhydric acid to the mixed solutions. The quantity of phosphate necessary to be added is much more than one molecule for twelve molecules of the tungstate. This remark appears to have been made by other chemists also. Kehrmann t has recently described phospho-tungstates which come under the general formula 18 WO3 . P2O5 . 3 RO, the salts being 18 WO3 . P2O5 . 3 K2O + 14 aq., and 18 WO^ . PA • 3 (NHJO -f 14 aq. He gives to the acid the name " Phospholuteo-wolframsaure " ; but though there is little doubt that there is here a hitherto undescribed series, the analyses are not satisfactory. In another part of this paper I have described three salts of a phosphotungstic acid which would have the formula, 18 WO3 . P2O5 . 6 H2O, the salts themselves having respectively the formulas, 18 WO3 , P2O5 . 6 K3O + 23 aq. ; 18 WO. . P2O5 . 6 K^O -F 30 aq. ; and 18 WO3 . P2O5 . K2O . 5 H.^O + 14 aq. These salts are however colorless, and if we admit the accuracy of Kehrmann's formulas, there must be two isomeric series. Kehrmann appears to have been wholly unacquainted with my work. Experiments to determine the relations of WS4K2. M0S4K2, and WS2O2K2, to phosphates and arsenates have not led to definite results, * Proceedings of the American Academy, XVI. 127, and Am. Chemical Journal, II. 282. t Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie, IV. 138, 386. 282 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. though there seemed to be a relation of some kind. The same state- ment applies to the various oxyfluorides of molybdenum and tungsten. In a communication made to the British Association * at the Mont- real meeting, in 1884, I stated that complex acids existed into which platinum chloride entered, as, for instance, compounds of the type 2 PtCl.2 . R2O.J. Since then I have made various communications on the same subject to the Harvard Chemical Club. I regard these com- pounds as respectively phosphoric, arsenic, and antimonic oxides, in which 2 PtClg replaces Og. A great amount of work on the subject has been done, but as it is at least possible that a very different view of the subject may be taken, I will reserve the results of my work for another occasion. Newport, R. I., August 1, 1894. * Report for 1884, p. 670. {To he continued.) WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OP SUS SCROPA. 283 XII. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF E. L. MARK, XLIII. ON THE BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA DOMESTICUS. By A. W. Weysse. Communicated by E. L. Mark. Receiyed August 10, 1894. Page I. Introduction 283 1. Subject 283 2. Material 28i 3. Technique 285 11. Description of the Embryos . . . 287 1. General Characteristics of the Blastodermic Vesicle . . . 287 2. Detailed Account of Observations on the Germinal Disk . . . 289 1st Stage, Figs. 7-9, Plate II. . . 289 2d Stage, Fig. 1, Plate I. ; Fig. 10, Plate II 292 3d Stage, Fig. 2, Plate I. ; Figs. 21 and 26, Plate IV 293 Page 4th Stage, Figs. 3-5, Plate I. ; Figs. 11-13, Plate II. ; Figs. 14-19, Plate 111. ; Fig. 20, Plate IV. ... 294 5th Stage, Fig. 6, Plate I. ; Figs. 22-25, Plate IV 299 3. Summary of Observations . . . 300 lit. Historical and Theoretical .... 303 1. Consideration of Observations on the Blastodermic Vesicle in Gen- eral 303 2. Interpretation of the Bridge . 311 3. Summary 315 Literature cited 317 Explanation of Plates 321 L Introduction. 1. Subject. In the latter part of the summer of 1893 the opportunity was opened to me of obtaining young embryos of Sus scrofa domesticus. So I let the work rest which I had in hand on the development of some other mammals and began investigations on this. I was fortunate enough to secure a number of embryos several days younger than the youngest of the six, from fourteen to fifteen days old, which Keibel ('93) has recently described so elaborately ; and since these present phenomena of development unusual in the ontogeny of the Mammalia, it has seemed best to record them, in the hope that they may possibly lead to similar discoveries in allied forms. The incompleteness of our knowledge of the early stages in the ■embryology of the higher viviparous animals is due largely, of course, 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. to the difficulty of securing sufficient material in successive stages of growth, and there is the further difficulty that it is impossible to deter- mine iu the great majoiity of cases the exact age of the embryos, since spermatozoa may remain for several hours, days, or even months, within the body of the female before fertilization takes place. And further, it has long been known that, especially during the earlier phases of de- velopment, ova which were apparently fertilized at the same time grow at very different rates, so that within one uterus we may find embryos illustrating several stages of ontogeny. For these reasons I cannot give exact ages for the embryos 1 am about to describe, though in almost every case I can give the period which has elapsed between coitus and the time when the sows were killed and the embryos obtained. 2. Material. The present paper is based on the results obtained by the study of thirty embryos taken from four sows. In all I had nine sows served at different times, and these were killed at from nine to eleven days after coitus. Only three of the nine proved to be pregnant at the time they were killed, and of these three, two were killed ten days and the other eleven days after copulation. P^ach of the two sows killed on the tenth day contained eleven embryos in varying stages of development, though all the embryos in one were much less advanced than those in the other, as I conclude from the difference in the size both of the embryos and of the cells of which they are composed, and from the difference in the size and structure of the germinal disks. The third sow, killed on the eleventh day, contained only four em- bryos, two of which were as old as the oldest of those from the first two sows ; the other two were younger. The remaining four embryos of the thirty were found in a sow which had been served before coming under my control, and were apparently in about the same stage onto- genetically as some of the older embryos in the first two cases men- tioned above. The uterus in which these last embryos lay, contained six in all, but two were so badly folded as to be unavailable as far as the study of the germinal disk was concerned. These embryos were obtained by opening a large number of apparently empty uteri ; in this way 1 have found about 3% of the individuals examined pregnant, but all of the embryos with the exception of the six just mentioned were in a much more advanced stage of devolopment, so that they afford no information on the subject matter of the present article, and I shall reserve the consideration of them for a future paper. WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OP SUS SCROFA. 285 3. Technique. In the case of the first uteri which I opened, I followed with some variations one of the methodo which Keibcl ('93) has described in his work on the pig. When the uterus had been removed from the animal, it was cut open along the side opposite the mesometrium and placed in a flat-bottomed glass dish containing Kleinenberg's picro-sulphuric mixture and resting on a black tile. Then, by carefully spreading out the complicated folds of the inner wall of the uterus and gently agitating them, the embryos readily floated out into the fluid, and could be dis- tinguished at once against the black surfi^co of the tile. They were then carefully removed on a spatula to a smaller vessel of the picro- sulphuric mixture, where they remained several hours and were then transferred to 70% alcohol, and after twelve or fourteen hours to 90% alcohol, which was gently warmed and changed several times until all trace of the acid had been washed out. But this method had some minor disadvantages which seemed avoidable ; the action of the acid mixture on the instruments used, and the staining of the hands, were at least undesirable, and to be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Accordingly, in my later work, instead of using Kleinenberg's mixture as a medium for floating out the embryos from the uterus, I employed normal salt solution (0.75% NaCl in water), at a temperature of about 40° C. Keibel ('93) says that he did not use this because it is said to injure the embryos, and Bonnet ('84) found that, if embryos lay a long time in this solution, they became swollen. This is doubtless true, if they remain in the fluid as long as is necessary to detach such com- plicated embryos as Keibel worked with, some of which were more than a meter long and greatly folded amongst the plications of the uterine wall. The same may be true for the embryos of the sheep, — upon which Bonnet worked, — which at a corresponding stage of de- velopment closely resemble those of the pig, hut in the case of such small embryos as those which I have been concerned with the very short time during which it is necessary for them to remain in the salt solu- tion has absolutely no effect either on the general form of the embryo or on the histological conditions, as my sections clearly demonstrate. As soon as the embryos were floated out from the uterus, they were at once transferred as before to Kleinenberg's picro-sulphuric mixture. All the embryos which I have studied have been fixed in this fluid. Had my supply of material been larger, I should have employed several other fixing reagents, but my work on young embryos of other mammals, as well as the results of the experiments of other embry- 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ologists, gave me complete confidence in the reliability of this reagent for the material in hand. The results in this case wei-e in the highest degree satisfactory. After the specimens had been entirely freed from acid, drawings of them as opaque objects seen against a black background were made with the aid of an Abbe camera lucida ; they were then returned to 70% alcohol, and from this transferred to Kleineubers's alcoholic hcEmatoxylin (70%) diluted with twice its volume of his solution ot calcium chloride and alum. Here they remained for a few hours, the time varying according to the size of the embryos, and were then transferred to a 0.1% solution of hydrochloric acid in 70% alcohol, the process of decolorizing being carefully watched under the micro- scope until the object had attained the proper color. It was then placed in 70% alcohol containing a slight trace of ammonia, which made the stain permanent by neutralizing the acid. I have found that washing simply in neutral alcohol, though it be never so carefully done, will not always prevent an ultimate fading of this stain ; the addition of ammonia is an absolute essential if one wishes to be perfectly sure that the sections will not fade. Objects which I have treated thus have always preserved their color. In my work on the pig I have not as yet used carmine stains. On the embryos of both the rat and the mouse I have obtained very brilliant results, both with borax carmine and with hydrochloric carmine, but, so far as I could see, they had no advantage over ha3matoxylin. The last is valuable because of its high alcoholic grade, and because, when properly decolorized, it be- comes a most highly differential stain for these embryonic tissues. Small semi-transparent objects, like the embryos of the pig at this stage of development, can readily be decolorized in toto, for the extent of the decolorizing can be determined by the aid of the microscope ; but opaque objects, like the uterus of the mouse, have to be decolorized largely after sectioning. When the embryos had been stained and decolorized, they were cleared in chloroform, embedded in paraffine, and cut on the Minot- Zimmerman microtome into sections 10^ thick. They were then spread on the surface of distilled water, which rested on a thin film of albumen affixative covering the slide. The slide was gently warmed in an alcohol flame, until the sections became perfectly smooth. Finally the water was removed, the paraffine dissolved out in xylol, and the sections mounted in Canada balsam. I have given this rather extended account of my technique in order to show that there has been no lack of care in this direction which WEYSSE. BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OP SUS SCROPA. 287 could affect the histological coudition of my specimens. I will now give a description of the embryos themselves, and then proceed to a consideration of the investigations of other authors, and to the theo- retical interpretation of the phenomena described. II. Description of the Embryos. 1. General Oharacteristics of the Blastodermic Vesicle. The embryos are all in more or less advanced stages of the so-called blastodermic vesicle or didermic blastocyst, as it has been described by Balfour ('81), Van Beneden ('80), Hubrecht ('90), Bonnet ('91), and others. They consist in general of at least two well defined layers, — an outer of more or less isodiametric cells, and an inner, in contact with the outer, of greatly flattened cells, which are very much larger than thos3 of the outer layer. There is no trace of cells lying between these two layers at any point. At one region of the embryo, the outer layer of cells is thickened, forming the germinal disk. For the sake of convenience this region may be spoken of as the germinal or embryonic area, and the rest of the vesicle as the extra-germinal or extra-embryonic region. In most cases there is evidence of a third layer of cells, which is outside the two layers just mentioned, and is in a more or less disintegrated condition. I shall later refer to this more at length. It has not seemed to me necessary to give figures of the whole blastocyst. In each case it consists of a hollow vesicle with a double wall, which if fully distended would be about spherical. I have never found the vesicles completely distended, and often they are greatly folded, so that it is not always possible to make sections in just the plane one wishes ; for if the germinal disk lies on the edge of a fold, it is usually necessary to cut at right angles to the fold in order to avoid getting sections oblique to the surface of the disk. Something of an idea of the general appearance of the vesicle can be gained from Bon- net's ('84, Taf. IX. Fig. 2) figure of a sheep embryo of the thirteenth day, which has the same general characters as the pig embryos which I have studied. The germinal disk of this stage can be detected by the naked eye, even before staining, as a very small opaque white spot on the surface of the vesicle. The smallest vesicle which I have examined is about 1 mm. in diameter, while the largest is about 4.5 mm. In the latter there is no trace whatever of the beginning of the excessive elongation 288 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. which takes place before the fourteenth day, and has been well figured by Keibel ('93) ; this growth undoubtedly takes place very rapidly, for Bonnet ('91) has estimated that in the sheep, where a similar though less extensive growth occurs, the embryo must elongate at the rate of more than 1 cm. per hour, and that in the pig the growth is still more rapid. The germinal disk varies in size from 0.1 mm. in the smallest to 0.265 mm. in the largest embryo here considered. In describing the embryos more at length 1 shall speak of the layer of nearly isodiametric cells as the ectoderm, and of the inner layer of flattened cells as the entoderm ; the relation of these to the outer dis- integrating layer, which with Rauber ('75) is best designated as the " Deckschicht," I shall discuss later. The two prominent layers (ectoderm and entoderm) are distinguished from each other not only by the shape of their component cells, but also by the shape of their nuclei, and by the chromatic reaction of their protoplasm. The nu- clei of the extra-germinal region of the ectoderm are nearly always perfectly spherical ; those of the germinal disk, especially in later stages of development, are more often slightly elongated or ellipsoid, with the longest axis at right angles to the surface of the disk ; there are significant exceptions to this last rule which will be con- sidered later. The entodermal nuclei in the extra-germinal region are generally flattened parallel to the surface of the embryonic vesicle ; those in the region of the disk also have this shape in the younger embryos, but in the older stages they are spherical, and the cells in which they lie are essentially isodiametric. Furthermore, when properly decolorized the hgematoxylin gives three distinct shades of blue to the embryonic cytoplasm. The extra-germinal ectoderm is stained a lip-ht blue, the ectoderm of the germinal disk is sharply marked off from this by a deeper shade, and the cytoplasm of the ento- dermal cells stains uniformly a still deeper blue. This diiferentiation in color, which is often of very great value, does not appear before the embryo is decolorized, and it disappears if the process of decolorizing is carried too far, for in that case the whole vesicle becomes a uniform light blue. In almost every instance, these three shades of blue are manifest in my preparations. The chromatic substance of the nucleus stains deeply throughout the vesicle, both in resting nuclei and in those undergoing karyokinetic changes. In the latter, when cut at the proper angle, the nuclear spindle and the protoplasmic radiations around the centrosomes can be clearly seen. It should further be noted, that this stain brings out the cell walls with great distinctness, especially in the ectoderm. In the entoderm the cells are extremely WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 289 attenuated at their regions of contact, appearing spindle-shaped in section, the nucleus occupying the swollen portion, so that the dividing walls are apparent in the region of the germinal disk only, where the axes of the cell are nearly equal. In my oldest embryos there is no sio-n of the formation of mesoderm, or of the medullary groove. With this description of the embryonic vesicle in general, I now proceed to the consideration of the more detailed structure of several embryos which I have selected for illustration here. I have chosen these because they show in a typical manner the phenomena which all present, and with drawings from them I can explain intelligibly any variations from the type. 2. Detailed Account of Observations on the Germinal Dish First Stage. (Plate II Figs. 7, 8, and 9.) The first embryo which I shall describe is represented by drawings (Plate II. Figs. 7, 8, and 9) of three sections of the germinal disk. This embryo was taken from a sow killed ten days after coitus, which contained eleven embryos. The embryo in question was with one exception the smallest found, but it should be noted here that the ratio between the size of the embryo and that of the germinal disk is not constant for different embryos ; and furthermore, that the ratio of the size of the disk to its degree of development varies; e. g. Figs. 11, 12, and 13, Plate II., were drawn from an embryo much larger than that from which Figs. 7, 8, and 9 were made ; the two embryos came from the same uterus, and yet the former disk is slightly smaller than the latter ; on the other hand, it represents a much later stage of development, as I shall show hereafter, and this fact is doubtless suffi- cient to account for the difference, in size. The whole vesicle from which Figs. 7, 8, and 9 were drawn measured about 1.25 mm. in diameter. As I have already said, the vesicles are flattened out and greatly wrinkled, so that such measurements are at best approximate only, though they serve to give a general idea of the relative sizes of the embryos. The germinal disk, which lies on a part of the vesicle that is not folded, is slightly elliptical in outline, the chief and trans- verse axes being about 0.11 mm. and 0.167 mm. long respectively; the sections were made nearly at right angles to the shorter axis, which, as I think I can show later, represents the chief axis of the future embryo. The ectoderm consists of the characteristic large cells with spherical nuclei already described. The entodermal cells form a complete layer VOL, XXX. (n. s. xxii.) 19 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. on the inner surface of the ectodermal layer, and are more numerous in the region of the germinal disk than in tlie extra-germinal area, but they everywhere retain their elongated flattened outline. Tlie germinal disk was cut into ten sections, of which Figs. 7 and 8 represent respectively the second and third, and Fig. 9, the sixth. According to my method of orientation the two former are at the posterior end of the future embryo, the latter nearer the anterior end. It will be seen from the figures that the ectodermal cells of the germinal disk are slightly elon- gated in a direction at right angles to the surface of the disk, and show a tendency to arrange themselves in two interlocking layers. At the margin of the disk the transition from disk ectoderm to extra- germinal ectoderm is abrupt, but the general characteristics of the cells in the two regions is such as to suggest an identity of origin at least, — the differences being merely the slight variation in the chro- matic affinity of the cytoplasm, which I have already mentioned, and the change in shape, which would necessarily attend a difference in cell arrangement. The exposed surface of the disk is pretty uniformly even, except at one very significant point. Two sections through this point are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, Plate II., where in the centre of each section a cell is seen to project above the general level of the disk, and in Fig. 8 to be slightly cut off from it. The same appear- ance is present in the two sections which intervene between Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, and the whole projection running through the four sections contains three cells, which are without any question true ectodermal cells of the germinal disk, which have assumed this new position. These cells represent a very early stage in the development of a structure which I shall later designate as the bridge, and for that reason 1 shall call these bridge cells. It should be noted here that there is no evidence whatever of a third layer of cells, i. e. a " Deck- schicht," outside the ectoderm in the region of the germinal disk, though in the extra-germinal region there are a few widely separated cells attached to the outer surftice of the ectoderm ; these differ from the ectodermal cells in having very small nuclei ; they resemble the cells of the entoderm in general outline. By an enumeration of the nuclei I have ascertained approximately the number of cells in the area of the germinal disk, which is as follows : cells in the ectoderm proper, 188; in the entoderm, 48; in the bridge, 3. The presence and position of this bridge supply the criterion on which I have deter- mined the chief axis and its poles for the future embryo. It should be further noted here, that in the two sections immediately succeeding Fig. 9, i. e. sections seven and eight of the series through the disk, WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OP SUS SCROFA. 291 there is a slight elevation of the ectodermal cells at the margin of the disk on either side. The significance of this fact will appear in my further description of the bridge. Moreover, in sections seven, eight, and nine of the disk there is a distinct groove or furrow in the upper surface of the ectoderm ; this runs along the median line, and is there- fore in a line continuous with that of the bridge cells described above. And now a word as to similar stages in embryos which I have not figured here. The ten other embryos which came from the same uterus as the one I have just described vary in size from 1 mm. to 1.9 mm. in diameter, and represent very diverse stages of development. Only two of these are in about the same stage as the one mentioned above, the others being clearly much more advanced, and of these two I consider one further developed than the other, since it has many more bridge cells on the disk. The younger embryo measured 1.4 mm. in diameter, while its germinal disk was 0.11 mm. in diameter and very nearly circular in outline. An enumeration of the nuclei shows approxi- mately 117 cells in the ectoderm proper, 33 in the entoderm, and 6 in the bridge. It is somewhat difficult to determine with absolute cer- tainty the number of cells in the bridge in this case, for some cells are just in process of passing over from the true ectoderm of the disk to the bridge ; the direction of the spindle in the karyokinetic figures makes this point indisputable. The mass of bridge cells appears, as in the specimen already described, nearer one margin of the germinal disk, and for that reason I term the margin near the bridge cells the posterior end of the embryo. Anterior to this point there is the same lateral or marginal uprising which I mentioned in the first case. The entoderm consists of greatly flattened cells with widely separated nuclei, but so far as I can determine they are all connected by delicate protoplasmic masses, which often appear like a thin membrane lying across the rounded inner boundaries of the ectodermal cells. One may therefore pass through several sections without finding an entodermal nucleus on a certain area of the embryonic vesicle, but I should not feel justified in assuming that the entoderm fails to cover any portion of the interior surface of the ectoderm of this vesicle. The second embryo to which I referred in connection with this was but 1 mm. in diameter, and therefore the smallest in my collection. The germinal disk is, however, clearly in a more advanced stage of development, for the reason which I have already given, and the vesicle also has a larger number of entodermal cells, so that there can be no doubt in this case that they form a complete layer on the inside of the 292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ectoderm. On the outside of the vesicle are a very few " Deckschicht" cells. Beyond these facts the embryo presents no characteristic differ- ences from the embryos already described. Second Stage. (Plate I. Fig. 1 ; Plate II. Fig. 10.) I will now take up a stage which shows a distinct advance in the development of the embryo. Fig. 1, Plate I., shows the portion of the blastodermic vesicle containing the germinal disk. This embryo came from the uterus of the sow which was served before coming under my control, so that I do not know the time which elapsed between coitus and the killing of the animal. The stage of development, how- ever, clearly places it at this point in my series. The whole vesicle, which was somewhat wrinkled, was about 2.65 mm. in diameter, while the germinal disk measured 0.205 mm. in its longest axis and 0.18 mm. in its transverse axis, thus having an elliptical or slightly ovate outline, which is shown in the figure. The drawing (Fig. 1) was made from the whole object before staining, and is represented as seen by reflected light against a black background. In sections the entoderm shows the characteristic spindle-shaped cells in the extra-germinal region, while in the area covered by the germinal disk it consists of cells lying closely together and showing sharply defined cell boundaries. On the outside of the blastodermic vesicle are a large number of " Deckschicht " nuclei in the extra-germinal region, all with little chromatic substance and with ill defined cell boundaries. But it is the ectoderm of the germinal disk which presents the most interesting phenomena in this embryo. Fig. 10, Plate II., shows a median longitudinal section through the disk shown in Fig. 1, Plate I. Here the general surface of the disk is seen to be somewhat depressed, thus leaving a raised margin, while at one pole of the longest axis there is a large upgrowth or overgrowth of ectodermal cells forming the bridge to which I have already re- ferred. The beginning of the formation of this overgrowth is at what I hope to establish as the posterior end of the germinal disk. The bridge consists at this stage of practicalfy two layers of cells, which are essentially the same in structure as the remaining ectodermal cells of the germinal disk. Clearly this overgrowth is only a later stage in the growth of the structure which was seen in its first stage of develop- ipent in Figs. 7 and 8, Plate II., and the raised lateral margins seen here I hold to be comparable with the raised margins described in the previous embryos, while the depressed area seems to be due to a broadening of the median groove of the vesicle, described in detail above. It may be noted here that the germinal d;.sk is unusually WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 293 large for a bridge which has developed to so small an extent, and furthermore the bridge is more widely separated from the underlying ectoderm than it is in many embryos of this stage. Third Stage. (Plate I. Fig. 2 , Plate IV. Figs. 21 and 26 ) In Fig. 2, Plate I., is shown a surface view of a germinal disk from an embryo taken from still another sow, which was killed ten days after copulation. The blastodermic vesicle was almost completely distended, there being but one marked fold, and measured 1.95 mm. in diameter. The germinal disk was about 0.15 mm. in diameter and circular in outline. It was cut into fourteen sections ; these were all drawn with the aid of the camera lucida to an enlargement of 275 diameters, and from these drawings a reconstruction of the surface was made and then reduced to an enlargement of 100 diameters, as it appears in P^ig. 2. A reconstruction in wax was also made as a surer means of control to guard against any error in the graphic reconstruc- tion. Two sections of this embryo are shown on Plate IV., Figs. 21 and 26, made through the region of the germinal disk and the extra- germinal area respectively. The sections are oblique to the antero- posterior axis of the disk, cutting it at an angle of about 45°, and run- ning on the reconstruction drawing from the lower right-hand corner to the upper left, Fig. 2, Plate I. Of the fourteen sections into which the disk was cut. Fig. 21, Plate IV., represents the seventh, and passes through the deeper portion of the depression which lies just beneath the central point of the free margin of the bridge, as seen in Fig. 2. In this specimen the two lateral elevations mentioned in the embryos already described are seen to have increased in size until they have come into contact with the posterior overgrowth, with which they have fused at two points, thus giving the bridge three points of attachment to the ectoderm proper and leaving three openings from the depression or cavity beneath it to the outside. This bridge, then, has manifestly three points of origin, one posterior and two lateral. Further evidence in corroboration of a similar method of formation will appear in the course of the description of the other embryos. Before leaving the ectoderm of the germinal disk, it should be added that it is relatively very thick in all these younger embryos, consisting of two or even three interlocking layers of cells, m addition to the bridge cells, which are usually two layers deep. This great thickening of the ectoderm of the germinal disk is not, however, the earliest con- dition ontogeneiically, for in younger stages of development, as, for example, those represented by Figs. 7-10, Plate II., it is much thinner 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. than in either the stage under discussion or that represented by the figures on Plate III. The cells of the entoderm are essentially the same in structure in the region of the germinal disk as they were over the same area in the embryo represented in Fig. 1, Plate I., and Fig. 10, Plate II.; but there is a further thickening or increase in number of the entodermal cells immediately surrounding the germinal disk, and extending on all sides of it for a distance about equal to the diameter of the disk itself, so that the diameter of the entodermal thickening is at this stage about three times the diameter of the germinal disk. The normal distribu- tion of the entodermal nuclei in the remainder of the extra-germinal area can be seen from Fig. 26, Plate IV. A possible explanation as to the significance of this thickening of the entoderm has occurred to me, which I will mention in the theoretical considerations concerning the interpretation of the vesicle. Fourth Stage. (Plate I. Figs 3-5, Plate II Figs 11-13; Plate III. Figs 14-19 ; Plate IV. Fig. 20.) The next two embryos in the series are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, Plate I. I have given no sections of these, as the surface views show the more important characteristics, and because they are essentially the same as sections of other embryos which I have figured farther on. Fig. 3 shows that the bridge has a nearly circular margin bordering the opening into the cavity beneath. There is no evidence on the sur- face of the germinal disk or in the sections — which are taken at right angles to the longer (i. e. transverse) axis — as to whether the bridge arose at three points, as mentioned above, and then became one by a fusion of the three parts, or whether it arose as one continuous over- growth from the margins towards the centre of the disk. The vesicle to which this germinal disk belongs was 2.25 mm. in diameter and very little folded. The disk itself measured 0.19 mm. in its longer axis and 0.15 in its shorter or antero-posterior axis. It will be observed that tlie elliptical outline of the germinal disk is the same with regard to the chief axis of the future embryo, as in the case of the first embryo described. Figure 4 represents a disk which is a little older than that shown in Fig. 3. The bridge covers a larger portion of the germinal disk than in the preceding case, and if we assume that the disk had at first the shape shown in Fig. 3, it has begun to elongate in the direction of its chief axis, until it is now nearly circular in outline. The right-hand side of the figure shows a lateral opening into the cavity beneath the WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROPA. 295 bridge, where the lateral overgrowth has not as yet entirely fused with the overgrowth from the posterior end to form a continuous bridge such as exists in Fig. 3. The left-hand side, however, is complete, exactly as in Fig. 3. This germiual disk might be considered as illus- tratinor a stajre intermediate between Figs. 2 and 3, so far as the fusion of the various parts of the bridge is concerned ; it is, however, clearly more advanced, not alone on account of the greater size of the germinal disk, — for this may vary greatly, as we have already seen, — but because of the greater extent and degree of development of the bridge. The embryonic vesicle in this case was only slightly folded, nearly circular in outline, and about 2.75 mm. in diameter; the germinal disk measured 0.2 mm. in diameter. Figures 11, 12, and 13, Plate II., represent sections through a germinal disk in which the bridge has reached about the same stage of development as in the two cases last described. The embryo from which these three sections were taken came from the same uterus as that of Figs. 7, 8, and 9, and the sow was killed therefore on the tenth day after coitus. This vesicle measured about 1.-55 mm. in diameter, while the disk, which was slightly elliptical, measured 0.145 mm. in its longer axis (the sections shown in Figs. 11, 12, and 13 are parallel to this axis), and 0.11 mm. in its shorter axis. This shows, then, a still greater elongation than the preceding germinal disk in the direc- tion of the chief axis of the future embryo. The disk was cut into eleven sections, of which Fig. 11 represents the fifth; it is, therefore, a little to one side of the median plane. This section shows well a phenomenon which is present in all sections of bridges that have devel- oped to some extent, and seems to point to a double origin of this structure. It will be noticed that the extra-germinal ectoderm appears to extend as a continuous layer over the right-hand portion of the disk and to constitute the upper layer of bridge cells, while the lower layer is clearly derived from the true ectoderm of the germinal disk itself, as we can see from the position of the nuclei at the region of contact of the bridge with the underlying ectoderm. It should be observed, however, that this apparent extension of the extra-germinal ectoderm over the ectoderm of the germinal disk occurs in the region of the bridge only. The whole appearance suggests an upfolding of the mar- gin of the disk, which carries both the extra-germinal and the germi- nal ectoderm with it. Figs. 12 and 13 represent the eighth and ninth sections respectively through the same disk. Fig. 12 is a section at the extreme lateral margin of the opening of the bridge, the cavity beneath it appearing as a somewhat triangular space in the section. 296 PEOCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Fig. 13 lies beyond the region of the cavity, and the bridge is here in contact with the underlying ectoderm. I am so fortunate as to have another embryo from the same uterus from which this came, which is in almost precisely the same stage of development, and is cut very nearly at right angles to the chief axis of the germinal disk. This gives a series of sections transverse to those which I have just described. The general relation of the overgrowth, or bridge, to the underlying ectoderm will be plain, if I describe briefly two or three of the sections. Beginning with the second sec- tion in the series, which lies at what I term the posterior end of the embryo, a condition is found which is very like that represented in Fig. 13, Plate II,, consisting of a layer of true, somewhat columnar ectodermal cells, with the long axis perpendicular to the surface of the disk, and overlaid by a layer of bridge cells, slightly elongated in a direction parallel to the surface of the disk. The next section anterior to this shows the bridge passing across the germinal disk from one side to the other, and separated from it in the central region by a cavity ; the structure here resembles an arch spanning the disk from side td side. Taking next a still more anterior section, the bridge is repre- sented by an upfolded region at either side of the germinal disk, overhanging the true ectoderm, and presenting very much the appear- ance that Fig. 10, Plate II., would present if there were also an upfolding at the right-hand side of the drawing similar to that at the left. The succeeding sections simply show these lateral upfoldings diminishing in size until they disappear near the anterior margin of the germinal disk. Thus this series of sections, together with the series described just before it, gives the basis for a very complete conception of the bridge as it appears at this stage. Returning now to the figures, we find a condition somewhat more advanced than the preceding, represented by Fig. 5, Plate I. The vesicle from which this germinal disk came was taken from the ute- rus on the eleventh day after coitus, together with three others, which were all manifestly older. The vesicle was somewhat wrinkled, and measured 3.4 mm. in its longest diameter. Tlie disk lay near one margin in an unwrinkled area, and was ovate in outline, the long axis being 0.23 mm. and the greatest transverse axis 0.2 mm. in length. At the broad or anterior end the crescent-shaped free margin of the bridge appears sharply marked off from the underlying ectoderm by a cavity which extends to within a short distance of the margin of the disk on all sides except at the anterior end, where the bridge is wanting. At this point the ectoderm is slightly thicker than in the region beneath WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 297 the bridge, and this thickening appears on the surface as a slight ele- vation, which I have tried to show by the shading in the drawing. This germinal disk illustrates the form and structure of the bridge so clearly and so typically, and represents almost, if not quite, its maxi- mum development as a free and independent structure, that I have thought best to illustrate it more fully by sections than I have done in the case of the preceding embryos. The sections were made in a direction very nearly parallel to the long axis of the germinal disk, which at this stage corresponds to the anterp-posterior axis of the embryo. The disk was divided into fif- teen sections, and of these, Figs. 14-19, Plate III., and Fig. 20, Plate IV., represent respectively the first, second, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth ; the sections beyond these simply present the same phenomena in reversed order. Little need be said in explanation of the first two sections. Figs. 14 and 15, Plate III. Figure 14 is taken at the extreme lateral margin of the disk and is consequently nearer the anterior than the posterior end, because of the ovate outline of the disk. The section immediately preceding this consisted merely of a layer of typical ectodermal cells on the outside with a layer of characteristic entodermal cells a short distance beneath. Figs. 14 and 15 show the great rapidity with which the ectoderm increases in thickness in passing from the lateral margin of the disk towards its centre. The third section in the series has not been represented here, since it shows no new features beyond those represented in Fig. 15, except ah ex- tension of the ectodermal cells in a posterior direction. The next section is represented by Fig. 16, in which occurs the first appear- ance of the cavity which marks off the bridge from the rest of the germinal disk. The bridge itself consists of several irregular layers of cells, the outei'most of which is made up of cells considerably flattened in the plane of the germinal disk. As to the general characteristics of the disk in section, it should be noted that the anterior (in the figure, the right-hand) end is thicker and more rounded than the posterior, which is rather attenuated. It will also be seen that the lower or inner boundary of the ectodermal cells of the disk is marked by a relatively sharp line due to the presence of a very delicate membrane. At the margin of the germinal ectoderm, — where, between the extra- embryonic ectoderm and entoderm, a space (triangular in section) occurs which completely surrounds the disk, — this membrane loses its connection with the ectoderm of the germinal disk and stretches across the space to meet the extra-embryonic portion of the outer layer at some distance from the margin of the disk. The whole entoderm is 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. normally in close contact with the ectoderm, but in the region of this membrane it seems to be more loosely attached than elsewhere, or else the cells are less resistant, for we often find that here they are some- what torn away, as though by some mechanical injury, possibly due to the effect of the fixing or the hardening reagents, which necessarily produce a slight shrinking of the vesicle. This membrane will be more fully discussed farther on. I have not introduced the figure of the next section in the series, since it merely shows a condition intermediate between the preceding and following sections. Fig. 17 passes near the lateral margin of the free edge of the bridge, and shows that the cavity beneath the bridge extends much farther towards the posterior end of the germinal disk, and also that the bridge itself is thinner just at this point than in the preceding and the succeeding sections. By comparing this with both Figs. 18 and 19, it will be readily seen that this diminution in thickness results in a ring or crescent very near the inner margin of the under side of the bridge, which in Fig. 17 is cut nearly longitu- dinally, and in Figs. 18 and 19 transversely near the posterior point of attachment of the bridge to the underlying ectoderm. Fig. 18 shows the first section which passes through the free anterior margin of the bridge. Figures 19 and 20 may best be considered together. Fig. 19 repre- sents the section which lies in the median plane of the embryo, and con- sequently here the free edge of the bridge is farthest removed from the anterior end of the disk. In Fig. 20, Plate IV. the free margin of the bridge has begun to advance towards the anterior end of the disk again. The phenomenon of greatest significance in these sections, however, is found at the point where the bridge comes in contact with the ectoderm of the germinal disk near the posterior pole of the chief axis. In Fig. 19 it will be noticed that the cavity beneath the bridge appears to extend between the cells posteriorly as a narrow opening for a short distance. In Fig. 20 we find a continuous canal passing from the cavity beneath the bridge into the space between the ectoderm and the entoderm of the extra-germinal area just at the margin of the germinal disk. This canal appears to arise in the median plane of the embryo, and to pass between the ectodermal cells into the cavity just mentioned in a direction slightly oblique to that plane. At least that must be the conclusion, provided the sections are exactly parallel to the median plane of the disk; but if the sections were only very slightly oblique, they would make a canal as small as this appear to have an oblique direction, even though it were actually parallel to the chief axis of the WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 299 embryo. This phenomenon is not confined to this embryo. A pre- cisely similar canal can be traced in the embryo figured ou Plate I. Fio-. 3, and in two or three other cases there are suggestions of a similar condition, but not sufficiently well marked for me to put much stress upon them. It will be readily seen that unless the section should pass in exactly the right direction, i. e. very nearly through the lono- axis of the canal, it would be impossible to establish its presence except in extremely thin sections. Its occurrence in Fig. 20 is be- yond question ; I shall discuss its possible morphological significance later. The fact that the free surface of the germinal ectoderm shows no trace of cells resembling the ectoderm of the extra-germinal area, such as are present on the upper surface of the bridge, may be mentioned here again in passing. Fifth Stage. (Plate I. Fig. 6 ; Plate IV. Figs. 22-25.) "We now come to the last stage in the history of the bridge. This can best be shown in two phases, the first of which is represented by Figs. 22 and 23, Plate IV. These are from sections of an embryo taken from the same uterus as that represented by Fig. 2, Plate I. The blastodermic vesicle was small in comparison with the size of the germinal disk, being but 3.1 mm. in diameter, while the disk, which was ovate in outline, measured about 0.3 mm. in its long diameter, and in its greatest width 0.29 mm. It was cut into thirty sections in a direction nearly perpendicular to the long (chief) axis. Fig. 22 represents the thirteenth section in the series, which begins at the narrower or posterior end, and Fig. 23 represents the seventeenth, which is therefore somewhat more anterior. Fig. 22 shows that the germinal disk consists of cells whose nuclei lie at varying distances from the surfoce of the disk, and that it has a rather broad median region pretty clearly marked off from a marginal region on either side, by the fact that it contains more nuclei, and also because the general surface of the median region is here slightly elevated above the lateral portions of the disk. This median elevation is more or less marked in the sec- tions which precede this in the series, maintaining about the same relative extent. In the succeeding sections, however, it is no longer marked, so that the surface of the ectoderm is pretty uniformly flat. At the same time there is to be noticed at the margin a layer of cells cut off from the underlying ectoderm by a narrow cavity. This occurs on each side of the disk, but owing to the obliquity of the sections it appears in Fig. 23 at the left-hand side only, while it is seen at the 300 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. right as well in the sections immediately following. The stage of de- velopment represented by these sections can, I think, be readily shown to be only a more advanced condition of the phenomena presented by the germinal disk of Fig. 5. The change is brought about by a simple obliteration of the cavity between the disk and the bridge, produced by the siukins down of the bridge until it comes in contact with the sur- face of the disk, with which it fuses. The cavity which appears at the left in Fig. 23, and on the right in succeeding sections, is in all probability the last trace of the marginal groove which I mentioned in the description of the preceding embryo as running around the under surface of t^e bridge. Another embryo shows a second and later phase in the disappearance of the bridge. Fig. 6, Plate I., represents the germinal disk of an em- bryo taken from the same uterus as that of Fig. 5. The blastodermic vesicle was nearly circular in outline, slightly folded, and measured 3.9 mm. in diameter. The germinal disk was distinctly ovate in outline, as shown in Fig. 6, and measured in its long axis 0,265 mm. and in its greatest breadth 0.23 mm., thus exceeding in size the disk of Fig. 5 by just 0.03 mm. in each diameter. Though somewhat smaller than the disk just described, it is clearly older, as the description of tlie sec- tions will show. It was cut into thirty sections in a transverse direction, i. e. at right angles to the long axis of the embryo. Starting from the broader end of the disk, Fig. 24 represents the fourth section in the series, and Fig. 25 the seventh. Here the only evidence we have that a bridge has been present is in the shape and position of some of tlie more superficial cells and their nuclei. In Fig. 24 several of the surface cells show the characteristic elongated outline with flattened nuclei which the more superficial cells of the bridge present in its greatest development, and in Fig. 25 two cells near the centre show, for the same reason, an undoubted origin from the bridge. 3. Summary of Observations on the Blastodermic Vesicle of the Pig. I have given above in some detail the principal jihenomena which my material presents, and now I wish to give in a more compact form what I take to be the typical changes which occur in the period of development which these embryos cover, and to point out one or two variations from the type which serve to throw some light upon its meaning. The earliest sta^e which I have, shows a blastodermic vesicle con- sisting of a sharply defined inner layer of flattened cells, — the ento- derm, — which forms a closed sac. In contact with the outside of this WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 301 is a layer of nearly isodiametric cells, — the ectoderm, — which at one point is thickened to form the germinal disk, both by an increase in the diameter of the cells at right angles to the surface, and by an increase in the number of cell layers. On the outside of the ectoderm is found here and there a " Deckschicht " cell, apparently in process of disintegration. In short, the blastodermic vesicle has seemingly completed only recently the so-called first phase in mammalian gas- trulation, as advocated by Hubrecht ('88 and '90) and Keibel ('89 and '93).- The germinal disk is slightly elliptical in outline ; not far from one pole of the siiorter axis a proliferation of ectodermal cells has taken place, so that three cells have come to lie above the general surface of the disk. Consequently, and for additional reasons which I shall give later, I consider the shorter axis to be the chief axis of the embryo, and the pole where the proliferation of cells takes place the posterior pole. There is, furthermore, anterior to this prolifera- tion, a slight elevation at the two lateral margins of the disk, while along the median line between them there is a depression. As the embryo develops, the germinal disk grows by a multiplication of cells ; the area covered by the disk is, however, augmented slowly, the tendency being, for a certain period, to an increase in thickness. Thus the germinal disk, sections of which are shown in Figs. 14 to 21 on Plates III. and IV., is relatively much thicker than those represented by Figs. 7 to 10 on Plate II. While the disk increases thus in thickness, the proliferation of cells at the posterior end con- tinues, producing a distinct upfolding or overgrowth in that region, and at the same time a similar process has been going on at the two lateral margins. Soon these three overgrowths meet and fuse, form- ing one continuous bridge, at first attached at only three points, but later coming in contact with the disk at all points of the margin, save the anterior. There is present also a depression on the surface of the ectoderm of the disk immediately beneath the bridge, and the cavity which lies between this surface and the under surface of the bridge is connected by a narrow canal with the cavity which surrounds the disk between the extra-germinal ectoderm and the entoderm. The bridge, furthermore, seems to grow not only by a proliferation of the ectodermal cells of the germinal disk, but also by additions from the adjacent cells of the extra-germinal area. There is strong evidence of such a method of development as I have just traced, not only in the figures which I have reproduced here, but also in the case of several embryos in which the disk is much larger than at this stage, and has clearly made a greater 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ontogenetic advance. In these a large well developed bridge is found, overlying a depression in the germinal disk below, to which it is attached at only three points, one of these being usually larger than the others, and apparently representing the posterior overgrowth, which seems to develop slightly in advance of the lateral prolifera- tions. An anomalous condition of the bridge is interesting. In one embryo measuring 4 mm., with a germinal disk 0.28 mm. in diameter, the lateral proliferations seem to have been entirely sup- pressed, and we have an overgrowth from only one region, the posterior, extending forward along the median line of the disk. The fate of the bridge seems to be, that its free anterior margin finally meets the true ectoderm of the disk ; the structure then sinks down until it comes in contact with the underlying ectoderm, with which it finally fuses. At the same time the disk increases in area, this being largely due to a rearrangement of the cells of the disk in consequence of the addition received from the bridge. This method of increasing in size at this stage was first suggested to me by the fact that few nuclei are found in a karyokinetic condition. Accord- ingly, in the case of the two germinal disks represented by Figs. 5 and 6, Plate I., which correspond to the two stages of development in question, I counted the number of nuclei in each, as seen in sec- tions, to determine the numerical relations of the cells. In the disk of Fig. 5 I found 1067 cells, in that of Fig. 6, 992 ; although em- bryos in their early development grow at very different rates, still the facts which these numbers present, together with the absence of nuclear figures, would seem to point to a simple rearrangement of existing cells as the principal factor in the increase in area of the germinal disk at this stage, rather than to an active multiplication of cells. The oldest embryos considered in this paper consist, then, of a blastodermic vesicle, composed of a continuous inner sac of entoderm closely surrounded by a layer of ectodermal cells, which in the ger- minal disk are thickened into a flat, ovate expanse, without jirimitive groove or streak, with no signs of any mesoderm, and with a few widely scattered " Deckschicht " nuclei on the extra-germinal area. The entodermal cells are thickened in the region of the germinal disk until they become nearly isodiametric, and they are also thickened, though to a less extent, in an area all around the ger- minal disk, the diameter of which is about three times as great as that of the disk itself. With this summary I now pass to a consider- ation of the observations of other investigators on the mammalian WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROPA. 303 blastodermic vesicle, and to the theoretical interpretation of some of the phenomena which occur in the embryo of the pig, as I have described them. III. Historical and Theoretical. 1. Consideration of Observations on the Blastodermic Vesicle in General. On account of the incompleteness of our knowledge of the facts con- cerning the blastodermic vesicle of the Mammalia, there are naturally several theories with regard to the exact method of its formation, and the interpretation of the vesicle when once it has been formed. Since my own material begins with the completely formed blastodermic vesicle, I cannot from an actual observation of the process of develop- ment add anything to our knowledge of the method of it formation ; but the phenomena which the vesicle at this stage presents, taken in connection with the observations of other investigators on mammalian embryology, serve to throw not a little light on several of the mooted points of its development. Although the accounts of mammalian cleavage are few, and not in accord with one another, it seems to be pretty well established that cleavage results in the formation of a hollow sphere of cells, contain- ing on the inside, at one pole, a more or less irregular mass of cells. These facts have been recorded by various authors ; as, for example, Lieberkiihn ('79), Van Beneden ('80), Van Beneden et Julin ('80), Heape ('83), Hubrecht ('90), Duval ('91), Robinson ('92), Christian! ('92), and others. The method of formation of the germinal layers from these structures is in much dispute, however, I will consider briefly four theories which have been advanced on this subject, upon which my own investigations seem to throw some light ; but I would not be understood as trying to make all the observed methods of mammalian development conform to one type, — there certainly are not as yet sufficient data for that ; and besides, many reasons exist for supposing that there may be several types of development, con- forming to the varied conditions under which the very young embryo is placed in different mammals. The first theory is that which Van Beneden ('80) formulated for th« rabbit. He found a well defined outer layer of cells, just beneath this in the region of the germinal disk a layer of flattened cells lining a limited area, and within this a layer which had extended partially around the inner wall of the outer layer, and these three 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. layers he believed to represent the ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm respectively. Other investigators have found different conditions, hovrever, which disprove this theory. I merely mention it ; first, because my own embryos show clearly a marked outer layer, which I have termed ectoderm, lined with a flattened layer, the entoderm, and outside of all, unmistakable " Deckzellen," which would have to be derived from the outermost layer of cells at a stage such as Van Beueden described ; and, secondly, because not long ago Duval ('91) found, as described in his work on the rat and the mouse, young embryos to which he gave an interpretation very similar to that of Van Beneden for the rabbit. He describes a hollow vesicle, consist- ing of an outer layer of nearly isodiametric cells (see Duval, '91, Plate I., Figs. 73 and 74), with a number of larger, somewhat irregular cells inside, attached to the outer layer at one pole. He considers these two sets of cells ectoderm and entoderm respectively. As Duval describes the subsequent development, it is difficult to interpret these otherwise ; but it should be remembered that Selenka ('83) considei'ed the outer layer a " Deckschicht," and that Robinson ('92), working on the same animals, has reached conclusions widely different from those of Duval. I should like further to call attention to Duval's Figs. 75 and 79, Plate I., which resemble strongly those of other investigators on the rabbit, the mole, and the shrew, and which would seem to represent a vesicle consisting of an outer layer of somewhat flattened cells, and an inner mass differentiated into two distinct regions, very much as Heape ('83, Plate XXIX. Fig. 20) has shown it in the mole. The second theory is held by a larger number of investigators, perhaps, than any other. It maintains that the flattened cells of the outer layer become columnar and form the ectoderm of the extra- germinal region. The inner mass of cells differentiates into two superposed parts; the inner becomes the entoderm and comes to line the inner surface of the ectoderm ; the cells of the outer part be- come columnar, and, fusing with the cells of the outer layer, form the ectoderm of the germinal disk. Balfour ('81), in conjunction with Heape, thought he was able to trace the actual process of transforma- tion of the flattened into columnar cells. Essentially the same views are advocated by Rauber ('75), Lieberklihn ('79), Kolliker ('80), aid Hubrecht ('90). My material supplies no evidence whatever of any transformation of the outer layer of cells, or " Deckschicht,'' into true ectodermal WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 305 cells ; on the other hand, these " Deckzellen " show unmistakable signs of disintegration. The embryos represented in part in Figs. 1, 3, and 4, Plate I., have these cells in a better state of preservation than most of the others figured here. Fig. 27, Plate IV., is from a section through the extra-germinal area of the embryo of Fig. 3. Here, at the left and the centre, we see two " Deckschicht " cells, which are entirely characteristic, the boundaries rather indistinct, the nuclei round and with very little chromatic substance, the whole cell flattened, in the plane of the surface of the ectoderm ; these occur all over the vesicle at about the same distance apart. At the right-hand side of the figure I have shown several such cells in contact with one another ; this is the only place in my material where I have found this phenomenon ; it suggested a possible earlier condition of these cells. The cell boundaries, however, are very indistinct ; the cyto- plasm is scarcely stainable at all, while the contents of the nucleus stain a nearly uniform light blue. I am inclined, then, to regard these cells as belonging to a purely transitory layer, which may for a time serve some protective or other function, and then disappears by the disintegration of its elements as it gradually becomes of no further use. Bonnet ('91) says that this layer disappears early in the sheep and in the pig, and he finds no trace of it in the youngest sheep embryo he has described (Bonnet, '84, Taf. IX. Figs. 2 and 3.) It should be remarked that in my oldest embryos, e. g. Fig. 6, Plate I., there is scarcely any evidence that a " Deckschicht " has been present, — only here and there a small nucleus attached to the surface of the ectoderm. The third theory mentioned is that advocated by Minot ('85 and '89) and at the same time by Haddon ('85 and 87) and later by Keibel ('87). This theory starts, like the others, with an outer layer, and at one pole an inner attached mass, and assumes that the whole outer layer is entoderm, while the inner mass differentiates into two superposed layers, an outer, which becomes the true ectoderm when the entoderm outside of it, as a Rauber's " Deckschicht," disappears, and an inner, which becomes the entoderm of the germinal disk. Mi- not ('89) further suggests a complete inversion of the layers for all pla- cental Mammalia. Earlier stages than mine are necessary for a full discussion of this question, but the three-layer condition which I have found over the greater part of the blastodermic vesicles of the pig, seems to me an insurmountable objection to this theory. If the primary vesicle is of entoderm, and the ectoderm later grows around it to pro- VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 20 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. duce the dulermic blastocyst, to what origin are we to ascribe the outer layer of " Deckzelleu " which I have described ? The last theory which I shall mention is that suggested by Robin- son ('92). His studies on the embryos of the rat and the mouse have led him to believe that the portion of the outer layer lying beyond the germinal disk is entoderm, while the ectoderm is limited to the outer layer of the germinal disk region. In the rat and the mouse he does not find the ectoderm overgrowing the entoderm. However correct this theory may be for the rat and the mouse, (my own work on these animals leaves me still undecided on this point,) my investi- gations on the pig show conclusively that the entodermal vesicle becomes entirely surrounded by ectoderm. I can add little towards determining whether in the pig the extension of the entoderm over the inner surface of the ectoderm takes place by a growth proceeding from the margin of the entodermal portion of the germinal disk, as in the rabbit, mole, etc., or whether this entodermal mass of the germinal disk becomes a hollow vesicle, which reaches the ectodermal wall by a multiplication and expansion of its cells, such as would seem to take place in the hedgehog (Hubrecht '89, Figs. 7, 8, and 9, Plate XV.) and in the cat (Scliafer '76, Fig. 1, Plate X.). The youngest embryo which I have described, from which Figs. 7 , 8, and 9, Plate II., were made, showed, as I have already said, an area at the end of the vesicle farthest from the germinal disk, where for several sections no entodermal nuclei appeared. If I had had several embryos presenting this same phenomenon, I should be inclined to think that the entoderm was in process of lining the ectodermal vesicle and had not yet completed its work; but, as I said in my description of this embryo, the entodermal cells are so widely separated over the whole vesicle that 1 do not feel justified in asserting that there is a space really free from entoderm at this stage. Bonnet ('84), in his descrip- tion of a sheep embryo of thirteen days, finds the entoderm in very much the same condition ; he says : " Die Keimblase ist, wie audi die Schnitte beweisen, durchweg doppelblattrig. Die Entoblastzellen bilden aher in einiger Entfernung vom Schild keine continuirliche Lage, sondern eine netzformig durchbrochene Membran anastomosirender Zellen von 15-24 /xLange." Van Beneden ('80) finds that it is absent at one pole of the vesicle, and the same condition has been observed by both Heape ('83, Figs. 20-23, Plate XXIX.) and Keibel ('89, Fig. 46 a, Taf. XXIV.). Hubrecht ('90) quotes Hensen (76, Fig. 18,Taf. VIII.) as authority for the presence of the entoderm at this region, and the figure would certainly seem to suggest this ; but we should at least not WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SU3 SCROFA. 307 Ignore Hensen's own statement of the case when he says, " Die innere Keimhaut eeht nur iiber das obere Drittheil des Eies ; wenn an audere Stellen die Keimhaut zweischichtig erscheint, so moge man dies aus der Dreliung beim Uebergang von der Flachen- in die Kauteuansicht erklaren." The figure, however, does give the appearance of two layers at the region under discussion. While such observations as those of Heape ('83) and of Schafer ('76) would seem to point to two distinct methods of the extension of the entoderm in Mammalia, I can- not affirm with certainty that either occurs in the pig ; what evidence I have, I am inclined to interpret in support of the phenomenon as it is said to occur in the rabbit, the mole, etc. ; i. e. as a pi-ocess of marginal growth from the inner mass of cells of the germinal disk. The process of entoderm formation from the inner mass of cells would seem to be primarily, then, a separation of certain cells from the general group, and I cannot help drawing attention here to the fact that there may be an homology between this process and the method of entoderm formation described by Robinson and Assheton ('91) in the frog; furthermore, the formation of the didermic stage in the rat, as interpreted by Robinson ('92), is comparable with this, for he finds first a mass of irregular cells, in which a cavity develops sep- arating a single layer of cells at one pole from a mass of cells at the other ; the single layer he considers ectoderm, and the cells at the opposite pole the entoderm, or, as he calls them, epiblast and hypoblast respectively. I am not, however, sure in the light of the results of Selenka ('83) and Duval ('91), that this interpretation is correct. Before leaving the general consideration of the blastodermic vesicle, there are two or three other points to which I wish to refer. Schafer ('76) found in the embryo of the cat a clearly defined non-cellular membrane over the outer surfiice of the entoderm in the region of the germinal disk ; this he calls the " membrana limitans hypoblastica," and compares it to the " membrana prima" desciibed by Hensen ('76) in the first part of his paper on the rabbit (see Hensen, Fig. 19, Taf. IX.). In the second part of his paper, Hensen figures the membrane as in contact with the entoderm in the region of the primitive streak only, and as then passing over the dorsal side of the mesodermal somites, and coming in contact with the ectoderm laterally (see his Fig. 37, Taf. X.). In Hensen's eai'lier figure, and in Schafer's, this membrane is clearly an entodermal structure, and I hold it comparable to the membrane which I have found between the ectoderm and the entoderm of the germinal disk, which leaves the ectoderm at the margin of the disk and passes off to meet the extra-germinal ectoderm farther 808 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. on. This membrane would be of great assistance, it seems to me, in determining the origin of the mesoderm within the germinal area. Many authors have not figured this structure, as, for example, Kolliker ('82), Heape ('83), Bonnet ('84), Hubrecht ('90), and others. In the rat and the mouse I have noticed a sharp line between ectoderm and entoderm, which is probably the same structure, and it has been figured by other investigators of these animals (see Duval '91, Robin- son '92, and others). There is another point to which I wish to draw attention, without however attaching too great significance to it. In the description of my younger embryos I mentioned the fact that the germinal disk was elliptical in outline, and that, according to my orientation, the shorter axis of the ellipse lay in the plane of bilateral symmetry of the future animal. Though it may be of little morphological significance, it is certainly very interesting to note that in its earlier stages the blasto- derm in teleosts (which must be held to be homologous with the ger- minal disk of the mammalian embryonic vesicle) is also elliptical in outline, and furthermore that the shorter axis of the ellipse corresponds to the chief axis of the future fish, as established by Agassiz and "Whitman ('84). This elliptical outline, which seems to be constant in teleosts (see Ryder '84, Agassiz and Whitman '85 and '89, Wilson '91, etc.), is produced in the first place by the first cleavage plane, which divides the protoplasmic mass at the active pole of the egg into two parts, each circular in outline, so that as they lie side by side the blastoderm is elongated ; this condition persists for some time. If the first plane of cleavage in the teleost is not identical with the plane of bilateral symmetry, my comparison, of course, has no validity. So far as I am aware, there has been but one series of experiments whose results would seem to disprove this theory ; and these were conducted by Miss Clapp ('91), who worked on the eggs of Batrachus tau. These eggs — attached by means of their thick outer membrane to the vessel in which they were placed — were artificially fertilized, and the position of the first plane of cleavage noted. Some seven days later the chief axis of the future fish was clearly visible, and was super- posed on the line of direction of the first cleavage plane. In only three cases out of twenty-three did the two lines coincide ; in the rest the second line made a greater or less angle to the right or left of the first, — never greater than 70° however. But I think there is a possi- ble source of error here, which makes my comparison still permissible. The author states that rotation is impossible, since the yolk is at- tached to the egg membrane at the point where the membrane attaches WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROPA. 309 itself to the vessel, but offers nothing in evidence of this statement. Ryder {'86), however, infers that the yolk does not become attached until " after the vitellus has been covered by the blastoderm." During last summer, when through the courtesy of Dr. Alexander Agassiz I had the privilege of studying several weeks at the Newport Marine Laboratory, I collected material of the cleavage stages of Batrachus tau. This material was fixed without puncturing the egg membrane, and a careful examination of it shows no trace of any attachment of the yolk to the membrane, although the contents of the egg are every- where in contact with it. It should further be remembered that the contents are in a semi-fluid condition, and during the seven days men- tioned abundant opportunity is furnished for a rotation of the yolk within the egg membrane.* Before leaving this matter of the shape of the germinal disk, I wish to refer to a young disk of the shrew, which Hubrecht ('90) has figured (Plate XXXVII. Fig. 17) as elliptical, very much as I have described the disks of the pig. From the position of the figure on the plate I am left to infer that the shorter axis of the disk becomes the principal axis of the embryo. In the later development he finds the disk ovate, but he places the narrow end anterior and the broad end posterior, except in one case (Plate XXXVII. Fig. 21), where the broad end is anterior, just as I have placed it in my descriptions of the pig. This ovate out- line, oriented thus, is certainly characteristic of slightly later stages, and has been figured many times ; e. g. by Kolliker ('82) in the rabbit, Duval ('89) in the chick, Keibel ('93) in the pig, etc. I now come to the last point which I wish to consider before taking up the interpretation of the bridge. In the embryo represented by Fig. 2, Plate I., and in all the following embryos figured on this plate, there occurs a thickening of the entoderm, not only in the region of the germinal disk, but also in a considerable area immediately sur- rounding it. By a thickening I do not mean that the entodermal cells have multiplied so as to be superimposed upon one another to form a mass more than one layer of cells deep, but simply an increase * Very recently Morgan, (Experimental Studies on the Teleost Eggs, Pre- liminary Communication, Anat. Anzeiger, Jahrg. VIII. pp. 803-814, 1893,) working on the eggs of Ctenolabrus and Serranus, has arrived at the conclusion that " there is no relation whatsoever between the cleavage planes of the egg and the median plane of the adult body." Dr. Morgan bases this statement on the observation of the axes of twenty-two eggs, and his method of determining the position of the axes appears to be satisfactory. I cannot, however, enter upon a fuller consideration of the subject here. 310 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. in the number of cells over a certain area, so that they come to lie more closely together, and in consequence give the appearance in sur- face view of a thickened entpdermal area. The question of course concerns the significance of this circum-germinal thickening. An ex- planation has suggested itself to me, which rests, however, on a theory which I do not feel at all sure is established. The theory concerns the origin of the mesoderm. Hubrecht ('90) gives three sources for the mesoderm : the protochordal plate, the primitive streak (" gastrula ridge " and " KoptFortsatz "), and " an annular zone of hypoblast situ- ated just outside the limits of the embryonic shield, and thus enclos- ing — but at the outset independent of — the protochordal plate." The annular zone according to Hubrecht does not arise until after the first stages in the development of the primitive streak, and therefore is a later differentiation in the hypoblast than is the protochordal plate. Concerning this third source there has been much dispute. Bonnet ('84) has found it in the sheep, and Robinson ('92) in the rat and the mouse. But many authors find no evidence of such an origin for any part of the mesoderm, as, for example, Kolliker ('82), Heape ('83), Fleischmann ('89), Keibel ('91 and "93), Hertwig ('93), and very many others. It has occurred to me that this circum-germinal thick- ening might be the first evidence of a later (ontogenetically) formation of mesoderm in this region. Since Keibel's ('93) youngest pig embryo has the mesoderm already well advanced in development and covering the area in question in two layers, somatic and splanchnic, it is impos- sible to say what the stages intermediate between his and mine may have been, and I merely mention the above suggestion as a possible explanation of an interesting phenomenon. There is, as I have al- ready said, no trace in my specimens of mesoderm in any region of the vesicle, and no sign, either in surface view or in section, of a thickening of entodermal cells in any part of the germinal disk, like the protochordal plate which Hubrecht ('90) describes for the shrew. To make sure that this was not merely a subjective impression I enumerated the nuclei in each section of the germinal disk of Fig. 6, Plate I., beginning at the broader end, and the result was as follows : 3, 8, 10, 10, 14, 15, 18, 18, 20, 23, 28, 24, 23, 25, 24, 31, 30, 23, 22, 17, 15, 12, 10, 9, 10, 11, 6. A comparison of these figures with the shape of the disk will show an almost uniform distribution of entodermal cells. WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROPA. 311 2. Interpretation of the Bridge. I now have to consider the interpretation of the structure which I have called the bridge. There are two structures which have been described in vertebrate ontogeny with which it may perhaps be possi- ble to compare it. One of these has been figured by Heape ('83, Plate XXIX. Figs. 20-28) in the blastodermic vesicle of the mole. He here shows a thickened ectoderm in the region of the germinal disk, with a layer of entoderm beneath but not extending far beyond it, and above it a cavity (his " secondary cavity ") which is roofed over by a bridge of cells from the " Deckschicht," or, as he calls it, the " outer layer." The history of the structure, as he gives it, is briefly this. The blastodermic vesicle consists of a closed sac of flattened cells, the outer layer, and of a mass of rounded cells within at one pole, the inner mass. The latter differentiates into two parts, which become ectoderm and entoderm. The ectoderm becomes continuous at its margin with the outer layer, from which it is separated over its central area by a shallow cavity. The ectoderm increases in extent and becomes some- what cup-shaped, so that the cavity increases in depth, but it is filled with amoeboid cells derived from the outer layer. Later the ectoderm of the disk flattens out, and the cells of the outer layer above it fuse with it and become a part of the true germinal ectoderm. The inter- pretation which Heape puts on these phenomena is, that they are a transitory representation of the inversion of the germinal layers which is carried to such a great extent in some rodents. I see no reason why Heape's observations and conclusions are not entirely correct. A similar phenomenon has been figured by Hubrecht ('89, Plate XVI.) in the hedgehog. Here, however, the portion of the outer layer, or " trophoblast," which is separated from the germinal disk ectoderm, does not become fused with the disk later, but remains in contact with the uterine mucosa. This roof-like structure, where it comes in con- tact with the ectoderm of the disk, is clearly continuous with the cells of the " trophoblast " and also with those of the disk, so that Hubrecht's ('89) Fig. 20 B, Plate XVI., resembles my figures of sections through the posterior attachment of the bridge in the pig. The condition in the pig, although it seems at a casual glance to resemble the structure in the mole embryo, is not directly comparable with it. In the first place, the structure in the mole forms from the beginning an uninterrupted covering to the ectoderm of the germinal disk, and continues to do so through the subsequent development, up to its complete obliteration through fusion with the disk. During the 312 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. whole process no stage occurs where there is any trace of an over- growth, such as I have found in the pig, or of an external opening into the cavity which lies between the two layers in question. Moreover, this cavity in the mole is largely filled with a loosely arranged mass of amoeboid cells, except in one case, where, as Heape ('83, Plate XXIX. Fig. 25) says, their absence is due to mechanical injury in the process of preparing the sections. Furthermore, it may be noted that this bridge-like structure appears at a much earlier ontogenetic stage in the mole than in the pig. In the former the entoderm covers the area of the germinal disk only ; in the latter I find a complete didermic vesicle when the first trace of the bridge cells appears. It is true, we need not be surprised to find an inversion of the layers in other mam- mals than those in which it has already been established, especially in the light of Mall's ('93) paper on a human embryo of the second week, m which he explains the conditions as the result of inversion ; but, for the reasons I have given, I do not consider the bridge in the pig as even a potential inversion, — the less so as the explanation I am about to offer is to my mind a much more satisfactory inter- pretation of the phenomena. If it should be urged that the bridge is homologous with the roof-like structure over the germinal disk of the hedgehog (Hubrecht '89), it would be necessary to assume the ex- istence of a potential opening through this structure into the cavity beneath it from the very beginning of its formation, but the facts, as recorded for the hedgehog, seem to furnish no grounds for this assump- tion. Moreover, in this animal the roof-like structure never comes in contact with the ectoderm of the germinal disk, but contributes to the formation of the placenta, a very different fate from that of the bridge in the pig. I am inclined to compare this bridge with the overgrowth which occurs in the development of Amphioxus just after gastrulation and the elongation of the embryo have taken place. We knew through the investigations of Kowalevsky ('67 and '76) and of Hatschek ('81) that at this time there is a sinking of both ectoderm and entoderm along one side of the gastrnla, the future dorsal or neural side of the animal, which forms the so called medullary plate, and at about the same time a proliferation of cells begins at the posterior margin of the blastopore, and, growing forward over the blastopore and the medullary plate, meets lateral elevations on either side, and fusing with them forms a continuous roof over the dorsal depression, with an opening at the anterior end, which persists for a considerable time as the neuro- pore. The neural tube is later formed from the medullary plate, WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OP SUS SCROFA. 313 which is iu this way cut off from the rest of the ectoderm, but the overgrowth itself takes uo part in the formation of the tube, as we see clearly from Kowalevsky's (76) Figs. 11, 12, and 13, Taf. XV., where the cells of the medullary plate grow across under the roof, and thus separate the roof from the lumen of the neural tube. Kowalevsky says on this point : " Die Riickenrinne, obgleich von aussen voll- stiindig bedeckt, innen — unter der Haut — noch offen ist. Die Quer- schnitte der Gastrula und der zuletzt angefilhrte Querschnitt auf der Fig. 11 erkliiren uns diese P^rscheinuug ganz einfach. Querschnitte der etwas weiter ausgebildeten Larve, Figg. 12 u. 13 zeigeu uns nun, dass die oberen Riinder der Medullarplatten sich bald verbinden, an- fangs vermittelst einer sehr feinen und platten Briicke, welche sich aber bei den weiter ausgebildeten Larven bedeutend verdickt und so ein Verhaltniss annimmt, wie bei dem ausgewachsenen Amphioxus." Now the development of the bridge in Sus scrofa domesticus, as I have traced it iu the present paper, corresponds in many important points with the development of the dorsal overgrowth in Amphioxus. In the first place, it begins by a marked proliferation of cells at one pole of the chief axis of the germinal disk, and at the same time by a slight elevation laterally on either side of this axis and nearer the opposite pole. The median growth is more rapid than the lateral growths, and gives a condition like that of Fig. 1, Plate I., which is much the same as that figured by Kowalevsky ('7G, Taf. XV. Fig. 3) and by Hatschek ('81, Taf. III. Fig. 37) for Amphi- oxus. The overgrowth continues in the direction of the median axis, and the three parts fuse to form the continuous bridge, as already described for the subsequent stages, represented by the figures on Plate I. These correspond with the phenomena as they have been described by Kowalevsky in Amphioxus : " Die jetzt beginnende Scliliessung der Riickenfurche geht hier, so wie bei den anderen Wirbelthieren, von hinten aus, wobei die ganz hinteren Riinder, welche die Einstiilpungsoffnung riickwiirts begrenzten, sich aufheben, eine Art Dach uber diese OefFnung bilden und immer mehr und mehr nach vorne wachsend und mit den seitlichen Randern der Riickenfurche verschraelzend den Riicken, resp. das Nervenrohr, zu bilden beginnen." It is for these reasons that I have oriented my embryos in the way already described. The opening into the depression below the bridge corresponds, I believe, to the neuropore of Amphioxus, and I am inclined to carry the homology of the two forms still further, and suggest that the canal which I have shown in Fig. 20, Plate IV., corresponds to part of the neurenteric canal of Amphioxus. 81-1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. There are several objections to this theory which suggest them- selves at once. In the first place, as to the structure of the two overgrowths ; that in Amphioxus is figured as consisting of but one layer of ectodermal cells ; the bridge in the pig, on the contrary, is from two to three layers of cells thick. This seems to me but a minor point, however, readily explained by the morphological differ- ences between the larva of Amphioxus and the blastodermic vesicle of the Mammalia. In the former case there is no part which may not be said to develop directly into some important tissue or organ of the adult animal ; in the latter, it is essentially the germinal disk only of which this is true. Here, then, we have a germinal and an extra- germinal region, and in the process of rapidly increasing the number of cells in the disk the extra-germinal cells of the ectoderm, as well as the cells of the disk, apparently contribute to the development of the bridge, thus producing an overgrowth two or three cells thick. Again, it may be urged that I have not shown a blastopore around which the overgrowth should take place. I have found in my youngest embryos no trace of an opening through the germinal disk which could be compared with wnat Hertwig ('93) says may pos- sibly be a blastopore, as figured by Heape ('83), Selenka ('86-'87)j and Keibel ('89). But the blastopore in Amphioxus becomes the neurenteric canal, which leads from the posterior end of the cavity beneath the overgrowth into the gastrula cavity. It is at just this point in several of my embryos that I find a canal leading from the cavity beneath the bridge to the cavity located at the margin of the disk, between ectoderm and entoderm. To be a true neuren- teric canal, it should be continued into the gastrula cavity, i. e. the cavity within the entoderm ; but on account of the loose connection of the entodermal cells, it is impossible here to trace any such pas- sage. I do not, however, think we should be justified in asserting on this account that it does not exist. There ought, however, to be at least a fusion of the two primary germ layers in this region, such as always occurs, I believe, in the case of a true neurenteric canal. Still another objection may be raised to this theory, and that is the extremely remote relationship existing between Amphioxus and the Mammalia. If the bridge of the pig is really a reappearance of a structure which occurs as far back in phylogeny as the lowest representative of the Vertebrata, why may we not justly look for its presence in intermediate groups ? The question is certainly a fair one, and I can only say that, so far as I am aware, no structure WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OP SUS SCROFA. 315 having so marked a resemblance to the overgrowth iu Amphioxus has been recorded in any intermediate group. I am tempted, how- ever, to call attention here to a parallel case. The early cleavage in mammals, as described especially by Tafani ('89), bears a striking resemblance to the early cleavage of Amphioxus. Why, then, do we not find the same type of cleavage occurring in intermediate groups of vertebrates? Here asfain it must be admitted that we do not find it, but iu this case the reason is plain ; it is because the whole structure of the ovum is so changed by the accumulation in it of nutrient material, that cleavage on the type of Amphioxus is impos- sible, and it is not until we reach the Mammalia that the conditions are such as to admit of total equal cleavage. But is it not for the same reason that the steps which lead up to the formation of the neu- ral tube have been modified, and that the overgrowth in Amphioxus finds its first striking recurrence in the mammalian embryo ? The lumen of the canal is often extremely small in other mammals, and has in some cases been represented by a single line, e. g. Robinson ('92, Plate XXIII. Fig. 13 A, Plate XXIV. Fig. 15 D, and Plate XXVI. Fig. 17). A more serious objection exists in the fact that the cavity beneath the overgrowth in Amphioxus becomes the neural canal, whereas, as I have traced it in the pig, it becomes obliterated by a fusion of the bridge with the ectoderm of the disk. I would not be understood as considering the canal which I have compared to the neurenteric canal decisive evidence in favor of this theory ; it is, however, a sig- nificant phenomenon occurring in a significant position. To my mind it occupies the position of the neurenteric canal in Amphioxus ; that it is certainly the neurenteric canal of the pig, I would not presume to say ; the descriptions of this canal in mammals are varied ; the bridge and canal which I have described have never before been recorded in the Mammalia, so far as I am aware. 3. Summary. My conclusions as to this bridge may be briefly summarized as follows. Two interpretations of the structure have presented them- selves as in some measure probable. The first homologizes it with the thickening of the " Deckschicht " or Rauber's layer, or, as Heape ('83) calls it in the mole, the outer layer, which through the development of a secondary cavity becomes separated from the true ectoderm of the germinal disk and forms a sort of roof over it. That this structure is not homologous with the bridge seems to me 316 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. evident from the fact that in the case of the bridge there is always an opening leading from the outside into the cavity beneath the bridge, and this cavity is never filled with amoeboid cells as is the cavity in the mole. Furthermore, on the bridge there are found in some cases " Deckzellen," — or rather their remains, consisting of homogeneously staining nuclei and little cytoplasm, -^ which clearly can take no part in the formation of either bridge cells or true ectodermal cells. Again, the roof of overlying cells in the mole makes its appearance and finally fuses with the germinal disk ectoderm at an earlier stage in ontogeny than that at which the bridge in the pig develops. The second theory, which seems to me the more probable, ho- mologizes the bridge with the overgrowth along the dorsal side of Amphioxus. The reasons for this comparison are that the two struc- tures develop at about the same time in ontogeny in the two cases, i. e. just after the formation of a didermic vesicle ; that, further, a process of growth can be traced for the bridge which corresponds closely to the method of growth in the case of the structure under consideration in Amphioxus ; and, finally, that there is a median thickening of the germinal disk corresponding topographically to the medullary plate of Amphioxus, a free margin to the bridge corre- sponding to the neuropore, and a canal at the opposite pole which may, perhaps, be compared with the neurenteric canal of the primitive vertebrate. From my present knowledge of the bridge in the pig, I cannot homologize it with the roof-like structures in the shrew and the mole, and if it is not comparable with the overgrowth in Amphi- oxus, it seems to me necessary to regard it as a structure hitherto undescribed in vertebrate embryology. Whatever the interpretation of the bridge may be, we have the fact of its existence, and it is reasonable to expect that it will be found in other mammals as well, as, for example, in the sheep, in which the immediately succeeding stages of development are so similar to those of the pig. I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Alexander Agassiz, to whom I am greatly indebted for the opportunity of studying at his private laboratory at Newport and for the privilege of using his library, and to Dr. E. L. Mark, who has very kindly followed all my work and examined my preparations with great care, and also to the employees of the abattoir, who have given me much assistance in securing material. Cam BRIDGE, April 18, 1894. WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 317 LITERATURE CITED. Agassiz, A., and Whitman, C. O. '84. On the Development of some Pelagic Fish Eggs. Preliminary Notice. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. XX. pp. 23-75, IPl. '85. The Development of Osseons Fishes. I. 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Studien iiber Entwicklung des Amphioxus. Arbeiten Zool. Inst. Wien, Bd. IV. Heft 1, pp. 1-88, Taf. I.-IX. Heape, W. '83. The Development of the Mole (Talpa Europea), The Formation of the Germinal Layers, and early Development of the Medullary Groove and Notochord. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., Vol. XXHI. pp. 412-452, Pis. XXVIII.-XXXL Hen sen, V. '76. Beobachtungen iiber die Befruchtung und Entwicklung des Kaninchens und Meerschweinchens. Arch, f . Anat. u. Phys., Jahrg. 1876, pp. 353-423, Taf. VIII.-XII. Hertv^ig, O. '93. Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. 4. Auflage, 590+ xiv pp., 362 Textabbild., 2 Taf. Jena. Hubrecht, A. A. "W. '88. Die erste Aniage des Hypoblastes bei den Siiugethieren. Anat. Anzeiger, Jahrg. HI. pp. 906-912, 4 Abbild. '89. Studies in Mammalian Embryology. I. The Placentation of Erinaceus Europteus, with Remarks on the Phylogeny of the Placenta. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., Vol. XXX. pp. 283-404, Pis. XV.-XXVII. '90. Studies in IMammalian Embryology. II. The Development of the Germinal Layers of Sorex vulgaris. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., Vol. XXXI. pp. 499-562, Pis. XXXVI.-XLIL WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF SUS SCROFA. 319 Keibel, F. '87. Van Beneden's Blastoporus und die Rauber'sche Deckschicht. Aiiat. Auzeiger, Jahrg. II. pp. 769-773, 5 Abbild. '89. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chorda bei Saugern (Meer- schweinchen uud Kaiiinchen). Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abth., Jahrg. 1889, pp. 329-388, Taf. XXII.-XXV. '93. Studien zur Entwickhmgsgeschichte des Schweines (Sus scrofa domesticus) . Morph. Arbeiteu, Bd. III. Heft 1, pp. 1-139, 6 Taf., 29 Textabbild. Kolliker, A. '80. Die Entwicklung der Keimblatter des Kanincheiis. Zool. Anzeiger, Jahrg. III. pp. 370-375 u. 390-395. '82. Die Entwicklung der Keimblatter des Kaninchens. Festschr. zur Feier d. 300 jiihr. Best. d. Jul.-JMax. Univ. zu Wiirzburg, pp. 1-51, Taf. VI. Ko'walevsky, A. '67. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Araphioxus lanceolatus. Mem. de I'Acad. Imp. des Sci. de St.-Fetersbourg, ser. VII., Tom. XL No. 4, pp. 1-17, Taf. 3. '76. Weitei-e Studien liber die Entwickelungsgeschichte des Am- phioxus lanceolatus. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. XIII. pp. 181-204, Taf. XV. u. XVI. Lieberkiihn, N. '79. Ueber die Keimblatter der S'augethiere. Fiinfzig]*. Doctor- jubelfeier Hermann Nasse, Marburg. 26 pp., 1 Taf. Mall, F. '93. A Human Embryo of the Second Week. Anat. Anzeiger, Jahrg. VIII. pp. 630-633, 2 Figs. Minot, C. S. '89. Segmentation of the Ovum, with Especial Reference to the Mammalia. Amer. Nat., Vol. XXIII. pp. 463-481 and 753-769, 20 Figs. Rauber, A. '75. Die erste Entwickelung des Kaninchens. Sitzungsber. d. Na- turf. Gesellsch. zu Leipzig, 3 Dec, pp. 103-109, 1 Taf. Robinson, A. '92. Observations upon the Development of the Segmentation Cavity, the Archenteron, the Germinal Layers, and the Amnion in Mam- mals. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., Vol. XXXIII. pp. 369-455, Pis. XXIII.-XXVII. 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Robinson, A., and Assheton, R. '91. The Formation and Fate of the Primitive Streak, with Observa- tions on the Archenteron and Germinal Layers of Rana temporaria. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci.,Vol. XXXII. pp. 451-504, Pis. XXXIV. and XXXV. Ryder, J. A. '84. A Contribution to the Embryography of Osseous Fishes, with Special Reference to the Development of the Cod (Gadus morrhua). Pteport of U. S. Fish. Com., 1882, pp. 455-605, Pis. I.-XII. '86. Preliminary Notice of the Development of the Toad-fish, Ba- trachus tau. Bull. U. S. Fish. Com., Vol. VI. pp. 4-8, Plate T. Schafer, E. A. '76. Description of a Mammalian Ovum in an Early Condition of Development. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. XXIV. pp. 399-403, Plate X. Selenka, E. '83. Studien iiber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Heft L Keimbliitter und Primitivorgane der Maus, pp. 1-23, Taf. I.-IV. '86 u. '87. Studien iiber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Heft 4. Das Opossum (Didelphys virginiana), L pp. 101-132, Taf. XVII.- XXIV., XXVI; II. pp. 133-172, Taf. XXV., XXVII.-XXX. Tafani, A. '89. La fecondation et la segmentation etudiees dans les oeufs des rats. Arch. Ital. de Biol., Tom. XI. pp. 112-117. Wilson, H. V. '91. The Embryology of the Sea Bass (Serranus atrarius). Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 1889, pp. 209-277, Plates LXXXVIII.-CVII. WEYSSE. — BLASTODERMIC VESICLE OF BUS SCROFA. 321 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. All the drawings were made with the camera lucida directly from the object itself, with the exception of Fig. 2, Plate I., which is a graphic reconstruction made from sections drawn with the camera. In the case of all transverse sec- tions it is the posterior face of the section that is shown, so that right on the figure corresponds to the right side of the disk. The embryos came from four uteri, and may accordingly be grouped as follows : A, Figs. I, 3, 4, 10, 27 ; B, Figs. 2, 21, 22, 23, 26 ; C, Figs. 5, 6, 14-20, 24, 25 ; D, Figs. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13. VOL XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 21 PLATE I. All figures magnified 100 diameters, and oriented on the plate with the chief axis vertical and the anterior pole towards the top. Figure 1 A portion of the blastodermic vesicle containing the germinal disk. The posterior overgrowth is marked, and the marginal elevations and median depression are apparent. " 2. A later stage than the preceding, with the posterior and the lateral overgrowths fused at two points. " 3. One continuous overgrowth or bridge, with no trace remaining of the fusion of parts. " 4. A later stage showing a more extensive bridge with a lateral opening at the right, where the lateral and the posterior overgrowths have not completely fused. " 5. A germinal disk with ovate outline and highly developed bridge. The broad end of the disk is anterior. " 6. Enlarged disk, ovate, with no separate bridge. Sections show that the bridge has fused with the ectoderm of the disk. ASTODt :;SICLE. vv-.v PLATE II. All figures magnified 400 diameters, ectoderm uppermost. Figure 7. Transverse section of a very young germinal disk, showing one cell at the centre projecting above the general level of the ectoderm, but clearly an ectodermal cell. " 8. Section immediately succeeding that of Fig. 7, and showing essen- tially the same phenomena. " 9. More anterior section of the same disk showing the even surface of the ectoderm and the general arrangement of the cells. No " Deck- schicht " cells. " 10. Longitudinal section, nearly median, through the germinal disk of Fig. 1. At the left hand or posterior end is seen an early stage in the development of the bridge, which here consists of two layers of cells, the outermost resembling the extra-germinal ectoderm, the inner the germinal ectoderm. Note the dividing nucleus at the base of the bridge. " 11. A nearly median longitudinal section of another germinal disk in a little later stage of development. " 12. More lateral section through the same embryo as Fig. 11, showing lateral continuity of the bridge and the cavity beneath it. " 13. A still more lateral section of the same disk as the two preceding, in which the cavity has disappeared, but the bridge cells are readily distinguished from the true ectodermal cells of the disk. WeyssetBlastodeumig Vesicle . Plate H. A.W.V/.,del. BMeisel I PLATE III. All figures magnified 400 diameters, and all drawn from longitudinal sections through tlie germinal disk of Fig. 6. Tiie anterior end is at the right. Figure 14. First section of the disk ; the disk cells first appear near the anterior end on account of the ovate outline of the disk. 15. Second section in the series ; merely shows an extension of the germinal-disk ectoderm. 16. Fourth section. First appearance of the bridge, marked off by a distinct cavity. 17. Sixth section through the disk. Extension of the cavity and decrease in thickness of the bridge. 18. Seventh section, showing free margin of the bridge at the anterior end, with posterior attachment. 19. Eighth or median section ; here we have the most posterior point of the free margin of the bridge. The cavity beneath extends a short distance towards the posterior pole, between the cells. Weys s e rBLASTODERMic Vesicle . Plate DI. ^^m:^zB PLATE IV. Figures 20 and 27 magnified 400 diameters, all others 275 diameters. Ecto- derm in every case uppermost. Figure 20. The ninth section in the same series as those of Plate III. The free' margin of the bridge is again nearer the anterior pole, while the cavity beneath extends by a narrow canal completely through the ectoderm of the disk into the extra-germinal space between ecto- derm and entoderm. " 21. Somewhat oblique longitudinal section nearly through the centre of Fig. 2, Plate I. The ectoderm of the disk is greatly thickened, the cavity beneath the bridge is rather shallow, but there is a marked depression just in front of tiie free edge of tiie bridge. Tlie ento- derm is thickened beyond the area of the disk in the extra-embryonic region. " 22. A nearly transverse section through a much older germinal disk, which shows the decrease in thickness of the ectoderm attending an extension in area and the fusion of the bridge along the median portion. " 23. A slightly more anterior section of the same disk as Fig. 22, where we see at the left lateral margin the fusion of the bridge not quite completed. " 24. Transverse section, the fourth from the anterior end of the germinal disk of Fig. 6, showing the bridge cells in contact with the germi- nal-disk ectoderm. " 25. Seventh section of same disk as the preceding, showing near the median line the last trace of the fusion of two bridge cells with the ectoderm. " 26. Section through the extra-germinal region of the blastodermic vesi- cle of Fig. 2, Plate I. On the upper side are a few " Deckschicht " cells, flattened and disintegrating; then a layer of typical ecto- dermal cells, and, below, the normally distributed entodermal cells of this stage. " 27o Section through the extra-germinal region of Fig. 3, Plate I. The " Deckschicht " cells are more numerous than in the preceding case, and at one point several are in contact with one another, — an un- usual condition. The entodermal cells are more numerous tlian in the preceding, since this is a later stage of development. WeYS S E rBlASTODE-RMIC VeS IGLE . Plate N. STT? xwPl'^'.^^TCI^v^ V ^f ^^ • - ^ZoE^^--^^-^^ . i- A WYiT.. EMeisel.Iidi.Boslor. 324 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. XIII. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON TERNARY MIXTURES. FIRST PAPER. By Wilder D. Bancroft. Presented by C. L. Jackson, May 9, 1894. Following out tlie analogy between dissolved substances and gases, Nernst deduces the law that, when two dissolved substances have no common ion and do not react chemically, the influence of each on the solubility of the other is zero, within certain undefined limits. He says : * " Die Analogic zwischen der Auflosung und Sub- limation bezw. Dissociation fester Stoffe zeigt sich nun auch deutlich ausgesprochen, was den Einfluss fremden Zusatzes betrifft. Ebenso wenig wie die Sublimatiousspannung bei Gegenwart fremder indiffe- renter Gase sich iindert, wird die Loslichkeit eines festen Stoffes durch Zusatz eines zweiten (in nicht zu grosser Meuge) beeinflusst, wofern der hinzugefiigte fremde StofF nicht chemisch auf jenen einwirkt; und ebenso wie die Dissociationsspannungim hochsten Maasse durch Zusatz eines der gasformigen Zersetzungsproducte beeinflusst wird, so variirt entsprecheud auch die Loslichkeit derjenigen Stofi^e, bei welchen die Auflosunw mit einem mehr oder wenisrer vollstiiudigen Zerfall verbun- den ist, die also bei ihrer Auflosung mehrere Molekiilgattungen liefern, wenn eine dieser letzteren der Losung hinzugefiigt wird." There are several things in this statement which are open to criticism. If taken literally, the author implies a fundamental difference between solu- tions of liquids in liquids, and solids in liquids, a distinction which is not in accordance with the view that in dilute solutions the solute.t * Theor. Cliemie, p. 383. t Tliere seems to me a need for a word denoting the dissolved substance. In future I shall use tlie word "solute," meaning the substance dissolved in the solvent. Instead of the phrase "infinitely miscible liquids," I propose " con- solute " liquids. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 325 whether liquid or solid in the pure state, behaves like a gas at that temperature. If applied to any dissolved substance, the statement just quoted is too inaccurate to need any comment. The precipitation of salts by alcohol is a well known instance where it does not apply, and, in general, adding to a solution a substance in which the solute is practically insoluble diminishes the solubility of the latter. This is recognized by Nernst, for he has based a method for determining re- acting weights upon it.* Even if limited to solids, the proposition can- not be admitted. We have the precipitation of lactones by potassium carbonate as an intermediate step, and the precipitation of salts by phenol as a definite case of diminished solubility without the presence of a common ion. Other cases could be cited, if necessary, and there are also examples where an increase of solubility takes place when a solid substance is added to a solution containing another solid as solute. The explanation usually offered under these circumstances is, that " double molecules " are formed, a mode of getting round the facts which is not always entirely satisfactory. Since in the application of the gas laws to solutions there has been observed no difference between a solid and a liquid when dissolved, I am inclined to think that the general statement should be, that in all cases where a third substance, B, is added to a solution of ^ in S, the solubility of A undergoes a change. This variation may be large or small, positive or negative, depending on the nature of the three sub- stances A, B, and S. When both A and B are liquids, or even when only one of them is, the effect is so marked as to be familiar to all ; when both are solids, the effect is not yet recognized by so competent an authority as Nernst. The work of the last few years on solutions has been devoted to bringing out the analogy between the dissolved substance and gases. In the cases of changed solubility, no common ion being present, the analogy is no longer with gases, but with liquids. The added sub- stance acts as a liquid, precipitating the solute more or less in propor- tion as the dissolved substance happens to be more or less soluble in it. The laws governing these displacements are entirely unknown, with the exception of Nernst's Distribution Law,t which is only a first ap- proximation, in that it takes no account of the changing mutual solubilities of the hypothetically non-raiscible liquids. Under these circumstances it seemed to me desirable to investigate the laws gov- erning systems composed of three substances, and the experiments * Zeitschr. f. ph. Chem., VI. IG. 1890. t Teilingssatz. 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. which I communicate in this paper have been made on the simplest form of ternary mixtures, that where all three substances are liquids. The subject has been very little studied, the only researches known to me being by Tuchschmidt and Folleuius,* Berthelot and Jungfleisch,t Duclaux, t Nernst, § and PfeiiFer. || Of these, all except the first and last deal with the equilibrium between two liquid phases ; the paper of Tuchschmidt and Follenius contains but one series of measurements, while Pfeiffer remarks, apropos of his own extended investigations, that " there is very little to be made out of them." In this he does himself an injustice, for, as I shall show, his results are very satisfac- tory and astonishingly accurate when one remembers how they were made. The simplest case of three-liquid systems is when one has two prac- tically non-miscible liquids, and a third with which each of the others is miscible in all proportions; for then any complication due to the mutual solubility of the two dissolved liquids is avoided. It is pos- sible to say something a priori about the law which governs these saturated solutions. Let A and £ be two non-miscible liquids, S the common solvent with which A and B are miscible in all proportions when taken singly, and let the quantity of S remain constant, so that we are considering the amounts of A and B^ namely x and y, which will dissolve simultaneously in a fixed amount of S. It is known, experimentally, that the presence of A decreases the solubility of B, and vice versa ; it is required to find the law governing this change of solubility. This, being a case of equilibrium, must come under the general equation of equilibrium. where dx and dy denote the changes in the concentrations of A and B respectively. This equation, though absolutely accurate, is of no value practically so long as the differential coefficients are unknown functions. In re- gard to them we may make two assumptions. Tlie decrease in tlie solubility of A may be proportional to the amount of B added, and inde- pendent of the amounts of A and B already present in the solution. The differential equation expressing this is : (2) a dx + b y = 0, * B. B., IV. 583. 1871. t Ann. chim. pliys., [4.], XXVI. 396. 1872. | Ibid., [5.], p. 264. 1876. § Zeitschr. f. pli. Chein., VI. 16. 1890. || Ibid., IX. 469. 1892. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 327 where a and h are proportionality factors and constants. This equa- tion may be rejected on a 'priori grounds, because it does not show that when B is absent, the miscibility of A with S is infinite, and also because it has no similarity with the other equations representing chemical equilibrium. The second assumption is that the change in solubility may be a function of the amounts of A and J5 already present. This is the usual condition of chemical equilibrium, and is known as the Mass Law. Its mathematical expression is a dx , B dy ^ + - — - — 0, or X y (3) a d log X -\- 13 d log y = 0, where x and y denote the amounts of A and B in a constant quantity of S, a and /3 are proportionality factors, and the logarithms are natural logarithms. If a and /3 are constants, this equation is integrable, and gives when cleared of logarithms : (4) x"/ = Constant. If we make — = w, we Ishall have : (5) x-y^C, where C is of course different in value from the constant in equa- tion (4). Before we proceed to test equation (5) experimentally, it remains to be seen in what unit x and y should be expressed. It is obvious that the nature of the unit has no effect on the general form of the equation, nor upon the exponential factor n. The only change will be in the value of the integration constant log G, so that the measurements may be expressed in any form that is convenient, as chemical units,* for example, grams per litre, volumes, reacting volumes, or anything else. It is not even necessary that x and y be expressed in the same unit, though it would probably always be more practical. In my own * I have adopted the following nomenclature for molecular and atomic weights, viz. reacting and combining weights. As the reacting weight is pro- portional to the chemical unit experimentally, I propose that the gram molecule in the unit of volume (reacting weight in grams per litre) be called the chemical unit, or simply the unit. Tlie object of these arbitrary changes in our chemical terms is to do away with everything involving or implying the assumption of the existence of molecules and atoms. 328 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. experiments x and y are expressed in cubic centimeters because they were measured directly as such, and in this way it was not necessary to make determinations of the densities of the liquids used, nor any assumptions in regard to their reacting weights. Equation (o) will not remain unchanged if the reacting weight of ^ or ^ varies, that is, if the ratio of the active mass to the actual mass changes as x ox y changes. The converse of this is also true, that if the system follows the law ic" y = C, the common solvent remaining constant, the react- ing weishts of the substances A and B cannot have varied with the concentration. I have found that the equation, x'^if^ Constant, is the expression representing the saturated solutions of two non-miscible liquids in a constant quantity of a consolute lic^uid. I find, however, that in most cases the concentrations cannot be given by one curve, but involve two, so that for one set of concentrations I have the relation x"^y= Ci, for the other set off^y =0^. This cannot be true unless the two sets of saturated solutions correspond to different conditions. This is the case. Duclaux* found that a saturated solution of amylalcohol and water in ethylalcohol became turbid on adding a drop either of amyl- alcohol or of water. In other words the solution was sensitive to an excess of either liquid. f, I have confirmed this result, and it is per- fectly general. It is not proper, however, to draw the conclusion that the solution is saturated' in respect to both liquids. If to a given saturated solution of chloroform, water, and alcohol, for instance, one adds a drop of water or of chloroform, the solution becomes turbid ; but what separates out is the same in both cases. It is analogous to a saturated solution of salt in a mixture of alcohol and water. It is in- different whether one adds alcohol or salt to the solution. In either case, there is a precipitate ; but in both cases the precipitate is salt, and the solution is saturated in respect to salt, not in respect to alcohol. It is not so easy to see what takes place in a system composed of liquids because the precipitate, being itself a liquid, dissolves part of the solution, and the new phase is not composed of pure substance. This need not trouble us, for, theoretically at any rate, the precipitate may be treated as pure liquid, and the final equilibrium looked upon as due to a subsequent reaction. One of the two curves represents, then, the set of solutions which is saturated in respect to chloroform, and not in respect to water. Whether one adds water or chloroform, to these solutions, the precipitate is chloroform. Tne other curve represents * Ann. chim. phys , [5.], VII. 264. 1876. t Ostwalcl, Lehrbuch, I. 819. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 329 the mixtures which are saturated in respect to water, and not in respect to chloroform. Either water or chloroform, when added to these solu- tions, produces a precipitate of water. These two sets of solutions :ire easily distinguishable qualitatively, because in the first case the new phase, containing a large percentage of chloroform, is denser than the mixture from which it separates, while in the second case the new phase, containing chiefly water, is lighter than the original solution. The point where the new phase changes from being denser to beino- lighter than the first phase is the point of intersection of the two curves. At this point only is the nature of the precipitate determined by the nature of the infinitely small excess added. The intersecting point represents the concentration at which, were chloroform and water solids at that temperature, both could be in equilibrium with the solu- tion and its saturated vapor. It corresponds to the concentration of a solution containing two salts with a common ion which is in equilibrium with the two solid salts, formation of a double salt being excluded. In one respect the analogy between a system having three liquid compo- nents and one composed of two solids and a liquid does not hold. If to a saturated solution of silver bromate silver acetate is added, the precipitate is silver bromate, and, conversely, the precipitate is silver acetate if silver bromate be added to a saturated solution of silver acetate. The salt with the less concentration precipitates the one with the greater, up to a certain point. In a chloroform-water-alcohol mix- ture in which chloroform is present in large quantities, the precipitate is water, or the substance with the greater precipitates the one with the lesser concentration. This difference of behavior is due to the new phase being a solid in the one case and a liquid in the other. By a suitable choice of the three components, and by varying the tempera- ture, the substance in respect to which the solution was saturated could be made to separate either as a liquid or a solid phase, and this difference could be made zero. The transition point would come when the equilibrium was between four phases, one solid, two liquid, and one gaseous. There is no apparent theoretical reason why the two curves should not be prolonged beyond their intersection ; but there is a very good practical one. Beyond the point of intersection the curves denote saturated but labile solutions, and a supersaturated system composed of liquids is almost impossible to realize. When I come to the study of ternary mixtures having one or more solid components, I hope to be able to follow one of the curves at least beyond the intersecting point; but in the present work I have made no such attempt. 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. I will now describe the method used in my work, and then take up the experimental data obtained. As pairs of non-miscible liquids, I have taken chloroform and water, benzol and water ; and as consolute liquids, ethylalcohol, methylalcohol, and acetone. The next point was how to determine the composition of the saturated solutions. The methods of quantitative analysis are useless in this case ; but the problem is solved without difficulty by quantitative synthesis. In- stead of making a saturated solution and analyzing it, I measured the quantities required to make a saturated solution at the required tem- perature. Definite amounts of the consolute liquids were put in test tubes by means of a carefully graduated pipette ; varying quantities of one of the non-miscible liquids were run in from a burette, and the second non-miscible liquid added from another burette to saturation. The test tubes were corked, warmed just above the temperature at which the final readings were made, so that there should be a single homogeneous liquid layer, and placed in a constant temperature bath. If the tube clouds, it is beyond the saturation point; if it remains clear, it is not up to it, the required value lying between the two. By making a series of experiments one can bring the limiting values very close together, and thus determine the saturation point with great accuracy. The constant temperature bath was at 20° C. No correc- tion was made for the amounts of the three liquids evaporating off into the vapor space in the upper part of the test tubes ; but by using different sized test tubes this space did not vary much, being about five cubic centimeters, so that the error due to this may be neglected. The chloroform used (Squibb's) was treated with sodium bisulphite solution to free it from acetone, washed thoroughly with water, dried over calcium chloride and fractionated, twelve hundred grams going over within one quarter of a degree. Kahlbaum's crystallized benzol was recrystallized twice and fractionated to constant boiling point. The ethylalcohol was dried over lime and copper sulphate and frac- tionated. The lot used distilled within half a degree. Part of the acetone (from Eimer and Amend) was converted into the bisulphite compound, back again, dried over potassium carbonate and calcium chloride, and fractionated. Another portion was treated direct with calcium chloride and fractionated. I could detect no difference be- tween the two lots. I tried to purify a sample of acetone from Cutler Brothers, purporting to be manufactured by Merck in Darmstadt; but it was so bad that I used none of it in my experiments. The methyl- alcohol (from Kahlliaum) was dried over anhydrous copper sulphate and fractionated. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 331 The measurements in the tables are the mean of at least four determinations, and the error is probably not more than b% except in the cases where the quantity of one component is less than 0.20 c.c, when it may easily rise to 10%. The values for n are accurate to within 2% without much question. The values for log C are more untrustworthy, being much affected by a slight variation in ?«, while the term G is liable to even greater fluctuations, and is not given, as being too uncertain. Under the headings " Calc." are the values required by the formula to correspond with the experimental data for the other component. The figures in the column marked logC are Briggsian logarithms. As will be noticed, I have not always taken the mathematical mean of this column as the value of log C in the formula. It seemed better to take the value which best satisfied the experimental data, and to ignore numbers which were obviously faulty. TABLE I. X c.c. H2O; y c.c. CHCI3; 5 c.c. Alcohol. Temp. 20° Formula x«i y=:C-^; n-^ = 1.90 ; log C]_ - 1.190. Water. CHCl, Calc. Found. Calc. Found. logC,. 9.94 10.00 0.195 0.20- 1.195 8.99 9.00 0.24 0.24 1.192 7.98 8.00 0.30 0.30 1.193 7.14 7.00 0.385 0.37 1.174 6.00 6.00 0.515 0.515 1.190 5.00 5.00 0.73 0.73 1.191 3.97 4.00 1.12 1.13 1.197 Average, 1.190 Formula x\f^ - Co; n^ — I-IH; log Cg = 0.742. 3.00 1.99 1.01 0.92 0.755 0.635 0.55 0.48 0.43- 0.20 0.127 3.00 1.73 2.00 2.49 1.00 4. 66 0.91 5.07 0.76 5.96 0.63 7.06 0.55 8.00 0.49 8.86 0.425 10.06 0.20- 20.00 0.125 30.24 logCj. 1.73 0.741 2.51 0.745 4.60 0.737 5.00 0.736 6.00 0.745 7.00 0.738 8.00 0.743 9.00 0.750 10.00 0.739 20.00 0.742 30.00 0.738 Average, 0.741 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN. ACADEMY. TABLE II. X c.c< Water; y c.c. CHCI3; 5 c.c. Methyl Alcohol. Temp. 20° Formula x^^y - Cj; n^ = 2.30; log Cj = 1.291. Water. CHCI, Calc. Found. Calc. Found. logCj. 9.91 10.00 0.10 0.10 1.300 5.01 5.00 0.48 0.48 1.288 4.03 4.00 0.81 0.80 1.283 1.99 2.Q0 3.97 4.00 Average, 1.294 1.291 Formula x"" y = Cy, «2 = 1.25; log C.2 = 1.061. log Cj. 1.49 1.49 7.00 7.00 1.061 1.34 1.35 7.93 8.00 1.005 1.12 1.12 10.00 10.00 Average, 1.061 1.062 TABLE III. a: c.c. Water ; y c.c. Chloroform ; 5 c.c. Acetone. Temp. 20°. Formula x»i y = Cxi wi =r 1.415 ; log (7^ = 0.194. Water. Chloroform. Calc. Found. Calc. Found. logC. 5.01 5.00 0.16 0.16 0.193 4.00 4.00 0.22 0.22 0.194 3.47 3.50 0.266 0.27 0.201 3.00 3.00 0.33 0,33 0.193 2.49 2.50 0.43 0.43 0.196 2.01 2.00 0.586 0.58 Average, 0.189 0.194 1.50 0.74 1.20 0.83 1.00 0.955 0.93 1.00 0.79 1.12 0.71 1.20 0.58 1.40 0.i53 1.50 0.505 1.60 0.38 2.00 0.30- 2.50 0.25 3.00 0.21 3.50 0.19 s 4.00 0.16 5.00 0.12 10.00 BANCROFT. TERNARY MIXTURES. 333 TABLE IV. a; c.c. Water; yc.c. Benzol ; 5 c.c. Alcohol. Temp. 20°. Formula x" y - C ; n =z 1.60 ; log C - 0.554. Benzol, Calc. X. Found. 19.87 20-00 10.65 10.00 7.94 8.00 4.97 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.02 3.00 2.01 2.00 1.72 1.72 1.50 1.50 1.44 1.45 1.00 1.00 0.605 0.605 0.526 0.525 0.34 0.34 Cale. Found. logC. 0.03 0.03 0.557 0.09 0.08 0.503 0.13 0.13 0.559 0.273 0.275 0.557 0.39 0.39 0..554 0.61 0.61 0.558 1.18 1.17 0.550 1.50 1.50 0.553 1.87 1.87 0.554 K98 2.00 0.559 3.58 3.57 0.553 8.00 8.00 0.554 10.04 10.00 0.552 20 J 4 20.00 Average, 0.551 0.551 TABLE V. a; c.c. Water; r/c.c. Benzol ; 5 c.c. Methyl Alcohol. Temp. 20°. Formula ar»i y = Cj ; wi = 1.48 ; log Ci = 0.216. Water. Benzol. Cale. Found. Calc. Found. logC,. 5.05 5.00 0.15 0.15 0.211 3.95 4.00 0.21 0.215 0.223 3.01 3.00 0.32 0.32 0.211 2.00 2.00 0.59 0.59 ' 0.216 1.40 1.40 LOO 1.00 Average, 0.216 0.215 Formula x^^y = C '2; »2 = 2.00; log C.2 = 0.28L logQ. 1.13 1.13 1.50 1.50 0.282 1.00 1.00 1.91 1.90 0.279 0.80 0.80 2.99 3.00 0.283 0.69 0.69 4.01 4.00 0.280 0.49 0.49 7.96 8.00 Average, 0.283 0.281 334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE VI. arcc. Water; yc.c. Benzol; 5 c.c. Acetone. Temp. 20°. Formula a: 'i y = Ci; «i = 1.40 ; log C^ = 0.262. Water. Benzol. Calc. Found. Cale. Found. logC,. 7.97 8.00 0.10 0.10 0.264 7.00 7.00 0.12 0.12 0.262 5.04 5.00 •0.19 0.19 0.258 4.03 4.00 0.26 0.26 0.258 2.99 3.00 0.393 0.395 0.264 2.49 2.50 0.51 0.51 0.265 2.18 2.20 0.61 0.615 0.269 2.01 2.00 0.69 0.69 Average, 0.260 0.2625 Formula x y^-^ z=. C 2; "2 = 1-35; log (?2 = 0.114. JogC,. 1.67 1.67 0.8.33 0.833 0.114 1.50 1.50 0.90 0.90 0.114 J. 30 1.30 1.00 1.00 0.114 1.005 J. 00 1.215 1.21 0.112 0.65 0.65 1.67 1.67 0.114 0.51 0.51 2.00 2.00 0.114 0.38 0.38 2.49 2.50 0.116 0.295 0.295 3.00 3.00 0.114 0.20 0.20 4.00 4.00 0.114 0.15 0.15 4.96 5.00 Average, 0.119 0.1145 There is but one exception, in the chloroform- water-ace tone series. As chloroform and water behave normally with alcohol (Table I.), water and acetone with benzol (Table VI.), the disturbing effect must be due to chloroform and acetone in presence of each other. I have not yet had time to investigate mixtures of chloroform and acetone in the absence of water, to determine whether they are abnormal in respect to any other physical properties. In the other five cases the agree- ment between observed and calci^lated values is a remarkable one, well within the limits of experimental error, and this in spite of the wide range that the measurements cover. In the benzol- water-alcohol series the ratio of benzol to water varies as one to forty thousand ; in the chloroform-water-alcohol series the ratio chloroform-water varies as one to twelve thousand. In the last measurement of Table I. the chloroform forms over 809^ by volume synthetically of the solution, so that in this instance we are well beyond the realms of the " dilute BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 335 solutions," without noticing any disturbing effect due to " variations from the gas laws." The series benzol-water-alcohol is represented by a single curve ; but it must not be thought that in this it forms a real exception to the other mixtures. Theoretically, there are two curves for this series ; but the two happen to have the same direction, and therefore appear as one. The point where the precipitate ceases to be less dense tlian the original solution lies between the mixtures benzol 2.00 c.c, water 1.45 c.c, and benzol 3.57 c.c, water 1.00 c.c. The formula x°- yP= Constant is not satisfactory, because it contains no term expressing the variation of the consolute liquid in case one of the non-miscible liquids is kept constant, and also because a change in the units in which x and y are expressed or a change in the amount of the consolute liquid taken affects the constant of the formula. This can be remedied by the following reasoning. According to Gibbs and to experiment, the absolute mass of a phase has no effect on the equi- librium. Therefore increasing the quantities of x and y ?n-fold in- volves inC'reasing the quantity of the consolute liquid m-fold if the solutions are to remain at the saturation point. This would increase the value of the constant m='+^ times. If then x and y denote the values in cubic centimeters of the non-miscible liquids A and B, z the corresponding value for the consolute liquid S^ we have as equation of equilibrium for saturated solutions the expression : If, as was done, z is kept constant, this simplifies to formula (4), which I will renumber la . la. - a^"/ = (^1- \i y is constant, x and z varying, we have : lb. -^ = c And if X is constant, y and z varying, we have : In equation I the value of C is a function of the nature of the units in which x, y, and z are expressed ; but independent of the size. Thus grams and kilograms give the same result, cubic centimeters and litres ; but the weight constant is different from the volume constant, and the constants for reacting weights or reacting volumes would have still 336 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Other values. C is also dependent on the absolute value of the expo- nential factors a and /3. We can however eliminate this effect by writing (6) G = K-+^, in which case K remains entirely unchanged, when we substitute — = n. In Table VII. I ijive in the first two columns the values for log (7 according to the general formula -;^^ — C, when a:, y, and z are expressed in volumes. Since 2: = 5 in all these measurements, Table VII. gives the constants of the preceding tables less the corresponding values of (n + 1) log 5. It would have been better to calculate the integration constant using the rational exponents a and /3 ; but only their ratio can be determined by a study of equilibrium in one liquid layer, and the case of two liquid layers will form the subject of a separate communication. In columns three and four are the corre- sponding values of K^ and A'o according to equation (6). They are the constants of the preceding two columns divided by the appropriate values of n -\-\. TABLE VII. Mixtures. logC,. log C. log K, . log^,. HoO, CHCI3, CoHsOH 1.163 T.266 T.711 1.652 HoO, CHCI3, CH3OH 2.984 1.489 1.692 T.773 H.,0, CHCI3, CH3COCH3 2.506 • • • • 1.381 • • • • H.,0, CfiHe, C.HjOH 2.737 2.737 T.514 T.514 H.O, CeHg, CH3OH 2.482 2.184 T.388 T.395 H2O, C.Hfi, CH3COCH3 2.584 2.471 1.410 T.349 The values given under x and y in Tables I.-VI. are amounts of the liquids A and Birnx given quantity of S, — in this case 0 c.c. A glance at the tables will show that these figures are very far from expressing volume concentrations, i. e. quantity of substance in a given volume of the solution. As most theoretical generalizations in chemistry are expressed in volume concentrations, it will be necessary to see what effect such a change would have on general Formula I. If there is no contraction or expansion on mixing, the volume of the solution will be the sum of the component volumes, or V=x + y-^z, and the volume . ... , X y z . . concentrations will be ; — 1 , — ; , respectively. x^yA^z x-Vy^z x+y + z This simple case may be said never to occur, and the volume of the solution is an at present unknown function of the component volumes BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES, 337 represented by the expression V^= F (x,y,z). While the knowledge of the form of this function is necessary to enable us to calculate the volume concentrations of a given solution from our experimental data, it is superfluous in the present discussion. We have (from Formula I.) : a log X + /3 log y — (a + /3) log z = log C. Now a log F + i8 log F — (a + /3) log V=0, alog - + y8 log - - (a + /5) log- = log (7; x"-^ or ^a + P ^ = C, if X, y, and z denote volume concentrations instead of having their previous significance. Since a, 3, and C remain unchanged, we find that Equation I represents the series of saturated solutions obtained at constant temperature with any two non-miscible liquids, and a third liquid miscible in all proportions with each of the other two, provided no chemical reaction takes place and provided the react- ing weights of the liquids remain unchanged. It is immaterial whether X, y, and z denote volume concentrations, or concentrations of two of the substances in a constant quantity of the third. As has been said, volume concentrations are generally looked upon as the only scientific way of expressing data. This is perfectly nat- ural when we remember that our theoretical ideas have been formed almost entirely upon a study of the gaseous state. It is not a neces- sary method, and in this particular case it is decidedly disadvantageous practically to use volume concentrations. It involves a determination of the density of each solution, increasing the work and bringing in a new source of error. When expressed in volume concentrations all three components vary, and while it is a simple matter to plot three variables in a plane,* I know of no way in which this can be done for the logarithms of these variables. By the method which I have fol- lowed, one constituent can be kept constant, no density determinations are necessary, and there are only two variables. The formula being hyperbolic, by plotting the data on logarithmic co-ordinates one gets a straight line, any variation from which is easily seen, while the con- stants of the curve can be determined from the diagram with more speed and accuracy than by substituting the experimental values in an equation and solving for two unknown quantities. The next case to be considered is when we have two partially miscible * Gibbs, Tliermodynamisclie Studien, p. 141 ; Eoozeboom, Zeitschr. f. ph. Chem., XII. 369, 1893. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 22 338 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. liquids, and a third miscible in all proportions with each of the others. Formula I cannot apply here, because it was deduced for two non-mis- cible liquids, and this condition is no longer fulfilled. There are two ways of treating a problem like this. One is to change the conditions of the experiment until they agree with the formula. The other is to change the formula till it conforms to the conditions of the experi- ment. I have done both. I will suppose, for the sake of clearness, that the two partially miscible liquids are ether and water. Saturated solutions of water in ether are absolutely non-miscible at the tempera- ture for which they are saturated, being thus an improvement over benzol and water, which are slightly miscible theoretically. If x and y in equation la mean quantities of saturated water and saturated ether solutions, instead of pure water and pure ethei*, the conditions are satisfied for which this formula was deduced, and the equation must apply. I have found that it did, and the experimental i^roof is given in Tables IX. and XI, This being settled, we can attack the second part of the problem. Let X denote cubic centimeters of saturated solution of ether in water, Y cubic centimeters of saturated solution of water in ether which saturate a given quantity of a consolute liquid. It is found experimentally that (7) Z«r^=. Constant, or, if we set — = n, we shall have (8) x» r= c. If Sj is the solubility of ether in water, s^ the solubility of water in ether, both expressed in volumes per cubic centimeter of the solvent synthetically, we shall have, if no contraction or expansion takes place in forming the saturated solutions of water in ether and ether in water : (9) X=^ + 5iJ; Y^B^s.^B; (10) {A-\-s^AY{B^s^B)= G; where A = c.c. water in X, Bo = c.c. ether in Y As we must assume some contraction or expansion, let the ratio of the actual volume to the sum of the component volumes be a-y in the saturated solution of ether in water, and a-2 in the saturated solution of water in ether. We have then: (11) X=a-^(A-\- s,A); Y=cT„_{B+ SoB)', (12) {-«> / z^-io = C; log C = 1.682. X. e. Cale. Found. logC. 3 • • • • 1.42 • • • • 6 3.81 4.14 T.718 9 6.73 7.18 T.710 12 10.07 10.51 T.701 15 13.81 14.13 1.692 18 17.80 18.09 1.688 21 22.15 22.40 1.687 24 26.80 26.83 T.683 27 31.65 31.70 T.6S3 30 36.70 36.62 T.681 33 42.15 41.81 T.678 36 47.65 48.00 1.685 39 53.40 53.13 1.679 42 59.40 58.35 T.674 45 65.55 63.60 T.668 48 71.90 69.97 T.670 51 78.50 76.90 T.672 54 83.25 84.25 T.688 57 92.40 90.53 T.673 60 99.50 98.60 T.678 BANCROFT. — •TERNARY MIXTURES 1. z. Calc. X. Found. logC. 63 106.80 105.20 T.675 66 114.70 112.80 T.674 69 122.40 121.90 1.(580 72 130.40 131.00 1.084 75 138,90 140.20 T.G87 78 148.00 158.70 T.712 81 157.50 180.00 T.740 T.687 TABLE XXI. 353 t/ — S c.c. Methylbutyrate ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula a; (;/ - 0.012)0-52 / 2IJ2 = C; log (7 = 1. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 2.33 2.34 T.889 6 6.75 6.96 T.902 9 12.67 12.62 T.886 12 19.90 19.45 T.878 15 28.38 28.13 T.884 18 38.76 38.80 . T.889 21 50.85 ,55.64 1.927 24 • • • • 00 T.892 TABLE XXII. ?/ =: 3 c.c Ethylbutyrate ; a: = c.c Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula {x - 0.005y) {y - 0.008 a: )0*i / z^*^ -C; log C = 1.785. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 • • • • 1.66 • • • • 6 4.90 5.00 T.794 9 8.73 8.81 T.789 12 13.08 13.10 T.786 15 17.95 17.82 T.782 18 23.50 23.25 1.780 21 29.24 29.04 T.782 24 35.55 35.16 T.784 27 42.35 41.75 T.779 30 49.40 49.05 T.782 33 57.12 57.00 T.784 36 65.69 65.73 T.786 39 75.25 76.02 T.790 42 84.05 86.58 T.798 45 94.50 100.57 (T.812) 48 106.00 115.40 (T.822) 51 I19..50 137.40 (T.846) 54 .... 00 T.786 VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 23 354 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE XXm. y = S c.c. Propylbutyrate ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula x {>/ - 0.002 x)<'-378y ^iszs - Q; log C = 1.651. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 • « • • 1.19 • • • • 6 3.49 3.55 1.658 9 6.11 6.13 T.652 12 9.05 9.05 T.651 15 12.31 12.31 T.651 18 15.92 15.90 1.650 21 19.68 . 19.68 T.651 24 23.72 23.72 T.651 27 27.92 27.84 1.650 30 32.20 32.10 1.649 33 36.71 36.71 T.651 36 41.66 41.55 1.650 39 46.64 46.49 1.649 42 51.56 51.60 T.652 45 56.80 56.90 T.652 48 62.64 62.40 1.649 51 67.84 68.00 T.652 54 73.93 73.85 T.650 1.651 TABLE XXIV. y = S c.c. Ethylpropionate ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula x (i/ - 0.03 x)0-^ / 2i-39 - C; log. C - 1.931. s. Calc. Found. logC. 3 2.36 2.32 T.924 6 6.89 6.87 T.930 9 12.38 12.35 T.930 12 19.10 19.17 T.933 15 27.12 27.12 T.931 18 36,84 36.84 1.931 21 50.35 50.42 T.932 24 • • . • 00 T.930 BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 355 TABLE XXV. ^ = 3 c.c. Propylpropionate ; x = c.c. Water ; Alcohol. Formula x (jj - 0.0065 x)0-« / ^i-^ = C ^ \og C = 1.733. z. Calc. Found, logC. 3 • • • ■ 1.58 « t • * 6 4.45 4.70 T.757 9 8.27 8.35 1.738 12 12.25 12.54 T.743 15 17.04 17.15 T.736 18 22.27 22.27 T.733 21 28.00 27.83 1.731 24 34.20 33.75 T.727 27 40.80 40.24 1.727 30 47.95 47.15 1.725 33 55.70 54.65 T.725 36 63.50 63.18 T.731 39 72.25 71.59 1.729 42 81.15 83.05 T.743 45 91.30 93.91 1.746 48 102.00 107.46 T.756 1.737 TABLE XXVI. y = Z c.c. Propylacetate ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula x{y- 0.03 .r )0-23 / gi-as - Q.iQg c- 0.166. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 4.44 4.50 0.170 6 10.57 10.48 0.163 9 17.75 17.80 0.167 12 25.95 26.00 0.167 15 35.72 .35.63 0.165 18 46.50 47.50 0.178 21 59.00 58.71 0.164 24 .... 00 0.168 356 PKOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE XXVII. y = S c.c. Butylacetate ; x = c.c. Water ; z — c.c. Alcohol Formula x (y - 0.007 x)0-3 / zi.3 = C ; log C = 1.912. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 • • • • 2.08 • • • * 6 6.06 6.08 T.914 9 10.29 10.46 T.920 12 15.04 15.37 1.922 15 20.10 20.42 1.918 18 25.64 25.60 T.911 21 31.49 31.49 1.912 24 37.60 37.48 1.911 27 44.05 43.75 T.909 30 50.74 50.74 1.912 33 58.00 59.97 1.927 1.916 TABLE XXVIIL y = 3 c.c. Amylacetate ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula x {y - 0.02x)0-294 / si.m - c-^logC- 1.861. z. Calc. Found. logC 3 • « • • 1.76 • • • • 6 ■ • • • 4.24 • ■ • • 9 9.03 9.03 T.861 12 13.11 13.24 T.866 15 17.43 17.52 T.864 18 22.22 22.22 T.861 21 26 99 26.99 T.861 24 32.24 32.14 T.860 27 37.59 37.23 T.856 30 42.78 42.66 T.859 33 48.41 48.41 1.861 T.861 BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 357 TABLE XXIX. y = S c.c. Propylformiate ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula x (i/ - 0.04 x)0-s» / ^i-ss =: C ; log C = 1.967. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 2.82 2.83 T.969 6 7..52 7.50 T.966 9 13.05 13.50 T.962 12 21.30 21.60 1.973 15 30.95 30.60 T.962 18 52.40 53.00 T.972 21 • • • • 00 T.967 TABLE XXX. y = S c.c. Butylformiate ; x = c.c. Water ; z — c.c. Alcohol. Formula x{y- 0.01 x)^ / z^ - C ; log C = 0.057. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 3.43 3.45 0.060 6 8.71 8.83 0.063 9 15.02 14.75 0.049 12 22.32 21.45 0.041 15 30.25 29.65 0.048 18 39.00 39.00 0.057 21 48.80 • • • • 51.80 03 0.083 24 0.057 TABLE XXXL ^ = 3 c.c. Amylformiate ; x — c.c. Water ; z = c.c. Alcohol. Formula x {y - 0.005 xf-35 / z^-^^ = C ; log C = 1.808. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 • • • • 1.80 • • • • 6 4.92 5.17 T.829 9 8.54 8.77 T.820 12 12.63 12.64 1.809 15 17.10 17.01 1.806 18 21.90 21.86 1.807 21 27.06 27.06 T.808 24 32.50 32.31 T.805 27 38.31 38.31 T.808 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. z. Calc. Found. logC. 30 44.40 44.50 T.809 33 50.71 50.71 T.808 36 57.20 57.82 T.813 39 62.70 65.21 (T.830) 42 71.35 77.05 (T.842) 45 78.75 85.10 (T.842) 48 86.55 94.20 (T.845) 1.811 In addition to these tables, Pfeiffer made a few measurements on amylalcohol, monochlor-, dichlor , and trichloracetic ester in the pres- ence of alcohol and water. The solubility of amylalcohol in water is given by Roscoe and Schorlemmer as two parts in a hundred, and I have used this value. I could find no data whatsoever in rej^ard to the chloracetic esters, so I have calculated the values on the false assumption that they are non-miscible with water. The effect of this error is seen very markedly in the case of the monochloraceticester, which is undoubtedly the most soluble of the three. I give these tables in spite of the known inaccuracy, because the absolute values of the constants are, for the time being, of little value, whereas it is essential to show that the same general law covers all substances and that the substitution of chlorine for hydrogen does not affect the action of the Mass Law. The coincidence of the three choraceticesters hav- ing the same exponential factor is probably only superficial, as the correction for the solubilities would alter the exponential factor somewhat. TABLE XXXII. y = Z c.c. Amylalcohol ; x — c.c. Water ; z — c.c. Alcohol. Formula x {y = 0.02 xf'^ / -i ^ = C ; log C = 0.100. Temp. 9.1o. z. Calc. Found. log. C. 3 3.81 3.21 • • . • 6 10.26 10.35 0.104 9 18.53 18.34 0.095 12 28.45 27.47 0.085 15 40.85 41.25 0.104 0.097 BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 359 TABLE XXXIII. ^ = 3 c.c. Amylalcoliol ; x = cc. Water ; z = c.c Alcohol. Formula x (y - 0,02 xf-^ / z^* = (7 ; log C = 0 112, Temp. 19.2° z. Calc. Found. logo 3 3.93 3.50 • • • > 6 10.55 10.80 0.122 9 19.10 19.10 0.112 12 30.05 29.15 0.099 15 42.30 43.15 0.121 0.114 TABLE XXXIV. .c Monochloraceticester ; x — C.C Water ; z — c.c. Alcohol Formula x tf^"^ / 2.1,4.3 - :C, log C = 1.700. Z. Calc. X. Found. logC. 3 1.54 1.32 T.644 6 4.05 4.01 1.695 9 7.23 7.30 T.705 12 10.91 10.78 T.695 15 15.04 16.16 T.731 18 19.50 22.16 T.756 21 24.33 28.74 T.772 1.714 TABLE XXXV, y = 3 c.c. Dichloraceticester ; x = c.c. Water; z = cc. Alcohol. Formula x if-'^'^ I z^^ = C ; log C =^ 1.479. X. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 0.90 0.90 1.477 6 2.44 2.45 T.481 9 4.35 4..33 T.477 12 6.54 6.60 T.482 15 9.04 9.20 T.487 T.481 860 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE XXXVI. y ■= S c.c Trichloraceticester ; x = c.c. Water ; z = c c. Alcohol. Formula x yO-« / z i-« = C; log C - 1.336. X. z. Calc. Found. logC. 3 0.65 0.65 T.336 6 1.76 1.80 1.347 9 3.13 3.02 T.321 12 4.72 4.50 T.315 15 6.50 6.50 T.336 T.331 Tables XIX.-XXXI. fwrnish a striking confirmation of the way in which the Mass Law applies to this class of phenomena ; while some of the results are not as satisfactory, perhaps, as I should like, there are some, notably those with propylbutyrate, where the agreement between the observed and the calculated values is something marvellous, though it is unfortunate that the solubility of propylbutyrate in water has never been determined experimentally. As it might be thought a mere assumption that the first measure- ments in several series were determinations of another equilibrium, namely, of a saturated solution from which water or ester precipitated water, I have made a few measurements with the few esters I had on hand. The object of these measurements was to show that the change from one equilibrium to another did come at the point shown by Pfeiffer's results, and to make sure that the variations in Pfeiffer's data were due to experimental error. On this account I have made no measurements on the end curves, where water and where ester are part solvents, and in the case of ethylisovalerate I have measured only one series. The results are given in Tables XXXVII.-XXXIX. TABLE XXXVn. X = c.c. HoO ; y = c.c. Ethylisovalerate ; 5 c.c. Alcohol. Temp 20°. Formula (x - 0.004^)" (y -0.002 x) / 3" + ^ = C; n = 2.45; log C = 1.149. Water Et Val. Calc. Found. Calc. Found. log P. 9.98 10.00 0.15 0.15 T.152 8.05 8.00 0.24 0.23 T.142 6.01 6.00 0.46 0.46 T.147 4.99 5.00 0.72 0.72 T.152 4.00 4.00 1.23 1.23 T.I 49 1.148 BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 361 TABLE XXXVIII. X = c c. H.,0 ; y = c.c Ethylbutyrate ; 5 c c. Alcohol, Temp. 20°. Formula {x - 0.005 y)"^ {y - 0.008 x) / z«i + ' = Ci ; n^ - 244 ; log C, - 1.449. Calc. Found. Calc Found. log Ci. 9.99 10.00 0.34 0.34 1.450 8.01 8.00 0.51 0.51 1.447 5.97 6.00 0.95 0.96 1.453 &.01 5.00 1.45 1.44 1.447 3.99 4.00 2.46 2.47 1.45' 1.449 Formula (x - 0.005 y)"^ (^ - 0 008 x) / s"* + ^= C^ ■,n.2 = 1.20, log Cg = 1.623. log C, 2.96 2.96 3.99 4.00 1.624 2.46 2.48 4.94 5.00 1.628 2.12 2.10 6.07 6.00 1.618 1.623 TABLE XXXIX. X = c.c. Water ; y = c.c Isoamylacetate; 5 c.c. Alcohol Temp 20° Formula (x - 0.012 y)»> (y - 0 002 x) / s'" + 1 = Cj , ji^- 3.50 ; log C^ =1.414, X. y. Calc. Found. Calc. Found. log C,. 7.00 7.00 0.41 0.41 1.414 6.00 6.00 0.70 0.70 1.414 5.01 5.00 1.32 1.31 1.411 1.413 Formula (x - 0.012 y)"^ (// - - 0.002 r)/ 2"'' +1 = Co ; n^ = 1.50; log C.^ lOgCj 3.62 3.61 3.00 3.00 1.558 3.00 3.01 3.99 4.00 1.560 2.60 2.60 5.00 5.00 1.5.59 1.559 Although Pfeiffer does not say so, his araylacetate and ethylvalerate are unquestionably iso- and not the normal compounds. We can now take up the results given in Tables XXXVII.-XXXIX. and see how satisfactorily they fulfil their object. Ethylbutyrate and amylacetate show the change from one equilibrium to the other at the same point that Pfeiffer found. The ethylbutyrate and ethylisovalerate mixtures are perfectly regular at concentrations beyond those used by Pfeiffer, and the isoamylacetate is normal throughout both in Pfeiffer's work 362 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and in mine, so that the variations in Tables XXIX.-XXXI. are due to experimental error. The agreement in results between the two sets is shown in Table XL., where I give in the first column the value of the exponential factor w + 1 from the formula i^-hy) {y-s,xyiz"+'=c, and in the second column the values for the simplified integration constant log K. TABLE XL. Ester. « + l. log K. Ethylisovalerate Pfeiffer 1.40 T.773 (< W. D. B. 1.41 T.754 Ethylbutyrate PfeifEer 1.41 T.847 iC W. D. B. 1.41 T.840 Isoamylacetate Pfeiflfer 1.294 T.893 ** W. D. B. 1.286 T.870 As will be seen, the values of w + 1 are identical, the values for los -ff, though very close, are not quite the same. This may be due to inaccuracies in the work, but I am more inclined to attribute it to differ- ences in temperature. It is not known at what temperature PfeifFer worked, and it would take only a slight difference to account for the variation. In Table XLI. I have tabulated the w + 1 values from Pfeiffer's results, together with log C and log K. TABLE XLI. Ester. n+1. log C. log A-. Methylisovalerate 1.37 T.807 T.H59 Ethylisovalerate 1.40 1.682 T.773 Ethylisovalerate * 1.41 1.653 T.754 Methylbutyrate 1.52 T.888 T.926 Ethylbutyrate 1.41 1.785 T.847 Ethylbutyrate * 1.41 T.774 1.840 Propylbutyrate 1.378 T.651 T.747 Ethylpropionate 1.39 1.931 T.878 Propylpropionate 1.45 T.733 T.816 Etliylacetate * 1.555 8 • • • Propylacetate 1.23 0.166 0.135 Butylacetate 1.30 T.912 T.9.32 Isoamylacetate 1.294 T.861 T.893 Isoamylacetate * 1.286 T.832 T.870 Propylformiate 1.38 1.967 T.976 Butylformiate 1.333 0.0.57 0.043 Isoamylformiate 1.35 1.808 T.8.58 * My own measurements. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 363 The first thing that strikes one about this table is the way in which so many of tlie h + 1 values approximate to 1.40. Why this should be so is entirely unknown. In tiie log K values we notice that, for the same acid, increasing the carbon atoms in the alcohol radical diminishes the constant. There is only one exception to this, butylformiate, and here the possible error is very large. It looks also as if the constants might be additive, being made up of one factor for the alcohol and another for the acid radical ; but the experimental data is too insuffi- cient to Justify this hypothesis. It is very much to be hoped that some one will make a careful series of experiments to settle this point. Formula II. was deduced for the case when the reacting weights of the substances in equilibrium are not functions of the concentration. The measurements of Pfeiffer and myself show that, with the possible exception of the chloi'oform-water-acetone series, this condition has been satisfied in all the cases studied, though the experiments extended over a wide range of concentrations. This is in flat contradiction with the determinations of the reacting weights by the boiling-point and freezing-point methods. These methods give accurate results only for very dilute solutions, and even then only for certain solutes in certain solvents. To explain the variations, we are forced to assume "double molecules " in some cases, polymerization with increasing concentration in practically all cases, and " variations from the gas laws." I have brought together a large series of measurements in which there is no sign of any of these things. I see only two jjossible hypotheses to account for this discrepancy : first, to enunciate a new and most in- teresting law, to wit, presence of a third substance prevents " polymeri- zation " and " variations from the gas laws " ; second, the formula for the change of vapor pressure with the concentration is incorrect. Tlie first hypothesis seems to me out of the question, and there remains only the second. It is a bold thing to question so univei'sally accepted a formula, but I feel convinced that it is not right, and that equal react- ino- weights of different substances do not produce the same change of vapor pressure. I think that the mistake in the past lay in assuming that the work done in compressing a dissolved substance from the volume Fi to the volume V^, by means of a semipermeable piston is equal to f p d v between those limits, irrespective of the nature of solute and solvent. I have already collected some experimental evi- dence in favor of this view, and I hope before long to be able to establish my point. The facts brought out in this paper throw light on a research by 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Abegg * carried out under the direction of Arrlieuius. Abegg let alcohol diffuse into a salt solution and found, to his surprise, that the salt, instead of remaining equally divided throughout the liquid, diffused somewhat into the part not yet reached by the alcohol. He concludes that this extraordinary behavior can only be accounted for on the assumption that alcohol increases the osmotic pressure of a dissolved salt. What happens is very simple. When the alcohol has diffused only a little way, one may consider the solution as composed of two parts, one containing a large amount of alcohol, the other very little. The dissolved substance, being in this case less soluble in the first layer than in the second, diffuses into the second only to go back again as the alcohol becomes more evenly divided throughout the liquid. Except that the part containing much alcohol and little water merges insensibly into the part containing much water and little alcohol, and is not in equilibrium with it, the case does not differ from two layers formed by ether and water, where it is well known that the concen- tration of a third substance is not the same in the two layers. The effect of the alcohol is not, as Abegg assumes, to increase the osmotic pressure of the solute, but to diminish its solubility in that portion of the liquid. If, instead of taking salts which were only slightly soluble in alcohol, Abegs; had let water diffuse into water containin"; in solution some substance very soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in water, he would have observed the opposite effect, and the dissolved substance would have diffused partially into tlie layer rich in alcohol. Another line of reasoning which is not quite defensible is that taken by Wildermann,t in his paper, " Ueber cyclische Gleichgewichte." His train of thought is something as follows. Suppose he has a system of three phases, bromine, a solution of bromine in water, and the vapor of bromine and water, it being assumed that the amount of water which dissolves in the bromine can be neglected. He adds to the aqueous solution some substance which does not dissolve in bromine perceptibly, such as potassium bromide or sulphuric acid. The three phases, when in equilibrium, have still the same concentration of liquid bromine and of bromine vapor. Therefore the solubility of the bro- mine in the liquid cannot have changed. It does change experimen- tally ; therefore, in order to reconcile the reasoning with the facts, he concludes that the apparent change, decrease or increase, is due to chemical action, and that the amount of bromine dissolved as such remains unchanged. This may be true in the special examples studied * Zeitsclir. f. ph. Chem., XI. 248. 1893. t Ibid., XI. 407. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 365 by Wildermanii.* That I cannot say ; but it is not true that it is a necessary theoretical conclusion, and there is no proof that it is correct in any case. If, instead of adding potassium bromide, we add to the water some liquid in which bromine is readily soluble, the amount of bromine dissolved will increase without there being any reason to assume chemical action in order to account for it. Bromine is not a good substance to consider, because there are so few liquids soluble in water in which it dissolves without decomposition, and also because we cannot ignore the solubility of the added substance in it. Let us rather treat the case when we have iodine instead of bromine. Sup- pose we have the system, solid iodine, a solution of iodine iu water, and vapor of iodine and water; we add alcohol to tlie solution. The con- centrations of the solid iodine and the iodine vapor will remain prac- tically unchanged ; therefore the solubility of iodine in the water, and alcohol should remain unchanged according to Wildermann. As a matter of fact it does change, and I do not see how this variation can be attributed to chemical action unless all solution is defined as chemi- cal action, which begs the question though very possibly true. There may be a radical difference between the action of the alcohol and the action of potassium iodide; but that difference has not been shown. As far as I can see, Wildermann's conclusions require that adding alcohol to a saturated salt solution should have no effect on the concen- tration of the salt because the, equilibrium between the solid salt and its own vapor would remain unchanged. Early in this paper I proposed the word "solute" as something distinct from " solvent," and it is necessary for me to justify that dis- tinction. The usual way of looking at binary solutions is to consider them as mixtures, and that it is purely arbitrary which of the two sub- stances we consider as solvent and which as dissolved substance. The , following citations will show what the prevailing opinion at the present moment is. Lothar Meyer, after pointing out that in alcohol-water mixtures it depends on the nature of the semipermeable membrane which sub- stance exerts the osmotic pressure, says : t " Mit der Beschaffenheit der Membran tauschen beide Stoffe die Rollen ; es ist daher eine Willkiir wenn wir den einen als gelost, den anderen als das Losungs- mittel bezeichnen." Ostwahl is consistent to the bitter end, saying :t * See Jakovkin, Zeitschr. f. ph. Cheni., XIII. 539. 1894. t Zeitschr. f. ph. Chem., V. 24. 1890. t Ibid., XII. 394. 1893. 366 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. " Losungsmittel ist derjenige Stoff des Gemenges, welclier bei dem betrachteten Vorgange ausgeschieden wird." This view is heroically logical, for it meaus that, when a salt crystallizes from a saturated solution, the mother liquor consists of water dissolved in the salt. Nernst's position on the subject is doubtful. He puts solutions un- der the head of physical mixtures and remarks : * " Die verdiinnten Losingen sind Gemische welche eine Komponente in grossen Ueber- schuss zu den iibrigen enthalten ; erstere bezeichnen wir in diesem Falle als das Losungsmittel, letztere als geldste StofEe." On the other hand, he draws a distinction between freezing out the solvent and crystallizing out the solute, f He does not accept the view that the salt is the solvent in a saturated solution ; but he does not suggest in any way that there may be different laws for the solute and the solvent. Planck is very clear and precise ; he defines dilute solutions in almost the same words as Nernst, and goes on : $ " Bei einer beliebigen Losung kann jeder Bestandtheil derselben als Losungsmittel oder als geloster Stoff aufgefasst werden." This means that in a mixture of two liquids either may be considered as the dissolved substance, and will therefore decrease the partial vapor pressure of the other, and this decrease of the vapor pressure will be greater the greater the concentration of the dissolved substance. This is not in agreement with the facts. A saturated solution of ether in water has the same partial vapor pres- sures as a solution of water in ether sajturated at the same tempera- ture. § For the moment we will consider ether as the dissolved substance. In the first solution, the volume concentration is roughly 10% ; in the second, about 99% at 20° ; and yet this enormous change of concentration has no effect on the partial vapor pressures. The figures are still more remarkable if we consider solutions of chloroform , in water and water in chloroform, when one of the components is present in infinitesimal quantities. We must assume one of two things : either that our present formula for the change of the vapor pressure with the concentration is all wrong, since it does not admit of the vapor pressure of one of the components passing through a mini- mum ; or that there is a difference between solvent and solute, and that each has its own law expressing the change of its vapor pressure with the concentration. This time I prefer the second assumption, with all that it implies. The equations of van 't Hoff and Raoult are * Tlieoretische Chemie, p. 115. t Ibid., p. 393. I GrunJriss der Thermoclicmie, p. 131. § Wied. Ann., XIV. 219, 1881; Ostwald, Lelirbucli, I. 644. BANCROFT. — TERNARY MIXTURES. 367 the rough statements of the laws for the solvent. The corresponding expressions for the solute have not yet been worked out. The distinc- tion between solvent and solute is very clear in solid solutions of metals in metals. Starting from either of two pure metals a depres- sion of the freezing point is noted when the other is added, the two curves thus formed meeting at the melting point of the eutectic alloy. Here there can be no question that along one curve the first metal is solvent, while on the other it plays the role of solute. In the case of two partially miscible liquids there is also no difficulty in determining which is solvent and which solute. When ether and water are shaken tosfether, the upper layer contains water as dissolved substance, the lower ether. With completely miscible liquids having a maximum (or minimum) vapor pressure at some concentration, such as propylalco- hol and water (formic acid and water), it is probable that the change of solvent occurs at the concentration corresponding to the maximum (or minimum) vapor pressure. With such things as ethylalcohol and water, which are infinitely miscible and which show no maximum or minimum vapor pressure, it is impossible at present to say at what con- centration alcohol ceases to be the solvent and water assumes that duty. As soon as we have worked out the relation between the con- centrations in the solution and in the va[)or, I feel certain that we shall find that it requires two curves to express the relation, and not one. The intersection of these curves will be the point where the solvent changes. I look upon my own results with ternary mixtures as very significant in this respect, the change from one curve to another coming at the point where the precipitate or the solvent changed. It is interesting to note that at the point, for instance, where an excess of one of the partially miscible liquids first has no effect, the solubility curve of the dissolved substance has a " break." The possibility of such a case has always been denied except by the upholders of the " hydrate theory." The effect of temperature on the various equilibria will form the subject of a special paper, and I shall reserve for it the discussion of changes of temperature coefficient at the intersections of two curves, one or two very striking instances of which I have come upon inci- dentally in my work so far. I hope also to be able to present a paper on equilibrium in two liquid layers, a subject which is of especial interest because the theoretical treatment based on the experimental work in this paper gives results which are not in accordance with the assumptions on which Nernst bases his Distribution Law. Besides, there is the application of the Mass Law to the case where one or more 368 PEOCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. of the components is solid, and to the instances where there is an increase instead of a decrease of solubility. The results of this paper may be summarized briefly as follows. 1 . The equilibria between two partially miscible liquids, and a con- solute liquid follow the Mass Law. 2. There are four sets of equilibria corresponding to four different series of solutions. 3. If the two liquids are practically non-miscible, there are only two sets of equilibria. 4. The reacting weights of the liquids studied were not functions of the concentration, — possibly with one exception. 5. There is a fundamental difference between the solute and the solvent. 6. The solubility curve of a substance in a varying mixture of two liquids at constant temperature has a break. BICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF STRONTIUM. 369 XIV. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLIiGE. A REVISION OF THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF STRONTIUM. FIRST PAPER: THE ANALYSIS OF STRONTIC BROMII)E. By Theodore William Richards. Presented June 9, 1894. « Table of Contents. Earlier Work 364 Properties of Strontic Bromide . . 373 Preparation of Materials .... 375 Method of Analysis 380 PAGE Ratio of Silver to Strontic Bromide . 384 Ratio of Argentic to Strontic Bromide 388 Final Averages 389 Earlier Work. A GLANCE at published results shows that the atomic weight of stroutiuin has not been investigated for thirty-five years. The early determinations, good enough for their time, show variations which render them quite unsatisfactory to-day ; and the case is parallel in every respect to that of barium, which has formed the subject of two recent papers.* The oldest experiments of any note upon the atomic weight of stron- tium are those of Stromeyer,t who measured, in 1816, the gas evolved from strontic carbonate upon its decomposition by an acid. The result, which is only of interest historically, gives Sr = 87.3, if a litre of carbon dioxide weighs 1.977 grams under normal conditions. At about the saine time Rose t found that 181.25 parts of argentic chloride could be obtained from a hundred parts of strontic chloride, — data which indicated Sr = 87.31. Twenty-seven years afterward, in * These Proceedings, XXVIII. 1 ; XXIX. 55. t Schweig. J., XIX. 228 ; Meyer u. K. Seubert's Atomgewichte, p. 123. } Poggendorff's Annalen, VIII. 189. VOL. XXX. (n. s. XXII.) 24 870 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 1843, Salvetat * determined by loss of weight the carbon dioxide in strontic carbonate, and concluded that the metal must be 88.0, — a result which scarcely improved the situation. Subsequently, in 1845, Pelouze f found the amount of silver neces- sary to precipitate a weighed amount of ignited strontic chloride ; his results give the value Sr = 87.70. Thirteen years later Marignac X repeated these experiments, determining also the amount of crystal water in crystallized strontic chloride, as well as the amount of stron- tic sulphate obtainable from the salt. Thus he found that 15.000 grams of crystallized strontic chloride yielded 8.9164 § grams of the anhydrous salt and 10.3282 grams of strontic sulphate ; moreover, 15.000 grams of hydrated strontic chloride required 12.1515 grams of silver for precipitation. Another similar series of experiments upon the water of crystallization made its amount appear three milligrams more than before. These data give basis for a number of possible values for the atomic weight of strontium, ranmns: from 87.17 to 87.55, the individual figures being tabulated below. In 1859 Dumas || published another determination of the ratio of strontic chloride to silver, the salt having been fused in a stream of hydrochloric acid. Altogether, 27.3435 grams of strontic chloride required in his hands 37.252 grams of silver, the individual values for strontium varying fi'om 87.3 to 87.8. Since this time the sub- ject has remained untouched. Below is tabulated a list of the various determinations, grouped according to the ratios determined. The Atomic Weight of Strontium. Oxygen = 16.000. From the carbonate : Stromeyer, 1816 87.30 Salvetat. 1843 88.00 Ratio of strontic and argentic chlorides : Rose, 1816? 87.31 * Comptcs Eendus, XVII. 318. t Ibid., XX. 1047. X Liebig's Annalcn, CVI. 168. § Corrected V)y L. Meyer u. K. Seubert, Atomgewichte, pp. 78, 79. II Liebig's Annalen, CXIII. 34. RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OP STRONTIUM. 371 Ratio of anhydrous strontic chloride to silver : Pelouze, 1845 87.70 Marignac, 1858 87.48 Dumas, 1859 87.53 Ratio of crystallized strontic chloride to silver : Marignac, 1858 87.52 From the crystal water iu strontic chloride : Marignac, 1858 87.35 Ratio of anhydrous and crystallized strontic chloride to strontic sulphate : Marignac, 1858 87.2 to 87.6 Selected by Clarke 87.58 Selected by Meyer and Seubert 87.5 Selected by Ostwald * 87.5 A critical review of the list reveals a great lack of trustworthiness in all the figures. The values deduced from the carbonate, and those involving water of crystallization, may all be thrown out at once ; and the results yielded by the displacement of hydrochloric by sul- phuric acid are but little better. The series upon which most chemists have relied — the one based ou the titration of the chloride by means of silver — is hopelessly vitiated by the imperfect execution of the method of analysis.f If any further proof of this uncertainty were needed, the following table, giving a comparison of the work of differ- ent experimenters upon other chlorides, would furnish it. Molecular Weights of Chlorides by the Method of Gat-Lussac. Pelouze. Marignac. Dumas. Stas. 1st. 2d. NaCI 58.434 58.468 58.506 58.503 KCl 74.539 74.583 74.600 NH4CI 53.464 53.450 53 530 53.532 * Much assistance in preparing this list has been obtained from the well known works of these authors. The figures have all been based upon the most recently accepted atomic weights. t Tliese Proceedings, XXIX. 80 et seq. 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Thus, Pelouze, Marigoac, and Dumas all obtained low results with the method of Gay-Lussac ; in fact, the error sometimes exceeded the tenth of one per cent. The cause of this error, which apjjeared also in the work of these expeiimeuters upon barium, has already been pointed out in another paper.* We are thus led to infer that the true molecular weight of strontic chloride must exceed the usually accepted value 158.4 by about one tenth of one per cent, and that the true atomic weight of strontium must be nearly 87.7. This inference is confirmed by the result of the investigation now to be described. The balance and weights, and the methods of weighing and of tabu- lating results employed in the work recounted below have already been described in sufficient detail. f The balance seems to have in- creased slightly in sensitiveness during its four years' work, owing perhaps to the smoothing of microscopic roughnesses in the bearings. It is almost needless to say again that the weights were carefully stan- dardized from time to time, and the small, surprisingly constant cor- rections were always applied. The correction to the vacuum standard was calculated by the usual formula : ( "-""'^"^ 0.000156^ 2L 2P\ \sp. gr. substance / t 60 273° + t° = correction in grams for 1 gram of substance, j The values thus calculated for the appropriate substances at 20° and 760 mm. were as follows : Correction to be applied to One Gram of Substance. Gram. Silver —0.000031 Argentic bromide +0.000043 Strontic bromide +0.000141 The general plan of the following work was similar to that adopted in the case of barium. For obvious reasons the bromide of strontium was chosen as the starting point ; and the investigation began with a study of the properties of the salt, in order to determine its fitness for the purpose. The atomic weight of silver is assumed to be 107.93, and that of bromine 79,955, unless a definite statement to the contrary is made. * Tliese Proceedings, XXIX. 80. t These Proceedings, XXVI. 242 ; also XXVIII. 5. J H = atmosplieric pressure; <° = atmospheric temperature at the time of weigliing ; 0.000156 = standard weiglit of air displaced by 1 gram of brass. RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OP STRONTIUM. 373 Properties of Strontic Bromide. The properties of the bromide of stiontium resemble very closely those of the corresponding salt of barium. As is well known, how- ever, the strontium salt usually crystallizes with six instead of with two molecules of water. The crystals, unlike those of the barium salt, are noticeably hygroscopic in ordinary air, so that they can- not be weighed with great accuracy ; they melt easily in their own water of crystallization at about 100°. This latter fact renders more difficult the quantitative drying of the salts ; indeed, in the few cases where the water of crystallization was determined, it was necessary to allow the crystals slowly to lose their water in a desiccator before ignition. Thus, it was found in the following experiment that five molecules of water were given off, the sixth having very little, if any, tension at ordinary temperatures. Grams. Initial weight of strontic bromide .... 1.3305 Constant weight after three weeks over H2SO4 .9926 Heated to 200° for three hours 9246 T n ■ u.- 1 • ( Found . . = 25.41 Loss of weight in dry air ■< ^ ^ \ Calc. for 5 HjO = 25.33 Additional loss on ignition \ ' ' (Calc. . . . = 5.06 A week's standing in the air of the laboratory sufficed to supply again all the water which had been lost. These results point without doubt to the existence of a definite substance having the formula SrBi'g . HoO, which is hygroscopic in the air and corresponds to the compound BaBr.^ . HoO, obtained in a similar way.* The existence of this substance has already been inferred by Lescoeur f from obser- vations of the vapor tension of the crystal water. Anhydrous strontic bromide is perhaps even more hygroscopic than the corresponding salt of barium. Strontic bromide melts to a transparent liquid at 630° (Carnelly), losing bromine in noticeable quantities if exposed to the air for some time at this temperature. Fused in a current of dry hydrobromic acid the salt soon recovers this lost bromine, and upon subsequent solution in water shows itself to be wholly neutral both to phenol phthalein and methyl orange. It will be seen that this fact is of the * These Proceedings, XXVIII. 12, foot-note. t Ann. de Chira. et de Phys., [6.], XIX. 553 (1890). 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. utmost significauce. The cold fused transparent or trauslucent mass is much less hygroscopic than the powder from which it was made. The importance of driving out every trace of water from the salt before weighing cannot be overestimated. Systematic experiments* with baric bromide and chloride led to the conclusion that probably neither of these salts retains water at a red heat, and it was to be ex- pected that the same fact might be true of the substance in hand. In order to test the jioint, four grams of very pure strontic bromide dried at about 400° were fused in a stream of hydrogen bromide. The mass gained nearly six milligrams in weight, showing that the loss of bro- mine in the air at 400° much more than counterbalanced a possible trace of water. Again, 11.2G10 grams of the same specimen, dried at 305° until constant in weight, were found to weioh 11.2630 grams after fusion as before. Since these gains corresponded closely with losses of bromine found alkalimetrically in similarly heated but unfused samples, it is evident that very little if any water can be held by the dried salt. It has already been pointed out that no absolute proof of such a fact is possible ;t and these experiments, together with the analogy furnished by the more manageable barium salts, seem to be the last resort. The apparatus used for these experiments v/ill be described under the heading " Method of Analysis." The specific gravity of anhydrous strontic bromide has been found by Bodeker to be 3.96. Since no more recent data regarding this constant could be found, another determination, described below, seemed to be needed. 3.2560 grams of a pure specimen which had been fused in the air and dried at 200° in the pycnometer were found to displace 0.6678 gram of toluol at 24°. Since the specific gravity of the toluol under these conditions, referred to water at 4°, was found to be 0.8618, that of the strontic bromide referred to the same stan- dard must be 4.203. Again, 2.3065 grams of strontic bromide which had been fused in a stream of hydrobromic acid displaced 0.4699 gram of toluol, thus having a specific gravity of 4.229. The mean of these determinations, 4.216, was adopted as the basis of the reduction of the weighings to the vacuum standard. Strontic bromide, like baric bromide and chloride, may be evapo- rated to apparent dryness over a free flame in a platinum dish without losing a trace of halogen. Experiment showed that, upon mixing pure bromide of strontium with small quantities of bromide of calcium and * These Proceedings, XXVIII. 12; XXIX. 58. t These Proceedings, XXVIII. 14. RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF STRONTIUM. 375 barium and crystallizing the mixture, both impurities tended toward the mother liquors. Hence simple crystallization affords a method of eliminating the two most likely impurities. The other properties of strontic bromide do not pertain especially to the present work. Preparation of Materials. Strontic Bromide. — Six different specimens of the salt were ana- lyzed, in order to establish the presence or absence of accidental impurities. In the first place, five hundred grams of the purest strontic nitrate of commerce were dissolved in two litres of pure water, and four times in succession a cubic centimeter of pure sulphuric acid, diluted with much water, was added to the solution. Each time only a small amount of precipitate appeared at once, the rest appearing slowly. After waiting in each case three or four days, the clear liquid was decanted. No barium could be found even in the first precipitate of strontic sulphate ; but it is true that the spectroscope is not a very satisfactory means for the detection of barium under these circumstances. The acid solution of strontic nitrate, which had been thus almost if not quite freed from a possible trace of barium, was evaporated to small bulk, filtered from the precipitated strontic sulphate, and twice successively brought to crystallization. Each mass of crystals was washed three times with alcohol upon the filter pump, to free it from the mother liquor, which might contain calcium or magnesium. After having been converted into pure carbonate by precipitation with ammonic carbonate and long continued washing the strontium was combined with bromine. For this purpose hydrobromic acid remaining from the barium work, obtained by repeated fractional distillation of the common acid, was used. The strontic bromide was evaporated in a platinum dish. This was slightly attacked, bromine having been set free by a little occluded strontic nitrate in the carbonate. After evaporation to dryness the bromide was fused at a bright red heat in platinum. The alkaline solution of the fused cake was treated with hydric sulphide, filtered, acidified with hydrobromic acid, warmed, filtered from the platinic sul- phide, boiled to free it from sulphuretted hydrogen, again filtered, and crystallized twice from water. The crystals were washed with alcohol, and the strontic bromide thus obtained is numbered I. below ; it was used for the three preliminary experiments, as well as for Analysis 13, 376 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The second sample of strontic bromide was prepared from similarly treated strontic nitrate which had been recrjstallized four times in- stead of twice. The nitrate was converted into oxide by ignition in a nickel crucible ; and the dissolved residue was filtered to get rid of a small amount of nickel. Ammonic sulphydrate gave no trace of color- ation to a portion of the filtrate. Two recrystallizations in a platinum bottle sufficed to free the strontic hydrate from a trace of undecora- posed oxides of nitrogen, and the last crystals dissolved to form an absolutely clear solution in pure hydrobroraic acid.* The solution of strontic bromide was evaporated to crystallization, the crystals were dehydrated, and the anhydrous salt was fused; finally, after solution, standing, and filtration, a fresh crop of crystals was obtained. This sample, labelled No. II., was used for Analysis 14. Among several different methods for obtaining pure strontic salts, that recommended by Barthe and Falieres j seemed to promise well and accordingly the third preparation was based upon their work The so called " pure " strontic chloride of commerce was dissolved in water, treated with ammonic hydrate and a little carbonate, and filtered from the precijjitate containing iron, aluminum, and so forth. To the filtrate was added an excess of sulphuric acid, and the precipitated strontic sulphate was thoroughly washed with dilute sulphuric acid and then with pure water, in the hope of freeing it from magnesium and calcium. When the wash water became neutral to methyl orange the precipitate was treated with enough ammonic carbonate solution to convert about half of it into carbonate, and the mixed precipitate was then washed with water by decantation until only a very small con- stant trace of sulphuri;' acid (due to strontic sulphate) was found in the decantate. The carbonate was then decomposed by pure hydro- chloric acid, and the solution was allowed to stand in a glass flask for nine months over the undecomposed sulphate, with occasional shaking. The strontic chloride was decanted, the sulphate was washed once with water, and the filtered decanted liquid was evaporated in a plati- num dish until most of the free hydrochloric acid had been expelled. The dissolved residue was neutralized with ammonia, shaken with a little ammonic carbonate, and then filtered. To the greatly diluted filtrate was added an excess of pure ammonic carbonate, and the pre- cipitate was washed until the wash water was free from chlorine. The strontic carbonate was dissolved in nitric acid which had been * See these Proceedings, XXVIII. 17, bottom of page. t Journ. Chem. Soc, Abs. 1892, p. 1277. Bull. Soc. Chim., [3.], VII. 104 RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF STRONTIUM. 377 twice distilled in platinum, and the nitrate was crystallized twice suc- cessively in a platinum dish. Each quantity of crystals was washed with small quantities of water and tliree or four additions of alcohol. The first mother liiiuor, upon being fractionally precipitated by means of alcohol, showed distinct traces of calcium in the extreme solution ; thus Barthe and Falieres's method was not capable of freeing the substance wholly from calcium. The second mother liquor showed no trace of calcium upou the most careful scrutiny. Two hundred grams of the purest crystals, after having been dried at 130°, were dissolved in about a litre of the purest water and filtered into a large platinum dish, into which was passed first pure ammonia gas and then pure carbon dioxide through a platinum tube.* The pure strontic carbonate was washed by decantatiou eight or ten times, dried on the steam bath, and ignited in a double platinum crucible over a spirit lamp. Part of this carbonate was converted into bromide by means of the purest hydrobromic acid,t and the product was digested for a long time with a considerable excess of carbonate. After filtration and evaporation the strontic bromide was fused in a platinum dish over the spirit lamp, the salt being perfectly clear while liquid. The trans- lucent cake was dissolved, allowed to stand, filtered, faintly acidified with hydrobromic acid, and crystallized twice from water. Each time the crystals were washed with the purest alcohol. The resulting bro- mide of strontium was used for Analyses 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 18. The next sample was prepared from the strontic carbonate which had been digested with the strontic bromide just described. It was dissolved in the purest hydrobromic acid and purified much as before, except that the salt was fused twice with intermediate crystalliza- tions, instead of only once. This fourth preparation was used for Analysis 9. The fifth sample was made by the repeated crystallization of the combined mother liquors obtained from the four previous preparations. It was used for Analyses 4, 8, and 19. The sixth preparation of strontic bromide was made from the stron- tic sulphate remaining from the third. This residue was treated with enough ammonic carbonate to convert all but about twenty grams of * See page 379. t Prepared from pure baric bromide and redistilled many times. See these Proceedings, XXVIII. 17. 378 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the sulphate into carbonate. The washed strontic carbonate having been dissolved in a slight excess of hydrochloric acid, the residual sul- phate was allowed to remain in the solution for a week. After filtra- tion, evaporation to dryness in platinum, solution, a second filtration, treatment with a little ammonic hydrate and carbonate, and yet an- other filtration, the strontic chloride was converted into carbonate by means of purified ammonic carbonate.* After a very complete wash- ing the strontic carbonate was dissolved in pure nitric acid in a plati- num dish. The nitrate was crystallized, dried at 150°, recrystallized. washed with alcohol with the aid of the pump, dried, dissolved, and stirred with a little pure strontic carbonate for a week. The filtrate containing pure strontic nitrate was diluted, brought to boiling in a platinum dish, and poured in a fine stream into a boiling solution of pure ammonic oxalate f also contained in platinum. The strontic oxalate was washed with the purest water upon the filter pump, until no ammonia could be detected upon boiling the filtrate with sodic hydroxide. Nessler's reagent still showed a trace of ammo- nia ; but since this could easily be expelled by ignition, and the pre- cipitate was very hard to handle, the washing was not carried further. After drying and powdering, the oxalate was converted into carbon- ate by ignition at a full red heat. The product was now ground in a mortar with an equivalent amount of pure ammonic bromide, J and the whole was gently ignited in a large platinum dish until no more ammonia was evolved. The hundred grams of strontium bromide thus obtained formed a pure white translucent cake upon fusion in a large platinum crucible. The cake was dissolved in water, and the alkaline solution, after havingr been boiled for some time, was neutral- ized with sulphuric acid. The clear filtrate from the strontic sidpliafe was now evaporated to a volume of about a hundred and twenty cubic centimeters, and diluted with two hundred cubic centimeters of the purest alcohol. The mixture was allowed to stand for a day, in order that the strontic sulphate and any trace of baric sulphate which might remain should be precipitated, .and then filtered. After three successive crystallizations from water, the substance was used for Analysis 10; a further crop'of crystals from the purest mother liquor served for Analysis 11. Considering the pains taken in the purification of even the lea?t pure sample, it is not surprising tliat all of these samples gave quan- titative results which proved them to be essentially identical. * See page 379. t See page 379. J See page 380. RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OP STRONTIUM. 379 Siloe7\ — The preparation of pure silver has been repeatedly detailed. The most elaborate method described iu the paper upon barium was used in the present case.* A few improvements were introduced, notably the purification of the sodic hydrate used for the reduction of the argentic chloride by means of a strong galvanic current, instead of by hydrogen sulphide. Little but iron was found in it, however. The final crystals of electrolytic silver were usually fused upon pure sugar charcoal or lime, in a reducing flame ; once however (for Analysis 10) the crystals contained in a lime boat within a stout porcelain tube were fused in a Sprengel vacuum by means of a Fletcher furnace. Two holes bored through the furnace at right angles to the flame entrance served to admit the tube. The heat was very gradually applied, and after the silver had been melted all the apertures of the furnace were closed and the tube was allowed to cool very slowly. A wide glass tube set into the porcelain tube on one end served as a convenient window for the observation of the fusion. Ammonic Carbonate. — Two varieties of ammonia carbonate were used for the work just described. The first consisted of ordinary pure " ammonic carbonate," which had been dissolved, treated with a small amount of a pure strontium salt, and filtered. This treatment undoubtedly removed any substance which could seriously interfere with the preliminary purifications for which this ammonic carbonate was used. For the final stages of the purification of the strontium preparations, ammonic carbonate was made by saturating the purest water in a platinum vessel with ammonia gas obtained by boiling the pure strong ammonia of commerce, and then passing into this saturated solution pure carbon dioxide. This latter gas was prepared by the action of dilute nitric acid on marble ; it was purified by passing through washing flasks containing water and a meter of glass tube packed with moist beads. Upon delivering the gas into a Bunsen flame, no trace of calcium could be detected spectroscopically. Both gases were conducted into the solution through a platinum tube made for the purpose. The resulting ammonic carbonate undoubtedly con- tained more or less of the amines common in ordinary ammonia, but it could not have contained a trace of non-volatile impurity capable of contaminating the strontic carbonate for whose preparation it was designed. Ammonic Oxalate. — This salt was made by neutralizing pure am- monia water with pure oxalic acid, which had been still further * These Proceedings, XXIX. 64, 65. 380 PROCEEDINGS OP TUE AMERICAN ACADEMY. purified by many recrystallizations from hydrochloric acid and water. The amnionic oxalate was crystallized twice in a platinum dish, the crystals being thoroughly washed each time. The salt was wholly free from chlorine. Ammonic Bromide was prepared in the usual fashion from ammonia prepared in platinum and bromine purified according to Stas. The reaction was naturally conducted in a flask of hard glass ; but the crystallization was carried on as usual in platinum. A slight excess of the pure white substance precipitated 3.97970 grams of argentic bromide (fused, reduced to the vacuum standard) from a solution containing 2.28G16 grams of pure silver. From this experiment AgBr : Ag = 100 : 57.4455. Stas found 57.445, hence the purity of the ammonic bromide is proved. A very simple and convenient platinum condenser was used for the preparation work described above. The tube, almost a centimeter in diameter and perhaps twenty-five centimeters in length, is bent, some- what contracted near one end, and surrounded with a condenser jacket. It is easy to draw out the neck of a round-bottomed flask to fit outside of the conical end, and if the juncture is not absolutely tight a thin film of condensed liquid soon makes it so. If the glass neck be pro- longed somewhat above the point of juncture, evaporation from this film is very slow. Of course pure filter paper may be used to tighten the joint if water is to be distilled. The apparatus has the great advantages of cheapness and transparency over the ordinary platinum still. All the hydrochloric, hydrobromic, sulphuric, and nitric acids, water, and alcohol used in the important stages of the work were distilled with the help of this contrivance. Platinum vessels have been used wherever it was possible to use them in the work detailed above, although the fact is not always mentioned. They were cleaned in the usual fashion. Method of Analysis. As in the case of baric bromide,* the silver required to precipitate all the bromine in strontic bromide was determined, as well as the amount of argentic bromide formed by the precipitation. The chief problem which presented itself was the preparation of pure dry neutral bromide of strontium for weighing. In preliminary analyses the salt was ignited or fused in a platinum crucible, and * These Proceedings, XXVIII. 23. RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OP STRONTIUM. 381 weighed as the baric bromide had been. The decomposition of the salt was so great, however, that the uncertainty of the alkalimetric correction sometimes amounted to two or three tenths of a milligram ; lience this method was clearly inadmissible. The fusion of the salt in a platinum boat in a stream of nitrogen gave much better results, and two or three further preliminary deter- minations by this method gave promise of much greater accuracy. It is probable that the slight decomposition which occurred even in the atmosphere of nitrogen was due to the presence at 250°-300° of a slight trace of moisture. The presence of an excess of hydrobromic acid must necessarily lessen or prevent this decomposition ; hence in three succeeding deter- minations (Nos. 13, 14, 15, below) pure dry hydrogen bromide was added to the nitrogen in which the combustion was conducted. In these cases, however, the platinum boat, which had previously remained quite constant in weight, was evidently attacked, since upon one occasion (Exp. 15) it lost over two tenths of a milligram, and the pure white strontic bromide became tinged with a brown color. The weight of the boat after each fusion was taken as the true weight, because the bromide of platinum, if formed, must precipitate nearly as much silver as the bromide of strontium. In order to avoid the corrosion of the boat, hydrogen was added in small quantities to the mixture of gases. This, by preventing the dissociation of the hydrobromic acid, effectually preserved the platinum, and the boat remained constant in "weight. The pure translucent or transparent colorlessness of the fused salt left nothing to be desired. A somewhat complex piece of apparatus was needed for the purpose. (See page 382.) A mixture of six volumes of pure nitrogen (made by passing air and ammonia over red-hot copper) and one volume of pure hydrogen was delivered from a gas holder through a succession of tubes of red-hot copper, dilute chromic and sulphuric acids, concen- trated alkaline pyrogallol, and fused potash, into the arrangement for preparing hydrobromic acid. This, as well as all the apparatus fol- lowing, was without rubber connections, the ground joints being made tight by means of syrupy phosphoric acid (Morley) and flexible by means of fine glass gridirons (Finkener). The pure dry nitrogen and hydrogen were led in the first place into a flask containing bromine, and then over asbestos and red phosphorus saturated with pure fuming hydrobromic acid. The bromine and hydrobromic acid were proved to be pure by the usual quantitative analysis, and the red phosphorus was ground and washed many times with pure water to 382 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tw CO C -* • — «) ^-^ *" rt »-- 3 .5 O C t. fc. ^ il 0) cs -w « i 1 &> = 1 * «t-H — - tn *^ _ " c e ^ O I' ^ c > ^ oj ^^ bt - o ;j £ ^ & = n CS t; o =* ai 5 'm ., OJ a 3 w w ^ tt^ ^ CS !- ^ H '=^'^5 O H CO o br, S c c- ■" 12; o £■£. S; ^ t " QJ & <« « ;3 ~ fcli' 0) O i-=|2l 3 tc l-^al-s fe t3 2 H --S -< 8 % oi ■:: c •§ « op S 111 =2 >— o - - -S -C — rh ~ .jJ .s ^^^S;^ i c . ^ c^ CX- !> r— ' C ffl >» c '- i: 4; c^, bx.'X: oi ■- if £ c £- a; ce t:-^ 3 t. - -i- C '5 c o o C ceq5 CI RICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF STRONTIUM. 383 free it as much as possible from clilorine (Stas). The mixture of pure slightly moist hydrogen bromide, nitrogen, and hydrogen was now dried by calcic bromide free from chlorine and iodine, and thus became ready for use. The hard glass tube used for heating the platinum boat containing the strontic bromide was ground very tightly into its socket of soft glass, since it was not advisable to risk the presence of phosphoric acid here. The powdered nearly anhydrous strontic bromide, haviug been packed tightly into the boat and carefully pushed into position in the fusion tube, was thoroughly dried at 200° in a stream of pure air. The elaborate apparatus for preparing the mixture of gases was now connected with the fusion tube, and when all the air had been ex- pelled the boat was slowly heated to cherry-redness until the strontic bromide was wholly fused. The temperature was then allowed to fall a little below 600°, and the solidified bromide of strontium was freed from any possible excess of hydrobromic acid by a current of dry hy- drogen and nitrogen free from acid, delivered through a short-cut tube (see page 382). The almost red-hot boat was now transferred as quickly as possible to the light weighing bottle, within which it was allowed to cool. In the preliminary work (and in Analyses 13 and 14) this bottle was stoppered at once and cooled in an ordinary desiccator. Subsequently an improved desiccator was devised for this purpose. A wide glass tube capable of containing the weighing bottle was drawn out at one end to a fine tube, which was fitted with a ground-glass stopper. The other open end was made slightly conical and ground into a recepta- cle which was in its turn attached to a drying tube containing fused potash. The following sketch supplements this description. While the boat was still hot within the fusion tube, the stopper of the weighing bottle was placed in the horizontal desiccator tube. The moment after the transference of the boat into the bottle, both to- gether were slid into the momentarily opened desiccator tube by means of a glass rod which projected from the receptacle. The bot- tle was held by means of a glass carriage during this manipul ition. The open weighing bottle, with its stopper and fused contents, could now be heated indefinitely in a current of pure dry air at any tern- 384 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. perature below the softeniug poiut of soft glass. At the moment when it was desired to close the bottle, it was only necessary to ele- vate the desiccator tube from the horizontal to the vertical position, and the hot stopper fell automatically into the equally hot bottle. The desiccator tube was now closed above, and allowed to cool at least four hours in the balance room. It is needless to say that before taking the final weighing of the bottle its stopper was loosened. Having thus obtained as nearly as possible the true weight of the typical salt of strontium, the remainder of the analysis was conducted in a manner essentially similar to that adopted in the case of baric bromide.* Since it is unnecessary to describe again most of the pre- cautions, nothing will be noted below excepting those particulars in which the details of the work differed from those already given. Two analyses, which were vitiated by knowu errors, are omitted from the tables. The Ratio of Silver to Strontic Bromide. First Series. — In this series a slight excess of silver was taken, dis- solved, and diluted with at least a hundred times its weight of water, and added to the strontic bromide in a glass-stoppered flask. After the usual long continued shaking, the precipitate was collected upon a Gooch crucible, and the excess of silver in the evaporated filtrate and first five or six wash waters was determined after Volhard's method. f Upon subtracting this small excess of silver from the total, the amount corresponding to the strontic bromide remains. This method is not a very satisfactory one, the final result being probably too low, because of loss of a portion of the slight excess of silver. Second Series. — Here the end point of the reaction was determined by titration after the method of Abrahall,t very weak solutions of silver and hydrobromic acid being used to titrate backwards and for- wards. The mean readinji was taken in each case, and the method of procedure resembled exactly the work with barium. These results are much more trustworthy than the last. In several cases the sample of strontic bromide was first analyzed by this method, and subsequently an excess of silver nitrate was added and the preceding method was applied. Third Series. — For this series a new method was devised. Accord- * These Proceedings, XXVIII. 24. J These Proceedings, XXVIII. 24. t These Proceedings, XXIX. 66. EICHARDS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF STRONTIUM. 385 ing to Stas,* argentic bromide is wholly insoluble in water ; accord- ing to Goodwin,! it is only very slightly soluble; while according to Kohlrausch and Rose,f it is soluble to the extent of three tenths of a milligram in a litre. The time during wliich chloride of silver is shaken makes an enormous difference in the solubility, and it is not impossible that a similar effect may occur here. Perhaps KoWrausch and Rose did not agitate their precipitate so thoroughly as Stas did. According to the present experience the purest silver bromide was capable of yielding a filtrate which would give a very faint opalescence with both silver and hydrobromic acid ; and this effect usually diminished upon long continued agita- tion. The method of determination used in this series was based upon this fact. Somewhat less silver than the amount required was added to the strontic bromide, and a very weak standard solution of argentic nitrate (the cubic centimeter contained a milligram of silver) was dropped in until equiva- lent solutions of silver and hydrobromic acid pro- duced equal opalescence in two similar pipetted portions of the supernatant liquid. Since the opa- lescence was so faint that one could only with diffi- culty see it at all under ordinary conditions, a piece of apparatus, which may be named a " nephelome- ter" (ve JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 4l5 ative. Zincke and Neumann,* by the action of alcohol on nitro-y8- naphthoquinone, obtained a substance the formula of which was made out as follows : — O II /OH / , ^wi^ng /N( \H C6H4 ^ I -^Q_^ \ • / C-C / \ H OCH Still later, Zincke and Schaum f have made similar compounds from the isomeric heptachlorketotetrahydrobenzols by the action of sodic methylate. Although Zincke's work shows that ring ketones, ortho- diketones, and orthoquinones are capable of forming such hemiacetals, so far as we can find our compound is the first of this class to be made from a paraquinone, and the compound of Zincke's which approaches most nearly to it, the orthoquiuone derivative, differs from it strikingly, for, whereas in our compound both carbonyls are converted into hemi- acetal groups, in Zincke and Neumann's only one of the carbonyl groups is thus affected, and at the same time a molecule of sodic methylate is added to the ring by the breaking of a double bond. It should be mentioned here that J. U. Nef $ has assumed the formation of addition products of water or hydrochloric acid with the carbonyls of quinone in explaining the formation of hydroquinone by the action of water,§ or substituted hydroquinones by the action of hydrochloric acid on quinone ; II but he supposes that these intermediate products break up immediately, and none of them have been isolated. The discovery of the hemiacetals of the quinones has suggested to us a possible explanation of the constitution of quinhydrone and the bodies related to it. The most important of these substances are quinhydrone, formed from one molecule of quinone and one of hydro- quinone; resorcinequinone, from one molecule of quinone and one of resorcine ; phenoquinone, from one molecule of quinone and two of phenol ; and quinhydronedimethylether, from one molecule of quinone and two of the monomethylether of hydroquinone. The state of our * Ann. Cheni., CCLXXVIII. 173. t Ber. d. cli. G., XXVII. 5-37. t Am. Cliem. -Journ., XIII. 427; Ann. Chem., CCLXX. 323; Clark, Am. Chem. Journ., XIV. 55.3. § Hesse, Ann. Chem., CCXX. 367; Ciamician, Gazz. Chim., XVI. 111. II Levy, Schultz, Ann. Chem., CCX. 133; Sarauw, Ibid., CCIX. 93. 416 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, knowledge of the constitution of these substances is described in the following quotation from a paper on this subject by Nietzki : * " Aus vorstehenden Versuchen scheint hervorzugelien, dass das Chinhydron, das Chinonresorcin, blosse Additionsproducte des Chinons mit phe- nolartigen Korpern sind, und zwar scheint hierbei die Zahl der in letzteren enthaltenen freien Hydroxyle stets den beiden Chinousauer- stoiFen zu entsprechen. Eine Formel im Sinne der Structurtheorie liisst sich ftir diese Korper wohl augenblicklich kaum aufstellen, denn die von Kekule filr das Chinhydron vorgeschlagene Structurformel / OH HO ^ C6H4 H4C6 \o - 0/ lasst sich fiir die Verbindungen des Chinons mit einwerthigen Phenolen nicht mehr anwenden. Aus dem von O. Hesse beobachteten Verhalten des Chinhydrons gegen Essigsaureanhydrid scheint jedoch hervorzu- gehen dass das Chinhydron keine freien Hydroxyle enthalt. Audi das von Wichelhaus beobachtete Verhalten des Monomethylhydrochi- nous spricht dafur, dass Substitutionsproducte des Chinhydrons in den Hydroxylgruppen nicht existiren." It appears from this quotation that there is no satisfactory theory for the constitution of these compounds, since the statement that they are addition products amounts to saying that we have no theory on the subject. We would, therefore, advance the following theory in regai-d to the constitution of these bodies : that they are hemiacetals similar to those described in this paper ; in phenoquinone the phenol, in quinhy- drone the hydroquinone, taking the place of the methyl or ethyl alcohol, which is added to the substituted quinones in our new substances. On this theory the graphical formulas of phenoquinone and quiuhy- drone would be written as follows : — OH / C 0 — c / \ / \ HC CH HC CH II II II II HC CH HC CH \ / \ / c o — c \ OH * Ann. Chem., CCXV. 1.36. CeH.O OH \ / c 1 / \ HC CH II II HC CH \ / C / \ HO OCeHs JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 417 The principal argumeuts in favor of tliis theory are the following. It requires the union of one molecule of quinone with one molecule of a diatomic phenol such as hydroquinoue or resorcine, but with two of a monatomic phenol like common phenol or mouomethylhydroquinone,and is in this respect in accordance with the facts. Such substances would not be formed when the hydroxyl groups of the phenols had been con- verted into alkyloxyl groups, and dimethyl liydroquinone has no action on quinone. The products should be unstable, as we have found that the stability of our new hemiacetals depends on the number and strength of the negative radicals attached to the (juinone ring, and in these cases, where there are no negative radicals, we should expect a very slight stability. As a matter of fact, these substances are not only decom- posed by acids or alkalies, but quinhydrone even by solution in neutral solvents.* The action of acetic anhydride giving diacetylhy- droquinone and quinone,t which is brought up by Nietzki as a proof of the absence of free hydroxyl, is really in accordance with our theory, as our dimethyl hemiacetal with acetic anhydride gave methyl acetate and the quinone from which the hemiacetal was derived. All these observed facts, therefore, are in harmony with our theory. Against it is the marked color of all this quinhydrone group, whereas our hemiacetals are colorless. This may be due, however, to the difference in the nature of the radicals attached to the carbonyl groups, our hemiacetals containing methyl or ethyl, the quinhydrone group aromatic radicals, which might well give more colored compounds. It may be remarked in this connection, that, while the methyl or ethyl ether of resorcine is colorless, the simple resorcine ether itself is red- dish brown. An attempt will be made next year to find other parallel cases. Another objection to our theory is, that no salts have been obtained from phenoquinone, whereas the substance, according to our formula, contains two free hydroxyls. Wichelhaus, who states that he obtained no salts of it, adds that the substance turns blue when treated with alkalies ; this may indicate the formation of a salt not yet isolated. We have attempted to test our theory by experiment in this direction, but so far with little result. By treating phenoquinone with sodic ethylate, not in excess, we obtained a green salt; but, as much phenol was found in the filtrate, we are inclined to consider this salt at present rather a product of the action of sodic ethylate on the qui- none formed by the decomposition, than a salt of the phenoquinone * Clark, Am. Chem. Journ., XIV. 574. t Hesse, Ann. Cliem., CC. 248. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 27 418 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. itself. If this iuterpretation of the observation is true, it has no bear- ing ou our theory, as it shows only that the phenoquinoue is easily decomposed by alkalies, this decomposition taking place before it had time to form a salt. We then tried the action of sodic phenylate on quinone, as according to our theory this should act as well, or even better than free phenol, and we have succeeded in getting an action in this case, a strongly colored product being formed ; but these experi- ments were undertaken so late in the year that we had no time to isolate this substance for study. We should add that in the action of potassic phenylate on chloranil, described at the beginning of the experimental part of this paper, there are strong indications of the formation of a diphenylhemiacetal, as the liquid took on a blue-black color in the cold, which upon heating changed to the red of the di- chlordipheiioxyquiuone. The isolation of this hemiacetal, if possible, will throw a great deal of light upon our theory of the nature of phenoquinoue. All these lines of work will be taken up in this Labo- ratory during the next academic year, and we hope that by means of these experiments we shall succeed in testing thoroughly our theory that quinhydrone and phenoquinone are hemiacetals of quinone. The curious addition compounds of the nitranilines and quinones * will also be considered in this connection. The dichlordimethoxyquinone dimethylhemiacetal C6Clo(OCH3)o(OII),(OCH3)„ , although most conveniently made from the dichlordiphenoxyquinone by the action of sorlic methylate, can also be obtained by the action of the same reagent on diclilordimethoxyquinone, or even on chloranil. In this last case the first product is a green sodium salt, which by treat- ment with water yields the sodium salt of the hemiacetal and the tetrachlorhydroquinone, mentioned at the beginning of this paper. With sodic ethylate and chloranil we have not succeeded in obtaining the cnrrespotiding ethyl compound ; it may be, however, that this result was due to not finding the proper conditions for .the reaction. The dichlordiethoxyquinone tetraethylacetal C6Clo(OaH,,),(OCoH5), , alluded to in the discussion of the constitution of the hemiacetals, was made by the action of ethyliodide in the cold on the silver salt of the corresponding hemiacetal. The yield was exceedingly small, most of * Hebebrand, Ber. d. eh. G., XV. 1973; Niemayer, Ann. Chem., CCXXVIII. 332. JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 419 the hemiacetal dropping back to dichlordiethoxyquinone. Its proper- ties were strangely unlike those of the correspoudiiig hemiacetal, for whereas the dichlordiethoxyquinone hemiacetal was essentially in- soluble in all solvents, the tetraethylacetal was so easily soluble in all the common solvents except water, that it was hard to crystallize it from any of them. The most striking property of the hemiacetal was its instability, since it gave up ethyl alcohol at temperatures from 140° to 143°, becoming converted into the dichlordiethoxyquinone (mekino- at 104°-10o°) ; the tetraethylacetal, on die other hand, melts- without decomposition at 10r-102°, and from 205° to 275° sublimes apparently unaltered. The hemiacetal is converted into dichlordie- thoxyquinone when treated with acids, even more easily than by heat^ dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid acting on it slowly even in the cold, rapidly when warmed. This is its most marked property ; in fact, it is so susceptible to the action of acids that in our earlier prep- arations we obtained a considerable amount of dichlordiethoxyquinone by drying the hemiacetal at ordinary temperatures, when it had not been washed enough to remove the last traces of acid. In order to bring about a similar decomposition of the tetraethylacetal it is neces- sary to boil it with sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.44. A more dilute acid does not act upon it, and even this rather strong sulphuric acid has no action in the cold. With alkalies the hemiacetal forms crystalline salts, which are comparatively stable, since they dissolve in water without decomposition, and can be kept in the dry state for a moderate length of time. The stability of the substance toward alkalies is in marked contrast to its behavior with acids, as it is neces- sary actually to boil it with sodic hydrate in order to convert it into chloranilic acid. The tetraethylacetal can of course form no salts, as it contains no hydroxyl. It is even more stable toward alkalies than the hemiacetal, as sodic hydrate even when boiling or mixed with alcohol does not decompose it. Finally the hemiacetal is amorphous, the acetal crystallizes finely, so that almost the only property which they have in common is their white color. The salts of the hemia- cetals which are not derived from the alkalies are insoluble in water. The dichlordiethoxyquinone dibenzoyldiethylacetal, C6Cl2(OC2H5)2(OC2H5)o(OCOC6H5)2, also mentioned in the discussion of the constitution of the hemiacetals, was made by the action of benzoyl chloride on the sodium salt of the corresponding hemiacetal suspended in alcohol. In this case the yield is good, about 66 per cent of the theoretical, so that this substance is 420 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMElilCAN ACADEMY. much more accessible than the tetraethylacetal ; it crystalUzes well, and melts at 170°. It is a curious fact that none of the benzoyl compound is formed, it" the sodium or silver salt of the hemiacetal is susjjended in ether instead of alcohol, and treated with benzoyl- chloride. In order to obtain this benzoyl compound, therefore, it is essential to use alcohol as the diluent. The reaction with ether is apparently the same as that which occurs when the free hemiacetal or its sodium salt is heated to 100° with benzoylchloride, the products in this case beiug dichlordiethoxyquinoue and ethyl benzoate. When the dichlordiethoxyquinone-dibenzoyldiethylacetal is heated with sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.44 it is converted into a new substance, the analysis* of which gave numbers corresponding to the formula C6Cl2(OC2H5),,(OCOCoIl5)20. This body must be formed by the saponification of two ethoxy groups by the sulphuric acid, whereas we should have expected that the acid would have attacked rather the two benzoate groups. Our experiments have not as yet given us any means of determining which pair of ethoxy groups has been saponified. From the formula established by analysis we should infer that, after the two ethoxy groups had been converted by saponification into two hydroxyls, a molecule of water was eliminated, leaving the atom of oxygen spanning the benzol ring between two atoms of carbon in the para position to each other. Our substance, therefore, would have some analogy to cineol, if the constitution ascribed to it by Briihl f is correct. We realize fully, however, that such an unusual constitution as this should not be considered estab- lished without the most convincing proof, and, as at present we are unable to give this, we propose it only as that which accords best with the results of analysis and the method of preparation of the sub- stance. We have made some attempts to prepare derivatives of this substance in order to throw light on its constitution, and have found * As our first analytical results approached the numbers calculated for the di- chlordiethoxyhydroquinone dibenzoate CgCl^lOCaHgjoiOCOCgHsJo, we thought that perhaps we had in hand this substance mixed with an obstinately adhering impurity, and accordingly we made it from the substituted hydroquinone in order to compare it with our substance, but found that the two were not iden- tical, since it melts at 215°, while the melting point of our new substance is 142°. The bad results from our first analyses we found afterward to be due to the diflSculty in securing a complete combustion of our saponification product, and, after taking special precautions to insure this, numbers were obtained from very carefully purified preparations agreeing excellently with those for the formula given above. t Ber. d. ch. G., XXI. 461. Compare also Ibid., XXVII. 810. JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 421 that hydriodic acid converts it into a substance probably having the formula C6Cl20C2H50H(OCOC6H5)o and melting at 164°, but we have not yet studied this substance thoroughly enough to advance any theory in regard to its constitution. Aniline also forms one or more compounds with the saponification product, which we have not yet succeeded in bringing it into a state fit for analysis. We must content ourselves, therefore, at present with this preliminary statement of our experiments on this subject, the study of which will be continued in this laboratory during the next academic year. The methyl compounds CgC]o(OCH3)2(OCH3)2(OCOC6H5)o, melt- ing at 193°, and C6Cl2(OCH3),(OCOC6H5)20, melting at 205°-206°, which agree with the corresponding ethyl compounds in every respect, have also been prepared. In order to determine whether other acid radicals would act like benzoyl we treated the sodium salt of the -diethyl hemiacetal with chlorocarbonic ester, and obtained the dichlor- diethoxyquinone diethylacetaldicarbonic ester CeClaCOQHs) (OC2H5)2(OCOOCo 115)2 , which melts at 122°— 123°. In view of our experiments with the benzoyl derivative, the saponification of this substance promises inter- •esting results. We have tried a number of experiments to determine the limits of the formation of hemiacetals from quinones ; and have found that the dibromdiphenoxyquinone, melting point 266°-267°, made from brom- anil, forms a hemiacetal, which seems to be as stable as the one made from chloranil. The chlordiphenoxyquinone, melting point 169°-170°, made from trichlorquinoue, also forms a hemiacetal, but this is much less stable than that containinor two atoms of chlorine. Even the diraethoxydiphenoxyquinone yielded a hemiacetal, but it was so unstable that it decomposed spontaneously almost as soon as it was formed. So that the stability of the hemiacetals seems to depend on the number and strength of the negative radicals attached to the benzol ring. It was not very probable, therefore, that a hemiacetal of quinone itself could be isolated, but yet we felt it was necessary to try the experiment ; and this has established the fact that quinone is acted on by sodic ethylate, although the product — a green salt — has so far resisted our attempts to purify it for analysis. Work with it is especially hard because of its very slight stability ; it takes fire spontaneously, if dried in the air at ordinary temperatures ; and although, if dried first in hydrogen, it does not take fire on mere ex- posure to the air, it glows like tinder when heated to temperatures as 422 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. low as 40°. After we had abandoned for the present the attempt to- analyze the green salt, we succeeded in throwing some light on its composition by determining the proportion of quinone to sodic ethylate necessary to form it, as we found that each molecule of quinone takes up one molecule of sodic ethylate, but it must be left to future experi- ments to decide whether the product is really a hemiacetal. In all the work so far described in this paper only two of the atoms of chlorine in chloranil have been replaced by other radicals; we found, however, that the other pair of atoms of chlorine could be replaced by phenoxy groups, if the dichlordiphenoxyquinone was treated with sodic phenylate, or if chloranil was acted on by four equivalents of sodic phenylate. The tetraphenoxyquinone thus formed melted at 229°-230°, and offered a rather striking resistance to the action of reducing agents, although zinc dust and glacial acetic acid converted it into tetraphenoxyhydroquinone, C6(OCgH5)^OH, melting point 219°-220°. Toward acids the tetraphenoxyquinone shows a marked stability, but by boiling with a strong solution of sodic hydrate it was converted into the diphenoxanilic acid, Cg(OCyIl5)o(OH)o02, which melts at about 276°. Sodic methylate converts tetraphenoxy- quinone into the dimethoxydiphenoxyquinone by replacing two of its phenoxy by methoxy groups ; the substance melts at 171°. The corresponding diethoxydiphenoxyquinone, melting at 128°, was formed, instead of tetraphenoxyquinone, when chloranil was treated with sodic phenylate made from phenol and sodic ethylate in alcoholic solution. It is a noteworthy fact that bromanil acts differently with sodic phe- nylate made in this way, giving the dibromdiphenoxyquiuone. One other case was observed of the substitution of all four of the chlorine atoms of chloranil. This was when the dichlorquinone dimalonic ester of Stieglitz was boiled with alcohol and sodic carbonate, as it was converted into diethoxyquinone dimalonic ester melting at 115°. It is certainly strange that such a rather weak reagent should remove these two atoms of chlorine, which in other cases have seemed very firmly attached to the molecule. In all the reactions just described it is to be observed that the chlorine atoms or phenoxy groups are replaced in pairs, and this fact also appears in much of the work with chloranil previous to ours. This replacement of the radicals two at a time can probably be connected with the para position of the two atoms of oxygen, which in this case serve to diminish the attraction of these radicals to the benzol ring, and thus make it possible to replace them, as in the case of tribromdinitrobenzol (BrNOoBrNOoBr), melting point 192°, where the loosening nitro groups are in the meta position, all three of the bromine atoms are replaced in many reactions. JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 423 Experimental Part. Action of Potassic Phenylate on Chloranil. In order to study this action, 25 grams of chloranil suspended in 50 c. c. of water were treated with au aqueous solution of pota-ssic phenylate, made from 12 grams of potassic hydrate and 25 giams of phenol, which gave the proportion of two molecules of potassic phe- nylate to one of chloranil. To obtain a good result in this process it was necessary that the chloranil should not be in too large crystals ; if, therefore, the specimen used was well crystallized, it was reduced to the hydroquinone with sulphurous acid, and then oxidized with nitric acid, which left it in a finely divided form easily attacked by the solution of potassic phenylate. The potassic phenylate was added in small portions at a time, and the first few drops imparted to the liquid a chrome-green color, which gradually changed to blue-black as more of the solution was added, until at last the whole became very dark blue or nearly black. In order to complete the reaction the mixture was heated on the steam bath for thirty minutes, which changed the color from black to red. In the cold there were no siirns of the formation of this red substance, but it began to appear as soon as the mixture was warmed. The solution was filtered, and the dark red solid remaining on the filter, after washing thoroughly with water and alcohol, was purified by crystallization from hot benzol until it showed the constant melting point of 243°. The analysis of the substance dried at 100° gave the following results : — I. 0.2138 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.4692 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.0637 gram of water. II. 0.1510 gram of the substance gave, according to the method of Carius, 0.1206 gram of argentic chloride- Found. II. Calculated for C6Cl,(OCoIl5)202. I. Carbon 59.83 59.85 Hydrogen 2.77 3.32 Chlorine 19.67 19.75 From these results it is evident that the substance is dichlordiphe- •noxyquinone. The yield is very good, 25 grams of chloranil giving as a rule 26 to 30 grams of the new substance, that is, about 80 per cent of the theoretical yield. 424 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Properties of Dichlordlphenoxyquinone, C6Cl2(C6H50)202. — The substance crystallizes from benzol iu beautiful red needles arranged ia rosettes. It melts at 243°, and is very slightly soluble in alcohol even when hot, less so when cold, insoluble in cold and boiling water, diffi- cultly soluble in boiling benzol, and only very slightly soluble in the cold ; it is sparingly soluble in cold chloroform, more easily in hot, slightly soluble in cold glacial acetic acid, but easily when the acid is boiling; in ether, ligroine, carbonic disulphide, or acetone, it is insoluble. The three strong acids have no visible effect on it, hot or cold. It is readily saponified by a solution of sodic hydrate, forming chloranilic acid. It is not affected by sulphurous acid at 100° under the ordinary pressure, but is easily reduced to the corresponding hydroquinone by warming with hydriodic acid, or by the action of glacial acetic acid and zinc dust. Dichlordiphenoxyhydroquinone, C6Cl2( C6H50)2(OH)2. This substance was prepared by mixing dichlordlphenoxyquinone with hydriodic acid (boiling between 123° and 126°), and heating for some time on the steam bath. The product formed by this reduction was purified by crystallization from boiling dilute alcohol (50 per cent) until it showed the constant melting point of 197°. The analysis of the substance dried at 100° gave the following results : — I. 0.2147 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.4678 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.0723 gram of water. II. 0.1578 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1244 gram of argentic chloride. Found. I. 11. 59.41 3.73 19.49 The change from the quinone to the hydroquinone is quantitative. Properties of Diclilordiplienoxyhydroquinone. — It crystallizes from dilute alcohol (50 per cent) in large colorless prisms, or in little needles very much branched, forming thick arborescent masses which melt at 197°-198°, and are readily soluble in ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, or acetone ; soluble in carbonic disulphide or hot glacial acetic acid ; slightly soluble in chloroform, cold glacial acetic acid, or ether. It is insoluble in water, either cold or hot, benzol, or ligroine. Dilute or strong sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid does not act on the di- Calculated for CeCloCGCnHjIJOH),, Carbon 59.51 Hydrogen 3.31 Chlorine 19.56 JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 425 clilordiphenoxydroquinone even when hot. It dissolves in alkalies and is reprecipitated from the solution by acids. On long standing or boilino- with sodic hydrate it is saponified, giving the sodium salt of chloranilic acid which separates in long dark carmine red needles. By the action of oxidizing agents, such as ferric chloride, dilute nitric acid, or potassic dichromate in acid solution, it is easily changed to the corresponding quiuone. Action of Aniline on Dichlurdiphenoxyqidnone. The dichlordiphenoxyquinone was treated with aniline in the expec- tation of removing the two remaining atoms of chlorine. For this purpose 1 gram of dichlordiphenoxyquinone was mixed with 5 grams of aniline, and the mixture warmed on the water bath for a few min- utes. When cool, the large excess of aniline was removed by dilute sulphuric acid, and, after thorough washing, the dark-colored residue was purified by dissolving it in aniline, and then adding a small quan- tity of alcohol ; in this way well formed dark brown crystals were obtained, melting at 287°-290°, and therefore probably the dichlor- dianilidoquinone, the melting point of which is given as 285°-290°. This substance was first prepared and studied by O. Hesse,* later by Knapp and Schultz.t To confirm this inference the crystals were dried at 100° and the chlorine determined. 0.1480 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1174 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for C6Ci2(c,,ir-,Nii),o, Pound. 19.70 19.61 Chlorine The reaction therefore took an unexpected course, since the anilido groups replaced the two phenoxy radicals instead of the two atoms of chlorine. Action of Sodium Malonic Ester on Dichlordiphenoxyquinone. It has been shown in the preceding section that aniline removes the phenoxy groups instead of the atoms of chlorine from dichlordiphenoxy- quinone. We therefore next turned our attention to the action of sodium malonic ester upon it to see whether this reagent behaved in the same way. In order to study this reaction 1 gram of dichlordi- phenoxyquinone suspended in 10 c.c. of absolute alcohol was treated * Ann. Chem., CXIV. 306. t Ibid., CCX. 187. 426 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. with a little more than two equivalents of sodium malonic ester, which was made by treating 0.15 gram of metallic sodium with about 10 c.c. of absolute alcohol, and then adding 2 grams of malonic ester. On adding tlie sodium malonic ester, the solution turned very dark blue, and un standing a dark blue precipitate separated, which was filtered off and washed with alcohol, in which it is only slightly soluble. The precipitate dissolved readily in water with a beautiful blue color, and on the addition of an acid a slightly yellow crystalline product sepa- rated, which was purified by recrystallization from boiling dilute ali-oiiol until it gave the constant melting point 132°. After drying at 100°, it gave the following results on analysis: — I. 0.2180 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.3880 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.0994 gram of water. II. 0.1654 gram of the substance gave 0.0964 gram of argentic chloride. Carbon Calculated for C6Cl2[CH(C00C,H5)2]20j. 48.68 I 48.53 Found. II Hydrogen Chlorine 4.46 14.41 5.06 14 These results prove that ihe substance is dichlorquinonedimalonic ester. Four grams of the dichlordiphenoxyquinone gave a yield of about 1.5 grams of the malonic ester compound, that is, 27 per cent of the theoretical yield. It is evident that this body must be formed through the replace- ment of the two phenoxy groups by two malonic ester radicals, and in fact it was not hard to detect the phenol, which formed the second- ary product of the reaction. For this purpose the alcoholic filtrate from the sodium salt of the malonic ester derivative, after evaporation nearly to dryness, was diluted with water, and treated with a dilute acid, when the smell of phenol was very evident, and bromine water gave a voluminous white precipitate. This easy replacement of the phenoxy groups by the malonic ester radicals, even although the for- mer are attached to a benzol ring, suggests other work in the same line, which will be undertaken in this Laboratory, This dichlorquinonedimalonic ester crystallizes from dilute alcohol in long slender radiating needles of a yellow color, which melt at 132°, and are insoluble in cold or boiling water, soluble in cold or warm alcohol. It is not affected by weak oxidizing agents, but hydri- odic acid reduces it to a white crystalline substance, which melts at JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 427 159°-160°, the melting point* of the dichlorhydroquinonedimalonic ester discovered by J. Stieglitz ; * our dichlorquinonedimalouic ester is therefore identical with that obtained by him from the direct action of sodium malouic ester on chlorauil. Our indirect method of pre- paring it, however, gives a better yield than the direct method, 27 per cent instead of 10 per cent. That we might not intrude on this field of research already occupied by Stieglitz, we have confined our work on this substance to that necessary for establishing its identity. Sodium Salt of Dichlorqamonedimalonic Ester, C6Clo(CNa(COOC2H5)2)202. In order to prepare this salt the dichlorquinonedimalonic ester was dissolved in ether, and treated with rather less than the required amount of sodic ethylate in a strong alcoholic solution. The sodium salt separated at once as a blue precipitate, which was repeatedly washed with ether by decantation, and dried over sulphuric acid and paraffine until the weight remained constant,* after which the sodium was determined with the following result : — 0.2788 gram of the salt gave 0.0731 gram of sodic sulphate. Calculated for CgCljCCNaCCOOCaHjjo)^- Found. Sodium 8.57" " 8.49 The sodium salt has a beautiful blue color, and is very easily soluble in water, givino- a solution of a blue color as intense and strikinEf as that of aniline blue. It is somewhat soluble in alcohol, but insoluble in ether. Diethoxyqidnonedimalonic Ester, C6(OC2H5)2(CH(COOC2H5)2)202. In the first attempt to form the sodium salt of the dichlorquinone- dimalonic ester, the substance was dissolved in absolute alcohol and boiled with an excess of dry sodic carbonate. When the sodic car- bonate was first added, the alcoholic solution was colored dark blue ; but after filtering out the excess of sodic carbonate and evaporating rapidly, the solution became nearly colorless, and left after the alcohol had been driven off a residue of almost white crystals, which were purified by crystallization from alcohol until the melting point re- mained constant at 115°. The analysis of the substance dried over sulphuric acid and paraffine gave the following results : — * Am. Chem. Journ., XIII. 38. 428 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 0.2010 gram of the suUstauce gave on combustion 0.4122 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1242 irram of water. Carbon Calculated for Ce(0C,Hj,[CII(C0OC2Hgy,02 56.25 Fouud. 55.93 Hydrogen 6.25 6.86 It gave no teat for chlorine. These results prove that the substance is diethoxyquinonedimalonic ester, and it is certainly strange that this substance sliould have been formed from the corresponding dichlor compound by the action of sodic carbonate and alcohol, in view of the fact that these two atoms of chlorine in other cases have proved hard to replace. The substance crystallizes in beautiful yellowish white needles melting at 115°, which are insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol or ether. Action of Sodic Methylate on Dichlordiphenoxyquinone. — Dlchlordime- thoxyquinone DlmethyJhemiacetal, C6Clo(0 0113)0(011)0(00113)2. In order to see whether the phenoxy groups in dichlordiphenoxy- quinone would be removed by sodic methylate, as they were when it was treated with sodium malonic ester or aniline, 10 grams of the dichlordiphenoxyquinone were mixed with a methyl alcohol solution of a little less than four equivalents of sodic methylate, made by treat- ing 2.5 grams of metallic sodium with 60 c.c. of methyl alcohol. The solution was warmed gently on the water bath, and stirred constantly ; soon a white crystalline substance began to separate, and the red color of the dichlordiphenoxyquinone disappeared entirely. The solution was filtered, the residue washed with a little alcohol, dissolved in water, filtered again, and then treated with dilute sulphuric acid in excess, which set free a white insoluble compound. The proper- ties of this substance indicated at once that the reaction bad not con- sisted in a simple replacement of the phenoxy by methoxy groups, as in that case the product must have been the dichlordimethoxy- quinone discovered by Kehrmann,* which is red, melts at 141°-142°, and is not insoluble in the common solvents. To prepare our new body for analysis it was filtered off, washed with water, alcohol, and then with water again ; after which it was dissolved in dilute sodic hydrate, filtered, precipitated with dilute sulphuric acid, and washed thoroughly as described above. This treatment was repeated two or three times, until the substance was perfectly white and did not change * Journ. Prakt. Chem., [2.], XL. 370. JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETAL3 PROM QUINONES. 429 color vvheu washed with alcohol and ether, aud theu dried for a short time over sulphuric acid aud paraffiue. It was then analyzed with the following results : — I. 0.2410 gram of the substance gave on combustiou 0.3459 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1064 gram of water. II. 0.2005 gram of the substance gave on combustiou 0 2943 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.9720 gram of water. III. 0.1920 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1851 gram of argentic chloride. IV. 0.2372 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.2233 gram of argentic chloride. Found. IV. Calculated for C6CL(OCIIa)202(CH30H)2. Carbon 39.87 I. 39.13 Found. II. III. 40.02 Hydrogen 4.65 4.90 Chlorine 23.59 23.8 23.28 These results indicate that the substance is a dimethoxydichlor- quinone, to which two molecules of methyl alcohol have been added. To confirm this view of its composition the sodium salt was prepared and analyzed as follows. An excess of the insoluble compound was added to a solution of sodic methylate in a large ([uautity of methyl alcohol. As the sodium salt formed is soluble in methyl alcohol,* while the original compound is not, it was easy by filtering to obtain a pure solution of the salt, from which it was then precipitated by adding an excess of ether. The precipitate was repeatedly washed with ether by decantation, transferred to a weighed platinum crucible, dried over sulphuric acid and paraffine, and analyzed with the follow- ino; results : — '» I. 0.2372 gram of the salt gave 0.0828 gram of sodic sulphate. II. 0.2887 gram of the salt gave 0 1025 gram of sodic sulphate. Calculated for Found. CeCl2(0CH3)30„(Cn30Na)2(CH30H)j. I. II. Sodium 11.24 11.31 11.50 As these analyses indicate that the salt contains two molecules of methyl alcohol of crystallization, an attempt was next made to detei'- mine the amount of volatile matter which it contained, with the following result : — * In the preparation of the original substance the sodium salt was obtained as a precipitate, because the amount of methyl alcohol used was not enough to dissolve it. 430 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 0.3177 gram of the salt heated at 100° lost 0.0501 gram. Calculated for C6Cl2(0CH3)202(CU3ONa).(CH30H)2. Found. Methyl Alcohol 15.64 15.77 Another sample of the sodium salt was then dried at 100° to a constant weight, and a sodium determination was made in the dry substance. 0.2422 gram of the salt gave 0.1018 gram of sodic sulphate. • Calculated for CeCUCOCHslAlCHaONajj. Found. Sodium 13.33 13.61 These results show that, by the action of sodic methylate upon the dichlordiphenoxyquinone in the first place the two phenoxy groups are replaced by two methoxy groups, and then two molecules of sodic metliylate are added directly to the molecule of dichlordimethoxy- quinone formed by the first part of the action. The proof that these two molecules of sodic methylate are attached to the carbonyl groups of the quinone has been given in the introduction to this paper, and the new substance therefore is dichlordimethoxyquinone dimethyl- hemiacetal. Other Mdliods of Preparing the DicJdurdimetJioxyquinone Dimethylh emiacetal. This body can be made also directly from chloranil by the action of sodic methylate. When one equivalent of chloranil was treated with five or six equivalents of sodic methylate dissolved in methyl alcohol, a green salt containing sodium separated. This salt was dissolved in water rendered alkaline by a little sodic hydrate, and the addition of a dilute acid to this solution produced a dirty white precipitate, a portion of which was soluble in alcohol, while the rest remained undissolved. The insoluble part, after purification by dissolving in sodic hydrate and filtering, was precipitated again with dilute sulphuric acid, and washed with water and alcohol, after which it was dried in a desiccator, and the chlorine determined : — 0.2060 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1962 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for CaCUCOCir.i i„0.,(CU30H)2. Found. Chlorine 23.59 23.55 JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QDINONES. 431 That this product was the same as that prepared from the dichlor- dipheuoxyquiuoiie was showu also by its properties, which agreed with those observed for that substauce, especially by its very charac- teristic reaction with dilute acids. The other product obtained from the green salt formed by the action of sodic methylate on chloranil was dissolved in the alcohol used in washing the dirty white precipitate from dilute sulphuric acid ; after evaporating off the alcohol, it was purified by recrystallizatiou from dilute alcohol, and analyzed with the following result : — 0.2094 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.4841 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for CuCl4(OH)2. Found. Chlorine 57.25 57.16 As it melts at 235°, there can be no doubt that it is the tetrachlor- hydroquinone, the melting point of which is given by Sutkowski * as 232°. We are unable to determine at present whether this tetrachlor- hydroquinone is due to a secondary reaction, or whether it proceeds from that by which the hemiacetal is made. Sodic ethylate does not act in this way with chloranil. The dichlordimethosyquinone dimethylhemiacetal is also formed when dichlordimethoxyquinone melting at 141°'-142° is treated with two equivalents of sodic methylate dissolved in methyl alcohol. Properties of the Dichlordimethoxyquinone Dimethylhemiacetal. — It is a white amorphous solid, insoluble in all the common solvents. It is very easily converted into the red dichlordimethoxyquinone, melting at 141°-142°, discovered by Kehrmann.f This change can be effected by heat alone, since in the neighborhood of 160° it begins to take on a slight reddish color, which becomes darker very slowly at this temperature, but when heated to 195° or higher the substance melts to a red liquid, at the same time increasing very much in volume and giving otF many bubbles of gas consisting probably of the vapor of methyl alcohol. Tlie decompostion point is not a definite one, as in different trials this action took place at temperatures sometimes as much as twenty or twenty-five degrees apart. An easier way to bring about this change is by treating the hemiacetal with dilute sulphuric acid or dilute hydrochloric acid, to either of which it shows itself remarkably susceptible, the decomposition taking place quanti- * Ber. d. ch. G., XIX. 2316. t Journ. Prakt. Chem., [2.], XL. 370. 432 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tatively, slowly in the cold, but quickly on warming. The ease with which it is attaclied by dilute acids is its most striking property. Continued boiling witli water or with dilute alcohol or glacial acetic acid brings about the same decomposition, as does also treatment of either the free substance or its sodium salt with benzoylchloride in a sealed tube at 100°, methyl benzoate being the secondary product. Acetic anhydride decomposes it in the same way, but more slowly ; on the other hand, neither methyl nor ethyl iodide acts on the sodium salt or the free substance. The formation of the benzoic ester of the substance is described below. The hemiacetal is a weak acid, forming with sodic metliylate the wliite crystalline sodium salt, the method of preparation and analyses of which have been given above. This salt is soluble in water or alcohol, insoluble in ether. With argentic nitrate a white non- crystalline silver salt is formed, which is insoluble in water, and easily decomposed. Action of Sodic EthyJate on Dichlordiplienoxyquinone. — Dichhrdie- thoxyquinone Diethylhemiacetal, C6Cl9(OC2H5)2(Ori )2(OC2Hs)2. In order to study this action 10 grams of dichlordiphenoxyquinone were treated with an alcoholic solution of little less than four equiva- lents of sodic ethylate, which was made by treating 2.5 grams of metal- lic sodium with 60 c.c. of absolute alcohol. When the sodic ethylate was first added there was no apparent action, but on standing, even in the cold, the red color of the dichlordiphenoxyquinone gradually disap- peared, and a white crystalline sodium salt was formed. After warm- ing gently on the water bath to finish the reaction, the solution was filtered, the salt washed with alcohol, dissolved in water, filtered again, and then dilute sulphuric acid added in excess, which gave a bulky white precipitate. This was filtered off, washed with water, alcohol, and then with water again. In order to purify the substance further, it was dissolved in dilute sodic hydrate, filtered, precipitated again with dilute sulphuric acid, and washed thoroughly, as above. This treat- ment was repeated until finally the substance was perfectly white, and did not change color when washed with alcohol and ether, and then dried for a short time over sulphuric acid and paraffine. The product was analyzed with the following results : — I. 0.2205 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.3802 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1304 gram of water. II. 0.2017 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1614 gram of argentic chloride. JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 433 Found. U. Calculated for Cs Clj (0C2H5)2O2(02H5OH)j. I. Carbon 47.06 47.02 Hydrogen 6.16 6.57 Chlorine 19.89 19.78 These results show that the action of the sodic ethylate on the dichlordiphenoxyquinone is analogous to that of sodic methylate, since two phenoxy groups are replaced by two ethoxy groups, and then two molecules of sodic ethylate are added directly to one molecule of the dichlordietlioxy(|uinone thus formed, giving the sodium salt of dichlor- diethoxyquinone diethylhemiacetal. The yield of the sodium salt from 10 grams of dichlordiphenoxyquinone was usually a little less than 10 grams, and therefore, as the change from the sodium salt to the hemiacetal is nearly quantitative, we obtained over 75 per cent of the theoretical yield. Properties of the Dichlordiethoxyquinone Diethylhemiacetal. — It is a white amorphous solid, which dissolves slightly in alcohol, but is partially decom[)psed by this solvent, so that it cannot be recrystallized from it. It is essentially insoluble in all the other common solvents. By boiling with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid it is decomposed, and the same reaction takes place more slowly when it stands with the dilute acid in tlie cold. The product of the action in either case is a light red body melting at 104° -105°, after being purified by crys- tallization from alcohol, which is, therefore, dichlordiethoxyquinone, as this is the melting point ascribed to this substance by Kehrmann.* Stenhouse,t who discovered it, gives its melting point as 107° ; but even by repeated recrystallization we have not been able to raise the melting point above 104°-105°, and therefore have come to the con- clusion that Stenhouse's higher number must be due to an error. The white insoluble hemiacetal melts at 140°-143°, or rather decomposes at this temperature, changing into the red dichlordiethoxyquinone, which then melts. From these properties it appears that the relation- ship between the diethyl and dimethyihemiacetals is of the closest sort. Like the corresponding methyl compound the dichlordiethoxyqui- none diethylhemiacetal has acid properties forming with sodic hydrate a sodium salt. It shows toward sodic hydrate a stability in marked contrast to its susceptibility to the action of dilute acids, as it is neces- * Journ. Prakt. Chem., [2 ], XL. 365. t Ann. Cliera., Suppl. VIII. 14. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 28 434 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. sary to boil it with a strong solution of sodic hydrate in order to saponify it to chloranilic acid. The sodium salt of the diethylhemia- cetal is white and crystalline, readily soluble in water^ slightly soluble in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. The dried salt is slowly decom- posed on standing in a closed bottle for several weeks, alcohol is given off, and a solid product left, which contains some sodic chloranilate and another body, or more than one, which we have not yet identified. The silver salt is insoluble, and has a slight brownish yellow color. It is blackened by light alcohol being set free. On warming with water a red substance is formed, probably chloranilic acid. Insoluble salts were also obtained with solutions containing barium, calcium, lead, or zinc, but they were not studied. The details of the prepara- tion of the sodium and silver salts will be found under the preparation of dichlordiethoxyquiuone tetraethylacetal later in this paper. Dichlordim ethoxyqidnone Diethylhemiacetal, CeCl2(OCH3)2(OH)2(OC2H5)2. This substance was made by treating 0.9 gram of dichlordimethoxy- quinone with an alcoholic solution of sodic ethylate made from 0.2 gram of metallic sodium and absolute alcohol. After warming the mixture for a few minutes, all the red dichlordimethoxyquinone disap- peared, and a crystalline sodium salt was deposited. The liquid was then cooled, the precipitate filtered out, washed with a little alcohol, and dissolved in water, in which it is completely and easily soluble. The aqueous liquid after filtration was treated with dilute sulphuric acid, which threw down a white bulky precipitate of the free hemiacetal, and this, after thorough washing with water, alcohol, and ether, was dried over sulphuric acid and paraffine, and analyzed with the follow- ing result : — 0.1892 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1 G27 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for CeCl, 0CH3)2(0H)2(0C2H6)2. Found. Chlorine 21.58 21.26 The dichlordimethoxyquinone diethylhemiacetal, like those hemia- cetals which have been described already, is an amorphous white solid, essentially insoluble in all the common solvents. It is decomposed at temperatures between 140° and 160°, forming a red substance, prob- ably dichlordimethoxyquinone, and it is easily saponified by dilute acids. JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 435 Dichlordiethoxyquinone Tetraethylacetal^ C6Cl^(OC2H5)2(OC2H5)4. It has been stated already that ethyl or methyliodide did not act either on the free hemiacetal or its sodium salt ; if, however, the silver salt of dichlordiethoxyquinone diethylhemiacetal vpas treated with ethyliodide, the corresponding tetraethylacetal was formed. As this compound could be obtained only in very small quantities and with great difficulty, it was necessary to prepare the sodium and silver salts of the hemiacetal on a large scale, which was done as follows. 40 grams of dichlordiphenoxyquinone were mixed with the sodic ethylate made by treating 10 grams of metallic sodium with 150 c.c. of absolute alcohol, and in order to complete the reaction the mixture was warmed on the steam bath for a few minutes, and then allowed to stand at ordinary temperatures for four or five hours. The sodium salt of the dichlordiethoxyquinone diethylhemiacetal, which separated in large amount, was filtered off, and washed thoroughly, first with a mixture consisting of equal parts of alcohol and ether, and finally with ether alone. In this way 40 to 42 grams of the essentially pure sodium salt were obtained instead of the 44 grams required by the theory ; the yield, therefore, was between 90 and 95 per cent of the theoretical. In order to prepare the silver salt of the diethylhemiacetal, a concentrated aqueous solution of the sodium salt was treated with 25 grams of argentic nitrate dissolved in a small amount of water. The insoluble silver salt was filtered, washed thoroughly with water, alcohol, and ether, and then dried as quickly as possible by sucking a stream of air through it on the filter pump. The silver salt of the diclilordiethoxyquinone diethylhemiacetal was then suspended in ether, and treated in the cold with ethyl iodide, when, in addition to a very small quantity of the tetraethylacetal, a large amount of dichlordiethoxyquinone was obtained. The acetal was separated from the quinone by treating the products of the reaction with a dilute solution of sodic hydrate in 50 per cent alcohol, which converted the dichlordiethoxyquinone into the sodium salt of chlorani}ic acid, while the dichlordiethoxyquinone tetraethylacetal was not affected by it. By washing with water it was then easy to separate the freely soluble sodic chloranilate from the insoluble acetal, which was purified by recrystallization from ligroine until it showed the constant melting point 101°-102°, when it was dried in a desiccator, and on analysis gave the following results : — I. 0.2039 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.3928 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1335 gram of water. 436 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. II. 0.2177 gi-am of the substance gave on combustion 0.4181 gram of carbonic dioxide. The water determination was lost. III. 0.1843 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1304 gram of argentic chloride. IV. 0.1 G20 gram of the substance gave 0.1135 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for Found. CoCl,(OC,,U.,),(OCaH5)i. I. 11 III. IV. Carbon 52.30 52.54 52.37 Hydrogen 7.26 7.28 — Chlorine 17.19 17.49 17.32 The yield, as has been already stated, is very small. Properties of Dlchlordiethoxyquinone Tetraetliylacetal. — This sub- stance can be obtained from ligroine in good-sized white rhombic prisms, but when more rapidly crystallized it forms irregularly fan- shaped groups of very much branched needles resembling certain delicate seaweeds, or four-sided plates nearly but not quite rectangu- lar and much striated. It melts at 101°-102°. Bv heating in a ca[)illary tube it is ajiparently not decomposed even at so high a tem- perature as 275°, but between 2G0° and 275° it sublimes, giving beautiful white crystals in the upper part of the tube. It is very easily soluble in ether, benzol, alcohol, chloroform, acetone, ligroine, glacial acetic acid, carbonic disulphide, acetic anhydride, or methyl alcohol, but is insoluble in water. Ligroine is the best solvent for it. It is saponified by sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.44, giving the dichlordiethoxyquiuone melting at 104°-105°, and also a small quantity of chloranilic acid. In the cold the acid produces little or no effect on the acetal, but after warming on the steam bath for half an hour the saponification is complete. A more dilute acid seems to have no action upon it. Sodic hydrate, even when boiling or mixed with alcohol, does not decompose the acetal. The differences between the properties of the tetraetliylacetal and the diethyllieraiacetal certainly are remarkable. The hemiacetal is entirely insoluble, while the acetal is exceedingly soluble in all the common solvents except water. The former is very unstable, being readily decomposed by even very dilute acids, while the latter is sa- ponified only slowly by comparatively strong acids when heated with them. By heat also the hemiacetal is easily decomposed, whereas the acetal sublimes apparently unaltered at high temperatures. The action of bromine on the tetraetliylacetal might prove of great interest, as the formation of addition products from it similar to those JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 437 obtained by J. U. Nef* from quiuone would prove that the four ethoxy groups were attached to the carbonyl radicals of the quinone molecule, and thus settle the constitution of this whole class of com- pounds. The chances of the formation of such addition compounds were, however, small, as Nef has shown f that dichlordiethoxyquinone does not take up bromine, a result which we can confirm ; neverthe- less we felt that it would be unwise to neglect this experiment. Accordingly, 0.5 gram of bromine dissolved in chloroform was added to 0.5 gram of the acetal also dissolved in dry chloroform. Even the first drop of the bromine imparted a distinct yellowish red color to the solution, showing that no bromine addition compound had been formed. When all the bromine had been added, the solution was allowed to evaporate spontaneously, and, although the residue was colored slightly, it was found that the weight had not increased, and after one recrystallization from ligroine it gave the melting point of the unaltered acetal 101°-102°. In another experiment the chloro- form solution was evaporated to dryness on the water bath, and the same results were obtained. Under no conditions that we have found could the acetal be induced to take up bromine. The negative out- come of these experiments cannot be used^in deciding the constitution of the acetal, since its inability to take up bromine is more likely to be due to the presence of the two atoms of chlorine and two ethoxy groups attached to the benzol ring than to the occupation of the double bonds by the four additional ethoxy groups, since dichlordie- thoxyquinone does not take up bromine, as has been already stated, Dicldordiethoxyquinone Dihenzoyldiethylacetal, When the diethylhemiicetal itself or its sodium salt was treated with benzoyl chloride at 100° in a sealed tube, no benzoyl compound was formed, but tlie main products were dichlordiethoxyquinone and ethylbenzoate. A similar result was obtained when the sodium or silver salt of the hemiacetal was suspended in ether, and then treated with benzoyl chloride. When, however, the sodium salt was sus- pended in alcohol instead of ether and benzoyl chloride added, the dibenzoyl derivative was readily formed, and only a trace of dichlordie- thoxyquinone was produced. The following method was found to be the best for the preparation of this substance. To 10 grams of the sodium salt of the dichlordiethoxyquinone diethylhemiacetal suspended * Amer. Chem. Journ., XII. 483. t Ibid., XI. 20. 438 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. in a small quautitj of alcohol 7.6 grams of benzoyl chloride were added, which gave the proportion of two molecules of benzoyl chloride to one of the sodium salt. There was but little action in the cold, but when the raixtui-e was warmed on the water bath the reaction took place readily, with the separation of sodic chloride. After cooling, the solution was filtered, and the solid remaining on the filter washed thoroughly with alcohol and water, and then crystallized from hot alcohol until it showed the constant melting point 170°. The analysis of the substance dried at 100° gave the following results : — I. 0.2428 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.5276 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1230 gram of water. II. 0.2173 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1112 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for Found. CeCi2(OC2U5),(oc,u^ocoCoH5)2. I. ir. Carbon 59.47 59.27 Hydrogen 5.31 5.63 Chlorine 12.57 12.65 The yield of the dichlordiethoxyquinone-dibenzoyldiethylacetal from ten grams of the salt is seven and one half grams, or about 66 per cent of the theoretical yield. Properties of Dichlordiethoxyquinone Dibenzoyldiethylacetal. — From alcohol it crystallizes in short thick prisms, or, when crystallized more rapidly, in rhombic crystals with a sharp terminal angle, often col- lected into curving radiated or bladed groups. It is white, and melts at 170°. It is easily soluble in chloroform, carbonic disulphide, ether, or benzol ; also in hot ethyl or methyl alcohol, but only slightly soluble in either of these liquids when cold ; soluble in warm glacial acetic acid ; slightly soluble in hot ligroine ; insoluble in water. Sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.44 saponifies it, forming tlie compound de- scribed in the next section. Sodic hydrate solution, even if boiling or mixed with alcohol, does not decompose it. The study of the action of reducing agents and of hydroxylamine on the dichlordiethoxyquinone dibenzoyldiethylacetal was of especial interest, because it threw so much light upon the constitution of this whole class of substances. If this body was a true acetal, these agents should have no action upon it ; if, on the other hand, the ethoxy and benzoyl radicals were not attached to the two carbonyl groups of the quinone molecule, but to the four other atoms of carbon, the substance JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 439 •would be converted into a secondary alcohol by reducing agents, and into an oxime by hydroxylamiue. The reducing agent selected was a mixture of zinc dust and glacial acetic acid, as this had proved rather the most effective for the conversion of a quinone into a hydro- quinone, and there was little or no danger that it would saponify the compound. Even after long continued action there were no signs of reduction, but the unaltered dichlordiethoxyquinone dihenzoyldiethyl- acetal was recovered from the mixture. This experiment, therefore, goes to prove that the substance is an acetal, and this proof is strength- ened by the fact that dichlordiethoxyquinone is converted into the corresponding hydroquinone quickly and easily by this reducing mix- ture. To try the action of hydroxylamine 0.2 gram of the dichlordiethoxy- quinone dibenzoyhliethylacetal dissolved in alcohol was mixed with an alcoholic solution of 0.5 gram of hydroxylamine chloride. The solution was boiled over the free flame for half an hour, and then after cooling treated with a large excess of water. The precipitate thus formed after one crystallization from alcohol melted at 170°, and was therefore the unchanged original substance. No other organic sub- stance could be found in the precipitate, or in the aqueous filtrate. The experiment was repeated with an alkaline solution, and again with an acid solution, but in no case could any change in the original acetal be detected. To prove that the indifference of the acetal to the hydroxylamine was not due to the effect of the ethoxy radicals and chlorine atoms attached to its benzol ring, we next studied the action of the chloride of hydroxylamine on dichlordiethoxyquinone. For this purpose 0.5 gram of it were treated with the chlori(OCOOC2H5)2. Found. Chlorine 14.18 14.24 The substance crystallizes in white flat prisms, terminated usually by a single plane at a very sharp angle, which is occasionally modified by a sei-oud smaller plane. It melts at 122°-123°, and is readily soluble in alcoliol, chloroform, benzol, or acetone ; soluble in glacial acetic acid, or carbonic disulphide ; slightly soluble in ether; insoluble in water. The best solvent for it is alcohol. In view of the results of tlie saponification of the corresponding benzoyl compound the decomposition of this substance with sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.44 promises to be interesting. Unfortunately, it was prepared just before the vacation, so that this work must be postponed until the next college year. Action of Potassic Phenylate on Dichlordiphenoxyqidnone. — Tetraphenoxyquinone, Q>^^{OC^^ ^O^- By treating 10 grams of pure dichlordiphenoxyquinone with a little more than two equivalents of potassic phenylate, made by dissolving 4 grams of potassic hydrate and 12 grams of phenol in 150 c.c. of water, tetray)henoxyquinone was formed. In order to complete the reaction it was necessary to boil the dichlordiphenoxyquinone with the potas- sic phenylate for twenty to thirty minutes. The product formed was then filtered ofp. and after washing thoroughly with water and alcohol was fturifiFd by crystallization from benzol until it gave the constant melting p'«int of 229°-230°. After drying at 100°, the substance gave the following results on analysis : — I. 0.2198 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.6122 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.0865 gram of water. Calculated for Cp,(0C6H5)402. Found. Carbon 75.63 75.97 Hydrogen 4.20 4.37 JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 447 This body can also be formed by the action of four equivaleuts of potassic pheuylate in aqueous solution on chloraml, or by the at-tion of sodic phenylate on the dichlordiphenoxyquinone suspended in benzol. In this latter case the sodic phenylate was prepared by dissolving phenol in a rather large volume of benzol, and then adding the required quantity of sodium, which disa|)peared completely alter warminc the solution on the steam bath for some time. Neither of these methods gives so good a result as the one described at the be- ginning of this section. On the other hand, the tetraphcnoxyquinone is not formed when the dichlordiphenoxyquinone is treated witli sodic phenylate, which has been made by the action of metallic sodium on absolute alcohol mixed with phenol, as in this case the principal pro- duct is diethoxydiphenoxyquinone. Properties of Tetraphenoxyquinoiie. — It crystallizes from benzol in red prisms which, when well developed, have blunt ends formed by a number of planes or by a single plane at an oblique angle. When smaller they appear as long somewhat shuttle-shaped prisms, radiating from a common centre, but not forming circular groups. It melts at 229°-230°, and is soluble in hot chloroform, boiling acetic anhydride, or boiling benzol ; slightly soluble in carbonic disulphide, or boiling glacial acetic acid ; very sparingly in warm acetone ; insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, or ligroine. The best solvent for it is boiling benzol. The tetraphenoxy qui none is not easily attacked by reducing agents ; sulphurous acid at ordinary temperatures, or in a sealed tube at 100°, has no action on it ; hydriodic acid, or a mixture of stannous chloride and hydrochloric acid, reduces it, but the action is very slow ; on the other hand, it is easily reduced by glacial acetic acid and zinc dust. Saponification of Tetraphenoxyquinone. Toward acid saponifying agents the tetraphenoxyquinone shows a remarkable stability. Sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.44 has no effect whatever, even after long continued boiling, but hot strong sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.83 dissolves it, giving a solution from which nothing is precipitated on adding water. This may be due to the formation of a sulphonic acid, but we have not as yet studied the reaction carefully. A better result was obtained by boiling the tetraphenoxyquinone with a solution of sodic hydrate (one part in four) for ;ibout two hours, as it was then completely dissolved, giving a dark purple color to the solution, which on cooling deposited small black crystals of a sodium 448 PKOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. salt. The alkaline solution, when poured into an excess of dilute acid, gave a reddish yellow precipitate, which was filtered out, washed with water, and, after purification by recrystallizatiou from alcohol, dried, and analyzed with the following result : — 0.2224 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.5436 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.0794 gram of water. Calculated for Cs(0C6H5),(0U),0j. Found. Carbon 66.68 66.65 Hydrogen 3.70 3.97 The substance was therefore formed from the tetraphenoxyquinone by replacing two of the phenyl radicals by hydrogen, and is the diphenoxyauilic acid. Properties of Diphenoxyanilic Acid, C(;(OCgH5)2(OH)202. — It forms glistening rather thick plates, either square or in rectangular oblong forms, having a dark reddish brown color like that of ferric citrate ; which the substance also resembles in lustre and general appearance. It melts at about 276°, but the melting point is not sharp, as it shows signs of softening even at 270°. If heated some- what above its melting point, it puffs up filling the capillary tube with a dark liquid. It is soluble in glacial acetic acid ; sparingly soluble in alcohol or hot chloroform ; insoluble in ether, benzol, carbonic disulphide, or ligroine. It dissolves slightly in boiling water, imparting a pink color to the solution. It has distinct acid properties dissolving in sodic hydrate to form a black crystalline salt, which dissolves in water with a dark purple color. It is not acted on by acids dilute or strong, cold or hot. Tetraphenoxyhydroqicinone, Cg (OCgHj) ^ ( OH) 2. This body was made by reducing the tetraphenoxyquinone with glacial acetic acid and zinc dust. Two grams of the tetraphenoxyqui- none were warmed on the steam bath with these reagents until the red color of the original substance had completely disappeared ; water was then added, and the precipitated hydroquinone purified by recrystal- lizing it from alcohol containing a little hydriodic acid to prevent oxidation. On analysis the following results were obtained : — 0.2015 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.5558 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.0862 gram of water, JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 449 Calculated for C6(00,Il5),(OH)2. Found. 75.32 75.21 4.60 4.75 Carbon Hydrogen Properties of the Tetraphenoxyhydroquinone. — It crystallizes from alcohol in white well developed rather thick rhombic plates, with a very acute angle, which sometimes show sharp notches in the two ends. When seen on the edge the plates seem to be monoclinic, and are often twinned on the basal plane. Larger crystals are apt to have the form of sharp spear-heads. At 210°, it shows signs of decomposition by beginning to turn red. This change of color increases as the temperature rises, until finally it melts at 2 19° -220° giving a light red liquid, which on cooling solidifies to a red body, probably the quinone. It is readily soluble in acetone ; somewhat more sparingly soluble in ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, or chloroform ; sparingly soluble in cold glacial acetic acid, more readily in hot ; very sparingly soluble in benzol or ether. It is insoluble in water, carbonic disulphide, or ligroine. Alcohol is the best solvent for it. Diethoxydiphenoxyquinone, Cg (OCgH.) 2( O CgH.) 2O2. This substance was obtained in some of our earlier attempts to make tetraphenoxyquinone by treating dichlordiphenoxyquinone with sodic phenylate dissolved in absolute alcohol, 10 grams of dichlordi- phenoxyquinone were mixed with two equivalents of sodic phenylate made by treating 1.6 grams of sodium with about 20 c.c. of abso- lute alcohol and then adding 8 grams of phenol. On the addition of the sodic phenylate the dichlordiphenoxyquinone became dark-colored, and a very black tarry solution was obtained, which after standing for two hours was separated by filtration from the sodic chloride formed ; water was then added to the filtrate, which precipitated an oily black liquid. In order to purify this liquid it was repeatedly washed with water by decantation, and then dissolved in alcohol, from which beautiful silky orange-yellow needles were obtained, and these were recrystallized from alcohol until they showed the constant melting point 128°, when after drying in a desiccator they gave the following results on analysis : — 0.2104 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.5324 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1004 gram of water. Calculated for C6(0C„H,),(0CeH5)202. Carbon 69.47 Hydrogen 5.26 VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.; ) 29 Found. 69.01 5.30 450 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The yield is small. The diethoxydiphenoxyquinone crystallizes in long silky orange-yellow slender needles arranged in radiating groups. It melts at 128°, and is readily soluble in alcohol or chloro- form ; soluble in carbonic disulphide or benzol ; sparingly soluble in ether or glacial acetic acid ; insoluble in ligroine or water. The best solvent for it is alcohol. Action of Sodic Methylate on Tetraphenoxyquinone. {Dimethoxy- diphenoxyquiaone, C^^{OCH^.^{OC^^2^2') When 5 grams of tetraphenoxyquinone were treated with a solution of six equivalents of sodic methylate in methyl alcohol, it dissolved to a colorless liquid, which on standing deposited a quantity of nearly white needles. These were filtered off, and after washing with a little methyl alcohol treated with water rendered alkaline by sodic hydrate, when a portion of the substance was dissolved, and a yellow crystal- line body was left as an insoluble residue. This latter substance was purified by crystallization from a mixture of benzol and alcohol until it showed the constant melting point 171°, when it was dried at 100°, and analyzed with the following result : — 0.2043 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.5068 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.08 G2 gram of water. Calculated for C6(0CH3),(0C„H5)20j. Found Carbon 68.19 67.66 Hydrogen 4.55 4. 69 The substance is therefore dimethoxydiphenoxyquiuoiie formed by the replacement of two of the phenjl by methyl radicals. Properties of Dimethoxydiphenoxyqulnone. — It crystallizes from a mixture of alcohol and benzol in beautiful long golden-yellow needles, which under the microscope are seen to be slender prisms arranged in radiating groups. The terminations of these prisms consist of one principal plane, sometimes at a right angle, sometimes at an oblique angle to the sides ; in this latter case, when the crystals are large enough, small modifying planes are also seen. It melts at 171°, and is readily soluble in chloroform ; soluble in ethyl or methyl alcohol, benzol, or glacial acetic acid ; sparingly soluble in ether or carbonic disulphide ; insoluble in ligroine or water. It is reduced by zinc and glacial acetic acid to a colorless hydroquinone. It dissolves apparently with decomposition in a dilute solution of sodic hydrate, and from this solution dilute sulphuric acid precipitates JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS PROM QUINONES. 451 a non-crystalliue body insoluble in water, but soluble in sodic hydrate with a fine purple color. We have not had time as yet to study this substance more carefully. When the yellow dimethoxydiphenoxyquinone was mixed with a solution of sodic methylate in methyl alcohol, and the mixture stirred vigorously, the yellow solid disappeared, and a white crystalline sodium salt was precipitated. This precipitate dissolved in water without residue, and from the solution the addition of a dilute acid threw down a white amorphous solid, which decomposed almost immediately into a yellow substance probably dimethoxydiphenoxy- quinone. These observations show that in this case a hemiacetal was formed, but a much less stable one than that obtained from the quinones containing chlorine. It seems, therefore, that the stability of the hemiacetals depends on the number and strength of the negative radicals attached to the quinone ring. Action of Sodic Phenylate on Bromanil. In order to study this action 2 grams of bromanil, prepared accord- inor to Stenhouse,* were treated with an alcoholic solutionf of sodic phenylate made by acting on 0.3 gram of sodium with absolute alcohol and then adding 3 grams of phenol. The bromanil began to turn red as soon as the phenylate was added, but it was necessary to warm the mixture in order to make the reaction complete. After this the solution was filtered, and the solid remaining on the filter, after thorough washing with water and alcohol, was purified by crystalliza- tion from benzol until it showed the constant melting point 2G6°- 267°, when it was dried at 100° and analyzed with the following result : — 0.1677 gram of the substance gave, according to the method of Carius, 0.1393 gram of argentic bromide. Calculated for C6B^2(0CgHg^202 Found. Bromine 35.56 35.36 The substance is, therefore, dibromdiphenoxyquinone, and it is to be observed that bromanil behaves differently from chloranil with this * Ann. Chem., Suppl. VIII. 13. t This experiment was tried early in our work, before we had found that an aqueous solution of the sodic phenylate acted better on chloranil than the same reagent dissolved in alcohol. If we were to repeat this preparation, therefore, we should use a solution in water instead of in alcohol. 452 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. alcoholic solution of sodic phenylate, for the latter lost all four of its atoms of chlorine, two being replaced by pheuoxy and two by ethoxy groups. The bromanil, on the other hand, behaves with the alcoholic solution of sodic phenylate as chloranil does with an aqueous solution of this reagent, the action consisting in the replacement of two atoms of halogen by two phenoxy groups. Properties of Dibromdiphenoxyquinone. — It crystallizes from ben- zol in rather short orange-red needles with blunt points, melting at 266°-2G7°. It is very slightly soluble in alcohol even when hot; insoluble in ether or ligroine, or in water whether cold or hot; sparingly soluble in carbonic disulphide or boiling benzol, and only very slightly soluble in cold benzol ; more soluble in chloroform ; freely soluble in hot glacial acetic acid, slightly in cold. The three strong acids have no visible effect upon it. By the action of glacial acetic acid and zinc dust it is reduced to a colorless hydroquinone. It reacts easily with sodic methylate, ethylate, or phenylate, and also with sodium malonic ester, or aniline, but we have studied only its action with sodic methylate. Dihromdimethoxyquinone Dimethylhemiacetal, CoBr2(OCH3)2(OH)2(OCH3)2. This body was formed by treating 1.4 grams of dibromdiphenoxy- quinone with a solution of rather less than four equivalents of sodic methylate in methyl alcohol, which was made by the action of a little methyl alcohol on 0.3 gram of metallic sodium. When the sodic methylate was first added, there was no apparent action, but after warming on the steam-bath for a few minutes a white crystalline sodium salt separated. The salt was filtered out, washed with a little methyl alcohol, dissolved in water, filtered again, and then dilute sulphuric acid added in excess, which gave a bulky white precipitate. This was filtered off, washed with water, alcohol, and ether, and then dried for a short time over sulphuric acid and paraffine. The product was analyzed with the following results : — 0.2047 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1966 gram of argentic bromide. Calculated for C6Br2(0CH,,)2(0H)2(0CH3)2. Found. Bromine 41.03 40.88 The dihromdimethoxyquinone dimethylhemiacetal is a white amor- phous solid insoluble in all the common solvents. It melts at 178"- JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 453 188°, at the same time changing to a red substance, probably dibrom- dimethoxyquinone. This change can also be produced by treatment with dilute sulphuric acid, or dilute hydrochloric acid. From this description of the preparation and properties of this hemiacetal it is evident that the action of sodic methylate on dibromdiphenoxyquinone is similar in every respect to the action of this reagent on the corre- sponding compound containing chlorine. Action of Potassic Phenylctte on Trichlorqidnone. By treating 5 grams of trichlorquinone suspended in water with two equivalents of potassic phenylate, made from 2.7 grams of potassic hydrate and 8 grams of phenol, a red serai-liquid substance was formed. After the mixture had been heated on the steam bath for twenty minutes in order to complete the reaction, the supernatant liquid was poured off, and the pasty residue washed with water by decantation, and then warmed with alcohol, which converted it into a crystalline solid. These crystals were then separated by filtration, washed thoroughly with cold alcohol, and recrystallized from alcohol containing a small amount of benzol until they showed the constant melting point 169° -170°, when they were dried at 100°, and analyzed with the following results : — • I. 0.1888 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.0818 gram of argentic chloride. II. 0.1913 gram gave 0.0832 gram of argentic chloride. Calculated for Found. C6HC1(0C6H3)203. I n. Chlorine 10.87 10.71 10.75 Properties of Monochlordiphenoxyqidnone. — It crystallizes from alcohol in long, slender, pointed oval blades arranged in irregular groups, — a very charactei'istic habit of crystallization. It has an orange color, with a slight brownish tinge, and melts at 169°-170°. It is easily soluble in benzol or chloroform ; difficultly soluble in alco- hol ; slightly soluble in carbonic disulphide ; insoluble in water, ether, or ligroine. It is easily reduced to a colorless hydroquinone by glacial acetic acid and zinc dust. To see whether it would form a hemiacetal 0.5 gram of the mono- chlordiphenoxyquinone was treated with the sodic methylate made by acting on 0.3 gram of metallic sodium with a few cubic centimeters of methyl alcohol. The quinone dissolved in the cold, but, even when allowed to stand for some time and stirred vigorously, no precipitate 454 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, of a sodium salt was formed. When, however, it was warmed for a few minutes, a heavy white precipitate was deposited, which, after beiug watched with a little methyl alcohol, dissolved completely in water, giving a clear solution. The addition of an acid to this solu- tion produced a turbidity, which soon developed into a white precipi- tate, undoubtedly the hemiacetal, but this passes so easily into a red quinone derivative that we have not attempted to analyze it, especially as its properties leave no doubt as to its nature. It follows from these observations that the stability of the hemiacetals is increased by the number of negative radicals, such as chlorine atoms, present. Action of Sodic Ethylate on Quinone. Although the results described in the last section made it probable that the hemiacetal derived from quinone itself would be very unstable, we have tried some experiments on the action of sodic ethylate on quinone (0611402), and think it best to give a preliminary account of them here, in spite of the fact that they have not led as yet to any definite result. They have, however, proved that sodic ethylate acts on quinone, but have by no means convinced us that the product is a hemiacetal. On treating quinone dissolved in ether with an alcoholic solution of sodic ethylate, a heavy flocculent dark green precipitate is formed, which is insoluble in ether, but dissolves in alcohol or water with decomposition. This precipitate does not seem to be homo- geneous, as by fractional precipitation products were obtained unlike in color, and also in their composition, as shown by analysis ; more- over its study is rendered difficult by the fact that it takes fire spon- taneously when dried at ordinary temperatures in the air ; if, however, it is dried in an atmosphere of hydrogen, it can be exposed to the air without taking fire at ordinary temperatures, but, if warmed to 40°, it begins to glow, and burns like tinder. Before studying this rather unmanageable substance further, we tried to get some idea of the way in which the reaction ran by a quantitative study of it, based upon the fact that all the quinone can be removed from its ethereal solution by the sodic ethylate. In the first trial, it was found that one gram of quinone required 0.2352 gram of sodium for complete precipitation. In the second trial, one gram of quinone required 0.2460 gram of sodium. In the third trial, 3 grams of quinone required 0.6 gram of sodium. These results indicate that each molecule of quinone acts with only one molecule of sodic ethylate, as the amount of sodium needed in this JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUIN0NE8. 455 case for one gram of quinone is 0.213 gram, and the observed results come as near to this number as could be expected, when the roughness of the method is considered. This conclusion is confirmed by ilie yield of the salt obtained from 3 grams of quinone, which vva.> 4.7 grams, whereas, if only one molecule of sodic ethylate had been ;ui iimlier calculated for a sodium salt of phenoquinone, since that is 13.52 per * Ber. d. ch. G., V. 248. t The phenoquinone was made by adding one equivalent of quinone dissolved in hot ligroine to two equivalents of phenol dissolved in a small quantity of the same solvent. The mixed solutions were wanned for a few minutes, and then on cooling beautiful red crystals separated, which were purified by recrystalli- zation from alcohol. 456 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. cent of sodium ; but the study of the ethereal filtrate from the salt threw a great deal of doubt on this conclusion, since it contained a large amount of phenol. We think it more probable, therefore, that the sodic ethylate decomj^osed the phenoquiuone into quinone and phenol, and that the green salt was then formed by the action of the sodic ethylate upon the quinone, the action being the same as that described in the last section. This inference is strengthened by the marked resemblance in appearance between the salts obtained in these two cases, and also by the study of the proi^erties of the salt made from the phenoquinone, since it dissolved completely in water, forming a dirty green solution, and undoubtedly suffering partial decomposi- tion, as ether extracted from this solution colorless crystals of hydro- quiuone recognized by their melting point of 169°. The addition of an acid to this solution gave no precipitate, and upon shaking out the acidified liquid with ether, nothing was extracted but hydroquinone. If the substance had been the desired salt of phenoquinone, phenol should have been obtained from this filtrate. Although these experi- ments tell against the formation of salts of phenoquinone, we do not consider them absolutely final, but the study of the action of alkalies on phenoquiuone under other conditions will be continued in this Laboratory during the coming college year. As we had not succeeded in making a salt of phenoquiuone we next turned our attention to the action of sodic phenylate on quinone, as, if the phenoquinone is a hemiacetal, this should act as well as free phenol, whereas according to the other theories of the constitution of phenoquinone, it is hard to see how there should be any action in this case. Sodic phenylate was made by warming the proper amount of metallic sodium with a solution of phenol in benzol until the sodium had entirely disappeared. As the benzol cooled, the white crystalline sodic phenylate separated abundantly, and, after filtering, any free phenol was removed by washing with cold benzol. Upon adding the solid sodic phenylate to a solution of quinone in absolute ether a dark red crystalline substance looking like phenoquinone was formed. After evaporating off the ether slowly, the residue dissolved easily in water with a slight green color, and acids precipitated from this aqueous solution a small amount of a dark reddish solid. The ethereal solution showed a tendency to turn green round the edges during the evaporation which may perhaps have been due to the action of the moisture in the air. If benzol was used to dissolve the quinone in- stead of ether, a pink substance was foimed, which changes to a dark green body when warmed. With ligroine as the solvent, a dark green JACKSON AND GRINDLEY. — ACETALS FROM QUINONES. 457 precipitate was obtained at first. Uufortuuately, this work was under- taken at the very end of the term, so that a more careful study of these products must be postponed until next year, but these prelim- inary experiments show that sodic phenylate does combine with quinone, and therefore lend a certain amount of countenance to our suggestion that phenoquinone is a hemiacetal. 458 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. XIX. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON THE CUPRIAMMONIUM DOUBLE SALTS. SECOND PAPER. By Theodore William Richards and Andrew Henderson Whitridge. Presented May 9, 1894:. The continuation of the study of the cupriammonium double salts, begun in 1891,* has led to the preparation of the following new compounds : — (1.) Cu(NH3)2CICH02. (2.) Cu(NH3)3BrC.,H30o . HjO. (3.) Cu(NH3)2BrC3H50.,. (4.) Cu(NH3)2BrC3H503. (5.) Cu(NH3)2ClC3H503. (1.) Cupriammonium Formiochloride, Cu(NH3)2ClCH02. The bromide corresponding to this chloride has been described already by Richards and Shaw. The chloride itself was obtained at the same time by these experimenters, but only in an impure state, and the present problem was to determine the conditions necessary for the preparation of the substance in a state of purity. If any considerable amount of water is present in the materials, basic salts of copper are certain to be precipitated, and to contaminate the preparation. On the other hand, the slight solubility of cupric formiate and cupriammonium chloride in alcohol makes it difficult to avoid the admixture of these substances with the desired compound, if alcohol is used in the anhydrous condition. * Theo. W. Richards, Berichte d. d. ch. Gesell., XXV. 1492; T. W. Richards and H. G. Shaw, These rroceedinp.s XXVIII. 247. RICHARDS AND WHITRIDGE. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS. 459 The following procedure was found to be the most successful, but great care was needed to carry it out. Three grams of crystallized cupric formiate were dissolved in just enough warm alcohol to effect solution, and two grams of animonic chloride were added to the mix- ture. The whole was then heated to boiling, and dry ammonia was passed in until a very slight excess was present. Upon cooling and evaporation in the air, fine blue prismatic crystals separated, which were fairly pure, as the analyses show. The salt resembles in its properties the formiobromide, being permanent in dry air, but at once decomposed by water. In color it is a purer blue than the formi- bromide, having much less of the greenish tinge. In the analysis of the compound the copper was determined electro- lytically after the substance had been evaporated with sulphuric and nitric acids. The chlorine from a new portion was weighed as argen- tic chloride, and the ammonia was distilled after the addition of pot- ash. The formic acid was determined by combustion. Analyses of Cu(NH3)2ClCH02. I. 0.0862 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0305 gram of copper. II. 0.0997 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0356 gram of copper. III. 0.1258 gram of the substance yielded 0.0994 gram of argentic chloride. IV. 0.1285 gram of the substance yielded 0.1008 gram of argentic chloride. V. 0.1060 gram of the substance distilled with caustic potash re- quired 11.75 cubic centimeters of a decinormal solution for neutralization. VI. 0.0984 gram of the substance yielded on combustion 0.0241 gram of carbon dioxide. Analyses III. and IV. were made from different samples; hence they prove the definiteness of the compound. 460 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Copper. Ammonia. Chlorine. Formic Acid. I. . . 35.38 II. . . 35.71 III. . . — — 19.54 IV. . . — — 19.40 V. . . — 18.91 VI. . . — — — 25.05 Averages 35.54 18.91 19.47 25.05 Copper Calculated for 0u(NH3)2ClCH03. 35.69 Found 35.54 Ammonia 19.15 18.91 Chlorine 19.90 19.47 Formic Acid (CHO2) 25.26 25.05 100.00 98.97 (2.) Ammon-Cdpriammonium Acetobromide, Cu(NH3)3BrC2H302 . HA This compound is formed readily when cupric bromide is dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and glacial acetic acid, and an excess of dry ammonia gas is passed into the solution. It is essential to have the solutions concentrated. For example, 2.5 grams of cupric bromide were shaken with 13 cubic centimeters of glacial acetic acid and 25 cubic centimeters of alcohol. Upon cooling after the addition of the ammonia, which raised the temperature of the solution, the desired substance separated out. If when passing in the gas a black precipi- tate (Cu3Br(;(NH3)io) falls after the solution has become dark purple,* the supernatant liquid should be decanted before it is allowed to crys- tallize. The precipitate shows the presence of an excess of cupric bromide in proportion to the acetic acid. Ammon-cupriammonium acetobromide had already been made by Richards and Shaw ; but the analyses of the compound were so un- satisfactory that no account of the substance was given in their paper. This unsatisfactoriness was due, not to any difficulty in preparing the * Richards and Sliaw, he. cit. RICHARDS AND WHITRIDGE. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS. 461 substance in a state of purity, as iu the previous instance, but rather to the great difficulty of drying the substance enough without drying it too much. The extra molecule of ammonia and the molecule of water are held very loosely, mere exposure to the air allowing thera to escape. Especially is this the case when the substance is placed over sulphuric acid. 0.1242 gram of material, which had been ex- posed thus until constant iu weight, yielded 0.0331 gram, or 26.65 per cent, of copper upon electrolysis. This showed that the substance had lost practically all of its extra ammonia and water, for the theoretical per cent of copjDer in Cu(NH3)2BrC2H302 is 26.87. The new salt consists of pearly flakes of a brilliant light blue color, somewhat less intense than that of the normal cupriammonium acetobromide. It is only very slightly soluble in alcohol, and is at once decomposed by water, a little of the copper going into solution. In properties and general appearance it resembles the ammon-cupriammonium aceto- chloride prepared by Richards and Shaw, except that it is much less stable. The acetic acid was determined by distillation with phosphoric acid, according to the well known method of Fresenius. Ilydrobromic and a trace of phosphoric acid which come over in the distillate were pre- cipitated with argentic nitrate from the neutralized solution, the result being calculated as argentic bromide, since this is the greater part of the precipitate. Analyses of Cu (NH3) jBrC JI3O2 . H2O. I. 0.3276 gram of the substance yielded 0.0774 gram of copper upon electrolysis. II. 0.3902 gram of the substance yielded 0.0896 gram of copper upon electrolysis. III. 0.3376 gram of the substance yielded 0.2365 gram of argentic bromide. IV, 0.2453 gram of the substance yielded 0.1732 gram of argentic bromide. V. 0.4214 gram of the substance yielded 0.2940 gram of argentic bromide. VI. 0.2600 gram of the substance distilled with caustic potash re- quired 13.28 cubic centimeters of a decinormal acid solution for neutralization. VII. 0.1528 gram of the substance distilled with caustic potash re- quired 16.29 cubic centimeters of a decinormal solution for neutralization. 462 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. VIII. The distillate from a mixture of 0.1469 gram of the substance with phosphoric acid required 5.67 cubic centimeters of a decinormal alkali for neutralization. Approximately cor- rected for the alkalimetric equivalent of the argentic phos- phate and bromide obtained from the distillate, this amount becomes 5.47 c.c. Copper Ammonia. Bromine. C.HjO,. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. 23.63 22.97 18.20 18.19 29.81 30.04 29.68 22.35 Averages . 23.30 18.20 29.84 22.35 Calculated for above Formula. Found. Copper 23.40 23.30 Ammonia 18.84 18.19 Bromine 29.42 29.84 Acetic Acid 21.72 22.35 Water (by difference) 6.62 6.32 100.00 100.00 It is evident that most of the substance analyzed had lost some of its ammonia and water. A few other determinations were made of substance just prepared and not dried at all, in order to be sure that the atomic ratio of the ammonia to the copper was not greater than 3:1. This point was proved beyond a doubt. (3.) CuPRiAMMONiuM Propionobromide, Cu(NH3)oBrC3H50.2. Ten grams of ammonic propionate, made by neutralizing propionic acid with ammonia gas and allowing the solution to evaporate over caustic potash, were mixed with two grams of cupric bromide, and RICHARDS AND WHITRIDGE. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS. 463 dissolved iu about fifty cubic centimeters of absolute alcohol. Dry ammouia gas was passed into the solution, and on standing a precipi- tate of cupriammonium bromide (Cu(NH3)2Br2) came down. Four and a half cubic centimeters of strong propionic acid were added to dissolve the precipitate, and more ammonia gas was added. Again the same crystals appeared, showing that the tendency to form this substance was much more decided than the tendency to form the sub- stance desired. Since the addition of more propionic acid did not help the matter, one and a half grams of precipitated cupric oxide were added, and the whole was warmed until most of the powder had dis- solved. After filtration and evaporation in the air, prismatic crystals of a very strong blue color were deposited, proving to be the substance sought. The crystals were washed with alcohol, and dried in the air, iu which they are permanent. 0.5750 gram of the substance was found to displace 0.2197 gram of toluol having a specific gravity of 0.8619 ; hence the specific gravity of cupriammonium propionobromide is 2.255. The other properties resemble so closely those of the acetic compound that it is not worth while to detail them. Analyses o/ Cu(NH3)2BrC3H502. I. 0.1017 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0262 gram of copper. II. 0.1061 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0270 gram of copper. III. 0.0825 gram of the substance yielded 0.0624 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.0788 gram of the substance distilled with caustic potash required 6.19 cubic centimeters of a decinormal acid for neutralization. V. 0.1109 gram of the substance yielded 0.0588 gram of carbon dioxide upon combustion. Copper. Ammonia. Bromine. Propionic Acid. I. . . . 11. . . . IIL . . . IV. . . . V. . . . 25.76 25.45 13.40 32.18 29.31 Averages . 25.60 13.40 32.18 29.31 464 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Calculated for above Formula. Found. Copper 25.37 25.60 Ammonia 13.61 13.40 Bromine 31.90 32.18 Propionic acid 29.12 29.31 100.00 100.49 (4.) CUPRIAMMONIUM Lactobromide, Cu(NH3)2BrC3H503. This compound is easily obtained by dissolving syrujiy lactic acid and about a third of its weight of cupric bromide in alcoiiol, and then passing dry ammonia gas into the solution. Basic salts of copper do not form readily here, but if an insufficiency of lactic acid is added, Cu(NH3)9Br2 will crystallize out. The crystals are of a strong light blue color, with a faint tinge of purple ; they may be obtained of great size. They are permanent in the air, and at once decomposed by water. 2.6377 grams of the substance were found to di.splace 1.0334 grams of toluol, indicating a specific gravity of 2.20. For analysis the salt was washed twice with alcohol, and pressed bet"veen filter paper. Analyses of Cu(NH3)2BrC3Ho03. I. 0.1742 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0418 gram of copper. II. 0.1108 gram of the substance yielded 0.0786 gram of argentic bromide. III. 0.1916 gram of the substance yielded 0.1360 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.0850 gram of the substance required on distillation G.25 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid solution for neutralization. V. 0.0987 gram of the substance required 7.38 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid. VI. 0.1634 gram of the substance yielded on combustion 0,0819 gram of carbon dioxide. Analyses II. and III. were made from different samples of the substance. RICHARDS AND WHITRIDGE. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS. 465 Copper. Ammonia. Bromine. Lactic Acid. I. . . . II. . . . III. . . . IV. . . . V. . . . VI. . . . 23.99 12.56 12.84 30.19 30.20 33.79 Averages , 23:99 12.70 30.19 33.79 Copper Ammonia Bromine Lactic Acid Calculated for above Formula. 23.85 12.79 29.99 33.37 100.00 Found. 23.99 12.70 30.19 33.79 100.67 (5.) CupRiAMMONiDM Lactochloride, Cu(NH3)2C1C3H503. Four grams of cupric lactate were dissolved in strong alcohol, and when the solution was boiling, two grams of ammonic chloride were added. Through this solution perfectly dry ammonia gas was passed until slightly in excess. Upon filtering and evaporating the solution fine crystals of cupriammonium lactochloride were deposited. A sim- ilar method would have answered in the case of the bromine. These crystals are of a somewhat lighter blue color than the lactobromide, but otherwise their properties are similar. Because of this similarity, determinations of the chlorine and copper were considered enough to identify the compound. Analyses o/Cu(NH3)oClC3H503. I. 0.1751 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0496 gram of copper. 11. 0.1341 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0382 gram of copper. III. 0.1314 gram of the substance gave on electrolysis 0.0378 gram of copper. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 30 466 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. IV. 0.1025 gram of the substance yielded 0.0659 gram of argentic chloride. V. 0.1015 gram of the substance yielded 0.0656 gram of argentic chloride. I. II. III. IV. V. Copper Chlorine 28.33 28.49 28.76 15.93 15.98 Average 28.52 15.95 Calculated for above formula 28.64 15.96 Attempts were made to make similar compounds of butyric acid without success. Various different proportions, suggested by those required ia the previous preparations, were tried with equal failure, and the attempts were finally discontinued. It was also hoped that such compounds as Cu(NH3)2ClN03 and Cu(NH8)2N03 . C2H3O2 might be found. The results of a great many experiments showed that under ordinary conditions nothing but Cu(NHg)2Cl2, or Cu(NH8)4(N03)2, can be obtained. Further attempts to combine cupriammonium sulphate with cupriammonium acetate were also unsuccessful ; so that in these directions the field seems to be limited. All of these facts, as well as the relative proper- ties of those compounds which have been prej^ared, may be of some use in the future when the structure of the cupriammonium com- pounds comes under consideration. "Work upon the subject, as well as upon similar investigation of products containing amines instead of ammonia, is being continued here. Cambridge, Mass., September 20, 1894. THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACE^. 467 XX. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. XXVL — NOTES ON LABOULBENIACE^, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. By Roland Thaxter. Presented November 23, 1894. Laboulbenia pilosella Robin. {Traitedu Miavscope, p. 912, Fig. 285.) Through the kindness of Professor Giard the existence of a species bearing this name has been brought to the writer's attention, and an examination of the figure which accompanies its description leaves little doubt of its identity with the form described by the writer on European specimens of the genus Lathrobium under the name Acan- ihomyces brevipes. The plant figured by Robin is said by him to occur on a member of the same genus, and his drawing, though coarse, cor- responds so closely in essentials that the two may be considered synonymous. In selecting the name Acanthomyces, however, the writer was not aware of its previous use by Lebert in a zoological publication, the Acanthomyces aculeata * of this writer having escaped the notice of compilers in recent years. In view of this fact a new designation for the genus of Laboulbeniacete becomes necessary, and the writer would suggest for this purpose the name Rhachomyces, from the resemblance which the main axis of these plants beai's to a vertebral column. The new name will therefore include the six de- scribed species, Rhachomyces longissimus, R, lasiophorus, R. hypogczus, R. Lathrobu, R. furcatus, and R. piloseUus (Robin), to which may be added a seventh form, parasitic, like R. hypogceus, on a blind cave beetle. * Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie, 1858, Vol. IX. p. 447. 468 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. RHACHOMYCES nov. nom. = ACANTHOMYCES Thaxter. Rhacuomyces speluncalis, nov. sp. • Perithecium more or less deeply suffused with brown ; short and stout, with a broad bluntly rounded apex. Receptacle slender, the main axis constricted strongly at the septa, its cells rather small, the basal slender and cylindrical ; the remainder, about nine in number, all evenly and rather deeply suffused with brown, and more or less uniform in size. Appendages mostly opaque, more or less rigid, hyaline-tipped, those surrounding the base of the perithecium hardly equalling it in length, a few lower on the receptacle exceeding its apex by the whole length of the plant : of the shorter median appen- dages some are terminated by a peculiarly modified partly hyaline (antheridial ?) cell, the neck-like tip of which curves strongly out- wards, terminating bluntly. Perithecia 90 X 37 fx. Receptacle about 110 /A (when not proliferous). Longest appendages 300 /a. Total length to tip of perithecium 185 fx to 260 /x (in proliferous forms). On Anophthalmus jnisio Horn. West Virginia. The smallest species of the genus, more nearly allied to R. lasio- phorus in the form of its perithecium and the disposition of its appen- dages around the base of the latter. It is quite distinct, however, from any of the described species. DIPLOMYCES, nov. gen. Flattened antero-posteriorly, sub-triangular, bilaterally symmetrical, furcate through the presence of a pair of prominent posterior projec- tions. The receptacle consisting of two superposed cells, followed by four cells placed antero-posteriorly in pairs, of which the posterior produce the characteristic prominences ; the anterior a pair of short stalked perithecia, near the base of which, within and above, arise two or more pairs of appendages, and eventually a second pair of peri- thecia. Appendages copiously branched, many of the branchlets ter- minated by beak-like cells. Spores once-septate. A singular genus, recalling Teratomyces, to which it seems most' nearly allied through the presence of the characteristic terminal beak- like cells of its appendages. The branching of the latter is not, how- ever, sympodial in a single plane, as is the case in Teratomyces, and the general structure of the receptacle is difficult to homologize with that of any other genus. The second pair of perithecia arise in all probability from secondary divisions of the pair of perithecia-bearing THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACE^E. 469 cells above described ; but the exact structure in this region, behind the stalk cells of the perithecia, has not been made out satisfactorily. An obliquity in the septum which separates the basal and sub-basal cells sometimes results in the apparent absence of any sub-basal cell. DiPLOMYCES ACTOBIANUS, nov. Sp. More or less faintly tinged with brownish. Basal cell of receptacle triangular, sub-basal cell flattened or wedge-shaped ; the posterior prominences peculiar to the genus nearly as long as the receptacle itself, slightly divergent, two-celled, the terminal cell twice as long as^ the basal, tapering slightly towards its rounded extremity. On the anterior side the two perithecigerous cells bear the first pair of peri- thecia on short stalk-cells bent abruptly upwards, divergent, and suc- ceeded by three small cells forming the base of the peritheciunu The perithecia rather slender, curved towards the receptacle so that their tips project beyond it, divergent, rather long and slender, tapering slightly, the apex blunt with ill defined lips, the base of the old trichogyne persisting conspicuously below the pore. Appendages branching, arranged in pairs symmetrically like the perithecia ; a smaller one arising just behind the stalk cell of the perithecium, a much larger one above this followed by a few smaller ones less defi- nitely arranged in the region whence a second pair of perithecia may arise. All the appendages more or less copiously branched, the branchlets terminating in many cases by the slender, curved and sharply pointed cells characteristic of Teratomyces. Spores 32 X 2 /x. Perithecia, including stalks, about 75 X 12 |x. Receptacle to tips of prominences 75 /x. Total length to tip of perithecia 110 /x. Greatest width 37 fx. On Actobius nanus Horn. Massachusetts. This species occurs rather rarely on the abdomen of a large brown variety of Actobius nanus, but not as far as has been observed on the normal form. A second form, perhaps distinct from the present, was found on the abdomen of a small Philonthus, and is distinguished by the presence of slender thread-like branches from the larger appen- dages. Sufficient material of tbis form was not, however, obtained, and it may prove to be nothing more than a variety of the one above described. Sphaleromyces occidentalis, nov, sp. More or less evenly tinged with brownish. Perithecium large, sub- fusiform, with faintly defined ridges at the divisions between- the wall 470 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. cells, the apex made externally oblique through the outgrowth of oue of the lip cells which forms a pointed projection beyond the pore ; the stalk cell wholly free, tapering to a narrow base, and about as long as the receptacle proper. Receptacle small, pointed below, its sub-basal cell united throughout its length to the basal cell of the appendage, ita basal and sub-basal cells separated by a horizontal septum. The ap- pendage straight, rigid, tapering, composed of a series of usually four superposed cells separated by oblique partitions, and bearing short branches with flask-shaped antheridia from their upper inner angles. Perithecia 200 X 45 /x. Length to tip of perithecia 350 fx. Length to tip of appendage 200 /x. Length of receptacle 55 /a. On Pinophilus densus Lee. Utah. The occurrence of a second well marked species, abundantly dis- tinct from the type, serves to settle any doubts which may have existed concerning the validity of this genus. The present form was found on the abdomen of its host, and is readily distinguished from S. La- throhii by the peculiarly modified tip of its perithecium, as well as by other important differences. Laboulbenia Hageni, nov. sp. More or less deeply tinged with brown. Perithecium slightly inflated, tapering to the blunt outwardly oblique apex, which is blackened be- low the hyaline lips. Appendages arising from an outer and an inner basal cell, the outer of which is followed by a squarish cell of about the same size, from the end of which project four rather short, rigid, slightly divergent hyaline branches, which taper to blunt tips, and, as a rule, hardly exceed the tip of the perithecium : the inner basal cell gives rise to two squarish cells, one on either side, each of which bears usually a pair of branches similar to those just described. Re- ceptacle short and stout, normal in form, the lower portion of the basal cell hyaline. Perithecia 55 x 18 /x. Appendages (longest) 65 fi. Total length to tip of perithecium 100 jx. On Termes helUcosus var. Mozamhica Hagen. Africa. The occurrence of a most typical and decidedly insignificant looking species of this genus on a larva of the worker of a species of white ant is certainly quite unexpected in view of the wide difference which exists between this Neuropterous host and the usual insects infested by the genus. But for the four stiff branches arising from the sub- basal cell of the outer appendage, and suggesting the roots of a molar tooth, it would be difficult to specify its distinguishing characters. The species is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Hagen, THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACE^. 471 by whom it was observed many years since on the same specimen ex- amined by the writer, collected by Dr. Peters in Africa, from all parts of which sufficiently abundant material was obtained. Laboulbenia Kunkelii (Giard). Thaxtena Kunkelii Giakd, Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de la Socie'te de Biologie, Se'r. IX., Vol. IV. p. 156. Through the kindness of Professor Giard, the writer Las had an opportunity of examining specimens of this remarkable species, which is by far the largest member of the family, measuring between three and four millimeters from its base to the tip of the peritheciura. It occurs with the succeeding species on the elytra and thorax of Mormo- lyce phyllodes Hagenb., a carabid beetle, native in the East Indies. The writer is unable to agree with Professor Giard in believing that this form, however singular, should be separated generically from Laboulbenia, to which it seems to correspond in every essential de- tail. The type of cell arrangement, so characteristic in Laboulbenia, is followed without deviation ; while the appendages also originate in a manner much more typical than is found in very many species of this genus. The elongation of the basal wall cells of the perithe- cium to form a stalk-like base finds also an exact parallel in species like L. Galeritce, L. longicoUis, L. melanotheca, and other forms, the generic reference of which is not to be disputed. Laboulbenia palmella, nov. sp. Perithecium nearly straight, almost opaque, sometimes slightly in- flated, its tip nearly symmetrical, truncate, its inner walls often having a corrugated appearance, the four lower wall cells elongated and con- tracted to form a short stalk below and about one third as long as the ascigerous portion. Appendages arising from two small basal cells : an outer which gives rise to a series of two or three opaque branches placed antero-posteriorly, the inner of which alone reaches any con- siderable size, branching sympodially in an antero-posterior plane, the main axis opaque, successively inflated below the branchlets which are usually about ten in number, opaque with hyaline tips: an inner which gives rise to a single branch on either side consisting of a sub- cylindrical basal cell, black below, nearly hyaline above and followed by a series of sympodial branchlets like those of the outer appen- dage. Receptacle short, tapering rapidly to the base, wholly black and opaque with the exception of the whole or a portion of its basal 472 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. cell which may be hyaline and is abruptly bent above the very large hoof-like haustorium or blackened point of attachment. Spores 150 X 12 ya. Perithecium 580 X 75-100 /a, its neck 75-150 X 35-65 /x. Receptacle 300-400 [x, its greatest width 75-100 jx. Appendages (longest) 500 ^, the branchlets about 225-250 X 7-8 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium, 1-1.1 mm. On Mormolyce phyllodes Hagenb. Perak, Molucca, Java. The writer is indebted to Professor Riley for abundant material of this species found by Mr. Schwarz on a specimen of Mormolyce in the National Museum labelled " Java," as well as to Mr. Beutenmueller who has kindly sent material derived from a specimen in the Central Park Museum labelled Molucca. Professor Giard has also most gen- erously allowed him to examine the original specimen of Mormolyce from Perak on which the types of L. Kunkelii were associated with the present species. The two species are very closely allied, and were found intermingled towards the base of the elytra, although the smaller was much more abundant on the flattened margins where it presents the appearance under a hand lens of a grove of little palm- trees. The absence of any transitional forms between the two species seems to render it unlikely that they should prove merely varieties of a single form, while the much smaller size of L. palmella, its wholly opaque and short receptacle, straight short-necked perithecium, large hoof-like base, together with the absence of furcation in the main axis of the two lateral branches of its inner appendage, afford constant and sufficient specific differences. The antheridia appear to be repre- sented by flask-shaped bodies borne on short hyaline branches near the tips of the branchlets of the inner appendages. The trichogynes are well developed and more or less copiously branched. Laboulbenia melanotheca, nov. sp. Tinged with pale reddish brown, except the nearly black perithe- cium. Perithecium long, straight, symmetrical, subcylindrical or but slightly inflated, narrowed abruptly to the symmetrical apex, its basal wall cells elongated to form a neck-like stalk about one fourth as long as its main body, projecting from the receptacle at an angle to its long axis towards and beyond the appendages. Appendages as in L. mex- icana, hardly exceeding the perithecium in length, consisting of two basal cells ; the outer producing an outer and an inner branch either simple or once branched ; the inner producing single branches on either side. Receptacle elongate expanding very gradually from the base, distally abruptly rounded and contracted below the insertion cell THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACEiE. 473 on one side and the neck-like base of the perithecium on the other. Spores 95 X 5.5 /a. Perithecium 220-245 x 60-65 /x, its neck-like base about 75 X 30 /x. Receptacle about 515 x 100 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 800-835 /x. On Galerita mexicana Chaud. Nicaragua. This species has been previously referred to by the writer as a possible hybrid between L. mexicana and L. Galeritce. It seems on more careful comparison, however, to be abundantly distinct from either. The neck-like base of the perithecium appears to be formed from the elongated basal wall cells of the perithecium which lie wholly below the ascogenic cells. The eight types were found on the elytra of their host in company with L. mexicana. Laboulbenia decipiens, nov. sp. Perithecium nearly opaque, not punctate, large, slightly and evenly inflated, tapering rather abruptly to the nearly symmetrical apex ; the basal wall cells forming a short stout clearly defined neck ; the septa separating the upper wall-cells deeper blackish and spirally twisted. Appendages arising as in L. Galeritce from a conical cellular base consisting of one outer and two inner rows of superposed cells, each of which bears a single simple straight septate branch, its lower seg- ments slightly inflated, hardly exceeding the tip of the perithecium. Antheridia blackish, with a very long curved neck, borne singly or two together from the sub-basal cell of the inner series of superposed cells. Receptacle as in L. Galeritce except that cell (3) extends upwards nearly to the black insertion cell of the appendages, cells (4) and (5) being wholly included by it. Color sub-hyaline with brownish suffusions especially in the region of cells (4) and (5). Perithecium 175-278 X 55 jtt (smallest 130 X 37/*), its stalk-like base 40-55 x 30 /x. Receptacle (larger) 300 x 75 /x. On Galerita cequinoctialis. Guatemala. This species is remarkable for its close resemblance to L. Galeritce. It is at once distinguished by the position of cell (3), and by the pecu- liar twist of its perithecial wall cells which are not punctate as in the latter species. Laboulbenia Aspidogloss^, nov. sp. Perithecium black, almost opaque, rather narrow, the inner margin curved abruptly outwards to the rather large apex, its lips very oblique outwards. Appendages arising from two basal cells which 474 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. are nearly equal in size : the outer inflated and separated from the cell above it by a blackened septum, this sub-basal cell roundish, inflated, about as large as the basal cell and giving rise to two branches, an outer and an inner ; the outer separated from it by a blackened septum and consisting of a basal cell with three terminal brauchlets the inner of which is deeply and broadly blackened at its base, while the other two are wholly hyaline and fertile : the inner branch from the sub-basal cell has no blackened basal septum and produces several short branchlets bearing numerous antheridia. The inner appendage, like the outer, consists of a roundish or squarish basal cell separated from a sub-basal cell by a blackened sejDtum ; the sub-basal cell pro- ducing a tuft of short branches bearing at their tips two to four antheridia or becoming more elongate and sterile. Receptacle nor- mal, the two basal cells rather slender, elongate, colorless ; the distal cells suffused with blackish brown. Perithecia 110-120 X 40 /x. Appendages (longest) 240 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 333 /A, greatest width 63 /x. On Aspidoglossa suhangulata Chaud. Kansas (M. A. Barber). A species clearly marked by the peculiarities of its appendages, which, unlike almost all other species of the genus, are fertile without regard to their external or internal origin. Laboulbenia macrotheca, nov. sp. Amber-yellow. Perithecium large, evenly inflated, the curvature from base to apex nearly symmetrical on either side, the apex rather large, outwardly oblique, with a blackish basal shade ; the remainder of the i^erithecium translucent, amber-colored, the walls thick, the spore mass large. Appendages flexuous, thick, pale amber-colored or tinged with purplish, arising from two cells, the inner small and roundish, the outer much larger, two or three times as long, usu- ally bearing a single cell with two terminal more commonly simple branches; the inner producing two branches each several times branched : the outer appendages especially more or less constricted at the septa. Receptacle small, usually short and slender, the basal cell long, narrowed towards its base, the sub-basal cell short, the remaining cells relatively small. Perithecium 130-150 X 45-55 /x. Spores GO x 5.5//, Appendages (longer) 185 /x. Receptacle 150- 165 X 35-40 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 240 /x (longest 270 /x), greatest width 55-60 /x. On Anisodactylns BaHimorensis Say. Maine. On Anisodactylus sp.? Bathurst, N. B. (II. M. Richards). THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACEiE. 475 This species occurs not rarely on the anterior legs of its host, less frequently on the borders of the elytra. It may be distinguished by its pale amber color, large evenly inflated perithecium, and slender re- ceptacle, the distal portion of which is relatively unusually reduced. Laboulbenia terminalis, nov. sp. Perithecium deeply suffused with smoky brown, slightly inflated, the inner margin evenly curved outwards, the outer more nearly straight, but bent abruptly outwards to the large prominent apex, the lips of which are well defined and outwardly oblique. Appendages arising from two basal cells, a very large outer and much smaller inner : the outer giving rise to two cells each of which bears terminally from two to three long slender tapering flexuous branches tinged, at least basally, with reddish brown : the inner bearing a single cell as a rule followed by two terminal cells which give rise to groups of two or three rather slender sessile antheridia : insertion cell placed just below the middle of the perithecium. Receptacle pointed below, broad above, nearly hyaline or evenly tinged with brownish, cell (7) slightly prominent below the perithecium. Spores 55 X 5.5 fx, Peri- thecia 120-150 X 45-50 /x. Receptacle 200-220 /x. Total length to tips of perithecium 275-340 /x.. On Pterostichus luctiiosus Dej. Maine and Massachusetts. This species occurs in tufts at the tips of the elytra or abdomen, apparently never elsewhere. It is allied to forms of L. polyphaga and L. Pterostichi, from which it is at once distinguished by its perithecium. Laboulbenia rigida, nov. sp. More or less deeply tinged with olive-brown. Perithecium becoming almost or quite opaque, somewhat inflated, a slight depression at its base above the more or less bulging terminal portion of the receptacle, its apex stout, snout-like, bent slightly inwards. Appendages arising from two basal cells, the outer of which gives rise to a single simple rigid branch, tapering slightly or not at all ; the inner producing two similar somewhat shorter branches almost invariably simple and bearing near the base solitary sessile antheridia. Receptacle nor- mal, sometimes rather elongate. Spores 75 X 55 jx. Perithecia 125-150 X 10 /x. Appendages (longest) 300 /x. Receptacle 185- 300 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium (largest) 300 /x. On Pterostichus patruelis Dej. Maine and Massachusetts. 476 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. This sijecies may be distinguished by its rigid habit, straight single outer api^endage aud the bluut suout-like apex of its peritheciuin. It is one of the less well marked types of the genus, yet sufficient material from the two localities mentioned indicates that its characters are sufficiently well marked to warrant its specific separation from other species of the flagellata type. Laboulbenia confusa, nov. sp. Becoming deeply suffused with smoky brown. Perithecium rather small, inwardly inflated, the apex broad, slightly oblique outwards. Appendages arising primarily from an inner and outer cell : the outer bearing a second cell which bearS terminally a dense tuft of hyaline flexuous tapering more or less divergent branches which are them- selves more or less branched: the inner basal cell becoming several times divided and giving rise to numerous branches densely crowded and similar to the external ones. Receptacle consisting of a long sub-cylindrical basal cell, the sub-basal cell shorter and broader, cells (3-5) unusually large, causing this portion of the receptacle to bulge outwards in an evenly rounded and characteristic fashion. Perithecia 166 X 55 /i.. Appendages (longest) 150 /x. Receptacle 215 yu long, its basal cell 90-110 x 25-40 jx. Total length to tip of perithecium, 315 jx ; greatest width 75 fx. On Bembidium sp. Connecticut. This species although based on scanty material seems quite distinct from its nearest allies, L. luxurians and L. compacta. Although the general arrangement of the appendages is similar in the present species, their flexuous divergent tapering habit is quite different from those of the two forms just mentioned, from which it is also distin- guished by its larger size and peculiarly shaped receptacle. It occurs on the legs of a very small metallic-green Bembidium. Laboulbenia cornuta, nov. sp. Dark blackish brown. Perithecium tapering to a broad blunt apex, from which projects a prominent straight dark brown appendage, unicellular, bent abruptly outwards from its base, tapering slightly to its nearly hyaline rounded tip. Appendages as in L. luxurians, the branches fewer and stouter. Receptacle short, expanding somewhat abruptly above the sub-basal cell, the basal cell becoming narrowed and nearly hyaline towards its base. Perithecium 85 x 29 /x. Its appendage 26 X 7 /x. Total length to tip of perithecial appendage 185 fx, greatest width 52 /x. THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACE^. 477 On BemUdium cojnplanulum Mann. Wasliington (Miss Parker). The five types of this singular species are all in poor condition, the appendages being, for the most part, broken; but it seems safe to describe it without regard to the termination of its appendages, since the terminal projection from the perithecium distinguishes it from all other known members of the genus, and finds a parallel only in L. Gyrinidarum, with which it can by no chance be confused. It was found on two specimens of the host, in each case growing ia a definite position towards the base of the right elytron. The beetles were among material kindly collected for the writer by Miss A. M. Parker. Laboulbenia Oberthuri Giard (in lit.). Nearly hyaline except the brown or smoke-colored perithecium and sub-basal cell of the receptacle. Perithecium large, inflated towards the base, the narrower distal half abruptly rounded and contracted below a rather narrow apex vath protruding lips bent outwards; general color dark brown, much deeper below the apex. Appendages numerous, crowded, slender, short, the lower segments inflated, arising as in L. Guerinii. Receptacle elongate, consisting of a short curved stout nearly hyaline basal cell, a very long sub-cylindrical sub-basal cell smoky brown in color with deeper brown wart-like or scale-like scattered prominences of varying size, the remaining cells normal except that the insertion cells of the appendages are irregularly divided. Perithecium 300-315 X 120 /a. Receptacle 1 mm.-900 /x ; its sub-basal cell 370-425 x G5-75 ^. Total length to tip of receptacle 1.225 mm. On Orectogyrus heros, Reg. Madagascar. This fine species has been kindly communicated to the writer by Professor Giard, who has dedicated it to M. Rene Oberthur, its discov- erer. It is with the exception of the two species described above on Mormolyce by far the largest of the Laboulbenife, and is closely allied to the form already known on Gyretes (Z. Guerinii Rob.), from •■which, however, it is abundantly distinct. Heimatomyces distortus, nov. sp. Pale yellowish, more or less clavate in general form. Perithecium inflated, its external margin strongly curved, becoming abruptly con- stricted below a long slender tubular terminal mouth, which is usually, but not always, bent abruptly outwards almost at right angles to the nearly straight inner margin of the perithecium. A short straight 478 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. bluntly pointed rather stout appendage arises on one side only of the perithecium, just below this tubular apex beyond which it projects. The basal and sub-basal cells of the receptacle about equal in length, the latter broader : distal portion of the receptacle composed of the usual four cells, the sub-terminal cell forming a distinct external prominence below the terminal cell which is bent towards and partly overlaps the perithecium. Perithecium (main body) 60 X 18 fx, its tubular apex 18-25 X G /i. Spores 20 X 3 /x. Length of receptacle 110 IX. On Laccophilus maculosus Germ. Connecticut. A singular species appearing at first sight malformed or abnormal. It occurs in company with H. uppendiculatus on the anterior legs of its host. Heimatomyces uncigerus, nov. sp. Pale yellowish. Perithecium moderate, rather broad, its outer edge straight, its upper fourth free from the receptacle, its prominent bluntly tipped extremity bent abruptly outwards at right angles : a slender hooked appendage arises from a point close to the receptacle about two thirds of the distance from the base to the apex of the peri= thecium, projecting from it obliquely outwards. Basal cell of the receptacle large and long, the sub-basal cell small, sub-rectangular, flattened: the distal portion composed of the usual four cells, the terminal one not very prominent and bent strongly towards the peri- thecium. Perithecia 80 X 22-25 p.. Spores 45 X 4 /x. Perithecial appendage about 22 /x, long. Receptacle 132 ^ long. Total length to tip of perithecium 135 yu,. On Laccophilus maculosus Germ. Connecticut. The more or less wedge-shaped apex of the perithecium of this very distinct form projects outwards abruptly at right angles to the straight outer perithecial margin. The hook-like appendage is quite unlike that of any other species in form and position, and, occurring only on one side, is not seen unless the perithecium lies at the right. It oc- curs with H. spinigprus, H. hyalinvs, and rarely H. mai-ginatus, on the posterior legs of its host. Heimatomyces spinigerus, nov. sp. Brownish yellow. Perithecium small, its tip slightly exceeding that of the receptacle; its extremity blunt, lobed, curved outwards, and bearing two projections just below the tip, unequal in size, one of which extends outwards beyond the perithecial margin as a blunt THAXTER. — LABOULBENIACEiE. 479 prominence. Basal cell of the receptacle often bent, expanding dis- tally, much longer than the flattened sub-basal cell : the distal portion of the receptacle with greatly thickened external walls, and consisting of the usual four cells, the terminal one short, with a broad base and bent towards the apex of the perithecium. Three small cells are dis- tinct below the perithecial cavity, from the outer of which is produced externally a prominent spur-like process. Peritliecia 55 X 15 //., Total length to tip of perithecium 88-90 fi. Spur-like process 12- 30 fji long. On Laccophilus maculosus Germ. Connecticut. Distinguished from all other species by the spur-like process from the base of the perithecium. The septa are all defined with unusual clearness, the external walls being greatly thickened. Apparently among the rarest of the twelve species inhabiting this host. DiCHOMTCES PRINCEPS, nOV. Sp. Nearly hyaline, becoming slightly and uniformly tinged with pale reddish brown, sometimes narrowly edged with blackish near the base. Receptacle large, consisting of a single small squarish basal cell, above which are three successive transverse rows of cells placed side by side, the upper margin of each series convex : the lower series consisting of a long narrow axial cell, with three or four more or less obliquely superposed cells on either side : the middle series consisting also of an axial cell, with five to eight cells on either side, which extend obliquely upwards and outwards to form a free rounded pro- jection, each cell of which bears a short bladder-like appendage, the antheridia prominent at the base of each projection : the third or dis- tal transverse series like the second, the cells often slightly more numerous, forming projections in a similar fashion on either side which bear the same bladder-like appendages. The axial cell of the terminal series is followed by two small cells, each bearing a short appendage, on either side of which a large somewhat flattened ?ell forms the base of the perithecium. Perithecia two, more or less divergent, elongate, slightly inflated and tapering gradually to the blunt apex. Perithecia 110-165 X 22-30 fx. Spores 38 X 4 //. Re- ceptacle 150-180 X 70-75 jx. On PhilontJms sordidus Grav. Massachusetts. A conspicuous species, occurring on all parts of the host, but espe- cially on the inferior surface of the abdomen. 480 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. EUCANTHAROMYCES, nov. gen. Receptacle consistiug of two superposed cells, giving rise on one side to a free stalked perithecium, on the other to a free appendage. The appendage consisting of a basal and sub-basal cell terminated by a compound antheridium. The antheridium formed from numer- ous small cells, obliquely superposed in three rows, bordered exter- nally by a sterile cell and terminated by a cavity from which the antherozoids are discharged through a short irregular finger-like projection. EUCANTHAROMTCES AtRANI, DOV. Sp. Pale straw-colored. Perithecium rather long, slightly inflated, tapering to a blunt apex with rounded lips, its stalk consisting of a single large free basal cell surmounted by three smaller cells. Basal and sub-basal cells of the receptacle long and very obliquely super- posed, lying almost side by side. The appendage consisting of a basal cell not wholly free, but partially connected with the stalk cell of the perithecium at its base, followed by a second sub-triangular cell, the oblique upper walls of which separate it on the inside from the body of the antheridium proper, and on the outside from the long narrow cell which forms its sterile outer margin. Antheridium sub- cylindrical, with rounded apex consisting of three series of obliquely superposed cells decreasing in size from below upwards, and running obliquely upwards and outwards, the lower series of six cells, the middle of four, and the upper of two, the three series terminating in a common cavity filled with antherozoids, which are discharged through a terminal irregular finger-like projection which is bent strongly out- wards. Perithecium 135 x 35 jx. Length to tip of perithecium 260 fx. To tip of antheridium 150 jx. On Atranus picbescens Dej. Virginia (T. Pergande). Two specimens of this perplexing form were found in company with Rhachomyces lasiophorus on an example of Atranus kindly sent me by Mr. Pergande. The genus is based wholly upon the pecu- liar compound antheridium, which seems quite different in character from that of either Cantharomyces or Camptomyces, its nearest allies. Ceratomtces mirabilis Thaxter. Abundant material of this species, collected in Maine and Massa- chusetts, indicates that the writer has confused two closely allied forms which were at first considered merely varieties of a single THAXTER. LABOULBEKIACE^. 481 species. The type of C. mirabilis, which is the most common species, is characterized by a stouter perithecium, the inner margin of which is strongly curved, the curve being broken by a rounded prominence on either side just below the apex, which is bent strongly to the base of the perithecial appendage. The perithecial appendage is evenly and distinctly inflated towards its base, and reaches a considerable length. The main axis of the antheridial appendage is short and stout, consisting of about a dozen superposed cells. From this type may be separated a second species, which may be designated as follows : — Ceratomyces confusus, nov. sp. General habit and color as in C. mirahilis. Perithecium hardly inflated, its inner margin curving evenly to the prominent blunt apex which stands out free from the base of the perithecial ajjpendage. The perithecial appendage shorter than in C. mirahilis, without the bulbous inflation at its base. Axis of antheridial appendage long and slender, distally attenuated, with comparatively few short branches. Receptacle as in 0. mirabilis. Spores 75 X 3.7 fx. Perithecia 235- 835 X 65 yu,. Axis of antheridial appendage 235 yu. (longest). Recep- tacle 165 X 75 //,. On Tropisternus glaher Hb. and T. nimhatus Say. New England. This species is much rarer than O. mirahilis, and is at once distin- guished by the absence of any prominences below the apex of the perithecium, as well as by the differences presented by its perithecial and antheridial appendages. Otherwise the two species are easily confused. VOL. XXX. (n. s. xxii.) 31 482 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Investigations on Light and Heat, made and published wholly or in part witb Appropriation from the Rumford Fund XXI. EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE SUMMER VENTILATION AND COOLING OF HOSPITALS. By ISIoRRiix Wyman. Presented November 23, 1894. In this climate, the sick in our hospitals often suffer much distress from the excessive heats of summer. Their relief demands more serious attention than it has generally received. At first sight it would seem a simple matter by means of the cooling processes known to the arts to surround a sick bed with a cool atmos- phere ; but this atmosphere must be constantly renewed and the incom- ing air as constantly cooled ; this cooling is a difficult problem, and has not been satisfactorily solved by any of these processes. It is much easier to warm our patients in winter than to cool them in summer. The three principal ways in which our bodies lose heat are by con- vection, radiation, and evaporation ; but they are efficient in very different degrees. Radiation, although effective in the open air with a clear sky, does us but little good as a cooling agent on a warm and muggy day. In our wards, when their walls are near the temperature of our patients, or rather of their clothing, which is really the radiating surface, radia- tion benefits them but little, for these walls of necessity return nearly as much heat as is radiated to them. Neither is radiation sensibly modified by any movement of the surrounding air. Convection, as the name implies, is the carrying away of heat; it increases inversely as the temperature of the surrounding air, and directly v^'ith its moisture and velocity. We know well the agreeable sensations on a hot summer's day of the sea breeze, which in a greater or less degree combines these qualities. "We know too how much, on a still, hot day, fanning, which changes neither the moisture nor the temperature of the air, but simply causes more air to move over and come in contact with us, adds to our comfort by displacing the hot and moist air immediately around us. WYMAN. — COOLING OP HOSPITALS. 483 The Cambridge Hospital is warmed by air heated in passing over pipes in which hot water circulates, enclosed in heating boxes ; it is obvious that the substitution of cold water for hot water in these pipes would cool, more or less, the air on its way to the wards. It was thought worth while to determine by experiment what influ- ence this previous cooling might have on the comfort of our patients as compared with air of the same velocity from the open, unchanged in temperature or moisture. An air-chamber extends under the whole ward ; it is devoted exclusively to the purpose of receiving the air for ventilation and distributing it equally through the heating boxes and ten registers to the ward above. This air-chamber is well lighted, and is kept scrupu- lously clean ; nothing is allowed to be placed in it under any pretence whatever. It is generally cooler in the summer than the atmosphere ; water from the city water service is also cooler by several degrees, in the early summer, than the air. By connecting the city main with the pipes in the heating boxes, and allowing the water flowing through them to run to waste, they become in some degree air-coolers. On the 21st of May, 1893, all windows and openings in the air- chamber were carefully closed, and the water from the main let on. At 3 p. M. the external thermometer was at 84° F. ; there was na wind, and the patients were sufi^ering from the heat. The tempera- ture of the air-chamber was 67" F. ; the water as it entered the cool- ing boxes, 57-58°. The electric fan, 36 inches in diameter, driving the air into the air-chamber, was put in motion, making 500 revolu- tions with an air-moving power of 10,200 cubic feet a minute. At 4 p. M. the air entering the ward at the registers was at 71° F. During this hour 400,000 cubic feet of air, as measured by a Casella's air-meter, was thrown into the ward through the ten regis- ters ; a quantity sufficient to fill the ward of 21,000 cubic feet twenty times an hour, — once in three minutes. The result was satisfactory ; the comfort of the patients was mani- festly improved. But it must be observed that the cooling surfaces were, first, the ten cooling boxes of 30 square feet each at 57-58° F., and, secondly, the floor and walls of the air-chamber, the two together amounting to about 3,300 square feet. The temperature of these walls could not well be determined ; but as they had not been exposed to much increase of heat since the winter, they may be assumed to have been about that of the water supply, then 58° (in winter it is about 50°). At the out- set then we had the air-chamber full of cool air and a cooling surface 484 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. of about 3,000 feet along which the air, driven by the fan, was diffused before it entered the ward. The cooling power of the boxes may be assumed to be about oue tenth that of the walls. These were the arrangements through the month of May, with the same benefit to the patients. In June, the summer heats were greater and more constant, and the fan more steadily used. The temperature of the air-chamber and the air passing thx'ough it had increased, and that of the water had already risen to 70°, and is usually somewhat higher later in the season ; the quantity of water required was large and expensive ; it was therefore shut off permanently. The same amount of ventilation, however, was continued, and the conditions as to the air-chamber and the admission of the air to the ward were unchanged. During the summer, the ward temperature gradually rose until it differed but little from that of the open air. Still the comfort given to our patients and their nurses under both these methods was immediate and decided. To those entering the ward there was a feeling of freshness and freedom of air quite beyond that of the other ward of similar construction, which had only the usual summer ventilation. At first the walls of the air-chamber to a degree acted as coolers, but this ceased as they became warmer. We may form some estimate of the probable effect of the boxes as coolers in summer, by comparing it with their work as heaters in winter. The average boiler temperature in December and January is 200° F. ; that of the return, 145° ; therefore, 55° of heat is lost iu heating 120,000 c.f. of air hourly supplied to the wards in winter. From these data Professor Trowbridge has kindly made the follow- ing computation : — ''Mean temperature of water = 172.5° (173°) " « " air = ^ (30 + 70) = 50 Mean excess of water temperature available 173-50 =123 Excess per degree rise of air temperature ^^ — 3.07 " To cool the same amount of air from 80° to 70° (mean temperature 75") would require, if Newton's law hold, a mean temperature of 75° — 10 X 3.07 = 45° approximately." Our boxes, therefore, as then constructed, with a water circulation at 58° F., were inadequate to our purpose as cooling boxes. It is true the boxes could be enlarged. It has been computed that, with a constant flow of cool water at 50° through boxes 5.G times as large WYMAN. — COOLING OF HOSPITALS. 485 as those we now have, we might keep a ward at 70° with an outside air of 90°, and a ventilation reduced to 40,000 cubic feet an hour, — one third of our winter supply, or one tenth of our summer supply. But we have no reliable experiments to confirm this computation. Our own experiments have shown that this previous cooling of the air is an expensive and uncertain process, and would lessen the evaporation upon which, as we shall see further on, we principally depend for cooliug, and, what is more important, would probably not be hygienic. No further experiments were made as to cooliug the air before its entrance into the ward. Our first experiment showed clearly enough the advantage of a large supply of fresh and slightly cooled air ; but it is not so clear how much was due to the temperature of the air, and how much to the rapid evaporation caused by its velocity and dryness. But as the comfort of the sick continued the same after the rise of temperature of the cooling apparatus and the shutting off of the cold water, it is probable that it was due more to the velocity and drying qualities of the air acting upon the patients themselves, than to any change of temperature in the ward generally, which, as we have already said, differed but little from that of the open air. This is a point of the first importance. The most effective way of losing heat is that last mentioned, that is, by evaporation. It is Nature's great consumer of heat. Evaporation increases with the temperature of the air, with its dryness, and with its velocity. Common observation teaches how rapidly wet clothing and muddy roads dry in windy weather. If we are exposed to a warm dry air, especially if it is in motion, we may feel cool, or even cold, because of the rapid evaporation from the skin. In the heats of summer the relative dryness of the air is of more importance to our comfort than its temperature. The thermometer and our sensations do not correspond. It is evaporation increased by the air put in motion by his punkah that enables the Englishman to bear the heats of India and keep his blood at its normal temperature. Pettenkofer calculates that in twenty-four hours we lose heat, by respiration alone, as follows : — In dry air at 32° F. « u 86° A difference of about In air completely humid at 32° <.i ii a (; 86° A difference of nearly 293,044 units of he 274,050 ii. a 19,000 a a 265,050 a u 105,390 ii (( 160,000 ii a 486 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The cooling by respiration in moist air is therefore about one eighth of that in dry air at the same temperature. But this is not all the heat lost by evaporation, nor the greater part ; the loss by the skin is nearly twice that by the lungs under the same conditions. Here also the same law holds, the greater the relative moisture the less evaporation and consequently the less cooling. According to Lavoisier and Seguin, 900 grams of fluid per day are discharged by perspiration, and 500 grams from the lungs, making 1400 grams of fluid lost in twenty-four hours. The evapo- ration of this quantity of water will consume 750 units of heat, or about one fifth of all the heat produced in the body in twenty-four hours. The production of heat in the animal body, and its maintenance at a normal standard, are two of the most important processes in the living organism. The two chief means for regulating the temperature of the body are the skin and the lungs. Of these the most direct and simplest is that by the cutaneous perspiration. The relations of these organs to the atmosphere, therefore, are of great importance in the question now under consideration. But the rate of evaporation and consequent cooling depends in great measure on the aqueous vapor already in the atmosphere. That this relative amount has a material influence on our individual comfort there is no doubt. It is certain that on those days when the propor- tion of humidity is greatest, even the healthiest feel an oppression and languor, and that on other days when the humidity is less there is an exhilaration of spirits and an increase of muscular energy. It is worth while, then, to recall the laws governing this aqueous vapor, for it pervades the atmosphere, is one of the main causes of its movements, and the only fluctuating ingredient in its composition. The evaporating power of air raised to a higher temperature is increased. A quantity of air absolutely humid at 59° F. holds an amount of vapor ecjual to g'^ of its weight ; at 8G^, ^^^ ! ^^ 113°, ^^ ; at 140°, jL ; so that while the temperature advances in an arithmetical progression, the vapor-difFusing power of the atmosphere rises with the accelerating rapidity of a geometrical series having a ratio of two ; with the same ratio, evaporation increases, and consequently the cooling process. It is upon this play of forces in the aqueous vapor and the air, and the movements they bring about, that we must rely for the comfort of our patients in the heats of summer. It is not a question of changing the temperature of the air ; practically, we cannot alter that nor its WYMAN. — COOLING OP HOSPITALS. 487 humidity, in the volumes required for ventilation. It is a question of the rate of evaporation from a perspiring surface, which again is governed in great measure by the velocity of the air ; and this by the improvements in the arts we can control. If, on the other hand, we attempt to attain our object by cooling the air before it enters the ward, we are met with this fact. If air absolutely humid comes in contact with warmer air also saturated, the latter will be cooled, it will approach the dew-point, and, if its moisture is condensed into visible vapor, will give out heat. Evaporation con- sumes heat, condensation liberates heat. In our first experiment the previous cooling of the air did not bring it to the point of condensation, but its relative humidity was increased ; the rate of evaporation was therefore diminished, and to that degree it was a disadvantage. The quantity of air required for our purpose cannot, as we have already said, be determined by instruments of precision alone ; it must be learned by experiment and the declared sensations of the sick. The movement of the air around us, and it is never still, — the natural ventilation as it is called, — is much greater than is generally supposed. Repeated experiments have shown that at two feet a second we first feel the air as a moving body ; less than that we con- sider a perfect calm. And yet at this velocity air would move from end to end of our ward of 60 feet in 30 seconds, and across, it in half that time, quite unnoticed by us. To give comfort during the excessive heats of summer the sick require three or four times the air needed for satisfactory ventilation in winter. It required 400,000 cubic feet an hour for our sixteen patients, and yet while this large quantity was passing through the ward it was only known, except at the registers, by the accompany- ing sense of freshness and pleasant coolness ; it was never felt as a draught. " The great regulator of the heat of the body is undoubtedly the skin." Physiology teaches that perspiration is a secretion, in a sen- sible or insensible form, constantly going on. Increased heat increases perspiration, and the evaporation of this increased quantity consumes in work a large portion of the heat derived from the atmosphere, and thus prevents an undue rise of the temperature of the bodily organs. The very intensity, therefore, of the peripheral circulation, under the action of heat, leads the way to relief. Experiments made more than a hundred years ago prove that, if the skin perspires freely and the perspiration be readily evaporated, 488 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the temperature of the body may remain nearly normal in an exces- sively hot atmosphere, — even more than 200° F. In the present atmosphere of mixed air and aqueous vapor, with which it is never saturated, evaporation and convection must coexist. So long as the expired air is loaded with moisture, and the skin per- forms its perspiratory function, and the movement of the surrounding air is under our own control, if, so to speak, we own a breeze, we may confidently rely on our ability to dispense its comforting and refreshing influences to the patients in our hospital. The following observations with the wet and dry bulb thermometer may serve to illustrate the cooling of a moist surface. June 17, 1894, a thermometer in a still room was at 78° F. ; after covering the bulb with a piece of thin cotton cloth moistened with water, and fanning it for five minutes with a common fan, it fell to 72°, — a difference of 6°. The same thermometer on the same day at 99°, treated in the same way, fell to 77°, — a difference of 12°. A thermometer in the open air in the shade, July 13, 1894, with a gentle breeze, was at 95° ; with a moistened bulb, at 73°, — a difference of 12°. The relative humidity at the same time was 53%. But the air must be in motion. A perspiring patient in still air is surrounded by an atmosphere permeated by much aqueous vapor; this must be diffused and carried away from the neighborhood by the continued arrival of fresh drier air, to get the full cooling effect due to evaporation. It is in this way that simple agitation of the air in a warm still room brings relief, as with a common fan, or the rotary fan of the shops, or the Indian punkah. So it is with a ride in the open elec- tric car on a hot day ; the relief is immediate. There is no atmos- pheric change either in temperature or in moisture ; it makes no difference whether we move through the air, or the air moves by us, the sense of cooling is the same. In both, we are surrounded by air constantly renewed, bringing with it the pleasurable sensations and invigorating influences belonging to a freely moving atmosphere. What these influences are to those in health we know; what they are to those languishing on beds of sickness, those only who have ex- perienced them can fully appreciate. That the patients in our hospi- tal have derived much comfort from them, their repeated declarations fully prove. Besides the physical comfort they give, — like the sug- gestions of flowers and music, with which the sufferings of the sick are now so often soothed, — these large volumes of air fresh from the fields seem to hold up to the mind of the convalescents suggestions of other WYMAN. — COOLING OP HOSPITALS. 489 scenes, which displace, for tlie time at least, present surroundings, and encourage the hope, so helpful to the sick, of a speedy return ta their former enjoyments. The experience of the Cambridge Hospital leads to these two con- clusions : first, that fresh air directly from the open, in the quantity and manner there supplied, can be made to give great comfort to the sick during the heats of summer ; and, secondly, that pi'evious cooling of the air so supplied is difficult and practically useless. To this may be added, what is of much importance to charity hospitals, that the method here adopted is the least expensive of the cooling processes hitherto made generally known. 490 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Investigations on Lioht and Hkat. mabk and published wholly or in part with Appropriation from the Rumford Fund. XXII. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. XLIIL — EXPERIMENTS ON THE RELATION OF HYSTERESIS TO TEMPERATURE. By Frank A. Laws and Henry E. Warren. Presented by Charles R. Cross, October 10, 1894. This paper gives an account of some experiments to determine the effect of temperatures much above the normal on the dissipation of energy by hysteresis in a specimen of steel. At the time of the beginning of this research, in February, 1894, there were no complete studies of this subject known to us. A casual reference is to be found in the Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. VII. p. 325, 1890, by Prof. Harris J. Ryan. The tests there referred to were made on a cast-iron rinw. The maxi- mum temperature employed was 360°. The details of the measure- ments are not given. A short paper by Dr. Wilhelm Kuntz appeared in the Electrotechnische Zeitschrift, Vol. XIII., May 6, 1892. In this Dr. Kuntz showed that the hysteresis loss decreased with rise of temperature. A second paper by the same author appeared in the Electrotechnische Zeitschrift, Vol. XV., April 5, 1894. The magnetometer method was used by Dr. Kuntz in this work. In this paper tests of several ferrous materials are given, as well as some on a specimen of nickel. At the outset of this research it was decided that alternating cur- rents should be used, and that the losses should be determined by a Wattmeter, thus reducing the time required for observations to a mini- mum. The instrument which we designed and used is shown in Figure 1. We have decided to call the arrangement a Watt-balance. Mr. A. E. Kennelly has given in the Electrical Engineer, December 21, Figure i. LAWS AND WARREN. — HYSTERESIS. 491 1892, a descriptioD of a "Differential Wattmeter." This instrument gives the difference of the mean values of two definite integrals repre- senting the primary and secondary energy in a transformer ; that is, the losses. The Watt-balance measures the ratio of the mean values of two definite integrals. It can therefore be used to measure the efiiciency of a convertor, giving the result by a single reading. The Watt-balance consists of two electrodynamometer Wattmeters, one above the other. The movable coils are rigidly connected in our instrument by a spiral-wound paper tube, and consist of 100 turns of silk-covered German silver wire No. 32 B. & S. gage. The resistance, including leads, is 103 ohms; the diameter of coils, 2 cm. In series with the movable coils are two adjustable resistances, r^ and ^2, as shown in Figure 2. The stationary coils are arranged in pairs ; each is 2.3 cm. in mean radius, and contains 130 turns of No. 12 cotton-covered wire. They are movable along their axes, so that the factor of the instrument may be adjusted. The vertical distance between the two dynamometers is 30 cm. The movable parts are suspended by a silk thread inside a narrow paper tube to prevent disturbance by air currents, and directive force is given by four spiral springs, made of copper wire 0.005 cm. in diameter. These springs serve as leading in wires for the movable coils. The instrument is read by a telescope and scale. In Figure 2 is shown the scheme of connections for a hysteresis test. At the left the slide resistances for controlling the currents are shown. By the proper insertion of the connection, G. either a direct or an alternating current could be sent through the remainder of the appar- atus, which in the main circuit consisted of an electrodynamometer, one pair of stationary coils, the specimen under test, a known resist- ance, R^ of German silver strip immersed in kerosene oil to keep it at a constant temperature, and the second pair of fixed coils. At one terminal of ^ a conn,ection was made by means of a short piece of stout wire and a key, K; beyond the key the circuit branched, pass- ing through the adjustable resistances r-^ and r,, the proper movable coils, and returning one lead to the external terminal of the specimen, and the other to the corresponding terminal of R. The resistance r^ was some hundreds of ohms, seldom falling below 300, and was more frequently in the neighborhood of 1 ,000 ; rg was kept at a constant value, 976 ohms. The resistances r^ and r^ were ordinary plug boxes, and the assumption was made throughout the work that the resistances of circuits r^ and r^, were so high in comparison with their inductances that no correction factor need be applied to the indications of the 492 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. O 111 PC? CM LAWS AND WARREN. — HYSTERESIS. 493 Watt-balance. It may be well to mention that the use of high resist- ances constructed in the usual way by double winding may lead to serious errors in alternating current measurements on account of the capacity effects. If the plug G be inserted so that a current flows in the apparatus^ and no deflection is observed, then the factors of the upper and lower dynamometers are equal ; if the key K is depressed, there will in gen- eral be a deflection, which may be reduced to zero by adjusting r^, as- a zero reading means that the average values of the products of the currents in the two coils of the upper and lower dynamometers are the same. It is known that the work in S bears the same ratio to the work in R that the total resistance in circuit 7\ does to the total resis- tance in circuit r^. If the current is alternating, the work in S is of course divided between hysteresis and heating losses. No allowance has been thought necessary for the work done in the suspended coils. If Wg and JFg represent the work in the specimen and in R, then ri + 103x _P^(ri+l03) ^2+103 ' J^ is given by the electrodynamometer DYN. To correct for the heating loss in S a direct current of any conve- nient magnitude is sent through the circuit, and a second balance, r^, obtained, P 1000' B = 1,079 ohms, r^ = 976 ohms ; so Ws= t-/^7^(''i ~ '"i^)- It will be seen that the Watt-balance as used in the present case is a Wattmeter with an electrodynamic control. The advantage derived from obtaining this control by shunting a portion of the main current is that any manipulation of the circuits does not disturb the equilibrium of the instrument, and that it renders it possible to use the instrument in a null instead of a compensation method. As the hysteresis loss is a function of the maximum magnetization, denoted by i?, it was necessary to provide some means by which the maximum might be kept constant, and its value determined. The de- vice sketched in Figure 3 was used for this purpose. In addition to the magnetizing coil, the specimen was provided with a winding of 24 turns, which was connected in series with an adjustable resistance of 874 ohms during the tests, and a galvanometer of 126 ohms. Leads were carried to the dynamo room, and terminated in brushes which rested on the edge of an ebonite disk 11 inches in diameter, fastened rigidly to the dynamo shaft ; the brushes were carried by a radial arm, 494 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the motion of which is controlled by a small magneto-motor driven by three Leclanche cells. The motor was governed by a reversing key in the testing room, about one hundred feet away. The alternator used had ten poles, thus making the length of a wave 72°. A piece of brass, 36° or one half a wave long, was set into the edge of the disk, and the whole carefully trued up. When the dynamo was in action the B current was closed once during a revolution, and for a time cor- responding to one half a wave length. The galvanometer then per- forms the operation ^ ^ fifteen hundred times a minute. The value of this integral will be a maximum when it extends over the time between -{-B and — B. By the use of the key K^ the brushes may be shifted, and the reading of the galvanometer brought to its greatest value. With the dynamo running at its normal speed a Leclanche cell, E.M.F. 1.4 volts was in- serted in the circuit ; Rh was 1,374 ohms, and the deflection 21.2 cm. ; with brushes short circuited and Rh equal to 14,874 ohms the deflec- tion was 21.8 em., the ratio of deflection being .972. If the brushes made perfect coutact, and there was no self-induction effect, the ratio would be unity, the entire cycle of operation being performed in a time short compared with the period of the galvanometer. During the tests the reading with R h = 1,374 was frequently repeated in order that the brushes might be kept in as uniform a condition as possible. Owinfi; to the manner in which the specimen is constructed, the area included in the B winding is but partially occupied by the iron. In cal- culating the approximate values of B no allowance has been made for this, as the permeability is high in the cases where B has been deter- mined. If observations were taken at temperatures where the permea- LAWS AND WARREN. — HYSTERESIS. 495 bility was very low, it would be necessary to apply a correction for this unoccupied area. The values of B were calculated by the formula E^RD ~ 20 A NnE^iy"- ' D is the deflection corresponding to the value of B to be found. R is the resistance in circuit R h ; N, the number of turns on B winding. n, the number of revolutions per second. A is the area of the iron in- cluded in the B windings. D^ is the deflection of the galvanometer when an E.M.F. of magnitude E^ and a resistance R^ are inserted in the circuit R h, the dynamo turning at the normal rate. The furnace used for heating the specimen was built of fire brick, the external diameter was about 36 inches, height 18 inches. Inside the fire brick was a layer of asbestos wool 2^ inches thick, kept in place by asbestos board, which was protected by thin sheet iron. The box containing the specimen was made of asbestos board about IJ- inches in thickness, and lined with retort cement. During the tests it was tightly closed. The furnace was heated by three blast jets made of gas pipe, the external tubes were | inch inside diameter, the inner tube I inch. The supplies of gas and air were regulated by slide valves. The jets were directed into the furnace tangentially and with a slight upward inclination, the eff"ect being to establish a good circu- lation and keep the interior of the furnace at a uniform temperature. The specimen upon which the following tests were made was com- posed of so called French steel, which showed on analysis the follow- ing impurities : — Manganese 0.535 per cent. Phosphorus 0.013 " Silicon 0.085 " Sulphur 0.018 " Carbon 0.970 u The mass of iron employed was 628 grams. From this material, which was four one-thousandths of an inch thick, rings of 3 inches' out- side and 2 inches' inside diameter were stamped, and the specimen formed by piling them. Each was insulated from its neighbors by a layer of pipe clay, applied as a sort of paint, the clay having been moistened with alcohol. Every tenth layer was insulated with mica. The pile so formed was wrapped with asbestos cloth, and the mag- netizing coil of 36 turns of No, 14 copper wire wound on. The wire was insulated by winding it with asbestos twine. Interwound with 496 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the magnetizing coil was the B coil of 24 turns. These two windings formed on the outside of the specimen a single layer. The tempera- tures were determined by a Le Chatelier pyrometer, calibrated by known melting points. The hot junction was placed inside the asbestos wrapping resting against the iron, the leads were brought out through the usual double-cored fire clay tube ; this was surrounded by a piece of gas pipe thoroughly wrapped in asbestos cloth, because in using this pyrometer in a case like the present, where the leads pass from the hot junction through a space at a higher temperature at a short dis- tance from the junction, it is necessary to guard against conduction along the leads, and consequent errors in the temperature. The manner of making the tests and the subsequent calculation was as follows. Owing to the construction of the furnace, the specimen being well shielded from the heat of the fiames by the internal chamber, the air insulation, and its own asbestos covering, the temperature of the iron rises gradually ; consequently the specimen will be at very nearly a uniform temi^erature. When a reading is desired, the alternating current is turned on and the S deflection adjusted to< its maximum value by J^^, and to its correct numerical value by varying the mag- netizing current. Watt-balance resistance r^ is now adjusted, and the pyrometer reading corrected for zero, and dynamometer reading and time observed ; after a few minutes the observations are repeated, the temperature having risen in the mean time. This process is kept up until the iron loses its magnetism. Occasionally, a direct current was sent through the apparatus and the Watt-balance, dynamometer, and pyrometer readings taken ; these allow the value of r-^^ in the hysteresis formula to be determined by making a plot, the co-ordinates being Watt-balance and pyrometer readings, from the plot the value of ri\ corresponding to any pyrometer reading may be read off. The electrodynamoraeters were calibrated by sending a direct current through them, and measuring the P.D. at the terminals of a known resistance by projection against the E.M.F. of a Clark cell ; the values of deflections and currents squared were plotted, giving straight lines. j?^ was determined by reference to these plots. The zei'o errors of the dynamometers employed were very variable, and were determined after each reading. The results of the measurements will now be given. They are plotted as referred to at the beginnings of the several tables. LAWS AND WARBEN. — HYSTERESIS. 497 TABLE I. First Heating : Ascenbing Curve. See Figure 4. W^ = liysteresis loss in specimen. B = 1970. n = 125, Wh- Temp o .852 23 .834 45 .845 67 .845 98 .817 132 .809 181 ,818 272 .742 347 Wh- Temp. o .678 387 .526 440 .450 481 .331 546 .241 595 .130 672 .088 709 The specimen lost its magnetic properties so rapidly that furtliei measurements could not be taken on the ascending curve. TABLE L — Descending. Wh- Temp. o .0 787 161 576 .206 503 .255 445 ,290 Power shut off. 417 VOL. XXX. (n. s. xxii.) 32 498 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. /«0* 206' 906' tloo* (too hoe' 76b' LAWS AND WARREN. — HYSTERESIS. 499 TABLE II. Second Heating : Ascending. See Figure 5. B ^ 1974. n = 125 ^H Temp. Wh- Temp .516 o 20 .149 632 .520 75 .121 653 .519 1C8 .115 662 .522 160 .093 679 .440 269 .083 688 .407 310 .094 692 .378 345 .104 693 .340 397 .130 693 .321 423 .130 693 .311 438 .142 693 .293 470 .144 693 .258 511 .142 692 .228 555 .140 694 .167 593 'TOO soc Fl&.t. 60 c 500 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Inspection of the plots shows (Figs. 4 and 5) that for this sample of steel a moderate elevation of temperature up to about 270° has but a small influence on the hysteresis loss ; that at this point a change takes place, and the diminution of hysteresis, with rise of temperature, is much more rapid, the decrease being such that at 675° the loss is but 13 per cent of its value at ordinary temperatures. After heating above the inflection point, the specimen shows on cooling a marked decrease of the hysteresis loss from its value at the same temperature on the ascending curve. If the specimen be heated again, a change of direction of the curve takes place, but at a lower temperature. The second plot (Fig. 5) shows an increase of the hysteresis loss after the point of inflection has been reached. As only two heatings were made, we were unable to verify these observations, the results of which became apparent only when they were reduced. In addition to the experi- ment at high temperatures, the following observations were made. A specimen was made up and the loss measured at the ordinary tempera- tures ; a mean of three measurements gave .289 Watts as Wh. The specimen was then covered with a mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether ; a mean of three measurements showed Wh as .288 Watts, showing that there is practically no change of hysteresis for a diminu- tion of temperature to about — 80°. Between the ascending and descending observations of the second heating, readings were taken for the purpose of finding whether the temperature at which the iron becomes markedly magnetic on coolino- is the same as that at which the sudden diminution of the mas:netic properties occurs on heating. Simultaneous readings of the B gal- vanometer and pyrometer were taken, the current remaining constant, no adjustment for maximum was made. The readings, together with some from the descending curve of the first heating, are given below, and, after being corrected for zero, are plotted in Figure 6. TABLE III. First Heating. Second Heating. B Reading. Pyr. B Reading. Pyr. 38.8 7.17 28.1 6.99 38.8 7.10 29.9 7.01 38.8 7.05 31.0 7.02 38.8 7.00 32.1 7.03 38.7 6.95 33.4 7.05 38.55 6.90 34.8 7.10 38.15 6.83 36.1 7.11 37.70 680 87.2 7.12 37.00 6.73 37.9 7.13 LAWS AND WARREN. First Heating. B Reading. Pyr. 36.3 6.69 33.65 6.51 31.2 6.45 - HYSTERESIS. Second Heating. B Reading. Pyr. 38.3 7.14 38.6 7.15 38.7 7.15 38.6 7.19 38.8 7.14 38.75 7.10 38,75 7.03 38.7 7.01 38.65 6.98 38.55 6.95 38.25 6.93 37.85 6.90 37.1 6.85 36.5 6.84 34.1 6.76 32.7 6.73 30.7 6.70 501 <3 «3 Q < ^4 Pyr.. 610 6S0 /^/G 6. 700 502 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Figure 6 shows that the two points do not coincide, that on the descending being about 12° lower than that on the ascending curve. The diiFerence of form of the curves is noticeable, showing that the regaining of magnetic properties on cooling is more gradual than their loss on heating ; the sudden exaltation of magnetic properties occurs at the same temperature in the first and second coolings. At the time of this writing the research has not been fully com- pleted. We are, however, now engaged on further experiments, and hope to present additional data in the near future. Rogers Laboratory of Physics, June, 1894. PROCEEDINGS. Eight hundred and sixty-seventh Meeting. May 9, 1894. — Annual Meeting. The Peesident in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read the following letters : from the Royal Society of London, on the project of making a catalogue of scientific papers by means of international co-operation ; from the Royal Society oi Canada, inviting tlie Academy to send delegates to its Twelfth General Meeting on the 22d of Ma}'' ; from Ad. de Marignac, announcing the death of his father, Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac, a Foreign Honorar}^ Member of the Academy ; and from Francis M. Green and W. C. Sabine, acknowledging their election into the Academy. Voted, To accept the invitation of the Royal Society of Canada, and the President was authorized to appoint a delegate. The Report of the Council of the Academy was read and accepted. The Reports of the Librarian, of the Treasurer, and of the C. M. Warren Committee were read and accepted. Notice of a proposed change in the statutes was given by Charles L. Jackson, viz. to increase the number of Vice-Presidents so as to have one from each Class. This proposal was referred to a Committee consisting of C. L. Jackson, S. H. Scudder, and F. W. Putnam. The President appointed, as a Committee of Co-operation on the project of making a catalogue of scientific papers, C. L. Jackson, H. P. Bowditch, and Denman W. Ross. 504 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY H. P. Bowditcli presented a motion in regard to indepen- dent nominations for the offices of the Academy, which was referred to the Committee on the changes in the statutes. On the recommendation of the Committee of Finance, it was Voted, To make the following appropriations from the income of the General Fund for the ensuing year : — For the library $1,200 For general expenses 2,500 For publications 1,800 For the expenses of meetings . . . 200 Voted, That the assessment for the ensuing year be five dollars. Voted, That $1,000 from the Rumford Fund be placed at the disposal of the Rumford Committee, to be expended in aid of investigations on Light and Heat, payments to be made on the order of the Chairman of the Committee. In accordance with the recommendation of the Committee on the proposed alteration of the statutes, it was Voted, To amend Chapter V. of the Statutes by changing the numbers of sections 4, 5, and 6 to 5, 6, and 7, respectively, and inserting a new paragraph as follows : — " 4. The C. M, AVarren Committee, of seven Fellows, to be chosen by ballot, who shall consider and report on all applications for appro- priations from the income of the C. M. Warren Fund, and generally see to the due and proper execution of this trust." The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Walter Gould Davis, of Cordova, to be an Associate Fellow in Class 11., Section 1 (Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe), in place of the late William H. C. Bartlett. Hermann Eduard von Hoist, of Chicago, to be an Asso- ciate Fellow in Class HI., Section 3 (Political Economy and History). Ingram By water, of Oxford, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class III., Section 2 (Philology and Archaeology), in place of the late Benjamin Jowett. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 505 Sir John Robert Seeley, of Cambridge, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and History), in place of the late Charles Merivale. The annual election resulted in the choice of the following officers : — JosiAH P. Cooke, President. Augustus Lowell, Vice-President. Chaeles L. Jackson, Corresponding Secretary. William Watson, Becordivig Secretary. Eliot C. Clakke, Treasurer. Henry W. Haynes, Librarian. Councillors. William R. Livermore, Benjamin O. Peirce, \ of Class I. Benjamin A. Gould, Henry P. Walcott, Benjamin L. Robinson, ) of Class H. Henry W. Williams, Andrew M. Davis, Thomas W. Higginson, \ of Class III. James B. Thayer, Member of the Committee of Finance. Augustus Lowell. Rumford Committee. John Trowbridge, Edward C. Pickering, Erasmus D. Leavitt, Charles R. Cross, Benjamin O. Peirce, Amos E. Dolbear, Benjamin A. Gould. C. 31. Warren Committee. Francis H. Storer, Samuel Cabot, Thomas M. Drown, Henry B. Hill, Charles L. Jackson, Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Arthur M. Comey. 506 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The President appointed the following Standing Com- mittees: — Committee of Publication. Charles L. Jackson, William G. Farlow, Charles G. Loring. Committee on the Library. Henry P. Bowditch, Amos E. Dolbear, Edward J. Lowell. Auditing Committee. Henry G. Denny, John C. Ropes. On the motion of the Corresponding Secretary it was Voted, That the thanks of the Academy be tendered to Wolcott Gibbs for his long and valuable services as member of the Rumford Committee. The following papers were presented by title : — On those Orthogonal Substitutions that are given by Cay- ley's Expression, or by the Limiting Form of Cayley's Expres- sion. By Henry Taber. On the Measurement of Resistance by the Method of Sub- stitution. By G. Le Clear. On the Currents in Batteries made up of Cells joined up in Multiple Arc. By B. O. Peirce. On the Constitution of the Nitroparaffine Salts. Second Paper. By John U. Nef. On Ternar}'- Mixtures. First Paper : The Chemical Poten- tial of Metals. By Wilder D. Bancroft. Action of Alcoholates on Chloranil. By C. Loring Jackson and H. S. Grindley. Bromine Derivatives of Metaphenylene Diamine. By C. Loring Jackson and S. Calvert. Behavior of certain Derivatives of Benzol containing Halo- gens. By C. Loring Jackson and S. Calvert. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Strontium. First Paper: The Analysis of Strontic Bromide. By Theodore W. Richards. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 507 On the Cupriammonium Double Salts. Second Paper. By Theodore W. Richards and A. H. Whitrido-e. On the Cupriammonium Double Salts. Third Paper : Compounds of Iodine. By Theodore W. Richards and G. Oenslager. On a Series of Cupraniline Compounds. By Theodore W. Richards and F. C. Moulton. Euglenopsis, a new Alga-like Organism. By Bradley Moors Davis. New Plants of Northwest Mexico, collected by Messrs. C. V. Hartman and C. G. Lloyd upon the Lumholtz Archgeologi- cal Expedition. By B. L. Robinson and M. L. Fernald. On the Cell Lineage of the Ascidian Egg. A Preliminary Notice. By W. E. Castle. The North American Ceuthoj)hili. By S. H. Scudder. Researches on Electrical Waves. By John Trowbridge. On the motion of the Corresponding Secretary, it was Voted, That the Rumford Committee be directed to defray the cost of the publication of John Trowbridge's paper on " Electrical Waves " from the income of the Rumford Fund. Eight hundred and sixty-eighth Meeting. October 10, 1894. — Stated Meeting. The Vice-President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read the following letters : from the Scientific Alliance of New York, requesting the co- operation of the Academy in the endeavor to obtain a reduc- tion of postage rates on natural history specimens ; from the Royal Society of New South Wales, offering its medal and twenty-five pounds for the best communication containing the results of original researches on a series of specified topics ; from the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, enclosing a copy of a pamphlet " Respecting the Necessity of an Inter- national Agreement with regard to the Publication of Material contained in Naval Meteorological Journals, a Memorandum drawn up by Rear Admiral Makaroff, St. Petersburg," and 508 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY requesting the Academy to favor the Society with its views thereon ; from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, an- nouncing the deaths of Commanders Frebretti and Lessona ; and from H. von Hoist, John Donnell Smith, and Ingram Bywater, acknowledging their election into the Academy. The chair announced the death of Josiah Parsons Cooke, President of the Academy ; of Oliver Wendell Holmes and Edward J. Lowell, Resident Fellows ', of E. G. Robinson and W. D. Whitne}^ Associate Fellows, and of H. L. F. von Helmholtz, a Foreign Honorary Member. The vacancy occasioned by the death of the President, Josiah Parsons Cooke, was filled by the unanimous election of ^ Alexander Agassiz, President. On motion of the Corresponding Secretary, it was Voted, That the December meeting be devoted to addresses in memory of the late President of the Academy, Josiah Parsons Cooke. Voted, To appropriate the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) from the income of the C. M. Warren Fund to Francis C. Phillips, of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in aid of his re- searches relating to the Chemistry of Natural Gas ; and six hundred dollars ($600) to Charles F. Mabery, of Cleveland, Ohio, in aid of his investigations of the Sulphur Petroleums. The following report was adopted : — The Committee, appointed at the Annual Meeting to consider the changes in the Statutes proposed by S. H. Scudder, and the amend- ment offered by H. P. Bowditch to the rule for the nomination of officers of the Academy, recommends the following alterations in the Statutes : — Chapter 11., Section 1, change the words "a Vice-President" to " three Vice-Presidents, one for each Class." Change the words "written votes" to "ballot." Section 2, change the word " Vice-President " to " the three Vice-Presidents." Section 3, add at the end, "or at a meeting called for this purpose." After Chapter II. insert a new Chapter III., "Of Nominations of Officers," and alter the numbers of the following chapters to corre- spond to this change. The new chapter to read as follows : — OF AETS AND SCIENCES. 509 " Chapter III. — Of Nominations of Officers. "1. At the stated meeting in March the President shall appoint from the next retiring Councillors a Nominating Committee of three Fellows, one for each Class. "2. It shall be the duty of this Nominating Committee to prepare a list of candidates for the offices of President, Vice-Presidents, Corre- sponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Coun- cillors, and the Standing Committees which are chosen by ballot ; and to cause this list to be sent by mail to all the Resident Fellows of the Academy not later than four weeks before the Annual Meeting. " 3. Independent nominations for any office, signed by at least five Resident Fellows and received by the Recording Secretary not less than ten days before the Annual Meeting, shall be inserted in the call for the Annual Meeting, which shall then be issued not later than one week before that meeting. " 4. The Recording Secretary shall prepare for use in voting at the Annual Meeting a ballot containing the names of all persons nomi- nated for office under the provisions given above. " 0. When an office is to be filled at any other time than at the An- nual Meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1, which shall announce its nomination in the manner prescribed in Section 2 at least two weeks before the time of election. Independeb„, nominations, signed by at least five Resident Fellows, and received by the Recording Secretary not later tlian one week before the meeting for election, shall be inserted in the call for that meeting." Chapter III. of the present Statutes, Section 1, change the word "Vice-President" to "Senior Vice-President present," and insert at the end of the section, " Length of continuous membership in the Academy shall determine the seniority of the Vice-Presidents." C. L. Jackson, S. H. SCUDDER, F. W. Putnam, Committee. The following report was presented and adopted : — Report of the Committee to consider the Circular of the Royal Society in regard to a Catalogue of Scientific Publications. The Committee finds itself fully in sympathy with the desire of the Royal Society to improve the methods of cataloguing scientific 510 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY literature, and is distinctly of the opinion that the establishment of such a catalogue, to be compiled through international co-operation, is both desirable and practicable. It seems probable that this improvement in the methods of cata- loguing may best be made by establishing some form of card catalogue prepared by the co-operation of a central bureau with the various publishers and editors of scientific literature in issuing with each book and with each number of every periodical a set of cards of standard size and type, each card to exhibit for a book or for a single article in a periodical, — 1st. The name of the author. 2d. The title of the book or article. 3d. The date, place and house of publication of the book, or the title, volume, and page of the periodical, in which the article appears. 4th. A brief statement, not to exceed eight or ten lines, to be pre- pared by the author himself, setting forth the general purport of the book or article so as to furnish the necessary data for cross references. Such cards should be in duplicate, to permit of arrangement accord- ing to subject or author, or both if desired, and additional cards should be issued whenever the character of the title necessitates cross references. If thought desirable the type used in printing the cards could be kept set up till the end of the year, and then, by arranging the material according to subjects, an annual report in book form could readily be published. A central bureau charofed with the work as above outlined could very properly be established under the auspices of the Royal Society. In this central office subscriptions could be received from libraries and individuals for cards relating to the articles published in certain journals, or to the literature of certain departments of science, and a subscriber would thus receive, in weekly instalments, a complete card catalogue of all the literature in his own line of work. The Committee present only a general outline of the plan for this card catalogue, as it is understood that the details of the scheme will be sent to the Committee of the Royal Society by Harvard Univer- sity. They would further express the hope that some plan may be successfully inaugurated at an earlier date than the year 1900, as suggested in the circular of the Royal Society. In accordance with the views above set forth the Committee re- spectfully recommends to the American Academy the adoption of the following votes : — OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 511 1. That, in the opinion of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the establishment of a catalogue of scientific literature to be maintained through international co-operation is both desirable and practicable. 2. That a copy of this report be transmitted to the Royal Society, as a suggestion of the way in which this plan may be best carried out. 3. That in case such a card catalogue as that recommended in this report be established, it is desirable that the American Academy co- operate with the central bureau by forwarding titles and summaries of the articles published in its Proceedings and Memoirs. (Signed,)^ C. L. Jackson, h. p. bowditch, Denman W. Ross, Committee. The Corresponding Secretary read an abstract of C. F. Mabery's paper, " On the Composition of the Ohio and Canadian Petroleums." The following papers were read by title : — On the Electric Resistance of certain Poor Conductors. By B. 0. Peirce. On the Variability in the Spores of the Uredo Polypodii. By B. M. Duggar. Note on the Effect of Temperature on Hysteresis. By Frank A. Laws and Henry E, Warren, The Recording Secretary presented a copy of the Proceed- ings of the International Congress on Water Transportation, held at Chicago in 1893, and remarked that it contained a memoir on Electric Haulage which anticipated two papers presented this year at the International Inland Navigation Congress at the Hague, at which he was present. 512 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY £iglit huudred and sixty-niuth Meeting. November 23, 1894. — Special Meeting. The Academy met at the house of the President, at Cambridge. The President in the chair. The death of Robert C. Winthrop, a Resident Fellow, was announced ; also, the death of James McCosh, an Associate Fellow. The President, after acknowledging his indebtedness to the Academy for the high honor conferred upon him by his elec- tion, proceeded to give an account of his explorations in 1891 in connection with the U. S. Fish Commission in the Steamer "Albatross," commanded by Captain Z. L. Tanner. This expedition opeued the deep water of the Panamic Region as far west as the Galapagos and as far north as the Gulf of California. He compared the deep water Panamic fauna with the abyssal fauna of the Caribbean, as well as the primal conditions of life existing in the ocean on the two sides of the Isthmus. When contrastinw the coral fauna of the two seas he took occasion to refer to his recent explora- tions of the coral reefs of the Bahamas and of the Bermudas^ and to indicate their bearing on the Darwinian theory of the formation of coral reefs. The exploration of the Bahamas took place in the spring of 1893, in the Steam Yacht " Wild Duck," owned by the Hon. John M. Forbes. That of the Bermudas was made in March, 1894. '5 Morrill Wyman read a paper entitled, " Experiments and Observations on the Summer Ventilation and Cooling of Hospitals." The following papers were presented by title : — Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard Univer- sity. New Series, No. 9 : A Revision of the North American Cruciferse. By S. Watson and B. L. Robinson. Experiments on the Relation of Hysteresis to Temperature. By Frank A. Laws and Henry E. Warren. Notes on Laboulbeniacege, with Descriptions of New Species. By Roland Thaxter. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 513 Eight hundred and seventieth Meeting. December 12, 1894. The President Id the chair. The President aunouuced the death of Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, Foreign Honorary Member. On the recommendation of the Council, it was Voted, That the use of the Academy's room be granted to the Colonial Society of Massachusetts on the third Wednes- day afternoon of each of the five months December to April, in the same way as during the past year. The meeting was devoted to a commemoration of the late Josiah Parsons Cooke, President of the Academy. ADDRESS OF CHARLES LORING JACKSON. Josiah Parsons Cooke, for forty-one years a Resident Fellow of the Academy, Librarian for eight years, Corresponding Secretary from 1873 till 1892, and President in 1892, 1893, and 1894, was born in Boston on October 12, 1827, and died in Newport on Sep- tember 3, 1894. He was descended from Major Aaron Cooke, who came in 1630 to Dorchester, Massachusetts, from E^ngland, and aftei'ward was one of the founders of Northampton, where he died in 1690. His son, also named Aaron, lived in Hadley, and it was under his protection that the regicides Goffe and Whalley lay in hiding in that town. Noah Cooke, the fifth in descent from Major Aaron Cooke, after serving as a chaplain in the war of the Revolution, moved to New Hampshire, where a son, Josiah Parsons Cooke, the father of the subject of this memoir, was born, in 1787. After a boyhood passed in Keene he graduated from Dartmouth College in 1807, and then established him- self in Boston as a lawyer, where, in 1826, he married Mary Pratt, the eldest daughter of John Pratt, a well known merchant. On October 12, 1827, a son was born, who was named Josiah Parsons Cooke after his father. In 1833 Mrs. Cooke died in Santa Cruz, and her little son, only six years old, and a younger sister, now Mrs. Bennett Hubbard Nash, were left to the devoted care of a faith- ful friend, who did all that was possible to replace the mother whom they had lost. VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 33 514 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Youug Cooke grew up a quiet boy, little given to sports out of doors, especially as early in his boyhood a course of lectures given in Boston by the elder Silliman kindled in him an enthusiasm for chemistry, which continued to blaze till the end of his life, and led him to pass all his spare time, not on the playground, but in a little laboratory which he had fitted up in his father's house. Here he attacked the science by experiment, guided by the bulky volume of Turner's Chemistry, and secured a mastery of the subject which would have been highly creditable with a good instructor, but without a teacher of any sort was most surprising. Yet, while a remarkably able student in chemistry and also in mathematics, he had neither taste nor aptitude for the dead languages, and it was only with much difficulty that he surmounted the barrier of Greek and Latin which guarded the approach to Harvard College. Once fairly in College he distinguished himself in mathematics, but found little instruction in his favorite science. Professor Webster, then near the end of his service, gave the class two or three chemi- cal lectures, which were brought to a sudden end by his show experi- ment called the volcano, — a large heap of sugar and potassic chlorate piled on a slab of soapstone. After he had lighted it with a drop of sulphuric acid, he saved himself by dodging out of the room, and in a very few seconds all the members of the class found themselves obliged to jump out of the windows. Later, Professor Horsford, who had just taken charge of the laboratory of the Lawrence Scientific School, to till the gap gave a voluntary course of lectures on chemis- try, which, however, did not extend beyond three, so that the teaching of chemistry which he received in Harvard College did not percep- tibly add to his knowledge of the science acquired by his own exertions. After his graduation, in 1848, a year was spent in European travel, and on his return, in the autumn of 1849, he was made Tutor in Mathematics at Harvard College; but the absence of all chemical teach- ing in the College soon gave him more congenial occupation, since a few weeks after his appointment he was asked to give instruction in chemistry to the Freshmen, and in the following spring (May 25 1850) was appointed Instructor in Chemistry and Mineralogy, with the following condition, — "he providing at his own charge the con- sumable materials necessary in performing chemical experiments." In this one does not know which to admire more, the liberality of the arrangement or the elegance of the language. The materials to be provided by him need not have been confined to those " consumable," OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 615 however, since the College possessed no apparatus worth mentioning, and his two courses of lectures given in 1850 were illustrated by material brought from the small private laboratory which he had fitted up at home when a boy. At the end of this year it was decided to fill the Erviug Professor- ship of Chemistry and Mineralogy, and the two most prominent candi- dates were Cooke and David A. Wells, the first graduate in chemistry of the Lawrence Scientific School, now so eminent for his work in political economy. The election resulted in the choice of Cooke on December 30, 1850, and he held this position till his death. He was now only twenty-three years old, with barely a year and a half of experience as a teacher, and a knowledge of chemistry the product of his own studies unaided by any systematic instruction. With this meagre outfit he was confronted with problems which would have tasked the abilities of an old, experienced, and fully educated pro- fessor. The chemical teaching in Harvard College had become extinct, he must re-establish it. The College was wedded to methods of teaching excellent for classics and mathematics, but entirely unfit for a subject like chemistry ; he must displace these, and put in their stead better methods, many of which were still to be invented. Finally, he must help to raise science from its position as an unwel- come interloper on the outskirts of the College course to an equality with the humanities intrenched behind centuries of tradition. His first step after his appointment was to obtain leave of absence for the remainder of the College year, which was well spent in Europe buying apparatus and chemicals, mostly at his own expense, accord- ing to an agreement between the Professors of the Medical School ; but he also found time to improve his intellectual equipment by attending the lectures of Regnault and Dumas, whose influence can be traced in his strong leaning to chemical physics, and the care and accuracy of his later work upon atomic weights. Regnault espe- cially inspired him with the warmest affection, as is pleasantly shown by the enthusiastic reverence with which he is invariably mentioned in his book on Chemical Physics. With this work his systematic instruction in chemistry, if it can be called such, began and ended, and it is hard to believe in view of his achievements that it was all crowded into six months, broken by many other necessary occu- pations. On his return from Europe in 1851 he promptly accomplished his first task, the re-establishment of chemical instruction in Harvard College on its old recitation basis ; but it is a high tribute to his 516 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY peneti-ation aud judgment that he recognized from the first the insuffi- ciency of this way of teaching, aud turned eagerly to the laboratory naethod, invented by Liebig not many years before, aud brought to the Laboratory of the Lawrence Scientific School by Horsford, a pupil of Liebig, in 1847. The reason for this, Cooke tells us, was that he had taught himself chemistry by experiment. His second great task, the introduction of this laboratory method, proved no easy one. A begiuning was made even in his first year of service as Erving Professor by fitting up a small laboratory in the north end of the cellar of Uuiversity Hall, under the lecture and apjiaratus rooms assigned to the Chemical Department. Here Storer, Eliot, Dean, just home from Wohler's laboratory, and many others, worked as volunteers, but it took seven years of hard fighting to get this course adopted by the College as anytliing but an extx'a. Meanwhile he was striving to improve the regular courses by introducing into the two weekly recitations Stockhardt's Chemistry as the text-book, since this made a first though crude attempt to follow the experimental method of presenting the subject, and by laying great stress on writ- ing reactions, which, to use his own words, "served its purpose in making the study respected in a literary community ; but it did this at the sacrifice of all that is distinctive and peculiarly valuable in the study of an experimental science." This led to the publication of his first book, in 1857, which was a thin volume called " Chemical Problems and Reactions," an admirable manual of tactics for this recitation drill. Amid this arid desert of recitations the weekly lec- ture was the one green spot, as here experimental demonstrations were not only allowed, but required, and yet these lectures were sur- rounded by difficulties before which most men would have given up in despair. The apparatus which he had brought home from Europe was bought for the Medical School; but, as the College had no chem- ical collection, it was obliged to do double duty, and the frequent transportation from Cambi-idge to Boston and from Boston to Cam- bridge of these bulky and fragile pieces of apparatus used up much time and energy, and must have been a constant strain upon his nerves. His duties at the Medical School, which at first divided his time with the College, were irksome in the extreme. Chemistry was sys- tematically neglected by the students, and the fact that he held no medical degree caused a certain amount of friction with his colleagues, but nothing could damp his youthful enthusiasm, and laboratory courses in qualitative analysis and medical chemistry were established OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 517 by him, although tolerated in the School only as extras. It was at this time that he prepared and delivered a long course of lectures on organic chemistry to satisfy a wholly unintelligent demand on the part of the medical students, to which he alludes later as a monument of useless labor ; but this was not the case, as the familiarity thus gained with a field so different from that which he cultivated in after life had a most excellent effect in broadening his view of the science. It was a great relief to him when, in 1857, he was freed from his duties at the Medical School, the apparatus made its last journey over the bridge, and henceforward he was able to devote his time and energy to the development of the chemical department of Harvard College. But it must not be inferred that during these early years all his attention was given to teaching, as his first scientific paper, that on the Classification of the Elements, dates from this period, since it was published in 1854. It created a marked sensation when, in December, 1853, he presented it to our Academy, to which he had been elected in the previous year. Benjamin Peirce in particular hailed it as a wonderful discovery, and this, as Cooke once told me, had a bad effect on his subsequent work for many years, both by keeping him from many excellent researches because they did not promise far-reaching theoretical results, and by making him try to find such results in all the work that he did. These tendencies unfortunately were not coun- teracted by association with other chemists, for, although he had many scientific acquaintances, he was singularly unwilling to discuss chemi- cal subjects with them, owing, it would seem, to a natural sensitiveness and reticence inherited from his father, and not modified by study in one of the large foreign laboratories, where a man learns among other useful lessons that all scientific men are comrades. It took him twenty years to shake off this habit of mind, and to grow into a better and therefore more prolific mood in reference to research. The year 1858 was a most important epoch in his life, as at this time the proper method of chemical instruction was recognized by the acceptance of the experimental course in qualitative analysis as a regular elective study in the College, and also satisfactory laboratory accommodations were provided by the erection of Boylston Hall. In the ten years that followed no new courses were added, but that already established was perfected, and its success gradually accus- tomed the College authorities to the new method of instruction, and prepared them for the further advance at the end of this period. But although these years from 1858 to 1868 show no striking changes in the curriculum or very important papers, they are rich in literary 518 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY activity. His first large book, the " Elements of Chemical Physics," was published in 1860, an excellent account of this branch of the science as it existed at that day, which ran through three editions, and was still used at Oxford within a very few years. At the very end of this period his second important text-book appeared, the " Chemical Philosophy," published in 1868 (four editions), a won- derfully clear and complete exposition of the modern theories of chemistry. Neither of these books was popular with the students. They could not be, as they obliged their readers to think, and there is no occupation more distasteful to the undergraduate. I can well remember the utter despair which settled upon me when I attacked my first problem in the Chemical Physics. I had never been called upon to think unassisted before, and at first I doubted the possibility of the process. But in this very demand on the thinking powers of the student lay the chief usefulness of these books, and their educa- tional value on this account can hardly be overestimated. Nor would the fact that this work was distasteful have troubled him much, as he often expressed his disapprobation of the sugar-coating now so gener- ally considered essential on educational pills. A book of au entirely different sort came out between the two which I have just mentioned. This was " Religion and Chemistry, or Proofs of God's Plan in the Atmosphere and its Elements" (1864, and a new edition in 1880). It consisted of a course of lectures delivered before the Brooklyn Institute, the Lowell Institute of Boston, and the Mechanics' Association of Lowell, in 1861. In it the argument of natural theology is worked out in great detail from chemical data, and his stores of scientific knowledge are brouEcht to the service of his sincere and earnest piety. In 1860, he married Mary Hinckley Huntington, of Lowell, who survives him. Some years later Oliver W. Huntington and his sister (now Mrs. W. A. Pew, Jr.), a nephew and niece of Mrs. Cooke, became members of his family ; and their presence did much to brighten his life, and gave additional objects for his warm affection. For many years before 1868, the Catalogue had contained the fol- lowing announcement : " Mineralogy is taught to those who desire to learn it by Professor Cooke." This was associated with a similar announcement about Hebrew, and the number who desired either of these incongruous companions was small. Enough however studied mineralogy to prove to Cooke, " somewhat to his own surprise, that, when made solely a subject for object lessons, the study of deter- minative mineralogy was an admirable training of the powers of OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 519 observation, and therefore a disciplinary study of the highest value." Accordingly a certain amount of mineralogy was crowded iuto the single chemical elective, and when, in 1868, a second elective was introduced, this was devoted entirely to that subject, leaving all the time of the original course for qualitative analysis. After this time there was a continual increase in the number of the chemical courses, until, in 1871, the single laboratory of the original building became overcrowded, and new accommodations were secured by adding to Boylston Hall a story, which contained a large laboratory for elementary students. At about the same time the chemical de- partment of the, Lawrence Scientific School was merged in that of the College, and all the chemical material was removed from the Scientific School building to Boylston Hall. Cooke had now essentially accom- plished the three tasks which confronted him when appointed Erving Professor. Chemical teaching was established in the College ; the new methods of instruction had been introduced ; and equal rights for science had been gained after a hard struggle in the Faculty, in which Cooke took a prominent part, and showed rare powers as a debater and a strategist. It only remained for him to gather the fruits of the victory. In 1872 he was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1873 he was made Corresponding Secretary of our Academy, and for twenty years after this he managed our corre- spondence and publications, and to him is due the establishment of an annual volume of the Proceedinsfs. Of the many courses of popular lectures which he gave at this time, one delivered before the Lowell Institute of Boston was em- bodied in a book called " The New Chemistry " (1874), containing a clear popular account of the modern chemical theories, which he had already treated in a more technical way in his Chemical Philosophy. This book had a striking success. It ran through five editions in English in four years, and was translated into nearly all the civilized languages of the globe. It still remains one of the best and most readable statements of the theories of chemistry. In 1876 he Avas elected an Honorary Member of the London Chemical Society, and a few years later a Member of the Royal Institution. One of his principal amusements was photography, in which he attained remarkable skill, and not only did he take excellent photo- graphs himself, but he collected an enormous number of photographic slides, and his frequent exhibitions of these to his friends or his classes 520 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY were most enjoyable, the beauty of the views being enhanced by his vivid descriptions and comments. His own pleasure in these exhibi- tions must have been as great as that of his audiences, since he was never tired of giving them, in spite of the very considerable amount of trouble and labor which they involved. The manifold employments which I have tried to sketch left Cooke little time for original investigation, and this, combined with the too exaggerated conception of the dignity of research wliich he had formed in early life, as I have already said, prevented him from publishing before 1874 very many or very important jjapers, if we except his discoveries of minerals in Rockport. All this time, however, his chemical ability and insight were slowly ripening, and in 1874 the harvest began with his paper on the Vermiculites, which was closely followed by his researches on Antimony and on Oxygen, so that from this time till 1889 his scientific production was continuous and important. This scientific activity did not interfere with his other occupations. During this period the number of chemical electives was increased, new laboratories were fitted up, and the growth of the Mineral Cabinet was incessant. This collection of minerals was an object of such affectionate care to him that no account of his life would be complete without a sketch of its history. Starting in comparative insignificance both in quantity and quality at the time he was made Professor, it grew at first slowly, principally by the collections which he made in vacation excursions, and by occasional purchases, until during one of his earlier journeys to Europe he succeeded in buying the collection of Count Liebener, rich in uncommon minerals from the Tyrol. After this it increased steadily by quiet purchases, often paid for out of his own pocket, until in 1875 it crowded Comparative Anatomy, which originally shared Boylston Hall with Chemistry, into other quarters; but in 1891 Mineralogy in its turn had to yield to Chemis- try, which was left in undisputed possession of the whole building. To provide new quarters for the minerals, a division of the University Museum was built largely through bis exertions, and here the collec- tion was installed, which in the mean time had risen to be one of the first in the world so far as meteorites are concerned by the addition ot the J. Lawrence Smith collection, partly left to the College by its original owner, and partly bought with money raised or subscribed by Professor Cooke. Since then the generous gifts of Mr. J. A. Garland of New York and Dr. W. S. Bigelow of Boston have given the col- lection a similar commanding position in regard to precious stones. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 521 In 1877 he was made an associate editor of the American Journal of Science, and contributed to it then and afterward several excellent reviews of important papers. In 1881 he collected a number of his essays and addresses in an in- teresting little volume entitled " Scientific Culture and other Essays." The address which gives its name to the book, and the two which fol- low, " The Nobility of Knowledge," and " The Elementary Teaching of Physical Science," display the penetrating insight and good judg- ment which he brought to bear on the problems of education ; they are full of wise advice and inspiration. The book also contains appreciative biographical notices of Graham and W. H. Miller, and a paper on the radiometer, dwelling on the scientific principles brought out by this instrument. The careful and enthusiastic study of the radiometer, which led to this article, is exceedingly characteristic of the man. Whenever a striking new discovery was announced, he at once threw himself into the study of it with the greatest ardor. Thus he was probably the first to take calotypes in America, and later became an expert photographer, as I have already said. Shortly after Bunsen and KirchhofF's great invention, he constructed the most powerful spectroscope of that time, inventing many ingenious contriv- ances for making the necessary adjustments ; sevei'al of his papers owe their origin to this work on spectrum analysis, and he was on the point of making a discovery of the first order, the method of seeing the solar prominences in spite of the full glare of the sun, when he was anticipated by two other observers. In the same way he mastered the new science of electrical measurements, procured the necessary apparatus, gave instruction in this subject to voluntary students, and wrote a popular account of its principles. In 1880 his father died, at a great age, and in the following year, after the graduation of his nephew 0. W. Huntington from Harvard College, he went to Europe with his family, and passed the winter in Egypt. This was the last and longest of his many foreign journeys, and was rendered more noteworthy by the fact that on his return to England in the summer of 1882 the University of Cambridge con- ferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. In 1887 he returned to the field of Natural Theology in a course of lectures before the Union Theological Seminary of New York, which was repeated before the Lowell Institute of Boston, and pub- lished in 1888 under the title, " The Credentials of Science the War- rant of Faith." This book, which has passed through two editions, was intended for students of divinity, and the argument therefore is 522 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY more technical than that in " Religion and Chemistry." It consists in proving the thesis " that the inductions of natural theology are as legitimate as the inductions of physical science." The illustrations are drawn from astronomy and physics quite as often as from chemis- try, and the strong metaphysical bent of his mind is very apparent. Like all of his books whicli are not text-books, this one shows that he was a devoted and appreciative student of Tennyson, " in whose verses," he says, " he has discovered a truer appreciation of the diffi- culties which beset " the relation of science and religion " than he has ever found in the philosophy of the schools." In 1889 he received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Harvard University ; and now began the melancholy period when failing health interfered with, though it could not stop, his various activity and wonderful industry. Through it all he was supported by the devoted help and affection of his wife's nephew, 0. W. Huntington, who, as he often said, was in every respect the staff of his old age. A severe functional trouble, which would have thrown most men into retirement, and a serious affection of his eyes resulting in the loss of one of them, were unable to overcome his persistent energy. It is true that he was obliged gradually to abandon his own original work, but he still directed that of a few advanced students, and gave several courses of instruction, including the lectures on general chem- istry, to the whole Freshman Class, a labor which would tax severely the powers of a young and sound man. These lectures had continued, with only occasional breaks of not more than two years at a time, ever since he began teaching chemistry in 1850. In the latter years of his life they ceased to be a systematic course in chemistry, and became rather an inspiring statement of the methods, aims, and needs of the science, thus admirably serving their purpose by awakening an enthusiasm for scientific work among the students in their first year. The attendance on these later lectures was voluntary, and it was astonishing to see the crowd packed in the aisles of the old lecture- room, filling the vacant space before the table, and even extending well out into the entry, often with men standing on the stair-rail, and peering over the heads of those in front. As a college lecturer his style was striking and luminous, and his experiments uniformly successful, in spite of his tremulous hand, which one would have thought must have precluded any delicate manipulations. He has enriched the stock of lecture apparatus with many excellent contriv- ances, notably his arrangement for the projection of spectra, his form of the lecture-table eudiometer, and his vertical lantern. In the OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 523 laboratory his explanations were clear and patient, and be always bore in mind the necessity of making the student think for himself. His students, whether elementary or advanced, regarded him with a warm affection, whicli was well merited by his exceeding kindliness, and his devotion to their interests. In addition to these labors as a teacher he continued to serve as Director of the Laboratory, and even published an eighth book, " Laboratory Practice" (1891), a series of experiments to be used in fitting students for Harvard College, and in the corresponding College elective study, a course which he had founded, and in which he took till the end the strongest interest. In 1892 he was elected President of our Academy, but in spite of a journey to Alaska, which gave him much needed change and recrea- tion, he did not survive long to enjoy this well deserved honor. In the summer of 1894, after a most harassing winter, he went to his country house in Newport, where he had passed the summers for more than twenty years, and as soon as the strain of the term's work was removed broke down almost completely. Nevertheless, he man- aged to make out the European order for laboratory material for the following year in the midst of pitiable weakness, and then slowly, but without pause, faded away, until he died, on September 3, 1894. ADDKESS OF HENRY BAEKER HILL. The scientific work of Professor Cooke began soon after his ap- pointment to the Erving Professorship, and continued throughout his life. At first he seems to have been drawn toward subjects which were more or less intimately connected with mineralogy, his favorite pursuit, but in later years he turned to problems which tax to the utmost the patience and ingenuity of the investigator, and devoted the last half of his scientific life to the determination of atomic weights. Forty one years ago, in December, 1853, he presented to the Academy a preliminary sketch of an investigation into the numerical relation of the atomic weights, and the Memoir uiDon this subject which appeared a few months later is noteworthy in that it was one of the early attempts to classify the elements through their atomic weights. It is, however, to us especially interesting in that it con- tained a discussion of the errors involved in the determination of atomic weights, which in a way foreshadows the investigations which occupied him in after life. The conclusions which he reached in this 524 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY early pai^er Professor Cooke was able to quote thirty years later as the exi3ression of his riper judgment. An investigation upon the alloys of zinc and antimony, which followed soon after, in 1854, proved the existence of two definite crys- talline compounds of the two metals. A subsequent study showed that the crystalline form of these bodies remained constant with a tolerably wide variation in percentage composition. This fact led him at the time to suggest that perturbation of the law of definite propor- tion could be effected by mass, and that these perturbations became serious wherever chemical affinity was weak. Six years later he ap- plied the same course of reasoning to the composition of minerals, and came to the conclusion that the geneial formula in this case was but the typical formula toward which the mineral tended, but which per- haps was never realized with any actual specimen. Twenty-five years afterwards, when Butlerow again discussed the possible variability of the law of definite proportion, Professor Cooke, after referring to his own earlier views upon the subject, wrote that he felt the weight of evidence to be in favor of the atomic theory, and that absolute definiteness of combining proportion which this theory involves. In 1860 appeared the detailed account of the brilliant researches of Kirchhoff and Bunsen upon spectrum analysis ; and with character- istic enthusiasm Professor Cooke was soon absorbed in the study of this new mode of chemical investigation. Several papers appeared upon the construction of spectroscopes, the projection of the spectra of the metals, and upon the aqueous lines of the solar spectrum. While thus engaged in the study of the spectroscope, he found time to make a crystallographic examination of the acid tartrates of caesium and rubidium and of childrenite, and to investigate the dimorphism of arsenic, antimony, and zinc. The results of these investigations were published from time to time in the American Journal of Science. For several successive years he was now engaged in the study of new mineral species. In 1866 he described danalite from Rockport, Massachusetts, and in the following year cryophyllite from the same locality. He also described at this time two analytical processes which had evidently been -^suggested by his work upon these minerals. A few years later appeared a paper upon the vermiculites, in which two new species or varieties, hallite and culsageeite, were described, and this was supplemented in the following year by an account of the in- vestigation, with F. A. Gooch, of two more varieties of the same family. These researches, together with a note upon melanosiderite and a crystallographic study of some American chlorites, were the last of his purely mineralogical contributions. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 625 Before the publication of these papers upon the vermiculites, Professor Cooke had begun the study of antimony, and was able to present to the Academy, in June, 1873, a preliminary notice of some determinations of its atomic weight. So many ditficulties were en- countered, however, that the extended paper upon the subject did not make its appearance until four years later. In 1854 he had expressed the opinion that the accidental errors affecting such determinations could easily be eliminated, while the constant errors were the great eri-ors involved. In 1877 he closes the account of his revision of the atomic weight of antimony with the remark that the investigation from the first had been a study of constant errors. It is not possible to tell briefly the story of the persevering search for these constant errors, — a search involving months of patient labor. I could but re- peat the words with which Professor Cooke has himself described, with painstaking fidelity, the steps which he took in surmounting the successive difficulties. The hardest task, possibly, was to show the constant error which vitiated the results obtained by Dumas twenty years before, — results which had been welluigh universally accepted. The careful study of the compounds of antimony with the halogens, which was a necessary preliminary to the determination of its atomic weight, established many interesting facts, the most important of which, possibly, was the existence of three different crystalline forms of antimonious iodide belonging, respectively, to the monoclinic, ortho- rhombic, and hexagonal systems. The results of the quantitative study of antimonious bromide, confirming the value of the atomic weight of antimony which he had previously established, were given in a paper which appeared a year or two later, and the advantage which could be gained by the simultaneous determination of three atomic ratios was here discussed. The evidence was now complete, and the new atomic weight of antimony was adopted by the whole chemical world. A series of less important papers appeared during the pro- gress of this work upon antimony, describing new methods devised for the work, or discussing details of the processes involved. Among them may be mentioned " A new method for manipulating hydric sulphide," '•' The process of reverse filtering," " Argento antimonious tartrate," and " The solubility of chloride of silver in water." Shortly after the completion of the work upon antimony. Professor Cooke planned an investigation upon the relative values of the atomic weights of oxygen and hydrogen. The necessary exploratory work upon this research was delayed by failing sight and precarious health, so that it was not until the autumn of 1886 that everything was ready 526 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY for the final decisive experiments. During the following winter, with the co-operation of T. W. Richards, numerous determinations were made, in which an accurately weighed quantity of hydrogen was burned, and the weight of water which was formed determined. The experimental difficulties involved were great although they were in kind quite different from those which the work upon antimony pre- sented. These difficulties were at last overcome, and the wonderfully close agreement between sixteen successive determinations, made with hydrogen prepared in three different ways, showed how perfectly all sources of accidental error had been eliminated. One source of constant error had been overlooked, however, which affected not only these determinations but all the results which had ever been obtained by the classic method of Regnault. Agamennone, and afterward Lord Rayleigh, discovered that the volume of a glass vessel was sensibly diminished when the air within it wa;^ exhausted, so that the tare of the globe in which the hydrogen had been weighed had been incorrectly determined on account of the diminished volume of the air displaced. The amount of this error could easily be deter- mined, and in a second paper the necessary small correction was ap- plied. In order to avoid this change of volume, he devised an ingen- ious method for determining the tare of the globe without exhausting it ; and this method was the subject of his last communication to the Academy, in June, 1889. As an investigator Professor Cooke was clear in thought, perse- vering amid difficulties, fertile in expedients, impatient of dogma, and to the end he retained the keen curiosity and enthusiasm of his earlier days. ADDKESS OF AUGUSTUS LOWELL. Tt is always interesting to trace the impulse which had determined a man's life work. It is peculiarly so to me in the case of Professor Cooke, because he himself was wont to attribute it in a large measure to the impression made upon him as a boy by the lectures of Professor Silliman, before the Lowell Institute. These lectures opened a new horizon. He was intensely interested, repeating the experiments he had witnessed with such imperfect appliances as he was able to pro- cure, and from that moment there was no hesitation as to his future. His life was to be devoted to the study of Chemistry. There was nothing in his birth or surroundings to indicate such a career. His father was a successful lawyer ; his maternal ancestors OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 527 devoted to commerce. The pursuit of Science for its own sake was little understood or appreciated. There was no adequate teaching, and those of us who can remember the lectures in Holden Chapel will realize what must have been the difficulties of a young beginner. When the College lost its Professor of Chemistry, it was not easy to fill the position. The same necessity which had called a young Divinity student to the Professorship of Physics, placed an untried youth in the chair of Chemistry. The choice was justified, however, by the result. To a keen mind and power of analysis Cooke added a gift of lan- guage and clearness of statement which made him a natural lecturer. It was said of him that he recalled the manner of Faraday ; and whether he was explaining the mysteries of Science, describing the recently discovered Pharaohs, or treating of the higher issues of religious thought, the same ciiarm marked his discourse. With uncer- tain muscles which often seemed to imperil the success of an experi- ment, there was no hesitancy in thought or utterance. All was clear, logical, and convincing. I never had the opportunity of hearing him at Cambridge, but I have often listened to his public lectures, and can bear witness that few lecturers held the attention of their audiences more completely than he, or gave more pleasure. Professor Cooke did not confine himself to one subject of thought. He was many-sided. His religious lectures were marked by the same cogency of reasoning, purity of style, and apt illustration as any of his scientific discourses. Professor Cooke lectured eight times before the Lowell Institute, and I cannot better indicate the breadth of his studies than by enumer- ating the subjects of these lectures. In 1855 and 185G he lectured on "The Chemistry of the Non- metallic Elements." In 1860 and 1861, on "The Chemistry of the Atmosphere as illus- trating the Wisdom, Power, and Goodness of God." In 1864 and 1865, on "The Sunbeam, its Nature and Power." In 1868 and 1869, on "Electricity." In 1872 and 1873, on "The New Chemistry." In 1878 and 1879, on " Crystals, and their Optical Relations." In 1887 and 1888, on ''The necessary Limitation of Scientific Thought." In 1892 and 1893, on " Photographic Sketches of Egypt." This last course recalled his travels and embodied the study and reflections of a cultivated mind amidst the monuments of that wonder- 528 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ful country. To it he brought the same patient investigation and broad generalization which marked his work elsewhere, and his treat- ment of it before his audience was generous, persuasive, and attractive. One word I may be permitted in regard to his personal qualities. Professor Cooke was eminently simple, truthful, and earnest, kindly and affectionate. Possibly my connection with the Institute, which had done so much to determine his career and before which he had so often appeared, may have influenced his feeling, but to me he was always a kind friend, for whose attainments I had the highest respect, and whose pure, honest, confiding nature was always attractive and inspiring. ADDRESS OF FRANCIS HUMPHREYS STORER. I HAVE heard Professor Cooke say jokingly, but with a tinge of honest pride, that he was a '• self-made chemist." The remark was true in one sense, for beside listening as a boy to a few popular lec- tures by the elder Silliman, and following for a brief period some of the public lectures of Dumas and other Parisians, he never had any definite, stated instruction in Chemistry. To the best of my knowl- edge and belief, he never worked for an hour in any other laboratory than his own. Many of the most familiar details of analytical manip- ulation he learned from his assistants while teaching them and his classes what Chemistry really is. It was from books and from his own inner consciousness that chemical knowledge came to him. Yet, thanks to native ability, to an excellent academic training, to inherited wealth, a clear head and a tenacious will, he came at last to stand in the fore-front of American chemists, and to command the attention of the fraternity in every land. Even as a manipulator, he became expert; in spite of a constitutional tremulousness, which, in his youth at least, had placed him at a great disadvantage. Like tlie surgeon with his knife, in the story, he had so mastered his trembling hand, that the thing held in it should shake assuredly into the right place. But, although it is fair enough to say that as a chemist Cooke was self-taught, no such statement would be true of him as a scholar. There can, I think, be no question that a great part of the strength of the man depended upon a scholarship distinctly superior to that of most contemporaneous chemists. In point of fact, Professor Cooke was very carefully trained at College, where he came under the influence of many eminent men. Thanks to the teachings of Benja- OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 529 min Peirce and Joseph Lovering, he became accomplished in the mathematics and in physics. Doctor Beck taught him Latin enough for his purposes. Felton and Sophocles strove with him as to Greek, and with Doctor Walker his relations were peculiarly intimate. He long continued to look up to President Walker as to a counsellor and guide. In the matter of rhetoric, he had the inestimable advantage of Professor Chauning's drill. He was in contact also, to a certain extent, with such teachers as Asa Gray, Jeffries Wyman, and Long- fellow. . Incidentally, he obtained a good working knowledge of French and German. It was by his mathematical studies more particularly that Cooke acquired that habit of thinking clearly and reasoning closely which distinguished him through life. To his academic training I attribute also much of that power of stating his thoughts clearly and forcibly, which made him one of the best teachers of his time. No matter what objection a purely literary person may be moved to urge against the use of the word " scholarship " as here applied, or what criticisms may occur to any one as to the style or manner of the man, it will still remain true that Professor Cooke's knowledge was ample and assured. In many respects it was profound ! His reasoning was always cogent and his language plain. I remember well the very favorable impression made by an address which he delivered at the opening of the Harvard Medical School? immediately after his appointment to a chair at that institution. There had been murmurings in the land that one so young and so inexperienced should have received the appointment. But they were silenced then and there, absolutely and forever. There is, indeed, a certain note of distinction in many of Cooke's writiuiTS, such as is all too rare in scientific literature. Several of his memoirs might well be set before the laboratory student as models of clear presentation of a subject, in the same sense that, at an earlier time, we turned for such illustration to the writings of Gay-Lussac and Thenard, of Dumas, Boussingault, and Berzelius. On looking beyond this immediate locality or centre, it will be seen that there have been thus far, here in America, four great chemical teachers ; the elder Silliman, Hare at Philadelphia, Draper in New York, and Cooke at Cambridge ; and of these four Cooke undoubt- edly deserves to be placed first and foremost, in view of the fact that working and teaching chemists, trained by him, are scattered through- out the land. Were it not for this circumstance, it might perhaps justly be claimed that Draper's name should take precedence, because VOL. XXX. (n. S. XXII.) 34 530 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of the great influeuce he exerted duriug many years as a lecturer, a writer, and an investigator. After all has been said, however, as to talent innate, power inherited, or wisdom acquired, it must still be remembered of our lamented President that he ranked higher than most men, because of the indis- putable fact, that occasionally — at not infrequent times and seasons — his mind was illumined by divine sparks and flashes of genius. ADDRESS OF CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT. Last spring an inquirer into the Department of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University would have found a building called Boylston Hall, one hundred and twenty feet by seventy, and three stories in height, completely occupied with the laboratories, store- rooms, and lecture-rooms for Chemistry, and a large section of the University Museum devoted to mineralogical collections and labor- atories. Turning to the College Catalogue he would have found a series of elective courses in Chemistry, beginning with General Chem- istry and Elementary Mineralogy, and rising through Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, Organic Chemistry, Crystallography and the Physics of Crystals, Chemical Physics, and the Philosophy of Chemistry, to original investigation in various branches of both Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. Last year there were three hun- dred and fifteen choices of these courses made by graduate and under- graduate students ; so that this number of places had to be provided in the laboratories of the department. The inquirer would also have seen large illustrative collections of apparatus, chemicals, and min- erals, — and particularly the mineral collection would have struck him as extensive, well selected, and valuable. He would have found as teachers in the department three full professors, three instructors, and eight assistants. This elaborate and well equipped department of instruction has grown up in the course of forty-four years under the direction. of one man, Josiah Parsons Cooke. I shall endeavor to show in some detail the strenuous, persevering, and well-directed labor by which Professor Cooke developed this admirable instrument of instruction and research. I might simply say in eleven words, — Professor Cooke created the Chemical and Mineralogical Department of Harvard University; but I should like to put before you some faint picture of the intelligence, energy, persistence, and enthusiasm which went into the accomplishment of that task. Mr. Cooke took the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1848, but when he was an under- OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 531 graduate at Harvard no Chemistry was taught there. I have often heard him say that he got his best guidance and iucitement towards chemical study from the lectures of Professor Benjamin Silliman, the elder, before the Lowell Institute, in the early days of that invalu- able institution. Although he had never received any systematic instruction in either Chemistry or Mineralogy, Mr. Cooke had ac- quired a considerable knowledge of the elements of both these subjects by 1849, and what is more, he had determined to be a teacher and a man of science. On the 3d of July, 1849, he was appointed Tutor in Mathematics in Harvard College, at the usual salary of |G45 a year. Such an appointment seems almost incredible to the present genera- tion, for he cannot be said to have received any professional training in Mathematics. In his view it merely offered an entrance into the Faculty of Harvard College. On the 24th of November following, " Mr. Tutor Cooke was ap- pointed (by the Corporation) to teach Chemistry to the Freshman Class next term. For this service, and for the apparatus and mate- rials he may use, Mr. Cooke shall be paid $225." Such was the vote of the Corporation. The edge of the wedge was very thin ; but it made a sufficient entrance. At the same meeting the Corporation voted, " As instruction in Chemistry for the undergraduates is no longer to be required of the Erving Professor (J. W. Webster), Voted,lLha.t for the rest of his services his salary be $1,000." Pro- fessor Webster's salary from the College (he was Professor also in the Medical School) had previously been |1,200. The Corporation had therefore taken $200 from his salary and given it to Mr. Cooke. It was an extraordinary coincidence that on the day before this ominous vote was passed Dr. Webster had killed Dr. Parkman ; and on the 30th of November he was arrested for the crime. . . . During the ensuing term Mr. Cooke gave lectures to the Freshman Class, and held recitations ; and then and there I, for one, first learned what Chemistry was about, and what was the scientific method in observing and reasoning. On the 25th of May, 1850, the Corporation voted, "That Mr. Tutor Cooke, for the ensuing academic year, teach Mathematics to the Freshman Class, and Chemistry to the Sophomore and Freshman Classes, and Mineralogy to the Seniors, and that his salary shall be $1,000, he providing at his own charge the consumable materials necessary in performing chemical experiments." The frugality and prudence of the Corporation appear in these money votes. They had no idea of taking any great risk on the cost of illustrative materials ; 532 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY but Mr. Cooke was fortunately indifferent on that subject. He had resources which enabled him to provide all necessary furniture, appar- atus, and materials ; and he used these resources with liberal good sense. He got possession in this first year of the lower northern lec- ture room in University Hall, and of a room about twenty by twenty- five feet in area in the northwestern corner of the basement of the same hall. There he fitted up the only chemical laboratory on the premises of Harvard College. There was already a good laboratory across Kirkland Street, in the new building of the Lawrence Scientific School ; but with that the College had nothing to do. There was neither gas nor running water in University Hall, and Mr. Cooke's nearest neighbor on the adjoining corner of the basement was a baker's oven, where considerable batches of bread were baked every morning and every evening, and yeast was sold every afternoon. A pump in the cellar yielded water for both bakery and laboratory, and within fifty feet of the pump was a privy which served for the whole College. On the 10th of July, 1850, Professor Webster's resignation was accepted. The young tutor had completed his plans for the ensuing year ; but, for some reason which cannot now be determined, he pro- cured a vote of the Corporation to settle one part of his plan. On the 31st of August, 1850, the President and Fellows voted, "That Stockhardt's Principles of Chemistry be adopted as a text-book, in the College." I know of no other instance within the last fifty years in which the President and Fellows have passed a vote concerning the adoption of a text-book. On the 30th of December, 1850, Mr. Cooke was elected Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, at the age of twenty-three. He had already demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Corporation that he was an efficient and prudent manager in business details, an interesting lecturer, and a zealous and singleminded College official. His salary was fixed at $1,200, " he paying all the expenses of his lectures, excepting that of fuel in Cambridge, the salary to commence on the first of March next." Again, a frugal arrangement which did not in the least discourage the youthful professor. The vote describing his duties is an interesting one, for it illustrates the extraordinary expectation which it was then held reasonable to entertain concerning the teaching capacities of a youth of twenty- three : — " Voted, that he shall reside in Cambridge, and be a member of the College Faculty, and that he shall give the lectures in the Medi- cal College in Boston, and all the instruction required in Chemistry, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 533 Mineralogy, and Geology to the undergraduates, and perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned him by the Cor- poration not inconsistent with the duties of the office." Professor Cooke immediately resigned his Tutorship in Mathemat- ics. He had now obtained the firm position from which he proposed to carry on the long campaign for the introduction of Chemistry and Mineralogy into the teaching of Harvard College. He held a per- manent professorship ; he was a member of the College Faculty, which - his predecessor had never been, and he had established a small chemical laboratory in the middle of the College Yard. He prevailed on the Faculty to announce Chemistry for Freshmen in the second term of the year 1850-51, and Chemistry for Sophomores in the first term of the year 1851-52; also lectures on Mineralogy to Seniors in the first term of 1851-52. The introduction of these new subjects into a prescribed curriculum, which was already overloaded, is a subject for wonder and admiration. The present generation of teachers finds it hard enough to get new elective courses announced ; but Professor Cooke successfully invaded a prescribed course in which the traditional subjects had long been securely intrenched. In the second story of Harvard Hall was a large, miscellaneous, and unassorted collection of minerals and fossils, with some curiosities, which had been accumulating for years, but had received little care. Within a few months of his appointment as professor, Mr. Cooke made a survey of this inchoate collection. His knowledge of minerals was mathematical and physical rather than chemical, and he had no considerable experience in recognizing and determining them. He did not feel competent, without assistance, to sort the collection, and decide what to keep and what to throw away. He feared lest, through ignorance, he might reject valuable specimens ; yet the sort- ing of the collection was obviously the first thing to be done. Under these circumstances he did a conscientious and coura2;eous thing which, in my judgment, very few persons in his situation would have done. He employed Professor Benjamin Silliman, Jr., of Yale College, to sort the collection, and advise him what to keep and what to throw away. Professor Silliman performed this task with prormptness and discretion, and the specimens then selected for preservation, — which naturally represented in the main the commoner species — constituted the skeleton, as it were, of the rich and ample collection of to-day. Out of this intercourse between Professor Silliman and Professor Cooke there grew a life-long friendship. The collection remained in Harvard Hall for eight years, being enlarged every year by Professor Cooke's constant activity in buying and collecting. 534 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The Corporation soon found that it was difficult to resist the fre- quent demands of the young Professor. On the 25th of January, 1851, they granted "$200 to Professor Cooke for purchasing chemical apparatus for the laboratory at Cambridge for the use of the undergraduates." Observe the phrase, " the laboratory at Cambridge." It was still that little room in the basement of University Hall. Oq November 8th, 1851, by vote of the Corporation, Professor Cooke was " made a member of the Faculty of the Scientific School to teach Mineralogy to such students as may desire his instruction." His membershijj of the Scientific Faculty was always for Professor Cooke rather a security against the invasion of his precincts, than a means of prosecuting any aggressive campaign on his own part. For ten years there stood a notice in the Catalogue under the head of the Lawrence Scientific School to the effect that Professor Cooke would receive students in Mineralogy at his laboratory during the second term. Then for ten years more an enlarged notice under the same head invited scientific students to attend the course in Crystallography and Mineralogy which he was really providing for College students. In 1871-72, when the Scientific School was reorganized, all special men- tion of these opportunities was withdrawn. The- very next month — that is, in December, 1851 — the Cor- poration received a communication from the Serving Professor, " respecting the accommodation at present afforded for the chemi- cal apparatus of the College." This communication was referred to President Sparks and Dr. Walker, two firm friends of Pro- fessor Cooke. The result was that he got possession of a room on the first floor of University Hall adjoining his lecture-room ; and this room he immediately fitted up at his own expense with counters and other conveniences. He also got rid of the baker and occupied his quarters. On the 31st of January, 1852, the " Treasurer was authorized to discharge the account of Professor Cooke for apparatus in Chemistry and Geology procured by him in Europe for a sum not exceeding $150, in addition to the appropria- tion heretofore made for that purpose." In the following month they voted " that the Treasurer be authorized to expend a sum not exceed- ing $120, for the fitting up of the Eumford apparatus room." This was the room of which Professor Cooke had just got possession. In the mean time Professor Cooke had persuaded the Faculty to permit him to give lectures on Mineralogy to Juniors in the second term, and a course of lectures on Chemistry to Sophomores in the first term, — these in addition to the recitations in Stockhardt's Chemistry in the OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 535 second term for Freshmen, and in the first term for Sophomores. This was no inconsiderable amount of teaching for an inexperienced young man who had on his hands also the giving of a course ot lec- tures at the Medical School in Boston, from the 1st of November to the 1st of March. At the building in North Grove Street, where he found plenty of space, and very little else, Professor Cooke fitted up ail excellent laboratory for lecture purposes and for research. The Medical Class was turbulent, and always contained a considerable proportion of rough, uneducated young men ; but the young professor made his lectures so interesting by carefully prepared experiments, that he rarely had trouble with his boisterous auditors. To the methods and policy of the Medical Faculty, on the other hand, he soon began to manifest a dislike, which before long became acute. On the 26th of June, 18.'>2, the President and Fellows passed a vote making " an annual grant of $200, half for minerals and half for chemical apparatus, to be disbursed under the direc- tion of the Erving Professor, who will account for the same at the end of each academic year." That vote remains in force to this day ; but the annual grant has risen from $200 a year to $800. It gave Professor Cooke something on which he could depend every year for the increase of apparatus and of the mineral collection. In the following November, the Treasurer of the College laid be- fore the Corporation " a catalogue of the Rumford and other appara- tus belonging to the College, in charge of the Erving Professor of Chemistry, which had been examined and verified by him and found to be in good order." In less than two years Professor Cooke es- tablished his reputation with the Corporation as a trustworthy custo- dian of apparatus and other College property. This reputation stood him in good stead throuo-hout his career. He had also secured labo- ratories both in Cambridge and Boston, procured considerable quanti- ties of fittings and apparatus, and pushed his subjects into the prescribed curriculum of the College. Let us turn now to consider what he did next in the Faculty. In 1852-53, he introduced a course of lectures on Chemistry, twice a week, for Seniors in the second term. He had already got access to the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. In the following year he gave up the Freshman Chemistry in the second term, in order to occupy both terms of the Sophomore year. The Senior lectures on Mineralogy disappeared, but instead, notice was given that Mineralogy is taught to those who desire to learn it by Professor Cooke. Con- sidering that not a particle of Chemistry was taught to undergradu- 536 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ates, in 1850, he had certainly obtained a good position for his sub- jects in the College course by 1853. At the beginning of the medical term in the autumn of 1853, he was ready to receive a small number of medical students into his Boston laboratory, to pur- sue the subject of qualitative analysis, and James C. White, subse- quently adjunct Professor of Chemistiy in the Medical School, was a member of this first class. It is believed that this was the begin- ning in the United States of laboratory instruction in Chemistry for medical students. On the 23d of May, 1855, comes the first application of a method which Professor Cooke afterward used often. The Corporation voted, " That $500 be appropriated to supply deficiencies in the cabinet of minerals, to be expended under the direction ' of Professor Cooke, provided that the additional sum of $500 be raised by private subscription for the same purpose." Nearly a year later Professor Cooke informs the Corporation that $1470 (subsequently increased to $1720) have been contributed by persons whose names are sub- joined for the increase of the mineral cabinet, and he thereupon pro- poses that he have leave of absence for the summer term of 1857 to make purchases in Europe. In every summer vacation, and in some of the long winter vacations of that period. Professor Cooke travelled in search of minerals ; and for a period of six years I frequently ac- companied him. I was the first student whom he admitted to the lit- tle laboratory in the basement of University Hall, and Professor Frank H. Storer and I were his first assistants, both at the Cambridge laboratory and at the laboratory in the Medical School. I therefore have a vivid recollection of the humbleness of the beginnings of both the Chemical and the Mineralogical departments ; of the elementary quality of the instruction given ; and of the great disadvantages under which all the instruction was given, without any possibility of offering laboratory practice to the students, except as a favor which could be granted only to very few ; but I also have a clear vision of the indom- itable industry, perseverance, and mental activity of the young Pro- fessor. He threw himself body and soul into his work, and wanted neither recreation nor leisure, neither ease nor pleasure, but only work which would tell for the advancement of his department and the satisfaction of iiis worthy ambitions. Early in 1856, he begau to revolve plans for building a Chemical Laboratory at Cambridge ; but a suggestion made to him by Mr. John Eliot Thayer turned his attention to the Boylston Fund (then amounting to nearly $23,000), which was held by the Corporation OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 537 for the purpose of ultimately building an Anatomical Museum and Chemical Laboratory. This fund was to accumulate until it reached the sum of ^35,000 ; but Mr. Thayer suggested that the fund be tilled up by private subscription and the building contemplated by Mr. Boylston be at once erected. Accordingly, on the 30th of August, 1856, we find this entry in the records of the President and Fellows : " A letter from Professor Cooke having been read, the President, Treasurer, and Dr. Hayward were appointed a Committee to confer with Professors Wyman and Cooke on the subject of an Anatomical Museum and Chemical Laboratory." This project being made known abroad, a storm arose in the Medical Faculty, who feared the com- petition of the proposed Cambridge establishment. On the loth of September following " a memorial from the Medical Faculty on the subject of certain proposed subscriptions was read and referred to the same Committee to which the letter of Professor Cooke was referred at the last meeting of this Board." At a meeting of the President and Fellows on September 27th, " on application of Mr. Cooke, Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, voted, that the Erving Professor be released from the duty of delivering lectures at the Medical College in Boston." There- upon Professor Cooke caused all the excellent fixtures and furniture which he had provided in the building on North Grove Street to be torn out, and removed with all his apparatus to Cambridge. This vigorous procedure occurred shortly before the opening of the medi- cal course of lectures, and threatened grave inconvenience to the Medical Faculty. At the same time, Professor Morrill Wyman resigned as a member of the Medical Faculty, because he was charged with disloyalty to the Medical Faculty in promoting the building of Boylston Hall. Altogether, the conflict waxed so warm, that Pro- fessor Cooke proposed an adjustment, which was carried into effect. By his advice I gave the first half of the course of chemical lectures at the Medical School, and Professor Cooke lent me, as his friend, all the apparatus and supplies necessary for the purpose. This sud- den and unexpected disturbance led to two good results. It freed Professor Cooke from distracting and uncongenial labors at the Medical College ; and it caused the appointment of a separate Pro- fessor of Chemistry for the Medical School, the first incumbent of that professorship being the excellent Dr. John Bacon, who began his labors in January, 1857. Thereafter, Professor Cooke was entirely free to devote himself to the interests of his departments at Cambridge. VOL. XXX. (n. 8. XXII.) 37 538 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY In 1856 — the year now under consideration — Professor Cooke obtained from the College Faculty a really extraordinary concession for the ensuing academic year. He succeeded in introducing into the Junior year a required course on Molecular Physics, the text-book being the first volume of Graham's Elements of Chemistry. When one remembers that the traditional subjects filled well the jirescribed curriculum, it is a marvel that a wholly new subject should have been inserted into the Junior year. Two years later the text-book for Molecular Physics became Cooke's Chemical Physics, — a work which showed the natural leaning of his mind to Physics rather than to Chemistry, and which also showed what importance he attached to exactness and thorough drill in undergraduate work. The book was intended to be used with numerous problems of an arithmetical or algebraic sort. The same year which saw the introduction of the Chemical Physics, namely, 1858-59, saw also an additional chemical elective for Juniors, — in the first term, Crystallography, and in the second term Analytical Chemistry and Dana's Mineralogy, — but in the meantime Boylston Hall had been built. I must turn back for a moment to the year 1856. On the 25th of October, 1856, the Corporation voted, " That the President, Dr. Hay ward, and Mr. Lowell, be a Committee to consider and report upon a plan and location for a building for the Anatomical Museum and Chemical Laboratory," and three months later it was voted " That the Committee on the new Anatomical Museum and Labora- tory be authorized to make contracts for the erection of the same whenever the subscriptions for the increase of the Boylston Fund shall amount to $17,000." At the same meeting, "it appearing to this Board that in the new distribution of studies for the present year the proportion assigned to the Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy has been largely increased, so that the work now required of him equals the average of what is required of the other Professors, therefore, Voted^ That the salary of the Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy be raised to $2,200, until further order of this Board." This vote, passed only seven years after the election of Mr. Cooke as Erving Professor, established him on terms of perfect equality with the Professors of the traditional subjects in Harvard College ; and he was now only thirty years of age. By the 31st of January, 1857, the necessary supplement to th*e Boylston Fund had been raised and the contract made for the erection of the building. On the 20th of May following. Professor Cooke reported to the Corporation on the inception and completion of this OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 639 undertaking. The sum raised was $14,000. Thereupon it was voted, " That the Corporation avail themselves of this opportunity to express their sense of the efficiency and public spirit of Professor Cooke in obtaining the above mentioned subscriptions, and of his devotion to science and to his own department of instruction in the University, as manifested in his willingness to commence this movement, and in the unwearied efforts by which he has brought it to a successful issue." Long before the building was finished, — namely, on the 29th of Au