PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Volume XVIII PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, QUARTERLY WASHINGTON, D. C. 1916 No. i issued April 5, 1916. No. 2 issued Aug. 4, 1916. No. 3 issued Nov. 27, 1916. No. 4 issued June n, 1917 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF VOLUME XVIII Page ALDRICH, J. M.: More light on Myophasia 98 BAKER, A. C. : Synopsis of the genus Calaphis 1X4 BAKER, A. C., and TURNER, W. P.: Some intermediates in the- Aphidi- dae K) BARBER, H. S.: A review of the North American Tortoise Beetles. . . . ll.'i A new species of Weevil injuring orchids 177 BUSCK, AUGUST: Descriptions of new North American Microlepidop- tera 147 BUSCK, AUGUST, HOWARD, L. O., and SCHWARZ, E. A.: A biographical and bibliograph- ical sketch of Otto Heidemann 203 CAUDELL, A. N.: Address of Retiring President: An economic con- sideration of Orthoptera directly affecting man. . 84 Color dimorphism in Schistocerca damnified Sauss- . 2 Hi The habitat of Doru aculeatnm Scudder 217 CRAIGHEAD, F. C.: Determination of abdominal and thoracic areas of the Cerambycid larvae as based on a study of the muscles 1 29 CRAWFORD, J. C.: Some American Hymenoptera 127 CUSHMAN, R. A.: The native food-plants of the Apple Red-Bugs. . I Hi'. DE GRYSE, J. J.: Hypermetamorphism of the Lepidopterous Sup- feeders 1 ' ' 1 DUCKETT, A. B.: Notes on a little-known rabbit ear-mite 17 FISHER, W. S. : A new species of Xylotrechus 214 GAHAN, A. B., and ROHWER, S. A.: Horismology of the Hymenopter- ous wing 20 HEIDEMANN, OTTO: Two new species of lace-bugs.. . . HEINRICH, CARL: On the taxonomic value of some larval characters in the Lepidoptera 1 ^-i HOWARD, L. O. : Francis Marion Webster A curious formation of a fungus occurring on a fly. 19(i HOWARD, L,. O., SCHWARZ, E. A., and BTSCK. AUGUST: A biographical and bibliograph- ical sketch of Otto Heidemann 2():i HUTCHINSON, R. H.: Notes on the larvae of h'.nxestu notatu \Vicd. HUTCHINSON, R. H., and WEBB, J. L.: Preliminary note on the bio- nomics of Pullciiin nttli* Fabr. in America HYSSOP, J. A.: Pristoceni s rubrocinctus Giard.) 17- 29 p., pi. IV-V, Dec. 14, 1912. (U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent. Bui. 99, Pt, II.) Observations on the egg parasites of Da tana inlegerrima Walk. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v. 15, pp. 91-97, 1913. The rose aphis (Macrosiphum rosac L.) 15 p., figs. 4, pis. 3, May 19, 1914. (U. S. Dept. Agr. Bui. 90.) Two HUNDREDTH AND EIGHTY-NINTH MEETING. NOVEMBER 4, 1915. The 289th meeting of the Society was entertained by Prof. A. L. Quaintance at the Saengerbund Hall, November 4, 1915. There were present Messrs. Baker, Boving, Pusck, Craighead, Crawford, DeGryse, Ely, Ducket t, Fisher, Clahan, Greene, Hut- chison, Knab, Kotinsky, Pierce, Popenoe, Quaintance, Rohwei . Sunford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Shannon, Turner, \Yalton, ;uid White members and Max Kisliuk and H. L. Yiererk visitors. Mr. Robert J. Kewley was elected an active member and Mr. \V. S. Blatchley a corresponding member. At the close of the regular program, Mr. Yiereck told of some of his experiences in the handling of parasites in the Si.-ite of Cali- fornia and also gave some reminiscences of his visit to Italy. 6 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY The following program was presented: NOTES ON THE HABITS OF WEEVILS. (Coleoptera, Rhyncophora .) BY W. DWIGHT PIERCE. To the student of biologies the study of the weevils furnishes no end of surprises. We find almost every possible variation in insect life-history except those associated with parasitism. Among the weevils are external and internal plant feeders, predators on scale insects andmon woodboring insects, cannibals, inquilines, and myrmecophilous species. They breed in every portion of plants and some of them form galls. We find the eggs laid singly and in cluster, exposed and concealed. Different species have very clever ways of preparing the food for the young such as making elaborate leaf rolls, scraping the surface of fruit to make a scaly covering, puncturing the midrib of a leaf to prevent sap flow and growing fungus upon which the young may feed. The larvae are either external or internal feeders, phytophagous or entomophagous, sometimes even semiaquatic or aquatic. Many prepare silken cocoons. Some cover themselves with excrement. They mine leaves, tunnel stems, breed in buds, flowers, fruit or roots or eat the outer surface of plants. Some pupate in the plants, some on them, and many enter the ground. The devel- opment takes from a few days to several years. In the course of the last few years the writer and his associates had occasion to work out the life histories of many species. While these will be written up in full in the future it may be sometime before they can be published and it seems advisable to publish at this time brief notes covering as much of this work as possible so that other workers may have the advantage of them. The genus Apion has been divided by European authors into a number of genera of which the characters correspond remarkably with the biology. A preliminary glimpse at the records of our American species indicates that we can coordinate our classification in the same manner. It will be first necessary to learn more about our species. The following records increase materially the knowledge of American Apioninae. Apion impunctistriatum Smith breeds in the stems of the composites, Heterotheca subaxillaris and Ambrosia trifido in Texas. Apion ellipticum Smith forms a gall in the roots of Chaero- phyllum texanum, an umbelliferous plant. A 17 per cent control by parasitism was found at Dallas, Texas in 1907. Apion falli Wagner (pyriforme Smith) breeds in the pods of OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 7 Mimosa biuncinata, M. borealis, M. texana and M. fragrans and Acacia amentacea in Texas and Arizona. Apion umboniferum Fall breeds in the berries of Viburnum alnifolium in Texas. Apion xanthoxyli Linell breeds in the seeds of Xanthoxyhttn pterota in South Texas. Apion proclive LeConte breeds in the pods of Lupinus arbor ea in California. Apion rostrum Say breeds in the pods of Baptisia leucantha and B. tinctoria. Apion varicorne Smith breeds in the flower heads of Parosdu aurea in Texas and Oklahoma. Apion nasutum Fall breeds in the stems of a leguminous plant in Texas. Apion subornatum Fall breeds in the pods of Acacia amentacea and A. roemeriana in Texas. Apion decoloratum Fall breeds in the pods of Meibomia pani- culata, M. grandi flora and Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Apion solutum Fall breeds in the stems of Sphaeralcea angusti- folia in South Texas. Apion graciliforme Fall breeds in the stems of Kuhnistera obovata in Texas. Apion aculeatum Fall breeds in the flower heads of huisache (Vachellia farnesiana) and of a Mimosa. Among these fourteen species of Apion are stem, root, flower, fruit and seed weevils. These will ultimately be placed in several very distinct genera. All species of Apion pupate in the larval cell. Very little is yet known of the habits of our otiorhynchid weevils in this country. Notes on four species are presented herewith. Compsus auricephalus Say like many other otiorhynchid weevils related to it, lays its eggs in a mass of gummy substance on leaves and folds a portion of the leaf over them so that they are perfectly concealed. It has been found ovipositing in great numbers on cotton in south Texas. The eggs hatch in seven or eight days and the larvae enter the ground to feed on the roots of plants. Achrastenus griseus Horn lays its eggs in clusters on fruit tree leaves. Aphrastus unicolor Horn lays its eggs in clusters on cotton and other plants. Pandeleteius cinereus Horn breeds in the stems of mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens) in Texas. The adults mature in the spring. The entire development takes place in the larval cell. 8 ' PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Sitona flavescens Marsham breeds in the nodules on roots of Lupinus pusillus at Dallas, Texas. Lixus tenellus Casey breeds in the stems of an umbelliferous; plant, causing a gall-like swelling. Like all other Lixus it pupates in the larval cell. Lissorhoptus simplex the rice weevil also breeds on the roots of Echinochloa crusgalli in south Texas. The larva is an external as well as an internal root feeder and makes a pupal cell of mud. Hyperodes echinatus Dietz breeds in the roots of Senecio lobatus and Plantago media in Texas and Louisiana. Hyperodes solutus Boheman breeds in the stems and scapes of Sagittaria latifolia at Dallas, Texas. No records have ever been published of the supposedly rare genus Pnigodes but the writer has several species, one bred from Ptilimnium capillaceum, others bred from Selenia aurea, Lepid- ium and Oenothera laciniata. They are root weevils and very common in Texas. Very little has been published on the habits of the genus Otidocepjialus. It is therefore of interest to note that Otido- cephalus arizonicus breeds in the stems of mistletoe (Phoraden- dron flavescens) at Dallas, Texas, and also in Arizona (as hereto- fore recorded). 0. carinicollis Horn breeds commonly at Dallas in the twigs of Bumelia lanuginosa. The adults appear in April and begin to mate. The immature stages require at least until December for development. Hibernation occurs in the larval, pupal and adult stages. It was found parasitized by Eurytoma sp., Ptinobius sp. nov., and Heterospilus sp. 0. chevrolati Horn breeds in the galls of Amphibolips on live oak twigs at Victoria, Texas. 0. dugesi Champion breeds in cynipid galls on oak at Durango, Mexico. Oopterinus perforatus Horn breeds in cynipid galls on roots of oak according to Mr. Schwarz. Orchestes pallicornis Say mines the leaves of Ulmus alata and U. americana at Dallas, and of Alnus at Falls Church, Va. Each larva makes a. separate mine and pupates in a cocoon in an in- flated portion of the mine. Prionomerus calceatus Say mines the leaves of Liriodendron tulipifera, and Sassafras officinale around Washington, D. C., and in Florida mines the leaves of Magnolia. The eggs are laid in the midrib. Several larvae feed side by side making large mines which inflate when dry. The pupal cells are of silk and clustered together. It has been found parasitized at Clarks- ville, Tenn. This species was first recorded from Liriodendron by Townend Glover.1 JRept. Dept. Agr. 1870, p. 68. OF WASHINGTON', VOLUME XVIII, 1916 Tylopterus pallidus LeConte breeds in the berries of Forestieria acuminata at Victoria, Texas. It enters the ground for pupation. Tyloptems varius breeds in the berries of Adelia pubescent at Dallas. Cylindrocopturus adspersus LeConte breeds in the stalks of Helianthus multiflorus, Ambrosia trifida and Xunthium in Texas. C. mammillatus breeds in the stems of Verbesina virginica in Texas and Oklahoma. C. operculatus Gyllcnhal breeds in the stems of several species of Hymenopappus at Dallas. The species of this genus pupate in the larval cell. The larvae arc usually found in the pith and arc characterized by the dark spiracular areas. Cryptorhynchus fallax LeConte breeds in the stems of Co.^in at Victoria. Rhyssematus lineaticollis Say breeds in the pods of Asclepiodora viridis and Asclepias latifolia in Texas. The larvae enter the ground for pupation. R. pruinosus breeds in the pods of Mimosa fragans in South Texas. R. palmacollis Say breeds in the seed pods of Ipomoea sinuata at Victoria, Texas. Chalcodermus vittatus Champion breeds in the seed of the balloon vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum) in south Texas. The larvae enter the ground for pupation. Tyloderma subpubescens Casey breeds in the stems of Poli/- gonum punctatum and P. portoricense at Victoria, Texas. Conotrachelus similis Boheman breeds in the berries of Bumelia lanuginosa in south Texas. C. leucophaeatus breeds in the stems of Euphorbia marginata. C. naso breeds in the acorns of Quercti* virginiana. C. albicinctus was bred at Dallas from a gall on Cornus cainH bred from nuts of various species of Hicoria. C. posticatus Boheman and C. affinis Boheman both breed in. hickory nuts in Louisiana. Perigaster cretura breeds externally on the leaves and stems of Ludwigia natans in south Texas. The larvae are yellow and have a gliding motion. They spin a silken thread with which they form a covering while they ('at. They work mainly under water. The pupal cell is composed of silk and a dark substance and is impervious to water. The adult i«s saltatory. This genus is confined to the plant genus Lud trig/a. Barinus squamolineatus Casey breeds in the roots of a rush 10 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY (Rynchospora) in south Texas. B. albescens LeConte breeds in the stems of Cyperus virens at Victoria. Trichobaris compacta breeds in pods of Datura stramonium at Dallas. It pupates in the pods. The genus Trichobaris is confined to solanaceous plants but the species usually breed in the stems. Rhinoncus pyrrhopus breeds in the stems of Polygonum pennsyl- vanicum. Baris cuneipennis Casey breeds under the bark of the roots of Gaillardia pulchella, Helenium tenuifolium and H. microcephalum in Texas. Numerous species of this genus have been bred by the writer and all breed under the bark of the roots. Orthoris cylindrifer Casey breeds in the stems and root crown of Mentzelia oligosperma at Dallas. The entire genus is confined to plants of the genus Mentzelia. Nyssonotus seriatus Casej^ breeds in the dry stems of Agave lecheguilla following attack by Peltophorus polymitus another weevil, in south Texas. Rhodobaenus 13-punctatus breeds in the stems of Xanthium commune, Heliantims, Ambrosia trifida and Polymnia canadensis. SOME INTERMEDIATES IN THE APHIDIDAE. (Hemiptera.) BY A. C. BAKER AND W. F. TURNER. In a recent paper1 the authors discussed the intermediates so far known to occur in the Aphididae and expressed the opinion that they are of normal occurrence in the family and indicate the method by which the apterous form has been derived. Inter- mediates of several other species can now be added to the list and it seems worth while to consider a few other points also. If the family is at present in an unstable condition, and the alate forms are now being eliminated, two things would be ex- pected, first, we would expect the primitive aphids to show a very high percentage of alate individuals and, secondly, we might ex- pect to find alate examples of all the distinct forms of the family. If a random collection of aphids were made today in America a very high percentage of the specimens collected would be apter- ous individuals and alate aphids would be few comparatively. It is interesting to note then that among the tertiary aphids so far as we know the American forms only one specimen is apterous. This might possibly indicate a preponderance of alate forms at the time these deposits were laid down. 1 Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. xvu, 1915, p. 42. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 11 Alate aphids of all forms have now been recorded. Alate sexual ovipara are rare, but alate males are of very common occurrence. In some species two forms of males are known to exist, alate and apterous. The males in certain other species are, in our opinion, clearly intermediate in nature between alate males and typically apterous males. The male of Toxoptera mullenbergiae Davis is apterous and yet it retains many char- acters of the typically alate male. The thorax possesses fairly distinct alate characters. This is of such a prominent nature that the insect suggests an alate with the wings removed. What is even more significant is the fact that the ocelli are present. These two characters show the undoubted intermediate char- acter of this male. What has been said of mullenbergiae might also be said of the male of Aphis striplex Lin. This form likewise possesses remnants of the alate thorax and distinct ocelli, and is undoubtedly intermediate in nature. It is interesting to note that while in some males of atriplex the alate thoracic characters are well retained, in others they are represented by faint markings only. Both of these males might well be compared to the inter- mediate vivipara of Phyllaphis fagi Lin., herein described, except- ing that the wings in that form are not entirely reduced. The number of species with typically apterous sexed ovipara is very large. If the primitive aphids were sexed this condition would be expected much sooner than species with entirely apterous viviparae. Of the species of which intermediates are described in the present paper the writers have carried three throughout their entire cycles. ( These three have annual cycles and alternate hosts. They are Macrosiphum viticola Thos., Aphis prunifoliae Fitch (the avenae Fab., of American authors) and Aphis malifoliae Fitch (the sorbi Kalt. of American authors). In the first two species the intermediates have occurred upon the summer hosts and were intermediates between summer apterae and summer alates. This is also true of the intermediates of another species, persicae Sulz. Malifoliae Fitch winters upon the apple and spends the summer months upon species of Plantago, particularly upon rib grass. Alate forms during midsummer seem to be rare. The intermediates of this species occurred upon apple and were intermediates between alates which cannot live upon apple but must fly to plantains and apterae which cannot live upon plan- tains, but only upon apple. The intermediates lived and re- produced upon apple, thus taking on the nature of the primary apterous forms. Following are descriptions of viviparous intermediates of seven species of aphids. One character is noticeable in all of these forms. The remnants of the wings hang drooping at the sides of the insects. They have lost the support of the muscles. 12 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Aphis gossypii Glover. Antennae of the same lengths as those of the apterous forms; the third segment, however, armed with usually six sensoria which are irregular in size, very few being large as are those of the alate; median ocellus absent, the lateral ones, however, present in the specimens obtainable for study; thorax with the alate characters very little, if at all developed, muscles much reduced and some embryos visible within the thorax; wings much reduced, being about as long as the third segment of the antennae; cor- nicles not as short as those of the alate form, nor yet as long as those of the apterous, slightly curved outward, but this character not as evident as in the apterous form; cauda and anal plate similar to those of the apterous female. Color and general appearance similar to those of the apterous form. Described from three examples present in a collection taken August 9, 1912, on melon, Vienna, Va. Phyllaphis fagi Linn. Color nearly that of the alate. Antennae with the same measurements as those of the aptera, and with the same characters, there being no sen- soria on the third segment; ocelli absent; alate thoracic characters dis- tinct, showing moderately developed lobes on the dorsum; wings very much reduced, being small, oval, leaf like structures, with a thickening along the costal margin; other characters usual. Described from one specimen in a collection taken on beech, May 12, 1914, at Washington, D. C. This intermediate is interesting in having a fairly well developed thorax in connection with the much reduced wings. It is more interesting, however, in that this thorax, externally so well developed' has lost the large alary muscles entirely. It is filled with developing embryos and, therefore, does not agree at all with the thorax of the alate form. Macrosiphum viticola Thos. Color similar to that of the apterous form; antennae with the same measurements as those of the alate and with the third segment possessing about six circular sensoria; vertex not extending forward to median ocellus, but almost flat, this median ocellus being very faint in one specimen and absent in the other; lateral ocelli present; alate thoracic characters hardly present. Wings showing as pad-like structures not as large as the wing pads of the pupa; wings of both specimens about equally developed, but the great dorso-ventral muscles of the thorax somewhat more reduced in one than in the other; cauda long and narrow, similar to that of the other adult forms. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 13 Described from two examples, one in a collection of thin ecu adults made May 30, 1905, at Laurel, Md., and the other in a col- lection of seven adults, made on June 2, 1907, at Washington, !).('., both upon grape. Myzus persicae Sulz. Color green, very similar to that of the apterous form; antennae with the same measurements as those of the alate, but without the row of promi- nent sensoria found on the third segment of that form (the right antenna of one individual has one sensorium) ; ocelli. absent as in the apterous fe- male; wings reduced in one specimen to a little more than half the normal size with indications of some of the veins, in the other specimen small pad- like structures; alate thoracic characters absent in the specimen with the smaller wings and but little indicated in the other; alary muscles much reduced in both specimens, in the one, at least, showing almost the exact condition met with in the aptera; cauda elongate like that of the alate form. Described from two individuals taken on cabbage in the plant houses, Vienna, Va., February 5, 1915. One of these was isolated and produced jroung in the normal manner. Other intermediates of the species were observed, but were not obtained for description. Aphis malifoliae Fitch. General appearance, color, etc., resembling that of the apterous form. Alate thoracic characters absent; wing represented by small pad-like structure 0.32 mm. long in one specimen and 0.16 mm. long in the other. An- tennae of about equal proportions in both specimens, though one is smaller than the other. "Segment III, 0.576 mm.; IV, 0.352 mm.; V, 0.288 mm.; VI, base 0.112 mm.; unguis 0.576 mm. One specimen has six sensoria near distal extremity of III, fifteen on IV, and three on V. The other specimen lias both antennae with the following sensoria, thirty- two and thirty-eight on segment III, seventeen and twenty-one on IV, three and four onV. Cornicles in one specimen 0.4 mm. long and in the other 0.448 mm. Described from two specimens reared during the spring of 1914. Aphis prunifoliae Fitch. General appearance and color approaching that of the apterous form. Antennae of first specimen as follows: III, 0.24 mm. long, and armed with nine sensoria; IV, 0.112 mm. and armed with two sensoria. Segment V, base 0.064 mm. unguis, 0.336 mm. This segmentation of the is characteristic of many of the summer apterous forms. Alate thoracic characters absent; \\ings represented by pads about 0.3 mm. long. In the second specimen are more typically alate being as follows: Segment III, 0.272 mm. long and armed with eleven sensoria; segment IV, 0.1 Js 14 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY rnm. long and with five sensoria; V, about 0.125 mm. long and VI base, 0.064 mm., unguis 0.352 mm. Described from two specimens reared during the summer of 1915. Eriosoma sp. In a collection of an undescribed species of Eriosoma from pears in California made by W. M. Davidson, two intermediates are present. These resemble the apterous forms greatly but the eyes are composed of a large number of lenses. The apterous forms have a very simple eye composed of three facets whereas the eye of the alate form has many. In this intermediate nature indicated by the eyes only, the present species resembles certain species of Phylloxera. In discussion, Mr. Rohwer stated that he believed the absence of wingless aphids in fossils could be explained by the method in which the geological formations were laid down. He did not believe that their apparent absence from fossils should be assumed to mean that they were not in existence at the time the deposits were formed. THE EUROPEAN FIR TRUNK BARK LOUSE (CHERMES (DREY- FUSIA) PICEAE RATZ.) APPARENTLY LONG ESTABLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. BY JACOB KOTINSKY, Forest Entomology, Bureau of Entomology. Recently the Bureau of Entomology of the U. S. Department of Agriculture has received pieces of balsam fir bark rather heavily infested with a Chermes, which careful comparison with descriptions and figures has shown fairly conclusively to be identical with the above named European species. The speci- mens came from Mt. Monadnock, N. H. where, the correspondent states, the infestation has been spreading during the past three years and a considerable number of trees had died during the time. This identification, when brought to Dr. Hopkins' attention, reminded him of a Chermes he collected on bark of balsam firs in the vicinity of Brunswick, Me., in August, 1908. A slide preparation of this material showed it also to agree with Chervic* piceae. The identification was based primarily on the integu- mental structure of the 1st instar of the stem mother in which form the insect hibernates on the bark and which presents the OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 15 most salient characters for the purpose. The absence of pores at the bases of the anterior and posterior coxae and the larger pores on some of the dorsal plates in this stage are some of the characters specifically distinguishing it from others. In Jour. Econ. Ent., in, 342-343, August, 1910, Dr. Felt reports the discovery of a Chermes on Nordmann's firs imported from Europe which was provisionally determined by himself and Dr. "Hopkins as Chermes piceae Ratz. The writer examined also this material, which consists of egg masses and old females on the bark of a terminal shoot, and the evidence tends to show that it is probably the young fir shoot bark louse (Chermes (Dreyfusia) nusslini C.B.) which, biologically by Nusslin and later morpho- logically by Bonier, has been found distinct from that living on the trunk, the latter never going to the young growth. The evidence, therefore, is at hand that the fir trunk bark louse has been in this country for at least seven years; and, judging by the location and the heaviness of the infestation of the bark collected by Dr. Hopkins, the insect must have been in this country a good many years, the exact or even approximate num- ber of which we will perhaps never be able to trace. As regards Chermes nusslini, Dr. Felt's note above referred to does not indicate whether any action has been taken to exterminate the colony on imported Nordmann's fir, so that we are not able to say whether or not that introduction led to its establishment in this country, if indeed, like Chermes piceae, it has not already been long established here. In Europe both these species are practically confined to fir trees, and while they are presumed to have an alternate host, this host i> not known. Nor are even all the generations known. In his " Conif eren-Laiise Chermes," published in 1907, Cho- lodkovsky records a Chermes that was sent him by Prof. Bouvier who collected it in one of the Paris parks on an American fir (Abies nobilis var. glauca) which Cholodkovsky designated as Chermes piceae, var. bouvieri. The morphological reasons for separating the variety are slight, but the fact that it produced y,;ill-like thickenings on the bark and buds was a rather marked biological difference. Nevertheless, in his article in the "Zool. Anzeiger," xxxni, after describing nusslini and discussing its relations. Bonier remarks on p. 750: "As Cholodkovsky's var. bouvieri is identical with the true piceae (and not a hunger form of nusslini, as I was wont to believe), we do not know whether the European piceae attacked the American silver fir after its intro- duction into Europe, or whether this species occurs also in North America and there, completes its normal cycle, and must pa- tiently await further discoveries on the geographical dislril>uiirioiislv considered. HORISMOLOGY OF THE HYMENOPTEROUS WING. BY S. A. ROHWER, Forest Entomology, AND A. B. GAHAN, Cereal ami Forage Crop Insects, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTION. Anyone who has attempted to do serious systematic work in the Hymenoptera cannot but have experienced difficulty in interpreting the meaning of certain authors in their description of wing venation. The lack of a uniform system of nomenclature, has caused the application in many cases of several names to the same vein or cell, while in other instances the same name has been applied to two or more different parts of the wing. Unless an author has indicated the authority whom he proposes to fol- low in naming the parts of the wing or has otherwise explained his own system it often becomes a puzzle to be certain of his meaning. The difficulty experienced in such instances with the consequent loss of time entailed, has caused us to feel the need of a key to the synonym}*- of venational terms as well as a uniform set of names to be used in our own work. It is the intention, therefore, to here present in so far as pos- sible a complete and uniform nomenclature for the wing veins and wing cells of Hymenoptera, together with a synonymical index to wing nomenclature compiled from the works of the most promi- nent Hymenopterologists past and present. Figures illustrating all of the more striking types of venation found in the order arc included. From a study of these figures it will be possible, wr hope, for the student to correctly apply the nomenclature to any wing in the order, and also by reference 'to the synonymical list to interpret the meaning of the terms used by others in the pa-4. OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME XVIII, 1916 21 In the nomenclature adopted in this work no attention has been given to priority, although the intention has been to choose those names which have, by long usage, become most familiar, and to avoid, except where necessary or desirable, the proposal of new names. In the naming of the hind wings the same system has been fol- lowed as for the front wing, in so far as practicable with the ex- ception that to the name of each vein and cell the diminutives "ella" and "ellan" are added in order to distinguish the parts of the forewing from those of the hindwing and avoid the necessity of each time stating to which wing the reference is meant . The system of wing nomenclature proposed by Woodworth (1906) contains some interesting features but these cannot be considered to be of any special value to the taxonomists nor do they enable one to understand the terminology used by previous systematists. Woodworth's paper can only be useful to the morphologist. Those who advocate the advantages of the Comstock-Needham -ystem of terminology will no doubt regret that this system has not been used as the basic terminology here. We believe that this system possesses no appreciable advantages to the systematist while it does have certain disadvantages; first, that in the groups where the venation is much reduced the formula becomes long and cumbersome as well as meaningless (as in the Chalcids) ; second, the system is founded on insufficient investigation and fu- ture studies will necessitate repeated changes to agree with the facts. We believe it is much better for taxonomic work to des- ignate a given area by a given name and call it that regardless of its possible homologies or analogies. As a system of designating veins and cells for the morphologist the Comstock-Needham system possesses certain advantages, but as a terminology to be used in taxonomic work we do not believe it is desirable. DEFINITION AND SYNONYMY. In cases where a vein is divided into sections by an intersecting vein or veins these sections are called abscissae and in longitudinal veins are numbered from the base of the vein. The number of abscissae of a given vein may vary in different groups or even in the same group, their number being determined by the number of points of intersection, e.g., in figure 1 cubitus is divided into seven abscissae and in figure 2 into five. A. THE FOREWINGS WITH MANY VEINS. The nomenclature adopted for the forewing is, with a few modi- fications and additions, that used by Oesson which has been 22 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY quite generally followed by later Hymenopterists. The principal departures from that system are in the introduction of the terms brachius, anal, intercalaris, intercosta and prenervulus, as names for veins and crossveins, changing the term transverse median nervure to nervulus and the use of the prefix "inter" instead of transverse for the cubital and radial crossveins. Cresson's second discoidal cell is changed to first brachial cell and his first apical cell to second brachial. The application in some cases of distinct names to the different sections of longitudinal nervures (e.g., the first longitudinal vein equals costa + stigma + metacarpus) may seem unwise at first sight to morphologists and even to systematists but we believe that for descriptive purposes it is desirable since it makes possible more exactness in descriptions. The terms intercalarial cell, prenervulus and interradius are new terms, all others having been used before in wing nomenclature and with the same meaning as used here except in the case of the brachius, and anal veins. Section I. — Cells. Costal cell. — I in all figures. The area between costa (or in some cases intercalaris) and subcosta, basad of stigma. In Chalastogastra often divided by intercosta; in Clistogastra occasionally wanting. Synonyms: Costal cell — Norton 1867, Shuckard, Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894, Fernald 1906, Cockerell and Robbins 1910, Costal area— Kirby. Area costalis — Dahlbom 1845. Cellule costale — Lacordaire 1834, de Ro- mand. Cellula costalis — Dahlbom 1845, -Thomson. Costalzelle — Schmie- deknecht 1907, Kieffer 1912. Costalcelle — Neilsen and Henriksen 1915. Areola costalis — Haliday. Cellule brachiale — Lepeletier 1825, Andre 1879. Premier cellule brachiale — Lepeletier 1836. Areola brachialis — Andre 1879. Areola subbrachialis — Hartig. Areola submargin/alis — Foerster 1877. Cellula inter cubitalis — Dahlbom. Intercostalfeld — Konow 1901. Areola mediastina — -Nees. Schulterzelle- — Mayr. C-\-Sci -- Fernald 1906. C- Bradley 1908. ScM (= 1st costal), Sci (= 2nd costal) — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. Sc — (first costal) Comstock and Needham 1898. Intercalarial cell. — Fig. 1, X. The area between intercalaris and costa. Present only in Chalastogastra with generalized venation. Synonyms: C — Comstock and Needham 1898. Radial cell or cells. — II and supernumbers in all figures. The area bounded posteriorly by the radius and anteriorly by stigma, metacarpus or the margin of wing or a combination of OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 two or all of these. In Chalastogastra often divided by one or more cross-veins (interradii) . Where there are more than one cell they are numbered from base of wing out. Synonyms: Radial cell — Shuckard, Norton 1867, Cameron 1882, Cres- son 1887, Marlatt 1894, Morley 1903, Fernald 1906. Radial areolet— Mar- shall 1885. Radial cellule— Say 1825. Cellule radialis— Andre 1879. Areola radialis — Haliday, Foerster 1877. Cellule radiale — Saussure 1852, Jurine 1807, Lepeletier 1825, Lacordaire 1834, de Romand, Sichel, Ber- thoumieu 1904. Cellula radialis — Dahlbom 1845, Gravenhorst, Coshi. Radialfeld—Konow 1901. Radialzelle— Ratzeburg 1848, Hartig, Zaddach, Kohl 1896, Szeligeti 1904, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910, Friese 1911, Enslin 1912, Kieffer 1912. Radialccllar— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Marginal cellule— Say 1825. Marginal cell— Norton 1867, Smith, Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Areola marginalis — Latreille, Thomson. Margin Cell — Shuckard. Area costalis —Fallen. Costal area— Kirby. .4 pical cell— Morley 1903. 1st R! (= first radial) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. 2d Rl - second radial) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. R2 - (= third radial) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. 2dRi +#,— Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Cell IIIi + 2— (as in bees) Robertson 1902 a, 1902 b, 1903 c. Appendiculate cell. — (Not illustrated.) The usually incomplete cell formed by the metacarpus or ante- rior margin of wing and a spurious branch or extension of radius beyond the end of the radial cell. Occurs in many groups but is seldom of taxonomic importance. Synonyms: Appendicular Cell — Cameron 1882. Areola appendicea— Hartig, Foerster 1877, Andre 1879. Cellula appendicea — Costa. Cellule appendicee — Andre 1879. Anhangszelle — Kohl 1896, Konow 1901, Enslin 1912. Vedhaengscelle — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Appendiculate cell— Marlatt 1894. Cubital cell or cells. — III and supernumbers in all figures when present. The area between the radius and cubitus, often divided by a number of crossveins in which case the cells are numbered from the base of the wing to the apex. In Ichneumonidac and certain other Clistogastra the first abscissa of cubitus is wanting and the first cubital is confluent with the first discoidal. In Ichneu- monidea and Cynipoidea the second cubital is greatly reduced in size and is termed areolet. Most writers have been consistent in designating this area and have numbered the cells from the base outward as can be seen from the following synonymy. In certain cases however authors have definitely named certain cells by an additional word or prefix; :md 24 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY in these cases they are listed under the cell to which they definitely refer. Synonyms: Cubital cells — Ratzeburg 1848, Norton 1867, Shuckard, Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894, Fernald 1906. Areola cubitalis— Foerster 1877, Andre 1879. Cubital cellule— Say 1825. Cubital areolet— Marshall 1885. Cellule cubitalc — Dahlbom 1845, Jurine 1807, Lepeletier, Lacor- daire 1834, Wesmael, de Romand, Saussure 1852, Andre 1879, Sichel, Mor- ley 1903, Berthoumieu 1904. Cellula cubitalis — Costa. Cubitalzelle— Hartig, Zaddach, Mayr, Kohl 1896, Sphmiedeknecht 1907, Friese 1911, Enslin 1912, Kieffer 1912, Konow 1901, Szepligeti 1904. Cubital/eld— Konow 1901. Cubitalcelle — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Sub-marginal cellule- Say 1825. Sub-marginal cells — Norton 1867, Cresson 1887, Stoiith. Areola submarginalis- — Latreille. Cellula submarginalis — Thomson. Synonymy of the First cubital cell: Erste cubitalzelle — Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910. Areola costalis — Dahlbom. Cellula cubitalis intcrna — Gravenhorst. Middle Areole — Kirby. Areola intermedia — Fallen. R+ 1st Rl— Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. R— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. Synonymy of the Second cubital cell: Areola intermedia — Dahlbom. Cellula intermedia — Gravenhorst. R$ — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Rt+&— Bradley 1908. Cell 7776— Rob- ertson 1902 a, 1902 b, 1903 a, 1903 c. Synonyms of the areolet: Areolet — Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900, Morley 1903. Areola — Gravenhorst, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Dalla Torre and Kieffer. Synonymy of the Third cubital cell: Areola terminalis — Dahlbom. Cellula externa — Gravenhorst. Dritte Cubitelzelle — Dalla Torre and Kief- fer 1910. Rt— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. R3— Bradley 1908. Cell III,— Robertson 1902 a, 1902 b. Synonymy of the Fourth cubital cell: Apical areole — Kirby. Ry— Com- stock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Median cell. — IV in all figures. The area basad of basal vein and between the subcosta (or costa) and medius. Synonyms: Median cell — Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906. Medial cell— Cockerell and Robbins 1910. First medial cell — Norton 1867. Cellule mediane—de Romand. Medialzelle — Schmiedeknecht 1907, Kieffer 1912, Konow 1901. Medialfeld — Konow 1901. Aussere Mittelzelle — Mayr. Ex- terno medial cell — Shuckard. Externo-median cell — Cresson 1887. Area costalis — Fallen, Dahlbom. Areola costalis — Andre 1879. Cellule costale — Andre" 1879, Berthoumieu 1904. Subcostal cell— Marlatt 1894. Cellule sous-costale — Lacordaire. Humeral cell — Cameron 1882. First humeral cell — Ratzeburg 1848. Premiere cellule humerale — Wesmael. Areola hu- meralis antica — Foerster 1877. Cellule humcrnlis externa — Gravenhorst. OF WASHINGTON', VOLUME XVIII, 19Hi 25 First brachial cell — Norton 1867. Areola bnicliitilia 'interior — Nees. Deuxieme cellule brachiale — -Lepeletier. Praebrachial areolet — Marshall 1885. Areola praebrachialis — Haliday. Intermediate area — Kjrby. First basal cell—Morley 1913. M— Comstock and Ncedham 1898, Bradley 1908, Mac- Gillivray 1906. Cell 1st IV— Robertson 1904. Discoidal cells. — -V and supernumbers in all figures where they occur. The area beyond basal and bounded anteriorly by the cubitus and posteriorly by discoideus and subdiscoideus, often divided by two cross-veins (recurrents) in which case the cells are num- bered from the base of the wing towards the apex. This area has been treated a number of different ways which has been the cause of some confusion. Many authors have in- cluded the first brachial as a discoidal and have excluded the third discoidal numbering the three cells either right or left from the first. Certain authors have treated the discoidal cells as is proposed in this paper. In the great majority of cases it is necessary, however, to list the synonymical terms under each cell. Synonyms: Cellula discoidale — Dahlbom 1845. Discoidal cells — Norton 1867. Areola discoidalis — Foerster 1877. Discoidalzellen — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Discoidalcellar — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Synonymy of the First discoidal cell: First discoidal cell — Shuckard, Cameron 1882, Ashmead 1900, Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Discoidal cell — Smith. Erste discoidalzelle — Ratzeburg 1848, Zaddach, Kohl 1896, Friese 1911. Cellule discoidale— Andre 1879. Areola discoidalis prima — Foerster 1877, Andre 1879. Cellula discoidalis prima — Costa. Discoidalzelle — Mayr, Konow 1901, Enslin 1912, Kieffer 1912. Premiere cellule discoidale — Lepeletier 1825. Deuxieme cellule discoidale — de Romand. Cellula discoidalis interior — Gravcnhorst. Cell- ule discoidale superieure externa — Wesmael. First discal cell — Marlatt 1894. Areola exterior — Haliday. Areola praediscoidalis — Haliday. Prae- discoidal areolet— Marshall 1885. Areola costalis— Fallen. Cellula furcata — Thomson. M4 — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacCillivray 1906, Fer- nald 1906, Bradley 1908. Cell 2nd IV— Robertson 1904. Synonymy of the Second discoidal cell: Second discoidal cell — Cameron 1882, Banks 1912. Cellule discoidale 2— Andre 1879. Zweite Discoidalzelle —Zaddach, Kohl 1896, Friese 1911. Areola discoidalis secunda — Foerster 1877, Andre 1879. Cellula discoidalis secunda — Costa. Cellule discoidale — Berthoumieu 1904. Cellula discoidalis — Thomson. Second discal cell— Marlatt 1894. First discoidal cell—Morley 1903. Third discoidal cell— Shuckard, Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Troi- sieme cellule discoidale — Lepeletier 1836, de Romand. Cellule discoidale inferiewe — Lepeletier 1825, Wesmael. Cellula discoidalis intermedia— Gravenhorst. Areola exterior — Haliday. Areola intermedia — Graven- 26 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY horst. Areola specularis — Dahlbom, Fallen. Medialzelle — Konow 1901. lstl/2— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernalcl 1906, Bradley 1908. Discoidalzelle — Szepligeti 1904. Synonymy of the Third discoidal cell: Third discoidal cell — Morley 1903. Areola discoidalis tertia — Foerster 1877. Troisieme cellule discoidale- Dahlbom, Sichel. Quatrieme cellule discoidale — de Romand. Areola ex- terna media — Haliday. Premiere cellule du limbe — Lepeletier. Medial- zellen — Konow 1901. Erste Hinterzelle — Zaddach. Second apical cell— Shuckard, Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906. First posterior cell — Cameron 18S2, Marlatt 1894. Cellule posterieiipes — Andre 1879. Areola posterior prima— Andre 1879. Cellula postica externa — Gravenhorst. MI — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Discocubital cell. — Fig. 5, V1 and III1. The combination of the first cubital and first discoidal cells due to the loss wholly or in part of the first abscissa of cubit u>. The usual condition in Ichneumonidae but also found in other groups e.g., Braconidae and Sphecoidea. Synonyms: Disco-cubital cell — Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900. Cellula discocubitalis — Schmiedeknecht 1907. First cubital cell — Morlejr 1903 but in other works uses term discocubital. Discocubital zelle — Szepligeti 190'}. Submedian cell. — VI, in all figures where it occurs. The area basad of nervulus and between medius and submedius. Synonyms: Submedian cell — Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Erste Submedialzelle — Kohl 1896. Sub- medialzelle— Schmiedeknecht 1907, Kieffer 1912. Area submedialis prima— Kohl 1896. Cellule sous-mediane — de Romand. Cellula sufimedialis [basal] -Dahlbom 1845. Median cell— Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894. Cellule mediane — Lacordaire 1834, Andre 1879, Berthoumieu 1904. Areola media- Andre 1879. Second median cell — Norton 1867. Interno-medial cell— Shuckard, Cresson 1887. Innere Mittelzelle — Mayr. Areola humeralis media interna — Foerster 1877. Areola humeralis media — Hartig. Cellula humeralis intermedia — Gravenhorst. Zweite humeralzelle — Ratzeburg 1848. Deuxieme cellule humerale — Wesmael. Second brachia-l cell — Norton 1867. Troisieme cellule brachiale — Lepeletier. Brachialfeld — Konow 1901. lirn- chialcelle — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Pobrachial areolet — Marshall 1885. Second basal cell — Ashmead 1893, Morley 1903. Vordere-mittelere Schultcr- zelle— Szepligeti 1904. Anal cell— Ashmead 1900 (p. 66). Cu+Cui— Mac- Gillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Cu (first submedian)— Com- stock and Needham 1898. Cell VI — (first and submedian) Robertson 1904. Cui (second submedian) — Comstock and Needham 1S98. Cell V- (second submedian) Robertson 1904. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 27 Brachial cells. — VII and supernumbers in figures where they occur. The area beyond the nervulus and bounded anteriorly by
  • - coideus and subdiscoideus and posteriorly by brachius and the posterior margin of the wing. Usually separated by the antero- posterior part of discoideus, and numbered from the base of the wing. The brachial cells as denned in this paper have been vari- ously treated and it is necessary to list the synonjins separately. It appears no other writers have used the same definition as the one used here. First brachial cell. This cell has been commonly called second discoidal in America, but in Europe three writers, Thomson, Schmiedeknecht and Ber- thoumieu, have designated it as brachial. Synonyms: Second discoidal cell — Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900, Morley 1903, Fernald 1906, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Cellule brac/u'a/e— Ber- thoumieu 1904. Zweite Discoidalzelle — Ratzeburg 1848, Szepligeti 1904. Deuxieme cellule discoidale superieure — Lepeletier 1825. Area submedialis secunda — Kohl 1896. Cellula submedialis [outer] — Dahlbom 1845. Deux- ieme cellule discoidale — Lepeletier 1836. Zweite submedialzelle — Kohl 1896. Areola discoidalis tertia — Andre 1879. Cellula discoidalis tertia— Costa. Dritte Discoidalzelle — Zaddach. Cellule discoidale interne — Wesmael. Hintere-mittlere Schulterzelle — Szepligeti 1904. Hintere Discoidalzelle- Kieffer 1912. Cellule sous-discoidale — de Romand. Third discal cell— Marlatt 1894. Cellula secunda brachialis — Thomson. Brachialzelle— Szepligeti 1905, Schmiedeknecht 1907. Cellule mediana [apical]— Lacor- daire 1834. Distale Submedianzelle — Kieffer 1912. Areola humeralis media externa — Foerster 1877. Cellula postica interna — Gravenhorst. Areola posterior — Haliday. Podiscoidal areolet — Marshall 1885, Haliday. Middle areole — Kirby. Analzelle— Konow 1901. Inner apical cell — Norton 1867. M3— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Cell Vl— Robertson 1904. Second brachial cell. Synonyms: First apical ce«— Shuckard, Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906. Outer apical cell — Norton 1867. Apical areole — Kirby. Cellule apicale — de Romand. Area terminalis—Dahlbom. Cellula discoidalis externa — Grav- enhorst. Cellule anale— Wesmael, Haliday. Cellula apicalis — Dahlbom 1845. Anal ceM— Marshall 1885, Morley 1903. Second posterior cell- Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894. Areola posterior secunda— Andre 1879. Deuxieme cellule du linibe — Lepeletier. Area specularis — Nees. Aussere Hinterzelle— Zaddach. 2dM2— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGil- livray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. 28 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Anal cell or cells. — VIII and supernumbers in figures where they occur. The area immediately behind submedius and brachius and, in all Hymenoptera in which the anal vein is absent, bounded poste- riorly by the hind margin of the wing; in those Chalastogastra in which the anal vein is present it forms the posterior boundary of the cell. In those Chalastogastra in which the anal vein is present the anal cell is of considerable taxonomic value as it is either open and constricted basally, or with the interanal cross- vein present (fig. 1), or contracted and closed medially, or petio- late (fig. 2) . This term has been used generally for the area as it occurs in Clistogastra while the closed anal cell of the Chalasto- gastra has been variously designated (in America usually as lanceolate cell), but inasmuch as it is impossible to determine whether the anal vein has faded out or has coalesced with sub- medius and brachius we prefer the above definition. Synonyms: Anal cell — Shuckard, Cresson 1887, Cockerell and Rob- bins 1910, Fernald 1906. Areola analis — Andre 1879. Anal area — Kirby. Cellula analis — Costa, Dahlbom 1845. Cellule anale — Lacordaire 1834, de Romand, Berthoumieu 1904. Cellula humeralis interna — Gravenhorst. Cellule humerale — Wesmael. Area humeralis lanceolata — Foerster 1877. Humeralfeld — Konow 1901, Enslin 1912. Humeralcelle — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. H inter Schulterzelle — Szepligeti 1904. Lanceolate cell— Norton 1867, Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894, Rohwer 1910. Cellule lanceolee — Hartig, Andre 1879. Lanzettformigp Zelle — Zaddach, Konow 1901, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Lancetcelle — Nielson and Henriksen 1915. Third basal cell—Morley 1903. Axillary areolet— Marshall 1885. IstA — (first anal, in Chalastogastra) Comstock and Needham 1898, Mac- Gillivray 1906. 2dA — (second anal, in Chalastogastra) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. 3dA— (in Clistogastra) Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Posterior cell. — Figs. 1, 2, IX. The area posterior to the anal vein, when present, and bounded posteriorly by the hind margin of the wing. Present only in cer- tain Chalastogastra. Synonyms: Cellula postica — Dahlbom. Area humeralis postica — Hartig, Foerster 1877. Analfeld — Konow 1901. 3dA — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. Section II. — Veins. Costa.— Fig. 1, AX'B; figs. 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, AB. The vein on the anterior margin of wing from base to stigma, in some wings enlarging somewhat before the stigma and this en- larged portion has been termed parastigma. In many Clisto- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, I'.U'i 29 gastra, costa and subcosta are combined, or nearly, and in these cases the combined veins are known as costa. Most authors have considered that the costa was the entire vein or the anterior mar- gin of the wing (costa + stigma + metacarpus). Synonyms of costa: Costa — Marshall 1885, Morley 1903, MacGillivray 1906. Costalader— Szepligeti 1904. Costalis— Kieffer 1912. C— Comstock and MacGillivray 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Synonyms of costa + metacarpus: Costa — Latreille, Thomson, Cameron 1882, Cresson 1887, Konow 1901, Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Costal vein^-Norton 1867, Marlatt 1894. Costal nervnn — Kirby, Shuckard, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Nervure costal — Lacor- daire 1834, Andre 1879, Berthoumieu 1904. Nervure costalis — Schenck, Fallen, Dahlbom, Haliday, Andre 1879. Costalaare — Nielsen and Hen- riksen. Costa marginalis — Mayr. Vena marginalis — Foerster 1877. Rad- ius — Jurine, Hartig, Saussure 1852. Radius superior — Lepeletier. Prc- miere nervure humeralc — Wesmael. Randader — Zaddach. Randnerv- — Zad- dach. Randrippe — Mayr. Laracinc — Tosquinet 1896. Le cote — Saussure 1852. Intercalates. — Fig. 1, XX1. A longitudinal vein parallel with the anterior margin of the wing, occurring in the costal cell of some of the more generalized wings of Chalastogastra; lying between costa and subcosta with its basal end at the base of the wing and its apical end either on costa or subcosta or branched, one branch terminating on costa and the other on subcosta. Synomyms: Vena inter calaris — Foerster 1877. Nervus intercalaris— Andr6 1879. Nervure intercalate fourohue — Andre 1879. Inlercostalader— Konow 1901, Enslin 1912. Inttrcostalaare- — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Nervus mediastinus — Thomson. Sc— Gomstock and Xoedham 1898, Mac- Gillivray 1906. Intercosta. — Fig. 2, YY'. A cross-vein in some Chalastogastra dividing the costal cell. usually at about its apical fourth and having its anterior end on costa and its posterior end on subcosta. Synonyms: I/iti'i-coxtulm rr — Konow 1901. Inter cos talqiu r>n-rr — Enslin 1912. Intercostaltvaeraart — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. 7Vf»//.sT. Tin- first basal longitudinal vein from cosla. (when intercalaris is wanting) and para! lei with il , extending from b;ixe of wing to 30 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY stigma. In some Clistogastra the subcosta is combined with the costa and is considered 'wanting, being termed costa, q. v. Synonyms: Subcosta— Kohl 1896, Konow 1901, Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Subcostalis— Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910, Kieffer 1912. Subcostal vein— Marlatt 1894. Nervus sub- costalis — Nees, Haliday, Andre 1879, Siibcostal nervure — Cameron 1882, Cockerell and Bobbins 1910. Nervure sous-costale — Lacordaire 1834, Andre 1879. Subcostalaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Postcosta— Latreille, Thomson, Kohl 1896. Postcostal nervure— Kirby, Shuckard. Nervure post-costale — de Romand. Nervus postcostalis — Thomson. Vena postcostalis — Dahlbom 1842. Vena submarginalis — Foerster 1877. Nervus auxiliaris — Schenck, Fallen, Dahlbom. Costa scapularis — Mayr. Schul- terrippe — Mayr. Unter-randnerv—Zuddach. Cubitus — Jurine, Hartig, Say 1825, Saussure. Cubitus superieur — Lepeletier. Premiere nervure humerale—Wesmael. Sc+R+M— MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Brad- ley 1908. R+M— Comstock and Needham 1898 (fig. 48), MacGillivray 1906. R— Comstock and Needham 1898. Stigma.— Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, BC. The triangular, lanceolate or oval and greatly thickened por- tion of the vein on the anterior margin of the wing and located at or near the middle. Synonyms: Stigma— Gravenhorst, Say 1825, Shuckard, Wesmael, Dahl- bom, de Romand, Thomson, Nees, Norton 1867, Marshall 1885, Cresson 1887, Kohl 1896, Ashmead 1900, Konow 1901, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Friese 1911, Enslin 1912, Nielsen and Henrik- sen 1915. Apterostigma— Wheeler 1910, Carpus— Say 1825, Zaddach, Foerster 1877. Carpe — Lacordaire 1834. Punctum costale — Fallen. Rnml- mal— Hartig, Szepligeti 1904. Le point— Jurine. Le point epais— Lepele- tier. Point epais — Saussure. Vingemaerkc — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Ramus marginalia — Szepligeti 1904. Punctum — Say 1825. Pterostigma— Kohl 1896. Flugelmal—Kohl 1896. Metacarpus.— Fig. 1, CRD; figs. 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, The vein on the anterior margin of wing beyond the stigma. Synonyms: Metacarpus—Marshall 1885, Morley 1903. Ramus post- marginalis—Sztpligeti 1904. Ri— MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Radius.— Fig. l.HLD; fig^HMH1; figs. 5, 6,9,HKH'; figs. 7, S,HLH'; fig. 10, KH». The first apical longitudinal vein from metacarpus, iisiuilly originating from stigma, although in some Chalastogastra it origi- nates on subcosta and in all cases oxl ending towards (sometimes attaining) apex of wing. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 31 Synonyms: Radius — Lepeletier 1825, Say 1825, Schenck, Dahlbom, \Vesmael, Ratzeburg, Haliday, Cresson 1887, Marshall 1885, Ashmead 1900, Konow 1901, Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Radialis — Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910, Kieffer 1912. Vena radialis — Dahl- bom 1845, Hartig, Foerster 1877. Radial vein — Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894. Nervus radialis — Andre 1879. Radial nervure — Shuckard. Nervure r/idiale — Lacordaire 1834, de Romand, Sichel, Andre 1879. Radius inferieur — Lepeletier 1836. Radialader — Szepligeti 1904, Kohl 1896. Radialaare- Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Nervus radialis — Berthoumieu 1904. Nerru* itiin-fjinalis — Thomson. Marginal vein — Norton 1867, Cresson 1887. Mar- ginal nervure — Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Subradialader — Zaddach. Basix-radii — -Used by Schmeideknecht 1907 for first abscissa. Section S of vein III— Robertson 1903 b. Interradius, ii. — Fig. 1, QQ1 and RR1. A cross-vein, or veins, connecting radius and stigma or radius and metacarpus, and dividing the radial cell. Occur only in Chalastogastra and one or two small groups of Clistogastra. Synonyms: Vena transverso radialis — Foerster 1877. Nervi transverso- /•fn]itilis— Andre 1879. Nervure transverso radiale — Andre 1879. Trans- verse radial — Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894. Radialquernerv — Konow 1901, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Radialtaeraare — Nielsen and Hen- riksen 1915. Radialschneidnerv — Zaddach. Nervures recurrences radiates — de Romand. Transverse marginal vein — Norton 1867. r — (first inter- radius) MacGillivray 1906. Rz — (second interradius) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906. cv — (first interradius) Comstock and Needham 1898. Appendiculate. — (Not illustrated.) The continuation of radius (or metacarpus?) from the posterior apical end of radial cell towards the end of the wing, forming the posterior boundary of the appendiculate cell. Synonyms: Appendice de la radial — Andre'- 1879. Cubitus.— Figs. 1, 2,6,010!; fig. 5, K'NG1; figs. 7, 10, GK1 G1 ; fig. 8.GIM1 : fig. 9, GIK^G1. The second apical longitudinal vein from the metacarpus and forming the posterior boundary of the cubital cells. In Clisto- ga>tra usually originating at basal vein (fig. 6, 8, 9, 10) and ex- tending to near apex of wing. In Chalastogastra usually origin ;i t - in» at subcosta (fig. 1, 2) and extending to near apex of wing. In those Clistogasl ra in which the first al»<-i>sa of cubitu- i- want- ing the cubitus lias its basal end at first intercubitus or the posi- I'IOH this vein would occupy if it were present. 32 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Synonyms: Cubitus — Lepeletier 1825, Dahlbom, Wesmael, Zaddach, Ratzeburg 1848, Haliday, Marshall 1885, Ashmead 1900, Konow 1901, Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Enslin 1912. Cubitalis— Dalla, Torre 1910, Kieffer 1912. Vena cubitalis — Dahlbom 1845, Hartig, Foerster 1877. Nervus cubitalis— Andre 1879. Cubital vein — Cameron 1882, Cresson 1887, Marlatt 1894. Cubital nervure— Shuck&Td, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Nervure cttfcitaZe— Laeordaire 1834, de Romand, Sichel, Andre 1879. Cubi- taldare— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Cubitus inferieur — Lepeletier 1836. Cubitalrippe — Mayr. Submarginal vein — Norton 1867. Vena submargin- alis— Thomson. Intercubiti.— Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, KK1, LL1, MM1. The cross-veins connecting radius and cubitus, varying in num- ber from one to three and numbered from the base of the wing out. Synonyms: Transverso-cubitalis — Foerster 1877, Schmiedeknecht 1907. Kieffer 1912. Nervure transverso-cubitale — Andre 1879. Vena transverso- cubitalis— Dahlbom 1845. Venuln transverso-cubitalis — Costa. Trans- verse cubitus— Cresson 1887. Transverse cubital — Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894, Fernald 1906. Transverso cubital nervure — Shuckard, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Nervus transverso cubitalis — Andre 1879. Cubitalquernerv— Konow 1901, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Cubitalquerader — Kohl 1896, Sze'pligeti 1904, Friese 1911. CubitaUvacraare — Nielsen and Henrik- sen 1915. Cubital nerves — Morice 1903. Inter cubital nervure — Marshall 1885. Cubitalscheidnerv- — Zaddach. Transverse submarginal nervures— Norton 1867. Nervures recurrents cubitalis — de Romand. Nervi tran*- versi — Fallen. Nervus connectus — Dahlbom. Querrippe — Mayr. Radio- medial cross-vein — (first intercubitus) MacGillivray 1906. Fifth branch of radius — (second intercubitus) MacGillivray 1906. Fourth branch of ratlin* — (third intercubitus) MacGillivray 1906. r-m — (first intercubitus) Corn- stock and Needham 1898, Robertson 1902 b, 1903 a, c, MacGillivray 1906. r-m+Rs — (first intercubitus) Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Rs, — (second intercubitus) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. R* — (third intercubitus) Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908. Vein Ilh— (second intercubitus) Robertson 1902 a, 1902 b, 1903 a. Vein Illy— (third intor- cubitus) Robertson 1903 b. Medius.— Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, FG1; fig. 9, FG; fig. 10, FF1. The first basal longitudinal vein which diverges from the ante- rior margin of the wing; arising at the base of the wing or from subcosta near its base and forming the posterior boundary of the median cell and terminating at- the basal vein. But few authors have considered that medius terminated at basal, many have ex- tended it to include the basal portion of discoideus. while some have added to it subdiscoideus. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 33 Synonyms of Medius: Nervus medius — Andre 1879 (in text but not fig.). Medialis—Kietter 1912. Median— Fernald 1906. Medialader—Friese 1911. Externo medial nervure — -Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Cu-\-m — Mac- Gillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Cii+Cui— Bradley 1908. Cu— Comstock and Needham 1898. Synonyms of medius plus base of discoideus: Vena media — Hartig. Median vein— Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894, Morley 1903. Mediana— Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910. Nervure mediane— Lacordaire 1834, Andre 1879. Medialnerv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. 'Vena externo-me'dialis — Dahl- bom 1845. Externo-median vein — Cresson 1887. Exter no-median nervure— Shuckard, Kirby. Nervure externo-mediane — de Romand. Deuxieme ner- vure humerale — Wesmael. Nervus internus — Latreille. Nervure brachiale — Jurine. Nervus anterior — -Haliday. Costa media — Mayr. Mittelrippe— Mayr. Premiere nervure intermediate — Lepeletier. Praebrachialis- — Hali- day. Praebrachial nervure — Marshall 1885. Nervus submedialis — Schenck. Cubitus — Thomson, Schmiedeknecht 1907 for Ichneumonidae and Braco- nidae. Nervus cubitalis — Thomson. Nervus radians — Dahlbom. Synonyms of medius plus discoideus (part) plus subdiscoideus: Vena media — Foerster 1877. Medius — Konow 1901, Enslin 1912. Medialaare— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Discoideus.— Fig. 1, PTI'PS; fig. 2, JH1!!1; figs. 5, 6, 8, J'PS; fig. 7, J1?1; fig. 9, GTFPS; fig. 10, F'PS. Usually the continuation of medius beyond the basal to the end of the first discoidal cell where it becomes transverse and extends to the posterior margin of the wing. Exceptions are found in figs. 7 and 9 which will be best understood by reference to these figures. This transverse portion has often been called a cross- vein and has been named (2nd transverse median — Cameron 1882; Areal nerv — Konow 1901; etc.), while the basal section has been designated as nervure parallele by Wesmael and others. As used here the term was first restricted by Fernald 1906. Synonyms of discoideus: Discoidal rein — Fernald 1906. nervure — Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Discoidalis — Kieffer 19 !'_'. Synonyms of first portion of discoideus: Xcrrnrc parnlltli — Nervus analis — Haliday. Nervure discoidale—de Romand. Discoidalm rv — Zaddach. Subdiscoidal nervure — Shuckard. Subdiscoideus.— Figs. 1, 2, 5, 8, PX1?1; figs. 6, 9, 10, PP1. The third apical longitudinal vein from metacarpus extending from the transverse section of discoideus towards the apical mar- gin of the wing and forming the posterior boundary of the second and following discoidal cells, usually subparallel with cubitus. In fig. 7 the apical part of discoideus may be homologous with subdiscoideus, the transverse part of discoideus being wanting. 34 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Synonyms: Subdiscoidal vein — Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906. Subdiscoidal nervure — Shuckard. Subdiscoidal vein — Marlatt 1894. Discoidal vein — Norton 1867. Nervus parallelus — Ratzeburg 1848, Szeligeti 1904, Schmiedeknecht 1907. Parallelnerv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Paral- lader — Szepligeti 1904. Nervure parallele — Wesmael. Nervus posterior — Andre 1879. Vena discoidalis — Dahlbom 1845. Anal nervure — Marshall 1885, Morley 1903. Analis— Kieffer 1912. Nervus analis— Haliday. Medial cross-vein — MacGillivray 1906. Nervii spurii — Schmiedeknecht 1907 for second abscissa in Ichneumonidae. m — Fernald 1906. Vein m — Robertson 1903 b. Basal.— Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, JJ1; fig. 9, BG; fig. 10, JiF1. A transverse or oblique cross-vein at or about the middle of the wing, forming the apical boundary of the median cell and usually with its anterior end on subcosta (figs. 2, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10) or rarely on cubitus (fig. 1), and always when present with its poste- rior end at end of medius. Synonyms: Basal vein — Cameron 1882, Cresson 1887, Marlatt 1894, Ash- mead 1900, Fernald 1906, Cockerell and Robbins 1910, Enslin 1912. Vena basal — Hartig, Foerster 1877. Basalis — Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910, Kieffer 1912. Basalnerv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Basalaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Nervure basale — Berthoumieu 1904. Costa basalis — Mayr. Vena transverso-medialis — Dahlbom 1845. Discoidalnerv — Konow 1901, Enslin 1912. Discoidal nerve — Morice 1903. Discoidalaare- — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Nervus margino-discoidalis — Andre 1879. Po- brachial transverse nervure — Marshall 1885. Medialqucrader — Friese 1911. Nervus brachialis — Haliday. Grundader — Szepligeti 1904. Grundrippe— Mayr. Ast de Middelrippc — Mayr. m-cu — Comstock and Needham 1898, fig. 38. Vein a— Robertson 1902 b, 1903 b, 1903 c, 1904. Recurrents.— Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, II1 and (or) NN1. Cross-vein or veins separating the discoidal cells, having their anterior end on cubitus and the posterior end of the first on dis- coide'us and the posterior end of the second on subdiscoideus. In some groups the first recurrent curves outward and forms with the basal abscissa of cubitus, the discocubitus, q. v. (fig. 5, 11KJ). Synonyms: Nervures recurrentes (or recurrent veins or nerves') — Jurine, Lepeletier, Say 1825, Wesmael, Schenck, Dahlbom, Hartig, Nees, Thom- son, Haliday, Andre 1879, Ratzeburg 1848, Cameron 1882, Marshall 1885, Cresson 1887, Marlatt 1894, Ashmead 1900, Morley 1903, Berthoumieu 1904, Fernald 1906, Norton 1867, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Nervus recurrens— Szepligeti 1904, Schmiedeknecht 1907. Nervures recurrentes-discoidalis — de Romand. Recurrente ordinaire — (second recurrent) Berthoumieu 1904. Venae transvcrso-discoidalis — Dahlbom 1845. Venulac transverso-discoi- iK — Costa. Transverso-discoidalis — Kohl 1896, Szepligeti 1904, KicfTer OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 35 1912. Transverse discoidal nervures — Norton 1867. Interior disroidal nervure — (first recurrent) Marshall lsxf>. Di^coidalaucnicrv — Schmiedek- necht 1907. Discoidalquerader — Kohl 1896, Friese 1911. Medial nervs— Morice 1903. Medialnerv—Konow 1901, Enslin 1912. Anastomoses medii- alae — Latreille. Tilbagelbeude aarer — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Ruck- laufender — Szepligeti 1904, Schmiedeknecht 1907. Rucklaufendadern— Hartig. Riicklaufende — Enslin 1912. -l/3+4 — (First recurrent) Fernald 1906, Bradley 1908, MacGillivary 1906. My— (second recurrent) Fernald 1906. Vein 7 F3— (first recurrent) Robertson 1902 a, 1902 b, 1904. Vein IVz — (second recurrent) Robertson 1902 a, 1903 b. Discocubitus.— Fig. 5, FK1. The vein formed by the union of the first recurrent with cubitus when the first abscissa of cubitus is absent or obsolete, and extend- ing usually in a curve from discoideus to the first intercubitus. This vein normally occurs in Ichneumonidae and rarely in other groups. Synonyms: Disco-cubital — Ashinead 1900. Discocubilalader — Szepligeti 1905. Nervus discocubitalis — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Cubito-discoidal— Cresson 1887. Cubitus internal— Morley 1903. Ramulus. — (Not illustrated.) The stub of the first abscissa of cubitus projecting from the discocubital vein into the discocubital cell of certain Hymenop- tera in which the basal portion of cubitus is effaced. Synonyms: Ramulus — -Morley 1903. Ramullus — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Nervus dividens — Ratzeburg 1848. Abbreviated cubital vein — Cresson ISsT. Stump of a vein — Cresson 1887. Submedius.— Fig. 1, UWT1; figs. 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, UT1. The second basal longitudinal vein which diverges from the anterior margin of the wing, originating at the base of the wing and forming the posterior boundary of the submedian cell, being subparallel with medius and terminating at nervulus. But very f.'\v authors have separated submedius from brachius. Synonyms of submedius: lstA+2dA+8dA—Yernald 1906. +3dA+Cu2+lst+2d+3dA— Bradley 1908. 1st A— Comstock and No.-d- ham 1898, fig. 38. Synonyms of submedius + brachius: Nervure soiif-nn-dlane — Lacordaire 1834. Siiliiiifilfan vein — Cresson 1887. Submedialis — Kieffer 1912. medialader — Kohl 1896. Brachium — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Enslin 1912. AYm/x hrachialis — Thompson. Jirarln'ahn-rv — Schmiedek- necht 1907. Brachialaare — -Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Nervure do Romand. Anal nervure -Kirby, Shuckard. 36 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1845. Nervus an alls — Schenck, Dahlbom. Anal vein — Marlatt 1894, Fer- nald 1906. Analader — Friese 1911. Analncrv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Vena postica — Hartig, Foerster 1877, Kohl 1896. Nervus posterior — Hali- day. Hinterader—Foerster 1877. Pobrachialis — Haliday. Pobracli/nl nervure — Marshall 1885. Innenrippe — -Mayr. Costa internomedia — ]\Iayr. Seconde nervure intermediate — Lepeletier. Troisieme nervure humerah- Wesmael. Brachius.— Fig. 1, T'U'S; fig. 2, TWIT1; figs. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, T^U1. The continuation of submedius from nervulus to end of vein which is usually at or near the margin of the wing, and forming the posterior boundary of the first brachial cell. Apparently no writers have so divided submedius. Synonyms: M3+i+Cui+z+lstA+2dA+SdA—FeTnsild 1906. Nervulus.— Figs. 1, 2, 9, 10, TT1; figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, J'T1. The cross-vein connecting meclius and submedius and forming the apical boundary of the submedian cell; in some Chalasto- gastra there is a more or less spurious cross-vein basad of nervulus which divides the submedian cell into two cells and which has been termed the prenervulus q. v. Synonyms : Nervulus — Szepligeti 1904, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Kieffer 1912. Transverse median — Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906. Trans- verso-medial nervure — Shuckard, Cockerell and Robbins 1910. Nervure transverso ordinaire — Tosquinet 1896, Berthoumieu 1904. First trrin*i-< rs< median — Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894. Nervus medio-discoidalis — Andre 1879. Vena transverso-submedialis la — Dahlbom 1845. Nervure meilio- discoidale — Andre 1879. Vena transverso-humeralis — Foerster 1877. Ner- vus brachialis — Haliday. Nervus connectens — Dahlbom. Ncrrus trans- versus ordinarius — -Thomson. Arealaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 191."i. Erste areal nerv — Konow 1901. Erste arealquernerv — Enslin 1912. Areal nerve — Morice 1903. First inner apical nervure — Norton 1867. Pobrachial transverse-nervure — Marshall 1885. Innere Ast der Mittelrippe — Mayr. M4+Ctti— MacGillivray 1906, Bradley 1908. Mt+Cu— Fernald !««>•;. GUI— Comstock and Needham 1898, fig. 38, 48. Vein F2— Robertson 1903 1 >, 1903 c, 1904. Prenervulus. — (Not illustrated.) A more or less spurious cross-vein occurring in the submedian cell of some Chalastogastra, usually near its middle, which li;i- its anterior end on medius and rarely is long enough to touch submedius. Synonyms: Brnrhinlm'rr — Konow 1901. Bradi/nlt/in n« rr -Knslin I'.U'J. Vena transverso-subhumeralis — Foerster 1877. C»2 — Comstock and Need- ham 1898, Robertson 1904. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 37 Anal.— Fig. 1, UW'U1; fig. 2, WW1. The third basal longitudinal vein which diverges from the ante- rior margin of the wing, originating either at the base of the wing or on submedius and joining submeclius again beyond nervulus. Found only in some Chalastogastra. In some wings there is a free basal portion of the anal vein which is not connected to sub- medius and in such cases it can be assumed that the anal has co- alesced medially with submeclius and a portion of the base has become obsolete. In a selected series of sawfly wings it is pos- sible to produce evidence that when the anal vein is absent it has united with submedius, but in other sawfly wings the evidence is quite otherwise and it would be more plausible to assume that the anal vein has been entirely lost. Synonyms: Humerus — Thomson, Konow 1901, Morice 1903, Schmiede- knecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Nervus humeralis — Thomson. Humeralaare— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Vena accesoria— Foerster 1877. Nervus accessorius — Andre 1879. Accessory vein — Cameron 1882, Marlatt 1894. Begeitader— Foerster (teste Andre 1879). 3d A— Comstock and Needham 1898, fig. 38. Interanal. — Fig. 1, WW1. A cross-vein occurring in the anal cell of Chalastogastra, its anterior end on submedius and its posterior end on the anal vein. In some Braconidae represented by one, or in some cases two, stubs projecting from submedius into the anal area, fig. 6. Synonyms: Transverse lanceolate vein — Marlatt 1894. Nervus trans- verso-lanceolee — Andre 1879. Vena transver&o accessoria — Foerster 1877. Axillary transverse nervure — Marshall 1885. Humeralnerv — Kofcow 1901. Humeralquernerv — Efcslin 1912. Cross-vein of the lanceolate cell — Norton 1867. Quernerv der lanzettf arming Zelle— Ehslifc 1912. MA— Comstock and Needham 1898, fig. 38. B. HIND WINGS WITH MANY VEINS. Until comparatively recently systematists have paid but little attention to the veins and cells of the hind wing and in most cases they have given no key to their terminology. The few authors who have given keys to their terminology of the hind wing have at- i cmpted to analogize the veins and cells with those of the 1'on- wing and have made it necessary to repeatedly use the phrase "of the hind wing" which unfortunately has in a number of cases been omitted leaving the reader in doubt. It is, with the hope of avoiding such uncertainty and the burdensome phrase "of the hind wing," that we have added the diminutives "ella" and "••Han" to the veins and cells, respectively, of the hind wing. In 38 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY using the same names (in a modified form) for the veins and cells of the hind wing as for those of the fore wing we have had in mind more the idea of conformity to previous nomenclature and the avoidance of the introduction of new terms than the tracing of analogies between the two wings. If analogy exists between the fore and hind wings it is not always traceable, at least with our present knowledge of wing morphology, and from a taxonomic standpoint is not of any great importance as the taxonomist is primarily concerned with a definite name for a definite thing. Section I. — -Cells. Gostellan Cell. — XI in all figures where it occurs. The area between subcostella and costella or between sul>- costella and the anterior margin of wing. Synonyms: Costal cell— Cameron 1882, Morley 1903, Fernald 1906. Costal areolet — Marshall 1885. Cellule costale — Berthoumieu 1904. Co^tul- celle — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Areola brachialis — Andre 1879. f— MacGillivray 1906. C + Sc + Sc1— Fernald 1906. Radiellan Cell. — XII in all figures where it occurs. The anterior apical cell bounded posteriorly by radiella and anteriorly by stigmella and metacarpella or the anterior margin of wing. Occasionally in Braconidae (fig. 3) — divided by a cross-vein (interradiella). Synonyms: Radial cell — Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906, Cameron 18s-J. Radial areoZef— Marshall 1885. Cellule radiale — Berthoumieu 1904. Mar- ginal cell — Ashmead 1900. Radialzelle — Enslin 1912. Radialcelle — Nielson and Henriksen 1915. Ri + R2— MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Appendiculatellan cell. — Not illustrated. The usually incomplete area formed between the anterior mar- gin of wing and a spurious branch or extension of radiella beyond the closed apical end of radiellan. Occurs rarely in Chala-to- gastra. Synonyms: Appendicular cell — Cameron 1882. Anhangszelle — Enslin 1912. Mediellan cell. — XIII, in all figures where it occurs. The middle basal cell, bounded anteriorly by subcostella. posteriorly by mediella and apically by basella (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6), or when basella is wanting it extends to intercubitella (figs. 5 and 8), and both radiella and cubitella form part of its boundaries. Synonyms: Median cell— Ashmead 1900, Morley 1903, Fernald 1900. First basal cell — Ashmead 1893. Cellule hrac/iiali Hcrthoumiou 190-4. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 39 Praebrachial areolel — Marshall 1885. • Praebrachialzclle — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Areola costalis— Andre 1879. M— MacGillivray— 1906, Fernald 1906. Gubitellan cell or cells. — XIV and supernumbers in all figures where it occurs. The area between radiella and cubitella and bounded basall}' by basella, or, when basella is wanting (figs. 5, 11), by intercubi- tella. When basella is present the area may be divided by one or two cross-veins (intercubitellae) forming two or three cubitellan cells which are numbered from the base outward (figs. 1, 2, 3). Synonyms: Cubital cell— Cameron 1882, Morley 1903, P'ernald 1906. Cubital areolet — Marshall 1885. Cellule cubitale — Berthoumieu 1904. Ober Mittelzelle— Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. [Upper] Midtceller— Niel- sen and Henriksen 1915. R+R$ — (first cubitellan) MacGillivray 1906. Rn — (second cubitellan) MacGillivray 1906. Rs — (third cubitellan) Mac- Gillivray 1906. #+#3+4+5— (in wasps) Fernald 1906. Submediellan Cell. — XV in all figures where it occurs. The area between mediella and submediella basad of nervellus. Synonyms: Submedian cell — Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906. Brachial- r.elle — -Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Pobrachialzelle— Schmiedeknecht 1907. Pobrachial areolet — Marshall 1885. Basal cell — Morley 1903. First dis- roidal cell— Cameron 1882. M3+Ciii— MacGillivray 1906. M3+Cu + Cii) -Fernald 1906. Discoidellan cell or cells. — XVI and supernumbers in figures where they occur. The area between cubitella and discoidella. In some Chalasto- gastra it is divided by a cross-vein (recurrentella) forming two cells which are numbered from the base of the wing outward. Synonyms: First discoidal cell — Morley 1903, Fernald 1906. Second discoid al cell — -(First) Cameron 1882. First posterior cell — (Second) Cam- eron 1882. Cellule posterieure — Berthoumieu 1904. [Unterst] Mittelzelle — Schmiedeknecht 1907, Enslin 1912. [Lower] Midtceller — Nielsen and Hen- riksen 1915. Mt+lstMr— (first discoidellan) MacGillivray 1906. MI— (second discoidellan) MacGillivray 1906. ^f^+lstM2+Ml — (wasps) Fernald 1906. Anellan cell. — XVJI in all figures where it occurs. The area immediately behind submediella and brachiella and in all wings in which anella is wanting, bounded posteriorly by the hind margin of the wing: in those Chalastogastra in which anella is present it forms the posterior boundary of the cell. Occasionally divided by the interanella cross-vein (fig. 6). 40 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Synonyms: Anal cell — Morley 1903. Anal areolet — Marshall 1885. Areola analis — Andre 1879. Cellule anale — Berthoumieu 1904. Lanzett- formige zelle — Enslin 1912. Lancetcellc — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Humeral/eld — Enslin 1912. Humeralcelle — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. IstA— MacGillivray 1906. Brachiellan cell. — XVIII, in figures in which it occurs. The area between discoidella and brachiella. Synonyms:- Second posterior cell — Cameron 1882. Second discoidal cell -Fernald 1906, Morley 1903. 2dM2— MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Postellan cell or cells.— Figs. 1, 2, XIX. The area behind anella; usually divided by a longitudinal vein (axilius) forming two open cells. Synonyms: Anal cell — Cameron 1882. 2dA — (first postellan) Mac- Gillivray 1906. 3dA— (second postellan) MacGillivray 1906. \ Section II. — Veins. Costella.— Fig. 1, 2, 8, 10, ab; fig. 9, ad. The vein on the anterior margin of the wing between the wing base and the stigmella or before any veins branch from it. Synonyms: Costa— Morice 1903, MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906, Enslin 1912. Costal vein — Cameron 1882. Costal nervure — Marshall 1885. Costal- aare— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. C — MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Stigmella.— Fig. 2, be. The triangular, lanceolate or oval thickened portion of the vein on the anterior margin of the wing located at or near the middle; usually absent but occurring in some groups, often as a secondary sexual character. Synonyms: Stigma — Ashmead 1900, and some other authors. Metacarpella.— Figs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, bd; fig. 2, ch'd. The vein along anterior margin of wing beyond stigmella or if stigmella is wanting beyond costella. Synonyms: Metacarpus — Marshall 1885. .Ri— Fernald 1906. Subcostella. — Figs. 1, 8, eb; fig. 2, ejb; fig. 3, ahb, fig. 5, ab; figs. 6, 4, ajb. The second, or when costella is wanting first, vein from the anterior margin of wing; extending from base to stigmella, or if stigmella is wanting then to the point where it joins the anterior margin of wing. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 41 Synonyms— S ubcosta— Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Enslin T.ili'. Sub- costal vein — Cameron 1882. Subcostal nervure — Marshall 1885. Subcos- taluarc— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Cubitalnerv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Anterior rein— Morley 1903. R+M— Fernald 1906. Radiella.— Fig. 1, hkcl; fig. 2, hkh1; fig. 3, hkq^1; fig. 5, hkh' ; figs. 6, 4, hh'jfig. 8, hk. The apical longitudinal vein which originates near the middle of the anterior margin of the wing and extends to near the apex. In the apical portion of the wing it is the first vein from the anterior margin. Synonyms : fladius— Marshall 1885, Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Schmiede- knecht 1907, Enslin 1912. Radial vein— Morley 1903. Nervus radialis— Andre 1879. Radialaare-J-N\e\sen and Henriksen 1915. Abscissula (in Ichneumonidae) — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Rs+M — MacGillivray 1906. Mediella.— Figs. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, f j1; figs. 5, 8, fg; fig. 4, ftg. That portion of the third, or second when costella is wanting, longitudinal vein from the anterior margin of the wing basad of basella or, if basella is wanting (figs. 5, 8), basad of origin of cubitella. • Synonyms: Median vein— Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906. Middle vein— A-hmead 1900. Mittelader—Szepligeti 1905. Medialaare— Nielsen and . Henriksen 1915. Praebrachial nervure— Marshall 1885. Brachialncrv- Schmiedeknecht 1907. CM— MacGillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Cubitella.— Figs. 1, 2, gik'g1; fig. 3, j'k'g1; fig. 5, gk'g1; figs. 6, 4, gg'; fig. S, gk'. The second (from anterior margin) longitudinal vein in the apical part of the wing, originating either at the basal or from mediella in close proximity to nervellus. Synonyms: Cubitus— Marshall 1885, Ashmead 1898, etc., Morice 1903, Fernald 1906, Enslin. Cubitalaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Intercubitella.— Figs, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, kk1. A cross-vein between radiella and cubitella. In most wings tin-re is only one intercubitella 1ml in certain Chalastogastra two or three are present. Synonyms: Transverse ruhilnl — Cameron 1882. Cubital n< -Morice 1003. Cubitalquerncri'cn — Enslin 1912. Nervus recurrens — Schmiede- knecht 1907 (Ichneumonidae). Nervus transverso-discoidalis — Andre 1879. Fifth branch of radius— (first intercubitella) MacGillivray 1906. Fourth inch <>f r't'liu." -(second intercubitelbi ! M.-ic* lillivray 1906. 7?o—i first 42 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY intercubitella) MacGillivray 1906. R* (second)— MacGillivray 1906. M-— Fernald 1906. Interradiella. — Fig. 3, bq1. A cross-vein between radiella and metacarpella. Rarely present. Synonym: Transverse nervure of marginal cell — Ashmead 1900. Basella.— Fig. 1, hgj1; fig. 2, jhgj1; fig. 3, hj1; fig. 6, jgj1; fig. 7, jj1 ; fig. 4, jg. A cross-vein situated at about the anterior middle of the wing, having its origin from subcosta or stigmella and terminating at mediella. Present in Chalastogastra, Braconidae and a few other groups. When the cross-vein is well towards apex of wings as in figs. 5 and 8 it is considered to be intercubitella. It is not likely that basella (jgj1, fig. 6) is homologous with intercubitella (kk\ fig. 5). Synonyms: Basal nervure — Ashmead 1900, Enslin 1912. Discoidal nerve — Morice 1903. Discoidalnerv — Enslin 1912. Praebrachial transverse nervure — Marshall 1885. Submediella.— Figs. 1, 3, 5, 4, 8, ut1; fig. 2, uwH1; fig. 6, umt1. • The portion of the fourth (or third when costella is wanting) longitudinal vein from the anterior margin of the wing basad of nervellus. Synonyms: Brachius — Enslin 1912. Brachium — Schmiedeknecht 1907 (Ichneumonidae). Brachialaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Pobra- chial nervure — Marshall 1885. Posterior vein — Morley 1903. M4+Ctti+2 +lstA— Fernald 1906. Discoidella. — Figs. 1, 2, jlts; fig. 5, ts; fig. 8, gs. The third apical longitudinal vein from the anterior margin of the wing; often absent (figs. 3, 4, 6, 9, 11), but when present, either forming a continuation of mediella from basella to the wing margin (figs. 1, 2), or in the absence of basella beginning at ner- vellus (fig. 8), or, in some instances, originating at a point on nervellus (fig. 5). Synonyms: Discoidal vein — Fernald 1906. Subdiscoidal nervure— Ash- mead 1900. Medial cross-vein — MacGillivray 1906. Nervellus — Morley 1903. m+M2— Fernald 1906. Nervellus.— Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, tt1; figs. 6, 7, j't1; fig. 8, gt1; fig. 5, gtt1. A transverse, oblique or broken cross-vein connecting mediella and submediella, or in some wings (figs. 1, 2) connecting discoid- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 43 ella and submediella and forming the apical boundary of the sub- mediellan cell. This term is now in general use especially by Ichneumonologists. Synonyms: Nervellus — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Areal nervure- — Moricc 1903. Arealquernerv — Enslin 1912. Transverse median — Cameron 1882, Ashmead 1900, Fernald 1906. First transverse median vein — Marlatt 1894. Humeral crossnervure — Davis 1897. Transverse discoidal — Cameron 1882. Transuerso-humeralis — Kohl 1896. First recurrent — Morley 1903. Po- brachial nervure — -Marshall 1885. Nervure transversale anale — Berthoumieu 1904. Tilbagelbeude aarer — Nielsen and Henriksen' 1915. Submedial- querader — Kohl 1896. Nervus medio-discoidalis — Andre 1879. M3 — Mac- Gillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Brachiella.— Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, thi1. Submediella beyond nervellus. Synonyms: M,+4+Cui+t+lstA+8dA— Fernald 1906. Anella. — Figs. 1, uu1; 2, uw1. The fifth (or fourth when costella is wanting) longitudinal vein from the anterior margin of the wing, originating at the base of wing and usually joining with submediella apically. Usually developed in Chalastogastra, rarely- in Clistogastra. Synonyms: Second anal vein — MacGillivray 1906. Humerus- — -Morice 1903, Enslin 1912. Humeralaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Accessory —Cameron 1882. Axillary— Fernald 1906. 2dA— MacGillivray 1906. Axillus. — Figs. 1, 2, un. The sixth (or fifth when costella is wanting) basal longitudinal vein, usually nearly parallel with the basal part of the hind mar- gin of the wing and present only in Chalastogastra. Synonyms: Axillus — Konow 1901, Morice 1903, Enslin 1912. Axillary vein — Marlatt 1894. Neri'us n.rillaris — Andre 1879. Axillaraare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915. Tkinl mini vein — MacGillivray 1906. 3d A — Mac- Gillivray 1906, Fernald 1906. Recurrentella. — Figs. 1, 2, ii1. The cross-vein connecting cubitella and discoidella; usually present in Chalastogastra but wanting in Clistogastra. Synonyms: Recurrent vein — Cameron 1882. Medial nerves — Morice 1903. Medialnerven — Enslin 1912. Rucklaufende nerv — Enslin 1912. Interanella. — Fig. 6, mm1. A cross-vein originating from submediella and dividing the anellan cell in some Braconidae. Synonym: Annl nervurt Marshall 1885. 44 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Postnervellus. — Fig. 4, gz. A cross-vein extending from mediella or cubitella towards the posterior margin of the wing in certain Braconidae. Synonym: Postnervellus — Gahan 1915. C. THE WINGS WITH FEW VEINS. In the Chalcidoidea and certain other groups the venation is so greatly reduced as to cause systematists to use a different termi- nology. ' To explain this terminology, which is certainly most convenient to the systematist, it is desirable to consider these wings separately. Under the term "nervure sous costale" Andre 1879 classifies the entire normal Chalcidid venation, but he also explains and synonymizes the terms for the various parts used. However, the terminology proposed by Howard in 1881 has been more generally used by systematists and is adopted here. Submarginal.— Fig. 11, AB. The basal portion of the longitudinal vein posterior to the ante- rior margin of the wing in Hymenoptera in which the venation is reduced to one longitudinal vein. This vein occupies the same position as the subcosta of ^the more generalized wings and is perhaps homologous with it. Synonyms: Submarginal vein — Howard 1881, Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1904. Nervus subcostalis — Ratzeburg 1848. Humerus — Haliday. Abscissa humeralis — Foerster 1877. Ramus humeralis — Foerster 1856. Rameau humeral — Andre 1879. Schulter struck — Andre 1879. Schulterast — Andre 1879. Marginal.— Fig. 11, BC. That portion of the longitudinal vein which lies along the ante- rior margin of the wing, basad of the branch (stigmal) which extends obliquely into the body of the wing from the anterior mar- gin in the Hymenoptera in which the venation is reduced to a longitudinal vein. This vein occupies the same position as the stigma in the more generalized wings and is perhaps homologous with it. Synonyms: Marginal vein— Howard 1881, Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1904. Ramus marginalis — Foerster 1856. Rameau marginal— Andre 1879. Ab- scissa marginalis^-Foerster 1877. Marginalnerv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Nervus duplex — Ratzeburg 1848. Ulma — Haliday. Randast — Andre 1879. Postmarginal.— Fig. 11, CD. That portion of the longitudinal vein which lies along the anterior margin of the wing beyond the branch vein (stigmal) in OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 45 Hymenoptera in which the venation is reduced to one longitu- dinal vein. This vein occupies the same position as the metacar- pus of the more generalized wing and is perhaps homologous with it. Synonyms: Postmarginul rein — Howard 1881, Cresson 1887, Ashmeacl 1904. Ramus post-marginalis — Foerster 1856. Rameau postmarginal— Andre 1879. Postmarginalnerv — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Abscissa postmar- ginalis — Foerster 1877. Radius — Haliday. Nervu* costa. — Ratzeburg 1848. Hinterandast — Andre, 1879. Stigmal.— Fig. 11, CH. A stump of a vein which projects more or less obliquely from the anterior margin into the body of the wing in Hymenoptera which have the venation reduced to one longitudinal vein. This vein occupies the position of the radius of the more generalized wing and is perhaps homologous with it. Synonyms: Stigmal vein — Howard 1881, Cresson 1887, Ashmead 1904. Ramus stigmaticus — Foerster 1856. Rumulus stigmalicus — Nees. Rain«m stigmatical — Andre 1879. Nervus radialis — Ratzeburg 1848. Radius — Schmiedeknecht 1907. Abscissa radialis — Foerster 1877. Subcosta— Schmiedeknecht 1907. Cubitus — Haliday. Zweig — Andre 1879. Submarginella. — Fig. 11, ab. The portion of the longitudinal vein in the hind wing lying posterior to the anterior margin of the wing. Marginella. — Fig. 11, be. The portion of the longitudinal vein in the hind wing lying on the anterior margin. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SYNONYMS. EXPLANATORY NOTE. Throughout this list the words "first," "cell," "area," "cellule," "nervus," "erste," "vena," etc., when used as a part of any cell or vein have either been dropped or placed after the name of the vein or cell, e.g., First recurrent will be found under Recurrent [1st] etc. It has been found advisable to make a separate list (see p. 62) of synonyms for those systems which make extensive use of symbols. Abbreviated cubital vein — Cresson 1887 == rn/tni.lus. Abscissa humeralis- Foerster 1877 == subnii» -ndiculate cell. Anhangszelle — Enslin 1912 = appendiculatellan. Anterior vein — Morley 1903 = subcostella. Anterior nervus — Haliday == medius + base of discoideus . Apical areola — Kirby = 4th cubital or 2nd brachial. Apical cell — Morley 1903 = radial. Apical cell [1st] — Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906, Shuckard = 2d brachial. Apical cell [2d]— Cresson 1887, Fernald 1906, Shuckard = 3d discoidal . Apicale [cellule] — de Romand = 2d bra-chin I. Appendice de la radiale — -Andre 1879 = ainn-inlicnlun- vein. Appendicular, ate, icea, icee [areola, cell, cellula, cellule] — Andre 1879, Cameron 1882, Costa, Foerstor 1*77, Hartiy;, Marlatt 1894 == np- pendiculate cell. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 47 Appendicular cell — Cameron 1882 = appendiculalellan. Apterostigma — Wheeler 1910 = stigma. Arealaare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915 == nervulus. Areal nerve — Morice 1903 = nervulus. Areal nerve — Morice 1903 = nervellus. Arealnerv — Konow 1901 == nervellus. Arealnerv [1st] — Konow 1901 == nervulus. Arealnerv [2d] — Konow 1901 == transverse part of discoideus. Arealquernerv — Enslin 1912 nervellus. Arealquernerv [1st] — Enslin 1912 = nervulus. Arealquernerv [2d] — Enslin 1912 = transverse part of discoideus. Areola, e. et — Ashmead 1900, Berthoumieu 1904, Cresson 1887, Graven- horst, Dalla and Kieffer 1910, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Szepligeti 1904, Tosquinet 1896 = areolet. Areola exterior — Haliday = 2d discoidal. Ast de Mittelrippe — Mayr = basal. Aussere Ast der Cubitalrippe — Mayr = cubitus. Ausser Hinterzelle — Zaddach = 2d brachial. Ausser Mittelzelle — Mayr = median. Auxiliaris [nervus] — Dahlbom, Fallen, Schenck = subcosta. Axillaraare — Nielsen and Henriksen 1915 = axillus. Axillary areolet — Marshall 1885 = anal cell. Axillary, aris, ius [nervure, nervus, vein] — Andre 1879, Enslin 1912, Konow 1901, Marlatt 1894, Morice 1903 = axillus. Axillary [vein]— Fernald 1906 = anella. Axillary transverse nervure — Marshall 1885 = 1st interanal. Basal cell— Ashmead 1900 = mediellan. Basal cell — Morley 1903 = submediellan . Basal cell [1st]— Morley 1903 = median, Basal cell [1st] — Ashmead 1893 = mediellan . Basal cell [2d]— Ashmead 1893, Morley 1903 = siibmedia-n. Basal cell [3d]— Morley 1903 = anal cell. Basal, e [nervure, nervus, vein] — Ashmead 1900, Berthoumieu 1904, Cameron 1882, Cockerell and Robbins 1910, Cresson 1887, Enslin 1912, Fernald 1906, Foerster 1877, Hartig, Marlatt 1894, Thomson = basnl. Basal [nervure, vein]— Ashmead 1900, Enslin 1912 = baselln. Basal vein— Morley 1903 = basal + nervulus. Basalaare— Nielsen and Henriksen 1915 = basal. Basalader — Kohl 1896 = basal + nervulus. Basalis— Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910, Kieffer 1912 = b»l. Cellule du limbe [1st] — Saussure 1852 = 3d discoidal. Cellule du limbe [2d]— Saussure 1852 = 2d brachial. Connectens [nervus] — Dahlbom == nervulus or rarely intercubiti. Costa, lis— Fernakl 1906, MacGillivray 1906, Marshall 1885, Kii 1912 = costa. Costa, 1, lis [nervure, nervus, vena] — Andre 1879, Berthoumieu 1004. Cameron 1882, Cockerell and Robbins 1910, Cresson 1887, Dahlbom, Enslin 1912, Fallen, Fernald 1906, Holiday. Ivirby, Konow 1901, La- cordaire 1834, Latreille, Marlatt 1894, Morice 1903, Norton 1S07. Say 1825, Schenck, Schmiedeknecht 1907, Shuokard, Thomson = i-n?tiilur-i 1S4S = ram u I us. Discoidalzellen [1st, 2d, 3d) Fnr-r l!»ll. Kohl is'.iii. Si-limiedekncchi 1907 = discoidal rrlls 1 2 3. 52 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Distale Submedianzelle — Kieffer 1912 == 1st brachial. Du disque [cellule] — Saussure 1952 == 1st + 2/1 dixcuidal + 1st brachinl. Du limbe [2d cellule] — -Lepeletier == 2d brachial. Du limbe [cellule] — Saussure 1852 = 3d dixcnidal + 2<••<. Intermediate [nervure] 2d — Lepeletier =: submedius + bracliin*. Intermediate [area] — Kirby == tni'dinx. Interno-medial [cell]— Cresson 1887, Shuckard == submedian. Internus [nervure] — Latreille = w i>\< a*. Subdiscoidal — Ashmead 1900 = discoidella. Submarginal, alis — Cresson 1887, Cockerell and Hobbins 1910, Latreille, Xortoii 1867, Say 1825, Smith, Thomson = cubital cell* fl. 2, 3. 4]. Submarginalis [areolal — Foerster 1877 ;= costal cell. Submarginal, alis — Norton 1867, Thomson = mln'tux. Submarginal [vena] — Foerster 1X77 = xnl>roxta. Submarginal — Ashmead 1904, Cresson 1887, Howard Issi = x,it>iti, Foerster IN??, Marlatt 1894 == interradius. Transverso-subhumeralis — Foerster 1S77 prenervulus. Transverse submarginal — Norton 1867 == intercubiti. Transverso-submarginalis — Foerster 1877 == ii/lcrmsta. Ulna — 'Haliday == marginal vein . Unter-randnerv — Zaddach == siibcuxt. 3dA--Fernald 1906, MacC.illivray 1906 = axilla*. c-v — Comstock and Needham 1sxlfllmfdirencn fin SOUK- cases) = base of cubitus . M — MacGillivray 1906 = anterior abscissa of basella -\-base of cubitella. Mi— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, MacGil- livray 1906 = 3ddiscoidal. Mt— MacGillivray 1906 = 2d discoidellan. MI — Comstock and Needham 1898 = apical portion of cubit UK. lstM2— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, Mac- Gillivray 1906 = 2d discoidal. 2dM —Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 190ft, Mac- Gillivray 1906 = Mbrachial. 2dM —Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = brachidla,,. M2 — Fernald 1906 = 2d recurrent. M2— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = ~2d recurrent -\- second abscissa of subdiscoideus. M2 — MacGillivray 1906 = recurrentella + apical abscissa of li/scoiiiclla. Mi+2 — Bradley 1908 = 2d abscissa of cubitus. Mi+2— Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = 3d abscisxsa <>f cubit H*. M,— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, Mar- Gillivray 1906 == 1st brac/u'al. M3 — Bradley 1908 = 2d abscissa of discoideus. Ms — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = .id absrissa of discoideus. M:t— Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = nervellnx. M.^,— Bradley 1908, Fer,nald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 == 1st recurrent. Mj+Cui — MacGillivray 1906 = submediellan. Mj-f-Cu+Cu,— Fernald 1906 = submit icllai, . M3+4+CuH-24-lstA+2dA— Fernald 1906 = brachiella. M,+4+Gui+2+lstA+2d+3dA— Bradley 1908, Fernald 1906 = brachius. M,— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Ner-dham 1898, Fernald 1906, MacGilli- vray 1906 = 1st disco i da I . M4— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898 (fig. 48), Fernald 1906 = 1st abscissa of discoideus . M,— Comstock and Needham 1,S!»S i fi». H,s, , Mac( lilli v-ray 1906 = Mabscissa of discoideus. M4+Cu— Fernald 1906 = nerviilux. M4+Gui— Bradley 1908, -MacGillivray 1906 = nervn-litx. M4+lstM2— MacGillivray 1906 == 1st dixmnLllm, . M4-(-lstM,-(-Mi— Fernald 1906 = disroiili-ll,n, . M,-Cu1+, + lstA— Fernald 1906 = .^ihtm^ln'lhn, . M4+Cu!.f,-|-lst-|-2d-|-3dA— Bradley 1908 == 1st abs,-.iss,i of brachius. r— Hradley 1908, Fernald 1906 == 1st abscissa of ratlins. 64 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY r — MacGillivray 1906 == 1st interradius. r-m— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906, Robertson 1902b, 1903a, 1903c = 1st inter cubitus. r-m+Rs— Bradley 1908, Fernald 1906 == 1st intercubitus. R — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 == 1st cubital. R — Comstock and Needham 1898 (fig. 38) == subcosta. R+M— Comstock and Needham 1898 (fig. 48), MacGillivray 1906 = costa. R+M— Fernald 1906 = subcostella. R+M — MacGillivray 1906 = basal part of subcosta. R+Rs+4+5— Fernald 1906 = cubitellan. R+RB— MacGillivray 1906 == 1st cubitellan. R+lstRi— Bradley 1908, Fernald 1906 == 1st cubital. R+Sco — MacGillivray 1906 = apical portion of subcosta in wings like Xyela. RI — Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = metacarpus. RI — Fernald 1906 = metacarpella. RI — Comstock and Needham 1898 fig. 38 = loircr margin of stigma. RI — Comstock and Needham 1898 fig. 48 = radius causing truncating of radial . IstRi — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 == 1st radial. 2dRi— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 == 2d radial. RI +2— Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = radiellan. 2dRi+R,— Bradley 1908, Fernald 1906 = radial. Ri + Sc2 — MacGillivray 1906 = apical portion of subcostella. R2 — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = 3d radial. R2 — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = 2d interradius. R3— Bradley 1908 = 3d cubital. R3— Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1908, MacGillivray 1906 = 4th cubital. Rs— MacGillivray 1906 = 3d cubitellan. R3— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, MacGilli- vray 1906 = apical abscissa of radius. R3 — Fernald 1906 = apical abscissa ofradiella. Rs+4 — Bradley 1908 = middle portion of radius. R3+4 — MacGillivray 1906 = 5th abscissa of radius. R3_)_4+6 — MacGillivray 1906 = 4th abscissa of radius. R4— Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1900 = 3d cubital. R4 — MacGillivray 1906 = 2d cubitellan. R4— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, MacGilli- vray 1906 = 3d intercubitus. R4 — MacGillivray 1906 = intercubitella. R4+5— Bradley 1908 = 2d cubital. R4+s+Mi — Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = apical portion of citbituv. Rj+s+Mi — Fernald 1906 = apical abscissa of cubitella. R5— Comstock and Needham 1898, Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 = 2d cubital. OF WASHINGTON", VOLUME XVIII, 10 Hi 65 R5— Bradley 1908, Comstock and Needham IS! IS, Fernald 1906, MacGilli- vray 1906 = 2d intercubitus . R5 — MacGillivray 1906 == 1st inter cub i tell a . R5-|- Mi— Fernald 1906, MacGillivray 1906 == 5th nhsrissa of cub it. n*. R5+Mi+2 — Fernald 1906 == 4th abscissa of cubitns. RS — Comstock and Needham 1898 = basal abscissa of rail in*. Rs — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = base of ratlin*. Rs — Fernald 1906 = 2d abscissa of rail ins. Rs+M — Fernald 1906 == Isl abscissa of radiclla. Rs+M— MacGillivray 1906 = ran" i< I la. S — Comstock and Needham 1898 = st.ii//nn. Sc — Comstock and Needham 1898 == 1st costal. Sc — Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = Sci— Comstock and Needham 1898, MacGillivray 1906 = 2d costal. Set— MacGillivray 1906 = anterior branch of intercalaris, or in some wiim- intercosta. Sc2 — MacGillivray 190(1 == posterior liranc/i of intcrcalaris, or in some wings part of stigma. Sc+R+M— Bradley 1908, Fernald 1908, MacGillivray 1906 = ScM— MacGillivray 1906 == 1st costal. IIIi — Robertson 1903b = apical end of stigma. Ill, +2— Robertson 1902a, 1902b, 1903c ••= racial. Ill, section 2 of — Robertson 1903b — poxtfrinr basnl inari/in <>f III, section 3 of — Robertson 1903b = radius. IIIi— Robertson 1902a, 1902b = 3d cubital. Ill 4 — Robertson 1903b = 3d inter cubitus. Ills— Robertson inoi'a. l!)02b, 1903a, 1903c == U cubital. Ills— Robertson 1902a, 1902b, 1903a = 2d intrrcnbitns. IV, 1st — Rolid-lson I'.IOl --= media a. IV, section 1 of — Hohcrtson 1904 == anterior abscissa of basnl. IV, 2d— Robertson 1904 == 1st discoidal. I Vn— Robertson 1902a, 1903b = 2d recurrent. I V3— Robertson 1902a, 1902b, 1904 == 1st recurrent. V — -Robertson 1904 = ,?i:i, 1902b = 3d cubital. Cell III5— liolxTtson l!l()2:i. !!MI2l>, l!»03a, 19(i:!r Cell IV (1st)— Hobci-tson 1904 --= median. Cell IV (2d)— Robertson 1904 == 1st discoidal. Cell V — Robertson 1904 = 3d submedian. Cell Vi— Robertson I'.KM = /.-•/. brachial. 66 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Cell VI— Robertson 1904 == 1st sub median. Section 2 of vein III — Robertson 1903b = lower boundary of stigma. Section 3 of vein III — Robertson 1903b = radius. Section 1 of vein IV— Robertson 1904 = anterior abscissa of basal (JG fig. 8). Section 2 of vein V — Robertson 1903b = longitudinal portion of dis- coideus (J1!1 fig. 8). Vein a— Robertson 1902b, 1903b, 1903c, 1904 = basal. Vein Gu2 — Robertson 1904 = prenervulus. Vein m— Robertson 1903b = subdiscoideus. Vein r-ni— Robertson 1902b, 1903a, 1903c = 1st intercubitus . Vein IIIi — Robertson 1903b = apical end of stigma. Vein III4 — Robertson 1903b = 3d intercubitus. Vein III5— Robertson 1902a, 1902b, 1903a = 2d intercubitus. Vein IV2— Robertson 1902a, 1903b = 2d recurrent. Vein I V3— Robertson 1902a, 1902b, 1904 = 1st recurrent. Vein V2— Robertson 1903b, 1903c, 1904 == nervulus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. In case of most of the older writers the terms used for the vari- ous veins and cells have been catalogued from Andre 1879 and in such cases there is no year after the author's name. ANDR£, ED. 1879 — Species des Hymenopteres d'Europe et d'Algerie, vol. 1. ASHMEAD, W. H. 1893 — A Monograph of the North American Proctrotrypidae. Bull. 45 U. S. Nat. Mus. 1900 — Classification of the Ichneumon flies, or the superfamily Ichneumonoidea. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 23, pp. 1-220. [In this paper Ashmead follows, in the main, the termin- ology used by Cresson 1887, but in some cases where the tables are translated directly from Foerster he uses the English equivalent of Foerster's terminology and does not change it to be in accord with the terminology used in the main part of the paper.] 1904 — Classification of the Chalcid flies or the superfamily Chal- cidoidea with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum.— Memoirs, Carnegie Museum, vol. I no. 4, Pittsburg. BANKS, NATHAN. 1912 (1911) — Psammocharidae : Classification and descriptions. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., vol. 19, p. 219-237. [Uses the terminology of Cresson 1887 except in the numbering of the discoidal cells.] OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 191t> 67 BERTHOUMIEU, V. 1904 — Ichneumoninae — Genera Insectorum Fasc. 18c. BRADLEY, J. CHESTER. 1908 — The Evaniidae, Ensign flies, an archaic family of Hymen- optera. Trans. Amer. Ent. iSoc., vol. 27, pp. 101-194. CAMERON, PETER. 1882— A Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera, vol. 1, Ray Society London. COCKERELL, T. D. A. AND ROBBINS, W. W. 1910 — An Introduction to the Study of Rocky Mountain Bees. Univ. Colo. Studies, vol. 7, no. 3. COMSTOCK, J. H. AND NfiEDHAM, J. G. 1898 — The wings of Insects IX — The Venation of the Wings of Hymenoptera. Amer. Nat., vol. 32, pp. 413^124. COSTA, A. 1867-1871 — Prospetto sistematico degli Imenotteri Italiani. Cata- logued from Andre. CRESSON, E. T. 1887 — -Synopsis of the Families and Genera of the Hymenoptera of America, North of Mexico. Supplementary volume of Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. DAHLBOM, A. G. Some works catalogued by Andre, and 1845 — Hymenoptera Euro- paea, vol. 1. DALLA TORRE, K. W. AND KIEFFER, J. J. 1910 — Cynipidae — Das Tierreich — Berlin. DAVIS, G. C. 1897 — A Review of the Ichneumonid subfamily Tryphoninae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., pp. 193-348. [Follows Cresson 1887.] ENSLIN, E. 1912 — Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas I. Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr. Beiheft. FALLEN, C. F. Catalogued from Andre. FENCER, W. H. 1862 — Allgemeine Orismologie der Ameisen, mit besondeivi Berucksichtigung des Werther der Classifications^ merkmale. Archiv. Naturges., col. 28, p. 282-352. [This paper came into our hands too late to be included in the text, but most of the terms are the same as those used by Mayr.] FERNALD, HENRY T. 1906 — The Digger Wasps of North America and the West Indies belonging to the subfamily Chlorioninae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 31, pp. 91-423. [Gives figures of wings of Animobia ichneumonia with the usual American nomon- 68 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY clature, "but drawings have been included which name the parts according to the Comstock system, these having been obtained through the kind assistance of A. D. Mac- Gillivray."] FOERSTER, A. 1877 — Ueber den systematischen Berth des Fliigelginders die den Hymenopteren. FRIESE, H. 1911 — Apidae I, Megachilinae, Das Tierreich — Berlin. GAHAN, A. B. 1915 — A revision of the North American Ichneumon-flies of the subfamily Opiinae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 49, p. 63-95. HALIDAY, A. H. Catalogued from Andre. HARTIG, T. Catalogued from Andre. HOWARD, LELAND O. 1881 — Report on the parasites of Coccidae in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. — Ann. Kept. Entom. for 1880, p. 352. JTJRINE, L. 1807 — Nouvelle methode, de classer les Hymenopteres et les Dipteres. Catalogued from Andre and verified. KIEFFER, J. J. 1912 — Evanidae — Das Tierriech — Berlin. KlRBY == KlRBY AND SPENCE. Catalogued from Andre. KIRBY, W. F. 1882 — List of Hymenoptera with descriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the British Museum. — London. [Uses same terminology as Cresson and not listed.] KOHL, FRANZ FRIEDR. 1896 — Die Gattungen der Sphegiden — Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hof- mus. LACORDAIRE, M. TH. 1834— Introduction a 1'Entomologie — Paris. LATREILLE, P. A. Various works catalogued from Andre. LEPELETIER, A. L. M. 1825 — Encyclopedic Methodique. 1836— Hist. Nat. Ins. Hymen. Both catalogued from Andre and when the terminology in both works is the same the date is omitted. MAcGlLLIVRAY,. A. D. 1906 — A study of the wings of the Tenthredinoidea, a superfamily of Hymenoptera. Proc. U. S. Nat, Mus., vol. 29, No. 14:\ipi = Subdiscoideus. gig1 = Cubitella. UWT1 = Submedius. fj1 = Mediella. 'HIPS = Brachius. j'ts = Discoidella. UWMJ1 = Anal. uu1 = Anella. JJ1 = Basal. un = Axillus. QQ1 = 1st Interradius. hgj1 = Basella. RR1 = 2d Interradius. kk1 = Intercubitella. KK1 = 1st Intercubitus. ii1 = Recurrentella. LL1 = = 2d Intercubitus. tt1 = Nervellus. Fig. 2. E-uuni macgillivrayi Rohwer. AB = Costa. TT1 = Nervulus. BC = Stigma. ab = Costella. CrPD = Metacarpus. be = Stigmella. EGB = Subcosta. ch'd = Metacarpella. HMH1 = Radius. ejb = Subcostella. GIG1 = Cubitus. hkh1 = Radiella. FJ = Medius. gig1 = Cubitella. .PPU1 = Discoideus. fj1 = = Mediella. PN1?1 = Subdiscodeus. j'ts = Discoidella. UT1 = Submedius. wwH1 = Submediella. TWIT1 = Brachius.. t'w1 = Brachiella. WW1 = Anal. uw1 = Anella, YY1 = Intercosta. un = Axillus. JJ1 = Basal. jhgj1 = Basella. HK1 = 1st Intercubitus. kk1 = Intercubitella. MM1 = 3d Intercubitus. ii1 = Recurrentella. II1 = 1st Recurrent. tt1 = = Nervellus. NN1 = 2d Recurrent. Fig. 3. Microplitus croceipes Cresson. ab = Subcostella. t^u1 = Brachiella. bd = Metacarpella. lij1 = Basella. hkh1 = Radiella. bq1 = Interradiella. jigi = Cubitella. kk1 = Intercubitella. fj1 = Mediella. tt1 = Nervellus. ut1 = Submediella. 72 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Fig. 4. Opius sanguineus Ashmead. ajb = Subcostella. be = Metacarpella. hh1 = Radiella. gg1 = Cubitella. ftg = Mediella. ut1 = Submediella. tiu1 = Brachiella. jg = Basella. tt1 = Nervellus. gz = Postnervellus. Fig. 5. Labenn species. AB = Costa. BC == Stigma. CTPD = = Metacarpus. HKH1 = = Radius. FJ1 = = Medius. .PFS = Discoideus. PN1?1 == Subdiscoideus. JJ1 = = Basal. UT1 == Submedius. I1!!1 = = Brachius. FK1 = Discocubitus. K'NG1 == Cubitus. KK1 = 1st Intercubitus. LL1 = 2d Intercubitus. AB = Costa. BC == Stigma. CHXD = = Metacarpa. HKH1 = Radius. GIG1 == Cubitus. FJ1 = = Medius. J1I1S = Discoideus. PP1 = Subdiscoideus. UT1 == Submedius. •FU1 = = Brachius. JJ1 = Basal. KK1 = 1st Intercubitus. LL1 = 2d Intercubitus. 2d Recurrent (called Re- current). .PT1 = Nervulus. ab = Subcostella. bd = Metacarpella. hh1 = : Radiella. fg == Mediella. gg1 = Cubitella. ts = Discoidella. ut1 = Submediella. t1!!1 = Brachiella. kkl = Intercubitella. gtt1 = Nervellus. Fig. 6. Helcon species. .PT1 = : Nervulus. W = 1st Interanal. W1 = = 2d Interanal. ab = Subcostella. bd = Metacarpella. hh1 = ' Radiella. gg1 = Cubitella. fj1 = = Mediella. ut1 = Submediella. tHi1 = Brachiella. jgj1 = Basella. H1 = Nervellus. II1 = 1st Recurrent (called Re- mm1 = Interanella. current). Fig. 7. Disholocaspis species. LL1 = = 2d Intercubitus. .PT1 = : Nervulus. eb = = Subcostella. jj1 = ' Basella. fj1 = : Mediella. j1!1 = Nervellus. EHB = Subcosta. HLH1 = Radius. GI^G1 == Cubitus. FJ1 = = Medius. Jipi = Discoideus. JJ1 = Basal. KK1' = 1st Intercubitus. PBOC. BNT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE I. XI7J- PL.VTE II. I'ROC. KNT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. 7 74 I'HOC. BNT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PI.ATh 111 76 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Fig. 8. Philanthus jimu-tfidix Say. AB == Costa. II1 = 1st Recurrent. BC == Stigma. NN1 == 2d Recurrent. CH'D = • Metacarpa. J'T1 = Nervulus. EB == Subcosta. al> == Costella. HLH1 = Radius. bd : : Metacarpella. GIM1 == Cubitus. eb == Subcostella. FJ1 = = Medius. hk = Radiella. J'FS = Discoideus. gkl = = Cubitella. PN1?1 = = Subdiscoideus. fg = Mediella. rT1 == Submedius. gs = Discoidella. T1!!1 •• •• Brachius. et1 == Submediella. JJ1 = ' Basal. tki1 = : Brachiella. KK1 = 1st Intercubitus. kk1 = Intercubitella. LL1 = = 2d Intercubitus. gt1 : Xorvellus. AIM1 == 3d Intercubitus. Fig. 9. Foenm species. \\'y -- Costa. PP1 == Subdiscoideus. BC = = Stigma. UT1 = = Submedius. CH!D = : Metacarpus. T1!!1 = ' Brachius. EB = = Subcosta. BG = : Basal. HKH1 = Radius. KK1 = •• Intercubitus. CIK'G1 == Cubitus. II1 •- •• 1st Recurrent. FG = : Medius. TT1 = = Nervulus. GTIiPS1 •• •• Discoideus. ad == Costella + Metacarpella. Fig. 10. Serphus caudatus (Say). AB == Costa. PP1 == Subdiscoideus. BC == Stigma. UT1 == Submedius. CH1!) = = Metacarpus. T1!!1 = = Brachius. EE1 == Subcosta. JF1 -. •• Basal. KH1 : Radius. KK1 : Intercubitus. (IK'G == Cubitus. TT1 •• •• Nervulus. FF1 == Medius. al> == Costella. F!PS = Discoideus. Fig. 11. ('halcix orata Say. AB ---- Submarginal. <'ll = Stigmal. BC : Marginal. al> Submargiiu-lla. ('I) Post marginal. be =: Marginclla. nf /i//lil ii'iil/nti, A/ir/'l 5, H>/>; ANNOUNCEMENT Separates of all the important papers published in the PROCEED- INGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON and a num- ber from other journals are for sale at approximately two cents per page (no article less than ten cents). They can be had by apply- ing to the Corresponding Secretary of the Entomological Society, U. S. National Museum.. Washington, D. C. No receipt will be mailed for the sale of printed matter unless especially requested. OF SPECIAL INTEREST BUSCK, AUGUST. A New Tineid Genus from Arizona 10 " " A Revision of the American Moths of the Family Glechiidae with Descriptions of New Species... 1.00 " " A Review of the American Moths of the Genus Cos- mopteryx Hubner 15 " " A Review of the American Moths of the Genus De- pressaria Howarth, with Descriptions of New Species " " Descriptions of North American Tineina 30 " ' • New American Tineina 10 " " New Microlepidoptera from Mexico. 1C '• New Species of Moths of the Super-family Tineina from Florida 20 " " Notes on Breckenridge Clements Types of Tineinae. .15 11 " Tineid Moths from British Columbia with Descrip- tions of New Species 25 Tineid Moths from Southern Texas with Descrip- tions of New Species 10 " Two Microlepidoptera Injurious to Chestnut 10 '• " Three short systematic papers 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THIS NUMBER BAKER, A. C., and TURNER, W. F.: Some intermediates in the Aphididae c. 10 DUCKETT, A. B.: Notes on a little-known rabbit ear-mite 17 KOTINSKY, J.: The European fir trunk bark louse (Chermes piceae Ratz.) apparently long established in the United States 14 OBITUARIES : FABRE, JEAN HENRI 2 RUSSELL, H. M 3 PIERCE, W. D. : Notes on the habits of weevils. . 6 QUAINTANCE, A. L., HTSLOP, J. A., and WALTON, W. R.: The life and works of H. M. Russell 3 ROHWER, S. A., and GAHAN, A. B.: Horismology of the hymen- opterous wing , 20 TOWNSEND, C. H. T.: Non-intentional disposal of muscoid species by man, with particular reference to tachinid species 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY WASHINGTON VOLUME XVIII, No 2 JUNE, 1916 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 2419-21 GREENMOUNT AVB. BALTIMORE. MD. EDITORIAL OFFICE WASHINGTON. D. C. Entered M ««oond-ol*i« matter at the poatoffice at Baltimore, Md . February 28. Iftll, under the Act of Aueuit 24, 1913 THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ORGANIZED MARCH 12, 1884. The regular meetings of the Society are held on the first Thursday of each month, from October to June inclusive, at 8 P. M. Annual dues of active members, $3.00; of corresponding members $2.00; initiation fee (for active members only), $1.00. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1916. Honorary President E. A. SCHWARZ President C. R. ELY First Vice-President E. R. SASSCER Second Vice-President FREDERICK KN AB Recording Secretary A. B. GAHAN Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer .S. A. ROHWER U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Editor J. C. CRAWFORD Representing the Society as a Vice-President of the Washington Academy of Sciences W. D. HUNTER Executive Committee. THE OFFICERS. A. N. CAUDELL. A. L. QTTAINTANCE. W. D. HUNTER. PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Published quarterly bythe Society at Baltimore, Md., and Wash- ington, D. C. Terms of subscription: Domestic, $2.00 per annum; foreign, $2.25 per annum; recent single numbers, 75 cents, foreign postage extra. Remittances should be made payable to the Entomological Society of Washington. Authors of leading articles in the PROCEEDINGS will be entitled to 25 separates of each contribution, free of charge, provided the Editor is noti- fied before page proof is returned. Additional copies may be bad at rates fixed by the Society. PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH.. VOL. XVIII. PLATE IV. Francis Marion Webster. M916 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOL. XVIII 1916 No. 2 A joint meeting of the Entomological Society of Washington and employees of the Bureau of Entomology was held in mem- ory of Francis Marion Webster on January 14, 1916, at which more than 60 persons were present. The resolutions adopted are printed on a following page. Reminiscences were given by Messrs. Walton, Hunter, Schwarz^ Sasscer, Howard, Marlatt, Currie and Banks illustrating the many- sided character of Professor Webster and showing the prominent part he played in the development of economic entomology in the United States. 77 78 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Jfranctg Jflanon Siebster WHEREAS, the long and useful life of our colleague and friend, Professor Francis Marion Webster, was ended on January 3, 1916; and WHEREAS, by his highly intelligent and successful work in Illi- nois, in Ohio, and in the Bureau of Entomology of the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture at Washington, he had done much for agriculture in the United States and for the promotion of the science of economic entomology; and WHEREAS, at the same time, by his helpful interest in the work of others and by the cordial impetus which he gave to his own assistants, inspiring lasting friendship and respect; and WHEREAS, by his blameless and irreproachable life he stood always as an example of the things that are good and fine; Therefore be it resolved, That the scientific employees of the Bureau of Entomology and the members of the Entomological Society of Washington feel that his death, though crowning a full and well-rounded career, leaves a great gap which, on account of his unique and lovable personality, can never be filled; that he will be remembered by all of us with feelings of admiration and respect, and that the recollection of his qualities will for many years help to strengthen our interest in the cause of entomological science. Further be it resolved, That the warm sympathy of these organi- zations is extended to his family, and that copies of these resolu- tions be forwarded to Mrs. Webster and their children. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 79 FRANCIS MARION WEBSTER. BY L. O. HOWARD. Francis Marion Webster was born at* Lebanon, New Hamp- shire, August 2, 1849. He was son of J. S. and Betty A. (Riddle) Webster. He married Maria A. Potter, of Sandwich, Illinois, August 21, 1870. He was Assistant State Entomologist of Illinois, 1882-4; Special Agent, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1884-1892; Entomologist of the Ohio Agricultural Experi- ment Station, 1891-1902; an assistant on the Biological Survey of Illinois, 1903-4; after which he was appointed to a position in the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, in charge of Cereal and Forage Crop Insect Investigations. He was Professor of Economic Entomology in Purdue Univer- sity 1885-88, and Consulting Entomologist of the Indiana Ex- periment Station 1888-1891. He was sent on a mission to the Melbourne, Australia, International Exposition by the U. S. Departments of State and Agriculture in 1888, visiting other portions of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, returning in 1889. He was engaged during part of the years 1886-1899 in the solution of the problem of the suppression of the buffalo gnat in the valley of the lower Mississippi River. He was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the Indiana Academy of Science. He was a member and ex-president of the Ohio Academy of Science, the American Association of Economic Entomologists and the Entomological Society of Washington. He was a member of the Biological Society of Washington, the National Geographic Society, the American Society of Naturalists, and the Geological Society of Iowa. He was an honorary member of the Entomological So- ciety of Ontario and a corresponding member of the Cambridge Entomological Club and the New York Entomological Society. This is the brief statement, practically as it appears in Who's Who in America, concerning the career of our fellow member, who died at Columbus, Ohio, January 3, 1916. Since his death three biographical sketches have been published; the first by Mr. W. II. Walton, one of his principal assistants, in Science, February 4, 1916 (Vol. XLIII, No. 1101), the second by Prof. S. A. Forbes, with whom he was formerly associated in entomo- logical work, published in the Journal of Economic Entomology for February, 1916 (Vol. 9, No. 1), and the third by Dr. C. Gor- don Hewitt, Dominion Entomologist of Canada, in the Canadian Entomologist for March, 1911). The writer was so close to Webster, who has left us so recently, that it is difficult to view his life in perspective, yet it is per- 80 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY fectly obvious that his career was so useful and so well rounded that many important lessons can be learned from a study of its steps and from a general consideration of his character. In the first place he was a farmer's boy, and not trained in the schools, yet, by his ability and originality and his clear, practical mind, he accomplished work of the highest character, organized a strong branch of the government service, directed the investi- gations of men of the highest college training, had strong clear ideas as to the direction and aim of college courses in science as applied to agriculture, and was often consulted by teachers in arranging and developing such courses. This statement alone indicates that we are dealing with a most unusual character. It is probably the fact that he was a farmer's boy that ac- counts for the turning of his mind to entomological study, and the practical side immediately appealed to him from the fact that his father died when he was fifteen years of age. He mar- ried at twenty-one, and a few years later bought a farm in his home county in Illinois (Dekalb County). On his farm he studied the injurious insects and began to collect beetles. His first published articles appeared in the Chicago Weekly Inter ocean for 1874 and consisted of six weekly installments of notes on some of the common injurious and beneficial insects, under the general heading "Entomology and Agriculture." His more serious publishing career, however, began in 1879, in the columns of the Prairie Farmer. His earliest papers relate to the herbivorous habits of certain carabids, and, after several notes on this subject published in different issues of the journal, he brought out, in Bulletin No. 3 of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History (November, 1880), a paper entitled "Notes upon the Food of Predaceous Beetles," which attracted very gen- eral attention and indicated quite plainly to the few of us who were then interested in such studies that a new and very careful ento- mological observer had entered the field. This paper showed care in the search of the literature, admirable powers of observation, familiarity with the insects studied, and an unusually strong literary style. From this time on until the time of his death Webster's bib- liography covers rather more than six hundred titles.1 It is true that very many of these titles are short newspaper articles published in the Ohio Farmer, the American Agriculturist and other agricultural journals, but it is also true that very many others contain the results of original observations and many of them have a broad character. 1 See Bibliography of the more important contributions to N. A. Ento- mology, S. Henshavv, Nathan Banks, U. 8. Department of Agriculture, parts IV-VIII, et seq. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 81 Webster, so far as the writer can find, described only one species Pteromalus gelechiae. In one of his pape 'S he refers to the taxonomists as the pioneers attached to an army corps, who blaze the way, make the roads, build the bridges, and thus enable the army of biological and economic workers to fol- low more smoothly and to realize the direction in which they are going. He, by the way, instances the quarrels of species makers as likely to bring about the same confusion as though the pioneers differed as to the proper construction of a bridge along the path of the army. He had a philosophical mind, and many of his papers showed this trend. It is not necessary to recall the titles of these papers to those who read this. Perhaps he sometimes went too far, as in his writing on the trend of insect diffusion in the United States, but it goes to show the breadth of his mind. We have referred to the fact that so many of his titles are those of newspaper publications. He defends this manner of publication in his annual address as President of the Association of Economic Entomologists delivered at Detroit August 12, 1837, and he argues that the daily and weekly press form better con- veyances for placing the results of studies and investigations be- fore the public. "The daily press," he says, "can scatter infor- mation broadcast over the land within the space of twenty-four hours and, within a week, place it in the hands of every person who takes even the most isolated weekly paper." He then refers to the unfortunate reputation of the daily press for unreliability of statement, and further s'ates that the agricultural press, while affected in this way to a far less degree, still offers a wide field for improvement. This address as a whole is one of the best things Webster ever wrote. It is entitled "The Present and Future of Applied Entomology in America;" and it if sound, while containing many of his characteristic metaphors and similes. He was always a good writer. His best work, on the whole, was done with insects that affect cereal and forage crops, the very field in which he built up his branch of the federal entomological service. His early investi- gations of the Hessian fly and the chinch bug started him on ;i long and comprehensive study of 'hese two insects which continued until the day of his death. His joint-worm investigation- opened up a field of much biological as well as economic importance, and he deserves the credit of establishing, not only parthenogenesis in the genus Isosoma, but a dimorphism and alternation of genera- tions which holds in a perfectly fixed way for one of the important crop pests of this genus, Isosoma grande. For nnny years in Ohio he made notes and careful biological observations upon all 82 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY insects affecting this class of crops, and the results of his work down to 1903 are admirably displayed in Bulletin No. 42 of the Division of Entomology, entitled "Some Insects Attacking the Stems of 'Growing Wheat, Rye, Barley, and Oats, with Methods of Prevention and Suppression." In this admirable bulletin, which contains a very large amount of matter of biological and practical interest, he told for the first time over his own signa- ture the story of the discovery of dimorphism and alternation of generations in Isosoma. He also in this paper gives much atten- tion to the Dipterous enemies of the stems of grains, and years afterwrards was able to station Dr. J. M. Aldrich, as a part of his force, in a field near the place of his old observations, to attempt to follow out life histories which he himself had been obliged to leave incomplete. In fact, it may safely be said that cereal and forage crop insects was Webster's own field. Aside from work in this direction, perhaps the most notice- able work which he did was that upon Simulium in the Missis- sippi bottomlands, and, in a paper which he read at the twenty- fifth annual meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Agricul- tural Science, he covered in a very excellent way a field well expressed in the title of his paper, " The Suppression and Control of the Plague of Buffalo Gnats in the Valley of the Lower Mis- sissippi River and the Relations Thereto of the Present Levee System, Irrigation in the Arid West and Tile Drainage in the Middle West." Webster was instrumental in the calling of the first convention for the consideration of a national horticultural quarantine law, and in fact was the originator and promoter of the movement which resulted in the convention of nursery-men, horticulturists, entomologists, and plant pathologists which was held in Wash- ington, D. C., March 5 and 6, 1897. Although no legislation fol- lowed this convention, yet as a direct result the original bill was framed and introduced into both branches of Congress, and after a prolonged effort of nearly fifteen years resulted in the final passage of the Federal Horticultural Law in August, 1912. All the time that Webster was working on these intensely prac- tical questions he carried in the back of his head an intense interest in insect life entirely aside from its economic aspects, and the latest paper which he wrote (not yet pir lished) dealt with the interesting topic of ethno-entomology, which was read in part at Columbus by Doctor Felt the morning aft CM- its author was stricken with the fatal attack of pneumonia which resulted in his death four days later. This manuscript, the hundred or more entomologists who were present at that Hireling may be interested to know, has been offered to the Bureau of American Ethnology, and, if they find it impossible to publish it, it will be OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 83 sent to his son, R. L. Webster, at the Iowa Agricultural College, who will doubtless find some place where it will be printed. Webster was a man who had many friends. He was especially liked by our Canadian colleagues, made frequent visits to Canada, lectured before the Ontario Entomological Society, published many notes in the Canadian Entomologist and in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, and held the warm friendship of the late Dr. James Fletcher and his successor, Dr. C. Gordon Hewitt, Doctor Bethune, the late William Saunders and others. In the States he was regarded with warm friendship and affection by a very large class of farmers, fruit-growers, scientific men, and especially by his entomological colleagues. As has been pointed out in two of the biographical sketches cited in an earlier paragraph, he had the respect and affection of his official assistants in the degree that a kind and wise father might have had. He died at the end of a long and useful career, actively in the harness, but with a most useful life work accomplished, with his children grown up and practically established in life, and after all it was a good way to die. Two HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIRST MEETING, JANUARY 6, 1916. The 291st meeting of the Society was entertained by Mr. C. L. Marlatt at the Saengerbund Hall January 6, 1916. There were present Messrs. Abbott, G. G. Ainslie, C. N. Ainslie, Barber, Borden, Boving, Busck, Caudell, Craighead, Crawford, Cushman, DeGryse, Duckett, Ely, Fink, Fisher, Gahan, Greene, Hunter, Hutchinson, Hyslop, Kewley, Knab, Kotinsky, Mclndoo, Paine, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Shannon, Simanton, Snyder, Turner, Walton, White and Wood, members and Messrs. C. T. Brues, H. G. Ferguson, H. H. Knight, Frank E. Lutz, C. M. Packard, H. K. Plank, and H. L. Viereck, visitors. The following new members were elected: Messrs. Arthur N. Borden, G. H. Paine, and R. M. Garner, active members and A. I. Fabis, corresponding member. The following amendment to the constitution was adopted. ARTICLE IV. Add Section 2 as follows: Section 2. The Society may elect, at any regular meeting, by three- fourths majority of the active members present, an Honorary President. 84 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Honorary President shall hold office until recalled by the Society at any regular meeting through recommendations of the Executive Com- mittee and by vote of three-fourths of the active members present. ARTICLE V. Add Section 6 as follows: Section 6. The Honorary President shall be exempt from dues and shall have no specific duties, but he shall be ex-officio a member of the Executive Committee. Following the adoption of this amendment, Mr. E. A. Schwarz was unanimously elected Honorary President. At the conclusion of the Presidential address, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Caudell for his excellent address. At the end of the regular program Dr. F. E. Lutz and Dr. C. T. Braes were called on and responded with appropriate re- marks. The following program was presented: ADDRESS OF RETIRING PRESIDENT. AN ECONOMIC CONSIDERATION OF ORTHOPTERA DIRECTLY AFFECTING MAN. BY A. N. CAUDELL. At first glance the subject I have chosen may seem one of little scope, scarcely broad enough for a paper such as the present one. As a matter of fact, however, it is necessary to treat it in a very concise manner in order to keep it within desirable bounds. Therefore the following considerations are condensed as much as is conveniently possible. Orthoptera directly concerning man, either beneficially or in- juriously, affect him either physically or psychically, that is his physical person, externally or internally, or his spiritual or emo- tional nature. Orthoptera may, to the uninitiated, appear scarcely worth mentioning as directly affecting man injuriously but literature contains a number of incidents of sufficient interest to merit brief reference. Forms injuriously affecting man's person externally is a subject dealing mostly with injuries inflicted by biting. In dealing with this and allied subjects it is not easy to separate popular superstitions from actualities and when the evidence rests upon the observations of laymen it is often more or less faulty. Actual incidents are evidently sometimes exagger- ated by recognized observers and more popular and less scrupu- lous writers often go still further. Inexperienced or ignorant people misconstrue facts and thus our literature teems with ques- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 85 tionable statements. This was especially true in times far past but continues true, unfortunately, to a considerable extent even yet. A superstition long prevailed in Maryland that if a black beetle, that is a cockroach, enters your room, or flies against you, severe illness, or perhaps even death, follows.1 . As a recent example of evident error in observation I may mention a letter from a physician in New Mexico relating how a boy was bitten on the toe by a Stenopelmalus and, though the toe was immediately incised by a doctor, severe results followed, the boy being in a critical condition for some days and nearly losing his life. While it is very doubtful if the insect was the real cause of the boy's ailment, it is undoubtedly true that at least quite severe mechanical in- jury and pain may be caused by the bite of orthopterous insects. I have myself been bitten in the palm of the hand bv a native Orchelimum, an insect scarcely exceeding an inch in length, so severely as to almost draw blood and similar bites on the finger or back of the hand by some of our larger and more powerful Orthoptera would easily pierce the skin. Davis states that Belo- cephalus bites severely2 and Bernard records natives sleeping in vineyards in France as being bitten by Ephippigera.3 Brunner lost a piece of flesh, bitten out by the powerful jaws of Saga,* and Wellman writes that Brachytrupes, a large cricket, can draw blood with its strong jaws.5 Cockroaches are known to bite off the eyelashes and nibble the toe nails of children in South Amer- ica6 and in addition they scratch the faces of men, bite the greasy fingers of sleeping children7 and even eat the toe nails of sailors.8 And not only do roaches bite man but they annoy him in other ways. Thus, Rev. Laock, an early Swedish clergyman in Penn- sylvania, had a roach enter his ear, causing intense pain until drowned out with water like a rat from its hole.9 There are other similar incidents recorded and the name " earwig" was given the Forficulidae by reason of the widespread belief that they habitually enter the ears of man. Orthoptera directly injuring man's person internally is a sub- ject pertaining mostly to their causing disease and the dissemi- nation of the same. This phase of orthopterous economy is 1 Cowan's Curious Facts, p. 82 (1865). 2 Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., vol. xx, p. 305 (1912). 3 Tech. trait. Vigne (1914). 4 Burr, Proc. S. Lond. Ent. Soc., 1899, p. (11) (1900). 5 Ent. News, vol. xix, p. 29 1908). ; II. II. Smith, In Circular, 2 ser., No. 51, Div. Ent. U. S. Dept. Auric., p. 6 footnote (1902). 'Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, vol. ii, p. 10 (17 IN.. 'Gates, U. S. NavM Mod. Hull., vol. vi, p. 212 214 (1912). 9 Cowan's Curious Facts, p. 79 (1865). 86 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY closely connected with that dealing with external injuries by the entrance of the ear by roaches, etc., as mentioned above, and especially by injuries to the skin by secretions given off by cer- tain species. Thus an African katydid exudes a clear yellowish fluid from pores in the side of the body near the junction of the thorax and abdomen which causes a quite severe eruption if it comes into direct contact with the skin. The natives appreciate and fear this property and its potency was verified experimentally by Dr. H. Stannus,10 who thinks extensive ulcerations of various parts of the body may sometimes result from this cause when proper medical advise is lacking. Certain earwigs are reported by Dr. Wellman to be considered poisonous by the natives of Angola, and Wellman himself thinks it possible that septic matter may be introduced by a 'bite' from the powerful forceps of the forficulid in question.11 Hasselfc has written on an affection of the lips of persons to whose mouths roaches are attracted for food or drink.12 There are few Orthoptera recorded as the direct cause of disease in man. In 1872 there was published in Philadelphia an eight paged pamphlet which reads like a production of pre-Plinyan days.13 The writer contends that locusts and grasshoppers are the prime cause of the eruptive diseases of living things. He proves his assertions by biblical quotations and qualifies as a learned scientist by various interesting statements, such as that houseflies originate from the intestinal worms of man. A more recent charge against Orthoptera as a direct cause of disease in man was brought to the attention of this Society a year ago by Dr. Howard. This was a letter from a correspondent who drank a bottle of soda water and found a decayed roach in the bottom which he considered the cause of Bright's disease, a malady with which he was soon afterwards stricken. While the instances cited above involve elements liable to just criticism, there are others which are at least plausible and some doubtlessly well founded. Thus literature records several cases where grasshoppers, during great invasions, fell into the sea to be later cast ashore in such immense numbers that the air was polluted by the decaying mass, resulting in pestilential conditions costing the lives of many people. Also in times of grasshopper invasions the insects be- foul the roofs of houses with their excrement and the rain water drained into cisterns from such roofs is defiled14 and dysentery 10 Bull. Ent. Research, Lond., vol. ii, p. 180 (1911). 11 Ent. News, vol. xix, p. 32 (1908). 12 Tidschr. voor Erit., vol. viii, p. 98-99 (1865). 3 Rilcy, \V. D., Locusts and Grasshoppers. The beginning and the end of the febrile or eruptive diseases in living things. 14 Bull. Bur. Ent. U. S. Dept. Agric., No. 22, p. 106 (1900). OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 87 results from mechanical irritation by particles contained in such polluted water.15 However few or doubtful the records of Orthoptera directly causing disease in mankind, their instrumentality in the dissemi- nation of disease organisms is a matter well worth consideration. Their importance in this respect is, of course, slight as compared with some other groups, especially the Diptera, and this phase of the subject is insignificant as compared with the general subject of medical entomology. But that certain Orthoptera, especially the Blatticlae, may yet prove of real importance as dis- seminators of disease is not to be doubted. That they are well qualified for playing such parts is certain. Many published articles show cockroaches to be veritable hotbeds of various kinds of germs and that they fairly teem with bacterial organisms both inside and out.16 Their eggs are covered with bacteria when de- posited17 and their feces show micrococci in abundance.18 They may carry the hypopus stage of the cheese mite19 and common cosmopolitan species in Denmark have been proven to act as secondary host to a bacillus which produces cancer in rats.20 Morrell concludes that the common croton bug, by contamination with its feces, is able to, and may possibly, play a small part in the dissemination of tuberculosis and in the transmission of polo- genie organisms,21 also that they are in all probabilities an active agent in the souring of milk kept in kitchens and that they are undoubtedly a very important factor in the distribution of molds to foods, etc., in cupboards and cellars. Gates states that roaches may spread typhoid on ships and carry in their intestines and on their feet the organisms of diphtheria, tonsillitis and tuberculosis,22 and some writers consider them fully as dangerous as houseflies as the virility of bacterial organisms is not diminished by passing through their alimentary tract.23 A Danish professor claims that cancer is caused by drinking water in which cockroaches have ovi- posited24 and roaches have been mentioned as possible transmit- I5Prout, Journ. Trop. Med. and Hygiene, p. 137-139 (1908). 16 Herms and Nelson, Amer. Journ. Pub. Health, vol. iii, p. 229 C1913), Sartpry and Clerc, C. R. Soc. Biol., vol. Ixiv, p. 545 (1908), and Barber, Philippine Journ. Sci., vol. vii, p. 521-524 (1912). 17 Petri, Mem. d. R. Stazionc di Palol. Vegetale, Rome (1909). >» Northrup, Tech. Bull. Mich. Kxp. Stat., No. 18, p. 25 H914). 19 Ealand, Ins. and Man, p. 244 (1915). 20 Fibigcr, Berliner Klin. Wochcnschr., vol. 1, p. 2S9-298 (l'Jl3), Fibige ' Hospitalstid, Copenhagen, vol. Ivii, p. 1049-1112 (1914), and Fibiger ar Ditlevsen, Contr. liiol. morph. Spirnplera (1914). 21 British Med. Journ., p. 1531 '1911). 2U. S. Naval Med. Bull., vol. vi. p. 212 C1912). :s Longfellow, Amer. Journ. Pub. Health, vol. iii, p. 58-61 (1913). 24 Nordlyset, New York, Febr. 20, p. 8 (1913). 88 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY ters of the tropical disease beri-beri.25 Roaches have also been considered in connection with the carrying of the vibrios of Asiatic Cholera26 and, in common with many other insects, they have been investigated as possible factors in the cause and spread of pella- gra, but with negative results.27 There are few published references of Orthoptera, other than the roaches, as disease carriers, the only one now recalled being the spread of cholera for long distances by migratory locusts in Africa.28 It is recorded that grasshoppers in times of invasions leave a cholera-like pestilence in their w ke and they are also accused of carrving into uninfested regions the foot and mouth disease of cattle.29 Aside from physical effects, either external or internal as dis- cussed above, man is injuriously affected directly by orthopterous insects scarcely at all. Aside from disagreeable odors of such spe- cies as cockroaches, etc., that offend his olfactory sense, his psychic nature is practically unaffected. True, his nervous sys- tem may now and then be more or less shocked from fright, as in the case recently recorded of terror caused in a Philadelphia school by the issuance of yo ng mantids from the ootheca.30 A heroic janitor with a irop handle came to the rescue in this case. It reminds me of the first mole cricket I ever saw and of how gleefully I carried my wonderful prize home, only to have it killed 'good and dead' by mv frightened mother. Orthoptera beneficially related to man directly may be divided, like those injuriously affecting him, into those affecting him physi- cally and those influencing him psychically. The first group com- prises species used in medicine and those eaten as food. The former, I believe, is a matter based almost entirely on pristine beliefs and popular fallacies. A common European katydid is given the common name "wartbiter" from the belief prevalent in Swe ien that its bite removes warts.31 Burr remarks that it is possible that the wound caused by the insect, together with the action of formic acid often exuded from the jaws of angrv Orthop- tera, and a goodly amount of faith on the part of the wart-stricken individual might indeed cause these mysterious growths to dis- appear. Ancient lore is replete with all kinds of cures attributed to various insects. The following recorded instances may be 25 yan der Scheer, Journ. Trop. Med., vol. iii, p. 96-97 (1900); Manson, Tropical Diseases 4 edit.), p. 370 t!907). :; Barber, Philippine Journ. Sci., vol. ix, p. 1-4 (1914). 27 Jennings, Amer. Journ. Med. Sci., vol. cxlvi, p. 418 ,1913). 8 Riley, Ref. Handb. Med. Sci., vol. v, p. 75 (18S7). 29 Kannemeyer, Trans. S. Afr. Philos. Soc , vol viii, p. 84-85 (1893). s°Ent. News, vol. xvi, p. 292 1905). 31 Proc. S. Lond. Ent. Soc., 1899, p. (11) (1900). OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 89 mentioned as pertaining to the Orthoptera. A leg of Gryllus boiled in water prevents retention of urine by man and animal.32 Cockroaches bruised and mixed with sugar cure ulcers and cancers and kill worms in children; the ashes of burned roaches are an effective physic33 and the inner viscera of roaches boiled in oil cure earache.34 Cockroaches are made into tea and formed into pills for various ailments of man and powdered and extracted in alcohol they are a remedy for dropsy/5 Oil of forficulids rubbed on the temples, wrists and nostrils strengthens the nerves; ashes of house crickets cure weak sight and enlarged tonsils and tritu- rated bodies of migratory locusts, with proof spirits, cure haemor- rhoids and quench thirst.56 There are many more such records of the remarkable medicinal properties of Orthoptera but no more need be repeated here. As an article of food the Orthoptera are of real importance and the general use of insects as food for man is not only a matter of ancient history but of the present times as well. Dr. Howard has but recently urged experiments along this line" and man of many climes annually consume considerable quantities of insects and insect products. Were the present paper one dealing with insects in general this one topic of their use as food would be quite enough for one evening's discussion. Confined to the Orthoptera it is limited mostly to a consideration of the edibility of locusts, or grasshoppers. Other families of Orthoptera however enter somewhat into the diet of man and even the unsavory cockroach, when properly salted, is said to have an agreeable flavor for those fond of highly flavored dishes.28 Personally, however, I have formed no liking for roaches as food, in spite of the fact that on a trip through the west I had them served to me alive in straw- berries, a la carte with fried fish, and baked in biscuits/9 At least one genus of Phasmidae serve as food for man, the natives of Woodlark Island eating a species of Karabidion*0 Gryllidae, too, are eaten, field crickets being an article of diet in Jamaica when that island was first discovered,41 and the natives of Africa eat quantities of Brachytrupes, which they dig from their burrows and prepare for the pot by removing the legs and wings.42 The Orthoptera most extensively used as food are, as stated above, 32 Sanchez, Datos para la Mcdica Mexicana (1893). 33 Sloane, Hist. Jamaica, vol. ii, p. 204 (1707-25). 34 Cowan's Curious Facts, p. 82 (1865). 35 Bogomolow, St. Petcrsb. Mod. Wochenschr. (1884). 3"' Ealand, Insects and Man, p. 217 (1915). "Monthly Letter, Bur. Ent. U. S. Dept. Agric., No. 18, p. 1 (1915). 38 Lugger, 3 Repts. Minn. Exp. Sta., p. 36 (1898). 39 Ent. News, vol. xv, p. 63 '1904). 40 Montrouzier, Fauna Woodlark, p. 82 (1855). 41 Sloane, Hist, of Jamaica, vol. ii, p. 204 Q707-25). «Wellman. Ent. News, vol. xix, p. 29 (1908). 90 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY locusts, or grasshoppers. There is no doubt but that wholesome and palatable dishes may be prepared from the bodies of these insects and a somewhat extensive use is now made of them for this purpose by the natives of many regions. Ansorge says that John the Baptist needs no pity by reason of his entomo- logical diet as he should tire of honey sooner than of locusts.41 That the flavor of well cooked locusts is not distasteful is vouched for by no less an authority than Dr. C. V. Riley. A somewhat extensive experiment was seriously carried out by Dr. Riley and others and the results summed up in his candid statement that, from personal experience, he considered our common locust more palatable when cooked than some animals commonly served on our tables.44 In this experiment, which was given considerable newspaper notoriety at the time, locusts were prepared in various ways, all proving satisfactory. Ancient and recent literature is rich in reference to this subject and an interesting compilation of older accounts may be found in Cowan's Curious Facts, pages 120-131. I wish here to refer to but one of these ancient items, a poetic inventory of the larder of a poor Athenian family. The writer, Alexis, says: For our best and daintiest cheer, Through the bright half of the year, Is but acorns, onions, peas, Ochros, Lupines, radishes, Vetches, wild pears nine or ten, With a locust now and then. Under the title "Why not eat insects?" Vincent M. Holt has published an undated booklet of 99 pages treating of insects as food and, while the menus suggested seem ludicrous, he is evi- dently sincere in his arguments. Recipes are given for the prep- aration of locusts and the writer attests their palatability from personal experience and the testimony of others. I quote a menu from this work as a matter of interest, though locusts do not happen to be included in it: Snail Soup. Fried soles, with Woodlouse Sauce. Curried Cockchafers. Fricassee of Chicken with Chrysalids. Boiled leg of mutton with Wire-worm sauce. Ducklings, with Green Peas. Cauliflowers garnished with Caterpillars. Moths on toast. 43 From Under the African Sun (1900). 44Proc. Amer. Assoo. Adv. Sci., p. 208-214 (1S75). OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 91 The above menu, of course, sounds absurd, but is a raw oyster more attractive, gastronomically, than a well prepared locust? I say 'well prepared locust/ for nothing favorable can be said of illy prepared concoctions such as an unauthenticated account credits certain Indians with using, that is, fatty juices dipped from decayed masses of locusts and eaten as a salad. There is a justified vagueness as to the details of this practice but such salads need not be compared with the undoubtedly tasty and nutritious preparations civilized man might enjoy could he only overcome prejudices and eat insects. Chemical analysis shows locusts to possess a high nutritive value,45 we have divine permission from the Bible to use them as food,46 and they are admittedly tasty morsels, therefore why, indeed, not eat them? My final topic, Orthoptera directly affecting man's psychic nature beneficially, is one of some importance. Man's aesthetic nature is appealed to by the beauty of many forms, his music- loving soul is soothed by their song and his sporting proclivi- ties are gratified by contests of strength and valor between pug- nacious males of certain species. As objects of beauty a considerable number of Orthoptera are rivaled only by the most brilliantly colored butterflies. For ex- ample, certain giant lobe-crested grasshoppers of South America have the under wings brilliant with various hued tints, so blended as to incite the admiration of the most stolid observer. Certain mantids of the Old World are so constructed in form and color as to resemble brightly colored orchids. There are also many Orthoptera of more somber hues which are objects of admiration by reason of their wonderful forms, some exhibiting a marvellous array of spines and flanges, and others are so constructed as to perfectly mimic in form or color certain objects, as bark, twigs, etc. Our common walking stick insect resembles, when at rest, the twigs among which it lives so perfectly as to merit our appre- ciation. Still other Orthoptera, which are neither brilliant in color nor striking in structure, are objects of interest by reason of their gracefulness of form or agility of motion. The songs of insects has been enjoyed and applauded by man since the dawn of history and among our musical insects the Orthoptera are dominant. So musical are the notes of some of our orthopterous songsters that it is difficult to express their melody. The rhythmic beat of the tree-cricket has been termed by Burroughs as a "slumberous breathing," while Hawthorne describes it an "audible silliness" and declares that "if moon- light could be heard it would sound like that."47 45 Howard, 1st Kept. Locust Bur., p. 63-69 (1907). '•Leviticus, Chapter xi, p:ir. l_':_>. 17 McNeill, Ent. Anier., vol. v, p. 103 (1889). 92 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Various efforts have been made to set to music the notes of Orthoptera. Scudder made the attempt with the songs of a number of species48 and Regen has attempted it with the notes of Thamnotrizon.^ The results of these efforts look interesting but a lack of musical training prohibits my judging their merit. A species of large katydid is kept captive by natives in South America for the sake of its song50 and the natives of Africa are lulled to sleep by the song of caged crickets.81 Some species, in- deed, are objects of barter in some regions. Thus gryllids are sold in little cages in the streets of Florence on Ascension day as songsters52 and caged crickets are sold in Portugal for their song and for the good luck which they are supposed to bring their owner.55 Considerable use is made of Orthoptera in sport, especially in China and Japan. The Chinese are much given to gambling and will bet on anything and are said to win and lose fortunes on cricket fights as American sportsmen win or lose at horse races. In China the fighting crickets are trained and cared for as care- fully as if they were blooded horses. They are given a fixed diet, partly of honey and boiled chestnuts, and if one falls ill it is fed on mosquitoes. A good cricket fight will last half an hour and, to win, one of the combatants must slay his adversary or throw him bodily over the six-inch wall inclosing the arena. These fighting crickets, which are all males, are bought and sold like horses, one with a good record bringing five or ten dollars, while a champion often sells for as much as fifty dollars. My initial plans for the present discussion included the con- sideration of the economic relations of the Orthoptera to man both directly and indirectly. But I soon decided that the first, and by far the smaller, phase of this general subject would suf- fice even when discussed as briefly as above. The second phase, even if treated as briefly as I have covered my subject this eve- ning, would form a paper far too long for such an occasion. Even the one subject of injurious locusts and the havoc they play with vegetation would require a paper as long, if not longer, than that which I have presented this evening, and I therefore leave the consideration of their indirect relations for some future time. 48 Hitchcock's Kept. Geol. N. Hampshire, vol. 1, p. 362-380 (1874); twenty-third Ann. Kept. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1892, p. 62-78 (1893). 49 Sitz. her. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math. — Nat. Klasse, vol. x^vii, p. 487- 488 (1908). 60 Bates, Journ. Ent., vol. i, p. 474-477 (1863). 51Moufet, Ins. Theatr., p. 136 (1634). 52 Burr, Proc. S. Lond. Ent. Soc., 1899, p. (12-13) (1900). 53 Bather, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., vol. viii, p. 56 (1913). OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 93 In discussing the address Mr. Schwarz stated that during the great grasshopper invasion of the western states, some of the residents had been compelled by lack of other food to eat grass- hoppers. He spoke of having once sampled grasshopper soup and pronounced it excellent in taste. Mr. Hunter congratulated Mr. Caudell on his address and re- gretted that more attention was not given to references to insects in classical literature and folk lore. Mr. Hunter also stated that the disease Beriberi occurred in various parts of the United States. A NEW SPECIES OF AGROMYZA DESTRUCTIVE TO BEANS IN THE PHILIPPINES. BY J. R. MALLOCH, Urbana, Illinois. This species was sent me by Professor Baker with the informa- tion that it is very destructive to beans in the Philippines. It works in the stems of young plants and sometimes destroys whole fields. In a later letter he adds the information that it "often causes extensive damage in planting of cowpeas, mungo, and beans." The following description is printed as a name is de- sired for the species. Agromyza destructor new species. Female. — Shining black. Head entirely black, center stripe opaque, orbits and frontal triangle glossy black, with a bluish tinge. Thorax and abdomen with a slight tinge of blue. Legs entirely black. Wings clear, veins black-brown. Halteres black. Frons slightly over one-third the head-width, sides distinctly converg- ent anteriorly, the anterior width little more than half the posterior width; triangle very long and slender, its length about twice its posterior width, reaching almost to anterior margin of frons; orbital bristles 4 in number, decreasing slightly in length towards front; orbits narrow, distinctly dif- ferentiated from center stripe, without distinct hairs; third antenna! joint small, round; arista bare; cheek short, not over one-sixth the eye- height, not produced anteriorly, marginal hairs normal. Mesonotum with 2 pairs of dorso-centrals, discal setulae not numerous. Costa to end of fourth vein; inner cross-vein below end of first, and at two-fifths from apex of discal "cell; last section of fourth vein about five times as long as preceding section; last section of fifth about two-thirds as long as pre- ceding section. Length, 0.5-0.75 mm. Type locality: Los Banos, Philippine Islands (C. F. Baker). 94 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NEW TACHINIDAE FROM NORTH AMERICA. BY HARRISON E. SMITH. Bureau of Entomology, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. Following are the descriptions of one new genus and five new species of Tachinidae taken in the United States, with several notes upon species belonging to this family heretofore described. Hypochaeta eudryae, new species. Length 5 to 7 mm. ; black, bronzy gray pollinose species. Front in each sex distinctly wider than either eye, frontal vitta varying from faintly yellowish to golden gray pollinose, about three times as wide as sides of front. Ocellar bristles reclinate, frontal bristles descending nearly to the base of the third antennal joint, the sides of the front bear- ing a few scattered bristly black hairs outside of each frontal row. Eyes hairy. First two antennal joints yellowish, the third joint from four to five times as long as the second. Arista thickened on the basal fourth to one-third, the penultimate joint as broad as long. Sides of face about one-fifth as wide as the facial depression, bristles on the facial ridges ascending three-fifths of the distance from the vibrissae to the base of the antennae. Vibrissae inserted on a level with the front edge of the oral margin, palpi and tip of probosis yellow. Dorsum of the thorax bronzy gray pollinose, the vittae indistinct. Three dorso-central and two sternopleural macrochaetae. Scutellum bearing a discal pair of macrochaetae, three pairs of marginals and a longer cruciate apical pair. Tibiate yellowish, the middle tibiae on the outer side bearing two or more strong bristles near the middle. Hairs of the abdomen depressed, the second segment bearing a pair of median discal and marginal macrochaetae, the third segment a discal pair and a marginal row and the fourth a discal and marginal row. Wings hyaline, the apical cell ending but little before the extreme wing tip, the first longitudinal vein bristly almost to the tip, the third vein bearing two or three bristles at its base. Calypteres whitish. Described from one male and one female taken at Oswego, New York, June 11, 1897, one female from the White Mountains (Morrison) and one female (Holotype) reared from Eudryas grata, April 12, 1911, from a larva taken at Newton, Mass. All of the material placed in the collection of the U. S. N. M. from which it was kindly loaned to me by Mr. Frederick Knab, with the exception of the holotype which was reared at the Gypsy Moth Laboratory. Holotype: Cat. No. 20175 U. S. N. M. Hypochaeta townsendi, new species. Differs from //. eudryae as follows: Length 6 to 7 mm. Abdomen coxae, femora and tibiae reddish yellow, first two joints of the antennae, palpi OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 95 and tip of probosis yellow. Front nearly as wide as either eye, outside of the frontal row, a row of weaker bristles, the three uppermost simulating orbital bristles. Frontal vitta, sides of front and the parafacials gray pollinose, faintly tinged with yellow, as viewed from above. Thorax and scutellum black, bronzy gray pollinose, thoracic vittae indistinct. Median abdominal vitta blackish, middle tibiae on the outer side bearing a single bristle near the middle. Apical cell ending in the costa close to the extreme wing tip. Described from a single male specimen taken at Miami, Flor- ida, October 27th, by Dr. C. H. T. Townsend, after whom the species is named. Holotype: Cat. No. 20176 U. S. N. M. Winthemia okefenokeensis, new species. Length 8 mm. Black, gray pollinose. Front in male about three-fifths as wide as either eye, frontal vitta opaque brownish black, wider than either side of front. Frontal row of bristles descending to base of third antennal joint, outside of these scattered bristly black hairs. Para- frontals and sides of face silvery gray pollinose, the bristly hairs on lower half of parafacials irregularly disposed. Cheeks about one-fifth the eye height, palpi yellow. The third antennal joint faintly tinged with rufous at its base, about two and one-fourth times as long as the second. Thorax black, golden gray pollinose, marked with four broad black vit- tae. Four postsutural and three sternopleural macrochaetae. Scutel- lum wholly black, bearing three pairs of long marginal macrochaetae and a shorter -cruciate apical pair. Discal scutellar bristles present. Legs black, the hind tibiae ciliate with bristles of equal length, middle tibiae bearing a single bristle on the outer side near the middle. Front tarsi greatly dilated, the pulvilli longer than the last tarsal joint. Sides of the first three abdominal segments and the fourth segment reddish yellow. Abdominal macrochaetae confined to a marginal row upon the third and fourth segments. Hairs of abdomen long, depressed. Venter of the third and fourth segments beset with a distinct patch of long bristly hairs, on either side of the median. Base of wings and along the costa to the tip of the first longitudinal vein tinged with yellowish. Apical cell open, the third longitudinal vein bearing one or two bristles at its base. Described from a single male specimen taken in June, 1912, on Billy's Island, in the Okeefenokee Swamp, Georgia, by Mr. J. Chester Bradley. Holotype: Cat, No. 20054 U. S. N. M. Amobia utahensis, new species. Length 13 to 14 mm. Silvery gray pnllinose species, head slightly wider than thorax, front at base of the antennae, as vk-wed from the 96 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY side, projects nearly four-fifths the horizontal diameter of the eye. An- tennae black, not reaching below the middle of the face, the second and third joints of nearly equal length. Arista thickened on at least the basal two-fifths, the penultimate joint as broad as long. Frontal bristles not descending below the base of antennae, outside of these numerous bristly black hairs. Eyes bare, sides of front and the parafacials con- colorous, densely silvery gray pollinose, the sides of face bearing many irregularly disposed bristly black hairs. Vibrissae inserted far above the level of the front edge of the oral margin, proboscis short, the palpi black. Genae a rich velvet reddish brown. Cheeks broad, weir" covered with bristly black hairs. Facial plate deeply concave, hardly wider than the sides of face. Thorax densely gray pollinose, marked with three wide black dorsal vittae, either side of the wide median vitta an indistinct narrow vitta which gradually disappears just beyond the transverse suture. Post- sutural macrochaetae four, sternopleura bearing two strong bristles with many long bristly hairs between, several of which approximate the true macrochaetae. Scutellum bearing three pairs of strong marginal and several discal macrochaetae. Legs including the coxae black, the tarsal claws elongate. Abdomen elongate conical, gray pollinose, marked with three rows of semi-triangular contiguous black spots. First and second abdominal segments bearing a median marginal pair of macrochaetae, the third a marginal row and the fourth a marginal row and sub-marginal pair. Wings hyaline, the third longitudinal vein bearing two or three bristles at its base, calypteres milky white faintly tinted with yellow along the borders. Described from a single male specimen taken in the Logan Canon, Utah, by Mr. E. P. Hoff. (The date of collection upon the locality label, pinned beneath the specimen is not plainly descernible, but is apparently July 4, 1909.) Holotype: Cat. No. 20055 U. S. N. M. Parkeriellus, new genus. Genotype: Parkeriellus flavipalpis new species. Head wider than the thorax, sides of face on the lower half bare, front. -i bristles in a single row, descending to the base of the third antennal joint, frontal vitta opaque brownish black, not as wide as the sides of front. Ocellar bristles directed forward. Vibrissae cruciate, placed on a level with the front edge of the oral margin. Facial ridges bristly on the lowest fourth to one-third. Parafacials less than one-third as wide as the facial depression. Eyes bearing short scattered hairs, penultimate joint of arista as broad as long. Cheeks about one-fifth as wide as the eye height. Ab- domen short conical, bearing discal and marginal macrochaetae. Ovi- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 97 positor broad, nearly one-half as wide as its length, shining black, some- what sickle shape. (This type of ovipositor is unique in character, and of a type not previously noted by the writer.) Wings hyaline, the apical cell ending in the costa but slightly before the extreme wing tip. Parkeriellus flavipalpis, new species. Length 7 mm. Front about one and one-fifth times as wide as either eye. Paraf rentals gray pollinose; as viewed from above, faintly tinged a golden hue, sides of face, genae and facial depression silvery gray pol- linose. Antennae black, extending nearly to the oral margin, the third joint two and one-half times as long as the second, arista thickened nearly to the middle. Palpi yellow. Two pairs of strong proclinate orbital bristles in the female, sides of front bearing a few weak scattered hairs outside of the frontal row. Thorax and scutellum concolorous, dull bronzy gray pollinose, four indistinct black vittae, gradually disappearing toward the- posterior margin. Three postsutural and three sternopleural macrochaetae. Scu- tellum bearing a discal pair, three pairs of long marginals axid a shorter cruciate apical pair of macrochaetae. Legs black, the middle tibiae each bearing a single bristle on the outer side near the middle, hind tibiae sub-ciliate. Abdominal segments except the first, grayish pollinose on the basal two-thirds, the first segment bearing a pair of median marginal macro- chaetae, the second a discal and marginal pair, the third a discal pair and a marginal row and the fourth segment a discal pair and a sub-marginal row. Hairs of abdomen depressed Posterior end of the hind cross-vein ending nearer to the bend of the fourth longitudinal vein than to the small cross-vein, the third longitu- dinal vein bearing two or three bristles at its base. Described from a female specimen taken at Laurel, Montana, August 9, 1914, by Dr. R. R. Parker, in honor of whom the generic name has been proposed. Holotype: Cat. No. 20053 U. S. N. M. Neodichocera tridens, Walton. A male specimen of this species taken on the Gallatin Moun- tain, Montana, June 30, 1914, by Dr. Ralph R. Parker, thus adding a new locality record for this most interesting species, but recently described. Paradmontia brevis Coq. I also have two male specimens of this species which were taken at Laurel, Montana, July 9, 1914, by Dr. R. R. Parker. 98 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Neophorichaeta johnsoni Smith.1 I am under obligations to Dr. C. H. T. Townsend in kindly calling my attention to the possible synonymy of the above spe- cies with that of Tricogena setipennis Coq.2 Mr. W. R. Walton has graciously compared the paratype of N. johnsoni with Coquil- lett's holotype of setipennis and finds them identical. Coquil- lett had the female and the specimens from which N. johnsoni were described were the males. Thus, N. johnsoni becomes a synonym of Tricogena setipennis Coq. Twp HUNDRED AND NINETY-SECOND MEETING, FEBRUARY 6, 1916. The 292nd meeting of the Society was entertained by Dr. L. O. Howard at the Saengerbund Hall, February 3, 1916. There were present Messrs. Ainslie, C. N. Ainslie, C. G. Baker, Barber, Borden, Boving, Busck, Caudell, Craighead, Crawford, Gush- man, DeGryse, Ely, Fink, Fisher, Gahan, Garner, Greene, Hein- rick, Heidemann, Howard, Isely, Kewley, Knab, Kotinsky, Mid- . dleton, Paine, Pierce, Quaintance, Rohwer, Sanford, Schwarz, Shannon, Simanton, Snyder, Turner, Walton, Webb, and Wood, members, and H. A. Ingerson and T. D. Urbahns, visitors. The following program was presented : A new Interpretation of the Relationships of Temperature and Hu- midity to Insect Development. By W. Dwight Pierce.3 MORE LIGHT ON MYIOPHASIA.1 (Diptera, Tachinidae.) BY J. M. ALDRICH. Cereal and Forage Crop Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology. After reading with much interest the analysis of this group published in the September number of the Proceedings (vol. xvii, pp. 107-114), the thought occurred to me that it might be possible to get additional information about Wiedemann's Mon- tevideo specimen, type of aenea and this species the type of Myio- phasia. I accordingly addressed a letter to the well-known Vienna 1 Psyche, vol. xxii, No. 3. 2 Revis. Tach., p. 130. 3 Withdrawn for publication in Journ. Agr. Research. 4 Published by permission of Chief of Bureau. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 99 dipterist Friedrich Henclel, asking him to look at the type and answer certain specific questions about it, also to send sketch of head profile and wing. Owing to the absence of Hendel, the latter was answered by Dr. Zerny, Custodian of Diptera, giving the following information: Wiedemann's type is a male in pretty poor condition. The eyes are naked; I enclose a diagrammatic drawing of the head in profile. The bristling of the abdomen is for the most part lost by abrasion; but it can be seen that on the first and second seg- ments macrochaetse are wholly wanting; on the third and fourth the scars of a row of marginal bristles are present on each. A sketch of the wing-venation is also enclosed. The three specimens from Georgia (2cf cf, 1 ) 9 agree perfectly with the type; the eyes are naked in both sexes, the apical cell open. The part of the work of Brauer and Bergenstamm in which Myiophasia was published, appeared at the latest in November 1891; Myiophasia therefore has priority over Townsend's name, which was published in December. The accompanying pencil sketches, copied by me with the utmost care, are submitted herewith. Fig. 1. Myiophasia aenea, type,' from sketches by Dr. H. Zerny. The letter and wing figure appear to settle beyond all further question that Mr. Townsend's Phasioclista metallica is a synonym of Myiophasia aenea. Incidentally, the establishment of this fact has some bearing on Mr. Townsend's theory that the various forms of Myiophaxni. are each closely associated with a certain ecological environment. Aenea, it appears, occurs from Montevideo to Maryland and Illinois; I have it also from New Bedford, Mass., and Fort Col- lins, Colo. Townsend recognizes seven principal life zones, of which this form has been collected in five. Referring to his tabu- lation (op. cit., p. Ill), it appears that setigera has been collected 100 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY twice, in two zones; setigera oregonensis twice, in two zones; clistoides twice, in two zones; mesensis once, necessarily in one zone; sierricola twice, in one zone; robusta once, necessarily in one zone; ruficornis twice, in two zones; nigrifrons several times, through a range of five zones; globosa several times, through a range of five zones. Looking at the facts from this point of view, one would hesitate to say, "The impress of the environ- ment is upon each of them." In discussion of this paper Dr. Townsend presented the fol- lowing : NOTE ON MYIOPHASIA AENEA WD. BY CHARLES H. T. TOWNSEND. Dr. Aldrich has kindly sent me letter received from Dr. H. Zerny, of the Vienna Museum, giving certain structural details of the holotype of this species, together with a drawing show- ing venation and side view of head. The holotype is a male. In my synopsis of the Myiophasia group published in the Pro- ceedings of the Society last year, the characters furnished by Zerny lead unmistakably to couplet 11, and there agrees with Phasiodista in the absence of median marginal macrochaetae on second abdominal segment. But otherwise they agree with Myiophasia and not with Phasiodista. Males of the form given as Phasiodista metallica in my synopsis, from the Atlantic coast region, show the front not produced in profile and the hind cross- vein normally in middle between small crossvein and bend of fourth vein. The drawing by Zerny shows the front well pro- duced and the hind crossvein nearer to bend of fourth vein (20 mm. from small crossvein and 13 mm. from bend), agreeing per- fectly with males of Myiophasia setigera from the western moun- tain region (New Mexico). The information supplied by Zerny is thankfully received, but does not decide the matter. The lack of bristles on second seg- ment of Wiedemann's holotype may be abnormal. A good series of specimens from Montevideo, the holotype locality, as well as further study of the holotype in connection with same, will be absolutely necessary to decide the question. In any event, the characters furnished by Zerny show that aenea Wd. is not con- specific with metallica Towns., and hence will need a new name, as it is preoccupied by Tachina aenea Mg. (1824). In this connection, I note that my original description of Phasiodista metallica does not agree fully with the specimens of the form given under that name in the above-mentioned synopsis. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 101 Either there is some variation yet unaccounted for or two forms have been confused. The holotype of mztallicT, and a series from the holotype locality must be studied to decide this point. NOTES ON SOME GENERA OF SYRPHIDAE WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. BY R. C. SHANNON, Bureau of Entomology. This paper includes synopses of the genera Chrysogaster and Caliprobola, the latter genus in this country hitherto included un- der Brachypalpus. The kind interest and assistance which Dr. Al- drich and Messrs. Knab, Crawford and Barber have taken in various ways has had much to do with its preparation. The material used is from Dr. Aldrich, Mr. Banks, the Biological Survey and the National Collection. Genus CHRYSOGASTER Meigen. The genus Chrysogaster in North America can be divided into four distinct groups, as is shown below in the table. Verrall,1 in his British Syrphidae, has a table which separates the British species into three groups which he designates by their subgeneric names, but the comparison of these groups with our species shows intergrading differences and affinities. Although our groups are distinct, their species are, as a rule, closely allied to each other. Loew2 has described a species, nigrovittata, which has the third antennal joint almost three times as long as broad. This species belongs to the group of which stigmata Will, is typical, as is indi- cated by the wing venation and color of the legs. The writer has seen only one species in this group with antennae as long as Loew described for nigrovittata and this is stigmata (see table). Specimens now in the National Collection which were determined by Williston and recorded in his synopsis of the Syrphidae as nigrovittata are placed by the writer under other species, sinuosa and p'irva, n. sp. Paul R. Jones' records two females of nigrovittata from Idaho.4 He states that the antennae are a trifle longer than indicated in Loew's description. 1 Brit. Flies, VIII, p. 186, 1901. 2 Zeitschr. fur Naturw. XLVIII, No. 14, p. 323, 1876. 3 Ent. News, 18, p. 238, 1907. 4Ent. News, XVIII, p. 238, 1907. 102 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY TABLE OF SPECIES. 1. At least first two tarsal joints yellow or yellowish red. Antennae elongate; apical cross vein rectangular or directed slightly inwards; stigma about as long as distance between the tips of second and third vein; mesonotum with coppery vittae. (Group 1) 2 Legs entirely dark 5 2. Eyes with several linear markings 3 Eyes with only a faint median transverse stripe 4 3. Vertical markings on eyes very labyrinthine, last section of fourth vein at the middle with an inward angulation which bears a stump and terminating beyond tip of the second vein; wings with blackish markings on the outer cells nitida Wied. The vertical markings on the eyes fairly regular; last section of fourth vein without the angulation and stump; wings with spot only at tip of second vein and sometimes one at tip of fourth vein, .bellula Will. 4. Cross veins with brownish clouds pictipennis Loew. Wings entirely hyaline pulchella Will. 5. Last section of fourth vein (apical cross vein) recurrent on its distal half; stigma only about as long as distance between the tips of second and third veins; antennae not very small, sometimes elon- gate; a whitish pollinose band extends across face just below anten- nae, except in stigmata and possibly in nigrovittata, and below this band the face is rugulose. (Group 2) 6 Last section of fourth vein directed obliquely outward in its distal portion • 13 6. Third antennal joint approximately three times as long as broad. . 7 Third joint less elongate 8 7. Pile on frons and ocellar triangle black nigrovittata Lw., d" Pile on frons and ocellar triangle whitish stigmata Will., d" 8. Squamae and halteres darkened 11 Squamae and halteres whitish 9 9. The transverse pollinose band below antennae reduced almost to two spots at the eye margins; frons black; arista a little shorter than the antennae • stigmata Will., 9 The pollinose facial band complete and distinct; frons greenish metallic 10 10. The vittae on the mesonotum very faint, paler than rest of dorsum; arista a little longer than the antennae; rather large, robust species. robusta n. sp. Vittae on mesonotum coppery colored; arista a little shorter than antennae; small species parva n. sp. 11. Dark, greenish black species; pile on ocellar triangle and frons rather long and dark pacifica n. sp. Dark steel blue species with very short whitish pile on frons and ocellar triangle 12 OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 103 12. Entire abdomen unicolorous with thorax and as distinctly punctured. unicolor n. sp. Disc of abdomen subopaque sinuosa Bigot. 13. Stigma only about as long as distance between the tips of second and third veins; frons in the female with nearly parallel sides and with two slightly rugulose, longitudinal stripes; antennae small; squamae and halteres pale; disc of abdomen shining. (Group 3). . .lata Lw., 9 The stigma elongate, much longer than the distance between the tips of the second and third veins; the penultimate section of the fifth vein a little bowed downwards; a transverse whitish pollinose band just below the antennae; antennae very small; disc of abdomen subopaque. (Group 4) 14 14. Frons in the male but little inflated; in the female the width of the eyes at mouth margin but little greater than at vertex; both sexes with rather faint vittae on mesonotum; small species. . . .nigripes Lw. Thorax without vittae; frons of the males much puffed out; larger species 15 15. Squamae with a darkened tinge; pile on the frons rather long. inflatifrons n. sp. Squamae whitish; pile on the frons in male rather short. . texana n. sp. Chrysogaster stigmata Will. The description of this species was based upon specimens from California. Three specimens, two males and one female, from Moscow, Idaho, sent by Professor Aldrich, agree with the types except that they are somewhat blacker in color, but this is not a sufficient difference to separate them. The antennae of the fe- male are less elongate, the third joint being only a little more than one and a half times as long as broad; the third joint dif- fers further from that of the male in being broadly reddish on the lower margin. Chrysogaster robusta, new species. A rather large, robust species for this genus; dark greenish bronze. Male: Ocellar triangle and frons bronzy green, with conspicuous, pale brownish pile. Antennae blackish, reddish on under side of third joint, which is a little longer than broad; arista dark, very minutely pubescent and but little longer than antennae. Face greenish black, with short white pile, rather gently excavated, mouth margin reaching forward as far as antennal prominence; a distinct whitish pollinose band extending across to the eyes and below this the face is broadly, faintly rugulose. Thorax with very short, pale brownish pile; mesonotum with two median, very faint stripes. Disc of abdomen subopaque, shining at the sides. Hypopygium rather large, with abundant, short, whitish pile. Wings slightly smoky. Squamae whitish and halteres yellowish. The first 104 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY tarsal joint of the hind legs somewhat swollen. Length, 7.5 mm.; wing 5 mm. Allot ype Female: Differs from the male as follows: Frons rather smoothly, transversely rugose, interrupted medianly by a very shallow longitudinal furrow, the pile short, yellowish brown. Stripes on the mesonotum more distinct, silvery green. Abdomen nearly as broad as long. Length about 6.5 mm.; wing 5 mm. Pacific Grove, California, two males and two females, May 9, 1906, wet meadows in woods (J. M. Aldrich). Type: Cat. No. 20279 U. S. N. M. This species appears to be closely related to C. stigmata Will., but this latter species has elongate antennae, shorter pile on the frons and the pollinose band below the antennae is represented by only two silvery spots at the sides. Chrysogaster parva, new species. Small, light greenish bronze species. Male: With whitish, short pile on ocellar triangle and frons, shorter on the frons. Antennae fulvous, darker on tipper margin, third joint a little longer than broad, arista dark, a little shorter than antennae and without perceptible pubescence. Face greenish black, with whitish pol- linose band below the antennae and beneath this broadly, faintly rugulose; the pile white, very short and scattered. Thorax with very short brown- ish pile; mesonotum with four faint copper-colored vittae. The sub- opaque disc of the abdomen surrounded by shining sides. Hypopygium large, with inconspicuous, white pile. Wings somewhat smoky. Squa- mae whitish; halteres yellowish. First tarsal joint of the hind legs not swollen. Length: 5 mm.; wing about 4 mm. Allotype Female: Frons greenish black, with transverse rugose ridges, interrupted medianly by a longitudinal, very shallow depression and with very short, whitish pile which is longer on ocellar triangle. The vittae on the mesonotum more distinct than in the male. Abdomen broad and oval. Length about 5.5 mm.; wing about 4.75 mm. Colorado, nine females, one male (four of these were placed by Williston under C. nigrovittata) ; Lake Tahoe, California, one male and one female; Ormsby, Nevada, one 9 , July 6 (C. F. Baker); Reno, Nevada, one 9 (H. F. Wickham); Garland, Colorado, a pair in copulation, June 18. The four specimens mentioned last are larger than the others. Type: Cat. No. 20280 U. S. N. M. The types are labeled only "Colorado." This species is very closely related to robusta, but is smaller and much less robust, the pile on the frons is shorter, the arista shorter and apparently entirely without pubescence, while there OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 105 are four vittae on the thorax instead of two, and these are coppery colored. The first joint of the male hind tarsi is also noticeably more slender. Chrysogaster pacifica, new species. Large, robust, dark, greenish bronzy black species, the largest of this group. Male: Ocellar triangle and frons with rather long blackish hairs. Frons shining black, noticeably inflated. Antennae reddish brown, third joint twice as long as broad; arista darker, a little longer than antennae. Face shining, black, with short whitish pile, not excavated and the mouth margin but little produced and not reaching as far forward .as antennal prominence. A whitish pollinose stripe extends across to the eyes just below the antennae and below this the face is broadly, faintly rugulose. Thorax with very short, whitish pile. Mesonotum with four da.rk vittae. Disc of abdomen subopaque. Wings somewhat smoky. Squamae blackish, the halteres darker. Length 8.5 mm.; wing 6 mm. Type: Cat. No. 20281 U. S. Nat. Mus. Described from two males without locality labels but labelled "Collection Coquillett" and determined by Coquillett as C. nigro- vittata, which is a Californian species (the different length of antennae distinguishes it at once from nigrovittata) . Since much of Coquillett 's early material was from California and since he determined it as a species described from California, the surmise that California is the habitat for this species would seem justified. This species is easily recognized by its large size, rather long, dark pile on the frons and the straight face with the mouth margin but slightly produced. It resembles Chryscgaster robusta some- what in general appearance, but its longer antennae and the color of the squamae and halteres at once distinguish it. Ghrysogaster sinuosa Bigot. Medium sized, dark, steel blue species. Mule: Frons and ocellar triangle bluish black, with blackish hairs. Antennae reddish yellow, darker on upper margin, third joint about one and one-half times as long as broad; arista darkened at the base, yellowish towards the tip, a little longer than the antennae. Face shining bluish black, entirely" bare but for a few hairs along the eyes; just below the an- tennae, a whitish pollinose cross band extends to the eyes, the face faintly lielow this. Face receding, the mouth margin but little produced. Thorax with minute whitish pubescence. Mesonotum with four distinct blackish vittae. Disc of abdomen subopqauc, the rest of the dorsum shining. Hypopygium prominent, with whitish pile. Wings with a black- ish tinge. Squamae and halteres blackish. Length: 7 mm.; wing 5 mm. Female: Frons with very short pile, longer on the vortex, with the 106 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY transverse rugosity interrupted down the middle. The frons widens rather gradually toward the antennae. Wings, squamae and halteres paler than in the male. Four males and two females: "Washington Territory;" Seattle, Washington, May 22, 1897; Moscow, Idaho, June 2, 1908 (J. M. Aldrich); Moscow Mountain, Idaho (J. M. Aldrich); Oregon, (Koebele) ; Mono Lake, California, July 23, 1911 (J. M. Aldrich). The specimens, now in the National Collection, four from Colo- rado and one from Washington Territory, which Williston re- corded as nigrovittata Loew in his "Synopsis of North American Syrphidae" do not fit the description that Loew gave for the length of the third antennal joint. The four specimens he had from Colorado now form part of the material of C. parva, a new species described in this paper; his other specimen, from Wash- ington Territory, except for a few minor points, fits the descrip- tion of Bigot's C. sinuosa, which Williston had placed as a syn- onym of C. stigmata. C. sinuosa may be recognized by its dark steel blue color, the fulvous antennae, darkened squamae, halteres and wings, and the microscopic pubescence on the body. The third antennal joint varies somewhat in size in the male. In the Oregon specimen it is a little longer than in the others, while in the specimen from Moscow Mountain, Idaho, it is nearly as broad as long. Chrysogaster unicolor, new species. Medium sized, dark steel blue species; the entire dorsum of the abdomen unicolorous with the thorax. Female: Frons shining, bluish black, with the transverse ridges more broadly separated and the longitudinal, median dividing ridge broader than in the other species of this group; pile short and pale. Antennae elongate, first and second joints darkened, third reddish brown, darker on the upper margin and about two and one-half times as long as broad; arista darkened at the base, becoming lighter towards the tip. Face dark steel blue., with a pollinose, whitish band extending across to the eyes just below the antennae and below this broadly, faintly rugulose; a tubercle or swelling on each side of the face below near the eyes. Thorax with mi- croscopic pile; mesonotum with four blackish vittae, the outer ones very faint. Abdomen entirely dark steel blue, the same as the thorax. Wings, squamae and halteres darkened. Length: 7 mm.; wing 5.25 mm. Two females from Ormsby County, Nevada (type locality) , July 6 (C. F. Baker); Reno, Nevada (H. F. Wickham). Type: Cat. No. 20282 U. S. N. M. This is the only species of this group in which the disc of the abdomen is not subopaque, but unicolorous with the mesonotum. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 107 Chrysogaster nigripes Loew. Rather small, dark species. The apical cross vein is bent inward to join the third vein. Stigma much longer than the distance from the tip of the second vein to tip of the third. Legs entirely black. Male: Ocellar triangle raised and with rather short black pile. Frons but little inflated, shining bluish-greenish black, the pile black, longer than on the ocellar triangle. Antennae quite small, third joint ovate, yellowish brown, the arista darker. Below the antennae a transverse whitish pollinose band extends to the eyes. Face colored as the frons, with a small tubercle. Thorax velvet black with numerous irregular me- tallic greenish spots enclosing punctures, more or less confluent at the sides, and a pair of rather ill-defined stripes of the same color on the dorsum midway of the middle and the sides; pile short and rather dense, blackish. Scutellum concolorous with mesonotal punctures. Dorsum of abdomen opaque, the sides shining, dark metallic green. Wings with a distinct blackish tinge. Squamae and halteres darkened. Length: about 6 mm.; wing about 4.5 mm. Female: More bluish or greenish than the males, immature specimens purplish. The pile everywhere shorter, being hardly noticeable. Frons transversely rugose, interrupted at the middle by a longitudinal ridge, above the antennae smoothed, with depression in the middle and some- what produced forward. The eye margins but little wider below than at vertex. Antennae noticeably larger than in the male, yellow, somewhat darkened. Below the antennae a whitish, pollinose band extends across to the eyes. Mesonotum and scutellum dark metallic blue, unspotted and without stripes. Wings a little clearer, in immature specimens hyaline, and the squamae paler than in the male. Length: about 5.5 mm.; wing about 4.5 mm. Specimens from Ontario, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachu- setts, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Virginia, North Caro-. lina, Georgia. Chrysogaster inflatifrons, new species. Large species, color dark greenish black. The apical cross vein not recurrent, stigma much longer than the distance between the tips of the third and fourth vein. Legs entirely black. Male: Ocellar triangle prominent, with black pile. The frons well puffed out, shining, with rather long, black hairs. Antennae reddish yel- low, the arista blackish; third joint ovate, nearly as broad as long. Be- low the antennae a whitish pollinose band extends across to the eyes. Face with large rugulose spots on the sides above and with a small tubercle. Mesonotum velvety black and with many punctures which are enclosed by metallic greenish spots and with dense, short, blackish pile; scutellum unicolorous with the spots on thorax. Dorsum of abdomen subopaque, 108 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY the sides shining, dark greenish black. Wings and squamae slightly blackish, the halteres darker. Length: about 8 mm.; wing about 6 mm. North Carolina, four males (Morrison). Type: Cat. No. 20283 U. S. N. M. This species is closely related to C. nigripes. The larger size, the greater swelling of the frons in the male, which also has no- ticeably longer pile, the longer pile on the thorax and scutellum and the absence of the stripes on the mesonotum distinguish it from nigripes. The antennae are also larger. Chrysogaster texana, new species. Male: Bright steely blue. Ocellar triangle prominent, with black pile. Frons well puffed out, highly polished, steel blue, with rather short black pile. Antennae yellowish, the third joint darkened above, ovate, nearly as broad as long, arista blackish. A whitish pollinose band below the antennae extends to the eyes. Face with arcuate rugulose spots directed toward the antennae and with rather poorly defined tubercle. Thorax with short dark pile; mesonotum without stripes. Dorsum of abdomen subopaque, the sides bright steel blue. Legs entirely dark. Wings hyaline; squamae whitish; halteres dark. Length: 6.5 mm.; wing 6 mm. Female: Shining, metallic blue. Frons transversely rugose, with a longitudinal ridge down the middle, above the antennae smooth and pro- duced forward. Antennae reddish, arista blackish. Below the antennae a rather broad band extends across to the eyes; margin of the eyes notice- ably wider below than at vertex. Thorax shining metallic blue, with very short pile, the mesonotum without vittae. Wings hyaline; squamae tinged very slightly; halteres dark. Length: 7 mm.; wing 5.5 mm. Willis, Texas, one male and one female. Type: Cat. No. 20284 U. S. N. M. This species is separated from C. nigripes by the absence of the vittae on the mesonotum and the pale wings and squamae; the male differs in the greater inflation of the frons, the female by the eyes more widely separated below. Genus CALIPROBOLA Rondani. Brachypalpus pulcher and sorosis were described by Williston in his Synopsis of the Syrphidae in the genus Brachypalpus, although, in his table of species he separated them off under a subgenus, Caliprobola, a genus which Rondani1 established in 1844 for Milesia speciosa. Verrall2 in his British Syrphidae re- 1 Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologn. (ser. 2) II, p. 455. 2 Brit. Flies, VIII, p. 627, fig. 430. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 109 describes this genus and species, detailing characters which he considers distinguish it from the closely allied genera Cytt'irrhina, Milesia, Spilomyia, and Temnostoma. Pulcher and sorosis must be referred to Caliprobola, since they agree in all generic charac- ters except that they possess small spines on the lower margin of the hind femora; the absence of these spines or bristle-; Verrall claims to be an essential character for the typical European species. Verrall states that the subgenus which Williston used in his table is not the true Caliprobola, as it has bristles present on the hind femora. But even C. speciosn has "tiny bristles beneath the hind femora," as is stated by Yerrall him- self in his description of this species. The material before me tends to show that this is a specific rather than a generic char- acter. C. aldrichi, new species, has the spines very minute, in this respect agreeing closely with C. speciosa. A character seemingly of more importance is the brilliant bronze aeneous color of the abdomen which is similar to our Chrysochlamys croesus O.S., and even more so to CaU/c.'m aenea Fabr. of Europe. At the present time the catalogues list only two species under this genus; speciosa from Europe and cimbiciformis Portsch, from Siberia. Sack has described a species C.aurea from Transcaspia (Beil. Progr. Gymn. Wohler, vol. 42, p. 28, 1910). Brachijpalpus and Caliprobola may be distinguished as follows: Head noticeably triangular shaped, face entirely dark, abdomen dark, thorax with longitudinal vittae, hind femora with1 short bristles behnv Brachiii)nli>nx Head not not iceably triangular shaped, face largely yellow, abdomen bright aeneous with opaque cross bands; thorax without vittae,2 hind femora with .short bristles beneath, sometimes very small < 'ul />ns are said not <<> have short bristles below. -With proper reflection two median ones are scarcely perceptible on individual specimens. 3 One 9 specimen of pulcher has a faint band. 110 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Wings slightly infuscated, first and second basal cells hyaline; anterior cross-vein very oblique, joining discal cell noticeably beyond the middle; first abdominal segment opaque, its anterior angles aeneous pulcher Will. 3. Abdomen bright metallic green, meso-pleurae with black hairs inter- mixed with the yellow pile; hind tibiae of female nearly as thick as hind femora opacus n. sp. Abdomen shining bronze; meso-pleurae with only yellow pile; hind femora of female noticeably thicker than tibiae aldrichi n. sp. 4. Legs almost entirely yellow, sometimes a reddish brown and on fe- mora; only the tips of tarsi blackish; anterior cross-vein joins discal cell at middle sorosis Will. All the femora blackish, yellowish at tips and bases; cross-vein joins discal cell a short distance beyond middle crawfordi n. sp. Caliprobola pulcher Will.1 Head distinctly broader than high. Frons in male yellow, with mi- croscopic pubescence which is longer along the eyes. Arista dark, more than twice the length of antennae, and with minute pubescence along entire length. Frons in female black with yellowish, pollinose sides and short fuscous pile. Wings hyaline, darkened somewhat along veins. Length: Male 14-17 mm., wing 11-13 mm.; female 13 mm., wing 11 mm. Five males and two females: "Washington Territory" (type specimen) ; Mt. Hood, Ore., d" and 9 . The following is material loaned by Mr. Banks: Marys Peak, Ore., July 18, 1914 (L. G. Centner), Pamelia, about 3000 ft, alt., Mt. Jefferson, July 27, 1907, and Mt. Jefferson, July 15, 1907 (J. C. BridwcU Coll.) : Corvallis, Ore., Sept. 20, 1914 (A. F. Barss Coll.). This last specimen is the female which unlike the others of this sex has a narrow, interrupted opaque band on the fourth abdominal seg- ment. The band on this segment is characteristic of the females of sorosis and its ally crawford: but not of pulcher and its allies, aldrichi and opacus. The antennae are missing in this specimen but it agrees otherwise with C. pulcher female. Caliprobola opacus, new species. Rather slender, with head but little broader than high; dorsurn of thorax entirely subopaque black; abdomen bright metallic green with several opaque cross-bands; wings strongly infuscated anteriorly. Male: Frons reddish brown, silvery pollinose along sides; no pile. Antennae reddish yellow; third joint broader than long, darkens I an- teriorly; arista brownish, less than twice the length of antennae. Ocellar triangle black and with blackish pile. Pile of thorax deep brown, yellow 1 Syn. Syr., U. S.N.M. Bull. 31, 1886, p. 223, pi. X, fig. 9a, b, c. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 111 along posterior margin of scutellum and on post-alar calli. Abdomen bright metallic green; second segment with two opaque black cross-bands, the first one on the anterior margin; third segment similarly ornamented, but with the second opaque band very narrow; fourth segment entirely metallic green, longer than broad. Femora of the front and middle legs brownish black exteriorly, reddish brown on inner sides, yellow at bases and tips; hind femora blackish on more than basal half, yellow distally. All the tibiae and first three joints of tarsi yellow, the other tarsal joints black. Length : Body about 15 mm. ; wing 10 mm. Female: Frons aeneous black, reddish brown above antennae, with very narrow whitish pollinose stripes along eyes and with a flat surface, not depressed. Legs as in male, except that hind femora are yellow at base; hind tibiae, except at base, nearly as thick as femora. Scutellum with almost entirely black pile. Length about 12 mm.; wing 11 mm. Kanaka Bay, San Juan Islands, Washington, one male, type, May 31, 1906 (J. M. Aldrich); Ft. Wrangel, Alaska, one female allotype (Wickham). Type: Cat. No. 20287 U. S. N. M. Caliprobola aldrichi, new species. Very similar to opacus but more robust, head obviously broader than high; abdomen brilliant bronze, with the pile more golden. Female: Frons depressed, dull aeneous black, somewhat reddish above antennae, with dark brown pile and very narrow whitish pollinose stripes along eyes. Dorsum of thorax sub-shining black, with dark brown pile; meso-pleurae with rather long golden pile; posterior margin of scutellum and post-alar calli with yellow pile. Abdomen banded similarly to opacus. Fore femora dark on outer side, yellow on inner side; middle femora al- most entirely yellow; hind femora yellow, a dark band around the middle; the rest of legs yellow, except the last two joints of all the tarsi. Wings infuscated anteriorly, darkest along the veins. Length: Body about 12- 14 mm., wing 11-12 mm. Described from three females: Mt. Rainier, Washington, above Longmires, 5000 ft,, Aug. 3, 1905 (J. M. Aldrich). Type: Cat. No. 20288 U. S. N. M. I have great pleasure in naming this species in honor of Pro- fessor J. M. Aldrich, who very generously sent me certain new species of Syrphidae in order that I might describe .them. Caliprobola sorosis Will. Williston described this species only from the male; characters for the female follows: Female: Frons dull darkaeneous, yellowish above antennae, with whitish pollinose stripes along the eyes and with short brownish yellow pile. 112 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Color of the legs, thorax, abdomen, and pile as in the male. Wings also the same. Fourth abdominal segment with a narrow, interrupted cross- band. Length: Body about 11.5 mm., wing 9.5 mm. Mr. Banks has loaned me a male and female; on the latter the above description of the female is based. Southern Pines, N. C., March 29, 1910 (A. H. Manee). The male is smaller and some- what darker than the type specimen. Galiprobola crawfordi, new species. All the femora blackish, yellowish at tips and bases; the cross-vein joins the discal cell beyond the middle. Male: Frons reddish brown or yellowish, silvery pollinose along sides. Antennae and arista reddish yellow; third joint nearly quadrate. Meso- notum and scutellum shining metallic bronze, with abundant yellow pile ; meso-pleurae and sternopleurae same as dorsum of thorax, the other parts of the pleurae black and bare. Dorsum of abdomen the same color as dorsum of thorax, with opaque bands; second segment with two opaque bands, the first on anterior margin; third segment similar to the second; fourth entirely aeneous. Fore and middle femora entirely black except tips; hind femora black, yellow at tips and bases. Tibiae and first two tarsal joints of the front and middle legs yellow, the other tarsal joints blackish. Tibiae of hind legs reddish yellow with a little black; first two tarsal joints yellowish, the rest blackish. Wings infuscated, quite pale posteriorly. Anterior cross-veins joins discal cell a short distance beyond the middle. Length: Body about 11.5-13 mm.; wing 10-11 mm. Female: Frons blackish, reddish brown above antennae, and with short yellowish pile. Second and third abdominal segments banded as in male; fourth segment with a band on anterior margin, partly concealed by the overlapping of the third segment, and with a narrow interrupted band across the middle. Coxae of all the legs black, trochanters reddish yellow; bases and tips of femora of the front and middle legs yellow, the rest blackish. Femora of hind legs largely reddish brown, tibiae reddish yel- low; the tarsal joints darkening posteriorly. Wings as in the male. Length: 11 mm.; wing 10 mm. Seattle, Washington, May 15, 1898 (Male type, female allo- type, J. M. Aldrich). Type: Cat. No. 20289 U. S. N. M. Described from six specimens; paratypes from Potlatch, Idaho, June 20, 1907, J. M. Aldrich Coll: and one specimen "Washington Territory." (This latter specimen was part of Williston's type material of Brachypalpus pulcher.) This species is closely allied to Caliprobola sorosis Will. Ad- ditional characters that should aid in distinguishing them are as follows: In sorosis the spiracle below the humerus is surrounded OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 113 by short bright yellow pile, the wing bases are a deep yellow, the wing roots are reddish brown with short, yellow bristles and the base of the costa has short, bright yellow bristles. In crawfordi the spiracle below the humerus is surrounded by short, brown pile, the wing bases are brownish yellow, the wing roots blackish, with short, black bristles and the bristles on the base of the costa are black and yellow. Mr. Crawford has helped me considerably in working up the material of this group and it is with great pleasure that I name this species in his honor. Besides the above specimens the National Collection contains the following specimens of doubtful specific position:- One female speci- men from Lake Co., Cal., (D. W. Coquillett Coll.), which differs in having the frons yellow above the antennae, the pile on thorax and abdomen more golden and the wings lighter at base; another female from Kaslo, B. C., June 12, (R. P. Currie Coll ) differs in having the third antennal joint obviously broader than long; the anterior cross vein joins the discal cell at the middle and the hind femora are almost entirely yellowish red. A REVIEW OF NORTH AMERICAN TORTOISE BEETLES. (Chrysomelidae; Cassidinae.) BY H. S. BARBER, Bureau of Entomology. The writer recently rearranged the National Collection of North American species of cassidids according to the catalogue of this group by Spaeth 1914 (Junk's Coleopt. Catal., pt. 62) and was much surprised at the result, for the six genera and twenty spe- cies of the Henshaw list and supplement have now become six- teen genera and twenty-eight species with several additional sub- species, varieties and aberrations. Of our fauna as here treated five genera and eleven species are tropical, entering our south- ern limits at only one or two points, while two or three European species are reported to have become established; a few of the species listed below do not deserve continued space in our lists. Only seven of our species appear to be known exclusively from the United States and we have no genus peculiar to our fauna. For our few species we have heretofore gotten along very well with but few genera. Yet when our forms, which are in reality only the northern fringe of a great tropical fauna, are studied in connection with their closest relatives of other regions, finer generic distinctions are demanded and new generic terms are forced upon the unwilling local collectors. Our own systematic litera- ture is, as might be expected, comparatively meager and it is 114 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY necessary for the student to consult foreign works which are available in but few entomological centers in America. The principal American papers are, Riley 1870 (2nd Ann. Rep. Nox. Ins. Missouri, pp. 56-64) who mentions eight species in five genera illustrating adults, pupae, larvae and an egg; Crotch 1873 (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1873, pp. 76-79) who treats eighteen species in five genera; and Blatchley 1910 (Coleop. of Indiana, pp. 1228-1233) who tabulates twelve species in four genera as occurring in his state. Our ignorance of our fauna is perhaps most apparent when one spots the exact locality records of specimens before him on a base map, and begins to wonder at the enormous areas in which a certain species (or its close relatives) probably occurs but from which no material is available. No satisfactory way of indicat- ing the overlapping distribution of a number of forms on a single map has been devised, but three maps are here introduced, from which it is hoped the reader may, with a little study, get a clearer idea of the distribution of most of the species than by much read- ing of locality records. A short explanation of their preparation is perhaps necessary to avoid mistaken deductions. Each lo- cality has been found by the use of an atlas and spotted on the base map, numbering the spot according to the numerical posi- tion of the species in the appended list, circles being used to indi- cate inexact records such as state labels or localities which could not be exactly located. All spots bearing a certain number are then connected by straight lines to some central point where the number may be conspicuous, but the placing of these centers must be well considered to prevent their systems becoming too complex, and the reader must be warned against considering them as centers of dispersal. There is a limit to the possibilities of this, as of other methods, and to avoid confusion in the maps here given, certain of the common, widely-distributed species (Cassida bivittata, Chirida guttata and Metriona bicolor) have been omitted. To use the map the number assigned in this paper to the species sought for should be found, from Avhich the radiat- ing straight lines lead to all its localities as represented by speci- mens before the writer, localities mentioned in the literature being only rarely added. The writer's specific concept is quite conservative, and as this has gradually come to be regarded as almost a term of reproach it may be pertinent to review our fundamentals. He regards sys- tematics and nomenclature as a means and not an object, the suc- cess and only reasonable purpose of either being their usefulness to other students in any part of the world. Nomenclature is supposed to furnish the means of cataloging and correlating the biological or economic observations that .are made by all work- PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE V. Locality records of Tortoise Beetles (Cassidinse) in National Collection (for species numbers see pages 118 to 125.) 115 116 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY ers, and systematics supplies the means of identification of the objects upon which the observations have been made. Both are merely helps towards our understanding of the living forms, but most systematists seem to forget this and work as though the ultimate acceptance of their ideas would depend only on their particular, preserved specimens. A species, in the writer's opinion, is composed of a vast number of living ^ individuals re- producing their kind from generation to generation, usually dis- tributed over a rather large area and tending to differ more or less in the extremes of its range, according to environmental differ- ences and to the migratory habits of its individuals before ovi- position. An infinitesimally small sample of a species is pre- served in all the collections in the world, and under existing conditions, no systematist can study very much of this sample. It is probable that the confusion of forms mentioned below under Metriona bicolor is the direct result of the early descrip- tion as distinct species of insufficient samples from widely sepa- rated local races, which not only blend in intermediate localities but attain greater divergence in localities then unknown. The only solution of such cases may be through such field studies and breeding projects as have been undertaken by Tower on Lepti no- tar sa. Until material many times greater than that now available is at hand and is accompanied by biological data and specimens of immature stages, the writer thinks it unwise to argue about the specific, subspecific, varietal or aberrational status of the forms in such composite species as Chelymorpha cassidea, Physonota unipunctata, Jonthonota nigripes or Metriona bicolor. According to the standards of many workers he would probably be justified in proposing a dozen or two new names for forms that differ more or less in habitus, and further data on them might or might not justify this course but he prefers to await justification of such procedure than to anticipate it. The temptation to as- sume that our material comes from isolated colonies which there- fore represent "species," "subspecies," "incipient species" "va- rieties" or whatever we are in the habit of calling them, is very great, and it may seem a duty to propose new names for them if possible. But when some other student of the group, wlu.x1 locality records would fall in regions intermediate to the spots on our map, tries to apply such subdivision to his material, he is apt to experience serious trouble in deciding the affinities of his forms. The writer believes that most species are composites of separable units but that the piecemeal segregation of some of these units as "species" of the same rank as the original composite, complicates rather than simplifies future work. Usable subdi- vision of a recognized compound unit can only be done from a OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 117 very extensive study of a series of specimens from each of a large number of localities well distributed throughout its entire range. The adoption of the recent generic combinations will be quite confusing at first and to aid American students who may have to use these names, a list of the species in their new form is appended. One generic name at least is improperly applied in Spaeth's catalogue and must be used in a different sense. Deloyala Red- tenbacher 1858 (a subgenus of Cassida) is preoccupied by Chevro- lat 1834 (Dejean Cat., p. 371 and "3rd ed." 1837, p. 395) who prepared the Chrysomelidae in the Dejean Catalogue and the species listed under this name in the earlier work include the names since designated as the types of at least three subsequent genera (Aspidomorpha Hope 1840, Chirida Chapuis 1875, and Metriona Weise 1896), the suppression of any one of which, would surely be resented by some. The best solution of the difficulty is to designate clavata Fabr. as type of Deloyola Chev., and leave the suppression of Metriona Weise, the last segregate (under which this species has been listed) to the judgment of others. The genera established by Chevrolat 1834 in the Dejean Cata- logue, seem to be entirely disregarded by Spaeth and their resur- rection will cause increased annoyance the longer it is postponed. The writer also objects strongly to the omission of one of our best-known and oldest specific names through what appearsto be very faulty nomenclatorial selections. Cassida guttata Olivier 1790 (Enc. Meth. Ins. vol. 5, pp. 383-384) does not appear in Spaeth's catalogue except as we recognize it under the name Chirida signifera Herbst 1799, among whose synonyms we find "guttata Boh. — 1855 — (nee. 01. 0-" After a long search the writer believes he has found the reason for this omission to be that many workers have considered the species as founded in Olivier's second great work, 1808 (Ent., vol. 6, p. 956) which is antedated by Herbst's name. Champion 1894 (Biol. Cent.-Amer. Colcop., vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 195) believed he had Olivier's two original examples in the Banks cabinet (mentioned in 1808 work) and identified one with the Mexican Coptocycla extensa Boh. and the other with the oriental sexguttata Boisd. 1835, designating the latter specimen as the true guttata Ol. Spaeth 1903 (Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., vol. 1, p. 122) vigorously objects to Champion's findings for what seems to the writer to be untenable reasons, and says the name should be dropped "as a mixed name" (als Mischname). Apparently it is for this reason that he has omitted it in his catalogue in 1914. Unfortunately, neither of these authorities allude to Olivier's 1790 description, where no mention of the Hanks cabinet is made and where the locality is given as North America instead of Tropical America as in his 1808 work. Hoping to settle the question with some degree of finality the 118 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY writer sent specimens of our species to Mr. Lesne of the National Museum in Paris, explaining the above conditions, but in spite of his careful research he failed to find the original Olivier type. It may be preserved elsewhere but there is little chance that it is other than our common mottled tortoise-beetle. Mr. Lesne found a specimen however, received at the Paris Museum in 1798 which is labelled "C. guttata Oliv." in an ancient handwriting not that of Olivier, and which he believes was probably determined by comparison with the type. This specimen was collected in Saint-Thomas W.I. by Mauge about 1797 and agrees well with a South Carolina specimen sent to Mr. Lesne for comparison, ex- cept in the size of the yellow spots. The writer believes there- fore, that we must readopt guttata Oliv. and suppress signifera Hbst. The economic literature contains much information about these beetles but has been, for the most part, neglected in preparing this paper. Those interested can find many references in the various parts of the Bibliography of Economic Entomology published by the Department of Agriculture, but as usual, care must be used in accepting the determinations. The species reported from America north of Mexico are as fol- lows, but certain of them should be dropped from our lists : 1. Porphyraspis cyanea (Say) occurs in Florida and Georgia. As the species develops exclusively upon palmetto, the locality Kentucky cited by Spaeth must be incorrect. Larvae found by Hubbard and Schwarz in May 1875 differ but little from the figures of the two species of this genus by Candeze 1861, and Olliff 1884. 2. Mesomphalia ephippium (Licht), described from North America is believed to have been wrongly labelled (cf . Melsheimer Cat. 1853, p. 119) and has justly been omitted from our lists since 1853. 3. Mesomphalia chevrolati Boh. has appeared in our lists since Crotch 1874 and the only basis the writer has found for its inclusion is the allusions to the genus by Crotch 1873 (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhiL, 1873, p. 76) and by Le Conte and Horn 1883 (Class. Coleop. N. A., p. 356). In the Spaeth catalogue the name appears as Pseudomesomphaliapunicea var. chevrolati Boh. Noth- ing in its recorded distribution seems to warrant its continued appearance in our lists. 4. Hilarocassis exclamationis (Linn.) of the tropics from Brazil to the West Indies and Mexico is reported by Horn 1894 (Cal. Acad. Sci. (2), vol. 4, p. 344) from El Chinche, Lower Cali- fornia. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 119 5. Chelymorpha cassidea (Fabr.) is considered a composite of a number of local races, four of which (lewisi Cr., phytophagica Cr.l7-punctata Say and geniculata'Boh.) are indicated in the Spaeth catalogue and occurs from Canada to Cuba and west to Winnipeg, Washington, Utah and Arizona. As is to be expected the forms differ in the extremes of their ranges, but probably no collection contains representative series from enough intermediate locali- ties to justify a statement of their relationship. Many food plants have been named for this beetle and its larvae: milkweed (Riley 1870, 2nd Rep. Nox. Ins. Mo., p. 58), wild morning-glory, raspberry, cabbage, plantain and corn (Lintner 1887, Cultivator and Country Gentl., vol. 52, p. 673), sweet potato, milkweed and wild morning-glory (Chittenden 1897, U. S. Dept. Agri. Div. Ins., Bull. 9 n. s., p. 23), strawberry vines (Webster and Mally 1898, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Ins., Bull. 17, n. s., p. 99), Solanum (Fall and Cockerell 1907, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 33, p. 200), "Convolvulus," "Asclepias" and sometimes raspberries (Chitten- den 1910 in Smith's List Insects of New Jersey, Rep. N. J. State Mus. 1909, p. 356) but Mr. Knab tells me he believes that the only native host-plant is wild morning-glory, and explains the other records by the habit displayed by the full fed larva of mi- grating to other plants for pupation. Subspecies geniculata Boh. has been taken abundantly on a coarse convolvulaceous plant, Ipomoea biloba, at Marathon Key and Key West, Fla., by Knab, who informs me also, that the larvae differ from those of the Massachusetts form. Knab 1909 (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 11, p. 152) mentions the color changes between hibernating and sexually mature adults and alludes to a pale race found at Winnipeg. 6. Eurypepla jamaicensis (Linn.) was recorded by Schwarz 1904 (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 6, p. 7) as established at Key West, Fla. where it lived, as Boheman has already recorded, on the leaves of the "geiger tree," Cordia sebestana; and Dr. Chit- tenden has just received a specimen found on the same species of tree by S. H. Richmond at Cutler, Fla., July 1, 1915. E. brevi- lineata Boh. from Yucatan may not be distinct from this species. 7. Physonota alutacea Boh. is reported to range from Vene- zuela to our southern boundary. Horn 1884 (Cal. Acad. Sci. (2), vol. 4, p. 344) has reported var. cyrtodes Boh. from El Taste, Lower Cal. and Mr. Schaeffer has taken it in July at Brownsville, Tex. on Cordia boissieri and has kindly deposited an adult and two larvae in the National Collection. 8. Physonota unipunctata (Say) is variable, probably divis- able into a number of more or less distinct forms which may be restricted to certain food-plants, but is distributed from Montreal and North Carolina to Montana and Arizona. The National 120 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Collection contains, among other specimens, a series of a small form from Pine Ridge, Nebr. received from Prof. Bruner as feed- ing on Monarda, and two specimens of a large form, doubtfully belonging to this species, taken on Gaertneria xanthocarpa in the Santa Catalina Mts., Ariz, by Pierce. A specimen labelled Tucson, Ariz., sent me under the name picticollis Boh. by Mr. Schaeffer differs slightly in form from the two latter specimens although it is undoubtedly the same species, but all differ in habitus from a Guatemalan specimen of picticollis received from the Biologia collection. Popenoe 1877 (Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., vol. 5, p. 36) records it on Vernonia while Walsh and Riley 1879 (Amer. Ent., vol. 2, p. 4) state that its larvae feed on Sonchus. Hamilton 1884 (Can. Ent., vol. 16, pp. 134-5) reports a form breeding on a mint Monarda fistulosa, at Allegheny, Pa. (which seems to be different from the Pine Ridge form on Monarda) and cities Randall's and Walsh and Riley's forms as breeding on Helianthus. Caulfield 1884, 1886 and 1887 (Can. Ent., vol. 16, p. 227; vol. 18, pp. 40-45; and vol. 19, pp. 73-76) gives three accounts of a form on Helianthus decapetalus near Montreal, and Hamilton 1886 (Can. Ent., vol. 18, p. 113) insists on the distinct- ness of unipunctata and 5-punctata. Knab 1909 (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 11, p. 151) reviews Caulfield's notes in regard to nuptial colors. 9. Cassida nebulosa. This European species is said to be de- structive to cultivated beets and if the three records cited below are correct, it is strange that it has not received more attention in our literature. Horn 1894 (Ent. News, vol. 5, p. 146) records its capture by Bolter near the Santa Ana River in Southern California and Schaeffer 1901 and 1902 (Proc. X. Y. Ent. Soc., vol. 9, p. 94, and vol. 10, p. 170) mentions its occurrence at Suffern, N. Y.1 10. Cassida rubiginosa Mull. The extensive synonymy in this genus has made recognition of forms by name very uncertain and our records of the capture of this species in America are mostly under the specific names viridis and thoracica. Three citations to its occurrence on burdock at Levis, Quebec are as follows: Fyles 1902 (Can. Ent,, vol. 34, pp. 273-4), Roy 1902 (Nat, Can., vol. 29, pp. 145-149, figs. 1-6) and Fyles 1903 (Nat, Can., vol. 30, p. 22). Schaeffer 1903 and 1904 (Journ. N. Y. Ent, Soc., vol. 11, p. 113; vol. 12, p. 60 and p. 258) has mentioned the species on three occasions, on the last of which he gave the above name for the insect on the authority of Weise. 1 These latter notes may, however, have been based upon the specimen herein mentioned under the name Cassida flaveola. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 121 11. Cassida sp. (possibly panzeri? — Schwarz determ.)- A single specimen somewhat resembling the last species is in the National Collection labelled "Victoria Tex. May 19, 1907 J. D. Mitchell" and the determination is given with much doubt. It is doubtless introduced and is not known to be established. 12. Cassida flaveola Thunb. Six American specimens of what appear to be this European species are before the writer from the following sources: Rigaud, Quebec, May 24, 1902, Chagnon (in National Collection from F. Knab) Suffern, N. Y.1 (Schaeffer Collection), Beaver Dam, Wis., Apr. 20, 1896 and Apr. 9, 1911, Snyder (the latter in the Dury Collection and the former in the National Collection), Duluth, Minn. (Fall Collection), and Mora, Minn., June 27, 1907 ,Vickery (in National Collection from F. Knab). The species is said to live in Europe upon certain "chickweeds," Stellaria holostea, S. graminea and Spergula arvensis. The specimen reported by Mannerheim 1853 (Bull. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. Moscou, vol. 26, p. 260) and cited by Hamilton 1894 (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 21, p. 32) under the name Cassida nobilis Linn, may possibly have been this species but their record is based upon a single specimen supposed to have been introduced on horticultural importations into Sitka, Alaska. 13. Cassida bivittata Say occurs from Massachusetts and Florida to Nebraska and Arizona but its locality records are omitted from the map. Riley 1870 (2nd Rep. Nox. Ins. Mo., pp. 57 and 61) illustrates and describes its biology but mentions only sweet-potato as its host-plant. Knab has collected the species on wild morning-glory at Springfield, Mass. It is remarkable that the toothed claws have not tempted someone to make a different generic assignment for this species. 14. Jonthonota mexicana (Champ.) has been recorded by Schaeffer 1905 (Sci. Bull. Mus. Brook. Inst., vol. 1, p. 173) from a single example on live oak in the Huachuca Mts., Ariz, and another single example from an unknown source is in the National Col- lection labelled Nogales. Mr. Schaeffer informs me that he also has specimens from Prescott and Phoenix, Ariz. 15. Jonthonota nigripes (Oliv.) is another species apparent- ly divisible into local races to which the correct application of the specific and varietal names are at present uncertain. The extremes of habitat of this complex are, according to labels on specimens before the writer, New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, Texas and Nevada, but the material is very insufficient. Riley 1870 (2nd Rep. Nox. Ins. Mo., p. 63) figured larva, pupa and 1 Possibly the specimen upon which Schaeffer's records of Cassida neb- ulosa are based. 122 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY adult from sweet-potato in Missouri. Popenoe's 1878 (Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., vol. 6, p. 84) allusion to Cassida sexpunctata as frequent on Ipomoea leptophylla in western Kansas may refer to this species or to the form mentioned here as possibly distinct from Metriona bicolor. Baker 1895 (Ent. News., vol. 6, p. 28) men- tions larvae bred on Convolvulus saepium at Ft. Collins, Colo, and Cockerell 1903 (Ent. News, vol. 14, p. 207) records adults from Convolvulus incanus at Las Vegas, N. M., alluding to the species as a sweet-potato pest and citing his former reference (Bull. 35, N. M. Exp. Sta.). The Calif ornian material is regarded as the following species. 16. Jonthonota novemmaculata (Mann.) is represented in the National Collection by a series from Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal., taken by Koebele, but the species is omitted in the local list by Fall, 1901 (Occ. Papers Cal. Acad. Sci., vol. 8). A specimen from Dunsmuir, Cal. (H. C. Fall) loaned me by Mr. Schaeffer, seems to be intermediate between nigripes and this species. 17. Gratiana pallidula (Boh.) (more familiar as Cassida texana) has been recorded by Riley 1882 and 1883 (Amer. Nat., vol. 16, p. 679, and vol. 17, p. 1070) on the leaves of Solanum elaeagnifolium in Texas and as injuring egg-plant on Wilmington Island near Savannah, Ga., citing also its capture on Solanum carolinense at Washington, D. C. Coquillet 1892 (Ins. Life, vol. 4, p. 262) records its occurrence on Solanum xanti near Los Angeles, Cal., this record being copied by Fall 1901 (Occ. Papers Cal. Acad. Sci., vol. 8, p. 160). The National Collection contains also a. set found breeding on S. carolinense at Washington, D. C. about 1909, donated by Knab, and representatives from Kirkwood, Mo. (also on S. carolinense)1 Wellington, Kans., Tulsa, Okla., Mansfield, La., fourteen localities in Texas, Las Cruces and Albuquerque, N. M., and Santa Rita Mts., Ariz. 18. Orectis callosa (Boh.) from Texas (Dallas, Sharpsburg, San Diego, Corpus Christi and Brownsville) is labelled as found on Solanum and Physalis, and there are two slightly different specimens in the National Collection from Crescent City, Fla., collected by H. G. Hubbard. Mr. Knab has just donated a specimen from Swansea, S. C., taken Aug. 12, 1911, which is larger than any of the others. 19. Coptocycla repudiata Suffr. 1868 (Archiv fur Naturg., vol. 34, pp. 249-251— translated by Gundlach 1891 (?), Contrib. 1 Somes' notes (Journ. Econ. Ent., vol. 9, 1916, p. 42) on his transfer- ence, in Missouri, of larvae of this beetle from colonies on S. carolinense to caged plants of tomato and potato, and their successful development and reproduction on these plants, has since come to the writer's attention. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 123 Ent. Cubana, vol. 3, p. 398), described from a single example sent by Dr. Gundlach in Cuba (exact locality unknown), has ap- parently not been recognized since, but a series of eleven speci- mens from Florida in the Hubbard and Schwarz Collection (Haw Creek June 10, Crescent City, Lake Poinsett May l,andCocoanut Grove May 24) agrees well with Suffrian's description, except that the specimens differ slightly from the description in the hind angles and margin of the thorax, and in the size. The size given, "Long. H'"; Lat. I'".," is the same as that stated for Porphyraspis fallax, a specimen of which, in the National Col- lection measures 5 mm., while the specimens under consideration measure 5| to 6 mm. in length. The species is not congeneric with any other cassidid in our fauna, and not having been re- ported since its original description, still is listed under the genus Coptocycla, the type of which does not appear to have been fixed. An anomalous specimen from Piney Branch, D. C., May 27, 1906, collected by the late Mr. C. E. Burden seems very closely related to this species but may be distinct. Another specimen also from the vicinity of Washington (taken at Fourmile Run, Va., May 30, 1910 by Knab) is superficially very similar but has toothed instead of simple claws throughout. It is thought best to await more data before attempting to attach a name to either. 20. Chirida guttata (Oliv.) As stated above signifera Hbst. is antedated by Olivier's name and the available evidence indi- cates their synonymy. Spaeth's Catalogue includes under this name two subspecies and five aberrations bearing distinctive names, two of which are there proposed as new (pennsylvanica n. nov., for trabiata var. a Boh., and bohemani n. nov., for "gut- tata Boh. (nee Ol.)")- The pale variety is frequently confused with other species but is easily distinguished from all except ex- tensa by the 3rd antennal joint being twice as long as the second and by the sharp carina on the outer edge of a narrow groove in which antennal joints 2, 3 and 4 lie when at rest. The species occurs from Massachusetts and Montana to South America but our locality records are not indicated on the accompanying maps. The forms of this variable species are worthy of an extended study on a very large scale but it may be well to call particular attention to subspecies lecontei. 21. Ghirida guttata lecontei (Cr.) is so strikingly different in outline that, until sufficient evidence of its union with guttata is obtainable, the name should be given greater prominence. Of four specimens in the National Collection, one was collected by Morrison in Arizona, another from the same state came from the Belfrage Collection, the third is from Mesilla, N. M., July 15, 1897 (Cockerell) and the fourth is from the Huachuca Mts., 124 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Ariz., July 25, 1905 (Schaeffer). Another specimen is in the Dury Collection from the Santa Rita Mts., Ariz. July 1915. Three nearly similar specimens, but having a black venter, are from uncertain Mexican sources. 22. Chirida extensa Boh. I am indebted to Mr. Schaeffer for the identification of this species which had been confused among the pale specimens of C. guttata. Five specimens from Brownsville, Tex. are in the National Collection, three of which were taken June 9, 1895 by Mr. Schwarz, the other two having been received from Schaeffer. 23. Psalidonota leprosa (Boh.) or marmorata Champ. Seven specimens from Brownsville, and one from the Guadalupe River, Texas (Townsend, Wickham, Dury, Schaeffer and Mitchell, collectors) are smaller than our more tropical specimens of leprosa but. do not quite agree with marmorata. 24. Deloyala clavata (Fabr). As above stated this species is hereby chosen as the type of Chevrolat's long neglected genus, and this combination was used in the Melsheimer catalogue 1853, and by Riley 1870 and others, who allude to the species as an enemy of the white potato. Pierce has found the species in Texas, breeding on Physalis cornuta and Knab informs me that larvae and adults occur on both white potatoes and bitter-sweet (Sola- num dulcamara) in Massachusetts. Dr. Chittenden has a speci- men labelled "on Solatium nigrum, Glen Echo, Md." Speci- mens from Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are larger, paler and less tuberculate posteriorly but are not regarded as specifically distinct. They are believed to represent intergrades between our eastern form and the Central American testudinaria, but I am dissatisfied as to the strict application of Fabricius' name. 25. Metriona bicolor (Fabr.) This, familiar to most of us under the name Coptocycla aurichalcea, is apparently a composite of ill-expressed local forms distributed throughout the United States. Champion 1894 (Biol. Cent.-Amer. Coleop., vol. 6, pi. 2, p. 212) applies this name to a smaller and quite distinct form, varieties of which he admits merge with a series of varietal forms which he treats under the name trisignata and it seems certain to the writer that in Texas, these latter merge with the series of forms we have known as bicolor Fabr., aurichalcea Fabr., auri- splendens Mann, and marylandica Hbst. with which Champion thinks bis-tripunctata Hbst. may not be strictly synonymous. Until their status can be better determined, further nomrnrlu- torial changes would be unwise. The localities for this ubi- quitous species are not indicated on the appended maps. Riley 1870 (2nd Ann. Rep. Nox. Ins. Mo., p. 62, figs. 33 and 34) cites sweet-potato, morning-glory and bittersweet as hosts, but adults are found evidently at home on a large number of plants, and OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 125 breeding observations on colonies of larvae as well as adults are needed. One of the better marked forms which is probably spe- cifically distinct but which is assigned here awaiting more data, is more convex than the common form, has a narrower more decli- vous and opaque expanded margin, usually displays one or three maculae on each elytron and has coarser elytral sculpture. A Cincinnati specimen in the Dury collection was- determined by Dr. Geo. Horn as C. bisignata Boh. but the description does not quite fit the series examined by me, the localities of which are, Chicopee and West Springfield, Mass. (Apr. 1884 and June 1898, Knab, 4 examples), Dayton, Ohio (July 22, 1905, Dury), Douglas Co., Kans. (Snow, 8 examples), Onaga, Kans. (Crevecoeur, 2 examples) and Texas (Belfrage). The anterior claw of the middle feet in the male lacks the basal tooth and is more strongly asymmetrical than in the other forms I have left under the name bicolor. 26. Metriona emarginata (Boh.) is recorded from Arizona but without definite locality indicated. Three specimens in the Knab collection were received from Schaeffer labelled Huachuca Mts., Ariz., July 25, 1905. 27. Metriona purpurata (Boh.) represented in the National Collection by specimens from Maine to Montana, Utah and Texas, seems to have been neglected biologically, for no record of host plant is at hand, except that the writer is informed by Mr. Knab that it breeds on wild morning-glory in Massachusetts. A specimen of very different habitus, labelled "Fla., Coll. O. Dietz" is in the Schaeffer Collection. It is larger, more depressed and more highly colored than the northern specimens and if the lo- cality is authentic it must represent a distinct local race which greatly extends the habitat of the species. 28. Metriona profligata (Boh.) has been cited by Schaeffer 1905 (Sci. Bull. Brook. Mus., vol. I, p. 174) from Arizona as occur- ring commonly on low weeds and branches of various trees. Speci- mens kindly given to the National Collection by him are labelled Huachuca Mts. June 16 and 27. Other specimens are from the Chiricahua and Santa Rita Mts., Arizona (May 20, June 13 and July 3, Hubbard and Schwarz) and Las Vegas Hot Springs, N. M. (Aug. 11, 1901 Schwarz). 29. Ctenochira bonvouloiri (Boh). This Mexican species is mentioned by Horn 1894 (Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2), vol. 4, p. 344) from two localities in Lower California and three examples are in the National Collection from Brownsville, Texas. The following admittedly imperfect key to our species does not emphasize the recently proposed generic characters but is added in the hope that it will be of assistance to some who have not access to large collections or to better literature. 126 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1. Head visible from above, pronotal front margin straight or emar- ginate 2 Head covered by the arcuate front margin of the pronotum 5 2. Smaller species (5 mm.), metallic blue, shining, coarsely seriately punctured (Florida) Porphyraspis cyanea Larger (10 mm. or more) 3 3. Metallic green with red or yellow elytral spots (tropical) Pseudomesomphalia spp. Red or yellow 4 4. Elytra each with two narrow longitudinal black vittae. (Tro'pical) Hilarocassis exclamationis Elytra and pronotum spotted Chelymorpha cassidea 5. Claws simple : 6 Claws angularly dilated at base 18 Claws pectinate 26 6. Outline deeply and broadly notched between humeri and pronotum, expanded margins broad translucent, length about 10 mm. (Florida) Eurypepla jamaicensis Outline nearly continuous 7 7. Size larger (10 mm. or more), form elongate oval 8 Size smaller, form oval or circular 9 8. Elytra tumid. (Tropical) Physonola alutacea Dorsum evenly rounded Physonota unipunctafa 9. Form oval 10 Form more circular 14 10. Form strongly convex, color red 11 Form depressed 15 11. Elytra unmarked, expanded elytral margins strongly descending (Florida) Coptycycla repudiata Elytra with infuscate markings • 12 12. Elytra obsoletely vittate. (Arizona) Jonthonola mexicana Elytra maculate , 13 13. Elytral margin opaque, spots less evident. (Middle States) Jonlhonota nigripes Elytral margin translucent, spots more evident. (Pacific coast). Jonthonola 9-maculata 14. Size large (9 mm.) dorsum gibbous, margins translucent (Brownsville, Texas) Psalidonota leprosa Size small (5-6 mm.), elytra multituberculate, margins maculate Oreclis callosa 15. Sculpture coarse, elytra usually tessellate, color reddish or yellowish 16 Sculpture finer, elytra not costate, color green 17 16. Size larger (8 mm.), elytral sculpture very coarse and reticulate Cassida nebulosa Size smaller (5 mm.), elytra coarsely punctate and subcostate Cassida flaveola OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 127 17. More depressed, unicolorous. (Quebec) Cassida rubiginosa More convex, sutural and scutellar region fuscous. (Texas) Cassida panzeri (?) 18. Elytra with sutural and two lateral black vittae . . . . Cassida bivittata Elytra not vittate 19 19. Depressed, pale, coarsely punctate Gratiana pallidula Convex, maculate or golden, punctures usually fine 20 20. Antennal joints 2, 3 and 4 lying at rest in groove whose outer edge is produced into a sharp carina, 3rd joint twice as long as 2nd 21 No antennal groove, joint 3 but slightly longer than 2nd 22 21. Elytral margin black or clouded at humerus, elytra usually macu- late Chirida guttata Elytral margin translucent at humerus, elytra usually immaculate (Tropical) Chirida exlensa 22. Elytra gibbous, rugose and irregularly reticulate Deloyala clavala Elytra smooth, evenly convex 23 23. Elyeral margin entirely translucent Metriona bi.colorf Elytral margin clouded opposite humeri 24 24. Transparent lateral area of expanded margin bordered internally with narrow black band. (Arizona) Metriona emarginata No black markings 25 25. Outline nearly circular, opaque part of elytra darker at sides, size larger Metriona purpurata Outline more elongate, color uniform, size smaller. (Arizona) Metriona profligata 26. Outline nearly circular, disc with large black ring containing three minute black points on yellow ground. (Tropical) Ctenochira bonvouloiri The following has been accepted for publication: SOME AMERICAN HYMENOPTERA. BY J. C. CRAWFORD. Alcidamea colei, n. sp. Male. Length about 5 mm. Black; head and thorax clothed with dense white pubescence; head closely strongly punctured, punctures sepa- rated by about a puncture width; on mesonotum the punctures similar, closer laterally and slightly sparser in middle; antennae short, brown, flagellar joints subquadrate, first slightly longer than broad, last slightly longer than first; wings almost hyaline, first and second cubital cells along radius subequal in length; legs dark brown, tarsi more reddish, pubes- cence on legs sparse, white; abdomen black, shiny, the apical margins broadly testaceous, margin of 6th segment including lateral teeth, almost colorless; segments 1-5 with apical bands of appressed white pubescence; 7th dorsal segment pointed at apex the produced portion hardly as long 128 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY as its width at base; first three segments sparsely finely punctured, seg- ments 4-6 with punctures closer and somewhat coarser; second ventral with a transverse ridge the medial portion of which is triangularly elevated. Described from one specimen from Redlands, Calif. F. R. Cole, collector. Type: Cat, No. 20402, U. S. N. M. This species has the apical segments of the abdomen shaped about as in uvulalis, producta and pilosifrons,- all of which are much larger and more robust; uvulalis and producta have a great projection in the second ventral segment. Protandrena bishoppi, n. sp. Female. Length about 7 mm. Head and thorax black, abdomen with the three basal segments rufous, the following ones dark brown, segment one brown at base, segments two and three with a brown stripe near apex ; face with the punctures rather coarse and not very close, those on clypeus somewhat larger and more scattered; the following parts yellow; dog's ear marks, supraclypeal area but this so deeply indented above as to make it almost two triangular marks, a median mark on clypeus not reaching apical margin, tubercles and front and middle tibiae at base; antennae dark brown; process of lab rum smooth, truncate apically; mesonotum shiny, with sparse punctures; scutellum closely punctured, the punctures laterad large, punctures medially, finer and crowded; wings dusky, stigma and veins almost honey color; legs brown, the tibiae more reddish; the tarsi rufous; first abdominal segment shiny, sparsely, finely punctured, the punc- tures closer towards base, following segments closely punctured; de- pressed apical margins of segments with fine crowded punctures. Described from one specimen from Hetty, Texas, July 10, 1904, F. C. Bishopp, collector. Type: Cat. No. 20403, U. S. N. M. Easily separated from heteromorpha Ckll. the other small spe- cies with light tarsi, by the truncate, non-carinate process of labrum, the scattered punctures of mesonotum and the rufous abdominal segments. Actual date of publication, August 4, 1916 ANNOUNCEMENT Separates of all the important papers published in the PROCEED- INGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON and a num- ber from other journals are for sale at approximately two cents per page (no article less than ten cents). They can be had by apply- ing to the Corresponding Secretary of the Entomological Society, U. S. National Museum. Washington, D. C. No receipt will be mailed for the sale of printed matter unless especially requested. OF SPECIAL INTEREST ATVERIKOV, S. S. Lepidopteres receuillon par I'Expeditiou de B. M. Zhitkov, dans presqueille de Jaminen —1908 $0.10 BEUTENMULLER, WM. Synopsis of the Food Habits of the Larvae of Sesiidae 10 GARY, M. On the Diurnal Lepidpptera of the Atha- baska and MacKenzie Region of British Columbia 15 CHITTENDEN, F. H. Four Economic Papers 25 DUZ.EE, E. P. VAN List of the Macrolepidoptera of Buffalo and Vicinity. 10 DYAR, H. C. The Life Histories of the New York Slug Caterpillars, 1895-1899 (Complete) 1 .50 Life Histories of North American Geometri- dae (Sixty-three parts, complete except Part 20) 75 A List of the American Cochlidian Moths with Descriptions of New Genera and Species ; . . .20 Descriptions of New Species of Moths of the Family Cochlidiidae 10 A Generic Revision of the Hipocritidae (Arctiidae) 10 Lepidoptera from the Harriman Alaska""* Expedition .15 A Generic Revision of the Lachneidae (Lasiocampa) 10 A Review of the North American Chrysangi- nae . .10 A Review of the Hesperidae of the United States 15 A Descriptive List of a Collection of Early Stages of Japanese Lepidoptera — 1905.. .15 Life Histories of Some North American Moths— 1900 .15 Preliminary Notes on the Larvae of the Genus Arctia 10 Descriptions of North American Moths and Larvae— 1906 10. The Life History of Ersides amyntas 10 A New Form of Clisioeampa from Colorado .10 A New Genus of South American Moths .... .10 A Note on the Head Setae of Lepidopterous Larvae with Special Reference to the Appendages of Perophora melsheimerii. .. .10 Descriptions of Larvae of Some Moths from Colorado 15 Notes on Some Species of Xotodontidar in the Collection of the U. S. National Mu- seum with Descriptions of Now GomT:i..and Species 15 TABLE QT CONTENTS FOR THIS NUMBER ALDBICH, J. M. : More light on Myiophasia . . t : 98 BARBER, H. S. : A review of North American Tortoise beetles 113 CAUDELL, A. N., Presidential Address: An economic consideration of Orthoptera directly affecting man 84 CRAWFORD, J. C. : Some American Hymenoptive 127 HOWARD, L. O. : Francis Marion Webster 79 MALLOCH, J. R. : A new species of Agromyza destructive to beans in the Philippines. 93 Obituary: Webster, Francis Marion 78 SHANNON, R. C. : Notes on some genera of Syrphidae with descriptions of new species , 101 SMITH, H. E. : New Tachinidae from North America 94 TOWNSEND, C. H. T. : Note on Myiophasia aenea Wd 100 PROCEEDINGS OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME XVIII, No. 3 SEPTEMBER, 1916 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 2419-21 GHEENMOUNT Ava. BALTIMORE, MD. EDITORIAL OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. Entered as second-clou matter at the postoffice at Baltimore, Md., February 28, 1913, under the Act of August 24, 1912 THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON t ORGANIZED MARCH 12, 1884. The regular meetings of the Society are held on the first Thursday of each month, from October to June inclusive, at 8 P. M. Annual dues of active members, S3. 00; of corresponding members $2.00; fnitiation fee (for active members only), $1.00. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1916. Honorary President E. A. SCHWARZ President,. C. R. ELY First Vice-President. . . E. R. SASSCER Second Vice-President . . ... FREDERICK KNAB Recording Secretary A. B. GAHAN Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. . . .S. A. ROHWER U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Editor. . J. C. CRAWFORD Representing the Society as a Vice-President 6f the Washington Academy of Sciences W. D. HUNTER Executive Committee. THE OFFICERS. A. N. CATJDELL. A. L. QXTAINTANCB. W. D. HUNTER. PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Published quarterly by the Society at Baltimore, Md., and Wash- ington, D. C. Terms of subscription: Domestic, $2.00 per annum; foreign, $2.25 per annum; recent single numbers, 75 cents, foreign postage extra. Remittances should be made payable to the Entomological Society of Washington. Authors of leading articles in the PROCEEDINGS will be entitled to 25 separates of each contribution, free of charge, provided the Editor is noti- fied before page proof is returned. Additional copies may be had at rates fixed by the Society. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOL. XVIII 1916 No. 3 TWO HUNDRED AND NiNJKTY-THIRD MEKTING, MARCH 2, 1916. The 293d regular meeting of the Society was entertained by President C. R. Ely at the Saengerbund Hall, March 2, 1916. There were present Messrs. Baker, Borden, Boving, Craighead, Cushman, DeGryse, Ety, Fisher, Gahun, Greene, Heinrich, Holloway. Hopkins, Isely, Knab, Middleton, Pierce, Rohwer, Schwarz, Shannon, Snj'der, Turner and Walton, members, and E. H. Gibson, H. G. Ingerson and A. T. Speare visitors. The Corresponding-secretary announced the election of Mr. A. N. Caudell to the vacancy on the Executive Committee. Dr. J. M. Aldrich, and Messrs. T. W. McGehee and R, W. Moreland were elected as corresponding members. The following program was presented: THE DETERMINATION OF THE ABDOMINAL AND THORACIC AREAS OF THE CERAMBYCID LARVAE AS BASED ON A STUDY OF THE MUSCLES.1 BY F. C. CRAIGHEAD. INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this paper is to establish a foundation for the subsequent description and classification of the North American cerambycid larvae (of which one part has already been published) .2 1 Contribution from the Branch of Forest Insects, Bureau of Entomology. 2 Craighead, F. C., Larvae of the Prioninae, Kept. No. 107, U. S. Depti Agr., June 25, 1915. 129 130 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY In the following papers on these larvae the terminology given here will be adopted. From an anatomical study of the ceram- bycids alone, it was found inadvisable to draw conclusions, consequently the larvae of some eight or ten other Coleopterous families have been studied more or less thoroughly. The general areas as defined here have been found to conform very well, but as to the terminology of some parts and the importance or sig- nificance given to certain areas, this paper is provisional and will be followed by another discussing a series of larval types. Before the 274th meeting of this society Dr. Adam Boving presented a paper on the abdominal structure of certain Coleopter- ous larvae as based on the muscular anatomy.1 This he stated was a continuation of Dr. Hopkins' study of the structure of the scolytid larvae. The writer fully adopted this nomenclature in a paper on the larvae of the Prioninae2 and found it adaptable to the abdominal structure which only was there discussed. But this paper in which a further study and correlation of both the abdominal and the thoracic structures of the cerambycid larvae is carried out, certain modifications of Dr. Boving's terminology are sug- gested as more generally applicable. Dr. Boving further mentions that he believes the characters which he describes can also be used for larvae of other family or ordinal rank. I can, in this connection, state that this has been found the case in several Coleopterous families (beside those here discussed) in which the anatomy has been studied. Especi- ally applicable is his description of the intersegment al skin, the muscles from its cunea as well , as the mechanical principles involved, in the whole arrangement of folds, areas and muscles pertaining to what he calls the lateral zone. A study of the principle of the primary segmental divisions, as represented by Dr. Hopkins3 in his study of the scolytid beetle, Dendroctonus, and the above discussed principle of Dr. Boving it is evident that these principles are identical, but that different terms have been used to designate the homologous areas. Thus Dr. Hopkins has shown that the pleurum is the main lateral region, divided into two pleurites, the epimeron and episternum of the adult, wrhich he says are undoubtedly homologous to the epipleurum and hypopleurum of the larvae, and that between 1 Boving, A. G., On the Abdominal Structure of Certain Beetle Larvae of the Campodeiform Type. Proc. Entom. Soc. Wash., Vol. XVI, No. 2. June, 1914, p. 55-60. 2 Craighead, F. C., Larvae of the Prioninae, Rept. No. 107, U. S. Dept. Agr., June 25, 1915. 3 Hopkins, A. D., Contribution Toward a Monograph of the Scolytid Beetles. Technical Series, No. 17, Part 1., U. S. Dept. Agr., 1911. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1016 131 these areas lies the pleural suture. This pleurum of Hopkins is homologous to the lateral zone of Boving, but the line which corresponds to his pleural suture in the adult is in the cleridand cerambycid larvae a somewhat oblique line, less distinct than the sutures above and below the pleurum or lateral zone. Snod- grass1 (page 537) has shown that in the nymphs and immature stages, that line is often indistinct, which corresponds to the pleural suture of the adults. This is considered the case in the clerid and cerambycid larvse. Thus the principal changes in this paper will be to adopt the term pleurum for Dr. Boving's lateral zone, and for the prominent' larval lines above and below pleurum (which Dr. Hopkins has not named) adopt Wallengreen2 names of tergopleural3 and sterno- pleural suture for Dr. Boving's terms antipleural and pleural suture. Dr. Boving's name for hypopleurum (which name has been used as a part of pleurum) will have to be changed and the name postcoxal (PoCx) is here adopted. These are the principal alterations to be made in this paper to bring about a homology of the names and to adopt terms in more general use for areas which are here considered the same. Above the pleurum is the tergum, its divisions are called ter- gites; below the pleurum is the sternum, its divisions are called sternites. THE ABDOMINAL STRUCTURE. The following discussion and figures are based on the anatomy of the cerambycids. Not all the muscles to be found in the seg- ments are illustrated, but the longitudinal muscles between the cunea are here omitted for the sake of clearness. One plate (Plate 9) shows these longitudinal abdominal muscles essentially like those of the clerid. These longitudinal muscles are attached to the posterior edge of one cunea extending to and attaching on the posterior edge of the cunea behind. The longitudinal muscles which extend backward determining folds within the segment, are always attached to the anterior edge of the cunea. Thus the cunea can always be defined by longitudinal muscles. Also the superior cunea can be indicated l>\ iln> two fascia of the muscle s-pn- from the posterior cuneal notch. One fascia of this muscle attaches to the anterior and one to the posterior edge. 1 Snodgrass, H. K., The Thorax of Insects and the Articulation of the Wings, Proc. I". S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 36, p. 511-595, 1909. Wallengreen, H., Physiologisch-Biologische Sludien i':l>er Die Atniunv Bei Den Arthropoden, Lands University s Arssknft, N. I-'., Vol. 10, 191 I ; Uimmock, Geo., Primer Informc Annul de la Estacion Central Agro- mica de Cuba, 1906. On page 295, canal lateral, lateral furrow. i< u-ed, equivalent to tergo-pleural. 132 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Starting with an abdominal segment of a Lepturinae larva (Plate 6) the homologies will be pointed out comparing it with a clerid, as illustrated by Boving.1 First will be noticed a con- siderable reduction both in size and number of the perpendicular muscles, except those between the pleural sutures (tp-sp). This pleurum is strongly protuberant in this form, produced by the numerous short muscle bands from the tergopleural to the sterno- pleural (tp-sp) and postcoxal line [hypopleural line of Boving] (tp-pcx). These tergopleural-sternopleural muscles are absent in clerid forms as well as several fascia of the tergopleural-post- coxal muscles. The tergopleural suture is defined as in the clerid, by two sets of perpendicular muscles extending downward, one from its anterior extremity below spiracle to the posterior cuneal notch (tp-pn), the other from its posterior extremity to the post- coxal suture (tp-pcx). The sternopleural suture (s.p.) defined by three (in the clerid) large muscles, from its middle extending dorsad, is here represented by a single band of several fibres (pasc-sp). These last muscles define the ventral limit of the parascutum (PaSc) and the dorsal limit of the spiracular area (SpA) in the clerid. So do they also in the cerambycid. A longitudinal band of muscles (e-s) attached along a perpendicular median line [the parascutal divisor (e)] on the lower half of the parascutum and upper half of spiracular area extends posteri- orly to the superior cunea. These muscles seem to be of little value as determining any abdominal area. In the cerambycids this parascutal area extends over the back of the larvae around a well defined plate, the scutum (Sc). The parascutum and the notal subdivisions are more or less protuberant forming the ambulatory ampullae. The writer believes the parascutum is nothing more than a portion of the notal areas as will be shown later in the thorax, but since it is of value for descriptive purposes the name should be retained. Of these notal divisions only the scutum (Sc) (or more correctly, the scutal plate) is well defined, first by two lateral sutures, the scutal lines (s.c.) defined by the large muscles (pn-sc), also by two transverse sutures ( and connecting the scutal lines, defined by muscles extending from the anterior line to the superior cunea behind the segment and from the posterior line to the superior cunea in front, on the same segment; also muscles from each of these lines extending in the opposite direction. These muscles defining scutum in the cerambycid and clerid cannot be absolutely homologized. In the clerid, prescutum arid postscutellum are defined by muscles s-pn (s-pn? of Cerambycidae) and pscl-hypl. These muscles 1 1. c., Plates III and IV, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 133 have dropped further down in these forms and do not produce a fold defining these areas. Hence the region in front of scutum which is considered prescutum and that just behind scutum which is considered scutellum, are both indistinct. The post- scutellum is wanting. Anteriorly beneath the sternopleural suture is a small triangle PrSt, which is considered the presternum. In most cerambycids it is formed more by the ampullar protuberance than by special muscles, and by this same protuberance crowded to the side, but in the thorax the ventral extremities often meet or fuse. In one subfamily, the Aseminte, it is definied by a muscle ps-i [represented in the Cerambyciriae figure (Plate 8)] and in the clerid and many other Coleoptera, it is well defined by two mus- cles dpl-s and dpl-i (of Boving) one extending to the superior and one to the inferior cunea. In the clerid the deuteropleurite and presternum are considered as fused together. Behind the presternum and below the sterno pleural suture lies the post- coxal area (PoCx), limited below by the postcoxal line which is defined by (Boving's hypopleurum) perpendicular muscles (tp-pcx) (anti-hypl) of Boving) from the postcoxal line ( to the posterior end of the tergopleural suture; and I may add this postcoxal line is (in the cerambycids) also defined by one or several muscles (s-pcx) to the superior cunea (probably hypl-tepl of the clerid.} This postcoxal area is usually more or less trian- gular in shape. Beneath the postcoxal area lies the coxal lobo (CxL). This is a conspicuous area in some cerambycid larvae, lying between the postcoxal and sternal lines. It can always be determined by two points of muscular attachments. One on the sternal line having two or three muscles (tp-si) to the tergo- pleural suture, the posterior of which represents Boving's pscl- hypl; the other point is on the postcoxal line defined by the muscles tp-pcx (clerid muscles a,nti-hypl). From the position of these muscles in the clerid, figure 4, it will be seen that the coxal lobe is inconspicuous, the muscle almost lying on the same line, nevertheless a very small triangle can be seen on the larvae. This is almost the case in the Cerambyciriae. In the clerid just beneath the postcoxal and coxal areas lies the parasternum. The broken line ventrally limiting it is con- sidered the sternal line defined by muscles s-st and cm-st. This area is not present in the cerambycids and only the posterior part of the line defined by muscles pn-st (an-st of the clerid) is considered as really the sternal line. The other muscles s-st of the clerid are only present in Leptura forms (s-st). Their posi- tion in these larvae and in many other Coleoptera is so variable that for the present their significance cannot be determined. However in the clerid, elaterid and trogositid they define an 134 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY area which may well be called the parasternum for descriptive purposes. Between the sternal lines extends a transverse line, the eusterno-sternellar line (est.stl), separating the eusternum from the sternellum. In some larvae it is continuous with the sternal line, in others perpendicular to it, and probably more or less represents the same line, but for the sake of the discussion it is considered separately. It is defined by muscles to the pos- terior notch pn-est.stl. That part of eusternum extending dor- sad to the sternopleural suture in front of the coxal lobe often becomes a separate area in the thorax. All the ventral areas like the corresponding dorsal ones, are protuberant ventrally, forming the ampulla. Several muscles (i-est) extending from the eusternal region posteriorly to the inferior cunea and several (i-stl) from the sternellar region ante- riorly to the inferior cunea are not considered as defining any definite areas or regions, but are of importance in contracting the ampullae and producing its bilobed form in many larvae. A comparison of two other types of larvae, the Cerambycinae and the Prioninae, with that of the Lepturinae shows that in both these forms the pleurum is not protuberant and only one of the short tergopleural-sternopleural muscles (tp-sp) is present. Like- wise the tergopleural suture is very indistinct, especially in Cer- ambycinae forms. By the stress being removed from this suture and distributed more generally over the spiracular area the region around the spiracle has assumed on ellipitical form, lying partly in the pleural zone and partly in the spiracular area. This to some extent acts as a substitute for the elastic effect of the pleural lobe which is very prominent in Leptura forms, indistinct on Prioninae larvae and still less evident on Cerambycinae types. Thus this tubercle or lobe becomes distinct or obsolete according to the position and strength of the sternopleural-tergopleural and other pleural muscles. In the last three abdominal segments of the Cerambycinae and Prioninae larvae the same development of pleural region and lobe is present as in all segments of the Lep- tura abdomen. Again in Prioninae the postcoxal line pushes downward shortening coxal lobe which is entirely lost in the Cerambycinae as the muscles indicate; those which define the postcoxal line (tp-pcx and s-pcx) having nearly the same attach- ment as those defining the coxal lobe. In the Cerambycinae the sternopleural suture is not defined anteriorly, thus presternum and pleurum are fused. THE THORACIC STRUCTURE The transition from the abdominal to the thoracic segments is a gradual one and can best be seen by comparing the integument from which all the muscles have been removed with another specimen with all the muscles in situ. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 135 First taking a prionine larva such a comparison will show that the anterior and posterior cuneal notches gradually separate as they approach the thorax. The former pushes dorsad, the latter ventrad. This produces a lengthening of the muscles s-pn2 between them, together with a gradual reduction in the number of fibers until in the metathorax but two remain. Muscle band s-pn becomes more horizontal and in the first abdominal segment extends entirely across the segment (s-s-pri), to a point on the superior cunae. This muscle is retained in the thoracic segments. The muscle defining the scutal line (sc.-pn) loses many fibers as it approaches the thorax and suddenly disappears in these seg- ments. It is also absent in the abdomen of some other families. Now if the integument free of muscles is studied it will be seen that between the cuneal wedges a gradual reduction of the con- necting portion of the intersegmental skin (Is.S) takes place towards the thorax; so that between the metathorax and the first abdominal segment the anterior and posterior notches lie nearly in the same line, and the intervening skin is very short. These wedges and notches actually come into the same plane between the first and second, and second and third thoracic segments. This construction necessarily prohibits the telescopic movements of the abdominal segments. The longitudinal muscles between these cunea are gradually collected and narrowed into a dorsal and ventral wedge-shaped band which becomes respectively the superior (s-rt) and inferior retractor (i-rt) muscles of the head. The dorsal are attached to a point at the fusion of the posterior limit of front and the epicranial halves, the ventral at the point of fusion of the collar of prothorax, and the hypostoma. Several other lateral longitudinal muscle bands (c-l) are attached to the collar or skin connection between head and prothornx around the occipital foramen. With the widening movement of the cuneal notches the par- ascutal line is gradually lowered but the muscle (pasc-sp) which defines this line gradually, approaching the thorax, moves its attachment dorsally forward until it is attached in the thorax on the anterior notch of the superior cunea (s-sp). In some Cer- :mibycinae larvae this muscle moves posteriorly upward and be- comes attached to the cunea behind [see broken muscles of Cer- ambycinse figure (Plate 8).] In some Asemiinae it is attached along the scutal line and does not reach the cunea. Suddenly in the mesothorax the abdominal muscles from tergopleural suture to postcoxal area and coxal lobe or sternal line (tp-pcx. tp,st) have extended their dorsal attachment to the parascutal (now called scutal line). These muscles are collectively c.-illed 136 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY the wing leg muscles and their dorsal attachment marks the dorsal limit of alar area (.4 .A.) and the ventral limit of scutum. This alar area (so called because in abnormal larvae and also in the pupa the wing evaginates from this region) is triangular vith its apex pointing downward nearly bisecting the pleurum (P). The sutures defining this apex are indicated by oblique muscles (tp-pnl 2) one set extending forward to the posterior notch of the inferior cunea the other backward to a corresponding point behind. The anterior band (tp-pn1} evidently is the ab- dominal muscles, tp-pn. The posterior cannot be compared with any abdominal set in the cerambycids but occur in other forms. This v-shaped suture below the alar area is considered the tergopleural (t.p) suture. The thoracic pleurum is usually divided into an anterior and posterior part by an oblique suture p.s. which is considered the pleural suture. It extends downward from the alar area and upward from the coxal lobe. It is much more prominent in some other larvae. The sternopleural suture retains its same relative position as in the abdomen. It is de- fined by two muscles from near its middle, one set s-sp already described, the other sc-sp, extends dorsad to the scutum repre- senting abdominal muscle tp-sp. Thus the pleurum assumes a more or less crescent shape having its anterior portion truncated by the triangle bearing the spiracle while its posterior extends far dorsad. Across the alar area extends a band of muscles a-a, which may represent some modification of the abdominal band d-s. In the Lepturinae and Priononae just in front and above the alar area is a small triangular lobe. It is formed by the wide points of attachments of the wing leg muscles and a shortening of some of the muscles a -a from their anterior attachment on the superior cunea. This (from its position) might belong to either alar area or scutum but is regarded as a part of the latter. In the Cerambycinae it will be seen that the sternopleural suture is not complete anteriorly but merges with that line below it defining the posterior limit of presternum. Also the muscle s-sp often moves down along this line. Thus pleurum and presternum are not distinctly separated (a dotted line is indicated between them) which condition will later be remarked upon in discussing the prothorax. It will be noticed that in the Cerambycinae and Prioninae the abdominal spiracle lies in an elliptical region the lower part of which was before mentioned as part of the pleurum. Just in front of this ellipsoid is the intersegmental skin (Is.S.). Also in the abdomen one muscle (spi-pn) is attached to the spiracle itself, and often extends to the parascutal line. Several others (tp-pn) define the tergopleural suture just below it. Synchro- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 137 noniously with the pushing clown of the spiracular area to form the thoracic alar area, the muscles (t/>-pn) have become strength- ened and retain their same relative position (tp-pn1) but the spiracle has moved below the tergopleural suture as the muscle (*l>i-pn) shows, which moves with it. Thus the spiracle has moved into the pleural region. This muscle is small in the meta- thorax with the rudimentary spiracle, but large in the mesothorax. It is of great importance in deciding the segment to which the spiracle belongs when it has apparently moved from mesothorax to the prothorax, as in some Lamiinae and other larvae. The rudiments of the lines defining the spiracular ellipsoid can still be seen in the metathorax (especially the Cerambycinse) but it is debatable whether to consider this region into which the spiracle has moved in the thorax as part of pleurun which it evidently was in the abdomen or to consider this spiracular triangle, as fused with the narrow piece of intersegmental skin and thus a part of it instead of the pleurum. In the mesothorax of Prioninae and Lepturinae this triangle is very sharply defined. For the sake of comparison in larva? of other families the latter view is adopted, for the present, i.e., that the spiracle lies in the intersegmental skin of the pleurum. In another subfamily of cerambycids, Aseminae, the spiracle in the first abdominal seg- ment has moved forward out of the ellipsoid past the line a.*./. (Plate 8) into the intersegmental skin, thus giving more evidence for the latter theory. To consider the formation of the notal subdivisions it may bo well to start with the clerid in which form Dr. Boving has shown that the large muscle s-pn (attached very high) and the muscle pscl-hypl behind, cause elliptical constrictions, the prescutum and postscutellum. In the cerambycid it has been shown that the postscutellum is absent. Now from the lowered attach- ment of the muscle s-pn2 and greater protuberance of the ampullae with its many muscles, the preponderance of stress in this region is determined by the latter, forming curved lines as the limit of the parascutum. Therefore the presternurn cannot take its triangular form. But in the thoracic segments, the muscles s-pn- have pushed their upper attachment dorsad and by the loss of the large muscles sc-pn a poorly developed ampulla results with the consequential forming of a triangular prescutum and scutellum. Whether new sutures are formed in the thorax or the old ones modified is questionable, probably either alternative occurs in different forms of larvae. It is assumed as the muscles seem to indicate that the anterior and posterior sutures defining abdominal scutum and, have fused medianly and diverged laterally, thus opening scutum which fuses with parascutum to form what is collectively called in the thorax, scutum (Sc). 138 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY From this modification and that in other larvae evidence is suggested that the abdominal parascutum is in fact scutum crossing the dorsal part of the segment, in the median dorsal part of which a more or less rectangular plate, the scutal plate, is often defined by muscles for mechanical purposes. This of course would only be true in those forms where prescutum and scutellum are absent or do not meet medianly. For when these are developed as in the thorax of cerambycids and the abdomen of clerids it more or less dorsally restricts the scutum, but still in some forms is not entirely divided. It is believed that these notal subdivisions in various larvae cannot be definately homo- logized by the muscles and that the transition from the abdomen to the thorax is brought about through different alterations in different larvae. Just in front of the mesothoracic prescutum in Prioninae and Cerambycinae is found a narrow transverse fold (Pn.F) extending between the dorsal attachments of muscle s-sp. This fold is considered intersegmental skin, and as it is of value in descrip- tions is named the postnotal fold. Beneath the anterior extremity sternopleural suture will be noticed a triangle with its apex extending ventrad. This is the presternum (PrSt) homologous to that of the abdomen. It sometimes fuses medianly or has a median portion. The suture posteriorly limiting it is defined by three muscles (p-cx) to the anterior dorsal point of coxal and by several muscles (?>?) extend- ing backwards to the inferior cunea. Beneath the posterior half of the sternopleural suture lies the postcoxal area, (PoCx) surrounding the coxa. Its posterior ventral limit is weakly defined in the Prioninae but strongly so in the Lepturinae. Just in front of the coxa and behind the presternum the lateral ex- tremity of the eusternum is constricted off in the Priorinat and Lepturinae. This constriction is called the precoxal area (P.Cx). In many larvae this area becomes strongly chitinized acting as a brace in front of the coxa corresponding to the postcoxal area behind. These two areas dorsally surround the coxa and in the ceramlycids are usually fused and continuous but in many larvae are distinct and divided by a strong chitinization (often internally an appodeme). This fusion of the two areas is collectively called the epicoxal area (PCx-\-PoCx). The coxa is defined by four points, one dorsal more or less separating the precoxal and epi- coxal areas, but having no muscle attachments, one posterior dorsad, one anterior ventral and one anterior dorsad. The pos- terior or often somewhat dorsal is defined by muscles, sc-cx, two diverging bands to the scutal line, and one tp-cx to the tergo- pleural suture. This point corresponds to that of the abdomen made by muscle tp-pcx on the postcoxal line. The anterioi OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 139 ventral point is at the beginning of the eusterno-sternellar line and is defined by muscle sc-cx-st, to the scutal line, homologous to muscle tp-st of the abdomen. The anterior is defined by muscles p-cx, described before. From this lobe considered to be the coxa projects the trochanter which is moved by a muscle (sp-i) at- tached to its lower surface and to sternopleural suture. Thus that region in the abdomen called the coxal lobe can be sho \vn to have developed the leg in the thorax. The eusterno-sternellar line extending between the coxa divides the eusternum (ESt) from the sternellum (Stl). Muscles (e-s-i) run anteriorly and posteriorly from it to the respective inferior cunea. The poste- rior of these may be considered as abdominal muscles pn-st and e-s-i. It will be seen that the abdominal muscles i-est and /-*// of the abdomen are retained in the thorax. In the Lepturinae it was stated, in discussing the abdomen that the coxal lobe was large and the postcoxal area relatively much smaller. In the thoracic segments the coxa is also corre- spondingly large so that in the prothorax they meet medianly. Also the postcoxal area is practically divided into an anterior and posterior half. In the Cerambycinae these coxae are still smaller, and the legs are often absent, corresponding to an indis- tinguishable abdominal coxal lobe. Parenthetically it might be remarked that the adults of Prioninae and Lepturinae are characterized by large conical coxae. Again comparing the Cerambycinae it will be seen that the pleural suture of meso and metathorax does not extend forward to the inferior cunea but anteriorly the pleurum and presternum are fused. This corresponds to a similar modification in the prothorax where the pleural zone, presternum and eusternum are all fused, and the postcoxal area has been crowded back with the sternellum. In the prothorax a lengthening of all the anterior regions has taken place to accommodate the attachments of the many muscles for moving the head. These muscles are not drawn but their prothoracic attachments are represented by dots in the figure. They occupy practically all the space not utilized by other muscles. These are all attached to the collar and none to the head proper except the inferior and superior retractor muscles. Likewise for mechanical reasons a solidification and chitiniza- tion of many of the areas has taken place. All the notal sub- divisions above the alar ;in>;i have been fused into the larue rectangular pronotum (PN). In the Lepturinae this fusion often includes the alar area and is then spoken of as the protergum (PrTg). Beneath the pronotum, in turn, lies the alara area, the pleurum and epicoxal and precoxal areas surrounding the coxa. The muscles between these ,-ireas can readilv be homolo- 140 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY gized with those of the other thoracic segments, and are lettered similarly. One muscle sc-cx-st from the lower limit of scutum to the ventral point of coxa has not been found in the prothorax. Anteriorly beneath the pleurum the presternum (PrSt) has become very large and extends entirely across the sternum. In Lepturinae it still consists of two lobes. Behind it and between the coxa lies the triangular eusternum. The anterior curved suture is defined by muscles (e-c) to the collar. In the Cerambycinae some trouble may be experienced in ho- mologizing the prothoracic areas below the alar area. As noted before the pleurum and presternum are partly fused in the meso and metathorax. This same fusion is evident anteriorly in the prothorax but posteriorly the pleural suture is usually impressed. (In some forms it is entirely absent or in others entirely present) . The postcoxal area and small coxa have both been crowded back fusing with sternellum to form a narrow transverse fold. The point marked .r on the sternopleural suture in the Prioninse projects in an appodeme. Just above it extends two muscles to the pronotum and from it extends the muscle to the trochanter. At the inner point of the coxal lobe (xx) is a smaller appodeme. These two appodemes have become much extended and meet in a fine ligament inclined posteriorly over the coxa. Above this superior appodeme (x) extends the two muscles to protergum and from it the muscle to the leg, from the connecting ligament, extends the muscles p-i back to inferior cunea. In this sub- family the proeusternum is rarely distinct. The other subfamilies of the cerambycids, Aseminae, Lamiinae and Disteniinae can be easily homologized from the types which have been described. TECHNIC In dissecting the muscles of these larvae the most essential factor is to be certain of the attachment of each muscle in re- lation to the others. Ordinarily pickled larvae are so contracted that this is difficult. A number of methods of preservation were tried but by far the most satisfactory found was to inject the living larva? with absolute alcohol. This distends the specimen, and (except in prepupal larvae) disintegrates the fat, also preserves the muscle in a tough, elastic condition. The alcohol is injected through the anus into the body cavity with a small hypodermic syringe. The pressure created inside closes the puncture when the needle is withdrawn. Specimens killed in boiling water plus a few drops of acetic acid, then injected with equal parts of 4 per cent formalin and 95 per cent alcohol, give good material from which the muscles can all be readily removed and the skin OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 141 showing the muscle attachments studied. Comparing such a skin and a specimen with the muscles intact gives a correct in- terpretation of their attachment and position. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. y These plates were drawn by Miss Mary Carmody from sketches by the author. They are somewhat diagrammatic for the sake of clearness. In no segment are all the muscles drawn but are placed in two segments to avoid confusion. For the same reason several muscles are drawn with angles. The lettering is not present on every muscle on every plate but when not-present it can be easily located on another plate where lettered. A few unimportant muscles are not shown in all the figures. Capital letters represent areas; small letters separated by a dash rep- resent muscles, by a period lines or sutures. These figures were drawn from the internal right side of the larvae so that looking at the lines they will represent the external left side and the muscle can be imagined to be just beneath the skin on that side. Plate VI. Lepturinae larvae (principally from Leptura nitens). Plate Vll. Prioninae larvae (principally from Orthosoma). Plate VIII. Oerambycinae larvae (principally from Chum and Kin- phidion). Plate IX. More important longitudinal muscles. LETTERING ON PLATES. IA — first abdominal segment; HA — second abdominal segment; IIIA- third abdominal segment; A A — alar area; a-a — muscles across alar area (thorax); — line forming anterior boundary of scutum or scutal plate; a. s.l. — line forming anterior boundary of spiracular ellipse; a-sp — muscle from mesothoracic spiracle to the center of the prothoracic alar area; c-l — longitudinal muscles from cunea to collar of head; Cx — coxa; d — para- scutal divisor line; d-s — muscles from parascutal divisor to cunea behind; e-c — prothoracic muscles from eusternum to collar; e-x-i — sternal thoracic muscles from eusterno-sternellar line to cunea in front and behind; ESI eusternum ; rxl.stl — eusterno-sternellar line between eusternum and slerneU him; i-esl — muscles from centra! part of eusternum to cunea behind; i-est.stl — muscles from eusterno-sternellar line to inferior cunea behind; i-rt — inferior retractor muscle of the head; /.s-.S — Intersegmental skin; i-stl — muscles from central part of sternellum to cunea in front; l-/>/,-* longitudinal abdominal muscles from posterior notch to superior cunea behind; MxTh— Mesothorax; MtTh— Metal In >ra\; P — pleurum; PuS<- parascutal area; ixt.xc — parascutal line bounding this area below; pnxc-s/i muscle from parascutal line to sternopleural suture, defining the ventral limit of parascutiim and the dorsal of the spiracular area; /V.c — precoxal area; p.cjc — postcoxal line; p-c.r — the muscle from posterior margin of prestermun to coxa; p-i — muscles from posterior margin of prestermuu 142 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY to inferior cunea behind; PI — pleura! lobe; PN — pronotum; pn-est.stl— abdominal muscles from eusterno-sternellar line to posterior notch behind; PnF — postnotal fold behind prothorax; pn-sc — muscles denning scutal plate or scutum from posterior notch to scutal line; pn-st — muscle from sternal line to posterior notch behind; PoCx — postcoxal area; PrSc — pre- scutum; PrSt — presternum; PrTg — protergum; PrTh — Prothorax; p.s— pleural suture; — line defining posterior boundary of scutal plate; ps-i — abdominal muscle from posterior line of prescutum to inferior cunea behind. This muscle is only present in one subfamily of Cerambycidae; S — sternum; Sc — scutum of thorax and scutal plate of abdomen; s.c— scutal line, defining lateral limit of abdominal scutal plate and thoracic scutum. This line in the thorax is the same as the abdominal parascutal line; sc-cx — muscles from scutal line to posterior point of coxa; sc-cx-st— muscles from scutum to anterior ventral point of coxa near sternal line; Scl — scutellum; sc-sp — thoracic muscle from scutual line to sternopleural suture; s.p. — sternopleural suture; SpA — spiracular area; sp-c — prothorac muscle from sternopleural suture to ventral boundary of coxa; s-pcx — muscles from post coxal line to superior cunea behind; spi-pn — muscles from posterior notch to spiracle; s-pn1 — lower band of muscles from pos- terior notch to superior cunea in front ; s-pn- — upper band of muscles from posterior notch to superior cunea in front; sp-t — thoracic muscle from sterno- pleural suture to trochanter; *->•/ — superior retractor muscles of head; s-sc — muscle of the Prioninae from the scutal line to superior cunea in front — also muscles from the anterior and posterior boundaries of scutal plate to superior cunea; s-sp — thoracic muscle from sternopleural suture or occasionally posterior boundary of presternum line to superior cunea in front or rarely behind (Plate 8 dotted muscle); s-s-sp — first abdominal muscle from posterior notch of second segment across first to superior cunea — a continuation of muscle s-pn1, s-st — several muscles from superior cunea to a point in front of post coxal area. They may be considered as forming the anterior limit of this area or a continuation of sternal line as found in the clerids; s.t — sternal line perpendicular to eusternal-sternellar line; Stl — sternellum; T — tergum; t.p — tergopleural suture; tp-cx — muscle from tergopleural suture to posterior point of coxa; tp-pcx — muscle from tergopleural suture to postcoxal line; tp-pn — abdominal muscles from posterior notch to tergopleural suture; tp-pn1 — thoracic muscles homol- ogous to tp-pn; tp-pn2 — thoracic muscles on posterior half of segment from tergopleural suture to posterior notch. These two sets pull down the alar area; tp-sp — muscles between tergopleural and sternopleural sutures; Ip-st — muscles from tergopleural suture to sternal line; x— appodeme on sternopleural suture; xx — appodeme on eusterno-sternellai line. PROC ENT. 80C. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE VI. 143 PHOC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVHI. PLATE 144 PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE VIIJ. 145 PROC. BNT. 80C. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE IX. 146 OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 147 DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW NORTH AMERICAN MICROLEPIDOPTERA. Hv ArcrsT Duvita, new genus. Labial palpi long recurved; second joint thickened with smoothly ap- plied scales, abruptly cut off at apex; terminal joint about as long as second joint, somewhat thickened with scales, smooth, acute. Antennae 4, simple, basal joint without pecten. Forewings elongate ovate, apex bluntly pointed; 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked to costa; rest separate; 2, 3, 4, and 5 equidistant, nearly parallel; Ib furcate at base. Hindwings nearly as broad as the forewings, trapezoidal, apex somewhat produced, termen slightly sinuatcd below apex; tornus rounded; 8 veins; 6 and 7 stalked; 3 and 4 connate; 5 parallel to 4; lower part of cell below the fold open. Type; Duvita vitella Busck. This genus is allied to Aproaerema Dun-ant, differing mainly in the shorter palpi with the sharply cut off second joint and the thickened terminal joint. Aproearema also has the apex of the hindwings much more produced and termen emarginate. Nigra- tomella Chambers and concinusella Chambers, hitherto placed in Aproaetema are referable to Duvita. Conclusella Walker, hitherto placed in Gelechia, is also better placed in this genus, though it does not have veins 6 and 7 of hindwings as long stalked as the type of the genus. Duvita vittella, new species. Second joint of labial palpi blackish brown exteriorly, light ochreous fuscous on the inner side, with the edge of the abruptly cut off apex white; terminal joint whitish with a broad black annulation before the apex. Face whitish. Head and thorax whitish fuscous. Forewings light deer- brown with white markings strongly mottled with steelgray; basal half of costal edge dark brown; a broad ring of mottled white touching the base of the wing and the costal and dorsal margin encloses a spot of the ground color; from the middle of the costa runs an outwardly oblique white mot- tled fascia across the wing; this fascia is sharply denned toward the base of the wing, but is somewhat diffused exteriorly; from apical third of costa runs a parallel thin line of mottled white to tornus; a broad area of the same color along the terminal edge and including apex contains a conspicu- ous small deep black dash on the middle of termen; a thin black white- edged marginal line at base of the steelgray white tipped cilia. Hindwings dark fuscous. Abdomen blackish fuscous above with ligher underside. Legs blackish brown with narrow white annulations on the tarsal joints. Alar expanse: 10-11 mm. Habitat: Long Island, N. Y., HYinrirk, coll.; ( 'lirvy ( 'li.-isc. Md. Hopkins, coll.; Piney Point, Md. PergMiidc, coll. 148 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Type: Cat. No. 20206 U. S. N. M. Bred by Mr. Heinrick from stunted cones of Scotch and Aus- trian pine; by Mr. Pergande from cecid gall on Pinna taeda. A pretty species, very similar in color and pattern to the well- known pine-needle miner Paralechia pinifoliella Chambers, but larger and without scale tufts and at once recognized by the black tornal dash. Gnorimoschema chenopodiella, new species. Second joint of labial palpi and brush exteriorly mottled with dark fuscous on ochreous ground color; inner side light ochreous; terminal joint dark fuscous with a faint broad ochreous annulation in the middle. Face light iridescent fuscous. Head and thorax dark fuscous. Fore- wings dark fuscous, faintly mottled with white, black and brown scales, the last most prominent on apical half of the wing and tending to form indistinct longitudinal brown lines; black scales form small illdefined spots on the cell and more prominently on costal edge just before apex; cilia ochreous fuscous. Hindwings light fuscous with light ochreous fuscous cilia. Abdomen fuscous with light ochreous underside. Legs dark fuscous with narrow ochreous annulation at the joints. Alar expanse: 12-14 mm. Habitat: Springfield, Mass. Type: Cat. No. 20203, U. S. N. M. Bred by Mr. H. E. Smith from pigweed. A small inconspicuous species closely allied to G. artimisieUa Kearfott and lavernella Chambers, but darker in color and less conspicuously mottled. Gelechia puertella, new species. Labial palpi long slender with small divided brush on second joint; litjht ochreous dusted with black. Head light ochreous; face with large central horny pointed prominence. Thorax light ochreous; base of pa- tagia black. ForeAvings light ochreous, costa more or less dusted with black and with a black spot just beyond the middle; from this spot runs an indistinct darker ochreous shade across the wings, which at the end of the cell contains a small round black spot; on the middle of the cell is a larger black spot more or less connected with a similar spot on the fold below, which reaches to the dorsal edge; around the apical and terminal edges is a series of illdefined black spots. In some specimens the entire wing is more or less dusted with black scales; cilia light ochreous. Hind- wings light fuscous with ochreous fuscous cilia. Abdomen light ochre- ous. Legs light ochreous with black annulations. Alnr expanse: 18-20 mm. Habitat: La Puerta, Cal. Type: Cat. No. 20062, U. S. N. M. OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME XVIII, 1916 149 An easily distinguished species of the group barnesiellae Busck and like this species with the horny prominence on the face, which presumably indicates that the species are internal feeders. Other closely allied species, G. variabilis Busck and texanella Chambers, do not possess this structure. The venation approaches that of Gnorimoschema with 6 and 7 of hindwings nearly parallel. Gelechia paralogella, new species. Second joint of labial palpi light ochreous above, with large, deep black, divided brush; terminal joint black with ochreous apex. Antennae black. Face pearly white, irridescent. Head and thorax black. Fore- wings blackish brown, nearly black; from the base below costa runs a short deep black line dotted with single bright ochreous scales; an indis- tinct longitudinal row of black dots from the middle to beyond the end of the cell, each black dot edged exteriorly with a few light ochreous scales; a few similarly edged black dots on the fold. Cilia dark brown, dusted with white atoms. Hindwings light fuscous. Abdomen blackish brown. Legs black with ochreous annulations. Alar expanse: 17 mm. Habitat: San Diego, Cal., W. S. Wright, collector. Type: Cat. No. 20070, U. S. N. M. Nearest to the eastern Gelechia trialbamaculeUa Chambers. Gelechia diversella, new species. Labial palpi long slender with short furrowed tuft on second joint ; whitish fuscous mottled with black. • Face and head light ochreous fus- cous. Thorax darker fuscous. Forewings narrow, pointed; the whitish ground color is closely overlaid with reddish fuscous scales, which denote the general color of the insect; a large illdefined reddish brown spot on the cell; a similar spot at the end of the cell, above and below which is a black costal and dorsal spot; a small black streak on the fold; a series of illde- fined black spots around the apical and terminal margin. Cilia light ochreous. Hindwings light fuscous with ochreous cilia. Abdomen ochre- ous fuscous. Legs with,broad black annulations. Alar expanse: 15-17 mm. Habitat: San Diego, Cal., W. S. Wright, collector. Type: Cat. No. 20069, U. S. N. M. Closely allied to Gelechia puertella Busck and barnesiella Busck, but smaller and without the facial horny prominence found in these species. Gelechia tiotandella, new species. Second joint of labial palpi with large divided brush, which become- gradually shorter towards apex; white strongly mottled with black and brown scales; terminal joint white with black apex. Face light fuscous, iridescent white in center. Head and thorax light fuscous. Kan-wings dark fuscous, longitudinally streaked with whitish fuscous, except on 150 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY extreme tip of the wing which is unicolored, dark fuscous; just beyond the middle of the cell is a black spot and at the end of the cell is a similar spot, both are slightly edged with white scales so as to be indistinct ocel- late; around the apical edge is a series of illdefined black dots. Cilia fuscous mixed with white. Hindwings dark fuscous with lighter ochreous fuscous cilia. Abdomen dark fuscous with two longitudinal black streaks on the under side. Legs blackish fuscous with narrow ochreous annu- aticns at the end of the joints. Alar expanse: 24mm. Habitat: San Diego, 'Cal., W. S. Wright, collector. Type: Cat, No. 20071, U. S. N. M. A striking species allied to Gelechia biannulella Chambers, but larger and at once distinguished by the different labial brush. Batrachedra mathesoni, new species. Labial palpi yellowish with four conspicuous broad black bars on the outer side, two on second joint and two on third; inner side yellowish strongly mottled and suffused with black, especially on the third joint; extreme tip light, second joint nearly smooth with but slightly projecting scales at apex. Face light ochreous. Head light ochreous on the sides with a broad violaceous black central longitudinal streak, which is con- tinued on thorax, which also has the sides and patagia ochreous. Anten- na; light ochreous with narrow black annulations, and with two or three broad black annulations before the tip. Forewings light ochreous dusted with violaceous black especially below the fold; on the fold below the middle of the cell an alongate conspicuous black spot. Cilia yellowish fuscous. Hindwings linear dark fuscous with yellowish fuscous cilia. Abdomen dark fuscous above with yellowish underside; male genetalia yellowish; female with a short protruding horny, hairy ovipositor. Legs light ochreous, mottled with black exteriorly. Venation typical, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to termen (These are the veins designated as 6 and 7 by Meyrick) Alar expanse: 10-15 mm. Habitat: Cocoanut Grove, Fla. Type: Cat. No. 20336, U. S. N. M. Bred in long series from blossoms of Cocos nucifera received from Mr. H. M. Matheson, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. The species appears to be the primary cause of considerable damage to the flower clusters and to seriously influence the crop of nuts. The full grown larva is 8 mm. long; head and thoracic shield dark brown, nearly black; anal plate light brown; body whitish with faint and ill-defined purple, longitudinal lines, it spins a flimsy, white, oval, flattened cocoon; pupa light brown; pupa stage lasts from 5 to 7 days; imago issuing during latter part of May. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1910 151 Olethreutes piceae, new species. Labial palpi dusky white on the inner side, dark fuscous exteriorly. Face whitish fuscous. Head and thorax dark fuscous. Forewings black- ish fuscous with a greenish tint and white transverse markings as follows : near base is a small diffused whitish area not clearly defined from the groundcolor; on the costal edge a five geminate white dashes, the first of which at basal third is continued into an undulating transverse fascia the next two dashes on and beyond the middle of costa are united by a similar white transverse undulating fascia, which forks just below costa. The outermost geminate dash is continued into an irregular and sometimes broken undulating fascia just within terminal edge, and this fascia has in some specimens the tendency to fork near the costa, the fork running to the penultimate geminate costal dash. Cilia fuscous with a black basal line along the edge of the wing, followed by a diffused white basal line. Hindwings dark fuscous. Cilia fuscous with white tips and a white basal line. Abdomen dark fuscous with lighter underside and anal tuft. Legs blackish fuscous with narrow yellowish bars and tarsal annulations. Alar expanse: 13-16 mm. Habitat: Colorado Springs, Colorado. Type: Cat. No. 20337, U. S. N. M. Bred during May and July in the Forest Insect Division from Picea parvyana and Picea engelmanni, collected by Messrs. J. H. Polloch and B. T Harvey. The species is allied to 0. fuscalbana Zeller and 0. campestrana Zeller, but easily differentiated by the wing pattern. Laspeyresia populana, new species. Face and labial palpi light ochreous. Head ochreous with dark brown side tufts. Thorax blackish with posterior tip and the tips of patagia light ochreous. Forewings blackish brown with light ochreous markings; basal patch dark brown, sharply angulated outwardly and strongly mot- tled with ochreous on the dorsal edge; three large and three smaller ochre- ous geminate dashes occupy most of the costal edge; a large ochreous spot on the middle of dorsum; ocellus indicated merely by a broad transverse bluish metallic streak before and after its normal place; a deep black marginal line around apex and term en is broken below apex by t\vo short ochreous dashes and at tornus by two broad ochreous dashes; apical part of the wing finely irrorated with ochreous scales; cilia coppery brown. Hindwings light fuscous with whitish cilia. Abdomen dark fuscous with light ochreous underside. Legs light ochreous shaded externally \vitb il.-irk fuscous. Alar expanse: 13-14 mm, Habitat: Missoula, Mont. Foodplant: Popolus trichocarpa. Type: Cat, No. 20338, U. S. N. M. 152 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Reared by Mr. J. Brunner. Allied to L. gallae-saliciana Riley, from which it is at once dis- tinguished by the dark basal patch of the fore wings. Laspeyresia leucobasis, new species. Labial palpi and face light ochreous gray. Head and thorax darkei gray. Forewings with basal patch gray concolorous with thorax, out- wardly angulated on the middle and edged by .a broad transverse out- wardly angulated ochreous white fascia, which is but slightly mottled with gray on the costal and dorsal edges; outer half of the wing dark brown with four pairs of short whitish ochreous costal streaks and two short whitish ochreous terminal streaks, one below the apex and the other above tornus; irregular interrupted transverse bluish metallic lines form an illdefmed ocellus, which contains faint short black lines; on the fold ad- joining the light transverse fascia is a large deep black illdefined spot and on the end of the cell is a round black spot. Cilia coppery brown. Hind- wings blackish brown. Abdomen dark brown. Legs light ochreous brown with dark brown tarsal annulations. Alar expanse: 12-13 mm. Habitat: Evaro and Missoula, Mont. Foodplant: Larix occidentalis and Picea engelmanni. Type: Cat. No. 20339, U. S. N. M. Bred by Mr. J. Brunner from the former tree and by Mr. B. T. Harvey from Picea. A very distinct species nearest to L. tana Kearfott, but differ- ing in the light basal part and the much darker apical half; L. tana is also at once distinguished by the whitish cilia of the hindwings. Laspeyresia fletcherana is also closely allied, but is a lighter species, with the basal light part of the forewings much less sharply de- fined from the darker apical part of the wing. Laspeyresia laricana, new species. Labial palpi blackish fuscous. Face, head and thorax blackish fuscous. Forewings blackish fuscous with white and silvery transverse pattern and indistinctly dusted with light yellow scales; five white, geminate costal dashes; the first just before the middle, the second just beyond the middle and the three outer ones on apical third of costa; from the first of these geminate dashes runs an outwardly angulated, white, double fascia to the middle of dorsum, containing a narrow black central line and some metallic scales on the middle of the wing; from the second geminate spot runs a similar fascia, which, however, does not reach dorsum, but forms the inner •edge of the ocellus; the lower part of this fascia is strongly overlaid with metallic scales; from the penultimate costal dash runs a broken irregular, metallic white transverse line along the outer side of the ocellus; this latter contains three parallel, longitudinal black lines; cilia dark bronzy with a black basal, marginal line. Hindwings and abdomen blackish fuscus. Alar expanse: 14-17 mm. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 153 Habitat: Evaro, Mont. Type: Cat. No. 20340, U. S. N. M. Bred by Mr. Brunner from Larix occidentalis. Argyresthia eugeniella, new species. Labial palpi and face golden. Head white. Antennae dusky without darker annulation. Thorax white; patagia dark golden brown. Fore- wing dark golden brown with a violet sheen and with darker grown trans- verse reticulation; the dorsal part below the fold is white, slightly mottled with dark brown and with a large illdefined brown spot on the edge just beyond the middle; cilia dark brown at apex; whitish outside the white dorsal area. Hindwings light silvery fuscous with ochreous fuscous cilia. Abdomen dark fuscous with white underside. Legs golden with indistinct dark brown annulations at the joints. Venation typical: Veins 7 and 8 in the forewings stalked. Alar expanse: 7-8 mm. Habitat: Key West, Fla. Foodplant: Eugenia buxifolia. Type: Cat. No. 20209, U. S. N. M. Collected and bred by Mr. E. A. Schwarz in March 1912. The smallest described American species of the genus, very close to A. deletella Zeller, but smaller and darker in color. The white cocoon is double with an open network outer layer and a tough closely woven inner cocoon. Argyresthia arceuthobiella, new species. Labial palpi golden. Face silvery white. Antennae golden with sharp black annulations. Tuft on head and thorax white; patagia golden yellow. Forewings golden yellow with a narrow leadcolored costal edge; a narrow longitudinal central white streak and a narrow white dorsal edge; apical third of wing overlaid with leadcolored scales; cilia golden with silvery costal and dorsal tufts; extreme apex black, edged on both sides with white scales. Hindwinps light silvery fuscous. Abdomen white. Legs white with dusky, faintly annulated tarsi. Alar expanse: 7 mm. Habitat: Mistletoe, Oregon. Foodplant: Libocedrus decurrens. Type: Cat. No. 20208, U. S. N. M. A very striking little species, reminding of the larger Zelleria haimbachi Busck in color and pattern. Venation typical: Fore- wings with veins 7 and 8 stalked. Argyresthia libocedrella, new species. Labial palpi, face and head light lemon yellow. Antennae silvery white with blackish brown annulations and with basal joint golden. Thorax and forewings dark golden yellow with two conspicuous dark brown dorsal spots, one on the middle of the dorsal edge and one at the basal fourth; 154 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY faint traces of slightly darker lines crossing the wing from these dorsal spots can with difficulty be discerned in certain lights. Ciiia dark golden yellow. Hindwings light fuscous with ochreous fuscous cilia. Abdomen dark fuscous above golden yellow on the underside. Legs golden yellow. Venation typical: Forewings with 7 and 8 stalked. Alar expanse: 13-14 mm. Habitat: Ashland, Ore., P. D. Serpent, collector. Type: Cat. No. 20114, U. S. N. M. Bred from Incense Cedar, Libocedrus decurrens. Nearest to the Eastern A. alternatella Kearfott, but larger and deeper in color and without the conspicuous mottling of that species. Argyresthia f urcatella, new species. Palpi, face, head and thorax white. Forewings white, sprinkled w'th dark brown transverse reticulations especially toward the apex; from the middle of the dorsum runs an illdefined outwardly oblique, dark brown fascia to beyond the end of the cell, but does not quite attain ccsta; on the fold between this and the base is a small round dark brown spot; a series of dark brown marginal spots begin on the middle of costa and reach round to tornus. Veins 7 and 8 stalked. Cilia dark ochreous fuscous. Hindwings ochreous fuscous. Abdomen silvery fuscous. Legs white with dark brown annulaticns at the tip of all the joints. Venation typical. Alar expanse: 12-13 mm. Habitat: Cheyenne Canon, Colo. Type: Cat. No. 20207, U. S. N. M. Bred by Mr. A. B. Champlain from cynipid gall on Oak. Nearest to Argyresthia pedmontella Chambers and rileiella Busck, differing in details of ornamentation, especially by the presence of the round dark spot on the fold, and by having veins 7 and 8 in the forewings stalked. ON THE TAXONOMIC VALUE OF SOME LARVAL CHARACTERS IN THE LEPIDOPTERA.i BY CARL HEINRICH, Specialist in Forest Lepidoptera. It is not proposed in this paper to enter upon a discussion of all the characters that have been used to distinguish larvae, but merely to consider certain head characters which are particularly valuable for defining generic limits and determining immediate family relationships within the so-called Microlepidoptera. 1 Contribution from the Division of Forest Insects, Bureau of Ento- mology. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 155 In studying the head we find that while under different condi- tions of environment it assumes a multitude of different shapes and is variously modified in the proportionate development of its organs and parts, that such changes are frequently more super- ficial than fundamental. Certain characters still persist in their typical form through most of the changes. Even when there is a radical and fundamental alteration in structure due to the same environmental stimulus the forms differ in groups of different origin. The best examples of this are found among the leaf and bark mining larvae that have become adapted to sap-feeding (Comp. Tragardh (8) ). The flat heads of all the Gracelariidae conform to one general family type while those of Phyllocnistis modified in the same organs and to the same purpose, exhibit a quite different form. Among the tissue feeding miners the dif- ferences are also striking. Ectoedemia and Opostega, for example, inhabit flat serpentine mines and have the head similarly de- pressed but differ in fundamental structure. The generic and larger group characters of the head are found in the shape and proportions of the head capsules, the character of the frons, the setae and the trophi. Color and color markings are at most of specific importance. Very often they vary in individuals, or in different stages of the same larva. The shape and intensity of pigmentation in the ocellar area is also variable, being often unevenly distributed on opposite sides of the same head. HEAD CAPSULE. The general shape of the head capsule is a character that must be used with considerable caution. By itself and unsupported by other characters it is worthless in many groups. In certain spe- cialized families and subfamilies it is diagnostic. The rounded, caudally-extended and widely separated blade-like dorsal hind margins of the epicranium are typical of the Nepticulidse. Mne- monica and Dorata have projections resembling these but much longer, differently shaped and closer at the extremities. The horse-shoe shaped head of Tischeria and the wedge-like heads of the flat gracilariids are characteristic. On the other hand, the free-feeding Micros have much the same type of head. There is, for example, little or nothing in the general shape to distinguish ;i gelechiid from a tortricid or a phycid. Taken together with other characters, however, peculiarities of shape are significant and con- stant within a genus. The general shape and proportions of the head capsule should be noted in larval descriptions. In our joint paper (7) on A. xtrnjijinihUn, Fr. Dc( and the writer have designated the line of greatest width as the norm of comparison in expressing proportions of the head capsule. This is a purely 156 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY arbitrary method but it has the advantage that, by stating where the greatest width lies and then defining other dimensions in its terms, one is able to describe the shape and proportions in brief formula. THE FRONS. The shape and dimensions of the frons and its adfrontal margins are characters of greater value and have been extensively used by Dyar in his numerous descriptions, and by both Forbes (5) and Fracker (6) in their diagnosis of families. The frons and adfrons are usually treated as separate sclerites. In reality frons and ad- frons are, as has been shown by Dampf (2), one piece, the only suture being between the adfrons and epicranium, the line mark- ing the division of frons and adfrons being merely an infolding. The extent of this infolding varies considerably in different forms. In the normal head of free-feeding larvae the external portion of the adfrons is appreciable, and narrowly borders the frons, the greater portion being folded in to form a strong chitinous, caudal- ly pointed arch within the head. The points (Plate X, fig. 1) where the frontal margins begin to converge sharply to make the V-like line, indicate the attachment of the tentorial arms. In sap-feeding larvae the frons is considerably widened and extends back to the vertex of the head with little or no narrowing. In these forms the infolding is greatly reduced and the adfrontal margins absent. The points of attachment of the tentorial arms are thrust correspondingly far back with a bridge between them, connecting the dorsal hind margins of the epicranium. In Mnemonica [Comp. Busck and Boring (1) ], on the other hand, there is but a slight infolding to mark the lines of a rather normal frons, and little or no reduction of the sclerite., the adfrontal mar- gins being extended until they form a half circle covering a greater part of the anterior dorsal surface of the head capsule. Such skeletal modifications are necessitated by the environment and biology of the larvae. Their degree would indicate therefor, the extent to which any particular form had developed to meet a given condition, but in spite of the fact that a similar biology will pro- duce similar modifications, the different fundamental form of the head structure remains distinguishable. A Cameraria and a Phyllocnistis rise to practically the same level of development from different starting places. Their en- vironment has caused similar modifications, but the type form remains different. There is an internal cause for certain changes in the frontal sclerite as well as the external one of alteration to accommodati the larva to any particular mining habit, and that is the increase or decrease of muscular tension at their points of attachment.' OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 157 The frons, with its strong infolding*, forms a bridge supporting the head against the thrust of the mandibles and the pull of the strong adductor mandibular muscles attached to the infolded portions of the epicranium forming the adfrontal suture (the straight line of the Y). In the forms which have only to tear delicate leaf-tissue to get the sap nourishment, and also in those nibbling the thin surface cuticle of the leaf, there is much less muscular tension and consequently less need of a strong buttress between mandible thrust and its muscle pull. Hence the frontal surface area is widened and the depth of the infolded adfrons proportionally reduced. When considered in comparison with the line of the epicranial suture and the character of the mandible, the proportions of the frons are good taxonomic characters. We find the shortest frons, the heaviest infolding of the adfrons, the longest epicranial suture associated with strongest mandible, possessed- by the larvae which feed on the edges of the tougher and more fibrous leaves. In the biologically diversified Micro group these structures indicate generic and larger divisions. THE SETAE. The setae of the epicranium are considered by Dampf of even more significance than the body setae and to him belongs the credit of giving them proper place in larval descriptions. Dyar in 1896 (4) designated a set of Roman numerals to distinguish the eleven primaries visible from the dorsal side of the head, numbering them from the hind margins forward. Forbes and Fracker have used these numerals in their references to head setae. Dampf (2), however, has shown that the setae form natural groups within certain areas and has named these groups after the areas upon which they are found. He counts as primaries besides the eleven given by Dyar and Forbes, one seta in the ocellar region, two on the hind part of the gena, and several, generally unhaired tubercles, or "punctures." His sys- tem with slight alterations and the addition of a set of symbols to designate the individual seta, is the one adopted here. The following table shows the homology of the system proposed with Dyar's numerals. In my opinion the 3rd seta described by Dampf among his Dorsolaterals (Dyar's II) does not properly belong there, but should be associated with the small seta near the epicranial suture (Dampf 's "vertical" seta), the unhaired tubercle or tubercles be- tween them and the several secondary setae or punctures near the dorsal hind margins. They form a natural and easily dis- tinguished group from the others and, considered apart, give a clearer understanding of the differing setae arrangements. I have 158 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Homology of Epicranial Setae. AREAS SETAE DYAR NUMERALS r Ad-1 IX •» Anterodorsal \ Ad-2. VU1 Ad-2a (puncture) '( Ad-3 IV \ Ocellar.. 0-1 la (puncture1) O-2 O-3 V VII f •SO-1 XI Subocellar { SO-2 VI SO-2a (puncture) [ Oo-3 X Lateral N L-l III L-la (puncture) f Pd-1. II Pd-la (puncture) Posterodorsal Pd-2 I Pd-2a (puncture) I Numerous secondary punctures Genal G-l G-la (puncture) designated them as the Posterodorsal group, and the 3 forward setae and puncture as the Anterodorsal group. I also place the most lateral of Dampf's Dorso-laterals (Dyar's III) and the puncture (L-la) on the side of the head near it, in a group by them- selves, calling them the lateral group. I think this is justified by the "migration" of the group, whch is of great significance; for the approximate distance of L-l from Ad-3, (as compared with distances separating the different Anterodorsals) in heads superficially alike (tortricid, gelechiid. or oecophorid), not only aids in the separation of such groups, but indicates a different scheme of head development in this particular region. In study- ing the heads of the Cossidae it was also found that there is a dis- tinct chitinization marking the areas of Anterodorsal, Ocellar and Subocellar groups. That the Lateral seta and puncture fall OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 159 behind this chitinization is added indication that they do not be- long with the Anterodorsals. The practically constant proportional differences in length of the epicranial setae in all but the most specialized leaf-mining species coupled with their arrangement into easily definable groups, make it possible for us to homologize the setae and to correlate even the most trifling differences in their positions. An important fact which is not brought out by Dampf, is that changes in position of the setae are due to modifications by growth or contraction of the chitinous areas upon which they occur. This is shown by the fact that the setae of any given group always remain in that group, and by the relative position of the groups themselves under obviously different and easily recognized changes in the head areas. For example, where there is an enlargement of the head surface there is not a corresponding spreading out of all the head setae, but only of those comprising the Posterodorsal group. We find also in several normally round heads (among most of the free-feeding Micros) a crowding forward of the setae, indicating an enlargement of the posterior part of the head at the expense of the frontal area. The most numerous changes in fact are due to modifications of the epicranium back of the area occu- pied by the Anterodorsal, Ocellar and Subocellar setae. And consequently, changes in the relative position of the Posterodorsal and Lateral setae are more frequent and striking than among the other groups. In the round feeding larvae of the Lithocolletinae, however, the development is more in the opposite direction, the Anterodorsal, Ocellar, and Subocellar areas are larger in propor- tion to the Posterodorsal, and there is a consequent spreading out of the setae of the former, the Lateral group is thrust further back and the Posterodorsal group is restricted to a smaller area. All changes, however, are not confined to group movements. There are also differences in the relative position of the setae within a given group, chiefly differences in distance, but also, among the Anterodorsals especially, in the alignment of the setae. In both the most striking changes are noted among the genera of any given family, but here again we find certain tendencies which aid in the identification of larger groups; for example, Ad-2 and Ad-3 are rather closely approximate in Stenomidae or Oecopho- ridae, and in the Tortricoidea the three Anterodorsal setae form a very obtuse triangle often, in fact, lying in almost a straight line with L-l, while in other families their alignment tends more to- wards a right angle. The positions of the punctures appear at first hand much less constant within families than those of the setae, and offer greater difficulties, for they are often invisible except under the highest 160 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY power of a compound microscope. Ad-2a revolves almost com- pletely around seta Ad-2 in the Gelechiidae, and Pd-2a is equally migratory in many groups. I have found, however, no very strik- ing differences among species of the same genus and within fam- ilies even the tendencies of migration are limited in certain direc- tions. It is never a serious problem to homologize these punc- tures. The one I have designated as Pel-la offers the most diffi- culty on account of its frequent proximity to L-l and Ad-3. That it really belongs with the Posterodorsals and indicates the devel- opment of that group is shown in Gnorrimoschema and Nealyda where it is closely approximate to Pd-2a, lying almost midway between the two primary Posterodorsal setae. Changes in position of setae and punctures within the setae groups in any given family are most frequent with Ad-2, Ad-2a, 0-1, Pd-la and Pd-2a and less frequent with Ad-3, L-la, 6-2, and 3, and the Posterodorsal and Subocellar setae. In fact, no group is so nearly uniform in the arrangement and the position of its individual setae throughout the Micros as the Subocellar group.1 The secondary tubercles of the Posterodorsal area vary greatly in number and character. In many cases they differ on the two epicranial lobes of the same head and are frequently undistinguish- able even under high magnification. . THE TROPHI. Among the trophi we find our best characters on the labrum and the so-called maxillulae and in the arrangement of the ocelli. On its upper surface the labrum bears twelve primary setae ar- ranged in two symmetrically paired groups of three each (Fig. 1). The outer three are always located upon the area represented on the ventral side of the labrum by the epipharyngial rods (Fig. 2) . The development of these rods determining the relative position of the setae, the foremost seta being always at the front extrem- ity. These three setae also have a common nerve connection near the base of the labrum. The three medial setae also form a natural group with separate nerve connections from the laterals. As Forbes' (5) numbering of these setae contradicts their mor- phology I am proposing the symbols M 1-2-3- for the medial group and L 1-2-3- for the lateral, numbering from the base of the labrum forward. The punctures are treated as subprimaries of the medial group. Fig. 1 shows the homology with Forbes' 1 Dampf's division of the setae within and below the area occupied by the ocelli into two groups is a convenient one for purposes of descrip- tion and identification but the name ocellar and Subocellar are somewhat misleading as 0.1 often falls well below the ocelli and SO-2 as frequently within the ocellar area. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 161 numerals. Changes in the larum itself, especially the depth of the median incision, have much to do with alterations in the rela- tive position of the setae, particularly those of the medial group, but in spite of this a characteristic alignment prevails in certain families regardless of the shape of the labrum. This is well illus- trated in the Gracilariidae where the arrangement shown in Fig. 1 persists even through the flat stages and in spite of the most radical alterations in the form of the labrum itself. The more common grouping among the Micros is with M-2 laterad and slightly back of M-l. Fig. 1 Dorsal view of a Micro Labrum (Family Gracilariidae) M-l, M-2, M-S — Medial setae; L-l, L-2, L-3 — Lateral setae (Roman numerals show Forbes' numbering of the setae). Fig. 2 Epipharynx of a Micro Larva; ER — Epipharyngeal Rod; ES— Epipharyngeal Shield; ET — Epipharyngeal Setae. Among the Micros the general alignment of the two groups is at least of family significance while slight differences in propor- tionate distances between setae, and differences in the relative position of the individual setae are of generic value. Besides the dorsal setae there are two other characters of im- portance on the labrum; the chitinized epipharyngeal shield in the notch and three pairs of modified setae near the anterior- lateral margin. The shield itself is often quite variable in dif- ferent species of the same genus and only seems to be generally consistent in the leaf-miners. The epipharyngeal setae are so PKOC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE X. *'.. £o* &,*•'-- ^>V F, 162 OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 163 uniform throughout the order that it is hard to see and more diffi- cult to describe their differences in different groups. They are mainly differences in length and in shape. In the Gracilariidae they are like saw teeth, tapering sharply and broad at the base. In some of the gelechiids they are wider in the middle. In Mnemonica they look like flat plates bluntly pointed at each end. That they are really flattened setae and not plates or "sensory cones" is realized from a study of them in Gelechia cercericella and G. gossypiella where their tubercle-like sockets are quite plain. Since the publication of Fr. DgGryse's paper on the "maxil- lulae" we have been able to study these organs in several more forms and in all where the plates are developed it is easy to iden- tify genera by this character. One can place a species of Parec- topa, of Gracilaria, or Ornix, or Cremastobombycia, or Ectoedemia in its proper genus by the labial parts of the larva alone. In Ectoedemia there are slight differences between the species but they do not obscure the generic character. The maxillulae however, are extremely difficult to describe in such a way as to convey as accurate an idea of their structure, and for that rea- son will probably not be as useful in tables or keys. To be really intelligible they must be drawn. The ocelli are more easily handled and as Fracker observes (6) offer valuable characters for the determination of genera. Occa- sionally (as in Sesiidae and Tineidae) their arrangement is suffi- cient to fix the family of a larva whose other body and head char- acters have been obliterated; but normally they are useful more as supplementary than diagnostic characters and should always be considered in connection with the setae associated with them. The setae are after all the best guide to a study of larval origin and development, showing not only the extent of separation be- tween species through environment, but their affinities as well by the manner in which each has reacted to the stimulus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. (1) BUSCK and BOVING: On Mnemonica auricyanea Walsingham. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. XVI, No. 4, 1914. (2) DAMPF A.: Zur Kenntnis Gehausetragender Lepldoptoronlarven Zoologischen Jahrbuchen, 1910. (3) DeGryse, J. J: Some Modifications of the Hypopharynx in Lepidopter- ous Larvae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. XVII, No. 4, 1915. (4) DYAR, H. G. : Note on the Head Setae of Perophora melsheimerii. Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc., Vol. IV, 1896. (5) FORBES, W. T. M. : A Structural Study of Some Caterpillars I. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., Vol. Ill, No. 2, 1910. FORBES, W. T. M. : 11 (The Sphingidae) Vol. IV, No. 3, 1911. 164 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY (6) P'RACKER, S. B. : The Classification of Lepidopterous Larvae. 111. Biological Monographs, Vol. II, No. 1, 1915. (7) HEINRICH and DEGRYSE: On Acrocercops strigifinitella Clemens. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. XV11, No. 1, 1915. (8) TRAGARDH, I: Contributions towards the Comparative Morphology of the Trophi of the Lepidopterous Leaf-miners. Arkir. f. Zoologi., Bd. 8, No. 9., Stockholm 1913. (9) Contribution to the Knowledge of the Enemies of the Pine and Spruce amongst the Micro-Lepidoptera. Skogsvitrdsofreningens Tid- skrift 1915. (Meddelandap Fran Statens Skogsfor.soksanstalt, No. 12.) EXPLANATION OF PLATE x. (Schematic drawings). Fig. 1. Dorsal view of Head Capsule showing a typical Micro arrange- ment of setae and punctures. EP. — Epistoma; Ep-1, Ep-2 — Epistomal setae; FR — Frons; Fr-l.Fr-a — Frontal setae and punctures; ADF — Ad- frontal area of Frons; Adf-1, Adf-2, Adf-a — Adf rental setae and puncture. X — Bend indicating forward attachment of Tenitorial Arms. 0 — Ocellar area of Epicranium; AD — Anterodorsal area of Epicranium; Ad-1, Ad-2, Ad2a, Ad-3 — Seta and, puncture of Enterodorsal area. L — Lateral area of Epicranium; L-l, L-la — Lateral seta and puncture; PD — Posterodorsal area of Epicranium; Pd-1, Pd-la, Pd-2, Pd-2a — Posterodorsal seta and punctures. Fig. 2. Side view of same head showing all Epicranial areas, setae, and punctures. Areas marked by dotted lines. The following seta are not indicated in figure 1 : O-l, Ola, 0-2, 0-3 — Setae and puncture of Ocellar area; So-1, So-2, So-2a, So-3 — Setae and puncture of Subocellar area; G-l, G-la — Genal seta and puncture. Fig. 3 Anterior ventral view of left Epicranial lobe showing typical arrangement of Seta 0-1 and the Subocellar group. THE HYPERMETAMORPHISM OF THE LEPIDOPTEROUS SAPFEEDERS. BY REV. J. J. DEGRYSE, Staunton, Va. The habits and the structure of lepidopterpus sapfeeding larvae have for many years attracted the attention of Entomologists. Excellent studies on these subjects were published by Chambers, Dimmock, Chapman and more recently by Tragardh. The trans- formations of the sapfeeding larvae strikingly exemplify the ef- fects of environmental influences, of changes in habit and conse- quent use and disuse of organs. In their order of appearance they constitute a noteworthy exception to the famous "recapit- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 165 ulation" theories. For detailed study the reader is referred to the able dissertations of the above mentioned authors. A synop- sis of the most salient features in the development of these larvae will suffice for our present purpose. To obtain their food, the sapfeeders burrow in leaves, stems, or twigs. By means of a narrow slit they separate the epidermis from the parenchyma and thus cause a flow of the plantsaps. This habit necessarily involves profound structural modifications. The head-capsule takes the form of a wedge. The mandibles are flattened into thin blades with small teeth and a serrate cut- ting edge. Becoming greatly enlarged, the hypopharnyx forms an ideal receptacle for the flowing saps. The spinneret is either absent or so greatly reduced as to be functionless. In some cases, the labial palps appear to be missing whilst in others they are merely rudimentary. The maxillar\r palps are very incon- spicuous. It is readily seen why all these appendages of the lower lip should undergo such reduction. Their presence in the normal form would indeed prove very cumbersome to the larva in the making of its peculiar mine. The body also undergoes a general flattening and becomes moniliform. Legs and prolegs are rudi- mentary or absent. The sapfeeding habit is a very high specialization and must be considered as a comparatively recent acquisition in the Lepi- doptera. It has been found only in two families, the Phylloc- nistidae and the Gracilariidae. There is, however, a great dif- ference in this respect between the two families. As far as we know, the Phyllocnistidae feed on plantsaps exclusively through- out their whole larval existence. Such is not the case in the Gracilariidae. Here we have every indication of a gradual evo- lution tending to establish the sapfeeding habit as yet not fully acquired in many genera. In their early instars all gracilariids are sapfeeders and present as such the typical form induced by this habit. The larvae of many genera become external feeders or tissue feeding leaf miners in their later instars. On changing their habit they change their form and return to the normal type of lepidopterous larvae. This return occurs at different periods of larval life. Thus, Gracilaria and Ornix have only two flat instars. Acrocercops strigifcnitella has two and a partial one. Phyllono- rycter has three. With Marmara and Cameraria, on the other hand, the sapfeeding habit persists throughout the entire feeding period. That the early stages should specialize rather than the later ones is in itself a most remarkable feature. Chapman calls especial attention to this fact and advances the theory that "There is a tendency of a peculiarity acquired at any stage to be passed to the preceding or following stage. Hence that the young 166 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY . larva is just as liable to specialize in view of changed conditions as the adult one is." Dr. Chapman is of the opinion that where the sapfeeding habit has actually been acquired in two or three instars only, it will not continue to encroach on later instars. His idea that "Any larval instar may undergo changes without neces- sarily involving any other instar" may be true generally speak- ing, but in the Gracilariidae, in as far as the sapfeeding habit is concerned, it does not seem to hold, if any significance is to be at- tached to the existence of intermediate forms. Thus, Acrocercops strigifi.nitella, in its third instar has the head and mouthparts prac- tically normal, but the body is absolutely legless. In the so- called round stages of Parectopa, Phy Honor ycter, Cremastobomby- cia and Porphyrosela a marked tendency towards the flat type is exhibited in the shape of the head-capsule. To justify his con- tention, Dr. Chapman found it convenient to consider each larval molt as "A separate stage of development, as distinct as is the larva state from the pupa." This radical departure from all ac- cepted views seems unnecessary. There is a real subdivision of the larval life of the sapfeeders into distinct supernumerary stages, but it is established on other grounds. The most important modification induced by sapfeeding, consists in the atrophy of the spinning apparatus. Whenever the habit persists through- out the entire feeding period, this atrophy necessitates a special stage, in which by a regeneration of the spinning organs the larva is enabled to construct its cocoon. The spinning stage is as highly specialized as the feeding stage. The spinneret is now the organ "par excellence." In most cases maxillary and labial palps are also highly developed. As the larva never feeds in this stage, the mandibles become reduced. In nearly all cases, this reduc- tion produces the complete inability to leave the mine for pupa- tion. Various degrees of advancement in this direction may be observed. Marmara has flat functioning mandibles which cross each other like the blades of a pair of scissors. They are used by the larva to cut its way through the epidermis of the foodplant when leaving the mine and also to perforate the outer layers of its cocoon to adorn it with characteristic globules in the manner observed and described by Mr. Busck. Cameraria has the man- dibles of a normal tissue-feeding larva, but they are much re- duced and so placed as to be functionless. The mandibles of an unidentified phyllocnistid (?) erroneously described as the larva of Meiriochroa are merely small, shapeless chitinizations. The mandibles of P.iyllocnistis seem to be completely lost. In Phyl- locnistidae and Gracilariidae we thus find a series of molts so specialized as to accomplish ultimately the complete separation in time of two vital functions of the larva, namely that of feeding OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 167 and that of spinning the cocoon. We think, therefore, that this series of molts, whenever it occurs, should be considered as a dis- tinct hypermetamorphic stage. In other words the flat sapfeed- ing type should be accorded the same rank of distinction as that attributed, in the Meloidae for instance, to the campodeiform larva. The cases are, of course, not strictly parallel. The tri- ungulin owes its present existence to the preservation of a primi- tive form, whilst the sapf ceding larval type is the effect of the preponderance of a new form developed at the expense of a pre- existing type. But the preservation of the primitive form in Meolidae is due to biological factors of the same nature as those tending to establish the new modification in Gracilariidae. These assertions are based especially on recent studies of the transfor- mations of the genus Marmara. Between the feeding and spin- ning stages of this genus there is a period of quiescence. This period, it was found, is marked by a special stage similar to the pseudo-pupal stage of the Meloidae. This intermediate stage is coarctate throughout its existence. Shortly before the complete transformation of the spinning larva, the larval heads of the pseudo-pupal and spinning stages may be seen enclosed within the skin of the last feeding stage. Upon emergence, the last larva casts the skins of both preceding stages at the same time. The pseudo-pupa bears the same relation to the prepupal larva as the pupa bears to the imago. It is, essentially, a stage of disintegra- tion and reconstruction of tissues incidental to the profound alter- ations in the organs of the larva. All appendages are merely outlined in the external pellicle, nevertheless, the parts are dis- tinct and are easily homologized. The characters of the feeding type are lost, those of the spinning type are foreshadowed, espe- cially in the labrum and labium. The maxillae and mandibles ex- hibit in their general appearance a more distinct return to the form of the primitive Gracilariid larva. This applies also, in a measure, to the general outline of the head-capsule. Only few data concerning the duration of the pseudo-pupal stage have been obtained. One specimen of Marmara fulgidella was observed on April 19 and 20 of this year. Feeding stopped on April 19 about 3 p.m. The larva remained motionless for several hours. The heart-action was regular and occasionally there was a slight jerking of the mandibles. About 8 p.m. the heart-action was considerably slower and the larva was opening and closing its mandibles vigorously. At 12 p.m. the heart-action had stopped almost completely and the larva appeared to be dying. On April 20 at 8 p.m. the pseudopupa was well dovelopecl, th:? only sign of life was a slow pulsation in the region of the ninth abdom- inal segment. The larva remained in the same condition until 11 168 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY a.m. after which observations had to be discontinued. A more detailed study of this state will be the subject of a future paper. The full significance of the pseudo-pupa remains shrouded in mystery. A superficial inquiry into the developmental history of Cameraria failed to reveal the existence of any such intermediate stage. Whatever the case may be in Cameraria or in Pkyllocnistis, our present knowledge of the metamorphosis of Marmara suffi- ciently warrants the sharp line of distinction to be drawn between the early sapfeeding stages and the later normal or spinning stages in all Gracilariidae and Phyllocnistidae. BIBLIOGRAPHY. FABRE, J. : Memoire sur I'hypermetamorphose et les moeurs des Meloides. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool., ser. 4, t. 7, 1857. CHAMBERS, V. T. : Notes upon the American Species of Lithocolletis, Psyche. Vol. 2, 1877-78. DIMMOCK, G. : The Trophi and the Chitinous Supports in Gracilaria. Ibidem, Vol. 3, 1880. CHAPMAN, T. A. : The Classification of Gracilaria and Allied Genera. The Entomologist, Vol. 35, No. 467-469, 1902. TRAGARDH, 1.: Contributions towards the comparative morphology of the Trophi- of the Lep. Leafminers. Arkiv fur Zoologi., Band 8, No. 9, 1913. Two HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOURTH MEETING, APRIL 6, 1916. The 294th regular meeting of the Society was entertained by Mr. E. A. Schwarz at the Saengerbund Hall, April 6, 1916. There were present Messrs, Abbott, Back, Baker, Barber, Boving, Caudell, Crawford, Cushman, Duckett, Ely, Fisher, Gahan, Garner, Greene, Hutchison, Isely, Knab, Mclndoo, Middleton, Paine, Pierce, Popenoe, Quaintance, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Shannon, Snyder, Speare, and Townsend, members; and Robert Fouts, visitor. The corresponding-secretary announced that the Executive Committee had voted to raise the price for single numbers of the Proceedings from $.50 per number, the present price, to $.75 per number. The corresponding-secretary also announced the death of Mr. Theodore Pergande, a former member of the Society, and stated OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 169 that a committee consisting of Messrs. Howard, Schwarz and Barber had been appointed to prepare a biographical sketch for the Proceedings. Dr. A. T. Speare and Mr. H. L. Viereck were elected active members. The following program was presented : PRISTOGERA ARMIFERA (SAY) PARASITIC ON LIMONIUS AGONUS (SAY). BY J. A. HYSLOP, Bureau of Entomology. References to the rearing of parasitic Hymenoptera from Ela- teridae are very rare in Entomological literature. In 1860 Curtis1 recorded the rearing of a Proctrotrupes from an elaterid larva in England, and in 1898 Dr. -S. A. Forbes2 mentions rearing a para- sitic fly (?) from an elaterid larva. The writer has recorded3 the rinding of a Tiphia like cocoon with an elaterid skin firmly woven into it from which the adult parasite had emerged. And Mr. J. J. Davis has made an identical observation in Indiana. Late in July, 1915 the writer investigated a serious wireworm infested region near Brattleboro, Vermont. Limonius agonus (Say) was doing very serious damage to corn, in the narrow val- leys in this region, especially in the more poorly drained fields. While digging in one of these fields, a larva was found which was at first thought to have been disemboweled in digging. On closer examination, however, it was found to have a Hymenopterous larva firmly affixed to its ventral surface. The wireworm was still alive and quite active, although the parasite was nearly one- third as long as its host and quite as stout. The host was about six inches below the surface of the ground and about eighteen inches from the nearest corn hill. The wireworms had for the most part ceased feeding in this field. This host and its parasite with several other wireworms was placed in a tin box filled with moist sphagnum moss and brought into the Laboratory. Three days later the box was examined and all but one wireworm be- sides the host removed. On the following day the parasite aban- doned its original host, which it had reduced to a mere empty skin, and attached itself to the ventral surface of the other wire- worm in the same cage. The parasitic fixed itself to the host by 1 Curtis, John, Farm Insects, p. 181, 1860. * Forbes, Dr. S. A., 111. Agri. Exp. Sta. Bui. No. 44, p. 228, 1896. 3 U. S. D. A. Bull. 156, p. 29, 1915. 170 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY inserting the mouthparts in the sternum of the third abdominal segment and lay appressed to the ventron of the host with the head directed caudad (Plate 11, fig. 2). That the parasite was actively feeding was evidenced by the rhythmic pulsations of its body. The parasite larva was 5 mm. long and 2 mm. in diameter, nearly cylindrical and glaborous; the head was pale buff and the body translucent with many floculent bodies visible through the transparent skin. The lateral trachae were very distinctly vis- ible. On the terminal dorsal segment was an irregular shield of rugose lemon yellow skin bearing two short hairs. A more de- tailed description was impossible on account of the danger of injuring the parasite by exposure to light and air. On July 29, six days after finding the larva in the field, the parasite left its second host, which it had entirely consumed except a small amount of tissue in the anterior end and the skin. It spun a silken cocoon (Plate 11, fig. 1) on the surface of the soil in the rear- ing cage. In texture this cocoon was tough and leathery, very much like that of Myzina (Elis) 5-cincta (Fab), with some loose strands of silk thrown irregularly about it. When first spun, this cocoon was a rich reddish brown, but in the course of a couple of days it assumed a light tan color. The cocoon is cylindrical and somewhat truncate at each end, measuring 9 mm. long and 3.5 mm. in diameter. On August 30, thirty-three days after spin- ning its cocoon, the adult parasite emerged and was determined by Mr. S. A. Rohwer as Pristocera armifera (Say) . XVIII. PLATE XIII. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 179 from, and used by permission of Mr. Sanders and show a pupa in its cell in the leaf stem, a full grown larva, and an adult on the swollen leafstem of its hostplant. EGG-DISPOSAL IN DERMATOBIA HOMINIS. BY FREDERICK KNAB, Bureau of Entomology. Within the last few years the statement has been made by a number of writers that infestation with Dermatobia larvae occurs through the intervention of mosquitoes, the eggs of the fly hav- ing been found attached to the latter. At least three different observers have independently reported finding mosquitoes with Dermatobia eggs attached (1, 2, 3); figures have been published showing the mosquito with the eggs in situ, and one author, Sur- couf (4), has figured the newly hatched larva as well. However, beyond the bare facts just indicated, very little of a reliable or ' positive nature has been contributed to the subject. Opinions as to the manner in which the eggs become fastened to the mos- quito differ widely. Some assume that the mode of infestation indicated is exceptional or accidental and contend that normally the eggs are attached directly to the vertebrate host by the mother fly. Among Venezuelans it is claimed that the fly deposits her eggs upon the foliage of a special kind of tree there known as "Guacimo simarron,"1 and that men and animals become in- fested by contact with leaves bearing Dermatobia eggs or larvae. Finally, some authors den}^ altogether the intervention of the mosquito. In view of the existing confusion, it seems desirable to put on record any additional data bearing on the subject, even though but a repetition of what has been already made known. During the session of the second Pan-American Scientific Con- gress in Washington this past winter, the writer had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Rafael Gonzalez-Kincones of Caracas, ,who was one of the first to report the occurrence of the Dermatobia eggs upon the mosquito. Dr. Gonzalez-Rincones had with him two specimens of mosquitoes with Dermatobia eggs attached and he very kindly presented these to the writer. These specimens arc of the greatest interest and their examination enables us to make several deductions. In both cases the mosquito is a female Pxorophora (Janthinosoma) lutzii, the same and only species defi- nitely identified as bearer of the Dermatobia eggs by previous writers. In both cases the eggs, eight or ten in number, form a 1 Prof. H. Pittier of the Bureau of Plant Industry inform* me that this tree is the Guazuma tomentosa H. B. K. of botanists. 180 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY little package attached ventrally to the base of the mosquito's abdomen. They are attached by one end and point obliquely downward and backward in such a way that when the .mosquito sucks blood the free or hatching end is nearest the skin of the phlebotomized victim. Highly significant in this connection is another circumstance. The mosquitoes are preserved dry, upon pins, and inclosed in small glass tubes. In one of the specimens there is to be seen, adhering to the inner surface of the vial, a newly hatched Dermatobia larva. The conclusion is well-nigh unescapable that at the time the mosquito was introduced the warmth of the hand holding the tube caused the Dermatobia egg to hatch. It would thus seem, and this idea has been already expressed by me in a previous paper (5), that the fully matured first-stage larva remains within the egg until the mosquito has found a host, the warmth given off by the vertebrate acting as a stimulus to the waiting larva. The heavily chitinized con- dition of the anterior half of the young larva further supports this view. Recently a third specimen of mosquito with Dermatobia eggs attached has come to hand. This was sent by Dr. Rafael Mor- ales of Guatemala City.1 Doctor Morales, it should be noted, appears to have been the first to announce, in 1911, the strange relation between Dermatobia and the mosquito (1), and in a more recent paper (6) he has added further data in proof of it. The specimen sent by him is preserved in fluid and much abraded, so that its specific identity is uncertain. However, it is unquestionably a Psorophora, and in all probability the species lutzii.'2 There are eight Dermatobia eggs, attached in a package in exactly the same manner as in the two Venezuelan specimens above described. They are attached to the mosquito and to each other by means of a varnish which is insoluble in water or alcohol. The fact that in all three specimens before me the eggs are attached' to the mosquito in precisely the same manner, beneath to the base of the abdomen and with the hatching end free and pointing downward, leaves no room for doubt that the mother Dermatobia herself thus attaches them. This is also the opinion of Doctor Morales and one of his best reasons for this belief is that "the eggs are firmly attached to the body of the mosquito 1 In my previous paper I made the erroneous statement that Doctor Morales is a native of Costa Rica. 2 Doctor Morales believed this specimen to be a Culex, no doubt on ac- count of the absence of striking characteristics, the scales, as already noted, having been almost completely worn off. I am inclined to believe that the reference to Culex as vector of the Dermatobia eggs in Doctor Morales' papers is attributable to the same circumstance. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 181 by a chitinous substance which must be fluid at the time of oviposition and which hardens upon exposure to the air" (6). The fact that the mosquito serving as vector is one of the most bloodthirsty species is 'also significant. Further arguments in support of this view have been given by me in a previous paper (5) and need not be repeated here. In short, there is no longer room for doubt that the female Derrnatobia normally attaches its eggs to female mosquitoes, selecting for this purpose definite species with a keen appetite for blood in order that the transfer of the young larva to a suitable host mav be assured. State- ments as to other modes of infestation, such as the occurrence of the eggs or young larvae of Derrnatobia upon foliage, must be treated with suspicion until definite proof is forthcoming. Proof that the eggs in question are really those of Dermatobia has been furnished through the rearing of the fl - from such eggs by Doctor Morales. In his second paper hs announced the receipt of further specimens of mosquitoes with Dermatobia eggs attached. Newly hatched larvae from this material were trans- ferred to rabbits and the metamorphosis was successfully com- pleted. Doctor Morales had already made the attempt with his first specimen, one of the eggs having hatched ten days after its receipt. He placed the newly hatched larva upon the fore- arm of a servant, where it moved about as if seeking a suitable place of entrance. To induce the larva to pe i 'irate the skin, the epidermis was slightly abraded and this at once had the desired effect. Development went forward in the typical man- ner, already well known, for 27 days. The patient then expressed a desire to be relieved, the arm having much swollen and there being severe lymphangitis. The la vi, which already had a length of 1 centime er, was extracted and transplanted to a rabbit, but failed to reach maturity. Dr. P •*, iro Zepeda, in Nicaragua, has ) rod iced infestation with Dermatobii larvae experi- mentally by ca ising human subjec s to be bit e.t by mosquitoes bearing the eggs of the fly (3). He has observed the Dermatobia larva leaving the mosquito while this was sucking !>!ood. Having reached the skin, it at once "by an admirable instinct" finds the punctured spot and enters, the subject ha ing become insensi- tive to the penetration of the larva through th;3 anesthetic and irritating action of the mosquito's saliva. Doctor Zepeda states furthec that he has found the Dermatobia eggs attached to the femora, antenna1 and prothorax of the mosquito. Before leaving the subject, attention must be called to a mis- leading inaccuracy in the figure published by Dr. Louis W. Sam- bon (7) and repeated by Doctor Balfour (8). The e^u;s are shown as attached by their sides to the belly of the mosquito, with the 182 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY whole length of the egg in contact. This is assuredly an error on the part of the artist, no doubt attributable to the manner in which the specimen was prepared. Doctor Sambon's paper is valuable, not only for the able discussion of the recent progress in our knowledge of Dermatobia, but particularly for its diligent exposition of the extensive literature relating to this remarkable fly. LITERATURE CITED. (1) MORALES, RAFAEL: in El Nacional, Guatemala, Diciembre, 1911. (Not seen by the writer). (2) GoNZALEz-RiNCONES, RAFAEL: El Aeroplane del Gusano Macaco. El Universal, Caracas, 4 Diciembre, 1912. (Not seen by the writer). (3) ZEPEDA, PEDRO: Nouvelle note concernant les moustiques qui pro- pagent les larves de Dermatobia cyaniventris et de Chrysomia macellaria et peut-etre celle de Lund, et de la Cordilobia anthro- pophaga. Rev. de Med. et d'Hyg. Trop., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 93-95, 1913. (4) SURCOUF, JACQUES : La transmission du ver macaque par un rnoustique. C. R. hebd. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 156, no. 18, pp. 1406-1408, 1913. (Abstract: Rev. Applied Ent., Ser. B, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 106-107, 1913.) (5) KNAB, FREDERICK : The life-history of Dermatobia hominis. Amer. Journ. Trop. Dis. and Prev. Med., vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 464-468, 1913. (6) MORALES, RAFAEL : Comprobaciones a nuestro trabajo sobre la Derma- tobia cyaniventris publicado en 1911. La Juventud Med., Guate- mala, vol. 13, no. 12, Diciembre, 1913, pp. 4-8. (Published Janu- ary, 1914.) (7) SAMBON, Louis W. Observations on the life-history of Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus Jun., 1781). Rept. Advisory Comm., Trop. Dis. Res. Fund for 1914, London, 1915, pp. 119-150. (8) BALFOUR, ANDREW: Tropical problems in the New World. Trans. Soc. Trop. Med. and Hyg., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 75-108, 5 pis., Jan., 1915. In discussing Mr. Knab's paper, Dr. Townsend suggested that the female Dermatobia was probably led, through an olfactory tropism, to oviposit upon the body of the carrier; that the eggs were incubated in the uterus and contained the fully-formed maggot at time of deposition; that the maggot was led, through a positive thermotropism, to escape from the chorion at the time that the carrier imbibes a meal of warm blood; and that the maggot is unable to penetrate thick skin of itself but must enter the puncture made by the carrier, being perhaps guided thereto OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 183 by the odor of the serous exudation following the withdrawal of the carrier's proboscis. He stated that Cuterebra parasitizes only thin-skinned hosts, and has developed no carrier habit to enable it to extend its parasitism to such thick-skinned hosts as man, cattle, dogs, etc., as has evidently occurred in the case of Dermatobia, which was probably likewise confined originally to thin-skinned hosts; that this has probably been due to a less acute sense of smell in Cuterebra, which has the third antenna! joint atrophied, while Dermatobia has the same very well developed. Dr. Townsend gave various details, all of which he considered to uphold the above mentioned deductions. TWO-HUNDRED AND NlNETY-FlFTH MEETING, MAY 4, 1916. The 295th meeting of the Society was entertained by Mr. Frederick Knab at the Saengerbund Hall, May 4, 1916. There were present Messrs, Baker, Boving, Burgess, Busck, Crawford, Cushman, Ely, Gahan, Greene, Howard, Jennings, Kewley, Knab, Kotinsky, Middleton, Morrison, Rohwer, Sanford, Sass- cer, Schwarz, Shannon, Snyder, and Townsend, members, and R. M. Fouts and Frank Morton Jones, visitors. The Corresponding Secretary announced the resignation from the Society of Mr. O. G. Babcock and Mr. A. A. Girault. Mr. Harold Morrison of the Federal Horticultural Board was elected to active membership. Mr. Schwarz announced the election of Dr. L. O. Howard as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and it was ordered that his remarks be incorporated in the Proceedings of the Society and that the Society extend congratulations to Dr. Howard. Mr. Schwarz remarks were as follows: I take pleasure in announcing to the Society that our fellow member, Dr. L. O. Howard, has, in April last, been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. This is the highest honor that can be bestowed on any scientific man in the United States and all of us will agree that this honor was well earned by Dr. Howard. He has done a good deal of meritorious work in 184 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY systematic and bionomic entomology; he has published many important works on economic entomology but above all he is now, and has for many years been the efficient chief and leader of the Bureau of Entomology, and as such has acquired a world- wide and deserved reputation. Under the enlightened and liberal administration of Dr. Howard the growth of the Bureau of Entomology has been really marvellous. It has become a model for the many similar, though much smaller, institutions that have been established of late years in many countries. To those of our members who are not acquainted with the history of the National Academy of Sciences the following ento- mological notes may be of interest: Since the organization of the Academy the following entomologists were elected members of the Academy: Dr. John L. Leconte who was one of the charter members, Dr. A. S. Packard, Mr. Samuel Scudder, Prof. W. M. Wheeler (in 1912) and Dr. L. O. Howard in 1916. Of these Leconte, Packard, and Scudder are dead, leaving only two liv- ing members viz. Wheeler and Howard. Some other members wrote entomological papers viz. S. S. Haldeman, Alpheus Hyatt, Joseph Leidy, and Charles S. Minot who are now dead, and Mr. E. S. Morse ana Prof. Wm. Trelease among the living members, but all these were elected to the Academy for work in other fields of Science. The following program was presented: A SYNOPSIS OF THE GENUS CALAPHIS. (Homoptera, Aphididae.} BY A. C. BAKER. The genus Calaphis was erected by Walsh (1862) for his species betulella. It was not until some years later that Walker (1870) erected his genus of the same name. One species only was for years referred to the genus but quite recently Gillette (1910) has referred other species here. A study of the forms found in this country has led the writer to place in the genus five species. Del Guerico (1913) erected the genus Siphonocallis with betu- Icecolens Fitch as type. In studying this species and compar- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 185 ing it with betulella one thing is noted to distinguish the two genetically. The radial sector is always absent in betuella. In some specimens of betulcecolens it is however very faintly indicated. In the species alni described in this paper the radial sector is absent normally and the wing is very similar to that of betulella. In some specimens, however, this vein is indicated in much the same way as in betulcecolens. In the other two species the vein is sometimes strongly indicated and sometimes very faintly indeed. Considering this variation in the presence of the vein the writer feels that it can hardly be considered a good character on which to distinguish two genera. He therefore makes Siphonocallis a synonym of Calaphis. Wilson (1910) in his description of the genus Calaphis when speaking of the antennae, gives as a character " sixth about one- half the length of the spur." While this character holds for the type species it is evidently a specific character for it does not hold true for any of the other species, even for alni, which is undoubtedly very close to betulella. If this character were con- sidered, a new genus would have to be erected for each species included in the present paper. The characters of the genus may be given as follows: Antennae longer than the body, slender, and armed with short spine like bristles; segment six with the unguis much longer than the base; antennal tubercles prominent, vertex armed with a few hairs; wing veins more or less bordered with black and with the radial sector absent or faintly indicated; cornicles short, somewhat tapering, broadened at base; cauda knobed; anal plate bilobed; both cauda and anal plate with numer- ous long stout hairs. A. Unguis of segment VI nearly six times as long as base; antennae uniform dusky or black; media not much thinner than other veins of wing alni n. sp. B. Unguis of segment VI about five times as long as base; antennae alternately banded with yellow and black; media much thinner than the other veins of wing castaneoides n. sp. C. Unguis of segment VI about four times as long as base; antennae uniform dusky or black; media much thinner than the other veins on the wing castaneae Fitch. D. Unguis of segment VI between two and three times as long as base: (1) Head and thorax longitudinally striped with black. All wing veins heavily bordered with black. . .betulella Walsh. (2) Head and thorax not so striped; wing veins not heavily bordered with black. , . betulaecolens Fitch. 186 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Calaphis betulella Walsh. Measurements of antennae of the alate viviparous female are as follows : IV, 1.04 mm.; V, 0.752 mm.; VI, (0.24 mm. + 0.56 mm.). Segment 111, almost smooth or very finely imbricated, armed with many short stiff spine like hairs about 0.048 mm. long and armed on its basal half with 12 or 13 small almost circular sensoria. Segment IV, more distinctly imbri- cated and armed with similar spines, but without sensoria. Segment V, like segment IV, with the imbrications most distinct distad, and with an elongate fringed distal sensorium fully 0.128 mm. long. Segment VI, with a similar elongate fringed sensorium at base of unguis. Head with a few hairs but with no capitate ones. Cornicles 0.144 mm. long and 0.112 mm. wide at the base, tapering and somewhat flaring. Galaphis betulaecolens (Fitch). Aphis betulaecolens Fitch. Callipterus betulaecolens Monell. Callipterus betulae Thomas. Callipterus betulaecolens (Fitch) Oestlund. Siphonocallis betulaecolens (Fitch) Del Guercio. Calaphis betulaecolens (Fitch) Gillette. The color characters of this species were well given by Walsh in his original description. This species was described as an Aphis by Fitch (1851). Later Monell (1879) described his Callipterus of the same name, not knowing positively that it was the same species. Oestlund (1887) referred MonelFs species to Fitch's name. The excellent description given by Davis (1910) is referred positively to Mon- ell's species which Davis knew, but doubtfully to Fitch's species. In the National Museum collection there are two specimens of betulcecolens bearing Fitch's label and marked type. These specimens are part of the original lot in the Fitch col- lection and they were mounted from that collection by Mr. Theo. Pergande. Through the kindness of Mr. Davis the writer has had an opportunity to examine Monell's type and this agrees in all details with Fitch's specimens. There is therefore no doubt that the two species are the same. Following are a few notes on the alate viviparous female: Antennal segments, average measurements 1, 0.144 mm.; 11, 0.08 mm.; Ill, 0.96 mm.; IV, 0.7 mm.; V, 0.544 mm.; VI, (0.144 mm. + 0.56 mm.). Segment 111, is armed with 10 to 13 oval sensoria on the basal half and somewhat imbricated distad. Segment V, has the distal sensorium fringed and somewhat elongate though not nearly as elongate as that of betulella. The sensorium at the base of the unguis of VI, is likewise not as elongate as in the species mentioned. Head with a few hairs. Cornicles about 0.144 mm.; long, nearly cylindrical though somewhat tapering and flaring. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 187 Calaphis castaneae (Fitch). Callipterus castaneae Fitch. Calaphis castaneae (Fitch) Gillette. The original description of this species given by Fitch (1856) is, although short, sufficient to characterize it, owing to the striking coloration of the insect. Few references to the species occur but it is by no means rare in the Eastern States and in some localities it is quite abundant. In order to be positive of his determination the writer examined the Fitch collection of Aphididae and located three pined speci- mens bearing Fitch's label. Considering their, age and the method of mounting, these specimens are in good shape and upon mounting in balsam prove that the insects Fitch had were the same species as that met with about Washington. In one speci- men the radial sector is absent from the wing in much the same way as in betulella Walsh. In fact a series of specimens show that this vein varies greatly. Sometimes being strongly present and sometimes very faint indeed. Alate viviparous female. — Antennal measurements average as follows: I, 0.144 mm. ; 11, 0.08 mm. ; 111, 0.96 mm. ; IV, 0.544 mm. ; V, 0.432 mm. ; VI, (0.176 mm +0-544 mm.). Segment HI, is finely imbricated and armed with numerous fine bristle-like hairs not as stout as those of betulella. On the basal half of the segment there are about eight circular sensoria. The head is armed with hairs which are rather more prominent than those of the two species mentioned previously. Cornicles somewhat shorter than those of the type species being 0.096 mm. long and about as wide at the base as they are long. Calaphis castaneoides, n. sp. Alate viviparous female. — Morphological characters: Antennae as fol- lows: 1, 0.096mm.; 11, 0.064mm.; Ill, 0.784mm.; IV, 0.432mm.; V, 0.368 mm.; VI, (0.16 mm. + 0.8 mm.); Segment 111, with 6 to 10 circular sen- soria. Forewing 2.21 mm. long and about 0.738 in width. Cubital and anal veins heavier than the media. Radial sector absent or but very faintly indicated at one extremity. Cornicles 0.16 mm. long and about 0.192,mm. broad at base. Cauda and anal plate normal. Color characters: Very similar to those of castaneoe which the species resembles greatly. Antennae with the basal half of segment IV and V and often the middle of 111, light, or yellowish, the remainder dark. In this the species differs from castaneos in which the antennae are uniformly colored. Wings with the anal vein, the upper half of the cubital and the lower margin of the stigma bordered with black. Tibiae and feet l>l:i<-k, the middle portion of the tibiae often yellowish. 188 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY This species bears much the same relation to castaneae that walshii Mon., does to bella Walsh. It is distinguished princi- pally by the greater length of the unguis of the sixth segment. Described from specimens in balsam mounts taken on Castanea at Washington, D. C. 1900. Type Cat. no. 20210 U. S. Nat. Mus. Galaphis alni, n. sp. Alate viviparous female. — Morphological characters: Antennae as fol- lows: 1, 0.128 mm.; 11, 0.064 mm.; Ill, 0.88 mm.; IV, 0.672 mm.; V, 0.592 mm.; VI, (0.224mm. + 1.28mm.). Segment 111 is very faintly imbricated and armed with very short stiff hairs much shorter than those on the antenna of the other species. On its basal three-quarters the segment is armed with about 14 circular sensoria in a row. The sensoria on the distal extremity of V and on VI at the base of the unguis are elongate, that on VI being 0.048 mm. long. The head is armed with several hairs which are somewhat knobbed. Prothorax with similar hairs. Forewings 2.56 mm. long and about 0.88 mm. wide. Veins distinct; radial sector absent; cor- nicles 0.128 mm. long and about 0.112 mm. wide at base, distinctly tapering, imbricated, anal plate not deeply cleft. Abdomen covered with capitate hairs. Color characters: General color yellowish; antennae and tibiae dusky or black wings with the cubitus and anal veins somewhat bordered with black. The other veins and the stigma faintly bordered. Cornicles dusky. Abdomen marked with black usually with a large black patch between and in front of the cornicles. Apterous viviparous female. — Morphological characters: Antennae as follows: 1, 0.128 mm.; 11, 0.064 mm.; Ill, 0.672 mm.; IV, 0.368 mm.; V, 0.368 mm.; VI, (0.16 mm. + 0.96 mm.). Segment III, imbricated and armed with 6 to 10 circular sensoria in a row. Head with prominent capi- tate hairs, in fact the entire body is covered with these hairs; many of which have a funnel shaped extremity. Cornicles as in the alate form. Length from vertex to tip of abdomen 2.24 mm. Color characters: An- tennae and tibiae dusky to black; body marked with black usually with a blotch on the head, a band across the prothorax, a similar one caudadof it and a band across the abdomen in front of the cornicles. The remainder of the dorsum spotted with black. Described from specimens in balsam mounts taken by Mr. Theo. Pergande on alder near Washington, D. C., 1899. Type Cat. No. 20211 U. S. Nat. Museum. Other specimens of males and oviparous females taken on the same plant near Washington and at Vienna, Va. by the writer, appear to be the same species. We are not describing them, however, since they have not been taken in company with the viviparous forms. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 189 LITERATURE. 1851. FITCH, ASA: Catalogue with References and Descriptions of the Insects Collected and Arranged for the State Cabinent of Natural History. Fourth Annual Report, p. 16. 1856. FITCH, ASA: Third Report on the Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects of the State of New York. In Trans. N. Y. State Agr. Soc., Vol. XVI, p. 471. 1862. WALSH, B. : On the Genera of Aphididae Found in the United States. In Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., Vol. 1, p. 301. 1870. WALKER, FRANCIS: Notes on Aphides. In the Zoologist, Second Series, Vol. V, p. 2000. 1879. MONELL, J. : Notes on Aphididae with Descriptions of New Species. In Bull. Geol. and Geograph Survey, Vol. V, No. 1, p. 30. 1887. OESTLUND, O. W. : Synopsis of the Aphididae of Minnesota. In Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn. Bull. No. 4, p. 43. 1909. DAVIS, J. J. : Studies on Aphididae 11. In Ann. Ent. Soc., Vol. 11 p. 30. 1910. GILLETTE, C. P.: Plant Louse Notes. In Journ. Econ. Ent., Vol. Ill, p. 368. 1910. WILSON, H. F. : A Key to the Genera and Notes on the Synonomy of the Tribe Callipterini. In Can. Ent., Vol. XLII, p. 255. 1912. DAVIDSON, W. M. : Aphid notes from California. In Journ. Econ. Ent., Vol. V, p. 404. THE TACHINID GENUS ARGYROPHYLAX B. & B. BY W. R. WALTON, Bureau of Entomology. This genus was proposed by Brauer and Von Berganstamm1 for the reception of a single individual from St. Thomas, West Indies and described many years previously by Wiedemann2 as Tachina albincisa. An additional specimen of the latter species was discovered by Van der Wulp in the Biologia Centrali Americana3 material which specimen he states Professor Brauer saw and identified as Argyrophylax albincisa Wied. I have re- cently received two specimens reared at Rio Piedras, Porto Rico, January 24, 1912, by T. H. Jones from Nacaleia indicata Fabr. These specimens seemed to be identical with Van der Wulp's specimen mentioned above, although his description of the same is very brief. Therefore in order to allay all doubt as to the matter I have secured a comparison of one of the reared 1 Zweifl. d. Kaiserl. Mus., IV, 163; V, 343. 2Auss. Zweifl., II, 334 (Tachina). 3 Biolog. Dipt. II, 485, PI. XIII, fig. 19. 190 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY individuals before mentioned with Van der Wulp's specimen deposited in the British Museum, and am greatly indebted to Mr. John E. Collin of Sussex Lodge, New Market, England for this service. Mr. Collin's report makes it abundantly evident that the specimens are conspecific. The following description and accompanying figures will I trust render the identification of this form more easy hereafter. Male. — Palpi normal, first vein bare, face on Lower half of sides bare, proboscis shorter than height of head, apical cell not petiolate ending in costa well before the wing tip. Eyes bare, facial ridges bristly on lowest third, antennae inserted at middle of eyes, hind tibiae outwardly dis- tinctly ciliate, ocellar bristles absent, all frontal bristles curving more or less backward, the last two pairs very stout; palpi slightly spatulate. Front, in lateral elevation, distinctly produced in a gentle curve almost parallel with anterior margin of eye, cheeks extremely narrow, abdomen short, conical, wings rather broad and short. Body robust, gray and black, head (figs. 1 and 2) broader than thorax, wings hyaline. Length 6 mm. Front less than one-half eye width covered with pollen which has the property of appearing bright silvery from above and dull smoky gray when viewed from immediately in front or from side. Vitta, black, nar- row, almost linear. Vertex brown. Superior posterior orbit and occiput linear. The inferior posterior orbit expanded and silvery pollinose. Lower'occiput slightly swollen and bearing abundant black hairs. Sides of face narrow, concolorous with front. Facial depression large, rather deep, and slightly carinate, vibrissae at oral margin, well developed, cruciate. Cheeks linear, covered with black hairs and bearing a row of macrochaetae on their lower edges. Orbital bristles absent. Antennae black, third joint a little more than twice as long as second. Arista slender, second joint short, third slightly enlarged on basal fourth; microscopically pubescent nearly to middle. Thorax black, shining, only lightly grayish pollinose on anterior portions; two pairs of vittae visible anteriorly, becoming obsolete posterior to suture. Scutellum concolorous with thorax, bearing three marginal and a small apical pair. Dorso-central bristles four; sternopleural two, the latter region clothed with abundant black hair. Abdomen corfical, black, shining, bases of the last three segments bearing whitish pollen, traces of a median black vitta apparent on inter- mediate segments when viewed from rear. Four segments visible from above, all rather thickly clothed with longish, nearly erect, black hairs. First two segments bearing marginals only. Third with a strong marginal row. » Fourth bearing both discals and marginals. Legs, including coxae black, robust, hind tibiae thickly ciliate on outer sides. Middle tibiae bearing one or two macrochaetae upon thin outer front third. Wings hyaline, veins brownish, apical cell broadly open in costa, bend of fourth vein destitute of stump or wrinkle, distinctly angulated. Hind cross vein ending slightly beyond middle of discnl crh, Insinuate. Third vein boar- ing three or four small bristles at base. PBOC. ENT. SCO. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE XIV. EXPLANATION OP PLATE xiv. ft Fig. 1. Argyrophylax albincisa Wied., side vic\v of he;id. Fig. 2. Front view of same. Fig. 3. Pseudochacta argentifrons cog. Front view of head. Fig. 4. Same, side view. 191 192 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY ft Two male specimens reared from Nacaleia indicata Fabr., at Rio Piedras, Porto Rico, January 24, 1912, by T. H. Jones. From the foregoing it seems evident that the reference of Sturmia sc:tizurce Coq. to the genus Argyrophylax by Doctor Townsend1 is obviously erroneous. In the sense of Coquillett this form is a true Frontina as the facial ridges beara strong row of bristles quite to or beyond their middle. Because of the remarkable superficial resemblance between A. albincisa Wied. and Pseudochceta argentifrons Coq. I have included drawings of the latter species also. In discussing Mr. Walton's paper, Dr. Townsend stated that he believed the determination of Argyrophylax albincisa to be correct; and emphasized the importance of securing positive identifications of Brauer & Bergenstamm's American genotypes. He pointed out that, while these authors went as far as anyone could feel justified in going on external adult characters alone, they did not possess, as \\e do today, the reproductive characters to demonstrate to them the value of certain slight but constant external adult characters for separating distinct forms, and hence did not include such slight characters in their system; as a result, their generic characterizations will often apply equally well to very distinct forms. The European species which stand as genotypes of their genera are quite well known ; but the Ameri- can forms are by no meany well kno^n, and every positive de- termination of their American genotypes represents a distinct gain. Under the head "Short Notes and Exhibition of Specimens" the following were presented: A NEW BEE OF THE GENUS DIANTHIDIUM. BY S. A. ROHWER, Specialist in Forest Hymenoptera, Bureau of Entomology. Dianthidium arizonicum, new species. This species is extremely closely allied to texanum Cresson but the seventh sternite is broadly black and the front between the antennae has two rounded ridges. The next differs from that of texanum in that the cocoon does not extend beyond the surface of the next. • 1 Taxonomy of the Muscoidean Flies, p. 98. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, liilii 1 9M Mule. — -Length 9.5 mm. Anterior margin nl' I lie clvpeus truncate, the lateral angles rounded, its surface more closely punctured than the face; face with large, distinct, separate; punctures: front with close, distinct punctures; the inner margin of the eyes raised into elongate, narrow, blister-formed elevation; vertex and posterior orbits with distinct, large, separate punctures; fourth antennal joint about twice ;is wide as long, about half as long as fifth and one-third longer than the third; teguLie large, sparsely punctured anteriorly but closely punctured posteriorly; mesonoturn with close, distinct, rather large punctures; mesoscutellum truncate posteriorly, punctured like the mesoscutum; abdomen with large, close punctures; these punctures are not as close ;is those of the scutum but are separated in some places as much as those of the vertex; terminal tergite with strong, median triangular-shaped tooth which is longitudinally carinate, the lateral angles of the tergite broadly rounded; in appearance at first sight the segment seems to have a single median tooth but in reality it is tridentate, the lateral teeth being very short and obtuse; second recurrent distinctly beyond the second intercubitus, the first abscissa of the radius one-fifth shorter than the second, the second abscissa of the cubitus but little shorter than the first. Black; clypeus except apical margin, mandibles except margins, inner orbits to the top of the eye (broader below the antennae), a spot on the superior posterior orbits, two spots at the anterior margin of the mesoscutum, tubercles, a dot on the tegulae anteriorly, lateral margin of the scutellum and a band on the first five tergites which is emarginate medially and submarginate on each side, after the manner of texanum, yellnirixli irhile; tegulae and legs, except the coxae, trochanters and bases of femora, rufo-ferruginous; anterior femora and tibiae beneath and a spot on the apical ventral part of the posterior femora yellowish-white; the usual pubescence, dense and silvery white; winj s strongly smoky, venation black. Bear Canon. Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Described from one male recorded under Bureau of Entomology No. Hopk. U. S. 12082/ which refers to a note stating that this was reared from a nest on the twigs of Quercus emoryi, collected by Chrisman. Type.— Cut. No. 20297, U. S. N. M. NOTES ON DIANTHIDIUM ARIZONIGUM ROHWKR. BY \Yn.u\M MIDDLETOX, Scientific Axxixldiil. /•'«/•<. *t Bin-fun ni l''.ii!,ni/inli> . O» S M* fa b •^ X co e co D. CONSIMIL s~l /-s hfi . 1 1^« 02 ^^> °^ ^ O3 OJ loll G m 23 2 g J 5 n '^ H /-*, ^ "£' m M . i— i " «!•* ^ >> .'Z G || "o o ~ g G a O ' — ' 1| o — O i — i i— i o 5 Southern California. Alcidamea producta Cres Monodontomerus montiv Leucospis affinis Say. Torymus anthidii Ashm Trichodes ornatus var. t i A CO CO tH O O 0 c? a CO _J ARIZONTCUM S--I « -N 0 t! -S -"3 ^3 |i«i G rt ^H =3 _G -3 . i s 1 "3 2 o . • ~ . — 14"! § ° 03 "*' to c3 rt h> W , sS- 3 t- 6 "—1 CO Canon, Cata- Mts., Arizona. are incorrect t Q — rn C ? ^"5 ~ G CO G ^_ ^- X M^ o -^ •— ' "7— ^^ o ^ O ^— u . 1-3 pq 'co 3 " Q^ ^ ^ ~-l "3 ^ .5 "3 U " co G o « 0 "^ 03 t-H O O ' D c § 60 X* O ,4 0 H £ « o ^ . CU CD G +a « G ?'l G O t< 1 'S 2 « * ?3 ^ (M ?J _; 03 O O 1O = a g -* • i— i ^-< ^ i— i •/ '•+3 03 A O t? « •, o >. K. G ^C ^t-^ ^_, — O t/3 G *^ *H w> -. 1^1 a oo_^ 1 X H a :T . o> _, 0 "^ Id B r^ 0 a Q) >> CO 0) . -= j; O tc ^_, ^_*"^ 'co r~ 4. 4; o o3 oj -• £ K u M o — o C o ^ O y U _ £ 196 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY THE NATIVE FOOD-PLANTS OF THE APPLE RED-BUGS. BY R. A. CUSHMAN, Bureau of Entomology. A few years ago Prof. C. R. Crosby discovered two new species of Capsidae injuring apples in New York State. These were described by Renter as Heterocordylus malinus Reut. and Lygidea mendax Reut. The former was christened by Crosby "the apple red bug" and the latter "the false apple red bug." Renter adopted this idea in naming the species. During the spring and early summer of 1915 I had occasion to make some observations on these two species both in orchards and in wild lands. At Geneva, N. Y., malinus was fairly abun- dant on apple and more so on Crataegus; mendax was not found and no trees of the common wild crab were seen in the neighbor- hood where the observations were made. At Clearfield, Pa., in an orchard that had been grossly infested the previous season, mendax was extremely abundant and malinus occasional. In the waste land immediately contiguous to the orchard both Crataegus and wild crab were of frequent occurrence. On the former mali- nus was very abundant and on the latter mendax was equally so, but mendax was rare on Crataegus and malinus was not found at all on crab. In waste land at Westfield, N. Y., where wild crab, Crataegus and wild seedling applies were growing so close together as almost to mingle their branches, practically the same con- ditions prevailed as at Clearfield. It is evident that the natural food-plant of malinus is not Pyrus but Crataegus, that the reverse is true for mendax, and that mendax is more likely to attack apple than is malinus, and it would seem that a reversal of the specific names would have been more indicative of the true conditions though not entirely appro- priate, since the apple is not the natural food-plant of either. A CURIOUS FORMATION OF A FUNGUS OCCURRING ON A FLY. BY L. O. HOWARD. The insect, sent by Prof. G. C. Becker of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was a greatly shriveled muscoid fly which apparently had two gigantic halteres that in reality were two perfectly capped Cordy- ceps growths. A similar growth, uncapped, protruded from the anus of the fly. Mr. Alden T. Speare determined the fungus as very likely Cordyceps, possibly being C. dipterigena, B. & Br., but on account of its rarity he had not crushed it for specific determination. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 197 Mr. Speare has since found two somewhat similar specimens in the Pergande collection, but in each case the Cordyceps growths i-suing from the wing sutures are uncapped. In discussing this last note, Doctor Townsend said that he considered that the fly \vas probably a dexiid and that it suc- cumbed immediately after issuing from the puparium, which accounted for its much shriveled condition and for the absence of wings, the Cordyceps growth issuing from the body at the wing sutures. A PRELIMINARY NOTE ON THE BIONOMICS OF POLLENIA RUDIS, FABR. IN AMERICA. BY J. L. WEBB AND R. H. HUTCHISON. The discovery during 1908 of the larva of Pollen in /•//(//*. Fabr. by Keilin and subsequent studies by him have brought to light many facts on the life history of this common fly, which had up to that time remained a complete mystery. In a recent article Keilin reviews his extensive investigations, (Keilin, D. "Re- cherches sur les Larves de Dipteres Cyclorhaphes," Bui. Sci. de la France et de Belgique, T. XLIX, 7e Serie, 30th Dec., 1915) and we give here a brief summary of the main points bearing directly on the life history of Pollenia. The reader is referred to the original article for an interesting discussion. Keilin found the larvae of Pollenia rudis parasitic on the earthworms, Allolobophora chlorotica and A. rosea. Eggs are de- posited during August or early September on the soil. They hatch after five to seven days and the larvae, when they find an earthworm, gain entrance to the body through the male genital opening located on the ventral side of the 15th segment. From September or October to the following May or June the Pollen in larvae are found in a dormant state in the body cavity of the genital segments, i.e. from the 9th to the 12th or even as far back as the 16th. In May or June the larvae becomes active, works its way toward the anterior end of the worm, where it pierces with its posterior end the prostomium of the worm and thus exposes its stigmata. It continues to feed and gradually destroys the worm, working backward as fast as the segments are destroyed. Pupation occurs usually from the r>ih to the 25th of June, and the pupal stage has a duration of from 32 to 4f> days, emergence occurring from the middle of July to the first part of August. 198 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY He found only one generation per annum, but admits the bility of the existence of a summer generation. To our knowledge, the larvae of Pollenia rud'is has not been recognized in this country until found by the senior author dur- ing June 1916'. We have been able to verify many points made by Keilin, but find that the life history of this fly in Washington is in many ways quite different from that found by Keilin in Paris. In the first place, worms, identified as Allolobophora chlorotica, were collected in many places near Washington and several widely separated places in the United States during October, November and December, 1915. These were examined by Dr. Townsend, Mr. Kisliuk, and by the writers, but no infested worms Avere found during that period. In the Spring of 1916 no infested worms were found during April, although collections and exami- nations were made from time to time. The first infested worms Avere found among a lot collected in the field June 15. On June 12, 1916, Pollenia caught in traps baited with banana Avere put in breeding cages and supplied Avith moist earth and banana for food. Eggs Avere found on the soil June 19, and AVC have had no trouble, during the summer in obtaining fertile eggs from flies caught in traps. Isolated pairs of Pollenia (bred specimens) failed to oviposit, so that the preoviposition period has not been determined and the number of eggs laid by each female is unknoAvn. The eggs are laid singly, partly hidden in cracks in the soil. Our records shoAV that they hatch about three days after deposition during the summer. The first stage larvae of Pollenia are very active and seem to be able to penetrate the Avorm at almost any point in the body wall. The point of entrance is not limited to the male genital opening, or to any natural orifice. In Avorms on Avhich larvae were placed by us, Ave found them entering the seventieth, sixty- fourth, fiftieth and thirty-fifth segments. Infested Avorms col- lected in the field have also shoAvn cases Avhere the larvae haAre entered segments far back of the clitellar regions. We have found no indications of a dormant period during Avhich the larvae remained practically motionless in the body cavity of the Avorni. Of course, AAre have been Avorking Avith summer generations, but our examinations during the Fall of 1915 and Spring of 1916 failed to shoAV any over Avintering forms of thr larvae. Our records of summer generations indicate the folknving de- velopmental periods. Egg stage 3 d;iy > Larvae stages 13 to 22 days Pupal stages 11 to 14 days Total developiiionltil period 27 to 39 days OF WASHINGTON*, VOL. XVIII, 1916 199 From our records on the seasonal prevalence of Pollenia, con- sidered in the light of our studies on the developmental stages, we reached the tentative conclusion that there are four broods or generations per annum in the latitude of Washington. Large fly traps baited with banana were in operation throughout the season and the contents were killed, sorted, and counted each week. We found small numbers of Pollenia in these traps from the 1st of April to the middle of May at which time they almost completely disappeared. The wings were frayed and the yellow hairs rubbed off and they had the appearance of old flies which had overwintered. Then we found freshly emerged flies from May 25th on, the number gradually increasing until the maxi- mum was reached during the week ending June 22, followed by a sudden drop. Then another gradual increase began, culmi- nating in another maximum during the week ending July 27. This was repeated and the curve shows another marked ri.-e culminating in the week ending August 31. We expect to find this year, as was found in 1915, another marked rise in October. It seems probable that the adults of this late generation emerg- ing during October and November overwinter in protected situ- ations and deposit eggs during the following April. The fact mentioned above, that infested worms were not found during the autumn or early spring, indicates that this generation does not deposit eggs in the fall. The possibility of pupae overwinter- ing in the soil is yet to be investigated. More complete studies are now under way upon which we hope to report in detail later. Arinal date of inililicnlion, \<>r<-inlin- >7, 1916. ANNOUNCEMENT Separates of all the important papers published in the PROCEED- INGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON and a num- ber from other journals are for sale at approximately two cents per page (no article less than ten cents). They can be had by apply- ing to the Corresponding Secretary of the Entomological Society, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. No receipt will be mailed for the sale of printed matter unless especially requested. OF SPECIAL INTEREST DYAR, H. G. A Review of the North American Species of the-Lepi- dopterous Family Anghroceridae SO. 10 " " Lepidoptera of the Kootenay District, British Co- lumbia 1904 0.20 " " A Review of the North American Pyralinae 0.10 " " On the White Eucleidae and the Larva of Calybia slossonae 0.10 Life History of the Florida Form of Euclea delphini. 0.10 Eight papers consisting of notes on Cochlidiidue, partly Exotic .' 0 . 35 " " Six papers on the Life History of North American Moths 0.20 Two papers on Arctians. > . , . 0.15 Three papers on Pyralidae 0.15 Two papers describing larvae of Mexican Lepidop- tera. 0.15 Additions to the list of North American Lepidop- tera', Nqs. I and II. 0.15 A Synopsis of three Genera (Bronthis, Chionobus, Brabia) of North American Butterflies. 0.25 Thirty-six papers dealing mostly with the Descrip- tions of American Moths 1 .35 " " Notes on Hulst and Strecher Types 0. 15 Three papers on ^he Sloth Moth 0 . 10 Fifteen short systematic and biological papers 0.25 " Twenty-seven _ titles' dealing with descriptions of miscellaneous Lepidopterous Larvae 0.75 EDWARDS, H. Bibliographical Catalog of the Described Transfor- mations of North American Lepidoptera, 1889. ... 1.00 FRENCH, C. H. Notes on the Preparatory Stages of Papiliocres- phontes 0 . 10 A Yellow-Winged Catocalae 0 . 10 FYKES, F. W. Further Observations upon Bombys eunea Drury.. . 0.10 GROSSBECH, JOHN A. Additions to the List of" North American Geometfidae with Notes on Some De- scribed Species 0.15 GROTE, A. R. Results Obtained from a Search fdr the Type of Noctua linnaei, and Conclusions as to the type of the Hubnerian Noctuid genera represented in the North Anerican Fauna 0.20 A New Catocla from Texas 0.10 HINDS, W. E. Notes on the Life History of Alsophila pome taria... 0.10 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THIS NUMBER BAKER, A. C. : A Synopsis of the genus Calaphis 184 BAKBEB, H. S. : A new species of weevil injuring orchids 177 Buses:, AUGUST: Descriptions of new North American Mierolepidop- tera., 147 CKAIGHEAD, F. C.: The determination of the abdominal and thoracic areas of the cerambycid larvae as based on a study of the muscles 129 CUBHMAN, R, A.; The native food-plants of the apple red-bugs. ...... 193 DEGBTSBi J. J. : The hypermetamorphism of the Lepidopterous sap- feeders 164 HEJNRICH, CABL: On the taxonomic value of some larval characters in the Lepidoptera 154 HOWAED, L. O. : A curious formation of a fungus occurring on a fly. . 196 HUTCHISON, R. H. : Notes on the larvae of Euxesta notata Wied 171 HYSLOP, J. A. : Pristocera armata (Say) parasitic on Limonius agonus (Say) 169 KNAB, FEEDERICK: Egg-disposal in Dennatobia hominis 179 MIDDLETON, WILLIAM: Notes on Dianthidium arizonicum Rohwer. . . . 193 ROHWEE, S. A. ; A new bee of the genus Diarithidium 192 WALTON, W. R. : The tacbinid genus Argyrophylax B & B 189 WEBB, J. L. and HUTCHISON, R. H. : A preliminary note on the bio- nomics of Pollenia rudis Fabr. in America 197 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME XVIII, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1916 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 2419-21 GREBNMOTTNT AVB. BALTIMORE. MD. EDITORIAL OFFICE WASHINGTON. D. C. Entered M serond-tlaaa matter at the postoflice at Baltimore, Md., February 28, 1013, untier tlie Art of AugdBt 24, 1912 THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ORGANIZED MARCH 12, 1884. The regular meetings of the Society are held on the first Thursday of each month, from October to June inclusive, at 8 P. M. Annual dues of active members, $3.00; of corresponding members $2.00; Initiation fee (for active members only), $1.00. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1916. Honorary President E. A. SCHWARZ President C. R. ELY First Vice-President E. R. SASSCER Second Vice-President .FREDERICK KNAB Recording Secretary . . A. B. GAHAN Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer S. A. ROHWER U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Editor J. C. CRAWFORD Representing the Society as a Vice-president of the Washington Academy of Sciences W, D. HUNTER Executive Committee. i THE OFFICERS. A. N. CAUDELL. A. L. QUAINTANCE, W. D. HUNTER. PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Published quarterly by the Society at Baltimore, Md., and Wash- ington, D. C. Terms of subscription: Domestic, $2.00 per annum; foreign, $2.25 per annum; recent single numbers, 75 cents, foreign postage extra. Remittances should be made payable to the Entomological Society of Washington. Authors of leading articles in the PROCEEDINGS will be entitled to 25 separates of each contribution, free of charge, provided the Editor is noti- fied before page proof is returned. Additional copies may be had at rates fixed by the Society. PROC. EXT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII PLATE XVI. <£>tto ftribcmann. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOL. XVIII 1916 No. 4 It is again our sad duty to chronicle the death of an ex-presi- dent, Otto Heidemann, of whom we publish in this number of the PROCEEDINGS an appreciation, a biographical sketch and bibliography, together with a short posthumous paper illustrated with a plate of Mr. Heidemann's inimitable drawings. 201 202 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY d^tto ^etfcemamt. By the death of Otto Heidemann on November 17, 1916, our society lost one of its oldest and most valued members. In many respects he was a remarkable man; taking up Entomo- logical studies late in life — well beyond fifty — he rose in a few years to the rank of an authority on his chosen group, an achieve- ment which would have been impossible for one less gifted. With a natural aptitude for systematics and a ready grasp of the larger problems of scientific investigation, he combined a painstaking carefulness of small details, untiring energy and the trained eye and skilled hand of the artist. Many excellent illustrations of insects bear witness to his ability as an engraver. One of these, adorning the cover of our proceedings and adopted as the official seal of this society represents the adult male of Rheumatobates 1 rileyi Renter and is the only authentic record of a fully winged male of that peculiar insect in existence. His collection of local Hemiptera, is a splendid model of what an modern insect collec- tion should be and shows his exacting care for correctness in even the smallest details. He was a man of broad culture, a peer among the leading contemporary Hemipterists, a writer of plays in both German and English, several of which have achieved ' public performance, a scientific artist of the very first rank and an earnest student of the social problems of our day. More than all he was a man of lovable and unimpeachable character, ever ready to help others, gentle, cheerful and unassuming to the point of humility. Respected by all who knew his work, loved by all who knew him personally. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 203 A BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF OTTO HEIDEMANN. By L. O. HOWARD, E. A. SCHWARZ AND A. BUSCK. Otto Heidemann was born in Magdeberg, Germany, on September 1, 1842. At the age of seventeen he secured a position with the publishing house of F. A. Brockhause at Leipzig, where he learned the art of wood engraving, following this profession for the next three years in various cities in Southern German}^. At the close of the Franco-Prussian war he came to America and estab- lished an engraving office in Baltimore, moving to Washing- ton in 1876. During the next few years he furnished illustra- tions for a number of Government publications. In 1880 he entered the office of Captain G. Wheeler's Geographical Survey as a topographical draftsman. In 1883 he was appointed engraver for the U. S. Department of Agriculture, which position he held for twelve years. During this time he furnished many excellent engravings of economic insects for the Government publications. Through this work he naturally became interested in insects, and during the early nineties under the guidance of his friends Albert Koebele, E. A. Schwarz and Theodore Pergande began the serious study of Entomology. In 1898 he entered the Bureau of Ento- mology as an Entomological assistant and specialist in Hemiptera. From then on his advance was rapid and in a few years he had risen to the position of a recognized authority in this order and has earned the esteem of such specialists as Uhler, Bergroth and Renter. He was appointed Honorary Custodian of Hemiptera in the Insect Division of the U. S. National Museum in 1907 and presided over the Entomological Society of Washington for two terms (1909-1910). At the time of his death he was also a mem- ber of the Biological Society of Washington, of the American Association of Economic Entomologists, a charter member of the Entomological Society of America and a fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science. He is survived by his wife, Mica Heidemann, well known as a sculptress and maker of insect models. The following is a list of his Entomological publications: 1. Note on the occurrence of n rare Capsid, near Washington. D. C. F g. 4, 1891, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 2, no. 1. 2. Note on the food-plants of some (Vpsidae from I lie vicinity of Wash- ington, D. C., 1892, Proc. En(. Soc. Wash., vol. 2. p. ±M, no. 2. 3. A new species of Tingitidae. ls. Remarks on some Hemiptera species. 1910, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 12, p. 45-47. 2(>. New species of Leptoglossus from North America. (Hemiptera, Co- reidae) PI. 7, 8, 1910, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 12, p. 191-197. 27. Description of a new Capsid, fig. 3, 1910, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 12, pp. 200-201. 28. Some remarks on the eggs of North American Species of HiMiiiptera- Heteroptera. 1911, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 13, pp. 128-140, figs. 1, 2, 3. pi. 1, 2, 3, 4. 29. A new species of North American Tingitidae, fig. 4, 1911 Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 13, pp. 180-1S1. 30. Descriptions of two new species of North American Tingit iilac, 1913. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. xv, no. 1, pp. 1-4, fig. 1, 2. 31. The Sugar-Cane. Tingid from Mexico. Fig. a, Journ. of Economic Entomology, vol. 6, no. 2. 1913, pp. 249-251. 32. (). M. Renter. 1912, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 16, no. 2. 33. A new species of North American Tingitidae (Corythuca solani). 1914, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 16, no. 3, fig. 1. POSTHUMOUS. 34. Two new species of Lace-bugs. 1917, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 18, pp. 217; pi. 17. Two HUNDRED AND NINETY -SIXTH MEETING, JUNE 1, 1916. The 296th meeting of the Society was entertained by the mar- ried members at the Saengerbund Hall on June 1, 1316. There were present, Messrs. Baker, Barber, Boving, Busck, Craighead, Ely, Greene, Hooker, Jennings, Keeley, Knab, Kolin- sky, Middleton, Paine, Pierce, Quaintance; Rohwer, Sasscer, Schwarz, Shannon, Snvder, Speare, Walton and Wood, mem- bers, and R. M. Fonts, J. N. Knull, H. F. Loomis and D. G. Tower, visitors. The Corresponding Secretary read the following resolutions which had been approved by the Executive Committee. that all the papers which are for publication in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington and are presented at a regular meeting on the regular program shall be handed to (he Corresponding Secretary on the night of the meet- ing at which they are presented. An were not. successful. A few pieces of the trunk and larger branches were broken off and carried to Washington, where in the course of time the following Coleoptem were bred in addition to the usual number of Hymenoptera parasites: Seven species of Ceram- bycidae (one cerambycinc and six lamiids); one Imprestid (Agril- us); and four species of predaceous beetles (one Bothrideres, one Lathropus, one Trogosita, and one Clerus). 212 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY In discussion Mr. Busck stated that the ant inhabited aca- cia trees were conspicuously green and uninjured by leaf -eating nsects and stock, because they are so jealously defended by the iants. Cattle and horses have learned not to nibble on the leaves of such trees. One insect however appears to be not only per- mitted to occupy the trees, but seems to be protected by the ants for some reason, namely the wasp Polybia occidentalis, Oliv., which build their curious oblong bell shaped clay-nests in the top of these ant trees and apparently nowhere else. It is signifi- cant that these wasps have no sting, but rely entirely on the efficient ants for the protection of their nests. Mr. Busck mentioned in this connection the inter-relations of the birds and the large wasps, which build their nests in the trees occupied by the well known large hanging nests of the social orioles. These wasps sting very severely and aggressively ob- ject to the least interference of man; but the birds hop around the nests and severely shake the branches, without arousing the wasps. The birds in this case have a very formidable protection, from man at least, in these wasps. A NEARCTIC SPECIES OF DOLICHURUS. BY S. A. ROHWER, Specialist in Forest Hymenoptera, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. The genus Dolichurus is known to ocfcur in the Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental and Neotropical regions, but until recently no species has been discovered in the Nearctic region. The fol- lowing species seems to be quite distinct from all the other species of this genus and adds another genus to the American wasps. Dolichurus greenei new species. Fem.ale. — Length 7.5 mm.; length of the antennae about 5 mm. Cly- peus shining, the anterior margin truncate, the basal middle slightly raised; eyes diverging to the clypeus; face and front opaque, granular, immediately below the anterior ocellus a few shallow, scattered punctures; frontal prominence slightly wider than long, the anterior margin trun- cate; vertex and posterior orbits shining, sparsely punctured; postocellar line somewhat shorter than the ocellocular line; antennae very slightly tapering, the third and fourth joints subequal; pronotum slightly tulx-r- culate posteriorly, medianly with a longitudinal foveolate suture; notauli OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 213 slightly converging posteriorly, not fovcohito; mesoscutum granular with a few scattered setigerous punctures; suture in front of the scutel- lum plain; scutellum shining, the lateral margins with rather small setig- erous punctures, the median surface with a very few setigerous punctures; mesepisternum polished with a few small, well denned punctures; dorsal aspect of the propodeum coarsely, irregularly reticulate, medianly with two carinae which are parallel posteriorly but basally form a large hexa- gonal-shaped area, the posterior and dorsal aspects separated by a sharp carina; the posterior aspect coarsely reticulate; the lateral aspect shining and entirely smooth anteriorly, irregularly striato- reticulate posteriorly; abdomen entirely smooth, highly polished; first intercubitus strongly ungulate at about the middle; second and third intercubiti straight and nearly parallel. Black, mandibles except apices, apical margin of the clypeus and the margin of the frontal prominence, yellowish white; the last three segments of the abdomen bright red; tarsi and antennae beneath dark piceous; head and thorax with sparse, appressed, gray pubescence; wings slightly dusky, venation brown, stigma and costa dark brown. Falls Church, Virginia. Described from one female collected September 1, 1915, by Mr. C. T. Greene for whom this species is named. Type.— Cat. No. 20303, U. S. N. M. DIPRION SIMILE IN NORTH AMERICA. BY S. A. EOHWER, Specialist in Forest Hymenoptera, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. In June, 1915, Dr. W. E. Britton recorded the European pine sawfly, Diprion simile as occurring in nurseries at New Haven, Connecticut. At this time the determination of this species vvas tentative and the following note is presented to make this, determination authentic. Since making this tentative determi- nation for Dr. Britton we have received additional material from European specialists and have carefully gone over all the European species and studied them in detail, so do not believe that there is any doubt that the insect occurring in our nurseries is the European Diprion simile. In his annual report for 1916 Dr. Britton states that this species is established in nurseries at five towns in Connecticut; and we have received it in shipments from inspectors in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and New Jersey but have no record of its having become established in any of these localities. We have, however, received it from one nursery in New York under conditions which indicate that it is established. 214 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY It is extremely interesting to note that all of the specimens which have reached America, are Diprion sim.ile in the most restricted sense and that there is very little variation in color or structure among all the adults examined. This may be ex- plained by the fact that practically all the importations have come from Holland (probably from one nursery) indicating that our form is an inbred varietv. RHIZOBIUS NOT RHYZOBIUS. BY E. A. SCHWARZ In his "Illustrations of British Entomology," 1831, Vol. 4, Coleoptera, page 373, Stevens erected in a synoptic table of genera the genus Rhizobius, whereas, subsequently (1. c., page 396) in the full description of the same genus with indication of the type species he spells it Rhyzobius. Since at the same place, Stevens states: "The only indigenous species grows on the roots of plants, whence the name of the genus from the mss. of Leach," it is evident that the spelling "Rhyzobius" is merely a typographi- cal or clerical error and that the spelling "Rhizobius" should be preferred. Two HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVENTH MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1916. The 297th regular meeting of the Society was entertained by Mr. E. A. Schwarz at the Saengerbund Hall October 5, 1916. There were present Messrs. Abbott, Baker, Banks, Borden, Boving, Busck, Caudell, Duckett, Ely, Fisher, Gahan, Greene, Hutchinson, Jennings, Knab, Kotinsky, Morrison, Paine, Pierce, Popenoe, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Shannon, Snyder, Walton, and Wood, members, and Messrs. Frank R. Cole, Thomas Kehler, Josef N. Knull, and Herman M. Bernelot-Moens, visitors. The following program was presented : A NEW SPECIES OF XYLOTRECHUS. •(Coleoptera; Cerambycidae .) BY W. S. FISHER, Branch of Forest Insects, Bureau of Entomology. The following species has been confused in the collections with quadrimaculatus Hald., and the description is presented at this time so that the name can be made available for discussion in economic papers. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 215 Xylotrechus aceris n. sp. Male: Form and color like quadrimaculatus Hald., but differs from that species in the markings of the thorax in which it resembles convergens Lee. very closely. Head with the two frontal carinae distinct, united at each end and rather widely separated in the middle, the sculpture is very minute, dense and dull, except in an abruptly defined basal band ascend- ing at the sides along the inner margin of the eyes, this band being shin- ing and coarsely punctate. Antennae thick, compact and reaching just a little past the humeri, joints of equal width throughout, the third just a little longer than the first. Thorax as long as wide, coarsely granulate, especially at the middle where the granules become confluent forming short transverse rugae, sides feebly arcuate, slightly sinuate and narrowed near base, a spot in each of the four angles above of sparse white pubescence. Elytra a little more than twice as long as wide, at base a little wider than thorax at middle, sides nearly straight, distinctly convergent from base to apex, the latter obliquely truncate, outer angle acute but not spini- form, color fuscous-black varying to sepia, a narroAv inconspicuous band reaching from the scutellum to ne"ar the lateral margin at middle, then bent forward along the margin for a short distance forming an acute angle, and another oblique band reaching from the suture near middle to the lateral margin at apical third of sparse white pubescence, surface between these bands, also humeral and apical portions sprinkled with sparse semi- erect white hairs. Body beneath black, shining, pro- and mesosternum densely and roughly punctate, sparsely clothed with long white hairs, a conspicuous spot on the posterior half of the metasternal episternum, and similar ones upon the lateral posterior margins of the first, second, and third segment of the abdomen, composed of dense short recumbent white hairs; abdomen with punctures very fine and distant, surface clothed with long erect inconspicuous hairs. Legs slender, the posterior femora rather far from attaining the tips of the elytra, sparsely clothed with long erect white hairs. Length 10 to 12 mm.; width 2.5 to 3 mm.' Female: Differs from the male only in the absence of the shining basal band on the head, which is only traceable by the coarser punctures at the base of the occiput in the female. Antennae not noticeably shorter than in the male. The color is somewhat darker than in the male but this is due to the type being a reared specimen and had not fully colored before being killed. Type-locality: Washington, District of Columbia. Other localities: Newark, Delaware; Frankford, Kentucky: Charter! )ak, Stoverdale, Linglestown, and Highspire, Pennsylvania. Type and allotype: Cat. No. 20626 U. S. N. M. All paia- types ;ire in the U. S. Nat. Museum except three which are in the author's collection. Described from five males and eight females; types MIH! two females recorded under Bureau of Entomology Number Hopk. 216 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY U. S. 10081r, and reared June 30, 1916, from maple collected by N. T. Hunt, June 2, 1916, at Washington, D. C.; two males recorded under Number Hopk. U. S. 9724, reared July 1, 1912, from red maple (Acer rubrum) collected by F. C. Craighead June 8, 1912 at Charter Oak, Penna.; two females from Washington, D. C., collected in July and August (Hubbard & Schwarz); one male from Frankford, Ky., collected on August 8 (Soltau); one female from Linglestown, Pennsylvania, collected August 2, 1911 on red maple tree, one female from Stoverdale, Pennsyl- vania, collected August 25, 1911, and one female from High- spire, Pennsylvania, reared July 7, 1910, from Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) limb collected June 14, 1910 by the author. This last record is the one recorded as quadrimaculatus in the author's list of "Cerambvcidae from Harrisburg." (1912, Ent. News, XXIII, p. 311). Paratypes No. 20626c and d from Charter Oak, Pennsylvania, differs from the type by being lighter in color and not having the markings quite as distinct, but this is due to the specimens having been reared and are not fully colored. Paratype No. 20626f from Frankford, Kentucky, differs from the type by having the thorax at the middle equal in width to the elytra at base. This species is closely allied to quadrimaculatus Hald., from which it differs by having the four spots on the thorax of sparse white pubescence instead of dense yellow pubescence, by having the antennae shorter, and also by its habit of making galls on maple trees, while quadrimaculatus girdles the branches of various trees similar to that of Elaphidion viUosum Fabr. COLOR DIMORPHISM IN SCHISTOCERCA DAMNIFICA SAUSS. BY A. N. CAUDELL. Color dimorphism in the Acrididae is not at all rare but in most cases known to me this phenomenon is common to both adult and immature forms. With the above grasshopper how- ever it appears to be confined to the nymphal stages. The adults of this common locust are always, so far as I have observed, brown in color. The nymphs however occur about Washing- ton in either a bright green color or brown, as in the adult. I have bred numbers of both phases through and find the green color to persist to the last stage nymphs, always disappearing however with the maturing molt. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 217 THE HABITAT OF DORU AGULEATUM SCUDDER. BY A. N. CAUDELL. On October 3, of the present year a number of specimens of the above insect were taken by Mr. McAtee near Great Falls, Virginia. This record is deemed worthy of publication as this is the first time this earwig has been taken within the bounds of our local fauna. In addition to the several specimens repre- senting both sexes taken on the above date there was a single immature specimen taken at the same spot on August llth of last year, also by Mr. McAtee. The exact point of capture of the above material is a small swamp near the Virginia shore of the Potomac River about one mile below Great Falls, some twelve or fifteen miles from Wash- ington. The earwigs occurred on a sedge-like plant growing in the swamp, a situation to require wading to secure specimens. Careful search under bark, beneath chunks, etc., near this vicin- ity failed to turn up additional material, those specimens swept from the above mentioned sedge-like plants growing in the swamp being the only ones secured. TWO NEW SPECIES OF LACE-BUGS. (Heleroptera: Tingidae) BY OTTO HEIDEMANN. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. This posthumous article has been prepared for publication by the undersigned. Through the kindness of Dr. L. O. Howard, Mr. Heidemann's notes on Tingidae, his favorite family, were turned over to the writer to determine what material among them was suitable for publication. It is with regret that the report is made that description of but one undescribed species was found, and a nearly finished illustration of a second new species. These new species are herewith presented. It was Mr. Heidemann's plan to monograph the American Tingidae, and he did have a very thorough knowledge of them. Apparently, however, very little of this fund of information was committed to writing. Mr. Heidemann was wholly unselfish and spent so much of his time helping others, that his own work, even that which lay nearest his heart, was neglected and postponed, until, as it turned out, it was forever too late. If the writer may be allowed to record a personal tribute to Mr. Heidemann, he would say that none was ever more generous, with time, advice and assistance, to fellow- 218 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY workers; this was as true in the case of the veriest beginner as with the experienced specialist. Gentleness and consideration of others were his predominant personal qualities and in all respects his character was without blemish. As a systematist great cau- tion, infinite painstaking, and a high degree of artistic ability have made his published work as satisfactory and reliable as any that has been done. — W. L. McATEE. Leptoypha distinguenda n. sp.1 (PI. 17, fig. 1). Specimens of this new species might, at first sight, he taken for L. mutica Say, hut closer observation shows that it is very different. In L. distinguenda the body is broader, the pronotum is less elevated between the humeri, and the lateral carinae are more prominent. The costal margin is distinct along the whole length of the hemelytron, some- what reflexed anteriorly and containing there two series of small areoles. In L. mutica however the costal margin is much narrowed anteriorly, con- tains only a single indistinct series of areoles and is not at all reflexed, posteriorly also it contains a single series of areoles, which are much nar- rower than those on the corresponding part of L. distinguenda. This species abounds on witch-hazel (Hamamelis) from early spring to late in fall. Type, a female, from Washington, D. C., July 8, 1899. Other specimens are from the same locality June 20, July 28; Rock Creek, D. C., June 20, 1890; Marshall Hall, Md., August 1, 1891, September 3, 1891; Virginia, opposite Washington, D. C., June 15, 1902; [all of the foregoing without collector labels, but prob- ably collected by Mr. Heidemannj; Mount Vernon, Va., April 19, 1904, R. P. Currie. All in collection of U. S. National Museum. Acalypta grisea n. sp. (PI. 17, fig. 2). General color light-brown with the areoles grayish subhyaline. This species differs from A. thomsonii Stal. (PI. 17, fig. 3), the only recorded American species, in several particulars, of which the most noticeable is the possession of only a single series of areoles throughout the costal margins of the hemelytra. A. thomsonii has more than one series of areoles anteriorly and in the posterior third to half of costal margin. A. grisea belongs to that section of Acalypta having the three pronotal ridges of nearly equal height, subparallel and extending from posterior margin to the transversely elliptical and small but elevated hood. The central ridge does not form so conspicuous a ridge and apex on the hood as it does in A. thomsonii. A. thomsonii on the other hand has the lateral ridges very low and the central ridge strong, rising gradually from the point of posterior process 1 This species may have been distributed to some extent under the ins. name confusa an earlier preference to Mr. Heidemann. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XVIII, 1916 219 of the pronotum to the hood of which it forms the ridge and sharp apex. From this conformation it results that the front of the pronotum is more strongly sinuate in A. thomsonii than in A. grisea.1 The anterior angles of pronotum are acute and produced as far as apex of hood in thomsonii; in grisea they are rounded and do not extend as far forward as the hood. The ridges hounding the discoidal areas are much more elevated in grisea than in thomsonii. For other characters see the illustrations. Type a male from the Uhler collection, collected under stones at Andover, Mass., in April. Other specimens are from North Carolina and Maryland. All of these are in the U. S. National Museum collection.2 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVI 1. Fig. 1. Leptophya distinguenda n. sp. Fig. 2. Acalypta grisea n. sp. Fig. 3. Acalypta thomsonii Stal. 1 It is much more sinuate in A. grisea than is indicated in Mr. Heide- mann's unfinished figure. The discoidal areas of hemelytra also are more pointed posteriori}' than shown in this illustration. 2 Specimens of A. thomsonii in the same collection are from Massachu- setts. One bears the Uhler mss. name orbiculata. PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XVIII. PLATE XVII. Actual date oj publication, June 11, 1917. 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOL. XIX 1917 Nos. 1-4 Two HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH MEETING, NOVEMBER 2, 1916. The 298th regular meeting of the Society was entertained by Dr. A. L. Quaintance at the Saengerbund Hall, November 2, 1916. There were present Messrs. Abbott, Baker, Barber, Boving, Busck, 'Caudell, Craighead, Ely, Fisher, Gahan, Greene, Heinrich, Hyslop, Isely, Kotinsky, Mclndoo, Midclleton, Paine, Quaintance, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Snyder, Walton, Webb, Wood, and Yothers, members, and T. G. Carnochan, R. M. Fouts, J. R. Horton, Philip Garman, Delmar Webb, and W. W. Yothers, visitors. The following program was presented. A NEW GENUS (PERISSARTHRON) OF ELATERIDAE AND A REVISION OF THE AMERICAN ELATERIDAE OF THE GENUS PYROPHORUS, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. BY J. A. HYSLOP, Bureau of Entomology, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. Perissarthron gen. nov. (Plate I) Frontal margin of the head obsolete above insertion of the labruni (fig. a), front concave, labrum moderately broad; mouth directed forward and downward; mandibles cleft at tip; maxillary palpi narrowly securiform; antennae (fig. b), 12 jointed, joints 3 and 4 equal in length; prothorax wider than long, prosternal sutures nearly straight, lateral margins broadly flattened; posterior coxae (fig. <•) complete, strongly widened iinvardly, but without abrupt angle; tarsi simple, bearing heavy brushes of pile on under surface of joints, tursal claws (fig. .) and two opposed scoop-shaped lateral lobes (lot. loh.), one on Cither side of the median lobe (med. lob.}. The median lobe has a heavily chitinized dorsal part with two median struts (vied. .s7.) on its upper surface and the median orifice anrd. or.) 6 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY on its ventral surface. The sides are membranous and the ven- tral surface is more or less chitinized. The lateral lobes ar- ticulate freely on the basal piece and are connected therewith by the first connective membrane (1st con. mem.). The whole aedeagus is connected with the body wall by the second con- nective membrane (2nd con. mem.). The lateral lobes often bear outwardly directed spines and anterior flabellae. The form, number of spines and comparative length and shape of these plates are remarkably constant in all the specimens in the vari- ous species of Elateridae examined by the writer and are of de- cided specific value. The terminology used in this paper is that used by Sharp and Muir1 in their excellent Memoire on the male genital tube. The following table will serve to differentiate the four species now recorded from North America as based upon the male genital characters : A. Lateral lobes of genitalia with a median, outwardly, directed spine in addition to the terminal spine (Plate II, fig. g). arizonicuH sp. riov. AA. Lateral lobes without median spine. a. Sides of the lateral lobes parallel, suddenly constricted near outer fourth; median lobe without ridged depression on upper surface (Plate II, fig. /) texniui* sp. uov. b. Lateral lobes gradually attenuated from base to tip, median lobe with prominently margined dorsal depression. 1. Mediae lobe narrow as tip of lateral lobe (Plate IT, tig-. c, d, e) atlanticus sp. ivv. 2. Median lobe twice as broad as tip of lateral lobe (Pl^e II, figs, a and b)..' physoderus Ger»»i| Pyrophorus physoderus Germ.2 (Plate III, fig. c) v 3 "Piceus, fusco-pubescens, thorace suboblongo, convcxo. latcriluis an- trorsum deflexo, maculis vesicularibus angularibus, antennis corporH dimidio brevioribus, elytris punctato-striatis, apice muticis. Habitat na Alabama Americae borealis (Gory.). "Dem P. pyralis verwandt, aber kleiner, dunkler braun. das Halsscliild an den Seiten nach vorn tiefer herabgebogen, die Fiihlcr kiir/er und die 5 Deckschilde an der Spitze ungedornt. Jj 1 The Comp. Anat. of the Male Gen. Tube in Coleo. Trans. Eni! Toe. Lond. Part III, Dec. 24, 1912. || 5 Zeit. f. d. Ent. Ill, p. 36, 1841. OF WASHINGTON', VOLUME XIX, 1917 7 "7—8 Lin. lang, 2j Lin. breit, dunkelbraun, mit niederlicgenden, grau- gelben Harchen ziemlich dicht bekleidet, Fiihler und Beine heller braun. Kopf ziemlich gross, Stirn etwas langer als breit, wenig eingedriickt, grob punktirt. Fiihler etwas langer als das Halsschild, deutlich gesagt, das dritte Glied halb so lang wie das vierte. Halsschild wenig langer als breit, in der Mitte ein halbmal breiter wie der Kopf, dor Lange nach gewolbt, die Seiten von der Mitte weg nach vorn niedergebogen und stark nach den Vorderecken hin gerundet, Hinterdornen ast gerade. Im Mittel- felde zwei mehr oder minder tief eingedriikte Griibchen. Die Oberflache dicht punktirt, mit Spuren einer glatten, etwas erhabenen Mittellinie. Leuchtflecke vor den Hinterdornen, eirund, schief, gleich weit vom Seit- enrande wie vom Hinterrande entfernt, am Rande punktirt. Auf der U.nterseite ein dreieckiger, gelber, durchscheinender Fleck im Hinterwinkel. Schildchen liinglich, an der Wurzel abgestutzt. "Deckschilde gewolbt, punktirt-gestreift, die Zwischenraume dicht punktirt, die Seiten von der Mitte nach der gerundeten Spitze hin allmah- lich verengt." The sides of the pronotum are convergent from the base, practically si raight and suddenly narrowed at the apex. The posterior angles are acute and divergent. No pronotal bubercle in front of the scutellum. The disk of the pronotum usually bears four elongate impressions, two near the middle of the disk and two near the base. The luminous vesicles are as near the lateral border as the posterior border of the posterior angles and are distinctly visible from below. The color is reddish brown and the vestiture is grayish yellow and moderately sparse. The elytra are parallel to the posterior third and are not mucronate at the tip. Joint 3 of the antenna is longer than 2, joint 11 is strongly apenticulate, giving the im- pression of a 12th joint. In the male the antennae (text fig. 2 6) extend 3 joints beyond the posterior angles of the pronotum when directed back- ward. Antennal joint 3 is not serrate and is decidedly narrower and more like joint 2 than joint 4. Joints 4, 5 and 6 with sides subparallel, twice as long as broad and slightly serrate. Aedeagus with median lobe very broad rounded at tip, broadly spatu- late-concave above at tip, median orifice less than one-half width of me- dian lobe at that point from tip. Lateral lobes attenuate from base to tip, distal spine declivious, compressed. No lateral spine. Male, 15 to 20 mm. long, 3 to 6 mm. wide. Specimens examined: 1 d" Florida (Chas. Schaeffer), 6 cfcf Cedar Keys (Hubbard & Schwarz). 8 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Pyrophorus arizonicus sp. nov.1 (Plate III, figs./, 0.) Sides of the prothorax parallel, strongly rounded anteriorly; posterior angles ac'ute, divergent, carinate with laterally compressed strong tubercle on the pronotum immediately in front of the scutellum; pronotum bearing a pair of longitudinal impressions near the base. Luminous vesicles as near the lateral border as the posterior border of the posterior angles and distinctly visible from below. Color dark reddish brown, vestiture not modifying the color of the integument. Elytra attenuate beyond the middle, the tip not mucronate. Antennal joint 3 longer than 2 and dis- tinctly shorter and narrower than 4; joints 4, 5 and 6 strongly serrate, not twice as long as broad; joint 11 constricted at outer third (text fig. 2d). Aedeagus with lateral lobes strongly narrowed at outer third, bearing stout spine on outer side beyond middle. Lateral and distal spines strongly deflexed, lateral lobes moderately densely covered with stout erect hairs beyond lateral spine. Medial lobe strongly narrowed. On outer third narrower than end of lateral lobes, end very slender, concave above; lower chitinized plate of median lobe broader than upper plate, visible from above. Median lobe not deflexed at tip. Median orifice more than four times diameter of lobe from tip. Male, 22 mm. long, 6 mm. wide. Female, 25 mm. long, 7 mm. wide. Described from 3 cf cf , 1 9 as follows : 1 cf (type) Patagonia Mts., Ariz. (U. S. N. M.), 1 9 (allotype) Arizona (Chas. Schaef- fer), (paratypes) 1 c? Ramsay Canyon, Huachuca Mts., Ariz. (W. M. Mann), 1 d" Arizona (Chas. Schaeffer). Type:— Cat. No. 20462, U. S. N. M. Pyrophorus atlanticus sp. nov. (Plate III, figs, d, e.) Sides of the prothorax parallel to beyond the middle, then broadly rounded to the apex. The posterior angles acute and divergent, prono- tum slightly swollen near the base of the scutellum but not bearing a tu- bercle, pronotum without discal impressions. The luminous vesicles as near the lateral border as the posterior border of the posterior angles ami distinctly visible from below. Color, very dark brown, vestiture short, and rather sparse, not modifying the color of the integument. Elytra 1 Since preparing this manuscript two more specimens of P. arizonicus have been added to the National Museum collection. These were col- lected on Indian Creek in the Animas Mts., New Mexico, July 23, 1917, by Dr. C. H. T. Townsend. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 9 parallel to the middle, then attenuate to the tips, not mucronate at the tip. Antennae with joint 3 longer than 2 and distinctly shorter and nar- rower than 4, joints 4, 5 and 6 not twice as long as broad and strongly serrate, joint 11 simply constricted a little beyond the middle (text fig. 2 c). Aedeagus with median lobe attenuate at tip, spatulate concave above, distance between margins of spatula, equal to diameter of lateral lobes at that point. Median orifice the diameter of median lobe, at that point, from tip. Lateral lobes attenuate from base, distal spine small declivious. No lateral spine. Male, 12 to 17 mm. long, 3.5 mm. to 5 mm. wide. Female, 18 mm. long, 5.5 mm. wide. Described from 21 d" cf and 2 9 9 as follows: Type 1 cf En- terprise, Fla. (Hubbard & Schwarz), allotype 1 9 Enterprise, Fla. (Hubbard & Schwarz), paratypes 9 cf cf Enterprise, Fla. (Hubbard & Schwarz), 2 tf tf Crescent City, Fla, (Hubbard & Schwarz), 1 c? Eustis, Fla. (Hubbard & Schwarz), 1 c? North Smyrna, Fla. (Hubbard & Schwarz), 1 mm. wide. PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PL\TE I. 10 PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE II. 11 12 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Described from 43 c? d* and 3 9 9 as follows : The type 1 cT Brownsville, Tex. (H. S. Barber), allotype 1 9 Brownsville, Tex. (C. H. Townsencl), paratypes 2 of d" and 299 Victoria, Tex. (J. D. Mitchell), 1 tf New Braunfels, Tex. (Chas. Schaeffer), 7 tf c? Brownsville, Tex. (Chas. Schaeffer), 4 cf d71 Brownsville Tex. (Townsend), 2 d1 c? Brownsville, Tex. (H. S. Barber), 1 tf Columbus, Tex. (E. A. Schwarz), 4 tf c? Refugio, Tex. (coll. unknown), 1 tf1 San Diego, Tex. (E. A. Schwarz), 2 c? tf Dallas, Tex. (J. Bowl), 1 cf Laredo. Tex. (Hubbard & Schwarz), Itf Laredo, Tex. (A. W. Morrill), 1 tf San Antonio, Tex. (Hub- ard & Schwarz), 3 cf d71 Texas (John B. Smith), 5 o71 a71 Texas (C. V. Riley), 6 cf cf Texas (coll. unknown), 1 cf Texas (Chas. Schaeffer), 1 d71 Arizona (Chas. Schaeffer). Type locality: — Brownsville, Tex. Type:— Cat. NO. 20461, U. S. N. M. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate I. Perissarthron trapezium, a, Anterior aspect of head of d" ,' b, right antenna of d"; c, right coxa of d"1'; d, posterior tarsal claws of d1 ', e, aedeagus; /, joint between llth and 12th antennal segments of u J >i- > 11 1 IIM I MI in arizonicuus knliwi-r, I'.iii. INDEX 223 Muscoirl flies, Non-intentional dispersal of, by Man, 18. Muscoid fly affected by a curious fungus, 196. Myophasia, More light on, 98; aenea, 99; Note on M. aenea, 100. Myzus persicae, Intermediates in, 13. Neodichocera tridens, 97. Neophorichaeta johnsoni synonymous \viili Trigogena setipennis, 98. Non-intentional disposal of Muscoid species by man with particular reference to Tachinid species, 18. Nyssonotus seriatus, Breeding habit of, 10. <>bituary of Jean Henry Fabre, "2; of Otto Heidemann, 203; of H. M. Russell, 3; of Francis Marion Webster, 79. ( (lethreutes piceae, n. sp., 151. Oopterinus perforatus, Breeding habit of, S. Otidocephalus, Breeding habits of several species, 8. Orchestes pallicornis, Breeding habit of. * < >rthoptera, An economic consideration of, directly affecting man. 84. i Irthoiis cylindrifer, Breeding habit of. 10. Pandeleteius cinereus, Breeding habit of, 7. Paradmontia brevis, 97. Parkeriellus, new gen., 9f>; flavipalpis, n. sp., 96. PERGANDE, THEODORE: Notice of death of, 168. Perigaster cietura, Breeding habit of, '.). Phasioclista metallica a synonym of Myo- phasia. aenea, 99; Not a synonym of M. aenea, 100. PIERCE, W. DWIGIIT: Notes on the habits of Weevils, 13; Notes on a Southern trip. 206 Pnigodes, Bi ceding habits of several species, 8. Pollenia rudis, A preliminary note on tin- bionomics of, in America, 197. Prionomerus calceatus. Breeding habits of. 8, 207. 1'ristocera armifera parasitic on I.imonins agonus, 169. Protandrena bishoppi, n. sp., 128. Pseudomyrma protecting acacia trees in Mexico, 211. Psoroptes cuniculi. 17. QUAINTANCI;, A. I... J. A. HVSI.OI- AND \V. R. WALTON: The life and works of 11. M. Russell, 3. Rabbit Ear-Mite, Note on a little known. 17. Rhinoncus pyrrhopus, Breeding habit of, 10. Rhizobius or Rhyzobius, 2H. KhodobiEiius 13-punctatus, Breeding habit of, 10. Rhyncophora, Notes on the habits of. li. 207. Rhyssomatus lineaticollis, palmacollis and pruinosus. Breeding habits of, 9. ROHWER, S. A.: A new bee of the genus Dianthidium, 192; A nearctic specie-- of Dolichurus, 212; Dip/ion simile in Xortli America, 21. 'I KnmvEK, S. A. AND A. 11 (', AIIAN: Iloris- mology of the Ilymenopteroiis Wing, 20. RUSSELL: The life and works of, 3; Bibliog- raphy of, 4. Saracenia, Insects caught by, in Georgia, 206. Schistocerea damnifica. Color dimorphism in, 216. SCHWARZ, E. A.: Ants protecting Acacia trees in Mexico, 211; Rhizobius or Rhyzobius, 214; Dr. Howard's Election as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, 183; .Shorter remarks, 207, 210. SCHWARZ, E. A., L. O. HOWARD AND A. BUSCK: A biographical and bibliographi- cal sketch of Otto Heidemann, 203. SHANNON, R. C.: Notes on some genera of Syrphidae with descriptions of new species, 101. Sitona flavescens, Breeding habit of, 8. SMITH, HARRISON E.: New Tachinidae from North America, 94. SNYDER, T. E.: Notes on horseflies as a pest in Southern Florida. 208. Southern Trip, Notes on a, L'dii Syrphida1, Notes on some genera of, with desciiptions of new species, 101. Tabanida? in Southern Florida, 20S: Feeding habits of, 210. Tarhinidae, Non-intentional dispersal of. by Man, 18; New from North America, fit; The genus Argyrophylax, 189. Tingidae, Two new species of, 217. Tortoise Beetles, A Review of North Ameri- can, 113; Map of locality records. 1 1 ri , Annotated list of species, 118; Synoptic table of species, 12(1. TOU-NSKNP. CIIAKI.KS H. T.: Non-intni tional dispersal of Muscoid species by man with parliculai refeience in T:u hniid species, IS; Note on M \ nph.isja K-nra Wied. KIO; Shorter remark-,, 1*2. I'll'. 197. Trichobaris compacta, Breeding habit of. 10 Ti KM:I,-. \\' F. AND A. C. MAKI-R; Some Intermediates in the Aphidirla-. Ill 224 INDEX Tyloderma subpubescens, Breeding habit of, WEBB, J. L. AND R. H. HUTCHINSON: 9. Preliminary Note on the bionomics of Tylopterus, Breeding habits of species, 9. Pollenia rudis Fabr. in America, 197. WALTON. W. R.: The Tachinid genus WEBSTER, FRANCIS MARION, Obituary of, 79. Argyrophylax B. and B., 189; Shorter Weevils, Notes on the habits of, 6, 207; A remarks, 210. new species of, injuring orchids, 177. WALTON, W. R., A. L. QUAINTANCE AND Winthemia okefenokeensis, s. sp., 95. J. A. HYSLOP: The life and works of Xylotrechus, A new species of, 214; aceris, H. M. Russell, 3. n. sp., 215. ANNOUNCEMENT Separates of all the important papers published in the PROCEED- INGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON and a num- ber from other journals are for sale at approximately two cents per page (no article less than ten cents). They can be had by apply- ing to the Corresponding Secretary of the Entomological Society, (L S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. No receipt will be mailed for the sale of printed matter unless especially requested. OF SPECIAL INTEREST DYAU, H. G. A Review of the North American Species of the Lepi- dopterous Family Anghroceridae $0.10 " " Lepidoptera of the Kootenay District, British Co- lumbia 1904. 20 " A Review of the North American Pyralinae 10 " " On the White Eucleidae and the Larva of Calybia slosspnae 10 Life History of the Florida Form of Euclea delphini. .10 Eight papers consisting of notes on Cochlidiidae, partly Exotic 35 " " Six papers on the Life History of North American Moths 20 Two papers on Arctians v. .15 Three papers on Pyralidae i .'. .15 " Two papers describing larvae of Mexican Lepidop- tera 15 Additions to the list of North American Lepidop- tera, Nqs. I and IT 15 A Synopsis of three Genera (Bronthis, Chionobus, Brabia) of North American Butterflies 25 Thirty-six papers dealing mostly with the Descrip- tions of American Moths 1.35 Notes on Hulst and Strecher Types 15 Three papers on the Sloth Moth 10 Fifteen short systematic and biological papers 25 Twenty-seven titles dealing with descriptions of miscellaneous Lepidopterous Larvae . .75 EDWARDS, H. Bibliographical Catalog of the Described Transfor- mations of North American Lepidopterfe, 1889 1.00 FRENCH, C. H. Notes on the Preparatory Stages of Papiliocres- phontes 10 A Yellow-Winged Catocalae 10 FYKES, F. W. Further Observations upon Bombys cunea Drury.. . .10 GROSSBECU, JOHN A. Additions to the List of North American Geometridae with Notes on Some De- scribed Species 15 GROTE, A. R. Results Obtained from a Search for the Type of Noctua linnaei, and Conclusions as to the type of the Hubnerian Noctuid genera represented in the North Anerican Fauna 20 " A New Catocla from Texas 10 HINDS, W. E. Notes on the Life History of Alsophila pometaria... -10 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THIS NUMBER CAUDELL, A. N. : Color dimorphism in Schistocerca damnifies Sauss. 216 CAUDELL, A. N. : The habitat of Doru aculeattim Scudder 217 FISHER, W. S. : A new species of Xylotrechus ; 214 HEIDEMANN, O. : Two new species of laee-bugs. 217 HOWARD, L. O., SCHWARZ, E. A., and BDSCK, A. : A biographical and bibliographical sketch of Otto Heidemann 203 OBITUARY: Otto Heidemann 202 PIERCE, W. D. : Notes on a southern trip 206 ROHWER, S. A. : A Nearctic species of Dolichurus 212 ROHWER, S. A. : Diprion simile in North America 213 SCHWARZ, E. A.: Ants protecting acacia trees in Central America .. . 211 SCHWARZ, E. A. : Rhizobius not Rhyzobius. . , 214 SNYDER, T. E. : Notes on Horseflies as a pest in Southern Florida .. . 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Volume XIX PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, QUARTERLY WASHINGTON, D. C. 1916 (Issued Sept 23, 1918) TABLE OF CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIX Page AINSLIE, GEO. G.: Color variation in pupae of Terias nicippe Cramer. 7X BARBER, H. S.: Notes and descriptions of some orchid weevils.. . 12 and SCHWARZ, E. A.: Two new hydrophilid beetles 12'.) BURKE, H. K. : Oryssus is parasitic 87 BUSCK, AUGUST: Notes on a Bethylid parasite of the pink bollworm. . . it'.i CAUDELL, A. N., and McATEE, W. L.: First list of Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Plummets Is- land, Maryland, and vicin- ity 100 CRAWFORD, J. C. : New hymenoptera .... 1 ti."i CUSHMAN, R. A.: A much described Ichneumonid and its systematic- position 162 Notes on the biology of Schizonotus sieboldii Ratz. 128 Two new chalcids from the seeds of Anielutichier. . . 7!) and KomvKK, S. A.: Idiogastra, a new suborder of Hymenoptera, with notes on the immature stages of Oryssus 80 KLY, CHAS. R. : A revision of the North American Gracilariidae from the standpoint of venation 29 PAGAN, MARGARET: The uses of insect galls 14(> FISHER, W. S. : A new species of longhorn beetle infesting cowpeas from Mexico 173 GAHAN, A. B.: The significance of the author's name following a species 17:! C.iu,, J. B.: Notes on two species of Acrobusis especially injurious to pecans 86 GREENE, CHARLES T. : A contribution to the biology of N. A. Diptera. . 146 HALL, W. B. : Notes on the immature stages of Hemitaxonus ntnltit'inctus Rohwer 28 HEINRICH, CARL: A new Coleophora injurious to apple in California !.'!.") A note on the Tortricid genitalia l.'i" HOWARD, L. ().: Schistocerca tartarica taken at sea 77 HYSLOP, J. A.: A new Genus (Perissdrthrori) of Elatcriclae and a re- vision of the American Rlateridae of the genus Pyro- [)hori(s with descriptions of new species 1 The Klaterid genus Oistus of Candeze 12(5 McArEE, W. L. : Key to the Nearctic species of Leptoyphti and Lepio- styla W and CAUDELL, A. N.: First list of Derrnuptera and Orthoptera of Plumim-i-. Island, Maryland, and vicinity .» HID CONTENTS MIDDLETON, WILLIAM: Notes on the/larvae of some Cephidae 174 ROHWER, S. A.: The American species of the genus Cephas Latreille. . 139 and CUSHMAN, R. A.: Idiogastra, a new suborder of Hymenoptera with notes on the immature stages of Oryssus 89 SASSCER, E. R.: Photomicrography and its application to the study of the Coccidae 86 SCHWARZ, E. A., and BARBER, H. S.: Two new hydrophilid beetles. . . . 129 SEIGLER, E. H.: Codling moth investigations in the Grand Valley of Colorado 99 SMITH, HARRISON E. : Notes on North American Tachinidae, including the description of one new genus 122 SNYDER, THOMAS E.: A peculiar habit of a horsefly (Tabanus ameri- canus) in the Florida Everglades 141 WALTON, W. R.: Three new Tachinid parasites of Eleodes 22 II PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME XIX, Nos. 1-4 MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, DECEMBER, 1917 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 2419-21 QREBNMOrjNT AVB. BALTIMORE, MD. EDITORIAL OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C Entered aa spoond-claaa matter at the poatofBoe at Baltimore, Md., February 28, IMS, under the Art of August 24, 1912 THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ORGANIZED MARCH 12, 1864. The regular meetings of the Society are held on the first Thursda}' of each month, from October to June inclusive, at 8 P. M. Annual dues of active members, $3.00; of corresponding members $2.00; initiation fee (for active members only), $1.00. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1917 Honorary President E. A. SCHWARZ President C. R. ELY First Vice-President E. R. SASSCER Second Vice-President : FREDERICK KNAB Recording Secretary A. B. GAHAN Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer . S. A. ROHVVER U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Editor J. C. CRAWFORD Representing the Society as a V ice-President of the Washington Academy of Sciences W. D. HUNTER Executive Committee. THE OFFICERS. A. N. CAUDELI^. A. L. QUAINT ANCE. W. D. HUNTER. PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Published quarterly by the Society at Baltimore, Md., and Wash- ington, D. C. Terms of subscription : Domestic, $2.00 per annum ; foreign, $2.25 per annum; recent single numbers, 75 cents, foreign postage extra. Remittances should be made payable to the Entomological Society of Washington. Authors of leading articles in the PROCEEDINGS will be entitled to 25 separates of each contribution, free of charge, provided the Editor is noti- fied before page proof is returned. Additional copies may be had at rates fixed by the Society. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 17 1917 Sanders and Fracker (Wise. Dept. Agric. Bull. 10, pp. 54-56, fig. 15) report their observations on Cholus catileyae in Wisconsin. 1917 Weiss (Ent. News, vol. 28, p. 218) lists Cholus cattleyae and C. for- besii from New Jersey. Acythopeus Pascoe 1874. This genus was erected for a group of small bands having the rostrum greatly enlarged anteriorly at base and separated from the front by a deep transverse incision. The three species here referred to do not display this character but I am unable to place them among more agreeable companions and expect their segrega- tion as new genera may become necessary. No recent allusion to Centrinus epidendri Murray? 1869 which was believed to have been bred from orchids, or to Apotomorhinus orchidearum Kolbe 1906 (which appears to be closely allied to, or synonymous with Acythopeus aterrimus Waterhouse 1874) has been found but I cannot now ascertain if they are in reality allied to the specimens before me. Acythopeus gilvonotatus n. sp. (PI. 4, figs. 3, 3 A) Type:— Cat. No. 21067, 'U. S. National Museum. Piceous, the humeri and legs paler; opaque strongly alutaceous; coarsely foveolately punctate; elytra ornamented with a double posthumeral and two subbasal, discal, convex masses of yellow scales; femora unarmed. Head with front feebly impressed between the eyes which are separated by the width of the beak; front shallowly foveolate, each impression with a small silvery scale at center. Beak (from frontal impression) two- fifths as long as length of specimens, only slightly more curved in basal half than apically where it is slightly flattened, broader, and finely punc- tate; punctures almost contiguous at middle of upper surface, becoming longitudinally confluent at sides, forming a conspicuous sulcus above the scrobes with a secondary imperfect sulcus separated from it by broken irregular carinae, the individual punctures being only distinguished by the silvery scale of each. Antennal scape almost reaching the eye, distant from it by about one-third the length of the first funicular joint; firs't of the seven joints of funicle as long as two of the following joints which gradually increase in width until the seventh is twice as wide as the second; club elongate oval, as long as the three preceding joints and a little wider than the seventh. Pronotum seven-eighths (9) to nine- tenths (c?) as long as wide, widest at middle, sides straight and feebly convergent posteriorly, arcuately convergent anteriorly, surface strong!}' alutaceus between the coarse, rather closely set squamiferous fovea. Elytra five-eighths to two-thirds as wide as long, widest just behind humeri, sides almost parallel in basal half; striae deeply confluent ly punctate at base, the punctures more shallow and widely sop:i rated <>n the 18 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY disc; intervals flat wLth a median row of fine squamiferous punctures, the second, fourth, sixth and eighth intervals broader than their alternates and bearing two or three large scales, most of the punctures bearing only minute scales; second interval clothed at basal fourth with a small oval prominent mass of dense yellowish scales, fourth interval with a larger mass of similar scales which nearly reaches the base of the elytra, sixth •and eighth intervals with similar but smaller masses, a little posterior to the others and almost uniting over the much constricted seventh interval. Legs sparsely clothed with silvery scales each of which is set in a shallow fovea, the femora relatively stout and unarmed, the tibiae with inner edge straight and apex strongly hooked. Length 3 to 3.6 mm., width 1.3 to 1.6 mm. Habitat unknown. — (probably Philippine Islands). Described from two specimens ( d71 and 9 ) found among Phil- ippine orchids in the Executive greenhouses, Washington, D. C., in November, 1906, and one (cf ) found on Phalaenopsis in a green- house in Bergen County, N. J., by Mr. H. B. Weiss in 1916. This species does not belong in Apotomorhinus Schoenherr 1844 nor in A cy ft opens Pascoe 1874, both of which have a frontal incision at the base of the rostrum, and differs from A. aterrimus (Waterhouse) 1874 and from A. orchivora (Blackb. 1900) in the unarmed femora, straight tibiae, as well as in sculpture and vestiture, but since Champion 1913 and 1916 includes these latter species in this genus "for the present" the species here de- scribed may as well also be assigned here. The writer hopes the two species aterrimus and orchivora are correctly determined in the material before him but is unable from the literature to satisfy himself on this point. Yet, since the species appear to have never been contrasted, though several times compared, he offers the following vague characters of habitus which may aid in their recognition. A. orchivora (judging from three specimens received under this name from H. B. Weiss from the same set as the specimen men- tioned by Champion 1916) is smaller, more robust, darker colored (piceus black) and more shining (owing to slightly larger and more prominent polished rugosities on the outer margin of the pro- notal punctures and on the anterior margin of the interstrial series of minute elytral punctures) and has the humeri slightly more prominent with basal end of eighth stria more deeply im- pressed. Length 2.7 (9), 3 (cf) and 3.3 (cf ) nun. A. aterrinntx is larger, more elongate, rufopiceous and less shin- ing, the pronotal punctures deeper and relatively more close-set, punctures of eighth stria moderately impressed, interstrial series of polished rugosities relatively finer and all the striae relatively broader. Three specimens found on Philippine orchids in the OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 19 • Executive greenhouses in 1906 were determined as this species some years ago by Mr. E. A. Schwarz and measure 3.2 (9), 4 (9) and 4.1 (c?)'mm. A summary of the papers encountered by the writer in this in- vestigation which may prove useful in its continuance by others is appended, but he has included the 1844, 1859, 1866, and 1874 citations only because of possible systematic usefulness, since no relationship of these weevils with orchids is indicated in them : 1844 Schoenherr (Gen. et Sp. Curculionidum, vol. 8, p. 258) erects the genus Apotomorhinus (type A. submaculatus) . 1S44 Boheman (in Schoenherr, I.e., pp. 259-260) describes Apotomorhinus submaculatus and cribratus n. spp. from Manilla and Pondichery. 1X59 Walker (An. Nat. Hist. (3), vol. Ill, p. 264) describes Apotomorhinus albo-ater n. sp. and A. signatus n. sp. from Ceylon. 1866 Lacordaire (Gen. Coleop., vol. 7, pp. 226-7) redescribes Apotu- morhinus Schoenh. correcting the number of funicular joints from 8 to 7 and citing the two species of Walker 1859 as apparently not belonging to this genus. 1869 Murray? (Gardner's Chronicle, 1869, p. 1279) describes Centrinus epidendri (apparently a new species) believed to attack soft- hearted orchids such as Epidendrum. (See remarks by Rye in Zool. Record, vol. 6, pp. 280-281.) 1874 Pascoe (Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. 12, Feb., pp. 61-63) describes a new genus Acythopeus containing five new species, two of which are figured (pi. 3, figs. 11, 11 a and 17). 1874 Waterhouse (Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. 10, March, p. 226) describes Baridius aterrimnx n. sp. from Singapore, where it was "de- structive to Phalaenopsis and other orchids," and believes the species should enter Pascoe's just published genus Acythopeus. 1900 Blackburn (Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral., vol. 24, pt. 2, p. 61) describes Saris orchivora n. sp. bred from steins of a Queensland orchid (Di'iiilrolii uni sp.) at Sidney (Froggatt). 1904 Froggart (Agr. Gazette, X. S. W., vol. lf>, p. .117, and plate facing p. 514, fig. 2) notes the infestation of the pseudo-bulbs of Dcn.ilro- bin/ti from which he had taken the specimens de-rribed as Baris orcli irorti by Blackburn 1900. The work, larva, pupa and adult are described briefly and the adult is figured. 1906 Kolbe (Gartenflora, vol. 55, pp. 2-6) describes A i><>i»nn>n-lii iuii orrhidearum n. sp. from cultivated orchids (/'W//''//.i*/>.s/x ) be- lieved to come from the Malayan Islands but makes no allusion to earlier papers. 1906 Lea (Trans. II. Soc. South Austral., vol. 30, p. 101) compares a Specimen of (it<-rrinms received from Waterhonse with what he believed to be (in-liimrn and reported them undoubtedly identical. The assignment to the genus Aci/llm/n-ux is strongly crit irixed but 20 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY • he did not feel justified in proposing a new generic name for the species. 1912 Swezey (Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc., vol. II, no. 4, p. 168) notes A. aterrimus as established in an Orchid house in Honolulu and also as taken from orchids imported from Manila, citing Froggatt's 1904 illustration and alluding to Lea's 1906 synonymy. 1913 Champion (Ent. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. XXIV, p. 33) records the cap- ture of Baridius aterrimus in a flower of Catasetum splendens at Kew and cites specimfens from other English conservatories. The species is assigned for the present to Acythopeus Pasc. but differs in having toothed instead of unarmed femora and the intermediate tibiae toothed in the cf . Froggatt's (?) statement that B. orchi- vora Blackb. is a synonym is denied but the two species are said to be closely allied. 1916 Champion (Ent. Mo. Mag. (3), vol. II, p. 200) cites Baridius orchi- vora as found on flowers of Dendrobium in New Jersey by Mr. Weiss and assigns this species with Baridius aterrimus whose food records he reviews, to the genus Acypotheus Pasc. (typ. err. for Acythopeus). Diorymelhis laevimargo n. sp. is described from specimens received from H. B. Weiss in New Jersey and from a specimen found attacking orchid roots in a greenhouse at Ithaca, N. Y. 1917 Weiss (Ent, News, vol. 28, pp. 26-28, pi. 5, figs. 3 and 4) reviews the accounts by Blackburn; 1900, and Froggatt, 1904, of Acythopeus orchivora and records its frequent occurrence and injury in orchid houses in New Jersey. The abundant occurrence of Diorymellus laevimargo and the injury by the adults is described and the adults of both weevils are figured. 1917 Weiss (Ent, News, vol. 28, p. 106) corrects Acypocheus to Acijthopeus. 1917 Weiss (Ent, News, vol. 28, p. 218) again cites Diort/mcllun laevimargo and Acythopeus orchivora, as found in New Jersey. Eucactophagus Champ. 1910. Five species of this genus are in the National Collection, two of which appear to be new and are here described. The other three were determined by Mr. Champion and are mentioned in his 1910 work (Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleop. vol. IV, pt. 7, pp. 96-100, pi. IV, figs. 31-35a, and pi. V, figs. l-3a). The genus does not appear homogeneous and the species may not all be orchid feed- ers but as two species have now been taken in American green- houses with the inference that they issued from imported Orchids, we may expect other species to appear also. The six species in- cluded in the Biologia are all well figured and the seventh species, the genotype, is illustrated with its original description. Photos of two new species are here given although a drawing of one of them has been published by Weiss 1917. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 21 Eucactophagus graphipterus Champion 1910. As stated in a footnote to the description of this species, Champion's third specimen was found in a greenhouse in Con- necticut by Dr. Britton and is in our National Collection. I have seen no other specimen but the type and paratype locali- ties are Costa Rica and Colombia. The large yellow area of tin- elytra covers the basal two-thirds and bears a round brown spot al middle of suture which reaches the third stria, a pair of similar spots just behind middle extending from fifth stria to margin and a faintly rufous area at basal fourth between third and fourth striae. The identification of the form treated by Weiss 101 7 as this species was made by Mr. Schwarz about 1914, from a single specimen which he then supposed was only a variant of hi./>- frrus but a series of specimens subsequently taken in the ?\Y\v Jersey orchid houses and received from Mr. Weiss vary but little among themselves and are conspicuously distinct from Cham- pion's species. Since I have failed to find a description with which it agrees it becomes necessary to propose a new name for the species that has troubled the New Jersey orchid growers. Eucactophagus weissi n. sp. PI. 4, figs. 4, 4A, 4B. E. graphipterus Weiss 1916 (Journ. N. Y.Ent. Soc, xxiv, pp.93 and 147), 1917. (Ent. News, vol. 28, pi. 5, fig. 1) nee. Champion. Type—Cat. No. 21068, U. S. N. M. Very similar to graphipterus apparently differing from it only in the elytral coloration, deeper elytral striae and in the pygidium being slightly more strongly carinate with coarser punctures. The elytra are princi- pally translucent yellow in color, the suture, base, and posthumeral third of side margin narrowly margined with black, the black margin becoming broad on the humerus and side margin behind the middle, and occupying the apical fourth of the elytra. The striae are more deeply engraved with larger and deeper punctures which show the black ground color t lirough the yellow chiton; interstices more convex and clear yellow except for rufous or piceous spots situated as follows: second interval with a piceous area twice as long as wide at middle of length of elytra, third and fifth interval with a similar spot at basal fourth which sometimes merge into one but both are sometimes very pale, the fifth also has :\ second black or brown spot just behind the middle. The yellow coloring is produced a little further backward in intervals 2, 4 and 6. Length 13-17 mm., width 5.5-7.5 mm. Habitat unknown (probably tropical America). Described from five specimens 2 cf d", 3 99, taken in orchid houses at Summit, N. J., by Mr. H. B. Weiss, the type dated April 27, 1914, paratypcs in the collections of Mr. Weiss and Mr. Chas. Leng. 22 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Eucactophagus biocellatus n. sp. (PI. 4, fig. 5.) Type:— Cat. No. 21069, U. S. N. M. Very similar to E. aurocinctus Champ, but conspicuously different in that the yellow area occupies the basal three-fourths of the elytra ex- cept the humerus and encloses a piceous macula occupying third, fourth and fifth interstices just before middle of elytra. The strial punctures are more deeply impressed and the interstices more convex than in aurocinctus. The first stria is arcuate basally and joins the second stria beside the scutellum. The third interstice is twice as wide at base as the fourth, the seventh interstice but little more than half as wide throughout its length as the others. The antennal scape is stouter basally and less swollen apically, and is feebly arcuate in basal half. Length 10mm., width 4.8 mm. Described from a single specimen received about 1912 from F. H. Jackson at Las Cascades, Canal Zone, Panama. The black discal elytral spots occupy part of the area occupied by the yellow fascia in the cotype of aurocinctus illustrated by Champion which is before me (U. S. Nat. Mus. Cotype No. 21070), so it is improbable that it might be merely a form of that species with the yellow fascia more extended. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. 1. 1A, IB. Cholus forbesii Pascoe. 2. Cholus catteleyae Champ. Abnormal specimen (perhaps hybrid) in collection of Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., displaying thoracic vestiture as in C. forbesii. For normal coloration see plate facing p. 178, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 1916. 3. 3A. Acythopeus gilvonolatus n. sp. Type. (Photo, by Paine.) 4. Eucactophagus weissi n. sp. Type. 4A, 4B. Largest paratype. (Dark lines on cb- domen and metasternum of 4B are shadows of legs.) 5. Eucactophagus biocellatus n. sp. Type. THREE NEW TAGHINID PARASITES OF ELEODES. BY W. R. WALTON, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The three forms described below constitute an addition to our knowledge of the dipterous parasites of the imagines in Coleoptera. Two of them represent a well marked genus, apparently new to science. The remaining form is a true Biomyia, a genus already known as being parasitic on adult beetles. The American species PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX PLATE IV OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 23 known to have this habit are Biomyia (/cmy'iie B. and B., and B. lachnosternae Town., EuhaUdaya (Hi-nnnjid) genalis Coq., de- scribed by me as E. severinii, arid parasitic on Diapheromera (Orthoptera) is of course not a Biomyia in any sense but repre- sents, in my opinion, a valid genus very close to Holiday a of Egger. Eleodiphaga new genus. Moderately robust, head (pi. 5, fig. 1) large, wider than thorax, dis- tinctly conical, much thicker at insertion of antennae than at vibrissae. Wings rather short, legs robust. Front abruptly produced, antennae inserted distinctly above the middle of eye, face sloping downward in a gentle convex curve to vibrissae which are inserted slightly below the oral margin. Cheeks equal in width to at least two-thirds height of eye. Front at vertex nearly twice as wide as eye, the vitta occupying one-third or more of its width. The frontalia thickly sprinkled with macrochaetae. Parafacials more than half as wide as facial depression, their lower half plentifully sprinkled with irregularly arranged bristles. Facial depression deep, its sides almost parallel, carina nearly obsolete. Fascialia bearing bristles on approximately the lower two-thirds. Antennae, in the male, very long, first two segments elevated above the level of the front, third segment slightly longer than the face, its long sides nearly parallel, at least six times longer than broad1 and of a velvety texture. Arista inserted at extreme base of third seg- ment and thickened to its tip, second joint only slightly longer than broad. Vibrissae short, rather weak, not decussate, and directed downward. "Transverse depression" of face not transverse but running almost verti- cally from corner of eye to oral margin, the cheeks proper merging immedi- ately with inferior occipital surface. Eves absolutely bare, small and oval in shape. Frontal macrochaetae arranged in two rows, the upper ones not noticeably stronger than the lower, descending well below in- sertion of arista. No true orbitals present in male. Occllar bristles well developed arid widely divergent but directed forward. Ocellar triangle unusually large. Proboscis very short, fleshy; palpi, normal. Wings (pi. 5, fig. 2) with the apical cell long-petiolate, ending in the costa, well before tip of wing, the petiole about twice as long as small crossvein. Costal spine obsolescent but distinguishable. All veins bare excepting base of the third which bears two or three ordinary bristles. Front claws of male not elongated, the hind tibiae coarsely pectinate but not ciliate, with coarse bristles. The tarsi all rather Ninall and weak. This genus seems to be related to both Phasmophaga, Town., and Hypcrecteina (Admontia) Schiner. Type of the genus, E. caffreyi new species. 24 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Eleodiphaga caffreyi new species. Length 9 mm. male. Black, subshining; wings milky, nearly opaque; veins black. Front, face, cheeks and occiput black, thinly pruinose, with grayish pollen. Vitta brownish. Antennae and aristae black, palpi red- dish. Postocellar pair of macrochaetae present. Thorax black, thinly grayish pollinose, two pairs of indistinct vittae present, postsutural dorso- central bristles three, stepnopleurals four or more, pleurae black, thinly whitish pruinose. Scutellum black, bearing three pairs of marginals and an apical pair. Abdomen ovate, conical, black, shining, entirely desti- tute of pollen or spots. Median discal and marginal macrochaetae on all segments excepting the first which bears neither. Venter black, hypo- pygium retracted but visible, shining black. Middle tibiae bearing one weak and two strong macrochaetae on front side toward the middle. Legs black including coxae, squamae opaque white. Described from two male specimens, one reared from material collected by D. J. Caffrey of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, at Maxwell, New Mexico, (elevation 6,500 feet) and in honor of whom the species is named. The specimen emerged from an adult of Eleodes extricata Say. The other specimen was reared from material collected by V. L. Wildermuth, at Prescott, Ari- zona, and emerged from an adult of Eleodes obsolete! , Say. Eleodiphaga pollinosa new species. Length 9 mm. Similar structurally to the foregoing species, differing as follows: slightly mdre robust, the front (pi. 5, figs. 3-4) produced not quite so much, eyes longer, antennar somewhat more slender, arista a little shorter. The palpi yellow and rather small. First two joints of antennae yellowish red, third joint brownish, entire head more thickly pollinose. Thorax and scutellum opaque, whitish pollinose, five, dorsal vittae plainly visible, the middle one obsolete cephalad of the transverse suture. Dorsocentral macrochaetae four, acrostichals strong and in four pairs, sternopleurals four or more.- Abdomen robust, ovate, first three segments black, the basal two-thirds silver}7 pollinose, the margins shining, fourth segment orange yellow, thinly silvery pollinose at base. First segment without median macrochaetae, the intermediate segments with weak dis- cals and marginals, fourth segment bearing only weak bristles on its disc and the marginals also rather weak. Legs black, claws short, hind tibiae subciliate, middle tibiae bearing a single macrochaeta on front side near the middle. Wings milky hyaline, veins blackish, third vein bearing three weak bristles at its base. Tip of both wings broken off inholotype about, opposite the hind crossvein, remains of wings very similar to E. caffreyii Described from a single male specimen reared from an adult of Eleodes hispilabrus Say, collected at Maxwell, New Mexico, by D. J. Caffrey. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, ;917 2.5 \ Biomyia eleodivora new species. Length 10 mm., male, slightly elongate in form, ashy gray opaque, wings fusco-hyaline. Head (pi. 5, fig. 5) of the true Biotnijia form. An- tennae inserted slightly above middle of eyes. Front sloping upward from root of antennae to vertex, is about one-half as wide as width of eye. Yitta occupying approximately one-half of front, black in color. Parafacials, parafrontals, occipital border and facial depression sil- ver}' gray pollinose. Frontals descending to tip of second antennal joint, orbital bristles absent. Antennae dark brown, very slender, the third joint a little more than twice as long as the second. Arista longer than antennae, very slender, thickened only at extreme base. Palpi and pro- boscis reddish. Vibrissae long, slender and projecting at right angles to plane of face, inserted well above oral margin. Cheeks ashy gray cov- ered with rows of fine black hairs. Thorax and scutellum rather thinly ashy gray pollinose. Five vittae visible, the middle one obsolete cepha- lad of the transverse suture. Posterior dorsocentrals four; they are un- usually long and slender and nearly erect. Acrostichals in three pairs. Sternopleurals three, pleurae thinly cinereous pollinose. Abdomen en- tirely opaque, rather thinly cinereous pollinose and slightly marmorate. A distinctly median, blackish vitta visible from behind. Venter concolorous with abdominal dorsum. Hypopygium visible, black and bearing a few fine hairs. All segments of abdomen bearing median marginals, no true discals apparent on any segment. Legs remarkably robust, black, all, and es- pecially the hind metatarsi, noticeably swollen (figs. 7 and 8). Hind tibiae not ciliate nor pectinate but bearing a few scattered macrochaetae. Front claws elongated. Wings (pi. o, fig. 6) slightly fuscous, the veins brownish. Squamae white. Described fr,om one male specimen reared from an adult of Eleodes tricostata Say, collected by J. S. Wade, at Holdredge, Nebraska. The species is closely related to R. lachnosternae Town., but is evidently quite distinct. EXPLANATION OP PLATE V. Elertdiphaya c'ljrri/i. Fig. 1. Head of male. Fig. 2. Wing of male. Eleodiphaga pollinosa. Fig. 3. Side view of head. Fig. 4. Front view of head. Biomyia eleodivora. Fig. 5. Side view of head. Fig. 6. Wing. Fig. 7. Hind tibia and tarsus, dorsal view. Fig. 8. Lateral view of hind tarsus, showing spiny armament of ventral surface. PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE V. 26 OF WASHINGTON, VOU'.MK XIX, 1917 27 Two HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINTH MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1916. The 299th regular meeting of the Entomological Society of Washington was entertained by Dr. W. D. Hunter at the Saenger- bund Hall, December 7, 1916. There were present Messrs. Baker, Busck, Cole, Crawford, Cushman, Ely, Gahan, Garman, Gibson, Greene, Heinrich, Hunter, Hyslop, Kolinsky, Middleton, Morrison, Paine, Pierce, Rohwer, Sasscer, Schwarz, Snyder, Speare and Walton, members, and Messrs. J. J. Davis, Harry F. Dietz, II. M. Fouls, F. H. Gates, visitors. The president announced the death on November 17 of Mr. Otto Heidemann, a valued member and ex-president of our So- ciety. He also stated that he had appointed Messrs. Schwarz, Howard and Busck a committee to draw up suitable resolutions. Mr. Schwarz gave some exceedingly interesting reminiscences of Mr. Heidemann's early life as an entomologist and member of the Society. Mr. Rohwer told something of Mr. Heidemann's connection with the Society, stating that he had designed the cut of the official seal of the Society. Mr. Rohwer stated that he had received resolutions of condolence from the Cambridge Entomological Society. Mr. Busck also gave some interesting reminiscences of Mr. Heidemann's private life. Messrs. E. H. Gibson and F. R. Cole of the Bureau of Ento- mology, and Dr. Philip Garman of the Maryland Agricultural College were elected to active membership. The following officers were elected: President, C. R. Ely. First Vice-President, E. R. Sasscer. Second Vice-President, Frederick Knab. Secretary-Treasurer, S. A. Rohwer. Recording Secretary, A. B. Gahan. Editor, J. C. Crawford. For members of the Executive Committee, Messrs. W. D. Hunter, A. L. Quaintance, and A. N. Caudell. Mi. Hunter was nominated to represent the Society as a vice- president of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 28 PROCEEDING'S ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Under the head of " Notes and Exhibition of Specimens" the following was presented: NOTES ON THE IMMATURE STAGES OF HEMITAXONUS MULTIGINCTUS ROHWER.i BY W. B. HALL. The following observations were made from mateiial collected on a cultivated fern bed in Wakeman, Ohio. The ferns in this bed were transplanted from their native haunt which is on the banks of the Vermillion River? near Wakeman, Ohio. From certain upchecked tests it seems that this species can be only partially controlled by hellebore. Host. — Athyrium thelypteroides (Michx.) Desv. Egg. — The eggs are attached on end to the upper side of the leaf, often as many as ten or twelve on a frond. They are smooth, shining, honey-yellow, about 1 mm. long by 0.5 mm. broad. Before hatching the young larva can be observed through the transparent egg shell. Incubation varies from 50 to 60 hours. Oviposition. — From observations in 1914 it appears that ovi- position occurs about May 22. Larva. — Light green with black spots on the head and a light line along each side of the body. On hatching it is about 2 mm. long and when through feeding, about 10 mm., long. In the rearing cages the feeding stage is 11 to 12 days. [The last feed- ing stage larvae preserved alcohol have a large brownish spot on the anal plate, the vertex, occiput and front medianly brown- ish, and a blackish spot behind the eye. They correspond closely with the larva of dub/'tatus var. amicus as described by Dyar.] There is only one generation a year. Natural enemies. — The House Wren (Troglodytes domesticus) feeds on the larva. It was interesting to watch a pair of wrens, which had their young in a bird house near by, carry the larva to their young. They would dart in among the fronds, catch their prey, and fly away to their nest. One female made 5 trips in 3 minutes. [In the same vial with larvae is a single Dipterous puparium indicating that this species is parasitized by some fly.] 1 Remarks enclosed in brackets have been supplied by Mr. S. A. Roluver. OF WASHI.N<;T<>.\, VOLUME xix, 191: 29 THREE HUNDREDTH MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1917 The 300th regular meeting of the Society was entertained by Mr. E. A. Schwarz at the Saengerbund Hall, January 4, 1917. There were present Messrs. Ainslie, Back, Baker, Boving, Busck, Caudell, Cole, Cushman, Dietz, Duckett, Ely, Fink, Gahan, Garman, Gibson, Gill, Greene, Heinrich, Howard, Hunter, Hutchison, Isely, Johansen, Kelly, Kotinsky, Marlatt, Mid- dleton, Morrison, Pierce, Popenoe, Ransom, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Simanton, Snyder, Turner, Walton, and White, members, and K. B. Brown, J. A. Corcoran, W. E. Dove, Henry Fox, Seymour Hiadwen, Leale F. Howard, H. G. Ingerson, U. C. Loftus, visitors. Mr. James C. Evenden, Bureau of Entomology was elected a corresponding member. Mr. J. S. Wade, of the Bureau of Entomology, and Mr. Harry F. Dietz, of the Federal Horticultural Board, were elected active members. The chair announced the death January 2, 1917, of Mr. John F. Strauss, a member of the Society. The following program was presented: A REVISION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN GRACILARIIDAE FROM THE STANDPOINT OF VENATION. BY C. R. ELY. The writer has for some time been interested in the genus drucilarid and its allies. The appearance of Meyrick's Revision of the Gracilariidae was therefore very welcome. It was a mat- ter of some surprise that, in this revision, the character of the vestiture of the legs was made of chief importance in delimiting genera and that less emphasis than usual was placed upon vena- i i"ii. It is not intended, in this paper, to combat the deliberate opinion of Mr. Meyrick, in regard to what character is of most importance within this family, but it is believed that the publi- cation of a classification of our North American forms, from the standpoint of venation, may be made to serve a useful purpose. 30 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY in calling attention to certain facts concerning the species of a geographically restricted group. For the study of the Graci- lariidae along broader lines Meyrick's comprehensive work must be consulted. The careful study of wing venation requires the complete denudation of the wings and it is therefore evident that unique types could not always be satisfactorily examined. In the fol- lowing article all such exceptional cases will be noted. The general characters of the Gracilariidae, so far as the vena- tion is concerned, are given by Meyrick as follows: "Forewings lanceolate or very narrowly elongate; 1 b simple, cell long, two- thirds to three-fourths of wing, 2 from toward lower angle, 4 usu- ally from angle, 7 to costa, 8 usually separate or absent, 11 from about one-third of cell or near base or absent, upper margin of cell usually obsolete on basal third. Hindwings one-half to two- thirds, lanceolate or linear cilia 2-8; 1 c absent, cell open between 4 and 5, 5 and 6 often stalked, 6 and 7 approximated anteriorly or seldom stalked." This characterization holds good of all North American species, so far as observed, which are now listed in this family. I would add that, with the list of species now under consideration, 1 a is usually absent and 1 c weak, when present, in the forewings, and that, in the hindwing, 6 is invariably stalked with 5 when both are present. In regard to the anal veins it would appear that 1 b, which so often preserves the fork at the base, in other fami- lies, should be the strongest vein and the last to disappear. There seems to be a general tendency to eliminate both 1 a and 1 c, with 1 c the more persistent of the two. In the hindwings it is usually difficult to discern any anal vein whatever. Metriochroa Busck1 shows 6 stalked with 7 in the hindwing, but with a complete separation between 5 and 6, and for these reasons is not included in this paper. It is said by Meyrick to be allied to Tischeria. I am informed by Mr. Busck that there is some probability that the larva of another insect was de- scribed under this genus, as the collected material shows but one larva answering the published description, and two others which are typical gracilariid larvae, according to Heinrich. Eucosmophora Walsingham is also not included in this paper. Meyrick states that Walsingham's description of the reduced neufation was incorrect and places this genus under Acroccrcopx. He does not however give a description of the true neuration, which is unknown to me. The species sideroxylonella Busck is therefore listed provisionally under Acrocercops. 1 Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XXIII, p. 2i:>, 1900. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 31 The hindwings of the Lepidoptera taken as a whole, except the Micropterygidae, from which all the genera in this family are believed to have been derived, are characterized by a very simple neuration along the costal area of the wing. Two branches only were formerly supposed to remain, 7 terminating near the apex and 8 reaching the costal margin nearer the base. In a paper read by Busck before this Society in 19091 attention was called to the fact that the genus Cycnodia Herrich-Schaffer has three branches to the costa, vein 7 having two branches to the costa near the apex. At this time the author of the paper proposed the erection of a superfamily to be called the CYCNODIOIDEA, to include genera descended from this nine veined ancestor. A few years ago the present writer's attention was called to some pecu- liarities in the venation of Ornix, as shown in Stainton's figures in Vol. Ill of the Insecta Britannica. Further investigation, with the assistance of Mr. Busck, showed the existence of species of both Ornix and Gracilana which appeared to possess an extra, or 9th, vein in the hindwings. These facts were interpreted by Busck2 as confirming the belief in the separate family rank of the Gracilariidae a belief which had formerly rested almost wholly, upon larval characters. It may be pointed out in this con- nection that Cycnodia, as noted by Busck, while derived from a form having nine veins in the hindwing, does not show the same type of neuration as Gracilaria. In Cycnodia it is a vein near the outer portion of the wing which has persisted, while in Graci- laria it is one near the base of the wing. Judging from the posi- tion of vein 11 in the forewing it is probably the homologous vein which has been retained in the hindwing. Spuler3 in his excel- lent figures shows this vein, and the interpretation appears to be the same, in regard to which vein has persisted, though he treats the matter somewhat differently. This interpretation if correct would seem to indicate that the family under consideration is an old one, instead of recent as stated by Meyrick.4 The hindwing of a species of the genus Gr•_'. 2 Busck, Proc. Ent, Soc. Wash., Vol. XVI, p. 52, 1!)14. Spuler, Schmet. Eur., Hand 2, p. 410, 1910. * Meyrirk, Gen. Ins., 128, p. 3, 1012. 32 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY family is provided. Vein 7 is quite close to 8, and parallel with it, until it reaches a point near the hump, where it curves down- ward, approximating 6, with which it is usually connected by a cross vein, and then slants upward toward the outer extremity of the -costa. The extra vein, when present, may be found aris- ing out of 7, just under the hump, or at times connected by a cross vein with 8. In most of the later forms however this extra vein has disappeared. The changes which take place in the vari- ous genera, when a degradation of the neuration takes place in the hindwing, are apparently quite simple. The extra vein is usually the first to be lost, followed by 4 and then usually by 3, although sometimes 3 appears rather to become transformed into a continuation of 2. Of the branches 5 and 6 it is probably 6 that is the first to disappear. The median vein (5, 6) and 7 tend to approximate one another until they may culminate in the form found in Phyllonorycter, and its allies, and anastomose anteriorly. In the forewing there are several features which are thought to be particularly noteworthy. In Acrocercops, Parornix and Parectopa it will be seen that the position of 11 is, at the point of its origin, much farther removed from the base of the cell, and that the system of veins 10 to 7 is much more advanced along the costal margin of the cell, than is the case with Gracilaria. In the latter 10 arises much nearer the base than 2 while with the former genera the contrary is the case. There seems to be in the later development, in this family, a crowding of the veins toward the apex of the wing, and the formation of a more or less pointed outline at the anterior margin of the cell, when any veins have been lost in this region. This may perhaps be accounted for by the fact that in many species possessing a complete neuration the outer wall of the cell is weak. The loss of veins takes place by means of the usual methods, obsolescence or stalking. In the costal series 11 and 7 may disappear by obsolescence or. in the case of 7, by stalking with 8. Of veins 8, 9 and 10 no tendency to disappear was noted, that is to say none of these veins was observed while in the act of disappearing, either by obsolescence or by stalking. In the case of several genera with much degraded neuration, where there were no intermediate forms, Meyrick's diagnosis was accepted and vein 8 stated to be absent. In the dorsal series 2, and possibly 6, may disappear by obsolescence. In Gracilaria there is a tendency toward sim- plification by the stalking of 4 and 5, while in Parornix, Parectopa and Acrocercops there is a tendency to simplify by means of the stalking of 6 with 5 or 7, and accompanying it the loss of veins 2 or 3. " It may be stated that the venation of Apophthisis Braun could not be studied, owing to .lack of material, and that it is placed OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 33 in the list of genera according to my interpretation of the figure1 accompanying the original description. The obsolescence of vein 2 in the Gracilariidae appears not to have been noted by Meyrick and is not in conformity with his generic descriptions in several cases. When but one vein is ab- sent in the dorsal series, he invariably specifies 3 as the one which has been eliminated. In authentic European specimens of Acrocercops brogniardellum Wallen., in the collections of the U. S. Nat. Museum, I have found that vein 2 was obsolescent while 3 remained strong. The same fact was observed in the case of Dialedica Wlsm. and Chilocampyla Busck. In the species strigifiniletta and salicifoliella there is a weakening of 2 but in these cases 3 tends to disappear also. I may add that in the original description of Chilocani pi/la Busck2 3 was stated to be absent, while it may easily be seen, by the figure accompanying the description, that no veins are missing, but that 2 is disap- pearing and is the one which was overlooked. It may be well to take up at this point some discrepancies which have been noted in reviewing Meyricks Ke vision of the Gracilariidae and which show the need of accurate figures to accompany verbal descriptions. In the case of Leucanthiza3 Clem., it is stated that 5 and 6 are stalked in the hind wings, while the figure of the venation of this genus, Fig. 29 (b), shows that vein 6 is absent. In this case as with Chilocampyla Busck, mentioned above, the figure is correct while the description is not. In regard to the genus Epicephala Meyr.4 there is a simi- lar disagreement. It is here stated that vein 3 of the forewing is absent while the figure 21 a shows all 12 veins to be present. In this case the writer is unable to judge whether the figure or the description is correct. The only figure given of a species of the genus Gracilaria, is that o'f (f. alchimiella Scop.5 which shows 5 and 6 stalked, in the hindwing, and the stalk arising out of 7, a type of venation which I have been unable to find in any of the North American species of Gracilaria, and which does not appeal1 in any of the Kuropcan forms examined, including syrin- gella, eloiif/clla, stigmatella, auroguttella and alchimiella. The pres- ence also of 1 a in the forewing is certainly not normal as I have been unable to find it in any of the species examined. The task of revising the Gracilariidae of the world must have been very difficult and one which no one but Mr. Meyrick was 1 liruun, Can. Ent., Vol. XLYII, p. 1!)0, fiK. 20, 1915. - Busck, Proc. U. S. Nal. Mus., Vol. XXIII, p. 248. ( Meyrick, Gen. Ins., 128, p. 12, 1912. 4 Meyrick, Gen. Ins., 128, p. 13, 1912. * Meyrick, Gen. Ins., 128, fig. 24b, 1912. 34 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY competent to undertake. It is not surprising however, con- sidering the magnitude of the undertaking, that a few of our North American species are not properly listed. In the follow- ing pages the genera will be taken up in the order given by Mey- rick and the reasons given for all changes which have been made. The list of species under Lithocolletis has not been revised. This group has been so carefully studied by Miss Braun that, in the list of species which follows this paper, the arrangement given in her Revision will be followed. The only exception made is the listing of Cameraria Chapman, and the use of Phyllo- norycter Hb. instead of Lithocolletis Hb. As to Cameraria, it would seem illogical to object to a division based upon larval characters, within a family whose family rank rests mainly upon a characteristic structure in the larval stage. One species only may be noted here, on account of the fact that it has the ab- normal habit of forming its, cocoo,n outside the mine. Upon examining the venation of this species, ostensackenella Fitch, it was found that the venation is abnormal, the two veins nearest the apex of the forewing arising from a short stalk from the tip of the cell. Porphnjrosela Braun is retained as a good genus as it is believed that it should not be dropped without further investigation. Several species, noted later, were transferred from other genera and placed under Marmara Clemens. Aesyle Chambers, is re- moved from its position, as a synonym of Acrocercops, and made a synonym of Marmara, as fasciella Ch., the type species, belongs to this genus. Under Acrocercops Wallengren, the writer has placed only those species which correspond rather closely to the type species brog- niardellum Fabr. It is believed that Meyrick's conception • of this genus is much too broad and that the group as listed by him will eventually be broken up. An additional reason for this restriction of the genus is the fact that in albinatella Ch. we have a species which corresponds generically in practically every de- tail with brogniardellum. It may be noted here also that Mey- ricks very broad definition of the genus Acrocercops does not cover the venation of the type species, brogniardellum, which has 5 and 6 of the forewings stalked, the other veins remaining sepa- rate. This fact is also recorded by Stainton,1 in regard to the relation of 5, 6. The following species were removed from under Acrocercops, because they did not fall within the limits of Acrocer- cops, under Meyrick's definition: sebastianella Busck, transferred to Gracilaria, from an examination of mounted wings, forewing not denuded ; fasciella, to Marmara on venation; strigifinitella was 1 Stainton, Ins. Brit., Vol. Ill, PI. <>, fig. lla, 1854. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 '.'>') made the type of a ne\v genus; rrn/'.r Spuler, on ( 'lemens description of the venation. In regard to l>>,i-c(i*rll neuration and he places under it the two species simploniella V. Rosl, and scalariella Zell. but does not specify the type. As Walsingham made scalariella Zell. the type of his genus Dialectica, I would propose, in order to simplify matters, to consider scalariella Zell, as the type species and list Eutrichoc- nemis as a synonym of Dialect ica. The genus represented by these two names is placed provisionally under Acrocercops. One species, onosmodiella Busck, corresponds more closely to Din- led ica in venation than it does to Acrocercops, dii'feiing from the former genus chiefly in that vein 2 of the forcwing is absent. It was believed that texanella Busck should be transferred from Parectopa Clemens, to Parornix Spuler, which it most resembles in venation. The venation is quite close to that of guitea Haw. but in some respects it is an interesting species quite; different from any other listed under this genus. The species axtericola Frcy and Boll, quinquestrigella ('ham. and rhombiferellum Frev and Boll, were transferred from Parectopa to Acroc< /•<•<>/>* on external characters, following Meyrick's scheme. The species salicifoliella Cham., was found to correspond closely with the 1 The Tincina of N. A., p. 237, 1872. - Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. XXXIII, p. 290, 1007. 3 Spulcr, Schmet. Enr. Band 2, p. 409, 1910. 36 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY • type of Spuler's genus Micrurapteryx^ and that genus is therefore included in this list. Under Gracilaria the following changes have been made, fidgi- della Clem, and Elotella Busck have been transferred to Marmara, on account of complete accord in venation as well as in other respects. The classification which is here presented is based principally upon the position of vein 11 in the forewings, the movement forward of the costal or the dorsal series of veins along the ante- rior portion of the cell, and the relationship of veins 7 and 8 in the hindwings. There is one character which has not been in- cluded in the present paper which may prove to be of value. Acrocercops has a weak longitudinal vein through the middle of the cell in the forewings which appears to have been wholly lost in Gracilaria. The same vein is shown very faintly and brok- enly in some of the other genera. There would appear to be three main branches within this family, represented by Gracilaria, Parornix and Acrocercops. Of these Gracilaria is generally accepted as approaching most nearly the primitive form. Some species of Parornix, however, in the shape of the wings and form of venation of the hind wings, are strongly suggestive of the Micropteryx type. Stainton indeed uses the name Ornichidae for the family (p. 10, Ins. Brit., 1854) though he afterwards abandons it in favor of Gracilariidae. Parec- topa appears to be an intermediate between Gracilaria and Paror- nix. Micrurapteryx is from gracilariid stock and is related to Parectopa while Dialectica, Chilocampyla, Leucospilapteryx and Apophthisis are closely related to Acrocercops. Marmara pre- serves a portion of the base of 7 parallel to 8 which suggests a relationship to the Gracilariid branch probably nearest to Parec- topa. Phyllonorycter and its allies do not show a close relation- ship to any of the other genera and the parallel condition of 7 with 5, 6, is a great departure from the form of venation found in Gracilaria. It may be that this group is worthy of the family rank that is given it by some authors. The difficulties in the way of interpreting a degraded neura- tion are illustrated in the case of Leucanthiza. There is nothing in the venation to show that it may not have been derived from Gracilaria, at the same time there is no positive evidence that it was so derived. The venation of the hindwings has been re- duced to very nearly the simplest terms. There remain only the stems of the main branches, all separate. It would be diffi- cult to see, for example, were venation the only guide, why the 1 Spuler, Schmet. Eur. Band 2, p. 409, 1910. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 37 genus Phyllocnistis included in a very different family might not be included with Lencanthizd. It is here that we are forced to fall back upon larval characters. Leucanthiza is therefore in- cluded in the Gracilariidae mainly on larval characters. The only suggestion of a family characteristic noted by the writer in this case, is the short vein 8 to the hump, in the hind wings. The arrangement of genera which follows is constructed mainly upon venational characters, a few additional hints are however given for those who may wish to use it as a key. The writer wishes to express his thanks to Mr. Heinrich for comparing the genitalia of a number of species whose status was in doubt. To Mr. Busck he wishes to gratefully acknowledge his indebtedness for help and advice upon numerous occasions. It is through the latter that there were available a number of named species which had been compared with Chambers' types, as well as notes regarding them. KEY TO GENERA. 1. Hiiuhvings with branch to costa between terminations on cost a of 7 and 8 2 Hindwings without branch to costa between terminations on costa of 7 and 8 3 2. Forewings, 11 from near base of cell (head smooth. .(Gracilaria (part) Forewings, 11 from about 5 of cell (head rough) Parnrnix 3. Hindwings, 8 veins (4 weak in Micrurapteryx) 4 Hindwings, less than 8 veins 9 4. Forewings, 11 from near base of cell (hind tibiae smooth) 5 Forewings, 11 from } of cell or beyond ^ (hind tibiae with bristles above) 6 5. Forewings, 6 and 7 separate Gracilaria (part ) Forewings, 6 and 7 stalked Micrurapteryx 6. Forewings, 12 veins (11 veins in onosmodiella) 7 Forewings, less than 12 veins 8 7. Forewings, 6 separate (base of antennae with eye&a.p). .Chilosampyla Forewings, 6 stalked, with 5 or with 7 Acrocerc<>/>* 8. Forewings, 7 stalked with 8, or absent Leucospilapteryx Forewings, 7 stalked with 6 Apopftthixix 9. Hindwings, 7 veins (5 and 6 stalked) 10 Hindwings, less than 7 veins , 12 10. Forewings, 11 very near base of cell (10 not toward end of cell). . 11 Forewings, 11 from about 3 of cell (10 toward end of cell). .Parcrln/>n 11. Forewings, 12 veins, 2 and .'> weak (hind tibiae bristles above) Neurobathra Forewings, 11 veins, one dorsal branch absent (hind tibiae smooth' Gracilarin i part) 38 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 12. Hindwings, 6 veins, 5 and 6 stalked 13 Hindwings, 5 veins, 6 absent 16 13. Forewings, 12 veins, separate, 11 near base (hind tibiae bristles above) Neurostrota Forewings, 11 absent (hind tibiae without bristles) 14 14. Forewings, 9 veins Neurolipa Forewings, less than 9 veins 15 15. Forewings, 8 veins (head rough) - Cremastobombycia Forewings, 7 veins (head smooth) Marmara 16. Forewings, 9 veins (head smooth) Leucarithiza (Phyllonorycter Forewings, 7 veins (head rough) \Cameraria Forewings, 6 veins (head rough) Porphryrosela Porphyrosela Braun. t Type: Porphryrosela desmodetlla Clem. Characters as in Phyllonorycter Hb. except that vein 10 is obsolescent or absent, the hind tibiae without hairs and the basal joint of the antennae without a pecten. Cameraria Chapman. !Type: Phyllonorycter rajella Linn. Characters as Phyllonorycter except that the larva is flat and the nerve ilways on the upper side of the leaf of the food plant. Phyllonorycter Hiibiier. Type: Cameraria guttifinitella Clem. Head roughly tufted on crown, face smooth. Antennae about 1, basal joint rather thick, usually with slight pecten. Labial palpi moderate or short, porrected or drooping, filiform, pointed. Maxillary palpi minute, filiform, porrected or rudimentary. Posterior tibiae with loosely appressed hairs. Forewings lanceolate; 7 veins, 3 absent, 4 absent, 6 absent, 8 absent, 11 absent. Hindwings about £, linear, lanceolate, cilia 4-5; 3 absent, 4 absent, 6 absent. Larva cylindrical. Cremastobombycia Braun. Type: Cremastobombycia solidaginis Frey and Boll. Characters as in Phyllonorycter Hb. except that vein 6 is present, stalked with 5, in both forewing and hindwing. Marmara Clemens. Type : Marmara soliclella Clem. Head smooth. Antennae f to 1, basal joint thick with slight pecten. Labial palpi moderate, porrected, slender, pointed. Maxillary palpi OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 39 moderate, porrected, loosely scaled toward lip. Posterior tibiae smooth scaled. Forewings lanceolate; 3 absent, 4 absent, 6 absent, 8 absent, 11 absent. Hindwings about -£, linear lanceolate, 3 absent, 4 absent, 5 and 6 stalked. The venation of the fore wings is very similar to that of Phyllo- noryder Hb., but differs from the latter in that 7 approximates 8 toward the base and is well separated from the stalk of veins 5 and 6 in the hindwings. Leucanthiza Clemens. Type: Leucanthiza amphicarpeaejoliella Clem. Head loosely rough haired on crown, face smooth. Antennae 1, basal joint hardly thickened. Labial palpi short, slender, drooping. Maxillary palpi rudimentary. Posterior tibiae with appressed scales. Forewings lanceolate; 3 absent, 4 absent, 11 absent. Hindwings about \, narrow lanceolate, cilia 4; 3 absent, 4 absent, 6 absent. It should be noted that vein 6 is not stalked with 5 as stated by Meyrick but is absent. Neurolipa nov. gen. Type : Neurolipa randiella Busck. Head smooth. Antennae 1, base enlarged with faint pecten. Labial* palpi loosely scaled, porrected or drooping, end joint equal to second, curved. Maxillary palpi moderate, filiform, loosely scaled, porrected. Hind tibiae with long appressed hairs. Forewings elongate, acuminate; 9 veins, 11 absent, one costal and one dorsal branch absent from near outer end of cell. Hindwings linear; 6 veins, 2, 3 and 4 coincident, 5 and 6 stalked. This genus has a venation apparently derived from the Acro- cercops type but the hind tibiae are similar to Phyllonorycter Hb. Apophthisis Braun. Type; Apophthisis pullala Braun. Head with appressed scales. Antennae somewhat under 1, basal seg- ment with pecten. Labial palpi moderate, straight, drooping. Maxil- lary palpi rudimentary. Posterior tibiae with a row of short projecting scales above. Forewings lanceolate, the margin from the inner angle to the apex is almost straight or slightly concave; 2 almost obsolete, 3 absent, 4 indistinct, from lower angle of the cell, 5 absent, 6 and 7 stalked, transverse vein indistinct between 4 and 6, 11 obsolete except at origin and near costa. Hindwnigs about £, lanceolate, cilia 5; 5 and 6 stalked. This genus is known to me only from the original description given above and the figure of the venation which accompanies 40 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY the description. It appears to be a derivative of the Acrocercops group. Leucospilapteryx Spuler. Type: Leucospilapteryx >)imssella Stainton. Head smooth. Antennae 1, base somewhat enlarged. Labial palpi moderate; somewhat roughly haired, porrected, end joint equal second, recurved. Maxillary palpi filiform, small, porrected. Hind tibiae with row of bristly hairs above. Forewings elongate lanceolate; 11 more than -3 of cell from the base and strongly joined to cell, 7 stalked with 8, or absent, one dorsal branch from cell absent (possibly 3), 4 and 5 short- stalked. Hindwings nearly linear, acuminate; 8 veins, 5 and 6 stalked and joined to 7 by a cross vein near middle of wing. A genus derived from the Acrocercops group. Acrocercops Wallengren. Type: Acrocercops brogniardcllum Fabr. Head smooth. Antennae more than 1, labial palpi long, curved, as- cending, tufted beneath on second joint, terminal joint equal to second, pointed. Maxillary palpi filiform, porrected. Posterior tibiae with row of , bristly hairs above. Forewings elongate and acuminate; 12 veins, 2 weak toward its base, 5 and 6 stalked ; (In Dialectica, Wlsn, 6 is stalked with 7), origin of 11 distant from base of cell. Hindwings about one-half, narrow lanceolate; 8 veins, 5 and 6 stalked and connected to 7 by cross vein. The above description is given from a European specimen of the type species, and is very much more restricted than that given by Meyrick in the Gens. Ins. Chilocampyla Busck. Type: Chilocampyla dyariella Busck. Head smooth. Antennae nearly H, basal joint somewhat flattened and enlarged with a projecting flap of dense scales. Labial palpi long, smooth, curved, subascending, pointed. Maxillary palpi filiform, mod- erate, porrected. Middle tibiae thickened with heavy tuft of scales. Posterior tibiae with double row of bristles above. Forewings elongate lanceolate; 12 veins, 2 weak, 6 and 7 stalked, 11 from toward middle of cell margin (10 in cf obliterated by a costal depression). Hindwings ^, linear; 8 veins, 5 and 6 stalked. A genus related to Acrocercops Wallgr. both by venation ;ind hind tibiae. Separated from this genus by its flap of scales at the base of the antennae and thickened middle tibiae. OF WASHINGTON*, VOLUME XIX, 1917 41 Neurostrata nov. gen. Type: Neurostrota gunniella Busck. Head smooth. Antennae 1, basal joint slightly enlarged. Labial palpi moderately long, porrected, smooth, end joint equal to second, pointed, upcurved. Maxillary palpi moderate, filiform, porrected. Pos- terior tibiae with row of bristly hairs above. Forewings lanceolate; 12 veins, all well separated, 2 weak at base, 11 from near base, not joined to cell. Hindwings linear lanceolate, acuminate; 6 veins, 4 absent, 2 and 3 coincident (in some specimens a portion of 2 is faintly discernible), 5 and 6 stalked and connected with 7, base of 7 parallel to 8, in the c? a spiny process at the termination of 8 on the costa. A genus related to the Acrocercops group but with wings, complete venation and basal origin of 11, in the fore- wings, and degraded neuration in the hindwings. Neurobathra nov. gen. Type: Neurobathra strigijlnitella Clemens. Head smooth. Antennae 1, basal joint somewhat enlarged, very faint pecten of few hairs. Labial pulpi moderately long, porrected, end joint equal in length to second, pointed up curved. Maxillary palpi moderate, filiform, porrected. Posterior tibiae with row of bristly hairs above. Forewings narrowly lanceolate; 12 veins, 11 from very near the base of cell, 2 and 3 very weak, 3 out of the base of 4, 4 and o widely separated. Hindwings linear-lanceolate; 7 veins, 4 absent. 5 and 6 stalked, 7 close to 8 near origin, approaching or connected with stalk of 5 and 6 near middle of wing, costal fold in //i<-9; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 27!). pi. XXI, fig. 5, 1908;. Meyr., Gen. Ins., 12X. ,,. :,, 1(112; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat, Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 4(i, 1914. 56 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY syn: quercibella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 102, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life, II, p. 77, 1889; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 279, 1908. syn: qucrcipulchella Chambers, Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 120, 1878; Packard, Bull. Ent. Comm., VII, p. 53, 1881; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 77, 1889; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 279, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27. syn: qucrcipulchrella Riley, Smith's List Lep. Bor. Am., p. 109, 1891; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 279, 1908. Foodplant: Quercus; undermine. East. U. S. clemensella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 57, 85, 1871; XI, p. 91, 1879; Wlsm., Ins. Life., 11, p. 25, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6256; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 280, pi. XXI, fig. 6, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Act. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116— ,' fig. 45, 1914. Foodplant: Acer saccharum; under mine. Ohio, argentifimbriella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., pp. 318, 321, 1859; Tin. No. Am., pp. 39, 64, 70, 1872; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 57, 85, 1871; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., 1, p. 201, 1874; II, p. 229, 1875; Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 209, 1873; Wlsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 325, 1891; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 188, 1903; Dyar, Cat., No. 6258; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 281; pi. XXI, fig. 7, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 43, 1914. syn: hngistriata Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 209, 1873; Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 229, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 325, 1891; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 281, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27. syn: longirostrata Eyar, Bull. 52, U. S. Nat. Mus., 550, 1902; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 281, 1908. syn: fuscocostella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 102, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 25, 1889; Braun. Rev. Am. Lith., p. 281, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Quercus; under mine. East U. S. lucidicostella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 318, 1859; Tin. No. Am., pp. 39, 64, 66, 1872; Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., 11, p. 102, 1875; Can. Ent., Ill, p. 57, 1871; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V., p. 187, 1903; Dyar, Cat., No. 6257; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 281, pi. XXI, fig. 8, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp.' 116—, fig. 44, 1914 Foodplant: Acer saccharum. Centr. and North East U. S. albanotella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 101, 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6263; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 282, pi. XXI, fig. 9, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 42, 1914. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 57 syn: subaureola Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeitt., XXXIX, p. 262, 1878; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 25, 1889; III, p. 325, 1891; Dyar, Cat., No. 6260; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 282, 1908; Moyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912. syn: albinotella Meyr., Meyr., Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Quercus; undermine. Ohio, Ky., Tex. insignis Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 117, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 0255; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 283, pi. XXI, fig. 10, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Ent. News., XXVII, p. 82, 1916; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 19, 1914. Calif. hageni Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 208, 1873; Chambers, Gin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 201, 1874; Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 100' 1878; Dyar, Cat., No. 6252; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 284, pi. XXI, fig. 11, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 17, 1914. syn: necospinusella Chambers, Bull. Geol. Sur. Terr., IV, p. 100, 1878; Can. Ent., XI, p. 144, 1879; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 284, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr.', Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Quercus platanoides; undermine. East U. S. arbutusella Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 285, pi. XXI, fig. 12, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 18, 1914. syn: arbutella Meyr., Meyr., Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Arbutus menziesii. Calif, obscuricostella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 321, 1859; Tin. No. Am., pp. 64, 71, 1872; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p.' 85, 1871; XI, p. 92, 1879; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 188, 1903; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 286, pi. XXI, fig. 13, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 25, 1914. syn: virginiella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 84, 1871; Dyar. Cat., No. 6280; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 286, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Ostrya virgininna; under mine. Atl. States, ostryaefoliella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 322, 1859; Tin. No. Am., pp. 64, 71, 1872; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 85, 1871; Gin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 202, 1874; Can. Ent., XI, p. 91, 1879; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 53, 1889; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 188, 1903; Dyar, Cat., No. 6275; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 286, pi. XXI, fig. 14, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912; M.-yr.. Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI. pp. 116—. fig. 23, 1914. syn: tnirifi'-n Prey & Bolt, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 212, 1873; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 287, 1908; M.-yr.. cen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912. 58 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY syn: ostyrifoliella Meyr., Me\rr., Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Ostrya virginiana; under mine. Atl. States, rileyella Chambers, Gin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 236, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life, II, p. 25, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6254; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 287, pi. XXI, fig. 15, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 28; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 22V 1914. syn: tenuistrigata Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXVII, p. 225, 1876; XXXIX, p. 260, 1878; Braun,, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 287, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 28. Foodplant: Quercus; undermine. Mo., Tex. kearfottella Braun, Ent. News., XIX, p. 100, 1908; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 288, pi. XXI, fig. 10, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 6, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 28; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 26, 1914. Foodplant: Castanea; undermine. Wash., D. C., N. J., Ky. caryaealbella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 58, 85, 182, 206, 1871; Dyar, Cat., No. 6261; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 289, pi. XXI, fig. 17, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 21, 1914. Wis., Ky. syn: caryalbella Wlsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 328, 1891; Br.aun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 289, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27. Wis., Ky. olivaeformis Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 289, pi. XXI, fig. 18, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 5, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 27; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 24, 1914. syn: olitnformis Meyr., Meyr., Cat., p. 27. Foodplant: Gary a olivaeformis. martiella Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 290, pi. XXI, fig. 19, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 33; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 114—, fig. 52, 1914. Foodplant: Betula? Brit. Col. gemmea Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 218, 1873; Chambers, Gin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 206, 1874; II, p. 227', 1875; Can. Ent., XI, p. 144, 1879; Wlsm., Ins. Life., 11, p. 53, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6266; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 290, pi. XXI, fig. 20, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 191,2; Meyr., Cat., p. 33; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 114—, fig. 53, 1914. Foodplant: Robinia pseudacacia; upper mine. Mass, diversella Braun, Ent. News., XXVII, p. 83, 1916. Foodplant: Gaylussacia baccata; Oxydendrum arboreum. Ohio, morrisella Fitch, Kept. Ins. N. Y., V, p. 336, 1859; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 183, 1871; Wlsm., Ins. Life, II, p. 52, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6269; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 291; pi. XXI, fig. 21, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 33; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 110—, fig. 48, 1914. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 59 syn: tt:riiii<'ll(i Zeller, Verb, zool-bot: Ges. Wirn., XXV. p. 349, 1875; Frey & Boll, Stctt. ent. Zeit., XXXTX. p. 275; 1S7S; Hrauu. Rev. Am. Lith., p. 291, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 12S, p. 7, 1012; Meyr., '".ii., p. 33. syn: amphicarpaeella Chambers, Bull. Geol. Surv. Ton-., Ill, p. 137, 1877; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 291, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, ].. 7, 1912;. Meyr., Cat., p. 33. Foodplant, : Falcata coniosa; under side. U. S. uhlerella Fitch, Kept. Ins. N. Y., V, p. 337, 1859; Chambers, Can. Ent., III, p. 183, 1871; Wlsm., Ins. Life, II, p. 53, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6268; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 291, pi. XXI, fig. 22, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 114—, fig. 49, 1914. Foodplant: Amorpha fruticosa; under mine. East and South U. S. robiniella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 318, 1859; p. 209, 1860; Tin. No. Am., p. 66, 1872; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 54, 87, 163, 183, 185, 1871; IV, pp. 9, 107, 1872; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 228, 1875; Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., Ill, p. 137, 1877; Jn. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, p. 91, 1879; Zeller, Verh. zool-bot. Ges. Wien., XXV, p. 347, 1875; Frey & Boll. Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIX, p. 275, 1878; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V-, p. 189, 1903; Dyar, Cat., No. 6267; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 292, pi. XXI, fig. 23, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 110—, fig. 50, 1914. syn: pseudacaciella Fitch, Rept. Ins. N. Y., V, p. 335, 1859; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 292, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32. Foodplant: Robinia pseudacacia; upper and under mine. Atl. States, auronitens Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 216, 1873; Dyar, Cat., No. 6302; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 293, pi. XXI, fig. 24, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 12S, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 10, 1914. Foodplant: Ainu.* serrulatn; undermine. Mass, diaphanella Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIX. p. 265, 1878; Dyar, Cat., No. 6277; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 294, pi. XXII, fig. 1, 190S; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 28, I'M 1. Foodplant: Quercus; under mine. Tex. minutella Frey & Boll, Stctt. cut. He-it... XXXIX, p. 263, 1878; Dyar, Cat., No. 6276; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 294, 190S; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat,, p. 32. Foodplant: Quercus rubr/i; under mine. Texas, scudderella Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, V. 212, 1873; Cham- bers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 230, 1875; Bull. Geol. Surv. Ten., IV, p. 156, 1878; Can. Ent., XI, p. 7'.'. 1X79; VII. p. li'ii. 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6278; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 295, pi. XXII, fig. 2, 60 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat... p. 32; Bnum, Jh. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 35, 1914. Foodplant: Salix; undermine. Ohio, ledella Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 79, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6292; Braun. Rev. Am. Lith., p. 296, pi. XXII, fig. 3, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 33, 1914. Foodplant: Ledum glandulosum; upper mine. Calif. salicivorella Braun, Ent. News., XIX, p. 101, 1908; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 297, pi. XXII, fig. 4, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 29, 1914. Foodplant: Salix; undermine. N. J. deceptusella Chambers, Can. Ent., XI, p. 73, 1879; Wlsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 328, 1891; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 190, 1903; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 298, pi. XXII, fig. 5, 1912; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 32; Braun, Jti. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 30, 1914. syn: deceptella Meyr., Meyr., Cat., p. 32. Foodplant: Ky. alnicolella Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 80, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6273; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 298, pi. XXII, fig. 6, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 31; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 32, 1914. Foodplant: .4 Inus incana; upper mine. Calif. alni Wlsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 326, 1891; Dyar, Cat., No. 6274; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith. p. 299, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7 ', 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 31; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 31, 1914. syn: alnivorella Chambers, (not Ragonot), Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 302, 1875; Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., Ill, p. 139, 1877; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 299, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 31. Foodplant: Alnus; undermine. malimalifoliella Braun, Ent. News., XIX, p. 101, 1908; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith.., p. 300, pi. XXII, fig. 7, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 7, 1912; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 116—, fig. 37, 1914. syn: malij oliella Meyr., Meyr., Cat., p. 30. Foodplants: Malus, Crataegus; undermine. N. J., Ky., Ohio, crataegella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 324, 1859; p. 208, 1860; Tin. No. Am., pp. 76, 141, 1872; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 55, 108, 1871; V, p. 50, 1873; XI, p. 73, 1879; Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 100, 1878; Wlsm., Trans'. Am. Ent. Soc., X, p. 202 1882; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 190, 1903; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 301, pi. XXII, fig. 8, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 12s, p. 7, 1912; Meyr.. Cat., p. 30; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 109—, fig. 36, 1914. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 61 Foodplants: Cr. 115—, fig' 11, 1914. Foodplant: Ulmus; under mine. East. U. S. occitanica Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXVII, p. 224, 1876; XXXIX, p. 270, 1S78; Dyar, Cat., No. . 210, 1874; Braun, Rev. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 63 Am. Lith., p. 310, 1908; Meyr., (Jon. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. Foodplant: Tilia americana; under mine. Atl. States, symphoricarpella Chambers, Ciri. Quart. ,Jn. Sci., II, p. 98, 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6311; Braun, Rev. Am. LiMi., p. 311, pi. XXII, fig. 20, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 114—, fig. 54, 1914. syn: symphoricarpella Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIX, p. 271, 1878; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 311, 1908. syn: bolliella Dyar, Cat., No. G312; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 311, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. Foodplant: Symphoricarpos; undermine. Ohio, Ky., Texas, ostensackenella Fitch, Rept. Ins. N. Y., V, p. 338, 1859; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 183. 1871; Dyar, Cat., No. 6265; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 311, pi. XXII, fig. 21, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1!IP_'; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 110—, fig. 7, 1914. syn: ornatella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 161, 1871; IV, p. 107, 1872; XI, p. 91, 1879; Zeller, Verh. zool-bot. Ges. Wien., XXV, p. 347, 1875; Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV. p. 217, 1873; Wlsm., Ins. Life., 11, p. 53, 1889; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 311, pi. XXII, fig. 21, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. Foodplant: Robinia; upper and under mine. East. U. S. tritaenianella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 110, 184, 1871; V, p. 48, 1873; XI, p. 89, 1879; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 53, 1889; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 312, pi. XX11, fig. 22, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 112—, fig. 5, 1914. syn: tritaeniella Dyar, Cat., No. 6316; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 312, 1908; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. syn: conxiinildla Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 214, 1873; Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., 1, p. 202, 1874; II, p. 130, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life. II, p. 51, 1889; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 312, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. Foodplant: Oxlrifti rirginiana; upper mine. Atl. States, affinis Frey & Boll, Stett, ent. Zeit., XX XVII, p. 222, 1876; XXXI X, p. 270, I,s7s; Wlsm., Ins., Life., II, p. 51, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6314; I'.r.uin, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 313, 1!H)S; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 112—, fig. 6, 1914. Foodplants: Lonicera and Symphoricarpos; under mine. Tex. mariaeella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 99, 1875; Can. Ent., XI, p. 92, 1879; Wlsm. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., X, p. 201, 1882; Dyar Cat., No. 6315; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 313, pi. XXII, fig. 2:; 64 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn., Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. Hi)— , fig. 8, 1914. syn: mariella Riley, Smith's List Lep. Bor. Am., p. 190, 1891; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 313, 1908; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. Foodplant : Symphoricarpos vulgaris; under mine. Mo. tiliacella Chambers, Gan. Ent., Ill, p. 56, 1871; Dyar, Cat., No. 6310; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 314, pi. XXII, fig. 24, 1908; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. Ill—, fig. 1, 1914. syn: tiliaeella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 203, 1874; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 314, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. syn: tiliella Wilsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 328, 1891; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith, p. 314, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34. Foodplant: Tilia americana; upper mine. Atl. States. oregonensis Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 117, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6309; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 314, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 112—, fig. 2, 1914. Ore. fragilella Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIX, p. 270, 1878; Wlsm. Ins. Life., II, p. 51, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6313; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 315, pi. XXIII, fig. 1, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 8, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 34; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 112—, fig. 3, 1914. syn: trifasciella Frey & Boll, (not Haworth), Stett. ent. Zeit., 'XXXIV, p. 215, 1873;' Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 205, 1874; Wlsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 326, 1891; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 315, 1908. Foodplant: Lonicera; under mine. East. U. S. salicifoliella Clemens, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., I, p. 81, 1861; Tin. No. Am., p. 169, 1872; Packard, Guide Stud. Ins., p. 353, 1869; Chambers Can. Ent., Ill, pp. 163, 185, 1871; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 302, 1875; Can. Ent., VII, p. 126, 1875; Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., Ill, p. 139, 1877; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 54, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6333; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 316, pi. XXIII, figs. 2, 3, pi. XXIV, fig. 24, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 9, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 37; Braun Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 15, 1914. syn: atomariella Zeller, Verh. zool-bot. Ges. Wien., XXV, p. 350, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life., 11, p. 54, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6332; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 316, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 9, 1912. Foodplants: Salix and Populus; under mine. U. S. tremuloidiella Braun, Ent. News., XIX, p. 102, 1908; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 317, pi. XXIII. fig. 4, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 9, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 37; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 115—, fig. 16, 1914. Foodplant: Populus tremuloides; under mine. Brit. Go1. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 65 celtifoliella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 128, 1871; Bull. Cool. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 118, 1878; Wlsm., Ins. Life., IF, p. f>2, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6286; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 310, pi. XXIII, fig. 5, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 9, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 37; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. U2<— , fi-r. 4, 1914. Foodplant: Celtis occidenialis; under mine. Ky., Ohio, W. Va. lysimachiaeella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 100, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life., 11, p. 77, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6338; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 320, 1908. Foodplant: Lysimachialanceolata; undermine. (Larva described, adult not known.) CREMASTOBOMBYCIA Braun. Rev. Am . Lith., p. 349, pi. XX, figs. 6, 7, 13, 1908. Type: solidaginis Frey & Boll. grindeliella Wlsm., Ins. Life., Ill, p. 327, 1891; Dyar, Cat., No. 6299; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 350, pi. XXIV, figs. 16, 22, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 157—, fig. 59a, 59b, 1914. Foodplant: Grinde'ia robusta; upper or lower mine. Calif. solidaginia Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXVII, p. 223, 1876; Dyar, Cat., No. 6298; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 351, pi. XXIV, fig. 17, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr. Cat., p. 41; Braun. Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 124—, fig. 60, 1914. syn: solidaginisella Chambers, Jn. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, p. 190, 1880; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 351, 1908. Foodplant: Solidago; under mine. U. S. ambrosiella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 127, 1871; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 100, 1875; Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXVII, p. •_'•_'!, 1876; XXXIX, p. 267, ls7.s; \Vlsm., Ins. Life., II, p. 54, 1889; Dyar, Cat., No. 6321; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 352, pi. XXIV, fig. 18, 1908; Meyr. Gen., Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 157—, fig. 61, 1914. syn: amocna Frey & Boll, Stett. cut. Zeit., XXXIX, p. 269, 1S7S; 1'yar, Cat., No. 6285; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 352, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; .Meyr., Cat., p. 41. Foodplants: Ambrosia and Vcrbesina; under mine. Atl. States, Tex. Ignota Frey & Boll, Steu. ent. Zeit., XX XIV, p. 215, 1873; Chambers. Cin. Quart, Jn. Sci., I, p. 20(1. 1^74; II, p. 230, 1875; Wlsm., Ins. Life., II, pp. 54, 119, 1889; Dyar., Cat., No. 6320; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 353, pi. XXIV, fi-s. 19, 20, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins.. 128, p. 11, 1912; M<>yr. Cat., p. 41; Braun: Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'liil.. XVI. pp. 124—, fig. 62. 11)1 L 66 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY syn: bostonica Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 216, 1873; Chambers, Gin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 206, 1874; Dyar, Cat., No. 6319; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 353, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41. syn: helianthisella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., 1, p. 205, 1874; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 353, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11. 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41. syn: helianthivorella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 100, 1875; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 353, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41. syn: elephantopodella Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIX, p. 268, 1878; Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 247, 1900; Dyar, Cat., No. 6322; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 353, 1908; Moyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41. syn: actinomeridis Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIX, p. 268, 1878; Dyar, Cat., No. 6324; Braun, Rev. Am. Lith., p. 353, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41. Foodplants: Verbesina, Elephantopus, Helianthus; undermine. Atl. States, Tex. verbesinella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 246, 1900; Dyar, Cat., No. 6323; Braun, Rev. Am, Lith., p. 354, pi. XXIV, fig. 21, 1908; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 11, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 41; Braun, Jn. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., XVI, pp. 157—, fig. 63, 1914. Foodplant: Verbesina virginica; under mine. Fla. MARMARA Clemens. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., II, p. 6, 1863. Type: saliclella Clem. Aesyle, Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 98, 1875. Type: Marmara Jasciella, Cham. salictella Clemens, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., II, p. 7, 1863; Tin. No. Am., p. 212, 1872; Dyar, Cat., No. 6403; Busck, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, p. 98, 1902; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 246, 1900; Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 210, 1903; Meyr., Gen. Ins., 128, p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. syn: Salicella Cham., Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 156, 1878. Foodplant: Salix. Atl. States, serotinella Busck, Proc. Wash. Ent. Soc., XVII, p. 89, 1915. Foodplant: Primus serotina. Va. guilandinella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 245, 1900; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. syn: guilandinae Dyar, Cat., No. 6404. Foodplant: Guilandina bonducel a. Fla. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1017 67 fulgidella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 6. I860; Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., V, p. 145, 1865; Tin. No. Am., p. 92. 1872;Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 195, 1903; Dyar, Cat., No. 6357; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 26, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 54. Foodplants: Quercus and Castanea. Atl. States, elotella Busck, Proc. Wash. Ent. Soc., XI, p. 102, 1909; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 26, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 54; Busck, Proc. Wash. Ent. Soc., XV, p. 150, 1913. Foodplant: Mains. Conn., Mass, opuntiella Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., IX, p. 97, 1907; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. Foodplant : Opuntia. Tex. arbutiella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, p. 772, 1904; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. Foodplant: Arbutus menziesi. Wash., Ore. fasciella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 98, 1875; Can. Ent., VII, p. 93, 1875; IX, pp. 123, 194, 1877; XI, p. 118, 1879; Wlsm., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., X, p. 201, 1882; Dyar, Cat., No. 6356; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. Syn: ij a i nquenotella Chambers, Can. Ent., IX, p. 124, 1877; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1916; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. Atl. States, pomonella Busck, Proc. Wash. Ent. Soc., XVII, p. 89, 1915. Foodplant: Mains. Ore. (*) auratella Braun, Can. Ent., XLVII, p. 192, 1915. Foodplant: Rudbeckia laciniata. Ohio. (•*) apocynella Braun, Can. Ent., XLVII, p. 193, 1915. Foodplant: Apocynum cannabium. Ohio. (*) Smilacicella Braun, Ent. News., Phil., XX, p. 432, 1909; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. Syn: Smilaciella Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. Foodplant: Smilax hispida. Ky., Ohio. 9 LEUGANTHIZA Clemens. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 327, 1859. Type: Leucanthiza amphicarpeaefoliella Clem. amphicarpeaefoliella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 327, 1859; Tin. No. Am., p. 85, 1872; Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 162, 1871; Dyar, Cat,, No. 6402; Moyr., (Ji-n. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat,, ]>. 42; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc, Wash., V, p. 191, 1903. syn: saundersella Chambers, Can. Ent., Ill, p. 205 1871; Meyr. Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 42. syn: cinijt/iir/ir/x/folicllii Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 12, 1912; Meyr.. Cat., p. 42. Foodplant: Amphicarpaea monoica. Atl. States. 68 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY (*) dircella Braun, Ent. News., XXV, p. 115, 1914. Foodplant: Dirca palustris. Ohio. NEUROLIPA Nov. Gen. Type: Neurolipa randiella Busck. randiella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 247, 1900; Dyar, Cat,. No. 6399; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 21, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 49. Foodplant: Randia aculeata. Fla. APOPHTHISIS Braun Can. Ent., XLVII, p. 190, 1915. (*) Type: Apophthisis pullafa Braun, Can. Ent., XLVII, p. 191, 1915. LEUCOSPILAPTERYX Spuler. Schmett., Eur. B. 2, p. 408, 1910. Type: Leucospilapteryx ornissella, Stainton. venustella Clemens, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 6, I860; Proc. Ent. Six-. Phil., II, p. 10, 1863; V, p. 145, 1865; Tin. No. Am., pp. 92, 216, 269, 1872; Dyar, Cat., No. 6375; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V. p. 195, 1903; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. syn: eupatoriella Chambers, Can. Ent., IV, p. 9, 1872; V, pp. 44, 46, 1873; Dyar, Cat., No. 6375; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V. p. 195, 1903; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. Foodplant: Eupalorium ageratoides. Atl. States. CHILOCAMPYLA Busck. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 248, pi. 1, fig. 15, 1900. Type: Chilocampyla dyariella Busck. dyariella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 249, 1900; Dyar, Cat. No. 6339; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 25, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 53. Foodplant: Eugenia garbari. Fla. NEUROSTROTA Ely: Type: Neurostrota gunniella Busck. gunniella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXX, p. 731, 19Q6; Meyr., Crn. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. Tex. ACROGERCOPS Wallengren. Ent. Tidskr., II, p. 95, 1881. Type: Acrocercops brogniardellum. Fabr. - Dialectica Wlsm., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 150, 1897. Type: Acrocercops scalariella Zell. - Eulrichocnemis Spuler, Schmett, Eur. Band 2, p. 409, 1910. Type: AcroccrcHpx scalariella Zell. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 69 albinatella Chambers, Can. Ent., IV, p. 25, 1872; Dyar, Cat., No. 6396: Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. syn: albanotella Chambers, Can. Ent., IX, p. 123, 1877; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 200, 1874; Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., Ill, p. 132, 1877. syn: albinoteUa Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 44. Foorlplant: Quercus. Ky., Md., N. Y. quinquestrigella Chambers, Can. Ent., VII, p. 75, 1875; IX, pp. 14, 124, 1877; X, p. 109, 1878; Dyar, Cat., No. 6398; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 21, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 49. Ky., Tex. rhombiferellum Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXVII, p. 212, 1876; Dyar, Cat., No. 6400; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 21, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p, 49. syn: rhombiferella Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 21, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 49. Tex. astericola Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 204, 1873; Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 200, 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6345; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 20, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 48. Foodplant: Aster cordijolius. Mass., Pa. (t) strigosa Braun, Ent. News., Phil., XXV, p. 116, 1914. Foodplant: Quercus prinus. Ky., N. C. onosmodiella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXV, p. 409, 1902; Moyr., Gen. Ins., p. 15, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 43. syn: pnosmodiella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXV, p. 409. 1902; Dyar, Cat., No. 6385. Foodplant: Onosmodium carolinianum. Col. (t) sideroxylonella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 250, 1900. Moyr.. Gen. Ins., p. 18, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 46. syn: */.ri/!illu Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 18, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 46. Foodplant : Sideroxylon pallidum. Fla. NEUROBATHRA Ely. Type : \i nrohatlirii xtrtgifinilella < Mom., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 6, ISliO, strigifinitella Clemens, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 6, 1860; Tin. Xo. Am.. ]>. 92, 1872; Dyar, Cat., No. 6370; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. \Vash.. V. ]>. 195, 1903; Moyr.. Gen. Ins., p. 17, 1912: Moyr., Cat., p. -15; Hcinrieh and DeGrvsc. I'roc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XYII, p. (i. 1915. syn: ilno/lcccnili nerlla Chambers, Can. Ent., IV, p. 11, 1X72; I)y:n. Cat., Xo. 6371; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc.. Wash., V, p. 195, 1903; Moyr., Cat., p. 45. (*) syn: quercifoli ella Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci.. II. p. 11(1. 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6393; Busck. Proc. Ent. Sue. \Vash., V. p. !'.>:>, 1903; Moyr., Cat,, p. 45. Foodplants: (Jucrcus, Caslm/rn ;md I''c. Wash., V. p. 190, 1903; Dyar, Cat., No. 6391; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 24, 1912; Meyr., Cit., p.V>2. Pa- GRAGILARIA Haworth. Lep. Br., p. 527, 1828. Type: Gracilaria syringella Fabricius. Coriscium Zeller, Isis, p. 210, 1839. Type: Gracilaria cuculipennellum Hiibner. minimella Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 58, 1915. Conn. (t) sebastianella Busck, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 251, 1900; Dyar, Cat., No. 6384; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 16, 1912; Meyr., Cat,, p. 44. Foodplant: Sebastiana lucida. Fla. (t) burserella Busck, PJOC. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, p. 251, 1900; Dyar, Cat., No. 6383; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 28, 1912; Meyr., Cat,, p. 58. Foodplant: Bur sera gummijera. Fla. flavimaculella Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 57, 1915. Conn, cornusella Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 53, 1915. Foodplants: Cornus stolonijera and C. aUrniilolin. Conn., Md. vacciniella Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 52, 1915. Foodplant: Vacciniuin. Pj- bimaculatella Ely, Insc. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 53, 1915. Foodplant: Acer rubrum. Atl. States, burgessiella Zeller, Ver. zool-bot, Ges. \\icn., XXIII, p. 307, 1S73: Dyar, Cat., No. 6378; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912: Meyr., Cat,, p. 58; Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 51. 1915. Foodplanl : Connix ciiniliiliNsinin. Mass., Conn, belfrageella Chambers, Can. Ent., VII, p. 92. 1875; Dyar, Cat., X >' 6348; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Braun. Ent, Xcnvs., XXFfi. p 166, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. syn: aurijerella Fivy & Boll. St-lt. ent. Zeit., XXXVTI, p. 211. 1S76; Dyar, Cat,, N«. 6379; M<-yr., Gen. ins., p. 2S, 1912; Meyr.. Cat., p. 56. Tex. Foodplant, Cornus. Tex., Atl. States, blandella Clemens, Proc. Ent. Sue. Phil.. Ill, p. 505. ISiil; Tin. Am., p. 257, 1872; Cham.. Can. Ent., V. pp. 13. 47. IS?:!: Dyar. C No. 6349; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 2S. 1912; Meyr.. Cat,, p. 58. 74 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY syn: j uglandivorella Chambers, Can. Ent., V, p. 15. 1873. Foodplant: Juglans nigra. Tex., East States, iuglandiella Chambers, Can. Ent., IV, pp. 28, 88, 1872; V, pp. 15, 47, 1873; Dyar, Cat., No. 6359; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 28, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 56. syn: juglandisnigraella Chambers, Bull. Geol.' Surv; Terr., IV, p. 149, 1878; Dyar., Cat., No. 6359; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 28, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 56. Foodplants: Juglans nigra. East States, ostryaella Chambers (Braun). Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 121, 1878; Can. Ent., IX, p. 127, 1877; Braun, Ent. News., XX1I1, p. 167, 1912; Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 61, 1915. Foodplants: Ostrya; Carpi.nus. Atl. States, violacella Clemens, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 7, 1860; Tin. No. Am., p. 93, 1872; Cham., Can. Ent., IV, p. 26, 1872; V, p. 46, 1873; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 208, 1874; Zeller, Verh. zool-bot. Ges. Wien., XXIII, p. 108, 1873; Dyar, Cat., No. 6352; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 196, 1903. syn: desmodijoliella Clemens, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., V, p. 145, 1865; Tin. No. Am., p. 268, 1872; Frey& Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXVII, p. 212, 1876; Dyar, Cat., No. 6352; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 196, 1903; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912;- Meyr., Cat., p. 58. Foodplant: Desmodium. Mo., Atl. States. (*) zachrysa Meyrick, Jn. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., XVII, p. 983, 1907; Gen. Ins., p. 29, pi. fig. 4, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. syn: azalea Busck, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 42, 1915. N. Y. Foodplant: Azalea. Ceylon, packardella Ch'ambers, Can. Ent., IV, p. 27, 1872; IX, p. 194, 1877; Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., I, p. 200, 1874; Dyar, Cat., No. 6372; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. Foodplant: Acer saccharinum. Atl. States. syn: elegantella Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 202, 1873; Chambers, Cin. Quart. Jn. Sci., II, p. 227, 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6372; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. syn: inornatella Chambers, Can. Ent., VIII, p. 31, 1876; XI, p. 119, 1879; Dyar, Cat., No. 6372; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. coroniella Clemens, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., II, p. 421, 1864; V, p. 145, 1866; Tin. No. Am., p. 243, 1872; Wlsm., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., X, p. 192, 1882; Dyar, Cat., No. 6351; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash./ V, p. 216, 1903; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. Foodplant: Betula populifera. Pa., 111., Md., Conn, glutinella Ely, Inse. Insc. Mens., Ill, p. 55, 1915. Foodplant: Alnus. Conn., Va. superbifrontella Clemens, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 5, 1861; Proc, OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 75 Ent. Soo. Phil., V, p. 14:,. isii/i; Tin. No. Am., pp. 91, 269, 1872; Frey & Boll, Stett. ent. Zeit., XXXIV, p. 202, 1873; Cham., Gin. Quart. Jn. Sci., 1, p. 200, 1874; II, p. 226, 1875; Dyar, Cat., No. 6372; Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V, p. 194, 1903; Meyr., Gen. Ins., p. 29, 1912; Meyr., Cat., p. 58. Foodplant: Il middle tooth longest, lateral teeth equal Idiogastra. -Palpi papilliform; mandibles various, if dentate llie ventral tooth is longest Clistogastra. GENUS ORYSSUS LATREILLE. In originally proposing the genus Oryssus Latreillc used the spelling Orussus, but in his later works he corrected this lapsus to Oryssus. This later spelling is the better form and has been the one constantly used and should therefore be retained. In Mr. Rohwer's synopsis of the North American species of Oryssus (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 43, 1912, pp. 141-158) the shape of the hypopygidium was used as a specific character and from the material which was examined at that time it held very satisfactorily. Considerable new material coming in from the West and from the East indicates that although these characters hold for a great proportion of the specimens there occasionally arises a case when it is difficult to determine in which group the individual should be placed. It seems therefore that this can- not be used as a" specific character especially as all of the indi- viduals in one of the recent series came from the same locality at the same time and under similar conditions. Sd far in the material now available the emargination of the facial flange (== clypeus, authors) proves reliable but it seems possible that this character too may be found to vary. If this is the case Group B. II will be a species and known as occidental/*. Oryssus terminalis Newman. Oryssus terminalis Newman, Ent. Mag., vol. V, 1838, p. 486; Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 43, 1912, p. 150. Oryssus haemorrhoidalis Harris, Rept. Insects of Mass., 1841, p. 394; Rohwer, I.e., p. 151. A number of specimens of this species have been collected around Harrisburg by W. S. Fisher. We have not yet been able to locate a male to go with this female, and it is possible that the male of this species will have the abdomen entirely black and that it is at present confused under the name, Nayi. Oryssus occidentalis Cresson. Oryssus occidentalis Cresson, Proe. Ent. Section, Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1879, p. 9; Rohwer, I.e., p. 153. Oryssus abietis Rohwer, I.e., p. 153. In a series of specimens collected recently by Mr. Burke and his associates there are a few individuals which are intermediate in the shape of the hypopygidium between the type of occidentalis PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XI. 96 PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XII. .a 98 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY and the type of abietis and it seems that they represent only one species. In the male the yellow varies from continuous inner orbital line to superorbital spots.' EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate XI. Oryssus occidentalis Cress. Drawn by Miss Eleanor Arm- strong. Fig. 1. Larva, dorsal view. Fig. 2. Same, lateral view. Fig. 3. Same, ventral view. Fig. 4. Female pupa, dorsal view. Fig. 5. Male pupa, dorsal view. Fig. 6. Male pupa, lateral view. Fig. 7. Female pupa, lateral view. Plate XII. Oryssus occidentalis Cress. Drawn by R. A. Cushman. Fig. 1. Larva, facial view of head; a, antennae; Ib, labrum; Im, labium; md, mandible; mx, maxilla; cr, chitinized ridges for articulation of man- dibles. Fig. 2. Larva, mandible; a, internal view; b, ventral view. Fig. 3. Abdomen of female from side. Fig. 4. Detail of ovipositor and apical segments from side. Fig. 5. Detail of ovipositor, dorso-lateral view; T •= tergite; S = sternite; It == lancet; I -= lance; sh — sheath; o = ovi- positor; c = cerci. In discussion Mr. Baker thought the elevation of the Oryssidae into a suborder would necessitate other changes in the classifica- tion of the Hymenoptera. He pointed out the generally under- stood position of the Oryssidae and its seeming relation with the Siricidae. He stated that in the separation of the scutellum, the one tibial spur, the loss of the notauli, proepimeron, etc., the two families show striking affinities as well as a resemblance in the wings. The entirety of the median plate and the speciali- zation of the head has been known even while placing the family close to the Siricidae. Even the parasitic habit was indicated years ago by Harrington. The remaining characters then, on which the suborder is erected are, Mr. Baker thought, structures in the early stages and modifications of the ovipositor due to parasitic mode of life. He thought that Ashmead may have had some notion of these structures when he suggested the family as the possible ancestor of some of the parasitic forms. Mr. Baker also pointed out that out of five genera, excluding Lithonjs- sus, and numerous species, the immature stages of only one spe- cies had been studied and adults of only one dissected. It is possible he thought that others might show some differences and at any rate he claimed that if the suborder were erected it would OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 99 seem to carry with it the erection of some suborders in the Petiolata. Replying to Mr. Baker's remarks, Mr. Rohwer said, " I do not believe that the differences between the various groups of the Clistogastra are as great or of such a fundamental character as tlie differences between the Icliogastra and Chalastogastra but if any one can point out such differences I would be willing to recognize such as being of subordinal value." THREE HUNDRED AND SECOND MEETING, MARCH 1, 1917. The 302d regular meeting of the Society was entertained by Dr. L. 0. Howard at the Saengerbund Hall, March 1, 1917. There were- present Messrs. Barber, Borden, Boving, Busck, Caudell, Cole, Cory, Cushman, Dietz, Duckett, Fink, Gahan, Carman, Gibson, Greene, Howard, Hyslop, Middleton, Pierce, Popenoe, Quaintance, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Snyder, Walton, and Wood, members, and Messrs. G. H. Cole, H. Fi Loomis, H. S. McConnell, H. K. Plank, and E. H. Siegler, visitors; 28 members and 5 visitors. Rev. J. A. Corcoran, of Loyola College, Montreal, Canada, \vas elected a corresponding member. Under the head of program, the following papers were presented : CODLING MOTH INVESTIGATIONS IN THE GRAND VALLEY OF COLORADO. BY K. H. SIEGLER. L NOTES ON A- BETHYLID PARASITE OF THE PINK BOLLWORM. BY AuciusT BUSCK. l KEY TO THE NEARCTIC SPECIES OF LEPTOYPHA AND LEPTOSTYLA BY W. L. 'Withdrawn from publication. 100 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY FIRST LIST OF THE DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA OF PLUMMERS ISLAND, MARYLAND, AND VICINITY. BY W. L. McAxEE AND A. N. CATJDELL. In this paper are summarized the results of collecting of Der- maptera and Orthoptera by members of the Washington Biolo- gists' Field Club and others upon Plummers Island, Maryland, and along the Potomac River from Great Falls to Little Falls. (See PI. XIII.) Like most localities this region yields species verging on the southern border and others on the northern border of their ranges. Such cases always of interest to the stu- dent of geographical distribution, are particularly so here along the boundary between the Piedmont Plateau and the Atlantic Coastal Plain.1 Species which have a more northerly or highland distribution include: Diapheromera femorata, Spharagetnon bolli, Melanoplus scudderi, M. atlanis, Conocephalus salterns, Atlantic u* americanus, A. davisi, Ceuthophilus gracilipes, Nemobius macu- latus, N. bruneri, and N. confusus. Species more characteristic of the lowland and southerly regions, that occur in our area are: Ischnoptera divisa, I. couloniana, 'Neoconocephalus exiliscanorus, N. caudellianus, N. palustris, Orchelimum laticauda, Falcicula hebardi and Hapithus quadratus. The number of species included in the present list by families is: Labiidae, 1; Forficulidae, 1; Blattidae, 7; Mantidae, 1; Phas- midae, 2; Acridiidae, 36; Tettigoniidae, 33; Gryllidae, 24; a total of 105. 2 Of this number 73 species have been taken on Plum- mers Island itself. The island has an area of about 12 acres, and considering its topography the number of species of Orthoptera is high. Ap- proximately half of the entire area is wooded lowland and it is flooded usually from 1 to 3 times annually. The higher parts of the island are rocky and the greatest elevation is 75 feet above river level. The southern exposure of the island is warm and often dry, while the northern is shaded, cooler, and usually damp. Otherwise there is little variety of ecologic conditions; there is no stream nor permanent standing water on the island, nor any open grassland. The collectors of the material upon which this paper is based are named on subsequent pages in connection with the records of specimens taken. The points at which collecting was done may be located on the accompanying map. In this connection it is 1 See Rehn and Hebavd, 1916 (2). 2 The number of species of the same groups in the list for the State of New Jersey (Ann. Rep. N. J. State Museum. 1909) is 154. PROC. EXT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XIII. 102 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY well to draw attention to a method of labelling specimens from the vicinity of Plummers Island which has resulted in erroneous records being published. This is the use of red-spotted Plum- mers Island labels for specimens not taken on the island. The red spots were placed so as to indicate (map-wise) the direction from the island of the place where the specimens were taken. This system has been superseded by the use of labels such as "Maryland near Plummers Island" and others as required. The working up of the fauna of Plummers Island has been one of the principal objects of the Washington Biologists' Field Club since it occupied the island in 1901. The present paper is the second formal list of insects for the island, the first being "An Annotated List of the Thysanoptera of Plummers Island, Maryland", by J. D. Hood (Ins. Insc. Mens. 5, Nos. 4-6, April- June", 1917, pp. 53-65). The species of syrphid flies, occurring upon Plummers Island and in the neighborhood, are indicated in "District of Columbia Diptera: Syrphidae," by Nathan Banks, C. T. Greene, W. L. McAtee, and R. C. Shannon. (Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., 29, 1916, pp. 175-6.) DERMAPTERA. Labiidae. Labia minor Linnaeus. Apparently scarce; taken on Plummers Island, July 4, 1900, at light, H. S/ Barber; September 10 and 24, H. S. Barber and E. A. Schwarz, and on Maryland shore near Plummers Island, May 23, 1915, McAtee. Forficulidae. Doru aculeatum Scudder. A single female nymph of a Doru was taken by McAtee while sweeping vegetation in a swamp near Great Falls, Ya.. August 11, 1915. The identity of the species was in doubt until at the same spot October 4, 1916, the same collector obtained numerous adults of both sexes. They were sitting on sedge stems. ORTHOPTERA. Blattidae. Ischnoptera couloniana Saussure. « Chain Bridge, Va. (Rehn & Hebard, 1910, p. 436). OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1017 103 IschnopteVa deropeltiformis Bruner. (= johnsoni Rehn.) Numerous records, May 19 to November 3. On Plummets Island, June 15, 1915, H. S. Barber; July 1 and 7, R. P. Currie; July 8, 1904, at light, E. A. Schwarz; and August 5, 1915, at tulip tree sap, R. C. Shannon. Maryland near Plummers Island, June 18, 1908, H. S. Barber; Chain ^Bridge, Md., May 19, 1911;' Great Falls, Va., May 19, and August 11, 1915, McAtee. Cabin John, Md., September 23, 1911, W. D. Appel. Ischnoptera divisa Saussure and Zehntner. Plummers Island, July 23, 1905, H. S. Barber; also June, 1912, with ootheca. Ischnoptera pensylvanica De Geer. Numerous records: Plummers Island, May 24 to July 14; at light, May 29, 1911, J. C. Crawford. Cupid's Bower Island, Md., June 7, 1915, W. Perham; Jackson's Island, Md., July 12, H. S. Barber; High Island, Md., female with fresh ootheca, July 1, 1904, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., July 12, H. S. Barber. Variety inaequalis taken on Plummers Island, July 10, 1910, McAtee. Ischnoptera uhleriana Saussure. The most common species of the genus: Plummers Island, May 20 to August 11; at light, May 23, 1911, P. R. Myers; July 9, 1902, H. S. Barber; with ootheca, August, 1912: nymphs, May 23, 1915; Jackson's Island, Md., May 18, 1902, H. S. Barber; nymphs collected at Cabin John Bridge, Md., March 27, 1902, matured May 9; Glen Echo, Md., July 11, 1914, with ootheca; some adults freshly matured and one with ootheca collected on High Island, Md., July 1, 1903, Caudell; Virginia near Plummers Island, June 10, 1902, H. S. Barber; May 17, 1908, nymph in nest of Formica obscuriventris , McAtee. Blatella germanica Linnaeus. Only one sperini'-n taken April 15, 1901), MrAtee, that in house at Plummers Island, win-re it undoubtedly was carried in a parcel of provisions. Cryptocercus punctulatus Scudder. This widely but sparsely distributed roach was raptured on Cupids Bower Island, Md/, June 23 and June 31. L915, by H. Harber and R. C. Shannon, respectively. Tin- specimens were obtained from rotten pine logs. 104 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Mantidae. Stagmomantis Carolina Johansson. Strange to say the mantis has not yet been taken on Plummers Island, and it appears to be scarce along the upper river, though it is common enough in some directions from Washington. High Island, Md., September 29, 1902, large nymph, Caudell; Black, Pond, Va., September 14, 1913, W. D. Appel; Chain Bridge, Va. August 17, 1912, Caudell. Phasmidae. Diapheromera femorata Say. Common, sometimes abundant. Plummers Island: Nymphs may be seen as early as April, become more conspicuous as the summer progresses, mature and are seen mating in September; latest adult collected November 15, 1912, H. S. Barber. One obtained November 7, 1901 (R. P. Currie) lived in captivity 2 days during which period it laid 3 eggs. Great Falls, Md., Sep- tember 4, 1899; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, mating, October 4, 1916, Caudell; Difficult Run, Va., October 3, 1915, McAtee; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell. Manomera blatchleyi Caudell. Plummers Island, July, 1907, W. Palmer; October 28 and No- vember 15, 1912, H. S. Barber; Great Falls, Md., July 30, 1916, Caudell. All these specimens are female-is, no maless having been seen. This is also true of the many similar specimens taken on Long Island, N. Y., by Wm. T. Davis and there is a possibility that this may prove to be another species than blatchleyi. This has formerly been recorded as Diapheromera velici. Acridiidae. Nomotettix cristatus compressus Morse. Maryland near Plummers Island, October 22, 1915, McAtee; Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Seven-locks, Md., April 27, 1914, L. 0. Jackson; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, October 4, 1916, Caudell; May 19, 1915, McAtee; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va.. Septernber 19, 1916, Caudell; the long-winged form, atavus Blatchley, Maryland near Plurnmers Island, October 22, 1915, McAtee. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, mi: 105 Acrydium arenosum angustum Hancock. Common; Plummers Island; March 30 to October 13; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 6, 1913, W. D. Appel; April 16, 1916, D. C. Mahbott; Cabin John Bridge, Mel., September 23, 1900, Caudell; May 10, 1913, W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., April 20, 1916, October 4, 1916, McAtee; August 5, 1904, Caudell; May 19, 1915, L. O. Jackson; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell. Acrydium ornatum Say. Gieat Falls, Md., August 5, 1904, Caudell; Bellview to Diffi- cult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell; Virginia shore above Plummers Island, Md., October 14, 1914, R. C. Shannon; Mary- land near Plummers Island, April 1, 1916; Plummers Island, Md., July 27, 1916, McAtee. • Neotettix bolivari Hancock. Great Falls, Va., August 1, 1916, McAtee. Neotettix femoratus Scudder. Virginia near Plummers Island, June 20, 1905, McAtee. Paratettix cucullatus Burmeister. Common; Plummers Island, April 21 to August 26; nymphs May 11, 17 and 19. Great Falls, Md., May 23, 1915, McAtee; Virginia near Plummers Island, June 3, 1902, R. P. Currie. Tettigidea armata Morse. 1 lack Pond, Va., September 24, 1913, W. D. Appel. One 9 . Tettigidea laeralis Say. ('nimnon; Plummers Island, March 27 to October 12; in co- pula May 5, 1912, J. C. Crawford. Maryland near Plummers Island, January 18 to September 1; Cabin John Bridge, Md., May 10, 1913," W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., May 19, 1915, October 4, 1916, McAtee; Black Pond, Va., May 21, 1911, Vir- ginia near Plummers Island, October 25, 1914, Chain Bridge, Va., May 18, 1913, W. D. Appel. Tettigidea lateralis Say variety polymorpha Bimiuuster. More common than typical variety; Plummers Island, March 24 to October 26; in copula July 14 and 21, 1907, A. K. Fisher; Angler's Club, Md., August 15, 1915, nymph, McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 5, 1912 (in copula), to August 18; 106 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Cabin John Bridge, Aid., April 19, 1905, (in copula) to May 5; High Island, Md.; November 10, 1901; Great Falls, Va., June 10 to October 4, in copula, August 1 ; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916; Virginia near Plummers Island, April 18 to July 24; Chain Bridge, Va., May 23, 1905, adult male in spider's web, Caudell. Tryxalis brevicornis Linnaeus. Plummers Island, September 29, 1915; Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, common in both green and brown phases, on vegetation about pond bordering canal, McAtee. Syrbula admirabilis Uhler. Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916; Glen Echo, Md., July 10, 1914, nymph, Caudell; Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., August 22, 1915; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Cau- dell; October 3, 1915; Virginia near Plummers Island, Septem- ber 29^ 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Eritettix simplex Scudder. Maryland near Plummers Island, May 9, 1915, McAtee; Cabin John Bridge, Md., May 10, 1913; Glen Echo, Md., February 2, 1913, nymphs, W. D. Appel; July 10, 1914, Morgan Hebard (Rehn and Hebard, 1916 (2), p. 159); Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell. Orphulella pelidna Burmeister. Plummers Island, September 2, 1904, Caudell; Great Falls Md., August 15, 1915, Bellview to Difficult Run, Va. ; September 11, 1916; Maryland near Plummers Island, May 9, 1915, McAtee; Glen Echo, Md., July 10, 1914, Caudell; Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., August 22, 1915, Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., October 3, 1915, McAtee. Orphulella speciosa Scudder. Glen Echo, Md., August 10, 1905, July 10, 1914, Caudell. Dichromorpha viridis Scudder. Plummets Island, July 13 to August 29; nymphs July 14 and August 27; Great Falls^ Md., August 5, 1904, Caudell. August 15, 1915, McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, June 17, 1913, W. D. Appel; July 14, 1915; Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, McAtee; OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 107 Great Falls, Va., nymphs, August 5, 1915, September 12, 1912, Caudell, October 4, 1916, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Ghloealtis conspersa Harris. Glen Echo, Aid.. July 10, 1914, many of both sexes, all mature except one large female nymph; in edge of open woods, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, McAtee. Arphia sulphurea Fabricius. Common; Plummers Island, adults May 4 to September 1, nymphs August 4 to October 12; Great Falls, Aid., June 12, 1904, Caudell; Maryland near Plummers Island, March 9 to May 9, 1915, McAtee; Cabin John Bridge, Mel., May 10, 1913, \V. "D. Appel; Glen Echo, Md., July 10, 1914, Caudell: Great Falls, Va., May 19, 1915, Virginia near Plummers Island, May 8, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., May 23. Some individuals have the hind femora conspicuously bifasciate externally while in others they are unicolorous. Arphia xanthoptera Burmeister. Plummers Island, April 29, 1905 (nymph), D. H. demons, June 10, 1906, July 16, 1905, October 12 and 27, 1906; Maryland near Plummers Island, September 29 and November 3, McAtee. Chortophaga viridifasciata Ee Geer. Very common; Plummers Island, nymphs April 5 to October 20, adults at intermediate dates; Great Falls, Md.. May 23 and August 11; 191"), McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 1, 1916 (nymph), McAtee; May 9, 1913, W. D. Appel, .May 9, 19]."), July 2, 1916, McAtee; Cabin John Bridge, Md., May 4 and 10, 1913, W. D. Appel, March 27, 1902, many nymphs, some given, some brown, and some given with top of head, thorax, and abdomen reddish brown, Caudell; April 19; High Island, Md., November 10, 1901 (nymphs), Caudell; Bellview to Diffi- cult Run, Ya., September 19. I'Mli. Caudell; Great Falls, Va., May 10 and 19, 1915, October I. 191(5 (nympln. McAtee; Seott's Run, Va., June 2, 1912, W. I). Appel, July 25. 1915, J. Silver; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13. 1916, Caudell. Encoptolophus sordidus Bmnicistn . Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. ('., AugusJ 22, 1915. McAtee; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911. \Y. D. Appel, Bellview 1<> Diffi- cult Hun. Ya., September 19, 191 ii. Chain Bridge, Va., October 24, 1915, McAtee; September 13, 1916, Caudell. I • 108 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Hippiscus phoenicopterus Burmeister. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, near Cabin John Run, McL, April 27, 1914, L. 0. Jackson; Chain Bridge, McL, May 23, 1903, nymph collected which matured as a female June 14, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., May 19, 1915, nymph, McAtee; Virginia near Plummers Island, June 17, 1913; Chain Bridge, Va., October 24, 1915, nymph, L. 0. Jackson. Hippiscus rugosus Scudder. Plummers Island, McL, October 1, 1905, McAtee; Conduit Road, opposite Plummers Island, Md., September 5 and 10, 1915, adults of both sexes Caudell; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., October 3, 1915 and September 19, 1916, McAtee. Hippiscus apiculatus Harris, (tuberculatus of authors.) Great Falls, Md., May 23, 1915, McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 22, 1903, H. S. Barber; Cabin John Bridge, Md., May 10, 1913, Great Falls, Va., May 9, 1916, Bertha Currie; Black Pond, Va., May 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Virginia near Plummers Island, June 20, 1909, McAtee. Dissosteira Carolina Linnaeus. Plummers Island, Md., June 19, 1905, nymph, July 5, 1914, and July 16, 1905, McAtee; Great Falls, Md., August 5, 1904, Caudell; Maryland near Plummers Island, September 5, 1915, L. 0. Jackson; Cabin John Bridge, McL, September 11, 1902, in copula, Caudell; September 23, 1911, W. D. Appel; Glen Echo, McL, July 10, 1914, nymphs and adults; Great Falls, Va., Sep- tember 12, 1912, Caudell; October 4, 1916, McAtee; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Spharagemon bolli Scudder. Plummers Island, July 16, 1905, McAtee; September 2, 1904, Caudell; September 30, 1906, A. K. Fisher; Maryland near Plum- mers .Island, August 18, 1916, Caudell; Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Cau- dell; October 3, 1915, McjUee; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell. Schistocerca serialis Thunberg. (=americana Drury). Maryland near Plummers Island, November 3, 1906, A. K. Fisher. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 109 Schistocerca damnifies Saussure. A common grasshopper, Plummers Island, October 27, 1906, I. J. Condit; November 3, 1906, A. K. Fisher; Great Falls, Md., May 23, 1915. McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, March 19 and 27, 1915, J. C. Crawford; April 23, 1916, August 15, 1915, McAtee; Cabin John Bridge, Md., May 10, 1913; High Island, Md., November 10, 1901, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., February 26, 1905, active adult, H. S. Barber, September 12, 1912, Cau- dell; October 3, 1915, McAtee; October 4, 1916, Caudell; Bell- view to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell; October 24, 1915, L. O. Jackson. Schistocerca rubiginosa Harris. Cabin John Bridge, Md., August 18, 1914, H. Nicols. Melanoplus atlanis Riley. Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, September 10, 1915, Glen Echo, Md., July 10, 1914, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., June 26, 1914, August 11 and October 3, 1915, McAtee; October 4, 1916, Caudell; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916; Virginia near Plummers Island, July 14 and September 29, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, September 13, 1916, Caudell. Melanoplus collinus Scudder. Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, many, one pair mating: October 4, 1916, Caudell; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., Sep- tember 19, 1916, McAtee. Melanoplus femoratus Burmeister. Maryland near Plummers Island, June 29, 1913, W. D. Appel; September 10, 1915; Glen Echo, Md., July 10, 1914, largo nymphs and adults of both sexes, Caudell; Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., July 2, 1911, W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., August 15, 1915, McAtee; September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 4, 1916; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19. 1916. McAtee: Scott's Run, Va,, July 25, 1915, L. 0. Jackson; Chain Bridge. Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Melanoplus femur-rubrum De Geer. Plummers Island. September 5, 1915, McAtee; September 30 and October 7, I'.Xtfi. A. K. Fisher; ' ""'Is, Md.. August 15, 1915; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 16, I'.iHi. Caudell; 110 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY September 5 and 29, 1915, McAtee; Cabin John Run, Md., Octo- ber 10, 1915, L. O. Jackson; High Island, Md., November 10, 1901, Caudell; Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, D. C., September 7, September 13, 1916, Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, October 4, 1916; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell; October 3, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, Caudell. Melanoplus punctulatus Scudder. Plummers Island, Md., August 11, D. H. demons; Cabin John, Md., August, 1907, W. Palmer; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916, Caudell; October 31, 1915 W. Stone (Rehn & Hebard, 1916 (2), p. 246); November 11, 1915, Hebard; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916; Great Falls, Va., September 5, 1916, McAtee; October 4, 1916, Caudell. Melanoplus scudderi Uhler. Not so common as M. femur rubrum for instance but more frequently collected. Plummers Island, August 20 to October 27;. in copula, August 20, September 10, October 11 and 23; nymphs, September 2 and 10; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916, Caudell; September 5, 1915, McAtee; High Island, Md., November 10, 1901, Caudell; Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., August 22, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, D. C., Septem- ber 7; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 4, 1916, McAtee; October 31, 1915, in copula, L. O. Jackson; Bell- view to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, September 13, 1916, Caudell; Octo- ber 24, 1915, R. A. Emmons. Melanoplus tribulus Morse. Plummers Island, Md., September 30, 1906, 1 9, A. K. Fisher: Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, 1 cf adult, Caudell. Paroxya atlantica Scudder. A single female taken at Great Falls, Va., August 11, 1915, by McAtee, is doubtfully referred here. A male is necessary for positive identification. Paroxya clavuliger Serville. (= floridana Thomas.) Plummers Island, Md., August 15, 1902, nymph, H. C. Pratt; Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916, September 10, 1915, Caudell; and September 29, 1915, McAtee; Great Falls, Va., September OF WASHIXGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1017 111 12, 1912, October 4, 1910, Caudell; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Bellview to Difficult Hun, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudoll. A common species in wet places, particularly along the- Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Tettigoniidae. Scudderia curvicauda De Goer. Creat Falls, Va., July 23, 1914, Caudell and H. P. Currie, August 11, 1915, McAtee and September 12, 1912, Caudell. Scudderia furcata Brunei1. Abundant; Plummers Island. August 24 to November 5; nymphs, August 27 and 29, one taken on latter date with large Tachinid larva in abdomen; Anglers' Club, Aid., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Alaryland near Plummers Island, August 3, 1913, W. D. Appel; August 18, 1916, Caudell: Cabin John Bridge, Aid., September 2, 1907, F. Knab; September 23, 1911, W. D. Appel; October 10, 1915, L. 0. Jackson; High Island, Aid.; November 10, 1901, Caudell; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 3, 1915, McAtee; October 4, 1916, Caudell; Pimmit Run, Va., September 6, 1907, F. Knab; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Scudderia texensis Saussure and Pictet. Plummers Island, Aid., August 27, 1909, Caudell. (Rehn & Hebard, 1914 (1), p. 296.) i Amblycorypha oblongifolia De Geer. Common; Plummers Island, July 27 to October 23; Great Falls, Aid., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Alaryland near Plummers Island, August 3, 1913, W. D. Appel; August 18, 1916, Caudell; Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915, AIcAtee: Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912; October 4, 1916, Caudell; Virginia near Plummers Island, September 5, 1915, AIcAtee; October 6, 1911, J. D. Hood; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Amblycorypha rotundifolia Scuddcr. Common; Plummers Island, June 15 ('nymph) to October 2; Glen Echo, Aid., July 10, 1914, Caudell; Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., August 22, 1915, AIcAtee; Great Falls, Ya., September 12, 1912, Caudell; Scott's Run, Va., July 25, 1915, J. Silver; Vir- ginia near Plummers Island, September 4, 1903, H. S. Barber. 112 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Amblycorypha uhleri Stal. Plummers Island, July 20, 1903, E. A. Schwarz; August 28, 1902, Barber and Schwarz; September 27, 1908, E. A. Schwarz; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 15, 1915; Great Falls, Va., October 3, 1915, October 4, 1916, McAtee. Microcentrum retinerve Burmeister. Common; Plummers Island, July 26 (nymph) to November 3; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell. Microcentrum rhombifolium Saussure. Plummers Island, Md., August 28, 1902, Barber and Schwarz. Pterophylla camellifolia Fabricius. (= Cyrtophyllus perspicillatus Auct. not of Bunn.) Abundant; Plummers Island, July 7 to November 1; female found ovipositing in bark of black walnut tree, September 22, 1907, laid an egg in same kind of bark \vhile in confinement next day, McAtee; October 1, 1905, a female was found ovipositing in bark at night, H. S. Barber. Neoconocephalus ensiger Harris. Cabin John Bridge, Md., October 27, 1915, Caudell. Neoconocephalus exiliscaiiorus Davis. Plummers Island, September 6, 1909, H. A. Allard; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 3, 1913, W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., July 29, Nathan Banks. Neoconocephalus palustris Blatchley. Plummers Island, July 22, 1906 (nymph), McAtee; August 27, 1909, H. A. Allard; September 5 and 29, 1915, McAtee; October, 1907, W. Palmer; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., September 5, 1916, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, Caudell. Neoconocephalus retusus Scudder. Plummers Island, September 2, 1904, September 29, 1907, McAtee (Rehn & Hebard, 1914 (3), p. 404); Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, September 13. 1916, Caudell; Great Fulls, Va., September 5, 1916, October 4, 1916, McAtee; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 191? 113 Neoconocephalus robustus var. crepitans Scudder. Plummers Island, September 2, Caudell; September 17, 1904, H. A. Allard; September 29, 1907; Maryland near Plummers Island, July 27, 1913, McAtee. Plummers Island, August 29, 1912 (nymph), Caudell, September 1, 1907 (nymph), A. K. Fisher; Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915 ^mph); Maryland near Plummers Island, August 16, 1914, McAtee. Neoconocephalus triops Linnaeus. Plummers Island, August 2, September 4, 9, and 24, October 28, Barber and Schwarz; October 12, 1906, A. K. Fisher; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel. ^ Orchelimum agile De Geer. Plummers Island, August 25, 1912, McAtee; Great Falls, Md., Anglers' Club, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Md., September 25, 1911, Wm. T. Davis; Cabin John, Md., September 23, 1911, W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Orchelimum laticauda Redtenbacher. Common; Plummers Island, August 27 (nymphs and freshly matured adults) to October 26; Maryland near Plummers Island, September 10, 1916, L. 0. Jackson- October 22, 1915, McAtee; Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Md., September 25, 1911, Wm. T. Davis; Cabin John, Md., September 23, 1911, W. D. Appel; Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, D. C., September 13, 1916, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., October 3, 1915, McAtee, September 19, 1916, Caudell. Orchelimum minor Bruner. Song heard on Plummers Island and many specimens taken on Maryland shore nearby, September 6, 1909, H. A. Allard; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell. Orchelimum vulgare Harris. Plummers Island, September 2, Caudell; September 5, 1915 (nymph and adults), L. O. Jackson and McAtee; September 30, 1906, A. K. Fisher; October 22, 1915, Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916, Caudell; September 5, 1915. McAtee; Cabin John, Md., Septem- ber 23, 1911, W. D. Appol; Cabin John Run, Md., October 10, 114 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1915, L. O. Jackson; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Cau- dell (one of these specimens is remarkable in having 3 ven- tral spines on one hind tibia and 4 on the other; otherwise it is typical and the determination is very certain, A. N. Caudell); October 3, 1915, .October 4, 1916, McAtee; October 31, 1915, L. 0. Jackson; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916;' Virginia near Pluinmers Island, September 5, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, Caudell. Conocephalus brevipennis Scudder. Plummers Island, August 26, 1901, R. P. Currie; August 29, 1905, H. S. Barber; September 2, 1904, Caudell; September 5, 1915, McAtee; September 15, 1907, October 12 and 13, 1906, A. K. Fisher; Maryland near Plummers Island, August 18, 1916, Caudell; Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Cabin John Bridge, Md., October 1907 . (long- winged form), W. Palmer; Dalecarlia Reservoir, and Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915, McAtee; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 3, 1915, October 4, 1916, McAtee; October 31, 1915, R, A. Em- mons; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, September 13, 1916, Caudell. Conocephalus nemoralis Scudder. The most common species of the genus: Plummers Island, August 25 to November 3; long-winged form, October 4, 1905, D. H. demons; Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, D. C., September 11, 1911, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 3, 1915, McAtee; October 4, 1916, Caudell; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, McAtee. Conocephalus saltans Scudder. Cabin John Bridge, Md., October, 1907, W. Palmer; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., October 3, 1915, McAtee; both short and long- winged females taken; this is the first eastern record for the long-winged form; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Conocephalus strictus Scudder. Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., August 22, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, D. C., September 7; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 115 Atlanticus americanus Saussurc. Plummers Island, August 11, 1907, McAtee; Cabin John Hun, Md., September 19, 1911, W. T. Davis (Rehn & Hebard, 1916 (l),p. 81). Atlanticus davisi Rehn and Hebard. Plummers Island, Md., July 5, 1905, E. A. Schwarz; Great Falls, Va., June 16, 1910, W. T. Davis (Rehn & Hebard, 1916 (1), p. 67). Atlanticus testaceus Scudder. Common; Plummers Island, April 21 (nymph) to September 15; Cabin John Run, Md., June 20, 1911, W. T. Davis; Glen Echo, Md., July 10, 1914, Caudell (Rehn & Hebard, 1916 (1), p. 53); Chain Bridge, Va., May. 18, 1913, W. D. Appel. Camptonotus carolinensis Gerstaecker. Fairly numerous; Plummers Island, July 3 (nymph) to Sep- tember 17; this leaf-rolling species sometimes utilizes as a sub- stitute for cocoons of its own making, the compartments in the seed pods of Staphylea tnfolia. Great Falls, Va., July 29, N. Banks. Ceuthophilus blatchleyi Scudder. Plummers Island, September 2, Caudell; October, 1909, H. S. Barber. Ceuthophilus gracilipes Haldeman. Fairly common; Plummers Island, May 8 (nymph) to Sep- tember 22 (adult and nymphs); Cabin John Run, Md., Septem- ber, 1911, W. T. Davis (Rehn & Hebard, 1916, (2), p. 27); Vir- ginia n,ear Plummers Island, April 28 (nymphs) to October 6. Ceuthophilus neglectus Scudder. The dominant species of the genus; Plummers Island, March 28 to October 26; in copula, September 24, 1905, eggs laid, Sep- tember 29, 1912; nymphs, June 15, 1915 (in burrows of ground- hog), H. S. Barber; October 11, 1906, Caudell; Jacksons Island, Md.. August 27. 1902, H. S. Barber; Dalecarlia Reservoir, D. C., April 13, 1913, W. D. Appcl; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1(.»12, Caudell; Black Pond, Ya., September 21, 1911, W. I). Appel; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Cau- dell: Virginia near Plummers Island, April 30, 1905, Me Alec, September 22, 1905, D. H. demons; September 30, 190.") (in ) H. S. Barber; November 5, 1905, F. Knah. 116 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Ceuthophilus latens Scudcler. Plummers Island, September 24, 1905, mating. Barber; Octo- ber, 1909, Barber; August 12, 1914, Shannon; July 29, August 2 and 5, 1914, Caudell. Difficult Run, Va., September 21, 1916, Caudell. Ceuthophilus spinosus Scudder. Cabin John Run, Md., September, 1911, W. T. Davis (Rehn & Hebard, 1916 (2), p. 274). Ceuthophilus uhleri Scudder. Plummers Island, August 2, 1914, R. C. Shannon; September 10, 1915, October 4, 1912, October 11, 1906, Caudell; Great Falls, Md., August 12, 1912; Cabin John Run, Md., September, 1911, W. T. Davis (Rehn & Hebard, 1916 (2), p. 269) Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell. Gryllidae. Gryllotalpa hexadactyla Perty. (= borealis Burmeister.) A few specimens have been taken on Plummers Island, a young nymph in 1906 by A. K. Fisher, another August 18, 1912, by McAtee, and an adult male which was singing by R. C. Shannon, September 14, 1914. Tridactylus terminalis Scudder. Glen Echo, Md., May 11, 1903. A single specimen taken by 0. H. Heidemann. Ellipes minuta Scudder. Common. Plummers Island, April 22 (nymph) to October 5; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 8, 1914, McAtee; April 27, 1914, L. 0. Jackson; June 8, 1913, McAtee; Virginia near Plummers Island, April 27. Myrmecophila pergandei Bruner. Plummers Island, May 1, 1914, McAtee; May 6 and 16, 1902, H. S. Barber, August 15, 1913, McAtee; September 10, 1903, H. S. Barber; October 13, 1912, J. D. Hood; Virginia near Plum- mers Island in nest of Formica, May 17, 1908, McAtee. Nemobius bruneri Hebard. Plummers Island, October 11 and 12, 1906, Caudell, A. K. Fisher; Cabin John Run, Md., September 23, 1911, W. T. Davis. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 117 Nemobius carolinus Scudder. Plummers Island, September 3 and 7,' 1914, R. C. Shannon; October 12, 1906, A. K. Fisher; Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, October 14, 1916, Caudell; October 3, 1915, McAtee; Dead Run, Va., August 29, 1912, Caudell. Nemobius confusus Blatchley. Plummers Island, August 26 and 28, 1912, parasitized nymphs, Caudell, H. S. Barber; August 27, September 3, 1914, R. C. Shannon; September 10, 1915; Cabin John Run, Md., September 9, 1911, W. T. Davis (Hebard, 1913, p. 492); Virginia near Plummers Island, September 4, 1903, Caudell; September 11, 1902, Barber and Schwarz; Dead Run, Va., August 29, 1912, Caudell; Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, McAtee. Nemobius cubensis Saussure. Montgomery County, Md., September 25, 1911, W. T. Davis (Hebard, 1913, p. 461). Mr. Davis assures us this record per- tains to the vicinity of the Potomac between the District of Columbia and Plummers Island. Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, Caudell. Nemobius fasciatus De Geer. Plummers Island, July 28, 1907, nymph, A. K. Fisher; August 22, 1902, R. P. Currie; September 3, 1905, A. K. Fisher; October 11, 1906, H. A. Allard. Variety vittatus Harris, Plummers Island, August 29, 1905, H. S. Barber; October 7, 1906, A. K. Fisher; October 11, 1906, Caudell; Great Falls, Md., August 15, 1915, McAtee; Great Falls, Va., August 17 and September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 4, 1916, McAtee; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, October 3, 1915, McAtee; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, Caudell. Nemobius maculatus Blatchley. Common; Plummers Island, August 9 (nymphs and adults) to October 31; Great Falls, Md., August 5, 1904, in copula; Cabin John Run, Md., September 19, 1912, W. T. Davis; Great FalU. Va., August 11, 1915 (nymph), McAtee; September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 3, 1915, October 4, 1916, McAtee; October 31, 1915, L. 0. Jackson; virginia near Plummers Island, September 4, 1903, H. S. Barber; September 11, 1902, Barber and Schwarz; Dead Rim, Va., August 29, 1912, Caiulell; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, McAtee. 118 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Nemobius palustrus Blatchley. Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Cauclell. Gryllus assiniilis Fabricius. Variety integer Scudder, Great Falls, Va., May 19, 1915, McAtee; variety neglectus Scudder, Maryland near Plummers Island, June 8, 1913, McAtee; variety pennsylvanicus Burmeister, common, Plummers Island, May 23, to October 27; nymphs, June 30 and August 29 ; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 5, 1914, L. 0. Jackson; April 6, 1913, W. D. Appel; Dalecarlia Reser- voir, D. C., August 22, 1915; Great Falls, Va., May 19, 1915, McAtee; September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 4, 1916, McAtee; October 31, 1915, L. 0. Jackson; Black Pond, Va., September 21, 1911, W. D. Appel; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., Sep- tember 19, 1916; Chain Bridge, Va., September 13, 1916, Caudell. Miogryllus verticalis Serville. Plummers Island, April 6, 1905, McAtee; June 9, 1905, Cau- dell; July 3, 1904, F. Knab; Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, Caudell; all of these nymphs; Great Falls, Md., an adult 9 , August 5, 1904 Mrs. Caudell. Oecanthus exclamationis Davis. High Island, Md., September 29, 1902. One female taken by Caudell. Oecanthus angustipennis Fitch. Plummers Island, September 9 to November 8; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, Caudell; November 11, 1915, dead speci- men, Hebard; Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, Caudell. Oecanthus latipennis Riley. Plummers Island, August 19 to October 31; September 2, 1904, singing at 3.30 a.m., H. S. Barber; Maryland near Plummers Island, July 27 and August 27, 1913, W. D. Appel; August 18, 1916, Caudell; Cabin John Run, Md., October 10, 1915, L. O. Jackson; High Island, Md., September 29, 1902; Black Pond, Va., September 14, 1913, W. D. Appel; Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, Caudell. Oecanthus quadripunctatus Beutenmuller. Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell; October 3, 1915, McAtee; Virginia near Plummers Island, Octo- ber 19, 1914, R, C. Shannon. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 119 Neoxabea bipunctata De Geer. Plummers Island, June 18, 1907 (nymph) Caudell; -July 19, 1905, Barber and Schwarz; July 19, 1914, McAtee; August 12, 1907, A. K. Fisher; August 16, 1916, H. L. Viereck; August 20, 1916, R. C. Shannon; September 9 and 29, Barber and Schwarz. Anaxipha exigua Say. Common; Plummers Island, April 10 (nymph) to October 7; Maryland near Plummers Island, June 26, 1904, Caudell; August 18, 1916, Caudell; August 20, 1916, H. L. Viereck; Cabin John Run, Md., July 8, 1903, Theo Pergande; October 10, 1915, L. O. Jackson; High Island, Md., July 14, 1904 (nymphs), Sgptember 29, 1902, Caudell; Dalecarlia Reservoir and Little Falls, D. C., August 22, 1915; Bellview to Difficult Run, Va., September 19, 1916, Caudell, McAtee; Great Falls. Va., August 11, 1915, Mc- Atee; September 12, 1912,- October 4, 1916 (nymph), Caudell; Virginia near Plummers Island, October 19, 1914, R. C. Shannon; Chain Bridge, Va., August 17, 1912, Caudell. Falcicula hebardi Rehn. High Island, Md., July 1, 1904, one female taken by Caudell ; Maryland near Plummers Island, June 17, 1913, McAtee; a single female taken by sweeping. Cyrtoxipha columbiana Caudell. Plummers Island, September 13, 1909 and September 24, 1902, Barber and Schwarz. Phyllopalpus pulchellus Uhler. Common; Plummers Island, July 28 (nymph) to September 15; Maryland nVear Plummers Island, August 3, 1913, McAtee; High Island, Md., September 29, 1902, Chain Bridge, D. C., Septnnbrr 13, 1916, Caudell. Hapithus agitator Uhler. Common; Plummers Island, August 17 to October 20; Mary- land near Plummers Islan,d, August 18, 1916, Caudell: Great Falls, Va., September 12, 1912, Caudell; October 4, 1916, McAl< •••: Black Pond, Va., September 14, 1913, W. D. Appcl; Virginia near Hummers Island, September 11, 1902, Barber and Schwar/. Orocharis saltator Uhler. < 'o union; Plummers Island, July 28 to November 8; nymphs AugiHt 14, 26, 29, and September 8 and 15; Virginia near Phun- iiicrs I>i:uid, September 30, 1905, H. S. Barber, October 15, 120 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1916, C. T. Greene and W. R. Walton; Great Falls, Va., October 4, 1916, Caudell. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ALLARD, H. A. The stridulations of some cone-headed grasshoppers (Conocephalus). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 11, No. 3, 1910, pp. 121- 124, pi. VI. Records Conocephalus exiliscanorus and C. palustris from Plummers Island, p. 123. The stridulations of some "katydids." Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 23, pp. 35-40, 1910. Records Amblycorypha oblongifolia, A. rotundifolia, Microcen- Irum retinerve, and Cyrtophyllus perspicillatus from Plummers Island, pp. 36, 37, 38 and 40. - Xiphidion stridulations. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 13, No. 2 (1910), 1911, pp. 84-87. Records Xiphidion nemorale from Plummers Island, p. 85. — — The stridulations of two interesting Locustidae. Psyche 18, No. 3, June 1911, pp. 118-119. Occurrence and stridulation of Atlanticus pachymerus on Plum- mers Island. CAUDELL, A. N. An orthopterous leaf-roller. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 6, No. 1 (1903), 1904, pp. 46-49. Camptonotus carolinensis on Plummers Island, p. 48. - Cockroach (Temnopteryx deropeltiformis) . Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 6, No. 2, 1904, p. 78. Insects recorded by Wasmann from Cabin John Bridge, under this name, are nymphs of Ischnoptera uhleriana. - The Cyrtophylli of the United States. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 14, No. 1, March 1906, pp. 32-45, pi. 1. Notes on Cyrtophyllus perspicillatus on Plummers Island, pp. 33-34, and 40. The Decticinae (a group of Orthoptera) of North America. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 32, 1907, pp. 285-410. Records Atlanticus pachymerus from Plummers Island, p. 325. • — • — — Three interesting Orthoptera from the vicinity of Washington, D. C. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. 17, No. 4, Dec. 1915, p. 189. Records Melanoplus punctulatus from Plummers Island and M. collinus and Cryptocercus punctulatus from other points within our area. HEBARD, MORGAN. A revision of the species of the genus Nemobius (Orthoptera; Gryllidae) found in North America north of the Isthmus of Panama. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, pp. 394- 492, figs. 1-31 (June, 1913), Aug. 19, 1913. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1017 121 Records Nemobius fascialus, \. »in<*nlntns, X. hru/tcri, N. caro- I i n us, and N. confusus from Plummers Island and vicinity, anil N. cubensis from a nearby locality, pp. 420, 432, 434, 454, 455, 461, 481, 491, 492, respectively. HEBARD, MORGAN. The American species of the genus Miogryllus (Orthop- tera; Gryllidae). Journ. X. Y. Ent. Soc. 23, Xo. 2, June 1915, pp. 101-121. Records Miogryllus verticalis from Plummers Island, p. 119. HOOD, J. D. Notes on the life history of Rhopalosoma poeyi Cresson. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 15, No. 4, Dec. 1913, pp. 145-147. External parasite of Orocharis saltalor, collected on Plummers Island, Oct. 6, 1913. MrATEE, W. L. Census of four square feet. Science, N. S. 26, pp. 447- 449, Oct. 4, 1907. Mentions eggs of Diapheromera femorata being collected among leaves on Maryland shore near Plummers Island, Nov. 26, 1905, p. 448. - Notes on an Orthopterous leaf-roller. Ent. News 19, No. 10, Dec. 1908, pp. 488-491, pi. 25. Camptonotus carolinensis in pods of Staphylea Irifoliata on Plummers Island, Aug. 2 and 15, 1908. Occurrence of Orocharis saltator also noted. Me ATE E, W. L., and WEED, A. C. First list of the fishes of the vicinity of Plummers Island, Maryland. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 28, pp. 1-14, Pis. 1-2, Feb. 12, 1915. Records Scudderia furcata being found in stomach of sunfish (Lepomis auritus) caught off Plummers Island, p. 13. REHN, JAMES A. G., and HEBARD, MORGAN*. A review of the North Ameri- can species of the genus Ischnoptera (Orthoptera). Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, pp. 407-453, figs. 1-30 (April 1910), July 25, 1910. Record Ischnoptera deropeltiformis, I. Johnsoni, I. divisa, and /. uhleriana from Plummers Island and vicinity, and /. l'ainxi/1,- vanica and /. couloniann from nearby localities, pp. 416, 420, 426, 433, 436 and 439. REHN, JAMES A. G.-, and HEBARD, MOK<;A\. Studies in American Tetti- goniidae (Orthoptera) I. A synopsis of the species of the genus Scudderia. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 40, No. 4, Dec. 1914, pp. 271-314. Records Scudderia texensis and S. furcata furcata from Plum- mers Island and nearby localities, pp. 296 and 301. - Studies in American Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) II. A synopsis of the species of the genus Amblj'corypha found in America north of Mexico. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 40, No. 4, Dec. 1914, pp. 315- 340. Record Amblycorypha oblongifolia and .1. rotundifolia rotundi- folia from Plummers Island and nearby localities, pp. 321 and 338. 122 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY REHNT, JAMES A. G., and HEBARD, MORGAN. Studies in American Tetti- goniidae (Orthoptera) III. A synopsis of the species of the genus Neoconocephalus found in North America, north of Mexico. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 40, No. 4, Dec. 1914. pp. 365-413. Record Neoconocephalus robustus crepitans, N. palustris and N. relusus from Plummers Island, pp. 394, 401 and 404. - Studies in American Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) IV. A synopsis of the species of the genus Orchelimum. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 41, pp. 11-83, Pis. I-IV, April 9, 1915. Record Orchelimum laticauda from Plummers Island, and 0. agile and 0. minor from nearby localities, pp. 32, 55 and 60. - Studies in American Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) V. A synopsis of the species of the genus Conocephalus (Xiphidium of authors) found in North America north of Mexico. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 41, No. 2, June 1915, pp. 155-224, pis. 15-20. Record Conocephalus brevipennis and C. nemoralis from Plum- mers Island and C. saltans from a nearby locality, pp. 186, 191 and 219. - Studies in American Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) VII. A revision of the species of the genus Atlanticus (Decticinae). Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. 42, No. 1, March 1916, pp. 33-99, pis. VI-VIII. Record Atlanticus testaceus, and A. americanus from Plum- mers Island and A. davisi n. sp. from nearby locality, pp. 53, 67 and 81. - Studies in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont Region of the southeastern United States. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 58, Part II, pp. 87-314, pis. 12-14, May 1916. Record 15 species from Plummers Island and 25 other species from points within our area. NOTES ON NORTH AMERICAN TACHINIDAE, INCLUDING THE DESCRIPTION OF ONE NEW GENUS. BY HARRISON E. SMITH, Bureau of Entomology, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. Doryphorophaga Townsend. This is evidently a valid genus, with Ly delta doryphorae Ril<\v as the genotype.1 Mr. Walton- has considered it expedient to retain doryphorae in Neopales (Phorocera of authors) "until 1 Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. 14, p. 164. 2 Proc. U. S. N. M., Vol. 48, p. 183. <>l WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 123 further and more reliable external characters, especially in the case of the male, are discovered." Apparently all students of the Tachinidae, including the author of Doryphorophaga, at the time of erecting the same, have overlooked the fact that the males of doryphorae possess two pairs of orbital bristles, as do the females. This point together with other general external characters of each sex appear to substantiate the validity of the genus, and amply separate it from Neopales. Before the writer are 26 specimens (20 males and 6 feimales) of D. doryphorae, taken in Massachusetts, Penikese Island, Conn., New Jersey and Montana. Of these specimens, 20 males and 3 females show the presence of discal macrochaetae on the inter- mediate abdominal segments,1 and 3 females have them ab- sent. Thus, it is plain that this character is a variable one; within the limits of thfe species, as is also, the degree of the hairi- ness of the eyes in the female, which may vary from moderately hairy to almost absolute bareness.- As far as known, D. dory- phorae is a common parasite -upon the potato beetle, Leptino- tarsa decemlineata Say. Specimens from the western portion of the United States appear identical in every respect with those taken in the East. For the present it is desirable to include two other described species under Doryphorophaga, namely, D. aberrans Townsend2 and Exorista dorsalis Coq.3 These species are evidently con- generic, but as to whether they are congeneric with D. doryphorae remains for further stud}' to determine. They differ in having the facial ridges ciliate at most, on the lowest third, the ocellar bristles vestigial (not wanting in any of the 13 specimens at hand) and the abdominal chaetotaxy of aberrans and dorsalis in relation to doryphorae, are in need of more extended investi- gation. Following is a synopsis of the genus, as it now stands, together with a detailed description of D. aberrans. The generic de- scription is written under the tentative assumption, that all three species herein included are congeneric. Diameter of head at vibrissae less than at base of antennae, vibrissae usually placed on a level with the front edge of the oral margin, eyes hairy (sometimes almost bare in females of doryphorae). Facial ridges bristly on the lowest fourth to four-fifths, antennae nearly as long as the face, 1 In several of the specimens discal macrochaetae an- pn^nit mi the second abdominal segment ami absent on the third. These are included in the number of specimens showing the presence of discal macrochaetae. 2 D. aberrans Town., Ent . News, V<>1. \\YII, p. 217. 3 Exorista dorsalis Coq., Camid. Ent., XXX, p. _>:;ii. 124 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY sides of face on the lower half bare. Frontal bristles in a single row, de- scending to base of third antennal joint, two- pairs of orbital bristles in each sex. Ocellar bristles normal or vestigial, proclinate; second joint of arista about as broad as long, cheeks approximately one-sixth as wide as the eye height. Antennae usually inserted on or slightly above the eye middle, the abdomen bearing marginal and usually discal macrochaetae. Apical cell open, ending just before wing tip, third longitudinal vein bearing several bristles at its base, other veins bare. TABLE OF SPECIES. 1. Ocellar bristles normal, abdominal segments on the basal third to one- half densely gray pollinose, apical pair of scutellar bristles usually vertical (common throughout the U. S.) doryphorae Riley. Ocellar bristles vestigial, apical pair of scutellar bristles not vertical. . 2 2. Abdomen wholly brassy gray pollinose (Mass., Conn, and Virginia), aberrans. Town. Abdomen brassy gray pollinose on the second segment and an inverted triangular spot on the third concolorous, remainder of abdomen shining black (Mass., Pa. and Ga.) dorsalis Coq. Doryphorophaga aberrans Town. Length 6-9 mm. Front in male about three-fourths, in female about as wide as either eye, frontal vitta opaque brownish black, not as wide as sides of front. Posterior half of paraf rentals golden yellowish polli- nose, anterior half and the parafacials concolorous bright silvery gray pollinose. Antennae black or faintly fulvous, the third antennal joint in each sex about three times as long as the second, arista microscopically pubescent, thickened on approximately the basal fourth, sides of face from one-third to three-fifths as wide as the median depression. Thorax marked with four black vittae besides a short median vitta posterior to the transverse suture; three postsutural and three sternopleral macro- chaetae. Scutellum clothed with erect bristly black hairs on the dorsum, bearing a discal pair, three pairs of long marginals and a shorter cruciate apical pair of macrochaetae. ' Legs black, front pulvilli not as long as the last tarsal joint, middle tibiae on the outer front side, each bearing a single strong bristle near the middle; hind tibiae pectinate with a row of bristles of unequal length. Abdomen with a narrow median black vitta, bearing discal and marginal macrochaetae. Wings hyaline, the costal and marginal cells frequently tinged with yellow, costal spine obsolete, third longitudinal vein usually with three bristles at its base, calypteres milky white. Puparium from 7-8 mm. in length, anal stigmata slightly raised, widely separated, the dorsal surface reticulated. Described from 3 males and 7 females reared from Dori/pltoru decemlineata Say by Mr. L. B. Ripley at New Haven, Conn., September 13, 1913, and by Messrs. C. W. Collins, C. E. Hood and R. T. Webber, Melrose Highlands, Mass. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 125 Leskia Desv. and allies. While reviewing Dr. Townsend's recent revision1 of the sev- eral species included under Leskia analis Say, by the late Mr. D. W. Coquillett, it was evident to the writer, that errors certainly existed in the conclusions as arrived at by Dr. Townsend. In attempting to diagnose Mr. Coquillett's study of the genus Leskia, it seems unquestionably apparent that he first included and erroneously determined Leskiomima tenera Wied. as Leskia analis of Say. He then described Myobia depile.- Later dis- covering his error he properly placed Wiedemann's tenera in the genus Leskiomima and made his depile a synonym of Leskia analis. Since the type of Say's analis is not in existence, to my knowledge, and must thus remain an unknown factor, it is evi- dently proper to recognize Dr. Townsend's MyoUobsis similis, which is at least, a recognizable species. Myobia depile Coq., however, has been entirely overlooked in the paper under con- sideration. Mr. C. W. Johnson has very kindly afforded the writer the opportunity of examining one of the types of Myobia depile Coq., and it is quite apparent that Leskjopalpus calidus Town, is synonymous. Hence, the genotype of Leskiopalpus, by present designation, is L. depile Coq. Sipholeskia occidentalis Con.3 Myobin ijili'iisis Town.4 Spilochaetosoma new genus. VSvi] Front at base of antennae produced nearly one-half the eye width, the antennae inserted rather below the middle of the eyes. Frontal bristles descending to the base of the third antennal joint, cruciate from vertex to base of antennae, reclinate from thereon to a point nearly half way down the parafacials. Outside of the frontal row of bristles a parallel row of bristles and scattered bristly black hairs to the eye margins. Para- front als twice as wide anteriorly as at their vertex. Orbital bristles ab- sent, the ocellar bristles strong proclinate. Width of head at the oral margin as great as at the base of antennae; vibrissae cruciate, inserted far above front edge of oral margin, two or three bristles above each. An- tennae descending to the middle of the fare, the second and third joints of equal length, arista bare, the second joint as broad as long. Parafacials 1 Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 49, p. 627-620; Jan. 1916. 2 Pr,™ \,..,,i mm. TUI>C:—(J. S. X. M. X<>. 21044, a female. Ti//>c locality:— Ashland, Oregon, on cone of Douglas Fir, Sept. 23. 1913. The type was collected by Mr. W. D. Edmc-nston fof whom the species is named. The following table will serve to separate the species now rec- ( gnized : a. elytra metallic black or black with suture red. b. entirely metallic black except the legs which are brown. xnlnin tdll.ii- nx bb. prothorax red, elytra black with suture red mituralis aa. elytra reddish brown, yellowish or piceous. 128 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY c. tarsi broadly cordiform. d. prothorax with smooth bare spots on either side of disc before middle, elytra marmorately pilose cacicus dd. prothorax without smooth bare spots on the disc, vestiture of elytra not marmorate sphenosomus cc. tarsi with joints feebly broadened, not cordiform edmonstoni Oistus Candeze, Monogr. Elat. I, p. 338, 1857. 1. Oistus cacicus Cand. 1857 Monogr. Elat, I, p. 339, PI. VI, fig. 5 (type of the genus by present designation). Champion 1894, Biol. Cent, Amer. Col. Ill, pt. 1, p. 292, PI. XIII, fig. 8. Ludius cacicus Dej. 1833 Cat. ed. 3, p. 107, Cand., I.e. Oistus griseosignatus (Dupont i. litt, ) Gem. and Har. Cat. Col. V, p. 1506. 2. Oistus sphenosomus Cand. 1857 Monogr. Elat. I, p. 339. Cham- pion 1894, I.e., p. 292, PI. XIII, fig. 7. 3. Oistus suturalis Champion. 1894 I.e. p. 553, PI. XXIV, fig. 5. Schwarz 1906 Gen. Ins. 46, PI. II, fig. 13. 4. Oistus submetallicus Dand. 1900 Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. 44, p. 83. 5. Oistus edmonstoni Hyslop 1917 above. NOTES ON THE BIOLOGY OF SCHIZONOTUS SIEBOLDII RATZ.1 BY R. A. CUSHMAN, Entomological Assistant, Bureau of Entomology. Very few cases are on record of chalcids feeding as external parasites on hosts unprotected by the tissue of their food plant or food substance or by their cocoons or other protection of the pupa. A notable example of this is found in the eulophid genus Euplectrus, the life-history of one species of which, E. comstoelci-i Howard, is well known in its relation to the cotton worm. We are now able to add another species to the cha*lcids having this habit, Schizonotus sieboldi Ratz., a species introduced from Europe. In connection with his original description of this species (Ichn. d. Forstins., Ill, 1852, p. 230), Ratzeburg stated that it was reared by von Siebold from Chrysomela populi, and from the date of emergence judged that it must have been reared from full-grown larvae or pupae of the host, 1 Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. PROC. EXT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XIV. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 129 On July 20 last I found a female of this species attacking a pupa of Melanoma i.utcrriiptnin Hald. on alder at North East, Pa. These pupae were very abundant, attached by the caudal end to the upper surface of the leaves. I captured the parasite and placed it with pupae of the beetle in a vial. It very shortly showed interest in the pupae and began its attack upon them. In ovi- positing it inserted the tip of the abdomen between the pupal legs and wings. The exposed pupa^ were not again examine* 1 until five days later when all nine were found to be parasitized. Some of the parasites were in the larval and some in the pupal stage, some of the latter being already black. It is evident that some at least, and probably all, of the host pupae had al- ready been parasitized when placed in the vial. But two, one bearing larvae and one pupae, had been parasitized for the second time and the minute larvae were feeding on the older parasites. These younger larvae were probably the offspring of the adult- captured. Both larvae and pupae of the parasites were on the venter of the host and protected by the wing pads and legs. There were from 3 to 7 parasites per host. Usually one larva was at- tached to each of the wing pads and the rest to the venter of the host. (See Plate XIV.) When the larvae had finished feeding, the host pupa was sucked dry, but retained nearly its natural form. The pupae of the parasite1 were attached by their caudal end to the under side of the host remains. At attempt was made to get the female parasite originally cap- tured to attack pupae of Melasoma tremulae, but she paid no attention whatever to them. There seems to be no reason why the species should not attack tremulae since according to Ratze- liurg, mentioned above, it was first reared from the closely allied M. /><>/>iili. Its failure in this case to attack tremulae may have heen due to age as the parasite died two days after the intro- duction of the tri'it/iila;' pupae. On the 30th day of July the parasitism was so great that among fifty or more pupae of the host species examined, I found only three unparasit ized. EXPLANATION" OF PLATE XIV. Schizonotus xithnlili Katz. Larvae and pupae in situ beneath pupae of the liosl, MrltiKon/ii inlirru/t/ini/ Hald. TWO NEW HYDROPHILID BEETLES. BY K. A. SmuAK/ AND H. S. BARBER. A species of the Hydrophilid genus K]>/,n/Hx Lac. 1854 (Cerutodcrii* Muls. IS'/l non Westw. 1841; Scfi/'diiln't/ 1874) found in Arizona has been mentioned by the senior writer in his 130 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY introductory remarks to Dr. Boving's paper on Hydroscapha and requires characterization in order to enable us to distribute du- plicate specimen to the workers in Hydrophilidae. Since Dr. Sharp 1874 has pointed out the close affinity of Epimetopus with Spercheus we take this opportunity to append a description of an appearently new species of the latter genus from the Philippines. Epimetopus thermarum n. sp. Similar to E. costatum Lee. but larger, piceous, except the legs and apical half of elytra which are refescent, more coarsely tuberculate and with the eye completely divided by the canthus. Length 2.2 to 2.8 mm. width 1.2 to 1.6 mm. .Habitat: Arizona. Front coarsely tuberculate, opaque; labrum smooth, shining, feebly emarginate; canthus apparently completely dividing the eye, its upper and lower edges tuberculate and separated by shallow sulcus. Antennae 9-jointed, with loosely connected 3-jointed club; scape as long as the rest of the antennae, bent inward and thickened apically; second joint subglobular and nearly as wide as apex of the scape; third to sixth in- clusive hardly half as wide as, and together not longer than the second, first joint of club about same size as second joint of antenna, second twice as wide but not longer, last joint a little wider and three times as long as first. Last joint of maxillary palpi as long as club of antennae. Pro- notum slightly wider than long, sides strongly angulate at middle, front margin produced over head, surface coarsely tuberculate with a pair of longitudinal costae uniting at basal fifth and apical tenth inclosing a lance-shaped median impression, and an outer pair of sinuate costae at lateral fourth. Elytra each with sutural, marginal, and four interme- diate carinae, the second of the latter being interrupted at basal fourth, the third joining the humerus and the fourth obsolete except a trace behind middle and a prominent elongate tubercle at basal third. Inter- costal areas each with two series of large round almost perforate punc- tures, and three series of tubercles. Tarsi 5-jointed, tibiae octagonal, the carinae with setigerous serrations. Sexes similar in all external characters. Type and paratypes:—U. S. N. M. No. 21,052. Described from a large series (90 specimens) collected by the writers June 24-26, 1901, in the algal accumulations at the mar- gins of the warm stream (about 100° F.) flowing from the Castle Creek Hot Springs, Yavapai Co., Arizona. A single specimen w:is also taken at the same place by the writers, December 27, 1913, bsing the only one observed during a diligent search at that season. At the time of our first discovery of this species the hot stream OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 1.31 was nearly in its original state so that the margins were lined with a considerable accumulation of dead reeds matted together with a very wet algal growth, among which this beetle, with occa- sional specimens of Hydroscapha, was slowly crawling about. Larvae, apparently of Epimetopus, were also collected but were lost in the fire a few days later at Williams, Arizona, which un- fortunately destroyed the bulk of our alcoholic material from the Hot Springs. The specimens now before us were all preserved dry and in the washing and remounting operations, most of the females have lost their egg-sacks (cf. Sharp, 1874, p. 248) so that we have almost no biological material and this (the egg-sack) is to be described in a work on Hydrophilid biologies by Mr. E. A. Richmond. FIG. 1. FIG. 2. In regard to the mode of life of our only previously known species of this genus which as far as we know comes from a single locality, viz., Bosc Co., Texas. The senior writer remem- bers having seen a letter from Theo. Belfrage to Dr. John L. LeConte in which he states that the species occurs not infrequently at the swampy margin of rivers, in company with the usual ri- parian coleopterous fauna such as Tachys, Tachyusa, Stenus, Bledius, Heterocerus, etc. We know of no specimens except those collected by Belfrage, but Dr. Sharp 1882 records it from two localities in Guatemala. Of the seven species now comprising the genus four are Ameri- can and three are Asiatic, but only the two United States species have been seen by us; four of the other five species appear to be described from unique examples. In contrasting their descriptions the following table of species was drawn up, the most salient dif- ferences being taken from the characters there stilled, and their comparative value in this table may not be trustworthy. The three Asiatic species appear to be not congeneric witli the Ameri- can forms, apparently having a different type of pronotal lobe and more pronounced elytral tubercles with inHnlliV luster. 132 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY TABLE OF SPECIES OF Epimetopus: a. Eyes completely divided by the canthus b. Color piceous, legs and apical half of elytra rufescent 2.2-2.8 mm. (Arizona) themnarum S. & B. bb. Color ashy red, 3 mm. (South America or possibly Alexico) trogoides Sharp 1874. aa. Eyes only about half divided by the canthus c. Tubercles not metallic, pronotal lobe simple (America) d. Color fuscus, elytra paler behind, legs ferrugineous 2.3 mm. (Co- lumbia) graniger Muls. 1851. eld. Color entirely reddish brown, tubercles small and rounded 2mm. (Texas) costatus Lee. 1874. cc. Tubercles metallic, pronotal lobe with apical elevated area (Asiatic) e. Black writh green and purplish metallic reflections; head, pro- notum and elytra strongly tuberculate; pronotal lobe emar- ginate anteriorly with umbilicate rounded tubercle 2.5-3.0 mm. (southern India) maindroni Reg. 1903. ee. Blackish, posteriorly reddish, small apical elevated area on pronotal lobe appearing like another lobe, clypeus metallic 3| mm. (India) bullatus Sharp 1874. eee. Sordid yellow, head and breast black, pronotum fuscous; pro- notal lobe with peculiar median marginate elevation near apex 3 mm. (Ceylon) flavidulus Sharp 1890. The literature on Epimetopus, as far as known to us, is as follows: 1851. Mulsant (Mem. de 1'Acad. d. Sciences de Lyon, I, p. 1) describes Ceratoderus n. gen. for C. graniger n. sp. from the United States of Columbia. 1854. Lacordaire (Genera des Col., vol. I, p. 467), having seen no speci- mens of the genus, reproduces Mulsant 's description but, being aware of the fact that the name Ceratoderus is preoccupied by Westwood, changes it to Epimetopus. 1874. Leconte (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 5, p. 47) erects the genus Sepidulum an anomalous member of the Hydrophilidae approach- ing the genus Ochthebius, for costatumn. sp. from Texas, collected by Belfrage. 1874. Sharp (Entom. Mo. Mag., vol. 11, pp. 247-250) discusses the char- acters of Leconte 's genus Sepidulum, finding that the tarsi are 5-jointed and refers to the structure of the abdomen. He places the genus near Spercheus and describes Sepidulum trogoides n. sp. from "South America or possibly Mexico" and Sepidulum bullaium from India. 1882. Sharp (Biol. Centr.-Arner. Coleopt., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 88, pi. 3, fig. 3) places Sepidulum as a synonym of Lacordaire 's genus Epi- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 133 metopus, figures the Texan E. costatum and records its occurrence at two localities in Guatemala. He remarks "the species of this genus are probably riparial rather than aquatic in their habits." 1883. LeConte & Horn (Class. Col. N. A., p. 71) recognize the synonymy of Sepidulum with Epimetopits and place the genus among the Helophorinae. 1890. Sharp (Trans. Ent. Soc., London, p. 355) describes Epimeto/mx flavidulus from Kandy, Ceylon (one specimen). 1903. Regimbart (Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. LXXII, p. 338) describes Epi- metopus maindroni n. sp. from the moat of the fortress of Gengi, •southern India. 1908. Schwarz (Proc. Ent, Soc. Wash., vol. 9, p. 115) alludes to struc- tures of the Epimetopus from Arizona. 1914. Schwarz (Proc. Ent, Soc. Wash., vol. 16, p. 165) lists Epimetopus nov. spec, among the species occurring in the middle course of the warm stream. 1916. d'Orchymont (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., vol. 85, pp. 101 and 105) pro- poses eight subfamilies of Palpicornia, the third and fifth being respectively the Spercheinae and Epimetopinae, the latter being suggested provisionally on adult characters since its larval stages are unknown. Spercheus stangli n. sp. Shining, coarsely punctate with sparse short erect squamae, piceous, the elytra variegated with fine irregular pale markings and each with three tubercles in addition to the humeral umbone. Length 3? mm. Habitat: Philippine Islands. Head with sparse squamiferous punctures, margin deflexed at middle and straight for one-third width of head, thence elevated into a marginal flange which extends obliquely backward and encroaches slightly onto the eye. Pronotum two and one-fourth times as wide as long, widest at apical third, front angles a little produced anteriorly, side margins arcuate to mid- dle, thence straight to hind angles which are obtuse; base feebly sinuate close to hind angles and at lateral third; surface smooth, impunctate and highly polished basally, becoming coarsely punctate in the lateral depressions and on the pair of transverse anterior median callosities which arc separated by a median impressed line obsolete in median third. Klytra about four-fifths as wide as long, widest at basal third, with side margins strongly expanded laterally, evenly rounded in basal half, thence straight and con- vergent to near apices which are strongly and not conjointly rounded; surface coarsely, closely, subseriately punctate, with a very pronounced pair of gibbosities near suture at apical fifth, aunt her nearly as pronounced just behind middle and about halfway between suture and margin, and a less conspicuous pair at basal sixth and half way between the suture and the very prominent humeral gibbosity. Tibiae 6-carinate. 134 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Type and paratype U. S. N. M. No. 21,053. Described from two specimens received in 1901 from P. L. Stangl which are labelled Bay, Laguna Province, Philippine Islands. In the type the humeral timbone is produced posteriorly into a carina for a third the length of the elytra and the outline of the head is slightly different but these are believed to be variational or sexual differences. When received both examples were covered with a thin opaque grayish encrustation which en- tirely obscured the surface sculpture, exposing only a few of the club-shaped setae on the margins and on the tubercles. With the aid of a fine needle it was possible to scale off this incrusta- tion from one side of one specimen; the setae being fast in the incrustation were naturally removed with it. Fourteen species are now recognized in the genus only two of which are before us. From the literature at hand the twenty- two specific names proposed in this genus may be listed as follows: LIST OP SPECIES OF Spercheus. algoensis Peringuey 1892 South Africa australiK Peringuey 1892 South Africa capicola Peringuey 1892 South Africa rerisyi Guerin Meneville 1835 Egypt cerysii Lacordaire 1854 (costatus Castelnau 1840) == senegalensis crenulatus Fairmaire 1893, Kolbe 1897 East Africa crenaticollis Regimbart 1906 East Africa distinguendus Fairmaire 1893 and 1903) == senegalensis emarginatus Auctorum Europe luridus Mathieu 1858 sordidus Marsham 1802 verrucosus Marsham 1802 hovanus Fairmaire 1903 Madagascar humeralis Regimbart 1906 East Africa interruptus Fairmaire 1892 East Africa (luridus Mathieu 1858) == emarginatus mulsanti Perroud 1864 New Caledonia prisons Sharp 1875, Fauvel 1883. . : Queensland platycephalus MacLeay 1825, Castelnau 1840, Lacordaire 1854 Java (priscus Sharp 1875) == mulsanti ( Senegal xiiirgtilensisLaporte 1832, Gucrin-Mcncville 1835, Castelnau j , 1840, Lacordaire 1854, Fairmaire 1893, 1903 | Madagascar [Zanzibar sulcalus Gory in Guerin-Meneville 1835. costatus Castelnau 1840. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX. 191? 135 distinguendus Fairmaire 1893, 1903. (sordidus Marshal 1802) == emarginatus. stangli Schwarz & Barber 1918 .... Luzon (sulcatus Gory in Guerin-Meneville 1835) == senegalensis. (tesselatus Ziegler 1844, Lacordaire 1854 Eastern U. S. (genotype of Sperchopsis LeConte 1861 transferred to ////l>i KX, Horn 1873, 1890). (verrucosus Marsham 1802) == emarginatus. A NEW COLEOPHORA INJURIOUS TO APPLE IN CALIFORNIA.1 (Lepidoptera; Coleophoridae.) BY CARL HEINRICH, Specialist in Forest Lepidoptera, U. S. Bureau of Entomoloyu. Coleophora volckei n. sp. Palpi iridescent ochreous on outer sides, silver white around base of second joint and on entire inner side, long slender; third joint two-thirds as long as second; a rather prominent tuft on joint two. Antennae silver white below, white above faintly banded with golden ochreous; basal joint tufted above with ochreous scales. Tongue white at base shading to ochre- ous. Face, head, and thorax iridescent ochreous. Forewings uniform iridescent ochreous. Hind wings a trifle more grayish; cilia of fore and hind wings concolorous, grayish ochreous, somewhat more yellowish at base. Legs silver white streaked with blackish ochreous on the outsides. Abdomen white below, ochreous above; anal tuft ochreous with a few white scales interspersed. Alar expanse 15 mm. Habitat. — Watsonville, Cal. Food Plant.— Apple.0 Type.— Cat. No. 21464 U. S. Nat. Museum. Described from five moths reared June 7-11, !!)!(), at the Bureau of Entomology from larvae collected by Mr. W. D. Volcke, who states that the species is injurious to apple in Cali- fornia, mining the leaves and occasionally feeding upon the fruit itself. Superficially the species resembles the eastern apple feeder, C. fletcherella Fern., but is readily distinguished by its larger size, the white markings on palpi, legs, and abdomen and its very different larval case. 'Due to the unexpected delay in the publication of this; article this species was described in an article on its biologV by W. D. Volcki-. Mo. Bull. Calif. Cornm. Hort.. vol. 7, 1917, p. 463-4(17. 136 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY The case is of the leucochrysella type, 7 to 9 mm. long x 3 to 5 mm. wide at the widest part, with posterior end hook like and flatly compressed; mouth deflected to 90 degrees. Full-grown larva about 7 mm. long; uniform dark brown; head darker brown, more heavily chitinized areas black; pro- and mesothoracic shields black, divided; anal shield, crochets of abdominal prolegs, prespiracular plate of prothorax, tubercle III of meso- and metathorax, chitinous plate above anal prolegs and more strongly chitinized parts of legs jet black. This species is named in honor of the collector Mr. W. D. Yolcke. THREE HUNDRED AND THIRD MEETING. The 303rd regular meeting of the Society was entertained by the Hymenopterist members at the Saengerbund Hall, April 5, 1917. There were present Messrs. Barber, Cole, Cushman, Dietz, Ely, Gahan, Greene, Howard, Kotinsky, Middleton, Pierce, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz, Shannon, Spear, and Viereck, members, and Messrs. Dr. J. Chester Bradley, R. M. Foutz, Ira N. Gabrielson, A. C. Johnson, and M. A. Murray, visitors. The secretary announced that the Executive Committee had acted favorably upon the name of Mr. H. S. McConnell of Mary- land State College for corresponding member and on motion the secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Society in his favor. Under the head of proposals of new members, the following names were proposed for corresponding members: Mr. Shirley L. Mason of the U. S. Entomological Laboratory, West Lafayette, Incl., by Mr. Greene; Dr. H. T. Fernald of Amherst, Mass., by Mr. Rohwer; and Mr. Max Kisliek of Ohio State university by Mr. Gahan. LTnder the head of program the following papers were presented : The Relation of Natural Conditions in the Cotton Belt to Insect Distribution and Behavior, by W. D. Pierce.1 "Some Notes on the Classification of Cerambycid Larvae,'' by F. C. Craighead.1 A. B. GAHAV. « 1 Withdrawn from publication. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 137 A NOTE ON THE TORTRICID GENITALIA. BY CARL HEINRICH, Specialist in Forest Lepidoptera, U. S. Bureau of Entomology. In his "Hand-book of the British Lepidoptera" (1895), Meyrick separates the two Tortricid families Epiblemidae (Olethreutidae), and Tortricidae by the presence or absence of hair on the lower median veins of the hind wings, and by the development or non- development of the uncus of the male genitalia, characterizing the two families as follows : Epiblemidae; lower median vein of hind wing hairy towards base; uncus not developed. Tortricidae; lower median vein of hind wing not hairy towards base (except Sparganothis) ; uncus developed. In as much as the basal pectin on the hind wings is found in several Tortricid genera (Sparganothis, Amorbia, Synnoma) as well as in the Olethreutidae (Epiblemidae), such a striking difference as the presence or absence of a developed uncus, if constant, would be a valuable character for defining the- limits or the two families which all authorities accept as natural groups. In his later works, however ("Revision of Australian Tortricina," 1910-1911, and "Genera Insectorum, Tortricidae," 1913), Meyrick' makes no mention of genitalia and as far as I know no one else has criticized his original statement. In an effort to find some adult characters to match with cer- tain structural differences in the larvae I have had occasion of late to examine the male genitalia of a number of Olethreutids and found to my surprise that a well developed uncus was quite a common occurrence in that family. Six geno-types (Olethreutes arcuella, Ancylis laetana, Enharmonia woberiana, Proteopteryx eimtrghittnn, Bactra lanceolana, Eucosma similana, (type of the Hubner's Epinotid) and Rhopobota naevana all show the part prominently developed. It is absent or rudimentary in a majority of the species now listed under Eucosma. In E. raga/mti \Ylsm., fae- nella L. and invicta Wlsm. it is merely a rounded hairy prominence at the end of the integument. In E. biluniana Haworth, E. castaneana Wlsm., and E. agricolana Wlsm. it is short and bifurcated, while in'stigiana Dyur and vestaliana Zell. it is long, bifid, and heavily chitinized. In several species of the genus Olethreutes it is quite prominent, taking various fantastic shapes. Proteopteryx emarginana \Ylsm. has a long narrowly spatulate uncus, while l>ollin the other hand the uncus is much less prominent on Tnrtri.f 138 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY L. (the type species of the Tortricidae) than on many true Ole- threutids. It can readily be seen therefore, that the presence or absence of this part means nothing as far as family or sub-family distinc- tions in the Tortricoidea are concerned. At best it is a generic difference and under the present accepted classification not even that, There is, however, a rather striking difference between the genitalia of the Tortricids and Olethreutids in the structure and development of the harpes. In the Olethreutidae (except in a few species where the costal margin is free to the base thus forming double harps) the harps are strongly chitinized, emarginate, with sacculus not extended into a free arm but fused with the ^nosta, leaving a more or less restricted opening at the base, the costal edge projecting in the form of a short hook; usually a well defined anal angle, cucullus and corona; transtilla absent,1 In the Tortricidae the harpes are shorter in proportion to the whole genitalia usually rather weakly chitinized; widest at base: tapering or squared; without pronounced anal angle, or well defined cucullus or corona; sacculus narrow and. not fusing with costa: transtilla normally present and developed. From the Glyphipterygidae which they equal in all other genitalic characters, the Tortricidae may be distinguished by the articula- tion of the aedoeagus: In Tortricidae it articulates on an arm (or forked projection) from the plate of the Juxta. In Gly- phipterygidae it passes through an opening in the plate. As a means of specific identification among the Olethreutids, particularly between American and European species which are apt to be confused, the male genitalia are of immense value. Between closely related species the differences in structure are often marked. Consistent generic characters are more difficult to discover. At first glance this seems hopeless in the Tortri- coidea. It is very probable, however, that even here we may find good characters for generic differentiation if proper allowance is made for the wide range of specific modifications and if such characters as hold constant for several species are checked against the more diagnostic setal and venational character of the larva and adult, Alone and unsupported they would not be a safe guide for the classification of genera. 'The terminology of the parts is adopted from F. N. Pierce, 'Geni- talia of the British Noctuidae" (1909), and "Ganitalia of the British Geo- metridae" (1914). OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 139 THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS CEPHUS LATREILLE. BY S. A. Rniiu KR, Forest ///.*5 (published in Zeit. Hym. Dipt.. 1905, p. 249). The species cinctus is subject to considerable variation in color and structure. The variation in structure consists of the variation in the relative lengths of the postocellar line as compared with the ocellocular line. The postocellar line varies from distinctly shorter (as high as a ratio of 5 to 7) than the ocellocular line, to subequal with it, to longer (as high as a ratio of 7 to 5.5) than the ocellocular line. In a series of t wenty- 140 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY « one measurements of females reared from stems of Elymus con- densatus collected at the same place and same time, thirteen had the postocellar line shorter than the ocellocular line, five had the two lines subequal, and three had the postocellar line longer than the ocellocular line. And in this series of measurements there was all degrees of differences so in some cases the smallest fraction of a millimeter would have placed the individual in the other series. The other structural variation consists in the extent of the depression in front of the anterior ocellus, in the smaller individuals it is very restricted while in some of the larger ones it extends to the position the middle foeva would occupy. The range of variation in color is great but all of the extremes and necessary intermediates were found in the series from Ely- mus condensatus. The face in the female may be mostly yellow but normally it is black. The scutellum may be mostly yellow, or with two spots, but in most specimens it is black. The venter is usually marked with yellow but in a few specimens it was entirely black. The femora are usually mostly yellow but in some of the specimens (usually smaller individuals) they are almost entirely black and there is every degree of variation be- tween. The wings vary from hyaline to distinctly infuscated. The antennae are usually 20 jointed, but in some specimens there were only 18 joints. The banding of the tergites is extremely variable. Specimens reared from the stems of the following have been ex- amined: Elymus sp.; Elymus condensatus; Elymus canadensis; Agropyron smithii; Phleurn pratense: and wheat. Specimens from California, Utah, Colorado, Montana, Wis- consin, and Manitoba. This species has a more extended range but inasmuch as it will be treated in an economic paper where its distribution will be discussed a full account of the distribution is omitted from this paper and the above discussion is based on specimens from the states listed above. Type of cinctus Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil.; type of occidentals Cat. No. 20175 LI. S. N. M.; type of graenicheri Cat. No. 6842 U. S. N. M. Gephus pygmaeus (Linnaeus). This species has been treated in considerable detail in economic papers and need not be discussed here. Specimens have been examined from the following localities: Europe (many local- ities), Ithaca, N. Y. and Ottawa, Canada. As far as the American material is available it would seem that this species has not spread widely nor has it been of milch economic importance in recent vears. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUMK XIX, 1917 141 (Cephus) Janus rufiventris (Cresson) . Konow leaves this species in Cephus, but'Dr. J. C. Bradley who has examined the type, which is Cat. No. 534 Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil!, has kindly permitted the writer to state that the species belongs to the genus Janus. A PECULIAR HABIT OF A HORSEFLY (TABANUS AMERICANUS) IN THE FLORIDA EVERGLADES. BY THOMAS E. SXYDER. On March 25 to 29, 1917, I visited Mr. C. A. Mosier's camp (plate XV, fig. 1) in Royal Palm Hammock, about 48 miles southwest of Miami, Dade County, Florida, to collect termites. On March 26, at about 4.45 a.m. (central time) a peculiar buzzing was heard, which increased in volume until it became a dull roar. Mr. Mosier stated that this was caused by a large horsefly (specimens were identified by Mr. C. T. Greene, as Tabanus americanus) and that this buzzing had been going on for 10 days to 2 weeks at about the same hour in the morning, but that it was at its height about 1 week ago and was now waning. The adults were flying in countless thousands. Mr. Mosier did not notice this habit last year and my observations indicated that this species was not especially common last year either at Royal Palm Hammock (Paradise Key) or Miami.1 Observations were made on the flight each morning. The flies took to the wing at the "peep of day" when the birds com- mence to sing and a few of the stars are still visible. The buzzing commences gradually but increases very rapidly in volume to a dull roar. The whole flight lasts only about 20 minutes and is at its height for about 15 minutes gradually increasing and subsiding. At sunrise on March 26 about 5.20 the buzzing had been over for some time, the last adults flying at 5.05 and the flies had quieted down and only flew when disturbed. During the flight the gradually increasing buzzing attracts other flies till all are on the wing: the flies can be heard as they leave the tree trunks, where they have been resting and striking the foliage with their wings, as they rise up through the trees. They fly above the tree tops :ind can be observed all over the hammock, the buz/ing is loudest in the main hammock, which is the largest in area. Individuals hover in the air in one spot in openings in the forest canopy (where the tree crowns don't overlap ) and over the 1 Snyder, T. J-:. Horseflies as ;i IVst in Southern Florida." Proc. Ent. Soc. \y:.sli.. Vol. XVIII, No. 4, December, 1916 (June 11, 1917), pp. 208-210. 142 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY road; this habit resembles that of the flower flies (Syrphidae) . Occasionally the flies dart towards one another after hovering, and rarely two can be observed clinging together, and after a short period rapidly dart away. Mr. Hosier's opinion is that this is a mating flight. Birds do not disturb the flies, possibly being alarmed by the noise. On March 27, observations were again made and conditions during the flight were similar. During the night of the 27th, it was noted that there was no flight, ooservations being made at 12.10 and 3.15 a.m. At 1.20 a.m. on March 28 no adults were flying. At 4.09 a.m. I arose, went into the hammock in the dark and carefully noted the exact time when the flight began; this was at 4.44 a.m. and was at its height for 15 minutes and then waned and ended at 5.03. There was quite a little low-lying fog on the morning of the 28th. The buzzing appeared to be not as loud as on the 27th. On the morning of the 28th, at about 10.30, a heavy thunder shower came up and there were showers until late in the afternoon. I was in a hammock at Long Key about 5 miles northwest of Royal Palm Hammock, during the rain and noticed that afterwards the flies were especially persistent in attempting to jab one. At Royal Palm Hammock on our return when Mr. Mosier and I were chang- ing our wet clothes in an open shed they were several times successful. The morning of the 28th was damp and chilly and the flight began a little later and was not as strong; the flight began at 4.46 and adults were flying until 5.04; hence the flight was of slightly shorter duration. During the day of the 29th, which was partly cloudy, adults of this Tabanid were very annoying in the hammock. They congregated about our tent,, in a shed, and swarmed about moving vehicles along the road. Mules ,were clothed in closely fitting but not tight gunny sacking for protec- tion— only a partial protection! On the morning of the 29th a male of Tabanus americanus was found among leaf mold on the forest floor. Males in this species and other Tabanidae are rare. In general, during the day time this horsefly is the common species along roads and in the hammocks; in the latter locality it rests on the tree trunks and only flies when disturbed or when quarry comes along. These large Tabanids are very annoying while collecting in the hammocks; the bite or prod feels like a red hot needle. Mosquitoes and deer flies (Chrysops spp.) make a veil and gloves necessary, especially if one stands in one place for any length of time.1 Heavy flannel army shirts, khaki riding 1 The Seminole Indians have descriptive names for horseflies and mos- quitoes; these insects doubtless are very annoying to the Indians; ()-he- aw is mosquito and Chil-lock-o-do-no means horsefly. OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME XIX, 1917 143 breeches and a cap were penetrated. One is attacked through clothes especially where they are stretched tightly. At Hobe Sound, Florida, the protective cloth covering of the mules gave them a grotesque appearance which reminded one of the head coverings of the mounts of the Klu-Klux Klan, there being holes for the eyes but even the ears were covered. Tabdiuix tniu'ricoiiux occurs at Royal Palm Hammock and in Hammocks on Palma Vista and on Long Key. None were noted on Adam Key, an offshore key 27 miles south of Miami; a smaller species was collected there. This species was occasionally seen last year at Miami but none have been seen this year either at Miami or in the mangrove swamps at Miami Beach. In the pineland at Palma Vista and Long Key where the ground consists of an eroded dirty greyish white oolitic limestone, the flies were also abundant. This stone is more exposed in the pinelands where areas have been burned over. In hammocks in this area this rock is covered over (but not filled) with vegetation or humus and leaf mold. Deep holes, i.e., "lime sinks" occur in this formation, which are now dry. DESCRIPTION OF ROYAL PALM HAMMOCK. Dr. J. K. Small, of the New York Botanical Garden, has ex- plored this region botanically and described conditions at Royal Palm Hammock in an illustrated article in the Journal New York Botanical Gardens, 17, pp. 165-172, October 1916. Small states that the headwaters of the Taylor river separate the Everglade Keys, in extreme southeastern peninsular Florida, into two natural divisions, the Biscayne pineland and the Long Key pineland. Among the forks and sloughs of this river are many "Keys"1 or islands clothed with "hammock" vegetation (a hammock is dense growth mostly of broad-leaved trees and shrubs, giving shade in a pineland or sawgrass "prairie"). Royal Palm Hammock is the largest of these. It stands out prominently in the land- scape and may be seen for a long distance (10 miles) across the prairie. Many of the royal palms tower above the other hammock trees. (Plate XV, fig. 2.) Royal Palm Hammock lies a little south of the main axis of the Everglade Keys, 14 miles southwest of Homestead. The un- finished Ingraham highway (plate XVI, figs. 1 and 2.) connect- ing Miami and Cape Sable, Florida, runs through this hammock. In building this road, rock was dredged from the side of the road leaving ditches which contain fresh water, ('atfish, perch, "gar"1 and "brim" live in these ditches. The Everglades and the hammocks are dry at this time of the year (1917); Mr. M osier states that an unusually heavy rainfall 1 The It-nil key largely replaces the word island in southern Florida and is applied to islands near the coast and also to islands in the Kverii;ladfS. 144 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY occurred on March 4, 5, 6, and 7, 1917 (about 7 inches), and that this was a month early for the spring rains. The "prairie" is the higher portion of the sawgrass "Everglades;" the "slough" the lower portion, where the water drains off during the wet season. The bottom of the slough is now dry but is matted down with thinly caked mud;|the sawgrass grows over this to a height of 2 to 3 feet at this season. This area of prairie and .slough is under water from 3 to 8 months of the year, according as to whether the season is wet or dry. Mr. Mosier states that in 1916, the prairie was covered with water in August, October, and February, 1917. The source of the Taylor river at the east end of the hammock is covered with pads of the yellow water lily; pickerel weed also grows in the water. There is no current when the slough is dry, as now\ The trees of Royal Palm Hammock, aside from the royal palms are mostly sub-tropical species, including live oak (plate XV, fig. 1), sweet bay magnolia, cocoa plum, pigeon plum, wild tamarind, West Indian cherry, gumbo limbo, strangling fig (Ficus aurea), sabal and saw palmetto. Spanish moss (plate XV, fig. 1), epiphytic growth, ferns and vines cover these trees. Especially striking is the long grey Spanish moss and the sleeping or resur- rection fern. This fern (Polypodinum polyoides) lives on the upper side of tree limbs and is dry and a dirty brown till there is rain fall, then it becomes a beautiful green mass. There is a dense tangle of undergrowth; a variety of ferns grow luxuriantly, especially large beds of the Boston and royal (Dryop- terus and Drypetes). The forest floor is rich in black humus and is covered with a coarser leaf mold. Before the heavy rain on the 28th the humus and leaf mold was very dry but afterwards it became very damp. Mr. Mosier is responsible for all the plant names. It is warm in the hammocks in spite of the dense shade, since there is but little air in circulation, owing to the dense jungle of hanging vines and undergrowth. It is interesting to note in connection with abundance of this large Tabanid and other horseflies, that Anthrax of horses and cattle does not occur in Bade County, Florida, according to several reports. Dr. Small refers to the animal life of the Everglades in his paper. C. T. Simpson1 and Mrs. W. S. Jennings2 have described conditions at Paradise Key. The accompanying photographs were made by E. C. Loveland of Homestead and W. E. Brown of Miami, Florida. 1 Simpson, C. T. "Paradise Key." The Tropic Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 1-9, April, 1916. (Illustrated.) 2 Jennings, W. S. "Royal Palm State Park." (Lists trees on the hammock.) Ibid., pp. 10-iG and 26. PUOC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. IM.ATE XV. PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XVI. OF WASHINGTON', VOLUME XIX, 1917 145 APPENDIX TO A PECULIAR HABIT OF A HORSE FLY (Tfllxni //x (imericanus) IN THE FLORIDA EVERGLADES. March 30. — Dawn fair, flight not so strong, but lasted until sun- rise. March 31. — Dawn fair, flight stronger than on 30th. April 1 to 7. — Flight continued normal; noticed a few of another species of Tabanid. April 8 to 9. — Absent from park, no observations. April 10 to 14. — Noticeable diminution of volume of flight. Ob- served many of the flies during day especially during early morning hours feeding on flowers, counted from 5 to 34 on various small sweet bay trees, also on coco plum, myrtle and salt bush, which are in bloom. April 15 to 22. — Feel sure that these flies feed on flowering plants in absence of animal life, have been standing beside road where most flowering plants are and observing them leave the plants for mules and negroes as teams pass. Have observed closely and think they are feeding on nectar rather than pollen. Veranda screens trap them by the thousands, have left screen down open late evenings and early mornings they dart about striking the screens until they drop exhausted, we have to sweep the veranda floors every day to get rid of them. This other species is far more numerous than T. americanus. April 23 to June 30. — Other Tabanid abundant, no flight of this insect as in case of T. americanus; only scattering specimens of T. americanus appearing now. July 14. — First appearance of brown Tabanid. July 15 to August 23. — Only occasionally the other Tabanid and brown Tabanid not as common as former years. Unable to observe any Tabanids depositing eggs or mating. Have found few large Dipterous exuviae in leaf mould while picking up palm seed: believe these to be Tabanid exuviae but am not certain. March 30 to August 23, 1917. Koyal Palm Hammock, Paradise Key, Bade County, Florida, C. A. Mosier. Pi, ATI-: XV. Fig. 1. Site of C. A. Mosier's camp at Royal Palm Hammock. Fig. 2. Royal palm tree overlapping other hammock trees. PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Royal Palm Hammock seen from the prairie. Fig. 2. Royal Palm Hammock, Ingraharn Highway, near Mosier's camp. Tabanu* mnericanus was abundant hovering over this road at 4.45 to 5.05 a.m. only. 146 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY THREE HUNDRED AND FOURTH MEETING, MAY 3, 1917. The 304th regular meeting of the Society was entertained by the Society members from the Federal Horticultural Board at the Saengerbund Hall, May 3, 1917. There were present Messrs. Abbott, Baker, Barber, Boving, Busck, Cushman, Dietz, Ely, Fisher, Gahan, Carman, Greene, Kotinsky, Middleton, Morrison, Paine, Rohwer, Sanford, Sasscer, Schwarz and Wood, members, and R. M. Fouts and Edwin P. Selkregg, visitors. Mr. Shirley L. Mason, of the U. S. Entomological Laboratory, West Lafayette, Indiana. Dr. Henry T. Fernald of Amherst, Massachusetts and Mr. Max Kisliuk of Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio were elected corresponding members. Under the head of program the following were presented: THE USES OF INSECT GALLS. BY MARGARET M. FAOAN.! A CONTRIBUTION TO THE BIOLOGY OF N. A. DIPTERA. BY CHARLES T. GREENE, Forest Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology. The Diptera discussed in this paper was reared by the writer at the Eastern Field Station, Falls Church, Va. All the species discussed below remain in the larval stage during the winter. The larva of My das clavatus and Dasyllis thoracica are predaceous on Coleopterous larvae, therefore they are of importance. The larva of Dasyllis is a secondary wood-borer in addition to being predatory. All of the above species are known in the adult stage but their seasonal history and habits are entirely new. Neopachygaster maculicornis Hine. Ohio Naturalist, II. p. 228. The larvae were collected at Falls Church, Va., November 29, 1912, by the author. They were found under the bark of Tulip (Liriodendrori) in the sap, on the moist surface between the outer wood and bark. The exact time of pupation is not known but is sometime in early spring. The adults emerged between May 23 and June 3, 1913". Lnrca (plate XVII, Jig. -£)• Larva. — Grayish-brown, flattened and somewhat chitinous. The entire surface of the larva, except the head, is marked in a very minute way, 1 Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. OF WASHlMiTOX, row and the lateral edge. For general details see the drawing. Pupation takes place in the larval skin and the pupa looks identical with the larva; the only difference is, the flexible skin along the segment al lines becomes rigid. The adult emerges by pushing off the head and split- ting the first two segments down the middle of the dorsum. Mydas clavatus Drury. Illustrations of Nat. Hist., I, p. 103. The larvae of this species were collected at Falls Church, Va. by Mr. T. E. Snyder and the author, in the rotten roots of a dead tulip stump. All the larvae were well below the ground, where I he wood was quite moist; they resembled the wood fibres so closely that they might often be overlooked. The larvae are predaceous on Coleopterous larvae and one larva devoured an earth worm. placed in the breeding jar. In the same roots were several larvae of the following Coleopterous genera, Alans, Parandra and Pel- agnota. Only one larva pupated, June 1, 1914 and the adult emerged .fiuie 27, I'.M-l. Larva (plate XVII, fig. 1). The larva is 40 mm. lon» and little over <• nun. wide, nearly cylindrical. Smooth, opaque, ivory white. The beak is 1.5 to 2 mm. long, when extended, heavily chitinized and of a dark brown color. It is retractile into the first segment. The beak is split in the center of the apical half. On the dorsal side are three pairs of yellowish-brown, proclinate, bristles; the middle pair are the smaller and an- sometimes divaricate and the posterior pair are the larger. Sides of the larva are parallel, tapering to a point from the third to the first segment. The first segment has two faint longitudinal grooves near the middle and one near each lateral edge, on the dorsum and the venter. All the other segments have the lateral grooves which form the following ridgi" on the sides of all the segments, and the entire length of each, is a broad 148 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY ridge, broadly rounded. This ridge is only on the basal half of the last segment, the sides of the apical half are broad at the base and terminate into a sharp edge or carina at the apex. At the base of the first segment , near the outer corners, are two small, yellowish brown spiracles, which are elliptical, chitinous plates with three, parallel, oblique slits which are darker on the edges and point towards the apical corners of the first segment. Near the apex of the lateral ridge, is a microscopic spiracle on all seg- ments except the first, second and last. The last segment is nearly twice as long as the preceding ones and •terminates into a blunt point. In the middle of the dorsum of the last segment are two transverse grooves or folds which are interconnected by two smaller folds, which are oblique and slightly curved. From these transverse grooves are two longitudinal, faint grooves which are irregular and terminate at the apex of the last segment. The last segment has two much larger spiracles, located near each basal corner. Each spiracle is nearly circular and are much darker yellowish- brown than the anterior pair. Around the edge of each is a band or border (•(imposed of 40 compressed ringlets, resembling a cross-section of grains of corn. The area inside of this band is pale grayish brown. Below the upper edge, which is towards the cephalic end of the larva, is a crenulate opening reaching half way around this area. See plate xvii, fig. 3. The under side of the head has two pairs of proclinate bristles, one pair at the base and the other at the middle. Segments one, two and three each have one pair of yellowish-brown bristles on the ventral side. Each bristle is located in the middle of the segment and about one-fourth the transverse width from the lateral edge. The ventral side of the last segment has a pair of yellowish-brown bristles near the apex and a pair on the lateral edge located at about the apical fourth. At the base of this segment is a groove which forms a rectangular surface with a slight depression near each end. From this rectangular surface are two grooves running parallel, half way to the apex, then converging to a point at the apex. The anal opening is located at the base of this last mentioned surface. Pupa (plate XVII, fig. 2). The pupa is 25 mm. long and 6 mm. diameter at the base of the abdomen ; thorax nearly 7 mm. diameter. Head and thorax are dark reddish-brown. Abdomen much lighter and of a brick-red color. The whole pupa is rugose, the abdomen is more sharply marked, especially along the apical edge of the segments, \\lirn> it is reticulate. Head. — Near the apex arc two large horn-like projections. Belmv are two more projections, each having one large and one small tooth or prong. In back of and slightly below each apical projection, is a bifid liuiiu'i-nl spiracle, opening on the caudal side. The ends are bifurcate, shiny and OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 149 finely serrated on the edges. In general this spiracle resembles a "ram's horn." The wing-pads reach to about the middle of the second abdominal segment and the leg-sheaths slightly beyond the pads. Near the base of each wing-pad is a rugose tubercle, terminating into a chitinous, pointed tooth. Abdomen. — Along the basal edge of the first segment is a row of large tooth-like, dark brown spines with the points turning backward. Each of the end spines are much smaller than the others. On the sides of the first segment, close to the apical edge, is a row of spines, reaching from the lateral edge of the dorsum to the wing-pads. All the other segments, ex- cept the last, have a transverse row of prominent spines near the apex encircling the segment, the spines on the dorsum are the larger. The last segment has two pairs of very small spines on the dorsum, near the base. On each side are three larger spines near the middle and transversely across the middle of the venter are four spines. This segment terminates into two very large horn-like spines. All the spines on the pupa are shiny, heavily chitinized and quite dark on the apical half, the basal portion is rugose and of the same color as the pupal skin. On the side of all the segments, except the last, is a ridge which is broad and slightly rounded, extending the longitudinal length of each segment. Above and slightly in front of the center of each ridge, is a spiracle like the humeral one but lighter in color and opening on the cephalic side. The adult emerges from the pupa through a longitudinal, dorsal slit in the thorax and the bursting of the sutures around the head. Dasyllis thoracica Fabr. Syst. Anil., p. 158. This species is predaceous in the larval stage and a secondary wood-borer, in moist dead, Tulip stumps. It closely resembles a Coleopterous larva and is easily overlooked because it closely resembles the wood fibre, in which it lives. The larvae were collected at Falls Church, Va., April 10, 1914, by Mr. S. A. Rohwcr and the writer. They pupated April 21, 1914 and emerged May 11, 1914. Under natural conditions, the larva pupates in the gallery, and the pupa is fairly active. Larva (plate XVIII, jig. 1). Larva. — Opaque, white, elongate and cylindrical. The entire larva longitudinally striate. The greatest width of the larva is across the second segment; other segments nearly parallel. The larva is 27 nun. long and 5.5 mm. wide across the second segment , while t lie ot her segments are nearly 5 mm. wide. The head is very heavily chitinized and black with the liasal corners reddish. From a dorsal view the head is divided into three parts. The 150 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY basal part reaches the full width of the head; it is deeply concave on the apical edge, in the middle of which is a long, slender, tooth-like projection extending up between the two upper sections. Each of these sections are somewhat triangular in shape; the inner side terminates into a tooth-like projection at the apex and below this, on the outer edge, is a similar pro- jection. The antennae are located near the basal outer edge of this last mentioned projection. The antennae have two cylindrical joints of nearly equal length, the first joint is reddish-brown at the base and yellowish at the apex, while the coloring of the second joint is the reverse. All the bristles of the head are pale yellow. For details of head see drawing, figure 5 dorsal view and figure 4, ventral view. First segment rather broad and rounded. At the apex is an elliptical area finely granulated, being much finer at the base. Just below this is a perfectly smooth, narrow, transverse band, not quite reaching the lateral edges. The second segment is about half the width of the first, along the apical edge is a narrow transverse space which is very finely rugose. The third segment is very narrow, being about half the width of the second segment. Near the apical edge are two rather sharp transverse wrinkles slightly depressed or flattened in the middle. Segments four to ten are about the same width. Segments four to nine, each have one pair of am- pullae on the dorsum and two pairs on the ventral side. The last segment is deeply depressed on the basal half, faintly rugose and with two well de- fined longitudinal ridges on the lateral edge. Towards each outer edge is a large spiracle, dark yellowish-brown and rather heavily chitinized. For further details see figure 1. The apical half of this segment is raised much higher than the basal half, slightly rugose and terminates into a broad and narrow, reddish, chitinous plate, black on the outer edge, in the center of which is a prominent, black, tooth-like projection. This chitinous plate has a large, yellowish bristle extending from the under side near both of the outer corners. Near the middle of the last segment, on the elevated por- tion, are four large yellowish bristles, in a transverse row. The details of the under side of the head can best be seen in the drawing, figure 4. All the dark portion is heavily chitinized and black, the dark area in the central, basal part is reddish on the apical edge. The bristles are yellowish. On the apical edge of the ventral side of the first segment is a narrow crescent-shaped area finely granular. Segments one to nine each have a yellow bristle, near the middle and out near the lateral edge. At the apex of the last segment, on the ventral side, near each outer basal corner is a yellow bristle. At the base of this segment are several, short, well marked ridges. •"• On the side of the first segment, near the base is a spiracle, nearly cir- cular having three faint ridges on the cephalic side, just below these is an opening which is pit-like in appearance. It is dark brown, chitinous and faintly granular, located in a small depression in the larva. For details see drawing, figure a. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 1/)1 On the side of segments three to nine, and located at about the apical third, is a small, round, flattened spiracle, with one faint slit across the middle. The PREPUPAL larva is white and of about the same size and appearance as the larva. There is a great shrinkage of the first segment and from a side view the dorsum of this segment is concave. The humeral spiracle is formed slightly in front of .-md above the large anterior spiracle of the larva, and all the lateral, abdominal spiracles are formed in front of and below those of the larva. All the abdominal spines and bristles are pale yellow and perfectly formed under and show through the semi-transparent larval skin. The large pointed horn-like projections at the apex of the abdomen project slightly through the skin and are of the darkened, nearly normal coloring. Pupa (plate XVIII, jig. 2}. The pupa is elongate, cylindrical, moderately shiny and faintly rugose. The general color is pale yellow ochre. It measures 20 mm. in length and 5 mm. in width at the thorax while the abdomen is slightly narrower. Head. — On each side of the apex is a large, pointed, horn-like projection, below each of these, on the side, is a larger one with three large prongs, the last one having two small points at the apex. These large projections are deep reddish-brown, very rugose at the base and smooth and shiny on the apical half. In back of the above projection is a small, sharp pointed, tooth-like projection, yellow at the base and red- dish-brown at apex; near the middle of the upper side is a small ridge reach- ing to the apex. Thorax. — Near the base of the first abdominal segment, across the middle of the next four segments and at the apex of the last segment, yellowish brown. The humeral spiracle is small, reniform, pale yellow, smooth and slightly raised, with a row of uniform dark dots around the curved edge. (See drawing, plate XVIII, fig. l>.) On the upper edge of the wing-pad is a rounded, raised surface, with a small, narrow, darkened, sharp edge just back of the center. At the lower edge of the pleura and touching the wing- pad is a foot-like projection, which is reddish-brown towards the apex where there are two small, tooth-like points and one large point near the base. The wing-pads reach to the middle of the second abdominal segment and the leg-sheaths to the middle of the third segment. Abdomen. — There are eight well defined segments. All but the last have a transverse row of sharp, claw-like dark-brown spines across the dorsum of the segments, becoming quite long and yellow on the sides of the segments and diminishing in length on the venter. These ventral bristles increase in length, on each segment, as they near the last segment. For the location of these spines and bristles see drawing (fig. '_' At the apex of the abdomen are four large, very rugose, reddish-brown. chitinous tooth-like spurs; between the lower pair on the dorsum. arc two 152 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY small, rounded, brown tubercles. Below these tubercles, on the dorsum is a small, rounded, frosted area. About half way between this area and the base of the segment, is a large, sharp, claw-like, dark spine; at the base of this is a smaller, dark spine with two points at the apex. Between these spines and the segmental line is another sharp spine, near the base of which is a small, rounded, roughened, dark spot, which is the remains of the large posterior spiracle. On the ventral side of the last segment are two very large tubercles, semi-transparent and darkened on the inner edge to the apex. The under side of the thorax has two short, robust, claw-like spines, bifurcated at the apex and each having a short yellow spine, near the middle of the inner side. These spines are yellow with a reddish-brown edge. On the side of all the segments, except the last, and close to the cephalic edge, is a reniform spiracle, it is like the humeral one except the curved side is on the opposite side. The adult emerges through a longitudinal, dorsal slit, in the thorax and bursting of the sutures of the head. Criorhina (Somula) decora Macq. Dipt. Exot., Suppl. II, p. 57. The larvae1 of this species were taken from a pocket in a living Tulip tree, by the writer, at Falls Church, Va., November 29, 1912. This pocket was rilled with black frass, composed of dead vegetation and moistened with rain water and sap from the tree. Pupation took place in the larval skin, from April 8, to 18, 1913. The adults emerged from April 17 to May 1, 1913. All emerged during the night. Egg. On May 13, 1915, a female of this spe'cies was observed during oviposition. There was a large living tree with a small pocket near the ground, which was filled with frass composed of decayed leaves, etc., and rather moist with the sap. The fly flew around this tree several times, making a loud humming sound, and then alighted on the moist frass. After walking around on this frass for a few seconds, with the abdomen moving up and down, the fly stood still for a few seconds, with the tip of the abdomen touch- ing the frass. Suddenly a tiny white egg appeared. This per- formance was repeated before the disposition of each egg and 1 Twice during the winter these larvae were frozen. Ordinarily they are opaque but when frozen they were transparent and colorless. Shortly after thawing, and returning to the opaque, all 14 larvae pupated. From these 13 adults emerged. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 loo after laying two or three eggs the fly would leave the pocket and encircle the tree a few more times, then return and repeat the above habit. The eggs were left exposed. The fly was nearly two hours depositing twelve eggs. The egg is opaque, white, cylindrical and tapering slightly to- wards each end. The surface is very faintly reticulate. It is 0.75 mm. in length and the diameter is equal to half the length. Larva (plate XVIII, fig. 1). This larva is a typical rat-tail type. Body elongate, elliptical, and very rugose transversely. It is opaque, grayish-yellow with a little white showing through. The tail is grayish-brown and darker than the body. The body is completely covered with a fine, pale yellow pubescence which is longer on the lateral edges. Cephalic end rounded. Caudal end tapers down to the rat-tail which is cylindrical. A narrow area across the front of the head, is beset with minute spines which are pale yellow at the base and dark yellowish-brown at the apex. The dorsum of the first segment has seven longitudinal, faintly impressed grooves, the end grooves are the smaller. At the base of the second groove is a small, tubercular, chi- tinous, dark brown spiracle, opening on the outside. The tail is very slightly larger at the base than at the apex; the sides being almost parallel. On the lateral edge at the base of the tail, is a tubercle with a tuft of long yellow pubescence at the apex. Just belo\v this tubercle is a similar, but smaller one. On each side of the apical end of the tail is a very small, transparent, colorless, cylindrical projection, terminat- ing into a hair-like projection. The tail is composed of three sections; the apical and middle sections are retractile in-to the basal one. The apical section is somewhat chitinous, especially at the apex. The mouth parts (fig. a) are entirely suctorial. The buccal cavity is darkened on its edges and is located just beneath the apex and between two large, rounded, fleshy folds. Just above the edge of the buccal cavity are the antennae; they are white and form one solid trunk at the base which is liifurcate on the apical half. Each half is divided at the apex, appearing like two small, yellow, chitinous thimbles. The inner one has a small tubercle at the apex (fig. b). When disturbed, the antennae are drawn into the buccal cavity. Just below the buccal cavity is a pair of ampullae, the next segment does not have any, the following six segments each have a pair. Kach ampulla has a number of yellowish-brown bristles, hooked outward!}' on the end; and are located near the apex. The larvae when full grown, average, in the body, 12 to 15 mm. in length and 5 mm. in width, and nearly cylindrical. The tail is 5 to 6 mm. long, 1 mm. diameter at the base and tapering slightly towards the apex. When the tail is fully extended it reaches about 19 mm. in length. 154 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Pupa (fig. 2). Same general shape as the larva, but more cylindrical and smooth. It is dark yellowish-brown and sparsely covered with a short, yellow pubes- cence. They average 11 mm. in length and 4.3 mm. in diameter. On the dorsum near the apex are two very small tubercular, dark-brown, chitinous spiracles. Behind this pair is another much larger pair with the apical portion bent back. They are more yellowish than the pupa skin, and slightly shiny. From the dorsal aspect, this spiracle has seven small, raised, pad-like areas which are evanescent on the ventral portion. These areas and the ventral side are covered with minute tubercles. (See fig. c.) The tail is bent along the side of the body or up over the dorsum. The chitinous tip of the third section protrudes from the tip of the first. Brachyopa vacua O. S. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Hist., Ill, p. 68. The larvae were collected at Falls Church, Va., November 30 to December 2, 1912, by the writer. They were found under dead bark (Liriodendron) in the juice of decaying fungi. Some of the larvae were brown and some black. The juice of the fungi was brown in some places and black in others and the larva was of the same color as the juice in which it was found. A larva of each color was isolated and the result was a d" in each case. Exact time of pupation not known. All the adults emerged during the night, from April 5 to 14, 1913. Larva1 Larva.— Opaque, dull, light yellow-ochre with the entire body finely rugose. First segment somewhat pointed. Larva reaches its greatest width at the fourth segment and gradually decreases in width towards the caudal end. The dorsum is very rugose transversely; in the middle of each segment is a transverse depression or groove. On the lateral edge, near the apex of the first segment, is a small spiracle. It is conical in shape, of a dark reddish-brown color and of a chitinous texture. On the dorsum of the first segment are six faint, longitudinal ridges reaching almost to the apex, also a transverse row of six fleshy tubercles near its base and all the oth&r segments have a row of 8 or 10 similar tubercles, just above the center. Two or three tubercles on each end of each transverse row, terminate into three or four fleshy, bristle-like projections; while the other tubercles terminal «• into two such projections. At the base of the first, and the base and apex of all the other segments is a row of short, fleshy, bristle-like projections. 1 The larva and pupa look so much alike, that only the pupa was drawn. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 155 At the base of the first segment is a row of small, fleshy, bristle-like projections; all the other segments have three rows each of similar pro- jections. Between the large tubercles on the lateral edge (which are the ends of the transverse rows) are numerous fleshy, bristle-like projections, which are longer than those on the dorsum. The caudal or posterior spiracle is nearly cylindrical, mostly dull black and shiny at the apex. On the apex are two small, circular, pit-like openings. The mouth is a fleshy opening, of the suctorial type and retractile be- tween two large, rounded, fleshy folds. The palpi are located just above the buccal opening and are retractile. The base is whitish and nearly cylindrical and bifurcated at the apex; these bifurcations are yellowish-brown and have a depression or groove on both sides, giving this upper portion the appearance of two cylinders fused together; the inner cylinder slightly shorter than the outer one. For details see drawing (fig. d). The entire ventral surface of the larva is covered with minute, brownish- black spines. Larva is 7 mm. long in the body, posterior spiracle 1 mm. making a total of 8 mm. in length and 3 mm. wide, being nearly cylindrical. Pupa (plate XIX, fig. 3). Pupation takes place in the larval skin. The puparium looks like the larva except the characters noted. It is much smoother and the segmenta- tion is hardly noticeable. All the fleshy, bristle-like projections are very much compressed and shriveled. In profile, the puparium slopes from about the middle of the second segment to the apex of the first, having a wedge-shape appearance. On the dorsum of the first segment are four short ridges, all meeting at the apex. Near the center of the transverse ridge, in the middle of the second segment, are two conical spiracles, curved outward; they are reddish-brown, slightly shiny at the apex, and have numerous small tubercles, around the sides with one located at the apex. It is 7 mm. in length, 4.75 mm. in width and nearly cylindrical. The adult emerges by pushing off the dorso, apical portion of the puparium which breaks transversely across the segmental line. Pseudotephritis corticalis Loew. MOM. X. A. Dipt. Ill, p. 136. These larvae were collected at Falls Church, Va., February 18, 1913 by Messrs. S. A, Kolnvrr and Win. Middleton, in frass, under the bark of chestnut (Caxtanea denlata). Pupation took place in the larval skin, March 16, 1913 and the adults emerged April Hi to 18, 1913. 156 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Larva (plate XX, fig. 2). Larva. — It has eleven segments, is opaque white, very faintly yellowish at the base of the segments, cylindrical and tapering to a point at the head. They vary from 3 to 6 mm. in length and 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter. The head is retractile into the first segment, is bilobed and each lobe has a very minute tubercle at the apex and on the under side of each lobe is a series of brownish, roughened, transverse lines. Between these lobes are two dark reddish hooklets. The anterior spiracles are white, quite small, semi-circular and beaded along the edge ; in some specimens the beads are round, while in other speci- mens they are rounded at the top and pointed at the base; there are ten of these beads to each spiracle. This spiracle is located on the side and at the base of the first segment. Along the lower front edge of the first segment is a narrow roughened area (fig. a). Segments four to ten each have a small, ventral fusiform area, on the front edge, which is formed by a series of raised, roughened brown lines. On the under side of the last segment, near the middle or anal area, is a large, rugose area which is somewhat semi-circular in form. There is a very small depression on each side of the anal opening. The last segment has a shiny, faintly yellowish rectangular depression on the end. Near the middle of this depression are two yellowish-brown, button-shaped, raised, spiracles which vary from nearly round to elliptical. On each of these chitinized plates are three oblique slits. Just above these slits is a small impression like an asterisk, which is concolorous with the larva. The two stigmal plates are separated by a small Y-shaped depres- sion (fig. b). Pupa (fig. 3). The pupa is brownish-yellow, cylindrical, tapering slightly towards the head where the color is a deeper brown. It is 4.5 mm. in length and 1 .25 mm. in diameter. The entire pupa skin is sharply marked with very narrow, transverse ridges. All the transverse, segmental lines of the larva are visible on the pupa skin, where they appear as very fine rugose surfaces. The end of the last segment has a sharp edge or carina around it forming somewhat of a hexagon; in this hexagonal area are the posterior spiracles which are like those of the larva with the addition of a small stem on the inner side, which points upward and outward. The adult emerges by splitting the puparium and forcing its way through this slit. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 157 PLATE XVII. Fig. 1. Mydas clavatus Drury, larva. Fig. 2. Mydas clavatus Drury, pupa. Fig. 3. Mydas clavatus Drury, posterior spiracle, enlarged. Fig. 4. Neopachygaster maculicornis Hine, larva. PLATE XVIII. Figl 1. Dasyllis thoracica Fabr., larva. Fig. a. Dasyllis thoracica, anterior spiracle. Fig. 2. Dasyllis thoracica, pupa. Fig. b. Dasyllis thoracica, lateral spiracle of pupa. Fig. 3. Dasyllis thoracica, pupa, lateral view. Fig. 4. Dasyllis thoracica, mouth parts, ventral vic\v Fig. 5. Dasyllis thoracica, mouth parts, dorsal view. PLATE XIX. Fig. 1. Criorhina (Somula) decora Macq., larva. Fig. a. Criorhina (Somula) decora, mouth parts. Fig. b. Criorhina (Somula) decora, antennae, enlarged. Fig. 2. Criorhina (Somula), decora pupa. Fig. c. Criorhina (Somula), decora spiracle enlarged. Fig. 3. Brachyopa vacua O. S., pupa. Fig. d. Brachyopa vacua, antenna-. PLATE XX. Fig. 1. Pseudotcphritis corticalis Loc\v, adult. Fig. 2. Pseudotephritis corticalis, larva, lateral view. Fig. a. Pseudotephritis corticalis, larva, lateral view of head. Fig. b. Pseudotephritis corticalis, larva, end view. Fig. 3. Pseudotephritis corticalis, pupa. PFOC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XVII. CTG DEL. 158 PROC. EXT. 8OC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XVIII. CTG ; 159 PROC. EXT. SOC. WASH , VOL. XIX PLATE XIX. Kit) PROC. ENT. SOC. WASH., VOL. XIX. PLATE XX. ~G OCL, Kil 162 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY A MUCH DESCRIBED ICHNEUMONID AND ITS SYSTEMATIC POSITION. BY R. A. CUSHMAN, Bureau of Entomology.1 The difficulties of the student of the Ichneumonidae are well demonstrated by the vicissitudes through which the species dis- cussed below has passed. In 1868 Cresson described, from the male only, his Meso- leptus (?) muliebris. In 1875 Provancher described, from the female, Mesoslenus rufipes, which, in 1879, he transferred to the genus Mesoleptus. In 1880 Provancher described, from the female, Echthrus pediculaius, and, in 1886, Mesostenus pleuricinctus, also from the female. In 1894, Davis, who had examined a large number of the Pro- vancher types, synonymized Mesoleptus rufipes Provancher and Echthrus pediculatus Provancher, which latter he doubtfully referred to the genus Eux'orides Cresson. In 1895, Davis, after having examined more of the Provancher types, added Mesostenus pleuricinctus Provancher to the above synonymy, and stated that "they are all, with very little doubt, synonyms of Cresson's Mesoleptus (?) muliebris, which is the male." In this paper Davis, considering the species more likely cryptine than tryphonine or pimpline, referred it, because of the Junulae, to the tribe Phaeogenini, evidently considered by him cryptine rather than ichneumonine, and placed it in Foerster's genus Diacr-itus, thereby making it the genotype of Diacritus Foerster. Dalla Torre adopted Davis' synonymy and generic conclusions, and Viereck gives as the genotype of Diacritus, Mesostenus rufipes Provancher. Since the publication of Davis' synonymy this species has been again described, this time by Viereck under the name Fleet ivcidea (Aperileptusl) contentionis. In 1875 Provancher described from the male his Mexoh'/itn* variabilis, which he later (1879) synonymized with muliebris Cresson. But, as will be shown later, this synonymy is incorrect. Mr. S. A. Rohwer has recently examined the Provancher types, and there is in the National Museum a specimen of this species which is a Rohwer homotype of all of Provancher's species except, of course, variabilis. At the time he examined the types Mr. Rohwer was of the opinion that variabilis Provancher can not be the male of the present species, but that it is a mesoleptine. In 1 Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME XIX, 1917 163 the Mesoleptini, his notes state, it runs in Davis' key to Zemiodes Foerster or Clepsiporthus Foerster, hut is apparently neither of the species listed thereunder. In 1882 Provancher again used the name Mesoleptus mriabilis, this time for another species, which Mr. Rohwer is of the opin- ion is the same as Euryproctus sentiri* Davis. In arriving at this conclusion Mr. Rohwer ran the- Provancher type in Davis' key to the Mesoleptini and compared it with the original descrip- tion of E. sentiris. Provancher's name, being preoccupied in Mesoleptus, will, if it is the same as E. sentiris, have to give way to Davis' name and the species be known as Euryproctus sentiris Davis. In the National Museum is a specimen from Meklenburg, Germany, labelled Phidias aciculatus Vollenhoven, genotype of Phidias Vollenljoven, which specimen is congeneric with the species under discussion. If this specimen is correctly determined, which appears doubtful, Phidias Vollenhoven must fall as a synon- nym of Diacritics Foerster (Davis). I have not seen the genotype of Plectiscidea Viereck, but if his P. contentionis is correctly re- ferred to the genus it too must be synonymous with Diacritics. As for the systematic position of Diacritus, it can certainly not be left, where Foerster placed it, in the Phaeogenini. Practically the only way in which it resembles the other genera of that tribe is in the possession of lunulae on the tergites, and it is most cer- tain that the species on which Foerster based his genus is not congeneric with the genotype. The genus, however, must follow its type species, and it is the opinion of the writer that the more prominent characteristics of the genus, especially the very nar- row first abdominal segment with its prominent spiracles, ally it more closely with certain genera in the Plectiscini than with any other group. In Foerster's key to his family Plectiscoidae it runs d'rectly to Blapticus Foerster, but differs markedly from the description of that genus. If its possession of an areolet is ignored it runs to Entelechia Foerster, and, from the description of that genus, is evidently rather closely allied to it. Genus Diacritus Foerster (Davis). Head broader than thorax; eyes large, nearly parallel within; temples strongly sloping; occipital carina strong: malar space somewhat shorter than basal width of mandible; face much wider than long, .slightly elevated in middle; clypeus separated, weakly convex, much broader than long, subtruncate at apex; antenae nearly as long as body, first joint of nagellum very long, much longer than second, apical joint in female large, twice as long as penultimate, in male, nagellum tapering toward apex; notauli deep. meeting on disk of mesoscutum, prescutum gibbous; prepectal carina very strong and complete; propodeum longer than combined height of pmpo- 164 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY deum and metapleura, all longitudinal carinae but only apical transverse carina present, latter very strong and very close to apex, petiolar area very short; spiracle very near base; legs long, slender, hind basitarsus nearly as long as rest of joints combined; wings large, reaching to apex of abdomen, areolet oblique quadrangular, first abscissa of radius straight, second de- curved; stigma lanceolate, radius originating in middle; nervellus broken below middle, brachiella more or less developed; abdomen petiolate, first tergite very narrow, nearly cylindrical, barely wider at apex than at base, slightly decurved, spiracles prominent, slightly before middle; tergites beyond first in female suddenly much wider, in male gradually wider, 2-4 with distinct lunulae and 2 with large thyridia; ovipositor nearly as long as body, compressed. Type. — Diacritus muliebris (Cresson). Diacritus muliebris (Cresson). ' Mesoleptus (?) muliebris Cresson, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., II, 1868, p. 102, cf • Mesostenus rufipes Provancher, Nat. Can., VII, 1875, p. 263, 9 . Mesoleptus rufipes Provancher, Nat. Can., XI, 1879, p. 226. Echthrus pediculatus Provancher, Nat. Can., XII, 1880, p. 99, 9 . Mesostenus pleuricinctus Provancher, Addit. Faun. Ent. Can., Hym., 1886, p. 76, 9. Euxorides (?) pediculatus Provancher, Davis, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1894, pp. 184-190. Diacritus rufipes Provancher, Davis, Can. Ent., XXVII, 1895, pp. 288-289 (=? Mesoleptus muliebris Cresson). Diacritus rufipes Provancher, Dalla Torre, Cat. Hym., Ill, 1902, p. 770 (=? Mesoleptus muliebris Cresson,) ( = ?Mesoleptus variabilis Provan- cher, 1875 not 1882). Diacritus rufipes Provancher, Viereck, Bui. 83, U. S.Nat.Mus., 1914, p. 43. Plectiscidea (Aperileptus?) contentionis Viereck, Conn. State Geol. & Nat. Hist. Survey, Bui. 22, part III, 1916, p. 276, 9 . A review of the above synonymy shows that the species has been described under five specific names, and referred to six genera representing five tribes and, including the original placing of Diacritus, all five of the subfamilies of the Ichneumonidse. Description from types of Cresson and Viereck species, Rohwer homotype of Provancher species, and other material of both sexes. Female. — Length 7 mm.; antennae 6 mm.; ovipositor 3 mm. Head and thorax, except metapleura and propodeum, polished, nearly without sculp- ture; face about two-thirds as long as wide, obscurely shagreened but shin- ing; clypeus nearly twice as broad as long; malar space two-thirds as long as basal width of mandible; metapleura and propodeum, except petiolar area, roughly coriaceous, petiolar area polished; abdomen, including first tergite shagreened, subpolished apically; first tergite without dorsal cari- OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 165 nae, but with strong lateral carinae from base to spiracle and from spiracle to apex. Black, with whitish to yellowish markings as follows: mandibles, palpi, apex of clypeus, antennal insertions, scape and pedicel beneath, pronotum anteriorly, propleura largely, front and middle coxae and trochanters, hind trochanters below, tegulae, spot below, scutellum and post scutellum, tergal sutures, and apical tergite; antennae brown; legs testaceous, hind tibiae and tarsi fuscous; wings hyaline. Male. — Differs from female principally in color, the markings being paler and embracing the entire face, cheeks, entire ventral surface of thorax except metasternum, extending up nearly to dorsal margin of meso- pleura, ventral surface of all legs except tarsi, a central spot on mesoscutum, occasionally a small spot on each side of prescutum, more or less obscure spots laterally on propodeum, and much broader bands on abdomen. Zemiodes (?) variabilis (Provancher). Mesoleptus variabilis Provancher, Nat. Can., VII, 1875, p. 115, (not 1882). Mesoleptus muliebris Cresson, Provancher, Nat. Can., XI, 1879, p. 227. Provancher s^ynonymized these two, but the synonymy is in- correct. Euryproctus sentiris Davis. IMesoleptus variabilis Provancher, Nat. Can., XIV, 1882, p. 7. (not 1875). IMesoleptus provancheri, new name for variabilis Provancher, 1882 not 1875. Euryproctus sentiris Davis, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., XXIV, 1897, p. 330. NEW HYMENOPTERA BY J. C. CRAWFORD. Hesperapis Ckll. Professor Oockerell has recently (Psyche, XXIII, 176-178, 1916) published on the synonymy of this group, and at present it seems best to treat Zacesta and Panurgomyia as synomyrns of this genus. 7.. rufipes is very similar to the genotype of Hesperapis and is probably the male of a very closely allied species. Pan- uryonnjid fnc/ixi belongs to the group of H. eumorpha and (Pannr- gus) H. regularis Cress, and is very close to regularis. The type of fuchsi is in bad condition and the identification is, therefore, somewhat uncertain. The following table will separate the males of the group of rhodocerata and allies, that is those in which the propodeal triangle is not closely punctured but mostly smooth. 166 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1. Wings perfectly clear larreae Ckll. Wings not perfectly clear 2 2. Inner orbits parallel laticeps n. sp. Inner orbits converging below 3 3. Apex of wings whitish oliviae Ckll. Apex of wings not whitish 4 4. Legs entirely fulvous fulvipes n. sp. Legs mostly dark 5 5. Tarsi and spot on tegulae reddish; veins light brown. rhodocerata Ckll. Tarsi and tegulae black; veins almost black arenicola n. sp. Hesperapis laticeps new species Male. — Length 9 mm. Black, head broader than thorax, inner orbits parallel; vertex high; face laterad of ocelli not depressed; cheeks at upper end of eye convex in outline; face finely sparsely punctured, surface almost concealed by the dense white pubescence; anterior margin of clypeus reddish; labrum and mandibles, except the red apical portions, honey color; tip of 'one mandible reaching to base of other; joints of labial palpi almost equal in length; flagellum light reddish beneath; thorax and pro- podeum, except triangular enclosure covered with dense white hair; mesono- tum finely sparsely punctured; base of propodeal triangle finely wrinkled, the wrinkles nearest metanotum parallel to the posterior edge of that sclerite; the wrinkles beyond these broken medially and the inner ends turning caudad; rest of triangle, except apical part, finely reticulated; tegulae with a large reddish spot; wings slightly dusky; veins light brown; first cubital cell over one-third longer than second; legs brown; abdomen dark brown, closely and finely punctured with short brown pubescence, apical margins of segments 1-6 with a band of white appressed pubescence. Type locality. — Panamint Valley, California, (April, 1891, A. Koebele coll.) Eight specimens; type and paratypes a and b with the above record: paratypes c-g from the Panamint Mts., (April, 1891, Koebele), the latter series have evidently been in alcohol and are badly rubbed. Type.— Cat. No. 21160 U. S. N. M. Hesperapis fulvipes new species. Male. — Length 11 mm. Black, with slightly ochraceous pubescence, long and dense on thorax and very dense and almost white below antennae: face finely sparsely punctured; inner orbits distinctly converging; face laterad of ocelli concave; anterior margin of clypeus and labrum almost honey color; base of mandibles yellowish, tips ferruginous; flagellum reddish, somewhat darker above; mesoscutum with sparse small punctures, punctures of scutellum closer; propodeum smooth, extreme base indis- tinctly reticulated, tegulae testaceous; wings faintly dusky; stigma and OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1017 1()7 veins honey color; legs reddish, more yellowish apirally; coxae darker; abdomen finely sparsely punctured with scattered ochraceous hairs and slightly ochraceous hands in segments 1-5, segment <> almost entirely covered covered with sim lar hair; venter largely rufous. Described from two males from San Diego ('oiinly, ('alii'., collection Coquillett, the paratype somewhat less than 10 mm. long. Type— -Cat. No. 21161 U. S. N. M. Hesperapis arenicola new species. Mule. — Length 10 mm. Black, with ochraceous pubescence, dense on head and thorax and very dense and almost white below antennae; inner orbits distinctly converging; mandibles dark with reddish tips; face finely rather sparsely punctured; face in outline laterad of ocelli concave; cheeks in outline at top of eyes concave; first joint of labial palpi about as long as joints 2 and 3; antennae dark, obscurely reddish beneath at extreme tip; mesoscutum and scutellum rather closely and finely punctured, the punc- tures becoming sparse mesad; propodeum smooth, shiny, with a very short dorsal row of longitudinal rugulae; posterior face of propodeum with scat- tered punctures; tegulae black, wings slightly infuscated, stigma dark brown, the margins darker, veins almost black; legs black with ochraceous pubescence; abdomen with minute rather close punctures, with long scat- tered ochraceous hairs and apical bands of lightly ochraceous hair on segments 1-6. Described from seven males collected by E. A. McGregor with the record "Indio sands, Coachello Valley, Calif., March 19, 1917." Type.— Cat. No. 21162 U. S. N. M. ' The specimens vary in size from about 10.5 mm. to 8.5 mm. Epeoloides Giraud. The genus Viereckellq Swenk is a synonym and the included species are obscura Swenk and pilosula Cresson; nearcticus Ducke and ceanothina Cockerell are synonyms of pilosula. Trachusa manni n. sp. Male. — Length 14 mm. Black, clypeus and lateral face marks, truncate above and extending slightly above clypeus, creamy white; mandibles 3-toothed; pubescence on occiput and on dorsum of thorax deep ochraceous tinged with reddish; on front light ochraceous, below antennae almost white, on pleurae ochraceous fading into white below; clypeus wit h st rung well .separated punctures, medially longitudinally elevated but not carinate; facial quadrangle, measured from mandibles to top of eye slightly longer than wide; punctures above antennae strong, close; inesosciit uni rugoso- punctate; propodeum with a basal area extending onto posterior face and denned by an impunctate line, the dorsal aspect of area with punctmv.- 168 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY separated by about a puncture width, the interstices lineolate, posterior face of area lineolate; pro'podeum outside of area with punctures about as on dorsal face of area; wings brownish, more so apically and along ante- rior margin; second recurrent ve:n interstitial; transverso-medial not ex- actly interstitial, the exterior margin of the vein about in line with the interior margin of the basal vein; legs black, their pubescence almost white, that on inner side of basal joint of hind tarsi strongly reddish; hind tibial spurs dark brown; abdomen with hair bands on apical margins of segments 1-5, that on segment one ochraceous, rest white; segment one closely punctured, punctures on segments 2-5 decreasing successively in abundance, most of segment 6 rugoso-punctate ; sixth segment with a strong- ly elevated carina near apex, broadly interrupted medially and laterally extending forward almost to base of segment but with decreasing elevation; apical margin of segment with a produced plate as broad as interruption in carina, which is smooth, slightly curved apically and with rounded cor- ners; seventh segment with a longitudinal carina, the apex produced, deeply and broadly emarginate, the productions subtriangular in outline and somewhat reflexed. Type locality. — Ramsey Canon, Huachuca Mts., Ariz. Type.— Cat, No. 21836, U. S. N. M. Described from two males collected by Dr. W. M. Mann, in honor of whom it is named. Paratype in the collection of Dr. Mann. Differs from the description of T. perdita Ckll. in its larger size, deeper color of pubescence, shorter facial quadrangle, interstitial second recurrent vein, lack of a median carina on sixth segment and presence of one on the seventh segment, etc. Stelis manni n. sp. Female. — Length over 11 mm. Black, robust, with yellow ornamenta- tions as follows: lateral face marks extending almost to summit of eyes and slightly obliquely truncate above; a transverse stripe behind ocelli extending down behind eyes almost one-fourth the length of eye; lateral and anterior margins of scutum, broadly interrupted medially in front, axillae, spot on each side of scutellum, lateral margin of tubercles, a broad band on disc of segments 1-5 successively increasing in width, broadly interrupted medially and emarginate behind on segments 1-2, a minute spot on each side of segment 6; band on fifth segment covering all but de- pressed apical margin of segment; head and thorax with large crowded punctures; mandibles, scape, pedicel, first two joints of funicle, reflexed lateral margin of scutum, tegulae and most of tubercles, reddish ; wings dark brown, second recurrent vein well beyond apex of second cubital; femora except apices black; rest of legs red, the tarsi basally more yellowish; abdomen closely punctured, punctures on sixth segment crowded and Hner ; depressed apical margins of segments translucent , in front of this narrowly OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 109 reddish; apical half of sixth segment reddish, the margin crenulate; last ventral segment hardly surpassing last dorsal; ventral segments strongly, closely punctured, depressed apical margins translucent, preceded by a reddish band. Type locality. — Ramsey Canon, Huachuca Mts., Arizona. Type,— Cat. No. 21837, U. S. N. M. Described from one female taken by Dr. W. AL Mann, after whom it is named. Differs from S. australis in being larger and more robust, in the crowded punctures of head and mesonotum, the yellow band back of ocelli, 'the translucent apical margins of abdominal segments, preceded by the reddish stripe, the close punctures of ventral segments three and four, etc. S. australis has the apical margin of sixth segment more toothed than crenulate but medially there is a truncate projection medially emarginate. Halictus. The following key can be used to separate the females of the Philippine species of Halictus known to me: 1. Green taclobanensis Ckll. Black 2. Tibiae yellow manilae Str. non Ashm Tibiae black ..3 3. First abdominal segment with distinct strong punctures 5 First abdominal segment impunctate or punctures microscopic 4 4. Larger (over 8 mm.) with strong bands of appressed pubescence on bases of segments and on apical margins of 3 and 4. . . .innnil/n' Ashm. Smaller, slender (about 6 mm.) with at most weakly indicated bunds on margins of segments nesiolii* n. sp. 5. First abdominal segment sparsely punctured, the apical margin im- punctate phili i>i>i iti'nxix Ashm. First abdominal segment including apical margin closely punctured. . 6 6. Medial anterior margin of mesoscutum reflcxed and carinat.- bagnio/lift n. sp. Medial anterior margin of mesoscutum not carinate. .hainilnnmix Ckll. Halictus nesiotus new species. I-i innlr. — Length about G mm. Black, with sparse whitish pubescence on head and thorax; face finely lineolate, clypeus with scattered large punctures; punctures on sides of face shallow, well separated; those on front finer, deeper; mesoscutum strongly lineolated and sericeous with fine punctures separated by about twice a puncture width; scutellum with a few scattered very fine punctures; propodeum without an enclosure, the I' ise with a few rugulae not reaching apex, rest of surface finely indistinct I \ 170 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY lineolate; posterior face without a surrounding carina; tegulae testaceous; wings dusky; veins brown, stigma darker, first recurrent almost interstitial ; second transverse cubital and veins beyond very faint ; third cubital almost twice as long as second, hardly narrowed above; legs black, pubescence whitish, tinged with yellowish within, especially on basal joint of hind tarsi; inner hind spur with four teeth; abdomen smooth, polished, almost im- punctate, there being very minute microscopic scattered punctures, thinly clothed with whitish pubescence, forming thin apical bands especially on segments 3 and 4; apical margins 1-4 broadly testaceous. Type locality. — Bagnio, Luzon, P. I. Type.— Cat. No. 21361 U. S. N. M. Two females received from Col. Wirt Robinson. Much smaller and more slender than manilae Ashm., without the abundant ochraceous pubescence of that species and without strong bands of appressed pubescence on bases of segments and on margins of 3 and 4, etc. Halictus manilae Ashm. Strand's description of his luzonicus exactly fits this species and is probably the same. From Baguio, Luzon, three females received from Col. Wirt Robinson. Halictus philippinensis Ashm. A long series with the above. The propodeal enclosure in this species is peculiar since it is not the triangular enclosure of other species but is formed by the carina surrounding posterior face of propodeum and by carinae running forward from the lateral angles of this carina and it is therefore four sided, with the sides diverging anteriorly. The carina surrounding posterior face is heart shaped. Halictus baguionis new species. Female. — Length over 9 mm. Black, head and thorax with rather abundant long, strongly ochraceous pubescence; punctures of head strong, crowded, below antennae, rugoso-punctate, except clypeus where the punctures are coarse and sparse, becoming finer and closer at base, and the sparsely punctured supraclypeal area; lateral angles of pronotum strongly projecting, the projection forming a right angle; mesoscutum with the anterior margin medially reflexed and carinate; the area just back of this rugose; rest of mesoscutum with large strong punctures, those on disk well separated; punctures of scutellum finer; propodeum with a tri- angular enclosure bounded by a carina, the enclosure irregularly rug<»i •; rest of surface of propodeum covered with pubescence (worn specimens show the posterior face rugulose and surrounded by a carina Avhich is slightly OF WASHIXGTOX, VOLUMI. XIX, 1917 171 interrupts! in the middle above); tegulae black with a reddish center and a deep testaceous margin; wings dusky, more sonapically; veins light brown, stigma darker; veins beyond .second transverse cubital obsolescent second recurrent before apex of second cubital cell; third cubital cell one- third longer than second, narrowed one-half to marginal ; legs black, pubes- scence ochraceous, that on outer side of tibiae, especially hind, black; inner hind spur with three long teeth; abdomen closely, finely punctured, including depressed apical margins of segments; bases segments 2-5 with light ochraceous hair bands; base of first segment covered with similar pubescence. Male. — Length about 6.5 mm. Black, without any yellow markings; very similar to female, but tagulae, veins and stigma darker; base of sev- enth abdominal segment forming a semicircular polished and impunctate pseudopygidium with carinate edge which conceals true apex of segment. Type locality. — Baguio, Luzon, P. I. Described from 15 9 9 and Icf received from Col. Wirt Robin- son, U. S. A. Tiipc.— Cat. No. 21360 U. S. N. M. Very similar in general appearance to H. banahaonis Ckll. from which it differs in the carinate anterior margin of the meso- scutum, the strongly projecting lateral angles of the pronotum, the coarser punctures of the mesoscutum the absence of the carinae on the propodeum, running forward from the lateral angles of the carina surrounding posterior face. CYNIPOIDEA. Amblynotus slossonae new species Female. — Length 4 mm., antennae about 2.25 mm. Black, head and mesonotum finely shagreened, pronotum at sides above rugulose, the sculpture becoming finer beneath; third joint of antennae longer than scape and pedicel combined; following joints successively decreasing in length; last joint over one and one-half times as long as 12th; parapsidal furrows complete, deeply cut throughout; posteriorly twice as broad anteriorly; parapsidal areas each with a longitudinal smooth line; middle lobe ante- riorly with two lines and at apex with a median elongate triangular im- pression; scutellum coarsely rugose, basally with two large foveae separated by a carinate ridge; mesopleurae below co:irsely striate, above finely granu- lar with a few indistinct fine striae; wings basally strongly yellowish, the apical half very slightly so; coxae black, legs brown, becoming lighter dis- tad; apical half of fore femora and the fore tibiae yellowish; abdomen strongly compressed, shiny, apical segments sparsely finely punctured. Described from one specimen taken on Mt. Washington, Xc\\ Hampshire by Mrs. Annie Trumbell Slosson, in honor of whom it is named. 172 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Type—C&t. No. 21566 U. S. N. M. This specimen was determined as A . opacus Hartig by Ashmead and this record may have been published. Easily separated from bilineatus Kieff by the coarsely sculptured scutellum, and the elongate depression at apex of mesoscutum. From semirugosus by the wide parapsidal furrows which are deeply impressed all their length, scutellum rugose all over, etc. Amblynotus semirugosus new species Female. — Length 3 mm. Black, head, mesoscutum and base of scutellum finely shagreened; antennae, except scape and pedicel, reddish; third joint of antennae longer than scape and pedicel combined, about five times as long as thick; following joints successively decreasing in length; last joint twice as long as 12th, about as long as third; parapsidal furrows poste- riorly deeply impressed, narrow, on the anterior third represented only by a depression of the tegument; parapsidal areas each with a longitudinal line; middle lobe with two lines anteriorly, and a slight depression at apex medially; foveae at base of scutellum separated by a carinate ridge; apical half of scutellum coarsely rugose; carinae on propodeum curved strongly outward ; wing slightly yellowish ; legs light reddish ; coxae black ; abdomen somewhat compressed, smooth, shiny, with minute sparse punctures except on basal segment. Described from one specimen labelled "Adiron. Mts., Axton, N. Y., June 12-22, 1901, A. D. MacG[illivray] and C. 0. [Houghton]." Type.— No. 21567 U. S. N. M. Differs from the description' of bilineatus Kieff. in the much longer third antennal joint, the scutellum rugose apically, the carinae on propodeum not parallel, etc. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTH MEETING, JUNE 7, 1917. The 305th meeting of the Society was entertained by the mem- bers of the Society from the Branch of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations, at the Saengerbund Hall, June 7, 1917. There were present Messrs. Barber, Boving, Craighead, Dietz, Ely, Fisher, Gahan, Greene, Heinrich, Kotinsky, Mclndoo, Middleton, Paine, Rohwer, Sanford, Schwarz, Speare, Walton, and Wood, members, and Robt. Fouts, Geo. M. Greene, and E. R. Selkreggj visitors. OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1017 173 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE AUTHOR'S NAME FOLLOWING A SPECIES. BY A. B. G A NEW SPECIES OF LONGHORN BEETLE INFESTING COWPEAS FROM MEXICO.' BY W. S. FISHER. Specialist in Forest Colcoptera. Lepturges spermophagus n. sp. Form elongate, convex and rather robust, fuscous, rather densely clothed with short fusco-cinereous pubescence, variegated with numerous, irregular fulvous spots. Head smooth, minutely and densely punctured, clothed with rather long cinereous pubescence; front long, slightly convex, Avith a fine median line; vertex deeply indented. Eyes moderately, coarsely granulate, large, prominent, deeply emarginate and very narrowly sepa- rated above. Antennae about two and three-fourths times as long as the body, sparsely ciliate beneath, not annulated. Prothorax trapezoidal, two times as wide as long; lateral spine rather broad and very close to base, the hind margin subtransversely, broadly and feebly sinuate from tip of the spine to the transverse median part of the base; surface even, except for a transverse subbasal impressed line of large deep punctures, densey finely punctate, and ornamented with eight irregular spots of dense fulvous, recumbent pubescence, four near the apex and four subbasal, the posterior •lateral one near the base of the lateral spine, the four median ones crescent shaped, with the tips pointing outwards and forming a parallelogram. Scutellum large, truncate at apex. Elytra one and two-thirds times as long as wide, only slightly wider than prothorax, the sides nearly parallel to apical third, then rounding posteriorly to the apices, which are broadly and separately rounded; surface even, except for an indistinct costa ex- tending from middle near base to very near the apex, punctures coarse and rather dense at base, becoming gradually finer and more obsolete towards the apex, densely clothed with short fusco-cinereous pubescence and varie- gated with numerous irregular spots of fulvous pubescence. Femora, tibiae and tarsi of a uniform fuscous color, clothed with cinereous pubes- cence; femora all clavate. Surface beneath of a uniform fuscous color, evenly and rather densely clothed with moderately long, recumbent, cinereous pubescence. Coxae rather widely separated by the pro- and mesosternum, the middle ones separated by at least one-half the diameier of the coxae. Length 7 mm.; width 3 mm. 1 Withdrawn from publication: ! Contribution from the Branch of Forest Insects, Bureau of Entomology . 174 PROCEEDINGS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Habitat. — Tampico, Mexico. Mr. D. L. Crawford, Collector. Type and paratypes.—Cat. No. 21423 U. S. N. M. Described from four specimens reared March 1, 1914 from unripened seeds in the green pods of cowpeas by Mr. D. L. Craw- ford, which were submitted together with the work and larvae to the Museum for determination. This species is more robust than any of our North American species and has the general form of our common Leptostylus macula Say, but the prominent lateral thoracic spine will exclude it from that genus. Our species of Lepturges^are separated into two groups on the position of the thoracic spine, and if this char- acter is used, L. spermophayus is closely allied to L. symmetricus Hald., but the position of this spine seems to be somewhat variable. In this species the coxae are more widely separated than in any of our North American species. This is a very interesting species on account of its habits and is the second record of a species of longhorn beetle infesting legum- inous plants, the other species, Baryssimus leguminicola was de- scribed by Mr. Linell from a single specimen taken from a jar containing the pods of one or more species of Enterolobium, a leguminous plant from Paraguay on exhibition at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Mr. F. C. Craighead has supplied the following notes on the relationship of the larva of this species: The larvae of the genus Lepturges form two distinct groups. Four species have been studied, symmetricus and signatus having three jointed maxillary palpi and a long chitinous spine on the ninth abdominal tergum ; facetus and querci having two jointed maxillary palpi and no spine. This distinction is certainly of generic value as its occurence in other forms in the Lamiinae sets off well marked genera. This larvae, L. sperrnophagus belongs to the facetus group and can be separated from all other Lamiids by the antennal ring being closed or angulate behind; two jointed maxillary palpi; two rows of tubercules on the ampullae and no caudal spine. From facetus and quierci it can be distinguished by the more robust form and velvety pubescence on the pronotum. NOTES ON THE LARVAE OF SOME CEPHIDAE. BY WILLIAM MIDDLETON, Scientific Assistant, Forest Insects, Bureau of Entomology. This paper, which is a contribution from the branch of Forest Insects, Bureau of Entomology, is the first of a series which will deal with descriptions, notes and keys of North American Sawfly Larvae. The present paper is based on the available material of the family Cephidae and consists of descriptions of five species OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME XIX, 1917 175 representing four genera which were made in connection with the study of the wood and pith boring Chalastogastra larvae. In the preparation of this paper the larvae of the genus Syntexis1 were examined but they were in such poor condition that their position could not be ascertained. In those characters least distorted this genus approached, though did not agree with, the Xiphydriidac rather than the Cephidae. The presence of the anal prong in the larvae of the Cephidae allies them with the Siricids while the presence of palpiform ap- pendages on the ventral anal lobe connects them with the Pam- philids. The taxonomic position which the Cephidae should occupy, will be discussed in more detail in a later paper. Characters common to all the genera studied and probably to the family Cephidae: Head. — Nearly round, mostly pale, mandibles and labrum darkened; maxilliary palpi 4 jointed; labial palpi 3 jointed, (both palpi appearing in- distinctly as if terminating in a small button); antennae 4-5 jointed; mandibles 4 toothed and with a smooth, slightly curved thin blade dor- sally, under the labrum, (4th or ventral tooth small and on the inner edge of the mandible); frons and head generally rather sparsely spined. Thorax. — -A pair of fleshy, not jointed, mamma-like legs and a faintly yellowish, chitonized spot on the pleura, for each segment; prothorax with a similarly chitonized area dorsally. Abdomen. — Prolegs absent; terminating in a prong or horn, circular in cross section, short and arising from a spined, fleshy protuberance of the dorsal anal lobe; anal plate and ventral anal lobe haired; lateral area of dorsal anal lobe haired or bare, ventral anal lobe at posterior-lateral extremities with palpiform appendage appearing 2 jointed. KEY TO LARVAE. Antennae 4 jointed Adirus trimaculatus (Say) Antennae 5 jointed 1 1. Lateral area of dorsal anal lobe bare Janus abbreviatus Say and integer Norton Lateral area of dorsal anal lobe haired 2 2. Basal joint of antennae faint and incomplete; palpiform appendages of ventral anal lobe accompanied by a pair of spines, separate from rest of the ornamentation of lobe; without a pair of yellowish chi- tonized spots on venter of the 9th abdominal segment; anal lobes and plate entirely pale Cephus cinctus Norton Basal joint antennae complete, distinct, and thick; spines on ventral anal lobe complete, no separation from those approaching palpiform appendages; venter of the !tth abdominal segment with a pair of yel- lowish chitonized spots; anal lobes and plate much yellow chiton Hartil< tnher 23, 1918 INDEX TO VOLUME XIX Ai-roeercops, Description of genus, 40; Species of, t>8. Acythopeus, I.iteiature on, 19; aterrimus, IS; gilvonotatus, n. sp., 17; orchivorus, 18. Adirus trimaculatus, Description of larva of, 177. • AIXSI.IK. Guo. G.: Color variation in pupa- of Terias nicippe, 78. Ainblynotus semirugosus, n. sp., 171': slossonae, n. sp.. 171. Amelanchier seeds, Two new Chalcidids from, 79, American species of the genus Cephus, 139; Hlateridae of the genus Pyrophorus, 2; Gracillariidse, Revision of, 29; Tachinida-, Notes on, 122. Apophthisis, Description of genus, 39. HAKEK, A. C.: Remarks by, 9.x. BARBER, H. S.: Notes and descriptions of some orchid weevils, 12; Shortei remarks UAKBER, H. S. AND E. A. SCHWARZ: Two new hydrophilid beetles, 129. Hiomvhi eleodivora, n. sp., 25. Hrachyopoda vacua, Biological note on, with description of larva and pupa, 1 ."> I Huprestis aurulenta and Iseviventris, Larvae parasitized by Oryssus, 88. BURKE, H. E.: Oryssus is parasitic, 87. Cameraria, Characters of the genus. 38; List of species. 49. CAMDKLI,, A. N. AND W. L. McATEE: First list of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Plummers Island, Maryland, and vicinity, 100. Ct-phida-, NoU-s on the larva- of some, 174; Key to tin- larva- of, 175 Ci-phns Latreille, The American species of, 1 .'(!); Key to the species of, 139; cinctus, I .'ill, 17.X; pygmacus, 140; ruliventris, 141. Cerambycidse, A new species of, infesting cowpeas in Mexico, 173. Chalcidids, Two new, from the seeds of Amelanchier, 79. Chilocampyla, Descriptive of the genus. 40; Species of, l>8. Cholus cattleyae, 12; cattleyarum, 14; for- besii, 1"). Ciiccidse, Discussion on photomicrography of, 86. Cnleophora, A new, injurious to apple in California, l;{.">; volckci, n sp , }'.',.'>. CK Mc.iliJAD. 1'". C.: Note on I In- larva" of Leptilly.t-s. 174. CRAWFORD, J. C.: New Hymenoptera. Hi5. Cremastobombycia, Characters of the genus, 3.8; List of sp.. (..".. Cliorhina (Somula) decora, Hiological note on, with description of earliei stages, I .">:.' CTSIIMAN, R. A.: Two new Chalcids from the seeds of Amelanchier, 79; Notes on the biology of Schizonotus sieboldii Ratz., 128; A much described Ichncumonid and its systematic position. 1112. CUSHMAN. R. A. AND S. A. ROHWER: Idio- gastra, a new suborder of Hymenoptera with notes on the immature stages of Oryssus, 89. Diaciitus, Description of the genus. lt>3. Diaciitus muliebris, a much described Ichneumonid and its systematic position. 162; description of the female, 1(14. Diptera, Contribution to the biology of North American, 140. Doryphorophaga, Table of species, 1 1' t . aberrans, 124; dorsalis, 124; doryphora-, 124. Klaterid genus Oistus of Candeze, 12(1. Elateridse. A new genus of, and a revision of the North American species of Tyro phorus, 1. E'eodes. Thiee new tachinid parasites of, 25. Ivlediophagus, new gen., 23; caffreyi. n. sp., 24; pollinosus, n. sp., 24. Ki.v, C. R.: Revision of the North American Gracilariida1 from the standpoint of venation. 2!l. Entomological Society of Washington, Elec- tion of officers for 1917, L'7; Election of new members. 2S. 99, 13ti; Presentation of portrait of the Honor. ny I'n-side nl , 79. Epeoloides, li>7. Epiiuetopus. Literature nil. I.'!!'; Tabli- cil species, l.'il'; thermarnm. n. sp , l.;il. Eiicactophagus biocellatus. n. sp., L'L'. graphipterus, 21; weissi, n. sp.. 22. Euryproctus sentirus. Synonymy of. Hi"' 1'isitiCK, \\'. S. : New species of l.oiiglnirii beetle infesting cowpeas from Me\ii-«i. 173. Kloiida Evei glades. Peculiar habits of a horsefly in, 141. 145. ( '.< -nitalia of Tottricida-. Note on. 137. Gracilaria, Description of the K>'"HS. I ; Species of. 7.; C.rai ilariida , l of some Cephida?, 174. Mydas clavatus, Biological note on, and description of larva and pupa. 1 17. Myobiobsis similis, 125. Myobia depile, 125. Neopachygaster maculicornis. Biological note on, and description of larva, 141! Neuiobathra, nov. gen., 4]; strigifinitella. 41 Neurolipa, nov. gen., 39; randiella, 39. 68. Neurostrata, nov. gen., 41; gunniella, 41, 6S. Oistus, The Elaterid genus, 126; Table of species, 127; edmonstoni, n. sp., 127. Orchid weevils, Notes and descriptions of some, 12; Literature on, 16, 19. Orthoptera and Dermaptera of Plummers Island, Maryland, and vicinity, List of, 100. Oiyssus is parasitic, 87; Notes on the im- matuie stages, 89; List of species, 95; occidentalis, 88, 89. Paiectopa, Description of the genus, II; Species of. 70. Paroinyx, Desciiption of the genus, 42; Species of, 71 . Perissarthron, nov. gen., 1; trapezium, 2. Phyllonorycter, Description of the genus, 38; List of sp., 55. Plummers Island, Maryland, List of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of. 100; Bibliography, 120. Porphyiosela, Description of, 38; List of sp., 49. Pseudotephrites corticalis. Biological note on, with description of larva and pupa. 155. Pyrophorus, Table of Noith American species, 3, 6; arizonensis, n. sp., 8; atlanticus, n. sp., 8; physoderus, 6; texanus, n. sp., 9. ROHWISR, S. A.: The American species of the genus Cephus, 139. ROHWUR, S. A. AND R. A. CUSHMAN: Idio- gastra. a new suborder of Hymenoptera with notes on the immature stages of Oryssus, H9. Royal Palm Hammock in the Florida Ever glades, Descriptions and illustrations of, 143. Schistocerca tartarica taken at sea, 77. Schizonotus sieboldii. Notes on the biology of, 128 SCHWARZ. E. A. AND H. S. BARBER: Tun new Hydrophilid beetles, 129. SMITH, HARRISON E.: Notes on N. A Tachinid;i>, including I la- description of one new genus, 122. INDEX 183 SNYDER, THOMAS K.: Peculiar habit of a horsefly (Tabanus americanus) in the Florida Everglades, 141. Spercheus, List of species, 134; stangli, n. sp., 133. Spilohaetosoma, new gen., 125; californica, n. sp., 126. Stelis manni, n. sp.. 168. STRAUSS, JOHN F.: Announcement of death of. 29. Syntomaspis amelanchieris, n. sp , 82; Habits and larva of, 84. Tabanus americanus, Peculiar habit of, in the Florida Everglades, 141, 145. Tachinid parasites of Eleodes, Three new, 22. Tachinidae, Notes on Noith Ameiican, in- cluding the description of one new species, 122. Terias nicippe. Color variation in the pupae, 78. Tortricid Genitalia, A note on, 137. Trachusa manni, n. sp., 167. WALTON, W. R.: Three new Tachinid parasites of Eleodes, 22. Weevils, Notes and description of some orchid weevils, 12. Zemiodes (?) variabilis, Synonymy of, 165 ANNOUNCEMENT Separates of all the important papers published in the PROCEED- INGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON and a num- ber from other journals are for sale at approximately two cents per page (no article less than ten cents). They can be had by apply- ing to the Corresponding Secretary of the Entomological Society, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. No receipt will be mailed for the sale of printed matter unless especially requested. OF SPECIAL INTEREST DYAR, H. G. A Review of the North American Species of the Lepi- dopterous Family Anghroceridae $0 . 10 " " Lepidoptera of the Kootenay District, British Co- lumbia 1904 20 " "A Review of the North American PyraHnae 10 " " On the White Eucleidae and the Larva of Calybia slosspnae 10 Life History of the Florida Form of Euclea delphini. .10 " ' Eight papers consisting of notes on Cochlidiidae, partly Exotic 35 " " Six papers on the Life History of North American Moths 20 Two papers on Arctians 15 Three papers on Pyralidae 15 « " Two papers describing larvae of Mexican Lepidop- tera 15 Additions to the list of North American Lepidop- tera, Nos. I and IT 15 " " A Synopsis of three Genera (Bronthis, Chionobus, Brabia) of North American Butterflies 25 " " Thirty-six papers dealing mostly with the Descrip- tions of American Moths 1 .35 " " Notes on Hulst and Strecher Types 15 Three papers on the Sloth Moth 10 u " Fifteen short systematic and biological papers 25 " " Twenty-seven titles dealing with descriptions of miscellaneous Lepidopterous Larvae 75 EDWARDS, H. Bibliographical Catalog of the Described Transfor- mations of North American Lepidoptera, 1889. . . . 1.00 FRENCH, C. H. Notes on the Preparatory Stages of Papiliocres- phontes 10 * A Yellow-Winged Catocalae 10 FYKES, F. W. Further Observations upon Bombys cunea Drurv.. . .10 GROSSBECH, JOHN A. Additions to the List of North American Geometridae with Notes on Some De- sciibed Species 15 GROTE, A. R. Results Obtained from a Search for the Type of Noctua linnaei, and Conclusions as to the type of the Hubnerian Noctuid genera represented in the North Anerican Fauna " A New Catocla from Texas HINDS, W. E. Notes on the Life History of Alsophila poiuetaria... .10 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THIS NUMBER AINSLIE, GEO. G. : Color variation in pupae of Terias nicippe Cramer. . . 78 BABBEB, H. S. : Notes and descriptions of some orchid weevils 12 BUEK, H. E. : Oryssus is parasitic 87 BUSK, AUGUST : Notes on a Bethylid parasite of the pink boll worm ','.'.', 99 CBAWFOBD, J. C. : New hymenoptera 105 CUSHMAN, R. A.: A much described Ichneumonid and its systematic position 152 CUSHMAN, R. A. : Notes on the biology of SchizonotussieboidtiHaiz.... ' 128 » CUSHMAN, R. A. : Two new chalcids from the seeds of Amelanchier 79 ELY, CHAS. R. : A revision of the American Gracelariidae from the standpoint of venation 29 FAGAN, MAEGABET: The uses of insect galls ....... . . . . . . . ] . . . . . 140 FISHEE, W*. S. : A new species of longhorn beetle infesting cowpeas from Mexico 173 GAHAN, A. B. : The significance of the author's name following a species 173 GILL, J. B.: Notes on two species of Acrobasis especially injurious to pecans 86 GEEENE, CHAELES T. : A contribution to the biology of N. A. Diptera. ' 146 HALL, W. B. : Notes on the immature stages of Hemitaxonus muUicinc- tus Rohwer 28 HEINBICH, GAEL: A new Coleophora injurious to apple in California .. 135 HEINEICH, GAEL: A note on the Tortricid genitalia. , 137 HOWAED, L. O. : Schistocera tartarica taken at sea 77 HYSLOP, J. A. : A new Genus (Perissarthron) of Elateridae and a revision of the American Elateridae of the genus Pyrophorus with descriptions of new species. j HYSLOP, J. A. : The Elaterid genus Oistus of Candeze ..........!!! 1 26 McATEE, W. L. : Key to the Neartic species of Leptoypka and Leptdstyla 99 McATEE, W. L., and CAUDELL, A. N.: First list of Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Plummers Island, Maryland and vicinity '. 100 MIDDLETON, WILLIAM : Notes on the larvae of some Cephidae. . ...... '. '. 174 ROHWEE, S. A. : The American species of the genus Cephus Latreille . . , 139 ROHWEE, S. A., and CUSHMAN, R. A.: Idiogastra, a new suborder of Hymenoptera with notes on the immature stages of Oryssus 89 SASSCEB, E. R. : Photomicrography and its application to the study of the Coccidae §Q SCHWAEZ, E. A., and BAEBEE, H. S. : Two new hydrophilid beetles!. 129 SEIGLEB, E. H.: Codling moth investigations in the Grand Valley of Colorado 99 SMITH, HAEEISON E.: Notes on North American Tacninidae/includ- ing the description of one new genus 122 SNYDEB, THOMAS E. : A peculiar habit of a horsefly (Tabanus ameri- canus) in the Florida Everglades v 141 WALTON, W. R. : Three new Tachinid parasites of Blbeodes. '. 0 2 <* •- — • . I m O O C2 3 9088 00908 0243