h^(rJt>/t'^<^^ PROCEEDINGS AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. PROCEEDINGS AMERICAN ACADEMY ARTS AND SCIENCES. NEW SERIES. Vol. XXIII. WHOLE SERIES. Vol. XXXI. FROM MAY, 1895, TO MAY, 1896. SELECTED FROM THE RECORDS. BOSTON: UNIVERSITY PRESS: JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1896. <(i'* 2> li'l 0 CONTENTS. Page I. On the Composition of the Ohio and Canadian Sulphur Petroleums. By Charles F. Mabery 1 II. On the Occlusion of Baric Chloride by Baric Sulphate. By Theodore William Richards and Harry George Parker 67 III. On the C upriammonium Double Salts. Third Paper. By Theodore William Richards and George Oenslager 78 IV. ' On the Cuprianiline Acetobromides. By Theodore William Richards and Frederic Charles Moulton ... 87 "V. The Chemical Potential of the Metals. By Wilder D. Bancroft 96 VI. On the Behavior of Certain Derivatives of Benzol containing Halogens. By C. Loring Jackson and Sidney Calvert 123 VII. Bromine Derivatives of Metaphenylene Diamine. By C. Loring Jackson and Sidney Calvert 136 VIII. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Zinc. First Paper: The Analysis of Zincic Bromide. By Theodore William Richards and Elliot Folger Rogers 158 IX. Note on the Automorphic Linear Transformation of a Bilinear Form. By Henry Taber 181 X. Thermo-electric Interpolation Formulce. By Silas W. Holman 193 XI. Melting Points of A luminum, Silver, Gold, Copper, and Platinum. By S. W. Holman, with R. R. Lawrence and L. Barr 218 VI CONTENTS. Page XII. Pyrometry : Calibration of the Le Chatelier Thermo-electric Pyrometer. By Silas W. Holman 234 XIII. Calorimetry : Methods of Cooling Correction. By Silas W. IIOLMAN 245 XIV. On some Points in the Development of JEcidia. By Herbert Maule Richards 255 XV. On the Thermal Conductivity of Mild Steel. By Edwin H. Hall 271 XVI. The Outline of Cape Cod. By William Morris Davis . 303 XVII. Preliminary Notes on the Embryology of the Starfish {Aste- rias pallida'). By Seitaro Goto 333 XVIII. On the Group of Real Linear Transformations ichose Invariant is an Alternate Bilinear Form. By Henry Taber . . 336 Proceedings 339 Biographical Notices: — Richard Manning Hodges 355 Harold Whiting 356 Edward Samuel Ritchie 359 Martin Brimmer 360 Henry Wheatland 363 James Edward Oliver 367 Viscount Ferdinand de Lesseps 370 List of the Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members . . 385 Statutes and Standing Votes . 393 Index *^'^ PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMEHICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. VOL. XXXI. PAPERS READ BEFORE THE ACADEMY, Aid in the work desoribed in this Paper was given by the Academy from the C. M. Warren Fond for Chemical Research. I. CONTRIBUTION FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE. XX. — ON THE COMPOSITION OF THE OHIO AND CANADIAN SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. By Charles F. Mabery. Presented October 10, 1894. Notwithstanding the great number of investigations that have been undertaken on petroleums from different countries, our knowl- edge of their composition, especially of the portions with high boiling points, is still incomplete. What is known concerning American petroleums is based chiefly on the results of investigations which were carried on thirty years ago, before the discovery of several series of organic compounds, since shown to be contained in certain petroleums. With these facts in view, and having found in the study of the sulphur compounds from Ohio and Canadian petroleums that these oils are in certain respects peculiar in their composition, I have undertaken a comprehensive examination of them with reference to the different series of products which they may be found to contain. The study of Ohio petroleum seemed especially inviting on account of its origin in the Trenton limestone, a new horizon for a prolific oil supply, and its associations with animal remains in the oldest geological forraa- VOL. XXXI. (n. s. xxiii.) 1 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. rions of the contiuent. A similar interest attaches to the Cana- dian petroleum from the Coruiferous limestone, which has yielded since 18G2 enormous quantities of oil within the limited areas, less than thirty square miles, at Petrolia and Oil Springs. From the in- formation already acquired concerning the nature of the sulphur petro- leums, they seem to possess, beside their distinctive characteristics due to sulphur constituents, qualities of other petroleums which differ essentially in their composition. In the earlier attempts to ascertain the constituents of petroleum, the methods then employed for fractional distillation were so inade- quate that very little was accomplished. In 1862 the first systematic examination of American petroleum was undertaken by Pelouze and Cahours, * who showed the presence of the series of hydrocarbons C„H2„_i_2? beginning with butane. On account of a want of suitable apparatus for fractional distillation, their results lacked precision, and the questionable assumption was based upon them that jDetroleura is composed principally, including the heavier oils and paraffine, of the homologues of marsh gas. In accordance with the suggestion of Watts, these bodies were called the paraffine hydrocarbons, and as such they have since been known in chemical literature. Having obtained from coal oil a series of hydrocarbons corresponding to cer- tain members of the series discovered by Pelouze and Cahours, Schor- lemmer f submitted the more volatile portions of American petroleum to distillation, and succeeded in separating hydrocarbons that had not been recognized by Pelouze and Cahours. In a more thorough and carefully conducted examination of Pennsylvania petroleum, carried on contemporaneously with the investigations of the chemists mentioned above, by means of an efficient fractional condenser devised especially for this and other similar investigations, C. M. Warren t avoided the errors of other experimenters and established beyond question the presence in Pennsylvania oil of two series of hydrocarbons, each with an homologous difference in boiling points for CHo of 30°, and each member of one series differing in boiling point from the isomeric member of the other series by a little less than 8°. One of the series C„H2„ + 2 identified by Warrren terminates at 127°. 6, the other at 150°, the fractions of higher boiling points containing members of the series C„H2„. The assumption of Pelouze and Cahours that the frac- * Comptes Rendus, LIV. 1241, LVI. 505, LVII. 62. t Journ. Chem. Soc, 1862, p. 419. { Mem. Amer. Acad. (N. S.), IX. 135; Proc. Amer. Acad., XXVII. 56. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 3 tions with higher boiling points have the composition represented by the general formula C„H2„ + 2 was shown to be erroneous by the results of Warren, which excluded members of this series above 151°. The presence of aromatic hydrocai'bons in American petroleum was first recognized by Schorlemraer in 1865. Pelouze and Cahours had previously stated that American petroleum contained no aromatic hydrocarbons, but Schorleramer collected a distillate from Canadian petroleum below 150°, and upon treating it with nitric acid and reduc- ing with tin and hydrochloric acid, after distillation he obtained an oil with an odor of aniline that gave, with bleaching powder, the rosani- line reaction. The portion distilling between 150° and 170° gave a mixture of solid and liquid nitro-products, and the solid portion proved to be trinitrocumol. Benzol and its homologues were also found by Schorlemmer in Pennsylvania petroleum, in Galician petroleum by Freund* and others, and in Hanover petroleum by Bussenius and Einstuck.f In Galician petroleum Pawlewski$ found two per cent of aromatic hydrocarbons, chiefly benzol and paraxylol, the latter never having previously been recognized in any petroleum. In the fraction 170°-190° from American kerosene, Engler § discovered pseudocumol and mesitylene by the formation of nitro-com pounds, and calculating the weight of crude oil corresponding to the weight of kerosene taken, it was estimated that these constituents are contained in crude Penn- sylvania oil to the extent of 0. 2 per cent. These hydrocarbons were also found in German, Galician, Italian, and Russian petroleum, in the latter to the extent of 0.1 per cent. According to the results of Beil- stein and KurbatoflT, || the petroleum of the Central Caucasus has an essentially different composition from that of the deposits on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Oil obtained from the region of Zarskige Kolodzy, in the precinct of Tiflis in the Central Caucasus, proved to contain small amounts of benzol and toluol, but to consist jirincipally, like the Pennsylvania petroleum, of the series C^,H2„+2. Pentane, hexane, and heptane were identified. The oil from Baku on the coast contains the series C„H2„ + 2 in smaller quantity, and Beilstein and KurbatofF found no trace of the aromatic hydrocarbons C„H2„_s, but the principal constituents are members of the series C„H2„. * Ann Chem. Pharm., CXV. 19. t Ibid., CXIIL 151. t Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., 1885, p. 1915. § Ibid., 1885, p. 2234. II Ibid., 1880, p. 1818 ; 1881, p. 1620. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In Pennsylvania petroleum, Beilstein and Kuibatoff* recognized hexahydroisoxylol. In the fraction 95°-100° the same chemists de- tected the presence of a body containing less hydrogen than is required for the series C„H2„+2. Crude American heptane, when treated with nitric acid, gave a nitro-product corresponding to the formula C7H15NO2. Nearly coincident with the researches of Beilstein and Kurbatoff, Schutzenberger and Jonine f identified, in the petroleum of Baku, hexahydrobenzol and hexahydrotoluol. In their classic researches on the composition of the Caucasus petroleum, Markownikoif and Ogloblin f showed the presence, in the oil from Baku, of benzol, toluol, isoxylol, pseudocumol, mesitylene, isodurol, durol, and higher hydrocarbons of the composition C11H14, C12II14, C11H12, and C13H14, and others, possibly homologues of styrol and phenylacetylene. Contrary to the experience of others, Markownikoff and Ogloblin found the naphtha from the Balachani plain on the Apscheron peninsula very rich in aromatic hydrocarbons ; in the oil from the Central Caucasus, naphtenes were found to the extent of 80 per cent, and the aromatic hydrocarbons C„H2„_6 to the extent of 10 per cent. At first Markownikoff looked upon the naphtenes as isomeric with the hexahydro compounds, but later Markownikoff and Spady § appear to accept the identity of octonaph- tene and hexahydroisoxylol. || As members of the naphtene series C„H2„, Markownikoff and Ogloblin identified hexahydromesitylene and the higher homologues between CgHig and C15H30. In petro- leum from Boryslaw in Galicia, beside benzol, toluol, isoxylol, and mesitylene, Lachowicz 1[ found of the hexahydro series only hexa- hydroisoxylol. The presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons C,,!!,,, in American petroleum was not mentioned in the early publications of Pelouze and Cahours, nor were they referred to by Schorlemmer. Warren ** separated from Pennsylvania petroleum, rutylene, C10H20, boiling point 174°. 9, margarylene, C11H22, boiling point 195°. 8, and laurylene, * Eer. der deutsch. cliem. Gesellsch., 1880, p. 2028. t Comptes Rendus, XCI. 823. t Ann. Chim. Phys., [6 ], II. 372. § Ber. der deutstch. chem. Gesellsch., 1887, p. 1850. II In the Berichte, No. 7, April, 1895, recently received, the synthesis of 1-3- dimetliyl hexametliylen, CeHjo(CH3), is described by Zellnsky, and it is shown to be identical with the octonaphtene of Markownikoff, or he.xahydroisoxylol. 1 Ann. Chem Pharm., CCXX. 187. ** These Proceedings, XXVII. 56. Communicated May 12, 1868. MABKEIY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 5 C12H24, boiling point 216'^. 2. In an examination of a hydrocarbon naphtlia obtained as a product of the destructive distillation of a lime soap prepared from menhaden oil, Warren and Storer* discovered the series C„H2„ + o, beginning with C5H12, members of the aromatic series including benzol, toluol, xylol, and isocumol, and a series of the general formula C„H2„ as follows : rutylene, CiqH^o, margarylene, C11H20, laurylene, C12II04, identical with the hydrocarbons previously separated by Warren from Pennsylvania petroleum. Warren and Storer also submitted Rangoon petroleum to prolonged distillation, and they succeeded in proving the presence in this oil of rutvlene, margarylene, laurylene, cocinylene, and naphthalene. As early as 1842, Pelletier and Walther separated a hydrocarbon from the " steinol " of Amiano boiling at 80°-88°, to which they assigned the formula C7H14. A similar product with the properties of heptylene was obtained by Mabery and Smith t as one of the products in the sulphuric acid extract from the refining of Ohio burning oil distillate. More recently Engler J subjected menhaden oil to distillation under a pressure of ten atmospheres, and from the distillates thus obtained hydrocarbons were separated which proved to be identical with those contained in natural petroleum. These products included the light constituents of gasoline, the hydrocarbons of which burning oil is composed, the heavy oils, and paraffine. Engler, therefore, believes in the origin of petroleum from the decomposition of animal remains. The hydrocarbons distilling above 160°, referred by Pelouze and Cahours to the series C,jH2,j + 2 D^ay really be naphtenes or similar bodies. In most petroleums more recently examined, it is believed that the unsaturated hydrocarbons are not present in the crude oil, but when found in the products of distillation have resulted from decom- position. Beilstein and Kurbatoff stated that the se<"ies C^Ha^i ^^ the Caucasus petroleum does not consist of the homologues of ethylene. In the lower fractions of Galician oil, Lachowicz obtained no reaction with bromine even after long standing. Above 200° the ready absorp- tion of bromine indicated the presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons ; but it was attributed to decomposition. On the other hand, Engler § found that petroleums from Alsace (Pechelbronn), Oelheim (Hanover), * Mem. Amer. Acad. (N. S.), IX. 177. t These Proceedings, XXV. 222. I Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch;, 1888, p. 1816. § Zeit. Ang. Chem., 1888, p. 73. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Tegernsee, Pennsylvania, Galicia, and Baku contain members of the series C„H2„4.2 and C„H2,„ both unsaturated hydrocarbons and naph- tenes. Engler asserts that all petroleums have the same composition, differing only in the proportions of their constituents. Markownikoff and Oglobliu * suggest the presence of unsaturated aromatic hydrocar- bons in the oil from Baku. Most analyses of crude petroleum have fallen short of 100 per cent, and the deficiency has been attributed to the presence of oxygen. In ascertaining the composition of oils from different districts, St. Claire Devillef showed that the percentage of oxygen varies between 2.1 per cent in the Canadian petroleum and 5.6 per cent in the oil from Zante. In 1874 Hell and Medinger t attempted to separate acids from crude petroleum by agitating it with a solution of sodic hydrate and precipi- tating with sulphuric acid. The oil which separated was distilled and converted into a methyl ether. By saponification of this ether an acid was obtained to which was assigned provisionally the formula C11H20O2. From the sodic hydrate solution used in the refining of Baku oil, by the addition of sulphuric acid, Aschan § separated a mix- ture of acids, and, taking advantage of a difference in solubility of their salts, he obtained one acid, C8H14O0, distilling at 237°-239°, and another, CgHieOg, that distilled at 251° -253°. The first acid, called by Aschan octonaphtenecarboxylic acid, by distillation with hydri- odic acid, was converted into hexahydroisoxylol. The oxygen compounds in petroleum were considered by Zalo- ziecki || to be lacto-alcohols which are oxidized to acids by contact with air. By the same method which was followed by Heil and Medinger, and Aschan, Zaloziecki obtained an acid, CioHigOa, to which he gave the formula, CHo. /CHo. CH-(CHo)4-CH ^CHOH, CHs-^ \ O / and to the hydrocarbon obtained by distillation with hydriodic acid he gave the formula, C[I-(CH.,)4-CH II * Ber. der deutsdi. cliem. Gesellsch., 1883, p. 1873. t Comptes Rerulus. LXVI. 442 ; LXVIII. 485. } Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., 1874, p. 1216. § Ibid., 1890, p. 867 ; 1891, pp. 1864,2710; 1892, p. 3661. II Ibid., 1891, pp. 796, 1808. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 7 Engler looks upon these acids as formed by oxidation of other con- stituents of the crude oil. According to the results of Markownikoff and Ogloblin,* the fraction 7o°-8o° from Caucasus oil contains 0.76 per cent of oxj^gen com[)Ounds, and the fraction 220°— 230°, 5.21 per cent. These oxygen compounds are in part acid, in part neutral, and in part phenol. The acids CioHiaCOOH and CnHjiCOOH were ob- tained as colorless oils ; f Markownikoff and Ogloblin regarded these substances as naphtene carboxylic acids. Most petroleums have been shown by analysis to contain nitrogen, usually in minute quantities. In distillates from Pennsylvania oil, Beilby t found 0.U8 per cent in the residuum or tar, and 0.375 per cent in the coke. Since the tar was one tenth of the crude oil, the latter contained 0.008 per cent of nitrogen. In crude Russian oil Beilby found 0.05 per cent. Peckham § found in West Virginia oil 0.54 per cent, in Mecca oil, 0.23 per cent, and in California oil, 0.56-1.1 per cent of nitrogen. In Egyptian oil, Kast and Kunkler || reported 0.3 per cent of nitrogen, 1.21 per cent of sulphur, and 0.92 per cent of oxygen. Weller IT detected certain alkaloid bases in paraffine oil, and Bandrowski** described a thick, transparent liquid solidifying at 20°, ■which he obtained by agitating Galician oil during several weeks with sulphuric acid. This substance gave a platinum salt containing 19.7 per cent of platinum. Upon neutralizing a sulphuric extract obtained in refining with calcic hydrate and distilling with steam, Zalozieckift obtained an oil containing nitrogen that formed a platosochloride whose percentage composition corresponded with that of tetrahydro- corridine (CloHigNCOaPtCIa, or to the formula (doHaiNCOoPtClg ; another insoluble platoso compound was shown by analysis to have the composition represented either by the formula (CioHi5NCl)2PtCl2 or (CioHi.NCO^PtCl^. Several hydrocarbons have been described as occurring in the less volatile portions of American petroleum. Hemilian :i:| obtained from the high boiling fractions "petrocene," a crystalline body melting * Ann. Cliim. Phys., [6.], II. 372. t Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., 1883, p. 1873. t Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1891, p. 120. § Geological Survey of California, Appendix to Vol. XL., p. 89. II Chem. Centralb., 1890, p. 932. 1 Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch , 1887, p. 2097. ** Monatsheft fur Chem., VIII. 224. tt Ibid., XIII. 498. Jt Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., 1876, p. 1604. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. above 300°. To this substance was assigned the formula C32TI22- Prunier and David * stated that they had obtained evidence of the I^resence in refinery residues of anthracene, chrysene, pyrene, phenan- tiirene, chrysogene, retene, benzerythrene, fluoanthrene, parachrysene, paraanthracene, an isomeric acenaphtylene, besides different parafilnes and stilbene. In the " petrocene " and " carbopetrocene " prepared from the tarry residue of petroleum, Prunier and David identified compounds, the former melting at 1G0°-190°, the latter at 200°-238°, and also thallene melting at 110°. They attributed the green fluo- rescence in petroleum to the presence of chinones. Inasmuch as these products were obtained from the distillation of tar in coking, evidently no inference is permissible concerning their presence in the crude oil. From " petrocene," Sadtler and McCarter f separated two hydrocar- bons, one of which melted at 280° and the other at 178°. From these hydrocarbons the chinones were prepared, and from one an alizarine. In undertaking an examination of the Ohio and Canadian sulphur oils with the advantage of former experience in studying the sulphur constituents, it was evidently necessary to conduct the distillations with all possible precautions to avoid decomposition. The tendency of the sulphur oils to decomposition by heat is due as much at least to the action of air on the hot oil as to the increased temperature. Markownikoff and Ogloblin attributed the decomposition in the dis- tillation of the Russian oil to polymerization of the unsaturated com- pounds, and perhaps also to the polymerization of certain aromatic compounds, such as phenylacetylerie, and they found that coloration of distillates on standing was less marked when the oxygen compounds had been removed. This tendency towards polymerization in unsatu- rated hydrocarbons separated from sulphuric acid solutions was ob- served by me, t and it will receive further attention. It was there- fore deemed advisable to carry on all distillations from the crude oils, instead of relying upon refinery products, except only the most vola- tile distillates, and the advantage gained has been apparent in subsid- iary distillations of refinery oils which had been subjected to the decomposition incident to refinery distillation. Longer time is then necessary for separations, and the odor of decomposition is retained indefinitely during subsequent distillations. Certain constituents of the sulphur petroleums are even more unstable than the suljjhides, as * Bull. Soc. Chim., [2.], XXXI. 158. t Amer. Chem. Jouru., 1879, p. 30. t Ibid., 1893, p. 92. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 9 shown by the rapid coloration of the oils when distilled, even after removal of the sulphides by mercuric chloride. Nevertheless, in the separation of coi^stituents requiring larger quantities of distillates than can conveniently be collected in vacuo, since only porcelain or earthen ware stills are admissible on account of the decomposition in metallic stills, it may be necessary to depend to a limited extent upon refinery distillates. After the first distillation of the crude oils in vacuo, distillation of the portion collected below 150° was continued under atmospheric pressure, since it occasioned no appreciable decomposition. Under the diminished pressure some loss of the constituents with low boiling points could not be avoided ; but this was not important, since refinery distillates could be utilized for the separation of the volatile hydrocar- bons. Distillation of considerable quantities of oil in vacuo presented certain difficulties. Neither glass nor metallic stills were suitable, and no American earthen ware stills could be procured that would support a vacuum on account of porosity from imperfect moulding and glazing. Some of the English earthen ware has supported a vacuum, but the ideal stills for such work, or for any distillations in large quantities, when metals cannot be employed, are those manufactured in the Royal Berlin Porcelain Factory. We have had a three-gallon porce- lain still and several others of smaller capacity in operation almost continuously during several months with apparently no deterioration. When these stills are enclosed within a brick chamber, the tempera- ture of distillation may, without difficulty, be carried above 350° by means of large laboratory burners. Another serious obstacle imme- diately presented itself in the porosity of common corks, which alone could be used for connections. After much labor it was found that tight joints could be secured by means of a rubber lute made by dis- solving gum rubber in very light gasoline. Thin films of this lute drawn by the inward pressure into the joints and imperfections in the corks, after several applications, formed sufficiently close connections. Any other than the lightest gasoline as a solvent leaves a sticky film that is unpleasant to manipulate. An important feature in prolonged fractional distillations in vacuo is a simple and convenient means for maintaining, without too close attention, a constant tension within the still. Air must not come in contact with the hot oil or vapor, and it would require too large quan- tities of an inert gas. An expedient suggested itself in the fact that occasionally small leaks held the manometer column stationary at what- ever height it happened to stand. It therefore seemed possible to 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. graduate leaks apart from the still in such a manner that the tension could be held constant for some time at any desired point. The accompanying figure represents the form of regulator that has been used in all our distillations of large as well as small quantities of oils, together with the complete apparatus in the form for use. The regulator consists simply of a glass stopcock, A, better of considerable size, attached to the manometer by means of a side tube. To regu- late closely the inflow of air an arm three to five feet in length, according to the working of the stopcock, is attached firmly to the head of the cock, and supported in a manner easily movable within very small divisions on the arc of a circle of which it is the radius. To enable the operator to make adjustments while standing in front of the manometer, a piece of lead is attached as a weight to the upper end of the lever, and a cord is carried over a pulley, B, and terminates in a ring in front of transverse rows of pins a few millimeters apart. For economy of space the pulley is placed lower in the figure than its actual position. The upper part of the lever consists of two strips of wood, with a space between, through which passes a rigid copper wire as a support and guide. With the lever in a vertical position, the MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 11 stopcock is fully open ; any adjustment is easily obtained, and the manometer may be held stationary witliin one millimeter at any desired point during several hours. In the distillation of small quantities of liquids requiring constant attention, we have used a piece of glass tube forty-five to sixty milli- meters long, attached to the side stopcock, with a sliding support near the end. In vacuum distillations on a large scale it is more convenient to refer to the entire length of the manometer column, since at any time leaks may occur that are indicated only on the lower portion of the graduated scale. Wiih a short manometer column alone, much time may be lost in waiting for an exhaustion that is interfered with by leaks. In heating the still, direct contact with the flame was prevented by maintaining an air space above the burner by means of a sheet of asbestos. With such application of heat equally on the sides and bot- tom, there was less danger of decomposition at high temperatures. All but the highest distillates were collected in a Warren hot con- denser containing a glass worm. With this condenser vacuum distilla- tions are easily controlled, and, as in distillations under atmospheric pressure, with a great economy in time. Continuous distillation is possible without losing the vacuum, by drawing in consecutive frac- tions through the rear tubulure of the retort. The two receivers shown in the figure are convenient, and some additional advantage would be gained by means of an independent vacuum connection with the lower receiver. Several supports are not represented in the figure. Much time and tedious labor were expended on this apparatus before all the difficulties were overcome ; but the compensation was ample, since by means of it we have been able to separate in con- siderable quantities constituents of high boiling points without decom- position, which otherwise would have been impossible. As an evidence of its usefulness, during several months continuous distillations were in progress, in charge of assistants, with highly satisfactory results. Distillates were collected at intervals of 10°, 5°, and 2°. The depres- sion in boiling points by the diminished pressure in vacuum distillation varies between 60° and 65° for the lower constituents, and 125° or more for those collected between 300° and 350°. The residue above 350° (450°-500° atmospheric pressure) in both Ohio and Canada oils had apparently undergone but little decomposition ; in appearance, it was a thick, ready flowing oil, with scarcely any odor. A portion of the residual oil above 350° in vacuo was redistilled in an ordinary boiling flask, and the temperatures of the vapor and of 12 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the liquid were read on a Mahlke 550° thermometer. The oil began to distil with much decomposition at 385° in the vapor, and 415° in the ]i(|uid. One half distilled with the temperature in the liquid below 430'^. Doubtless the temperatures of distillation were much reduced by the decomposition. Since we liave found that dis- tillations below 250° may be carried on successfully without serious decomposition in an atmosphere of carbonic dioxide, when we return to the distillation of the higher constituents this method may be serviceable. Ohio Petroleum. In the study of Ohio petroleum I have been aided by Mr. E. J. Hudson.* Besides the publications from this Laboratory on the sulphur compounds f and those of Orton, t I am aware of no published state- ments concerning the composition of Ohio sulphur petroleum. The crude oil which formed the basis of our work was received from the Peerless Refining Company, Findlay, which controls a large sec- tion of oil territory. When received, it was of a somewhat thicker consistency than ordinary Pennsylvania oil, with a slight odor of hydric sulphide that is usually observed in crude sulphur oils. It con- tained a small quantity of water, which was removed completely only after long standing with fused calcic chloride. In determining the specific gravity of Ohio sulphur petroleums, oils were collected from wells at different points in the Findlay and Lima fields. The deter- minations were made at 20°. Findlay Field. Specific Grayity. (1) Barnsville 0.8272 (2) Heilstone Oil Co., Well No. 2, Hancock County 0.8296 (3) Ohio Oil Co., Wood County 0.8194 (4) Langmade Well, No. 4, Portage, Hancock County 0.8149 (5) Peerless Refining Co., Well No. 2, Liberty, Han- cock County 0.8278 (6) Peerless Refining Co., Well No. 5, Baltimore, Wood County, 0.8239 * A part of this work formed the subject of a tliesis by Mr. Hudson for the degree of Bachelor of Science t These Proceedings, XXV. '218; Amer. Chem. .Journ., XVI. 83. t Ohio State Geological Reports, 1880, 1888, 1890 ; U. S. Geological Report, 1886-87. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 13 Lima Field. The following specimens of crude oil, tions of the Lima and Findlay fields, were Company, with a history of each well : — representing different por- received from the Ohio Oil Township. County. Drilled. Sand. Oil. Depth. Production after shot. Production at present. (1) St. Mary's Auglaize May, 1892 ft. 1132 ft. 1147 ft. 1166 Daily. 100 bbls. Daily. 5 bbls. (2) Liberty Hancock Aug., 1893 1250 1273 1286 75 " 10 " (3) Montgomery Wood Oct., 1892 1192 1197 1242 25 " 5 " w Woodville Sandusky July, 1892 1180 1195 1205 125 " 10 " (5) Nottingham Wells, Ind. April, 1895 990 1004 1044 165 " 75 " (6) Liberty Wood Sept., 1894 1152 1172 1227 125 " 30 " (7) Lima Allen (1) (2) (3) (4) Sp. gr. 0.8288 0.8345 0.8265 0.8254 (5) (6) (7) 0.8244 0.8428 0.851 There is evidently an appreciable variation in the composition and properties of the oils from different points in the Ohio field. Marked differences occur in the specific gravity as well as in the percentages of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. The oil that was employed in this examination was somewhat heavier, with a specific gravity 0.8380. These results show an ap- preciable variation even in different portions of the same field. A similar variation in specific gravity has been observed in other fields : — Alsace (Pechelbronn), depth 146 feet (Engler) u (' ii 213 " " Oelheim (Hanover) " Tagernsee " Pennsylvania " u a Galicia ♦' Baku *' Ohio (Mabery) Specific Gravity. 0.906 0.885 0.889 0.815 0.8185 0.801 0.8235 0.859 0.810 0.838 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Specific Gravity. Ohio (MarkowiiikofF and Ogloblin) 0.887 Baku (Apscheron) " " " 0.855-0.885 Galicia " « " 0.835-0.895 American Petroleum (Petrolitz) 0.830 (Weil) 0.827 Canada (Markownikoff and Ogloblin) 0.828 " " "■ " 0.844 Alsace (Pechelbronn) « " " 0,668 The value 0.887 assigned by Markownikoff to Ohio oil is much higher than has elsewhere been given. It must have been obtained in an oil from another Ohio field, perhaps from the Mecca district. The values given by Markownikoff for Canada oil must refer to a product from the Oil Springs district, although the number 0.828 is lower than is usually found even in that oil. The numbers given by Redwood are 0.844-0.854 for Oil Springs oil, and 0.859-0.877 for Petrolia oil. In Oil Springs oil we found 0.8427-0.8389 (gas oil), 0.8442, and in Petrolia oil, 0.8553, 0.8621, 0.8800. In ascertaining the quantity of sulphur by combustion in air in the crude oil from which distillates were prepared for examination, the following results were obtained: (1) 0.73 per cent, (2) 0.72 per cent, (3) 0.72 per cent. In oils previously examined the percentage of sul- phur has not been above 0.60 per cent. Sulphur was also determined in the oils collected in the Findlay and Lima districts in the order of the numbers given above: — Findlay. Lima and Findlay. Findlay Lima and Findlay. (1) 0.33 0.61 (5) 0.68 0.56 (2) 0.63 0.71 (6) 0.61 0.76 (3) 0.56 0.37 iV 0.81 (4) 0.68 0.49 In Apscheron oil, Markownikoff and Ogloblin* obtained 0.064 per cent, and 0.16 per cent in Trans-Caspian oil. The percentages of carbon and hydrogen in the oil from which dis- tillates were obtained were found by combustion in air with a layer of plumbic peroxide in front to retain the sulphur f: carbon, 84.57; hydrogen, 13.62. In other samples from Findlay and Lima carbon and hydrogen were also determined : — * Ann. Cliem. Phys., [6.], II. 393. t Warren, These Proceedings, VI. 472. c. II. (1) 85.76 13.56 (2) 85.82 13.80 (3) 84.33 13.46 (4) 84.35 13.36 (5) 84.20 13.41 (6) 84.18 14.60 (7) MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 15 Findlay. Lima and Findlay. C. II. 84.73 13.48 84.03 13.05 83.89 13.18 84.55 13.55 83.41 13.13 85.07 13.33 85.00 13.05 The percentages of carbon and hydrogen that have been found in analyses of oils from other deposits are given in the following table : — 0. II. 0. Apscheron (MarkownikofF and Ogloblin) 86.65 13.35 " " " " 87.01 13.22 " " " « « 86.89 13.18 Trans-Caspian (Markownikoff and Ogloblin) 86.75 12.19 Egyptian (Kast and Kunkler) * 85.85 11.72 Pechelbronn (Sainte-Claire Deville) t 85.7 12.00 2.3 Galicia (Sainte-Claire Deville) t 82.2 12.10 5.7 Rangoon (Sainte-Claire Deville) t 83.8 12.7 3.5 The following values represent the percentages of carbon and hydro- gen in crude petroleum from other American oil fields : — W. Virginia, Scioto Well (Peckhara) J "VV. Virginia Cumberland Well (Peckham) J California oil (Peckham) J Mecca oil (Peckhara) J Canada, Manitoulin (Deville) f Canada, Petrolia (Deville) t Canada West (Deville) f Ohio oil (Deville) t Pennsylvania oil (Deville) f Pennsylvania oil (Deville) f * Chem. Centralb., 1890, p. 932. t Comptes Rendus, LXVIII. 485. t Geological Survey of California, Vol. XI., Appendix, p. 39. 0. H. 0. 86.62 12.93 13.38 11.82 86.32 13.07 83.00 14.6 2.4 84.5 13.5 2.0 79.4 14.1 6.5 84.2 13.1 2.7 83.4 14.7 1.9 84.19 13.7 1.4 16 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In the crude oil used in this examination, and in the other specimens described above, nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method, and several closely concordant results were obtained by combustion vrith soda lime; the former gave 0.11 per cent, and the other oils the following percentages : — Findlay. Lima and Findlay. (1) 0.26 per cent 0.068 (2) (a) 0.023, {b) 0.023 per cent 0.047 (3) 0.21 per cent 0.054 (4) 0.13 " 0.049 (5) 0.35 " 0.060 (6) 0.08 " 0.056 (7) 0.024 The presence of nitrogen in Ohio and Canadian petroleum will re- ceive further attention at the close of this paper in some observations on the origin of petroleum. The bromine absorption in the crude oils was determined by the method described in Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis. A weighed quantity of the oil was allowed to stand in the dark with a slight excess of bromine dissolved in dry carbonic disulphide, and the portion not absorbed was titrated with standard solutions of sodic hyposulphite and iodine. The strength of the bromine solution was ascertained by parallel titrations. Approximately one per cent of hydrobromic acid is evolved in these determinations in crude oils. Findlay. Lima and Findlay. Findlay. Lima and Findlay. (1) 11.29 8.74 (5) 13.07 10.93 (2) 14.62 9.31 (6) 11.32 12.31 (3) 10.55 11.49 (7) 12.06 (4) 14.89 12.30 A comparison of the bromine absorption of the sulphur oils with that of oils from other sources indicates that bromine absorption is in- dependent of sulphur compounds, and a distinctive property of petro- leums in general. The following determinations were made: — Chinese petroleum 10.90 per cent Italian petroleum 7.10 '• Macksburg, O., petroleum 9.74 " Berea Grit, 0., petroleum 10.71 " California petroleum 9.88 " MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 17 The quantities of bromine absorbed by distillates from the crude sulphur oil were also determined : — Fraction. Percentage of Bromine absorbed. 110°-150° 0.73 150°-220° 1.74 220°-257° 4.84 257°-300° 5.04 300°-330° 12.10 Residue 19.50 Throughout this investigation some reliance has been placed on the absorptive capacity for bromine of crude oils and distillates obtained from them as indicating a certain unsaturated condition. While it should be borne in mind that a considerable proportion of the bromine absorption is due to the sulphur constituents, there is besides a large absorption in the crude oils and in the residues of distillation above 350^ by other constituents. There is much yet to be learned concern- ing the decompositions in distillations at high temperatures, which are indicated by the greatly increased bromine absorption, and the study of the higher boiling portions will be greatly facilitated by the aid of the Mahlke thermometers for observing temperatures below 550°. The characteristic qualities of Ohio oil appear also in the propor- tions that distil at different temperatures ; 800 grams of the crude oil collected in the following proportions beginning at 110° : — llOMoO^ 150^-220^ 220°-257° 257°-3003 300^-350^ Residue. Grams 76 133 86 76 69 348 Per cent 9.75 16.63 10.75 9.75 8.63 43.5 Sp. Gr. at 20° 0.7282 0.7669 0.7940 0.8138 0.8242 0.8976 Per cent sulphur 0.10 0.38 0.41 0.37 0.37 0.54 The distillates below 225° were colorless, and no odors resulting from decomposition were observed. Above this point color appeared in the distillates, with the odor of decomposition, which became more marked with increasing temperatures. Above 275° the heavier paraffine oils began to distil. In refinery distillation of Ohio petro- leum it is therefore evident that cracking begins in the vicinity of 250°. No doubt crude sulphur petroleums undergo decomposition spontaneously to some extent, since upon standing they always con- tain hydric sulphide. We find that certain unstable constituents separated from the crude oils gradually become darker in color, with other indications of chemical change. At the beginning of the distil- VOL. XXXI. (n. S. XXIII.) 2 18 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. lation hydric sulphide came oflf in considerable quantities, but after the first fraction very little appeared in the succeeding distillates below the point where decomposition began. On account of the viscous character of the Ohio and Canadian petro- leums, and the large proportion of heavy oils, temperatures indicated by the thermometer in the vapor of the distillates should he higher than the corresponding temperatures of the oil. To ascertain this difference, crude Findlay oil was distilled, and the temperatures of the distillates and of the oil were noted with the following results : — Thermometer in the Oil. Thermometer in the Vapor. Difference, o o o 167 120 47 180 140 40 203 160 43 221 180 41 238 200 38 259 220 39 282 240 42 301 260 41 318 280 38 341 300 41 Except in the first reading the average difference in temperature is about 40°. Determinations of sulphur in the crude oil and in the distillates obtained from it, showed that considerable sulphur was lost during distillation. In order to obtain definite information concerning the quantity lost, 100 grams of the crude oil were distilled under atmos- pheric pressure, and attached to the receiver were flasks containing a solution of sodic hydrate for the purpose of absorbing any hydric sulphide that escaped. In front of the flask containing hydric sul- phide there was connected another flask, which contained alcohol, with a delivery tube in front to absorb volatile products that might result from decomposition. The oil was fractioned to 300°, collecting be- tween 115° and 250°, and between 250° and 300°, and the hydric sulphide was determined after oxidation with bromine by precipita- tion with baric chloride. The percentage of sulphur in the several fractions was also determined. As usual in distillation of the sulphur petroleums, a slight sublimate of sulphur was observed in the neck of the condenser. Upon diluting the alcohol it became slightly turbid, which indicated probably some volatilization of sulphur constituents. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 19 The alkaline solution of the sulphur from the distillate 115°-250'^ gave 0.1135 gram of baric sulphate, corresponding to 0.015G gram of sulphur. From the alkaline solution of the sulphur absorbed from the fraction 250°-300°, 0.694G gram of baric sulphate was obtained, cor- responding to 0.0958 gram of sulphur. A determination of sulphur in the distillate 115°-250° gave 0.55 percent; in the distillate 250*^- 300°, 0.51 per cent; and in the residue above 300°, 0.60 per cent. Since the weight of the distillate collected at 115°-250° was 20.55 grams, the weight at 250°-300°, 5.1 grams, and the weight of the residue above 300°, 74.35 grams, the total weight of sulphur accounted for in these determinations was 0.7166 gram, leaving 0.27 gram which must have escaped in ways not determined. In comparing the quantities of the distillates from Ohio oil, and their specific gravities, with those obtained by MarkownikofFand Oglo- blin * in the Apcheron oil with a specific gravity at 17° of 0.882, and those given by Bolley from Pennsylvania petroleum with a specific gravity of 0.816, it is evident that the properties of Ohio petroleum place it between the Caucasus and Pennsylvania oils. The Caucasus oil began to distil at 120° in the vajDor, and 180° in the liquid. Apscheron. Pennsylvania. Onio. o Parts in 100. . Sp. Gr. Parts in 100 . Sp. Gr. o Parts in 100 . Sp. Gr. 120-150 0.5 0.786 19.70 110-150 9.75 0.7282 150-200 10.9 0.824 8.85 0.757 150-220 16.63 0.7669 200-250 12.8 0.861 15.23 0.788 220-257 10.75 0.7940 250-320 24.7 20.7 0.809 257-300 9.75 0.8138 47.9 300-350 8.63 55,51 0.8242 Total 64.48 Residue 53.1 35.52 43.00 While the temperatures at which the Ohio oil was collected are slightly different from the others, they are sufficiently close for com- parison. Kramer f has compared the quantities of distillates obtained from crude petroleum of other fields : — Sp. Gr. -150^ 150^-250° 250°-300'^ Residue. Tagernsee 0.812 20.04 26.12 14.00 35.91 Pennsylvania 0.814 14.34 25.35 13.75 40.99 Baku 0.880 0.63 12.73 15.55 37.95 Oelheim 0.885 0.74 11.05 9.75 75.71 Alsace 0.888 1.3 16.37 17.07 47.88 * Ber. flor deutscli. cliem. Gesellsch , 1883, p. 1873. t Chem. Centralb., 1887, p. 290. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Taubes Barludu* distilled 1115 c.c. of crude Roumanian petroleum from the deposits on the south slope of the Carpathians, which are probably connected with the Galician oil zone, with the following results: — Q c.c. Per cent by Volume. 30-125 150 13.5 125-225 385 35.5 225-280 IfiO 14.3 280-315 98 8.1 In an examination of Burmese petroleum, Romanis f obtained an oil from Yay-nan-Chaung with a specific gravity of 0.8590, which solidified at 24°. An oil from Arracan with a specific gravity of 0.825 at 32° contained considerable benzol and other aromatic hydro- carbons; upon distillation, the following results were obtained: — Per cent. Distilled with Steam. 70-90 3.1 o Per cent. 90-100 7.6 —100 23.3 100-130 10.6 100-110 33.0 130-200 18.7 110-130 29.3 200-300 18.7 Residue 13.3 (heavy oil) + 300 12.5 98.9 Oil in residue 8.0 Paraffine 3.1 Loss 17.7 100.00 Markownikoff and Ogloblin examined the ash of Caucasus petro- leum by igniting the residue of distillation. They found 0.09 per cent of ash calculated for the original quantity of crude oil, and it consisted chiefly of the oxides of calcium, iron, and aluminum. Traces of cop- per and silver were also found. We have determined by combus- tion in oxygen the percentages of carbon and hydrogen in coke from the refinery residue of the distillation of Ohio petroleum ; the per cent of carbon was 95.06, and that of hydrogen 4.85. A determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method gave 0.31 per cent. The quantity of ash in the coke was determined by burning off the carbon, and the weight of ash thus obtained corresponded to 0.11 per cent of the coke burned. In attempting to estimate the percentage of ash in the crude * Zeit. Ang. Chem., 1889, p. 606. t Cliem. News, LIX. 292. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 21 oil from the amount found in the coke, there is some uncertainty as to the quantity of oil corresponding to the coke. In some oils the pro- portion of residue is estimated as ten per cent of the crude oil. It depends also upon the method followed by the refiner. Sometimes the first distillation of the crude oil is pushed to the point of com- plete decomposition, and the tar distillate is again distilled until it is coked. It is well known that earthy matter frequently remains for some time in suspension in the crude oil after it is taken from the wells. On this account, if the oil was distilled before the suspended material had subsided, the ash would not represent what had been in solution in the oil. But the oil is usually allowed to stand some time before distillation, and that the coke we examined was practically free from suspended matter is evident from the low percentage of ash, and corresponding results with Canadian oil where the ash was determined in a tar distillate and in coke from crude oil ; the percentages of ash from the two sources were not very different.* In Findlay oil, in which our determination was made, the proportion of still residue is doubtless somewhat smaller than that mentioned above, probably between ten and five per cent. The corresponding percentage of ash iu the crude oil would, therefore, be not far from 0.005 per cent, an amount considerably less than MarkownikofF and Oglobliu found iu Russian oil. An analysis of the ash showed that it was composed chiefly of lime and magnesia, and the ({uantity of magnesia is at least equal to that of the lime. Traces of iron and aluminum were found, the iron possibly having been dissolved from the £,till. It is therefore evident that the crude oil has exerted an appreciable solvent action on the limestone reservoir, dissolving both constituents of the dolomitic rock. It is maintained by some chemists that all petroleums contain the same series of compounds iu different proportions, and that the differ- ence in properties depends upon a variation in the quantities of the constituents. In a general sense, with respect to the principal series of hydrocarbons this is, doubtless true; yet there is such a wide difference in the properties of oils like those from Pennsylvania and the Caucasus that they are characteristic of substances quite unlike. The Caucasus petroleum is wholly, or nearly, wanting in the series C„H2,i^_2. and the Pennsylvania oil evidently contains the series C„H2„ in much smaller proportion than the Russian oil. The presence of the higher members of the latter series in the Pennsyl- * Determination of Ash in Canadian Petroleum, page 51. 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. vania oil has yet to be ascertained. It is conceivable that the differ- ence in the composition of petroleums is due to the different influences to which they have been exposed. Perhaps greater porosity of the reservoir or cover where oils exist under pressure has permitted an escape from certain oils of the more volatile constituents, especially of the series C^Ho^ + o. If this should be demonstrated by more extended observations, it would be reasonable to ex[)ect the same bodies in the Pennsylvania as in the Russian oil, only in smaller quantities of the higher constituents. Referring the sul{)hur in Ohio petroleum to the average composition of the compounds containing it, the crude oil should contain at least five per cent of the sulphur deriv- atives. Evidently such a large proportion of sulphur compounds iu petroleum must exert an important influence on its properties, and we should therefore expect a marked difference between the sulphur petroleums and those which contain only traces of sulphur. From a general similarity of Ohio petroleum to the oil from Pennsylvania, so far as it relates to hydrocarbons of the series C„H2„ + 25 it should perhaps be expected that the composition of the latter oil, which has been established beyond question, at least so far as the portions of low boiling points are concerned, should represent also similar portions of the Ohio product. As mentioned above, even a casual examination of the sulphur oils affords abundant evidence that their peculiar properties depend upon other constituents than the hydrocarbons C„H2„ + 2' While these unique constituents may detract from, rather than enhance, the value of the sulj^hur oils for commercial purposes, it is as important for the intelligent guidance of the refiner as it is interesting from a scientific point of view that they be well understood. While occupied with the sul|>hur compounds in Ohio petroleum, I was impressed with the complexity in composition manifested by the products of distillation, and with the importance of a thorough exami- nation for all constituents. We therefore began with an endeavor to separate and identify the individual homologues of methane which have been found in Pennsylvania petroleum, including an approximate quantitative determination of all but the more volatile members. Hydrocarbons QJT2«-!-2- To separate the hydrocarbons of lower boiling points we obtained twenty-five litres of the very first distillate from a three-hundred barrel still. This distillate contained 0.10 per cent of sulphur. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 23 ronsiflerable gas always escapes in refinery distillation before a liquid distillate appears, but we have not yet undertaken an examiuatioa of its composition. Probably this is essentially the same as that of the gis given off' in beginning a distillation of Pennsylvania oil together with hydric sulpiiide, which is always evolved to a greater or less extent in the distillation of sulphur petroleums. Sadtler* found that (he gas from Pennsylvania wells consisted principally of methane, with some ethane, nitrogen, and hydrogen. In the gas from Canada wells, at Enniskillen, Fouque f found marsh gas, ethane, and small quantities of carbonic dioxide. According to Ronalds, J the gas from Pennsylvania petroleum contains 1.27 per cent of carbonic dioxide, 6.58 per cent of oxygen, 54.00 per cent of nitrogen, and 38.15 per cent of ethane and propane ; by exposing the escaping gas to a freezing mixture, butane was condensed to a liquid. In an exhaustive study of natural gas from Pennsylvania wells, Phillips § found that the principal constituents were hydrocarbons C,jH2„_|_2i ^^'itb nitrogen in variable proportions and carbonic dioxide in small quantity, but no hydrogen nor carbonic oxide. The crude distillate was subjected to fractional distillation in a porcelain still, to which was attached a Warren condenser filled with a mixture of salt and ice, with ice alone, or with water, according to the fraction collected. Another ordinary condensing worm sur- rounded with a freezing mixture was placed in front. Subsequent distillations were conducted in glass stills, and the fractions rapidly accumulated within limits of temperature which distinguish the hydro- carbons C„H2„4.2' -A.t the beginning of the first and second distilla- tions, a delivery tube was attached to the bottle receiving the distillate, and extended so as to collect in a receiver inverted over water any volatile constituents that might have escaped condensation. At first a very little gas collected, which burned with a smoky flame, but none afterwards. The following quantities were collected during the first distillation : — —25° 25^-30= SOO-SS" 35°-i0=> Grams 525 400 450 400 After the fourth distillation thirty-five grams collected between 0° and 1°, distilling for the most part at 0°, barometer 740 mm. This was evidently butane, boiling point 0°. Inasmuch as the boiling point of * Amer. Chemist, 1876, p. 97. t Journ. Chem. Soc, XVIII. 54. t Comptes Rendus, LXVII. 1045. § Amer. Chem. Journ., 1894, p. 406. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. this hydrocarbon has been carefully determiued, * further exam- ination was not deemed necessary. The temperature rose rapidly to 5°, and between 7° and 9° 20 grams of a distillate collected, mostly between 7° and 8°, the boiling point of a hydrocarbon which was separated by Warren from Pennsylvania petroleum, and which was regarded by him as one of the butanes. Since the atmospheric tem- perature was in the vicinity of 30° when these distillations were in progress, special care was necessary to preserve the distillates, and the ice accidentally becoming exhausted in the ice-chest, the distillate col- lected at 0° burst the bottle, and the one at 8° forced out the stopper and volatilized. Of the two possible butanes, the boiling point of one is without question 0°. The other seems to have been obtained by Butlerow t from isobutyl alcohol, and the boiling point assigned to it was — 17°. 5, Under more favorable conditions, we shall collect a larger quantity of this distillate, to determine by its chemical behavior, as well as by its constancy in boiling point, whether it be a definite compound, t Considerable quantities of distillates collected below 30°, but by continued distillation they were mostly separated into higher and lower constituents, indicating the absence of individual products. In the vicinity of 30° the fractions were large, amounting to 300 grams between 28° and 32°. After the ninth distillation, 75 grams collected between 29° and 30°, with the barometer at 747 mm. A vapor density determination gave 2.52, required for pentane 2.49. This product was, therefore, isopentane. boiling point 30°. Between 36° and 37°, 75 grams distilled, and this distillate was shown by its vapor density to have the composition required for pentane ; a vapor density determination gave 2.49, required for pentane 2.49. This sub- stance therefore corresponded to normal pentane, boiling point 37° * Ronalds, Journ. Cliem. Soc, XVIII. 54 ; C. M. Warren, Mem. Amer. Acad. (N. S.). IX. 156. t Ann. Chem. Pliarm.. CXLTV. 10. t We have since obtained .50 .crams of an oil that collected at 8° to 9° with very small amounts above and below these limits. A vapor density determina- tion by the Hofmann method gave the following result: — 0.0717 gram of the oil gave 45.5 c.c. of vapor at 16°, and under a tension of 48.1 cm. of mercury. Required for 0411,5. Found. 2.01 2.04 For further proof as to the composition of this distillate, an examination of its halogen and other derivatives is now in progress. MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 2o (Warren). The weij^hts collected evidently afford no information concerning the proportions in which these hydrocarbons are contained iu the crude oil. Other results show that they are present iu smaller quantities than iu Pennsylvania oil. At higlier temperatures to 60°, the weights of the distillates were very small and irregular, which indicated the absence of definite com- pounds. Between 60° and 62°, 150 grams collected at the end of the fifteenth distillation, and this was still further reduced to 50 grams be- tween 60° and 61°, with a vapor density corresponding to that of hexane; found, 2.94; required for hexane, 2.'J8; boiling point of isohexane, 61°. 27 (Warren). After the fourteenth distillation, with the barometer at 749 mm., between 67° and ()S°, 75 grams collected that distilled tolerably constant within this limit. A vapor density determination gave 3.00 ; required for normal hexane, 2.98 ; boihng point, 68°. 5 (Warren). For the separation of the less volatile hydrocarbons, the fraction — 150°, obtained from the crude oil by distillation in vacuo, was sub- jected to further distillation under atmospheric pressure. 41.5 kilos of crude Findlay oil were distilled under a tension of 50 mm., and collected in the first distillation at —100°, 100°-150°, 150°-200°, 200°-250°, and 250°-350°. The decomposition was comparatively slight, and the fractions, especially the less volatile, were free from the disagreeable pungent odors characteristic of refinery distillates. Even the residue above 350° had apparently undergone very little decom- position. On account of the reduced boiling points, it was not expected tliat the more volatile constituents could be collected, and it was subsequently found that scarcely any distillate boiling below 30° was condensed. The weights of the first fractions were as follows : — -100^ 100M50= 150^-200^ 200^-250^ 250^-350^ Resiilue. Grams 8000 8520 6480 7700 2670 9000 Percentages 18.6 19.8 15.1 18.0 6.2 20.9 The specific gravity of the individual fractions was determined with the following results : — —100° 100^-150= 150^-200° 200°-250° 250°-350° Re>'iclue. 0.7445 0.7941 u.8245 0.8455 0.907 0.9139 The fraction — 100° contained no hydric sulphide; the higher frac- tions contained it in small quantities. The percentages of sulphur in the same distillates were obtained by combustion in air : — 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. —100'^ 100^-150^ 150^-200^ 200^-250° Residue. Sulphur 0.054 0.25 0.42 0.61 0.67 In comparing the percentages of sulphur in the vacuum distillates with those under atmosphei-ic pressure, it is evident that the main body of the sul[)hur compounds collects in the higher portions, leav- ing the fractions below 150° nearly free from sulphur. Percentages of sulphur under atmospheric pressure : — 110°-150° 150°-220<^ 220^-257° 257^-300^ soo-^-ssoo Residue, 0.10 0.38 0.41 0.37 0.37 0.54 It is also apparent that distillation in vacuo protects, to a certain extent, the sulphur compounds from decomposition. In ordinary dis- tillation of the crude oil, as has been mentioned, sulphur is invariably observed in the condensing tube. Even in vacuum distillation at high temperatures decomposition cannot be wholly avoided, although the separation of sulphur has never been observed. It is probable that chemical reactions occur within the oil from the action of the various constituents upon one another, such, for example, as the action of the oxygen compounds upon the sulphur compounds. These observations are valuable evidence in favor of vacuum distillation for the sulphur petroleums. The percentage of bromine absorbed by the fractions collected in vacuo was also determined : — -100° 100°-150^ 150°-200° 200^-350' Residue. Crude Oil. Bromine 0.0 4.57 6.60 7.08 24.38 10.19 It is interesting to compare the bromine absorption in the vacuum distillates with the quantities absorbed in the distillates collected under atmospheric pressure : — 100^-150° 150°-220° 220^-257° 257^-300'' 300''-330° +330° Bromine 0.73 1.74 4.84 5.04 12.10 19.50 Doubtless the larger absorption of bromine in the vacuum distillates at lower temperatures depends, at least in part, upon the fact that the sulphur compounds are protected from decomposition during distilla- tion, and also upon the extent to which the constituents with higher boiling points are distilled at lower temperatures under the diminished pressure. It would be expected that the residue in the distillation under atmospheric pressure should sliow a liigher absorptive power than that collected in vacuo. The behavior of the higher fractions MABERY. — SULPHUR PETEOLEUMS. 27 toward bromine and the nature of the decompositions by cracking will receive furtlier attention. The portions distilling below 150° were next submitted to pro- longed fractional separations under atmospheric pressure with the aid of Hempel columns and Warren condensers. We were led to appre- ciate the exhaustive labors of our predecessors in their investigations on petroleum, and our indebtedness to them for the efficient means at present available for conducting such distillations. For the separation of complex mixtures, especially in considerable quantities, in point of efficiency the Warren condenser leaves nothing to be desired. It appears to effect a more rapid separation than the Hempel column, although the latter is of great service. The Hempel method has the advantage that it requires less attention, with no loss of time in heat- ing a bath nor in maintaining a constant temperature in the bath. From the description of Warren's hot condenser given in the treatise on Chemistry, Vol. III. Part 1, by Roscoe and Schorlem- mer, an erroneous im[)ression must have been received concerning this apparatus. On pp. 149, 150, the following words appear: " An appa- ratus has been employed by AVarren in the fractional distillation of tar oils and petroKums. This permits a complete control over the temperature of the vapor, accomplished by an air bath round which a spiral tube is placed, connected with the boiling flask. The tempera- ture of this air bath is regulated by a lamp. The licjuid used for heating the air bath may be either water, oil, or fusible metal, and into this the thermometer is placed. ... In distilling petroleum the differ- ence in temperature between the boiling liquid and the air bath was, to begin with, about 35°, or even more." The idea conveyed here is that the constant temperature is maintained by means of an air bath, although it is evident from the following description, taken from the original memoir,* that there is not the remotest allusion to an air bath : " In the new process, perfect control of the temperature of the vapors is secured by simply conducting these vapors upwards throtigh a worm contained in a bath the temperature of which is regulated by means of a lamp, or by a safety furnace. The bath may be of oil or water or metal for very high temperatures, as the case may require, and it is furnished with a thermometer. That this bath may be equally adapted for the separation of liqt;ids boiling below the com- mon temperature, an empty vessel is permanently secured in the interior of the bath by means of straps of metal across the top, to * Mem. Amer. Acad. (N. S.), IX. 125. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. serve as a convenient receptacle for ice or ice vi^ater, by means of which a low temperature may be steadily maintained. This interior vessel also serves a good purpose in economizing time and fuel in heating the bath, as it diminishes the cpnntity of oil required to cover the worm. It is made to extend to within about three inches of tiie bottom of the bath, and large enough to fill a greater part of the space in the centre of the coil." It will therefore be seen that it was uot Warren's intention to use this apparatus in any sense as an air bath. It is to be used solely as a liquid bath. Since the principal object was to identify the individual constituents and to determine their approximate quantities, it was only necessary to collect our products within such close limits of temperature com- parable with boiling points already accurately determined that they should yield satisfactory analytical data. In successive distillations, collecting at first within o°, then within 2°, and finally within 1°, after the fifth distillation the fractions collected rapidly, wiih increasing quantities at temperatures near boiling points of well known hydro- carbons C„H2„ + 2) ^"^^ ^t certain other points at which an equilibrium in boiling points seemed to be established by mixtures. It was only with much ditficulty that some of these mixtures could be se[)arated into their constituents. We had occasion to recall the remark of War- ren concerning the greater amount of labor involved in determining the absence of definite compounds in such mixtures than in proving the presence of well defined hydrocarbons. The fractions containing the aromatic hydrocarbons will be considered together. The products collected for vapor density determinations were purified as completely as possible by the removal of unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulphur com- pounds, and the aromatic hydrocarbons. For the removal of sulphur compounds, each fraction was thoroughly agitated with alcoholic mer- curic chloride. After washing with water, there remained in solution not more than 0.02 or 0.03 per cent of sulphur when the mercuric chloride gave a crystalline precipitate, which was the case in distillates below 150°, provided they were collected at first in vacuo. In a former paper * it was stated that alcoholic mercuric chloride removed two thirds of the sulphur. Those experiments were made with refinery distillates, which do not behave the same towards mercuric chloride as vacuum distillates. In higher fractions somewhat more sulphur is retained, and with increasing boiling points even the mercury itself in consider- able quantity may be held in clear solution, either in the form of * Amer. Chem. Journ., 1894, p. 88. MABERY, — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 29 HgClsR^Sj or in some other combination. This peculiarity has occasioned us much trouble in purifying distillates above 200°. In some of these products, hydric sulphide in the cold will not precipitate the mercury; frequently it is only after prolonged action with the aid of heat that the mercury can be completely removed. These sulphur oils seem to possess the property of dissolving metals, metallic oxides, and other compounds, which has been observed in other petroleums. The action of paraffine oils on metals has been examined by Macadam,* who finds that lead, solder, and zinc are quite readily, tin and iron but slightly, affected. Some oils have a greater solvent action than others, and Macadam attributes it to the hydrocarbons. Engler f repeated the experiments of Macadam, and observed that metals were not affected when air is excluded. It was therefore inferred that acid compounds are formed in the oil by exposure to air, and also metallic oxides, which are dissolved by the acids. Engler does not attribute the solvent action to ozone. It is probable that the purification of refinery distillates from the sulphur petroleums, by agitation with an alkaline solution of plumbic oxide, depends, at least in part, upon the solvent action of certain constituents of the oil. Oxygen compounds, which are doubtless present in these oils, may assist the action, as has been observed in other oils. This subject will receive further attention when we reach the higher distillates. After removal of the sulphur compounds, each distillate for vapor density determination was thoroughly agitated, first with concentrated nitric, then with concentrated sulphuric acid, washed, and dried. Finally, under a return condenser, it was heated for some time with metallic sodium. From 41.5 kilos distilled in vacuo, at the end of the eighth dis- tillation, the last seven under atmospheric pressure, the following weights were obtained with much smaller quantities outside these limits : — —55° 58 ^-62° 65^-68'^ 77^-83=' Grams 15 120 310 85 As already mentioned, on account of loss from the diminished pressure, as well as the unavoidable lo^s in any distillation, the weights of the lower fractions collected in vacuo evidently cannot be accepted as representing even approximately the quantities present ia the crude oil. * Journ. Chem. Soc, 1878, p. 355. t Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., 1878, p. 2186. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Between 87° and 93°, 80 grams collected after the sixth distillation, and in the portion which distilled constant at 89°-90°, bar. 754 mm., a vapor density determination gave 3.43 ; required for isoheptane, 3.46 ; boiling point, 90°. 4 (Warren). At the end of the sixth distillation, 175 grams collected at 96°-99°, and 50 grams distilled constant at 9G°-97°, bar. 744 mm. ; a vapor density determination of this product gave 3.42 ; required for heptane, 3.6 ; boiling point of heptane, 98°. 7 (Warren). Above this point the distillates were small in amount to 109°, where other products began to appear; between this limit and 120° the single degree fractions were considerable in quantity. At 118°-120°, 120 grams were collected, of which 50 grams dis- tilled constant at 119°-120°, bar. 749 mm. This product gave a value in a determination of its vapor density required for octane : found, 3.98 ; required, 3.94. Since some doubt has been expressed concerning the existence of an octane with this boiling point, this fraction was carefully purified for analysis with alcoholic mercuric chloride, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid, and it was finally submitted to prolonged boiling with sodium. Determinations of carbon and hydro- gen then gave the following results : — I. 0.1707 gram of the oil gave 0.5282 gram COo, 0. 1707 gram H2O. 11. 0.2017 gram of the oil gave 0.6237 gram CO., 0.2737 gram H^O. Calculated for Found. CgH,g. I. II. c 84.20 84.42 84.28 H 15.79 15.19 15.08 The low percentage of hydrogen evidently indicated that the octane was still contaminated by a hydrocarbon containing less hydro- gen. For further purification the oil was heated to boiling during several hours with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, and boiled several times with sodium. It then gave the percentages of carbon and hydrogen rquired for octane: — Required for CgHu. Found. c 84.20 84.20 H 15.79 16.10 There seems to be no question that the fraction 118°-119° contains a hydrocarbon with the composition required for octane, and this observation is apparently confirmed by the results of others. War- MABERY. — SULPHUR PETROLEUMS. 31 ren* separated a constituent of Pennsylvania petroleum distilling con- stant at 11 9°. 5 (cor.), which gave a vapor density corresponding to that of octane. From the extraordinary care with which the determi- nations of Warren were made, there can be no doubt as to the existence of a hydrocarbon with this boiling point in Pennsylvania petroleum. Although hexahydroisoxylol has been recognized by Beilstein and KurbatofF,t it is probably not the principal constituent with tliis boiling point of the Pennsylvania oil ; it is certainly not of the Ohio oil. From coal oil, Schorlemmer $ separated an octane boiling at 119°- 120°, and subsequently he identified the same body in petroleum boiling at 119°. The followin BICHARDS AND PARKER. — BARIC SULPHATE. 73 of the occlusion. Many of the experiments above were made with this idea in view. The two experiments numbered 18 and 19 may be taken as types of the usual method of working. The volume of the sulphuric acid was about fifty, and that of the baric chloride about twenty cubic centi- meters ; the latter solution was slightly in excess, and was poured gradually into the former. Series II. No. of Experiment. Mixed Precipitate. Argentic Chloride. AgCl per Gram of Precipitate. 18 19 gram. .7789 .7788 gram. .0039 .0042 gram. .0050 .0054 Average .0052 In order to determine whether an excess of baric chloride increases the occlusion, a similar series was made, using twice the amount of baric chloride necessary for the precipitation. Series III. No. of Experiment. Mixed Precipitate. Argentic Chloride. AgCl per Gram of Precipitate. 14 gram. .7800 gram. .0039 gram. .0050 15 .7853 .0032 .0041 16 .7840 .0039 .0050 17 .7828 .0046 .0059 Average .0050 Since this average is not greater than the last (0.0052), no occlu- sion could have taken place after the precipitatation was complete, and the only effect of the excess of baric chloride was to diminish the solu- bility of the precipitate (see page 71). In the next series the sulphuric acid was poured into the baric chloride, instead of vice versa. 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Series IV. No. of Experiment. Mixed Precipitate. Argentic Chloride. AgCl per Gram of Precipitate. 9 10 11 22 gram. .7866 .7844 .7881 .7832 gram. .0143 .0137 .0152 .0156 gram. .0182 .0175 .0193 .0199 .0187 Average of Series II. and III. . . .0051 These results prove the necessity of the old rule, which directs that the baric salt should always be added to the sulphate, if any proof of this was needed. lu all these experiments a small amount — perhaps the quarter of a cubic centimeter — of strong hydrochloric acid was added to the sul- phuric acid before precipitation. In order to determine if this acid might have had some effect upon the occlusion, four experiments were made in which the amount of this acid was very much increased. In Nos. 12 and 13 about ten cubic centimeters of strong acid were used, and in Nos. 23 and 24 fully twenty. The first two were allowed to stand a Series V. No. of Experiment. Mixed Precipitate. Argentic Chloride. AgCl per Gram of Precipitate. 12 gram. .7870 gram. .0149 gram. .0189 13 .7887 .0133 .0169 23 .7211 .0266 .0369 24 .7286 .0223 .0306 Average .0264 Average of Serie s II. and III. . . .0051 RICHARDS AND PARKER. — BARIC SULPHATE. 75 long time, in order that the precipitate, which separates slowly from strongly acid solutions, might have time to deposit; while the second two were filtered within an hour, with the loss of nearly ten per cent of the precipitate. Thus the presence of free hydrochloric acid increases the occlusion to an enormous extent. In order to determine the effect of dilution, other circumstances remaining the same, two precipitations were made from solutions like those of Series II., diluted fourfold with water. Series VI. No. of Experiment. Mixed Precipitate. Argentic Chloride. AgCl per Gram of Precipitate. 25 26 gram. .7676 .7701 gram. .0023 .0024 gram. .0030 .0031 Average .0031 Average of Series 11. and III. • . .0051 Hence, the more dilute the solutions, the less is the occlnsion. In all the preceding cases the precipitate was allowed to run down the side of the beaker in an excessively fine stream, with continual stirring. This procedure had been shown in preliminary experiments to be even more efficacious as a means of diminishing occlusion than the addition of the precipitant in definite drops, no matter how slowly. Two experiments, in which the baric chloride was poured in with great rapidity, close the data to be presented. Series VII. No. of Experiment. Mixed Precipitate. Argentic Cliloride. AgOl per Gram of Precipitate. 20 21 gram. .7850 .7812 gram. .0057 .0052 gram. .0073 .0067 Average , . .0070 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. As was to have been expected, the impurity is greater here than in Series II., III., and VI., but less than in Series IV. and V. It was not the intention of this paper to extend the investigation to the study of the occlusion of other chlorides, which must necessarily complicate the problem greatly. It is very interesting to note that the amount of occlusion seems to be due rather to the amount of chlorine present than to the amount of barium, for hydrochloric acid increased the occlusion almost as much as an equivalent amount of baric chloride did. This observation leads one to conclude that a careful study of the phenomenon from a physico-chemical point of view might furnish some satisfactory clue as to the nature of such occlusion in general ; and it is hoped that before long a collection of suitable data upon the problem may be obtained here.* The present paper deals only with the solving of an analytical problem. At first sight, the facts shown by this paper appear to be contradic- tory to those stated by F. W. Mar,f who recommends the use of strong nitric and hydrochloric acids for the precipitation. It must be borne in mind, however, that Mar was precipitating the barium with an excess of sulphuric acid, and hence that a considerable amount of occlusion could make very little difference in his case. When one is determining sulphuric acid by means of an excess of barium, nothing could be worse than the addition of a large amount of hydrochloric acid ; and this point cannot be too strongly emphasized. Mar rightly states that a considerable excess of sulphuric acid is necessary to secure rapid precipitation of all the barium in strongly acid solutions. If Fresenius had realized that an excess of a common ion in solution decreases the solubility of a precipitate, he would not have confounded the solubility of baric sulphate in a strong solution of baric chloride with its solubility in pure water, J or in water contain- ing free hydrochloric acid. The conclusions reached in the present paper are as follows : — First, that the occlusion of baric chloride by baric sulphate may lead to very serious error. Second, that the amount of this occlusion is greater in concentrated than in dilute solutions, greater in the presence of hydrochloric acid than in its absence, and greater when the sulphate is poured into the * For the treatment of an analogous case, see E. A. Schneider, Zeitschr. Phye. Chem., X. 425. t Am. J. Sci., [3.], XLI. 288, XLV. 399. } Zeitschr. f. Anal. Chem., IX. 52. RICHARDS AND PARKER. — BARIC SULPHATE. 77 barium salt thau when the pouring takes place in the opposite direction. Thir^, that under the usual conditions of careful precipitation in the presence of a small amount of free acid, the error from occlusion is almost balanced by the solubility of baric sulphate in acids and water, which solubility must be considered in careful work. Fourth, that the error due to this occlusion may be corrected with great exactness by determining the amount of chlorine held by the pre- cipitate, and subtracting the corresponding amount of baric chloride from the total weight of the precipitate. The occlusion of iron and other substances by baric sulphate is being further studied in this Laboratory. 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. III. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON THE CUPRIAMMONIUM DOUBLE SALTS. THIRD PAPER. By Theodork William Richards axd George Oenslager. Presented June 9, 1894. The work already done upon the double salts of cupriammonium * suggested the possibility of obtaining compounds of fluorine and iodine similar to those of chlorine and bromine. Many attempts were made to prepare cupriammonium acetofluoride, Cu(NH3)2FC2H302, with invariable failure. The methods and the pro- portions of the reagents were varied in every possible way ; but nothing could be obtained beside cupriammonium acetate and ammo- nium fluoride. Cupriammonium fluoride itself is very difficult to pre- pare, because of its solubility ; and it is not unnatural that the double salt should be more so. It will be remembered, moreover, that while cupriammonium acetobromide is very easy to obtain, the normal chloride is almost if not quite impossible by the wet way. We should expect the fluorine compound to be even less possible. Because of these continued failures, the work with fluorine was discontinued. The investigation of the compounds of iodine proved much more fruitful, yielding the following new substances : — (1.) Cu(NH3)3lC2Hs02. (2.) 7 CU(NH3)2(C2H302)2.CU(NH3)2IC2H302. (3.) 3 Cu(NH3)2 . M NH3. (4.) 2 Cu(C2H30o)2NH4CoH302 . HjO, besides confirming the work of Foerster t on the following substances : — (0) Cu(NH3)o(C2H302)3. (6) CU(NH3)2(C2H302)2 2JH20. * Richards and Shaw, These Proceedings, XXVIII. 247 ; Richards and Whitridge, These Proceedings, XXX. 458. t Berichte der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., XXV. 3416. RICHARDS AND OENSLAGER. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS, 79 (1.) Ajimon-cupriammonium Aceto-iodide, CU(NH3)3IC2H302. In preliminary experiments the following method was used for pre- paring this compound. Four grams of finely powdered cupric acetate were stirred with a mixture of ten cubic centimeters of water, twenty of alcohol, and eight of glacial acetic acid. Ammonia gas was then passed into the mixture until all the cupric acetate was dissolved and the color of the solution had become deep blue. After the addition of three and a half grams of ammonic iodide the solution was set aside to crystallize, and in about six hours large deep blue monoclinic plates, having a six-sided outline, separated out. These crystals were washed with alcohol, and then dried between filter papers as quickly as possible. The salt thus prepared is usually not very pure, hence subsequently more alcohol was used in the preparation, with better success. Even yet, however, there was much room for improvement. / After many systematic experiments, which need not be detailed, the following method was found to yield very excellent results. Twelve grams of cupric acetate were dissolved in fifty cubic centimeters of ammonia water (sp. gr. = 0.90) in a flask. After cooling, thirty cubic centimeters of aqueous acetic acid (57 per cent) were added to the solution, then six grams of ammonic iodide, and finally fifty cubic centimeters of alcohol. Upon boiling over the water bath the mixture yielded a clear deep blue solution, which deposited crystals of ammon- cupriammonium aceto-iodide upon slow evaporation in the air. The first very small crop of crystals deposited upon cooling was not analyzed. The second served for Analysis IV. below, and the third crop, which was altogether the purest and best defined in crystalline form, served for Analyses V. and VIII. The substance used in Analyses I., II., III., VI., and VII. was prepared by earlier less satis- factory methods ; it was undoubtedly the same substance, however. Ammon-cupriammonium aceto-iodide consists of brilliant deep blue monoclinic crystals. It is not very permanent in the air, although much more so than its chlorine and bromine analogues. Upon ex- posure for a long time the crystals become dull and dark in color, and the substance slowly loses in weight. Water at once decom- poses it, some of the copper going into solution, and the rest remaining as a basic precipitate. Acids set free iodine and precipitate cuproiis iodide, as might be expected. The only unexpected property of the salt is the fact that it contains no crystal water, thus not maintaining a strict analogy with the corresponding chlorine and bromine compounds 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Cu(NH3)3ClC2H302.H20 and Cu(NH3)3BrC2H302. H.O. The rea- son for this anomaly remains obscure. The ammonia present in the compound was determined by distilla- tion with pure potash or soda, the distillate being titrated with stan- dard acid. It is convenient to prepare the alkali for this purpose directly from metallic sodium or from sodium amalgam, thus avoiding the complications in the subsequent proceedings introduced by the usual impurity of chlorine in commercial potash and soda. The res- idue in the distilling flask after the ammonia had been expelled was filtered, and to the filtrate was added a little sulphurous acid to reduce any iodate which might have been formed. Argentic nitrate was then added, and subsequently the argentic oxide and sulphite were dissolved by nitric acid, the argentic iodide being collected and weighed upon a Gooch crucible. In Analysis IV. the alkali was nearly neutralized, and in Analysis V. the solution was just acidified by pure nitric acid before the precipitation. In every case enough nitric acid was added after the precipitation to insure the solution of all but argentic iodide, and the agreement of the results is sufficiently satisfactory. The cop- per was determined by the electrolysis of the cupric sulphate obtained from the precipitated cupric oxide, which contained no trace of iodine; and the acetic acid was determined by combustion. Analyses of Cu(NH3)3lC2H302. I. 0.2591 gram of the substance on distillation with potash re- quired 25.34 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid for neutrali- zation, gave on electrolysis 0.0545 gram of cojiper, and yielded 0.2042 gram of argentic iodide. II. 0.2524 gram of the substance required 25.05 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid and gave 0.0527 gram of copper. III. 0.2322 gram of the substance required 23.25 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid. IV. 0.3960 gram of the substance gave 0.3109 gram of argentic iodide. V. 0.2559 gram of the substance gave 0.2004 gram of argentic iodide. (VI.) 0.3211 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.0939 gram of carbon dioxide. VII. 0.2946 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.0864 gram of carbon dioxide. VIII. 0.3062 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.0907 gram of carbon dioxide. RICHARDS AND OENSLAGER. — CUPRIABIMONIUM SALTS. 81 No. Copper. Ammonia. Iodine. Acetic Acid. I. . II. . III. . IV. . V. . VI. . VII. . VIII. . 21.03 20.88 16.73 16.95 17.10 42.58 42.41 42.31 19.62 19.64 19.86 Averages . 20.96 16.99 42.43 19.71 Copper Ammonia Iodine Acetic acid Calculated for Cu(NH3)3lC2H302. Found. 21.15 20.96 17.03 16.99 42.19 42.43 19.63 19.71 100.00 100.09 (2.) OCTOCUPRIAMMONIUM MoNO-IODIDE AcETATE, Cu8(NH3)ieI(QH30,)i5. On allowing the mother liquor left over from the first method of preparing ammon-cupriamraonium aceto-iodide to stand for a long time, large coal-black hexagonal crystals of unknown composition were de- posited. Mixed with these were large blue crystals, which were sepa- rated mechanically from the black ones, and analyzed. The analysis corresponded closely with the formula 7 Cu(NH3)2(C2H302)2 4- Cu(NH3)2TC2H302, the complexity of which led to the suspicion that the crystals were a mixture instead of a definite compound. Nevertheless, upon qualita- tive testing, the smallest as well as the largest crystals were found to contain iodine. In external appearance the crystals, which were usually at least half a centimeter in length, resembled those of cupriammonium acetate. An attempt was made to measure the angles of the crystals of each VOL. XXXI. (n. 8. XXIII.) 6 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. substance, but the faces were so covered with striations that the result was only partially satisfactory. For cupriammonium acetate the chief prism angle was about 70°, while for the complicated salt under con- sideration it was over 71° 30'. Even allowing a considerable margin for possible error, it would appear that the complicated salt must be a definite compound, and not merely cupriammonium acetate containing occluded cupric acetate and ammonic iodide. Another evidence of the probable definiteness of the salt is to be found in the fact that Richards and Moulton, in a paper yet to be published, have proof of the exist- ence of a similar compound containing aniline and bromine instead of ammonia and iodine. The compound has no unexpected properties, and was analyzed in the usual fiishion. Analysis of Cu8(NH3)i6l(C2H30,),5. I. 0.2545 gram of the substance distilled with potash required 22.68 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid, gave 0.0333 gram of argentic iodide, and on electrolysis yielded 0.0707 gi-am of copper. II. 0.2120 gram of the substance required 18.52 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid. III. 0.2419 gram of another sample of the substance required 21.23 cubic centimeters of acid, and gave 0.0331 gram of argentic iodide and 0.0G80 gram of copper. No. Copper. Ammonia. Iodine. I 11 ni 27.78 28.11 15 25 14.93 14.99 7.07 7.39 Averages . . 27.95 15.05 7.23 Copper Ammonia Iodine Acetic acid (by dif ) Calculated for aboTe Formula. 28.35 15.22 7.07 49.36 100.00 Found. 27.95 15.05 7.23 49.77 100.00 KICHARDS AND OENSLAGER. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS. 83 Every effort to make the normal cupriammoniura aceto-iodide free from the acetate was unsuccessful ; when so much of the ammonia has evaporated that Cu(NIIg)3lC2Ho02 ceases to form, the singular double salt which has just been described always makes its appear- ance. (3.) Tetrammon-tricupriammonium Iodide, 3 Cu(NI-l3) X + 4 NH3= Cu8T6(NH3)i,. This interesting substance may be prepared by a method very closely resembling that used for preparing ammon-cupriammonium aceto-iodide. If eight grams instead of twelve of cupric acetate are used with fifty cubic centimeters each of ammonia and alcohol, thirty of acetic acid, and six grams of ammonic iodide, curious black cr^'stals re- sembling irregular triangular pyramids make their appearance in the first place. The new substance is similar in outward aspect to the corresponding bromine compound,* although less brilliant. The crystalline faces are so singularly marked and striated that an accurate crystallographic study would not be feasible. They possess a distinct bronze lustre which soon disappears owing to superficial decomposition. Upon ex- posure to the air the substance loses ammonia and iodine, finally leav- ing cuprous iodide. It is decomposed by water. Heated in aqueous or alcoholic ammonia it dissolves, forming a deep blue solution which upon cooling deposits bright blue needles remaining to be investigated. From the mother liquors decanted from the black crystals may be obtained by further evaporation at first, Cu(NH3)3lCoH302, and finally the mixture of Cu8(NHo)i6l(C2H..02)i5, with the coal-black hexagonal crystals already mentioned. f These latter crystals are very different in appearance from Cu;;(NH3)ioT6; they will be investigated in the future. Analysis of Cu3(NHo)ioT6> I. 0.2049 gram of the substance yielded an amount of ammonia re- quiring 18.22 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid for neutrali- zation, and 0.0352 gram of copper on electrolysis. II. 0.2315 gram of the substance required 20.24 cubic centimeters of acid, and gave 0.0385 gram of copper and 0.2901 gram of argentic iodide. * Richards and Shaw, These Proceedings, XXVIII. 257. t See page 81. 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. III. 0.2302 gram of the substance required 20.36 cubic centimeters of acid, and gave 0.2872 gram of argentic iodide. IV. 0.2307 gram of the substance required 20.35 cubic centimeters of acid. V. 0.2150 gram of the substance on electrolysis gave 0.0367 gram of copper. No. Copper. Ammonia. Iodine. I. . II Ill IV V 17.17 16.63 17.07 15.19 14.94 15.11 15.07 67.73 67.48 Averages . . 16.96 15.08 67.61 Calculated for above Formula. Found. Copper 17.00 16.96 Ammonia 15.20 15.08 Iodine 67.80 67.61 100.00 99.65 (4.) Ammonic Dicupric Acetate, NH4Cu2(C2H;,02)5- HoO. Since compounds containing three molecules of ammonia, one of acetic acid, and one atom of chlorine, bromine, or iodine had been proved to exist, it became a matter of interest to discover if it were possible to prepare Cu(NH3)3(C2H.^02)2, in which the halogen is re- placed by acetic acid. Many unsuccessful attempts were made to obtain this compound. In the course of these experiments, however, a new double salt of cupric and ammonic acetates was discovered. Four grams of cupric acetate, six grams of glacial acetic acid, and twenty cubic centimeters of alcohol were mixed together, and ammonia gas was passed into the mixture until the green color just turns into blue. The solution became hot from the absorption of the ammonia, and the cupric acetate dissolved readily. After standin-z; a few hours many small bluish green crystals were deposited, which have the com- RICHARDS AND OENSLAGER. — CUPRIAMMONIUM SALTS. 85 position given below. The crystals are soluble in water without de- composition, and are fairly permanent in the air. Analyses of Cu2NH4(C2H302)5 • H^O. I. 0.2586 gram of the substance yielded an amount of ammonia re- quiring 5.49 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid, and an elec- trolysis gave 0.0717 gram of copper. II. 0.4303 gram of the substance required 9.40 cubic centimeters of decinormal acid. III. 0.2525 gram of the substance gave 0.0703 gram of copper. IV. 0.2604 gram of the substance required 5.52 cubic centimeters of acid, and gave .0725 gram of copper. V. 0.3080 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.2970 gram of carbon dioxide. No. Copper. Ammonium. Acetic Acid. I. . . . . 27.73 3.84 II — 3.9G Ill 27.86 IV. ... . 27.84 3.84 V — — 64.45 Averages . . 27.81 3.88 61.45 Calculated for above Formula Copper 27.75 Ammonium 8.94 Acetic acid 64.38 Water (by differ ence) 3.93 100.00 Found, 27.81 3.88 64.45 3.86 100.00 (5 and 6.) Cupriammonium Acetate. This salt, discovered by Foerster,* may be prepared in an anhydrous condition by allowing an alcoholic solution of cupric acetate containing a slight excess of ammonia to evaporate in the air. Two determina- * Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., 1892, XXV. 3416. 86 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tions of the amount of copper present in the large deep bkie crystals showed respectively 29.41 and 29.32 per cent, the theoretical being 29.48. The ammonia was found to be 15.68, instead of the theoretical amount 15.82 per cent, corresponding to the formula Cu(NHo)2C2H302. The crystallized salt containing two and a half molecules of crystal water, also discovered by Foerster, was prepared in blue feathery crystals by the evaporation of aqueous ammoniacal cupric acetate. Analysis showed the percentage of copper present to be 24.23 instead of 24.38, and the ammonia to be 13.02 instead of 13.08 per cent. The theoretical values were calculated for the formula CU(NH3)2(C2H302)2 . 2i H2O. All of these compounds, as well as many similar ones obtained from other acids and the substituted ammonias, will be further studied at this Laboratory in the near future. RICHARDS AND MOULTON. — CUPRIANILINE SALTS. 87 IV. CONTRIBUTIONS FROxM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON THE CUPRIANILINE ACETOBROMIDES. By J^heodore William Richards and Frederic Charles MoULTON. Presented June 9, 1894. Recent investigations * have shown that double salts of cupriam- monium containing two acids are easily obtainable in great numbers. It becomes a matter of interest to determine whether the substituted ammonias are capable of acting in the same way ; and the present paper contains an account of the first experiments in this direction. The only cupraniline compounds of which descriptions were found are three cuprosaniline compounds described by Saglier,f and cupri- aniline chloride (CUCI22C6H7N) described by Destrem.J Hence there was a wide field left open for the present investigation. The compounds described in this paper are tabulated below. (1.) Cu(C6H,N),Br2. (2.) Cu(CoH,N)2BrC2H.302. (3.) Cus(aHvN)ieBri5(C2HA). (4.) CMC,U,^\,Br,,{C,U,0,),. (5.) Cu;(C6H,N)ieBr,3(C2H.302)3. (6.) Cu2(C6H7N)4Br(aH302)3. (7.) Cus(CoH,N)ioBr(C2H30)i5. Of these the simpler ones, Nos. 1 and 2, are undoubtedly definite compounds. Whether or not some of the others are isomorphous mix- tures of these with cuprianiline acetate, which has not as yet been prepared in a pure state, it is hard to say. * Richards and Shaw, These Proceedings, XXVIII. 247; Richards and Whitridge, These Proceedings, XXX. 458 ; Richards and Oenslager, These Pro- ceedings, XXXI. 78. t Comples Rendus, CVI. 1422. t Bulletin de la Soc. Chim. de Paris, XXX. 482. OS PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. (1.) CupRiANiLiNE Bromide, Cu(C6H7N)2Br2. This compound is formed as a brown powder whenever cupric bro- mide is added to an alcoholic solution of aniline ; but a much moi'e beautiful crystalline preparation is obtained when the solution contains acetic acid. For example, three grams of cupric bromide were dis- solved in about forty cubic centimeters of alcoliol ; and to this were added twenty cubic centimeters of acetic acid and fifteen cubic centi- meters of aniline. The mixture turned green immediately, and beau- tifully brilliant brown crystalline flakes of cuprianiline bromide were deposited. Nothing could be easier than the preparation of this sub- stance. From analogy to the cupriammonium compounds, one would have expected the cuprianiline aceto-bromide to have been formed under conditions given above ; but this is not the case unless the solution contains a large per cent of cupric acetate. Among a great number of samples of cuprianiline bromide, which have all given satisfactory analytical results, at least four colors have been observed. A few preparations consisted of long glossy black crystals, others consisted of dark brown shining flakes. Yet others were of a lighter brown, and some were almost of a golden yellow. Possibly the difference was due to variations in the thickness of the individual crystals. The new compound is insoluble in alcohol and glacial acetic acid. When mixed with water it is decomposed at once into a basic bromide of copper, aniline hydrobroraide, and a little free aniline. Alkalies and acids of course decompose it. In order to prepare the substance for the electrolytic determination of the copper it was treated with nitric acid, evaporated to dryness, and ignited. The residue was dissolved in a mixture of nitric and sul- phuric acids ; the former acid was expelled on the steam bath, and the copper was separated in the usual fiishion. Bromine was determined as argentic bromide ; and the aniline was calculated from the amount of carbon dioxide yielded by the combustion of the compound. As a final check upon the results, the nitrogen present was determined according to the method of Dumas. Analyses of Cu(C6H7N)2Br2. I. 0.1978 gram of the substance yielded 0.0.'>08 gram of copper. II. 0.2299 gram of the substance yielded 0.0357 gram of copper. RICHARDS AND MOULTON. — CUPRIANILINE SALTS. 89 III. 0.2009 gram of the substance yielded 0.1842 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.2530 gram of the substance yielded 0.2318 gram of argentic bromide. V. 0.1028 gram of the substance gave 0.1313 gram of carbou diox- ide upon combustion. VI. 0.1705 gram of the substance yielded 10.20 cubic centimeters of moist nitrogen at 23° C. and 763.7 mm. pressure. No. Copper. Bromine. Aniline. Nitrogen. I. . . II. . . III. . . IV. . . V. . . VI. . . 15.57 15.52 39.02 38.94 45.00 6.77 Average 15.55 38.98 45.00 6.77 Calculated for above Formula. Found. Copper 15.53 15.55 Bromine 39.04 38.98 Aniline 45.48 45.00 100.00 99.53 Nitrogen 6.83 6.77 Many other similar determinations were made upon other samples, with similar results. (2.) CUPRIANILINE ACETOBROMIDE, Cu(C6H,N)2(C2H30,)Br. This compound is formed with considerable difficulty, for the reac- tion tends to produce a compound containing either little or no acetic acid, or else little or no bromine. For the first time it was formed as follows. Three grams of cupric bromide were dissolved in about fifty cubic centimeters of alcohol, three grams of cupric acetate were dis- 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. solved in ten cubic centimeters of commercial acetic acid, with the addition of twenty cubic centimeters of water; the two solutions thus formed were mixed, and fifteen cubic centimeters of aniline were added to the mixture. In about half an hour fine brown crystals began to sep- arate out, and these crystals proved to be cuprianiline acetobromide. Subsequently a great deal of time was expended in attempting to repeat this experiment, with continued failure. At last a few of the original crystals were sprinkled upon the surface of a mixture like the one just described, at the time when the crystals were expected ; and a large mass of the long sought for substance immediately separated. The reasons of the inconsistency of the first success and the subsequent failures remains to be discovered. It is possibly connected with vari- ations in temperature. The new compound is nearly insoluble in alcohol and glacial acetic acid, and is partially decomposed by water. Potassic hydroxide re- moves all the bromine from it only with difficulty. It is easily broken up by concentrated nitric acid, but not until heat has been applied. Because of the stability of the compound it was necessary to deter- mine the bromine in a rather elaborate manner. The sample was in- timately mixed with a large amount of sodic carbonate in a porcelain crucible, covered with a thick layer of the same salt, pressed down very thoroughly, and very gradually brouglit to a red heat. As the mass contracted, more sodic carbonate was sprinkled around the edges of the mixture, to prevent the escape of a trace of bromine. The fused mass was dissolved in hot water, and the sodic bromide was filtered off and determined as usual.* Analyses of Cu(C6H7N)2C2H302Br. I. 0.2100 gram of the first sample of substance yielded 0.0343 gram of copper upon electrolysis. II. 0.1768 gram of the first sample of substance yielded 0.0860 gram of argentic bromide. III. 0.1743 gram of the second sample of substance yielded 0.08GG gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.1232 gram of the second sample of substance yielded 0.0600 gram of argentic bromide. * This method was found to give the same results as that of Carius with these compounds. Of course the method would not answer if the bromine were directly combined with carbon. Calculated for Found. above Formula. I. II. III. Copper 16.38 16.33 Bromine 20.70 20.70 21.1 RICHARDS AND MOULTON. — CUPRIANILINE SALTS. 91 20.80 (3.) OCTOCUPRIANILINE MoNOACETOBROlIIDE, This substance has been made repeatedly as follows. Two grams of cupric bromide were dissolved in a hundred cubic centimeters of al- cohol, and one and eight tenths grams of cupric acetate were dissolved in ten cubic centimeters of acetic acid, with the addition of just enough water to effect the solution. The two solutions were mixed, and fifteen cubic centimeters of aniline were added. In a quarter of an hour the desired crystals separated out from the deep gi-een solution. The crystals resemble fine gunpowder in appearance, and possess properties more nearly resembling those of compound No. 1 than those of compound No. 2. Analyses of Cu3(C6H7N)i6Bri5(C2H302). I. 0.1158 gram of the substance yielded 0.0181 gram of copper. II, 0.1158 gram of the substance yielded 0.0996 gram of argentic bromide. III. 0.2000 gram of the substance yielded 0.1738 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.2712 gram of the substance yielded 0.2354 gram of argentic bromide. Calculated for Found. Cug(CeH7N),eBr,5C2H302. I. II. m. iv. Copper 15.62 15.71 Bromine 36.82 36.58 37.06 36.94 (4.) OCTOCUPRIAXILINE Tri ACETOBROMIDE, Cu8(C6H,N)ieBri3(C2H302)3. Once this compound was obtained by adding 1.86 grams of aniline to a mixture of 2.23 grams of cupric bromide and 2.0 grams of acetic acid in alcoholic solution. The second time it was obtained by adding a few crystals of this first preparation to a mixture similar to that used for preparing No. 2, just as it was on the point of crystallization. The properties of this substance resemble very closely those of the last ; and its analysis was conducted in the usual manner. 92 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Analysis of Cu8(C6Tl7N)i6Bri3(C2H302)3. I. 0.1754 gram of the substance yielded 0.0278 gram of copper. II. 0.1754 gram of the substance yielded 0.1318 gram of argentic bromide. III. 0.2445 gram of the substance yielded 0.1865 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.2200 gram of the substance yielded 0.1677 gram of argentic bromide. Calculated for Found. CU8(C6U,N),cBr3(C2U302)3. I. II. III. IV. Copper 15.82 15.85 Bromine 32.30 32.00 32.46 32.44 (5.) DiCUPRIANILINE ACETOMONOBROMIDE, This substance is formed with comparative ease, and was often ob- tained in the unsuccessful attempts to prepare cuprianiline acetobromide (No. 2). Its preparation is more certain if somewhat less cupric bro- mide— two grams instead of three — is used in the mixture described under that head. This variation of desirable conditions was to have been expected. Dicuprianiline acetomonobromide may also be formed bv addint^ acetic acid to an alcoholic solution of cupric bromide until the color of the solution has become green, and then addiug the aniline as before. After several hours, in either case, the compound separates as a dark bluish-black powder, insoluble in alcohol and glacial acetic acid. It is not decomposed by water, and boiling concentrated potassic hydrate will only remove a very small part of the bromine. At a moderate heat it is surprisingly stable ; but upon ignition it is decom- posed with considerable violence. When brought in contact with a drop of hot concentrated nitric acid it is almost explosive in the energy of its decomposition. Analysis of Cu2(C6H,N)4(C2HA).iBr. I. 0.1849 gram of the substance yielded 0.0310 gram of copper upon electrolysis. II. 0.2310 gram of the substance yielded 0.0560 gram of argentic bromide. III. 0.2053 gram of the substance yielded 0.0515 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.1168 gram of the substance yielded 0.2026 gram of carbon dioxide upon combustion. RICHARDS AND MOULTON. — CUPRIANILINE SALTS. 93 Copper Bromine Calculated for Cu2(C„H,NUBr(C2H30,)3. 16.82 10.57 I. 16.77 Found. II. III. 10.32 10.6 Carbon . 47.61 IV. 47.31 (6.) OCTOCUPRIANILINE ACETOMONOBROMIDE, Cu3(CeH,N)x6Br(C,H302)i5. This, tlie last compound on the list, is formed with great ease when- ever a large excess of cupric acetate or acetic acid is added to cupric bromide in alcoholic solution and aniline is added to the mixture. It separates after about twenty-four hours as a fine bluish or brownish black powder, whose properties resemble very closely those of the pre- vious compound. Analysis of Cu8(C6H7N)i6Br(C2H302)i5. I. 0.1540 gram of the substance yielded 0.0264 gram of copper upon electrolysis. II. 0.5098 gram of the substance yielded 0.0338 gram of argentic bromide. III. 0.3352 gram of the substance yielded 0.0212 gram of argentic bromide. IV. 0.2117 gram of the substance yielded 0.0134 gram of argentic bromide. V. 0.1983 gram of the substance yielded 0.3672 gram of carbon dioxide. VI. 0.4346 gram of the substance yielded 28.8 cubic centimeters of moist nitrogen at 759.4 millimeters pressure and 23° C. No. Copper. Bromine. Carbon. Nitrogen. I. . . . 17.14 II. . . . — 2.82 III. . . . 2.69 IV. . . . — 2.68 V. . . . — — 50.51 VI. . . . — — — 7.46 Averages . 17.14 2.73 50.51 7.46 94 proceedings op the american academy. Compound No. 6, Calculated for CusCCeHjNH^JieBrCC.HaO,)!^. Found. Copper 17.18 17.14 Broiuiue 2.69 2.73 Carbon 51.04 50.51 Nitrogen 7.58 7.46 It is apparent that all the compounds described in this paper may be arranged in a series, based upon the formulaj so multiplied as to include eight molecules of the cuprianiline group Cu(Ccn7N)"-. At one end of this list stands cuprianiline bromide, and at the other should stand cuprianiline acetate. Only six of the seventeen com- pounds necessary to fill out this scheme have been found : — 1. Cu,(CeH,N)ieBri6. 4. Cu«(C6H,N)i6(C2H302)3Bri3. 2. Cu«(C6H,N)ic(C2H302),Br8. 5. Cu8(CeH,N)i„(C2H30,)i„Br4. 6. Cu,(C6H,N)i6(CJ430,)i5Br. These compounds exhibit a change in properties which corresponds to the progressive change in composition. The stability of the product and its difficulty of decomposition increases as the per cent of bromine decreases. The violence of the reaction with a drop of strong nitric acid increases in the same way. As the acetic acid increases and the bromine diminishes, the crystalline form becomes less and less evident, the first compound consisting of well marked crystals, and the last of an impalpable powder. The average color of the substance becomes blacker and bluer as one proceeds in the same direction. The prepa- ration seems to depend upon two factors : in the first place, upon the relative proportions of cupric acetate and bromide taken at the start, and in the next place, upon the time required for the crystallization. When the conditions of temperature and dilution are such that crystal- lization takes place at once, a crystalline compound, rich in bromine, separates. When, on the other hand, many hours elapse before the substance appears, a powder very poor in bromine is formed. It is possible that the inversion temperature of these double salts may vary RICHARDS AND MOULTON. — CUPRIANILINE SALTS. 95 progressively, so that the use of a thermostat would be necessary to secure absolute certainty in the yield. The possibility that most of these compounds might be mere mix- tures has been already suggested; but it is evident that some at least must be definite compounds. The fact that in the case of Nos. 2 and 4 a few crystals of an earlier preparation were capable of starting the crystallization of the same substance in larger quantity, throws valu- able light upon this point. The fact that most of the substances fit so closely into the series having eight atoms of copper as the basis seems to indicate a definite law ; for the chances are decidedly against coin- cidence in this regard. The per cent of bromine is of course the best means of determining the agreement with the theory, and the agree- ment is very satisfactory. Each preparation appeared under the microscope to be perfectly homogeneous, so that if the substances are mixtures, the components must crystallize together. From this series of compounds one would infer the possible exist- ence of cuprianiline acetate, but many repeated trials to prepare this compound in a pure state ended in failure. Several different new com- pounds were obtained during this search, one of them probably having the formula Cu2(C6H7N)3(C2H302)4, for it contained 19.82 per cent of copper. Another compound, which consisted, like this last, of long light blue needles, contained only 19.10 per cent of copper ; while two others, a brown and a black powder, contained respectively 21.80 per cent and 17.28 per cent. All of these compounds, together with others containing chloriue and iodine instead of bromine, and other substituted ammonias in place of aniline, will soon be investigated further at this Laboratory. 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. THE CHEMICAL POTENTIAL OF THE METALS.* By Wilder D. Bancroft. Presented by C. L. Jaekaon, May 9, 1894. t Nearly four years ago Overbeck and Edler J published the results of their experiments on cells consisting of two metals in a single salt solution. Liquid amalgams of zinc, cadmium, tin, lead, and bismuth were used as anodes, while mercury served always as kathode. The results were as follows : the electromotive force of these cells is a function of the metals forming the electrodes, and of the negative ion of the salt solution ; it is independent of the nature of the positive ion so long as this is not the same as the anode. The values for the electromotive force coincide, within the limit of error, with those for the corresponding, constant, reversible cells of the Daniell type. With the exception of the conclusion that the electromotive force is smaller when the cell is reversible in respect to the anode, these re- sults have been confirmed by the experiments of Paschen § and of Gore. II The obsers^ations permit of other deductions not drawn by the authors. If we consider cells of the type MJRXIMa and M^IRXlMg, where Mj, Mo, M3 represent the electrodes, and RX a solution of the salt RX, the difference of the two electromotive forces gives the value of the cell M1IRXIM3IRXIM2. By PoggendorflPs law this is the same as the cell MjIRXlMj. From the figures of Overbeck and * The first part of this paper has already been publislied, Zeitschr. f. ph. Ch., XII. 289, 1893. t Before tliis paper could be printed there appeared the articles of Goodwin and of Neumann. I have rewritten the part covered by their work so as to take account of their results and the proper date of the paper in its present form is December, 1894. t Wied. Ann., XLIL 209, 1891. § Ibid., XLIIL 568, 1891. II Phil. Mag., [5.], XXXIII. 28, 1892. BANCROFT. POTENTIAL OF METALS. 97 Edler we can calculate the values for the combinations of zinc, cad- mium, tin, lead, and bismuth in different salt solutions. I have done this, and I give a few of the figures in Table I. The electromotive forces are expressed in volts, as will always be the case when nothing is said to the contrary. The first column gives the electrode, the raetal to the left being the anode. The concentrations of the different solutions are not comparable, and are therefore omitted. I have raised the value given by Overbeck and Edler for Piilllg in Nal by 0.025 volts, and that for Bi| Hg in NaCl by 0.075 volt. There is no doubt in my mind that these two values had been affected by secondary causes, and that this correction was necessary iu order to make them comparable with the other observations. TABLE L Electrodes. KCl. NaCl. KBr. NaBr. KI. Nal. ZnCd 0.374 0.365 0 369 0.352 0.374 0.367 ZnPb 0.564 0.558 0.548 0.534 0.559 0.557 ZnBi 0.797 0.789 0.782 0.767 0.781 0.789 CdPb 0.190 0.193 0.179 0.182 0.185 0.190 CdBi 0.423 0.424 0.413 0.415 0.407 0.422 PbBi 0.233 0.231 0.234 0.233 0 222 0.232 The result is surprising. The hifluence of the negative ion dis- appears, and, if we considered this table alone, we should conclude that the electromotive forces of the cells MilRXIMg depended on the nature of the electrodes only. The experiments from which this table was compiled showed that, when Mo = Hg, the negative ion is of impor- tance. It is clear that the metals separate into two classes, the distinc- tion being in respect to the behavior towards the negative ion. From the figures of Overbeck and Edler it appears further that zinc and cad- mium, for instance, give the same value in all solutions of halogens ; but that this is not the case for solutions of sulphates and nitrates. The question arises whether this difference is due to errors of obser- vation, or whether we have to do with a special property of the halo- gens. The question cannot be settled by a reference to any existing experiments. Gore * has made a series of observations recently ; but * Phil. Mag., [5.J, XXXIII. 28, 1892. VOL. XXXI. (n. S. XXIII.) 7 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. his measurements are so inaccurate that no conclusions can be drawn from them. The results of Paschen* with dropping mercury elec- trodes show signs of the same regularities which are found in Table I. ; but the variations in the observations are so great that the matter cannot be said to be definitely settled. It seemed to me necessary to make measurements in order to clear up the following points. Does the effect of the negative ion disappear in certain cases? Is this a characteristic of the halogens only ? What is the effect of the concen- tration ? May one look upon these cells as the limiting cases of the constant, reversible cells of the Daniell type? Most of the experimental work recorded in this paper was done in the chemical laboratory at Amsterdam, and I am much indebted to Prof, van 't Hoff for assistance in carrying out this research. The metals used came from the collection of the laboratory. I did not purify them further owing to lack of time. For this reason the absolute value of some of the figures may not be correct ; but that has no effect on the general laws, which alone interested me. I purified the mercury myself ; but I did not succeed in keeping the sur- face bright very long. The salt solutions were made by weighing out carefully the amounts of salt necessary for the concentrated solu- tions, and the others were made from these by diluting to the required volumes. The measurements were made with the small Lippmanu capillary electrometer. As normal element I used a Latimer Clark cell; its value was found by Ilerr Barendrecht to be 1.426 volts. I compared it from time to time with a Gouy cell, and found no change which amounted to more than a millivolt. As working cell I had also a Leclanche with about the same electromotive force as the Clark cell. Its variations were quite considerable, about 3%. The measurements against mercury were made in a small test tube which had a platinum wire melted into it; the others were made in a U tube or in an ordinary beaker. The metals, with the exception of platinum, were used in the form of rods or heavy wire. At first I polished them with sand-paper ; but this proved disadvantageous, as the surface is brought into a state of stress by this which is incompatible with accu- rate measurements. I have found it profitable to cut away the surface with a sharp knife, and then to wipe the metal with a cloth. There is the danger of a piece of steel getting on the electrode; but in most cases this will not cling firmly, and will be removed by wiping. It is true that the surface tension of a metal is often changed temporarily * Wied. Ann., XLIII. 5G8, 1801. BANCROFT, — POTENTIAL OF METALS. 99 by cutting off a piece ; but experiment shows that this change passes away more quickly than that caused by rubbing. In order to obtain accurate figures the electrodes should not be jarred. In some experi- ments the electrodes can be moved about without any very notice- able effect ; but in most cases the slightest tremor has a very great influeuce on the electromotive force. As a rule, the electromotive force of this type of cell increases on standing, more or less quickly, till it reaches a definite maximum, where it remains constant. It is this maximum which I have given in the tables, because it is always the same in different experiments, while the value first observed is very irregular. In two cases only have I done differently. With magne- sium one can get almost any desired value, according to the way the measurement is made. Immediately after setting up, the value for MglZn is about 0.56 volt. If the magnesium is left in the solution and the liquid stirred slightly, the value becomes 0.713 volt. If the liquid be stirred vigorously, the reading rises to 0.76 volt, and even higher. In the last two cases there is a violent evolution of hydrogen. I have taken the first value as the most probable, and consider it as possibly too high. In the literature the recorded figures for MglZn lie between 0.53 and 0.80 volt. The reason for this discrejiancy is, as I have just said, in the varying conditions. With lead it is a little different. One gets at first a definite value, which remains constant quite a while, and then increases slowly to a maximum which I have not determined. As this " stationary " value is an easy one to deter- mine, I have measured it ; it evidently corresponds to a well defined condition, and is therefore just as good for most purposes of compari- son as the highest value. The probable error of the measurements is not over 0.01 volt in most cases, and has no effect on the general relations. I now come to the experimental data. The concentrations are given in chemical units (gram molecules per litre). The single values are the averages of five to twenty observations. Table II. shows the effect of the concentration, Table III. the effect of the negative ion when the electrodes are any two of the metals Mg, Zn, Sn, Pb, or Bi. The measurements of ZnlBi and CdIBi had one marked peculiarity. The electromotive force CdIBi was at first about 0.315 volt. This potential difference increased slowly but regularly till it reached the value given in the table. In all the cases which I have studied Zn|Bi and CdIBi are the only ones in which there were signs of any rational connection between the change of the electromotive force and the time. I wished to include aluminium in the list ; but the purest Neuliausen 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE II. Electrodes. Concentration. KCl. KBr. K2SO4. MgZn A 0.562 0.561 0.562 MgZn ri2M2X|M2 will be the algebraic sum of the two potential differences between the metals and the solutions plus the difference of potential between the liquids. I leave out of account a possible potential difference be- * Lehrbuch der AUgem. Chem. (2 Aufl ), II. 897. t Nernst, Zeitschr. f. ph. Chem., IV. 148, 1889, 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADExMY. tween the metals, as this term is negligible so far as our present knowledge goes. The electromotive force of this type of cell will be n e \ ® PMi ° Pi) + where z represents the difference of potential between the solutions, and the valency of the metals M^ and Mg is the same. If the wander- ing velocities of the ions Mi and Mg are nearly equal, and pi and j^a be made so, the value of z approaches zero, while the term log — drops out entirely. The electromotive force of the cell MiljsMiXl/jM^XIMa is given very nearly by the expression TT = log ~y^ X 10-^ volts, ne ® Pmi and is independent of the absolute concentration of the salts MjX and MoX. Let us take as a concrete case the cell Zn|ZiiS04lCuS04|Cu, and let the concentrations of the ZnS04 ^.nd CUSO4 always be equal. It has been found experimentally that the electromotive force of this cell is independent of the absolute concentration.* Suppose that, in- stead of diluting the two solutions with pure water, we add a solution of potassium sulphate. According to Nei-nst's theory, this will have no influence on the electromotive force except in so far as it affects the dissociation of the two sulphates, and thereby the concentrations of the Zn and Cu ions. If the dilution be carried far enough, we shall come at last, without change of electromotive force, to the cell with neither zinc nor copper sulphate, to the cell ZnIxZnS04 + xK2S04lxCuS04 + xK2S04|Cu, which is the same as the cell Zn|xK„S04lCu. In other words, the one-liquid non-reversible cells are the limiting cases of the two-liquid reversible cells, in which the concentrations and wandering veloci- ties of the reversible ions are equal, the dissociation being supposed to be complete. This last clause is necessary, for if the percentage dissociations of the zinc sulphate and cojiper sulphate were different, * Wright, Phil. Mag., [5.], XIII. 265, 1882. BANCROFT. POTENTIAL OP METALS. 105 equal concentrations of the two sulphates would not correspond to equal concentrations of zinc and copper ions, and this would affect the potential difference between the solutions. The concentration of the K2SO4 should have no effect, and it was shown in Tables II. and V. that this was the case. It is clear that in measurements made with two-liquid reversible cells, there are two sources of error besides those due to the surface conditions of the electrodes. These are differences of concentration and differences of wandering velocities. The effects of these two errors are that the terms log ^-^ and z do not disappear. The determinations made with single-liquid cells are free from these sources of error ; but the difficulties due to polarization are so great that the variations are apt to be much larger than in measurements made with two-liquid reversible cells. In Table VIII. I give some of the results obtained with the two styles of cells. In the first four col- umns are the measurements of Paschen,* myself, Overbeck and Edler,t Ostwald,! all made with single-liquid cells. In the next three are the figures of Wright and Thompson, § Neumann, || Braun,^ with re- versible cells. In the eighth are the data of Magnanini,** and in the ninth those of Regnauld,tt the former being for polarizable, the latter for non-polarizable cells. The agreement is not as striking as one might wish ; but it is sufficient. The values marked with a star are not properly comparable, because the two solutions were not of the same concentration. Nernst's formula for the cells we have been considering is TT = — log ^ X 10-" volts. It is therefore necessary to discuss the nature of log P. Nernst has not made any direct statement, so far a>i I know, about a possible con- nection between log P and the negative ion of the salt solution. Ostwald J J and his pupils look upon log Pas a function of the electrode * Wied. Ann., XLIIL 590, 1891. t Ibid., XLII. 209, 1891. t Zeitschr. f. ph. Cliem., I. 583, 1887. § Phil. Mag., [5 ], XIX. 1, 1885. II Zeitschr. f. ph. Chem., XIV. 193, 1894. 1 Wied. Ann., XVI. 575, 1882. ** Rend. Ace. Lino., VI. 182, 1890. tt Wiedmann, Elektricitat (2 Aufl.), I. 792. tt Lehrbuch, II. 855. 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE VIII. Elec- trodes. Electro- lyte. Pas- chen. W.D.B. 0 & E. Ost- wald W. & T. Neu- manu. Braun. Maji- nani- Di. D=100. Reg. naulj. ZiiCd Chlorides 0 296 0.333 0.368 0.360 0.330 0.329 0.334 0.32 0.235 ZnCd Bromides 0.293 0.333 0.364 0.340 0.315 — 0.256 0.30 0.235 ZiiCd Iodides 0.298 0.331 0.365 0 304 0.322 — 0.262 0.20 0.235 ZnCd Sulphates 0.350 0.834 0.430 0.401 0.3G0 0.362 0.33-37 0.36 0.307 ZiiCd Nitrates — 0.332 0 440 0.411 0.352 0.352 0.27-37 0.38 0.235 ZnCd Acetates — 0.332 — 0.373 — — 0.336 ZnPb Cldorides 0.512 0.526 0.561 0.610 0.591* 0.598* — 0.51 ZnPb Bromides 0 525 0.528 0.541 0.599 0.571 — — 0.45 ZnPb Iodides 0.545 0.527(1) 0.558 0.587 0.455 — — 0.38 ZnPb Sulphates 0.525 0 527 0.502 0.592 0.50-55* — — 0.51 ZnPb Nitrates 0.526 0.589 0.598 0.585 0.589 0.440 0.51 ZnPb Acetates — 0.527(1) — 0.638 0.607 0.601 0.54-58 CdPb Chlorides 0.21G 0.195 0.192 0.249 0.260* 0.269*- CdPb Bromides 0.232 0.194 0.181 0.259 0.256 CdPb Iodides 0.247 0.194(1) 0.188 0.256 0.24* CdPb Sulphates 0.18 0.194 0.17 0.191 0.13-17* CdPb Nitrates — 0193 0.243 0.187 0.233 0.237 0.18-22 CdPb Acetates — 0.1941) — 0.265 — — 0.240 metal and the temperature only, and liold that it is independent of the nature of the negative ion. If tliis be so, we ought to find that all cells of the type MilpMJXftM.^XIM, should have the same value so long as Ml and M.y remain the same, and that a change in X should have no effect, barring secondary disturbances such as differences of wandering velocity, of dissociation, etc. In the non-reversible cells M1IRXIM2, where these disturbing influences are eliminated, this should be even more noticeably true. That this is the case for certain metals I have shown in Tables II. and III. The results of other in- (^) Values marked thus are calculated from the other experiments, and are not direct observation. BANCROFT. POTENTIAL OF METALS. 107 vestigators, as given in Table VIII., show the same thing, though not quite so clearly. The values for ZniCu in solutions of chlorides, bro- mides, and iodides are found to be identical by Paschen, by Overbeck and Edler and by Regnault, though the three sets differ hopelessly in absolute value. Braun makes the bromides and iodides the same, and puts the chlorides, sulphates, and nitrates in a group together. There is not the same agreement among the reversible cells in which Pb forms one of the electrodes ; but this is due in part to the insolubility of the lead salts. With the polarizable cells things are much clearer, though the discrepancies between the values found by different ob- servers complicates matters very much. Ostwald finds practically the same value for ZulPb in all solutions except acetates. Paschen makes the bromides and sulphates the same, while Overbeck and Edler find the chlorides and iodides identical. On the whole, we may say that the theory of Nernst has predicted the facts with great accuracy so far. If, however, the single-liquid cells are the limiting cases of the two- liquid reversible cells, and if log P is a function of the electrodes and temperature only, the electromotive force should always be indepen- dent of the nature of the negative ion of the salt solution. That this is not so will be seen from Table IX, Tx\BLE IX. Electrodes. Electrolyte. Paschen. W. D. B. 0. & E. Ostwald. W. & T. ZnHg Chlorides 1.112 1.151 1.121 1.173 1.12-26 ZnHg Bromides 0.983 0.991 0.996 1.036 0.972 ZnHg Iodides 0.840 0.847 0.830 0.841 0.801 ZnHg Sulphates 1.300 1.302 1.302 1.484 1.46-51 ZnHg Nitrates — 1.200 1.330 1,422 1.499 ZnHg Acetates — 1.228 — 1.451 CdHg Chlorides 0.816 0.818 0.755 0.813 0.812 CdHg Bromides 0.690 0.659 0.632 0.696 CdHg Iodides 0.548 0.515 0.465 0.535 CdHg Sulphates 0.968 0.969 0.962 1.083 CdHg Nitrates — 0.867 0.884 1.011 CdHg Acetates — 0.898 — 1.078 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The variation in passing from a chloride to an iodide solution is about 0.3 volt, far more than can be accounted for by any experi- mental error. This necessitates a reconsideration of the Nernst hypothesis to see where the flaw in the reasoning occurs. The assumption made is, that, if a metal he dipped iuto a solution of one of its salts, ions of that metal will go into solution, and the electrode become charged negatively towards the electrolyte if the " solution pressure " of the metal is greater than the osmotic pressure of the cor- responding ion in the solution. If the osmotic pressure of the ion in the solution is greater than the " solution pressure," ions will be pre- cipitated upon the metal, which will become positive to the solution. This same reasoning is applicable to zinc in a solution of potassium chloride, for instance. The initial concentration of the zinc ions in the solution is zero, and the metal will therefore send off ions until the potential difference corresponding to equilibrium is reached. This will not be the case when we consider mercury in a solution of potas- sium chloride. There are no mercury ions in solution to precipitate on the metal, and it remains an unanswered problem how the mercury is to become charged positively in respect to the solution. Yet this takes place, and the value as determined by the drojjping mercury electrode method is a perfectly well defined one. This value should be independent of the nature of the salt solution if Ostwald's assump- tion about log P is correct. This is not the case. In this connection I wish to say that the question as to the value of the dropping mercury electrode as a means of measuring single potential differences does not affect this discussion at all. It is an experimental fact that the sum of the potential differences MJRX and RXIMj, as determined by this method, is equal to the electromotive force of the cell Mi\RX\M.2, and it is immaterial for the present purposes whether the single determina- tions are wrong by a constant amount, as I am only considering varia- tions in the values. I will now try to show what conclusions may be drawn from the measurements of Paschen * on the potential differences between metals and salt solutions not containing the metal of the elec- trode as ion. He points out himself that the potential difference is not a function of the positive ion of the salt solution. It is not a func- tion of the concentration. Paschen inclines to the opposite view; but I think he is wrong, and that his own results as tabulated in Table X. will bear me out. The first column gives the nature and concentration of the solution ; the second, third, and fourth columns give the poten- * Wied. Ann., XLIII. 590, 1891. BANCROFT. POTENTIAL OF METALS. 109 tial differences between the metals mercury, zinc, and cadmium, and the solution. Mercury is positive towards the solution, zinc and cadmium negative. TABLE X. Solution. Sol.lHg ZnlSol. Cdl Sol. Solution. Sol.jHg. ZnlSol. Cd |Sol. HCl = 11. 0.560 0.560 0.248 HBr =0.2721. 0.503 0.393 0175 = 101. 0.551 0.610 0.272 = 0.9833 1 0.490 0.423 0.202 = 100 1. 0.584 0.643 0.242 = 101. 0.493 0.567 0.238 KCl = 0.2801. 0 524 0.525 0.260 = 1001. 0.496 0.610 0.246 = 11. 0.539 0.547 0.249 KBr =0.4021. 0.474 0.399 0.203 = 101. 0.553 0.575 0.251 = 11. 0.483 0.441 0.186 = 100 1. 0.584 0.523 0.240 = 101. 0.493 0.422 0.167 NaCl = 0 239 1. 0.562 0.521 0,262 = 1001. 0.505 0.496 0.183 = 11. 0.556 0.512 0.266 HI =101. 0.411 0.427 0.117 = 101. 0.557 0541 0.268 = 1001. 0.417 0.515 0.159 = 100 1. 0.590 0 557 0.268 = 1000 1. 0.886 0.584 0.214 MgCls = 0.9711. 0.546 0.525 0.252 KI = 0.795 1. 0.400 0 250 0.113 = 21. 0.547 0.531 0.277 = 1L 0.400 0.238 0.113 = 201. 0.548 0.598 0.258 = 101. 0.412 0.308 0.110 = 200 1. 0.580 0.516 0.245 = 100 1. 0.412 0.369 0.120 BaClo = 0.809 1. 0.562 0.512 0.259 = 10001. 0.386 0.454 0.199 = 21. 0.555 0.554 0.249 K2S04 = 2.1521. 0.700 0.618 0.287 = 201. 0.553 0.583 0.281 = 201. 0.720 0.573 0.274 = 200 1. 0.586 0.566 0.240 = 200 1. 0.730 0.592 0 252 H2SO4 = 21. = 201. = 200 1. 0.835 0.817 0.825 0.653 0.668 0.068 0.319 0.284 0.261 The values for Sol I Hg are identical for dilutions of 11 and 101, with the exception of KCl, KBr, K2S04, and H2SO4 ; and the variations for K2SO4 and H0SO4 are in opposite directions, and certainly due to experimental error. There is also no reason to assume that KCl is 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. theoretically different in behavior from NaCl or BaCl2j and we must therefore conclude that this discrepancy is also accidental. In passing from dilutions of 101 to those of 1001, there is a distinct in- crease in potential difference between mercury and chloride solutions. With the other solutions the change is either non-existent or much less marked. On the other hand, cadmium shows this behavior only with HI and KI solutions, zinc with HCl, NaCl, HBr, KBr, HI, and KI solutions. The solutions of HBr, KBr, HI, and KI are not the ones where mercury shows a marked change of value with increasing dilu- tion, so that there is no qualitative regularity in the phenomena. As there is also no quantitative connection to be detected between the change of concentration and the change of potential difference, and as the experimental error is very large in the case of determinations with dilute solutions, I see no reason to assume that there is any change of potential difference, at any rate within wide ranges of concentration.* I am led to this conclusion the more strongly because if we admit with Paschen that the potential difference increases with increasing dilution, we must admit that the electromotive force of the cell Cd|KCl|Hg is a function of the concentration, and I have already shown that this is not the case. Paschen has pointed out that these potential differences are functions of the metal forming the electrode and of the anion. This can hardly be accounted for on the Ostwald-Nernst hypothesis. If the potential difference between Ilg and KCl or KBr solutions be due to the amount of mercury as ion which has gone into solution, we must say that the amount varies as we change from KCl to KBr, or, in other words, that the negative ion has an effect. This is quite apart from the difficulty of accounting for the sign of the potential difference. I do not see that the relative solubilities of mercurous chloride and bro- mide can be dragged in to help out matters, because we do not have a saturated solution at all, and the difference in the electromotive forces is more likely to be connected with the difference of solubility as cause than as effect. There are no experimental data, so far as I know, on potential dif- ferences at the contact surface of reversible electrodes excejjt some * This will not hold true till the concentration of the salt becomes zero ; else we should get always the same potential difference, that of the metal in pure water, wliicli is not tlie case. There will certainly be a minimum concentration beyond whicii the dissolved substance will not have the properties of matter in mass, and the potential difference will then be a function of the concentration. BANCROFT. — POTENTIAL OF METALS. Ill measurements by Neumann,* and these are not conclusive as regards the point that they were intended to prove, owing to an unfortunate choice of sohitions. He measured the potential difference between thallium and solutions of tluillium salts. Most of the salts were salts of organic acids, and Ostwald f had already found that when the nega- tive ion was an organic radical its nature was immaterial. To settle this question one should take negative ions which show marked differ- ences with non-reversible electrodes, such as chlorides, bromides, and iodides. As the negative ion has a very marked influence in these last named cases, and as there is no reason to su^jpose that the haloid salts form a class by themselves, the simplest assumption is that the nega- tive ion always has an effect, and that in the cases where this does not appear, such as tlie organic radicals, we are measuring something else which is the same in all cases. Le Blanc | found something similar in his studies of polarization, where beyond a certain point he obtained the value for the primary decomposition of water. There are certain quantitative relations connected with the change of the negative ion which deserve to be brouglit out, and in Table XI. are given the most probable values for the po ential differences of the TABLE XL Solution. Za 1 Sol. CdlSol. Sol 1 Ilg. Chlorides . . . Bromides . . . Iodides .... 0.589 0.507 0.436 0.255 0.174 0.104 0.562 0.483 0.410 TABLE XIL Solution. ZaISol.lIIg. Cd 1 Sol. 1 IIi;. Chlorides Bromides Iodides . » Sulfates 1.151 0.990 0.846 1302 0.817 0.657 0.514 0.9G9 * Zeitschr. f. ph. Ch., XIV. 225, 1894. t Ibid., I. 605, 1887. t Ibid., VIII. 315, 1891. 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. TABLE XIII. Solution. Zn. Cd. Ug. KCI-KBr . . . 0.082 0.081 -0.079 KBr-KI . . . 0.071 0.070 -0.073 KCI-KI . . . 0.153 0.150 -0.152 metals Tig;, Zn, and Cd in solutions of chlorides, bromides, and iodides, while in Table XII. are the corresponding values for the single liquid, non-reversible cells with Zn and llg, Cd and Hg, as electrodes.* We notice that the numerical change in passing from a chloride to a bromide or iodide solution is the same for these three metals and that the sign is the same for zinc and cadmium, as is shown in Table XIlI. This enables us to formulate matters a little more clearly. The poten- tial difference between a metal and a salt solution is the sum of two terms, one due to the metal and the solvent, the other to the negative ion. For certain metals in certain solutions the term due to the nega- tive ion is independent, numerically, of the nature of the metal con- sidered. For instance, the potential differences ZnlKCl, ZnlKBr, CdlKCl, CdlKBr, IlglKCl, and HglKBr will be A i- a, A + b, Ji -{- a, B -{- b, C—a, and C — b. The electromotive forces of the cells ZnlKCllCd and Zn|KBr|Cd will be A\ = J + « — ^— «, and ^2 = -4 + b — B—b, whence we see that E^ — E^, which had already been found experimentally. For ZnlKCllHg and ZnlKBrlHg we shall have E]_ = A-\-a — C-f- a and En^ — A-\-b — C-{-b, and Ey will not be equal to E.^.- ^y referring to Table III. we can now extend our generalization and make it more precise. With the metals Mg, Zn, Cd, Sn, Pb, and Bi in solutions of chlorides, bromides, iodides, sul- phates, nitrates, acetates, carbonates, and oxalates, the term due to the negative ion is not a function of the electrode. There is not much doubt that the alkaline metals, the metals of the alkaline earths, and the metals of the iron group belong in this same series. Ostwald's measurements show that most organic acids may be added to the above list of solutions. With mercury the numerical value of the term due to the negative ion is the same as with the previous metals, but the sign is opposite. With platinum the numerical value is no longer * There is certainly an error in the relative positions of Sn and Pb as given by my determinations, so I give no data for them in Table XII. BANCROFT. POTENTIAL OF METALS. 113 the same. In whicli of these three groups copper, silver, gold, and the other metals belong, I cannot say, though silver is probably like mer- cury. The results in Tables XI.-XIIl. open up a whole series of problems to be settled by future investigators. The values for the differences of the terms for any two negative ions have to be deter- mined with accuracy ; the behavior of the metals Cu, Ag, etc. must be examined. The work of Magnanini * shows that other relations hold when the dissolved salt is an oxidizing or reducing agent, and that the value ZnlRXICd, for instance, is not a function of the metals only, if RX is an oxidizing agent. It is also well known that in cases where the electrode metal caimot exist in the solution as ion that the general relations already pointed out do not hold. From the results of Negbaur -j- and of Jones J we must conclude that the term which I have represented by J, B, C, etc., varies with the nature of the sol- vent. The amount of this variation is entirely unknown as yet, and it is equally impossible to say beforehand how a change in the solvent will affect the term due to the negative ion. If we consider the cell ZnlZiiClolZnBralZn, the two solutions be- ing assumed to be of the same concentration and dissociation, and the wandering velocity of the bromine ion being further assumed to be identical with that of the chlorine ion, we should expect an electromo- tive force of 0.080 volt. This has not been taken into account by Goodwin § in his determinations of the solubilities of silver chloride, bromide, and iodide. Goodwin determined the electromotive forces of the cells AglAgNO.lAgCl + KCllAg, Ag| AgNO.I AgBr + KBrlAg, and AglAgNOji Agl + KIlAg. From the observed electromotive forces the solubilities were calculated by the formula s = if ^-^^, E ... where log cf = --^. In this equation s is the solubility, pi the con- centration of the Ag ions in the nitrate solutions, p^ the concen- tration of the CI, Br, or I ions in the corresponding solutions, E is the electromotive force of the cells, and C the integration constant, which is equal at 25° to 0.0256, It is more than probable that a cor- * Eend. Ace. Line, VL 182, 1890. X Zeitschr. f. ph. Ch., XIV. 346, 1894. t Wied. Ann., XLVIL 27, 1892. § Zeitschr. f. ph. Cli., XIII. 645, 1894. It is only fair to Mr. Goodwin and to myself to say that I have pointed out to liim privately the objections that I made to his results that he might correct them himself if he felt so inclined. He thinks that it would he better for me to make my comments in print, and I have accordingly done so. VOL. XXXI. (n. s. xxiit.) 8 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. rection ought to be applied for a possible difference of log P in nitrate and chloride solutions ; but as this value is not accurately determined I will first calculate the solubilities on the basis of the assumption that log PNO3 =log Pci.* We find, from Table XIII., log Pci — log PBr =0.080, and log Pci— log P, = 0.152 volt. These values are to be subtracted from the electromotive forces observed with AgBr and Agl in order to get the term ^called for by the formula. In Tables XIV. -XVI. I give the results of these calculations. In the first column are the values iov p^ ; in the second, for p^ ; in the third, the electromotive forces ; in the fourth, the solubilities as calcu- lated by Goodwin ; in the fifth, the solubilities as calculated by myself under the assumption that log PN03 = log Pci : and in the sixth, the values if one assumes that log PnOs — log Pci = 0.03 volt. I also give the solubilities found b}^ Kohlrausch and Rose,t and by Holle- man % with the conductivity method. TABLE XIV.§ Cone. Ag Ions Cone. Cl Ions E. M. F. Cale. S^. Cale. S„. Cale. ^3. 0.0813 0.0861 0.451 1.24 X 10-5 1.25 X 10-5 2.25 X 10-5 0.0813 0.0861 0.449 1.28 X 10-5 1.30 X 10-5 2.34 X 10-5 0.04295 0.04455 0.418 1.25 X 10-5 1.25 X 10-5 2.24 X 10-5 0.04295 0.04455 0.419 1.23 X 10-5 1.22 X 10-5 2.20 X 10-5 Sohibility AgCl at 25°, a verage 1.25 X 10-5 1.25 X 10-5 2.26 X 10-5 Kohlrausc 1 and Rose . 1.44 X 10-5 at 25° HoUeman 1.81 X 10-5 at 25° It will be seen that the second column of solubilities agrees much better with the results obtained bv other investigators than the solu- * Tlie term log Pci denotes the value of log P for the metal under discussion when in a chloride solution. t Zeitschr. f. ph. Ch., XII. 824, 1893. t Ibid., XII. 125. § S, and So in this table should be identical, as they are calculated from the same data by the same formula; the variations are due to errors in calculation. BANCROFT. — POTENTIAL OF METALS. TABLE XV. 115 Cone. Ag Ions Cone. Br Ions E M. F. Ca!c. S,. Calc. S, Calo. 2S 'U +j ? — "51, br, w 3 ,4j ^ o c« c: c: ■:g ^ 0) 0/ o ^n a "m o c c o CO as hr a o dj r M 0; 0) - = > — , 2 o H w tS *"" "" O) ^ "5) — *^ "!!^ Sis-go ^ ^ Si 0) 01 3 S 5 .S 08 3 C nj bO ■S « 2 3 ^ «*-i •3 C- O ^ fcc rt .5 O 2 OJ 3 X -M 2 =• ^ o S O; O •3 0) en 3 r- S ^ i .2 2 2 « £^ *" a -w O >> 3 5; on > 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Hence the method which answered well in the recent analysis of strontic bromide* was adopted here. The pure recrystallized or sublimed zincic bromide was placed in a platinum boat and kept for some time in an atmosphere of pure dry nitrogen charged with pure hydrobromic acid. It was found that in this way all the water could be expelled from the salt without the introduction of a trace of oxy- bromide ; indeed, zincic bromide which by rapid heating in the air had been partly decomposed could be speedily brought back to its normal condition by fusion in the atmosphere of dry dilute hydric bromide. The presence of the insoluble oxybromide is easily detected by dis- solving the bromide in large amounts of water ; iu every case the bromide used in the analyses below gave an absolutely clear solution. Baric and strontic bromides ignited in the same way give solutions which are absolutely neutral to methyl orange and phenol phthalein ; hence it is most likely than the zincic bromide, which does not admit of similar alkalimetric testing, is also quite normal. For the details the paper upon strontium must be consulted, but a sketch of the appa- ratus will probably suffice. (See preceding page.) In the present case hydrogen could not be added to the nitrogen lor fear of reducing some of the zincic bromide ; but no trouble was experienced from cor- rosion of the boat. When the substance had been kept for some time in a state of tranquil fusion, and had just solidified, the boat was quickly slid into a weighing tube which was in its turn placed in the automatic desiccator tube shown below. After the tube and boat had been heated to about 200° for some time in a current of pure dry air, the desiccator tube was raised to a vertical position, the stopper being thus allowed to fall into place. After weighing, the pure zinc bromide was dissolved in water and precipitated by means of a slight excess of very carefully weighed pure silver in very dilute solution. The argentic bromide was collected upon a Gooch crucible, the shreds of asbestos carried through (0.05 to 0.20 milligram) were collected upon a very small fine filter, and the total weight of the argentic bromide thus obtained gave one ratio upon which to base the atomic weight of zinc. In the third series the filtrate * These Proceedings, XXX. 369. RICHARDS AND ROGERS. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ZINC. 169 was all evaporated to very small bulk, and the excess of silver precipi- tated by hydrobromic acid and weighed upon a Gooch crucible in the same way as the other portion of argentic bromide. By subtracting this excess from the total silver originally weighed out, the weight of silver equivalent to the zincic bromide could be easily found. Great care was taken to exclude daylight, and to carry out all the precautions necessary in accuiate work. The data are given below. SECOND SERIES. The Ratio of Zincic Bromide to Argentic Bromide. No. of Weight of Weight of Atomic Weight of Analysis. Zincic Bromide. Argentic Bromide. Zinc. Grams. Grams. (5) 1.69616 2.82805 65.469 (6) 1 98198 3.30450 65.470 (7) 1.70920 2.84949 65.487 (8) 2.35079 3.91941 65.470 (9) 2.66078 4.43751 65.400 Average . . . . . 65.459 THIRD SERIES. The Ratio of Zincic Bromide to Silver and Argentic Bromide. No. of Analysis. Weight of Zincic Bromide. Weight bf Silver. Weight of Argentic Bromide. Atomic Weight of Zinc from Agj : ZnBrj. Atomic Weight of Ziuc from 2AgBr : Zn Brj. (10) (11) (12) (13) Grams. 2,33882 1.97142 2.14985 2.00966 Grams. 2.24063 1.88837 2.05971 1.92476 Grama. 3.90067 3 28742 3.58539 3.35074 65.409 65.444 65.396 65.472 65.400 65.434 65.402 65.463 Av jrasre . . .... 65.430 65.425 The second series of results, excepting the last determination, is undoubtedly affected by the presence of water in the zincic bromide ; for the methods of drying and transference had not been perfected. The third series was much more carefully made, but even here there was a possibility of the retention of a small amount of water in some of the analyses, hence this result also is probably somewhat too high. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The results of the four analyses of the third series give the follow- ing figures for the per cent of silver in the bromide : 57.443, 57.443, 57.447, and 57.443. The mean of these results is 57.444 ; Stas hav- ing found 57.445. It will be remembered that the hydrobromic acid from which the zincic bromide was made gave precisely similar results. This identity proves that the analytical work was without fault, and that argentic bromide does not possess the slightest tendency to occlude zincic bromide when precipitated from dilute solutions. The analysis of the hydrobromic acid proved that the material was free from chlorine and iodine. Accordingly the rather large variations in the results must be due wholly to the original condition of the samples of zincic bromide. It remained therefore, to make a final series of determinations upon zincic bromide from which water should have been absolutely excluded ; and since one of us was unfortunately called away, this series was made by the other alone. Final Series of Determinations. By Theodore William Richards. One determination of the final series. No. 17, was made with the old zincic bromide in the new apparatus. The others were all made from new material prepared from electrolytic zinc and pure bromine, instead of from zincic oxide and hydrobromic acid. The electrolytic zinc was prepared with great care in the following manner : An excess of " pure" zinc was treated with somewhat dilute pure sulphuric acid at 80° until upon dilution a marked amount of basic salt was formed. About three hundred grams of zinc had been dissolved ; and this di- luted solution was allowed to stand for many hours in contact with the zinc and the basic salt. After filtering, clean pieces of zinc were added to the solution; and no further metallic precipitate formed upon the zinc. The solution was then decanted and treated with a small amount of sulphuric acid and much hydric sulphide. After some time the pure white precipitate was separated by decantation and filtration, and the solution was oxidized by an excess of pure chlorine. To this solution was then added enough very pure sodic carbonate to form a slio-ht precipitate, and the mixture was allowed to stand several days with occasional stirring. The pure white precipitate, which must have contained any trace of iron remaining, was filtered off, and the sulphate of zinc was crystallized three times successively from hot water. RICHARDS AND ROGERS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ZINC. 171 The solution of the last crystals was allowed to stand for two days over several grams of the purest crystalline electrolytic ziuc in a large platinum dish. At the end of that time the solution contained some basic salt, but the dish showed no sign of a metallic coating. The solution was filtered, treated with an excess of freshly distilled ammonia, and electrolyzed. A thin rod of very pure zinc served as the negative pole, and a platinum wire as the positive. Six decom- posing cells were run simultaneously on a shunt from a fifty-volt dynamo which was being used for charging a storage battery. The current in each decomposing cell varied from one to one and a half amperes, — if a much stronger current was used the cells became too warm. As Ramsay and Reynolds * have suggested, it is advisable to remove the remarkably beautiful crystals from time to time as they grow ; for this purpose a bent five-pronged glass fork made from a heavy rod was found very useful. The crystals were washed with ammonia until the washings were absolutely free from sulphuric acid, then with ^^ure very dilute hydrobromic acid, and finally with much pure water. About forty grams of pure zinc thus formed were treated with an excess of pure bromine, which had been shaken with an alka- line bromide in aqueous solution, dissolved in concentrated calcic bromide, precipitated by water, and distilled under dilute pure hydro- bromic acid. The Jena glass flask in which the combination took place was cooled during the reaction. The red solution was filtered in a glass funnel through asbestos, and the excess of bromine, together with any trace of iodine which may have been present, was driven off by leaving the Jena flask upon the steam bath for some time in a very much inclined position. The diluted colorless solution was evaporated to small bulk, and the greater part of it was subjected to fractional crystallization by cooling to zero. A portion which had crystallized twice successively, from water was labelled (A), and another portion, the extreme mother liquor remaining from two crystallizations was labelled (C). Sample (B), the intermediate fraction, was not used in these experiments, as (A) and (C) were proved to be identical. Before analysis both (A) and (C) were subjected either to distillation or to sublimation. Tlie sublimation was carried on in the lower part of a platinum retort, to which had been fitted closely a glass adapter for conducting the current of pure dry carbon dioxide. The substance to be sublimed was contained in a small platinum crucible fitted with a wire handle, by which it could easily be raised, lowered, or removed. * Loc. cit. 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Co, The adapter was so arranged that the current of gas came as closely as possible in contact with the crucible, and so that any zinc bromide which might condense in a liquid form upon the glass, and thus run the risk of taking alkali from it, must return to the crucible and be redistilled. The sectional drawing will give a clearer idea of the arrangement. Two powerful Bunsen burners supplied heat from below, impinging upon a porcelain dish which fitted closely to the bottom of the retort and protected the platinum. The gases from the flame were diverted by a large diaphragm of asbestos board. By means of this arrange- ment it is possible to sublime about half a gram of zincic bromide an hour ; the crystals are exceedingly beautiful, and give every evidence of great purity. Instead of being sublimed, some of the pure salt was distilled in a current of carbon dioxide. For this purpose a medium sized tube of the hardest glass was drawn out so as to serve for a small retort, and this was encased in a larger hard glass tube, from which it was separated by several pieces of platinum foil. A platinum boat, into which was directed the drawn out and turned over point of the inner tube, served as the receiver. Here again a diagram must assist the explanation. Sca/e J nd/iwai size Scale, y nataral size The zinc bromide thus distilled possessed a peculiarly brilliant white lustre ; in no case did the boat lose or gain the twentieth of a milli- gram in weight during the distillation. RICHARDS AND ROGERS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ZINC. 173 The attempt was made also to distil the bromide in a vacuum, but the reduction of the pressure lowered the boiling point too nearly to the proximity of the melting point for convenient manipulation. In this connection it may be well to state the atomic weight of zinc obtained from these specimens, in order to show their identity. The details of these figures are given later. From the substance used in the preliminary determinations (Expt. 17) 65.410 From new substance not crystallized from water but distilled in carbon dioxide (Expt. 14) 65.403 From extreme mother liquors from crystallization (C) sub- limed in carbon dioxide (Expt. 18) 65.404 From purest crystals (A), twice crystallized from water and sublimed (Expt. 15, 19) 65.404 From purest crystals (A) twice crystallized from water and twice distilled in carbon dioxide (Expt. 16) ... 65.398 Average Zn = 65.404 Siloer. — The silver used in the final determinations was repeatedly purified by the methods already described. Finallj^ the beautiful electrolytic crystals were fused in a small crucible of pure lime in a vacuum. In this way the metal may be obtaine.l in the purest possi- ble state, for if it is distilled according to Stas there is always danger of impurity from the oxygen and illuminating gas or hydrogen used in the oxygen blowpipe. Other Materials. — The acids were purified in the usual fashion and the greater part of the water used was only distilled twice, rejecting the first portions. For experiment 16, all the water used was dis- tilled three times, once over potassic permanganate. Of course the platinum condenser which has been already described served for all of these distillations.* Phosphoric pentoxide was sublimed in a stream of pure oxygen. Since the presence of oxides of nitrogen in carbon dioxide might assist the partial decomposition of zincic bromide, nitric acid was rejected as a means of decomposing marble, and very dilute hydrochloric acid was used instead. The gas was purified by passing through a solu- tion of sodic hydric carbonate, long tubes containing argentic nitrate, and much pure water. Since the last tube containing water gave absolutely no test for chlorine after over a hundred litres of the gas * These Proceedings, XXX. 380. 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. had passed through it, one may safely assume that the purification was sufficient. The gas was dried by means of sulphuric acid and phos- phoric peutoxide. Method of A nalysis. — Perhaps the best method of explaining the method of analysis is to give a detailed description of a single deter- mination; and for this purpose Analyses 15 and 19, in which both silver and argentic bromide were weighed, will best serve. The very pure sublimed zincic bromide was pressed into a platinum boat ; and the boat was placed in a tube of hard glass, which had been ground into another tube designed to contain a weighing bottle. The apparatus consisted essentially of a combination of the two pieces of apparatus shown upon pages 167 and 1G8; it was devised for a research upon the atomic weight of magnesium now being carried on by Messrs. Richards and Parker, and it will be described in full when that investigation is pixblished. With the help of this apparatus it was possible to heat the zincic bromide to any temperature below its boiling point in an atmosphere of pure dry air, pure dry carbon dioxide, or pure dry carbon dioxide charged with hydrobromic acid ; and these gases could be changed at will merely by the opening and closing of stopcocks. When the heating had been continued for the desired length of time, it was possible to push the boat into the weigh- ing bottle and to stopper the weighing bottle very tightly in a perfectly dry atmosphere, without the least chance of the absorption of moigture from the outside air. All the apparatus which could possibly come into contact with bromine or hydrobromic acid was made of glass, with ground glass joints and glass gridirons for convenient refilling. The zincic bromide was heated very gradually at first in an atmos- phere of carbon dioxide which had been dried by passing over sul- phuric acid, fused zincic bromide, and phosphorus pentoxide. If heated very gradually in this way, zincic bromide may he almost wholly dehydrated without loss of bromine ; but a basic bromide is certain to form if the heating is rapid. When all of the apparent water had been expelled from the substance and its containing tube, dry hydiic bromide was added to the carbonic dioxide, and the tem- perature was gradually raised to the fusing point of zmcic bromide. The bromide was kept at a temperature just above its melting point for about an hour ; during this time perhaps a tenth of the substance sublimed in the exit end of the " combustion " tube, — rendering the drying tube — which had been ground on to protect the exit — un- necessary. It was assumed that at the end of an hour the fused zincic bromide must be as free from water and from basic salt as it was RICHARDS AND ROGERS. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF ZINC. 175 possible to obtain it ; accordingly, the temperature was allowed to fall to about 200°, and the current of dry hydrobromic acid was stopped. Soon air — dried by means of sulphuric acid, fused potash, and phosphorus pentoxide — was substituted for the carbon dioxide, the temperature being allowed to fall to about 150° to avoid any possi- ble decomposition of the ziucic bromide; and this current of air was continued for several hours until long after every trace of hydrobro- mic and carbonic acid had been swept away. In order to " make assurance doubly sure " the whole length of the tube, weighing-bottle and all, was heated to 1 00° or more several times, in order to prevent any possible occlusion of acid. When all was in readiness, the warm boat was pushed by means of a long glass rod into the weighing bot- tle, and the bottle was stoppered with the help of the same rod. The apparatus was then pulled to pieces, the closed bottle was transferred at once to a tight desiccator, and after a suitable rest of several hours, it was weighed with all possible care. The various weighings are tabulated below.* Weight of boat beforehand . Weight of boat + bottle . . The same + ZnBr2 after seven ) liours' cooling . . . . ) After two hours more . . . After two hours' standing in ) balance ) Weight of boat after experiment Boat + bottle afterward . . Gain of boat Gain of boat + bottle . . . Average tare of boat + bottle ) + ZnBr., exists, that is, | 0 | =^ 0, a polynomial ;^ = y (^) in ^ can be found such that <^ = e^ * In this paper I employ the notation of Cayley's " Memoir on the Linear Automorpiiic Transformation of a Bipartite Quadric Function," Philosophical Transactions, 1858, with these exceptions, namely, the identical substitution will be denoted by S, and the linear substitution or matrix transverse or conjugate to the linear substitution or matrix ^ will be denoted by ^. Cayley denotes the bilinear form 2,- 2s ar,Xsjjr {>', s = 1, 2, . . . n), as above, by (n (J xi, xo, . . . x„^ yi, y2> ■ • ■ yn), the symbol XI denoting the matrix a.2i a.22 . . . that is, the square array of coefficients of the form. The determinant of the linear substitution (p will be denoted by | denotes the linear substitution transverse or conjugate to <^, we have (^n^$i, |o,.. . ^„^ 771,770, . . .r]„) = (n^Xi,x., . . .x„'^yi,yr,, . . . y„). The necessary and suflFicient condition that this transformation shall be automorphic is that shall satisfy the equation The class of linear substitutions that satisfy this equation, that is, the linear substitutions which transform the bilinear form in the man- ner described, do not form a group ; but they can be separated into substitutions of the first or second kind according as they are or are not the second power of a substitution of this class.* And any sub- stitution of the first kind can then be generated by the repetition of an infinitesimal substitution of this class, whereas no substitution of the second kind can be generated thus. * If | 4^ 0. Consequently a polynomial X =^ f i4>) c^" be found such that Let then J. „'*"

) n-i = a (Sm cm <^'") n-i = s^c^ n<^'«n-i = Sm c^ {a n-'^)'" = 2„c„(.^-i)'»=/(<|.-i). 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In particular, it & CI — — CI &, (f) = e^ satisfies the preceding equation. Let now then n e^ — ^ n {& n + n &) n-^ = i (o/(-i o-i)) Again, let then Since 60 0 and 0i fi are polynomials in ^, they are commutative. Therefore J 2 __ g2,>fi _. g2 9„n+2e,n ^ e2 9„n g2 9jn _ - g2 e, n g2 9on ^ g,>n + n,? -- g_ 2 «A = -< ),n ^ : e -^n^i > •A fii/' = : e ' m " ^1 n ,^.« = 0, •A m (.^. ")" —. g2flifi : = ./>-^. smce If now and Consequently, any linear substitution, as ^^ which is the second power of a linear substitution satisfying the equation (p ii (p ^= i2j is the wth power for any positive integer m of a solution of this equation. By taking m sufl[iciently great, we can make the coefficients * See last note, page 185. TABER. — LINEAR TRANSFORMATION. 187 2 of — ^1 fi as small as we please, and thus we may make the substi- tn tution i// as nearly as we please equal to the identical substitution. Whence it follows that any linear substitution of the first kind which .satisfies the equation (that is, any linear substitution which is the second power of a solution of this equation) can be generated by the repetition of a linear substi- tution which is also a solution of this equation and which is infinitely near the identical substitution. Any linear substitution satisfying the equation is of the first kind if — 1 is not a root of the characteristic equation of cf) (that is, (f) is then the second power of a substitution satisfying this equation). For if — 1 is not a root of the characteristic equation of , we may put n-^ Y = - 8 + 2 (S + (/))- 1 = (8 - <^) (8 + )- ^ and we then have Yt2-^=:n(o-^'Y)n-^ = n (8 - ) (8 -\- <^)-in-i = o (8 - <^) fi-i • fi (8 + n-^) {8 + n cjiQ- ^)~^ = (8-<^-0(s + c/>-0-^ = (cf> - 8) (ct> + 8)-'^ = - n-^ Y. From the expression for Q,~ ^ Y we also obtain (0-1Y + 8) (<^ + 8) =2 8; and consequently, since | 0~-^ Y + 8 | 4= 0, <^ = -8 + 2(8 + 0-iY)-i= (8 + n-^Y)-i(S-n-iY). If now & r=y (()-i Y) is a polynomial in fi~^ Y such that 8 + fi- 1 Y = e^ 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. then, if d' =f(— fi"^ Y) we have >> 8-n-^Y = e^' i* aud consequently Wherefore, if en = -&-{-y=: -/(n-i y) +/(- q-^y), = -q/(q-iy)q-i + q/(-q-iy)q-i = -/(YQ-^)+/(-YQ-^) and consequently, if , pien -iue ij/ = e- =z e ^ , we have and that is, <^ is the second power of a solution of the equation (fi Q cf> = a. If a linear substitution satisfying this equation is sufficiently near to the identical substitution, — 1 is not a root of its characteristic equa- tion. Therefore an infinitesimal substitution satisfying this equation is of the first kind. But the repetition of a substitution of the first kind gives a substitution of that kind. Whence it follows that no substitution of the second kind, which satisfies the equation, can be * For Therefore, i?'=/(-n-iT) =f(n- n-iT. n-i) = n (5 + n-i r) n-i TABER. — LINEAR TRANSFORMATION. 189 generated by the repetition of an infinitesimal substitution satisfying this equation. Let <^ be a linear substitution of the first kind of the class we are now considering. That is, let li/ Q li^ = i2, and let The roots of the characteristic equation of (f> are then the squares of the roots of the characteristic equation of ip. Consequently, if — 1 is a root of the characteristic equation of ^, ^/ — 1 is a root of the char- acteristic equation of i}/ ; that is, I xj/ — V^ 8 I = 0. But then I ./.-I - V^T S I = 1 12 (,/,-i - V^^l 8) Q-i I = I ,/. - V^S I = 0 ; and since ^-1 _ y'lTi 8 = - V^ ^-^ ("A + V^ 8), we have I ^ + V^ 8 I = 0 ; that is, — V — 1 is then also a root of the characteristic equation of {j/. It is convenient at this point to introduce a term which has been em- ployed by Sylvester. Thus, following Sylvester, I shall say that the nullity of the linear substitution 4> is m, if all the (m— l)th minor? of the matrix or determinant of $ are zero, (that is, the minors of order n — m + 1, if n is the number of variables,) but not all the mth minors (the minors of order n — m). If now the nullity of ij/ — ^/—IS is tn, then, since ^j, — ^ZTT s = Q. (,/.-! — V^ 8) n-\ the nullity of — V^TiA"' (. Thus, employing the notation of pages 185, 186, let i^Q be a polynomial in (/> such that and, as above, let ^0 Q =: I- (^ O + Q {>), OiQ^ ^{&Q — Q&). Then, if i// 12 i/^ = O, and Corresponding to any linear substitution ^ of the second kind satis- fying the equation ^ i2 (^ ::= Q, can always be found a solution cf)^ of the first kind whose coefficients are rational functions of a parameter ^, such that, by taking ^ suffi- ciently small, the coefficients of ^^ may be made as nearly as we please equal to the corresponding coefficients of . §3. If the two sets of variables of the bilinear form (12 ^ a-i , a-2, . . . a:„ ^ yi , 5/2, . . . «/«)' of non-zero determinant, are transformed by a linear substitution whose product is equal to the identical substitution ; thus, if (Xi, X^, . . . .T„) =r (0 ^ ^1, 4, . . . 4), (yi, 1/2, " ■ y,,) = () be a polynomial in 0 such that Let that is, then And since ^ = Q-i0i2, and consequently we have Therefore ^ Q =/ (0) — dO.. If now m is any positive integer, and j/^ r= e'" = e'" , then y ,^i o S i fi * \J/ ^ = e '" = e ' ; and we have identically - , -lad 'on if/-^ Qil/ = e '" Qe'" = 12. We also have if/"" = e'» ^ = . Consequently any linear substitution can be generated by the repetition of an infinitesimal substitution which also satisfies this equation. * See note, page 183. HOLMAN. — THERMO-ELECTRIC FORMULA. 193 Investigations on Light and Heat, made and published wholly oe in part with Appeoprution prom the Rumfoed Fund. X. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. XLIV. —THERMO-ELECTRIC INTERPOLATION FORMULA. By Silas W. Holman. Presented November 13, 1895. In this paper are collected the several well known types of for- mulae for expressing the thermal electro-motive force of a couple as a function of the temperature of its junctions. Two new formuke are also proposed. All then are tested against the most reliable experi- mental data upon the subject, and their relative merits discussed. The Existing Formula. Consider a simple closed electric circuit composed of two different metals, each homogeneous in matter and temper, the metals beino- in contact at two points. For simplicity, assume the metals to be in the form of wires joined at their ends. Let one junction be at a tem- perature of /i°, the other of c°, on the ordinary centigrade scale. Let 2^e be employed as a suggestive symbol to denote the resultant elec- tro-motive force in the circuit, induction being excluded from consid- eration. Then 2*e is a function of h and c which involves constants dependent upon the nature of the metals, and which may be repre- sented by The discovery of the natural expression for / (h, c) is not only of scientific importance, but is urgently needed in the development of the art of pyroraetry. At present even a satisfactory empirical formula for interpolation is lacking, the best still being probably that of Avenarius and Tait. VOL. XXXI. {y. s. xxiiT.) 13 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The existing; formuloe are the five foUowincr. Ordinary or parabolic : ^'^e = at + ht^ + ct'^ -}- (1) This is, of course, merely a series in ascending powers of t, where one junction is at any temperature t° C, and the other at 0° C, a, b, and c being constants. A more general form for the case where the cold junction is at any constant temperature, ti° , is 2,\e = a{t-t^) + b (t- - ti") + c (t' - t{) + These expressions may, of course, be inverted, giving t as a function of 2e. Avenarius 2^ e = (h — c) {a + b (h + c)}, (2) in accordance with the foregoing notation. Thomson : 2^ = a(r,-x.)-[r„-Ii + I-«|, (3) where t is the absolute temperature, t„ being that of the " neutral point." Tait: 2^^e=(k'-k) (r,-r,)^r„-Z^Y (4) Both of the last two, by the substitution of t + 273 for t obviously reduce to the Avenarius form. Barus : e^ + e, = 10 ^+ «'' + 10 ^' + «''•• (5) where e,, represents the thermal emf. of the hot junction and e^ that of the cold junction. In view, however, of the existence of the Thom- son effect, these symbols can strictly be interpreted only as having the meaning that e^, — e<, — ^c ^- Note. — With regard to the Avenarius, Thomson, and Tait expres- sions it may be remarked that they are not only mutually equivalent, but that if t^ or r^ becomes 0° C. they reduce at once to the ordinary parabolic form of two terms : %:=at-\-bt^. They are all, therefore, forms which must apply if the latter purely empirical expression for the same temperature ranges applies, and with the same closeness, so that it is unnecessary to test more than HOLMAN. — THERMO-ELECTRIC FORMULA. 195 one of the first four expressions against any one set of data. Also the fact that the Avenarius and Tait equations approximately con- form to the observed data does not necessarily in any material degree strengthen the hypotheses which are adduced to show that these equa- tions are a natural expression of the law. Without attempting here a further analysis of the components making up the resultant emf. 2'!e, which is the measured emf, of the thermo-couple, tlie proposed interpolation formulaa will be merely developed and applied. It may, however, be suggested in passing, that there seems to the writer to be little hope of arriving at a close approximation to the natural law except through an expression which shall contain separate terms representing the temperature function of the component arising at the contact of the dissimilar metals, and that arising from the inequality of temperature of the ends of each (homo- geneous) element (Thomson emf.). The parabolic and Avenarius for- mulre would comply in part with this requirement on the supposition that the emf. at contact varied as the first power, and the Thomson emf. in both wires as the square of the temperature. And looked at from that point of view, the neutral point would seem to have an explanation materially different from that usually accorded to it. The Proposed Formula. Exponential Equation. — The significance of this proposed expres- sion may be thus stated. Suppose the cold junction of the couple be maintained at the absolute zero of temperature, r = 0°, and its emf. to be consequently zero. Let the other (hot) junction be at any tem- perature t\ absolute. The proposed equation is based on the assump- tion that the total emf. of the couple would then be representable by e' ^=z m r". where m and n are numerical constants. If then the cold junction were raised to any temperature t° there would be introduced an opposing emf. e" , which would be expressible by The resultant emf. S^e would then be e' — e", and therefore expressible by 2* e = m T^ — m T^. (6) If in any instance, as is frequently the case in measurements, the tem- perature of the cold junction is maintained constant while that of the 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. hot junction varies, then w t" becomes a constant, and it will be convenient to denote this constant by /3 when t = 273° abs. =: 0° C. So that for this special case where the cold junction is at 0° C. and the hot junction at f C, we have 2^e=:mT"-/3. (7) This expression is not advanced as a possible natural form of the function y(y^,c). It is essentially empirical, and is not designed to account separately for the several distinct components entering into 2 e. The fact that it closely fits the experimental data arises chiefly from the well known adaptability of the exponential equation to represent limited portions of curved lines. The equation also leads to certain inferences which appear inconsistent with the known thermo-electric laws, and fails to explain some known phenomena. The evaluation of the constants m, ?i, and [i is unfortunately attended by considerable labor. No application of the method of least squares readily presents itself, but by a method of successive approximations the values can be obtained with any desired degree of exactitude. Only two measured pairs of values of 2j e and t are necessary for this approximation method, the third required pair being furnished by SqC = 0 and < = 0; although, of course, by the employment of three pairs of values well distributed in the data, a more closely fitting equation might frequently be obtained. The calibration of a thermo-couple for pyrometric work can thus be affected by the employment of but two known temperatures, and this, on account of the uncertainty of our knowledge of high melting points, is of great importance in high temjierature work. Let ^0 = 0^ C, <', and t" be the selected observed temperatures from which to compute the constant, so that tq = 273°, t' —t' -\- 273°, t" = t" 4- 273° abs. And let Sj" e = 0, 2o' e, 2u" e, be the correspond- ing observed emfs. of the couple. Then, by substituting these in equa- tion (7), and combining the three expressions, or their logarithms, we easily deduce ^-//y_/ (8) _ log (2^" e + ^) - log (2;' g + jg) . (^9) n = log T — log HOLM AN. — THERMO-ELECTRIC FORMULA. 197 By means of these the uumerical values of the constants may be calculated from those of /, /', I'o e, etc., as follows : — 1. Assume as a first approximation some value of n, say n =1, unless some better approximation is in some way suggested. Substi- tuting this value in (8), compute the corresponding value of ^. 2. Using this as a first approximation, substitute it in (9) and com- pute the corresponding value of n. 3. Using this value as a second approximation to n, insert it in (8), and compute a second approximation to j3. 4. With this compute a third approximation to n, and so continue until consistent values of (3 and n are found to the desired number of figures. Then compute m by (10). The rate of convergence is not rapid, but after one or two approxi- mations have been made an inspection of the rate will enable the computer to estimate values of n which will be nearer than the pre- ceding approximation, and thus hasten the computation. "Where an equation is to be computed to best represent a progres- sive series of observed values of t and 2 e, this method is of course open to some objections, since it incorporates in the constants the acci- dental errors of the selected observations from which the constants are deduced. This difficulty can be sufficiently overcome by computing residuals between the equation and the data, and amending the equa- tion if necessary to give them a better distribution. Logarithmic Formula. — A very simple expression for interpola- tion is of the general form 2o e = m r, where m and n are constants. This serves fairly well for a short range, t" — t\ when t' — 0° is not less than one third of «" — t'. The convenience of the expression arises from two facts : first, that its two constants are very easily evaluated either by computation or graphically from the logarithmic expression (whence the name) log So e = n log t + log m ; second, that its logarithmic plot is a straight line, since this expression is the equation to a straight line if we regard log Sq e and log t as the variables. If, therefore, a series of values of 2 e and t are known for a given couple, points obtained by plotting log t as abscissas and log 2 e as ordinates should lie along a straight line. Thus a couple may be completely " calibrated " for all temperatures by measuring 2 e and t for any two values of t (suitably disposed). The constants m and n 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. may be computed, or a plot of log 2 e and log t may be made, and a straight line be drawn through them. Graphical interpolation on this line will then of course yield the values of lug t and hence of t corre- sponding to observed values of 2 e, and vice versa, and, if desired, the constants m and ?i. The expression for ^ as a function of 2 e is, of course, t = n/(%er, or t= (^)»- This formula is well adapted to pyrometric work not of the very highest grade of accuracy, and has been advantageously emplo^-ed in connection with the Le Chatelier thermo-electric pyrometer in a method to be described in a later article. Test of Formulae. This will be made by applying the several formula3 to the experi- mental data of Barus, Holborn and Wien, Chassagny and Abraham, and Noll. These investigators employed modern methods of ther- mometry and of electrical measurement. Temperatures are either made in or reduced to the scale of the hydrogen (C. & A.), or of the air thermometer (B., H. & W., N.). Constants for the formulae will be deduced, and the residuals or deviations of the data from the equa- tions (i. e. 8 = data-equation) will be computed for the observed Doints. For discussion these deviations will be expressed in per- centages, viz. 100 ^, rather than in microvolts or degrees. This is preferable because the process of measurement of the emf., and to some extent at least of the temperature, is such as to yield results of a nearly constant fractional or percentage precision at all temperatures rather than of a constant number of microvolts or degrees. Thus by comparing percentages we eliminate a complication arising otherwise from the increasing value of 5 as < increases. Incidentally there are also other well recognized advantages frequently attending the com- parison of percentages rather than of absolute quantities. The Barus Data. — Taking the data in the order of priority, those of Barus will be first employed. The measurements to be used con- sist of very elaborate and painstaking direct comparisons of several 20 per cent irido-platinum thermo-couples with several porcelain bulb air thermometers used under the constant pressure method. Quotations of, or rather interpolations in, his original data* are * Barus, C. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 54 (1889). Phil. Mag., XXXIV. 1 (1892). HOLMAN. THERMO-ELECTRIC FORMULA. 199 given by Barus * later, as a basis from which to deduce constants for his jii'oposed equation Barus's numerical values for the constants are : eg = 45680 microvolts. P = 4.6515 F' = 2.849 " Q = 1.106 • 10-*. Q' = 3.01 • 10-3. These constitute his "equation 3," for which e^ corresponds to 20° C. The data and the deviations which I have computed for it, viz. 8 = data-equation, are given in Table I. The last column gives the de- viations expressed in percentages, viz. 100 -, where E—e + e^-}- 1880. This value of jE is adopted to make the percentages comparable with those in subsequent discussions. The number 1880 is 1730 -f- 150, which are the. values of e^ and Sq" e of the next two pages. TABLE I. Barus's American Jouenal of Science Data. f« e -J- f 0 ^'^■ Observed. e -|- Co Computed from " Equ. 3." s mv. ioo| Per Cent. °c. 0 -150 100 +680 653 +27 +1.11 200 1650 1657 -7 -0.20 300 2760 2788 -28 -0.60 400 3950 3994 -44 -0.80 600 6560 6551 +9 +0.11 800 9310 9273 +37 +0.34 1000 12200 12140 +60 +0.43 The lines ^5 and CD on the diagram (page 212), constructed with percentage deviations as ordinates and temperatures as abscissas show clearly that the deviations are systematic. Upon inspection of this plot * Amer. Jour. Sci., XLVIII. 332 (1894). See also XL VII. 366 (1894). 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. it appears that the data may be separated into two groups, one includ- ing 0°-300° ; the other 400°-1000°, which appear to have entirely distinct forms of systematic error. This division corresponds to two distinct groups of data, one extending from 0° to 300°, the other including the second group and extending from 350° to 1075°. The latter were given in the Bulletin as the final results of the high tem- perature comparisons of the irido-platinum couple with porcelain bulb air thermometers. The detailed statement of the 0°— 300° comparison I have not seen. Although the discrepancy between the two sets of systematic deviations is not extremely large, yet it has seemed to me that it was beyond the limits of concordance in the higher tempera- ture work, and that it would be better for the present purpose to deal solely with the 350°-1075° data. Two points regarding Barus's work should be noticed : one the strikingly high degree of concordance be- tween individual observations even with different thermometer bulbs and different thermo-couples ; the other the remark in which Barus notes a possibility of being able still further to reduce the "stem error " entering into the result, which so far as I am aware has not yet been done. The high temperature air thermometer comparisons (Bulletin, Series I., II., III., IV., and V.) of Barus are so numerous (108) and 80 distributed that the labor of utilizing them simply for deducing con- stants and testing an equation would be excessive. Also they are too concordant to permit interpolation on a direct plot without a sacrifice of some of their precision. For the purposes of discussion, therefore, I averaged them in nine groups. The first group contained all where the emf, lay between 3,000 and 4,000 microvolts ; the second group between 4,000 and 5,000 mv. ; and so on by steps of 1,000 microvolts, except that the seventh group covered 2,000 mv. from 9,000 to 11,000. These groups were not exactly equal in number of observations, and therefore in weight, nor is the arithmetical average a strictly legiti- mate value where the function is not linear ; but, as easily seen by inspection of the originals, the errors thus introduced are negligible. In Table 11., columns one and two give the direct values of the averages. Column three reduces 22oC to SJe by adding 150 micro- volts the value of 2^e being elsewhere given by Barus as — 150 microvolts. HOLMAN. THERMO-ELECTRIC FORMULA. 201 TABLE II. Barus's Air Thermometer Comparisons, Series I.-V. t" 2,^e 4e Avenarius. Exponential. Logarithmic. 5 Data Eq. Per Cent = 100^ S Data Eq. Per Cent S Data Eq. Per Cent = 100^ e °c. mv. mv. mv. mv. mv. 0.0 (-150) 0 0 0.0 +23 +1.3 378.5 3679 3829 -84 -4.0 -66 -1.2 -33 -0.60 440.3 4508 4658 +18 +0.28 +18 +028 +30 +0.47 522.0 5486 5636 -4 -0.07 -25 -0.34 -36 -0.50 588.4 6404 6554 +70 +1.1 +33 +0.40 +9 +0.12 672.1 7550 7700 +110 +1.5 +60 +0.64 +26 +0.28 7456 8530 8680 +82 +0.92 +26 +0.25 -9 -0.10 840.1 9898 10048 +101 +1.0 +49 +0.41 +26 +0.22 946.6 11306 11546 +9 +0.07 -19 -0.14 -13 -0.10 1010.7 12475 12625 -45 ' -0.32 -45 -0.32 -10 -0.07 A verag e percent age devif itions . . 0.93 0.53 The Avenarius equation applied to these data yields 2^6 = 9.104 < + 3.249-10-='^2_ Microvolts. Eange 350° to 1075° C. Computing from this equation values of SJe for the successive values of t in column one, and subtracting them from the data in column three gives the deviations between data and equation. These are expressed in microvolts in column four, and in percentages in column five, the percentage being reckoned in terms of Cf as deduced by the exponential formula. Objections may be felt to this use of e^ (here as throughout the subsequent tables) as a basis, since e^ involves Co, which is an extrapolated value, certainly not exact, and possibly wide of the truth. Such a criticism is valid, but inasmuch as the values of ^0 employed are nearly equal, and as the percentage deviations are used merely for purposes of expressing relative accuracy, the possible 202 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. error involved is nearly auuulled. Hence, although it would be better to compute 8 t, and express this as a percentage of the absolute tem- perature T, the added labor did not seem justified by the small gain. The exponential equation applied to the Barus data yields 2;;e =: 0.7G91t^-^''^— 1730, or e^ = 0.7691 T^-'^^, and yS = 1730 mv. Range of data 350° to 1075° C. [N.B. This equation was deduced with the value 0°C. == 273° .7 abso- lute, whereas in all subsequent tables 0°C. = 273°. 0 absolute is em- ployed as a more probable value. The numerical values of the constants are therefore subject to a slight modification, but as for the present purpose we are concerned only with 8, which would not be sensibly changed, the recomputation is not worth while.] Columns six and seven, Table II., give 8 and its percentage value for the exponential equation. llie Barus Equation, — • The excessive labor involved in the evalua- tion of the constants P, Q^ P', and Q' of Barus's proposed equation detracts so seriously from its usefulness that I have also allowed it to deter me from computing them for the above tabulated values. The comparison of tlie values of 8 for his " Klquation 3," and for an ap- proximate exponential of my ow'n based on the same data, is, however, decidedly in favor of the latter. The logarithmic equation applied to the Barus data yields 2^6 = 2.665^1220^ or its equivalent, ^ log 2^6 = 1.220 log t + 0.4-2570. The deviations are given in the last two columns of Table II. Holborn and Wien Data. — This important comparison * of the rhodo-platinum thermo-couple with the porcelain' bulb air thermometer up to high temperatures was performed under the auspices of the Reichsanstalt at Berlin, and appears to be on the whole the most im- portant and reliable contribution to this subject in recent years. The experimental work was evidently conducted with great care, and although not showing the concordance of results, nor the multiplica- tion of observations of Barus's work, yet in respect to stem-exposure correction, to exposure of the thermal junction, and to direct measure- ment of the coefficient of expansion of the bulb, it is probably more * Holborn and Wien. Zeit. f. Iiistk., XII. 257, 296 (1892). Also in full in Wied. Ann., XLVII. 107 (1892). HOLMAN. — THERMO-ELECTRIC FORMULAE. 203 free from systematic error. It is to be regretted that the results were not more thoroughly discussed, and that neither a chemical analysis nor even a statement was given to indicate the reliability of the stated percentage composition of the various alloys used. For when closely examined, the data seem to indicate a definite relation between the composition and the emf., as was shown by a relation discovered be- tween the constants in my exponential equations for the various alloys. The deviations were only such as might be attributed to uncertainty of composition, but as no measure of the latter was given, a statement of the relations and interesting inferences from them is not warranted. It is also unfortunate that an analysis, or at least a definite state- ment of the percentage purity, was not given for the gold, copper, and silver whose melting points were observed. The assertion that the gold showed on qualitative analysis only a trace (" Spur ") of copper, and the silver a " trace " of iron, is hardly definite. The value of the whole work would have been enhanced by these additions far more than in proportion to the comparatively small labor demanded by them, and such completeness is naturally to be expected in work emanating from this source. It is to be hoped that a continuation of this research is in progress, and that additional high melting points may be measured. Table III., columns one and two, quotes the interpolated mean values of several comparisons expressed in international microvolts and degrees centigrade. With regard to these data it should be stated that below about 400° they were not supposed to be of as high ac- curacy as above that point. Also, that, owing to unavoidable cir- cumstances, the data below 300° were obtained with only a single air thermometer bulb, and similarly those above about 1300° with one bulb only, but a different one, while the data intermediate be- tween 400° and 1300° are the mean of observations with the two bulbs. This fact may partially account for the erratic character of the residuals above 1300°, where the deviations are so great and so distributed (see diagram, page 212) as to render these observations of very little service. Direct comparison with the air thermometer was made with one 10 per cent rhodo-platinum couple "A" only. The parabolic formula applied to these by Holborn and Wien, when corrected as to decimal points,* is * The equation at both references, and stated to be in microvolts and degrees, is erroneously printed as '■t-f{e) = 1.3.76 e - 0.004841 e2 + 0.000001378 eV 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ^:=: 1.376-10-1 (2l>e) -4.841-10-« (^'oef + 1.37 8-10 -'\2'oey. Range -80° C. to +1445° C. The residuals are given in Table III., columns three and four. TABLE III. HOLBORN AND WiEN. AlR THERMOMETER COMPARISONS, AlLOV A. t 2,«e H. and W. Eq. Avenarius. Exponential. Logarithmic. 1 5 6 S 5 Centigr. -qC = Data Per Cent r= Data Per Cent = Data Per Cent = Data Per Cent -Eq. = 100^- -Eq. = 100^ -Eq. = 100- — Eq. -100^ mv. e mv. e mv. e mv. e -80 -361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +82 +500 -84 -4.6 -107 -5.1 -69 -3.6 +40 +2.20 154 1000 -147 -6.1 -166 -7.2 -122 -4.8 +11 +0.50 220 1500 -135 -5.0 -199 -7.1 -140 -4.7 -27 -1.00 273 2000 —150 -4.5 ^142 -4.3 -85 -2.6 +16 +0.50 329 2500 -130 -3.6 -124 -3.3 -73 -1.9 +11 +0.30 379 3000 -60 -1.4 -66 -1.5 -24 -0.57 +45 +1.00 431 3500 -30 -0 60 -41 -0.90 —6 -0.12 +45 +0.90 482 4000 0 0.00 -14 -0.22 +8 +0.15 +41 +0.80 533 4500 + 10 -fO.17 -1 0 +9 +0.15 +27 +0.50 584 5000 0 0.00 0 0 -2 -0.03 +1 +0.01 633 5500 0 0.00 +9 +0.13 -4 -0.06 -13 -0.20 680 6000 +10 +0 11 +28 +0.38 +5 +0.07 -15 -0.20 725 6500 +30 +0.40 +58 +0.74 +26 +0.33 -1 -0.01 774 7000 -10 -0.12 +35 +0.42 -5 -0.06 -39 -0.47 816 7500 +20 +0.22 +78 +0.90 +33 +0 37 -8 -0.10 862 8000 0 0.00 +69 +0.74 +19 +0 20 -24 -0.26 906 8500 -20 -0.20 +72 +0.74 + 19 +0.20 -25 -0.25 952 9000 -55 —0.55 +44 +0.43 -.10 -0.10 -53 -0.52 996 9500 -88 -0.80 +29 +0.26 -24 -0.22 -67 -0.60 1038 10000 -88 -0.80 +29 +0.25 -20 -0.18 -57 -0.50 1080 10500 -100 -0.85 +22 +0.20 -23 -0.20 -54 -0.43 1120 11000 -100 -0.80 +31 +0.25 —7 -0.06 -22 -0.19 1163 11500 -140 -1.10 -6 -0.05 -33 -0.26 -51 -0.40 1200 12000 -96 -0.74 +26 +0.20 +9 +0.07 +2 +0.02 1211 12500 -96 -0.70 0 0 -3 -0.03 -8 -0.06 1273 13000 0 0.00 +84 +0.60 +94 +0.67 +111 +0.80 1311 13500 +36 +0.24 +84 +0.57 +110 +0.80 +140 +0.90 1354 14000 +24 -0.17 +10 +0.07 +.58 +0.38 +107 +0.70 1402 14500 -60 -0.40 -141 -0.90 -65 -0.41 + 2 +0.01 1445 15000 -72 -0.45 -231 -1.40 -128 -0.80 -38 -0.23 ad. for Otol 445. 1.12 1.15 0.77 1.46 ad. for 431 to 1 445. 0.39 0.43 0.25 0.38 ad. for 431 to ] 241. 0.43 0.36 0.15 0.34 The Avenarius Formula applied to the Holborn and Wien data with constants deduced from t = 584° and 1273° becomes 2'oe= {t — to) {7.2188 + 0.00 229 94 {t + ^o)}, or = 7.2188^ + 2.2994-10-^ s on Light and Heat, made and pdblished wholly or in part with Appbopriation from the Rujjford Fund. XI. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE UF TECHNOLOGY. XLV.— MELTING POINTS OF ALUMINUM, SILVER, GOLD, COPPER, AND PLATINUM. By S. W. Holmax, with R. K. Lawrence and L. Barr, Presented November 13, 1895. The following melting points are offered as provisional only, but with the belief tliat they are more reliable than previous data. The absolute values dejiend in jiart upon the assumption of 1072° C. as the melting point of pure gold, the recent determination of Holborn and Wien at the Reichsaustalt. Should that datura, however, be shown to reijuire revision, the validity of the present measurements would not be impaired, but new values of the melting points could be readily computed from them, which would be consistent with the better value for gold. Al Ag 660° 970° The Pure Metals used were of a high degree of fineness, except unfortunately the platinum. The gold contained less than 0.01 per cent total impurities, these being, if any, probably minute traces of silver and platinum. It was obtained as part of a specially prepared lot from the United States Assay Office in New York through the courtesy of Professor H. G. Torrey, upon whose authority the above statement is made. The purity was at least as great as the best " proof " metal used at the United States or London mints. The silver was from the same source, and equally pure. The aluminum was manufactured and given by the Pittsburg Reduc- tion Company, of Pittsburg, Penn., and was stated by Mr. Alfred E. Au Cu pt [1072° C] 1095° 1760° Assumed. HOLMAN, LAWRENCE, BARR. — MELTING POINTS. 219 Hunt, President of the company, to contain but 0.07 per cent of impurity, consisting entirely, of" silicon. The platinum was the ordinary platinum wire supplied by Carpen- tier of Paris with his Le Chatelier thermo-electric pyrometers. It presumably contained 0.5 per cent or more of impurity. The copper was electrolytically produced, and was from the Lake Superior region. It was kindly given by Mr. Maurice B. Patch of the Buffalo Smelting Company, Buffalo, N, Y., who stated that it showed by analysis 99.D9+ per cent of Cu, and contained no Ag, As, or S, and only 0.0002 per cent of Fe. The Less Pure Metals. — Partly for the purpose of testing the effect of impurities, other samples of gold and copper were employed with the results stated later. These were : — Dentists' Gold. — This was a gold foil employed by dentists, fjur- chased as being of good quality. Ingot Copper. — This was also from Mr. Patch of the Buffalo Smelting Company, who gave its analysis as Cu 99.825 Ag . 0.032 As 0.003 S 0.022 Fe 0.003 O 0.116 100.001 This was the company's " regular run " of copper. Oommercial Electrolytic Copper. — A sample of commercial elec- trolytic rolled sheet copper, furnished by a friend, and not assumed to be of unusual purity. It was probably Montana copper. Commercial Hard-drawn Copper Wire. — This was from a lot purchased for electrical testing purposes, which showed a specific resistance of 0.1440 international ohms per meter-gram, or an elec- trical conductivity of about 98.3 per cent referred to Matthiessen's copper. Methods and Apparatus. — The method consists in measuring the thermal electro-motive force of a couple composed of one wire of platinum and the other of a 10 per cent rhodo-platinum alloy. One junction is immersed in the melting or solidifying metal, and the other surrounded by ice. The wire was that furnished by Carpentier of 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Paris (through Queen & Co. of Philadelphia) with the Le Chatelier 2)yrometer. The emf. was measured in microvolts (international) by the Pog- gendorfF null method modified for rapid and convenient working. The disposition of apparatus is shown in Figure 1. i? is a battery of sufficiently steady emf. (A single Samson-Leclanche cell was en- tirely satisfactory.) In direct circuit with this were two water rheo- stats, W, in series ; an ammeter, A, which was a Weston voltmeter (No. 395) with the calibrating coil only in use ; and a manganine wire resistance, a, b, c, d, divided into sections, each of accurately known resistance. T is the thermo-couple connected through a sensitive gal- vanometer, G, and key to any desired sections oC the coil o, b, c, d. Tiie water rheostats were of about 100 olims and 8 ohms respectively, and' the vertical motion of theirplungers thus served to give a coarse and fine adjustment to the re- sistance in the circuit. The current could thus be promptly and closely adjusted. The volt- meter was one of the type having a " calibrating coil," that is, one having a connection by means of which the usual high resistance series coil could be cutout, leaving its resistance about 117 ohms. Any of the Weston voltmeters with a special connection made to effect that result would answer equally well. The voltmeter was preferred to a mil-ammeter as probably more reliable. The instrument was carefully and repeatedly calibrated throughout its scale by an application of the Poggendorff method, measuring by the Clark cell the drop of poten- tial in a known resistance through which a current was passing in series with the ammeter, and at the same instant reading the ammeter. The calibrations at different times checked at the same point, with an average deviation of only a few hundredths of one percent. A test for temperature error showed a change of but 0.1 percent for a change of 15° C. ; so that, as the temperature during the work was constant HOLMAN, LAWRENCE, BARE. — MELTING POINTS. 221 nn^ sM Fig. 2. within a few degrees, no correction was needed. The raanganine coil Figure 2, consisted of about 16 feet of No. 20 wire, had a total resistance of about 8.8 ohms, and was divided into nine sections by copper potential wires leading into diflferent points along the coil. These sections were so designed that by suitably shifting the connections along a, b, c, etc., any thermal emf. which was to be meas- ured could be balanced by a current which would deflect the ammeter to a point be- tween 90 and 140 divisions (readable to tenths), — corresponding to currents from 0.006 to 0.009 amperes roughly. The coil was immersed directly in kerosene, and, as its temperature coefficient was but 0.001 per 1° C, the correction became very small. The relation and actual resistance (inter- national ohms) of the whole coil and its several sections were repeatedly determined against a standard ohm by the differential galvanometer, and checked by a modified Wheat- stone bridge arrangement. These data were reliable probably well within 0.05 per cent throughout. In the thermo-couple circuit, the sensitiveness necessary in the gal- vanometer to give the smallest emf. to 0.1 per cent was easily com- puted to be only about 7. 7-10^ (mm. defl. at 1 m. per ampere or d/c). The instrument as actually used exceeded this requirement, averaging about 5-10^. Its resistance, all in series, was 14.3 ohms. The cold junction c of the thermo-couple was fused together in an oxyhydrogen flame. The wires, insulated from each other by having one strung through a very fine glass tube, were run down another tube of about ^ inch inside diameter, and 8 or 10 inches long. This tube was fused together at the bottom and top, as well as at some intermediate points, and when in use was always packed in a double vessel of cracked ice, as shown in Figure 3. The intermediate junctions from which the copper leads went off to galvanometer and key were soldered. They were kept at an equal temperature by the device of enclosing them in a stoppered glass tube, which was packed with hair felt into a one-inch hole in a five-inch cube of cast iron. This arrangement was entirely satisfactory, but seems to possess no material advantage over making the junction of the copper leads with the Pt and Ft Rh serve as the cold junction, and 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. immersing this in ice as in Figure 3, except that the latter makes a rather more bulky mass to insert in the ice. The wires were also fused together at the hot junction except when this was unnecessary on account of their being immersed in metal. It may be noted here that, as a null method was employed, the total resistance of the thermal circuit, or any variation in it, was without effect other than a corresponding change in sensitiveness. As the hot junction was to be immersed in vapor of sulphur as one of the known temperatures, the following apparatus was designed for this purpose. It is substantially the sulphur boiling point apparatus Fig. 3. of Griffiths, and is shown in Figure 4. A glass tube, A, similar to the Victor Meyer vapor density tube, 16 inches long and with a two-inch bulb, was provided with an asbestos jacket and hood, B. B. The upper few inches of the tube were wound with a spiral wire spring, S, which rendered this part efficient as a condenser. The top was closed with a layer of asbestos. Two overlapping diaphragms of asbestos were inserted in the tube at D and E. The couple passed downward throuo-h a glass tube to the asbestos tubular hood, (7, which served as an umbrella to shed the dripping cooler sulphur, and as a radiation screen. The hood, however, had openings top and bottom for the free circulation of the vapor. An asbestos diaphragm, H^ upon which the bulb rested, reduced the chances of superheating. HOLMAN, LAWRENCE, BARR. — MELTING POINTS. 223 For the melting metals, after trial of several devices, the one shown in Figure 5 (of exactly half size) was settled upon as proving very satisfactory. The crucible G (usually of fire clay) is supported by clay blocks in the double-walled fire-clay furnace, F. A carbon block, E, channelled to fit the crucible, forms its cover, and a carbon diaphragm D inside the crucible serves to support some powdered carbon shown by the dotted mass. The object of these carbon parts was to prevent oxidation of molten metals, and they proved very eflfective in the case of aluminum, silver, and copper. G G was an Fig. 5. asbestos diaphragm supporting a non-conducting layer of fibrous asbestos, A, A. The temperature was controlled by the blast lamp B. The clay crucible was one inch in diameter outside, and the amount of metal employed ranged from 11 grams (gold) to 35 grams (copper). Larger amounts might be advantageous, but with 30 to 35 grams it was easily possible to obtain a constant indication for five minutes during the melting or solidifying of copper. No difficulty whatever was experienced with this arrangement with silver, gold, or copper. With aluminum, however, a peculiar action occurred, the cause of which in the time available for investigation could not be determined 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. beyond doubt. The phenomenon was that after a few minutes of constant temperature at the melting point the indication of the thermo- couple fell off with increasing rapidity. On withdrawing the couple, cleaning it, or clipping it off and restoring it to jilace, the melting metal meanwhile being untouched, the indications returned to their original high value. The apparent explanation was the formation of a slag between the wires, but this was not entirely satisfactory. The use of a plumbago crucible in place of the clay, and an entirely fresh lot of aluminum, did not remove the phenomenon, and gave the same initial readings, which it could not be doubted were the ones corre- sponding to the melting point. The fusion of the aluminum was, how- ever, the least sharply defined of all the metals used. The fusion of platinum was, of course, differently effected. For this the two wires of the couple were laid close together on a piece of lime. An oxy-hydrogen flame was then directed upon their ends, and the platinum fused into a globule which with care could be made to travel slowly up the wire. There was no difficulty in ol)taining steady temperatui"es for a sufficient period to make the necessary read- ings, and check results to 0.1 per cent were obtained on different days. The galvanometer, keys, coils, and all junctions of dissimilar metals, were, so far as possible, covered with boxes of wood, pasteboard, or asbestos, to maintain uniformity of temperature, and thus minimize local thermo-electric disturbances. With this precaution no sensible trouble from that source was experienced. The procedure is as follows. To take the observation for vapor of sulphur, for instance, the hot and cold junctions are exposed as described. After a sufficient time the main circuit is closed, the ther- mal circuit is connected to a suitable part of a, b, c, d, and the rheo- stats, W, are adjusted until on pressing the key no deflection occurs in the galvanometer, G. At this instant, A is read, which gives the current c in the main circuit. The adjustment is disturbed and re- made a number of times, and the resulting readings should check to the nearest tenth of a division of A, provided the metal has reached a steady state of temperature. By this adjustment the drop of potential c r due to the current c amperes in the part r ohms of the resistance a, h, c, >, one of which is shown in section. The water, which came from a large tank at the top of the Laboratory, with great regularity of flow when uninterrupted by obstructions in the apparatus, and at a nearly constant temperature, passed through the three heaters, H^, H^, and H.^ without division. Between H^ and IT^ the stream divided, one part, about one half, going through Hi to the standpipe S^, the other part going without further heating to the stand- pipe »S'i. These standpipes. from which a continual small overflow was maintained, had the double function of maintaining a constant head for the flow of the two streams through the conduction apparatus, and sift- ing out much of the air, which the heating had driven out of solution * Made by the Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Company, No. 347 of their Catalogue for 1895. HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 281 in the water. "With the arrangement shown in Figure 5 the warmer stream of water enters the upper chamber of the conduction apparatus, and the cooler stream enters the lower chamber. This arrangement was, however, used alternately with another, in which the water en- tered S^ after leaving H^, the warmer stream going in this case to the lower chamber of the conduction apparatus. One stream was usually about 10° C. warmer than the other. It is now time to describe and discuss more fully the electrical de- vices and apparatus used for measuring, 1st, the difference in tem- perature of the two sides of the steel disk, and, 2d, the difference in temperature of the incoming and outgoing water of the upper cham- ber of the conduction apparatus. Calibration of the Copper-Steel Thermo-electric Elements. It has been stated that there were thirteen copper wires leading off from each copper coating of the steel disk. Each pair of wires, one above and the corresponding one below, represents a copper-steel thermo-electric element, consisting of a piece of steel about 0.3 cm. thick between two pieces of copper. To calibrate these elements in situ, that is, to determine by direct trial upon the disk the e. m. f. corresponding to a given difference of temperature between the upper and lower surfaces of the iron, is apparently impossible. Accordingly, two slender bars, one about 1 square millimeter in cross section, the other about one third as large in cross section, and each 7 or 8 cm. long, were cut from the same plate of steel from which the disk had been made, and tests were made with these,* copper wires having been soldered to the ends. The apparatus used for these tests is shown in Figure 6. J3^ and B2 in this figure are vertical brass tubes through which streams of water at any desired temperature may be made to run. T^j and T^ are Baudin thermometers, remarkably similar in size * Experiments, in wliich a thin bar of steel, of the same quality as those here described, was subjected to longitudinal and to torsional stress, showed its thermo-electric quality to be very little affected by such conditions. Fearing, luiwever, lest the disk, which had been subjected to certnin processes which the thin bars had not suffered, might differ from them in tlierrao-electric quality, I have recently cut from the rim of a duplicate disk, made at the same time as the other, two narrow strips, which I have compared directly with tlie thinner of the two bars used in the copper-steel tests. Tliese strips proved to be so like the bar in thermo-electric quality that it was difficult to make out with cer- tainty any difference between them. 282 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. :b. T^j6 and reading nearly alike at all temperatures, each graduated to 0°.2 C. The steel bars b and h\ and the copper wires soldered to them, extend through the rubber stoppers rj and Tn, so that the ends are exposed to the streams of water for a distance of about 1.3 cm. To prevent disturbance from *~ chemical action upon the steel and copper, the parts exposed to the water had been dipped in a solution of copal in ether. With this protection of the junc- ' tions it appeared from tests made at various temperatures that there was no chemical ac- tion of sufficient magnitude to affect materially the results of the experiments made to deter- mine their thermo-electric be- havior. The tests for chemical action were made by exposing both ends of one bar to water at the same temperature, some- times with the bar in situ, as in Figure G, and sometimes not. The difference of temperature used in the thermo-electric tests was commonly about 4° C. The thermometers were read, by means of a telescope, to one tenth of one division, that is, to 0°.02. To eliminate disaoreements of the thermometers, and various other possible sources of error, the streams were regularly interchanged, other conditions remaining the same. Thus, if a set of observations had been made with Ti reading 28° and T2 reading 24°, another would immediately be made with 7\ reading about 24° and T^ about 28°. The following course of reasoning will show how this method of using the thermometers tended to eliminate their errors from the result. Let us suppose that 7\ is used at 24° and 7T, at 28°, then 7\ at 28° and T^ at 24°, and that afterward 7^ is used at 66° and 7; at 70°, then T, at 70° and T. at 66°. Let [^Joq be the error of Ti at 20°, etc. Then we have in the various cases supposed : — HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 283 True Difference of Error Temperature. 1st case 28 + [^ejes - 24 + \_E{\., [^o],s - [E^^^ 2d case 28 + IE{\._, - 24 + [^2]-24 [^J^s - \.E.{\^, Error of mean = ^ ([^i],3 - [^i].,,) + \ {^E;],, - \_E.;\^,) Similarly, the error of the mean at the higher temjjeratures is i ([^iJtO - [^1]C6) + h ([^2]70 - IE,-],,). If the "error of the mean" had been equally great at all observa- tion stages on the thermometers, it would have affected the absolute value of the result obtained for the sensitiveness of the copper-steel thermo-electric element, but would have left unaiFected the ratio of the sensitiveness at one temperature to that of any other temperature. Calibration of the thermometers showed that the " error of the mean " was not the same everywhere on the thermometers. The variation, though small, was perceptible, and might, if neglected, make the in- terval called 4° at one stage one half of one per cent greater or less than the interval called 4° at another stage. This error would not be very serious in view of the general character of the experiments if it had its full effect ; but, in fact, the conclusion as to the conductivity of the steel depended upon the ratio of the sensitiveness of the copper- steel element at any temperature to that of the copper-German-silver element at or near the same temperature. Both kinds of element were calibrated by means of the same thermometers, and therefore the chance that final error of any magnitude could result from neglect of the errors of the thermometers is exceedingly small. Accord- ingly, such errors were neglected, the thermometers being used as if correct. The question of course arises whether the two junctions differed in temperature just as much as the two thermometers did. It is no doubt true, that, when temperatures much above those of the room were used, each of the steel bars, several centimeters of which were exposed to the air, was a little cooler at each end than the water flowing past it. This difference was probably small, and must have been about the same at each end. The disturbance, or inaccuracy, caused by it should be smaller with the slender bar than with the other. Accorfl- ingly the slender bar was used most of the time, and all the results but one recorded in the following table were obtained with it. On the last day of the observations on copper-steel junctions one of the junctions on this bar broke. Then the thick bar was substituted for 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the Other, and the result given for the temperature 74°. 9 was thus obtained. This result agrees well enough with the others to indicate that there was no large difference in behavior of the two bars at the high temperatures. Previous trial had shown that they gave nearly- equal effects at low temperatures. The one value here given for the thick bar was used with the others, obtained with the thin bar, in plotting the calibration line, Figure 7, for copper-steel junctions. lloo 1800 (^of Jter—^trman-Sififer Zd' ' ' 30' ' ' ' ' w' ' ' j'o- ' ' 6cr' ' iff 8, of Figure 1, were tested in the same apparatus and by the same method that had been used with the copper-steel junctions, the ends of the plugs fitting into the short side tubes occupied by rubber stoppers in Figure 6. The results presently to be recorded were obtained with two pairs of junctions called respectively No. 1 and No. 2. The same piece of german- silver wire was used in both pairs. The copper wires of No. 2 were not the same as those of No. 1, but all were taken from the same spool, that is, all had once been parts of one continuous wire. The following method was sometimes used in making the junc- tions. The German-silver wire was heated in melted parafRne to the neighborhood of 230° C, the object being to forestall any change of its properties which might otherwise take place in the heat of solder- ing. In order to make sure that this temperature was not exceeded in the soldering, a bath of melted paraffine of about the same tempera- ture was used to heat the soldering "iron." This device was aban- doned after a time, experience seeming to show that it was unneces- sary, and the junctions of Nos. 1 and 2, just mentioned, were not made in this way. The junctions of No. 1 were not coated with copal to protect them against chemical action of the water, but rosin was used in making this pair of junctions, and this left a partial coating which gave considerable protection. Experiments had appeared to show that a protective coating was not necessary. A test for disturbance due to chemical action with this pair of junctions was satisfactory, no evidence of such an efi^ect being found. In making No. 2, however, the junctions were carefully coated with shellac, dried on at a tem- perature of about 80°. All of the conduction experiments of which the results will be given in this paper were made with No. 2, except those of August 13, which were made with a similar pair. 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Copper- German-silver Junctions. Junct ion; 3. Date. Mean Temperature of Junctions. E. M. F. in Volts per 1° C. Diff. of Temp, of Junctions. No. 1 Dec. 27, 1894 9°6^ 9.6 -9°.2 8.4) 1668 X 10- ") " 28, " 1677 a y-1679 X 10- Jan. 1, 1895 1691 u ) Dec. 28, 1894 Jan. 1, 1895 39-n39°.5 39.3) 1858 1838 1 1848 " Dec. 28, 1894 Jan. 1, 1895 o 73.61^30^ 73.2 ) 2007 2022 1 2015 « No. 2 Aug. 29, 1895 o 25.4 1746 ii (( (I k( 43.4 1849 a « (( (( 59.1 1936 it August 31, 1895, further observations were made on No. 2 at 25°. 4 and at 59°. 2, but they were comparative only, as the reduction factor of the galvanometer was not determined on this day. If we assume the effect at 25°. 4 to have been the same as on August 29, we get o No. 2 August 31 25.4 1746 " " 59.2 1951 It is found by interpolation that No. 1 would give for 25.4 1772 43.4 1871 59.1 1949 The differences between the results obtained with the two pairs of junctions are probably within the limits of e.\;perimental error, and it appears better to use the results from both pairs in plotting the cali- bration curve than to use those from No. 2 only. No great accuracy is claimed for the absolute values obtained in any of the calibration tests. The calibration curve of No. 1 is shown as No. 1 in Figure 8. It is very slightly convex upward. The observations of August 31, reduced to absolute measure by means of the assumption already stated, are used, with those of August 29, to give data for the calibra- tion curve of No. 2. This curve, No. 2 of Figure 8, is very slightly HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 287 concave upward. Line No. 3, a mean between No. 1 and No. 2, is practically a straight line, which, if continued, would indicate a neutral point in the neighborhood of the absolute zero. In subsequent work this stiaight line is assumed to be correct, and data needed for use in the conductivity calculations are taken from it. The Electric Circuits. Figure 1 shows that the fine copper wires connected with the upper and under copper coatings of the steel disk led out to connections with heavier copper wires on a wooden shelf surrounding the apparatus carrying the disk. Some slight thermo-electric effect could be pro- duced by warming one of these connections, but as the wires from both faces of the disk were connected here in the same way, the con- nections being all equidistant from the disk, the thermo-electric forces Fig. 9. existing in them must have neutralized each other in the ordinary use of the apparatus. The copper wires leading away from these connec- tions were all of the same length, size, and quality. They terminated in a kind of commutator, or switch-board, shown in Figure 9. The numerous small circles in this figure indicate small holes containing mercury. Holes 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. are connected, by means of the wires just mentioned, with junctions 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., respectively, on the disk. A connector, G, brings the four junctions 1, 4, 7, 10, which are (see Fig. 4) all at the same distance from the centre of the disk, into multiple arc, and takes the currents coming from them to one 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. wire leading, through the mercury cup, W, to a galvanometer. Con- nector C" does the same for junctions 1', 4', 7', and 10'. The same connectors can evidently be used to bring junctions 2, 5, 8, 11, and 2', 5', 8', 11' into action, or 3, 6, 9, 12, and 3', 6', 9', 12'. The central junctions, 13 and 13', were used by themselves. The apparatus, beyond this switch-board, does not require detailed description. The resistance coils used were reduced to legal ohms by comparison with tliose of an Anthony standard (Queen & Co.). Thermometers at two or three points along the circuit gave such account of the temperature as was necessary. The galvanometer was a Thomson astatic, with a concave mirror. The strength of current required to produce a deflection of 1 cm. on the scale was about 12 X 10"^ amperes. The circuit containing the copper-German-silver junctions, ^i and j\^ of Figure 1, is simpler and requires little further description. The galvanometer of this circuit had a plane mirror, and was used with tele- scoi^e and scale. Its sensitiveness to a given current was about the same as that of the first galvanometer. The circuit included, at a point corresponding to the switch-board of the other circuit, mercury cups at which the connection could be broken. In addition to the mercury cups already mentioned, each circuit included a mercury commutator, by means of which the course of the current in the galvanometer could be reversed. These mercury cups and commutators were a source of much disturbance, and toward the last of the work solid metallic connections were in some cases substi- tuted for them. The difficulty was thermo-electric. If two copper wires run into the same mercury cup at different levels, or if the two wires are of different size or diflferent external condition, there will be at the copper-mercury junctions, unless the temperature of the room is more than usually uniform and constant, thermo-electric effects which cannot be neglected in delicate measurements of electric current. There was a certain approach to uniformity in these dis- turbances, which made it possible to eliminate them in great part from the result by the device, already described, of running the warmer stream of water alternately above and beneath the disk. The full measure of this source of error was, however, not realized until the last week or two of the work, and it may be that the dis- cordance between the results of August 13 and 15 and those ob- tained later was due to lack of care in protecting the copper-mercury junctions from changes of temperature on the days mentioned. HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OP MILD STEEL. 289 Greater vigilance, and probably greater accuracy, marked the later work. The difficulty here discussed can be very much reduced by a more sparing use of gas flames in the room. The Observations. As an example of the observations in the main experiment, showing their character and their arrangement, the last set made will now be given, some unimportant details being omitted. The letters L and R refer merely to the position of the commuta- tors. A change from L io R reverses the current in the galva- nometer concerned. In each circuit the first observation is made under Z, the second under R, the third under L, etc. The note " 1, 4, 7, 10," means that the junctions of the outer circle of the disk (see Fig. 4), both above and below, are in use, connected as in Figure 9. After this set of junctions, those of the next circle, 2, 5, 8, 11, are used, etc. Each group of seven or five observations in the first circuit was made between two groups of three observations in the second circuit. Before the first, third, fifth, etc., groups of three in the second circuit, the main outlet of the water from the lower chamber of the apparatus was closed for a few seconds to wash out, through the overflow tubes (Fig. 1), the air-bubbles that might have accumulated beneath the disk. This operation did not greatly affect the current in the secona circuit. The course of operations gave the first circuit about two minutes for recovery after the disturbance before observations in this circuit were renewed. The water had been running through the apparatus for about an hour, as usual, before the observations began. VOL. XXXI. (n. 8. XXIII.) 19 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Junctions. Copper-Steel Circuit. Copper- German-silver. i. Jl. L. H. 1,4,7,10 36.28 ^^^^x 46.98 30.76 ^ 30.80 V 36.20 .. .. f ^_^^ 46.90 36.14 36.15 -— / 46_82 30.80 j 46.84 ^^•1^ Q, «, I 46.90 35.11 35.66 35.66 46.76 1,4,7,10 35.98 g^^^s 46.70 40.85 y 6.09 46.90 40.92]- 5.94 46.94 ) 2,5,8,11 35.80 g^^^^x 4g9Q 40.85 J- 6.07 ^^•"^^ 31.04 > 4.73 35.76 46.95 ) 35.78 ^^•'^^-' 46.87 40.86 1 6.05 40.78 i 6.07 3,6,9,12 35.15 ^^,^. 46.86 ^^•'^J 31.58 V3.54 q, fi, ( ' 46.90 ) ''■''} 46.96 40.88 1 6.05 lo o^ -o 47.02 •) 13 34./ 8 o, oO ^7nA 40.95 U.06 34.80 f^-^n2.88 ^'-^^ ^ 31.91 ^ 34.84 46.85 ) 46.91 41.00 I 5.88 3,6,9.12 35.12 „, ,^ x 46.70 .noaKoi 35 10 ^1-^^) 46.88 40.98 [-5.81 "' '^ 3.54 35.14 S)10 "51.00; 46.75 . 46.81 41.10 ;. 5.68 2, 5, 8, 11 35.70 X 46.78 ) 33.68 ''■'-'],., 46.74 ^'-'^'^-ee 30.98 >4.73 ^ 30.96 j 46.80 -> ,^ „^ 41.14-5.61 46. /O j 41.30 ^ 5.43 ^.^^ 30.66 y 5.25 ^^^^ 3<'>-90 ^^„^ ( 46.65 ) ^^,, 30.70 ,,^. 41.18 U.47 35.90 35.90 35.98 — — ; 4gg5 -xx.xo^- Time occupied, 5:39 to 6:35 =56 minutes Mean, 5.85 HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 291 The following observations accompanied those just recorded : — t = temperature of water running from lower chamber. tx = " " at thermometer T'j, Fig. 1. >S' = number of seconds required to fill flask F\ Fig. 5. ^ -— 44 4« " U p U The capacity of each flask was about 1800 grams. The numbers in brackets in the column headed S^ indicate the number of grams of water escaping per minute through the overflow tubes of the lower chamber. In the column aS is a similar note for the upper chamber. Time. t idr, 0 from which the value of A is at once obtained. In this case A = 4.52. The mean of the observed values of 8 in the series under discussion is 4.12. All this is for the case where the water above the disk was warmer than that below the disk, on September 2. The same day another series of observations was made, with the warmer stream beneath the disk. The curves B and h (Fig. 10) have to do with this second series of observations. They give for the value of A, 4.60. It is assumed in the subsequent calculations that A is equal to the deflection which would be obtained from any pair of junctions on the disk, one above and one below, if the difference of temperature were made, for all values of r, equal to the difference between the mean temperature of the whole upper face and the mean temperature of the whole lower face of the steel disk. The validity of this assumption will be discussed later. In the calculation presently to be made, the subscript 1 will have reference to the circuit containing the junctions on the disk ; the sub- script 2 will have reference to the circuit containing the copper- German-silver junctions. The test for " sensitiveness " of the galvanometers, which has not been described at length, was made by running the same current through the two simultaneously. The " reduction factor," by which the deflection in centimeters must be multiplied to give the strength of this current in amperes, might be given for each galvanometer in numerical terms ; but it will be evident that, for the calculation in hand, it is necessary to know only the ratio of the two reduction fac- tors, which is the reciprocal of the observed simultaneous deflections of the two galvanometers in the sensitiveness test. In finding the value of m, allowance is made for the change of capacity of the measuring flask with change of temperature of flask and water. 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. We have : — h = the thermal conductivity in c. G. s. units. Q = number of heat units flowing through disk in one second ; T = thickness, in centimeters, of the steel disk ; S = area, in square centimeters, of horizontal cross-section of the steel disk ; t = mean difference in temperature of sides of steel disk ; m =z mass, in grams, of water traversing upper chamber per second ; Ai = mean deflection in circuit 1, as before described; Ag = mean deflection in circuit 2, in conduction test; Jij^ = reduction factor of galvanometer 1 ; ^2 = reduction factor of galvanometer 2 ; di = mean deflection of galvanometer 1 in sensitiveness test ; do = mean deflection of galvanometer 2 in sensitiveness test ; [i?i X c?! = -ff 2 X c?2j and so Rx -=r R« ^= d^ ■— d(\ ; Ex = e. m. f., in volts, of copper-steel element per 1° C. difference of temperature ; ^2 = 6. m. f., in volts, of copper-German-silver element per 1° C. difference of temperature ; Vx = resistance, in legal ohms, of circuit 1 in conduction test ; To = resistance, in legal ohms, of circuit 2 in conduction test ; Then Ao X i?o X ?-o Sxt A, X 7?i X rx ^^ £x „ R. To Ex\ T = I «^ X ^ X ^ X ^- X ^ J X -. ( ^2 Using this formula with the data for series A and B of September 2, we have : — HALL. CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 295 A (warm water above.) Ji (warm water below. j log. log. m = 24.57 1.3904 m - 24.58 1.3906 A2= 5.85 0.7672 A. = 4.91 0.6911 d^ - 10.48 1.0204 c/i = 10.48 1.0204 7-2 = 28.15 1.4495 r^ = 28.14 1.4493 E^ = 985 X 10-8 [26°. 9] 6.9934 El = 985 X 10-8 [27°.l] 6.9934 log. 1.6209 log. 1.5448 Ai= 4.52 0.6554 Ai = 4.60 0.6625 f/2= 8.38 ' 0.9191 (/, = 8.80 0.9191 7-1 = 16.58 1.2196 7-1 = 16.58 1.2196 E2 = 1796 X 10-8 [320.1J 5.2543 2.0484 £2 = 17.39X10-8[21°.8] 5.2403 2.0415 T __ 0.2952 S ~ 77 9 1.5725 3.5786 1.5033 3.5786 1.1511 1.0819 1.1511 = log. of 0.1416 = log. of ka 1 1.0819 = log. of 0.1208 = log. of h 1 Meaa = 0.1312 = k Thus, according to the observations of September 2, the conduc- tivity of the steel at 27° C. is 0.1312. The difference between k^ and k^, is large in this case, but it has al- ready been explained that neither is intended to be complete by itself. The mean of the two is necessary to eliminate certain errors which have been discussed. It may well be doubted whether this elimination is per- fect when the difference between k^ and kf, is so large. It will presently appear that the difference was exceptionally large on September 2. The following table includes all the results obtained with the appa- ratus in its final condition. It has already been stated that the results of August 13 and August 15 do not agree with those found later, and a possible reason for this has been given, namely, lack of sufficient precaution, in the earlier experiments, against error from disturbing thermo-electric effects external to the conduction apparatus proper. Although the results obtained August 13 and 15 are here given, they are not included in finding the mean values given at the foot of each column. At one time it was suspected that an accumulation of dirt forming near the edge of the upper face of the disk, and checking the flow of heat there, might account for the discrepancy between the earlier and the later results. Accordingly, between August 28 and September 2 the conduction apparatus was dismounted, and the disk was cleaned and replaced. But the result obtained September 2 was in close agreement with most of the others. 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Conductivity, k, of Open-Hearth Steel in C. G. S. Units. Date. Temperature. (Warm above. ) (Warm below.) C"!'-') Aug. 13, 17, 1895 [27°.0] 27°.4 [0.1463] 0.1301 [0.1445] 0.1392 [0.1454] 0.1347 il 20, a 27°.8 0.1333 0.1334 0.1334 u 22, li 26°.3 0.1334 0.1310 0.1322 (( 28, n 27°.4 0.1306 0.1310 0.1308 Sept 2, a 27°.0 0.1416 0.1208 0.1312 Mean , 27°.2 0.1338 0.1311 0.1325 Aug. 24, 1895 44°.2 0.1299 0.1343 0.1321 Aug. 15, 17, ik [62°.8] 59°.8 [0.1264] 0.1242 [0.1463] 0.1347 [0.1364] 0.1295 a 22, (( 59°.0 0.1301 0.1287 0.1294 li 26, 11 58°.8 0.1296 0.1327 0.1312 )>0.1347 ^0.1316 Mean, 59°.2 0.1280 0.1320 0.1300 Discussion and CRiTicis.^r. Taking 0.1325 * as the value of k at 27°.2, and 0.1300 as the value at 59°. 2, we get as the coefficient of change with rise of temperature * Winkelmann's Ilandhuch der Physik, 1895, gives : — Metal. Temp. k Observer. Eisen 0° 0.1G55 Lorenz. " 0° 0.1 U88 AngstWim. " iiber 0° 0.1587 Berget. " ca. 15° 0.1648 Neumann. " ca. 15° 0.1133 Wiedemann u. Franz. '« 0° 0.1509 Mitchell. K 0° 0.172 Stewart. Schmiedeeisen 0° 0.2070 Forbes. " 39° 0.1485 H. F. Weber. Stahl hart ca. 15° 0.062 F. Kolilrausoh. " weich 1-5° 0.111 " « 15° 0.1104 Wiedemann u. Franz. Puddelstahl 15° 0.1 375 - 0.1418 Kirchoff u. Hausemann. Bessemer stalil 15° 0.0946 « « Mangan stahl 0° 0.03280 Mitchell. It is probable that open-hearth steel resembles the iron of this table more nearly than it does the steel. HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 297 0.1300-0.1325 ^^,^,^, y = 0.1325 X (59.2 - 27.2) = -^-OOOb-. If we take the values 0.1347 and 0.1316, obtained by including the bracketed values in finding the means, we get y = — 0.0007+. The value — 0.0006 is to be iireferred, although it is evident from the pre- ceding pages that no great confidence can be placed in the digit of this coetficient. A wider range of temperature, a greater number of measurements, and evidently a more careful calibration of the copper- German-silver junctions is needed for a completely satisfactory deter- mination of y. Moreover, no allowance has here been made for the change in the specific heat of water between 27° and 59° C. It is to be observed that the lower temperature is very near the temperature of minimum specific heat of water. If it should be found that the specific heat of water at 59° is two per cent greater than at 27°, which is, to be sure, improbable, the value of y obtained from these experiments would be 0. If the difference is one third of one per cent, which seems not unlikely, it will reduce y to — 0.0005. If we take this as the most probable value, it will, in spite of its uncertainty, be not devoid of interest, for the tables in Winkelmann give no values of y in the case of steel, while for iron they give y — — 0.000038 (Lorenz), y = — 0.000517 (Angstrom), y=: -0.0011 (Stewart). The one measurement of k for an intermediate temperature, 44°. 2, lies between the mean value for 27°. 2 and the mean for 59°. 2, which is gratifying evidence, so far as it goes, of the precision of the meas- urements. It is a curious fact that every measurement of Jc near 27°, except the last, gave a smaller value than the preceding measurement. The reason for this is not evident. At the low temperature the mean of h^ is a little greater than the mean of i'j,' At the high temperature the contrary is true. In either case the difference is to be regarded as mainly accidental, and not significant, — a fact already mentioned and explained. "We must now consider more fully the question whether A, as de- duced from curves like those of Figure 10, represents accurately the difference between the mean temperatures of the upper and of the under face of the steel disk. It can hardly be doubted that A, derived 298 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. "yafues oj r ^ as it is from thirteen well distributed pairs of junctions, represents with considerable accuracy the mean difference of potential between the two faces of the steel disk ; 4 but is this mean difference of potential proportional to the mean difference of tempera- ture between these two faces ? This question would be at once answered in the affirma- tive if the disk, instead of being metallically continuous, were made up of little columns of steel, in length equal to the thickness of the disk, tipped at both ends with copper, each column being insulated from its neighbors. For in such an aggregation there would be no short-circuiting, and the difference of potential at the two ends of any steel column would depend merely upon the difference of temperature at these ends ; and, with the very small difference of temperature existing, only a fraction of one degree, the potential difference would be very strictly proportional to the tem- perature difference. But the disk is continuous, and there must be short-circuiting cur- rents within it. IIow will these currents affect the mean difference of potential of the two faces ? These currents in the steel will be partly vertical and partly horizontal. "We will consider, first, the vertical components. Let Figure 11 represent any two equal vertical ele- ments, S-^ and /So, of the disk, connected by the copper strips Ci and Co. Let the e. m. f of element *S'i be E^, directed upward, and the e. m. f. of S^ be ^j) also directed upward, and let ^i > E^. If connection between ele- ments were broken, the difference of potential betweeen the top and bottom of Si would be E^, and that between top and bottom of tS'2 would be E^. The mean difference of potential would be \ (Ei -f E2). Let the resistance of *S'i, equal to that of S2, be called r. When connection exists, as in the figure, we have a short-circuiting current, C, passing up through Si and down through S^. With this current, the difference of potential between top and bottom of Si is Ei — rC, c c. Fig. 11. .5, HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 299 and the difference of potential between the top and bottom of S2 is E^ -\- rG. The mean of these two differences is \ (E^ + E^), the same value as if there were no short circuit. If the element S.^, instead of being of the same size as Si had a cross-section n times as great, it would have n times as much weight as Si' in reckoning the mean difference of potential, which would then be -4-, (^1 + « ^2) with open circuit, and 1 « + 1 Ei-rC]-\-n[E, n n + ] (Ei + n e\ with short circuit. This appears to show that the vertical components of short-circuiting currents within the steel disk do not affect the mean difference of potential between top and bottom. iKt^V""-^ ^ Aug. 22— ■ \ t /yf ^ Mean \ Aug. 26--' Aug. 28-- • .>S ^ Aug. 17'' .Aug. 13 Sept. 2 . Mean ■-.Aug. 22 Fig. 12. The non-effect of the horizontal components is shown by the con- sideration that a horizontal current, maintained in the disk by exter- 300 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. nal or internal means, would have, of itself, no tendency to establish any mean difference of potential between the ujjper and under faces of the disk. It appears, therefore, to be established that A does represent — that is, is proportional to — the mean difference of temperature between the upper and under faces of the disk.* It may be of interest to compare the difference of potential curves of the various series of experiments. If in Figure 10 we take the mean of A and B, we get a new curve, which may be taken as repre- sentative of the potential conditions, or difference-of-potential coudi- Aug. 22 tions, prevailing in the experiments at low temperature on September 2. Combining each A curve for low temperatures with its correspond- ing -B curve, and plotting the resultants, we get Figure 12, except the heavy line, which is obtained by taking the mean of all the others * Cf . an article, by Prof. B. O. Peirce, " On the Properties of Batteries formed of Cells joined up in Multiple Arc." These Proceedings, Vol. XXX- p. 194. HALL. — CONDUCTIVITY OF MILD STEEL. 301 except that of August 13. This heavy line is, therefore, the typical difference-of-potential curve for low temperatures, about 27°. The heavy line of Figure 13 is similarly the typical curve for high tem- peratures, near 59°, the curve for August 15 not being used in ob- taining this composite. The difference between these two typical curves is noticeable. Each indicates that the greatest difference of potential is near the edge of the disk. Each shows a minimum about two thirds as great as the maximum, but the minimum of the high temperature curve occurs farther from the centre of the disk. The reason for this dijBference is not obvious. The rapidity of the flow of water was about the same for high temperatures as for low, but there was a greater tendency to development of bubbles in the warmer water, and this may have in- fluenced to some extent the course of the water over the surfaces of the disk. The low temperature curve of September 2 is in marked contrast with most of the others in its group, showing a relatively great differ- ence of potential at the edge of the disk. It has already been stated that the copper coatings of the disk had been cleared of accumulated dirt shortly before the experiments of vSeptember 2. This dirt had lodged mostly near the edge of the disk, and its removal apparently had just the effect that would have been expected upon the flow of heat in that region. The value of k obtained September 2 accords well with those obtained shortly before the disk was cleaned. As to the absolute values found for k, they are very likely in error to the extent of two or three per cent of their own magnitude, pos- sibly more. A source of possible error not yet discussed is found at the ring which encloses the disk (see Fig. 1). The effective diameter of the disk is taken to be the distance through the ring and disk, from the groove on one side to the groove on the other. The ring itself in this grooved part is about 0.08 cm. thick. Its cross-section is about three per cent of the whole conductive cross-section. The material of the ring is very similar to that of the disk, if not quite the same. The uncertainty as to whether the thin part of the ring can properly be assumed to act like an equal portion of the disk itself, comes from the dubious nature of the approach to this part of the ring above and below. The flow into or from it may be partly lateral, through the edge of the disk proper, but it cannot be wholly so, for a narrow strip of the thicker portion of the ring is exposed to the water above and below the disk. It is not likely that the error here is large, but in future experiments a different method of sup- porting the disks will probably be used. 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. It may be asked whether the method of investigation which has been described at such length in this paper will be applicable to the case of metals in general, and whether it can be extended through any large range of temperature. It is evident that the thermo-electric device for determining the difference of temperature between the two faces of the disk must be used with great caution, and will in some cases be difficult of operation ; but its use is by no means restricted to iron. Copper and other metals thermo-electrically near it will cer- tainly give some trouble, though it is believed that they can be suc- cessfully dealt with. It is probable that the range of temperature can be greatly increased by the use of other liquids instead of water ; but if this is done, the question as to the specific heat of the liquid will become a difficult one. The method described is a laborious one in its preparatory stages, but much of the initial work can be done by a mechanic. The opera- tion of the apparatus, once prepared, is comparatively easy, and the calculations are simple. A single experimenter operates the whole machinery, and makes all the observations. He can make the A and £ observations for a given temperature and calculate the value of k therefrom in one day, without excessive toil, and with a reasonable assurance that the result will be in accord with that of the day before. This investigation was begun, at the author's suggestion, some years ago by IMr. A. W.'Slocum, then a graduate student at Harvard, now of the University of Vermont. Mr. Slocum worked with great zeal and energy, and made substantial progress, but presently went abroad, leaving the research in my hands. I have to thank all members of the Physical Department at Har- vard, who have given me extremely valuable suggestions in regard to my work, and have furthered it by every means in their power. DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 303 XVL THE OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. By William Morris Davis. Presented ^larch 11, 1896. Summary. This essay attempts to restore the original outline of Cape Cod by reversing the processes at work on the present outline (p. 308). In order to gain good understanding of these processes, a review of previous accounts of tlie Cape is introduced (p. 304), a general consideration of the development of sea-shores is outlined (pp. 312-317), and the conclusions reached are applied to the problem iu hand (p. 318). It is thus estimated that the land here once extended at most two or more miles into the sea on the east, and that perhaps three or four thou- sand years have been required for the retreat of the shore line to its present position (p. 326). This period cannot, however, be taken as a full measure of the time since the glacial deposits of tlie Cape were formed, for there is reason to believe that the land stood higher than now for an unknown interval between the building of the Cape and the assumption of the present attitude with respect to sea level. The chief interest in the problem here discussed turns on the growth of the great sand spit of the " Pro vincelands " northwestward from the "mainland" of the Cape (p. 312), and on the protection thus afforded to the old cliffs of High head. Brief account is given of the growth and waste of the Provincelands (p. 323), and of the changes of the western shore line (p. 829). The essay closes with some practical suggestions regarding the protection of Provincetown harbor (p. 329), and some speculations concerning the future change of the Cape. The consumption of the north arm — from the elbow to the hand — will probably require about eight or ten thousand years (p. 331). Introduction. An excursion to Provincetown and the " mainland " of Truro on Cape Cod with the students of the Harvard summer course in Physi- cal Geography, in July, 1895, brought to my attention a number of problems concerning the changes of outline suffered by the Cape. These problems had taken rough shape on the occasion of a visit to the peninsula several years ago. Supplementing the observations made on the ground by a study of the Coast Survey charts and by a review of what has been written on the subject, the following essay 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. has gradually grown up. Its substance was presented before the Geological Society of America at the winter meeting in Philadelphia, December, 1895, and again before the Harvard Geological Confer- ence in April, 1896. The end of the Cape is pleasantly reached by a four-hour run in a steamboat from Boston across Massachusetts bay to Provincetown, in whose neighb6rhood the most significant of the features here described are to be found. By driving to High head, the northernmost point of the "mainland," a general view of the peninsula of Provinceland may be gained: thence driving or walking to Highland light, one may see a portion of the long harborless cliff that forms the " back " or eastern side of the Cape. Walking northwestward along the beach to Peaked hill life saving station, the action of the surf can be observed at leisure ; and thence crossing the sandy belt to Provincetown, the varied forms of the dunes can be studied in detail. A second day may well include a visit to Race point, the northwestern extremity of the Cape, and a return southward along the wasting shore to Wood end, or Long point, whence the town can be regained by boat, pre- viously arranged for. Cape Cod is an excellent region for the study of shore forms in the light of their development from some antecedent outline, and tlieir con- tinued change towards some future state. Although the " mainland " of the Cape rises about two hundred feet above sea lev^el, it is built of uncompacted clays and sands, with occasional boulders, and is there- fore easily consumed by the waves. Standing far out beyond the general shore of New England, it receives a violent attack from storm waves, which alter the shore line so rapidly that the changes are measurable even in the short time covered by our records. Extracts from Previous Writings. The following extracts summarize a number of previous references to the Cape. In the Geology of INIassachusetts (I., 1841), E. Hitchcock makes brief mention of the erosion on the eastern coast and the growth of the Cape into Massachusetts bay (323), the southward growth of Nauset beach, a mile in fifty years (324), the dunes of Provincetown (325), and the "diluvial elevations and depressions " of Truro (367) ; Provinceland is "alluvial ; that is, washed up by the ocean" (371). Lieut, (afterwards Admiral) C. H. Davis wrote a " Memoir upon the geological action of the tidal and other currents of the ocean" (Jlem. Amer. Acad., Boston, 1849, IV. 117-156), in which he called DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 305 attention to the repeated occurrence along our coast of bars built northward from coastal bluffs, such as Sandy hook, N. J., and Cape Cod, and suggested that " a generic term " should be applied to these forms. He mentioned a place of division of the tidal currents on the east side of Cape Cod, near Nauset inlet, from which the flood tide flows north and south. Thoreau's narrative of his excursions on the Cape in 1849, 1850, and 1855, tells of various changes in the coast line known to the people there. A log canoe, buried long before on the inner side of the bar that forms the eastern wall of the marshy East harbor at the north end of the mainland, was found many j'ears afterwards on the Atlantic side of the bar ; that is, the bar had been pushed westward over the buried canoe as the sea cut away the outer beach. Swamp peat was sometimes found on the exposed beach, although it was originally formed undoubtedly on the inside of the bar. Stumps had been seen off Billingsgate point ; the implication being, not that the land had been depressed, but that it had been washed away, leaving the stumps mired in their native soil.* A writer in the " Massachu- setts Magazine " of the previous century is quoted to the effect that an island, called Webbs island, formerly existed three leagues off Chatham, containing twenty acres of land ; the people of Nantucket carried wood from it ; but in the writer's day a large rock alone marked the spot, and the water thereabouts was six fathoms deep. (Cape Cod, in New Riverside edition of Thoreau's works, 1894, pp. 182, 183.) Freeman's History of Cape Cod (1860) attributes much wasting of land to reckless cutting of the trees, — a doubtful conclusion as far as it refers to shore work, although probably applicable to the interior district of the dunes. He says: "'The work of devastation was too extensively accomplished ; as is seen on the shores of the Cape since washed away by tides aided by the force of the winds, so that vast flats of sand extend in some places a mile from the shore, now, at low water, dry, or nearly so, and in some instances these flats disclose large stumps of ancient trees embedded in their native peat " (752). H. L. Whiting prepared a " Report on the special Study of Prov- incetown Harbor, Mass." (Rep. U. S. Coast Survey, 1867, pp. 149- 157). He distinguishes Truroland, the mainland of the Cape, " by the * I have found this explanation of the occurrence of tree stumps on the shoals off Chatham current among the fishermen of the Cape. See Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1893, XXVI. 173. VOL. XXXI. (n. s. xxin.) 20 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. existence of clay and of boulders, and by the peculiar form of the ' bowl and dome ' drift " ; and Provinceland, " of sand only, — so free from all earthy matter that it will not even discolor water, — while the forms which the dunes and ridges here assume are mainly characteris- tic of wind drift " (155). He concludes that " the outer ridges of the peninsula of Provincetown were the earliest in date, and that the flats, marshes, and ponds now existing are subsequent accumulations and accidents, which have taken place under the shelter and eddy influ- ences of the outer hooked bar or beach " (155). The narrow outer bar that connects the cliffs of Highland liglit with the Provincetown peninsula is described as wasting back with the cliffs, and is said to be in danger of breaking through at two points, H. Mitchell wrote a " Report . . . concerning Nausett beach and the Peninsula of Monomoy " (Rep. U. S. C. S., 1871, pp. 1B4-U3). Monomoy is described as built of sands derived from the bluff of Cape Cod during northeast storms ; it grew southward into Nantucket sound at the rate of 157 feet a year from 1856 to 1868. The changes in the beach near Chatham are particularly described. The same author submitted an " Additional report on the changes in the neigh- borhood of Chatham and Monomoy" (Ibid., 1873, pp. 103-107). W. Upham published some notes on Cape Cod in the Geology of New Hampshire (1878, III. 300-305), and a more extended essay on "The formation of Cape Cod " a year later (Araer. Nat., 1879, pp. 489-502, 552-565). He described the moraine extending eastward from Sandwich and entering the sea at Orleans (494) ; north of this point, the Cape consists chiefly of modified drift, rarely containing boulders (537). When the drift plains were deposited, the land stood some- what higher than at present (561). Provinceland consists of sea sand, supplied by erosion on the east side of the Cape (564). Chamberlin makes a brief reference to Cape Cod in his essay on the "Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch." "The great northward hook of Cape Cod is composed of plains and rolling hills of sand and gravel, which resemble accumulations that often accompany the morainic belt on its interior side, and suggest the thought that the hook may be the modified inner border of the moraine which enters the sea near Orleans, and may be presumed to curve northward concentric with the hook, forming thus a loop enclosing the basin of Cape Cod." (Third Ann. Rep., U. S. G. S., 1883, p. 379.) H. L. Marindin studied the " Encroachment of the sea upon the coast of Cape Cod, INIass." (Rep. U. S. Coast Survey, 188^9, pp. 40"- 407, chart 28). From Highland light to Nauset lights, the average DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 307 recession from 1848 to 1888 was 128 feet, or 3.2 feet per annum. The face of the cliff, whose average height is 50 or 100 feet, has thus lost a total of 30,231,038 cubic yards, or 755,776 cubic yards per annum. The bar south of Nauset, enclosing the north side of Pleasant harbor, extended its length southward some distance in the same period. The same author has made a detailed report on the changes in shore line and anchorage areas of Provincetown harbor in Appendix 8, U. S. Coast Survey report for 1891, with an elaborate chart. K. Weule has, in his " Beitriige znr Morphologic der Flachkiisten " (Kettlers Zeitschr. wiss. Geogr., 1891, VIII. 211-256), discussed Cape Cod at some length (232-238). The tidal currents are regarded as the most important factors in its shaping. A misunderstanding of local conditions is implied when the author asks how " the narrow mainland of uncompacted materials can remain intact in an exposed situation, when even so resistant landmasses as rocky Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard suffer great loss " (232). The present preserva- tion of the Cape is ascribed to the beach sand, brought from the shoals on the southeast by the flood tide. Weule follows Whiting in attributing a greater age to the outer than to the inner side of Prov- incetown peninsula (234). The existing mainland is regarded as only a remnant of a great extent of drift land (233) ; this opinion being taken from a report by A. Agassiz. A brief article of my own, describing " Facetted pebbles on Cape Cod" (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1893, XXVI. 166-175), argued from these evidences of teolian action that the plains of gravel and sand were deposited under the air rather than under the sea. A " Report of the Trustees of public reservations on the subject of the Province Lands" (Mass. Legislature, House, Pub. Doc. 339, Feb., 1893, p. 6) states that "there is evidence that the tides and waves have built one beach after another, each farther north than the last, and that the so called Peaked hill bar is a new beach now in process of formation." The report contains an elaborate map of the sandy peninsula by J. N. McClintock, on a scale of about five inches to a mile, with ten-foot contours. The manner in which the outer beaches overlap the inner ones is very clearly shown. Five photo- graphic illustrations present characteristic views of the dunes. A general work on coastal forms — " La geographic littorale " — by J. Girard (Paris, 1895), briefly compares Sandy hook and the end of Cape Cod, classifying them with spits formed by littoral currents, but giving no specific description. 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Review of Previous Writings. The structures of the " mainland " of Truro and of the peninsula of Provinceland are so unlike that their different origins have long been recognized ; the former being attributed chiefly to diluvial or glacial and aqueo-glacial agencies, the latter to marine agencies acting on the former. The general character of existing processes by which the shores are undergoing change, and the present rate of action of these processes have been carefully examined by various observers ; but no systematic attempt has been made to trace the processes and the changes that they have produced backward to their beginning. This task is therefore attempted here. Reconstruction of the Original Outline of the Cape. The development of the existing outline of Cape Cod must be traced backward to the original outline. The initial form that it had before the present cycle of cutting and filling began along its shores may be roughly reconstructed by reversing the marine processes now at work and following them until they lead back through earlier and earlier conditions. The restoration may be regarded as complete, when the reconstructed forms are everywhere of non-marine origin. Then, re- versing the order of study, the normal operation of cutting and filling processes should lead forward again to the existing outline of the Cape, and should even allow a reasonable prediction of future changes for some time to come. Provinceland, the Chatham bars, and Monomoy, and a few small bars near Wellfleet, must first be removed, as they consist wholly of sea-carried materials, their arrangement being closely accordant with action at present sea level. The tidal marshes north of Wellfleet, along Paraet river, and elsewhere, should be excavated. The '' main- land," chiefly of glacial and aqueo-glacial deposits, will then stand out alone, as indicated by the outline NBHQPTC, Figure 1. It descends to the shore on nearly all sides in steep cliffs of moderate height ; long, straight, or gently curving beaches running along the base of the cliffs. Exceptions to this rule are found almost exclusively on the shores of protected bays, such as those north of Chatham and about Well- fleet. The cliffed descent of the mainland to the smooth beaches is manifestly an indication of destructional retreat from a formerly greater extension seaward, just as the gentle slope of the land to the irregular shore line of the bays is an indication of small change from construc- tional form. DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 309 Although no close accuracy is to be expected in restoring the sea- ward extension of the clifFed mainland, there are nevertheless some simple principles that will at least serve to guide us towards a not al- together imaginary reconstruction. First, it must be remembered that general subaerial denudation has not eflfected significant changes in glacial topography dui'ing postglacial time. Second, the restored out- line should possess irregularities of pattern comparable to those in the protected bays of to-day, advancing from the headlands and retreating towards the troughs or " valleys " in the high ground. Third, the amount of land restored should be much less on protected shores than on exposed shores. Fourth, cliiFs that are now protected by forelands of marsh and bar must not be built out so far that their recession could not have been accomplished before the bars began to grow in front of them. Possible Changes of Level. These four guiding principles do not include reference to the effects of change of level, because, if any change has occurred since the time of accumulative construction of the mainland, it has been of small amount, and it has, to my mind, acted on the whole in favor of de- creasing the land area by submergence, thus co-operating with the destructive action of the sea. This view is in accord with that ex- pressed by Upham, who thinks that, when the drift was deposited hereabouts, the land stood somewhat higher than at present, and that the numerous small indentations or re-entrants of the shore line, such as occur along the south side of the Cape, are results of a slight sub- mergence of trough-like depressions or valleys. The digitate bays of Martha's Vineyard would seem to lend support to this view ; but they are otherwise interpreted by my colleague. Professor Shale r, who re- gards them as having been formed by subglacial streams acting on sea- floor deposits that had been strewn in front of the ice margin when the sea stood higher than now, although he suspects also that " at the close of the glacial period this region was considerably higher than at pres- ent" (Geol. Martha's Vineyard, 7th Ann. Report U. S. Geol. Survey, 1888, pp. 318, 319, 350). The latter view is further supported by the small amount of erosion — about three miles — suffered by the low sandy southern shore of Martha's Vineyard (Ibid., p. 349) since the present level of the land was assumed. Without undertaking to determine precisely the original level of the Cape mainland, the most plausible explanation of the facts seems to me that the washed gravels and sands correspond to the supermarine 310 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. sandr of Greenland and Alaska ; that the troughs, by which the plains of washed sands are trenched, 'result from the channelling by streams when they carried less waste than while they were previously aggrad- ing the plains ; and that the indentations of the shore line are the result of slight depression, whereby the troughs were partly drowned. Tlie reconstruction of what I have above called the " original outline," will therefore not necessarily lead us to the shore line that obtained at the close of the time of accumulative construction, if the land then stood higher than now ; but only to a contour line drawn on the original constructional mainland at present sea level. However, between the actual original shore line and the reconstructed contour line, there must have been a difference of degree rather than of kind ; the latter embracing a smaller land area than the former, but the general outline and disposition of the laud areas probably being of much the same style in both cases, except for the indentations of drowned valleys after submergence. For this reason, no further especial attention will be given to depression in its effect in altering the outline of the Cape. A proposed reconstruction of the outline of the Cape has been drawn, with the four guiding principles above stated in mind. Trifling addi- tions are made in the bays; none more than 2,000 feet. Significant additions are made on the west side of the Cape ; some of these meas- ure 4,000 or 5,000 feet. Two miles or more of land are added on the east side, or " back," facing the broad Atlantic. The margin of the restored outline is indented toward the various troughs and valleys that break the general surface of the mainland. About High head, the northern point of the cliffed mainland, the fourth of the guiding prin- ciples comes into play ; and hereabouts the most interesting problem of the Cape is found. The view of the peninsula of Provinceland from this commanding point is therefore particularly instructive. The Problem op High Head. The cliffed margin of the mainland at High head, H, Figure 1, is notably even both on the northern and western sides. At present, the head is protected both on the west and north by forelands of marsh and bar, the bars springing tangent from cliff fronts farther south or south- east. The bar, Q R, on the west, is part of a long concave shore line, TPQR, — the "west concave" shore, — whose excavated curve is mani- festly dependent on the existence of the peninsula of Provinceland to the northwest. Before this concave curve was cut, a nearly straight shore line, CTYQH, — the "west straight" shore, — had been made, DAVIS. OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 311 as indicated by its remnants now seen on the west marginal cliff, QH, of High head, and again about six miles to the south, TC, on Bound- brook, Gi-itlitis, and other islands. The cutting qf the west straight cliff, QM, must have continued until the peninsula of Provincelaud began to project northwest to High head. Then, as the movement of the shore currents was somewhat changed by the interference of the peninsula, the middle of the straight cliff was excavated more rapidly, Fig. 1. forming the west concave shore, TPQ, and the northern part of the straight clilf on High head at the same time came to be protected by the outspringing concave bar, QR, that now encloses East harbor and its marshes on the southwest side. The bar, BJ, on the north of High head, is part of the long eastern convex shore line, NBJK, whose form is determined by the masterly Atlantic currents. It is along the outer beach of this bar — or of its representative in former days — that the sands of the peninsula have been transported from the southeast ; this being the conclusion of all observers, unless perhaps of Hitchcock. Now it follows from the re- 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, lation of this northeast bar to the peninsula of Provinceland, and from the relation of the peninsula to the western bar, that a somewhat shorter time was allowed for cutting the north cliff of High head than for cutting its west cliff ; but inasmuch as wave energy was greater on the north than on the west, time and energy varied inversely, and hence about the same amount of lost land may be added to each cliff. The amount of reduction suffered on either side of High head is therefore roughly proportional to the time before the bar was built in front of the north cliff. The north bar, BJ, that for this reason takes our attention, is one of the class built by marine action, as recognized by Admiral Davis. It springs tangent to the curve of the long convex cliff and beach, NB, on the east side or '"back '"' of the Cape. As tiie retreat of the margin of High head is measured by the time befoi'e the north bar was built, the question arises whether bars of this kind are built in front of straight cliffs early or late in the attack made by the sea on the land. This question may be divided into two ; the first considering the de- velopment of the cliff; the second considering the stage in the devel- opment of the cliff when the protecting bar would be likely to grow out in front of it. Development of Shore Profiles. Let the activities of the sea be resolved into two components ; one acting on and off shore; the other along shore; and let the effects of the first of these components be now examined alone, postponing con- sideration of the effects of the second component to the next section. On some young coasts, the on-and-off-shore movements of the sea carry out to deep water all of the waste that is abraded from the land and its submarine slope, leaving the shore line bare.* The rocky floor seen at low tide on the coast of Brittany illustrates this condi- tion. Here the sea is able to do more work than it has to do. Its action is like that of a young river, whose ability to carry load is greater than the resistance of the load that it has to carry, and whose valley floor is therefore attacked and deepened. But as the valley is deepened, the slope, velocity, and carrying power of the river are all decreased ; at the same time the load, derived chiefly from the val- ley slopes, is increased : thus ability to do work gradually falls into * The problem of flat coasts, with shallow off-shore waters, is so different from the problem here considered that it will be treated independently in a later section. DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 313 equality with the work to be done. When this happy condition is reached, the river may be said to have graded its channel. Youth then passes into adolescence. A comparable series of changes may be detected in studying the profile of a seacoast at right angles to the general shore line. As the sea can at first usually dispose of more waste than it gathers, the coast is energetically attacked and forced to retreat, and sea cliffs are thus produced. But in virtue of the changes thus brouglit about, the energy of on-and-off-shore attack decreases, while the waste coming from the growing cliffs increases ; thus ability to do work approaches equality with work to be done, and the sea-floor profile, like that of the valley floor, may be said to be graded. When a graded profile is attained, the adolescent stage of shore development is reached. The amount of retreat necessary before a graded profile is attained varies with the texture of the coast, and with its exposure to the sea. A coast of unconsolidated deposits will soon supply a large amount of waste from its clitfed margin, while the cliffs of a rockbound coast will shed waste slowly ; hence, on coasts of given exposure, grade will be assumed with a less amount of cliff"-cutting where the rocks are weak than where they are strong. This recalls the behavior of rivers in regions of weak and resistant rocks ; in the latter, they may assume gentle slopes ; but in the former, rather steep slopes are necessary to carry off the freely offered waste ; and gentler slopes can be assumed only as the whole surface is worn down : this general relation having been pointed out some years ago by Major Powell (Uinta Mountains, 194). Moreover, inasmuch as a greater amount of waste can be handled on exposed coasts than on i^rotected coasts, a considerable retreat may develop high cliffs on the former before enough waste is shed from the cliff face to give the shore waves all the work they can do ; while on protected coasts a moderate retreat, producing low cliffs, will supply as much waste as can be handled by the sea. The under-water form of a graded profile, when first developed, also depends largely on the violence of the ou-and-off-shore movements of the sea. On a protected coast, the bottom will be degraded so as to descend from the shore line by a gentle slope to an eroded platform of moderate depth ; but on an exposed coast, the bottom will be degraded so as to descend from the shore line by steeper slope to a platform of greater depth. 314 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Typical Shore Profiles. A graded profile being ouce attained, its graded condition will be preserved through all the rest of an undisturbed or normal cycle of shore development ; shore profiles and river profiles being alike in this as in so many other respects. Before grade is assumed, the ability of the sea may be so far in excess of its load that it undercuts the shore and forms sea caves at tide level, as in profile 1, Figure 2. When grade is first assumed, the coast is usually cut back to a steep cliff, like profile 2. Much later, when the sea has cut back the shore so that the waves must transverse a submarine platform before attacking the laud, their strength is thereby so much lessened that the cliflf leans back to a moderate slope, as in profiles 3 and 4, and even then supplies enough waste to keep the waves at its foot fully occupied. Fig. 2. There is something more than analogy in the comparison that may be drawn between the longitudinal profile of a stream and the trans- verse profile of a shore. In youth, each usually has its torrent or upper portion, where ability to carry load is greater than load to be carried ; but as development progresses, the graded couditiou of mid- stream extends headward, and after a time reaches all the way to the headwaters. At the same time, the lower or fioodplain-delta portion extends seaward, its grade being rather steeper in adolescence, when nmch material is brought from the headwaters, than later, in maturity and old age, when the supply of waste is very slow. The critical point, wliere marine action changes from degrading the near-shore bottom to aggrading the ofF-shore bottom, migrates seaward, as 1', 2', 3', 4', in Figure 2. At the same time, the seaward extension of the bottom deposits increases. Furthermore, the comparison between stream and sea suggests the need of examining that process on the sea floor, which corresponds to corrasion in the stream bed. Sea-shore profiles make it clear that a considerable deepening is accomplished on the floor of the platform, landward from the critical points, 1', 2', etc. Off the eastern cliif of Cape Cod, this deepening can hardly have been less than fifteen or twenty fathoms : off the Chalk cliffs of Normandy, a similar scouring and deepening of the bottom may be inferred. We DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 315 are accustomed to study transportation and deposition as submarine processes, but little attention has been given to decomposition, disin- tegration, corrasion, or any other process by which the sea floor is degraded. The subject deserves careful investigation. It is manifest from the preceding paragraplis tliat a graded profile may be attained much earlier on one part of a shore line than on another ; for the texture, the original profile, and the exposure of a coast all vary from place to place. But in a region like Cape Cod, where the original shore line consisted wholly of uncompacted mate- rials, this aspect of the problem need not be considered further. Development of Shore Outlines. It is not, however, only in on-and-o£E-shore action that a close com- parison may be drawn between the operations of marine and fluviatile agencies. The 'long-shore action of the sea also is in many respects comparable to the down-stream action of rivers. Beginning on an unevenly deformed land surface in a region of moderate rainfall, where there are many heights and hollows, the drainage will at first consist of many small independent systems, each one transporting waste from the initial divides down the initial slopes into the initial hollows. Every stream proceeds, by degrading and aggrading its course, to develop a line of slope on which its ability to do work shall every- where equal the work that it has to do. As the eminences are worn down and the hollows are filled up, local systems that were at first independent become confluent, and the drainage of the higher ones is discharged to the lower ones. Every change of this kind will call for rearrangement of the degraded and aggraded slopes in the con- fluent basins. Ultimately, all the separate systems will, in one combi- nation or another, find outlet to the sea, and the waste will be carried a long distance from the main divides to the main river deltas. It is much the same with the action of the sea. Leaving the on- and-otf-shore action out of consideration for the moment, let us view only the 'long-shore action, as determined by the dominant rather than by the prevailing movements of the littoral waters. The projections or headlands of the constructional shore line act as so many divides, on either side of which the 'long-shore currents flow away from the apex, as in the uppermost outline in Figure 3. The re-entrants or bays are so many basins into which the 'long-shore currents converge from the ad- jacent headlands. The headlands are slowly worn back, and the waste is carried along their sides into the bays, where it forms aggrading 316 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. pocket beaches or bridging bars, as in the second and later outlines of Figure 3. The initial irregularity of shore outline is thus replaced by a graded outline; grade being first attained in the bays, and last on the headlands, much as was the case with stream action. As the headlands are cut farther back and beaches are formed at the base of their cliffs, then the 'long-shore action is moi-e and more thrown into one direction or the other from the chief headlands, transporta- tion is carried on past many of the subordinate headlands, and much of the waste finds its way into the chief re-entrants of the shore line, as in the lowermost outline of Figure 3. We should expect to find Fig. 3. inside the long-sweeping curve of the aggrading shore line of the chief bays more or less distinct record of the sharp-curved pocket beaches of an earlier stage. However irregular the initial shore line was originally, and how- ever many divisions were then made in the direction of the 'long-shore currents, the time will come when only a few of the most prominent and resistant headlands survive, as in the later outlines of Figure 3 ; elsewhere the 'long-shore action is developed into a continuous move- ment. Truly the direction of transportation along the graded shore line is sometimes one way, sometimes the other, according to the sweep of storm winds ; but if the dominant currents alone are con- sidered, the movement is essentially constant. The graded condition, DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 317 first reached on the pocket beaches, comes to prevail all along the shore ; ability to do the work of transportation is everywhere equal to the work of transportation to be done. In the river problem, the number of independent river systems that occupy the originally deformed surface varies with the strength of the initial relief and with the rainfall. A light rainfall and a strong, rapid-growing initial relief of resistant rocks produce many indepen- dent river systems, and a long time must elapse before a general grade is attained. The early stage of this condition is illustrated in the lava-block mountains of southern Oregon, so well described by Russell (4th Ann. Report U. S. Geol. Survey, 435). But a heavy rainfall and a faint, slow-growing initial relief of weak materials may allow the immediate development of a single river system, soon attain- ing grade over the whole ai-ea concerned. So with the sea. Moderate 'long-shore action and strong initial irregularity of resistant rocks break up the 'long-shore currents into many systems at first; the grading of the shore line and the union of the many currents can be accom* plished only after a long time of endeavor. But strong 'long-shore action and moderate initial irregularity of weak materials may permit continuous 'long-shore movements for a long distance on well graded beaches almost from the very first. Both in valleys and on coasts — in rivers and on shores — the graded condition will be reached sooner on certain stretches than on others ; and just as an alternation of rough rapids and smooth-flowing reaches indicates a youthful stage of river life, so an alternation of ragged head- lands and smooth-beached bars indicates a youthful stage of shore line development. But in time even the more resistant parts will be trimmed off so as to accord with the less resistant, and then down-stream transportation — or 'long-shore movement — is well developed ; the adolescent stage is reached. From this time forward, on a shore as in a river, the grade is normally changed only where and when a change of load calls for readjustment ; the readjustment necessitating an ag- gradation or degradation of the valley floor, or an advance or retreat of the shore line, as the load may increase or decrease. It should of course be understood that comparisons of this kind are not formal comparisons in which the condition of one member may be inferred immediately from those of its analogue. The purpose of the comparison is not to compel explanation, but chiefly to borrow illus- tration of the systematic processes of land sculpture from the better known examples of river action, and apply them to the less studied examples of shore action ; less studied certainly in this country, 318 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. where our great interior areas have for some decades past absorbed the attention of geologists ; more studied than river action in Great Britain, but not from the point of view here taken. Under favorable conditions, irregular shore lines may be smoothly graded early in their cycle of development. This is well illustrated in the case of Martha's Vineyard. Here an extremely irregular con- structional shore has been reduced to a remarkably even and well graded outline in a relatively early stage of the attack of the sea on the land ; for although a matter of two or three miles of the southern headlands of the island have probably been cut away by the sea,* a good part of the original shore line still remains in the branching bays behind the bridging bars. The straight-cliffed headlands stand perfectly in line with the bars across the bays. The later stages of outline on graded shores are considered in the third section below. Application of the Foregoing to Cape Cod. The foregoing account of the development of shore lines is perhaps an overlong preparation for the application of the simple principles that govern shore changes to the case of Cape Cod ; but the excuse for the details into which I have entered is the desire to show good ground for the conclusion which they support ,* namely, that on a coast as weak as the mainland of Cape Co^l, any originally irregular shore line would soon be reduced to grade by the action of a sea so ener- getic as the Atlantic, with its frequent southeast and northeast storms. Only a moderate time and a moderate recession is therefore necessary for the production of the even northeast cliff of High head. It does not. however, follow from this that only a short time actually elapsed in this work, for as far as has yet been stated, the High head cliif that we see may have been cut far back from the first position of an even cliff on this part of the coast line. Whether the time was long or short can be best determined by examining into the conditions which deter- mine the development of the bar by which the clilf is now protected, this being the second problem announced above. It should be noted that when the northeast cliff of High head formed the open shore line of this part of the Cape, the outline must have extended in a sympathetic curve, HBFjA, for some distance southeast of its present limit ; and from this early form there must have been a gradual change to the shore line of to-day. At some time during this change, the protecting bar, BJ, must have been built out * Shaler, loc. cit., 349. DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 319 to the northwest. The problem is to determine at what stage in the history of a clifFed shore line such a bar or spit might grow out from one part of its face and protect another part. Off-shore Bars. In order to avoid misapprehension, it is advisable to make careful distinction between those bars or spits which spring as tangent attach- ments to a clifFed shore, often extending into comparatively deep water, and those off-shore bars which are built up from the bottom in shallow water, not immediately connected with the mainland. Exam- MAINLAND CM L MB SE^ ^^^^. b' s b" pies of the latter class are common along a great extent of our southern coast, especially where the tides are weak. Briefly stated, their his- tory seems to be as follows. When waves roll in upon a shelving shore, as in Figure 4, much of their energy is expended on the bottom. Between the line of their first action far off shore and their final ex- haustion on the coast, C, there must be somewhere a zone of maximum action. This zone must lie farther seaward when large storm waves roll in than when the sea is slightly ruffled in fair weather. Let the zone of maximum action for storm waves be shown by Z in profile. Here the bottom is deepened; the coarser particles are moved land- ward, forming a shoal and in time a bar, B', enclosing a lagoon, L; while 320 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the finer particles are moved seaward, beyond the limits of Figure 3, where they are distributed in moderate thickness over a considerable area. During this process, we may imagine the storm waves to say : " We cannot to advantage attack a coast where the off-shore water shoals so gradually ; let us therefore first deepen the off-shore bottom, so that we may afterwards make better attack on the coast." So say- ing, a preliminary off-shore bar is built up by the storm waves in posi- tion B' ; and afterwards, at times of exceptional storms, successive additions may be made on its outer side, as B". Wind action builds the bar up with dunes, and carries much sand over into the lagoon. But a time will come when the bottom farther to seaward has been deepened enough to enable even the greatest waves to act severely on the outer slope of the bar, taking from it more than they bring to it ; then the outward advance of the bar is changed to a landward retreat, and it is pushed back to such a position as B'". Tliis change in be- havior may be taken to separate the stages of youth and adolescence in the development of a shore line of this kind. Young bars that are advancing or that have advanced seaward may often be recognized by belts of dunes, B', B", roughly parallel to the shore, enclosing lines of marsh or " slashes," S, as they are called on the coast of New Jersey. Adolescent bars, retreating landward like B"', may be distinguished by the exposure of the dark mud of the lagoon marsh, M, on their outer slope, as is sufficiently explained by the diagrams. Many examples of this kind miglit be cited. In time, the retreat of the bar will carry it back to the mainland ; then, as long as the marginal cliff is not too high, the dunes, D"", will be heaped directly on the land slope, and the mature stage of shore development is reached. In this stage, the depth of water near the shore is much greater than it was originally ; degradation of the sea floor reaching to depths much below low tide. An interesting variation on this type of coastal forms is found on coasts whose submarine slope varies, so that off-shore bars are formed in one district, but an immediate attack is made on the land in a neighboring district. The coast of New Jersey gives a standard ex- ample of this kind. About Atlantic city the bars are built off shore ; about Long Branch, the land is cut back in a retreating cliff of moder- ate height. Although now generally retreating and exposing marsh mud on their ocean side (Ann. Report N. J. Geol. Survey, 1885, p. 80 et seQ.), the bars frequently possess dune ridges and slashes, as if they had once advanced seaward. Somewhere in the earlier history of this coast, there must have been a point or fulcrum of no advance DAVIS. OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 321 or retreat between the advancing bars and the retreating cliff. It should not be overlooked that 'long-shore action has a share, often a large share, in the development of compound forms of this kind ; but it is quite conceivable that they might be developed essentially under the control of on-and-off-shore action alone. A second example of this kind is perhaps to be found in the combination of the bars from Chatham to Nauset with the cliffed margin of the Cape mainland farther north ; but into this problem it is not desirable to enter further at present. The origin of tangent bars or spits, built out into compar- atively deep water, may now be taken up. Tangent Bars or Spits. In order to understand more clearly the conditions under which tangent bars would form, it is necessary to return for a few moments to the problem of the varying outline of a graded shore as dependent on an .increase of load. It is advisable to enter this phase of the problem through comparison again with the development of rivers and valleys. In the case of adolescent rivers, the increasing dissection of the drainage basin by growing headwater branches may frequently cause the load to continue to increase after the first attainment of a graded slope along the trunk river. As a consequence, the trunk river must aggrade the valley floor, forming a flood plain, until the load begins to decrease later on in maturity. Much in the same way, 'long shore ac- tion of the sea on a coast of graded outline may gather an increasing load as the cliffs retreat and become longer and higher ; and with this increase of load, certain parts of an early-graded outline may have to be built forward into the sea. But on pursuing this comparison a step further we find here, as in some earlier cases, a contrast replacing the agreement thus far traced between the river and the 'long-shore action. Not only the load, but also the volume of a river increases from youth to maturity by reason of the better development of stream lines all over the drainage basin ; and this increase of volume tends to prevent the aggradation asked for by the increase of load. Similarly, the vol- ume of water involved in the 'long-shore movements becomes greater as the inequalities of a young shore line are reduced to the smooth curves of adolescence and maturity ; but here the increase of volume causes the shore waters to move in curves of larger radius than before, and this change may require the beaches to grow forward on certain concave or incurved parts of the shore line. In such case, increase in the volume of 'long-shore water movements may co-operate with the VOL. XXXI. (k. s. xxiii.) 21 322 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. increase of load in tending to build the land out iuto the sea. Here rivers and 'long-shore currents have unlike behavior. One of the best examples of this kind that has come to my notice is found on the coast of Georgia and Florida, where the better adjust- ment of coastal bars to shore currents and the consequent increase in volume and strength of the latter seems to have led to the out-building of the several bars that are involved in the southward migration of Cape Canaveral.* The accompanying digaram, Figure 5, illustrates the essential features of the changes here inferred. The genei-al attack that is at first made nearly all along the ragged coast soon comes to be resolved into two diverse actions ; a persistent attack on the chief medial headlands, while the subordinate headlands are protected by the growth of off-shore bars. Let the ragged outline of Figure 5 repre- sent, the original shore line of an un- compacted land mass. The general attack by the sea first cuts off all the headlands, forming cliffs 2, 3, more or less connected by bars. When longer and higher cliffs, 4, are developed, they supply so large an amount of waste and allow the movement of so large a vol- ume of water along shore that the less exposed cliff of earlier intention in the upper part of the figure is no longer attacked, but is protected by a spit, 4', that springs out from the main cliflP, prolonging its curve in one direction or the other, — here, up- ward, — according as the tides and the on-shore winds determine the direction of the 'long-shore movement. In this case, on-and-oflP-shore action and depth of water have little to say. Wherever the dominant 'long-shore movement advances, there the tangent bar must grow, whether the water is shallow or deep. Fig. 5. * This peculiar chancre in the situation of the cuspate foreland known as Cape Canaveral was briefly stated by the writer in Science, 1895, 1. 606. It has later been found that Weule had previously noted the fact of migration {loc. cit., p. 253), although not mentioning the cause here suggested to account for it. DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 323 Illustration from the Coast of New Jersey. An example suitable for illustration of this case is found in the rela- tion of Sandy hook to the Long Brancli cliffs on the New Jersey coast, as exhibited on the excellent topographical maps of that State. Al- though now protected by the spit of Sandy hook, both Riirasor neck and the Highlands of Navesink are truncated by sea cliffs. The truncation must have been accomplished before the spit was built, and therefore before the Long Branch cliff had been pushed back to its present position. Stage 3, Figure 5, essentially represents this rela- tion. In the change from earlier stages to the present, the 'long-shore action has increased in consequence of the general smoothing of the outline, and the direction of 'long-shore movement has been somewhat changed ; so that now instead of carrying the waste from the Long Branch cliff directly to the truncated headlands next north, it is carried along an independent path forming the spit of Sandy hook outside of the line of truncation. It is interesting to notice that the Long Branch cliffs were evenly graded, and that the spit was formed rather early in the general attack of the sea on the land hereabouts, and that a very slight change in the outline of the chief cliff sufficed to cause the growth of the spit outside of the subordinate cliffs further north. The various fluctuations in the growth of the spit and the intermittent destruction of its slender bar are described in the Annual Report of the New Jersey Geological Survey for 1885, p. 78. The Long Branch cliff has for some time been retreating under the blows of the Atlantic breakers. The farther it retreats the longer the stretch of cliff becomes ; it is undoubtedly much longer now than for- merly. It may be fairly inferred that the two great spits, to the south as well as to the north of the cliff, have always been, as now, essentially tangent to the cliff front. It follows necessarily that the point of the attachment of the spits to the mainland has shifted, and that the spits have also been pushed backward at equal pace with the retreat of the cliff. With these conclusions in mind, the problem of High head and the northeast bar may at last be taken up. Growth of the Provincelands. There is good reason to think that the analogy between Sandy hook and the Provincelands pointed out by Admiral Davis may be carried much further than he suspected. The great convex cliff line on the back of the Cape corresponds to the slightly convex line of the Long Branch cliff ; the northeast cliff of High head is the counterpart 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. of the protected cliff of the Navesink highlands ; the slender bar that springs tangent to the curve of the back of the Cape and runs to the broad peninsula of" the Provincelauds is essentially a repetition of the slender bar that springs north from the Long Branch cliff and runs to the broadened peninsula of Sandy hook. The point where the bar now springs northwestward from the long convex back of the Cape is not the point where the bar first began to grow. Its original point of attachment must have been southeast of the present point ; and in the change from the original to the present arrangement, both the cliif and the slender bar must have been forced back, in the very manner already described for the example in New Jersey. Marindin's report gives pre- cise data for the retreat of the cliff ; and the story of the buried canoe, recorded by Thoreau, gives support to the retreat of the bar near its point of attachment. In both examples, the farther part of the great spit has grown by addition to its seaward side in order to keep the out- line in a curve sympathetic with the retreating cliff; the outward or eastward growth of Sandy hook being described in the Annual Report of the New Jersey Geological Survey for 1885, p. 77 ; the similar growth of the Provincelands is more fully stated below. As a result of the outward growth of the spit while the cliff is retreating, there must be a neutral point or fulcrum of no change somewhere on the connecting bar : and with the further straightening of the cliff front, the position of this fulcrum must generally shift toward the spit, as shown by F^, Fj, F3, Figure 5. The original point of attachment of the connecting bar on Cape Cod must have been at the intersection of two converging lines determined by the northeast cliff of High head and the innermost or oldest of the bars in the Provinceland peninsula. The first of these lines is well defined, HB, Figure 6 ; the second is less distinct, but appears to be recorded in a sand bar on the line EFo. The form of this bar has probably been somewhat changed by wind action , yet the trend of its inner margin along the shore of East harbor is comparatively straight, as if it had not been much altered from the form given when it was built. Its trend departs slightly from the direction of the adjacent Atlantic shore, as if had been determined by conditions now vanished. The intersection of the two guide lines, HB and EF2, when pro- longed to the east-southeast, is found at a point Fi, about 4,000 feet off the present shore, and about a mile and two thirds east-southeast from the present point of attachment of the springing bar. Judging by the present rate of retreat of the cliff line, this outer position must have been occupied about 1,200 years ago. These figures are of neces- DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 325 sity only approximate, but they are believed to give a fair iiulicatiou of the order of magnitudes involved, both in space and time. We may then infer that when the general outline of the back of the Cape had assumed the position of the line AFiBH, the shore was well enough graded to supply material for the building of a spit ; and that the curvature of the shore at the point Fi, assigned for the beginning of the spit, was such that the dbminaut 'long-shore currents, moving from south to north in flood tide or under southeast storms could no longer Fig. 6. follow the shore, but departed from it outwardly by a small angle- Thus the protecting bar, FiE, began to grow in front of the High head cliff. At an earlier stage the 'long-shore currents must have been much interrupted by the irregularities of the original shore line. No large and well developed current could at that time follow these irregulari- ties. But as the headlands were cut back and the bays bridged across, and the shore assumed the outline ABH, then the resistance to the development of the current became less and less ; thereby the current became stronger and stronger, and desired a straighter and straighter path for its movement. At the same time, a greater and greater volume of waste was supplied from the growing cliffs. As long as the back of the Cape pi-ojected farther into the sea than 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. now, the northward shore current may have swung pretty well around the mainland, as sketched in line ABH. But as the east side of the Cape was cut away and straightened, and as the shore current grew stronger and stronger, it became increasingly difficult for the waters to turn the curve that led to High head ; and at last, when the turning was impossible, the spit began to form on the line FjE. As the change progresses, the current swings on a fulcrum, F'., ; the spit broadens by the external addition of new bars, FgG, as well as by the formation of sand dunes inside of the curve ; and the fulcrum shifts along the shore to the northwest, as indicated by the points F^, F3, Figure 6, in the manner already explained for Figure 5. The important point to note is tluit here^ just as on the New Jersey coast, the grading of the initial irregular shore line into a curved cliff shore, and the straightening of the curved cliff" shoi'e enough to require the growth of the tangent bar, must have been accomplished early in the development of so weak a land mass as Cape Cod in face of waves 80 strong as those of the Atlantic. Dimensions of the Original Cape. Now inasmuch as no very long time can have been required for the Atlantic waves to wear back the original shore line of the Cape to a graded outline, ABH, of which the High head cliff is a part, and inasmuch as the growth of the springing spit must have been begun soon after the grading of the shore, it follows that the original con- structional outline of the land in front of the High head cliff cannot have extended far into the sea. I have given it an extension of 3,000 feet in Figure 1. A similar original extension of all the mainland of the Cape may be assumed outside of the graded shore line ABH, that existed before the springing spit was formed ; and thus the origi- nal outline of the eastern side of the mainland has been roughly sketched in. As drawn in Figure 1, the greatest retreat from the original shore to the present shore is nearly two and a half miles, and at the present strength of wave action, 3,000 or 4,000 years may be roughly taken to have sufficed for the accomplishment of this change. This time is probably too long rather than too short, for the retreat now must be slower than when the cliff" was lower. It should be carefully understood that the period here computed does not measure postglacial time ; for, as already stated, it is believed that the land hereabouts stood somewhat higher than now during the accumulation of the stratified sands, and that only after the time of DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 327 accumulation were the valleys and low grounds slightly submerged by a moderate depression of the laud, and the work whose duration is here computed begun. The time that passed while the sea was at work on some lower shore is not measured. There is no indication of a recent elevation of the land hereabouts, as far as the shore fea- tures testify : even the protected cliffs of High head are cut down to present se^ level. The Nauset bar extends southward from the cliff at the point N. The earlier positions were prolougations of the lines A, D. The point of attachment must therefore have migrated to the southwest; the retreat of the cliff front determining the retreat of the bar that stands in line with it. How the problematic islands off Chatham affected the behavior of the bar is not here inquired into. Inasmuch as the recession of the eastern shore is believed to have been of moderate measure, the loss on the western shore must have been still less. This is considered in a later section. The Origin of Race Point. Two important consequences follow from the swinging of the shore current on its movable fulcrum. The first gives explanation of the overlapping of the newer shore lines outside of the older body of the peninsula, as stated in the Report of the Laud and Harbor Commis- sioners, quoted above. This is only a repetition of the process by which the spit first departed from the beach on the back of the Cape itself. The outer margin of the Proviuceland peninsula is therefore its very youngest part, and not its oldest, as supposed by Whiting. The long bar, FgJK, ending in Race point, is a distinct external addition to the older body of the Provincelands, and a long narrow " slash " is included behind it. It has grown out into comparatively deep water, for the 20-fathom line lies only 1,700 feet offshore to the northwest. Peaked hill bar may be, as the Commissioners have plausibly suggested, the embryo of still another external bar. It may be noted that small spits departing tangentially from curved beaches are not uncommon. The map accompanying Whiting's report shows two of them near Wood End, one pointing east, the other north, from the sharp curve of the bar, as if determined by a strong south- west storm, whose waves worked eastward and northward from the apex of the curve at Wood End. A minute spit of this kind is shown on the chart of Cape Cod bay (Coast chart 110, printed 1890), a little northeast of Race point; but a later edition of the chart (1892) carries a smooth curve around the point. Small examples of these 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. forms, trending eastward, were seen on the south shore near Long point light, at the time of my visit to the Cape last summer. The Wasting Shore from Race PoixNt to AVood End. The seconil consequence of the outward deflection of the current around the peninsula is the rapid consumption of the bar, VW, that extends south from Race point inlet to Wood End, the long "finger " at the end of the Cape. This suggests a preliminary digression. Wonder is often expressed at the ability of sand bars to withstand the violence of the surf that breaks unceasingly upon them. The sands are entirely unconsolidated, and their surface layers are moved by every surge of the waters. Yet the form of the bar changes very slowly. The reason for this must be found in the continual feeding, from the cliffs and from the bottom off shore, by which the volume of the bars is sustained. The bars of our southern Atlantic coast pre- sumably receive much of their sand from the l)otti)Di. Sandy hook receives much of its supply from the retreating cliffs at Long Branch. If the supply be withheld, the bar will be rapidly swept away. It may not be that llie grains of sand are actually ground to dust, but that they are brushed along, and when no followers come to take their place, it is left vacant, and the face of the bar retreats ; its dunes are cut back, and a low cliff-shore is formed. As long as the outside of the peninsula formed a continuous curve, sand was carried along it in plenty from the cliff and the sea floor on the back of the Cape, and probably also from the shoals where Webbs island and its vanished mates once stood off Chatham. This condition is represented in line DGVAV. But as the cliff from Nauset to Highland was cut fartlier back, and the shore current became unable to follow its earlier path along the margin of the peninsula, the additional bar, ending in Race point, was laid out, and tlie long marshy " slash " was enclosed behind it. From the beginning of this additional bar until the present time, the supply of sand carried around the western curve of the peninsula was greatly reduced ; at times it may have ceased entirely. The supply being thus reduced or cut off, the bar southward from Race point inlet nearly to Wood End rapidly wasted ; and the sand taken from it by northwest gales went to supply the cor- respondingly rapid growth of Long point, WX, into Provincetown harbor, which Whiting shows to have extended many feet eastward in the fifty years past. Like Race point, Long point has advanced into comparatively deep water; the 20-fathom curve lies only 600 feet off shore ; the same depth is not found for almost three miles off the cliffed shore of the " back " of the Cape, DAVIS. — OUTLINE OP CAPE COD. 329 The Western Side of the Cape. The western side of the Cape offers simpler problems than those of the eastern side. The first task here attempted by the waves was the development of the long west straight shore line, HQTC, of which only the extremities now remain. This does not seem to have required anywhere a greater recession than 3,000 feet. It must have been accomplished chiefly by northwest gales and north-to-south shore cur- rents, by which the waste gathered from the more continuously cliflfed shore was carried southward to tie together the several islands below South Truro. If southwest gales and south-to-north shore currents had been dominant, an acuminate spit should have been formed in prolongation of High head, where the waste would have been supplied from both sides of the Cape ; but of this there is no sign. The modification of the west straight shore line by the excavation of the present concave shore line, QPT, undoubtedly results, as has already been stated, from the disturbance of antecedent conditions that was caused by the growth of the Provincelands to the northwest. The northwest gales gradually came to have less and less influence ; for some time past, they must have ceased to be dominant ; the chief control of shore movements now seems to be in the hand of the weaker southwest gales ; for both the offsetting spit at the mouth of Pamet river, P, and the outspringing bar, QR, tliat protects High head on the west, imply a northward transportation of sands. Some southward movement, however, still occurs, as might be expected ; for at the faint angle, T, where the older straight shore line, HQTC, is now cut by the concave shore line, QPT, a spit projecting to the southwest seems to have been begun, and its continuation under water is indicated by a shoal of sympathetic curvature, TU, some five and a half miles in length. How far this shoal may be a new feature, origi- nating with the excavation of the concave shore line, or how far it may be of much greater age, dependent on the extensive Billingsgate shoals, where outlying islands are thought to have originally stood, is for the present an undecided question. Protection of Provincetown Harbor. A matter of considerable economic importance turns on the changes experienced by the "wrist" of the Cape, the narrowest part of the bar that connects the mainland or " forearm " of the Cape with the peninsula or " hand." The people of Provincetown feel anxiety lest tlie sea should breach the bar and wash a great amount of sand west- 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ward past High head into their excellent harbor. The records of changes in the bar that connects Sandy hook with the Long Branch cliffs give ground for this anxiety. The point that I wish here to call attention to is that the only part of the northeast shore that is liable to be broken through lies on the stretch, BFg, between the point where the connecting bar springs northwest from the great cliff and the point where the '' fulcrum " is at present located. Within this stretch, the bar is generally retreating, being cut on the outer side, and reconstructed on the inner side. Two safeguards may be suggested. One would cause the fulcrum to migrate southeastward, thus diminishing the length of the narrow and breakable bar, and at the same time increasing its breadth and strengtli. This would be accomplished by the construction of bulk- heads along the outside of the narrow bar, or wrist, so as to catch the drifting sand instead of allowing it to pass by ; thus the bar might be broadened and strengthened. Judging by the rapidity with which the body of a wrecked vessel causes an accumulation of tand on its south- eastern side, a significant addition to the narrow bar might soon be made in this manner. Manifestly, the greatest economy in the use of the drifting sand requires that the bulkheads should be continually built out so as always to project a little beyond the aggrading shore line. There are indications that this very result is at present being accomplished by natural process, for the beach in the narrow stretch, BFg, is now notably broadened in front of its former line at the base of the surmounting dunes. A more economical and enduring protection of Provmcetown harbor than the above plan suggests has been already secured by complet- ing the extremity of the bar, QR, that some years ago almost en- closed East harbor ; so that if storm waves should temporarily breach the narrow connecting bar on tlie ocean side, — the " wrist " of the " hand " of Provincetowu at the end of the " bended arm of Massa- chusetts," — all the sand that was carried through the breach would settle in East harbor, and thereby strengthen the embankment against further encroachments. A second protecting dike has been built across the marsh, northeastward from near High head. The fear that, in case the narrow connecting bar or " wrist " should be breached, the whole action of the Atlantic 'long-shore currents would thereafter be directed through the breach into Provincetowu harbor, is ground- less. The whole history of the growth of the peninsula demonstrates that the 'long-shore currents must continue to swing in long curves of large radius in the future, as in the jiast. DAVIS. — OUTLINE OF CAPE COD. 331 The danger of silting up the Provincetown harbor by drift eonnng from the west concave shore line along the west protecting bar of High head does not appear to be imminent, for the processes of trans- portation are comparatively slow on the iimer side of the Cape ; but the danger is nevertheless real, and nothing but an extensive and ex- pensive system of bulkheads from North Truro northward, on the stretch PQ, appears to be sufficient to avert it. The destruction of the narrow strip of sand-bar shore, VW, between Race point and Wood Kud seems to me to threaten Provincetown harbor with a greater danger than any that it is exposed to from the east. This shore is now wasting rapidly. Once broken through,* the currents driven by nortliwest gales, as well as by the rising tide, would no longer have to swing around Wood End, W, and deliver their load of drifting sand to Long point, X; they would in all prob- ability invade the harbor directly, cutting away the low-tide flats that now expand south of the village, and throwing the detritus thus gained into the harbor. Attention has been called to this danger by Marindin in the Coast Survey report for 1891, Appendix 8. While bulkheads may delay the destruction of the narrow bar, they can hardly preserve it even through a brief historical period. It has been proposed to abandon the wasting bar to its fate, and to protect the harbor by building a dike from the west end of the village across the flats to Wood End. A partial protection might be gained by building bulkheads on the northern shore of the peninsula, two or three miles east of Race point, K. Drifting sand from the east would then be stopped there. Race point, no longer so well supplied with sand as now, would be wasted by the northwest storms, and the sands carried from it would go southward to repair the shore towards Wood End. The protection of the bar northeast of High head near Fg would, to a certain extent, work in the same direction by diminishing the supply of sand for the Race point bar ; but a considerable time might elapse before any advantageous effect from this cause would be felt. The Future of the Cape. The encroachment of the sea on the back of the Cape is undoubtedly destined to continue until the Truro mainland is all consumed north of Orleans, the '' elbow " of the bended arm. At the present rate of recession — 3.2 feet a year — eight or ten thousand years will be re- quired for this task ; and this without considering the aid given by the * A small breach lias been marie in this bar during the past wmter, as I have learned from a recent visit to Provincetown. 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. waves of Cape Cod bay, whose concave sweep along the Truro shore shows their competeuce to do no insignificant share of the work. It does not seem at all likely that, while the rest of the Truro main- land is wearing away, the spit at Race point will of itself curve around to the south, and thus save from destruction the narrowing bar which encloses Provincetown harbor on the west. A great volume of trans- ported sand would be needed to continue the bar in the deep water through which its present curve would lead. Moreover, the shoal known as Peaked hill bar may, as has been suggested, mark the begin- ning of a shore line exterior to that of the present Race point curve. It is possible that as additional tangent spits are lapped on the outside of the curve. Race point will be cut back by a current from the north- west, working opposite to the great current that rounds the peninsula from the east ; a cuspate or acuminate spit being then formed in the angle between the two, such as now exists at Great point, Nantucket. There, the transportation of shore waste is northward on the east shore and southward on the west shore, according to the memoir by Admiral Davife ; this being proved by the drift of coal and bricks from vessels wrecked on the east shore {op. clt., 139). The occur- rence of these '' cuspate forelands," as Gulliver has called them (Bull. Gaol. Soc. Amer., 189G, VII.), is not so much of a rarity in nature as might be imagined from the little that appears about them in books; their growth being sometimes attributable to accordant currents that flow towards the point on either side ; sometimes to opposing currents, one flowinfj inwards, the other outwards. Good reasons iiave been given by Abbe for believing that Cape Hatteras and the other cuspate capes of the Carolina coast have been built between opposing currents (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1895, XXVI. 489). The Provincetown peninsula may be expected to outlast the Truro mainland ; for as long as the latter exists, the former must receive contributions from it. But when the mainland is washed away, — ten thousand years hence, at the present rate of wearing, — then Provinceland must rapidly disappear. Sable island, a long sand bar oflPNova Scotia, is perhaps to be regarded as the vanishing remnant of a destroyed drift island (see Trans. Roy. Soo. Canada, 1894, XII.pt. 2, pp. 3-48 ; also, note in Science, 1895. 11. 886). It may in this sense be taken to represent a future stage in the destruction of Cape Cod. All these changes are rapid, as changes go on the earth's surface. The Truro mainland will soon be destroj'ed, and the sands of Provinceland will be swept away as the oceanic curtain falls on this little one-act geographical drama. GOTO. — EMBRYOLOGY OF STARFISH. 333 XVII. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE Z(JOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF E. L. MARK, LXIV. PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH (ASTERIAS PALLIDA). By Seitaro Goto. PreBented by E. L. Mark, April 8, 1896. In this preliminary notice I propose to give a brief account of the principal results of the study which I have been carrying on during the past winter. Since I began my study, two papers in the " Quar- terly Journal of Microscopical Science," covering the same ground in other species, have come to ray notice, one by Bury, and the other by MacBride. But as the results of these observers are at variance on some important points, it will, I believe, not be without interest to publish my own, which, it will be seen, are mostly, but not altogether, confifmations of those of MacBride. The material was collected last summer in Mr. Agassiz's Laboratory at Newport, R. I., where I was enabled to work for several weeks through the courtesy of the owner, to whom my best thanks are due. It will be observed that I have studied the same species as that on which Mr, Agassiz himself worked about thirty years ago, — a spe- cies which in the course of its development passes through typical Bipinnaria and Brachiolaria stages. (1) A few words as to the orientation of the body. In the Bra- chiolaria stage the sagittal plane of the body passes through the dorsal Brachiolaria arm, and is at right angles to the line joining the tips of the other two arms. It also passes through the anus and the middle of the mouth. In later stages, as metamorphosis approaches more and more its end, the anus shifts its position considerably, and the sagittal plane can be determined externally only by means of the Brachiolaria arms. I find the plane determined by this means constant for all practical purposes ; that is to say, it bisects the stomach as well as the body as a whole, and passes through both the dorsal pore and the point where 334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the definitive mouth is formed. As the Brachiolaria arms are visible until a very late stage of metamorphosis, this method of determining the principal plane of the body is very convenient, and at the same time tolerably accurate. The aboral disk arises, as already known, as a thickened patch of the ectoderm on the right side of the body, and extends also some dis- tance on to the dorsal side ; but as metamorphosis progresses, it shifts its position, so that it becomes more and more inclined to the sagittal plane, and at the same time more nearly parallel to the crossplane, i. e. a plane perpendicular to the chief axis of the body. The posi- tion of the dorsal pore remains nearly, although not quite, constant. From the above it follows that the oral side of the adult is the ante- rior, the aboral the posterior, the madreporic (interradius) the dorsal, and the side opposite this the ventral, side of the larva. Right and left sides are evident from what precedes. (2) As has been pai'tly suggested in the foregoing lines, both the definitive mouth and anus are new formations. (3) Of the body cavity in the larva I distinguish, with Bury, four portions, an anterior and a posterior on either side of the body. In the fully developed Bipinnaria, these portions are all directly or indi- rectly continuous with one another; but in the course of the Brachi- olaria stage the right posterior portion is entirely cut off from the remaining parts, and later, when the tentacles of the Bipinnaria have been largely drawn in, another septum is formed anterior to the first, while the left posterior portion also becomes constricted off from the rest ; so that at this stage there are three separate cavities, viz. (1) the right posterior, (2) the left posterior and the right middle portions, which still form but one cavity, and (3) the right and left anterior portions, which freely communicate with each other in the Brachiolaria arms. The anterior cavity (3) persists in the adult as the axial sinus and the water-vascular system. The right posterior cavity shifts its position hand in hand with the aboral disk, and finally occupies the posterior end of the larva just be- neath the disk. With the development of the arms of the star, it sends out diverticula into them, and thus assumes the bibrachiate, o-radiate star-shape which it has in the adult. (4) The formation of the water-vascular ring is not a mechanical result of the breaking through of the adult mouth, for the ring exists as such some time before the mouth is formed. (5) With Bury and MacBride I distinguish sharply two structures, the pore-canal and the stone-canal. There is a stage when the pore- GOTO. — EMBRYOLOGY OF STARFISH. 335 canal alone is present. I believe that they are also phylogenetically distinct, the stone-canal being a later formation. In comparing the Echinoderms with such a group as the Enteropueusta it is, as it seems to me, the pore-canal alone that is primarily to be taken into consideration. (6) The opening of the pore-canal and the stone-canal into the body cavity persists throughout life. This is true not only of Asterinn gib- bosa and Asterias pallida, but also of Asterias tenera, Solaster endeca, and Gribrella sanguinolenta, and inferentially of all starfishes. The opening of the stone-canal is always on the right side of the sagittal plane. (7) In agreement with MacBride, I find that the " dorsal organ " of Bury, the " Centralblutgeflecht " of Ludwig, forms the perioesophageal portion of the body cavity of the adult. It arises in the form of a tube from the left posterior enterocoel just behind the pore-canal. In a young Brachiolaria it encircles about one fourth of the whole circum- ference of the cardiac portion of the stomach, and it forms a complete ring in a young star that has just finished its metamorphosis. The septum that divides- it from the left posterior enterocoel is subsequently completely absorbed except in one place, viz. the madreporic inter- radius, where it appears to persist throughout the life of the animal. The term "oral coelom," used by MacBride, seems to me unfortunate, as that term has been applied to another and entirely different cavity (left coelom) in Crinoids. I therefore prefer to call the structure in question " perioesophageal enterocoel." (8) The perihsemal spaces (the inner ring excepted) as well as the peribranchial spaces are, according to my observation, of true schizoccel origin. Cambridge, April 8, 1896. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. XVIII. ON THE GROUP OF REAL LINEAR TRANSFORMA- TIONS WHOSE INVARIANT IS AN ALTERNATE BILINEAR FORM. By Henry Taber. Presented February 12, 1896. Let G denote the group of linear automorphic transformations of the alternate bilinear form 2n 2n 1 1 with cogrediant variables and of non-zero determinant. On page 575 et seq., Volume XLVI. of the Mathematische Annalen, I have shown that a transformation of group G can be generated by the repetition of an infinitesimal transformation of group G if, and only if, it is the second power of a transformation of group G. I now find, if J is real, that the same theorem holds for the sub-group of real trans- formations of group G. That is, if J is real, a real transformation of group G can be generated by the repetition of a real infinitesimal transformation of group G if, and only if, it is the second power of a real transformation of tliis group. Furthermore, if JF is real, the sec- ond power of a real transformation of group G is the (2 ???)th power of a real transformation of this group for any even exponent 2 m* If the transformation T'is defined by the system of equations x\ = a^i Xi + «,-2 a:2 + . . . . -f «r, 2n ^2n (^ = 1 9 2, . . . . 2 n — 1,2 n), let 7a denote the transformation defined by the equations X'r= (Orl^l + ^r2^2 + • • • • + f'^r. 2n^2n) Xx^ (f = 1 , 2, . . . 2n — 1, 2n), A being a root of multiplicity m of the characteristic equation of T. * For an odd exponent 2 m + 1, any real transformation of group G is the (2 m -f l)th power of a real transformation of this group. TABER. — LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS. 33T The nullity * of 7\ is then at least one, and the nullity of successive powers of Tk increases until a power of exponent /x = m is attained whose nullity is equal to m. The nullity of the (jj. + l)th and higher powers of T\ is then also m. If we designate respectively by nil, 1)12, rn^_-i_,m^ = ?n, the nullities of rp rpi rpn. — x rp^,. •^ A.J -^ A' • • • • -^ A J -^ A> then mi ^ ^2 — nil = .... = m^j. — m^^-i = 1. The numbers /^i, [l^i ^tc, may be termed the numbers belonging to the root A. of the characteristic equation of T. If now Th the second power of a real transformation of group G, the numbers belouging to each negative root of the characteristic equation of T are all even. These conditions are probably not only necessary but sufficient in order that a real transformation T of group G may be the second power of a real transformation of this group. * The nullity of the transformation defined by the system of equations x'r — ari^i + ar2a-2 + . . . + a^, iv^-jv r = (1, 2, . . . N), is m if all the(7n — l)th minors (the minor determinants of order N—m-\-V) are zero, but not all the rath minors (the minor determinants of order N—m) of the matrix. 3'ii) a^isi • • • ®21> a22> • • • VOL. XXXI. (N. S. XXIII.) 22 PROCEEDINGS. Eight hundred and seventy-fifth Meeting. May 8, 1895. — Annual Meeting. Vice-President B. A. Gould in the chair. The chair announced the death of James Dwisrht Dana and John Newton, Associate Fellows. The Corresponding Secretary read the following letters: from Sir F. Pollock, acknowledging his election as Foreign Honorary Member ; and from the Natural History Society of Bonn, announcing the death of its Curator, Reinhard Peck. The Corresponding Secretary read the Report of the Council. The Report of the Treasurer was read and accepted. The following is an abstract. General Fuxd. Receipts. Balance, May 1st, 1894 |2,301.55 Sale of rights, Mass. Cotton Mills 30.50 2,332.05 Assessments $975.00 Sale of publications 48.52 Subscriptions for publications .... 461.00 $1,484.52 Investments 3,847.50 Return of bank tax 51.40 Gift of E. C. Clarke 600.00 5,983.42 $8,315.47 Expenditures. General expenses $2,630.26 Publishing expenses 1,788.29 Library expenses 1,221.68 $5,640.23 Balance 2,675.24 $8,315.47 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY RuMFOKD Fund. Receipts. Balance May 1st, 1894 $4,110.21 Investments $1786.00 Return of bank tax 97.55 1,883.55 $5,993.76 Expenditures. Books and binding $120.06 Kent 10.00 $130.06 Balance 5,863.70 $5,993.76 Warren Fund. Receipts. Balance, May 1st, 1894 $334.89 Income 840.00 $1,174.89 Expenditures. Investigations $800.00 Balance 374.89 $1,174.89 Building Fund. Receipts. Balance, May 1st, 1894 $418.68 Income 425.00 843.68 Balance 843.68 On the motion of William R. Livermore, it was Voted.) That the thanks of the Academy be tendered to the Treasurer for his timely gift of six hundred dollars for clerical assistance. The Librarian made a verbal report on the condition of the library, by which it appeared that 2,773 books and pamphlets were added to the library daring the past year, of which 1,866 were obtained by gift and exchange, 645 purchased with the appropriation from the General Fund, and 262 with the appropriation from the Rumford Fund. 465 volumes were OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 341 bound at an expense of $580.15, $35.80 of this amount being charged to the Rumford Fund. The total expenses for books, periodicals, and binding amounted to $1,326.68. There were 242 books borrowed from the library by 32 persons, of whom 23 were Fellows of the Academy. The following reports were presented : — Report of the Rumford Committee. The Academy voted at the annual meeting. May, 1894, to appropriate the sum of one thousand dollars from the Rumford Fund to be expended at the discretion of the Rumford Com- mittee in aid of investigations in Light and heat, payments from this sum to be made on the order of the chairman of the Committee. The Committee has made the following appro- priations from this sum : — $250 to Professor Nichols of Cornell University for investi- gations in the radiations from carbon at different temperatures. $250 to Professor E. H. Hall of Harvard University, in aid of his investigations on the thermal conductivity of metals. $250 to Professor Webster of Clark University, in aid of an investigation upon the relation between the velocity of light waves and electrical waves. The Committee has also voted to approve the purchase of such volumes of the Memoirs of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as are needed to complete the set in the library of the Academy, and has also passed the following votes : — Voted., To recommend to the Academy to appropriate $250 to Professor B. O. Peirce in further aid of his investigation on the thermal conductivities of poor conductors. Voted., To recommend to the Academy to appropriate $2,000 to the Rumford Committee to be expended at the discretion of the Committee in aid of investigations in Light and heat, payments from this sum to be made on the order of the chairman of the Committee. Voted., For the second time to recommend to the Academy that the Rumford Medals be awarded to Thomas A. Edison, for his investigations in electric lighting. John Trowbridge, Chairman. 342 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Report of the O. 31. Warren Committee. 8 May, 1895. In behalf of the C. M. Warren Committee, I have to report that during the past year a grant of six hundred dolhirs ($600) has been made to Professor C. F. Maber}-, of Cleveland, Ohio, in aid of his investigation of American and Canadian Petro- leums, and a grant of two hundred dollars (1200) to Profes- sor F. C. Phillips, of Allegheny, Pa., in furtherance of his researches on Natural Gas. F. H. Storer, Chairman. A report of the Committee of Finance was read and accepted. On the recommendation of the Cpmmittee of Finance, it was Voted., To appropriate nineteen hundred dollars (-^1,900) for general expenses. Voted., That an appropriation of thirteen hundred dollars ($1,300) be made to the Librarian, and that this appropriation cover also the petty expenses of the Assistant Librarian. Voted., That an appropriation of eighteen hundred dol- lars ($1800) be made for Volume XXX. of the Proceedings, now in press, provided that a part of this sum be expended for plates. Voted, That an appropriation of four hundred dollars ($400) be made to be used in the preparation of the plates and print- insT the text of Roland Thaxter's Memoir on the Laboulbeni- acese. On the recommendation of the Rumford Committee, it was Voted., To appropriate the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) from the income of the Rumford Fund to B. O. Peirce, in further aid of his investigation on the thermal con- ductivities of poor conductors. Voted., To appropriate from the income of the Rumford Fund the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000), to be ex- pended at the discretion of the Rumford Committee in aid of investigations in Light and Heat, payments from this sum to be made on the order of the chairman of the Committee. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 343 Voted, To award the Rumford Premium to Thomas Alva Edison for his investigations in electric lighting. On the recommendation of the C. M. Warren Committee, it was Voted, To appropriate six hundred dollars ($600) from the income of the C. M. Warren Fund to C. F. Mabery, of Cleve- land, Ohio, to aid him in continuing his researches on the chemistr}'- of petroleum. On the motion of the Treasurer, it was Voted, That the assessment for the ensuing year be five dollars (|5). On the recommendation of the Committee on amending the statutes, it was Voted, To amend chapter 10, section 2, line 8, of the stat- utes, by changing the word " eight " to " seven." The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Arthur Gordon Webster, of Worcester, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 2 (Physics). Arthur Michael, of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 3 (Chemistry). John Fiske, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and History). William Price Craighill, of Baltimore, to be an Associate Fellow in Class I., Section 4 (Technology and Engineering), in place of the late William Helmsley Emory. The annual election resulted in the choice of the following officers : — Alexander Agassiz, President. Benjamin A. Gould, Vice-President for Class I. George L. Good ale, Vice-Presiderit for Class II. Augustus Lowell, Vice-President for Class III. Charles L. Jackson, Corresponding Secretary. William Watson, Recording Secretary. Eliot C. Clarke, Treasurer. Henry W. Haynes, Librarian. 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Councillors. Benjamin O. Peirce, \ Henry Mitchell, \ of Class I. Leonard P. Kinnicutt, ) Benjamin L. Robinson, \ Henry W. Williams, \ of Class II. Henry P. Bowditch, ) Andrew M. Davis, \ Thomas W. Higginson, S of Class III. James B. Thayer, ) Member of Committee of Finance. Augustus Lowell. Rumford Committee. John Trowbridge, Edward C. Pickering, Erasmus D. Leavitt, Charles R. Cross, Benjamin O. Peirce, Amos E. Dolbear, Benjamin A. Gould. C. M. Warren Committee. Francis H. Storer, Henry B. Hill, Charles L. Jackson, Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Samuel Cabot, Arthur M. Comey, Robert H. Richards. The chair appointed the following Standing Committees : - Committee of Publication. Charles L. Jackson, William G. Farlow, William W. Goodwin. Committee on the Library. Samuel H. Scudder, Amos E. Dolbear, G. Stanley Hall. Auditing Committee. Henry G. Denny, John C. Ropes. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 345 Henry W. Williams read an obituary notice of Hermann von Helmholtz. The following papers were presented by title : — On the Thermal Conductivities of certain poor Conductors. By B. O. Peirce and R. W. Willson. On the Simultaneous Partial Differential Equations : Byk -/<^^^ By B. O. Peirce. On certain Derivatives of unsymmetrical Tribrombenzol. By C. L. Jackson and F. B. Gallivan. Trinitrophenylmalonic Ester, ^y C. L. Jackson and J. I. Phinney. On Phenoquinone. By C. L. Jackson and G. Oenslager. On the Nitrite of Bromdinitrophenylmalonic Ester. By C. L. Jackson and J. H. Moore. On Dinitrobromtoluol and some of its Derivatives. By C. L. Jackson and M. H. Ittner. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard Uni- versity, New Series, No. 9 : — 1. On the Flora of the Gala- pagos Islands, as shown by the Collections of Dr. G. Baur. 2. New and noteworthy Plants, chiefly from Oaxaca, collected by C. G. Pringle, L. C. Smith, and E. W. Nelson. 3. A Synoptic Revision of the Genus Lamourouxia. By B. L. Robinson and J. L. Greenman. Studies in jMorphogenesis. 3. A Preliminary Catalogue of the Processes concerned in Ontogeny. By C. B. Davenport. On the motion of the Recording Secretar}^ it was Voted, That it is expedient to publish in the Memoirs Roland Thaxter's paper on Laboulbeniaceae. Eight hundred and seventy-sixth Meeting. October 9, 1895. — Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. The chair announced the death of Edward Samuel Ritchie, Harold Whiting, and Henry Willard Williams, Resident Fel- 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY lows ; Daniel Cady Eaton, William Wetmore Stoiy, Associate Fellows; and Thomas Henry Huxley, Louis Pasteur, Sven Ludwig Loven, and Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, Foreign Honorary Members. The Corresponding Secretary presented the following letters : from the International Catalogue Committee of the Royal Society of London ; from the Royal Society of New- South Wales, announcing the conditions of competition for its medal ; from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, announcing the death of its Secretary, Giuseppe Basso ; from the family of Etienne Leopold Trouvelot, announcing his death ; and from the Physico-economical Society of Konigs- berg, announcing the death of its Honorary President, Franz Ernst Neumann. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Paul Sebastian Yendell, of Dorchester, to be a Resident P^'ellow in Class L, Section 1 (Mathematics and Astronomy). Hammond Vinton Hayes, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 2 (Physics). Benjamin Kendall Emerson, of Amherst, to be a Resident Fellow in Class H., Section 1 (Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe). Marie Alfred Cornu, of Paris, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class I., Section 2 (Physics), in place of the late Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz. Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff, of Amsterdam, to be a For- eign Honorary Member in Class I., Section 3 (Chemistry), in place of the late Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac. John Trowbridge exhibited and read extracts from a col- lection of letters written by Count Rumford to Marc Auguste Pictet, and presented to the Academy by Jules Marcou, who obtained them from the late Auguste de la Rive. It was thereupon Voted, That the thanks of the Academy be tendered to Jules Marcou for his valuable gift. Voted, That the letters be referred to the Rumford Com- mittee and the Committee of Publication. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 347 !Eiglit hundred and seventy-seventh Meeting. November 13, 1895. The Corresponding Secretary in the chair. The chair announced the death of Asahel Clark Kendrick, an Associate Fellow. A letter was read from Thomas W. Higginson, tendering his resignation as Councillor. The following papers were presented by title : — Thermo-electric Interpolation Formulae. By Silas W. Hoi man. Melting Points of Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Copper, and Platinum. By S, W. Holmau, with R. R. Lawrence and L. Barr. Pyrometry : Calibration of the Le Chatelier Thermo-electric Pyrometer. By Silas W. Holman. Calorimetry : Methods of Cooling Correction. By Silas W. Holman. On some Points in the Development of ^cidia. By Her- bert M. Richards. William E. Story gave an informal talk on the new methods of representing mathematical surfaces, and exhibited Pla- teau's apparatus and a variety of models. Eight hundred and seventy-eighth Meeting. December 11, 1895. The Academy met at the house of the President, at Cambridge. The President in the chair. The resignation of Thomas W. Higginson as Councillor was accepted. The following papers were read: — On the Temperature of the Crust of the Earth at great Depths. By Alexander Agassiz and P. C. F. West. Palestine in the Fifteenth Century B. C, according to recent Discoveries. By Crawford H. Toy. 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY £iglit hundred and seventy-ninth Meeting. Januaiy 8, 1896. — Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from A. Cornu and J. H. van't Hoff, acknowledging their election as Foreign Honorary Members ; and one from B. K. Emerson, accepting Fellowship. The vacancies in the Council occasioned by the death of Henry W. Williams and the resignation of Thomas W. Higginson were filled by the election of William M. Davis, of Class H., Horace E. Scudder, of Class HI. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy: — Augustus St. Gaudens, of New York, to be an Associate Fellow in Class HI., Section 4 (Literature and the Fine Arts), in place of the late William Wetmore Story. Hermann Graf zu Solms-Laubach, of Strasbnrg, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 2 (Botany), in place of the late Marquis de Saporta. Carl Gegenbaur, of Heidelberg, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 3 (Zoology and Physiology), in place of the late Thomas Henry Huxley. Willy Kiihne, of Heidelberg, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery), in place of the late Charles Edouard Brown-Sdquard. The President alluded to the fact that the Massachusetts Historical Society had informally signified to the Academy its willingness to make a ten years' lease of quarters in its proposed building on the Back Bay. After a brief discussion, it was Voted, That the question of securing new quarters for the Academy be referred to the Committee of Finance, to report at the next meeting. On the motion of the Corresponding Secretary, it was Voted, To meet, on adjournment, on the second Wednes- day in February. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 349 Edwin H. Hall presented by title a paper On the Thermal Conductivity of Mild Steel. Henry Taber announced that he had proved the" sufficiency of certain conditions that in Volume XL VI., page 583, of the Mathematische Annalen, he had shown to be necessary in order that a transformation of the group whose invariant is a cer- tain linear complex may be generated by the repetition of an infinitesimal transformation of the group. Eight hundred and eightieth Meeting. February 12, 1896. — Adjourned Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. The chair announced the death of Martin Brimmer and Richard Manning Hodges, Resident Fellows. The Corresponding Secretary read a letter from Augustus St. Gaudens, acknowledging his election as Associate Fellow. The President reported that no change of quarters for the Academy was feasible at present. George L. Goodale read a paper on Forestry under New England Conditions. John Trowbridge gave an informal account of his experi- ments with the cathode rays. No evidence of refraction was detected. Wooden lenses, both double convex and double concave, were tried, and apparently did not affect the rays. In Helmholtz's discussion of the electro-magnetic theory of light, there is a longitudinal wave which travels with an infinite velocity. Such a wave, travelling faster than the velocity of light, would not suffer refraction. The photographs procured by the new rays are not strictly shadow pictures, such as may have been obtained before in the electro-static field. They show a specific ab- sorption which is a new phenomenon. For instance, a disk of microscopic cover glass, j^-^ of an inch thick, perfectly transparent to the ordinary rays of light, throws as strong a shadow as a board one inch thick. The bones of the hand throw a stronger shadow than the flesh surrounding them. 350 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The new phenomenon promises to be of great assistance in studying the extremities of the human body, and in detect- ing the presence of metallic bodies and fragments of glass in them. A shot, placed on the back of the hand, can be photo- graphed through the flesh of the thickest portion of the hand. Of course, therefore, it could be detected if it were imbedded in the hand. Pictures have been taken at the Jefferson Physical Labora- tory, after an exposure of one minute, which show the bones of the hand, and there is no doubt that the time of exposure can be reduced to a few seconds for certain portions of the extremities. The Crookes tubes can be protected from injury by immersing their terminals in a suitable oil, — preferably, boiled linseed oil. The following paper was read by title : — On the Group of real Linear Transformations whose Invari- ant is an Alternate Bilinear Form. By Henry Taber. Eight hundred and eighty-first Meeting. March 11, 1896. — Stated Meeting. Vice-President B. A. Gould in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Carl Gegen- baur, W. Kuhne, and H. Graf zu Sohns-Laubach, acknowledg- ing their election as Foreign Honorary Members ; from the Natural History Societ}^ of Bonn, announcing the death of its Secretary, Philipp Bertkau ; from the Joint Commission of the Scientific Societies of Washington, D. C, with regard to the proposition for a Director in Chief of Scientific Bureaus in the Department of Agriculture. On the motion of the Corresponding Secretary, it was Voted, To meet on adjournment on the 8th of April. W. M. Davis read a paper on the Outline of Cape Cod. C. L. Jackson made the following announcement : — C. L. Jackson and A. M. Comey have found that potassic co- balticyanide is converted by boiling nitric acid into a red jelly, having the formula KH.2Co,;(CN)iiH^O, from which a silver salt, Ag3Co3(CN)uH20, and a barium salt, BaHCo3(CN)xiliH20, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 351 were obtained. All of these substances have been analyzed. Potassic ferricyanide gives a similar black jelly under the same conditions. On the motion of Eliot C. Clarke, the following resolutions were adopted : — Whereas, The Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Meas- ures of the National House of Representatives has reported a bill requiring the early adoption of the Metric System of Weights and Measures by all Departments of the Govern- ment, and its adoption by the whole nation, at a subsequent fixed date, as the only legal system, — -Resolved, That the American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, renewing its recommendation made in former years, urges Congress to consider favorably this bill, and thus permit the United States to join the majority of civilized nations as regards its system of weights and measures. Resolved^ That this Academy believes that the universal adoption of this system will aid researches in physical science, and also commercial transactions, and will tend to bring about the fraternity of nations. Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent to the presiding officers of the two Houses of Congress, to the Sen- ators from Massachusetts, to the chairman of the Commit- tee of Finance of the Senate, and to the chairman of the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the House. Eight hundred and eighty-second Meeting. April 8, 1896. — Adjourned Stated Meeting. The Academy met at the Walker Building of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Vice-President B. A. Gould in the chair. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — John Stone Stone, of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 2 (Physics). Robert Wheeler Willson, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 2. 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Theobald Smith, of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class II., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgeiy). Charles Lane Poor, of Baltimore, to be an Associate Fellow in Class L, Section 1 (Mathematics and Astronomy), in place of the late James Edward Oliver. Robert Simpson Woodward, of New York, to be an Asso- ciate Fellow in Class I., Section 4 (Technology and Engi- neering), in place of the late John Newton. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, of Baltimore, to be an Associate Fellow in Class III, Section 2 (Philology and Archaeology), in place of the late William Dwight Whitney. Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, of New Haven, to be an Associate Fellow in Class III., Section 2, in place of the late Asahel Clark Kendrick. Karl Theodor Weierstrass, of Berlin, to be a Foreign Hon- orary Memberr in Class I., Section 1 (IMathematics and As- tronomy), in place of the late Arthur Cayley. Michael Foster, of Cambridge, Eng., to be a Foreign Hon- orary Member in Class II., Section 3 (Zoulogy and Physiology), in place of the late Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig. Alexander Onufrijevic Kovalevskij, of St. Petersbui-g, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 3, in place of the late Sven Ludwig Loven. Karl Weinhold, of Berlin, to be a Foreign Honorary Mem- ber in Class III., Section 2 (Philology and Archaeology), in place of the late Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, Bart. Friedrich Hermann Grimm, of Berlin, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class HI., Section 3 (Pliilosophy and Jurisprudence), in place of the late Sir John Robert Seeley. On the motion of the chairman of the Rumford Committee, it was Voted, To present the Rumford Medal by proxy at the annual meeting. David G. Lyon gave an informal talk on recent Assyrian discoveries, with illustrations. E. L. Mark presented the following paper by title: — Preliminary Notes on the Embryology of the Starfish (^Asterias pallida). By Seitaro Goto. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Eeport of the Council. — Presented May 13, 1896. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Richard Manning Hodges By David W. Cheeveu. Harold Whiting John Trowbridge. Edward Samuel Ritchie Amos E. Dolbear. Martin Brimmer William Everett. Henry Wheatland F. W. Putnam. James Edward Oliver Gustavus Hay. Viscount Ferdinand de Lesseps Henry Mitchell. VOL. XXXI. (n. S. XXIII.) 23 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. Since the annual meeting of the 8th of May, 1895, the Academy has lost by death thirteen members : — five Fellows, Martin Brimmer, Richard Manning Hodges, Edward Samuel Ritchie, Harold Whiting, and Henry Willard Williams ; four Associate Fellows, Daniel Cady Eaton, Atticus Greene Hay- good, Asahel Clark Kendrick, and William Wetmore Story ; four Foreign Honorary Members, Thomas Henry Huxley, Sven Ludwig Loven, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, and Louis Pasteur. RESIDENT FELLOWS. RICHARD MANNING HODGES. Dr. Richard Manning Hodges was born in Bridgewater, Mas- sachusetts, November 6, 1827. He was fitted for Harvard College at the Boston Latin School, and was graduated in 1847. Dr. Hodges took the degree of A. M. in due course, and that of M.D. in 1850. He was Demonstrator of Anatomy from 1853 until 1861. In 1866 he was appointed Adjunct Professor of Surgery. He resigned his professorship in 1872. In 1863 he was chosen one of the visiting surgeons of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital. In 1885 he resigned his position, and gave up the practice of surgery. In 1891 he entirely ceased to practise. His last illness was short, and he died on February 9, 1896. Dr. Hodges served twice on the Board of Overseers of Harvard College. He was a Resident Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. As a man he was sincere, straightforward, open, just, positive, punctual, not to say punctilious. Possessed of a strong body, he was 356 HAROLD WHITING. active, and an untiring worker. He held the confidence of his patients to a remarkable degree. He was a good diagnostician ; a logical reasoner ; and possessed great common sense. He was equally loyal to his profession, and t-o his brother physi- cians. As an anatomist he was exact and thorough ; expert and dexterous, his dissections were more than excellent, they were beautiful. He contributed largely and wisely to the Warren Anatomical Museum with the work of his own hands. Many of his preparations of coarse anatomy are, and will remain, unsurpassed. From practical anatomy to surgery the step was short. He be- came a rapid and skilful operator. He was also so well grounded in Surgical Pathology that he was a thoughtful, level-headed, and much valued consultant. As a writer he was concise and clear. His " Dissector " went through several editions, and was of the utmost value to students. Unsullied by pictures, it ligliteued the work of the young anatomist by clear and true descriptions, by accuracy, and by brevity. His essay on the " Excision of Joints " won the Boylston Prize in 1861. His observations on " Spiroidal Fractures" and on " Pilo-nidal Sinus " were original. His latest work was a " History of the Dis- covery of Anaesthesia," which will endure as a complete and careful account of that great surgical event. Dr. Hodges did a large share of public gratuitous service in the Chol- era Hospital ; in the Boston Dispensary ; at the Massachusetts General Hospital; at the State House during the Civil War, on the examining board for surgeons ; and also as a volunteer surgeon sent to the seat of war. His quick and buoyant manner, his keen insight, decision of char- acter, and honesty, would have insured success in any pursuit ; and they won for him an enduring reputation as a skilled anatomist, a bold yet conservative surgeon, and a reliable observer and physician. 1896. David W. Cheever. HAROLD WHITING. Professor Harold Whiting was born in Roxbury, May 13, 1855. He was fitted for Harvard University at the Roxbury Latin School, and graduated from the University with the degree of A. B. in 1877, of A. M. in 1878, and of Ph. D. in 1884. He was Instructor in Physics in the University from 1883 to 1891. In 1892 he was appointed Associate Professor of Physics in the University of Cali- HAROLD WHITING. 357 fornia, and was lost at sea, with his wife and four children, while returning to Cambridge, on May 27, 1895. This bare recital of the principal epochs in Lis life is like a mere pen and ink sketch of a vivid personality, lacking color, and convey- ing no adequate idea of the man whose career was so suddenly closed. This personality was so intense that one feels it difficult to realize that he has left us, and one half expects to meet him on turning some corner. He early manifested a remarkable aptitude for scientific subjects. When little older than six or seven, it is related that he used to sit in an arm-chair for long periods, his head sunk on his breast, and when spoken to he would say, " Please don't interrupt me ! I have almost got the theory." He was always observing, as well as thinking, even before he could speak plainly, coming home from drives or walks with such revelations as this : " I have found that an island is a steady thing." My attention was first called to "Whiting when he was a Sophomore. I was hearing a recitation in Physics, and had made some remarks upon a scientific point. He arose and stoutly denied the truth of my assertion. The class tried to suppress him by hissing, and by " Wood- ing up," but he maintained his ground. I found that he was right, and from that time began to observe him more closely. He was both morally and physically courageous. While sailing in the harbor of Plymouth he was capsized, and remained for a long time in a perilous position in the water shut in by a fog. At length a fisherman hove in sisht. Whitinsf, immersed in the water, took off his hat and made the fisherman a low bow. The latter remarked, " Had n't you better git in? " Dr. Whiting had a keen sense of humor mingled with a subtle wit. There was nothing unkind in this wit, for he had too generous a heart to knowingly wound any one. On looking over the proof of one of his scientific papers I was puzzled by a certain involved mathematical expression, and turned to him for an explanation. It was in reality a very simple formula, and he remarked, in apologizing for its abstruse form, " I have been so much annoyed by the involved mathematical expressions of the English school of mathematicians that I determined to give them a nut to crack." Dr. Whiting's idiosyncrasies were so strong that no team work was possible for him. He could not be hitched up with any one. His mind seemed to play about a subject much as certain forms of electricity dart hither and thither about a summer cloud, frequently illumining 358 HAEOLD WHITING. obscure regions in a surprising way. It was highly interesting to see him make an imperfect piece of apparatus give wonderfully good re- sults ; and while he was Instructor in Physics in the Jefferson Physi- cal Laboratory he was of great service to the department, acting like a skirmisher in the growing subject of Laboratory teaching of Physics. Those who followed him profited both by his mistakes and his suc- cesses, and could afford to pardon the mistakes, which were those of a courageous explorer in a new field. His fertility of mind was remark- able, and he often said of himself that he was like a codfish which lays a million eggs, and only one or two perchance hatches. This fertility and brilliancy were such that many of those with whom he was asso- ciated often remarked that they would not be surprised if Whiting should hit upon something remarkable in Science. If he had dis- covered, for instance, the X-rays, many of us would have said, " It was just like Whiting to look through his hand at a Crookes tube." The physical department of Harvard University is indebted to him for many valuable suggestions, and also for pecuniary contributions. He did not hesitate to aid it whenever he saw its needs, and by his will he gave twenty thousand dollars for Fellowships in Physics in Harvard University. His scientific work began with an investigation of magnetic waves on iron and steel rods, which was published in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Harvard University was on the Tlieory of Cohesion. While Instructor in the University he published a Sylla- bus of a Hundred Physical Measurements, for the use of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory ; and also a valuable treatise on Physical IMeasure- ments, consisting of three large volumes. While at the University of California he also published full sets of laboratory notes. When we examine his life's work we find that it gave a decided stimulus to the modern laboratory method of teaching Physics by quantitative ex- periments rather than by qualitative. If he had elaborated many of his ingenious methods into papers for periodicals, the list of his works would have been much longer. Many could come forward and testify to his generous hand, as well as to his generous mind. With his rich qualities of scientific imagina- tion, experimental skill, and mathematical ability, joined to the stead- iness of middle age, much could have been expected of him. He still lives in his gift to the young Physicists of the University. 1896. John Trowbridge. EDWARD SAMUEL RITCHIE. 359 EDWARD SAMUEL RITCHIE. Edward Samuel Ritchie, son of John and Eliza (Eliot) Ritchie, was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, August 18, 1814. After liv- ing some years in Dorchester, his father moved to North Bridgewater. During the years 1827 and 1828 he attended school at the Friends Academy in New Bedford. In 1829 he was taught by Rev. John Goldsbury, in North Bridgewater, studying mornings and working for a furniture maker in the afternoons, as he had mechanical aptitudes, and wished to learn the use of tools. Early in life he showed great interest in art and in science. He was the only surviving child of a family of six, and his father gave him every advantage to help him in studies in which he was particularly interested. His health was extremely delicate in youth, and that added to a very sensitive nature prevented him from taking a collegiate educa- tion, which his father was anxious he should have. He had a labora- tory to work out experimentally what interested him, and was a very close student. Having great power of concentration, he was entirely oblivious to everything around him when he was particularly interested in any subject. He had also a great love for music, and was a good musician, giving his services as an organist for several years to the Episcopal Church in New Bedford, in which he was senior warden. While living in New Bedford he constructed a telescope for his own use, which he afterwards sold to the Friends Academy, where he had formerly been a scholar. He was much interested in sculpture, and has left very creditable work in several cameos and a nude figure, two thirds life-size, of a nymph of his own posing. He made the clay figure, plaster cast, and cutting in marble, doing all the work from the beginning. He thought seriously of going to Rome to make that art a life study, but, being a devoted son, was unwilling to be separated from his aged mother. In 1850 he entered into partnership with N. B. Chamberlain, a philosophical instrument maker. His business previous to this had never been pleasant to him, but this was quite to his taste. After a short time the partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Ritchie continued the business alone. His improvement in the induction coil brought him into public notice. In 1851 Ruhmkorff of Paris constructed the coil which yet bears his name. He succeeded in producing sparks about two inches in length. Ritchie perceived that the defect of the Ruhmkorflf coil was insuflSicient 360 MAETIN BRIMMER. insulation of the secondary coil. He concluded that, if this were divided into sections properly insulated from each other, the device would be more efficient and give a longer spark. On trial, his expectations were realized. One of these coils was exhibited at a meeting of the British Association held in Dublin in 1857, and afterwards at the University of Edinburgh. A description of Ritchie's coil was published in Silliman's Journal and in the Journal of the Franklin Institute. M. Ruhmkorff procured one, and, copying it successfully, received a prize from the French government for it, — a proceeding which greatly disappointed Mr. Ritchie, who was entitled to it. The improvement of Mr. Ritchie transformed the coil from being a toy giving a two-inch spark to an instrument capable of giving a flash two feet or more in length, and approaching the characteristics of lightning. At the time of our Civil War Mr, Ritchie's attention was called to the need of a better compass for our navy. The English Admiralty Compass, considered the finest in the world, was in general use at that time. In order to aid his study in making his improvements in this instrument, he made a support so constructed as to give the motions of a vessel at sea. After much thought and labor he invented the Monitor and Liquid Compasses. The former did good service during the war, and the latter was at once adopted by the Navy, and is now in use all over the world. He also constructed about that time another instrument which was a great help to the Navy, the Theodolite, fastened to a pendulum hang- ing in a tank of water, which enabled surveys to be taken of the harbors on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. For these inventions of high merit he will be long remembered by the scientific world. He was an exceedingly conscientious man, and was ever ready to help others over difficulties which he had overcome himself, and some- times such persons received the credit and financial profit which rightly belonged to him. He died on June 1, 1895, in his eighty-first year. 1896. A. E. DOLBEAR. MARTIN BRIMMER. The various distinguished bodies to which our deceased associate, Hon. Martin Brimmer, belonged, have already paid him such varied and appreciative tributes that a detailed biography, in the ordinary sense of the word, would be quite out of place. Nor was his life itself so distinguished by striking adventures or significant dis- MARTIN BRIMMER. 361 coveries that a biographer could find the details, if he were disposed to use them. As far as his life had a story, it is shortly told. Martin Brimmer was the son of Hon. Martin and Harriet [Wadsworth] Brimmer, and was born in Boston, 9 December, 1829. His father was a well known and most public spirited citizen, twice Mayor of Boston. For him is named the Brimmer School, and on the older maps of Boston T Wharf is described as " Brimmer's T." Our associate entered the Sophomore Class of Harv^ard College at the age of sixteen, and graduated in 1849. Without being distinguished as a scholar, he won the very peculiar regard of all who were associated with him, as instructors or companions, even under circum- stances where many young men would have made a different impression. He travelled in Europe soon after graduation, and soon after his return began a connection with a great number of literary and chari- table societies as trustee, with one or other of which he was constantly engaged to the last. He was chosen a Fellow of Harvard College at an unusually early age, but with universal approval, and, having resigned this post, was again chosen to it and held it till his death, sitting for a part of the interval on the Board of Overseers. He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1859, 1860, and 1861, and of the State Senate in 1865. He was a Presi- dential Elector in 1876, and a candidate for Congress in 1878. In 1869 he was chosen the first president of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and held the post till his death. He visited Europe and Egypt more than once after his first journey ; and in the early days of the struggle for the territory of Kansas, had travelled there to find out for himself the truth of a situation so passionately discussed by oppos- ing partisans. A journey in Kansas in 1855 was a more arduous affair than one to Egypt a generation later. Mr. Brimmer died January 14, ]8'.)6. This may be said to be his biography, unless one gave a dptailed list of all the bodies of which he was the devoted, energetic, intelligent servant, — unless, also, one went into the details of private life, where Mr. Brimmer indeed shone with an unequalled light, but one whose lustre was far too tender and sacred for public exposure. But if life means not events but character, not what one has done but what one has been, Mr. Brimmer's is a memory which it is peculiarly incumbent on us to record and to cherish. In Virgil's matchless and immortal roll of those who have won eternal happiness, he ranks with the patriot soldier, the inspired bard, the stainless priest, and the keen inventor, " those who have made others remember 362 MARTIN BRIMMER. them by deserving it." No man ever deserved to be remembered better than our late associate. He was born and brought up in the midst of all those things which are commonly held to excuse and incapacitate men from hard work. He had an ample fortune, so secured that it might be enjoyed and not dissipated ; he had an assured social position, which exempted him from all toil or strife to bring his name into prominence ; and a slight physical infirmity might have been held in his case, as in that of the historian Prescott, rather to justify idleness than otherwise. Mr. Brimmer yielded to none of these allurements. He conceived that he held all his personal and social advantages as in trust for the com- munity. He positively enjoyed to work for the strengthening of all that is good, and the suppression of all that is evil, in modern society. By example and by precept, by personal labor and by contributions of money, perhaps most of all by the fact that he was known to be always upon the side of what was high, noble, strong, and lovely, whether he was actually speaking, giving, or working, he was a living proof that what are sometimes censured or ridiculed as the showy fungi of a decaying civilization may be really the healthy flowers of a new and hopeful republic. The thoughtful student of our society, its merits and its wants, must see clearly that one serious danger to our happiness and prosperity arises from the temper of second thought, — of suspicion and distrust of ourselves and others. A vast number of our ablest, wisest, and most virtuous citizens seem unable to execute their highest purpo.ses without tormenting themselves all the time by some speculation as to what secondary effect their action may have on themselves or others. Mr. Brimmer combined with the soundest and most cultivated intelli- gence an absolute simplicity of character. Open or reserved as the case demanded, whenever he did speak or act he was perfectly sincere. He was by no means without honorable ambition ; but it was an am- bition held in strict subservience to courtesy, to honor, and to conscience. He was firm in his opinions and distinct in their expression ; but it could only be a very mean or a very brutal person who could be offended by his high-minded and polite refusal to agree to what he thought wrong. The word " culture," so sadly soiled and travestied at the present day, had in Mr. Brimmer its perfect fulfilment. He stood to uncultivated men as an apple does to a crab. In this age, which fancies mere tartness or bitterness constitute flavor, such a presence as his was a living instance of how much the raciest nature is improved by the development of sweetness and tenderness. HENRY WHEATLAND. 363 Of all Mr, Brimmer's public services, if we are to make the invidi- ous task of selection, the highest place may be given to his work in the Art Museum. Perhaps other men could have filled his place in other institutions equally well ; in this he was without a possible rival. By disposition and training alike, he was fitted to be a perfect judge and patron of fine art ; and if Boston is ever to keep her head above the overwhelming gulf of pretension and mediocrity that is pour- ing over the country in matters of art, she will owe her salvation to him more than to any single man. This work elicited from him other work of exquisite power, for which his adaptation had hardly been suspected. He delivered one or two addresses on the importance of the fine arts, which were not merely sound, elegant, and manly, but rose in more than one passage to thrilling and convincing eloquence of a kind rare indeed in these days. This Academy, like the community, was the better for his member- ship, and his place will long be unsupplied. 1896 William Everett. HENRY WHEATLAND. Henry Wheatland was elected a Fellow of the Academy in 1845. He was born in Salem, January 11, 1812, and died there, February 27, 1893. His father was Richard Wheatland, born in Wareham, Dorset County, England, in 1762, who came to America in 1783. For several years he sailed from the port of Salem as com- mander of vessels in the India trade. In 1801 he retired from the sea and became one of the prosperous India merchants who helped to make the fame of the old town in the palmy days of its commerce. In 1796 Captain Wheatland was married to his second wife; and Henry was the sixth and youngest child of this marriage. As a boy he was of a delicate constitution, and, being naturally disposed to study, his parents had him fitted for college in the Salem schools. At the age of sixteen he entered Harvard, and was graduated in the class of 1832. His taste for natural history was evidently formed in boyhood, for we find that in the last year of his college course he was active in the formation of " The Harvard Linnean, " of which college society he was the Secretary. The Constitution of this society, as he wrote it, is among his papers. This was probably the immediate precursor of the present Harvard Natural History Society, which was formed in 1837. On leaving college he returned to Salem and became an active worker in the Essex County Natural History Society and the Essex Historical Society. 364 HENRY WHEATLAND. In order to carry on his scientific studies he followed the course which seemed at that time almost essential to a student of natural his- tory ; he entered the Harvard Medical School, attending lectures in Boston in the winter and studying with Dr. Abel L. Pierson in Salem during the remainder of the year. In 1837 he received the degree of M. D. That it was not his intention to practise medicine, unless forced by circumstances to earn a living in that way, I know from frequent conversations with him and from his advice to me, when, aroused by Agassiz' visit to Salem, in 1856, I wished to accept the offer made to me to become his student. At that time Dr. Wheat- land said, "You can go to Cambridge and study under Agassiz, Wyman, and Gray, and prepare yourself to enter the Medical School and become a doctor, as I did ; then you can get your living in that way, if you have to, and study natural history too. That is the way most naturalists have done. " In my early days, and still more in his, to follow natural history as a profession and a means of liveli- hood was hardly to be considered. It is evident that Dr. Wheatland gave as much attention to the comparative anatomy of animals as he did to the special anatomy of man, for during this time he prepared many skulls and skeletons for the collection of the Essex County Natural History Society, which, with others prepared at a later time, are still preserved in the Peabody Academy of Science in Salem. The Doctor was always filled with a quiet enthusiasm for his work, never demonstrative, and even painfully reserved in his manner in public ; only those who knew him best and were by their work closely associated with him found out his true nature, and realized how much he accomplished in his quiet, j^ersistent way. Many a time I have seen the face of this reserved and quiet man beam with delight on obtaining some skull new to the collection, or when bringing up in his little dredge a seaweed or shell new to him. Often when in a dory dredging off the shore of AVinter Island, Marblehead, Swampscott, or Manchester, his favorite localities for a half-day's outing, I have seen him as enthusiastic and happy over the contents of the little dredge as any naturalist of to-day could be on seeing for the first time the animals brought up from great depths by the modern appliances. I think it can be safely claimed for Dr. Wheatland, that he was the first to dredge in our New England waters, and I believe he was the first naturalist in America to adopt this means of collecting animals and plants living on the ocean bottom at moderate depths. It was during the most active time of his natural history days that the Geological, Botanical, and Zoological Survey of the State was car- HENRY WHEATLAND. S65 ried on, and the Doctor contributed his full share in specimens and observations during his constant association with Emerson, Storer, Gould, Harris, and others ; while Stimpson of a later date always acknowledged that he took his first lessons in dredging of Dr. Wheat- land. To Agassiz he sent many specimens when the latter began to make his famous Museum at Cambridge ; and with many conchologists abroad he carried on active exchanges, which added much to the early importance of the natural history collections in Salem. For years after I became intimately associated with him, in my boyhood, in the work of the Essex Institute, the Doctor continued his preparation of skulls of such mammals as he could obtain, many heads being brought home to him from foreign countries by Salem sea captains. These heads the Doctor soaked in tubs of water kept in the yard at his home, and bleached on shelves he prepared for the purpose on the roof of the barn. He daily watched and worked over these specimens for hours at a time, and finally placed them clean and white in the cases in the Institute. In those days every collector was obliged to prepare his own specimens ; and if a rare fish or reptile came to the Society and there was no money for the purchase of alcohol, which was generally the case, the Doctor would prepare the skin and "mount" the speci- men. It was his hands that prepared, over sixty years ago, the large specimen of horse-mackerel which still hangs upon the walls of the Peabody Academy of Science, and the enormous lobster, the wonder of the present day, which is treasured by the Academy. It was the Doctor's practice of saving in some way every important specimen which he secured that made the series of '• stuffed " turtles and their prepared shells and skeletons of such importance as to call Agassiz to Salem. On this occasion I was first brought in contact with the great naturalist, which event changed the whole course of my life ; and it was thus through the training of Doctor Wheatland that I entered upon my career of scientific pursuits. In acknowledg- ing him, my life-long friend, as my first instructor in science, I but give credit due to one who helped many others in a similar manner, — one whose friendship was always true and lasting, and whose useful- ness and influence in the community were widespread. While Dr. Wheatland was a true naturalist and did much to encour- age the study in others, and unquestionably aided to a considerable extent the impetus given to its study in Salem, he became in later years equally interested in local historical and genealogical researches. As younger men gradually took up his natural history work, he turned his attention wholly to historical matters and his brain became a 366 HENRY WHEATLAND. wonderful treasure-house of genealogy and local history. While he published but little, he was ever helping others to prepare papers. Many were the hours and days he gave to rendering such assistance, and to making critical revisions of manuscripts submitted to him. It was in such work that his kindly nature was tested to the utmost, but uever did he refuse to give to others for use or publication the results that he had worked long and diligently to secure. I have often heard him remark, " It makes no difference who publishes or gets credit for a fact that I have found, so long as it is made known to the world, or a mistake is corrected." The life work of such a man as Henry Wheatland would naturally culminate in some important result to the community in which he lived, and the result of his life work can be best expressed by the words The Essex Institute. This important and remarkable institu- tion is his memorial. Henry Wheatland is rightfully the acknowledged founder of the Essex Institute. It was through his efforts that in 1848 two societies were brought together which for a number of years had their home and principal membership in Salem, — the Essex His- torical Society and the Essex Institute. To the subjects already fos- tered by these societies was added the encouragement of art and horticulture. The formation of a library was also included in the new organization, and plans were made for the publication of the Proceedings of the Institute and of scientific and historical papers. Of this Institute Dr. Wheatland was the Secretary and sustaining power, giving of his moderate competence to its needs, and working day and night for its advancement, without compensation or thought of reward except in the successful growth of the institution and the ac- knowledgment of its usefulness by the community. From the small be- ginnings of nearly half a century ago, the Institute has grown as a sturdy tree of knowledge. It now has a considerable membership of devoted workers, who appreciate what has come to them and realize its useful- ness and influence in the community. It has a home of its own and considerable invested property, which insure its perpetuity. It is a power for education and culture, and for all that calls forth the higher aspirations of man. It has set an example which has been followed in many places, and it has added to the sum of human knowledge by its numerous publications. Such has been the result of the life and labors of Henry Wheatland, - that gentle persistent worker whose aim was ever to help others in their researches ; to save from destruction for the use of the future student the manuscripts he would require in his studies ; to furnish to the people the ready means of obtaining a knowl- JAMES EDWARD OLIVER. 367 edge of the natnral history of the region by forming a perfect col- lection of the rocks, minerals, plants, and animals of Essex County ; to practically encourage the cultivation of fruits, flowers, and vegetables ; to form a scif iitific and historical library for the benefit of all who wished to study ; to foster research and to aid in the diffusion of knowledge. All this Doctor Wheatland lived to see carried forward far beyond his expectations. He died content with his work ; and he has left a priceless legacy to the city of his birth. With his death the last of the old school of naturalists has passed away. New methods and new theories have made rapid advances, and a second genera- tion, after his active working days, has entered the ever-widening field of scientific research, until now the times are changed, and in- stead of its being necessary to become a doctor of medicine in order to be a naturalist, a physician must be something of a naturalist in order to hold his position in the medical profession. 1896. F. W. Putnam.* ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. JAMES EDWARD OLIVER. James Edvtard Oliver, who died on March 27, 1895, in the sixty- sixth year of his age, was born in Portland, Maine, July 27, 1829, of Quaker parentage. The family subsequently removed to Lynn, Massachusetts, and there young Oliver fitted for college at the Lynn Academy. He entered Harvard as a Sophomore, graduated in 1849, and was the class poet. One of his classmates writes of him that " he was a modest, diffident, retiring, self-absorbed person in college, doing work not to be ashamed of in other branches, but achieving distinction only in mathematics." * In these brief reminiscences of the career of Dr. Wheatland, and of the remarkable influence he exerted on the life of many young men and women, as well as upon the community in which he lived, I have not attempted a sketch of his life, nor have I alluded to many events of special interest. Some of these, and a list of the important offices he held, the societies that conferred member- ship upon him, and the titles of his publications, are to be found in the pamphlet published by the Essex Institute, containing an account of the meeting of the Essex Institute held on April 17, 1893, "in memory of its late President"; also in the Memoir by William P. Uphani, printed in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1895; and in memorials of various other societies. 368 JAMES EDWARD OLIVER. It may be added that he was one of the ablest pupils of the elder Peirce. With regaid to his mathematical ability, Cajori * writes that " in 1849 he had already displayed extraordinary mathematical power," and " in the Harvard Catalogues of 1854 and 1855 we find J. E. Oliver taking advanced courses of mathematics such as were offered at that time by no other institution in the land." Shortly after graduation he received an appointment in the Nautical Almanac office in Cambridge under Professor Peirce, where he met several men of unusual mathematical ability. In 1861 he was elected a Fellow of this Academy, and in 1873 an Associate Fellow. In 1871 he was appointed an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Cornell University, and in 1873 he was appointed Professor, and retained the office during his life. He was also a Fellow of the American Philosophical Society, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the National Academy. He was also a member of the Council of the American Mathematical Society. Professor Oliver's published communications on mathematical sub- jects may seem fewer than might have been expected, considering his great ability. He seems to have been actuated less by a regard for repu- tation than by what he considered as his immediate duty. Mrs. Oliver writes that '• his chief original work was done before his advanced students," and that, " when his intellectual curiosity was satisfied, he begrudged the time necessary to write it out for publication." Professor Burr (Cornell Daily Sun, April 3, 1895) writes of him that "his mind was too discursive in its method and too unpractical in its bent to lead him largely into publication, and it is as a teacher and a man that he will be longest and most aflfectionately remembered. He was absent-minded, unmethodical, prone to digression, but his acuteness of mind, his power of sustained research, his comprehensive- ness of view, his utter freedom from bias, his unflagging enthusiasm, made his leadership for those who had the wit and mettle to follow it a thing of perpetual inspiration." Besides these peculiarities of his intellectual temperament, if I may use such an expression, which were without doubt unfavorable to publication of original results, there was also another difficulty. The excessive work required of him as mathematical professor at Cornell * Bureau of Education, Circular of Information No. 3, 1890, p. 178. The Teacliing and History of Mathematics in the United States, by Florian Cajori, M. S. (University of Wisconsin), etc. Washington, 1890. JAMES EDWARD OLIVER. 369 left him little time for the preparation of his material for publication. He has alluded to this in one of his official reports. In the Appendix to the Annual Report of the President of Cornell University for 1886-87, Professor Oliver (see Cajori, he. cit.) writes : " We are not unmindful of the fact that by publishiug more we could help to strengthen the university, and that we ought to do so, if it were possible. Indeed, every one of us five is now preparing work for publication, or expects to be doing so this summer, but such work progresses very slowly, because the more immediate duties of each day leave us so little of that freshness without which good theoretical work cannot be done. . . . The greatest hindrance to the success of the department, especially in the higher kinds of work, lies, as we think, in the excessive amount of teaching required of each teacher, — commonly from seventeen to twenty or more hours per week." I am indebted to Mrs. Oliver for the following list of Professor Oliver's published notes and papers connected with mathematics. Demonstration of the Pythagorean Proposition. Math. Monthly, Vol. I., 1858, p. 10. On Mr. ColUns's Property of Circulates. Math. Monthly, Vol. I., 1859, p. 345. Introduction to Treatise on Determinants. Math. Monthly, Vol. III., 1860, p. 86. Partial Investigation on the best approximate Representation of all the Mutual Ratios of k Quantities by those of Simple Integers. Proceed- ings of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. VI. Mathematical Note on Linguistic Resemblances. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc, Vol. XIII. On some Focal Properties of Quadrics. Proceedings American Academy, Vol. VII. Note on Query concerning Ball held in Jet of Water. Analyst, I. 29, 1874. On the Law of Distribution for certain Plant-Numbers. A Method of finding the Law of Linear Elasticity in a ]\Ietal. Abstract Proceedings Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc, Vol. XXXL 1882. A Projective Relation among Infinitesimal Elements. Annals of Math., Vol. I., May, 1SS4. On the General Linear Differential Equation. Annals of Math., Vol. III., August, 1887. Elementary Notes. I. General and Logico-math. Notation. Aunals of Math., Vol. IV., December, 1888. Preliminary Paper on Sun's Rotation. Read before the Spring Meeting of the National Academy, 1888. The Soaring of Birds. Science, January 4, 1889. VOL. XXXI. (n. S. XXIII.) 24 370 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. Some Difficulties in Lasage-Thomson Gravitation Theory. Abstract Pro- ceedings Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sc, Vol. XLI., 1892. A Mathematical Review of the Free-will Question. Phil. Review, Vol. I., March, 1892. Review of Mathematical Recreations, by W. W. Rouse Ball. Bulletin N. Y. Math. Soc, November 1, 1892. Estimates of Distance. Science, March 11, 1892. Oliver, Wait, and Jones. Text-books on Mathematics for Colleges. Algebra, especially chapter on Imaginaries, etc. Trigonometry. Cornell University. Reports on Courses, Aims, and Methods of Mathe- matical Teaching at Cornell University. Papers and Discussions at vai'ious Educational Meetings on Teaching, ■with application to the study and teaching of Mathematics. The above sketch refers to matters which, being related to his scientific career, present themselves more easily to our notice. But this was only a part of his life. Professor Oliver was inter- ested in much outside of his special duties as teacher of mathematics. His moral qualities were of a superior order. His personal relations with his friends and colleagues were such as to gain for him their respect and affection. But I feel that any attempt on my part to portray the social and moral side of his life would be inadequate, and must refer for infor- mation in this regard to the affectionate notices* of him written by those who had enjoyed the privilege of intimate companionship with him, and who regarded him as a man of exceptionally exalted character. 1895. G. Hat FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. In the biographical notice that follows we do not expect to make an adequate exhibit of the work and honors of a life so long and impetu- ous as that of M. de Lesseps, but hope, by pi-esenting the salient points in his career, to indicate what manner of man he was, from first to last, without intruding mei'e opinion. Of his boyhood we know very little, except that he had every advantage of refined social life and education. As he reached man- hood he found himself down at the front where volunteers for the * See Christian Register, May 2, 1895; Cornell Daily Sun, April 3, 1895; The New Unity, Chicago, August 1, 1895. VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. 371 advance were called, and he went forward. Fortune was inconstant, but he never looked back. For more than a half century he was the most conspicuous and interesting figure in the rush of the busy world ; — he turned its tide, but it overtook him and whelmed over him when his footsteps faltered in old age. He was the hero of one generation, and the victim of another. He was born at Versailles in the year 1805, and educated at the Lycee Napoleon for the foreign service, to which the family had a sort of traditional claim. His grandfather, Martin de Lesseps, was Consul at St. Petersburg before the Revolution, and his father, Matthew de Lesseps, held the Commissariat-Generalship of Egypt at the time that Ferdinand was born. Subsequently he was Imperial Commissary at the Seven Islands (Ionian), where he won tlie good will of everybody, and in the fantastic diction of the period he was declared to be "liberal even to fanatical generosity." In 1817 he was sent on a mission to Morocco, and shortly after ap[»ears as French Consul at Philadelphia, where he assisted at a Commercial Convention, and was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society. He married Mademoiselle de Grivegnir, daughter of a distinguished jurist in Malaga. It was through tliis Spanish mother that Ferdinand de Lesseps came to be a kinsman of the Empress of the French, in the unfolding [)lot of this family's missions. Tlie rirst professional employment for Ferdinand was offered by his uncle, Jean Baptiste de Lesseps (best known to scientific men as that Viscount de Lesseps who, in 1787, crossed Siberia from the Okhotsk Sea to bring a report — which proved to be the last tidings — from La Perouse). This uncle in 1825 was French Consul at Lisbon, and Ferdinand, then twenty years old, was sent by him on a diplomatic errand. Shortly after this we find him a " student consul " at Alexan- dria, under his father, Matthew de Lesseps. In 1833 he was given a sub-consulate at Cairo. It was in the following year that the great plague broke out, memorable as perhaps the most fatal visitation of modern times. Young Lesseps was then left in management of the Consul-Generalship, and he won such golden opinion that he was decorated with the cross of the Legion of Honor. In 1838 he went as Consul to Rotterdam, in 1839 to Malaga. It was as French Consul at Barcelona that he won, during the revolt of 1842, the admiration of Europe as a humanitarian. His personal courage and his devotion to suffering people induced four governments to send him decorations. He was made an officer of the Legion of Honor. The city of Marseilles awarded him a medal, and the city of Barcelona 372 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. caused his bust to be set up. A few years later he received the insignia of Chevalier of the Grand Cross of Isabella the Catholic. lu 1848 he was summoned to Paris by Lamartiue, and ?ent as Minister Plenipotentiary to Madrid. After about one year he was withdrawn by Prince Napoleon, and sent in the same capacity to Rome, at the time of Garibaldi's occupation, — ''a man," said M. Odilou Barrot, " who enjoys our full confidence, whom we have put to the test in very trying circumstances, and who has always served the cause of liberty and humanity." M. de Lesseps has told the vexations of his Roman mission very interestingly in his " Recollections," but with singular absence of personal consciousness even in failure. He often defends himself, and designs to do so ; but it is always an argument for the merit of the work upon which he is engaged, rather tlian any declaration of his own higher motives, except that he attributed all his successes to the energy of " patriotism," — a word which seemed to embrace about all the world. He seems to have used tliis word simply as the most modest admissible expression for public duty, and the obligation to serve in the great march. He learned in the foreign service to respect and sympathize with earnest people everywhere, and formed enthusiastic friendships among even those of radically different blood and radically different traditions. To bring people together in some common interest and intent seemed to him to be the cure for national prejudice, and he saw in foreign trade this catholicon. In the administration of foreign affairs during periods mostly peaceful, he acquired a pretty clear impression of those larger principles of reciprocal trade that escape the merchant's more short-sighted view. The consulates were for him not only schools of commercial jurisprudence, but they enabled him to distinguish the interest of the community from that of tlie individual. An obstruction or difficulty in the path of trade may be of value to the few wlio know or can afford the roundabout way ; but it is the mission of public spirit to equalize opportunities as well as to shorten process. M. de Lesseps, in his letter to Cobden (1854), advised those statesmen who opposed the Suez Canal because it would reduce the number of ships and men by shortening the route to India, to induce shipmasters to take the Cape Horn route, and thus employ more men and more ships. This retort is a pretty good illustration of his way of meeting disin- genuous criticism by the reductio ad absurdum. In this earlier part of his life, following in the footprints of his fathers, he often missed complete success, — although always in VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. 3^3 earnest. But all the while he was unwittingly fitting himself for his true mission, and gaining strength, and knowledge, and courage for a practical interpretation of a sublime thought : " Je veux detruire cette muraille de sable qui arrete le progres." Tills muraille de sable, this wall of sand, separates two worlds. In one, man plays the roll assigned to him in the original setting of the piece ; in the other, he assists in never-ending creation. In one he awaits his orders in harness, in the other he is charioteer. But from whichever point of view we look backwards across the Isthmus, from Islam or from Christendom, history foreshadows the canal. And now that it is finished and in full operation, so that its direct effects upon the commerce of the world have ultimated, one reads the history of trade by a new light, which discovers prophetic meaning in many events that anticipated this new dispensation. If we seek the origin of the idea, we are taken back to a remote past; and we may follow the thought down through a hundred genera- tions, which it dimly pervades, till the sifting of the French Revolu- tion discovers its " fixity, that true sign of the law " ; thenceforth, it is a pressing obligation hastening to maturity. In Napoleon's message to the Directory, " Whatever European power holds Egypt permanently is in the end mistress of India," he put the cart before the horse, as we have since learned ; but the necessity for the canal in the scheme of human progress is re- flected even in such inverted conceptions, and to the short-lived Egyptian Institute we owe the first scientific investigation of the problem of joining the two seas, although the errors of svirvey, which deferred the project by placing the two seas out of level, reflect little credit upon the pupils of the Normal School. To make errors that should prove stepping stones to the truth was, however, in the spirit of the age ; and the report of Lapere — reasserting "• the wisdom of the ancieiifs" that had already afflicted and separated the nations of the earth for thirty-five hundred years — only aroused a new and defiant generation, that with better observations and in better temper reconciled the two seas forever. M. Mimut, "one of the most distinguished diplomats ever in the service of France," holding the great work of the French expedition in his hands, gave to M. de Lesseps the first quickening thought, and from that moment his mind and heart received the ancient hope re- newed, and he became its champion. It was a religious experience. "You have," said Renan, addressing him at the Academy, " caused to blossom once more a flower which seemed faded forever. You 374 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. have given to this sceptical age of ours a striking proof of the efficacy of faith." We are satisfied that here is the point of view from which the con- fidence and the enthusiasm of M. de Lesseps is comprehensible. How could he possibly have expected to convert such a man as Lord Palmerston ? The result of their interview was that M. de Lesseps doubted the sanity of the Premier, while the latter regarded him as an adventurer, — a soldier of fortune, — employed, perhaps, in the interest of some French " move '"' in Egypt. In reality, there stood before the great statesman a simple-minded Da Gama, who had discovered a new route to India and offered himself as the pilot. It was nobody's in- terest then to make him a figure-head, — he was at the other end of the ship ; it was his trick at the wheel. After the failure of the Egyptian expedition, Napoleon, in 1803, instructed Matthew de Lesseps, Political Agent in Egypt, to nominate for election and for the Sultan's approval an officer of ability to serve as Pasha of Cairo. M. de Lesseps named one who was then in com- mand of a regiment of Basha Bazouks, a Macedonian, who could neither read nor write, and who had come to Egypt as a subordinate of contingents. This man was Mehemet Ali, — the wise and terrible, — who subsequently made himself master and mortgagee of Egypt. It was he who built the Mahmoudieh Canal, — the last, and perhaps the greatest, of non-militant works ever executed by unaided human hands. He also inaugurated work on the Barage — the dream of Hassan — over which Egypt liad brooded five hundred years ; and it was he that discovered the potential energies of young Lesseps, whom he caused to sit at his feet and listen to the narrative of his slaughter of the Mamelukes, and the now possible project of a cut through to Suez, which the Viceroy was ready to undertake, under a grand corvee, except that he feared the would-be and could-be mistresses of India. It was at this time (while consular pupil in 1832) that Ferdinand de Lesseps became the companion, and incidentally the teacher, of Said Pasha, the son of the Viceroy, on whom was laid the futurition of the father's dream, — and the dream of all the Pharaohs. The " memorandum " prepared for this prince by M. de Lesseps, long after, connects itself in our minds with these boyhood days, when he says, " The names of the Egyptian sovereigns who erected the Pyra- mids remain unknown, — the name of the prince who opens the great maritime canal will be blessed from century to century down to the most distant posterity," — so well did this "grand .Frenchman" understand and share the hope of glory upon which he counted. VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. 375 Ever since the establishment of British power in India, the best minds in England had seen the necessity of securing a right of way across the Delta of the Nile, and a step in this direction seemed to be made in the treaty of Warren Hastings in 177G ; but nothing came of it till the vigorous movement of Mehemet Ali to open a transit route via the Mahmoudieh Canal brought Waghorn to the front in 1829, — the Indian mail service really opened two years later, — although it was not till 1840 that a steamship company used the Red Sea route. Young M. de Lesseps was witness of Waghorn's triumph, and, more than all the world besides, did him the honor of a just appreciation. He was an example and an inspiration all his life, and when his own hour of triumph arrived he raised a statue to Waghorn at Suez. Professional detractors discover, now, that the Suez Canal never really presented any physical difficulties or dangers ; but how many of this class resisted the heresies of the French expedition, or forsook them at the bidding of a Bourdelau? Many of us are old enough to remember when in popular belief the two seas were out of level, the sand storms of the desert buried caravans and armies, and thousands of dead fellaheen were used each month to raise the banks of the Mah- moudieh Canal. Children in our Sabbath schools were taught these things of the land of Mehemet Ali, — that bold bad Napoleon of Islam. And yet the Revue des Deux Mondes, away back in 1835, ventured to say, " Mehemet Ali is working for Europe, which will become his heir." None of these bugbears troubled the mind of M. de Lesseps, who was the first to declare that the Isthmus was only a muraiUe de sahle qui arrete le proyres. This was not the "bluff" of the speculator, but the faith that moves mountains. Yet, as late as July, 1852, in a letter to the Consul General of Holland in Egypt, he says, " I confess that my scheme is still in the clouds, and I do not conceal from myself that, as long as I am the only person who believes it to be possible, that is tantamount to saying it is impossible." At this time he had forsaken Egypt and was setting up a model farm in the Berry district and restoring the castle of Agnes Sorel. Abbas Pasha was then Viceroy of Egypt, and this prince knew not Joseph. It was under this Viceroy that the English Transit Railway was built. In 1854, when M. de Lesseps was nearly fifty years old. Abbas Pasha died, and the " sympathetic Mohammed Said " became Viceroy of Egypt, and immediately sent for his old master to return ; and before the close of the year, the concession of powers for the formation of the canal company had been issued. 376 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. A few little touclies of nature in the journal of Lesseps, at this critical turning point of his career, reveal the entire consecration of every faculty to the great mission of his life. As he left his tent in the early morning of that anxious day, when the Viceroy was to hear his story and decide upon building the canal, he beheld a rainbow in the sky : " I confess that my heart beat violently, and that I was obliged to put a rein upon my imagination, which was tempted to see, in this sign of alliance spoken of in the Scriptures, the presage of the union between the Western and the Eastern world, and the dawning of the day for the success of my project." And again, on the same day, " When I leave the Viceroy to go and get my breakfast, I jump my horse over the parapet. You will see that this foolhardy act was one of the reasons that induced the Viceroy's entourage to support my scheme, — the generals at breakfast telling me as much." On the same day there was target practice, and a wliole regiment had failed to hit the mark. M. de Lesseps seized a musket and put a bullet through the bull's-eye. Again, as he stood there, a bird hovered in the sky, — he raised his piece and fired, — an eagle fell at his feet. Even misfortune betokened success, as when on the Nile his cabin took fire and he was severely burned, he said, "The accident was of good omen, in that we had acquitted our debt to ill luck." Later, he found himself accidentally a lodger in the building which had once held the Institute of Egypt, and " this too was a good sign." All signs point our way when we are on the right road. The gods were propitious, the prince was gracious. M. de Lesseps did not pause to consider whether these gods were of his own creation, or this prince only his docile pupil. Besides, he was not alone to carry the burden of this project, even in its initial stage. He had taken two friends into his counsels long ago. These were Linant Bey and Mougel Bey, engineers of the Barage and countrymen of his. These three put their earnings together, and with a capital of six thousand dollars they formed the nucleus of the " Compagnie Universelle." Linant Bey had long before tried to raise a company to build the canal, and he and Bourdelau had run double lines of levels reconciling the two seas. He had also traced a line of location, which was very nearly that adopted in exploitation. Mougel, well known since as the chief engineer of the Barage, was recognized as the essential third point of support. In his journal of this initiatory period, M. de Lesseps notes down his dependence upon the knowledge, skill, and devotion of these two friends ; and in his days of greatest glory he published VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. 377 these notes, that all the world might be just to those who ventured with him in the forlorn hope. These three kindred spirits, with only the Bible for their guide-book, made a reconnaissance of this route. The journal of Lesseps, which contains over twenty quotations from tlie Old Testament, is full of the confidence and courage of hope and health. In that desert land the skies are clear and the north wind full of joyous life and stored up energies. The whole horizon is in view, and he who has singleness of purpose may march straight to his destiny, whether he holds the Koran or the Bible. And here we are minded of that fearful contrast offered by the Isthmus of Panama on the otiier side of the earth, — with its weary mountains and dark forests breaking down the trade winds, and shortening and degrading the vision till high hopes and purposes are starved out, and man becomes a timid, sickly animal. We agree that, as it turned out, the Suez Canal did not involve the solution of any new problems of physics, or very greatly tax the skill of French engineers. Indeed, it was not the practical and direct diffi- culties that really made the nations timid. In "this wall of sand," separating the Moslem from the Christian world, there lay sealed up with the seal of Solomon afreet and genii that made nations tremble to think of; for these, rashly let loose, might disturb the balance of power and throw out of adjustment trade and industries all over the world. It proposed radical change, and who could tell what might happen ? Engineers and laborers stood ever ready to do the work, but the world waited for the prophet who could forecast a healthy and happy result. M. de Lesseps filled this office. His training, his knowledge, and his enthusiasm commanded respect. His promises of advantage east and west once seemed florid beyond the measure of his careful computations and great array of statistics, but, as we read his articles now, we are struck with his acuteness of foresight and his moderation. He seems to have been a man of unusual singleness of purpose, — in something wider than a moral sense, — and to have absorbed himself absolutely in the work before him without ulterior design. He was in politics a republican, but he " never even from curiosity attended a political meeting." He was a partisan of the Prince President, but he could not follow him in the coup d'etat, and only submitted to the Empire in the interest of peace, — and the canal. The Empress was a kinsman of his, and he had rendered her, in her humbler life, a personal service which she requited in personal good will. These relations may have procured for him the entree to the 378 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. family circle, and brought the Emperor within the sphere of good in- fluence. French journals were quick to discover an epigram, — the expression of good omen : " The marriage of two families, and the marriage of two seas." And this ran through the newspapers all around the world: ''There is an Arab proverb (much affected by M. de Lessens) quite apposite here: 'The dogs bark, — the caravan passes.' " M. de Lesseps was not, by early training, an engineer, but a diplo- mat. To us his real assimilated rank is that of a discoverer. Why not, as well as Da Gama and Magellan ? These declared that a ship could reach the Pacific Ocean by sailing around the continents, and they proved it. De Lesseps declared that a ship could reach the Pacific Ocean by sailing through the continents, — and he proved it. " He discovers who proves," said Aristotle. None of these men originated a new thought, but each of them did a new thing for the relief of mankind. Vasco de Gama wa^ a prize drawn in a lottery in answer to prayer. He received his instructions through a great prince ; and the miracle of his selection and vicarious appointment • raised him above all fear. M. de Lesseps presents the antithesis. He was a volunteer who taught princes a good doctrine, and held them down to it. "Hear me for my cause" was all he asked, and those who paused to listen fell under the spell of his enthusiasm and received his testimony. That was a period of great strain, when Robert Stephenson, one of his own professional caste, turned upon him in Parliament and spoke of his project as " one of those chimeras so often formed to induce English capitalists to part with their money, the end being that these schemes leave them poorer, though they make others much richer." The good temper and even the good sense of M. de Lesseps gave way, and he crossed the Channel to demand explanation. The explanation was made, and we are constrained to say that, if M. de Lesseps had not long afterwards, in his old age, published the correspondence, we should have overrated these contending champions of land and sea. We can appreciate the causes for anxiety that afflicted intelligent men of affairs in Great Britain. Any change in the course of trade involves national risk. In this way the Venetian Indian trade had dwindled away after the Cape route was opened ; then arose Portugal and Holland, to be outdone by England only after a tremendous struggle. Who could say which way the wheel might turn if the Egyptian Transit Railroad came to be supplanted ? England hardly attempted to disguise her apprehensions of danger YISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEES. 379 to her trade from the success of the canal built by a rival nation ; but when she prevailed upon the Sultan to order the withdrawal of the fellah labor, our American journals charged her with complacent hypocrisy, and very naturally, since she had just completed the Transit Railway under the corvee in its most cruel form. Under this corvee, Egypt had always draughted men for public works, much in the same way that other countries procure soldiers in time of war. In a country whose existence is involved in a system of canals of irri- gation and dikes, there must be no hesitation at critical moments. M. de Lesseps had prevailed upon Mohammed Said greatly to mod- ify the corvee so far as to provide wages and hospitals, but the Viceroy insisted that the abolition of the system would ruin Egypt. Inducing the peasant to work for government by offers of reward was an untried experiment, and one too dangerous to try, since its failure involved, as alternative, the calling in of foreign labor, — an abomina- tion to the Egyptian. England's suggestion that, to avoid the foreign force, the dimensions of tlie canal should be reduced to the capacity of the native labor, was perfectly logical, and consistent with her alarm policy. But England's policy, like our own, is the net result of con- flict among varied interests, theories, and sentiments. The Transit Railway had been practically a national interest, and in the composition of forces this interest had been strong enough to determine the direc- tion of the resultant till the work was finished. But reports from the scene gradually aroused the humanitarians, who threw their weight into the scale where the interests of the fellahs seemed to lie. In this way, Lord Palmerston, wholly misunderstanding the signs of the times (as events proved), worked more wisely than he knew, and the spell that had darkened Egypt from her birth broke forever. M. de Lesseps — always single in his purpose — made the with- drawal of the corvee another stepping stone to success. He procured the reference of the question of damages to the Emperor of the French, who made a generous decision in his favor, — far too gener- ous, perhaps, but it enabled the company to introduce machinery in place of hand labor, till the Suez plant excelled that in use in any other part of the world. The writer of this notice, who made an inspection under full authority from M. de Lesseps the year before the canal was opened, can bear witness that never before or since, in his long experience, has he seen laborers so kindly cared for and so free under the most abso- lute discipline. M. de Lesseps said, " I have no difficulty in controlling my laborers, because I treat thera kindly and make them comprehend 380 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. that they are working for all mankiiKl." His labor then was drawn from many races, but did not include the " sambos," " bravos," coolies, and mongrels of Panama. His sympatliies were always with the fellaheen, even to his own prejudice. He had lived among them, they had served him, and when the struggle came for the possession of the canal he did not ask that it should be French, but that it should be neutral under a pledge from Araby Pasha, the chief of revolting fellaheen and Arab troops. One can hardly conceive of a professional diplomat so blind to his own interests and the interests of the Compagnie Uiiiverselle, but, like his grandfather of the Seven Islands, "he was generous even to fanaticism." It must not be overlooked that the Suez Canal is an extension of the Mediterranean and an improvement upon the old route of trade between Europe and Asia, along which ports have been made, ware- houses established, and political relations adjusted. Its opening was an easement to all the world. Its construction was sure, because it was the next legitimate step forward under the pressure of an enor- mous demand. It was, as it proved, no experiment. Tlie ground had been profiled and bored, the climate had been tested and found healthy and clieerfu! ; and laborers were near at hand, not likely to suffer in temper and spirits from the slight change of scene. In short, there were no dilficultie.s, except familiar vicissitudes — and the pride of kings. The successful opening of the Suez Canal, near the close of 18G9, induced throughout the world, perhaps for the first time, a conviction of common interest. The struggle in Egypt had been with tiie common enemy, and the victory belongs to us all. It was the old allegory adapted to our age, with Count de Lesseps in the part of St. Michael. Among the Mohammedans, as among Christians, there are sects that believe in an internal sense of the word. To these, human life and history, and all events, both great and small, are allegories, and he who catches so much as a glimpse of the esoteric meaning of the piece plays his part like a god. This is the source of enthusiasm. Some newspaper men are comparing the traffic of the Sault de Ste. Marie with that of the Suez Canal. — as if these two works were of the same world-wide interest, or of the same dramatic import. There may be more tonnage passing through the lock at the " Soo " than through the desert of Suez, and there may be more yet passing through a city street, but the gonfalon was borne by the Compagnie Universelle. I During the construction of the canal, we never heard of a single VISCOUNT FEEDINAND DE LESSEES. 381 American purchaser of a share. Yet these shares are worth now many times their original face value, and we, indirectly or through foreign sliips, are among the best customers. The Report for last year shows that of the three thousand three hundred and fifty-two ships that passed through the canal (averaging considerably over two thousand tons each) England sent two thousand three hundred and eighty-six and the United States only five. Since the days of the Conquistadors, the project for a canal through the American isthmus had been an alternative to the shorter route to the Indies by way of Suez, to be considered in case physical or politi- cal difiiculties should intervene. The completion of the Suez Canal and the guaranty that British control gave it, reduced very much the commercial demand for the westward route. Nevertheless, the immense revenue at Suez excited the popular mind, especially in France, with the hope of a great speculation in the establishment of a rival company, which, while sharing in some measure the overflowing trade of India and China, might secure the interchanges between the two coasts of America, and perhaps the whole of our trade with Japan. The Panama project was high born and burst into life a full grown scheme. There were no prime ministers, emperors, and sublime portes lying in wait to stifle it. With Count de Lesseps for its godfather holding the lamp of Aladdin, all the world attended its baptism with complacent expression, — except, perhaps, that the Monroe Doctrine cast a sinister shadow over the scene, — a very thin shadow, but enough to depress the market for the securities after the first rush was over. But what the scheme lacked from first to last was justification in immediate necessity. It had an illegitimate and premature birth, and its sponsors limited their risks to broker's charges, — exce^at M. de Lesseps, who gave all. He gave his past earnings in the best ser- vice of our age, and he gave his fair fame as endowment enough for the whole credit of the company — at the start. Professor Nourse and other clever writers have said that the American canal would be of greater benefit than the Egyptian, be- cause it would connect greater oceans, and that commerce demands a navigable zone around the world. Half in sympathy with these ideas, we cannot help thinking that in this aphoristic form they lack practical merit. Man does not inhabit the sea, and the road that traverses or connects intimately the most inhabited portions of the earth must be the most valuable. Our system of overland railways to the Pacific is practically a supplement to the Suez Canal in the all around commerce of the world, and it was the building of this system with its counec- 382 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. tious that for many years diverted our capital from the oceau, to which it reluctantly returns. " Fear only the unforeseen " is a classic proverb, much affected by the French, but among no other people has it less practical honor. For the Panama project, the almost unprecedented depth of the cut, the peculiarly obdurate ledges, the great rainfall interrupting labor and causing sloughing of the banks, the necessity for turning tlie Chagres River, were difficulties weighed and discounted at the start, by able engineers and by a very large and very intelligent company in France. But the ''bodily slipping of the hills," in the excavations near the summit level, was a frightful disappointment. It necessitated a post- ponement of the sea level cut, and the adoption of a scheme of locks, which involved the ponding of the Chagres River. This change of base "was fixtal, and the company broke. A new company has been formed and may keep the project alive till a stronger call from the commercial world comes to its aid. The King of Spain, looking from his chamber window, shaded his eyes and said, " I am looking for tlie walls of Panama, — they have cost enough to be seen from here." With regard to the charges of fraud against the financial manage- ment of the Panama Canal Company, we do not feel competent to speak, except to call attention to their diminution as investigations proceed. But with regard to the waste of plant, it does not seem in undue proportion to the magnitude of the experiment. Charges of waste were made against the Suez Canal Company, — especially by our journals and those of other distant people, — and they attend all great enterprises. The plant that does not prove equal to the new work must be cast aside, and lost, if far away from the junk market. The greatest and most successful works that we have visited are strewn with wreckage, marking the field where the battle was won. Throughout the whole period of the construction in Egypt, M. de Lesseps was actual manager in chief. Many thousands worked under his direction, holding all gradations of rank, but he was the real master spirit. Flis reports from the beginning are full of acknowl- edgments of the services and merits of his subordinates. At the outset he leaned upon the superior engineering of Linant Bey and Mougel Bey, and for many years preceding the completion of the canal his reports place Voisin Bey in the foreground, not as a shield from responsibility, but as the support of an enthusiastic company whose millions were thus insured. In his old age, the dependence upon others necessarily became greater and greater, and in the VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEES. 383 Panama scheme he no longer verified the statements of the engineers by adequate inspection and exploitation, but absolutely fell back upon others. His old attitude of control and command continued, but he merely indorsed the reports of the chiefs of divisions, — whose figures, we now know, were correct, — v^ithout discovering their misleading limitations. His famous promise that the canal should be open to the passage of vessels in 1889 was based, as he stated, upon the unani- mous acquiescence of his chiefs of division. Moreover, if we plot on profile paper the amount of work done from date to date, the curve of increments, projected, seems to justify the prediction. His own belief in it is enthusiastically stated in his '' Recollections of Forty Years, " and he adds : " I am an octogenarian. Old age foresees, and youth acts." This last mot was lost upon the public, who saw him now only as the figure-head of a brave ship given over to pirates. In 1869, the year of the triumphal opening of the Suez Canal, M. de Lesseps was sixty-four years old. This is the age of compul- sory retirement for our United States Engiueei's. But M. de Lesseps was so vigorous that he was for many years later a most valuable man in council. He aided the ship canal of Corinth, and the grand canal from tlie Elbe to the Baltic. It was not until he was seventy-six that the Societe du Canal de Panama was constituted, and he was eighty when he crossed the ocean to make a personal inspection of the work in progress. The execution for a year or two, under the full con- tracts, seemed to realize his predictions, and warrant great expecta- tions ; but after that everything went wrong. The master's mind failed before he could have discovered how much he had been betrayed. He lived to be eighty-nine, and died a poor man. His widow and her children are now dependent upon a pension from the Suez Canal Company. 1896. Henry Mitchell. Note. — The foregoing had been written out for transmission to the Academy, but was withheld under misgivings as to the adequacy of our very much foreshortened view of the causes of the failure at Panama, until Mr. Nathan Appleton (American Agent of the Panama Canal Company) sent us the last word spoken on the sub- ject by a competent witness. This was in the form of a biographical notice by M. Gabriel Gravier, which the Countess de Lesseps sent to Mr. Appleton with her autograph indorsement. This writer takes the ground that all was going well, till a senseless panic upset the market. " The work was marching to a certain success ; the original 384 VISCOUNT FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. estimate had proved very nearly sufficient. Whence came the cyclone which swept away the company and its four hundred thousand share- holders? From Paris, the distracted brain of France!" With some personal and professional knowledge of the American isthmus, and from reading the recent reports of Kimball, Rogers, and others, we distinctly see that the difficulties in the Panama scheme were really intrinsic, — although not insurmountable, — and we have let our account stand. The Academy has received an accession of ten Resident Fellows, six Associate Fellows, and ten Foreign Honorary Members. The Roll of the Academy, corrected to date, includes the names of 196 Fellows, 96 Associate Fellows, and 73 Foreign Honorary Members. May 13, 1896. LIST FELLOWS AND FOKEIGN HONOEARY MEMBERS. (Corrected to August 1, 1896.) RESIDENT FELLOWS. — 195. (Number limited to two bundred.) Class I. — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 73. Section I. — 18. Mathematics and Astronomy. Solon I. Bailey, Arequipa, Peru. Seth C. Chandler, Cambridge. Alvan G. Clark, Cambridgeport. J. Rayner Edmands, Cambridge. Benjamin A. Gould, Cambridge. Francis M. Green, Boston. Gustavus Hay, Boston. Henry Mitchell, Boston. Edward C. Pickering Cambridge. John Ritchie, Jr., Boston. John D. Runkle, Brookline. T. H. Safford, Williamstown Edwin F. Sawyer, Brigliton. Arthur Searle, Cambridge. William E. Story, Worcester. Henry Taber, Worcester. O. C. Wendell, Cambi'idge. P. S. Yendell, Dorchester. Section H. — 21. Physics. A. Graham Bell, Washington. Clarence J. Blake, Boston. Francis Blake, Weston. VOL. XXXI. (N. S. XXIII.) 25 John H. Blake, Chai'les R. Cross, Amos E. Dolbear, Edwin H. Hall, Hammond V. Hayes, Silas W. Holman, William L. Hooper, William W. Jacques, Alonzo S. Kimball, T. C. Mendenhall, Benjamin O. Peirce, A. Lawrence Rotch, Wallace C. Sabine, John S. Stone, Elihu Thomson, John Trowbi'idge, A. G. Webster, Robert W. Willson, Boston. Boston. Somerville. Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Somerville. Newton. Worcester. Worcester. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Lynn. Cambridge. Worcester. Cambridge. Section III. — 21. Chemistry. Samuel Cabot, Boston. Arthur M. Comey, Cambridge. Thos.M. Drown, So. Bethlehem, Pa. Charles W. Eliot, Cambridge. Thomas GafSeld, Boston. Henry B. Hill, Cambridge. 386 RESIDENT FELLOWS. Henry M. Howe, Boston. Charles L. Jackson, Cambridge. Leonard P. Kiunicutt, Worcester. Charles F. Mabery, Cleveland, O. Arthur Michael, Boston. George D. Moore, \Vorcester. Charles E. Muuroe, Washington. John U. Nef, Chicago. Robert H. Richards, Boston. Theodore W. Richards, Cambridge. Charles R. Sanger, St. Louis. Stephen P. Sharpies, Cambridge. Francis H. Storer, Boston. Charles H. Wing, Ledger, N. C. Edward S. Wood, Boston. Sectiox IV. — 13. Teclmology and Engineering. EUot C. Clarke, Boston. Gaetano Lanza, Boston. E. D. Leavitt, Cambridgeport. William R. Livermore, Boston. Hiram F. Mills, Lowell. Cecil H. Peabody, Boston. Alfred P. Rockwell, jNIanchester. Andrew H. Russell, Rock Island, 111. Peter Schwamb, Arlington. Charles S. Storrow, Boston. George F. Swain, Boston. William Watson, Boston. Morrill Wyman, Cambridge. Class II. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 63. Section I. — 13. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe. Milton. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Amherst. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston . Cambridge. Cleveland, O. Cambridge. H. H. Clayton, Algernon Coolidge, William O. Crosby, William M. Davis, Beuj^ K. Emerson, O. W. Huntington, Robert T. Jackson, Jules Marcou, WilHam H. Niles, John E. Pillsbury, Nathaniel S. Shaler, Warren Upham, John E. Wolff, Sectiox II. Botany. William G. Farlow, Charles E. Faxon, George L. Goodale, H. H. Hunnewell, B. L. Robinson, Charles S. Sargent, Arthur B. Seymour, Charles J. Sprague, Roland Thaxter, — 9. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Wellesley. Cambridge. Brookline. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Section IH. — 25. Zoology and Physiology. Alexander Agassiz, Cambridge. Robert Amory, Boston. James M. Barnard, Milton. Henry P. Bowditch, Boston. William Brewster, Cambridge. Louis Cabot, Brookline. Samuel F. Clarke, Williamstown. W. T. Councilman, Boston. Charles B. Davenport, Cambridge. Harold C. Ernst, Boston. J. Walter Fewkes, Boston. Edward G. Gardiner, Boston. Samuel Henshaw, Cambridge. Alpheus Hyatt, Cambridge. John S. Kingsley, Somerville. Theodore Lyman, Brookline. Edward L. Mark, Cambridge. Charles S. Minot, Boston. Edward S. jNIorse, Salem. George H. Parker, Cambridge. James J. Putnam, Boston. Samuel H. Scudder, Cambridge. William T. Sedgwick, Boston. James C. White, Boston. William ]\l. Woodworth, Cambridge. RESIDENT FELLOWS. 387 Section IV. — 16. Medicine and Surgery. Samuel L. Abbot, Boston. Edward H. Bradford, Boston. Arthur T. Cabot, Boston. David W. Cheever, Boston. Benjamin E. Cotting, Roxbury. Frank W. Draper, Boston. Thomas Dwight, Reginald H. Fitz, Charles F. Folsom, Frederick I. Knight, Francis Minot, Samuel J. Mixter, W. L. Richardson, Theobald Smith, Henry P. "VValcott, John C. Warren, Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Class III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 59. Section I. — 10. Philosophy and Jurisjyrudence. James B. Ames, Charles C. Everett, Horace Gray, John C. Gray, G. Stanley Hall, Nathaniel Holmes, John E. Hudson, John Lowell, Josiah Royce, James B. Thayer, Cambi'idge. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Cambridge. Boston. Newton. Cambridge. Cambridge. Section H. — 21. Philology and Archceology. William S. Appleton, Boston. Charles P. Bowditch, Boston. Lucien Carr, Cambridge. Franklin Carter, Williamstown. Joseph T. Clarke, Boston. Henry G. Denny, Boston. Epes S. Dixwell, Cambridge. William Everett, Quincy. William W. Goodwin, Cambridge. Henry W. Haynes, Boston. David G. Lyon, Cambridge. Bennett H. Nash, Boston. Frederick W. Putnam, Edward Robinson, F. B. Stephenson, Joseph H. Thayer, Crawford H. Toy, John W. White, Justin AVinsor, Jolin H. AVright, Edward J. Young;, Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Waltham. Section HI. — 16. Political Economy and History. Charles F. Adams, Edward Atkinson, Mellen Chamberlain, John Cummings, Andrew M. Davis, Charles F. Dunbar, Samuel Eliot, John Fiske, A. C. Goodell, Jr., Henry C. Lodge, Augustus Lowell, John C. Ropes, Denman W. Ross, Charles C. Smith, F. W. Taussig, Francis A. Walker, Lincoln. Boston. Chelsea. Woburn. Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Salem. Nahant. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. 388 RESIDENT FELLOWS. Section IV. — 12. Literature and the Fine Arts. Francis Bartlett, Boston. John Bartlett, Cambridge. George S. Boutwell, Groton. J. Elliot Cabot, Brookline. Francis J. Child, T. W. Higginson, S. R. Koehler, Charles G. Loring, Pei"cival Lowell, Charles Eliot Norton, Horace E. Scudder, Barrett Wendell, Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Brookline. Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. 389 ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. — 96. (Number limited to one hundred. Elected as vacancies occur.) Class L — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 38. Section I. — 16. Mathematics and Astronomy. Edward E. Barnard, S. W. Burnham, George Davidson, Fabian Franklin, Asaph Hall, George W. Hill, E. S. Holden, James E. Keeler, Emory McClintock, Simon Newcomb, H. A. Newton, Charles L. Poor, William A. Rogers, George M. Searle, J. N. Stockwell, Chas. A. Young, Chicago. Chicago. San Francisco. Baltimore. Washington. Washington. San Jose, Cal. Allegany, Pa. New York. Washington. New Haven. Baltimore. Waterville, Me. Washington. Cleveland, O. Princeton, N.J. Section II. — 7. Physics. Carl Barus, Washington. J. Willard Gibbs, New Haven. S. P. Langley, Washington. A. M. Mayer, Hoboken, N. J. A. A. Michelson, Chicago. Ogden N. Rood, New York. H. A. Rowland, Baltimore. Section III. — 8. Chemistry. Wolcott Gibbs, Newport. Frank A. Gooch, New Haven. S. W. Johnson, New Haven. M. Carey Lea, J. W. Mallet, E. W. Morley, J. M. Ordway, Ira Remsen, Philadelphia. Charlottesville, Va. Cleveland, O. New Orleans. Baltimore. Section IV. — 7. Technology and Engineering. Henry L. Abbot, New York. Cyrus B. Comstock, Washington. W. P. Craighill, Washington. F. R. Hutton, New York. George S. Morison, Chicago. William Sellers, Philadelphia. Robt. S. Woodward, New York. Class IL — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 31. Section I. — 15. Geology., Mineralogy., and Physics of the Globe. Cleveland Abbe, George J. Brush, Edward S. Dana, Walter G. Davis, Sir J. W. Dawson, G. K. Gilbert, Washington. New Haven. New Haven. Cordova, Arg. ]\lontreal. Washington. James Hall, Clarence King, Joseph LeConte, J. Peter Lesley, J. W. Powell, S. L. Penfield, R. Pumpelly, A. R. C. Selwyn, G. C. Swallow, Albany, N.Y. New York. Berkeley, Cal. Philadelphia. Washington. New Haven. Newport, R.I. Ottawa. Columbia, Mo. 390 ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. Section II. — 3. Botany. A. W. Chapman, Apalachicola, Fla. W. Trelease, St. Louis. John D. Smith, Baltimore. Section III. — 8. Zoology and Physiology. Joel A. Allen, New York. W. K. Brooks, Baltimore. George B. Goode, Washington. O. C. Marsh, H. N. Martin, S. Weir Mitchell, A. S. Packard, A. E. Verrill, New Haven. Baltimore. Philadelphia. Providence. New Haven. Section IV. — 5. Medicine and Surgery. John S. Billings, Washington. Jacob M. Da Costa, Philadelphia. A. Hammond, New York. W Alfred Stille, H. C. Wood, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Class III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 27. Section I. — 5. Philosophy and Jurisprudence. T. M. Cooley, Ann Arbor.Mich. D. R. Goodwin, Philadelphia. Charles S. Peirce, New York. T. R. Pynchon, Hartford, Conn. Jeremiah Smith, Cambridge. Section II. — 7. Philology and Archceology. A. N. Arnold, Pawtuxet, R.I. Timothy Dwight, New Haven. B. L. Gildersleeve, Baltimore. D. C. Gilman, Baltimore. T. R. Lounsbury, New Haven. E. E. Salisbury, New Haven. A. D. White, Ithaca, N.Y. Section HI. — 9. Political Economy and History. Henry Adams, Washington. G. P. Fisher, New Haven. M. F. Force, Cincinnati. H. E. von Hoist, Chicago. Henry C. Lea, Philadelphia. Edward J. Phelps, Burlington, Vt. W. G. Sumner, New Haven. J.H.Trumbull, Hartford, Conn. David A. Wells, Norwich, Conn. Section IV. — 6. Literature and the Fine Arts. Jame.s B. Angell, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. P. di Cesnola, New York. F. E. Church, New York. R. S. Greenough, Florence. Augustus St. Gaudens, New York. W. R. Ware, New York. FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. 391 FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. — 69. (Number limited to seventy-five. Elected as vacancies occur.) Class I. — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 25. Sectiox I. Mathematics and Arthur Auwers, Francesco Brioschi, J. H. W. Dollen, H. A. E. A. Faye, Hugo Gylden, Charles Hermite, William Iluggius, Otto Struve, J. J. Sylvester, H. C. Vogel, Karl Weierstrass, — 11. Astronomy. Berlin. Milan. Dorpat. Paris. Stockholm. Paris. London. Karlsruhe. Oxford. Potsdam. Berlin. Sectiox II. — 3. Physics. A. Cornu, Paris. Lord Rayleigh, Witham. SirG. G. Stokes, Bart., Cambridge. Section III. — 8. Chemist Adolf Baeyer, Marcellin Berthelot, Robert Bunsen, J. H. van't Hoff, Mendeleeff, Victor Meyer, Sir H. E. Roscoe, Julius Thomseu, ry. Munich. Paris. Heidelberg. Amsterdam. St. Petersburg. Heidelberg. London. Copenhagen. Section IV. — 3. Technology and Engineering. Sir Henry Bessemer, London. Lord Kelvin, Maurice Levy, Glasgow. Paris. Class II. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 25. Section I. — 5. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe. Alfred Des Cloizeaux, Paris. A. E. Nordenskiold, Stockholm. C. F. Rammelsberg, Berlin. Henry C Sorby, Sheffield. Heinrich Wild, Zurich. Section II. — 7. Botany. J. G. Agardh, Lund. E. Bornet, Paris. Sir Joseph D. Hooker, Sunningdale. Baron von Mueller, Melbourne. Julius Sachs, Wiirzburg. Solms-Laubach, Strasburg. Eduard Strasburger, Bonn. 392 FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. Section III. — 9. Zoology and Physiology. Du Bois-Reymond, Michael Foster, Carl Gegenbauer, Ludimar Hermann, Albrecht KolUker, A. Kovalevskij, Lacaze-Duthiers, Berlin. Cambridge. Heidelberg. Konigsberg. Wiirzburg. St. Petersburg. Paris. Rudolph Leuckart, Leipsic. J. J. S. Steenstrup, Copenhagen. Section IV. — 4. Medicine and Surgery, W. Kiihne, Heidelberg. Sir Joseph Lister, Bart., London. Sir James Paget, Bart., London. Rudolph Virchow, Berlin. Class IIL — Moral and Political Sciences. — 19. Section I. — 3. Philosophy and Jurisprudence. James Martineau, London. Sir Frederick Pollock, Oxford. Henry Sidgwick, Cambridge. Section II. — 7. Philology and Archoeology. Ingram By water, Oxford. Sir John Evans, Hemel Hempstead. Pascual de Gayangos, Madrid. J. W. A. Kirchhoff, Berlin. G. C. C. Maspero, Paris. Max Miiller, Oxford. Karl Weinhold, Berlin. Section III . — 6. Political Economy and History Due de Broglie, Paris. James Bryce, Oxford. W. E. Gladstone, Ilawarden. Hermann Grimm, Berlin. Theodor Mommsen, Berlin. William Stubbs, Oxford. Section IV . — 3. Literature and the Fine Arts. Jean Leon Gerome, Paris. John Ruskiu, Coniston. Leslie Stephen, London. STATUTES AND STANDING VOTES. STATUTES. Adopted May 30, 1854 : amended September 8, 1857, November 12, 1862, May 24, 1864, November 9, 1870, May 27, 1873, January 26, 1876, June 16, 1886, October 8, 1890, January 11 and May 10, 1893, April 11, Mrt?/ 9, a7id October 10, 1894, anJ March 13, ^jor«7 10, a/i^Z May 8, 1895. CHAPTER I. Of Fellows and Fokeign Honorary Members. 1. The Academy consists of Fellows and Foreign Hoiiorary Mem- bers. They are arranged in three Classes, according to the Arts and Sciences in which they are severally proficient, viz. : Class I. The Mathematical and Physical Sciences ; — Class II. The Nat- ural and Physiological Sciences ; — Class III. The Moral and Political Sciences. Each Class is divided into four Sections, viz. : Class I., Section 1. Mathematics and Astronomy ; — Section 2. Physics ; — Section 3. Chemistry ; — Section 4. Technology and Engineering. Class II., Section 1. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe ; — Section 2. Botany ; — Section 3. Zoology and Physiology ; — Section 4. Medicine and Surgery. Class III., Section 1. Philosophy and Jurisprudence ; — Section 2. Philol- ogy and Archseology ; — Section 3. Political Economy and History ; — Section 4. Literature and the Fine Arts. 2. Fellows, resident in the State of Massachusetts, only, may vote at the meetings of the Academy.* Each Eesident Fellow shall pay an admission fee of ten dollars and such antiual assess- ment, not exceeding ten dollars, as shall be voted by the Academy at each Annual Meeting. * The number of Resident Fellows is limited by the Charter to 200. VOL. XXXI. (n. S. XXIII.) 394 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 3. Fellows residing out of the State of Massachusetts shall be known and distinguished as Associate Fellows. They shall not be liable to the payment of any fees or annual dues, but on remov- ing within the State shall be admitted to the privileges,* and be subject to the obligations, of Resident Fellows. The number of Associate Fellows shall not exceed 07ie hundred, of whom there shall not be more than forty in either of the three Classes of the Academy. 4. The number of Foreign Honorary Members shall not exceed seventy-five ; and they shall be chosen from among per- sons most eminent in foreign countries for their discoveries and attainments in either of the three departments of knowledge above enumerated. And there shall not be more than thirty Foreign Members in either of these departments. CHAPTEK II. Of Officers. 1. There shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, one for each Class, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, which officers shall be annually elected, by ballot, at the Annual Meeting, on the second Wednesday in May. 2. At the same time, and in the same manner, nine Councillors shall be elected, tliree from each Class of the Academy, but the same Fellows shall not be eligible on more than three successive years. These nine Councillors, with the President, the three Vice-Presidents, the two Secretaries, the Treasurer, and the Librarian, shall constitute the Council. It shall be the duty of this Council to exercise a discreet supervision over all nomina- tions and elections. With the consent of the Fellow interested, they shall have power to make transfers between the several Sections of the same Class, reporting their action to the Academy. 3. If any office shall become vacant during the year, the vacancy shall be filled by a new election, and at the next stated meeting, or at a meeting called for this purpose. * Associate Fellows may attend, but cannot vote, at meetings of the Academy. See Chapter I. 2. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES, 395 CHAPTER III. Of Nominations of Officers. 1. At the stated meeting in March, the President shall appoint from the next retiring Councillors a Nominating Committee of three Fellows, one for each class. 2. It shall be the duty of this Nominating Committee to prepare a list of candidates for the offices of President, Vice-Presidents, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Councillors, and the Standing Committees which are chosen bj^ ballot ; and to cause this list to be sent by mail to all the Resident Fellows of the Academy not later than four weeks before the Annual Meeting. 3. Independent nominations for any office, signed by at least five Resident Fellows and received by the Recording Secretary not less than ten days before the Annual Meeting, shall be in- serted in the call for the Annual Meeting, which shall then be issued not later than one week before that meeting. 4. The Recording Secretary- shall prepare for use, in voting at the Annual Meeting, a ballot containing the names of all persons nominated for office under the conditions given above. 5. When an office is to be filled at any other time than at the Annual Meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Com- mittee, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1, which shall announce its nomination in the manner prescribed in Section 2 at least two weeks before the time of election. Independent nominations, signed by at least five Resident Fellows and received by the Recording Secretary not later than one week before the meeting for election, shall be inserted in the call for that meeting. CHAPTER IV. Of the President. 1. It shall be the duty of the President, and, in his absence, of the senior Vice-President present, or next officer in order as above enumerated, to preside at the meetings of the Academy ; to summon extraordinary meetings, upon any urgent occasion ; and to execute or see to the execution of the Statutes of the 396 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Academy. Length of continuous membership in the Academy shall determine the seniority of the Vice-Presidents. 2. The President, or, in his absence, the next officer as above enumerated, is empowered to draw upon the Treasurer for such sums of money as the Academy shall direct. Bills presented on account of the Library, or the Publications of the Academy, must be previously approved by the respective committees on these departments. 3. The President, or, in his absence, the next officer as above enumerated, shall nominate members to serve on the different committees of the Academy which are not chosen by ballot. 4. Any deed or writing to which the common seal is to be affixed shall be signed and sealed by the President, when thereto authorized by the Academy. CHAPTER V. Of Standing Committees. 1. At the Annual Meeting thej-e shall be chosen the following Standing Committees, to serve for the year ensuing, viz. : — 2. The Committee of Finance, to consist of the President, Treasurer, and one Fellow chosen by ballot, who shall have charge of the investment and management of the funds and trusts of the Academy. The general appropriations for the expendi- tures of the Academy shall be moved by this Committee at the Annual Meeting, and all special appropriations from the general and publication funds shall be referred to or proposed by this Committee. 3. The Eumford Committee, of seven Fellows, to be chosen by ballot, who shall consider and report on all applications and claims for the Kumford Premium, also on all appropriations from the income of the Eumford Fund, and generally see to the due and proper execution of this trust. 4. The C. M. Warren Committee, of seven Fellows, to be chosen by ballot, who shall consider and report on all applica- tions for appropriations from the income of the C. M. Warren Fund, and generally see to the due and proper execution of this trust. 5. The Committee of Publication, of three Fellows, to whom all memoirs submitted to the Academy shall be referred, and to OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 897 wh.om the printiug of memoirs accepted for publication shall be intrusted. 6. The Committee on the Library, of three Fellows, who shall examine the Library, and make an annual report on its condition and management. 7. An Auditing Committee, of two Fellows, for auditing the accounts of the Treasurer. CHAPTER VI. Of the Secretaries. 1. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspond- ence of the Academy, recording or making an entry of all letters written in its name, and preserving on file all letters which are received ; and at each meeting he shall present the letters which have been addressed to the Academy since the last meeting. With the advice and consent of the President, he may effect exchanges with other scientific associations, and also distribute copies of the publications of the Academy among the Associate Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members, as shall be deemed expedient ; making a report of his proceedings at the Annual Meeting. Under the direction of the Council for Nomination, he shall keep a list of the Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Foreign Honorary Members, arranged in their Classes and in Sections in respect to the special sciences in which they are severally profi- cient ; and he shall act as secretary to the Council. 2. The Eecording Secretary shall have charge of the Charter and Statute-book, journals, and all literary papers belonging to the Academy. He shall record the proceedings of the Academy at its meetings ; and after each meeting is duly opened, he shall read the record of the preceding meeting. He shall notify the meetings of the Acadeni}', and apprise committees of their ap- pointment. He shall post up in the Hall a list of the persons nominated for election into the Academy ; and when any indi- vidual is chosen, he shall insert in the record the names of the Fellows by whom he was nominated. 3. The two Secretaries, with the Chairman of the Committee of Publication, shall have authority to publish such of the pro- ceedings of the Academy as as may seem to them calculated to promote the interests of science. 398 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY CHAPTER VII. Of the Teeasurer. 1. The Treasurer shall give such security for the trust reposed in him as the Academy shall require. 2. He shall receive officially all moneys due or payable, aud all bequests or donations made to the Academy, and by order of the President or presiding officer shall pay such sums as the Academy may direct. He shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures ; shall su.bmit his accounts to the Auditing Committee ; and shall report the same at the expiration of his term of office. 3. The Treasurer shall keep a separate account of the income and appropriation of the Eumford Fund, and report the same annually. > 4. All moneys which there shall not be present occasion to expend shall be invested by the Treasurer, under the direction of the Finance Committee, on such securities as the Academy shall direct. CHAPTEPt VIII. Of THE Librarian and Library. 1. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to take charge of the books, to keep a correct catalogue of same, and to provide for the delivery of books from the Library. He shall also have the custody of the publications of the Academy. 2. The Librarian, in conjunction with the Committee on the Library, shall have authority to expend, as they may deem ex- pedient, such sums as may be appropriated, either from the Rum- ford or the General Fund of the Academy, for the purchase of books, and for defraying other necessary expenses connected with the Library. They shall have authority to propose rules and regulations concerning the circulation, return, and safe-keeping of books ; and to appoint such agents for these purposes as they may think necessary. 3. To all books in the Library procured from the income of the Rumford Fund, the Librarian shall cause a stamp or label to be affixed, expressing the fact that they were so procured. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 399 4. Every person who takes a book from the Library shall give a receipt for the same to the Librarian or his assistant. 5. Every book shall be returned in good order, regard being had to the necessary wear of the book with good usage. And if any book shall be lost or injured, the person to whom it stands charged shall replace it by a new volume or set, if it belongs to a set, or pay the current price of the volume or set to the Librarian ; and thereupon the remainder of the set, if the volume belonged to a set, shall be delivered to the person so paying for the same. 6. All books shall be returned to the Library for examination at least one week before the Annual Meeting. CHAPTEE IX. Of Meetings. 1. There shall be annually four stated meetings of the Acad- emy ; namely, on the second Wednesday in May (the Annual Meeting), on the second Wednesday in October, on the second Wednesday in January, and on the second Wednesday in March. At these meetings only, or at meetings adjourned from these and regularly notified, shall appropriations of money be made, or alterations of the statutes or standing votes of the Academy be effected. 2. Fifteen Fellows shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of business at a stated meeting. Seven Fellows shall be sufficient to constitute a meeting for scientific communications and discussions. 3. The Recording Secretary shall notify the meetings of the Academy to each Fellow residing in Boston and the vicinity; and he may caiise the meetings to be advertised, whenever he deems such further notice to be needful. 400 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY CHAPTER X. Of the Election of Fellows and Honorary Membees. 1. Elections shall be made by ballot, and only at stated meetings. 2. Candidates for election as Resident Fellows must be pro- posed by two or more Resident Fellows, in a recommendation signed by them, specifying the Section to which the nomination is made, which recommendation shall be transmitted to the Corresponding Secretary, and by him referred to the Council for Nomination. No person recommended shall be reported by the Council as a candidate for election, unless he shall have received a written approval, signed at a meeting of the Council by at least seven of its members. All nominations thus approved shall be read to the Academy at a stated meeting, and shall then stand on the nomination list during the interval between two stated meet- ings, and until the balloting. No person shall be elected a Resident Fellow, unless he shall have been resident in this Commonwealth one year next preceding his election. If any person elected a Resident Fellow shall neglect for one year to pay his admission fee, his election shall be void ; and if any Resident Fellow shall neglect to pay his annual assessments for two years, provided that his attention shall have been called to this article, he shall be deemed to have abandoned his Fellowship; but it shall be in the power of the Treasurer, with the consent of the Council, to dis- pense (sub silentio) with the payment both of the admission fee and of the assessments, whenever in any special instance he shall think it advisable so to do. 3. The nomination of Associate Fellows shall take place in the manner prescribed in reference to Resident Fellows ; and after such nomination shall have been publicly read at a stated meeting previous to that when the balloting takes place, it shall be referred to the Council for Nomination ; and a written approval, authorized and signed at a meeting of said Council by at least seven of its members, shall be requisite to entitle the candidate to be balloted for. The Council may m like manner originate nominations of Associate Fellows, which must be read at a stated meeting previous to the election, and be exposed on the nomina- tion list during the interval. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 401 4. Foreign Honorary Members shall be chosen only after a nomination made at a meeting of the Council, signed at the time by at least seven of its members, and read at a stated meeting previous to that on which the balloting takes place. 5. Three fourths of the ballots cast must be affirmative, and the number of affirmative ballots must amount to eleven to effect an election of Fellows or Foreign Honorary Members. 6. Each Section of the Academy is empowered to present lists of persons deemed best qualified to fill vacancies occurring in the number of Foreign Honorary Members or Associate Fellows allotted to it ; and such lists, after being read at a stated meeting, shall be referred to the Council for Nomination. 7. If, in the opinion of a majority of the entire Council, any Fellow — Resident or Associate — shall have rendered himself unworthy of a place in the Academy, the Council shall recommend to the Academy the termination of his Fellowship ; and provided that a majority of two thirds of the Fellows at a stated meeting, consisting of not less than fifty Fellows, shall adopt this recom- mendation, his name shall be stricken off the roll of Fellows. CHAPTER XI. Of Amendments of the Statutes. 1. All proposed alterations of the Statutes, or additions to them, shall be referred to a committee, and, on their report at a subsequent meeting, shall require for enactment a majority of two thirds of the members present, and at least eighteen affirma- tive votes. 2. Standing Votes may be passed, amended, or rescinded, at any stated meeting, by a majority of two thirds of the members present. They may be suspended by a unanimous vote. CHAPTER XII. Of Liteeary Performances. 1. The Academy will not express its judgment on literary or scientific memoirs or performances submitted to it, or included in its publications. 26 402 STATUTES OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY STANDING VOTES. 1. Communications of which notice had been given to the Secretary shall take precedence of those not so notified. 2. Kesident Fellows who have paid all fees and dues charge- able to them are entitled to receive one copy of each volume or article printed by the Academy, on application to the Librarian personally or by written order, within two years from the date of publication. And the current issues of the Proceedings shall be supplied, when ready for publication, free of charge, to all the Fellows and members of the Academy who desire to receive them. 3. The Committee of Publication shall fix from time to time the price at which the publications of the Academy may be sold. But members may be supplied at half this price with volumes which they are not entitled to receive free, and which are needed to complete their sets. , 4. Two hundred extra copies of each paper accepted for publi- cation in the Memoirs or Proceedings of the Academy shall be placed at the disposal of the author, free of charge. 5. Resident Fellows may borrow and have out from the Library six volumes at any one time, and may retain the same for three months, and no longer. 6. Upon special application, and for adequate reasons assigned, the Librarian may permit a larger number of volumes, not exceed- ing twelve, to be drawn from the Library for a limited period. 7. Works published in numbers, when unbound, shall not be taken from the Hall of the Academy, except by special leave of the Librarian. 8. Books, publications, or apparatus shall be procured from the income of the Rumford Fund only on the certificate of the Rum- ford Committee that they, in their opinion, will best facilitate and encourage the making of discoveries and improvements which may merit the Rumford Premium. 9. The Annual Meeting and the other stated meetings shall be holden at eight o'clock, P. M. 10. A meeting for receiving and discussing scientific commu- nications may be held on the second Wednesday of each month not appointed for stated meetings, excepting July, August, and September. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 403 RUMFORD PREMIUM. In conformity with the terms of the gift of Benjamin, Count Rumford, granting a certain fund to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and with a decree of the Supreme Judicial Court for carrying into effect the general charitable intent and purpose of Count Rumford, as expressed in his letter of gift, the Academy is empowered to make from the income of said fund, as it now exists, at any Annual Meeting, an award of a gold and silver medal, being together of the intrinsic value of three hundred dollars, as a premium to the author of any important discovery or useful improvement in light or in heat, which shall have been made and published by printing, or in any way made known to the public, in any part of the continent of America, or any of the American islands ; preference being always given to such discoveries as shall, in the opinion of the Academy, tend most to promote the good of mankind ; and to add to such medals, as a further premium for such discovery and improve- ment, if the Academy see fit so to do, a sum of money not exceeding three hundred dollars. INDEX. JEcidia, development of, 255. Agassiz, A., and West, P. C. F., Oil the Temperature of the Crust of the Earth at great Depths, 347. Alaminum, melthig point of, 218. Aiiimon-cupriammonium aceto-ox- ide, 79. Ammonic dicupric acetate, 84. Anemone, ^cidiuni on, 262. Aromatic hydrocarbons, 34, 58. Asterias pallida, embryology of, 333. Atomic Weight of Zinc, 158. B. Bancroft, W. D., The Chemical Potential of the Metals, 96- 122. Baric Sulphate, Occlusion of Baric Chloride by, 67. Barr, L. See Holman, S. W., Law- rence, R. R., and Barr, L. Bars, oflf-shore, 319. tanofeut, 321. Benzol, 34, .58. derivatives of, 123. Biographical Notices, list of, 353. Martin Brimmer, 360. Richard Manning Hodges, 355. Viscount Ferdinand de Le ^seps, 370. James Edward Oliver, 367. Edward Samuel Ritchie, 359. Henry Wheatland, 363. Harold Whiting, 356. c. Calorimetry, 245. Calvert, Sidney. See Jackson, C. L., and Calvert, Sidney. Canadian petroleums, 43. Cape Cod, future of, 331. outline of, 303. Cathode rays, 349. Chemical Laboratory of the Case School of Applied Science, Contributions from, 1. Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College, Contributions from, 67, 78, 87, 96, 123, 136, 158. Chemical Potential of the Metals, 96. Conductivity of Mild Steel, 271. Copper, melting point of, 218. Council, Report of, 353 Cryptogamic Laboratory of Har- vard University, Contribu- tion from, 255. Cupriammonium acetate, 8.5. Cupriammouium double salts, 78. Cuprianiline acetobroraide, 89. Cuprianiline bromide, 88. Cuprianiline salts, 87. D. Davis, W. M., The Outline of Cape Cod, 303-332. Dibrommetaphenylene dicetamide, 149. Dicuprianiline acetomonobromide, 92. 406 INDEX. E. Edison, T. A., award of Rumford medal to, 3il, 343. Embryology of the Starfish, 333. F. Fellows, Associate, deceased, — James Dwight Dana, 339. Daniel Cady Eaton, 346. Asahel Clark Kendrick, 347. John Newton, 339. William Wetmore Story, 346. Fellows, Associate, elected, — William Price Craighill, 343. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, 352. Thomas Raynesford Louns- bury, 352. Charles Lane Poor, 352. Augustus St. Gaudens, 348. Robert Simpson Woodward, 352. Fellows, Associate, list of, 389. Fellows, Resident, deceased, — IMartin Brimnaer, 349. Richard Manning Ilodges, 349. Edward Sanmel Ritchie, 345. Harold Whiting, 345. Henry Wi Hard' Williams, 345. Fellows, Resident, elected, — Benjamin Kendall Emerson, 346. John Fiske. 343. Hammond Vinton Hayes, 346. Arthur IVIichael, 343. Theobald Smith, 352. John Stone Stone, 351. Arthur Gordon Webster, 343. Robert Wheeler WiJlson, 351. Paul Sebastian Yendell, 346. Fellows, Resident, list of, 385. Foreign Honorary Members, de- ceased, — Thomas Henry Huxley, 346. Sven Ludwig Loven, 346. Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Lud- wig, 346. Louis Pasteur, 346. Foreign Honorary Members, elected, — Marie Alfred Cornu, 346. Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff, 346. Foreign Honorary Members, list of, 391. G. Gallivan, F. B. 5ee Jackson, C. I*., and Gallivan, F. B. Gold, melting point of, 218. Goodale, G. L., Forestry under New England Conditions, 349. Goto, S., Preliminary Notes on the Embryology of the Starfish (Asterias pallida), 333-335. Greenman, J. L. See Robinson, B. L., and Greenman, J. L. H. Hall, E. H., On the Thermal Con- ductivity of Mild Steel, 271- 302. High Head, 310. Holman, S. W., Calorimetry: Meth- ods of Cooling Correction, 245-254. Pyrometry : Calibration of the Le Chatelier Thermo-electric Pyrometer, 234-244. Thermo-electric Interpolation Formula}, 193-217. Holman, S. W., Lawrence, R. R., and Barr, L., Melting Points of Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Copper, and Platinum, 218- 233. Houstonia caerulea, -3icidium on, 260. Hydrocarbons C,,H2„ + 2> 22. Ittner, M. H. See Jackson, C. L., and Ittner, M. H. Jackson, C. L., on potassic cobalticy- anide, 350. Jackson C. L., and Calvert, S., On the Behavior of certain Deriv- atives of Benzol containing Halogens, 123-135. Bromine Derivatives of Meta- phenylene Diamine, 136-157. INDEX. 407 Jackson, C. L., and Gallivan, F. B., On certain Derivatives of un- syininetical Tribrombenzol, Jackson, C. L., and Tttner, M. H., On Dinitrobromtoluol and some of its Derivatives, 345. Jackson, C. L., and Moore, J. H., On the Nitrite of Brom- diiiitropheuylmalonic Ester, 345. Jackson, C. L., and Oenslager, G., On Phenoquinone, 345. Jackson, C. L., and I^hinney, J. I., Trinitrophenylmalonic Ester, 345. L. Lawrence, R. R. See Ilolman, S. W., Lawrence, R. R., and Barr, L. Le Chatelier pyrometer, 234. Librarian, Report of, 340. Linear transformations, 336. of a bilinear form, 181. Lyon, D. G., Recent Assyrian dis- coveries, 352. M. Mabery, C. F., On the Composition of the Ohio and Canadian Sulphur Petroleums, 1-66. Marcou, J., gift of, 346. Melting points of certain metals, 218. Metals, chemical potential of, 96. Metaphenylene diamine, 136. Metric system of weights and measures, 351. Monobromphenylene diamene, bro- mide of, 156. Moore, J. H. See Jackson, C. L., and jNIoore, J. H. Moulton, F. C. See Richards, T. W., and Moulton, F. C. N. New Jersey, coast of, 323. 0. Octocupriammonium mono-iodide acetate, 81. Octocuprianiline acetomonobro- mide, 93. monoacetobromide, 91. triacetobromide, 91. Oenslager, G. See Jackson, C. L., and Oenslager, G. ; also Rich- ards, T. W., and Oenslager, G. Officers elected, 343, 348. Off-shore bars, 319. Ohio petroleums, 12. Parker, H. G. See Richards, T. W., and Parker, H. G. Peirce, B. O., On Simultaneous par- tial Differential Equations, 345. Pierce, B. O., and Willson, R. W., On the Thermal Conductivi- ties of certain poor Conduc- tors, 345. Peltandra, ^Ecidium on, 256. Petroleum, origin of, 64. Phinney, J. I. See Jackson, C. L., and Phinney, J. L Physical Laboratory of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Contributions from, 193, 218. 234, 245 Platinum, melting point of, 218. Proceedings of JNIeetings, 339. Provinceland, growth of, 323. Provincetown harbor, 329. Pyrometry, 234. E. Race Point, origin of, 327. Ranunculus septentrionalis, ^cidi- nm on, 261. Richards, H. jM., On some Points in the Development of ^ci- dia, 25.5-270. Richards, T. W., and Moulton, F. C, On the Cuprianile Acetobro- mides, 87-95. Richards, T. W., and Oenslager, G., On the Cupriamraonium Dou- ble Salts, 78-86. 408 INDEX. Richards, T. W., and Parker, H. G., On the Occlusion of Baric Chloride by Baric Sulphate, 67-77. Richards, T. W., and Rogers, E. F., A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Zinc: Analysis of Zincic Bromide, 158-180. Robinson, B. L., and Greenman, J. L., Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, New Series, No. 9, 345. Rogers, E. F. 5ee Richards, T. W. , and Rogers, E. F. Rumford Committee, Report of, 341. Rumford, Count, letters of, 346. Rumford Fund, papers published by aid of, 193, 218, 234, 245, 271. Romford Medal, award of, 341. S. Sambucus, ^cidium on, 264. Shore outlines, 315. profiles, 312. Silver, melting point of, 218. Starfish, embryology of, 333. Statutes and Standing Votes, 389. Story, W. E., On New Methods of representing Mathematical Surfaces, 346. Sulphur Petroleums, Composition of, 1. Taber, H., Note on the Automorphic Linear Transformation of a Bilinear Form, 181-192. On the Group of Real Linear Transformations whose In- variant is an Alternate Bilin- ear Form, 336, 337. Transformation of the Group whose Invariant is a certain linear Complex, 349. Tangent bars, 341. Tetrabrombenzol, symmetrical, 133. unsymmetrical, 132. Tetrabromdinitrobenzol, action of sodic ethylate on, 134. Tetrabromphenylene diamine, 156. Tetrammon-tricupriammouium io- dide, 83. Thaxter, R., On Laboulbeniacese, 345. Thermo-electric Interpolation For- mulaB, 193. Toluol, 34, 59. Toy, C. H., Palestine in the Fif- teenth Century B. C, 347. Treasurer, Report of, 339. Tribrombenzol, symmetrical, 134. Tribromchlorbenzol, unsymmetri- cal, 133. Tribronidinitrobenzol, reduction of, 144. Tribromiodbenzol, action of fuming nitric acid on, 131. behavior of, 128. Tribrommetaphenylene diamine, 140. Trowbridge, J., experiments with the cathode rays, 349, 350. w. Warren (C. M.) Committee, Report of, 342. Fund, aid from, 1. West, P. C. F. See Agassiz, A., and West, P. C. F. Willson, R. W. See Peirce, B. O., and Willson, R. W. Xylols, 35, 59. X. z. Zincic Bromide. Analysis of, 158. Specific gravity of, 162. Zoological Laboratory of the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Contri- bution from, 333. MBL/WHOI LIBRARY UH lAflE $ ^5^H Vi.il\ti