PROCEEDINGS OF THE Biological Society of Washington. PUBLISHED WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Volume IV. February 20, 1886, to January 28, 1888. WASHINGTON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1888. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman. FREDERIC A. LUCAS, R. E. C. STEARNS, RICHARD RATHBUN, FRANK H. KNOWLTON. II CONTENTS. PAGB. Officers and Committees for 1887 iv Officers and Committees for 188S v Joint Commission ^ vi Proceedings, February 20, 1886, to January 20, 1888 vii-xxii Saturday Lectures, 1886 xxii " " 1887 xxiii Baird Memorial Meeting xxiii Notice of Botanical Section xxiv Addresses and Coinmunications : Description of a new species of Bat from the Western United States ' Vespertilio ciliolabrnm, sp. nov.), by C. Hart Mer- riam (December 17, 1886*) 1-4 Description of a new Mouse irom New Mexico ( Hesperomys anthonyi, sp. nov.), by C. Hart Merriam (April 15, 18S7*) . 5-8 'ie Beginnings of Natural History in America — The Third entury— Annual Address of the President, G. Brown Goode, January 22, 18S7 9-94 Some American Conchologists. Annual Address of the Presi- dent, William H. Dall, January 28, 1888 95-134 Description of a new Fox from Southern California { V'ulpes macrotis, sp. nov. ), by C. Hart Merriam (Februai-y 18, 1888.*) 135-138 * Author's separates of the special papers here enumerated were published on the dates given in the parentheses following the author's name. i'^ J / S' LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND COUNCIL OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Elected January S, 1887. OFFICERS PRESIDENT. WILLIAM H. DALL. VICE-PRESIDENTS. LESTER F. WARD, CHAS. D. WALCOTT, FRANK BAKER, C. HART MERRIAM. SECRETARIES. RICHARD RATHBUN, FREDERIC A. LUCAS. TREASURER. FRANK H. KNOWLTON, COUNCIL. WILLIAM H. DALL, President. FRANK BAKER, OTIS T. MASON, TARLETON H. BEAN, C. HART MERRIAM, H. G. BEYER, RICHARD RATHBUN, THEODORE GILL,* R. E. C. STEARNS, G. BROWN GOODE,* CHAS. D. WALCOTT, F. H. KNOWLTON, LESTER F. WALiD, FREDERIC A. LUCAS, CHARLES A. WHITE,* GEORGE VASEY. STANDING COMMITTEES — 1887. Comniiitee on Communications. G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. C. HART MERRIAM, FRANK BAKER. Committee on Publications. C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman. FREDERIC A. LUCAS, R. E. C. STEARNS, RICHARD RATHBUN, FRANK H. KNOWLTON. Committee on Lectures . G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. FRANK BAKER, G. K. GILBERT, C. HART MERRIAM, CHAULES V. RILEY. Committee on the Trees and Shrubs of Washington . LESTER F. WARD, Chairman. WILLIAM SMITH, FRANK H. KNOWLTON, GEORGE VASEY, E. LAMSON SCRIBNER. * Ex-Presidents of the Society. IV LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND COUNCIL OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Elected January 14, iSSS. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT. WILLIAM H. DALL. VICE-PRESIDENTS. LESTER F. WARD, CHARLES V. RILEY, C. HART MERRIAM, RICHARD RATHBUN. SECRETARIES. JOHN B. SMITH, FREDERIC A. LUCAS. TREASURER. F. H. KNOWLTON. COUNCI L. WILLIAM H. DALL, Presidetit. TARLETON H. BEAN, RICHARD RATHBUN, THEODORE GILL,* CHARLES V. RILEY, G. BROWN GOODE,* JOHN B. SMITH, JEROME H. KIDDER, R. E. C. STEARNS, F. H. KNOWLTON, FREDERICK W. TRUE, FREDERIC A. LUCAS, LESTER F. WARD, C. HART MERRIAM, CxHARLES A. WHITE,* GEORGE VASEY. STANDING COMMITTEES— 1888. Cotmtiittee on Conitnunications. G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. C. HART MERRIAM, FREDERIC A. LUCAS, Commitiee on Publications. C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman. FREDERIC A. LUCAS, R. E. C. STEARNS, RICHARD RATHBUN, FRANK H. KNOWLTON. Coinmiitee on Lectures. G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. FRANK BAKER, G. K. GILBERT, C. HART MERRIAM, CHARLES V. RILEY. Committee on the Trees and Shrubs o/ Washington. LESTER F. WARD, Chairman. WILLIAM SMITH, FRANK H. KNOWLTON, GEORGE VASEY, F. LAMSON SCRIBNER. * Ex-Presidents of the Society. V JOINT COMMISSION. A temporary joint committee, appointed for the purpose of considering the advisability of forming a permanent joint com- mittee, submitted the following report to each of the five societies concerned : — Whereas, There now exist in Washington several scientific .societies, organized with similar aims, working by similar meth- ods, composed largely of the same members, and meeting in the same place ; and Whereas, Matters of common interest are numerous and con- stantly increasing : therefore it is Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee, that it is advis- able to form a Joint Commission of the Anthropological, Biolog- ical. Chemical, Geographic and Philosophical Societies of Wash- ington to consider questions of common interest; That such Joint Commission shall consist of three representa- tives from each of the five Societies ; That its functions shall be advisory, except that it may execute instructions on general subjects, and in special cases, from two or more of the Societies participating; Provided, That no vSociety shall be bound by the Commission to an act as to which it has not given instruction. The above resolution resulted in the establishment of a perma- nent Joint Commission, composed of the following delegates : Anthropological Society. ROBERT FLETCHER, WASHINGTON MATTHEWS, F. A. SEELY. Chemical Society. J. H. KIDDER, F. W. CLARK, H. W. WILEY. Biological Society. WILLIAM H. DALL, C. HART MERRIAM, RICHARD RATHBUN. National Geograph'ic Society. GARDNER HUBBARD, HENRY GANNETT, JOHN R. BARTLETT. Philosophical Society.' GARRICK MALLERY, J. W. POWELL, MARCUS BAKER. VI PROOEEDTT^GS. Ninetieth Meeting, February 30, i8S6. The President in the chair, and thirty-seven persons present. Dr. D. E. Sahnon and Dr. Theoliald Smith presented a pa- per, which was read by the latter, entitled, On a New Method OF Producing Immunity From Coxtagious Diseases. A paper by Prof. C. V. Riley, describing A Carnivorous Butterfly Larva, Fenesica targjuinius,! was read by Mr. J. B. Smith. Specimens of both the larva and imago were ex- hibited. Prof. L. F. Ward spoke upon The Plane Tree and its An- cestors,! and exhibited specimens and figures of both the recent and fossil species. Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A New Species of Aplodox- TiA FROM California, § and exhibited skms and skulls of the only two species of the genus at jDresent known. NiNETY-FiRST Meeting, March 6, i8S6. The President in the chair, and thirty-six persons present. Dr. Geoi-ge Vasey spoke upon New and Recent Species of North American Grasses. Mr. Charles Hallock read a paper entitled Hyper-Instinct IN Animals. * Until March 19, 18S7, the meetings wei-e held either in the Lecture Room or in the office of the National Museum, and subsequentlv in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Lafayette Square. tiSS6. Amer. Nat., June; and Proc. Ent. Soc , Washington, i. No. 2, P- 37- J The Paleontological History of the Genus Platanus.